The Joe Rogan Experience - #1346 - Zuby

Episode Date: September 4, 2019

Zuby is an independent rapper, creative entrepreneur, speaker and podcast host. Check out his podcast called "Real Talk with Zuby" available on Spotify. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and we're live what's going on brother how are you i'm awesome man it's good to be here good to have you here man thank you i've never had a guy come and wear his own hat and his own t-shirt you're number one you're the first i'm i'm surprised by that given how many podcasts you've done but that's how i roll i don't know if anybody's ever come in wearing their own shirt jamie any thoughts someone has to have i just has to have. I just can't recall it. Yeah, I don't know. Definitely no one has worn their own hat and their own shirt. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:00:29 Maybe Eddie's worn his own shirt, but that's a 10th Planet shirt. That doesn't totally count. It's a shirt with my face on it, too, so. That's a triple whammy. Ari? Ari? When he had a new shirt or something? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I don't know. I don't think so. Maybe. Anyway. What's going on, man? How long are you here for? I'm all good, man. I'm in L. I don't think so. Maybe. Anyway, what's going on, man? How long are you here for? I'm all good, man. I'm in LA for two weeks. It's my very first time here, so I just got here two days ago. So, just kind of soaking it in.
Starting point is 00:00:52 What's the mindfuck like? It's crazy, huh? It's weird, man. I feel like I was driving around in an Uber, and it feels like GTA. I think more like GTA feels like LA, because that's what it's based on. But it was just kind of trippy. I think more like GTA feels like LA because that's what it's based on. But it was just kind of trippy. There's levels to the game, right? The top level of the game is probably either like Singapore, Beijing, or Mexico City. Mexico City is the only thing that I've ever seen that's more chaotic than LA. But LA is right up there.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah. I think Lagos is more chaotic. Lagos? Lagos, Nigeria. Oh, I've never think Lagos is more chaotic. Lagos? Lagos, Nigeria. Oh, I've never been. Okay. That's more chaotic? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:28 And Cairo. They're definitely more chaotic. Cairo, Egypt? Really? Yeah. I found them more chaotic. Well, Cairo, man, I would love to go to Cairo, but I just, I am nervous about traveling to Egypt.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I keep hearing, but I keep hearing two stories from people that go all the time, like Egyptologists. They say it's amazing. Amazing. Don't worry about it. The worst thing you have to deal with is constant beggars. And then you hear from other people, fuck that. Don't go there. It's sketchy. Yeah. I haven't, I haven't been for a long time. When I went, it was when I was a kid. Yeah. But Lagos I've been to more recently and it's certainly more hectic and chaotic than I think here is. But here it's just interesting. It's very, very, very spread out and just seeing, yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:12 there's people driving everywhere and not much public transport and all that. Even compared to other cities in the U.S., it just seems like a totally different vibe, but I like it. Yeah, there's just too many people stuffed into one area, and everyone's driving, or they're in an Uber, so someone else is driving them. So it's just constant just constant driving yeah but i'm happy to be here man it's a little bit surreal but it's cool yeah i'm sure right so uh what are you doing on here i'm doing i'm doing this um i was uh on the rubin report yesterday actually
Starting point is 00:02:39 uh i've got got a whole bunch of podcasts. That conservative guy? That conservative guy. That conservative guy that got on Blaze TV? Yeah. Do you know the story they wrote about him? He responded. He's like, I'm pro-gay marriage, pro-weed legalization, pro-prison reform, pro-immigration, pro-all these different things. And yet people are calling him conservative. Well, you know, we live in a times where everyone's saying is right wing.
Starting point is 00:03:01 So let it be so. I don't know. Well, if you're not as progressive as humanly possible you're all right well yeah exactly pretty much i've seen all sorts of titles levied onto everybody including including yourself so yeah it's uh interesting myself for people don't know uh zooby won the world championships in women's power lifting um you identified as a woman for a brief period of time yeah nine seconds that's all you have to do yeah i mean this is the world we live in dude that that thing blew the internet up it's crazy insane how far it went man yeah i know i saw that people uh there it is let's we're sure psi identify as a woman whilst
Starting point is 00:03:42 lifting the weight don't be a bigot you You know, I think when you first talked about that, I had like 40,000 followers. It's now well over 115. And when I posted it, I had 15,000 followers. So I've gained like- 102,000 followers. Yeah, like 105,000 followers since that video. Congratulations. Yeah, thanks, man.
Starting point is 00:04:02 105,000 followers since that video. Congratulations. Yeah, thanks, man. It really does highlight how preposterous these new world rules that we have regarding gender are. But to their credit, the U.S. Powerlifting Federation, I believe that's the name of the organization, they just banned transgender women from competing. Okay. They said stop.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Just flat. There's enough of that. I think if you want to compete compete i don't think there's anything wrong with transgender women competing but i think they should compete against transgender women just like how we have men compete against men and we have women compete against women let's have transgender women compete against transgender women let's not deny science and biology just to make people feel better and just to support some strange progressive ideology yeah i think if they if the goal is that's why i think the goal is more about it's more ideologically driven than i think it is actual inclusion driven because if it's just
Starting point is 00:04:56 about inclusion then yeah you can either just have an open category like most men's categories already are they're not actually restricted to men it It's just, you know, the best of the best. So anyone can do this. So either that or if there are enough athletes in whatever the given sport or competition is, then, yeah, you can just have a different category. And that way everyone can be included without stepping on the feet of half the population. That's a bold move by the men. So anybody can be in here. Come on in.
Starting point is 00:05:22 That's how it is in pool, you know. Men can't compete in the women's division of pool, but women can compete in the men's division. Yeah, it's the same in most sports. Most people aren't aware of that. Most people think that they have specific restrictions saying only men can do them, but that's actually quite rare. Well, there's a lot of successful female-to-male athletes where females transition to males and dominate male sports. Okay. No, it's not true.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I made it up. Oh, okay. 100% true. It's never going to happen. I was there trying to think of one. People are listening and going, what the fuck? What is going on? Have you seen this?
Starting point is 00:05:59 There's a soccer player that wants to be in the NFL as a kicker because there's a video of her doing a place kick of a 55-yard field goal recently. That's incredible. That's really far, right? No one coming out or anything. It was just like in practice, but she nailed it, which is pretty far, yes. Well, can you tackle kickers? They can get hit, yeah. During the actual play of the kick, they're not supposed to be touched,
Starting point is 00:06:21 but for sure they're in the play of the field, so they can get fucked up. That's not good. That's where the problem is. Carla, be touched, but for sure they're in the play of the field, so they can get fucked up. That's not good. That's where the problem is. Carla, love you, but stop. Yeah, it's a bad idea. Oh, by the way, I brought a couple things for you, man. Is it a Zuby t-shirt? It's my latest album.
Starting point is 00:06:37 That is a Zuby t-shirt. That one actually glows in the dark. It glows in the dark? It glows. Is it good for the environment? Hopefully. Does it kill turtles? Not that aggressively.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And that's my new fitness book there as well. Oh, you have a book. I'm sure you already know all that. Oh, no shit, man. What is it? Is it basically, oh, it's workout routines and... Yeah, just giving people what they need to know about nutrition, training, mindset, motivation. I just wanted to keep it brief and concise, all the stuff that I think is most important that people need to know whether they're beginners or intermediates oh this is a good size
Starting point is 00:07:08 book to read yeah i put it out first as an e-book but then um a lot of people asked me to do physical copies so oh that's cool i did those just before leaving the uk and they've essentially sold out already nice congratulations on that all you lazy fucks get out there this is a good book for you because it's short you don't have to like people see a fat book, they're like, oh, too much work. But this is not even 100 pages. It's 86 – what is it? 93 pages. 93.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Boom. Simple. So there you go. There we go. Strong advice. We can all benefit. What is your background athletically? Athletically?
Starting point is 00:07:41 I used to actually play rugby. Oh. Yeah. So I don't know how much you know about my background so i was born in the uk i grew up in saudi arabia so when i lived yeah when i lived in saudi um i used to play baseball and football or what you guys would call soccer and um those were my sort of main sports i also did swimming and a bunch of other things and then i went to the uk for boarding school actually when i was 11 years old and, uh, there's no, there's no baseball there. So I, yeah, rugby became my
Starting point is 00:08:10 main sport. I started playing rugby when I was 11 years old and I played that all the way through to university and I got into just lifting weights and stuff when I was in my mid teens. I have a friend who's British and he says that that is way more common in Europe, in the UK, sending kids off to boarding school. Yeah, I do think so. I mean, with me, it was largely because I was in the American school system in Saudi Arabia. So after fifth grade, because there's a little bit of a transition between the two systems, they're quite different. So it was thought that if I'd stayed all the way up until ninth grade, then it would be a little bit difficult for me to transition into the British school system and university system.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So my parents decided when I was 11, same with my older siblings, like we all went to boarding school when we were pretty young. So yeah, came back over to the UK and was kind of back and forth between the two countries for several years. And yeah, did things that way. Was your dad in the military or something? No, my dad's actually a medical doctor. Oh, okay. Yeah, he's a medical doctor, but he worked for a big oil company out in Saudi.
Starting point is 00:09:18 So we lived there for a couple of, you know, two decades pretty much. What was that like? I enjoyed growing up in Saudi, man. Really? Yeah, yeah. I actually really liked it. What was it like? It's weird.
Starting point is 00:09:29 It reminds me of LA. I'm being'm being serious uh yeah i wasn't ready for that if there are then you don't really don't really see them um no but just uh i think the the heat and the the way the way the roads are the way it looks actually like yeah because if you live uh like where i lived was sort of an expat community I think the heat and the way the roads are, the way it looks, actually. Really? Yeah, because if you live, like where I lived was sort of an expat community, basically. So we lived kind of in a compound. So where I lived was a little bit of a bubble. And then outside of that, you kind of got what I'd call the real Saudi. So if you go out into the city or you want to go shopping or something like that, then you're out there in the real city.
Starting point is 00:10:02 So it's very, very different. It's interesting with me because my family background is originally from Nigeria, but then I was born in England. I live in England now, but I lived in Saudi Arabia for 19 years or so. So I've kind of had exposure a lot to three different, three very different cultures and ways of doing things and even laws and just the way society is structured and stuff like that. So I think it's given me a pretty interesting and unique perspective on quite a lot of things. Yeah. What a broad range of culture that you've been exposed to. That's, that's pretty fucking cool. Yeah. Nigeria is a strange spot because I've never, I've never been, but when you look at the numbers of successful immigrants, like businessmen and people that have come over from Nigeria and how industrious they are, and then you look at how many successful Nigerian scammers there are, it's a wise, very clever place.
Starting point is 00:10:58 You got the email from the prince, too, huh? I didn't get it. Well, I'm sure I have. But what I was thinking about was jamie was telling me a story yesterday about a guy who what did he sell he sold a non-existent bank airport airport yeah bank two that's right he sold a non-existent airport to a better there's been several stories over the last couple of weeks about nigerian scammers making big scores yeah there's one that i think closed down a Brazilian bank.
Starting point is 00:11:26 They took so much of their money that the bank had to shut down. What is it about Nigeria? Why are they so good at that? A lot of smart and enterprising people. And I think if that's channeled in the right way, then that's a very good thing. Well, obviously the resources are very limited, so they're deciding to just go dark and scam people but as a person who hasn't been a victim of this
Starting point is 00:11:50 it's quite amusing yeah i mean if you see if you see some of the stuff that that can get pulled off it's uh it's quite impressive you know it is it is very much like man it's actually 330 equivalent to american dollars, 330 million. It happened in the nineties though. I guess the story is just now going around for whatever reason, but it happened in the nineties, which is what this says. A con man once sold an airport that didn't exist for 330 million.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Now stop and think about that. 330 million in the nineties is probably like 600 million today or something. Fucking bananas. That's hilarious. Yeah. There's some, there's some stuff that nigerian fraudster and con artist emmanuel how do you spell how do you pronounce his last name n-w-u-d-e maybe say it again i guess something like that what are you you starting with a m how do you saying uh with an n but are you, you starting with a M? How do you say it? Mude? With an N. But are you, but how are you doing it?
Starting point is 00:12:48 It's an N, but it's, the pronunciation's a little bit different. Say it again. Mude. It sounds to me like you're saying Mude. No, it's an N. Go ahead again. I'm going to close my eyes. Weirdly enough, that guy's name is two letters off my actual first name.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Really? Yeah, my first name. Just tell me what your guy's name is two letters off my actual first name. Really? Yeah, my first name. Just tell me what your real first name is. Nzube. Whoa. Which is spelled N-Z-U-B-E. So that's actually two letters different. So you just said Zuby would be a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah, Zuby is just easier. It's cool. It's a cool name, too. No one has that. Yeah, thank you. I've never heard of Zuby before. So he pulled off the third largest con in history by selling a non-existent airport to brazilian bank for 242 million us dollars before nigerian internet scams became synonymous with your original
Starting point is 00:13:34 early 2000s email account mood day did i do it yeah close enough thank you successfully convinced an unassuming bank manager by the name of nelsonaguchi that he was selling a yet-to-be-built airport for a price of $330 million as the former director of the Union Bank of Nigeria himself, Mude, was privy to confidential information that was crucial to him pulling off his long con. So he knew shit about banking. crucial to him pulling off his long con oh so he knew shit about banking using the information he then impersonated the governor of central bank of nigeria at the time paul okay here's another one paul oguma oguma oguma oguma so you wouldn't go wooma it's Oguma. Oguma. And connected with Sakaguchi, we need Steve Aoki to come back and help us with the Japanese name, to inform him of a mouth-watering deal. Nigeria's plan to build a brand new airport in, another one, Abuja? Abuja, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Okay. That's the capital. To juice it up a bit for poor Sakaguchi mude promised the head of the brazilian of the brazilian bank a commission fee to the tune of 10 million us dollars if the deal was approved to get it over the line sakaguchi paid 191 million in cash as you do and the remainder in the form of outstanding interest awaited patiently for the construction of said airport wow wow that's the kind of thing you can only pull off once huh yeah if you get that guy again you're a wizard i just saw a guy that got scammed and there was a documentary about it was it was a television
Starting point is 00:15:17 show rather it was really sad because he was a dude who was an older gentleman looked like he was in his 60s and he was convinced that there was this woman who was his love. And she lived in Europe. And he traveled there. And he was sending her money and the whole deal. And he traveled there twice to meet her. And both times, she couldn't see him. Both times.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Oh, wow. But he still believed. And his daughter was like, I don't know what the fuck to do. This guy really believes and you could see had this lost look in his eye like he really believed that there was a woman over there that was corresponding with him back and forth and he was sending her money like sending a lot of money yeah i think it was more than a hundred thousand dollars if i remember correctly and he really believed that she was going to be there for him and then when he went over there
Starting point is 00:16:03 something came up and she couldn't meet him. Yeah, it's weird. With stuff like this, I always feel like in some way you kind of feel sad for the person, but in another you're kind of like, what were you thinking? How do you bounce back from that? Like people hit some lows.
Starting point is 00:16:19 People hit some lows in life. How do you bounce back from thinking that there's a girl in Europe that's going to be your love and sending her a hundred thousand dollars and traveling over there twice and getting duped both times and then how do you bounce back from that i think the first thing you should do is not tell anybody like daughter take take the l without just quietly. Take the L. Just take it quietly and privately and don't tell people. His daughter knew about it.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Okay. So it was like, and then the camera crew. I mean, this motherfucker brought a camera crew. I don't know why. I think the show, I vaguely remember this, and I think it was about 10 years ago. I think the show was all about people that were getting scammed. Okay. It was about why people get scammed and what is it that makes people believe ridiculous things.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah. But when it comes to romance and money, those are the two where people get greedy. Yeah. I was literally going to say it's greed. It's greed because only greedy people can fall for some of those things. I mean, you see some of those scams and it'll come through saying, okay, I've just inherited $30 million and I need somebody in the U.S. with a U.S. bank account to help me out with this and I'll give you a 10% cut. And that should raise a lot of red flags for anybody who's kind of thinking with their head on straight. That's true. But if you pay attention to televangelists, do you have those in the U.K.?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Not like the ones in the U.s in the u.s it's another level you're you u.s it's another level man um everything's another level over here yeah everything's bigger yeah including i mean you get those mega churches and i don't there's probably one or two mega churches out there in the uk or in europe in general but not one or two that's it i don't know i'm not even aware of any i'm kind of hedging my bets saying there's probably a couple but i'm not aware of any how many mega churches do you think we have in america how many do you think we just have in texas yeah texas might have a million of them yeah because i mean the guys who run those things
Starting point is 00:18:20 they're like i mean they themselves yeah they're themselves are celebrities right yeah there's at least 10 because it says here's an article about the 10 largest so in texas yeah just in texas wow yeah those things joel olstein guy he's a fucking baller and a half he's got private jets mansions and he he bought a a stadium he bought a sports stadium and converted it into his gigantic megachurch. Apparently a megachurch is defined as a church with over 2,000 members. Over 2,000. That's a lot of people giving you 10%. At least 200 in Texas. And everyone's giving 10%, or at least most of them are giving 10%, right?
Starting point is 00:19:00 If they're tithing correctly. How many do you think there are nationwide let's take a guess how many mega mega churches are there in america so do we know how many there are in texas that's just 10 biggest in texas there's at least 200 in texas 200 oh wow 200 in texas 200 200 fucking people ripping people off 200 if there's 200 in texas 200 fucking people ripping people off. If there's 200 in Texas, wow. I'm going to say 3,000 nationwide.
Starting point is 00:19:29 That's what I'm going to say. You're going to say 3,000? 3,000 megachurches nationwide. Yeah, I'd approximate around that. I'd approximate around that. What do you think, Jamie? You got your hand on Google, though. Don't be cheating.
Starting point is 00:19:41 No, too late. I've already got answers. Because I'd imagine some states don't have any. What did you think was going to be jamie a couple hundred five hundred but there's less i would say less than that even i don't know i didn't think there was that many that's somewhere in the range of well so since it's 2000 that seems low because like i went to catholic church and there's more than 2 000 people at some of those churches right but they're saying mega churches right yeah but that's just if that's 2,000 members are in the church. Well, maybe they just think 2,000 scammers. It says there's 1,300 such Protestant churches,
Starting point is 00:20:13 but then it goes into like there's 3,000 individual Catholic parishes that have more than 2,000 people. So it gets squirreled. That's what I was saying. Several thousand. I think there are large churches that are legitimate yeah like they're really following the christian doctrine and they're really holding real services and they're really wanting good for people and then there's those dudes that have the super expensive tailored suits and they're driving
Starting point is 00:20:38 around and rolls prosperity gospel they call it prosperity gospel. If you give, then you will get. See what I have? You will get what I have if you bring me your money. Yeah, it's – I've got – The Flying Pastor. Oh, wow. Wait, wait, wait. You haven't seen this guy? Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I just missed him in there. Mississippi Pastor dubbed the Flying Pastor glides into Christmas service. He's gliding in with an angel outfit on. Please rewind. He does it a lot. He does it a lot. Oh, my God. This is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:11 He's got an outfit on, and he's flying from the sky. Oh, my God. That's his move. That's a good move, okay? Because now everybody knows about this move. Oh, he's bringing chicks in. They're showing you how Beyonce do it. Is that Beyonce? Yeah, I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Is that Beyonce spinning around? Yeah. You know, Pink had one of them goddamn things. No, she didn't. She was doing aerial, those silk things, and she fell. Oh, really? Oh, wow. And fucked herself up really bad.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Like, she had, like, internal bleeding and fluid in her lungs. Yeah, it was bad. Wow. Yeah, no was bad. Wow. Yeah, no, these megachurches thing. I think a church, like you said, with a congregation of over 2,000 people, if they're sticking to the script and doing what they're meant to be doing
Starting point is 00:21:53 and not trying to fleece their congregation, then absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's the ones who use their position of power and their cult of personality to then just enrich themselves at the expense of their congregation. Those are the people I think God's going to be having a serious word with. God's going to be very mad at them. I don't think he's going to be pleased.
Starting point is 00:22:14 It's interesting that they, like the Nigerian scammers, they're just playing off of weak minds. They've just tapped into this group of humans that's gullible and believes nonsense, and they know how to pull those strings. Yeah. I think it's, like I say, when I say I think God is going to be having a word with those people, I mean that very seriously. Because I think it's one thing ripping people off or doing some kind of scam or deception or something. ripping people off or doing some kind of scam or deception or something. It's another one using the power of religion to do so, where you know that this is what these people believe. And you're in this position of power and you're now just using that authority
Starting point is 00:22:58 to, you know, buy yourself a new, new Bentleys. And I mean, wasn't there one where, what's that guy's name? Is it Creflo dollar? The, yeah. What yeah what did he do well he think he had um i think he had a g4 yeah he won
Starting point is 00:23:12 yeah and he he he did basically like a crowdfunding appeal to his congregation yeah saying that his his current private jet is the old model and he needs the new model. And he crowdfunded, I think to get the Jeep. I, I saw this thing. I was just like, Oh my gosh. If you're shameless and you're famous, like I bet Taylor Swift could crowdfund a private jet as ridiculous as it
Starting point is 00:23:37 sounds. Probably. If you just were shameless. Yeah. If you just like, I don't give a fuck. I need a private jet. I want y'all to buy it for me.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Here's the link. I think that's shameless. But to say you're going to do this and you're going to, I don't give a fuck. I need a private jet. I want you all to buy it for me. Here's the link. I think that's shameless. But to say you're going to do this and you're going to go to heaven because you did this. Did Creflo Dollar say that you're going to go to heaven if you hook him up? Well, his whole thing is the prosperity gospel. So I'm sure there was something in there. You know, be generous now and you'll be rewarded later. There it is.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Creflo Dollar would get $70 million Gulfstream G650. Yeah, that's not right, man. Whoa. So somehow or another, he crowdfunded $70 million. Is that real? Did he really get that much money? That is a lot of money for a jet. Why do they cost so much?
Starting point is 00:24:17 They're made out of metal. What are they made out of? What's going on in there that's so much money? How is that $70 million? If that was a car, right, the same shape, like well it's a nice car it's in the air right it does fly i get it i mean nothing goes in the fucking air i understand but how much different is it it's a lot is it goes it safely goes in the air right right right but but how much different is it fast build it very fast right it's definitely different but how much different is it to build it? Very fast. Right. It's definitely different. But how much different?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Because if a car was that big, if a car was that big, it was the dopest car ever. Like if a Bentley made a bus, let's just say it was a million dollars. Right? I think the new Bugatti is like $12 million. Something like that. Yeah, but that's a different kind of animal, right? Because first of all, that shouldn't be $12 million. They're fucking people right in their assholes.
Starting point is 00:25:08 But also, they broke world records. Like the new Bugatti hit 304 miles an hour, which is insane. That is insane how fast that is. I personally don't like them. I don't like the way they look. I think they look kind of gross. Here's a difference I was just thinking. If you bought that Bugatti, you get to drive it.
Starting point is 00:25:30 You buy this plane, you don't get to fly it. That's true. Unless you take the lessons. Why would you want to? I think if you're going to spend $70 million on a plane, I don't think you should be the one flying it. I think you should have some staff. Asking price, $67,950, thousand dollars that's the stage where they just rounded
Starting point is 00:25:49 up to 70 what does it say total hours 1616 you don't want to use that total landings oh so this is a used one they're all used yeah what they don't make lots of new ones but it gets passed around and, yeah. It was made December 16, 2014. Yeah. That's a five-year-old jet, and it's still 67.9. Just want to make sure the interior is clean. Total landing, 625. Go over that fucking thing with one of those blue lights. What is it, a black light?
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah. Oh, my God, just splatters of jizz all over the sphere. You got Dan Belzerian's jet. Oh, man. There's coke in between the seats. Just cum everywhere. Oh, jeez. Dan's beard hairs.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Everywhere you go, you're picking up beard hairs. Definitely make sure a pastor gets that one. Yeah, I mean, what's the building cost of making a jet like that? It's amazing that they retain their value, too. If a yacht is way more, like super yachts, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars, I think, right? Yeah. Yeah, I know some guys, the Fertittas, that own the UFC.
Starting point is 00:26:56 They have some preposterous yacht. I saw Steve Jobs' yacht after he was dead in Italy. It was on the road in Italy, and the guy I was with pointed it out to me. And it looks like an Apple store. It looks like a floating Apple store. Want to see it? Venus? Is that it?
Starting point is 00:27:15 No, it's called Venus. Yeah, there's a couple. Yeah, that's it. Look at that. It's a goddamn floating Apple store. Doesn't it look like a floating Apple store? Yeah, it looks weird. And the back is weird.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Everything is run with iMacs. Like, yeah, that's how it looks. And if you look like in the back windows, it's like everything, it really seems like an Apple Store and everything is run with iMacs. So those iMac screens are all over the place. Interesting. Yeah. Google needs to step it up Develop an Android boat
Starting point is 00:27:45 Android boat It's a cool looking boat But yeah How much did that fucking thing cost? That had to cost 500 million dollars Or something ridiculous Probably Yeah
Starting point is 00:27:55 You gotta step up your game Zuby Yeah man 100 million pounds Cost more than 100 million Yeah Oh euros? Is that what it's yours? Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:04 What is euros to pounds? It's almost double Almost It's almost the same Oh really? Almost parity now Pounds cost more than 100 million. Oh, euros? Is that what it is? Yeah. What is euros to pounds? It's almost double? It's almost the same. Oh, really? Almost parity, no. Is pounds almost double? Well, it all changes, right? Yeah, euro and pounds are almost one to one now.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Oh, okay. Yeah, it's like 1.03 or something. It used to be awesome to go to Canada because if you go to Canada, your money would go way further because the United States dollar was stronger. Last time I came to the States, if you go to canada your money would go way further because the united states dollar was stronger last time i came to the states it was two to one pound like for every hundred dollars was 50 pounds last time i came really and now it's like 50 pounds is like 60 dollars now so it was fucked up yeah that brexit got too successful over there pounds taken and beating over the last couple years is it um it weird, the whole Brexit thing over there? For people who are really into it, I don't follow it that hard.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I'm kind of just bored of it. I'm just kind of just do something. Just make your decision. Well, the decision should have already been made three years ago, but just execute it. Like, let's go. Let's get out of here. What's the general consensus of your friends, people that you hang out with over there? People I hang out with.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Those who live in London are primarily on the remain side. Those who live outside of London, primarily on the leave side. Oh, so it's an urban thing like the United States. Yeah, very much so. So like the cities are anti-Trump and the farm areas. Yeah. So if you imagine like London and the Southeast are more equivalent to kind of like the coastal cities and Pacific Northwest of the US in terms of being much far more liberal in general and being more pro-E pro remain. Whereas if you go outside of that, if you go up North or to the Midlands or anything like that, then people are, um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:49 I guess both more conservative, I guess in a way, and also a lot more anti EU in general sentiment. So a lot of the people in London and around London work totally blindsided by the Brexit vote in the same way that a lot of people I imagine live in Los Angeles and New York were blindsided by the Trump presidency. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Have you ever seen the girl with the sock hat on the glass? Oh, yes, of course. Yeah. I've seen her. Yeah. Well, I watched that one when I'm feeling a little down. I watched the Trump reaction video. That seems to sort of embody the beginning of the chaos that has ensued because things were kind of squirrely before
Starting point is 00:30:29 Trump was elected, but now they're just off the reservation. Yeah. Well, that's part of how he got elected. I mean, I was one, I remember in 2015 before he even won the Republican nomination and I was
Starting point is 00:30:39 talking to people, both friends and family and saying, I think he has a good chance of winning. And people were looking at me like I was, like I was smoking something. I'm annoyed. I didn't put any money on it because at the time, was it gambling online gambling? Yeah. I think the first time at the time I first said it, I think it was, I want to say like 40 to one or 50 to one or something ridiculous like that. I called it on my Netflix special. Get the fuck out of here. I'm like, we are that close to President Trump.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And they're like, ah. Yeah. Well, you travel the country, right? Yes. So I think your perspective is going to be a lot more balanced and actually accurate than a lot of people who don't. Well, also, I realize the problems with Hillary. I don't think that if they had gone with Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders could have really won.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I really think he could have won. He could have beaten Trump. Yeah. I don't think Hillary is ever going to win. She's got too many skeletons. There's too many things you can point to. There's too much madness. Too much smoke.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. There's way too much. Way. Just way too much. Yeah. It's been going on most of my life too. That's the thing. It's like this isn't a new person. She's been involved in this thing for decades yeah and then when the
Starting point is 00:31:50 the actual dnc was rigging the primaries against bernie and donna brazil wrote about it in her book and you go like this is a dirty organization it's dirty yeah and i think this that's the thing people always forget with trump is people are always, oh, how did he win? Or why did he win? And it's like, you always have to consider, like, there's all the factors in his favor. But there's also, I mean, who he was running against. That's a big part of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:16 That's a big part of it. So people are acting as if the alternative was so much better or something. And I'm like, no. They fucked up. It wasn't. They fucked up. Bernie could have won. I really think he could have won.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It would have certainly been more interesting because I know a lot of the Bernie people went over to Trump, right? Yeah. And, you know, as time goes on, one of the things that I've been noticing, and I watched a David Pakman video the other day where David Pakman was pointing out Trump slurring a speech. And I had no idea it was that bad. Oh, really? I haven't seen. And I had no idea it was that bad. Oh, really? I haven't seen it. I hadn't seen it.
Starting point is 00:32:52 There was one time where he literally, I mean, literally like he's fighting through, like say if someone puts you on paid medication, they said, hey, Zuby, you got to make a phone call. Yeah. This is really important. You're going to talk to a bank. He'd be like, yes, that is me. Have you ever, God bless America. Like, have you ever seen the video of him swearing no
Starting point is 00:33:06 no dude and it's not edited or anything no no no no no it's he has a really hard time saying god bless america and pacman pointed out it looks like he's like wrestling with his tongue there's something wrong oh fair enough i mean when i see him i mean that guy's got some crazy energy for how old is he 70 73 73 that guy's got some that guy's got some crazy energy. How old is he? 70? 73. 73. That guy's got some energy, man. Yeah, it's called pills. It's medicated. That guy's got some energy. You know, you could fucking hop your grandma up on fucking speed, too.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Cheat up all kinds of shit to say. Look, it's legal. You can get a doctor. Doc, I'm suffering. I've got fatigue. I have chronic fatigue. And the doctor will go, well, good thing for you. We've got a thing called Adderall.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And the next thing you know, it's something, man. It's something. I mean, we've talked about it on the podcast too much. I don't want to repeat myself. But I really do believe that he's on something. Some kind of stimulant. Yeah, he's been on something in the past. There was allegedly a pharmacy in New York
Starting point is 00:34:07 that was prescribing him diet pills for years. And some journalist uncovered the whole thing. I'm not surprised. Look, I know a lot of people on it, man. Some of them that are functional. Some of them that are off the fucking charts. Crazy because of it. Is this the video?
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah, this is the video. But just play the one where you see him slurring his words. Yeah, back up a little bit. Right there. Play that. Listen to this. Our hearts and minds to possible and possibilities. And finally, I ask the leaders of the region, political and religious, Israeli and Palestinian, Jewish and Christian and Muslim, to join us in the noble quest for lasting peace. Thank you. God bless you.
Starting point is 00:34:55 God bless Israel. God bless the Palestinians. And God bless the United States. Thank you very much. Those last couple words, yeah. Bro. Yeah. That is, listen to you. Yeah. Thank you very much. Those last couple words, yeah. Bro. Yeah. That is, listen to you.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. Now listen to him. Yeah. Listen to you. Now listen to him. That's a guy who's hopped up on something. Yeah. He's either hopped up on something or he's dying.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Could have been drinking. He's having it. Nah, he doesn't drink. Oh, he doesn't drink, does he? No. That's cool. Drinking gets in the way of pills, bro. You don't want to slow down the pills.
Starting point is 00:35:23 You're here for progress. We're here for progress. We're here to complete tasks and set goals and conquer and make America great again. Mega. The way he was campaigning with the amount of energy that that dude had, I mean, you've got to assume for a seven-year-old man, they've got to medicate it on some shit. Yeah, it's entirely possible. They've always medicated people. Yeah. We were talking about, who the fuck was it that told us about hitler but hitler with the uh we're i don't remember
Starting point is 00:35:51 who brought it up first but it's been like three weeks ago now yeah hitler when he went to meet mussolini he was apparently super exhausted so they pumped him up with steroids and liquid cocaine liquid cocaine they injected him with steroids and cocaine, and then he liked it so much he asked for a second dose, and they thought it was going to kill him, and he said, give it to me! And then he went to visit Mussolini and apparently chewed Mussolini's ear off for five hours.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Mussolini was apparently thinking about getting out of the war, and Hitler talked him out of it. Just fucking spitting coke talk at him. Steroids and liquid cocaine? That's the worst thing you can give to that guy. of the war and hitler talked him out of it just fucking spitting coke talk at him steroids and liquid cocaine that's the worst thing you can give to that guy that's a fucking rick flair right there yeah i mean i think they've done that to people forever um apparently that was the case with kennedy they would shoot him up with amphetamines really yeah see if you can find that what just to keep his energy levels up kennedy was very sick apparently before
Starting point is 00:36:45 he died and he had severe back pains like he was he was really banged up and he had some sort of a disease i don't remember what the disease was but during much of his presidency they would put him on amphetamines to keep him active they didn't think about the consequences of those things back then i don't think they truly understood addiction back then. I don't think they truly understood the way it affects your decision-making process. Well, that's back when they used to just advertise heroin in the newspaper and stuff as a sort of general pink. Nah, they didn't do that in the 60s. When was that?
Starting point is 00:37:20 What decade was that? A long time ago. You'd look in the papers and they'd just have like like, yo, such and such heroin, take this. And when they used to give women tapeworm eggs as diet pills and all that crazy. Yeah. Those were the original diet pills, right? They used to give women tapeworm eggs so that you ingest it and then obviously the tapeworm grows inside of you and eats all the food and you lose weight. We have so much to talk about.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Let's find out about Kenny first. So we've heard of Dr. Feelgood. That's who his doctor was dr max jacobson was injecting him and his wife and a list of other people i thought it was a motley crew song okay dr jacobs oh my god here we go what does it say here uh the most scroll up a little bit the most famous doctor patients were president and Mrs. Kennedy. Dr. Jacobson frequently visited the White House and often traveled with the Kennedys. In 1961, for example, he went with the President to Vienna for a summit meeting with Khrushchev, and Dr. Jacobson said an interview gave the President injections there.
Starting point is 00:38:21 In addition to the Kennedys, other persons who are patients of the doctor included truman capote cecil b demille eddie fisher alan j learner i don't know who that is representative claude pepper of florida blah blah blah a bunch of other politicians and tennessee williams wow including included among the number of a number of other prominent patients of dr jacobson have been a bunch of other famous people, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. An extensive inquiry also turned up the names of well over 100 others in ranking positions in government, journalism, finance, industry, society, and several entertainment fields who are said to be patients of Dr. Jacobson but who could not be confirmed as such. What does it say about it? Okay. Office reported that Dr. Jacobson buys amphetamine at the rate of 80 grams a month. That is enough to make 100 fairly strong doses of 25 milligrams every day.
Starting point is 00:39:32 So he's got 100 people taking hardcore doses of amphetamines every day. 25 milligrams, apparently, they're saying it's a big dose. I don't know. That's a lot. I mean, if you just take an Adderall, it's saying it's a big dose. I don't know. That's a lot. Is that a lot? If you just take an Adderall, it's just like 10 to 20 max. Sometimes people that are crazy get 40. 25, you're fucking grinding enamel.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It's injected too. Woo! Right to the source. Fuck stomach acids. Get in the blood, baby. Wow. Yeah. I think it's been going on forever.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Yeah, it seems like it. Well, I mean, it's been going on forever yeah it seems like it well i mean it's about energy right like look at poor fucking joe biden that poor bastard you've been paying attention to him a little bit yeah he's bleeding from the eyes yeah oh i saw that on tv his eyes just start bleeding yeah how old is he a million he's a million years old he's only like 78 or some shit he's not that much older than 78 is too old to be it is too old if you're that guy i mean you could be 70 like jack lillane when he was 78 look fucking fantastic when he was 90 he was pulling boats yeah do you ever see that i don't
Starting point is 00:40:36 think i've seen his eyeballs yeah and that's too old man you don't end for evasive answers evasive answers like i can't see fucking bleeding out of his eyeballs that's like some hellraiser type shit because if you do get into office i mean you age at like four times the normal rate or something anyway well he thinks he's been in office but that's horseshit he was a vice president the vice president is probably the easiest job in the history of the world the vice vice president is like slightly easier than hosting fear factor that's what i think you just kind of show up everybody else does the hard work The vice president is like slightly easier than hosting Fear Factor. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:41:07 You just kind of show up. Everybody else does the hard work. That fucking guy. That's barely a job. That's like the best way to go into hiding. Become vice president. Nobody gives a shit about you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Unless something happens to the president, you got to step up. Yeah, but nothing ever happens. Yeah, it's true. The only time it's ever happened, the last time was when Kennedy got shot. That was the last time. And most likely Lyndon Johnson was in on it. Oh. Hey, how about that?
Starting point is 00:41:32 I said it! Uh-oh. I cannot confirm nor deny. I have no opinion on this. Who knows? Who knows who was in on it? But that guy ain't going to win. The idea that they haven't pulled that guy aside and go, hey, Joe. No. He's the front runner, go, hey, Joe. No.
Starting point is 00:41:45 He's the front runner though, right? As it stands. I don't think anymore. I think Bernie and Kamala Harris are very close. So Trump should win, really. But because Tulsi Gabbard shut down Kamala Harris in a debate, they pushed her out of the debates. Even though on multiple polls she has enough support to be in the debates they're excluding her from the debates because she attacked kamala harris and rightly so and accurately i think she's on the wrong i think
Starting point is 00:42:10 she's on the wrong side i think she's in the wrong party i think she should be a republican i do yeah wow yeah why she has all these democratic ideas though yeah that's true but given the way the democratic party is going now i think she's far too sensible for them i don't think so i don't know i think they'll come around maybe if she doesn't win this term she will be president someday i think okay i really do yeah i watched i watched your um watched and listened to your podcast with her so that was interesting i've seen fc i saw that one i saw the andrew yang one as well and i think it would be awesome if we had a legitimate badass woman president i think she's the one i think she can do it i think it'll be awesome if we had a legitimate badass woman president. I think she's the one.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I think she can do it. I think it'll certainly happen eventually. No question. I don't know. Next time, I don't know. Yeah. I don't like to make public predictions. I do think if things keep going the way they will, I do think Trump will take it fairly easily.
Starting point is 00:43:02 If things don't change. If they let Joe Biden get to the front, Trump's going to win. Yeah, Trump will eat him. Yeah, he'll chew him up. Calls him Sleepy Joe. Trump will be grinding his teeth and fucking spitting out fillings. I mean, fucking A, man. And Trump is a funny guy.
Starting point is 00:43:20 He says funny shit. He is funny. He knows how to shut people down. Did you see the thing that he did, though, with the hurricane map? i didn't know he was telling people that the hurricane was headed to alabama like mr president there's no indication that hurricane's headed to alabama so he posts a map with the hurricane path with a sharpie that draws alabama also in the path of the map. Bro, it's so... The one I loved was the...
Starting point is 00:43:48 Look at this. You see the path of the hurricane, and then there's a Sharpie drawn around it. Okay. See, this is the original. And then you see the left, that Sharpie drawing? Yeah. Somebody drew that.
Starting point is 00:44:03 What was the exact wording that you used today? I saw it on the news. They were saying that White House officials wouldn't deny that he didn't do it or something like that. They wouldn't deny that he did or didn't do it. So no one's saying the president definitely did not draw that. He probably was like, give me the map. Oh, here.
Starting point is 00:44:22 We'll just put it here. Just draw. Where's Alabama? That one? Okay. Add it in. Just draw a bit. Where's Alabama? That one? Okay. Add it in. Just add it in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:29 That guy's funny, man. The thing with the Trump Tower on Greenland, that was amazing. Yeah. That actually was funny. That tweet. That was very funny. But it's, you know, he's a, and then you guys have your own Trump. That fucking dude.
Starting point is 00:44:43 What's his name? Boris? Boris Johnson, the new prime minister. looks like trump it's crazy he's got the crazy hair yeah you know i mean and he's the one he's a pro brexit guy right yeah he was one of the key leaders of the brexit campaign what is happening well backlash man backlash Backlash. I understand it completely. I understand it completely. I mean, yeah, a lot of like, there are a lot of different factors, but that's a pretty key one. And just, you know, the condescension from people in certain cities about the rest of the country or all the other cities. I mean, you see that it's the same thing in the US and in the UK, like I was saying, I mean, when you've got people even just referring to all of middle America is what they call flyover country. I'm like, dude, you can't call, you can't say that.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And then expect those people to vote. It's not even just that it's expanded even further. And the best evidence is Dave Chappelle. Yeah. Dave Chappelle's recent sticks and and Stones Netflix documentary, for whatever reason, Rotten Tomatoes thought it would be a good idea to only have it reviewed by five super progressive critics, only critics. They closed it off to the public.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And it got 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. They then opened it to the public and it got 99%. Of course. and tomatoes they then opened it to the public and it got 99 of course if that doesn't show a crazy disparity between first of all the idea that you're going to suppress it like you're going to say it's zero percent so no one's going to watch it and we're going to shut dave chapelle down he's canceled fuck him but people love him you can't cancel someone who doesn't care man well you can't cancel dave chapelle no you can't but on top of that like how would they not understand that someone is going to know that you're not opening it up to the public and that once it does get open to the public you're going to get a massive whiplash
Starting point is 00:46:37 a backlash where people are going to come and even if they didn't want to vote on it now they do and now they're going to give it 100 or 99 i knew i had to watch it when i saw how all the media channel many of the media channels that i really dislike and do not respect were coming so hard at it and saying oh no you don't need to watch it and all this i was like oh this means i absolutely have to watch it the guardian game the uk gave it one star and then i saw vice saying like don't watch it uh vox saying don't watch i was like okay this is this means that i have to watch this this is going to be good well and i wasn't disappointed the influence of a small group of relatively small
Starting point is 00:47:15 group of human beings that are in charge of these media conglomerates is it's really astounding. And that it's not just opinion, right? It's like they're trying to get people to behave and think the way they do. It's not just – Yes, it is activism. And it's also – it's undisguised activism. It's very transparent activism. It's opposed to journalism. It's very transparent activism.
Starting point is 00:47:44 It's opposed to journalism. I really wish there was a place where we could go where we can get 100% unbiased information in news. And we can get an honest perspective of both sides. This side believes this and this is why they believe that. But this side believes that and this is why they believe that. It's very hard to do. And if you have a podcast, one of the things that's really interesting is if you even talk to someone who has an opposing point of view of yours or who is right wing or who maybe has some questionable ideas, you are somehow platforming them and supporting their idea and then supporting some alt-right ideology. There's no room anymore for people to have conversations with people with differing opinions and just find out why they think. There is.
Starting point is 00:48:34 There is. It's right here. You've literally created it, man. Seriously, you and a handful of other people have created this. Well, it'd be a nice if I could go somewhere. If I could go somewhere and do things. I mean, it's nice that I'm doing it, but you got to trust me. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:48:52 I'm not the guy to be distributing information. I'm certainly not the guy to be analyzing things. I'm too busy. I have too many other jobs. I got three kids. I got three jobs. I got a lot of hobbies. I'm fucking busy.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I'm not the guy to go to that's going to give you an in-depth comprehensive analysis about the way the world works it's not going to happen i'm not your guy yeah but what i am is someone who's interesting talking to people what they should have is someone who has my i don't want to say my sensibilities but my my willingness to communicate with almost anybody. And then also someone who does a real exhaustive research, does real exhaustive research on the actual facts behind all these critical issues that are going to affect everybody. I don't see that anywhere. Well, you're certainly not going to find it on television just because the format just doesn't allow for that
Starting point is 00:49:45 you've got the time pressure the advertising all that it just simply doesn't allow for it and then in you know the way newspapers and journalism is going i mean the stuff that's been paying is the clickbaity sort of stuff you know the stuff that gets people outraged stuff that gets people fired up highly partisan stuff stuff. It's, you know, being sensible is not the, in the old media, that's not what seems to be profitable. I know,
Starting point is 00:50:13 but is that everything is profitability? Anything? I mean, where's real journalism? Yeah, because I, I feel for real journalists because I do think that they are fighting for their lives in terms of this world.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Like nobody, I subscribe to a few different things. I subscribe to the Washington Post and the New York Times and a few other periodicals online where I pay money to read their stuff online because I think they have valuable contributions. I just, I don't think many people are doing that. There's so much free shit. Vox is free. All these other places are free
Starting point is 00:50:45 and so if you're only going with free shit you're only going to get biased stuff and you're also only going to get stories that are commercially viable to to the people that are making it and what why would they be commercially viable well they got to be clickbaity that's that's the only way you get people to pay attention to shit these days and that's i think that's that's already starting to stop working you think so the clickbaity stuff yeah i don't know if you i mean if you remember think back a couple years ago where i don't know you'd go on facebook and you'd get all these kind of like buzzfeed things and you had all these new media companies that sprung up and sort of took advantage of the clickbait era. But people are pretty, people have become quite wise to that now, I think. And people are starting to realize,
Starting point is 00:51:32 I mean, I think if you went back even a decade, I don't think most people thought that the media in general was particularly biased. Maybe they would have thought, okay, maybe that one and that one, but not just generally. Now, I think if you were to survey people like a lot of people understand that even the ones that are supposed to be impartial, things like CNN, things like The New York Times, especially when it comes to the opinion pieces, you know, people know that those things are not just giving it to you straight. They know you're you're getting some spin. Some cases you're getting it from a totally partisan angle. And I think if people are up front with that, if they're like, look getting it from a totally partisan angle. And I think if people are upfront with that, if they're like, look, we're a conservative news outlet, look, we're a liberal left-wing news outlet, and that's the filter everything is coming through. If they're
Starting point is 00:52:13 upfront about that, then I'm kind of like, oh yeah, yeah, that's fine. But if people claim to be unbiased or claim to be totally impartial and just bring you the facts without putting too much opinion or spin on it, and then you can kind of see through that and see that's what they're doing. And they may not even know that they're doing it, right? Because so many people get stuck in these echo chambers. So I don't think all of it is necessarily on purpose. But that's just how it is. And I think the vibe I'm certainly getting, I know with myself and with other people and listening to what people are saying is people are starting to notice it a lot more. I know you've talked a lot about the online tech censorship and bias and stuff like that, which is another thing that, again, I think if you went back 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:52:53 I don't think people thought that Facebook or Twitter or YouTube or any of these things were biased. Whereas now in 2019, it's like, okay, you've got enough examples to see, okay, they're deplatforming a lot of people of certain political persuasions and then you've got other people who are outright calling for violence or just saying like crazy stuff or threatening people and they're fine they're turning a blind eye to it yeah and it's so it's just in your face and it's kind of like well this isn't me being a conspiracy theorist it's just look they've taken off that person, that person, that person, that person. But all these people are still there.
Starting point is 00:53:28 So these rules are not being applied fairly. That's certainly the case. And it's also certainly the case that they're trying to manage this stuff at scale. So they're trying to manage. One of the things that I got from communicating with jack dorsey the head of twitter is that you saw when he got hacked yes when the head of twitter gets hacked you're like damn apparently they used a very simple way to do it sms text because they used to have a system where you could send texts through you know to twitter to Twitter through text messages. And they hacked it that way.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah, that was so weird. I was on Twitter when it happened. I was like scrolling through my feed. I was like, what? Wait, what's going on here? Part of it is fun, right? Isn't it fun when someone like Jack gets hacked? When someone like Jack gets hacked,
Starting point is 00:54:22 it's like, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. The guy who's the fucking head of Twitter, who's been at the head of this, the helm of this controversy when it comes to censorship, it got hacked. Yeah. And his pin tweet is something about, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:34 how Twitter wants to open up conversations. And yeah, it was like, it's like it's something very, very positive. And then underneath it, it was just like, Whoa,
Starting point is 00:54:42 I think he really does want to open up conversations. And he really does believe that blockchain is eventually going to have virtually every conversation that everyone has ever had ever available for everyone online. And that the idea of censorship is going to be preposterous in the future. And I think he's right. And I think that's one of the reasons why his own personal philosophy is that Twitter should essentially be a town hall. This is what he and I – when we got into it, particularly with Tim Pool and Vidya, when we talked about it, his philosophy, his personal philosophy is that Twitter should be available to anyone to communicate their ideas and that it should operate much like the First Amendment. So the only thing you can't do is call for violence and dox people and things along that are they going to bring
Starting point is 00:55:29 people back then they should i told him he should i said they should and then he said that there was a thing an idea of a wild west twitter like you'd have two twitters you'd have a curated twitter and then you'd have a anything goes twitter yeah Yeah. You bring back Alex Jones and whoever the fuck else has been banned. Quite a few people. Yeah. The big ones. Laura Loomer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:50 All them. Megan Murphy. Yeah. Megan Murphy's a ridiculous one. She's been on my podcast. I want to get her on. We've talked about having her on. I hope eventually I can.
Starting point is 00:56:00 If people don't know what happened, she got banned from she is what's called a turf which is a trans exclusionary radical feminist uh and a trans exclusionary that's a weird word exclusionary i don't even say it right i say exclusionary exclusionary radical feminist is someone who thinks that trans women are not women and so she she has said publicly that she doesn't think that trans women should be in feminist spaces communicating as women. And so she got into it on Twitter with someone, and she said, but a man is never a woman. Lifetime ban.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah. No, they actually told her to take that down. So she took it down, but she made a screenshot of it. And then she posted up the screenshot that said, Oh, a man is never a woman. And they gave her a lifetime ban. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Which is goddamn hilarious. Yeah. I mean, that's crazy. I don't get the lifetime. Oh, we were talking about big people on Milo as well. Of course,
Starting point is 00:57:01 Milo got taken off several years ago. Let's see. They wouldn't tell me exactly why Milo got well, of course. Milo, yeah. Milo got taken off several years ago. See, they wouldn't tell me exactly why Milo got taken off. They said that Milo had harassed Leslie Jones, but he hadn't. He made fun of her. But apparently there were some allegations that there was many accounts other than Milo's connected to Milo that Milo was operating. This was the allegation. I don't know if that's true yeah and
Starting point is 00:57:25 that this is one of the reasons why they had made the decision but that might not be the case that might be the case of someone saying hey we suspect that these other accounts are also run by milo so it's because they wouldn't say it on the podcast yeah thing is look even if even if someone did get banned for genuinely violating some terms of service, the idea of a lifetime ban. A life. I mean. Forever. You're 90.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Fuck off. You're still banned. That's insane. I mean, you can be, you've got, you'll have literally convicted hardcore criminals on there who can have Twitter accounts and stuff. But it's like, okay, you said something that someone didn't like. Gavin McInnes is another one. Yeah, Gavin McInnes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:04 There's quite a few. There are quite a few now. The problem is when you ban these people the way they've done, it radicalizes people in opposition. Absolutely. And it also, look, here's the reality, man. Twitter's a terrible way to communicate. It's fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Limited amount of text. Text is a terrible way to communicate. True. I mean, we were just talking, Jamie and I were talking yesterday about disagreements that people have had that we know through emails. Like that emails, like someone reads it wrong and then someone sends you a message. Hey, you know, this guy is disrespecting me. And then you go and read it and you go, what is going on here, man? Because people read into text they they they
Starting point is 00:58:46 just decide that things in text mean certain things they might not really be accurate yeah i think that's a problem and i think that the method of communication through twitter is just a terrible method twitter is good for letting people know you got things coming up like hey i got an album out yep bang perseverance perseverance zoobie twitter's good for uh i love it for posting science stories okay yeah and interesting stories twitter is amazing twitter is the best social media platform by a mile i don't interact with people anymore i don't even read it i don't blame you i send things to the world that i think are interesting and i hope people enjoy it i genuinely i don't want i don't blame you. I send things to the world that I think are interesting and I hope people enjoy it. I genuinely, I don't want, I don't bash anybody on Twitter. I don't attack anybody on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I've had opportunities where someone's informed me of something that someone else has said. And I'm like, that's not even true. People say wild stuff about you, man. It's interesting. People say some, some wild stuff about just, just generally. But, you know, I think when it comes to communication, the further you move away from face-to-face real world communication the further you abstract away from it the worse the communication method is and the easier it is to i mean because you lose so much yes um and the easier it is to intentionally distort it is it is and you know you lose so a phone call i mean
Starting point is 01:00:03 real life is the best and then second to that probably a video lose, so a phone call, I mean, real life is the best. And then second to that, probably a video chat. After that, a phone call. Yes. After that, a text. After that, a tweet. And the further you abstract away from it, you just lose more and more of the actual communication because you can't read any body language now. There's no intonation in the words.
Starting point is 01:00:22 You can't tell. I could say something now and it's like, you know, you say something with a smile on your face oh it's joe is joking but if you tweet those exact same words one person will read it and be like okay i think he's joe i think he tweeted that with a smile on his face someone else is like no that's that's dead serious like that's a yeah that's something crazy he's saying there and nobody really knows and then because it's all public i mean it's twitter's weird because there's – it's like just going into a room and just full of people and just shouting something. Yes. It's not like a forum where it's like, okay, this is the topic.
Starting point is 01:00:52 We're talking about this right now. Twitter is just like, this is what I think about anything. And you just throw it out there and then you wait for people to come back with stuff. You know, what's interesting is when someone tries to be, someone tries to establish a narrative about themselves on Twitter, like, hey, listen, as a happily married man who's a Christian or this and that, like, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, who are you talking to? Are you shouting this out to the world? Are you trying to describe yourself for people
Starting point is 01:01:23 so people have a certain way of viewing you? Oh, yeah. Because that shit ain't going to work. Yeah. They're immediately going to go, why are you talking like this? What kind of person says these things? What kind of person tries to establish a narrative about them? Well, they do it before they even talk.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I mean, people do that with their Twitter bio. Oh, yeah. People do it with their bio. I mean, some people will put in, you know, this is my species. My pronouns. My location. My pronouns. my religious or non-religious views you know who i vote for like all of that yeah here's my advice folks if you see anybody that says they them as their pronouns block them just block them right now no i've got some i've got something i'm trying to coin as zoobies razor which is that if someone on Twitter has their pronouns in their bio, then there's like a 95% chance that you can just-
Starting point is 01:02:10 Dismiss them. Yeah, dismiss a lot of what they're saying. Zoobies Razor is a very good way of describing it. I'm going to use that for now. I'm going to call it Zoobies Razor. You know what's interesting? I noticed that you have an Android phone. What Apple did to fuck people is when someone is about to write a text, they get those dots, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, to let you know they're typing.
Starting point is 01:02:29 And then it goes away. Like, oh, they were going to type something, and then they fucking stopped. Whereas with Android, you send a text, you get a text back. Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. But you don't know if anybody's in the middle. They could write some long, lengthy bullshit text and then wake up sober and go, oh my God, thank God I didn't send that. You know, it's like emails.
Starting point is 01:02:51 You don't know whether or not someone's gonna, someone's replying to an email, but that dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. You get that on Instagram too. If you send a DM to someone, it says typing. Ooh, that's a weird one. It gives people anxiety too. It does. you can annoy
Starting point is 01:03:06 people you can you can just start type and then walk away just start typing and go to the movies just just keep the app open and use other apps yeah it's crazy all the social media stuff i feel like we're just right now in the middle of sort of the biggest experiment amongst humankind that's ever taken place and we're you know we're all guinea pigs in it like we have no idea what the long-term implications and repercussions of some of this stuff is going to be but it's like we're all just in here using all these different platforms and uh i mean you can already see some of the effects yeah it's uh it seems pretty well documented that things like depression and anxiety are going up as use of social media goes up. I mean, literally during the introduction of it with the smartphones,
Starting point is 01:03:49 it's the combination of smartphones and social media. I think that does it. I don't think it's not smartphones alone. It's not social media alone. Like when you had to go log in on a PC to use MySpace or Friendster or High Five or whatever, and then you go out the house and you're no longer on it. It's just the fact people are constantly carrying it around and you know trying to get this validation and you know you've got instagram now talking about potentially removing likes or that's hilarious youtube removing views because they're seeing how it's affecting people and all this kind of stuff and yeah it's not gonna work though this is too late the box is open you know you're a grown-ass man so for you you can handle all this shit yeah i think the real problem is kids yeah kids growing up being 13 and 14 having twitter
Starting point is 01:04:35 and instagram and facebook and having anonymous people say really shitty things to them anonymous friends or enemies at school that's a real issue and jonathan hate wrote a great book called the coddling of the american mind great book it's really good great book yeah and it goes into that in depth and it really made me fucking super nervous for my kids like the growing up and developing during this time where we have this you know sort of uncharted territory of social media there's not like a lot of documented history of use so we can go back to 100 years of people using social media and this is the way to do it healthily and this is the way to you know there's there's people that are just fucking tweeting all
Starting point is 01:05:14 day long yeah it's just an experiment and going crazy pulling their fucking hair out taking pills barely barely getting by in this life and just tweeting all day long yeah it's weird and you've got people have different and then you've got people who just post 10 selfies a day the same same picture same face and just do they really yeah there's some it's generally women but there's some people's profiles you can go and it's just you go on their instagram page and it's just all just their face same face same pose and multiple times a day just their Instagram page and it's just all just their face, same face, same pose. And multiple times a day, just their butt over and over and over again. Did you see that video clip where the girl had the selfie stick and she's,
Starting point is 01:05:51 she's trying to get a photo of her own butt with this, with a selfie stick. She's like on a deck chair. I've seen that. Yeah. That's hilarious. Someone took a picture of her doing it. So her ass is straight up in the air and she's got the selfie stick up like
Starting point is 01:06:04 that. Oh my God. She's trying to get that perfect ass angle. I was like, wow, that's so 2019. Thirsty, thirsty. People are so thirsty. They want likes so badly. Yeah, it is very weird.
Starting point is 01:06:17 And then you've had people who have died because of it. Oh yeah, sure. Grand Canyon. People keep falling off the Grand Canyon. Oh really? Yeah, falling to their death. Yeah, people falling off buildings. There was that People keep falling off the Grand Canyon. Oh, really? Yeah, falling to their death. Yeah, people falling off buildings. There was that couple where the-
Starting point is 01:06:27 There she is. Bam! She doesn't even have a selfie stick. Oh, it's not a selfie stick. Still loving our generation. Who posted that? Oh, no, she has got the selfie stick. Barstool?
Starting point is 01:06:37 She has got the selfie stick. Oh, she does have a selfie stick. Oh, she put it on the selfie stick. Look at that dirty bitch. See? Right there, she's got her arm up, and then she's like, not good enough. Let's on the selfie stick. Look at that dirty bitch. See, right there, she's got her arm up. And then she's like, not good enough. Let's get that selfie stick out.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Oh, my gosh. Oh, my God. That is so hilarious. It's strange. But imagine if that's your daughter. You're like, no. It is really strange. What have I done?
Starting point is 01:06:58 Because I think it's both exposed people for what they are, but it's also changed people's behavior. Yes. exposed people for what they are but it's also changed people's behavior yes you know people do things now that you just wouldn't even something as simple as taking a picture of your food well here's something that never existed before yeah i'll show you something this is a move that women do where'd i put my phone oh my god i lost my phone oh no it's probably in my car oh well no yeah here it is hold on in my purse my man man well. No? Yeah, here it is. Hold on. In my purse. My man purse. Man purse.
Starting point is 01:07:27 This is something that you see now that you never saw before. Ready? Here's the look. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That chicken neck thing the girls do.
Starting point is 01:07:37 They're trying to get the right angle. Gotta get the right side. Nobody's done that. Nobody's done that before. No. Right? That's a new thing.
Starting point is 01:07:43 That's a new movement of the head. Yeah. Taking photos of yourself is a a new thing. That's a new movement of the head. Yeah. Taking photos of yourself is a pretty new concept. I remember in MySpace, people used to do it in the mirror, in the bathroom and stuff like that. Right, right. And that's when they first got thirsty. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:54 They first started seeing six-packs and nice asses. And people were like, hmm. Yeah, it's just weird. I just wonder what the effect will be in a couple decades, to be honest with you. Coincidentally, My space is also right around the time that white people started figuring out they like big asses something's happened with that hasn't there i was talking about this with one of my friends like go back to like the dukes of hazard yeah okay this is what i was talking about the other day katherine duke she was like one of
Starting point is 01:08:19 the hottest women on the planet earth in like 1980 and she's a beautiful lady with an ass as flat as this table she probably never did a squat yeah ever and uh nowadays that won't fly you you yeah you can't get by you can't get by without a big caboose it's weird it's um part evolution part diet part i don't know. Doctors. Doctors. A lot of doctors, bro. Part squat, squats. You know, going to the gym has become a lot more mainstream, though, in general, hasn't it? It certainly has, but there's a lot of gals out there faking funk. Doing stuff, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:53 There's a lot of gals out there with some plastic shoved in their buttocks area. And, ready for this? Dun, dun, dun. Ass cancer. Ass cancer. There's a whole group of humans that are experiencing cancer in their ass because of ass implants. The same kind of cancer that many women get when they get breast implants. Oh.
Starting point is 01:09:21 It's not 100% of them, but it's relevant. Like, there's an issue. There was an article written about it recently that women are starting, there's doctors are starting to find the same types of cancer that some women get because you know, everyone's body reacts differently to everything. And there are certain risks that you take if you get some sort of an implant in your body that your body rejects it or that it causes cancer. So women are getting cancer of their ass, man.
Starting point is 01:09:44 That's a rough cancer, bro. It causes cancer. So women are getting cancer of their ass. Man. That's a rough cancer, bro. You got to go in there and scoop out chunks of your butt and maybe you die. Maybe you die. It's not worth it. Because you weren't willing to do squats. Yeah, just do squats. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:09:56 You can do squats. It's like if a guy has a little dick, all right, and there was a machine that let you build your dick up, there would be a line around the block for that machine. I mean, everybody would be on that goddamn dick machine. But women have a way to build their ass up. It is a real thing. You can do squats and deadlifts. You can run stairs. You can do squats and deadlifts, and you will get a big, firm ass.
Starting point is 01:10:21 And it works. You're not going to get a J-Lo ass unless you've got those hips. Yeah. Have you seen when like the the six-pack implants or of course you must have seen like since you know synthol and stuff where they where they yeah inject the oil into the into the muscles swell up yeah people do weird crazy people do some strange some really strange stuff the six-pack one is the weirdest though yeah because it's just this it's just there all the time yeah even if they ripped yeah but it looks weird because some even if you even if they gain weight and the rest of their body is kind of flabby you still just got it looks like a ninja turtle that's what it looks like it's like bulging that's the perfect way to describe it oh my god yeah it looks like fake ab implants over his keg it looks like a bowser for mario you know show me that in a large version
Starting point is 01:11:14 jesus christ that's weird right that's so crazy because that guy's fat it just doesn't look right wow that's so weird and And that's definitely fake. It's not like that guy just does a shit ton of sit-ups. No. Because he's got a barrel chest, but he doesn't have any pecs, which is weird. Who is that? It says celebs. I think this guy was on Big Brother in the UK. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:36 And he definitely got an ab implant? Yeah, that's ab implants. That's a fact? Yeah. 100%? I don't know. I'm pretty sure. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:42 I'm pretty sure that's an implant. This says shows off plastic surgery, plastic abs. Go back to that image that you were just at before. Go back to where you just were. No, scroll down. No, no, no, on the other side. Scroll down. The boxer right there on the left-hand side.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Yeah, that guy was a boxer above it right there. That guy had pec implants. Okay. That was a boxer with pec implants and like crazy plastic surgery face he uh we we we watched a video of him before he was fighting in mexico he had like fixed fights in mexico remember that well this guy had like fake everything like fake fake chest and fake muscles and it's just so weird because it doesn't even function because it's so strange though because it doesn't even it doesn't even function yeah right if you had
Starting point is 01:12:28 big arms or arms arms that look big pumped up with synthol or whatever but then they're not even strong right and then the problem is look at that neck grab a hold of that neck bro you ain't you ain't defending any chokes sir that. That is a tiny ass neck. Oh, that one there, that before and after really shows on the left, the abs. Oh, yeah. Go to that far left. Yeah. That really shows that.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Wow. That's incredible. Yeah. My God. But what's weird is because your abs only look like that if you're leaning, like if you're flexing them. Yes. But when they do that, it's like that all the time. All the time? So it just doesn't look right.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Whoa, look at that. That's incredible. This is different. This is abdominal etching. So it's not an implant, but like sculpting in some way. That guy did also lose weight between those two pictures. Yeah, he certainly did. He certainly dropped his body.
Starting point is 01:13:20 And it looks like his arms and chest got bigger too. Yeah, he leaned out. I'm not buying that one. That one might be just me. And then you got that synthol guy up there i don't know people do some people do some strange things the thing is a woman can get things done like boobs and no one cares guys like she looks hot but if a guy's got like a fucking sock in his face we're looking at a girl who has fake implants of her her abdomen her abdominal muscles that are so
Starting point is 01:13:48 obviously fake that they're over her ribs yeah like those muscles are literally over the rib cage where they don't even belong no that's nuts look at her face too steroids yeah so you can see like look at yeah so look at that guy you can see when he's sitting. Go to that guy's left. The abs are still. Oh, my God. That's so ridiculous. It just doesn't look right. How fat he is, too. Bro, you got to lose weight if you're going to rock a fit.
Starting point is 01:14:12 That's so lazy. It's an eight pack, too. That's so lazy. See, abs are a weird one because if you really desperately wanted abs, everybody can get them if you just work hard enough. It's not like, what is that? Jesus Christ. A guy's abs and then a weird swelling underneath. Yeah, just go to the gym.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Oh, it says flesh fanny pack. Yeah, but that's just. What is that? I don't know. I don't know, sorry. What is that? That's just a weird picture. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Yeah. But guys with fake things, like, get no respect. You know what I mean? Like, a guy with a fake dick, like, get no respect. You know what I mean? Like, a guy with a fake dick, like, get out of here. A guy with fake pecs, go away. What is this? What? Whoa.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Injected into his ballsack. Oh, my gosh. Man dies after injecting silicone into his testicles for sex cult game. Okay. Yeah. That fella had issues. But, like, dudes with fake pecs and guys with fake muscles like nobody wants to see that shit no just go to the gym and eat right it does work yeah
Starting point is 01:15:12 but imagine if there were really if there was a dick growing machine you know like a squat rack for your dick boy boy would there be a line but after wouldn't it just become like that would just become the new norm if everyone yeah girls would be all stretched out everybody have a giant hog but you know what i don't i don't actually think most people would use just like most people don't go to the gym i mean you've already got this option to increase your muscles and make yourself look better and most people don't do it so i'm not convinced that if it took actual work and effort i don't actually think the majority of people would do it i think I'm not convinced that if it took actual work and effort, I don't actually think the majority of people would do it. I think you're 100% correct.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yeah, if it was difficult, it was hard work. That's why people want these operations. All they have to do is go to the doctor's office. The doctor's going to take care of everything. Mike, I'm going to put you under. And when you wake up, you're going to have a hog of a lifetime. You're going to have the giant pecs and a full sculpted six pack and synthol stuffed muscles there's one video this guy this brazilian dude who's got these synthol muscles and he's dancing and it looks like he's
Starting point is 01:16:12 got water balloons all over his body yeah like the the body dysmorphia where people just don't see what other people see like same as anorexics and same as you know i guess bodybuilders have that same issue like a lot of really enormous bodybuilders still feel like they look small yeah it's it's weird man it's it's weird like i just think if you want to change your body you want to change your physique you want to feel better you want to feel more confident there is a way to do that yes that doesn't involve paying tens of thousands of dollars or taking massive health risks or getting cut up or anything like that. Just go to the gym, lift, train. It works.
Starting point is 01:16:54 It really does work. Not everyone's going to be able to reach some elite level, but everyone can look better, man. Everyone can look better. But, you know, everyone can look better, man. Everyone can look better. The people that I have sympathy for are people with physical deformities, you know, issues that just can't grow muscle or something's wrong with your body or you have a disease. I get it. Then for those people, I do truly hope that science comes up with a solution.
Starting point is 01:17:23 And through some sort of CRISPR type engineering, they're able to. Here's a question for you, Joe. Do you think that there's any sort of limit in terms of what science maybe could do, but sort of should not? Do you know what I mean? Like as science advances and things get a little more crazy and they're looking into things like making people immortal or all that kind of, in your own mind, do you think there's like a level where it's like maybe we should like leave this alone and not go not go that far i don't
Starting point is 01:17:50 know what i think even if you do think that and i'm sure that you could find examples where i would say that's a bad idea it's not going to matter because i think that people are going to do it and if the united states isn't going to do it china's going to do it yeah i mean i think china is already experimenting on people in pretty pretty radical ways they're doing yeah they're doing crisper on fetuses and you know they're they're going to do genetic engineering i think it's in you know it's just in the cards in our lifetime we're going to see some product of genetic engineering that's some super freak athlete yeah yeah i mean when you and i are old men we're going to be watching television or whatever the
Starting point is 01:18:30 fuck they have back then or in the future rather and we're going to see someone who can fucking jump over buildings we're going to see someone who can you know literally fly over cars just leap over things and just someone with preposterous physical attributes that's all created in a laboratory yeah i mean if you think about the greatest athletes the world has ever known you know you look at like the the very best physical specimens that humanity has to offer and they just figured out okay well what are the traits and how do we how do we impart those on people and how do we actually improve them how do we double them on people? And how do we actually improve them? How do we double them and triple them?
Starting point is 01:19:07 You know what myostatin inhibitors are? Yes, I do. They allow the muscle to grow far beyond what it normally can. And they exist in, for whatever reason, in some cows naturally and also whippets. Yeah, blue whippets. It's really weird. It's jacked up. So so weird i've shown people pictures and they're like that's not real i'm like it is real something with whippets apparently when they
Starting point is 01:19:32 breed them you know like breeding dogs is weird like i have a friend who has a chocolate lab and their eyes are about as close together as my two fingers are that dog is fucked like it just it's just like i don't like being around it'll bite you like it's a it's it's overbred like it's like some fucking west virginia hillbilly just left alone in some small town they can't get anywhere and they there are people like that right there's inbred people well there's inbred dogs to be a big problem with royalty right yes yes yeah yeah because they only had to breed with other royalty. Yeah. This, whatever reason, when you breed whippets and something goes wrong, because they're just breeding with other whippets, they develop this fucking preposterous ability to grow
Starting point is 01:20:16 muscle, and they look like Hulk dogs. Yeah, it's nuts. That's going to happen to people, man. There was already a boy who was born in Germany, I believe, who had a natural problem. His body naturally had the same issue that a whippet had. Have you ever seen that kid? I think I know. I'm trying to actually remember his name because I know the kid you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:20:36 See if you can pull that up. Well, there was one kid. They called him the young Hulk, but it turned out that his father was actually injecting with steroids when he was a little kid which is awful but this is a a boy from germany who had this myostatin inhibitor problem and he was fucking jacked how old he was little yeah like four four or five at the time when i saw the pictures and i'm talking just thick muscle caps you know looked like Paulo Costa, the guy who fights in the UFC. He's fucking jacked. That's nuts.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Just jacked, jacked little baby. That's so weird, man. We're going to see the Hulk, like a real live version of the Hulk. It's going to happen. I don't know. That kind of stuff, it does freak me out because it's kind of like eugenics 2.0, right? Yeah, it is. I'm just kind of like, man, where's this stuff all going to go?
Starting point is 01:21:28 Well, there's a beauty in our diversity, like our physical diversity. There's a beauty in the fact there's really tall people and really short people and really smart people, really stupid people, and sometimes stupid people are really good at certain things. Sometimes smart people are really bad at other things. And there's like a beauty in the chaos of human life is that we are all weird and different. And if you can find your way, everyone can make some sort of a contribution. It's not that everyone's going to make some sort of a contribution,
Starting point is 01:22:01 but it's possible that most of us can find something where other people find value in what you do and you could do something in an extraordinary way. Yeah, definitely. I think a great way to stay humble is to always remember that like everybody is superior to you in some way, shape or form, right? You know, it seems like you've got people who are kind of awesome at everything or whatever, but it's like, you know what? Every person out there has got something, especially if they tapped into it and they actually reached some fraction of their potential, then people are capable of all kinds of crazy things when they actually do it and they train and they work on it. Another perspective enhancer is that the grave beckons.
Starting point is 01:22:44 I mean, we're all going to die. Dwelling on what you're great at or not great at in this life. It's like, okay, you ain't got much time, bro. It seems like you do, but it'll be there before you know it. That grim reaper is going to be knocking on your door. Yeah. I think that's motivational, though. There's a little boy.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Is that the kid? Yeah. Yeah. He's four years old. Fucking jacked. Wow, he's ripped. Oh, he does. Geez. Is that the kid? He does gymnastics?
Starting point is 01:23:08 I thought this is who you're talking about. Did you type in myostatin inhibitors? Yeah, but I don't know if it's coming up on him. I don't know if they have studies on him. I don't know if that's him. He's jacked though. He's fucking jacked. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Jesus Christ. He's so jacked. He's four years old and he's built like a 17-year-old super powerful kid. Dude, look at the shoulder striations. What on earth? That is so unusual. No, that's not normal. No, so unusual.
Starting point is 01:23:36 That guy's going to fuck his way through grammar school. That's not normal. Dude. Look at him. That's not normal Yeah we're gonna see A lot of those We're gonna see a lot of those
Starting point is 01:23:47 Coming out of China Mark my words You know He's not that big anymore He's not that big anymore He's a little older now That's him now Oh okay
Starting point is 01:23:55 What happened He stopped lifting weights Must have They got him off the shit He's probably about 15 now Maybe I think See When I see something like that
Starting point is 01:24:01 And then I also see him Lifting weights when he's younger I don't think this is the same one. Because also he's Italian, right? He's Romanian. He's Romanian? Yeah. There's another kid from Michigan, which you said Germany, so.
Starting point is 01:24:15 I thought it was a German kid. Yeah, I thought I know who you're talking about. We could search for a long time before we find it and interrupt the podcast. We'll never get done. But I think we're going to see that. I think, to answer your question, though, yeah, I think there's probably a lot of things that we shouldn't do. But what are those things?
Starting point is 01:24:31 And who's to decide? And does it really matter? I mean, look, it's entirely possible that this fucking planet is going to get hit within our lifetime by a giant asteroid and we're going to wipe us all out. Possible. That's possible.
Starting point is 01:24:44 It's possible. That's not outside the realm. No. I mean mean isn't there a big one that's supposed to there's a real chance it might hit around 2029 i thought we were all supposed to be marked by in 2000 or so but i don't know that was just the y2k that was just y2k that was just the bug was going to stop civilization in its tracks yeah how hilarious is hilarious is that? When they were coding, they didn't take into account that the 1900s are going to switch over to the 2000s. I remember even at that time when I was a lot younger and I was thinking, surely they worked that out.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Like, surely it'll just go from 99 to zero. It's not going to just explode and cause all this chaos. They worked it out. And you had people like hiding underground and doomsday prepping and all that. Oh, imagine if you spent all your money building a bunker in your backyard. And then the day after 2000, you poke your head out and birds are chirping. People are driving. Hi, Mike.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Hey, Cindy. It's fucking normal. You're like, shit. My bunker. You've got to stay in there to save face. Yeah. Yeah. you're like shit my bunker you gotta stay in there to stay safe face yeah yeah i mean look people are fucking silly but we all we all have this understanding this appreciation the fact that we you know civilization like our grid our power grid is fragile the internet's fragile there's a fucking there's wires that go under the ocean that connect us to other countries that's how it works yep the internet is literally wires laid down at the bottom of
Starting point is 01:26:10 the ocean that connect us with europe yeah it's nuts it's it's crazy how quickly it's how quickly it's happened as well i mean it's interesting with me i mean i was born 86 and i remember in you know the late 80ies when you couldn't even render a circle on a screen, right? Like they didn't have the technology to make an actual circle. So in all the video games and graphics and stuff, it would either be a square or at best a hexagon or an octagon because you couldn't actually do round curves. And that's in my own lifetime. And then I remember the early days of the internet when I was, especially when I was in boarding school and stuff and using GeoCities and Netscape and all that kind of stuff. And it's just kind of crazy how it's gone from that and all these Atari 2600 and these very basic video games and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:26:59 And the Apple IIe's with the big floppy disks and all that stuff. And I'm just like, man, I'm only, I mean, I just turned 33 and I'm like, man, that's just in my own lifetime. So in another 10, 20, 30 years, it's, yeah, it's amazing to just think of what stuff's going to be like. Because they'll look back on what we have now and what we have, everything we have now is going to look like the Atari 2600 does to me right now. They'll be looking at these phones and being like, oh my gosh, people used to use this? It's inevitable. Yeah. You know what's interesting is that there's nothing classic from our lifetime either.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Classic. Classic. Like there's classic things from like the 90s, like classic muscle cars, for example, from the 1960s. People love them. Classic cars from the 90s can go fuck themselves. Nobody wants a 1990 car. Get the fuck out of here with that. Wasn't it already classic by, like, the 80s, though?
Starting point is 01:27:57 Like, classic rock was already classic rock. So how is it, like, instantly? It happened quick. Yeah. Well, people realized that something had happened. so how is it like instantly it happened quick yeah well people realize that something had happened there was just like this blip in time where people went wild and they you know we talked about it with aoki yesterday we're talking about hendrix and janice joplin and jim morrison these people just were a part of this revolutionary change in culture and then it was swiped out
Starting point is 01:28:20 in the 1970s so by the time 1980s came around when i was in high school 1970 cars were fucking classic cars okay they were classic like a 1970 chevelle in 1981 when i was 14 was the shit okay it was like a classic muscle car like my mom had a 1970 barracuda 1971 barracuda when i was 14 in 1981 that was the shit. But it was a classic car. It was an old car. But it was 10 years old. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:54 It's like we realized some way that the culture had shifted, and that was never going to happen again. Because cars were dog shit in the 80s. I mean, they were just dog shit. If you didn't have a Porsche, Porsche is probably the only cars that are still cool. Like I have a 1993orsche porsche is probably the only cars that are still cool like i have a 1993 rs america it's a very lightweight air-cooled porsche super lightweight okay stripped down no air conditioning no radio it's a fun car it's that's like one of the rare cars that's worth a fuck from 1990s
Starting point is 01:29:19 one of the rare ones yeah most of the shit from that era is just nonsense. You know, for whatever reason, they just, the 80s and the 90s, like, people just had, they went into this dull zone of creativity when it comes to a lot of things. A lot of classic video games, though, I guess. Music. Sure. Music and video games. Entertainment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Music. Films. Comedy. Comedy, yeah. Eddie Murphy, Delirious was from the 80s. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of Richard Pryor shit was from the 80s. It was amazing.
Starting point is 01:29:45 So maybe not in terms of tech or manufacturing, but in entertainment, I think. Entertainment and culture, I think some key stuff happened in that decade. Well, there's these bursts of novelty and of creativity, and we're certainly in the middle of one right now. Like right now is probably one of the more interesting times to be alive in
Starting point is 01:30:06 terms of like constant innovation and new things being created. Apple has apparently some new AR glasses they're about to release. Augmented reality glasses. Yeah. I also just think now the time we live is people just have the opportunity and potential and power people have as individuals now is insane. Yeah. It's,
Starting point is 01:30:24 it's not what it's ever been before i mean nobody told you to start this podcast right this is just something you you started you've been doing it you've been doing it now for a decade plus and you've got the ability to broadcast this out to millions of people doesn't matter where they are in the world i mean i live in the uk i flew over here to come do this podcast and i had people in the uk oh cool awesome you're going on joe rogan yeah i watched that and it's like that's thousands of miles away and you've got people all over and you can reach all of them largely for free too right you can just do that you can put something out on your phone you can reach millions of people through there whatever
Starting point is 01:30:56 it is you're trying to communicate whatever it is you're trying to promote i mean that's new that's yeah i really enjoy the fact that it's. I think that's the coolest aspect of one of the big media things today, which are podcasts, is that you can just get them. It's just there. I download so many of them, man. I get them all the time. And they're always new ones. They're always available.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Yeah. And you get them. I love the fact that you can get them instantly, too. Yeah. You have a podcast, don't you? I do, yeah. Real Talk with Zuby. Real Talk with Zub zoobie real talk with zoobie so i can go right now to my itunes and i'll i'll type in right here here we are we go right there we're in the podcast app and we're going to go with real talk with zoobie talk with z you there it is bam real talk with zoobie here it is boom look at that and i I'm going to subscribe. And then I'm going to, see?
Starting point is 01:31:46 Ooh, check mark. And then I'm going to download. Awesome. Ka-pow. Awesome. Everybody else go do the same right now. Yeah, everybody go do the same. But look at this. I mean, this is what's crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Yeah, it's nuts. Is that you can like instantaneously play it. I mean, we're having this conversation. Sponsored by Benign Images. I mean, come on, man. That's crazy. That's a nice shout out for this. That's the most amazing thing in our lifetime it is yeah is
Starting point is 01:32:06 that you you just pull that out of the air this thing is like in the air yeah it's not connected to shit and it's just pulling things out of the sky with you know it's nuts i feel like people are aware of it but they're kind of not most people are not do you know what i mean like people that are are yeah people people use. Everybody knows the internet exists. Everyone knows social media is there. I don't think people realize like what you can really do with those tools. It's like, yeah, you can sit there on Twitter and be mean to people and troll and troll and troll and go on YouTube and write mean comments or whatever.
Starting point is 01:32:39 You can do that, but you can also just create something from nothing, right? If you're a comedian, you're a musician, you're an actor, whatever, you can just go just make a YouTube channel, create new channel, create new account. Yeah. And you can just start putting stuff out there. You've got a phone which can record an HD 4k video, good audio. I mean, it's nuts. Even if I just go back to the nineties or early thousands and you look at music videos and stuff like that and an iphone or
Starting point is 01:33:07 standard android can record better quality video than the top tier stuff that they were recording music videos and films with not so long ago and it's just like man that's just in your pocket oh especially the new androids like the galaxy note 10 yeah has the ability to blur the background like portrait mode in 4K video. So you're making 4K video, not just blur it, but they also have this filter that you can make the background kind of fucked up and scratchy like an old VHS tape. You could do cool effects with video in real time. I mean, they also have wide angle lenses so you can film and and take photos in wide angle they have night vision mode where it turns night into a much more visible environment
Starting point is 01:33:52 it's it's weird it's weird and it's still early that's the crazy thing is that it's still early i love the fact they're all competing with each other right like apple has to come up with something better than samsung's done and Huawei and OnePlus. It's this mad dash to come up with the greatest shit the world's ever seen. It is. And everyone's doing it. I do think that it would be good to have a little bit of a moratorium on new phones, though. Really? Why?
Starting point is 01:34:16 They won't do it. They never will. No, of course not. Of course not. They want to keep the competition going, keep people fired up. But the differences between them now are so incremental it's it's just diminishing returns now so you know if you put out a new phone every six months or every 12 months the difference between them now is kind of like sort of yeah but the difference between like yeah if you look at like the screen real estate
Starting point is 01:34:39 of like a galaxy note 10 versus an iphone ip which is what I have, the XS Max. Okay. That was the shit just a few months ago. Yeah. But when you look at that next to like Steve Aoki was here yesterday and he had a Galaxy S10 Plus. Is that what it was? That thing looks way cooler than this. Like you look at them right next to each other like, oh, there's no bezels on the outside
Starting point is 01:35:05 and there's no notch at the top. Yeah. There's a tiny little hole where the camera is. I'm like, oh. Yeah, yeah. Well, I guess what I mean
Starting point is 01:35:11 is, like, the difference between the Galaxy S5 and the S6 Edge was, like, a big leap. Right. And then between the S6 and the S7, a little less.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Between the S7 and the S8, a little less. I mean, between the... What do you got over there? What do you use? This is a OnePlus 6. I'll give them a shout out. That's a great phone. OnePlus makes a great phone, a sort of unheralded phone.
Starting point is 01:35:35 And they have the very best in-screen fingerprint reader, apparently. Shout out to Flossie Carter. Shout out to him. Teaching me how to. Yeah, so they've made three new ones since this version. I only got this last year, but this is already three generations. Let me see that. And that's pretty fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:35:52 The new ones, the OnePlus 7. The OnePlus 7 has a full screen. So you got Megatron on the back there too. Oh, nice. The OnePlus 7 has a full screen. There's no notch at all. There's nothing. Pop-up camera. The camera goes like a full screen. There's no notch at all. There's nothing. Pop-up camera.
Starting point is 01:36:05 The camera goes like a little motor, which is pretty incredible. Yeah. A lot of people here don't seem to know OnePlus. No. Everyone seems confused by my phone here. Right. Everybody's Apple crazy over there. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Everyone's locked into the ecosystem. Okay. Apple's done an amazing job of roping everybody into their ecosystem 100 with iMessage and with airdrop okay those two things and facetime and facetime weird thing over here everybody facetimes people there's a new thing like i got facetime calls from my friends i just facetime me out of the blue i'm like all right i guess we're gonna talk on video and then they're there and then your video like the first one to do it to me was killer mike i was taking a shit and killer mike facetimes me i'm like what's up man he just but apparently kids are doing andrew schultz does it a lot of a lot of people just facetime people now that's
Starting point is 01:36:55 the new thing yeah people are into facetiming schultz is an interesting example because he's a guy that couldn't get a netflix deal couldn get a Comedy Central deal. So he said, okay, I know what I'll do I know I've got great comedy. I will just put it all on YouTube and he created this YouTube channel He put his his stand-up comedy special. He was self-produced it paid for everything put it up on YouTube and it's got Millions of views and he went from being a guy that didn't really sell out clubs all that often to selling out theaters, multiple shows. And it happened inside of a year. Yeah. Just all self-made, all done by himself with the people that he works with.
Starting point is 01:37:35 He puts little clips on his Instagram. They get hyped up. He promotes them that way. He puts clips on YouTube. And now other comics are following suit. And they're realizing like, hey, this is the way to do this. And so many people can watch YouTube on their and now other comics are following suit and they're realizing like, Hey, this is the way to do this.
Starting point is 01:37:46 And so many people can watch YouTube on their television now too. Oh yeah, of course. Yeah. Just the opportunity out there right now is, is incredible. Yeah. It's incredible.
Starting point is 01:37:54 I mean, I posted a dumb nine second video on Twitter and you know, got international, international coverage on it. I've been invited to fly out to LA. I'm now on, you know, the Joe Rogan experience doing all these other podcasts and it's just, it's just nuts.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Did you take any heat for that? Oh, of course. Yeah. What did people say? Well, 99.5% was positive. Most people got it. The people who were angry, it was kind of funny because people were angry for different reasons because a lot of people didn't get it. So I don't want to say a lot of people, a few people didn't get it. So some people were upset with me saying that what I did was not fair towards women. You kind of got the point, but you also sort of hugely missed it here.
Starting point is 01:38:42 So I got some people saying that, oh, you know, you're not a real woman and you shouldn't be doing this. What you did was unfair against women and blah, blah, blah. Those are ditch diggers. I'm kind of like, dude. You're always going to have people that you need them to dig holes. Yeah, yeah. They're not going to get it. And then, of course, there were the people who were trying to say that it was some attack on trans people as a whole or the entire trans community or something something like this and it was just like no it's just making
Starting point is 01:39:10 a very biological factual point this is not an attack on any individual nor group and like you said i mean online what's weird is people try to read malice and stuff into things that's not there yeah someone will see one tweet and they'll start coming up with all these weird assumptions about what you believe or what they think you are or whatever and you're just like no that's not what i said that's not what i believe i just said what i said i did what i did that is one of the interesting things about tweets right is that if you can define someone 140 characters a bigoted moron who's this and that and boom yeah and then you send that tweet out there and then you know you read it like hey that's not me no
Starting point is 01:39:50 but it's these mischaracterizations are so easy when there's 140 characters or 280 characters a lot of it is malice too you know if people don't understand something or something goes against their beliefs or their ideology it's a lot easier to just try to demonize the person who's saying it or slap some kind of label on them which means that you can just ignore that person right and it's people try to do it all the time it's not something that works with me because i'm very aware and cognizant of these type of tactics and stuff people try to use to mob people to shut them down or whatever so it doesn't work on me personally like i've had tons of mobs come after me and try to you know label me i'm sure you're reasonable yeah yeah this is the thing it just doesn't work because i don't play into the game yeah they just end up looking silly because they'll say something and you're just like no well you've got your finger on the pulse of culture and all
Starting point is 01:40:42 these shifting tides and turns where do you think this is going because this is not something that we experienced 10 15 years ago this is this is all like the the boiling point is completely new yeah what do you where do you think this is going it's a good question i is like a particular aspect of it do you mean the the political stuff or well the animosity for sure because it seems heightened it is heightened it seems more people are particularly politically more polarized now than ever before the quickest i've ever seen for people to label someone a bigot or a racist or a transphobe or a sexist it's like everyone want there's there's so much intensity involved in discourse today that
Starting point is 01:41:28 i i attribute some of it to the dismay of having a maniac in the white house you know well he's he's more of a symptom than a cause it was already happening and i'd already seen it happening yeah so that's a big reason why he won as far as I'm concerned, because people were getting tired of some of the nonsense. People are getting tired of, I often joke, I mean, it seems like in 2015 and 2016, the strategy of some of the Democratic Party was to call half the population racist, and that didn't work. So now their strategy is to call 70% of the population racist, and that didn't work. So now their strategy is to call 70% of the population racist and hope it works. And it's just like, it doesn't work. I mean, it doesn't endear people to you. If you're trying to win people over, then trying to call them things that they're not is really not a good idea. And a big problem with it as well is one,
Starting point is 01:42:23 it dilutes the terms right when people start throwing around these terms racist nazi white supremacist are it dilutes the terms completely because if you see what happened with google uh which one google where they called ben shapiro oh yeah and who's a jew an orthodox jew they call it's you orthodox jew or one of those and uh dennis prager who's also jewish they labeled them in internal memos as nazis it's insane nazi it's crazy yeah i've been called a nazi oh i'm a young black man um i've been called a white i've been called a black white supremacist joe i'm not even joking no wait wait i wish i were joe yeah so like clayton bigsby from the dave chappelle show
Starting point is 01:43:00 i i wish i were joking and best thing is like three of the people who have called me that were white too. Oh God, that's hilarious. So I was just like, you can't see the ridiculousness of what you're saying here. Yeah. So people just throw around these labels. And I think it's a problem for a lot of reasons. I think one, it massively minimizes the reality of people who have actually gone through some crap or been oppressed or something like that.
Starting point is 01:43:24 If you start just tossing these things around if you start comparing stuff to nazi germany or whatever the people who genuinely went through that stuff will be like wait what are you even talking about right that's not fair number two is it just um it makes it really hard to actually what's the term it sort of dilutes the terms. So things that should have a sting lose their sting. If you're going to just call everybody a racist, you're going to call everybody a white supremacist, you're going to call everybody these things, then these words lose their power.
Starting point is 01:43:57 And then third, it actually provides cover for genuine people who hold these views, right? Like white supremacy is not some big popular common thing, but those people do still exist. Neo-Nazis do actually exist. And you're providing massive cover for them all if you're gonna just start going around and bandying out these terms like willy-nilly because now when people hear those terms,
Starting point is 01:44:19 if you hear, oh, so-and-so is called a Nazi, now my default that, you know, 10 years ago, I would have been like, oh, really? Like, you know, what? Is this serious? Right. Now it's like, oh, do you mean like an actual Nazi or do you mean like an immediate? It's the boy who cried wolf. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Exactly. And, you know, it just begins to the stage where words just lose their meanings. And I don't even know, I don't take these accusations even seriously anymore. And a lot of people feel the same way because so many people have been called these things. I mean- But do you think it's going to normalize where everyone's going to calm down?
Starting point is 01:44:53 Or do you think it's going to keep ramping up? It's a good question. I think it depends on whether or not Donald Trump wins again. I think if he wins again, it might ramp up. I think he will win again because it's ramping up um i think that people need to chill that's really that's really what it is people need to chill and not get so caught up in you know it's so weird we're living in this time where people
Starting point is 01:45:19 are saying that gender is a spectrum but yet politics is binary. Okay. So you're left, you're on the left or you're on the right. That's a good point. That's it. And it's like, no,
Starting point is 01:45:32 most people, I mean, firstly, most people are relatively apolitical. Most people are not actually that politically charged. Like, right. You know,
Starting point is 01:45:39 most people are busy. Most people just want to get on with their lives and not really be bothered. They just don't want to get fucked over in their taxes. Exactly. They want their schools to be good. Yeah. Yeah. And they're not be bothered. They just don't want to get fucked over in their taxes. Exactly. They want their schools to be good. Yeah. Yeah. They're not.
Starting point is 01:45:48 You know, they don't want people to be discriminated against. No, they're not right. It's most people. Exactly. They're not ride or die for the blue team or ride or die for the red team. You know? It's so weird when they are too. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:45:56 It's exhausting when you're around someone who's really political. Yeah. Like, oh. Yeah. I mean, I get it if that's your job and that's what you do and whatnot. Yeah, I mean, I get it if that's your job and that's what you do and whatnot. But ultimately, look, all these people have to live in the same town, city, country, planet. So we need a way for all of these people and all of this diversity on all levels to work and function and people don't step on each other's toes too much and everyone can do their things, have their beliefs, have their views, and not massively encroach on other people. And I think we'd actually work that out pretty well. I want to say in like the late 90s to early 2010s, stuff seemed certainly in the West like, okay, we've kind of got it here. And that's why I feel a little bit dismayed when I see some of these ideas popping up or some of this identity politics
Starting point is 01:46:45 nonsense and stuff popping up over the last five to six years. And people are kind of falling back into this very tribal mentality, whether it's men versus women or black versus white or red versus blue or remain versus leave, whatever it is. I'm just kind of like, look, I look at people as individuals, people, I'm not going going to be i'm not running around the street trying to find how do we promote that though how do we promote looking at people as individuals because i think that is really that that's that's one of the keys to getting out of this mess it is is to stop tribal ideological recognition and and definitions of humans just to look at people's this is tom this is sally this is this guy this is
Starting point is 01:47:27 that girl this is this non-binary person whatever the fuck they are i think there's a lot to learn from children in that regard because i don't think kids generally do that kids don't care kids don't care i mean where i grew up in saudi arabia i mean off the bat i was just surrounded by people of all different skin colors, different nationalities, different religions. And it was just always cool. Some of these ideas, like I'd never heard people talking about race anytime more in my life than now, which is really weird to me, right? You know, in the nineties, in the thousands, I wasn't hearing people talking about, you know, white privilege, this white privilege, white man, that white, and suddenly it's like, you know, Oh, let me tell you about my,
Starting point is 01:48:08 my blackness or, you know, you're hearing terms like blackness and whiteness. And I'm just like, what are you even talking about? Like, this is, this is nonsense. People of color, this, I can't stand that term by the way. Um, you know, like just all this terminology and people are just talking in these really bizarre ways and just kind of grouping people into these weird groups. And I'm just like, what's the point of all this? What's the purpose here? They get some juice out of it. That's why for them it's worth the squeeze because they get something.
Starting point is 01:48:37 They get something by appealing to fellow Europeans or by appealing to the straight like the straight pride parade you know they got a bunch of people to fucking parade they got together like i'm so proud of being straight like oh great you're proud of being 90 of the fucking population more than that straight people are under attack like what what does that mean that is so crazy i. I don't know. Gay pride makes sense. I know a bunch of guys, well, I know at least three, that are in the closet, that want to come out but can't. They're scared. Yeah. Whether it's because of their career or because of their life.
Starting point is 01:49:19 They're gay amongst their friends, but they don't want to tell anybody. So for them- It's like a lot of conservatives. Right. amongst their friends they let their friend but they don't want to tell anybody so for them it's like a lot of conservatives right gay gay is the only thing that you can hide right like if if you're black it's obvious yeah if you're white it's obvious if you're gay no one knows yeah no one knows so you can hear people say gay jokes and say mean things and you could just swallow it. And you could feel terrible and you could hear pastors talk about how you're going to hell if you're gay. And you're like, fuck. And they are gay and they can't come out.
Starting point is 01:49:55 So for them, the idea of gay pride makes sense. It's a celebration. It's an affirmation that it's okay to be who you are. That makes sense. Straight pride is fucking preposterous it's so ridiculous man every fucking most people are straight bitch what are you doing you're taking time out of your busy day and you're gonna march you gotta fly what what's if if the gay pride thing is a rainbow what do uh what do straight people get i don't know what's the flag it's kind of greedy. They took the whole rainbow, though.
Starting point is 01:50:25 They did. They stole it from the leprechauns. It's greedy. What is the... Let's stop and think about that. What is the straight pride flag? What color would it be? Maybe all black or all white.
Starting point is 01:50:36 I don't know. Black and white? I don't know. What is it? Black and white. Is it black and white? For real? There's a flag.
Starting point is 01:50:43 I said fag. I meant to say flag sorry kentroid uh really there's a i mean i googled it there's pictures of it please put it up please put up the fucking straight oh there we go yeah jesus christ oh it's exactly what i thought it would be i was gonna say it'll have the male and female you fucking nailed it yeah look at that that's incredible it's like a meme but i don't know bro we need to get that yeah we need to hang one of those in the studio straight pride flag holy shit holy shit there's a straight pride flag this flags for everything you know aren't they god damn it that's hilarious though meanwhile the gay one they have a way
Starting point is 01:51:21 better flag make america straight again oh my god oh my god it's straight dude that's why there's so many of us you fucking idiot america is mostly straight that's why there's 320 million people oh god yeah man look people can do what they want man the fact that i was joking thinking there's a straight pride flag and the fact that you nailed it perfectly well it's probably black and white that's another one red and pink and blue the fuck out of here with that one yeah is that another one yeah oh so there's this division amongst the straight pride folks they can't decide what's what it's great to be straight look at this oh what do you get what do get? People that no one wants to fuck.
Starting point is 01:52:05 Look at him. Look at him. That guy's got an American flag bandana. Bitch, you ain't Hulk Hogan. You take that goddamn thing off right now. About a bandana around his head. Stop. Oh, well.
Starting point is 01:52:17 What do we do, Zuby? Keep doing what we're doing, man. I think discussion, to answer your question, I think discussion is what is needed to keep the, keep the lid on the lid on the pot. I think, I think that's why it's, you know, when we were talking about like D platforming and all that kind of stuff, all that stuff plays into the polarization as far as I'm concerned. Um, you know, it drives people underground and pushes people to radical fringes and whatnot. What you want is just keep the communication channels open.
Starting point is 01:52:45 I mean, you've only got three ways of dealing with any conflict. You can talk, you can segregate, or you can fight. It doesn't matter if you're talking individually or countries. Those are the only three options. So as soon as discussion breaks down or people don't want to talk or people think, oh, I can't talk to that person because they voted Trump or they voted Leave or they voted liberal or they voted Democrat or whatever. As soon as that breaks down and I mean, it's crazy. You've seen all these stories about couples breaking up or families where the parents won't talk to the kids anymore or vice versa or people are kind of, you know, exiling and denouncing their own friends and family
Starting point is 01:53:26 over politics and when i see stuff like that i'm like that is sad that's very very sad i mean if you you can have a disagreement you can say okay i believe in this i think this i'm gonna vote that way you vote that way cool but you can still be friends you can still be brothers you can still be cool like that stuff i mean if stuff is functioning correctly politics shouldn't play such a huge role in your life it should be a very much a background thing you know what i mean it's just there um it's also one of the main characteristics in cults yeah is to separate you from anybody that disagrees it is it really is that's one of the things that they do in cults they separate you from your family it's one of the things that they do in cults. They separate you from your family. It's one of the first things they do.
Starting point is 01:54:05 It is. And that's how people end up in echo chambers. People are like, oh, how did we not see Trump coming? It's like you didn't see Trump coming because you don't talk to half the population. Right. And if you live in these high population areas where everyone has the same sort of ideology or shares that ideology, it becomes a real problem. New York and L.A. in particular. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:54:23 I mean, it happens. The two things I guess it happens with most are politics and religion, right? So if you live in a place where everybody is religious and everybody is of the same faith, then it's easy to sort of assume and behave in a way that everybody else in the world or outside thinks and believes the exact same things everybody you know does the same thing can happen politically if someone lives in a you know a super liberal area or a super conservative area you can just think okay well everyone everyone i know thinks this so that's what everybody thinks and a lot of people i mean i'm a musician you're a comedian we we both go around respective countries to different places and you talk to different people. You have this podcast, you've had all kinds of people of different persuasions on here, religious, non-religious, you know, political all across the positions, you've got your own views, but it can be like, okay, I get what I get where that person is coming from, or I get how that person believes that, or I get that. And just that level of empathy is really what is needed.
Starting point is 01:55:32 I think it's really just about empathy. It's about being able to understand that most people, most people want the world to be a better place. There aren't that many people who wake up every day thinking, all right, I want to make the world worse. I want to make my life worse. I want to make my family's life. Most people want to make the world worse. I want to make my life worse. I want to make my family's life. Most people want to make stuff better. People have different ideas on what will make things better. But I think as long as people sort of extend that charity to other people and don't try to consider things in the worst possible way, if somebody says
Starting point is 01:56:00 something, whether online or offline, don't try to interpret it in the worst possible way that you could or read some kind of malice into it that's not there just understand that coming from a good place you may disagree and then you can have that discussion and even if people don't change their minds you at least understand other people better i think you're entirely right and i think the idea that we can get through this world existing in echo chambers and solve anything is ridiculous yeah we have to communicate with each other absolutely you know one of the i talked to someone and they said uh how this is a real weird conversation i had they were like how do
Starting point is 01:56:34 you talk to so many different people people that you agree with and disagree with i go well i find things that i agree with even in people that i disagree with yeah i try to find like common ground you know it's like is that old sting song the russians love their children too you know okay i don't think i know it's an old song it's a funny thought of it for whatever reason but it's there's we all you can find things that you agree with with people. You can find common ground, morals and ethics and kindness and communication, compassion and camaraderie and friendship. And we work out from there and try to figure out why does someone have these politically polarizing views? Why does someone have this idea about that or this? And let's figure out what the fuck the middle ground is.
Starting point is 01:57:24 And freedom is a big part of it, man. about that or this and let's figure out what the fuck the middle ground is and you know and freedom was a big part of it man yeah you know and the more people restricting people and the more people are trying to enforce their ideology on other people the more the other side's going to dig their heels in and then you get this this stance that we're at today yeah yeah i mean one of my things i mean like i myself you know i believe in god i'm a christian i always have been and one thing i often say is i think know, if you're taking something like religion, I always say like, look, if someone says I can't do such and such because it's against my religion, that's totally cool. If you start saying you can't do such and such because it's against my religion. Right.
Starting point is 01:58:01 That's when that line gets crossed. Right. it's against my religion right that's when that line gets crossed right when you start trying to force things down other people's throats and try to you know try and change all that so and i think that's something that you know not everyone is not everybody is there yet but i think most people sort of implicitly understand that you know okay cool like everyone people can have all their different their different beliefs their different ideas or lack of belief or what, whatever the case is. But as long as you're not trying to force stuff from other people, you know, people don't like being forced. People generally don't like being forced to do things or to, to believe things or being,
Starting point is 01:58:38 being punished for what they, what they think or what they believe in, whatever. So when you, wherever that comes from, I think if you start having that, whether it's from a government or an individual or whatever, that's when people are really going to clash and collide. And there seems to be, there seem to be a lot of people right now who don't really get like that. It's, you know, think like us, think like me, or we will punish you. And that's not primarily coming in the West anyway. That's not generally coming from religious people. Now I'm not seeing it's more of a political thing.
Starting point is 01:59:08 You know, like we were talking about some of these, some of this weird intersectional far left kind of stuff. That's very much what they're doing now. Even when you're talking about them ostracizing people or can't trying to cancel people or whatever. It's very much like, look, this is what we think. This is what we believe. Anyone who doesn't, if you're not with us or you're against us and we were, we're going to attack you, we're going to verbally demonize you. We're going to de-platform you. We're going to do all this. And I'm like, look, that's, that's a problem. You can't be claiming to be tolerant.
Starting point is 01:59:37 And then you're treating people that way. And you're talking about people that way. All that's going to do is keep raising the temperature, right? You want to bring the temperature down. Yeah. Well said. It's very, very important what you just said, the way you said, I mean, and there's also a tremendous amount of unhealthy people, unhealthy emotionally, unhealthy physically, unhealthy in terms of their perspective and their ability to be objective about the world they live in and to be introspective about their own failings and shortcomings and just to treat people well. I think if we all went through this life with that as our directive, let's treat people
Starting point is 02:00:15 well. I'm going to treat people well. I'm going to be nice to people, try to be friendly as much as possible and try to do my best. Yeah. You know, do you know who Don Migueluel ruiz is i don't know four agreements i think there's like five agreements now i don't think so um see if you could pull up what the four agreements are it's uh be impeccable with your word always do your best um why can i
Starting point is 02:00:41 not remember them see pull them out please got it here we go there we go be impeccable with your word don't take anything personally don't make assumptions that's three where's the rest of them that's hilarious but there's more than that
Starting point is 02:00:59 be impeccable with your word don't take anything personally don't make assumptions always do your best always do your best is missing from that for whatever reason. That's hilarious, though, that there's only three. But that's Wikipedia. Get the fuck out of Wikipedia. Go to that, four agreements. The website, right there.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Bam. Okay, here you go. It's a really good book. Okay. And it's very interesting because it's very simple. And they added a fifth one. See? Be impeccable with your word.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. But just those, being impeccable with your word, very important, right? Say what you mean, mean what you say, and if you fuck up, be honest about it. Don't take anything personally.
Starting point is 02:01:37 That's very important, and I've worked very hard to develop that in myself. That whether people saying things about me or whether it's something that goes wrong or someone fucked me over, I try to take a deep breath and I try to forgive them. I really do.
Starting point is 02:01:53 I work hard at it. Don't make assumptions. That's another one. Don't make assumptions. It's not, there's no value in that. And always doing your best, man, you can't go wrong
Starting point is 02:02:03 if you always do your best. It's one of the best things anybody could say in life and i think the other one he's got a new one is be skeptical but be open to new information i think that's what it is okay be skeptical but learn to listen there it is yeah these are great so he added one because he realized yeah man i need another agreement it's a really good it's a very simple book it's not a super complicated book but those tenants ways to live by i mean that is a great way for people especially people that are secular that don't believe in religion like that is a good structure and i think that one of the
Starting point is 02:02:38 things that religious people have an advantage in is that they do have a moral and ethical structure to live their life by. And if you live your life by that, look, when I was young, I used to think there was something wrong with it. I always think, well, it's all fairy tales and nonsense. Why would you believe in that? And then as I got older, I realized, well, no, no, no. If you just follow the tenets of it, like that's a great ethical, moral structure to live your life by. And I think there's great benefit in people. And there's a lot of people that find tremendous benefit in living life with, you know, guidelines. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Guidelines on how to be kind to people. I mean, as a Christian, I mean, if you try to somewhat live your life like Jesus, it's hard to go wrong, really. How can you go wrong? Yeah. I mean, even if someone doesn't believe in... I would tell people, I'm like, look, regardless of what you believe, you can't say that that guy's a bad example of a role model.
Starting point is 02:03:28 No one says Jesus was a dick. Yeah. Help people, you know, be honest about the truth. Someone's probably making a t-shirt right now. Jesus was a dick. Right. It's probably a t-shirt being constructed right now. You know, as someone who's been listening to your podcast for a long time, actually, that's something that's, what you just said is something that I've noticed a change in actually over the years.
Starting point is 02:03:49 You know, going back and listening to some of the older ones where I think you were a lot more, how would I put it? Not aggressive, but a lot less tolerant of, say, like religion and religious viewpoints yeah guilty as charged yeah yeah and i think more recent you know more recently over the years it's been like okay i can i can get where that's coming from and what the value is and whatnot well i've experienced a great benefit from this podcast yeah i know other people benefit from it but i've experienced a great benefit in that i've i've been exposed to a lot of different points of view, different personalities, different intellects, and different brilliant human beings that have very different ideologies. I've met brilliant people that I love and respect that have polar opposite ideas on how the world works on both sides. I mean, it's, and through that, I've developed a sort of an understanding of the various mechanisms that are at play with why people believe what they believe and how they benefit
Starting point is 02:04:57 from believing that and what's the pros and cons. And then I've just sort of opened my mind up much more to various viewpoints, financial viewpoints, political viewpoints, and I've developed a much greater appreciation for the variety of opinions and ideas. Yeah, yeah. It's been awesome to see. I've noticed it myself and been like, ah, that's cool. Yeah, I realize how dumb I am about a lot of things i mean i mean if i had lived my life like i'm
Starting point is 02:05:32 being honest if i'd live my life without doing this podcast i would probably be a far more ignorant person right now in the same place i feel like i've gotten not just great conversations and met great people like yourself and had a great time. But also, I've been very privileged to have a tremendous education through all these people and for many of their books. And right after you right now, Neil deGrasse Tyson is coming on. That's awesome. So I'm fucking pumped. You can meet him. He's in the green room.
Starting point is 02:06:00 Oh, sick. Awesome. room oh sick yeah awesome so it's like having these incredible people to share their knowledge and a lifetime of learning you know they can fill in blanks and educate you and point you in the right direction and also you can see the way their mind works and then there's guys like you know like david goggins oh yeah who just you oh, okay, there's levels to everything, man. This fucking dude, you know, he will make you realize that you have more in the tank. Yeah, yeah. You know, he will make you realize you can do more. You can push more.
Starting point is 02:06:33 He fucking sends me text messages all the time. Like, he sent me one yesterday, and they just come out of the blue. And, like, there's no rhyme or reason. There's nothing going on no need to respond hope all's well brother continue to live in the grip of life as you know nothing gets done by being a bitch stay hard brother that's amazing oh wow david cockett's wow i get these all the time and i get on my fucking hands start sweating i I'm like, yeah, I'm not a bitch. I'm going to run.
Starting point is 02:07:06 I'm going to go fucking lift. Well, that's crazy, dude. Like I said, I mean, it's all about potential, man. And I love and I'm drawn to anybody who promotes potential and being and becoming your best. I think that's part of why what you do here has been so successful and so inspirational to people all over the world. Because you promote that. You promote being your best you can be better you can be smarter you can learn more you can be stronger you can be wiser all of that's the same thing with um guys like jordan peterson i think so much of his success is it's like look you've got this potential
Starting point is 02:07:39 you can you can do this man you know and that's the same message i've always tried to put out through my music and everything that I do. I want to inspire people. I want to motivate people. And I think it's so necessary right now. It really is. It's so necessary. People are just floundering or spinning their wheels
Starting point is 02:07:57 and just directionless. And it's kind of sad to see. And it's just like, we can all do so much more. It is sad to see. But there's just like, you know, we can all do so much more. It is sad to see. But there's also a light at the end of the tunnel because there's people like you out there. There's people that are searching to improve themselves. And they're honest about where they are right now. And they're honest about their failings and shortcomings.
Starting point is 02:08:18 And they're also telling other people about it, which I think is so important because if someone sees you and you're a guy who's on the radio or television or maybe you're a rap star and you're killing it, you're killing it, they assume, oh, this guy is just, he just is there. He's just a winner. He's just there. And you could tell people about your trials and tribulations, about your failings and shortcomings, about your thoughts and insecurities, about all the things that tripped you up
Starting point is 02:08:47 and all the things that you learned that allowed you to advance and to be a better person. That's what it's all about, like all the time, every day. It's about learning how to be a better person and there's no finish line. It doesn't, I mean,
Starting point is 02:09:00 even the fucking Dalai Lama, I don't know if you've been paying attention, but he got canceled recently. Do you know the Dalai Lama got cancelled? oh yeah he said some slightly sexy stuff he's a fucking 80 year old man who was picked to be the Dalai Lama instead of if it was going to be a female they need to be attractive
Starting point is 02:09:13 because no one wants to look at an ugly face he's no one wants to look at his face he makes an ugly face like dude he's an 80 year old human being that's what he is and he's also a guy who's never had a real job he's never had to perform and i mean there's there's a lot of people out there that can do better and they know they can do better and they just lack the tools and they lack the understanding and i think a person like yourself or hopefully me and then certainly a lot
Starting point is 02:09:43 of the people that i've had on the podcast, they can give people an example. And they can say, oh, this guy used to be a loser. And he figured out how to not be. You look at Goggins. He used to be 300 pounds of fat and eating milkshakes. And then he becomes this fucking maniac who runs 100-mile races day after day. You can do something extraordinary with your life. And you don't have to be the guy
Starting point is 02:10:05 who pushes himself physically to you're almost dead and you don't have to be the guy that writes the most books you but you could find your thing whatever your thing is whether it's just being a better father or a husband or a friend or a bit better at your job or better at your craft like whatever it is man we can all be better yeah we can all be better and that's how you make society better the world better right that's it Zuby you're a good man thank you sir
Starting point is 02:10:28 appreciate it thanks for being here thank you so much man and everybody this is available yeah Perseverance my new album it's available right now
Starting point is 02:10:35 it's available right now iTunes, Spotify Google Play, everywhere your podcast also Real Talk with Zuby is out right now I'm a subscriber and my book
Starting point is 02:10:43 Strong Advice you can get that at All right. Thank you, brother. Appreciate it, man. Thanks for being here. Bye, everybody.
Starting point is 02:10:49 Bye, everybody. Woo! Thank you, man. Appreciate it.

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