The Joe Rogan Experience - #1277 - Gabrielle Reece

Episode Date: April 3, 2019

Gabrielle Reece is a world-renowned athlete, TV personality, New York Times bestselling author, and model. Together with her husband Laird, they launched a new all-encompassing fitness program called... XPT.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, no. Here we go. Two, one, and we're live. Hello, Gabby. Hello. How are you, Joe? Good. Thanks for being here. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me. You're looking well. Thank you. You are as well. I really enjoy following you on Instagram. You have a very positive Instagram page. It's full of information. It's beneficial. It's great stuff. Instagram page. It's full of information. It's beneficial. It's great stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Thanks. I feel like I'm trying to figure that out. For a younger person, it's like, oh yeah, well, this is how you do it. And for me, I'm like, well, what do you really want to say? And I don't know. I think sometimes I would like to take more chances, but I do play it probably safe. How so? Like in what way? I try to be be pretty honest but sometimes you're always very aware that you just i'm not interested in getting roasted or spending a lot of time and energy in a hassle with somebody so i think when i'm doing it i'm as honest as i can be but i'm it's also i'm aware of that what do you hold back on? Like what kind of stuff? I think for me, it would just,
Starting point is 00:01:09 maybe you'd just be more, even maybe more direct, but you're, you know, I think when you're trying, when you sort of say, okay, I'm going to occupy this space professionally that feels good to me. And like,
Starting point is 00:01:19 I want it to be overall pretty positive, you know, like if you're selling something, like maybe I'd like to try to sell something positive, but hopefully towards the honest a little bit. Right. And sometimes when you're doing that, you're also aware that like you're not as harsh
Starting point is 00:01:37 as sometimes your inner voice is. And so you go, well, am I not being as completely honest and transparent because I don't really want to deal with it? And so I'm just saying. Because you don't want to deal with feedback, comments. Yeah. And it's also just people who are frustrated or also they're not getting maybe the nuance or the subtlety of what I'm trying to say. Let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Social media is not the place for. Subtlety and nuance. No. Not in the comments for sure, right? Right. or subtlety no not in the comments for sure right right so i just i i want to do stuff that seems like that seems often you know pretty real but hopefully skewed towards like either fun or something positive one of the things that i've recognized from doing a podcast is that uh some of the frustration when people do lash out yeah and you're like this is like out of proportion
Starting point is 00:02:24 some of it is due to the fact that it's very frustrating to just not be a part of the conversation if you disagree with like when you're listening to just a fundamental the this the act of listening to someone have a conversation and something comes up and you're like but what about that that's why don't you say that and it's like this you you get stuck yeah it's a great point so then you leave it a shitty comment yeah i'm like god that guy's a dick but it's a great point his frustration of not being able to communicate interject it's like your kid who would be like hey hey hey and they never get to butt in yeah that's a great point i think you've probably
Starting point is 00:02:57 been tempered by doing this and have probably looked at it from a lot of different points of view because you have to yeah you have to i've tried no it's it's been interesting to like watch you over the years i think what's interesting is watching you have an interesting place where you keep your own you sort of keep a level of neutrality even though you have an opinion so you let other people express themselves whether it's about a religion or vaccination or whatever i think that that it's been interesting to see like you develop that skill even more well it's hard for people to express themselves as it is like live on a podcast is difficult it's harder still if you don't allow them to if you interject and you know as well as we all know that when someone when you have something you're trying to say and someone talks over you it's fucking frustrating and when you're trying to formulate these words and someone
Starting point is 00:03:53 butts in and then you lose it it's hard so that's one of the key skills of learning how to communicate with people that i think a lot of people lose is the ability to listen you know and also you have to have a good enough memory so you can hold on to what you're going to say and then allow this person to elaborate on their thoughts and then when you give them the respect and allow them to elaborate on their thoughts hopefully they'll return that favor and they'll allow you to elaborate on your thoughts and then you get a much more balanced conversation but there's so many people talking where they're just talking over each other and shutting each other down or taking the conversation into a weird place it's just um the only way to find out how someone feels about something is to let them express themselves and
Starting point is 00:04:36 if people get mad that i don't push back it's like that's not always the best way to find out how a person feels you got to let them let them talk right i want to know i want to know the whole thing i want to know as far into this as you can tell me why you think this right like instead of me just saying no you're wrong i want to i want you to explain it to me i want to know whether or not i trust your process do you bring that skill home with you yeah i mean you're surrounded by women it's tough it's tough bro i i'm serious like sometimes because i even see it with my own husband we have three daughters but i mean especially you know when you have a pretty masculine male i'm always fascinated to watch them navigate their home when they're surrounded by women i just give up most of the time i lose every argument um i
Starting point is 00:05:27 think um you know i tried to we communicate a lot a lot of talking a lot of upset with girls it's always there's always things they're crying about and like okay okay okay we're gonna be fine and you know i don't want them to be like me. I want them to be themselves. And I want them to be girls. I want them to be able to be themselves. I don't want them to mirror my resilience. I want them to be vulnerable if they want to be vulnerable. But in terms of how I decorate the house, I don't have no say.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Oh, no. Nothing. That's why you have... I have this place. I was going to say, you have your cave here laird has a barn perfect and he you know when he meets young guys getting married he goes here i'm gonna teach you okay you're right honey i'm sorry and oh yes whatever color you choose it doesn't always work some people it's never enough but if you have the right relationship sometimes it'll work that way because i don't give a fuck what my house looks like i
Starting point is 00:06:23 really don't no i have a good view? Where's the coffee? Yeah Okay we're good Is that grill work? Yeah Okay How's the bed?
Starting point is 00:06:30 That's a good bed Do we have a TV? Where's the TV? Is it a good one? Oh it's a good TV Alright we're good We're good Do I have a laptop?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Okay we're good Yeah Yeah I don't need that much No You know so like When my wife's like I'm gonna put this here I'm like okay put it there
Starting point is 00:06:42 Fantastic Okay I wanna get that painting Okay get the painting I don't know I don't know where you wanna put it, put it there. Fantastic. I want to get that painting. Okay, get the painting. I don't know. I don't know where you want to put it. Just put it where it feels right. I don't give a fuck. I think it's smart.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I mean, you know, like sometimes if I infringe on if it's functional, then Laird steps in. Like, you know, that's not really functional. But otherwise, he's like, I'm tearing some stuff out of my house right now. And he just gives me a look. And I'm like, I'm this age. If I want to do this, support right now and he just gives me a look and I'm like I'm this age if I want to do this support me and he just laughs
Starting point is 00:07:09 and walks out yeah he just probably doesn't care go ahead just it's in the way whatever it is whatever
Starting point is 00:07:14 have fun with it yeah what time's dinner you know women love to decorate things I get nervous if a guy's really into it well yeah
Starting point is 00:07:22 it's a nesting trip yeah guys are like really into like design yeah it's a nesting trip yeah guys are like really into like like design in in their own house like really really into it like constantly obsessing about where things are and where they're supposed to be placed homosexuals yeah i can't believe you went there what do you mean that's outrageous is that a stereotypical thing that is outrageous what is that racist that might be He might have showed you white supremacy
Starting point is 00:07:45 I'm not exactly sure Yeah, it's a funny thing, right? But if I didn't have this place though I don't know if I Like traditionally men had pool halls They could hang out at Or gyms that they would hang out in And they would get their dose of
Starting point is 00:07:59 Toxic masculinity Yeah Or a basement Or a basement Yeah, you kind of need a place Where nobody's touching your stuff Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:06 Well if you live in a house Like I do With all girls too It's just Everything's girly I just Whatever I'm fine
Starting point is 00:08:14 Laird said He's like I needed to be more specific I said I wanted to be Surrounded by women He's like I didn't mean To be related to all of them
Starting point is 00:08:23 That's hilarious You know It's I think it's nature Or God's way He's like, I didn't mean to be related to all of them. That's hilarious. You know, I think it's nature, God's way of balancing it off. They say if guys have elevated body temperature, so athletes, people who train a lot, that they statistically have a greater chance of having daughters. Because I think they hot, we call it hot balls, basically. It kills off the male sperm. That's hilarious. And if you look around. Is that real? I think they hot, we call it hot balls, basically. It kills off the male sperm. That's hilarious. And if you look around, I think so. They did a thing on a bunch of guys, either in the NFL or whatever,
Starting point is 00:08:51 and statistically they just have a lot more daughters. Huh. And I think it's like nature's way of going, oh, you're going to be all like moving and active and raw and all this stuff. Guess what? We're just going to put a bunch of girls around you temper you because my daughters say things to my husband i could never say as a wife you know it's like i see it and i just go oh yeah well they know that for sure he loves them so they can get away with
Starting point is 00:09:19 it they're in yeah they can't get fired no i always say that to them like my youngest daughter when she was really little like five or six she, okay, so I'm not really clear with this. When I have alone time, I'm by myself. And when you and dad need alone time, like you're together. And I try to like, well, you know, it's important for moms and dads because, you know, we have to work it. I go, you know, you're always going to be dad's daughter. I, you know, I'm, we're working at being a husband and wife and uh then she'd keep going with it and i finally would just say like hey do you want to have christmas in separate houses and i'd see her think for a
Starting point is 00:09:54 second like well maybe you know and i'm like we need alone time do i get two presents yeah that's what i mean she's processing that she's like i'd miss you but i don't know you know so it's all that dance you know yeah because daughters man they don't miss a trick and they're on you and they're on their dad like nobody's business well my friends that have sons the way they say it is it's like you take one of two things either you have this wild animal that's tearing things apart or you have someone who's screaming and crying about something you don't understand yeah take your pick you want to do yeah a mental destroyer or a physical destroyer yeah walls with holes and broken broken bones boys and girls it's like i have learned so much being a mother to daughters and i've been around women my whole life you figure playing
Starting point is 00:10:40 volleyball being around tons of women it's very different as a parent i mean i've learned the most especially teenagers yeah watching them grow is so strange it's such a strange experience watching a person figure out the world from from jump you know like out the womb figure out the world like it's so educational i feel i don't think everyone should have children i'm not one of those zealots that tells everybody hey you're not alive until you have a kid no i think it's unfair to say that to people it is unfair i think it's first of all a lot of people can't right and maybe they have just a different path like i always tell my girlfriends too like it's unfair also to romanticize like to your friends who either opted not to have children or whatever met a partner too late or didn't or whatever because i think it is a really rich i mean there's nothing like it i mean i love my
Starting point is 00:11:31 children but if i had one friend she was like got married later and she's like you know we're gonna adopt and um she's also doing a new business and i was like listen i i need to come i want to talk to you and she also liked to consider taking naps occasionally. I was like, if you think you're going to adopt and like you're going to have a 12-year-old that's like, hey, I really appreciate you guys. Thank you so much. I go, that's not what, you know, like if you think you're going to have a kid and it's going to make you happier, that's not what having a kid is. I think it makes you know yourself better in a different way and you can adapt and do something different but i i think when people sort of sell that bill of goods like oh you gotta
Starting point is 00:12:12 have kids it's like well do you want to have kids you know yeah i think it's like you said not for everyone you definitely shouldn't adopt you think it's going to be easy that's what i mean it's like you have this romantic idea of like and i go you, you know, you don't, first of all, you don't know what the, what's, where the kid is coming from. And then also you have a romantic, I think every parent going into it has a romantic idea. I did. And I'm a pretty realistic person of like, I'm going to do all these things right. And we're going to be, you know, running in sunflower fields together.
Starting point is 00:12:41 And my kids are never going to think my music sucks or I can't drive. And then you realize, I had a friend tell tell me everyone gets their turn in the barrel no matter what you do yeah uh you got you have to navigate stuff you're gonna have to deal with stuff for sure yeah and on the other hand it's awesome when someone does adopt people if they're really into it if they know what they're getting into and those martyrs out there and those people that are just super kind and generous and love to adopt children god bless them yeah so glad they're there yeah it's just i agree with you that there are some people that have a romanticized idea of what it's like to raise a child and it's unfair too to sell it like i love the mom's like oh what so when are you gonna have number two or whatever to somebody it's like
Starting point is 00:13:22 oh you know that they're behind closed doors doing, you know, like they just want everyone to be in the psychoticness with them. Like I have three kids. You should have three kids, you know. There are people like that, right? There do. Yeah. There's people that have a kid and then immediately take this moral high ground. Like they're doing something.
Starting point is 00:13:39 They're an adult and you're just a fool. Yeah. You're like, I wonder who is the fool. I ask myself that sometimes. Well, don't you think you're just a fool. Yeah. You're like, I wonder who is the fool. I ask myself that sometimes. Well, don't you think you're a better person for raising kids? Does it make you feel like you're more in tune and nicer and just more aware of what it means to be a human? Yeah. But not only that, I feel like it's a forced exploration if you're trying to participate.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Like if you just lay down the law and go, hey, in this house, this is how we do it, then you're not doing anything. But I think if you learn to adapt and also go, wow, I was doing that wrong for like 10 years amazing you know like i've one of my daughters at 12 or 13 sort of revealed some stuff about what she was unhappy about about my parenting and i was like god i've been doing that for a long time uh so i i think it's it's cool that she had the confidence to do that though yeah it's so cool. I wanted to hear that when she was 30 at the Thanksgiving table when she moved out. I was like, what? You're supposed to reveal all that after you move out.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And then I go, oh, did I do that? Sorry. Look, it turned out great. It's amazing. Give mommy a hug. What time's your flight? No, I think... No, listen, it's a surrender i think for me it's been a real surrender because i i just think i you think you're in control of stuff and you think
Starting point is 00:15:14 i've got some discipline and work ethic i just work my way through it or power my way through it and then you realize like no you have to surrender and and also it's not just about solving it quickly and um yeah it is i'm i know myself certainly better but also it forces you if you're willing to to really expand yeah and it's it is uncomfortable well i've been really fascinated by the life that you guys live in hawaii that you it's because i've always had this like idealized idea like one day like move to the big island just chill on the side of a mountain stop fucking around fly out to do gigs but live out there where everything's just more relaxed yeah you know is it okay you know there's a lot going on and like the big island is obviously
Starting point is 00:16:04 big that's a city yeah no it's big not the Big Island is obviously big. That's a city. Yeah. No, it's big. Well, not the Big Island. Yeah, Oahu has, it's sort of like LA on the beach. But, you know, there's a couple things. I think because it is a primal environment. Like we live on Kauai, which is pretty heavy duty as far as it's quiet.
Starting point is 00:16:19 There's not a lot of distraction. There's a really heavy duty nature. not a lot of distraction. There's a really heavy duty nature. And I grew up in St. Thomas on the Virgin Islands, so I was used to kind of being on an island, but you're with yourself a lot. So, if you have things to do that are productive, then it's perfect um but what you have to always calibrate is like um the downtime or it like it's been raining off and on for like over a year on kawaii whoa yeah so after a while it'd be like seattle in that way where people it starts getting heavy but it's sunny too right it can be that's the weirdest thing about the islands is that there's different climates on this island like the big island has desert yes it has tropical rainforest it has a volcano
Starting point is 00:17:12 it has all this it has every i think it has every uh weather um climate except arctic i believe at least maui and the big island have sort of every type of climate It's crazy that just a little bit further down it'll be different, it'll be raining constantly Yeah, exactly, or you just go to the other side and it's completely dry Or they have dwarf trees because they never see the sun But then they're, you know, 200 feet in the places that it's sunny It's pretty trippy And you can drive around the whole thing
Starting point is 00:17:43 And like how many hours does it take you to drive around the big island? Oh, the big island? I don't know, like four hours or something like that? The whole thing. I think so. That's crazy. Maybe a little more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You like the big island. Love it. Interesting. I like Maui. You do? That's my favorite. Every island's different. They're all, their personalities are different.
Starting point is 00:17:58 But I like it. I mean, we've been doing this for over 23 years. When I met Laird, he was was big waves sort of come in winter so when low pressures bring snow like to the rest of the mainland that low pressure can also bring big waves and then my season was summer so we sort of went back and forth and that's a really good blend because you you can come to California and be like oh it's a busy world I can see a lot of people I can learn stuff I can do stuff um and then i also makes you appreciate when you go back to hawaii you're like clean air really clean water very
Starting point is 00:18:33 beautiful place um some of the ways the ideas about the way they live there it's it's simple in a good way i don't mean that in any way like a derogatory it's like they're not trying to they're not angling and trying to get somewhere it's like no we're living right right um but it can be also a very a really hard place a really hard place how so well i think you know and you're also talking about a warrior culture right polynesians so you have like this this very intense love and, you know, when they talk about the aloha spirit, generosity, like this, and then they're very powerful people as well. And sometimes if they're not living in their most natural way that they were supposed to, and then you couple it with, you you know there's not a ton of opportunities there it's hard to live there it's far away it's expensive um and and sometimes you know it sounds cliche but it's like we really do as human organisms either need to be busy so like okay
Starting point is 00:19:38 working from sun up to sun down for our food which is how it used to be and then you're just so tired you just go to bed and it's pretty simple and let's just survive it or in the world that we live in now it's like how do we get people doing things that are kind of productive and um you think oh i just would sit on the beach and look at the mountain and it's like yeah and after a while you get bored and if you're a warrior you're either gonna go you know do something with that that is good for you or you might not so um i think there's there's a lot a lot of that there i've learned a lot from that culture um but i mean they're pretty powerful they're a powerful group and uh you know it can go the other way pretty quick where it's you know if there's drugs and alcohol or beefing and it's all that.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah, that was really disturbing when I found out how much drug abuse there is on some of the islands. Yeah, crystal meth especially. Yeah, sad. Well, again, it goes back to boredom. Think about when your kids have to stay home for one day. And now we have all the internet and all this stuff, so now you sort of think, oh, the rest of the world has a perfect,
Starting point is 00:20:49 they're all busy and doing fabulous, perfect things, and it's hard. Like, you've got to find people that you're like, let's do something. Let's go. I mean, can you train alone every single time? No. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:01 So you'd have to have a tribe of people that are like, let's go do this activity and sometimes i don't it's not that easy well so there's there's you say there's 70 000 people on the island on kawaii yeah kawaii is probably the least uh inhabited it's the oldest island so it has the most erosion largest beaches um and that's where lair grew up and it's it's a it's a really lanai is the least inhabited of the islands isn't it well yeah i mean i don't it's not that i don't count it yeah i mean of the bigger islands right right yeah molokai man you wouldn't you don't you don't mess with molokai no no that's like that's like you you but you gotta ask permission to go
Starting point is 00:21:41 hang out over there really oh kind of yeah it's. Yeah, it's cool, though, because it's like, if they were like, no, you got to, you can't, you're out. You got to go. Really? Totally. So is it- It's great. So it's just the people that live there.
Starting point is 00:21:54 You can't, like, move to Molokai. Yeah, I mean, like, you know, Eddie Vedder has a place on Molokai. Does he? Yep. And he has had for many, many years, but I think he probably asked if that was going to be cool. Oh, wow. That's interesting yeah it's and it's beautiful you have some friends that just went hunting there yeah beautiful yeah they hunted axis deer yeah on molokai yeah it's a beautiful
Starting point is 00:22:15 place and the people are amazing but you you it's not like oh i'm just gonna buy a house there or build a house there's no way no way. Wow, that's interesting that they all, these different islands have their own rules. Well, Nihiau, you can't go there. You're not even allowed to go? No. I didn't even know that was an island. Yeah, it's off of Kauai. Can I say it again?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Nihiau? Nihiau, yeah. Wow. You ever heard of that? Jamie's a big fan of Nihiau. Yeah. He looks like he's been to Nihiau. Wow. of Nihia. Yeah. He looks like he's been to Nihia. No, it's all, like, they probably have, you know, the largest percentage of pure, of Hawaiians
Starting point is 00:22:50 there. Interesting. So, it's cool. I mean, pretty cool. That's got to be a great, like, I found that, like, there's a big difference between the culture of, say, Maui versus the culture of Lanai. Lanai is more island-y to whereas maui seems like a little bit gentrified well also the wind because it maui so windy yes it brought all the europeans in the 80s
Starting point is 00:23:13 to windsurf so you also have not only mainland us and then japanese um culture you know 80s now you're talking about europeans for wind and windsurfing so it has a lot going on i think maui it was almost like a surprise how quick it developed and they never had a chance to get on top of it oh if that makes sense that does make sense yeah it's so populated and it's also like so um it's so la it's so beverly hills i lived there for 13 years with laird yeah there was a wave there that lad was having a love affair with for many years. So we lived there so he could be close to his girlfriend, for sure. That's so strange.
Starting point is 00:23:53 No, every boy needs their girlfriend. Every boy needs a wave. They do. Well, just something, that's what I always think is kind of natural is, at least from my experience, is like, I don't know if you ever go through this, when you go home, Laird will go out and surf for many hours. Like he can go out for five hours at a time if they're surf.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And he comes home and I see how happy he is to see us. Like he loves us. He's like, oh, my girls, you know? And then about, I don't know, seven and a half, eight minutes in, he starts to get this look on his face like, oh, yeah, I'm in the house with the family. I wanted to do a book years ago called Death by Domestication because it's like, how does he manage both of those sides? Like, I need to go. I need to be free. I need to chase things and scare be free i need to you know chase things and like scare
Starting point is 00:24:46 myself and do all this stuff and then you know comes home and it's like you know on the floor laying you know with one of my daughters and and being attentive and a great husband and all these things but i always get amused a little bit by the push-pull yeah well especially i think with the big wave surfer mindset like a type of person those are like some of the freest wildest humans on the planet it's a very unusual group of people that rides giant waves of water on the top of the ocean i mean that's a that's a crazy thing to dedicate your time to you really stop and think about it i tried not to think too much about it because i did marry him but i there's some stuff i mean and and weirdly you know he's been doing this so long that you realize hit he's actually even more different than some of the other guys
Starting point is 00:25:36 because if you think about it he's sustained doing this for right now 40 years so he's a guy who he has both so what he wants to do is ride a huge wave during the day and then be with his family at night and sometimes you know it would take going you know halfway around the globe or whatever and so i think the pursuit and they have to wait a lot that's the other. These things don't come around that often. It's very interesting to live with because there's a little bit of suffering that goes on. And sometimes Laird will say to me, because he's aware of time going by, he'll be like, you know, I have a lot more waves I need to ride. And I'm like, I know. Like, it's a pretty deep calling.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I mean, he's been foiling for 25 years but now that they are getting that equipment better it's sort of like now we can ride places that we couldn't ride that were not really attractive for riding on top of the surface of the water even if you towed it so now it's opened up a whole other pursuit for him um yeah it's very i don't know why you would go towards that though like lair just put me on a ski in front of a wave that's like 60 feet right and like being on the back of a ski with him driving there's a moment where you go okay i actually and i'm sure you've experienced this with other friends that take you maybe on flying or something he is this is what he does right so i'm like okay i trust him more than i'm afraid that's fine i can do that and i'm gonna surrender
Starting point is 00:27:12 to that i'm not gonna torture myself the whole time i'm just gonna trust him and you turn and there's a six-story building behind you moving and you just think who, like, how is that fun? You know, like, how is saying, like, I'm going to actively ride that. But now with the foils, because they're actually catching the energy below the surface of the water. What are the foils? I'm not familiar with those. So they have these things called hydrofoils. So originally, there was a guy named mike murphy who created something called the air chair and they were they've been putting foils on like water
Starting point is 00:27:49 skis and different funky ways like even in the 50s so laird and his friends got an air chair and cut the chair off and put us snowboard boots uh bindings quick release so you'd stand on it you're booted in and below below is this, basically a mini airplane with a strut. So, for example, yeah, there's a shot of one. And this is a smaller one. Jamie, do you have any ones of the big with the boots? I think there's... This is what people
Starting point is 00:28:16 are using. I've never even seen... Do you know about this? I've seen it. Wow. He knows about everything. What are you talking about? He's plugged in. He's plugged in. He's plugged in. Look at him. Do you have a girlfriend? Whoa, what happened to this dude's head?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh, yeah. So there's Laird on the left, obviously. So you see how they're in the boots? And also, the reason he looks so puffy is he has flotation underneath his wetsuit. So if you hit your head or what have you. But it's basically a miniature airplane underneath the surface and if he gets into trouble if they wiped out um they have a quick release but now they've gotten this developed so that he can do it uh without the boots because that adds an element of danger that because you're strapped in you're strapped in and your strut is
Starting point is 00:29:05 you know four feet long uh you know wow that's so strange looking yeah but what's going on below the surface so there's a miniature airplane do you have jamie do you have any pictures of it flipped up i'm sure if you look on layered stuff you can see the bottom it's like a miniature airplane because water is denser than air so it's sort of like a miniature airplane because water is denser than air. So it's sort of like a miniature plane. And it is. Like the Oracle guys that do those boats do have made foils for Laird. So that's what it looks like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:33 So those are kind of more low performance ones. When you see the high performance, they, I mean, you know, it's aerodynamics, hydrodynamics. It's all of that. So, now what you're doing is, because there's energy below the surface moving. So, we think of a wave like pushing and dropping, but there's actually the energy, circular energy below. So, now you've got the foil that can ride that, but you're not, you don't have drag. So, like they can go, there's a wave on Kauai where they're going over, you know, 50, they go about 50, they can get up to 52 miles an hour. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:30:10 So, imagine if you did something. Well, you've, you know, dedicated yourself to martial arts. It's like, but then there's, like, a new way to do it. And so, he's been doing the big stuff for 25 years, but now they're getting the equipment right that he can ride waves that actually wouldn't be that great but now they're super fun oh wow so he gets it makes him excited and he still pursues it and uh that's that's on kawaii right there and see how it's not even breaking where he rides it yeah so no drag correct and it's it's actually riding the energy below the surface, which, you know, for him, he's just interested in what's the most efficient way. I mean, look at that.
Starting point is 00:30:51 You'd never in regular surfing be able to ride that. Wow. So it enables them. That looks like so much fun. You're flying. That's what they say. It's the difference, right? So they're flying. So that's, I think. You're flying. That's what they say. It's the difference, right? So they're flying.
Starting point is 00:31:06 So that's, I think, kept him interested. But his pursuit of this is, it's a pretty interesting relationship to watch. I think it's important. I mean, as a female, for me, I think playing volleyball helped me understand having a pursuit. You know, like something like, I got to go do that. And I think it's something about living with a person who has a pursuit other than, like, I need a bigger war chest or whatever. Right. That can be really cool.
Starting point is 00:31:41 That can be really cool When you're riding that thing And there's the little airplane under the water Is there any risk of something thinking that airplane is a fish? No, animals are pretty smart Are they? Yeah I mean, I know sharks don't have great vision And I think Laird has hit a turtle
Starting point is 00:32:04 Not done anything, but grazed it or something But those animals are pretty smart But I was thinking of sharks No, that's what I mean Or like maybe a marlin that thinks it's a fish Yeah, I don't think they want to have anything to do with that thing No Just the speed and the shape
Starting point is 00:32:24 And also, a lot of those animals don't want to get in that turbulent. It's still near a wave. But you know what? Maybe you never know. And if I hear of a story, I will definitely call you and tell you. Please do. Because I'll be like, a marlin came out. But those guys are smart.
Starting point is 00:32:40 All those animals. Marlins are smart? Well, I mean, usually I know sharks, again, don't have great sight, but they're not like, huh. I think they understand most times what's food. Obviously, shiny things and things like that. But there are instances of people getting hit by sharks, right? And Hawaii is a big one, isn't it? Yeah, I mean, Australia is worse as far as like more.
Starting point is 00:33:03 And South Africa is really a lot of sharks. No, Hawaii has their share, but nothing crazy. There's a story that happened like three weeks ago in Kauai in Hanalei Bay. This guy, great surfer, finishes his ride, jumps off his board and jumped onto a shark. Oh, Jesus Christ. And the shark like turned, I guess, guess and sort of he was a firefighter this guy and like grazed his leg and split and i think it's just a reminder that sharks ultimately really don't want to have anything to do with you i mean maybe hammerheads may be a little more
Starting point is 00:33:37 aggressive bull shark is the most because i think right they have the most amount of testosterone of any animal they're the ones that can go To fresh water too Yeah the bulls So they're sort of More actively aggressive But I mean I don't think a shark You're not good eating I watched a television show
Starting point is 00:33:53 Where they took They found bull sharks Way up the Illinois River That'd be scary Whatever river it is In Illinois I don't know what river it is But they found them
Starting point is 00:34:02 Deep in fresh water Yeah These sharks make their way All the way from the ocean. And then, Jamie, do you see anything about the testosterone? I think of any animal, they have the largest amount of testosterone or something like that. They're mean little fuckers. Yeah, they are. They're responsible for the actual news incident that influenced the creation of the movie Jaws.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Oh, really? Yeah. It happened in a river in New Jersey. In Jersey? Can you imagine? A river, like a freshwater river. These people are getting murdered by sharks. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yeah. I didn't know that. Yeah, that's what it was based on. They didn't know that these fuckers can swim way up into freshwater. And they just got a hold of people? Got a hold of a few people. Yeah, because those buggers are a little more aggressive. Yeah, they're supposed to be the most aggressive right yeah yeah but i i think you know
Starting point is 00:34:48 for me with the sharks like even jaws impacted me with that soundtrack and i was living in in the caribbean and it's just like i don't know my kids whenever my one daughter's like oh can i get this movie on sharks i'm like no because we live in hawaii like you can't be watching that stuff yeah shark testosterone myth busted oh it is scientific american yeah oh it's not real no okay yeah sounded good though it did didn't it yeah much more likely what do you i'm a bull shark you know yeah but a tiger shark would sound even meaner no well bulls are meaner than tigers yeah they say bull and hammer Are more aggressive than tiger Oh yeah Laird and my daughter Reese just went
Starting point is 00:35:28 Do you know Mike Muller at all Photographer Shoots sharks I know who he is Okay he's He does amazing stuff But they go and they dive So he took Reese and Laird
Starting point is 00:35:39 And they went for like four days And they go in the cage With the great whites Out at the Galapagos and they said it's pretty far out you should do that sometime fuck that come on i've seen those movies where the shark gets mad fucks up the cage but people are probably doing stupid things maybe no seriously no i just you'll do things like where guys hit each other in the head but you won't go sit in a cage that seems normal to to me. They say that once you see them under, that you have a different feeling, though.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's not that you're not as scared, but you just see them a little differently, not just like a predator. Right. It says you can see the pupil of their eye and everything. Did you hear that Canada, they're banning whale and dolphin captivity? I think it's great. I think it's great. I think it's great, too. It apparently just passed. I mean, how about Blackfish?
Starting point is 00:36:30 One documentary, and it kind of, I think, initiated a movement. Oh, for sure. People didn't know. They needed to see it in a digestible form. Instead of having to go seek it out and read articles about it and news reports, instead of that they get to see it there it is in a very digestible form you go oh my god this is chaos this is horrible this is an atrocity you're taking these incredible animals that are probably some of the
Starting point is 00:36:54 most magnificent creatures that evolution has ever created and you're putting them in a fish tank you're putting them in a swimming pool yeah there's their fins go limp. Yeah, that's the- That's crazy. Well, and actually, if you think about it, the killer whale, I mean, that's the king. Yeah. There's a crazy video that I just watched yesterday of one killing a beach seal. It injured the seal, and the seal tried to make it over into- And it literally beached itself, smashed this seal, and there was just blood everywhere. And these bunch of people were standing around watching it going holy shit yeah and then it flopped its way back into the water and swam off it did it eat it yeah okay good well that's what i i mean listen that's the thing about
Starting point is 00:37:34 nature right it's it's it's kind of brutal but it's not personal like the seal the the you know the whale's not like you know that seal gave me kind of a funny look right i'm gonna go and give it to him It's like Oh there's some food Did you ever see the one When they're on the iceberg And they look Oh that bugger's still holding on
Starting point is 00:37:50 And they push it again I mean they're smart That was a mother Teaching its calves How to hunt too Smart And she was setting it up Like showing
Starting point is 00:37:56 Like you can make them slide Like watch this Look slide Well I was listening To my friend Steve Rinella's podcast And he was talking about The difference in the orcas In the Puget Sound and that they're local orcas, which are essentially salmon specialists, and they don't eat animals.
Starting point is 00:38:14 They don't eat marine mammals. But then there are other ones that travel into the area, and they are marine mammal specialists. So all they eat is like seals and things along those lines. And they have a totally different language. Totally. They don't understand each other. They don't interact with each other. How's that?
Starting point is 00:38:32 Every pod has its own language. It's crazy. They put a whale in captivity once and it was not eating because they didn't know it was a seal eating whale not a fish eating whale and so they're nice to joke can you imagine like okay suzy and billy we're gonna go watch the you know the orca shamu and then the trainers they're like throwing it seal like that would not work out well like yay do that trick again yeah give it a slab of cute little animal yeah no so it's uh they're very complex yeah well it's it if it didn't exist it would be way more interesting than bigfoot
Starting point is 00:39:11 yeah like everybody's like so into bigfoot being real like yeah i don't get bigfoot can you talk to me about that like i do you think what what is what's the concept of Bigfoot? I mean, I know, okay, it's a big hairy guy, but I mean, really? Come on, what is it? Most likely there was interaction between human beings and something called the Gigantopithecus for thousands and thousands of years. It's a giant bipedal hominid that existed in Asia that was between eight and ten feet tall. It was real.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And it was basically in like the orangutan family. It looks almost orangutan-like, but enormous. And that was a real thing. Okay. And they didn't find out about this until like the 1920s. They found a tooth in an apothecary shop in China. And an anthropologist examined this tooth. It was like, where the fuck did you get this?
Starting point is 00:40:01 And they took them to the site and they dug up more things and bones and jaw bones. And they determined from the jaw bone. I'm sorry if I'm fucking any of these up, scientists. But they determined from the jaw bone that they think it was bipedal, that it stood up on two legs. And so then they said, well, how big would this thing be? And then in the proportionate. Yeah, like the femur bone. Have you ever seen what a real one looks like?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah. I just sometimes when they say like, oh, up in Michigan, I'm like, is it really? Like, what are they seeing? Bullshit. Most of it is the people seeing shadows in the trees. They want to believe it's Bigfoot. They're seeing bears that are walking on two legs. But if there was a thing, what's really interesting is that's where it would be.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Because if it did come across the bearing land bridge, like they believe humans did, if that did happen, the many animals navigated from there to here that way, that's where Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, that would be the natural path. And then if you think about how densely wooded that area is, that would be a natural habitat for something that's hiding from people.
Starting point is 00:41:03 The problem is you can't really hide from shit anymore. It's just too hard. They'd see you from space, right? Something would catch you on a trail camera. There's trail cameras that are everywhere. There are four cameras. Did you see a guy and his father got caught poaching a mother bear in her den? Ew.
Starting point is 00:41:27 It's horrific. it's horrible and it's not just horrible because they they poached this mother bear in their den and left the the babies essentially to die but they were talking about how they're not going to get caught doing it like no one's going to tie us to this and the way they were caught there was a 4K camera that was right behind them that was observing this whole area where this bear was denned in. They have these trail cameras now that are incredibly accurate. They're so high definition, super clear, and the audio's clear. They would catch one of those fucking things. If there was something out there, they would see something. they would catch one of those fucking things.
Starting point is 00:42:03 If there was something out there, they would see something. But I think there is something to be said for the tooth fairy and thinking we don't know everything. Yeah, it's fun. Like the magic of stuff unknown and behind. I mean, for me, it doesn't have to be Bigfoot, but I love the idea that we haven't seen everything. We don't know everything. And obviously we know that with space and who knows, you know, dimensions and time and universe.
Starting point is 00:42:29 But something mythical is pretty fun. Well, what's interesting is that there was a bunch of different kinds of humans. That's what's interesting. And they found these bones in Russia. I think they call them the Denisovans. They found a set. This is within the last 10, 15 years. They found a completely different species of humans that lived in Russia.
Starting point is 00:42:49 They found those little people on the island of Flores. That was only like 10 years ago. I mean, there's probably dozens more that they just haven't uncovered somewhere. So if there was at one point in time some big giant hominid, it's totally possible. Just don't think, you would have to eat so much to be alive today. Right, if you're almost 10 feet.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah. To be able to eat constantly. It's like a bear. Yeah. Like you find bear shit everywhere. Where's the gorilla shit? Yeah. Where's the Bigfoot shit?
Starting point is 00:43:16 Right. Whatever it is. Is it eating plants? Is it eating animals? What the fuck is it eating? Right. It's gotta eat a lot. A lot.
Starting point is 00:43:24 That's a big thing. I mean, I only have a six foot something husband at home and he eats a lot gotta eat a lot A lot That's a big thing I mean I only have a Six foot something Husband at home And he eats a lot A lot A lot
Starting point is 00:43:28 Surfing all day That dude can put it down He can put it down Do you eat a lot I eat a lot You do I eat preposterous amounts of food Now do you eat big
Starting point is 00:43:37 Each meal Or do you sort of go Okay dinner End of day What's your big meal Depends Just how you're feeling Yeah it depends
Starting point is 00:43:43 Like sometimes I have Giant meals for dinner But sometimes if I worked out too hard at night I'll have a giant breakfast Right I just do whatever I feel like doing But I definitely always have intermittent fasting It's at least six days a week
Starting point is 00:43:56 I take 16 hours off One day I don't give a fuck It's amazing how much food we don't really need Yeah, it is amazing I used to eat way too much and like way too much protein and stuff when i was playing and going through different phases of training um now do you go into like autophagy and do all that too no okay no you want to explain that to people um yeah well yeah it's just one sort of step, a bigger, just a deeper step when you, when you, you know, do the amount, the process of when you do intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 00:44:50 It can be a really effective way when you're intermittent fasting to say, okay, I'm going to pick this four-hour window. For most people, it would probably be between three and seven or two and six. I'm going to eat, and then the rest of the time, I'm not going to. It's very close. It's just sort of one more twist they can put on it i think it's like ato po you know so that's a 20 hour fasted window every day yeah and i have a friend who was doing it pretty regularly and he he looked different really yeah yeah no he did he shifted his body composition a little bit and um it was interesting and there's some interesting data i'm sure jamie can give you the download on it um yeah autophagy it's just sort of like one notch higher it's not fun but i you know like for me it would have to be
Starting point is 00:45:38 kind of i would want to eat between one and five i could do without it the rest of the time um and you can have like i said caffeine and water it's incredible what a pull mouth pleasure has like my kids bought these entomans cupcakes they're entomans that's like old school yeah old school but they are bullshit these cupcakes they're like those chocolate frosted things with the white on top yes yeah with a little white squiggly and the inside is a cream filled. God damn, it was delicious. But while I was eating it, I was like, what the fuck are you eating, man? This is all nonsense.
Starting point is 00:46:13 You shouldn't even be touching this. No, but you can't do that. I think once you, because we're pretty strict. Laird's a little more strict than I am. I think if you're going to eat that cupcake. Enjoy it. Yeah. I think if you're going to eat that cupcake, you enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Yeah. I think, you know, even having that small conversation with yourself is a colossal waste of time as you shove it in your mouth and it goes down. It's like, because that's so human, right? Like, it's like, I shouldn't be doing this, but here I go. You know, it's like, why am I doing, why? I shouldn't, you know, it's like, i think it's important to do it and enjoy it but yeah that's not food that's like i don't know what that is the thing can live for like 800 years thing is we had eaten and i was full but that looks so good like if someone had cut a piece
Starting point is 00:46:57 of steak and put it in front of me i'd be like i'm good i'm stuffed i'm stuffed but i saw that cupcake i was like look at that mother don't eat that when kids are like, I can't eat anymore. What's for dessert? I have a separate space for that. That doesn't change because we're older. I still have a separate space. It's just, you know, try not to use it so much. Well, they say that for people that are in like competitive eating competitions too, that like you can still eat fries because fries are, you don't like fries?
Starting point is 00:47:22 No, I just had the vision Of a guy shoving it In the water And then the bun And the hot dog And then like You know squeezing it down Yeah But then you can eat fries
Starting point is 00:47:31 Because what? It's not protein? No it's It's the saltiness And the carbs You could still eat You can always eat Another carb
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah like if you Ate a steak Right? And that steak was A big 18 ounce ribeye, you ate the whole thing, but then you see those fries, like, oh, look at those fries, and you dip them in some ketchup, oh, you could keep eating. You could eat another thousand calories.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Well, that's when you're in that food, like, trance. Yes, the trance. You get in those food trance. I get in those food trances. Yeah. I mean, you have people, I have friends that, like, you know, if you have any, like, thing out on the counter that's snackish, like, you have it for have friends that like You know if you have any Like thing out on the counter That's snackish
Starting point is 00:48:06 Like you have it for the kids Right And you have friends That come to visit And say hi And they're kind of fidgety And all of a sudden They're just like
Starting point is 00:48:11 Eating everything And you just look at them Like bro Like you're in a Constant food thing Like trans snack it Like don't have snacky You know anything around
Starting point is 00:48:19 They can't help themselves Oh no cannot Yeah For sure No I But I find it easier I don't know if you found it easier like i had i used to have a really heavy chocolate trip heavy like i used to have a chocolate drawer
Starting point is 00:48:31 like the whole thing like no for real like every kind of chocolate like i'd open it and it wasn't like a thin drawer it wasn't like a silverware width drawer it was like a deep drawer with every kind of chocolate and i i mean stress yeah bust out the chocolate you know whatever right before your time chocolate kid walks in the room they're saying something you're like chocolate you know um so i had i had every kind does it work it does but then i stopped eating it as much and now it's like i don't even really want it as as much it's weird you know what i really really? Dark chocolate with peanut butter. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Take some dark chocolate and jam it into some Jiffy or some Skippy, some bullshit peanut butter. I like the crunchy stuff, too. Yeah, because the healthy stuff, somehow the oil and the stuff is separate. You need that stuff that has those unknown chemicals to make it really smooth. You're like, like this natural peanut butter This isn't good It's not smooth
Starting point is 00:49:26 Look at that I know you have to With natural peanut butter You gotta get that Fucking butter knife in there You're gonna try to make A sandwich School lunch with it
Starting point is 00:49:35 You rip a hole in the bread You're like Yeah it's annoying Yeah no forget it It's either too dry Or too oily Yeah it doesn't work It's never perfect
Starting point is 00:49:41 And you can't make a sandwich with it It's hard There's just no way You gotta stir You gotta commit to a five-minute stir before you ever even think about putting that shit on your bread. Absolutely. Hey, so I was thinking I wanted to invite you.
Starting point is 00:49:53 You could bring whoever you want to come pool train with us. What's pool training? What do you guys do? Jamie, can you pull up pool training or XPT pool training? XPT, what does that stand for? This is another Thing that we do But this
Starting point is 00:50:06 This is like a 12 year old Former training We built this pool And Laird you know Is always trying to You know athletes In their off season And
Starting point is 00:50:14 We were like his Like six of our friends We built this huge pool And Laird's like Okay Take some dumbbells And go down There's Kyle
Starting point is 00:50:24 Kyle Kingsbury Yeah your big boy That's my boy And he wears his See his little suit The little gold suit pool and there's like okay uh take some dumbbells and go down the there's kyle kyle kingsbury yeah you're big boy and he wears his see his little suit the little gold suit do we and uh anyway this is all the shallow stuff but there's deep water that girl didn't get going um they have dumbbells in their crotches look at kyle this is when he was a little bigger still, yeah? Do we have... What is the idea behind... Okay, so there's deep water, like you're 13 feet, you have weights. Ballistic training, no punishment to your joints. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:51:02 So they're doing cleans in the ocean or in the pool rather yeah i don't this is all shallow there's some deep water stuff and i'm not sure why that guy is doing a little do it you drop the dumbbell all the way down to the bottom so you have drag and stuff like that and also it's lighter in the water and heavier out but this is not the stuff i mean this is all good it increases your lung capacity and things like that but there is a deep water element where so you can be ballistic and you can do all this stuff and um you don't pound your joints and you can get stronger so we have a lot of athletes that come and train so that they can sort of work on some of these elements so they're being more dynamic or what have you you're in compression it's it's
Starting point is 00:51:45 pretty cool and we couple it so i know you like to do heat and stuff so we'll do like heat nice and then pool and heat nice and pool and things like that it's it's pretty great and you're tired but you're not beat up george saint pierre actually did a lot of that in training for his last fight uh-huh he did a lot of his work in the pool so So here's the deeper stuff. I see. And what's cool about this, too, is that you have to moderate your breath because it's very straightforward. Air, no air. Air, no air. For people that are just listening to this, we're looking at these guys. It's probably like a nine-foot pool.
Starting point is 00:52:23 They have dumbbells in their hands They drop all the way down to the bottom And then let their knees go to Full bend And then with their butt to their heels And then jump right back up And pop out of the water Get a deep breath
Starting point is 00:52:38 And then go right back down again So you're constantly Leaping through the water To go to the surface again And see how the skin ripples? So I actually think it's really attractive when you're a girl too. I just want to tell you that. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:52:48 That's crazy. Is that think about this. I actually think, so you're in compression. So you've got those benefits, right? And I think your tissue, like your fashion, everything gets kind of rolled almost in every set. With that ripple? I think so. And that they're more shallow and then there's deeper and things like that.
Starting point is 00:53:08 But there's probably about 35 exercises that we've come up with. Oh, wow. Laird made us all his crash test dummies. But it kind of makes you feel like a million bucks, but you can bust your butt on it. Right, but you're not getting the pounding. Well, that's it. I already have a fake knee.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Do you really? Yeah. when did you blow it up uh well it was an ongoing since my 20s and then finally at 46 i got it replaced wow what is the difference now yeah oh so much better is it yeah i used to like sleep with my good leg underneath knee, trying to open my knee joint because it felt like hot metal touching. And then your foot gets heavy. You lose a lot of your function. I tried everything, like stem cell and PRP. You try everything because you don't want to be getting a fake knee. And then after a while, I was like, I'm sure there'll be something better in 10 years, but right now, let's just do it.
Starting point is 00:54:04 So we went in the same day. We actually, Laird got his hip done the same day, and I got my knee done. How did Laird injure his hip? Repetitive trauma. I mean, you know, Laird is now 55. He was 52 when he got his hip, and he's tough on his body. I mean, he's tough on his body. I mean, he's tough on his body. And then if you're like doing isometric loading when the foiling, that one hip's taking a hit, it's the back leg.
Starting point is 00:54:30 It's a lot of load. It's amazing, though, that he's gotten back to surfing at the same level. He's very unique. He says that everything he does, his relationships what he reads what he eats um what he spends time doing is all to enhance him to perform and his you know a ton of people like this his ability to deal with discomfort he has a very good relationship with discomfort so his training and stuff it's you know his a lot of those guys wind up injuring themselves because of that though that mental toughness but he's really smart he's not uh well you're not his age and foolhardy he's not like let me show what i
Starting point is 00:55:15 can do he's a guy who can call it he's a guy who can go yeah no it's not a good idea so when they do the hip they have to put that that rod through the center of the hip and then put the new joint on the outside it's all i mean he walked he stayed awake center of the hip and then put the new joint on the outside. It's all, I mean, he walked, he stayed awake. Wow. They did a local and he left the hospital at three o'clock that day. Wow. It's carpentry.
Starting point is 00:55:34 They whack out the joint. That's so crazy. The doctor's huge. It's not fine surgery. Oof. It's like carpentry. And he stayed awake because the guy's like, okay, you can handle it. Wow. You know, the noise or whatever. Yeah. L the guy's like Okay you can You can handle it You know The noise or whatever
Starting point is 00:55:45 Yeah Laird's like So he Same time And then he was gone Out Out of the hospital Wow
Starting point is 00:55:55 And how long did it take To rehabilitate Not long I mean he was Once the incision closed He could go out in the water Wow So what's that
Starting point is 00:56:03 10 days Hips are pretty cool That's crazy That they can do that now I had a buddy Who did that Once the incision closed He could go out in the water Wow So what's that? 10 days? Hips are pretty cool That's crazy That they can do that now I had a buddy who did that Graham Hancock He did that 6 weeks later He was here
Starting point is 00:56:11 And he told me After he was walking around I was saying hi to him He was like I had my hip replaced And I go when? He goes 6 weeks ago What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:56:20 You're just walking? You just don't want to play golf You walk out of the hospital That day Oh golf's a bad thing? Well let's say If you were loading Your hip that you load just don't want to play golf You walk out of the hospital That day Oh golf's a bad thing Well let's say If you were loading Your hip that you load into
Starting point is 00:56:28 You might want to Not do that right away Sounds weird but That makes sense Yeah Yeah like you'd put A weird torque on it Yeah
Starting point is 00:56:35 I know guys have gotten Back to jujitsu With bad hips Oh yeah Back to rolling And training again It's You know what they
Starting point is 00:56:42 Basically tell you Is you don't want to Do anything you wouldn't Want to do with your real joint Like the guy's like so if you ever got into a car accident you wouldn't want your knees to go back and in towards your hip it's like okay well i don't think i'd want that to happen with my natural hip so i think they're pretty good is it significantly weaker no not at all not at all so you can do basically everything he can do everything wow that's crazy and he had a pretty wicked limp.
Starting point is 00:57:06 The two of us were limping around for like two years. It was really cool. People were like, hey, you guys are those like athletes, right? That couple. And we're like hobbling around. We're like, yeah, stay right there. We'll be right there. It was just like brutal.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Our kids were like, what are you going to do? Like, I'm just going to run away, you know? Run away. Stop it right there, you know? What can you do now with your knee? Can you do all the things that you used to be able to do can you run yeah it would be a bummer for jujitsu guys because kneeling is kind of not the best like if you said i'll give me a million bucks cash right now child's pose i'd be like oh that's tough really yeah that's tough what part hurts uh i think for me it's also part of my biomechanics that the tissue on my quads is probably like beef jerky from jumping all those years.
Starting point is 00:57:53 So that's something I'm always working on. So maybe a more flexible person going in would have more mobility in that bent position. But you get a hard finish on it, on the joint. But I think it's pretty amazing what you can do like it's pretty far out can you sidestep and stuff like that oh yeah i could play volleyball if i wanted to wow yeah you can jump and land and be hard on it and really do plyos and stuff yeah so they basically say just do stuff that you would do normally with your knee yeah i mean yes be be intelligent like you probably wouldn't want to go oh i'm an
Starting point is 00:58:26 ultra marathoner now right because you might wear your joint out in like two years right but i think if you said i really like to run but i'll go on the grass or the sand barefoot probably better stuff like that but that's what you want to do again anyway yeah you know running's pretty tough on you yeah and it's not just tough on your knees it's tough on your back stuff and everything you're running on a hard surface seven times your body weight right like each step yeah i mean unless you're built like when you see those people that are built to run yeah it's perfect yeah so that was that was sort of i think that's what's interesting about being when these people go oh i'm an athlete and and then it's like and some days i feel i don't
Starting point is 00:59:05 i'm sure you feel this way it's like i feel so unathletic or so uh banged up or you know like i have friends that came into training late and everything all their joints are like all perfect and you know they work perfectly and and uh sometimes i i've I've felt a little bit beat up. Laird's been beat up a lot, but he kind of trains his way out of it big time. Now, when you guys are on Kauai, is there a lot of resources in terms of places to train or physical therapists or any of that kind of stuff?
Starting point is 00:59:39 No. I think the other islands like Oahu and Maui, they would certainly have it. I actually, this group that owns this business there let me use a warehouse and I taught a class three days a week for free, a dollar. So they were covered under my insurance because we have so little training. We have a gym and stuff, but the community on the north didn't really. So I started doing that three days a week to get people. There was like 100 of us at the same time.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Oh, that's pretty cool. It was really cool. But because they don't have stuff to, they don't have really great facilities. What a weird place to live. Is it? It's kind of badass. But don't you think like when I go to New York City with Laird, he looks there and he looks at the buildings and he's like, why do people do this to themselves?
Starting point is 01:00:27 Like, we've gotten twisted around. Like, you're like, Kauai, what a weird place to live. Right. But in a way, it's probably closer to how we're meant to live. Oh, for sure. You know, stacked up on top of each other. But having said that, yeah, compared to the other parts of the world i mean and it's remote like you're out there it's i think besides easter island it's like the most remote place in the world wow yeah really
Starting point is 01:00:53 that's interesting but it makes sense yeah yeah it's far i mean you know they navigated there and they said that the water sea level was lower so that they could see more land when the Polynesians sailed there. But it's a pretty interesting contrast to living in Malibu, let's say. But then in a way not because you're surrounded by nature. Right. Yeah, I think it's probably a far more healthy way to live. I just know that a lot of people do get that island fever and they can't take it. They want to get the fuck off. Yeah, if when you have a family like when our kids
Starting point is 01:01:28 were young it's like you're doing the same thing you're taking them places you're making dinners you're making lunches so in a way you're just doing sort of everyday things in a really pretty place and also you probably live a little simpler yeah it's got to be better for you in terms of like the amount of stress that you experience and the beauty of nature is very calming and soothing and probably therapeutic and beneficial. Yeah, but it's that reminder. I mean, this has been the thing for me. It's like you could have all that at your access, but if you're not, if you haven't dealt with yourself or you're not if you feel miserable um it sort of doesn't really matter and i think that that kind of place points it out really quick where when you live in
Starting point is 01:02:10 a busy place you can distract yourself from yourself and you can be like oh there's traffic and i have stuff to do and i'm busy i'm a busy person i'm at an office i do all this stuff and when you're there you can't blame really the traffic you can't you sort of have to go oh that's right so it's an interesting thing of when we talk about like health or or beautiful places and things like that it still always comes back to yourself and like am i have i made myself happy um am i doing things that make me feel good things like that so i think what's really great about that place is that gets clear real quick do you guys have real internet out there totally like legit internet i mean we had dial up till about 18 months ago for real no no but i mean do you have high speed internet it's like oh yeah i think we're like 5g or whatever they've got that
Starting point is 01:03:03 blanket over us there we're just at the mind control 5gg or whatever they've got that blanket over us there what is it the mind control 5g net or whatever everybody's worried about that i know i have a friend freaking out about it 5g well we did read something about they do have the ability it does have an effect on human brains well that's what i mean it's like pretty pretty serious we're gonna do ourselves in one day with innovation we're gonna keep going absolutely until one day with innovation. We're going to keep going. Absolutely. Until one day we've fucked ourselves sideways. I think that's the way that it goes, right? Like you get so smart that you de-evolve. When I was a kid, we had a Mad magazine, and I'll never forget it.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I was like 11 years old, and there was a sketch of this explosion in space. And it was like two aliens talking, and were looking at at this explosion you know millions of miles away and they go oh they said smart beings lived there you know pretty much i mean i think that in a way that we're we're probably i mean we do a lot with water and air and things like that but it is interesting to see i'm always fascinated that people will do stuff for money like guys like guys running companies and they go Well it's okay about the pollution or the byproduct And you go yeah but your kids or your grandkids are gonna
Starting point is 01:04:11 Like money's not gonna protect you from If the climate goes bizarre Yeah but they feel like someone else is gonna fix that They do? I just gotta get this money You think? Gotta get that money Yeah I think it's just Compartmentalization
Starting point is 01:04:25 They just don't They don't think about the Also they're a part of a corporation Right And everybody just does Their little task Right Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:32 More compartmentalization Like you go Like you know We say the rain falls On everyone's house Like it's coming For everybody No matter how much cheese you have
Starting point is 01:04:40 Well it's also The effect that we've had on it Has been over this window Of a hundred years Yeah It's not that long And it's also the effect that we've had on it has been over this window of 100 years it's not that long and it's a massive effect i mean unbelievably massive effect on the environment it's just a short window of time in terms of you know when um i'm sure you saw jiro dreams of sushi did you see that great right yeah but when they're sitting around talking about the fish markets back in the day we'd get so much more tuna like like one day it's fished out this is when they're sitting around talking about the fish markets back in the day, we'd get so much more tuna.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Like one day. It's fished out. This is when you're alive, man. So when this guy's, during his lifetime, it went from abundance of tuna to being almost fished out. And they're not slowing down. Sushi's everywhere. I know. What we've done in 30 years is pretty far out.
Starting point is 01:05:21 It's crazy. I know. It's crazy. I know. it's funny because my kids i don't know if you see this with your kids it's like i think they're pretty aware of it and they uh i think that they go flip and flop between feeling like the adults are poorly behaved and they're left with a pile of, you know, of our bad decisions. And also like my one daughter's like, do you think it'd be okay to be like a militant environmentalist? You know, and she's like six feet tall.
Starting point is 01:05:55 And I'm like, that'd be fantastic. You know, like Sea Shepherd on steroids. Like, you know. So I think it's going to be interesting to see you know with the next group because they're obviously really different like they don't want big giant houses and all that stuff that you know sort of my generation and your generation
Starting point is 01:06:14 thought that so you think the new generation is different in their values and what I do right they say that they give more they volunteer more I think the tricky thing for them is going to be connection and being able to be connected and being able to have a real conversation and you know even be able to concentrate long enough to to be with somebody because of devices yeah i
Starting point is 01:06:39 mean i think it's could you imagine right now if you were 20? No. And being like dating and swiping and trying to pay attention. Or even 10. My daughter is one of the few girls in her class that doesn't have a cell phone. What's the age that they get them? They've had them since they were like seven. No, I mean, what's the rule in your house? There's a debate right now. We're trying to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Well, okay, so you have a 10-year-old going to be an 11. Yeah, I think that they say there's like a movement wait till eighth yeah you heard that yeah like 10 kids in the class all the parents agree so they're not the only person in the class that doesn't have it but it's not that way with my daughter's kids the kids in her class most of them have phones most parents just give the kid a phone yeah and it's just um there's, have you read any of Jonathan Haidt's stuff? Yeah. The Coddling of the American Mind? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:07:29 And that is just so disturbing when you see the amount of, especially young girls that are growing up depressed, cutting themselves, self-harm. What's that, like 400% he said? Like from 10 to 14 or? Something crazy like that. Like something insane. A massive spike that directly coincides with the invention of smartphones and social media yeah the slot machine yeah it's this this thing where people are just trying to get likes and trying to leverage their you know their
Starting point is 01:07:54 social status and and try to pretend that they're living in a perfect world to everybody around them and everyone else is doing it and people look at other people's lives being perfect and they reflect upon their own they get depressed there's just so many factors that kids didn't have to deal with just a decade or so ago it's really and it's never off right like at least if i had a hard time at school i could go home and have a reprieve from it at least overnight i think for me that's been a thing with my kids is like especially daughters i do think i understand the gaming is different for boys and porn pornography and things like that and that whole trip of rewiring their brain and
Starting point is 01:08:30 but i think with girls it's like how do you get them to understand like get hear their own voice i don't know how they're going to get to a place where they i mean because every it's like this weird mishmash of like, me too, and then never before have people objectified themselves more because they get that positive affirmation. Like I always say, if I put out really smart ideas, if I'm a young woman, oh, I have a thousand followers. Every shot is of my butt. I have 10 million followers so we have this mixed message going on which is like i'm angry me to treat me equal simultaneously to i'm going to objectify myself in the most hardcore way more than in any time in history with spectacular results and it's
Starting point is 01:09:21 really but it for me as a female who who understands both those sides a little bit um i it kind of trips me out because i don't think you like those girls you know playing that card and no violence should be done to you and i agree with all of that and no is no and all of that but at a certain point you know like you've had jordan peterson on here many times it's like biological signaling it's like what like play a side at least and also that don't that's that one side is super short lived that's what i try to tell my girls i'm like yo listen if you're you know you're pretty girls it's great but if that's the card you're playing your card's done like by the time you're 30 35 it's done it's over um you know unless you're like 40 and you marry a 7 year old
Starting point is 01:10:07 I don't know, whatever Or you get into MILF porn Is that such a thing? Yeah Yeah, but even that It's like they gotta put a filter on it And like all that stuff I mean, come on
Starting point is 01:10:18 I mean, you know what I mean I do At a certain point, how do you get these girls to go Hey, stand up for yourself, be strong, but like, what are you doing? But look at all these people that are not doing that that are benefiting. I know, but it's getting them to understand how do you get a 13-year-old to talk about the long game?
Starting point is 01:10:36 Right. I mean, everything's immediate. But for me, it's like, culturally, I feel like I'm this weird mix of like the most, I came through at the most modern time like women went to school and on scholarships and like we we there was no thought to being like strong not really and then but then weirdly it's like i feel so kind of old-fashioned when i see kind of this next thing because i'm like well strong for me was something else strong was like you were really physically strong trying to have a strong mind you know strong basis of a person and then okay then there was this other side like your femininity your sexuality all this
Starting point is 01:11:16 other stuff and now it's like I don't know I it's very interesting well there's certainly a bunch of different kinds of people right and there's going to be people that gravitate towards Objectifying themselves And there's going to be people that gravitate In this day and age towards You see a lot of people's pages are just filled with Motivational quotes and inspirational things And stories about people That they meet and photos
Starting point is 01:11:38 You get a lot of people that are attracted to that kind of stuff too It's just you're not going to get the immediate gratification Of a picture of your ass That picture of your ass that that picture of your ass it gets a hundred thousand likes you're like wow look at all those likes yeah and then you know it's just a different vibe and you have to decide what are you after you're after quantity or quality you're after you're trying to accurately express how you feel and work it out through communicating with people and figure out how they react to what you're saying and how you feel about how other people say similar things and how it does good things for you and you want to do good things for them.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Or do you just want to have my butt? Yeah. It's a piece of dental floss up to crack your ass. Yeah. Sticking it in front of the camera. There's, you know, no.
Starting point is 01:12:18 And I, I get that. Like I get also, like I always say when you're a young woman, you sort of get this new car and you're like, well, what happens? Like,
Starting point is 01:12:24 what if I put my foot on the gas? like you're sort of checking it all out like they respond like this if i do that like that's completely natural but then at a certain point um i don't know that the input is like uh you know like who do you want to be and not based on what everyone thinks about you like what actually turns you you on and makes you feel excited and stoked because it's great that you have a nice butt, but there's a lot of nice butts. And in the end, that's not probably going to bring you that other feeling.
Starting point is 01:13:00 The problem is that there's a thrill to positive reaction. And that thrill is undeniable. I like it i'm just too old when people and when people get that thrill then you tell them hey that thrill's bad for you you're like fuck off mom no no i mean a bolt on to that message how about that like get the thrill but simultaneously to doing the thrill maybe have some other thoughts about where you where you'd like to continue to journey to yeah but you know i think when you tell that to a 13 year old they hear it eventually yeah i think in the beginning like yeah yeah i got this and then later when it all goes sideways like god damn i should listen to mom yeah i think you just got to be it too and have some like cool friends
Starting point is 01:13:39 that hang around you because you're if you're the parent it's like okay you're going to penetrate so much but if you've got some like you know in hawaii they call them aunties if you got some badass chicks around you and your daughters are looking they see right they see but what if you don't have access to that i have a lot of pretty strong cool women around me but that not that it concerns me i don't want to say that it's just how do you help the next group, you know, try to be a good example, love on them, but get them to teach them to love on themselves. That's all. And I don't mean with eyelash extensions and like perfect things. I mean like love on yourself.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Yeah. You know. Well, that's the other thing, too. There's a distortion of natural beauty. And to make it so that everything has to be artificial, the color of your lips, the color of your eye shadow, fake lashes, everything is just... That doesn't look better. It just looks different do you think i i'm always fascinated what men think like do they even like do they does it even register do they know what's going on in what way well i guess we'd have to ask men of that generation if let's say they had uh two groups of women and one that was like perfectly quaffed with the lip injection quaffed and my favorite word is it yeah i like that i'm talking about like eyelash extensions with joe but um like just sort of really done like ready for the club let's just say and then just like a girl like hi i'm uh you know i'm a sweaty runner and now i'm gonna go
Starting point is 01:15:23 to the office and put my hair up in a ponytail. I don't know. Whatever. If guys, if they even, can they tell the difference? Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's all what you're into. What you're into.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Yeah. Yeah. Some guys just like I'm soft and made up. Some guys like I'm sweaty and muscular. Yeah. No, and I get all that i love that i just mean again it's hardcore signaling and i guess that's maybe that's what it is maybe it's the new biology but it's also that there's never been a time like i had a bit on one of my netflix specials were about this girl who's got just pictures of her ass. She had like 9 million followers on Instagram. I'm like, there's never been a person like this before.
Starting point is 01:16:08 This is a new kind of person. Like, fuck looking at these frogs in the Amazon that no one's going to see. There's a new kind of person. This girl just has pictures of her butt. And she's got millions of people staring at her all day long. And every day is just new pictures of her butt. That's a great point. I always am intrigued how they decide like, oh, we're going to do the butt on the beach.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Now let's do the butt next to the puppy. It's like I'm so confused how they keep getting ideas. I can't even get ideas for different things. And it's like, I know we'll do butt with the cotton candy. It's like, okay, I don't know. I think it becomes an obsession. I mean, I think you have to stay fresh with new butt ideas. Is that it?
Starting point is 01:16:45 Or do you have like a butt editor? The butt envelope. Do you have the butt editor? So what do you do? Hey, what's going on? The head butt editor here at I don't know. But if you have a girl who has, let's say some of these girls have millions and millions
Starting point is 01:16:59 of followers and they're making millions of dollars. I know they're crushing it. Yeah. Maybe they're actually the smartest people in the room and I haven't caught on yet. It's certainly an easy path to finances. I know, right? If you have a great ass and you like working out anyway and you just want to take pictures of it and all of a sudden you have 25 million followers, like, damn.
Starting point is 01:17:15 But this goes also, okay. What should she do? Quit that job? No, definitely not. Because then what is she going to say? Well, I'll do the right thing and work at the library. I'm not suggesting that. It's just, I mean, if it was my kid, I'd be like'd be like you know sweetie you might want to weigh out the economics on this right
Starting point is 01:17:29 i think you said something really important it's a whole new thing yeah and i think um however it's sort of like the communication you're always having which is well what is success and for me it's that's all it's like getting people encouraging them whatever that is whatever that looks like you know you said this like oh you do the show whether anyone was listening or not most likely right probably i mean until you couldn't afford it anymore let's just say but obviously i would do it just to have the conversations i would do it right maybe i wouldn't do it as much but i would definitely do it right if i had like if someone said hey you know every uh few months a physicist will come in here and sit down with you for three hours i'm like yeah let's do it that's what i want to do yeah well
Starting point is 01:18:13 you're bringing information to you and learning to you so for you part of your definition that's success yeah and so i guess that is the conversation because we always have this thing, this obvious thing of like success is it either is notoriety, it's power, it's money. And then we forget those other communications about like the pursuit of something that really genuinely turns you on. Well, I think people get short-sighted and you definitely can get success.
Starting point is 01:18:40 We just have money and you just have objects and you have notoriety and people will view it as success. But if you're not doing what you love it's not pure success it's a different kind of success like if you really find something that you enjoy doing and then you take that like laird has with surfing or many people have with their passions and then you become successful through that it's a different existence because it's a it's a pure existence like when i do stand-up comedy or if i do like a commentary for the ufc it's a a very it's a pure enthusiasm yeah it's genuine that comes across i don't have to fake it it's i enjoy doing it that's to me i don't i know everybody can't do that no or everybody feels
Starting point is 01:19:26 like they can't do that or they haven't figured out a way to do that yet right but if you can if you can if there's a thing that you can do like maybe i would have made more money if i went into the stock market maybe i would have made more money if i was a banker maybe i don't know right but i definitely wouldn't be as happy there's no way if i'm the same person i am now and i was in a fucking office all day making a hundred times as much money i'd be miserable right and i think that i guess for me that's maybe when i see the thing with the girls and like i said feeling sensitive to it because i have daughters or just young people in general it's that conversation of like you know just keeping
Starting point is 01:19:59 that definition of success open and by the way this other path that taking it like following your own uh instincts or desires or passions there's elements to that that are are hard are harder for sure it's more unknown you can feel insecure like is this the right thing to do i mean we've gone i mean in our house we've gone through that 50 different times you know it's like i'm going to do this because i really want to i don't know what's going to happen. And I don't know if it's going to be successful. I might even lose money. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:20:30 But then once you start to do it, or you do it once or twice, then you go, oh, but it's so worth trying. If you can pull it off. That's the thing. If everything worth doing is hard to do. Everything. But by the way way you might pursue we've pursued 10 businesses and like one is soup really thriving two are doing well and the rest
Starting point is 01:20:55 like we ate it we ate it in cash we ate it in time we did so i think that's the other thing that's important is like hey uh you you know, it's like sports. How many times, you know, do you lose too? You lose a lot in order to win. And I think that's something that for me, like with my girls, it's like, hey, just try to work really hard and hear your own voice and follow that if you can. And it is scary. i think it's scary well you're also a person who's had that opinion reinforced through vigorous work over the years i mean you're you're you're a you're a super successful competitive athlete which is one of
Starting point is 01:21:39 the most difficult things for a person to do to like force your body to perform better than everybody else's figure a way to win figure a way to get points scored figure a way where all these other people who are also high level athletes are trying to stop you from doing it figure out a way to succeed and you're gonna fucking fail there's no way around it you're gonna have ups and downs but you're gonna understand the value of pursuit of dedication and discipline and your kids are going to see that like they they must know their mom is a badass no well i don't know i understand who you are yeah no yes and no i think it's interesting because then you know like how sons can push against dads yeah and a dad's identities right sure there's times not my youngest and less my oldest, but my middle went through a phase where it was like she was almost like, I'm going to knock her off her. High horse?
Starting point is 01:22:31 No, like my. Beat your records? My real estate. That was my real estate. And it's like, and you know, she's a big, strong kid. But then I think she realized like, oh, no, no, no. This is more about me finding my own real estate like my mom did that because that was what my mom had to do and what she what was good at and that was my thing and it was but there was a minute that i think listen no
Starting point is 01:22:58 kid looks at their parent that they actually live with by the way and is like yeah they're cool there's just not no i mean like if i deserted them and called like four times a year they'd be like it's my mom she's on the phone right and she's an exotic country they're like yo get me some water i'm going to bed like you know it's like it's no different in any house and by the way i i have this new thing i'm doing right now with my youngest daughter because she can get me like she can get me like nobody's business like laird always jokes he goes you two are not allowed to drive in the car together anymore like we come home from one ride from school and i'm on the mats right this kid is like because we're very similar and she just works me
Starting point is 01:23:39 and then she work you as just you and her alone or with the other kids oh no especially she's no dummy this kid is so smart we always joke i'm like brody will run something i just want her to have friends hopefully you know that she's she's pretty radical and she always gives you this look too while she's carving you up that's like a slight smirk on her face and i'm like i'm gonna kill this kid you know and so and then you think i'm i'm you know i'm i've been around i'm trying to be evolved and i don't think i'm having a you know insulin spike like i should be balanced and calm i think i meditated this morning and i'm like four seconds and i'm like you know like
Starting point is 01:24:15 it's like and so push your buttons and it becomes a little sport for him oh yeah so now okay so this is the best so i go okay iaird was telling me this story years ago. He went down a river and went down the rapid and got pinned against a rock, okay? And it was breaking on his back. And he said he was pushing on the rock and pushing, couldn't get off, okay? And he said he had this image of like a skeleton
Starting point is 01:24:44 like on the rock, you know, like with like a skeleton like on the rock you know like with the water just pounding on it you know it's like the clothes all messed up and he said he he moved his foot it wiggled his foot and his whole body slipped out oh wow and so i said with when i see my youngest daughter i'm gonna wiggle my foot because i keep pushing and prodding and she's just coming you know she's a hydraulic like it's not stopping it's non-ceasing like she she's younger than me she has more energy she's faster I mean you know and so I go I'm just gonna wiggle my foot like literally to the point where even if I need the physical cue like if she's standing there doing some of her weird
Starting point is 01:25:22 bullshit I'll just be like what move my foot just to give him a trigger. Like I've got to trigger myself. I'm a parent. I'm like against the ropes like everybody else. And so, and I have a partner who supports me. And sometimes he looks at me like, not that strong of a game, Gab. And so, you know, we'll get into it. And I'll go to pick her up.
Starting point is 01:25:44 And my whole thing is when I talk to my kids in the morning, like first thing I always say, hey, good morning. Like I try really hard to be the adult and to be the parent, right? Like that's what I really want to do. Like I really want to show up as the adult. And flawed be it, I still be like, you know what? At least she's acting like an adult, that woman over there, you know, get me water. And so she'll get in the car and I'll be like hi honey how was your day at school you know i try even like the fake nice tone and everything yeah i don't really you know listen i spent almost seven
Starting point is 01:26:15 hours there i really don't want to talk about school it's like a colossal waste of time how old is she 11 she's like and then she says to me yesterday i'm not exaggerating she goes you know and if you listen no offense i'm sorry mom i'm not trying to be rude i just if you can't tell i don't like to talk that much it seems like a waste of time talking is a waste of time that's what she says she's very self-contained i'm thinking true that but okay so then i'm like all right what another strategy so i i go oh that's cool i can be self-contained like i'm cool i don't need to be like oh sweetie i don't care no problem i just click over a little bit into my mail like okay if i can drive this car and maybe i'm gonna drive a little faster and
Starting point is 01:26:54 like let's go and within three minutes somehow all the things i said i wasn't gonna get lured into nothing i'm gonna wiggle my foot all this like philosophical stuff i've been reading books she gets me and she's like 95 pounds and she gets me she's my only kid that gets me like this and i and it's literally like if you went into a restaurant and you said okay i'm not going to order the lasagna and the hamburger and the double fries with the chili sauce and you walk in and you go i'll take the lasagna the hamburger and the it's like the one thing i said i wasn't going to do and she gets me every time so that's something i'm always really trying to figure out and also like uh sort of back away from i this lady actually
Starting point is 01:27:43 you should have her on your show have you ever heard of byron katie no you got to get her jamie you got to get her she taught me a lot of stuff but it's basically like full and men do this better generally and yes there are women that do it as well as men i'm not getting into all that but it's like surrendering like maybe my kid's gonna grow up and they're to be completely different than what I thought or what they would be or my expectations. And that's actually probably closer to the real thing. So, I can be, you know, going through sports. I was like, man, volleyball is way easier than this. It is.
Starting point is 01:28:22 It's just very, because it's straightforward. Take the ball, hit the line. Yeah. Take the ball and hit the other line oh okay no that was did you complete that no i didn't hit the line okay you hit the line is your 11 year old involved in sports oh yeah the worst sport ever what sport horses oh christ it's like beauty pageants on big animals the worst parents don't think it's cute to take six-year-olds and think oh it's so sweet we'll get them well they'll ride horses because then they fall in love with horses and then they want better horses and then they want pretty horse pants and then the boots and my buddy's daughter's deep in the horse it'll kill you this game she i have to say
Starting point is 01:29:02 to her i'm sorry you were not born to billionaires. I'm really so sorry for you. It's pretty heavy. My middle daughter is into tennis, and she's pursuing tennis. And I'm trying to figure out how to manipulate my young one out of, away from horses. And she'll say to me, I know you think it's a phase, and it's not. Oh, it's going to make it a not phase. And that's why I'm like, no, do whatever you want. But you have to use your own body at least a couple days a week.
Starting point is 01:29:27 I go, because you're using the body of the horse. And by the way, doesn't it frustrate you? I even tried this. I can't believe I'm admitting this. I mean, I thought you guys loved the animals. You know, like you really loved horses. And what you're doing to them is not good for the horses. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:29:41 They land on the same foot. And she's like, they jump in nature. I go, not with 100 pounds on their back, they don't. And they don't land on the same foot and she's like they jump in nature i go they don't not with 100 pounds on their back they don't and not they don't land on the same leg i've tried that i can't do that anymore that's not fair and then um at least you admit it was a strategy i totally and then the other thing i've tried is um doesn't it irritate you if you are on a horse and you were more talented as an athlete or you had trained harder but your horse wasn't as good so you couldn't win. And she just looks at me like, I'm going to ride this out. She doesn't care.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Nothing impacts her. Because that's what frustrates me. Imagine if it was like I had a better gi than you so I could kick your ass in jujitsu because my gi was more expensive. You'd be like wait a second i trained twice as hard as you i've been doing it longer and maybe i'm just better than you nope my gi is more expensive so if you have a shitty horse there's nothing you can do about it and the judges know they know they know so yeah i'd never get into that and i don't come from
Starting point is 01:30:44 that i barely come from like If I didn't hit a white ball I wasn't even going to university Never mind like You know This whole horse world thing The whole horse world thing I thought to myself
Starting point is 01:30:56 I went to a show once And I was like Saying good morning To all the groomsmen Like good morning sir Good afternoon And like giving stink eye To all the ladies
Starting point is 01:31:05 you know i was like yeah this is an upside down horse ladies are a different thing yeah i just i i really this is one of my i lose sleep over this joe really yeah i do i do it's a lot of money that's not the part i mean i lose sleep over that too because i'm like laird's gonna kill me but um because then the flip side of it is I got a kid who's into something she'll go to the barn if you let her
Starting point is 01:31:30 seven, eight hours she'll work with the horses lunge them do all this stuff so then you're like okay well she's into something this is not a kid who will sit around
Starting point is 01:31:37 and not do anything but I just I guess for me it's the you know it's it's the it's a money you know, it's a money sport. You know, it's like that weird bubble, weird thing.
Starting point is 01:31:50 So that part was like, I was like, oh, God, how did we get here? Yeah. Yeah, that's what my friend is dealing with with his daughter. How old is his daughter? She's 10. Oh, is he in deep already? Yeah. Did he lease a horse?
Starting point is 01:32:03 Yeah. Yeah, they got a horse. They bought a horse? No, they leased a horse. Okay, yeah, yeah deep already? Yeah. Did he lease a horse? Yeah. Yeah, they got a horse. They bought a horse? No, they leased a horse. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is, I didn't know you could lease a horse. And there's horse brokers. There's a whole thing of that.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Jesus Christ. It's a shy story, whole trip. It's super expensive to lease a horse too, right? I think it's like 40 grand a month or something crazy like that. Oh, no, that's like, well, then you've got a really fancy horse. But it's expensive. You made that number up. Yeah, you did.
Starting point is 01:32:25 And then that's like Bill Gates' daughter's horse or something. It might be. But then it's like, I don't know. For me, that's it. But again, as a parent, these are one more of my lessons. I'm not her and she's not me. Right. As much as I used to think I was so in charge of so many things, you know, I think being in a long relationship, I've been with Laird almost 24 years, it's like you start to learn like, oh, okay, I'm not, I can impact you, I can influence you, I can support you, I can love you.
Starting point is 01:33:09 you i can love you um i could try to inspire you but uh i'm not here to it's like even as a parent like i'm not here to control anyone and that's a hard thing because when you get a little baby you control you're in charge that's what you needed to be and then all of a sudden it's like oh yeah no that shift is they don't i wish people need to talk more about like the shift of, because we're not objective. And, you know, the tools that you need. You got to keep adding tools. And it's very humbling. Do you find it easier to do on Kauai or in California? Is it any different? Well, it depends, right?
Starting point is 01:33:41 So, if I have my middle daughter who's a teenager, not on Kauai. she looks 18 or 19 and, you know, there's not a lot to do. And so, that's tricky there. Here, like she basically lives at a tennis house and she goes, she's homeschooled and she does five to seven hours of tennis. Her choice as of in the last couple of months. So it's easier because there's just more productive things to do. What I like is when they're little, Kauai is great because it's so simple. The life is simple. So what kids are thinking about is like playing and being in nature and like developing also a toughness to them that maybe like city kids have it different you know because like they're barefoot and they're like climbing trees and they're throwing rocks at each other and it's just like a little more rough and tumble so when they're little kawaii certainly easier and then as they get older that's what we're where we're sort of at now it's like you got to adapt and put these kids give them a launching pad, if you will.
Starting point is 01:34:45 Because the problem is, and I went through this growing up in an island, it's like you don't know all that's out there to dream to do. And even if it's, you know, everything in life, it's so true about being like the alchemist. I even see it with Laird. It's like he went out into the world, he's done all this stuff, and there's certain things we're doing and projects right back onto Kauai and and so there's always going to be that element probably of um I went and I I did all these things I expressed myself all these ways
Starting point is 01:35:14 and then there's some basic parts about where I exactly started that are still really important to me but I think it's important for kids to see like it doesn't matter where you're from or how you grew up like certainly laird and i both the same way it's like you you really could try to do anything and and pursue that if it's in you if it's genuinely in you and calling you and i want that for my kids and i don't care what that is um but just they have something that they get up each day and they're like yo i'm turned on yeah that really is what people need they really need something they love doing that's it and i think that's what i was talking about success is sometimes we have all this you know kind of bells and whistles and attention around getting attention and i think people don't realize
Starting point is 01:35:59 that getting attention i mean you know this for yourself it's like yeah it's great but what is it like what is it really and when you close the doors and you're hanging with your people that you're close to, it's like, you know, what's making you excited for real? And who loves you for real in that way of like, it's great if people appreciate your work, that always feels good. But if you're doing it for your real reasons then i already think that is a real success um and we spend a lot of time working so why not have something that we're fired up on and that's the thing because it's like you know you spend a long time of your life working what do you want to do yeah and then guiding a child into that direction
Starting point is 01:36:45 trying to set them up in a way that they view their life as kind of a project and the most enjoyment you're going to get is find a thing that excites you find the thing that you really get inspired by some whatever the fuck it is it's going to be different for you than it is for me you got to find out what that thing is but it's all the same thing once you find out what that thing is and that that thing genuinely gels with your personality and your likes and your passion just run with it you can do it yeah you can run with it and it changes too i think that's the other thing is also we get to find like okay you were doing this one job and then it's like okay but that job is over like it's like being an athlete or an you know you know competing competitive athlete on an organized
Starting point is 01:37:32 platform that has a day and a time and then when that's over do you want to look back and keep talking about that or do you want to look and see who you are now and who you'd like to be and I think that that's always a you know kind of an important thing to teach people, especially people that have, well, I'm a comedian. I was a professional athlete. It's like, okay, that's cool. I had some guy come up to me once and say, hey, I was at the golf course and one of my kids were hitting golf balls. And he goes, weren't you that volleyball player, Gabby? And I was like, well, no, I'm still Gabby.
Starting point is 01:38:07 But one of the things I've done is play volleyball. And I think that actually if we can get to that, that's even better. It's like, who am I? And then off of this, as far as whether you're older or younger or in one part of your career or not it's like you still can always be the essence of yourself and then it's like oh and now right now i'm doing this and that and i was you know but i'm not i'm not for all time just a you know a volleyball player fighters have a huge problem with that they identify as being fighters so much that once they retire they almost almost all of them except for
Starting point is 01:38:46 a small percentage almost all of them come back because they just they miss it so much they miss the excitement and the thrill and they don't know who they are without that pursuit their pursuit is the next fight the pursuit is training camp getting ready and when they don't have that for a long time it just starts really chipping away at them. Well, and I think too, the amount of focus it takes to be really good at that kind of stuff or to run a company or anything, it makes sense why it's so hard to try to diversify while you're doing that. It is really hard, but I think it's important to quietly keep that voice inside your head going, yeah, but who are you? Beyond that expression of yourself. Who are you?
Starting point is 01:39:31 How do you feel about things? And also the opportunity to kind of grow up. There's so many opportunities, like 30, 40, 50, to try to – and I don't mean grow up in the notion of like you're so responsible now i mean like grow up in a way that like maybe you you change your ideas and the way you do things and you know i was talking i was telling laird i was in this situation this week where i something had gone down i didn't like the way it had gone down it wasn't't to do with him. And I was like, you know what? I'm not going to attach to this. Like I know better. So now I'm just going to notice that it kind of bugs me
Starting point is 01:40:14 and I'm not going to attach all the way to that feeling and to that experience. And for me, that's more what I mean about growing up, not like being, you know, grown up. Because I actually think the more grown up we are also means we could probably be more childlike too for sure both so it isn't about like be responsible it's just a different freedom so i mean i i would think in the end that that would be a more interesting quest than i was a champion anything. I don't know. And it's not sexy and it's internal, but I don't know. It can be, I think, pretty rich.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Well, I think ultimately for a person who's experienced athletic highs and the highs of accomplishments but also understands real personal struggle, that's when, like a person like you, you've experienced so many different things that you can understand what's actually beneficial towards you. Right. And it's pretty simple. I hate to, that's kind of the heavy part. It's like being married to Laird.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Like Laird wants to go to bed at 8.30 and Laird wants to get up early and he keeps it pretty simple. And it's an interesting thing because within it, there's, he seems pretty good. I mean, as long as there's sometimes waves. Because that guy is like. That seems like, that's pretty straightforward. Well, that's it, right? Like, how do I get the highest ideas, the biggest ideas, you know, whether it's like dealing with ego or whatever, get the biggest ideas and then get everything else pretty stripped down.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Pretty simple. Yeah. Because otherwise it just, I feel like you're running around. And I'm, I like, I love the days I'm running around and I'm like, what am I reacting to? Like, what the fuck? Like, what is going on? Like, I'm like a crazy person. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:04 And then it's like okay you know you gotta back it up and it and listen with kids it's hard because you're only as good as like your whatever your kids are going through i mean and then there's elements of it like they're going through things and you go it's probably pretty natural even if it's super hard it's like and that's okay too And you don't want that for them. But I think, you know, that's something I've really learned is like, God, it's a bummer that you have to go through that. And it's hard to watch.
Starting point is 01:42:32 And I don't want you to. And that's okay too. Because that's part of. It's really cool though to see them come out on the other end and then talk to you about it. Oh, it's not bothering me so much anymore. Oh, I'm all right. I get it.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Yeah, I was just upset, but I'm all right. You know what? It was a really cool thing I learned because I am, you know, listen, I'm pretty, not serious. I'd say I'm a pretty serious person. Like, Laird is sort of the lighter person of the two of us. And someone sort of gave me some information about like not resisting with my kids. Like my oldest was going through something and I said, I just need to tell you how I feel about this.
Starting point is 01:43:10 But I didn't make it a big deal. I just sort of dropped it off and said, hey, this is how I'm feeling. And she said to me very clearly, I mean, she was like 22, this just feels like something I have to do. And I remember thinking, I felt like that. And nobody understood what I was doing. And I understood I had to, something I had to do for my reasons. And I was right for myself.
Starting point is 01:43:34 And what I did is I just went, okay, I get it. And where I wanted her to end up happened so much quicker because I didn't put up the resistance. And that's the other thing. I mean, how long does it take me to learn that one? It's like, you know, not having to try to resist or navigate every single situation and just go, okay. And then you get through it so much faster. And they get through it.
Starting point is 01:43:59 No, I know you're like super into nutrition and Laird has this, you guys have this company. Uh-huh,'re superfood yeah do you force that stuff on your kids are you kidding my kids if they want to eat pasta and whatever they can eat whatever they want whatever they want yeah because i cook dinner so we know what dinner looks like my kids i always say just know what's the difference between food and fun like be clear bagel is a lot of fun but it's not food right because i just want to send them into the world equipped with the information on how they can take care of themselves right because if you make anything a thing don't have that when they go to their
Starting point is 01:44:36 friend's house they'll have a bag of chips the clicker and they'll be like i love it here yeah so um i am like, eat whatever you want. And my kids eat pretty healthy. That's awesome that they listen that way. They don't listen. Well, that they figured it out, that they eat healthy, they're smart. Well, also, okay, so my middle for a minute, like, never met a carb she didn't like, right? And it was like, it was bad for a minute.
Starting point is 01:45:04 She was like 12, 13, whatever. And then, and she knows the difference. And she was also using food to kind of assuage some feelings and other stuff too. That's an interesting thing. But then she's come around. But it's not, let's not pretend that my kids listen. They don't. They must a little.
Starting point is 01:45:24 No, they don't. No? They don't. They must see your your example that's more it they're watching but they don't listen you think in a way laird and i could be sort of maybe imposing parents in some way and i'm telling you they are not they don't it doesn't they they look at us like what do you you got? Like, come on. It's your move. So I've just learned, like, it's your choice. Like, this is what I'm serving for dinner. I don't have pop in the house, obviously. But if, like, we went someplace, you know, I showed them a picture when they were little.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Remember the guy who did, like, eat this, not that? Dave with the Z from Men's Healthy Editor. Anyway, it was, was like seven or eight chocolate chip cookies and a sun-kissed soda opposite each other and i'm like do you want two cookies or do you want that soda and they got it it's like oh okay because it showed how much sugar was in both so it's just that kind of stuff but they don't it's not like we live so healthy and they listen you know i mean ben greenfield right he lives in like the forest and they that's different it's a different level of control i don't have that
Starting point is 01:46:32 kind of control yeah ben's got a weird thing going on out there his kids listen do they they must they're out in the forest they have to that's what i mean i'm saying i don't have that level of containment right that that's but he has to deal with predators like living predators yeah you can't really let your kids just go loose in your backyard no i know keep an eye on them it's easier than coca-cola and cheetos though in a different kind of way i'm just saying like predators very straightforward it's like it's a predator don't go out there it's like well you know this food it's in a bag it's got you know it's not that good for you your self-function is like okay what what my friends do it it's like you know predator so i just think i don't know i just think uh
Starting point is 01:47:16 i think i've surrendered to the idea of them listening and i just try to show them the best example and they are intelligent people that i have faith in will arrive at their own conclusion and by the way you know they make other choices i i don't think so though how many kids leave kauai like when they grow up not many i don't think i think it's it's tough because it is so beautiful and magical on some level. Intuitively, it makes so much sense there. You know what I mean? Like it makes a lot of sense. Like the food's growing.
Starting point is 01:47:54 There's certain things that, and you go into the real world and you're like, whoa. Do they have good supermarkets there? Yeah, it's just everything costs, a box of cereal is like $9. Whoa. No, for real. So it's hard, but some kids leave. I would think that that would be a difficult transition between going from Kauai to like moving to Chicago or something like that.
Starting point is 01:48:15 It can be, especially if it's like December, but I think you'd be surprised. Yeah. Let me tell you, the cold is shocking when you come from an island. Like Laird goes snowboarding in like Alaska and stuff like that because he loves all that right but i grew up in st thomas and i'm just like you know five days in the cold i'm like this is so beautiful and then i'm like i'm good you know but i think you know listen island people they either like jones for the big city or the number one uh tourist destination for hawians, you know what it is? What?
Starting point is 01:48:46 Vegas. Is it really? Well, because it's opposite, right? It's like everything's artificial, and then you have a lot of Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiians. So, like, fun gambling, things like that. Oh, yeah. It's the number one. Like, Hawaiian Airlines, that's their number one destination for locals. They go to Vegas.
Starting point is 01:49:07 Wow. I mean, cause it's the antithesis, right? Yeah. I guess you see the strip and all the neon and the craziness. Yeah, totally. Giant flashing this and that. Not a drop of water or anything natural. Like you're not really supposed to be there.
Starting point is 01:49:19 You know, like there's no Garden of Eden. That makes sense. Oh, totally. That actually does make sense. So either they go like, hey, I want to be a designer and live in New York or, you know. That's got to be the ultimate 180 culture shock. They have that though, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Yeah, for sure. They have that. I'm with Laird though about living there. Whenever I go there, I'm like, what in the fuck is this? I love it. I love Nework for like a week well you can get stuff done in new york and to a real new yorker there's no other place like new york right like i can get whatever food i want exactly how i want it yeah there's that and
Starting point is 01:49:56 i can get stuff done and you're also breathing brake dust all day yeah it's tough and i don't think we're supposed to be living on stacked on top of each other that's the thing and laird's always like yeah something goes wrong this is the worst place you ever want to be like true garbage water toilets he's like because he's always thinking about like if they turn the power off what's gonna happen yeah me too yeah so that's how he kind of how he lives i mean we had a 100 year rain in kawaii in april what was that like five feet in a day of rain yeah it's pretty radical so and then we went through the fires so it's just like i think you guys had fires and it rains that much well no in map then we were here in malibu and so we had that like within six months after so i think he's always and i think you know listen
Starting point is 01:50:40 when people do things in nature like rock climbers or big wave surfers or whatever, they're more in tune with the fact that stuff does go wrong. And so they're not assuming that it's always going to be as it always is. Do you get hit with big storms out there? Where? In Kauai. Like hurricanes? Yeah. They haven't had really a significant one since Iniki, which I believe was in 92, which was really bad.
Starting point is 01:51:03 I think it was the largest the fastest wind speed to hit land ever far away you guys as the crow flies from like the big island he's got it do you see he's got a thing for the big island what's happened to you on the big island i love it there did you have like an experience or no do you go on a no just enjoy it there or anything i like it there because it's uh it's it's it's like a good medium like uh yep i get it not quite as populated as maui it's not as metropolitan no but it's still pretty big whereas lanai is probably my favorite really yeah it's just interesting it's so quiet and yeah i hunt there for like a day oh there we go that makes sense it's also uh overpopulated so it's like the most it's like the best ethical
Starting point is 01:51:52 argument for hunting currently available in the united states of america if you want to call hawaii the united states of america i know if you ask a hawaiian like oh you're american they're like you know hawaiian yeah they're hawaiian yeah they're hawaiian kawaii is the most north so it's the other end of the chain so how far away would it be so if you're gonna fly in an airplane it's an hour or five or 45 minutes because of takeoff and landing if it was like straight like we whip we go on a plane it's probably 28 minutes so how many miles is that because you're going 500 miles an hour. It's a couple hundred miles. Yeah, it is. Wow.
Starting point is 01:52:27 I didn't know. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. No, I mean, it's an amazing. That's crazy. There's a new island forming right now. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:33 That's outrageous. I like your fascination with Hawaii. Yeah. Oh, I love it out there. I really do. Yeah, it's great. Steven Tao tried to talk me into moving to Maui. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:43 He loves it out there. Really? He loves it. Loves it. Yeah. He gets to Maui. Yeah, he loves it out there. Really? He loves it. Loves it. Yeah. He gets off, though. Yeah, I mean, he flies around, does his Aerosmith shows, and does that television show and all that jazz. But he loves Maui.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Yeah. You don't love it? Too much? I do love Maui. I guess I lived there also when it was a little less populated. So it's like anything. When you watch it, you just kind of go, whoa. Right, right, right. But it's a great blend for me yeah it has still nothing compared to this like i was just yeah
Starting point is 01:53:10 that's right i mean it's like this is that's right what we're here is crazy la is what do we have like 35 million people here something preposterous they didn't even know really they're just guessing what are you like the ninth largest economy in the world yeah i told when we had this whole thing with all the the mexican you know the mexican you know whatever non-illegal whatever i said i have a friend of mine who he's from here but he's from mexico and i said you should band together you have the ninth largest economy in the world and get together and have demands because you're helping run the ninth largest economy in the world well that's what's hilarious about people that want the immigrants to go back to mexico listen stupid this thing would fall apart that's what i told him what
Starting point is 01:53:55 are you talking about mobilize let's go and he was like what's crazy about it is like they're already a part of the system like why don't they get the benefits that's what i think but he was laughing because when i went to see him i go how's it going he goes well hopefully i'm here tomorrow joking you know and i go you guys have like you're making it happen yeah it's hard though to get people to organize like that they're so worried about being shipped out now ice you know i had a friend of mine who's a veteran and he's an older gentleman he's in his 50s he got uh pulled over at uh ice oh come on uh at the home depot they uh asked him where he's born and he said hey asshole you're not supposed to ask questions like that like you
Starting point is 01:54:31 don't have a warrant to do and he started grilling the guys and he pulled out his military id he's like what the fuck are you guys doing here what do you think you're doing yeah it's awful yeah i'm american i was born in america yeah because i'm an american citizen i'm also a veteran and then he started he goes like guys, this is illegal. You're not supposed to talk to people like this. But they can do that to people that don't know and are scared. Right. I mean.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Yeah. But if you're just an American citizen at fucking Home Depot, you're not supposed to get harassed by some guy who thinks you might be Mexican because you're brown. You have some brown skin. Yeah. It's fucking crazy. But it's just also like, is this really where our problems are what about these using these resources in a positive way well there's a lot of shit that needs to get done but that's every i mean that's everywhere
Starting point is 01:55:14 think about how much time gets spent on not doing anything yeah and going the other direction i don't know well isn't that less of a problem though when you have a small community like hawaii that's got to be like a huge alleviation of frustration this is just the giant masses of people and the stupid jobs everywhere it's like you got you guys got to kind of boil down to a much more natural state well and it's all very accountable right like if i say something to you i don't get to walk away from that right you're on a fucking little island i'm gonna see you 50 more times that day and so i gotta own it if i you know and that that was all laird's biggest adjustment is because everything he you know does and says he is owns it and so he when he first came here and like if even driving if someone flicked him off
Starting point is 01:56:02 like you just don't do that in hawaii right because you're like i know your truck like i know you i know your sister like i'm coming to your house you know like what are you talking about right yeah and i've been with him where he has pulled people over and said listen like you you can't go and just like drop off aggressive gestures uh you just don't know who like what's up with people like you've got to be accountable like this yeah like you know and i'm like okay well you cannot stop every vehicle like and jump out and be like hey you know right right right but is he here is he do that there no he's done it here no you don't have to do it there right but if you do it here it's dangerous yeah i guess
Starting point is 01:56:39 can be it can be it's true it can be and and. Yeah. But again, he's older and wiser now. I'm talking about maybe when we first were together in his early 30s. Crazy layered. But he still has a look at his eye where it's like, I don't know. Yeah. I get it. Well, if you're really used to that environment, too, where everybody is accountable, and then you see these just assholes beeping and sticking the finger at people.
Starting point is 01:57:03 And also, if you really said, okay, let's go outside, they'd be like, I'm going to get a lawyer. Right. I think for him, that's it and also if you really said okay let's go outside they'd be like i'm gonna get a lawyer right i think for him that's the weird twisty part it's like in hawaii if they say it it's like okay let's go right at least it's like okay i'm gonna stand up to own the words i say and everything here it's like if you go okay and they go you know i'm gonna call somebody it's like he's like okay well which is it you know, I'm going to call somebody. He's like, okay, well, which is it? I always tell my kid that my one daughter does that. She'll be really aggressive, and then if you call her on it, she gets like, she's the victim. I go, no, no, you have to pick.
Starting point is 01:57:34 Which one are you? Are you aggressive or are you the victim? I don't know. I think it's interesting. He will call people out every time, though. If they're acting weird, he'll just say, what's up? Or how's your day today? And I'm like, oh, people are not accustomed to.
Starting point is 01:57:47 Right. Because in Hawaii, they're just very respectful that way. Well, there's accountability. And I think that there's something. It's very important. Yeah. There's also a lot of fighters come out of Hawaii. Well, because it's a fighting, it's a warrior culture.
Starting point is 01:58:00 So, you know, like, uncles slapped boys' heads. your culture so you know like uncle slapped boys heads and like and it's also now because of the brazilian influence coming in now you've got you know jujitsu and and also i think about this they're pretty strong right and and so contact they don't mind little contact like they even joke about like polynesian rugby players like it's like oh fun like oh haha you know like we're leveling each other right so you're also talking about people who maybe they don't mind a little little contact yeah you know like playful because they are also playful so it's also like this weird thing of like I'm not I don't take myself so serious so there's like a playfulness but also like oh we're gonna do you notice a big difference between like female
Starting point is 01:58:46 athletes and male athletes like okay because fighting is a pretty i don't want to say exaggerated but it's an interesting thing where you know you have men and women kind of differently but doing the same thing if you will yeah um do you notice a difference in their mentality um well they vary so much individually that's what's interesting it's like you'll find even male fighters who are like super laid back and then you find other ones that are really intense and super emotional and uh it's really hard to tell like there's a there's gunner nelson is a guy from iceland you know he is i know he is a fantastic jiu- is Yeah Fantastic Jiu Jitsu guy You cannot get that guy
Starting point is 01:59:27 To change his expression It doesn't change You can punch him Kick him in the balls He stays stoic It's a weird He's a weird guy Yeah
Starting point is 01:59:34 He's very On one side of it And then there's like Guys like Conor McGregor Who's also his training partner Who's on a completely Different side of it He's screaming and yelling
Starting point is 01:59:43 Talking shit to everybody And you know That's part of his flair. Right. They vary so widely, and that's true with girls too. Some girls are brash and outrageous, and they get in other girls' faces and put their knuckles on their nose, and they're at the stare down, and other girls bow,
Starting point is 01:59:58 and they hug, and they take selfies together. It's like everyone has their own sort of approach to it. Yeah. It's very interesting. It is interesting. Fighting intrigues me in that I think it's like everyone has their own sort of approach to it yeah it's very interesting it is interesting i'm always i'm i'm in fighting and intrigues me and that i think it's interesting that you're trying to be offensive and defensive at the same time dealing with fear like all these things happening simultaneously and i then take it i look at it one step further with a female because i don't know i i i'm interested to know how if a female can fight from a not not a non-emotional place but without her emotion like just like okay i'm in my male
Starting point is 02:00:38 i'm in my athlete and um i'm not going to be like oh she didn't just kick me in the ear you know and like freak out you know what i mean like because i think about myself and going to be like, oh, she didn't just kick me in the ear, you know, and like freak out. You know what I mean? Because I think about myself and I'm like, you know, like I've only been in one fight my whole life and the girl hit me in the face. And when I saw my blood, I was like, oh, no, she did not just hit me in the face, you know, and then went crazy. But if these girls could be like, because they're so well trained as an athlete, how that can supersede or override actually this feminine impulse of reaction. That's a masculine impulse too, though. I think it's a human impulse. If a guy punches you in the face, you get furious.
Starting point is 02:01:24 It's so hard for people to not get emotional when they get hit. Yeah. Because you want to get it back. That's a good point. the face you get furious it's so hard for people to not get emotional when they get hit yeah because you want to get it back that's a good point it's a very bad way to react in a fight to fight with emotions because you expose yourself right you leave yourself open for counters you just you miss your rhythm you're not as deceptive in your your emotions you're too obvious in your pattern and somebody times you you get hit a lot more yeah it's a it's a big problem with fighters that that emotion is a very big problem and uh the wanting to break people like letting them hit you so you could show them that they can't hurt you that's a masculine
Starting point is 02:01:55 thing too stupid it's very stupid take it on the face on purpose and then just like come on come on come on hit that's what you have yeah and that's a terrible emotion though because you can get completely knocked unconscious doing that happens all the time it's just the smart thing to do is to fight with correct technique and with a correct strategy meaning you have an understanding of how to execute best it's not to just wait in and let bombs fly it's you have to you have to be very precise in your tactics you got to be very smart i think it's interesting though um those sports where there is that i mean listen versions of it is football you know living with laird obviously
Starting point is 02:02:39 you know he always says he appreciates mother nature because it's like you make good decisions you're rewarded you make bad decisions you you pay a price but i think it is very interesting when you have two humans strategically trying to deconstruct one another um the chess the physical chess that goes on as like looking at it from another athlete's point of view, I think it's a unique person that wants to put themselves in that situation. You know, it's like, I understand almost like, you know, a surfer and a wave and a rock climber and a mountain. I get that. Like, I'm going to be a part of that. But I find it really interesting.
Starting point is 02:03:23 And even sort of, I'm even more curious about women like who say like yeah this is going to be my sport they vary so widely uh like there's holly home who's uh she just seems like awfully sweet she's so she seemed like she'd bring you cupcakes or meanwhile she'll murder you just kick your fucking head i mean listen i saw that kick but then it's like i'm so sorry i made you these after, you know, like chocolate chip cookies. It's like, okay, I'll get it, you know, when I come back from the hospital. I don't know. It is interesting when you see girls like that.
Starting point is 02:03:53 Yeah. Well, they're all different. I always want to know, do they have brothers? Like, were they rabble rousing and that their whole time? And they learned to play and it wasn't personal you know and like a little contact was okay maybe I mean
Starting point is 02:04:08 in Ronda Rousey's case it was also it was very personal her mom right yeah her mom was a world judo champion her mom was a beast she's had an interesting path
Starting point is 02:04:15 I think Ronda Rousey yeah I wonder how much she loves the WWE I wonder I always wonder when a person is like
Starting point is 02:04:22 an elite athlete at the highest level A real one A real one If they still enjoy doing that Because I think she enjoyed it though I think she was a fan of it before she ever got involved You mean like the theater of it?
Starting point is 02:04:33 Yeah, I think she actually enjoyed pro wrestling I mean they are doing athletic things even though it's scripted Obviously flying off of and into and around I mean it's athletic but it's scripted. Yes. It's not competition. But then again, you can only get knocked unconscious so many times. You can only get fucked up so many times.
Starting point is 02:04:54 And she got fucked up two fights in a row. I know. Really bad. The Holly Holm KO, which was ruthless. That was brutal. And then Amanda Nunes just punched her face in for 48 seconds. It was horrific. Yeah. That was hard to watch. Amanda Nunes just punched her face in for 48 seconds. It was horrific. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:06 That was hard to watch. I don't like to watch. I mean, I don't like to watch really big guys punch each other and women. I don't know why. Like when guys are a little smaller, it's easier to watch as long as they're not kicking themselves in the head. I'm just saying. So the big scary ones, like heavyweights dropping bombs on each other. Yeah, you just go, oh my God, that just, that God, that took eight years off that guy's, you know.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Yeah. It's definitely different. You really do notice it. Like there's certain heavyweights and they hit guys and they get knocked unconscious, whether it's Francis Ngannou or Stipe Miocic or these big guys and they slam someone. It's like, oh my God. That's what I mean. Like I watch that.
Starting point is 02:05:44 I don't actually, I mean violence. I know it's's sport but for me it's oh it's violent it is yeah yeah it's a it is a very dangerous path that you have to know when to get off and more i don't know if i would say more so than other combat sports but yeah it makes sense all of them all of them have a path but i think very specifically mma has you have to be really careful because the the consequences are so great there's not enough padding in those gloves or tiny little things you could also get kicked you could get kneed in the face elbowed in the face and once you realize the chin starts going and your reflexes start going and you're you're slowing down like you got to get out now yeah you got to get out yeah and sometimes they don't get the proper advice you know and sometimes they don't know what else to do they don't have anywhere else to go
Starting point is 02:06:34 and that goes back to yeah i was talking i talked to larry about that because we have tons of friends in organized sports so if like you have to be drafted or coach the team has to pick you up or you know whatever and i say to him you up or, you know, whatever. And I say to him, like, how fortunate are you that you're in a sport like other athletes, like a snowboarder or whatever, that you can go. You can go out. Yeah. You want to ride? You can go ride.
Starting point is 02:07:00 Nobody's dictating to you. Right. And if you're really smart and you're managing yourself and your health and your well-being and your melon and everything else you could ride a really long time yeah that's a big difference between that and a competitive fighter 55 years of age you're not doing shit yeah getting hit over and over no chance i mean you could still train in certain aspects especially jujitsu a lot of people deep in their 60s 70s 80s train you can definitely do that. But there's such a difference. You know, Laird can go out there and do what he wants to do at the same level he was able to do two decades ago. I know.
Starting point is 02:07:33 It's exhausting, actually, to live with. Swear to God. Because I feel like Laird is, like, I, in this way of, like, when you live with somebody that's sort of you know it's like I mean you have you have a partner it's like in ways they're a reference to you in certain ways yeah and so I if I like living with him and you're referencing him as an athlete you're just like oh man I gotta I gotta get busy I gotta get training I gotta get moving you know it's just like because he's he's non-stop that guy
Starting point is 02:08:06 and because he has to that's a different type right you know i a lot of times i'll train because i'm like hey i know how good i feel when i'm done and it's important and i have other stuff i need to do but i'm gonna get it in and for a guy like that it's just like what it would be like if i took an 80 pound dumbbell and sat at the bottom of the pool for a minute and then tried to do 15 you know it's just like he also has a creative approach I'm more linear and uh it's like for time and for this and he's like let's just go until we can't anymore it's like okay when's that drill gonna end you know what I mean do you train with him uh only in the pool I'm telling you you got to come with a friend even and someone that you feel safe with and i'm going to be honest with you we have fighters and trainers have the hardest time in the pool really yes and i'll tell you why a lot of them are built they have a lot of
Starting point is 02:08:55 mass okay like it's so number one right there just the mass like you're more dense you go to the bottom yeah okay um the other side of it is they're used to doing everything quickly and the water's like awesome that you want to do it quick this is how we're gonna do it right and so it's a pretty cool environment um but we've had a lot of we've had fighters and trainers and they're built for but once you know obviously once they get the hang of it but i think it's um it's pretty special the the training because you when you're done again it goes back to i am like a noodle you're exhausted and your joints are not just hammered so this is called xpt so yeah that's xpt it's like it's part of the whole thing online that you could follow yeah i
Starting point is 02:09:43 mean but the pool training though it's like You have to kind of do it With somebody Someone has to show you how Yeah I mean we started originally It was like We'd wear weight vests And Laird's like
Starting point is 02:09:51 Just go tread as long as you can And it's like Okay I think I'm I'm good now Like I I cannot swim anymore You know
Starting point is 02:09:57 I can't tread anymore And then It was actually One of my daughters She might have been like Six or seven at the time Maybe younger And she would swim To the surface with a dumbbell.
Starting point is 02:10:07 And Laird's like, oh, what if we made – you had reps. And you do sequencing where you're on an exhale or on an inhale or whatever. He'll go from like a, you know, a Versa climber or a bike and have your heart rate way up and then go, okay, now you're going to do the set. So it's like there's all these ways to adapt and it's pretty cool i think for people who train that's the whole thing is how do you keep modifying like do you get locked in like on your training or do you keep going okay i've heard you talk about like oh i've added yoga and all these things like that's the other thing is like you get pretty good at something but now how do you keep kind of
Starting point is 02:10:42 adding yeah doing things that you're sort of unsure you're uncomfortable you're pretty good at something but now how do you keep kind of adding yeah doing things that you're sort of unsure you're uncomfortable you're not good at i think that that's always been easier for laird than me i've always sort of going like well no i'm good over here like i do this good it's like okay change it up you know so i think that's been a i think that's a thing so that's that has everything that has we do a lot of breathing heat nice because his other thing is like active recovery people go i'm i'm have a day off it's like okay so what are you going to do to actively recover not just take the day off so i think he's you know been really into that but so active recovery meaning you do some like either breathing or something mellow so that you can participate in helping the body actually recover not just sit around
Starting point is 02:11:25 right how much of a benefit is that and like doing something physical as opposed to just sitting around doing nothing i think it's i think it makes a huge difference because i don't think it's about i have to tax my my adrenals or my nervous system or any of that i think it's okay i'm going to take a very you know a yin yoga class so the poses are long it won't be like necessarily a high flow class or i'm going to do multiple series of heat and ice like some days he'll go and just do three rounds in the sauna and three rounds on the ice or i'm going to do 35 or 45 minutes of breathing you know recovery breathing things like that to really oxygenate the tissue
Starting point is 02:12:05 and the cells and things like that. So I think it's just kind of looking at what a day off looks like and making that something that you participate in, in, in supporting the recovery, not just I laid around. Now, having said that, there are days where after you're done with that, yeah, great, lay around, like go to sleep early eat extra more calories whatever you need to do but i think active recovery even riding a bike you know flushing the system the tissue things like that i think uh people think uh you know off means like nothing and i think doing something or for certain athletes like maybe get a massage that day. That might be the best thing. So I think for him, it's feeling it out. Do you guys use any electronics in terms of apps or heart rate monitors or anything along those lines?
Starting point is 02:12:53 Not too, too much. I used to use a Fitbit. Laird uses an oximeter, like if he does breathing to see if he can get as himself up to altitude so he'll use that to measure and things like that but i think once you do something a really really long time you sort of go am i on the edge or aren't i um he'll use electronics more for speed and distance he'll put it on his boards and be like, okay, we went X miles and the peak speed was whatever, 50 miles an hour. So he'll use it more for that to measure distance on how many miles he rode each day on the water, but not necessarily micromanaging electronically all the metrics. Now, having said that, if you were an athlete where little seconds here and there made a difference maybe you would right um or you know
Starting point is 02:13:51 checking your heart rate and things like that but not not too often no yeah i would think that like things like heart rate variability finding out if you're recovering correctly yeah not your your heart rate varies in the morning right day to day but yeah that makes a big difference between if you're if you're doing something like michael phelps or something like that i was trying i think so our track athlete where it's all these milliseconds i think for lair it's like i feel good today and i'm gonna go well there's a lot more natural it's a more natural thing isn't it like yeah don't you have those days like you go wow i am i'm tired today and i'll just kind of do the best i can yeah but i think i understand wanting to
Starting point is 02:14:30 measure things and also sort of saying i feel tired because there's an interesting thing of feeling tired physically but you're actually emotionally tired because if you look at your metrics on your physical you have a lot more to give and so it's kind of then checking in and saying well what's going on for me? I'm usually more tired personally than I am physically. My, that makes sense. You know,
Starting point is 02:14:51 like, especially with your 11 year old giving you shit. Brody, man, she's awesome. She's so, but that's what I'm saying. Like,
Starting point is 02:14:58 I could be wiped out. Right, right, right. I could train for an hour and I could hang out with Brody 13 minutes in the car. And she's the Victor, like, you know, her foot's on my hip and she's standing, you know, in the pose.
Starting point is 02:15:09 And that has been my lesson. That's one of my many lessons, ongoing lessons is like, you can't, you cannot go at everything head on. And I've learned that certainly being in a marriage. on and uh i've learned that certainly being in a marriage uh i i developed a little bit of finesse and uh and as a parent just kind of going like i'm here to love you i'm here to support you and i'm also going to recognize that um you know you're probably not going to always do it hardly ever actually the way i i think you should or i want you to so what made you guys start um putting together the coffee and the superfood supplements and all that just by accident really um what happened is is laird used to he's been in as far as long as i've known him he's had coffee come from all around he's a coffee freak
Starting point is 02:15:57 and then what happened is paul check i don't know 16 years ago gave him ghee in his coffee and the two of those animals would gave him ghee in his coffee. And the two of those animals would be like down in the coffee well, getting all jacked up on caffeine. And I'd be standing in the gym waiting for them, being like, oh, my God, like hanging out with these two, you know, for the next two hours. Ramped up on fat and coffee, which is basically the Dave Asprey concept of like yak butter tea and, you know, fat and things like that. So the bulletproof concept. So Laird used to start to mess around with elements to add to the caffeine for the performance. And then we had a guy that we work with,
Starting point is 02:16:36 I think for about three years, we'd have guys come over and they'd be like, hey, can you make me one of those coffees? And after a while they'd start sending me emails like, well, how much coconut and how much this and how much that did he put in and our friend paul was like do you mind if i try to put it together in a formula and i was like yeah whatever and it wasn't with the intention of having a business and then before you know it it came out and uh so then we have like original uh creamer with unsweetened there's turmeric there's hydrate products um you know it's all based on
Starting point is 02:17:07 things that layered really eats and uses and uh you know mushroom blends that i actually put that's how i do my coffee in the mornings i put that in and and do that so you know that's another good example of like if you're doing something because you really believe in it and really um and that business has um we're really fortunate it's we have a factory in sisters oregon and they built another one and oh wow yeah no it's we have no like they do everything like no co-packing uh partners we do it and now we're looking into farming ingredients and doing a drying factory so we can do that and put that into the product and things like that so i don't know i think it started from a genuine passion and and and came into that and you know i always say too like i started i was playing volleyball at 18 you know
Starting point is 02:17:56 in college at 17 and then i started working and was sort of doing other jobs by 18 or 19 but laird his path has been really different and and really he didn't get in surfing people like they knew maybe knew who laird was he was sort of always on the outside but then it's it's really he was like 35 years old when someone from the outside went oh that's kind of cool so 35 would be considered old i think for an athlete yeah and i think it's somebody who thought i i have something inside me telling me to go yeah and I think it's somebody who thought I I have something inside me telling me to go forward and I think that I feel that same way like people have said to me like well why did you do this or that I go because I could feel it inside it's like
Starting point is 02:18:34 you know that from what you do because you've done a lot of different things and um and just kind of not only trying to develop that but try to to trust it and say, even though I've, you know, I don't see it all clearly right now, I feel it and I'm going to just keep following that feeling. And it doesn't always lead to some grand destination, but maybe that those lessons and that place lead you to the next which could be you know a place that you know brings you other things so yeah these businesses are just a natural byproduct of our lifestyle but it's pretty great it's pretty awesome got great stuff i didn't start drinking coffee till i was 45 really yeah because i laird would be like because then he was like try this one and try that and try this. I liked caffeine.
Starting point is 02:19:26 I just wasn't into coffee. How would you take it? Like Yerba Mate teas and stuff. I get all jacked up on that stuff. That stuff, you ever drink that stuff? Yeah, it's good stuff. You better go straight to whatever you're doing. Because I have a Yerba Mate
Starting point is 02:19:38 and I'm like, tell my kids, you get your stuff, you're in the car, you have your bags, let's go. Let's go. And they're just like, did you have a Yerba Mate? You know, like you're a crazy person So
Starting point is 02:19:46 And now I've switched To the caffeine with the fats But I I like it And I like the business aspect Of it quite frankly Like for me That's interesting too
Starting point is 02:19:56 You know Well you guys make Cool stuff Well thank you I'll send you more You're great on podcasts Do you do podcasts? I had a podcast
Starting point is 02:20:03 With Neil Strauss And did you stop doing it? Yeah Neil's a busy guy And we had a podcast do you do podcast i had a podcast with neil strauss and you stopped doing it yeah neil's a busy guy and uh we had a podcast we did it in the sauna uh we called the tooth barrel that's what it was called we were literally in the sauna in our bathing suits because our group when we get together we were we would sit in the sauna and you know this if you have friends over you go hey you know what i'm having love problems okay we got eight minutes because it's fucking 200 degrees like let's get into it you're friends over, you go, hey, you know what? I'm having love problems. Okay, we got eight minutes because it's fucking 200 degrees. Like, let's get into it.
Starting point is 02:20:26 You're half naked, so you're sort of, there you are. Right. And so, I got an invitation to do a podcast. And so, I thought Neil and I are so very, very different. Like, really different. And I thought it'd be more interesting to have us with our points of view. Because then you also realize that as different as we are is we're really looking for the same things we're trying to figure out love we're trying to be
Starting point is 02:20:49 parents we're trying to work take care of ourselves age whatever all this stuff you're navigating and so we did that for like a year and a half it was a lot of fun and people were like in there in their bathing suits sweating at my house in the sauna in the truth barrel because that's what we always called it you can't lie in the sauna but they're only like 10 minutes long no we would we would open the door oh but it was like and i try to turn it way down because laird has our sauna to 220 220 i go in there you're getting cooked no it's exactly right but if you couple it with the ice you're sort of grateful for the 220 so i would turn it i try to turn it down to like 120 and inevitably the next day when it was our real life saunaing lord's like who's been messing with the dial in
Starting point is 02:21:29 my sauna you know it's like this whole thing and i'm like well we were shooting we can't sit in there for an hour you see people they're like can i go out and they jump in the pool and then come back in it was really fun i liked it because there's something like you just get right to it right well why don't you just do it on your own you know what joe i listen to your podcast a lot and i think to myself very few people can do what you do i think it's really important to not only like recognize when someone does something really well because everyone thinks oh i could do that it's like well no you can't actually um and so for me
Starting point is 02:22:05 I'm very curious about people and you know I used to do a lot of tv where I'd interview athletes like that was more interesting to me than being interviewed because um that's how you learn like you go okay how do you do it I know how I do it I don't need to know that I need to know what you're doing and um I just think um it's it does interest me but i i would want to do it right um and not just assume like you can do it because to do it really well is it's a special talent uh i just had a lot of practice you go back and listen to the early ones they sucked just you just get better at it yeah no and i get that too but i think it's just knowing i think this is important in all things
Starting point is 02:22:45 in life because we like something not not maybe for me because i do really like this is just because we like something doesn't mean we have to do that too right like i think it's still like drilling down on you know what do you want to do like because when i hear you you go from a comedian to like a scientist a physicist to you know it's like it shows your genuine passions in all these areas and that's what's interesting i mean i always want to talk about like how do you get it done i'm so interested in how people if they can arrive at any place where there's a sense of like joy moving in and out of their life and self-care. And because I think when people talk about health and fitness or wellness, I think they're off the mark about what it really is. I think for me, what I've learned is like I train and eat well just so I have a fighting chance to support any kind of happiness.
Starting point is 02:23:43 just so I have a fighting chance to support any kind of happiness. And it isn't just about like, I'm ripped, you know, not me, but like the notion of what people are putting out there that fitness is. It's like, that's all great. But if you still haven't figured out some of these other things as a person, it's like, I don't know, it seems like you're wrestling the wrong things. So I'm always really interested in, and also, the wrong things. So I'm always really interested in,
Starting point is 02:24:04 and also, not only how they get it done, but also not making it seem like it's so easy. You know, it's like when people, I always joke, like when people do interviews and they go, how are your children?
Starting point is 02:24:17 Oh my God, they're amazing. And I'm like, my kids are amazing too. And they, you know, crush our balls on a daily basis. And isn't that everybody's you know or people will say to me i mean do you and lard ever fight um i mean we have and we haven't always had perfect you know like there's been times where it was like maybe we're not going
Starting point is 02:24:39 to stay together and i guess for me that would be really interesting is to communicate in a way that's like it's not gratuitous but at least like hey you're being kind of honest about like what it is yeah you know and and now like I'm almost 50 it's like even aging like having a having a realistic but good conversation about like hey how's that going you You know, not like, I feel great. I do feel great. I do. I feel great.
Starting point is 02:25:08 I'm sure you do. But there are days where you go, oh, time. You're a real human. Time's moving. Yeah. Sometimes I say that to Laird, because you know, you don't want to be that wife. Do I look old to you?
Starting point is 02:25:19 It's like, he doesn't notice. You know what I mean? I said, today, it was funny. I had a thing like i realized like time's moving and he goes because he knows what that means and i'm sparing him that whole conversation because that's like a girlfriend conversation that's like not one that you have with your partner i think it's important to like you know go down the hole with him on other things right i do observe that sometimes i look outside and i go yeah this is not a conversation you want to have with laird save that for you know your your
Starting point is 02:25:50 girlfriend you have so much to say i think it's like a natural progression for you to do another podcast for do you to do your own i don't know so much bouncing around i feel like i'm so boring you're not boring no i swear to god I feel like you know it's probably because you think about yourself so much you're probably annoyed
Starting point is 02:26:09 that you're thinking about yourself trying to fix this and change that and adapt here and evolve there you know if you're really
Starting point is 02:26:17 paying attention well because why I was even a decent athlete is just like I was just trying to I was just trying to get it yeah and I know as a human, we can never get it.
Starting point is 02:26:26 Right. And that's a moving target. But I feel like the pursuit of trying to be one's best self is probably worth spending some time on. You appreciate your existence more, I think, when you are on that path. I think, when you are on that path. I think so. And I think especially when you've had the opportunity also to do a lot of really cool stuff, I almost think it becomes a responsibility because you're not fighting certain fights.
Starting point is 02:26:56 Right. Like certain battles, you don't even – like I don't have to – I have three jobs, but I chose three jobs. It's not like you're just trying to survive like those people it's like hey I get it but I feel like if you go like hey I got to do that and this and this it's like yeah cool what are you doing like what what else are you gonna do you know I think that that becomes uh a worthy task and I and also like I'm trying to stay in my I'm trying to stay married I'm trying to be a decent mom things like that and so that takes probably some work well it does but I really think that there's value in expressing that and that you do yes I do yeah I'm sure a lot of people are agreeing right now like yeah do a podcast you know what it is this is what my ultimate hope would be is that somehow and this is I think why I love your your show
Starting point is 02:27:50 because I hear it over and over and you don't say it per se of saying it but it's there always in an underlying way it's like power and love always like be your most badass self all the time that you can. Have fun. Kick ass. And maybe be kind. Yeah. Like, for me, those are the ultimate. Because all the people that I see where I'm like, oh, they could kick your ass and love you. You know?
Starting point is 02:28:22 I think that's really powerful. you know, I think that's really powerful. I mean, I respond to that because it, you know, it feels, uh,
Starting point is 02:28:31 important right now. I think you're absolutely right. I think this is a good way to end this. Okay. Let's do it. Mahalo. So thank you. Thanks for being here.
Starting point is 02:28:39 I really appreciate it. I really enjoyed it. Thank you. Um, tell people your Instagram, your, your social media, Gabby Reese. If they want to check out the pool training, your social media. Oh, at Gabby Reese. If they want to check out the pool training, XPT, and just get people to take care of themselves.
Starting point is 02:28:53 Mahalo. Bye, everybody. Aloha. That was great.

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