The Joe Rogan Experience - #1313 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: June 18, 2019

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian, and host of his own podcast “The Duncan Trussell Family Hour” available on Spotify. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 episode 1313 ladies and gentlemen that's a it's a number it's a very important number very important tell me why important. Tell me why. Why 1313 is important? Yes. Well, we got two 13s back to back. So it doubles the normal potency of 13, which is already a mystical number, which terrifies people in the West. They think it's unlucky, but in Tibetan Buddhism, it's considered a very lucky and auspicious number. Yeah, I was staying in a hotel in Vegas. They have no 13th floor, and I don't think they had a fourth floor either.
Starting point is 00:00:54 The fourth? Yeah, there's something about some cultures. The number four is unlucky. How many cultures do we get to influence our buildings these days? That's what's crazy. And what's crazier is at some point someone convinced a person, listen, can we just not do a 13th floor? And they listened to him. I'm like, all right, I guess we'll just go from 12 to 14. Shooter Jennings has it in a song.
Starting point is 00:01:19 When I check in to 1410, I know what room I'm really in. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Well, i know what room i'm really in oh that's cool yeah yeah well you know what that's what's so funny about it is because like that's the whole problem isn't it is like people want to pretend they're not in the 13th floor when they fucking know they are instead of just acknowledging this is where i'm at no no no we're in the 14 we're we're 14th. It's 14th. Call it the 14th floor. Just call it and there'll be that. Dude, when I was in college, we had to do service to get the degree. You had to go do service overseas.
Starting point is 00:01:58 So we went to India, to Dharamsala, and we taught the monks English. And I was sitting listening, overhearing a monk in a conversation with someone teaching him English, and the person's trying to explain to him how there isn't a 13th floor in buildings in the West. And the monk was like, does it levitate? Like, is it missing? How do they do it? He was genuinely perplexed. It was like a magical thing. thing yeah in a culture that forces its citizens if they want to run the country you have to believe in something that whether you're a christian or whether you're a baptist or mormon whatever whatever you are there's certain parts of your religion that if you just didn't want to analyze them,
Starting point is 00:02:46 just want to put them out on paper, I'm going to say, okay, did this really happen? Did this guy really die and come back to life? Is everybody agreeing on this? Everyone's agreeing that a zombie, a guy became a zombie, and he came back three days later, and we're cool with that. This is a part of the doctrine. So this is like a part of running the country.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I don't think you can be an atheist in this country. I don't think we would let you run it. I think you do have to have some affiliation with some religion or another. Something. Yeah, and right now it seems to be like it needs to be Christianity. Like there needs to be like every president that has aligned themselves with it's like we're trapped in this this thing that you are when you're young you know this thing you are when you're young where you're looking at the people that are older than
Starting point is 00:03:36 you you're looking at society and you're like 16 you're just starting to think god damn i'm graduating from high school soon what am i going to do with my life? You know, you're filled with so much angst. Yeah. But you always think, yeah, this shit doesn't make any sense. But one day it will. And one day we'll be the grownups. Yeah. And we'll be the ones that get to make the rules.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And we'll go, hey, we're doing things all wrong, folks. We're doing things out of momentum rather than out of logic. But that time never comes. And then all of a sudden you're like you or I. We're your things all wrong, folks. We're doing things out of momentum rather than out of logic. But that time never comes. And then all of a sudden, you're like you or I. We're your middle-aged. We're middle-aged men. I'm a 51-year-old man. I'm almost 52.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We're middle-aged. If we're lucky. If we're super lucky. Reality, we're closer to death. Yeah, for sure. For sure. And we're still trapped by this thing where you have to pretend you absolutely know. Look, live your life like Jesus is real.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Live your life like you want to follow those tenets. And you'll probably live a better life if you really follow the actual true tenets of Christianity. But if you really want to believe that a guy came back to life and that only happened once and that you have to follow this book. Yeah. If you don't follow this book that was clearly written and rewritten and fucked with by people and you know that people are known liars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Like, why do we have court? Because people lie. What really happened? You have to fucking get a bunch of people to sit down and figure out what really happened. This guy's saying, I didn't do anything, your honor. Yeah. And they got prints and DNA. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And in that world of known liars, we believe a crazy story that was written when people had no science. But we accept it because we think it makes the world a better place. Yeah, man. It's nuts. And there's like so many levels of that where it's like, yeah, that's one obvious level
Starting point is 00:05:24 that if you want to take Jesus literally, which is you have to in certain forms of Christianity, you're going to have to deal with some pretty severe cognitive dissonance. You'll be taught maybe to question your instincts. But then go one step deeper and start thinking, because the real question is, well, what is real? Like, I mean, there's obvious shit that's clearly bullshit. Yeah. But wait, then when you start going down, you realize, like, you get to the point of the self.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And then you start realizing that the self and this Jesus that everyone believes in are very similar in the sense that, like, you know, I don't say I believe in gravity. You would think I was crazy if I said, it would be a crazy thing to say, like, you know, I believe there's gravity. There is gravity. It's testable. It works. But what do you always hear when people are like, if you want to succeed, what do you do?
Starting point is 00:06:15 You believe in yourself. And it's like, wait, what do you mean believe in yourself? I am a self. Why do I have to believe in it? Right? So that- It's just a, it's a clunky way of saying self-doubt is crippling well the self-doubt self you know rejection i hate myself i love myself all these
Starting point is 00:06:34 things have within it this concept of the self and a lot of folks uh have not spent much time really exploring like well what is, what is the self? Like, what is my particular self? And, uh, I think it kind of reminds me of, uh,
Starting point is 00:06:51 when we were Sasquatch hunting, you know, the self or the, the many people's self is very similar to Bigfoot. Yeah. It's a thing that they imagine that there's signs of, but they've never really quite seen the Bigfoot, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Right. But, you know, remember the feather seen the Bigfoot. Right, right. But remember the feather in the trail. It's a gift. It means he likes you. Yeah. They would think that Sasquatches were taking and leaving gifts, taking their gifts and leaving their own gifts, swapping gifts. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:19 They believed it. They believed it. They believed it the same way people believe in a religion. I have a friend, and she was a Mormon. I've told this story before, so forgive me if you've heard it. She was a Mormon, but I think it's important. And she was a devout her whole life, and then the family just fell out of it. And then they started realizing, like they started going into the history of it, and they started thinking it was preposterous.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It was right around when Book of Mormon was coming out, too. You know, that hilarious musical. I didn't see it. It's great. It's right around when Book of Mormon was coming out, too. You know, that hilarious musical. I didn't see it. It's great. It's really good. But she was really honest about it. She was like, the problem is, like, growing up in that fundamentalist background, it makes me very susceptible to, like, healers and, like, psychics and clairvoyants and bullshit
Starting point is 00:07:59 are spiritual people. She's like, I get sucked into bullshit. And she was, like, almost kind of upset. Yeah. No, not almost. Like, she was kind of upset, but, like, I get sucked into bullshit. And she was like almost kind of upset. Yeah. No, not almost. Like she was kind of upset, but like perplexed. Like how do you rewire yourself when you've been trained to believe that a 14-year-old boy in 1820 found golden tablets that contained the lost work of Jesus and that all the Native
Starting point is 00:08:20 Americans were the lost tribe of Israel? Oh, my God. I mean, this is, that's the story right 14 year old boy he had a magic rock he was the only one who could read it it's crazy she started looking into it and she she's out gone yeah gone and that's sad too man because like if you take you could take some like basic tenets which are true and not based on it kind of reminds me of like you know you hear someone he's taking ayahuasca and he comes to you and he's got a profound message that came to him from some mythological
Starting point is 00:08:51 creature a dragon a butterfly has told him some kind of profound fucking thing yeah and you realize oh the bubble machine of profundity you got a bubble machine for 13 13 yeah whenever we're talking about keep it rolling the um yeah the uh so you know get caught up in popping them though when i know that's a problem of getting too high you're like talking what do we do let's just pop bubbles let the bubbles fly but you know what i'm saying? It's like for them to really like take in the basic wisdom they got from the mythological creature, they needed a mythological creature. The mythological creature said something to them along the lines of, you need to love yourself more. You need to give more to your community. Whatever the message is.
Starting point is 00:09:39 But if your Uber driver said that to you, it wouldn't get through because it wasn't like phosphorescent. It didn't have multiple heads. So similarly with these religions, what happens is you do get some real transcendent wisdom that's sort of timeless mixed in with it. And then the people, because they realize like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:09:58 it was kind of a fairy tale. They also reject the good stuff inside of it. And that to me is the big tragedy of any kind of fundamentalist, literalist interpretation that's being forced on people is because within that is inevitably something great or it wouldn't be so viral. Like, Christianity wouldn't be here right now if there wasn't a core thread in it that had a beautiful message in it. It makes people nicer people i actually had a really big conversation this weekend with a very good friend about it about another very good friend who's very religious and we were saying like i think for some people it's an amazing framework and a guide to live your life i really do believe that i have several friends they're very devout christians
Starting point is 00:10:42 yeah it's beautiful and they they're the nicest people I know. And Mormons, by the way. I have friends that are Mormons, still to this day. I have several friends that are Mormons, and they're some of the nicest people. Yeah. And I don't care if they believe something that I don't believe in. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:10:56 It's okay. It is okay. But, I mean, the idea that everyone is supposed to buy into stuff without questioning it is the reason why we are 51-year-olds, 16-year-olds. Dude, I agree. And then there's the deeper symbolic shit that seems to be encoded in Christianity, whether from people projecting their own understanding on a pretty wild symbol set or maybe it was intentional either way there's like a cool like you know the uh if we talked about this like if you take a cube and unfold it it makes a crucifix and like the cube represents pre-big bang conditions whoa and the crucifix represents past present and future intersecting
Starting point is 00:11:45 with eternity and so if you have a square oh i get it so the the length the height is twice is the width yeah that's oh okay make it unfolds into a crucifix for people that are annoyed with that sound it sounds like a pencil sharpening over and over and over again we're sorry sorry about that y'all but bubbles don't come free you need a machine you gotta have a we can hire somebody hire some dude just blow bubbles what do you do i blow bubbles on the jre bro something like fucking manly wrestler dude i would do that man i would definitely do that yeah different people come in and blow bubbles and occasionally chime in hey i'm gonna be on the jre next week what are you doing i'm blowing bubbles oh cool
Starting point is 00:12:30 you're the bubble blower for the week you could start something that became like that's just what people do it's like did you get your bubble man yet right yeah i'm a classic bubble man i know how to do it the new guys they're too loud when they blow well did johnny carson was ed mcmahon the first sidekick well what did jack parr have a sidekick i don't know yeah how many options were before that ed sullivan and well there was the other guy steve allen i think steve allen might have been the first was he the first tonight show or the second tonight show yeah but i think that ed mcmahon was probably the first sidekick and once they had a sidekick people like oh yeah yeah you need a sidekick you do you need somebody to play that part because you can bounce stuff off of them it's so great the reaction yeah So much better than a laugh track. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah. So Christianity, it's on one level, are you fucking kidding me? It's like, I had this nerdy part of me, man, when you were doing the Jesus is a zombie thing. I really wanted to be like, well, technically, not a zombie. Not a zombie? I don't think so because he was buried, right? Like, he did come back to life. But there's a there's
Starting point is 00:13:45 a move in jujitsu called the zombie yeah and what the zombie is is when you're in mission control and you're trying to get an underhook you push your hand through like a zombie rising through the ground so zombies get buried yeah but i guess you know what i don't want to get into like a deep but why not let's break it. So what is a zombie? When is it just a person who's severely disabled and when is it a zombie? Well, you know what I mean? Well, if they're dead, they die. Their heart stops beating.
Starting point is 00:14:15 The doctor says they're dead. You would be a complete asshole if you're like, they have the same intelligence as humans. There are clearly, there's some brain damage that's happened to a zombie, right's a most movies it's a person with brain damage is there any zombie movies where they're smart i've met that's just every movie yeah but i there's i guarantee like there's there's zombie movies where they run fast that was an evolution of the zombie it started running the zombie became like kind of like hyper violent and then but still i guess what they all have in common is that they're technically dead in the sense they don't have a heartbeat. They're not dead. Like a biologist would be like, the zombie is alive.
Starting point is 00:14:52 It's just like a fungus now or something. It's running through a parasite inside of it, essentially. Yeah, it's some kind of fungus. Rabies. Yeah, some new rabies or gut biome problem. What was the 28 Days Later? Is that it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:06 That was the first one when they ran. Yeah, and that was the scariest. God, that was good. Fucking awesome. Running zombies. That movie was so good. So good. And it was also shaky.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Like when the zombies were chasing after you, you'd fucking panic because the screen was shaking when it was running at you. They were the first berserker zombies. You know, man, all this gut biome stuff that we're hearing now like the the study i just read about the study today like they found out that what the gut biome what you're feeding your your baby affects their like there seems to be a correlation between their gut biome and the way they act when they're like five or something there are two years old or something sure dude and the autism link you know where they're saying they think autism might be related to like well who's saying that jamie would you mind pulling
Starting point is 00:15:54 that out before there's a guy named dr peter hotez and he was on the podcast and he is a is an expert in um autism and vaccines and diseases in foreign countries, particularly tropical diseases and warm, moist climate diseases. And he was talking about how they've got it narrowed down to five environmental factors that happen during the womb that they think possibly contribute to autism. Yeah. But they don't think that it comes from something that happens later this is current science according to him obviously i don't know what i'm talking about like for sure
Starting point is 00:16:32 i'm not a biologist at all people looking at us are probably like how do these scientists not know this i should barely be able to say those words in order yeah and pretend like i know what they mean but i i listened to experts um the mother's microbiome the collection of microscopic organisms that lives inside of us is a key contributor to the risk of autism some that might be one of the factors so it's during the womb and neurodevelopmental disorders and offspring well it would make sense that if your body's not getting the proper nutrition and your body's not healthy that whatever's going on inside of you is not going to be the best environment for a baby to reach 100 health yeah just makes sense if you're eating terrible yeah while you're pregnant
Starting point is 00:17:18 it's not going to be good for the kid but if you're eating really well and you're relaxing and taking care of yourself it's probably better for the kid. I mean, this seems like obvious. It doesn't seem to make any sense that that wouldn't is the gut and the neurons in the gut and the neurons in the heart and all the interactions they're having with things that have different DNA than us affecting what we do. And like- They think a lot. That's so weird.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I think it contributes to depression. Yeah. Yeah. And it contributes to what else? Autism? What other behaviors? In other words, are we just essentially being driven around by some kind of strange, microscopic hive of creatures living in our shit? In some way, yeah. Brian Callen had a pretty bad case of psoriasis. Kept coming back.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It was nasty. Really bothered him. Tried a bunch of stuff. Couldn't get it fixed. Went to one doctor who's a specialist in gut biome and its connection to autoimmune disorders. And the guy fixed him up. Just changed up his probiotics, like what he's taking, prebiotics and probiotics. Gave him some heavy-duty shit. I forget exactly what he's taking prebiotics and probiotics gave him some like heavy-duty shit
Starting point is 00:18:46 I forget exactly what he said, but it fixed it and it was basically something going on in his gut biome And that can be affected by stress. Yeah It can be affected by lack of sleep. There's all sorts of stuff that goes on in your body like we have to think of ourselves as a like a super organism like essentially like an ecosystem. We have to think of ourselves as like, you think of yourself as you.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Hey, it's me, it's Joe, it's Duncan, we're talking, we're friends. Hey, what's up, buddy? But really what we are is the keepers of the realm. Okay, we got a whole realm of things living inside of our body and we're feeding it Twinkies and it's freaking out.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's like, you fucking moron. Yeah, but like what it feels like when Twinkies and it's freaking out it's like you fucking moron yeah but i like what it feels like when twinkies go in my face yeah so your fucking knees hurt all the time yeah your back is killing you you have all these inflammation problems getting zits and you're 40 years old like what the fuck it's because you're eating dog shit man you're not giving your body anything good you're the keeper of the realm and also this is something i've been thinking about is like how much data we're eating which is equivalent to twinkies it's like you eat a bunch of twinkies your body starts hurting then you're just slurping up whatever the fuck on the phone right which i
Starting point is 00:19:56 by the way i'm talking about me this is what i do i you know my bouncing around from like drudge report to huffington report to reddit conspiracy to reddit what the fuck zit popping how long before you're looking at like a zit popping video and then that takes you down into a place of like oh let's just move to animal cysts and then and then you fall asleep you wake up screaming and that's the equivalent of getting like gas isn't it from eating like a huge taco bell meal instead of farting you're just just screaming in the middle of the night because you dreamed a cult was dragging you into the forest it's like this is to me we seem to have not quite acknowledged that data is as much of is like a
Starting point is 00:20:36 food and that so much of the weirdness that is people are showing these like strange behaviors it's got to be because of the crazy shit they're sucking into their optic nerves right it is it's also the ability to affect people very rapidly whether to get a reaction from someone positive or negative people are so addicted to that yeah i watch people getting these twitter beefs back and forth and fucking smart people man a smart friend of mine who i respect greatly tried to get me to retweet something mean that he was saying to someone else i'm like get the fuck out of here like why are you what are you doing yeah like what are you doing with your time
Starting point is 00:21:14 we get the one thing that i've done over the last week we did a podcast with uh burt and tom and ari and we all looked at the amount of screen time we put in our phone, because Ari was proposing no smartphones. Yeah. My fucking screen time was like four hours for a day. I was like, what? And I'll lie to myself, and I'll say, well, most of that's email and taking care of business. Yeah, me too. No, most of it is going through Google News Feed looking for crazy stories of animal attacks.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Absolutely. That's what I'm always looking at man i watched a video today of a guy riding his dirt bike and a bear is chasing him i'm like what in the fuck what is happening look man i don't want to try to like uh enable your addiction but honestly i think the internet has come to depend on your wild animal attack videos like you have kind of become like a news outlet for the best wild animal attacks people need to know people need to see this shit man like we don't know i've never seen a vulture fight a rabbit or out of people do have a very weird idea of what animals are and i think that
Starting point is 00:22:17 have the average person i'm certainly no expert but amongst the average person i have a much better understanding of wildlife because i'm out in the wild yeah several times a year hunting it's a different world it's a different world i'm no expert but my perception of it is as someone who sees wildlife in in the wild they see dead ones that other ones have killed we came across a calf that had been ripped apart by wolves i mean we see stuff and you realize what that is what that what that fucking forest really is it's this competing ecosystem of life and it's going on all the time and there's big things jacking smaller things there's birds snatching things off the ground and snatching other birds
Starting point is 00:23:04 out of trees and it's happening all the time and it's magic and you have to have it that way because otherwise the whole population of the planet would be overrun you have to have your sorrow of watching the bear tear apart the fawn that has to happen because if it didn't happen you'd have too many fawns they'd be everywhere you'd have too many. And you have to have someone who can take care of the bears. Otherwise, the bears will overrun the city where the humans live. And we need to think about that. And people don't want to because they don't want to shoot Yogi. They don't want to shoot Yogi and Boo Boo.
Starting point is 00:23:35 They're our friends. This is a teddy bear. I grew up with a bear. You don't know what a bear is. I've seen a bear in the wild. When you see a bear in the wild, you're like oh you're you don't give a fuck about me you're some weird heartless beast that is majestic looking yeah who runs around eating moose and deer babies that's what your deal is you eat grass and berries and you like to lay around
Starting point is 00:23:59 you're fucking cool as shit it's a cool ass animal yeah it doesn't mean you hate it but you gotta understand what the fuck it is it's not like this idea like people don't want um people to hunt bears in certain places like particularly like uh they're they're they're trying to regulate the size of uh the amount of grizzly bears in certain parts of the country they're like hey we we need to keep a handle on this like a couple people get mauled. People start walking through Yellowstone and get attacked. It happens a little bit more rapidly. The numbers get to a certain... These things have no fear of people.
Starting point is 00:24:32 We could actually help the population if they hand out bear tags. People start freaking out. You can't kill the bears. You can't kill the bears. Don't you kill the bears. There's a reason why there's no fucking bears in california duncan only black bears our fucking state flag has a grizzly bear on it did you ever notice that no yeah the state flag is a grizzly they eradicated all the grizzly bears because they were eating
Starting point is 00:24:55 people so in the fucking 1800s dude there's a town i think it's called lavesque i think it's called lavesque it's out near like on the way to bakersfield yeah labec labec i think it's called Levesque. I think it's called Levesque. It's out near, like, on the way to Bakersfield. Yeah. Lebec? Lebec. I think it's called Lebec. It's a town named after the last dude that got killed by a grizzly bear in California. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And to investigate this, they exhumed his body, and his legs were fucking ripped apart. Like, his, you know, knees were snapped in half and shit. You have to destroy this tape. He got torn apart by a bear, and they killed the bear. And they buried him, and that was the last bear. That was the last bear attack. They killed all the bears. The reason why they killed all the bears is because that's what you have to do, you fuck.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Do you want to be able to walk to your car? Yes. Okay, you don't want bears in Santa Monica. Okay, shut up. Just shut up. We're going into their territory, man. They'll come into yours, too. Okay?
Starting point is 00:25:44 Stop. Don't be silly. We definitely shouldn't kill all, man. They'll come into yours, too. Okay? Stop. Don't be silly. We definitely shouldn't kill all the bears. But we should kill a few. We should definitely kill some. We should kill some wolves, too. I disagree, Joe. We have to keep everything alive.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I'm going to bring back pterodactyls. I wouldn't mind that. Snatching people right off of cars. Well, come on. They could be controlled. Come on. They could be controlled. Put them in some kind of domed, I don't know, pad don't know we never knew they were bulletproof bring them back fuck it people
Starting point is 00:26:10 shoot down them bullets just bounce them down hitting people on the ground it's the what you know i saw something you know your podcast it's like everywhere now it's like dandelions every you can't anywhere i'm always getting suggested videos, your podcast, it's like everywhere now. It's like dandelions. You can't anywhere. I'm always getting suggested videos from your podcast. And I saw one because I've been cutting down my meat consumption. Good for you. But that doesn't mean I don't eat meat.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I just want to cut it down a little bit. And I have been feeling kind of enjoyable enjoyable from time to time sense of, you know, that I don't know if you let yourself do this. You probably don't, but that feeling of like kind of bullshit, like I'm a little better now. I'm a little better of a person.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And I was really like, I wasn't like overt. It wasn't like hyper obnoxious, you know, but just a kind of sense of like, I did it. I cut down my beef consumption and Inoxious, you know, but just a kind of sense of like, I did it. I cut down my beef consumption and I'm eating, you know, I'm eating, you know, a cheese here and there. And anyway, this video popped up and it's some guests.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I don't know who it was talking about the number of animals that die in a bean field. Like any bean field that you see. So many animals just ground up and murdered and uh and it was great because i realized like oh of course yeah right you the trick i was trying to play on myself is the same it's the 13th floor shit it's like i want the world to look like a disney film but it's a bit of a cop-out even even saying that, my saying that, because the reality is there's another solution. The solution is organic gardening, right? So you can organically garden. If you get a plot of land and get some friends together,
Starting point is 00:27:54 you could all grow enough vegetables so that you'd have to take place with large-scale agriculture, or if you're dealing, rather, with large-scale agriculture. That's the problem. The problem is we have to feed, just in L.A. los angeles area what is it like 20 million something people that's so many goddamn people no one's growing anything other than weed so what do we have what do we have we have someone has to grow this fucking food for us so they have to do it large scale yeah and when they do it large scale it involves combines and those fucking things are indiscriminate they're
Starting point is 00:28:23 just chewing up the ground and things get caught up in it and that's why when they clean fields when they pick whatever they're growing you always see vultures after they run the combine you see vultures circling the fields because they know rabbits and rats jesus man all kinds of bugs i mean any kind of i mean i don't know if you care about bugs which is that's a weird thing right it's like vegans will get to this some vegans will get to this like line where they're like, yeah, but that's a mosquito. Fuck mosquitoes. They have malaria. You know, you get to like a life form ethical boundary where you can't relate to a roach.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Also, the hilarious thing when it comes to assigning levels of sentience and then based on that, deciding if you should eat something or not, you run into like a lot of weird problems, which is like, number one, you're assuming a lot just because they don't have this sort of nervous system you have. I mean, and who knows, we project most of everything we are into the world and we don't really know what the phenomenon is. But I saw some like video of a little of an ant taking care of the ant's baby. And I don't really know what the phenomenon is, but I saw some video of an ant taking care of the ant's baby. And I don't know if you've probably heard about how trees communicate with the – Mycelium? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And like how they'll send nutrients to their children. And then you start running into, I think, which is a really fascinating problem, which is what if it's all alive and sentient and feeling for real? What if there is throughout the entire universe just a sentient field of consciousness that is interacting with matter in a way that it produces what we call life? And that life is feeling terror, love, maybe in different ways than we would understand it but it's still there you know there's that's a really under consideration by legitimate scientists in fact um sam harris's wife just wrote a book about that oh really it's one of the subjects it's called conscious and conscious or consciousness sorry i don't remember which i haven't read it yet but i heard them talk about it on his podcast. And the concept that used to be like super woo-woo was what if everything has consciousness?
Starting point is 00:30:29 Yeah. What if everything has, but it just, it can't move. It can't express itself. Can't change its environment. It's limited. Just like we can't fly and we can't swim underwater and breathe water. Like we're limited in our physical abilities. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:42 But we assume that whatever limitations that we have, like, this is where it ends. This is where the buck stops here. Yeah. Like, everything that doesn't move has got to be stupid. That's it. Yeah. But it might not be, which is one of the reasons why nobody wants to buy a house after someone's been killed in it.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Right. Like, what if that house retains memory? That was something that Rupert Sheldrake proposed a long time ago. You know, he's got that, what is that very strange theory where everything is connected? Morphic resonance, I think it's called? Theory of morphic resonance? He's a fascinating guy. And he's like a guy who's not afraid to take some chances and say some really woo-woo shit.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I think he's a Christian as well. Yeah, I love his book. I think you're the one who was telling me some of the studies are not so great in it, though. Well, it wasn't that I said that. It's that other people would complain about that and they come because there's some there's some studies that apparently people lean on that aren't super legit like the dog knowing you're coming home on yeah like you got to replicate that shit because first of all the guy might have a loud car dogs can hear shit way better than you can yeah like how far away is the guy when the dog starts going towards the door
Starting point is 00:31:45 or does the guy just come home every night and the dog has like an internal clock and he knows hey it's five o'clock mike must be coming home like if you come does have they replicated this for 11 30 what if mike starts coming home in a tesla where you can't hear shit who knows what if he comes on does the dog actually know he's coming or is the dog just hearing things dog hearing a door a car i mean it's almost isn't always doesn't always kind of seem like the most boring possible uh solution is usually the right one it's like yeah what's the most boring thing the most boring thing is nothing's happening but you're imagining the dog is somehow yeah has a telepathic link to you occam's razor right yeah occam's the simplest but it's also the most boring like you know these uh crazy fucking ufos i'm
Starting point is 00:32:33 sorry if you've talked about this a bunch on the podcast but the ufos that we're seeing that the you know navy is releasing these videos of these tic tacs zipping around and it's navy pilots it's not the people we interviewed in that show it's navy pilots who are like yeah i don't know what the fuck this is and i was i have great conversations with uber drivers and like we were talking about it and this guy was like and a lot of them are programmers and shit and this guy was like it's probably a technique it's a glitch and then in the type of radar they're using. I think it must be a glitch. I mean, that's the most likely reality.
Starting point is 00:33:08 They're not seeing it with their own eyes. They're not? I don't think so. I think they're just picking it up on radar. And so he's like, maybe it's a glitch or maybe it's like. We should find that out. Can you Google if the pilots were picking it up on radar? The pilot spotted ufo to see if they because i know some
Starting point is 00:33:26 guys have spotted things with their own eyes i know i know for sure some guys have i'm just i'm not sure if the data is i think it's probably relevant to the conversation though it's probably a good thing that we know people listening going yeah what the fuck um i get super skeptical yeah i feel like i feel like almost like it's a plot i don't want to go full eddie bravo but i feel like when i see people talking about ufos i'm like okay what else is going on what are you distracting me from is this really a big issue i was like is it really happening well can i see it what do you you got? You got nothing? Oh, you got like some radar. You got radar from one, two pilots, three pilots. Okay, I believe it.
Starting point is 00:34:09 But I want to see more. Why do I want to see more? Like what am I? And you'll get caught up in it. It'll chew up hours of your day. Yeah, man. There's a lot of those guys that we ran into on that show. I felt bad for them because they didn't understand what had happened to them they had gotten caught
Starting point is 00:34:25 in this weird loop of looking for secrets and looking for mysteries to be solved and looking for hidden conspiracies and they get caught in that and some of that shit is real which is part of the problem some of it you can come across the gulf of tonkin and the northwoods operation northwoods you can come across a bunch of them that are real and raw and you can see how they put that together you're like what you could see real crazy conspiring yeah and then you can get lost and think it's everywhere that's right yeah well i mean this is like dude i was just what is this jamie oh according today the aavs what does that mean is that the new ufo how about you say ufo you come on yeah are you really gonna change ufo they're like they have their own little thing they were aavs we don't refer to us as ufos these are my pronouns the aavs appeared at an altitude greater than 80,000 feet,
Starting point is 00:35:27 far higher than commercial or military jets typically fly initially. The Princeton's radar team. It's a radar, really high process. Print story is what it's called. It's like a really high processing radar system or something. Why is it spelled Princeton? Oh, yeah. It's print story.
Starting point is 00:35:43 No, it is Princeton. It's just that apostrophe is in a weird spot. Oh, okay. The radar team didn't believe what they were seeing, chalking up the anomalies to an equipment malfunction, but after they determined that everything was operating as it should, they began detecting
Starting point is 00:35:58 instances which the AAVs I want to know what the fuck that means dropped with astounding speed to lower, busier airspace. Day approached the Princeton's commander about taking action. He said, I was chomping at the bit. I really wanted to intercept these things. What?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah. We have the fucking craziest people in this country. I am. Like, there's a fucking, there's an alien, man. I want to chase it. I want to catch it by the tail. Catch that motherfucker. I was chomping.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I want to catch it by the tail. Put it in a fucking seal. Anomalous aerial vehicles. Get the fuck out of here. You dick. There's already a name for it. I want to catch it by the tail. Catch that motherfucker. I was trying to put it in a fucking suit. Anomalous aerial vehicles. Get the fuck out of here. There's already a name for it. Whoever invented that new name is an ass. He's an asshole. Give us a break.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I was actually the one who decided to call them AAVs. Oh, come on. You know, technically, it's not an unidentified flying object. You're not taking our fucking UFOs, man. I'm going to fight that that what is it again what is the exact phrase anomalous aerial vehicle anomalous aerial vehicle it's an aav you're an asshole anomalous it's an anomaly i want to propose a new name for ufos anonymous aerial vehicle it's probably a part of a billion dollar study two two fighters were diverted to intercept
Starting point is 00:37:04 one of the strange objects when they first arrived on the scene the pilots didn't see any flying objects but they did observe what the lead pilot commander david fravor later referred to as a disturbance in the ocean the water was churning with white waves breaking over what looked like a large object just under the surface yeah then they noticed one of the objects flying about 50 feet above the water. Fravor, the commander of the elite black aces squadron, this is a goddamn Nicolas Cage movie, who was a top gun program graduate with more than 16 years of flying experience,
Starting point is 00:37:39 described it as about 40 feet long, shaped like a Tic Tac Candy, with no obvious means of propulsion it's white it has no wings it has no rotors i go holy shit what is that dude you know the guy whoever the company is that makes tic-tacs they're like yes they're calling them tic-tacs it's free publicity totally tic-tacs is the one sponsoring this whole deal you think it is yeah man people are buying tic-tacs right now listen to this you just say tic tac enough you're like remember those old subliminal things he's doing movie theaters when you're watching a movie it would say hungry eat popcorn like every like 50 100th frame they would stick like a hungry eat popcorn they would
Starting point is 00:38:20 like yeah put subliminal text on the screen you'd be like damn i want some popcorn if you just say tic tacs tic tacs people are buying tic tacs right now well we do know that pilot's got great breath right i mean that's a tic tac man if like the first time you see a ufo the first thing that pops into your head is it looks like a mint that's nuts there had to be other ways to describe it he's got stock in tic tacs, bro. For sure. I googled Tic Tac after he said that because I couldn't remember if they were square or if they were like Tic, you know. They looked like I would expect a good UFO to look like. Yeah. Kind of boring. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Like super Apple-like. Like if Apple made a UFO. Yeah. It's like a pretty sleek. Pretty sleek. Yeah. yeah it's like a pretty sleek pretty sleek yeah but going into the ocean part that's the part i like the best because that kind of lines up with hollow earth theory and that and like that maybe like they're flying down base yeah in the in the center of the earth of course they have a base in
Starting point is 00:39:16 the earth why wouldn't you have a base in the ocean we never go there do you ever fly over i was just in hawaii you fly over five hours of water it's just water oh yeah well that's that strava app thing i feel like we've talked about literally everything you know the strava app don't worry about it okay good it's great man i love that i have to think if i'm pretty sure we've talked about this the heat maps the strava heat maps that seem to show people walking under the ocean and stuff walking yeah we haven't no oh so, because Strava, you know, it's like, I think it was Strava, right? It was like a way for you to track your steps. And some people apparently were on some bases in the Arctic or in the ocean walking around.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And it showed up before they could, like, turn that function off for top secret facilities, like the places they blur out on Google Maps. So do you think there's like a military base under the water somewhere where submarines go god man you know i want to think that but i'm always movie the meg yeah i think it's probably a technical error but fuck maybe i mean i don't know it's like the the implication of these take tax and all of it if you really want to like the first to me the most obvious, minus the churning water evidence, is that it's some kind of equipment malfunction. Well, it's also that they have an unlimited budget for black ops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:36 We don't know what that number is. That's right. We don't get to know. Yeah. Right? All that weird shit they do when they're making stealth bombers and all that Area 51 stuff. Yeah. Like, how much money goes to that? what is the number let's google this how much does the u.s spend on black ops i had i was going to bring this up in the middle of what you guys are talking uh there's a program here that was going on the The AA tip, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
Starting point is 00:41:06 was going on and had a budget. Just the AA tip. I'm going to fuck you out of your money, but I'm just going to use the AA tip. $22 million is what their budget was in 2012. And they said that it doesn't still go on, but apparently it does. Luis Elizondo says it's still operating,
Starting point is 00:41:23 and he is part of two of the stars. So they spent $22 million to see if the UFOs were a threat? A year. And then there's the To The Stars Academy. Yeah. That's Tom DeLonge stuff. Yeah. Well. Some of it's still going on.
Starting point is 00:41:37 It's all, listen, I'm fucking rooting for it. I want it to be real. I would love it if it was real. But if you look at the history of the great ideas a lot of them did come from uh like weird moments you know like tesla like basically had a seizure and felt like it was being contacted by something like you do run into stories of at the very least inspiration but quite often innovation coming to people via like like a transmission almost a transmission well i've been thinking this for a long time that maybe ideas are living things and these ideas even though they you think of them as something your brain's creating.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And maybe your brain is creating it. But maybe it uses your brain to create it so that it can manifest itself in the real world. So when you have ideas, whether ideas that turn out to be art or music, like Jimi Hendrix comes out with Voodoo Child, you are inspired by that. You see it. It gives you a great feeling, you exchange currency to listen to it.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I mean, just that one song. How much money has been generated by Voodoo Child? I mean, it's one of the greatest songs in the history
Starting point is 00:42:54 of the known universe. The opening guitar riff, I've listened to that a thousand times. Easy. I listen to it all the time. Whenever I'm like, I need a pick me up,
Starting point is 00:43:02 that... I mean, it's's just it's a masterpiece it's a masterpiece of music and where'd that idea come from well it came from his brain right but where was it before it was in his brain well how does brain cook it up and what is it what are these things they're just floating around that you grab out of culture and how do you turn them into something that people go crazy for yeah because occasionally a guy will take one of those ideas and make voodoo child or you know make someone else's song or make someone else's painting or or you know make a fucking building that's inspiring there's these things that come
Starting point is 00:43:40 into your head that's right and you And at the end, what they really do is they're like the eggs of objects because they come to your mind, you think about them, and then you say, I'm going to make a fucking clock. Yeah. And you start making a clock.
Starting point is 00:43:57 That's right. Where is that coming from? Oh, it's just your creativity and it's just your mind. It's just your imagination. Well, it's just your thought process. Your synapse is firing. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:05 You're right. You're right. We're all, you're absolutely right. There's no real woo-woo. Or is there? What the fuck is a thought? Figure that out. No one knows what that is.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Especially, where are they coming from? I mean, how many times have you written a joke and you're laughing yourself as you're writing? Like, where the fuck did that come from? Yeah i mean or saying anything sometimes like you're watching sentences come out of your mouth and you're sort of sometimes you don't feel like yeah every day all the time right now where's the you know who's articulating it there's a this um i've been studying buddhism and any buddhists out there if i fuck this up i'm sorry if you if you're more advanced or know more about it.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So I'm probably going to say the words wrong and stuff. It's really interesting. So it's like there's like eight consciousnesses. I think it's eight. And the sixth one is your thought, the continuum of thoughts, right? So that's like where most people hang out and they think that's who they are, is the infinite cycle of repeating thoughts in their head. So below that is your senses. And then the one right above that is the seventh.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And that's what is considered your subconscious in the West. But so that's where all your memories are. That's where all your, like, just all the shit you can't remember that happened to you that's stuck back there that appears in people's ARP or appears in your neurosis or whatever. And then above that is the eighth consciousness. And that's the stored experience of all human beings that's happening. It's like the global mind. The Akashic Records. Yeah, the Akashic Records. Yeah. all human beings and that's happening. It's like the global mind or it's-
Starting point is 00:45:45 The Akashic records. Yeah. Well, yeah, the Akashic records. Yeah. And so, basically, that one drips down like water in a cave. It drips down into your subconscious, which drips down into your thoughts. So, when you're having these thoughts, according to this model, it's not necessarily your thoughts. You're getting a kind of distillate that's rolling down through the global mind, being flavored by your subconscious and then being flavored by your identity or who you think you are. And then so by the time it comes out of you, it's got you wrapped up inside of it. But it's a projection of some like shared mind. It's got you wrapped up inside of it, but it's a projection of some shared mind. It's pretty cool. That makes actual sense.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I know that sounds like crazy voodoo hippie talk, but it actually makes sense that we all know that there's something that we share. And we all feed off of each other. I mean, you and I have said this many times, that I am a different person with you. Yeah. Like, we're different together. And we're different with other people as well. I mean, that's how human beings are. When we interact with each other, we have this bonding thing.
Starting point is 00:46:56 There's an interaction thing. And that's why some people are toxic for you. I mean, the idea that you're supposed to stay with everyone is, like, crazy. Like, some people are just not good for you. It's not a good mix. You know? You're not good for them. They people are toxic for you. I mean, the idea that you're supposed to stay with everyone is like crazy. Like some people are just not good for you. It's not a good mix. You know, you're not good for them. They're not good for you.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Get out. But that there's something that's going on. It's not you just as an individual. And then we were talking about gut biome and that as well. Yeah. You're also sharing gut biome with each other. You're sharing DNA with each other. You're sharing DNA with each other. You're sharing the skin. There's little organisms living on your body.
Starting point is 00:47:31 You hug people with no shirt on. You're sharing organisms. Yeah. It's one of the reasons why it feels good, I bet. Yeah. Yeah, man. I mean, it's probably a great way to swap organisms to keep them spreading. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It benefits your biome if it to like pollinate or get out into the world for sure i was reading about i was listening actually listening to a podcast uh the steven ronella podcast meat eater and there was a guy on who was an expert in moving wildlife around how they like sometimes they'll move wolves into certain particular areas they had too many moose in this one island and so they moved wolves in but the wolves there wasn't enough of them and they were on an island so they all started fucking each other and they were fucking their kids and their their dna just was a mess yeah just all sorts of inbreeding and it was just terrible which is also fascinating it's like nature's like no no no you can't just stand
Starting point is 00:48:24 around and fuck each other you gotta get out there like nature even with animals nature's like nature's like no no no you can't just stand around and fuck each other you gotta get out there like nature even with animals nature's like no no no that's not the game we're playing you gotta move the game we're playing is not male and female the game we're playing is male that doesn't know female that's the game because you can't fuck your sister and you can't fuck your mom stop if you do it a few times but after while, your kids are just not going to come out good, which is weird, right? How come if you're good and your sister's good, how come if you have sex, there's a high likelihood that the kid won't be good? There's something wrong with the child. And if the child fucks the sister and then they have a child, it's even more likely.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I mean, this is what inbreeding is, and this is one of the reasons why you have a lot of problems with certain dog species. Sure. Yeah. And it's a weird little thing that nature's got built into it. Yeah. Nature's like, keep moving, bitch. Keep touching each other. Keep spreading the biome.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Got to move. Yeah. No matter what you are. Swap and spit. Keep it moving. Have you seen that planet Earth with that poor sloth, that poor, horny, lonely sloth? He's horny? How do you know?
Starting point is 00:49:24 I'm pretty sure it was a sloth. It was some kind of slow-moving tree creature. And they set it up. You know, I don't know how much of it is real. Like, how much of it is they're just filming animals and telling a story about them. But this sloth is horny. It howls out into the forest like,
Starting point is 00:49:39 and it hears like a shriek of a woman, a female like, and it's like, oh, fuck. an of a woman a female like and it's like oh fuck you know it's they yeah this poor guy look how fuck can you get it from where he's in the tree are we allowed to show this i'm not showing it but don't show it so he he doesn't have a girlfriend that's what's up he's an incel he's climbing cell of the sloth world this is and it's incel sloth it's not because this one's actually this sloth is going for it it's like it's not because this one's actually, this sloth is going for it. It's like, it's not staying in his apartment on the internet. It's leaving his tree, swimming across an ocean, climbing up another tree.
Starting point is 00:50:13 But what a dirty trick nature played on this motherfucker to have him move so slow, everyone can catch you. Yeah. It's like, nature's like, listen, you guys are too fucking stupid. There's too many of you we're gonna have to have it so eagles pick you off so they have them so slow literally no one can miss them what a goddamn dirty trick you ever see a bear run they run fast you ever see a fucking wolf or a coyote run they're ridiculous this poor bastard this poor bastard is going so slow it looks like he's on slow-mo.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Like, we're looking at the leaves. The leaves are moving at a normal speed, but he looks like he's on fucking slow-mo. He looks like he's been eating benzos for the last nine months. Like, just fucked up. He's got an infinite Xanax prescription. But, yeah. Yeah, he's barely getting by. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:03 We must look so fast to them. To them, we must seem terrifying in how quickly we're moving. How about the eagles? What is that eagle that gets them in South America? The harpy eagle? Is that what it is? The biggest eagle on earth? I didn't know harpies ate sloths.
Starting point is 00:51:21 All they eat is monkeys and sloths. That's crazy. That's their favorite shit. They snatch these sloths out of the is monkeys and sloths that's crazy that's their favorite shit they snatch these sloths out of the tree bitch get over here and then just whoa dude what is it a fight between them yeah yeah whoa fights back oh my god oh that's a real young eagle what kind of fight is that oh the sloth is actually swinging at the eagle imagine that you'd be like what are you doing man it's more like when someone's trying to wake you up it's like get out of here no that's
Starting point is 00:51:50 like a drunk guy at a bar and you're trying not to fuck him up yeah please don't make me hit you that is exactly it and the eagle seems perplexed by it yeah but you see the harpy eagle kill one because it's crazy man they. They just swoop down. They're so enormous. And one of these guys, first of all, kudos to all these wildlife biologists that actually go down there and risk their ass. Look at that. Boom. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Back that up again. Motherfucker. Boom. Jesus. That is a big killer bird. And he just snatches that poor little guy. But somebody had to be there to film that. And there was one of them that I watched on the Harpy Eagle, which is a beautiful animal,
Starting point is 00:52:32 where this guy who was a photographer, who was one of the scientists who was studying him, got attacked. The eagle swooped in and fucking took a swing at him. Was he okay? Yeah, barely. But, I mean, that gets sketchy when a 25-pound flying bird with knives coming out of its feet is trying to snatch you. I mean, something that can literally carry a fish. Can you imagine how strong your hand would be if you could shove your hand into the river, snatch a salmon, and pull it out with one hand? I'm going to be honest.
Starting point is 00:53:02 It's that strong. I do that. That's how I fish. It's amazing. I love the feeling. You'm going to be honest. It's that strong. I do that. That's how I fish. It's amazing. I love the feeling. You should make a YouTube video. I don't want to film myself out in nature. You know how it is.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I prefer to. That's my private time in the wild. Bro, they just snatch them, and then they fly with them. They're so fucking strong. Yeah. If that thing was coming after you, and I think the harpy eagle is probably even bigger than 25 pounds. I think 25 pounds is like a big bald eagle. Yeah. I think the harpy eagle is probably even bigger than 25 pounds. I think 25 pounds is like a big bald eagle.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah. I think the harpy eagle is even larger than that. Dude, one of my friends told me something that has always kind of creeped me out. It's obviously probably not true. Those are my favorite things. Yeah, mine too. University of Bro Science. 11.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He's 11 pounds? Yeah. That's it? Yeah. What's the heaviest eagle? Wow, I'm off big time. I guess that makes sense, though, because like a turkey is, like a giant turkey is like a 20-pound turkey, right? The Stellar's sea eagle is average weight 15 pounds.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Oh, wow. Philippine eagle 14 pounds. Harpy eagle 13.1. No shit. Why do I feel like we've done this before? I don't know. I feel like you were, I thought you were right, though, but maybe it's just... If I was in Vegas
Starting point is 00:54:08 and I had to bet whether or not you looked up the weight of the biggest eagle, I would bet a million dollars that you have definitely looked that up. I know exactly what it is. I got it confused with an extinct eagle in New Zealand that was enormous, that they think hunted people. And that one was 25 pounds.
Starting point is 00:54:24 And I was shocked that it was only 25 pounds. It's called the Haast Eagle. H-A-A-S-T. Show a picture of what that fucking thing was like. None of them verified to exceed 20 pounds, but they think they were bigger. Yeah. See, that's it. That's where I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I was looking at this thing. And I was like, why? It's only 20 pounds or 25 pounds. Because you look at the size of it. It was fucking huge. And they's only 20 pounds or 25 pounds. Because you look at the size of it. It was fucking huge. And they really think they might have hunted humans. They think that might be why the people, I think it was New Zealand, why the people in New Zealand wiped them out. And this was like before the white man came and fucked everything up.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Did you see that documentary on falconeering? No. Which one is that? It's this woman who's like i wish i could remember her name but she like goes up to i think like tibet and they like took her in and taught her how to like hunt because it's the way they hunt with birds and like the whole relationship you have you sort of have to raise the falcon from a baby and they're like connected to it but it's the most insane thing to witness because it's such a remote place and it's such a like traditional people they don't watch tv they don't know
Starting point is 00:55:33 you know they're not like absorbed in shit like we are they're just out there hunting with giant birds and you know they figured out how to do that you know that's to me all the stuff like horse ride any any human animal relationship when you think back to the first person who saw a falcon and was like i'm gonna catch it and i'm gonna train it to catch rabbits so we can eat yeah how how how how that shit is i don't know if this is the exact documentary but this is one on it called the challenge where that's not it but that's it's these are like in this looks like saudi arabia these are like some sharpening the claws so i'm sharpening the beak here in a second too what are they using them to hunt it seems like they're having an event here. So I don't know. Oh, they're sharpening their beak?
Starting point is 00:56:26 Jesus. What the fuck? Yeah, this wasn't it. This is another version. They're watching soccer. They're riding on sand dunes. These guys are driving land cruisers in the middle of the desert somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:37 They have GoPros on them and shit. They're in land cruisers. Oh, and they're letting go pigeons. The pigeons are going to get jacked. Wow. Oh, my God. Oh, my God god they got a room filled with pigeons yeah or those falcons yeah probably falcons well no those are i can't which
Starting point is 00:56:51 one is the pigeon some of them have to be pigeons right those are pigeons so what is the challenge like who jacks the most pigeons the fuck is that wait a minute it's called the challenge the movie is called the challenge it's a documentary that came out, won awards a couple years ago. Really? Yeah. And it's just about falcons, jack and pigeons. I thought this was the one he was talking about, but apparently it's not. I want to watch that one.
Starting point is 00:57:13 There might be multiple cool falconry. These guys are sharpening the beaks and sharpening the claws. Dude, this is going to be your next thing. You're going to get into falconeering. The next time I come here, here you're gonna have a falcon some kind of like when i'm uh mongolian dudes with the fur hat the ring yeah the fucking spike on the top of it that is the one that's it mongolian guys driving around with a guy about the about this movie oh wow no shit yeah dudes have crazy money, man. They just have to figure out some way to ball.
Starting point is 00:57:46 So they get killer birds. Look at those chairs. Dude, birds are an amazing thing. If you really watch them and see them in the wild, like, do their thing, like snatch a fish out of the water, what it is is a raptor. It's a flying raptor that just we tolerate it because it's small. But we probably killed all the ones that could kill us. Well, yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:58:12 There were like giant, giant eagles at some point. Look at the fucking eyes on that thing, man. Look at that. Look at the eyes on that thing. It has a giant. If that was a big thing, like the size of you coming at you and trying to kill you and eat you first of all you'd be totally helpless if that thing was your size you would be 100 every human being would be 100 helpless they those things are so strong it would grab
Starting point is 00:58:39 ahold of you with its feet it would start ripping you apart with that fucking bolt cutter it has growing out of its face. Yeah. Fuck, man. It would just, just that fucking thing would be the size of a sword, like a samurai sword that would just be smashing in, ripping your guts out. You'd probably still be alive for a second to watch it, take a, like, taste of your guts.
Starting point is 00:59:03 It would probably be, like like the size of one of shaq's shoes right that would be his beak size 22 yeah like a beak right if you looked at his beak big ass shoe huge knife big fucking head head this big big ass shoe for carrying you to feed its babies, right? That's what they do. They eat you first and puke you into the baby's mouth. Yeah, and they eat other birds, too. They eat whatever the fuck they want.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Those things are always... You know, I used to find them headless in my backyard. There was like a little bit of a war between the hawks in my yard. We put in this glass fence in the back of the yard and the hawks couldn't figure out the fence and they fucking yeah dank and they a couple of them got ko'd one of them one of them we managed to save we brought them to like a wildlife rescue place and they rehabilitated them and saved them but a couple of them died and then we would find dead hawks so i think that one of them was like the dominant hawk and he died and then other
Starting point is 01:00:05 ones just started moving into the area like they were flying around my chicken coop and like little juvenile hawks yeah kind of assholes almost like teenagers i was like what the fuck is going on here and then i'd find one of them with his head missing jesus christ so like some other hawk killed it and ripped its fucking head off and a bigger hawk left it in my yard dead with no head like a message i was trying to figure out what the fuck eats something's head but apparently that's something that a hawk will do they'll do to each other so it's like the equivalent of like the mad max putting your enemy's head on a spike in front of your area yes you claim you own like all his friends get to see his headless body when you shit on it when you fly over find out that's true that might be a lie it's true but i want to find out if hawks because i'm
Starting point is 01:00:52 almost we're very high right now ladies and gentlemen but i'm pretty sure that i read that when i found the headless bird in my yard have you seen the tibetan sky burial shit yes yeah that stuff's cool man that's crazy yeah it's amazing tell people what it is uh that's when you um basically instead of cremation your friends hack your body up into pieces and take it to where they're vultures buzzards i'm not sure which vultures scatter your body they descend on it they eat it and all that's left is bones they even smash the head so that the vultures can get inside get your brain all your memories and then i just saw this incredible documentary on the history of i think it was the himalayas there's
Starting point is 01:01:38 civilizations there because like they're genetically they it's why the sherpas are able to help people like they are able to take oxygen and more there's some kind of split that happened and at that high in altitude but like these fucking crazy scientists were rappelling down the side of these cliff faces and going into tombs and the side of cliffs and looking at these bones of these people where they're not sure of what their history is and like they'd been pecked by birds you know so they were like oh okay they were doing the sky burial even now but some of them had spikes nailed into them so like they they were vampires or something like oh my god maybe there was like a zombie like who knows what
Starting point is 01:02:25 the fuck happened but back then they thought that you know i mean even in western graveyards you'll find spikes through what part of their body i think their chests or their heads i think somebody killed them oh no no it was post-death as part of their ritual yeah yeah pretty sure not for sure but pretty sure but that was not uncommon. I mean, there's so many examples of finding graves that have spikes hammered in them because people thought that the body was a vampire. That didn't come from nowhere. You think that there was a time when bodies used to come back to life and that parasite's dead now?
Starting point is 01:03:04 No. No? a time when bodies used to come back to life and that parasite's dead now no no i think there was a fucking time where people's neocortex hadn't formed enough to separate their subconscious from their conscious so they were like hallucinating more and also they were like they had a kind of they were projecting a lot of crazy shit into the world. Also, imagine when you found out you could lie. Like the first liars. Yeah. This is like, there were people that would have language, and then people, once they started communicating,
Starting point is 01:03:32 like, hey, who fucking ate the tomatoes? Not me. And you realize you can get away with that. Yeah. You could lie and say you didn't eat tomatoes when you did. Who's the first liar? Because before language there was no liars there's no liars in the lion kingdom it's not even a concept because you you can't have
Starting point is 01:03:51 a lie until you have communication well you could say there's i guess you could say lying is the equivalent of camouflage in the sense that when you see a some of these insane animals, bugs in particular, that look like flowers. Sure. Yeah, that's a lie in a way. It's a form of deception. It's a form of evolutionary deception. So, yeah, I think that it's a linguistic camouflage that people use to try to navigate through society. Not just people.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Monkeys. And monkeys, too. Monkeys use language and they lie to like navigate through society. Not just people, monkeys. And monkeys too. Monkeys use language and they lie to each other. Yeah. They found out that monkeys have a very specific sound they make when it's an eagle. And they have an other sound that they make when it's a cat, like something on the ground. So they have something for up high and something on the ground. And so one monkey will yell out something like oh an eagle's coming the other monkey's scatter and then he gets the fruit yeah it's like that's crazy bitches
Starting point is 01:04:51 and then they'll they'll yell that something's on the ground they'll run up to the trees they lie to each other to me what the funniest fucking thing is how much we lie to ourselves that's where it gets amazing it's like you know you were talking about and i've done the exact same thing with screen time when you're presented that humiliating number of hours and you've been telling friends you're busy and you're fucking looking at that just thinking like dude i've been like you know looking at bullshit but then before you do that you're like but it's my job you know i've got to kind of be online it's like no you're addicted to technology and because you can't stand the fact that you don't have the discipline to stop using it you would rather make up a story involving some absolutely
Starting point is 01:05:37 verifiable bullshit so that you don't have to deal with the fact that you aren't in full control of yourself and it's a non-rewarding addiction, which is really strange. It's like when you're looking at stories on the Apple News feed or something, you're scrolling, looking for something that's going to captivate you. Yeah. What is it? Oh, Apple having problems with their keyboards? Yeah. You start reading this and it's like, oh, Huawei can't sell laptops in the U.S. anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:02 How much of that, like you were saying earlier, how much of that is junk thoughts? Yeah. These are junk thoughts, like junk food. Junk food. You're just consuming. Consuming. And I don't think it's useless. I think it serves a purpose.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Some of it does. If, I mean, in the sense of maybe not a purpose in the way you're going to be as a human, but a purpose in the sense of like, if you apply a little bit of like mindfulness when you're using your phone how do i feel right now you know i'm talking about like how do i fucking feel you'll realize you feel a specific way it's a kind of like numbness there's a quality of like a kind of like sedated numbness to the hypnotic state you've been lulled into by the algorithms and there's some pleasant kind of like i guess you could compare it to some like low level euphoric painkiller but not very euphoric mostly just a mild numbness that is pretty good at turning off
Starting point is 01:07:00 anxiety and this or you could at least displace your own personal anxiety like if i'm scanning through my phone and i find the inevitable bad news whatever form it's in i could pretend that my anxiety is related to that news you know and then that's when you get people who are very anxious and they i've seen it i mean so who has a famous some person tweeted i'm here in this beautiful place and i can't enjoy it because of our president you know what i mean it's like whoa i don't i'm not sure that's the real reason why you can't enjoy that place i think it might be actually that you haven't dealt with the fact that you're freaking the fuck out, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:47 That to me is like the purpose of a phone. It's very good at tricking yourself into thinking that the reason you feel like shit is because of something happening in the world. It's a bandwidth eater too. And here's what the problem with that is. Sometimes you have like these legitimate thoughts. you have like these legitimate thoughts and when you have these legitimate thoughts meaning like meaning like something you're working on something you're you're like whether it's an idea you're trying to do on stage or something else another project that you're doing these things they require your bandwidth right and when you're always looking at your phone
Starting point is 01:08:20 it chips away percentages of your bandwidth 10 here 5 there 20 there 7 there and you don't think about it because nope i'm still concentrating on the project i'm still on the project the project the project the project yeah but really no really you're in two rivers at the same time you're in this wacky river of nonsense and wondering who got this and how much they're getting in this divorce and who died died in the Dominican Republic. Oh, my God, another person, another tourist? Oh, my God. You know, and you're just, if you want to look at all the bad stuff that happens amongst 7 billion people, you have to think of all the interactions that humans have.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Yeah. All the, literally, billions of interactions every day. People constantly, and and occasionally one goes fucking western yeah one goes sideways and that's the one you see on youtube jesus christ this world's going to shit yeah and then you watch another one and you watch another one and you watch infectious diseases and snake bites and what happens when you get necropsy when your fucking flesh starts falling off flesh-eating bacteria. Classic.
Starting point is 01:09:26 How'd they get that? Snorkeling? And then the next thing you know, you're fucking just numb, numb to your real life because you're taking in data from everywhere. Yeah, that's it. Fuck, man.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And it's like, then that gets inside of you and now you're just a turbulent, you have a turbulent self that has digested a version of the world that's only half true and so because of that you're gonna be half a person because you're not looking into like your own whatever the fuck you are you know what are you what are you like that how much do you even think about what are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:05 How much time have you spent? To me, it's like the craziest shit. We were talking about the sex drive being this insane compulsory engine inside every sentient being that I know. Of course, there's exceptions. sentient being the way that i know of course there's exceptions but like this is if you're writing a computer code right this would be a line of code right it keeps you going keeps you going keeps you going so to me something that's fucking astoundingly weird is why the fuck can people not sit still and be quiet for periods exceeding 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Literally the least metabolically outside of sleeping, right?
Starting point is 01:10:53 You're not really exerting energy when you're sitting still and being quiet. You're not really doing much. And yet, if you ask, I could ask a person if they wanted to go for a walk that was sure i'll go for a walk but if you're like do you want to sit with me for like 10 minutes quietly it's weird i get it they're like no i don't want to i'm not into that no i don't want to do that what the fuck is that to me that if not that i believe in simulation theory but if i wanted to prove it or like play around with it the idea that we're like non-player characters in some super advanced simulator. One of the ways I would experiment would be like, oh, sit still.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Why the fuck can't you sit still? Why is it that suddenly your mind goes insane? Why is it suddenly that you got to get out? Why do you feel bored or crazy or fucking like overheated or anxious or nervous? Because we have to be productive, Duncan. Yeah. That's why everybody wants stimulants. Yeah. Yeah. They nervous to be productive duncan yeah that's why that's why everybody wants stimulants yeah yeah they want to be more productive yeah i want to contribute more
Starting point is 01:11:51 yeah people i mean i think it's that's what someone might say is an explanation but i think the fucking real reason is like people are carrying a disordered universe inside of them. And when they sit down and there's nothing to look at except what's around them, they're forced to deal with the fact that actually a lot of the disturbance in their life is more related to an interior maelstrom of thoughts and unexplored feelings. And then this is just basically shaping their entire existence they're like in every single moment recreating a universe of disorder and then getting really upset because if you see disorder in the world and it keeps reappearing like your friend who's like why do i get taken in by these people all the time it's like well you get taken in by these people all the time? It's like, whoa, you get taken in by these people all the time
Starting point is 01:12:45 because inside of you is a behavior pattern that is replicating this phenomena. And you're pretending that it's not in you to the point where it's a mystery. It's like, when I drive somewhere, I'm not like, why did my car drive me here? Unless I'm like fucking high out of my mind and shouldn't be driving. In which case, you're getting Uber, man did my car drive me here? You know? Unless I'm like fucking high out of my mind and shouldn't be driving.
Starting point is 01:13:06 In which case, you need to get an Uber, man. You know what I mean? Pull over and find a Starbucks. A person will legitimately be like, I don't know why I did that. And it's like, well, what are you? What are you? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Are you something different if you have sugar in your gut? Yeah. Are you? Yeah. When your sugar in your gut? Yeah. Are you? Yeah. When your candida level hits a certain number, and it starts telling you you need sugar, Duncan, how about a nice cold Coca-Cola, Duncan? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Duncan, just crack open one Coke. It's not going to hurt you to have one Coke. You're right. I need a cake to go along with it. Fuck that water. Who wants to go and buy water when it's right next to the coke nasty fucking water is nonsense boring flavorless air it's thick staying alive here with my water no i want fucking sewage brown sugar death poured into my fucking guts or a nice ipa oh yeah nice bitter yellow liquid. It tastes like wheat.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Yeah. Having an addictive personality, man, I like it because it's like it's fun to play around with it. Meaning that when I am reaching for the thing, whatever it may be, that I know I shouldn't be doing. That's the fun. Well, I like watching the rationalization that my mind starts spitting out for it. Like, oh, I'm doing this because it's like I'm relaxing. It's a celebratory moment. I feel a little bummed out.
Starting point is 01:14:34 And you look at like the instant way your mind tries to come up with a bullshit story to write off the fact that you are riding around in a vehicle that you can't control. And that is not a very appealing way to be no one wants to hear the pilot say guys taking my hands off the wheel let's just see what happens for the next 10 minutes up here and yet their whole lives are like that they've just taken their hands off the wheel but then they're trying to make sense of it you know like how many times do you meet an alcoholic who hasn't accepted yet they're an alcoholic and they're like telling you all these reasons for you see my childhood man you just got to understand my childhood or you know it helps my writing i said i'm a better writer when i'm drunk or on and on and on and on and it's's like, no, the reality is you're fucking hooked. You're addicted.
Starting point is 01:15:27 You can't stop your hand from bringing something into your fucking mouth. And you can't deal with that because who wants to deal with that shit, man? I want to be in control. So I'll make up a story. I'll make up a story. I love watching your shit, man. That Goggins, what's his name? David Goggins.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Oh, he's great. I love i love him forwarding laziness globally this guy is galloping down the road yelling into the camera and uh i love it man especially as a person who's really good at telling stories you know so like i'll wake up in the morning i'll be like yeah there's time to go for a jog but you know i probably should fill in the fucking blank and it's always very important you know there's always a real good reason for it like but regardless the truth is i have yet to achieve the ability to grab that particular part of the steering mechanism of the my identity you know and so rather than just deal with yeah you can't control yourself i'll tell myself a story i love that it's a tricky one yeah it is that one the comfort one is a tricky one comfort is the siren come on yeah come back to the couch done come here and done again you aren't how about a nice cup of tea you You heard. Tea has no vice. It's actually good for you. It's herbal.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Yeah. Just relax. A little tea. A little tea. A little ketamine. How about reading the New York Times? Find out what the intellectuals think about the way the world is. Yeah, right, man.
Starting point is 01:16:57 It's amazing. I love it. You can find things to do, man. You know, I don't sit down and listen to music. I'm going to sit down and listen to some albums. Well, I need to because, you interested in music and I'm thinking of making some songs and I want to become inspired. I think a lot when I'm running.
Starting point is 01:17:15 And it's one of the main reasons why I really like to do it first thing in the morning. It kind of gets my head going. It gets me ramped up real early. I like to do it first thing in the morning because it gets your head going like it gets me ramped up real early i like to do it like first thing in the morning because it gets your head thinking yeah like it gets you like you're out there breathing and running up the hill and you're pushing yourself you're tired then the thought will come into your head you know just out of nowhere you get a strange idea just pop in your head and then you start dancing around with that idea and wondering why are you even thinking about
Starting point is 01:17:43 that now and you start thinking about shit you need to fix. I've got to clean my fucking office. And you just run in and thinking about, oh, why didn't I? I've got to call that guy back. Fuck. And all these, like, it's like brain maintenance. Like your brain's, like, shaking from all the pounding.
Starting point is 01:17:57 It's like, hey, hey, hey, we've got a loose screw over here in aisle four. Like, oh, yeah, I forgot. I've got to call that guy. I'm going to tighten that bitch down. Yeah, man. That. This is what I love about meditating. And that's something I finally have figured out how to do regularly.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And I love it. How often are you doing it? Every day. That's awesome. Every day. How much time? 20 minutes. How much time do you jerk off during the meditation?
Starting point is 01:18:22 Oh, God, man. You know, it varies based on the weather it's so fucking imagine rain made you horny i just get sad and i want to beat off it's just yeah when it's raining it's just like i come faster but then like if it's windy i can't get it up if there was a movie about someone who just became a fucking nymphomaniac when it rained out i'm sure that happens like as soon as it rains out it's like fuck we're gonna fuck if there was if that's how i mean you think about humans dude how we're affected by things like people get depressed when it rains out or you know we don't like now again definitely i just feel like saying this shit because you get attacked by scientists or
Starting point is 01:19:02 smart people are like you don't know what you're talking about i know i don't know what i'm talking about they don't either we're talking about a hypothetical world where people get horny when it rains well yeah but i want to take it into the sun man i want to move it to the next level which is like we're at a solar minimum now apparently which is the sun is not very active and so the sun i knew it. That explains it. I'm a NASA scientist and you're telling me this? It's the craziest shit, man. The sun freaks me out. Not just like the fact there is a sun, but the solar observatory, the shit that happened up at that solar observatory. I'm high.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I can't even say observatory. You know you're high when you can't even say observatory. Turn the bubbles on, please. Turn on the bubbles. So what's can't even say observatory. Turn the bubbles on, please. Turn on the bubbles. So what's happening in the solar observatory? Well, you heard about this shit that happened. There was this solar observatory that just got fucking shut down all of a sudden. And the black helicopters came in.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Anyway, I don't know what happened there. Close it down. The sun is at a solar minimum right now. Look, we have to fucking get through a paywall, you sons of bitches. What is this? Oh, you need to fucking get through a paywall you son of bitches what is this oh you need to fucking oh my god guys come on continue what do they want from us except fucks ufo sittings nasa soho space probe spots giant alien disc shoot out of hollow sun what that's not a roof this is express duncan that's like that's the hardcore scientific
Starting point is 01:20:28 stuff take me to like a something less scientific yeah who is uh is the express like the daily mail do they make who makes stuff up like the inquirer or someone what was the newspaper one daily gizmodo next month's total solar eclipse will pass right over a space observatory oh wow joe have you really pass right over a space observatory. Oh, wow. Joe, have you really not heard about the solar observatory that got shut down? I'm surprised. Look how pretty that picture is.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Will you look that up? Just solar observatory shut down, black helicopters. Hold on, hold on. Let's go back to that photo real quick before we do that. We'll do that real quick. Sorry, by the way, if I'm barking orders at you, Jamie. No, no, it's okay. I love you. I'm very sorry.
Starting point is 01:21:01 But look at that goddamn photo. There's this photo of the solar eclipse, and you see all the rays of the sun. By the way, imagine if these were little multiverses. Are we out of juice? Does this thing just devour bubble juice? Dude, we got run out of fucking bubbles. We ran out of bubbles right when you were about to talk about the multiverse. Look at the rays coming off that thing.
Starting point is 01:21:24 I mean, what is that? Is that what that is? Are those solar rays that what the fuck is that coming off of that thing those are um called zeitgar spirals those look like they'll fuck you up man yeah they're deadly they're like definitely one of the most dangerous things in space. That's what Robert Schock, the geologist from Boston University, thinks ended the Ice Age. His theory is that it was a mass coronal ejection that caused lightning storms, like rain coming down, but lightning all over the Earth. It's a very common fear in preppers. Do you watch preppers?
Starting point is 01:22:02 I've watched it a couple times, but it freaks me out. Everybody's got a reason, like, I'm building this shelter because i'm afraid of hurricanes but yeah you hear like it's the liberals the hurricanes alligators the sun comes up a lot like i should well i mean look we can only exist in a very narrow temperature band that's what you have to think is strange you know we have temperature band. What is it? It's from like fucking 20 below zero to like 150. That's all we got. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:31 We got this weird little spot. Does this piece of shit die already? God damn it. How much juice does it use? Well, it's got a little observatory in here. Observatory? What's happening? It's Well, it's got a little observatory in here. Not observatory. What's happening?
Starting point is 01:22:45 What's spreading? A reservoir. It's got a tiny solar observatory in it. It's getting shut down. It's, you know, the narrow band that we can live in. We're so fragile as an organism that we should be terrified of this giant nuclear explosion that's a million times bigger than the earth. Sure.
Starting point is 01:23:04 That we need to stay stable and we need to keep i mean imagine relying on that thing to make sure the temperature is in like a range of plus or minus 100 degrees like what the fuck are you talking about that's crazy crazy that's a crazy request well this is like you know i don't believe it man but i love hollow earth theory here we go oh yeah baby and like bubbles if i if aliens were watching us like terrestrial aliens not interdimensional aliens important to make the distinction if terrestrial aliens are watching us i think they would be like what the fuck is wrong with you y'all live on the outside of the thing you got to go in like don't because mountains fall out of the sky you're gonna build your whole inside collapses well i'm saying like
Starting point is 01:23:51 if you dig deep enough maybe there's a way there's no air down there well that's you got to get air down there i mean it is when you think about it it's like we've built this fragile civilization using this super advanced, brand new, interconnective technological matrix that is dependent on satellites giving GPS coordinates to keep everything running. And we're right next to a ball of fire that has historically, from time to time, blasted so much fucking crazy shit at our planet there was a time that it caused like telegram wires to spark it's like if that shit hits the satellites they're gonna go out oh the power grid goes down and everything goes down it's not conspiracy theory it's happened yeah and sometimes it cools down and it enters into a thing called a grand solar minimum, I think is what it's called. And that sometimes starts ice ages. Like there was a mini ice age that happened not that long ago where the sun theoretically just, I don't know, it stopped being so active.
Starting point is 01:25:00 And then. 1790. 1790. Yeah, yeah. and then 1790 1790 yeah yeah and that so this is like a reality that nobody seems to really like think about i mean that to me is the funniest thing when everyone's fighting each other we're all like furious at whoever the fuck it's like nobody wants to accept like mountains fall out of the sky the sun from time to time burps fire so bright that it causes fires to break out on the planet. And then all the other shit we don't know about.
Starting point is 01:25:32 You know, just the stuff we don't know about. Like, that if we could talk to an... Yeah. 1,200 foot asteroid could crash into Earth because NASA missed this small detail. Oh, Jesus Christ. Less than a week old story. Jesus Christ. I don't need to see this. NASA fucked up? Yeah. Well, they haven't been getting
Starting point is 01:25:51 any money, Jamie. You think that's why? Yes. Trump has diverted all the funds to the Space Force. No, the truth is they... Yeah. Yeah, I mean, would they even tell us? I mean, that's the thing. No. No. You don't think? No. Let's no no you don't think no let it hit you don't think they'd be alive no what are you gonna do they wouldn't warn us it's gonna hit it's gonna
Starting point is 01:26:12 hit you know neil degrasse tyson says we're like decades away from being able to divert it decades decades yeah yeah if something's coming our way, some civilization ender, we're fucked. And this is not conspiracy theory, folks. There was an article today that I put on my Twitter that I read about hyenas. They used to have hyenas in Canada up until the last ice age. There's hyenas in fucking Canada, dude. Like, this whole thing changes all the time. All the time. There was a mile-high sheet of ice up there.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Yeah. Two miles high in some places. That's right. I was just in Chicago, man. And you look out at the lake, Lake Michigan. Yeah. Which is amazing. You look at it from Chicago, you go, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 01:26:54 That was a fucking glacier. That was an ice sheet that melted. That's how it got there. That's the remnants of the melted ice sheets the whole fucking thing was under ice yeah dude there's a place in wisconsin where my friend doug has a farm casanovia wisconsin that's a part of what they call the driftless area and the driftless areas the places where the the these glaciers didn't come down and crush flat everything in front of them that's why you go to the midwest it's fucking flat yeah flat as this table why is that because the fucking glaciers
Starting point is 01:27:33 came down just smush that motherfucker just that's how it came down like this giant mile high wall of ice just destroys everything in front of her as it rolls across the landscape but it didn't hit this one area of wisconsin and it's uh or didn't hit it as hard because you got all these beautiful hills and valleys it's pretty dope whoa that's beautiful holy shit isn't that crazy man it's crazy that That happened 12,000 years ago, right? So we're not talking about something that's a long time ago. And then, boom, that shit melts and becomes an interior freshwater ocean. That's essentially what it is. Dude, it's like our entire civilization is living the way a middle-aged alcoholic
Starting point is 01:28:22 who's starting to realize all the trouble they caused lives but still dead gonna keep drinking kind of like it's like if you look at like our whole species as one thing it's like right now we're dealing with like the same thing maybe smokers deal with after a lifetime of smoking like suddenly health effects are starting to happen right we've had like a Like suddenly health effects are starting to happen, right? We've had like a nice run, but now we're starting to get a little bit of payback for all the decisions past generations have made. We've got fucking radiation pouring into the ocean. The ice caps are fucking melting. And then on top of that, the majority of us can't deal with that.
Starting point is 01:29:01 We either say fake news or we say uh not that i'm gonna be dead anyway man yeah that those are the two things because the react that to me like this fucking amazing thing about being a human is that we are like a technological hive that has built itself around a planet using the materials of the planet to make technology and we're still at the point of hive life where we're pretending there's different bees when we're all the same fucking bee you know it's just some of some of us are running weird operating systems and we can't accept the fact that it's like listen we're a fucking hive of super advanced primates that are all living together in a hive because that's the overview effect man where astronauts talk about
Starting point is 01:29:46 flying over and looking down it's like it's all the same the cities are mostly all the same and all the structures all look pretty much the same of course it's a fucking hive a schizophrenic hive where pieces of the hive are like yeah over there we gotta bomb that part of the hive because that part of the hive is different than us. So that part of the hive wants to hurt us. You know, pheromones being released, you know, not by queen bees, but by influencers. You know, like the news, the media blasting out this data pheromone that gets us ready for the wars, gets us ready for the violence, tries to justify it, rationalize it. And then there's other weird new like little mini queen bees popping up, releasing weird pheromones,
Starting point is 01:30:32 the influencers, you know, they're like, some of them are making people dress a certain way, fashion or whatever. Some of them are making people freak out. Some of them are making people more calm. But we're dealing with the fact that we're all starting to wake up right we're all gonna have to wake up to the fact that we're all the same thing living in a in a hive and in that if we don't come to that epiphany as an individual we're i mean we're probably fucked like we figured out how to split the atom and we've got uh the the technology as it's coming in is making the ability it's like i'm sorry please go ahead collectively we kind of know but it's very difficult for everybody to act yeah right collectively we kind of know that we can't do
Starting point is 01:31:19 things the way we're doing but they're going to do it what are we going to do oh he's going to drive that truck with the smoke coming out of the back. Well, fuck it. I don't want to fix that. What am I going to do about this? What do I do? What do we do? Who's in charge and what do we do?
Starting point is 01:31:33 You're asking me? No, anybody. Nobody has the answer to that. Yeah, I think you got to like get pragmatic. I mean, there's that thing Jean-Paul Sartre said, and I'm not – Jean-Paul Sartre once said, but it has stuck with me ever since I heard it, which is whatever you do, you give the planet permission to do. You give everyone permission to do. in a crazy like asshole way i mean aside from having a baby is uh realizing that oh if i can't stop you know using as much plastic as i do the world's fucked if i can't stop any kind of activity
Starting point is 01:32:18 that i look into the world and think man why are people doing that then the world is fucked because if you you know that fuck i'm sorry man can i rant about a quick story do you mind i'm sorry you know that gandhi story which john which one the one about like this and this who knows could be fake news i don't care it's a parable it's cool but this woman brings her uh kid to gandhi and, I can't get him to stop eating sugar. And Gandhi says, come back in a month. And she's like, all right. Comes back in a month and Gandhi looks at the kid and goes, stop eating sugar.
Starting point is 01:32:57 And she's like, why did you wait a month for this? And Gandhi's like, well, I wanted to see if I could stop eating sugar first. And, you know, before I'm like, yeah, yeah. So it's like, to me, yeah, it's cool, right? There's a listlessness in the world because everyone wants to be heroic. But people are wanting to act on the global stage while neglecting their home, their family, themselves. And it's frustrating because why wouldn't you think that? Because it seems like you're seeing the big, big scale of things.
Starting point is 01:33:35 But it's like personally, when I fucking finally clicked, man, I can't change anybody else. It's like I'm not going to make anyone do anything. I'm not going to make anyone meditate. I'm not going to make anyone do this or that or do anything because everyone's doing their own trip anyway man who the fuck am i to say what a relief but that's part of the problem right is that people are trying to get people to behave a certain way that's we're experiencing a lot of that right now yes yes man and it's like the thing is that's the impulse is noble but it's unfortunately it's like trying to build a fucking second story house when you haven't built the first story, which is like you need to like get your own house in order.
Starting point is 01:34:16 And then maybe there's some teaching. But usually by the time that happens, you don't you're not you're not a talker you know and so to me that has been like a real exciting thing to realize uh this is jack cornfield says this i'm sorry if i've said this before tend to the part of the garden you can touch and um that's it so it's like to me it's just a big relief number one you can't do shit for anybody else but yourself. Number two, you don't need, none of us know, we don't have to impose some moral thing on you. But there is one actionable thing, an action anyone can take, which is amoral, which is find out who you are. That's it.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Find out who you are. Who are you really who you are who are you really what are you explore that shit right and then see how you start changing i think that's a real pragmatic solution to all this stuff and actionable too and it's like you want to find out who you are by you know rubbing mayonnaise all over your dick and letting your dog lick it off. If you think that's a true exploration, go ahead. Work for me. I'm enlightened now. I'm just kidding. Speaking of which, OJ's on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:35:33 I saw that shit. Do you see the one guy who made a parody video of his welcome Twitter world? He made this weird dad video. It's so strangely, what's the word? Apocalyptic? No, disingenuous. Strangely disingenuous.
Starting point is 01:35:52 I thought it was a deep fake. Like he's acting again, but he hasn't acted in forever. And also maybe he's suffering a little bit from the football injuries. Because there's a struggle. I am very sensitive to people that have been hit in the head a lot of times struggling to talk. Yeah. Because I look for it. I see it in people I don't want to see it in, and it's scary.
Starting point is 01:36:19 And we all talk about it. Like people that work for the UFC,c fighters trainers just people who do kickboxing we everyone talks about seeing certain folks yeah starting to slip and some folks will start to talk about it about themselves you know they're having a problem yeah that's what i got i was listening to that it's like hello twitter world all right i didn't pick that o yet. It's OJ Simpson. Yeah. I can dispel some of the BS that people have been saying about me with no accountability. Yeah. Plus, I'm going to talk about sports and politics. It's like this weird acting job that he did.
Starting point is 01:36:57 It's creepy, man. Whoa. It was weird. All that. Yeah. It was a weird moment, man. That's a cool. weird all that yeah it's a it was a weird moment man i that's a cool that that that thing that happens to people who have like done shitty things where instead of just saying like yeah i fucked up
Starting point is 01:37:14 oh you can't say that you can't say yeah i killed somebody right well you can but if you do that you're going to suddenly and it'll be i think for anybody who's done shitty things the moment you just say it you get to be standing again on the real ground like the real terrain instead of like the bullshit world you've been living in but when you decide not to do that then you do have this like it's like the uncanny valley like you have this like, it's like the uncanny Valley. Like you have this like Android quality to you because you're not reflecting reality. You're reflecting reality after you put lipstick on it and sunglasses and combed its hair,
Starting point is 01:37:53 put some perfume on it, got it, the nose job, got its ass, got ass implants. And that's your fucking reality is this super plastic, like someone who's been getting plastic surgery for years. And so you're pretending that that's your existence you see it man when like people are getting sentenced
Starting point is 01:38:10 for killing people and they're like the look on their fucking face is like so confused because they have created this valley in between that person and the person they are and and you know it's they've split in half essentially and they can't deal with that's why so many people have murdered people will say i wasn't there i don't remember it was a dream i didn't know i didn't do it and gacy i i should be uh i should be sentenced for running a funeral home without a license he was saying when he was out of town people were burying kid dead kid bodies under his I should be sentenced for running a funeral home without a license. He was saying when he was out of town, people were burying dead kid bodies under his fucking house.
Starting point is 01:38:51 You know? And he meant it. He meant it. He tricked himself enough. Really? Absolutely. Because otherwise you have to deal with the fact that you are a murderer. That you killed fucking, you strangled fucking fucking kids that you dress like a fucking clown you know and like killed kids like it's so unpalatable to deal with that shit because
Starting point is 01:39:14 you're just a crazy lunatic who is out of control so you'd rather make up a story usually it's conspiratorial somebody was like somebody's like hey man you know where you can bury those kid bodies i think gacy's out of town jesus christ yeah man isn't that fucking crazy it's fucking crazy yeah jesus christ i know and then that's the thing but people have always said about oj that it's almost like he doesn't even believe he did it now but the problem with that is there was a fucking emoji that he tweeted at this guy. He had a direct message with this guy, and he had like 16 knives, and he said he's going to cut them. Like if that's true, if he really did send that, if it's not Photoshop, that's not bullshit. Can you imagine getting a DM from OJ because he made a parody video?
Starting point is 01:40:02 Jesus, God. dm from oj because you made a parody video jesus god because like while i can't guess what he did was he put oj's video where he was talking and in the background he had someone screaming help call the police help help and so then oj sends him this direct message allegedly who knows if it really happened who knows but if it did dude i would fucking i would like find a cave somewhere I would want to move to the Himalayas I couldn't deal with it, man Hello, Twitter world I'm just, you know, because he could get you Like he could get you if he wanted to, I bet
Starting point is 01:40:33 Maybe, yeah, I mean, how much time does he have left? He's 71 years old After he DMs you, he disappears You know, people are like, we don't know where he is Norm MacDonald tweeted at him, it's hilarious Norm said, hey Juice I just wanted to tell you That through that video
Starting point is 01:40:47 I know the golf course That's behind you So I could figure out Where your house is And I wouldn't do that But somebody else might Yeah that was hilarious Norm Macdonald's so funny
Starting point is 01:40:57 He's the best I'm trying to get him To do a podcast I was trying to get him And Adam Egan To do a podcast I don't know what he can do though While he's got this His Netflix deal I don't do a podcast. I don't know what he can do, though, while he's got his Netflix deal.
Starting point is 01:41:06 I don't think his show is – I don't know where it's at. I don't know if he has a contract. But he should do a podcast. It's a goddamn national travesty that he doesn't have a podcast. He's so fucking funny. Well, isn't his show – it's kind of like a podcast. Like it has that – Yeah, but he hasn't been doing it.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Oh. And they don't want him doing interviews and stuff. It's like, it's a little tricky. Because he said some crazy shit. You know, Norm says crazy shit. And he said some crazy shit like, like if you, about someone saying something, well, you believe that, you'd have to be,
Starting point is 01:41:37 you'd have to have down syndrome. Huh. Like he thought that would be better than saying you'd have to be retarded. Damn it. And people are like, what the fuck? Damn it. And people got real mad at him. I think it was on the Stern Show.
Starting point is 01:41:50 He's just a treasure, that guy. Joe, I'm sorry to like, I thought, I had all these questions for you, man. I was like, that's lame to ask my questions on their show, and it's not in the moment like we often do. But I really do. I know you've probably been talking about it, but I wanted to hear your take on deepfake. Because that fucking deepfake of you really bothered me. It set off a whole series of thoughts in my head that, of all the futuristic shit, that freaks me out the most like well for someone like you or
Starting point is 01:42:26 someone like me it's easy for them to do it because they basically got a library of all the sounds that we can make with our mouth and so they put it in a database and then they can get you to say words you've never said before in an order that you've never said them before in a way that you can kind of distinguish for now i kind of can hear that it's fake but it was me talking about sponsoring a hockey team filled with all chimpanzees yeah and teaching chimps to play which sounds exactly like something i would do and um it's it's close you know i mean they had one a few years ago that they did with ronald reagan where they had a fake speech. And this was way, way before the internet. And someone had pieced together a fake collaboration of a bunch of different Ronald Reagan speeches
Starting point is 01:43:16 and then used them with sound editing and turned it into a whole statement that he never gave before. And then the White house went on television and showed how they did it and showed on the news all the different speeches that they pulled from and this the actual sentence is where they pulled from they showed it to you so there could be no denying someone i forget what it was maybe it was the russians was it the Russians? Of course. Someone had done that. I don't know. I don't know who did it. The Iranians. But it was interesting
Starting point is 01:43:50 because I was like, oh, wow, they can do that? But I thought, think about how many times Ronald Reagan has given speeches. You just take, listen, someone with painstaking detail,
Starting point is 01:43:59 mark down all the words in those speeches, put them all in some sort of a multi-loop, because you have to go to Phil Spector's house. They have the old school reel-to-reel sound recorders. Piece that shit together and splice it up. And then release it.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Pretend that Ronald Reagan is trying to start a war with Iran or something like that. Yeah, man. I forget what it was. Do you remember the premise? No, I don't remember the premise of that. Do you remember the recording? i don't remember the premise of that but i you remember that the recording i don't i kind of remember it but it's a foggy memory man it's pretty wild but this is like to me of fuck the sun and all the things to worry about this shit is really intense man like you know about the hostage the fucking weird hostage phone thing
Starting point is 01:44:47 people are doing where they're like you get a phone call from the phone number of your wife and you answer it and it's like we've kidnapped your wife you know it's someone freaking out in the background they're like send us money or she's fucked and like they've been right now what they've been doing is they've been you know someone will say let me talk to her and they just hand it to some lady who's like oh my god it's her i'll give you whatever you want people have been sending them money you know and like when you consider like what happens when deep fake technology intersects with just the ability to like call people from spoofed numbers and that
Starting point is 01:45:25 suddenly if someone gets your phone number list they're going to be able to call your friends as you and record conversations where as they sort of dredge up you know who knows whatever they want maybe they want to blackmail you maybe they want to get money maybe they want to embarrass you that to me is like so spectacularly fucking weird that we're gonna end up having to have passwords that we tell each other away from our alexis which is like listen if i call you and i'm seeming strange you know the the password is like go for 69 otherwise it's not me you know because that's gonna that's a reality i mean just look what people are already fucking doing with spoofing numbers that's fucked up man and
Starting point is 01:46:11 like that that aspect of it and also just like supply and demand in other words there's one joe rogan right right now but if an ai starts duplicating you and improving on you, like, and I'm saying, you know, five or 10 years, no offense, man, but maybe an AI could like turn you twice as smart, you know, make you like whatever, who knows what. And then suddenly you're no longer in demand in the sense that once the Joe Rogan AI package goes on the dark web or makes its way into wherever people are going to just be able to download you and have conversations with you and make video you know what i that to me is the the one of the most bizarre realities that we are entering into is one where you're going to go on youtube and there's going to be a video of you looks like you sounds like you but it's like 50 times funnier than you 50 times cooler than you 50 times smarter than you because it's an ai pulling from the internet it's just you but better and no one's
Starting point is 01:47:12 gonna want to watch you anymore because they're like i want to watch i love the real rogan but i want to watch the rogan whose brain is functioning 50 times the speed of a normal human brain because that guy wow that's how they're going to take over. They're going to make us all obsolete. Better versions of all of us. They're going to be like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Yeah, that's right. That's right, man. And that's not...
Starting point is 01:47:35 Let's say it's 20 years away. That's still too fucking soon. Let's say it's 100. Let's go crazy. Yeah, we're going to be basically like sort of drowned out by multiple versions of ourself with exponential intelligence. Well, that was my concern when I was talking to Kurzweil about downloading your consciousness into a computer. I'm like, what's to stop you from making multiple copies?
Starting point is 01:47:59 If you can make one copy. Yeah. Like what's to stop you from being like like tell me some fat guy with a little dick who's a real asshole wouldn't hack into the system and infest it with copies of him yeah that just overwhelms everyone else's data where he is omnipotent and he is literally the ruler of the realm that he exists in. Yeah. Yeah. Because he's figured out how to hack into the grid and take over. Imagine you think you're going to be in heaven.
Starting point is 01:48:32 You're going to enter into this virtual reality. But look, you're going to get to fly dragons and have sex with beautiful women and eat fruit. And this fat guy with a little dick, he hacks the system. And then everybody's going to suck his dick. And everywhere you go is a version of him that's trying to get you gonna suck his dick and everywhere you go is a version of him is trying to get you to suck his dick come on come on he's fucking people's ears he's holding people down five six of them on a person just fucking you from every angle that's what he created and his i mean that's what a computer virus is sure it's fucking everybody right if you think about that that most there's a lot of viruses i don't know what how what percentage of viruses jamie you know this are not financially motivated
Starting point is 01:49:09 there's got to be some viruses that people create just to fuck people sure right in the old days for sure man i mean i think yeah they were just there to fuck up your to freeze your computer fuck up you they didn't they weren't worm they weren't grabbing data to use it against you they were just like you know shutting your computer down to be a dick yeah or making it say weird things like you know real basic the old viruses in the days of aol remember those man they were cool they were like scary but not like today where they like shut down the power grid until you send somebody a million dollars worth of bitcoin or you have to completely remap your hard drive completely re-upload your operating system it just kills every
Starting point is 01:49:50 the only way you gotta kill the operating system swipe it clean start from scratch sorry it's all cooked yeah all your work fuck off gone gone man just like this fat guy With a little dick Fat guy with a little Hundreds of them A sea of them Running at you Pulling on their half-heart dicks There's a story going around this weekend About Samsung TVs
Starting point is 01:50:15 Having viruses in them And you being able to scan it For a virus There's like a program on it That allows you to scan for viruses And then I guess today Samsung deleted that tweet Oh great
Starting point is 01:50:24 People were pointing back to this Being like the weeping angel program where the cia can use your tv to listen to your conversations and they are doing that and they're recording it weeping angel what a great name why doesn't the cia start naming the fucking navy ufos weeping angel why do they call it that why do they call what is that that's why why do they have to bring angels is that satan is satan a weeping angel is that what they're saying like what the fuck is that weeping angel that's weird man that's fucking weird but like you know the implication that they in your deep fake that they sent out to the world was it already happened you know they're like how do you know this hasn't already happened in other words like how do we know we're not duplicates how do we know we're not one of an infinite number an array of like you know versions of us that are being populated
Starting point is 01:51:17 all over some server somewhere could be well that's the thing about the simulation theory is that one day we if things keep going the way they are – I was going to bring this up when we were talking about people looking at cities and looking at the grids and looking at the hive. What are these cities doing? Well, they're spreading and they're being productive. They're making things and they're making better things all the time. Well, if they're making better things all the time, what are they interested in? Well, they're interested in computers and CGI and artificial intelligence and artificial life, and they're all definitely moving in some sort of a greater technological dependency. We're pretty dependent now, but it's going to get greater and greater. Yeah. right? We get more and more. Well, one day, they're going to have a reality that isn't
Starting point is 01:52:10 tangible in the sense that without this system, you wouldn't be able to experience it. But it will be a reality once you're in the system. Once you're in the system, you will feel your elbows on the oak desk. You will feel your elbows on the oak desk you will feel the sweat on your palms you'll feel the sunglasses on your nose you'll feel all those things yeah so who's to say that that's not real well that can happen one day if they can create an artificial reality that you cannot discern from the reality that you're currently experiencing how do you know it hasn't already happened right you don't you don't and you know some super fucking smart people think that we should keep open the possibility that that is what we're operating under or that the
Starting point is 01:52:52 stability and the rigidity of the dimension that we exist in is not nearly as firm and not nearly as permanent as we like to think it is right which is one of the reasons why psychedelics is so exciting. And so they're so, they're transformative, but they're also, they're valuable, but they're also, they illuminate the possibility of others, of other things, other dimensions, other life forms other other levels of consciousness of other ways of interacting with each other especially mushroom well kind of all of them all of them that when you take like a transformative dose you experience some weird thing where you're like oh this is possible too like this is like a whole nother way of existing
Starting point is 01:53:42 like who's to say that if if human neurochemistry right if that's what's causing depression and elation and dopamine and serotonin all these different wonderful things it's what caused melatonin and all these different things that happen when you're sleeping and then the psychedelic ones like the dmt who's to say that we have to exist with this mixture right who's to say that life with a thicker mixture isn't also possible and might be going on around us all the time like there might be these porous sort of entryways into these other dimensions that are consistently opened and closed and they're constantly around us
Starting point is 01:54:25 all the time but when we're when we're just in straight normal consciousness that we experience without perturbing it with alcohol or pot or psychedelics we want to think that this is reality this is rigid this is it but maybe it's a reality maybe there's a fuckload of them. Maybe when you make decisions, you enter into different ones. Maybe you're constantly shifting the one that's around you and how you interact with people. You mean like your decisions are the way you navigate
Starting point is 01:54:55 through the multiverse? It's entirely possible, right? Yeah, man. I say that too many times. But it is a thing if you just think about how little we understand about consciousness about what happens when you die what happens when you sleep what how little we know about what what is going on when you're communicating with people what is going on when you're interacting with people what where are these fucking ideas coming from yeah are these ideas little life forms in a non-observed state
Starting point is 01:55:28 yeah man bro you taking off the glasses you're getting crazy i just realized i don't get to look at your beautiful eyes joe i was enjoying this we did it for hours um it's starting bright in here the but the you know man like the when you start the thing you're saying about psychedelics kind of like showing you a different way and that when you're in a base reality state, you, people spend a lot of energy trying to imagine a solidity that isn't really there. Yeah. Some people that, you know, if you start breaking it down, just logically, for example, like, you know, your past, for example. You know, you ever do that, spend any time with your memories, and you realize, like, well, your most vivid memory, whatever it may be, you can't really taste what you were eating or feel the euphoria that you were feeling or the fear you were feeling or whatever because if you did then you the memory would not work for a person who was trying to like stay alive because you if you just remember the last time you got punched in the face you would
Starting point is 01:56:35 feel it you know and also if you could remember tastes you wouldn't be so inclined to eat because you could just go back and think to the last chocolate bar you ate and you would taste it or obviously if you could remember orgasms as they are you wouldn't really need to fuck you would just think about having sex whenever you had it and you would come you would feel like you were coming so if we look at memories experientially there's a lot of like senses that aren't gratified by memory and also if you look at them from the visual field, even the most profoundly, quote, photographic memory is wavery at best. It's not HD. It certainly wouldn't be a 4K TV. It's got a kind of like quality to it that is just, you know, it's a little transparent. So, then when we think about the future, obviously, that doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:57:26 Like, there's just no future. Nothing is outside of this point in time. And so, then, now you've basically, just from a simple analysis of your memories, which a lot of people imagine that's who they are. Like, they're a snake. In the present moment, it's the head. In the back is the past with all their memories sort of intertwined. But you realize like, no, that's really a foggy approximation of what happened at best. And you really don't remember most of the shit you did anyway.
Starting point is 01:57:56 Like you don't remember what you ate three days ago, 10 days ago. So then you realize your whole past, the thing you've been using to define yourself as a person, you barely remember it. And the parts you do remember it, they're not really clear. they're not really clear so that's gone now that's death you're dead anything that happened before this moment that's death it's gone there's just this for real that's not now there might be some neurological encoding but there's no past forget it that's why people like to get really good at things you know well you mean it gives them a sense of stability that's why if you have a physical skill like say you could do gymnastics like do you know chapelle lacy no funny up-and-coming new comic but he was a world champion cheerleader like uh like crazy skills and he's jacked built like a linebacker well not like a i don't know football defensive
Starting point is 01:58:44 back running back anyway stud could do a backflip just jump through the air and land and you're And he's jacked, built like a linebacker. Well, not like a, I don't know, football. Defensive back? Running back? Anyway, stud. Could do a backflip. Just jump through the air and land. And you're like, what? Like, what the fuck? Yeah, right. When he does that, he knows that he had those experiences.
Starting point is 01:58:56 He learned how to do that. He has a skill. He has a very unusual skill. Like a breakdancer. They know they can do that crazy shit where they can hop around on one arm with their feet up in the air crisscrossing and going into the lotus position how many people can do that they can do that
Starting point is 01:59:11 that defines their existence in a way because now they're not just living in the moment they also have knowledge crazy fucking nuts dude there's one that he sent me i'll send it
Starting point is 01:59:26 to you jamie where um he flips a girl through the air look at that shit he could do flips a girl through the air and then catches her on one hand and presses her above his head crazy dude it's fucking bananas bananas banana so he knows that he can do those things. He knows he can do those things because he learned those things. So those things carry him. They define you. They give you extra value. You can hold on to them as a security blanket in this crazy world.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Hey, I can play the piano, motherfucker. Let me get on that piano. I'm going to show everybody at the party. I'm deep and I think things that you don't party piano man oh my god sing us a song tonight i exist i exist I want more! I'm real! I'm trying to give something, trying to spray something
Starting point is 02:00:29 out in the world that people like to smell. So they'll come closer to my flowers. That's right, man. Ah, you deserve more, Duncan. You can sing. You should sing all the time, everywhere. You should just sing. You shouldn't even talk. You're an angel. I know. The way you sing is amazing.
Starting point is 02:00:45 Well, I trained for five years. I just like to sit around and listen to you. Have you ever been at a party where somebody breaks out a guitar and actually sings a song like Animal House style? Remember that scene? That scene is amazing. Yeah. I have.
Starting point is 02:00:59 I'm trying to remember. I think that if that has happened, it's one of the memories. My brain's like, we're not going to remember that. We're not carrying that with us. Too much. Because it's a hostage situation. Let's face it. Once they sit down and start strumming that shit,
Starting point is 02:01:12 if you're the guy who walks out, look at that fucking hater. He can't play guitar. His ego's being challenged. When the reality is you're like, I don't want to deal with it, man. I don't want to deal with all the levels of having to face the fact that you fired a neuron that made it seem okay that in the middle of a party where nobody was playing music or maybe music was playing you turned it off dude i know of a guy who in the middle of a football game paused the game to show his acting? Well, that's just lunacy.
Starting point is 02:01:45 That's a, no, that's someone who's like sick. Paused the game. It's just a broken man or woman. Paused the game to show an acting real. Shambling husk. This is my new real, man. You guys got to check this out. The game can wait.
Starting point is 02:01:59 Seriously, guys. The game can wait. He did a great job. You're going to get a great pleasure out of watching me fake. Watch me fake. Now I'm a detective. Look at me. He did a great job. You're going to get a great pleasure out of watching me fake. Watch me fake. Now I'm a detective. Look at me. I got a gun.
Starting point is 02:02:10 Dude, it's a hunger. Because this is the – I mean, it's like you're talking about backflips. It's like imagine. The self is so imaginary that we have to exert to the point of doing backflips to give us a sense that the self must be as we think it is. It's that's like you don't have to exert to be sitting in a chair. Gravity does it for you. There's no energy that needs to be exerted. But how often do you hear someone saying, what a great day.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Isn't this a great day? It's a great day. It's amazing. But why are you saying it? Like, why do you feel the need to exert this much energy to announce to me it's a great day? Hmm. Could it be that you're not quite certain it's a great day? Could it be that there's a feeling in you that something's a little amiss?
Starting point is 02:03:04 So you got to, like, paint reality with words to make it okay this isn't a ghost story i'm not gonna die is it or is by saying it's a great day are you putting out this hope that i'm gonna go wow duncan's such a positive guy he's amazing yeah when he says it's a great day i feel it is a great day he puts me in a better mood thanks duncan yeah i mean i think if you look at like anytime i've done that shit i'm too high i'm getting paranoid and i'm trying to get some affirmation from a friend you know that's usually the feeling is one of need like you know like when you're around someone you realize like they want me to compliment them right now they and you feel the like when you're around someone you realize like they want me to compliment them right now they and you feel the like when they when they open the fucking doors on a spaceship
Starting point is 02:03:51 you've they've temporarily opened the doors of the infinite vacuum of that worse when they get upset when you don't compliment them yeah wow that's the craziest thing. You know, Duncan, I've known you for a long time. You've never complimented my art. Oh, wow. I'm sorry. My sandcastles are my life. Oh, I know. You don't even say they're cool. They're fucking great, man, okay? Your sandcastles are incredible.
Starting point is 02:04:15 I mean, you know, it's just weird that I have to tell you. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, man. You're great. You're great. You're real. We worship you. We'll worship you forever. You'll be known forever as the great sandcastle maker. That's the funny thing. And also add to that the very same sort of person who is intent on getting you to acknowledge their fucking sandcastles, which is a great description of it. Because no matter what you're doing, it's a fucking sandcastle.
Starting point is 02:04:39 Look at those glaciers. Whatever you're doing, forget it. Look at those glaciers. Whatever you're doing, forget it. But then you have these people who on top of this sick need for a person to affirm their existence by complimenting their ridiculous sandcastle art, they also want to leave a legacy. That's the funniest shit. It's like it's not enough that we worship you now. You want generations of people to worship you.
Starting point is 02:05:06 That's a big one for people. Leaving a legacy. It's a big one for people leaving a legacy it's a big one for artists big one for athletes athletes want to leave records that no one will break that's right leave a legacy behind man this to me this is like being in a dream and wanting to leave a memory of yourself in a dream you know like you want your i want my the people i met in that dream i want their kids to be talking about me after i wake up it's like when you die you know it's done we don't know exactly what's after this but you're pretty much recycled man there might be some karmic momentum there might be some kind of like some residue a trace all over again or you repeat it from scratch i've often gotten one cells two cells three and then you just keep doing it in Some residue, a trace. You need to do it all over again. You repeat it. From scratch. I've often gotten that feeling. One cells, two cells, three, and then you just keep doing it in infinity until you get it right.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Keep that loop going. Keep that loop going. We're essentially in some kind of karmic sanding mechanism. But if you like life, why wouldn't you want to do it again? What's that? If you like life, do you like life yes if you found out that this was what you were going to do forever and ever and ever and it's going to repeat itself over and over and over again would you like no it's pointless it's pointless now and it's finite is it different if it's pointless and it's infinite is it different
Starting point is 02:06:22 is it different don't you just enjoy life? Is that the key? The key to just enjoy life? That's where it's ironic when you pick up a skill like learn to play the piano or learn to do backflips or, in my case, learn to do martial arts, is that you actually become a better person through learning how to do something because it's hard. So you learn about yourself. You learn who you are. You learn the bullshit that you tell yourself. To really get good at something, if you want to get that good at doing backflips man you got to
Starting point is 02:06:48 fucking actually practice you can't bullshit yourself oh i really don't need to come in today to do what that guy can do you got to fucking practice and by practicing you put yourself through this rigid exercise routine and you do it correctly and you exert yourself and you have it requires 100 of your focus and in doing so whether it's playing piano or throwing kicks or whatever the fuck it is in doing so you understand yourself better yeah so even though ironically you're kind of defining you who you are as a person and you're giving yourself like extra clout because you're a you're the fucking man
Starting point is 02:07:25 at dunking a ball into a net. I'm the fucking man. Everybody watching? Watch this. Yeah. But by doing that, you actually learn how to become a better person too because it's hard because it's hard to do. And then if you can figure it out, the puzzle will help you get a better hold
Starting point is 02:07:43 of all your human skills because it'll be a difficult thing if you really want to get good at something if you really want to leave behind a legacy like you have to achieve a level of focus and a level of intense thinking and concentration that most people are just going to peter out before they get to that spot sure i mean that's what i love about what you're talking about is it's a force field in between you and an elite like fuck the illuminati the force field of the learning curve separates every single person from a terrain that cannot be reached with money like i don't care how rich you are if you want to learn how to do a backflip you might be able to pay for great trainers but you still got to do the fucking bet work you got to do the work 100 so this is cool because now you enter into a realm that is inaccessible by money is
Starting point is 02:08:36 inaccessible by power but is weirdly generally accessible by anybody in other words the only thing keeping you from whatever the fucking thing is you want to get good at to show yourself that it is possible to leave the reality that you're in and enter a completely different reality because for me if suddenly i was in a world where i could do fucking backflips might as well be an alternate dimension like if i got home and did a backflip in front of my wife she would it would be that she would probably be more amazing if i like levitated you know what i mean she'd be like what the fuck have you done what you've reality must be fragmenting so it's like in other words the you wherever you're at whatever
Starting point is 02:09:16 the thing is that you you are there's always this interesting mountainous rugged terrain separating you from a completely different universe where you can do backflips play the piano play the guitar whatever the fucking specific thing it is you want to pick up that's kind of cool to me it's like the only thing keeping you from it is consistency it's not money usually unless it's like you want to be a falconer or some shit you got to get a falcon but in general you know you could like that's what i love about that goggins man i like that guy like it's weird how much he impacts me even though i'm still not fucking joking but in the morning i will look and like at one point i thought someone was running next to him filming him before i realized it was a car.
Starting point is 02:10:07 And I'm like, I want to know who's filming Goggins. It's too steady. Yeah, I realized. I was disappointed because I thought there was an anonymous. Yeah, he was running, getting no credit at all. It's probably his fiance. But, you know, to me, that's kind of like, I love that because it's like, it's equal access. No one is being barred from the learning curve.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Now, the specific learning curve, you might be getting barred from. You know what I mean? You want a Moog One. It's $8,000 fucking dollars, okay? You're not going to get that. You're not going to learn to play that if you don't have that kind of money. What's a Moog One? It's something that fell out of a spaceship that I'm obsessed with.
Starting point is 02:10:44 What? It's just this beautiful synthesizer, man.'s like it's yeah fell out of a spaceship dude i have to piss so bad can you talk to jamie and then i'll let you pee yeah i would love to pee too right how did you know man because i could tell shared mine because i'm wriggling you're moving a little funny yeah yeah who wants to pee first you want to pee first what a fucking gentleman you pee first because if you announced it you gotta go i think i can wait okay i'll be right back okay great i looked this up the moog one yeah forget it what do you what moog you have a mug right now though right i got a sub 37 but um the you know the moog one is polyphonic, and the Sub 37 is monophonic, so you can't really play chords on it. But it's not just that.
Starting point is 02:11:31 It's like the whole—I mean, it's a cult around these synths, because they did figure out a way to dial in this perfect, specific, beautiful sound that once you even—I mean, like playing music which you know i just do is that you play music i feel like i asked you this like a year ago what you just play for yourself mostly like you just like to sit in a room yeah and turn off the light or put on mood lights whatever and just make your own music instead of listening to what people are making for you to listen yeah well i mean i like both but i just i like the with synth musical synthesis i really there's like a weird kind of philosophy behind it which is not only do you not have to worry about making you know whatever it is you um an album or something but it kind of like allow yourself a break from imagining you even need to be musical.
Starting point is 02:12:25 Just like, you know, you give kids pots and pans and they fucking bang it together. It's just fun. A friend of mine, Billy Mays III, he's actually the son of Billy Mays. He travels around playing music under a name called Infinite Third. And he does a thing called mouth counsel, which sounds like almost what you're doing, where he takes a loop pedal, has a microphone, he starts and makes a sound, and then he passes it around to the next person.
Starting point is 02:12:49 It's like, you would have it, you make a sound. Then Joe would make a sound, and then by the end of the eight-person, nine-person thing, he knows how to use the pedal enough that it becomes basically a song, almost like a song. It's just a droning loop, so it's not really super musical, but it's almost like this. And he does very similar things by himself. It gets real cool, but it's almost like this. And he does very similar things by himself.
Starting point is 02:13:06 It gets real cool, but it's just like what you're saying, though. It's not music to listen to necessarily. It's got structure. It's to have on in the background sort of and whatever you're doing, really. It can be used in lots of ways. It's like, yeah, I think it's just like you could be, whoever this is, is clearly a great musician, but also you can just enjoy dialing in these like insane howling alien noises for no reason other than you just are trying to make sounds. And that's it. I mean, it really is like you take that and combine it with most any psychedelic marijuana.
Starting point is 02:13:47 and combine it with most any psychedelic marijuana and what you have there is the ultimate fucking spaceship essentially that you're just like you don't need we're just talking about it's not the idea behind this is you can get good at it and these things are so precisely dialed in that if you wanted to be like the uh you know they teach you music just from interacting with it but also there's just this visceral like pleasure of making noises through synths you know whoa yeah i often think what would happen if you got sucked into this world like because don't do that to me don't you put that evil on me ricky bobby i would like to put that evil on you that would be fucking cool if you start playing the mode off playing quake i had to swear off of it i I was playing it again. Again, I know.
Starting point is 02:14:25 Hours a day. Hours. When you asked me, you texted, do I play Quake? And I got the same feeling you get when you have a friend who's gone sober and they're asking, you want to go get a drink? Yeah, man. I had a problem playing hours a day. And I just went cold turkey. I went, stop.
Starting point is 02:14:43 What are you doing? I'm going to go take i'm gonna piss go piss how long does it take you to piss with that suit on this is depends on where i'm at like in a combat situation i wear diapers yeah but situations. Excuse me. This whole episode 1313 was 100% Duncan's idea. I get this text message from him. Hey, man. Can I do episode 1313?
Starting point is 02:15:17 He just gave me the finger at the window. I'm like, fuck, yeah, you can. I need to do that with you. I noticed that. I was going to ask if you guys had planned it. Yeah, well, we planned episode 666. That was also his idea. That was the last time he wore a Pope outfit, and I wore my white NASA outfit.
Starting point is 02:15:33 I have a white NASA outfit and an orange one. That was awesome. But, yeah, 1313 is a real thing. But we aren't really on 1313. Because it's just like podcasts on the planes in there. It doesn't count. 70 MMA shows, Fight Companions. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:50 Those are hundreds of them. That's a crazy number. What you guys are talking about, I don't want to interrupt the conversation, but this has sort of just come out to help with the deep fake stuff. Adobe has announced that they've got a tool that they've i don't know how well it works right now they just show a picture so they don't show it in action or anything but it's a way to tell if a photo has been manipulated with photoshop somewhere keep that off those instagram hoes nobody knows what anybody looks like you know i mean do those this
Starting point is 02:16:21 some instagram people literally look like cartoons. Like, you look at their photos, you're like, what are you? You're not, that's not a picture. Yeah, I've never fucked with the app. Facetune, I think, is what a lot of people use. Is that what they use? It's really, like, you can just draw. Do some guys use it? Yeah, for sure they do.
Starting point is 02:16:35 Their whole face is blurry. It's like, what's happening here? I had to put my glasses on to look closer at it. I'm like, what are you? You're a spray paint. Weirdly rosy cheeks. Yeah, you're a spray person. What's a spray, what are you? You're a spray paint. Weirdly rosy cheeks. Yeah, you're a spray person. What's a spray?
Starting point is 02:16:45 A what? We're talking about Instagram filters, like AI. Adobe's new AI tool can spot when a face has been Photoshopped. Yeah, I heard about that. Keep that off the Instagram hoes. Yeah, you got like a... Have you seen that one Instagram person who is actually a CGI? She's like...
Starting point is 02:17:03 Oh, I've heard of that. Yeah, people didn't know. I can't remember her name. Yeah. Well, they're saying they're going to do that with the models now. You know, they do that with houses. Like, sometimes you look at a picture and you're like, wait a minute, is this real? And like, under construction currently will be completed summer of 2020.
Starting point is 02:17:18 You're like, whoa. So this is not a picture of a house. This is a CGI house. But it's got shadows and the floor has texture i mean it looks fucking real man i've seen some real ass looking houses and that's you know real estate agencies and that shit why wouldn't like a clothing designer have like the perfect body to complement their perfect clothes you know yeah that um i'm sure you've shown this on air billion times but yeah that you're talking about the ai that just generates people yeah
Starting point is 02:17:50 that makes fake models beautiful perfect people yeah every way yeah in every way i agree every way perfect in fact it's it's funny that some people trip out about people that look really good on Instagram and they say they're giving off unrealistic body images. And that this is something we should stay away from. The guy from Vox was doing that. Everybody's hating on him because he was saying that about gay thirst traps. saying that about gay thirst traps that they they put out unrealistic body images and that you should think about them the same way you think about cigarette ads or or liquor ads yeah exactly what no they're in shape unrealistic is such a crazy thing to say when you're actually looking at a real person yeah unrealistic body expectations um no that guy goes to the gym and that's what you
Starting point is 02:18:42 look like when you go to the gym that That is real. That's not just realistic. That's real. It's not unrealistic. Some people don't want to look at other people that look good. I read this article by a therapist
Starting point is 02:18:56 who was saying like Yeah, that was the other one. Delia posted that. Dad bods are more attractive to women than rock hard abs survey said. That survey said was in front of their fucking fat husbands
Starting point is 02:19:08 100% They also used millionaires Did they? Well it's Chris Pratt and Leonardo DiCaprio Chris Pratt is not of a dad bod He's sticking his stomach out He's being silly That guy's jacked
Starting point is 02:19:20 I meet him in real life He's a stud Who's the other guy you know caprio caprio yeah do you think that dad bod you know like you hear this like you usually find out this way down the line but like some phenomena in society was like cooked up in a boardroom right like for example let's say i don't know you made twinkies and you realize like shit man people like really getting into this ketogenic diet and working out and there could be a potential you probably have some ai saying like hey we've
Starting point is 02:19:50 got like a health craze predicted for 2021 meaning twinkie sales are going to drop by like 50 because guys don't want to they don't want to be fat right and so then you start disseminating into the world like all right let's come up with this thing what's a what's a way to call somebody out of shape but like to connect it to their virility because they're a dad dad bod yeah dad bod so then you start getting it out there like you know it helps if any product that is like bad for you kind of depends on two things one that it tastes fucking good and two that you can trick yourself into believing it's worth eating right like it needs those two things like in other words if there was like delicious uranium like some lunatic created like the sweetest most flavorful uranium biscuit you're
Starting point is 02:20:39 not gonna eat that shit you know you're gonna go chernobyl and fucking oh your stomach's gonna melt at the dinner table but if you could come up with like you know a nice ipa like you were saying or some kind of thing that's oh it's just poison basically it's gonna destroy your liver over time it'll be a slow progression and you could like sink into alcoholism you'll your personality will change and it'll be like nobody would do that yeah yeah yeah yeah people wouldn't even know what you're saying right now they go no one's gonna do that such a stupid premise no one's gonna drink poison slowly toxifies your liver shut up who would even do that shit man i would never do that i mean i drink because i'm sophisticated and then like you did you by the way read that shit about how like hangovers are brain damage like when you have a hangover and you get
Starting point is 02:21:24 better your brain hasn't recovered yet just the part that you could sense has gotten better but the you have like physiological damage that's happening of course like it's what it is when you read it you're like wait duh of course duh but it's fun it's fun to be drunk to be drunk the problem it's fun to be drunk oh my god it's fun to be lit if it weren't joking oh i mean that's one of the realities of any great thing is like it is a delight and it is a beautiful part of life for for many people but we at some point you just start tricking yourself i mean that's one of the things mckenna i I love that he said, is like how history has survived alcohol.
Starting point is 02:22:09 Like we managed to have that as our sacrament and still we have civilization. Wow. It's incredible because it didn't like it does turn people into fucking 28 days later, doesn't it? In some ways. Some people it does. But it's really interesting when you consider his idea that at one point in time there were psychedelic cultures that really didn't have our standard intoxicants right so they didn't have antidepressants they didn't have stimulants yeah unless it was something like coca leaves that they were eating right they didn't have processed cocaine but what they did have was copious amounts of psilocybin yeah lysergic acid and different plant forms there was like a bunch of different things the Mayans used.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Ayahuasca, DMT. There was that shaman where they found his bag. It was like 2,000 years old. How many thousand years old? 2,500 years old? He had DMT in his bag. Yeah, it's like any fanny pack you find at Burning Man. Literally the same ingredients. Exactly exactly yeah it was a bit yeah that's hilarious i love when they fight that shit out what do you got that the the dmt was in that uh rabbit nose
Starting point is 02:23:16 thing right yeah the fox nose yeah that's only a thousand years old i thought you were leading on to that 2500 year old marijuana that just oh yeah that's true too that's a new one yeah so people have been just getting blasted forever man the best of course they have been as soon as they found it they're like why would i just go with regular life yeah it's the best it's it's it's so wonderful that that's being disseminated in a culture right now it's also people are decriminalizing it all over the place left and right it's slowly starting to happen colorado first always boom they're on track now oakland oakland decriminalized it as a city they put it as the lowest priority
Starting point is 02:23:50 all plant medicines including ayahuasca you saw aoc's tweet yeah it's amazing but she can't get traction other people in congress are like what whoa it's hard it's hard to sell that bill it's hard to sell psychedelic research and you know maps has been doing amazing stuff with soldiers and you've been to the actual maps conference yeah i have yeah it was it was wonderful because it's like these you know it's as much as i love hanging out with you and like my friends who take psychedelics it's really inspiring to be around scientists who are sort of figuring out a way to translate that experience into a data set that can convince legislators to change draconian laws because they're doing the hard work you know you and i we get to go on and on and on about the multiverse
Starting point is 02:24:39 and the dmt entities we can make things up we can make things up. We can make things up. They can't. It doesn't matter if they've taken it and had a real experience where some advanced whatever you want to call it has appeared to them whether a part of their subconscious or an alien and said listen here's what's going on. We do this with every planet. The first step is we've got to like undercut the
Starting point is 02:25:00 hierarchical centralized power structure and we know the only way to really do that is by teaching people that their identity as they think it is isn't quite right if we can expand the human identity selfishness goes away if we can get rid of the problem of trauma and people dealing with trauma by being aggressive to the outside world then over time the circumference of the human identity expands beyond the perimeters of me and into us and if that happens then we can like enter into like a type a civilization or whatever
Starting point is 02:25:31 they call it the beginning of a global civilization but first we've got to get the fucking monkeys to climb down from the tree of them their selfishness yeah and if we can do that and get a we can lure a few people out of themselves, just like getting a buggy out of the tree so that people are like, wait a minute, I don't think I'm just a me. I think I'm connected to everything,
Starting point is 02:25:53 purely interconnected. In fact, I don't think I'm anything. I think what I really am is the connection between me and others. That's where I exist, not in this. But you are something, right? Because you're very unique.
Starting point is 02:26:07 Like, you personally are very unique. You're one of my favorite friends, but you're also one of my weirdest friends. I'll call you up and you're always talking, dude, you gotta read this book! It's like, dude, you gotta watch this documentary! And we will talk for hours about the crazy shit, but you are very specific.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Like, you're very, I don't get the same conversation with Joey Diaz. i don't get the same conversation if i call ari yeah you know everybody has a different thing that they're on so there's something going on that's uniquely you right oh yeah i mean to say yeah because otherwise you sink into nihilism and you're like imagine what's the point man right that's not it at all it's that you don't exist in a vacuum it's like yes that's the main thing and it to me like the fundamental problem right now is selfishness it's like when you're mad at someone on the interstate what do they do something selfish when you're mad at someone in your life what do they do something selfish when someone's mad at you what did you do something
Starting point is 02:27:01 selfish almost always and like this is the reality is that selfishness is an innate quality of being a human. We are a self. There is a sense of a self rather, and we feel mixed up in it. But what you realize is like, you know, those fucking times where you authentically, not because you're filming it for your Instagram or whatever, help somebody and you don't talk about it. You just suddenly do it. Not like giving someone money either,
Starting point is 02:27:28 but you get engaged with a person and you're there. And then it's one of my favorite mushroom trips was when I started coming back. And before I really came down, I started thinking like, what was I doing? I was doing something. I was being something. I was being something. I was being a human. I was being a fuck. Oh, fuck. I'm a human. But for a second, I wasn't a me.
Starting point is 02:27:51 I had merged into something bigger than me. Similarly, if you just get really engaged in helping people, you'll notice that for that amount of time, you don't feel quite as shitty. And it's not just because you're doing something good and there's some like angel casting blessings on you. It's because you got out of yourself for a second in the sense that you became more than just you. You were you and the person you were helping. And that to me is like a really interesting aspect of where we're at as a species is that the reality is, man, yeah, we're all special and beautiful and wonderful, but also you're not happening in a vacuum. You're completely inexorably interconnected with everything and you can't get out of that.
Starting point is 02:28:37 You're in it for real and the boundaries you've constructed around you and whatever you think the rest of the world is is they're just in your head it's not real you made it up you told yourself a story and you believe that story so much like the poor motherfuckers who get into like the most psychotic cults you know where at the end of 10 years they reveal to you some crazy crazy shit beyond crazy you spent like nine hundred thousand dollars in this fucking thing and they're like yeah we all got shit out by woolly mammoths and now you have to be like i fucking either believe this and dive in or i'm like fuck i was wrong all this time similarly most people have constructed this ridiculous armoring boundary around them based on, you know, this is bad and this is good.
Starting point is 02:29:26 And that's not good. And that's good. And here I am in the midst of it. And that's a real painful situation to be in because you have to fucking constantly exert that force field situation. And it's really, I think, why so many people are depressed and exhausted and can't really relax. depressed and exhausted and can't really relax. Because how can you relax if you're constantly in a state of creating an imaginary barrier between you and infinity called yourself? It's a really exhausting, probably, practice to be engaged in.
Starting point is 02:29:56 And then there's some people who impose themselves on other people. They make their life and their problems 100% of the focus of this other person. So that person becomes an enabler. You see that with husbands and wives sometimes or even with friends. Like one person is the active asshole and then the other person is the fixer-upper. Man, Mike fucked up again. I got to go get him. The active asshole.
Starting point is 02:30:22 Centralization, man. And it's like our whole, from like our family structures usually to like the entire way we run our government is usually centralized around one key identity. And that we, you know, we've had this conversation many times on the show, which I like, the preposterous nature of a king, a president, a pope, a bishop, a world leader, a teacher, whatever the fuck it is. It's preposterous and uh it's also quite dangerous you know because it's like not only do we have the situation of the parasitic friend but even worse you can get into the situation of the charismatic friend who's tricking you into doing some into the idea that you could do something called cosmic hitchhiking that's what chogyam trampa calls it which is basically the idea that like could do something called cosmic hitchhiking that's what chogyam trampa calls it which is basically the idea that like i'm gonna use you because you are so great and
Starting point is 02:31:11 you will be the thing that helps me become a real person it's another chosen one yeah you're the chosen one you are our teacher we worship you oh show us the way imagine being born the Dalai Lama so from the jump you're something special you're the chosen one you're the one, you're the reincarnation of who? who are they supposed to be? they're a tulku is what it's called
Starting point is 02:31:37 so it's the tulku system and the way it would work would be if you look at the history of Tibet it was called the hermit kingdom and it was closed off from the rest of the world. It's very hard to get in there. Seven years in Tibet is about somebody who made it through and became friends with the Dalai Lama as a kid. Anyway, so within this system, there is this idea that beings reincarnate. that beings reincarnate. And that if you're awakened enough, if you're like really like at the sort of last phase of the sort of, what would you call it, the cycle you were talking
Starting point is 02:32:11 about earlier, then you stop losing at least some of the amnesia that happens when you get processed through the liminal in-between period called the bardo between this incarnation and the next. called the bardo between this incarnation and the next so anyway they go to children they put in front of them the uh particular uh items that belong to the previous incarnation that they think they are oracles vision visionaries bring the monks to a particular village and then the kid picks it and then that big kid becomes the next this or that it's called a tolku how many kids they look at uh i don't know man i don't know the depths of it the kid turns out to be an asshole i take his powers away well i think it has happened where tolkus are like it's similar to like uh what the fuck is the what is the thing where those kids get one summer to go like the summer
Starting point is 02:33:03 of fucking what is that religion oh yeah that's amish that's a rumple springer rump springer yeah yeah yeah what is that there's a great documentary on that yeah something the devil's something the devil's it's like a great name the devil's summer but it's just like the devil's playground fuck and they smoke and then a lot of them come back well they feel empty i believe that was one of the ways they studied the impact of mdma wasn't it by like because like these like if you find someone who's taken mdma but no other drug it's pretty rare so you need to find a person who's only taken MDMA otherwise you can't like assess if there's some cognitive damage because
Starting point is 02:33:51 it could have been the acid it could have been the mushrooms it could have been the time you fell on your ass when you were hammered who the fuck knows but these kids some of them have only taken MDMA and so I believe that they use them as a sample to determine if there was any kind of neurological damage caused by the drug itself. So I think a similar phenomena happens within that system where some kids are like, I'm not a reincarnated being. I'm a musician.
Starting point is 02:34:17 I want to go play music. And they leave. Do you know who's a musician who's also a reincarnated being? Jimi Hendrix? Steven Seagal. What? Yep. When did that happen? I didn Hendrix? Steven Seagal. What? Yep.
Starting point is 02:34:26 When did that happen? I didn't know that. They told him. I think the Dalai Lama might have hooked him up. Told him what? One of those guys over there told him that he was the reincarnation of someone super special. Jesus God.
Starting point is 02:34:37 It's a big deal over there. Well. They had a ceremony and everything. Here it is. It's from 1997. This is the long written thing about about it oh that's a lot of words i know i can't read that shit the recognition of steven seagal as a reincarnation of the treasure revealer chung drag door jay wow of that's
Starting point is 02:34:59 monastery so he's a reincarnation well that's comforting to know he's always been with us you know because it's like one of the things that does bother me is to imagine a world without sagal you know so it's cool to know he's always been here coming back again and again how come nobody was ever a loser in a past life oh everybody was always a fucking no awesome oh you mean oh right yeah when i when i'm full of shit full of shit. Full of shit people, yeah, of course. What are you going to be? If you're making money as a fucking psychic, and you're like, whoa, you're basically like a gutter rat.
Starting point is 02:35:33 You've only been a rat. You live in filth. You're a mucus thing. I'm not sure what you would call it. Box jellyfish that killed babies. You're a tapeworm. You're one of those lungworms that went into someone's brain. trichinosis motherfucker you're uncooked pork you were a moth you were yeah the whole like to me like the whole reincarnation is a toku yeah a toku it's a
Starting point is 02:35:56 statement from the guy i'm recognized my student steven seagal as a reincarnation toku of the treasure revealer chung drag dorje since there's been some confusion uncertainty as to what this means i'm writing to clarify the situation no clarifying necessary i'll see you later man i gotta go you might be full of shit meanwhile seagal's got five hookers going to this guy's house right now as we speak well also the other there so there's talk of like ending the tolku system and um the dalai lama has even said that and uh recognizing that because what's cool about the dalai lama among many things is that he said you know if he's very rational and he said if science proves something in buddhism is off we'll change buddhism to fit the rational mind. And that's the beauty of Buddhism.
Starting point is 02:36:46 There's pageantry in it. There's ceremony. There's ritual in it. Just like any other religion, it's beautiful. Personally, I think that there is a sort of area of experience accessible through their practices that I guess could best be compared to psychedelics or something like that. But to me, what I love about it is all the pageantry aside and all of it aside, it's not faith-based. It's a very basic series of ideas that you have to digest, you have to think about, you have to look into. You don't just get to be it. It's like, you know, maybe some forms of it, there could be an example of that.
Starting point is 02:37:28 But in general, it's more along the lines of here's the basic fundamental principles behind this knot in the cording of a human life that we've discovered. Here's where some suffering is coming from. All the suffering, in fact. And here's how to fix it. That all the suffering in fact and here's how to fix it that's the four noble truths of buddhism and that just hearing it who gives a fuck you could hear life is suffering the cause of suffering is attachment get rid of attachment suffering ends here's a system to get rid of attachment and you know whatever life is suffering what does that even fucking mean what does life even mean what does it even mean by suffering this this first noble truth it gets completely mistranslated
Starting point is 02:38:09 anyway duca it means wobbly wheel it's more akin to like if you're riding a bike that's got not enough air in it it's going to be a rough ride but it's going to be even more of a rough ride if you have somehow tricked yourself into thinking there's enough air in the tire so that anytime you hit some bumps you're like what the fuck is wrong with the world you know what i mean that's it that's it it's like wobbly wheel the thing's wonky you think you're not going to get disconnected when you've been on the line with verizon for an hour you're gonna get disconnected it tends to happen you're gonna get cut off in traffic you're gonna fail you're gonna be disappointed this is reality
Starting point is 02:38:50 but somehow you've imagined that it doesn't work like that and every single time you're met with the truth you're like oh oh god this sucks and, that's going to, that creates a lot of problems, and it creates two, some ways to deal with it, which is desire and aversion. So, you're somewhere and you want to be somewhere else, basically. You know, you're somewhere and you're like, I don't want to be in this place. Or, you know, you're imagining that if you get this thing or that thing, the pain you're feeling is of the wobbly wheel go away do the experiment see if it's true see if it's true that's all you can do is like really look at the shit that you want like i could come home and mo could have pulled up and given me seven mo ones right and i'm gonna sit and play those fucking mo ones for weeks and weeks until i'm sweaty and smell like fucking just someone shoved a salami
Starting point is 02:39:46 under the balls of an ape you know i'm not gonna take showers i'm gonna just be oozing a stink and like probably weeping into the mug and sneezing into it anyway the point is eventually after i the distraction has gone away i'm going to return to my fundamental self you know the fundamental condition of existence as it is regardless and so this is sort of the print some of the principles as i understand it which are really quite intelligent you know it's really and and what i love about it most of all is there's always this invitation which is go see go see it's not because i'm telling you this believe it right it's like go see maybe it's different for you and and but you need to go check like every time you're doing the thing that you've been repeating over and over again is it making you happy for real is it really
Starting point is 02:40:38 working is it working and if it's working great but if it's not and you're trying to pretend it is because you've been doing it so long well who are you who's winning this game of self-deception what what there's no winning if the game is tricking yourself you can only what and what do you do like how do you feel about life if you're always tricking yourself hey Hey, Twitter world. Yeah, man. That's right. You will only feel that everyone is trying to trick you. And you'll feel like there's a grand conspiracy. And you'll feel like the world's out to get you.
Starting point is 02:41:15 And there is a grand conspiracy, which is that you are running a game on yourself. Yeah. I feel like we should end with that. Yeah. I feel like that's very important for people to hear yeah it's true and i think it resonates with all of us we've all done that the lowest points of consciousness in your life you run a little trick on yourself in order to get past things where you
Starting point is 02:41:36 know and i think in some of that trick is run because you don't totally understand who you are you want to so maybe i'm this guy. Maybe I'm a hardcore Republican. Yeah, you know what? Those fucking Democrats, they tricked me for far too long. I'm over here now. Yeah, I found my home. Found my home over here. And that's one of the things that people do.
Starting point is 02:41:55 They really do. They hop from idea. I used to be a vegan, but now I'm a fucking carnivist. I just eat all steaks, ribeye steaks all day long. You know what? I couldn't believe what a pussy i was when i was just eating vegetables congrats that's a lot of it right yeah man and it's and it's almost exactly like what we're talking about with religions that you look down
Starting point is 02:42:17 these grids and these grids are run by different operating systems that require different behavior from their women this operating, you can't drive. You got to dress like a beekeeper and you have to do this and you have to do that. This operating system, you put a plate through your lip and you got a bone in your nose. And this operating system, everybody gets face tattoos. And this operating system, you know, and no one eats pork. It's a no, no, no, no. God does not. In our operating system, you get the same thing, I think, with right and left, with vegan and meat eater, with pick your poison, like whatever the fuck it is.
Starting point is 02:42:55 Whatever thing it is that you're into, especially ideological, especially lifestyle based, there's always an opposing one. Like the people that don't want people to be gay or the people that even a lot of the abortion stuff a lot of the abortion stuff it's like how much of that is how much of this really well thought out behavior and how much of it is how does your tribe respond to this and one of the ways you can tell especially if you're talking to a hardcore lefty or a Republican for that matter, we can offer two examples. But one of the ways you can tell is hardcore lefties do not like to discuss late-term abortion. You say, well, what if it's a fetus?
Starting point is 02:43:33 What if it's a baby? What if we're talking like eight months in? It's a woman's right to choose. It's a woman's right. No, it's a baby in this person's body. Like, when is it a baby? Look, I'm 100% pro-w women's right to choose i'm 100 pro choice but late term abortions are fucking weird it's dark it's strange and everybody knows that
Starting point is 02:43:54 everybody knows that but if you're a hardcore lefty you won't say it and then hardcore righties what if you were raped what if you're what what if you're a little girl a 13 year old girl and she was raped you want that girl to carry her fucking baby are you crazy she was raped four weeks ago we found out she's pregnant what do you want me to do you want me to pray how about fuck you right how about fuck you my raped little girl is not going to have to carry someone's baby fucking asshole right and the idea that your invisible man in the sky that watches over everything you do but allows rape to occur allows little kids to get raped you want that little kid to carry a baby i'll fucking kill you right you're goddamn crazy right there's people that feel like that too well this is if you want to find the commonality the common thread it's just the way
Starting point is 02:44:40 you were describing which is a natural reaction to someone saying that to you or controlling your life in that way it's aggression so like on both sides it's not that there's an articulation of a point of view it's at the point of view is being flavored with anger with aggression yes pushing pushing pushing it's a woman's right to choose yeah and it's or it's not or whatever both sides have within a quality of aggression. Yep. So this is like, this is, you know, not to oversimplify things. The reality is, man, one, we got to cut ourselves a break. And you know this and you've articulated this better than anybody. We weren't. We were monkeys not that long ago.
Starting point is 02:45:17 Real recent. Go look at monkeys. See how they act. Crazy. Right. So give, number one, give yourself a fucking break. You, in the evolutionary like from the evolutionary perspective you're just barely waking up but because you've been a monkey
Starting point is 02:45:31 inside of you there's some serious serious aggression because that was the way to deal with the eagle that was bigger than you that carried your wife away to feed to its chicks you weren't gonna fucking have a sit down with the eagle and be like listen i know you need to live and my wife i imagine she was delicious we've i've been you know farming for the last several years and feeding her every day and you know the baby's gonna die because he was drinking her milk and all eagle but listen i wonder if maybe you could just spare the rest of my family what you're gonna do is kill that fucking eagle any way you can fire spears whatever so now to think that that has gone away is very similar to a person who takes a vacation and suddenly realizes i can't relax well you can't relax because for the last fucking year you've
Starting point is 02:46:23 been going non-stop in a state of constant stress, freaking out. You're on vacation. You think that momentum is going to go away? No, it's just going to be more apparent. So you're going to like guzzle it down and try to fuck it away. And then you're on the airplane hungover. And it's like, you know what I mean? You're all fucking hungover.
Starting point is 02:46:40 And it's like, what happened? The vacation is already over. That's what has happened to us which is like listen we've got it good right now but it wasn't that long ago the saber-toothed tigers were dragging our children into the fucking jungle and eating them and we find feet that were our kids feet in a bush somewhere and this trauma is in us epigenetically so anyway the point is give yourself a fucking break but the other point is that being said recognize you're being aggressive your approach using anger and intolerance uh is not working it is as noble
Starting point is 02:47:17 as your purpose may be you want a global civilization of joy whatever the fuck it is it's not working if you're using the exact same momentum that causes the wars that you're hoping to stop right so the first step has to be i think an internal personal uh exploration to create some not to even get rid of the aggression or to be like i'm bad because i'm angry or I'm all that bullshit. But to create some, to find out what is the circumference of the self. And then within that, you realize the thing you thought was all of you, that coiled up fucking anger is in fact a tiny piece of you. It's still there and it's still useful at times, but it's not all of you. And because the circumference is widened, the next time the angry part of you starts bubbling,
Starting point is 02:48:06 it's just like, it's the difference between somebody throwing a brick in a bathtub and a brick in the ocean. It's like a brick in the ocean, no big deal. A brick in the bathtub, fuck you, dude. Why are you throwing bricks in my bathtub, bitch? Get the fuck out of my tour, you. So that's the idea is like, we're not trying to annihilate the self or say, this person, this human being you are, it's irrelevant or it's not worth this or that. It's just, what is the circumference of your identity? And that's the exploration, I think, that Buddhism invites people to do or any religion that is real and good.
Starting point is 02:48:41 It's inviting people like, find out what you are. And then as a natural byproduct of that exploration you become a little more gentle and because you're gentle you're more effective that's where it gets really weird gentleness seems to be quite often the what was my friend saying he's like you know if my dogs are outside i'm like get the fuck out the fucking house they're not coming in but if i'm like come, come on, come on, I love you and you really mean it, they come running into the house.
Starting point is 02:49:07 So this is the thing. It's like, the aggression stuff, it worked, man, because of the eagles and the tigers and all that shit. But you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:49:14 Now maybe there's a new way to do it. and we're stuck. We're stuck with the DNA that got us through how to survive the eagles and the tigers. We needed it.
Starting point is 02:49:23 Yeah, we needed it. Don't fucking, you needed it don't fucking bit you know don't like revile it or something like in fact love it i think that's part of the appeal of the dad bod part of the appeal of like you know someone talking about unrealistic body expectations you're really talking about like less reliance on the the flesh the the the the virility the athletic ability the ability to conquer you know the ability to to breed and spread your genes and fight off predators and enemies and invaders it's not nearly as necessary as it used to be
Starting point is 02:50:02 but necessary but necessary and but the people who are not capable of it despise it because they think it's the problem. They think the ability to conquer is the problem. Yeah. The strong. And if everyone was weak, it's essentially the argument for socialism. What's that? You don't have it. If you don't have it and you see other people have it, I don't think anybody should have it.
Starting point is 02:50:24 How about that? Oh, yeah. And it's also it's also part of it yeah i do i mean people have encountered like if the thing is is like take a person who has some chip on their shoulder about dudes with muscles right if you look at it that didn't happen by itself they weren't didn't wake up one day and like i fucking hate biceps what happened is like people with muscles who were traditionally like ideally war like meant to be warriors and protectors in a noble way they've gotten really aggressive like you see and it's not all of them but how many videos have popped up of you know a police officer i'll blow your fucking head off get the fuck sure because the kid took a doll you know yeah like that video we were talking about yes so it's like so so similarly like
Starting point is 02:51:09 sometimes what's coinciding with the muscular thing is also a dominant aggressive attitude so the two have become mixed together yes you conflate them yes and it's there's there there if you've ever been around people are real fighters usually they're like the most gentle people you've ever met super nice people and it's unnerving because you know like eddie bravo he's nice man you when i'm around him like i forget that i could just suddenly be dead you know i mean if you didn't forget he'd be nervous around him all the time like you know you're in a great conversation with him, enjoying his company. And then, like, you could just, that's it. So, similarly, like, this is what happened.
Starting point is 02:51:50 So, the idea is, like, you've got a continuum of possible ways that humans express themselves. On one side, you have the condition of, like, the noble warrior, which is a trained, disciplined person who's literally putting themselves in front of others. The samurai. You talk about it a bunch. Yeah. a trained disciplined person who's literally putting themselves in front of others the samurai you talk about it a bunch yeah you know who's fading into the background who doesn't even give a fuck if anybody knows they did anything heroic because they've given up on that it's a very spiritual way of being well then there's also the concern about the warmonger like why does the warmonger exist is the warmonger like the firefighter that starts their own fires a lot of the times yeah they live for Because they live for that.
Starting point is 02:52:25 They live for that experience. Because that's what they desire. Yeah, yeah. If you want to sell umbrellas, you need it to rain. Yeah, yeah. But this is, again, corruption of a potential ideal. Which is like, regardless of the fact that we've all kind of like witnessed various examples in pretty much every profession of what it looks like when things aren't so great and imbalanced. There's also
Starting point is 02:52:52 examples of people who are the opposite of that, who are like completely, you know, in service, who like, you know, how many firemen got fucking incinerated in September 11th, man? You know, and the truth is, I can't name, unfortunately, embarrassingly enough, I couldn't name one of them if you paid me to. These are people who literally gave their entire life up, who went up that fucking thing. They didn't think they were coming back down. They're firemen. They looked at that and they were probably like, yeah, I'm going to die. I bet I die today.
Starting point is 02:53:21 But they're like, if I don't do it, well, no one does it. So that's an example of how good it can be and why we need it and what it can really be. That's a sacred way to be. And the exact same is true for pretty much every profession. And yet, when aggression gets in there, it fucks it up. It sours it. It imbalances it. And it's like ultimately completely ineffective, you know? And it's also another version of selfishness. Yeah, right. Right? What we were talking about before being the problem.
Starting point is 02:53:49 The real problem with naked aggressive behavior, naked aggression, meaning unprovoked aggression, is that it's entirely selfish. Like, I want what you have. I take. I conquer. Yeah. That is selfishness in its worst, most primal form. That's right. And on that note, we're going to wrap this bitch up.
Starting point is 02:54:10 Duncan Dressel, you're the fucking man. You're the man. I miss you. Thanks for having me back on. I miss you too, man. We need to do this more often. I hope we do. We always say this.
Starting point is 02:54:17 And let's do a shrimp parade too. Where's Chris Ryan? He's driving that fucking van around the world. Chris Ryan is going to come back here enlightened. Really? Look at his picture. Every picture, he's getting further and further out in the woods i don't know what's he doing i don't know i love you buddy love you too bye everybody Thank you.

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