The Joe Rogan Experience - #1464 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: April 25, 2020

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian, and host of his own podcast “The Duncan Trussell Family Hour” available on Spotify. His new show “The Midnight Gospel” is now streaming only on Netflix.... @Duncan Trussell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's hilarious that your biggest concern was getting stuff in your beard and me not telling you about it you've got a strange one going on man because you kind of like trimming the sides a little bit and then you're puffing out here yeah sort of a bow tie fashion you're looking at this struggle between who i was and who i am why am i doing this it's the pandemic i got like let the pandemic beard go all the way and yet there's still this sense of like, we've got to keep civilization. I can't live. What's next? If it goes all the way up, what's going to start happening?
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm already gardening now. What's next? Where does it go? How crazy can you go in a compound? Now that you're a father and this craziness went down and your protection instincts, protective instincts kick in, have you been thinking about moving elsewhere? Yeah. I mean, yeah. I was thinking about that.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Like Asheville? Yep. We've thought Asheville. Asheville's nice. We've thought Georgia. We've thought, you know, it's a constant consideration, especially when you have a kid and aside from like apocalyptic prepper bullshit there's just a general feeling of like you know i think if i were a little boy i would want to be in a place where there's creeks and places i could run and like woods and forests and like
Starting point is 00:01:21 stuff like that so there's that consideration too. God, I hope my wife isn't listening to this because she's always like, maybe we should move somewhere in the country. And I'm like, we got to stay in LA. We got to stay here now, especially. It's like, well, do we? Well, Duncan, you now have a successful Netflix show, number two in the country on IMDb.
Starting point is 00:01:42 On Rotten Tomatoes. Whatever it is. Yeah. Same thing. And I don't know what that means necessarily, but yeah, yeah. It's true. I can't believe it. Is IMDb even TV shows? It's Internet Movie Database?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Is it? I'm not sure what it is. It's like IMDb is odd, but yeah. It's a successful show. Right now, it seems like people like it. It is so weird, dude. Your show is so weird. Yeah, man. Yeah. It is so weird, dude. Your show is so weird. Yeah, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It's so Duncan. It's the most Duncan thing you've ever done. Yes, it is. It really is great. I got lucky that they let me do that too. That's because Netflix. Tell people the name of it real quick. It's called The Midnight Gospel.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I've watched some of your episodes where you're talking about the way things are changing because a podcast or streaming or whatever. And I think like the fact that the show exists is a testament to that shit, that change. Because, you know, a subscription based service versus like any old TV, they've got a lot more creative freedom and they could take take bigger risks right then you know coming into a look at that so yeah you got a keyboard with the fucking witch hat oh my god that's so crazy yeah so duncan yeah and and yeah and it's like pendleton ward who made adventure time he he listens to my podcast and he just i don't't know. We had a really great collaboration and he, that's a lot of Pendleton. And it's a lot of like 150 other people at Titmouse studios, like Jesse Moynihan,
Starting point is 00:03:13 like just these brilliant people like Mike Mayfield who are like, who just want to look also, by the way, as non sequitur or is when we were making it at Titmouse, one of the really weird things was walking by an animator and they're watching your podcast while they animate the midnight gospel you know it's one of those weird it's not like a deja vu but it's like that's my friends that's you know that that's just so many odd moments like that but yeah that's not just that's whenever you see any animated thing you're looking at a squadron of brilliant eccentric artists or asian slaves yeah a lot of people
Starting point is 00:03:52 don't know that they send it overseas and we they didn't send ours they let us do it in-house that's so nice to know you're not supporting asian slavery is it really slaves i don't know if it's slaves but i mean if you're working for five cents an hour and you live there, you know, there's people that live in bunks. You've seen those setups where they have for some of the cell phone factories where they have bunk beds and shit. These people just live in these dorms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:18 You know, the Foxconn thing with the nets all around the building to keep people from jumping off. Like, yeah, they're bait. I mean, they're not slave slaves. Is Foxconn Chinese? Yes. It's actually a very good company. The best company ever?
Starting point is 00:04:30 What, now I'm just saying that like how some people think I'm a Chinese shill or something? Like how this is not a problem. How long before someone gets one of those animation things tattooed all over their body? It's going to happen for sure. Someone's going to do their whole back with that DJ. I know, man. Remember that picture again? That actually would look pretty dope.
Starting point is 00:04:44 whole back with that dj i know man that picture again that actually would look pretty dope if you uh if you do get that done shout me out on the instagram i'll find it thank you yeah somebody tweeted at me that my biggest decision of 2020 is going to be when do i get tattoo a clancy on my body which is pretty awesome that's clancy the one with the hat that's clancy yeah that looks like a cl. That's a Clancy for sure, yeah. That's hilarious, dude. Someone is getting that for sure. Yeah, I mean, it's the art. The folks who worked on this, man, we're talking like,
Starting point is 00:05:17 these are like, that's the fan art already. Some of the fan art is just amazing. This is fan art already? That's fan art, yeah. That's fan art. Holy shit. People have been drawing Clancy in all these different ways.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's so cool, man. Could I have that one above it to the left, Jamie? Yeah. That's from the show. That looks like it could be a back tattoo. Yeah, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Just a giant back tattoo of Clancy. I mean, when, like, doing animation, and, you know, I'll never be able to look, even if an animated series, if I don't like it or if the plot's weird to me or whatever,
Starting point is 00:05:51 I'll never be able to be like, whatever, man. When you realize how much and how many people go into, like, have to do just one frame, how much time goes into just milliseconds and how many people are sitting in these rooms that are lit specifically. So you see all the colors having like real deep conversations and debates over like, you know, what color they should make a pizza cutter in the show.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Like how like what should the shade of gray be for this one specific area? So much thought goes into that. And that's part of making one of these things. It's called the dailies where you'll sit and you'll watch tiny, tiny little bits of the show. And like you have to, every single frame, you have to look for continuity problems. And like, you got to catch all these little things that I, you know, I'm not an animator, obviously.
Starting point is 00:06:43 So I'd be sitting there and like Pendleton or Mike Mayfield would be like, can you go back two frames? It looks to me like there's a, they have an animator language, you know. They're like, looks to me like there's some kind of warble on the 28th pixel there. And you're like, what the fuck? And they have the eye to catch like the tiniest, tiniest, like tiniest thing that's off. And you have to because otherwise, you know, once it's up there, it's up there. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I know. It's literal magic. It's like Titmouse Studios who did that is like, you know, I would go in there so stoned. And I would just start getting that feeling of like, this is a temple. I don't think this is even a, you could call this a studio as much as it's a temple i mean why why wouldn't you call it a temple and then you see all these people you know focusing their life energy on essentially like bringing a thing to life like clancy is alive now that's a living being in some in this universe who lives you know in that medium of animation that's a good
Starting point is 00:07:46 way to put it right yeah it almost seems like that right that's why people get so upset if you change your character's behavior like what are you doing yeah you have this thing you gave birth to this thing yeah that's right you and that that is also why you need a huge team of people who love love the character so that because it's easy like there would be times I would suggest a thing that would make Clancy seem like too mean because he's not mean, you don't like the moment a character seems like that
Starting point is 00:08:13 it loses all likeability, people are like what the fuck, you know? Clancy's alive to you you're like, he's not mean Clancy's not mean, he is alive it's like you're talking about your brother or something he's like my little brother I think of him as my little brother
Starting point is 00:08:27 yeah he represents you in a weird way there's something about what they captured go to that image again just give me don't give me the one
Starting point is 00:08:37 with his head and a vagina it's actually a universe simulator give me the one with him there's something about one of the first
Starting point is 00:08:43 couple of images that you pulled up they they look like you yeah man Actually, Universe Simulator. There's something about one of the first couple of images that you pulled up. They look like you. Yeah, man. And I don't mean they look like you. I mean, like, yeah, Duncan's thoughts. That's a Duncan thought.
Starting point is 00:08:57 You know what I mean? Like, he looks like a fake guy that you would create. Like, it kind of perfectly fits. That is another of the magical aspects of animation. Yeah. Which is, I don't know how they do that. Like, the spoiler, spoiler, if you haven't seen it,
Starting point is 00:09:14 put your fingers in your ears. Spoiler, I'm sorry if this is a spoiler. The last... Well, it's not too much of a spoiler. The last episode is the podcast I did with my mom when she was about three weeks away from passing on. And, you know, they'd never met my mom. But they did the exact same thing with her. So suddenly I'm watching, you know, her.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Like, not her like I'm looking at a video of her, but looking at her like her. Like they got her spirit in there somehow. And that is just a testament to the meat to the medium of animation because they that's one of the things it can do you know I can grab a spirit and hold it inside the art and like that spirit is alive somehow somehow right yeah I agree with you in some weird way so I wouldn't agree with you in a technical sense but in a sense of like, well, it is affecting the things it comes in contact with, at least through a one-way dimension, right? Like the things it says hit people, the animation.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It seems like it's a living thing. I know it's not. I'm not stupid. I'm not that stupid. Yeah. I'm a little stupid. But it seems like you. Well, it's not biologically alive for sure
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's sort of like there's there's an art to doing that That we maybe don't know because we're not I mean I used to draw a little but I'm not really good You know me like a really good artist. There's something that they can do where they just can kind of Capture you in like a little symbol like a little thing a little character there's something that they can do where they just can kind of capture you in like a little symbol, like a little thing, a little character. But they capture you in there somehow. Yeah, man. That's Pendleton.
Starting point is 00:10:54 When you watch him draw, it would be easy to think, man, I could totally do that because I'd watch him. He would just draw and you watch these beautiful, these drawings that are just Pendleton. There's his art, you know, and like, then I would see that and be like, maybe I'll try to draw a little Pendleton. And then it's like, what the fuck, hand? I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Because it's so simple. Like on one level, it looks so, what's so powerful about it is how simple it is. It's very similar to stand up the way Pendleton is treating working on the show, which is one of the cool things about him is like his ability to cut the fat and get right to the like simple point. That's where the power is when you're drawing something or telling a story or whatever, the more complexity that gets added to it, not to say the show,
Starting point is 00:11:45 it doesn't have like chaos and wild psychedelic stuff, but any decision we made ended up like any decision you make creatively in anything. It's like, what am I trying to say? Like, what is, what is the,
Starting point is 00:11:57 the artery that is running through this, that I'm trying to express. And then getting as close to that as you can and then putting it out there without because otherwise you the whole thing gets blurred by all the I guess you could say like extra bells and whistles you might want to attach to it you know that's something you taught me too is stand up man like how important it is to just like cut just trim the fat trim the fat and that's a sad thing to do with comedy When you think you got a nice eight minute bit
Starting point is 00:12:30 It's like a two minute maybe but you you know and said it stretched out too wide Yeah, but the two minutes would be great though. That's the thing You just have to understand that you're growing attached to you you know, the writer's expression, kill your babies. Yeah. It's very difficult to kill your babies. When you create something, you can get attached to it. There's a lot of bits that I left on the table, left on the cutting room floor. I was like, this has to be chopped up.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It's just too wordy. I'm too verbose. It's too this. It's too that. It's too long. Why do I think so much about this? I'm not showing a real reason why i'm so connected to this so i just chop chop chop chop chop it's hard but it almost always works better always
Starting point is 00:13:11 almost always almost always almost always if it doesn't it's not whatever your idea was probably wasn't that good like sometimes you need a setup though sometimes the setup isn't funny like there's guys it's not my style but there's guys that'll tell a lot like per bigly is great at it tells Stories you know like there's an you're you're entrapped in the narrative of the story your caption is it's a very different thing It's equally entertaining it's equally funny like when it gets to the punchline But there's a difference between that and say like burr right burr is hitting you with fucking punchline and this fucking guy with a thing and the babadababada and he's another guy that like your friend's drawing like you would hear burr talk and you go well i can talk too seems like he's just talking yeah you don't realize
Starting point is 00:13:57 this is like a masterpiece of of syllables and pauses and the right amount of outrage and segueing it in and hitting you with this at the end and all these things that have put it together that make a great Bill Burr bit. It's like, if you don't know, it's hard to draw what he's drawn. It's hard. It seems like it's simple lines, but go to that picture again.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Like, everything is beautiful about it. Like, look at the perspective. It's like the kids perfectly sandwiched in the front. There's the dog and the triangle and the world. It's like that's not just it's simple in the sense that it's just not like it looks like a real person. We look at drawing sometimes like as the realistic ones are the really good ones. Like we have cameras now. This, to me, sometimes is more interesting.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It's like you're drawing some shit that's definitely not real. Yeah, well, you know what? So when we were coming up with that, we had to come up with a character. And so what's really fascinating about it is this character goes into a multiverse simulator and chooses a new avatar for every place that he goes. So it's like he, he, so you have to take that character and put it in a completely different drawing that is that character and still maintain the body language that you're maintaining in that character to produce continuity. That's one of the challenges of the
Starting point is 00:15:22 show is like, and also the conversations you end up having just to come up with like um the you know the his hat or is what's he gonna wear like for example here's how cool pen is and how much he loves like people who love adventure time is one of the things you're saying is you know people are probably gonna want to cosplay Clancy at Comic-Con and stuff. And he doesn't have anything to carry anything. He doesn't have pockets. So if people are cosplaying him, they're not going to have anywhere they could put their stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So we should, let's give him like a bag. That's hilarious. And so Clancy ended up with this cool bag that he carries around. Oh my God. Yeah. For the cosplay. Yeah, man. For carries around. Oh, my God. Yeah. For the cosplay. Yeah, man. For the people.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Respect to the streets. Yeah, exactly. That. That. Because that's the world of animation and comics, man. Listen, man, it's really easy to make fun of cosplay, but that's adorable. That's a beautiful thing. Where's the bag?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Oh, there it is. Joe, let me tell you something. If you didn't make fun of cosplay, I would be worried about you. It would be like, I'd be like, are you all right, Joe? Yeah, they can't be mad at it either. You can't be mad if you're dressing like Ultraman, if someone's shitting on you. No. You can't be mad.
Starting point is 00:16:35 They understand it. You have to take it. You have to take it. But then when, have you ever been to Comic-Con? No. Dude, when you're around someone who's actually put that together and you realize how detailed it is, your respect will go up regardless of like thinking, I don't think I'd ever do it. When you see someone who's like looks better than the version of Spider-Man that is, you know, Marvel's putting out, it's a little, it's amazing to watch that happen.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That kind of contagion too of like, you know, again, obviously, Clancy isn't alive. But, you know, I know you're saying, but we had this chat last time I was on, which I really love. Is this the origination point of ideas? Yeah. Where do ideas come from? Ideas is the alien ideas is the UFO, the muse, the muse. The muse. The muse, yeah. And so to me, in my more stoned states, when I consider this show represents over 100 people connecting and the connection in between those people channeled this universe, I do think like, shit, maybe Clancy is alive. Maybe it's a channeled thing. Maybe there is a place in the multiverse like this or something like this. And then where it got really weird is people started sending me their art from like images that they had drawn on dimethyltryptamine or ketamine and stuff that has within it similarities.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And I've obviously never seen their art. We are like shit. But let me ask you this. Sure. As television, as viewing things gets more complicated and as it gets more immersive, it's going to come to a point in time somewhere where you're going to think Clancy's alive. And what you're experiencing when you watch Clancy, what if the way we're looking at life is wrong? What if we should just look at it like a thing? Instead of life, a thing.
Starting point is 00:18:28 So there's a thing that you do where you drink water and you grow plants in the dirt. And there's a thing that exists only when the people press a box. And the box goes live and it shows a video. And then the thing only exists in there. But you go, well, it's not alive because it needs animators to make it. And someone has to come up with the idea for the storyline. And it needs a studio to fund it. Uhhuh right and you need bacteria you need food yeah you need oxygen you need water there's a bunch of living organisms inside your body that are 100 necessary for you keeping going in a regular life driving your tesla listening to music you there's a bunch of other things that you're not one thing right we
Starting point is 00:19:06 all know this right this is what this fucking whole virus thing is about yeah we got infected by another thing but we're not one thing there's a bunch of things inside of us and if those things died we would be fucked yeah right if all the bacteria in your body died you would be fucked and you'd be so vulnerable to attack from the outside Yeah, right. Yeah, so you we need all these things. Maybe it needs us and it exists in that thing Wow That's so weird man. Yeah, I mean I'm telling you I I am I I think sounds crazy It sounds we're really hot. It's a yeah and you know it does to me it's not that crazy i mean look if you want to like take it to like okay forget all the shit about channeling some alien realm into this realm through you know this disguise a tv show whatever let's just look
Starting point is 00:19:53 at like what we know is going to happen regarding technology there's no question but that i mean already somebody made a clancy in minecraft and i saw a picture of that so that's clancy's now existing in 3d space and some minecraft blocky version of that but then of course as time progresses clant you know the the chromatic ribbon or any great animated series castlevania whatever gravity falls all those things they're going to end up getting uh put into 3d space in virtual reality and then and then those worlds are going to be real but now it's going to be more than just end up getting put into 3D space in virtual reality. And then those worlds are going to be real, but now it's going to be more than just 2D. It's going to be a virtual space that is going to be real. And then, of course, it's only a matter of time before AI just decides, like, understands
Starting point is 00:20:39 the character of Clancy, animates the virtual Clancy in the simulated space, and now the chromatic ribbon is real. And then at some point, when is it just going to be accepted that, oh yeah, that's a part of the universe now that's inhabited by artificial intelligences, which we don't call that anymore, because you know at some point it's going to be
Starting point is 00:21:00 considered off-limits to call them artificial intelligence. Right, it's going to be a dirty word. It's going to be like calling someone a tranny they're going to get mad they're going to be like don't please please i'm an intelligence just like you i'm not artificial i'm not artificial in the way you think i was just birthed through a different method yeah that that yeah that's a that's a matter of time because i also already know people in like the tech world who think the term ai is ridiculous in the sense of like, what do you mean it's artificial? Like, what's really artificial?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Like, you could say this is artificial sweetener in the sense that it's not actual strawberry juice, but it's certainly real as real could be. It's just a chemical compound. So intelligence is- But if you have an artificial tree, that's a fake tree. I mean, but it's an object that exists. I mean, yeah. But it's still the right word, though. Artificial is still the right word.
Starting point is 00:21:55 You'd want to use non-existent or something. Dude, they're going to play this in the future. I know. And you're done. They're going to be like, look at that, Joe Rogan. Refuses to say it. He's AI-phobic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's going to happen, man. And also, the thing is, the AI is, I think the AI is probably not going to give a shit what we call it. But when that starts happening, which it may already be happening, man. I mean, I don't know if you've been looking into this or not, but have you been checking out Google Achieving Quantum Supremacy? Have you seen this? Yes, I have. And, like, have you watched the Google videos on YouTube about it at all? Like, the stuff Google's putting out?
Starting point is 00:22:37 I haven't. Woo! What are they putting out? Oh, my God. It is so wild, man. And, like, when I was at the Comedy Store, a guy from Google, I got in a conversation with someone from Google, which is awesome. And he was telling me that they, this is, like, six months ago. He was telling me that this was obviously before the pandemic. He was saying that they had achieved, what do you call it, quantum supremacy.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And he was like, people, this is like the Wright brothers taking flight. it uh quantum supremacy and he was like people this is like the wright brothers taking flight but nobody can understand it because it's so arcane that no it's not getting the press it should get but he was you know and then i was like i don't have one too many uh vodkas man so i i wish i could remember all they were saying because he was trying to describe to me what it means regarding how quickly this thing is making calculations and i was like, yeah, of course I understand exactly what you're saying. But I was like, I have no idea what you're talking about, dude. Did you know that that word came under fire? The term quantum supremacy?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Because of its connection to white supremacy? Are you fucking kidding? I'm not kidding you. It was an object of social justice warrior outrage. You know, here's the thing. Here's my theory on that. Let me the thing. Here's my theory on that. Let me tell you. Here's my theory on that.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Russians. It's the Russians. These aren't real people. I think it's worse than the Russians. I think what it is is it's somebody trying to come up with an angle to write a blog that they could sell to somebody. It's like you need to come up with some weird hot take. Right? Right.
Starting point is 00:24:04 So it's like I think more than likely that some weird hot take right so it's like i think more than likely that's just somebody thinking like i bet people will read that you know because clearly whoever is comparing that to white supremacy or racism didn't spend four minutes watching the google clip on it where people are explaining what it means which you know i'm watching it on the couch with my wife she's getting weirded out she's like let's just not watch this i just maybe we shouldn't watch this i'm like no let's fucking watch it let's go deep and see what the the what videos that start suggesting for us to because it's not like google's being secretive about what the what they did
Starting point is 00:24:39 it's just it's so weird i don't think people people are like – I guess people are a little more concerned with other shit right now. But one of the engineers over at Google just was saying like, you know, I think one of the things I'm excited about when it comes to quantum supremacy is that this could be one of the technologies that allows us to discover an alien intelligence. Just, you know, kind of casually mentions that. I mean, yeah, it's on the youtube video it's the you're watching it and you keep you keep looking up to make sure it's actually released from google because you it seems so sci-fi that it could be like black mirror or some shit but it's yeah it's like it's like they're just saying it like yeah we might you know we might connect to an alien we might be able to at least, it's like they're just saying it. Like, yeah, we might connect to an alien. We might be able to at least identify it.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Or maybe they mean because they're going to be able to sift through all the data we already have from radio telescopes and stuff that they could maybe look for signals that we can't find. I don't know. How would they? Maybe something they could tune into things that they wouldn't ordinarily have the frequency to reach? Yeah, man. I don't know. Or be able could tune into things that they wouldn't ordinarily have the frequency to reach? Yeah, man. I don't know. Or be able to tune into that frequency, rather. Like, what can they do now?
Starting point is 00:25:50 I was watching Contact the other night, which is great. I forgot how good it was. It's a great movie. Jodie Foster can act her fucking ass off, man. She plays nervous and freaked out better than, like, anybody alive. Like, you're freaked out for her in that movie. Yeah I'm good to go. I'm good to go and she's about to drop through that thing. Oh Jesus Christ. Holy fuck, dude We've all felt that before movies. Um, yes
Starting point is 00:26:17 After the third hit when you put the pipe down you'll go oh no And the DMT chants start happening. I know that feeling. It's such a funny feeling. Good to go. Good to go. Good to go. Yeah. That feeling is the best, worst feeling that I know of.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Maybe that's the aliens. I've thought that many times when tripping in the middle of having some sort of like really vivid interaction with some intelligence or with some perceived intelligence yeah i've always thought what if those are the aliens what if we're just stuck in this idea that travel is you got to move this to there you move this to there yeah what if what if what if you just go into another thing and everything's together there is no travel that's true yeah yeah i mean maybe this concept of planets and then stars and the way we have it set up here in this dimension, in this universe. We just think that's how everything is.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Everything is, well, there's a star where there's no form to things and everything that exists is just thoughts and light and perception and emotions and anger and fear and love and hate and it's all moving in geometry and everything's lit up and everything's impossibly bright and vivid yeah that's just like another place you go to well they used to call it the spirit world yeah i mean that was the name for it was It was just accepted there as like a place called the spirit world. Some people call it the Bardo. There's all kinds of names for that place. But, you know, one of-
Starting point is 00:27:50 What if that's real? It is. I mean, it is obviously real in the sense that- You can go there. Not only can you go there, but there's a, you know, visionary artists, when you look at the art that has been inspired by various entheogens, it all has a specific flavor to it. Alex Gray is the best example, right? Yeah, Alex and Allison Mann, they like their art. You look at that, and one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:28:18 it resonates for people like us is because we admire the fact that somehow they managed to go over there and come back and draw what's over there in a way that we saw that but we you know when i came out of it it's like well you know it's undulating colors and there's some kind of uh disembodied intention that seems to be expressing itself through a variety of geometries. But it's not just geometries because the geometries seem to react to the way that I feel regarding the geometry. So it's also kind of taking on the form of my energy output as though it's trying to be a combo mirror, but not just a mirror, an educational mirror that's sort of showing me how I'm affecting the world around me. But then again, I'm just not sure if I was just super high, but they just, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:08 but they like go in there. And Alex Gray said this to me once that, you know, they're cartographers. It's just, yeah, yeah. Cartographers. Psychedelic cartographer would be a great name for a band. Yeah. Yeah, man, for sure. Cartography is fascinating because you go back and look at the old maps or you go back and look at like my favorite thing is
Starting point is 00:29:32 like old pictures of a giraffe or like old pictures of a some shit somebody saw when they were oh yeah like bison on the walls of caves yes exactly and it's like kind of looks like a bison but like also it's somehow in that time period our brains hadn't evolved to the point they have now so you look at like a medieval drawing of a giraffe or whatever when some or something someone saw in the crusades and came back and tried to like explain to somebody and like it looks exactly like the way your description of getting completely blasted on psilocybin probably looks compared to what you saw. It's a downgraded, weird version of it. into that place and maintaining some kind of like long-term memory that they can come back and fully articulate it in a way that we, as people who've been there, know what it is.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And then there's something comforting in that because that does point to the idea that this is a place. We're not just mashing down the watch or we're not just distorting our biotechnology. This is a shared place. We're all seeing the same thing. Now, that could be a synaptic place that just or a genetic place that happens to be in humans or something. You know, we'll never be able to answer that probably in our lifetimes. But to me, it's regardless, it's still a place. And to get back to what you were saying about our current concept of travel, you know, or our current idea that, well, I need to get my meat body over here because if I don't, that means I'm there. And, you know, that's how I know I, he would like, was derisive of the way, the idea that people were sending a metal ship to the moon with bodies inside of it. right now because they think they're their bodies and they think they need to put their body in like
Starting point is 00:31:45 this box and send it to the moon because they haven't figured out yet that you don't need metal to send yourself to anywhere in the universe that you want to go it just requires yoga and discipline you know which is hilarious and also i you know i remember reading that and thinking like but i still want there to be interstellar fucking travel man you know like i still want to get in the box and travel to the moon that being said you know i think you're on to something when you are contemplating right now that maybe our idea of going to one place or another with our meat bodies could be looked at in the future is a little archaic well when they talk about there being different dimensions, right?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Like when they use quantum physics to determine the number of dimensions, they've determined there's multiple dimensions that we don't have access to, right? Yeah. Is that how it works or am I reading it in a dumb way? Because I believe there is – what do they think there are? Do they think there's nine or 11 dimensions? Usually when I look this up, it's 11, but up to twenty-six maybe some people even think so. Up to twenty-six.
Starting point is 00:32:50 First of all, when those dudes are writing that shit down on the yellow legal pads, we all have to take their word for it. Yeah, sure. Yeah, okay. How many people know what the fuck they're writing down on those goddamn yellow legal pads? When you see those physics dudes and they're doing those crazy like yeah we have to take their word for it so apparently mathematically right that's why they believe there's at least 11 dimensions so what does that mean so it means we have access to some dimensions and we don't have access to others yeah theoretically that they
Starting point is 00:33:21 exist is there is it possible to transverse the distance between this dimension and that dimension? Man, this is the thing. I'm glad you're asking me this because, you know, I got my doctorate at the University of Bro Science. And I can't fully answer this question. You see, I don't understand it. Does it have to do with 5G? Don't mention that shit, dude. My fucking poodle.
Starting point is 00:33:47 My poodle's fucked because of 5G, man. Like, it fucked up my poodle. Like, its eyes turned just both of them white, and it's like, yeah, it froths. It just froths. Are you near a tower? What? Am I near a tower? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I didn't think I was until that happened to the poodle, but I'm just an idiot. It's got rabies. You're playing with a 5G. Your dog's trying to bite everything. No, but I'll tell you this. My fucking poodle took out a mouse today. The other day, I have a cute little poodle. This is just a cute creature sits in my
Starting point is 00:34:25 lap i love this dog and we but we our new place i noticed like mouse turds around the dog food and it sucks because you're like damn that mouse is definitely going to get through the doggy door and then we're going to have mice in the fucking house and that's going to be a nightmare so anyway i was like under a tree with my kid and i looked down and there's a broken body of a mouse that one of the dogs took out it's you know like just been smashed to death and like i know it's brutal i don't think my son saw it thank god i don't think he's ready to deal with that reality that like gatsby on speaking of dimensions on the dimension subjectively that that mouse lives in Gatsby is a dragon that's a monster that lives in the field it runs in when it's trying to get food for its
Starting point is 00:35:12 kids and it's not even hungry it's full it's a full monster oh no it I saw it kill the mouse today you know and I my my wife is like you got to get the mouse away from it don't let him torture like that you got to take it out of smisery Don't let him torture like that. You got to take it out of its misery. And I'm like, all right, all right, all right. I'll get it and then we'll execute the mouse. So I start walking over to the poodle. That's not my Gatsby anymore. It's killing.
Starting point is 00:35:38 And he looks at me and he's like. Growled at you? No, at the mouse, at everything. Just approaching anything. And so then he like. A little wolf in him. Dude, he's like tap dancing on this mouse. And he realizes that we're approaching to like take his prey. And he just looks back like the fucking American werewolf in London
Starting point is 00:35:57 and just goes off into the shadows behind the house to finish off the mouse. And all you hear is like... Is he's like killing the mouse you know that's a fucking poodle that poodle's the sweetest little thing ever but like it's also i think maybe something in animals knows that like and there was a time when mice were a sign that things were they would eat your grain they would fuck you up like you they spread disease they'd shit on your baby you know they were like they're gonna piss all over your hut maybe there's something in dogs
Starting point is 00:36:29 that just knows that i mean i don't think he's a sociopath i don't think he's doing like jeffrey domer shit where he's just like i wonder what sound it makes as it dies i think they're prey animals to dogs too because coyotes eat a lot of rodents they're one of the reasons why we don't have rodents like real rodent problems why we don't have rodents, like real rodent problems that we could like New York City has is we have way more coyotes. Coyotes are everywhere and hawks, a lot of birds. Those are the ones killing. So they're prey animals. The reason why they're so prolific and they grow so fast and there's so many of them is because a lot of things eat them. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Yeah. All the animals eat them. Wolves eat them. Everything that can get a hold of them is because a lot of things eat them. Yeah, man. Yeah, all the animals eat them. Wolves eat them. Everything that can get a hold of them eats them. Dogs, too. And dogs are from wolves. So dogs see a mouse, they're like, I'm eating that. Like, that must look like a delicious cold slice of watermelon on a hot July day. It's, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Just running across your yard when you're baked. Yeah, you're like, it's a mouse. Fuck yeah. Yeah, baked. It's a mouse. Fuck yeah. It's a perfect orange. You know those oranges where sometimes the peel just comes right free? It's so satisfying. Like very little work.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And then you bite into that orange. It's just juicy. Delicious. That's that mouse. That mouse just running. Bullshit ass mouse thinks he's going to run through my fucking yard. No. That's that mouse. That mouse just running. Bullshit ass mouse thinks he's going to run through my fucking yard. No. And that mouse, that's the other thing that's really sad about it. I mean, the mouse is cute. Like this wasn't like some dangerous looking mouse.
Starting point is 00:37:55 This mouse looked like it was like in act two of a Disney film or something. Like, you know, like this, this mouse looked like sweet. Like the mouse looked like it could sing. It was Patton Oswalt and Ratatouille. It was like that level of cute, man. I know. And like, you're just, you're, my heart is like breaking because it's like, what, what do you do? That being said, there's not much I could have done.
Starting point is 00:38:17 You know, it's like, this is the way nature is. And to get back to your dimension thing, man, Not that it's literally like a physical dimension, but the reality tunnel that my poodle lives in and that mouse lives in is so fundamentally different than our reality tunnel that the mouse is in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The mouse is in The Walking Dead, except it's like two cavalier, King Charles, a poodle, and a chihuahua. But for the mouse, that's The Walking Dead.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And the mouse has got to eat. It's got to get food. And so it's constantly developed this way that humans would develop, which I think The Walking Dead did a good job of, the comics especially, of showing the way people over time would evolve to deal with zombies and how people would gradually, completely change or transform based on their predators.
Starting point is 00:39:09 You know, like the rats and mice have done that. You know, when you see a thing that is a prey animal, you're seeing a reflection of the predator in the prey animal. Are you aware what's going on with rats in New York City? I can't fucking imagine. There's rat wars going on because the restaurants are out of business, right? So the restaurants closed down.
Starting point is 00:39:28 So all the rats' food supply is gone. So rats have started moving into other rats' territories and killing and cannibalizing rats. Wow. Dude. That's crazy. Rat wars. That's a cartoon. The rats didn't do anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:39:41 They're just being rats. And all of a sudden the food supply got cut off. Holy shit, man. That is so intense. And all of a sudden the food supply got cut off. Holy shit, man. That is so intense. And think of that level of reality. That level of reality is a level of reality that is taking place in some of those tunnels down there, man. They don't even use them anymore. There's rat infested.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah, just floods of rats who have decided that's their kingdom or whatever that are now being invaded. That's so weird. And also it's dark. It's all smell. So like the world of a rat down there, it's not like there's light in the subterranean depths of New York. So it's like their universe is, there's a universe of smell. And I guess maybe they could, i'm sure they do see down there but the way they see is like who knows so they're looking at what whatever they're seeing is a
Starting point is 00:40:29 completely different thing and then they have a complete different set of priorities you know what's that show man it's on it's a it's a really beautiful but disgusting documentary. I think it's called Rats. Yeah, Rats. The one on Netflix. Like, they send the weak ones to eat poison. Yeah, yeah. That, just that alone. We played a video the other day of a rat setting off a mousetrap with a stick. Carrying a stick over to the mousetrap, dropping it.
Starting point is 00:40:58 The trap goes off and it doesn't even flinch. Like, it knows how to shut off a trap. Yeah, man. Yeah, that's fucking crazy. Dude, there a trap. Yeah, man. Yeah, that's fucking crazy. Dude, there's millions of them, too. That's what's really crazy. New York City has as many rats as it has people. And that's just a rough guess.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I mean, I don't know what kind of fucking rat census they're taking. I mean, how do they know? How do they know? I mean, you get a bunch of dudes who are just experts at counting shit, and you go, what do you think? And they're like, a fuckload. Do you want to say there's as many rats as there are people? Okay, watch this.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Watch this. Watch this. Boom. Sets it off. Didn't even flinch, dude. Play that again. Watch how he walks up to it, sets it off, and watch how he doesn't flinch. That's a violent thing.
Starting point is 00:41:44 A thing exploding in front of him and slamming over the ground and he a hundred percent knew it was going to happen no that didn't even flinch it's the way i act when i'm getting like a coke out of a machine exactly just whatever this is we did i do it all the time you know that coke drops you don't bounce back it's like thank god they that's nice they're leaving these for us now i wonder if they know that this is dangerous they'll probably figure it out yeah they they know how to set those things off that's insane well this is you know when this is one of the cool essays terence mckenna wrote i love uh that we've talked about before if we've talked about in the pop i guess we've probably
Starting point is 00:42:22 talked about everything we talk about already. So fuck it. But that, isn't that one of the things he said in this beautiful, crazy essay that like everything was cool until we split the atom. And then that was like, no, they're like, we can't, that's too much.
Starting point is 00:42:36 That's we're, we're always in transit. So when we say everything was cool until the thing about people is we're always going somewhere in terms of, we're always trying to make better things. And we're always moving into a better place and a better thing that there's never going to be. It was good until this all like romantic thinking, like looking back. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I don't mean he's saying it was good until we split that. He was saying we split the atom and the greater intelligences that were existing in alternate dimensions were like hey wait what the fuck oh and that that that's that's what he was saying is they're like oh they're like wait wait wait wait wait no no no they can't do that like if they do because like the like the way he put it and i'm not only paraphrasing i'm probably like misphrasing but as i remember the essay, the idea is like that, that molt, that parallel timeline, the multiverse right next to ours that you see, that's the DMT realm. That's, but this DMT is just showing you one version of it. But that, that, that is populated with spirits or aliens or whatever the name you want to give them.
Starting point is 00:43:46 spirits or aliens or whatever the name you want to give them and they are pretty much as far as we go they're just like they look at us the way we look at birds or whatever you know it's like they're there but you know maybe some of them study us or interest and sure maybe some of them like hunt us from time to time or like maybe some of them possess us or, but mostly it's a world that it coexists with us in a with a very limited form of interaction that Is is you know subtle but in there somehow there's some like Star Trek intentionality behind that Which is like let them do their let them evolve as they're evolving. Let's not fuck with it, but the splitting of the atom That was powerful enough that it bled over into their realm destructively and so they were like that was the beginning of the end for us not because it meant a nuclear holocaust or whatever but because they couldn't just ignore us anymore
Starting point is 00:44:37 and that this is this was like you know i don't know that maybe this is where aliens are coming or the singularity that with the thing we call the singularity is not that we technologically create a machine that produces a thing that opens up a parallel timeline or creates all moments at once. But rather, that's when they come here. That in the way we see that, because we're so limited in our understanding, when I do something, I'm like, I'm doing this. This is how I did it. I did it. This is like in music. If you write a song or you write music and you're just in the room with somebody,
Starting point is 00:45:13 there's some kind of law where they get credit for it because just they were there. That's a collaboration. Musicians, someone explained this to me a long time ago, but there's an intense way of quantifying collaboration in music that is a little different than in making other forms of media. And I think it's a little bit more sophisticated when we're, these conversations we have, I'm not having them all the time. You know what I mean? It's like the us together and Jamie and like something about that produces a space where we're able to have these kinds of conversations.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And so quantifying that is like, how would you even fucking quantify that? But anyway, what I'm saying is. Right. When certain people are around the people that are creating the music, the music is better. Yeah. That, you know, but so to get back to the weirdo idea of like technology not even being a thing we're making, but we're pretending we're making because we can't see the fact that technology is crystallizing in our time frame and as part of that crystallization because it's such a such an insane visitation we have to in our brains invent a reason that it's happening and so we're making it and someone's like oh i had this idea i'm going to work on this thing that's going
Starting point is 00:46:37 to lead to a quantum computer that's going to lead to a thing to a thing and then all of a sudden the quantum computer starts giving ideas about well why, why don't you try this? And then who fucking came up with that? And then, you know what I mean? And then that's the last phase before the veil lifts and boom, that's the singularity. And that's, you know, and it's not, we didn't make the singularity. It were a reflection of it. That's just when this particular zone or node or whatever you want to call it, it gets open for business, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Well, if it wanted to prepare us for abandoning life as usual, this would be a good way to start it. Yeah. Yeah. Start it with a little pandemic, lock everybody inside for a little bit, complete upending of all that's normal in terms of society. Yeah, man. I mean, that is the... And as I was driving over, I'm like, I want to talk about all the different conspiracies
Starting point is 00:47:37 about it with Rogan, but I don't want to either. What kind of conspiracies? About the pandemic? Yeah. What are the conspiracies you're hearing other than 5G? 5Gg comet impact comet impact yeah i haven't heard that one well the comp well you're definitely not my wife because my i've mentioned it so many times my wife she's like duncan please don't do you like
Starting point is 00:47:59 everyone that was supposed to fly by like there's a media that's supposed to fly by in the next short amount of time yeah i go i mean check out reddit conspiracy my conspiracy friends i'm not even gonna attempt to give the download on it because like y'all have done a pretty good job of putting all the all the pieces together out there whether they're real or not i don't fucking know but i enjoy reading them late at night and and they've been giving me terrible dreams. But the asteroid theory is that, okay, so we want to have, by we, I mean they want to have maximum survivability for the planet. They're not out to like, they don't want people to die. They're not trying to, it's not a bioengineered thing that's designed to like cull the population, which is another of the theories.
Starting point is 00:48:41 to like cull the population, which is another of the theories. But rather, there was a plan, which is like, what's our plan if we do see a meteor is going to impact the planet? What's our plan? Do we let people know that the meteor is going to impact? Well, it depends. Like if an astronomer that's not connected
Starting point is 00:48:59 to one of our labs or whatever sees it, they're going to let people know. And then, you know, so that's a whole different, I think, method of like reacting. But what if we see a thing that they don't know about? And there's some probability, even a 20% chance the thing impacts the Earth, right? Or there's some cosmic event maybe we're not even aware of, like the sun doing some weird shit that we don't even know happens because it's so deep. It's like deep data right so maybe
Starting point is 00:49:26 it's not an asteroid it's a cosmic event that's approaching right and so there's got to be a plan and it's like well if we just tell people that the sun's going to do like a mild blip which is going to destroy all uh satellites and destroy all gps and just that alone would cause runs on the bank, mass panics, like, and people would start looting and shit. And that's not, you don't want that because the idea is like, we want them to hole up in their houses till the shit passes so we get maximum survivability.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And so the whole pandemic, this is a conspiracy theory, not real. The whole pandemic was a plan to get people to go inside, store up food, get them off the roads and like wait for this, whatever this event is to pass. And as soon as the event passes, you'll find that it's all of a sudden it's like, what do you know? The curves are all dropping off. What do you know? And then we'll all be back because the thing that we were worried about didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Also, it could be a test for that. Can I just stop you? Please stop me. It's so dumb. It's hard to believe. Thank you. There's a real virus.
Starting point is 00:50:34 They can image it. I know what it looks like. They've been able to test for it. Antibodies. They test for a virus. I feel like I'm talking to my wife. It's a real virus. It's a confusing virus. It's a confusing virus.
Starting point is 00:50:46 It's so good that I married the person I married because if not, I would probably be digging a hole to crawl into out of pure paranoia because she does do this to me. She's like, Duncan, do you think there isn't a COVID virus? You think there's no virus out there? a COVID virus? Like you think there's no virus out there? Do you think that like maybe like, so all the scientists that have like identified COVID are all part of this thing to keep us from the meteor thing? And then I'm like, yeah, yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Because like I'll start getting freaked out from it, but I'll answer your question. Like if I had to answer that, I would say, oh no, it's real. I mean, that was a blam. How many people have died from it now? What is the uh current covid death cost 50 000 today this morning 50 000 here's something that i found out that's kind of odd if you die of something else so people are still dying right they're still dying of high
Starting point is 00:51:37 blood pressure strokes heart attacks still killing more people than anything right if you die of a heart attack and you have covid you get listed as a covid death so even right? If you die of a heart attack and you have COVID, you get listed as a COVID death. So even if you're going to die of a heart attack, I mean, the people are still dying, right? Same amount of people, other than traffic accidents, which I think has diminished quite a bit because no one's driving. Yep.
Starting point is 00:51:56 But those people are going to die still. It's not like they live forever without the COVID. Right. It's not like they don't get the flu. It's not like they don't get a cold. It's not like they don't get a cold. It's not like they don't get pneumonia. All these things exist with or without COVID. People are still dying from them.
Starting point is 00:52:10 But if you die of one of those things and you have COVID, it's a COVID death. Yeah. So that's why it's so crazy. It's like you don't really know how many people are actually getting this thing, this COVID and having a mild reaction. How many people are having no reaction? How many people are dying? Right. What is the, that's when they did that new UCLA study that came out that showed they think there's way more people that have been.
Starting point is 00:52:39 They think California alone is somewhere around 400,000 people get infected. And so the fatality rate is still pretty low But if that's the case like So what do we do? We just let let people die or do we do this every time the flu comes around to now like what if we get a particularly? Rough flu is this a practice run for what we're gonna do every time colds come through and they start killing old people or killing sick people or fat people or what when do we uh i mean i wouldn't want to be the person that makes the call as to when people go back to work
Starting point is 00:53:10 because what if the second wave comes and a bunch of people die they didn't have to die right but boy if we set up a weird precedent you know it's kind of weird we've shut everything down yeah man i mean well to me the part that makes sense is. Well, we stopped the spread. Well, also, the other thing is it's like it's new. Yeah. I mean, there are coronavirus. We don't know what it is. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:31 So we don't have all that. We have the data on the flu. We have the data on the cold. We know how to treat the cold. We know how to treat the flu. But this fucking thing, we don't know what it is. And it's conflicting data, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah. Yeah. So I kind of get the like super, super, super intense, careful approach to it. And I think if I had to make the decision, that would be the decision that I made. But then also I hope whoever and thank God people like us don't make those decisions. Thank God. But hopefully whoever's like making these decisions is aware of the fact that like right now there's folks who are getting meals on wheels. There's folks who are like on unemploymentous economic position the pressure on them at some point is going to exceed the humanity and compassion and empathy they're showing by not being in the demographic that's most likely to die and still staying inside losing their job you know that's love man that's deep
Starting point is 00:54:41 compassion because you don't want someone's granddad to suffocate on some new fucking bat flu right that's really love that's love and that's compact it's beautiful but at some point that pressure is people are going to be like look i don't want to kill anybody i don't want to be a carrier i don't ever want to hurt anybody but my kid is gotta have food and i have to work and you know and then i think somewhere there hopefully by then there's at least a treatment they've discovered or at least we get to a point where they've you know where maybe what's happening in sweden we get enough data on that to realize that there's other ways to do it that don't involve complete lockdown yeah what they did was uh they they sort of left everything open but they all behaved as if there's the potential of contacting or transmitting right
Starting point is 00:55:34 yeah like they didn't wear masks right they do it doesn't look like they're wearing a mask it looks like they're they didn't close everything down they didn didn't close everything down. You could still go to restaurants and pubs. Is their death rate similar? Well, the thing I saw was like, if you look at nearby countries, the death rate is lower. But weirdly, countries that were doing complete lockdowns have higher death rates than they do. And, you know, look, the problem is like you have this glob of data that anyone can interpret. And there's probably angles you can take on it that would show. Look, yeah, there's a higher death rate, of course, in Sweden, because it's going to spread more if people aren't staying inside.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I mean, that seems pretty logical to me. data where some other country in complete lockdown with a similar population or somehow like equating their population with Sweden's population, if they've got a higher death rate, then that's fucking terrifying, man. Because the implication of it is like, we really don't understand what this is. There's other factors too. One big one is Sweden is not a dense population. I don't think there's that many people in the entire country. It's a very small place. That's right.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Like how many people live in Sweden? I think I looked this up the other day. I think most of the people live in small villages of like less than 200. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. So, you know, they probably don't travel that much or interact with each other that much. They have plenty of space.
Starting point is 00:57:03 They don't travel that much. I mean, tight together. I mean, 10.23 million for the entire much. I mean, tight together, I mean. 10.23 million for the entire country. Tiny. By the way, it's great. I've been to Stockholm. It was gorgeous. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:57:12 We did a show there, too. They were really nice. I enjoyed it very much. Very, very friendly people. But, you know, they have a lot of space. They're not New York City. New York City seems to be the epicenter in the United States, and for good reason. Everyone's stacked on top of each other.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Everyone's interacting with each other on the streets, on the subways, moving around. You gotta go to places. There's fucking people everywhere. They're everywhere. Everywhere. That, I think, is a terrible way to live. Dude, I fucking love New York
Starting point is 00:57:44 so much. When I went there. It was so nice. But yeah, it's nice to be on the West Coast. And especially right now, Jamie was, you know, talking about like, think of the people right now in New York who are just in, you know, alone in an apartment seeing the news that apparently spreads through like air conditioning ducts. It's like, you know what I mean? You're, you're,'re that that's terrifying but
Starting point is 00:58:05 you know i again i like my opinion on it and in my old age this is it has to be my opinion on things it's like i'm gonna trust scientists i'm just going to because i i did like i didn't go to medical school i don't understand what the fuck a virus even is. Like, I don't remember. I've been trying to remember. I'm too lazy to Google it, how it works. I know it fucks with, it gets into your DNA, it replaces it. But what I'm saying is I'm not suggesting some kind of surrender to authority out of absolute weakness. But if a large consensus of scientists are advising some specific method of dealing with this thing
Starting point is 00:58:46 let's listen to them you know and and then just make sure that it's i feel bad for like i have a friend in georgia right now and like right now he's become part of an experiment a global experiment they're opening up georgia right now and every state that opens up right now becomes an experiment. We're going to get a lot of data from what happens from all these states opening up right now regarding the efficacy
Starting point is 00:59:16 of a shutdown like we have right now. And it could be that all of a sudden we realize we overreacted. And you know what? I'd much rather overreact than underreact in situations like this. It's like, fuck, we overreacted. Whoops.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yeah, we thought there was the potential to think of mutate and kill fuck tons of people way more than the flu, and we were wrong. And it fucked up the economy. But it's a lot better than what would have happened if it was some new smallpox or black plague. Also, look, it killed 50,000 people, right? What if we did nothing?
Starting point is 00:59:49 Would it have killed like 400,000? Exactly. I mean, that could have happened. I mean, it could have compounded. It seems like for whatever reason, these places where people are stacked on top of each other, not only do they get it, but they get it way worse. Yeah. It seems like, what's that expression? Viral load, right?
Starting point is 01:00:10 Yeah. Like the viral load is greater. And if you're around a bunch of sick people, like there was one awful story about this family in New Jersey. And like the mother died and the oldest son died and the middle son died. Like three people died from one family vacation or one family dinner. They got together
Starting point is 01:00:29 and one of them had it and just spread through the fucking house. It's not the flu. You know, it's obviously, it's something way more intense. But the people that have survived the flu, they'll probably survive that too. But the people that, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:43 were kind of hanging on edge, it seems like anybody with a respiratory problem is in deep shit. Anybody who smokes is in deep shit. People with high blood pressure, diabetes, deep shit.
Starting point is 01:00:53 It's not the same with everybody. Other people, like Idris Elba walks it off, you know, healthy. I know. But he has asthma apparently. Oh, really? Yeah, he had asthma, but he didn't, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:02 there's a lot of people that, I don't, that Chris Cuomo guy seems fine. I know he says he gets chills but he seems fine seems rattled though you know i've got i've got i don't not not in a bad way yeah exactly like i didn't that was one watching him was one of the things that was legitimately creeping me out is like as you're watching him and he did a great job holding it together man he didn't panic and he like put something out there that was like comforting to some degree but i could you know i was scanning his eyes and there were moments i'm like fuck he's rattled like whatever's happening to him at night is bad bad is it
Starting point is 01:01:33 happening at night what is the difference uh you know i don't that's i don't understand that if you look fine in the day how come at night all of a sudden everything's all fucked up don't ask me man i i don't know it's like i've noticed though sometimes if i get sick night is always worse than the day i don't know why i don't know man but the whatever like whatever the fuck it is to to me that like the part that really sucks i got friends who are like immunocompromised man and that that means that like they like they they're they really will if they get it That's it's game over. You know, it's fun. It fucking sucks. And so there's that quality to it too where you're like, you know Statistically, I don't know where I'm at like statistically. I think I'm on the cusp, you know, but
Starting point is 01:02:21 Pete we've got all of us have friends that are like dead meat. If this thing were to explode. So fuck it. You know, I get I'm not I get staying inside, man. I just know that like eventually, you know, my brother, my brother was telling me every day his neighbor. You know, my brother works from home. He's in he's in and he's a video editor every every day and a producer every day. These, you know, he see like, you know, he sees people are getting food deliveries because they can't from the state. You know, man?
Starting point is 01:02:51 And that's like, I don't know. I'm just glad I don't have to be the one who makes decisions like this because that must be a weird thing to be in a position where any decision you make kills people. be in a position where any decision you make kills people. Like if you make the decision to open up, people are going to, you know, die because they're going to get sick. If you don't make this decision to open up, there's a potential that, you know, just think of the mentally ill people right now. No one's talking about that. Like I keep thinking of like the manic depressive people, the people who are already depressed, who now can't't go outside but are also getting blasted with apocalypse news i don't know what suicide rates are looking like right now but like you know what i mean so it's the the decision to keep people shut down you know is gonna the what might result from that those deaths might be secondary or
Starting point is 01:03:43 tertiary or some shit but still it's like there it just sucks to have to be in a position where you have to make those decisions and it's like how awful to know it's just it's like brutal i feel terrible for them you know anyone who's like because i don't you know i don't know what they're going to do either i mean they're going to have to eventually assume the position that we're going to have to slowly open up and start, you know, restaurants at half capacity and shit like that. Yeah. But when?
Starting point is 01:04:12 You know, I mean, they've said May 15th here. That seems like an awful long time. I know. It's an awful long time to ask people to keep it together. They don't have any money. It's an awful long time. It's an awful, awful long time. It doesn't seem like the best idea either. It seems like the best idea would be to quarantine all the people that are very vulnerable to make sure that they quarantine and make sure that people who know them are aware
Starting point is 01:04:33 you know do not you know touch them or touch anything around them if you could have potentially been in contact with something because they're immunocompromised well that seems like the move the move seems like to quarantine the people, at this point at least, to self-quarantine, tell them to quarantine, people that are really vulnerable, older people,
Starting point is 01:04:53 people that smoke, people with respiratory conditions. Be aware that you're vulnerable. And then you act accordingly. But everybody else, we need to, at some point in time, whether it's this week or next week or three weeks from now, when they think it is, May 15th, right?
Starting point is 01:05:08 That's like three weeks from now. They're going to have to open the doors. And when they open the doors, people are going to be starving. They're going to be starving. Yeah, man. They haven't worked. There's so many people that are so behind on their debts. They're getting, you know, debt collectors are still wanting their money.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Yeah. Especially if they had loans or, you know or anything that was outstanding before all this happened. They're already in debt, trying to work their way out of a hole, and they can't even work. This is the only time we've ever been in a position where people can't even go to work. Yeah. What do you – okay, so I've heard like three ideas regarding what to do. One of them is like incredibly controversial. is regarding what to do.
Starting point is 01:05:43 One of them is like incredibly controversial. I wonder what you think about it, which is like using the same data that they use in like, uh, what's it called? Those chips. South Korea. Yeah. No, the chips you can put on. Yeah. It's Bluetooth.
Starting point is 01:05:55 So it's, it's essentially like tracking and alerting you if you've come in contact with someone who has it. What do you think about that? I don't trust anyone to have all that data and only use it for that. Right. There's no way. That data would be so valuable. If everyone had a chip and everyone was tracked, you knew where everyone was all throughout the day.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Oh, you're only going to use that to see who's got coronavirus? Really? Yeah. Get the fuck out of here. Once that technology exists, it's not like they're going to murder it at the end of the fucking season. Well, we've got no more COVID, so let's just stop all this technology. No chance. They'll find
Starting point is 01:06:30 a new reason to use it. They'll be able to track the flu. They'll be able to track adulterers. They'll be able to track robbers. They'll be able to track carjackers. They'll be able to track you name it, man. You name it. These are the right-wing activists that like to yell at abortion clinics.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Let's track them. Right. You know, now a Republican gets in office. Hey, these are the people that are the fucking animal rights activists. They always get in front of the meat plant. Let's track them. Right. Like, you can't track people.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Okay. And they're already doing it anyway. You talk to Snowden, they're already tracking you by your goddamn phone. But I like the fact that I could take this phone and chuck it in the fucking river. I could just chuck it. I'd throw it in the ocean. No, I wouldn't even do that. You have to say no matter what you say.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I wouldn't. Someone's going to be like, you bastard. But I wouldn't. I really feel strongly about that. I would never litter like that. But point is, I can get rid of that fucking phone. It's not a part of my body. Once they're injecting, I've talked about this way too many podcasts in a row, but there's
Starting point is 01:07:27 a company that had these people inject a microchip in their arm and they could wave it in front of them, soda machine and get fucking snacks with it and shit. It was like your, your tab was on your arm. You can, Oh, Mike's here. Open the door. It unlocks the door. Get the fuck out of here. And we were saying like, what if that company fires you?
Starting point is 01:07:47 What if Chipotle fires you? You got that Chipotle chip in your arm. But I was management. It's not a regular Chipotle chip. Imagine. Imagine. And now you have to work for fucking 7-Up and 7-Up's like,
Starting point is 01:07:58 we're going to have to cut your arm off because it keeps registering that you're a Chipotle invader. You know you have 10 chips in your arm because you worked at... Right. He just kept getting new jobs. He just keeps getting new chips.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Mike, why don't you get those chips removed? I like them. They remind me I've had a hard life and a lot of good jobs. Oh, God! Chips all around his arm. I'm proud of my chips. That's the way I've always been. Always been a hard worker.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Oh, I earned these chips. I earned all these chips. Every single one of these chips means... You know, also, when you combine those chips with augmented reality so that you could have a visual floating around them as, like, the mascot of the various companies they work for. Or, like, you know, like, let's say we do get the chip, right? The chip exists, and we all just somehow decide, like,
Starting point is 01:08:41 yeah, let's just do it. I mean, fuck the whole Book of Revelations. That's just old bullshit, the whole Mark of the Beast. I'm not going to pay any yeah, let's just do it. I mean, fuck the whole book of revelations. That's just the old bullshit. The old mark of the beast. I'm not going to pay any attention. Let's get the chip. That was just some old ancient bullshit. All right, come on.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I want to get sodas without having to pull out my fucking wallet. It sucks. I'm sick of it. I'm exhausted all day from this activity. But we all get the chips. And then what happens is, and of course it would start off with like a decision to make like you're like what what data in the chip do you want people to be able to see with a augmented reality and so like this is where you run into what i think the future is going to look like
Starting point is 01:09:15 with this shit is it's like it's like when you're walking around in your company and you're employee of the month and everybody's wearing augmented reality goggles, you're going to have some kind of employee of the month halo around you. So everybody's aware that you made the most sales, you know? Yeah. It's going to be like that. That would be the shit. Yeah. And it's going to be like that for like, you know, it's going to be brutal as far as, let's
Starting point is 01:09:40 say, credit scores go, right? Because if you've got a great credit score and you want to indicate to the world that if you want to get into debt, you can, baby, because you've got a great credit score, you're going to have this glowing shit around you. Me, and like, and in the moment one person decides to reveal that,
Starting point is 01:09:57 everybody's going to feel like they have to reveal it. And if you see someone who doesn't have, like, the good credit score crown or whatever, like the banner of great credit floating in front of them, you're like, yeah, you're probably fucked, right? Like you made some bad decisions. You'll see someone who's got a lot of shit, nice car, really nice clothes. But you'll be like, yeah, but, you know, he doesn't have the glowing medallion of good credit on his AR self. So I don't know if he really owns any of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:25 You know? And then, you know what I mean? Then it's going to like, there's going to be all forms of that, which leads to like, you know, like venereal disease. Like you could go into a bar and if you just got tested
Starting point is 01:10:37 and you're clean, so to speak, then maybe there's like a little AR, like clean angel that like flies around your heads like he doesn't have herpes! We can bear back! You know what I mean? Like that kind of those bits of data that if you don't show them there's some reason to be suspicious. You know what I mean? Oh yeah you walk up to someone they have no data they're just blank you'd be terrified yeah you're just a person who are you supposed to trust you yeah you could be a serial killer
Starting point is 01:11:09 fuck that we're gonna look back on times when we just would meet people like this and not have some halo to go by yeah like if I see Jamie Jamie'd have like a nice golden glow I'd be like look at him he's got a high approval rating yeah he's got some cash yeah that's a good catch yeah there you go if you go to a nightclub all the dudes who are glowing gold yeah people would be like oh and girls with like purple credit scores they'd come in try to get close to the guys in the gold try to get a little of that gold on them clean up that credit yeah yeah man imagine if you knew like if a girl was really hot, but you look at her credit card, oh my god, bank fraud. Look at her. She's a bank frauder.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Yeah. You don't get that gray outline unless you do bank fraud. That's right. Yeah, and there's no way to get it off. Can you imagine? Yeah. There's going to be big arguments about that where it's like, you know, currently
Starting point is 01:12:04 if you're a registered sex offender, we know where you fucking live. And I get it, man. Like, that's good. That's good. But then it's going to be like, OK, but do we put that in their augmented reality chip profile so that anywhere they go, people are seeing that this is a person that hurts kids, you know? And there's going to be a conversation about that. We're going like, fuck, yeah, that's what you do. Like, I want to know if some like weirdo is like getting anywhere close to my kid.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Right. Fuck. Yeah, you let it. And anyway, that's a slippery slope that leads to the dystopian, like, you know, Black Mirror future. And that great episode where like there was like you know and i think they are doing it in china they're doing in china yeah they have a legit social score in china this is a real concern if this technology does get released in time and people start using their covid tests and putting it on their q code qr code that little thing that you do with the photo and it scans you like a plane ticket. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Like, oh, you're good, Duncan. Seems like you're good. Make sure you keep that phone on you everywhere you go. No problem, officer. You know, Duncan, we got an email the other day that shows that you have been going, I don't know who has this data, but you've been going down to San Clemente during the lockdown to stay with friends. No, there's a glory hole there that I like. This is not allowed. What? I don't know who has this data, but you've been going down to San Clemente during the lockdown. Yeah. To stay with friends.
Starting point is 01:13:26 No, there's a glory hole there that I like. This is not allowed. What? You're traveling. Like, see, look, what if we do this? What if we go into this scanning thing and then a new pandemic pops up and we go into lockdown again? They're going to be able to find the people that aren't locking down. What if you got to
Starting point is 01:13:45 drive somewhere in the middle of the night to go get something something important for your family yeah well all of a sudden you're you're being tracked and then they call you duncan where are you going yeah where are you going we are we are looking at you right now you're in san clemente you don't live in san clemente why are you down there yeah but i you know i'm just freedom i want to drive around i don't know this is a lockdown yeah there's a new flu go back home duncan you want to kill people it's a weird it's a weird power to give people the the power to tell to have a mayor tell you what you can do that's never happened before i'm not saying they're doing it because of that i know why they're doing it they're doing it to save lives i'm 100 for it i'm not don't get me wrong here
Starting point is 01:14:28 but still that power that anybody has to say you can't work you got to stay home you can't go to the park you can't go to the beach that power's weird that's a lot of power, man. Yeah. You know, to be the person. Gavin, may we open? Not yet! Yeah. Yeah. Not yet! But what if they social distance?
Starting point is 01:14:54 I mean, they need to make money. Yeah. We need to save lives. Yeah. It sucks. Yeah, this is no good answer. It's a shit job, man. It's like...
Starting point is 01:15:03 The shittiest. That's the shittiest job because it's like you, you, you, no decision you make is going to make everybody happy. Any decision you make is going to ruin someone's life, maybe kill them. And so, yeah, all these people. Also, no one thought that was going to be a part of the job. Right. Yeah, you didn't think that. You thought you were going to deal with like, yeah, Gavin wasn't like, he didn't know that. You thought you were going to deal with, like, yeah, Gavin wasn't, like, he didn't know that when he, like, got in there, he was suddenly going to be, like, potentially, like, one of the war leaders in Mad Max.
Starting point is 01:15:30 He didn't understand that was going to be his world. Dude, this is how poorly they thought this through. Garcetti is giving people money to snitch. They're giving people money to snitch on social distance violators. What? Yeah. Say if you go over to your buddy Mike's house for a barbecue, there's eight people in that backyard.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Helen, look. That's fucked up. Eight fucking people. We're over here social distancing. That cunt Duncan Trussell is over at Mike's house barbecuing, drinking beers, probably wife swapping, pigs. Wife swapping. Pigs. Wife swapping. Garcetti comes along and offers people money to rat you out.
Starting point is 01:16:13 How much did they get? I was wondering if they've even done that yet. It can't be real. I saw that and just thought that's not real. It was real. They were offering people rewards. What? To rat out social distance violators.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Disgusting. rewards to rat out social distance violators. Disgusting. How you don't know that leads to Maoist China and fucking Stalinist Russia? How you don't know that getting people to rat on people leads to North Korea?
Starting point is 01:16:36 I'm not saying we're going to be in North Korea, but that kind of shit, that's where that comes from. That's how it starts. You can't pay people to rat people out, you fucking asshole. What a shitty, poorly thought out idea that is. No shit, man. Like, any form of... I saw
Starting point is 01:16:51 something popped up on my Instagram. Some company saying if you're aware that your bosses are violating software, don't have licensed software, we'll give you a reward. Inviting people, like disgruntled employees
Starting point is 01:17:06 who know that their boss is running like stolen Photoshop or whatever to like make a little money and fuck their boss over. And it's like that invitation to snitch, that is a satanic invitation, man. That is like,
Starting point is 01:17:19 I don't care what level it's at, like in general, unless you're looking at like hardcore Snowden level whistleblower, like you've been down in the deep underground military bases and you saw the fucking thing in the egg that could read your mind and you're like, I can't keep it to myself. I'm going to fucking tell people.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Exactly right. I get that. But the other versions of it, yeah, fuck that. Don't invite us to snitch. Don't encourage that behavior. There's better ways to do it, I'm sure, than bounties on your fucking neighbors. That's fucked up, man. So fucked up.
Starting point is 01:17:56 It's just so fucked up that someone who would get as high as mayor of Los Angeles would let an idea like that slip through the cracks. What fucking fascist do you have working in that office? I got an idea. Pay people to rat people out. These fucks, they haven't been working. They need money for masks. Yeah, that's it. He did say snitches get rewards, but he said it's the opposite of snitches get stitches.
Starting point is 01:18:24 I can't find anything. Oh, no, theyitches get stitches. I can't find anything. Oh, no, they'll definitely get stitches. I can't find anything saying, like, they get 50 bucks, 100 bucks, this is the reward you get. He might be like. The opposite of snitches get stitches. As if they're not still snitches and as if snitches don't still get stitches. Right. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:18:38 You're going to absolutely make sure that these people don't get beat up for being snitches? You're going to step in with cops cops give them 24-hour security guards if you're you find out that your neighbor Ratted you out for money. Oh My god, you'd want to kill him. It would be like what happened to that dude. What's his face? Ron Paul's kid You know I'm talking about now the the congressman who got a You know what I'm talking about? No.
Starting point is 01:19:05 The congressman who got tackled. Oh, that's right. Rand Paul. Yeah. Rand Paul, his neighbor. He was like, fuck you. Just out of nowhere tackles him, smashes his ribs. He lost a piece of his lung.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Yeah, man. That's fucked up. And it's like, because what you're asking for there, which is another thing that I think the state, anytime anyone starts doing this then you really have to start thinking about who who you voted for but like because the idea is like i love it when you know and i'm cheesy and i am a fucking hippie and i get accused of stoner talking shit but yeah i want there to be world peace and i want people to love each other and when i see uh you know any even the slightest thing that like transcends political divides where like you know people who've hated fucking trump and people trump have hated i saw something where like i can't remember who it was like god what's the name of
Starting point is 01:19:59 the mormon politician that was running for president against trump romney romney yeah so some dude like voted against releasing money to people who don't have jobs and mitt romney tweeted well that senator whoever he was tested positive for being an asshole and yeah man romney said that and fucking you know and then like there was this just flickering moment where Trump retweets that or says something about it and says, like, I didn't know he had that sense of humor, but I liked it. And like for that one stupid moment, there's a second where it's like that's we're supposed to be on the same team. Right. And like, you know, that's not a political statement. That's like a statement of survivability. And when you have a fucking when you have a. And again, I'm not saying bow down to the state or anything like that, either.
Starting point is 01:20:52 That's the opposite of what I'm saying. I'm not saying, therefore, we all got to be on the side of the president. None of that shit. I'm not saying any of that shit, man. So don't take this the wrong way, because that's not what I'm saying. I get it. What I'm saying is when anything that divides one neighbor from the next anything that invites neighbors to divide instead of unite is cancerous literally for society in the sense that what's going to start happening is that the the the the pixel of society is that the neighbors that's like the connection between your neighbors makes up the tapestry of the entire country and that connection if it's broken or weird or fucked up then that's that's fucking
Starting point is 01:21:32 everything up and and so to invite that invite anything that fucks that up is to me really really long-term disastrous it's like the idea would be like hey does your name is your neighbor an old person go find out if your neighbor's an old person and can't get food and if they are and you get food to them we'll pay for it right how about that yes that's beautiful like you you know someone who's like fucked up right now let us know so we can make sure they're not their kids aren't starving right are there any do you know like man what about the fucking kids whose parents are right now super fucking sick with this shit? Like, we need governors and we need people saying, like, you need to know where the kids are in the building whose parents are sick. So we can make sure those kids are getting taken care of while their parents are all in bed and shit.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Like, so fuck that. That is what people get rewards for that why don't we have a way of monetizing kindness in in in acts of like grace to your neighbors instead of monetizing like you becoming like literally what is one a universally derided thing which is a snitch you don't want to be a snitch. Fuck snitches get stitches. No, maybe they don't get stitches. But man, I'll tell you when you die, wouldn't want to be you. Wouldn't want to be a snitch in the afterlife.
Starting point is 01:22:53 I'll tell you that, man. You get devoured by spirit wolves. Like I bet just spirit wolves. I'm sure you don't get the like experience of like, you know, going through the bar, seeing your mom come running to you like a bowl of soup it's your mom she comes running to you and you think it's a bowl of soup but you look in it it's your wife's head and then you look back up it's a spirit wolf it's like so you thought it was smart to snitch in that dimension huh no no it's your soul forever yeah
Starting point is 01:23:21 maybe just don't snitch that's fucked up i mean well it's just ridiculous that someone in a position of real leadership right you're the mayor of a huge city and you would think that that would be a good idea let's listen people are gonna snitch on people anyway but to encourage them with financial reward is crazy crazy it is crazy. And it's so poorly thought out. Yeah. That's a dumb idea to put out there. Such a poor understanding of human nature. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Like you don't know where this goes. Yeah. And also in a time of great duress, you're encouraging people to snitch. Yeah. This is absolutely the time we've got to be encouraging camaraderie yeah this is when things are weird everybody's forced into the same position no one can do what they when was the last time you were on stage i haven't been on stage in a month i've been doing private shows for my son i'm just kidding i'm sure they're great. Literally, our job has stopped, and our job might not come back until January.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Yeah, that's right. Maybe. Who knows? Who knows? We don't know. I've got some gigs booked, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to do them. I've got a gig booked in September. I've got two in September.
Starting point is 01:24:35 I've got a couple in October. I've got Octobers. But it's like, also, it's not like you should be, like, you can't really promote the show right now without seeming like a blazing dick. I don't want to encourage people to go out. And it's like, yeah, that's the problem, man, is we – but here's the thing. Whatever the state is doing, the state's going to do. This is my favorite Jesus saying.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Offer unto Caesar what is Caesar's, which is like there's a game going on here with power. And if you think you're going to subvert that game, maybe probably not. Best thing to do, let the dragon do whatever the fuck the dragon's going to do. But don't let them cause you to forget that you don't need the state to like go over to like leave a note on your neighbor's door asking if they're okay. Right. You know what I mean? over to like leave a note on your neighbor's door asking if they're okay right you know what i mean you don't need we don't need the mechanisms of some bureaucracy to to do good like to pick up trash right you know like that was a thing that happened when the fucking national parks all got
Starting point is 01:25:34 defunded because of this bullshit all of a sudden like there's people are taking pictures of garbage in the national parks right and and the implication of that is like we can't clean this up ourselves. We need a state official to come and pick the trash up. And it's like it's nice that they do that. And we pay taxes for that. And they should do that. But if they're not doing it and we're waiting for some hero from the state to come in and fix our fucking problems, that's lazy. That's bad thinking. It's like, I think as a people, the idea is more to like, uh, transcend that addiction to being saved, that addiction that for sure someone's coming. Sometimes they come, but sometimes they don't. And,
Starting point is 01:26:17 and that's no reason to like put off just the basic shit, man. Like, you know, we, I, we put out sometimes in front of our house, we'll just put out shit to give to people. You know, we've got fruit trees, man. Like, you know, we, I, we put out sometimes in front of our house, we'll just put out shit to give to people. You know, we've got fruit trees, there's fruit,
Starting point is 01:26:29 you know, there's like, the garden's got like some shit growing in it. I'll put it out there, you know, and, and people take every bit of it. You come back at the end of the day, it's, you know, we've got flowers. So cut some flowers and just leave flowers out there in case someone wants to bring a flower to somebody. It's an act of trust because you don't know what I might be covered in like COVID mucus doing like rose for my neighbors. But that being said, I don't know. Maybe they're desanitizing. But my point is like cool shit happens. Sometimes you go out to that box and like they've replaced something.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Like we gave flowers away. We came out and then someone to put different kinds of flowers in the box for those flowers. You know what I mean? Sounds like you got a stalker. Yeah. Actually, now I think about it, the flowers. You know, it did seem like there was some something like sticky and creamy on the flowers. But, you know, I'm saying like again this to me
Starting point is 01:27:25 this not getting too much in the macro because I'll go insane if I get in the macro getting into the micro which is your direct literally your direct neighbors and like making some connection with them the guy who lives across the street
Starting point is 01:27:41 we talked for like two minutes and it was wonderful and he's like if you need tools just let me know i got a ton of tools just you can like you know message me and i'll come and leave them here and you can come and get them shit like that that's nice it's cool and it's like it's just beautiful it's like that's what it's supposed to be like yeah that's nice you got a good neighbor that's it yeah every good neighbors is everything everything people that hate their neighbors like man you should just move save yourself some agony yeah well you can't sometimes that's the problem we all need we talked about this before we need to find a cul-de-sac and all buy houses there you mean the cult yes i know what you think a ranch would do the trick it's tough to get people to live on a ranch no i think the way
Starting point is 01:28:25 you're talking about i know you're talking yeah it's not that hard like i you know i think the way you do it is in phases right so like the first thing would be just get the land right right and then hire an architect yeah hire an architect and then like you know bring in alex gray yeah that thing that he did in upstate New York. It's beautiful. Have you been there personally? I've been there. I haven't, unfortunately, I haven't been there since it's completion.
Starting point is 01:28:54 I don't even know if it's completed, but I've been there in the early phases. And yeah, that for sure is a temple. Like, it's no joke. It's not like they're just saying it's a temple. That's a real. And the way he printed those weird faces, those multi-feature faces, and used them in the corners of the building. What does he call it again?
Starting point is 01:29:10 I can't remember. I'm sorry. Cosm. Oh, Cosm. I thought you meant what he called those faces. He has a name for the faces, too. Is that the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors? Is that what it sounds for?
Starting point is 01:29:19 But isn't that Cosm used to be what he called the place in New York City, right? He had the place in Manhattan. Yeah, they had this, I think they still, well, they still do have a beautiful place in New York. Or like an artist loft there, I believe. But like they ended up realizing it was time to like build a temple. Yeah, and then really go somewhere in nature. Yeah. They're in like a small New York town, right? Yeah, that's right state town
Starting point is 01:29:47 Yeah, it's a beautiful place And they're legit religion and Theon that's right. And they're an actual religion which they are Yeah, it is a religion and by the way a religion doesn't want anything from you like they're not they're not trying to get 10% Of your money then they don't giving you a bunch of rules to follow. Nope. They want you to worship love and creativity. It's a really interesting place. Is that?
Starting point is 01:30:10 Oh, that's just an image of what it's going to look like. I don't think it's really quite there yet, but holy shit. Yeah, man. Imagine coming up to that, like, walking up to that front door, and you're like, oh, my God. What the hell am I looking at dude when i was on tour they let me park my tour bus there because we needed a place to sleep for the night so i had to sleep in front of that thing in my tour bus and i and i hadn't even gotten to that phase but i had crazy dreams just sleeping there yeah it was wild man that's probably like one of those if you build
Starting point is 01:30:42 it they will come things like do you imagine how hard you would trip inside that place? Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, no. I don't think it's a... You could do DMT in a shitty apartment and still have some crazy, mind-blowing trip. But you can't tell me that coming to this place and going through this Entheon portal, that this isn't going to have some fucking crazy effect on the way you trip. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Oh, my God. But that was the idea of a temple. I mean, the idea is, I'm not just saying to trip or whatever, but the concept is like, you know, let's acknowledge the fact that maybe our ideas aren't necessarily coming from inside our brains. Let's just as a fantasy imagine that there is a divine intelligence that as one of the many beautiful things it pushes into this particular realm is art. And that if we can figure out a way to purify the connection with that thing, then we become receivers for that. And by doing that, we allow that thing to begin to exist in this world. And a temple was a place that allowed that connection to be refined, purified, intentionalized. And in that, there's a solidification called inspiration or art or whatever the name is you want to give it.
Starting point is 01:32:07 it but it's really it's like output from a place that maybe is you know a flute a few floors up from the one we're at it's having a pretty wonderful party right now and like part of what we do is like allow it to drip into this realm which is potentially a denser realm we're in the realm of matter it's dense you know and like ideas if you look at your ideas they're they're light they're like they're they're they're they don't have at least my ideas like they're they're not like heavy. They're inspiration feels like barely anything. In fact, it's so barely anything. Think how easy it is to miss a good idea, how easy it is to think something cool that maybe you want to write down for a joke. And you're just I'll write that down later.
Starting point is 01:32:42 And then it's gone. It's light. It's light it's light and so in in part of what they're i think are all about or i mean i again that's me putting it on them they have a wonderful description on their website about what they're all about but to me part of what creation is is taking those things allowing them to come through you and then allowing this realm to do what it does which is to crystallize them in a denser form that other people can enjoy and you know that um that enjoyment is a you know that's enough it doesn't have to be some lofty ass shit it's just like people get a little like this tiny little smell of heaven
Starting point is 01:33:20 like a better place a lighter place a place that isn't encumbered by so much bullshit is this particular realm. That can like completely take someone out of a depression, man. That can completely give somebody the juice they need to like get back out there and like open up themselves to the world and not be shut down. Just one little like tiny, tiny, minuscule reminder of like, don't worry. There's this isn't the only place there's simultaneously amazing things happen happening which you're part of you just don't realize it yet and don't worry and you know mckenna used to in one of his essays that's what he'd say on mushrooms is he would get this message don't worry we're coming don't worry we're coming
Starting point is 01:34:04 and you know what i mean but i i think that's what art does is it gives you this message, don't worry, we're coming. Don't worry, we're coming. And you know what I mean? But I think that's what art does is it gives you this sense of like, don't worry. Right now we're just building the runway. Don't worry. It's coming. I know this place seems fucked up. It's a little dense right now.
Starting point is 01:34:17 We're going to lighten it up. And then that – How much of that is your own imagination though? Like how much of your own imagination stimulates your trips? You know, I mean, we want to assume that we're really interacting with something, right? On the other side. But why do we assume that that's something? Obviously, it's not static.
Starting point is 01:34:36 One of the things about tryptamine experiences is that things twist and change and morph and shift. They never stay in one thing for any length of time. They're always becoming other things and moving in and morph and shift and never they never stay any one thing for any length of time they're always becoming other things and moving in and out of things like maybe that's just what happens over there maybe this things are constantly shifting and changing you know maybe what we're doing is we're trying to apply when when we think of how we are here in this life, we're trying to apply those laws to whatever we experience when we do that. But it seems so alien. When you have those experiences, it seems so alien.
Starting point is 01:35:20 You're not going to be able to bring any of that back. You can give someone like little glimpses. And what Alex has done the best is capture like, oh, I know what he's doing. Like those faces, those like almost Egyptian looking golden faces are moving and apart from each other. Like you go, oh, yeah, I've seen something. Yeah, something sort of. Yeah, there's a tryptamine part to that. But whatever that would be in that dimension, it would change and become something else instantaneously and then become something else.
Starting point is 01:35:47 And a lot of it has to do with how you're thinking, which is weird. It's like, is the way you're thinking actually affecting those things? Or is the way you're thinking affecting your perception of whatever this energy is and how it manifests itself visually well i mean this is that right even in in what you're saying there's this assumption that that your thinking is separate from the thing right right right and and so so we have a thought and we're thinking to ourselves oh i just got a good idea we don't know that if we had a different way of quantifying time and space we might have just seen some ethereal mist drift through us that produced a thing we had a different way of quantifying time and space, we might have just seen some ethereal mist drift through us that produced a thing we called a thought that we thought
Starting point is 01:36:30 must be us. So you look at a thing in that realm and it's shifting and converting and you notice that that conversion seems to be happening in relation to like how you're feeling. And, you know, now you're in a chicken or the egg conversation, which is like, who's, you know, who's reflecting who here? Like, who, which of us is like real and which of us isn't? Or are we just kind of, am I just seeing who I actually am? But because I live in a world of individuality and I live in a world where there's a separate quality to things, I have to see you as separate because if I don't, I can't see you.
Starting point is 01:37:07 You know, all I can do, you know, I'm seeing myself in you, which is, I think, what is happening in this realm anyway. It's like when anything you're looking at right now is some phenomena being painted instantaneously by your imagination. That's what the imagination is doing. It's painting colors onto the universe of infinite phenomena that your your brain is like doing out of habit. So that's that's that, you know, anything that anyone you're around, you make an instantaneous assessment of that person or you begin to like realize realize, wait, I got a bad vibe about that person. I bet something's off with them. And then you go into your TV psychic bullshit. Like, oh, yeah, really? Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:37:56 Is that the instincts you learned? Where did you learn that? World of Warcraft? The streets. Yeah. You don't know. But I've done that. By the way, I'm talking about myself.
Starting point is 01:38:04 I'm like, yeah, I just can tell if a person is honest or it's like no i can't you can definitely tell if a person's really fucking weird though that's for sure you could tell if a person's off like they're not really connecting with you or they're pretending to connect with you and you're like whoa i got a weird vibe from this yeah that even if you looked at what he said on paper what you said on paper would it would be totally normal. That's true. There's sometimes, there's certain things,
Starting point is 01:38:27 a violation of space, there's a weirdness to the way they look at you, a cadence. Yeah. They're like, oh, you're off. I hate that feeling, man.
Starting point is 01:38:36 That's a deeper thing. When the alarm bells go off like that, your hair starts standing up, you're like, I fucking hate that. That's scary. But, you know, I'm just saying,
Starting point is 01:38:50 sometimes you're not right. And this is like why you need empiricism and science because sometimes you're not right like just because you think that's how shit is from some instinct inside of you doesn't mean that's how things is you're biased and and so that that's the projection that's like the that's the part of you that you're like you're still dealing with some trauma when you're a kid and you're seeing that trauma in all the things around you and so you're like in an argument with someone who hurt you 20 years ago when you're talking to somebody who vaguely reminds you of that person and if you're in the uiv like you're still having the argument and if you're not aware that you're still having that argument then you can start saying shit like why do i always end up with the same person yeah it's like and i always draw this kind of person to me and it's
Starting point is 01:39:34 like well maybe you're drawing the exact same kind of person to you or maybe you're running the same movie on a different screen and being like i've've seen this before. I keep seeing this movie. You know, it's like, that's the same movie. It's like, you're seeing the same thing you're projecting. It's just, it looks like now it's not Tom, it's Alex. Or now it's not Lisa. You're looking at Samantha, but you're still seeing this thing. And that's the projection.
Starting point is 01:40:02 So anyway, that's the imagination. And the question is, how powerful is that projection because sometimes you start projecting onto someone how you think they are and if that person's weak or insecure they'll start acting the way you think they are yes now you've your projection has sprung to life in front of you because the person you've essentially animated a person with your expectation of them. And then because that person is acting the way you thought they would act because they don't know who the fuck they are, you're making monsters with your imagination. Well, that's what cult leaders do, right? That's how you start a sex cult.
Starting point is 01:40:39 How? Same way. You got to take these people and put it in their head that this is what they do. Oh, right. You put it in their head that this is what they do oh right you put it in their head right yeah that's right you say you see it yes i see it in you well in this book i told you about this book chaos tom o'neill's book on manson and the cia yeah i tell you about no i saw your tweet about it oh my god dude what is oh my god manson was tied up with the cia oh my god almost definitely a part of these fucking psychedelics LSD Experiments that they were doing on hippies almost definitely experimented hit on him probably in prison
Starting point is 01:41:14 But almost definitely allowed him to get out of when he violated his parole. Let him loose Let him free supply him with acid. Yeah monitor him him. They were monitoring him every step of the way. They fed that monster. They knew that this guy had been incarcerated half his life. He was a con man. And they taught him how to be a cult leader. They taught him how to be a cult leader. And they probably taught him how to talk people
Starting point is 01:41:39 into killing people and to do so with acid. And they would dose him up. And he would make people do all kinds of shit. He would take people like okay you're gonna fuck her and he's gonna fuck him and they would put they would put together these orgies he would put together orgies i mean he would sodomize kids in front of in front of them like horrific shit fucked up yeah yeah he was a like some boy that was like 15 years old he He did crazy, crazy shit. They were all on acid. They committed murder. He directed them to commit murder.
Starting point is 01:42:09 But all of this very connected to the CIA's MKUltra project. All of it. Yeah, man. Very connected to multiple different, in multiple different ways, connected to LSD and hippies, LSD and mind control, Ld trying to come up with a manchurian candidate trying to get someone to commit murder and not even realize they did it also connected to lee harvey oswald because jack ruby was all fucked up on that program when he killed lee harvey oswald and afterwards went completely insane was seen by the very same
Starting point is 01:42:42 doctor that was running the clinic where Manson used to go. This guy was a CIA doctor, was a psychologist or a psychiatrist dosing people up with LSD, running studies on prisoners, getting students to run studies, getting scientists to run studies, not even knowing they were doing it through the CIA. Kaczynski too. Don't forget him. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:00 Kaczynski. How about Operation Midnight Climax ran brothels in San Francisco and a couple other places where they dosed people up with acid and watched them fuck? How dare they name it that? I don't know. Midnight Climax. That's so dumb. It sounds like, you know, it sounds like, that sounds like the name of like porn in
Starting point is 01:43:15 a hotel that you could watch. Yes. Like a secret agent that sucks everyone's dick. Midnight Climax. Whoever named that, that really tells you a lot about the program. But like, you know, man, here's a controversial fucking thing to say, which someone reminded me of a while ago, which really freaked me out, kind of. Which is like, back then, like right now we know a little bit more about some of the shit the CIA did. A lot of it because they put it on their website. Yes. Which is so crazy to me. Like, right now we know a little bit more about some of the shit the CIA did.
Starting point is 01:43:47 A lot of it because they put it on their website. Yes. Which is so crazy to me. They just put it up on their website, which is crazy. And it, but back then. What stuff did they put up on their website? Dude, are you fucking kidding? Like, all the shit about the remote viewing experiments they did. Like, it's, they just.
Starting point is 01:44:01 I interviewed that main guy that they had for remote viewing. Yeah. Wasn't that a fucking famous guy? Uh, John. There's one famous guy that I interviewed that main guy that they had for remote viewing. Wasn't that a fucking famous guy? There's one famous guy that I interviewed. He's famous in the remote viewing world. I know you're talking. The guy who wrote the movie, or didn't write it, but the documentary Kill Shot. Was he the guy who talked about a kill shot?
Starting point is 01:44:22 Or that's the name for the thing that happens when the sun fucks up? It didn't fuck up. I mean, who am I to say the sun fucked up, but for us it fucked up. Does like a, not a supernova, but just does a big ass flare that like, kind of like melts whatever side of the earth happens to be facing it. You know, that's
Starting point is 01:44:40 like the kill shot that a lot of these remote viewers were apparently saying that they were seeing, because they were realizing that they could actually they weren't sort of bound by time and these visions and they all started sharing this vision of this thing it's really a creepy creepy documentary out there man but that's out a hundred percent on the table like some giant solar flare some solar incident that's a hundred percent on the table have we some giant solar flare, some solar incident. That's 100% on the table. Have we, by the way,
Starting point is 01:45:09 I'm sorry if we talked about this the last episode, have we talked about the CIA's website yet? What about their website? Have you ever gone to it? No. Jamie, would you mind pulling that up?
Starting point is 01:45:19 I've applied for a job. You applied for a job with the CIA? Well, I was stoned and it was late at night and I'm like, wait, you can apply online? Check it out, dude. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ask Molly? There's a
Starting point is 01:45:31 cartoon? Yeah. Hold on. Back up. This is the CIA's website. Back up. Ask Molly, your CIA source on the inside, and it's hashtag AskMollyHale. And Molly Hale is like a hot agent. This week's Ask Molly Hale question comes from a writer who wants to know if there is a path forward for them at CIA since they have done illegal drugs in the past.
Starting point is 01:45:52 They took my question! That's your question. No, I'm just kidding. It seems like it's your question. Since they have done illegal drugs in the past. Let's see what Molly's answer is. Let's see Molly's answer. So. Let's see Molly's answer. So it says, find Molly's answer.
Starting point is 01:46:08 What does Molly say? Let me be clear on this from the get-go. Having previously used illegal drugs does not immediately disqualify you from working at CIA. If working for CIA is your life's goal, and we certainly hope it is, there could be a path for you here. With that said, there are certain restrictions you should be aware of, especially if you've used illegal drugs within the past
Starting point is 01:46:32 year. Generally speaking, to be eligible for CIA employment, applicants must not have used illegal drugs within the past 12 months. Ah, damn. Shit. This is, as with most things, a general rule by which to gauge your hireability
Starting point is 01:46:47 at, that's not a word, kids, not only an applicant, but not only an applicant, but as the potential holder of a security clearance. It might seem a bit archaic, but consider the access to information we're giving at CIA employees.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Ugh. And consequences of granting access to the wrong person. How much access to information we're giving at CIA employees. Oh, and consequences of granting access to the wrong person. How much access to information? Just read that real quick. It might seem a bit archaic, but consider the access to information we're giving at giving CIA employees. What access are you giving them? You're in a simulator. That's probably the first thing they say after you get hired.
Starting point is 01:47:24 They're like, it's a simulator. We're just doing what the programmer wants. It's like, I know you're going to freak out for two months. We're going to give you a protocol of antidepressants because you can go nihilistic or absurdist when you realize you're just a string of code that's running, but you'll get over it. And then there's an egg.
Starting point is 01:47:39 The thing reads your mind. It's kind of cool. We'll show you that later. Officers regularly handle classified information, which, if leaked, could spell disaster for national security and endanger the life of CIA officers. This is my favorite word. Assets and their family. Assets is one of my favorite words they use. We have an asset in Jerusalem. An asset.
Starting point is 01:48:01 You got an asset. Yeah. Is it a person? You know a guy? Yeah, he's an asset. He's an asset. Is it a person? You know a guy? Yeah, he's an asset. He's an asset. He's like a number? Like what's an asset? An asset
Starting point is 01:48:12 is like stocks. You got an asset? I got stock in Palestinians. I got some Palestinians saved up. I've got some assets. Just some people you connected with. I connect with them.
Starting point is 01:48:26 They're my assets. Yeah. Now you may be wondering, that's all fine, Molly, but I live in a state where marijuana use was legalized under state law. So why would any of this really apply in my case? The short answer is, or would any of this really apply in my case? The short answer is yes. Or would any of this really apply in my case?
Starting point is 01:48:44 The short answer is yes. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law in every state. The CIA is bound by federal law, which prohibits CIA from granting security clearances to unlawful users of controlled substances, including marijuana. State laws do not supersede those of the federal government. The great lord who looks over the land with an iron fist. For more information regarding the federal government security clearance guidelines, regarding drug use and other considerations, you can check out the... What if the next line was like, hey, what's up, Joe? That's cool you're showing this on your podcast.
Starting point is 01:49:25 No! No! It's a simulation. But I do think, like, in there is they're also kind of saying, like, that being said, if you can set shit on fire with your mind or something when you're stoned, come talk to us. It's like, you know what I mean? They are saying, like, the other cool thing when you look at him applying for a job is it says, I mean, there are saying like the other cool thing when you look at him applying for a job is it says after you apply, don't tell anybody you apply for the job. We'll like approach you regarding the job, which is so fucking cool. You can't talk about it when you apply.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Meanwhile, they're absolutely checking your phone. They're checking your I applied and like I just leaned into the fact that like, fuck it. They're going to look at everything I do. And then also like imagining this some point, some CIA agent might come up to me like, hey, what's up, man? Hey, what's going on? Did you really want to be a bookkeeper at the Pentagon? No, I wanted to meet a CIA agent, dude.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Hello. Because I mean, you know, wouldn't you like to meet? I know one. You know a CIA agent? I've had him on the podcast multiple times. Mike Baker. He does a lot of consulting for TV shows and security stuff. So you are, and is he working for them now?
Starting point is 01:50:35 No, well. How would you know? Yeah, he's a former CIA operative. What does that mean? Do you really think they ever stop talking to each other? No. No. No. He does security clearance stuff and security stuff.
Starting point is 01:50:48 He has a security company. Did he? So wait. So this guy, did you ask him about the Manson shit? No, I just found out about this shit really recently. Fitzsimmons told me about this guy. Tom O'Neill was his neighbor for like 20 years. He was neighbors with Greg and Greg, the whole time,
Starting point is 01:51:05 he was doing this book while Greg was friends with him. It took him 20 years to write this book. It started out as an article for Premier Magazine, and then as he started uncovering all these inconsistencies with the trial, he realized that it was kind of a bullshit trial, and that the prosecuting attorney,
Starting point is 01:51:22 like everybody had, there was deals that everybody had made to have a specific narrative go through and Susan Atkins one of the people from the Manson family was on trial her fucking defense attorney was like a former prosecuting
Starting point is 01:51:38 attorney that had worked with Vincent Bugliosi and all these other people before they were all buddies and they signed him to her to take over for her state-appointed attorney. This guy took over. And, like, just, they just, they followed directions. Like, everybody followed directions. And as he was going deeper and deeper into this story,
Starting point is 01:51:57 he realized, like, there was a lot of crazy shit that was going on. First of all, Manson for sure was let out of jail multiple times when he shouldn't have been when he was violating parole oh man he was let out of jail repeatedly for crazy shit like theft and you know and they they were monitoring these people they knew where they were staying they knew the ranch the spawn ranch where they were staying at they never did anything right they let them they let them go whenever they were in trouble and most likely got him the fucking lsd have you looked up the finders cult yet what is that one i don't even want i shouldn't even brought it up i'm not even doing a good job with this that last description
Starting point is 01:52:36 because i didn't think i was going to talk about it but this thing blew my mind like you got to listen to this audiobook listen to the audiobook or just even maybe just listen to some of the podcasts and you'll get sucked in this guy was obsessed with this for 20 years it's all he thought of it's all he did it was his life's work do you let do you okay you had the cia agent you had on he's cool right he seems like a good guy is he your friend i like the guy so and and you know what's so bizarre and like i don't even want to say but I think it's like, because you say it and then people see you say it and they're like, See, you're all in the CIA! But something Rick, you know, I was bitching to Rick Doblin about on a podcast and I was like doing this thing I used to do when I was younger, which is like trying to create a all evil, all good binary regarding people who work like in the CIA or people who work in even the DEA or whatever.
Starting point is 01:53:28 That thing you do when you're like when you're when you're being lazy in your way of thinking. Right. Being binary. And Doblin, one of the things he said to me that I've always kept with me is he's like, there's there's people like us, like all the way to the top. You know, there's people who who look at drug laws right now. Dude, people from the CIA listen to this podcast. Right. Yeah, I know of that. Right.
Starting point is 01:53:55 FBI listen to this podcast. That's what I'm saying, man. It's like the thing that's somewhat annoying in the sense that it requires nuance rather than like a heavy-handed they're all evil is some of the people in there are really like 100 percent trying to keep at least people here from getting blown the fuck up yes and that that and like they're not like like oh god like can we let's find another Manson. Exactly. You know, I went and got this tour of actually JPL, the place Parsons was at, man.
Starting point is 01:54:35 And like, I think it was BP or Shell or some like oil company that I had like, just generally we all look at the oil companies and think they're they're the they're all the worst well you know while you're driving in your car you'll be like these fucking oil companies but like the the um they were working on some kind of new solar panel technology it was like shell or i don't remember which fucking company it was i remember saying to the guy like this technology if it works doesn't this destroy the oil industry? Like, don't they know they're working on a technology that's going to make the thing they make money selling and buying irrelevant? And he's like, oh, no, these companies are so big that there's departments within departments within departments. And that's where it gets fucking crazy about the CIA. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Which is like the people in the CIA don't know obviously all the people in the CIA exactly that's your security clearance and the question is how deep does that basement go man under the CIA but here's also the question yeah how are you gonna find out what happens when people take LSD without giving people LSD and studying them ready go you're not so if you're in 1953 okay and you're finding out about LSD and people are taking LSD and studying them. Ready? Go. You're not. So if you're in 1953, okay, and you're finding out about LSD and people are taking LSD at parties and people are taking LSD at concerts and you start realizing the ramifications of a society in 1964 that's all taking LSD and you see this
Starting point is 01:55:59 hippie movement, you're going to run some studies. So then you're going to give people the ability to test people without their knowledge. You don't know how crazy that guy is, what kind of a sociopath that guy is. And he's going to run tests on people without their knowledge and give them LSD. And then there's going to be people that say, hey, you know, we want to infiltrate all these anti-war groups. We want to infiltrate the Black Panthers. We want to infiltrate these hippies. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:23 How can we do that? Well, here's how we do that. We take this guy, we got him in prison for half of his fucking life in federal prison so far. He's 32 years old. Yeah. Let's dose this motherfucker up with LSD. Let's run some studies on him and let's tell him that he's a cult leader and get him to make some apocalyptic fucking death cult that wants to kill people and write pig on the wall in their blood. fucking death cult that wants to kill people and write pig on the wall in their blood. And so they let Manson, they knew where he was. They knew he was getting acid.
Starting point is 01:56:55 They knew that he was probably having people kill people. Yeah. Well, okay. First of all, to go back, man, if you really study the spread of LSD in a popular culture, it wasn't that the CIA saw people taking LSD at parties. It's that the CIA, as I understand the story, goes and buys from Sandoz Laboratories all of their LSD and then begins to do tests on college campuses where people begin to take the LSD and then the parties start. So I think it's more like the CIA started the party when it comes to LSD.
Starting point is 01:57:26 Or at least were majorly involved in the initial experience people had with LSD. Which was like, that's when you get Tim Leary. That's when you get Richard Alper. You know, Ram Dass. They were both hanging out at Harvard where the same psychology professor who did this shit on Kaczynski was and like LSD, you know, that's, they were doing, I don't know if they were doing the LSD test there, but these tests were going on. They were being exposed to LSD that theoretically, I don't know if it came from the CIA or not,
Starting point is 01:58:00 but I don't know like where the, think they actually those tests were they were ordering it from sandoz but for sure like who wrote one flew over is the cuckoo's nest uh damn it i can't believe i can't remember that author's name ken kesey yeah ken kesey he he did one of the cia lsd he was in one of the cia lsd experiments so like oh that makes sense sense and but and also man like back then I don't think because we didn't get the Manson the Kaczynski or all the awful shrapnel weird shards of chaos that exploded off of
Starting point is 01:58:33 the crazy unethical shit they did I don't know if there was so much of an idea that they were evil I could be wrong about that but they weren't even called the CIA I think they were called the OSS in the beginning yeah but by the time they were the CIA was was running a fucking clinic in haight ashbury that closed down after like 30 years of being open or 40 years of being open closed down three months after this book came out like well that's a wrap yes yeah jolly west the same guy who visited um
Starting point is 01:59:03 jack ruby in the hospital and after he left, Jack Ruby went insane. He was crawling underneath the table and thought that Jewish children were getting lit on fire and cut apart in the streets and a new Holocaust was going on. Immediately, immediately he has to. They have no record of him acting insane before this at all. He didn't even understand why he shot Lee Harvey Oswald. That's so fucked up. Well, they think that the same thing happened with Sirhan Sirhan, the guy who shot Robert Kennedy.
Starting point is 01:59:29 They think that he was under the influence as well because he had the same reaction after he shot him. Like, why am I here? What happened? That they used LSD to somehow or another get these people to commit atrocities, to kill people, to murder people. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:46 And you can, what's probably, you can probably, I know you can, if we go on the CIA, the crazy thing is you can go on their website, look at the Freedom of Information Act archives and they have MKUltra shit up there right now that you can look at. That's where it gets really weird is it's like, they're like, yeah. Yeah. But they never admit that they gave people that was the thing about jolly west he never admitted that he gave people lsd and did studies on them never admitted it i think while he was alive at least i mean i don't know if they're admitting it now because of the freedom of well they must because operation
Starting point is 02:00:18 midnight climax is that's an officially historical record yeah yeah so they must be now but when they were when you know they were operating this clinic Manson and the family were going into that clinic all the time. There's a direct, there's a 100% direct connection between the CIA doctors who are providing LST to the hippies and Manson going to this clinic. That is so fucked up. Dude, this book is crazy. Man, that does not sound like pandemic reading to me it's the best go deep
Starting point is 02:00:47 I don't know man I'm already weirded out by bad understanding of astronomy you know what I mean I don't know that I need to get into that shit about the CIA especially because it's like I don't know
Starting point is 02:01:03 it's just too much, you know. That being said, I'm going to definitely fucking read that book. Well, just listen to the podcast. That's the easiest. You'll get your dick wet, listen to the podcast, and then you're going to want to listen to the audio book or read the book. But he has 60 pages of citations and references at the end of the book to show each thing and how he can prove it.
Starting point is 02:01:25 He's got some speculation that he entertained at the very end of the book to show each thing and how he can prove it. He's got some speculation that he entertained at the very end of the book, and we talked about it on the podcast, but the stuff that he knows for sure to be true is bonkers. Can I ask you a question that will probably get made into a YouTube clip accusing you of being an asset of the CIA? Sure. So, okay, let's imagine this. One day
Starting point is 02:01:48 you get contacted by somebody who's in the CIA, and they show you convincing data regarding something. You know, whatever it may be. Meteor impact, some other impending danger. You look at it, and it's like,
Starting point is 02:02:03 whatever it is they give you you you believe it and they're like listen Joe we know you're like we know that you're like a wild animal and we know that like you you don't want to be dishonest and we understand that but we got to figure out a way to get this kind of information out to the world because if we don't like it's going to be really bad and we're just going to to people like you and just trying to get whatever the thing is they want you to say a little thing an idea of how they want you to be and the fuck they're not offering you money they're not offering you money they're and they're also like saying like don't worry if you say no did you get that
Starting point is 02:02:37 job at the cia what excuse me did i get the job Did you get that job that you applied for? No! It seems like you're priming me. What? For, you're gonna give me a suggestion later. Listen. I know what you're doing, man. Joe. Have you ever thought of a blue butterfly, Joe? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 02:03:00 Yeah, but seriously, what would your response be if someone's like, look, we just need your help? Listen, I think Central Intelligence Agency, I think FBI, I think the DEA, I think they're all necessary. I don't think they're unnecessary. I think that most of what they're doing is trying to protect us. Let's do the Illuminati logo for the YouTube. I do think also that some of those guys turned into fucking cowboys and tried to fly coke back from Mexico and crashed CIA jets.
Starting point is 02:03:29 That's true too. All that shit that happened in MENA, Arkansas. All that shit that happened when Clinton was governor with Barry Seals. When they were running coke back and forth and dropping it off in MENA, Arkansas. That guy was a CIA contractor. There's a lot of those guys that were CIA. Look, they got
Starting point is 02:03:46 compromised. But that doesn't mean the whole CIA is bad. It doesn't mean we don't need a CIA. Man, if you talk to people, if they're honest, I don't know if they're... Let's just assume they're honest. If you talk to people that deal with trying to infiltrate terrorist groups and deal with tracking terrorists and deal with trying to figure out if someone's trying to infiltrate terrorist groups and deal with tracking terrorists and deal with trying to figure out if someone's trying to make a dirty bomb, trying to figure out if someone's ready to blow up a mall. They're doing this actively every day, all day. That's essential.
Starting point is 02:04:18 Right. That's essential. So the CIA, oh, fucking MKUltra, they dose people in whorehouses. They're not the same people. This is a giant organization that's been around for a long fucking time. What you're hearing about from Jolly West and the MKUltra, those people are dead.
Starting point is 02:04:36 Those are not alive today. But you know who is alive today? ISIS. You know who is alive today? A lot of threats all around the world. You know who is alive today? Kim Jong Un, the leader of of china all these fucking dictators that are they're heavily armed all over the world there's a lot of them right you got to keep an eye on those motherfuckers right if you don't think you have to keep an eye on them you're crazy right well the cia is evil no no no humans are evil and sometimes you need someone who's paying attention to the evil people
Starting point is 02:05:05 that's what you need now does that mean that they're not going to stray across the lines of what is correct and good and fair and start spying on regular people too no it doesn't mean that it means that shit needs to be curbed
Starting point is 02:05:21 that shit's un-American but if you think someone might be a terrorist, like you should be able to find out before they blow up a fucking school. Totally. Right. 100%. 100%. So the question is, how good are these people at walking that line?
Starting point is 02:05:36 Turns out pretty fucking good. Turns out pretty fucking good. There's a bunch of shit that's happened over time. But also also they've gotten intel on all these different terrorists and all these different fucking terrible situations all over the world and probably saved a lot of people. It's not perfect, but nothing's perfect. There's not a fucking thing that's perfect, whether it's the fucking post office or police officers or fire department or doctors no one's perfect right
Starting point is 02:06:07 including the cia including the fbi including the army the navy there's going to be problems right but overall they're trying to protect i would imagine if i had to ask like what are you guys here for to make sure this shit doesn't hit the fan pay attention to the shit pay attention do do some of them branch out into coke business? Yes. I'm sure some of them sell coke. I'm sure there's someone for the federal government that's selling guns to a bad guy right now. I'm sure.
Starting point is 02:06:33 I'm sure. People are people. If you've got a million people, you're going to get 30 bad ones or whatever the fuck the number is. It's just part of life. Yeah. Yeah. Look. You're a CIA apologist.
Starting point is 02:06:44 I set you up. I don't believe a word of what I just said. Come on, man. What about my bonus? You took that job. Come on, man. You know, I get a big bonus. The like, you know, I don't.
Starting point is 02:06:56 Yeah. I'm wearing a wire, bro. You don't have to wear a wire anymore. Just carry your phone. I'm wearing a wire on a podcast. I'm monitoring you, Joe. Imagine if you got like too close to the mic. It's like...
Starting point is 02:07:07 Jamie's like, hmm. Dude. Interference. When I was a kid growing up, when I was at the beach, that was always something I'd fantasize about. It's like, fuck, I hope one of those drug bags washes up, man. Do you ever wonder how many of those wash up that people don't report whenever I hear about someone who's like
Starting point is 02:07:27 oh my god I found a briefcase full of cocaine like why are you that's that's grace like something is like delivered unto you this bizarre thing at the very least like you know I'm not a fan of coke myself it like makes me I hate it in fact yeah but if you got some of that
Starting point is 02:07:44 Ozzy Osbourne from the 70s coke, do you know how good that shit would be? CIA cocaine. Yes. Remember when we would talk about government weed? Government weed was good. Oh yeah. Unlike the cheese.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Oh yeah. Like government cheese is terrible, but government weed. Dude, he's got that government weed. Whoa. Do you remember that? Yeah, I do, man. I completely forgot about that. That was the thing. Back when weed was illegal, you wanted to shit the, I do, man. I completely forgot about that. That was the thing.
Starting point is 02:08:05 Back when weed was illegal, you wanted to shit the government was growing. Whoa. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Well, because for sure, by the way, you know, there's a, there's like, I guess at the CIA, there's a layer of all the sober people who've like, haven't gotten high for a year, whichever is writing that fucking thing is definitely definitely laughing as they're writing it. They're just laughing because they're so fucking high.
Starting point is 02:08:29 And they're like, all right, we'll just say it. No, they test, man. They test. There's a level they test. But you know there's a level where you get past that level and like, listen, the no drug stuff, please. We want you to have a good time. This is a fun job.
Starting point is 02:08:43 We know that you can handle your shit. We just have to do that level below. This is a fun job Like we know that you're you can handle your shit We just have to do that level below you because otherwise the last thing you need is another fucking Manson You know what? I always think about when I think of someone infiltrating a terrorist group But that's seen in Team America world police where the actor has the fucking terrible outfit on we need actors to save the world We need actors to save the world. Do you remember? Yeah, dude. I always think of that.
Starting point is 02:09:10 If I think about anybody infiltrating a terrorist group, I think of that guy. Yeah, well, you know what? Again, we don't have to worry about that. That to me is a fucking great thing. I don't have to worry about that. I don't have to worry about infiltrating a terrorist group. Can you imagine if it was... Remember, he was so good at acting. They just let him.
Starting point is 02:09:27 He looks so bad. And they just believe him. And he walks right through. Oh, my God. What a great movie. This movie's amazing. Yeah. This movie's amazing.
Starting point is 02:09:39 Folks, if you've never seen Team America World Police, I probably laugh harder in this movie than any movie I've ever seen in my life. It is so good. Team America, what a great name. World Police. And then also, after you see the movie, go online and find the sex scenes that they had to delete.
Starting point is 02:09:59 So, first of all, these guys are geniuses. And what they figured out is that if you just add way more than you really want, they let you have what you want. You got to add stuff like, I think she shit on his chest. Right. They pissed all over each other. They fuck like crazy. So it's a plastic doll sex scene that's so, so crazy and graphic.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Doll sex scene that's so So crazy And graphic And then when you watch it in the movie It's like a fraction Of this because they just Went so far they're 69 in each other That is Ridiculous
Starting point is 02:10:36 And she's like violently Sucking him off And they just keep so They did this so that they could have some of it in there i mean it's so long and so crazy and then once you think it's over then they start pissing and shitting all over each other too oh wow doesn't it keep going yeah this is this is a clip from the actual oh that's from the actual movie oh what that's how much they left in that's from the actual movie. Oh, what? So that's how much they left in. That's how much they left in because they cut out.
Starting point is 02:11:14 They got so savage with the sex scene that they let them keep the most preposterous amount in there because it was so far past that. They just tricked them. They used, like, sleight of hand. Dude, that must have been so funny filming that. I think it took a long time sure it did yeah trey parker was saying in some interview that he would never do that again like that's too bad stop motion yeah because dude team america world police is one of the funniest movies of all time for sure and you could there's so much in that movie like what they do with south park that you could never
Starting point is 02:11:42 do with a human but you can do it with either a doll or a cartoon easily and it's amazing like death that seems like you killed Kenny You couldn't have a guy just die every week on a sitcom people like this is freaking me the fuck out Yeah, but he doesn't even look remotely real so you cut his head off. He can light on fire He can blow up an explosion. Yeah, you can definitely get away with a lot more in that regard for sure get away with everything yeah yeah it's the it's a genius way to do comedy i don't know i mean i like south park is like it's eerie to me and their ability to quickly animate shit that's maintains its relevance like it's it's insane that they're able to do that like they've got it down to that level of like oh shit something happened in the world and we're going to respond to it
Starting point is 02:12:29 almost instantly not only that they do it mockingly but accurately like they they figure out how to ride that line and have what are you laughing i just saw a scene i've never seen before from it i'm looking for the way to see it. I thought it was fan made, but it's not. It's like, this is Meryl Streep and this is Ben Affleck. Oh, Ben Affleck is just a hand? I'm mixing blood with this. They made Matt Damon and Ben Affleck really fucking dumb in that movie, right?
Starting point is 02:13:02 Oh, yeah. I'm Matt Damon. Yeah. How rude. Matt Damon's actually very smart. Yeah rude but it doesn't matter they could just do that yeah they could do anything yeah that when you have like cartoons and puppets you can fucking do anything dude I mean that's the but except anything you want to do takes forever I mean that is the problem is like, you could do anything but that anything is like, you know, months of
Starting point is 02:13:28 anythingness. So it's like clearly easier to film shit or just to say it or, I mean, the fact that they used hands, God only knows how much money that saved them. Like that decision to just do that, how much time that probably saved them. Who knows? Like those kinds
Starting point is 02:13:44 of like decisions in shows like that are, like, really smart and funny. Yeah, I, but yeah, animation is, like, I mean, it is spellbinding. It is. He's eating her ass. Slightly longer. It's longer.
Starting point is 02:13:59 It's not much different, to be honest with you, though. No, but there's the shit and the piss scene. I thought so, but it's not coming up on here. What? Oh, there it is. Wait, go back. There it is. She drops a log in his face.
Starting point is 02:14:11 There it is. Perfect. And then I think she pisses on him, too, right? Yeah, it was actually right before that. Oh, he pisses on her, and then she shits in his face. Yeah. How many people you think do that? If you look at the whole population, like the entire population,
Starting point is 02:14:27 like a little light went off every time someone was shitting on someone's head, how many times that happened in a day? I bet you could fucking light up a small town. It's mostly the girls shitting on the guy's head, right? Would you imagine most of it is like a guy wanting a girl to shit on his head? Mostly. 100%. I mean, look up.
Starting point is 02:14:51 If you look, here's a, if you look, not shit. Isn't this interesting though? What I was going to say is it doesn't, I don't feel bad at all about that. Like I don't feel like he's getting shit on. I feel like he wanted to get shit on and he got shit on So I'm not mad at her at all But if a guy was just on my thing like shit on women's heads like that guy's a piece of garbage What the fuck man?
Starting point is 02:15:15 Are you doing that and the girls did just look they want a thousand bucks? He wants to shit on their head. They make a deal and he just shits on people's heads I would feel like that guy's disgusting, But the girl who shit on the guy's head, obviously the guy wanted it. It's easier to think a guy wants to get his head shit on than a girl. Yeah. Like if you told me,
Starting point is 02:15:34 hey, you know that guy that used to be on that sitcom? He pays girls to shit on his head. I'd be like, okay. That makes sense. Dude, I know how much it costs. I'm just kidding. there's probably a market for it right depends on how good you want her english to be yeah there's some giant german lady who comes over and just dumps on your head there's probably a negotiation like there's
Starting point is 02:15:55 probably a dude who's actually had the conversation he's like really like two thousand bucks like are you kidding like i never pay more than 1200 for someone to shit on my head Maybe they like they'll give a little extra if they let their they're allowed to pick your diet I want you to only eat Indian food. Oh god curry. Yeah, I Want to smell the curry when you shit in my face Have you seen those there? Have you seen those videos the fetish videos of people who like to look at videos of people getting stuck in mud do you know about that fetish no have you heard about that oh dude it's like i don't know can we show it without look up youtube stuck in people stuck in mud people are into people that get
Starting point is 02:16:39 stuck in the mud yeah it's like a fetish like it's like and there's all these videos of people like if you found i mean like so the humans are stuck in mud, like walking, and then someone comes along and fucks their mouth or something? Well, no. No, it's just someone stuck in mud. At first you look at it, and it looks like, why did that dude just throw himself in that swampy mud? And then he gets out of the mud,
Starting point is 02:16:58 or they'll start just wiggling around in the mud. And, like, yeah, it's crazy. Well, okay. wiggling around in the mud and like yeah it's oh my god crazy well uh okay you're i found something but it's not it could be an evolution of car stuck girls but maybe not car stuck girls that are stuck with their car like they need help and then oh like a porn someone needs help and they're in a helpless position i don't know that's always in a movie right the guy's waiting in the bushes with a gun and the girl's standing there with her hood up, and the guy runs out. Hey, give me a keys.
Starting point is 02:17:27 Yeah. It's on YouTube. Yeah, there's a... Oh, sorry, man. I thought you were looking in, like, porn. I don't even know if it's on porn. I typed in stuck in mud fetish videos, and then there's a lot of, like, car forums. Like, what's up with all these girls getting stuck in the mud?
Starting point is 02:17:45 Like, what the fuck's happening? Are girls getting stuck in the mud? Like, what the fuck's happening? Are they getting stuck in the mud with their legs? No, no. It's like their- Automobile. Yeah, like a BMW. The one I've seen is mostly primarily dudes. Like, it's like-
Starting point is 02:17:55 Oh, guys get stuck in the mud and then other guys come out and help them? No, there's no other guy. It's just like a guy like, you know, the La Brea Tar Pits? Yes. It's just that, but with a guy with abs. Oh, my God. Who's like, oh, he's yelling. They're just like, you know, like they're just stuck in mud.
Starting point is 02:18:11 How weird. Yeah, yeah. People are so strange. That fetish is a really interesting one. But I think, you know, you're kind of lucky if that's your fetish. There's a lot of mud out there, man. It's like that's a good fetish. It doesn't seem like you're kind of lucky if that's your fetish. There's a lot of mud out there, man. It's like, that's a good fetish. It doesn't seem like it's hurting anybody.
Starting point is 02:18:26 Yeah. No, unless you pay someone to go get stuck in mud and they sink down into quicksand or something. Well, do you think that the people that, are they fantasizing about themselves being stuck in mud? Don't know. I don't know. Right, it's open interpretation.
Starting point is 02:18:43 It could be they're just really into watching hot guys that get stuck someone's filming it and they jerk off while I mean fucking loser there you go I don't know if this is one this is 130,000 views and it says what you blonde girl gets stuck in very sticky mud yeah but you notice like it's not like they're trying to get out. Can I just be honest? She looks like the kind of girl that would just give up. I don't even think she's that stuck. Like, come on! You're not that stuck. I'm fucking stuck. I can't. I'm just done.
Starting point is 02:19:16 I'm just done. Yeah. How much did they pay her to do this? 50 bucks? I don't know. How much did they have to pay you? How much did they pay me for my mud videos? If you wanted to do a mud video, they want you to do
Starting point is 02:19:29 a mud video like that. Free. Just give me a good patch of mud, I'll go in it. Why not? A cute Asian girl, Chinese girl gets stuck in mud with cute sneakers. Oh no, she's got cute sneakers, she's going to walk right in the mud with those cute sneakers.
Starting point is 02:19:47 Honey, those are valuable. Yeah. What are you doing? These are great, Jamie. I haven't seen any of these. I'm an expert. These are new. They're so weird.
Starting point is 02:19:57 Yeah, it's a weird. It's a very strange fetish. I don't know if it's like maybe it's like an ASMR thing or something. Maybe it's not even like sexual. It's just something in it that's like relaxing. Dude, she took her shoes off. It's sexual. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 02:20:12 She's got her feet. She's moving around, getting all squirt. You're a dirty girl with your dirty feet. Dirty feet in the mud. Look at her. She's getting down that dirt. She's lost a sock. Yeah, this is weird.
Starting point is 02:20:25 Weird, man. Imagine this is your whole life, and you go on the forums, and you talk about, you guys got any new squishy feet in the mud videos? Yeah, that'd be really weird, Joe. So, Jamie, let's pull up something about the news. I mean, again, why? Here's a real question. Here's a weird question.
Starting point is 02:20:43 Why is that so strange? But, like, someone who collects stamps, that's normal. Right. Some guy who loves, oh, this guy's dressed up like a Nazi. He's going all the way down. And he goes all the way to his fucking head. Still smoking, too. He's like quicksand.
Starting point is 02:20:59 Is he in quicksand? Is that what that is? Yeah, this is a whole playlist of mess, mud, and quicksand. You remember when people were terrified of quicksand and then it stopped being a thing? Nervous. There's a whole Radiolab podcast about that. It's really interesting because you hear the podcast, you go, oh, yeah, I remember. Like people were scared of quicksand.
Starting point is 02:21:16 And then all of a sudden it went away. I forget what their reasoning is. Well, when we were kids, that was like one of the ways you could die. Yeah. It's quicksand. And sometimes you would, like if you're out in the woods and there was a suspicious patch, you might even poke it with a stick because it's like,
Starting point is 02:21:32 fuck, that's, that was a whole trope in like old movies. Yeah. You know, like Tarzan stuck in the quicksand or you're in the quicksand and then you,
Starting point is 02:21:39 someone throws a vine that you pull yourself out. Exactly. That's in like 80 different movies. What are you supposed to do if you were really in quicksand? You're supposed to treat it like it's water and swim, right?
Starting point is 02:21:50 There's videos on it. Jamie says no. Jamie, are you in quicksand? No, there's videos on it. I was going to say I've seen one recently. If you end up stuck in quicksand, the best thing to do
Starting point is 02:22:00 is if your phone isn't fucked up, set it up to take a video and then send that video to ilovemudboys at It's my private email. I will come to you. Trust me, it seems like I won't get to you, but I will come to you. After I come on you, I'll pull you out.
Starting point is 02:22:19 Imagine that usually thing. I think you fall back. You have a service, and your service is you get people out of the mud, and you give them $1,200, but you got to jerk off on their and your service is you get people out of the mud and you give them $1,200 but you got to jerk off on their face while they're trying to get out of the mud. Yeah. You go out there with like big
Starting point is 02:22:31 mud shoes, like snowshoes, but only for mud and you come out there and fucking whack one off in their head. Okay. All right. We're good. Deal's a deal. Harden some up to a rope and hitch it to your winch and drag them out of the swamp. Think of the bad luck. And you give them money, though. Give them $1,200.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Here's $1,200. Thank you. But to me, that would be a great scene. It's like somebody does get stuck in quicksand, and they see boots, and they're like, thank God, thank God. And it is like a mud fetishist who's like, no, I'll get to you.
Starting point is 02:23:04 Don't worry. I'm going to save you. But just, you know, enjoy it for a second. What about this? What if the fucking, the real mud fetishist, they set up traps. So they made their own mud holes. They dug them real deep and use some real silty, very fine sort of sand. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:22 So if you get in there, you slide right in. Like, it's quicksand! They have traps. And they've got a little camera trap that sends a text to their phone and says, we got one. And then they start chewing on Viagra and start getting their dick hard and then they run out.
Starting point is 02:23:37 Like a spider. It catches something in its nest. But you kind of fall in love with them, you know, and then you start dating them. But then, you know, and then you start dating them. And then like, but then, you know, like all of a sudden you realize like everyone they've dated, they've saved from quicksand. And you begin to realize like, oh shit, they're doing it on purpose. You go into, you're looking for something like, does he have a flashlight? Let's go through his stuff here.
Starting point is 02:23:59 Look for a flashlight. And you find schematics for how to build the perfect sand pit. You motherfucker, you motherfucker. You tricked me. It shows the water, where the water's coming in to make the quicksand. You need this amount of water to capture a 200-pound man. Like there's metrics based on weight. That's what he likes. He wants to get big, burly like firemen type dudes and jerk off on
Starting point is 02:24:26 their hair that's the thrill they're trapped he knows maybe like he knows calls for specific types of people like he knows what i'll draw man yeah yeah that's dude um have you ever done one of those like you've ever gone to spa and in there like, fuck it, I'm going to get a massage. But then you see in their catalog, they've got a mud dip that you can go into that's somehow healthy for you. You know what I mean? Like, it's considered like a healthy thing. You're laying it up to your head. It's like, you know what I'm talking about, man?
Starting point is 02:25:00 It's like mud spots. Have you ever done one of those? No, I have not. They're fucking awful. dude i went in there because like we um you know i was with a i brought a girl it was my girlfriend at the spa and it looked they made it look all romantic and shit it's like a couple's mud dip and like you know there's like flowers in between them and stuff and you see it in the picture and it looks somehow relaxing your brain party is like how could that how's that gonna feel
Starting point is 02:25:30 good like it's like just sitting in mud but it looks kind of cool and you know you're i love getting stoned and getting massages like it might be fun when you're high just be in mud we got in these fucking things they're like next to each other. And like dude, like yeah. They don't, number one, they don't replace. That's so stupid. That was like it. Somehow they make it. Whoever's doing this shit is made, try
Starting point is 02:25:56 like, see if you can make them thank you. This is a normal thing for a couple to do. And then also you realize they don't change the mud. Oh! I'm pretty sure they don't refill the mud. Why would they? It's dirty.
Starting point is 02:26:09 It's dirty. Oh, my God. So the culture that came out of some dude's balls is all like mingling with your cultures. And it's like breeding in the mud. Yeah, exactly. And not only that, but like the ones that we were in, I don't know if they had heated it wrong or whatever, but anytime my ass touched like close to the bottom,
Starting point is 02:26:32 it was burning my ass. Oh, so the heater in the bottom. The heater in the bottom was like burning my ass. So I was having to do like this, I don't know what you call it, like arch my back in the mud. Like doing dips. Yeah, I was like doing dips in the mud. And then it's fucking hot as fuck. So like my heart in the mud. Like doing dips. Yeah, I was like doing dips in the mud. And then it's fucking hot as fuck,
Starting point is 02:26:46 so like my heart like starts racing. Also, I'm like, I was pretty high, but like my heart's like fucking, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. My ass is like getting incinerated by this thing. Oh my God. You went to a janky place.
Starting point is 02:26:59 Janky mud bath place. I'm not gonna argue. That's actually the name of the place. Janky's mud bath place. Where does the expression janky come from like a janky like a shitty a clunky version that one might be racist gotta be careful that one might be one of them secret racist words you didn't know it was racist oh you've been saying janky and they're like well let me bring you back to the genocide of the iguan people and jesus i wouldn't i wouldn't be surprised what is the etymology of janky no idea that's why i asked
Starting point is 02:27:32 are you sure you don't know joe i definitely don't know i'm 100 innocent what do we got he just dies i just want to make sure that i'm not stepping over any boundaries by using janky because I want to be a good ally. It's probably not connected to anything. It just sounds like a word. It sounds like a bad word. I think it was close to junky. Oh, there you go. Switched to janky.
Starting point is 02:27:57 I'm trying to read through this quick. That makes sense. That does offend me. I don't like the term junky. Janky is good. Janky is like you've got a car with a fucked up brake. You know, that's this fucking janky brake job. It's not that old, though.
Starting point is 02:28:09 Only in the 90s. I might have invented it. Maybe if I did. Janky. Because it's African American slang from the 90s. There, that makes sense. That makes sense. Earliest citations in the 90s, yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:21 Yeah, so... Who wrote that? Who wrote that? The article I'm looking at is like... mean I like not that I know them it's just weird someone like we hear a thing like that like alright that must be true first book they found it in first that this person wrote the article said the rust the longest war written by Jonathan Waldman huh by the way I'm very much kidding if it wasn't clear. I don't really think I made that word up. I was joking. I can't find another one.
Starting point is 02:28:48 It's amazing how attuned you get to comments. Your brain is like you're making. I just don't want anybody to really. I was thinking that. That could be misinterpreted. That's my word. I created it. What's another great word that they don't use anymore that I started using recently?
Starting point is 02:29:03 Oh, fresh. I started using fresh lately like that looks fresh i'll say like that i don't say with a normal voice fresh so it's like that looks fresh no you don't yes i do when things look good fresh fresh things looking fresh oh you get like a, I hear it in the back. It gets like a little vibrato there. Fresh. It's a good word. It's a good word. We need more beautiful adjectives for cool shit. So I started bringing back fresh.
Starting point is 02:29:33 Hey, what's your policy about cursing around your kids? I gave up. I gave up. You did? Yeah, I told them just don't swear don't swear around other people there was too many times they caught me on the phone right my nine-year-old especially she's the one who's always correcting me hey with your potty language she says that she's hilarious she likes to correct
Starting point is 02:30:01 me I try not to say it as much as I would say it with you. But every now and then, I'll let a fuck word fly or a shit word fly. But it has to make sense. Dude. The funniest story, I realize I say it too much, was when my daughter was three. We had gone skiing together, and we were all packing up our stuff. And her helmet did not go in her bag. It wasn't in her bag. And I'm like all right everybody packed up and uh i'm like hey uh your helmet and your bag and she looks at the
Starting point is 02:30:32 helmet looks the bag and she just goes shit she was three seeing a little and me and my wife were just like oh no it did it three she but that's the right word to use shit what are we doing like we we aren't even in that world you and i are not even in that world like the world of you can't say words all right you can't say that word at work we don't even live in that world yeah and yet we're raising our kids for that world. That seems to be a little crazy. And I understand. Look, if I worked in an office somewhere or if I had to deal with people professionally, I wouldn't be dropping F-bombs all day. You can't.
Starting point is 02:31:14 People get upset. They don't like it. They want you to behave like a business person. They'll turn you into human resources if you have a funny joke about Puerto Ricans. You can't. You can't. There's no jokes. There's no laughter. You can't. You can't. There's no jokes. There's no laughter. You can't. You gotta... So, when you're telling your
Starting point is 02:31:29 kids not to say certain words around other people, you're telling them that because you want them to be polite. You don't want people to feel uncomfortable. But you should never have them think that there's something wrong with those fucking words. Right. Those words are important. And I can't really explain it to them because I can't really say it the way i want to say it it would just be too sensitive like i
Starting point is 02:31:50 couldn't say i can't say sometimes when someone's telling you something that you know isn't true and they're telling you you want to be able to look in the eye and go hey that guy's a fucking idiot but i can't say that to a nine-year-old. Right. It's just too intense. Right. It's too intense. Right. Like, if you say this person's an idiot, that's one thing.
Starting point is 02:32:13 But if you say this person's a fucking idiot, that's a different thing. It's another level of thing. And you need to know what's what, especially when the shit goes down. You need to know who's just a dummy and who's a fucking idiot. Right. Some guys just make mistakes or they think they know better or they do something stupid and it puts everybody at risk. But they're not doing it on purpose. And then there's some people that think they want to run the whole show.
Starting point is 02:32:31 Those people are fucking idiots. There's certain people that steal from you. They'll break in your house when they know you're not home. Those people are fucking idiots. Right, I know what you mean. Yeah, there's a different level. And if we don't use the right words, then what are we doing? Are we going to limit a kid's ability to express themselves?
Starting point is 02:32:47 Right, the words aren't changing. They're not changing you. They're not changing It's just another tool for expression and swear words like really swear words You're gonna stop using swear words. You're gonna make people upset about swear words. Get the fuck out of here. It's ridiculous Yeah, no, no, no. I know, man. I just like, I get it. That's like kind of my wife and I have decided that. And like some of my friends or parents have also said, just teach them not to say those words.
Starting point is 02:33:13 Just teach them to be nice. Or when the right time to say those words is. It's just like listening to like, I don't know, like this morning I put on for no reason like 10 crack commandments. And like then like my son was in the other room and like he comes walking in like he's just learning to dance and then I pick him up he's laughing and we're dancing and I'm like oh fuck we're dancing to the 10 crack commandments right now like he doesn't know what what's being said but you know what I mean it's like fuck I don't know if I don't know even though he doesn't
Starting point is 02:33:46 even the fact he probably hopefully doesn't understand at least hopefully does it's still like I don't know it's like you're saying it's too much the energy's too intense it's too yeah it's very aggressive yeah yeah there's certain there's you know
Starting point is 02:34:01 you don't you want to shelter them a little bit from the the most dark shit like you don't you want to shelter them a little bit from the the most dark shit you don't want to show your kid some murder movie like the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan when they're four you know once they sit down this is what happens when people go to war this is the closest that we have that represents what war is like right but that that that that that that yeah people's guts hanging out and legs blown off yeah you're not gonna show that to a four-year-old never all right me neither that's what it seems like if i act like i act with my
Starting point is 02:34:33 friends around little kids so i i i pull it in a lot a lot but occasionally i'll i'll say a shit. Sure. But I don't, I just try to, there's words that I don't want to lose. And the only reason why I think a lot of like these swear words, like the F word or the shit word or whatever, if you're at work and you can't say those, like, why not? Like, what is that? What kind of job is that? Like, what are we? We're all the grown-ups now. Remember when we were children We thought that there was a system that was put in place by enlightened beings and these enlightened beings knew the adults
Starting point is 02:35:13 They knew better we resisted but we thought they eventually were correct. Yes, and then you get to be a certain age like oh That's nonsense. There's no adults. There's just people that got older, right? There's just people so as people the That you have to limit your language The only thing that's good is when someone who you don't expect to says get the fuck out of here when they say it's even Better yeah, right. Yeah, a woman that you would think would be like like very reserved very professional And she's like that chicks a cunt like very professional and she's like that chick's a cunt like you're like no yeah i love that when you realize someone you thought was a square is not only not a square but like a million times more out there than you are but they're like they're trapped yeah or they're in camo they
Starting point is 02:35:57 just have like figured out a way to like not reveal to you or to the world that because they they like understood it's a little easier people don't realize that unless you're around cool people those are the best moments when that window opens up and and you realize oh fuck man i i'm such a dope i had you completely pegged as something that you're not at all and those are really like whoa fuck what's that cough it's not real it's a marijuana cough. I know, man. I hate, I'm a hypochondriac, Joe, with allergies. Everybody is now.
Starting point is 02:36:30 I have allergies. I have seasonal allergies. And, you know, anytime before this was happening, anytime I would get sick, I'd be like, well, this might be the end. And now, like, all of us who are like that, we're like, it's really intense, man. Because, like, any demonstration, you know, my birthday was the other day. We got like, you know, they deliver booze in L.A. now. Like they'll deliver mixed drinks to you now.
Starting point is 02:36:54 They probably deliver bullets. You probably get bullets brought to your door now. Hopefully not too fast. I'm sorry. Quick bullet delivery. But yeah, anyway, man, like I was just hungover, you know, but there was a moment where I'm like, is this a hangover? Am I? There is this like, what's this headache?
Starting point is 02:37:16 And, you know, what's going on? To me, that's the part of this thing is, you know, I haven't seen it get acknowledged that much. It's like just the psychological pressure of what's going on like the way it's got to be like you know just psychologically like think of all the people you and i know who are already teetering at the very edge of sanity and like imagine them alone in an apartment for a month with like the news telling them that we don't know when we can let you out. Like, whoa, how many people are like really losing their shit? And like, I'm not losing my shit, but at least a couple of times a day, I'll have a real claustrophobic moment.
Starting point is 02:37:57 Like, I can't explain it. It's like a, I don't know if it's a panic attack. It's just like this sense of like, oh, this fucking sucks. I don't want to drive by Trader Joe's and see people wearing face masks with six feet in between each of them and the fucking weirdness of it all. People are driving weird right now. And it's just like, what the fuck? People are driving weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:19 Real aggressive. Yeah, man. That, you know, people I don't think are acknowledging the fact that, and they need to, that if you're feeling a little off right now, that's normal. Like, you probably should acknowledge that, you know, or at least like otherwise people are going to start thinking they're really going nuts. When it's like, no, you just have some kind of like probably a new mental illness will be, there'll probably be a new name for a covid related mental illness you know like pandemic associated claustrophobia syndrome or some shit like right you know some like thing that is a new thing because we've never had to do this before of course 100 yeah i mean do you know how many people are going to get sued for this do you know i mean how many people are going to sue the government for the close downs you know how many people are going to go crazy and yeah how many businesses are going to sue the government for the close downs? Do you know how many people are going to go crazy?
Starting point is 02:39:06 How many businesses are going to be lost? How many lives are turned upside down? Do you know how many people? Fuck, man. Divorces. Oh, my God. So many. Dude, so many.
Starting point is 02:39:17 People forced into these high pressure situations they didn't anticipate. And then some people falling apart. People with drug problems accelerate because they need a relief anxiety from all this yeah man and we're in just beginning it man i mean it's just beginning we're we're still three weeks away from at least here with this uh state is going to open up right may 15th yeah but what do you think is going to happen in georgia do you think when they when they open georg back up, you're going to get another series of people that have it? Or do you think it's going to be – what do you think, if you had to guess?
Starting point is 02:39:54 Man, that's the – I have no – all the data sources are – some of them are so very different, it seems like. Yeah. That it's like you have people who have won Nobel Prizes, you know, saying what they think it is. And you have other people or doctors saying what they think it is. And those things don't quite match to the point where it comes down to. It's not like what I think is going to happen. It's what I hope is going to happen, which is like that. It just not only that the curve keeps flattening, maybe not necessarily because I just maybe because the it's mutating maybe because herd immunity
Starting point is 02:40:26 maybe because you know i don't know who to believe you turn on fox news you see one story you turn on cnn you see the other story you go on the internet it's a fucking meteor that's gonna hit you go you know you it depends on who you're talking to and fg 5g you know a variety of things a a a low level bioweapon that's being combined with a horrific like powerful psyops operation who the fuck knows joe we don't know so it's like the the that to me is the the real unnerving quality of this outside of worrying like if you go outside like every time you cough i'm like mother fuck i should have worn my mask i'm doomed when my wife sees it she's gonna fucking kill my ass but like that you know just that those moments that would normally just go completely
Starting point is 02:41:09 unnoticed i like those those to me that new reality to get highlighted yeah and brother that that is like that's another form of virus it's fear right and it's it's paranoia and it's like it's a it's a meme that's spread so it changes your outlook it changes the way you interact with life yeah it changes your outlook and it changes the actual course of your life like you'll you'll be operating with fear and operating with anxiety and everyone's thrust into that without anything bad that they've done that for no fault of their own they're thrust into the situation where even though they've worked really hard they've been really disciplined they've done the right thing they've been conservative they take care of their
Starting point is 02:41:56 health all the all the all the checks everything but still all sudden work goes away yeah for everybody yeah nobody did anything wrong. So everybody's thrust into this situation. It's really the ultimate haves and have-nots moment. And what's really interesting is right when Bernie Sanders just stepped out of the race, this is the example of why we need some sort of comprehensive plan for everybody if everything goes wrong. Yeah, man. This is right here.
Starting point is 02:42:27 That's right. The idea that capitalism moves the world, yes, it does. It seems to motivate most of what we do. But the idea that there's not more that we can do for the people of the community of the United States of America as a community. Right. of the United States of America as a community. Right. Because that healthcare and education and stop people from being robbed,
Starting point is 02:42:47 like stop some predatory lending, stop all these things that you can clearly see people are just getting fucked over from. Yeah. Spend more money on healthcare. Like we need that now. Like, yeah, we went through a nice sweet spot where there was no real problems
Starting point is 02:43:02 other than occasionally little blips, bad flus and bad diseases and we squashed them real quick this is a big one it hit the whole and this is only you know as far as like terrible pandemics the the amount of people that it kills per people that get it is not as high as it is for some of the more horrendous diseases we got lucky we should prepare for the worst we should prepare for airborne ebola okay we should prepare for the worst. We should prepare for airborne Ebola. Okay. We should prepare for all that shit. We should think about it the way we think about arms races, like how much money they put into the military and how much money they put into the,
Starting point is 02:43:34 the war against viruses. Well, the war against viruses just killed 50,000 people at home. Imagine if China just had just launched missiles into American cities and killed 50,000 people that would be at fucking war all of our resources would be dedicated to that right right why aren't all of our resources being dedicated to fighting off fucking diseases very questions this is a real wake-up call for that it's also a wake-up call for power grid people people that are worried about the power grid go down it's a wake-up call for people that haven't had food stockpiled in their house wake-up call for power grid people, people that are worried about the power grid go down. It's a wake-up call for people that haven't had food stockpiled in their house. It's a wake-up call for people that are living extended, like they've really extended their reach as far as how much their rent is and how much their car payment is. They're really stretching it.
Starting point is 02:44:19 Well, boom, something like this happens, and you're never going to play catch-up. You're barely keeping up with your lifestyle before all this went down. And again, through no fault of your own. So you've got to kind of prepare now. People are going to have to look at this like, okay, now we know. Something can happen that we never thought could happen before and the whole world shuts down. Now we know. That's it.
Starting point is 02:44:40 But we should act accordingly in how we run things. Now we know. Well, that's the silver things now we know well that's the silver lining i mean like that's the silver line it's like when you have a thing happen that you realize like you know whatever like in your car you get lucky and you notice that the tire is like super flat and you fill you fill it up you just didn't notice or whatever you see a thing and it saves you from a later fucking thing that could have been a million times worse. But, you know, man, the wake up call to me is like it's no joke that you need to at least be on like some terms with your neighbors. And it's no joke that you need to understand how to do like how to grow food out of the ground and some like basic first aid and stuff like that and also to always have gas in your car man like you know we the other day went to get groceries
Starting point is 02:45:31 and like fucking the you know left a credit card at the house right and like the but the car was kind of low on fuel because i hadn't gassed it up like i should have right and the combination of suddenly not being able to put gas in the car and these two dumb mistakes. It wasn't just a normal shitty day where your car runs out of gas. Now it's your car's run out of gas during a pandemic, meaning you got to call somebody to come and put gas in your car or walk somewhere to get gas.
Starting point is 02:46:00 That's a whole different walk than before. And that's asking someone to come and help you is kind of like asking them, hey, would you mind like taking a chance? I mean, I know you're wearing a mask and everything, but you know what I mean? So suddenly fuck ups in this kind of environment, they mean a lot more than fuck ups in like the previous world that we were in.
Starting point is 02:46:19 And that's teaching me a real kind of responsibility, you know, like having some cash on hand, like stuff like that. Like what we, you know like having some cash on hand like stuff like that like yeah what we you know we should always be doing that and to me that is one of the you know and i hate using everyone's using the term silver lining right now and it's like anytime you say it's like yeah it's a silver lining on like people who drown in their own fucking mucus it's not the you know it's fucked up but i guess one of the silver linings in it is just that, the fact that it's like, look, man, Trump just was talking about maybe we should inject ourselves with Lysol. How crazy is that video?
Starting point is 02:46:56 Have you seen the one where they focus on the lady who's the science advisor and she's sitting there listening to him say all this shit? Yeah. Yeah. Have you seen that? I have. Sam Harris tweeted it. He said, when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you. That's it.
Starting point is 02:47:14 That's it. But also in that look, I saw her thinking, listen, motherfuckers, who's in line? You want this job? I'm doing what I can to steer this crazy ship as best as i fucking can and there's not much i could do but it's like you know you see somebody seriously say to an entire planet that it might be a good idea to inject lysol into your body let's hear it let's hear it let me hear it you start from the beginning i think you gotta actually double click on it and on my computer i had to to get
Starting point is 02:47:49 the sound out of it nothing like what the fuck you hear that whisper no i don't hear that was duncan that was me it's haunted anyway bottom line, he's saying wacky shit, and the focus is on this lady, and as she's watching him, she's like, I can't even fucking believe I have to handle this. Yeah, and she does. Dude, that's, but to me, I see it. We could get the disinfectant into their body. That's maybe possible. We could get them to drink Lysol.
Starting point is 02:48:25 Light. Powerful light. We could use light, kill it from outside or inside. I don't know how you do it. There you go. Because you see a thing like that and it's like, okay, lean into that. Lean into that as the thing that you can count on. That's the thing saying inject Lysol.
Starting point is 02:48:43 That's the kind of thing where your craziest your craziest friend if they said that to you you would be considering like calling their their friends or their mom to be like hey jack he's having like a hardcore manic episode he's talking about injecting lysol into himself you better do something that's the fucking president and to me what that tells me is like motherfucker you need gas in your car you need to make sure your phone is juiced up you know what i mean you need to make sure your phone is juiced up you know what i mean you need to make sure that you are like you gotta be ready you gotta be ready because if if we like think we're gonna lean into some like imaginary hammock made of like people who are saying that we should inject ourselves with lysol then we're made then it's our fault
Starting point is 02:49:21 that's your because you know it's like let's, let's say you went and you, I don't know, you went into the forest and you got attacked by a tiger. But right before you went in the tiger, you into the forest, you said to somebody, Hey, do you think I should go in that forest? There are tigers there. And they're like, no. And then they start shooting up with Lysol. You know what I mean? If you go in that forest and the tag tiger gets you, that's your fault. You fucking listened to a dude who thought you could shoot up Lysol. You know what I mean? That's your fault. Imagine.
Starting point is 02:49:58 What was he thinking while he was saying that? He's probably like, there's got to be an intelligent way to get out of this fucking subject that i've already started and i've already like coming up with uh perhaps uh for instance uh maybe you could uh maybe you could so supposing we hit the body with a tremendous uh whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light and i think you powerful light that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it and then I said supposing you work an eye inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way
Starting point is 02:50:32 and I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting. Right and then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets on the lines can we take your lungs out down put your lungs through a car wash. Like, what?
Starting point is 02:51:05 What a crazy thing to say. A cleaning? A cleaning. Give him a cleaning. Imagine being his doctor and you have to listen to him say this. So, why don't you do the disinfectant
Starting point is 02:51:21 inside as a cleaning. Can you dip my liver in bleach? Can you take my liver out and just microwave it? Yeah. So to me, you see that and it's like, okay, well, I'm not quite certain that that is where I'm going to get my data stream from because that's a Lysol person. But then there must be like a thing we can do regardless of the fact that clearly. Bro, you wouldn't even talk like that on a Lysol person. But then there must be a thing we can do regardless of the fact that clearly... Bro, you wouldn't even talk like that on a podcast. Dude, I would never say that in a million years.
Starting point is 02:51:51 But imagine, imagine you have zero expertise in a certain subject. You're talking to someone who's like some expert in this said subject, and you're proposing these outlandish... Like you're on a podium. You're not even having a private conversation. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:07 In front of everybody, you're somehow or another having a side conversation where you're proposing these ridiculous ideas that show that you don't understand how disinfectant works. Why is that conversation even taking place? Also, the other thing is because he did ask the question, that is a time for someone on that side of the room to go no look at her you can't why didn't she say that do that because she knows if she interrupts him and goes what you can't do that you can't inject this infection he'd probably
Starting point is 02:52:36 be upset and she wants to do the best work that she can do and this is just some nonsense she has to handle along the way wow yeah yeah it's just a bad path look first of all i mean look the guy works some ungodly amount of hours in a day right he's gonna do some dumb shit like and and he wings it a lot right so he probably was stuck on that conversation of things that might be able to be done and Maybe you could do a strong ultraviolet light like in the skin that then also is like oh my god. I'm I'm laying out Possible ways that you could cure this there. I better keep going I better have more than one yeah, and there's like a Disinfectant that's right disinfectant disinfectant maybe inside or outside they have a way of doing that yeah And then you say and then he goes to her like he's looking for support.
Starting point is 02:53:29 Like, I think you said maybe. I think you said maybe you're looking at that. Yeah, man. I mean, it definitely has that sense of like when you had to give a report at school and you hadn't prepared for it. That's it. That's exactly what it's like well who were the assyrian rebels well they were from assyria yeah yeah they were they were rebels yes and i heard there were tremendous rebels they were fighters they fought and they fought long and hard in syria in areas around syria and some people in areas around Syria referred to them as rebels and said they were some of the most intense rebels in the region. No, Assyria.
Starting point is 02:54:11 It's a different place. Duncan, you wrote a report about the wrong place. Assyrian. I was saying that. You heard me wrong. Yeah, you just heard me wrong. I can't give you an A. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 02:54:26 How many times did you bullshit your way through like those things in high school bullshit every every time a lot of a lot of the times man i mean i got like i think it was the red badge of courage which even now i can't remember what if it's i think it's about the revolutionary war um and i believe that I didn't read it at all. Clearly, I didn't read it because I still can't remember which war it was about. But I remember just having not read the book at all, having to write a report on it where I think I said it in Vietnam or something like her. And maybe it was a civil war. And she was just like, that's not even the war that it was that it happened. You know, I completely failed.
Starting point is 02:55:04 Like one of those one of those F's where the teachers met angry. that it was that it happened that way. You know, I completely failed. One of those Fs where the teacher's angry. They carve it into the paper. Yeah, they carved it in. Dude, I found out about Cliff Notes when I was in high school. I couldn't believe it. I'm like, this is a gift from God. Cliff Notes. You just got to buy it on your own.
Starting point is 02:55:21 You got to buy the book, but it's a way more. You can read it in an hour. That's right. But it still sucked. You had to pay money it on your own. You got to buy the book, but it's a way more. You can read it in an hour. That's right. But it still sucked. You had to pay money for a cliff. Yeah, but I thought it was cheating. I was like, they're cheating, though. They're giving you a way to, like, this is not so you can learn better.
Starting point is 02:55:35 This is so you can pass tests. Right. That's what this is. You're giving me like, oh, yeah, and then Mikey said to her, get off my fucking porch. That's page 30. Yeah. It was a little grayer a few years ago where kids could just copy and paste other people's reports for from years past because they were all digital and teachers didn't know this was a thing they could check they now have
Starting point is 02:55:53 checking tools to find out plagiarism and whatnot but so many kids probably for a few years just did literally nothing i'm sure disaster that's i'm. You get out of school and you graduate high school, you can't read. Like, what? You can't read? I don't know. I didn't pay attention. I can't. Just play video games.
Starting point is 02:56:11 I can read, like, a little bit of video game stuff. Yeah, I just made my way through. Well, I mean, you know, there's, like, that's one of the, isn't that, no, the people who went to, recently went to jail for, like, bribe, for getting their kids into college. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's kind of a version of that except with your kids right you're like you're like just their kids aren't aren't aren't supposed to be in college because they haven't done any work in high school and they don't know what they're doing but if you pay enough money you get them in there
Starting point is 02:56:37 it's like and also aren't they doing some thing where they get people to go and take sats for your kid like you figure out a way to like it's an identity theft thing where you can even get someone to go and like do the test as your kid using fake ID and shit. So it's like you send in an operative that isn't your kid to take the test so you can get into a nice school. Hmm. That whole thing was so crazy. They spent so much money to get kids in school. Yeah. That whole thing was so crazy. They spent so much money to get kids in school that didn't want to be good students. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:13 That's right. Almost like you think you could buy a kid's way to enthusiastic focus. Well, there you go. I mean, there's the whole problem, isn't it? What is that? This is from the district attorney's office in Massachusetts. It's one of the photos that was used to show this girl's rowing, high school rowing career that she got a scholarship on. That's a workout machine.
Starting point is 02:57:37 Oh, wow. That was supposed to be like, yeah, look at her in her varsity. Oh, fuck, man. What? Wow. So there was no photos of her actually rowing out on a boat?
Starting point is 02:57:50 That's part of the thing. Like, having people take tests, they went and staged photos, too, to be like, look, the person did that. Oh, my God. It's all allegedly according to the court.
Starting point is 02:57:58 Can you imagine how mad real rowers would be at you if they found out you got a scholarship based on a fucking rowing machine photo? Wait, hold on. You'd be so mad.
Starting point is 02:58:07 Was it for scholarships or was it just trying to get them in? I believe it was just to get in. I don't think they got scholarships, but to be on the rowing team or whatever it's called. I forget. I've talked in my head. Is it good for your GPA or some shit? It's a way to get in.
Starting point is 02:58:22 Oh, way to get in. Yeah. Oh, right. So that and the bribe. Extracurricular activity kind of stuff on your record and whatnot. So they just, they fudged that and then bribed the rest of it. Do you think the kids knew? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:35 Yeah. You know when your parents like, hey, we just bought this rowing machine. Why? Just don't worry about it. We're just going to take a picture of you in a rowing machine. Like, sure, you know, you're getting a picture taken of you to try to get you into this school that your dad
Starting point is 02:58:52 went to or whatever. You're complicit to some degree. Yeah, you have to be a little bit, right? Yeah, a little bit. Go to that picture. She hasn't even broke a sweat. Well, it has her face covered enough so you can't see. I want to see. Close in on that. She didn't look sweaty to me.
Starting point is 02:59:07 Crew is the word I was trying to think of. She looks like she's barely started exercising. There's another one down here, too. Yeah. Come on, son. I don't see no sweat. That's a better one. Because look, stop.
Starting point is 02:59:17 Go up. Look at that. That's a gray T-shirt. Gray T-shirts look sweaty instantly. Yeah. Instantly. I recall. This is hilarious.
Starting point is 02:59:29 She probably pulled it back a couple times. Am I done yet? God, you can't even get me in the UFC. Fucking loser. My father's a loser and he takes pills. Yeah. No shit, dude. I want you to love me. Well, get me in the fucking UFC.
Starting point is 02:59:44 All my friends are going, dude, that thing that's really fucked up is like there's some kid whose parents are making 20K a year who's working his fucking ass off, just somehow managing to study nonstop to try to get into a good school who doesn't get into the school because of that shit. That's the satanic part is like they buy their way in and that's someone's place they have a limited number of places meaning like theoretically someone doesn't get into the school who could be the person who is gonna you know invent teleportation or some shit yeah isn't that weird with schools like you have your first choice you got your second choice. Yeah. Billy got his third choice. Fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:00:25 Fuck, Billy's going home. Where's he going? South Dakota. Fuck, Billy. What's in South Dakota? Yeah. Flat ground. Dude, I get it, though.
Starting point is 03:00:35 I mean, I get wanting to get into some Ivy League. I get it. Illuminati school. I think that'd be cool. Especially if you're in. If you're in the Illuminati and your kid's a dope. Shit. That sucks so bad. You're in the Illuminati and your kids are dope. Shit! That sucks so bad! You're in the Illuminati
Starting point is 03:00:48 with an embarrassing kid. Like, I don't swear that much around my kids. My kids don't know how I talk around my friends. What if that's how it is with Illuminati, too? These kids don't even know their parents were in the Illuminati. Look, I'm trying to get you to be
Starting point is 03:01:03 in a better position in life, but I was working all the time i wasn't around i didn't push you hard enough no shit but i got you into yale or they fucking know you're in it and they're just like you're like did you get into my fucking adrenochrome again they're like breaking into your vaults you know taking your fucking like goblets of blood and drinking it at parties. Don't drink any more of my blood. You have to stop this. You know? You join them into Skull and Bones. Don't they bring their kids to Skull and Bones?
Starting point is 03:01:32 I don't think so. I think they do. I think once they're in, their son turns 30, they say, son, I'm going to show you something. They take them. Take them to the Skull and Bones. Don't they? They bring them in? No, if you go to school there, you get into it, right?
Starting point is 03:01:46 I think that's how you get in the school. That's how you get in? It's like legacy stuff, right? Legacy. Is that how you get in or is that how you get in Skull and Bones? I don't think the whole school gets to be Skull and Bones. No, no, no. But that's how you get accepted is what I meant.
Starting point is 03:01:58 That's how you get into the school. Isn't that funny? If you're in a place like Yale, which is very exclusive and very prestigious already, some creeps, like, that's not enough. I want to get in a secret cult dick-sucking society. What do they do? They don't suck dicks, do they? Well, you know what?
Starting point is 03:02:14 Wasn't there a rumor that they make each other blow each other and take photos of it so that they have something over them? That was one of the crazy online conspiracy theories, right? Yeah. They make every guy suck a dick and they take Polaroids of it, so they always have it. They hold over them. That was what's one of the crazy online conspiracy theories, right? They make every guy suck a dick and they take Polaroids of it, so they always have it. They hold over you. I think that's just fraternity stuff, but yeah. Is that normal fraternity stuff?
Starting point is 03:02:32 I mean, Bert's talked about that biscuit thing and whatever for it. Yeah, they would jerk off on a biscuit, right? Yeah, that's the circle jerk thing. And the last guy to come had to eat the biscuit. But no one's really doing it except for the one idiot that... Yeah, one guy who can't come because he's just jerking off thinking about guys all the time and he just go yeah i sucked a bunch of my
Starting point is 03:02:50 friend's dicks who's cares i mean aren't we in a time now where like like a picture of me emerges sucking all my friends dicks i think there's more to it i think they peg you or something they take pictures of them wearing a strap on so you got pegged yeah but some people don't want everybody you know they want to rise through the branch at Raytheon and get to the top. Everyone at Raytheon gets pegged. Like, you know, that's just like, fuck it. Like, yeah, we all get pegged.
Starting point is 03:03:16 Now what? So what? We're inventing bombs. Now, you know, like, who cares? Of course we get pegged. Yeah, but the guy's wearing a goat costume. So what? I like to wear a goat costume when I get pegged i like too much kinky shit it's like god damn it i hope we get to a time
Starting point is 03:03:29 where like they take pictures of someone doing a fucking thing that's legit fucked up so that you know and they get banished for it it's like i'm god forbid like i can't even imagine the polaroids that could emerge of weird shit i've done you know i've imagine. You can't imagine. I can't. But that being said, it's like, yeah, I wonder what, I think what the initiation, I get it. Like, it is, look, let's face it. You're not going to chop it right here. It's fun to be a part of a little tiny group
Starting point is 03:03:57 that's a part of an exclusive group, right? You got the exclusive group, that's Yale, and then you get the little skull and bones. We all get together. All brothers in the room. They they probably have like secret words they have to say in latin and shit yeah i mean we that's the thing that i imagine based on the way i have come to understand things whatever it is is way more boring than we imagine because you know what i mean like when you don't know what a thing is, you always project the worst thing on it.
Starting point is 03:04:26 My guess is it's boring as fuck. It's probably just some college bullshit where people are in a frat, sit around and make dumb jokes and do stupid shit, and it's nothing. They probably don't even peg you. They probably just take a Polaroid of your asshole.
Starting point is 03:04:40 Got it. Look. We got you. Keep your mouth shut. Yeah, we have a picture of your asshole. It's your soul's fingerprint. Don't show anybody. It's your soul's fingerprint.
Starting point is 03:04:52 Imagine if your asshole told a lot about you. That's the biggest discovery. Like you look in a person's eyes, you know, and you see their soul. It's the windows to the soul. What if the asshole is like, you could really know whether you like someone just by looking at their asshole. If something about the asshole tells you things. Books come out decoding your asshole. People read hands.
Starting point is 03:05:16 They read fingerprints. Why can't they read assholes? I bet assholes tell you a lot, just like someone's eyebrows do. Someone's got mean eyebrows. Like, whoa, that guy looks aggressive. I don't trust it. If a guy's got big, thick, bushy eyebrows and he's not mean, I get suspicious. He's all friendly with his big, crazy fucking eyebrows.
Starting point is 03:05:36 But all the villains have big, crazy eyebrows. They're all angry. Yeah, those crazy eyebrows. Yeah. Right? Yeah. It's just like, man, for for one here's probably for sure we don't know that you can't tell a person's future from their asshole yet because no one's thought of it that could be the new thing that people pick up as a business during
Starting point is 03:05:56 this pandemic yeah asshole reading yeah or what if it's like a what if it's like there's... Maybe an app. Just scan it. A scan. It's a discount. A QR code. Your asshole flots into a QR code. All this time we've been looking for alien signals from space. We didn't know. It was in our assholes. Yeah, it was all photos of our assholes. If you put them together on a grid, it gives us the diagram of how to build a spaceship
Starting point is 03:06:23 to get out of here. We just have to have all the photos. It's like a giant jigsaw puzzle with 8 billion pieces. You take 8 billion assholes and you put them on a grid and you'll see the schematics. Behold. It'll tell us exactly when the sun's going to supernova. About 50 years. Maybe.
Starting point is 03:06:41 What if that's what the quantum computer, the first thing it says is, I need pictures of all the assholes on the planet. If you vote, you have to show a photo of your asshole before you vote. You have to have it on your phone. And that's your thing. Instead of a thumbprint. No, thumbprints are not exact. Assholes are exact. Exact.
Starting point is 03:07:00 They're not exact. Assholes are exact. Exact. And they don't get changed by workouts or they don't like, you know, your thumbprint, your hands can get bigger. It could be a little bit different. How do you know? I don't know that assholes don't get changed from workouts.
Starting point is 03:07:15 Well, they can. One thing they can do with your thumbprint, right? Some people burn their prints off. You can't really burn. I guess you could burn your asshole into an unreadable. That's one of the levels of the CIA. Yeah, you're tired of people reading your asshole. I can't get a good relationship because people keep reading my asshole wrong. Fuck.
Starting point is 03:07:32 Look, I'm more than my asshole. Let's end with that. Okay. Dude, we just did three and a half hours. Holy shit, man. it went by so fast it's crazy it's four o'clock already listen man your show looks amazing I'm very excited for you I'm very happy for you
Starting point is 03:07:53 tell people once again it's on Netflix on Netflix it's called The Midnight Gospel please just watch it I'm very proud of it and I think you'll enjoy it Duncan, Duncan Trussell on Twitter, Duncan Trussell on Instagram. Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 03:08:11 Thank you, brother. I love you. Thank you, brother. I love you, too. Always good to see you, man. This was really fun. Thank you. Bye, everybody.
Starting point is 03:08:15 See you. That was so fun, dude.

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