The Joe Rogan Experience - #1285 - B-Real

Episode Date: April 23, 2019

B-Real is a rapper and actor. He is the lead rapper in the hip hop group Cypress Hill and one of two rappers in the rap rock supergroup Prophets of Rage. Also check out his show "The Smoke Box" on & YouTube.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 three two one boom what's up brother always thanks for a while man yeah we've both been busy it's crazy and in the meantime we became legal yes you guys were at the forefront man you guys were way ahead you were ahead of everybody you know we took a shot we took a shot you know as stoners and advocates and whatnot. You know, we were stoners at first, right? You know, that's how you start. Like, you know, your friend says, hey, man, try this. Or you're the one who says, try this, right?
Starting point is 00:00:35 It's one or the other. And, you know, eventually you start getting into the High Times magazines and stuff like that. And looking at the, you know, the centerfold pictures of the weed, but also we like to read too occasionally. So we'd get into some of the activism aspect of it as well. And that's when we heard names like Jack Herrera, who pretty much opened our eyes to everything. And then I think we became real advocates you know at first you know we thought we were yeah you know sort of we read the high times magazines that we were stoners so we thought we were advocates but like in reading what other freedom fighters were actually doing out
Starting point is 00:01:16 there and protests and rallies and all that stuff you know we we really weren't advocates like we thought we became that later for sure yeah jack was Jack was way, way, way ahead of the curve. He's such an interesting story, rest in peace, because he was a Goldwater Republican. He was just a buttoned down old school Republican. And then he got a girlfriend. And then his girlfriend got him smoking weed. And then all of a sudden he's like, man, this is fucking amazing. God, why am I such a dick? What's wrong with me with me who am i what am i doing with my life absolutely it totally flipped
Starting point is 00:01:50 his life around yeah the emperor wears no clothes is a fucking great book man yeah it holds it holds strong to this day because everything that he said in the book is sort of happening right now all the stuff that they you know they they uh tried to prevent from happening through all the anti-cannabis propaganda. Yeah. You see it now. And now you see those very companies trying to get into the industry. They were always on the outside waiting. You know, there was only at the launching block.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Not quite ready to run, but any minute now it's going to get legal. Yeah, exactly. I mean, you know, they're lying in wait with fields like acreage that no one can ever come close to. Probably, right? Yeah. I mean, the thing I heard maybe like five years ago, before it was legal in Denver, or a bit longer than that,
Starting point is 00:02:40 before we got legalization here, that, you know, companies like Philip Morris and companies like that were already buying land and already trademarking names for some of the cannabis that we know today. So that when they come into the game, they have ownership on some of the names and some of the brands and trademarks and stuff like that to that. And obviously, the acreage to grow vast sums of cannabis. Who knows how true that is, but I don't doubt some of that. I don't doubt it either. The sneakiest shit was Ohio. Ohio was, they were trying to make it legal legal but if they were going to make it legal
Starting point is 00:03:25 there's only like it was like two companies that were out jamie's from ohio i think like four but i think that is how it went yeah they were the only ones going to be allowed to grow it and sell it like fuck you monopoly that is not legal weed that is you being a cunt that's monopoly yeah that's crazy you know yeah because you know you had had people that got those licenses or permits or whatever that had no knowledge on the cannabis culture or business, how to cultivate and how to run retail stores or any of that. They didn't have any of that knowledge. And they'll usually give it to an insider because they know how much money they stand to make like that that's like if there was just one distribution center right and everybody has to go through that distribution center how much money does that distribution center make
Starting point is 00:04:17 because you got to pay for your shit to go there and then you know who knows if it well you know if it passes because you know as a cultivator what you did. So you'll know it'll pass because it's clean, but you still got to pay that fee every time and it's got to go through them. Fortunately, here in California, you know, they've allowed people to have distribution licenses so that there's not one distribution center because that would be a monopoly for sure. Because that would be a monopoly for sure. And that's what they wanted to, supposedly, you know, the lobbyists that put 64 together were trying to stop it from being a monopoly andcorporate thing that these corporations were trying to get a grip yeah on weed it just it seemed it seemed obscene you know it seemed it seemed disgusting yeah it's it's a little out of place you know a lot out of place right you know because you you think about where it comes from and it's been outlaw for so long. It's kind of like the way alcohol was for so long. Way longer than alcohol, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:29 But it's been demonized longer. Yeah, yeah. And now you have people trying to come in and throw money into it. And some of these guys don't realize it's not just about the money into it. You've got to do the diligence on what this business is. You can't cut corners on this business is you can't cut corners on the cultivation you know you can't cut corners on quality because people you know they're they're um there's more information out there yeah you know so people know you're even if they're not
Starting point is 00:05:59 a connoisseur as a consumer you know they can they can read about shit they can learn about stuff so if you're getting over on them or if you're putting some shit quality product out there i mean people are going to know and and all that money that these guys put into to trying to get into the cannabis business they're just throwing it into the fire yeah some of them will come out of it you know they'll partner up with brands that exist and and people that have knowledge but you know it's it's the corporations that come in in the next five years it's going to be it's going to be interesting because i do think that it's set up for them to come in the taxes are so high right now for the consumer and for the cultivator
Starting point is 00:06:45 and for the retail shop that you got to survive this wash right now that's happening in order to still be doing business when the corporate structure comes in because please believe they're going to lobby so that those taxes come down because the margins are not right
Starting point is 00:07:04 as 40% taxes. Is that what it is now? It was 39 in Denver, right? Yeah, but in here in California, it's, you know, 40%. But to the consumer, the consumer's like, who gives a fuck? If I could just pull in and get some weed real quick. They should give a fuck. They should, but in comparison to alcohol, like how much it costs if you go out for a night for some drinks, it costs way more.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You get high for a month on what it takes to get a few drinks in a night. Depending where you go, those fucking drinks are even double. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And with less alcohol. Well, the other thing is that these companies, they don't understand the culture. It's a different culture. You can't bullshit us. You can't bullshit us with marketing and advertising.
Starting point is 00:07:44 That shit is not gonna work you can't have like the most interesting man in the world selling weed stay thirsty my friends no no that ain't gonna work you gotta get somebody like michael phelps yeah man for right michael phelps man i would buy weed from michael phelps how funny was that that he got in trouble for that you know what i find it funny is how how um you know they they put these uh stereotypes on stoners for so long like that we're lazy unproductive and all that stuff this guy's one of the most decorated olympians in the history you know what i mean what does he? Like 15 gold fucking medals? Something preposterous. Yeah. Mr. Big Lungs.
Starting point is 00:08:27 That's what we call him. Mr. Big Lungs. That guy probably could take a rip on a bong. Think about it. Oh, my God. I mean, shit. Right? He had probably his crazy capacity.
Starting point is 00:08:37 There it is. He could probably snap a two-gram bull, this guy. Who was the person who ratted him out? Some low- Some kid. Some kid? Yeah. Some dirtbag. Little dick dickhead what a piece of shit
Starting point is 00:08:47 yeah imagine he's going to a party trying to have a good time some kids there with his phone that social network for you though they want to go viral so they'll they'll get you in that moment where you know you're supposed to be a friend but that was like before a lot of that shit was happening like what year was that let's guess what year was that 12 2012 well before yeah before uh let's just say before you know uh instagram kicked off but there was still youtube and twitter yeah you know if you wanted to put somebody on blast or you wanted to have a viral video youtube has been there for a long time yeah twitter was like 2007 right i believe so yeah yeah i think when was michael when was michael phelps when did he get in trouble
Starting point is 00:09:32 i'm looking it's i i'm seeing different stuff so i saw a picture of it on youtube from 2009 so that means it would have been in 2008 olympics but oh that seems that makes sense like it was a long time ago yeah that makes sense though because then he came back right yeah he retired and then he came back well i think he was suspended i think it was suspended yeah 2009 is when he got caught and then uh and then he had to you know do the suspension and he came back and got some more medals like haha fuck you right i love that was he suspended because of the weed? Yeah. Well, you know, hey, listen, in a lot of places, it's still on a banned substance list.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Oh, yeah. Texas. Texas is real bad. February, well, 2009. He was only 23. Apologized for an incident where he was caught on camera at a party smoking a bomb that was allegedly marijuana. You know, he shouldn't have apologized for that. He shouldn't He shouldn't have apologized for that. He shouldn't have had to have apologized for that.
Starting point is 00:10:29 The thing is that they have those guys bent over a box because they're all just trying to get that sponsorship money. Right. Yeah, you have to be squeaky clean if you want to be on the Wheaties box. Yeah, if you're an Olympian. Yeah. They're not going to put Cypress Hill on the Wheaties box just yet. Wouldn't that be great, though?
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah. They're not going to put Cypress Hill on the Wheaties box just yet. Wouldn't that be great, though? But take the T-H out and add an E and put a D and I-E-S at the end? Let's go. Wheaties. Yeah. I don't know, man. You guys were so far ahead of the curve, though.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I mean, you had weed songs. When? What year? That was, the first album was in 91 and we started writing for that album probably uh four years prior wow and uh you know the weed songs those came about because we were weed heads you know we just fuck it let's be ourselves right it's a different thing though for people that were were fans because uh i when i was listening to you i was uh just getting ready to move from boston to new york and uh back then
Starting point is 00:11:33 you would hear about new hip-hop bands from like friends yeah like you didn't like yeah it was word of mouth yeah man sure i would hear about it. Like somebody that I think somebody I worked out with had it. And I was like, what the fuck is this? And they're like, that's Cypress Hill. I was like, damn. Yeah, we were trying to be different, you know, not sound like a typical West Coast, you know, group. Right. Because a lot of West Coast groups at that point, you know, what the labels were looking for were NWA, you know, types and, you know, things like that.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Like either, you know, and you know things like that like either you know gangster west coast gangster rap they were looking for that or either the the kid frost chicano type yeah and we don't want to do that we don't want to uh foothold ourselves like that you know mugs being from new york he wanted to sort of blend both worlds, right? So, you know, we went with the East Coast type sound with LA, you know, type of slang mixed with East Coast slang. And so people, you know, they were like, where the fuck are these guys from?
Starting point is 00:12:35 And people thought we were from Cypress Hill, New York, because there's a Cypress Hill down there. And, you know, people just didn't really know at first because we were one of the first groups that didn't put our images on any of our first, you know, any of our singles or our art covers. We never did like the shots like, you know, that were existing at that time where it's a clean shot of the group or the artist or whatever. We were always on some, you know, because we were metalheads, too. You know, before the hip-hop we liked the obscure
Starting point is 00:13:05 metal album so we didn't we were like we're not going to put ourselves on the covers we're just going to do these crazy obscure covers and make people you know try to guess who we are be mysterious damn we talk about longevity i mean you guys you guys been around a long fucking time crazy dropped off at all it's crazy you know um we we didn't expect it we didn't know how long our run would be we just kept working you know we always had a strong work ethic we were never the types just to sit around we're always doing something you know mugs is always making beats um you know i'm always writing to something i'm always into one project or another so it's it was always just about keeping busy and and that that uh suited us well it's crazy 28 years later still banging it it's crazy
Starting point is 00:13:53 what you say 28 years 28 years later from your first album man and again you guys never dropped off for a second not once you were always there you have to be consistent in hip-hop you know in music in general especially like if if there's a time where radio stops playing your music or you know as mtv stopped playing music videos and they went for more um reality show type programming you gotta you gotta stick out there so for us it was you know constantly doing shows we didn't put out as many albums as we could have but we thought less was more you know instead of like driving the music into your heart like a steak or something like that we just you know let everything breathe for a while and there was there was a time where you know we sort of let go of doing everything
Starting point is 00:14:42 it was like a six-year period where we just kind of took off. We, we didn't, we weren't away completely. We're still doing like sporadic shows here and there to keep up the profile, but we weren't like touring and working on music. I was off fucking around, uh,
Starting point is 00:14:57 competing in paintball tournaments. Yeah. Get into paintball. Oh man. Uh, yeah. I had a team called stoned assassins and, and it was competitive paintball.
Starting point is 00:15:07 At the time, I was training martial arts, as I've done throughout my life, and I was also playing competitive paintball. What kind of martial arts were you doing? Shotokan. I started off with Taekwondo, and I got sort of, I mean, it's like, it was, the dojo was cool, you know, and I was progressing quickly. But I sort of fell out with the master there with the Sifu or whatever. I can't remember what it is. Sabonim. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And one of my partners who I grew up with, who was one of my partners in our Dr. Green Thumb brand and whatever, his father was a sensei and his sensei and became my sensei. I went from Taekwondo to Shotokan and I started training with him. I mean, he had been in the dojo since he was five years old, training with his father. So I came into that. It took a little bit of convincing for me to go from one thing to another because it's such a different style. But, you know, I adapted to it and I liked it. And it was very different, less flash, but very disciplined and his father you know he was you know born in japan raised out there and he you know their their shit is kind of different they go to to to um martial arts universities and they get degrees in different martial arts so they can go and take like okay hop kido and
Starting point is 00:16:39 jujitsu and shotokan and and all this, you know, get their degrees, you know, they work their way up in the belt system and all that stuff, but they become teachers through that university, I guess. That's fascinating. And, yeah, his father was one of the guys in one of the federations that he's one of the three or four senseis that have to come in and give you the black belt when you actually get it yeah it's uh what was it uh skfa or something like i got it you know karate federation something yeah something like that yeah so you could imagine when leota machida came on the scene you know
Starting point is 00:17:18 we were like yeah someone representing the style that you know we were training under anyway yeah a lot of people got excited when he Came about He was really the First guy to Legitimize karate In the modern era Of mixed martial arts He showed like
Starting point is 00:17:30 If you could do All those other things If you could stuff Take downs And you knew Submissions and all Those things on top Of that
Starting point is 00:17:36 You could live Yeah you could And you could do it In a weird way That people didn't Really understand His timing Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:41 You know Wonderboy Thompson's similar To that too He's got a weird Timing Weird timing It's you know And then the faints With the hips He was good people didn't really understand his timing. Yeah. You know, Wonderboy Thompson's similar to that, too. He's got a weird timing. Weird timing. It's, you know, and then the feints with the hips. He was good with that shit.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Oh, yeah. Like, you know, he would throw people off with that. And, you know, I just happened to go see his fight against Rashad Evans. Oh, shit. And, man, I mean, it surprised all of us. I mean, we thought he would win, but we didn't know he would win in that fashion. I mean. Yeah, he of us. I mean, we thought he would win, but we didn't know he would win in that fashion. I mean. Yeah, he was something special.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Yeah. You know, I mean, and he's doing, he's over at Bellator now, right, with his brother. His brother Chinzo's been over there for a while. His brother, I think his brother's a bantamweight or featherweight, one of those. But, yeah, I think it's good to go from Taekwondo to other styles because Taekwondo gives you a lot of dexterity. You want to move your legs easily. Yes, absolutely. It's a good foundation.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah, it's a good way to start off. It's good for little kids, too. For sure. There's not a lot of head contact. The coordination, too. Yeah, and then when you learn, if you really actually want to fight, you want to learn Muay Thai and all those other things, you have way quicker legs. They just move better yeah for me you know i was never good with all those flashy kicks like that so you know you're a big dude yeah it was harder for me taekwondo like the shotokan was
Starting point is 00:18:54 definitely hard but it was more suited for someone that's a hard style shotokan's a hard style it is good style and he you know he when he was training us, he would not, like, let up. He'd, oh, B-Real's here. Let me go light on him. Nah. Everything I did, like, you know, that I did outside of music when I tried, like, for instance, paintball. When it went into paintball, there was a price on my head every game. Everybody wanted to give me extra shots. Of course.
Starting point is 00:19:21 So, like, if I got hit while i'm walking out i would get 10 20 extra paint balls to my back oh you know and we'd give it right back to them you know in the very next game when we played them guys again we were making sure to give them that right back so you got deep into this oh yeah i was man it's addicting man i gotta tell you um if there's any physical activity that is addicting it is paintball because it's chess with guns yeah because it's so fast and so close and you gotta think of a strategy you know it's not all shooting straight way it's all shooting angles and getting your guys to positions to get those guys out to keep moving up to get their flag wipe them out and bring the flag back now are there restrictions on, like the power of the guns?
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah, yeah. I believe you can't shoot above 300 PSI. I think the highest you can shoot is maybe 285, 290, at least at the time. If you go balls out, if you wanted to get the ultimate paintball gun, what is that? Oh, man. It's hard because we were using different guns at the time because it's it's like uh each year a better gun comes out the technology gets better so you know we were using at first when we started these these guns called angels and then we went over
Starting point is 00:20:38 into uh these other guns fuck i can't remember the name of them but they were light i mean the best thing is to have a light gun with the trigger that you can fan, see, because that's the technique to get it to shoot like a Uzi, right? You're not supposed to be able to pull the trigger and multiple balls come out with one pull. It's supposed to be that the gun shoots as fast as your two fingers or three can toggle. So if you get a rhythm, you could shoot that thing like a fucking Uzi. And everybody has a different position. Like mine, I was like one of the quarterbacks, which is the last three on the line.
Starting point is 00:21:16 See, it's like a football field, right? You got the 50, and there's obstacles at the 50, and in between, and it's mirrored on the other side the quarterbacks play the back and they shoot a whole bunch of paint so that the other guys that are the front and mid guys can get into these different positions to shoot the other guys out so the guys in the back we're shooting the most paint so you have to use that fanning um style so using three fingers three fingers because the the trigger where you're where the the base where you're using Three fingers Three fingers Because the trigger Where you're The base
Starting point is 00:21:48 Where you're pulling The trigger You can fit Three fingers there It's really for two But you could fit Three Yeah this was
Starting point is 00:21:54 Our team right here Stoned assassins 07 And we were always Pretty stoned When we were playing Did that help Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:02 The furthest we went We took third place in one tournament. Wow. So this is crazy. You guys have these barriers and shit? Yeah, these are all blow-up barriers right here. It looks like a football field. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 That's what they would replicate, like a football, soccer field. And you put all these obstacles up, these blow-up obstacles, and they're all just positions to try to take to get a better angle on the other side. And what's the ultimate
Starting point is 00:22:32 goal, to take everybody out? You get points for taking the other side out, but you get the maximum points getting their flag and bringing it back to your side. And you get points for how many guys on your side that are still alive.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So you would get 100% if all seven of your guys were alive, you killed all of them and brought their flag down. That ever happen? Oh, yeah. Damn, who were you playing? You guys crawling around and shit. The thing about paintball, right, is that let's just say there's six tiers, right?
Starting point is 00:23:04 There's the pros, there's the semi-pros, there's let's just say there's six tiers, right? There's the pros. There's the semi-pros. There's the amateurs. There's the novice. There's the rookie. And each tier had at least 200 teams competing in this. Wow. Per tournament.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And these guys, back in that time, I don't know how it is now because I haven't competed in a long time, but they would do five tournaments a year. One would be in Huntington Beach, the biggest one, and it was awesome. They would throw it right next to a surfing tournament. It would just be people crossing up, watching the surfers, and then come and watch the paintball. Then it would hit to Boston and Florida and Las Vegas and one other place. I can't remember. But we would do these tournaments.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I was doing them for like four or five years. And the guy before me that was the ambassador was one of the Bee Gees. What? One of the Bee Gees, the one who passed away first. Barry Gibb? Was it Barry? No, he was the one that always wore the hat. He uh the one who passed away first um barry gibb was it barry no he's the one that always wore the hat um he was the shorter one so he was a paintball he was a paintball fiend like
Starting point is 00:24:12 myself he he owned a store he had a team i think it was based out of uh florida out of miami and he would compete up until when he passed away he was was like the ambassador. Wow, there he is. Yeah. I came in and took his spot. Maurice. Yeah, Maurice. Maurice Gibbs. That's crazy. I had no idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Wow, you guys are armored the fuck up, huh? Yeah. These things must sting. Oh, man. I mean, I'd leave with at least 20 paintball bruises in one sitting. And you look like a leopard coming wow coming off after that you know who else was a big paintball enthusiast was william shatner really yeah he would hold these crazy tournaments like in trekkie style where it's a scenario game
Starting point is 00:24:57 meaning that okay here's the castle i'm gonna be in the castle right here you guys gotta siege the castle and if you guys can come get me out of here You guys win this round And they would Through the three days They'd set up different scenarios Like there you go William Shagner playing paintball
Starting point is 00:25:15 This is crazy I would have never guessed But how does he run? He can't run Well no He's like eight years old He doesn't run They put him in a central place and he'll shoot.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Sometimes he would go out there, but. So he would just stay put? Yeah, he would stay put. You would have to protect him. That's like old man paintball. He would fight, too. Look at him. He would fight, too, but they would be trying to protect him.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Oh, that's so crazy. Yeah. Wow. And I mean, there's a bunch of celebrities that paintballed, man. Will Smith was paintballing before he did iRobot. Really? He did that. He came down to the park where we would practice at.
Starting point is 00:25:52 We played with him and his team. But it was a scenario game. Joaquin Phoenix, Makai Pfeiffer. I mean, you'd be surprised how many people. Well, it looks like fun. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You let off steam How many people on a team?
Starting point is 00:26:08 On a competition team You have 11 for the roster and 7 play at a time And you can Switch guys out But now it's different now they do like 5 man and 3 man Teams I don't know anything about the new style
Starting point is 00:26:23 But you know they constantly call me back because I'm in better shape than I was when I played. I was a little bit heavier then. That's why I was that quarterback. I wasn't running too fast then. But they always hit me, man. I'll always get hit on my DM on IG or Twitter like, hey, man, when you come back to the paintball field.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I'm like, when I get time, which is probably never, but it seems like a big time suck. Loved it, man. I loved playing the game. It was so addicting. It was hard to pull away from it. I would even at times be coming home from a tour straight into
Starting point is 00:26:59 a tournament. Like I'd get off the plane, I'd have somebody have my paintball shit ready and boom, straight to the tournament. Can't tell you how many times I was doing that. Yeah, it's fucking crazy. It's funny when things get in your blood, right? They get in your bones. Yeah, that got in my blood like martial arts did because I was always like an enthusiast, like, you know, for a long time, you know, and when I finally started training, I was training like seven days a week, man. I wouldn't give myself any time off because I wanted to learn fast and I wanted to absorb it, you know? Did you ever fuck with jujitsu? No, I always wanted to, but I never did.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You know what? I thought about it and I- Come on down to 10th Planet, man. You fit right in. I think I will, you know? Like a lot of people have asked me and invited me because they know I'm a UFC fan. I'm a mixed martial arts fan. I'm a boxing fan.
Starting point is 00:27:52 All that shit. A couple of my cousins are, well, one of them was a champion professional boxer, which was Michael Carbajal. And his nephew was- He was your cousin? Yeah, that's my cousin. Damn. I met him one day at the comedy store yeah long time ago man yeah when he was uh when he was a champ he was a beast he was a beast
Starting point is 00:28:10 and his uh nephew is now now boxing keenan carboho oh okay cool so yeah you know we're rooting for family right there but from arizona right yeah from az yeah yeah yeah so yeah i've been invited to to to to you know come fuck with some jujitsu and i think i you know i think i will because i mean you gotta know it i think i think you you know it's something that would benefit anyone from to know that yeah so that you don't actually you know get in a fight and have to hurt somebody bad or they hurt you you know i'm saying yeah just choke them just choke them out i saw everlast choke some guy out one night and it was the fucking because you know he he he fucks around a little bit you know he knows people that teach jujitsu and they've taught
Starting point is 00:28:58 him a couple things and we're at the rainbow one night where we were holding court um just smoking like it's amsterdam down there and we were having a conversation and he kept hearing some dude across this cross a couple tables over kept saying everlast this everlast that and he he yo money say my name one more time and he goes everlast and he went back to talking to his people because he didn't think everlast was gonna come up and do nothing everlast went and walked over to this table looked to his face turned him around real quick and started choking him to see my name again money say it oh jesus oh man it was it was hilarious but uh yeah man well 10th
Starting point is 00:29:47 planet is downtown right near where your place is yeah yeah so your studio or your setup that's that's real close to 10th planet jujitsu yeah man just let me know i'll set it up i will man you gotta avoid any flat earth conversations that come up oh you know plug your ears and keep moving i get those from i get those from time to time, you know? People need to stay the fuck off of YouTube, man. Man. Yeah. They get confused.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah. That's the craziest shit. Yeah. Because I always argue like this about the flat earth, right? So, hey, listen, if we got a flat earth, there's an edge, right? And there's always thrill seekers looking to do something thrilling. And there's always a thrill seeker that fucks up and falls right off of that edge right so how many motherfuckers would be falling off the edge of the earth if we really had one for sure you know there'll be climbers there'd be a bunch of dudes who would try to hang off the edge take selfies think about it right 12 people this year have died at the grand canyon that's the grand canyon is that really that many that many so far in this year and some people die of a heart attack there because you know it's too much for them to be on that little bridge that
Starting point is 00:30:58 they have there that that extends past the edge of a canyon They put in a little bridgeway so that you can go and look down. People have heart attacks doing that? And people have had heart attacks from that. But the other guys are the ones trying to do selfies. Falling off fucking bridge and plummeting, right? So you got to think, man, if we had a flat earth, how many people would be visiting the edge
Starting point is 00:31:24 and falling the fuck off taking a selfie, man? There's no, you know, come on. No doubt. There'd be teams of people. Teams. They would travel the flat earth and they would like rope. Like Alex Honnold would probably try to climb off the side. We'd hear it on the news.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Another person has died from falling off the edge of the earth. Yeah. It would be 100%. that'd be our hundred the flat people would tell you though that the government guards that yeah and all right yeah you can't go near it bro yeah battleships well there wouldn't be just one edge though right that's true they didn't think that through yeah no there'd be several edges if we're flat yeah but see you gotta have that youtube mentality you gotta put your head in a little box and leave it in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Fucking turn the oven box on and stick your head in it. The government's blocking the edge, man. You can't get near it. Yeah. It's like we're living in a dome. You know, that's the theory. That's the other one. Yeah, the dome.
Starting point is 00:32:20 The dome theory. Yeah, there's no space. Space is fake. Fuck, man. People spoke too much People want to believe In some crazy shit You know
Starting point is 00:32:28 I wonder how much of them Are stoners Like most of them right How many of them Are microdosing Oh good Yeah probably Cause you know
Starting point is 00:32:36 Cause Cause That's a thing now Everybody's like Fucking microdosing right now And it's not bad for you They say it's actually You know
Starting point is 00:32:43 Kind of good for you But Ron White's doing it. Ron White microdoses psilocybin every day. He goes, well, I never felt better in my life. And they like to talk when they're microdosing. Yeah. Especially psilocybin.
Starting point is 00:32:55 You just have these ideas. That's the thing. You have ideas and your mind becomes open to shit that normally you're closed off to, obviously. Yeah. I think they think that the earth is a disk. comes open to shit that normally you know you're closed off to obviously you know yeah but you know i think they think that the earth is a disc i think that's what i've heard recently they think it's a disc a disc some sort of a floating disc and then we live in the firmament or something like that there's like some sort of a cover over the top of the disc and that's what the here it is what is this jamie it's the cruise huh the cruise next year that they're at. The Flat Earth Cruise?
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yeah. Oh, my God. Is that real? Best adventure yet. They're going to get to the fucking glaciers, and they're going to go, I told you, the wall. The Flat Earth Cruise. I hope they jump out and get eaten by polar bears. That's the funniest shit.
Starting point is 00:33:38 It has to use GPS to get around. Good luck with that. How many scientists do they have on their side uh all of them that's the funniest shit no it's fucking ridiculous there's there's a there's gigantic satellites that take huge high resolution photos of the earth every 10 seconds from orbit from thousands of miles out those are doctored yeah it's just the whole thing is so fucking stupid of all the shit to believe in like to invest any energy in that like why would someone lie about the shape
Starting point is 00:34:10 of the earth that's the dumbest part about it you want to know what i think is is um before um the internet and all these different platforms where you can get information they you know our government and other governments could debunk any information on ufos anything because they you know our government and other governments could debunk any information on ufos anything because they you know there wasn't like the wide communication that exists now right so i think now they put in people who are saying this crazy wild way out shit so that people are that are really trying to expose truth on certain things, they get looked at as whack jobs like the rest of those that are trying to say, oh, well, flat earth, or we're on a disc, or we're in a globe, or blah, blah, blah. The government's spying on you.
Starting point is 00:34:55 They'll throw all that together. The government is spying on you. Yeah, they are. That is for sure. No, they really are. Since George Bush Jr. was was president they've been listening to our phone calls i mean that's a fact i mean that was one of the the things they enacted with the homeland security that they can record every american's call and you know whatever conversation
Starting point is 00:35:17 mentioned certain key words as we were saying earlier they would you know they would get shuffled off to a certain department and those guys were red flagged and looked at and that still happens today still to this day you don't need a warrant then you just listen i mean i'll tell you this right there was uh i've been traveling what 20 20 some odd years at at this point where um when i when i was coming back into the United States, for a long time, I would not get randomly checked or anything like that. They just let us go by. And I made a few posts somewhere, you know, with an abundant amount of cannabis. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And right after that post, each time I came back into the United States, they send me into secondary for a search. And I started asking, like, hey, I've been traveling for X amount of years now. I've noticed that the last four times that I've come back from another country, you guys are randomly checking my bags now. What's the deal? Am I red flagged? What's going on with my passport um well you know we're i'm not really allowed to tell you this but i mean have you been what kind of postings have you made on your social networks really yeah and i said okay say no more
Starting point is 00:36:38 and i already knew what it was because i had put like you know a post with like four, five, six pounds in it. What does five pounds of weed even look like? It's a lot. It's so light. That's like giant pillows filled with weed. Yeah. So, you know, right then and there, I knew, you know, from that reaction that he had, that anybody with any sort of, that's involved in entertainment, music, athlete, you know, whatever, actor, actress, they're watching all of our shit.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Oh, for sure. They're listening and they're watching. Especially someone like you who's been at the forefront of pushing cannabis legalization and always talked about it openly, flagrantly, even when it was a Schedule 1 substance. Oh, yeah. Everywhere, you know yeah when did you get a medical card what year the the year that it was available the first year it was available was that like 95 or something 94 yeah i think i got my from from dr idelman he was like one of the dr idelman hooked me up yeah all right we're idelman brothers all right
Starting point is 00:37:42 a lot of us are i used to go to him even when it was way more expensive because i'm like that guy's an og yeah hey bro he like he told me he goes my god because because i i lost track of him for a minute you know and uh when i went back to get a renewal some years back and he's lewis you've you've been with me a long time i mean is it what it looks like is that your patient number four whoa number four on his first because he keeps a list of all his patients i guess you know and apparently i was number four yeah even though there was doctors out here i'd always go travel to see him in hollywood just out of respect yeah and uh he always had these he had like og stoners in the
Starting point is 00:38:25 waiting room oh yeah just people that were just like barely holding on to reality oh yeah he had he had all sorts he had the hippies he had the new you know new gens hip-hop people like he had vitamin drips and shit too all kinds of weird stuff in his office yeah he would yeah he would try to sell you on some some different technology anytime we can this will help you stop smoking cigarettes well i don't smoke cigarettes oh yeah he had like a thing that you put on your ear like a little electrical thing little electrode yeah they gave one to red band it didn't work yeah you know you gotta try something right yeah it was like a battery-powered thing right give a little charge to your ear that somehow or another supposed to stop you from smoking cigarettes like yeah i didn't get it i didn't smoke cigarettes so i'm like i don't smoke
Starting point is 00:39:08 cigarettes did you ever get your lungs checked out from all those years of weed smoking yeah i mean i you know i get physicals and stuff like that and uh you know occasionally i'll have my lungs checked and they tell me they're great isn't that amazing it's crazy you know because i think if if you keep active you know like you train and and uh a lot of us train now like this generation they're not like lazy stoners they don't just yeah sit back and do nothing there still are those but you know i i don't think it has the the same carcinogens as you know people expected you know a cigarette. It doesn't. And so you might look at someone's lungs who smoke cigarettes and you might see something there like, hey, you need to slow the fuck down over here.
Starting point is 00:39:54 But every time that I've had my lungs checked or whatever, for whatever, whether I've gotten sick or whatever, they're always telling me lungs are in good shape. and sick or whatever, they're always telling me lungs are in good shape. And it's a funny thing because, you know, I think in 1987, you know, I was 17 and I was gangbanging. I got shot and, you know, I got hit by a.22 and as hollow points do, it broke into three pieces pieces the hollow point and one of them punctured my my lung on my left side and uh you know they were telling me uh well you know um do
Starting point is 00:40:35 you smoke no i don't really smoke because i didn't smoke cigarettes i smoked weed but i wasn't gonna divulge that at the time i was 17 and you, you know, and they said, well, you know, well, that's good because you'll never smoke again. They punctured your lung and blah, blah, blah. They thought I was going to have to work off one lung. But in the three days, you know, they were able to get the blood out of the lung and I was able to get it back, you know, through the exercises they told me, you know, to get it back to its regular size. And I've never had a problem since then.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Knock on wood. Did they take the piece of metal out? No, I still got the three pieces. That's like when I go do my physicals and they do the, you know, the MRI, the MRIs and the x-rays and all that.
Starting point is 00:41:20 The doctors, you know, sometimes they forget because they see so many patients. Mr. Freeze, um, all that the doctors you know sometimes they forget because they see so many patients mr freeze um these appeared to be bullet fragments what what is that well you just said it dr bullet fragment you've seen them a dozen times you know and uh yeah i was very lucky i was very lucky because you know punctured my lung and then two of the pieces one was by the heart one was by my spine but i was at uh martin luther king hospital in linwood and we call that place killer king because you go in there for something small and end up dying
Starting point is 00:41:56 or come out you know gimped out or something so you know i wasn't gonna allow them to try and get to those bullets or those fragments. To open you up? Yeah, no, no, no. Because they didn't have a great success rate. What kind of lung exercise do they give you? Try to pump your lungs back up. They give you this breathing apparatus that has like a ball in it, right?
Starting point is 00:42:19 And it has two lines. lines and you know the it's the the first line you're trying to they're telling you every day for five minutes to ten minutes to blow that you know not all in one shot but like to keep practicing getting the ball up there and that will help inflate the lung and get it back so i had to do that for probably like three weeks and uh you know the puncture wound, it healed itself pretty much. And the pieces are still in your lung? Not in the lung, no. It went past the lung. It shot past the lung.
Starting point is 00:42:52 So, you know, I got a piece up here and one off to the side in the back. Well, when it's really cold, due to the nerve damage, I'll get like stinging, like, you know, like when your hand falls asleep, the little needles, I'll get that here and then back here where it entered. They had to cut right in between a rib here to stick the tube in to put the hose into the lung to get the blood out of the lung. Damn. Yeah. I was living crazy before i got into the music the music saved my life pretty much really yeah how long were you gangbanging for for for some years you know i started i started young um i was probably 13 years old whoa gang
Starting point is 00:43:39 banging and and uh i got out of it probably i didn't necessarily get out but i changed up what i was doing because you don't never really get out per se unless they jump you out and you know i was too into it to to be jumped out like that you know what i mean that wasn't something i was going to do because you know for as negative as it was it taught me a lot um so my my boys that i you know ran with they understood i was trying to do something different you know i made a choice to try the music and and leave that shit alone because there there was no way that you do both if you do both you see the results of that what's happening today with a lot of cats you know what i mean that they try to ride the line be professional and be in the music but
Starting point is 00:44:30 they're still kind of in this world over here and when it bleeds in one bleeds into the other it you know it fucks everything up you know and uh so i chose you know i was going to do music and just talk about those life experiences And what not And I was probably at 18 That I started taking on the music And that's where it went Like when you said you learned a lot from it
Starting point is 00:44:56 Like what did you learn from it Well you know your street You know there's common sense And then there's common sense on the streets And then there's being aware and looking out and not being a doormat. And it's a whole different type of schooling when you're gangbanging. The way you carry yourself, the way you communicate with someone and know whether they're disrespecting you or not. And how you deal with that disrespect
Starting point is 00:45:25 which is you know a whole different world in the gangbang shit, but it's uh It's a different kind of education, you know, I wouldn't I wouldn't take it back some of the things I would you know I definitely regretted while I was doing it for sure, but um It made me see things from from a different perspective, you know, and why, you know, things are the way they are in gangs and stuff like that. From lack of opportunities, you know, for these kids to be doing something, you know, because not everybody's good at sports, you know. But there has to be other opportunities other than that to get kids interested in doing something else.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Because falling into the gangs, it's easy. If you don't have a good home life at home, the guys on the street are your second family. And they eventually become your first family. You know what I mean? And if you don't have a father figure at home, one of the guys in the gang, you know, becomes your mentor. He could become like the guy you look up to as like your father figure. You know, there's that. And then, you know, again, there's not enough programs out there to keep people into doing something different than falling into that.
Starting point is 00:46:41 And then sometimes, you know, it just it's a matter of you know you growing up in this neighborhood if you have to walk down that street and they approach you and say hey you live in this hood you got to be with us if you don't we're gonna make it hard for you so there's that peer pressure and then there's the legacy shit like so if my father was a gangster in this gang and he still lives in this neighborhood pressures on for me eventually to take up where father left off you know and uh it's it's all those things and then some people just start thrill seekers and they choose it and have nothing you know in common with none of that they just choose it for some people too it's so appealing to have somewhere that you belong right
Starting point is 00:47:23 and that's the thing. Because if you don't feel like you belong in your school or you don't belong in your family, and that shit can totally take hold and you end up there. Fortunately, I had good friends that weren't gangbangers. They had talent for music, which was M and sen and sen's brother mellow you know they were you know i did music as a hobby you know before i got into gangs and and they got me back into the music because they recognized something in me and said hey we want you to come back where we got these opportunities over here come join us did you always have that style no i didn't when did you develop that once we started
Starting point is 00:48:07 working on our cypress hill demos um mugs came to me and said hey man you gotta do something you gotta do something different otherwise you're gonna write for sen because sen had a good voice his shit was locked in my voice i was rapping in a voice similar to the one i'm talking and although the rhymes were good it didn't cut through on the style like on on you know on the beats it just sounded like you know some regular shit so you know i don't want to be someone's writer you know i wanted to write for myself so you know there was a guy that we used to listen to um coming up was name was ram lz he was on this uh record called wild style and he was in the movie he was this uh rapper who was very uh obscure but he was an artist too you know like a
Starting point is 00:48:54 graffiti artist but then also an artist artist you know but he was also a rapper and what he would do is he'd rap in a regular style like his talking talking voice. This is the brother they call the Ram Bell. He had a deep voice like that. And then he would flip right in the middle, take it up town to Cypress Hill with the shotgun, blah, blah, blah, like that. And, you know, we were always freaking out on that he had two styles. So I tried throwing my voice in that sort of similar style, and it ended up sticking.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I didn't think anybody was going to like it. I thought they were going to be like, get the fuck out of here with that. But they ended up liking it. And I think the first song that came about in that style was the song Real Estate off our first album. That was where I tried it the first time they liked it so then kill a man came next and i tried that song in that style and then hand on the pump and it just became a flow after that and i really did not feel it at first i was like fuck i can't believe they got me rapping in this voice right and it it took it took a minute to get used to that you know like doing
Starting point is 00:50:06 it live because you know i had a tendency we as as rappers you know that don't know because there's no school for this unless you have somebody who's done it and they teach you okay this is what the get down is and we didn't have that really it was all hands-on learning i you know for the first few years man i was trying to do the voice and i'd end up you know getting overhyped because the crowd is hype and i'd start yelling the verses instead of like rapping them like on the record i'd throw my voice out my voice would get scratchy i'd be sounding like buster rhymes and shit you know what i mean and it took me five years to actually harness how to actually do the shows with this voice.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And I had to go to this opera singer coach. Really? Her name was Elizabeth Sabine or something like that. She trained a lot of folks. But her shit was like to teach you the operatic way of singing, which is from the diaphragm. Tighten the stomach. Take little breaths. But those little breaths make your lungs expand a lot, and it's less projection from your throat
Starting point is 00:51:11 and more from the bottom. And she taught me that technique, and I never went hoarse again after that. People often compliment me on sounding so close to how the records are there's once in a while where I might get excited and start saying it louder than it might be but I'm always
Starting point is 00:51:31 sort of right there and I gotta you know I gotta give all props to her cause if she hadn't showed me that technique I'd probably still be yelling
Starting point is 00:51:38 and screaming my shit out fucking up my voice you know that brings up an interesting point is this her? yeah she's teaching somebody how to sing heavy metal right here yeah no way let me hear so cold we can't
Starting point is 00:51:48 play this on youtube we'll get kicked off youtube and she was and she was an opera singer at one time wow but she went on to teach people the technique no kidding man that is wild see because if you try to keep your breath And sustain a long note like that From your chest You won't sustain that note long enough But if you tighten up Doing it from your diaphragm? Yeah if you tighten up
Starting point is 00:52:14 Almost It's almost like if you're gonna take a shit Instead of from the throat. That makes sense. Yeah. You know, like it allows your lungs to expand while you're breathing from your diaphragm. So that's what she taught a lot of singers. And another method is to cheat the word.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Like pronounce it, you know, like you're of like it's it's like what these mumble rappers do when they they pronounce the word and they kind of mumble it and they sort of cheat it you know what the word is but they didn't pronounce it all the way right so so in other words if she's gonna you were gonna sing the line come he come with me so it sounds a little bit cleaner you'd say gum with me but in the way you would say it it's more with a G but it's so tucked in that you hear come with me and it's just a cheating way of saying it
Starting point is 00:53:14 to get the line a little bit cleaner and fucking you know in the breath and she taught me all that shit and it worked for rap I didn't know if it would because I mean it was it's she primarily taught singers i was probably the first rapper that she taught this technique to and it stuck man how'd you find her um one of one of my friends had heard of her you know because i
Starting point is 00:53:40 mean in the in the industry you meet you you become friends with other, your peers and stuff like that. I knew a couple singers, and they were noting my problem, screaming my verses and coming back with the raspy voice. So they were like, here, why don't you try this person right here? This person taught or gave this technique to so and so and it was another singer i can't remember but um i thought well you know what have i got to lose i mean if it doesn't work it doesn't work but maybe i learned something from it that i could use somewhere else right and fuck she she taught me the the warm-up she taught me the warm-up. She taught me the certain words that you can cheat for certain breath control purposes because the way you pronounce certain things sort of add to that
Starting point is 00:54:35 and just the tightening of the diaphragm. If I hadn't learned that, it would have took me a lot longer to do the shows the way that i can do them now so do you warm up before shows i don't necessarily need to like from the first song on my voice like gets in like the first few bars it warms up right then and there and uh it's not really like singing where i gotta sustain notes and stuff like that so i don't have to do those same kind of warm-ups if i was gonna sing some shit yes i would definitely have to do those same kind of warm-ups if i was going to sing some shit yes i would definitely have to get my you know get the pitch right and the throat warmed up to to do those different you know melodies or whatever the hell but fortunately i don't sing yeah the whole rap
Starting point is 00:55:19 world has always been fascinating to me like how someone gets in like how do you get started are there open mics like what yeah back in the day man someone had to be the guy endorsing you you know like saying to you know these guys over here hey man listen to this these artists right or this artist right here they're the new shit they're gonna be the one and then you would have to do a couple showcases and stuff like that and, you know, win some people over. I mean, we definitely did our share of showcases in the beginning, but we were getting passed on left and right because, you know, people thought, you know, what are they talking about with this cannabis shit? And we didn't sound like a West Coast group, you know, because we were trying to sell our shit to West Coast labels here, and they did not get us. It wasn't until, you know, Muggs had, you know, he'd previously been in a group called 73, and he had worked with these guys called the Rhyme Syndicate, which was Ice-T's guys. So he kind of, you know, he was the guy that people knew.
Starting point is 00:56:23 And then Sendog's brother, Mellow Man Ace, eventually would get in the door. And so people started hearing about us through, you know, through more mugs than Mellow. Mellow didn't really do shit for us, you know, all truth told. But mugs, you know, they kept hearing about a group that he was forming outside of 783 which came to be cypress hill and so you know the guys uh that worked on him worked with him on the 783 records which is joe nicolo of of roughhouse records you know he wanted to sign whatever mugs was doing and you know he eventually ended up signing us um and they had a distribution deal with uh with sony music so you know we you know put out our records to roughhouse columbia or
Starting point is 00:57:12 roughhouse sony something like that and that's how we got put on you know and and again it had to be word of mouth because if nobody heard it you heard of you you had to have some really fucking dope music for them to even like consider you. If you didn't have like someone backing you, it was tough. You know, you had to have someone come speak on your behalf and say, hey, these guys are the new shit. And fortunately for us, once we put out our snippet tape, like when Sony put out our snippet tape, guys like EPMD, right? And they were one of our favorite groups in the world, man. They were the top five for Cypress.
Starting point is 00:57:50 You know, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, EPMD. Love EPMD. Yeah, fuck. They were the shit. And those were the guys that took our snippet tape and they were showing our snippet tape to other rappers. Like, hey, hey guys look at these new fucking guys because you know Busta Rhyme told me this story yo I've yo son I heard your shit from EPMD way back in the day they was playing it for uh Public Enemy and I just happened
Starting point is 00:58:17 to be in the room and what and you know Ice Cube when we met him for the first time you know um and we had our ups and downs with him but but he's one of my homies. He told me, yeah, man, the first time I heard of y'all was through EPMD. We was on tour, was doing a show, and they came in with y'all taping. That's how I heard of y'all. And, you know, they were like our first street team, man. Fucking EPMD. man fucking EPMD our favorite our favorite one of our top three favorite groups was out there like with our snippet tape telling people hey these guys are the new shit are they still together
Starting point is 00:58:51 uh they do they do stuff occasionally but I think they do more work you know individually now I know Eric Sermon is putting out a record right now he was just promoting it on on uh some radio show and uh i mean those guys still active stay active i mean he's a producer so he's always making music but as a rapper you know they don't put out as much stuff as they used to but yeah they're still active you know who i miss cool g rap cool g rap i still bust out hey a lot of guys don't have a style if he doesn't, you know, if he had never come out. So many people were influenced by him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Bad motherfucker. A lot of people forgot about him. A lot of people forgot about him. And he was one of the baddest dudes. I mean, a lot of people, you know, would talk about Big Daddy Kane and Rakim. But you couldn't talk about them without talking about coogee rap because he was like one of those guys like spitting mad verses man like his bar work was incredible yeah he was incredible i still listen to that song cock blocking yeah every now and then i'll throw
Starting point is 00:59:55 that on and i gotta tell you you know like if if you hear songs that he does today he is still fucking current like his he's still got that style that that cuts through like you know some of the older artists they they sort of lose the style that that people love and they don't know how to transition into you know what their style would be right now you know like updating whatever that style is you know a lot of a lot of the older artists had troubles doing that you know but my man coogee rap not a fucking street blues oh he's still ill yeah he was fantastic yeah yeah i always got confused why he didn't get bigger i didn't get it i was like this guy's so good you know i think it was it was just the wave that came after him. You know, it's like he was such an underground force.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And if you're an underground force, you know, you had to make a conscious decision whether, okay, if I go mainstream, I'm going to lose these hardcore fans i might gain you know these mainstream fans but how long are they going to stay with me as opposed to these core fans that you know that that they're but with his style he couldn't just keep them because like i thought he could a lot of guys kept them right you want to know something i think it was due to um you know the record company not wanting to take the chance because as an artist you want everybody to hear your shit right you know for the record company not wanting to take the chance. Because as an artist, you want everybody to hear your shit. Right. You know, for us, we didn't play those games. We said, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:01:30 You know, if we felt it was the right look for us, we were going to take it, you know, no matter what anybody thought, you know. And again, you face scrutiny for shit like that. But in the end, you know, if you didn't play yourself, people remember that. And we said, fuck it. We're going to take our music mainstream, even though that was not our intent. We always meant ourselves to be a more underground group.
Starting point is 01:01:57 But Insane in the Brain didn't allow that. It propelled us. So we were like, okay, well, we're going to take our underground asses up into this mainstream and show them how we do it. And it, it kicked the door open for a lot of other underground acts to go into the mainstream. And we prove that if you do it right,
Starting point is 01:02:18 and if you stay on your game and if you keep working and, and, and stay present and put out quality music, that you can sustain those mainstream fans that you gain right there and the core. Yeah, you guys sustained so well that people covered your shit. Yeah. Like Rage. That was awesome. Rage Against the Machine when they covered Pistol Grip Pump on my left at all times.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Holy shit. One of my favorite bands. Zack Dilla Rocha yelling that. Yeah, that shit was awesome i mean he took a a totally different take on it but like a cover but it was a cover but it was his take yeah it was badass it was one of my favorites man you know and it was an honor to me because you know like i was really good friends with them to begin with i saw them come out the gate before they exploded and became rage against the machine and so for them to cover one of our songs we were like man
Starting point is 01:03:11 fuck yeah you know because they they helped us get better you know there was a lot of groups that we looked to for influence even if they were doing different style of music like public enemy was an influence to us rage against the machine was an inspiration to us to like push the envelope a little bit more on what we were doing not necessarily like how they were because they had their own sound just like we had our own sound so they made us push you know in groups like that made us better so when we heard this guy fucking doing or this band doing a cover and then they asked us to come play this song with them which which would be their last night as rage against the machine for a long time this was like their last show right here wow we got to do that with them that must have been amazing
Starting point is 01:03:55 and i was wearing a dad hat before dad hats were cool i will not wear one right now ever i don't know what i was thinking but fuck it that's hilarious that's hilarious no it was a fun show man i went into the mosh pit oh did you yeah before that song before they called this up for that song for most of their set i was in the mosh pit and there was you you usc uh front linemen down there wrecking shop in the mosh pit bro i was in there with them they were protecting me i was like oh shit be real you're up in i'm like yeah then we were wrecking shop together it was it was awesome there's a video of dana white in a mosh pit once i don't know what
Starting point is 01:04:35 the fuck he was thinking he must have been drunk he jumped in the mosh pit like years ago he's a big dude though he's a big dude he's jumping around there moshing around yeah i dated a girl got ko'd in a mosh pit once oh man hey it's it's crazy man i i used to go into a lot of different mosh pits there he's in the rage mosh pit yeah but most of it is safe but every now and then you're running to a dickhead i'll tell you man that the the craziest mosh pits i you know that i saw well the craziest mosh pits i've gotten into there was olympus get mosh pit that was crazy and but the craziest was was the rage mosh pit but the ones that i seen from outside of it not being in it that were crazy was there was a sound garden mosh pit that i sound garden yeah at lollapalooza early on, it was when they had Bad Motor Finger out. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:05:26 That fucking mosh pit was like a whirlpool of chaos, bro. I was loving it. And I was on mushrooms watching this shit. So it was fucking amazing. And then the Slayer mosh pit, man. Their fucking shit is brutal. Yeah, that sounds like just the pace of slayer it's crazy but i gotta tell you since joining prophets of rage and us you know when we tour europe and
Starting point is 01:05:51 stuff like that and we do a combination of you know uh rage against the machine songs public enemy and cypress hill along with our our own material the mosh pits are fucking crazy but you know there was one one one thing that i saw was not brutal, but it was cool as fuck. And it was in, I believe it was Sweden or Switzerland. But, you know, out of like the 60, 70,000 people that were out there, there was like maybe 5,000 concentrated people who sat down on their ass, right? And we're like, the fuck are these people doing? Like, are they protesting our set? What the fuck is going on, right?
Starting point is 01:06:31 And what was crazy is, you know, you're not going to stop playing. You just keep going. So we start on, I believe the song was Gorilla Radio that we were playing at that point. All of a sudden, we see them start doing this. They're rowing? They were row were row it was like a viking row it was a fucking move it was a move that the crowd was doing so there's five five thousand people out of the thirty thousand that are sitting in you know like next to each other lines rows you know just fucking of people other lines rows you know just fucking of people rowing on beat dog it was the fucking fucking vikings man how crazy that dna just stuck with those people and that was just the little section of it man if you were to see from stage there was like it was spot like spotted groups
Starting point is 01:07:21 and they sat down and they sat down and were rowing that's so fucking crazy yeah have you ever seen the there was a they did a viking chant once at a soccer game crazy oh man it's wild because the whole fucking arena did it and you feel it you feel that shit like whoa you got to think man when they were going to wars back in the day they rallied all their guys up just like that. Look at that. Yeah. Look at all those fucking people. They're out of tune, though.
Starting point is 01:07:48 This fucking boat's going to go sideways. Yeah. You know, I don't know where that move comes from, but it looks cool when you see it. It looks cool as fuck. It's got to be an old school Viking thing. Yeah. They probably do it when they get drunk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I mean, you know, think about it. You know, they used to conquest motherfuckers so they're like fucking rowing rowing and rowing imagine here like see if you can find that the viking one at a soccer game because it's like i think it's at a world cup or something like that but they're like you hear it in the crowd and he's like oh my god imagine hearing that shit over the water coming to get you towards your village like grab. Like, grab the baby, we're gonna live in the woods. Fuck. We gotta get out of here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:29 And those are big dudes. Yeah. Here it is. Oh yeah. Look at that. Oh, tuned in together man. They're all in sync. Look at the hands. That's spooky. Yeah, imagine that.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Those motherfuckers, if somebody reignites them, they'll take over the world again. They will take over the world again if there's enough of them. Imagine that horde coming at you, bro. What a fucking crazy line of DNA. You know, a line of people that just were conquerors. Sturdy motherfuckers. Sturdy, giant motherfuckers who did mushrooms. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:06 They would blaze up, mushroom their fucking heads into oblivion, and you just go slash people. Go get them. It's crazy, man. There's another one? There's another one. So that's like their thing, the Viking club. I guess the NFL Vikings sort of adopted this recently.
Starting point is 01:09:24 They do it in their football games. Yeah, but look at that dork with the glasses. Put your fucking hands down, man. Stop. Listen, bro. You ain't a Viking, bro. I'm trying to figure out the beat. You stop that, sir.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Look, he's like, how you feel? How you like at it? He's a spliking. So when you first start rapping, like you're rapping with kids in your neighborhood are you like aspiring to be a rapper and writing shit down and trying things on your friends like how do you get started well the the way that i started i was writing you know like poetry first really yeah like what kind of poetry just like you know like hood stuff you know just stuff that rhymed but like just sort of writing it down
Starting point is 01:10:07 like it was uh it was almost like writing raps but it just you know it's without saying it right because you read it and shit like that whatever but i would just write poetry about you know everyday shit you know i mean nothing you know it wasn't like doing like the i don't know if there's like categories of poetry but it you know it was just stuff that that would happen from day to day you know and uh i had a knack for writing i realized that and i always wanted to be a journalist that's you know what really the thing that i thought i was going to be at school right do you write now, I was for a while, but I looked at it.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Just again, everyday stuff or, you know, I'd like randomly pick something to write about. So if it was about the cannabis industry, I'd write something about that. If it was about the music industry, I'd write something about that.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Like I, every now and then I would, uh, there was a, back in the early two thousands, there was a magazine called industry insider magazine. And occasionally I would write articles for that. I wasn't really that great because,
Starting point is 01:11:15 you know, I was so spotty in school that, you know, my, you know, it needed work, you know, but they,
Starting point is 01:11:22 they left it raw the way that, that, that I would put it out there and people got my point and now that was cool but i looked at it uh in the way that the the music that i've done in a lot of the songs serve as a certain form of journal journalism for me you know like you know bringing up certain issues that people don't necessarily hear like throw your set in the air is a song on tubbles boom and it's a song about how you would get you know in inducted into a gang how you get put into a gang how you fall into it and some people might think you know
Starting point is 01:11:58 by hearing it that it was glorifying it and praising it but it wasn't it was basically this is how it is this is so you know the signs to look for if your kids are you know fucking around with the wrong people you know and that's you know i took it like okay you know maybe i'm not a journalist like i intended to be but this is my way of it you know i can enlighten people with certain things and you know like anything somebody's going to read something or hear something and maybe misinterpret what you say but you know it's all about who's who's listening and who's reading and who's watching and stuff like that and their interpretation of it and some get it some don't and that's just the nature of it but like most
Starting point is 01:12:41 people get it and i've i've come across people that have come to me and come and said hey man your your your songs on temple of boom man you know they they helped to get me through these times or these songs raised me they taught me this this and that that's awesome and to me you know that that's that's the impact right there that's the shit that means more than anything right because i'm sure you remember songs that got you through right oh yeah for sure you know there was songs from krs1 and public enemy that you know got me through and fired me up you know and inspired and stuff like that krs1 is another one people forget about man i'll be in my car just going that's the sound of the police yeah i mean he he taught
Starting point is 01:13:26 me how to be a bullhorn you know what i mean like tell you know like yeah tell the truth you know your truth tell get the word out and and and not be fearful of what might happen because he could have been one of the biggest stars in in hip-hop but he chose not to be he chose to be a voice and sometimes and being that voice you know you get objects put in front of you and certain opportunities don't you know get put on your table because he says some great shit man he's talking about getting mad at the president it's like being mad at the manager at mcdonald's yeah you know for the way the corporation's being run yeah it's it's he he is uh very insightful in in the shit that he says and he is very unafraid to state it and state his opinion for you to get like people coming up to you when they first started coming up to you telling you that your
Starting point is 01:14:19 music got them through things that it means so much to them when that first started happening that must have been surreal you know yeah it could because as an artist as especially as a young artist you that's not something you think about oh well these songs are gonna well it depends on on the artist you are right you guys hit how old were you like 23 or something like that how old were you when that was like uh we released in 91 and it really started going for us in 92 So I was 22 You're a kid Yeah
Starting point is 01:14:48 That's so crazy There goes the baby fro Wow Wow Look at the baby fro Yeah But I mean think about that man That is so crazy
Starting point is 01:14:57 For you to go from the guy who Yo MTV raps Yeah Who remembers that? I did a bungee jump At this spring break With Tretch from Naughty By Nature Was that the one that was in Cancun? No that was Daytona Beach right there
Starting point is 01:15:11 Oh okay When MTV was still When MTV was still allowed over there Was back when MTV had music Yeah when they had music Format MTV was MTV was music videos
Starting point is 01:15:23 Yeah Good luck finding a fucking music video now i guess they still gotta go to youtube yeah exactly yeah wow that's wild what was it like when it first started popping off and you were 22 years old was it did it feel real it was a it was a crazy thing because it's not something that I had ever envisioned happening. You know, I didn't think that, you know, the music would blow up like that. You know, we were doing it to obviously try and make a name for ourselves and make music that people like. But fuck, we didn't see that coming at all, especially with Insane in the Brain. especially with insane in the brain when they told me uh when like when kill a man started going it was like surreal because you know we didn't think that song would take just because it you know of
Starting point is 01:16:11 of the chorus itself you know fuck what the song is about that you know we knew that the chorus was you know what they were gonna hear more than anything and so i you know we we thought now we're gonna have a good underground album we didn't realize it would blow up we didn't think they were gonna put kill a man in the juice movie yeah and that would blow that song up even more so than it was it was getting um because we had released funky phil ones first and it was a double a side single funky phil one and kill a man on the other a side which means um at that time the DJs had the option of which song they wanted to go, whereas most of the time you had an A side, B side, and the A side is most
Starting point is 01:16:51 definitely the one that the record company wants you to push. We gave it a double A side because we thought maybe the DJs would like Kill a Man more. They went with Funky Philwin, the record company company because they figured it would be easier to market. Right? And then the DJ started flipping the record. Of course. And we started getting
Starting point is 01:17:11 traction behind that. Our record was out like six months, had dropped off the chart and they flipped the record. Our shit slowly starts to go back up the chart. We got back on the chart
Starting point is 01:17:23 and started climbing and we were getting a whole lot of mixed show play and uh then we started doing a lot of promotional shows that being one of them and it started going and kill a man started getting us going and uh i mean we toured for probably a year and a half like a lot just a lot of promotional shows not getting paid you know just you know sony having us out there promoting the record and by the time uh you know our record got back back up into the middle of the charts i mean it was still rising but and they saw that they're like we got to get them off the road and making a new record. So that's when we got out there with Black Sunday.
Starting point is 01:18:08 And with Black Sunday and Insane coming out, again, that's not a song I thought would blow up when they chose that for the single. I'm like, well, all right, there's better songs, but fuck it, that's the one, okay. So it comes out, boom, it explodes. And now we have our Black Sunday charting at number one coming in. And our first album had come all the way from the bottom to hit number five so we had two two albums in the top 10 200
Starting point is 01:18:34 top 10 of the 200 songs you know on the chart which no one had ever done in hip-hop before we had one in five slot and uh you know fuck we definitely didn't think that was going to happen i mean you know it was all a surprise and it went from one minute you could go to a mall and be you know unassuming and nobody even knows who the fuck you are and you know you're getting about your day to now you go to the mall and the whole fucking mall is swarming on you like fucking you're like you know paul mccartney or something it was the craziest shit they would ask us to leave the malls like really yeah like uh we used i used to go to this one called uh the montebello it was
Starting point is 01:19:18 in montebello i can't remember what the name of the mall was but it was in montebello the only one down there at the time and we knew everybody you know, as we're coming up because that's where we'd go shop. So, you know, you make friends and people in the shop and stuff like that. And when we come back off a tour this time and go try to go to that mall, you know, one of our friends fucked up and wore a Cypress Hill jacket. And that's like a fucking billboard when you're standing next to one of us, right? So before you know it, boom, we get swooped in. It was pre-cell phone too. Yeah, and the mall security goes, hey, man, I know it's fucked up, but you guys got to go.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Really? He's like, yeah, man, it's a commotion. You guys got to go. They're telling me. I'm like, they think somebody go they're telling me i'm like they think somebody's gonna fight i'm like wow all right i never went back to that mall after that i was like all right cool because you know one i didn't want to cause them problems too it was now it was tough to go somewhere at that time and not get you know swarmed not get swarmed yeah it was it was uh it was quite
Starting point is 01:20:27 quite uh uh an experience man like you know because you only ever hear about it till it happens and you might you know if you have friends in in the industry and it's happening for them you might see it indirectly you know like through that through their shit and uh you know we had friends in the business you know kid frost was one of my friends um before we got out there and is he still around yeah yeah he still does stuff you know um i don't know if he's putting out so much new music these days but he's he's still here and there he's doing some of the cannabis industry stuff too because he's a big connoisseur i gotta tell to tell you, my man smokes, used to smoke like a train, man.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Like him and I would trade joints off left and right. But, you know, for a time, you know, I would go hang with him at his gigs. I'd be his bodyguard because I was the one that was not afraid to carry the hammer, meaning the magnum in my waistline. You know, I was, we were were cowboys man we we were always armed
Starting point is 01:21:26 at that time from 89 to probably 97 or 98 we were holding pistols on our hip like cowboys and you know he knew that so he asked me he would ask me to go to the gigs you know to you know double as his bodyguard i wasn't his bodyguard but i was his bodyguard you know what i mean right right and um i'd see the way he handled it and i'd see the way you know people crowded around him and and uh you know i so i learned how to deal with it watching you know how he would do it in a negative way or a positive way. Because, you know, he sometimes embraced the crowd. Sometimes he's like, fuck off me. You know, like a lot of artists are, you know.
Starting point is 01:22:11 And that sort of prepared me so that when, you know, we got in our lane, you know, I knew how to sort of deal with it. And I, you know, was always courteous and cool and respectful and never the guy that's like nah man fuck that get out of here because i see it and some of my homies were like that you know and i didn't i hated the feeling that when the fans would walk away just totally fucking wind out of their sails and shit like that now they don't like this artist ever again you know and i saw that and i never wanted to have anyone walk away with that
Starting point is 01:22:45 experience i always embraced it even when it was a pain in the ass you know so when was your first time ever getting on stage do you remember first time that there used to be a club called radiotron here in the 80s right and it was the hip-hop club if you were into hip-hop any aspect of it whether it was rapping break dancing popping graffiti all the people went to that spot and um it was hard to get in there and it was hard to get on the mic no less um but we had a homie who was like a legendary dj out here when when um the am station was playing hip-hop his name was tony g and he was uh the the leader of the mix master show the head mix master and he had a residency at the radiotron so we grew up with one of his um one of his boys that was his like um his uh protege so they invited us over and myself and Sen got on the mic and Mello and I froze the fuck up. I tell you, I froze up. I forgot every rap I ever wrote or ever memorized. I was like, it would those people looking at me, waiting, expecting something.
Starting point is 01:24:06 I totally blew it, you know, and I told myself, OK, I got to get over the nervousness. And then the other thing we were doing was it was like they wanted rappers to do this PSA for some bullshit. Right. And they wanted us to write this rap and put all this certain information in there and i had it i had it memorized i had it locked in the minute they said go and they were filming it you know this is to film it i kept fucking it up horribly i didn't even get through it i was like i'm sorry i can't do it fuck i you know i was getting mad at myself doing like fuck what's wrong with me? Were you high?
Starting point is 01:24:46 No, I wasn't. Maybe that was the problem. That was probably the problem, you know, because when I'm not high is when shit like this happens, right? So those were the two times that I totally fucked it up. And from the last time, I said, I'll never do that again. I'm going to be prepared, and I'm'm gonna get through the anxiety or whatever it is and um so those were the first two times but the first time on stage where i actually pulled it off was probably one of our first showcases it was at a it was at this place off of the 10 and it wasn't a showcase it was actually a competition. You know how they used to do competitions at clubs like fucking, what do they call it?
Starting point is 01:25:28 I forgot what they used to call them. But, you know, different bands would. It was like a battle of the bands, right? So we went in and I'm coming off of that horrible fucking deal that had just happened, you know, maybe a month or two before. And I totally got over it. And we were performing real estate, you know maybe a month or two before and i totally got over it and we were performing real estate you know in this showcase and we lost but we made the biggest impression there because the song you know we performed it like you know the way that it's supposed to be and then at the end sendog jumped on the big judges table and he you know he grabbed
Starting point is 01:26:04 his balls right in front of the fucking female judge. And then as he jumps off the table, it breaks in half into her lap. Oh, no. And everybody loved it. We lost to these dudes who are like new edition wannabes. We called them Tootsie Rolls,
Starting point is 01:26:20 but we don't remember the name. They won. But in reality, we won because everybody was talking about us at the end you know like how raw that was and after that show i realized you know this is this is how i'm supposed to do it and i seen krs1 uh do a show one time where the sound went out he didn't have a stage he was on a couple of tables that were put together and he just got up in front of the whole club no microphone no music and just
Starting point is 01:26:51 started rapping his verses and people were rapping right along with him not giving a fuck that the sound turned off but the fact that he just continued to do the show and that right there taught me a lot about how you control shit on stage yeah sometimes when when things go wrong it's a great opportunity oh yeah yeah we did a show at the improv last month like maybe last month or the month before the power went out and they're like uh what do you want to do said fuck it let's do a show i could yell yeah so we just did everybody just did the show with no microphone but that was a you know the improv is a small room it's only 180 people yeah i mean that that that place was you know a small place too but i mean it it goes to show you man like
Starting point is 01:27:37 if you got it you gotta do it yeah it's probably better sometimes because it's unique yeah because people will remember you know the the other way, yeah, it probably would have been a great show and people would be talking about it, but they'll remember the fact that you got over that adversity and were able to still deliver. And that's the shit that KRS-One did for me. He showed me through the adversity. He kept doing the show and the people were still with him. And I thought, okay okay one day that's going to be me and i'm going to do what the teacher does and uh you know that that that had been one of the most important things that i learned you know and watching others do shows and stuff like
Starting point is 01:28:19 that and what i would do when i got up there you you know, and I applied all those, those, you know, lessons, man, you know, and, and it's made me who I am as my part of Cypress Hill. And when I do my solo stuff, and when I'm with Prophets of Rage that, you know, that got me prepped for everything that I do now in terms of music. Now, how did you, well, it's good for you to tell people that you had a real hard time your first time performing. Oh, yeah. There's probably a lot of people out there that get anxious. Yeah, a lot of people never say that. They'll lie, you know, but I think that's important. And there's nothing wrong with those feelings, man. It's good.
Starting point is 01:28:58 You got to learn, man. You're a kid. It's like you liken it to like college stars that are coming into the professional sports now, like basketball players, for instance. You get this number one draft pick. He comes to a team, and everybody has these high expectations. No one knows that this kid, you know, some people own the space, like LeBron and Kobe and Kevin Garnett, who came straight from high school. And they own the space the minute they got in it. I mean, Kobe had to work. He wasn't the greatest.
Starting point is 01:29:30 You know, when he started, he had to work to get to where he was at. And a lot of these guys do. Some of them, you know, again, they come in and they already got it. You know, like LeBron. He was, you know, playing a grown man's game right when he got into the league, thrown into the fire, but he was ready for that. He got better and learned the role and learned who he was as he's gone, but he was one of those rare people that can just jump into it. Some people have to get better at it. It's the same thing with music.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Like, you get thrown on that big stage for the first time. If you're not prepped for it, you're going to definitely be nervous. Now you could either embrace that and it'll be your first show and you could do a good one or you could do a horrible one. But either way, you're going to learn from that. Yeah. And if you don't learn from it, then the run is short. If you learn from it, you learn how to get better and sustain a longer career.
Starting point is 01:30:32 How did you learn how to get over the anxiety? Like your first show, having the first show suck like that. What did you learn? Like how did you take classes? Did you read a book we you know what we did that that helped me was that we rehearsed a lot because for me it was like more remembering the songs it wasn't like the nerve to go out in front of people because we came from the break dance in b-boy culture uh the popping and stuff like that So much of that is going against someone,
Starting point is 01:31:05 battling someone in front of a crowd. And if you can be in front of a crowd doing that, because that's vulnerable. I mean, you know, because in a battle, you could either win or you lose. And if you lose, you know, obviously you could lose in an embarrassing way or you lose in a close battle.
Starting point is 01:31:21 But either way, people are sitting there watching you, judging you, either cheering you or there watching you, judging you, either cheering you or booing you, any one of those. So that helped me be able to get on stage and perform in front of people. For me, it was more about knowing the songs, making sure that I know them through the nervousness. So for us, we did a lot of rehearsals in the early days just so that those first shows that we did, that we were locked in and we made an impression. And, you know, when we did that and we saw the results of how people were reacting to our show, it gave me more confidence.
Starting point is 01:32:02 So, you know, I'd rehearse the songs in my head. You know, when I wasn't around the other guys, I'd be kicking the songs or be on a treadmill working out, saying the songs, you know, getting them in my head and just gave me the confidence that I know this fucking shit. I go up there, I'll rock this fucking thing. I'm not going to forget it because that's always the problem for me. It was never getting in front of people. It was, do I know my shit? And now I know it in such a way that like, you know, it's second nature. Do I still get those nervous butterflies? Yeah, for sure. Some shows, depending who's watching, who's on the side stage or how big the crowd is and whatnot. Yeah, I still get some of that. But, you know, I do a quick meditation before I go out there, you know, just in my head real quick.
Starting point is 01:32:54 And then our band prayer. And then that's the switch right there. And we go and we're ready. But it took me a while to get to that, you know, because it takes work. It's like anything. If you're an athlete, if you're a boxer, you're only going to get better by boxing all the time, training all the time. Not overtraining, but making sure that you're in there putting in the work. And it's the same thing when you're rocking stages, you know.
Starting point is 01:33:18 A lot of us sometimes forget to go and put the time in and rehearse. forget to go and put the time in and rehearse and you could see that when there's a sloppy show or someone's out of breath or they're not saying the whole line or they said the line wrong or they're changing up fragments of the song to make it easier for their performance and it doesn't necessarily fit that's when you know somebody ain't putting in the work but for us you know we always you know that was a part of the draw for cyprus that's how we won a lot of people over was the energy of our live show so um but it took that the rehearsals man and i would tell any artist coming up right now man before you start doing your shows you because you may get a hit like that fast these days and you may be called to go do that show now if you don't do that show
Starting point is 01:34:07 right and you suck as good as that song is you're never gonna sell tickets when they fucking say hey so and so's performing at the you know this place ah fuck that i'd rather just listen to the record he sucks live you know so rehearse man rehearse and then after that hey take you know do what you will but those they fucking help man you know um for your confidence on performing the song that's a wise thing to tell people man be a professional be a pro you can be a professional decide you're a professional put in that fucking work that work does give you confidence and it works with fighting it works with comedy i'm sure it works with everything yeah man you got to be proficial professional
Starting point is 01:34:50 professional and official at the same time what is what is the meditation that you do just the self-awareness you know what i mean like the the circular breathing you know, and concentrating on that and in the moment. And then, you know, just letting that clear my head. You know what I mean? Just focusing on the breathing. I mean, that's what they tell you pretty much in any meditation to focus on the breathing and all these things that can come through your head. But if you keep on focusing on that, you know, everything sort of goes away and you're reset. So I'll do that when I feel maybe some sort of anxiety before going on. If I don't feel that, I don't necessarily do the meditation.
Starting point is 01:35:37 We'll just do the prayer and that sort of sets it all in but yeah like some shows man i'll have to like go in a room and just sit there and you know do the breathing man and it helps people might think what the fuck is i gonna do it's gonna reset your mind and give you some clarity you know for me at least that's what it did what's the biggest crowd you guys ever performed in front of um i think the biggest was woodstock 94 i think it was 93 94 and that was like 300 and 380 some odd thousand people that's so crazy oh my god we've done some big ones like country yeah that's a small european country we we've done some like you know like at uh you know 100 000 people and 150 000 people oh my god i gotta see this that's fucking insane that is insane and that i had just cut my hair right there i was like you know oh my god See the little guy next to Muggs? Mm-hmm. He was our miniature knockout guy.
Starting point is 01:36:48 He knew jujitsu, taekwondo, shotokan. He trained with my boy Kenji, and he was like our unofficial security. Oh, that's hilarious, because unassuming, right? Yeah, he's a little guy. I mean, he even did a few MMA fights some mma fights look at the size of that fucking crowd that is insane i almost lost my shit right here because you know seeing 300 and some odd thousand people jumping around to your shit god you know it could give you some equilibrium problems because it's it looks like waves crashing into each other when it's
Starting point is 01:37:26 that big i mean that's got to be one of the biggest concerts ever that anybody's ever performed in front of in north america for sure i mean in all of human history yeah it was one of the biggest how the fuck i mean what how do you get it more than 380 000 people together yeah it's crazy that's probably only happened a few times it's It's crazy I mean every band they had on this This particular bill was huge At the time you know so it was Yeah It was pretty crazy trying to just get there
Starting point is 01:37:54 Like some of us had to get in through Boats some of us had to get in Through helicopter Because they had started parking on the roads Like the old school Woodstock And they jammed up the highways and stuff like that. They parked, like they pretty much shut the shit down. And I went in through helicopter and some of the other guys went in through the boat.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Helicopter. That's when you know you're on top of the world. When you're flying into a show in a fucking helicopter. And I'll tell you, that's when you realize why you can never get away from the cops When they're in the helicopter They fucking see everything Well that's a funny thing man When you watch those dudes that are trying to escape from the cops on the ground And then you watch the cops in the helicopter
Starting point is 01:38:32 The spotlight just stays on the car The entire time Look at that aerial And that's just a piece of it right there And they had a rotating stage That is insane What do you do when you have to take a shit? How long does it take to get from the front row to the back i'll tell you we walked around in that shit right there
Starting point is 01:38:50 and it was super muddy and crazy and people were like butt naked with mud smeared all over their fucking bodies and it was like people went primal i swear to god there they go right there They were having mudslide parties That's hilarious Oh man that looks awesome People made babies that day in their tent I'm sure they did For sure they did Yeah
Starting point is 01:39:12 I'm sure there's a lot of people out there right now It was fucking crazy man I gotta tell you There was people out there totally hippied out Like straight up Butt naked And you know And there was a good portion of them.
Starting point is 01:39:25 I mean, not in terms of the whole concert. I mean, it was a small percentage, but you've seen just naked people walking around free out there. It was crazy as fuck. We were like, is this really happening? Shit, man. And then the mud was so thick, man.
Starting point is 01:39:43 It was the type where like If you walked through it With your shoes And your shoes weren't tight Or you weren't wearing boots It was sucking the shoe Right off of your foot It happened to me A number of times
Starting point is 01:39:53 Hell In that show I jumped into the crowd Cause normally I would jump into the crowd And you know Just be floating You know
Starting point is 01:40:01 Stage dive style But I would still be doing The song Right And on that particular show they took my shoes and socks i got back on stage with no shoes and socks and you know about 15 years later you know i had one guy with one shoe come to the show and fucking have me sign it oh and then the other shoe some some chick had it and had me sign it. Oh. And then the other shoe,
Starting point is 01:40:27 some chick had it and had me sign it. Wow. Some years later. So I caught up with both shoes. What about the socks? Didn't catch up with the socks. Didn't catch up with the socks. But the shoes, yeah, caught up with them. Do they have a limited amount of tickets for Woodstock?
Starting point is 01:40:40 I mean, what the fuck do they do when you get that many people? I think they probably started with some sort of limit. And then it just became chaos. And then it became chaos. You know, like something they couldn't handle. Imagine if you lived there and that shit descended upon yourself.
Starting point is 01:40:53 Oh, they were pissed off. Oh. I know they were pissed off. They had a break for like fucking 25 years. They had a break. They sold 164,000 tickets, but the crowd estimated size was 550,000.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Okay, well shit, I was too short then. It's 200,000 short. the crowd estimated size Was 550,000 Okay well shit I was too short 200,000 short Oh my god Yeah Yeah I mean Because the rest rushed the gate Yeah
Starting point is 01:41:12 You know They took the fence And you know Took it down And they just fucking rolled Rolled on it I would imagine Yeah
Starting point is 01:41:19 You know Because when it's an event That everybody wants to get to They're going to find a way to it And it's outside And it's outside event that everybody wants to get to, they're going to find a way to it. And it's outside. And it's outside. And with those numbers, man, that's just, you can't stop that number. No.
Starting point is 01:41:30 And it's a great part of their history because, I mean, you know, that one was a good one where no one got hurt. There was no crazy shit happening like the next one after that. I mean, they had so many... What happened to the next one? Well, shit. They had a bunch of women say that they had gotten raped or molested at the one the following year.
Starting point is 01:41:57 And... There was fires and shit at the end. Yeah, and then there was fires. There was a whole bunch of people lost their fucking mind at that one. And they had some great bands, too. So, you know. They don't do that anymore, right? Woodstock's done.
Starting point is 01:42:09 No, they're doing it enough. They're doing it enough. What are you doing, you fucking idiots? Move. Sell your house. Yeah, do something. Do something. It's crazy, though.
Starting point is 01:42:18 This is the fires. Holy shit, man. Yeah. They had bonfires. Yeah, I believe when Limp Bizkit or corn went on It was either Limp Bizkit Or corn And the fires Just fucking started
Starting point is 01:42:29 People were pissed too Because they were charging So much for water And like they couldn't They couldn't get to the bathrooms Like you were asking Like there was They didn't have the facilities
Starting point is 01:42:35 Set up as well Yeah they didn't have Adequate facilities For what the fuck Was popping I mean you know You know Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:42:43 Look at the fucking What it looks like after it's over listen a thousand andy gumps for 500 000 people is not gonna do it you imagine you need like 10 000 yeah imagine being the dude who gets in there after five thousand i mean look at that they totally took over the fucking highway right there crazy they shut down the fucking highway they just parked their cars they made yeah they made the highway the parking that is crazy look at that yeah at least it was kind of orderly look at how they did it sort of sort of they shut down i'll tell you
Starting point is 01:43:15 this though they were cold-blooded um the the organizers because that is so crazy oh yeah it's like a uh these guys these guys had some fucking moxie, I'll tell you that. Hey, listen, after every band was done with their set, they expected you to leave right away because the next wave of bands was coming, and they were getting your spot. So if you had a dressing room, once your set was done, you were expected to get the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:43:43 So you had a helicopter out of there. Yeah, it was best if you did because if you didn't take the ride when when it when you were supposed to you were getting stuck there they couldn't guarantee that they could give you the ride back to your shit after that you know because they had all the other bands to think of and they might not have room for you when they take the other bands. So it was like, yeah. Look at that fucking picture. Oh, my God. Yep. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Ah, yes. Look, it looks like Pac-Man. Oh, my God. It looks like Pac-Man fucking eating the stage right there. That's insane. That picture is insane. Yeah, that's the one I'll remember the most. I mean, we've done some huge gigs, but like that one by far, you know, never
Starting point is 01:44:28 have we played for another 500,000, you know. What does it sound like when 500,000 people scream? Much like that Viking chant. I mean, we had a small nation right there. Yeah. That's crazy. For real, legitimately. I mean, we had a small nation right there. Yeah, for real, legitimately.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Like when you leave there and then you go do a regular gig afterwards, does it feel weird? Yeah, well, it depends. It takes some adjusting? It does take some adjusting, you know, especially if the next gig isn't as hype as that. You're like, fuck, we just came from Woodstock. But fortunately, the smaller gigs that we had after that, you know, in terms of playing festivals,
Starting point is 01:45:10 they were like, you know, in between 30,000, 70,000, 100,000. And we felt that that gave us such an experience that we can handle any fucking stage. So it became easier for us to do festivals after that. stage so it became easier for us to do festivals after that and the reaction that we would get at these festivals were smaller versions of what we did there you know and uh it was it was a great experience because we had we had been doing like a couple european festivals before that so it sort of prepared us for that but we didn't we didn't i mean the fucking numbers we were definitely not prepared for we're like whoa what the fuck that's like that transcends reality yeah i mean listen we know that that's not our show they're not all there for us you know because it's a mixed bag
Starting point is 01:45:59 right a bunch of different artists and you're winning over people if anything you're you're you're there playing for your your base over people if anything you're you're you're there playing for your your base of people that might have come to see you but you're winning everybody else over if you're doing it right and uh for us it was like a victory because we saw you know half a million people up there jumping up and down to all our shit and they knew the words and they were singing with us and you know it was like a a big notch under the belt and a boost for our confidence knowing that we can get in front of anybody play with anyone and get that reaction i mean because after that you know we were getting booked on metal um driven festivals and stuff where we're the only hip hop on it but it's all straight up metal i mean we
Starting point is 01:46:45 were playing shows um co-headlining under metallica right metallica cypress hill um uh biohazard deftones fear factory and and all that stuff you know what i mean and we'd be in that mix playing those festivals with those guys and with hip-hop music and you know the boost that it gave us in the confidence it was like fuck that we can play with any of these motherfuckers it doesn't matter who it is and and we went to those metal metal festivals with our hip-hop and got metal reaction mosh pits stage dives everything what you know and and it felt good to be able to hang up there with them metallica i mean yeah what they do to a crowd is crazy but we realized that if we were playing on the same venue going before them we can in a festival form we can fucking hang with
Starting point is 01:47:41 anyone and and uh that's that pretty much put us over the top with doing festivals. Like, yeah, we're, we're going to fucking rule this shit. People are going to have to, people are going to have to up their game when we're on that festival with them. That's the way we took it.
Starting point is 01:47:55 I would imagine you couldn't sleep for days after that show. The adrenaline was crazy. I got to tell you, the adrenaline was crazy. Like when you're in the helicopter leaving, were you like, what the fuck just happened? Yeah, we were tripping out, man.
Starting point is 01:48:07 I mean, we were like totally in awe of the response that we got and the enormity of the fucking crowd, man. I mean, it was fucking huge. It's just to be a part of something that's that. I mean, that's like something that no one there is ever going to forget. We took it for granted i've got to tell you when we fucking uh they'll well they want you to do okay we'll do woodstock whatever and and uh when we got there that's when we saw just how fucking crazy it was i think this yes oh this is you so they steal your shoes yeah they're gonna yeah they're gonna start coming watch i have to hold my shirt forward so that I don't get choked out.
Starting point is 01:48:46 And there goes the first shoe. They're about to take that first one. That is so ridiculous. What were you thinking when they were taking your shoe? Like, God damn it. I was like, oh, fuck. There goes one shoe. There goes my white sock.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yeah, there goes the other shoe. That is so ridiculous. And there is no fucking security that can stop 500,000 people. Save all that shit. You're at the mercy of the fans. Somebody's going to grab from my sock pretty soon. That is so wild. They're just stealing socks.
Starting point is 01:49:17 Look at it. It's still your pants. Hey, listen. You know, they tried. Anybody grab your dick? No. You know, they tried to grab the weed in my pocket. Because sometimes, you know, when your adrenaline is kicking, you're not really thinking, you know, what's in my pocket and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:49:34 But yeah, you know, throughout, I had chicks trying to grab my shit for sure. Of course. For sure. Yeah. That was a little, you know, crazy for me, you know, but it is what it is. If you're going to stand close, you know, shit like this happens, right? Yeah, man. I mean, if you're going to stage dive, you got to assume some weird shit is going to happen.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Yeah. I mean, for me, you know, people were mostly respectful, you know, but they would go through my pockets to see if I had weed. They rabbit-y-er your pockets out? Yeah, I did. I had like an ounce of weed at one show and I jumped in and I totally forgot I had it in one night. Did the rabbit ear your pockets out? Yeah, I did. I had like an ounce of weed at one show, and I jumped in, and I totally forgot I had it in my pocket. Boom. Fucking took my goddamn weed.
Starting point is 01:50:12 I was like, I hope you enjoyed that. I bet they did extra. I know they did. While they were rolling that joint. This is be real. It's weed, man. I know they did. Straight from California.
Starting point is 01:50:21 This is the real shit. Yeah. California weed to this day still holds up. Yeah. I mean, you got some good Colorado weed. There's some good weed all over the country, but most weed is just, it's like, okay. It's okay other places. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Colorado and California and then the rest is kind of, Seattle's got real good weed. Seattle actually will blow your fucking mind. They'll blow your mind. Yeah. I got to say. Oregon, they'll blow your mind. Yeah, I got to say. Oregon, they'll blow your mind. People have stepped up. They're still behind California, you know, in terms of how much good weed there is here.
Starting point is 01:50:53 Like, I mean, there's so much, you know, from north to south and in central Cal. There's so many different strains that are fucking good, right? You go to other places and they have a few strains that are fucking good right you go to other places and they have a few strains that are good but that's because they're still you know they're still trying to catch up in terms of knowledge and cultivation and stuff like that and and and how to make the strains that they have you know maximize the flavor and in the high and all that stuff some have caught up and some are still lagging a little bit behind, but I got to tell you, man,
Starting point is 01:51:27 this last trip I just had to Vancouver, I was just there for 420, and they had some shit that California boys would be like, yo, this is fire right here. They had animal cookies that were really good wedding cake which is a strain that's you know popular here in cali you know via the jungle boys and and uh burner and stuff like that when they were when they were working together on exotics and uh and they also had this this joint called black diamond and tri-octane. And all of them, man, I got to say all of them,
Starting point is 01:52:06 burned sweet, they tasted good. That white ash that people are looking for now, people think when they see white ash, it's the purest. Newsflash, even if it has a little bit of black ash, there's still people know people clean flush their roots you know what i mean it's just that some of the nutrients if you're using salts as your nutrients you know which most people are these days your ash comes out white if you're using nutrients that are already pre-made like an advanced nutrients and the others sometimes
Starting point is 01:52:43 you know you might have a little bit of black ash because some of the components into those nutrients doesn't mean it's not clean it just looks prettier when it's white but anyway these guys they're shit all white ash and the taste was fucking beautiful and the high was definitely there and i gotta say the guys in vancouver man they've stepped it up. Well, they've been running weed through Vancouver for a long time. Did you ever see that? What is Adam Scorgi's documentary?
Starting point is 01:53:10 He had the Culture High, and then before that, there was another one. The documentary that was all about uncovering how much of Vancouver's entire economy is based on marijuana. And if you pulled it out, when they talk about uh the union that's it the business behind getting high um when if you pulled weed out of vancouver you took it out of their economy their economy would essentially collapse yeah i mean it's responsible for so many people being wealthy up there and it's so it was now it's 100 legal throughout the entire country yeah but back then in 2007, I was in that documentary. That was 12 years ago.
Starting point is 01:53:47 It was just tolerated. It was weirdly tolerated where it wasn't legal, but they didn't ever arrest anybody for it. But there was a lot of gangsters, a lot of Hell's Angels were involved. A lot of dudes were selling weed, and they had flashy diamond-colored covered watches and shit. There was a lot of that shit going on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you know, it's still sort of um i mean you know listen the black market's always going to be you know anywhere especially right now that the taxes are so high to buy cannabis and to grow it and all that stuff everything that involves it it's pretty expensive right now so they're encouraging
Starting point is 01:54:23 organized crime right in a certain way yeah which my point was you know when the corporations come in that shit comes down and then the black market has a bigger problem at that point because then prices of cannabis will come down um but you know it's always going to exist and and you know we sort of went through the same thing when when 215 came about here in california where it was you know cops didn't know what the fuck to do when they caught you with it they didn't want to do anything you know because they they knew as well as we were this shit is eventually going to be legal they don't want to be wasting their time and putting people in jail for for cannabis because you know there's other people that need to be in jail for real for real crimes um but um yeah i think what's happening in
Starting point is 01:55:13 vancouver now is that now that it's legal yeah people are still making money and they're still you know they're still on top of the game but it's it but it's harder to make the money right now. Well, maybe not for Canada because it's federally legal, but you still got to jump through a number of hoops in terms of regulation and fines and fees and shit like that to operate. And they're a little bit different than ours. Obviously, ours isn't like federal yet. But, I mean, you know, from what they were saying is that, like, you know, in a few years, all these companies will be making a whole lot of money. Right now, they're making money, but it's basically about survival, getting past a certain time when all the legislation, all the the rules and all the regulations are finally set in place and they're not going to change from year to year like they like they have been so you know well denver had it real weird for a while where they weren't allowed to use banks
Starting point is 01:56:15 yeah you know like us yeah right now here in cali we can't use banks yeah what do they do with it so they can they use credit cards here they used to be able to yeah you can use credit cards um but realistically it's it's if you're making money from from cannabis in terms of if you're a cultivator or you're uh or whatever if you're a business entity in the cannabis world they won't take your money if they know it's coming from the cannabis cannabis culture right but you know in the coming from the cannabis culture, right? But, you know, in the last two months, Forbes just put out a story about that the federal government is going to start allowing banks to allow banking in the cannabis sector. It's not going anywhere.
Starting point is 01:57:00 They'd be crazy to not. You're just leaving money on the table. You're leaving a whole lot of money on the table. California considers plan to encourage marijuana banking yeah yeah and that and that just came out yesterday you know the forbes story came out like maybe last week or something but this is you know one of the residuals of it is that you know in places like california that we had problems with banking yeah that is no longer going to exist so now if you needed to expand your business or something you can get a business loan now or you can actually
Starting point is 01:57:32 put your money in the fucking bank you know whereas before you had to fucking buy some sort of vault or some shit and keep it there and uh you know obviously that ain't safe because you got pirates Out there still To this day Trying to figure out Okay where do they Keep their money Because it's not in the bank
Starting point is 01:57:49 Yeah Well when I was in Colorado When it first became legal And they were having A real hard time They couldn't use Credit cards It was all cash
Starting point is 01:57:55 And they just had Spec ops guys Everywhere Bulletproof vests Just covered with guns Just ready to rock At any moment's notice And they were worried that they
Starting point is 01:58:05 were going to get you know yeah someone was going to try to take over the store and take all the money yeah i mean there's still issues that they got to worry about moving into the future in terms of transport portation right you know because throughout throughout the history of doing any sort of business in terms of products going from one side of the nation to the other you know trucks get hijacked a lot yeah for electronics for any sort of goods so you know when you're transporting cannabis from state to state they're going to have to have that you know figured out too because there's you know people that are going to be trying to jack those trucks yeah and hitting that into the black market. You know what else is weird?
Starting point is 01:58:45 There's people that they post up on people's private land and start these grow centers. They put up a garden in people's land. Like I have a friend who works on a ranch in like central California, and they were doing this run. They were checking gates and checking fences for where the cattle are
Starting point is 01:59:05 and they found like a fucking acre of wheat like what the fuck is this and there were some dudes there they had campgrounds set up and shit and yeah it was like they were just they were cartel dudes they just like set up a spot yeah find a spot set up they don't know who fucking owns it and if they you know they get dropped off there apparently they i think if i remember the story they got the guys and the guys basically explained how it worked that they get dropped off and they get you know they leave them with seeds and this and that and then new guys come in every couple weeks or a couple months and they live there yeah just watch the weed until it grows to the point where they can cultivate it and then they move on after it's done. But they do that all over the place. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:46 People find them in state parks and forests and shit. They go hiking. That's why it happens mostly up north and in central Cal. Down here, we don't really, I mean, the way they patrol the state parks is slightly different down here in the south. They'll catch that shit. Yeah, I think that's why they did it at the ranch.
Starting point is 02:00:04 Because it was Tahone Ranch, which is like 270,000 acres. Yeah. It's a huge place. Yeah, it's like, I believe natives own that ranch, right? Yeah, you can find,
Starting point is 02:00:15 to this day, these stones where they ground up acorns, where they have like a little, like a pivot, like a hole where they ground it up. I took pictures of it
Starting point is 02:00:23 and shit. It's pretty cool. Crazy. Because you got to think like, that's probably a thousand years thousand years old yeah someone who's probably grinding acorns in there a thousand years a thousand years ago yeah i've never been up north to humboldt i've never been up to that area oh man it's it's uh it's unique there's a lot of nice flavors up there um if you're into glass a lot of good glass blowers out there that's a lot of nice flavors up there. If you're into glass, a lot of good glass blowers out there. That's a long-standing weed culture. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:50 I mean, that shit is generational right there. Yeah, it was like from the 70s you heard about Humboldt. Yeah. And I'll tell you, man, as quiet as they've been in this cannabis culture, you would think that that'd be one place that's like celebrated and whatnot. But I mean, they still are coming up with, you know, incredible flavors down there, you know, in terms of, you know, breeding certain strains and creating new strains and doing it outside, you know, like as they call sun grown or greenhouse, you know, which is not something we do here in the south.
Starting point is 02:01:30 In the south, we do hydro. It's, you know, indoor because we don't have the same type of moisture. Well, we don't have the space neither. You know, the forestage and the moisture. And, you know, we have insects that would eat those outdoor crops if they're not in a greenhouse you know what i mean like fruit worms and shit like that up there and you know up north after dark you know it gets cold so some of those those insects can't live in that that environment but in the south it doesn't get
Starting point is 02:02:02 as cold as it does up there so they can live here so you know if you're gonna do a greenhouse here you it's got to be a greenhouse it can't just be outdoor exposed because they will get they will get fucked with for sure those photos that i've seen of that area it's everything's so fucking green it's crazy it's like seattle almost yeah it's awesome man we were just there not too long ago playing a show up in Eureka. Look at this fucking guy. Look at that guy in the middle of this forest of weed. Yeah, on a hillside, no less. It's not even a flat ground.
Starting point is 02:02:33 He's just got it going. Yeah, that looks like he's just in the woods. He just started growing it in the woods. That's crazy. Well, I bet it has a different feel to it, right? If it's out there with nature. I think it's stronger. Too hippy, too hippy-dippy, but I would think that something that lives in nature
Starting point is 02:02:50 with all those other trees and shit is communicating with those trees. Oh, yeah. I would think so. And you'd probably get more of like a natural feel for the weed. Yeah, they're probably. Look at that deer. Damn, look at the weed plant. It's like they're fucking bushes.
Starting point is 02:03:04 Jesus Christ. That's a California blacktail right there. Columbia blacktail. It's a big deer. that deer damn look at the weed plant it's like the fucking bushes jesus christ california black tail right there columbia black tail it's a big deer and there's a big deer for that part of the probably eating the weed plants probably it's probably healthy as fuck i mean if he's eating the seeds and shit you know easy yeah probably fertilizing some of that shit out there for the longest time we used to have to get you know um i'm one of the owners of Onnit and when we made hemp protein, we used to have to buy our shit from Canada.
Starting point is 02:03:29 It was so stupid. It was like, this is so ridiculous. You have to buy hemp from another country to bring into this country. Stupid. Well,
Starting point is 02:03:36 that's going to change for sure. Yes. Well, it's got to change. I mean, for everything, for clothing, even building houses,
Starting point is 02:03:42 you ever see that hemp crete, that shit they make? It's like a hemp concrete. Yeah, it's crazy. It's lighter. It's better. It's got better insulation values. It's harder to burn.
Starting point is 02:03:50 This is the type of shit that Jack Herrera was trying to tell people in Emperor Wears No Clothes. Yeah, he really was. All this stuff that we use today, hemp can the the alternative at a cheaper cost including plastic yeah biodegradable plastic all these people that are worried about plastic bottles and everything how bad they are for the environment hemp bottles you could make plastic at a hemp and it would be biodegradable yeah it sounds like horseshit there's so many things that you could do with weed that it sounds like you're making things up it sounds like you're making it up but it's actual it's actual fact yeah and dude over the last like couple of months i've been fucking around pretty heavily with cbd like every day oh yeah i've been taking this this is a it's
Starting point is 02:04:35 a one and one it's 10 milligrams of cbd 10 milligrams of thc i take this that's that's the perfect one morning one in the afternoon all day long all full of don't give a fuck juice just there you go we all need that yeah man it's awesome it's an interesting time yeah you know for for someone who was you know you used to have to hide it before yeah and you know that's the beauty of it now is that you don't have to hide it. And people that used to, you know, you got people now that you never thought were smokers, and now they're coming out and just being totally free with it. And that's great, man. What?
Starting point is 02:05:15 Is that a hemp laptop? What the fuck is that? A hemp top. It might just be a cover, but yeah. That's pretty cool. But how could it be a cover if it's like the USB ports and everything like that? They have those like skin covers. It could just be a cover If it's like The USB ports And everything like that They have those like Skin covers
Starting point is 02:05:26 It could just be a look alike But it looks like it They should make it I don't know They should make that It's a miracle plant Of our time It is
Starting point is 02:05:34 I gotta agree It is It is Well listen brother You're a bad motherfucker I really appreciate you Thank you brother Forever
Starting point is 02:05:41 For a long time So it's cool to get in here And we're in a hot box This week too Yeah we're gonna To get in that smoke box People have been asking Forever. For a long time. So it's cool to get in here. And we're in a hot box this week, too. Yeah, we're going to get in that smoke box. People have been asking for you for a long time. I got to tell you. And I say this, you know, in some of the smoke boxes, you know, like, because it's the realest shit.
Starting point is 02:05:55 Like, we just had Mike Tyson in there, you know. How weird is it to smoke weed with Mike Tyson? I've smoked with him before. And I've smoked with him on a couple separate occasions aside from there but one of the places that i smoked with him was at that fucking leota machida rashad evans fight oh wow when we all left you know after the fight we were sort of uh getting to our cars and he ran into me and my partner kenji and we were smoking a fat one right there and they'd'd be real. How you doing? Let me get ahead of that.
Starting point is 02:06:27 I was like, all right, fuck yeah, champ. Here you go. And we always knew he smoked out. What was crazy about this interview, real quick, that I'll say it, because you asked me this in this interview, what did you do for the anxieties before, let's say you were going to go on stage
Starting point is 02:06:43 or do the shit, right? So I asked him that similar question. said you know as artists as athletes well before we're gonna go do our thing in front of a mass amount of people you get this nervous energy what did you do to you know deal with that and he said are you to get hypnotized before fights. Yeah. You know, and he was saying how he would, the guys that work with him would instill these certain words like calmness. You know, that would be a reoccurring word that they would do in hypnotizing him before a fight
Starting point is 02:07:19 so that he would always be calm in the fight and never fight desperate and always be in control of the situation no matter what happened. And that's how he would, you know, get that nervous energy down and be able to fight with such focus. But the other interesting thing he said was that he never fought. I mean, he was smoking the whole time. You know, he's a big weed head since he was like 10 years old, apparently. He was smoking the whole time.
Starting point is 02:07:44 He's a big weed head since he was like 10 years old apparently. But he said that he was smoking, but not necessarily when he was training. They would give him pharmaceuticals when he was training. Shit that he wouldn't feel nothing, but he didn't have focus. What kind of pharmaceuticals? He said some of it was fentanyl, some Percocet, some- Fentanyl wasn't even around back then. Well, a form of it. fentanyl, some Percocet, some. Fentanyl wasn't even around back then. Well, a form of it, you know, like whatever. Yeah, it was an opiate that was whatever, the fentanyl of that time, whatever.
Starting point is 02:08:10 I can't remember what he called it. But there was two or three prescription drugs that they would give him. And he said he wouldn't feel nothing. He felt good, like there's no pain, no nothing. But the focus that he had was not there, there right he said that he smoked weed in one fight like he smoked weed before one particular fight and and he used the wizenator to get through the urine test somehow he fucking he says it in the interview and you know he said that the fight that he had where he was smoked out was with
Starting point is 02:08:45 andrew galata and he said he'd never had so much focus in a fight that it made him realize he should have been smoking weed through every goddamn fight because he focused on everything he was supposed to he said he broke um his cheek he broke his uh his cheek here he broke his cheek here. He broke his orbital. Yeah, he broke his orbital. He broke a rib and part of his back with a body shot. Jesus Christ. And he said, you know, that was the fight. That was the one and only fight that he, you know, smoked out beforehand. And Andrew Gulotta got. He got flatlined.
Starting point is 02:09:19 Andrew Gulotta left the ring. He was like, fuck this. And Andrew Gulotta had been through wars. Oh, yeah, man. Those Riddick Bowe fights were crazy. The Riddick Bowe fights. I mean, because Riddick Bowe was really good. left the ring he was like fuck this and andrew galata had been through wars oh yeah man those riddick bow fights were crazy riddick bow fights i mean because riddick bow was really good you know but um he didn't hit like mike no no no no i don't think no one hit like mike if you look at like some of his early training oh crazy looks he was so crazy back then if you look at some of mike's early training and his footwork it's almost like you know almost
Starting point is 02:09:46 like martial arts based the way that he attacked and then he shifts on his attack in his custom auto custom auto was a master master yeah it wasn't until he he switched up and got rid of camvin rooney and you know where the destruction starts happening i think it was also his you know his life was just too crazy it was just too crazy no one can manage that from the time when he's 20 to you know by the time he retired i mean it was probably just a whirlwind of chaos and it's crazy because he realizes that like looking back at it and he says that he doesn't train anymore because it awakens a beast in him. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 02:10:26 He said that. It made me nervous. Because he said that to you too, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, because I was watching your interview with him. And one of our guys that was in the back seat asked him, hey, do you ever train? Do you ever, you know? He's like, nah, I don't do that no more.
Starting point is 02:10:42 Yeah, he goes, every now and then I get on the treadmill. And I do some running on the treadmill, but that's it. I would imagine that if he got back in training, he'd get in shape real quick. Oh, sure. But, you know, it would awaken a beast. Yeah, they're all like, you can't quit, you can't quit. He's like, fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:10:57 In between rounds, he just got up and left. He's like, I'm out. He's like, push that guy away. He's like, you're not feeling these punches. He knew something was wrong. Well, he knew his rib was broke. Well, his eyeball was broke was broke too yeah his uh look they're trying to put the mouthpiece put it in it's luduva yes luduva no it's not luduva it's not who is that guy he looked like luduva for a second yeah i mean you could tell his fucking face is busted right there it looked
Starting point is 02:11:20 fairly normal but i'm sure it felt like shit you shit. It doesn't swell up real bad until later. Listen, if Andrew Gulotta, who's been in wars with Riddick Bowe and other fighters, he was no slouch. If he's telling you, I've had enough of this shit, let him go. It's over. Because he knows. Once they found out that his back was broken and his face was broken they're probably like oh okay sorry yeah i mean they think about that his corner guy was like trying to put
Starting point is 02:11:49 his mouthpiece back it's so stupid once a guy doesn't want to fight you can't make him fight more i mean it's like he's already flipped that switch inside of his head you know what i told mike that he didn't realize this is the last thing because i know we both got to go but i said do you know that all the dudes you fought to get to that got to go but i said do you know that all the dudes you fought to get to that title including you know the dudes that you know that that you took titles from they all stopped fighting after you beat them none of them wanted to come back and get nothing they didn't want no part of that heavyweight title after that he retired so many boxers oh yeah he doesn't even realize that Bruce Eldon
Starting point is 02:12:25 Tony Tubbs Go down the line All of them He didn't retire Larry Holmes Larry Holmes wait until he went to jail And he's like I'm gonna come back Yeah
Starting point is 02:12:32 Yup Yeah that's the only guy Bone Crusher Smith Yup Tyrell Biggs Tyrell Biggs He definitely retired Tyrell Biggs They were rivals
Starting point is 02:12:40 At one point in time Yeah he fucked Tyrell Biggs Pretty good Leon Spinks Michael Yeah Michael Yeah he said You know what I had this title too long Yeah it's like were rivals at one point in time yeah he fucked tyrell biggs up pretty good leon spinks yeah yeah michael yeah he said you know what i had this title too long yeah it's like that's a wrap yeah enough check please and he he told me just like i think you know what i didn't even realize that yeah man you know what he did he retired a lot of people so we all saw it he was a force
Starting point is 02:13:00 of nature yeah and and i told him the other thing i told him real quick too was you know like that explanation that he had on his documentary where he as he's coming to the ring he knew he had the fight one yeah he could see it in their eyes and then once he steps into the ring he's a god they're done right and i told him you know i was at that bruce selden fight and um i saw exactly what you explained in Bruce Seldon because Bruce Seldon was knocking fools out left and right. He was like a really good heavyweight. The minute he got in there with Mike,
Starting point is 02:13:32 he fanboyed out, tasted that glove, didn't want no more. Yeah, it was an experience. It wasn't just that you were fighting a guy who knew how to fight, but you were fighting Mike Tyson. Your idol. He was this
Starting point is 02:13:45 thing this cultural phenomenon he was thought to be at that time everybody was thinking he's the greatest heavyweight of all time there's a destroyer yeah no one had an answer for him no you know selden selden he he pretty much you know he was a fan that was his idol and he he got totally got rocked he was so huge at the time that when buster douglas beat him even though i knew he beat him i watched the fight afterwards, I couldn't believe it. I'm like, this is, he's going to get up. It was Bruce Seldon.
Starting point is 02:14:10 Look how Jack Bruce Seldon was. Yeah, he's a big boy, man. Fucking tank. Yeah. And he was knocking people out. I mean, look, 29 knockouts. And he was fighting good guys. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:20 He was the WBA heavyweight champion at the time. I mean, I followed his career, too. You know what I mean? And, yeah, he totally fanboyed out on Mike, man. Mike. Well WBA heavyweight champion at the time. Yeah, I mean, I followed his career, too. You know what I mean? And, yeah, he totally fanboyed out on Mike, man. Mike. Well, look at the stare down. You see him in the stare down. You're looking at that.
Starting point is 02:14:32 Yeah. It's like, oh, no, you made a tremendous mistake for getting here tonight. Tremendous mistake, bro. Look at that. Look how much bigger Seldon is, too. He's a big boy, bro. He wasn't taking none of that shit. Tyson's footwork and his ability to close the distance and bobbing and weaving.
Starting point is 02:14:49 I mean, it was like there was nobody before him like that. No, man. There'll never be another guy like that. He has a heavy weight. He was just so fast, too. Because realistically, the guys who trained him, they had a certain technique and nobody uses it. Well, it was not just that. It was what mike talked about
Starting point is 02:15:05 in the podcast about being hypnotized yeah i mean from the time he was a little boy and you know the fact that he had nothing before that everything was his life was shit it was all pain and suffering and poverty and then all of a sudden some guy comes along and rescues him and takes him teaches him out of box and then all of a sudden he gets recognition and and positive feedback and he felt like he was something special boom he fucking hit that canvas hard yeah he didn't want it i kind of we kind of forget sometimes what it was like watching those fights till you go back and watch them now i mean there's there's amazing fighters right now like the like terrence crawford who just won uh night. Amazing, amazing boxers. But what Mike was was something, he was something completely different.
Starting point is 02:15:51 He was something that like transcended sports. Like everybody wanted to see him fight. You know, if you believe in conspiracy theories, right? He didn't even hit him right there. He just fell on purpose, right? Yeah. If you believe in conspiracy theories, right, you think about it like this, this right mike was knocking guys out in the first round and people were paying a whole lot of money for for tickets and pay-per-view you know when you look at it it looks like they were trying to slow his role and put in a guy
Starting point is 02:16:16 like evander holyfield who was a brawler he could box but he could brawl and take the fight 11 rounds and you know make it a fucking great pay-per-view where mike would totally ruin the pay-per-view and knock your ass out in a minute and when you look at it the way boxing was for such a long time i wouldn't put it past it that you know a lot of the shit that happened to him was manipulated so that it would slow his roll what what what kind of shit like what do you mean well you know the people that he had around him i mean you know certainly dodd king around him he took all his his his his people that he trusted away from him put different trainers in his corner different people that were
Starting point is 02:16:57 influencing him and it just took him backwards man and all the people that actually helped got him there were fucking gone and those were the guys that was actually giving him guidance as to you know how to conduct yourself be a man and all that stuff and he got around the vultures man and they and to me i think don king being don king he stood more money he stood a chance to make more money with someone taking out the fight you know 11 to 12 rounds as opposed to one. Well, he just,
Starting point is 02:17:27 he gave Mike the worst deals ever too. And the whole thing was terrible. He stole money from him to this day. Mike hates him. Yeah. And it's all terrible. Anyway, thank you,
Starting point is 02:17:36 my man. Thank you, brother. I'll see you in a couple of days. for sure. Right on. I'm looking forward to it. Right on.
Starting point is 02:17:40 Bye everybody. Woo. Yeah. it right now everybody

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