The Joe Rogan Experience - #139 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: September 14, 2011

Joe sits down with Duncan Trussell. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What an interesting guy. I've been reading his book, The 4-Hour Body, is the one I've been reading. It's so fucking informative. There's so much in there, man, about so many different things. His own personal, detailed examinations and experience he's done with his own body, like gaining 30 pounds over a course of six weeks, and did all this bodybuilding stuff, and all these different things where he combined foods and nutrients in different times of the day, and he detailed everything. And it's fucking really interesting. One of the things that he detailed is that his balls were getting cooked
Starting point is 00:00:34 by his cell phone, and it was killing his sperm count. Like, he's totally healthy. He just gained all this muscle, right? He's lifting weights, doing all this kettlebells and shit. Figures he's healthy as a horse. Gets his sperm checked just for whatever. I mean, I know it's going to come back awesome. It's one of those things.
Starting point is 00:00:52 My loads are going to be awesome. They're going to be glowing. Well, he goes and his sperm is down significantly. So the only thing he does to change it is he adds some, I believe, Brazil nuts to his diet. Because Brazil nuts contain certain minerals or something like that that's supposed to be good for your sperm count. And took his cell phone out of his pocket. Did no longer have a cell phone on him.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Apparently, there's studies online that show a significant correlation between having your cell phone in your pocket and low sperm count. Can I ask you why it was important to him to have a good sperm count? Well, he wanted to know what was going on with his body. Because his whole thing is about him experimenting with his body and trying different things that people have tried to get optimum performance out of your body. Is sperm count the number of sperm? That are live and healthy. Living in there.
Starting point is 00:01:42 It's not the loads. The size of the loads could be the same. But inside those loads is just a dead fucking ghost ship. Is it heat? It arrives like, here comes my boys. The fucking boat hits the beach at Normandy. And every living soldier is just dead. They're just slumped over.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That's terrifying. So my loads could be filled with dead snakes. In fact, a good friend of mine had a really hard time getting his girlfriend pregnant, his wife pregnant. And they went to a doctor, and he's not even 40. And he found out that he had a really low sperm count. And he's kind of freaked out about it. He's like, well, what the fuck? And he's thinking about all these different things.
Starting point is 00:02:25 One of those things could easily be your cell phone. Your cell phone is cooking your balls. Your laptop does that too. That's heat though. Is this what you're talking about? Heat or radiation? No, it's the signal. It's the megahertz. It's the spectrum. The radio spectrum
Starting point is 00:02:40 that is a cell phone. That's a good question. Apparently having the receiver right next to your balls is like really bad for your balls. Your balls are just battling this radiation. Now, I just want to say, I've done no research other than read what he said. So I haven't researched this online. Yeah, it's like the brain cancer. It switches left and right every time.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Every time they say, oh, no, cell phones give you brain cancer. But they say it's true one day and then it's true the brain cancer. It switches left and right every time. Every time they say, oh, no, cell phones give you brain cancer. But they say it's true one day and then it's true the other day. I don't think, first of all, I don't think it has to give you brain damage to be fucking you up. It could be fucking you up in subtle ways. It's very possible. It doesn't necessarily have to give you tumors. But if the potential for giving you tumors is there, what does that mean? That it either kills you or it does nothing to you?
Starting point is 00:03:27 So either it turns your fucking head into a grapefruit, you know, and pineapples start growing off the side of your brain, or it does nothing. That's ridiculous to me. To me, that seems like we're being silly. That's a silly way of looking at health. That, like, it has no effect on you other than maybe kills your brain. I just tweeted this thing in Virginia. There's a part of Virginia that is a cell phone-free zone because there's some kind of radio telescopes out there
Starting point is 00:03:56 and they want to have the purest signal and they don't want any disruption. So there's a name for these zones. And there are these people who have been moving to this town. I can't remember the name of it. Green something, West Virginia. It's on my, it's my last tweet, but they've been moving to this town because they think that they're sensitive to cell phone frequencies and they break out in rashes. And this article, it said that like the UN has acknowledged that this does exist. This health problem does exist, but there's no proof that it's from cell phones. But there are people who get really sick when they're in cell phone areas. And I'm sure a lot of them are kooks, but who knows?
Starting point is 00:04:38 Well, that's a good guess because a lot of everybody, whenever outrageous claims come up, you've got to think a certain percentage of them are kooks but i don't think we've completely assessed the effects of all these wireless signals think of that shit man think about the fucking megabytes of information pouring through the air at any second it's it's like if all like the the information that can create the beautiful world of Warcraft is, like, flying around me at every second. That can't be good for you. That's so much information just blasting out of your modem at all times. How is that not going to affect you in some way? Yeah, even if you can't process the information rationally, is your brain still tuning into it? Like, all these wireless signals that are in
Starting point is 00:05:25 our i mean we never think about that because it really hasn't wireless like real full wireless like we have now with like internet and you know and radio signals where your cordless phones are on a certain frequency and then of course cell phones yeah this is really kind of recent right like how many years has it been slowly Slowly since the 80s, right? Yeah, but even in the... That's when it started? I don't know when wireless routers started. I mean, like in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Much more recently. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, there were cell phones, but I bet the information that was coming through was less. It had to have been, because fewer people had cell phones. I remember the first time I got a computer that was wireless. I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:03 this is the craziest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. I'm nowhere near a wire, and I'm online. That's when you really start to think how crazy the fucking internet is, that this thing that I can't see can fly through the air at ridiculous speeds and sits on my laptop, and I get all the answers to anything. Basically, this is a magic box that lets me have every answer to everything that's ever been asked that puben pings have answered but what what's coming through the air isn't it just a is it is it like a sound that's telling your computer it's a signal that's like ones and zeros basically a certain frequency
Starting point is 00:06:38 it's like the old dial tone sound that used to dial in using a 56k modem but quiet i believe that wireless internet was invented by nikola tesla too i believe the concept of it came from his work is that true you did that drunk tesla yeah drunken moment and if you haven't seen this folks it is one i retweeted it just the other day it's one of my funny one of my favorite videos i think it's one of the funniest videos ever because it's first of all it's so informative It's really interesting. A lot of people don't even know who Nikola Tesla is. He was this amazing genius and one of my personal
Starting point is 00:07:12 best examples of that I have a lot of theories about brilliant people. A lot of the brilliant people that I've met have been crazy. There's something there. They might not be 100% crazy. Maybe it's only 10% crazy they might not be a hundred percent crazy you know maybe it's only 10 crazy maybe they're hanging on with 20 or 30 crazy but to i almost
Starting point is 00:07:31 believe to be super super brilliant at something like tesla was like at that level so far beyond everybody else and almost like you have to be you get quirks tuned out you can't you can't be balanced there's no way well remember when you were a kid and you would play make-believe with your friends and whatever that was that you did, like, I don't know, cowboys and Indians. I play with my daughter all the time. So now imagine this. Imagine that you had to play that game for the rest of your life, even though you knew you were playing with kids and you knew it was just this big kids game, maybe when people get super, super, super smart,
Starting point is 00:08:09 they recognize that they're sort of trapped in this dimension where everybody's deeply engrossed in what amounts to a baby's game that they all think is very important. They all think it's really serious, but you recognize, oh no, this isn't even a 1% of what exists in the world. This isn't even 1%.
Starting point is 00:08:28 These idiots are playing the game of like presidents and country and army and police officer and married person, but it's just a game. Maybe when you get really, really smart, you see that, and all of a sudden, if you're not really smart or if you're just one of us, you just normally play the game. You don't even think about it you wake up go to work you just play the game but imagine if you knew this was a make-believe game so every day you woke up and you're like well gotta go play with a play this absurd silly game and you just knew it then you'd start doing weird shit because it'd be hard for you to just uh instinctually do all the different things that
Starting point is 00:09:05 everyone does you start doing weird shit and people would be like why isn't he's kind of off isn't he he's a little off he doesn't shake hands i wonder why he doesn't shake hands what's shaking hands this is stupid i don't want to slap tentacles i'm sorry i don't feel like rubbing tentacles with you today you don't want to touch people you don't want to offer up your sword hand i feel disrespected you know that. You don't want to offer up your sword hand. I feel disrespected. You know, that's what it was. You would offer up your sword hand.
Starting point is 00:09:28 That's right. You couldn't kill each other at that moment. I'm not going to stab you. That's not why in England they still drive on the left-hand side. You know, we drive on the right-hand side. They drive on the left because that was how you rode a horse and had your sword in your right hand. So if some douchebag's coming in the other direction, you want to get him on your right side so you can sort his ass. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:09:47 That's why they drive on that side of the street. I mean, it makes sense because, look, realistically, it was just a couple hundred years ago and people were riding horses everywhere. Times were tough. That's not that long ago, man. I know. It's amazing when you stop and think about that.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And Nikola Tesla is really one of the reasons why we're so fucking advanced. If you look back at the inventions that this guy was responsible for and all the patents that this guy was responsible for, it's a brilliant thing. And I don't remember hearing a fucking peep about him in high school. Somebody told me about him when I was in college. It wasn't even in a class. Some dude was reading something about the guy, and he looked interesting on the cover. I think that's how I learned about Nikola Tesla.
Starting point is 00:10:28 But, I mean, obviously I didn't take any science. I just want to point that out. But you never hear about it. You hear about Thomas Edison. You hear about Benjamin Franklin. The people that invented him. Oh, he invented electricity. He went a kite with a fucking key.
Starting point is 00:10:42 That's right. No, Nikola Tesla was talking to aliens, bitch. That guy was inventing everything. And wound up dying completely crazy at the end. Yeah. Well, yeah, he was... I mean, I feel like I'm quoting the drunk history, but he essentially was in love with a white pigeon. And he was wandering around New York.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And New York was lit up with his technology. And he was wandering around New York. And New York was lit up with his technology. And he was just broke. And it was all there because it came out of his mind. You know what? I'll give you a weird little trivia fact. Who stole money from him? Was it Edison? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:11:17 How did he die broke? He died broke because he had some bad luck. One of his main laboratories burnt down. He had basically figured out in his mind a way to generate, I don't know, reality itself, or every bit of reality had compressed within it enough energy to supply anything. There's like energy all around us. That was his idea. We're just surrounded by energy, and there's a way to tap into it.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And so he was... There's a way to broadcast electricity like a radio. Well, yeah, exactly. I mean, I guess you could if assuming that you didn't have to have like you know a hydroelectric dam or oil or whatever to to uh create energy assuming that in every inch of the universe there was infinite energy then you would just every house would become a power plant it wouldn't all be based on wherever the main energy is coming from the nuclear power plant or whatever it would be some sort of device that you could put in your
Starting point is 00:12:28 house that could channel the the energy you know like so channel but what what are they calling that energy like what is it just something we haven't figured out and discovered yet right something we haven't figured out so instead of this the crude method of pulling oil out of the ground and lighting it on fire that there's another step well yeah or you know i mean it's obvious i mean look at fucking uh solar panels right i mean there's an it's there's there's enough energy from the sun that to keep every organic form to make that the law why don't they just make that roofs you know in california you have to have solar panels on your well it's well fuck laws man you don't need to make more laws the last thing we need is more people telling people what they have to have solar panels on your car. Well, fuck laws, man. You don't need to make more laws.
Starting point is 00:13:06 The last thing we need is more people telling people what they have to spend their fucking money on. But it's also expensive to make them, and the amount of time it takes you to recoup the amount it costs to install them and make them. Right. It takes a long time. Right now, it's not financially a good deal. But don't they give you tag backs or whatever they're called? I don't know. They give you money back?
Starting point is 00:13:24 I would think about doing it just to get off the grid. The current sentence? When I lived in Colorado, I wanted to do that. Tom, was it Chiasanis? Yeah. Fuck, I can't forget his name. A friend of mine. Anyway, he had a windmill set up at his house.
Starting point is 00:13:38 That's cool. Yeah. Those are awesome, man. I love passing those fields of windmills. It's so cool. Yeah, he had a windmill set up at his house, and he was giving money back. They would give him money, rather. They were giving energy back to the grid, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:54 He was making up his own energy. That's cool. You know, man, the thing I've been thinking lately is that we live in such a funny time because I guess people just don't. If you start saying things like, no, you know what? what i have the feeling there's actually another energy source out there that we haven't even stumbled upon yet that has like all a million times more energy than you could ever need if you say that now people really will you seem kind of like a fruit or a flake or an idiot or they're like you're well base it in science you don't know what that is or you don't
Starting point is 00:14:22 know what you're talking about but there was a time when if you were just talking about electricity you would have seen like an absolute lunatic like if you went around in the i don't know 1200s and started telling people listen there's this fucking energy called electricity that's more powerful than fire you can use it to you can you can run it through wires and if you touch it you'll get electrocuted. They'd be like, get this fucking witch on the stake. What are you talking about, warlock? We are going to harness lightning. Yeah, yeah. What are you talking, Frankenstein?
Starting point is 00:14:55 What are you talking about? But so in the same way, man, I think that there's probably, I've been thinking about it. I have this weird idea. Do you remember when Frankenstein, when he made that fucking chick, when they made Frankenstein and they actually had to get lightning to make him alive? They had to hit the tower with lightning. Wait, you mean they
Starting point is 00:15:13 really did that? One of them. One of the movies. I'm sorry. Oh, the movie. Back to the Future? One of the Frankenstein movies. Remember when they did that? No, I know Frankenstein was fucking... I know that like, Franken like had to have like a hit of lightning to bring the person to life that's right i'm sorry i interrupted you so go back to what you're saying well what i was thinking is it's like okay so like what if like you look at like i know this is something i so wish that you
Starting point is 00:15:40 can do and you'll never be able to do it but it would be so amazing to look at from the beginning of time to right now and like a 20 second fast forward to see what that blur of happening look like or the you know the the evolution it'd be so fun to be able to see in a real way what evolution look like from you know and the evolution of a fucking i don't know the evolution of a chicken into a or a dinosaur dinosaur into a chicken. It'd be amazing to watch that thing happen really fast. It'd be really cool. But so like, okay, see, this is going to sound crazy and I'm sorry if it seems rambling and weird, cause I haven't quite figured out how to articulate this idea, but like if you have, okay, you have fire, fire leaves, uh, trace, you know, where there's, where there's been a fire, there's soot, there's ashes, black soot,
Starting point is 00:16:24 whatever from the carbons being released in the fire, right? The carbon, rather. So in the same way, I was thinking, what if there's another form of energy that's raging through time? And this form of energy, instead of leaving ashes, leaves evolved things. It's like the byproduct of the energy is that it causes things to evolve and advance and grow and become more sophisticated you know and like maybe that energy that there's a literally an energy associated with evolution there's an energy that you can tap into and so when you see like which is why you know computers are so amazing is because they can really tap into that energy right away in the
Starting point is 00:17:03 form of like open source software and stuff like that. And you see things that go open source or things that allow the most people to have the most input. So the most intelligent people having the input create the advance in whatever the thing is. The classic example of it and a silly example of it is Reddit. Where someone will write something and then the top comment inevitably will be so fucking funny because hundreds and hundreds of people have like voted it up to the top so it creates this evolved way of getting information to float up to the surface so in the same way it's like that's brilliant it's fucking it's yeah so like it's brilliant it's awesome it's the way our
Starting point is 00:17:39 government should work it's YouTube comments do that too yeah yeah most favorited yeah goes up to the top so like that's a form of like tuning into this energy this like evolutionary force as it's manifesting you know in the form of the most uh the the comment that is most the strongest comment or the comment that works best in that particular zeitgeist or paradigm goes to the top that comment is the fucking animal that survives. That common is the animal that, in its environment, does the best. And it's getting there through people voting. But what I'm saying is technology has harnessed the evolutionary flow in that situation. So I'm thinking, okay, maybe evolution itself is an energy.
Starting point is 00:18:22 What if you could fucking harness that shit? Remember in Star Trek? What was it called? The Genesis beam or whatever? They blast the planet with a thing that makes the life grow out of it all of a sudden. Wow, I don't remember that at all. Was that the new Star Trek? Reverse spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:18:35 New Star Trek or old? No, it's an old one. Like old Captain Kirk? No, I think it was The Wrath of Khan. Oh, The Wrath of Khan. Don't you remember The Wrath of Khan? Ricardo Montalban. Fuck yeah, with the ear mites.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I was like, how the fuck are you going to have the dude from Fantasy Island be the bad guy in a fucking Star Trek movie? I think he did great. Get out of here, bitch. Yeah, he was great. Oh, he was great. I mean, he's a great actor. Don't get me wrong. But at the time, I was like, this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of in my life.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And they're like, no, Ricardo Montalban is a very respected actor. Yeah, he was, too. Handsome bastard, man. That handsome son of a... Imagine what kind of pussy he got off of Fantasy Island. Your fantasies can come true. Didn't he just die? Did he die?
Starting point is 00:19:13 I think he just... I bet he overdosed from pussy. I bet the line of chicks that wanted to fuck him in the 70s is probably still outside of his house. They're just getting to him right now. Because I have no time for all you girls welcome to fantasy island he had his own midget he was the first guy on tv to have his own midget yeah and you know have you ever seen the pilot no it's kind of creepy man it's like diabolic like that character rourke that was his name right rourke was uh in the pilot it
Starting point is 00:19:42 was almost like he was satan or something like he was like some dark being really yeah because you know in in history uh in occult history witches always have imps or familiars that's a common way to know that you're around like that's why you know like david lynch and twin peaks that spooky little fucking backwards talking midget you know the guy the table is for my God. So like that's an occult symbol. Like witches would always have around them in lore, they would always have like a cat, you know, some kind of creature.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And sometimes they'd have a little imp or creature with them. So Montalban, Rourke's Tattoo was his name. It seemed like in the pilot they were thinking, let's make him a Faustian character. Where he's maybe not giving people exactly what they want. Because remember, some people would want something and it'd fuck them up. Didn't they redo Fantasy Island for a little while? I don't know. Did they?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Didn't they? Or was it The Love Boat? No, it was Fantasy Island. That's Jerryerry red wilson yeah that's how he died there's this comic named jerry red wilson and he was supposed to go and film fantasy island and he apparently he had meningitis and he didn't know he just had a headache he knew something was wrong and he went to the doctor and i guess the line was ridiculous and he wound up just couldn't take it anymore and he left the doctor and he wound up dying oh shit yeah get yourself checked out people it's it's not not not a bad thing to do smart but um the point is i'm pretty sure he was going to do fantasy island that was a fucking great show back in the day dude what a great idea people have fantasies they fly in they get welcomed by this magic man and this magical island is going to
Starting point is 00:21:25 make your dreams come true and teach you a little lesson bitch they always taught you a nice little lesson and tucked you in quiet and then let you you leave the island and you kind of get it now wait did everyone get did everyone who came in on that plane leave on the plane didn't some people not make it out they all die i think i've seen it once i i i don't know anything about that you can't have people die on your island, Ben. Fucking, you see what happens with Aruba. There's always some fucking 19-year-old chick from Arizona or something like that. It's just on a vacation.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And, you know, Aruba's like where they turn up missing. That's right. Scary. What was the one with the boat? Not Gilligan's Island, but the other one with the love boat. I always got love boat and that show mixed up. Oh, did people die on the Love Boat? No fucking way. Did they cross those shows ever?
Starting point is 00:22:09 I don't know. Probably. It seems like they did. They should. Like Love Boat shipwrecks on Fantasy Island? Right, something like that. Didn't Gopher from the Love Boat become a politician? He did, I believe. Did he? Yeah, I need to research that. I'm pretty sure he did.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I'm pretty sure he became a I'm pretty sure he became like a senator or something. Politicians are, they are the, I cannot wait until the day, and this day will never come, but the day when we have zoos where politicians are placed in zoos like antiquated things, like kids can come and look at them, like behold. Yeah, Fred Grandy, that's his name. He was a politician. He was a congressman. He used to be gopher Weirdos, man
Starting point is 00:22:48 I wonder what kind of crazy shit they did back in those days Because back then when they did shit They could totally get away with everything They just were complete freaks Like, remember that movie About the guy from Hogan's Heroes What the fuck's his name? The main dude who wound up killing himself.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And you don't know the movie I'm talking about? Nope. It's a great movie. Here, let me look it up real quick because it's really important. It was the guy from Talk Soup. John Henson? No, no. John Henson.
Starting point is 00:23:20 The gray patched Jay Leno sideways. No, you're talking the dude from Love Letter Movies. Love Letter Movies. What is his name? Kissy Face Movies. Fuck. Autofocus.
Starting point is 00:23:32 That's the movie. Greg Kinnear. Greg Kinnear. You got it. Yeah, bam. It's a great fucking movie. They only got a 6.6 on the IMDb. How dare you?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Dude, look at Nick Swartz's new movie. I felt like it's an excellent movie. I know. I didn't want to bring that up. That's so crazy. But it's crazy. But this movie, Autofocus, if you haven't seen it you must you must see it it's about this guy whatever the fuck his name was bob crane he uh was a sex fiend like a complete oh yeah i've seen it off the chart sex fiend and he started out on the show a married guy, and somehow or another he got so many girls from being on Hogot's Heroes that he just completely became out of control.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Didn't take care of his career, didn't take care of his family, just was just banging chicks and filming it all. And eventually wound up getting murdered, and it was a very sordid thing because they believed that the guy who played the Willem Dafoe character was the one who killed him and they even i think they had that in the movie as well but either way it's a great why do you kill him they fucking hated each other they're boning together and shit probably got jealous that that uh bob crane was getting all the punana you know he he used to uh sit in front of a television at a bar when he knew that the show would be on.
Starting point is 00:24:46 So that they could see him. The show was long since canceled. It would be on in reruns. And he would be doing local theater at these towns. And he would just bang all the local broads and film them all. They were freaks back then. They didn't have any Twitter. They didn't have any TMZ.
Starting point is 00:25:02 You could just go off. You didn't have to worry about it. If something was on a VHS tape, who's going wasn't even vhs it was like 18 millimeter eight millimeter 16 millimeter whatever the hell it is you know those little reels you had to play it on a projection thing and he was like one of the first dudes to be on on top of that shit that technology of filming things hey did you see those naked pictures of that girl that that were released that actress chick no what actress chick i and she has to be in a new movie soon because there's no way that that that's just happens to be released you know that's the big talk on the internet let me see
Starting point is 00:25:36 what's her name i don't know who that is man i have no idea no she's like super famous yeah that girl's super famous yeah Yeah, she's me. Yo, I picked up the cover of one of those Us Weekly things, whatever it is. One of those, inside something or another. And I didn't know who any of the people on it were. I literally knew who none of the celebrities were. I don't know any celebrities anymore. Scarlett Johansson. And I was like, I think I've won.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I think I won. Yeah, it's good to not know celebrity names. In this one battle with gossip, I got free. Because I had no attachment to any of them. And it occurred to me when I looked at the magazine, and I didn't have any attachment. I'd be like, God damn it. If there was some Jennifer Aniston broken heart because Gerard Butler did her wrong, I'd be like, oh wow, what'd that guy do?
Starting point is 00:26:26 I'd have to go read it. I would have to go read it i'm invested in that storyline right but there's like there was some guy on from the bachelorette and some girl on from fucking orange county wives or something like that i didn't know who anybody was i was like this is great and they had a couple like little teeny boppers you know and you up with Demi, wants her back. I'm like, I don't know who the fuck they are either. And it occurred to me while I didn't have any idea who any of these people were, how freeing that was. Right. Because it is like a little goddamn drug.
Starting point is 00:26:57 If there's some fucking crazy story about someone who you know their storyline, like Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods, man resurfaces. Tiger Woods apparently was bisexual, and that was on the cover of Us Weekly. That would be like a goddamn tractor beam. You wouldn't be able to avoid it. If I sent you a link, and it was photos of Tiger Woods kissing a man, you are so goddamn connected to that storyline. It would be impossible to get you to not click that link.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Well, if you had the photograph, you'd be a millionaire. If you had that photograph and you put that online, I guarantee you it would be like 100% click through. If you send people it and they know they have this link and they click this link and they see Tiger Woods kicking that dude, click. It would be like 100%. No one's going to go, who cares? No one's going go who cares no one's gonna say that they're gonna see people are invested in that storyline because it's such a charged one such a big scandal very unattractive guy beautiful wife guy super super fucking successful like
Starting point is 00:27:58 ridiculously rich the greatest golfer perhaps ever. And just fucks everyone. Just fucks everyone. So it's so highly charged that if something else happened to it, it's like, well, I'm already invested in this Tiger Woods story. I can't believe he's kissing guys. I would be drawn to it. But all these people, like one of them was, you know, I don't know any of them.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I don't know any of these people. One was like, America's Got Talent or something. I don't know who the fuck any of them were. I was like, this is awesome. I could walk away. I don't have to read it. I don't have to open it up. It was like, America's Got Talent or something. I don't know who the fuck any of them were. I was like, this is awesome. I could walk away. I don't have to read it. I don't have to open it up. Well, it's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:28:29 It's gravity, man. It's like that shit's got gravity. It's got attention gravity. Like some stuff in the world does the same thing to your attention that the planet does to satellites. It'll grab your attention and suddenly you're circling this weird like uh temporary vortex in the subjective reality the planet with your attention and it's so stupid i mean there's so many things that have that example football fucking uh any sports is the exact same attention gravity video games attention gravity girls attention gravity move it's all like different like gravitational fields that will depending on what person you're like, you're going to get your attention sucked into this certain thing.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And once it gets sucked in deep enough, you're not thinking about anything else. You know that thing when everything shuts down except for whatever the silly thing is? Like when you're locked into a video game. Yes, that's it. You will negate yourself if you get sucked deep enough into a video game. Yes, that's it. You will negate yourself if you get sucked deep enough into a video game. Complete introversion. Do you think that it's like a hijacking of our natural reward system
Starting point is 00:29:30 by this new creation? Absolutely. It is what it is, right? Totally. It's because I've always said that we're sort of set up to imitate successful behavior, right? But I don't think we can differentiate 100%.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You know how we can't differentiate between a placebo and um and an actual drug in certain situations even if the person knows that something is a placebo they show marked effects you know if they're concentrating on this actually having some sort of an effect it it shows sort of some sort of effects oh yeah totally i read that placebo i know it's i don't understand that but i I get it. Placebo effect's amazing. That's why people have different rituals they do.
Starting point is 00:30:09 What was my point? I had a point. How do you get the same effect, though, from you? Well, hold on. What were we just talking about? We're talking about attention vampires. We're talking about the forces of nature that grab your attention. And you were saying, is that based on the reward system?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Is that hijacking the reward system that nature... Right, okay, that's what I meant. What I meant by that is that we've created something with big events, anything that you see in your life that's memorable. They're very shocking and engaging because you need to learn from this situation. If you come over a hill and you stumble upon a bunch of barbarians slaughtering a village with axes yeah this is supposed to shock the fucking shit out of you're supposed to be aware that this is all possible you're this is like oh my god you could be dying right now you need to learn from
Starting point is 00:30:56 this but when we recreate that in some sort of a crazy imaginary flat one-dimensional or two-dimensional image with sound that comes from all around you i don't know if your brain a hundred percent can differentiate that from reality any more than a placebo has an effect on a person i want i wonder you know what it is dude i sorry to cut you off it's okay yeah when you take your cat and you have one of those, like, I don't know, any cat toy, watch what it does to your cat's attention. Your cat goes from, like, if your cat gets into it enough, it stops being a toy, and now the cat obviously thinks it's attacking a bird. It's into it.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It's in nature again, and it's stalking its prey, and its attention is totally sucked into that cat toy. That's what video games are for the human nervous system they're like they're like human cat toys you're playing this fucking cat toy your attention's sucked into it and like you know people when they protect when they portray aliens coming down they're going to use laser guns to subdue us fuck that they're just going to like some super advanced being would just analyze our nervous system and just, like, hypnotize us. That's what it would do.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Well, we're assuming that life is going to be hard. We're assuming that life isn't going to be like a fucking Wi-Fi frequency. Just because we are physical and we are hard and we touch things and move them and manipulate matter.
Starting point is 00:32:26 It doesn't mean all life has to do that. We know that bacteria doesn't do that. We can't even fucking see it. We need some crazy lens that magnifies our normal reality down to the point where it's supposed to be completely invisible to us. We're not supposed to be able to see it. Right. Yeah, we can find it. And we can find that there's some life there.'s something there intelligent life might be ideas intelligent life might be creativity
Starting point is 00:32:51 what creativity might be is when you just relax the fuck enough to listen to this intelligent life that's all around you that's trying to get you to move your monkey body in a certain way where you're going to manipulate matter to the point where you punch a fucking hole through space and time and the idea of tangible objects no longer exists right like that's the destiny that's what that's your reason for your curiosity that's the reason why you've created music and motivation and cocaine you're supposed to be pushing towards this inevitable goal of creating some sort of a fucking opening where this thing changes into the next thing. You know what that made me just think of?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Imagine when those miners got stuck in the mine. Yeah. Imagine if when they got stuck in the mine, some kind of fume came out that gave them complete amnesia, and so they completely lost their identities and couldn't even speak any language anymore and so uh they thought that that's where they were born as this stupid mind and and imagine the people outside the mind would first have to teach them english teach them a language teach them who they were give them all this information first before they could get trapped out of you know know, escape from the mind.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So in the same way, maybe this whole dimension is some kind of cave-in. And on the other side of it, there's like super advanced beings that are trying to teach us like, hey, wake up, you know, try this, try this, try this. You have to get smarter before that. Because like, if you can't tell someone in the 1800s about electricity, you sure as fuck can't tell them about the multiverse this is gonna sound totally crazy all right but what if people are to ideas what reconditioned laptops are to people and that when you get a reconditioned laptop you got a lap laptop that's have all this hard drive all this space and operating system and then you swipe all the data at and just
Starting point is 00:34:46 give it to someone to add their own stuff to. Completely clean. Yeah. Like, but has this past, you know. Yeah. And that is what a human is. You come into this life. Yeah. You press a reset button. You press a, what is that?
Starting point is 00:35:02 It's kind of like Carlos Mencia. I don't get it. Yeah, you're going. I was talking about that tweet Out of nowhere What tweet? Chris Hardwick's tweet Oh god damn dude you lost me totally Chris Hardwick and Brian and I had a conversation
Starting point is 00:35:19 About Stitcher I think other people see Podcasting differently than we do, though. There's a lot of people that are trying to monetize their podcast. When you're in the top five or top ten, he was breaking down 3,000 listeners an episode on Stitcher. 3,000 is how many people listen on Stitcher. He's in the top four of comedy iTunes rankings. I know the numbers just because we did this show.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I'm not going to say the numbers, but I'm just going to say 3,000 is not going to affect anything in the top five. Well, it really depends on what you're doing. Some people are actually selling their iTunes podcasts, and they're building up towards the point where they're going to sell them. Well, that's different. He's not, though. Okay, but some people have advertising that's based on their iTunes ranking.
Starting point is 00:36:12 It could be based on how many hits you get on iTunes. And in that sense, he's absolutely right. Because in that sense, if he doesn't want to shit on Stitcher, and I believe they pulled it off, he's absolutely right because he gets paid by iTunes. What he should be able to do is go to the company that's sponsoring him and say, well, there's another application called Stitcher. It's very easy to track. Why can't we work that into it?
Starting point is 00:36:33 Let's say I get X amount per thousand downloads on iTunes and then a percentage of the downloads on Stitcher. It seems to me that if it's trackable, you should still be able to run the ads on it. As far as I know, they don't do any editing of your show. They don't do any editing. The only thing it is, it's a banner on the app which is about one-twelfth
Starting point is 00:36:56 of the app. It's like, from Chris Hardwick's numbers that he did in a blog post, I can't remember the exact number. I want to say it was 800. Every 800 views of that teeny banner on that app he gets a dollar which sucks but knowing what google adsense pays for like views of an ad it's not far off well i you know some man he's got his own thing he likes doing it a certain way and he should be able to it's his it's his product i'm agreeing with chris hardwick 100 but for us we have a totally different take on Stitcher.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Because the podcast is, first of all, we started off with, it wasn't supposed to be a job. It was a goof. It was just me and Brian having fun. I wanted to do it to just do something. I thought it would be fun to just do it and do it on a regular basis. And people like things that are free. It's good. It's good to give people free shit.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I think it's in the spirit of things. It shows that the entertainment that you're trying to provide, you're really trying to provide it for the sake of it. If you don't, you know what I'm saying? If you don't have any ulterior motives, you're just doing it for the sake. You're trying to make it good. You're trying to make it fun. People respond to that and they like it.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And they'll support you in other ways. They'll come see your comedy show.'ll you know you know what man whatever that's where we did i just i disagree with that i think it's awesome to give free content but i also think it's fine to charge for it i don't know no no you're misinterpreting me i do not think there's anything wrong with charging it i just don't need to so since i don't need to i make it free right it's that simple if i needed to like in your case i know that you charge occasionally for podcasts. Well, we do an extra episode a week and charge a buck. Right. And this has been like a source of controversy.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And some fucking dummy on my message board wrote some whole thing about how he's upset at you because you charge for a podcast and he'll never fucking pay. You know, listen, no one is telling you you have to pay. And in fact, Duncan is actually giving you something for free still. He does an extra one a week. And in the extra one, he wants to see if he can make some money. Well, you know what's particularly to me what's... People are gross, man. People are gross. But I think it's
Starting point is 00:38:53 I know it's... That's what I thought originally, but then when I started thinking about it more I realized that it uncovers this certain layer of conditioning that exists in people because, like, when you go to the atm and the atm asks you for two bucks or whatever to get cash out because you're not at your bank you're just like ah fuck it i'll do it when you're at the gas station and it's like 35 cents
Starting point is 00:39:15 convenience fee i don't even know what that fucking means but i'll pay it but the moment artists start saying hey i i'd like to make money for the stuff I'm making, people are like, what the fuck? You're going to charge for that shit? Once they're getting it for free, you mean. Once they're getting it for free. If you start charging from the beginning, people have no problem with continuing to pay for things. It's once they start getting it for free.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Well, that's why we added an extra episode. And the experiment totally worked. And it made me think, you know, this is a model. Maybe this is a new model that other people can use. It's like instead of pulling the rug out from people's feet and saying, you're paying now. I'm charging for everything. You always offer some free thing for people to enjoy. And then you add one extra thing to it so people are really into it and don't mind paying.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Most people send us emails saying they like supporting the show. They like it. Most people do. The reason why people get upset is the reason why people – there's people that find something anywhere to get angry at. And it's because they're looking for it. They're looking for something to piss them off. something to piss them off and if you're angry at some guy whose podcast you like because he would like a dollar yeah for an hour and a half's worth of him talking i understand where you don't if you don't have a buck look i've been there before man i've been to points in my life where i rolled
Starting point is 00:40:35 pennies so i'd have something to eat for dinner i understand poverty i've been there for a long time i totally get that you don't have to buy it but you have to be fucking mad that he's selling it and by the way especially when someone's giving you something for free and also by the way how about you email me and ask for the fucking mp3 there's like a 99 chance i probably would have just sent it to you you just fucked up and said on the internet that was the one time i would have done it i'll never do it again listen you're gonna trolled son okay well whatever trolled by a hot Okay, well, whatever. You're going to get trolled by a hot chick right now. That'll be terrible.
Starting point is 00:41:07 But it's really a dude. That will be terrible. Yeah, that's what's the next step. I shouldn't have said that. Whatever. You fucked up. You opened up the gates. You challenged the fucking system.
Starting point is 00:41:14 You challenged the hackers of the world right there. To what? To a duel. I do not challenge. There's a mental duel. I do not challenge. Why are you making fun of Anonymous for? You said you would respond to email.
Starting point is 00:41:25 You saying you respond to emails is like opening up the gates to hell. Sure, then someone's going to go, okay, how do I get this motherfucker to look stupid? Oh, no. Are you making fun of Netscape, bro? Now I'm paranoid. Now I've got to exist in a Philip K. Dick universe with being terrified of people who email me. You know what? By the way, people already know I respond to shit because I talk to people on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And you do, on occasion, get some emails from people that it really seems like these are cops. You know what I mean? Oh, sure. I got an email from somebody who's like, hi, me and my buds were thinking of taking some magic mushrooms. And we're wondering if you could tell us where to get them or could send us some in the mail but it was like the slang they were using was like like completely off buds buds hey yeah it was like weird first of all hippie ever even if it was serious like i'm gonna be like oh sure let me just mail you an illegal substance that is really hilarious
Starting point is 00:42:23 yeah it's very spooky. I had a guy who wanted to get DMT from me in Cleveland and I knew he was a cop. Because first of all, who the fuck is asking me for DMT? In Cleveland. And I'm in Cleveland and this guy has a crew cut. He's looking at me and I'm like, this guy isn't drunk, he's not high.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And I'm assessing the dude. I'm looking at this guy. I'm like, this guy seems like he's had some self-defense training. It seems like he's a confident man. It seems like he's acting like he's got some weird feeling of authority about him. I was like, he's almost like he expects authority. He expects you to. This guy was such an obvious cop.
Starting point is 00:43:00 It was ridiculous. Because a bad cop, or at least a dumb cop, they get a feeling of entitlement around people. You know, a dumb one. I've seen it a bunch of times. And I'm a big supporter of cops. And I always say that 99% of cops are just trying to do a good job. It's the 1% of cunts that fuck it up for everybody else.
Starting point is 00:43:18 You know, they run a pretty fucking tight chip in most police forces. Sure. But this guy just eked of cop. I was like, what are you talking about, man? And he goes, he goes, come on, man, DMT. He's like looking at me, and I'm looking at Sure. But this guy just eked of cop. I was like, what are you talking about, man? And he goes, come on, man, DMT. He's like looking at me, and I'm looking at him. We're making eye contact. I'm like, motherfucker, the last thing you want is DMT.
Starting point is 00:43:35 You're not looking for DMT, you fucking weirdo. Yeah. You know? Like you carried her out. We had the weirdest stare-off, man. It was so strange. It was so weird. It was so strange because he was totally full of shit. There was no way this guy was totally full of shit there was no
Starting point is 00:43:45 way this guy was looking at trip he wasn't looking at trip he was looking to fucking arrest me you know that you know that that marijuana thing that john heffron gave you yeah ever since that show every day this guy writes me and he adds an extra hundred dollars he goes hundred dollar donation if you send me one of those marijuana sticks two hundred dollar donation he's done it every day i think i'm up to $500. You should tell him to suck your cock on video. You should tell him to do an internet search. Well, I traced it.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Tell him about Google. You can't get that shit on Google. You can't get a vaporite? Oh, really? These are California only. Oh, I see. I didn't know that. Or maybe Colorado is rocking it too right now. They're thinking about closing the post office? Yeah, man. I'm tired of getting mail. Yeah, me too. I didn't know that. Or maybe probably Colorado is rocking it too right now. Did you hear they're thinking about closing the post office? Yeah, man. I'm tired of getting mail.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah, me too. I never get mail. How about we make it so that just like our ancestors, we get to the point where nothing we have is traceable once the Big Bang happens and a fucking rock hits the planet and all our hardware corrodes. We have nothing solid written anywhere. How about no post office and only quarters? What do you mean only quarters? Money, dollar bills and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Paper money, but only quarters. No pennies, nickels, and dimes? Yeah, everything rounds to a quarter. When is that going to happen? No, I mean, wouldn't that make sense? Wouldn't that be a good idea? Oh, Jesus, dude. Everything in quarters?
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah, I mean, how many times do you fucking dime? That seems like it would be a nice excuse for them to raise taxes so that everything rounds off to a quarter. Yeah. Yeah, no matter what, it rounds off to the next quarter. It always taxes so that everything rounds off to a quarter. Yeah. Yeah. No matter what, it rounds off to the next quarter.
Starting point is 00:45:07 It always raises high and all that goes to the government. That's not a good move. What are you doing? Why? Give those fuckheads more money? Have you been watching these Republican debates? Yeah. Did you see the one where they were talking about the guy dying because he didn't have any money?
Starting point is 00:45:20 Yeah. He didn't have any insurance. Yeah. Should he die and the audience was cheering? Yeah! Let him die! Tell me about that. What is that?
Starting point is 00:45:26 Well, I'll tell you what it is. The tea party's hilarious because the moment you climb out of the pussy, it's open game. But when you're in there, no one can touch you. They're all anti-abortion, but the moment you're born,
Starting point is 00:45:38 they're like, let him die. You could have a baby that pops out and doesn't have insurance inside the fetus if the woman wanted to get inside fetus if the woman wanted to get inside the womb if the woman wanted an abortion the tea party be like no it's evil the moment that baby comes out if it doesn't have insurance tea party's like let it die let it die mama didn't have insurance let it die i don't think they feel that way about babies i think
Starting point is 00:46:01 they feel that way about people grown-ups only but once you're a grown-up you're on your own grown-ups are just mutated babies well they're babies that grew up yeah they're but i don't think they're anti-baby i think they're just when you get to a certain point you're supposed to take personal responsibility i think the way they're going about it's pretty silly i mean the idea should be that you should have a sense of community that is earned where everyone contributes so everyone wants to help everyone. Our real problem is that there's too many fucking people and that you cannot have communities of 20 million people because you're going to get a diffusion of responsibility. You're going to get a situation where there's too many fucking people and they're not going to care about one life here or one life there or one person here or one person there. They don't have to
Starting point is 00:46:45 but if you lived in a village of 50 people everyone would have to care about everyone and that's how we're supposed to live we're supposed to live like in the movie little red riding hood where the there's a girl with the bug eyes it's really hot what's that chick she's blonde fucker who cares i don't care what she's very hot she's in a lot of movies and um she was in little red riding hood and they they played this little village where there was a werewolf that came was fucking everybody up. I have to see all werewolf movies across even Little Red Riding Hood. But she lives in this little village. And as I was watching all these people sort of prepare their town and, you know, and, you know, stockpile everything and prepare for this werewolf. I was like, this is how people really are supposed to live. They're supposed to live in small communities that are worried about outsiders. That's how they're supposed to live. You're supposed to be everybody that you know in this little area is your friend.
Starting point is 00:47:37 You're all cool. You're cool together. You work together. You eat together. You hunt together. You cook together. Everyone is in this little group. But people that you don't know that come over the hill, those are the ones you have to worry about.
Starting point is 00:47:48 I don't think people are supposed to live in any particular way. I think that there's, you know, that's what adaptation is all about. Sure. So I think that, you know, now the real problem isn't that, you know, people are sucking the system dry. The real problem is really quite clear. It just seems like it's right in front of everyone. Diabetes. It's that 2% of the people on the planet have all the wealth.
Starting point is 00:48:13 And that's the problem. That is part of the problem. But the other part of the problem is that the biological evolution, the evolution of the animal, the human animal itself, to adapt to this system of this community being intensely, incredibly larger than it used to be. That our DNA and the way we think and behave is based on communities. And when all of a sudden the community is some abstract number that you can't even wrap your head around,
Starting point is 00:48:48 a community of 300 million people. Really? Yeah. Well, that's the only reason why we can accept states. If we just had one giant state, it would be so completely ridiculous. It would seem so strange. You mean like the New World Order or like a global? No, I mean the idea of a giant community of a bunch of people you don't even fucking know
Starting point is 00:49:08 and a number that's so large you can't wrap your head around. We don't know what 300 million means. 300 million is just some numbers on a piece of paper. No one's brain registers what 300 million people is. But that's the community that we're involved in. Somehow or another, the world has grown to the point where 300 million people plus the whole rest of the world is constantly communicating at the exact same time,
Starting point is 00:49:32 which is something the biological body of today is absolutely not ready for. So all of our checks and balances and natural reward systems are completely fucking hijacked, just like they're hijacked with movies that fucking trick us, just like they're hijacked with movies that fucking trick us right just like they're hijacked with placebos just like the the whole system is hijacked and we have just have not caught up to how much life has changed it's not catching up and a big reason that it's not catching up it's it is but slowly it's it takes longer than the
Starting point is 00:50:03 thing itself well that's because the people who are in control of the system are the two percent who have all the money that's the fucking problem but isn't that why the system has gotten this big this fast in the first place i mean it's almost like you need greed and intense you need greed and intense ambition and all these things that in some form ultimately lead to monarchies ultimately lead to bad things it's like they get so intense that a person is so competitive about money that they get to the point where they have way more money than they can use and they're fucking over the rest of the world but they can't even help themselves it's like an ethic that started
Starting point is 00:50:38 always an explanation for tyranny there's always an explanation like that you can almost always tell there's an x there's like there's the an explanation like that. You can almost always tell there's an explanation. The current explanation is, these people, not what you're saying because what you're saying is smart, but the base version is, these 2% of the wealthy have
Starting point is 00:50:57 earned their money and they deserve to keep it. And everyone else, they're lazy fucks. That's the idea. they're just not lucky they just didn't put their uh shoulders to the grindstone they didn't push hard enough and so that's the that's the idea now i think the real truth of the matter is that many of these people have inherited their money many of these people they didn't necessarily earn their money and even if they did earn the fucking money the fact that there are people in the world with big fat bloated fucking bellies because they're starving to death in
Starting point is 00:51:31 somalia and we can't get the resources there because some fundamentalist fucking islamic organization won't let the shit through so that fucking babies can eat the fact that we're totally cool with that while simultaneously every bomb we drop costs a hundred thousand dollars on top of libya the fact that we're totally cool with that is an indication to me not of a nervous system not catching up but a state of people not being educated appropriately and ethics it seems like a simple thing we need to fucking school teachers need to start getting paid the doctor's wage school teachers need to start getting paid the same amount that celebrities get paid so that it becomes a competitive industry.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And only the super smart are the ones who start giving our children the basic information. You're absolutely right. And on that platform, you should run for president. But my point is not attached to the human animal as one of its own. My point is looking at it objectively. When I look at it objectively, when I look at the way human beings are so intensely focused on wealth and so intensely focused on privilege and on conquering and taking over things, I really think that it's like a queen bee or like any sort of a natural, you know, large leader of an ant colony or whatever the fuck it is. There's some crazy thing that people need in order to accomplish what we are abstractly aware of trying to accomplish. And it goes back to this technology thing. When you have ambition, any kind of ambition, you're going to have competition.
Starting point is 00:53:10 When you have competition, you're always going to have people that take it to the next level. And some people take it to the next level like Michael Jordan does on the basketball court. Or you've got guys like William Randolph Hearst who takes it to that next level when he was running newspapers. He's just a fucking dominator. Fuck you. I don't give a shit. How about I make up stories and put them on my newspaper, you fuckhead, and then I'm going to kill you, and I'm going to make up a story and put it in my paper that says, you were
Starting point is 00:53:35 into kiddie porn, you fuckhead. I mean, William Randolph Hearst got to some insane point of power. But I almost wonder if instead of looking at these individual circumstances or individual people that create horrible things and greed and obscenely wealthy people while other people are starving, instead of looking at that, I always look at the mechanism itself. Look at the movement itself. Which way is the wave going and why? Why is it going in the most supposedly progressive of all the countries, being America, the most hyper-aggressive about controlling natural resources and about innovation and about weapons? About weapons and about science. And today, NASA announced that we're going to try to go to Mars. They're going to have manned missions to Mars, a giant fucking thing, Like the Saturn V rocket on steroids. They're going to send astronauts to Mars.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And this keeps America. This is one of the big points of their point. It keeps America the leader in the space race. People are worried that we're losing the space race because we can no longer put people in the space station. We have to rely on the Soviets. And the Soviets just crashed one of their shuttles the other day. So now we're like um are you guys uh did you change the oil what are you doing we don't even know what they did we're hopping on their plane you know it's ridiculous that we still have space races that's like the laugh olympics you know it's just like the dumbest thing that we're in these olympics with other countries like we gotta go farther faster first yeah but no because
Starting point is 00:55:03 it pushes innovation and it pushes people to really i mean whether or not you believe people landed on the moon i know it sounds retarded i still have questions um people go but i got answers you know there's like there's recent photographs of the moon landing and everybody sends them to me and they're like what do you think man what do you think and i think if i was guilty of something okay and i sent you a picture that showed that i wasn't guilty of something and it was really fucking blurry and it looked like it was taken from a million miles away in black and white would you believe me right no oh i'm sure that this is a satellite photo it's
Starting point is 00:55:35 very likely that it is i leave open the possibility that it's not and people say that's crazy and i probably is is that possibility one percent% or how big of that possibility? I have no idea. Then I would know. I would say 1%. This is what I would say. I would say if it's 99%, if there's 1%, what was that 1% there for? What the fuck is it there for?
Starting point is 00:55:56 99% means I really believe it. I just leave it open. I don't have a percentage labeled on it. I think the people in the 60s and the 70s were full of shit. I think the government was intensely full of shit. I think the Nixon administration was deceptive as a practice, generally
Starting point is 00:56:14 across the board, completely full of shit, and without accountability until they got busted in Watergate and the shit that went on in the Vietnam War, how they got into the Vietnam War from the Gulf of Tonkin incident
Starting point is 00:56:27 which is a big fat fucking lie. Do you think the government would have learned by now like hey we're getting a smarter age. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:56:33 We're not going to lie. I don't know. I don't know. Wouldn't you think that? No because they still do shit that's fucked
Starting point is 00:56:37 up. Look at the Pamela Smart or not Pamela Smart case. The girl who got rescued in Iraq. What the fuck is her name?
Starting point is 00:56:45 I'm not pulling anybody's names out today. But my point was this girl, Jessica Lynch. She was in the hospital. They said there was a gunfight. She was kidnapped. They had a rescuer. They brought her back. She was an American hero.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Well, it turns out she was not in a gunfight at all. She was in a fucking hospital. There was no guns fired. They went in and got her. And they made up a goddamn story. The Pat Tillman story. Pat Tillman died because of fucking friendly fire. Someone made a mistake, and he died.
Starting point is 00:57:08 But when they put that story out, they did not say that. When they put that story out, they said he died in defense of our country. Meanwhile, Pat Tillman, when he was over there, was a huge... He went from being a huge supporter of the war to going over there and openly criticizing and saying it was a gigantic clusterfuck of epic epic proportions and his brother still maintains that to this day so they lie about shit they make shit up but i don't know whether or not they've made up landing on the moon i don't know whether or not they killed kennedy i don't know i leave those open i leave those open because i think it's very possible it's there's nothing there's etched in stone shit to me. Here's something
Starting point is 00:57:45 etched in stone. Etched in stone, there was a man named Kennedy who was shot and killed. That's etched in stone. I don't know what the fuck happened to him. I don't know. It's fascinating to me. The whole idea of this bullet magically showing up on Governor Connolly's gurney. They bring him and, oh, I think we found the bullet.
Starting point is 00:58:01 This bullet didn't look like it got shot through anything. It's ridiculous. There's more fragments of metal supposedly in their bodies that are missing from this bullet. You know, attribute that to what you will, but the idea that you could shoot a bullet through fucking bone, and no one's ever been able to recreate that. They tried that on one of those fucking shows, and the only way they were able to make it look anything
Starting point is 00:58:17 even close to that bullet, they had to shoot it through, like, gelatin. They had to shoot it through, like, fake skin that's supposed to replicate gelatin. But as soon as you hit a bone, that's's a rap song that bullet was warped and fucked up that's what happens to bullets man it's supposed to be like that they fragment inside your body and they create more damage they shatter things they're lead with a shield on them of another metal like brass or something like that and when they depending on what you have and they hit
Starting point is 00:58:39 things they fuck up they bend up that kennedy bullet didn't go through shit they shot that thing into a fucking fish tank. That thing looked like it never hit anything. Like it hit a million pillows. Didn't look like it fucking hit anything hard, like a bone and shattered someone's wrist. I don't buy that for a goddamn second. And if you do buy that, you're looking for that to be the answer. You know, and the only reason why they ever even said that, you know, people dispute the positioning of the magic bullet.
Starting point is 00:59:04 The positioning, look, you know, Anthony Bourdain had a really good point when he talked about people that get shot. When he was on our podcast, he talked about some people get shot and the bullet ricochets inside their head and exits out the back and doesn't even do any damage. It was totally true. Crazy things can happen when you're shooting bullets through people. People have been shot through the head and nothing happens to them. Literally.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Shot through the fucking head. They have a hole straight through their head and they live. And they don't have any functioning, you know, they're allowed to walk around. They're fine. They can rehab. It's amazing. Some people know. But every time you shoot a bullet into something, that bullet gets fucked up.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Every time. Every time. Yeah. And that bullet, if you look at that bullet, it's so clear that bullet didn't hit anything. There's no fucking way it went through two different people. There's no way. And the only reason why they even had to say it went through two people is because we had to attribute three bullets to one person. Because they found a guy who was under the underpass who was hit with a ricochet.
Starting point is 01:00:00 When that guy, when it hit the curb, the ricochet of the granite came up, hit this guy, fucked him up. He had to go to the hospital. What happened? I got hit with a ricochet when that guy when they'd hit the curb the ricochet of the granite came up hit this guy fucked him up he had to go to the hospital what happened i got hit with a ricochet they found the spot on the concrete or the uh the the uh granite the whatever there's the curb stone where it had been hit by the bullet sure so they knew he was telling the truth oh here's a bullet hole okay this is where the guy got hit so they had to that now they have three wounds now they have all these shots and they don't or two i guess two wounds and they had to attribute one of them to two one in two different people's bodies to the same bullet it's completely unscientific instead of saying what are the what is the possibility that even though we caught lee harvey oswald what if there was a guy on the roof above him what if there was
Starting point is 01:00:38 a guy is that possible and no no no. Impossible. Is it possible? No, nothing possible. Let's talk to this guy and find out. Oh, this fucking mob-collected guy or mob-connected guy ran up to him and shot him in broad daylight in the stomach in front of everybody and police officers? What? What happened? What kind of fucking charade are you running here? Oh, the guy who killed Kennedy is dead. Oh, well, that's convenient. There you go.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Well, let's go back to work in Vietnam, and Lynd lyndon johnson's gonna take care of everybody he loves you hey he's a he's a good old boy and it's terrible to happen that boy kennedy but you know what sometimes those youngins those fucking massachusetts boys they don't know how to shut the fuck up yeah yeah they they clink whiskey glasses and they they proceed to fuck headless thai whores yeah you know come on man those guys are animals. Those guys are all savages. But the thing Brian said about how maybe now they're not doing that anymore. It's nonsense.
Starting point is 01:01:34 It's nonsense, but I think that idea is a prevalent idea, and it's a hilarious idea. Because if you look back at every age in history. Things accelerate. at every age in history, you will find that in every age there was an idea people had about something that was okay that a later age found to be completely and absolutely wrong.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Most recently, segregation. There was a time when, I guess our grandparents, they would really go to use the bathroom and they'd be like, oh, there's the white person's bathroom. And then they would say to whoever was working for them, like if they happened to take their black maid on a shopping trip, they'd be like, oh, there's the colored restroom. You can go use that. And that was normal. They didn't do that with some sense of like,
Starting point is 01:02:20 ah, I don't know if I should do this or not. To them, that was a normal state of existence. If you go back a little bit before that, there was slavery. You would go over to your friend's house and your friend would have a fucking dude that he had bought that had to do everything he said because it was his slave. And he was allowed to beat it. Yeah, he beat it. He beat a human fucking being. That was totally normal. And then if you go back a little bit before that, you would wake up in the morning and your cow's milk would be sour and you would go and say to your wife, I think there's a witch nearby. And she'd be like, well, who? Who do you think it is? And you'd min it. And you'd find a woman and you'd fucking incinerate her on a goddamn pyre. That was just before slavery. incinerator on a goddamn pyre. That was just before slavery. Now, somehow people think that right now we've got it all figured out and there's not something equally insane that we all consider to be a total normal facet of reality. Like all of a sudden, no, all of society has totally got it figured out. No, we don't have it figured out. The truth of the matter is there is a hive mind. The truth of the matter is, there is a hive mind.
Starting point is 01:03:30 People are leaders, and there are people who understand that in primate neurology, there is a way to tune in to that fucking frequency of attention and convince people that you're the president, the leader, the king, the queen, whatever the fuck it is you want to call it. You can convince primates, if you spin the fucking spiral in front of them in the right way, you can convince them that you're their leader and they'll just believe it oh yeah that's a leader he's our president oh he's my president now somebody saw that and then i said that in the news people fight me he's my president fight you you got to respect the president he's our president he's our president
Starting point is 01:03:58 don't talk about our president that way now this is a uh clearly a form of conditioning and a form of hypnosis and what i think that that that's like the final thing for us to overcome. We got over fucking slavery. But it's a weird thing. You're not supposed to discuss this. No way you're not supposed to discuss it. It's our government. If you're an intelligent person, if you're an intelligent person and you're a respected person,
Starting point is 01:04:19 you go on television and say the president should be respected no more than any other man. Get out of my studio you know man people people if you want to see the conditioning when you watch somebody burn a watch someone burn a flag in front of the wrong person yeah people will freak out you want to see the conditioning fucking burn a hundred dollar bill in front of people no not the paper there was a story a news story about a dude who was in front of a no not the paper there was a story a new story about a dude who was in front of a mexican restaurant and he was a vietnam vet and he was angry because the mexican restaurant was flying a mexican flag above an american flag and apparently
Starting point is 01:04:58 this dude said that that was not legal so he goes there with a fucking knife opens up this giant knife and saws the rope on this guy's flag in front of this man's mexican restaurant pulls the flags down and cuts old glory free folds it up properly and takes it with him and he's like you will not disrespect this flag and he's like it clearly states somewhere i don't know it is, some old asshole who's dead as fuck wrote down on some piece of paper, the old glory must be on top. This is the appropriate way to fold the flag. America can never be,
Starting point is 01:05:33 you know, never be humble. You can't be like the third flag. Yeah. Like, you know what's really cool? Tibet, you want to be on top? Be on top, Tibet. Who wants to be in the middle? Ireland, you want to be in the middle? Okay, we'll just be on the bottom. It's cool. We are America. That's what I'm talking about there, Joe. Who wants to be in the middle? Ireland? You want to be in the middle? Okay, we'll just be on the bottom. It's cool. We are America. That's what I'm talking about there, Joe.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I'm talking about this game of make-believe that we're being forced to play. And it seems like the Tea Party represents the people who most want to hold on to this silly game of make-believe. And it's like, you know, I love this country in the sense that I love the geography of the place I'm living in. I love the cultures here and the people I've met. And I really love a lot of the ways in our culture that free dialogue can spring up and all the amazing things. But why are you forcing me to then take that love or a sense of belonging here and put it on a goddamn symbol? Why are you making me put that on a fucking flag or on whatever the silly thing is that you're turning into an idol? I don't want to do that anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:30 And as we get smarter, I think, as a species, that kind of stuff is becoming less and less palatable. And now when we're engaged in these ceremonies, most of us are thinking like the Pledge of Allegiance or whatever at a baseball game. I don't even know they do that at a baseball game. I'm not saying everyone, but I think there is a percentage of people in the audience who are doing it out of just a sense of like, oh, it's kind of quaint. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 01:06:56 This is weird, but you want me to put my hand on my chest? Well, this is one of those same reasons why a lot of people want to be Christians and tell you they're Christians. Because it automatically carries with it a certain amount of respect. If you say to me, where do you stand with politics? How do you feel? I'm a fucking patriot. I'm a patriot, bro. I fucking believe in this country.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I'm a patriot. And all of a sudden, that guy is not to be questioned. You know what I'm saying? Right. There's a certain amount of respect that you're going to get from me. Yeah. For being a patriot. Well, no, because I believe in the system.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Yeah. And this president was elected. And because this president was elected, then I just have to go with what's happening. And that's why I trust my government. the silliest fucking place for your mind to get to when you really look back at the fact that this very same government was the same government that enforced segregation. It was the same government that illegally went to war in Vietnam. It was the same government that told us that there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction. This very same government that you've pledged your allegiance to again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again throughout history has shown that it does not do the right thing. It consistently does shitty things.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Slavery, segregation. War. War. Right now, war. Now, it will repair itself from time to time. And what's really beautiful is the promise of democracy. it will repair itself from time to time and what's really beautiful is the promise of democracy the promise of democracy or or a truly i guess a representative government a truly representative government it's fucking beautiful jesus christ that's like pure evolution a purely representative
Starting point is 01:08:36 government of an educated population a truly educated not just educated with books and number or you know numbers and words, but educated as far as behavior, educated as far as character. There's too many of us to get that done. There's not enough incentive, unfortunately. I know that right now the idea is that there's too many of us. But I think that's what this whole, I'm a patriot, I'm a Christian, this is a reason. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:09:02 There's a million good things. There's a million good things, Brian. You're not paying attention to what I'm saying. The idea is that being a Christian, saying you're a patriot, you're trying to hold some higher ideal that you would really like other people to do as well. And if they do do it, you're going to treat them better, and everyone's going to have more energy together. So this is like they're know, they're trying.
Starting point is 01:09:25 It's like when people say, like, I'm a Christian. I'm a Christian, too, even though a lot of them don't do anything Christian. You know, the first thing they want to do is fucking shoot the enemy. You know, Jesus says, turn the other cheek. The last thing you want to do is go and fucking say, I'm a Christian. I'm here to fuck people up. You can't say that, man. It's like they're saying it because there is this urge to do that.
Starting point is 01:09:45 It's fun to imagine Jesus flying the Enola Gay. Like, imagine. Fucking beard. He's got his toe gone or whatever the thing is he's wearing. And he's flying that fucking Enola Gay to drop a nuclear weapon on a population of children and women and boyfriends and girlfriends and artists that jesus is like i must do this for my father of course of course not i had to get that out but what did you mean brian like what were you saying no i mean it's just like you're saying about how bad the government is how many bad things they've done you know in the past but everyone never
Starting point is 01:10:21 looks at the good shit you know no one's ever looking at all the good shit they do. They're always focusing on the bad stuff. I don't think that's necessarily the case. Look at the Grand Canyon. It's badass. Did you ever read Watership Down? The government didn't make the Grand Canyon, bro. Brian, did you?
Starting point is 01:10:33 I hate to fucking bust your bubble. Hey, will you do me a favor? I know we're not supposed to play music, but there's a song that we have to play. We have to play it because I really like this song, and it's super appropriate. We'll just talk over it. We're not selling anything. What's the song? It's Aaron Lewis, Country country boy you know the dude from stained okay well he's reinvented himself as a country music singer and yes yes yes i want you to because it's important it's
Starting point is 01:10:56 really important it's really important for two reasons one because i honestly like this song i like this song a lot i really do it's a's a fucking good song. The guy's got a great voice. I loved him in that band, Stained. Yeah. I think he's a bad motherfucker. He's got a great voice. And apparently, it's just so fascinating. It's a super, super patriotic song.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Let's hear it. And it's so patriotic. It's almost like a parody. Oh, show it from the beginning. From the beginning. Hit it from the beginning. Here we go. Ready?
Starting point is 01:11:26 It's about being a country boy. That's your... We never play songs anymore, but... Fuck it, man. I love this song. How do you know? Dude, the... Listen to how good his voice is, man.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Man, I don't like sounding like a homo, but that motherfucker's got a badass voice. He could tuck me into bed at night with that voice. You're a loner, this one. Listen to this. Welcome to VH1, great. This is a great fucking song, dude. I rarely drink from the bottle But I'll smoke a little weed Woo!
Starting point is 01:12:19 That's what happens at the concert. He has Don't Tread On Me tattooed on his neck. Intense. That's what happens at the concert. He's on the side. He has Don't Tread on Me tattooed on his neck. Intense. That's intense. Right across his neck. It says, Don't Tread on Me. And this song is talking about how he never leaves his house without his nine or his 45. It's like sort of gangster rap.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Let's try another word for cum. Outlaw country. He sold his soul to the devil in L.A. This is talking about when he was in that other band. Winger? Yeah. He's like Spinal Tap. He's saying the devil hooked him up in L.A. with a record contract.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Did you ever see Spinal Tap? What he's doing is he's making up for his time as a rock star. No, remember in Spinal Tap when they said there's a great thing where it shows all the pictures of the band and they tried every demographic. They kept changing demographics according to what was popular.
Starting point is 01:13:17 And so he just swapped demographics. Yeah, you got right to country. His publicist was like, hey, listen, I think the country market's better. Well, he's trying to be legit, just like a gangster rapper's trying to be legit. So much so. Because in the video, there's a picture of him at two holding a gun. He's two, and he's got a gun in his hand.
Starting point is 01:13:33 I am not bullshitting. I believe it. It says, me, age two. He's holding a gun. And there's another picture where he's got a large mouth bass. See? I used to fish. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:42 So it's like all these pictures of him. Yeah, he's fitting in. But all that shit is so manipulative and silly. And that whole thing, man. But it gets way better. I grew up on a country road in a place you never know what it's like. The last few seconds of it, I'll tell you, Brian, exactly where to go because it's so ridiculous. It was one of my, it's just really interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Did you know there's a Miss Hands? No. And it's way worse than Mr. worse than go to 4 minutes and 14 seconds go to 4 minutes and 14 seconds we'll just end this cause it's fascinating by the way I'm not dissing this guy at all and I fucking love this music and I love his song and I love that kind of music I like a lot of
Starting point is 01:14:18 Toby Keith songs I don't have anything wrong with patriotic songs at the end of it listen this guy does this little speech and this is like this old old dude that's like i love my country i love my guns i love my family i love the way it is now and anybody that tries to change it has to come through me that should be all of our attitudes is this is america and the country boy is good enough for me son okay play that back again because that might be a terrorist message. Okay, that retarded fucking speech.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Back it up. Listen to this. Listen to this. Is that a bagpipe? I love my country. I love my guns. I love my family. I love the way it is now.
Starting point is 01:15:04 And anybody that tries to change it Has to come through me That should be all of our attitudes As good as America And a country boy is good enough for me, son A country boy is good enough for me We are as evolved as I need Let's stop right here
Starting point is 01:15:18 That's how cancer cells talk If you could listen to a cancer cell That's what it would sound like It's just so fucking stupid It's like, I love my guns And exactly. If you could listen to a cancer cell, that's what it would sound like. It's just so fucking stupid. It's like, I love my guns. What? That's you?
Starting point is 01:15:31 I love my country. I love my guns. Oh, Jesus, dude. Just hurry up and die. Will you fucking hurry up? Will you just die, you fucking model T human being? You dipshit. Just die.
Starting point is 01:15:42 I love my family. I love my guns. Yeah. Take those. They'll come through me. Yeah. Okay, look. I'm not saying i want to take your guns dude all right i don't want to i like guns too i love my family too all right settle the fuck down every time in history every time in history no one's coming through you bro but every period in history has got those human anchors desperately trying to dig their claws into the fucking in in into the earth and keep evolution from happening.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Desperately fight. They'll kill for it. They'll kill for it. The Inquisition. What do you mean? Wait a minute. You can't be serious. Do you, everyone gather around.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Did you hear Galileo? Did you hear what Galileo just said? Father, I heard he speak of the earth not being the center. I love my earth in the center of the universe. I love my earth. I love my sticks and bows and arrows. I love my sling. I love my slave.
Starting point is 01:16:34 I love burning witches. Anybody trying to take my catapult away, you've got to come through me. I love my scroll. I love carving in rock. I love walking. I don't need to ride any horses. I don't need domesticated animals.
Starting point is 01:16:47 That's complicated. Anybody who wants to domesticate horses has got to come through me. I love being a hunter-gatherer. I love having a lifespan. I love being a single-celled organism. There's no need to expand. We're all having a good time down here at the bottom of the ocean floor. Anybody who wants to change that has got to come through me.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I love being a carbon molecule. I love existing in pretty big bang conditions. I love my family. I love my family. I love my protons. Anybody wants to change that, gotta come through me. As I open up the second bottle of wine. It's always.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I grew up on an old dirt road in a town you wouldn't know. Joe, I have a question about it. It's a beautiful song, man. The guy's just singing his fucking ass off. I'm sorry. I'm not denying it's a beautiful song. I'm buying that shit on iTunes right now because I made fun of you, bro. I love that song.
Starting point is 01:17:38 No bullshit. I love it. He's a Massachusetts boy just like me. When you first talked about the horse humping. How many dirt roads are in Massachusetts? You called it Mr. Hands. Yes. Was that just because you saw the file name Mr. Hands?
Starting point is 01:17:51 MrHands.mpag. Now was that already called Mr. Hands? No, his name, the guy who got fucked to death was Mr. Hands. If you don't know what the story we're talking about, we're talking about a real true story about a gentleman in Seattle. Gentleman. I believe he was an engineer, but he was a professional. And he had this crazy fetish for sex with animals and wound up getting killed. And there's a video of him getting fucked by a horse.
Starting point is 01:18:15 And the video is mrhens.mpeg. And you can get it at And if you're new to the internet or you don't have any fucked up friends like me, you might not have ever even seen this. Don't. Don't. You're right. Don't do it. It's not worth it.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Why are you going to do that to yourself? It's so crazy to watch a guy get fucked by a horse. It's not. They were talking about Mr. Hands today. I worked on this horror movie, this low-budget horror movie. And they were all talking about Mr. Hands. But they were all calling it Mr. Hands dot MPEG or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:44 And then they were saying that there's a Mrs. Hands. Really? Oh yeah, Mrs. Hands is even worse. And they just described it where it was the woman's face was off the side of the thing and the horse was just fucking coming. And suddenly it pulls out and just floppy dick and cum and everything.
Starting point is 01:18:59 And the girl at one point is going, Oh yeah! Oh, you know what that is? That's old. That's not actually Mrs. Hands. So they just called it. It's a marketing gig. Yeah, there was a dude named Billy Connolly. I fucking washed it over his house while someone stood guard over the front door.
Starting point is 01:19:14 We were in the basement. And one of us had to stand guard by the front door. We were in the basement. We had to go up the stairs and stand by the door. And if you hear my fucking mom, you better say something. This is Billy saying apparently maybe his mom either caught him with it or didn't know he had it
Starting point is 01:19:30 but there was some issue it was called barnyard Betty and you could barely see what the fuck was going on it was really shitty quality but that's one of the scenes the horse shoots a load all over her and she makes these moans like oh yeah and it's so disturbing
Starting point is 01:19:44 it was almost like I got molested that day She shoots a load all over her, and she makes these moans like, oh, yeah. And it's so disturbing. It was almost like I got molested that day. Because the day is literally broken up in my memory with these jolting, these standout memories. You know how you scroll through your icons if you use a Mac? And you scroll through, and then they get larger when your cursor goes over the thing. That's what those memories are. It's like the whole day is like a normal day. No memory of the day at all.
Starting point is 01:20:12 All of a sudden, girl got fucked by a horse in Billy Connolly's basement. I got to tell you something, man. I don't think there is a comparison between a girl getting horse cum blasted all over and a guy getting impaled to death on the penis of a horse. Those are two different things. Well, women have died from getting fucked by horses, too. Many people have died. But, yeah. Who's that famous woman who was some, god damn, who the hell was she?
Starting point is 01:20:33 Wasn't there a queen? Yeah, a queen. My memory sucks. I worked all day today in the sun doing something that I god damn wish I could tell you folks about. I can't tell you a damn word. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. I can't wait to talk about this once it actually happens.
Starting point is 01:20:49 I can tell you what happened to Ida today. This Sandra Dee. I'm sure it's going to be just as awesome. This girl named Sandra Dee was the actress in the movie. Look at me. I'm Sandra Dee. She played this monster, like a Carrie monster. Oh, that's her real name?
Starting point is 01:21:02 Her real name is Sandra Dee? Yeah, that's her real name. That's like a famous name of a person in Greece. She's an adult actress slash actress. Oh, she's one of those. So I think it might not be
Starting point is 01:21:10 her real name. But she's the bigger one. She's an adult actress. She's got over 100,000 Twitter friends. Over 100,000 Twitter friends. Yeah, she's the bigger one. Let me check her out.
Starting point is 01:21:17 And she has a British accent, fucking hot as balls. What is her Twitter address? Sandra Dee. Just Sandra Dee with a D or D-E-E? D-E-E. So anyways,
Starting point is 01:21:28 this movie, she kills me in it. Oh, shit. Spoiler alert. But she's like sitting right over me like at one point and I die from her period blood.
Starting point is 01:21:36 First of all, you just fucked up some poor girl named Sandra D who only has 17 followers. Poor Sandra D sitting in front of her ATF. What's happening?
Starting point is 01:21:46 Living in northern Michigan is going to get bombed on by the savages that listen to this podcast. What is it? It's Sandra Dee's or some regular girl named Sandy Butler.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Hi, Sandy. Sorry. Sorry to bother you. I feel like we accidentally called you at home. I did not see your asshole today. I feel like we got... Please be nice to her, folks.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Please. Please be nice. her, folks. Please. Please be nice. She seems like a nice girl with a love of ATVs. There's a photo of her with an ATV here. And she's smiling like, really? You want me to take a picture right here? Okay. It's like somebody randomly getting attacked by killer bees.
Starting point is 01:22:18 It's somebody just walking through a park. This poor girl. Her Twitter just got mobbed. Her Twitter just got assaulted by savages. Do you know how fucking trippy it's going to be for her to open up her Twitter tomorrow morning and look at 5,000 responses out of
Starting point is 01:22:32 nowhere? Like, what? Huh? Yeah, Sophie D. I'm sorry, it's Sophie D. Oh, you fuckhead. S-O-P-H-I-E-D-E-E. I posted a bunch of photos of me today. Sandy, I feel so bad. On my Twitter. If someone's mean to you, I'm going to follow you, Sandy.
Starting point is 01:22:48 If someone's mean to you, DM me and I'll correct everything. I'm following you now, Sandy. So anyway, there's one point where she's like, she has one foot on each side of me, completely naked. What's her name again? Trenched in blood. Sophie D. You're in a movie with this chick? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:01 S-O-P-H-I-E-D-E-E. Is this like one of those? It's like Evil Dead movie, like really low budget horror movie with this chick? Yeah. S-O-P-H-I-E-D-E. Is this like one of those... It's like Evil Dead movie, like really low budget horror movie. How low? Oh, really low. Like, but really cool blood, like crazy blood effects and stuff. Oh, this bitch is dirty. But...
Starting point is 01:23:16 Bam, son. Yeah, it's just a fun little short little film. So what happened? You're hanging out with this dirty hot chick. Right. This girl looks so dirty, too. Oh, my Lord. Pictures of her in bikinis.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Jesus fucking Christ. She had the biggest tits I've ever fucking seen. Duncan Trussell, look at this picture. I don't usually do this because this is a podcast, and you folks at home can't see this, but we're kind of drunk right now. Wow. It's ridiculous to imagine the incredible pull that it has.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Those tits look real. Are they real? I thought they looked real I think they are real they're huge if you look at the photos no they can't be real you know what I think
Starting point is 01:23:49 I think she's one of those crazy bitches that had big real tits and then got them bigger look at they're naked on my twitter look at backslash red band
Starting point is 01:23:56 oh I see what you did you fuck oh that's cute yeah that's ridiculous do you have naked pictures of her on your twitter you don't even do you yeah I do
Starting point is 01:24:04 I hope the hackers fucking go after you right now. Why do you unleash the hackers on everyone? Release the homes! What the fuck? I don't see no pictures of this bitch, bro. Yeah, keep looking, keep looking. Yeah, you fucking asshole. He just fucking tricked me, man.
Starting point is 01:24:22 There's tons of photos on there. Where's, speaking of photos, I heard, I heard, I heard I heard that Little Hobo came back. Yeah, Little Hobo's back, but he's smaller. I ordered the wrong goddamn size. I think it's funnier because he's super small.
Starting point is 01:24:37 You fucked up the story, dude! How big is he? How big is Little Hobo? I don't know. He's like this big now. That's even better. That might be better. First of all, it's easier to carry him. And second of all, it's even creepier that a tiny little doll is going to kill you. I want to do it in New Orleans, but I don't think it'll work. The fuck it is not going to work. You must do it. It's too small.
Starting point is 01:24:54 It's like a tiny little doll. Oh, that's the picture? That's pretty funny. And the whole time I'm laying there while she's up at me, I'm just looking up her pussy. How hard is she? Fucking amazing. Her eyes look like scary monster.
Starting point is 01:25:09 They're just so blue. They're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Keep talking. I'm saying. You'll never find. But she's married to a black wizard. As long as you live. What?
Starting point is 01:25:19 A black what? No, I'm just kidding. Is she married? She's married to another porn star. Oh, how's that work? Are they allowed to only bang people on camera? We had Dana DeArmond on once. It was a very cool chick, but she was talking about a relationship she was in once
Starting point is 01:25:32 where she had a relationship with a porn star, but they were only allowed to bang other people in movies. And she caught him banging other people outside of the movies, and she was mad. How dare you? I'd be like, what are you doing today? Bitch, I'm working. I'd be working all day. Practicing.
Starting point is 01:25:49 If that was like a total loophole in marriages, every man would be a porn star. We'd all be like, I'm listening, honey. Times are tough, okay? It's a bad economy. I'm going to pick up a little money on the side, fucking chicks on film. Yeah, man. It's so embarrassing. I mean, that's one of the other things about being human.
Starting point is 01:26:03 fucking checks on film yeah man it's so embarrassing i mean that's one of the other things about being human it's like you know you're just trapped in these fucking awful primate monogamy patterns and it's just like embarrassing you get jealous or weird and all that shit's embarrassing it's like the whole situation like we're still stuck in this really primitive way of living and we can't get out of it well it's what it is is we're becoming aware that it's silly whereas for the majority of existence it was just accepted and it wasn't what it was and it was what made you feel good what makes you feel good to conquer your enemy you know it's like conan what is best in life what is that uh to crush your enemies to see them driven before you and they hear the laminations of the women that's so awesome and he had this uh you know i mean but
Starting point is 01:26:44 that's what it was man when fucking ancient sumeria or sumeria whatever the fuck he was from that's what it was about right you know that's that's whatever supposed you know it's a fake world but you know we're thinking he lived 6 000 years ago 7 000 years ago that's what people did you know there was wasn't a lot going on i like the first two but the third it's like i don't want to hear the lament i don't want to hear the lamentations i don it's like, I don't want to hear the lamentations. I don't mind crushing my... You don't want to hear them go, oh! That's not lamentation. Laminations?
Starting point is 01:27:10 Lamentation is screaming because you're fucking getting raped by the Mongols. How do you say lamentations? Because he says it with a... L-A-M. It's a word that I've never used, ever. Yeah, it's moaning, screaming. If you use this word, by the way, you're a douchebag. Lamentations. If you use that word, you're a dick.
Starting point is 01:27:27 You can never use that word. You should hear my wife laminating. No, is it lamentating? Oh, there's some weird thing about the Jewish prophet Jeremiah. Are you sure that's the same thing? Pretty sure. Definition. I think it's a isn't it like a verse or a book of the Bible? Lamentations.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Hmm, the act of lamenting? Lamentations. Hmm. The act of lamenting? Well, that's the worst definition I've heard. Expression of sorrow. Okay, yeah. A cry of sorrow or grief. Lamentations. So that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:27:54 The women are crying. Yeah. Until you start... Because they're getting raped. No, no. The men are getting killed. No. To cross your enemy.
Starting point is 01:28:01 No, no, no, no, no. See them driven before you. What that was based on was the Mongols. And the Mongols would fucking ride in. And it was just... You would sack a village. killed no to crush no no no no no see them what that was based on was the mongols and the mongols would fucking ride in and it was just you would sack a village and then you would rape the women are you saying that conan was based on the mongols i think so i think they drew a lot from it because this was they bro it's robert e howard do you know about the book yeah i know and i know he committed suicide and i used to have the the fucking poem he wrote when he got suicide i
Starting point is 01:28:22 used to have it memorized but i can't remember it Yeah. Did you ever read any of the old Conans? Fuck yeah, dude. Fuck yeah. Those things got me through a depressing high school. Yeah, I love Conan. That's what I read. I'm so bummed that apparently the new movie sucks because I was like really looking forward to it.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I really wanted to see it. I love those, dude. Well, I met the guy, too. He came to the UFC once, and he was, I was kind of glad that I didn't have to interview him because he was kind of going crazy, and I don't know how I would have reacted to it. He was not going crazy in a bad thing, but he was all psyched because Chris Levin won.
Starting point is 01:28:52 He was all pumped up and everything. But Goldberg is like, Mr. Professional, well, all right, tell us about this movie. Goldberg is like a super professional play-by-play broadcaster guy, so he can interview somebody if he knew nothing about them. When I interview somebody, if I know nothing about them, I feel weird. But this guy is the perfect Conan. People are giving him shit because they don't like the fact that he's pretty. People don't like a fucking 6'4", beautiful man with a sculpted body.
Starting point is 01:29:23 He's in Game of Thrones, right? Yeah. Dude, he's great in fucking Game of Thrones, which is awesome. Oh, he would have been good in this. This movie is a piece of shit. He's in Game of Thrones, right? Yeah. Dude, he's great in fucking Game of Thrones. Oh, he would have been good in this. This movie's a piece of shit. He's a good Conan. He's Drogo in Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 01:29:30 There's scenes where he's fighting as Conan that are bad fucking ass. He's fighting with these things that are made out of sand, these sand monsters. And the way he moves around, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:29:42 you nailed it. That's Robert E. Howard's Conan. That's it. This guy just needs like, he needs, first of all, you need a singular vision. You need a guy who's a brilliant writer who's a Robert E. Howard fan. Go for it. Create the whole thing. But there's scenes where it's just, like, so preposterous.
Starting point is 01:29:56 They were so dumb. The final scene with him and his antagonist is, like, one of the dumbest scenes in any action movie ever. It's almost like they slapped it together in ten minutes. So sad. And filmed it with an iPhone. It's so stupid. Why do they do that? Because there's a bunch of people that want to get their fucking greedy little paws on things.
Starting point is 01:30:14 There's a bunch of different producers, a bunch of different executives, a bunch of different people. And they all have their own vision of how it should work. This guy Jason Momoa is an unknown actor. Fairly unknown at least to carry such a gigantic franchise. It's a $90 million fucking investment for the studio. And all these assholes want to stick their dirty fingers in it. I've seen it, man. I watched it in a fucking movie.
Starting point is 01:30:34 It's like Contagion. There was a movie I did called Frank McCluskey CI. And I talked about it once before, that I did this movie and I watched this kid who was a really funny kid. Frank, I should say his name. It's Dave something. Frank McCluskey, CI. Let me look it up just to give this kid props. He was a fucking really funny comedian, man.
Starting point is 01:30:59 He's like, I was watching him, Dave Sheridan. I was watching him, like, his ad libs. I was watching the, Dave Sheridan. I was watching him, like, his ad-libs. I was watching the way he performed. He was, like, really over the top, almost Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura-ish. Right. And there was a guy who was on the set who was an executive. And I don't know what production company filmed it. I was barely paying attention to any of that shit back then.
Starting point is 01:31:20 But this guy had a Rolex on and a super expensive suit with suspenders and cufflinks. I mean, this was a fucking, this was a baller. This was some guy who had made a bunch of big, big movies already and made a ton of money and was dressing on this movie set
Starting point is 01:31:38 in a way that I'd really never seen anybody dress in a movie set. To me, it was ridiculous. And he was wearing this ridiculous, it was so obvious he had a ton of money all right and he was giving this kid line readings this kid was doing his scene and the kid would do the scene and he would go okay okay okay instead of that how about this how about you walk in you step one foot on the floor you throw your legs up and he made it himself.
Starting point is 01:32:05 He did his own little interpretation of what he thought would be awesome in the scene. And I was like, God damn, here is Ego. What a muck. Some completely uncreative fuckhead wearing cufflinks is telling this really funny kid what to do. And I was watching it erode right before my eyes i was watching what was like a really funny script and a really like zany kind of silly actor i was like oh it's kind of fun and i watched them poison it i watched them like stick their dirty fingers in it and that's what conan smelled like conan smelled like one guy thought we could do it right and we could
Starting point is 01:32:42 recreate robert e howard's version version of Conan and we could have you know Fucking monsters and sorcery and all kinds of crazy shit that he fights again We could do this is gonna be fucking wild and the studio's like we're in we got Jason Momoa from the Game of Thrones Look at him. He's six foot five. He's a fucking male model. He's built like Hercules. This guy's Conan. He is Conan I want you to meet him. I am Conan. He's fucking Conan. They get all fired up. They do lines. And then they start rewriting the script.
Starting point is 01:33:08 The executives say, these guys don't know fucking movies like I know fucking movies. I produce 25 fucking movies. And they start getting their dirty little stinky jizz-covered paws all over that script. And they start fucking dropping coke rocks out of their fucking nose on keywords. They blow it. They blow it, the fucks. dropping coke rocks out of their fucking nose on keywords. Yep. They blow it. They blow it, the fucks.
Starting point is 01:33:28 So when people... Or not. To get back to the idea we were talking about. Could have been a totally different scenario. This is just for entertainment purposes, folks,
Starting point is 01:33:33 please don't sue me. There's parts of the corner that I enjoyed. The thing we were talking about at the beginning about, you know, when people are used to free entertainment,
Starting point is 01:33:41 you know, they want it to stay free. And, you know, a lot of people when they watch NBC or ABC or CBS or any of these shows, they think they're getting free entertainment, but they're not getting free entertainment. They're getting, they're paying with their attention on the advertisements. But more than that, they're paying in the form of getting
Starting point is 01:33:57 diluted entertainment. They're getting shit that's got, that's that thing that you just described. Every show on a network has had, almost every show, has had that exact same thing applied to it in so many different ways because the executives want to sell antidepressants or they want to sell Chevrolets or whatever the fuck they're advertising on the show. Have you ever had this experience personally? Where shit got diluted? My one experience with a show that didn't get picked up by comedy central weirdly because i was prepared for this i was like they're gonna they're gonna comedy central ruin my vision and the first round of notes that came back was awesome it was great notes really smart it was like it made the the notes made sense there wasn't any kind of weird like oh yes wait, yes, wait, no, no, no, I did have it happen. I did have it happen when I made some stuff for Fuel TV for this show called Stupid Face.
Starting point is 01:34:51 I love the name of that show. That's where we made Galaxy Cabin, Log Cabin in Space. Oh, the thing with Joey Diaz living in someone's neck. Yeah, that ridiculous. Explain that, please. Explain how ridiculous it is. What was Joey Diaz doing? He played a fisherman.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Well, the story was about I played a mountain man. And my friend Brian Jarvis played a space captain. And something had happened where he'd gotten sucked into a black hole and a flood had sucked my cabin into a black hole at the same time. And now we fly through space
Starting point is 01:35:20 in this cabin and we're just idiots. It's just the stupidest... I wish we'd had a bigger budget though man because it's such a funny idea it's so stupid i wish they gave us more money i know because we had no budget for the thing we had like a green screen so joey diaz's episode was we're like in the cabin and um my grandfather comes like knocks on the door of the cabin in space and i i'm like granddaddy i thought you were dead and he's like he wants my the space commander's ring he's like let me see your friend's ring there and my friend's like i'm not sure this is your grandfather red and then
Starting point is 01:35:57 basically it was an alien living in the neck of my dead grandfather an alien living in the neck of my dead grandfather. An alien living in the neck of your dead grandfather. And he was called the fisherman and he was in a rain slicker. It was too small for him. Yeah, it was too small and he was floating on a canoe. Joey Diaz nailed it too. If you ever had children and you and your wife were getting divorced,
Starting point is 01:36:19 she would bring that fucking video to a court and say, this is the kind of shit I got to deal with. You win. You know, that's another thing, to fight for the kids. No, you win. You get the kids.
Starting point is 01:36:33 You can keep them. Oh, well, you don't want them. And once you become attached to the kids, if your wife is crazy, it becomes a real issue with people. Or if you feel like your wife is going to lie and turn your kids on you. That's what a lot of men think. A lot of men are worried about. I wonder why they think that. Listen, man, when someone fucking hates you and they talk shit about you all day, that's
Starting point is 01:36:51 a terrible thing. If you go over, you know, your mom's house, your mom is just constantly talking shit about your dad. You go over to your dad's house, your dad's constantly talking shit about your mom. It's like, Jesus Christ, how the fuck am I ever going to have a normal relationship? I'm five, you dumb cunts. You fuckheads don't even know how to get along civilly outside of your fuck time you know you stop fucking and now you hate each other you have kids you don't want to be together get get grow grow the fuck up you got a kid dummy yeah well you know man the the problem the thing
Starting point is 01:37:19 about that shit man is that well the thing i'm realizing is there's a fucking shitty network executive in everyone's life or most people's lives it's like that shit doesn't just stop at the network way worse than that dude most people have bosses bosses are way way way way way worse than shitty network executives because if even if you got a shitty network executive you're on fucking tv dude yeah all right you got a television show you're doing something wild and crazy that very few people ever get to do. I've dealt with network executives. When we did The Man Show, we got fucked. Doug and I both
Starting point is 01:37:52 got fucked. It was a disaster. I watched other people get fucked when I was doing news radio. I watched The Influence. I've seen things that could have been really good get fucked with and become bad. Or when people don't believe in things because the ratings are not good, all of a sudden they want to bring in people.
Starting point is 01:38:08 They want to bring in men and bring in women and hot chicks. We're going to mix this up and the network has all their nutty fucking ideas on how to tune things up and make them more exciting. It's gross. It's annoying as fuck, man. What they're supposed to do is promote the shit out of the show and if it's not good, if it doesn't get good
Starting point is 01:38:24 ratings, just cancel that piece of shit. Sell it. Don't smell it. What you don't want to do is get a bunch of network executives who generally are uncreative people influencing creative people. Sure. The creative people, either they do it or they don't do it. Either it works or it doesn't work. That's what I think.
Starting point is 01:38:40 But when executives start digging in, very few know what they're doing. Very few know creatively. Yeah, it's like the time when we were doing Stupid Face, the guy, here's the weird thing, the executive, like there are two guys who are these skateboarders named Ted and Laban who are the main producers, and they're awesome just crazy awesome brilliant guys then above them was this guy that they had to pass everything through and he would give the most random shitty notes about stuff that you would do and it was like notes that were impossible to do it to address you know like not specific notes like i'm trying to think of like some you know like two line notes
Starting point is 01:39:22 like you know this was good but it would be better if we could make it more laughy whoa you know what i mean like kind of ambiguous notes we're like well what how do i make something laughy or more like you know what i mean there's like do you mean fun do you what what are your specific problems with it but that was the one experience i had with that but but i have obviously heard shitloads of people having these problems. It's kind of like, remember when you were in reading class, when you were learning to read as a kid, and you'd sit in a circle and you'd read?
Starting point is 01:39:51 Yeah. And there was always that kid who slowed the whole thing down? It would get to that one kid who's like, there is... Right. And you knew how to read. You could read pretty fast, but the whole fucking thing, lunch was being fucking pushed back because of this one thing.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Well, in the same way, those people insert themselves into power positions, right? And they'll put themselves into creative power positions. They're everywhere. They've infected everything. But now they have power. Imagine if the kid who couldn't. Let me tell you something. That's an unrealistic characterization because it's very fucking difficult
Starting point is 01:40:25 to become a network executive. Most of them are very intelligent. They're not shitty readers. No, I don't mean they can't read. I mean, they're like that for creativity. I'm saying their skill level for creativity is the same as the kid who can't read. I thought you were talking about those people.
Starting point is 01:40:39 No, hopefully those people learn to read. What it is, I think it's an ego thing entirely. I think they become successful, and successful people think they're good at everything. That's why people who are successful at one thing don't like learning other things. One of the biggest problems in mixed martial arts fighters is people who have a specialty and don't want to learn another specialty. They become very, very one-dimensional. There's a lot of fighters like that where they're really good kickboxers
Starting point is 01:41:02 and they never learn how to wrestle or do jiu-jitsu. Isn't that good? Is there something good about that? No, it's terrible. It's terrible for them. And the problem is they're not willing to be a novice. They're so good at that one thing that that's the thing they want to train all the time. Because they're so good at it. But whenever you see, I was just, someone was just showing me this website for this actress
Starting point is 01:41:18 and it's her resume and it's like director, actor, producer, writer. There was like seven things that she said she was and it's like director, actor, producer, writer. There was like seven things that she said she was. And it was like, oh, God, give me a fucking break. And then like the, she had quotes, you know, like references. Intuitive healer. That shit.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Yeah, it's like, you know, when you. Spiritual God. And some people do it. Some people do it. Some people like will have like nine things going at once. But I always, there's something I respect in people who are just focused on this one thing. They're a writer. That's what they do.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Right. I agree. I think that's cool. Well, being a comic, I do a lot of other shit besides comedy. I do the UFC and do other things. So what I've managed to do is be a professional me. I'm me professionally. And so I put me in certain situations.
Starting point is 01:42:11 I put me in a situation where there's some fights going on and I have to explain what's going on in a way that people are going to think it's entertaining and ingest that. And then there's other me where I'm going on a stage in front of a bunch of people and I'm going to say things in a certain way that's going to make them laugh. Or me and I'm talking on a stage in front of a bunch of people and I'm going to say things in a certain way that's going to make them laugh.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Right. Or me and I'm talking on the internet in a podcast. Yeah. You know, or me and I'm getting people
Starting point is 01:42:33 to do something fucked up on Fear Factor. Right. I'm a professional me. I wish you could talk about that so bad. What's that? I wish you could talk about that thing so bad. Oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:42:42 I wish I could too but I cannot, sir. He has photos of something he can't talk about on his phone. We'll be able to talk about it eventually. It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It's insane. Well, it's terrible.
Starting point is 01:42:51 It's terrible. It's amazing. It's amazing the difference between 2002 Fear Factor and 2011 Fear Factor. It's like they mixed internet in with it. Yes, that's exactly what happened. The internet, no question about it, has changed our line in the sand. No, it reminds me of when rap turned into gangster rap. Remember that transition?
Starting point is 01:43:10 This is way crazier than that, dude. I mean, hip hop. A hibbity hip hop to some NWA or something like that. Trinidad Compton. It's terrible. Yeah, exactly. It's terrible. It is.
Starting point is 01:43:21 I gag. I guess so. By the way, when you were just talking about it as I was drinking the coconut water, I gagged. Yeah. I'm immune. I was right there. Not only was I right there, I was right there while there was people vomiting and nothing.
Starting point is 01:43:36 I'm immune to vomit. It's crazy, man. My little baby threw up in the bed the other night. It's sad. She's okay. Sometimes kids that cough while they have food in their mouth and you just throw up sure it's normal yeah but cats are gross why do they throw up so much because they lick their hair man and they eat turds they lick their
Starting point is 01:43:56 own hair that's one reason they eat their own hair and they have to throw up those those hair balls sometimes they get food she throws up every three times a week three four times a week my female not alone my male doesn't throw up exactly yeah and you know what else i've done i started uh bringing them to the groomer which is great for them because it's hot as fuck out here in california and so i don't let them out i do let them out in the courtyard sometimes but outdoor cats you know i i believe that cats should be free and i've had outdoor cats in my life and i believe that's the best way for cats. But I'm terrified of that fucking toxoplasma shit. You can say that that's ridiculous, but if you read about it, I might have it.
Starting point is 01:44:33 You've got to talk in your microphone, homeboy. You've got to talk in your microphone. I'm 100% serious that I will take a test. We should all take a test. You have to put your headphones on. And put it on. It's so fucking hot. You think you have it?
Starting point is 01:44:43 No, I don't think I have it, but I think we definitely need to take a test. I think you're right. I think we need to read it live. We should do it on the show. Read it live. Yeah, you're right. I think Joey Diaz has it. By the way, you can have it and be a healthy person.
Starting point is 01:44:54 You won't get mad. It just affects your judgment, apparently. Or has a effect. Look, if you're slightly cranky, that also affects your judgment. There's a lot of things that affect your judgment. If you haven't gotten enough sleep, if you're in a bad relationship, there's things that affect your judgment. I know I've got it.
Starting point is 01:45:09 I fucking changed so many bags of cat litter when I was a kid. I was breathing in that shit. Well, that is probably not to worry because it's not. I worry because I've had feral cats. I had a wild cat. Oh, I did too. I captured six kittens, brought them back to my apartment. Oh, we both have.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Feral kittens. I'm festering I caught them in a box I caught them in a box At a construction site And they were assholes man I wish I'd never done it Well they're scared of people
Starting point is 01:45:37 But they will bond to one person And really really be attached to you My cat was super attached to me But terrified of everybody else I was too young to have cats Why? Because i was an idiot you've got to have a lot of responsibility cats are like the easiest thing it's easier than a fucking hamster people don't understand more responsibility than a plant yes and also and also depending on your conditioning
Starting point is 01:46:01 some people some people raise other people to think that cats are one step above a steak. A lot of people don't have animal empathy, so they're really shitty with their animals. When you drive by someone's porch and they've got a dog on a tiny little chain and they think that's normal, people think that's normal. Or people only walk their dogs for, do dogs who don't have a backyard people only walk their dogs for like five minutes a day like you can't do that you have to you a dog you have to walk your dog like 45 minutes never walk my dog ever you should hates walking what do you mean you should if you don't have a big yard or you just should no matter what i i mean for what it's worth that's what the dog whisperer said. He said dogs need like a 45-minute...
Starting point is 01:46:45 Not all dogs. I don't remember. Different breeds of dogs. Dog whisperer. Pekingese. My dog loves it. That's the point. My dog loves a good long walk.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Of course they do. It's like clearly like... Yeah, they definitely like it. Who wants to be cooped up in a fucking house all day? My dog. That's totally true. I have one solution with my dogs. I have a giant yard.
Starting point is 01:47:01 I have a yard for my dogs only that's a full acre wooded saw pine trees and all day they're just fucking chasing squirrels and having a party that's fine yeah but i i bought this place specifically because it had this big lot next to it and i knew that i'd keep my dogs in yeah you know i feel like if you have dogs man you have a responsibility to give those dogs like a fun environment totally you know. My dogs are happy as fuck. You come near my dogs, they're wagging their tail and shit. They're never freaking out that they're stuck in this yard. Their yard's huge.
Starting point is 01:47:31 It's a full acre. Yeah. I think I've basically transformed my dog into a monkey. My dog's turned into something more than a dog. That's amazing. I treat my dog like a person. And I feel like my dog understands that. I think that dogs can become these amazing creatures if you give them enough love,
Starting point is 01:47:49 but people are dumb, and they don't get that. So they're like, give them some dry food and water and let them lay on the couch all fucking day. It doesn't want to do that. They want walks, man. They want attention. They want attention. They want stimulation, too.
Starting point is 01:48:03 They want to be outside. Yes. They need the outside. They want attention. And they want stimulation, too. And they want to be outside. Yes. They need the outside. They need the air. Yeah. They need the squirrels to bark at. My dogs really loved it when we lived in Colorado. Because when we lived in Colorado, they were just roam free.
Starting point is 01:48:14 I was on 148 acres in the mountains. So I didn't have a fence. I just let them outside. Oh, that's cool. And what I did was we were there every day for weeks. And we let them know, this is where everybody lives. Okay, this is where we live now. And they figured it out really quick.
Starting point is 01:48:27 And I just did it totally natural style. I just walked them with me. I took them with me on walks. We scouted our perimeter. They got ahead of me sometimes, but when they got ahead of me, they always went right back to the house if we lost them. It was pretty interesting until the dog got eaten by the mountain lion, of course. Cheers.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Cheers. Cheers. If you play the Joe Rogan drinking game to you have to bring up the traumatic story of my poor little my poor little nanny face oh that's so sad it's my little buddy it's a sad story did you hear about this fucking shit about lifelike cells made of metal that they've they've figured out a way and then they they they're theorizing now that there might be living things out there in the universe that evolved from metal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:09 Like fucking Terminator type shit. I saw that. Yeah, of course. What the fuck, man? That's the same thing. People thinking that light has to be water or carbon based light. Isn't that the same thing as thinking
Starting point is 01:49:23 that Earth is in the center of the fucking universe? It's the same silly idea. The scientist said, listen to this statement, I am 100% positive that we can get evolution to work outside organic biology. How fucking scary is that? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:49:40 That's what the article says. It's probably like that monkey boy from the old Sun TV or the National Enquirer, the screaming monkey boy. It says monkey boy. Oh, it says Mr. Scientist Fellow. He's from, his name is Lee Cronin. So what do you have to be to be a scientist? Do you have to go to school or can you just like research things and call yourself a scientist?
Starting point is 01:49:59 That's an interesting point. That's a great question. I think you have to have some sort of a degree to be taken seriously. Can your mom write you the degree and say it's from her college in her backyard you silly goose this guy's from the university of glasgow he's from scotland and uh his building blocks are largely oh jesus say this word polyoxometallics polyoxometallics oh you mean polyoxometallics oh yes i mean polyoxometallics yes that's it made of a range of metal atoms mostly tungsten linked to oxygen and phosphorus by simply mixing them in a solution he can get them to self-assemble into cell-like spheres
Starting point is 01:50:41 whoa that's cool could you imagine if we fucking showed up on some planet somewhere and they really were like maximus prime they were like the transformers what about transformers were real man this this should have released this if they released this just six months or six weeks rather before the transformers movie came out and they could have this information along with their teasers it could be a more exciting movie for me. Because I'd be like, maybe it's not so preposterous that these big stupid fucking cars become people-saving robots. Like, they give a fucking flying shit about people. Dude, what about the sun?
Starting point is 01:51:17 I mean, maybe the sun's alive. To me, it's like, when I think about other planets, you have the source of all life on this planet, the main energy source for all life on this planet, outside of things that are getting it from steam vents at the bottom of the sea, things that are living in thermal ducts or whatever. I'll go you one further. Please. We're made out of stars. We're literally, every fucking single piece of your body is stardust.
Starting point is 01:51:46 I mean, that is what happens. Human biology is a direct result of fucking suns blowing up. Yeah, that's right. That's the only way you get the information to make human beings, or the materials. It's so incredible.
Starting point is 01:51:59 Yeah, yeah. It sounds ridiculous. It sounds like a Kenny Rogers song. We're like retarded stars. No, not just Kenny, not Kenny like a Kenny Rogers song. We're like retarded stars. No, not just Kenny. Not Kenny Rogers. Kenny Loggins. Kenny Loggins.
Starting point is 01:52:10 No, it sounds like the fucking Highwaymen. I was a highwayman. Yeah. Across the ghost coast. If the sun's alive, where does it put? So I didn't piss to buy my son. God, I love that song. It's a great song, man.
Starting point is 01:52:23 When Johnny Cash comes on, I ride a starship across the universe divide. And when I reach the other side, just to get it over. I love that song. Yeah, if you haven't seen it, it's a song, The Highwaymen.
Starting point is 01:52:37 Look it up. It's about, look it up, Brian. We already violated our music law today. That album's great anyway. This is what happens when we get drunk.
Starting point is 01:52:43 We open ourselves up to get sued. Aaron Lewis, please don't sue me. I think your fucking music's awesome. I is what happens when we get drunk. We open ourselves up to get sued. Aaron Lewis, please don't sue me. I love it too. Hammer that wine. I'm hammered, son. I'm officially hammered. I think I've got blood poisoning from drinking too much fake blood.
Starting point is 01:52:56 We're stoned. We're drinking wine. I ate so much fake blood today. I think I might shit out. What's it made out of? I don't know but they said not to drink it But they were squirting it in my face And I drank it They said not to drink it but you drank it
Starting point is 01:53:13 You're so clever Cheers to my little retard buddy You're not a retard You only play one on the podcast Your life is awesome So I understand Ari Shafir is going to branch out on his own and have his own podcast on iTunes. He just wanted to do it too frequently. Well, he also wants to do it.
Starting point is 01:53:35 It's hard to do. Your podcast is getting super popular. You've got so many people that are doing it. If you don't know, Brian has a whole network of podcasts on iTunes called Death Squad, and it's with a bunch of great comics. There's Sam Tripoli. He's got a podcast, and now John Reap and John Heffron, our buddies, are doing a podcast. And Tom Segura and his wife are doing a podcast. Sam Tripoli is doing a podcast.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Did I miss anybody? Little Esther once in a while does one. Brody does one when he's feeling good. I like how you phrased that you know they just had steve-o on and they've had a bunch of really good ones the day before that mike tyson and him ran into each other with their face you didn't hear what happened at the rose the charlie sheen rose now i don't this is just i heard from word of word of word the internet or no people. I heard that... Is it on the internet? Did you search it? They just recorded it Saturday. Supposedly,
Starting point is 01:54:30 Steve-O asked Mike Tyson if he could run into his fist with his face. When he did it, he broke his nose. He has a picture on Steve-O's Twitter with two black eyes. By the way, Steve-O wants to come on this podcast. I would love to have him on. He loves you. What were you talking about? We're going to do Judah Friedlander. He's Twitter with two black eyes. By the way, Steve-O wants to come on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:54:45 I would love to have him on. He loves you. What were you talking about? We're going to do Judah Friedlander. He's going to come on too. My buddy Judah just contacted me. He's hilarious. And Max Kellerman, who is the HBO boxing analyst,
Starting point is 01:55:00 my personal favorite boxing analyst, next to Jim Lampley, who's also, those two guys together are my two favorite boxing analysts. You know, a lot of people think that because I do the commentary for the UFC that I don't like boxing. I am a gigantic boxing fan. I've been my whole life, ever since I was a little kid, and remain. And by the way, so is Dana White, the president of the UFC.
Starting point is 01:55:18 He's a fucking huge, huge, huge boxing fan. He bets ridiculous amounts of money on Pacquiao fights, on Floyd Mayweather fights. He's a fucking huge fan. But Max Kellerman, we're both fans of Max. And he's cool as fuck. He's a really interesting guy. And he used to be a rapper. So it's going to be, he's a white guy too.
Starting point is 01:55:38 And he used to be a rapper. And he's really cool as fuck. And he's going to be on the podcast too. But Judah Friedlander and Graham Hancock. We're going to work out Graham Hancock. to be a rapper and he's uh really cool as fuck and he's gonna be on the podcast too yeah but judah friedlander and graham hancock we're gonna work out graham hancock and the way this is gonna work brian is we're gonna have to do it probably most likely in irvine because he's doing some seminars down there and he only has like one day off and i feel bad that it's a drive all the way the fuck yeah that's badass maybe we can get a spot at the irvine yeah what we're gonna do is well i want to
Starting point is 01:56:02 what i want to do is uh we going to have to talk after the show. We're going to have to figure out a way to make this shit mobile. Dude, the sound guy we use for the Lavender Hour has just innovated a mobile podcast kit, and I'm sure he'd help you guys out. Shazam! Shazam! Done. He's got it. We all have one. It's called a laptop. But no, it would be pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:56:19 No, it's like equipment. He's like, this kid's a sound engineer. He went to college for it. Okay, but this guy's a sound engineer. We should listen to him. And he's cool. The fuck, Brian? Yeah. Anyway, so we'll do that.
Starting point is 01:56:32 But the bottom line is that we're going to go to Irvine, and we're going to talk to Graham and see if we can make sure that this happens. But Graham Hancock emailed me out of the blue. It was one of the fucking coolest things in my life. Well, the coolest thing so far of this whole thing this whole how about this the coolest thing of my entire show biz experience right up there with my spike tv special which is my favorite special is anthony bordain doing the podcast that was pretty crazy that was pretty good a room that was cool as fuck i definitely got starstruck but the next coolest, and maybe even cooler if it's possible, is this Graham Hancock interview.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Because if you don't know who Graham Hancock is, I want you to go and research Fingerprints of the Gods if you're so inclined, if you're interested in this. But what a fascinating guy who's basically dedicated his whole life to the very controversial and unpopular idea that human beings have been around perhaps far longer in this advanced state of civilization that we currently enjoy than we give credit to. And that in fact there's been some huge ups and huge downs throughout history. And it's not simply one straight path from caveman to Wi-Fi. And that along the way there's been some disasters. And that this can be clearly it can i wouldn't say that it can be proven but what i can say is enough evidence that can be brought forth that makes you completely
Starting point is 01:57:54 question the current ideas of the timelines of human history and this guy graham hancock is responsible from his book fingerprints of the, completely changing the way I look at civilization. Dude, did you send me, were you the one who sent me the fucking video of that Mayan pyramid that they just found? Yes, in Guatemala. The single largest pyramid by volume on Earth, and
Starting point is 01:58:18 it was covered in jungle. They didn't even know it existed. Not only that, but it has a you know, when the Spanish came, and when the Mayans were conquered, you know, in different parts of South America, obviously different things happened. But one of the things that was a big issue was the Mayan creation story was changed and altered and fucked up and broken up. And it's very hard to find an unedited Mayan creation story. The Popal View, it's called. But they found this.
Starting point is 01:58:51 And it's undoctored, unedited, and it's amazing. And they're going to work on translating it now. Has there been anyone in it before? Like, does it look like people from the jungle were in it? No, not only that, not only were they not in it, it was completely covered. I mean, I'm sure some local people were aware of its existence because, you know, when you stand, you walk around on there, and all of a sudden you're like, what is this?
Starting point is 01:59:11 Well, dig a little. Oh, it's a giant fucking perfectly hewn rock that's four feet wide and two feet tall. Well, obviously this didn't just happen. You know, somebody made this. Who made this? It looks like a mountain. They just didn't know that this mountain, you know. They say that there's thousands of these that they haven't
Starting point is 01:59:28 discovered which is so mind-boggling until you look at the geography of south america if you take into account yeah google maps but if you take into account the size of north america south america look at mexico look at like how how much land you're talking about and how much of it is jungle. There was a documentary that I was watching on the Amazon where they were talking about all these different structures that they're finding
Starting point is 01:59:56 in the jungles of civilization that they have no idea how this civilization got there. Don't know who they were. Don't know what their origins were origins were but they're looking at aqueducts they're looking at roads they're looking at all this shit that's just run over by the jungle and the reality is man if you have a fucking house and you put this giant stone house in the middle of the amazon a hundred years from now that
Starting point is 02:00:19 motherfucker is going to be covered with trees yeah man there's a documentary on reclaim it there's a documentary on netflix you can watch now. There's a documentary on Netflix you can watch. Now I can't remember the name of it, but I'm taking these fucking alpha brain pills. You're taking them backwards, dude. I'll Google it. Tell me what it's about. So what it's about is this...
Starting point is 02:00:36 Yeah, it's an explorer who was searching for this famed lost city that existed in the middle of the Amazon. It might be that pyramid that they found. He was looking for it based on some old scrolls in this library that he found. And he was like a theosophist, because the theosophists were really into this idea that there still existed advanced civilizations on this planet that had closed themselves off to the rest of human society. And he thought you would find a place where people were still living there.
Starting point is 02:01:04 But he went down into the amazon and just basically vanished this is uh save the secrets of the dead lost amazon yeah pbs documentary that's on netflix called the secrets of the dead set out to find the fabled lost city of z that's it yeah yeah and and the amazon in 1925 yeah led to a mysterious disappearance it's actually a movie it's a it's a it's a it's a drama there's a documentary too oh no it is a documentary i'm sorry the late leave schreiber is apparently the um i looked at that author i mean or that actor i assumed that he was an actor he's actually the narrator of it yeah but there it was like a big news story because he was a famous explorer that vanished. And it was weird that he would have vanished. I'm going to watch that shit tonight.
Starting point is 02:01:46 It's really fucking cool, man. But he thought that there would actually be people living there who would give him, like it was a mystical quest for him. Like he really thought that there was going to be this advanced civilization still in existence that was somehow going to transmit this information to him. Which some people still believe you know there's like the hollow earth theory the idea that like shambhala exists in the arctic have you ever seen that shit no that you've never seen like in the north pole the idea hold on a second the secrets of the dead apparently it's a whole series oh there's a bunch of them and they're're available online. Secrets of the Dead, China's terracotta warrior. You know what that is?
Starting point is 02:02:28 Where they found this army of terracotta soldiers buried for thousands of years, or however fucking long it was. Secrets of the Dead, Herculaneum uncovered. I don't know what that is. Secrets of the Dead, Silver Pharaoh. Secrets of the Dead, world's biggest bomb. Secrets of the Dead, the Dead Sea Scrolls, one star, World's Biggest Bomb, Secrets of the Dead, The Dead Sea Scrolls. One star on Really?
Starting point is 02:02:48 Can't be too good. How do you get one star? I don't know. Churchill's Deadly Decision has got four stars. Maybe that movie has the same commercial. So Lost in the Amazon only has two stars. It wasn't the best. Well, you know what, man?
Starting point is 02:03:03 Who knows? One customer review. Maybe you got one cunt who reviewed it and didn't like it but um anyway the the point is that these uh this this discovery in guatemala i believe they discovered it in 2009 um and it's just sort of being publicized today and it made its way through twitter but somebody sent to me on twitter when i retweeted it or whatever the hell happened he said this is from 2009 from 2009. I'm like, you know, he's like, this old shit. The guy said this old shit. I'm like, oh my God, that's 24 months ago. We're talking about some shit
Starting point is 02:03:32 that's been buried without human beings ever finding it for fucking thousands of years. No one knew it was there. You know, the unedited Mayan creation story. Do they still have She Stole My Voice on Netflix? Not to change the subject. What is that? It's a documentary about lesbian rape. I recommend Grand Canyon.
Starting point is 02:03:51 What? It's like lesbians raping each other. Oh, no way. Yeah, they like... Lesbians rape each other? Where they just fucking force scissors on each other?
Starting point is 02:03:59 Yeah. Like, the idea is you mount someone's face and face... This is not on Netflix, bro. They took it off. Oh, it's... Did you find it?
Starting point is 02:04:09 No, it's not on the IMDb. She stole my voice on Netflix. I was talking to Duncan in the car on the way here. I watched Grand Canyon recently. Do you remember Grand Canyon? Yeah, we talked about this. Yeah, it's weird how time has passed since that movie came out and how we don't buy it anymore.
Starting point is 02:04:28 We're way more intelligent than 1993 or whenever that movie came out. Because that movie, in the first hour, 15 things happened in one day almost to all these same people. Weren't they unconnected though? There were a bunch of different things that happened and people didn't even know each other? Kind of, but yet there was also like the husband almost got mugged and his car got stolen and then the next morning
Starting point is 02:04:52 his wife is walking and found a baby in a bush and then his secretary... Are they connected though? It's all like crazy shit happening one day. It's so ridiculous. Now you're kind of watching and you're like, this seems crazy shit happening one day. It's so ridiculous. Now you kind of watch it and you're like, this seems pretty extreme for one day.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Yeah, this Lesbian Rafe movie gets terrible reviews. Oh, it's terrible. A horrible documentary. I wish I could have known there were reviews of this movie before I purchased it. No, it's really so funny. It's the worst documentary you'll ever see because really all it is is like a porn that somebody wanted to call a documentary.
Starting point is 02:05:27 Because it's like reenactments of... The girl's like, no, stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like just all these reenactments of lesbians face-sitting. It's just reenactments of some lesbian sitting on another woman's face. He was like, no, no, I can't get you off. Is that how lesbians rape each other? Well, I guess so, man.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Really? Yeah, he's dead on. It's weird. It's freaky that you know how to do it so well. Wait a minute. Do you know about this for real? He doesn't. Brian knows about that. What do you think happens more? What do you think happens more? Ready? Lesbian rape or Chinese NASCAR
Starting point is 02:06:03 drivers? I'm not getting What do you think happens more? Ready? Lesbian rape or Chinese NASCAR drivers? Chinese NASCAR. I'm not getting in that one. Imagine being a fucking Chinese dude who just really loves cars, and you get in a NASCAR, and you have to hang out with those assholes. Like, hey, man, you want to whoop us up some Chinese food before the next lap? Yeehaw! I'm about to drive fast in a circle.
Starting point is 02:06:27 Oh, you know who wants to come on the podcast? I totally forgot about this. Dr. Ken. Dr. Ken? That's cool. He's great. Really? From Zookeeper? He was talking. The Hangover? Yeah, he saw Joey Diaz the other day and he wants to come on. He's hilarious. Jim Norton's in town right now. He is?
Starting point is 02:06:42 Duncan and I are only in town for a couple days, son. Because we've got to get ourselves over to Nolens. Nolens! We're going to do the House of Blues this fucking Friday night. And then it's sold out, bitches! Sorry! You snooze! I can't wait.
Starting point is 02:06:58 But we're also going to be at the UFC. Ellen Berger versus Jake Shields this Saturday, which is going to be sick. It's going to be very fun. Interesting how Jake is. What a last fucking tough fight. Any reports on Jake? Well, you know, for people who don't know,
Starting point is 02:07:12 Jake Shields' dad died. And he died just a couple of weeks ago. And Jake, his dad was his manager. And his dad is, like, super-duper close to him. And, you know, they grew up where his dad homeschooled him in the mountains. So, I mean, everybody's relationship to their father except mine, because I don't know that douche, everybody's relationship is close. Not everybody's, but a lot of people's.
Starting point is 02:07:37 Jake Shields was particularly close to his dad. So, you know, for him to fight just a couple of weeks after his dad died is devastating. And his dad was pretty healthy. His dad died in his sleep. His dad was a vegetarian. Jake is a vegetarian. Jake grew up vegetarian. He only gets his animal protein from eggs.
Starting point is 02:07:56 He just believes that factory farming is fucked up. And he would actually eat food, animal food, as long as it was hunted. Hunted food is like okay. Isn't that crazy to you? Like Kevin Smith was saying the other day, how like just like that, everything can fucking change. You know, you could wake up and then have a stroke and never walk again. We have to somehow or another balance the idea of ambition and planning for the future with enjoying the present. And that's the grand dance that everybody has to go through.
Starting point is 02:08:29 It's so difficult to master. And I still don't have it down. I don't think anyone ever has it down, but I'm way better at it now than I ever was when I was younger. I'm way better at it. And I can offer some insight. And here's the number one piece of insight that I can offer. Be reckless. I'm reckless. i'm a little bit reckless but i'm also really nice i try to be as nice as i can you know and i'm not you know people say oh i met
Starting point is 02:08:55 joe rogan he's a dick i guarantee you're addicted me first for sure you know and you might have been a dick because you were nervous or you might have been a dick because you were drunk but if you're nice to me i can't be not nice to you it is impossible i am i grew up i've i've i've been a nice person as long as i've been capable of being a nice person you know don't wear a condom what are you saying i'm just saying do everything exactly opposite what you're told to do well i don't know if that's the truth i don't know if that's the case it's like you have to because here when you start talking about sex okay and you say don't work on them you know sex to me is just like doing drugs natural it's fun yes it's natural it's fun but you can you can get caught up in it and you can get fucking crazy yeah and it can it is it has just as much of a pull as as as any other kind of crazy psychological addiction,
Starting point is 02:09:45 whether it's gambling or anything like that. But Brian, you don't really mean don't wear a condom. Yeah, I do. It feels good. It feels way better to not wear a condom. You wear a condom for the first month or two, and then you figure out the girl enough to decide if you want to or not. You need an abortion in your life to appreciate how things can go wrong.
Starting point is 02:10:00 It makes you get together closer. Let me tell you. Can I tell you a little horror story? I'll tell you a little horror story. I'll tell you a little horror story. I would love to hear it. There's someone that I know. There's someone that I know who got a, who got a waitress pregnant and waitress.
Starting point is 02:10:16 Where did she work? She worked. Why can't she just be a girl, man? Why did you have to make her a waitress? Yeah. Uh, because he was a bartender or something.
Starting point is 02:10:23 I don't know. Cause they both like, they worked at the same place. So it's like, so they work together at this place and so i'm just going to reverse sexism on you oh i don't know why i said i don't mean to label people i'm so sorry stop lesbian rape they they uh so they um they they ended up uh he ended up putting his peepee inside of her and And guess what happened? She got pregnant. He should have kept the cell phone in his pocket.
Starting point is 02:10:48 Yeah, he should have. And guess what? She doesn't want to fuck an abortion. No, this is like... That's awesome. This is a one-night stand. Now he's a daddy, but it's with someone that he just fucked one night. That's probably a good idea.
Starting point is 02:11:02 It's with someone that he just fucked one night. That's probably a good idea. It's like now he's legally bound for the rest of his life to his kid. He didn't wait the two-month rule. You've got to wear a fucking condom. You're crazy if you don't wear a condom. For two months. Yeah, but you've also got to fuck people that you like.
Starting point is 02:11:18 Yeah. It's hard to say because you want to fuck anybody who's willing to give up the pussy at a certain point in time. Pussy's like water, and you're living in a desert, okay? like we're gonna get it where's the water you know it's only until you you live by a fucking stream and you drink water every day can you see the forest for the trees because otherwise your entire waking life is dedicated to getting this resource that is fucking water or pussy either one they're interchangeable and when they're plentiful then you can see them for what they truly are you know and you know it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to get spoiled doesn't necessarily mean that you have to get that you know you don't appreciate it you should totally appreciate every single one of the biological pleasures of existence one of the reasons why i'm a huge
Starting point is 02:12:02 fan of anthony bourdain is because he calls himself an enthusiast, but he is a chef, and he enjoys, he really shows how much joy you can get in eating great food. And I think that the feeling of taste, and the feeling of pleasure, and the feeling of friendship. I like drinking wine.
Starting point is 02:12:20 I like smoking weed. I like going to, I like seeing fun movies. I like listening to great music. I like smoking weed. I like going to, I like seeing fun movies. I like listening to great music. You know, I like being, I like being inundated by great feeling shit. You know, I think that's, it's important to wrap our heads around that. Well, I mean, if you can like accept it, it's just like, there's a, you know, me and my friend were just talking about this Sartre, one of the exist this french existentialist philosopher and like
Starting point is 02:12:46 how they have the existentialists basically have this idea where it's like yeah you can fucking you know enjoy reality and get caught up and be an enthusiast or whatever but the depths of it it's just pure absurdity there's no meaning behind it there's no meaning to life it's like just this empty meaningless vortex so like you know for, like when you see your dog dry hump another dog, you know, you see the dog dry hump and you kind of watch it. It's kind of funny, but it's like you're watching an instinctual trigger, you know, go through the thing and it just acts this thing out. And then when you find yourself humping somebody that you just met and you realize you're going through the same instinctual trigger and you're like, ah, fuck, I'm doing the same thing! It's the same thing!
Starting point is 02:13:29 No meaning to this. No meaning. I've triggered a series of responses in my primate brain that is wanting to reproduce. Once I come, I'm going to go right back into this state and that's absurdity. That's a form of absurdity. I've a form of absurdity.
Starting point is 02:13:47 I got a question for you, Brian. Can I say something real quick about this? Can I say something real quick about it? It's so funny you just said that because I just thought of something the other day. You ever scratch a cat's butt and they do that thing where they're just like... Yeah. You ever fucked a girl and seen her do the exact same thing? It's creepy Oh yeah
Starting point is 02:14:05 Like it's almost exactly the same Yeah Yeah It's cause they turn into a machine You know what that means You're not fucking them hard enough You gotta fuck them to the point Where they're nervous
Starting point is 02:14:12 No I think You gotta fuck them I think their body's freaking out I think the body's short circuiting I think that's what it is I think their body's short circuiting Not the way I fuck them dude Nervous
Starting point is 02:14:19 The way I fuck them They get nervous Like before an audition Or something What are they nervous about Fingerprints Cause I'm on top of them And that's a lot of pressure, son.
Starting point is 02:14:26 That's 185 pounds of alpha just shooting loads into your body. Making grunts. No, listen. Don't make anybody nervous. Imagine a girl on top of you that's way bigger than you and while she's fucking you,
Starting point is 02:14:38 she just starts fucking hitting you. You fucking bitch. You think you can fuck me? Could you imagine being being a situation where your girl can kick your ass have you ever been there like bourdain's i don't think so well i don't think bourdain's wife can kick his ass he's still a he's still a man and she's still anybody on enough adrenaline anthony bourdain been around the world i guarantee you he probably has no endurance but he's he knows how to throw a straight right.
Starting point is 02:15:05 Charity boxing match. If you have a hammer in your house and you sleep next to somebody, they can kick your ass no matter who they are. What? They can slam the hammer into your fucking face while you're sleeping. Yeah, if they catch you off guard. Yeah, they can catch you off guard. Right. So anyone can kick.
Starting point is 02:15:23 It's like, yeah, you're always going to. Well, this video is online of girls sucker punching guys and knocking them unconscious there's a bunch of them i mean it's hilarious they sucker punch a guy you know what a sucker punch is yeah i know what a sucker punch there's a lot of videos of girls sucker punching guys online why it's a great fetish listen man there's a fucking wide world out there a lot of fucking things happen a lot of cross streets a lot of one thing intersects with this thing when it wasn't prepared and next thing you know a fucking coked up girl punches a drunk guy in the jaw and knocks him unconscious it happens all over the world it's like mma spanking there
Starting point is 02:15:57 was a girl that uh used to work for a buddy of mine she was a my friend's assistant and she could punch so fucking hard she was nice i mean she wouldn't have ever punched anybody but she was like i could punch hard and i was like all right whatever you know i'm fucking do commentary for the ufc you can punch hard there's some people man there's some people that for whatever fucking reason they got this crazy tommy hearns punch it's a weird thing man because i've i've experienced this since I was a child, since I first started doing martial arts. Every now and then, you'll come across some guy who can just, boom. He hits so fucking hard. You're like, where is that coming from? He's 160 pounds. It doesn't even make sense. But when he hits the bag, the bag just moves more than anybody else.
Starting point is 02:16:41 There was this fucking chick, and she was a regular girl. She was like 23 years old. She was my friend's assistant. And she was like, I can punch. I can punch. There was this fucking chick, and she was a regular girl. She was like 23 years old. She was my friend's assistant. And she was like, I can punch, I can punch. I was like, okay. She's like, put your hand up. I put my hand up. She goes, she hit me, and I thought about my face. She hit my hand, and my hand was stinging.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Fuck. And she turned her shoulder into it and threw her fucking weight into it. And she went two knuckles forward. I go, who the fuck taught you how to punch like that? You know, like your dad taught her how to punch people and shit, but I was like, man, if that chick punches you in the face, she will knock you the fuck out. If you're not
Starting point is 02:17:14 ready for it, it only takes a certain amount of pressure to hit your jaw in a certain way. Your legs just go. I've seen it. I've seen it in person. I've seen it in fights. I've seen it in bars. I've seen it in fights. I've seen it in bars. I've seen it all my life. It's a weird phenomenon.
Starting point is 02:17:28 If you don't expect it. Why is it the jaw? Why the jaw? What is in that? Design flaw. What cluster of? It's a design flaw? Design flaw.
Starting point is 02:17:35 Complete design flaw. It's like a power off button. Well, this is what it is. Your brain is this fucking central core of information, of movement, of everything. All the design design all the direction come from this spot well what you or your body is is like a fucking a house that has a bunch of ethernet cables in it you know and you want to get internet to your toes we got to run lines you got to run nerves through your whole situation well you also have this thing where you have you
Starting point is 02:18:04 have to chew food to supply the body so well how do we have this thing where you have you have to chew food to supply the body so well how do we do this well we're going to have something that moves we're going to have something that moves and it's going to be hard and bony and it's going to be right in front of all the cords all right we have no choice that's the design we just got to hope that the human doesn't get hit on the jawbone and it doesn't compress all those nerves that send the signals down to all the limbs because if it does everything shuts off it's right here right that's the they call that jaw no no it's the actual jaw itself is that what they call the button yes what i call the button is the movement
Starting point is 02:18:35 of the jaw i got the apple jaw presses into the cord well i don't listen when i say presses into the cord what the fuck do I know is inside my neck? It could be all elves and shit. Gummy bears. Breaks the elf factory. It could be all sparkly fairy dust that comes out when you cut my throat. I'm just guessing. But the idea that I have had explained to me is that the nerves, when you punch a person on the jaw,
Starting point is 02:19:04 that their jawbone slams into the cluster of nerves behind them, and it just causes this big electrical short circuit, depending on a bunch of different things, depending on your determination, depending on your anger, your adrenaline level, your focus, whether or not you saw this coming, whether or not you've been punched before, you know how to react to it, or how to stay calm under pressure and depending on the physiological the physiological design of your actual frame different body structures have can take a different load of impact you know like large
Starting point is 02:19:36 jaws and big david tua like looking faces there was a guy named david tua stills a very dangerous heavyweight boxer is a samoan dudea dude, whatever the fuck he is. Anyways, whatever he is, I believe he's Samoan. He's a badass boxer. And one of the things about him is this motherfucker can take a punch, man. You can hit David Tua with a bomb. He fought Lennox Lewis, and Lennox Lewis connected with straight right hands that just would have put normal men on the moon.
Starting point is 02:20:02 And just boom, hits him, and he can take it he just doesn't go out he's he's got an incredible jaw on top of big big punching power so there's that there's the the shape of your frame the shape of your body the thickness of your tendons and cords and then you know then it's just the fucking design flaw the jaw goes to the the cluster of nerves and depending on your sensitivity, some people just shut right off. There's some dudes that they just have a glass jaw, man, and all you have to do is get to their jaw.
Starting point is 02:20:31 And there's nothing a guy can do to strengthen it. I mean, they get toughened it up a little bit. There's exercises dudes do where they fucking lift weights with their jaws. They pull cords with their jaws. They suck a lot of cock. Jesus. They try to suck lion cock. They just hold them down.. They suck a lot of cock. Jesus. They try to suck lion cock. They just hold them down. What? Mr. Hans.
Starting point is 02:20:50 There's things that I've seen guys do. Jerry Cooney was doing it once in this video I watched. The first time I ever saw it. It was almost like a bungee cord and all this tape inside his jaw. And he's biting it and he's chewing it and he's fucking pulling with his jaw. Trying to strengthen this whole setup so he doesn't get knocked unconscious.
Starting point is 02:21:06 So embarrassing. Why is that embarrassing? It's fascinating. It's fucking embarrassing. Kiss me on the lips. Why is it embarrassing? You know why it's embarrassing? Because you never beat the fuck out of a dude in a cage.
Starting point is 02:21:15 No, I don't mean that. No, look, look. Take that shot. Come back with a counter hook. Boom, he drops. The crowd goes nuts. No, it's amazing. I think that's really cool to watch,
Starting point is 02:21:27 and I fucking love it. Right. But I just think that when you get into a situation where you have a bungee cord hanging out of your mouth, and you're lifting weights with your jaw, it's embarrassing.
Starting point is 02:21:38 It's like that moment in time, if I was doing that, if I'm like, gotta get my fucking jaw stronger, I'd be like, dude, why don't you fucking pick up a history book? It's time to look at a globe. I got to get this jaw.
Starting point is 02:21:50 You're right and you're not at the same time. And here's why you're right. You're right because you see where this is all going. You see the falling away of the archaic models and the ridiculous nature of clinging to our monkey genetics. archaic models and the ridiculous nature of clinging to our monkey genetics but we are we are trapped in this age and we have about 80 years to have a good fucking time and one of the things to have a good time you know you got that right is one of my favorite songs ever leonard skieran song i like to drink and dance all night there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with liking a drink and dance all night there's nothing wrong with like. There's nothing wrong with liking a drink and dance all night.
Starting point is 02:22:28 There's nothing wrong with going to fights. These guys agreed to do this. Let them do it. They're going to do it. They want to do it. I used to do it. They're going to do it. They're going to do it.
Starting point is 02:22:34 Nothing wrong with that. It's fucking fun to watch. Go. Go enjoy it. Oh, man. I feel really bad about porn and porn exploits women. Well, guess what? There's 100 million gigabytes on the internet tsunami you're not gonna go back in time and keep those girls from being fingered by their uncle you're not gonna
Starting point is 02:22:51 do it well you know and i've tried and if you can jerk off to that you will feel better no enjoy it by the way if like you see if you see a kid playing with dolls and you go up to the kid and you're like you know those dolls aren't real and what you're doing is totally meaningless you're kind of an asshole the kid's lucky it's getting to play with dolls the kid's fucking lucky that the kid can get fixated on dolls then he can wear a fucking towel around his neck and pretend he's a superhero and run around his backyard with a cardboard sword lucky he's lucky lucky but i so in the same way when adults are doing the identical thing and taking on these uh silly identities and strengthening their jaws and they're absorbed
Starting point is 02:23:29 and their attention is focused onto whatever the fucking thing is whether it's leonard skinner's drunken night of line dancing or somebody punching his fist through a fucking wall or someone climbing a mountain or whatever if that's grabbing your your attention, lucky you. Don't stop it. Go for it. You're being distracted from the void for a little while. Congratulations. Fuck yeah. But once that shit stops distracting you, if you continue on that path and pretend that
Starting point is 02:23:56 it still is distracting you from the void, that's where shit gets weird. Maybe. Maybe you get to a certain point where you realize what difference does it make what difference does it make what my understanding of the situation is what difference does it make my acceptance of the void if i am but a temporary creature and should i not just enjoy this time yeah and spread as much positive energy as possible and contribute my part in a true and clear understanding that I cannot fix all things.
Starting point is 02:24:28 You ever see those videos? But that is my obligation to enjoy this moment and to have as much positive feeling as possible, spread as much positive feeling as possible. That is my instinct. That is my drive. When I'm in the isolation tank and I'm alone and I'm, I'm, I'm, when I'm at my most happiest, when I'm thinking about things,
Starting point is 02:24:49 you know what I think? I think I have a rare opportunity to spread as much positive energy as possible. And I think that is what is most important. That is, that is my instinctual pull. That's what's pulling me. What's pulling me is I feel like I've got this weird, crazy opportunity. We have this weird, crazy opportunity. Right now, there's at least a half a million people listening to this. Over the course of iTunes and Stitcher and Newsstream, it's more than that. It's going to be even more than that over the course of a couple of years. Sure.
Starting point is 02:25:16 Because this shit is going to spread and spread and spread. And some of these ideas are going to resonate with people because you are ahead of a lot of other people in this weird game of thinking there's people out there that right now are listening to this podcast and they are 19 years old and they've never considered any of the ideas that duncan trussell is presenting to them and the idea that you know that that human civilization and ideas and all these things could be literally alien life forms trying to manifest themselves in a conscious way on this plane and that's how they interact with people there's a lot of people right now 17 16 15 sitting with their friends getting their fucking mind blown by you dude and you don't think about it because you're just being you but that impact is serious
Starting point is 02:25:56 and legitimate yeah that's very important and that impacts you love it well of course and also well it's fun to uh it's what you're saying is exactly the thing that I'm obsessed with, is whatever that is. Transmitting. Anytime you can help someone be happier, connect with something, it's awesome. Hey, do you think that Dalai Lama on Twitter is real? I don't know. If he is, he's a dumbass.
Starting point is 02:26:22 What? I fucking love it. Bad tweets. What are you talking about? He's a goof. That's the most positive shit he ever... He writes positive shit every day. Yeah if he is. He's a dumbass. What? I fucking love it. Bad tweets. Tommy Lama's a goof. He's a goof. That's the most positive shit he ever... He writes positive shit every day. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 02:26:30 He does. He also writes a bunch of fucking pacifist bullshit. Wise people serve others. Putting the needs of others above their own. The ultimate result will be that you find more happiness. He's got someone... That sounds like a song written by a dude who's trying to fuck a girl. If you're on a canoe, If you're on a canoe,
Starting point is 02:26:45 call me. He's got someone tweeting for him. You think that's what it is? It's not verified. Of course, Twitter doesn't verify anymore. I don't know if you guys know that. Twitter stopped verifying. I'm verified, son. Grandfathered bitches.
Starting point is 02:27:01 You have a collector's edition Twitter that you can sell before it goes my space sell right now yeah man but to get back to that idea that we were just talking about when you find yourself successfully getting fixated on shit like successfully getting into something the last thing you should do is stop it it's really it's kind of sad when you see people who really enjoy something and out of some sense of guilt, they're trying to stop themselves from doing it. But like addicts, they keep doing stuff even though they're
Starting point is 02:27:29 clearly aware that it's not satiating them anymore. They're just doing it out of habit. Well, you've been addicted to things. Fuck yeah! I have an addictive personality, so I know exactly what it's like to have the focus of my mind sucked away by something for me to consciously think
Starting point is 02:27:46 i don't want to do this anymore this is a direct this this this conversation this idea is directly connected to what we were talking about earlier about hijacking the reward system yeah about something that is artificial and artificial in its power and its potency the idea of like a fucking fucking oxycontin pill. That shit is artificial. Something's not supposed to impact you that strong. A fucking avatar. Avatar in 3D.
Starting point is 02:28:12 If you were a caveman, your DNA is basically the same DNA as people that lived 10,000 years ago drawing fucking stupid buffaloes on the caves, on the cave walls while we're living by the light of a fire. I mean, it's impossible to wrap your fucking head around the kind of impact that's happening on the organism.
Starting point is 02:28:31 Yeah, well, it's all a magnification of the four basic drives. Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. Those are the things that drive probably most organic forms of life. I don't know about amoebas and shit. And butt and love. And look, it sounds gay as fuck, but we can say it because we're drunk. The reason why this podcast works, the reason why we all can do this over and over and over again is because we love each other. We're all passing notes underneath the table to each other.
Starting point is 02:29:00 We're playing footsie. Think of how freaked out everyone would be if we all were playing no even how about if we only did this podcast holding hands and with our sweaty feet touching each other you know if we all played superman with each other afterwards like we all like but you know the reason why we can have this conversation and be so fucking crazy with our ideas is you know I'm not going to judge you
Starting point is 02:29:27 you know the judgment between you and me is already done it's over we know each other we know each other literally inside and out
Starting point is 02:29:33 I know your weirdest fucking thing you lived with me we lived together you know and Brian and I have known each other for almost a decade
Starting point is 02:29:40 we've known each other we know each other inside and out Brian and I have cried together it's gay as that sounds we've cried together you know he's my friend we've known each we know each other inside and out brian and i've cried together it's gay as that sounds yeah we we've cried together you know he's my friend we've known each other forever so because that because we know each other so well and we know we're both looking out we're all three looking out for each other brother we we can say anything and then we can say anything but
Starting point is 02:29:58 what we're doing is we're saying anything and somehow or another way more people than we're ever going to meet ever in our fucking life are listening all at once. Yeah, it's crazy. And that's where things get squirrely. And that's where things get, you know, when we sit and we contemplate, like, you know, what is consciousness? What is reality? What are ideas? What is imagination?
Starting point is 02:30:15 Where does it go? Why is it going? Why is it going through you? Why is it going through me? Why are we so looking forward to going to New Orleans where this weekend you and I are going to go to the House of Blues a sold out show and we're going to perform for we don't know those people. I'll probably know 10 people in the audience. It'll be a bunch of people from the UFC
Starting point is 02:30:32 that'll ask for tickets. I'll hook them up 20, 30 people and it's you and me and we're going to have the greatest fucking time ever. Yeah, it's going to be incredible. Why? Because you've been putting that thing out your whole life and I've been putting that thing out my whole life. You would cry if you found out it was a guy also. What guy?
Starting point is 02:30:48 The one we cried together. This fucking podcast is over. Brian gets the line of the night. If you want to get in touch with Duncan, you can follow him on Twitter. And now he's obligated to respond to all of your messages. Because he told you that all you had to do was call him about the fucking expensive podcast. It searches video with Tim and Eric. I don't think we've ever talked about it on this podcast.
Starting point is 02:31:13 Have we talked about it? No. He has the surfing video, the body surfing. Body Boys, Legend of the Pipers. It's one of the best videos. I laughed my ass off. Yeah, it's pretty great. It's so fucking great.
Starting point is 02:31:23 It's something I did with Tim and Eric for HBO's Funny or Die is that it? no it's something I did for Tim and Eric for HBO's Funny or Die and it's like basically a take off on those skateboarding videos but it's about
Starting point is 02:31:40 we play these idiots like idiots who learn to body surf but mainly it's just about us all fucking this one dude on the beach. That's so crazy. It's one of the best things I have seen in a while. You fucked a dude on a beach? Yeah, a beach whore. A beach whore.
Starting point is 02:31:54 That's why I thought of it. You kissed another guy. What was it like to kiss another guy? It was amazing. What? You kissed another guy? For real? Well, I mean, I believe it was on the cheek.
Starting point is 02:32:06 Was it? I don't remember. I thought it was on the dick. You know I love you, bro. I'm just kidding. It's a very funny video. What are the dates, man? What's still available?
Starting point is 02:32:16 This weekend is totally sold out. We have tomorrow, by the way. Yes. Out of nowhere show. Tomorrow, out of nowhere show. We're doing it at the Ice House. Oh, we should talk about this real quick. We are all of us. Last're doing it at the Ice House. Oh, here's, we should talk about this real quick. We are all of us.
Starting point is 02:32:26 Last weekend, we did the comedy. There's two rooms at the Ice House in Pasadena, which is one of my favorite clubs in the country. It's been around for about 30 plus years. I think 35 years. It's not just a comedy club. It's a goddamn museum. It's like the comedy and magic club in Hermosa. It's one of those clubs that's been around forever.
Starting point is 02:32:41 And it's got all this really amazing history on the walls. It's a really cool fucking club. There's two rooms. There's the big showroom. I say big in quotes. It's 185 seats. It's very small. It's very intimate. Then there's this other room that's like 85 seats. Brian and I,
Starting point is 02:33:00 at AllCom, you've talked about it. We've talked about it before, about what's the perfect size of a comedy club. I don't know. I mean, this weekend we're going to do somewhere around 700 people at the House of Blues, which is, you know, like a medium. And then there's like the really small places where it's like the Ice House, which is like, you know, 85 people. And then there's October 7th in Houston with Brendan Walsh and me and Joey Diaz.
Starting point is 02:33:24 We're going to do the Horizon Wireless Theater, which is like thousands of fucking people. So it's all different sizes, but there's something magical about those little fucking rooms, man. And we did that little 85-seat room at the Ice House this past weekend. And Brian and I and Ari and Al Madrigal and Brendan Walsh, all of us, we got together and we talked about it. I was like, this place is fucking great.
Starting point is 02:33:50 And then someone came up with the idea. I don't know who it was. I was like, imagine just renting out that room right there and doing a podcast. Okay. Brian. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 02:33:58 also Brendan said, I know it was Brendan Walsh said, why not just do it right here, right in front of the door, which I don't know if that would work, but it might work sometimes. Can you imagine fans trying to do a podcast? Yo, Rogan, come here!
Starting point is 02:34:10 Well, this is what I was thinking. If we hired some Tate Fletcher looking dudes to fucking keep people away from you and fucking keep the peace. And then just did the... But the energy of all those people, as long as they didn't interfere, the energy of all those people hanging out. It's like when we did the live show with Jim Norton. There was definitely a different feeling when you were trying to feel like you're entertaining people watching you. You're totally right. It's good because here we're hanging out.
Starting point is 02:34:32 I did a live podcast. It was great. I did a live podcast at the Laughing Skull on stage. It was fucking awesome. Well, that's a small club. The one we did with Jim Norton is small, too. We did it at Kevin Smith's place, which is only like 60 people, I think. mall too we did it at kevin smith's place which is only like 60 people i think but my point is that you can you can we're gonna do our idea for a podcast we kind of assimilated all our ideas
Starting point is 02:34:51 together and the best idea seems to be wherever we put it it's the comics that are right about to go on stage or just got off stage and we're fucking smoking lean we're talking shit just like this just like this show and we do it you know brand Brendan Walsh, John Heffron, John Reed. Who the fuck is in town? Judah Friedlander texted me and he said he wants to come on the show. How about Judah Friedlander calls us on a Wednesday night and says, Hey, I want to come to your fucking crazy podcast thing at the Ice House. Boom, he comes down to the Ice House.
Starting point is 02:35:22 And we have this wild ass show with 85 people in that little room. We do a free podcast. We all have a good time. Not deal with Hollywood bullshit. Exactly. Not deal with traffic. Black wizards. Black wizards and parking and nonsense. Listen, you fucking get the gist. This goddamn
Starting point is 02:35:39 fucking show is over. Hey, wait. Can I tell people this show I'm doing? No! What the fuck are you doing? What, man? Let me ask you this, man. Is this fucking 7-1 podcast enough, man? Come on, man! September 23rd,
Starting point is 02:35:56 Joe Diaz, Brendan, no, Joe Diaz, Ari Shafir, and I are at the Paramount Theater in Denver, Colorado. Tickets are still available. They're going quick. There's not much left. If you're interested in brain pills,
Starting point is 02:36:09 go to, O-N-N-I-T dot com. If you want to see one of the best, most interesting and fascinating stand-up comics in the country and one of my best friends,
Starting point is 02:36:20 go see Duncan Trussell at the Laughing Skull in Atlanta, Georgia. When is that? That's at the end of this Skull in Atlanta, Georgia. And when is that? That's at the end of this month, and I'll be in Seattle. What is it? What is the date? It's the last week in this month.
Starting point is 02:36:32 It'll be on my website. I don't even have to put it. It just happened. And that's, T-R-U-S-S-E-L-L. Call the Laughing Skull in Atlanta. And if it's the last weekend, it is either the 23rd or the 24th or the 30th and the 1st of October. Duncan doesn't know? It's the 20th.
Starting point is 02:36:48 It's got to be the 20th. It's the last weekend of this month. Okay. Whatever that is. But Friday is the 30th. Oh, yeah. That's it. Okay.
Starting point is 02:36:55 Friday the 30th? Yeah. That's it. Call them. That's it. So you're basically doing the weekend and Saturday night, it'll be October 1st. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:03 That's it? You sure? Yeah, yeah, yeah. T-R-U-S-S-E-L-L. Holla at your boy. Thank you to the Fleshlight. Go to
Starting point is 02:37:12 Click on the link for the Fleshlight and enter in the code name Rogan, and you will get 15% off this number one. Did your girlfriend still hide yours or throw them away? I need a new one, yes! I got a new one. I got a box of them. Great. I got a box of them. He's selling them on YouTube. Who loves you? Who loves you throw them away? I need a new one, yes. I got a new one. I got a box of them. Great. I got a box of them.
Starting point is 02:37:26 He's selling them on YouTube. Who loves you? Who loves you like I do? Next week, we were going to get as many people as we want. I know that Jim Norton is in town. Jim contacted me. We're going to try to get Jim in here. And we're going to try to do Judah Freelander, like I said. We're going to do Max Kallerman.
Starting point is 02:37:39 We're going to get Liza in here, too, man. Liza Schlesinger, for sure. She has a new show. And for sure, Graham Hancock. And um uh there's and for sure graham hancock and that will most likely be the 23rd not sure if we're going to do uh ustream with that because it all depends on how good the uh wireless system is in the hotel we go to in irvine they usually suck ass it does it sucks ass they they suck hard maybe we could record but oh the new ustream lets me record to the computer so we're good we just have to can't do it live maybe so we
Starting point is 02:38:04 can upload the video on vimeo we can't do it what're good. We just can't do it live, maybe, so we can upload the video on Vimeo. We can't do it what? What do you mean we can't do it live? No, I mean like if we're at a hotel that the internet sucks, the new Ustream lets you record to your computer and then go back and upload it later. What? Yeah. For real?
Starting point is 02:38:17 Yeah, for real. So we can do private shows whenever we want to. Is this some new shit? Yeah, new shit. When did this happen? About a month ago. And what is this Vimeo thing you got some shit up on it's like youtube yeah son brad hunstable thanks a lot buddy he's the um the fucking big maha over at um at a president and founder of you stream and he puts our shit online and uh he and i have been going through he's very
Starting point is 02:38:42 good guy this is the podcast yeah good. Yeah, good people use streaming. I like Stitcher. Oh, I'm going to go on the Nerdist podcast, too, for sure. I'm going to do that as well. Chris Hardwick's a buddy. And I ran into him at the airport recently. And people say, like, you guys got in the best Twitter argument ever because you, like, solved it, like, so, like, civilly. And everybody was so cool.
Starting point is 02:39:01 It wasn't really an argument, you know. I mean, he doesn't like the Stitcher thing and I understand his point. I like it. Whatever. I like Stitcher too. Duncan, anything else? I love Stitcher.
Starting point is 02:39:14 I'm sorry. The Lavender Hour. You can get The Lavender Hour which is Duncan and his lovely better half Natasha Leggero. New show's on tonight. Also a fabulous stand-up comedian as well.
Starting point is 02:39:23 Yeah, and her show Free Agents is on right now. Probably it's on tonight also a fabulous stand up comedian as well is on right now probably it's on tonight so watch it on NBC he missed the premiere to be tuned in and I'll be in Seattle next Thursday too
Starting point is 02:39:32 if anyone's out there where you at in Seattle Chop Suey alright Duncan Trussell on Twitter again it's D-U-N-C-A-N T-R-U-S-S-E-L-L two S's
Starting point is 02:39:40 two L's in case you're worried I can't stop talking I got verbal diarrhea. This fucking show's over. Bye. You know we love you. Just shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:39:51 Stop with your negative bullshit. You know I love you. All right, bye. See you later. Thank you.. .

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