The Joe Rogan Experience - #1562 - Dave Smith

Episode Date: November 11, 2020

Stand-up comedian, radio personality, and political commentator Dave Smith is the host of the Part of the Problem podcast and a co-host of The Legion of Skanks podcast, both part of the GaS Digital Ne...twork.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out! The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night! All day! What's up, Joe? Good to see you. Good to see you. What are you doing in town?
Starting point is 00:00:19 I came in, I was doing my buddy Scott Horton's show and hanging out with him for a little bit. And you're looking for a place to escape. Yeah, exactly. New York, Schultz told me that New York is like they just won World War III. People are dancing in the streets. I was there in Union Square the other day. We did a show at the stand and it was the day they called it for Biden.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And as much as I just despise Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, it was kind of nice for the city to just have one. Just to have a day. It's the only day that it's felt happy there since March. Here too, people are honking in the streets. I went to dinner with Tom Segura. He was in town and we were driving down the streets. People were honking and cheering and people were so happy. I'm happy for people to be happy yeah i like that even if they're happy for a stupid reason well you're like at least be happy it's just it's too complicated and you're a guy who knows a lot about politics and and the way the world works but it's too complicated to really go into depth about it for most people so so many people just have this sort
Starting point is 00:01:22 of cursory understanding of politics and then they follow a narrative the narrative is trump is bad you get him out biden's good and then you go yeah what about the crime bill what about the iraq war what about this and that and then what about what she did nobody wants to hear it nobody wants to hear it all they all they want to say is the good guys won now we're going to go back to being America again. And then Pfizer announces a new vaccine. Well, it would be nice if we could go back to being America again. I think we're still far off from that happening.
Starting point is 00:01:57 But you're right that I think most people, and it's not just politics. It's true with everything in life. Like most people have expertise in very limited areas. And for everything else, you're kind of just trusting what somebody else tells you. I'm like, what is all this? You know, there's some fuckery going on and you know, there's a lot of special interests and there's a lot of money and there's a lot of shenanigans. But it's like to really know how this stuff works, to really understand lobbyists, to really understand how bills get passed, to really understand Congress, to really understand the Senate. Like you got a deep dive for years. Yeah. And then you still don't know a lot of it. I mean, you know, you can go based off, say, like what's been declassified that the CIA is doing. But what do we not know? I mean, and there's there's a whole lot that we don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But I think we know enough to go to know that it stinks, that there's a lot of corruption. And in many ways, I think that's what Trump, at least the people who support Trump, saw him as, is the guy who was outside that system, who was kind of fighting for them. Not saying that's the truth, but I think that's what a lot of Trump supporters saw in him. Yeah, that was the simplistic comic book version
Starting point is 00:03:19 of what Trump was to them. And that's where that QAnon stuff all comes in, and people thinking that it's really like this QAnon stuff all comes in and you know people thinking that it's really like this plot to stop child molesters and yeah well and and the the system is always corrupt enough to give cover to the wildest conspiracy theory because they are already like you could say okay well you know, QAnon conspiracy theorists believe some really crazy shit, but then you just go, but look at what happened with this Jeffrey Epstein guy. I mean, there really was this child sex trafficking ring that was
Starting point is 00:03:55 covered up. I mean, we have that woman on ABC news who was basically saying, I broke the story. And my boss has told me, no, I think it was NBC. Was it NBC? Yeah. We broke the story, but they wanted to protect access to the royal family. So we would let a powerful multimillionaire or billionaire child sex trafficking ring leader skate because we wanted access to the royal family. What the fuck, dude? How about that video where the interview where Prince Andrew, it's Andrew, right? Princess Andrew. Prince. I misgendered him.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I'm so sorry. Prince Andrew is on television with that lady, and they're asking him questions about whether or not he was there and what happened. And you could see this look in his face like he's never really been questioned before. The fact that he agreed to do is so weird like it's almost like he doesn't understand what a trap is look i've never been trapped before i'm a royal yeah is he a royal anymore they kick him out something happened i'm not sure i'm not sure they can kick you out yeah they can they kicked out the uh the dude who
Starting point is 00:05:03 hooked up with the actress yeah he he wanted to be i think he left i think he left too but he wanted to go back for something they go nah son you're done wasn't there something recent jamie wasn't there something weird which one's he harry or is that a harry potter am i thinking of harry potter i think you're right it's harry yeah i think you confuse me with the harry potter i just think it's fucking so preposterous that we literally don't know anything that guy's done other than that he's a prince. Prince Harry, saddened and disappointed
Starting point is 00:05:30 that his request for Remembrance Day wreath was denied. Oh no. The Duke of Sussex. Sussex. You know, we spend a lot of time... Look at that name. Sussex. Yeah. Was saddened and disappointed at the decision to snub his request for a wreath to be laid out at the National Memorial Sussex. Yeah. Was saddened and disappointed at the decision to snub his request for a wreath to be laid
Starting point is 00:05:46 out at the National Memorial in London. Man, the level of suffering that he must go through to not get his royal wreath. Yeah. Prince Andrew did not attend. Yeah, I wonder why. Yeah, I don't think they let him. Decorated war hero? Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:03 What? Prince Andrew's a decorated war hero? What did he do? That's news to me. I pressed buttons. It led to victory. Yeah, I have a feeling the prince wasn't on the front line. They weren't just like throwing him out.
Starting point is 00:06:15 He was a Royal Navy helicopter pilot in the war with Argentina to recapture the Falkland Islands in the 1980s and return as a hero. to recapture the Falkland Islands in the 1980s and return as a hero. I didn't even know there was a war with Argentina in the 1980s. Oh, I remember the Falkland Islands. I remember the name. Yeah, this smells like bullshit to me. I don't believe he's a war hero for a second.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I'm a war hero and a royal. I demand a 16-year-old girl. Well, when you say it like that, I mean, all right, we'll see what we can get you. It's just amazing that that Epstein guy roped so many people into that shit. It's real weird,
Starting point is 00:06:53 man. It's real weird when something that creepy turns out to be true. Yeah. And it's very revealing. I mean, it's like, so if you had an honest press, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:04 if they weren't every bit as corrupt as those conspiracy theorists think they are, you would think that the fact that, say, like a former president was on his flight logs would have led to a huge scandal where they would really want to get to the bottom of that. You would think right now they'd still want to get to the bottom of that, like, hey, who else was involved in this? Now, okay, he was on his plane. We don't know that that means that Bill Clinton was involved in the worst aspects of it. But you would think the press would at least want to find that out. And there's very little interest.
Starting point is 00:07:35 No, because the press goes after Bill Clinton. Then Hillary Clinton gets somehow connected to it. And then that could sink Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And that's bad for the people that hate Donald Trump. Well, that's for sure. Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach mansion is to be demolished. Oh, my God. Local real estate developer says he's in contract to buy the waterfront estate
Starting point is 00:07:52 and is planning to knock it down and build a new home. That's the smart move. $22 million house. Oh, shit. Yeah, well, it's expensive down there. Meanwhile, it's going to be underwater in like five years, according to Al Gore, right? I also already left it to a Christian
Starting point is 00:08:05 group, which I was trying to find too. I don't know which one of those two stories. This is in the Wall Street Journal, so I'll believe that over the he left it to someone. Do you think they just have to knock it down just because it's his? So they kind of have to? Yeah. Do you think it'd be awkward if there was like part of it they wanted to keep? When I was looking at real estate in Boulder,
Starting point is 00:08:22 the house where the little girl was killed. What is her name, the little girl who's in the- Jambanay Ramsey. Jambanay Ramsey. That house has been for sale forever. They can't sell it. I think they even changed the address. They might have even changed the name of the street, trying to sell it, and they just couldn't
Starting point is 00:08:37 sell it. Because I remember we were looking at it like, this house is nice. Why is it so cheap? It's one of those deals. And then you find out, and you're like, oh, fuck. Because if you can afford a nice house, you'd probably prefer not the one that a little girl was killed in. Nobody wants that house.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah. Nobody wants that house. They're going to do it with the one in New York. It says it's listed at $88 million. I'm going to buy it. I'm moving to New York. I'm moving the show to New York. I'm buying it as long as it comes with the painting of Bill Clinton in the blue dress.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I've heard it's set up with a lot of equipment, so we should be able to do a show on it. Okay. Let's do it. Yeah, it streams right to the CIA. You don't even have to get them to watch you on YouTube. They get a live feed. Yeah, I'm going to buy that house. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Fuck it. Let's do it. Why not? It'd be pretty epic. It's probably a really good investment. Probably worth $89 million eventually. $70 or something? So it's probably epic it's a probably a really good investment probably worth 89 million eventually yeah and then 70 or something so it's already gone up and then if you try to sell it it'll be like oh this was joe rogan's place it won't have that epstein you know stink on it anymore right i think it's a good move i support my. See if I can make it happen. I wouldn't buy a fucking newsstand in New York City.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I don't believe in New York City anymore. I don't. I think that de Blasio guy has ruined that place for a solid 10 years. Yeah, I think you're right. We got the fans on here, right? I can smoke the cigar. They were. I'll go double check.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Okay. Yeah. He says it's for sale right now. Gargantuan New York City mansion. Home to Epstein Horrors. Oh, you can rent it. $30,000 a month. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Bam. That's what we need to do. We need to just rent it. Could do a month of podcasting. You know what we should do? We should fill it up with homeless people. And then leave. Just rent it and just let homeless people live there.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Just tell them we want one room to do the podcast and then we'll have security that makes sure the homeless people don't go in that room. Everything else, you do whatever you want. Now that actually sounds like a Bill de Blasio plan that you're putting into effect. That's more or less what he's been doing. It's progressive.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, there you go. Imagine if we did that. They'd probably give you a freaking medal. Bill de Blasio would probably celebrate you for doing it. That guy's so silly. You know that's not his real name yeah i do know that it's kind of a german name uh-huh yeah yeah he's very very weird guy oh he's the weirdest um and really uh committed to his weird ideology that he wants uh you know like to uh not just when things get back to normal they can't get back to the regular normal.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It's got to be this more, you know, inclusive normal. And so he's taken it upon himself that he's going to try to remake New York City in his progressive image while the city is going through the worst year it's been through in my lifetime. He's an odd duck. I don't know how he got there. I don't obviously don't live there there so i don't understand it but um new york city it um tell me if this is true but i'm pretty sure jamie that one percent of the people in new york city pay 50 of the taxes that sounds reasonable yeah the fact that you could piss those people off and still be mayor is hilarious yeah like how does well they still only get one vote each so you know that's kind of the way it works that's cute well you just said it's cute like it really works that way it's
Starting point is 00:11:51 just one person one vote that's it no one has any additional influence at all well no but i'm just saying that if you can win elections by playing to the other bit to other people and also that you know some of those people kind of like the progressive rhetoric look at this look at this statistic it's bananas the highest earning one percent of new york city residents generated 43 of the city income taxes and 51 of the new york state income taxes collected from individuals living in the city as of 2016 that's crazy that's so much money and then you hear all this stuff about paying your fair share jesus it's like so where exactly does that come in is that not enough well that's like la right it's like a lot of people felt like even though the taxes were exorbitant it was worth it because
Starting point is 00:12:36 la pre-covid was pretty badass you know the comedy store for us like obviously i'm comedy centric but the comedy store was open. The restaurants were amazing. There's so many things to do. Yeah, it's crowded, but the people are cool as fuck. There's a lot of good things. And then as soon as COVID hit, everybody was like, why are we here? Why am I paying so much? And then they start talking about raising the taxes to 16 plus.
Starting point is 00:13:04 16 plus percent. State taxes. That's more than I give my agent. Yeah, right. You imagine? Yeah. It's crazy. Well, and I think that also happened, I think, even more so in New York.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Because when the, you know, like New York, it's the same thing. It's like, well, it's expensive. You pay a ton for your rent or to own or whatever. But, you know, it's like the best museums, the best nightlife, the best food, the best all these things. But then all of a sudden when the lockdowns hit, now people are like locked down in a one-bedroom apartment that they could get a house for, you know, anywhere else in the country. And a lot of people started to re-question, why am I here? And people started looking real pale. A lot of my friends that lived
Starting point is 00:13:45 there they would go out very rarely and when you see them they'd be like real sunken in and like that is the worst look for your immune system because i mean you're not getting any vitamin d yeah you're not out there at all well that's the terrible irony of this whole thing right is that it really ended up fucking over so many people's immune systems because the worst thing you could do like the best thing you could do for covid is is have your immune system in good shape yeah and the worst thing you could do for your immune system is like stay inside all day be in a constant state of anxiety don't get sun don't get fresh air eat like shit drink too much you know it's everything and have no money yeah right because you're out of work. So incredible pressure on you. Yeah. And we may never know exactly what the total human cost of all of that was,
Starting point is 00:14:30 but we'll get more of a sense of it over the next few years. Yeah. It's sort of a disingenuous argument because they're comparing the total cost of the lockdown to the lost lives because of the pandemic the problem is if there wasn't a lockdown the loss of lives would be far greater and so you're comparing it to a different thing well you know because they shouldn't lock down no one should have ever locked down but if they didn't lock down how many more people would have died it's it's a real good question no it's it's very it's a lot of people like to make this a simplistic calculation and And it's an enormously complicated one, because there's many different variables on both sides. So how many lives were saved by locking down? I think it's very debatable. I
Starting point is 00:15:16 don't really know that it's a true, but I don't claim to know. I think for sure it was some. Quite possibly. But then you'd also have to look just first, apples to apples, how many lives were cost from the lockdown. And I've read stuff, I was reading the other day, it was in England, but I'm sure the same is true here, that cancer screenings have like plummeted over the last year. So now there's going to be all types of preventable cancers that are going to, we won't know this for years if we can ever really trace it back, but a whole bunch of people will die from that. Depression has been way up, you know, suicides seem to be going up. There's all these different costs. And then, of course, what is the cost, the human cost of destroying people's livelihoods?
Starting point is 00:15:54 And it's very, very hard to weigh these things out. And as you pointed out, you'd have to weigh it versus the cost of lives without the lockdown not necessarily with but it's uh it's like with a lot of these other issues people like to make it a very simplistic well if you want to prevent the uh the virus you have to be for the solution right same with like uh climate change if you want to prevent climate change you got to be for the green new deal but the truth is that the real answer is like well what is this going to cost versus what is this going to cost and which one is worse yeah which is sucks because you have to think well it's really important to have lively debate on these things and one of the things that's going on now is
Starting point is 00:16:34 people are trying to shut down debate they want you to agree with their side and this is something that social media is really reinforced right like uh social media echo chambers they want you to be on their side and if you're not on their side they'll just hit you with a bunch of bullshit about why you shouldn't why you're on the wrong side of history why you're a bad person and we were talking before the podcast about lists that people are making about people who supported donald trump or people who voted for donald trump or people who worked in the administration, they're making these lists and like literally blacklists. Like they have no irony about suggesting these blacklists.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Like you're going to Soviet Russia type shit. Like this is right. And meanwhile, Joe Biden is saying in his acceptance speech that, you know, well, now's the time to bring everybody together. You know, like we all need to be one, yada, yada, which is kind of a nice thought. But it's it's a little hard to take seriously when all of these people in your party and who have been, you know, supporting you have been calling everybody else on the other side, you know, white supremacists, Nazis for the last four years, to now that you're claiming you won, say, hey, we all have to come together. Meanwhile, other members of your party are saying, we got to create lists of people. So like this.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Well, AOC said it. Yeah. Yeah. A pretty influential member. Very. Of the Democrats. Yeah. Which, you know, she's made herself like huge.
Starting point is 00:17:59 She's going to be president. I don't know about that. She could do it. She's not very popular outside of her district. I don't know about that. She could do it. She's not very popular outside of her district. I don't know about that. I think with young people, she represents this idea that someone like her, young, hardworking, out there hustling, seriously progressive values, that you can get pretty far, and certainly in the public eye. Well, you certainly can do what she's doing i mean she's proved that like you could go to a very blue district and and uh primary one of the most
Starting point is 00:18:31 establishment democrats and and rise to national prominence so she did that i don't know right now in the country i think aoc would have a really tough time getting elected uh on a national level but maybe she's only 30 yeah it's insane yeah so she's got a lot of time boy when i was 30 i was so fucking stupid it's kind of amazing not that i'm not that stupid now i'm fairly stupid now but boy when i was 30 i was dumb yeah well she has a little bit of that too yeah well everybody does when they're 30 um you know bridget phetasy bridget phetasy uh was read some of her writing that she wrote when she was 24 she's like oh my god i was basically aoc she's like i was such a lefty
Starting point is 00:19:10 i was so delusional she goes and now i'm just so much more of a realist i'm um my worry about this biden thing is that people voted for biden because they hate trump they didn didn't vote for Biden because he's a leader that they respect and they want and they admire, and he's going to lead us out of it. Like if Obama was calling for unity, if he was the guy that was the president and he was calling for unity, we've got to abandon all these ideas about division. We're all together. And he brought everybody together again.
Starting point is 00:19:43 That might work. That might work. People might recognize that this really intelligent guy We're all together! And he brought everybody together again. That might work. That might work. People might recognize that this really intelligent guy with this message of unity should be listened to. But that did happen, right? I mean, that happened in 2008. That's what Obama said when he won.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And there was some decent amount of unity. I think he had over 70% approval rating when he first came in. I mean, it wasn't certainly anything like the country is now. But at the end of eight years of Obama, you had a Republican House, a Republican Senate, and Donald fucking Trump elected president. So we had that, but it didn't matter because even with such a charismatic guy like Obama calling for unity and saying a lot of the right things, at least at first, the policies and what was actually happening in the country were really fucking over huge numbers of people.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And then also things that might have been somewhat out of Obama's control, but not completely out, is that the era of, it was like the Obama recovery, which was the most like cronious, corrupt recovery ever, and the woke lecturing all rose up at the same time in the Obama years. Not all of it his fault, but some of it is. Do you see that Kamala Harris has her gender pronouns in her bio on Twitter now? Oh, yeah. I saw her say that in a CNN town hall when she was still running for president. She came out and just no one even asked her.
Starting point is 00:21:04 She just went, I'm Kamala Harris. My genders are she her no what the fuck is this what is going on no did you see what janice papas wrote no he wrote uh uh my my gender is hee haw he's like i'm gonna start a trend here i recognize his hee haw that's great i might take that on too i might i might do that hee haw i like it it's a very strange strange there it is it's in his bio hee haw science scientist and journalist he wrote that's fucking great it's hilarious I think though people like if you really did care about unity or whatever
Starting point is 00:21:53 which I think is something that maybe we should care about a little bit not that we all have to agree on everything I don't like this, we don't have to all be one and all have the same attitude about everything but when you see what's going on in the country over this year, the culture war shit is really scary. And people should be appropriately concerned about that.
Starting point is 00:22:13 When you see what's going on in Portland this year where you had the fucking militias facing off against each other. You have the Antifa versus the Proud Boys type shit. It's like they're playing pretend civil war. Yeah. You know, like it's kind of a game. They're LARPing. Right. But it's kind of not that far off.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Right, because people got shot and killed. Yeah. Yeah. And there are people on guns staring each other down. And for everybody, for every sane person, should be like, you do not want to see a civil war
Starting point is 00:22:43 in this fucking country. I don't care how much fun you think this is right now in the moment you don't want this to actually come to you holding your buddy's head while he bleeds out and screams for his mom like you don't want that so the idea of toning that down is is a good idea but i think the only way to do that is to understand why donald trump was president to begin with. And that, like, to me, the big story of all of this isn't that Joe Biden looks like he's going to be the president. That's kind of boring to me.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's like, yeah, Joe Biden got elected. He's been getting elected for fucking almost 50 years. Okay. The story is still that Donald Trump won the presidency and then four years later got like millions more votes than he got the first time and almost by the by a hair almost won it again i mean that's like pretty fucking crazy did you see uh when he was in pennsylvania and he drew 53 000 people to his rally in central pennsylvania yeah and they start off the first like four
Starting point is 00:23:45 minutes of it are a chant we love you we love you i mean like what the fuck is that what's going on here and to just kind of dismiss it like the corporate press attitude is like well it's racism i think i think there's a little bit more failure of the education system i mean i i always i always agree with failure of the education system. That is always an acceptable answer. But I think a big part of it- It's a rejection of looting. It's a rejection of the woke culture.
Starting point is 00:24:14 It's a rejection of being called a racist and being called a fascist. That's a big part of it. It's a lot of this call for a radical shift in the identity of America. Well, I think that's a huge part of it. I also think that if you're – the woke lecturing is almost like just the insult on top. Like if you're one of these people who lives in these towns, you've seen for decades now like factories disappear, jobs get outsourced, the life expectancy has gone down, suicides have gone up. You know, you're one of these, some guy in central Pennsylvania or all over the country. And what, you know, you probably lost your job.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Now you're working a shittier job. You never really came back from where you were after 2008. Maybe you got a son who's addicted to opioids. You got another son who, like, you know, has never been the same since he got back son who's addicted to opioids. You got another son who like, you know, has never been the same since he got back from one of these stupid wars. And then after all that, the people who sent you there are now lecturing you
Starting point is 00:25:14 about your white privilege. And then Donald Trump, all it really took was Donald Trump came in and said, you know what? I'm for you. I'm for you. I'm not for the Mexicans or the Muslims. I'm not for this woke shit. I'm for you yeah i'm for you i'm not for the mexicans or the muslims i'm not for this woke shit i'm for you and i want you to win it's a simplistic message sure that's one of
Starting point is 00:25:32 the things that he got across he boiled down the whole thing to like make america great again like that's a simplistic message and to people that want to sort of like they really you know some some country music songs. By the way, I'm a fan of country music. I like a lot of country music. But a lot of country music I don't like because I know what you're doing. You're just trying to box everything into this real simple, we're going to go down to the lake. We're going to have ourselves a drink.
Starting point is 00:26:01 You know what I'm saying? We're going to take my truck. Everything's going gonna be great you know i miss my grandma like there's like this simplistic really boiled down worldview and it comforts people because people are scared of nuance and they're scared of they're scared of the complexity of life yes and donald trump was a master at that yeah boiling things down to a real simple slogan a real you know simple phrase that that people can wrap their heads around and get behind
Starting point is 00:26:31 but there's also that on the opposition to trump's side where they try to boil things down to like well uh it was racism or it was white supremacy or something like that and you're like there's a lot more going on here and i i really think that if like they're these people on some level recognize that they've been screwed over by the establishment forgotten by them and that they they are hated by by the establishment which is true like they're right about that and so they wanted someone to fight for them and i think trump represents that yeah to them i don I think Trump represents that to them. I don't think he really was that from my perspective. I think he's kind of a con artist. But I do think that he tapped into something that's really powerful and that actually could get a lot worse if there's not some kind of like reconciling with it.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah. How does it get better now? That's the real question. Like, because what, like, how does it get better with Biden and Kamala Harris? I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:32 unless people start rejecting, unless people realize that things aren't going to change for the better with them in office. Well, that's, I think that is, that realization is going to come about a year and a half soon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Something like that maybe maybe even sooner because things go you know things move fast these days yeah um but i do think that one of the things that's interesting with biden and kamala harris is that a lot of these like super progressive people are celebrating right now because trump what was out you know and so trump was defeated and they feel like they they helped get Biden and Kamala Harris in, which is they were certainly a portion of helping them. And then Trump also is the one who is saying like, well, you know, Joe Biden, he's just a Trojan horse for AOC and Ilhan Omar.
Starting point is 00:28:16 He's a Trojan horse for socialism, which is actually complete bullshit. Joe Biden, if anything, is a Trojan horse for Dick Cheney. Joe Biden is a Trojan horse for the establishment, war hawks, big banks, corporate elite, tech giants. Look at the people he's filling his cabinet with. Yeah, it's going to be them. He's filling his cabinet with Republicans. But those Republicans. But those Republicans.
Starting point is 00:28:36 The ones who basically caused this whole mess to begin with. One of the things that Trump said during his campaign, he's talking about how much money that Joe Biden raised. He said, I could raise that money too, but I'd have to make those deals and then I'd have to be compromised. And when he was saying that, I was like, he's right. He's not wrong about that one. He's not wrong about that because if he decided to play ball with all those guys, like they would have got behind him. The narrative would have switched. Yeah, that's for
Starting point is 00:29:05 sure and and and it's interesting it's a really important question that people might want to like ponder even people who really hate donald trump and you can really hate donald trump that's fine but you might wonder why it is that the establishment hates him so much and i have like my uh guess is that it's not for the same reasons that your left-wing friend hates donald trump like i don't buy for a fucking second that the uh the cia and the republican establishment hated donald trump because he said mean things about mexicans like i just don't buy that for a fucking second these are people who will slaughter brown people in third world countries and lose no sleep over it like i don't buy that's why they hated him. I think what they hated about Donald Trump was that he was a wild man who would
Starting point is 00:29:51 blurt out things. And he blurt out a lot of crazy shit, but then he'd also blurt out the truth. And that was something that nobody, you're not supposed to say that. Like, when Donald Trump was running in 2016, you know, he stood at the Republican primary debate stage in South Carolina, Republicans in South Carolina, and looked at Jeb Bush in the eyes and said, your brother lied us into war in Iraq. And everyone was like, what the fuck? You can't say that at the Republican South Carolina. And all the pundits, all the media class, they were like, Trump's finished now. Because you can't. These are the Republican South Carolina and all the pundits, all the media class. They were like, Trump's finished now because you can't. These are the people who fought the war in Iraq.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And these are the most pro military people around. And the next day at the at the primary, Donald Trump took 60 percent at all the other Republicans. All 12 of them split the other 40 percent. Imagine if he didn't say a lot of the dumb shit that he said, like the shit about McCain. Like, I like people don't get caught. Imagine he didn't say that. Imagine he didn't say the dumbest shit. The dumbest shit that he said.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Remember the Gold Star family? The family where... The Khan family, I believe? Yeah. Where he criticized the family about some... I forget what the exact... It was they spoke at the DNnc right and then he started trashing them yes and their their son died representing this country in war and everybody
Starting point is 00:31:12 was like well you can't that's it he's he's done nope wasn't nope wasn't done imagine if he didn't do that well by the way when that happened i remember just screaming about this on my podcast was i was just like the the response was right there and it took him like four days but eventually he did uh get it right where he was just like yeah they died in a war that hillary clinton supported that's the response is this a new one trump suggests gold star families may be to blame for his infection i think it was the second thing oh yeah no this is a different thing than what we were this is new the president who is counting on support from the military members and their families, suggests that for a second time in a week that they might have spread the coronavirus
Starting point is 00:31:51 at the White House. Also, this is different Gold Star families. That's the only president? But hold on a second. Is that a real direct quote? The problem is I don't... Yeah, you got to actually see. New York Times.
Starting point is 00:32:03 New York Times has gone full woke. They want to hug me and they want to kiss me. And they do, frankly. I'm not telling them to back up. I'm not doing it. But I did say it's obviously dangerous. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:15 That's not exactly blaming them. Yeah. That's not the same thing. He's just telling them the truth. Yeah. See, that's the other thing, too. This quote that they keep reiterating this thing. He had disparaged American troops who died in wars as losers and suckers.
Starting point is 00:32:33 But they're saying this in quotes. Yes, because it was quoted by some anonymous source who claims that he said that. Yeah, but that is... How do you do that? Multiple sources. See, but you can say that. You can say multiple sources. But unless the people go on record,
Starting point is 00:32:50 it seems like a very disingenuous thing to say. Yeah, well, did you see the one, the guy who was... Right, isn't that, am I wrong about that? Oh, no, you're absolutely right. Did you see the guy
Starting point is 00:32:59 who revealed his identity, who was the guy who was behind that New York Times story? Yeah, Anonymous. And they said high-level, yeah, Anonymous. They said high-level executive. Times story. Yeah, anonymous. And they said high level, yeah, anonymous. They said high level executive.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And then there were all these people in the media speculating, and they were like, well, the New York Times wouldn't do this unless this was a really high level person. It was basically like, wink, wink, this might be Pence. This might be, you know, Jared Kushner. This could be anybody saying this shit. And then it turns out it's like, oh, this was like some guy who was once a chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security. Now, I'm not saying that's nothing, but it's not at all what you were kind of making people think.
Starting point is 00:33:31 So I think it's a very shady way to do journalism. And that's one of the things that I think is like one of the bright spots of the Trump administration. One of the best things that he was able to draw out was how agenda-driven the corporate press is. And you can agree with their agenda on hating Donald Trump. Maybe that's how you feel. But it's still something to – everybody knows now that they are agenda-driven. They're not here like we just give you the information. They're activists.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yes. That's the rise of the activist journalist is – I understand from their perspective that they feel like they have this platform to do a good thing. But I feel like you do the best thing by telling the cold hard facts and letting people who are actually advocates or actually advocates, activists rather, do the activist work with those cold hard facts. I have no problem with that. If you want to be an activist go be an activist Yeah, but I think just be honest as a journalist though. I think It's very you're it's real slippery when you do things like that like like those quotes losers and suckers Unless you know who said it unless they're willing to go on record and say I heard him say it
Starting point is 00:34:40 Then you don't necessarily have a story. It's not the same and how did he say it what did yes what were the what was the and particularly if he denies it yeah so if you know like if i were to just say oh joe told me this thing right last month and you go i never said that right you can't just run with it and quote that you said it because but you have no way of knowing the grab him by the pussy thing that's you heard it right well that was that's real that was that was there right so anything else that's it's just so strange i i know i understand their position that they're coming from this place where they feel like they can do a lot of good they can change opinions and they feel like the country's going in a bad direction and they felt like with donald trump this country
Starting point is 00:35:21 sliding into this horrible fascist state and they want to do everything they can to prevent it. And they have the green light from all the other people that are there. But like all this stuff, these lessons that have been learned in the past about why it's so important to be totally honest and unbiased in terms of disseminating information, like you have to kind of do that. And then other people are supposed to take that information that you've disseminated unbiased and have these perspectives and debate both sides. That's what's supposed to happen.
Starting point is 00:35:55 The problem is when you get this distorted perception from the media that's very biased and that is not objective at all. It's like you're trying to lean towards a very particular conclusion that they think is right. They think it's a good thing. But when you do that,
Starting point is 00:36:09 then you don't have a read. Like who is the Walter Mundale? Or who's, not Walter Mundale, Walter Cronkite. Who is the unbiased journalist? Who's the one that we trust for information? It used to be the New York Times. The New York Times used to be like brutally honest
Starting point is 00:36:24 about basically everything. And now you read something in the New York Times like we did when you're like, oh, it's the New York Times though. Yeah. Like that's a weird shift that's happened in the last 10 years, like less. Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean, it's definitely been like exposed in the last 10 years. But I think that truthfully, I think it's kind of a silver lining that at least people are starting to be aware of that and people are starting to go like okay I know that these institutions are not to be trusted because truthfully speaking they got you know it's like I was saying to you before we started where it's like for all the shit that people give Alex Jones he got all of the biggest stories right
Starting point is 00:37:01 over the last 20 years and I'm not saying he didn't get anything wrong, but really, really big things like, should we go to war in Iraq? Should we bail out bankers? Should all of this? He called these as lies and corruption right away. And the New York Times was selling all of these. I mean, they sold the war in Iraq. And so it's, to me, it's not the worst thing in the world
Starting point is 00:37:21 if people at least recognize that these institutions are completely compromised. And I agree with you that there is a role for objective journalism. But I would at least accept if they were like, hey, listen, we think like what you just said. We think we have this platform and we need to use this to get Donald Trump not elected. At least be honest with it. Don't bullshit me and tell me we're just doing objective news and every single story is about how Donald Trump is, you know, needs to be taken out.
Starting point is 00:37:47 They don't even address it. They don't say they're doing objective news anymore. They just do their thing. Well, they call other news fake news. So they'll say... The New York Times doesn't. Well, the New York Times may not, but I'm speaking in the corporate press in general. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:59 They'll say like, well, there's fake news out on the internet. And even the New York Times has done stories about how social media companies need to do more to you know combat fake news on the internet and things like that but they're talking about like super hardcore q anon type shit aren't they well kind of i mean it starts with that and then they'll use that as an example but then usually they also go to other things like look this uh this this new york post story about hunter biden's laptop was called fake news from the day it came out to the point that not only would all of the corporate press not report on it, but that social media companies were banning the link and Twitter froze the New York Post's Twitter account. One of the CNN journalists on Twitter called it Russian disinformation. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:39 A bunch of people called it Russian disinformation. I wonder if it was Russian disinformation, the photo of the girl giving him a foot job. Yes. Was that Russian? She was Russian, and the foot was Russian. It was a Russian foot job. What happened to that? I kind of lost track of what was happening with the laptop, but have they shared information of it?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Rudy Giuliani sold it on eBay. Is that what was going on with the landscaping thing? Made a killing. I don't know. With the Four Seasons landscaping thing? I don't know. This is the thing that's going on. the landscaping thing? Made a killing. I don't know. At the Four Seasons landscaping thing? I don't know. This is the thing that's going on. There's almost like too much information is coming at us.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Well, look, it's basically been verified that this was Hunter Biden's laptop. I mean, within any reasonable standard for a journalist to verify something, I mean, number one, the Bidens didn't deny it. Nobody actually came out and denied that this was.
Starting point is 00:39:26 They had his signature at the repair shop, which they matched up to his signature. They've had other people on the email chains confirm that these were emails between them and Hunter Biden. So it's been pretty reasonably kind of verified that this was Hunter Biden. Now, I don't know about the crazier accusations
Starting point is 00:39:42 that were made there. I mean, Rudy Giuliani said that there were pictures of underage girls and stuff like that. I don't know if that's true or not. But Rudy Giuliani did turn it over to the Delaware police. That is true because the Delaware, a spokesman for the attorney general, said that they received the laptop and that they sent it to the FBI. Now, I don't know why they would – he would turn this over claiming this stuff was on there and then they would send this to the FBI if there wasn't something. But I don't know. I don't know why they would he would turn this over claiming this stuff was on there and then they would send this to the FBI if there wasn't something. But I don't know. I don't know. But what you do know, right, is that this was a story where they had these emails about Hunter Biden, who is very clearly a swamp creature who was selling his father's name to rake in money from foreign companies. Now, truth be told, that's a kind of run-of-the-mill scandal as far as politics go.
Starting point is 00:40:26 It's normal. Every senator's kid, family, wife, they all do stuff like this all the time. It's a corrupt swamp, you know? But it's a story nonetheless. It may not be the, but to just make the conscious decision that we are a few weeks out from a presidential election,
Starting point is 00:40:42 this can harm Biden, and therefore we're not mentioning it. We're not covering it. We're not trying to debunk this to a bunch of people. We are trying to make sure people never get their eyes on this. Well, I think they felt the heat. They felt the heat from 2016, from the Hillary Clinton email debate, whether or not she should have deleted those emails
Starting point is 00:41:02 and the fact that Comey then opens up the investigation again in the middle of the campaign, and that was basically what a lot, even though she won the popular vote, a lot of people felt like that was a bad move. And so this year they said, we're going to do everything we can to get rid of Donald Trump. Again, they become activists instead of just journalists. Yeah. And it's tricky. Well, that's 100% what happened.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I mean, they felt in a way that they were responsible for Donald Trump winning. Ex-Hunter Biden associates records don't show proof of Biden business relationship amid unanswered questions. This is on Fox News. Well, Fox News has taken a turn, ladies and gentlemen. They seem to have made a conscious internal decision to not favor Donald Trump anymore. I don't think Fox News was ever that behind Donald Trump. I mean, there's a few people at Fox News who are hardcore behind Donald Trump. But as an organization, I mean, remember, they were very hostile to him in the Republican primary.
Starting point is 00:42:02 He wasn't the Fox News guy. Jeb Bush was the Fox News guy. Jeb Bush was the Fox News guy. And he, I think a lot of people were very happy, are very happy to get rid of him. Let me see that article again. This is interesting. I wonder what that means. Ex-Hunter Biden associates records don't show, but what does that mean? But listen to this. Ex-Hunter Biden's associates records don't show proof of Biden business relationship amid unanswered questions. That doesn't mean much. No.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Well, what he claimed was that and they're saying Joe Biden, that he couldn't prove Joe Biden was. It's a very confusing title because he claimed that he had met with Joe Biden and Joe Biden was aware of all the dealings that Hunter was doing. Here it is. biden and joe biden was aware of all the dealings that that hunter was doing here it is fox news has revealed email reviewed emails from look at that name bobolinsky uh related to the venture and they don't show that the elder biden had business dealings yeah but see i could that's that's weird like you know we can say that jamie is my business, right? And if I'm involved in some shady shit and Jamie doesn't know about it and Jamie and I are emailing back and forth
Starting point is 00:43:10 and they get into Jamie's emails and they say, ex-Joe Rogan's business associate doesn't show any association. Isn't that what they're making the claim is that this is the evidence is the emails though. They're like, hey, we found some emails and the emails say this. And now they're saying, according to Fox News, they like that does that's not what they say right but the emails to who is it to that guy because if it's not to that guy then this is not relative and then
Starting point is 00:43:34 they're playing games with words like i would have to read what exactly they're saying what exactly he's saying that's part of the problem too i've looked a couple times i've that's what i was sort of just looking again where normally this shit gets leaked you know like when all those celebrities got their fucking iClouds leaked all those pictures hit the internet instantly and you could find them all over the place these emails are have like barely been seen by i feel like anybody well these emails i believe he turned these over to the fbi um so i don't know you know, where they would leak from, not to say that they couldn't leak. But I think the point of this article is that what he claimed, what this Bobulinski guy claimed, was that Joe Biden himself was very involved in all the business deals that Hunter and him were doing. And that his emails couldn't prove that.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Because, you know, the thing was they said they had these references to like the big guy and stuff like that, but that they couldn't prove that Joe Biden knew about this. But he's claiming, whether this is true or not, he's claiming that he's met Joe Biden several times and they've talked about it. And Joe Biden was well aware of what Hunter Biden was doing and where he was making his money from. Again, I think it's kind of run of the mill political scandal, that aspect of it. Yeah. The bigger thing is like that this goes on all over the place right i mean all over the fucking place like the the the conflicts of interest the corruption where you see where obama you know what was spoke after he's president we get like four hundred
Starting point is 00:44:55 thousand dollars or something like that for a speech in front of bankers and he was the guy who like presided over the bank bailout and then you get out and it's like oh here's for what the bankers really just wanted to hear Barack Obama speak. I mean, he's a good speaker, but come on, man. Like, what's going on here? Hillary got a lot of those too. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Tons of them. And that's where they make the bulk of their money, right? When they get out of the office, then they do these speeches. Yeah. Which is kind of hilarious. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton,
Starting point is 00:45:19 I believe, the ballpark numbers, they left the White House, their net worth was around $4 million, and then it was well over $100 million by 2016. So they made a lot of money
Starting point is 00:45:30 after White House. U.S. planned sale of F-35 fighter jets to UAE and $23 billion arms deal. Trump administration Yep. I was reading today they're saying he's making a bunch of deals now on his way out. Oh, sure. They had planned to sell 50 advanced F-35 fighters to the United Arab Emirates as a part of a broader arms deal worth more than $23 billion.
Starting point is 00:45:51 That's the weird thing about someone on the way out. They can do so much. Well, I don't know that he's on the way out. I mean, he's... You don't think he's on the way out? Well, yeah. He's almost certainly on the way out. But he's going to fight it.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah, but do you know how insanely difficult it is to prove, first of all, to prove that there's voter fraud, and then to prove there's enough voter fraud where they could overturn it? It's incredibly difficult, and it's not just that he would have to do that. He'd have to do that in a few different states. And so it's an incredibly difficult task, but it's pretty interesting. This is unlike anything i've ever seen before where you have one president just saying like no this was bullshit and i'm gonna fight it legally and another thing that i thought was really weird uh from the press is that they
Starting point is 00:46:36 so there i saw it twice now um was on msnbc and cnn where he was giving a press conference talent saying how the votes were stolen from him and the system was unfair. And they cut away. They say, we will not show this because he's lying. And then just the other day on Fox News, Neil Cavuto cut away from Trump's press secretary saying there was voter fraud. And he goes, well, you know, we can't verify that.
Starting point is 00:47:00 So we can't air this. And he's like, look, man, whatever you want to say, this is a story. The fact that the president is claiming voter fraud is a story. So air this and then debunk it afterward. But what is this thing where you go, no, we won't show people. You can't see this story
Starting point is 00:47:16 because the lies could poison you or something. What if it's proven to be true? What if there is voter fraud? Well, there is. It's a question of how widespread it is, because there's always voter fraud, which is another secret that they don't fucking like to tell, but there's always fucking some degree of voter fraud. Do you find it
Starting point is 00:47:32 odd that everybody insists that it's impossible to vote safely and accurately online? Yes, I find that odd. I also find it really, really odd that we overhauled the way we do voting in this country and that now it's almost an entirely different process where both candidates are getting
Starting point is 00:47:53 way more votes than they would normally get. And it's just very weird. There were a lot of things that were weird about this election, like the actual logistics of it. It doesn't seem like if we can bank online, we should be able to vote online. It doesn't seem like if you could use like Apple Pay or Samsung Pay or something like that
Starting point is 00:48:11 and go buy something, you know, you use your fingerprint. Yeah. And it registers your fingerprint and then you could buy a house. Yeah, right. I mean, how much can you spend on Apple Pay? Does it have a limit?
Starting point is 00:48:25 It's not about that. It's the ease for everyone. Not everybody has that access. They need to get their shit together. Everyone. Get it together. The day of the election, where I'm from in Columbus, Franklin County, they were supposed to have registration via iPads or something.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And that morning, they were not confident that everything got downloaded, so they just scrapped the whole thing and went back to paper. Isn't that also a problem with these weird deadlines? Like we have to choose the leader in the free world in 20 hours. Ready? Go! Isn't this a big important thing?
Starting point is 00:48:58 Do we really want to boil this down to 20 hours? The whole process is fucking retarded. The whole thing about it. The whole thing that it's like the system is that we have to basically like 10,000 votes in Wisconsin is going to determine which half of the country is furious and which half is like elated because they get to rule over the other half now. And then hopefully in four years they can be happy and you're miserable because they get to rule over you now it's so bizarre democracy in general is a very bizarre process to have it in a country this big with this powerful of a government it makes it insane like we're going
Starting point is 00:49:35 to determine the course of history based off what a few votes in swing states determine there's got to be a better way i was reading this thing about Plato excuse me about Socrates Socrates was he was talking about how he didn't like the idea of democracy because Socrates felt like in order to make really important choices you should almost have to prove your understanding of these issues and that this if it wasn't the case, I'm pretty sure it was Socrates. Look that up just in case. There's a lot of quotes about him apparently. Because he saw what we basically have.
Starting point is 00:50:16 There's a lot of people that were on the ballot in California. I was like, what is this guy doing? What does he want? I didn't know much about them. And I was like, hmm, does that sound right? I i mean i'm looking at this thing for an hour right i've got an hour to go and then i can google some of these these bills right and and that's just me how many people didn't i mean i gave a very cursory review of these ideas how many people didn't at all they just went blue all across the board or red all across the board.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Oh, yeah. The majority, I'd say. Just guessing, but I'd say the majority of people just vote their team and just don't even really look into it that much. But democracy was kind of considered like a joke before World War I. The idea of, I mean, there weren't too many like functioning democracies. And that I think that all changed with like Woodrow Wilson. We're going to make the world safe for democracy.
Starting point is 00:51:10 We're going to overthrow all of these monarchs in Europe, which Europe was mostly monarchs at the time. And they and that ended. And then after that, you had the rise of like Lenin and Hitler and later Stalin and, you know, things that were much worse than the monarchies that they replaced. But just in pure philosophy, like the idea that if 51% of people vote for something or somebody, that then it's completely morally legitimate for them to rule over the other 49% is completely absurd. But what's the alternative?
Starting point is 00:51:48 Well, I mean, look, I think the alternative to all of this is liberty, which is the best answer, which is just basically that whether it's a democratic process or not, that the government should be so much more reduced, the power should be so much more reduced than what it is now, that it's not that consequential who gets in there because they're not wielding that much power. And as long as you have,
Starting point is 00:52:11 I mean, look, this is the major source of the culture war to begin with, even before the social media stuff and before the woke lecturing. The major source is that the government is so powerful that you have to fight
Starting point is 00:52:23 for your side to be in control of it. Otherwise, you're ruled over by the side who you hate. And this is unless the only way forward that would solve this problem, that would defuse the culture war is accepting some type of libertarianism. And what I just mean by that is just some whatever exactly it is, something that says, OK, listen, you have these cultural views in Portland and you have these cultural views in Alabama. You're not going to remake each other. You guys can live the way you want to live and you guys is just going to keep this thing going and getting hotter and hotter. Yeah, and then you have these ideological positions that these huge corporations attached themselves to to siphon money off of.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Right. You know, there's Evan Hafer. He's the owner of Black Rifle Coffee, he was on and he was he's a veteran and now runs this huge coffee business and was discussing what he thinks is really going on with Afghanistan. He's like, there's no reason for us to be over there. He goes, I think they're over there to suck money out of taxpayers. And that's what they're doing. And when Trump was interviewing, or rather Steve Hilton was interviewing Trump, I've known Steve Hilton for a long time.
Starting point is 00:53:55 That's the Next Revolution guy? Yeah, I've met him. He's a good dude. He's a very nice guy. I was friends with him long before he was ever at Fox News. I met him in Mauui oh yeah on the beach his kids were playing with my kids when they were real little and we became friends and we've gone
Starting point is 00:54:10 on vacations together like i know him very well that's cool by the way i know the exact interview that you're talking about i think it was one of the craziest things i've ever seen when he's talking about the military industrial complex we're good we got a bit of people they want to go to war military industrial complex it's real. Eisenhower warned us about it. This is the thing. By the way, that moment, this is why the establishment hates Donald Trump so much. Because he is uncontrollable and he might just blurt out sitting down outside the White House with Steve Hilton that, oh, you know what? There's a whole bunch of people around me who want to go to war because it makes them billions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Billions. And this is like, and this is just the president, the commander in chief saying it. Now, on the other side, Trump didn't end any of these wars. He kept talking about doing it and then he'd always back out at the last minute. Why do you think that is? Well, you know, I don't know exactly, but I know that whenever he would make a move to try to end one of these wars, the press would go nuts circling him. I mean, they always were, but they'd dial it up to like 11.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And then he'd have people within his administration undermining him at every turn, at every turn. I remember back, I was a contributor on an Essie Cup show. She's got a show on CNN. I was a contributor there for like a year. And there was one time where it was, Donald Trump came out and said that we're getting out of Syria. And he goes, look, our only goal in Syria
Starting point is 00:55:36 is to defeat ISIS. That's all we care about. And they're almost defeated. As soon as they're defeated, we're getting out completely out of Syria. And then about a week later, McMasters put out this statement where he was saying, these are our goals in Syria. And one of them was regime change to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. And then he gets fired like a week after that. And their take at CNN was kind of like, well,
Starting point is 00:56:03 isn't this great that at least one of the adults in the room is like no no no donald trump this is what we're doing in syria we're having another regime change and i was like losing my shit like wait hold on however you feel about this he's the commander-in-chief the secretary of state doesn't get to decide no we're fighting a war here it is oh this is the steve hilton one yeah We're fighting a war. Here it is. Oh, this is the Steve Hilton one, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Oh, damn it. Oh, I have the YouTube thing muted. He was particularly orange that day. They want to keep... You have people here in Washington. They never want to leave. I say, you know what I'll do? I'll leave a couple of hundred soldiers behind. But if it was up to them,
Starting point is 00:56:39 they'd bring thousands of soldiers in. Someday people will explain it. But you do have you do have a group and they call it the military industrial complex they never want to leave they always want to fight no i don't want to fight but you do have situations like iran you can't let them have nuclear weapons you just can't let that happen a friend of mine today was talking about the art of the deal i've never read the art of the deal. He was in rehab. When he was in rehab, he had a lot of time, and he read the art of the deal. And he's like, it's remarkably progressive, even by today's standards.
Starting point is 00:57:13 He wrote this in the 80s. Well, Donald Trump was never that. He's got flaws. Oh, no question. But the problem is they overwhelm Anything good about them where like you get these flaws? like the bragging and the craziness and the not telling the truth about things and the the the tricky thing with Trump is that if It wasn't for these character flaws or these qualities that are partly, you know have these character flaws He'd never be the president.
Starting point is 00:57:45 But then once he becomes president, you're like, man, I wish you could just plug up these couple holes and keep saying shit like that, because that would be really awesome. Like, we really do need a guy who's taking on the military-industrial complex and pushing to end these wars and exposing a lot of the corruption.
Starting point is 00:58:00 But also the other problem is that this was never really what animated Trump. The problem is that with Donald Trump, I think that a lot of the Trump haters project this thing onto Donald Trump like he's literally Hitler. A lot of the Trump lovers project this thing onto him like he's our savior. But the reality is it's just what you see. He's just that. He's the guy who he's as shallow a thinker as he seems. He's instinctually brilliant.
Starting point is 00:58:27 But intellectually, he really just cares about being the best. I won. I was terrific. Everybody knows it. You know, and that's, and so I think. That's served him well his whole life. Sure has. The idea that all of a sudden he becomes president, he's going to abandon that and become presidential.
Starting point is 00:58:43 No, it's not going to happen. The idea that all of a sudden he becomes president, he's going to abandon that and become presidential. No, it's not going to happen. But anyone who was a decent gentleman or like didn't have those qualities would never have gotten to where he was. He got to where he was because he was willing to say, like he got to where he was in large part because he had a quality that Bernie Sanders didn't have about him. Bernie Sanders is entirely too nice of a guy to lead a revolution. He would always say, we're leading a revolution. And then you'd have Joe Biden, who's the epitome of the system that you want to
Starting point is 00:59:12 revolt against. And he'd go, look, Joe's a very decent guy. He's my friend. I'm not going to say anything bad about him. And you're like, well, you're probably not going to lead a fucking revolution if you're not willing to lob some insults. I'm not saying you have to lob bullets, but like you got to at least... Do you though? Do you have to do that? You have to at least attack what he stands for Like I'm not saying you have to lob bullets, but like you gotta at least- Do you though, do you have to do that?
Starting point is 00:59:26 You have to at least attack what he stands for. I'm not saying you have to call him a fat loser. I'm saying you have to go like, you have to go, listen, you are the epitome of Washington corruption. You've enriched your own family while you're getting other people killed, while you're selling out the country. Yes, I think you have to go for the jugular
Starting point is 00:59:43 if you're actually gonna beat this system. Isn't it, I think you have to go for the jugular if you're actually going to beat this system. Isn't it strange, though, that you have to do that? You can't just espouse the merits of your own ideas. You have to attack. But, you know, if you're a real human being, right? Like, let's say what Donald Trump was just saying. And by the way, Bernie Sanders pretty much agrees with him on that. He's talked about how war is big business and how they, you know, we were lied into
Starting point is 01:00:08 the war in Iraq and he voted. Bernie Sanders, to his credit, he was one of the very few Democrats in the Senate who voted against the war in Iraq at the time. Very few Democrats in the Senate, like, actually stood their ground and good for him for doing that. But you're talking about people lying to get real human beings slaughtered to make people money. I mean, if you talk about that and you don't have some type of outrage about it, that just doesn't seem to make sense to me. Like, that's not how a real human being should feel.
Starting point is 01:00:39 No, I totally understand. understand but i wonder if like in the middle of that when you're you're insulting people you're perpetuating you're keeping going this uh this sort of system that's been in place for so long where you run you talk about your merits you shit on the flaws of your opponent he does the same to you whoever lands the most blows wins i mean this is highlighted by the way Kamala Harris has sort of talked about her debate with Biden, right? When she was on Colbert, she's like, it was a debate. It was a debate. But it's like, that's the only way to do it? Is the only way to do it to shit on the other person?
Starting point is 01:01:21 I think that you have to. Like, I think there's nothing wrong with really running on your ideas other person i think that you have to like i think there's nothing wrong with really running on your ideas and i think that part bernie sanders did you know and i i don't like a lot of bernie sanders ideas i think he's got some that are really good which ones do you like well okay what i love about bernie sanders is that he voted against the war in iraq as i just said he was great in the senate about the war in yemen and trying to bring that to an end which is just this god awful nightmare that's still going on that Obama started and Trump continued. I mean,
Starting point is 01:01:51 what's happening in Yemen is like one of the biggest tragedies in my lifetime. Well, explain it to people. So Yemen is, I mean, Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East, which is saying something, you know, they were already the poorest country in the Middle East before any of this happened. And the Saudis basically went to war with the Houthis in Yemen. And America backed the Saudis under Barack Obama. What Obama administration said to placate the Saudis. Basically, the Saudis were pissed off
Starting point is 01:02:20 about a lot of things. And they're a big business partner with us. And so they were pissed off about the war in Iraq. The Saudis a big business partner with us. And so they were pissed off about the war in Iraq. The Saudis didn't want the war in Iraq. They kind of foresaw what would happen, that it would give Iran control of the region and it would be a nightmare. But the Cheneyites really wanted the war in Iraq. Israel really wanted the war in Iraq. And the neocons won and they got the war. And so they were already pissed off about that. And then they were really pissed off that Obama made the Iran deal with Iran. And so led to just, I mean, the UN said it was the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. This was before COVID, but I think it's still probably
Starting point is 01:03:10 up there. There were well over a million cases of cholera, which is basically, I mean, curable with, I think, liquids. Like, I think Gatorade could solve cholera. I don't know. You might need antibiotics or something like that. But it was children and old people just dying in massive numbers. I still don't think they know the exact numbers. It's going to be somewhere on the scale of what the war in Iraq was, hundreds of thousands of people dead. And Bernie Sanders really led the effort to try to end it in the Senate. And he did a great job on that, like phenomenal. And he did a great job on that, like phenomenal.
Starting point is 01:03:50 He also has a great, he had a great bill proposed to decriminalize marijuana on a federal level, which I think would be phenomenal. And so there were several things, like those would probably be the ones I'd pick that I thought were really great about Bernie Sanders. So I think running on issues, probably one of my big criticisms of him is that he doesn't really lead with those issues. Those aren't the things he talked about a lot on the campaign trail, but he was excellent on all of those. So I think he could run on his principles, but I think you have to at some point have
Starting point is 01:04:17 a little bit of a killer instinct to become the alpha monkey, to become the leader of this country. And I thought that Bernie Sanders could have won the whole election with the tone that he started in the primary, and he didn't. And I think that Bernie Sanders, like, look, the corporate press completely came down to try to ruin it for him. Who knows what the DNC did this time? I mean, it was exposed in 2016. Who knows what they were doing behind the scenes? Well, we know what they were doing. We know that that was the reason why Klobuchar and Buttigieg dropped out. Well, that we know. We know that Warren stayed in to siphon votes off of Bernie. No question. And we know they gave their delegates over to
Starting point is 01:04:51 Biden. No question. We know that much. We know that right. Now, we don't know exactly who made the phone calls. I think there was reporting that Barack Obama had called a couple of them. That sounds good. Yeah, it sure does. But you're right. So all the competition with Biden drops out right before Super Tuesday. Bernie Sanders' competition, Elizabeth Warren, stays in until the bitter end. I think it felt like with Bernie, even though there's talk that they couldn't control him, right? There's also talk that he couldn't win because there are certain key states that he's never going to win. Because even though that message resonated with a lot of people including me what resonated with me is first of all absolving people of student debt i know a lot of people that are
Starting point is 01:05:30 wrapped up in student debt and i think it's one of the best examples of first of all you have essentially children right you have someone who's 17 18 years old they're going into school and they're taking on enormous debt. And they don't, I think you could make the real argument that they don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the ramifications of this. Maybe some do, maybe some don't. But when you're talking about people that are in debt hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time they get out of school, and then they get out of school and they get a job that pays $40,000 a year, do the math. How long before you catch up?
Starting point is 01:06:08 You never catch up. There's people to this day that are getting social security that are getting their social security docked because they owe money for student loans i mean you're at the end of the fucking game is that true are people oh they're old enough for social security and they have student loan debts like that wow oh yeah that's going on right now make sure that's true jamie sounds really good what i'm saying pretty sure it's true, Jamie. Sounds really good when I'm saying it. Pretty sure it's true. Well, that is, and they are victims of a corrupt scheme, for sure. Well, it's a bad system. And I think if we have all this money to go to Afghanistan and put on these endless wars, the idea that we don't have enough money to provide a reasonably priced education. I'm not saying it should be free.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Maybe it should cost a little bit because I think people work harder when they have to work for something. But the idea that you should be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt by the time you get out and the reality of the economy is that even before COVID,
Starting point is 01:06:57 if you got out, the odds of you getting a job that's like gonna be able to even put a dent in that debt in your chosen field, they're not that good. Oh, yeah. No question about all of that.
Starting point is 01:07:08 19% of your Social Security payments can be garnished to repay a student loan debt. Your monthly benefit cannot sink below $750. Well, good luck living on $750 a month. And this is also for people who are, what, like 35 now when they retire? What's that going to be like? That's not that long ago, man. If you think about someone who's 65, right? So once, no.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Look at this. Are student loans forgiven after 65? There are no student loan forgiveness programs specifically for senior citizens. Elderly student loan borrowers are eligible for the same loan forgiveness programs as other borrowers. Well, that's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:45 It's crazy if you're that old and you're on a fixed income and you really can't physically work anymore. And if we're a community, right, and this is one of the things I think about the United States, the idea of a country. We're supposed to be a community. Even though we're broken off into these countries and they're broken off into these cities
Starting point is 01:08:00 and we're broken off by ideologies and we're separated by all these different lines in the sands that we draw, at the end of the day, we're all contributing to this pool. We're putting our tax dollars in and we're broken off by ideologies and we're separated by all these different lines in the sands that we draw at the end of the day we're all contributing to this pool we're putting our tax dollars in and we're deciding what's important and what's not for me student loan forgiveness was a big thing because i was like we've got to stop this cycle of fucking people over economically when they're 18 years old it doesn't make any sense fair enough but i just think that if like i agree with the spirit of everything you're saying. And I think when I said it's a corrupt system, it's just that the fact that you have all of these parties involved where you have, like, the government who's guaranteeing all of these student loans. And then you have for a while, I think now it's all done straight from the federal government.
Starting point is 01:08:38 For a while, you have these financial companies that are giving out the loans and then taking in the interest and profiting off of them. And then you have these universities who are able to raise their tuition over and over. And there's always a market for it because the loans are guaranteed by the government. So now you have all of these people just raking in money and the politicians get to brag about all these kids going to college. And then who's fucked is the 17, 18-year-old who was told their whole life that, oh, just take the loan out, whatever you got to do, because this will lead you to a better life. And then the jobs aren't there for them. But the problem, if you want to break this cycle, the problem is the government guaranteeing the loans to begin with. Because this is why college inflates faster than almost
Starting point is 01:09:23 any other price in the market. And so I would just think even if we are going to forgive the loans that are out there now, what you need to do is stop the loans, cut them off, and let the prices of college come back to something that's more reasonable like they were in our parents' generation where you could work a summer job and pay off your college. And then you've also got a very interesting situation in college where most professors are left-leaning. And most of the shit you're learning is useless. Not all of it, but a whole lot of it. Well, I don't know if that's necessarily the case, but some of it's going to be useless.
Starting point is 01:09:55 But let's not concentrate on that because you're supposed to be expanding your horizons. And there's social growth, being outside of your family for the first time. There's all sorts of things. But you can do that in lots of ways than spending $100,000 to go get drunk at a frat party. You can, but how many of those ways ensure intellectual competition? How many of those ways ensure that you're going to get together with other students and you're going to debate things, you're going to discuss issues, you're going to learn things, you're going to talk amongst yourselves?
Starting point is 01:10:24 You're going to also all be forced to take these rigorous courses that demand a lot of you intellectually. It's very rare. I like that in theory. I just don't know how much that's happening in universities, but I get your point. But let's agree it's the only place where it's happening for 18-year-olds. Trust me, because I barely spend any time in college. My time in college was three years at UMass Boston and barely paying attention. So these people that are teaching these kids overwhelmingly lean left. Now, I'm not saying that they shouldn't lean left.
Starting point is 01:10:57 If this is how you feel, you should express yourself. But it is really odd in a country that thrives on this concept of diversity, that there's almost no diversity in the intellectual ideologies that these professors have. Like, what are the numbers of professors in this country? What percentage of professors identify as Marxists? Let's take a guess. I would say I'm going to say it's in the 20s. Yeah, I probably guess something like that. But then there's also identifying as Marxist, and then there's like being influenced by, say, like post-modernism.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yeah, but we're going as far as we can. That's as far left as we can get, right? Yeah, it might be under 20%. I'm not sure. But we can agree that it's a really far left stance. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, that's pretty far. Pretty far left.
Starting point is 01:11:45 But I'm saying, like, what percentage identifies the hardest of hard lefts? Very close. What is it? There's an article that says about 18% of social scientists in the U.S. self-identify as Marxists. Oh, but that's social scientists. I know. I typed in professors. It says professors in the top.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Yeah, because if you're talking about professors and other harder sciences. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 80% of social scientists. Okay. But that's still an interesting... That's a large number. And that's a large number of people that are teaching critical race theory and gender theory. Well, this is right.
Starting point is 01:12:20 So this is where all the woke shit comes from. Right. And this is really destructive. Well, this is where your kids go. Only about 5% who identify as conservative. Isn't that... That seems crazy. You've got 18% Marxist.
Starting point is 01:12:35 5% conservative. An AEI panel discussion? What was that? I was going to see what that is. The Closed-osed Minded Campus, The Stifling of Ideas in American Universities. But it's one of those things where it's like, what is most appealing to young kids?
Starting point is 01:12:52 Compassion. What happens to people when they get older? Realism. What happens to people when they get older and then they're worried about their physical health? Then conservatism. That's one of the reasons why conservatism and even in, you know, libertarianism, when you think about it, when you do this sort of like real narrow minded view of what that means to people,
Starting point is 01:13:17 for a lot of people, it means cruelty. It means a lack of compassion. It means this like blind faith in capitalism and competition. And that's one of the things that freaks out young people because young people as they you know enter into the world and they start learning things and they leave their parents a lot of times first of all they feel suppressed by their parents they feel like the parents who probably work really hard in order to get them to go to school you know to be able to afford their school will probably work really hard in order just
Starting point is 01:13:45 to keep the family together. Just in terms of the amount of money you have to have to, to have a house and two cars and live in America and pay your taxes and send your kids to college. Like, God damn, you got to work. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:58 You got, you fucking have to work. And so if you're a kid and you're just living off your parents and then you're hearing all this like hardcore shit, like, you're just living off your parents and then you're hearing all this like hardcore shit like like you know your parents want they want you to be successful and you're like jesus christ leave me alone and then you get to school and you drop acid and you learn about marxism and you learn about socialism and you're like we can all just get together we can just pool all our money together and we're going to be fine and you know there was um a discussion who was it that was uh was it on this show i think it was i was talking to somebody and
Starting point is 01:14:30 they were talking about the early days of the united states and in the early days the united states with uh wheat production the the initial ideas were that they were going to pool all the all the food together i think this was actually pre-united states i think this was in the colonies right i think you're right i think you're right and then they realized really really quickly that this didn't work and they go okay okay scrap that what you grow you eat and they're like oh shit i gotta go to work yeah and then people started busting their ass there's a diffusion of diffusion of responsibility that comes from this idea that you are an individual and that the government should provide for you you know like there's so many people in this country and there's so much money look at all the trillions they spend on
Starting point is 01:15:14 military look at all the trillions they spend on infrastructure look at all the trillions they give to the fossil fuel industry and all this they start running all these numbers and they go why can't the government take care of everybody? Why? You know what I'm saying? Well, and that is one of the, like, my position is basically that the government shouldn't do any of this shit and we don't have the money for any of it and we shouldn't rob it from people. But it is a strong argument from like an AOC type. Yes. Where they'll be like, oh, well, we don't have this money. And she can go, yeah, but every time you right wingers want a war, you always find the money for it.
Starting point is 01:15:43 This is where I was going. So, yeah, but every time you right-wingers want a war, you always find the money for it. This is where I was going. So you have young people who do have these idealistic perspectives like AOC. And then they go through the university system. And they're taught this by people who don't enter the real world. Right? These people, they stay in academia. They learn.
Starting point is 01:16:00 They grow. They become professors. They get tenure. They're there. And this is their world. And in their world, they get tenure they're there and this is this is their world and in their world they get to shape young minds and they shape you shape young minds who are already open to these ideas of compassion and yeah of of being different than their fucking parents who are so hardcore your parents had to feed you you fucks your parents are out there
Starting point is 01:16:20 grinding a little bit of gratitude it's hard. It's hard to get by. Yeah. You know, it's hard. No, so I get, I completely get what you're saying. But the other thing about, you know, which I guess just concerns me a little bit about abolishing, you know, student debt or forgiving student debt is that, well, number one, the first thing I said is that it's like, well, okay, if we don't get get the system fixed then we're going to forgive this debt and then keep perpetuating more people in debt so something still needs to be done there but the problem is also that like you know if
Starting point is 01:16:53 when you say forgive debt or you have the taxpayer pick any of this stuff up it's just coming from other people it's you're you're taxing working people to pay for this but there's something but there's something but why does it have to be that way the government already subsidizes it right you have right so what what if they didn't do that what if what if there was a way to figure out like a reasonable solution to how professors are paid how students pay for their education what if there's a reasonable solution that was profitable i'd be education. What if there's a reasonable solution that was profitable? I'd be all for that if there was a reasonable solution. I think so.
Starting point is 01:17:30 But I think basically the solution is to just get the government out of the business of higher education. If there are institutions of higher education that are providing enough value for people, like you come here, you're going to be way better in life in that scene, then people are going to want to send their kids there okay let them let them survive on their own but what about canada what about the uk what about places that pay for education yeah i mean there are like other countries that do that and and okay fair enough like that they're i mean i don't know enough about the canadian university system but i'll tell you this they have just as big a problem
Starting point is 01:18:03 with what you were talking about before with the woke shit maybe even more maybe even more well the president's woke yeah he's not a president he's a king right what is he i believe he's a prime minister no he's a king i might you know what jamie is true to a king king brownface you know thank you uh i also think that you know the woke shit is really uh that has really gripped the country in an interesting way. And it's not just that the colleges are teaching it. That's almost like the center of it all, like critical race theory in some university. But then you see how much it's been jumped onto by all the big corporations, politicians. They're all behind well that's
Starting point is 01:18:46 why kamala harris states her gender pronouns oh yeah yeah it's it's in compliance do you wonder what it's capitulating to the the woke culture right but it's interesting like do you i wonder oftentimes and i guess there's i don't know how many of of like like real woke true believers will ever listen to anything that I'm ever on. Even as big as this show is, they would just be furious by everything you say. The way you just drank your glass is like, that's white supremacy or whatever. Yeah. Well, me by my very existence.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Yes. Yeah. I'm a white male rich guy with tattoos who does cage fighting commentary. Yes. Very problematic. A lot. Yes. Very problematic. A lot of problems. Very problematic. But do you ever wonder, like, even from their perspective, which is hard to get into, but
Starting point is 01:19:31 to the, if you're, like, out there and you're, like, okay, Black Lives Matter and, like, the hardcore, like, woke 20-year-old. Right. Like, and they're, like, I'm against this system because this system is white supremacy. Right. Right? because this system is white supremacy right and then you realize that all of hollywood agrees with you and all of academia agrees with you and like jp morgan chase is running like a black lives matter ads and and kamala harris the vice president-elect agrees with you and all and you go
Starting point is 01:19:59 how against the system are you really if the entire system is supporting what you're doing? And why, if the whole system is based on white supremacy and you're here to call that out, why would the system not be reacting to crush you? Why would they be like propping you up? Well, the system is so malleable, right? The system recognizes trends and go, we can profit off this trend. We need to sell Black Lives Matter masks. But I think it's more than just profiting off of it like my my theory on it is that this is
Starting point is 01:20:30 the ultimate divide and conquer and protect yourself strategy so you see how much the look they don't want true economic leftism that's what bernie sanders represented and you saw how much the corporate press freaked out when it looked like he might have a shot at winning. They were calling his supporters Nazis and shit like that. They were giving him the Trump treatment. The Jewish guy who's the closest to ever being president any Jew has ever been is all of a sudden represents a Nazi takeover. But they freaked out. And all the stuff you were saying about having the other candidates drop out. Bernie Sanders was unacceptable to them. They don't like that brand of left wing ideology. They love the woke shit because the woke shit allows them to give up nothing. But like JPMorgan Chase is like, fine, we'll send our white execs to diversity training.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Good deal. Now, are we cool with the left now? Like, that's fine. We'll hang a Black Lives Matter flag up. No problem. They're fine with gestures. But Bernie Sanders is like, I want your money. I want your shit. I want your profits. No more making, like, Bernie Sanders is, you know, if some, like, social justice warrior
Starting point is 01:21:39 is like, you know, we have a problem with microaggressions and toxic masculinity. The JPMorgan Chase is like, no problem. That's great. And Bernie Sanders is like, there shouldn't be billionaires. And they're like, I don't know about that guy. That guy seems like he could be trouble. You know what I mean? So they don't like the economic populist stuff because they've got a nice little system worked out here where they're raping the country.
Starting point is 01:22:06 a nice little system worked out here where they're raping the country. The fucking big bank system that they have worked out right now is that the Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air, lends it to them at 0% interest, and they lend it out to the rest of us at interest. So they just get money for free and then lend it out and collect the interest it's a sweet ass fucking deal if i were them i'd want to talk about microaggressions too i'd be like you know what the real problem in our society is just fucking microaggressions am i right that's what's fucking everybody over white supremacy they they consciously like recognize these trends and say we got to get on board with this and this will help us because we'll be one of the good guys. We'll be a company that's very difficult to criticize.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I think there's a lot of forces at work, but I think that's a big part of it. Yeah, it's a hustle. They also realize that I think there are people – it's like this kind of – it's like an alliance between the top and the bottom. So there's like the 20 year old who works for some company yeah maybe some internet music streaming company i don't know you know some some company out there some 20 year old woke person who is a true believer yeah a true believer in the woke stuff and then there is the jp morgan chase kamala harris's of the world they don't believe this for
Starting point is 01:23:20 a goddamn second it's just a ploy it's just a tactic and so they're kind of playing off of these people but my thing is that like to the bleeding heart young woke social justice warrior types is like look there's a need for you in society there's a need for like a compassionate left who's willing to protest shit and shut shit down But you're focused on all the wrong areas. It's not about fucking, forget microaggressions. Think about real aggressions. We're still in all the longest wars in American history. But protest that.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Get out in the streets about fucking Yemen. Try to end that war. Isn't that it almost, there's too many things going on. And then those things are out of sight. They're in another place that you're never going to visit. Well, you have to think a little bit about it. But why is it that, and maybe it's, I don't have an answer.
Starting point is 01:24:11 This isn't a leading question, but why is it that the Vietnam War could draw so many protests? The war in Iraq under George W. Bush drew so many protests. So why were Trump's wars never a thing? I think the press covers them differently today than they did during the vietnam era yeah i think that's true i think the press during the vietnam
Starting point is 01:24:30 era was very much the press the ideal view of the press probably closer much yeah yeah i think it's been changed first of all there's there's a bunch of factors that happen almost together. They coincide. One of them is the advent of social media and the internet in general, and then how people are no longer digesting their news through paper. They're not paying for a newspaper. They're getting it on their phone. And you're now in competition with BuzzFeed and Vice
Starting point is 01:25:03 and, you know, name it. There's so many choices. There's Vox and there's almost too many different, the Blaze is fucking, you can keep going and going and going. There's too many different places where you can go to get information. So if a website is competing with the New York Times, the New York Times now has to do something in order to get your attention. So what do they do?
Starting point is 01:25:23 They do at least, at least if they don't do click-baity stuff, they do provocative things. They gear their attention towards things they know are going to get clicks because they're starving. They're literally fighting for survival, whether it's the Washington Post or even the Wall Street Journal. I think a lot of these newspapers are experiencing significant, well, one thing that led to a big increase in uh the new york post subscribers ironically is trump right trump shitting on them and calling the failing new york times people yes yeah yeah trump calling the them the failing new york times they started their their subscriptions went up well this is and this is true all over the place with corporate uh uh media entities that were dying i mean it's also true for MSNBC and CNN, and a lot of them all saw rating surges under
Starting point is 01:26:08 Trump. Sure, because people wanted to combat Trump. Yeah, a lot of them. It became the number one focus, because if it bleeds, it leads. These are the really exciting things that people are going to tune into, and it's going to help our revenue stream. So our idea is that the reason why they're showing us the news is these are the most significant stories.
Starting point is 01:26:23 They're going to impact your life the most. This is what's most important. Not really the case. What it really is is what's going to get the most attention. What's the most important in terms of like what's going to get the most views, which is going to bring in the most advertising revenue. And for people online that are writing stories, it's – they don't call it clickbait for a reason. Yeah. They do rather call it clickbait for a reason yeah or they do rather call it clickbait for a reason
Starting point is 01:26:45 the the reason is it's they got to trick you into clicking that thing because that's how they make their money that we've created this rep so then they've tried subscription models and i subscribe to the times and i subscribe to the washington post i i subscribed to like four or five different publications and i felt like an obligation to do that. I'm getting my news from them. I feel like I should give them some money. And that might be the only way these things ever survive is that people get their news via subscription model. But to this day, someone will send me a link, and I'll click the link, and they'll say to subscribe. I'm like, oh, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:27:20 And then I won't read it. And then I'll Google it. I'll try to find it somewhere else. Yeah, that works about 50% of the time. Just Google the title. You should be able to just pay for an article. Maybe Apple will pay you $0.05 for this article. Let me get a double click.
Starting point is 01:27:35 But to make me subscribe every time. I understand that there's journalists and they're doing amazing work and that they've worked for weeks on this expose. this has been the sole focus of their life and it's valuable. And it's valuable to me. It's valuable to the United States as a whole because this one person's intellectual perspective on a very complex subject, they boiled this down for weeks and weeks. Here, this is what we've learned about X.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Those are important. Sure. I'll give you a couple bucks i'll do but make it fucking easy don't make me subscribe and give you my email address and i gotta just make me go let me go like that i'll give you two dollars yeah it's kind of as you say it's surprising they haven't figured that all out close what apple has but it's not quite it's right it's like in between what you're talking i have that too yeah yeah i have that but it's still there's still which is there's somebody curating it yeah which is a little you know that's exactly exactly i i mean i would like to be able to go to each individual front page and i think i don't even i barely have time for that i think the thing you were mentioning earlier about who you trust
Starting point is 01:28:41 is is like a bigger factor than ever before you know who i trust who online people people would know people like jimmy dore people like kyle love jimmy dore yeah people like the hill dude if you crystal and saga i like them too uh i like that their show is great it's great um uh but i you know so it's like and and by the way and the best is like uh glenn greenwald yes i had on recently had on recently. And you know where he stands. He's a left-wing guy. OK. But he still has journalistic integrity.
Starting point is 01:29:10 So he's not just going to like, you know, him walking away from The Intercept was incredible. And Jeremy Scahill, the other guy who was at The Intercept with him, is a great journalist. Aaron Maté. I might be fucking up his last name. Have you had him on? No. He's great. He writes for The Nation.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Did a great job. He's on Jimmy Dore's show all the time. He did a great job of just blowing up the Russia conspiracy bullshit. And it was more powerful because it's like a left winger doing it who's like, listen, this is all lies. And I hate Donald Trump, but I'm not going to tell you something that isn't real is real just because I hate him And so if you're smart or if you're lucky, you know fortunate enough to find the right people you can get really good information online But it comes down to like who you trust to give you the right information, right?
Starting point is 01:29:56 And there's a lot of people right now who it's kind of like well These are the few people I trust these are the few people I trust on both sides, right? And you could be way off like you could think you trust this person and someone could come along and go, hey man, do you know they're financed by this? Do you know that this is a part of... The reason why they keep bringing this up is there's a directive that emails have been leaked and
Starting point is 01:30:15 it's been proven that these people are supposed to be doing what they're doing. You're like, oh, fuck. Really? That's the worst. Figuring out someone you trust isn't right. You're like, ah, shit. Finding out the cult master really doesn't speak to the alien behind the comet yeah but this is where we're at right we're we're in this imperfect system that's the best system the world's ever known that's the what's weird what's weird is as good as this like it's hard to say things are great because things are not great for everybody and they're certainly not as good as they could be, right?
Starting point is 01:30:45 So that said, we have to recognize that this system of this experiment in self-government is the best system that's ever been put in place as far as creativity, artistic contribution, the impact on culture, innovation. There's some beautiful things that are happening all around the world, but there's some wild shit that has happened in america over a period of just 200 years yeah it's pretty fucking crazy no it's the fucking it's the the greatest country that's ever uh existed in by many different metrics so let me throw this out and it's worth saving because we're on a fucking suicide mission yeah so it's worth saving i don't believe this but i'm just as a thought exercise what if all this robbery like student debt and even the military
Starting point is 01:31:31 industrial complex and even what if all of this activity has to go on in order to have this much thriving in order to have this much economic prosperity and this much freedom, you got to have fuckery. You got to have madness. You got to have lies. You got to have deception. You got to have special interest groups. You got to have people distorting other people's positions on things. You got to have empty pundits. You got to have puppets in various stages of media. You have to have clickbait. You have to have all these things. Because if you got to have puppets in various stages of media you have to have clickbait you have to have all these things because if you don't have all these things you don't have resistance you don't have an enemy you don't have a battle you don't have a competition to get these prominent
Starting point is 01:32:15 ideas you think are the most crucial in order to maintain this society and maybe even improve it they don't compete enough they have they to be suppressed. You have to choke people. You got to grab them. You got to shake them like bad babies. Almost like you have to create this chaos. It's almost like you have to create it in order for people to battle this chaos. Well, yeah, I mean, I guess there is like a yin and yang
Starting point is 01:32:41 to the fact that without corruption, there could never be like noble anti-corruption forces. I should say. And without anything to fight against. I don't believe there are any bad babies. And you definitely shouldn't shake them. That was a bad analogy. That was a bad analogy.
Starting point is 01:32:55 But if you're going to shake babies, make sure it's a bad baby. Like a Hitler baby. Yeah. Hitler baby, I think it's okay to shake. When do you think you could go back in time and be justified in killing Hitler? Like if you killed him when he was 10, you'd be an asshole. Yeah, that's bad. Maybe you should just coach him.
Starting point is 01:33:10 Yeah. Teach him. Anytime. Yeah, well, that's, I mean, once you have the ability to time travel, you'd think you could probably solve this in a better way than killing him. Could you, though? Maybe not. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:20 You have to keep him from steroids and cocaine, right? Because apparently that was the thing. They would inject him with testosterone and cocaine. You ever see that video of him at the Olympics? Yes. Where he's tweaking out? Yes. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:33:30 You're like, oh my God. Yeah, it's amazing. Can you imagine what it's like being in his inner circle? Just like a little thing fucked up or something like that. There's a crazy story. I forget who told it to me. I do too many podcasts. But about Mussolini and that Mussolini was ready to get out of the war.
Starting point is 01:33:44 It's like, Italy doesn't want to know part of this. And they shot Hitler up with coke and testosterone and they sent him over there and he cornered Mussolini and fucking talked to him for hours. Imagine being at a party with some guy who's just spit in your face, telling you stories. And he's talking just like his public speeches, like just like going crazy. And by the end of the fucking conversation, Mussolini is all in. He's like, anything just to get this man away from me. But was it that or was Mussolini like actually like, fuck, yeah, we're going to fight this war. Like Hitler just had this power.
Starting point is 01:34:20 He had a needle and a fucking mirror. He's like, come on, do a score on this. I'm going to fucking hit you with one of those. Woo, are we in? But, you know, Hitler was doing all sorts of hardcore amphetamines by the way so was kennedy did you know that yeah the doctor feel good you know that they were doing that to a lot of people back that mean i'm pretty convinced all of them are on some type of drugs see joe biden sprinted out to his acceptance speech the other day they gave him a little something a hundred percent donald trump did trump dude donald trump did in back-to-back days in the last week before the election, five
Starting point is 01:34:49 events at five different states where he did close to an hour at each one. Yeah. Amazing. Like, if someone told you, dude, we're getting on a plane, you're doing five hours tonight in five different states, you'd be like, that's going to be a day, man. That's a day. Donald Trump is in his mid-70s. He overweight and he had covid couple weeks ago and he's fucking doing it and dude he loves it like he's just up there and again the chance we love you we and he just and by the way
Starting point is 01:35:17 nothing's scripted which is the most amazing part about trump he literally just gets up there and just fucking stream of conscious they got a doctor with a turkey baster filled with testosterone oh my god just shoving it into him they're giving him something everything it's not just big max there's something else at work there for sure there's definitely some sort of stimulant probably prescribed by a doctor so it doesn't seem like it's bad yeah you know i would never do drugs there's a lot of people that think that i yeah i knew a lady who was like hooked Xanax, but she hated drugs. I'm like, what do you think you're doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:49 What do you think you're doing? People have weird ideas about drugs. Right. And if you talk to drug specialists, I mean, I've had people on that explain that kicking Xanax is actually more difficult than kicking opiates. Xanax addiction is very serious. Yeah. It's a powerful drug.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Yeah. Maybe not more difficult, but it's in the realm. It's an incredibly difficult thing to kick and has all sorts of weird complications with people. You know, antidepressants in general or anti-anxiety medication in general, like benzodiazepine. That's that shit that Jordan Peterson was trying to get off. And he was wrecked for a fucking year. He's just coming out of the fog now i mean how to go uh do a medical detox in russia yeah for benzos yeah i've never have you ever done a
Starting point is 01:36:31 benzo do you know what that is i don't know what it's like no i mean i've heard uh joey eats them joey diaz eats them in a bowl like cornflakes yeah but joey diaz isn't exactly human i don't think he's ever had them he can he might have you couldn't do anything to Joey Diaz, no matter what you give him. He'll be the same. Well, while he's alive, he's a national treasure. We should protect him with everything we can. That's right. You've got him now.
Starting point is 01:36:52 That's right. Yeah, he's in Jersey. That's right. Yeah, I'm happy. That was win one for the East Coast. And right when he got there, they legalized weed. Coincidence? Maybe not.
Starting point is 01:37:02 It's quite a coincidence if it is just that. He brought the energy they probably thought about it and like uncle joey's in town we gotta check that box i i'm glad joey diaz is in new jersey and i'm glad jordan peterson is home i think the country could use some more jordan peterson yeah for sure um and also i think uh it's probably real important for a guy of his uh intellectual capacity to explain what it was like to be addicted to these things and try to get off of them. I think a lot of us, especially it would be easy for someone like me who's never been physically addicted to something where I had some serious withdrawals. It's probably easy to dismiss that as mental weakness you know but when
Starting point is 01:37:47 a guy who's as intelligent as him and has spent so much time talking about personal responsibility has a situation like this it can shine some light in a very unique way that may be like you or i who have you ever been addicted to anything not really coffee i was addicted to but i really am addicted to coffee you ever like had not been able to have coffee but i really am addicted to coffee you ever like had not been able to have coffee yeah i've had some headaches yeah yeah it's like i had to give blood or i had to get blood tests once like a couple years ago and it was like i you can't drink coffee before it and it was like at noon and it was like by the time i was out i was like holy shit like i'm really feeling that but, not addiction to like anything like crazy. You can get headaches.
Starting point is 01:38:28 I bought a 51-ounce French press. It's like it's a big old metal French press. And when I make coffee, if I make French press coffee, I put in way too much coffee. Like you're not supposed to have that much grinds. I'm basically making speed. And then I poured the hot water and I drank the whole thing. So I drank 50 ounces whatever it is without the beans like i make it like a couple inches thick on the bottom right it's way more coffee than you're supposed to have so let's say i i drink 45 ounces of coffee and it's crank and
Starting point is 01:39:00 by the end of the day i was so tired and i was was like, why am I so tired? I'm like, oh, you were on speed today, stupid. Yeah, basically. It's catching up with you. But before that, I felt so good. I wanted to hug everybody. I wanted to go to work. I wanted to get things done. I got a workout in.
Starting point is 01:39:17 I did some writing. I made some phone calls. That sounds pretty good to me. The only negative was you got tired at the end of the day? At the end of the day, I was tired. Like when when trump goes to sleep i'd love to see like a webcam of him when the adderall dies out and he has to take a sleeping pill but his whatever it is that he takes the energy that that guy has i remember um bill o'reilly interviewed him it was like when he first became president and it was before bill o'reilly went down so that around when he first became president and it was before bill o'reilly went down so that around
Starting point is 01:39:45 when he first became president and he asked him number one which was the greatest thing ever was he asked him uh he was like so do you ever look around the white house and just think to yourself like man this is like really incredible i'm the president of the united states and trump was like yeah it's a nice house like he just seems so unimpressed with the fact that because it's like shitholes where he lives but that's just donald trump like it's always like did you ever have like a serious moment where you thought about your role in history and all this and this house you're in and he's like yeah donald fucking trump like i don't know this is i live in a lot of nice houses and bill o'reilly asked him how how much he
Starting point is 01:40:17 sleeps a night and he said about three hours and he goes does that like mess with you and he goes i always slept about three hours like he was always kind of being this guy. He always loved is a big advantage. The celebrity factor for Donald Trump was a big advantage in politics. And a part of that was that like when he would get on those debate stages, you know, you got to think like in the primary debates with other Republicans. A lot of these guys like, you know, Marco Rubio or someone like that, he might have been groomed by the establishment, but he hasn't been under these type of lights before. He hasn't had 100 million people watching him before. But Donald Trump stepped right in there like, this is exactly where I belong. This is my home and was so comfortable. Even someone like Jeb Bush, who's from the most powerful crime family in America.
Starting point is 01:41:06 But has he ever been in a spotlight like that before? No. Not with a guy like Donald Trump, who doesn't follow any of the rules. What are you going to say, Jamie? I've heard recently, I don't even know if it's speculation, but the drug he's taking is not like Adderall or some meth thing, but he's taking like Provigil, actually. Could be. I just found a tweet from two years ago that his doctor apparently passes it out like candy.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Yeah, well, that will definitely pep you up. I believe it. Yeah, I've taken that. I've taken Provigil. Without a doubt, it gives you a lot of energy. It's great if you have to drive and you're not going to be able to get any sleep. It's amazing. Amazing for staying awake.
Starting point is 01:41:44 But, yeah, makes sense. I mean, it's not a speed technically. It's in a different class. I've never taken it. It doesn't elevate your heart rate. It's banned from, I believe it's banned from Olympic competition. See if that's the case. New Vigil, look up New up new vigil um is it finasteride
Starting point is 01:42:08 is that what it's called modafinil modafinil finasteride is like uh that's advil isn't no that's uh viagra they added it i'm sure he takes that too added to the prohibited substances 10 days before the 2004 olymp Yeah, because it does give you some sort of a stimulant effect. But not a stimulant effect. You never had it? I don't think so. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:42:33 It's weird. It gives you this weird buzz. You have this weird... I don't necessarily think it increases your IQ. I don't think it increases... I shouldn't say IQ. Cognitive performance.
Starting point is 01:42:46 But I do think it makes you appear like you've increased your cognitive performance like maybe it makes you think that you're smarter but it gives you more energy that's dangerous see like has it been like no bet see look up no benefit for cognitive performance on provigil i might be wrong i think there's maybe a slight uptick for a lot of people. But for a lot of people, I think one of the things that holds them back is they're just not that healthy. They don't have a lot of energy. Healthy people that are really vibrant people that are in good shape, they have more energy for stuff and that would make them think better. Researchers have found that modafinil boosts higher-order cognitive function without causing serious side effects.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Modafinil, which has been prescribed in the U.S. since 1998 to treat sleep-related conditions such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea, heightens alertness as much as caffeine does. They're really selling it. Sounds awesome. Do that again. Click on that again. Does it increase IQ? Boosts higher-order cognitive function. I says, but do that again. Click on that again. Does it increase IQ? Boost higher order cognitive function.
Starting point is 01:43:47 I don't know what that is. You'd have to take a couple tests, I guess, to figure out if it boosts. I don't know. Right. It'd be hard to test for. Yeah. It's interesting. From what I understand, even though it was prescribed for narcolepsy,
Starting point is 01:44:01 I believe it was developed for, I think it was developed as a performance enhancing drug i think they developed it to they were trying to figure out how to increase cognitive function and then they said well you can't just give a drug out for people that want to get smarter about shit like you have to have a reason, like a medical condition because of the state of our medical system. And so then they said, um, narcolepsy. It'll help against narcolepsy. A lot of these drugs
Starting point is 01:44:34 are developed like that. They're developed for a purpose completely different than what they end up being. 900,000 prescriptions in 2017 in just the U.S. for it. Most of them are me. That makes it the number 328th most most of them are me that's only that that makes it the
Starting point is 01:44:45 number 328th most commonly prescribed wow it's really good it's almost a billion though i'm not saying you should get on it i definitely have i haven't taken it for years though but i'm saying you should but it looks like trump's doing it and things are working out pretty good for that well not right now they're not now it's just still ranting and raving like a big baby take your lumps, sir. But when you – I know a guy who's an author who says he can't function without it. He writes. That's what he uses.
Starting point is 01:45:13 He uses that stuff. He says he doesn't have any energy without it. But again, I'm thinking a lot of people are just not that healthy, right? And they need something to give them a little pick-me-up but you know i talked to tim ferris about it you know tim ferris is into a lot of uh performance enhancing things and a lot of biohacking type things and he said that he didn't want to put it in his book it was a four-hour body or the four-hour work i don't remember which but which one it was one of his books one of his uh sort of like how
Starting point is 01:45:45 to beat the system type books because he goes i felt like people's just gonna start eating it like candy and he goes and i feel like there's always a biological like there's no biological free rides there's always some sort of uh negative aspect especially to abuse of something like that but when you're 74 and you eat nothing but french fries and you're out there kicking ass you gotta go like how much time has this guy got left anyway well yeah but some people are just freaks like that you know like some people it's true like some people don't you know what i mean they'll be like some people who are like uh are like eat like shit and like still fucking like some people just naturally have better cardio even
Starting point is 01:46:23 if they're not like running as much as somebody else they just naturally have it better some people can treat their bodies like shit and still function most people can't right but trump is if nothing else he is unique well he is different than anyone so quickly i don't care what drugs they gave him everybody's like yeah but he got access to drugs that we don't have okay well give them to everybody give those drugs to everybody and then we open up the country again. Because of that fat guy who's almost dead. He's 74. What is the average life expectancy?
Starting point is 01:46:51 I think he's above it. I think it's 77. Is it? It's in the neighborhood. Yeah, it's lowered this year because of all the stress. Let's just say it's 76. So he's two years away from being dead. And you guys gave him these magic drugs, now he's doing five hours of campaigns every day whatever those drugs are you got to
Starting point is 01:47:10 give them out to everybody 76 yeah look at that yeah 81 for chicks the last yeah and they complain well the last five years they they just laugh. Fuck, Cam, I win. It's kind of great. I mean, I hope, this is the big hope, right? Biden gets into office, the country relaxes, all this crazy shit about making lists and everything, people realize that's bad. And then whatever this vaccine is and whatever these treatments are,
Starting point is 01:47:46 we're allowed to go back to normal again. That would be the best case scenario. I think that Joe Biden does something. We'll have a national mask mandate or something. And then we'll do that for two months. And then he goes, we defeated the virus and we did it because we finally got serious and listened to the science. But I got to say, I'm not super optimistic that that's the way it's going to go. Well, explain what you were saying to me before the show. We're talking about governors realizing they have this power.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Yeah, look, I mean, I think that what's happened over the last year in America is really unprecedented. I mean, the idea that Americans have now accepted, to some degree, that we could be in a state where we're sitting at home, watching our governors on television to find out what we're allowed to do today. Are we allowed to go to the park? Can I see my grandmother? Can I have my family over?
Starting point is 01:48:40 Can I go to work? Like the most intimate, basic things that we all took for granted as freedoms. Of course, the government could never tell you you can or can't do that. And now the governors have taken this authority. And there wasn't major pushback. I mean, there was a little, but not so much that they couldn't get away with doing it. And I don't know that they're just going to give up that authority now that they've seized it. I mean, my thing, what I think about COVID ultimately, the effect that the lockdowns and all this will have, I think it'd be something
Starting point is 01:49:12 like 9-11 where, you know, like right after 9-11, you remember there was all that fear that there'd be another terrorist attack, like, oh my God, we're terrified this could happen again. And that's kind of gone away. People don't really live with a fear of another terrorist attack. this could happen again. And that's kind of gone away. People don't really live with a fear of another terrorist attack. But the Department of Homeland Security is here to stay.
Starting point is 01:49:27 The TSA is here to stay. The wars that we're fighting are seemingly here to stay. The Patriot Act is here to stay. All of these things. And then all the stuff that grew out of the Patriot Act with the crazy NSA spying and all that.
Starting point is 01:49:38 So my guess is that a lot of these things are going to be here to stay. When you give the government control, it's very hard to get it back from them. Yes. And that's a difficult dynamic. Especially when it's for your own good, like in a medical emergency. And the problem is we've always lost so many people to so many different medical emergencies, so many different medical problems. medical emergencies, so many different medical problems.
Starting point is 01:50:06 I mean, what if the government changed the way people were allowed to eat? Because we talked about the money that's, like, all the heart disease and all the money that is going towards treating heart disease. And we have to put a stop to this. It's become a real issue in this country. We're losing half a million people a year, whatever it is, to heart disease and heart attacks. We have to stop this and so we're going to enforce certain rules and regulations in terms of how you can eat once once you accept this principle it's there's a lot of different ways that you could you could
Starting point is 01:50:37 go down this this line and and the other big one i would say is like climate change i mean if you accept that covid was this emergency so that we have to lock everyone in their houses and all this stuff, well, okay, you have a whole bunch of people who are arguing that climate change is an existential crisis that's going to, you know, make all things, the planet uninhabitable, excuse me, for all living things. Well, then by that logic, wouldn't that be worth locking people in their homes over? And so this is it's very dangerous once you've set this precedent that the government can do this.
Starting point is 01:51:12 And they all look around at each other and realize we got away with this. And by the way, that's not even if you believe the lockdowns were the right thing to do for COVID, which I don't. But even if you believe that, you'd still have to be concerned about this like authoritarianism that we've kind of like ushered in over this last year. It doesn't mean that that's not a danger anymore. You know what I mean? Like, even if you think chemotherapy is necessary to kill the cancer, you still have to worry about all the other, you know, like effects of chemotherapy. And so that's that to me is what's very dangerous about all of
Starting point is 01:51:46 this joe biden ran on the idea that he's open to another round of lockdowns and i wonder if people realize like how devastating the last round of lockdowns were and how devastating it would be to do it again i don't know i hope your version was right. Has it really opened? When you say, like, in certain places, like, L.A. is locked down. Yeah, yeah. It never really opened. Right, right. They opened a few, like, things for a few weeks, like gyms and nail salons, and they closed it back down again. Right.
Starting point is 01:52:20 So, yeah, so in some places it is still pretty locked down, And then in some places it's kind of quasi-locked down, not quite as much as it was back in March, April, May. But yeah, no, New York City's never been the same. And businesses have been destroyed. People's lives have been destroyed over this. It's a real awful thing. New York City has some crazy amount of apartments that are open. Like, it's bananas.
Starting point is 01:52:43 People have been bailing on New York City. Yeah, like, I think the last check was like double the amount of normal apartments that are open. Like, it's bananas. People have been bailing on New York City. Yeah, like, I think the last check was, like, double the amount of normal apartments that are available. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, people have been moving out like crazy, and it's hard. It was hard for a while to get, like, any numbers on it, but I know, like, stories. I've heard people who work for moving companies saying, like,
Starting point is 01:53:02 you can't book us to move. We're completely booked up. Like we're moving everybody. And they're all going out of the city. U-Hauls were really hard to get for a while. Look at that. Empty rental apartments in Manhattan, triple,
Starting point is 01:53:13 hitting nearly 16,000. Wow. Whoa, and that was October 8th. I bet it's even worse now. Month later, that's nuts. Vacancy rate in Manhattan, which is typically 2% to 3%, is now under 6%.
Starting point is 01:53:26 Wow. I just saw something about Los Angeles. Some counties in California might be rolling back now because the numbers are going up again. Oh, really? Mm-hmm. The numbers are going up again. And, of course, all this stuff isn't just the lockdowns. It was also all the riots over this summer
Starting point is 01:53:46 and the fear that these riots were going to get worse and worse. And the looting. And the looting, yeah. Not that it was already pretty bad, but the fear was kind of like, oh, I guess, especially when it was a really crazy thing to see the cops step back and just let people loot. It was basically just like, okay, you're going to do it.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Go for it. Well, I believe in Santa Monica, the sheriff gave, you're going to do it. Go for it. Well, I believe in Santa Monica, the sheriff gave orders for the cops to stand down. See if that's true. Because people were criticizing her. They were really upset. And even if there's not, even if that hasn't been talked about in other areas, it was pretty clear that they were given orders to stand down in a lot of places. Well, when the numbers get so high, I mean, the cops had abandoned that Minneapolis police
Starting point is 01:54:25 station, right? I mean, it got to the point where they were overcoming the police station. They let them light the police station on fire. Yeah. Like when I got up in the morning after the shit hit the fan in LA and I saw this video of these cop cars like on the highway, just lit on fire one after the other, covered in spray paint and windows smashed in. I was like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:54:46 Yeah. This is in L.A. This is not in Minnesota. This is not in Minneapolis where it actually happened. This is nowhere near it, and they're lighting other cop cars on fire. Santa Monica police chief stepped down a couple weeks ago. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Recognizing that recent events, both here in Santa Monica and around the nation, have strained community police relations, Chief Renown has made the decision to step aside so the Santa Monica Police Department can continue to move forward. A statement announcing her retirement said, I'm pretty sure she told the cops to stand down. That's what it starts off saying,
Starting point is 01:55:23 that, like, amid anger over her response to the protest yeah they the idea was that and this was the same idea that the mayor of new york acted on that you let them burn out let them get it out of their system which is uh that really sucks if you happen to be one of those uh people caught in the burning it out yeah you know yeah like that? Like that's pretty rough. You also open up the door to the fact that this can happen again, and if it does happen again,
Starting point is 01:55:50 you're not gonna do anything again. Well, and it does, and it seems like there's no, at this point now, it's like if there is an incident that comes out where a cop killed a black guy, we're not even gonna wait to figure out what happened here, do an investigation. Was this an unjustified shooting? Was it justified? It's just going to be the first knee jerk reaction is like, let's start, you know, burning stuff down. Just like very disturbing and
Starting point is 01:56:15 incredibly destructive. And I say that as somebody who's like not a fan of policing in this country and think we do have major problems. But I right from the very beginning in minneapolis was like okay this is like completely unacceptable you can't like support people destroying communities because they're pissed off about an unrelated thing yeah and any more than you can support the u.s you know invading iraq because they're pissed off about 9-11 right like you can't just be like hey this guy did something to me so i'm gonna go take it out on this guy and then people give you these like response like so you care more about looting than about human lives or something and you're like well that's why is it a choice like why can't i be against all of it yeah right i know it's it's a weird narrative well there was a there's been a lot of the there uh those this year like there was the oh you just
Starting point is 01:57:04 want to get a haircut was a big narrative. If you like opposed the lockdowns. Yeah. Where you're kind of like, do you really think that's all that human life is? Leaving your home is just getting a haircut. It's not like, I don't know, you know, seeing your family or getting a cancer screening or, you know, like whatever. All of human life pretty much. It's just reduced to you just want a haircut.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Also, you being able to make your own decisions. Yeah. Like you being able to, if you, like one thing you're allowed to do is enter into the protests. So people were protesting and everybody thought that was okay. So you're shoulder to shoulder, which I agree with. I don't have any problem with protests. I think it's, you have a point. You're allowed to.
Starting point is 01:57:46 It's part of freedom of assembly. It's part of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. It's part of who we are. You're allowed to protest things that you disagree with. Yeah, if you're peaceful, I absolutely agree with you. But if you're going to allow people to do that, you should also allow them to go to the gym. You should also allow them to go to comedy clubs.
Starting point is 01:58:02 You should also allow them to go to restaurants. You should allow them to go to comedy clubs. You should also allow them to go to restaurants. You should allow them to do whatever they want. And if you say, well, you have to have a consideration that you're going to get all these other people sick if you get sick. Okay. But you have to have that with everything. You have to have that with... No one said, hey, I understand that you want to protest and I'm with you, but here's the problem. This could spread the disease.
Starting point is 01:58:24 Please don't do it no one said that no one said you like do you remember when it first happened when the when the protest first like started and the basically the media and even a whole bunch of like epidemiologists and stuff were like no it's okay it's okay for the protest that to me was like one of the craziest moments i've ever lived through cognitive dissonance like and, and I've like all the time talk about how corrupt and how the corporate press are all liars and stuff and all that, but to actually see that, that they would go like, it was like, okay,
Starting point is 01:58:53 it was like three months of this complete change of the American way of life where it's like, listen, we all gotta do this. You have to give up everything and stay home because we gotta control this disease. And then like, they were like, oh my my god there were 20 year olds at the beach oh my god they're gonna spread it and then like two days later it was like no this is totally fine yeah and you're like what the fuck is going on how could you possibly rob everything from people but then you decide that
Starting point is 01:59:21 because they're protesting a cause that we agree, like we agree with the cause, therefore this is okay. That was fucking weird. There's no negative consequences to it at all. Yeah. Yeah. Like that was really bizarre. And then there were things, you know, I heard a lot of that always stuck with me about a guy whose wife was pregnant and uh they it for she got sick and it looked like they might lose the baby
Starting point is 01:59:51 and they wouldn't let her in uh they wouldn't let him in the appointment with her so she had to no they didn't lose the baby thank god and everything was fine but they like she was going into a sonogram to maybe find out that they had lost the baby and they wouldn't let him be there to like hold her hand through that. Right. And it's just like, I don't know what if you could put a value on that or whatever, but that's quite a thing to ask someone not to be able to do. And then to have epidemiologists go like, well, we think that this protesting is so important that you can go do it. And you're like, so are you telling that guy that that wasn't important enough? Like that wasn't important
Starting point is 02:00:26 for him to be there with his wife? And that's an individual. That's a controlled environment. You could test both of them. Yeah. You know? And so it's just,
Starting point is 02:00:32 it's pretty, and that really did a lot to like undermine people's confidence in like the scientists and the, you know, you want to say
Starting point is 02:00:40 follow the science. It's like, yeah, but this isn't science. That's politics. You recognize that there's a lot of malarkey. This this is not all 100 straightforward yeah i i was talking to a guy who's very intelligent guy and he was we were talking about um one of these recent studies both covid and uv
Starting point is 02:00:57 light and how uh it shows that it dies very quickly in sunlight and he goes well that's why there was no spread after the riots i go did they stop when it went dark like what are you talking about there was a spread like there was an uptick it was going down and then it came back up again i mean it's all like within a week or two of the riot starting like you can you can see the cases but it's not even like the he wanted to believe it yeah no i understand he's not a part of the media and there was no one around but me. Yeah, but sometimes people, it's a very powerful thing to start with like an emotional position and then rationalize from there. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:34 And like we all do that, like myself included. A thing where you want to say things and the other person says the same thing. You both agree. You agree to this weird mantra. Yeah. And then you reinforce it with both of you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you just bounced it off each other and said we're both more sure that we're right.
Starting point is 02:01:50 We're both on the right team. But the weirdest part about it then was that, so then they'd go like, okay, oh my God, some kids went to spring break, these evil killers. Like, how could these kids do this? They don't care about grandma. And then two days later, we're protesting and that's totally fine. We're not going to get COVID that way. And then another day later, it's like, oh, wait, Trump had a rally.
Starting point is 02:02:09 Oh, I mean, this is going to spread COVID like crazy. And it just got so bananas that it's like, dude, like your agenda is showing. It's just obvious way. And you can maybe defend that agenda, but that's an agenda. That's not science. It's so inconsistent. Yeah. Yeah. It's agenda yeah that's not science it's so inconsistent yeah yeah yeah it's ridiculous it's not science but you know I think also people felt like this is a real chance for change and they're willing to take a
Starting point is 02:02:36 risk you know that these protests were important because they they represented enough is enough and that people are gonna get out out in the streets. And even if windows got broken and things got lit on fire, at the end of the day, we're going to fix all that and calm it down. And this was the idea behind it, right? Yeah, but I think if you really wanted to make a change, then they couldn't have done a worse job
Starting point is 02:02:58 of how they went about it. And I understand it's a lot of different people, so it's not like any one person you can blame. But like if you, like if you my my buddy uh scott horton who's fucking genius by the way uh scott horton at uh the libertarian institute uh and he uh oh i'm wearing a shirt oh but he uh he said and i really love this he said when black lives matter first came out he was like and he's like as against police brutality as any human being on the planet. He's been writing about this for decades. And he's like, he goes, don't call it Black Lives Matter. Call it accountability for killer cops. And just run with that. Like, just
Starting point is 02:03:35 run with the narrative that, look, this is what we want. And it's something you can't argue for. Don't insert the racial thing. It's going to get played in a million different ways. It'll, it ends up like creating all these dynamics that aren't helpful to getting to the root of the problem is that then you have the way the movement goes, and then you have the rioting and stuff like that and the looting. And then this ends up turning a lot of people off who would maybe be sympathetic to you. But don't you think that over and over again, you see white cop, black victim, white cop, black victim, over and over and over again, see white cop black victim white cop black victim over and over and over again you see this narrative and whether or not it's representative of interactions with cops as a
Starting point is 02:04:30 whole it doesn't matter because those are the videos that go viral i think there's probably millions of interactions where nothing goes wrong at all but those don't matter what matters is when they do go viral so many times eric gardner this george floyd case so many times, Eric Gardner, this George Floyd case, so many times, white cop, black victim. So you have to acknowledge the racial aspect of it. I think just by saying it, justice against killer cops or get rid of killer cops, you're not addressing the thing that is maybe most disturbing to many people is that it keeps being a white cop and a black man. I think that there are, there are certainly videos where that is the case. There's also a lot of videos where that's not the case. They don't get the same amount of play in the press. But the ones that become viral, these big stories.
Starting point is 02:05:19 But the question might be why those ones become such big stories and the other ones don't. My point is that if you when you play up the racial like aspect of it, what you end up doing is then you so then you start having this conversation we're having. OK, so about twice as many white people are unarmed. White people are killed by cops every year than black people. But black people aren't half the population of white people. So black people are like 13% of the population. So for them to be, you know, whatever it is, like 40% or something like that of the killings, it is disproportionate. Then you have to take into account where the high crime neighborhoods are, how many interactions
Starting point is 02:05:55 they're having with police. Like, I understand there are these videos that go viral. What happened to me, in my opinion, what happened to George Floyd was like horrific and people should go to jail over that shit. I think what happened to Breonna Taylor was horrific and people should go to jail over that shit. It's not clear to me at all that race was a factor in those cases. I could be wrong about that. I just haven't really seen any evidence to suggest that it was, but maybe it is. I just think that you end up going down this road.
Starting point is 02:06:25 it is i just think that you you end up going down this road so one of the the activists in uh minneapolis said this thing and this is where like wokeism comes in to to poison this shit from my perspective so he said uh they don't want to call it uh call it police brutality anymore they want to call it systemic racism because this is just another form of systemic racism forget the term police brutality and what ends up happening when you look at things that way is what you don't get rid of is police brutality. What you end up getting rid of is Aunt Jemima. You know, it becomes a distraction of other issues rather than focusing on the major issues that you care about. And I'm just saying, listen, I'm just saying if you wanted to be effective, I think Black Lives Matter would be better off to share some of those videos of it happening to white people also. And go, look, this isn't just black people's problem.
Starting point is 02:07:11 This is a cop on civilian problem. This is a government authoritarian problem. Well, there have been some that went viral. The one that was most disturbing to me was the guy in Phoenix. Shaver, I believe his last name was. On his knees. Yeah, crawling. They made him crawl and he kept reaching back to pick his pants up as they were falling down.
Starting point is 02:07:27 He's crying and begging for his life, and the guy lit him up on the ground. It's the worst one I've ever seen by far. It's insane because he made the guy crawl to him, and then he gunned him down as he was crawling to him. And he's screaming at him the whole time. Yeah, screaming at him. Well, you know, and he had a toy gun or something like that, and they saw him with a toy gun out the window, and they called in the SWAT team,
Starting point is 02:07:47 so they came in geared up and revved up. There's been a lot of police brutality videos. The Sandra Bland one is particularly disturbing. She didn't do anything wrong. He's telling her to put her cigarette out in her car. Who the fuck are you to tell her to put her cigarette out? That's the one who died in jail? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:03 She hung herself or something happened? Or something happened. Yeah, yeah. Who knows? We don't know. That's part of the problem. But the racial aspect of it, if you're a person who's a black person or any person of color and you see over and over again a white cop killing a black person, whether it's representative,
Starting point is 02:08:22 I mean, you're not going to think when you see those videos, oh, well, there's a million interactions and most of them are positive. You're just going to know your experiences with cops and if cops have bullied you and fuck with you, or maybe you've been a victim of police brutality yourself. And then you're going to think of how many times it's been a white cop doing it to a black person. And I think the number is not insignificant and it has to be addressed. Yeah, look, I certainly understand
Starting point is 02:08:46 why that would be a lot of people's perspective. I get that completely. I'm just saying that from the way I look at it is like, I think that for what, like really for the first time that I've ever seen, I thought leading up to the George Floyd situation that right-wingers were really getting red pilled on cops. Like they were actually getting really pissed off at the cops because the cops were
Starting point is 02:09:10 the ones enforcing these lockdowns and they were against it. And there was a lot of like stuff where right wingers would be like, can you believe these cops are actually doing this? If they'll shut down, you know, they were shutting down churches. That's something that pisses right wingers off. And so and then when the George Floyd thing came out, I think pretty much everybody, not everybody, but the vast majority of the public was like, that is really horrible. What happened to that guy? And I think there was a lot of energy that could have actually been used for real change. And I think that what's happened since then has basically blown it because you see what happens then when people see rioting and looting who do they who do they want they want the cops they want the cops back it's like
Starting point is 02:09:50 it's almost like that was proof like it's almost like you're working to prove the right wingers right about what they thought about the cops to begin with which is that well if we don't have cops this is what we have just looting and rioting and Well, if you don't have cops and then you have civil unrest and then also you have a bunch of people that have no money because they've been locked down for all this time and then you have opportunity because you get sheriffs like the one in Santa Monica that tells everybody to stand down and then you have chaos.
Starting point is 02:10:17 Yeah, it's a recipe for disaster. But it's also, it's real easy to break things. It's not so easy to fix them it's not so easy to bring it all back together again the way it was 11 months ago like try try getting there right now it's gonna take you 11 years well that's right and and you may never get it you might not you know i like one thing that i think uh that i think people the the ones who really wanted trump out and i understand why a lot of them did. I think a lot of people just had like Trump fatigue.
Starting point is 02:10:48 Like they're like, I just can't deal with this bullshit anymore. Like I just can't. But I think they should realize the possibility that we're never going to a pre-Trump world again. Like never 100%. And I think we may never go to a pre-COVID world again. And we may never go to a pre-Black Lives Matter world again. Like we might get closer to that than we are now.
Starting point is 02:11:09 But I don't know that we'll ever go back to that time completely. In the same way that we never went to a pre-9-11 world again. Or a pre-Kennedy assassination world again. Yeah, that's it. There's certain events in our history that they change us forever. And this is most certainly one of those events. But you probably could have said the same thing about the Spanish flu, although I don't think the government or the media was as sophisticated back then.
Starting point is 02:11:31 And there was a lot more hardship in the world, period. And then what happened right after the Spanish flu was the Roaring Twenties, right? That was immediately afterwards. And then, of course, the Great Depression. There's been a lot of ups and downs and hills and valleys back then. But those people got through that and then stopped wearing masks. So it's weird when you see the photos from the Spanish flu. I never knew that they were wearing masks, that people wore masks in public.
Starting point is 02:11:57 But when you look at these old black and white photos, it's really kind of interesting. Like, oh, look at that. It's almost like I know they're real pictures, but if they weren't, like, someone's, like, Photoshopped masks on these people and pretended that there was a pandemic back then, that's what it looked like. It looked almost fake.
Starting point is 02:12:15 Yeah, yeah, I know. I've seen some of those photos. But I know what you mean. But I think, like, what you said is really the heart of it, that you go, life was just so much harder back then. Here we go. Look at this. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:24 These people sitting around. It looks like they're watching a baseball is it football game i think so yeah look at them they all have masks on crazy but they still went to see the game you hear about um the flu being down dramatically look at these all these players have masks on isn't that nuts the football squad has masks on what year is that jamie i typed in spanish flu sport football game because I remember seeing this picture. So it says it's 1918 over on this one too. Wow, that's nuts. So did they ultimately come up with a vaccine for the Spanish flu?
Starting point is 02:12:55 Look at that. They're playing baseball with the fucking masks on. Wow. See, doesn't that seem fake to you? I know it's real. But it seems like, what? I never saw these before. That guy's a rebel. See that doesn't that seem fake to you? I know it's real. Yeah. But it seems like, what? I never saw these before. That guy's a rebel.
Starting point is 02:13:08 See that guy right there? He's on Parler. He doesn't wear a mask. I feel like I also saw something that was like, this was not actual. They didn't wear a mask. But I don't know which was accurate. I think we've got to stop people from wearing masks in their Twitter profiles. Fuck.
Starting point is 02:13:21 Stop. That's basically the same thing as your pronouns in your bio. It's basically the exact same thing. Stop letting everybody else know that you're a good person if you want to be a good person just go be a good person some people do podcasts with masks on jesus i've seen that really oh yeah oh my god oh yeah see by the way this is what i hate all of this shit where it's like i how about like and this is one of the things that I hate about like wokeism in general, too, is that it lets everybody kind of like pretend they're like, let everyone else know they're a good person, but you don't actually have to do shit. Did you see Kamala Harris at one of the press conferences wearing a mask while she was talking? One of her speeches, she had a mask on while she was speaking.
Starting point is 02:14:03 There's so many things that are so weird about this whole response where you're like, that doesn't even make sense. Even by your own logic. No one's near you. Did you see when they fucking. You're on a podium. So they canceled the second debate between Trump and Biden. And then they both had live events the night of the debate. Like they just both had an event.
Starting point is 02:14:21 He did one with, Trump did one with NBC. And Biden did one with CNN. Anyway, you nbc and uh biden did one with cnn anyway you guys so fucking like get on a plane and fucking debate each other like what are you doing well i think the first one was so aggressive like what what trump did was so disruptive and aggressive that it was a bad strategy yes and i think the second one was brilliant if he did in the first one what he did in the second one, I think he would have much more momentum coming into the election. Or maybe if he had had the middle one, so there were three debates, you know? Like if that one hadn't been canceled, he would have had two more opportunities.
Starting point is 02:14:55 What was the third one? Well, the third one was the one you're talking about. The second one. The second one. Yeah, let's just talk about the actual debates. No, but I'm just saying like maybe if he had had another debate where he could have handled it the way he did in that second one also, maybe if he had two performances like that, it would have helped him a little bit more. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:10 If he just did that in the first without the bad one, without the interrupty one, that was just so hard to listen to. It was like, I was like, God damn. Because, you know, that was when there was talk about like Trump was tweeting that he wanted to come on here and have me and him and biden talk for four hours and i was like what would i do if he was doing that i would have to stop him i would have to say hey man i get sir i know i understand you're the president mr trump you can't do that because you gotta let the guy talk and then don't say anything and then you talk like this is the only way this is gonna work yeah but I think you would have handled it like that in a way better way than Chris Wallace. He was doing the best he could.
Starting point is 02:15:49 And he's also got 90 minutes, which is preposterous. And they have two minutes to answer questions, which is ridiculous. These are really important questions. Why do you have two minutes? What if after two minutes, you're like, I think I've got a better way to say that. No, shut the fuck up. Stop. Two minutes are over.
Starting point is 02:16:02 Sir, your time is up. Your time is up. Why is there a race? It's insane. It. Two minutes are over. Sir, your time is up. Your time is up. Like what? What kind of why is there a race? It's insane. It makes no sense at all. And that's what one of my favorite things about this show is that you've almost proven. I think it's part of the reason why so many so many of those establishment types like resent you a lot for it is that you've proven that their whole model is stupid.
Starting point is 02:16:20 Like this model is stupid. Well, you have a show where people need time to unpack things and have a long conversation. If you're talking about really serious complex issues, the idea that we're debating who gets to have the nuclear football, but we've got to do it in this limited time, and you'll have 30 seconds each is retarded. It's also important that they don't know what they're going to talk about.
Starting point is 02:16:40 That's important too. One of the important things about podcasts is there's no one ever sits down with like with like okay we're going to hit this and then we're going to hit that and alex jones tried to the producer well he came with his list he had things that he wanted to talk about that were important yeah he that he felt were important but that's not what you're saying you're talking about more of like the scripted kind of talking about me bringing things up with them like if if i said sir your job reform or you know job numbers and have elevated what do you attribute that to like that kind of shit where they get to prepare if you have enough time to let these guys talk just talk and no pressure whatsoever on figuring out how to answer a sentence or a subject rather coherently,
Starting point is 02:17:27 you're going to get a better understanding of who that person is. Now with Trump, everybody thinks they already have a good understanding of who he is because he goes in these long, rambling, self-serving diatribes about subjects. But to have, just to see that, if you get him to calm down a little and see biden and him talking through things just let him talk let him talk through things let biden say something about trump let trump say something about biden don't say you only have two minutes don't say any of that shit just let him talk see what that see what happens god i wish that would have happened that would have been fascinating that really would have been and by the way i think trump because trump is kind of a master troll i
Starting point is 02:18:08 think he knew that biden would never agree to it and that's half the reason why he did it no he would never fucking agree there's no way that would not have been good for biden it would be so beneath him to come here too like what are you doing but would it though i mean dude you're fucking a lot of ways well yeah i guess i think the corporate press would have lost their shit if they because if they lose that to you then they've just lost everything would you would you have trump on ex-president trump it says doesn't seem like a smart move at this point but i think all of those like it like in a year i don't know we're talking a year that'd be great dude he's gonna run again if he maybe they boot him out of office in 2024, he's gonna start running in January.
Starting point is 02:18:46 He might. Yeah, he's gonna run for four years. He's gonna talk shit for four years. I have a feeling Trump's, they're gonna really come after him in his post-presidency. I think he's gonna get kicked off Twitter. I think he's gonna get completely like the Alex Jones treatment on social media. And I think that there's gonna be, they're legally gonna try to come after him i just think there's no way you're right they can't just let him they can't just let him be trump which would be amazing but they can't just let him be trump he's literally he could set up
Starting point is 02:19:14 his own oval office and say i am the real president i'm the real president this is now the oval office and i'm i'm giving the military commands from here. They stole it from me. Didn't he have some wacky painting with him sitting there and all the other presidents behind him with their hands on his shoulder or something? Oh, I don't know. Am I remembering this correctly? I don't know this. I think he had something in the Oval Office that was really preposterous, where people saw it and were like, what in the fuck are you doing? I believe it.
Starting point is 02:19:42 There it is, right there. I mean, they're all sitting around. Ronald Reagan's at the table. Nixon's there. Lincoln. Lincoln. He's next to Eisenhower. Is he the only one with a tie?
Starting point is 02:19:55 No. Eisenhower has a tie as well. No, Eisenhower's in the yellow. Roosevelt has a tie. Yeah. Eisenhower's in the yellow. Eisenhower's relaxed. He's retired.
Starting point is 02:20:03 So is Reagan. And there's GW in there. Is that the painting that he has on his wall trump hanks fantasy painting with other gop presidents at the white house look at that so he's got this president them all yuck yuck yucking away we're all having a great old time with you oh wow lincoln's there oh how weird is that imagine they're all looking at trump when lincoln's alive you'd be like hey man what was it like in 1776 you you wouldn't be you wouldn't be talking to trump that's hilarious him with his red tie they would all be staring at lincoln going jesus how'd you get here what's going on man yeah probably you'd be like holy shit
Starting point is 02:20:47 eisenhower's alive holy shit lincoln holy shit yeah you just pull lincoln and eisenhower aside eisenhower's speech about the military industrial complex when he's leaving offices to this day one of the most chilling things i've ever seen it's right up there with oppenheimer talking about uh quoting the bhagavad- Gita after he detonated the bomb. Yeah. It's like, whoa. Yeah. What is this thing like?
Starting point is 02:21:09 I am the maker of death or something like that. Well, he quotes Shiva. I am become death, destroyer of worlds. Yeah. Yeah. That's creepy. But Eisenhower's thing, I think, I could be wrong about this, but I believe that Trump, in the clip we played earlier is the second president to ever use the term military industrial complex. I don't know. I could be wrong about that, but I've never heard another president say the term military industrial complex other than Eisenhower and his farewell address and Trump.
Starting point is 02:21:40 And that and it was particularly, you know, crazy coming from eisenhower who's the fucking general you know like he's the guy yeah who led the victory in world war ii which leads to this creation of really what we know as the military industrial complex and even as he's going he's like listen let me tell you something yeah we've created something here that we got to really worry about because we're not America anymore the way we've been before this. Now we have a whole industry that's pushing toward war. And we got to guard against this power. And he specifically, he says, sought or unsought. There's a really interesting way to put it.
Starting point is 02:22:20 It's like even if they're not trying to to there's kind of these natural forces of like you're a weapons company so what do you think yeah you think we should have a bigger military budget or a smaller one right probably a bigger one right and then it's like so all of these forces and then the next president after eisenhower is uh jfk who uh you know some shit went down there too so it's wrapped it up real quick yeah so there's just there's a lot of really you know kind of interesting history there but that we let's just say we didn't listen to eisenhower and we did not guard against power sought by the military industrial complex yeah it's um what it's such an interesting choice too because I guess he had the ability to say whatever he wanted in the nation's address, being the president.
Starting point is 02:23:09 Like, it seems pretty clear that he didn't have to run that by anyone. And you wonder, what do they have to run by now? When you have the discussion where people say, oh, they always lie when they want to get into office, and then they get into office, they don't do shit. They don't do any of the things they said they were going to do what happens when you get in there you know is it like the bill hicks joke where they show you an angle of the kennedy assassination and then you go well what's my agenda um is that it or is it do they show you a real model of the world that you're not privy to if you're not the president? Do they sit you down and talk about all the threats and the problems and how it all really works and ties
Starting point is 02:23:49 together? Like, what is it? It's and it's, you know, I don't know. But it's also possible that it's kind of somewhere in between where there's maybe they're not, you know, showing you the Kennedy assassination film, like the great Bill Hicks joke but you know look i know that donald trump got in there and he ran on we're ending all of these wars and that's it these now you know from like a trumpian perspective it wasn't like a ron paul you know like these wars kill all these innocent people it was like a trump like this is bad business you know we're wasting money on these wars so we're ending them like i'm too smart for them uh trump is blasting the military industrial complex but he's one of its biggest boosters well that's that's true too that's that's for sure legit has made the purchase public display
Starting point is 02:24:34 and foreign sales of military hardware a major priority of his administration yeah i found two articles that were talking about like he says the stuff about the military industrial complex however his actions say differently like he gave them more money than anybody ever. Oh, yeah No, there were increased defense budgets under Donald Trump for sure, right? But they're also He's he do you think he really actually is trying to get out of these countries though? I mean you could do both things right you can increase the defense budget But not do it in an offensive way increase it defensively increase the amount of money that you give to in an offensive way. Increase it defensively.
Starting point is 02:25:05 Increase the amount of money that you give to the troops, their ability to fight ISIS, the ability to make new weapons and innovate. You could do both things simultaneously, right? I think that, at least from everything I've read, that he really is trying to get out of Afghanistan and that he really is trying to work out a deal to end that war here it says the idea that trump is taking on the defense and industrial base is pure fantasy a national security action uh national security action a liberty advocacy group composed of former obama administration staffers said on tuesday all right we're good jamie shut that off but look i mean there is i will say though to trump's credit he did avoid getting us in another war and there were some opportunities yeah um and he he avoided he flirted with it um certainly in iran uh and and and really in venezuela as well but he never got us into that war and there were definitely a lot of people around him who really wanted him to get into those wars yeah and he did avoid that um
Starting point is 02:26:05 but you know like when he first came in and he was running on uh like ending all of these wars the guy the military guy who he made his uh national security advisor was flynn like that was his guy who was going to come in and lead us out of these wars and what happened immediately the nsa and the fbi targeted fly, got dirt on him, got him removed, and then they get somebody else in there. So it might be also that they don't necessarily have to like threaten your family or show you the angle of JFK, but they could just be like, well, we're just going to remove all the people from your cabinet who we don't like, kind of get our people in there and
Starting point is 02:26:40 keep the machine rolling. That Flynn shit is spooky because you think that a guy gets to that level of the military, he's immune to that. Not him. No. And he is, from what I've heard, a little bit of a crazy guy, but he was not working with the Russians.
Starting point is 02:26:54 That was just complete bullshit, and they had nothing. The FBI completely set him up. It's just so amazing that they can do that. What's up, Jamie? I was just like, remember when he wanted to run that parade, where he did actually do it, where he brought in all the tanks and missiles and troops and fucking showed off everything we have.
Starting point is 02:27:12 Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was a big thing he wanted. No, Trump was not. Look at my cock. Basically. Look at my giant metal cock out there dragging it down the street. That's basically what it all came down to. Fuck, Dave.
Starting point is 02:27:26 It's so depressing. What can you do? What do you do to stay happy? What do you do? What do I do? Yeah, what do you do to avoid just getting sucked into this constant state
Starting point is 02:27:37 of existential woe? I got a perfect little two-year-old. And, you know, I love my wife. But really, that's the best you can do is try to get good people around you in your life, be good to them, create your own little world as much as you can. And then I think that the best thing is to try to keep perspective that even with all the fucked up shit in the world, there's always been a ton of fucked up shit in the world. And people have always people have persevered through far worse than what we're going through right now. And I think that's kind of the best out, you know, take to have. That's what keeps me sane.
Starting point is 02:28:19 Yeah. Right. Make your your little circle happy. Who are you around? The people you're around. Be kind. Be friendly. Have a good time. Be nice to each other. Enjoy your time together. Enjoy each other's company. impacting the country, it's real, it's a cliche to say start with the people that are around you. It really is cliche, but it is kind of true. Because you do have a ripple effect on the way you treat people and the friendships you
Starting point is 02:28:55 have and how it affects other people and the more good people that you're around, the more they affect other people. There's really some kind of a ripple effect if we can get more people to adopt it that's where mushroom legalization comes in yeah well that's a that's a that's they had some good uh they had some good victories for mushroom organs like fuck it do coke yeah yeah organs like look if you're gonna light everything on fire all the time how about do mushrooms do whatever the fuck you want just stop lighting things on fire yeah but you know what it's the it by the way it's great that they did that and it's the smartest thing to do the the whole the the whole idea of drugs being illegal the war on drugs is so
Starting point is 02:29:34 misguided and just awful and just ruins people's lives creates black markets leads to violent crime destroys neighborhoods it's at least, I'd say, probably 60% of the entire immigration problem is just the war on drugs. You know, they constantly, they'll be like, well, there's these gang members who are smuggling drugs over the borders. And it's like, well, yeah, why? Because there's a demand for them and it's a black market and it's illegal. So this is where you get it from. And yeah, of course there's crime associated with that too. I mean, it's like like so it is the and mushrooms is just the idea that it's illegal is insane i mean it's like it's first of you can't
Starting point is 02:30:10 get addicted physically i don't think you could get addicted your body will reject it after a certain point of time like you can't it's never made anyone do anything fucking well people okay maybe not that's an overstatement it's especially broken people it's not a huge problem that people are taking mushrooms and committing violent crimes. There's just really no justification for it. Especially when there's alcohol all over the place. Yeah, come on. Fucking liquor stores, every other corner.
Starting point is 02:30:33 It's too easy to get some drugs and impossible to get others. And the fact that the ones that are super beneficial, like there's a study that I posted the other day on my Instagram, There's a study that I posted the other day on my Instagram that they show that psilocybin therapy is four times more effective for treating depression than antidepressants that we're currently using. I mean, the war on drugs, somebody wrote an article that the war on drugs was that drugs were a big winner in 2020 in the war on drugs. Because of the elections. That's pretty funny. because of the elections drugs won in a lot of places like legalized marijuana in new jersey montana portland says fuck it let's go with everything i think uh the drugs have fought a real guerrilla strategy in the war on drugs it's been 40 years of the cops just kicking their fucking ass but drugs never gave up they always hung hung in there. They disappear, and then they come back strong. Like, what drugs have gone down in usage?
Starting point is 02:31:29 Wait. And during the war on drugs, what drugs have people, maybe heroin, not even heroin, because pills, like shooting up, maybe? Yeah. I mean, I don't even know. Maybe shooting up? No. Quaaludes.
Starting point is 02:31:42 There's some things that have gone away that were really popular in the past. Yeah, but I think it's unrelated to the legality of it. I think these things kind of ebb and flow, right? Like there was like crack cocaine came and kind of left and then heroin like got big again. But they were all illegal the whole time. It's not like they were gone because they're illegal. People who are doing heroin, people who are throwing their lives away with really hard drugs are not affected by a law. And people who would never do heroin are not going to start doing heroin because it's legal.
Starting point is 02:32:10 Do you remember Just Say No? Oh, yeah. You're a younger man. I was young for that, but I do remember it, yeah. I remember. I believe I was in high school. I remember it was around maybe I was early 20s, but I remember seeing that going, what in the fuck did you just say?
Starting point is 02:32:24 Just say no? Oh, you fixed it. We didn't know there was an option in the fuck did you just say just say no oh you fixed it yeah we didn't know i didn't know you could just say no if only someone had given me this tool there's certain things in the past that are just like you look back you'll what do you remember the yell the codes for like what was the possibility of a terrorist attack code orange i'd go oh shit it's code orange what does that mean and it was so much just to keep everyone in a state of fear oh did you guys see we went from orange to red today oh that's bad code red what do they know that we don't know that's what california's in now for the covet stuff for like they're in purple whatever like it's purple is your dick your blue
Starting point is 02:33:00 balls have turned your dick grand gangrene you won't let you leave the house for eight months. But it is. It's always like when you've got like a decade to look back at the shit, that's when you always see how full of shit the government was. Like, oh, they were so full of shit about that. They're full. That's when you look back and you see, you know, Dick Cheney going, we're going to find those weapons of mass destruction. They're here somewhere. And you're like, oh, he was just lying to all of us. This was complete bullshit.
Starting point is 02:33:23 mass destruction they're here somewhere and you're like oh he was just lying to all of us this was complete bullshit uh what was uh the was it colin powell that said the uh the proof might come in the form of a mushroom cloud i believe that was condoleezza rice who said that uh but colin powell went to the un with drawings of saddam hussein's mobile wmd like fucking trucks or something and he was like this is where they go down here and this is where they go down it's just all made up nonsense but just like really selling it like really I wonder what they told him I wonder if he
Starting point is 02:33:54 believed it while he was saying it you know because he didn't seem like the type of guy be lying about something like that but then they always he's like the one that they kind of like vindicate later like he's supposed to be the they kind of like vindicate later. Like he's supposed to be the good one. He never, you know,
Starting point is 02:34:07 behind closed doors, he really never wanted this war. It's like, but then he went and sold it to everybody. Wouldn't that make him even worse? Like, I mean, look, you can resign.
Starting point is 02:34:17 Like that is an option. You don't have to just go like, well, I'm against this, but they want me to sell a war based on lies. So gotta be a team player and go, you know, get the country in a war. How about don't do that?
Starting point is 02:34:29 Do you think that he ever really did believe it, though? Was there maybe a time where he got the evidence and he was like, oh, shit, this is real? I don't know. I think that he was, you know, he was a part of the first Iraq war. And I think that there's... My guess is that there might be part of him who really wanted to go fucking take Saddam out. As you could imagine,
Starting point is 02:34:51 if you were leading a military invasion and some of your men were killed by this guy, even though not too many were killed, but I'm sure you'd have a personal thing. And so I think that might've been part of it. I think they all... You can't remove it from the context that George H.W. Bush's presidency, they fought a war in Iraq. And then W's in there. And now all of a sudden basically was handed a blank check for war.
Starting point is 02:35:17 Like, well, 9-11 just happened. What do you want? What war do you want? You got it. Because whatever one you decide, but make it a good one, you know. Remember how many people were behind it, though? Oh, yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:35:28 It was a blind patriotism time. Folks who don't remember, you're too young. In 2001, when the Iraq War hit, before, excuse me, when 9-11 hit, we were overwhelmed by American flags on cars. It was crazy like it was way way different than anything i'd seen before you would drive to work and everyone would have an american flag on their car so i remember looking around going whoa this is nuts but there was also this weird feeling of unity like people were letting people in front of them in their lane there was this weird feeling
Starting point is 02:36:02 of we're together well it's a really it's really interesting that you say that because you're right. It was the most unified we've ever been. And that almost is the other part. Unity isn't necessarily good. Like unity can go in some bad places too. So, you know, with Joe Biden's call for unity now, well, we had real unity after 9-11. I mean, as much as you could have. And what we did was basically get behind George W. Bush as he ruined the 21st century.
Starting point is 02:36:30 We thought we were getting behind George W. Bush because we thought there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and he was going to go in there and take them out. Yeah, but it's much easier when everybody's unified and behind a leader. It's much easier to be persuaded that he's doing this great thing for all of us. And yeah, I think people were behind him for somewhat noble reasons. Like, yeah, we're gonna go get the guys who got us. And by the end of George Bush's,
Starting point is 02:36:56 you know, like nowadays looking back at George Bush, it's hard for people who were like young then or weren't alive then to even imagine that he was a really popular president because by the end he had given us two disastrous wars in the worst economy and he was really popular right after 9-11 yeah like he gave a great speech in new york i loved him then yeah i was in yeah we were all in do you remember we had that mission accomplished banner over that yeah everybody was like what the fuck are you talking about we're still there and we're
Starting point is 02:37:25 still there yeah we're still there now mission accomplished yeah what's the mission well i i suppose he could say we took out saddam hussein yeah i mean if that was the mission like okay i was watching saddam hussein's trial yesterday oh yeah i watched watched on youtube it popped up and suddenly we watched this it was wild he's screaming at the judge he's screaming the judge is one of his guys who works for him is in his underwear. Like, it was so strange. And he's screaming at the judge that he wouldn't let them have a prayer break? Do you ever see that part where he's like, we should have a prayer break now?
Starting point is 02:37:58 And he's like, this is a court of law. And he's like, is this greater than Allah? And like yelling at it. But it's really weird. It's crazy to imagine. Doesn't he look secular, didn't his administration was well relatively for for that part of the world but he was still you know like I mean it's they're they're all Muslims you know and like he but it was really crazy to think this dictator who ruled over this country with an iron fist is now sitting
Starting point is 02:38:20 there with a judge you know like telling him what to do and it's just a very weird fucking dynamic yeah but that that war really fucking destroyed the fucking region man yeah it was such a bad idea to fucking overthrow saddam hussein it was like the worst foreign policy decision forget even just like the like oh this is you know evil we're going to kill all these innocent people just the like you are going to destroy this region and just throw it into chaos and isn't it weird that the idea of overthrowing an evil dictator can be a bad idea yeah it's weird right well you say like well you know i don't necessarily agree that we're the police force of the world but i do think that if anybody's going to do it it's going to be the united states right so let's go
Starting point is 02:39:01 in and take out this bad guy but it's not that simple not at all not at all yeah no when and even like supporting a dictator sometimes is like the best option in terms of like the loss of overall life that's the best which is a really weird decision like you have to you have to support someone who you know is terrorizing their people. Because if you don't, then you get what's in Libya. Yeah. Which is like a failed state. Yeah. It's a crazy place.
Starting point is 02:39:30 It's so much worse for regular people than it was under Gaddafi. Do you remember the video of them capturing Gaddafi? When the guy shoves a knife up his ass? Yep. And he's just standing there. He's in such shock. Dragging him, beating him, sodomizing him. He realized that they had him.
Starting point is 02:39:47 And he realized that they had him. And he's surrounded by all these people. And just look, just full shock. The guy shoves a knife up his ass. You see the guy do it. And he's standing there like, oh, this knife goes up his ass. Like, what? Imagine this country that you've ruled over for decades. Decades. And then fucking just all of a sudden they've got you. He ruled over it when I was like, what? Imagine this country that you've ruled over for decades.
Starting point is 02:40:05 Decades. And then fucking just all of a sudden they've got you. He ruled over it when I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah. He was the boogeyman for a while. They put him in place, right? Did the United States put him in place?
Starting point is 02:40:16 I know. I'm not sure. I'm not sure about that. I feel like there was something. Either he or we supported him once he got in place. We did. We supported him at one period in fact we were we were working with him uh after 9-11 he was really cooperating with the george w bush
Starting point is 02:40:30 administration um he was ratting out terrorists giving us the fucking terrorists he turned over all his chemical weapons and stuff he wanted to play ball he saw what the bush administration was doing and he was like okay i'm getting on team america here and uh that didn't do any good one of my favorite hillary clinton videos was her laughing after he was dead yeah her her going we came we saw he died yeah it's like hey hillary like one of her handlers has to be like hey we're reminding you you're trying to convince these people you're human yeah it is this guy's is it a stick i don't think so it's a knife think so. Whatever he's shoving something up is... It's a frame-by-frame breakdown.
Starting point is 02:41:08 Ass. That is a knife. Yeah, I think so. That's all that was. Let me do that again. Right up his ass. Like, dude, I'm going to be the guy. You know how they have that flag that's planted in Iwo Jima?
Starting point is 02:41:21 All the troops, and they're standing there holding up that flag. I wonder if where that guy lives. They got a bronze statue of him with the knife going right up Saddam Hussein's asshole. Yeah, Gaddafi's. Oh, excuse me, Gaddafi. Gaddafi's asshole. Yeah, I don't think so
Starting point is 02:41:37 because the country's completely been destroyed since then. So if they did have that statue, it's probably fallen down and been melted. Yeah, turned into bullets. Yeah, turned into bullets or helped the slave trade there in some way slave trade on youtube where you could watch the videos from libya yeah yeah insane yeah insane like slave auctions and this was by the way this is uh what this this whole thing we're talking about overthrowing gaddafi destroying the country leading to the open air slave trade markets. This was all done under Obama's administration with Hillary Clinton pushing for it, with Joe Biden as the vice president. So again, just the idea that we're like, oh, yay, Trump's gone and
Starting point is 02:42:13 we've returned to normal. All right. But if normal is, you know, getting us into wars in Libya, in Syria, in Yemen, continuing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There's some pretty negative aspects to normal. So let's play, not even devil's advocate, but let's imagine, what do you do if you don't help them overthrow Libya? If you do decide this guy's an evil dictator and has been for decades, you want to get him out, but what do you do? Do you fund the people that are trying to get him out? And if doesn't work, what if it does work and they get them out and they kill them like they did? How do you ensure that democracy gets instituted when it's never been successful anywhere else that we've overthrown? Is there one place that we've overthrown?
Starting point is 02:42:58 They're like, look at them now. They're doing great. Germany and Japan. That would be the examples, right? Sure. In Germany and Japan. That would be the examples, right? Sure. In Germany and Japan. However, in order to achieve that, we had to fight the bloodiest war in human history and straight up target civilians.
Starting point is 02:43:14 I mean, in order to achieve that, we had to just straight up be like, yeah, we're dropping bombs on women and children intentionally. Not like they're collateral damage. Like we're nuking cities in Japan. And that doesn't seem like it's gonna be achieved in the Middle East I think the idea that we can do anything to ensure that there's a fair democratic process in Libya is Just so beyond absurdity. We are having trouble doing that here like the the Washington DC Washington has a huge crime problem
Starting point is 02:43:47 these politicians can't even figure out crime in washington dc right the idea that they're going to take on the crime problem in libya is like so beyond absurd i just think like this country was never founded to be the policemen of the world We're not supposed to be an empire, even though we are. It's empires crumble and die. We need to entirely, particularly now when we have so many problems at home, entirely get out of the empire business. We can try to spread good ideas, be a city on a hill, be like, hey guys, this is a better way to run society. But the idea that we have to get into the internal politics of whether Libya has a dictator or a democracy. Like democracy is not necessarily any better of a situation.
Starting point is 02:44:31 If 60% of the people there want to kill the other 40%, democracy ain't going to work out very well. Give everybody a vote. Who are they going to vote for? So what do you do? You just hope they figure it out on their own? Yeah, I think so. But I mean, look, it's mean look it's not it's like
Starting point is 02:44:46 that's just the way the world works i don't think we i don't think we have a right to impose our will on on other people and i don't think it's effective to impose our will on other people then look at the results we're just wasted trillions of dollars we don't have for all of these post 9-11 wars we don't have one victory to show, even anything that's even remotely close to a victory. Every one of the countries we've been in is worse off now than it was before we got into them. Afghanistan's worse. Iraq's worse. Libya's worse.
Starting point is 02:45:14 Syria's worse. Yemen is way, way worse. Outside of Libya and Yemen, is it possible to say that the rest of the world is better off the way Iraq is and the way Afghanistan is today? Iran is better off, for sure. Iran is better off. They've taken over complete influence of that region. So the enemies of our enemies are our enemies. And now they're our enemies again. Now that's the problem. Basically, that's the problem that since the end of the Bush administration, all through the Obama administration and into Trump, is that now their big problem is, you know, Iran just has all this influence in the region.
Starting point is 02:45:53 What are we going to do about that? It's like, well, maybe if you didn't fucking fight a war on behalf of Iran, then they wouldn't have so much influence. So there are winners, like, to all of this stuff. Honestly, you know who the big winner is? The biggest winner of all of this? As sad as this is, Osama bin Laden. He got exactly what he wanted. He drew America into these fucking conflicts.
Starting point is 02:46:13 This was literally his plan. We could never destroy America, but we could lure America into the Middle East and make themselves, spend themselves into debt. You know, like unravel their whole extend themselves way too far militarily this is how you get empires to collapse this was his plan well that was how they got rid of the soviet union right yeah we and our cia taught him how to do it yeah when he was with uh the yeah yeah when the soviet union was occupying afghanistan and they couldn't figure it out and they were like we this. We'll figure out how to do it right. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:46 It's just no one ever gets it right after you get rid of a dictator. Like, we don't have any examples other than Hitler, right? Yeah. Well, it's, I mean, I'm sure there are other examples of getting rid of a dictator, but usually it has to come from the people. Right. Kind of like, you know know like realizing they want something better but of us getting rid of someone is there any time that the united states overthrew a dictator and then everything got better yeah i mean i again i guess japan if you consider the emperor or whatever to be a dictator he bowed down right didn't he just surrender ultimately was he still in charge
Starting point is 02:47:24 no and i don't know that. Was he still in charge? No. And I don't know that he ever was really in charge. It's a different culture, though. Yeah, it's a very different culture. It's a different circumstance. And also, but look, like the thing you were saying, the problem with overthrowing a dictator is that, and it's something that people should consider in a lot of these situations, that things can be worse. You know, like, I mean, maybe sometimes it couldn't be much worse.
Starting point is 02:47:44 You know what I mean? Yeah. Okay, you're not going to get much worse than Hitler or Stalin or stalin i mean i guess but it's hard to imagine but they would say like we went to war in world war one with the the you know the the precursor to nazi germany you know there's that and it's not to say that there weren't any problems in like the prussian empire or in the german monarchs or anything like that but you could go well look they're a bad guy we're gonna get rid of them it's like okay well look at what you have now it's really amazing that we've only dropped two nuclear bombs the two atomic bombs have gone off once on it yeah it's kind of amazing that no other country's ever done that well it's also because then the soviets
Starting point is 02:48:21 figured out the nuclear bomb and then ever since there was more than one country, the only time nukes have ever been dropped is when only one country had nukes. And so there is something there about like the fact that people are scared to death of someone else also using nukes. And we've also never been to direct war with a nuclear armed power. We don't fuck with people with nukes.
Starting point is 02:48:41 No, mutually assured destruction is real. Oh yeah. It really does make people act in a certain way. Which is really, you know, in some ways counterintuitive because you'd think, oh, there's more nukes in the world. There's going to be more nuclear attacks in the world. But actually, it turns out that the elites of this world have a lot more in common with each other
Starting point is 02:49:00 than they do with me or you. And so they kind of all have this gentleman's agreement where it's like, look, we'll have our soldiers go out and kill each other than they do with me or you and so they kind of all have this gentleman's agreement where it's like look we'll have our soldiers go out and kill each other but let's not do anything that like there's like when even in the cold war they'd be like we'll fight it out in vietnam but like no one's going to russia no one's coming to america we're not going to actually you know do something where we could get fucked over what i I was getting to is I wonder if that's always going to be the case. Because here we are, obviously 1947,
Starting point is 02:49:30 that when they dropped the bombs? 45. 45. So it's quite a while ago. Yeah. But not in terms of the age of the earth. Not at all. Or in terms of history.
Starting point is 02:49:42 In historical times, if you look back on you know 1745 versus 1820 it doesn't it's not that big of a difference it's not that when you go to 1545 to 1620 in your eyes it's like the same time yeah like how that's so long there's world war ii vets who are alive right now 1545 1445 to 1520 like that ain't shit that's so long ago. No, there's World War II vets who are alive right now. Yeah, 1545, 1445 to 1520. Like, that ain't shit. That's nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:08 So it could happen again. Oh, yes. The way we look at COVID now, the way we look at a pandemic now, having just gone through it, we could be looking at a nuclear holocaust the same way. We could be looking at someone detonating a bomb in Chicago. We could be looking at the possibilityating a bomb in chicago we could be looking at the possibility that we are really locked down like there really are draconian measures to ensure safety and security because they have detonated a nuclear bomb in an american city yes we right
Starting point is 02:50:38 now that sounds like horseshit yeah but the idea of world war ii or world war one would have sounded crazy to people uh before it happened. And then it really all happened. And then not only did they go to World War I, then they did it again. 20 years later, they just went, oh, we're doing it again. Which is, for us, the year 2000, which is like yesterday. Yes, that's right. Yeah, so it really never stopped.
Starting point is 02:50:59 Yeah, that's right. I mean, it's like even when you think about like um you know like the beef with iran or something like that and they'll be like a you know like the cia overthrew their government in 1953 and then in 1979 they overthrew that government and they've basically hated america ever since you know and you're like but 1953 to 1979 that's like bill clinton to now yeah like i remember bill clinton's presidency yeah i mean like you know it's a while ago, but it's like, no, if someone like just some other government overthrew Bill Clinton, I'd still remember that right now. I'd be like, yeah, these motherfuckers came in and like overthrew our government. It's just so easy for us to get used to what we're used to.
Starting point is 02:51:36 Yeah. Do you ever hear the Albert Einstein quote, which I might butcher, but it was something like, he said, he goes, I don't know what weapons will be used to fight world war three but world war four will certainly be fought with rocks and sticks yeah there's something like that i might be butchering it a little bit it's basically like at this point we're at a place where we really can't war it's war is end game i mean war with like russia or china or anyone like that that's even like when people are like, oh, we got to get China back for what they did with this virus. It's like, okay, but our options are limited. When you got countries with a whole bunch of H-bombs,
Starting point is 02:52:12 your options are limited as to what you can do. Putin, World War III was wipe out civilization. Putin warned, adding World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Oh, he's a hack. Did Putin just steal Einstein's quote? I think he purposely quoted it. That'd be kind of great if Putin was just like,
Starting point is 02:52:31 I just thought of that. Maybe he's doing that in an homage to Joe Biden. Biden's been busted plagiarizing a bunch of times. Oh, yeah. I think our version of what's possible is based entirely on what we've experienced i mean just like we never remembered those photos of those people with masks on in 1918 you know our version of reality pre-covid has been forever altered now that we know that covid exists yeah and there's so many other things that could happen to us this is the thing we're so
Starting point is 02:53:04 fragile we always hear about these comets that are whizzing by and these asteroids that get really close to earth like one of those motherfuckers could slam into us and i've had some people on that have studied their whole life uh versions of these scenarios where civilization has been forced to repeat itself because of the fact that we were hit and that this has probably happened multiple times over the ascension of human civilization and that it's one of the reasons why you have these um ancient structures in egypt that are very different in the way they're constructed versus the ones from cleopatra's era or versus the ones from uh like uh the when the time where they built the Great Pyramid of Giza. Right. And isn't there like, because I remember reading about this like a decade ago, so I might not know that much about it,
Starting point is 02:53:54 but isn't there stuff about like the water erosion on the Sphinx or something like that where they can't figure out how this lines up with the time period? Because you're like, this is from like way older. You have that great bit about it and uh yeah talking monkeys in space but that whole thing that's like yeah but but in all seriousness it does seem like there's pretty strong indications that civilization is much older than the official history books of like it starts in ancient yeah graham hancock has spent a giant chunk of his life talking about this and he brought brought in Dr. Robert Schock, who's a geologist from Boston University, and John Anthony West, who's a late, great Egyptologist. I've had that on the podcast a couple times, and they are all committed to this idea that it's very likely that what we see in Egypt in terms of things that they can date to 2000 BC, this is just one era and that there's likely multiple eras before that. And the big one, the big piece of evidence is the water
Starting point is 02:54:53 erosion in the Temple of the Great Sphinx, because they know that they cut these stones out in order to create the Sphinx. But there's massive water erosion on these rocks, and the last time there was significant rainfall in the Nile Valley was 9,000 BC. So instead of 2,500 BC, now it's 9,000 BC. And then they have to think, well, this is thousands of years of rainfall that caused this erosion. So we might be talking 10,000, 11,000 BC. 10,000, 11,000 BC. So they don't really know when all this happened, but they do think that it coincides with the end of the Ice Age. At the end of the Ice Age, there's a dramatic climate change somewhere around 12,000 years
Starting point is 02:55:37 ago, which would put it at around 10,000 BC. Somewhere around 12,000 years ago, this is where Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock and a bunch of others have really gotten into this Younger Dryas Impact Theory and that is somewhere between 12,000 and 10,000-ish years ago
Starting point is 02:55:58 and it might have been multiple occasions we were hit and that this was essentially a restart of civilization in a lot of areas and an end to the ice age in a lot of areas as well. And Randall Carlson's work is fucking spectacular. When he shows you these images that indicate massive melting of ice over a spectacular landscape in a really amazingly short period of time, landscape in a really amazingly short period of time like a couple days worth of water pouring through like fucking trillions of gallons permanently moving the landscape changing it moving stones and he has all these images and what's even crazier is he got this idea when he
Starting point is 02:56:39 was looking at this one area on acid once and he was like what happened here and he got this idea he's like what is this and then he starts researching the end of the ice search and he starts researching common impacts and then they start finding all this corresponding evidence in in when they do core samples so he's doing core samples and they find all this iridium and all this nuclear glass impact glass they find all this shit around the same all this nuclear glass impact glass they find all this shit around the same area around 12 000 years ago and they're like oh my god and so he starts he's a brilliant guy and he can talk about this forever and they think that it's highly likely
Starting point is 02:57:19 that there was uh not just here but in many parts of the world, there was massive impacts that probably didn't kill everybody, but probably basically shut down all progress for who knows how many hundreds, if not thousands of years. And then what you're seeing when you're looking at 2500 BC and all their amazing structures was the knowledge they had left. And a lot of that was lost to the Library of Alexandria getting burnt down. So the stuff that they built later is spectacular, but they had been building pretty amazing shit for most likely thousands of years before we thought they were. Yeah. Maybe we're due for a reset.
Starting point is 02:57:59 Well, that's the scary thing, right? You see some really fucking really retarded shit that people are saying out there. You're like, maybe that's the right thing. maybe we're due for a nice old-fashioned reset well douglas murray uh who i had on the podcast said that when people when civilizations start crumbling that's when people get obsessed with gender and i said really and he goes yeah he goes it's a in ancient rome and asian greece there's uh like a lot of transvestites and a lot of people swapping genders and change it's almost like a dissolving of all classifications and barriers and all the things that we took for granted as society when society
Starting point is 02:58:31 really starts falling apart they start questioning every last fiber of of what it means to be a person and what it means to fit into the culture well you know i like uh like i became like politically radicalized and from ron paul campaigns. Like that's really where I got, when I got interested in politics was like around 2007, 2008 when he was running for president. And I just loved still this day, love the guy. I think he's like the greatest hero ever.
Starting point is 02:58:55 But he would always talk about how like, look, we're on basically this path toward national suicide. My words, not his, but he'd be like, we're on this unsustainable path where we're spending way more than we can afford to spend.
Starting point is 02:59:07 We're way too extended militarily. And this is how nations collapse. And this is like, it's going to happen if we keep going this way. So I always kind of had that view in my head. And then to see what's happened
Starting point is 02:59:17 with all the cultural stuff over the last, you know, like 10 years, while all of that other stuff is going on too. And you're like, this really feels like the end of an empire, like 10 years, while all of that other stuff is going on too. And you're like, this really feels... Like the end of an empire. Like a collapsing empire.
Starting point is 02:59:28 It really feels like that. Well, they taught us that in school, that all empires eventually collapse. I mean, whether it's ancient Greece, ancient Rome, all these empires... British empire. Yeah, they all controlled everything and they all eventually fell apart.
Starting point is 02:59:40 And it's under very similar circumstances. Like they're extended too far. They spend themselves too far into debt They can't maintain it anymore The culture kind of collapses like decadence and all this other shit and like it does seem like we have a lot of that Oh, yeah Yeah, but but that that isn't necessarily bad like sometimes empires collapse And it's actually it's okay for the people in that country
Starting point is 03:00:04 I mean like it was okay for the people in that country i mean like it was okay for england when the british empire collapsed i mean world war ii was bad but the afterward you know there's still an okay country for for the soviet union that collapsing was the best thing that ever happened well you know that's where those arguments are always strange right because that's the same argument they used about gingus khan opening up the path for trade. You know, he killed 10% of the population. Well, yes. In the long run. Look.
Starting point is 03:00:30 But you got a new rug. Yeah. It's good. You get a nice statue. You know who would really love this rug? He's dead. Whoops. Forget it.
Starting point is 03:00:37 Does Rand Paul share most of Ron Paul's ideas? I don't know. I mean, I think probably think probably a lot you know he is his son i know ron paul made him read all the right stuff of growing up you know um but he definitely has some areas of disagreement and he's also just a different i think he's a different person and has different you know uh strengths and weaknesses weaknesses and wasn't quite as charismatic, wasn't as charismatic, wasn't as much of a happy warrior. Ron Paul was really, he really enjoyed going out there and telling people the truth as he saw it and talking to people and just, and he didn't really care if, it was always
Starting point is 03:01:23 kind of like Ron Paul would say things at the Republican debates and it'd be like, hey, look, you guys might boo me out of the arena and that's fine. I'm going to go home to my family. And I told the truth. That's the truth, whether you like it or not. And that's fine. You can do that and I'll leave. And Rand always, I think it bothered him a little bit more. And but, you know, Rand is, I think i think for to me like one of the best senators and i think he's done a lot he did a lot to really push donald trump on um uh the uh the criminal criminal justice reform uh he's tried his best to push him on ending the wars i don't know how successful he's been at that but uh but i don't know that he's going to inspire people in the same way his father did. I hope he does.
Starting point is 03:02:06 Someone has to. But isn't that what we're always looking for? We're always looking for a hero. When really we need a decentralized government. Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't have leaders or somebody who kind of inspires you. We're done with leaders. We're done with leaders, Dave. We tried it out.
Starting point is 03:02:23 It doesn't work. Well, but I don't mean there's a difference between leaders and rulers right like you don't want a ruler right but there's there's people who inspire you who you learn from and stuff like that you want to you want a leader that doesn't want to be a ruler yes exactly that's what ron paul was yeah isn't that the problem though the problem is they get into power like this is one we're seeing with low level people like like governors like the worst governors they they just they're you know there's all these lawsuits against newsom and he lost one of them recently because he's an autocrat now he's telling people what they can do he's writing
Starting point is 03:02:56 legislation did you see uh when um tucker carlson had uh governor murphy from new jersey on his show and he and it was it was like right at the height of COVID. Like I think it might have been in May or something like that, but it was still like, you know, pretty new. No, I didn't see it. And so like everyone's, no one's given, I hadn't seen one tough interview with one of these governors. Like every time they came on some news show, it was just like,
Starting point is 03:03:19 oh my God, you're saving all these lives and you're wonderful and thank you for all of this. And then they'd have their press conferences. They'd take some questions, but it wasn't tucker just starts grilling this guy and he asked him at one point he goes okay so recently there was like a church service that you shut down and you arrested four jewish people for being at temple and this and he goes what right do you have to do that because i mean in the bill of rights it's very clearly defined that the right to religious you
Starting point is 03:03:45 know expression is you know so he's like so so where do you get the authority to shut down a place of worship and he goes uh he goes well um you know we weren't thinking about the bill of rights when we did this we're just trying to keep people safe and then he goes uh he was like yeah but where do you get the authority and he goes well that's, that's above my pay grade. You're the governor. That's exactly your pay grade. That's exactly what your pay. But so that's just what, like, that's the mentality that swept over these people. It's a lot.
Starting point is 03:04:13 It reminds me a lot of the George W. Bush mentality of like, you know, instituting torture and all these other things. It's like, well, what about laws against this? It's like 9-11, man. Right. I don't know about laws and rules but fucking we're here yeah and so we're you know like we they feel like because this thing happened i don't gotta worry about silly little things like the fucking bill of rights who's got time for that we gotta be careful they don't pass an act and give it a good name like the patriot act exactly like you can't be a non-patriot you piece of shit pass the patriot act they if
Starting point is 03:04:46 they come up with something like the safety act let's keep grandma alive act they do this all the time i know but for this one did you did you see about the uh the anti-lynching bill no there was like an anti-lynching bill and they would blast people for being like so and so was against the so and so like ran paul he was one of the ones he voted against the anti-lynching bill and you're like okay wait first of all what else was in there isn't lynching already illegal yeah like so so explain to me what exactly was in it and then it turns out that ran paul's problem was that this like he goes this like really broadly defines what a hate crime is and now it seems that like if someone were to like get in a bar fight you could like give them like 20 years under like some hate crime legislation he's like let's slow down on that that seems a little crazy like but and then they're like you're
Starting point is 03:05:29 just for lynching it's like wait this is really weird dude you can't just name a bill something and then say if you're for but you know patriot act all this shit yeah they should not be able to name bills provocative names they should just have numbers yes you know and that's it you only get a number you can't get a name names have a lot of shit attached to them yeah absolutely especially anti-lynching but there's and there's all but even like you know what they call obamacare the affordable care act everything they put is like this nice thing that nobody could possibly be against why would you be against affordable care yeah what do you hate people come on bro that's hate people that's it though what's wrong with you yeah dave listen i think we fucking covered it all we fixed everything did we no where was that was it like around a half hour 20 minutes ago 20 minutes that
Starting point is 03:06:16 was the exact moment we nailed it everything went good we just did like three and a half hours how long we do oh you guys were talking before we started oh okay three hours three hours for the show three hours you lose all sense of time yeah flies by in here i just know when i really have to pee we should probably wrap it up um let everybody know your twitter instagram all that jazz uh my twitter is at comic dave smith the podcast is part of the problem and the legion of skanks of course and twitter uh i mean uh instagram something they just started me an account of the problem and the Legion of Skanks, of course. And Twitter. I mean, Instagram. They just started me an account at the problem. Dave Smith on Instagram at the problem.
Starting point is 03:06:51 It's the problem. Dave Smith. You're a problem. Is that what's going on? I think so. I don't run it, but they put clips out of shit. Some of the gas digital people started it for me because I'm retarded and don't have an Instagram in 2020. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:07:02 How did you not have an Instagram? I don't know. I'm just like, I can't do any more social media i just i you know well that's why you're so good at these fucking conversations because you're actually paying attention to shit i spend too much time on twitter as it is yeah the problem dave smith i got no thousand followers i got no followers on there well we just started it we'll pump you up there you go and follow me on twitter i got a little bit of followers on there twitter's dying it's dying the president's gonna kill it on his last days in office that's what i heard now it's just a war of who can kill who first twitter or the president he just makes it twitter
Starting point is 03:07:34 illegal his last few days in office his car's more harm than good it's over but then twitter blocks his tweet saying that it's illegal so no one knows it's just a war of jack dorsey they just stay open fuck you you're on the way out biden's like i support twitter and i'm gonna wear a mask in my profile but he's like someone tell me what twitter is my profile my mom hee haw my pronouns all right dave thanks brother i appreciate it this was fun. Goodbye, everybody.

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