The Joe Rogan Experience - #1580 - Andrew Schulz

Episode Date: December 17, 2020

Standup comedian Andrew Schulz is the star of the four-part Netflix special Schulz Saves America, and co-hosts The Brilliant Idiots podcast with Charlamagne Tha God, and Flagrant 2 with Akaash Singh. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the joe rogan experience train by day joe rogan podcast by night all day andrew hi joe what's up brother how are you i'm good man no headphones i'll go no headphones i always go no headphones man i don't know it's just it locks me in in a weird way in a weird way yeah the headphones i don't know i don't feel like i'm talking to you now like i feel like we're having a conversation and there's just the microphone in the way okay but this feels like it's on the phone yeah i know it's on your show you'd never do headphones on any of your podcasts yeah no headphones never okay dude your show is fucking badass the netflix show is very very good did you
Starting point is 00:00:47 watch it you are yes i did let's go you are my favorite example of someone who took this pandemic and fucking rose through it you you elevated through it you you raised your stock while all the comedy clubs are shut down no one's out everybody else is like trying to figure out what to do they're doing zoom stand up which lowers you because people get to see your stand up like it's gross yeah you know you you figured out how to do it man you really did and you did it in a multimedia presentation form that really other people weren't doing man yeah you fucking nailed it thank you man thank you thank you for being so supportive man like those videos popped off because you
Starting point is 00:01:29 started reposting them so oh my pleasure i love when people just get after it i love that you do that yeah hustle yeah like you work hard obviously like it's super tragic corona and everything like that but like when i don't know for some reason i kind of thrive in chaos i don't know if that's like a new york thing but like when it happened that part of me was like oh yeah we're gonna win literally i remember i told the guys right that was like when they said everything is getting shut down i go we'll win guaranteed we had just put the studio in there like i paid all the money to do the studio and i had no clue how i was gonna like make the money back it like, you know, when like the colonizers or whatever, like they stop on the island and then they like burn the ships.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah. Because if they weren't, everybody would be like, should we just go back to Spain? Like it's way better. You know, there's like Spanish people and shit. And then we were just like, nah, we're going to fucking figure it out. Yeah. And then it happened. We tried a few things that didn't work exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:22 And then. What did you try that didn't work? We did. We did one thing that did work. We did like a talent show on instagram live and that was sick it was just corona's got talent and corona beer sponsored it so it looked kind of cool yeah they just were like yo can we send you beers like coronas because nobody's buying coronas we're like fuck yeah this is crazy ridiculous is that that no one was buying corona because of coronavirus i know that is so dumb i know it's wild so we did that was cool then we did like i was just doing like straight to the
Starting point is 00:02:49 camera stuff and it was like um kind of like long form almost like talking to people but it wasn't like comedic it was more just like hey this is what's going on you know but for me i was like i want to be i want to be funny in what i do you know like we have the podcast where we get to joke around and that's longer form but like if we're going to create something, like a piece of content, I want it to be funny. And then it was Bill Maher actually inspired it. Really? Yeah, that snarky fuck. He's so snarky, bro.
Starting point is 00:03:19 He's so snarky. But, like, remember when he did that video where, like um he was saying why it wasn't racist to call it the chinese virus yes and it was this great video and i got sent it by like 10 different people and like all different ages were sending it to me like my my fiance now's mom and dad sent it to me and like my boys were sending to me and i remember oh shit, like people need, people need like a, like a safe way of, of, uh, describing their feelings. You know what I mean? Oftentimes like comics, that's kind of what we do.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Like we'll describe how people feel in a funny way. So all of a sudden it's okay and safe. But if you just said that at work, it would be racist. You know what I mean? Like what, like what? Like, uh, like sometimes having an opinion is super costly, you know? Right. Sure.
Starting point is 00:04:06 So it's like, but if you can thread the needle, or we call like slice it thin, that's what we say on the show, like where you can say it in a way where it's not costly, other people will really be engaged with it. Because they'll be like, yeah, that's how I feel. It's just when I was trying to explain it, it seemed kind of sexist, or it seemed kind of racist, or it seemed kind of this. And it's like if you can actually get it down to like just the nuance of what the issue is you'll get it and he just did that with that he's like he went through every virus it was just named after something else yeah and then all of a sudden it's like oh yeah that's not yeah i retweeted that i thought it was great yeah he's he's got some great stuff sometimes he's brave man i i give credit to bravery yeah he's brave he's cocky
Starting point is 00:04:42 he's got but we watched that and we like, oh we could do this way better Yeah, it's um what that is is like when you're just trying to call people out on things like trying to make things more Whatever more sexist more homophobic more racist than they really are those people that are doing that They need to take some hits. Because those are free shots. They take these free shots and there's no... You're really creating turmoil in social media with that shit. It fucks people's lives up.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And the people that do it, they never get ostracized. They never get called out. People just either agree or disagree. But when people just go ridiculous after someone for something that doesn't make any sense. Yeah. Like this is the year for that. Yeah. Because the pandemic exaggerated everything.
Starting point is 00:05:34 It exaggerated everybody's fears. Yeah. Exaggerated everybody's anger. Everybody felt more helpless. And a lot of times when people don't feel well they don't they don't look internally to try to fix themselves yeah they attack yes things around you're doing this to me yes you're doing this to me you're making me angry yeah you know yeah yeah i love the one of the videos where you uh posted all of the different titles of all these different articles about white people oh yeah white men being toxic and
Starting point is 00:06:06 your time is almost up and like that's what we were trying to do man like in that piece we were just trying to talk about like like not everybody that voted for trump is racist but they were positioned that way by the media yeah and we were just sitting there and we're like what is the slice here like i don't believe that. Like, you know, all of us have like a family member or friends that did. We know them. They're not racist. So why were they drawn to them?
Starting point is 00:06:32 And we started to kind of like go back. I think it was back in like 2016. Like there were all these articles and they just kind of like positioned, I guess it kind of like positioned white dudes specifically as like responsible for all the evils in the world. And I guess the people in power are going to do the bad things. And if white people are in power, they're going to do it. But I don't know if you can like make a blanket assessment on like everybody that has white skin with that. It's dumb.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's dumb, right? It's just dumb. You can say what it is. It's hateful. It's rude. It is actually racist. It's actually sexist. But at the end of the day, it's just dumb.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah, it's just dumb. It's a dumb way to describe life life and the people that agree with it that's that's a real problem is that there's a lot of lemmings out there that don't have a lot of time to sit through things yeah and really think things out yeah and they just agree yeah the the best is when white men agree oh yeah that is my favorite those are my favorite those those fucking gender race traitors yeah those there are there are some the male the male feminists the male feminists that are self-loathing white guys yeah yeah they are the best and it's sad because the people that they're doing that to appease don't respect it no at all they think that they're pathetic yeah so they think that they're winning them over you know but they're. They're like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:46 It's real sad, man. All those feminists want to get gorilla fucked. All of them. Every one of them. You think? They just want to get gorilla fucked by a guy who respects them. They have the right boundaries, and they set up right. They feel comfortable, and then they have a couple of cocktails, and they're like, let's
Starting point is 00:08:01 go. There's a primal urge. They tend to be strong women. Femin they tend to be strong women like feminists tend to be strong powerful women and i think one of the things that feminists react to aggressively is bitch men and you know as weak men or men who think they're strong but aren't you know these asshole bosses that get in this position of power and they sexually harass women yeah grab and fuck with them and do things because they can get away but they're really not strong men yeah they're pathetic yeah yeah so these bitch-ass men these feminist men they think like i've got the solution i am the man of your dreams like right no you're not yeah you know jason momoa is the fucking man of their dreams right you know a really nice savage
Starting point is 00:08:38 that's the man of their dreams a guy who's not gonna sexually harass them who also happens to be six foot four4 and built like a fucking football player that's what they want they'll pretend that they want a male feminist like no
Starting point is 00:08:50 they'll dominate you and tell you what to do and ruin your life and make you hyphenate your last name they'll do all that shit those guys who hyphenate their last name
Starting point is 00:08:59 oh my goodness listen we're either getting married or not okay you're taking my last name I told my girl i was like that's not happening not happening uh uh uh delete yeah that is that's one of those bitch moves yeah they'll try to get you to do those things they don't want that guy they want a man i feel like
Starting point is 00:09:17 strong women i don't understand i don't know how we put it into like quotes but like strong women are not intimidated by strong men they're not but some strong women have been burned by so many dickhead men that they're just tired of men in general, and they don't have the time to look for nuance. Yeah. They don't have the time to look for, is this guy a stereotypical douchebag man, or is this guy a thoughtful guy who looks like a dickhead? Right. Both those things are possible.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah. Yeah. So you could look like a dickhead. you know there's both both those things are possible yeah yeah so you could look like a dickhead yeah as long as you're sweet if you're some fucking big meathead dude likes to go to the gym but you read a lot yeah you're really interesting you just like being yoked that's possible you're allowed to that's possible what happened where dudes aren't allowed to be strong that's not like something happened where like if you go to the gym you're automatically dumb like you're doing the thing that helps you live longer you know the other side of that is
Starting point is 00:10:08 if you're hot and you're a woman you're stupid but they're not alright some of us well you know why
Starting point is 00:10:16 for the same reason because it's easy it's easier that's the same thing like we would say like hot dudes are dumb how often you meet a smart hot dude
Starting point is 00:10:24 or funny like smoking hot? Funny. They're not. They're not funny either. Very rarely. But and why would they be? Yeah. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I mean, I'm sure when you were younger and you were a single days, you know, you were out there plowing. You probably were laughing at jokes that weren't as funny from a very attractive girl. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You do your best. Okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I mean, the same thing. There's probably some girl that's laughing at some handsome dude's jokes aren't that funny exactly yeah i mean you get in when you fit in that's why you got to be like really kind of like wounded or something to be like funny and hot yeah there's got to be something severely wrong something happened when you were young someone ignored you some things went sideways or gay yeah oh thatbian. Lesbian chicks are funny because they know what it's like to get pussy. Oh, yeah. Is that it? Is that the key? There's a lot of that is the key because a lot of girls like humor and they're not that good at doing it. So they like other people to make them laugh. Right. You know, I mean, there are obviously very funny women. There's a lot of very funny female. Yeah. But generally speaking, when you of funny people like christopher hitchens wrote a piece about this for vanity fair oh yeah women aren't funny a long time ago right and basically he's trying to say that the women that are funny they tend to have like sort of uh masculine humor you know like rosanne or
Starting point is 00:11:39 somewhere along those lines you know they tend to have what he called dykey humor yeah yeah maybe he just found them funnier because he likes masculine humor maybe yeah also he's he was a little bit of an intellectual troll yeah because he liked to fuck with people because he was he's basically like a black belt who would walk up to white belts and smack them in the face a little bit like come on you want to roll like he would drag them he was like ben shapiro before ben shapiro is that what she said well he have a bench clips are like i'll roast this feminist that's a freshman in college it's like you're supposed to yeah like that's what you do right right didn't you go to harvard yeah yeah people have a love-hate relationship with ben shapiro every time i defend him people get
Starting point is 00:12:22 mad at me i like the guy yeah you can, you can like him. I like him. I like him. He's just a little corny to me. Yeah, well, he's wrong about stuff, I think. Also, just like, let it go. Does he ever just relax? Does he ever just like, chill out? Just like, fucking hang out? He talks a hundred miles an hour. I know. He doesn't have time to relax. Just chill, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Do you never like, have him like, not hit the weed or whatever, but like, the hookah or something? That would help him. Yeah. Can you imagine if you gave that guy an edible? What kind of hole that he would fall into? I want to see him sing WAP then. That would be fire. We got to get Ben high. Ben, come on the show.
Starting point is 00:12:57 We'll smoke weed together. That song is a funny song because if that song was about hard-ass dicks, there is no way it would be so publicly and culturally acceptable. Talk about hard-ass dicks, there is no way it would be so publicly and culturally acceptable. Talk about hard-ass dicks. It is cool that wetness has become their judging point for pussy. Because we didn't really know what it was. You used tightness for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:20 You know what I mean? But tightness, they can't really control. But wetness, you can? Yeah. Like what, Kegeling? Kegels, yeah.gels yeah exercises there's competitions have you been with loose vagina have you had loose vagina um not like ridiculous that's a tough question because if you admit it it's like maybe you aren't filling up yeah. I mean, obviously, they do vary. They have to vary.
Starting point is 00:13:47 They vary. They have to. Yeah. But we don't talk about that. No, we don't. We don't talk about volume in pussy. Like, there's just, pussy is great. Yeah, see, this woman is, she's got a hole in her pants, and she's lifting weights with her pussy.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Oh, she has like. Yeah, so she literally has like a little hole in her pants. Usually they're Russians for some strange reason. But there's women that clamp down on their pussy. They put like a rubber thing in there to hold it in place, to squeeze on it. And they lift weights with it. Yeah, God bless. There's a woman who's got a world record.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Look at this chick. Is this her? I don't know. I want to see what is the hole in her pants i don't even see a hole impressive how quickly jamie got this up is it going through some weird little tiny like like the for your for a hoodie like those little things you know those things you can put your thumb through the string comes through the eyelet i mean obviously it has to be in there. It's in her cooter. But there's some women that just want to impress you by clamping down.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I like that, though. Yeah. Who doesn't? Yeah. Who's like, no. I like it just. I like minimal friction. I just like it.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I like just to be relaxed. Yeah. I want to work hard. Yeah, there's something ferocious about a tight pussy. Yeah. Yeah. But we're out the game, Joe. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yes, we're out the game. We just got our one perfect pussy for the rest of our life. You were recently out the game too, right? That's right, yeah. How long? Have you done the thing yet? Like, I do, I do. Yeah, when are you doing the I do, I do thing?
Starting point is 00:15:21 But that, to me, the proposal was the I do. Right. Right? Like, I don't know. I don't feel like it's any different now. For her, it might be. But for me, I've made the commitment. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Yeah. Financially. You going to make little Andrew Schultz? Yeah, I would like to. That would be fire. Wait, you're going to stew him in New York City? I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I think we're going to see what happens to New York in the next year. Well, it's going to light on fire. You think so? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's going to fall apart. You think? Yeah, the businesses are gone. Yeah. It it's gonna be a long time for that shit bounces back it's gonna it's gonna be a weird place where like people that like danger go to and artists go to it's probably gonna be really good creatively for a while but there'll be a lot of crime
Starting point is 00:15:58 yeah a long time it's gonna take a long time for that to even out yeah i wonder man do you think that america would let New York go? That's the crown jewel of the Western world. People are in a desperate state. But I think the government would bail out New York in the same way they bail out these big businesses. You think you're going to bail out Walmart before you bail out New York City? They're not going to bail out New York City. It's too complicated.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Would France bail out Paris? That's what I'm trying to think. France would bail out Paris. It's not that easy. England would bail out London. The idea of bailing something out is not that easy well it is they just printed three trillion dollars you just go like this print but it's where's the money go like there's no money it's fake I understand that it's all fake but it's all fake everything's fake basically it's
Starting point is 00:16:36 dude is amazing but to get New York City out of you would have to go back in time you would have to do so many different things you have all these mom and pop businesses that were open for 30 years or gone forever yeah in a span of eight months you would have to somehow or another stop that from happening so you keep the flavor that is these these small individual businesses in new york city yeah because that's one thing about new york city like new york city even though it's very expensive and it's huge it's massive the thing that makes new york city cool is these independent little small mom and pop spots. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Whether it's a bodega or whether it's a restaurant or whether it's a bar. That's what's cool about New York. Yeah. You got your neighborhood spots. Yeah. And those are gone. There's a lot of them are gone. You think those go because there's still people from those neighborhoods.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yeah, but they don't have any money. Yeah, but those people aren't going to leave. I guess the people I see leaving are the bankers, the people who have a house in California. They also have a house in New York. The people that don't have to live in New York all of a sudden have left. Yes, a lot of people did. Yeah, tons, like a million people left. But New York has become more New York after they left.
Starting point is 00:17:44 It hasn't felt this new york to me since i was a kid what do you mean everybody i see is a new yorker everybody i see is somebody who grew up there right so the new yorkers the people i went to high school with like elementary school with are also there because they can't afford to leave right so to me we're what makes new york dope like we make new y York fire because we're fire and then these people from Maine come In because they think they're cooler than everybody in Maine and they're like I'm a New Yorker now and then the second gets rough They leave but like I don't know you can't take away the essence of New York if you don't take away the New Yorkers Well what I was saying earlier and bodegas never pay rent anyway, like come on. This is drug money like
Starting point is 00:18:22 We You get some stale bread and some weed No you have a guy deliver it to you Now we do Get the delivery man especially now that New Jersey is wide open We respect corona laws We just don't respect the drug laws We get our drugs delivered
Starting point is 00:18:37 We won't go outside the house we're quarantined You could just drive to New Jersey now Now it's legal there But then you gotta pay the toll $16 on the way back in. You hire a guy to go get it. Now we're talking. Yeah. Now we're talking.
Starting point is 00:18:49 You've got to know a guy. New York's going to hustle. I think we're going to be good, man. New York is going to be different. It will be different. It's not going to be what it is like eight years ago. It might be better. Eight months ago.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Low key, it might be better. I kind of, I don't know. I'm excited for it. Look at you, all optimistic. I got to be. That's home team. You know what I mean? LA was home team for me. I bailed on that shit. know. I'm excited for it. Look at you, all optimistic. I got to be. That's home team. You know what I mean? LA was home team for me.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I built on that shit. Yeah, but you're from Boston. That's true. You know what I mean? I'm a renegade. Like if Boston was about to go under, you'd be like, I got to fucking help Boston out. Nope. No?
Starting point is 00:19:16 Fuck off. Really? Yeah, eat shit. But it made you. It's who you are. No, it made me. The Boston of 1988 made me. The Boston of today, I have no association with those people really then i enjoy their company yeah you got boston in you bro i got
Starting point is 00:19:31 a little bit you got boston you start out doing stand-up in boston it's it's like it's rough it's like a boot camp yeah it's a different kind of stand-up my favorite comics from boston they don't have any attention span up there they're like let's let's go. I worked all day, you fuck. And they heckle funny. Oh, yeah. That's a thing people do not understand. You go do comedy in Boston, someone's going to heckle you with a line that you're like,
Starting point is 00:19:52 I'm going to keep that line. I'm not going to say that I'm going to keep it, but next time I'm on stage, I'll be using that line. I'll tell you, good. A lot of funny people in Boston never become comics. It's cold.
Starting point is 00:20:03 It's cold weather, and people work hard. Yeah. And they need to do something to amuse themselves. They talk shit to each other. Yeah. There's a lot of shit talking there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I just think that the problem with New York is particularly like restaurants and clubs and stuff like that. Yeah. Those things are not coming back. Clubs could go. Those things that have been around for a long time. I'm cool with that. What, like comedy clubs? No, like nightclubs. comedy clubs no like nightclubs yeah comedy clubs should be back and we should uh i
Starting point is 00:20:29 mean we should be doing more to help the comedy clubs honestly they should let them open they should let them fucking let people do whatever the fuck they want to do and that's what they do right here that's why i moved here they let people do whatever the fuck they wanted to yeah you can go to restaurants you can go to clubs yeah chappelle and i are doing these shows there's 400 people outside stuffed into this amphitheater i love it and they're all covid tested and they're like good sounds good let's do a show you can't even do that in la they won't even allow you yeah la shut down completely right it doesn't make any sense yeah there's no science behind it it's ridiculous what do you think it is they're monsters they're like what do they get out of it i'm trying to understand is it like re-election just by, quote unquote, saving lives?
Starting point is 00:21:05 No, there's a lot of cases. There's a lot of cases. There are a lot of cases. But their solution to a lot of cases, they've had eight months to add new hospital rooms. That's what I'm wondering. Eight months. Eight months to fix the system. Like the same people that were telling us there's going to be a second wave weren't
Starting point is 00:21:19 preparing for the second wave. They've had eight months. Eight months to do all this. Yeah. They haven't done shit. They just tell you what you can't do. Yeah. They don't tell you anything what you should be doing for your health. for the second wave they've had eight months eight months to do all this yeah done shit they just tell you what you can't do yeah they don't tell you anything what you should be doing for your health anything that you should be doing to boost your immune system yeah they don't pass out vitamin
Starting point is 00:21:34 d to people i was trying to get that regeneron from you when i got corona not when i got corona i hit you up i was like joe you and jamie though what do you mean you you want to get it right at the point of infection like right when you know you have it that's when you're supposed to get on right right yeah you were you were like five days in i think i was a few days in and i was like freaking out it was literally right in the middle of the netflix shoot we had to shut it down and um and i remember going i need to beat this within 10 days so that we don't miss our launch date because i gotta come back and film and i was like who the fuck know do i know that has some regeneron and then i remember i texted you and i
Starting point is 00:22:10 was like joe and i texted you like real like easy at first i was like joe what should i do for corona you know what i mean and then you were like you know it takes some vitamin d this that there i was like yeah that's cool but what's up with that regeneron and then you're next thing you text me you're like i can get my hands on that if you need it. The issue was the doctor told me it was too late. Really? Yeah, the doctor I got a hold of said he's better. He asked me your symptoms, asked me where you're at.
Starting point is 00:22:35 He goes, literally, he's better off just doing nothing right now. Yeah. It was all right. I know. It was like having a little cold. You still can't smell, though. I can't smell. I was telling you earlier, I can't smell. And I lost taste for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:43 No, I can't smell at all. I realized I couldn't smell. Yeah. How about Donnell Rollins black ash candle? Let me smell that. Okay. Oh, yeah. It smells like Hennessy buffalo wings.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Do you get anything out of that? No. Nothing? A little bit. A little bit? Yeah, it just kind of smells like soap to me. And Donnell, I'm sure it's way better than what I'm smelling. Is that really strong to you?
Starting point is 00:23:12 A little. Yeah. It smells good good i like the smell yeah i don't smell in honor of donnell yeah i'm rich bitch you're not worried about getting it at all huh no i'm worried about giving it to other people yeah that's yeah that's what i'm worried about i'm so juiced up on vitamins and all kinds of other Mexican supplements and various things that accentuate the way your body works. Do you think you're just going to turn off one day? Me? Yeah. I don't know. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Are we just going to read one day on a Thursday you picked up a kettle ball and just fell straight over? As long as it's moving. Everything works great. As long as it's moving, everything works great. As long as it keeps working great. But you don't mind being like an experiment for these things? No, no. You like it.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Well, I talk to doctors. Yeah. Like I'm not doing this like haphazardly. Yeah. All these doctors that I talk to have already been experimenting on people for decades. It's a little haphazardly. Well, I get blood tests. It's a little bit.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It's like I know what I'm doing. You were pitching us something earlier. It didn't even have a name, Joe. Which one? The PBC-BP. Oh, PBC-157. I don't know what this thing is. Yeah, it's a peptide.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Of course. It's a peptide. Yeah, it heals people with injuries. Peptide? What is a peptide? Joe, look at me. I went to public school. I don't know what a peptide is.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I went to public school, too. How the fuck do you know what a peptide is? I read. Okay, I got to get into that. Yeah, you get into reading. Peptide. My doctor actually told me about peptides a long time ago. Yeah, they accentuate healing.
Starting point is 00:24:31 There's a lot of articles about them. Athletes swear by them. Yes. Particularly BPC-157. Okay. There's a lot of evidence that it accelerates healing from injuries. And a lot of elite athletes swear by it. I just started.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I believe USADA has banned them. I i don't think see if that's true because i think chad mendez was using uh was using a pen he got he got in trouble i think that was one of the things he got in trouble with i don't think he knew they were banned i'm about it i was telling you earlier like i'm down to start like cycling or something like that or hgh or whatever i heard if you do a little bit of the HGH, it's kind of fine. Yes. That's exactly what you want. You want like one unit. That's what I take.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I take like one unit a day. And doesn't change the way you look or anything like that? Well, you get big. If you get bigger, it's going to change the way you look. Like your face will fill out. Your neck will be bigger. You know, your shoulders will be bigger. You're going to get bigger if you lift weights.
Starting point is 00:25:24 But if you don't lift weights and you take that stuff and you keep your body fairly lean yeah you'll you know what if i do half a unit and lift weights you what you should do what's the matter i need to find that we're laughing at him i'm just trying to find the balance where i don't like change the shape of my body and head because what you just said to me was so normal like what you said it was really normal you were like yeah, yeah, like your head will grow? That's not that normal. Your face will fill out. Yeah, that's the same thing. And it'll look like your head's growing.
Starting point is 00:25:49 That's the same thing. But if you get to the actual skull itself, it's basically the same size. Chad Mendes did have a peptide, but it was something called GHRP6. Okay, so it's another peptide. There's thymoicin. There's a few different peptides. But all of them uh athletes like to use because it accelerates healing do you do anything any sports or anything
Starting point is 00:26:10 you don't even play basketball i was playing ball and then i kind of stopped playing ball and then um i uh i box kickbox a little bit that's what i do for like uh exercise yeah oh that's good yeah you doing that right now is that are they open in new york i kind of i like broke my hand a few months ago. How'd you do that? My brother and I got into a little thing. You and your brother, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:30 You hit him on the forehead? Actually, the cheekbone. You had an actual Donnybrook with your brother. Yeah, a little bit. And it's fucked up is because like, you know, usually you break these knuckles. Yeah. But I broke this one. He's huge huge my brother's like six six so like i think i was punching up and i just hit that part of my finger first but he's massive like he could just fucking
Starting point is 00:26:53 destroy me if he wanted to why'd you hit him then uh he just hit me he hit you first yeah he's got some you know he's like uh he's got some stuff going on some issues yeah he's a little he's a little schizophrenic. Oh, no. I just walked in for my dad's birthday. A giant schizophrenic. Yeah. Ooh, fun times. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 It's great. But he's great. He's the best, and he can hit hard. Yes. Yeah. So, yeah, that was it. But, yeah, I used to box back in the day when I was in college and shit. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:27:22 It was fun. That's a great way to exercise. That's the best. As you get older older the most important thing though is weight lifting really yeah because your bones your bones start getting you lose density they just get weaker really and the only way to change your bones the only way to make them thicker and denser is weight lifting the only way really yeah why is it different than than boxing because you're not carrying weight the whole idea is you're fighting gravity like like when you do like say if you're doing like
Starting point is 00:27:50 cleans and presses and shit like that olympic weight lifts is what i always recommend to people particularly deadlifts deadlifts is the that's the the big one yeah deadlifts and squats because you're you're forcing your body to pick up heavy things. Yeah. And your body just gets denser. Everything gets thicker and denser because your bone structure is recognizing, your body's recognizing that this fucking dude likes to carry heavy shit now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:13 This is our new life. Our new life is we have to adapt to him carrying heavy shit. Right. So your bones get denser. As you get older, when you don't exercise, your bones absolutely get lighter and frailer and weaker and more
Starting point is 00:28:27 fragile that's why when people old people fall down they break hips and shit yeah they just they lose all their bone density the only way to maintain bone density is weight lifting so that's why you're all about the kettlebells all about it all about weights yeah yeah but you're still doing kickboxing yeah i do everything yeah. But I never stop lifting weights. I'm 53, right? As you get older, there's just no way around the deterioration unless you have to be disciplined. Do you think you could still throw down if it had to happen? Like if Jake Paul called you out?
Starting point is 00:29:00 Well, he'd probably fuck me up. Really? He's a really good boxer. He's a good boxer. What if it was kickboxing? He doesn't really know how to kickbox When I was a younger man and I had good knees I could be kickboxing people
Starting point is 00:29:12 But I could barely get through a workout without being in pain now There's a reality of knees and backs Have you tried the PBC to peptide? The BPC 157 That too is also a really good one It helps you maintain But there's a big difference between Maintaining and working out
Starting point is 00:29:27 And then being able to train for a fight So you think Being able to train for a fight Your body would break down Yeah Jake is interesting man He is excellent at trolling So is his brother We played a video of his brother wrestling
Starting point is 00:29:42 Paulo Costa His brother is fucking legit. I think he- He's a legit athlete. Yeah, I think he wrestled back in the day. Yeah, yeah, he did. Yeah. Wrestling college.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Jamie tried to shut it down and say it was like junior college. It was actually real college. That's that Ohio rivalry right there. That's the daddice. No, listen, man. You got to give credit where credit's due. Yeah. I know those guys like to troll, jake and his brother are both legitimate tough
Starting point is 00:30:06 guys they're tough do you think that you need trolling now for fight sports are we at a point where like that's the only thing that engages the casual fan well khabib nirmagamenov is the biggest draw in combat sports and he doesn't do any trash talk but is that a reflection of dominance it's like are we kind of watching to see if he'll lose, like the Mayweather effect? Well, yeah. Like, how many people are rooting for, like, Khabib seems like an incredibly sweet guy,
Starting point is 00:30:32 and he's like a consummate professional, but I feel like the way you market the fight is not in the way that when we were younger watching Roy Jones, we're like, yo, Roy's gonna do some crazy thing, we're gonna, like, put his hand behind his back and he just knocks a dude out. Like, we were rooting for Roy to win, even in his most dominant time.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I feel like now the way you promote the fight is, oh, this is the perfect guy to take out Khabib. Justin's the perfect, oh, yeah, he's got striking, but he has a wrestling background. We're kind of thinking of different ways we'd take him down, whereas, yeah, I don't know. I don't know if we're rooting for him to win in that way. Well, if you're a fan of his, you're rooting for him to win.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Sure, and I'm sure if you're from Dagestan and that kind of stuff. When you have a guy who's Khabib's 28 or 29-0 and really has smashed everybody in front of him, you always wonder who's going to be the guy that solves that riddle. And Justin came real close with those leg kicks. He was really fucking up his leg. But Khabib figured out a way to get the fight to the ground, almost finished it at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:31:27 or the end, rather, of the first round, and then got him in the second round. Yeah. He's just, he's on another level. Yeah. And that's one of the things that happens when you're, I mean, you gotta realize that guy is supremely disciplined. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Supremely dedicated. Like, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't fuck around, doesn't abuse his body, always fit, always in shape, always training, and lives like a champion and it's like very religious like very devout muslim like doesn't i think that doesn't fuck oh yeah he's so disciplined no partying he's not partying he's not doing coke and banging hoes there's none of that he's just smashing people yeah you know but i think he's They're trying to talk him into having more fights. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:06 But he told his mother that he was going to retire after he fought Gaethje. Yeah, I remember seeing that. But you know what, man? He's in his prime. And you only get one prime. Yeah. And, you know, and as... What more can he prove, though?
Starting point is 00:32:17 The most dominant man in the sport. Yeah. What's going on here? It's that weight cut he had there. It was going around again from his... Oh, wow. I think his last fight. Oh, he always cuts a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:32:27 But it was apparently very brutal. Yeah, it's brutal. But what more can he prove? He's not really 155 pounds. There's a thing in mixed martial arts that we all just accept, and it's a sanctioned form of cheating. Like you're pretending you're 155 pounds. So you draw your body out.
Starting point is 00:32:45 You dry out to 155 and then you fucking balloon back up. Eat a lot of spaghetti and balloon back up to 200 pounds after the weight cut. It's nuts. How do you work around that? The only way you do it is you have hydration tests. They've implemented that in college sports, in wrestling. What's a hydration test? They test your body.
Starting point is 00:33:03 They test your hydration. They make sure that you're not dehydrated. Ah, so you have to have a certain amount of liquid in your body when you're weighing in. Exactly. They're doing that in this organization called 1FC. 1FC is an organization that's in Asia.
Starting point is 00:33:18 They're huge. That's where Askren was? Askren was over there. Mighty Mouse Johnson went over there. Eddie Alvarez went over there. A lot of really good fighters that the UFC either lost a bidding and they went over there or they decided to leave the UFC and go over there. But they're doing hydration tests.
Starting point is 00:33:38 So guys that fought at 170 are now fighting at 185 because that's really what they weigh. A guy who fights at 170 generally, like a guy, like a savage, like Kamaru Usman, he walks around like 190-ish, maybe even bigger, and then just dehydrates himself down to 170 for a very small amount of time and then balloons back up. Like you see them at the weigh-ins and then you see them the next day at the fight. It's hard to believe it's the same person sometimes. Yeah. Yeah, but then there's certain guys that are fighting around their weight
Starting point is 00:34:05 and they're exceptional. Like Izzy fights probably within like five pounds of what he walks around in. Izzy fights, he weighs in below the limit all the time. But Izzy is in the matrix. He's so much better as a striker than most of these guys he faces, and every fight starts out standing up. You've got to get a hold of that guy if you want to win. Does it feel like now when I watch his fights
Starting point is 00:34:29 and I'm seeing how dominant he's become, do you think that's a reflection of him just becoming more confident in the ring? Because I don't know if his striking skills are being improved. He's been an elite striker probably for the last decade, but something is different in terms of like... Well, he's a champion. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:34:47 There's just a championship bump? Well, he's also getting better. I mean, he's young. He's still improving. Yeah. Like, these guys, they still train. When you're training, you're getting better. It's not like you train and you hit this plateau and you never get any better.
Starting point is 00:34:58 No, the best fighters keep getting better until the wheels fall off, until their body starts breaking down. Yeah. You know, and his body's not breaking down at all yeah he's in his prime right now yeah and you know he's just he's just better he's just better than everybody he's also he's smart yeah he's smart in there dude there's a lot going on like he sees patterns that other guys don't necessarily see and his emphasis on precision over power like all these guys that are really really interested in power that's one of the things that the paulo costa fight was so
Starting point is 00:35:29 so interesting yeah about that fight was like paulo costa is just this giant gorilla yeah just smash him up dude just big yoked his fuck yeah just walks dudes down and beats the fuck out of him yeah and uh and izzy was laughing about that it's like i don't everybody has power he goes at precision yeah and then you saw it in the fight like oh yeah yeah oh he really does like this isn't just boasting yeah like when he started lighting up his leg and do all his feints and and switch stances on him yeah and get reeds on him and then pop at him he started picking that dude apart it was that leg kick man yeah man. Well, it was that. I think Costa had something going on with his legs before the fight legitimately because he had all those cup marks all over his legs. A lot of times these dudes in training are training with guys and they're training the same way they're fighting.
Starting point is 00:36:19 You're training with a guy who's going to attack your leg. And not only that, he's a big brute. And so he's probably fucking up his training partners. His training's going to attack your leg. And not only that, he's a big brute. And so he's probably fucking up his training partners. His training partner's probably fucking up him. And they're attacking the calves. Because the calf kick is a very debilitating weapon. And a lot of these athletes are using this now. And when I saw him walk into the octagon, if you could see his calves,
Starting point is 00:36:42 that right now is just fucked up from izzy chewing it up but even before the fight started he had these cup marks all over his calves i see the guys with them on their back sometimes yeah it uh it helps people with like injuries and aches and pains and shit like that but if you have those on your calves i wonder there's an issue like i start thinking oh you might be bruised up already somebody might have already chopped at your calves yeah you've ever been kicked in the calf no it's a fucking terrible feeling yeah it's terrible your feet go numb actually no i have i would uh like do like fake sparring it's not not real it's more like working out drills and stuff like that with this guy when we were working out and um i didn't have a shin guard and he did and it still was like brutal oh yeah because i was supposed to check him but eventually just hurt so much just checking him
Starting point is 00:37:33 so i just kind of like would turn my leg i'd like let him move my leg with it yeah it was probably the worst technique no it's not the worst some guys choose to do that over over checking it sometimes when you know you just can't get out of the way and you know the kick's coming your way. Yeah. Sometimes you have to make a decision. In the moment. Yeah. Is my shin so battered from checking that this is going to kill me if he hits it?
Starting point is 00:37:56 And maybe the side of my leg is a little bit more durable. I'll let it go. Yeah. It's like in boxing, turning with a punch. Exactly. That's all I got left. Exactly. I'm going to turn my jaw as you punch it yeah some guys are masters at that shit yeah stand right in front of dudes and let them throw punches yeah canelo was really improved god it's so funny to see him like because i was at the fight where canelo fought mayweather
Starting point is 00:38:17 and like you do you remember that fight yeah and just mayweather just totally schooled him man it was it was unbelievable truly unbelievable to even just be there in that room and just watch. There was so much confidence behind Canelo, right? And obviously like 80% of the crowd was Mexican, right? And you saw like 80% of the crowd's hearts just broken. Because by the third round, you know exactly what was going on. It was just this complete domination. And yeah, man, it was unbelievable to see.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Mayweather's a real master.'s a modern master to me he's the greatest great of all time meaning he's greater at boxing than like stephen hawking is at science in my opinion there's a good argument for that because who's come close here's the thing like the the sport is hit and not be hit who does that better than floyd mayweather dude i can name three times in his career where he was hurt i can name them yeah zab judah right hook shane mosley demarcus chop chop corley demarcus chop chop corley almost like put him out and was the same about that fight how about my donna my donna yeah my donna hit him at the end of the yeah at the end of the belly hit him in the right hand and floyd didn't know where his corner was for a second second, he was out of it. But he's got a beard. That's the thing about Floyd.
Starting point is 00:39:26 A lot of people don't realize that. He's got the pretty boy shit, but he could take a shot. Yeah. And I remember just like, I'm like, damn, this guy is impossible to beat. What do you think is going to happen when he fights Logan Paul? How crazy is that? Dude, I like Logan. Logan's a big kid.
Starting point is 00:39:42 He's big. It doesn't matter. It's like Canelo was big. They've all been big but you know with Canelo Floyd one of the things he did that was really intelligent he forced Canelo
Starting point is 00:39:51 to go down to I believe it was 152 pounds 154 oh did they have a catch weight yeah I think it was 152 yeah yeah yeah and then he did that
Starting point is 00:39:58 because he knew Canelo had a hard time making 154 yeah yeah I mean now Canelo's at 168 well he fought 75 he knocked out Kovalev I thought that was at 168 no that was the light heavyweight4 yeah yeah i mean now can i was at 168 we fought 75 he knocked out kovalev i thought that was at 168 no that was the light title yeah yeah he knocked out kovalev yeah yeah great left
Starting point is 00:40:11 hook yeah yeah yeah yeah but i mean look at this i mean that's obviously not real but still logan's got the size he's a big guy real but it it might be close and floyd is tiny but the same time it's like, Logan's not going to hit Floyd with any shot that he hasn't been hit with before. The only way he could is if you got a bad referee and the referee lets them tie up. So if the referee lets Logan tie him up and Logan can hit Floyd in the clinch and hurt him. I don't think that's... Can he generate that much power in the clinch? You think Logan can? Oh in the clinch and hurt him. I don't think that's... Can he generate that much power in the clinch?
Starting point is 00:40:47 You think Logan can? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A guy who's strong, who can hit hard, can fuck you up from a clinch. It happens all the time. Yeah, but I don't know. DC knocked out Stipe from the clinch.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah. Yeah. That was that short right hand. Yeah. Really nice. Yeah. I just, I don't see anybody doing that to Floyd, man. Like, if you watch Floyd sparring stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Of course he can't. Do you ever watch his, like, the Mayweather gym stuff? Amazing. 15-minute rounds and shit. 15-minute rounds. And in the gym, he is not on his bicycle. In the gym, he is in front of you talking shit as you miss every single shot you throw at him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:20 And it's like, there's no way that Logan connects. throw at him yeah and it's like there's no way that logan connects what i think could happen is that the fight is boring because maybe floyd can't inflict enough like one punch damage on logan so maybe it's boring and then maybe he wins in like the people's eyes because it's like you actually went 10 rounds with floyd mayweather i think if Floyd hurts him, what Floyd does is wears him out. And it makes him fight stiff and uncomfortable because he's not going to be nearly as efficient. Yeah. Logan is going to be much less efficient. He's going to be trying really hard.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And he's never done, I don't know how many rounds they're doing. How many rounds are they doing? Eight maybe or something. I don't even know if they've announced. But if i was floyd i'd want it to be 12 yeah the longer the drag that guy into deep water and then beat the fuck out of him because floyd can do 12 rounds in his sleep you can wake him up in the middle of the night yeah so like if they were the same size it wouldn't even be interesting yeah and even though logan's way bigger than him it's still only mildly interesting.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Because you literally have the greatest boxer of all time versus a kid who's really athletic and really tough who can fight. But he's not in that league. There's no discussion. It's not a person on earth that thinks he's in the same league boxing. But Floyd, he's a true master. Master. A master. The greatest ever, in my opinion. i would i would say he's in the running like you sugar ray robinson was we just don't know a hundred and something and oh but you you and i weren't alive for this like like that's
Starting point is 00:42:59 my dad's favorite boxer and like my dad's a huge boxing fan he used to like cover boxing for the news he would go to ollie's camp like he has footage of like himself like shadow boxing with ali what yeah it's unbelievable and like if anybody's a boxing mob no no no he was he worked for nbc really yeah he was like a newscaster yeah yeah and like he just uh yeah he did his wild story he's like forrest gump he like did like the first ever story on like hip-hop music like it was kind of crazy stuff but like he uh he has a video like shadowboxing with muhammad ali and muhammad ali stops and goes uh what do you box oranges so like he's the biggest ali fan in the world and he saw you know sugar ray robinson i guess when he was a kid and he was like sugar ray robinson outside of him and Ali, those are
Starting point is 00:43:45 the best I've ever seen. But that's a generational thing, obviously. Most boxers like to point to Sugar Ray Robinson as the greatest of all time. Yeah. Guys who are in the know of boxing. He was a master. Yeah. He was also a different kind of master.
Starting point is 00:43:58 He slugged it out with people. He would get in there if he had to. Oh, yeah. He fought rough and tumble. But here's my argument against that. He lost to Jake LaMotta in a decision. I can't imagine a world where Floyd Mayweather loses to Jake LaMotta. If they're the same size, I can't imagine a world where Floyd doesn't outbox him.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Because Floyd has a more intelligent approach. And his approach is to frustrate the fuck out of you and take take angles on you and pop you and then and then not let you hit him back and then you get into fifth sixth seventh round you start going oh my god this is how this fight is going i have to get desperate i can't even hit this guy i dare you to get that and then you start getting down the line yeah and then he catches you like he caught ricky hatton that's beautiful yeah check hook yep yeah i mean he's just like watching him just as like a boxing fan like watching him take away people's confidence like i watched him take shane mosley's confidence from him like shane it did end up catching him with that that that right hand right hand yeah and uh but what happened was when shane i think
Starting point is 00:45:01 threw his like first or second jab floyd had already timed him he threw the first jab and then floyd came right over the top he is that like amazing kind of like slip and he comes right over the top of the right hand and he stunned shane and then right after that shane was like i can't even jab there's nothing i can do this guy is on a different level and then he ended up catching him with that right but still like yeah he's just he's just a great i don't know what happened i mean i want logan the money. Like, I want these guys to get the bag. And, like, there's something about, like, calling somebody out, which you immediately respect them a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:45:30 like willing to put yourself out there for a fight. He called out Conor McGregor, too. That's what Jake's doing. That kid is a master troll, dude. He's a master creating hype. Like, dude, if I'm Dana White, I'm praying that this guy can actually— Why is this a Jake Paul, Amanda Nunes boxing match? That's because Dana said,
Starting point is 00:45:47 maybe I'll let Amanda Nunes knock him out. That's just not good for anybody. I hope they don't do that. That's just not good for anybody. But the question is, could Jake... You can't sleep on that kid. That kid can fucking crack. When you look at how he knocked Nate Robinson out,
Starting point is 00:46:03 that short hand that he threw was very skillful. Real punch. That was a real punch. It was perfectly placed. And he can hit hard. All three punches were the same thing. They're a step back overhand right. Yeah. That's not like got lucky. That's, hey, this guy doesn't know what he's doing, so he's going to charge at you. Just step back and lay a right hand on him. i mean he knew exactly it was skillful and that was in the middle of a wild brawl where nate robinson was trying to take his head off and it was kind of unorthodox right so it's it's dangerous because nate is super strong he's a crazy athlete unreal athlete winging punches at him and so he's got to figure his way through this maze of bombs headed his way,
Starting point is 00:46:45 and he clips them. Here it is. If you look at him, look at him move. Look at how well he moves away. Yeah, this is the beginning of it. He ties up well. Boom. But he's good just at tying up and using defense.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And Nate was fucking dangerous, man. He's fucking dangerous. You saw him try to throw the right right there? Yeah. Yeah. He's a skillful dangerous, man. Yep. He's fucking dangerous. You saw him try to throw the right right there? Yeah. Yeah. He's a skillful boxer, man. Yeah. He really is.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Like, legitimately skillful. I mean, he's not world class right now, but he is 23 years old. Yeah. There it is. Night night. Damn. That's one that folded him, but that's not the one that folded him ultimately. He got up off of that one, and he got KO'd by the next one yeah they should have stopped it right
Starting point is 00:47:28 there well he was complaining to the referee they got hit behind the head which is hilarious that was so ridiculous lights out yeah yeah i think i think you realize at this point in time that this is not it's not just athleticism involved here that's what people don't get game in boxing that you have to you have to understand what a fight is. You're at war with yourself as much as you're at war with that other person. You have to keep...
Starting point is 00:47:51 Back it up, Jamie. Let's see that punch. Yeah. So let this play out. So if you watch how he knocks this dude out, even the way he's moving his body... Game over. I don't think that's it.
Starting point is 00:48:03 No, that's his second one. Yeah, that's just a knockdown. Yeah, here it is. Here it is. Bang. That's the one. Great shot. When you see a guy face plant like that and bounce, that's a wrap.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. Play it back. Just let it play. But if you watch how he did it, look at this. Dude, that's a short punch, man. He didn't wind that up. He stepped back and put it in place he's got skill
Starting point is 00:48:28 and he's only 23 if he decides to dedicate himself to actually being a boxer and spends all of his time boxing and then talking shit and doing podcasts you fucking never know man he might go a long way he obviously can perform under pressure he obviously has legitimate
Starting point is 00:48:44 power he's got legitimate skill and he's dedicated why not do it if you're Conor He might go a long way. He obviously can perform under pressure. He obviously has legitimate power. He's got legitimate skill. And he's dedicated. Why not do it if you're Conor? 50 million to beat up the guy that talks some shit about your wife? First of all, that guy's- It was wild what he said about his wife. I didn't see what he said about his wife.
Starting point is 00:48:56 He said- You didn't see this video? No. Oh my God, bro. I don't need to see that. We don't need to broadcast that. Okay, fine. Everybody's seen it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:49:04 He just called his wife a four. Wow. Yeah, and he only follows one girl on Instagram, Connor's wife. Oh, my God. He knows how to play the trolling game. That's hilarious. So it's like he's a wild boy, but he understands what he's doing. Just the other day.
Starting point is 00:49:21 That's what Connor does. I mean, talk about talking about people's wives. Connor did that to Jose Aldo. We talked to be yeah yeah to everybody yeah but like it was it was just wild man and then recently yeah i mean like the guy knows what he's doing he was in uh la and i think i think it was at brandon shob show like this dylan danis you know he was like doing the food truck thing yeah and he i guess he has some beef with jake paul jake wants to fight him so he pulls up on the back of a pickup truck with water balloons and wet toilet paper and starts chucking it at him while he's doing the interview this is it
Starting point is 00:49:53 the guy knows how to be there i don't know somebody's talking how did he know he was gonna be somebody's talking his brother did it a couple days before maybe he sped away and told him where it was or something but dylan danis ran up. But then he sped away. Maybe they just mentioned it to him and told him where it was or something. But Dylan Dennis ran up to him and he sped away. Why didn't he get out and fight him? Yeah, that's what a lot of people are saying. It's kind of soft. Like he came at you and all your people. Well, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Dylan Dennis gets a hold of you. It's a rapsky. You're getting your arms broken. You're getting your neck strangled off. Your head's going to get popped like a zit. He's going to rip your knees apart. He's that good, huh? There's not a fucking chance in the world.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Really? Oh, Dylan Dennis is a world-class grappler top of the food chain yeah he's like i mean he he's a guy who who i'm pretty sure he went to a draw with gordon ryan who is oh that's the elite i see him in the uh maybe he's on youtube a lot beat him by decision by like one point or something like that right see if what's going on in this picture. Was this that 50 million? He just posted this. Proof of funds got you curious, huh, Notorious MMA?
Starting point is 00:50:51 So he's showing. Take the fight, pussy. Who said take the fight, pussy? So Jake Paul says to Connor, take the fight, pussy, in a DM. And then he showed that Connor saw the DM. Oh. He's just. This kid.
Starting point is 00:51:03 OK, so there's different ways to build hype. Obviously, you can build hype by just creating great content. You can build hype by creating drama, and you can build hype by creating a villain-esque attitude, right? And this guy has no problem being the villain. If he likes to talk shit about Dylan Dennis, I think
Starting point is 00:51:20 it would be hilarious if they had an MMA match. Well, I don't think he wants to do the MMA one, but he's trying to get Dylan to do the boxing one. But that's why he ran away from Dylan. It's a wrap with Dylan. If Dylan grabs you, it's a whole different world, son. But could he beat him in a boxing match? I don't know enough about Dylan, but could he beat him in a boxing match?
Starting point is 00:51:37 He might be able to. But that's not his world. So Nate Diaz got involved. Oh, God. I would love to see Nate fight him. You spoil fuck. You can't really fight dumb shit. You're going to end up with your ass whooped for real somewhere talking like that.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Tell me you don't want to see this fight. Dude, it feels like the 90s with rap beef. It's West Coast, East Coast. They're really doing it. But tell me you don't want to see Nate and him fight. I do. These guys are trying to make money. Let them make some money.
Starting point is 00:52:05 That's how you make money. More? What is this? You saw what happened to the other Nate. So the kid knows what he's doing. He knows how to build hype. Oh, yeah. He doesn't mind, I guess, being hated.
Starting point is 00:52:16 No, he doesn't mind being hated. Which is a valuable asset. He's having fun. Look, and he's very respectful after the fight's over. Like with Nate Robinson, he's very respectful. Yeah. He was. I think he is playing the character. I mean, we's very respectful. Yeah. He was. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:52:25 He is playing the character. I mean, we've seen, you know, Connor do it. We've seen Floyd do it. We've seen guys like really lean into it, too hyped to fight.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Who knows what happens after the fight, but you got to still keep on playing the character. And you can't deny that the motherfuckers that understand how to troll or garner interest are the guys who are going to make the most money. 100%. Like, you see the guy, I keep on telling Izzy,
Starting point is 00:52:44 I'm like, bro, I mean, Darren Till's got to get some wins, but like a fight between you and Darren, the lead up on social media is going to be the most fun. Yeah. Non-stop back and forth, they're making memes of each other. Well, Izzy's moved up to light heavyweight. You know, he's fighting Jan Blachowicz. Sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:52:58 So Izzy's fighting right for the title. Right, right, right. But still, the idea of having those two guys who really understand, because remember when i said he was going to fight y'all and i was like stop fighting guys that don't speak english we can't do anymore it's like it could be a fun fight but like which that one was not but like i want the hype i want you to make as much money as possible you know what i mean i want people the casual fan to be interested how do you get the casual he just is he just needs to keep going he's it's inevitable he's got like he's mapped out this whole thing it's like even when you talk about him there's a guy that's in
Starting point is 00:53:31 uh mma now there's the last guy to knock him out his name is alex perera and he's truly one of the most terrifying human beings bad motherfucker oh dude go look up alex perira's KO from his last fight. Dude, he hits people, and it doesn't even make sense. Really? He's the same size as these people, but he hits them. It's like he's a heavyweight and they're a lightweight. I'm telling you, he's got fucking freaky power. Like Pacquiao had back in the day, remember? Yeah, it's different, right, because he's got four-ounce gloves.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And with those four- ounce gloves and you know with those four ounce gloves just watch pull up his last ko bro and this is he he owns two weight classes in glory give me some volume but give me some volume so i can hear this because it's the the sound it's a nice hook horrific oh dude he's a's a he's a middleweight and light heavyweight champion I've seen this I've seen this let me hear that shit just listen this Yo, but in the fight where he knocks out Izzy Izzy was fucking his dude up and they should have stopped the fight They Izzy was fucking that guy up to the point where he's just in the corner covering up. I'm shocked they didn't stop the fight.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Maybe in kickboxing they let you get away with a little bit more. It was in Brazil, too. There you go. I mean, there's a good argument that you could have maybe stopped the fight, but if he goes on to knock Izzy out, maybe the argument is that you got to let guys fight. Listen, the end of the result of the fight is the end of the result of the fight. I'm just saying, like, I think if that happens again, I think it's easy. Who knows? Maybe they've both gotten better, but from what I saw of the fight.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Listen, he's definitely gotten better. Pereira's gotten better. But if you go back to Pereira's early days when he was fighting in last man standing, he lost a decision to someone in last man standing. And, you know, that was a big glory event back in the day and he just came into his own like fighters do they come into their own and then they reach this point where they're they're a champion now yeah and there's just a different thing is he's clearly in that place now yeah he's on another level but i think perera is too yeah and perera
Starting point is 00:55:41 has takedown defense and he winds up making his way to the UFC... Yes, Artem Levin. Artem Levin is a bad motherfucker, though. The dude he lost to is a beast. Listen, man. There's a lot of good fights for him in the UFC, in 185, and in 205. The thing about him at 205 is
Starting point is 00:56:01 interesting. He's not even going to gain any weight. He's just going to fight. He's not going to put any mass on his body. He looks a little bigger. Maybe. Have you seen him? He looks a little bigger. I mean, he's a big guy.
Starting point is 00:56:11 But his advantage is speed, right? And precision. So, like, why reduce that? He has a lot of advantage. His advantages are speed, accuracy, technical acumen. He understands striking better than anybody in the sport. He understands distancing and feints and reads and he's just so intelligent like his his his fight iq is off the charts yeah he just
Starting point is 00:56:33 know like the way he knew what was going to happen to paul costa unbelievable he was talking shit and a lot of people talk shit but he knew exactly and he was laughing yeah he's like just watch just watch i'm gonna piece him up just watch yeah and that's exactly what he did yeah there's a uh there's uh my dad would always tell me about that when he was interviewing ali before he fought uh foreman and uh people are going this guy is destroying people i mean when foreman fought frazier before he fought ali do you remember he with like an uppercut him up in the air lifted him up in the air yeah And my pops asked, Ali, he said, how are you going to beat this guy? I mean, this guy's just like destroying people. He's mauling them.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And he goes, this is what I do. He goes, I'm a scientist. Okay? This is what I do. Okay, you see what you do? I don't know what you do, but that's what you do. And he goes, what I am is a scientist. I'm going to pick this guy apart and I'm going to take him out.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Literally. Yeah. I mean, he kind of like does a little ropey dope thing obviously but he took him out that shit was genius yeah let that guy wear himself out yeah let him throw those big bombs yeah because that's what he did like yeah yeah yeah yeah those bombs it's uh it's interesting to watch these uh the paul brothers what i think is great about it is first of all if you're in the business to get eyeballs and make money they are getting eyeballs and making money like no one ever let's let these mma guys get paid let's let these old boxers get
Starting point is 00:57:57 paid here's the problem okay jake paul flatlines conor mcgr Ay-yi-yi. Do you understand? Ay-yi-yi. Do you understand? If they somehow or another do a boxing match and Jake Paul cracks him and knocks him out, you've got to realize also, how big is Jake? It's probably six. Logan is like 200. Yeah, Logan's about my height, but he's 200. Yeah. I think he's about 6'2", maybe like 200.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Jake is probably similar, right? I think they're probably around the same, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, solid. That's a lot bigger than Conor. Yeah, what is Conor, like 5'8", maybe? 5'7"? 5'8", and probably walks around 175.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah. Jake Paul is 181 at the weigh-in, 189 pre-fight weigh-in. Yeah. So a lean 190 versus a guy who's 175 ish yeah walking around at 175 when connor fought a cowboy he really hardly cut any weight at all yeah he just sort of weighed 170 boom and that's the same thing that cowboy did so if he knocks him it's a big big difference man that's a 20 pound gap or at least you know 15 i mean non-talking. If he knocks him out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Nonstop shit-talking. Nonstop shit-talking. I can't imagine him doing it. Beating Conor? No, no, I can imagine Conor taking the fight. I mean, he'd be silly not to take the fight. You can't imagine him beating Conor? I can't imagine him knocking out Conor.
Starting point is 00:59:20 If you have so much experience in the ring, dude, at the end of the day, you learn how to survive in there. Jorge was a good example. Remember when Jorge fought Kumaru? He just has so much time in the fucking ring. I'd see these guys in the gym all the time. James Toney was one of these guys. Toney would just survive.
Starting point is 00:59:37 You could put Toney in the ring probably right now with an average heavyweight. He might not land a single punch. He will survive 12 rounds. He'll just find him the whole time. Get in and hit. Come on, pussy. Come on, pussy. Hit me, pussy.
Starting point is 00:59:49 The odds are, that sounds good. Yeah, 4 to 1, 400. Yeah, that makes sense. Disrespect for the Conor. I'm not saying that Jake Paul would win. But what I'm saying is if he won, Jesus fucking Christ. It's over. If he won.
Starting point is 01:00:03 It's over. It's over, dude. If he won. If he beat Conor McGregor won it's over it's over if he won if he beat conor mcgregor it's over who else does he fight that's the thing if if you beat conor you can't fight actual boxers because there's going to be a huge you know skill discrepancy right there so you can only fight the mma guys that have boxing training no he could fight some up-and-coming boxers but there's not enough money in it right you need superstars to generate this type of money. Well, there's a lot of other NBA athletes that wanted to fight him after he knocked out Nate Robinson. Nobody's taking that fight after he knocks out Conor, if he does.
Starting point is 01:00:32 If he does. We're calling it already. See how excited? This is what these kids do. It's like, Dana White, get involved with these kids. I know. It's funny that he doesn't want to, isn't it? And you can't act like you're desecrating the sport or whatever because you took connor into boxing when you know you had no business in there with with uh floyd
Starting point is 01:00:48 yeah so it's like just make the biggest fights and make the most money that the people are most interested in the average fight fan does not know him as much as you do i watch i watch mma all the time i don't know what a darce choke is they go on the ground and to me it's a chicken wing or whatever it is a triangle wing whatever i it is, a triangle wing, whatever. I don't know what it is. The point is I have no clue about the jiu-jitsu part at all. I try. I'm interested, but it's so much vocabulary and knowledge that I probably have to watch for a while to really understand it.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I'm not going to bullshit. The striking I get, right? The average person has no fucking clue. It's a bar fight to the average person. But the average person is what's going to make you like this multimillionaire. Yes. Let's get them average people into it. Get them excited. get them part of the wrestling of it the hoopla and let's let these guys who are literally risking their fucking lives make some money well it's funny it's like he did take that wwe guy um god damn it his name is phil what is his
Starting point is 01:01:40 name the fucking yeah cm punk he had cm CM Punk. He had CM Punk fight. But the guy couldn't fight at all. No, but that's my point. Yeah. Is that he's famous. He took the fame. But CM Punk is famous. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Like legitimately famous. And that's why he was able to fight in the UFC. So same thing. These guys are famous. Dana. You might think they're internet famous. But he's way more famous than anybody else that you're thinking about in this sort of realm. Of like internet star that can generate a lot of income and is willing to fight.
Starting point is 01:02:15 That's the top of the food chain. And they can actually fight a bit. They can fight. And Dana, you're the best at promoting right now. I'll give that to him hands down. It's been amazing what they did. Did Jake Paul wrestle too? His brother wrestled.
Starting point is 01:02:27 There's video of him getting tapped out in a UFC gym somewhere. Some guy like... Well, that's normal. And again, that's where an MMA fight with a guy like Dylan Danis is not a good idea. You got to do boxing. But what if he boxes the more jujitsu-based grappling MMA guys? The guys who don't have the same level of experience boxing? What if he boxes the more like jujitsu based grappling mma guys right the guys who don't have the same level of experience boxing like what if he fought ben askren he's got legit punching power that's the thing does he beat up ben askren he's got legit punching power with big
Starting point is 01:02:56 pro boxing gloves on not like little tiny mma gloves like little tiny mma gloves everybody has different power it's there it's it's small there there's there's no padding yeah but you know what i find a little bit different like when the boxers try to do the mma stuff the the mma gloves are so small that they don't really operate as like a blocking mechanism in the way boxing gloves do 100 you know like boxers like a floyd if he had those little four ounce gloves he's not going to be able to do that same Philly shell defense. Right. Because anything over the top...
Starting point is 01:03:28 Hits you in the head. Boom. Yeah. And not only that, that uppercut that he got hit with, that would have really hurt him. When Conor hit him. Yeah. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Conor cracked him. I couldn't believe it. Conor's got fucking legit power in MMA, but in boxing, he hit Floyd with that clean shot. It didn't really do much. Because Floyd's been hit. He's been hit by Marcos Maidana. Short right hand.
Starting point is 01:03:49 You're not going to be stunned by any of these guys. Well, it's also like you can hit him once or twice until he gets your read and understands where you're at and starts picking you apart. Yeah. Somebody told me that Floyd made a bet that the fight goes 10 rounds. That's why it went 10 rounds. Probably. I went 10 rounds probably i mean
Starting point is 01:04:05 i think he carried him the 10th round i'm not trying to take away from connor but like floyd's the greatest ever buddy like apparently he said he didn't even train he just did push-ups like you know floyd's got some weird shit going on like if you go to his instagram he's got a beard all of a sudden i think he got like a beard injected what bro go to his latest instagram pic he's got hair he's got a hairline and he's got a full? I think he got like a beard injected. What? Bro, go to his latest Instagram pic. He's got hair, he's got a hairline, and he's got a full beard, but like stubble, like Enrique Iglesias shit. But I don't think he
Starting point is 01:04:32 could grow a beard. Floyd? Floyd Mayweather. Go to his latest Instagram pic, and he got all the comments taken off, like there's no comments on it. So to me, that lets me know you're getting lit up, and yeah. I'm pretty sure he got the fake beard. Yo, look, look, go in.
Starting point is 01:04:49 That's a fake beard, bro. That's not a real beard. Wait a minute. There's no way we would have known you had this. How does he have a fake beard? I think they did the Michael Jackson show. Remember Michael Jackson won a goatee and then he inserted each one of those hairs? Go large on that.
Starting point is 01:05:08 No comment. Can you get it bigger? What is going on there? And look at his hairline. Go up. Floyd hasn't had hair since he's 23 years old. All of a sudden you got a hairline, buddy? This guy went to Turkey.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Huh. So you think he had a hair transplant on his his face i think you could do that now i think you can and trust me i know i can't grow a beard so i'm like really when i see guys get a beard out of nowhere i'm just like i'm aware of it you know it's like a girl with small tits like she knows every girl that has fake tits yep 100 so i this guy wants to show off that beard come on that's the logan fight what if that's the logan fight he just wants to show off that beard. Come on. That's the Logan fight. What if that's the Logan fight? He just wants to show off the foot. Who gets a hair transplant on their face?
Starting point is 01:05:49 He got almost a billion. Do you think he's a billion left? I bet he's got $100,000 in the bank. You're lying. I bet he spent every fucking penny. You really think so? I think he spends as much money as he gets. This is after he got out of prison in 2012.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Yeah, that's 2012. Right, but he shaved. No, I was just looking for pictures in 2012. Yeah, but that's 2012. Right, but he shaved. No, I was just looking for pictures of it. I mean, there's no real... Of a beard. Yeah, dude. Yeah, there's no way. I even think the goatee might be fake.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Why does it say no hair up there? Go all the way up. All the way up. Why does it say no hair? What does that say? Who has no hair... What does it say? Spends up spends up to 3 000 a week on haircuts all right maybe he's broke i'm telling you that guy lives like a wild man he's got so
Starting point is 01:06:34 many cars and he doesn't even drive them and he has different color cars for different cities yeah like his cars in vegas are all white his cars in la are all black yeah he's got this whole system did you buy some new shit once you got the check? Not that much, man. No car? There's not something that you were like, let me just indulge a little bit? I'm always indulging. But nothing special.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Nothing crazy? No, man. I felt like I'm not going to do anything different. I'm not going to do a show any different. I know you're not going to be different. That's why I felt like even with the money. I'm not doing anything different. Really? Yeah. It kind of looks a little bit like that.
Starting point is 01:07:07 What? Bro, he did that. What? 100% did that. Doesn't that look a little bit like that? What? 100%. That's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Fake beard, dude. What? Fake beard. Not even a question. Bro, that is nuts. That's nuts. Yep. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:07:18 This is a thing? Yep. Oh, my God. Plastic surgery for dudes, man. Oh, my God. That's exactly what it is. Mm-hmm. Dude, that's crazy. That's going to be popular.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I bet you dudes are going to start doing Botox big time. There's a lot of guys that do it already. They call it Brotox. You're lying. Nope. It's good branding. They call it Brotox. Guys call it Brotox.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Would you ever do Brotox? No, no. I need my expressions. That's true Like you're on stage And you can't do this I know comics Dude you're calling fights
Starting point is 01:07:49 Like he knocked him out Look at him Oh He's dead Oh I know dudes who have Gotten that Bro talks
Starting point is 01:07:59 And fillers And they look like A kabuki mask No Oh yeah Comics? Weird yeah comics What is this guy?
Starting point is 01:08:06 Wow. Listen, man, don't be afraid of lines, bitch. Yeah. We can write some skin lines. You own those fuckers. Look at these. Laugh lines. I love the good life.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Let's go. I got this one from Fear Factor. Really? Yeah, this big line in between my eyeballs from being outside squinting because I couldn't wear sunglasses because I was filming a show. So I was outside eight hours a day for fucking six years squinting doing fear factor why couldn't you just
Starting point is 01:08:30 wear the sunglasses they wouldn't let me they wouldn't let me wear sunglasses while i was filming they wanted to see my eyes because i was doing a television show uh-huh where i'm gonna tell people things and point out things they don't want any sunglasses yeah so i'm always doing this the every fucking day for years. And I developed this big ass crease in between my eyebrows. If you go to season one, I don't have it. There's nothing there. Season one, Fear Factor, I don't have it.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Season six or whatever the fuck it was, I had it. But around season four or five, I started chilling. I'm like, what the fuck is this? Did you ever get disillusioned with that show, like seeing what people would do? No. Or was it just the most fun? That was the money show. That show was for money.
Starting point is 01:09:12 That's it. I paid the bills. That's by the time. That's like late seasons. Oh, yeah. That's deep right there. I got that deep line. See that early?
Starting point is 01:09:20 Look at that little cutie pie, huh? Little sweetie. I was probably wearing makeup then, too. This is great. Yeah, see? Little sweetie. I was probably wearing makeup then, too. This is great. Yeah, see? No line. That's season one. No line.
Starting point is 01:09:31 And then you go to season seven, fat ass line between my eyebrows. That was just a show for money, man. And also a show because I didn't want to act anymore. Yeah. Acting sucks. It's not fun. Why do we... Dude.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Oh, that's what I want to talk to you about did you see the Tom Cruise thing no I heard about it though I heard he goes off this is genius oh I actually was saving that
Starting point is 01:09:52 saving listening to it to where I could listen to it on air okay and give an honest assessment can we listen oh yeah oh this is so genius
Starting point is 01:09:59 I'm not even gonna say what I think about it until afterwards yeah yeah yeah I'm so glad I had the restraint because I was taking a shit last night and I was like should I listen to this I'm like I know we I think about it until afterwards. I'm so glad I had the restraint. Because I was taking a shit last night. I was like, should I listen to this?
Starting point is 01:10:07 I'm like, I know we're going to talk about this. It's maybe a three minute, a two minute, a one minute version. It's like two minutes. Give me a three minute, man. I want to hear all the juice. I want to hear Good Morning America's version. There's like a two minute clip that's on Twitter. It gets a little redundant.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Here we go. Let me check on Twitter. It'll be yeah. It gets a little redundant. Here we go. Let me check on Twitter. It'll be faster. Yeah. Anyway, we'll talk. Why? The Good Morning America one has too much. YouTube doesn't have too much extra shit on it.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Oh. Yo, this guy's a genius is all I'll say. Do you think he did it on purpose? I don't want to say until after you see. I don't want to say until after you see. Jamie will find it any moment now. Ready? Here we go. the pressure's on
Starting point is 01:10:46 got it because they believe in us and what we're doing i'm on the phone with every studio at night insurance companies producers and they're looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs, you mother. I don't ever want to see it again! Ever! And if you don't do it, you're fired.
Starting point is 01:11:18 And if I see you do it again, you're gone. And anyone on this crew does it. That's it! And you too. And you too. And you. Don't you ever do it again. That's it. No apologies.
Starting point is 01:11:39 You can tell it to the people that are losing their homes because our industry is shut down. It's not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education. Come on, bro. Come on, bro. That's what I sleep with every night.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Come on. That's what I sleep with every night, other than dudes. The future of this f***ing industry. So I'm sorry, I'm beyond your apologies. dudes Is it understood? If I see it again, you're f***ing gone. And so are you. So you're going to cost him his job. And I see it on the set, you're gone.
Starting point is 01:12:35 And you're gone. That's it. When I'm clear, do you understand what I want? Does this keep going? Same shit. The responsibility that you have. Okay. I think, first of all, it's interesting hearing someone yell with a mask on. Right?
Starting point is 01:12:51 Because you can clearly hear, he's yelling through a mask. It could have been in someone's phone in their pocket, too. Or he had a mask on. Probably had a mask on. He was yelling about COVID protocols. I could hear a lot of muffling on that. I thought it was. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:02 There's that, too. But it's also the sound coming out of his mouth. Maybe he's wearing a mask but who has a blow-up and says all the right things he does he's everything he said was right that's what i'm saying that's why he leaked it yeah of course you leaked it he leaked it of course joe he just had a blow-up where he's like we're saying we need to save people's lives people are are losing their jobs. They just want to pay for college education. When you're angry, you don't act rationally when you're screaming. You don't? No.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Do you? Yeah. When you scream, you're being, well, we need to care about the turtles and stop using plastic straws. That's how you are going to yell? That sounds like me. Get out of here. Come on. There's not a single slur?
Starting point is 01:13:44 You didn't have one slur? I think what he did was perfect. No, no. What he did was fine, but he leaked that shit so he could look good. When Christian Bale was cursing at the guy for making noise on set, right? For fuck's sake, man. Be professional. Most likable he's ever been.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Yeah. I love that. I love it. I love the actor blots because it's authentic. You get to see who they are. And if you're a douchebag, I'm fine with that. Just be you. People were mad at him for that, but I was like, that guy's probably in his line of sight
Starting point is 01:14:09 and fucking with things in the middle of a scene while the guy's trying to act. And a lot of those guys on sets are disrespectful. Like, they don't respect the process that the actors are going through. Yeah. Like, there's a lot of people that are just idiots. Yeah, they're just walking around. I've seen that on sitcoms. I've seen that with lighting people and sound people. A lot of them are knuckleheads. Yeah, they're just walking around. I've seen that on sitcoms. I've seen that with lighting people and sound people.
Starting point is 01:14:26 A lot of them are knuckleheads. Yeah, but acting's stupid also. We should acknowledge that. But I love movies, so I'm torn. That's the problem. So I'm torn. It's like you want to see these things, but at the same time, you're like, ah, this is so corny. It is corny.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, he had to. I mean, come on. You had to be in control of leaking that. There's no way. It just makes him look good. Maybe, maybe not.
Starting point is 01:14:49 It's a dramatic blowout. Dramatic blowouts are always good. People like them. They like to listen. We just listened. I was enjoying it. I liked all that screaming shit. He's such an odd guy.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Do you think he really cares? Yeah. Yeah, he cares. He's making a movie. He's a movie star. What are you doing? What are you saying? You don't think he cares he's making a movie he's a movie star what are you doing what are you saying you don't think he cares oh he doesn't need motherfuckers care dude he's such an odd guy have you met him no no but i mean just everything about him the whole scientology thing yeah like it's he's what's the deal with that does it work like does it work like what we all hate on it
Starting point is 01:15:24 before we know if it works well it was created by a science fiction author so were they all it's not different from any other book right is they say some wild shit in all the books does this one work the best here's the difference first of all it was created by a guy who we know el ron yeah i mean he was a terrible science fiction author have you ever read his books they're so bad there was no second drafts in L. Ron's collection. He just spewed out whatever the fuck he was
Starting point is 01:15:50 saying and it's really dumb. Just First Testament. They're really bad. Have you ever read Going Clear from Lawrence Wright? No. It's a great book. Wait, is Lawrence Wright the second guy? Lawrence Wright is the guy who wrote the book that HBO turned into a documentary on Scientology yes okay the the
Starting point is 01:16:07 book going clear is even better than documentary and it's it's crazy shit man it's all talking about el ron that el ron was basically like he was a guy who was mentally ill right he was trying to he was trying to create some sort of psychology therapy for himself yeah through like books and self-help books and then you created and concocted this religion after telling people that the way to make real money is to start a religion but isn't that how all of them go like the mormons right what was the dude's name joseph smith joseph smith yeah yo i got these tablets they're popping up whatever we should go to salt lake city all the new that's crazier isn't it well we just confirmed there's aliens so he's not that crazy.
Starting point is 01:16:47 He's crazy. He was a 14-year-old kid who was a con man. He's a crazy con man. What I'm trying to say is, does it work? What do you mean, does it work? Like, things can be bullshit and then they work. Like the economy. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:59 It's bullshit, but it works. Right. Do you know what I mean? So maybe this Scientology thing, maybe we go and then maybe we're less stressed. Send Ben Shapiro. Do you know what I mean? So maybe this Scientology thing, maybe we go and then maybe we're less stressed. Send Ben Shapiro. Do you know what I mean? Like maybe Ben gets clear and then all of a sudden he's like super cool. Ben is a Jew and Judaism is what keeps him together.
Starting point is 01:17:14 That's his glue. Okay. That's the bubble gum that keeps his papers stuck together. Maybe there's better glue. Maybe there's some cement. And maybe you go to Scientology, you get clear. I don't know. I'm just saying I know nothing about it.
Starting point is 01:17:24 It's like country music. When I was growing up in New York, everybody told me country music was stupid. So I was like, yeah, the only music I don't listen to is country. It was just a saying that we would have. I listen to everything except country. I never listened to country music. I started listening to country music. It's incredible.
Starting point is 01:17:40 There's some great country music out there. It's my favorite. Especially today. It's unbelievable country music. Yeah. And I listen to the Britney Spears great country music it's like my favorite today that's unbelievable country music yeah and i listen to like the britney spears of country music i listen like rascal flats and i just love it like life is a highway i'm all about life as a highway i'm into it life is a highway bro life is a highway yeah we're gonna ride it all night long damn right joe damn right so my point is is like maybe scientology got like a couple things that are pretty good well here's
Starting point is 01:18:03 what scientology does so what Scientology does. So what Scientology does for people is it gives them a structure. It gives them a belief system. It gives them some goals to set, some things to do. And you're concentrating on being positive and being productive. Yeah. Anything where you concentrate on being positive and being productive is going to be beneficial as opposed to no structure at all. No concentrating on being positive.
Starting point is 01:18:30 No concentrating on being productive. Tom Cruise is obviously a very positive, very productive person. He gets a lot of shit done. The dude's a beast. Beast. I mean, the dude does his own fucking stunt work and he's like 56 years old. Looks great. Jumps off buildings.
Starting point is 01:18:43 He's a savage. Yeah. Like legit respect for Tom Cruise. Crazy as cat shit. on work and he's like 56 years old looks great jumps off buildings he's a savage yeah like legit respect for tom cruise crazy as cat shit he's out of his fucking mind likes to let's see get like likes guys a little bit or no uh i joked around about that earlier because i'm rude but but i don't know do you think he's got a bunch of children with women so how about you fuck off andrew schultz but he they have the same name as him, right? That's arrogant. What?
Starting point is 01:19:06 What do you mean? When you marry a girl who's got your last name. What are you talking about? Penelope Cruz. Oh. He didn't marry her. Oh, he didn't? No, they were just dating for a little while.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Whatever. Point is. It was a movie, right? Vanilla Sky. Right? I think they were hooking up a little bit. So what if he's gay? I don't care. Well, I think there's probably a lot of people in Hollywood that are gay
Starting point is 01:19:26 that are leading men that can't come out of the closet because there's one thing that you can't do in Hollywood, like for whatever reason. Hollywood pretends that it's not homophobic at all. What is this? What's Dunn doing? That's a wild boy right there, bro. Is he jumping off that?
Starting point is 01:19:38 That's a wild-ass boy right there. Oh, my God. He's base jumping? That is a wild-ass boy right there. He's crazy, bro. Come on, Doug. He is a real bad boy right there He's crazy bro Come on dog He is a real bad motherfucker How do you do that
Starting point is 01:19:47 And you're afraid to say you're gay Well This is way scarier This is my thing Yeah yeah This is not saying Tom Cruise is gay I was joking around before About him sleeping with guys
Starting point is 01:19:55 But he could get cracked open by guys That is true That's a possibility Men do fuck men So you might be right And he could be getting Cleaned the fuck out by them Here's my thought
Starting point is 01:20:04 Hollywood pretends to be super woke And super progressive But there is one Ben so you might be right and he could be getting cleaned the fuck out by them right here's my thought Hollywood pretends to be super woke and super progressive but there is one border they do not cross they do not have gay men openly gay men play straight heartthrobs in movies it never happens
Starting point is 01:20:19 it does not happen because there is an accounting for the homophobia of a modern society. As lessened as it is, as opposed to like the 70s and the 80s and the 90s, there is still homophobia. And people do not want to see an openly gay man making out with a woman, pretending that he's in love with her. We don't believe in the romance. He's in love with her. We don't believe in the romance.
Starting point is 01:20:50 We can't have an openly gay James Bond actor who goes banging spies and fucking people up. They don't exist. That is the one thing that doesn't exist. And it traditionally has not existed. Maybe Tom Cruise could be the guy that breaks that mold if he was gay and came out of the closet. Like Doogie Howser. What's his real name? Yeah, that guy.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Neil Patrick Harris? Yeah. That guy was killing it. He was like a Lothario in that one show. Remember, he was in that sitcom where, like, How I Met Your Mom? Yes. Right? And then he comes out as gay, and now he's got to be weird characters.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Yeah. Right? He's got to be like... That's a sitcom world. It's a different world. Tom Cruise is in the blockbuster action movie world that's international. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So he's selling movies to saudi arabia doesn't want to see you getting smoked out and then hooking up with some hot
Starting point is 01:21:30 chick if he was banging dudes openly if tom cruise said listen all these years i've been a gay man and it's frustrating for me it's over yeah that that machine fucking grinds to a halt yeah yeah dude hollywood is so funny it's over if the rock turned out to be gay is with a super athlete like the rock a gigantic superhero of a man if all of a sudden the rock said he's gay and he can't i'm not saying he's his right say i love the rock yeah giant rock shout out to tara and even if he was gay i'd be a giant rock fan yes but what i'm saying is that international movie world if he wanted bro if he was gay probably he could take that probably have a lot of problems oh yeah you're gonna need a lot of pbc peptides whatever that is you're gonna need a lot of that to recover from it's just right up there um but the point is like i think they would severely damage his brand as an
Starting point is 01:22:27 international lead man superstar yeah not as true how things work like that you get you have to and it's like i don't think it's uh bigoted to think like that because you're making that prediction based on financial returns yes it's not i'm not bigoted when i'm just looking at the reality of leading men in movies right that are gay leading men in movies when they're gay actors they wind up being the best friend of the wife yeah someone else or a guy at work they never wind up being the romantic lead i'm not saying you're big i'm saying even hollywood making those decisions because they're literally just trying to get return on investment it's like selling bacon at like a Muslim restaurant or something
Starting point is 01:23:06 It's like you know, it doesn't matter how good the bacon is no matter how much you like bacon. They're not gonna eat it Yeah, yeah when you look China Influences film so much that they changed dr. Strange's guru from a Tibetan man to a white woman You know, that's Hollywood's pussy with that China shit. I won't be able to go to China, by the way, after this thing comes out. It's a lot of money. I bet you won't be able to go to China. We go kind of hard on China.
Starting point is 01:23:30 You don't have to go to China. I don't need to go to China. You could stay in New York City. I've seen it. I've seen it. Have you been? Looks busy. It's very busy.
Starting point is 01:23:37 China? Very busy. Yeah, it's probably similar to the New York one. They have good Chinese food. Do they? Allegedly. That's what they say. That's where I came from.
Starting point is 01:23:44 I love Chinese food. What if it sucks, dude? What if we're getting a whole different type of chinese food like italian food in the east coast is different than italian food in italy exactly we might not want that little thin pizza shit right the little thin crunchy pizza we don't want that maybe who knows keep that in firenze you fanooks no there's a there's a there's a thing with i don't know i i i do understand and i have like empathy for people in those situations like where you have to make a decision that's based on like finances like literally two days ago i don't know if i told you this but like the head ep i can't say his name but like who basically got this show made on on side, the Netflix show, called me.
Starting point is 01:24:25 He was like, hey, man, I just watched it. I got to take my name off this show. What? And I go, what do you mean? He goes, you're making fun of all my friends. He goes, Gavin Newsom comes to my house. Kamala comes to my house. They've been all these celebs That you're talking shit about
Starting point is 01:24:45 What did you call him A blow up fuck doll What did he call him What did you call him Yeah yeah An inflatable fuck doll Yeah Yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:24:52 Dude CNN went after him The other day Really That's when you know it's over So people aren't into Well they recognize That his ship is sinking There's a recall
Starting point is 01:25:01 Yeah there's a recall For Gavin Newsom right now It's reached over 800,000 signatures, which is big. And if it reaches 2 million, then it can actually happen. But the fact that CNN went after him, like, oh, they're sacrificing him. They realized that what he's doing, especially after going to that restaurant and sitting indoors with no mask after telling everybody social distance. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Yeah. How it all went so wrong for Gavin Newsom. I just want to tell people. Scroll down lower than that so you see what it says there. Yeah. This is when they're basically, they're amplifying the signal that it's going wrong for him. When they're doing things like that,
Starting point is 01:25:42 they recognize the sail. They're separating themselves. Yeah. Where the ship is sailing. But also fuck them. Like fuck it i think tim tim dylan had a great tweet where he's just like any governor any politician that breaks their own protocol yeah resign resign and you should fucking resign you should go to jail yeah honestly castration what do you do for the women do it as well no female gen Female genital. No, no, no. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:26:07 I don't know. I don't know what you can do for the women. What's the thing they do in Egypt? They do the children. Oh God. Female genital mutilation. It's horrific. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:15 I don't wish that on anybody. Yeah. That's really bad. We shouldn't do that. Why is it so much more fun to talk about guys balls getting chopped off? Because we're guys. That's true. It's a free shot.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Leave the girls' vaginas alone. Yeah. Okay? Just put them in jail. Put them in jail. The men, I think they have to resign no matter what, and then maybe jail. Joking around about jail, but legitimately resign. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:39 We're joking around about jail, but I legitimately think they should be forced to resign. Because if you break your own protocol, if nancy pelosi and you have shut down beauty salons and then you go to a beauty salon with no fucking mask on you force them to do your hair it's over get out yeah get out you're a hypocrite it's proven we have a video that you're a hypocrite and then when they talk to her about it she's like i think it was a setup she flipped it on them low-key i respected that that's what she does that was that was nice she flipped it on them back when she was telling people to go out in new york city in february what she said yeah she was telling people to go out in new york city she's like don't stop going out oh she's in san francisco no i think it was new york city oh i thought she was in her own san francisco chinatown
Starting point is 01:27:18 saying like uh hey we should be out here we should be spending money we should do our thing i think she was talking about new York City. Maybe. Either way. But yeah, all of them. They're fucking frauds. The point is, after it was over, she was like, the record will show that that's not what I was saying. She speaks in this weird...
Starting point is 01:27:33 And she doesn't get called out on it. Ocasio-Cortez takes direct shot at Pelosi and Schumer. Yeah. The progressive star bluntly stated that we need new leadership in the Democratic Party. She just wants straight up socialism. They want to go hard with the woke stuff. Yeah, that's the tricky thing. It's like the young people.
Starting point is 01:27:52 That is going to kill the party. That socialism shit is going to kill the party. People are not down for that. Defund the police. Socialism shit. That radical left stuff scares the fuck out of people with mortgages. They just don't get the branding of it at all. They're really bad at branding.
Starting point is 01:28:07 Unbelievable. They get a lot of love for that thinking. But it's not love. It's like, Joe, you're a testament to this. Where it's, if you have a reasonable, rational point of view, sometimes it leans left, sometimes it leans right. But it's reasonable and it's rational. And you're not positioning the other side as evil, right?
Starting point is 01:28:24 With your show. You end up having the biggest show in the history of media so far right these people on cnn or fox news or the aocs or whoever the aoc is on the other side right are playing to the loudest 10 on the internet but they're losing the rest of us 80 of us are literally right here in the middle going fuck i can't trust these guys I can't trust these guys who the hell am I going to trust that guy's got a podcast where he has interesting guys going on isn't that crazy you didn't even ask for this
Starting point is 01:28:53 were you sitting down going one day I'm going to have the biggest podcast in the world and people are going to come to me for truth right you're like smoking weed with red band right and then it just fucking fell into your lap because you're like these guys, I imagine you probably thought earlier on
Starting point is 01:29:09 there's a little more skepticism about media early on for you. No? Maybe it comes from the conspiracy type background. Well, I've always had skepticism for people that are in power that are establishing a narrative that benefits politicians
Starting point is 01:29:23 or benefits special interest groups. Yeah. Whatever the fuck they're doing when it's transparent and obvious it just drives me nuts like how these groups don't see it and then you see that like that kind of wedge it keeps being driven and driven and driven during that fucked up world though dude that world of politics is so baffling but they have to represent us in a certain way and once they realize that they're losing us they will change these people want power? Some of them want change, but most of them, especially the ones that have been there for 40 years, they want power and they're willing to manipulate their bodies in whatever way that they can to maintain power. So the second we start saying that we want
Starting point is 01:29:56 weed to be legal, all of a sudden, all these same stiffs that have been saying weed shouldn't be legal and it's horrible, all of them, well, you know, it could really help states and this is a drug for medicine purposes and all this other nonsense they don't care they do whatever we want so let's create the situations where they we can i guess manipulate them maneuver them or whatever it is by just putting truth out there it's i don't even think it's that hard it's not that hard to put truth out there. And just to be honest about your opinions on things is controversial in that world. That world, you have an established narrative that you're supposed to adopt. Yeah. If you're left wing or you're right wing.
Starting point is 01:30:33 That's the bullshit about it. They give you the talking points. They literally hand them to you. No, no. If you're on CNN, they discuss what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Yeah. You ever hear those tapes of Cuomo talking to Michael Cohen, talking him through how they're going to do this interview
Starting point is 01:30:49 and what he should say? Yeah. That is crazy. Yeah, it's propaganda. It is propaganda. And we're starting to see it. It's propaganda on a news show. On a news show.
Starting point is 01:30:57 And what's so funny is we would clown Russia and all these other countries for doing this exact same thing and sit here like, oh, well, we have freedom of the press and all that other stuff. Okay, what you're going to say is make sure left-wing it's just bullshit because at the end of the day like we have the internet now we can access information we're not stupid right 10 of us on each side just want to be told what we feel is right and that 10 is way too little for them to actually maintain their business model
Starting point is 01:31:22 i shouldn't be here and you shouldn't be here. Right. They should have never opened up that hole for us to exist outside of the industry. Yeah. Like the fact that they left that hole gaping wide open. Well, we both do very different things than what they're doing though.
Starting point is 01:31:38 But they could literally be, they could pull it close. Yeah, but they can't. See, you can't talk shit on CNN. What we do that is so comforting to people is we talk shit like they would if they're with their friends yeah and they're sitting around the kitchen table crack of beers talking shit yeah we talk shit yeah they talking shit is an integral part of being a man yeah very important so if you see a bunch of men on television and they're never talking shit it's when they do talk shit, it's like Don Lemon shit talking.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Where you're like, what is happening here? Why is anyone laughing at this? What is this? It's like theater class shit talking. It's like some odd form of shit talking that doesn't really make sense. It's an improv game. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to actual males. So when you see these people that are talking about important issues, but they never say
Starting point is 01:32:27 it in a natural voice. They never say it in an honest interpretation. Like they don't have an honest view based on their life and what they see. It's always through the party line. Yeah. It's always through this ideology that they have to support. Call yourself out when you're wrong. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:32:43 Like, dude, first time I came on the show, I saidflix was gonna go out of business yeah i was wrong netflix is done listen i was wrong i looked at the numbers i thought i was right now i'm on fucking netflix okay i call myself out on it i can say it it's fine like you know how refreshing that is when you hear somebody like i think when i think even it was something happened with you like you corrected something you said on a pod yeah you put out a video afterwards yeah right and it's fucking refreshing because then you're like oh i can trust that guy because if he does get something fucking wrong he's gonna say it yeah i will every time and that all people also thought that spotify asked me to do that literally no one asked me to do that jamie i want this that was a five minute
Starting point is 01:33:24 decision i walked in here jamie said oh that thing that. Jamie, that was a five-minute decision. I walked in here. Jamie said, oh, that thing that you said about that is wrong. I'm like, no, really? And he shows me the article, and I'm like, fuck, what should I do? I was about to do a podcast. I go, I'm going to make a video. So I just made a video right there and then, one take, uploaded it,
Starting point is 01:33:43 and then did the podcast. And what do I remember? I don't remember the content. I don't remember what you apologized about. I just remembered that you apologized when you were wrong. I will always do that. But then people trust you. I'm never married to my opinions. And if I have a mistake, I think it's way more important that I say the mistake and tell people the actual facts than protect my fucking fragile ego.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Yeah. And pretend that I didn't fuck up, that I didn't make a mistake. Yeah. 100%. If you get something wrong, you got to say it. And if you get duped, if you read some incorrect information, we've done that 100 times. I've said something early on in the podcast and an hour later, Jamie's like, well, actually, that's not true anymore. You find out it's a lie.
Starting point is 01:34:28 You find out it's propaganda or it's a parody site. Didn't Trump just recently tweet something from a parody site? The Babylon Bee or something like that. They're funny over there. They're funny, man. Somebody just sent me something from that today and they didn't know it was fake. Yeah. They get people all the time with that.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Yeah. What do you think happens with Trump? What do you think the next stage of Trump's- Jamie has a theory. Okay, Jamie. Just with the potential California recall of Newsom, there's an internet push that could say, hey, why don't you go take over California?
Starting point is 01:34:57 It's on its own the fifth largest country in the world with the economy. Imagine. Someone could take over. Trump takes over California, brings it back to life gets rid of all the homelessness and then comes back and runs for president again in 2024 and wins by a landslide california imagine dude he flips california and people are like why would
Starting point is 01:35:18 you even want that why would you want that i'm not saying i want that i like ridiculous shit i like chaos i do i enjoy that talking baby i enjoy it that would be chaos schwarzenegger became governor when there was a recall yes right yeah they were called gray and then uh schwarzenegger took it took over that was 2003 okay i mean who knows who knows what's going on who knows what's going on but he's gonna be around like he's looking a little silly now with when he keeps on like leaning into like the voter fraud shit like yes there's voter fraud i think there's probably voter fraud every single election and yes there's shady shit going on was there enough for him to lose the election nothing i've read or watched
Starting point is 01:35:58 so far no has showed me that no i haven't read that either but it's it's interesting that some people don't even want to admit there's voter fraud. Yeah. Like, I do not believe there was enough voter fraud to flip the election the other way. But I have some, like, hardcore lefty friends. Yeah. And they're like, it's all this voter fraud shit is bullshit. I go, here's the question. Here's my question. Is the amount of voter fraud more than zero?
Starting point is 01:36:19 Yes. What's the number? Yeah. What is the number? That's the question. Because you know there's some. Yeah. So what's the number?
Starting point is 01:36:24 Yeah. You know there's some stuff question because you know there's some yeah so what's the number yeah you know there's some stuff ballots you know there's some bullshit you know some people working there flipping votes for the other people you know that that dominion fucking could be shady shady as fuck dude bare minimum i think there was a story about like a a husband and wife the husband ends up dying like two old people but they had their mail-in ballot and i think she sent it in anyway knowing like who he would vote for that's fraud yes you're not allowed to do that dead people aren't allowed to vote how many of those situations are there to flip an election i don't think so i mean it got lost by a lot not enough that being said there is voter fraud and he's leaning in i imagine to the voter fraud thing to like continue to you know bolster up his base
Starting point is 01:37:02 and delegitimize the loss because he's always about branding. Yeah. That's all he understands is branding. Yeah. And it's actually a smart move if you lost how you can keep those people emboldened. Yeah. But I think the average person that was kind of like drawn to him is only drawn to him in terms of like his victory state. And I think that they're starting to kind of sour a bit on Trump.
Starting point is 01:37:23 They kind of think he's looking a little bit pathetic now yeah it doesn't look good yeah you know when you when you're a simple person and this is not an insult there's a lot of people that support Trump that look at things in a very simplistic way right you know like God wants Trump to win yeah like that kind of shit yeah when you're a simple person you don't respect losers yeah now when a person loses and then complains about losing you don't respect that so you got two choices either you go along with the narrative that they stole the election yeah and you know and then you're not sure if that's true yeah because you don't really have enough data you don't have
Starting point is 01:38:00 it in front of you so you go with it but you're like oh i don't know if that's true and then you see him complaining about it all the time but then you see that like the electoral college they all they just established biden's the winner like yesterday yeah they finally handed it over yeah it's over he won yeah so what's happening so these people are in limbo they don't know what to believe because he looks when someone's complaining and whining about it being stolen, you look pathetic. Yeah. Whining is never good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:30 You look pathetic. Yeah. Like when he gets criticized by reporters and he's like, what they did was terrible. We won. And we won huge. We won huge. We went bigger than anybody's ever won before. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:40 And you're like, oh, did you though? Yeah. Like this is crazy. Like this is what, but here's the other thing it's also crazy that we don't trust the whole process anymore yeah we don't and what he's doing is by saying that he he won and that he's being robbed it undermines the entire electoral process yeah it really does that's what's douchey for self-interest right like and i think that's just as douchey as these like networks that like drive the wedge for profit like he is driving that wedge for profit right i don't think he's doing it out
Starting point is 01:39:09 of you know patriotism but here's the thing he's done that in the past yeah this is what he does he did that about i believe he did it about ted cruz he did that about other elections we're saying that it was fraud yeah you're talking about the primary yeah when he lost the primary in what was the state i don't know he lost the primary in what was the state i don't know he lost the primary in one of those states to ted cruz and he blamed yeah he said it was it was 2016 right yeah and he blamed uh voter fraud like you you can't cry wolf like that yeah you gotta just take the l man we respect it if people take the l on the chin it is what it is but it does make you realize like boy the dirty shenanigans behind the scenes is valuable oh yeah that dirty shit is how you win an election yeah i mean yeah
Starting point is 01:39:50 don't they say didn't they say that's how jfk won like didn't the oh yeah isn't that the rumor yeah the mom hooked it up in chicago yeah illinois was apparently not going his way and he needed it i heard that abraham lincoln did that shit I'm sure. So sometimes it works out. That's the shitty thing. It's like sometimes the democratic process is wrong. Yeah. It's like sometimes you need. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Like Kennedy was a great president for as long as he stayed alive. Yeah. Yeah. But maybe they would have hated him if he did two terms too. Maybe. They don't like anybody unless you go out in a box. That's so true. If you die.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Who do we like? Lincoln and Kennedy. Everybody else can eat shit. We kind of like Reagan because he took a bullet and walked it off. George Washington. And liberals do not like Reagan at all. Right. No.
Starting point is 01:40:34 So he's like a right-wing hero, but he's a left-wing devil in a lot of ways. He's the only right-wing hero of former presidents. H.W. Bush was never a right-wing hero. Right. G.W. is not a right-wing hero of former presidents. H.W. Bush was never a right-wing hero. G.W. is not a right-wing hero. Herbert Walker was one term. W. was two terms. Bro, it's amazing to see the hit Obama's taken. That, to me, is mind-boggling.
Starting point is 01:40:58 You have to constantly fight for your reputation even after you're president and a beloved president. That's why he's putting out that book. He's literally like, oh, shit, black people don't fuck with me like they used to all right i gotta put out a book to let everybody know i tried my best you think that's what it is 100% charlamagne don't charlamagne asked him i think so i think there's a lot of charlamagne asked him he was like uh he goes you know why didn't you do more for black people i think essentially or why do people not know that and then he explained that the political process the system itself makes it very difficult to do specific things like he can't make a local government do something that's up to your local government that's why you
Starting point is 01:41:34 have to vote for these people he's not wrong he's 100 right about that but still the idea is that the president is our savior and he's going to do these things to make our lives better and when he doesn't we're kind of resentful yeah dude the the presidency getting in there and trying to get something to happen and try to make things happen it's got to be brutally difficult and that's why the thing about trump is quite interesting is like he he did these things that you think he made them happen but he didn't actually like he did a lot of these like um executive orders and the problem with the executive order is they're gonna be switched exactly yeah when you actually get like a law passed like say what you want about obamacare and who gives a fuck if it's good or bad i don't know enough to even tell you
Starting point is 01:42:12 but that shit is entrenched yeah like they've been trying to get rid of that shit for the last four years and it hasn't really been taken all the way down and because once you get something passed it's kind of locked in but our system is built in a way where it's very difficult to lock things in and when you're not willing to make any of those compromises like none of these fucking hacks are it makes it very difficult to have like long lasting change yeah it really does it sucks dude like why would anybody want to be a politician you just gotta lie to people like you're the newest liar yeah you know what i mean like trump was an enigma right because he it looked at least like he wasn't under the control, I guess, of the elites. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:42:51 But the rest of them, you're just the newest liar. Hey, do us a favor. Lie to these people for four years. Oh, you got another four? Okay, lie to them. Tell them some shit that's going to happen. It ain't. And then someone else comes out.
Starting point is 01:43:00 You're the newest liar. Trump should do? What's that? A fucking podcast. Dude, he would murder. Murder. Actually, he might need an audience he might need the reaction do a live podcast he would kill give them all covid have all the people in the office have a fucking covid hot spot every week covid cast dude i mean i don't know it's just so interesting like going into politics like there's there's so many other ways to influence people influence culture like and i don't think they're done through well the other people that do it first of all the people
Starting point is 01:43:29 that get involved like garcetti the mayor of los angeles oh yeah that guy's such a low-rung intellect that i don't know if there's anything else where he would be successful at like that how sad is that public in in a public space where you're speaking to large numbers of people yeah you're influencing large numbers of people yeah what else would that guy do where he would have that kind of influence and power the reason why he got that gig is because nobody who's really intelligent and really ambitious and really on the ball wants to be the fucking mayor of la yeah the weirdos want to be the mayor of la yeah we have to be a sociopath yeah you're gonna no matter every decision you make some people end up dying here's my favorite
Starting point is 01:44:09 part about him though what is that he tried so hard to be progressive as progressive as possible he went out of his fucking way and then now black lives matter has been protesting at his house every day for the last 22 days in a row. They're going to eat you. Because it turns out that the Biden administration wants to use him for something. They might not. With Transportation Secretary off the table, speculation remains over a possible cabinet position for Garcetti. Yeah, but the point is, Black Lives Matter is at his fucking house every day protesting. And they're protesting, first of all, defund the police.
Starting point is 01:44:43 They're as hardcore lefty marxist as you can get defund the police and they they want uh they they're angry at his the way he's handled the homeless situation yeah he wants them to take care of the homeless situation and police brutality and so they don't want him getting they don't want him failing upward they're calling him the worst mayor in history and these guys are the people that he was trying to appease, which is hilarious. Like, you can't – well, those hardcore leftists – Stop trying to people-please, man. Those hardcore leftists, they don't want liberals.
Starting point is 01:45:16 They want leftists. Yeah. They want full-on, radical change in the way we do everything. Change the way – change the way money is processed. Change in the way we do everything yeah change the way paul change the way money is processed change in the way people get paid change the way finance wealth is is distributed yeah those people have there's no end to that game if you try to dip your toes in that water and court them yeah good luck bitch you're gonna be like garcetti yeah they're gonna be pounding on your door yeah 22 days in a row 22 days in a row man look at that defund the police hashtag block garcetti you know the problem
Starting point is 01:45:50 with the defund the police thing is like i i started to look into it it and we were talking we do like a piece about that like talks about part of this but like it's such a shame because the marketing once again is just trash a lot of cops would agree with a lot of the things within defund the police. Like, cops don't want to, like, deal with mental health issues. Right. The average cop does not want to handle people who are crazy. Right. Right?
Starting point is 01:46:14 They want to protect average citizens from, I don't know if it's more or less sane people, but from people who are breaking the law and potentially putting their lives at risk. And that's what they get in there for. And now they're dealing with people who are, like like mentally ill in the middle of a park and it's like what the fuck is going don't we have another so i think part of the defund the police thing is like why don't we reallocate funds so that there are specific groups of people that are positioned just to do this and i think the average cop would be like yeah that'd be kind of dope why use wording that you know is inflammatory you know is going to piss people off and you know is not going to get the support from the people who actually would support it?
Starting point is 01:46:48 It's like the same thing with this democratic socialism. Just take the word out. The country already has so many of these programs that support poor people. If you're poor, there is Medicare. There is welfare. There is Medicaid. There are all these things that are kind of like socialist policies when you think about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Right? We have, what is it for old people? Where they get taken care of? We have social security. These are socialist programs. But when you put the fucking word in, you know it's going to rile people up. You know it's going to piss people off. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:47:18 Bernie Sanders was running on the platform of democratic socialism, and they were so scared of him, they had to rig the primaries. Yeah, they fucked him every time. In 2016, and they fucked him again in 2020 and he's a pussy for not saying oh no he's pussy for that shit i'm tight about that you know because i liked him a lot yeah i liked him a lot because i thought he was actually trying to help not win yeah and all these motherfuckers just try to win and i can tell it you know i might not have my sense of smell joe but i can fucking smell when a motherfucker is just out here for victory yeah you know right and i was like no this guy really wants to win if he gets in there there'll be enough people in power they're like yo cut that shit out bro we're not doing this 70 tax nonsense but he wasn't trying
Starting point is 01:47:57 to do that see he explained on the see there's a version of him that you get from the media that are trying to criticize him right and then there's a version of him you get when you actually talk to him about his policies like I did. And when I talked to him for two hours or whatever the fuck it was, he's saying that that's not what they're trying to do. What they're trying to do is put a tax on, a very small tax, less than one cent on exchanges, on speculation, Wall Street speculation. And he's like that alone would generate untold sums of money and pay for most of these programs. He was about a lot of things that I was interested in. Here's one.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Student debt. That shit is ridiculous. The idea that you graduate from college and you owe $200,000 and you're lucky you get a job that's $40,000 a year. That's crazy. It doesn't make any sense. In Canada, you can get a free education. In England, you can get a job that's forty thousand dollars a year yeah that's crazy yeah doesn't make any sense and in canada you can get a free education in england you can get a free education why can't you get that here okay medicine being able to say one thing about the education thing which is so
Starting point is 01:48:56 interesting to me like it behooves a country that generates its income off taxation to have an educated populace because then they will have higher paying jobs and you get more money yes like yes if you're the government you should be forcing everybody to get a fucking master's degree so you can get more money yes okay that's all i want to say it drives me crazy that people better educated society means less losers less losers more income more money that you get to tax them on. Why would you create a situation where they would go out for lower paying jobs?
Starting point is 01:49:30 That's not the problem. The problem is the government has been subsidizing education for so long and that's the reason why these institutions charge so much money in the first place. Because they know it's going to get paid off no matter what. And they could make up these bullshit majors
Starting point is 01:49:43 like fucking poetry. Is that student debt? Total federal student debt in the u.s is 1 trillion 722 billion 666 million 300 but it's just going up i don't get into that debt stuff bro oh okay because it's like it's not real that's that's 1.7 trillion dollars but it's not real bro like none of this shit is real okay like what i was getting you know i got into these like because not conspiracy shit but i was trying to understand like money a little bit during like corona because i was like how you just make three trillion dollars that's crazy right right and like this guy broke it down to me his name joe weisenthal i think his name is and he was like debt is fine
Starting point is 01:50:23 like the way our economy works is through debt in the way that like you know banks only need to keep 10 of the money in the bank so like if a chase bank over there has like has lent out 100 million dollars it only needs 10 million in the bank right right so if you only need 10 of the actual reserves you get to make up 90 of money out of thin air so you have 10 million dollars in the bank and then you come in you go i'd like a million dollars and then they go all right cool here's a million they just push a button you got a million they only need to keep 100 000 of your million in cash in the bank they just made 900 000 with the push of a button hmm isn't that crazy it's called
Starting point is 01:51:00 fractional reserve banking it's kind of a wild thing but once i found that out i'm like oh that is just whatever it's like it's frivolous wild thing. But once I found that out, I'm like, oh, debt is just whatever. It's frivolous until the IRS comes and then that shit's real. Well, unless you owe the debt and then it's real. So that's the difference between student loan debt. It's actual real money that kids owe when they get out of college and they're like, fuck, what is this? Then you're saddled down for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:51:20 Do you know there's people out there that are getting Social Security docked because they owe student loans? That's wild. Because student loans are the only thing that you can't escape through bankruptcy that's wild you could escape everything else you could buy businesses you could fuck up buy a yacht buy a house they take it all away from you you escape it you don't you don't owe it anymore you run bankruptcy you're okay you don't get that option with student loans isn't that interesting because you're in you're in bed with the government now because the government has subsidized all that
Starting point is 01:51:47 and the government has made sure that they protected these institutions so they can keep charging exorbitant amounts of money. So they're like, since we're the one
Starting point is 01:51:55 giving you social security, we're the government, we're going to take our cut first. We want our little pound of flesh of that shit that you owe us that you didn't pay back. Yeah. So you're an old guy.
Starting point is 01:52:03 You're at the end of the line and your life didn't work out the way you wanted to and you still have student debt well guess what fuck face you gotta pay me fuck you pay me fuck you pay me but i'm how old i've worked in this factory my whole life i never got a job with my degree yeah fuck you pay me pay me we'll take it out of your money we're gonna take it out of your check yeah so you get like a three thousand dollar check every month no you don't yeah you get a two thousand dollar check every month so what do you say wipe it clean yeah wipe it clean it sounds crazy i don't know how to do that why can you wipe it clean though because it's fake that's what i'm talking about joe it's not real listen no one is ever going to
Starting point is 01:52:42 really wipe it clean with with the powers that be and the way the government is structured right now and the way these banks and bankers have influence over politicians. They're never going to wipe it clean. This is just pipe dreams. But it's at least the option of making some schools free and the option of giving people the opportunity to actually get an education free. and the option of giving people the opportunity to actually get an education free. And then also, a lot of people have talked about absolving student loan debt, and I think Biden even talked about that at one point in time. It's not a bad idea if you want to keep the economy cracking.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Tax breaks are also a good idea because people spend money. When they get tax breaks, they spend money. When they spend money, the economy gets juiced up. Those are the things that I was interested in with Bernie Sanders. He obviously didn't want the tax break part. But the thing with student loans and then health care, the idea that we're supposed to be a country, right? Country is supposed to be a community.
Starting point is 01:53:38 We're America. We're together. If people get sick and ill, we're going to spend our money to fix the streets. We're going to spend our money to fix the streets. We're going to spend our money to repair bridges. But we don't spend our money to make sure that our brothers and sisters are able to get healthcare if they're ill or injured. And then they're in insurmountable debt
Starting point is 01:53:57 if that happens, and they're fucked for the rest of their life because they broke their leg and they didn't have insurance. That's crazy. That's crazy. What is the argument against it? What would be the, I guess,
Starting point is 01:54:07 the conservative approach to healthcare? Well, the free market approach is you want people to compete and you want them to get the most value for their education. And if a guy's a better surgeon, he should be able to generate more income than a guy. And that would be limited in the case where there was a public free health care.
Starting point is 01:54:27 Or you could have people inside the public system, and then you could have private options as well, like they do in Canada. In Canada, you have your public health care. So if you're a person of moderate income, you can't afford a private doctor to do surgery on you, you could still get your surgery from a lot of very great surgeons. But you also have the option to seek out an elite specialist. But a lot of people from Canada before COVID were coming down to the United States to get surgery because some of the best surgeons are here, which speaks to the power of the free market. Right. So you have to find a way to kind of like balance those two things. You got to find a way to balance it out. But healthcare in general should be a right it should be a thing that we
Starting point is 01:55:06 give people when we bring them into our culture and they contribute okay contribute taxes some of that taxes should go to health care okay here's my question if we contribute taxes and have universal tax pay health care. Can we fat shame? We should because those people are mooching off the dime and they're ruining it. They're messing up the curve. Well, instead of fat shame, what they should do is there should be some sort of education of the negative aspects of being overweight
Starting point is 01:55:41 and promote it heavily because you can't do that today. Because if you do, you'll be called a fat shamer, which is just nonsense. So that's the interesting thing. Like maybe the reason why people have been able to get away with that is because we haven't been codependent enough. And maybe places where we are codependent,
Starting point is 01:55:59 where this person being unhealthy actually affects my wallet. And not only affects my wallet, like you could be taking my ventilator or not my ventilator but like my my granddad's ventilator or something like that right like you you are young you shouldn't need a ventilator but you chose to eat all these things or not treat yourself right and now you're taking away a hospital bed from someone who really fucking needs it right like at what point like corona really put that shit in perspective but also with the universal health care i wonder if we could start having that
Starting point is 01:56:24 conversation and it's not looked at as like hateful. It's literally just looked at as like, hey, this is pretty reasonable. If we're all in this together, we need to start acting like it a little bit. You know, when you're on a plane and then you're too heavy. So they say, yo, can you go to the other side? Yeah. You just do it.
Starting point is 01:56:38 Right. You don't go, no, I paid for a seat three B. You go, okay, I'll balance the fucking plane. What kind of planes are you on where they're telling you to move your seat? It's a little plane. It's a little plane to New York. Okay, Lizzo sparks body debate with 10-day smoothie diet. Yo, let this girl
Starting point is 01:56:54 lose the weight, bro. Come on. Well, what is the body debate? They got mad at her for posting pictures on a diet. Because she's like, I love my body, but now she's trying to lose weight. What are you saying? They got mad at her for talking, like, she posted photos that she was on a diet. So people got mad at her. They got mad at her for trying to lose weight. What are you saying? They got mad at her for talking, like she posted photos that she was on a diet. So people got mad at her. They got mad at her for trying to lose weight?
Starting point is 01:57:09 Yes. Oh my God. They got mad at Adele for losing weight. But that's just fat, sloppy people that don't want anybody else to work hard. There's a lot of people that, I like being fat and sloppy. She's fat and sloppy. You were my fat, sloppy hero.
Starting point is 01:57:21 And now you're trying to get healthy? Fuck you, bitch. They get angry and they eat more cake they're angry they're eating hoagies and fucking chips and fries can't believe her with her bullshit diet she's hurting my feelings yeah bpc 157 lift weights get to that gym pussies it is crazy lizzo slams critics who say she's promoting diet culture hilarious diet culture oh you're promoting health culture i'm a big girl who did a smoothie detox every big girl should do whatever they want with their bodies how about every person yo you know
Starting point is 01:58:01 what's crazy is like she's trying to lose weight she's trying to lose weight but like she this is where she fucked up she branded herself as the fat girl and now you realize that that's unhealthy well she leaned into it she's getting a lot of love for being a fat girl big time yeah and that's why you need to be careful like that's the thing people do all the time is like they just ride the wave like they see a wave coming up and they just jump on that shit and then they get all this support and they think the support is for them but it's really just the wave right you guys agree on the same thing and the woke thing is the same thing and the extreme right right wing is the same thing it's like these these characters hop on they latch on they leech
Starting point is 01:58:32 and they think they're celebs and then they divert a little bit from that wave and that fucking garcetti they outside your house boom yeah isn't that interesting it's like you create your own thing it takes longer to get there but at least the people that fuck with you understand that you are on your own path yeah and they have to make a choice to opt in to what you're doing yeah does that make sense there's a look that garcetti has all the time like he's on the strongest antidepressants imaginable you know there's a look in his eyes like those pupils yeah there's a look in his eyes like yeah there's no there's no one's there you're happy to not be out there huh he's oh love it it's
Starting point is 01:59:13 like uh he's his eyeballs are like remotely broadcast into his head they're not really there it's like a zoom call the incredibles 2 yeah it's like something's not right. You look at his face, he's just got this... Like, no matter what has happened, fucking LA's on fire. Doesn't matter. The movie has to end. Look at that guy. What a dope.
Starting point is 01:59:32 He's such a dope. Yeah. The fact that this fucking guy made it to the mayor of one of the largest cities, if not the largest city in the fucking country, is crazy. Yeah, it's kind of a... It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:59:45 It's crazy. But who the fuck wants that a... It's crazy. It's crazy. But who the fuck wants that job now when you find out that BLM's gonna be knocking on his door every day for 22 days in a row? I just don't understand. Protesting. And you have to live in the mayor's mansion, which is hilarious,
Starting point is 01:59:56 so everybody knows where you are. No, you don't. Yes, you do. Yes, you do. The governor lives in the governor's mansion, too. You have to? Yes, that's the job. What if you just don't want to live there? No, that's the job. I asked Governor Abbott when I was chilling with the governor lives in the governor's mansion, too. You have to yes You just don't live there. No, that's the joy
Starting point is 02:00:06 I asked governor Abbott when I was chilling with the governor of Texas you are moving it grooving I'm with the governor. He took me to his governor's mansion gave me a tour of it's really cool They got old shit there from like the original governors. Uh-huh like historical stuff They have yeah looks to tell you what all the different things that are on the walls and this guy's pipe and that guy's fucking chair and this guy's cane and everybody leaves behind something when they when they leave office that's but you have to live there everybody knows where you live so you're the governor okay good i want you in that house he's in a wheelchair that governor right yes did they make it wheelchair accessible for him really yeah i mean i don't know if it was wheelchair accessible originally but it is wheelchair accessible yo that's a power move right there bro to change things to be in a wheelchair
Starting point is 02:00:48 and be like no i'm still gonna do this shit well he was in a wheelchair when he was 24 he was running and he got hit with a tree a tree fell tree fell and hit him when he was running unbelievable crazy crazy bad luck unbelievable shattered his spine yeah yeah unbelievable i mean just imagine like the things that have could have gone different in his day for that to not happen if he stayed one more second brushing his teeth you know yeah like one second yep and he would have missed that tree yep the tree would have missed him rather or left oh my five seconds earlier running ready go hold on now go did you ever ask him about that no you don't want to give someone a like have you ever thought he's thought about it better your life yeah well of course can he still can he still
Starting point is 02:01:38 go to town or whatever i don't know because stephen hawking was piping broads that's what i heard yeah got one preggs really I think he got one pregs. I think he was cheating on this girl. He liked to go to strip clubs. That's a fucking legend right there, dude. There's a bunch of pictures of Stephen Hawking. Eric Weinstein told me about that. Really?
Starting point is 02:01:54 Yeah, he's the one telling me about that. He's great. I remember you were fucking with him in the Comedy Star. It was so funny. Because dudes who are not used to being around comics, it's so funny when a comic's around, a comic starts jabbing at him, fuck with him, you see him like, what?
Starting point is 02:02:09 What's happening? He's gotten used to it now. No, because what happened was, I think I was busting his balls on the fighter and the kid, and then he DM'd me, and he said something in the DMs like, I must have run over your cat, or something like that. Said some corny-ass shit, right? And I was like but like
Starting point is 02:02:26 i guess a lot of people but i don't know maybe they're not used to like you know when you see someone in person then the same energy is kept like if i make fun of you on a podcast like i will say that to your face and the people that i won't i'm not gonna make fun of all the pockets do you know what i mean like it's supposed to be fun it's fun if i'm both of your balls so he goes when you're there he's oh, this is my friend Eric. And I was like, oh, yeah, you tweeted me that thing about me running over your cat. Are you running over my cat? And then he was like, nah, I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 02:02:52 I'll show you the DM, bitch. I brought out the phone. I brought out the phone. Listen, that dude is too smart for his own good. Really? Oh, my God. When he talks about physics and he goes down these wormholes and starts talking about things and explaining geometric patterns and stuff to us right do you ever think he's just making that shit up no he's not making it up dude he is a legitimate super genius really yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:03:16 i trust his opinion on almost everything really yeah he's a very very very smart man all right i'm gonna check his brother is as well well. They have whatever the fuck's going on in their genetics. Someone in their family is smart as fuck. They're both exceptional brains. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What do they do for a living? Well, Eric is a mathematician, and his brother is an evolutionary biologist.
Starting point is 02:03:38 But what does that mean if you're a mathematician? You teach people math? Well, he works for Thiel Capital, Peter Thiel's company. That's what i was making fun of him for and i was like yeah you just got to say what peter teal wants you to say that's the that's the big dick yo that motherfucker does not play around peter peter teal is that how you pronounce the last name yeah feel or teal teal that dude that's big swinging dang-a-lang right there bro that guy hey man he's a nice guy, too. I'm just saying, like,
Starting point is 02:04:05 that's the difference between politicians and big swing and dang-a-lang. Yeah. Politicians talk all that shit. That motherfucker waited. Peter Thiel had a party at his house,
Starting point is 02:04:13 and he brought over the guy who wrote Chariots of the Gods. What is the fuck that guy's name? The German fellow. Oh, no, I don't know. I'm thinking something else.
Starting point is 02:04:24 Eric von Daniken. That's right. He brought eric von daniken that's right he brought over eric von daniken invited me over as well and he made it so we all have this no we all do like a like a lunch around the table he has these like power dinners and power lunches they're really cool let's go brings over interesting people and everyone has conversations that's the dream i went to one of the dinners at his house and then I went to one of the lunches at his house and he brought over Eric Von Daniken and the guy was asking, we were all asking him questions about his theories about ancient aliens.
Starting point is 02:04:54 And what did he think? He's a believer, meaning that it's not necessarily based on realistic interpretations of this ancient shit like yeah his version of the uh the the plaque at palenque that shows it looks like it shows a guy in a rocket ship taking off into heaven but someone who is a mayan scholar then explained to me that the imagery that is on display in that is is that iconography of the flames below them and all that. That's all been explained in multiple texts
Starting point is 02:05:29 and that this type of imagery exists all throughout Mayan culture and doesn't have anything to do with space travel. It has to do with like the underworld. And I legitimately forget exactly what he told to me, but I remember doing a short dive into it going okay i kind of i kind of see why someone would if they didn't understand the mayan language and these mayan hieroglyphs they would look at it that way when i i saw those pyramids those are the ones in like teotitlan or whatever like that right outside mexico city that teotitlan
Starting point is 02:06:01 yeah i'm not exactly but um it was really cool to see. No, that's not Mexico City. Is that Palenque's outside of Mexico City? I don't know. One is outside of Mexico City. Yeah, there's a lot of them. Our guide said that they were just trying to mimic mountains, and that if you look at them with the mountain range in the background,
Starting point is 02:06:20 they actually are situated in the same way that the mountains are. Oh, you mean the actual pyramids themselves? Yeah, the actual pyramids and like so they didn't look at them as pyramids they're like no we just made mountains because mountains were the sickest shit back in the day so we just start to make them as well there's a lot of interpretations of why they did what they did the problem is we don't really know because they're dead you want them aliens disappeared no i don't think it is aliens no but you want them oh i want aliens right now you want aliens yeah yeah no and you're telling me you haven't used any of your influence to see if there's I don't think it is aliens. No, but you want them. Oh, I want aliens right now. You want aliens. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No doubt.
Starting point is 02:06:45 And you're telling me you haven't used any of your influence to see if there's aliens, Joe? Dude, I have people on almost every month that either have seen UFOs or know. I'm getting Travis Walton. You need to get. The guy who got a fire in the sky. I'm working on getting him. You need to get the real. You need to get the real deal.
Starting point is 02:07:01 Right after he gets out of office. You need to have Trump sit down here. Get him some MDMA and have him tell the truth. Dude. Just have him sit here and just tell the truth. I just always wanted people to love me, and I felt like the only way they did is if they were scared. And so I acted like a bully, like a bully.
Starting point is 02:07:19 I guess I was a bully. I didn't want to be a bully, but I felt like that was the only way they would listen. And I eventually wanted to not be a bully, but I never could get away with it. And I just kept getting away from it. I just kept doing deals, and then one day I realized I'm 74, and I'm still doing the same thing, but now I'm president.
Starting point is 02:07:33 What do I do now? I mean, I have to say that I won, even though I'm pretty sure I lost. I don't know what the fuck to do. Introspective Trump. Introspective, high on ecstasy, sitting on a couch with a bunch of fucking Persian rugs and shit, like some hippie compound. Just Burning Man Trump.
Starting point is 02:07:52 Yeah, Burning Man Trump. That's what you need. Just crisscross applesauce in some North Hollywood apartment. Yes. Just trying to figure out his life, tripping balls. It'd be cool to see some aliens, bro. 100%. I'd like to see some aliens bro 100% You think your boy Elon is going to Mars
Starting point is 02:08:09 And like it's Yeah I see But do you think that He's not going he's going to send some dummy up there Oh he's going round 2 He's staying here He's never going So just no interest in seeing what you've created
Starting point is 02:08:21 People die up there I think he's going there i think he's going bro he might go i think he's going he might go he might go look if they can develop some sort of an incredible city in on mars yeah and he's still alive like yeah when he's 80 he might fucking shoot him up there yeah he might live out the last days of his life wouldn't you if you built a fucking city on mars no because it's still on mars it's like a shit neighborhood elon musk says spacex first starship trip to mars could fly in four years it could you know what else could happen you could grow a new dick that could happen could you go yeah you have stem
Starting point is 02:08:56 cells is that how stem cells work but no for real they might be able to send something to Mars in four years, but they keep saying that. Oh, he referred to the launch opportunity that arises every 26 months. See, when people do shit like that. Because Mars is closest. Yeah, that's gross when they do things like that in the title. Like, what? In four years, you're going to put people on Mars? That's not what he said, bitch.
Starting point is 02:09:20 He was referring to the opportunity to launch. It doesn't mean it's going to be ready. Yeah. It's an interesting time for space travel because the private sector has gotten involved. Jeff Bezos with all that cheddar. Yeah. You see his wife giving away all that money?
Starting point is 02:09:37 Yeah. She gave away like four billies. Yeah. She doesn't know what to do with it. It all came for free. No, she worked for that. She did, right? She worked for that. She worked. I mean, look at that at that guy how much do you think she got what's the total i don't i don't
Starting point is 02:09:50 know i don't know but i mean it seems egregious right there should be a cap for divorce money don't you think what is the cap a billion i think a billion is fine girls complain fuck that that's bullshit girls look at divorce settlements like it's their team. It's like the fucking Sixers should have got that point. That ref is a fucking asshole. It was rigged. It was rigged. You know what I mean? They do.
Starting point is 02:10:13 They look at it like it's a team game. Bro, and then every time a dude comes up in a divorce, like I think Kelly Clarkson's ass. We were talking about that. Girls hate it. Why does he want that money? Get your own money. Get your money, king.
Starting point is 02:10:25 Go earn your money. Yeah, like, I don't know. She got, when they divorced earlier this year, in June, it says the settlement was $38 billion. However, by December 2020, net worth estimated up to $62 billion. Because of stock options? I mean, it's all in stock. Because he doesn't have any actual money. They get all the Amazon stock, yeah. And it's gone up to $62 billion. Because of stock options? I mean, it's all in stock. Because he doesn't have any actual money.
Starting point is 02:10:46 They get all Amazon stock, yeah. And it's gone so much. Unbelievable. So she gave away three. She's like, what is this fucking pittance? Nothing. Be gone. I give away three and I feel good about myself.
Starting point is 02:10:56 I show up at cocktail parties and let everybody know. She's giving away $6 billion this year, according to this. $6 billion. That ain't shit for her. She's got another $54 in the bank. Wow. But still low key. That's kind of dope. Give away $4 billion. according to this six billion that ain't shit for her she's got another 54 in the bank wow but still low-key that's that's kind of dope that's kind of dope get away four billion she needs to get herself a man i just think she's getting fucking crazy super athlete man that's just oh yeah do you
Starting point is 02:11:17 don't think that happened immediately home the pipe yeah no it's hard to get a man for money women you can get for money yeah it's hard to get a man for money women you can get for money yeah it's hard to get a man for money yeah you know women are accustomed it's like there's a certain kind of woman that will gravitate towards a wealthy disgusting man right there's very it's very rare the other way she redefines fuck you money lol but it's funny that she didn't earn it you know all the richest women in the world that's uh how they got all their money. Yeah, divorce. Except for that Elizabeth Holmes lady for a brief shining moment.
Starting point is 02:11:48 She was our girl. What's that? She was the woman that ran Theranos, which is a fraudulent blood testing company that put thousands of people at risk because they didn't really test their blood. This company called Theranos, she dressed like Steve Jobs,
Starting point is 02:12:07 used a fake voice. You don't know about her? No. Bro, she's amazing. She is the literally... Greatest con man ever? The poster girl for what is wrong with rooting for a gender
Starting point is 02:12:20 because they wanted so badly... Ah. They wanted so badly to have their own genius. So this genius copied Steve Jobs, dressed like him, and talked like this. She talked in a deep voice, but it was a fake voice. She's kind of a piece, though, a little bit. For like a tech genius?
Starting point is 02:12:37 Yeah, but she's not a tech genius. She left college when she was 19. Started this company. It's all fake, dude. She was full this company yeah it's all fake dude yeah she was full of shit yeah it was all fake but nobody questioned it because they were scared of being people in the company were questioning it and then it eventually all fell apart and now she's in trial now she's fucked and you know she's going to trial and she's trying to use mental health as a defense in the trial come on come on that on, come on. That's like that clock boy shit. At one point in time, she was worth $9 billion.
Starting point is 02:13:07 Oh, cash out, babe. For a brief moment. Just get out. For a brief moment. She should have put all the chips on the table and just flew to Bali and just bought herself a palace on top of a jungle somewhere and just partied where they can't send you home. Where there's no extradition.
Starting point is 02:13:24 But she's fucked now, man. 12 felony fraud charges. There is a great podcast. I think it's called The Dropout. I don't remember who put it together. Is it a Wondry podcast? It might be Wondry. I fucking love them.
Starting point is 02:13:41 Is it them? ABC. It's The Drop dropout it's fucking incredible to and it just goes into detail about how nuts it is she was banging her business partner they would show up at work together pretend they lived in different places they were living together and they were and he was his name was Sonny his Indian cat he drove around a fucking Lamborghini so he would show up and they were just bullshitting. They had, like, fake blood testing machines,
Starting point is 02:14:08 and people would try them. They're like, oh, the machine's not working. We're just going to do you the regular way. And they wound up doing so many people the regular way because the machines didn't work, and Walgreens bought into them, or Walmart? Walgreens. Walgreens. Walgreens bought into them and ordered, like, thousands of machines.
Starting point is 02:14:24 They hustled a lot of people but one of the reasons why they hustled all these people is because people wanted to believe this narrative that there was this woman genius yeah who set up this company she's out there kicking ass i got skeptical for a very interesting reason okay this is how i got it this is long before she got called out for it she did this speech at this like women's empowerment thing. Yeah. And she was talking. I was like, that girl sounds like an idiot.
Starting point is 02:14:50 I was like, this does not sound like something that a genius says. Yeah. Like whatever you think about, you know, name your tech genius, whichever one. When they speak about things, they have an understanding of what they're talking about that shows that there's like some fucking high horsepower intelligence. Yeah. about things they have an understanding of what they're talking about yeah that shows that there's like some fucking high horsepower intelligence yeah behind them she had nothing yeah she was talking it's like I think it's so amazing and I just want to like tell girls that like you should go for it and
Starting point is 02:15:20 like you could make I'm like oh my god that bitch is an idiot I was like watch this I was like what is happening here and then i saw a fraud chart and i just started diving down the rabbit hole i got really interested in it just because sometimes you just smell bullshit yeah and i saw this speech and the speech they weren't calling bullshit on the speech at all people were saying look elizabeth holmes is amazing she made nine billion dollars and she gave this speech so i was like oh let's see this speech I like inspirational speeches I like people that are winners
Starting point is 02:15:49 I saw that speech and I was like not her not buying it see if you can find that I have one that says inspirational speech but there's another one that says her TED talk no it wasn't a TED talk she was speaking for some women's conference and it's like girls are amazing
Starting point is 02:16:05 It's like what you're doing girls Is like so kick ass I was like this girl's an idiot She's not a genius She's not a tech genius We talk male female whatever You talk to those tech geniuses They have a way of communicating
Starting point is 02:16:18 There's some fireworks going off in that brain Let me see if this is it Signs and symptoms Give me some But diseases fireworks going on in that brain. Let me see if this is it. Let me hear this. Give me some... No, it's a fake voice she uses. She's using a fake voice. So she's speaking deeper. She's doing this on purpose. They find out too late in the disease progression process that they're really sick. Knows that nothing matters more than being able to change that.
Starting point is 02:17:02 The voice comes and goes sometimes too. Yet healthcare in our country today is the leading cause of bankruptcy. I think one of the things that sold her out was like people she went to school with. It's like that bitch does not talk like that. Like what happened? Did you just smoke a million cigars every day? That's not the speech. There was a speech at some woman's thing.
Starting point is 02:17:24 It's like some female. It's not her TED talk either. It's like she's speaking. So she's accepting some award at some woman's thing it's like some theme it's not her ted talk either it's like she's speaking it so she's accepting some award at some woman's thing she's like i just want to say girls are out there do you remember when gillane maxwell was speaking at her like ted x or whatever no oh it's crazy she did dude it's amazing she's talking about like being a submarine captain or something like that she She's like, we're going to make the oceans a country. But it's so obvious that she's full of absolute dog shit as she's talking. It's amazing to watch someone bullshit other human beings. Just lie to their faces.
Starting point is 02:17:56 Did you find the Elizabeth Holmes one? I can't believe I never heard about this story. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's an amazing story. It's going on right now the trial is about to start So she goes to jail right Like this is no brainer you go to jail for something like this Oh she's going to jail for a long time
Starting point is 02:18:12 She fucked over a lot of very Like Betsy DeVos I believe she gave A hundred million dollars Yeah yeah a lot of like Here it is She looks like Nikki Glaser I am so incredibly humbled and so honored to be with this incredible group of women. I want to just take a minute to say, especially to the young women in the room here,
Starting point is 02:18:35 do everything you can to be the best in science and math and engineering it's our actions that will determine this new stereotype around women being the best in science and technology and engineering and it's that that our little girls will see when they start to think yeah hit the brakes i saw that i was like that's an idiot like be the best you're just gonna be the best because you're a girl you're gonna be a girl and be how about do your best like what are you talking about. Like, be the best? You're just going to be the best because you're a girl? You're going to be a girl and be – how about do your best? What are you talking about, be the best? Be the best, you mean against other men that have been dominating the field and winning Nobel Prizes for centuries? What are you saying?
Starting point is 02:19:15 You're a girl. It's just, like, so important that you be the best in math. I'm like, that's an idiot. Like, that's not a genius. That's an idiot. You know what's interesting is, like we we always put this pressure on women to be like better at like math and like science yeah but like we don't like guys that are good at that like they're nerds like we make fun of the guys but the thing is there's not a lot of
Starting point is 02:19:37 women that excel in those areas so we put pressure but no it's not it's they it's not that's not what it is what it is is that women generally and this is a generalization, right? There's women MMA fighters, right? Yeah. There's women scientists. Women generally don't gravitate towards those fields. Yeah. That's all it is.
Starting point is 02:19:55 But why would you? But they don't find it interesting. Well, why would men? Some men do. Well, they don't have a choice. They're alone. Right? They're alone and lonely.
Starting point is 02:20:04 Find me the guy with all the friends that's like you know what i'm gonna be an applied physicist find me the guy that like is going to play pickup basketball every single day after school that's like you know what i'm gonna dedicate my life to astrology that's a good point but there's some girls that are lonely too you were here with them yeah tough guy to talk to i i have an easy time talking to him bro i like talking to him brilliant he's right there no i'm telling you absolutely brilliant you could talk to him really yeah yeah yeah okay he's got like a rhythm thing he's uh like could you watch the fight with him oh yeah really he's remarkably accessible okay he's very very normal interesting obviously ridiculously smart but very
Starting point is 02:20:43 normal to be around no question whether they're smart. I'm just saying sometimes these folks are often kind of like loners, so they have to go into that thing, and they find out- It's not even just that. It's not even that. For whatever reason, there's certain people that are males that have a propensity towards those things, whether it's science or engineering or those technology disciplines.
Starting point is 02:21:06 Right. And less women are interested in them. And so women look at it and go, oh, there must be some sort of systemic oppression that keeps women from rising to the top. Yeah, I don't believe in that part for science. But it's not. It's women. I don't know if there is any oppression, but that's not what the problem is.
Starting point is 02:21:20 The problem is less women are interested in those fields. Yeah. Same thing with comedy, right? It's just like if 1% of the total amount those fields. Yeah. Same thing with comedy, right? It's just like if 1% of the total amount of people are going to be successful at it, right? Yeah. And 90% of the comics are male. It's not that women are getting suppressed.
Starting point is 02:21:35 Exactly. It's more just like there's so many more dudes that do this. So nine out of the 10 are going to happen to be guys just because that's how the numbers are going to work out. And what Hens talked about that women generally don't use humor as a like a social tool it's not a thing that they use to try to get men to like them like men use to try you know what you know it's interesting though with social media has kind of changed that in that like there's currency to being funny now yes as a girl specifically like my girl will share all these
Starting point is 02:22:05 like it'll be like instagram videos or like tiktoks or these kind of things with me and they are female centric humor tapping to things that women really find fun they can be little things they're just silly like a girl impersonating her boyfriend in the house and or a husband in the house and it's just like a really quick video of like him opening up every cupboard and drawer and just leaving it open and like that's how I walk around my, me too. Exactly. And I laughed.
Starting point is 02:22:27 I was like, Oh, that's kind of funny. Like that's where my girl dies laughing. Cause she sees it. And I'm like, Oh, this is a new thing.
Starting point is 02:22:32 Now that there is a currency and value attached to being funny as a girl, you can get followers and you can get all these sponsorships and everything like that. I think a lot of girls that are really good at it are starting to get, not only starting to get, but lean into it. And in a way that maybe they hadn't in the past because they're like well There's no what am I gonna get out of just being like the funny girl? Well also that makes sense The point is I mean we'll think about this way. They're also doing this for other girls So they have their audience just like they would talk to their friends
Starting point is 02:23:01 But instead of having to go on stage right in front of a group of fucking idiot dudes they're not gonna get it and gonna be aggressive yeah they have like a for lack of a better word a safe space like a supportive environment for the comic they won't do it's almost like when like the nerd comics started doing the shows inside the comic book stores yes it's like they finally had a place where like all their references that all them and their friends found hilarious were definitely gonna work they created their own scene it's just interesting how that shit works out like it is you see these girls and like they're gonna get huge followings and they're literally trying to be funny they're not trying to be slutty they're not like doing injections all over their fucking face and all the filters they're going for laughs right and girls are gravitating to it
Starting point is 02:23:40 and it might be completely outside of our like sphere of comedy like you and i it might not hit us but they're gonna be famous and successful and i wonder if another generation of chicks are coming up seeing that going oh i might not be the hottest chick but like i can get a lot of value and and have like a career if i lean into this like funny side that i always kind of suppress because i thought like dudes weren't into it i'd be i'd be really i'd be really curious to see what happens the next like 10 15 years definitely going to be some that rise up you know there's going to be probably more women that are interested in doing that than interesting doing stand-up because you don't have to
Starting point is 02:24:13 go in front of a crowd it's painful bro it's not for everybody it's not fighting i hate when people make that fucking metaphor where they're just like come he's just like boxing this is like i've done both is nothing is like that like it is totally different but in that like you are like subjecting yourself to this like crippling pain potentially it takes an odd individual to do that yeah and it's really not for everybody and men in comedy don't root for other men in comedy. Like, guys in comedy need to stick together. Guys in comedy need to defend ourselves against all these asshole women that talk all this horrible misandry about male life and men behaviors. Women, women stand up for other women in that regard.
Starting point is 02:24:59 That's what's so whack about that video. And she's like, you know, girls girls you need to concentrate on being the best girls should be the best at math the best at science like that is such stupid the way she's saying is such a stupid simplistic fake interpretation right she doesn't have any connection to those words she's just saying these dumb things that she thinks you're supposed to say to get an applause just try to be the best You're going to be the best at science, the best at math. Oh, the best.
Starting point is 02:25:27 The best. You know what you're asking? You're asking these girls to surpass these fucking super eggheads that are barely human. They've got no pussy ever. Ever. There's no way.
Starting point is 02:25:40 That's interesting. They're barely human. The top of the food chain scientists, those are, probably a lot of them are spectrumy and fucking full on geniuses at a scope that morons like you and I could never really, we don't even understand what kind of person that is. Yeah. It's like the next level of person.
Starting point is 02:25:59 Is it the next level though, dude? Or is it like, well, if you want new shit, if you want technology. Okay. Yeah. I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. level though dude or is it like well if you want new shit if you want technology okay yeah i guess yes i want innovation i want technology but i don't want communication and like socialization to be that so it's a tricky thing it's like i want the good things that you guys are providing but i don't want dinner in that way does that make sense like i still like busting balls i still like this hang i like just talking about ideas you're you're not them you're you're look they can't do what you do and you can't do what they do we need all kinds of people that's right as long as we're not all gravitating that way yeah we need the whole
Starting point is 02:26:33 fucking spectrum let's keep them they do their thing we need it all yeah yeah you come up with the smart shit we make it funny right and communicate it to the world well people who are like generally intelligent they they enjoy like humor that they don't come up with too they probably enjoy your kind of shit yeah because they don't think that way yes a break you're you're the the fucking punch lines one of the things that you figured out how to do which is brilliant in this uh this pandemic time is the way you do your videos the punch lines come so fast there's so many of them and this is why it's important it's the opposite of these zoom stand-ups because the zoom stand-up it's like you're playing it out like you're in a theater
Starting point is 02:27:16 with 2 000 people so you got these pauses that don't make any sense there's no one in the room you get it i'm shocked that people didn't get this, but I would watch the guys doing the monologues, like the late night guys, and see them wait for laughs on jokes where nobody's there. Right, because they're doing them from their house. Exactly. But I'm like, oh, do you not realize that this is a conversation
Starting point is 02:27:38 and you're being really awkward in this conversation? Super awkward. You're waiting for a reaction that someone at home is not giving you. So I was like, in order for us to do jokes you've seen my stand-up i don't go close to as fast i milk silence i love that tension you know but on this i was like i can't wait for punchlines yes so when we're putting these things together we're writing these jokes and then we would i literally would make sure at the end of every punch line there's the beginning of something else even if like sometimes i'll say i'll just give away every time i come here i give
Starting point is 02:28:11 away all my tricks but uh i'll say now at the end of a line the punch line could be uh inflatable fucked all now now is going to cover the gap yes because now lets you know at home i'm not waiting for you to laugh. If you want to laugh, that's cool. If not, that's great. Everything's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:29 But just finding a way, I got to give credit to my team, man. You met the guys that came in here. Mark Gagnon, he co-created with me and he wrote it with me. Robbie Slovic wrote it with me
Starting point is 02:28:36 and F.A. Ilgai, another guy, we wrote it together and then Alex Media is my video guy. He produced it, he directed the whole thing. Shout out to all
Starting point is 02:28:45 those dudes and uh they're all covet free yeah now yeah we all got it this year uh what is this oh is it a trailer yeah so yeah the show comes out tomorrow which is the day that this comes out yeah so now it's out yeah as this thing is out yeah as this thing's out yeah and uh it's all streaming on netflix how many episodes you do four episodes each one is 15 minutes and it's uh coronavirus conspiracy theories black lives matter and then like a nation divided like political division how much time does it take from getting the concept of what the theme is going to be to finishing a video this thing took uh i've never worked longer or harder on anything in my entire life it literally almost broke me three months of i didn't see anybody the last month was a hundred hours a week minimum
Starting point is 02:29:35 whoa the last two weeks was two hours of sleep jesus christ for four videos that are 15 minutes long each it's because i mean you know the joke density, dude. Yeah, it's incredible. It's so... And they're like Terry Shivo jokes. Bro. You have so obscure and interesting, and that's half the fun of it is laughing at these references. That's the thing.
Starting point is 02:29:57 It's for... Yeah. There's just a lot of... Some people are going to get the joke. I don't think everybody could possibly get every joke. The pictures all have jokes. Did you notice you in the pictures oh yeah the text messages yeah like they're on little things like did you watch it to the end of the credits yes did you see that yeah that was great too so there's like all this little shit a lot of cool
Starting point is 02:30:19 shit to it we try to have like some fun it but like i mean like all the little pictures are so little nuanced and like they're jokes that nobody will catch that we just put in in the pictures like bobby lee is in a picture yes do you know what i mean when he comes to the horse yeah yeah so it's like we do a whole picture pass but it's just these guys dedicate their fucking life to it man good it's so good it's such a funny show and it's so popular like my friends that uh aren't in comedy when i started posting them on my instagram feed they're like who's this fucking guy like god damn these are so good yeah thank you for doing your stand up oh dude my pleasure listen you're great at that
Starting point is 02:30:54 you like to spread the love man i am so into spreading the love and i'm so into um promoting people that hustle yeah i love it yeah it makes me excited i see what you're doing and i'm just like everybody that's complaining shut the fuck up go for it look what he did yeah look what he did yeah he just just fucking put his nose to the grindstone and went to work yeah and there's so many people out there woeing the lack of this and that and they just they can't get off the couch they can't get moving yeah and i'm like look that's on you that's on you if you want to make it you'll do you want to make it look you went the complete unconventional path you put your fucking special on youtube when they all said no it blew the fuck
Starting point is 02:31:36 up yeah and then you put a crowd work special on youtube yeah that blew the fuck up yeah and then covid hits yeah stops you in your track. Uh-uh. You went, left turn. Around the barrier with a whole nother level. A whole nother level of shit. And again, you are the very best at capitalizing on this weird time and creating comedy that's specifically perfectly designed for Instagram and YouTube and these 15-minute chunks. Thank you, man. It's fucking great, man. Yeah. I just wanted to to i don't know like you killed it thank you i'm glad you
Starting point is 02:32:09 liked it i love it yeah we were we worked hard on it man and i all the credit to the guys as well like they gave up everything like we all have like wives and shit you know like fiancees and it's like none of them saw their wives and stuff for like fucking months you know it's just like and i i just i'm just stoked about i'm glad you liked it and like yeah i don't know i just like trying different shit man how long can you do that for it seems like i can't i couldn't keep that pace up like a lot of things that we were only four guys right right one of the guys my boy f a is just a buddy of mine so do you know all these guys before you got involved in this mark right who's gonna be a superstar he's fucking brilliant he works so hard at this and he's he's amazing uh he a year ago was started as my intern
Starting point is 02:32:51 and he was helping us and he was opening up for me on the road he literally graduated college didn't even go to his graduation so he could meet us in like cleveland or something and do a gig and but i saw he was like sharp and competent that's the number one thing i look for is competence right alex who's fucking a genius but the guy is so competent he he's a guy who does all my production stuff like he shoots all the videos he shot the specials and everything like that when we started working together he had no fucking clue how to edit the guy learned premiere eight days before he edited the netflix special like i'll tell you bro and literally i would tell him as we're writing going up i'd be like bro do you want me to get you like a class or something like that and he'd be like nah it's like the same
Starting point is 02:33:36 thing you know what i mean and i noticed he was pulling a lot of late nights and every time i'd go in the room like one of the screens would have the special the other screen would have a youtube tutorial and it would just be like how to insert text and then like he's just learning on youtube how to put together the special that's amazing but it's competence bro it's like these guys they're so competent and i was like okay you guys can learn anything some you know i'm saying like some people like look for like intelligence in really like specific ways yeah and in my life it's always like if i have somebody who can conquer and solve problems we can give them any problems right and they were just amazing at that and then this robbie slovak is a comic in new york and i always thought he was funny and i went to his album taping at new york comedy club i remember this and i remember
Starting point is 02:34:21 sitting there and i was like wow this guy is really sharp, and has a great take on every topical thing, I go, I'm thinking, I'm like, wow, this guy's really good, I'm gonna do something with this guy, I'm gonna bring him on one of these days, and I was trying to do another thing with him, and his wife, and then this came up, and I was like, let's see if Robbie can help out, and then, F.A.'s never done comedy in his fucking life, the guy works in like, I don't want to blow up his job, but he's from London, do you know what I mean, he's never done. And he's just like a really smart guy and like thorough and intelligent lawyer. He's a lawyer. So I'm like, we need a lawyer.
Starting point is 02:34:50 We need someone who would make sure the arguments are super solid and unimpeachable. And we just came together in the next fucking, we, we did three months of nonstop fucking work and it was, it was a lot, bro. It was a lot. It was painful lot it was painful by the end it got painful like it was there was a lot of late nights a lot of sleep in the studio miles mccreary here's another that like we just this kid miles was filling up pools in florida and he was doing our images originally so i brought him on i was like why don't you look over the image team right because we were with this production company called jacks a lot of really great
Starting point is 02:35:23 people over at jacks as well. And this guy, the images didn't come in how I wanted them at first. And like, I kind of had a little blow up and I said, miles, you're in charge of images. This guy's never worked in entertainment his entire life. He just knows Photoshop.
Starting point is 02:35:37 And he starts running a team editors. And it was just this perfect experiment on like, just investing in people who you think are fucking competent and have the same like vision as you and same level of like expectation of content. Like nothing makes me more comfortable than like having a team of people that have as high expectations for the content as me. Do you know what I'm saying? Like if you have motherfuckers that they don't care to put out anything, I get anxiety around that. Yes. But these guys won't let me put out something that's not good.'s perfect so it's just like that's a great relationship bro it is it has been
Starting point is 02:36:09 fucking great and i hope none of them listen to this and ask for more money but no but like they fucking murdered it man and they fucking they stepped up beautiful that you give these guys this opportunity too and you know you find these competent guys that are willing to hustle i don't care about your credits bro i really do not care like i i do not care about the followers none of that shit are you competent do you have the same drive and are you willing to spend the late nights with me because i'm gonna spend late nights and i have like very high expectation of people i work with hang you gotta be able to hang yeah so that's everything you gotta be able to bust balls yes and you gotta be able to take it too you know and then you know the guy dove did you see the guy that's my first friend in college really he's my first friend he was in entertainment
Starting point is 02:36:49 for a while and um he was he was producing stuff he was doing in italy and like he was doing stuff here he was an agent for a little bit and i was like bro just stop kissing everybody's ass to get a project done just come over here let's fucking do this and he ends up executive producing it wow it's like a family affair dude that's amazing and the coolest thing about it and then i'll fucking stop talking about it i even feel weird talking about it but like we built up enough fucking equity outside of the industry to do the project we wanted to do with them do you know what i'm saying like yes there you get to tell netflix the things you want chappelle gets to tell netflix the things he wants
Starting point is 02:37:30 kevin gets to tell netflix the things they want right like in terms of they could give you a note and you could be like i would really prefer it this way i respect your opinion but i prefer there's a few people in the world that get that and we built up enough confidence and like in trust and not only the market with the people but also with them that they were just like yeah do what you know that you go hard it's wild you go hard it goes real hard like i was watching i was like i wonder if netflix is going to tell them to pull back nope bro there's no pulling back dude there was one thing that we had to remove what was it it, and this is a legal thing. Oh.
Starting point is 02:38:07 And it was a joke we had, and it was a non sequitur. It was a joke about, it was a, you know, I said Trump with no experiences, Trump, who had no experiences with viruses outside of the ones he got from Stormy. It's a throwaway joke. They go, you can't have that line. And I go, why? He goes, well well you're alleging that stormy daniels has you know stds changes to whores well here's the thing she's a whore
Starting point is 02:38:31 so like no no but for a living that's what she does a adult star a star sorry whatever it's a performer adult performer i've seen her perform i've went to the strip club. I saw her. Guys in MAGA hats, front row. It was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. It was amazing. It was in Texas, matter of fact. That is hilarious. Yeah. She was wearing flapper heels from the 20s.
Starting point is 02:38:54 They're like the thick ones. But it was really good. Probably his bad ankles. Bad. Older lady. You know what I mean? Rough. Point is, they said we had to take that line out.
Starting point is 02:39:02 And I go, why? And they go, no, no. You have to understand. It's not about insulting. For a a living she fucks people for money if you say she has stds that could affect her ability to make a living wow and i was like oh okay yeah i can cut that like to me i was i change it i just removed the line i didn't care about stormy right like it was just convenient to fit the little it's literally like we try to have a joke every in every line right so i'm just like okay what's a little fun oh a story we have other stormy jokes in there right
Starting point is 02:39:35 but when they were like this is an illegal thing to do because there's no proof that she's had it and i was like wow so i was like yeah that's fine i don't care that was the only note and you see what's in that fucking thing bro there's some pictures where i'm like how did they not see this no language notes no nothing what do you think is the wildest the terry shivo thing is wild i don't want to give any of it away i want people to watch it but it's great it's it's very much in the line of the stuff you've already done on Instagram. Right. Which is what I worried about. Like, you worry that someone gets involved.
Starting point is 02:40:09 I don't worry about Netflix because Netflix has never given me a fucking single note. Yeah. Not a single note. Right. All the wild shit I put out in my specials, they're like, okay, let's go. Yeah. They never had any problems with it. Because you're you.
Starting point is 02:40:23 Yeah. The young comic coming up might not have that. Well, they censored Joey Diaz. Joey Diaz did a Terry Crews joke about Me Too. He had a funny Terry Crews joke about, like, Terry Crews doing those underwear ads. And, of course, the dude's going to try to grab his dick. Like, what the fuck do you think?
Starting point is 02:40:41 These guys are watching that shit. Bouncing your titties on. It's a funny bit. And they're like, like no you can't make fun of me too but it's because you know he was on the that whatever they call it that that what did they call it the degenerates is that what they call it yeah yeah yeah segment so it's a shorter set and it wasn't a joey diaz comedy special where you're just going to see joey dia. It's just stand-up comedy and they have more editorial control. He was very upset though.
Starting point is 02:41:07 He didn't like it at all. Yeah, I can see that. And the bit was a murderous bit. Yeah. He did the bit at the comedy store and I was like, oh my God.
Starting point is 02:41:14 It was the best take on Me Too ever because nobody feels bad about a fucking super athlete like Terry Crews getting his dick grabbed by some guy that he could literally
Starting point is 02:41:24 throw through a fucking wall. So it's not like he's a victim physically. So you can make fun of him in a way that you could never make fun of a woman getting sexually assaulted. Also, like you've been around white guys. Like that's what we do. We tap each other's dicks. This is like a very common guy who did it was on drugs and probably was just out of his mind and was being silly or something. I don't know. But, you know, Terry Crews made a big deal out of it mind and was being silly or something i don't know but you know terry crews made a big deal out of it and joey diaz mocked him yeah and when joey diaz mocked him netflix is like nope not really yeah but maybe it wasn't netflix maybe it was the producer of the show that's maybe it was a director of the show it was some someone involved who didn't want to have their name on something. Also, this was like, what, two years ago or something like that
Starting point is 02:42:06 when the Me Too shit was at its height. Yeah. Where people were super nervous. Yeah. But they didn't have any problem with my Harvey Weinstein bit where I said... What was it? I try to remember exactly how it went.
Starting point is 02:42:20 But the bit was basically that if someone like that, if Harvey Weinstein did that shit to my daughter, I would want to fuck him up. I go, but if Harvina Weinstein offered my son a legitimate contract, I'd look at him and I'd go, dude, you're going to be Batman. It's great. It was this whole bit about if I go, yeah. I forget how it went. I forget my bits after I abandoned them. But it was basically. It's true.
Starting point is 02:42:59 Yeah, it was basically saying that a guy who fucks a woman for money, like nobody feels bad for you. Oh, you had to eat her pussy for a Ferrari you're gonna be okay nobody feels bad for you yeah a girl who holds herself out for a movie with Weinstein and look I'm sure a lot of those women were assaulted I'm sure a lot of those women are telling the truth most of them yeah but there was a few hoes in there that knew what they were doing sure had to yeah but they knew the game and that that game and forget about harvey weinstein yeah that game has been in hollywood forever where these disgusting producers fuck these girls and
Starting point is 02:43:35 they make them stars yeah creeps they're creeps yeah and it's like if that you know what maybe maybe everybody would feel better about it if they were just blatant like if they're creeps but they but they're like, yo, I'm a creep, but I'm going to get you an Oscar. Yeah. I think he did do that. I think Weinstein actually did do that. According to Whitney, Whitney was telling me, Whitney's got some wild information. Was he shooting a shot? Not at him.
Starting point is 02:43:57 Not at her. But she was telling me. Is she upset about that? No. Whitney's so funny that she could be like, well, what? Did you not see in me? She would probably stop. But hold on.
Starting point is 02:44:07 Hold on. Wait now. Well, it seems like we'd like you to write on the show. She's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. No, she was basically saying that he made deals and he was known for sticking to his deals. And it's one of the reasons why it was so successful. It's like he would tell these gals, look, i'll fuck you and i'll make you a star and he would actually make them a
Starting point is 02:44:29 star like really did what he said he was going to do if you're up front about it and you're not abusing them and you're not threatening their career if they say no i don't see that much wrong with that uh i don't see anything wrong with that negotiation if you start threatening their careers if they say no that's where it goes wrong because you're and that's fucked up you're removing their freedom but if they were like no i'm good i'm gonna try it somewhere else and he was like all right that's good best of luck yeah there was a lot of lawsuits that made a lot of sense in that regard he got clipped right like isn't he or is he back home because of corona jail oh they didn't let him out no no i think he's Or is he back home because of Corona? No, he's in jail. Oh, they didn't let him out. No, no. I think he's had COVID twice, I think. You can get it again?
Starting point is 02:45:10 Some people can if you have a shit immune system. Nah, that's soft, bro. A small number of people have been documented as having COVID twice. I knew he had COVID in jail a long time ago, but I read something recently about him having COVID again. I don't know if that's again or if that's at all. The wording in the article says they've pushed his...
Starting point is 02:45:29 Lawyers on both sides agree to push his trip back for a second time due to coronavirus. They're just trying to get him out of there. It says he escapes extradition to LA. Transportation of someone from New York to California. He's got another case in California. He's been convicted in New York. He's going to go to LA. So he's got another case in California. So he's been convicted in New York.
Starting point is 02:45:46 He's going to go to LA. And that's been pushed back because of coronavirus. How is this guy not killing himself? 11 counts of rape. Faces 140 years behind bars. How has nobody killed him? How is nobody in jail taking him out? Don't they usually do that? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:46:01 I think that child rape is the big one, right? If you're a child rapist. A lot of those guys that are in jail, their life of fucked up crime and craziness started out because of being molested. Oh, I didn't know that. Oh, there's quite a few. Quite a few violent offenders who were molested while they were children, and they never recovered from it. They were devastated by it.
Starting point is 02:46:21 I'm okay, though, if they take out child rapists. Yeah. I feel nothing with that yeah i don't have a problem with that that's vigilante justice low-key and it's always been that way like that's the one thing that people have never had a problem with right when people find out about someone getting uh killed in jail that was a child rapist and you're like all right always chalk it up to the game the dark thing is that child rapists wind up raping children. Rather, people who've been raped as children wind up being child rapists.
Starting point is 02:46:52 That's the darkest part about it, is that these child rapists come from abuse themselves. They've been abused. It's a real common thing that people abused as children wind up abusing others. So you can abuse that into somebody that's terrifying i don't know what it is but if you really wanted to think about it it's almost like a fucking vampire yeah like something horrific like that like you you give them a sickness you abuse a child when they're young and then you make them do the same it's just what do we do with those people what is the i don't know you can't fix it
Starting point is 02:47:26 this is the our understanding of human psychology and like how the mind works and how to fix like real pathological issues like that it's like so limited and and also but you also someone rapes a kid like what is is it if you fix them and then just let them go, there's no retribution? Is there no- Yeah, because you've hurt that person. You need to pay for what you've done. You've ruined them oftentimes, forever. Yeah, you need to-
Starting point is 02:47:52 What are you laughing at, Jamie? Harvey, he got visited last week by his 27-year-old actress girlfriend in prison in New York. Wow. Wow. While he's asking to be taken out. Wild girl right there. Let me see what this girl looks like. Wow. Wow. While he's asking to be taken out. Wild girl right there. Let me see what this girl looks like. Wow.
Starting point is 02:48:08 He's 68. I need to see this gal. Ali, should we say her name? Vino. He's probably, listen baby, I'm telling,
Starting point is 02:48:13 oh my God, she's hot as fuck. That's insane. Is that real? Total peace. What? Oh wow. What?
Starting point is 02:48:21 Total peace, bro. Go to the bikini one, dude. Come on. Yeah. Oh yeah, look at that. Wow. Yeah, that's a total peace, bro. Go to the bikini one, dude. Come on. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Wow. Yeah, that's a total peace right there.
Starting point is 02:48:28 She wants it. The world is crazy. That girl wants fame in a way that you've never experienced. It's amazing that she thinks that Harvey's going to give it to her. Does she know something we don't? Is he telling her something? Yeah, he's telling her I still got connects. I'm still part of the-
Starting point is 02:48:41 Wow, is he getting out? Wow. Or she's just got to go once a month and he's paying all the bills. That's the other thing. That could be a sugar daddy situation. It could easily be that. I'll come once a month, kiss you on the mouth or whatever like that. We probably can't even touch because you're locked in jail.
Starting point is 02:48:56 You don't think I have conjugal visits in jail. 68. She stayed for several hours chatting. They put a blanket over both of their laps. No, they did it. No, no, no. They put a blanket over both of their laps. No, they didn't. No, no, no. Oh. They were in back rooms,
Starting point is 02:49:09 kept specially for prisoners, in voluntary protective custody. He got up several times to use the bathroom, said the source. He could still only get about with a walker, just like when he was in court. But the difference in between then and now is he has a lot more color in his cheeks.
Starting point is 02:49:22 He didn't look so deathly ill. Wow. Poor girl, man. That's correct. Poor girl, right? Sad shit. What do you got to go through? now is he's a lot more color in his cheeks he didn't look so deathly ill wow girl man that's correct poor girl right sad shit go through that's a sad way to live your life yeah well andrew schultz let's wrap this bitch up bring it home uh your show is available right now on netflix uh schultz saves america yes sir there it is netflix special uh four they've been clowning me for the phot Photoshop that they did. Yeah, they smoothed you out, bro.
Starting point is 02:49:47 They gave you some filters. You know what's fucked up? Why do they do that? I don't know, but I looked at it and I was like, yeah, that's kind of what I look like. That's how skewed my version of myself is. It's not too bad, but it looks like CGI. You look like you belong in Ready Player One. Right? That movie is unbelievable great movie
Starting point is 02:50:09 that's one of my favorite movies i love that movie um but yeah they fixed my nose they took them down from my nose they did that with me too can we go to joe's go like can you do a side by side triggered from 2016 from four years ago hold on yeah i watched i was like why am i so smooth that picture the lights up there i wanted to get on their site yeah look oh yeah the shit out of me yeah you're a sweet potato bro all my under eyeball bags are gone look at they did to my face it doesn't even look like your gold if i showed up but that's just lighting. But if I showed up with that face, people would be like,
Starting point is 02:50:47 what the fuck happened to you, man? Go back up. The other one was a cartoon. Just make that bigger. Where's my eyes? What happened to my... Why does my face go straight from my eyes down to my mouth? You look like a Bond villain. They did like...
Starting point is 02:51:03 They Botoxed me. They Botoxed me up. Like all these lines. Yeah, you have not a single wrinkle. I have no lines. Except the one Fear Factor one. They kept that in. They kind of did, but they even toned that down. That head is cleanly shaved, though.
Starting point is 02:51:14 That's Botox. That's clean shave right there. But even my forehead lines are disappeared. Yeah. Nonsense. Why do they do that? I think they want to make us cute. Aw.
Starting point is 02:51:23 I know. Aw. But I was kind of feeling myself in that picture for a little bit. You look make us cute. Aw. I know. Aw. But I was kind of feeling myself in that picture for a little bit. You look good, bro. You don't need that bullshit. The lines don't do you wrong. Andrew Schultz, you're a bad motherfucker. I love you.
Starting point is 02:51:33 I'm so happy you're out there. Swinging haymakers. Thank you, man. Representing real comedy. Let's go. And again, Schultz Saves America. It's on now on Netflix. Go get it, kids.
Starting point is 02:51:44 Goodbye, world.

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