The Joe Rogan Experience - #127 - Aubrey Marcus (Part 2)

Episode Date: August 3, 2011

Joe sits down with Aubrey Marcus. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It goes to show you. I'm going to find that. We're back up. Sorry, Ustream. Let me tweet everybody. We're back up. Yeah, so the way that the shamans continued explaining, fifth dimension is the dream state.
Starting point is 00:00:18 You access that sleeping, and you also access that on a general level in psychedelic experiences. Sixth dimension is the realm, is the spirit realm. And kind of the master of that realm is the Earth Mother, is nature itself. So the snakes that came, the eels that came. That's the fifth dimension? That's the sixth. Sixth.
Starting point is 00:00:35 That's the sixth. And what are we in? We're in the third and fourth. You know, time operates. Third and fourth. Yeah, third is the physical. Just time, linear time. And the fifth is? The dream state. The dream state. Dream state. you know time operates yeah third is the physical time just time linear time and what's then the
Starting point is 00:00:45 fifth is the dream state the dream state dream state the collective unconsciousness of all humankind is the fifth and that's why when you dream you can access things outside of yourself um you know think of things that you wouldn't have thought of because if somebody else had ever thought of it you know you can access that in the fifth dimension the dream state outside of time so then the sixth is is, that's the spirit realm. That's where, if you're going to communicate with any of these totem animals or guides or anything, and they actually say when you smoke DMT, you get kind of dropped directly right in the sixth dimension. And there's beings in there that you see, and it's a very common report from people smoking DMT that you see beings.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And it's because you get rocket shipped directly into the sixth dimension, where you're going to encounter these different beings that exist in that dimension. But the overlord of that kind of dimension is Mother Earth. So a lot of the things you see are kind of animalistic based, especially for the people in the jungle. Maybe there's different paradigms of that. But then the seventh dimension, beyond that is the realm of energy, energetic vibration and large, and large entities. And that's where they say the ships came from, for me, was the seventh dimension. And the purpose of the ships was to prepare me for travel to the eighth dimension, which is the realm of pure potentiality, they call it, where you can really affect change on all the dimensions before,
Starting point is 00:02:07 including the third and the fourth, affect change in the physical body. Basically, access, see things in your life, have a completely different perspective outside of time. And that's the eighth dimension, kind of the final dimension that you can arrive. So, you know, they explained this all after I went through and then said, okay, this is where you were here, this is where you can arrive. So, you know, they explained this all after after I went through and then said, okay, this is where you were here. This is where you're here. And, you know, based on my experience, it might all sound crazy. But it's a paradigm that that seems to work for me, because I lived it. And I was there. And I did it. And I saw, you know, I've seen the physical benefits of what happened
Starting point is 00:02:41 when I got to the eighth dimension. It wasn't like I just got there and no good stuff happened. I mean, my business, the decisions I made, I've been huge. You know, things are going really well. My health is great. My buddy's good, but who knows? It wasn't very scientific. I'm not going to put that one up in the wind column. I'm not convinced that what we experience in a hallucination in in that form isn't absolutely real but it's just we can't
Starting point is 00:03:11 put it in a box yeah you can't you can't weigh it you can't hit it with a hammer and make a noise you know yeah but it's the idea that it's just your imagination. People like poo poo that like it's just your imagination. What is your imagination, man? Your imagination is a crazy fucking thing. All these neurons and cells are firing and somehow or another through these ideas manifest themselves or they can manifest themselves as solid objects. Like the person who figured out the wheel or the guy who makes a fucking computer these are all real things that have somehow or another emerged into this dimension from this ethereal dimension of
Starting point is 00:03:57 thoughts and ideas and done it through a human being and we look at it as like no big deal like uh he thought of it and then he made it it's just his imagination oh you were in the eighth dimension sure you were that's just your imagination what the fuck is your imagination we are very light with our our appreciation of that and very light with our very relaxed with our awe as far as what what the the dimension of the imagination brings us i mean it's that's a crazy fucking thing the idea that the the world of thoughts and ideas is actually some sort of an intangible experience that's like right there and from that you can pull things out and create them and and put them and then you stack them up on top of each other and you know and then they're physical they become a different thing but it's from the
Starting point is 00:04:50 imagination everything is from the imagination so the idea you're saying you know anybody that would you know critique it oh you saw jaguars sure you did oh you saw snakes that's just your imagination i don't know what that exactly means you You know, when you see something, even if it's a hallucination and it's changing your fucking life because it's whatever it's teaching you or whatever it's showing you or whatever leverage that it uses to pry your egos grasp free of your life for whatever amount of time that allows you to sort of reset your RPMs and fucking start anew with fresh purpose. That's real. Yeah. That's fucking real. That UFO you saw was real. It was real.
Starting point is 00:05:35 You know what I'm saying? I mean, what the fuck is the imagination? Does someone have to pour alloy into a mold and carve those things on it for it to be real? Do you have to be able to walk up and hit it and make a clang for it to be real? No. It's just how it interacts with you.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Electricity, any kind of invention was made from your imagination. Sure. So it's like, who cares? If they teach you how to make the next fucking computer, then don't say, who cares? It's just your imagination. fucking computer then don't say who cares it's just your imagination because that shit might teach you something just like these uh tools from from you know the egyptian times they were you know yeah tools out of their imaginations yeah and if you believe in things if you believe in things they have incredible power over you yeah both good and bad you know and who's to say that's
Starting point is 00:06:23 not real you know there's like the idea of the placebo effect. Like I give you a sugar pill and all of a sudden you feel better because you thought I gave you medicine. Well, still you feel better, you know? People have actually been cured of ailments because of the placebo effect. So what the fuck is happening there? People have this misconception that it works only one way. That, you know that the body can affect the mind but the mind can't affect the body oh no you can't go backwards on that road
Starting point is 00:06:51 but it's bullshit i mean your mind can make changes in your body how do you think these you know these people are able to do things like slow their heart rate or walk on coals and not get burned i mean it's they're able to focus some kind of i thought that walking on coals was a trick maybe it is i don't know i've never walked on coals but whatever you just got to keep moving well but they can do things with pain too i mean you have these people who go to trance and really kind of stop the pain from from affecting them and certain people whose beliefs have certainly healed things that the doctors thought were impossible but the idea that the mind can't affect the body i think is one of the biggest problems
Starting point is 00:07:26 and misconceptions in Western medicine. It certainly can. We all know people who are super, super negative wind up getting really sick, too. Yeah, exactly. I mean, that's real. I've had moments in my life where I was too stressed out and I wasn't balanced. And those are almost always the moments where you wind up getting sick. And there's a direct correlation between that.
Starting point is 00:07:44 You know, there's a direct correlation between positive energy and positive results in the physical form yeah you know they're all connected one of the dmt trips that i had never forget this because it was a real life-changing experience um you know the dmt trip is like being shot through a cannon to the center of the universe and all of a sudden you have all the information around you all the time. But it's like they're slippery dolphins. You can't grab them. It's like all the information is there, but it's like you can't harness it.
Starting point is 00:08:13 You can't figure it out. And it's very, very overwhelming, and it can be terrifying. And in one trip that I had, I got real scared in the middle of it, and I started thinking all this negative shit, it just got away from me. And, um, as I was thinking all this negative shit, the DMT trip became black and green and dark, and it became like jagged. And then it just like, it just looked harsh. And it looked like, like it started to be almost like cancerous it looked like it was growing and it was it was moving in an an asymmetrical way it was just fucked up it was
Starting point is 00:08:53 and then i realized okay this is you're thinking negative stop thinking negative think positive relax let go and as i'm saying all these things the colors are slowly changing and then when i completely relax it went boom and it blossomed into these beautiful geometric patterns it's like once i started thinking positive and going okay this is just silly you can control your mind think pod let go love love boom love, boom, boom. It like showed me in a physical form, like something that I could actually look at and watch. I could see negative energy and positive energy.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And that the lesson was that these can be controlled to a certain extent. They can be managed and they can certainly be managed by your intent and your attitude and your ideas. Yep. No doubt about it. I mean, that that's a it's a powerful lesson to learn you know is to be able to manage that not only when you're on i mean it's psychedelic that's like that's like when you're in the that's the real game time you know that's the playoffs that's when you need to bring all your training and practice to bear because it's everything is magnified you're under the microcosm you know you don't a real intense moment you don't know yourself yeah until you have a psychedelic experience you might think you know yourself but i guarantee you you're gonna find out who you really fucking are when you go deep when you go deep and you come back and you have to kind of assess everything and
Starting point is 00:10:19 you look at yourself through fresh eyes the the ego while you're sleeping while you're working while it's gaining ground it's like the fucking fed it's stealing money and there's pocketing things and taking control over certain areas it really is like the government and then you don't realize how fucking embedded it's become in your system until you have a blowout until i have a psychedelic blowout experience and that ego get just shucked aside like you know like a fucking explosion in a comic book movie and the ego's sitting in a tree with half its clothes off hanging from branches because it just got blown out you know then then you get to see yourself again then you get to see who you really are yeah but the time off of that
Starting point is 00:11:02 man you got to be real careful because that ego he fucking gets out of that tree fucking brushes himself off and clings a hold you and starts running shit again listen it'd be a lot easier if you just let me handle this i got this i get this dude you're the shit okay you're gonna do this because you're the fucking man trust me have a seat i'm gonna drive and the next thing you know the fucking ego's in control again your life is fucking confusing i think that's why it happens even to the shamans you know the masters this is not something that they're you know void of you know because they get a lot of power in their little communities and things and so the medicine has to bring them back well you're you're a spiritual person but you're also i mean the idea of spirituals, the word is a weird, tainted word, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:11:45 The word spiritual is so tainted. You know, automatically hippie nonsense comes into play when you start using that. But the bottom line is you are thoughts and ideas, but you are also a physical, biological being, a vehicle. And just like your fucking car where you have to change the oil and you have to make sure that spark plugs are in setting correctly and make sure that the computer's tuned up like you have to do that with your body as well your body is a vehicle and if you ignore it much like your fucking car starts spewing out black smoke and and shits out and dies on the road your body does the same goddamn thing as your car can do if you you don't maintain it correctly, it will fuck with you. It will fuck with you,
Starting point is 00:12:26 and the ego is a part of the physical body. It doesn't seem like it is, because again, you can't fucking measure it, you can't beat on it with a hammer, but it is a part of who every fucking living organism that wants to stay alive, that has a consciousness and has the ability to recognize that it's here,
Starting point is 00:12:44 that has self-awareness, the ego comes into play because that's how you stay alive. That's how you succeed. That's how you get girls. That's how you fucking get money. You get money, you work for the ego. The ego is, it's a part of the machine, but it can get away from you. You've, you know, what you were saying there, it touches on the very core of my entire philosophy in life, which is balance, you know, and that's what the warrior poet is. It's the's the you know it's the samurai that appreciates the cherry blossom tree you know it's the it's gladiator when he's you know walking through the fields of wheat and you know appreciating that it's the ability to maintain that kind of
Starting point is 00:13:18 balance of both the physical side and the spiritual side and uh and really that's i think the message if I had one message to bring, it's like, you gotta have both. You can't just be this spiritual being only and go on these trips and stuff. You gotta hone your body. You gotta keep it healthy. You gotta be able to operate in this world because in this, in this dimension you're in, you know, people aren't gonna, you know, lay down for you just because you have a higher spiritual truth. Like you have to bring both aspects to bear. And I think that's what we were supposed to do and i think everybody almost everybody is too whack on either side you know there's the big muscle heads that are like oh
Starting point is 00:13:53 yeah fuck that hippie bullshit crystals eighth dimension that fucking faggot and then there's this you know the other side of things that's like they have no sense of humor yeah no sense like almost academic in it, it's all energy. It's all love. It's all light. And then someone fucking snatches their purse and they're like, oh, my God, there's something wrong with, you know, like protect your shit. You know, like both sides are applicable.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And I think that's where people are flawed. And they're so vigilant about protecting their little niche. Like my shit is right. I'll pound you if you're wrong. And if you believe something else, the other people like you're just an ignorant'll pound you if you're wrong and if you believe something else and the other people like you're just an ignorant ape you know on the other side of things and no one wants to kind of bridge that gap but our birthright is to have all of it and that's what we should strive for is complete balance in both of those aspects and i think
Starting point is 00:14:38 i'm hoping that's why you know some people will will listen to kind of what i'm saying it's because i tried it i try to be able to do that. I want to kick ass in business and still talk to people about, yeah, dude, I went to another dimension and it was fucking crazy. But I'm over here. I'm going to be killing it in your world too. So don't think I'm slipping. And that's what I'm trying to do.
Starting point is 00:14:59 That's my goal. A lot of people want to push aside or deny the importance of the physical world, whether it's capitalistic gains or whether it's keeping your body fit and sexually attractive. They want to deny the significance and importance of these things and the meaning of these things almost as a form of socialism because they don't want to compete. And they don't want to have to be sexually attractive. And so women will say, oh, is that what you care about? Oh, you're shallow. You care about what someone looks like? No, I'm a human being.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I'm a human being. And if you're fat, that's gross. Okay? That's just the way it is. And you can pretend all you want. And, you know, maybe you'll take fat with a great personality over skinny, that's a cunt. Yeah, maybe you make some compromises and you know, no one's perfect physically. But let's be honest about what we're looking at and what you like and why you like it. And that goes with capitalism as well. That goes with being a
Starting point is 00:16:00 successful person. You know, there's a lot of people that think that some there's something shallow about being monetarily successful. And I think that's a form of socialistic thinking as well it's like you want this to be a level playing field because you can't compete and that's really what it is you know and you got to find your fucking place in the sun jackass and you know some people i will i will never be playing professional basketball i'm five foot eight and i don't run that good and it's just a the fucking, just the way of the world, man. It ain't a fair world, okay? You got your own hand.
Starting point is 00:16:30 This is your journey. You deal with the hand that you're given and just find your fucking place. But don't try to hold other people back. Don't try to say there's something wrong with that girl being sexy as fuck. Don't think there's something wrong because that guy's got a six pack that makes girls wet. You know, when they see him, you can't hate because you're fat. You can't hate. You know, but he's shallow, just going to the gym all day. I'm sure he's really interesting to talk to. Maybe he is. Maybe he's more interesting than you, stupid, because guess what? It only takes like an hour a day to work out. You're
Starting point is 00:17:00 telling me that all those other hours of the day he has to be doing meaningless meathead shit to make your paradigm work? No, you're just, you're just, all those other hours of the day he has to be doing meaningless meathead shit to make your paradigm work no you're just you're just you want to pull the playing field down you're not trying to level things out you're not trying to rise you're trying to everybody's above you you're crabs in a bucket man you're social crabs in a bucket yeah that's absolutely right a lot of bitches out there folks folks. And most of them are men. How about that? Remember that when you hear just whiny, cunty, negative, stupid shit from dudes. You bitch.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Saddle the fuck up. Yeah. You know, I think back a long time ago, and I think we've touched on this maybe on the last podcast, but, you know, you had war and in some countries you still do and i think that's why that israeli dude was so cool like everybody in israel goes to war and he was like listen the kids are a little unruly or whatever but when you you know but the parents don't care because they know you know what 19 you're going to war like israeli army is active it's very active doesn't rest you know so that's one kind of last people that's holding but still they're fighting with lasers and a lot of things i mean not this guy he was running a tank fighting
Starting point is 00:18:10 with shit that we give them yeah it's a trippy situation though they're about the size of rhode island and they're surrounded by people who hate them i know so countries all over the place that hate them and some of them have nuclear weapons yeah but the fact that each one has to be a warrior at some point you know i think it it impacts gives it more character yeah impacts the fact that each one has to be a warrior at some point you know i think it it impacts gives it more character yeah impacts the culture and that's the way it used to be back in the roman days you know i mean every philosopher like i said socrates was a badass you know every philosopher had to be they ran campaigns with swords and stabbed barbarians in the throat and then talk philosophy over some wine later and that's aspect is largely ignored, I think, and one of the
Starting point is 00:18:46 large sicknesses, I think, of our world is they are like you said. We definitely talked about this before, the coming of age ceremony, the ritualistic aspect of, you know, making a big deal of coming of age. Because I think that's something that's missing from this world. Because I think the kids today, today like they don't know when they're a man you know what are your man you man when you're 22 or you're 23 is that your man well your dad still calls you a fuckhead you need to borrow money you're still a man you know when do you become a man officially you know and in a lot of you know cultures there's a ceremony you know like those uh the guys in the amazon that do that bullet ant glove yeah we saw that tree by the way yeah those those ants look pretty happy fuck out of here it's an ant that
Starting point is 00:19:32 bites you it stings you and it feels like your arm is being slammed in a car door for 24 hours apparently it is blinding unbearable. And for the coming of age ceremony, these crazy motherfuckers take these ants and they give these oven mitts and they make them themselves and they're all porous and they stuff the ants in there so the ants can't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And you have to shove your hands into these gloves filled with bullet ants. And motherfucker, that looks scary. The tears that were just streaming down these men's faces as they were going through the ceremony. When you get through that, man, you have the right to say you're a man now.
Starting point is 00:20:14 You know what I'm saying? You feel like this is a very clear boundary I've broken through. You know? I wouldn't suggest bullet ants. Bar Mitzvah. that's a little bit better than bullet look at what happened to ari you know i think about it i i often think about it in the realm of politics you know like i feel like politicians should have to fucking earn their
Starting point is 00:20:38 place like whether it's bullet ants or like a five-step psychedelic you know trip where it's like all right you want to you want to lead us Here's what you got to do. First, you're going to go take a boga. 24 hours is going to cure you of your addictions of fucking blowing coke off gay intern cock, whatever you're into. It'll, you know, at least the coke part, maybe not the intern. I don't think it'll cure that, but, uh, you know, whatever it's going to, whatever your, you know, addictions are, cigarettes, heroin, coke, whatever. A BOGO will blast that out of you 24 hours. All right, so you go from there.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And then I think they should have to do a fast for a week where they get smoked out every day and have to control their hunger and not eat and think. And then after that, maybe go and do the ayahuasca. And then from there, bring a bipartisan group to a campfire where they all do mushrooms and just talk about ideas and shit and then hit fucking session i'll drop a cap a pure pharmaceutical grade mdma now you're getting crazy that's it boom now you're just making these people party but listen i want to be a politician so i can get those good drugs man
Starting point is 00:21:39 imagine how different it would be if they had to do some kind of imagine how different they would be if they had to go through boot camp. Just that. Go through something that shows your character other than the photographs of your cock that you send to your intern. They busted another guy. They busted another fucking politician sending pictures of his cock today. Some fucking new guy's resigning.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I don't even know who he was. Just some dumbass who thinks it's okay to send pictures of his dick through his fucking cell phone to some chick who turns out to be working for the enemy. Wow. So he was kind of set up. Yeah, he was set up. He's a fucking fool. He looked like a fat 50-year-old.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Probably couldn't believe he was going to get some pussy. I want to see your cock. Okay, here's my cock. Shit. And next thing you know, these pictures are on the net and he looks like a fucking idiot and now he's got to resign. God damn, man. Why aren't they allowed to do that, though? Just because they have their job?
Starting point is 00:22:33 They're not allowed to do that on their off time? They're still men. Because they pretend they're someone else. Because they pretend to be family men with great Christian values and loyal to their wife and their vows. But meanwhile, they're sending cock pictures all over the fucking Internet. And so you know that this is a person who's full of shit,
Starting point is 00:22:51 and this is a person who can't be trusted. His character can't be trusted because he's pretending to be something he's not. It's not like Tommy Lee sending pictures of his dick. And you're like, oh, Tommy. It's fucking Tommy Lee. He's crazy. He's married to Pamela Anderson. We've all seen his dick you know what i'm saying yeah it's like if tommy lee was sending pictures of his dick to girls he'd be like well if my dick looked like that i'd be
Starting point is 00:23:13 sending pictures of it too why not you know it's not like that when someone pretends to be something they're not and we know they're not we know that they're there's no way most politicians can really be the way they are you remember how john edwards used to pretend he was until we found out he was banging some other chick while his wife was dying of cancer and apparently fucking physically threatened her and, you know, yeah, and he fucking used campaign funds to hide the fact that he was banging this broad. So now he's probably going to go to jail. They're fucking going after John Edwards.
Starting point is 00:23:41 He's banging this broad. So now he's probably going to go to jail. They're fucking going after John Edwards. But at one point in time, John Edwards was this lawyer with good old-fashioned American values and pull them up by your bootstraps, you know, work ethic. And, you know, you come to find out that it is impossible to be a pure person, to be the guy that you're pretending to be to be a politician they they push it back so far that eventually it pops out somewhere it blows out they're dressing up like a tiger and taking pictures or like al gore fucking tries to get his dick sucked while he's
Starting point is 00:24:17 getting a massage and the chick wants a sex you know charge him with sexual assault you know there's some truth there's's something, something happened there. You know something happened there. I don't know what it was. She might have overblown it. He might have, you know, just rubbed his cock on her just as like a little tester.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Who knows what the fuck happened. But whatever happened, it's not what we thought Al Gore was. We didn't think Al Gore was whipping his dick out in fucking hotels while he was getting massaged. We didn't think that was,
Starting point is 00:24:43 he was pulling girls on top of him. We didn't think that was, he was pulling girls on top of him. We didn't think that was Al Gore. I don't know if he did that, but he did enough or got into a situation that was enough for him to get in trouble. Yeah. You know, I mean, no one talks about what Winston Churchill did with his women. You know, like that, that was like, it didn't fucking matter. He was fighting the Nazis.
Starting point is 00:25:00 He was kicking ass. And I think all our politicians now, they're so fraudulent in what they're kind of projecting that it does matter at this point it's like you're a hypocritical lying little bastard like you know but if they were real like really doing shit and very honest with what they were attacking and the issues they were attacking were honest and they were coming from a real place it's like oh yeah our fucking fearless leader after a big you know a tough night he had some you know sexual indiscretion whatever you forgive that stuff but when they build this foundation full of you know
Starting point is 00:25:32 puritanical nonsense then they do that they feel like that's the only way to get elected though you know there's so much power in today with the idea of the christian ideology and you know the christian right and the you fucking so uber-judgmental. That's a big political push because those people were organized. The really right-wing Christian fundamentalists, that movement, that's a very organized movement. And if they're on your side, you can do a lot of damage. And if they're against you, it can really hurt.
Starting point is 00:26:08 You know, if they organize the churches and they all of a sudden pull out and they say, well, this fucking Al Gore doesn't believe in Jesus. Well, fuck him. You know, they'll go crazy. You have to fake that you believe in Jesus. Whether you do or not, you better say you do. Because if you say you don't, you're going to piss off 50 fucking percent of the country. You're never going to get anything done.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, it's a fucked situation. And I think that's why, you know, the shamans down there, when they talk about 2012, they talk about it just as a tipping point. But it's like, that's the point. They talked about it? What did they say? Yeah, well, they said that 2012 is the tipping point. That's when the world has to start changing. And it will. Upheheavals will happen they don't know if it's going to be economic they don't know if it's going to be you know physical it's not the end of time or anything like that and that was it was kind of cool to hear them talk about it like that's all nonsense that's all hype what it
Starting point is 00:26:58 is it's it's the point at which things must start changing for us. Why is there a date? Why is it December 21st, 2012? Why is it 2012 at all? I think it correlates to astrological or astronomical kind of event, right? Isn't there some kind of alignment? I've heard, obviously I'm not an astronomer, but I've heard Neil Tyson talk about how that's bullshit and that event happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:27:23 That everyone's talking about how it aligns at the center of the galaxy and it's like it always does it happens all the time yeah well i don't know i don't exactly know how they got the date i mean whether i think it was tied to some kind of there's so much going on in this in the in the idea of astrology and astronomy there's so much going on where you know they can figure out that the moon is off a little bit with its gravity and then they have to figure out what the moon is off a little bit with its gravity, and then they have to figure out what is responsible for this error in the moon's gravity. Well, it could be a brown dwarf star that lays 100 million miles outside of Pluto. And that's like the current theory. But they can figure that out.
Starting point is 00:27:59 They can measure gravity and know that there's errors in places and try to like figure out well why where is this error coming from so we know that that for sure that the moon's effect and its particular gravity has an effect on tides we believe it has an effect on human behavior although that's all subjective but we we know that these little bodies or these these these motions and these these things that we can't quite grab a hold of have a very physical effect on the earth. Like in the tide,
Starting point is 00:28:30 who knows how many different things are doing that all the time with the procession of the equinoxes, the fact that the earth wobbles on its access, a 26,000 year cycle. And in between that times, you know, you never know what is aligned with what, when you were brought into this world.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And that the idea behind astrology as fucking flaky and new agey and bullshitty as it sounds is that these events, these alignments of stars and positions of of the moon and all these different things, they actually affect how a human being is charged as they're set loose from the vagina into the world. You know, that it actually has... And look, it fucking... I know a lot of Leos that seem like Leos. You know? I know a lot of Cancers that act like Cancers. Scorpios that seem like Scorpios. Fuck, it sounds like utter horseshit,
Starting point is 00:29:18 but goddamn, it's fucking close. It seems damn close. So, yeah, I mean, I don't know exactly what the uh what the event is that they named the date for they didn't go into that but what they said is that a new type of person has to emerge at that point and that the old ways have to change and they will and that things will get fucked up enough where they have to it's like it's not like we all got a rally and and you know but we do i mean we do to a certain degree we have to prepare for it but it'll it'll force itself to happen so we just need to be ready for it is what they're saying
Starting point is 00:29:48 like the new era is going to come and it's going to happen either complete economic upheaval physical upheaval of the earth whatever is going to happen is going to force our hand and then the new people are going to have to emerge they call it the legend of quetzalcoatl the feather the feathered serpent but really that represents the new type of human that comes and starts taking a leadership role. So all of these cock picturing politicians and everything, whatever they believe is going to happen is going to change that paradigm. Where all of a sudden that becomes de-emphasized. Either faith in them gets lost, a new system has to emerge, new leaders, new political structures. Is this the shamans have actually explained this to you?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah. Do they talk about the internet? Are they on Twitter? How come they're not on Twitter? My hot dot not score is 2.5. You can tell the mountain shamans are different than the jungle shamans, but you can tell a good mountain shaman by how much he smells like burnt llama shit because that's how they stay warm up in the high parts.
Starting point is 00:30:44 They burn llama shit? If he really smells like burnt llama shit because that's how they stay warm up in the high parts. They burn llama shit? If he really smells like burnt llama shit, you know he's probably authentic because then he's up above 15,000 feet for most of his life. Jesus Christ. But no cell phone, no internet. He's missing out on all the cool YouTube videos. They're starting.
Starting point is 00:30:58 One of the guys I was talking with had a full URL at the bottom of his little card. So they're starting to adapt to it. They need that. People poo-poo the cultural experience because it's filled with morons and Lady Gaga fans, but there's nothing wrong with Lady Gaga. That's a part of the trip.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I think she's fascinating. I like some of her music. How about that? There's nothing wrong with the rest of the cultural experience. Even the most ridiculous aspects of it. It's all part of us. You know, and you don't want to be locked out. I don't buy that being locked out. When I talk to someone, they go, I don't even have an email.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Well, you're a fucking moron. How about that? You don't want an email? You don't want people to be able to send you cool shit that you can read? You don't want photos that'll blow your mind? You don't want someone turning you on to some fucking article that might change your life? don't want that you don't want that okay you're too cool for that what are you gonna do sniff flowers you fucking weirdo and for them it's like i mean really do they want to just affect only the few people in the village if you're a real
Starting point is 00:31:57 shaman like yeah fuck yeah i want to get my word out there like i want to make change i want to make things happen and i think it goes back to kind of what pressfield says about professionals like the professional the shamans down there were professionals they're not trying to be shamans they just fucking are that's their job that's what they do and they're professionals at it so yeah the internet comes along they analyze that tool they're like oh yeah that's cool you know or if something funny happens in the middle of their ceremony they're not like i better not laugh or people might think that i'm not a shaman you know they're like they'll fucking crack up and be like and then they'll just get back to their work when they're done they don't take themselves so seriously that it's like
Starting point is 00:32:33 anything could shake the experience it's not for other people they're going to do their work and whatever happens when they do their work that's fine they go with it and that was something i really appreciated because even when you get out here in this kind of slightly pseudo-spiritual thing it's like they're putting on an act you know like the music has to be perfect and right has to be the candles have to glow the right and the crystal has to be without impurities you know and they're like okay you know if they use rocks they're like this is a good rock you know know, and it just looks like a fucking rock. Bullshit spiritual talk is the grossest shit on the planet. I got married by a hack.
Starting point is 00:33:13 We got some lady off the internet that married us, and it was brutal. Your love is two streams that will become together a growing river. It will wash over the rocks of the world. I'm like, oh, you crazy bitch. There was no feeling to it at all. Like as she was saying it, there was no connection to the words. It was just utter spiritual nonsense. Because it was a non-denominational wedding, obviously, because I'm not religious, nor is Mrs. Rogan. So we had to listen to this nonsense, crystal-sucking, fucking world of N had Joey Diaz marry you. World of Narnia.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah. This bitch lived totally in Narnia. She had a hut in Narnia. It was brutal. I found the article about the Colombian shaman. He was arrested in Texas and charged with ayahuasca possession. He flew into the Houston airport. And the crazy thing about being charged with ayahuasca possession is
Starting point is 00:34:06 the plants that you use to create ayahuasca are not even illegal. That's the weirdest aspect of it. I met the guy from Bouncing Bear Botanicals. He came to my show in Vegas. Yeah. If you don't know the story, there was a guy who ran a website called Bouncing Bear Botanicals, and it's a website all dedicated to selling legal plants that have psychedelic properties to them, like the San Pedro cactus that you could buy at fucking Home Depot. Yeah, well, you can make
Starting point is 00:34:36 mescaline out of that shit. You can open that bitch up, make some peyote if you know what you're doing, and trip your balls off. This is off some shit that you just buy at Home Depot and it's totally legal. It's a beautiful cactus and a lot of people don't even know about the psychedelic properties of it. They have it just to decorate their garden because it's pretty, but it's not illegal. So they, they, he has this there. He's selling this. He's selling the different Socotriod, Veritas and the different plants that you mix to make ayahuasca. He's selling those. He's selling salvia. He's selling all these different plants that are absolutely legal. Morning glory seeds. A lot of people don't know that morning glory seeds, just those regular fucking seeds that you buy when you go to plant to make flowers, well, the ones that you buy,
Starting point is 00:35:21 most of them, they've been treated so that they are not psychoactive. Because regular morning glory seeds, you can grind those bitches up and eat them and you'll trip your fucking balls off. Hell yeah. So untreated, they're legal though? You can buy the untreated ones? It's hard to get. It's hard to get the untreated ones. You're supposed to treat them because the government is aware of the psychedelic properties of them. Meanwhile, of course, it's not nearly as dangerous as cigarettes or alcohol or anything as a sanction. But it's too mind-bending for the government to allow the unwashed masses to participate in. So your wise daddy government has figured out how to neuter this incredibly brilliant psychedelic plant
Starting point is 00:36:01 to the point where most people aren't even aware of its properties. But regular morning glory seeds was Terrence McKenna's first psychedelic trip. That's what sent him on his fucking wacky journey of, you know, being the psychedelic shaman of the new world. And that was, you know, a common thing that people did in the seventies and the sixties before the government got hip to it. They were just tripping balls on morning glory seeds.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You know, so this guy, this John, is that his name? Is that his name from Bouncing Bear Botanicals? Anyway, there's two dudes that I met that came. They were high as fuck. They were so high I could barely talk to them after the show. They came to my Las Vegas show, and I talked to them outside,
Starting point is 00:36:39 and that swarm of people, remember there was all two of those crazy guys, they were trying to have like a serious conversation with me. It was like 500 people trying to take pictures, and they want to hold onto my hand and talk to me. I'm like, dude, there's a lot of people here. I can't really talk to you about your arrest. I'm glad you're doing the right thing. I'm glad you got out.
Starting point is 00:36:54 But apparently they let him out of jail. They had to let him out eventually because there's nothing you can fucking charge him for. There's nothing that said that he was making drugs. Still trashed his place. Trashed his place. Confiscated all his stuff. I don't know if he got his money back but they froze all that as well. For nothing. For nothing. Because the government is scared of psychedelics.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It's amazing how scared they are of it. And I guarantee you they're scared of it because they're not experiencing it. It's that simple. Like when you get into like Alex Jones believes crazy shit like he believes that the elites are all smoking DMT. You know he'll talk to you about they're all in fucking Guantanamo Bay. They're all down in Guantanamo Bay and they're smoking DMT, connecting to the spirit world.
Starting point is 00:37:35 They believe in eternal life, what they're going to do. And he'll tell you all this nonsense that he absolutely positively believes in. But I believe 100% you cannot smoke DMT and not be empathetic towards other people that are doing it. You cannot take ayahuasca or mushrooms without being empathetic and wanting other people to do it. These people that are trying to keep everybody from it, those are the people sending their dicks to their fucking secretaries in their emails.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Those are the fucking hypocritical shitheads with huge flaws in their character that we have running this country and running this world. And unfortunately, that's one of our biggest issues. We're considered leaders. We know for sure that it's a bullshit scam and we allow it. We have resigned ourselves. We know that the president has speechwriters. We know that everyone has a bunch of people that will review every word that he's going to say, and it's going to be calculated, and they're going to sit down and come up with the right words and enact the most emotional impact
Starting point is 00:38:36 to the point where they even fucking, they used to plagiarize other people's speeches before they got busted for it. Joe Biden, our own fucking vice president, used to plagiarize. He would plagiarize Kennedy's shit. They caught him doing that in 1988. That's why he had to quit running for president. That's why he had to sit in the background and wait for everybody to forget about it before he could be vice president. We know
Starting point is 00:38:57 for a fact that it's a bullshit hustle. We're all aware of lobbyists. We're all aware of special interest groups and corporations donating millions of dollars. We're all aware of lobbyists, we're all aware of special interest groups and corporations donating millions of dollars. We're all aware that the Supreme Court changed the ruling so that a corporation can now act as an individual, so they can donate as much fucking money as they want, which is absurd. The idea that a corporation that would rely on politicians and their decisions to make money in a way that may or may not be ethical, but they'll rely on it. And then they just donated X amount of fucking millions of dollars towards this person.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It's insane. It's amazing. And we accept it for now because things are relatively placid. You know, yeah, we have a few financial difficulties, but whatever. People's lives, they go on and we go. And, you know, what they're saying about 2012 is, all right, at a certain point, things aren't going to be fucking placid anymore and at that point we're not going to accept that bullshit we're not going to expect except these weak ass politicians who don't really stand for anything
Starting point is 00:39:53 to lead us anymore so what's going to happen who the fuck knows they don't know they don't have the answer but they're going to say some type of new person is going to have to emerge and be like yo this is bullshit like we need to make some changes now like things are getting fucked up even worse and worse have you seen the the the numbers that they did when they were they did an audit of the uh the fed to find out where the fucking money went for the bailout and they found trillions of dollars that went to these weird fucking overseas banks and totally beyond description how much corruption and ridiculous bullshit is involved and how little accountability there is for the distribution of the taxpayer's
Starting point is 00:40:33 wealth i mean it's a fucking free-for-all man it's craziness so it's to say that there's a few financial difficulties the whole thing is built on this foundation of unfixable bullshit, and there's no solution in sight. Yeah. It's getting worse. It is getting worse. With the credit rating about to be downgraded. China already did. They downgraded our credit rating, even though we didn't default.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Even though we raised our debt ceiling, they're like, these bitches are on the edge. It's like when you try to get too many loans, even if you pay your loans back the the banks start going why are you asking for all this money dude what are you what's going on with you what do you got a gambling problem but yeah it's it's it's it's not it's not fucking getting fixed and the system in this the the the way it's set up right now and the model that we're operating under it's not getting fixed. And everyone's frustrated. No one knows what to do. And me, like you, like I'm fucking completely full of shit. All I do is just complain about it. And then I go about my day. And as long as I have food in the refrigerator and I have the ability to use my credit card to buy gas, I'm only going to yap too much. You know, it almost like it has to fall apart on all of us before we step back and we go, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Now we have to admit that this doesn't work. Right. Well, what you're doing, but you're doing something more important than that, I think, as well, is that you're creating a movement of consciousness. I mean, every time new people tune in, you know, you have their ear and these people can become activated. Yeah, but I have no answers. Yeah, but there's no crisis yet, necessarily. Right. You know, so.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Sort of there is, though, no? Kind of, probably, if we had the foresight to really look ahead and start doing things now. But it's not prescient enough. Like, it's not beating down our door. So it's just really not going to happen realistically, probably. Not that we shouldn't try and do it or whatever. I'm not saying that, but.
Starting point is 00:42:19 So much work, though. That's the problem. If you want to live your life. At some point, when things get fucked, you know, you may have this is a joe rogan fucking emergency podcast listen like this is what needs to happen like seriously and you'll have you'll have that power like fucking john connor for your own small people of conscious fucking humans who are going to be able to then go out and like all right everything we're being fed is nonsense don't you think if the shit goes down the internet's going to be the first thing they shut off they tried to do that in other countries though they have they've done it but yeah they did in libya didn't they didn't they do it in egypt
Starting point is 00:42:54 yeah egypt but there was still ways around it people were still getting messages i don't think the government's going to intentionally fuck us i just think they're going to be incapable of helping us at that point you know like that's my personal belief i don't think they're like shut the internet down it's just gonna be like ah what do we do we're a bunch you know we've never fucking stuck our hand in a glove full of ants we're not ready for this it could be either or though right could be it could be either or i mean there's a reason why they do these fucking fema tests and they have you know giant stockpiles of plastic coffins you know that's all been documented they've prepared they have a lot of drills they've prepared for mass extinction events
Starting point is 00:43:30 and you know big huge environmental catastrophes natural disasters i mean the government has camps they have fema camps and these are real you know this is alex jones you know he'll he'll start talking about fema camps but there's there's real. They really do have places where they have cots set up and they have fucking almost like a prisoner of war camp. Because if the shit really does hit the fan, we get wiped out in nuclear war or fucking asteroid hits or something nutty that fucks up the world, we really are going to have to detain a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:44:02 We're really going to have to calm everybody the fuck down. If we're going to evacuate areas, we're going to have to detain a lot of people. We're really going to have to calm everybody the fuck down. If we're going to evacuate areas, we're going to have to have places to shelter these people. We're going to have to have buses where women and children are crying and they're being separated from the father and the father's sitting there with a son and we'll meet you at the camp and that's real shit. They're going to get on buses and we're not going to know where everybody is and some people are not going to be. That's possible.
Starting point is 00:44:24 This is a fucking fragile world we live in yeah it's possible you know and little and then little colonies will get set up individuals will have different you know who knows how that but the structure could break and at that point some new system can emerge it's almost like that's when we have to bring in the colombians bring in that fucking ayahuasca on donkeys bring it in big clay pots riding on the back of donkeys get them to start singing the whole way you got it man yeah i can get in there dude i can get down i can get down with the ayahuasca arrows you could so what did they say about smoking dmt what'd they say well they said that that's just kind of a it's kind of a rocket ship that plants you right in that sixth dimension.
Starting point is 00:45:08 But only the sixth dimension. Never the seventh or the eighth? They say mostly not because it's too short of an experience. You have to kind of gather steam through the dimensions or something like that. And smoking the DMT kind of skips over the fifth where you usually kind of start getting in these dreams. It's like wham, bam into the sixth. And that's why they say
Starting point is 00:45:30 that there's some disorientation there. A lot of lessons to be learned in wisdom. Anytime you sneak outside of time, which is how they describe it is sneaking outside of time. You have lessons to learn, but there, you know, once you're there,
Starting point is 00:45:41 you have a short window of time and you're trying to absorb as much as possible. But the forces aren't there to align you to help, you know, you're there you have a short window of time and you're trying to absorb as much as possible but the forces aren't there to align you to help you know kind of push you farther because that's that's a process you have to gain knowledge like what happened to me i had to download something or whatever they said in the seventh to get you know to get that farther like just have more steam and energy to get there and they talk about it as fuel you know the problem with the smoking dmt is the fuel runs out they have enough fuel to like get you into orbit you know but it's not that extra after
Starting point is 00:46:11 burner that's going to come in and shoot you to mars after you're outside of the atmosphere you know eventually it's just going to suck you right back in and so that's what they say the the difference is between those the interesting because the intravenous doses of dmt that like strassman did in those studies, those people had 30-minute trips. I wonder if that's enough. I wonder if that takes you to a different place. I didn't get to ask him about that.
Starting point is 00:46:33 It's supposed to be a more intense experience when it's done intravenously. It's supposed to be more in-depth and a lot more entities yeah a lot more people being uh you know more of what they uh would describe that sounds remarkably similar to ufo abduction experiences right you know that kind of thing that you're dealing with these physical things in this other place yeah it's a real fucking symptom of our culture that that shit's all illegal that people can like you can come back and you get so fucked up that you have to change your name and it's illegal it's illegal you know that's it's a it's really annoying it's really annoying that we're in this fucking nanny state this shitbag stupid nanny state country yeah do you find any side effects at all like is does your mind wander
Starting point is 00:47:20 in places over and over again do you have any different what was it was some of the challenges were just reintegrating you know and a lot of that's just you get to this different world and experience different things and but you leave your life on the treadmill running full speed you know and i tried to hop right back the fuck on and i got you know tripped up and slammed against the back wall you know to use that analogy like it's hard to get back you know and hard to find kind of the balance of integrating what what you found out there or not. But do you feel like the world doesn't seem the same? When you when you came back? Do you feel anything's changed in the world? No, you know, I feel like, you know, I've, I've changed, the way I look at things has
Starting point is 00:48:03 changed, you know, the fact that I can I view myself now more like a needle piercing a nine-layered onion, you know, and you're consciously aware of the first four layers, you know, that part of the needle, but you're still connected to another five layers above you, and you just don't see it. You know, just that very thought alone has changed my life, you know. It's hard to incorporate in everyday things. I've been focused pretty much solely on launching AlphaBrain and making sure that all goes well. And it's been very focused on that. But in my quiet moments, when I can meditate, I can think back and think what I want to do next time I go down there.
Starting point is 00:48:45 And what lessons I could learn and how I could learn that. You need an isolation tank, son. I do. That's your next step. I do. We sell some of these alpha brains. You're going to have to get you one. That's morning glory. So this is the shit that we've been talking about on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:48:57 and we've talked about it on the podcast before, and this is a formula that Chris has put together and that we're selling, and it's called Alpha Brain. And it fucking does something, man. It, first of all, it gives you incredibly vivid dreams. And it seems to fire up your brain at a higher RPM level or give you some clarity. I feel like it helps me form sentences better. You know, you know what I'm saying? I mean, I don't know if that's what's doing it,
Starting point is 00:49:24 but I feel like, man, I'm fucking talking pretty smooth sometimes when I'm on this stuff. Technically, what they say is it enhances synaptic plasticity, which is the way that your neurons can kind of fit together and transfer information. Is this all peer-reviewed stuff, or is this spiritual? No, it's a CO-coaling. Yeah, this is purely on the scientific tip here.
Starting point is 00:49:45 And what's in here? So what it is, it's GPC choline, which is a great form of raw choline, the best form of raw choline, really, glycerophosphate choline, easily absorbed through the blood-brain barrier, whereas some of the other cholines are not. So it's most expensive and best choline for you. And then we have huperzia serrata, which has a proven compound called huperzine, which is an acetylcholine esterase inhibitor. And that prevents the breakdown of the acetylcholine in your brain. And what acetylcholine is in charge of is in charge of,
Starting point is 00:50:15 you know, focus, memory, clarity. All the Alzheimer's treatments currently, almost all of them focus on rehabilitating your acetylcholine levels and boosting your acetylcholine levels. So even huperzine A, which is part of the huperziac serrata, has been tested in that capacity. So this is all very, you know, very scientifically proven. This is not anything hokey pokey. It's just a fact. Higher acetylcholine levels lead to this. Now, the problem with higher acetylcholine levels, otherwise everybody would just be jacked, jacking their acetylcholine up, levels, otherwise everybody would just be jacked, jacking their acetylcholine up, is it can lead to, you know, anxiety, anxiousness, short temper. If that's too out of balance, you can get other,
Starting point is 00:50:56 you can get kind of hyper aware. And so what I did with this formula is I said, all right, we want to have strong acetylcholine. It's good. Helps your memory, helps your mental drives, help your focus. But we don't want to have all the other things. So I created a balance formula, and I included things like GABA, which controls kind of relaxation and kind of calm and mental clarity in that kind of calm state. And then dopamine, which handles a lot of your movement activities and some of your mental energy activities. You added dopamine? Well, it's mucuna purians contains a standardized dose of 50% L-DOPA.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And mucuna purians is a herb, I believe it grows in India. And so the 50% standardized L-DOPA is the building block for dopamine. So, yeah, I didn't add dopamine. Actually, you're able to add GABA directly because they're able to extract it from a plant. But the dopamine you have to get through, you know, pushing L-DOPA in your body. Your body will destroy dopamine if you try to put it in directly. So you build it yourself with L-Dopa. The catalyst in that is again, the pyridoxine HCL vitamin B6, which we have in there, which helps convert it. So and then I've just put a ton of antioxidants that are going to give you energy,
Starting point is 00:52:00 help your focus, the AC11 in there, that was shown to actually repair DNA in scientific peer-reviewed studies. So really fucking strong antioxidants. It's going to kind of eliminate some of that mental fog, clear out some of your free radicals, and then allow the acetylcholine boost to be manageable by the other components. Now, have you ever thought about adding 5-HTP to it? Now, that's another formula that I have. And serotonin is a crucial component adding 5-HTP to it? Now, that's another formula that I have. And serotonin is a crucial component. 5-HTP is the direct building block of serotonin. It goes L-tryptophan to 5-HTP.
Starting point is 00:52:33 5-HTP then converts to 5-HT, which is serotonin. That's the fourth component. I have another separate formula, the rollover formula, which is specifically focused on building serotonin. So being the fact that I have that there, there's just not that much room in the capsules. And it is important to have, but I recommend that, you know, that doesn't tend to, that doesn't need to be so much in balance for this formula to work, but it is a crucial part of things. So I recommend either taking my formula or another form of 5-HTP, but it was just a little bit much to fit an efficacious dose of 5-htp in this alpha brain to bring that
Starting point is 00:53:10 fourth component that's too bad because uh i know a lot of people that have had a lot of positive effects with that 5-htp is great that's why i have a whole product you know roll on and roll roll over yeah my product roll over is dedicated specifically to that so you're selling those in much smaller packages. You're selling like four of those. Yeah, you get bottles of 30. You get bottles of 30 just like this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And so do you recommend people taking that if they're not coming off of a, you know, the roll-on and roll-off is supposed to be like you do MDMA and then your levels are jacked. Yeah, anytime you're depleting, if you're not sleeping, if you're stressed and you're not sleeping, that's when serotonin is produced is when you're sleeping. if you're stressed and you're not sleeping that's when serotonin is produced is when you're sleeping so if you're not sleeping it doesn't matter if you're partying or doing doing whatever you're doing you're not going to be producing enough serotonin right so that's when you need to take it so yeah i certainly recommend taking it as part of the regimen i mean that formula will probably change a little bit in the next iteration i have some ideas for it but i'm going to always have a serotonin specific formula um you know if if enough people want to have this alpha brain be that complete brain thing we can look at it but just as far
Starting point is 00:54:11 as dose and capsule size it's difficult to do everything i mean i have a capsule that's specifically designed for serotonin the whole capsule capsule would be way too much it's tough it's tough so you so that one was something that i do recommend i do sell on on but um it's not in the alpha brain but i i highly recommend it it's a great it's a great thing to have i use it all the time i love it i i don't take it every day but i definitely take it on like days where i'm just feel jacked up in it i think i i've been taking for like i don't know like six eight months here and there and i it's one of my favorite things the the roll-on and rollovers are my two favorite things.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Yeah, so those formulas will change a little bit, but I'm still going to always keep that kind of concept. And the AlphaBrainz is getting great feedback. I know all of us here, we all take it and we dig it. There's something going on with it. Yeah, for sure. It most certainly does have an effect. Like I said, it gives me the most incredible dreams.
Starting point is 00:55:04 And so the reason why that's happening is acetylcholine regulates REM sleep. That's what determines, you know, you get a wash of acetylcholine during your REM sleep. So the fact that you have excess surpluses of acetylcholine created by the GPC choline and the herpesia serrata allows a deeper and broader wash of acetylcholine to go through your sleep cycles. And so your REM sleep becomes way more intense, longer, and more vivid than when you do have low levels of acetylcholine. All right, so if you guys want to grab this, it's available now at
Starting point is 00:55:37 O-N-N-I-T dot com. And it's called Alpha Brain. And tell me how you like it. I know some people who've already started taking it and uh... i haven't yet to talk to one person that hasn't had positive experiences with it and uh... it's uh... uh... was a thirty bucks for thirty of these things and people say it's so
Starting point is 00:55:58 expensive but but this the stuff's not cheap stuff it's it's what's needed to actually have an effect. It's expensive to package. I got the best ingredients I could. I cut no corners. Everything's full spectrum, standardized. So this is the best product I can make.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And I hope people dig it because I played my cards as well as I can and tried to make the best in every aspect of doing it. Well, thanks for coming on and talking about your psychedelic experience that made you change your name. I mean, we're thinking we'll get you drunk on Jack Daniels and you go to being Duke next.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Turn you into some sort of fucking... After listening to that story, though, I would definitely change my name too, it seems like. And you actually got to sit in that thing
Starting point is 00:56:39 when we talked with the Ancient Aliens guy, the big square that was cut out. I did. You got the cut. Yeah. He's got a photo of him sitting.
Starting point is 00:56:48 And when we were talking to Giorgio Tsoukalos from ancient aliens, he was talking to us about this area in Peru where this stone is cut out. And you can see it if you go to the Ustream page. He put a picture of Chris, excuse me, Aubrey,
Starting point is 00:57:03 sitting inside this uh nasty this rock where it was cut out where they have no idea how they cut it out because it was it's it's you have to see it what is the name of the place again uh it's in the ruins in the sacred valley i forget the name of this actual ruin site uh not coming to me but it's um it was right there near uh you know it's outside of cusco by about an hour and a half and you get to these ruined sites either way it's dope go get some alpha brain stupid yeah it does seem like one of the places too bad you can't do ayahuasca there yeah that would be the shit yeah i think that sounds fucking badass do ayahuasca at chichen itza or you know machu
Starting point is 00:57:44 pichu or something like that? At the ruins of some ancient civilization? That's what they developed Machu Picchu for, as a spiritual center, actually. Really? It wasn't like a political center. This was their spiritual home. Where did you hear this? From the people there, from the Incas.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Because modern Western folks have no fucking idea why it was created. They don't have an idea. No, yeah. The shamans all say this was created as their spiritual home, and that's why they created it in such an odd spot. The way that the mountains are around there is ridiculous. Speaking of lost civilizations, I'll be in Milwaukee. August 13th at the Pabst Theater with Joey Coco Diaz.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Tickets are on sale right now, and it's like half sold out already, so don't sleep. And then also on September 23rd, Joey and I will be in Denver, Colorado at the Paramount Theater, and that is also just about half sold out now. Denver, showing lots of love. I can't wait to come back to Colorado where I will eventually go when the shit hits the fan
Starting point is 00:58:45 and society crumbles and I have to live in the woods near where my dog died. Folks, that's the end of this fucking show. We've had a fantastic time. Chris and I are going to go check out Red State. We're going to go see the premiere of Kevin Smith's new movie
Starting point is 00:59:00 and we'll have a full report on that. Thank you very much for uh tuning into the podcast please follow chris on twitter is excuse me aubrey is his name is warrior poet w-a-r-r-i-o-r-p-o-e-t-u-s that's on twitter follow red band he's very upset About his Twitter numbers Obsesses on it On a daily And while you're at it Follow me too You fucking freaks
Starting point is 00:59:31 If you're not following Joe already You're ridiculous Yeah how dare you How dare you If you're not following me I'm trying to hit a million people I'm only at 413,000 I don't feel validated
Starting point is 00:59:42 Alright That was a moment of weakness. Back to reality. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in. Thanks, everybody. We love you all, and we wish you well on your spiritual journey through the world of snakes.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Indeed. And go to And if you go to, thank you, The Fleshlight, for sponsoring the podcast. If you go to and click the link for The Fleshlight and enter in the code name ROGAN, you will get 15% off the number one sex toy for men, and then you can shoot loads at a discount.
Starting point is 01:00:16 How do the shaman feel about sex toys? Are they cool with that? I think they're down. He's got like five kids, though. Really? Maybe he could use one to hold off on his urges. Shazam. They're not shy about sex out there. Shazam.
Starting point is 01:00:27 We'll see you next week. Love you. Bye. Bye. Thank you.

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