The Joe Rogan Experience - #1323 - Andy Ngo

Episode Date: July 10, 2019

Andy Ngo is a political journalist best known for covering street protests in Portland, Oregon. He has written columns in The Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and National Review, amongst others..., and is an editor for Quillette.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay. Hello, Andy. Hi, Mr. Rogan. Thanks for having me on. My pleasure. How you doing, man? You're all healed up? The bruising and swelling has gone down, as you can see, but the more serious injury was to the brain. You have a serious injury to your brain? Yeah, brain hemorrhage. What happened? From what? The mob beating, so...
Starting point is 00:00:22 From getting hit in the head, you got a brain hemorrhage? Multiple times. Really? what the mob beating so from getting hit in the head you got a brain hemorrhage multiple times really yes they were bashing me on the back of my head and to my eyes um but so how do you know you had brain hemorrhaging and how are you able to just walk around well i was taken to i started losing my balance after the beating there was no police i I made it to the courthouse, sat down on the ground. Ambulance was called. I had to walk back to the ambulance because the streets were, I walked back to the police precinct in the direction of the mob. The medics that were associated with the Portland police
Starting point is 00:00:57 let me know that they, that I needed to walk in that direction. It was quite shocking because it was, I had just been a victim of this mob beating and then now they're telling me to walk back in direction of the center precinct where the beating had happened. Did they not know that you had been beaten up? Well, let's set this up for people who are new to this
Starting point is 00:01:18 and don't understand what happened. I've been aware of you because of, you had written for Quillette, right? And you had become one of these, for whatever reason, controversial online journalists. And you covered Antifa quite a bit. And you covered a lot of the radical left. You were in Portland. And what was the exact rally that was going on what was it called
Starting point is 00:01:48 did it have a name uh it was something like protect portland so it was organized by rose city antifa and its allies and by its allies i mean i'm referring to the local chapter of the democratic socialist america came out to support them in numbers. And what are they protecting Portland from? They allege fascists. Fascists. But just in general, I mean, is there a particular thing they're worried about? There were two right-wing events happening that day that they were counter-demonstrating against.
Starting point is 00:02:26 that day that they were counter demonstrating against there was a on one side in part one part of downtown the proud boys were holding a flag waving event that was completely uh peaceful there was no actually flag waving american flag waving correct okay um and a lot of portlanders found that provocative and uh a manifestation of fascistic violence. In another part of downtown, there was a men's rights activist who was holding a rally. It was titled For Victims of Domestic Terrorism. It was an anti-Antifa event.
Starting point is 00:02:59 A men's rights activist? Yes. That was doing an anti-fascist or anti-antifa correct well what boy seems like a whole lot to do about nothing flag waving and anti-antifa okay yeah can i set the context for please for the city of portland it's a mess. You have listeners and viewers all over the world. So Portland, Oregon is a extremely progressive city in the Pacific Northwest of the US. And I call it a political monoculture because really it's not just, you're more likely to find socialists, open socialists there than you would find a regular Republican or conservative.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And within this sort of echo chamber of just leftist politics, it's become also a hotbed for far-left militancy. So Rose City Antifa is, you could call it like the local chapter movement of Antifa. It's one of the oldest in the country. It's very of the oldest in the country. It's very large in Portland. And they hold what you could call protests, but they're protests that always devolve into riots where they essentially take over parts of downtown and attack people, attack their ideological opponents,
Starting point is 00:04:21 and do it frequently with impunity. I mean, I was the only one attacked that day. There were two other people who were bashed on the head and had very severe lacerations to the face and head. You may recall the footage from October of last year when there was an elderly driver who was attacked on the streets. Yeah, they were directing traffic, right? Exactly. And somehow or another, the mayor thought it was a good idea to let this take place. Is that the case? And they told the police to stand down. Is that true? stinks in Portland. The issue is really not with the rank and file officers. They're following orders to not intervene. So I had been assaulted and criminally harassed before the mob beating. People were throwing milkshakes at my face and head within eyesight of police who were watching
Starting point is 00:05:20 in downtown. And both of these were reported. And the answer that i heard that day as i've heard many times before when i've been assaulted by antifa is that we will not question approach or detain the suspect because this could incite the crowd okay so this is why this has exacerbated this is why this has become such a big deal in portland because of this attitude because portland seems to be the hotbed right now for this kind of stuff. Is that fair to say? I think it is. So is this the mayor?
Starting point is 00:05:52 I mean, who's the one who's giving the orders to the police to tell them to allow this stuff to take place? Well, I'm crowdfunding for the legal fund right now, and we are willing, we are going to hold accountable whoever is responsible for dereliction of duty, where the evidence leads us. So Portland has an odd governance system in that the mayor who is up for
Starting point is 00:06:19 reelection, by the way, is also the police commissioner. Oh, wow. Yeah yeah how does that work it it was an old system that it inherited and it just didn't never change from the wild west like that sounds ridiculous yeah it is ridiculous you can see all the political conf the conflicts and then conflicts of interest that that yeah would arise right yeah yeah shitload um how did you get involved in this like what why first of all why were they angry at you i uh i work as a journalist uh i'll name like places that i've been published before i write and i do video and
Starting point is 00:06:59 i do podcasts so my written work has been published in the Wall Street Journal, the National Review, Spectator, New York Post. I'm also on the editorial team of Quillette magazine. And one of my beats among several is about far less militancy, particularly in Portland. To me, what I was noticing was that the national and local media coverage had a particular blind spot when it came to their coverage on Antifa. There was all this sensitivity to the quote-unquote far-right and white nationalism or white identity extremism, but they could not or would not recognize the militancy that was on the left. And Portland seemed to be one of the places for ground zero,
Starting point is 00:07:51 particularly after 2016. We had very violent rioting in downtown. A segment of the population could not accept the election results in November. And so they did a million dollars in damage, setting fires and destroying properties and businesses. And at that time, I was a graduate student working at the student paper, and I did a story on that. And I came out to witness, and this was a major American city, but it felt like I was in Afghanistan or Iraq, just with all these fires and explosions and people running around with bats while masked up.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And that was the first time I really became familiar with Antifa, and I took an interest in it. And I saw over and over that the media coverage was basically really sort of whitewashing them, kind of like referring to them as anti-fascist, giving them that propaganda victory. And Antifa is a movement, they're masters of double speak and disinformation.
Starting point is 00:08:53 So it starts with the name Antifa, that is short for anti-fascist, but I never refer to them as that because that's ceding the ground to them. that's ceding the ground to them. When they say that they are defending a community, self-defense, it actually is referring to premeditated violence and offensive violence. So I started covering this more and more. After I left the student paper i started writing for um some national and international publications and there internationally there was a you know
Starting point is 00:09:33 a set of readers who were interested in in what the hell is going on in portland why are there these continued scenes of street brawls and anarchy over and over. What are the variables that are causing this? And I thought that I could try to shine a light on it. And by doing so, Antifa became enraged with my work, and particularly things, they've hated me since last year, but they started really escalating on the 1st of May, May Day. So this year was when I was physically assaulted by them for the first time. They were very upset that I wrote a story for the New York Post where there was a series of, and this is one of the other beats that i work on is hate crime
Starting point is 00:10:26 hoaxes and portland earlier this year had this huge panic over serious allegations of lgbt people claiming that they were marauding right-wing gangs driving around trying to kill people with bats with hammers trying to kidnap them. And these were all rumors that were reported on social media. It caused a huge frenzy. Even the mayor had to come out and issue a statement about how he was concerned. There was an emergency town hall with the local queer center. And so I started looking into all these allegations.
Starting point is 00:11:04 There were 15 of them and i found that of the 15 only one was reported to police and what was reported to police and documented in the report was entirely different from the gofundme where over ten thousand dollars was raised for this trans activist um she had alleged that one night walking home transphobic people had beat her with the bat and knocked her unconscious police reports said that she was extremely intoxicated and likely fell and there was no evidence that anybody had assaulted her so when i this story came out because antifa was really antifa and the democratic socialist america in portland
Starting point is 00:11:42 were really involved in peddling this hate crime fear in Portland. And I just kind of, you know, threw water on this panic that they had been flaming. And so on the 1st of May, there was a riot that I was covering. And one of the masked Antifa people went up and sprayed me with, I think it was bear mace, some type of chemical that blinds you and burns you. Yeah, I saw that video. Yeah. So there was no police that was there. I mean, that Antifa event was publicly advertised on Facebook and all that.
Starting point is 00:12:26 book and all that so over and over like antifa is very transparent about their calls for people to come to their stuff and to engage in this physical confrontation that they call self-defense and the police either stay away or on purpose or are told to stay away so it's very confusing because when you watch the videos they're just macing people They're macing people who disagree with them. Like they're yelling at each other and then someone will come along and mace people. And for the police to not step in and do something, it's, I don't think there's another city in the country that would allow something like that. It just doesn't seem like it makes any sense at all because you're not talking about people that are being physically attacked and that are macing someone to protect themselves. Or even a threat are being physically attacked and that are macing someone to protect themselves or even a threat of being physically attacked they're just disagreeing with each other and yelling at each other and then someone will come along and start macing people and i've seen it many times and i think there's also a real problem with people wearing masks
Starting point is 00:13:18 you know whether their ideology makes sense or not when you put people in masks and then you have a bunch of people yelling and escalating and then there's teams there's team antifa versus team you know anybody opposing them they feel is a white supremacist or a nazi and this is just how they've chosen to frame it to dehumanize people and then you see them attack people i'm sure you're aware of the girl who got maced in the face because she had a hat on that said make bitcoin great again but it was the same color hat as the make america great again hat and she got maced in the face and she got hit with something too right didn't she get hit in the face with something anyway this kind of shit is really weird it's really weird and disturbing to see these young people with these ideal idealistic versions of what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I think a lot of the people that are involved in that really think they are fighting fascism. They really do. They really think that Donald Trump and the Proud Boys and white supremacists from Charlottesville carrying tiki torches, that these people represent something horrible that's sweeping across the country and the young people today need to stand up and fight against this. And they're putting on masks and they're carrying backpacks and whacking people in the head with crowbars is really fucking weird to see and it's really weird that the city of portland or all cities in fact haven't made some sort of a law where you can't walk around in public with a fucking mask on
Starting point is 00:14:41 because that is one of the things that helps these people it's the same thing that you see on social media when people are anonymous and they say the most horrible hateful shit they're saying that because they're not in front of you you can't recognize them they don't have to take responsibility for what they're saying this is a lot of the the same characteristics that a person has when they're wearing a costume you're dressed in all black with gloves on and a face mask and you're hitting people with a bike lock like what what is that about well what that's about is you're getting away with being anonymous and you're getting support from all these other people around you
Starting point is 00:15:14 there's this mob mentality that takes place that's well documented with humans where when you get a group of people together and there's another group and it's like it's a tribal warfare type situation and that's what you're seeing with antifa and the fact that the portland police have i don't know what's going on with them whether they've been told to not handle that but the fact they haven't done anything to mitigate this is fucking uh it's it's embarrassing it's it's a shame it's it's terrible it really is it's a it's a travesty you asked about the mayor earlier and and if he issued any stand-down orders there's a statement that was put out after i was attacked by the by daryl turner who's the president of the police union and he said very clearly he called from the mayor to remove the handcuffs handcuffs of law enforcement so they can enforce the law
Starting point is 00:16:03 and he accused the mayor politicizing the police department is this mayor popular no he's not he's hated well by moderates because of the things that he allows to happen in the city but the far left hate him as well they view him as not radical enough. Why are they mad at you? Is it just the articles you've written? Because somebody told me that you had been accused of doxing people. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Absolutely not true. So this is such an outrageous defamatory claim. So what happened was on May Day at that riot, there was one of the Antifa women had charged into participating in a fight during the brawl, and one of the right-wing person, he was wearing a mask, I don't know who he was, allegedly had hit her on her head, near her head, on her neck, somewhere like that. She was knocked out. I recognize this woman from her activism that day as the person who sabotaged the sound equipment when James Damore came to Portland State in February of last year. about women in tech that was wildly misrepresented what he had said.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And people had claimed that he was an awful sexist. and citing all these different studies on why women gravitate towards particular fields and even a page and a half encouraging strategies to encourage more women to get into tech. But it was basically in response to things that Google had written about dealing with the lack of women in tech. What is the problem here? They were looking for a very particular answer, which was sexism. And he was saying, well, it actually has more to do with the choices that women sort of naturally tend to gravitate towards. And he was saying that there was a way to possibly
Starting point is 00:18:15 encourage women to get into technology. And he devised these strategies to do so, but was wildly misrepresented. And if you meet the guy, and I've had him on the podcast, he is a soft-spoken sweetheart of a guy. He's not a misogynist, not a mean-spirited person. He was merely looking at the results of studies. And he was looking at real raw data and this real tendency that certain people have to gravitate towards certain positions in life. Yeah, so there were so many misconceptions about James Damore, which is why the student group I
Starting point is 00:18:50 was involved in invited him to come. But Anthony found that allies just could not take that. They tried to shut down the event. They tried to get it canceled. At that event, this one woman, she damaged the sound equipment as she was trying to shut it down. She pulled all these cords out and pushed the soundboard on the ground. It broke. So I recognized her from that day. She was named in the media. And then on May Day, I recognized her. So I named her.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I said, this is the name of the woman who was knocked out. I recognized her from the James Damore event protest where she had damaged equipment. And Antifa had spun that around as me doxing her. That's not doxing. Doxing is where you release people's personal details, such as where they work, where they live, their phone numbers, so that people will... You identified her.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I named her, yes. But she had been identified in the media before she was a big local activist so that's basically it other than you writing these stories criticizing their behavior what's disturbing to me beyond disturbing was legitimate journalists that were making excuses for why you got beat up and people saying things like play stupid games win stupid prizes i saw stuff like that that pick a better hobby i saw a guy write that you know anti-fascists will rule you know portland's not your place i saw all this crazy shit from people with blue check marks that were
Starting point is 00:20:25 saying that this is what happens when you support fascism and i was so baffled by this like i read some of your stuff i haven't read all of it admittedly but i've read some of your stuff none of it came off as you supporting fascism it came off as you maybe at the worst case scenario being a contrarian and not wanting to go with this sort of left-wing ideology that is so widespread throughout the pacific northwest but i didn't see any i mean first of all you're not a white guy we should explain to people you are vietnamese and you know you're what they would consider a member of a protected class you're not just a minority you're openly gay you mean you're you're what what do you consider yourself politically
Starting point is 00:21:14 i've been avoiding labels for a while i think um it's interesting that a lot of the coverage on what happened to me always qualified who I am as like a conservative journalist. Well, the worst thing is the way they're labeled Quillette. They said you work for far right newspaper magazine Quillette, which is not the case at all. That's not true. I think the subtle, I mean, the dog whistles that they're trying to say in there that
Starting point is 00:21:47 this person deserved it and of course these are the same people who always talk about believe the victim they were the ones who jumped on to believe justice molette um but i guess i was the wrong type of victim well exactly because even though you are you're you seem like a very nice person, you aren't doing anything violent, you're supporting the wrong thing or not supporting them. Not just blindly supporting what Antifa is involved with, which is what – I mean, that is what fascism is i mean if you you can't even question some of the more heinous things that mean clearly heinous things they're doing just fucking macing people in the audience macing people in the crowd just pointing it at people yelling and screaming hitting each other with things when you're wearing masks getting involved in these brawls it's so fucking stupid it's so stupid to watch it's like this is base human behavior and it's worst example and the fact that this dumb ass fucking mayor thinks that this is a good idea
Starting point is 00:22:54 to let this play itself out this is how people get shot this is how people die when you allow a certain amount of violence and when you condone or don't do anything with violence that you can't defend like violence against a person like yourself i saw those guys hitting you in the back of the head throwing milkshakes at you where you're just trying to walk away you weren't doing anything yeah you you asked me at the beginning how did i get the the brain hemorrhage so the video that's gone viral out there is actually the second half of the beating i don't know if there's video the first half hopefully um there is actually the second half of the beating. I don't know if there's video of the first half. Hopefully, there is through CCTV or something.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But the first, there were more hits to my face and my head. And so, when I went to the hospital, because of the nature of the contusions on my head, they did a CT scan in the ER, and that confirmed the subarachnoid hemorrhage. So, what started it? What was the, why did you get hit? Okay. 29th of June. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:54 That would be 10, 11 days ago from now. And so there was that demonstration happening. Antifa was rallying to oppose the far right. They claim oppose fascists. I came, was excited to use my new gopro i was a bit nervous um speaking um i going to the event i was nervous because i've been targeted just um two months earlier right i left my house with the helmet and got in my car saw briefly you were a helmet i had a help i did one. Saw a reflection of myself. Took it off.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Decided I don't want anybody there to get the impression that I came. Because they already accused me of being a Nazi and far right and white supremacist. I didn't want any of them to then perceive me by the fact that I came with a helmet as possibly a combatant. Can you be a Vietnamese white supremacist? Is that possible? In their eyes, yes. Hilarious. I mean, this goes to the bigger issue that I've taken issue with how flippant people
Starting point is 00:24:55 use these accusations of not just racist or being Nazi or far right. But it's like, part of what makes antifasso dangerous is that they feel that they are morally justified in their brutality yes and they get actually a lot of morale from progressive and left-wing media so um after talking about what the attacker would like to talk about how the actual militant antifa people is very is small those who are going out and doing the violence the larger group and those that i find more concerning actually are the non-violent interfere antifa you find those more concerning because because they work to mainstream antifa's tactics and ideas like now doxing by Antifa is not even is kind of seen as well these people deserve it um like do people not realize like when you're doxing you people's you know
Starting point is 00:25:57 releasing your address has happened to me your family's address out it it puts this constant state of fear in you even when you're in your own home like i don't know if they realize that um so there's the doxing and then of course you know the punch the nazi meme was meant to be cute and funny um but when they label such a large segment of the population as nazis it's it's going after a lot of people who um are innocent and law-abiding such as myself well they're also calling jewish people nazis exactly insane and then now more recently the the milkshaking was seen as this cute non-violent form of political dissent as you saw in the video after i was getting beaten i was trying to get away and then they were pelting all these liquids
Starting point is 00:26:43 at my head and in my face and that blinded me. I couldn't even see really which way to leave. So to backtrack a little bit, sorry, I'm jumping all over. It's okay. The march was right in the heart of downtown. Just before I was attacked, they were chanting, no hate, no fear. This is the irony of it. I remember that very clearly.
Starting point is 00:27:03 The crowd was chanting that. I was walking towards the front of the demonstration, remember that very clearly. The crowd was chanting that. I was walking towards the front of the demonstration, thought I would get a wide-angle shot on my GoPro. Before I could get there, somebody bashes me really hard in the back of the head. And I've never been in a fight, Mr. Rogan, so I didn't even realize what had happened to me. I was knocked forward.
Starting point is 00:27:21 As soon as I caught my footing, the punches kept coming from every direction and all i could see was like um people dressed in black with masks and most of them that were hitting me had on these gloves that have the hardened um knuckles i think it's like sap gloves yeah or tactical gloves yeah and it was just endless and i could see in the background like um this was in front of the justice center this is the other sad irony so in uh broad daylight in the heart of downtown steps away from the central police precinct from the sheriff's office this beating happened no police intervene at any point i don't really see it i don't know. Nobody came to my aid at any point, before, during, or after.
Starting point is 00:28:07 So this happens out of nowhere. You get blindsided to the back of the head. A bunch of people punch you. How many times do you think you got hit? Maybe six or more. The fact that people dismiss this as not being a big deal is really horrific to me. The fact that the people that are in Antifa that are nonviolent folks, which I think I'm glad you brought that up because I was going to bring that
Starting point is 00:28:29 up, that it's the extreme of the extremists, right? It's the people that think that there's a call for violence and that there's a reason to do it. And even someone like yourself that is a nonviolent person is just there as a journalist, that there is a justification for just, just for whatever reason you want, just go up to that person and start hitting them even though they're not a threat even though they're not doing anything to harm anybody even though they're not putting anybody in danger they're they're just being a journalist and you feel like you could justify
Starting point is 00:28:57 hitting them it's really disgusting and it's just i mean there was this thing with Vox where Carlos Meza was minimizing the impact of Antifa and kind of joking around about it and making it seem like it's just no big deal. And he got really upset because Steven Crowder was making fun of the fact that he's gay and the fact that he talks with a lisp and that Crowder mentioned that along with mocking his stance on antifa and then it became this gigantic thing that steven crowder is a gay basher but what didn't become a big deal is that this guy is minimizing violent fascists and that's what i mean that's how i feel about this when you're trying to enforce your own ideology on other people and you have no tolerance for anybody with a differing opinion, particularly journalists, that is fascism. It's so ironic to call yourself an anti-fascist when you're literally enforcing your own particular ideology to the point of violence and you're wearing masks and you're running around hitting people and pretending that you're being inundated with Nazis and white supremacists and that this is all necessary.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Like that old man that was just driving and they're directing traffic and forcing him to obey them. And then when he doesn't want to, they chase after him and assault him. It's fucking bananas. And the fact that this city has not stepped in and recognized that they have a real problem because this has got momentum behind it. And the people that are involved that are nonviolent, you got to speak up. They've got to speak up. If you're a person that really believes that there shouldn't be homophobia and there shouldn't be violence and there shouldn't be white supremacy, good for you. You probably got involved in this for all the right reasons. But if you don't recognize that someone like you, yourself, who is a person of a different ethnicity, you're not a white person, you're Vietnamese, you're a gay man, and you got assaulted for no reason.
Starting point is 00:30:54 You didn't do anything. I mean, it's almost like a test of where do your values truly lie. And if you think it's okay for a person like you to just get assaulted for no reason you are the problem you're the problem your mindset is the problem it's not whether or not there should be white supremacy of course there shouldn't be it's not whether or not there shouldn't be people be able to freely express themselves of course there should be that is not what the issue is what the issue is is group mentality. When you get people together and you let them wear masks and you tell them that they're fighting against some evil and then they feel justified in hitting a person like you. It is really sickening.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And there's this diffusion of responsibility thing that happens when one person hits you and everybody feels like it's okay to hit you. It's a mob mentality thing. It is extremely common with human beings i've been in mob situations it's terrifying because you feel it in the air you feel the chaos in the air when you're in some sort of a large scale brawl type situation like anything can happen people just run up on people and start punching them it's not like two people alone in a in a in a like an open area where they can talk and work things out no it's chaos and there's some weird animal activity there's some real weird
Starting point is 00:32:12 animal instinct aspect to it that is very unique to humans and when you see something like this and see a guy like you just getting peppered with milkshakes and punched in the head and it's fucking disturbing and for these people to dismiss that and not stand out not stand up and say hey this is not what we're supposed to be about this is not what i signed up for they become a part of the problem i'm sure there's people listening to this that are upset at this because maybe you you you support antifa you support their ideology Think about what you actually support. Think about what this is really all about. What you shouldn't be supporting is people wearing masks, running around fucking hitting people.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You ain't changing shit with that. All you're going to do is call for more people with masks from the other side. If people feel like right-wing people are being attacked, and I don't think you're even right-wing. Are you? I mean, what are you just what would if you had a gun to your head or a mace to your face what would you would you say you're a centrist what would you say i think it's fair to describe me as center right center right okay which is fine it should be okay i mean there should be we should be allowed to have disagreements of ideologies and of political persuasions, political leanings.
Starting point is 00:33:28 But this is, it's twisted. And it's twisted the way it's being depicted in the media. It's very strange how it's being dismissed. It's very strange. And that there's really people in 2019 debating whether or not it's okay to assault journalists. It's fucking madness well we've been seeing the build-up to this for years people political violence coming from the left is is seen as moral and unfortunately even those working in mainstream media have at times excused or found that type of violence good. I'm thinking of Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon at CNN.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And I wonder if that played a role in why they were the only center-left broadcast news network to invite me on to speak. No other leftist center media has invited me on um to any of those shows when they had you on to speak what was their attitude about all this i think the host was very um respectful and fair who who hosted who was it um john brennan i think so you think they were respectful and fair um did it bother you that people like chris cuomo and don lemon had openly supported antifa it did it i mean this is was kind of encouraged me to continue doing my work um months ago even last year when i was getting threatened because it seemed like
Starting point is 00:35:02 i don't think ch or Don actually understand. I think they're ignorant about Antifa. I think you're right. You know, they fall and they believe the propaganda about them. This is just an anti-fascist movement. Well, the name of it by itself.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I'm hoping that like, even with my injuries and some, you can see some, you, you can't, um, I'm continuing to speak force myself to do all these media engagements because i want the the needle on the conversations about antifa
Starting point is 00:35:32 to to to move to change like this is not just a movement of people masking up and starting random violence on the streets like Like the violence isn't just, it is not arbitrary. It's working towards their goal. It's a movement of violent, radical anarchists and communists, and they're agitating for political revolution and violence as part of their modus operandi.
Starting point is 00:36:00 It's not a bug. It's the future of what they do. So I don't know if people recognize how dangerous this is this movement in the dhs since 2016 has described some of antifa's activities as domestic terrorist violence so the fact that they're able to openly um organize and recruit on social media is it's a baffling to me i'm wondering like there's such this huge blind spot for far-left militancy not just in mainstream media but also in big tech do you think this is because trump is president because so many people oppose trump as president that the idea of far-left
Starting point is 00:36:37 militancy is in a in opposition to what they oppose so they they feel like the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That's exactly what it is, I think. Eric Weinstein had a great point about this. And he said, one of the real issues is the cowards of the left and the cowards of the right that are allowing the extremists to do the work for them. So when people see someone like the Proud Boys running around attacking people even the proud boys you have to realize that they started off as a joke like when gavin mcginnis first came up with
Starting point is 00:37:10 the idea of the proud boys it was it was literally a joke and it became an actual organization at for fun and then people joined it that didn't think it was a joke and then people joined it and started taking it in a deeper and deeper direction then he eventually disavowed himself and abandoned the group you see that i bet you see the same thing with antifa i bet the idea initially was hey we see these tiki torch carrying assholes in charlottesville we see that guy with the car ran over the girl who was a protester and killed her like this fucking shit has got to stop so we have to organize we have to do something and then what happens you get people in masks and you get people justified and then you get people that support those people and then you get the extremists and the extremists
Starting point is 00:37:54 who are not disavowed who are not there's no one speaking out against them from the left there's no one saying hey this shit has got to stop because they want them to do their dirty work for them they want them to push the envelope and push the agenda and get their their ideology moving in the right direction even if it's done through methods that they don't agree with and that's where it gets horrible because i see these people that are involved in this and i know for a fact just by watching them move and interact with each other, they don't understand violence. They don't. They're not good at it. They don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:38:28 This is like role play. It's like cause play. And you're going to get real violence in return from people who actually know how to do it. And if you look at violence from the left and violence from the right, violence from the right scares me a whole lot more. They're a lot more armed. They're more dangerous human beings in general and i think that if this this keeps happening and people from the right feel threatened and their lifestyle feels threatened and their ideologies feel threatened you're going to get people meeting at these things and it's going to be more than just people throwing mace and milkshakes at each other it's going to be
Starting point is 00:39:03 people showing up ready for actual combat. That's fucking terrifying. It's fucking terrifying. And this idea that you could just run around hitting people and not have any consequences, it's just like the way a child looks at violence. This is what bothers me so much. If you looked at their core tenets of what they want to do, and if they wanted to accomplish that through political negotiation and through conversation and rallies and and speeches fine that's fine
Starting point is 00:39:29 but when you have people wearing masks hitting and macing people you've you've you've crossed the line into the land of no return and you've called out to people who oppose you you've challenged them to come and do the same and this is how violence begets greater violence it's fucking dangerous it's really dangerous violence does not exist in a vacuum you can't just have a little bit of violence and then there's no repercussions people react to that there's people that watch those videos and watch you get punched and there is no justification for that when you see someone like yourself who's a small person slight in stature not violent in any way and you're you're not even swinging back you're just taking it and trying to protect yourself people get infuriated by that and
Starting point is 00:40:17 there's people right now i guarantee you who saw that video who are thinking what i would do if i was there i'd fucking shoot all of them or I'd beat them all to death with baseball bats or I'd run them over with my car or I'd do things. And the unhinged amongst the right who feel like this is in opposition of their ideology, they're going to show up someday. And when that happens, people are going to die.
Starting point is 00:40:38 This is a fucking terrible. And this is where the mayor and the police and they have not done their job. And I believe the police, when they say that they've been handcuffed, and maybe the mayor just didn't have an idea of where this would all go. But now you do. nine days after my attack to address this controversy, right? And what was so frustrating is that the police chief had publicly stated that she thinks the city or the state should adopt a law that makes it illegal to wear a mask while committing a crime. That should be a no-brainer.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It's shocking that in Portland... I got a better idea. How about you can't wear a mask in public at these events because you can say you can't wear a mask while committing a crime you're wearing a mask how do you who the fuck do you know committed the crime unless you take the mask off them you can't even identify them it's stupid you can't wear a mask yeah so this so this, you know, sounds like a baseline policy that you should start advocating for, right? Yeah, it's like don't kick babies. Yeah, well, the mayor said he hasn't decided if he supported it. He hasn't decided if he supported whether or not it should be illegal to wear a mask while you're committing a crime?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Correct. That's hilarious. And he had no policy proposals. And he spoke as if like it was his first day in office when this was like, this is becoming routine now. It's almost banal in Portland. And Portland is a harbinger and a warning to what can happen in other cities when you have a government,
Starting point is 00:42:19 those in the upper echelons of governance turning a blind eye to far left militancy and just letting these thugs go on the street and beat people. Just imagine if it was the case, if they were doing that about far right militancy. Imagine if there were far right people who were doing this and committing violence and the government was just like, well, you know, I'm not sure if they shouldn't be allowed to wear masks while they commit crimes, people would be freaking the fuck out. It's the weird justification of this stuff that's so disturbing. And I fucking love Portland. It's one of my favorite places.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's great. The city's great. I mean, it's fucking cool people. It's not all of them that are involved in this. It is a very small number and the even amongst the small number It's the very small number of them that are radical that are violent when you look at the people that are attacking you not to Minimize it, but it's very few you look at that video It's a couple people out of thousands of people that are in that group. There's a few people that are attacking
Starting point is 00:43:21 It's about a dozen Was it really? Yes. Okay, if you count throwing milkshakes, but actually hitting you, how many people do you think hit you? I'm not sure. Three? Four? Maybe? Something like that? Okay. That's the problem. The problem is these fucking assholes. It's not the people that disagree with you.
Starting point is 00:43:40 It's the people that think you should be able to throw milkshakes at people. And guys like Carlos Meza, who don't think it's a big deal to throw milkshakes at people. It's a fucking big deal It's a big deal because it calls for a response. This is why it's a big deal and people don't understand assault They don't understand violence. You can't just do that You you live in some comic book world or some fucking disney show world where you can just throw a milkshake at someone They don't do anything. They're gonna turn around and punch you in your fucking face. And then what happens? Well, you might fall and hit your head and die because that's real.
Starting point is 00:44:09 That's the real world we live in. Or you might cause a giant brawl because people don't want to be hit with milkshakes. Or there's enough of you where you think you can get away with it. So you're an awful bully and you're throwing milkshakes at someone because you don't like what they stand for. And you're meeting in a public place and you're disagreeing about something so to write this disagreement you're assaulting people well for that very reason antifa never engages in like a quote-unquote fair fight one-on-one they're what they do usually as a group well masked up one or several of them will distract the person either by speaking to them perhaps or blinding
Starting point is 00:44:46 them with the chemical spray and then they take turns beating so there's even no opportunity to like no you know you don't even know how many people are hitting you at that point so that's what they do blind you and then attack it's so it's so scary because it's so dumb it's not just scary because like you watching what happened to you was scary because you know and watching that old man got hit in the head with a crowbar it's fucking horrific all that stuff's horrific and apparently that guy had pulled out some sort of a rod and was swinging at people before he got hit with a crowbar i do not know but i do know when you start hitting people in the head with crowbars that is the beginning of the end horrible horrible shit happens in response to
Starting point is 00:45:29 that and it hasn't yet but this is 10 days ago who knows what's going to happen if there's another one of these rallies and you get people from the far right who organized this is when the proud boys really radicalized they radicalized to go against antifa they were attacked they attacked them and then it became this fucking shit show that you're seeing right now yeah i want to state for the record though the the violence that happened after i was beat up was involving the the men's rights activist group and antifa proud boys was holding uh they held a separate event in a different part of the city uh as far as i know they did not there was no uh conflict in this in this particular yeah
Starting point is 00:46:12 in this so who was the men's rights guy it was actually a woman a woman who's a men's rights person yes that's hilarious she must love dick right if you had a guess no comment sorry i'm a comedian yeah couldn't help it um you don't even have to say her name so she's she she organized this thing yeah i would say um here's the other thing you know like i my what needs to be stated as well about i guess guess, the right-wing movements that are in Portland or come to Portland to do these events, there's an element of being a provocateur as well. But that should never, ever justify the violence. Explain what you mean by being a provocateur. for example, holding an event in the middle of downtown, titling it like an event,
Starting point is 00:47:10 justice for victims of domestic terrorism, and then having a picture of Antifa. Like that is, you know, it's an inflammatory. They're inviting them. Yes. It's an, you know, it causes a reaction. So there's a, you know, there's an element of coming in and seeing, let's enrage these lunatics on the far left or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:32 But at the same time, I want to make sure I state that just because somebody is a quote-unquote provocateur in their words or their writing, that it's unfortunate that people now find that that's justification for you to react violently. Well, I think, again, it's a small percentage of people that find it this justification. When you look at the number of people that were there,
Starting point is 00:47:56 what is it, thousands, thousands of people? How many people actually engaged in violence? Small number, but... Small number. That's the problem. It's important to note that they got morale from the crowd who were cheering them on the cowards the cowards who don't disavow this horrific action they cheered them on laughed and clapped as i was getting beaten and then the other thing about the people showing up in numbers who don't engage in the violence is they they are like
Starting point is 00:48:24 literal human shields they dress the same so they make it easy for the few violent militants to melt back into the crowd exactly and these people also watch the cops and they keep an eye out on potential outsiders as well yeah it's become a game it's become a game it's become a gigantic team war there's our team versus their team it's like it's literally like playing a childhood game it's really disturbing man and so since this has anyone from antifa apologized about what happened to you or disavowed the actions of these few extreme violent people of course not um antifa has an iron fist on the people who support its movements. They don't allow any type of dissent.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Actually, in their press releases, you can call them, they explicitly state that even if you disagree with our tactics, you will not publicly state it. It's to create, I guess, this image of unity, right? For a quote-unquote... Even if you disagree inside the organization. Yes. So how organized are they?
Starting point is 00:49:32 They are... Do they have a leader? In terms of Antifa, as we understand it today, really crystallized only after 2016. There's been very little academic research into how they're actually organized. But basically, as a movement, they have essentially cells across the country
Starting point is 00:49:49 that are semi-autonomous, united by an ideology of anarcho-communism and their support for violence. So it's not so much a group itself, it's the people who are part of that movement are drawn from other actual groups. They draw from the DSA, they draw from various workers' unions,
Starting point is 00:50:11 other anarchist groups. And like other terrorist entities, they have processes to radicalize sympathizers, essentially. They have their own literature as well. And so it's much more organized than people give them credit for. They think of them as just people showing up to fight on the street. There's meaning to that violence in this literature to back it up. And they actively recruit people to join
Starting point is 00:50:46 the movement so um i've been asked like do you think the federal authorities should step in my my responses i think it's come to the point that they do because with antifa um it's not it's beyond what local authorities can do because a lot of these people a lot of them are in portland from portland but a lot of them come from for example from eugene from seattle from neighboring areas that have other antifa people come in to participate in the violence for that day or to help out and then they go back to where they're from so they're they're coming in and out of jurisdictions makes it hard for one local body of authorities to address it. I think the DOJ needs to step in.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I think it's gotten to that point. And with 2020 coming up soon, there could be potential for a lot more political violence if the results don't, if the election's results don't go as they wish. Well, that's an obvious one, considering the fact that this all became a thing after Trump was elected. Yes. If the DOJ did step in, what do you think they could do? So that's, well... I mean, do you believe in the ability to meet up and express yourself publicly and the ability to protest and the ability to just get together and have groups and express yourself? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:20 However, that's not just what Antifa does. Like I said, the violence is a feature of their movement so what federal authorities can do stop you there when you say the violence is a feature of your their movement is there is it do they have anything written like the tenets of their movement where they say that violence is acceptable there's a book called the Antifascist Handbook. It's written by Mark Bray. He's an academic at Dartmouth. He is, I would call him, one of Antifa's chief ideologues. So not only does he explain what Antifa does,
Starting point is 00:52:57 and in his writings he makes it very clear that the quote-unquote self-defense is what justifies the offense of violence. He actually argues why that's ethical. So because he's an academic, well-spoken, he's invited onto mainstream media to explain, to basically, like I said earlier, mainstream Antifa. Can you explain what he says? Yes, I highly recommend that people take a look at his book.
Starting point is 00:53:27 The Attorney General of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, was photographed a year ago holding up that book, the Antifa book. He's been criticized a bit for that, and he deleted that image after my beating. Was holding it up in support? Yeah, he said uh something about like this book or antifa strikes fear into the heart of donald trump yeah so there's people in government who are sympathetic to antifa but this professor can explain what he says And he outlines and explains essentially why Antifa's violence is ethical. That it's because they're opposing fascism and fascism is a violent movement. This is sort of a preemptive move.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Like we have this word fascism. Yeah, it is a problem, right? Yes. Because it seems like that's definitely something you should oppose but what is the what's the actual definition of fascism fascism as a far-right political ideology from what i understand is pull up the definition jamie so we could just read what fascism what the actual word fascism means. A form of radical right-wing authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong
Starting point is 00:54:55 regimentation of society, and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th century Europe. Forcible suppression of, put that back century europe um forcible suppression of put that back up please forcible suppression of opposition is what they're doing yes strong regimentation of society i mean they're they're literally telling people how to behave and what they will tolerate i know it's not right wing ideology but it's almost like fascism. And I'm sure there's other definitions of fascism. The idea of supporting someone who opposes fascism sounds wonderful. Sounds great.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Let's stop fascism. But are we really experiencing authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power in this country? I mean, is that a fair thing to say? I know people don't like Donald Trump. I know people don't like right-wing ideologies in this country i mean is that is that a fair thing to say i know people don't like donald trump i know people don't like right-wing ideologies running this country i understand that but this is not this is not what's happening yeah the issue like fascism as defined by political theorists who have been researching this for decades it has a particular definition in meaning and that's um i think that summarizes it pretty well i'm very concerned that people use it so flippantly to just refer to the right or to even authoritarianism like there's much more to it
Starting point is 00:56:19 than just being authoritarian there's all those other components and i need it needs it's important to state that antifa is not just opposed to the far right or the right they're also against liberal democracy there's a reason why they hate the police so much hate border enforcement and hate the rule of law it's they're against the the concept of the nation state as we understand it and they're working to dismantle that to delegitimize it so um this is what i mean when i say it's a it's a dangerous ideology that for now you know enemy my enemy is your um is your friend but at some point if this movement becomes bigger more mainstream and more people are sympathetic at some point it's going to Bigger, more mainstream, and more people are sympathetic.
Starting point is 00:57:07 At some point, it's going to come back against the moderate left. Because these people, they want to see the destruction of the nation. They want to see the destruction of the nation state for what purpose? They want anarchy? Yes. So they're political anarchists, social anarchists. They don't want borders. They don't anarchists. They don't want borders. They don't want nations.
Starting point is 00:57:28 They don't want police. Correct. What do they want? I mean, what do they expect? What's the ultimate goal? a utopian utopian marxist ideas right of this redistribution of wealth where we can be we can only be truly equal and egalitarian when we dismantle everything about the country so not just you know its institutions the rule of law but the state itself like everything just has to be broken down and start over because it's irredeemable i'm not quite sure i if i mean they um you know antifa um i can't think of like where they have had if there's any somewhat comparable examples around
Starting point is 00:58:19 the world of what it looks like for them to um do state building right so we don't know what it looks like for them to do state building, right? So we don't know what it would actually look like. But, I mean, the examples we see from these smaller anecdotes is chaos and anarchy, like absolute chaos. And violent suppression of opposing views. Indiscriminate violence at times. I wonder, and what i've been asking over and over is how many more people have to be drawn into have to be victims of this violence before something changes and in portland now we've had three years of this and literally no policy changes have happened no even proposals have even been accepted by the mayor the previous mayor was what was his
Starting point is 00:59:13 political persuasion or her i don't even know these are all the people who become elected mayor in portland are typically establishment democrats? So they themselves are moderate, very much in the vein of a Hillary Clinton type of thing. But there's a constituency in Portland that they have to play to for votes, which is the radical people who are sympathetic to very very progressive causes and so there's a reason why to date the mayor has never named anti for one time in any of his press conferences he has no
Starting point is 00:59:55 problem blaming proud boys or patriot prayer the right for issues patriot prayer what's that another group patriot prayer is one of the other right-wing movements in and around Portland that have held pro-Trump events in town that Antifa comes to fight and oppose. And how do those turn out? They devolve into riots. And the police allow this? They allow it through their inaction. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:28 It's interesting to see a city that's gone so far off the rails, like Portland, in this regard, with this issue. When you see this inaction and what the consequences are, and how it happens, and particularly for a person like you, you physically see it, you personally see it. Um, are you going to continue to do these things?
Starting point is 01:00:53 Cause it seems like you're obviously a target now. Yeah. Um, when I was asked this, uh, in my interviews, uh, this week,
Starting point is 01:01:01 last week, the, the, the response that I, that comes to my mind right away is of course i'm going to continue doing it i these people threatened me before i've been attacked before i'm not going to be cowed i'm going to continue i won't be intimidated but with the the brain injury that they gave me it's like i can't continue doing it the same way as I did before and being naive to think that police would actually uphold the rule of law. They gave me a brain injury and like I never had one before,
Starting point is 01:01:33 but I'm dealing with some cognitive and neurological issues. Like what? Memory issues. I have issues. So I have upcoming neurophysical, as well as speech therapy. So as much as like on the surface, I have improved a lot since the beating, there are some long-term consequences that I'm going to have to work through. And you know, I have, to be honest, I have certain fears and anxieties of being in Portland.
Starting point is 01:02:05 I've continued to receive threats, violent threats, and they've been reported to police and just people promising to make sure next time that I won't even be able to walk away, that they will repeat what happened to me and when they see me on the streets. So like... Have they caught the people that did this to you? So it's been 10 days now, more than 10 days since my beating. There have been no arrests. I don't know where the police are in the investigation.
Starting point is 01:02:30 They haven't been keeping me informed. There was a photograph of someone they released. Yeah, so the Portland police released photos of potential suspects and asking for help in identifying. One was unmasked, two of them were masked. And I forgot to say earlier that in addition to the beating, they robbed me of my camera equipment. So that was my evidence for that day. And I tried so hard to hold on to it, but I couldn't. What about you attending this with security? Have you thought about doing that?
Starting point is 01:03:08 Yeah, so moving forward, once I feel well enough and once I'm cleared by the doctors, it may be worth it to cover these events, but with professional security. Gorillas. Big giant dudes. Would they wear, like, armor? Like, what would you have? How far would you take this?
Starting point is 01:03:30 I don't know. How far do you think I should take it? I don't think you should go to those things anymore. Okay. I mean, it seems like you've been... I mean, it is part of your job. You're a journalist. But it seems like you've been singled out and targeted,
Starting point is 01:03:44 and it seems like they don't have any problem justifying attacking you and assaulting you uh if i was gonna go i'd bring the biggest baddest dudes that i could find and a bunch of them and have them surround you and have them protect you what's that tell you about america that in 2019 i think it's america it's this one particular area and this one particular group and not even the 2019 i think it's america well it's this one particular area and this one particular group and not even the group i think it's the most ridiculous people in that group i don't think it's most i think most of these people that probably are a part of this really don't want fascists and they really don't want some awful right-wing totalitarian regime running this country and in marginalized people of color gay people and
Starting point is 01:04:27 immigrants and all those things that i support 100 i'm left wing i mean i would be on their side ideologically about a lot of things it's the implementation of it that i have the biggest problem with it's the group mentality it's wearing the masks the salts it's the not understanding the consequences of violence all these things this is what i have a problem with the wearing the masks the salts it's the not understanding the consequences of violence all these things this is what i have a problem with the way the the mayor allows this to take place the way he handcuffs the police that that is what i have a problem with it's not that they don't want horrible people running the government and running the world i understand that that makes sense but you're not for the dismantling of the nation state right nope
Starting point is 01:05:04 no no i'm not or the breakdown of democracy no yeah so these are the points that I'm trying to get on right those are the points that are hidden right these are important things that make up the ideology of Antifa and the larger those who are sympathetic because of the anti-fascist aspect of the anti-right wing, they are ignorant of it. And I hope to become more aware of that. I think that's what's important about your work.
Starting point is 01:05:31 That's what's important about these discussions. That's what's important about people getting the word out and understanding what this really means, not what it seems on paper. It's like we're the anti-Nazi movement. Well, who the fuck could go against that? Of course you're anti-Nazi. Everybody should be. That's what it seems like. Well, we're anti-nazi movement well who the fuck could go against that of course you're anti-nazi that's no who everybody should be that's what it seems like well we're anti-fascist good we don't want fascists i think that's what chris cuomo was saying i think that's what don lemon was saying
Starting point is 01:05:55 i think they're too busy i don't think they're really investigating this i don't think they're deep diving and understanding the ideology at its core the way you're describing it and um whoever that professor was that you were discussing that is uh somehow or another condoning violence that that is ridiculous anyone who considers themselves an intellectual who condones violence um all this punch a nazi stuff god damn it you don't understand violence you don't know what you're talking about you don't understand the human condition because if you if you understood violence it's the last thing you would ever be calling for can i talk about the um the next step of what's next for sure
Starting point is 01:06:34 so a lot of people listening and are frustrated and have expressed support are asking well what can i do i'm just one person and this is the the power now we live in a time where there's crowdfunding and you know with all the points that we brought up earlier it seems to show a lot of evidence to suggest that there's something seriously wrong in the upper echelons of policing and governing in portland and that's what the legal fund is. So I'm working with Harmeet Dhillon. She represented James Damore. She's taken me on as the first client for the nonprofit that she started called,
Starting point is 01:07:21 if you go to Publiuslex,, you'll see information for how you can donate and anything helps and we're trying we you know lawsuits if they happen against the city or mayor or police department costs a lot of money it takes a lot of time takes you know there's a lot of overhead costs and the amount of people you know you have to take in to do your investigations. So there's an opportunity for the public to get involved. I don't want the story to pass just about Andy got beat up, so what, let's move on. But rather, there's systemic issues happening in Portland and there are implications for the rest of the country. for the rest of the country.
Starting point is 01:08:07 What do you think is going on with media that is supporting this attack on you? Because I've seen so many journalists dismiss this as being not a big deal. Why do you think that anybody would look at something like that where someone's being beaten publicly and not think it's a big deal what do you think is behind that extremist ideologies are very good at dehumanizing their opposition and that's what antifa does so there's been a lot of disinformation misinformation put
Starting point is 01:08:42 out about me you know i'm not i'm not they say for example i'm not really a journalist i'm just a far-right provocateur i'm somebody who's sympathetic to nazis um and so when you put these ideas out that not only are lies but are meant to remove one's humanity they just become you know like andy is no longer andy andy is the face of far-right ideology and it makes people feel comfortable with violence against that and it was so disheartening to see so many writers come out and say things like you know i don't really support what happened to andy but he's done far worse, or he was a provocateur, his writings, like he came and he got exactly what he was looking for. What happened to me should happen to nobody, much less a journalist, right? Like, this is in a major American city,
Starting point is 01:09:41 we're not, you know, this is notistan or iraq where the state is weak we have a strong state we have police force why are the laws not being enforced why are citizens having to suffer uh why are there no arrests why are there no arrests it's really absurd and it's obscene yeah um when is the next one of these things supposed to take place on the 17th of august is supposedly the next event i think the proud boys have announced that they're encouraging all of their members across the country to fly into portland and They're encouraging all of their members across the country to fly into Portland. It's always fucking Portland.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah. They're kind of reacting, I think, to the 29th of June. So we'll see what happens. I'm concerned. Are you going to go? I don't know. You should go and get a Popemobile. Let them throw milkshakes at the Popemobile.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Get a big old fish tank. Put some wheels on it. Have some giant dudes push you around. I'm joking around about it, obviously, to try to make light. But do you really think you're going to go? I don't know if I feel safe. And I hate using... Well, you shouldn't feel safe. Well, I hate using the language of the identitarian left.
Starting point is 01:11:06 You know, like, I feel unsafe and all that. I'm trying to remain rational. Okay, but you were assaulted twice. Yeah, and I continue to receive threats. You were assaulted, what, in May? Yes. And then you were assaulted again in June. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Yeah. So... And you continue to receive threats. Yeah. Is this necessary to go to these things to cover them? Do you think maybe that's part of the problem with people like Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo who are talking about this who haven't actually been there? That they really don't understand it,
Starting point is 01:11:40 and maybe you do because you're covering it with boots on the ground? You got it. When you're all the way in New york city and you work for elite media and you always even when you travel to protest you have a very large crew of security around you it does it removes you a bit from the reality of the situation and i don't think any of these people who are opining on these uh mainstream media television shows have actually embedded themselves to covering these violent riots that are happening in Portland or in Berkeley. How many of the people that are involved in Antifa
Starting point is 01:12:19 do you think really understand that they're trying to dismantle the government? Really understand that they want the state to absolve dissolve i don't have a number for that it's definitely small it's the same people who engage it would probably be around those who are engaging in violence and those who are aiding in that violence for example creating shields or whatever allowing them to hide among them those people i think understand very much what the ideology is. Those people who come unmasked, you know, and just read the Facebook event page,
Starting point is 01:12:51 oppose fascists, come protect Portland. Those people, I think, are ignorant of the ideology behind the movement and groups that are organizing these events. I can't put a number on that. And this is like where there needs to be research by academics and think tanks to look into. And this is where federal authorities need to be looking into as well. Like, how are they organized?
Starting point is 01:13:15 Where are the businesses that are helping them fund some of their causes? Because when some of their members get arrested, they have money for bail. Who's involved in funneling that money? Who's helping to disperse their literature that they use to radicalize people? Like, this requires research and intelligence gathering. And as far as I know, it's not being done. There's a real concern among some people that we're entering a phase of this country where there's a real possibility of having some sort of a civil unrest civil war when you see something
Starting point is 01:13:57 like these portland events when you see this kind of chaos do you think that that's a valid concern? Not for something that is across the country, but perhaps very regional or to the city itself. And not so much like civil war, but the violence that is done and planned by Antifa is meant to make the wider public not just polarize and hate each other but also begin to distrust the institutions that are in place that are meant to uphold democracy so the police in Portland have come under fire for example not just from the radical
Starting point is 01:14:42 left but a lot of people who are normally very pro-police are finding like, what is wrong with the Portland police? Like we can't even trust them. So there's, if things just continue, I think the violence will continue to escalate, leading to a death or deaths. That's my real concern. It's my real concern as well. And you think this is particularly unique to portland in the way they're treating and addressing it i'm trying to think of comparable other cities that have had some of these issues so for example in san jose in 2016
Starting point is 01:15:19 trump supporters when they were leaving a Trump rally were brutally assaulted by mobs of people and then there was a lawsuit that was launched against the city for basically putting citizens in the way of danger the way they were funneled outside of this event led them directly in front of these violent protesters who attacked them you know in those footage that went viral that year. them you know in those footage that um went viral that year since then policing tactics have changed in san jose as far as i know and you know involved the lawsuit so like sometimes it takes lawsuits for the local government to start protecting people's civil rights so right now as bad as it is it does seem confined to portland we haven't seen that for example in berkeley the type of uh violence as um in 2017 when milo came like you know that hasn't been repeated uh uh for a year and a half now. But it takes the political will of those in power to enforce the law, right? So you mentioned lawsuits. What lawsuits are you pursuing?
Starting point is 01:16:35 Well, immediately right now, what I would like to see is the city of Portland carry out a full investigation and hold accountable all those who were involved in attacking me or aided in that as well and then as the evidence where the evidence leaves if this shows that there were was dereliction of duty from those in power then you know i reserve my judgment my lawyer reserves judgment for you know uh who if anyone gets sued at that
Starting point is 01:17:06 point but right now i'm very focused on seeing that and putting pressure on the city to arrest people who are responsible and charged and get convictions as well all right and in closing because i know you got to get out of here is there a silver lining to any of this? I mean, do you think that perhaps your assault and the fact that the police didn't intervene is actually allowing people to understand the real significance of this, the real problem of this, that this is a real issue, a gigantic one, in fact, that goes against the core tenets, the value of free expression and the ability to gather and communicate safely in public. Yeah, as hard as it was for me to see a silver lining when I was laying in hospital with so much pain, there is one, and that is that everybody paid attention to what happened to me. It was a big story. Even the mainstream liberal press could not ignore it.
Starting point is 01:18:09 And I'm hoping that from that, it goes beyond just being a headline, but forcing the national discourse to change on how it views and talks about Antifa. We'll see if that happens. I feel encouraged that we're beginning to see some cracks in the way that Antifa has been protected by sympathetic writers and journalists and those in mainstream media. I mean, the fact that Keith Ellison deleted that photo that he shared a year ago, right after I was attacked, I think indicates that even he faces a certain pressure that it may not be good for a mainstream politician to so actively promote this movement um and i hope it continues to move in that direction if you had a crystal ball and you were looking at the future what do
Starting point is 01:18:59 you what do you think you would say? Well, based on the press release, uh, press conference that the mayor did two days ago, him, uh, not sure, not having any proposals. Um,
Starting point is 01:19:13 it seems like more violence has to happen. All right, Andy, I hope you're wrong. Me too. But, uh, thank you for being here.
Starting point is 01:19:22 My pleasure. All right. Take it easy. Thank you. Stay safe out there. Will you? Thank you. Smile too. But thank you for being here. My pleasure. All right. Take it easy. Thank you. Stay safe out there, will you? Thank you. Smile, too. Smile, too.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Smile, too.

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