The Joe Rogan Experience - #1497 - Joe Schilling

Episode Date: June 25, 2020

Joe Schilling is an American Muay Thai kickboxer and MMA fighter who competes in the super middleweight and light heavyweight and the Middleweight division of Bellator MMA. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stitch them up What's up brother? How you doing? We're rolling Rolling So I've been talking about you a lot lately I appreciate that You know I love you
Starting point is 00:00:11 I love you too But it's also your Instagram page has become a highlight of police brutality And I know you take a lot of shit for it But I think it's very important And we were just talking about this I think it's important not just for the people But I think it's very important and we were just talking about this I think it's important not just for the people, but I think it's important for the police I think it's important for police reform I think they need to see like this is this is what happens when you have shitty people doing this very
Starting point is 00:00:36 Fucking difficult job, and you got a lot of them. Mm-hmm. I think you know my thing was it just became Everybody just always says well it's only a few bad apples a few bad apples a few bad apples and I'm like well I can just show you there's a lot of these bad apples you know what I mean and I think that like you said it's better for future police but if they're so scared to do their job it's because everyone hates them because everybody hates them because they're constantly being dickheads to everybody that makes it worse for the good cops you know what i mean i i do know what you mean
Starting point is 00:01:07 we were i was talking about this the other day with coleon noir and we were saying that it's a job that is almost impossible to do for the average person you need to be like a fucking navy seal you need to be like a person who's gone through some rigorous training and a person who really understands how to diffuse situations you need to be a person person who's gone through some rigorous training and a person who really understands how to diffuse situations. You need to be a person who knows how to keep your shit together, a person who knows how to respect people. They need a lot more training. Jocko Willink was talking about that. He said, I think they should have 20% training.
Starting point is 00:01:37 He goes, they train for like a couple of weeks. Like nine weeks or something. Yeah, and then it's over. And then they're out there in the field. He goes, I think 20% of their time should be spent training i don't mean to interrupt you maybe it's even worse than that is it's not nine weeks and then the field in la county you want to be a sheriff it's nine weeks or however long and if it's 10 weeks i'm sorry 12 weeks it's not that many weeks right out of the academy you go straight to two years in this in the jail they're
Starting point is 00:02:03 like oh all those all the human interaction you've had before you went to the academy, now we're going to surround you by the worst examples of everybody for two years. And then you're going to go on the streets and try to be normal. You go to jails for two years? Two year minimum. What? All sheriffs. That's probably because they just need people in the jails, right?
Starting point is 00:02:20 Well, that goes back to what? I mean, I feel like they, uh. There's a lot of shit going on there. there's a lot of shit going on there there's a lot of shit going on there first of all there's private prisons then there's drug laws that's that's those are the two big ones you want to find out why the fucking prisons are filled up with people those are two big ones right there how many people are in jail for shit they should never be in jail for decisions that other people make with their own body that doesn't harm anybody other than themselves. You could buy alcohol, but you can't buy coke.
Starting point is 00:02:50 You can't buy weed. You can't buy nonviolent drug offenses is a giant percentage of the population. And then you said they go to jail for that because they made a mistake. But then they don't just get out of jail and they're free. They put you on probation and they put these extended five years probation anything's a probation violation and then they just keep you back into that same system back into the same system back to the same system you know father's day i was uh i was out back i did like a post around my kids and you know i'm really uh proud of my kids so i did a post on father's day and then i was like man it's father's day i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:03:22 chill i'm smoking joint fucking crack a beer it's like 10 o'clock in the morning i can do that on father's day you know and uh sitting there a swirl of joy and i'm like i want to do a post for ignite shout out to ignite and um i'm like it hit me like it's father's day how many fathers are in prison right now still to this day over something that i can do legally and post on the instagram now it's insane not only that it's insane in jail for something that's now an essential and post on the Instagram now. It's insane. Not only that. It's insane. In jail for something that's now an essential. It's an essential thing that you can do during COVID. When everything was locked down, you could still buy weed.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's nuts. It's crazy. And then you can't just blindly turn your eyes to all this stuff. No. With everything going on in the world, that's why I'm putting this stuff on my Instagram. It needs to be seen. Yeah, I'm glad you're doing it, you know
Starting point is 00:04:06 And I know you take a lot of hate for it and that's one of the reasons why I highlighted it I want to shine people your way and let them know like you're you're doing you're not doing this cuz you're a dickhead You're doing it because you're you're showing horrible shit. There's a video that you show that I've watched so many times man There's a the cop that rear naked chokes that lady and throws her to the ground for no reason. Horrendous. No reason. Horrendous. And you would see him some days.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm like, sometimes I don't have time. I'm not even going to look at the comments because I don't want to go there. But some days, like today I got time. I will battle with these fucking assholes in the comments all day long. They'll defend that. Well, she shouldn't have resisted. I want context. Show me context.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Like if that was your mom, what scenario or context are you looking for that that would be okay or your to jump on your back or your daughter yeah or your grandma yeah jesus christ it's nuts it's nuts it's people that shouldn't be cops and it's too easy to be a cop it's too easy and they don't get paid enough and they don't they don't get trained well enough and this defunding the police shit is the wrong way to handle it. I know they think it's the right way to handle it. Yeah, we're just, these cops are bad. We just take away all the money. Oh my God, you're going to create fucking chaos.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I don't know. I haven't looked into the defunding thing a lot. I've heard about it a lot. But when you talk about defunding, let's talk about why do these cops need fucking tanks in downtown? Why do these cops need all these AR-15s and full bullet? Like, what are we training for? We're trying to scare people. Why are we spending all of these tax dollars to scare people?
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm going to show you some shit that John Joseph sent me. My buddy John Joseph from the Cro-Mags. This is a show that people who have different points of view can be good friends. Because he's a good friend of mine. He wrote a book called meat is for pussies So there you go folks we can all get along we really can you fucking idiots Anyway, he he sent me some shit his friend is he's working homicide in Harlem and
Starting point is 00:06:00 21 people got shot the other day because nobody wants to be a cop there anymore So it's fucking madness. Like he said, it is madness in New York City. Like literally, goddammit, where can I find it? Like nobody wants to do the fucking job. He's like, it's crazy down there. They didn't want to do the job before, or they don't want to do the job now that the heat and the spotlight is on them.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Now everybody's resigning. Well, if I can't do whatever I want and have absolute immunity, then I don't want the job anymore. You shouldn't have had the fucking job to begin with. That's a good point, too. You know what I mean? Like, why did you have the job? All right, look at this.
Starting point is 00:06:33 This is all the fucking people that got shot the other night. That's one day. This is what's, that's what happens when there's no cops. When there's no cops and no one's policing anything, people just go ham. I mean, that's what you saw in Santa Monica. Santa Monica is as white as Wonder Bread, right? It's crazy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And it was crazy during the looting. I mean, crazy. The cops were told to stand down. They were told to stand around and watch. So the whole thing of, you know, hey, you need the cops. When you call them, you need them. When shit goes crazy, the cops are there for you. Not that time.
Starting point is 00:07:07 The sheriff actually told them to not do anything. So people were smashing windows and stealing things, and they're standing around, and there's videos of this one guy running around the street pointing guns at people, cars smashing into each other. It's like a movie. What was the point of telling them to stand down? I think they thought that people were going to burn all this anger out, the George Floyd anger, and that somehow or another, like,
Starting point is 00:07:29 let them do it and then we'll clean up the mess. It's just incompetent policing. It's incompetent leadership. So does the person that made that choice, do we vote for him? Because everybody should probably vote for her. Like, these are the kind of decisions that need to be made. And you have to ask yourself, what was the purpose in telling them that? Well, this is a liberal, progressive perspective.
Starting point is 00:07:47 This is something that they've tried in a bunch of different cities. They also, de Blasio did the same thing in New York City. Cops were literally told to stand down. And the cops are standing there, and they're doing nothing while people are, just fucking videos. The videos from New York City are the nuttiest,
Starting point is 00:08:02 because people are filming them from their apartments. So they're looking down on the street while cars are running people over and people are smashing into windows and running in and stealing stuff like all these kids just wanting free shit nothing to do with black lives for the most part a lot of them are just opportunists looking for stealing and then also caught up in the chaos of the smashing windows and stealing stuff and then the cops aren't doing anything and they're young and they've been out of work for three fucking months and everybody's broke it's just so many factors compounded together but Giuliani was actually on Fox News talking about there's a particular like political perspective on how to deal with looting and riots
Starting point is 00:08:39 in these particular situations and the idea is to let it burn out let these people burn it out of their system but that it doesn't work he's like this is an outdated style of of policing that they they've figured out doesn't work in like the 60s and 70s but there's a lot of progressive people that are in positions of leadership that still think it's a good idea it seems like a terrible idea well nobody knows really what the fuck to do when everything goes haywire it's like theories like what's the theory like what do you do well better protect lives, but don't worry about property because everything's gone nuts. And then the other perspective is send in the fucking National Guard and everybody's like, don't do that. That's the military. So I don't know what the correct
Starting point is 00:09:15 perspective is. And thank God I'm not a fucking governor or a mayor. That's when you know things are fucked. If someone like me ever gets to a position like that. Yeah, I don't know. Part of me thinks that the National Guard would be service, you know, off-duty servicemen or however that works, that are from this city or from the area, would probably do a lot better job and get more respect than the police that are driving around shooting kids with pepper balls and doing all this crazy shit we're seeing everywhere.
Starting point is 00:09:39 You would say that, but one of the most egregious videos of police brutality was the National Guard in Minnesota, where those girls were on their porch. I don't know if you saw that one. And these National Guard dickheads are walking down the street like, get inside, get inside. And they go, light them up. And they're shooting rubber bullets at these fucking girls in their house. They're on their porch.
Starting point is 00:10:00 It's insane. These girls got hit. It's insane. And she's like, ow, fuck. And she's like inside her house and then a bunch of people have lost eyes there's a bunch of people who lost eyes doing this there's so many and everyone now everyone's just tagging me in videos and it's overwhelming that kid that got shot in the face other one lost his eye yeah multiple people have lost their eye
Starting point is 00:10:18 journalists have lost their eyes the video i posted of that guy they're like all squared up like uh he's like walking to him talking shit or whatever Yeah smoking a cigarette and they mace him in the face and he turns around like a fucking G like hits the cigarette like what? A dick turns back and they shoot him in the face point-blank with like I think it's a can of tear gas canister Yeah to the face in the face. I saw it. I mean it explodes in his face Yeah, who knows what happened to that guy you know but it's yeah that is not serving or protecting it's neither of those things on any level on any level and you know i get it man look there's a fucking video we want to talk about the other perspective there's a video go to
Starting point is 00:10:56 hector lombard's instagram there's a video i mean this is where it gets really squirrely because there's this dumb white guy who's in the face of this black cop the black cop's not doing anything he's doing his job and this guy's calling him a bitch he's calling him all these terrible names he's inches from
Starting point is 00:11:15 this scrawny ass man bun wearing dickhead is in this cop's face like what happened to Black Lives Matter? like if this is Black Lives Matter this is a black guy like what are you doing doing he's not even doing anything man he's standing there trying to keep the peace and you're fucking with him inciting him it's people man it's people people there's a lot of us suck and in pressure situations a lot of us suck and and these cops that you're seeing that are doing these horrible things
Starting point is 00:11:46 They're just fucking people ma'am and if you give a person that insane power to Mace a guy in the face then shoot him in the head with a fucking tear gas canister That guy's got to be a held accountable and you got to make sure that never fucking happens again And if you that video should be used for training purposes, but everybody else on that that day They say like there's good cups everybody else on that guy's team knows that guy you know I mean they know that guy you're in a locker room with all your buddies or whatever you know who cheats on his wife and who doesn't like you know that guy you know that guy's a fucking asshole
Starting point is 00:12:16 you know what I mean right so but what do you do it's just like I mean I look at it they feel like they can't do anything because those people protect them if they're in the middle of a fucking shootout They don't want to be the guy that doesn't get back up because you rat it out the guy that shot the guy with the tear canister Well, if that's the problem that we're facing then it's time to clear and clean house and start all over again And everybody needs to be You're all fired and then you can reapply for your job, but you're getting to reapply for your job from a completely different system
Starting point is 00:12:47 or a pretty different interview process, somebody that's not attached to you. Because if that's the problem that you have is now I can't trust, these guys aren't going to trust me, then what are we supposed to do? Just say it's okay every time that happens? Yeah, we shouldn't. We definitely shouldn't say it's okay. They need reform.
Starting point is 00:13:04 There's no question about it. Anybody who says they don't need reform needs to go to the Joe Schilling's Instagram page. And for real, the other one, the old man, that fucking old man that gets pushed down and cracks his fucking head. And then those guys in solidarity quit and walk off the job. Yeah, and then when the guys get released from whatever cops got charged or released from whatever, all the other cops are outside pausing them. Yeah. You can't push an old guy to the ground
Starting point is 00:13:32 and he cracks his head open and you walk away. I don't know what that old guy said to them. I mean, he was apparently an old hippie that's like been a peace activist forever. And, you know, he's like 80-something years old or something like that He's really old man. Like when that 70 something years old Do you remember 75 when he gets pushed man, you could see he's feeble. He falls
Starting point is 00:13:53 He has no control over his body and bangs his fucking head off the concrete and they just leave him there man They just leave him there. No one's doing CPR. No one's calling a medic. No one's checking him No one's holding his hand and no one's doing CPR. No one's calling a medic. No one's checking him. No one's holding his hand No one's doing a goddamn thing like you just watch an assault you watch an assault on an old man on a helpless old man Yeah, a helpless woman or a hopeless 13 year old girl. You're slamming around like it's all yes weak weak weak weak Weak men that are doing this. Yes. Yeah, and these are the ones that we give I Don't know. it's like this lack of masculinity so we're like scared so we give somebody else the power and you're giving
Starting point is 00:14:30 weak-minded people guns and power right you know what i'm giving people guns and power that the psychological ramifications of that job must be crazy if you're day in day out seeing gunshots and fucking suicides and car accidents and stabbings and rape and all day long you're seeing the worst aspects of humanity that your mind gets fucked i've talked to a lot of cops that are good guys and they'll tell you like the job is hard man like there's days where you literally you would you think about taking your own life so you don't have to see anything anymore they say that i've heard that from cops and these are not cops that are abusive they're cops that are just like man i'm telling you it's like you get overwhelmed like you can only walk up on so many suicides so many shotgun
Starting point is 00:15:21 wounds to the face you can only walk up on so many of those and keep your sanity. And the other thing that Jocko Willink was saying was that it's the same thing in the teams. Psychologically, some people can handle anything, and some people cannot handle anything. Some people, just one or two things, and they're off tilt. They just can't. Oh, for sure. But some people, they can go back home to their family and be a good dad and be a good husband and be a good neighbor and be a good person and just, just absorb it and just, you know, go, well, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:54 it's horrible, but Hey, that's life. That's tough. Then that's another area that needs to be reformed is mental health with officers or whatever, but we can't just ignore the whole, the whole thing and say, well, you know, it's a tough job. No, we can't. It's like the Chris Rock thing about, like, you can't be a sometimes a good pilot to be a pilot. You can't just crash into things. You can't go without accountability, you know, which off topic. But, like, that's how I feel about judges.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Like, how many fights can you screw up before there's an accountability there? Yes, yes. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, that's how I feel about judges. Like, how many fights can you screw up before there's an accountability there? Yes. You know what I mean? Yeah. No, that's a real good point. Yeah. I mean, it's like basically every job, you know, it's just some jobs have much higher consequences. And cops, it's like the highest.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It's one of the highest. Cops, soldiers, the highest consequences of your mistakes. And zero accountability. Very little. Very little. They only do, cops don't go to regular court. They get internal investigations. They all protect their own. They protect each other.
Starting point is 00:16:53 They're on their own little team. That woman, what is her name? Breonna Taylor? Is that her name? The woman who got shot in her home? And then no knock warrant, kicked down the wrong door. Shot through the window. She was playing with her son or little brother or somebody in the bed of the video game.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And then they charged her boyfriend or husband with attempted murder for shooting back at the person who's shooting through the window. They didn't tell them they were cops. Insane. I mean, they have this guy cuffed in a fucking jumpsuit going to jail it's crazy it's and and the cop who did that only got fired that's it there was another one where the guy got and just now just now got fired by the way that that happened quite a while ago uh the the one i posted of the guy in the hotel where they called the he had a pellet gun because he was like a out- out of town exterminator and he's with his girlfriend in a hotel room and they call the cops.
Starting point is 00:17:49 The cops come and they're like lined up down the hall with an AR-15 screaming and ridiculous orders. Yes. Crawl. Crawl over here. Hands behind your back. Crawl while you have, stretch your head in your temple, but don't fucking move or I'll kill you.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Don't reach back. The guy kept losing his pants because he didn't have a belt on. He's crying. He's like, please, please. and they just fucking gun him down while he's belly down So they already knew what they wanted to do and they're waiting for him to give the reason well exactly It's not hard to tell that guy is not a threat Just like it's not hard to tell that that woman like the one where the they throw the woman down and she jumps the cop Jumps on her back and puts her in a rear naked choke What do you do when you argue with your wife at home or your sister or your girlfriend like when at what point does
Starting point is 00:18:29 your where do you get the right to just jump to that conclusion just because you're a cop that woman's not a threat to you no that old man that i posted yesterday they body slammed it you know it's just i don't know if you saw the one where there's a guy who got pulled over going five miles an hour over the speed limit and the officer is threatening to pepper spray him because he's filming. Oh, yeah. See that one? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:50 There's a lot of them, man. There's a lot of them. There's another one where it's a black guy and he's just going on, like losing his shit on the cop. That's a new one, right? Yeah. I just saw it recently. He's like, you pulled me over for not using my turn signal and you walked up to my window with a gun. I have a gun pointed at me. Yeah. What the wrong with you i got kids i got a wife i want to
Starting point is 00:19:09 live my life why the fuck because yeah because i made a turn a turn signal right why are these guys so terrified to do their job well you don't know what it's like to work the streets of south side of chicago there's people that live in south side of chicago there's people that grow up there there's people that are raised there there There's people that are raised there. There's old ladies that walk down the street there. You know what I mean? So don't tell me because you're too terrified to do your job, it makes it okay for you to kill people. Well, it's definitely not okay
Starting point is 00:19:33 to behave like that because they escalate way before it becomes a real thing. There's nothing going on. You're pulling a guy over. It's one thing if you're pulling a guy over and his windows are all blacked out and he's not complying He's not rolling down his window. You should get sketched out and you run his tag and he has 15 armed robbery charges or whatever, right it's
Starting point is 00:19:54 But then you know, it's just there needs to be solutions. All this complaining about it is great. It's good I really think what you're doing is very good because it and I think the cops should think it too I really think what you're doing is very good. And I think the cops should think it too. They really should, man, because it should highlight the need for reform and highlight the need for education and highlight the need for better training and better funding. You want better people? You've got to pay them.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You can't have billboards up that say, earn $50,000 a year, have a great gig. That's not the people you want, man. You want it to be difficult to be a cop. It like a joke but it's not a joke you need more training time to become a barber than it is to become a cop that's a fact that's not a joke it sounds like a joke it's not a joke it's a fucking fact we give these people that have like very little training whatsoever and a little very little background on their mental stability you know a fucking weirdo when you meet him joe you're like oh that guy's a little off you're not going to give that guy a fucking gun and a badge and then the right to do
Starting point is 00:20:53 whatever he wants and that's what we do and it keeps biting us in the ass all the time yeah i have a buddy of mine and uh he has this dude who was his trainer that kept trying to be a cop. The guy was fucking insane, fucking insane. He would tell him in the middle of training, Jesus doesn't want you doing that right now. Jesus wants you doing something different. And he'd be like, what? He's like, Jesus wants you doing squats today. Just got to trust in the Lord, man.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Today it's squats. He's like, what the fuck are you saying? He's like, he was wrong. Like something's off in his head, right? And he just kept saying that, yeah, Long Beach turned me down. So, you know, I'm going to try for the Pasadena Police Department. Like this guy was mentally unstable and he kept trying to become a cop. Now, if one police department was light on people and they needed that guy and they gave that guy a gun and let that guy
Starting point is 00:21:45 pull people over and Jesus tells him to shoot somebody. Florida's saying that they would take on the police department and Florida said we would take all the
Starting point is 00:21:51 police officers at the other state that got in trouble or whatever. Atlanta? Whatever the fucking thing was. Atlanta's all the police officers are not responding.
Starting point is 00:22:00 There's people that applied to be in the military and didn't pass the thing but still became cops. It takes a lower standard to be a police officer in the u.s than it is to be a soldier in the u.s that's crazy what are we doing and what and what is the you know we have the same process when i was in high school the guys come around in their suits they you know they if you take the asbap son on, we can show you the world.
Starting point is 00:22:26 You get a free education, all that shit. You don't qualify for them, but I can still get a badge and a gun and people are going to respect me. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:22:33 There's a lot of that shit going on. That's real. That's real. You know what I mean? No ifs, ands, or buts about it. And it's just a poor management. It's a poor management decision to run the police departments that way
Starting point is 00:22:46 to have them that underfunded to have them that poorly represented because i know there's good cops out there i've met them i know good guys that are cops for sure for sure me too i've trained i've trained cops yeah i've trained good cops i'm like oh that seems like a good guy and i've seen and met other cops and i'm like that dude is not'm like, that dude is not all there. Right. That dude's not all there. And everybody in the fucking precinct knows, oh, that's Dewey. You know, don't worry about Dewey. He's a good guy. Yeah, just don't get pulled over by him. Just don't get pulled over by him.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah. Yeah. We're in a crisis in this country in many ways. And Jocko was talking about this, that it's a leadership crisis it's all from the top down you know and uh it's a leadership when it comes to the president leadership crisis governors mayors sheriffs and then the cops themselves it's it's a bunch of people that really don't have the character to be doing that and look it it's a... I wouldn't wish it on anybody, man. That's a tough fucking...
Starting point is 00:23:47 All those gigs we just... Being a governor, fucking insanely hard. I couldn't imagine being responsible for the economy of a whole state. Especially like California. That's why our goofy governor keeps calling it a nation state. It might as well be a fucking nation.
Starting point is 00:24:01 There's 40 million people in this motherfucker. That's a lot of people, man. That's crazy. I don't want that's a lot of people man that's crazy i don't want that job but if you're gonna have that job you got you better be fucking really good man you better be really good i think that we need four-year terms for everybody of major powers like this so that we don't end up with these career politicians and career you know this just stays the same and you build your your relationships and the shit just stays the same there's no accountability there's no fresh blood coming in maybe that's a k a good key for cops to have a four-year like term and then you're up for review or the police chief
Starting point is 00:24:35 you know the police how the police i can only imagine it that's why i like uh like lethal weapon or whatever martin and riggs walk in or whatever and he's like oh you know the commissioner commissioner gordon's breathing down my neck. You got to stop choking all these guys out. And they're like, you know, I don't give a fuck, but, you know, the commissioner's down my back. He's not saying, hey, motherfucker, you're fired. I'm going to press charges on your fucking ass.
Starting point is 00:24:54 That's not how we do things. You know what I mean? But then there's always the romantic crazy cop. Like Riggs in Lethal Weapon was the romantic crazy cop. It was kind of cool he's a little unhinged but he gets a job done yeah right you know but those guys are never abusive in those movies the unhinged guys are always heroes yeah they're always heroes and cool with people but they just you know eat cold
Starting point is 00:25:18 pizza in the morning and a blender and they fucking smoke cigarettes and then they choke people so my son Jackson was uh scared of the police before I was ever into any of that or said doing like when I noticed it I was aware of it I like took a step like step back and looked at myself he's getting this from me and he wasn't he was like three or four years old and we would pull I remember one day we pulled in to the bank and I parked between two cop cars and my older son son gets out of the car, and I'm like, where's Jackson? He's still in the back, and he's all tense in the back seat. I'm like, what's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:25:51 And he's like, he wouldn't say anything. My older son's like, oh, he's scared of the cops. I'm like, why? Because all he sees is cops come when you're in trouble. Cops take you to jail. Cops do bad things. When I was a kid in Bellbrook, Ohio where I grew up, we had
Starting point is 00:26:07 a cat and it used to always go up in the tree. And my mom would call the police in the fire department anytime the cat went in the fucking tree. That's old school. We'd try. Right? We'd try. You know, I couldn't climb a tree that high. You know, get down and you're going to fall. And then she'd call the fucking police in the fire department.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And they'd come and they'd be cool and that fucking cop would give us cracker cracker jacks and when a cop drove by he waved at you you know what i mean that's small town life well that was like how shit should be now it's like if i'm at a fucking quiznos and i'm like oh man excuse me officer what time is it i want my fucking lunch break they're just fucking dickheads all the time. They pull you over. What are you doing speeding in my town? You know?
Starting point is 00:26:47 It's just like this overwhelming fuck you all the time. I got cop stories. I got cop stories. I know you do. I got a few cop stories. There's a lot of cop stories to have. Good and bad.
Starting point is 00:26:59 But you only hear the bad ones. There's a lot of interactions every day that people have with cops that are positive. I'm sure. But it's just exactly like the chris rock joke you really can't have bad apples when it's that job no just like you can't have bad fire department people you can't have bad pilots you can't have it's just a job you got to do right and that's like for how long like that's why lately i've been posting videos from like three years ago
Starting point is 00:27:26 four years ago same type of shit like this is an old video and nothing's changed yeah Rodney King wasn't that long ago there was another one that just came out this guy's handcuffed on his back and they're beating him with tons telling him to put his legs down while they're beating the shit out of him and then the guy that
Starting point is 00:27:42 got pulled over or fell asleep in wendy's parking lot cop pulls him over he's like hey what are you doing the guy's like look man i was fighting with my wife had you know who'd been drinking yes sir i've been drinking they hadn't he hadn't been driving that they could prove yet so they're like well can you take his breathalyzer he's like well you know i'm already been drinking he's like that's just part of my investigation it's no big deal the reality was they needed him to take the breathalyzer because they could then they could arrest him. Because if they didn't see him actually drive, they couldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So they trick him into doing that. Then they arrest him. When they arrest him, he's got his hands behind his back. Maybe he's tussling or whatever. Nobody wants to get arrested. While they're tasing him in the back multiple times. These idiots give up the taser. So he's running away with the taser and they shoot him in the back.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yeah, we were talking about that one. He turned, didn't he turn and point the taser at him, or is that what they said? On the video, it looks like he could do whatever. I can't keep up with the investigations of what day things are being found. Maybe there was a shot left in it. That's why there was a pop heard.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I don't know. So there might have been a shot left in it. People are saying that? Yeah, and there was i i don't know so there might have been a shot left in it people are saying that yeah that's what i don't know okay i don't know but either way but if i tase you in the back four times it doesn't give you the right to kill me but if i shoot or may aim one in your general direction it's ice this motherfucker and it wasn't like that guy was you had a conversation with him he just said he would go home he was daughter his uh daughters were at his sister's house. They'll just leave the car here and go. But they already had the agenda of what they wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Why shouldn't that guy just go home? Mark Lamont Hill had a really important point. He said, why is that a case even for the police? There should be something else, like some other division that just handles nonviolent people that are just in need of assistance. If you've got a guy who's drunk in a parking lot, division that just handles non-violent people that are just in need of assistance if you got a guy who's drunk in a parking lot there should just be some people that if you want to cite him and give him some sort of a fine or suspend his license for 30 days or something like that
Starting point is 00:29:34 something non-violent but that guy should just get a ride home and if he says that he drove there well hey man you can't drive drunk you're in trouble for that. But to try to tase him and all that other shit, there's no need for that. See, I'm torn on that is that, yes, you're absolutely right. Somebody should be able to see that. I just don't think that it's out of the realm of possibilities that the police could be called to that scene and not end up shooting the guy.
Starting point is 00:29:59 They should have the same wherewithal that you and I are having in this conversation to be like, oh, dude, what are you doing? Your wife's probably pissed you're dumb drunk right now. They should have the same wherewithal that you and I are having in this conversation to be like, oh, dude, what are you doing? Yeah. Your wife's probably pissed you're dumb drunk right now. And that's one of the ones where the Atlanta Police Department is all walking off in solidarity because their guy was charged with felony murder. And so they all quit. Yeah. A lot of them are just not responding to things.
Starting point is 00:30:18 They basically don't feel like they're supported and they want to let people know, like, this is what we do. This is how hard this job is so this is what it's like when cops don't respond that is the most idiotic baby little child to do i can't even get behind that at all well if you i'm taking my ball and i'm going home then if you don't want me here then i'm leaving i don't even know it's ridiculous it's not going to change the the The the charges if they charged him with felony murder They're not gonna uncharge him with felony murder because the cops aren't responding and once it's like just shows that once they don't care about their community
Starting point is 00:30:57 They don't care about their oath. They don't care about protecting and serving for you. They care about staying together You know, that's what we're saying earlier earlier but this is that's the oath right that's the you know the code of silence you you have to protect those other people because the shit could go down you need them to have your back it's it's i'm not saying it's right but i'm saying that is how it works in the police department that's terrible did you ever see the documentary the seven 7-5? I didn't. You should see it. It's fucking crazy. It's The 7-5.
Starting point is 00:31:28 The 7-5. It is all about this guy, this guy Mike Dowd, who's out now, who became a corrupt police officer, just joined the force because he wanted to be a cop, and then right away was introduced to the fact that this whole fucking thing is bad. It's all corrupt they're
Starting point is 00:31:45 all bad cops they're all doing fucked up shit i'm pretty sure they pushed a guy out of a window like one of the first days that he got there someone got killed and they would just say this is how it works and then cut to many years later he's robbing drug dealers and selling drugs and they're organizing hits on people like it's a crazy fucking movie and it's from his words and his former partner's words and it just details how everything went completely sideways and it just shows you like imagine if you were one of those guys and that's your job you're a fucking cop and you're in this precinct with all these other corrupt cops and you're like well this is what, well, this is what we do? So this is what we do. We just corrupt.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Fuck. It's like the mob mentality with the protests, right? You get a good protest or people protesting a real thing, people that are having a peaceful march doing that stuff, and then you compound they have been locked in their house for two months, everybody's broke, the Louvre is in their businesses, shit's getting fucking weird, they're just going crazy. But they're in the protest.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Now you have some asshole come up with a hammer and break a bunch of windows and start creating the drama. It causes a mob mentality, right? It's like people are smart, but mobs are stupid, right? Person is smart, people are stupid. That same thing happens with the cops, right? You're on a team, one guy starts doing shit, like bro, just shoot him in the face with a beanbag.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Nobody will see it. Oh, you fucking god. Right on. Pass me the gun. Boom. And they're all doing the same shit. There's definitely a lot of that. And then they're protecting themselves.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah. There's definitely a lot of that. There's also, there was some crazy shit where it was pretty much proven that some cops were the ones who were breaking windows in Minneapolis. Oh, yeah. Did you see that? There was one in New York where they were sawing the roll-up door open on a jewelry store. A cop was doing that?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah. I'll find the video for you. Oh, please find that video. It's like a miter saw or whatever, cutting the roll-up door on the jewelry shop. I think I saw that one. It was, if I remember, it might be incorrect. There was people, they got a call and there was people trapped in there. And they, like, had to get them out.
Starting point is 00:33:54 They might have been robbing it or something like that. But, like, they had to. Maybe. They got trapped in there robbing it? Yeah. I may be mistaken on that one, but I think I saw it. Oh, that's interesting. Jamie with the fact check.
Starting point is 00:34:03 That seems like a weird way to save people. Saw the fucking security door open. Because they broke it open in a bad way and snuck in. And they had to get with all their equipment and shit. So they used the metal saw thing. Hello 911? Yeah. Well, OK.
Starting point is 00:34:19 We were robbing this jewelry store. That seems like the type of thing that you would say when you were caught on camera robbing the jewelry store. Well, actually, there was somebody inside. I was trying to get them out. It was just a weird thing. It happens sometimes, you know, being a cop. That's true, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I mean, how many cops robbed things during all the melee? Had to be a lot, right? Come on. They had to. The one that I saw was a Target in Minneapolis where this cop that actually got recognized and he got identified. And this cop was smashing windows.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And these kids were like, hey, man, are you a fucking cop? He's like, fuck off. I'll kick your ass. And he's a big guy, too. Oh, that was a guy in Minneapolis. Yeah. He had the thing. He had a full face shield on and everything.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And they were like, this guy's wearing, like, police issue shoes, police issue clothes. So let's look at that. Why would they do that? Why would a cop cop do that because the cop wanted to break shit or is there a plan to get fucking drama started in a certain city and then that police station just happens to burn down and they they give it up too well i think in a lot of those situations how many records got destroyed when they burned down that police station oh that's a good point oh look at joe shillings thinking on multiple levels. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:25 I think what happens with a lot of this, you know, it's called an agent provocateur, right? And what they've used those people for before is to stop a peaceful protest. And the way they stop a peaceful protest, they turn it violent. And then they have the authorization to go in and break up the protest and arrest people. And that has been done. And that has been done. That absolutely has been done. It was done with the World Trade Organization protests in the early 2000s. They did that in Seattle.
Starting point is 00:35:53 That shit has been done. They do. It might be late 90s. But they fucking do that. That is a government tactic. And say you have a good protest and it has a good meaning and a good thing, and that's bad for you if you're the government you're trying like i don't really like this shit what do we do here
Starting point is 00:36:08 let's get some fucking assholes to go in there and start some shit we haven't we haven't let these people leave their house in two months they're gonna do some dumb shit right so we'll just start bashing up shit you know what let's plant some fucking bricks maybe we put some bricks on the street where all these people are gonna come they're gonna fuck all this shit up yeah the brick thing was weird you know know, in some circumstances, the bricks actually were there because of construction. That's been proven. There was one that was a synagogue in North Hollywood, and there was these, like, bricks set up right in front of the synagogue.
Starting point is 00:36:34 We're like, this is fucked up. Like, what is this about? Turned out even worse, that bricks had actually been there for a long time, and they were there to keep people from driving into the synagogue they were to stop a car from smashing through the front windows and killing people so they were worried after like the pittsburgh mass shooting and a couple other uh mass shootings they were worried about their synagogue so they set up these bricks to keep some fucking psycho from driving a car through the building which is i mean almost worse i almost
Starting point is 00:37:07 rather than i mean we have that everywhere though right we have that in like sunset boulevard or wherever there'll be like those concrete posts like that's a that's a normal thing i think i guess but this is one of their bricks because it was like set up by these folks that ran the synagogue and they they because the city didn't even protect it if they had to do it themselves. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. I mean, I think the city probably approved it. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:32 But it's a weird. See if you can find. I saw the picture. They're in like cages, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's weird. It's a good thing you can buy at Home Depot, I guess. Oh, you can?
Starting point is 00:37:38 For that reason? In case you run a synagogue that's being targeted by white supremacists. Maybe the city's not got your back. You're not worried about the cops showing up? in case you run a synagogue that's being targeted by white supremacists. Maybe the city's not got your back. You're not worried about the cops showing up? We're going to put these rock piles in front of your shit. It's just this whole COVID and then the George Floyd protests and then the riots and the looting and everything like that really highlights how fragile our civilization is.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Really shows everybody. Yeah. And how easily we are controlled through the media. Yep. Easily we're controlled. I try not to watch it anymore because, like, you're just getting brainwashed. And once you realize you're just being brainwashed, like, they just control how you feel about everything. They control you.
Starting point is 00:38:22 You hate this guy. Change the other channel. No, that guy's a good guy. This guy's, fuck this guy. It's just all misinformation. The who and Fauci one day that don't do masks. You don't need masks. The next day you need mask.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Cuomo needs 50,000 respirators and it puts them all in the nursing homes and all the nurse people die. But let's not talk about that. Yeah, that's the Cuomo nursing home thing is a giant scandal, man. He let those people go back to the nursing homes and all the nurse people die yeah let's not talk about that yeah that's the cuomo nursing home thing is a giant scandal man he let those people go back to the nursing homes they infected and killed thousands of people because of that and so his numbers go straight up you know and then like why are we incentivizing we even go into the code i mean why are we incentivizing hospitals to say that they were covet deaths. What is the purpose of that? It makes no sense. I think the idea was because this was a new disease and they required more financially.
Starting point is 00:39:14 It's more difficult to treat those people. They allocated more money towards people that had COVID. But when you do that, you do incentivize people to mark deaths as COVID. Yeah, there's people that get shot and they were like, well, he had COVID when he died. But did they test him for COVID? Well, it doesn'tize people to mark deaths as COVID. Yeah. There's people that get shot and they were like, well, he had COVID when he died,
Starting point is 00:39:26 but did they test him for COVID? Well, it doesn't matter. Just wrote it on there. But there are also numbers come out. Apparently there've also been a bunch of people that died and weren't COVID tested that they do believe died because of complications for COVID too. So the idea is that it could even possibly balance it out.
Starting point is 00:39:40 They don't know, but there are a lot of people that have like, here's a deceptive one that i've read it was really fucked up they were talking about this kid who was uh i think he was 17 who died from covid and they said uh he was uh they said he was healthy no under no other uh health issues they said but then you read the article deeper. It turns out he had diabetes. He had type 1 diabetes and he was 400 pounds. And it's like, wait a minute. That's not no issues.
Starting point is 00:40:12 These articles are full of shit. And they write those articles just so that you click on them because they get the fucking ad revenue from clicks. So they're incentivized to trick you into being scared. Like, oh my God god a 17 year old died What happened my 17 year old can die? Holy fuck and then you click on it, and if you don't read you know six seven paragraphs into the article You don't find out that this was a 400 pound Diabetic kid that you know could have died from the flu three months earlier. It would have been the same shit
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah, yeah, you know so the numbers are fudged. So I don't want to believe your numbers. Don't come to me with more scare tactics about the numbers are spiking. Well, you already said that 50% of the positives are false positives. Well, at least finally they're saying, when they say the numbers are spiking, I haven't heard that 50% are
Starting point is 00:40:59 false positives. I haven't heard that. I got a video that was that chick that is with Fauci, the other one. She was saying 50%? Yeah. I don't know how old the video was, but she said that our testing, we're coming up and if you have 1% of whatever and we test it, then about half of the positives are false positive.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Jesus. And then don't wear a mask and you have to wear a mask. And they said the whole reason we have to flatten the curve is because you can live on anything for up to nine days, and even an asymptomatic person can still transmit it. Then it comes out, they say the exact opposite. Yeah, now they're saying asymptomatic people very, very rarely transmit it. I don't choose to believe that, Joe. I'm going to believe what they told me the first time.
Starting point is 00:41:43 There's a lot of people who do say that. Not the new facts that they have now. So we're still going to wear masks all the time. Yeah, people get mad at you if you suggest differently. There's a lot of people that like being scared too. And they're like, fuck you. Wear your goddamn mask. We need to protect people.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Love it. But meanwhile. If there's no police, who's going to protect you and you? Who's going to protect your family? Me. Meanwhile, these people weren't freaking out when you're seeing these mass protests and the spikes guess what happened right after the protest and at least they're saying that now at least they're saying they're being forced into saying is probably connected to the the protests well of course or
Starting point is 00:42:21 it's just one more way to get people to, let's scare them to stop revolting. Let's get them to chill out. Now the numbers are spiking, guys. Do you think it's that calculated that that's what they're doing? I think there's a lot of calculated shit going on. There's too many weird things going on. Who's calculating it, though? I think that it's Dr. Evil.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I think it is. I think that they're in their thing, and next we're gonna launch the sharks with laser beams on their head what happened to murder hornets they came and went
Starting point is 00:42:49 real quick I was really worried about them aliens bro fuck I'm putting it out there aliens will come aliens are coming
Starting point is 00:42:56 before before the election the alien thing is interesting because there's quite a few like real legitimate studies and including black ops studies that are going on right now on aliens.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Particularly after the David Fravor incident, which was an Air Force incident that was off the coast of San Diego. That was all documented in terms of the speed of the aircraft, the fact that they were tracking it, the fact that it blocked their tracking systems. So it was an active object blocking their tracking systems. And it also went from something like right above the surface of the water to 60,000 feet in a matter of a second. Like whatever the fuck that thing is, it violates all laws of propulsion. And all those Air Force guys were saying, yeah, we've been following these things. They've been down here for the last few weeks.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Like every now and then we'll see one. And they'll hover above the water and dunk down into the water. They don't know what the fuck they were. And, you know, this David Fravor guy who's like a rock solid buttoned down military man. He is not a bullshit artist. He's not a guy who needs a lot of attention. He came on the podcast and relayed his experiences with this thing. And there's not just one of them and they behave very similarly. They've had them on the East coast. I'm doing a terrible job of giving all the facts about how they operate and how the, how they move, but they
Starting point is 00:44:23 defy all the known laws of propulsion. They have no idea what they are. They have no idea where they're coming from. They don't know what they're doing. But these things behave in some really almost supernatural way in terms of what we know about physics. And this is unclassified now or this is recent? Well, the government's come out and said,
Starting point is 00:44:43 I mean, they've openly said there's a real issue. Trump says he's heard very interesting things about Roswell, side of an alleged UFO event. President was asked. Yeah, that was nonsense, though. Did you see that interview? First of all, the whole interview was weird. Donald Trump Jr. is interviewing
Starting point is 00:44:59 Donald Trump and he's not even doing it like he's his dad. You know? Like, if I was sitting there with my dad, I'd be like, all right, dude, tell me what's up. What's going on with the aliens, pops? So what's going on with the aliens? What do you got back there, dude? And also, I would ask that question four fucking years ago, day one.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'd be like, come on, dude. As soon as you walked me in. Let's talk aliens. I would run for president just to find out. I think you should run for president, Joe. Dude. You should would run for president just to find out just i think you should run for president joe dude you should absolutely run for president listen i get canceled for all joey diaz conversations you could you could do like the uh presidential addresses and just do a stand-up bit the whole time every time that would it would have to be that it would have to be like some
Starting point is 00:45:40 seriousness and some uh like some but you know, life is so preposterous and it's more preposterous now than it's ever been before. It's not. And meanwhile, there's no standup. The only person doing standup right now has been, there's a few guys that just started doing shows. I'm actually in Houston this weekend for the first time in three months. I haven't done any standup.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Chappelle's doing regular shows in Ohio. Really? He's got an outside wedding pavilion, and he's got it set up where everybody's socially distanced. They all wear masks in the crowd. They have Chappelle masks, so they'll have the C on their mask. They're in the crowd. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:46:21 My buddy Donnell did it, and he said he loves it. And Dave's like, listen, man, I got to do something. I got to figure this out. It's all been approved by the governor. Everybody's distanced six feet apart. They all maintain social distancing during the show. They wear masks during the show. How long are we going to keep doing this? Texas governor urges people to stay home as states report surges of new covid
Starting point is 00:46:46 19 cases yeah you want to see the photo of the austin protest you've seen it it's crazy you know austin which is the most progressive city in texas had this insane protest which listen i think is great i do i think it's great that people want to show solidarity, that people want to get out there and let everybody know that they're not down with police brutality and that they're down with racial equality. And that you got all these thousands and thousands of people together to have the same positive message. I love it. However, that COVID doesn't give a fuck about racial equality or social justice. If you're not healthy, it's going to get you. I don't know. And the cases spike. But the other thing about Texas is a giant percentage of it, I think somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 percent is actually in prisons.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So when they're talking about statewide issues, did you do you have an image? I can get an image for you. I got a good one for you. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, that'll cause a problem. Look at all those fucking people. But one thing they have found out, if you guys are going to protest,
Starting point is 00:47:58 protest during the day, and this is why. There's been a new study that came out that said that COVID-19 dies almost instantly in contact with sunlight didn't trump say that like two months ago and everyone said he was crazy no he was saying like put light into the body he said when the summer comes the heat the heat kills it but it's not but it's not the heat it's actually light so um the night time is just as dangerous in the summer it is as it is during the day it's not heat it's not a temperature issue
Starting point is 00:48:27 I'm sure some temperature kills it Joe this thing is not real bro this is not real bro it's not real it is the fucking flu let's do it it's not real I think that the flu is real
Starting point is 00:48:42 I think that people get sick from the flu every year and die I think that it's a bad thing I don't think it's real? I think that the flu is real. I think that people get sick from the flu every year and die. I think that it's a bad thing. I don't think that all of this nonsense is going on and they keep perpetuating it and keep perpetuating it. Come on. I'm just not buying it anymore. You guys, you change your views. You change your opinions. It's like if you were the writer of a TV show, say Friends.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Your job would be to write a 30-minute episode that was funny and intriguing and dramatic and fucking scary or whatever the fuck. And the media just writes an episode, and then the next day, they write a new episode and write a new episode and change their shit. I understand what you're saying. Such shit. I understand what you're saying. Such bullshit. I understand what you're saying. I'm going to give you a different perspective.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Okay. This is the different perspective. The different perspective is legit biologists have analyzed the actual virus itself and they find all sorts of problems with this virus. I had Brett Weinstein on the podcast the other day. He's a professor, a legit biologist. the podcast the other day. He's a professor, a legit biologist, and he was discussing all of the indicators in the virus that seemed to point to the fact that this has probably been leaked from a lab. And he explained it in terms of the way viruses evolve. I'm going to do a terrible job of paraphrasing it because I'm a moron and he's brilliant. But in the long run, what he's
Starting point is 00:50:01 basically saying is this is a very legit virus. It's very complicated because of the fact that it's been fucked with, because this is not a virus like a regular cold or like anything else that we've encountered before. This is something that's really complicated and may have evolved because it came from a lab. His perspective is it may have evolved to transmit better indoors. And it's very vulnerable to UV light, which also might be part of it being from a lab and not something that existed in the wild that actually just jumped from a bat to a pangolin to a person or what have you. So legit scientists and biologists who are not a part of the narrative, they're not working for any government agency,
Starting point is 00:50:48 they're not a part of the news media that's trying to transmit propaganda, they are concerned with it. And they're concerned with it for very specific scientific reasons. Now, me as a person who doesn't know what the fuck any of that stuff I just said means, really, I just repeat it. And it sounds like I'm smart. But the smart people actually are worried about it for very specific reasons that I could explain to you.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Now, it's not vulnerable. For a lot of people, they're not going to be vulnerable. Like pro athletes. We were talking about those NBA players that get it. Listen, those are top of the food chain stud athletes. They shake it off. They're not experiencing any symptoms, you know, over and over and over again. There's a lot of people that get it. Idris Elba shook it
Starting point is 00:51:30 off. There's a lot of people that get it, shake it off. They barely get it. They barely even know they have it. But they're really robust, healthy people. The concern is people that aren't, old people, people that are vulnerable. When they get it, man, they get it bad. And I was reading an article today about a woman who's been sick with COVID for 100 days now, and she still has days where she has these horrible flu-like symptoms, and she gets real wheezy. But I think she has multiple sclerosis, and she's got some other underlying health conditions. So those people have to really be worried about this,
Starting point is 00:52:02 because it's not predictable, and they don't know how to treat it totally, especially in the beginning. Turned out when they put people on ventilators, my buddy Michael Yo got it and he got it early on. And his doctor told him, if I put you on a ventilator, you're probably going to die because your body is going to stop breathing for itself. It's going to let the ventilator do all the work. The ventilator, like 90% of people put on ventilators i think it's 80 80 for anything ever die is that true i don't know that's what i heard 80 say 80 so when the question is when como is like we need 40 000 ventilators because who are you saving when 80 of those people are going to die the thing is though like i think the ventilator one way you could look at it the
Starting point is 00:52:44 ventilator is such a last-ditch effort that by the time you get to the... What is that? Budweiser. Ice-cold delicious. Bud heavy for you, my friend? What a good man. He brings his own beer. You fucking stud. I come with all kinds of gifts. Oh, I brought you some Ignite stuff, too.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Shout out to Dan Bilzerian. Tell him he's writing a book I think he did write his book look at that there you go this is dog stuff right yeah that one's for Marshall oh yay
Starting point is 00:53:12 he'll love it my dog's been using it too it's really good stuff okay cool you know Dan everything's the best yeah I know I'm sure he's uh
Starting point is 00:53:21 it's funny how he's jumped balls deep into weed and CBD Yeah Alright look at that Dog CBD It even says it on there I fucked up with CBD MD
Starting point is 00:53:31 And I took some of their dog CBD It was delicious peanut butter flavor I think it's fine though I feel like I'm sure why not I mean it's just CBD But they make it flavored for dogs What's that
Starting point is 00:53:42 More shit Yeah Look at this Damn Gulzerian You generous fella Alright okay cool For dogs. What's that? Cool-ass barges. More shit? Yeah. Look at this. Damn, Gulzerian. Generous fella. All right. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:53:51 CBD and T-shirts and shit. What is the bull for? What is all that? What is the ram's head? I think it's a goat head. It seems satanic. I asked him once about it, and I can't remember what the answer was, but I think it's always been like his thing. That's like Satan, right?
Starting point is 00:54:05 What is the one, the devil that has the goat head? Is it Beelzebub? Sounds good. It sounds like that would be correct. All right. Thank you, Dan. Thank you, Satan. No?
Starting point is 00:54:18 Who is it? Which one? You got to be careful, you know? You get people so high that they get super paranoid and they look down at that goat head. Baphomet. Oh, Baphomet. That's right. I've seen him on things before.
Starting point is 00:54:32 That's like something Duncan would know a lot about. That's right. I was trying to think of Duncan and think of words he said a lot. Come on, man. Hey, Dan, why is that guy on the cover of your fucking box? Why is that goat dude with eagle wings? That's a big goat dude, man oh that guy's creepy as fuck with his pentagram on his head this is interesting houston icu capacity could soon be exceeded
Starting point is 00:54:55 as covet 19 hospitalizations worsen and then all the videos come out and it's like people and uh going to the hospitals and there's no lines that they're trying to make it out to be. There's a lot of fuckery going on with this misinformation. There's a little bit of that going on. I have a hard time just believing the newest of the new. But there's also real shit going on. Okay, Dr. Peter Hotez. He's been on the podcast before.
Starting point is 00:55:19 National School of Tropical Medicine Diseases. Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. He's a brilliant guy. It says the city of Houston, which is known for its medical schools, has a large concentration of beds and research hospitals and whatnot, and they're very close to running out of all of their ICU beds. He said he called on the state to reimpose more aggressive social distancing restrictions. See, he's not a foolish person.
Starting point is 00:55:43 If he's saying this, he's a legit scientist and a doctor and he Knows a tremendous amount about diseases. I met him many many years ago He kind of freaked me out because we're doing this I interviewed him for this sci-fi thing and he was telling me that people that live in tropical climates all have parasites I'm like all of them. He goes all of them. I see everybody's got something He's like that's your you're living in this like soup of moisture and heat and it's just the perfect breeding ground for all these diseases and a lot of these third world countries poor folks that live in these tropical climates he's like they all have it and when he was saying that i was like well of course it makes sense
Starting point is 00:56:18 there's no antibiotics no med it's probably just a normal part of life to have all these different parasites like people used to just drink immune systems because it gets better off of it or they just live with no man maybe just live with it it might be both you know some people's immune systems might be stronger but like creek water like that's what people drank man they just drank creek water and you would get beaver fever you'd Geordie. It was a normal thing You know people like here. We like talk about Mexico right people always say don't drink the water don't drink the water Well, they're fucking drinking water all the time Their their system is just more it's more tolerant of it. They're just used to But I imagine like beaver fever's got a, Giardia's probably killing people.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I mean, you're drinking like horrible bacteria. I know people have died from E. coli. I wonder if they died from Giardia. Does Giardia kill you? Because that's a normal thing you get if you drink out of a creek. So your guy that you were talking about, the really smart guy.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Peter Hotez? Peter Hotez. He says it was made in the lab then. Okay, no, that's Brett Weinstein. Brett Weinsteinstein brett weinstein yeah he's the biologist he he said he does not talk like that he's not saying like it was made in a lab he's like all indications would point to he's one of those guys and but he's he's never like so therefore it does so that would support the wuhan lab that's not far from the wuhan rarely does giardia infection yeah real close rare rarely does giardia infection cause death but each year 4 600 persons with giardia giardia isis
Starting point is 00:57:53 those are estimated to be hospitalized in the united states hospitalization uh usually primarily uh children under five and dehydration are the most frequent co-diagnosis. Huh. Yeah, probably dehydrated and then you drank that shitty water. Like the fact that dehydration is like one of the coinciding factors. Like, yeah, dude. Or that dirty water gets you so sick that you piss and shit all of the water out of you. Yeah, for sure. It's like babies get dehydrated when they're sick, right?
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah, that's probably a better perspective. That's more likely. So Pedialyte's for it, right? Yeah. Yep, yep. Do you take any electrolytes? Like when you're training? Not really.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Dude, I just started over the last year. I started taking one of my sponsors. They sent me this liquid IV stuff. Electrolytes make a big fucking difference. Yeah. It makes a big difference in how quickly you hydrate. It makes a big difference in stopping cramps. It stops all the
Starting point is 00:58:45 cramps well i heard of being dehydrated any level of dehydration like reduces athletic output by like 20 percent which is one of the things i've been fucking sounding the alarm on forever we gotta stop weight cutting right guys i want i want people to fight healthy and i want them to fight for as long as they can look DC had kidney failure before And that's why he didn't get into the Olympics at one point kidney failure Daniel Cormier You know he's had real problems from cutting weight man. It's fucking terrible for you That's why he fights so good at heavyweight. Yeah, you know when he said heavyweight He doesn't have to deal with any of that bullshit
Starting point is 00:59:23 He could just eat and train and just recover. When you're dehydrating yourself to that extent, to the extent that some guy, like Paulo Costa, that motherfucker. Chael Sonnen had a video he had on YouTube. I urge you to go to Chael Sonnen's YouTube and listen to him talk about it. He was watching Paulo Costa. He said, Paulo Costa is 230 plus pounds. He cuts down to 185 for a fight. That's insane. That's insane's how low does he get before
Starting point is 00:59:47 it's just water i don't know man you got to see the video of him now he looks like a fucking heavyweight you know because he recovered from surgery right so he had um i believe he severed one of his biceps after his fight with yoel so he had to get it reattached and it's a long recovery process so uh i guess he just got big He's huge man. Well, it's like Anthony Johnson. Yeah, he was like fighting it. What's seven 170? I remember when he was on the local circuit out here and he's fighting at 70 and she keep going up keep going up You're going up thing is if he can make 70 for the first, you know few minutes until his body starts giving out Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:00:25 That dude's terrifying. Terrifying. What weight class he's in. Terrifying as a light heavyweight. He's a motherfucker. Bro, icing people like Glover Teixeira with one punch as a light heavyweight. And he just throws everything with zero fucks.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Zero fucks. I love it. He's like, you're going to take me down? I'm fucking giving it. Also, he's got an iron chin. That's a big factor. Like, Anthony can take it. You can't just put him out.
Starting point is 01:00:49 He hit so goddamn hard, man. So hard. The fucking Minotauro punch, when he clipped him with that uppercut and flatlined him, he did the same thing to Glover. He could take people out with one shot like nobody else in the sport. And Glover was on like a 20 fight or something crazy. Something crazy. Windsheik, right?
Starting point is 01:01:09 Well, he lost to Jon Jones before that. Jon Jones did some really clever shit in that fight. And he did something that I'm kind of amazed that people don't do more often. Jon had an overhook on Glover's arm. And they were in the clinch. And Jon wrenched his fucking arm up in a way that I've never seen anybody do before.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Like mirror lock style? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like almost, you know, like a shoulder lock. He got him in some kind of a shoulder lock and he did it from there, right?
Starting point is 01:01:35 So John has his arm, like he's got, Glover's got an arm, he like gave him the underhook and John's got his arm and John, see here,
Starting point is 01:01:43 it's right there and John fucking yanked his fucking shoulder. And afterwards, Glover's telling me, he's like, oh, my shoulder's fucked. He kept fighting the fight with it, but made a big impact on his ability to throw the right hand and grapple. It was pretty, they're a savage shoulder crank. It was pretty savage, man. It was pretty savage.
Starting point is 01:02:02 And what's interesting is, again, it's not. Hey, let's see it. Let's watch it. Very rare, man. Look at that. Oh. And did a couple times. Dude. I mean, he fucked his shoulder there.
Starting point is 01:02:15 And we all have fucked up shoulders anyway. Everybody does. It's just so bad. Such a weird joint. Yeah. And for a guy like John, who first of all has massive leverage. This is a terrible. Cosmo.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Boom. Cosmo's a G. He's a bad motherfucker. Shout out to Cosmo. Such a bad motherfucker. That's the dude who fought Sage Northcutt in 1FC. Nobody saw that coming? I saw that lineup and I was like, bro, this is totally what's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:02:37 They want that to happen. For sure. There's something about 1FC and I'm not saying the UFC wouldn't do the exact same thing because they absolutely would. Yeah. But they would love to have those guys and have them go over there and get their ass kicked. The only one who's proved everybody wrong is, not even proved everybody wrong, but proven his greatness in that regard is DJ, because DJ's still dominating.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Mighty Mouse is still dominating. Even over there, they're throwing their best killers at him, and he's still dominating. Yeah. But he's just so tactical. He's so good. He is so technical. He's so good. He's so good. If you want to teach somebody, you want to show somebody what the best is, that's the Mighty Mouse.
Starting point is 01:03:13 No argument. I say the GOAT is Jon Jones, and I say the GOAT is Jon Jones because Jon Jones has beat everybody in his fucking division. He's never lost to anybody. Anybody. You can't look at Jon Jones and the guys he's beaten. Look at Paul Acosta. He's fucking huge. Fucking insane. He's never lost to anybody. Anybody. You can't look at John Jones and the guys he's beaten. Look at Paul Acosta.
Starting point is 01:03:27 He's fucking huge. Fucking insane. He's huge. That is fucking insane. Look how big he is. He's so big. So Chael Sundin's video is excellent. He says he's 230 plus pounds.
Starting point is 01:03:40 And look, not fat. Gigantic. So I think John's the GOAT. John's beat everybody. He turned back every single challenge. He's never lost once. The only fight that he has an L was the disqualification of fight. He was totally dominant.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Yeah, Matt Hamill. If anything, that fight should be changed to a no contest, and also that rule should be amended. It's a silly rule. It doesn't make any sense. Super stupid rule. It's one of the dumbest rules that we still keep. That's again another thing where I say like we all know it's
Starting point is 01:04:07 stupid but they don't change it. You know what's crazy dude? It's not even the best elbow. Like you know it's not the best elbow. No. That's not the best elbow. Like you're an elbow expert. You can speak to this. You're stitching up Joe Schilling. It's not great. It's not a great elbow. It's okay. It's a fun elbow from Muay Thai.
Starting point is 01:04:23 The downward elbow is like it is G-shit for sure. It's G-shit. I love doing that. For sure doing that. If you could step on a dude's thigh and oom-bok him right in the fucking dump. Oh, yeah. Bam! I mean, I'm not going to oom-bok anybody, but a jump elbow.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Anytime I fought in Thailand, I always had at least one or two of those in the fight. For sure, I'm going to throw that. But that's not the most dangerous. You've told the story a hundred times but they thought because he could break blocks of ice that it's too dangerous. That's literally what they said. But meanwhile that position doesn't even
Starting point is 01:04:56 exist on the ground anyway. If they understood leverage of like the human body. The position of standing Oh I just killed the light. Oh sorry. We have this floating magnetic Oh, I just killed the light. Oh, sorry. We have this floating magnetic light that I just killed. Did I pull the thing out of the... The plug's over there.
Starting point is 01:05:14 What was I just saying? Jon Jones is the goat. Mighty Mouse is... The elbow's not the best. The elbow's not the best. So that's the only reason why Jon Jones ever lost, is because he did the downward elbow right and most people thought that stoppage Was ridiculous. This is like come on man. He just won the fight. He won the fight
Starting point is 01:05:30 You can't take it away from him for that and that did that had almost no impact on the fight He was gonna fuck him up. He was fucking him up before that. He was gonna fuck him up there Yeah, don't do they should take away that rule first of all, but, you can't take that and turn it into a loss. That's not a loss. And it's always a gray area anyway when you do the elbow. Every time I ask them about it, they're always like, as long as there's an arc, show me an arc. If you watch that video, you could definitely show that there was some sort of arc on some angle, and it's not that big a deal. And Matt Hamill was getting his ass kicked anyway.
Starting point is 01:06:01 He was getting his ass kicked. It was not changing the impact. He was getting smashed by the goat. That was getting his ass kicked. It was not changing the impact, the fight. He was getting smashed by the goat. That's really what it was. For sure. So there's him, John Jones, this is the top of the food chain. I think just by results, undeniable.
Starting point is 01:06:13 But then technical, it's Mighty Mouse. Mighty Mouse is the most technically gifted guy I've ever seen inside the octagon. I don't even mean gifted in any negative way, like he just didn't have to work for it. I mean, talented. I mean, mean just but he puts it together gifted in that he had matt hume for an instructor for sure that's a big factor because that guy is a real bona fide martial arts wizard and has been for since i can remember it always was the guy that people were talking
Starting point is 01:06:40 about you know he knows so much rich franklin was he was champ, was working with him too. And he actually fought Pat Miletic way back in the day, dude. Those guys were like legit pioneers. But Matt Hume's always been super, super technical. So you got DJ, who's like Matt Hume, who's like one of the great minds of the sport. And then you got this star pupil, is like the most spectacular and talented and technical fighter in terms of like just
Starting point is 01:07:08 overall technique I think Mighty Mouse is the most spectacular example of mixed martial arts I've ever seen and as a as like a champion and as like a marketable person never gets in trouble super nice guy super nice guy plays video games if John Jones had an asterisk that would be his asterisk
Starting point is 01:07:23 right but like John Jones asterisk, that would be his asterisk, right? Jon Jones' asterisk is wild motherfucker. That's what he is. Also a wild motherfucker, so be careful. He's wild. He's going to make mistakes. He's going to do wild, crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:07:42 He's also going to open up on Mauricio Shogun Hua in the youngest ever time a person wins the UFC title. Opens up that fight with a flying knee on Mauricio Shogun Hua. Who the fuck does that? You got to be a wild motherfucker. For sure. You got your title fight. You're 22 years old. You're in there with a fucking legend from pride and you open with a flying knee and stagger him and wind up stopping him.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Whatever, right? That's the GOAT. That's the GOAT. But then you got Anderson Silva in his prime. Like, ooh, Anderson Silva in his prime was terrifying when he front kicked Vitor in the face when Anderson Silva was in his prime when he smashed Chael Sonnen in the rematch
Starting point is 01:08:14 even when he caught Chael Sonnen in a triangle off his back he went into that fight with fucked up ribs he probably shouldn't have even taken that fight and Chael just kept taking him down he couldn't stop the takedown and eventually got him in a triangle off his back and it's like oh shit i remember the rich franklin fight oh my god be rich franklin it was like no one had like what is this
Starting point is 01:08:34 clinch that he's doing what is you know no one yet was that crazy for you to watch because you were already fighting muay thai yeah and it was like rich didn't know how to defend the clinch but it was still at that level and the thing it was fucking phenomenal and then it was like Rich didn't know how to defend the clinch, but it was still at that level and the thing was fucking phenomenal. It was phenomenal. And then it was like the spectrum of it. Well, he was one of the most technical strikers ever at that point. Like we had never seen a guy who moved that good. And I had seen him fight a bunch of times in pride,
Starting point is 01:09:01 but then when he went into greatness was when he was like 30-ish, because that's when he started fighting in Cage Warriors. With Tony Fricklin, the backward elbow. Backward elbow on Tony Fricklin, and he fought, god damn it, he fought quite, oh, Lee Murray. That was a big one. That was when Lee Murray was a straight up killer. We talk about Lee Murray every time I'm on the show. You have to. Great story the show. You have to.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Great story every time. You have to talk about it. Go ahead, finish it. He's a goddamn Guy Ritchie movie. Yeah. Lee Murray's a Guy Ritchie movie. He's a human Guy Ritchie movie. For people who don't know who he is, he robbed a bank with a bunch of other dudes and they
Starting point is 01:09:37 got away with like $500 million. And then he jetted off to Morocco for a little bit was hiding out over there and then eventually got caught and now he's in jail it was actually at one point in time he was losing weight to try to slip in between the bars he was convinced that if he could get down to a certain weight
Starting point is 01:09:55 he'd get through the bars there should be a movie about him for sure I think Guy Ritchie has got to be on the case if anybody's making that movie it's going to be Guy Ritchie that would be great but. That would be great. But yeah. That would be great.
Starting point is 01:10:08 But – Jorge Rivera, too. That was another fight over there when he fought Jorge Rivera in Cage Warriors. That was the one where he let him punch him in the face. You remember that? He stood right in front of him. He stood right in front of him. And he goes, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:10:25 And he punches him. He turns his head. He punches him. He turns his him. And he goes, go ahead. And he punches him. He turns his head. He punches him. He turns. And he's like marches him down, starts kicking his ass. Oh, wow. It's crazy. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 01:10:31 See if you can find that. I don't remember that. It's one of those ones where Mark De La Grata was in Jorge's corner. And he said he's seeing him punch Anderson in the face like, oh, shit, he's going to fuck him up. Oh, shit, he's going to fuck him up. And he goes, when Anderson feels nothing and doesn't even react like oh no oh no because i mean he tees off with like several clean punches on anderson and anderson's letting him do it and then anderson just starts marching
Starting point is 01:10:59 him down and beating him up and that that was what i was accustomed to so like i'd seen those big three fights over in cage warriors and so then when he came to the ufc and he fought chris lieb and i was like oh my god bet the house on the brazilian for sure here it is right here this is the fight and this is and by the way that this organization it's cage warriors right cage rage cage rage yeah that's right cage warriors is a big organization now in england okay that's right cage rage So this is cargo net for fence instead of a set of chain link fence. It's a cargo. That's right This organization had some great fights man there was some really big fights that came out of here where guys like these two were going at it and then Eventually Anderson rolls on to become the the goat and this was like Rivera had been fighting in the UFC with much success.
Starting point is 01:11:48 He was a good guy, a very tough guy. But this was a fight where, you know, Anderson just kind of showed how far ahead he is. So he's standing right in front of him, marching him down. I do remember this. And at one point in time just lets him start punching him. He just knew how to move away from shit just enough and the thing about a guy that fights like anderson it's you know he's at such a fucking insanely high level for these three or four years this fight the vitor
Starting point is 01:12:19 fight the two fights with rich franklin like i really feel like for an athlete, a real elite athlete, like, this is the time. Like, look at this. He's, like, standing in front of him in the clinch, and he's letting him punch him in the face. He hit him, like, three or four times in the face. Like, look at this. This is the scene.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Like, he's just letting him hit him. Look. Look at it. Look at this. He's letting him hit him. And that's when De La Gratia was like, oh, no. Because Jorge is a big puncher. So for Anderson to clinch with him and let him punch him in the face like that
Starting point is 01:12:51 and then just start marching him down, they were like, how do we win this fight? And this was Anderson in his prime. And then Anderson in his prime, when he fought Chris Liebman, that's Anderson in his prime. There was quite a few fights where he exhibited an insane level of ability. Yeah, the Liebman fight was like... Oh my god, it was terrifying. Holy shit. This dude just
Starting point is 01:13:11 fucking iced you. Yeah, I had a few friends come to that and I was telling them, like, dude, go bet on this guy. I think he threw like 100%. Like, every shot he threw was like... Everything landed and then finished. Yeah, and that was back in the day, they didn't know anything like the line the betting lines They were wacky
Starting point is 01:13:27 Guys would come in then people didn't know I got them like that you gotta bet on that guy Like bet on that guy they don't know who he is Oh my god he's gonna fuck everybody up There was a few of those guys but no better example than Anderson Like they were pretty hyped on Anderson being here But it wasn't nearly It should have been like a,000 to one odds.
Starting point is 01:13:45 You know, that was one of those fights where you're just like, oh, my God, this is a perfect style to, you know, matador because Liebman was so powerful and so tough, and he would take one to give one. Like, you can't take one to give one with Anderson Silva. Not that level. Anderson's, like, slick and moves his feet and stays in, and Liebman's like a fucking truck guy, you know?
Starting point is 01:14:05 He's not hard to hit. But the way Anderson pulled it off was like fucking poetry, man. The combinations he hit him with, just poetry. Just, you know, if you're a fan of, like, beautiful timing and poise under pressure, because Liebman's coming with nuclear bombs, right? Liebman knocked out Vandele, remember? And Liebman's thing was he's dangerous when you hit him.
Starting point is 01:14:25 It was after Liebman. It was like four fights or a couple fights in a row where Liebman got drilled and would come back, probably rocked blindly and knock a guy out cold. One of the best left hands ever. There's a few fights like that. He had a few crazy wars. But when he knocked out Vandele Silva, I was like, holy shit, Chris Liebman. You just knocked out the axe murderer. But he was that guy.
Starting point is 01:14:50 If he clipped you, man, you had real problems. He's a tough motherfucker, too. But that style was tailor-made for Anderson. So I think, like, there's an argument about Anderson, too. There's an argument, like, if you look at years, you know, like like years of being amazing there's an argument that he's uh i mean god damn there was a few years where anderson was just almost untouchable yeah but then you look at like george saint pierre you know like good argument there too almost his whole career he was untouchable consistent and then when he did lose a fight
Starting point is 01:15:23 he came back and like you know justified it and did it well i think like he's got he's got to be up there oh he's got to be up there at like every level of the the fight game yep right i would say right behind her under dj yep he's he's uh in the conversation right i think there's a real problem with having a goat a goat because they're all fighting different divisions It's of all time and all time hasn't happened yet It never ends you know, but who the fuck is gonna beat John's record like Chuck Liddell in his day Chuck Liddell was like my idol my hero, you know, yeah He was it was interesting that ramped rampage was his kryptonite
Starting point is 01:16:04 You know rampage was his kryptonite over Rampage was his kryptonite over in Pride. And it just shows you, it's styles. For sure. Some guys have a style to beat certain guys, but some people will figure their number out. It's such a weird sport, man. There's so many things going on. Your transition from going through Muay Thai to kickboxing to MMA.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I mean, you're one of the rare guys like you and Gaston. And there's a few other dudes who have really competed in all of the major combat sports other than boxing. Do you have any boxing fights? I set the U.S. record for the fastest knockout in U.S. history. Did you really? A pro boxing debut. Thank you very much. No shit. When was this? Five seconds the U.S. record for the fastest knockout in U.S. history. Did you really? My pro boxing debut. Thank you very much. No shit.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Yep. When was this? Five seconds. Oh, man. Whoa. It was, fuck, I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Dude, I didn't even know you boxed. I had like three professional boxing fights. I had about 15 professional amateur boxing fights. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:02 I fought at Hollywood Park Casino. I fought a guy. I was supposed to fight Fernando Vargas' brother, and he pulled out the week before the fight, and they got some guy from Wild Card. This guy, like, idolized
Starting point is 01:17:18 Mike Tyson, I guess. He's like, what is his name? Italian guy. And he had a Mike Tyson tattoo on the side of his face. Oh, my God. And he's got black high tops with no socks and the black shorts when we get in the ring. I'm like, this dude just looks not there. Like, not there.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Like a bad cop? Like a bad cop. You just see him on sight. Like, this guy's not all there. So he stares me down. I go back to the corner. And my coach, we haven't even trained him for the boxing fight. But I like i was like man this dude's gonna rush me he's like don't fucking kick him he's like he's gonna rush me around the bat he's like hit him so like in boxing you kickboxing
Starting point is 01:17:55 they always like walks to the center kind only like okay ready to fight uh boxing and mma that you know you ready over there you're ready over there ready to go so. So he says, you know, ready to fight, ready to fight. Come on through. And I take, like, one step forward, and I put my left hand out because I know the guy's going to rush me. And sure enough, he just starts sprinting. He's, like, running over, and he's going to throw the overhand right. And I was like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:18:16 And I drop-stepped to the right hand. He ran into it, knocked him out cold, and it was five seconds. It was tied for the world record at the time. The world record was four seconds. The U.S. record was five seconds and if I would have taken one step for one more step before I planned to put my foot out I would have set the record but anyway yeah I have a pro boxing but dude the first big there the the first big uh thing that Glory did at the Forum. Was that the Last Man Standing event? The one that you were at?
Starting point is 01:18:50 Yeah. It was Last Man Standing. Was that the first big event they did at the Forum? First one at the Forum, yeah. That was crazy, man. They had Glory 10 the year before, which is when I won the tournament. I fought Artem and Kengo Shimizu. Yeah, the Artem-Levin fight was awesome.
Starting point is 01:19:04 And the knee that you caught him with on the way down to is perfect man I still I I Guess it didn't matter I won But I think I knocked him out with the Superman and when he was falling on the way to come up I hit him with the knee and I woke him up I've done a couple times in my career in that crazy You could actually wake someone up with a punch you would think you wouldn't care, but it eats at me at night I'm like fuck it had that. You never know, though.
Starting point is 01:19:25 That's speculation, right? Right. I don't know. He definitely had him fucked up from the punch, too. But I felt like the knee did more damage. I felt like it helped. Want to see it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Let's look at it. Absolutely, I want to see it. Let's get Joe Schilling drops Artem Levin. And he was a bad motherfucker, man. That guy's so interesting. Bad motherfucker. Interesting style. You know, man. That guy's so interesting. Bad motherfucker. Interesting style. You know, weird.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Tricky. He's like a real technician, very slick, very hard to hit. And he'll throw shit with no telegraphing, particularly his low kicks. They come out of nowhere. There's no step. He just smacks them in there on you sometimes.
Starting point is 01:20:00 He has all these change-up speeds. If you ever watch Fedor fight he does like a lot of like i don't know if you'll understand it but like russian boxing is a little different they have like a little different footwork and their movements and stuff and fedor fedor does come that stuff and uh artem for sure does it a lot yeah he's he's slick man he's real slick. This is a great fucking fight, by the way. This is the very end. So Artem is real tall, and he's real hard to hit. I had a real hard time reaching him with punches.
Starting point is 01:20:34 So every time I would throw the right hand, he would lean back just out of range where I couldn't reach him. And that's why I threw the Superman punch, so I could jump a few feet farther. Yeah, let some of it roll. Just let it roll. It doesn't matter. My favorite knockout of yours ever, though, was Simon Marcus.
Starting point is 01:20:53 That was crazy. That was crazy because that was a wild-ass fight. And you were there for it. You felt the arena that night. Oh, my God, dude. That gave me hope for kickboxing. It really did. It gave me a lot of hope for kickboxing as well.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Because I was like, the forum is fucking packed, and the fights were wild, man. I mean, it was a wild event. When you threw that right-hand haymaker and caught Simon Marcus on the chin, you see his jaw snap sideways and his mouthpiece go flying out. That was one of the prettiest knockouts ever. And also because of the fact the fight was so close it was so much chaos that fight was wild dude and he dropped you in the second was in the second round yep second round and it was like oh shit it was a fucking war man
Starting point is 01:21:39 there was so much heavy bombing on each other and this is a tournament you had to fight four times that night three times three times dude And we had fought twice in the past and we had a lot of a lot of animosity Oh, yeah, I mean yes tension a lot of tension a lot of animosity we just competitive drive Glory kind of got big in the u.s We're just after we had started the Muay Thai had started growing in the u.s we're just after we had started the muay thai had started growing in the u.s lion fight started doing well and a lot of that happened because of simon and i's two fights
Starting point is 01:22:11 and lion fight like i started can't stop crazy we started doing our own interviews we're like giving like talking shit back and forth like there was like a hype behind behind the whole thing we bet our first purse our purse for the fight. Oh, wow. On our first fight. Yeah, our first fight. We bet our purses. Mine was a little bigger, so I matched his purse, but it was still in the media. It was known that we were betting our purses on the fight.
Starting point is 01:22:35 We sold out the Hard Rock, the Pond or whatever for, was it the Pearl, the Pond? The Pearl, the Pond, yeah. You had some wild fights with him so then when we came back later he had beat me twice beat me twice so you had to give him up your purse yeah when i lost how bad that's it was like six grand but i was only making like not only think it was that much it was like i think he made like three grand i mean like i went home with like a thousand bucks which at the time was a lot it sucked it. It was terrible. And I wanted the rematch.
Starting point is 01:23:05 And then we had the rematch and there was controversy behind that too. And then years later we fought and glory and it was like redemption. And then I knocked him out in the extra round. It was fucking dope. Fourth round, man. I'll never forget it. Because after the third, I was like, what? They got to go one more round of this?
Starting point is 01:23:21 Because it was such a fucking crazy fight. I was going to bring this up. I'm glad you brought that up. So remember everybody's talking about this week in the fight where the drysdale they were telling him to stop the fight yes and he was like drysdale's like just trying to be a coach try to keep it going or whatever there's a lot of people saying if the fighter says he doesn't want to do it anymore whatever that's simon marcus fight after three rounds now i didn't wasn't begging my coach to stop it but i did not want to go another fucking round and i was like oh did i win like i think you're gonna have to do one more and i'm like fuck i can't do one more i don't
Starting point is 01:23:53 want to do one more i can't do one more my coach is like fucking you can do it one more round yeah you are then we do it this is it boom nope that's not the punch a lot of fighters experience that and it's the coach's job i think think, to try to keep them going. I'm on Drysdale's side on that. But ultimately, he didn't fight anyway. They stopped it, right? Yeah. Well, ultimately, he did.
Starting point is 01:24:15 But it was very, very controversial. But I get Drysdale's position. And listen, in retrospect, like after the conversation is over, yeah, maybe you should have called it when the guy said call it. But in the moment, he doesn't know that he can't talk the guy into fighting and then maybe the guy wins. Like you don't know what a person's psychological mindset is like unless you train with that person. And there are some people that you can talk into performing better. That said, he took a lot of fucking punishment in that second round, right? Maybe he knew something.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Maybe it was a good thing to stop. There's some times when your body's just broken. There's some times when you shouldn't go on. And this debate, I think, is very healthy. The debate of whether or not the coach was right or whether or not the guy was right. Look, ultimately the guy's right, because he can't go on, so he doesn't, and he quits.
Starting point is 01:25:04 And he's, you know, that's his decision. He only, so he doesn't. And he quits. And that's his decision. Only he knows what was going on with his body. You remember when Gerald McClellan got criticized for taking a knee against Nigel Benn? I don't know if you remember it, but that's the fight that put Gerald McClellan in a coma and severely handicapped him. Gerald McClellan at the time was a fucking assassin, man. He was so scary. But he was another guy that cut way too much weight. He cut a lot of weight, man.
Starting point is 01:25:32 It was hard for him. He was really big. And so when he would get into the, I forget if he's fought 168. I think he was fighting in Roy Jones' division. He's at 168 or 175. Pull up Gerald McClellan versus Nigel Benn. This was the dark destroyer because Nigel Benn
Starting point is 01:25:49 was a wild ass fight too. Nigel's got crazy dreadlocks and Gerald McClellan knocked him through the ropes in the first round because he would smash people. He would just smash people. He was such a, he was a cronk guy. So he fought like a cronk guy just moving forward behind the jab big right hands, just nasty, vicious puncher.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Well, Nigel Benn gets up, and he makes it through the round, and then turns into a war. And then Gerald McClellan starts getting tired, and then they clash heads. And then Nigel Benn hits him with a couple punches late in the fight. And when Nigel Benn hit him—see, like this is early on. I mean, this is—go a little earlier than this so we could see this combination. But this was Gerald McClellan. And everybody was, like, real keen on him fighting Roy Jones Jr. This is when Roy Jones was in his prime.
Starting point is 01:26:34 And this was, like, the big challenge was Gerald McClellan, Roy Jones Jr. Everybody was thinking that was eventually going to have to happen because Gerald was just smashing people. And Nigel Benn was tough, man, fucking tough tough but look at this boom boom boom he's like he's out man and he falls through the fucking ropes you can see he's like really out of it but so tough and so conditioned that he makes it back look at that barely can get through the ropes got a lot of seconds there though right that's probably more than 10 seconds so anyway and look at the referee there's more seconds and gerald's still teeing off on him and nigel survives it doesn't seem like he's gonna survive but he fucking survives so then late in the fight nigel's making a comeback so scooch way ahead here and when nigel starts teeing off
Starting point is 01:27:23 on gerald and gerald's punches are coming real slow and he's getting tired when Nigel starts teeing off on Gerald and Gerald's punches are coming real slow and he's getting tired and Nigel starts connecting and I mean the crowd is going fucking bananas it is a wild ass fight and at one point in time they headbutt and then Nigel hits him with some punches and McClellan takes a knee and everybody's like I can't believe this he's gonna quit he's gonna quit And then he goes to his corner and then he slumps and goes unconscious. Like he knew something was wrong.
Starting point is 01:27:49 And anybody that criticizes him in the moment, you know, they're saying, I can't believe he's doing this. I can't believe he's fucking, he's just going to quit. But he knew something
Starting point is 01:27:58 was really off. Only the fighter knows. I mean, maybe it's psychological, but maybe something's wrong, man. Maybe he can't think maybe his brain is just fucked maybe he knows he's not gonna be able to punch right maybe he knows there it is so he goes down and just decides to stay down he's like something is fucking
Starting point is 01:28:16 really wrong he's like out of it and you see this is i mean jerry he just looks something looks wrong something looks wrong you know he's hurt bad and nigel ben is moving in for the fucking kill and he drops him there with an uppercut and this is where he quits see now this is where like you see him he's struggling man but if i remember correctly the commentators were shocked that he decided to stay down he's quit so they said it that way and you know I think they were you know expressing some shock that he quit and pretty pumped that Nigel Benn beat him but they didn't know you know and Gerald McClellan that injury scared the fuck out of everybody
Starting point is 01:29:05 because he was one of the golden guys. He was one of the guys that everybody was excited about. It was like if that happened today to Ryan Garcia or someone like that, someone who's a real exciting up-and-coming dude, someone who's Canelo. Ielo like if canelo just i guess canelo is a bigger star than gerald but when someone who's of that nature like an elite super elite fighter uh winds up going into a coma like that that's fucking terrifying shit and he came out of it okay no no he didn't he died no he's all fucked up oh really yeah he can't see and you know
Starting point is 01:29:45 there's been some videos of Roy Jones Jr. visiting him but apparently that was responsible for Roy Jones kind of altering his style and being very safety first
Starting point is 01:29:54 and really really yeah and just thinking about eventually you know getting out of the sport which is ironic right
Starting point is 01:30:00 because he wound up fighting later and later and later and it was I mean he had his last fight just a couple of years ago. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:08 It's crazy. It's a wild-ass sport. You're in Joe Schilling. Yep. All the aspects of it, whether it's boxing or Muay Thai or MMA. When is Bellator going to start having fights again? I don't know. I haven't heard from them.
Starting point is 01:30:21 They're playing it safe, huh? I guess so. They don't have a fight island, I guess. But yeah, I'm not sure. You can have fights in the crowds. They're letting people do that. Are they doing that? I mean, the UFC's done a few of them.
Starting point is 01:30:33 Man, the UFC's done it. They test the fuck out of you. Yeah, I was there with Daniel Rodriguez. That's right. And Eddie Bravo. Yeah. And yeah, we were tested. Tested when we first got there.
Starting point is 01:30:44 They made it take our temperature every day and they just they bought the whole hotel so there was yeah yeah i was there we're social distance the whole time yeah i think it's um oh no i wasn't there for that one that was the vegas one right um i think it's uh it's okay the way they're doing it it's it's working out for everybody guys getting to fight we're all getting to see that. There's something about Ferguson versus Gagey. To have that in an empty arena,
Starting point is 01:31:12 there's something wild about it. For sure. There's something wild about no crowd. For sure. You can hear everything. I think it added. I mean, I don't think it's the right way to do it. I think it's best with a crowd. But it's not a bad thing to have no crowd no yeah it's been maybe guys can fight better too there might be guys who can like stay more calm because
Starting point is 01:31:33 there's less energy yeah for sure i could see a lot of people feeling that way probably yeah probably right but god because god damn they've had some fucking wild fights that gaethje uh ferguson fight was insane. What a fucking fight. How do you watch that fight and you're not a tremendous fan of both of them after that? Both of them. Both of them. Yeah, I mean.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Both of them. Dude, Gaethje is a stud. He just figured out. He just figured out how to just take a little bit off. Take a little bit off. Step away a little bit sometimes. Come in at angles. Faint sometimes. Don't just maul people because he was just he was breaking people's will before you know i think
Starting point is 01:32:11 trevor whitman and his relationship is is like really special yeah a lot to do with him being able to say exactly what he needed to hear to do what they did that was really it was really impressive there's that for sure whitman's a bad motherfucker, and he's very smart, and he got he loves gauging He loves his athletes, and he loves the sport no doubt about that with you know Trevor's a wizard He really is but gauging something special man. It's about something special about that kid's mind. It's his body for sure He's got you know awesome skills one of the best like leg kickers in the clinch I think I've ever seen right like he knows how to like while like leg kickers in the clinch I think I've ever seen. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Like he knows how to like while you're tying up in the clinch he'll fucking just a little step and a nasty leg kick. He's fucking a gas tank and a workhorse
Starting point is 01:32:56 and a fucking throwing bombs and like and walks to the cage like he's getting to his truck to go to work in the morning.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Like there's almost like there's no emotions. There's nothing no nerves noness, no craziness. I don't remember the exact quote, so I'm not even going to bother saying it, but it was something fucking iconic as fuck. He was talking about the fight. He's like, he's either going to knock me or I'm going to knock him out, and that's just the way it's going to be.
Starting point is 01:33:19 He said it way better than that. Yeah, because he's not bragging. There was no way you could read it and not respect the fuck out of him, the way he said it. It was dope. That's the way he fights too yeah i mean cool dude even the fights that he's lost the poirier fight and the eddie alvarez fight fucking amazing fights man and he almost lost the michael johnson fight michael johnson had him buying real estate on queer street he was dancing all over the place i mean it was it was wild that he survived that because johnson has a nasty left hand and he clipped him with several punches, like big shots.
Starting point is 01:33:47 He had Gage wobbled, like real wobbled. That's one of those fights that could have easily gone the other way. Johnson could have caught him with one more shot. The Poirier fight, too. The Poirier fight was, anyone could have had that fight. Anyone could have had that fight. And Poirier's leg was shot, man. He chops legs like nobody, nobody man crazy because he came out
Starting point is 01:34:06 he's a wrestler wrestler never wrestles no never wrestles wrestle anybody but that's what makes him so dangerous for khabib right because khabib is the wrestler who always wrestles obviously showed he could drop connor obviously shows he's fast as fuck with his hands on his feet he's dropped guys before but he's not going he's not a kickboxer in the sense that Gagey is. When you see Gagey fighting, he's basically a kickboxer. I mean, with a wrestling background and skills so that you can't take him down. So he's forcing the kickboxing. But he stands straight up.
Starting point is 01:34:40 He's standing like a striker. He stands like a striker. So does Jorge masvidal yeah he stands straight up man his striking is really like really good really good his fight with nate was fucking awesome nasty he's so good man so good so clever so good so funny he's hilarious i think he's hilarious i really like both those guys you know what else he is he's fucking mean it's a mean dude There's something like when when they asked him about the Ben Askren shot was it necessary to punch him again on the ground goes it
Starting point is 01:35:11 Was super necessary there sir that became like a big hashtag super necessary Like it's hilarious. Hey, man. He's in the fucking hurt game. You can't play your bullshit for sure nonsense in the hurt game And if everybody's picking a gimmick or whatever, and they're trying to push, and everyone's trying to be Connor, why not be yourself who's fucking mean? You're mean. Yeah, and super talented. So talented.
Starting point is 01:35:36 So much experience. People don't know, that guy knocked out Eve Edwards with a head kick in Bodog. Eve Edwards. Eve Edwards is a slick striker, especially back then. That was Eve Edwards when Eve Edwards was arguably the best 155 pounder in the world. That was after he knocked out Josh Thompson in that highlight reel
Starting point is 01:35:53 where he throws that round kick off the spin. Spinning back fist. Then he throws a round kick and catches him right in the neck. It's still like the UFC's little clip. And it's Josh fucking Thompson. He's one of the toughest guys it's Josh Buck and Thompson. Josh Thompson. One of the toughest guys to ever live. Another monster.
Starting point is 01:36:07 Another monster. I mean, that was the last guy to knock out Nate. Yeah. The head kick. Yeah. Before Masvidal had stopped him. He was the first guy to ever stop Nate. Right.
Starting point is 01:36:16 You know, and Josh is as good as it gets. You know, when you see that fight, I mean, that was two guys who easily could have done the same to each other. Mm-hmm. And just- Timed it and played out that way. Eve landed the perfect shot. It was a neck kick.
Starting point is 01:36:27 It was just fucking spectacular. At that time, Eve was thought to be absolutely one of the very best fighters in the world and probably the best 155-pounder alive. 100%. But the UFC changed the division. They gave up the 155 division back then. I remember it. It was very disheartening.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Yeah. Because I was like, there's so much talent in this division. But they were hemorrhaging money, man. This is all pre-Ultimate Fighter. They didn't know what they were doing. In terms of like the future, they were $44 million in debt. They were like, what are we doing? We're going to sell this?
Starting point is 01:36:55 Are we going to keep it? They just had their balls, though. Lorenzo Fertitta, Frank Fertitta, and Dana White, all three of them have balls. They were just like, let's just ride. Let's let it ride. They were calling Dana up going, look for a buyer. Let's find a buyer. We got to get out of this.
Starting point is 01:37:08 We're not going to lose our family's fortune. We're $44 million in the hole in this cage fighting shit. Obviously, this is too brutal for America. They're not really into it. But then they figured it out. That Ultimate Fighter show, they financed the whole show, paid for all of it, paid for the whole thing, paid to be on the network.
Starting point is 01:37:28 And then boom, that one final fight with Forrest Griffin and Stefan Bonner. And these two crazy fucks are beating the shit out of each other. And it is a wild melee of a fight. And the viewership just keeps going up during the fight. Millions and millions of people watched during the fight, like tuned in, extra people tuned in because people were calling their friends like bro You gotta watch this shit. This is nuts and this spec people didn't even know what it was like What is this? What do they got little gloves on? What is happening here before the ultimate fighter there was fans of
Starting point is 01:37:58 UFC or cage fighting or whatever, but they didn't really get to know who Chuck Liddell was that right? She didn't get to know those people and with the the ultimate fighter it was yeah they got to know these people there was like a thing that grew and then you saw this insane fight it was yeah couldn't have played out better yeah i mean couldn't have played out better god damn they nailed it and then boom and that was a craig polygian show he was a guy who did survivor like he knew how to do those reality shows oh really dude he's a g he's one of the like the the greats in terms of that genre that guy knows how to make those fucking shows that's why it was so good you know it didn't feel like a clunky reality show it was a fun reality show to watch. Oh, they're bringing it back, by the way.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Paulo Costa and Israel Adesanya. Oh, really? Yeah. Really? Holy shit. Tell me you're not going to watch that. I'm for sure going to watch that. That fight is a wild fight, man. Yeah. I want to see Izzy and Jon Jones, though. I do, too. I do, too, but Izzy and Costa
Starting point is 01:39:02 has to happen, man. When you see what Costa did to Yoel Romero, walking down Yoel Romero, who the fuck walks down Yoel Romero? There's a picture I put up on my Instagram of him head-kicking Romero. I mean, just clean. Just clean. Shind of the head. And you see Romero's crazy skull turn sideways.
Starting point is 01:39:24 I'll tell you something that Dana White told me. Yoel had an injury in one of his fights. He had some sort of fractured orbital, some sort of minor fracture of the bone around his eye. After the fight. Yeah, after the fight. During the fight, he got it. After the fight, they sent him to a doctor. The doctor calls the UFC and goes, where did you find this guy? And they go, yeah, he's a stud, right? He goes, no, no, no send him to a doctor. The doctor calls the UFC. He goes, where did you find this guy?
Starting point is 01:39:45 And they go, yeah, he's a stud, right? He goes, no, no, no. You don't understand. Like, I've never seen. The guy was like, I've practiced medicine for almost 50 years. He goes, I've never seen a person who's built like this. He said the tendons in his eyes are three times larger than a normal person's. Like, here's it.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Is that it? Well, that's one of them. He had kicked him several times. Like, here's it. Does that hit? Well, that's one of them. He head kicked him several times. But there's one image. There's an image that I had on my Instagram that is, it's so crazy. It just kept beating him down. Head kicks over and over and over. Oh, this is the entire thing?
Starting point is 01:40:19 Bro, he just, there it is. That was the one that was on my Instagram. He just head kicked him over and over again. Look at that. That's the picture. What the fuck, man? The guy's just made out of metal and All the guys who fight him say that too Like Luke Rock look at that. I mean come on man
Starting point is 01:40:40 He just Jerick Brunson just clanged his shin off of his head of the head. Yeah back of the crazy So you're right Uriah Hall and him we're gonna fight. That's a great fight. August 22nd Crazy. Uriah Hall and him are going to fight. That's a great fight. August 22nd. He's the most terrifying specimen. So the doctor was saying, like, what is going on with this guy? Like, he's built like no person they've been involved in all kinds of weird shenanigans and they're tightly connected to the soviet union particularly back then and he was on the cuban olympic team and uh you know soviet union has done some really weird shit when it comes to you know like experiments on athletes and you you saw the movie Icarus, right? Did you ever see that movie? I don't think so. You need to see that movie.
Starting point is 01:41:29 I might have seen it. Tell me about it. This guy who is... The guy who made the document... What is Brian's last name again? The guy who made it? Pull up the image of it. It's a Netflix...
Starting point is 01:41:45 Icarus Focal that's right. Sorry Brian. I Smoked too much weed So he's this is what so what he does that what Brian decides to do is film himself Competing in an endurance race a bike race and then do it the next time, next year, juiced up. So he does one year, and he does this whole thing, and then he gets in touch. I think I did see part of this. It's an amazing documentary.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Then he gets in touch with this Russian guy who's going to teach him how to do it. And this Russian guy works for the Russian anti-doping agency, or whatever they call it over there. And the Russian guy, in the middle of this happening, in the middle of doping him up, And the Russian guy, in the middle of this happening, in the middle of doping him up, it turns out that they catch the fact that the Russian team had basically taken, in the Sochi Olympics, they had basically taken all of the piss that was like the clean piss, the piss that people had samples. They removed them through a hole in the wall and replaced them with clean piss. So every single athlete had their piss swapped out. And this guy, who's the Russian guy, is explaining this all to this Brian Fogle guy. While this is all going down in the news, he just stepped in shit. So this is all going down in the news, that they caught the Russian sports, whatever the
Starting point is 01:43:04 fuck they are They figured out there's micro scratches Inside these bottles that indicate These unremovable bottles Had actually been removed And they figured out how to do it with some sort of a tool But the tool left scratches on And they figured this out and then they found this hole in the wall
Starting point is 01:43:19 Like a hole that big I would hand you some dirty piss, you would hand me some clean piss I'd replace the piss And so they did that with all the athletes So all the Russian athletes most likely Like a hole that big. I would hand you some dirty piss. You would hand me some clean piss. I'd replace the piss. And so they did that with all the athletes. So all the Russian athletes, most likely, were juiced to the fucking gills. No, no, no. They did it.
Starting point is 01:43:34 The athletes just pissed. But his perspective was it was their job to be on steroids. They all were on steroids. This wasn't like they didn't get to choose. It wasn't like they're cheating. The government is making sure you cheat They're gonna take care of you right dude. It's crazy Is an amazing documentary so what happens when he everybody class? We asked him to witness protection program is time the guy comes to America. Oh, yeah, everybody smashing
Starting point is 01:43:58 Oh, no, no He actually got injured a bunch and actually his time sucked and the second one and I think his battery broke Like like something broke on his bike something Fucked up on his bike to like he had some problems And he was supposed to wind up doing that well that steroids work and instead he proved that we proved that he gets injured Right, but along the way he didn't you know he didn't plan he planned on doing really good on juice But he just got fucked up a bunch of times and he wound up being hurt and didn't perform that well it won the oscar for best documentary oh damn and it should have it's amazing but once he did it um and he starts interacting with this russian cat who's teaching
Starting point is 01:44:35 him how to do all this stuff what is the guy's name gregorov yuri what's his name um gregorov What's his name? Grigory. These goddamn Russian names. Grigory Rudchenkov. Oh, there it is. Okay. Grigory Rudchenkov. Yeah, that it is.
Starting point is 01:44:55 So that's the guy. And, I mean, he basically spills all the beans. So once he realizes, like, he's on the run. By the way, they take away his family's money. They take away their home. They made him homeless. They made his family homeless. He had to leave behind his wife and his kids.
Starting point is 01:45:12 He's fucked. It's not good. And he's hiding in America. He's probably in South Dakota right now. Dive bar with fucking four goons standing over his shoulders looking out for Russians. I mean, he's fucked. And he told the whole truth of how they did it,
Starting point is 01:45:25 why they did it, the way they've done it always in the past. And it's not a coincidence that Russia, like the amount of gold medalists they got from that one Olympics was just staggering. And then the Olympic Committee removed them from the next one. Like, they weren't able to compete, like a lot of
Starting point is 01:45:41 the sports, they weren't able to compete in the next Olympics. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, it's crazy. But he was also detailing how crazy it is that the Olympic Committee and the World Doping Agency, the WADA. Is it WADA? Whichever one it was that tests them. They're all like they work for each other. Like this guy will go to work for there and that guy will go to work for here.
Starting point is 01:46:03 They're all buddies. We're friends over here. Carlwis he's a good guy he's a good guy get rid of that piss here take my piss i'm clean and you know that was one of the things that they had said about like lance you know like lance armstrong getting tested for tour de france like hey hey hey fucking everybody's on it you got got a dirty sport, man. Like, if you want to take away Lance Armstrong's, what is it, a green shirt
Starting point is 01:46:30 or something like that? What do you get? Yellow jersey. For being a bad motherfucker on a bike. If you want to give it to the next person in line. It was like 18th place.
Starting point is 01:46:38 It was like 26th. Was it? It was something fucking astronomical. Bill Burr had a great bit about it. He's like, our psycho's better than your psycho. That's what it is. You're all a bunch of fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:46:51 You're all taking drugs. Like, from the Russian perspective, those gold medals were worth it to them to fucking ruin that guy's life for lying about it, right? Yes. Well, they wanted to kill him. For sure. They wanted to kill Rigorov, whatever his name is, the Russian scientist. They wanted to kill him for sure they wanted to kill rigor off whatever his name is the russian scientist they wanted to kill him that's why he's hiding he's probably gonna have
Starting point is 01:47:11 to hide for the rest of his life i mean this is just the the life he chose terrifying man just really terrifying but also the same thing that happened in china beijing olympics chinese won like they won so many gold medals. Yeah, wasn't it like, like the little tiny gymnastic girls were on juice or something. They all fell, right? Sure, dude. Sure they were on juice. All the ballerina chicks,
Starting point is 01:47:34 like the walking on the beam. Can you imagine juicing up a little baby? Like, you're going to do the best backflips, honey. Take a little of this and a draw 50. Get a big old fucking... We're going to band the best backflips, honey. Take a little of this Anadrol 50. Get a big old fucking...
Starting point is 01:47:47 We're going to band your feet up really small and lose all your toes so that you can stand on your toe better. Did they do that? Yeah, there used to be a thing like... China would take babies, and when they're females and baby or whatever, they would tie their feet up really tight so that their feet would not grow and they'd be really small.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Yeah, but that was just for aesthetics, right? It was, like, a sign of something. Yeah, like you have little feet. The old women can't walk because their feet are tiny because whatever. Have you ever seen the images of the feet when they bind them? Well, you're about to. Jamie? Chinese foot bonding.
Starting point is 01:48:28 It's like people do weird shit man like i have friends who have those big ear holes like that's okay shout out to boogie my friend richie martinez the big uh he's got big old ear holes i had a student at the gym that i'm like bro you can't spar with that you're not gonna be able to fight like that he's like no it's cool and he would take the big hole and flip it over the top oh Oh, my God. And it would have like a ring of itself. And I'm like, all right, you can spar, but. Look at that lady's feet. You look terrible. Bro.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Look how her toes are tucked under her feet. So her little toe is tucked under and she stands on her toenail. And it's dug into a groove in her foot. Just goes to show you how flexible people aren't pliable like look at her there's her standing around with her husband he's like still too big look at that that's so nasty look at her feet man go that's a little shoes for her go back to that other picture of her with her feet out that's crazy man imagine doing that to yourself That has to hurt like hell. She's looking down on them. Yeah, and they hurt like hell for years.
Starting point is 01:49:29 Yeah, forever. Well, yeah, just the process. Oh, yeah, to get to that? To get to that, yeah. Well, it's crazy. It's absolutely crazy that they do that. And look at those little tiny shoes that she's wearing. I mean, it is absolutely crazy,
Starting point is 01:49:42 but it's almost crazier what they used to do to heads. Like in ancient cultures where they would flatten heads out to make them look like aliens and stretch them out. You ever seen any of that? While they were alive? Yeah, when they were young. They would take babies. And while the children were young,
Starting point is 01:49:58 and this is a really freaky thing, when they started finding these skulls, they're like, what are we looking at? Are these aliens? They were trying to figure it out because your skull is a lot more pliable than you think, especially when you're young. Yeah, the baby is really, really soft.
Starting point is 01:50:11 So they developed this like thing where they would put like planks on the side of the kid's head and fucking clamp it down and they would stretch their head out like an alien. Because it's like nobility to have a large skull or something? I don't know, man. I think it's like nobility to have a large skull or no man I think it's I don't know what Africa they put like those gold those weighted rings around the woman's neck and then it looks like their neck is really long but
Starting point is 01:50:33 really they just like compress their shoulders down yeah they have like and it's super bad for the neck when you take that shit off your neck your head's gonna fall off for sure like that's holding your head up now sure they probably snore terrible, too. Right? Yeah. Those rings. You got anything from me?
Starting point is 01:50:49 Yeah. The article said that the reason why they did that was similar to the reason Victorian women would do the waist stuff. It was like a status symbol. So, like, three inches was the best for feet. Four inches was a little better. Five inches and above was like, ah. Look at that waist. That's so gross.
Starting point is 01:51:08 And wasn't there another time, I think maybe it was before this, where being fat was like a sign of nobility or whatever. Yeah, man. If you were fat, you were like a fat chick were the thing because it showed you had money. When I was in Thailand, the guys would always wear like white powder all over their face, like bleaching powder. Because if you were too tanned, then it showed that you were a worker and you worked outside. So everybody would always try to bleach their skin white.
Starting point is 01:51:37 It's crazy. Yeah. Oh, that's dark. Yeah, I know. They would always have like an umbrella. They didn't want sun. They're like hiding from the sun all the time. They didn't want to get too dark.
Starting point is 01:51:50 Nurse Rachel, Filipino lady, she was explaining that to us. That's one of the reasons why people like glutathione. Glutathione apparently can make your skin lighter in some doses. What else is glutathione for? Glutathione is something that helps you recover from alcohol. It helps your body process alcohol a little bit better. It's got a bunch of functions. I'm the wrong person to ask.
Starting point is 01:52:14 It's real good for you. You want liposomal glutathione. It's the best in terms of like, unless you get IV, you could take it as a supplement. But it's good for, it actually helps you get over hangovers and shit. It doesn't completely do it, but it gives you like a little extra boost.
Starting point is 01:52:32 So you get like the hotel room IV in Vegas, that's what they're giving you? They're giving you glutathione if you ask for it. Yeah, you should ask for it. If you want to get one of them hotel IV jammies. Jamie and I get one once a week. Really? Yeah, we get IV, vitamin drip, and we get NAD.
Starting point is 01:52:48 What's NAD? NAD. Here we go. I'll fuck that up. You think I fucked up that Gregoria guy's name up? Let me fuck up NAD for you. What does it do? What is it for?
Starting point is 01:53:00 It actually helps keep you younger. It helps keep your body performing younger and maybe even lengthens your telomeres. Telomeres, which are an indication or an indicator of your age. As your telomeres get older, they get smaller, they get shorter. And this stuff apparently can somehow or another lengthen it. NAD has two general sets of reactions in the human body. What does NAD stand for? Does it say what it stands for?
Starting point is 01:53:27 It means something. It's like short for... Does it say? What's that picture right there? It doesn't say it on that. Does it break down what the things are for? It means something. It has a name.
Starting point is 01:53:43 Can you Google what does NAD mean? Oh, there it is. Nicotinamide endonine dinucleotide. That was pretty good. I'm tired, though, now. You read that way better than I would. I used my monkey brain, and now I'm tired. Helps turning nutrients into energy as a key player in metabolism and working
Starting point is 01:54:05 as a helper molecule for proteins that regulate other cellular functions. This is like a normal thing that lots of people have or this is like a special Joe Rogan secret sauce? You can get it. They sell it. People can get it. It's not cheap but it's very good for you. You feel great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:22 It's just I'm getting old and i'm willing to try anything when you're like 52 and you still like working out you're like okay what do i have to do what else you gotta what do i have to do what's the new new yeah and i'm only willing to do so much because if they're like well you got to drink water and no more alcohol forever i'm like or or what's the other option i live less but i enjoy it more you drink a little more water and you can still drink alcohol i have a complex life i need a little booze every now and then i really do i need a break i need a break i need a break from
Starting point is 01:54:57 responsibilities i need a break from anxiety i need a break from just thinking from people's opinions from war from chaos from arguments i mean it's crazy times right now if i didn't couldn't just smoke a joint drink a beer and i know let it let it all sink in you know the people that don't are fascinating like what are you doing with all that right yeah how you know what i really like me what do you what are you what are you doing started getting into i've got something here um i've got something here what do you got there joseph this book that i've been reading oh it's called breath um it's by this guy james nestor fascinating shit on the importance of uh breathing. Really fascinating.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Really fascinating. Breathing exercises for what? For all sorts of things. It's one of the things that Wim Hof has always said about breathing exercises, that you actually can enhance your immune system and regulate your metabolism. This guy's an upcoming guest, so I just got into it last night. But I'm fucking loving it. Oh, yeah? What'd you read about me before I came on?
Starting point is 01:56:09 I didn't read that you had a boxing career. Oh, there you go. I know you, man. I don't have to read about you. It only took us five podcasts to get there. I know, right? I knew about your fights. I'm pushing for the record.
Starting point is 01:56:20 Are you able to fully train right now? What is the rules not really you know not really my gym my gym just opened back up and you have does everybody have to distance is like hit a bag six feet apart from each other i think if you probably came in with a measuring tape 90 of the time we are are within that my gym is about 7 000 square feet and the average class is about 12 people in it. Okay, so you got a nice piece of property there. And we have a huge roll-up door so it's almost open air with
Starting point is 01:56:50 the fans going and stuff, but we take everybody's temperature before they come in and we're not actually sparring or anything like that. A lot of gyms are starting to open up now and just kickboxing or shadowboxing and hitting the bag and things along those lines.
Starting point is 01:57:05 But it's been great for me getting back because I was starting to lose it there, I think, sometimes. You know, I'm stuck at home. Were you working out at home? I built like a home gym and I was doing my thing and I was trying to run and stuff, but it's just not the same, you know? And then the students start coming back and you don't see how bad they were when they came back mentally, but you see over the course of like a week or two of them working out every day how much more they open up,
Starting point is 01:57:32 how much more normal they seem, how much happier they are. And then they start letting the hat out of the bag like, man, I was in a dark spot. And it's like I've been having an absolute blast. I teach – we have four classes a day. I'm teaching all the classes right now. And I'm loving it. That's beautiful. I'm happy to hear that.
Starting point is 01:57:47 And I'm happy to hear you're able to open again. I think that's awesome. That dark shit is no joke, man. It's no joke. Depression is a real fucking thing. It's a big part of why people are so angry right now. Right. Because there's a lot of people out there that maybe they do spin or maybe they do whatever the fuck they've been doing.
Starting point is 01:58:04 They can't do it right now. they can't do any of it and there's so many people that are like losing their livelihood yep you know i think there's a lot of people that live like corporate life or have normal jobs and i'm not talking shit about that but like put yourself in someone's shoe that for they invested everything they owned everything they had they put in all their work following this american dream this this dream, this whatever dream. And for 14 years, 15 years, they invest everything in, and then this weird flu comes along, and they can't do their business anymore.
Starting point is 01:58:34 Through no fault of their own. Through no fault of their own. And it's like, well, they should have had some money pushed aside or saved aside or whatever. How come these giant, these airplane companies that have been making billions of dollars for years and years on end, they get a bailout. Right.
Starting point is 01:58:49 They get the bailout, but, but, uh, Lolita's, uh, fucking whatever. Well,
Starting point is 01:58:55 the dirty secret is if they don't bail out the, the airlines, the airlines are not going to employ all those people. And then everyone's fucked even further. So they look at that like, this is something we need because we need it for business. We need it for people to be able to travel around. We need these planes running.
Starting point is 01:59:10 We're not going to be able to do it ourselves. But the dirty secret is there's not enough money to fix everything. There's not enough money to pay all the people, all the money that we're making during the time off. And then my shout out to my boy, John Thomas in Ohio, my buddy I went to high school with back in Ohio. He has a couple of pizzerias. And I think they're allowed to open back up now. But a lot of his employees aren't coming back to work because they make more money on unemployment than they ever did before. They have an excuse.
Starting point is 01:59:36 If they make more money on unemployment than they were actually earning working there, and they don't have to go back to work because they could say they're scared of COVID. It's fucked. Listen, I get it. If I was one of those dudes, I'd be like, hey, man, I don't want to go back to work because they could say they're scared of COVID. It's fucked. Listen, I get it. If I was one of those dudes, I'd be like, hey, man, I don't want to die from cooking pizza, bitch. I get it. Yeah, for sure. I don't want to get a—especially if you're a fat guy, and you're like, I could just hang out at home,
Starting point is 01:59:56 play Call of Duty, and get paid more, or risk my life to make pizza. Fuck out of here. I still just can't wrap my brain around people still buying into all this shit. It is the fucking flu. People die of the flu every year. A lot of them die of the flu. Our friend Eve Edwards was sick as fuck. Was sick for like weeks at a time in and out of the hospital.
Starting point is 02:00:16 This was back in like December. Now you're either telling me that COVID-19 was here before that or it's the flu. But now when you get... Now it's COVID-19 but then it was the flu my other friend was super sick he tests his antibodies though they test that's how they find out they do an antibody test and then they say oh you did have COVID-19 but like I had a buddy of mine who came in here who was fucking convinced he's like I know I had it I was so sick
Starting point is 02:00:40 nothing nothing he was like what or maybe a bad test. He should probably get another one. Did you see the... I'm going ham on this. Could be. Did you see the guy in Tanzania? It's like the president of Tanzania. No, what did he do? Oh, it's so good. Jamie, you should look this up. What did he do? It's probably too long.
Starting point is 02:00:59 He's like the president of Tanzania in Africa. It's got a super thick accent. And he said, something's going on here. People, they sent us the COVID, the COVID tests. And, um, we tested, we took, we took 10 tests or however many tests. And I took the dragon fruit and we tested the inside of the dragon fruit and we wrote Charles whatever and we tested it off and it was inconclusive and we took a goat and I tested the goat and I wrote his name was Sandra and she's 30 years old and works whatever and we tested her and she was positive and then I did another one with a chicken and it came back positive and did another one with the whatever he tested all this
Starting point is 02:01:40 random stupid shit and got like positive positive inconclusive well inconclusive makes sense if you're testing fruit and positive might make sense if it's really contagious to animals if they're you're in an area that has a high concentration of people that have the disease or you don't you just think it's just totally a fucking scratch ticket there's no way guys stop buying this bullshit. This is bullshit. So you just think it's, what do you think those people are dying of? Is this another cold?
Starting point is 02:02:10 I think it's a real bad flu and it's flu season and people are getting sick. But you know that, but COVID-19, the thing is a real thing. I know it's a real thing. Okay. I know that's a real thing. So you know these people are dying in a way that's not consistent with dying from the flu, right? Right.
Starting point is 02:02:23 Some of them are dying in real weird ways. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. It's real. It's real. I'm not. I right some of them are dying real weird ways. Yeah, yeah Maybe it's real. It's real. I'm not I know what you're saying. It's real You're fucking around in a little bit of a way I'm a little bit fucking around and I'm a little bit But you a little bit like this is not that much different from the food that we do we should have killed our society We killed the world's whole economy Yeah
Starting point is 02:02:41 The fucking whole world over a thing that killed they that kills less than one percent of of people right and how do we get it back how do we get the world back how do we get it back to normal no one knows there's no road map no one no one no clue and here's the thing though this is one thing in support of like those hardcore business folks like they're the ones who want this shit back to normal more than anybody right they're in like deep shit right now that's why the economy's still doing so well they it shows you how bullshit the economy is the stock market is doing great the stock the stock market there's days where the stock market's up i'm like how well show me your math how is your stock market up
Starting point is 02:03:24 there's so much fuckery going on. And then it's like we're supposed to trust the who, right? And the who says one thing and then the next day they say something else. Well, first of all, let's call it the World Health Organization because the who is awesome. Right, right. You know? Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
Starting point is 02:03:39 Come on, man. I'm a child of the 80s. The who is. I'm with you. They were kings. The World Health Organization, Fauci. Yes. Those people.
Starting point is 02:03:47 Well, the saddest one was when he said that the only reason we told people not to wear masks is because we didn't have any. You really should wear them. How about the time we told him? Well, then like a week later or a week after or before, he's like, oh, well, you know, masks don't actually work, but it just shows solidarity and it's a sign that we should do this and i'm like what and then the other chick does 90 of her half of all positive tests are false positives dude so this is normal like it's so much fuckery going on so
Starting point is 02:04:18 much fuckery but so much fuck it's also they're learning on the job you know they're trying to figure out what this thing is and isn't on the job. And they can't just be honest and say, we made mistakes. This is what we thought. Now we think differently. But people died. Sorry. They can't say that. People died in nursing homes that our government made them take sick people, whether it was the flu or whatever.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Not government. New York, right? New York. That's a dark choice, man. And then Como's brother is on CNN, like, I'm locking myself in my basement for 15 days and he gets caught. Not really. Come on.
Starting point is 02:04:55 Your whole family, bro. Well, not only did he get caught, but he also did a video of him coming out of the basement for the first time. Yeah. That was the worst thing of getting caught that was like you planted and made this fake scenario and your your family's supposed to be all shocked when you come out of the basement for the first time in 14 days that's I agree with you fuck off that said I've worked in television and I guarantee you that was a producer's decision that was some network executive that wanted a video of him coming out
Starting point is 02:05:26 and they had already got it planned and he just fucking jetted over to the Hamptons to check out a spot where he's going to build his dope house and then came back and was like, okay, we're doing it. I'm coming out of the basement. Everybody knows. I got in a fight with a guy on a bike. Is that okay still? Don't call me Fredo!
Starting point is 02:05:42 And so he goes up the stairs like, here I am! Look at at this i made it out of the basement i feel for him in that situation i feel for him because i guarantee you that was some jackass from the network that had this idea to have him come out of the basement and some sort of theatrical thing you were just deceitful or sneaky or whatever word it is to all of the viewers on tv i don't feel bad for him you intentionally just tricked everybody on some fake shit they didn't have to do that they didn't have to do that well that's why podcasts work because nobody's doing that kind of shit on podcasts you know they realize you don't have to you don't have to pretend just say
Starting point is 02:06:22 yeah i'm one of the hamptons probably Probably shouldn't, but I stayed away from everybody. My wife's already around me anyway. And then some dude in a bike just came by and he was being a dick. I was like, yeah, bro. I'm just looking at my house spot. I'm building a dope house, you bike-riding dick fuck. If I survive this big COVID shit, I'm going to fucking live right next door to you. He was an interesting case, too.
Starting point is 02:06:43 Apparently, he was saying at nighttime it gets really bad, but when he was on television, he looked great. Like, yeah, it's bad at night. Okay. How about you go to bed earlier?
Starting point is 02:06:51 We don't really have it, but you know, it's part of my, are you taking vitamins? How come nobody said that? Right? How come that nobody, we closed down gyms.
Starting point is 02:07:00 Nobody has talked about food, about immune system. None of that. That Dr. Shiva guy was saying a lot of cool stuff but nobody's saying it so it must be something weird going on there i don't know yeah he's a weird one i don't know if he's telling the truth or what what the deal is i started like some of the stuff doesn't make sense and then it was like you're obviously running for some
Starting point is 02:07:18 kind of office or whatever very smart that's for sure smart Smart dude. Very intelligent guy. But, you know, he's, if you're a person that questions any aspect of COVID, you're immediately pushed into this area of someone who can't be trusted, can't listen to them, got to silence them. You're a conspiracy theorist. Don't let them, dude, they were saying that about Elon. They were telling, like the Elon podcast never trended. And which is, I'm not asking, I don't give a fuck like if it trends if it doesn't i appreciate youtube i appreciate this platform i really do i really do but i think
Starting point is 02:07:52 when something gets 11 million downloads in a day and there's a bunch of other videos that don't get nearly as much but that one's not trending like why isn't it trending and how much that has to do with his opinions on things that aren't sanctioned? And one of his opinions on things was the perspective on COVID, that keeping people locked up as a mandatory thing. That is not good. It's not what this country was founded on. And we should quarantine people who are sick. And he's smart as fuck. And he made a lot of sense. And people don't want to hear that because they want to hear Fauci tell you wear a mask or don't wear a mask.
Starting point is 02:08:28 Or I mean, these people, these, these people are health experts, but we proven that they've been wrong about multiple things. Just in the two months they have been wrong. And they have proven that they've been wrong and multiple things continuously.
Starting point is 02:08:42 Right. But if you have a video with Fauci and it gets 11 million views, that motherfucker will trend. Guarantee. I guarantee you. You can't do that. You shouldn't do that.
Starting point is 02:08:55 I shouldn't say you can't do that because you obviously can and you did. But you shouldn't do that because it's not good. The best way to figure out who's right when someone who, especially in retrospect, you know, hindsight's 20-20, but we're looking back three months at all the times that things were wrong, all the mistakes that were made. In January, the World Health Organization literally said it can't be transmitted from
Starting point is 02:09:13 person to person according to China. That's what they literally said. They put it out on a tweet. Okay. Give them that. Everybody made mistakes. But because of that, you can't silence people who have contrary opinions. Because of the fact that you have all these people that are experts in their field that have made mistakes,
Starting point is 02:09:34 you cannot discount someone who's clearly a fucking super genius, who's also looking at this from an additional perspective. Here's another perspective. Why don't we just quarantine the people that are at risk? Why don't we quarantine people who are overweight? Instead of the whole population. Then, step two, let's figure out what the fuck this is and how to take care of it and take care of everybody. But give people the opportunity, if they choose to take a risk, to take the risk. You can't force them to tank their business. I mean, maybe the hindsight's 20-20, but that sounds like a logical thing that should have been said from the jump.
Starting point is 02:10:10 Why do we have to make that huge mistake? This is why, because we thought it was going to be way worse. We thought it was going to be worse than it is. We thought it was going to burn through the population and kill 10% of everyone. Sometimes those things happen, and sometimes they morph, right? They evolve. Viruses can change. They can change as they're going from person to person. And they really believe that the virus that we got on the West Coast here is actually lighter than the virus
Starting point is 02:10:34 they got on the East Coast. They think the virus that came from Europe is probably more deadly than the virus that came here. Why? I don't know. But there's a bunch of other factors that they never take into consideration. You never hear people talking about vitamin D, going outside, taking care of yourself. Those people on the other side, man, those people on the west coast or east coast, rather, they don't get any sun. Do you ever live in New York? Bro. Been there, though.
Starting point is 02:10:58 But yeah, I get that. It gets dreary. They're just right on top of each other. Every subway, everything. Think about the subway rail when you walk up the stairs. Oh, gross. And also in those subways, everybody's breathing everybody else's air. There's no way around it.
Starting point is 02:11:13 You have to breathe their air. But the big thing, like, you know, I lived in Boston. I lived in Newton when I was a kid. And I remember Newton was a nice place, beautiful, beautiful neighborhood. But I remember the wintertime was so depressing. Just look up at the sky and it was just gray. You couldn't see anything. You couldn't see any sun.
Starting point is 02:11:35 I mean, the sun came through the clouds, but you never saw a blue sky. Like for months at a time, it was just gray. And everybody would get bummed out and people would get real shitty with each other. at a time it was just gray and everybody would get bummed out people get real shitty with each other did you notice like uh when the quarantine first happened like the first two weeks it was just draining all day every day my backyard was flooding it was like terrible and it was life is awful and then all of a sudden the sun came out and it's like a couple days off it's not too bad right yeah yeah having a day off and it's raining sucks. Awful. Yeah. Awful.
Starting point is 02:12:05 But not that bad for us because at least we can say, oh, we need this rain. Right. Like this is a good rest day. We need this rain. We're in a drought right now. It's real bad. But if you live in Seattle, bro. Every day.
Starting point is 02:12:19 Every day. Seattle, I love you people. You guys are beautiful. I love your attitude. I don't like the Chaz situation. I don't think that's wise. What's your thoughts on Chaz? I just want to tell the people of Seattle, get out.
Starting point is 02:12:32 Go. Just go. There's a reason why it's going crazy. It's filled with homeless people. Everyone's tired. They're depressed. You don't get any sunlight. It's not good.
Starting point is 02:12:40 You need sunlight. That shit's terrible for you. My take on the Chaz situation is, they're doing exact, I was talking about it with Colleen Noir the other day. They're doing exactly the same thing they get mad at when they think about a country. They put up walls. They have borders. They have police and enforcement. They beat the fuck out of people. There's been murders inside. It's not all kumbaya, you know? It's like you just made a shittier, smaller version of a city.
Starting point is 02:13:10 Of course you did. Of course you did. But it's got borders. A regular city, you could just drive in at Albuquerque. They let you in. Jazz is like, fuck you. We got border walls. You could go to San Francisco.
Starting point is 02:13:25 You just drive in. No one can come in here if we have a plastic barrier. How crazy is that? How did that happen? They're LARPing. How did that happen? It's live action role playing. They're LARPing, for sure.
Starting point is 02:13:34 That's what it is. For sure. Yeah. I mean, that's what it is. And they took over the city? They took over the LARPers? Well, they need to learn. the LARPers? Well, they need to learn, you know, I mean
Starting point is 02:13:43 there's a thing that happens when a lot of these protesters get equated with progress right, whether it's Antifa or any like, you know, real Marxist, left wing, progressive socialist movement, they have good intentions, right, and they get
Starting point is 02:14:00 lumped in with the idea of progress so people let them get away with stuff they go, oh, just, they're They think, oh, it's progress. It's going to work out. It's going to work out. But they don't have a real plan. These folks don't have a long-term plan. When Seattle gave them that, it's probably the most brilliant move ever.
Starting point is 02:14:16 Like, okay, oh, you think you can do better? Why don't you go ahead? It's like you have kids, right? When your kid's like, I don't know how to tie my shoes. You're like, okay, go tie your shoes. And you stand there for a minute. You want some help? I'll's like, I don't know how to tie my shoes. You're like, okay, go tie your shoes. And you stand there for a minute. You want some help? I'll help you because you don't know how to tie your shoes.
Starting point is 02:14:29 This is how you do it. You make the bunny ears. You go through the loop. But sometimes you have to let a kid, particularly boys. I have all girls, but I would imagine with boys even more so. They get a little stubborn. I fucking know what I'm doing, Dad. And you got to go, oh, okay, do you?
Starting point is 02:14:44 Okay, Chaz, good luck. Good luck. Okay, Chaz. Six blocks. You guys had two murders inside of a fucking week. I just don't understand how that happened. I don't understand how the city just let it go. I think it's like a publicity stunt and they wanted, I think the city or whoever's in charge of that
Starting point is 02:14:59 are letting them do that. There's a lot of them, man. But they're not being overrun with like guns and bombs and bullshit. This is like, we're going to let these guys have it, and then we're going to let this fail. I don't even know. It just doesn't make any sense to me. It seems like a joke.
Starting point is 02:15:14 If you talk to people... My friend Rob Wolf reached out to me because some folks from the Seattle Police Department reached out to him. They're trying to get their message out. They're trying to figure it out. And essentially, they were saying that the media is not telling the true story. And that the true story is every time, like the media will show them tear gassing people. They don't say that they had set up boundaries and they said, you got to stay out of the
Starting point is 02:15:34 precinct, got to stay out of this area. You guys, you can't just invade. And every time they put up these boundaries, they would push through and then they had to use tear gas they felt to defend their position. And then they eventually had to give up the whole precinct. And then they had to give up like six blocks. And they don't feel like there's a lot of support for their position in the news. And they also don't feel like they're being given the freedom to defend it properly.
Starting point is 02:16:01 Like they really, they couldn't, they had to get out of there. That's why they took, that's why those people took it. That's why it's still locked down today. And the mayor has been saying lately, it's time to go home now. But the mayor before gave a fucked up answer of it, saying that peaceful protest has always been great. Maybe this is the summer of love.
Starting point is 02:16:17 Oh, okay. Good luck, lady. These ideas, they get connected with progress. So those people who really want better, right? They're angry that George Floyd got murdered, but we all are. Every normal, rational person's angry. They all want to fucking see change, but we all do. But they decided to see change in six blocks of Seattle that had nothing to do with George Floyd.
Starting point is 02:16:38 They just took over. And they took over these buildings. So they basically did what Columbus did. They came and took over an area, but then they did what Trump did they put up a wall i mean and then they did what those cops did they beat the fuck out of people yeah i mean they they ruined their own idea within a couple of weeks so it really was like seattle just going go ahead oh you know how to do better oh you're gonna do better okay go ahead go ahead now they're like, it's time to go home. But there's people in there that are armed.
Starting point is 02:17:09 It's not that simple. I don't know how they think they're going to get these people out of there. Because you can't even get homeless people out of San Francisco. They're basically taking over Portland. Portland's filled with tents. San Francisco's nuts, man. It's nuts. You drive down the street and you stump some neighborhoods in San Francisco. You see like multi-million dollar houses and there's five tents in front of the house.
Starting point is 02:17:30 You're like, what is this? You can't litter. You can't throw beer cans on the ground. How come you can leave a tent and a fucking little camp stove and a cardboard box filled with bullshit? And everybody's just waiting for somebody else to come clean the tent out in front of their yard. Everybody's waiting to fix the solution. Joe, what would you do if there was three tents in front of your house? It's a good question.
Starting point is 02:17:48 I don't know what I'd do. What would you do? I don't want to go to jail. I don't want to go to jail, so I don't know. Probably hire somebody to clean it up. I don't know what to do. I wouldn't know what to do. What is the law?
Starting point is 02:17:56 Can my kid not play in the yard? Because someone threw a fucking heroin needle in the yard, and he's got a tent right there. And if you're in Venice, and you've got little little tiny patch of grass where your kid can play and your kid runs into a heroin needle that someone chucked over the fence but we have to be progressive we have to be nice and people no bro you go knock on the tent hey man you can't have your tent here get the fuck out i'll fucking do that no no i actually won't you're gonna get't. You're going to get the fuck out. You're going to get the fuck out. Nope, got to go. I'm a crack baby. Alright, later.
Starting point is 02:18:31 You got to go. I'm looking at Seattle News. They said they're going to leave today. There's like an official Capitol Hill occupied protest zone says it's concluded as of tonight and they expect some people to not actually leave, but they're saying it's over. See, I think somebody else funded that.
Starting point is 02:18:46 I think that was a big joke. I think that was like a big thing. Who do you think funded it? I don't know. Probably somebody in a deep state or whatever.
Starting point is 02:18:54 The guys that fund all the other stuff think that's crazy, right? The guys who throw Epstein witnesses out of buildings. Right. How does that money go around?
Starting point is 02:19:01 Who gets it? It goes in Bitcoin. They buy tacos with it. I don't know. I think people are funding it, and I don't know. There's so much shit going on. I can't just blindly believe any of these narratives anymore. It's just beyond to me.
Starting point is 02:19:17 It would be crazy if we found out there was some sort of a weird ulterior motive for letting them take over, and that this has all been planned out in some sort of a strange way. ulterior motive for letting them take over and that this has all been planned out in some sort of a strange way people think that some people think that this civil unrest and that even encouraging the spread of corona would you know by letting people protest and not doing anything to stop it is actually some sort of a nefarious attempt to make sure that all the elections are mail-in ballots so they can monkey with them you know shenanigans it does make sense if i was writing a tom clancy novel yeah right that makes sense i don't know if it's true though dude i can barely pay attention to shit i do yeah my left switch kicks terrible so really
Starting point is 02:19:59 yeah so much i got you bro moves too slow i got you bro it's too much of a weird come off balance i'm concentrating on that i can't be concentrating on chas i like to step up over the switch we Yeah, so much fat. I got you, bro. Moves too slow. I got you, bro. Too much of a weird, come off balance. I'm concentrating on that. I can't be concentrating on Chaz. I like the step up over the switch. We can work on that. I'll tell you what, I'll show you that. Why do you like the step up over the switch? Okay.
Starting point is 02:20:14 Because if we do the switch kick, you're staring at me. It's a scary time. I'm staring at you. We're about to fucking whatever. And then you see me jump and switch my feet. Right. You know that something's coming. You know it's coming.
Starting point is 02:20:25 But if I just step forward with my right foot, even if you tried to back up, I can make the adjustment because my foot is stepping. Okay. That makes sense. That makes sense. Kevin Ross doesn't even switch. But once I jump to switch, I'm stuck in that position.
Starting point is 02:20:39 Then I have to take an additional step if you back up. But if I just walk forward and you move backwards, I can adjust my foot. Some guys don't like to switch, right? Some guys just blast it right from the front leg. Yeah, I do that as well. It just depends on the distance. If the person's coming to me, then I can do that.
Starting point is 02:20:56 Right, and if they're moving away, you've got to do that step. Makes sense. What do you think about the low calf kick? How crazy is that that That's become so popular. It wasn't like a thing, and then all of a sudden it's a thing. It's like the best thing. It's like a really effective thing. My training partner, Bamba, we both had a – both of our last fights were on the same card.
Starting point is 02:21:16 And that was like his thing. He was like, oh, I'm going to kick him in the calf. I'm going to kick him in the calf. I'm going to kick him in the calf. And then he kicked me in the calf while we were sparring. And I'm like, hey, bro, like fucking don't do that like don't do that like stop doing that you know my fucking shit it could ruin your shit yeah it's not like a thigh kick where you like catch a medium one and you're okay if somebody really slams into your calf you're fucked and if you it happens by
Starting point is 02:21:40 just being lazy with your block if you block block correctly, it's fine. But if like, especially in like a sparring situation, you're just, you're lazy with your block. And then it hits that side of that calf and it's different ballgame. It fucks it up for a long time too. The nerve. It's a weird feeling, right? Yeah. Sucks.
Starting point is 02:21:56 It's like. Well, you saw like the Michael Chandler one where his whole foot went numb. That was insane. Henry Cejudo versus Mighty Mouse too. Cejudo, same thing. The second fight, same thing. Yeah. It shuts your foot versus Mighty Mouse, too. Cejudo, same thing. The second fight, same thing. Yeah, it shuts your foot off.
Starting point is 02:22:07 It's nuts. And there's not much you can do about that. He's a beast, huh? Dude. He's up there, too. Undeniable. He's up there. You want to talk about some of the greats. The guys are Olympic gold medalists in wrestling,
Starting point is 02:22:19 and then two-division UFC world champion. And then smashed Dominic Cruz, smashed TJ Dillashaw, smashed Marlon Marais. And then juiced up TJ Dillashaw. EPO'd. EPO'd. But starving to death. Really, the EPO was just keeping him alive. Bro, he looked worse on weigh-in day than anyone I've ever seen ever.
Starting point is 02:22:42 Next to Travis Luter. But Travis Luter was just trying to dehydrate too much in one day. TJ had eaten himself down to nothing. And then dehydrated. And then dehydrated himself. He had eaten himself down to nothing. Like he let his body eat itself. His cheeks were completely sunken in.
Starting point is 02:22:58 He looked like he was found in the woods. And that was for 35, right? 25. 25. Yeah, so he was the 35- right? 25. 25. 25. Yeah, so he was the 35-pound champion, went down to 25. He said he took EPO just to be able to train. He was like, he couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 02:23:14 But, you know, it's hard to tell. The alpha male guys are like, fuck you, you did. Like, Cody Garbrandt in a press conference was saying, bro, you were always taking that shit. So he didn't say anything. It's like taking that shit so he didn't say it's like it's one of those things where it's like when you get caught with something like that
Starting point is 02:23:29 your whole legacy gets it's gets thrown up in the air people like for sure yeah I mean I'm wondering
Starting point is 02:23:36 if they could retroactively test some of the samples if they kept the samples as long I don't know I don't know how long they keep them that's how they got Lance
Starting point is 02:23:44 right was it Lance never popped while he was competing it was after the fact right something long? I don't know. I don't know how long they keep them. That's how they got Lance, right? Was it? Yes. Lance never popped while he was competing. It was after the fact, right? Something like that? I don't know if they ever got him. I think he had to confess.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Really? I don't believe they ever caught Lance. I thought they took old samples and then did it. Maybe. But maybe they didn't catch him. You might be right. I don't know. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 02:24:00 You might be right. I felt like at the time when he quit though That wasn't the case I felt the time when it was like he was the walls were closing in on him and He had ex-teammates Testifying everybody was going on. Yeah But again It's just When your whole sports dirty like what are they doing now? Are they just remarkably slower? Like, what are they doing?
Starting point is 02:24:27 You got a juiced up sport. If you keep the same times, I'm going to be super suspicious. Yeah, what happened in that very next, especially if the next guy behind Lance that didn't juice was 27th or something. Did the numbers just tack on an hour to every race? I know. I thought it was 18th, but you might be right. But it's something crazy like that. It's definitely top 10 or gone. Oh for sure
Starting point is 02:24:48 Top 15 what is who agree? It's over top 15. Yeah. Well, that's the old days of the UFC, too Mm-hmm. I mean you want to go back to old days of pride for sure Ensign anyway told me they told him on the contract you will not be tested for steroids He said it was all I'm like told me that told him on the contract, you will not be tested for steroids. I think Eve told me that, too. Same thing. It was on big, bold letters, like, you will not be tested. Big, bold letters. They're like, have at it, boys.
Starting point is 02:25:10 And I think so could you. I want to say it was so could you. I could be wrong. One of those guys told me that after they got tested and pried, they would walk out. If they got tested, that there would be just cups of piss all down the hallway after the fight. Like, they didn't do anything with it.
Starting point is 02:25:27 Like, the guys peed in the cup, and then they set it on the floor. And down the hallway, it was just cups of pee all the way down. Yeah, pee in this cup, please. It's required. Okay, thanks. Yeah, we got it. For nothing. Yeah, we tested for drugs, man.
Starting point is 02:25:36 That turns out. Tested their piss. It just burned the results. Clean as a whistle. When you go and watch those, some of those fights where guys were just like so juiced up They let Bob Sapp fight at 375 pounds with abs With abs bro that guy and then and he's like an emotional wreck starts crying
Starting point is 02:25:58 Well when you're on that kind of juice I would imagine your whole perspective in reality just gets like Doses are those Are those just buckets of testosterone every week? I wonder if he would be clean. He would tell you, what were you doing during the Minotaur fight? Tell me about those days. Tell me about
Starting point is 02:26:18 what was going on. Cro Cop and his legs were just fucking enormous. Meanwhile, Cro Cop smashed him. Even when he was fully on? Cro Cop and his legs were just fucking enormous. Meanwhile, Cro Cop smashed him. Even when he was like fully on the shit. Cro Cop dropped him on the straight left. All those guys were on the shit. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 02:26:31 All those guys. All those guys. For sure. Yeah. Well, that was the thing. People got real mad at me when I questioned Fedor. I'm like, well, listen. It's not like Russia hasn't been known to do shit like that before.
Starting point is 02:26:42 It's not exactly. When it's in your contract that you're not testing and you're the GOAT heavyweight. You're the GOAT. If you come to the US, maybe not so much the GOAT anymore. Yeah, not so much the GOAT anymore once they were testing, right? Van der Leij, same thing. But also years on the clock. There's a lot of factors.
Starting point is 02:27:01 For sure, of course. You know, when he was fighting like crow cop the early days of like fedor versus crow cop it's hard to argue that he wasn't a goat he's one of those guys like in the heavyweight division there was a few years when random man picked him up and slammed him and then he camorra'd him right afterwards insane yeah there was a there were some fights man when you're like that guy's the best. He's the fucking best. Randleman used to be a terrifying dude, too. Oh, my God. Remember him jumping up and down across
Starting point is 02:27:29 the cage? Can you imagine? Like, what the fuck? This dude's a gorilla. He had so much athleticism. He was so fast and so powerful. He knocked out Crow Cop. Remember that? Left hook. Stepped in, faked like a takedown, cracked him with a left hook. Boom! And then finished himedown cracked him with a left hook boom
Starting point is 02:27:45 and then finished him off on the ground with nasty hammer fists it was horrible I mean that's like the kickboxer transitioning to MMA's biggest problem right
Starting point is 02:27:53 yep faked a takedown hands down yep been a lot of those yep there's been quite a few of those and Randleman
Starting point is 02:28:00 was like he was so perfect for that role because he was the wrestler who was a stud wrestler, but also had crazy speed and power with his punches. Crazy closing the distance power, you know? Like Woodley.
Starting point is 02:28:11 Mm-hmm. Exactly. You go like the Woodley-Jay Heron fight, or Carlos Condi. Or the Woodley and Robbie Lawler fight. Oh, yeah. Perfect example. His ability to close distance and hit the target is second to none. Oh, my God. Yeah. he would throw bombs man what a career that guy had has had but how good did gilbert burns look
Starting point is 02:28:35 man that was crazy i'm a big fan of gilbert burns he's a stud everybody before the fight i was like man i really like woodley, but I think Gilbert Burns. And everybody's like, no, Woodley for sure, Woodley for sure. If you see the Gilbert Burns that knocked out Damian Maia and you realize, man, this guy is no joke on the ground, Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion, and he's got that sneaky left hook, and also this is a giant opportunity for him. Woodley's an all-time great. If Woodley retires right now, he goes down in the books
Starting point is 02:29:04 as one of the all-time great UFC champions. Definitely top three welterweights of all time. Or top four. Plus there's a big difference in a former champion and an up-and-coming guy that's starting to see the light that there is a fucking title right there. I can get to
Starting point is 02:29:19 this. I've been in those positions and that dude's a dangerous dude when they haven't gotten there yet This is a guy that's still trying to keep it. Yes. Yes, and then that's burned that team Sanford MMA with whoo a jujitsu Monster phenom and he's working with high-level strikers every day. What's crazy is like on a kill streak Oh, I mean, he's such a kill shoot. What's crazy is like... On a kill streak. Oh, man, he's such on a kill streak.
Starting point is 02:29:45 What's crazy is like, he really didn't strike until like just a few years ago. I mean, I don't know how many years he's been fighting now, but before that, like, just had to learn how to strike. He was a jujitsu guy.
Starting point is 02:29:56 He doesn't have like a background in kickboxing, but when you watch him fight, he's all about striking. Really good. Really good. Really good. Dude, did him drop Woodley like that in the first round
Starting point is 02:30:06 and swarm him? Like, fuck, man. And his pace keeps up that pace for five fucking rounds. Hard. Between UFC fights, he's doing grappling. Still competing at high-level grappling tournaments and stuff. That's a dangerous move, man.
Starting point is 02:30:21 That's a dangerous move. When Cub Swanson blew his knee out at the quintet, I was like, oh, no. And against Jake Shields, I'm like, hey, dude, Jake Shields is huge. He's a lot bigger than you, man. Yeah. And he got, did you see it? I did. I didn't see it.
Starting point is 02:30:37 It was in a leg lock position. I think he was like reaping. Oh, that's terrible. They were stuck in this bad position and Cubs knee exploded yeah it's it's just a bad grappling matchup I mean I know Cubs a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu but Jake is big he's a big guy and he's fucking strong and he has a long career as a competitive jiu-jitsu player if you're cub and you like just doing real good like you've had some wicked
Starting point is 02:31:05 fights and you got a lot of momentum and then you blow your fucking knee out in this grappling competition like shit and he's like 35 i think in that range like that's a bad time to get injured like that and if you look at it like i'm a fighter and i'm doing this grappling tournament as like a thing a fun thing a fun thing then you have to go in there like if i have caught in a position or this is not going well i have to know that i'm a fighter not a you know yes you got to be willing to tap or at the end of the day you're just sitting there like what a yeah why'd i do that yeah there was a it was a lot of jiu jitsu guys um in that thing there's uh there's something about those leg locks too it's like
Starting point is 02:31:46 scary way to get hurt because you're like yikes that's gonna be a bad one you know when you see someone get heel hooked and they're not tapping quick enough and you see that look in their face like ah you're like oh you ain't recovering from that one for a long ass time everybody's like training training leg locks now right that's like a new newer thing right like yeah I've been training with Eddie a bunch lately and it's like getting used to just the 10-planet style of jiu-jitsu is so different and then like the lockdown every five seconds on my leg I gotta deal with that and then everybody's constantly going for leg locks all the time I've never I've trained a lot of
Starting point is 02:32:21 teams on a lot of ways over the years with jiu-jitsu and it's just a real issue. It's a real issue. Because there's not a lot of room for defense in certain spots. Heel hook spots, like inside heel hooks, bro, you've got very little time to make a decision there. Are you going to roll out of this or are you just going to
Starting point is 02:32:41 tap now and preserve your shit? Because you might get ripped apart. And then Eddie's warm-ups, we have to, like, you know, I'm sure you know, like, the A's and the B's in the season. There's, like, I think it was C that we were doing. Maybe it was B. But it was, like, knee bar, ankle lock, knee bar, like, foot, foot, foot, these things. And that's just the warm-up of the thing. These guys are constantly working on those specific style of jiu-jitsu around the leg locks, foot locks, and ankle locks.
Starting point is 02:33:11 It's a crazy time. And if you look at the professional jiu-jitsu scene, if you look at the top of the food chain like the Gordon Ryans and Craig Jones and guys of that nature, they're all known for having nasty leg locks. John Donahue's guys. Well, Craig is an Australian guy But yeah, Gordon Ryan Gary Tonin who's now a 1fc guy
Starting point is 02:33:31 So I made his debut. Yeah, he's fought several times. Oh nice. He's fought several times. He's undefeated in MMA. Awesome Yeah, he's doing really good It is a big deal because you know Whenever a guy like you who's a world champion in kickboxing or a guy like him as a world champion grappling makes its way into MMA like your advantage of your specialty is significant right like and you're standing up with someone your advantage for most guys against you is pretty significant you know if you were just having a kickboxing fight to be very
Starting point is 02:34:01 significant right so that's the same thing with grappling with a guy like Tonin man he gets a hold of your shit you got real problems man he's sneaky quick quick did you ever see that video where it was i think it was in abu dhabi where he hit this dude with a scissor sweep right into a heel hook and like tapped him in 15 seconds oh yeah it was like immediate right he just threw his body weight sideways and fell right into the heel hook and was immediately cranking on it. And I feel like he has a couple of those. This is his forte.
Starting point is 02:34:31 Well, he's so good defensively. This is not it, but this is similar. He did it on this guy too. That's in just a grappling competition. I think he's done it in MMA as well. But he's so good defensively that he's not really worried, like, about you catching him when you go to the ground. So he'll do wild shit to get to the ground, like dive into a flying scissor,
Starting point is 02:34:56 you know, because he's like, look, once we go to the ground, my level is so high in comparison to most guys. I can just get away with getting to the ground in weird spots, you know? Confidence. Even if I get, yeah, even if I get in a weird spot, I'm going to be, I'm going to still end up in a better position. Yeah. His D this is right, right here.
Starting point is 02:35:12 Look at this. Boom. I mean, come on, man. This dude tries to roll. He's like tap, tap. I mean, that is nasty, man. He falls right into it, right into it. Bam.
Starting point is 02:35:22 Ah, that feeling of feeling your shit separate inside your knee and you're like oh god damn it's so quick it's so quick like you do i even bother trying to figure out what is you know get the fuck off yeah get off me bitch stop stop stop and some guys would just let them rip their knee apart there was a gary tonin aj how do you say his last name eric has i guess i guess i. Agazam, who's also very talented. And Gary Tonin had him in the craziest knee bar where his knee was just fucked, just bent completely out of place. And he didn't tap.
Starting point is 02:35:57 He just let him fuck his knee up. It's nasty to watch, too. And then he's out for over a year or something? I don't think he was out for that long, believe it or not. Damn. I think he just dealt with the fact that his shit was ripped up. Man, shout-outs to him. He had a wild—
Starting point is 02:36:14 Bellator fight. Bellator. Well, his first one was, like, fucking everybody was ragging on him. He had a bunch of stupid faces. Didn't work out well. But, like, his last fight, they gave him, like, a tough guy that was part of that tournament. And, man, he really brought it it was good
Starting point is 02:36:27 he really brought it it was an awesome fight it was really good he's super talented on the ground really good and again in comparison like he can hang in there
Starting point is 02:36:33 with guys like Tonin in comparison to the average MMA fighter he's gonna have a significant advantage for sure see if he can fight find that Gary Tonin
Starting point is 02:36:42 taps out his name is his name is tough to say See if you can find that Gary Tonin taps out. His name is tough to say. There it is. So look. Look how bad his knee is. Dude, look at that. That is so bad.
Starting point is 02:36:59 That is so bad. Look how far back that's going. And Aguilar just handles it Just deals with it He's like I don't give a fuck Go ahead break my shit Like he's literally letting him Fuck his knee up Look how bad Let me see that one more time
Starting point is 02:37:16 Look how bad that thing is bent Look at that Bro that's bad That's really bad Look how far it is past straight Ouchie And look how red Gary's face is bad. That's really bad. Look how far it is past straight. Ouchy! And look how red Gary's face is.
Starting point is 02:37:31 Holy shit. Gary's trying to murder everyone he's ever met. Huh? Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's bending the wrong way. Yeah, his foot is coming toward his head. I almost couldn't tell. I know, because it seems like he should be facing the other direction and it's bending backwards. And he's even posting off
Starting point is 02:37:47 of his own shit, trying to get more off of that, like how red his face is. He's going for that. Yeah, that is his knee is getting ripped apart there. His head is going this way and his foot is going that way. Not good. Super duper not good. And he's like, fine, fucking fine.
Starting point is 02:38:03 Lifts his hands up, fine. Some people are just tough, man. They can handle getting their leg ripped apart. I've seen it. Jon Jones did it against Vitor. Vitor ruined his arm. Ruined his arm. Vitor got him in a full on arm bar,
Starting point is 02:38:17 fully hyperextended. And Jon's like, fuck you. I'm not tapping. Like, you can do whatever you want with that thing. I got this one over here Remember Tim Sylvia getting his arm snapped in half. Yes, Frank Mir
Starting point is 02:38:35 And then the only person that saved his entire fucking career was herb Dean right herb Dean's like hey Hey, hey your arms broken. He's a come on, bro Yeah, he's like let me fight and you know you were you commentator that yeah, yeah, and you're like oh something's going on here They're like they watch the video and you're like, oh. Well, the audience was booing. And so I said, you got to show these people the video. We got to see this video. And the audience was booing. And then they put it up on the big screen.
Starting point is 02:38:55 And then when they put it up on the big screen, the moment you see it snap, people went, oh. You hear it through the whole crowd like, oh. It was the worst broken arm I've ever seen up to that point. Someone else had a nasty one in the UFC. I can't think of it. It was like a spiral fracture. Minotauro versus Frank Mir.
Starting point is 02:39:15 Frank Mir got him in a Kimura. Minotauro didn't tap. And he just, you heard it too. You heard it. Packed arena. You hear, ah! And you see him sitting there looking at it like, yeah, look at him. Look at him looking at it like, fuck.
Starting point is 02:39:31 Have you ever hit somebody with that and torn their shit? No. I did when I was, it was a long time ago. But I was, I had somebody in a Kimura and they were like an upper belt and just didn't think that they were stuck. They thought it was whatever. And I don't even know if it was like about me. He was just not going with the Kimura sweep. It might even have been a sweep.
Starting point is 02:39:52 And he just refused the sweep. And his joint ripped. And it sounded like if you took a terrycloth towel and just pulled it apart. It was terrible. And that gave me nightmares for like weeks it's always in my head because it's right over you right it's like right in your ear oh it's terrible feel the tendons ripping apart terrible i don't think i can make that sound yeah something like that right yeah that's the rough thing about jiu-jitsu, man. If you break something, you're like, well, now I'm out for six months.
Starting point is 02:40:25 If I'm lucky. Yeah. And the ego gets involved, right? Yeah, that's the problem. There's a lot of ego in jiu-jitsu. Oh, for sure, man. You don't want to let it go. I always try to go into like, especially when I go to a lot of different jiu-jitsu gyms.
Starting point is 02:40:40 I'm not like a long-term guy, right? So it's like, oh, that's Joe Schilling. And I go in with no ego. And there's always a guy that's gonna go like extra super hard this is his big his big moment you know and it's yeah that is a problem these motherfuckers in their big moments and i'm like bro i know it's your big day but it's just like my tuesday afternoon but that is the problem with a professional fighter, always training with civilians. You never know. You're not vetting these people.
Starting point is 02:41:09 They're like, they might be bad cops. Bad cops are allowed to train jiu-jitsu, too. If you're in a fucking place and there's a guy who has that bad cop mentality and he happens to be a brown belt. Bro, I'm so scared to get pulled over. No. I'm not even lying. Let's just give the cops some love.
Starting point is 02:41:24 I'm so scared to get pulled over. You want good'm not even lying. Let's just give the cops some love. I'm so scared to get pulled over. You want good cops. We want good cops. Cops are important. And I know there's a lot of them. I think there's more good cops than bad. I really believe that. I think it's just an insanely hard job.
Starting point is 02:41:36 And I think they're held to a standard that they should be held to because it's a life or death situation. But it's a standard where your entire job is you're dealing with conflict. Conflict is very rare for people. For regular people, not like you, you fight. You're pretty good at conflict. But for regular folks, they don't come into physical conflict on a regular basis. It's very rare. For a cop, it's every day.
Starting point is 02:42:01 You're overloading your system. 100%. So if you have this guy who's already a little wacky, and then you put him into an everyday conflict situation, and then he's got seven years on the job, who knows how nuts that guy is by the time he does something stupid. Which is why we just need to start the process with, are you okay with conflict?
Starting point is 02:42:21 Let's go down the list. You can't even ask them. You can't ask them. You got to make them carry the boat. I think they should all go through BUDS training. I really do. Any kind of thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:31 Find out if they're exceptional. Find out if there's something about them that separates them from a regular person. Well, if not, well, guess what? Having a gun and a fucking badge and the ability to pull somebody over and tell them what to do and shoot people, that takes you out of the realm of a normal person. If you want to be a non-normal person, you have to show the qualifications of a non-normal person. And I think most of them can do it. They could do it.
Starting point is 02:42:54 And if they listen to Jocko, they let Jocko Willing take over the training and just make sure everybody does 20% training, we can radically reduce a lot of the interactions with people that are negative. Radically. percent training we can radically reduce a lot of the interactions of people that are negative and then we can over overshadow it with good stories of cops doing good things and change the perspective yes but right now everybody needs to see there's a problem so they can be fixed yes right they do need to see that and that's why even the people that are mad and they don't like you now and they're pissed off at you i hope they understand your perspective and that's why i wanted to first of all i love you so i wanted to, first of all, I love you. So I wanted to have you on because I always love seeing you.
Starting point is 02:43:28 But I wanted to have you on because I know that this means something to you. This is not just like some celeb cause. Like we were talking about that goofy video that those people made. You know, like I'm going to be held accountable. I'm going to be part of the problem. No, you're doing that not for the likes. You're losing people man I know people are falling off here and they're mad at you
Starting point is 02:43:47 But you're doing it because you mean it means something to you and you actually care and you want people to know like this is A fucking real problem and it's a problem with black people for sure It's also a problem with just people it's it's you know And this is this better not get lost in this this conversation this message for sure I'm down with Police reform everywhere for sure for sure whether it's black lives matter or you know, whatever whatever's happening We need some police reform. We need them to be held accountable
Starting point is 02:44:20 They need to be held accountable for women, for old men, for everybody. You just can't just do that. You can't just behave that way. They need to be held accountable. I think so many of us are based, just like the coronavirus probably, you could say the same thing because I haven't encountered it. I don't think it's real. Just like people haven't encountered
Starting point is 02:44:39 an asshole cop, which I find hard to believe, or racism, that it's not real. You know what I mean? Well, white people that discount racism are the most hilarious. It's ridiculous. Well, that's easy to say. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 02:44:53 Yeah, it's... The idea that it doesn't exist is pretty silly, and the idea that all cops are good is also pretty silly. All people are not good. It's too hard. It's too hard to be a person it's hard and people need checks and balances every every level of every job anybody has to have some accountability has to have
Starting point is 02:45:15 everything some checks and balances we can't have a government that nobody gets in checks and balances exactly what i mean every news channel all the time back checks and talk about every tweet that the president makes or anybody. We're constantly doing that. Why do we just blindly just believe that the police don't ever make mistakes? Exactly. And if we want to all admit that they have a bad, hard job or whatever, that's just as much more reason that we should all be checking in on them and making sure that they're not going fucking ape shit. Well said.
Starting point is 02:45:43 Thank you. You're not a bad guy, Joe Schilling. You just want people to be held accountable. I just want to be held accountable. Because you're a bad motherfucker and you want bad motherfuckers to be cops. That's right. Right? There you go. Not bitch-ass dudes. Not bitch-ass dudes. That's what it is. Straight up. It's really clear. That's a respectful
Starting point is 02:45:57 position. I was talking to my buddy about it. Can you imagine being scared? You have to go pull this person over. And we think that that guy cops probably a pussy that's why he did it but if he knows he's a pussy he knows he's a pussy walking to the car oh fuck oh if he exactly and that's what we got that's what we're dealing with these are the guys we're giving the guns to not all of them but some of them 100 that's so important it's like one of the things you would tell people if you were talking to a kid and he was like, do you think I should do martial arts for self-defense?
Starting point is 02:46:33 A hundred percent. No, you're a pussy. It's not cut out for it. Like straight up. I don't mean those people. No, but there are those people. It's the same honesty. A lot of those guys go get into jiu-jitsu and they wind up strangling folks.
Starting point is 02:46:43 Yeah, well, good. Jiu-jitsu is different, man, because you don't have to get punched. Guys can get really good. There's something about, like, you would admit to this, right? There's people that get good at jiu-jitsu that would never get good at striking. Yes, yes, yes. Because of the process. Yes, because you actually practice jiu-jitsu without getting hit in the face,
Starting point is 02:47:08 whereas you're not going to actually get good at striking unless you're getting struck, which is very difficult. You've got to go into the danger zone, son. You can stay out of the danger zone with jiu-jitsu. You can do live drills. You can do a lot of things. But sparring is sparring. And the first time some guy fucking punches you
Starting point is 02:47:26 in the face and you see stars and your nose starts running and your eyes are watering you're like oh my god because i can make you look great on the pads i could teach you the fitness you could have the body you could shadow box you could do all of that but it's when that shit happens when that shit happens it's real and um injitsu, you get to go again. In jiu-jitsu, a guy catches you. We all get caught. A guy gets you in an arm bar. Okay, tap, and you can go right again.
Starting point is 02:47:54 If someone flatlines you, you're fucked for the day. This is not a normal thing for your body to experience. And you can't necessarily point that out, at least not when they walk into the gym. Nope. Right? You train them for a whole fight. That's what I tell my fighters all the time is your first like ten fights. I have no idea I have a hoping what you're gonna do, but I don't know right because we'll be there the smoker smoker fire Warm up good a good cut weight good. You're good. Everything you're saying is great
Starting point is 02:48:20 And then you get out there in front of the lights and it's just not for you. It's not your time It's not you could be a Justin Gaje who who can somehow or another ignore those lights there's dudes that just ignore those lights they don't mean shit that guy comes out just looks at you like this just dead faced he's not freaking out daniel rodriguez same thing same thing same thing like ice cold yeah he looks like a guy who would be ice cold. Ice cold. Those guys excel. Those guys excel because how much of a factor is it is dealing with the anxiety?
Starting point is 02:48:51 The first time I cornered him for a fight, he let it go, warm up, and everybody, every fighter is a little different. Some guys like long warm-ups. Some guys are panicking to death. We just keep an eye and see what's going on. So it was the first time. I'm not sure what he's going to do.
Starting point is 02:49:08 We're warming him up, and it's like, all like all right you got like 10 minutes for the next fight and he's like like you need anything else like no i'm cool chilling he sits down he gets on his phone and he likes he's like just looking at the phone sweeping swipe it through and and i'm like commission comes like okay you're next up and he's like all right cool and he's just throwing it through his palm like nothing's happening. How long did he warm up? Oh, we did probably like 15, 20 minutes. Oh, okay. And we got a good spike going.
Starting point is 02:49:32 Got the first little bit out. But he was just chilling. And I'm like noticing what's going on. And I don't want to make a scene, but I went in his ear and I was like, hey, man, this shit you're doing right now is cool as fuck and all that. But just make sure you turn the switch when it's time to go and he like looked at me like yeah i got it and sure enough he did it right like just smokes the guy the guy had way more experience than him this was a small local show then after the fight we go to the bar he's got all his friends and family there and shit and uh he's got having a few drinks and like
Starting point is 02:50:01 he puts his arm around me he was like hey man, you know you were saying like make sure I turn the switch I was like yeah, he's like man. I've been to jail like a lot Like a lot and I fought a lot of people he's like I don't get nervous when I fight one person and I was like Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Chchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchch Cha-ching, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching. We got a winner. We got a winner here, folks. And then I was like, okay, we'll see about this. But his UFC debut, I'm going to forget the guys he fucking fought. He fought a really good guy from New Mexico, Southpaw. Don't remember it.
Starting point is 02:50:44 Man, I can't believe I'm not remembering this. Pull it up. Young Jamie. Man, the guy deserves a lot of respect. He's a really tough dude. He's almost like a gatekeeper, so to speak. And D-Rod took it on like two weeks notice and went in there. And same thing.
Starting point is 02:50:59 He's like warms up, real laid back. He's like damn near sleeping in the locker room. They're like, you're up next. He's like, all right, cool, room. They're like you're up next like alright cool Whatever and he's like totally ice-cold then we walk out for the fight and you know after The they check your nails and mouthpiece and all that you have like a moment everybody always hugs
Starting point is 02:51:17 Which I think is weird like you're going off the battle or something, but he turns around I was like hey, man It's a big show. Just take it all in. You got this, whatever. I was like, what's the game plan? He's like, fuck this dude up. Yeah. That's what you want to see? Yeah. I was like, but how are we going to do that?
Starting point is 02:51:34 And he's like, kind of like, so I'm going to move my feet. I'm going to pick the angles, blah, blah, blah. But he was just ice cold. And then he stops the dude. It was a phenomenal performance. That guy is a rare breed when it comes to staying calm under pressure. It's almost like prison is cross-fitting, cross-training. Yeah, Tim.
Starting point is 02:51:53 Who's he got here? Tim Means. Oh, Tim Means is very good, man. Yeah, very, very good. And he caught him at standing guillotine. Standing guillotine after he dropped him. That's a big deal. Tim Means is very good.
Starting point is 02:52:03 And he's very sneaky. On short notice debut short notice and you're you're dealing with a guy who's a insane amount of competition under his belt i mean tim means is a fucking real world-class fighter devra is the truth yeah there's guys like that out there but it almost is like cross training like prison is like mental cross-training. You know? I mean, you think of like dealing with confrontation, believing in yourself, like showing up, like I'm not a bitch.
Starting point is 02:52:35 You know what I mean? Like that's a lot of that. Like if you get a guy and he comes to jiu-jitsu and he comes from gymnastics, you're like, oh, shit. Like you never done jiu-jitsu ever? Like, dude, you're going to get good quick. You jujitsu ever like dude you're gonna get good quick you're a gymnast if you get some guy who does the rings you know imagine how good he's gonna be at jujitsu palm of horse dude yes yeah one of those motherfuckers how good is that gonna
Starting point is 02:52:57 be he's pushing off hips and shit and that's kind of the same way you would think about a guy who's been in a lot of street fights and prison fights like the anxiety aspect of fighting as long as you have the athletic aspect as well but having that anxiety alleviation of being being knowing how to keep your shit together it's like when someone else is having like an anxiety attack or aspect that deal with and someone else feels right at home not even not not not even the opposite of that. Like, feels good. Like, he's happy. And sees it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:53:28 Sees it. Yeah. It's fucking terrifying. Bad place to be. Joe Schilling, we did three hours already. Man. Time flies. Time flies.
Starting point is 02:53:37 It does. Don't feel in any way like you said anything negative. You are 100% right. Everything you said, all that shit you put on your you are 100% right everything you said all that shit you put on your Instagram it doesn't mean you're a bad person or you're anti-cop you just don't want to see the disgusting shit that you keep posting over and over again
Starting point is 02:53:55 yeah man I just want like everybody that are my people which is all people that are in the United States to like land of the free home of the brave like all the shit that we grew up on thinking this country is supposed to be like, let's stick to that. Let's, let's hold each other accountable to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:10 And don't defund the police, please. But they don't need tanks either. They probably don't need tanks. Goodbye, everybody. Thank you. Good night. Damn. That was great.
Starting point is 02:54:24 That was good. That was fun, man. That was really fun. Good.

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