The Joe Rogan Experience - #1560 - Mike Baker

Episode Date: November 7, 2020

Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer, host of the Science Channel series Black Files Declassified, and current president and cofounder of Diligence LLC, a global intelligence and firm.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the joe rogan experience train by day joe rogan podcast by night all day it's a walrus dick fossilized walrus dick okay somebody gave it to me wasn't my idea i could i could have had that information before I picked it up. Oh, sorry. Check, check, check. There we go. There we go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yeah, Steve Rinella was here yesterday, and I guess the technical term is bacula. I didn't know it was called a bacula. That's what it is. Dick bone. I've got one at home. Oddly enough, a friend of mine who has been up in Alaska most of his life. He sent this.
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's not like this. It's on this ornamental stand, and it's polished. It looks like a piece of ivory almost. I was like, what the hell is this thing? But it was great. It was very nice. It was a gift, he said. I never thought to ask him what the hell it was.
Starting point is 00:01:01 A dick bone. Yeah, until he came to visit one time. Are we rolling? Sure. Yeah, let's just keep it from there. Start off with, what type of animal was it? A walrus bone. A walrus.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yeah, yeah, a walrus dick. Same size as that? No, no, this one was not as well endowed. But it's shinier, the one that I've got. Oh, polished. Maybe it's older, more polished. So here we are, Mike Baker. It is Friday.
Starting point is 00:01:25 The elections were Tuesday. We still don't know who the new president is, which I guess I was having a conversation. I forget who told this to me, but the Al Gore Bush election took 45 days to resolve. Yeah, yeah. I forgot that it was that long. Remember, they didn't actually concede, I think, or whatever you want to call it, get sort of the final count in until 12 or 13 December.
Starting point is 00:01:51 So Al Gore and his lawyers, the DNC, they carried that in 2000. They carried that process out, and they were entitled to, just like in the current time, if the current president of Trump wants to pursue remedies for what they perceive to be irregularities, then that, by law, you're entitled to do that. Now, you don't want to get in the game of making spurious accusations and just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, so it has to be based in something. But this is not unprecedented, and so I think people need to keep that in something. But this is not unprecedented. And so, you know, I think people need to keep that in mind. I feel like there's part of me that feels like there's some fuckery afoot, for sure. But there's also part of me that thinks that, and this is gonna sound ridiculous, but maybe for the psyche of the country, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if Biden won.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah, no, I see where you're going with it. I don't, what's the word I'm looking for? I don't disagree as long as that fuckery is properly investigated, right? And I think it's pretty sweet. I mean, look, you got to be consistent, right? With your fuckery? With your fuckery, right. If you've spent the past four years denying the results of the 2016 election or chasing the Russian collusion bullshit,
Starting point is 00:03:15 or if you were in the media and you've been just throwing that crap around about the Russian collusion and happily doing it for the past four years, the Russian collusion and happily doing it for the past four years, then you really don't have the moral high ground now to say that the other side can't investigate, can't cry foul, can't say they've got concerns, and that we should just all, as Nancy Pelosi says, we just have to unify now. I mean, I love that. Is that what she said? Yeah, she just came out today and it's just like, oh, the good thing is we just need to unify. Under who? Yeah, she just came out today and it's just like, oh, the good thing is we just need to unify.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Under who? Yeah. Under you? Under the president-elect, as she referred to him, or soon to be, Joe Biden. But I see what you're saying. Look, I'm far more concerned because I like a divided government, right? I wouldn't want to see one party, regardless of which party it is, have control of everything. I always think that's when shit happens or, you know, things go wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Right. So I'd be fine, right? The republic's going to survive just fine if, for instance, the Senate remains in control of the republicans. The House, you know, it's going to be tighter now. Look, I mean, the House, you know, Pelosi lost, you know, conservatively, you know, right now they're saying five seats, but there's 10 other seats leaning towards the Republicans in a heavy way. So she could have a, you know, a 15-seat turnaround, 16-seat turnaround. It's going to be a very thin majority that she's going to have, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:04:39 So they've got the House, the GOP has the Senate, Biden, Harris, you know, they win if they win. Okay, we're going to be just fine, right? My concern is the Senate. If that tips over and the deciding vote is cast by Kamala Harris because naturally we're all distracted with what's going on between Trump and Biden right now, is those two Senate races in Georgia. It's 48-48. Likely we're getting Alaska and North Carolina wrapped up for the Republican side. They're going to end up at 50. You've got two seats left.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And those are both in Georgia. Those are both going to be runoffs, basically, in January sometime. Because unless, say, one of them hits the 50% threshold, if, what's his name, Perdue gets the 50% plus one vote, okay, then now it's 51 to the Republicans, and they have control of the Senate still. to the Republicans, and they have control of the Senate still. Otherwise, I think we've got problems if the Dems end up with the White House, the Senate, and Congress. I'm just never comfortable with one-party rule.
Starting point is 00:05:56 No, that sounds terrible. By God, it does. Well, it's just I've never paid attention to the Speaker of the House until it was Nancy Pelosi. And it seems like it's been Nancy Pelosi for 112 years. Well, was it the Speaker of the House that was Dennis Hastert? Is that the guy that we were talking about the other day that got arrested for molesting kids? Oh, Kid Toucher, yeah. Wasn't he the Speaker of the House?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Was he Speaker of the House? I guess he was, yeah, for a period of time. Was it? Or a minority leader. That's crazy that that guy got to that position and then wound up getting 15 months. Here it is. Is that all he got? From 1999 to 2007, so quite a while.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Eight fucking years. Longest serving Republic Speaker of the House in history. Wow. And he was a kid fucker. And what was his sentence? His sentence was only 15 months how does that work yeah exactly yeah exactly how does that work yeah he knows where the bodies are buried yeah that's how that works yeah they're like look 15 months it'll be gone before you know it come on dennis it'll be gone before you know it. Keep a secret, Dennis. Oh, God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 But I think, look, my favorite, it's the irony, right? It's a lack of self-awareness on both sides that I always find fascinating. My favorite tweet so far since Tuesday, since the election day, was after, I think it came out on wednesday some progressive tweeted i think i'm almost getting it word for word republicans are such sore fucking losers and i read it and i thought well this has got to be like a parody right they got to be kidding around and so then you have to dig in there and investigate and read everything else they've been reading or writing and you look and you realize no it's they're serious and then you read the thread after that and all the responses like oh that's so true that fuckers they can't take a loss and you're thinking there is no fucking self-awareness well that's it's i have no respect
Starting point is 00:07:55 for people that mass generalize entire political parties like that it's so stupid republicans are such this like come on just stop i know what you do you're just you're just spitting out nonsense like that's it's one thing if you want to say that i guess that it is what you're saying on twitter though the problem is it's written down right so you take it more seriously but if you're just having coffee with your friend and you're like republicans are such fucking sore losers and like yeah right like they would say they are right you know but when you're saying it to the whole world it's like you're allowing the whole world to listen in on a conversation
Starting point is 00:08:29 you're having at starbucks you got to be a little bit better at being self-aware and also recognizing that you spent if you're a hardcore democrat you spent the last four years saying russia got trump into power and even after the evidence comes out that that's not true, you're in denial of that and never taking it back. And you've got different groups, right? I mean, again, you're right. This is on both sides. This is right.
Starting point is 00:08:53 This is left. It's always, you know, they say, oh, that coffee went all over the place. Yeah, but I caught it. You did? No. It went over a little bit. I caught it in mid-spill. Just leave some towels in here, buddy.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I always spill. Just leave some towels and some lotion in case. Yeah, we do a Zoom call. How was that? Isn't that crazy? Wow. Who thinks about doing that on a Zoom call? It's not just one person that's been busted doing that either.
Starting point is 00:09:20 It's quite a few. You know what this shows you, really? How many men are addicted to pornography. That's what it shows you. How many men are addicted to pornography. That's what it shows you. How many men are addicted to masturbation and pornography? So much so that while they're supposed to be working during the day, they can't help themselves. And you would think, though, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I mean, that's a very good point. It's just, I'm just, you're stunned by the idea that perhaps during a business Zoom call, you could set that aside for that 30 minutes or so. I mean, I wonder if they're still listening to the conversation and how does it not break your concentration? Who knows? Some people find different things interesting. So we're going to run through those second quarter numbers.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Oh, God. I got to come to second quarter numbers. Second quarter. The logistical supply chain. What is the status right now? It's like Pennsylvania. So here we are, first of all. It's Friday.
Starting point is 00:10:13 The election was on Tuesday. We're supposed to know who the president is. How the fuck doesn't Alaska know? I just read that Alaska only has 50% reported. Yeah, yeah. You lazy fucks. It's a big space. It's a lot of distance for those sled dog teams to go with the ballots.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Is that what it is? Well, no. I can't imagine that's what it is, right? Someone up there is lazy. I mean, but it is funny because, okay, look, if one side is winning two to one. But there's 50% left. Yeah. You can't really call it. You can't call it.
Starting point is 00:10:46 No, that is, okay, that's true. But yeah, so where we are is, what the hell? It's Friday. And you would have thought. It looks like Pennsylvania is leaning towards Biden. Yep. Georgia is leaning towards Biden. It's basically over for Trump.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I mean, if you look at it, you don't see a lot of avenues for success on this one. I mean, look, Pennsylvania, they're still saying, rightly so, it's too close to call. They've got 8,000-some-odd military absentee ballots still to count, the assumption would be. Those would be Trump. Those would be for Trump, just like they assume a lot of the mail-in ballots
Starting point is 00:11:22 in the Philadelphia area or Allegheny will be for Biden. But they have to go through that process. Now, Pennsylvania is an interesting one, right? I mean, again, there's a lot of people that are getting very pissy about Trump's attitude towards this whole thing. And could he be more eloquent? Could he just shut the fuck up and let the system work, right? Let his legal teams do what they're supposed to do and what they're entitled to do and just say, you know, we just have to work through the process? Well, yeah, of course he could, but he's not going to. But Pennsylvania is interesting
Starting point is 00:11:53 because the problem up there, and maybe there's no fucking fraud. You have to, it's like an investigation, right? When you do an investigation, you have to base it on, right from the very beginning, you have to base it on facts, on something concrete, right? When you do an investigation, you have to base it on right from the very beginning. You have to base it on facts, on something concrete, right? If you don't, you're building an entire investigation potentially on very shaky ground. The whole thing comes tumbling down, and it's a house of shit. So, you know, it's like an operation, an intel operation. Everybody remembers from maybe not the WMD, you know, fiasco, you know, from Iraq.
Starting point is 00:12:24 The idea that, oh, my God, we got to get in there because they got WMD fiasco from Iraq. The idea that, oh my God, we got to get in there because they got WMD. Well, a lot of that was based on one source reporting, which got into the reporting chain and then got reinvented in another report and then got self-corroborated in another reporting. And before you know it, you're confirming all the same information from originally that one source, right? Very shaky. So you're not building an invasion of a country on solid information. So with Pennsylvania, if people are looking at that and going, oh, there's all sorts of shit going on and it's fraud, well, you got to step back and you got to say, okay, where are the problems? Now, there's a handful of issues that I think are legitimate in Pennsylvania, one of them being this idea that the state Supreme Court circumvented what the legislative branch in
Starting point is 00:13:13 Pennsylvania said about ballots and when you can count the ballots up until what time, the postmarking on the ballots. And so that's a legitimate issue that probably or could end up in a higher court, is did the state Supreme Court in Pennsylvania have that right, according to the Constitution, to just... Because the state houses in each state set the laws about this very thing. And you got a problem, though, in Pennsylvania, because the state house is run by Republicans. Now, this bullshit about how long it's taking to count the votes could have been sorted out if a year ago or not even that, if six months ago, when we knew this pandemic was a problem, when we knew we were going to get unprecedented levels of mail-in votes, if the Republican statehouse had said, okay, here's when we can start counting those mail-in votes. As soon as we start receiving them. How about that? So they could have been well ahead. You know, so it's, both sides have fucked this up, right? It's not one side or the other. Both
Starting point is 00:14:16 sides, once again, both, you know, it's, you know, the truth is always, you know, we talked about this before, it's always somewhere in the center. And that's true here. But anyway, Pennsylvania, close to call. You know, this idea that they're preventing observers from coming in or standing close enough because they allowed them in. But then, you know, were they able to stand close enough to observe anything of any value? That should never be in question. So they let them in. Has this all been corroborated?
Starting point is 00:14:46 This is proven? They let them in, but they wouldn't let them actually observe what they were doing? There was delays in some districts, right? Because counties run these elections, and so some counties do it by the book, and others apparently have decided they can do things a little bit differently. So some, they were not able to get in as far as access goes. As you know, once the voting started, some, they weren't able to go in for the pre-vote counting or the pre-voting day counting of these ballots. And others, they were able to go in and they were kept maybe 25 feet back instead of what apparently was like a six feet distance that had been, I think, I'm not, don't quote me on this, but maybe I responsibly decided that you could be six feet away because of social distancing.
Starting point is 00:15:31 How could you read it 25 feet away? That seems insane. Exactly. Some places had them watching on monitors, which again is useless. But so in those, the problem there is that should never happen. You should be able to always agree both both sides, that you need campaign observers in there, and they have that right to observe the counting of these things. And it all comes down to the same issue, whether it's that or whether it's counting ballots
Starting point is 00:15:58 or discarding ballots because a person's died previous to the election. It all comes down to the perception of fraud. There may not be anything going on in this election in terms of fraud, fraudulent activity, when all is said and done, all the investigations are done. But the damage is already done because people perceive it as possible. A lot of people perceive it as likely or as happening. And if you don't have a transparent system set up, right, that is easy to see, you've got to be able to look at it and not be told by politicians, not be told by, you know, election officials or the media that it's a good, credible system. The voter has to be able to look at the process and say, yeah, that's fair and transparent. It's like, you know, it's fair and transparent. It's like
Starting point is 00:16:45 cover for action, right? If I'm doing surveillance on some target, right, and I'm out in the middle of some, whether it's a shithole or whether it's an urban center in a developed country, I have to have cover for action. I have to have a reason that is plainly obvious by passerbys or by local authorities or police that patrol the area. Oh, I get it. That's why he's there, right? We did an op one time where it was overseas. We were waiting for a target to show up and it was a port, right?
Starting point is 00:17:24 And a lot of busy, a lot of people coming and going, tourists, workers, commercial workers, everybody coming and going from this busy port. And, you know, what you didn't have is you didn't have a lot of people just hanging out, right? There weren't a lot of opportunities just to hang out. So you had to have a reason, right? So what do you do?
Starting point is 00:17:41 You set somebody down there with a couple of pieces of luggage and a baby stroller and a baby. Don't ask me where I got the baby from. You stole a baby? Hey, it's for the good of the country. We requisitioned it. We have a baby requisition department down in the basement of the agency. No, we don't. No, no. It was my own baby, actually. It was my daughter when she was a little baby. You used your own daughter during a covert operation? Why, is that wrong? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:18:12 No. I'm just curious. Yeah. And it worked like a charm because they could sit there for hours, right, waiting theoretically for a boat, but obviously pulling surveillance from an observation post. And people walking by were like, yeah, there's some lady with a baby, you know, suitcases, cover for action. They whacked an industrialist in Germany one time where the hit team, it was very elaborate,
Starting point is 00:18:40 but they did what they always do. They surveil. They figure out the guy's routes. And as is usual, your choke points, you know, that's what they always do. They surveil. They figure out the guy's routes. And as is usual, your choke points, that's what they're looking for. You get in a vehicle and you drive, you're going to have choke points. Usually it's at the place of work or it's at your home. But it may be somewhere in between.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Maybe there's an avenue that's always blocked up. Maybe there's a turn that they have to come to a complete stop. always, you know, blocked up. Maybe there's a turn that they have to come to a complete stop. You're looking for that choke point where you can lay out the attack, where you control the environment, right? There was a place in the Philippines that still exists. We used to call it Ambush Alley, right? Because you'd start at one end, you'd go to the other, and it was a cut through. There weren't that very many of them, and sometimes it was the only one to get from one part of the city to another. And once you got in there, you know, you just hit the gas because you were a host. If you got caught up in there and there was an insurgency going on, and so, you know, roadblocks and local hit teams, they call them sparrow units, were always a concern.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And so that was a choke point. Ambush Alley was a choke point. Ambush Alley was a choke point. Anyway, long story short, they whacked this industrialist. But the hit team, after they'd done their surveillance and they decided where that point was for the attack, they showed up one day in construction gear and construction uniforms and started digging a trench as a construction team. You can look that. You drive by, you go, oh, they're building something or they're digging a trench, right? It's cover for action. And so it's this, I don't know how i'm making this analogy but it's the same with the election voters got to be able to look at it and go it's transparent i see why it's transparent i can move on talking about fuckery yeah you're talking about them they did a bad job of hiding corruption that's what you're saying you say cover for action yeah is you're
Starting point is 00:20:28 it's deceptive like you're what you're describing is deceptive well what i'm saying is they the system has to be clearly um uh transparent and and honest incredible by just from the voters perspective you can't do shit like adjust the rules about just because we say oh pandemic now we got to change the rules and you know these states are going to change them these states won't and this state has how did you make the connection from that to cover for action um you know because oh i i know because you think like an operative yeah yeah cover for action is because because sorry i know This is, yeah, try being in my house, try being part of my family and following me at the dinner table.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's because with Cover for Action, just like with looking at the voting and saying, okay, I see why it's transparent. I see Cover for Action. You got to look and go, okay, I get it. That's what they're there for. And you move on. You don't think about it. You don't have to be told.
Starting point is 00:21:22 You don't have to stop and go, excuse me, what are you doing here? It's just evident on the think about it. You don't have to be told. You don't have to stop and go, excuse me, what are you doing here? Right? It's just evident on the face of it. How are there not universal voting rules for each state that are federal? How is it that different states are allowed to come up with their own rules? Like, I was reading something about in Georgia, they were allowing people who had made mistakes on their ballots to redo their ballots. And they called them curing the ballots. Yeah. You've got that. You've also got-
Starting point is 00:21:52 What is that? You've got the ability to change your vote too in some places. What? Yeah. You can change your vote up until- What? Yeah. Up until the deadline of the election day. There are some places where you can go in, you have to request it, and then you can change your vote.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Which, if you think about it, is not bad, because if on election day you wake up and you find out that the candidate you voted for has committed murder, then you think, okay, I'd like to change my vote. Well, I think a lot of people did want to actually change their vote after the second Biden debate. That was a big Google search. There was a thing that they were talking about. The Google searches for how to change your vote went up some astounding number.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Because you just had a really terrible debate. No one has done worse on the campaign trail and won. That's one thing. And more people vote in this election than have ever voted. Since like the early 1900s or something. I agree with you. And more people vote in this election than have ever voted. Yeah. Since like the early 1900s or something, right? Kamala Harris, I don't think, maybe I'm wrong on this, but I think we should fact check this, but I don't think she held a press conference during the entire campaign.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I don't think she had one single press conference. She had appearances, right? But I don't think she actually held a press conference during the entire campaign. That's astounding. We're in this position that we're in right now in a variety of ways because of the pandemic. For sure. Yeah. And also because the people that hate Trump really hate him. I remember people not liking George Bush and maybe even hating George Bush.
Starting point is 00:23:28 W. And even H.W. But not like this. This is a different level of hate. But also, it's a different level of love. They love him in a way that I don't ever remember seeing. I don't remember seeing, like, yeah fucking lines of cars that are miles long honking with signs for any other candidate other than trump no well people used to go crazy over uh millard fillmore i remember that that was who was that oh they loved fillmore no i don't know
Starting point is 00:23:57 joking i am joking that's a terrible joke i just went with it maybe ross perot people were really into pro oh yeah but but those are the same people that are now into QAnon. It's like somebody sent me a video. I went down a QAnon rabbit hole last night of how Trump has set up all the Dems, and this is a sting operation. And that there's got to forget what they were saying, that this is all of the ballots have been blockchained. Yeah. You heard this Jamie
Starting point is 00:24:27 yeah I had to dig this up last night it's been going around for two years apparently and like popped back up this week but the conversation that these two guys were having about it was like people that are really into comic books talking about their favorite characters it's
Starting point is 00:24:42 so weird because it's it's clearly and this is not to disparage people that think there's something illegitimate about this election this is not what i'm talking about what i'm talking about people that are into certain conspiracy theories and q anon is one of them where they it it becomes a thing they're into whether it's real or not it's a thing they're into it's like you're in a club yes yes and they're all in yeah on this thing and they're constantly tuning into this thing to find out what the latest is it's almost like a serial show that you're reading about on message boards you know it's like it's it's like he's making these little drops of information of what's going to happen and then some people are experts on these drops.
Starting point is 00:25:26 It's like a Ponzi scheme. You bring your friends in, and then you're a little bit higher up the chain in QAnon, and so you know a little bit more, and you've got more friends within it. But it is strange. It is strange. And, I mean, look, this has surfaced a lot of weird behavior and groups over the past four years. And look at the, I mean, you've got all these various elements. You've got the resistance.
Starting point is 00:25:49 You've got the never Trumpers. You've got this group, the Lincoln Project, right? And those guys, if anyone scored big out of this whole four-year run, and particularly this past year, it's got to be those guys, right? And what is the Lincoln Project? Well, there are some guys that claim toyear run, and, you know, particularly this past year, it's got to be those guys, right? I'd love to see— And what is the Lincoln Project? Well, there are some guys that claim to be, you know, Republicans, conservatives, and, oh, my God, we're horrified at the state of the Republican Party, and so, you know, we've set our line in the sand and never Trumpers, basically, and so we're going to raise a lot of money, and we're going to fight this thing,
Starting point is 00:26:21 and we're going to make sure that we fight for all the Democratic candidates, and we're going to fight this thing and we're going to make sure that we fight for all the the uh the democratic candidates and we're going to get uh we're going to get trump out of there and and uh yeah of course we're conservatives and republicans and we're going to do this um because hey look they didn't get jobs in the administration right and so i have a feeling that part of this started when they didn't get enough hugs right and they didn't get what they wanted out of this um part of it maybe is they're actually legitimately upset with the administration over certain things. But I can't help but think that they just raised a lot of money. I'd love to see how you do with charities. You look and see what their spend is, how much of it goes to administration for the project,
Starting point is 00:27:02 and how much of it actually goes and is used for things like actual ads. I'd love to see how much money got ended up in their pockets, because I guarantee you once this is over, if Biden wins, they'll somehow morph into something that now makes money by fighting some of the policies that the Biden White House wants to push out there. It just seems, it seems, but there's a lot of groups like that that have come out. A lot of people spouting their self-righteousness over the idea that Trump's a terrible person. I don't think he's a great person, right? But we've talked about this before. I don't think you need to actually like your president. You need to like your policies and the operations that we're doing overseas and the things that we do? Would I prefer a kinder, gentler, more eloquent? I don't know. It's all touchy-feely, but I like the policies.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Did I dislike Trump enough to vote for the potential policies that are coming down the pike with a Biden White House and a Senate possibly controlled by the Democrats? No, but then again, I voted for Kanye, so what do I know? Well, that's why figureheads are weird, right? Because a figurehead could be polarizing, they could be someone that people love no matter what they do, and they could be someone that people hate no matter what they do. And that's where it gets strange,
Starting point is 00:28:24 where policies and the direction of a government is attached to an individual personality. Yeah, and we've definitely seen this more like you said, it's got that, you know, as a lot of people on the left will say, it's got that cultish feel because he does
Starting point is 00:28:40 draw this the animosity from the left obviously, but yeah, it's this bizarre devotion that you get. And I think it's not necessarily, a lot of the folks aren't necessarily devoted to Trump. It's not that. It's not a Jim Jones thing as much as they're devoted to the idea of waving the flag, of standing up for America, which is all good shit, right? But you got to keep it in perspective, right? And I just think we've lost perspective in a lot of things. I mean,
Starting point is 00:29:13 you talk to somebody on the left and they'll say, oh my God, it's the death of the republic we've been facing for the past four years. It's the toughest time we've ever seen. And you think, what the fuck's that? Settle down. Yeah. And then you just go to the right and they're like, oh my God, if Biden wins, we're know we're fucked and settle down yeah exactly except settle the fuck down everybody settle down right settle down get into the center uh i definitely think i like a good left right left right i like that i like i like when the country goes left and the country goes right i just think gives everybody a chance, settles everybody down.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And it also gives everybody a much clearer understanding of the reality of what it means to have someone as a president. How much does it actually affect your day-to-day life? And what really affects your day-to-day life is what we were talking about earlier, the actual policies. Whether Trump's an asshole or not, the real problem with having an asshole for a president is it encourages other assholes to be assholes. And this is the first time there's ever been a president that actually encouraged assholishness. I mean, he came out last night, this press conference, which a lot
Starting point is 00:30:19 of people were horrified by, and then a lot of people again on the right kind of cheered. And I think his first sentence out of the gate gate in the midst of all this sort of concern and chaos and the angst from everybody is was look if you just count the legal votes I won easily okay all right you know what yeah it's not necessary you don't have to do that you can say you know that this is still being contested yeah we do it you know what this is still being contested. Yeah. You know.
Starting point is 00:30:48 That doesn't, yeah, that doesn't help anybody. We're concerned about some potential irregularities, but don't just start throwing shit at the wall because it demeans the whole process. And that's, so anyway, and that's where it all falls apart. People start losing that credibility or that belief in the system. And, but then again, if you've spent four years attacking the credibility of the system by saying it was the Russians that put him in there, and then talking about all this other shit about, oh, he may never leave, and they were accusing him over the past couple of years. I'll bet he's going to try to steal the election.
Starting point is 00:31:19 And so now when the other side's like, ah, we're kind of concerned about some of the things we're seeing, they're like, oh, for fuck's sake. Can't we just all get along? Is anybody accusing the Republicans of voter fraud in the states that Trump won? Yeah. That's a good question. I have not seen anything related to that. I haven't seen that either. How come?
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah. You know, probably because those states don't matter. I hate to say it that way. How dare you? I know. Talking about Texas. I know, probably because those states don't matter. I hate to say it that way. How dare you? I know. Talking about Texas. I know. Well... You're in Texas, sir.
Starting point is 00:31:50 No, Texas mattered. Are you kidding me? Right. Texas mattered. But Trump won Texas. Is there any talk of... But the expectation was that he would. Even though there was this talk about it, there's going to be this... Right, like no one's talking about voter fraud in California for Biden. Right, right. Or, you know, it's, oh my God, there's something hinkies going on in Mississippi, right? So that doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:32:10 But I think, look, the polls got it all wrong. The only time the pundits were right, I think, is when they were citing that, look, it's going to come down to a handful of important states. And they usually would cite Pennsylvania and Georgia. And Florida. And Florida. And Florida, Arizona. So they got that right. Everything else they got wrong again.
Starting point is 00:32:31 But, look, again, whether there is or isn't, if you've got legitimate grievance, if you've got potential evidence, and you look at a place like Nevada, and if you've got potential evidence, and you look at a place like Nevada, and if you've got a few thousand ballots that are in question because it appears that either they weren't residents of the state or perhaps they died some time ago. Is that true? Is that what's going on right now? That's what they're claiming. That's what they're claiming. Who's they?
Starting point is 00:33:01 The Republican Party. And they've filed a suit and they've submitted documentation supposedly to the DOJ about these ballots. But I guess my point is, whether it is or isn't, if that's potentially a legitimate concern, it's not going to turn things. It's not going to change anything, right? The vote count's not going to be big enough to change Nevada's decision likely. So the numbers of... If there is fraud, the numbers are not enough to be relevant to the overall count. Right. Which is the issue in most of these places. Look, you're not really going to overturn- 100,000 votes.
Starting point is 00:33:34 No. And it's not going to happen in Philadelphia if you say, okay, we're going to toss out these 700 ballots or whatever. But I think it is important, again, going back to this idea that you've got to maintain faith in the system by showing people that it's credible. So if there are irregularities, just like the Dems did in 2000, and just like in other elections, it's not uncommon at all to have a contested election result in this country. The law accounts for it. And so go after that, explain what you're doing, be transparent in what you're doing, and then for fuck's sake, learn from it for the next one around, right? Make these changes. And maybe this was an anomaly because of the pandemic,
Starting point is 00:34:16 and we're never ever going to see this many mail-in ballots again. I just find it hilarious whenever I say that people should be able to vote online, because you could bank online. Like, no, there's too much room for fraud as opposed to what stacks of paper that people can count the fuck are you talking about it seems like you can get a code that is unique to you like a qr code or or some biometric code that's based on your facetime or your fingerprint if you have an Android phone, and it will 100% prove that it's you, and you can fucking vote off your phone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Like, that seems pretty easy to me. I don't get it. We should be able to come up with a better system, and you're right. You know, the problem with this was, again, it wasn't explained well enough, right? And so you have the perception, whether it's existing, whether it's happening or not, you have this perception of fraud. Look, I mean, you've got, and social media just pumps the shit out of this and causes this problem in a major way. You've got these videos now that are floating around Twitter and elsewhere of ballot workers working at polling stations filling out ballots.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And so they'll just like lock in, they'll take 10 seconds of somebody taking an empty ballot, stamping it, filling it out, and then putting it in the box and taking another one, stamping it, filling it out. And people will go, oh my God, they're falsifying ballots. They're just creating ballots out of whole cloth. And then that'll blast around. And before you know it, you got like, you know, 100,000 people retweeting this bullshit without investigating it.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Going back to what I said before, you can't just, you can't build your argument on shit. You know, now if that's a problem, fine, investigate it. But you also have to look at what are the other scenarios. Well, maybe these are all ballots that wouldn't fit through the scanner or that you know got kicked out and so now what do they got to do they got to put them on to a new ballot run it through or whatever i mean that happens right that's that's a thing i don't understand what you're saying if you if someone is right is the person in front of them will fill out the ballot with them no okay so if someone fills out a ballot and there's an issue with that ballot, then you allow a worker to make a copy of that ballot?
Starting point is 00:36:30 Under observation. Under observation by who? Campaign. I'm not polling experts. That's the thing, though. If he's filling it out for a Republican, is a Democrat over his shoulder to make sure? You're supposed to have one of each. One of each.
Starting point is 00:36:44 You're supposed to have both parties have the ability to have a mentor. And then both drive Ferraris afterwards. Yeah. So I guess my point is, whether it's that or this, you can't just assume that the shit that you see... How do we not know this, right? By now, the shit that you see on social media, you should probably question it and at least do your own research and find out whether it's true before you then kick it back out or talk about it like it's gospel.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Here's what I'm ready to talk about like it's gospel, even though I have no evidence whatsoever, because people keep saying it to me over and over again. In Wisconsin, 100,000 votes came in for Biden overnight, and they were 100% for Biden. They were for no one else. Is that true? You know what I'm talking about? No, I've heard that. I've heard that. I don't know whether it's true or not sounds like a q anon video yeah it does it does i mean they've got the blockchain don't worry statistically it would seem surprising i mean you got 89 or 90 voter turnout in particular areas you think that's pretty damn high but and again those are the things that, fine, let the system work.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Let the legal teams do it because they're citing it. They're looking at it too. Right, but they think it's too late. The issue is, you know, like I was talking to someone who understands these things very well, and they were describing it to me that when the 2000 election came along with Bush and Gore, that Bush had fantastic lawyers, like the cream of the crop and that that is not the case right now with this this scenario where they're dealing with legal fraud or the potential for fraud i don't know i would i would say no joe biden did not
Starting point is 00:38:19 get 100 yeah who made this jamie snopes no? No local Milwaukee news. More communist bullshit? Is this from Vox? What is this from? Local Milwaukee news station. They're probably communists. I'm sure. Fucking local Milwaukee. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:38:34 No, Joe Biden did not get 100% of all Milwaukee absentee ballots. Yeah, but that's not what the claim was. The claim was a bunch came overnight and that they were 100% for Biden. So that could still be true, and they could still say that he did not get 100% of all absentee ballots. Because that's not what the claim was. So that communist newspaper that you just read from that hates America. Don't move it yet. Look over there.
Starting point is 00:39:02 The Federalist. Yes. This is the headline. Yes. Democrats are trying to steal the election in Michigan and Wisconsin. Okay. Read the Federalist because those are good Americans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:11 They care. Well, that's what was supposed to be happening. As of this writing, it appears that the Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania are trying to steal the election. As reporters and commentators went to bed early Tuesday morning, all three states were too close to call. But President Trump led former Vice President Joe Biden by comfortable margins, far beyond what had been predicted in the polls.
Starting point is 00:39:33 None of the networks called these states because enough mail-in ballots remained uncounted that it could swing either way. But Trump's position looked good. But here's what's wrong with that, and this is what Kyle Kalinske explained to us, that mail-in ballots were overwhelmingly democrat because democrats tend to be pussies who are scared to go there in person because they don't want to get coughs is that correct is that what he said there was also something i was hearing that uh i made that a republican like no one even cares they all wanted to push for one day they wanted to do it all in one day they
Starting point is 00:40:03 didn't want to vote early it's like a uh sense of pride type thing well look trump did you know make a big deal about telling his supporters show up on the day right i'm a vote in person kind of guy i have i'm old school i like to i show up you do that someone that then someone feels good someone announces yeah mike baker has voted you know and you get your sticker i was gonna put my sticker and take a picture but i'm like no once chelsea handler put them on her tits i'm like we're done here yeah nobody wanted that nobody she she put them as pasties it's creative move it gets people to pay attention so this what yeah what i'm sorry i was joking around about the federalist but this so with with where this guy go back to that article because what this guy's getting wrong is that, yes, Trump had a lead, but they were counting the in-person votes first, and then they counted the mail-in votes.
Starting point is 00:40:52 The mail-in votes were already overwhelmingly slanted towards Democrats. Because some of these states, and again, some of them with Republican state houses, that was the regulation or the law that they put in place was that you can't count those votes early, the mail-ins, I mean. You can't vote them early. So yeah, part of the problem was people went to bed on Tuesday night thinking, well, look at this. Trump's going to – Right. And it's like going to bed because you think the game's all locked up. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:20 You wake up in the morning and you get screwed. Like that Super Bowl a few years ago when they won it in the last yes it's the only one i left i left the super bowl party i was like let's get the fuck out of here this game's over they want it yeah they want it in overtime the um the thing about all this stuff is that people want the narrative to fit with how they feel it should have gone so they feel it should have gone to trump so someone's trying to steal the election right instead of no they're counting mail-in ballots later there is a weird thing with like the democrats wanting mail-in ballots it's almost like wanting to mail them in is also sort of a political statement in regards to the handling of the pandemic by the Republican president.
Starting point is 00:42:05 This is the same people that have their fucking Twitter profile picture with a mask on. Hey, stop. Just stop. It's my mask of righteousness. You got a selfie with a mask on? Fuck you. You know what you're doing. That's a weird political statement.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yeah. Isn't it weird? I don't mean fuck you. I'm getting aggressive. I didn't mean it. I'm just being silly. fuck. I'm getting aggressive. I didn't mean it. I'm just being silly. People think I'm serious sometimes. I have to be careful.
Starting point is 00:42:30 No, but it's... He said fuck people who wear masks. Oh my God, he's an anti-masker. Oh, an anti-masker's a new thing, I think. Yeah, I gotta tell you, look, I think it's a simple thing. Put on a mask. But you're right,
Starting point is 00:42:44 there are people who wear it proudly, like the early days of adopting and driving a Prius, right? They're doing it. I've seen people do podcasts with a mask on. Fuck you. And he doesn't mean that. He just means that. I do mean that. For podcasters, I do mean that.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Especially when they're doing it by themselves. There's no one in the room. You got a mask on. I've seen that. or there's someone in other rooms nowhere near you and you're wearing a mask it's a political statement it's a thing you're showing that you are a responsible person it's a way of flying your flag of virtue i am wearing a mask i'm not one of those like if you see those people that get in fights at walmart because they don't want to work you're infringing on my freedoms it's always the worst fucking human beings the the people that represent not wearing a mask are never exemplary like scholarly brilliant people who are like well the reality is about virus particles and the size of these particles it's
Starting point is 00:43:41 it's preposterous it doesn't make any sense. Also, I've been tested, and it's my risk. You have a very strict testing regime here. You guys probably tested more, frankly, than anybody else. Dude, I was tested last night, and then I got tested again this morning. So I was tested last night at the governor's mansion.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I met the governor. Hung out with the governor. That's good news. Governor Abbott's a cool guy. He's a legitimately nice guy. I really enjoyed his company. I like him a lot. And then I got tested again this morning. I get tested all the time, constantly. But that's why we wear no masks and we can talk shit.
Starting point is 00:44:17 And when young Jamie fucked off because he decided to go party, he was at a disco. What? He was at a disco screaming. They still have a disco? Screaming. He at a disco. What? He was at a disco screaming. They still have a disco? Screaming. He was raving. I think he was at a rave.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Actually a roller derby. We should actually clarify this because if it was a disco, we need to talk about that more. No, he went to a bar and he was out on a patio and he got the vid. Oh. But you were barely sick. You were sick for a day. When you came in, he was really know you were barely sick you're sick for a day when you came in he was really convinced that it was um some sort of allergy when did you so how long did you have before you got tested well we tested him i was off but no we were off that week remember
Starting point is 00:44:56 so it's quite a while um so there was a week where i was elk hunting so we were we were gone um and jamie probably got it the weekend i left and didn't feel bad until three or four days later and then by the time we came in it was a good seven days right something like that yeah i mean i didn't even feel sick when that day i was like i'm yeah no no he tested positive temperature i don't think so I mean It's hard to tell It was hot as shit here I was worried though That we were gonna have to shut That was true
Starting point is 00:45:29 It was hot as shit I was worried that we were gonna have to Shut the show down But the doctor informed me That since I never was really close to him We made him sit in the corner Like a dunce And after we found out
Starting point is 00:45:40 That he had the cooties And we tested him again He failed the second test Did you think about firing him at that point? No fucking way That's it You're done No way found out that he had the cooties and we tested him again he failed the second test but did you think about firing him at that point no fucking way that's it you're done no way because i could have caught it too listen i was just in uh i was in dc we're filming for a discovery series called what on earth right and these guys the film crew for the this series is usually from england and they quarantine people oh my god those guys go through the protocols, right?
Starting point is 00:46:06 Yeah. I mean, listen, I believe, I understand how they would do that for a film or production, but for a podcast, like, it goes on all year. There's no way I can tell people what to do with their life, especially when I go to restaurants and stuff, and I wear a mask. I joke around about masks.
Starting point is 00:46:21 People are like, he's an anti-masker. I wear a mask every fucking day. I wear it all the time. But I do think there's something silly about it. Yeah. Well, again, it makes... Look, it's like a lot of things in life, right? It makes you feel like you're doing something.
Starting point is 00:46:35 It makes you feel good. It makes other people feel comfortable. That's why I wear it. Exactly. I'm the same way. I think it's a little thing. If other people are happy, do I think it's necessarily going to stop? I know. But I'm the same way. I think it's a little thing. If other people are happy, do I think it's necessarily going to stop? And I know, but I'm happy to do it because
Starting point is 00:46:48 it makes other people comfortable. I think some of the virus... Listen, Mr. Weck, we're virologists. I know. Some of the virus is stopped by that mask. It has to be. There's a filter. I mean, some of it can get out. And so if someone gets a smaller dose of the virus, it's probably less detrimental to their health. That's probably the argument for it. You know, someone told me that being on a plane is actually very safe because the way they filter the air. It's true. I've felt ever since I've been flying for a while now, I've been back and forth to London and traveling around out to Los Angeles. Do you go to London right now?
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah. When did they open that up again? Well, not right now. They shut it down until the 2nd of December again. This is their second hardcore lockdown. Some parts of England were under what they call a Tier 3, up like North and Manchester, that area. So now it's problematic. I know Greece was allowing American travelers for a while.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Get this. China has banned visitors from England. Now it's problematic. I know Greece was allowing American travelers for a while. Get this, China has banned visitors from England. From England? Yeah, China said, oh, my God, no, you guys are too infectious. No, that might be a bridge too far for Xi, but he's okay with banning the U.K. residents. But anyway, to your point, I've felt for quite while now, the safest place to be is on a plane. I got on a plane coming from Heathrow to New York City a handful of weeks ago. And there were, I don't know, six or seven other people on this plane. It's a big plane,
Starting point is 00:48:19 right? And there was almost nobody on this thing. Do they allow people to take their mask off while they eat? They do. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have to take it off like Governor Newsom style, take it off in between bites and put it back on? That's what he wants you to do? I saw that.
Starting point is 00:48:33 That's fantastic. He's a gem. Yeah. Yeah. He's doing wonders out there in California. He's a gem of preposterousness. Yeah. But no, you can actually remove your mask.
Starting point is 00:48:45 You can wear it as a one-ear earring hanging dangling from your ear. It's a new fashion statement. It is. I saw President Biden doing that.
Starting point is 00:48:54 In between meals, they put it on their wrist while they're eating. They'll put it on their wrist and they put it back on their face. That's a new thing. It is amazing
Starting point is 00:49:03 how it's become normal. I was thinking about that yesterday walking around the airport looking around and yeah quick and people and it used to be right that if you saw this is gonna sound wrong but if you saw someone wearing a mask it was probably somebody from from japan or a career or something right i mean it was like that because it's a little more common over there or someone trying to rob somebody. Well, there's that. Yeah. Yeah. What was the last time you walked into a bank wearing a mask?
Starting point is 00:49:28 Right. You know what's weird is how many people can recognize you with a mask on. Isn't that weird? Yeah. So you, I mean, people have actually done that with you? They said, yeah. Dude, mask on, hat, sunglasses. You're ready to jack a car in that situation.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Hey, Joe Rogan. But there'll be some fan. The police won't have a car in that situation. Yeah. Hey, Joe Rogan. But there'll be some fan. The police won't have any clue who it was, but there'll be some fan that'll go, that's Joe. Yeah, I don't... Again, I'm confused over... I will say there's a class of mask wearers I'm confused over. Those are the ones who you'll see are in their car by themselves driving with a mask on.
Starting point is 00:50:02 And I'll look over and see... You shouldn't be allowed to vote. Yeah, you shouldn't be. If you're driving in your car you have no say over anything if you're in your fucking car with rubber gloves on and a mask you stop or if you're out running or biking well i think some people do that for courtesy because i have uh bridget phetasy was telling me that she was walking down the street on the other side of the street. She was on one sidewalk. Someone was on the other side. She was walking her dog, and someone was screaming at her to put a mask on. Put a mask on the dog.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Yeah. No, I mean, I get that. If you're running, obviously, if you're running and you're in a- But I'm talking about people that are running in areas like around us. We've got the foothills, right? Right. You go up in the foothills, you can run and not see anybody. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:44 But I've seen people up there running running and it's not like you're running downtown new york city where you're passing people constantly and you're like you said you're breathing heavy it's just and you know or you're on a obvious on a on a long you know 20 mile bike ride because you got your spandex on you're going for a big pedal and you got your mask on i'm thinking it's probably a it's probably not, A, it's probably not necessary, and B, it's probably not that healthy. Well, you know what a training mask is? It's like an oxygen depletion mask that guys would wear.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Pump up your volume. Super controversial. Some people say it's horse shit. It doesn't do a goddamn thing for you. Some people say it's very good for you, and by being able to work hard with very little oxygen, it expands your cardiovascular potential. I mean, I think it all comes down to what you were saying. It's a little thing in life to bend your spear over, right, to be like an anti-masker.
Starting point is 00:51:37 They're all assholes. Yeah, it just doesn't make sense. Everyone who's on a plane who gets kicked off for not wearing a mask, you just go, you know those guys. You know those guys. They exist. They're fucking annoying. It's not that hard, man. Put a mask on.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, nobody's taking away your freedoms. Just put your mask on. I agree, but there is always that element of I'm standing up to the man or odious government control. It's ridiculous. But on the other hand, the people that make a big deal of the fact they're wearing a mask are equally annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Not equally. Slightly less annoying than the anti-mask people. Look, one thing this whole process has taught me is that I find the most annoying people I think exist out there are really, really self-righteous progressive white people. Oh my God. Yeah. That demographic, right? I mean, the one thing I could say is I can't stand that group, right? And now, again, you could say the same thing about the hard side on the right, right? I mean, they're just both those people. And they probably have more in common than we think, right?
Starting point is 00:52:48 For sure. It's an ideology. Yes. Yeah. You want people to know where you stand on something, and you believe that where you stand makes you more virtuous. Yes. Yeah, that's a very eloquent way of putting it.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And you want to kick them in the balls. All of them. You just want to run up to them, shut your fucking dirty, stinky mouth. You're annoying. You ruin all these good causes. That's the problem with all these great causes. There's some amazing causes that I support, but they're also supported by twats.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yeah. And these guys that are just the most annoying liberals. Well, that's like the BLM movement, right? I mean, are there legitimate things you could be doing to push forward with police reform that makes sense? Yes. The training and the, you know, but you got to fund them, right? You actually got to get them better, less than lethal weaponry, the hiring and the vetting. But the movement, it gets hijacked in part by this group that just wants to feel good about themselves. Do you see the girl in Brooklyn the other day that spit in the cop's face? Yes. She's yelling at him, you fucking fascist.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Then she spit in his face. Yeah. And then he's like, thank you. That's assault. Yeah, exactly. Research. She's like, what are you doing? You can't just spit in someone's face.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Not only that, he wasn't even saying anything to you. No, he's just standing there. He's standing there and she's losing her shit. Young kids like that who've never been held up at gunpoint, who've never been robbed. I don't know if she's ever been robbed. Maybe she has. Maybe she's just really hardcore. She's been robbed and she's like,'ll i prefer the fucking thieves to the police
Starting point is 00:54:26 but it's just this thing where you're supposed to hate the cops because of george floyd and or because of a number of other incidents that have nothing to do with that guy it's like you can't you can't hate any group of people because of someone that is not just because they do the same job but they're not the same individual they're not the same human they didn't they didn't do that horrendous crime that everybody saw that makes you angry this guy in milwaukee has no fucking relation to this guy in florida they don't know each other they just happen to both be police officers it's the same thing with like a firefighter that starts fires because he's crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:07 You don't go spitting in another firefighter's face because my fucking dog burnt to death in a fire, you piece of shit. You're like, hey, I fight fires. Yeah, exactly. Jesus Christ. But we don't. We don't. Again, it's this idea that somehow we're.
Starting point is 00:55:20 But it's like all groups. Look, how many doctors have put people under sedation and then molested them? A fucking lot, man. A lot. There's a lot of cases. I didn't know there was an epidemic of that. It's not an epidemic, but there's enough so that if you Google it, you'll find many, many, many cases where people lost their license to practice, got sued, went to jail.
Starting point is 00:55:43 But you don't look at every doctor and go, you piece of shit. I got molested by a doctor. You fucking asshole. And no one's under more pressure for fear of their life in a civilian society than a cop. No one. Well, that's the thing. We don't understand. Other than maybe a black guy who gets pulled over by a cop.
Starting point is 00:56:03 You can make that argument. You just said it. Yeah. Yeah, you're great. You're okay. So they got a lot in common is what you're saying. Yes, exactly. They're both scared.
Starting point is 00:56:13 No, nobody ever puts – I mean, if you're a state trooper and you pull somebody over on the highway and you're walking up there, you have no idea what the fuck's about to happen. Especially if he's got no plates. Right, right. Jesus Christ. But again, it's this idea that it's all or nothing, right? And part of that is just the lack of empathy.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Part of it is the way that we're processing information and that fucking social media. That's a big part of it. That's a big part of it. A big part of it is also this, what you're talking about with people being self-righteous. They're self-righteous all day long on Twitter, and they're arguing with people
Starting point is 00:56:47 about it, and they're finding people that agree with them, and everybody's competing for likes. Social media has ruined discourse, but it's also enhanced it. It's done both. No, it is. I'm not in a Luddite. I'm not saying it's terrible. I'm just saying that there is a downside that we don't seem to
Starting point is 00:57:03 be dealing with very well. Look, I mean, right after this happened, right? So once it became clear that there was not going to be a blue wave and that Biden wasn't going to ride in on it and that the House wasn't going to flip a bunch of Republican seats and they weren't going to take the Senate, right away, if you kind of canvassed what was going on in social media, people were like, well, this just cements it then. This is clear that it wasn't just an anomaly in 2016. This just cements that half of America is a bunch of shitheads, right?
Starting point is 00:57:33 I mean, that was the general tone from some folks out in social media just saying, well, clearly they're all just, they're either stupid or they're bad people or they're both because they don't agree with me. Yeah. Right? Exactly. When the fuck did with me. Yeah, exactly. When the fuck did that happen? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:50 There's a lot of things that people are voting for. They're not just voting one guy bad, one guy good. That's not what's going on. There's a lot of economic policies. They're dealing with support for the military. That's a giant factor with a lot of people. Look, for a lot of my friends who are veterans, who are either in the military or have been in the military, that is the number one reason why they voted for Trump. And Tim Kennedy, that's why he re-enlisted. He re-enlisted because he knew that the military
Starting point is 00:58:17 was getting more support and that the funding for the military was going to increase substantially and they were going to get to take care of things that they that were stagnant for a long time and he came on the podcast and talked about it how they they basically squashed isis in under a year and it was going on forever before that and they were spreading to boko haram and all throughout africa and it was getting scary and funding increased substantially support increased substantially they got what they needed and they got the job done that for a lot of guys they're not they're not assholes they just support the military and they know that there was one candidate that was making a big push to support the military and another one that was a part of the whole benghazi bullshit i mean that
Starting point is 00:59:01 was 2016 they didn't trust her because of that was 2016. They didn't trust her because of that. They didn't trust her because she's a part of the machine. They're the part of the whole machine that got them into Iraq in the first place under false pretenses. Yeah. And more people voted for law and order, right? Yes. And after the summer of what they were witnessing, they thought, you know what? I think probably looking at that and then saying I'm for defunding the police or whatever
Starting point is 00:59:29 the term they use sometimes, reimagining policing as a community effort it doesn't mean you're racist and then on top of that what is biden really support like what is he standing for like what tell me what the policies are does anybody know is there anything like real clear and present that's at the forefront where it makes sense like this is how he's going to clean this up this is how he's going to clean that up this is where this is where we're doing wrong and this is how he's going to fix it there wasn't a discussion of that it was just trump is bad what is trump doing trump is ruining everything i'm going to set up a commission that's what i mean his answer for a couple of things are like with the pandemic well what are you going to i'm going to get a commission of of you know the leading, and we're going to look at how do we deliver these things on time. And I think, well, hold on a second, pal.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Look, I mean, I don't doubt that he's a good person. I'm sure he is a good person. But you can't tell me that suddenly you're magically going to develop this level of efficiency that wasn't displayed in the previous eight years of the Obama administration or prior to that when you were as, as a senator for all this time, admittedly working within a system that sometimes is hard to move. But I think, you know, his answer to that commission, his answer to court packing, are you in favor of court packing? He wouldn't answer that question. You know, so he says, I'm in a form of a commission to look at it because I think the Supreme
Starting point is 01:00:40 Court's out of whack. What the fuck does that mean? Well, not only that, he said the people don't deserve to know yeah you hear that part he says some wacky shit and i'll tell you one thing as a comic god i hope comedy clubs open up to full capacity soon because there is so much gold in that man there's golden trump but the golden trump was almost hard to mine because like so many people were so polarized by him. And the jokes already wrote themselves. It's like people are like, Jesus Christ, stop talking about Trump.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Enough already. I really didn't have much Trump material. I had Trump material on the way to the White House. I got a whole bit about him in 2016. I may be completely wrong about this, but also he was such a parody of himself, right? Yes. In a sense that it's almost hard to go anywhere with it. He's so ridiculous, it's hard to write stuff that's more ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Because that's one of the things you do with comedy, is you make things more ridiculous than they actually are, but with a grain of truth to it. Yeah. When you're mocking a person. Well, I'm curious as to where Corn Pop's going to end up in all of this. Oh, he's going to be great. Corn Pop is coming back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Corn Pop's going to say, I'm here to tell you that story's true. Joe Biden put me in my place, and I was ready to fight him. And he does have hairy legs. The hairy legs thing confused me, too. What confused me was who allowed him to talk in front of all those children that are not paying attention at all. Like, that is, you know, some people are just real bad at telling stories. And kids will be the first to let you know that because they don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Those kids were just having a good time. They were behind him just chatting away about all sorts of non-related shit. I don't know about your kids, but if I start telling the story and my kids aren't into it, they'll walk off. They check out. They just go on. They won't even stick around. Yeah, they won't even even stick around well i i encourage mockery in my house yeah like if something's funny like in my house it takes the cake and sometimes i get yelled at for laughing
Starting point is 01:02:36 at things that i think are funny but you're not supposed to think are funny or you're not supposed like especially my 12 year old would say some hilarious shit and i'm just like ah like stop that's not you're not supposed to that is not supposed to be funny i'm like that's fucking funny yeah no i mean it's yeah my boys say shit that's inappropriate all the time and i you have to stop and laugh about it because you think yeah it's pretty sophisticated yeah for for a nine-year-old my youngest goes for the joke yeah she's the most active. When I have friends over, she turns it on. She'll start performing.
Starting point is 01:03:10 My friend Tom Segura was like, damn, she's got a lot of comic in her. I'm like, well, she knows what works. She's like, in my house, that's currency. You got to do that. I think it helps in so many ways, right? Oh, yeah. If you stifle their humor or you don't let them understand the complexity of humor or how it can be layered. And part of that is sort of the, you know, it's like the nine-year-old will sit with his older brothers and they'll plow through a couple episodes of South Park.
Starting point is 01:03:40 And, you know, I'm thinking, okay. I've caught the nine-year-old watching Borat, the second Borat movie. I'm thinking like, all right, I'm thinking okay I caught the nine year old watching Borat the second Borat movie oh no yeah I'm thinking like alright I'm sorry I didn't authorize this but you know
Starting point is 01:03:50 what are you gonna do that's awesome and the one area that we have been trying to control is the language right and that's a problem
Starting point is 01:03:56 for both my fabulous wife and I we you know we'll tend to swear around the kids get a little colorful. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:06 And so I don't have a problem. If one of them is acting like a douche, then I'll say, hey, look, stop acting like an asshole. Don't be a douchebag or whatever. And they pick that up, right? Right. I guess I should have known that. And then they'll take it to school with them.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I feel like it's better if they hear it in the house. Yeah. I really do. It's like, what, are you going to hear it outside and be confused by it like it's language that adults use i tell my kids just don't use that language when you go over people's houses don't use that language around teachers don't use that language around other adults it's it's a weird thing because they also know that i'm a comedian and i swear for a living and sometimes my wife listens to my podcast and she'll have it on the car and so like you get in the car and bluetooth is you get in the car, and Bluetooth is playing.
Starting point is 01:04:46 You start the car. And I was like, what the fuck is that guy thinking? And she's like, oh, my god. Daddy has the worst potty mouth. One thing I do encourage, I do encourage mockery of me. If they make fun of me, that's their way to get back. They can make fun of me and and i'll start laughing and i think because like it's not fair that you live with these people that are older than you they
Starting point is 01:05:09 get to tell you what to do you never get to tell them what to do right kids get resentful of that so the one way they can get back at me is mocking me yeah and as and and i i feel exactly the same way as long as they do it in a in a clever way right yeah it's got to be yeah there's got to be some humor to it and it's got to be smart right about how they do it well i'll critique their jokes i'm like that joke sucked that's not good yeah but sometimes they get you with some good ones they get you with some zingers yeah i got my 13 year old the boy uh scooter is he's starting to challenge me right like he'll actually start like you, we'll get into a contest here. He'll start,
Starting point is 01:05:46 he'll come up and he'll start punching me. Uh-oh. And I'll let it go. But then I can kind of tell, you see it in their eyes, right? They're like, yeah, I'm getting one up here.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Then you have to take their soul. Then you got to take him down, right? And you think, okay. But then I'm thinking, I got maybe like, I don't know, not that many years left before he's going to be- Time to start lifting, I don't know, not that many years left before he's
Starting point is 01:06:05 going to be- Time to start lifting. Well, you know, and who doesn't? But he will. One day. Yeah, he will one day. But right now I can see that he's starting to do that. He's starting to challenge a little bit. It's natural. Yeah, it is natural. Roy Jones Jr. talked about that on his podcast with his dad, that a lion has to leave the den.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah. You know, when a young lion is coming up, the old lion's like, hey, son, it's time for you to get the fuck out of here. Yeah, or the old one just wanders off, right, and dies. Wands up with a broken jaw and can't feed himself. I told my boys, just wheel me out to the back and then go back up on the top deck
Starting point is 01:06:41 and take turns shooting at me. Whoa. Yeah, just take me out. At the point where I'm losing it, just do that. Just end it. I think there's a more humane way to handle it. There probably is. You can do that yourself, too.
Starting point is 01:06:53 You don't have to put in your kids, so they have to think about that shit for the rest of their life. So parenting, they didn't seem concerned about the idea, though. In fact, they almost seemed on board with it. Well, you might have uncorrectable errors that you've already committed and child-rearing. There's that possibility. Hey, what is the shit that I'm hearing that Jamie was bringing up today? That Trump might fire the head of the CIA and the NSA?
Starting point is 01:07:20 That he's thinking about doing that before he leaves? Yeah, that would be a... But wouldn't Biden just rehire him? I would like to? Yeah, that would be a, you know. But wouldn't Biden just rehire him? I would like to think so. It would be a complete dick move if he does because he's not going to find a better director than Gina Haspel over at the agency.
Starting point is 01:07:34 She's top notch. And I hear nothing but good things. She's outstanding. And she's got, and this is what I worry about here when we talk about like the administration changeover, right? Because maybe she would stay on during the Biden administration for a period of time. I mean, we've seen that in the past in other circumstances. But usually they would end up looking and saying, we're going to replace the directors.
Starting point is 01:07:54 We're going to do these things. And there's been a little bit of talk in Washington about who may be in what position. Gina Haspel, one of the things that makes her so good is that she grew up in the outfit, right? And so she's got that deep understanding of operations and what it takes, right? What's required and what, you know. Is she like the girl from Homeland?
Starting point is 01:08:18 But less crazy? Less crazy. Yeah, no, no, she's not crazy at all. But I mean, no, she's just top notch. And there's no chinks in the armor or whatever you say. So why would anyone... Are you allowed to say that anymore? I just realized that.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I don't think so. I think you can still say it, but people get real scared. Okay. They say it and they go, oh, Jesus. Yeah, like I just did. But so Gina would be great. If they replace her, if they were to replace her with someone who is from outside, right? And we've had some good outside directors.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Leon Panetta was a good example, right? That guy, you know. Well, explain to people and help me along the lines as well. If someone were to become an outside director of the CIA, say you're a person who works in whatever. What industry would they draw from? Oh, God. Sometimes the names get floated. Their biggest thing is they've existed in national security circles.
Starting point is 01:09:17 They were in a think tank for a long time. They were writing policy papers, and maybe they were on a national security staff somewhere. security staff somewhere and they would what the agency thrives under as far as leadership goes usually is somebody who really understands because they've done it because they've been inside they've been inside and they understand what it's all about they know it's just there's a lot of moving parts in there but so you wouldn't take from business you wouldn't get someone who runs businesses it would have to be someone with some sort of national security background yeah yeah I mean you would you would hope but even still like they might they don't really cross pollinate relics someone from the FBI wouldn't become a head of the CIA
Starting point is 01:09:55 would they fantastic at one of the greatest people I've ever known William Webster was both the director of the FBI and the director of the agency during his career. And he was not inside the agency, but he was an outstanding director. I think you could argue it was an anomaly. There are a couple others. But I guess my point being is it would be a dick move to let her go because she's outstanding. But do they usually do that? When someone gets in, they clean house and then they put their own people in positions? Statistically, I don't know what the percentage is, but sometimes not.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I mean, Gates is a good example of that. Bob Gates kind of transcended administrations. Because I always look at agencies, obviously I'm on the outside deeply, but I look at agencies as being like something that's completely separate from what the president is and that they advise the president and give the filling the president in on all the shit that's going on in the world that you don't know about if you're a civilian right but you don't directly it's not you're a part of you're not a part of this administration no i mean right the director sometimes can be
Starting point is 01:11:07 and that's why i say it it's it changes sometimes you get you get uh people like that that may come in and have more of a political bent which i think is always wrong ideally the agency uh nsa other members of the intel community should always be um ideally apolitical now everybody's human right they've got their own beliefs etc obviously but i think it works best when these and and we've seen from other countries overseas you see this shit right you see when you you get a change in in government and they just wholesale you know clean out the the uh intelligence organization or the police organization and they just and they bring in all their people. It's a nightmare. We never want that. Yeah, you never want that shit here.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Because then there's all these growing pains, and you've got to figure out what the job is, and you have a bunch of people that aren't accustomed to the way you normally do business. Well, and then you've got people beholden to that power structure for their job. And you want that arm's length. You want them to be able to give objective opinions, right? That's what's critical here. So you have to be able to say, here's the reporting.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Here's an objective analysis assessment of what this means. Here are your options. And you have to have confidence that they're doing that in an apolitical or as much as possible, you know, being realistic, an apolitical manner. And I mean, that's what's the whole kerfuffle. Can we say? Yeah, kerfuffle is fine. Kerfuffle is fine. And so the whole kerfuffle over the politicization of the FBI, for instance, with Comey and others, that makes people deeply uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Right. So but, you know, these positions that that very top position typically is is uh politically appointed did you see where ted cruz was grilling comey about evidence that had been changed yeah yeah what did you think of that um i sometimes have a hard time watching ted cruz although i give him credit he's a very very smart guy i think he knows his shit. I like his beard. Yeah, beard is top notch. He looks a lot better with the beard. He came out of the pandemic with that, right?
Starting point is 01:13:10 I trust him more now for some strange reason. Seems like more of a man. He looks tougher. I was about to say, he looks a little tougher. But you know what? Comey, I think Comey has the same problem in the sense that, you know, like over on the CIA side that John Brennan had. I think they just they got too deep into the game in terms of politics and the association. And at that point, one side or the other, depending on where you are on the fence, is going to find it that offensive or questionable or maybe lacking in credibility.
Starting point is 01:13:42 So when you say too deep in politics, meaning they did things that weren't necessarily the correct things to do, but they were very good for them politically? Yeah, I think so, or liked the game, or just developed too close a tie. I mean, if I were the president, I would not want to be a buddy with the head of the agency or a buddy with the head of NSA or the bureau. But wasn't that the thing that Trump demanded from Comey? He was like, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:09 I need you to be loyal. And Comey was like, excuse me? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think politically, I think he was, he's on the opposite side of the fence there. I mean, I think if somebody who was more politically aligned with Comey had said that, he would have gone, well, of course I am, you know? I mean, not loyal, but to say, sir, you can always count on my loyalty. It wouldn't have been an issue. It wouldn't have leaked loyalty. It wouldn't have been an issue. It wouldn't have leaked out. It wouldn't have been a story. But, yeah, coming back around, I think if the smartest thing they could do,
Starting point is 01:14:32 if, you know, assuming that Vice President Biden becomes President-elect Biden, if the numbers continue to go the way they are, with the agency, you know, he should definitely keep Gina Haspel on that job. That would be a smart move on his part. What's the argument against it? What is he saying? Do you know what he's saying, Jamie? Is there something?
Starting point is 01:14:53 No, it's just a rumor he's going to get rid of everyone. Why would you do that? Oh, even upon re-election. Yeah, I just found it was being talked about. The 26th of October is when this first hit. I mean, people generally at that level, don't quote me, but generally they submit their resignations.
Starting point is 01:15:10 You know, so if Trump were to have won, or were to win, then they would still submit their resignations, and he would have the opportunity to either offer them that position again or find someone new. When there's a change in administration, that's what you do. You hand in your resignation.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I mean, my daughter works in D.C., and she's in a political position, so she's been out there quietly looking in the event that the administration changes because her assumption is she will not have a job after January, middle of January. So it's a standard procedure out there. But when you find a real quality person who can provide you with extremely good advice and insight, you should probably hold on to that person. Obviously, you're a little biased. I'm biased, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:00 But I think it goes regardless of who that person is. Like I said with Leon Panetta, he was Clinton's chief of staff, Bill Clinton's. So we're not necessarily politically aligned, but he was a terrific director. So I would say the same thing about anybody who exhibits excellent leadership. Do you think any politician is going to do this thing again? The hand? This? Whatever that is.
Starting point is 01:16:29 I'm not sure what that is. How about this thing? This thing. Where he's jerking off ghosts. Have you seen that online? I saw that online. That was fantastic. It looks like Trump is jerking off ghosts.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Yeah. Oh, God. Trump's out here jerking off ghosts. Or the dance. Yeah. The dance. That dance thing. I just don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:16:43 The feet moving? Not at all. The hands moving That dance thing. I just don't know what that... The feet moving, not at all. The hands moving like dicks. Yeah. He's got a dick in each hand. I'm going to miss that about him. I mean, come on. Here he comes.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Look at this. I mean, when you really stop and think about it, that is one of the worst ways you could ever... I mean, he's literally doing the dick in each hand move. That's a dick in each hand move. Look, dick in each hand, dick in each hand. Struck him, in each hand move look dick in each hand dick in each hand stroke them stroke them hey well done i'll take you and i'll take you i'll jerk you off and you off look at that we're not gonna get that we're not gonna get this again you know no
Starting point is 01:17:17 no no i mean he's uh like i said he's almost too much for look at that in the mouth look at that he's almost too much for comedy yeah you know i'm saying like he's almost too much for, look at that, in the mouth. Look at that. He's almost too much for comedy. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, he's almost too ridiculous. Everything about him, the hair, the fucking, but the fact that he beat COVID in four days, it really killed that goddamn narrative
Starting point is 01:17:37 that this is something that's going to kill us all. Yeah. You know, that's an interesting point about this, what the narrative's going to be, right? The science isn't going to change come January 21st or whenever when we inaugurate the new president. If it happens to be Biden, the science won't change between now and then. They'll still be working on vaccines to get those out for delivery. But I guarantee you that tone is going to change.
Starting point is 01:18:03 The tone of coverage? Yes. The tone of coverage is going to be different. Businesses are going to open up. The economy's going to shift. And it's not going to happen until after January. They're going to wait until Biden actually gets in office. They're not going to do it when he's the president-elect.
Starting point is 01:18:14 They're going to wait, wait, wait, wait, open it back up. And they're going to hope they did enough time where all these people are still going to vote Democrat. And unfortunately, I think a lot of them are going to forget how ridiculous some of these governors have been. They've killed people's businesses. They've stopped people from working. They've taken away people's ability to make their own choices about what to do.
Starting point is 01:18:36 And they're fighting that in California. And Newsom just lost a case where they said that he overextended his powers and they're forbidding him to do that from now on. Then they're going to review it. And he's, you know, he's basically changing legislation. Well, and I think that's what people should watch also is, look, these two, I can't emphasize this enough, unless Perdue gets that 50% plus one vote and outright wins that Senate seat in Georgia,
Starting point is 01:19:06 you've got these two Senate seats, right? And this is the balance of the U.S. Senate. This is why this is important. This is actually more important now than the focus that the world's got on Biden-Trump, right? Now, I think that train's left the station probably. But regardless, that Senate control is critically important in terms of, again, a sort of a balance of power arrangement, keeping government in check. And so, you know, the Democrats are, you know, they are going to pump a shit ton of cash into those races.
Starting point is 01:19:39 If two of them, even if there's just one. Well, no, if there's one, then forget about it because, you know, they've lost the majority possibility. But if both of those go to runoff in January, you know, I think that may—and Biden is the president-elect, and it's decided, and they have the concession speech from Trump. And so we go through this period of mid-December through January. Then I think you will see some change. I don't think they'll wait until after Biden is officially president in terms of the coverage, because they're going to want to impact those elections in Georgia, right? You're going to want to show, oh, my God, look, we're really doing this.
Starting point is 01:20:15 And it's, oh, things are turning around now. And the media will be completely complicit in that, obviously. Well, most of the media is left wing, which is weird. And then you got that. I think what's going to happen is Trump's going to form his own media organization. That's what I think. I think he's going to have something either online or he's going to have something on a network. But like, what is that OAN?
Starting point is 01:20:42 OAN. Yeah. That's sort of the... What is it? So what do we got? We got OAN, we got Newsmax. They make Fox look like CNBC. Yeah, yeah. Or MSNBC.
Starting point is 01:20:52 You see how a lot of conservatives have turned on Fox like a fucking heartbeat. I know, crazy, right? Yeah. They turned on Fox when they called Arizona. Yeah, yeah. But they've been doing it. There's been some dissatisfaction, I think, within the right over Fox's direction, right?
Starting point is 01:21:09 What's wrong with the direction? Well, I think they felt like it was getting too liberal. Right? I know. That was the thing. Well, Chris Wallace, right? Yeah, Chris Wallace. He's been questioning Trump.
Starting point is 01:21:21 How dare he? Yeah, but what do they get? They get the triumvirate of Carlson, Ingram, and Hannity, right? So they're happy with those, I think, still. But I think they question everything else they hear.
Starting point is 01:21:33 And certainly, after they called Arizona now, there's a lot of pissed off people who will go to OAN or whatever, Newsmax, as a refuge. But a media company for Trump,
Starting point is 01:21:43 that might make more sense. I assumed that if he's out after this term, that he would just get some huge offer from a network for another show. He will get that. I think he will probably start his own thing, and I think he will also start running for re-election. And he's going to try to run again in 2024. No way.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Yeah. No. That's what he's going to do. run again in 2024. No way. Yeah. No. That's what he's going to do. I will place a bet on that one. How many do you want to bet? That Trump will not run for re-election in 2024. He's going to run and he's going to win in 2024. I will bet you right now.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Give me some odds. $1,000. All right. What kind of odds do I get? I was going to give you even odds. Straight up? That's 2020. I'll bet you $1,000.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Does he have to win or does he have to run? Well, you did say run and win I did but I got crazy I want odds Okay run I want odds for win For win okay Okay odds
Starting point is 01:22:31 Give me the odds Odds for win Yeah I'll go even for running Okay even for running You gotta bet Thousand bucks Thousand bucks And then odds for winning
Starting point is 01:22:39 Okay I need like five to one He's the current favorite For the 2024 nominee Yeah there you go, bro. What did I tell you? Yeah. I'm not talking shit.
Starting point is 01:22:48 John Kasich has a good chance. Mark Cuban. Oh, they're all plus 1,000. Wait a minute. I thought Mark Cuban is... Is he a Republican? Because he was... As much as President Trump is, I suppose, in the day.
Starting point is 01:23:00 But I thought he was supporting Biden. He's been supporting Biden. And he's been saying that Biden is good for business. I think he's been staking out sort of that independent kind of position. He'll probably swing a little right if he's serious about running. Now that if Biden wins, I think he'll want to kind of veer his way back towards the right. We're so broken in terms of this two-party nonsense. So broken.
Starting point is 01:23:22 But the libertarians, that's no place to land. In terms of this two-party nonsense. It's so broken. But the libertarians, that's no place to land. I mean, I agree with a lot of the concepts, but it's never going to be a successful third party that challenges. It could if someone like Trump became a libertarian. Right?
Starting point is 01:23:37 That's what he said back in 2017. What did he say? He says he'd probably run as a Republican. Probably, he said. Probably. I don't like that word. Probably. What the fuck like that word. Probably. What the fuck does that mean, bro?
Starting point is 01:23:47 Who knows? Maybe he'll become more compassionate if he licks his finger and feels the wind blowing in that direction. Yeah, yeah. You know? Okay, well, we got that bet out of the way, so that's good. So did we...
Starting point is 01:23:59 2024, let me get this right. That's four years from now. Yeah, $1,000 for if he runs, I win $1,000. And if he wins, I win $5,000. So if he runs, I already have $1,000 that I'll stake against you for winning. Okay. And then I just get a free shot at winning $5,000. I like it.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Yeah. I like it. I'm pretty strong on this one. I just don't see that happening. I'm pretty strong on it I like it. Yeah. I like it. I'm pretty strong on this one. I just don't see that happening. I got a different side I'm pretty strong on it too, bro. Yeah. Different odds
Starting point is 01:24:29 for the overall winner of the next election. That's Kamala Harris as the leader with Biden down here. Well, look at Mike Pence, though. Mike Pence is eight to one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:37 Trump isn't even on the list. Hold on. Biden is 12 to one? Whoa, AOC is 25 to one. Scroll down. Yeah, better odds than Trump. Damn, that's amazing. Yeah. Cuomo, 25 to one? Thatoc is 25 to one scroll down yeah better odds than trump damn that's amazing cuomo 25 to one that's not elizabeth warren 28 to one this is horseshit i mean it's very early
Starting point is 01:24:52 this bro trump is 33 to one oh my god but the problem i got with this is look we got 330 some odd million people and we keep rehashing the same yeah we need less you know why when you go to the movies okay i want to see daniel day lewis okay i want to see matt damon i want to see people i And we keep rehashing the same freaking list. You know why? When you go to the movies, okay? I want to see Daniel Day-Lewis, okay? I want to see Matt Damon. I want to see people I know. I want to see some fucking nobody playing Thor, okay? I want the Thor guy.
Starting point is 01:25:14 You want somebody you recognize. I get it. Yes, that's what it is. I mean, they're playing a role. The role is the leader of the country. Oh, I know who that Pence guy is. He was the VP. He's actually a very
Starting point is 01:25:25 good speaker, even though he seems a bit loony. I would like to get him alone. I'd like to get him alone and spend some time with him, see what he's like, get him drunk. He probably doesn't drink at all. That's a good question. Trump does not, famously. But I don't know. I think it would be nice to see... I've always thought it'd be nice to see i've always thought it'd be great to see somebody like a condoleezza rice you know come come out of retirement from politics and and does she have any desire to do that i think none i think none god she's she was inside she's probably probably like i'm done yeah yeah i just think she's she's having too much fun out
Starting point is 01:26:02 in the commercial world. Sure. So who knows? She'll end up as commissioner of the NFL or something. I think that's the job she wants. Does she really? She's a big NFL fan? Oh, no kidding. That's interesting. But I think it would just be nice to see other well-qualified people
Starting point is 01:26:22 kind of rise to the challenge. You know what's interesting? Andrew Yang apparently wants to do something with MMA. He wants to create new legislation for MMA and have people – I talked about it with Luke Thomas the other day. He wants people in MMA to to be to fall into the ali act the ali act is that a promoter can't also be the uh belt distributor okay so the people that are the sanctioned bodies like the wbc and boxing can also be a promoter right the ufc is obviously a promoter and they also are the sanctioning body
Starting point is 01:27:02 they're the same thing and the Ali Act forbids that for boxing. And he wants the Ali Act to apply to MMA, which is interesting. It's a strange thing for him to pick up and run with. I think he's a big fan. Okay. All right. I think he doesn't like it. And I think he's become very popular inside MMA circles.
Starting point is 01:27:21 He has some really good suggestions about cops, too. He said he thinks, and this is, I really wholeheartedly agree with this. He said he thinks every cop should be at least a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. And I wholeheartedly agree with that. He's very wise. Andrew Yang is wise.
Starting point is 01:27:37 He says smart things. I liked talking to him, but I like hearing him talk. And I would wholeheartedly support him as president, too. I think he's a wise person. I know a lot of people don't like his idea of universal basic income, but I think this pandemic showed that there's a real need to have at least a backup plan if people can't work.
Starting point is 01:27:59 In terms of a crisis, yeah. They didn't do anything. Yeah, yeah. In times of a pandemic, and this will not be our last pandemic. No. You know, hopefully we learned some lessons from it. And I think we have. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Yeah. Gun to your head. Yeah. Did this come from a wet market or did it come from a level four virus lab? I think the answer is a little more complicated. I think it probably popped up in a wet market. I think they were probably looking at it inside the lab. And I think their containment procedures and their protocols were lacking.
Starting point is 01:28:34 And I think it got away from them. And I think that's what the Chinese regime is busy still to this day trying to hide. Yeah. So I think that, you know, and look, there was documentation of concern about this particular lab and the level of security around it and, you know, concern over the money that was still being given to that lab to keep it going and despite the fact that the protocols were lacking. And weren't they cited for safety violations as recently as 2018? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I mean, going back a decade or so, there were issues. Here's what I found fascinating about this situation. When the virus got out and when the pandemic started, one thing that everyone was certain of was where the virus originated and that if you said that it came from the lab you were some wacky conspiracy theorist there's a fucking level four biological hazard or whatever it is with a history of problems right there yeah yeah yeah i know that's it but if you suggest i mean there's so many mysteries about this virus, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:29:46 But if you suggested that it came perhaps from this lab, you are some sort of a conspiracy jurist. You're xenophobic, too. Don't forget that. Yes, xenophobic. And by the way, I've been accused of that. Because of that. And having a fucking biologist on the show explain why, Brett Weinstein, explain why he believed it came from the lab explain why
Starting point is 01:30:08 because if you examine the virus there's so many things that point to the fact this virus has been manipulated that this virus is far too contagious that it spreads far too quickly it's gone through this whole evolutionary process that seems to have happened way too quickly for it not to have been manipulated. He explained this in scientific terms without saying ever that he believes it absolutely came from the lab. He's like, all indications point to the possibility that this had come from the lab. And I've read all these things where Joe Rogan shows spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about the virus. Because we should believe everything that the Xi regime says.
Starting point is 01:30:49 How do we, why is there so many questions about so many things, but you can't question that? We're not talking about a place that doesn't have a level four lab. We're talking a place that does. Well, it's not like they study coronaviruses. Oh, yes yes they do well well it can't be come from there can't impossible yeah how is it impossible by the way this cough i've been tested are you covered no i know i just been tested you know that 30
Starting point is 01:31:14 minutes ago i was negative everybody gets scared if you sneeze i know people look at you like there's something wrong i read something where it says sneezing in your mask is the new shit in your pants. But, yeah, look, I think the – look, there's every likelihood that this was picked up or identified in the wet market or through sort of, okay, this is naturally occurring. We know that this has happened before. So that's not hard to imagine. But the likelihood that that then made its way into the lab as they were looking at it, manipulating it, I do believe there was fuckery going on in terms of just trying to understand what it was
Starting point is 01:31:51 or trying to see where it was going to go. They studied coronaviruses from bats in that lab. Exactly. And then, again, you've got a history of problems and protocols with this particular lab. Where's the fucking mystery in terms of at least assuming that this is a possibility i think the real wacky conspiracy theory is that they did it on purpose and i don't subscribe to that right i think that seems highly illogical that they would subject their own people to that and then they would shut down
Starting point is 01:32:19 essentially most of the world that doesn't't benefit anybody. It doesn't seem like that would... I don't see a logical reason why anybody would release that on purpose. But I just don't... It's the same kind of people that wear their fucking masks in their Twitter profile pictures are the ones that hate anybody discussing the possibility
Starting point is 01:32:38 that that virus escaped from a lab. I just don't understand the argument. Well, it was the same... Again, and you had all this angst over the temporary halt on travel between China and the US, right? And again, that's, you know, if you had this thing, crisis management planning, right? So every company, every corporation will have a set of protocols and they go through this and say, okay, we got to look at all the potential threats and
Starting point is 01:33:09 risks facing our company. And then we have to create a crisis management plan in case of this happens, that happens, whatever. Like you said, have a backup plan or have a scenario that you can go to. And then you exercise that, right? And so it's not hard to imagine that if you have a pandemic playbook that says, okay, these are the various scenarios. We've identified now that this virus has come from over here, that we're going to temporarily halt travel from that location where we've identified this is the origination of that virus. How is that tough? But yet in this environment, because it's immediately politically charged. Well, it is immediately politically charged,
Starting point is 01:33:46 but then the ball shifts. The goalposts shift. Everything shifts because at first it was a xenophobic move. It was horrific and racist for him to shut down travel to China. Then it became he should have shut down travel earlier. Yeah. He knew about it all the way back in January. Why did they take so long to respond? No one knew what it was. Oh, the conspiracy theories that they knew knew about it all the way back in january why do they take so long to
Starting point is 01:34:05 respond like yeah no one knew what it was like the conspiracy theories that they knew all about it but it's not it's not fair when they take advantage of something that clearly no one was prepared for and blame it all on him now if you want to criticize him for saying it's like the flu it's gonna go away it's gonna be magic it's gonna disappear it's gonna for sure it's gonna go away yeah i think you're you're allowed to criticize him on that that that's a preposterous way of discussing it it's stupid and to say it's gonna be like magic no it's not and then when he got it himself i think that was a real wake-up call i think you're right about that i think you could see a change in tone. And I think he became a little more, if that's possible for him, empathetic. But look, the Dems...
Starting point is 01:34:50 For a couple of days. For a couple of days. Yeah, I don't want to make more of it. And then he became like a fucking Superman. Yeah. Maybe I'm immune. I don't know. I'm completely immune.
Starting point is 01:34:58 My blood is going to be used to solve the problem. Jamie's got something. I thought of a random question that maybe insight from him would be into. I have seen a lot of stuff online about a Melania body double that one version of her doesn't even like to hold his hand, but this other version will hug and kiss him. She was super affectionate with him.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Could you imagine? Do they do that? Bro, they can make that fucking guy look like a goblin and that one that Post Malone told us about. Remember that guy? Necro Gobblecon?one told us about remember that guy necro goblin necro goblin con yeah i mean that guy has a podcast where he wears his goblin outfit and he interviews people you're telling me they can't make someone look like melania trump like people saying that's
Starting point is 01:35:35 melania you're being an idiot are you sure she's wearing sunglasses she's uh she's obviously a lady with a lovely figure who's wearing sunglasses. Her face seems similar to Melania's but not exact. So what are you saying? You're in the camp of the body double? I'm all in on the body double. Listen, this is what I think. Yes! Rick Baker, who
Starting point is 01:35:58 has been on the podcast before, created the American Werewolf in London. You're talking about in the 80s, he got a guy to look like he was turning into a fucking werewolf. Yeah. You're telling me you can't recreate Melania's facial structure in a doll?
Starting point is 01:36:12 Of course they can. Not a doll. I mean, you know, a mask. A doll. Well, there you go. There's a revenue stream there. Especially with... Oh, a big revenue stream.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Especially with the goggles. The glasses. The goggles. They're huge. Those glasses are more than glasses they're basically welding goggles she's got fashion welding goggles on and you know smart glass but she's behaving in a way that you never see melania behaving they're like newlyweds she's kissing him she's all lovey-dovey and everybody's cheering like i will say this my uh
Starting point is 01:36:42 my uh my it's so funny that it's such a fucking conspiracy. Go to the video of the Melania body double being affectionate with Trump. Because that's the weirdest to me. I'm all in on the body double, by the way. All in. My wife has worked with Melania in the past on some overseas concerns and trips. And she's got nothing but excellent things to say about Melania in terms of, she says she's a very private person, right? She doesn't really like
Starting point is 01:37:12 sort of the press concerns of the job of First Lady. Her staff, my wife says, absolutely adores her, loves her, because she is a kind individual, a decent person. So I've heard nothing but good things about her. I will admit I've never heard this body double story before. I don't know where to go with that. I know. It's just another one more thing I've got to investigate. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Here it is. Look at this body double. What do you think? Look at it. She's kissing him. She's all huggy, huggy. I Here it is. Look at this body double. What do you think? Look at it. She's kissing him. She's all huggy, huggy. I like it why they did it. That doesn't look like her.
Starting point is 01:37:50 I'm sorry. It doesn't look like her. Also, I don't like how they did it in front of the fucking teleprompter. What kind of shit camera work is this? I think they took a beautiful lady with a lovely figure, and they put a Melania mask on her. That's what I think. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Look at this. It's like the Zapruder film. Right? Holy shit. Now we've got people investigating this. Look how different she looks there. Look at this. It's a different person. Oh, it's a different person. Different nose. The other one looks like a rubber nose. Go back up to the top again.
Starting point is 01:38:17 That's a rubber nose. That's a fake nose. It looks like one of them Groucho Marx. You said it could be Mike Pence underneath that mask. I don't think so. That's not what I'm saying. That's not what I'm saying. Yeah, okay. That's not what I'm saying. All right, just asking. Look what Rick Baker can do. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:30 See, that's what I'm saying. Rick Baker, come on. You tell me Rick Baker, he did with the werewolf. You tell me he couldn't turn Melania Trump into that? Yeah. Come on. Of course, we had Hollywood. Hollywood's worked with the agency, with the CIA in the past, on working with
Starting point is 01:38:47 our disguise unit. I'm sure you have. Yeah. And I will say, it's incredible. Incredible. What can be done, right? Because you think about it. Sometimes a guy like me may not blend everywhere in the world.
Starting point is 01:38:57 And so the ability to operate on the streets or out in the open, yeah. So we've got a shit-hot disguise unit. Well, don't you remember Team America World Police? Fuck yeah. They gave him the ultimate disguise when he was out there talking to the terrorists. Can we get that out? Yeah, by the way, I'm not serious about the Melania double.
Starting point is 01:39:23 I don't really think it's Melania's double. How fucking bad it was. Yeah, by the way, I'm not serious about the Melania double. I don't really think it's Melania's double. Look at that. How fucking bad it was. He's got the Trump thing with the tan around the eyes, though. Look. He's got the Trump thing with the tan around the eyes. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:39:37 That movie was fantastic. Oh, my God. You remember that scene with Kim Il-sung? Yes. Hans Briggs. Hans, Hans, you're busting my balls here it's one of the greatest movies of all time you know another great movie
Starting point is 01:39:48 that people forgot about the South Park movie where Satan and Saddam Hussein are gay lovers oh my god that was so good Jesus Christ and they had dicks
Starting point is 01:39:56 they could show dicks because it was a cartoon dick so you could have the dick flopping around yeah the voice work on that was brilliant amazing
Starting point is 01:40:03 amazing fantastic Satan is gay and he fucks Saddam Hussein. Come on, man. Dude. Saddam's voice was brilliant. Yeah, and Saddam's head moves like a Canadian's where it pops
Starting point is 01:40:18 off. Terrence and Phillip. Hey, Terrence. It's a great show. I recommend that show to everybody I know because I honestly think it's the best piece of television work ever done. Ever done. They're the greatest of all time.
Starting point is 01:40:31 They're the greatest comedy producers of all time. But the movie, that movie, South Park, the South Park movie is so underrated because it's almost like their body of work is so extensive. They have so many good episodes and so much good stuff that people forgot about a lot of it whoa dude when i first moved to california okay it was maybe a year after i was here it's not no no no no no no the show this is what i was about to say when i first moved to california in 94
Starting point is 01:41:05 i was uh living in north hollywood for about a year and then i moved to encino so when i was in encino somewhere around 95 ish and someone gave me a vhs copy of their first production and it wasn't even south park then it was like i think maybe it was south park but it was all the characters and it was all about what would Brian Boitano do? Brian Boitano the skater. Great song. I think it was about Christmas.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Yeah, it's called The Spirit of Christmas. That's right. It came out in 95. Thank you. So I got a VHS copy of that and I remember dying laughing.
Starting point is 01:41:40 It was the funniest fucking shit I've ever heard. So that was 25 years ago. So of course the show is 21 years old. I just meant the movie. Yeah, the movie to me, I was in my freshman year of high school. But it was 99, wasn't it? Yeah, but that put me in my sophomore year.
Starting point is 01:41:56 I was like, a year after the show came out is when the movie came out. I didn't realize it was that fast. Was it really? That's what I mean. So the show was out in 98? 97. Oh. Yeah, fall of 97 I think is when started but the best one of my favorite characters butters i love how they've never well they kind of upgraded since then since the spirit of christmas what the animation looks like not much slightly
Starting point is 01:42:17 not much did you see the documentary on how they make it yeah that's brilliant what's called seven days yeah what's called six days six days it's fucking great and they great. And they get to that point and they got like nothing, right? They got like two and a half minutes they got to fill. And then they come up with something brilliant. Yeah. Like smacking it in San Diego or some other song. Sometimes that kind of pressure creates diamonds. It really does.
Starting point is 01:42:37 News radio, the sitcom that I was on, the writers would employ a similar tactic. They would not write until like two o'clock in the morning. And then they had a table reading the next day. And then they would write a similar tactic. They would not write until like 2 o'clock in the morning, and then they had a table reading the next day, and then they would write. Good God. But then also they were loopy because they were tired and silly, and so then they would come up with this brilliant preposterous shit. And sometimes I think that one of the strategies they employed
Starting point is 01:43:00 is getting delirious from fatigue. Right. When you're overtired, sometimes your brain works in this weird way. Now, I could have suggested to them marijuana, and I think that would have done the same thing, and you could have done it in the middle of the day, and you would have been fine,
Starting point is 01:43:15 and you would have got a good night's sleep. Are you more... Let me ask you this, Chris, in all seriousness. From your perspective, do you think you're more creative when you're smoking weed or less? No, I don't think it's less. It's definitely a different kind of creative. I think it opens up my brain to ideas that I don't necessarily think I would entertain if I was sober.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Okay. What happened? The lights flashed. It's the government. It's the government. They're coming in, and it's not because of the weed talk. It's because of the Melania talk. Make sure we're recording here.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Did it shut off? No, nothing? We're good? Jesus. Head straight. It's just different. Did you see there's some study today that came out? I put it on my Instagram page that psilocybin is four times more effective for antidepressants
Starting point is 01:43:59 than medication and SSRIs. Anything they can do for that issue. I mean, you think about the number of people on antidepressants. Especially right now. Holy fuck, yeah. Too many people during this pandemic have just lost everything, and they're freaking out, and suicide's through the roof. Through the roof.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Yeah, and again, this idea that, ah, they'll be fine, we'll give them some cash, they'll be fine. No. Well, that ship has sailed. People have already lost their businesses and they gave one $1,200 check out months ago
Starting point is 01:44:28 like how did they handle that so poorly well and then you look at this and you think okay Pelosi during her speech today or during she came out
Starting point is 01:44:36 and gave a little presser I don't know if she took any questions but it was like part of it was also this implication that now we're gonna get to work on the
Starting point is 01:44:41 next stimulus bill and I'm thinking what the fuck you been doing you obviously we're waiting for this election to go so that nobody gets credit except for for exactly exactly that's exactly what it is they didn't care about people's businesses and jobs to put politics ahead of everything and they they banked everything on this re-election and i i accuse these liberal governors of doing the same thing. I think that was part of the reason why they kept things shut down. I really do. No, I don't doubt that for a minute.
Starting point is 01:45:10 I'm not, again, you know me, I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I have no doubt that they weaponized this whole pandemic issue for political purposes, and they played it very, very well. Look, this was a, this is going to sound wrong, but it's a horrific thing. It's terrible. You never wish it on anybody. But there's no doubt that this played into the DNCs or the Democratic Party's hands.
Starting point is 01:45:33 And they took advantage in certain cases of it, right? And because they'd been throwing shit at Trump for four years, you know, and, you know, most of it didn't stick,'t stick, no matter what they tried. And this was the thing that worked for them. And they saw it pretty early on, right? And they saw what the economy was doing, and that was his big ticket, right? Running on the economy was his thing. Yep. And it was just the one thing that could take him down.
Starting point is 01:46:03 It just shows you how dirty politics are. They're willing to let untold thousands and maybe even millions of people lose their livelihoods just so that they could maintain political power. It just shows you how dirty they are. By the way, across the board, I was going to say that. Yeah, it's not just one side of the other. No, the Republicans would have done the same goddamn thing. Oh, sure. Yeah, just like the Dems right now, if it was flipped, they would be crying foul, as we've seen in the past.
Starting point is 01:46:30 And they would be saying, we're going to investigate, and we're not giving a concession speech. We're going to take this to court. Fine. It's the way it's played. It's so fucking dysfunctional sometimes. It's weird. It's just such a weird, divided time in this country. It makes me sad that's
Starting point is 01:46:46 why we need mushrooms yeah everybody's gonna realize like we're we're not that far apart in our ideas you know we're not talking about evil people that want to eat babies versus people that want to save babies like the the things that separate the right and the left they're they're much smaller than we think they really are and. And the idea that America is somehow or another inherently evil and racist and terrible, that's not true. What we are is we're the most innovative and creative country the world's ever known in terms of the impact we've had on culture. There's so much to be proud of for being American,
Starting point is 01:47:22 even though it's not like you asked to be American. We were all born here. We got lucky got or moved here because you you got it and you caught it right caught it early on and you you realize once you got here like you could do a lot of shit here you can't do other places and it's pretty badass but it's not perfect and we could work together to make it better you don't have to demonize everyone that loves america or you just have to accept the fact that not everybody thinks the same right and going back to what we uh what i mentioned earlier where it was like after the election after you know it was clear it was going to be very very close and some folks on the left came out and started talking about well you just can't save these 48 or 49 percent of, meaning people that don't think
Starting point is 01:48:05 like they, or didn't vote, you know, for Biden. You can't save them because they're just, they're hopeless, they're useless, they're stupid or bad. That's a hell of a way to think, right? And then I saw that guy that, the guy that turned out to be anonymous, right? Sort of that mid-level functionary. Yeah, mid-level's being kind. Yeah, I'm trying to be kind to him.
Starting point is 01:48:26 But he came out, and he wrote this bullshit article or op-ed that basically said, well, you know, I thought the, you know, it's not Washington that's broken, it's the American people. Again, referencing anybody who didn't vote for Biden, right? American, what are you talking about, fuckwit? The American people aren't broken, but that's the mindset that people have. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:48:47 And I meant that jokingly. I don't really mean that. Of course I do mean it. Yeah. Well, he lied about it when he was talking to Anderson Cooper. He lied about being anonymous. Anderson Cooper, first of all, is Anderson Cooper CIA? He is, right?
Starting point is 01:49:00 You can tell us. No one's listening. No, okay. But he used to be, right? Just between you and me? No, he's not. Oh, okay. Yeah. But he was, right? No. Didn between you and me? No, he's not. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:05 But he was, right? No. Didn't he work for the CIA at one point in time? If he did... And a lot of ums. I don't like it. I had never heard of that, but seriously. What, did he get the whole Rolodex?
Starting point is 01:49:18 I'm not... I do. Anderson Cooper, CIA. Confirmed. We actually still have a Rolodex. We don't use a database. We still have a big Rolodex, and you just got to chunk your way through it. Vanderbilt, oligarch, heir, Anderson Cooper worked at CIA in college.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Oh, in college. Okay, he was a summer intern. Listen, bro, why would you be an intern unless you wanted to be a part of the agency? I don't get it. A lot of guys get a job at a landscaping company. They don't work for the fucking CIA. It's a great way to meet women. If you want to make money, you can drive for Uber, deliver pizzas. You don't don't work for the fucking CIA. It's a great way to meet women. You want to make money,
Starting point is 01:49:46 you can drive for Uber, deliver pizzas. You don't have to work for the goddamn CIA. Yeah, I don't think... He's a CIA operative working at CNN. He's a summer intern. He's a little too smug and confident.
Starting point is 01:49:55 You think so? Yeah, he's got some backing. Look, he looks too... He's too well-groomed to stay in the agency for any period of time. You know what's fascinating to me? Beyond that? Beyond that?
Starting point is 01:50:05 Beyond that. It is fascinating, and I think we've confirmed he is CIA. Someone call Q. All right, cat's out of the bag. He's still working there. He seems to know. He knew that guy was anonymous because he gets the fucking emails. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:21 Anyway, I didn't mean to call anonymous the fuck with. I did. Yeah. I take it back. No, I mean, I take back the fact that I didn't. I didn't mean call anonymous the fuck with i did yeah i take it back yeah no i mean i take back the fact that i didn't i didn't mean to call him that oh you did yeah um it's i don't it's just silly he seems more silly than he is anything yeah but he was but he was remember he was referred to as the senior a senior uh yeah that's what silly i mean i mean it's just like come on he's not a senior official but we don't trust we don't but that would make it more exciting if he was sure it would be of course it would be and that's why that's why they referred to him as such because
Starting point is 01:50:52 it pumps up the story of course and people don't tell everybody what he said he i mean it's a disparaging book uh about the trump administration i don't even want to give give it any time because I don't think it's deserving. But not that there's things you couldn't talk about, but I have this thing about people who walk out of an administration, regardless of which one, or walk out of an agency or wherever and write a fucking book. I have a problem with it. Just shut your yap, right? Yeah, it's part of the gig, right?
Starting point is 01:51:24 Yeah. And if you didn't get enough hugs and you come out and you want to beat your own drum, well then, you know, just don't, I don't know. We've gotten way too past the old point where people would just finish a job and you never ever knew, you know, that they'd... There's too many opportunities for opportunists. I sound like Wilford Brimley over here.
Starting point is 01:51:46 You sound good. I like what you're saying. There's too many opportunities for opportunists these days. And I understand if you're a guy who works at, you know, fucking NBC or something, you want to write a tell-all book about whatever. Right. But this is not what we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:51:59 You're talking about someone who works at the highest levels of government. You're supposed to have... Don't they sign NDAs? Yes. Yeah. And you're supposed to, and you know, and like as an example, the agency has a, what they call a publications review board.
Starting point is 01:52:11 So if you're going to, if you're going to finish up with the outfit and you get out and you think, oh my God, I want to write a book. And I know, you know, a handful of folks who did and they were very good bookers, but they don't talk about, you know, it's not a tell all. It's not a, you know, and they're not disclosing sources and methods. But the point being is they've got the PRB, and so you have to submit your transcript, and they go through it, and sometimes they'll edit things out, and sometimes they won't. But you're supposed...
Starting point is 01:52:33 The idea that you come out, and you had an unsatisfactory experience, and you want to complain about shit. A little distasteful. It's distasteful. Yeah. There's two things that I wanted to talk to you about before we got in here besides the election, in no particular order. Aliens and George Soros. Hey, how do you know they're not connected?
Starting point is 01:52:52 They might be connected. They might be connected. But both of those things I find particularly fascinating. I never knew that about you. The George Soros thing just keeps coming up over and over and over again, where people that I know that are very intelligent and some that are very connected say that he's funding a lot of these Antifa rallies and protests and chaos, and that they're funding the political campaigns of people that are opposed to putting people in jail and that are promoting, air quotes, social justice and all of these reforms
Starting point is 01:53:31 and all of these political movements that seem to be deteriorating the trust in law enforcement and that there's some sort of organized campaign by him to do something to destroy the fabric of our democracy. Yeah, sort of the one world government run by George Soros. That's the Batman villain storyline. Yeah, I think the truth is less exciting or interesting. I think he puts a lot of money into a handful of organizations, and that money gets funneled out for various purposes, campaigns, supporting organizations. There's no doubt. I think that his worldview is somewhat different than mine. But I don't think that Soros is, you know,
Starting point is 01:54:26 running some campaign to take down America. I think that's... Why do you think people are so attracted to that idea? Is it because of Batman movies? Yeah, you know, everybody loves a big villain. He's an evil-looking guy. I mean, again, hey, I don't mean that wrong, but, you know, he can't help his appearance.
Starting point is 01:54:40 No offense there. You look like you could be in Star Wars. Yeah. He's, yeah, he's got that look about him. You can see him in a black robe. Yeah, exactly. Vader, you know your directive. Helmet's off.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Yeah, he does look like that. He could do something about those bags under his eyes, frankly. He doesn't want to. He's got billions of dollars. Yeah, I know. What gets a person's rocks off when they have that much money and they're still trying to make more money? And they're basically, I mean, how old is he?
Starting point is 01:55:10 80? How old is George Soros? He's got to be in his 80s, right? He's in the home stretch. 90. 90. 9-0. He's in the home stretch, kids.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Does it say how much money he's given away? It says he's worth $8.6 billion. I don't know about given away. He's not given any. Having donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundation, according to Wikipedia. Wow, he's worth $8 and he's donated $32. That's a man committed.
Starting point is 01:55:37 See, that's part of it. That's crazy. The connection to Open Society, I think, is probably what helps to fuel it. I mean, you've got a guy that— What does that mean? I think is probably what helps to fuel it. But, I mean, you got a guy that... What does that mean? He's an easy...
Starting point is 01:55:45 What do you call it? He's an easy foil, an easy target to be in. I mean, it's like the Koch brothers. There's no difference, right? It's just one side blames the Koch brothers for... Right. You know, trying to take over America, and one side blames Soros.
Starting point is 01:56:02 So... What is that organization, Jamie? Open Society. Oh. The Open Society Foundation support individuals and organizations across the globe fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Well, that sounds good. It does sound good, doesn't it? That's what's confusing. Yeah. So all these people that think he's evil... Truth and justice. I mean, but if I was going to be evil, I would hide behind something like that. It sounds like a perfect- Well, and you can imagine some of that money getting eventually funneled, making its way to organizations. I'm not saying it's happening, but an organization like Antifa or whatever.
Starting point is 01:56:36 Right. You know, the theory being, oh, no, we're trying to promote- If you wrap yourself in the cloak of promoting equality and justice, most people aren't going to push back because they don't want to look like a dick right right you can get away with a lot of shit yeah so you don't you don't you know but anybody who's got this like this is uh one of my things if you're going to give money to an organization you know do a little investigating first find out how much of it goes into people's pockets and and actually where the money goes and what it's used for. Sometimes it's easier than not.
Starting point is 01:57:07 And if it's difficult to find that information out, give your money somewhere else, right? Because it's not – there should be transparency around any operation that's asking you for a donation or for your money. But Soros, when he funnels that money in, makes its way through – it's like a pachinko machine, right? It's just kicking all over the place, right? So it's no surprise. So do you think it's just that it's an easy target for someone who's looking for one person who's the puppet master, who's pulling all the strings? Right.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Everybody loves... It's a simplistic way of looking at things, right? And I'm not saying that Soros isn't funding groups that wouldn't piss people off, I guess, but, you know. There's more to it than that. There's more to it than that. But it's like, you know, it's like the Kennedy assassination. Nobody wanted to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald could do something as an individual that was so horrific. All right, now you're going to lose me. If you really think he did that by himself, this fucking conversation is over.
Starting point is 01:58:01 No, I'm not saying that he did it by himself. What I'm saying is that people don't want to think that, right? Because it's not true, right? But you close out the possibility that it could be true, right? Are you saying it's true? I'm saying that there's a possibility. There's not a fucking way in hell. I'm saying there's a possibility.
Starting point is 01:58:15 What about the bullet? You can't take that off. The magic bullet? You can't take it off the table, the magic bullet. I'd take that right off the table because it was on a table. It was actually on the gurney that Connolly was rolled in on. Oh, look, we found the bullet. Case closed. Cleaned it up all nice.
Starting point is 01:58:28 I guess my point, though, before we descend into chaos, is that you don't want to remove options when you're looking. Maybe you can say 100%. There's no doubt. I'm not closing the door
Starting point is 01:58:44 on the percentage chance that lee harvey oswald did that on his own for his own reasons and his own uh resources and ability to do it i will say the mlk martin luther king assassination is one where if i have to say look i there's definitely shit here we talked about that before and it does seem like there's shit there what it seems to me is that the c CIA definitely killed Kennedy, and that's why you are making it seem like it's most likely that Oswald acted. What else do you think I'm going to do? I get it.
Starting point is 01:59:14 I understand. I'm kidding when I say that. That fucking magic bullet theory, only a child who's never shot a gun understands or would look at that theory and think it makes sense. If you shot a gun before, if you know what happens when bullets hit bone, there's no fucking way. Look at that thing. Come the fuck on.
Starting point is 01:59:33 That shot through two people, shattered bone in the wrist of Connolly. Looks pretty clean. Yeah, get the fuck out of here and wound up magically in the gurney. And oh, by the way, there's more bullet fragments in Connolly's body than were missing from that bullet. So, fuck you. Well, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Until they close that case completely, and nobody ever has completely.
Starting point is 01:59:58 But I guess, again, going back to the bigger point, if I had one. Look at that bullet again. Can I see that bullet again? Put that bullet up one more time. Oh, here it goes. Here comes that drawing. This is the official government drawing. See?
Starting point is 02:00:09 Like this. Here's the thing that's wrong with that, though. Sorry, I got a lot of my nose here. The thing that's wrong with that picture. You tested negative, right? Yes, I did. The photo. Show that picture again.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Yeah. Hand drawing. Here's what people don't understand, why this is not as ridiculous as the bullet. Because bullets do weird shit when they hit things. They do. And I know a guy who, how do I put this, shot a person in war in the face, and the bullet literally came out the same way it went in. Went in the guy's head, ricocheted around the skull, and came out the front.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Yeah. Yeah. I've seen forensics on that same thing before. Crazy shit happens when bullets hit. But it's not that crazy. They don't come out looking like that. That's not a bullet that shattered bone. It's just not.
Starting point is 02:01:03 And people go, oh, the bullet's way more distorted than that. That particular image is bullet that shattered bone. It's just not. The bullet's way more distorted than that. That particular image is a deceptive angle. Fuck you. Just fuck you. There's not a lot of deception. Look at that. You got a little dent there. They shot that fucking thing into a swimming pool, kids.
Starting point is 02:01:21 There's not a chance in hell that went through a couple people. Oh, look. See, see, see, see. couple people oh look see see see see the the the tip you can see some of the lead but my my point my overall point should i have one is that with soros i mean people like you know they they that's why conspiracy theories and other things exist right is and continue to exist is because it's a it's a fascinating concept it's a fascinating story you can look at source and go yes you're running from a secret lair somewhere under a volcano, an effort to take down America, right?
Starting point is 02:01:53 Okay. That's one theory. Anyway. We're all programmed by movies, right? These narratives that there is one secret evil person that wants everything to go down. And those narratives, they're very compelling. And we've had them in our lives for so long.
Starting point is 02:02:13 So many people have these sort of simplistic portraits of the world that they've adopted because of movies. Yeah, and we like a beginning, a middle, and an end. People like things to be all wrapped up, right? Let me see that picture of the bullet with the goat. That was a little disturbing. That a similar bullet went through a goat, that one on the bottom. I had no idea they had a goat in that movie.
Starting point is 02:02:37 Bullet fired through a goat, most closely duplicating Connolly's chest wounds. Not just his chest wounds, you fucks, his wrist too. And then just the fact they found it on his gurney. Oh, whoops. We found it. Under no circumstances do I feel that this bullet could have hit a wrist and still not be deformed. We proved that by experiments. Chief consultant in
Starting point is 02:02:56 wound ballistic for the U.S. Army who supervised tests for the Warren Commission. Exactly. That other photo, if it did go through a goat let me tell you something kids that fucking thing got a a pass through it probably went right in between the ribs and even then i don't buy it because it probably hit the ground somewhere it had to be that goat all right one day you're out there eating grass and ivy how about how about they did it through
Starting point is 02:03:19 a hundred goats until i got a bullet exactly this is what we're looking for even then i think it's horse shit i've shot animals before when you shoot an animal with a bullet man those bullets come out super deformed yeah of course they mushroom they come out looking great because bullets aren't supposed here's the thing for people to understand bullets are designed to change shape when they hit things because it does more damage so when you see a bullet that's mushroomed out the impact of that bullet hitting an animal forces it to mushroom out it creates a a lot of trauma and shock and that's what kills the animal a bullet that goes through something like that would create like a pencil hole it wouldn't do
Starting point is 02:04:03 nearly as much damage it would be far less effective and they would re-engineer the bullet to to have more of a deformity when it hits things because there's a value in bullets deforming when they hit things that value is it creates a deeper more fucked up internal yeah internal damage yeah yeah bullets don't act like that with the only, and this is a recent exception, they use solid copper bullets in some cases. And even those solid copper bullets, they get to mushroom out. Because I shot an elk in California with a rifle, and we used copper bullets because California has laws against lead.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Oh, of course, yeah. And I have the bullet at home. It came out all fucked up like that. There's the other bullets they have. Oh, that they did the same thing with? Yeah. I guess these were found, like, evidence. At the scene?
Starting point is 02:04:54 Fragment of a bullet that fatally wounded the president would be this one, I think. Yeah, that makes more sense. Look at that. It's a fucking chunk that looks like it exploded. The other one looks perfect. But, like, the other thing that drives me crazy is people say, well, and to lean the other way, they say, well, the scope on the rifle
Starting point is 02:05:13 wasn't even lined up right. Well, how the fuck do you know it wasn't lined up right? All you have to do is drop a rifle and the scope is off. Yeah, yeah, it's exactly right. And also it was a very easy shot. I mean, I will say that. It wasn't that hard. No, it wasn't hard at all. And also, it was a very easy shot. I mean, I will say that. It wasn't that hard. It wasn't hard at all. Everybody says, no one could
Starting point is 02:05:27 have made that shot. I could have made that shot. I'm not even good. You got a slow-moving vehicle moving away from you in line. Exactly. No wind. And you have a rest. You're leaning off the window. That 100% could have been made by a person.
Starting point is 02:05:43 And not just one shot. I think they could have got off all three. I think that's provable too. I think especially you're all jacked up with adrenaline and you've been practicing racking those bullets in there. You could have got it off. That part of it is I think
Starting point is 02:05:59 that is easy to understand. Again, not to disappear down that rabbit hole. I do find it always interesting because I'm still fascinated by the Martin Luther King thing because it's a rare day when I look at something and go, yeah, that really is horseshit there. When you were talking about how James Earl Ray, the guy who shot Martin Luther King, was funded. Like, clearly he was a loser, had nothing going on in his life. We talked about this before.
Starting point is 02:06:29 Right, right. Yeah, he's just a petty criminal, and not a good one, right? Always caught. Always, always caught. And, you know, then suddenly he manages to reinvent himself, goes on the road, disappears, lays low, comes out, you know, looks like a professor when he ends up in Europe after the shooting, you know, buys a Mustang, you know, for cash, you know,
Starting point is 02:06:55 more cash than the kid probably, or the guy I probably ever saw. It's just, there's too many things here that just make it look like that. So I'm not a, again, I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I look at that one and I go, over all these years, and we weren't able to kind of get to the bottom of it, speaks to sort of the, I don't know, the sinister nature of it, I think.
Starting point is 02:07:27 I would never say I'm not a conspiracy guy because I love conspiracies. I think they're awesome. They're so much fun. But I don't buy all of them. I think there's a lot of them that are bullshit. But a lot of them are real. That's the problem with the term conspiracy theorist. People don't ever want to be called a conspiracy theorist
Starting point is 02:07:41 because it makes you look like a fool. Fortunately for me, everyone knows I'm a fool. So I can say that enjoy the open i can enjoy conspiracies but i also could say if i'm being honest i know that for sure people have conspired to do things in particular when you're talking about in the 1960s it's it's there's evidence there's a tremendous amount of evidence that people conspired to do a lot of different things. I mean, there's so much evidence that, you know, there's like, first of all, the Gulf of Tonkin incident that got us into the Vietnam War. That's a conspiracy. That's a proven conspiracy.
Starting point is 02:08:22 They lied about a tax on America so that they can get us into the Vietnam War. That's a conspiracy. That's a proven conspiracy. They lied about attacks on America so that they can get us into the Vietnam War. That's a conspiracy. How about Operation Northwoods? That's a conspiracy signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They were going to fake attacks on American civilians. They were going to blow up a drone jetliner, blame it on Cuba. They were going to arm Cuban friendlies and attack Guantanamo Bay. Signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, vetoed by Kennedy. That is
Starting point is 02:08:51 a conspiracy. This was all during that same time period. I don't even know if a conspiracy is the right word for it. It's a... A plan. It's a plan. It's an operational plan, right? They conspired to do it. Yeah, that's good. Okay, fine. All right. Isn't that what a conspiracy is? I guess that is, a conspiracy.
Starting point is 02:09:08 The problem is the term. Yeah, yeah. The term makes you seem like a fucking idiot. Yeah, yeah, like you're putting on a tinfoil hat. So serious people, which fortunately for me, I'm not one of those, serious people that want to be taken seriously, they tend to shy away from conspiracies. Yeah, conspire. But I smoke a lot of marijuana, and so I like those conspiracies. Yeah. Conspire. But I smoke a lot of marijuana.
Starting point is 02:09:26 And so I like those conspiracies. I find them attractive. I go, huh. They may be. Hence the UFO thing. Yeah. Ah, the aliens. So last time I saw you, I don't think the Pentagon had come out
Starting point is 02:09:40 because it was actually during the pandemic where the Pentagon came out. I don't think we talked about this last time, did we? I don't think so. Where they said they've recovered alien crafts. They said, we have recovered crafts that are not from this world. Is that exactly what they said? Pull it up, young John. Pull that up, that exact quote from the Pentagon.
Starting point is 02:10:00 It's a sketchy. The Pentagon didn't say it, yeah. That was the guy from Vegas the guy from Nevada what is this name the was the senator from Nevada Harry Harry Reid yeah former senator Pentagon former contractor was the one that said oh you're thinking of yeah yeah you're thinking of he's got an aerospace business out there that was funded in part by taxpayer money. It was sort of a pet project of Harry Reid's in a sense.
Starting point is 02:10:30 I'm struggling to remember the guy's name. I should remember it because we've talked about it. Lear? No, no. Aerospace buddy of Harry Reid's. Can we Google that? Is that the Skinwalker Ranch guy? No, no.
Starting point is 02:10:44 This guy has actually still got a business. He's still developing. Right now, I think what he's trying to do is develop portable living operations. Yeah, that is the Skinwalker Ranch guy. That is, right? Yeah. Okay, sure. That is the guy.
Starting point is 02:10:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I know who you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The name's on the tip of my tongue. I know. But if he's the one who said it, then, yeah, it doesn't come from the government. You know, the AATIP, which is that Advanced Aeronautical Threat Identification Program,
Starting point is 02:11:15 I mean, I think the most interesting thing that the government has come out and said is that, yes, we did have an operation within the Pentagon, an office within the Pentagon, We did have an operation within the Pentagon, an office within the Pentagon that was there to identify unidentified threats. So we get something up in the air and we can't identify it. It's like the Tic Tac sightings by David Fravor and those guys. David Fravor, for anybody who's interested in this, please listen to him on the Lex Friedman podcast. Because I had him on, but I had him on with Jeremy Corbell, who's the documentarian behind that Bob Lazar movie. And by himself, Fravor and Lex, they get deep into the technical specifications of their aircraft and why he believes that no known aircraft could have ever operated the way
Starting point is 02:12:07 it is and also how it was blocking their tracking devices which is uh technically it's an act of war but also it showed that they it was it was aware of them yeah he's very credible i mean he's extremely credible he's a good guy uh i've talked to him a handful of times. I've sat and reviewed the gun camera footage with him as he's walked through it. Very credible, right? So that was a perfect example of why they had set up AATIP within the Pentagon. Apparently not funded anymore as an operating office. Because they probably got some new shit that they can't tell you about because that one got out there.
Starting point is 02:12:46 Got to close it down. That's in the New York Times already. That's what you do. That is what they do, right? Yeah. Well, I mean, or you reallocate the, you know, it's all in the budgets, which is, again, kind of why we do this show for Science Channel called Black Files because we're chasing the budgets.
Starting point is 02:13:00 We finally got to that. I know, right? Jesus Christ. I know. We're two hours in. I got like two other promos to do. I haven't even touched yet. People are thinking, wow, he's really
Starting point is 02:13:10 slow this time. But yeah, if you follow the money, it's like an investigation. Not so much follow the money, but if you start pulling on those threads around budgets or it's like with an investigation and asset tracing. Getting bank records is absolutely key if
Starting point is 02:13:25 you can, you know, legally get them during the course of an investigation. But with military operations, oftentimes those, you know, those budgets for the most interesting projects and operational elements get buried into something else, right? That's just the way it works, right? And so that's where you can- To maintain secrecy. To maintain secrecy. So it's an exercise, and obviously with Black Files, we don't identify anything that's currently classified, because we'd all end up in the who's gal. But we're looking at some pretty interesting things, and it speaks to where programs are going currently, right? You look at some things in the recent past and you say lot of other things that show that we have military superiority over our enemies, it's important to have secrecy.
Starting point is 02:14:35 Oh, yeah, absolutely. You can't function as a secure and safe and lasting republic without it. There's just no way. Now, people will say, oh, we should have transparency around everything. No, no, you got to draw the line. You got to, you want to not overdo it, right? So you want to- That's where I was going to get to.
Starting point is 02:14:54 Right. The overdo it part. But you've got to have the ability to protect sources and methods. You've got to have a sort of a need to know policy around certain things, right, within national security concerns and the intelligence community. got to have a sort of a need to know policy around certain things, right, within national security concerns and the intelligence community. But yeah, again, it can be used as a weapon. You know, you can over, again, overdo it.
Starting point is 02:15:16 But if you don't have security, you don't have the Manhattan Project. Right. No, absolutely. Yeah. We don't, I mean. You don't have many things that Yeah. You think about, um, keep us safe. You think about, um, China, look at this. I'm now I'm deep into the show and I'm just now bashing China for their theft of economic, of economic intelligence. But you look
Starting point is 02:15:35 at the, the effort that they make in terms of stealing, uh, our intellectual property and research and development, right? I mean, uh, the, the idea that you don't protect your most critical information, whether it's operationally important or whether it's just, again, R&D for development of materials, and that speaks to the strength of your economy. So, yes, certain things have to be kept secret. But, again, you can overclassify things, which tends to happen, right? You tend to just... Because you're trying to protect everything, right? So I'm just going to over classify and that also creates a problem then. So trying to strike a balance, it's a human endeavor, so you never really get it right,
Starting point is 02:16:16 I don't think. Well, this is where people feel like the line... When it comes to alien spacecrafts and if the government knows and is aware of alien spacecrafts and alien technology this is where the line of secrecy and being sworn to oath where it crosses over into a need to know for the general public bob lazar story the story about him working for s4 he was was a physicist for Los Alamos Labs. That's been proven. He was on the employee list there.
Starting point is 02:16:49 He also was listed in a newspaper article when he put a jet engine in a Honda that he was a physicist at Los Alamos Labs, and he was a propulsion expert. Los Alamos Labs and he was a propulsion expert. Says he worked for Area S4 and says he was hired to back engineer UFOs and says they never could figure out how these things worked and that they were never going to because they really couldn't, because they were trying to keep everything secret. They couldn't share
Starting point is 02:17:16 all this information with the general scientific community. And he's like, science doesn't work in these containment bubbles. You can't compartmentalize science and have only these a few small propulsion experts sit around and try to figure this thing out, and then they fire and bring new
Starting point is 02:17:31 guys in, and no one ever gets it. Right, which is what you can use against. I mean, if I'm trying to pull information out of another nation, right, if I'm targeting intelligence from, you know, developing some new ballistic missile system or whatever it is, propulsion system, then yes, I'm going to play off of that desire on the part of engineers and scientists to have a collaborative community, right? And the Chinese do that very well, right? And particularly when they target Chinese
Starting point is 02:18:01 Americans working here in the U.S. in potentially sensitive positions. You know, this idea that we're all working together, you know, and this is just what we should be doing. You know, we've done—my company has done work trying to protect information for companies, pharmaceutical companies is a good example, where the scientists, the engineers, the doctors need that free flow in their mind. They got to have this free flow and this collaborating and this sharing of information. Meanwhile, you got the other side, where the bean counters and security personnel and all that, and they're going like, no, this is the lifeblood of our company.
Starting point is 02:18:38 We can't risk losing this information, so we got to lock it down to the degree we can. Those two things don't necessarily coexist all that well together, but you got to try to find some medium. So yeah, I think there's the fact that the government came out and talked about AATIP, I thought that was a big step, right? That's a big deal for them, right? That's a big deal for them, right? I mean, that they would discuss that. Do I think that they're hiding... You know, again, don't take anything... I wouldn't take anything off the table, right, frankly, because I don't know, right? So it would be stupid of me to say,
Starting point is 02:19:19 no, they definitely aren't holding on to some propulsion system that isn't of this world or whatever. If I don't know it, I can't say absolutely not. Wouldn't you want to know, though? Oh, sure. Yeah. Yeah. But how, I mean, you know, what do you do? Grease a few palms.
Starting point is 02:19:39 Is that it? Yeah. Get in there. Yeah. I want to see it. Yeah. I guess you could do that. I'd let the government know right now. Listen. Yeah. I'll say a lot of shit that's? Yeah. Get in there. I want to see it. Yeah. I guess you could do that.
Starting point is 02:19:46 I'd let the government know right now. Listen. Yeah. I'll say a lot of shit that's not true. Just get me to the UFOs. Show me the UFOs and I'll lie. Oh, gosh. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:56 No, we're doing... It is... It's not true. Yeah. I'm lying. I'm telling you right now. Don't tell me. I'm lying. Because if you tell me, I'm telling everybody.
Starting point is 02:20:03 He's telling everybody. Yeah. That's a lie. Look, they know that. I'm sure they know that. They know that. They're writing it down right now don't tell me i'm lying because if you tell me i'm telling everybody he's telling everybody yeah i am that's a lie look they know that i'm sure they know they know that they're writing it down right now whatever happens happens but it's too bad because i really want to know but i i tell everybody i agree with anybody who's interested you know pay attention to the two uh look and there's a handful of interviews with uh fravor commander fravor yes uh it's but the lex freedom one is my favorite it's because they go on for, I think it's three and a half hours. It's really good. And they talk about all kinds of things about
Starting point is 02:20:28 flying and pilots and the fact that you always have the same two pilots working together, the pilot and co-pilot. And in the military, it's very different than civilian airliners that these guys work together. They understand each other and they develop sort of the way lex described it as sort of a mind meld between the two um it's a really good interview and he goes into depth about also the criticisms by these uh debunkers that don't understand the equipment they don't understand what they're saying when they're when they're trying to debunk it they're debunking it in a preposterous way. They really don't understand what happened. That thing that they followed went from 60,000 feet down to one feet above sea level in less than a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:12 And it's not like it wasn't picked up on radar. Exactly. It's not like it's just one person or the guys in that particular platform that saw it. So yeah, it's a really compelling fascinating example of of this and still unexplained right obviously still unexplained still unexplained and when fravor talked about it when he first saw it he was communicating with uh the other people that were on the other end of the radio and they were saying we are in contact with these things all the time we see these things
Starting point is 02:21:44 every few weeks. They don't know what the fuck it is. And he described it in depth. I'm doing a disservice by paraphrasing him. But he was saying, okay, guys, what the fuck is this? And they were saying, yeah, exactly. And we've been seeing these every couple weeks. We'll see one. We don't know what it is.
Starting point is 02:22:01 We have no idea. It was well aware that they were following it. It blocked their tracking, turned and faced them. And no visible sign of a propulsion system. No heat signatures, no nothing, and then moved off in an
Starting point is 02:22:17 insane rate of speed to the point where they couldn't track with the human eye, and it disappeared, and then reappeared 30 miles away. They were saying the way the thing moved, they, they, they can't explain it. They don't know. And they think there's something under the water as well. I think it was, it was hovering over the water and there was actually something that was
Starting point is 02:22:35 actually under the water. Yeah. Some dolphin, dolphin looking up, going like what the fuck is that all about? Yeah. The boss, boss octopus. It's pulling the levers. Yeah. I, you know, again, it's, it is octopus it's pulling the levers yeah i you know again it's it is it's um it's fun it's it's fun man it's fun and it but i do i think that there's uh you know aliens that they come periodically visit and just observe and go oh fuck this and then leave um you know it does raise the question as to why we if If they've actually visited and they've been here, are they just for observation and then they get fed up with the way we act? Well, I think if you were observing another advanced civilization, like say if we...
Starting point is 02:23:15 Here's a good example. I will say that. I mean, it's all relative, right? Because if we're looking at that and we say, okay, say the Tic Tac was from some other world, then them looking at us, they're not going to go look at us and go, well, it's an advanced civilization. Of course they would. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:31 I think they'd look at us and go like, okay, it's some rudimentary life, but- See, I don't buy that. You don't think so? No. Because we study fucking butterflies. Yeah. How many assholes spend most of their life looking at bugs? Well, maybe to whatever this is.
Starting point is 02:23:47 We're nothing more than a butterfly. Right. And so why wouldn't they observe us the way we observe bugs? Yeah. People spend their whole life tracking sloths. They really do. There's a lot of people that spend their whole life studying plants. The idea that if we found an advanced life form say if we went to another planet and we found um some early neanderthal types that were just starting to
Starting point is 02:24:12 use flint tools we would study them hard we would be fascinated we would even if they were like oh my god they're like 300 000 years behind where we are right now we would still follow follow them. We could fuck them up badly by giving them social media. And I think one of the things we would do is we would probably try to do it secretly. The same way we do with indigenous tribes. Like North Sentinel Island, that's the island off the Indian Ocean that has a small population of people. I think it's down to like 39 people. And it's like against international law to visit. And that one guy went
Starting point is 02:24:45 and visited a couple years ago and they lit him up with arrows remember that guy i remember that yeah yeah he's gonna show him jesus came out with the bible um that that's a perfect example like you're not supposed to go there and those are human beings just like you or me but they have the misfortune of developing on this very small island where their ancestors left africa 60 000 years ago some people might look at what we're going through right now this past week and think it's not such a misfortune maybe yeah what the hell it's looking pretty good well with them i think there's a lot of inbreeding because there's such a small genetic uh sample so it's a small genetic group to draw from. But I think
Starting point is 02:25:26 that if aliens came here from another planet, first of all, they would know for sure that we already split the atom. They would know that we have the power of nuclear weapons and that we have enough nuclear weapons aimed at each other to decimate all life on Earth multiple times over. I think they would
Starting point is 02:25:42 think that's pretty fucking advanced. They would know that we can send video through the sky. They would know that we can send video through the sky. They would know that we can capture time in the form of pictures and film. I think they would be aware that we are on the cusp of some pretty wild shit. We're sending Teslas into space that are currently zooming around Mars
Starting point is 02:26:01 or wherever the fuck they are. I just went through that. I took my truck to the car wash the other day in Boise. And there was a Tesla that was sitting over on the side. And the lady was giving the manager hell because she'd taken her Tesla through the car wash. And it knocked off the side view mirror. And it was clearly a new car for her. And she couldn't even take it to the car wash without it losing a piece or a part.
Starting point is 02:26:23 And I thought it wasn't a good ad for Tesla, frankly. What kind of car wash? One of them automatic ones? Yeah, it was a, what do they call it, a touchless car wash. Those things can be brutal. But I have a Tesla. They're well made, man. I think that car wash is a piece of shit car wash.
Starting point is 02:26:40 So you've turned it around. I see what you're saying. Jamie's going to test it too. Step up, Jamie. Tell him. Look at you guys. There you go. You'll I see what you're saying. Jamie's going to test it too. Step up, Jamie. Tell them. Look at you guys. There you go. You'll be careful when you do that.
Starting point is 02:26:49 Yeah. Bring those side view mirrors in. I think that's actually in the... They do come in. You press a button. Yeah, it's in the manual. If you go in the manual, but it says, before you go through a car wash,
Starting point is 02:26:57 bring those mirrors in. No, I went through the car wash. I didn't do shit. I let them get slopped around. I didn't do anything. They're fine. I almost went through the car wash one time with one of my dogs in the back of the truck. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Because I'd completely forgotten. I was running a couple of chores, and there's Hendricks in the back of the truck. Oh, no. And I said, go through. And the guy waved me down and says, your dog. He's dirty. Yeah, exactly. Killed two birds with one stone.
Starting point is 02:27:23 He'd be fine. What's it, water and soap? stone Yeah He'd be fine Water and soap Dog's gonna be fine Big 120 pound retriever He knows how to handle it Yeah Jesus Christ Relax car wash guy
Starting point is 02:27:31 I know Oh my god We got a You got pets You got Marshall right Yeah They're the best They are fantastic
Starting point is 02:27:40 We've got now We've got that one Yours is 120 pounds He's a big boy That's a huge retriever. He's a big ass dog. Would you feed him CIA steroids? We do, yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:49 Yeah, because I still get those. I haven't been in for a while, but you know, that's why I think the world of the director, because they still send me that shit. But so yeah, so then we got this big, what do they call them, golden doodles, right? Oh, okay. And she's supposed to be small. She's getting to be taller and bigger than he is. So she's like six or seven months old, and she's a monster already.
Starting point is 02:28:11 Really? And now we got another one of our cats died, or our last cat died. And so we thought, okay, that's it. We're going to simplify life. And then we were at the store, and they had like a rescue cat thing going on. And so we ended up with a rescue cat. And then we were out, and a fox got in the barn killed this mama cat and all the kittens and there was only one survivor this was just like a couple of weeks ago so now we got like this entourage again right because now we so we kept this kitten and i thought we can't keep this little tiny you
Starting point is 02:28:39 know it's like a two-week-old kitten we've been bottle feeding this thing now for the past two and a half weeks and it's cute it's a very cute and it's a tough son of a bitch, right? It's going to be a great cat around the house. But it's just like now I'm waiting to get like a farm duck and chickens and a goat. People have love-hate relationships with foxes because they're beautiful. They're kind of cool. They like to hang around people, but they will kill your fucking cat. They'll kill your chickens. They'll kill a lot of things. But it's a fucking circle of life.
Starting point is 02:29:08 Those cats, you know how many birds those domestic cats kill? Holy shit, that's all they do. It's stunning. Yeah. So, you know, it's one of those things. An animal killing another animal, unless it's like, you know, some abused, you know, fighting, you know, dog that has been... Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:23 And while... That's just the way it works. It's just a circle of life. Yeah. I watched a really bizarre documentary on Vice the other day about cats in Australia. And one of these guys, his whole house was filled with stuffed cats.
Starting point is 02:29:36 And he has stuffed cats, like you take the head off and it's like a fucking mason jar. And he has cats. He takes the cats and he skins them and he makes coats and jackets and hats out of them so this guy's wearing like a cat hat and a cat jacket and he's got dead cats all over his house but what he any he has a a book with a meticulous detail of every cat he's ever killed well this is the thing you know the situation with cats in australia well the feral
Starting point is 02:30:03 cats yeah i used to work on a sheep station out in Australia in the middle of nowhere. And so, yeah, you'd be working the fence line or repairing the fences, and you put your hand down, and all of a sudden, you had to wear gloves, right? But you put the hand down, and all of a sudden, it's like this little cat had come out of nowhere, right? Some burrow. Yeah, this is the guy. So he's got these stuffed cats all over his house.
Starting point is 02:30:22 Like, look at this. His whole fucking house is filled with cats and he's a cat killer i mean this is and i know look i have cats it's a toilet roll holder that's got he's got a lot of different things he uses cats for yeah i'm not anti-cat i just want everybody to know but this these are feral cats that were introduced to Australia. I forget what they're introduced to kill off. But the problem is they bred at a spectacular rate and they've become a huge problem for the native species. So they've decimated and sent into extinction a bunch of ground nesting birds and all sorts of different animals. And so now there's a bounty on wild cats, feral cats in Australia
Starting point is 02:31:05 and this gentleman... He's making a good living. He skins them, which is really weird. He doesn't just kill them and in the video you see him shoot them and skin them. So he traps them. I think there's other people in this video that run around hunting them.
Starting point is 02:31:22 Well, is there more than one way to skin a cat then? Did he answer that question? Yeah, went yes he looked everybody was wondering that's where it came from i think that's where it came from so these are all the lizards because of the rabbits i think they were trying to solve a rabbit problem i think you might be right meanwhile they killed all these lizards and bugs yeah yeah no they're they're all over the place and people say i'm kidding and they just like they launch themselves at you, they're all over the place. And people say, ah, kitten. And they just like, they launch themselves at you. And they can be
Starting point is 02:31:48 pretty fucking mean. They're also kept as pets in Australia, which is really weird. Yeah. One of the major invasive species that are causing
Starting point is 02:31:55 detrimental effects to indigenous wildlife due to predation. For biosecurity reasons, any cats that are imported to Australia must meet conditions set by the Department
Starting point is 02:32:03 of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry. I wonder what those conditions are yeah you gotta cut their teeth out yeah I was gonna say I got the teeth removed in the claws removed yeah Australia it's full of it's like the Everglades everything down there wants to wants to kill you yeah wants to bite you and kill you they're good god they're wild people man I tell you Everglades is a fascinating place I don't know why I'm just now I'm talking about the Everglades
Starting point is 02:32:28 people are going what the fuck is he talking about the Everglades you know they found Nile crocodiles there now yeah they found a they found a panther
Starting point is 02:32:34 inside an alligator down there yeah this is crazy what do you think of my I know there's all sorts of shit I mean it's amazing what you can find when you start reading about
Starting point is 02:32:42 but that's a place where invasive species are a real problem. Oh, yeah. The pythons. Yeah, the pythons and a whole series of other things that they've got cooking down there. They caught a 20-footer the other day. Good God.
Starting point is 02:32:54 Yeah. See if you can find that. The 20-foot python. It's so thick. Yeah. It's like a quarterback's leg. They have these hunts down there, you know, little competitions. I know I said quarterback.
Starting point is 02:33:06 Yeah, quarterback is, yeah. They're not the biggest guys. You know what I saw? I saw the other day, I saw Tom Brady in a Buccaneers uniform
Starting point is 02:33:12 and it was kind of strange. It's weird, right? Yeah, it is weird. It is weird. Oh, it was 18 foot. Look at the size of this fucker.
Starting point is 02:33:20 Imagine, look how fat that thing is. Good God. Imagine like seeing that. Look at the size of it these guys now meanwhile here's the thing here's what's really ridiculous about california let's get back to california being stupid they're an invasive species pythons and they're they're hunted and they have to be like they they're trying to track them down and kill them in fucking california you can't even buy Python skin things.
Starting point is 02:33:47 These are things that people are trying to kill. They're trying to kill them. So what happens if you kill them? You can't even use the resource of their skin to make handbags or shoes or belts or whatever. They won't allow you to import Python to California now. You probably have to take it. And if you kill one, you probably have to take it to the Fish and Game Department, right? And otherwise, if you dispose of it improperly, then you could be...
Starting point is 02:34:09 In Florida, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Yeah, you can fling it out in the ocean. Because they're in Florida. They're killing most of these things. But also, alligators, similar situation. Alligators, they're not endangered species. They're in abundance. You can't buy alligator skin things in California anymore.
Starting point is 02:34:26 Crocodile skin. Can't buy them anymore. Like, what the fuck is wrong with people? Well, but it's also, it's the continuing. Look, it's interesting if you think about what the fuck is wrong with people. And then you see the rate of movement of citizens out of California and to other locations. Yeah, it's stunning it's stunning and then you think about okay like georgia is a good example in this election right georgia's turning right so georgia is may well end up having uh become a blue state i mean why well
Starting point is 02:34:57 people coming from out of out of state we get that happening in idaho people coming in from out of state and you'd like to think again going back to the very first thing we talked about, self-awareness, you'd like to think they say, I'm leaving this place. It's got some problems. I'm going to go somewhere else. You know what, though? I'm not connecting the dots. I'm going to just say that it has nothing to do with the way that I voted in the past.
Starting point is 02:35:19 I'm sure things will be fine here if I continue that. Yeah. Well, that was the conversation that I had with the governor last night. Oh. Oh. About Texas? I continue that. Yeah, well, that was the conversation that I had with the governor last night. Oh. It's along those lines. Yeah, yeah. Texas is close to turning blue. And he's like, don't make this state what you fled.
Starting point is 02:35:34 And he makes some very good points, and a lot of other people do too. Economic freedom, the freedom to be an entrepreneur, the freedom to start businesses and not be overregulated, all of those are real problems in California. They're giant problems. They impede business. California businesses succeed in spite of all the regulation, not because of all the regulation. And you can't, if you squash that entrepreneurial spirit, right, if you take away incentives, if you take away just the idea that, you know what, maybe, you know, I got a great job, but, you know, I also got an idea,
Starting point is 02:36:10 you know, maybe I want to pursue that idea, right? And see whether I can turn it into a business. If you get rid of that by either by regulations or just by disincentivizing, you know, people from starting a business or from creating something, from just, it could be just a flash of an idea that they've got, you know, I don't, I'm going to sound like I've got rose colored glasses on, but that was part of the thing that makes this country so special, right? And, you know, I do look at, I look at California and I look at the movement of people out of there and Idaho, again, being one of those places where a lot of folks end up. And you could see that happening.
Starting point is 02:36:50 You could see suddenly a business-friendly state starting to turn. And that's, I don't know. So, yeah, if you don't like where you are and you're moving, maybe look in the mirror and think about, maybe I want something different. Maybe I should vote differently. Well, one of the things that Governor Abbott was telling me is that, fortunately, there are a lot of people that are coming from California that are self-aware and are voting differently than they voted in the past because they're realizing what they fled. And they're actually voting for traditional Texas politics,
Starting point is 02:37:27 like the way it's always been here. It was relatively close here. Yeah, pretty close. I mean, I think they were expecting, they spent a ton of money down here, right, on the races. And I think they were expecting that it was going to turn. Turn Texas blue. Oh, my God, yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:38 Yeah. You know, again, this idea that everywhere, oh. Well, you're in the blue dot. This is the blue dot. Well, it's like Boise. Boise is a blue dot in a red state. A lot of hippies, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:49 I don't know about the hippies. Do you guys have bears, though? Do we call them hippies anymore? I don't know. You guys have grizzlies. You can take care of those hippies. I don't know. You just got to trick them into going to the woods.
Starting point is 02:37:58 You don't have to be the fastest one. You just have to be faster than the hippie. You just have to figure out a way to... Come on. You guys are the CIA. You know have to be faster than the hippie. You just have to figure out a way to come on, you guys are the CIA. You know how to infiltrate. Just infiltrate those organizations to get them to go camping. Hey guys, we're going to have a love fest in the
Starting point is 02:38:13 middle of this area. Just put pork chops around their neck and see what happens. We're going to hang our meat up. See, that doesn't sound right. Hey, speaking of entrepreneurs, this is where I bring in a second promo. It'll only take me a second. A buddy of mine did a great thing during the pandemic while he's locked down. I think everybody in the lockdown thought, I'm going to get myself in shape, or I'm going
Starting point is 02:38:38 to read the Constitution finally, or I'm going to learn a new language or whatever. Right. I'm going to get jacked. Yeah, I'm going to get jacked. Most people didn't do it, though, to be fair, right? And we didn't do it because we were day drinking because we had to homeschool the three knuckleheads. But this great guy, a colleague of mine, had an idea, developed a small business, and now has got it online.
Starting point is 02:39:03 He's trying to make it work. It's called Bird Dog Investigations. It's not for everybody. It's for a specific purpose in life, right, in terms of a particular sector out there. But to me, it was just that thing where you see, okay, someone's actually taken that time, and they've run with it, right?
Starting point is 02:39:22 What does he try to do? Well, Bird Dog Investigations, it's a it it works in a couple of different ways but one way is that the world of private investigators out there right because that's sort of the guy's business in a way um but it uh it helps them uh on in their operations if you're a private investigator out in the field right you're out there and you're you're taking notes you know the typical picture of a guy drinking coffee and trying to, you know, snap a couple of pictures of whatever it is, insurance fraud or whatever it may be. And he's compiling all this information. Maybe he's writing some of it on a cocktail napkin in his car. And then he's like, he's got all this shit. He's got to put it together. So the problem, the thing that's missing is the ability to say,
Starting point is 02:40:01 to punch it into an app, right? Compile all compile all that, it takes all the photos, it formats it all into a preset format that the receiver, whether it's a law firm or a company, if the guy's working for a company, it just sets it all in there. Look at that. How it works. My God. And then it could, but it's also useful for large companies. Like you think about a company out there, a transportation business like FedEx or UPS
Starting point is 02:40:27 or one of those, and their drivers are constantly... What's happening? There's fraud out there where they get sideswiped purposely, right? Or they set up fake accidents, and then people are suing a company like UPS or FedEx or DHL or whomever. And it costs a lot of money. It costs them a lot of money to get out of these accidents. That's an epidemic?
Starting point is 02:40:44 It's a real problem, because it involves the perpetrators, right? They tend to be the same. It involves law firms, it involves pain specialists and doctors. They're all kind of in on this thing, right? So certain jurisdictions around the country have more of a problem than others. Big urban centers, as you can imagine. So anyway, the idea was, this guy came on and said, you know what? If the drivers of these vehicles have something where they can take photos of the situation, punch in all the details, it goes straight into a report that looks good.
Starting point is 02:41:12 It goes to the company. Great. Now you're not – it's there instantaneously. They can assess the situation. They can react quicker. They can identify the frauds. So anyway, my whole point was it's just good to see, you know— Someone doing something good with their time.
Starting point is 02:41:27 Yeah, with their time and, again, that entrepreneurial spirit that I just banged on about. So there. That's me. I worked for a private investigator when I was coming up as a comedian. That was one of my jobs. Really? Yeah, I was an assistant to a private investigator. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 02:41:44 What were you doing, surveillance?, I was an assistant to a private investigator. I didn't know that. What were you doing? Surveillance? Mostly I was driving him around. He lost his license for a DUI and he put out Dynamite Dickless Dave Dolan. That's what he used to call himself. He's the best. I miss him. He died a few years back. But I was friends with him
Starting point is 02:41:59 to the end. But yeah, when I was 21 and I was an open miker, when I was first starting out doing comedy, I needed some other gigs. You know, just something to, and I said,
Starting point is 02:42:09 oh, private investigator's assistant. This should be great. Where did you see it? Was it in the papers? Yeah, it was in the Help Wanted section. You're going to have to explain
Starting point is 02:42:17 to people what that is. And just randomly, so I answered this ad and it turned out that he was, lost his license from a DUI. Fucking hilarious guy. And then never drank again.
Starting point is 02:42:29 Never went to AA or anything. Just got himself off the wagon. He's like, alright, I gotta stop doing this. He crashed his car trying to run away from the cops and was like, fuck this. But really, really funny guy. Like, hilarious. And his cousin just, this is random, right?
Starting point is 02:42:45 I'm just answering this ad. His cousin was one of the owners of one of the comedy clubs in town. So his cousin was this guy, Bill Downs, who was one of the owners, along with Paul Barkley, of the Comedy Connection, which was one of the main comedy clubs in Boston.
Starting point is 02:42:59 And so I get to hang out with this guy, and I'm telling you, out of all the people that I've ever met in my life, he's in the top three funniest people of all time, and he's not a comedian. He was fucking hilarious. Just naturally funny guy,
Starting point is 02:43:15 and most of what we did was insurance fraud. Okay, yeah. Most of what we did was catch people. This is before the internet, right? We're talking 1988. I worked for him. So this is people that internet right we're talking 1988 i worked for him um so this is people that were mostly like we caught a lady who was using her maiden name she she had some little fake
Starting point is 02:43:32 injury and she was getting money on the side and there was a lot of that there was a lot of people that were working cash jobs while they were also getting paid so we just take pictures of them like climbing roofs with fucking bundle of shingles on their shoulder. I thought this guy was laid up in bed. There's a lot of that. And there still is. And that's kind of where the world of private investigators. My company, we do larger multi-jurisdictional investigations and things. But the world of the PI hasn't really changed that much.
Starting point is 02:44:02 I mean, technology has made it easier and better to some degree. But it's mostly fraud. But it's mostly – there's a lot of the fraud. There's still a lot of sort of the cheating spouses. Yeah, he caught one guy that wanted to keep taking pictures. Even after, like, he's got all these pictures of this bodybuilder banging his wife. And he's like, hey, man, you're a fucking weirdo. Like, you've got to do something about this now. Like, I gave you your information. pictures of this bodybuilder banging his wife and he's like hey man you're a fucking weirdo like
Starting point is 02:44:25 you gotta do something about this now like i gave you your information like get the fuck out of here i'm not i'm not gonna he's like keep following her yeah keep following i'm gonna need some more photographic evidence he wanted that he wanted him to keep taking pictures like bro you got all the pictures you need oh my god apparently not didn't. Yeah, it was like this feeble man with this huge athletic gentleman who was bringing home the beef. Oh, man. Slinging the meat. Yeah, but that's the world of the PI.
Starting point is 02:44:56 It's a tough world. He was a funny guy. How long did you do that for? It wasn't that long. However long it took him to get his license back. I think maybe seven, eight months, something like that. I forget, but we stayed friends forever. Did you ever do any surveillance for him or anything like that?
Starting point is 02:45:16 Oh, yeah. I also, you know, I was a cute little fella. I was very boy pretty, so he would use me to talk to the ladies. Oh, good. Okay, I wasn't sure where you were going with that. I would have to, you know, I was a 21-year-old handsome little boy. Yeah. So I'd go and...
Starting point is 02:45:31 Full head of hair. Yeah. I was cute. And so I'd be the one that would talk to ladies and ask them questions. He had these little scams he would do. Like one of them would be he would know someone's license plate, and then he would make a couple license plates that were similar to that license plate you know like if your your license plate was like xyz he would make xyw xyo and he would say my girlfriend was in a car accident and
Starting point is 02:45:58 there was a witness to the accident and the the the cop spilt his coffee on the paper and they didn't get the license number and I'm hoping that you were one of the witnesses and, oh no, I'm sorry, what happened? It was like, I have someone at the DMV and they gave me these addresses for all these licenses. They know most of the numbers except for the last one, but I was hoping it was you. No, it wasn't. What was the injury?
Starting point is 02:46:24 Was she okay and he would say well you know she had uh the you know l5 herniated disc i had that too because he knew that she had that of course yeah and so then he would schmooze with them like this one lady she was so nice she invited us over to the house she served us coffee and i'm like oh my god and he's like so what happened well i fell down when i was on the job she was a airline stewardess i fell down and uh and he goes uh so you're all right now she goes oh yeah i'm fine he goes but you're getting paid for the insurance right she goes oh yes not only am i getting paid but i'm also working under my uh my maiden name for another airline and he was like oh that's great good good good for you and then airline. And he was like, oh, that's great. Good, good, good.
Starting point is 02:47:05 Good for you. And then after we left, I was like, she's so nice, man. She let us in. She goes, fuck her. She's a crook. She goes, fuck her. I was like, how can you do that? That lady was so nice.
Starting point is 02:47:17 She had us over. She gave us coffee. He didn't give a fuck. He was laughing. He goes, that's the job, kid. That guy should have worked for the agency. Fuck her. That's it. Yeah, it that's the job, kid. That guy should have worked for the agency. Fuck her. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 02:47:27 Yeah, it's elicitation, right? That's a big part of it. Can you elicit information? Well, he was really good at it. Well, he was funny, and he was a smooth talker, and he seemed like a good guy, like a good blue-collar guy. But he liked it. He enjoyed the work.
Starting point is 02:47:44 He loved it. He loved the work. He loved it. He loved catching people. He'd take pictures of these guys climbing ladders with the fucking shingles in their back. Look at this fucking prick. You're done. You are fucking done. And he would be laughing and then we'd go eat lunch.
Starting point is 02:47:59 Well, shit. I had no idea. Look, if you ever get down on your luck, you can work for my business. I don't think I'd be very secretive anymore. It's really hard. That's a good point. You don't blend. I get busted with a mask on.
Starting point is 02:48:09 Yeah. No, you're right. You're actually- And a fucking baseball hat. That is a problem. You can't really blend in anymore. But with that CIA shit that they used to turn Melania Trump's double into look like Melania, I might be in.
Starting point is 02:48:20 Yeah. Give me a full head of hair. Yeah. Cover up my tattoos. Make me look fat. give me a nice belly. A fat suit. Like they did with Thor. Did you ever see the fat suit they gave Thor from the Avengers?
Starting point is 02:48:31 No. Pretty amazing. There was one of the Avengers movies they made Thor fat. They're like Thor had been just drinking and not working out anymore, and he had a big belly. So they put him in a crazy fat suit, and they showed there's a video of the CGI. It's really amazing.
Starting point is 02:48:48 There it is. See, this is Chris Helmsworth who's a- Looks like Val Kilmer. Goddamn specimen of a man. They filled him up with this fat suit. So they tucked him into this thing and gave him a big, fat, jolly belly. See, that's what he really looks like yeah yeah yeah he's probably happier he's probably happier as a fat guy he doesn't have to watch
Starting point is 02:49:10 what he eats and what he's happy he was happy as a fake fat yeah yeah so he can just like slap on that rubber belly and yeah what if he wore at home is he married honey i don't know if you you can wear at home i think you have to take that thing off after you're filming it's probably disgusting you're sweating like a pig in that thing plus if you're married to chris emsworth you're probably not thinking jesus i wonder what it'd be like to do him maybe maybe you're tired of this adonis could be slinging dick every day like i want to get fucked by a fat guy it's a regular person I'm tired of this perfect specimen on top of me every day with this perfect sweat. Yeah, Gary doesn't even sweat.
Starting point is 02:49:49 Oh, God. So I guess I fully answered your alien question, right? Not really. Oh, okay. No, you skirted around it like you skirt around everything else. I know. Thank you. That's what I'm always accused of.
Starting point is 02:50:02 If you had a bet, if you had money on the table. And remember, we do. We do. We bet, if you had money on the table... And remember, we do. We do. We have a little bit of money on the president. Would you think that aliens have been here or no? If I had money... You know what? I would say, in the realm of what's possible in this entire world and universe that we don't know anything about i'd say yes yeah yeah i'd say yeah because there's just so much we don't know
Starting point is 02:50:31 and so i think it would be you know again that's and that's sort of the uh that's kind of like the operational investigative pragmatic side which says you you can't rule out anything that you don't know 100 when you hear a story like dav Fravor, who's a super credible guy, and you've spoken to him. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. What was your take on it after you walked away? I think there's something there that we couldn't explain. And there's a difference there, right? So there's a difference that says there's something there that we can't explain that, at least with the tools that we've got currently and the technology that we've got currently. That's not the same thing as saying the government knows what it is and is hiding it.
Starting point is 02:51:15 Right. So, you know, I'm not taking that jump yet. Right. Yeah. And because in part because, look, I worked long enough for the government to know that, you know, they can't keep a secret. Right. I mean, over a period of time, it's just very, very tough. I mean, and so do I think that they could everybody involved and could keep their yap shut after all these years? No. So that's that's the one thing that rules out the idea, in my mind, to some degree. Again, not ruling it out entirely that it didn't happen. But I think that there's something there that we can't explain, and that definitely bears further
Starting point is 02:51:58 investigation. Do I think we're investigating it? Yeah, sure. Do I think there's some element out there within the military that is investigating the Tic Tac as an example? What, sure. Do I think there's some element out there within the military that is investigating the Tic Tac as an example? What, Fravor saw? Absolutely. I mean, we'd be silly not to, right? Because, you know, that's a national security issue at that point. Well, I think what would be really terrifying to the government is if it wasn't
Starting point is 02:52:18 aliens. Like, if there was a craft that could go from 60,000 feet above sea level to one feet above sea level, and it was a human-created thing. That means that some, unless it's us, some other civilization somewhere on this planet has some kind of technology that's beyond the realm of our current imagination or understanding of physics. Absolutely, which is why, again, that was really the reason for creating AATIP anyway
Starting point is 02:52:43 within the Pentagon was because, again, it's a national security issue, right? Do the Chinese, have they developed some propulsion system? We don't know about it. Have the Russians done that? I mean, there's only so many options there in terms of the countries that have the resources and the ability. But, yeah, so we should be investigating these things. We should be looking at this. Do I think everything needs to be out on the table?
Starting point is 02:53:05 Again, going back to what you were talking about before, is there a need for secrets? Well, sure, yeah, there are some need for secrecy here. Do you think there's a need for secrecy when it comes to aliens? I would say that there's, yeah, potentially because of, yeah, that's a tough one. You know what? That is a tough one. I could see where you could argue if we have anything that we know about alien life or technology or around any of this issue that we should just come out, put it on the table. My concern would be from a national security perspective.
Starting point is 02:53:44 Obviously, I don't know much about national security. But if I did, I would say, I don't know if people could handle it. I don't know if there would be the best thing for these fucking dummies out here that I don't even know if they should be voting. Oh, look, they're doing pretty well handling the election week. Yeah, they're doing great. There's so many knuckleheads, so many knuckleheads out there. Yeah. If those knuckleheads found out that they were aliens,
Starting point is 02:54:07 how bad would they freak out? How bad? And also, what if there are, and what if they very rarely come here, but now that we have proven that they are here, how badly would other people, nefarious interests in the
Starting point is 02:54:24 United States and elsewhere, manipulate that information and fuck with people over it. Yeah. That's another real concern. Like if it is proven that there is alien life and that we do occasionally get visited by aliens, do you know how many fucking cult members would be created? How many people would manipulate that information? How many people pretend to have secret insight?
Starting point is 02:54:48 There would be a run on tinfoil, no doubt. I guess you could argue the other way and say, well, if it had happened, and again, I'm not saying that's the case, but if the government was aware of visits from other worlds, maybe it helps people put things in perspective. Maybe. Maybe they don't freak out as much. Maybe they just think, okay, fine. We're all in this together.
Starting point is 02:55:19 Yeah, we're all in this together. And so maybe it unites people, sort of like Independence Day. Well, that's that famous Reagan speech, right? Yeah. You know that famous Reagan United Nations speech? You never heard that speech? I don't know. He's speaking in front of the United Nations in the early 80s, and he said, imagine if
Starting point is 02:55:38 we were visited, if we received a threat from another planet, how quickly we would put aside our differences. That's a good point, then. Yeah. He was a smart man. And everybody immediately was like, oh my God, there's aliens. Reagan's telling us.
Starting point is 02:55:56 He's not coming right out and telling us. Yes. But he's implying that he knows something. If there was an internet back then, boy, would they went fucking bonkers for that one. Well, wait, what do you think? I think for sure there is life out there in the universe, just by sheer numbers. It doesn't make sense that we're the only ones.
Starting point is 02:56:15 The universe is too old. It's too big. There's too many Goldilocks planets. It's too likely. If it exists here, and they've also found evidence of life, I believe some of the trace elements of life on Mars now, right? Yeah. Haven't they found?
Starting point is 02:56:34 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. More water than they expected. Yeah. At least elements. It just seems much more likely than not. There's hundreds of billions of stars in this galaxy alone. There's hundreds of billions of stars in this galaxy alone.
Starting point is 02:56:47 There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the known universe. Not only that, some physicists believe that inside every galaxy, there's a supermassive black hole, and that inside that black hole may be another universe with also hundreds of billions of galaxies, each also hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds of billions of stars and another black hole and each with black holes inside of that i mean it might the universe might be this infractal thing and even if it's not infinite the the sheer size of it is beyond our ability to comprehend like When you hear the numbers, oh, it's 14 billion years old. What does that even mean?
Starting point is 02:57:29 Does that even register? That's so big it doesn't register. And that's just as far as we can see back to the Big Bang. And it's entirely possible that they think it's possible that the Big Bang is – it's part of a series of events and that there's a Big Bang and then an expansion and then ultimately a contraction and a compression leading to another Big Bang. And it's this cycle that goes on and on and on and on. And it's always existed. I think the key there is, A, we don't know what we don't know. It's this cycle that goes on and on and on and on, and it's always existed. I think the key there is, A, we don't know what we don't know, and just the sheer size and scope and the idea that we'd have to be pretty fucking cocksure
Starting point is 02:58:15 to think that we're the only intelligent life in this entire setup, spinning around out here on our own. But I think, not to take it back full circle, but yeah, it's that idea that if, you know, don't discount ideas. Don't, you know, don't rule things out unless you've got the evidence to do so, right? And, you know, anyway. It would be majorly disruptive. anyway i mean i guess be majorly disruptive i also think that if there was uh some alien force some some species that's so far beyond our current understanding of propulsion and technology they
Starting point is 02:58:57 can travel here instantaneously from anywhere in the universe why would they give a fuck who the government is why would they give a fuck who our president is why would they give a shit who our military is they wouldn't care no a fuck who our president is? Why would they give a shit who our military is? They wouldn't care. You know, we don't visit an ant colony and go, take me to the queen. I will not speak to you peasants. They don't give a shit. You know, I think they'd be so far advanced that they would just be studying us with no regard to letting us know about their presence. They'd be cataloging us with all the other, you know, life forms that they've found and saying, okay, this is how these guys behave in a social environment.
Starting point is 02:59:29 They're pretty fucked up. And there's also the possibility that there's many different steps along this pathway, right, where there's insanely advanced and then there's marginally advanced. Like something that's only a few thousand years more advanced than us, that visits us, that's much more recognizable. And then things that are so far beyond our comprehension and so different from such a different environment and different ecosystem that we don't even, we can't even understand what they are. Yeah. I mean, I think that's, again, it's arrogance to think otherwise, that there's other things out there, there's other life forms.
Starting point is 03:00:09 To me, it just strikes me as odd that someone would be so definite and say, no, that's it. Maybe we find a microbe out there somewhere, but that's pretty much it. I think it's also comforting to people to think that we are alone in some weird way. It's comforting to people to think that it's bullshit. Oh, stop with your alien stuff. Just get up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, and go to work. Yeah, and don't worry about this
Starting point is 03:00:31 election thing. Let's just all get along. Oh, the republic will survive. It will survive. It will survive. If I had one parting message for people, it would be that, look, just like we said, chill the fuck out, but if there's irregularities that are legitimate or should be investigated,
Starting point is 03:00:50 this process is going to work it out, right? Between, what is it, December 8th and December 14th is when everything has to be kind of finalized. And then, you know, it makes its way to Congress. Congress counts out on like the 6th of January. Do we have to wait that long until December? Do you think that's what's going to happen? It's likely. I mean, unless, look, I mean, by the time we're talking right now, I don't know. Maybe Nevada's been decided, in which case Joe Biden's got 270. Well, Jamie's going to pull that up right now. We're going to find out. But even if he has 270, even if he has 270, it doesn't mean that they stop the legal procedures in certain locations. And so I think that, yes, it's likely to go on, much like it did in 2000, it's likely
Starting point is 03:01:34 to go on until December 12th or 13th, but there is an ending to it. So all these people who think, oh my God, he's never going to leave and he's going to lock himself in, that's not the way this works. He doesn't get to make that decision. It's a legal process. It's a process that on the 20th of January his term ends and we get a new president.
Starting point is 03:01:53 Either he continues or we get a vice president or president like Biden. Hopefully or civil war because he hires his own security firm and they lock everything down and they won't let that criminal Biden in. And then the QAnon people become his consultants. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 03:02:10 Yes. Yeah, there is that. Never rule anything out. But that shit's not happening. And we are going to be just fine. Again, pay attention. If you're paying attention to anything, pay attention to what's happening in Georgia with those Senate races. That's where the balance of power really sits.
Starting point is 03:02:27 And that's left and right. It's a very tiny little fraction one side or the other, right? If neither of those races hits 50% plus one vote, then they both go to runoffs in January. And that's where they're going to open up the spigot and hundreds of millions of dollars are going to flow into Georgia for those races from both sides, I'm sure, because they know what this means, right? Right. If both of those races go to the Dems, then you got a 50-50. And guess who makes a deciding vote every time there's a tie in the Senate? It's Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 03:02:59 So the Dems know the importance of this. Pelosi is all ready. She's a very smart political operative. She's focused on this. I guarantee it, right? She's trying to, in a way, kind of trying to save her job as Speaker because they didn't do what they expected they were going to do. But they know how important that Georgia race is on both of those accounts.
Starting point is 03:03:18 So anyway, that's where people should be focused. In four years, I'm looking forward to collecting $1,000 from you. Man, maybe more if it's President Trump again. Yeah, less than four years, I'll collect my $1,000 because he's going to announce he's running. That's true. In about three, maybe three hours. Dude. Are you ever going to make your way up to Idaho and go fishing?
Starting point is 03:03:39 Yes, yes. I would love to. You got to come up. And you got to do a show again up there. People in Boise keep out. Every time I say we're getting together, they're saying, oh, my God, when's he coming back? I say, well, not right now because you got it you got to come up and you got to do a show again up there the people in boise keep out every time i say i'm we're getting together they're saying oh my god when's he coming back i said well not right now because you got the pandemic yeah you guys need to loosen your laws like florida you could do whatever the fuck you want florida it's been you know what it's been
Starting point is 03:03:55 pretty good up there we're getting the numbers spike a little bit but you know people are surviving now it's not like the old days you know people keep saying the cases are up. They are, but also survival's up. What's magical is the flu. It's been down so much. I think the flu's down like 98%, which I think is something crazy like that. See what the numbers, flu is down this year. It's something crazy.
Starting point is 03:04:19 And I think they're attributing that to people wearing masks, which is really interesting. Yeah, makes good sense. Maybe we need to become a mask-wearing society from now on. I hope not. I like faces. Yeah. I like faces, too.
Starting point is 03:04:33 And it's just, yeah, we'll get back to normal. Pandemics end. That's by definition. Pandemics end. And we will have another one. And so then you hope that we're smart enough to have learned something from this. Mike Baker, always a good time talking to you, sir.
Starting point is 03:04:49 Thank you, man. Appreciate it. Oh, your show. When's it? Oh, hey. Thank you for asking. Yeah, we got that show. Black Files Declassified.
Starting point is 03:04:57 We start filming the second season in January. And we are going to have an interesting episode on, not necessarily on aliens, but on the program surrounding the government's investigation of unidentified objects and things. So we're going to dive a lot deeper into it. Hopefully I'll come back and I'll have answers, specific answers for your question. That would be a first. That's the ad I got on the Georgia election results.
Starting point is 03:05:20 Dick Canes. Because we were looking up Dick Canes the other day. Oh, my God. That's hilarious. All right. Thanks, Mike. Appreciate you, buddy. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 03:05:30 Goodbye, everybody.

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