The Joe Rogan Experience - #1667 - Annie Lederman

Episode Date: June 15, 2021

Annie Lederman is a standup comedian, host of the "Meanspiration" podcast, and look for her new merch at ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day. What are the odds that you and I are wearing the same shirt? It's so weird. And it's a shirt I drew and I'm putting up on my website to sell. Yeah, I just don't have the midriff show. Did you trim that yourself? I did trim it myself. I cut all my shirts. All of them? Yeah. I had a girl come up to me who's
Starting point is 00:00:29 very skinny who goes, you've really given me a lot of inspiration, how you'll just wear a midriff no matter what. And I was like, oh my God. What does that mean? I was like, oh. But yeah, I'm loud and proud muffin topping around this town, baby. Wow. You don't give a fuck. No. Good for you. I like cropping it. I think they land weird. I have hips, you know, so they land weird on my hips. They get tight on my hips.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So I just crop that bitch. Hoist my sweatpants up high. Which is what you wear most of the time, right? Yes. When I came to Austin last time, by the way, nobody warned me. About? About the fucking swamp ass situation here. I was wearing sweatpants.
Starting point is 00:01:05 All I have is sweatpants. I listen, I, I gained a little weight over COVID loud and proud. I don't give a shit, but I'm, I refuse to buy new clothes. So I'm a size four till the seams pop. I don't know what that is. Is that a lot? A size four is like Jamie. Jamie, if he was a girl would be a size. He might be a girl. Why don't you not be rude? Look at his hair. 33. I know Jamie, what's going on with the hair? I'm trying to get him to size like eight. He might be a girl. Why don't you not be rude? Look at his hair. With that hair? 33. 33? I know, Jamie. What's going on with the hair? I'm trying to get him to shave his head. He won't do it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You need to find somewhere to cut it is all. Well, it's impossible to find somewhere. Well, somewhere to cut it is above the ears. There's no way. No one cuts hair anymore. That's like going to a blacksmith. I know. You have a low pone, which is so upsetting.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I thought I hated man buns. Do you ever do man bun? Of course. Not up top. Sometimes he does it like a samurai. He should. Give him one of your swords. Yeah, Jamie,
Starting point is 00:01:49 this is an intervention. All right. What's up? Why don't you get your hair cut? I don't understand. I meant to do it this weekend. I did other stuff instead.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I don't know. I would have been so happy. I would have been so honored. Do you ever wear it down? Can you take your hair down for us? Yeah, sure. It's confusing.
Starting point is 00:02:04 It's long. I think he's transitioning. Okay, I think he's definitely transitioning. I want to do trans watch. Very long. You look Abraham Lincoln. You think so? I think he looks like a rock band from the 90s. Yes, you do. Well, that's the third time I've had long hair and that was the first time why I had long hair. When you were in a
Starting point is 00:02:20 band. Was this like a COVID reaction? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just couldn't find a barbershop. I couldn't go anywhere. There's so many barbershops it's so dumb there's like scissors i got scissors i was able to cut this shirt okay on while i was traveling you can cut that hair is that easier to cut a shirt it was actually kind of hard i would say it's easier than hair though don't you think yeah i don't think that's a good comparison i want to go back to the skinny girl the skinny girl who's like that you have such confidence to wear that like that's Girls do shit like that to each other
Starting point is 00:02:49 I like I listen I'm all about I've been dealing with I realize I've been really judging a lot of people and wasting my time Judging others, so I'm just taking everything people say and I'm just enjoying it And I laughed my fucking ass off when she said that to me really yes Do you know her well not that well but but enough that i i i send her love and light oh okay like love and light gun love and light cut that should be your next shirt i'm happy listen i gained weight because i wasn't given a fucking shit over this damn pandemic so well i think it's because you ate a lot of food i did eat a lot of food i was you know i was eating a lot of noodles ah that'll do it i got into my boyfriend is um half asian i got into a lot of the cuisine ah what kind of food a lot
Starting point is 00:03:36 i mean he actually didn't it was like i said it right of course people are all faux i know but pho does sound upsetting it took me many many years to say it. It's weird. I don't say it. I never say it. You say pho? I mean, I just don't say it. You just say, can I have those noodles? I wait for my family to want to order it. And then I go, yeah, we'll eat that.
Starting point is 00:03:53 My kids love it. They love pho. I always thought it's rice. It's not regular noodles. So you kind of convince yourself. But then it's about this much. Big ass bowl of stuff. There's a great place in Woodland Hills we used to go to. Oh my know, it's about this much. Big ass bowl. Yeah. There's a great place in Woodland Hills we used to go to.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Oh, my God. It was sensational. What was it called? I don't remember. It was really good. Oh, you guys almost got such a good advertisement. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:15 You should have had a better name. I go to a place called Absolutely Phobulous. And if those people had had a good name like that, that's on La Cienega. I love them. Yeah. That is one thing. L.A. had a real good scene in terms of, like, variety of food, you know. Actually, for a small city, because Austin's pretty small, there's a lot of variety here.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You know, there's a lot, obviously a lot of Tex-Mex, obviously a lot of barbecue. You're like, they have so much variety here. They have Tex, they have Mex. It's amazing. No, but you can get Korean food here. There's a lot of barbecue. You're like, they have so much variety here. They have Tex, they have Mex. It's amazing. No, but you can get Korean food here. There's a lot of sushi. There's a lot of Japanese. There's Indian food.
Starting point is 00:04:51 There's a lot of different, because it's a college city, there's all kinds of different folks come here and stay here. Yeah, I've only eaten, I went to, what was the barbecue place I went to? Did you go to Terry Black's? Yes, I went to Terry Black's. That was the first place I went to. You don't need to go anywhere else Yes, I went to Terry Black's. That was the first place I went to.
Starting point is 00:05:05 You don't need to go anywhere else. It was so good. Everywhere else, there's places that are as good, like Franklin's and La Barbecue, and there's some killer places, but they don't get better. It's not possible. Yeah. It was great. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:05:18 It was fast. It was easy. Yeah, you go through the, but we fucked it up by talking about it too much. So now it's all packed. There was a giant ass fucking line. Well, when I went there, it seemed like a really big line. The parking lot was full and it still went fast. So I was like, all right.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Well, it's a cafeteria style. Yeah. And they're on the ball. Do you do cafeteria when you go? Yeah, you got to. Are people like hovering around you? Sometimes when it's too crazy, they'll just bring us over what we want. But yeah, I like going in line.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I like doing the thing. I didn't get to do a pit tour. I like doing the pit tour the pit tour is the shit they make their pits themselves they use propane tanks they have someone weld them and shit would you ever bring them elk you killed to yes i definitely would yeah but you know when they barbecue stuff it's like a 12-hour process like they they took us on tour of the the brisket making and the guy was explaining to me how he does it. He has like a piece of paper and he writes down which, which ones went in at which time. They don't use thermometers. They just know, they just, they just know like what the temperature of the meat is and they know when it's ready and they know when to wrap it and
Starting point is 00:06:19 butcher paper. It's an art. It really is. Slow smoking art, offset cooking. So good. Yeah, it's a real art form. The fat dripping off. Really good. All the different sauces. I went there. I went to another place
Starting point is 00:06:31 that had like tapas. I had some bone marrow, which I've decided I hate. I never have been able to decide whether I'm disgusted by bone marrow or I like it.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I hate it. Bone marrow on garlic bread at a restaurant in town called Red Ash is fucking sensational. Don't you laugh. I'm not laughing. I'm just saying it's one of those things. It feels like I'm on fear factor. Honestly, every time I eat it, I'm like, it's mental.
Starting point is 00:06:54 It's mental. It's mental. I'm smearing that shit. I'm scraping it off the bone, which you're not going to eat it when it's not on the bone. It has to come out on the bone. Right. So you can't pretend it's not coming from where it's coming from. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah, that's true, and it's just you want to get it clean like right when it comes out of the oven, too Yeah, when it's still like and I and I take a couple bites I go I think I like this and then I'm like kind of gagging. Yeah, I don't think it's everybody's thing Yeah, I've tried. I'll try again. I love it. I like to try things like if anyone brings me any weird thing I like to try it. I used to try things. Like if anyone brings me any weird thing, I like to try it. Before I knew you, I used to pretend I was on Fear Fight. I'd be like, I'd like to take a thing. I'd be like, all right, take a bite. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I watched an episode recently. I told you about it. Did you? Yeah. I watched like a couples episode. It was like couples championships. They came back. And you had married a couple.
Starting point is 00:07:45 You were ordained and married this couple yeah they were from Dallas yeah nice folks what if they're still together they were really nice I mean I hope they're still together but you know with these marriage rates I can't well what is it like it's not even 50% I don't think right that make it I don't know are people even getting married anymore no they quit everybody quit Right? That make it? I don't know. Are people even getting married anymore?
Starting point is 00:08:03 No, they quit. Everybody quit. They did? Yeah, people get married. I think that it's going to be around forever. I don't think they're going to stop getting married. When people have children and you want to protect and keep everything together and lock it down, that's when it makes sense. It seems like a crazy institution now. to protect and keep everything together and lock it down. That's when it makes sense. Yeah. It seems like a crazy institution now,
Starting point is 00:08:27 you know, like getting other people involved in your relationship. Well, the wedding is so weird because the wedding is like you're calling all of your closest family and friends to like hold you accountable
Starting point is 00:08:39 for this promise you made. Like everyone's there like, you promised, you promised. Is that what it is? I thought it was like to celebrate. Listen to how you look at it. You look at it in a terrible way i guess i feel like really embarrassed like sharing like my deepest heart in front of everyone i don't know that seems like very vulnerable well if i'm like up there and i'm like you complete me or whatever i'm saying that i mean but i don't know i guess it's i feel different i feel like i'm growing we did a
Starting point is 00:09:06 non-religious wedding and the lady was very nice but she had the corniest fucking vows that you know the thing that they do your love is two streams that will become a mighty river i'm like oh my god like as a comedian you know like to sit there and listen to that and not mock it it's like oh god should have mocked it i would have mocked it i was holding it together i was making faces you know, like to sit there and listen to that and not mock it. It's like, Oh God. Should have mocked it. I would have mocked it. I was holding it together. I was making faces though.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Did you cry at your wedding? No, I did not. You didn't? No, I did not. I cried when my kids are born. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I cry, but that wasn't a like, I mean, I love her. She's awesome. I've definitely seen you cry. I cry. I cry. You're a good boy cry I cry I cry I'm a very emotional person
Starting point is 00:09:48 in a lot of ways I know but that was like a fun it was like I wanted to just get it over with let's just do it and then cause it seems stressful
Starting point is 00:09:55 did you guys have like a really big one no was your wife into wanting it to be no she's not very high maintenance she's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:10:03 in that regard you know it's a small group of friends. And you had your stepdaughter, and then you didn't have your daughters yet? No, one of them. You did? One of them, yeah. It's one of those things where it's like in the middle of you doing it,
Starting point is 00:10:18 you're like, okay, is this happening? We're really doing it? Because it's like hopefully you only do it once. Yeah. So why are you doing it? You're like, okay, is this real? Can you imagine planning a second fucking wedding? Some people do it even for no reason.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah. Just to say, we're going to go to Tahiti and have a second wedding. And you're like, oh, fuck. Yeah. And then your friends have to go. No, I mean like your next marriage. Oh. Where you're just like.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I have a lot of friends that have gotten married three, four times. Yeah. And they do the same amount of effort into each wedding. It's got to dilute each time. What happens is when you find a new gal and she finds out what you did for the old gal, she's like, listen, motherfucker. You may have lost 50%,
Starting point is 00:10:56 but you're going to be doing 50 extra percent. We ain't doing this one in the park when your last one was in the fucking Bahamas. Can I tell you? Let's go. How cool it is that there's shooting stars in your fucking sky? That's pretty dope, right?
Starting point is 00:11:06 How cool is it that it's 180 degrees in this room? I'm sweating so much. I'm so glad I chose black shirts. Yeah, something happened to our AC over the last couple days. You'd think a guy with a ponytail would really want to keep it cool in here. I know.
Starting point is 00:11:18 That's what I'm saying. It's not his. That's the guy who made it. He has a ponytail, too. He has a ponytail, too. That's true. Well, it's not even his fault. It's obviously one of our units is fucking up.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But that's a common thing here. We were at the Creek in the Cave the other night, and it was fucking sweating, like dripping into my eyes on stage. And it's hard. I've said this before. When you're on stage and you start to sweat, that's a symptom of bombing,
Starting point is 00:11:39 and it's hard to... My body goes into save yourself mode when I start sweating, and it's like. Well you're not comfortable. Yeah and I'm like. You have to be comfortable on stage. You're, like my eye can't see. Well with you too, you got eye makeup
Starting point is 00:11:52 so it's like that shit's gonna get in your eyes. I'm actually don't wear makeup, this is what I wake up. Crazy. I'm so pretty. You are so pretty for like natural. I remember one time I came straight from Fear Factor and I had sunscreen on and I Factor and I had sunscreen on. And I didn't realize I had sunscreen on.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And I'm on stage and I sweat. And the sweat got in my eye and then I was in pain. So I was trying to do my act like while my eyes were tearing up. That's terrible. That's why I can't surf. Oh, salt water. I've tried surfing and I'm like, it's so embarrassing when I'm doing something everyone else is doing fine, and everyone seems like not, and I'm like, my eyes are burning.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm like, is there something wrong with me? How come some people could just open their eyes in salt water and swim around? It doesn't bother them at all. Can you do it, Jamie? I haven't tried for a long time, so I don't know. You have surfer hair. You should get out there before you cut it. You seem like a surfer.
Starting point is 00:12:41 We need to make an excuse for this hair. Well, you know, in Texas, there's a place down in Waco where it's an indoor surf place. I know about Waco. Yeah, that's a different thing. They don't like to talk about that anymore. Now it's like a home improvement spot. Do you know that? Like there's a family. They're really good at putting up holes. No, there's like a famous family that like settled in Waco. They're on one of them fix-em-up TV shows. Oh, the couple.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Yeah. The fixer-upper couple. Yeah. Well, that's Waco now. That's new Waco. That's like everybody's in that. But in Waco, there's a- Waco's not very Woco if they're pretending that thing didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Oh, I don't think- You know you're going to have more of these jokes. I don't think it's that they're pretending it didn't happen. I just think they don't talk about it that much. I guess you don't need to. Well, I mean, everybody knows, you know, the FBI lit those fucking people on fire or whatever. It's like their home improvement is like, oh, got a bulletproof walls. Apparently someone was explaining to me that it wasn't just that the FBI lit that place on fire, but that Koresh knew.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So they put bales of hay in the hallways and lit them and filled them up with gasoline. Like he it was kind of like a suicide thing. And he was also he'd already been shot. So he had like a bullet hole in him and some wild shit. You know, the cults like that. It's like how the fuck right how does it get to that like how does how does someone like all of a sudden you find yourself in a fenced off you know 10 acre i don't know how many acres the place was but yeah where you have guns and you're fucking
Starting point is 00:14:19 everybody's wife i know once a guy's like i'm gonna fuck your wife that's when you gotta go i think i need to exit don't think you're working in the name of Jesus. Yeah. Jesus does not want you to bang my wife. Unless that's what you're into. But that area has an indoor surf place. My friend Kenny Fong, shout out to Kenny from Darkside Motors. He's a guy I used to go get all my car stuff from in LA. And Kenny fucking flew to, he lives in California, flew to Texas to surf at this place, which is kind of hilarious. But do you have salt water? It's an indoor place.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's a wild ass indoor surf place. I think I've seen Schultz do it. It's outdoor, I think. Oh, shit. Is this Waco? Mm-hmm. Oh, it is outdoor? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Oh. Waco's on the up, guys. Look at this. Why did I think it was indoor? Look at this. Is this where the Koresh place was? They just built this? Yeah, they leveled it. And the bodies of the guys. Look at this. Why did I think it was indoor? Is this where the Koresh place was? They just built this over? Yeah, they leveled it.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And the bodies of the people are underneath the water. That's really incredible. Sometimes when you go under, you see a skull. It's fucking badass, though. I mean, what a great place to learn how to surf, right? Yeah. Because you don't have to wait for waves. It's like if you had the only way to learn jujitsu was wait for someone to grab you
Starting point is 00:15:25 that would suck right you have no one to roll with this is like you have training i have not done jujitsu since before the pandemic i am now so grossed out i was thinking about all the ball sweat i was thinking about the smell of the sweat yes the smell of and listen i'm no i'm not mr clean over here I got my own smells going on. You smell great. When I hugged you, I was impressed. When I would go into class, when I would go into 10th plane, I would go to whoever my partner was. I did yoga before this, so I'm sorry or thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I'm sorry or welcome, whichever you're into. I'm not sure what you like. Now, you would go yoga and then straight into jujitsu? Well, I would try to wash off a little bit. But that's crazy. That's a lot of exercise. Oh, I was ripped before. I was doing, I was not like, well, I wasn't ripped, but I was pretty good before the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And then. That's a lot of exercise in one day though, is what I'm saying. Yeah, I would do that. And then I had a meditation class I would go to. Damn, look at you. Centering. And I was still fucking psycho, dude. I was way more psycho then than I am now. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah. What do you think that's about? I think I did a lot of work on myself over this quarantine. Well, people are forced to like think about themselves or think about other people. There was a lot of that. I really, I'm telling you this week specifically, I've been working on it. I'm just really focusing on like myself and what, what I like. I was talking to Jamie earlier. I'm, I'm writing a movie with Bonnie McFarlane. I love Bonnie. I love her so much.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I just worked with her a couple of weeks ago. I know I was here. I was working with her too. And we're at the Creek in the Cave. I'm telling you, I watched Bonnie's full set. I fucking went up to her afterwards crying like i'm so glad i'm friends with her she's so funny she's just the real deal there's no bullshit she said some of the funniest shit i have ever fucking heard in my life her
Starting point is 00:17:15 crowd work i mean she's like unmatched and i'm just so bonnie for 20 like 27 years i think something crazy like yeah it's like something really it might have been more it might be more than 27 years which is wild yeah she's just she's such a fucking killer if you go back and look at her specials too like her hbo special from it was like right when i started comedy i think she did it it's still like from beginning to end amazing she's just a really smart person period you know yeah her and rich i don't are they still doing their podcast yeah they are they're fucking great at that it's so funny she posted a clip where rich was talking about his lisp and he was like no people make fun of my
Starting point is 00:17:55 list but if i was missing arms they wouldn't make fun of it and bonnie's like rich your like lisp has never gotten in the way of your life and i commented i was like it has gotten in the way of your life. And I commented, I was like, it has gotten in the way of my life. But they're just so funny. They're just calling each other out. Bonnie and I were talking about it today. It's like Rich is such a good dude. He just has a person that challenges him on every angle. And that's why they're so fucking funny, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:22 They just have two people that are just bop, bop, bop, bop. Well Well he can take it better than anybody I've ever met in my life. Like when we used to do Opie and Anthony. No not anymore. Oh okay. After the thing. It all ended. But when we used to do Opie and Anthony together he could fucking take it better than anybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:38 When everybody was piling on. Yeah. Rich was the best. Yeah he's so funny. He can fight his way out. He's like it's like that scene and did you watch Game of Thrones? Yeah. Do you remember the fight scene where they were all piling on him, on Jon Snow, and he
Starting point is 00:18:48 like got out? That's how I imagine Rich when people are making fun of him. Well, he just, it doesn't seem to bother him. Like he'll fire back, but it doesn't seem to hurt his feelings. He doesn't care if he like, if one fires and it doesn't go. No, he takes wings. But he, I used to sit next to him. We would do Judge Roast Battle at the stand in New York,
Starting point is 00:19:06 and I always sat next to him. I was like, I love sitting next to Dum Dum. He would ask questions about what the rules of the show were. I'm like, Rich, we've done this 5,000 times together. You don't know the rules of the fucking show? He's just such a ding-dong. I think half of it is for show, though. I think half of it is like...
Starting point is 00:19:23 No, I was talking to Bonnie about it. Something happens on stage. He can pull facts that he doesn't know offstage. He becomes a thing. He's brilliant on stage, and then he's just like... Well, he has to be because he can work the crowd so well. He's so good at working the crowd. He's a wizard at working the crowd.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You know what else? This is how fearless that guy is. They used to do this thing on Open Anthony where he would grab a microphone and walk into a fucking laundromat and just start doing stand-up. It was cringe. People would be waiting in line at a deli. He would go, you know, the other day I saw. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And he would just start doing stand-up. And people would be like, what the fuck is going on? And bombing and didn't care. That's so funny. And they would air it. They would air it on the radio. Of course. We used to do this thing in the old days of Opie and Anthony. They were on terrestrial radio and
Starting point is 00:20:12 satellite radio. I forget which one was first. I think terrestrial was first and satellite was second. But we would do one radio show and then we would walk down the street to the second place. show and then we would walk down the street to the second place and while we were walking they were broadcasting Wow so we were broadcasting with wireless microphones walking down the street to the next place that's so funny I always want to do a podcast where I'm like on the street where I just do like a it's just an hour of me walking around talking shit to the camera and then like fucking with people on the street you should do it on sixth street once i should well i'm gonna wait for things to cool down they have cooled down more security the horse cops how many different mass shootings are you gonna have on one street
Starting point is 00:20:54 i mean that's a good point but i think we just put it in i think we might have just put it in the universe the odds are i keep missing all of these crazy events i was i i went i was in nashville right the day before that bombing and before the truck drove into Zany's. Oh, I'm sensing a pattern. I don't want to say it's me, guys, but... I have a lot of power. The Zany's truck. What happened there?
Starting point is 00:21:18 The guy just left the truck and forgot to put the brake on or something? I never found out the story, but I was supposed to do a show the night before and I canceled because I was tired. And that was a lesson never cancel a show do a show the fucking yeah well you never should cancel a show because you're tired yeah because just once you get there you'll fire up yeah you're right i've never had the hiccups on stage i've never shit i do believe i will shit yourself shit myself on stage i never shit myself on stage but i've come close i've come close. I've come very close. Oh, you have those sets where you're just crap dusting the audience and you're just like, I hope this mic is loud enough for them to not hear this shit.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Oh my God. I forgot. I've, I've been talking about this on stage, but I've never told you this. I had an opener once. I wish I knew her name. I was doing Dead Crow in North Carolina. Do you know that place? It's a club, it's like a small club, it's cute. I'd love to go back. But next time, warn me about my opener, if my opener does this, if my opener is an actual opener, let me know. So, there was a girl who was, she was Canadian,
Starting point is 00:22:19 and she was really funny. She had, she did her set. No. Bonnie's Canadian. Yes, Bonnie is Canadianadian and she's amazing and i she's my dream friend i love her but um so the girl finishes her set she pulls the mic stand down to her crotch that's never a good sign when someone pulls it to waist level not only did she she pulled a pulled her skirt up, fully vagina out, no underwear.
Starting point is 00:22:46 No underwear? And it was a nice vagina. She showed the audience her vagina? Yes, and she pulled a kazoo out of her jacket. She put the kazoo into her vagina and she queefed Adele's hello. Really? She was my opener.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I had to go on stage. And the whole audience saw it? And it was like, I'm not knocking, it was literally the most amazing thing I've ever seen. If you're closing a show. I then had to go on stage and the whole audience saw it and it was like i'm not knocking it was literally the most amazing thing i've ever seen if you're closing a show i then had to go on stage and be like smells like tuna fish like i was like i have to either shove this microphone on my asshole or i just have to eat a dick for fucking 45 minutes to an hour after this every show was just like um but that's if you're in the audience and she's showing her pussy, like that's assault. It is assault.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You're right. It should be illegal. Honestly, it was well, it wasn't well groomed, but it was, it was just very interesting. Did I ever tell you about the story where Joey Diaz hid in the backstage? There was a woman on stage. It was not very funny. And Joey hid backstage and took his pants off. And whenever she would hit her punchline, he would open up the curtain and shake his balls.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh, my God. And then close the curtain. She was murdering. This was like in the 90s. Oh, that's actually sweet. He gave her an experience she would never have. He gave the audience an experience they would never have. It was so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Was he just doing like the chicken heart? Or was this dick, he was holding his dick up and just putting his hands up? No, he just fucking, I don't remember if he was naked or if he had his pants off. And he was just like. Oh, I thought he was just exposing just the heart. No, no, the curtain and the OR. Okay, yes, yes. He was pantsless behind it.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I didn't even know you could go behind that. You can go behind it, apparently. I think I've tried and almost fallen backwards. There's not a lot of room. I don't even know how you get there. And especially when you take up a lot of room, Joey, no offense. Yeah, LOL. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:40 LBS. How did you get there? How does one get there? I guess he must have just had to hide there through a couple acts. That's so funny if he had to stay there. I don't think he hid. I think he snuck in while she was on stage. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:24:53 It was like in the 90s, the shows there were so – it might not have been the 90s. It might have been like maybe 2000. I don't remember. Anyway, the shows there were so bad that sometimes someone would get on the lineup, and they would be on the lineup quite a bit. It was death. It was like this was the death moment, and you knew that if you had to follow them, fuck, like you have an 1130 spot, they go on before you.
Starting point is 00:25:18 You know that room's going to clear out. Yeah, I've been that spot. Yeah. The spot after. The spot after. I've been maybe the dead, the dead spot a couple times too. But those fucking shows went like that when that does happen, like those give you an opportunity to like, to really like dig in and find out what's actually funny. Yeah. And it's
Starting point is 00:25:37 also, it's like a, you're to have to pick the whole room up is wild, but I would, I would go on after someone who would just always clear the room I mean and it would be like a pact like it would be a night you were on so it'd be like fucking sold out main room and I'm watching everyone get up and leave so I would always go all right you guys can leave if you want but if you did I'm gonna tell everyone you raped me so it's up to you a white woman I white woman. I can do whatever I want. But it was just like I always had to do like a save line, you know, because it was like so awkward that everyone was leaving.
Starting point is 00:26:10 But what I learned, this is something I taught myself over the pandemic too, that my time on stage is my time on stage. I don't have to bring up what anyone's done before. I just need to reset and just do my thing. And I can call back if I want. It just takes a little time. It takes a little time to shift them over your style like that was something that i learned really from watching people in boston like uh learned to watch in dom herrera in particular because dom herrera was the
Starting point is 00:26:33 only guy that i ever saw that went up at nick's comedy stop and did well after the local headliners because they used to do this really sneaky thing where they would take the local headliners guys like steve sweeney and don gavin and kevin knox and they would murder i mean just murder murder where three guys in a row doing like 20 minutes of death yeah and then they put up a national headliner yeah and a lot of guys just died up there and guys quit midweek and like big names like guys in movies and shit and dom herrera went up there and just owned the room just cool calm and collected just went on stage and had a big smile on his face and it's like what a nice round of applause for all these guys like no nerves yeah and just slid into his material and
Starting point is 00:27:14 then eventually took over and was murdering yeah because if you're if you're thinking about this before you're not being in the moment and i feel like i learned a lot i used to go after rick ingram a lot and rick just slaughters with crowd work. Yeah. And I used to be scared of that spot and now I'm like, fucking bring it. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I'm not scared of any spots. This pandemic was, no offense to the people that had a bad one, very good for me. Was it? Yeah, I really- You worked at it.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah. It's good for anytime like there's a change. Obviously, it's not good for people that lost their businesses. Right, of course. I was watching this thing today. I was watching this thing today. I was reading this thing today.
Starting point is 00:27:46 37% of all small businesses in America are gone for good. That's fucking crazy. Yeah. And it's like, how the fuck do they ever come back if they do? Imagine if you worked for 30 years of your life for something and you built it up. And you're getting by and you're doing well and you're making're making a good living and then all of a sudden it's gone yeah but you know what life is unpredictable and we got to just take it yeah but this is because of regulations this isn't really unpredictable this is this is just foolishness because walgreens was
Starting point is 00:28:19 open yeah you know target was open all these different places were open and they told small businesses they couldn't be open. It's not really weird. It's idiotic. Yeah. And there's a lot of people that think that, I don't want to get into it. It's people that think that it's like an effort. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:38 That it was on purpose. And that like they recognize that this is an opportunity to get rid of these small businesses and build Yeah, that's what the most cynical and conspiracy minded amongst us think they think that they recognize this as an attack on small businesses and an opportunity for big corporations to Thrive because that's what happened a lot of big corporations thrived You know yeah,, this is a great... That stuff's awesome. Speaking of corporations... Kill Cliff?
Starting point is 00:29:08 Well, I'm... Listen, I didn't take Adderall or anything today because I'm so excited to be here. I don't want to... Do you take Adderall all the time? No, every once in a while I do. But, you know, I got the ADD. So you take meth? It is...
Starting point is 00:29:19 Yeah, I call it... It's basically meth. I call it homework coke. I'm like, who needs a paper towel? But, you know, it's good to help you get up and stuff. But it is, yeah, I'm sure. I can't stand behind Adderall as not a. It's an amphetamine.
Starting point is 00:29:35 But I, as someone that knows that I'm projecting an Adderall vibe right now. You're not. I am just so excited to be here. The first time I did your show I was so fucking nervous Do you remember that? You were a little nervous but you loosened up I had so much fun Whitney was like a dream
Starting point is 00:29:51 That was so fun The Whitney episode was like That was three hours of my life So fun And then this one I'm just like I just couldn't wait to come I'm wearing your shirt This black rifle And then this one, I'm just like, I just couldn't wait to come. Look, I'm wearing your shirt. I know.
Starting point is 00:30:06 This black rifle that has 300 milligrams of caffeine, don't fuck with this. I'm so scared. Rich mocha? It's really delicious. Do I get rich if I drink it? No, it's got a rich flavor. You've taught me so much, my king.
Starting point is 00:30:27 The days not too long ago when you were slapping hundreds into my hand well you were broke i know no i really appreciate it do but do you remember when i was gonna i liked when you told me if i got people away from you that we were annoying you you would give me 100 bucks and then i was slamming people and you're like that's my friend and i was like oh shit i like misread it i was body slamming people in the shit yeah the old the old parking lot days i know it's fun it's listen it's getting it's an in an interesting place right now because it's not like full capacity the comedy store but it's really fun are you gonna come back and visit us yes for sure yeah when i'm in l.a i'll definitely come back you got to come back because it's we
Starting point is 00:30:58 miss i'm on a plan i want to plan like a weekend do a weekend there just take a trip and and see the homeless shelters and shit well listen you're the you lied to me about the homeless people here they cleared out uh town hall today well today i didn't drive yesterday they weren't cleared out i saw a woman bottomless okay here and by the way our homeless people can i just say no our homeless people in la at least are cute because they were trying to be actors at one point. They were trying to be actors. Yours, how are you fat and homeless?
Starting point is 00:31:28 How are you obese and homeless? Because there's a lot of food out here. The Tex-Mex is really fatty. But there's a lot of services out here, unfortunately or fortunately, depending upon whether or not you want anything. We just got to figure out that, listen, it's like I don't want to look at homeless people like they're the enemy or anything. Obviously, it's- They're not the enemy. It's unfortunate, but it's also- It's really- It didn't used to figure out that. Listen, it's like I don't want to look at homeless people like they're the enemy or anything. Obviously, it's. They're not the enemy. It's unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:31:47 But it's also it didn't used to be like this. And you got to think, is it really like that many more people are homeless or is it that they don't go to shelters anymore and now they're camping? Right. Because that's the argument about it in here. Yeah. I don't know. I haven't really done any research. I don't know. I haven't really done any research. But the people that I know that are paying attention say a lot of what happened was when they lifted the ban on camping, the outdoor camping thing, all these people that used to stay in these shelters decided to just camp.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And they could do drugs. They could do drugs. Nobody fucks with them. And then they go back to the shelters if they want food. I mean yeah my neighborhood I just moved out I used to live near the grove and I had to move out of there because it was so fucking dangerous because it's like meth addicts it's not just like people that are hard on their luck like it's drug addicts who are like violent my I had the citizens app was just pops up with all the fucking horrible things happening which is like what a nightmare but I'm glad I saw because there was one one time I'm out walking my dog and A fucking homeless guy went into some guy's backyard just random dude. He goes out He's like what are you doing my backyard stabs him in the fucking neck that homeless guy was like on the run for the whole Day just with a knife assaulted one other person, but he killed that guy. Yeah, that was my street. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's fucked like I'm just walking my dog. Well, and cops don't do anything. If someone jumps into someone's backyard, they don't arrest them. You have to do like $900 worth of theft before they'll even arrest you. Really? And if they do arrest you, they just put you right back on the street. And has it always been that way or is this after the defunding? After the defunding. Yeah. That's the defunding of the police in Austin's been a disaster too.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And New York. New York's been a disaster. It's terrible everywhere. It's a terrible idea the idea that you're gonna and also the idea that you're gonna send Social workers to handle someone's domestic violence is fucking bananas and it's a lot of people that don't understand violence that think that's okay, and you know the end they have this like Utopian idea of like we don't need the police man. We were talking about defunding the police. We're talking about defunding the police. That's what we mean. And then guess what, fuckface, when there's crazy gang lords roaming the streets, controlling everything like certain parts of New York, and then people get murdered. You made it sound really cool. These gang lords, they're
Starting point is 00:34:00 wearing their pimp jackets. But in gangs are look this is what's happening in mexico could easily happen here with no police presence people have to understand that i diarrhea when you drink the water i'm not quite familiar what's going on no um uh cartels oh okay yeah this is a violent okay yeah cartels reminds me of cartoons my shirt i don't think it's the same it's a different word. Okay. Yeah, no, it was really weird because I was in the area that I lived. That's where Tony lived, too. Yeah, they burned cop cars very near my house.
Starting point is 00:34:36 He used to love that area. It was so beautiful. It was so nice. And now it's all full of tents. It was really rough. Do you know that they're spending fucking, oh, you ready for this, Jamie? How about this? I'm going to send you this, Jamie, because this is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:51 But as we're talking shit on Los Angeles, there's still a lot of homeless people here. Well, there's a thing. It's nothing in comparison. It's a smaller town. What's this? On Instagram account, yeah. Oh, is this someone's? Street people of Los Angeles. Oh, street people of Los Angeles is good.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Gutter people of Los Angeles is better. That's my favorite one. Oh, my God. You of Los Angeles is good. Gutter people of Los Angeles is better. That's my favorite one. Oh, my God. You guys, this is sad. This is the video I was looking at when you were talking about this activist lady is trying to, I guess, help. But there's also a guy with a machete just standing right behind her. Jamie, when you watched this the first time, what part did you come? He comes all the time.
Starting point is 00:35:20 He just comes multiple times. Not as much as Tom Segura. Not like Tom. I'm going as Tom Segura, but. Yeah, not like Tom. I'm going to send you something, Jamie. This is, you remember how Coleon Noir was on and he was talking about how the reason why the homeless situation never gets fixed is because so many people are working on the homeless situation and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars. LA spent, I thought there was no money. That's not the case. Hundreds of millions of dollars get spent on the homeless situation, and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars. L.A. spent, I thought there was no money.
Starting point is 00:35:45 That's not the case. Hundreds of millions of dollars get spent on the homeless. And thank you for your contribution to that, rich man. But you know where it goes to? But you know where it goes to? It goes to the salaries of people working on the homeless. Oh, wow. So someone posted all the salaries of all these people.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Look at, they're all like six figures and more. Look at it,4 263 thousand dollars one hundred ninety eight thousand dollars two hundred sixty four thousand dollars like they make a shitload of money you would think it is like it is a job you would want to pay people a lot because you want them you want like great mind this is a result is a puzzle like this is a puzzle someone needs to solve but you want results when you get no results you shouldn't get that much exactly and there's too many people There should be like a committee of five people that are experts.
Starting point is 00:36:29 You need a lot of people to deal with the homeless situation in LA. It's 100,000 homeless people. You have Boulder, Colorado in LA, in homeless. Take the entire population of Boulder and make it homeless and then put it in LA. Boulder's the opposite of that. Boulder's just these gorgeous fit. Hikers. Hikers. Yeah. They're hot, but they're wearing those toe shoes and Tevas so you wouldn't bang them,
Starting point is 00:36:54 but you're like, I understand. They're taking a yoga mat to the top of a cliff. They got a yoga mat. They're wearing Joe Rogan fanny pack. This is a story I heard on the LA News that they bought these things for the homeless shelter situation, and they were just hanging out near a Dodger Stadium unused until someone found them with a drone one day. You know what? That's not going to fix anything either, man.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I want one of those. They spent a bunch of money on them. Right. So then you're going to get homeless people, and they're going to live in these things. They're going to make it so nasty. However the way they want to. This guy is talking about. They're going to live however the way they want to in those things. They're going to make it so nasty. However the way they want to. This guy is talking about. They're going to live
Starting point is 00:37:25 however the way they want to in those things. Up there, just doing drugs and lighting things on fire. And it's like nice living in LA. It's like the weather's beautiful. Pretty nice.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Well, that's why they like to go down to the beach. It's very maintained. The ocean air comes off. I think what they're doing, I know they have beachfront property. They do. They're putting decks on i'm like you guys this is crazy you guys are living a better life venice is bananas but venice is um i think they did something where they're
Starting point is 00:37:55 you can't loiter or litter or something so now the homeless people are like cleaning it's like cleaner what the fuck or they can arrest them so you can't camp. How about that? Get the fuck out of here. Yeah. And you know what's weird? You know what I noticed the other day? There's people that are not quite homeless yet. That's how you know. It's like these are drug addicts.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Like it's like people that are not, you see them like leaning into that life or you're like, if they weren't allowed to camp, they would probably get their shit together. The whole thing is dumb. You can't allow people to just camp on streets in the middle of nowhere. You just can't. You just can't. In the middle of your streets, put tents up. You just can't allow that.
Starting point is 00:38:33 They passed a ban on it here, and today is supposed to be the day that the second phase goes into effect. I was going to say, because I can't allow my king to tell me there's no homeless people in his town. No, there's homeless people. There's just not a lot homeless people in his town. No, there's homeless people. There's just not a lot. Yes, there are. No, there's 2,000.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Two to 3,000. It's a small place. I see them everywhere. Well, there's a lot. I mean, in terms of visually. I'm telling you, I saw this obese homeless woman, bottomless, running across. I mean, the amount of vaginas I see in this goddamn business. But she was running across wearing a mask.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I was like, I was promised no masks and no homeless people. And I'm getting a mixture of both. Well, this is the most progressive air quotes city in Texas. So you get a lot of people that are still scared of the Rona. Yeah. They could double mask up when you go outside. You know what I will say about the masks, though? What?
Starting point is 00:39:20 I'm ready for them to be done. But on an airplane, I used to get sick all the time traveling. I might be one of the people that wears the mask because I judged the Asians back in the day for wearing the masks on the plane. I don't know if that's what it is. I think you were traveling a lot less now. And I also think you're probably taking care of yourself a little bit better because you're worried about the Rona. Like most people now are starting to take vitamins and most people are really aware of vitamin C or vitamin D rather. They just did a study that showed that, that vitamin D deficiency is a bigger comorbidity factor than even being obese. Now the vitamin
Starting point is 00:39:57 D you're talking about, is that the same you get from the sun? It's better if you get it from the sun, but you can supplement and it's, it's adequate. Am I noticing a tan on you or am I making that up? I go outside. Crazy. You do? I go outside with my tan. Now, last night when I was talking to you on the phone and you were yawning, is that because you had been in the sauna?
Starting point is 00:40:13 I was yawning on the phone? You seemed tired and I kept going. I did not read the room. I don't know. I probably just yawned. Oh, really? Yeah, but I was in the sauna last night. Because I saw the sauna picture.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Did I talk to you after the sauna? I don't remember. I think so. I think I got out. Did I talk to you after the sauna? I don't remember. I think so. I think I got out of the sauna when I called you. Yeah. I don't remember, though. I'm not sure. It's just that I do it every night.
Starting point is 00:40:32 It's like a thing that I do. I just fucking, it's fine until the last 10 minutes. The last 10 minutes when I write these sappy posts on Instagram, like, I am almost dead. I love when you're emotional roguie. Well, I've, I'm very, uh, introspective and I feel very vulnerable when I come out of that place.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And I feel like that's like, it's a good thing to express because I think a lot of people feel vulnerable. And I think a lot of people also see people that are doing well and they think they're never vulnerable. Like I make myself vulnerable. Yeah. You know, I make myself vulnerable through workouts. I make myself vulnerable through jujitsu and sauna and all kinds of and you know stage creating comedy and all that shit too but
Starting point is 00:41:10 everybody's vulnerable it's important it's important to express and it helps people understand their own thing better yeah when you do jujitsu you train with like you're not in a class sometimes yeah but i've been doing out here i've been doing a lot of privates because I'm trying to learn the leg lock game. I'm trying to – because when I was doing jiu-jitsu regularly, it wasn't – the leg lock revolution really happened about five years ago, and I missed it. Yeah. So I understand it in like a crude sense, but I don't understand it like I know the rest of jiu-jitsu. You know, like I'm a black belt in jiu-jitsu, but I'm not a black a black belt in leg loss yeah we always did like a leg lock warm-up every day in every class
Starting point is 00:41:49 but honestly I'm like do I want to go back do you want to go back I don't know I have to think about it did you enjoy it I did very much enjoy it it's fun because it was a lot of girls right there was a lot of girls yeah there were girls I didn't feel like that was an issue but it just was um it's dirty it is dirty nobody washes their um rash guards well they're mildewy yeah they smell yes that's the worst when you're rolling with someone and they stink it's rough and it's like i i know it's not about that so i'm trying to like you know mind over matter it's like again i'm on fear factor. But it's just like, and this ball sweat and all of it,
Starting point is 00:42:27 it's just a lot. And you get someone that's the most sweaty. I bet you're a fucking sweaty as shit when you're- Oh, I sweat like crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I'm sweaty too. I mean, if this shirt was- But that's because I put in effort and I drink a lot of water. Yeah. You're supposed to sweat. I've been drinking
Starting point is 00:42:40 mad fucking water. Mad water? What is that? It's a new type of water. Sponsored by Mad TV. No, just a lot of water. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It's, oh, did you pause? I coughed. I coughed. It made it louder on mine. No, it didn't.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I thought you were like, move it, I thought you were going to be like, move it along, bitch. Nobody wants to hear about your water intake. Yeah, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 That's, that's the cough button. I don't like that you stupid bitch, uh, tone. See the difference? That's the cough button. We're like a regular radio show. I don't like that you stupid bitch tone. What's that? I don't like that you stupid bitch tone. What do you mean you stupid bitch tone? I didn't know I had this.
Starting point is 00:43:15 What are you saying? Your stupid bitch tone? Are you saying I have a tone with you? You're like, this is a... No, I'm just explaining it to you. We feel fucking sensitive for you. I'm wearing your shirt. You know I love you. Jesus Christ. No,'re fucking sensitive for you. I'm wearing your shirt. You know I love you.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Jesus Christ. No, I know you love me. I do. I was telling Jamie I use your Tumblr. Oh, do you? I drink my JRE Tumblr all the time. Out of your Yeti Tumblr? My Yeti.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Nice. My Yetso. So you're back and doing shows. I'm doing shows. I'm having the most fun on the road. I'm on the road. You can check out my tour dates. Do you bring anybody with you or do you go?
Starting point is 00:43:44 I'm trying to find the right person to bring with me because it's such a vibe right like it's you need someone that's like cool to hang out with that knows boundaries like if i don't want to hang out too much right because i found like the couple gigs that i've done even though my openers are really nice i'm there's i i can't handle that the questions the energy is like something i'm not sometimes it's rough when you're trying to get ready for a show and they want to talk to you about stuff and ask questions and you're writing notes and you're like, Hey man. Yeah. I don't want to be rude, but, and it's like, I don't want to be one of those people that's like, no one's allowed in the green room, but it's like, no one's allowed
Starting point is 00:44:13 in the green room. I can't, unless, you know, I find the right person. Well, the worst is when they bring friends, like you have an opening act and they bring three friends in the green room and they start taking pictures. You're like, Hey, hey, hey. Yeah. What are we doing here? This is work. I know, and it's always on my feet. I'm like, those can't get out. Don't you pixelate them all? I do.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I've been pixelating. Give me a phone, quickly. So I'm doing two really incredible shows that I'm really excited about. My main tour is going to start in the fall, but I'm doing like, I have a bunch of shows. I'm going all over the place, so go to my website. You're trying to do like the fall but i'm doing like i have a bunch of shows i'm going all over the place so go to my website you're trying to do like small places you're trying i'm doing clubs and then i'm doing like carolines which was where i first started where i was your first it wasn't my first spot but it was my first weekend i worked with jim norton was my first um weekend
Starting point is 00:45:00 working oh that's nice it was so fun and i did their march madness contest where i like waited in line like it was last cop mcstanding you know and i did one minute in front of lewis and i got passed on to the next round and i got really far and that was like very early in my career and then they kept my my stuff and then norton wanted to like to have a female opener so it like balances his act and so he picked me and i I opened for him and then I would went on the road with him for about a year or two that's awesome and learned so much but I'm finally I'm going back to headline for the first time in August I'm so excited that's your first time ever headlining in Carolines yes so it's like this weird full circle I'm just having this such a good time
Starting point is 00:45:40 coming back I'm going to all these different places my my thing will be coming out I'm coming back. I'm going to all these different places. My thing will be coming out. I'm also doing a show for the Eagles. The Eagles, the band? No, not the band. No, Philadelphia? Where I'm from. So I'm going back to Philadelphia at the Lincoln Financial Field. I'm doing the stadium that they play in. It's through the Eagles.
Starting point is 00:45:56 It's for this charity called Laughter Heels. How many people are going to be there? I don't know. I mean, get tickets. That's like 50,000 people or some shit, right? It's going to be so fun. But it's like a lot of Philly acts. It's going to be Big Jay. Are you going to say cunt in front of 50,000 people it's gonna be it's gonna be so fun but it's like a lot of Philly acts it's gonna be Big J
Starting point is 00:46:06 are you gonna say cunt in front of 50,000 people of course I'll say cunt that's weird Eleanor Kerrigan's gonna be there so she'll say cunt maybe if I'm bringing her up I'll be like this cunt
Starting point is 00:46:14 Steve Simone's gonna be on it it's really nice Craig Craig Shoemaker's putting it together but it's gonna be so fun wow and so it's just
Starting point is 00:46:23 an all comedy show or it's other things too it's an all comedy show in a stadium mm-hmm Jesus and it's all like it's gonna be so fun wow and so it's just an all comedy show or it's an all comedy show in a stadium jesus and it's all like it's a charity through the eagles for you know kind of bringing back like the excitement of being back on the road and everything coming back how long did you take off i took off a lot of time joe a lot how many months was it before you went on stage again um i did some shows in Whitney's backyard which kind of got me back into it count you don't think those count no okay I felt like they did because it really did feel it was people I didn't know in the audience no they definitely count oh it was so fun I love my queen she's awesome I love her she's a wild lady that lady
Starting point is 00:47:02 never stops working she's always grinding it's really unbelievable it's really my boyfriend does clips for her does like edit stuff for her and so i see i mean this is a 24-7 job this lady is her brain is gone it's always it's always like it's always fucking 50 different directions 100 miles an hour and i can always count on her if i need advice if i need help with something she will always find time well she's crazy but she's wise I love her she's very wise yeah she's got work I mean I love the hustle I respect work ethic more than almost anything in this life when someone just always out there grind and not making any excuses just always hustling that's her she's never there's she's never like this
Starting point is 00:47:44 business doesn't care about me i don't get the breaks i deserve i don't bob they want me to prove myself there's none of that with her it's with her it's go go and once you get rid of that shit which is the stuff that i've like really worked on getting rid of over the pandemic you just fly i'm just feeling so good like i feel like a ray of light like i just feel so good it's energy yeah it's energy whether you look at it that way or not like people love to make excuses for why they're not as successful as they think they are but when
Starting point is 00:48:09 you do that and there's all these other people around you that are killing it do you really think there's some fucking conspiracy against you no you're wasting energy and that same kind of energy that you waste saying why what about me I don't know
Starting point is 00:48:24 exactly 100% energy of energy that you waste saying why what about me what about i don't know all these other people exactly it's a 100 energy waster it's all it is well it doesn't do any good just the like waiting for hollywood like all the cancel culture shit all that stuff is you expecting hollywood to pick you or something do you know it's just negative energy it's negative energy for no fucking reason is it it's like and it's also when people see someone like you Who's doing well and they'll attack you The only reason they're doing that is out of jealousy That's it
Starting point is 00:48:50 Someone doesn't like you or like your act Who gives a shit There's a lot of people that I don't like I don't fucking talk about it If I work on like loving myself And guys get ready Can you do like a fake tear I very much do and I did not
Starting point is 00:49:06 before I didn't realize that when did it start over this this pandemic you didn't love yourself before the pandemic I mean I liked myself but I was I was really mad at myself I was like being hard on myself for real yeah in what way I just what was bothering you I think that I just had this subconscious belief that I was just bad. It was just from childhood. It's just like this message that I got as a kid that I, how I perceived how I was treated or something. And I just clung to that.
Starting point is 00:49:34 And I look at everything like the way I wasn't making money, the way I was like, I felt so like I needed things, you know, and it, it was because it was low self-esteem. Well, here's what's important. That's most of us. Yeah. That's most of us. Yeah. That's most of us. Even me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah, that was me for a long time. Yeah. Most of us feel inadequate. And then when you become successful, a lot of us have imposter syndrome. Yeah. You know, and things start doing well. And even though you know you've worked hard and even though you know like, oh, that show went well, you still, you feel like an imposter.
Starting point is 00:50:04 But I've really worked on not doing that anymore because I would have so much anxiety even performing. This is something I've done every single night, multiple times a night for 12 years. And I'm going to the show going like, I hope they like me or whatever. It's all external validation instead of going like, I'm proud of my work. I love what I do. And I can't wait to get on that stage and do it. And it's just changed everything. And being like, I'm here to like entertain these people we're gonna have this experience together and it's been insane i just sold out brea i'm just starting to sell shows
Starting point is 00:50:33 that's awesome yeah i'm really it's been really amazing did you read books i've been taking out okay so i've been listening to this podcast uh by this guy jim fortin the jim fortin show fortin like norton yeah but with fortin yeah okay and i i signed up for a coaching course of his and it's changed my life really i've never in my life it's just it's a 14 week course and each week builds on the next week and it just starts with subconscious reprogramming so he used to be a hypnotist and he works with a shaman. So it's like brain science and ancient with like spiritual wisdom. And it's just been like, I just can't believe it. How'd you find out about him? I randomly was listening to a podcast. I went to on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:51:20 The Adult Chair, that's this really amazing woman, Michelle Chalfant, that I listened to. And then she had him on and it led me to him. And this just, it's like, I really feel like the universe gave me this curriculum. It's just like so cool. It's just what his, I just, the program's just amazing. It's like no excuses, I'm 100% accountable for my life, 100% of the time, and now that I have that view
Starting point is 00:51:44 and I do these, I do meditations every night I do what do you call it visualizations and I'm reprogramming this subconscious thought of like I'm not worthy I'm not good enough and I now I'm approaching things I mean you can get it anywhere these are all things I've heard before right you. You know, I've gotten advice from people. I've read a lot of self-help and stuff, but for some reason, the way he does it for me is like at this very moment, my life is exactly what I need. Wow. So just a big shift, a huge shift. And I feel, yeah, I just, money has just come your way. Just come my way. Interesting. Congratulations on that. I was, listen to this. So I was living in this, I was living in this, I mean, it's maybe a laughable amount to other
Starting point is 00:52:32 people, but to me it's huge. But I was living in this apartment building when the pandemic hit that got bought by another company and they started doing construction. They were like buying people out. For some reason, they didn't offer to buy me out. I just wasn't home the day they were knocking on doors. So I was living in a construction zone where they were doing construction around my apartment bottom next to me. I'm just like in hell. I got an ulcer. I was free. I just was like in so much
Starting point is 00:53:00 stress. Why didn't you call somebody to see if they'll buy you out? I did. And they refused. Really? But I thought I was like, bitch, I was like, everybody else. Exactly. And I thought like, oh, I'll just wait it out. Eventually they'll buy us out. And so I was waiting and waiting and waiting in this terrible environment, miserable, like really like suffering. And my boyfriend and I went to see, visit our families for the first time after the pandemic. And I just had this like loving, wonderful place. I was taking this new course. And one of the things that Jim talks about is like, do not be a victim of your circumstances.
Starting point is 00:53:34 So my circumstances were bad. You know, my circumstances were that I was living in the shitty apartment. And I was like, I'm too, you know, the past me would have been I'm too broke to move. We came home and they had boarded up. Like it it was Black Lives Matter rally, like boarded up the entire front of our building. There was just this little narrow hallway to go into. It was insane. It's like, I can't live here.
Starting point is 00:53:57 They took our laundry away. They moved our mailboxes outside so that homeless people could just take our mail. Really? Yeah. It was just so many crazy things because I think they were just trying to get us to leave. Right. But I was in this like fight with them. Is that legal? I don't think it's legal, but I, you know, I don't care because I got the fuck out of there. I went, we were walking up and I said to my boyfriend, I go, this is the last
Starting point is 00:54:19 month we live here. I don't give a shit how we do it. I open up my mailbox. I get a, there's a check from the IRS or not a check from the IRS, a letter from the IRS. I start to go to my normal panic like, oh, fuck, I owe the IRS money. Instead, I like took a breath. I'm like, I'm paying money for this course. Let me use this course. I go, I'm not like, you know, money is not a thing I'm scared of or whatever. I open it up. It's a check for six6,000 for a year that they forgot to pay me. So we moved out immediately, got a new lease in a beautiful place near the beach, and it was like done. And my life has been.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Do you think you made that happen with your mind? I don't think I made that happen with my mind. Do you think you might have? Maybe. Do you think maybe? Maybe. Do you think Jim would tell you you made it with your mind? I don't.
Starting point is 00:55:02 With your shaman. I think maybe. Maybe he would say. Female shaman mind. With my girly shaman mind. Maybe. you made it with your mind? I don't, I think maybe, maybe he would say. Shaman mind. My girly shaman mind. I, maybe,
Starting point is 00:55:12 you know what I've been using to what Duncan told me this when he did a episode of my podcast, me inspiration, which I'm coming back with my solo podcast, rebranding it soon. You're not going to call it me inspiration. I think I'm just going to call it the Annie Letterman show. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Yeah. And so subscribe to Annie Letterman YouTube, because that will be coming soon. When are you gonna start that? I wanna start it as soon as possible. Maybe when I go back. I gotta some, you know, maybe in July. But I wanna get, I have like ideas for my set.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I have a whole vision of what I wanna do. You're gonna have a set in LA? Mm-hmm. Do you know where you're gonna do it? Don't tell anybody, because they'll fucking stalk you You're going to have a set in L.A.? Mm-hmm. Do you know where you're going to do it? Don't tell anybody because they'll fucking stalk you, but do you have a spot? I had a spot I was looking at, but the room's too small
Starting point is 00:55:52 and I'm just open to looking at other studios. But I'm really excited. And what was I saying? Oh, Duncan came on my podcast. So if you guys do go to my YouTube, watch, look up the Duncan episode. It's my favorite thing I've ever done. He's the best. It was me and Duncan for like two hours.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Just, I cried. Like we were just in it. I just love him. He's the best. He is just this sweet ray of light. He brings things out in you. He's just an angel. And I honestly feel like, you know, when I look at him, when I look at you, those are
Starting point is 00:56:24 the things that I love about you guys that I'm like like I want to that's what I aspire to be as someone that's like a light you know not I don't need to go up there and be mad at an audience or there's no reason you know no this is too much fun and it's so fun but he said this thing to me on the podcast where he said um I don't remember the name of the guy whose theory it is, but it's the idea of pro-noia. Did he mention that on your podcast? So it's instead of paranoia, where you're assuming that the universe is conspiring against you, you just assume they're conspiring for you. So that whenever anything happens, and that type of thought process has helped me because even if you think about it if I'm thinking okay something horrible happened oh no what am I gonna do but if I look at and I go oh this is a shift now and now I'm moving on to something
Starting point is 00:57:14 better and then I'm looking for the positive and the good opportunities so so you're looking at things with a healthier perspective yeah and that in turn leads to more success yeah Yeah. And then you're not wasting time doing that. Whoa, is me shit or being why her? Why him? What about me? Why they? Yeah. Well, Ooh, I got a non-binary. Got to cover the non-binary folks. Yeah. That's, um, that's a really good way to look at things. And everyone has their own challenges as much as you like to think that they don't much as you like to think that they don't and you like to think that it's all you know that's the thing about narcissists
Starting point is 00:57:48 right they always want to think they're the only ones who are struggling so they always want to talk about their struggles but everybody struggles we're all struggling it's hard life's weird you know and even if you're doing well like financially you probably have emotional struggles yeah there's always things going on well nothing's like there's no control in this world so it's like if there is it doesn't last you you're renting time here yeah you know but i feel really yeah i just feel really good i had a really amazing time with my family this weekend i posted a video of i always surprise my nieces i don't know if you've seen it on my instagram no i'm always like popping out of boxes or something but i hadn't seen them in a year and a half so my brother and i made this video do you want would you play it you've seen it on my Instagram. No. I'm always like popping out of boxes or something. But I hadn't seen them in a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:58:26 So my brother and I made this video. Would you play it? Jamie, it's on my Instagram. You're going to die. Because you're going to laugh. There's some things I want to talk to you about what I did not think through. So when we did this, I was like, they hadn't seen me in so long. I was like, I'll wear my leopard print jacket to help that like so they know it's
Starting point is 00:58:46 me ahead of time because they know me by it but look what happened instead move it back to like where it goes she thought i was a tiger look at her stance look how she's squared up fucking tiger look at her stance look how she's squared up but they're excited to see you they then go inside and see my family and stuff but it's just so funny because they go we thought you were a tiger and i didn't even think about that they were at soccer practice and then they were in the fucking jungle book like dude last night okay last night on my security camera there was a big black cat like a 60 70 pound fucking something or another well i don't know what it see the thing about texas is is a real issue there's more tigers in captivity
Starting point is 00:59:39 in texas than all of the wild of the world really because of like of rich people wanting- Because people just have a fucking fence. I want a tiger. And you could just have a tiger. Yeah. Because of freedom. Freedom, America. Yeah. I get it.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Like zebras. My wife saw a zebra once. She was driving down the road. She saw a fucking zebra. Zebras just get out, right? People have zebras and they just get out sometimes. Well, whatever this thing was, it's like a black panther. Can you ride a zebra?
Starting point is 01:00:03 No, you cannot. Are cannot are they short no they're horse-sized they're it's a fucking horse a wild horse that cannot be tamed no one has ever been able to tame a zebra it's like trying to ride a wolf like get the fuck out of here i relate maybe my spirit anyway i'm in the middle of this sorry outside of my fucking house there is a a big black cat like a black pan. I'm like like as big as my dog You know my dogs like 80 pounds this thing is like that size probably like a little less than him But it's a big fucking black cat You see its eyes on the security camera walking down and then my neighbor who walks his fucking dog at night His dog is like on death's door, right?
Starting point is 01:00:45 It's like sweetheart of a dog. But, and he's got a headlamp on. The dog? No, the neighbor. This dog's like dragging its legs. I'm trying to tell a story and you're fucking up my flow. This guy is dragging his fucking dog, right? You know, the dog walks slow
Starting point is 01:01:02 and he's kind of pulling him along on the leash. The cat runs towards them. I'm thinking i'm gonna see a murder were you a little excited be honest no no because i had found out about it after the fact i know he was okay but it like it ran towards him and then decided last second to dart off into the woods but like it heard the footsteps turned the tail and it just goes running towards him. Like it thought he was a fucking deer or something. But it was creepy. It was a big black cat.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Yeah. I'm like more concerned. How are these people able to walk their dog so close to my king's home? I don't like this. Well, they live in the neighborhood. They're walking around. They're rich. But this fucking cat is wandering around in like a residential neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:01:45 That's crazy. And it's because it's from someone else's house. I don't know what it is. When I looked at it, I just typed in black panthers in Texas in the wild. And what comes up is from not that long ago, it says the wildlife officials say they don't exist in Texas. And what you probably saw is a black hog or otter. And I'm like, that's not possible. I thought you were going to say it was like a black hog or otter. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I thought you were going to say it was like a Black Panther rally. I have a video. It's a black cat. There's no doubt about it. I know what a hog looks like. They look totally different. A hog is a big bodied thing with little tiny ass legs. I'm right here. And I'm still wearing my half shirts. I don't give a shit. Black Panthers do not exist in Lone Star State.
Starting point is 01:02:24 That's not true. I don't like Lone Star. Itthers do not exist in a Lone Star state. That's not true. I don't like Lone Star. It's not so sad. It's not. So it could have been private, I guess. Yeah, but that's my whole point. Yeah, I know. Go back up.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Listen, that's what it looked like. No fucking bullshit. Those hot, beautiful, gorgeous eyes. That is a hot animal. That is a sexy animal. If I was a girl, I'd want to get fucked by that. Listen, my dad might be upset, but. If I was a girl cat.
Starting point is 01:02:41 If I was a girl, I'd want to get fucked by that. Listen, my dad might be upset, but. If I was a girl cat. See, those things, black panthers, what they are is it's the spots, but the spots are all over their whole body. Oh, really? Yeah. So what that is is like a jaguar. Is their skin, if you shaved it, is their skin dark?
Starting point is 01:02:59 I don't believe so. I don't know, though. Might be. Show me, like, Google black jaguar spots. Well, there's this thing. Jaguar undies. The mystery of the Texas Black Panther sighting solved. What is that? It was a year before that.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I don't know. I mean, I saw this, too. Jaguar undies. Those sound hot. Do they come in thongs? One of my security guys said he saw one in the woods. And he was, I think he said he was walking his dog too. And he saw one in the woods, a black panther.
Starting point is 01:03:31 He said it was just like that. And he was the one who spotted this thing on the camera. So they're fucking, listen, I have a video of it. I believe you. It's 100% real. So those assholes from Texas Wildlife, you need to shut the fuck up. I got a video. This thing is a real cat.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Well, they probably are saying there's none just in the habitat, but it's because people- But they don't know that. Here's why they don't know that. Jaguars, in particular, have been spotted in the wild in Arizona. And they didn't think they used to exist in Arizona. They thought they were extirpated. Pull up Jaguars in Arizona. It's going to be the cars.
Starting point is 01:04:04 There's a lot of retired people. I can't help it, Joe. They're new cars. Jaguars, they still make them. They're not retired. What's the car? Okay, when I make my big bucks coming up here, what's my car? I think you need a convertible.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Look at you. Really? I want to test the first thing. See, these are Jaguars in Arizona. They're so pretty. Beautiful. Gorgeous animal. You know I want to just wear that jacket.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Just get a fake one. Of course. I would never get a real one. Don't murder the jaguar. I would never. So someone killed that one, the lower left-hand corner. Oh, that's sad. They killed it in Mexico, and that was like a famous jaguar.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Do you know that hunter? It was one of the two remaining jaguars in the U.S. It says two remaining jaguars in the U.S., but I'm pretty sure they killed it in... No, no, no. Go back. Go back. Well, that's really sad. See it in the left-hand corner, right below related images?
Starting point is 01:04:55 See known Jaguar shown right there? Yeah. Click on that one. Because that article, it explains how they know. It roamed southern Arizona in 2016, but they killed it in Mexico. Interesting to wear a matching dress with the background. Does she have a matching Jaguar dress? No, I'm just saying she was wearing a blue with the background was blue.
Starting point is 01:05:16 You're such a girl. I can't help it. I tried not to be. I do. Doesn't say. Anyway, I'm 90% sure they killed it in Mexico, but they live in Mexico. It looks Mexico-ish. Yeah, it does a little bit.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Except look at those slides. They live in, does it say? Killed by a mountain lion hunter. It's a rumor that it was. Oh. He heard someone trapped or killed one in Mexico. In Sonora, Mexico. Yeah, that's what I heard, too.
Starting point is 01:05:48 But my point is that in South America, they're plentiful. All right. They live in the jungle, like in the Amazon. They're very dangerous. Like they jack people all the time. They're big. It's a big animal. What do they do to them?
Starting point is 01:06:00 They eat them. Oh, they kill them? They eat people. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know when people do ayahuasca and they do it in the amazon they have all these images of jaguars and there's jaguars and snakes are like a big part of the the natural imagery yeah i did mine in chicago i was just
Starting point is 01:06:17 thinking deep dish pizzas and they think they're taking on the spirit of the jungle and this is like you like all the things you're afraid of in the jungle and all the things that are in control in the wild and the powerful forces of the jungle i don't know are you gonna do ayahuasca yeah i would definitely do it i did it yeah i did it with a shaman that came here i literally did it in san diego and chicago jamie and i are planning on doing dmt together so i can i do it with you when you're going back home when are you leaving are you leaving today i am leaving today can I do it with you? When are you going back home? When are you leaving? Are you leaving today?
Starting point is 01:06:46 I am leaving today. Can I do it next time I come? 100%. I really would love to do it with you. I did it. Yeah, let's do it. It's so funny. I was talking to Jamie about this guy we know
Starting point is 01:06:54 that he would always be hitting the pen and he's like, I think I broke through and I'm like, dude, that's like an O'Doul's. You don't know what the shit, you wouldn't think you broke through.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Yeah, there's no I think I broke through. You don't question whether you had this experience, but yeah, I really take a little baby hits. Yeah. No, I was like, I did this whole ceremony. I took three cups. I was, I was out for about eight hours. Did you see things?
Starting point is 01:07:17 Yeah. What'd you say? I saw, well, it was right after Brody died and I, I, it was, thank God I did it right then. Honestly, it was really helpful because I was really having this like moment of like hugging him and feeling like how sad he must have felt and then I purged like a egg out of my mouth whoa it was like an egg and then it it got like pushed out and then a bird flew out of my mouth and I think that was like my guilt about surrounding the Brody stuff you know your guilt about Brody? I had just talked to him like that Wednesday
Starting point is 01:07:48 before he passed away, you know, and we had been talking about, he was like, my meds are weird, I'm just not feeling right. And I just didn't, you know, it's not an appropriate thought, like that's not my responsibility. I couldn't have stopped, but I just, I think I just was, you know, I was just feeling.
Starting point is 01:08:02 It's always that way, whenever someone kills himself, it's always that horrible feeling where you could have done more. Yeah. But it was really. Brody, I remember Brody had talked to me about his meds years ago and then he was okay. I remember there was one time where he got off his meds and he was, he was acting really strange and he would get like real angry on stage and everything. And then a few of his friends reached out to me and said, Hey, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:26 don't engage with Brody. He's office meds. We need to figure out a way to get him back on his meds. And then he got back on him. It was fine. And he was like, I got to dial him in. I got to dial him in.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Yeah. He was definitely having to manage a lot. What was he on? Do you know? I don't, I don't know. I think it was Lexpro, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I don't want to say it because I don't know for sure. But, yeah, that was like, it was an interesting time for me to do it. I did it with Curtis Nelson. Yeah. Our boy. Where'd you guys go? We went to, it was like this. No, the Chicago one I did without without Curtis but it was the same shaman
Starting point is 01:09:05 it was uh we went to this place outside of San Diego it was a in the desert it was really beautiful like yoga center retreat center and it was really it was really amazing I'm really glad I did it they need to open up centers in this country they really do there's so many people that have PTSD there's so many people that are emotionally damaged that could be helped by this especially if they did it with like real professionals and they could regulate it with them they could make sure they're not make sure they give them the right dose for their body weight make sure they give them real stuff make sure they're in a protected environment with counselors and so they don't have to worry about being that's what i was thinking too i I was like, you know, after,
Starting point is 01:09:46 it would have been really cool if I was able to touch base with someone after my experience with ayahuasca because I do think a lot of the things I learned are now kind of falling into place two years, three years later. But it would have been interesting to be able to like record all my thoughts right afterwards in my experience
Starting point is 01:10:01 and then have someone that was trained in there to kind of go over it and kind of touch base and integrate back in is ayahuasca like dmt in that when you have the experience like afterwards it's so vivid but it goes away quickly like the memory of it it's almost like your brain is trying to protect you from the memory of the experience i i remember it i do remember it and i think that you know what i really and i remember curtis being like you should write everything down and i'm like i'm doing like i can't i was like so like just in this experience i just had such a beautiful
Starting point is 01:10:34 hard but gorgeous experience you know it was like so disgusting and beautiful i was i always think when people say write things down that's a good good idea. A better idea is recording. Yes. I should have done that because I did a recording of one of my DMT experiences. Yeah. Well, yeah. It's when you just catapult out of the DMT thing. But I yeah, no, I really because it's extended over so many hours. And and then the next day it was this whole weekend process. But it really I do remember a lot I I dealt a lot with us with my fear of my own dad's death and and which is not my dad is still alive but I was always kind of this dealing with this inevitable future pain now and I was bringing this negativity into my experiences with him and I had a whole like eulogy for him and I could feel his like body in my body I'm
Starting point is 01:11:27 always like that's the only time it's okay for your dad to be inside you but it was like I could feel and I was like he is me so I'm never gonna lose that like I we are each other you know we're all the same tribe so I really kind of got that that feeling and uh but it was great it was really beautiful and the fear of loss of potential loss can be really crippling yeah it really fucks people up when you're worried about losing things i was having a conversation with this comic and uh in austin it was like the austin scene right now so amazing he's like i'm just i'm worried it's not gonna last and i was like but it's here right now right like what are you thinking like that for yeah but man how long is this gonna last and I was like but it's here right now right like what are you thinking like that yeah but man how long is this gonna last me it's so good what if it goes away I go hey what is this
Starting point is 01:12:09 what if shit you know what that is though that's living in the past because that's that's you going back to an experience where the other shoe has dropped do you know what I mean well it's because it's because he's coming up you know he's on the way up right and so Tony Hinchcliffe one day he's coming up. You know, he's on the way up, right? And so he's not- Tony Hinchcliffe, one day he's gonna make it. That's not who it was. He's on his way up and he's not totally confident that, you know, this is, you know, sometimes people have like a path, a career path, and then they divert to try standup.
Starting point is 01:12:37 They always have this feeling like they have one foot on the other base. Like, well, I could always go back to being a lawyer. And they're like stretching and they're like, but I wanna be a comic, and the saddest shit in the world is when they never commit, and then they never make it. Well, I always look at that too. Like, sometimes those people that have had success
Starting point is 01:12:53 in another career are, they think they have a different type of entitlement. There's a lot of entitlement in comedy. I've suffered from it. I'm very guilty of it. Entitlement how? Well, just like you want something, you're not at a place yet and you want it
Starting point is 01:13:09 and you go like, why don't I have this? Like what we were talking about earlier when you're like, these people have this, why don't I have this? Like I've changed that because I have, my path is gonna be like no one else's, your path is like no one else's. We don't, there's no like pre-written thing.
Starting point is 01:13:22 This is like, you know, this is an ocean job. I always say it's like they're getting sucked under. You're up on the wave. It's like moving all the time. You have no clue. We don't have these land jobs. Yeah, exactly. And for you to think that you were supposed to have something means that there's a specific path that just doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:13:38 But anyway, so these people that have these jobs that have success in them then come into comedy and it's almost like they want this rollover success, like because I was here there. So then they have this like anxiety of not being like at that level that they were at this other thing. I've, I've experienced it just with people coming up and, um, you know, it's like, you just gotta, you gotta start over and you gotta just take the hits. But you don't, it's how you get good. Well, you have to just look at what you're doing and improve upon what you're doing. And don't look at it like you have these expectations.
Starting point is 01:14:14 The problem is, you know, when people have expectations, oftentimes they're either unrealistic or they're not grounded and centered in the reality of the circumstances you find yourself in. And you wanted things to be better. Like, people have, like, fucking vision boards. In three years, I'm going to be on Showtime. Like, listen, bitch, just fucking get better. Yeah, in three years if Showtime's around, good luck. Showtime will be around. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:14:36 How dare you? You're still bitter about the Comedy Store documentary? No, I love the Comedy Store documentary. Could I have had a better, most, that episode with us was beautiful. It was beautiful. Very happy with it. Yeah. The one on the rooftop.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Yeah, it was great. No, the rooftop one, I wasn't, didn't care for it. It was too edited. It was very edited. We had these long conversations. They took like these tiny little snippets of it. And I was like. Yeah, that was a long, fun, weird night on that rooftop.
Starting point is 01:15:00 It was fun. It was a great time. I get to know Paul Rodriguez. I never really hung out with him before. Yeah, Paul was on fire. And we found out that Paul that paul had covid oh really he didn't even know that day no no he had had covid so oh oh because he got the yeah we brought in we brought in um uh the um tests we brought in nurses to test everybody because they were worried about everybody being up on the roof together and i'm like we'll just test everybody
Starting point is 01:15:24 and then paul had the fucking antibodies which is kind of crazy he he goes yeah i was sick i to test everybody. Because they were worried about everybody being up on the roof together. And I'm like, well, just test everybody. And then Paul had the fucking antibodies, which is kind of crazy. He goes, yeah, I was sick. I didn't know. He goes, but it wasn't that bad. Paul was like a fucking hardcore partier for 45 fucking years. He's still sweaty. He's still up there with his hat all sweaty. Yeah, he was a little sweaty.
Starting point is 01:15:40 But Burr was up there with us and Jay Leno. It was a good time. Imagine you're me on that rooftop okay i mean that was amazing that was so fun it was the first time i was meeting jay leno jay leno's like i love your stuff i was like what oh this is like just was so that was really incredible that's wild and that um the the piece that they did on me on that for on that same episode with you was so i mean I am really touched by it. I really was very, very.
Starting point is 01:16:06 It's validation, right? It was lovely. It's like you're on the path. I was getting texts from like Louie. I was getting texts from all, it was just like, it just felt so good. That's cool. That's very cool.
Starting point is 01:16:15 And yeah, it felt great. It was really nice. Yeah, I felt like, you know, whenever there's things like that that have like these conversations, to impose a time limit on that that's the that's the beautiful thing about podcasts right as opposed to like a regular regular television show where you have to you know has to be 44 minutes long or whatever it is
Starting point is 01:16:36 with showtime an hour i guess but it's you you get you you miss stuff you have to kill some of it yeah because like it's all about context, right? Like, these conversations that we had on the roof where we're going over road gigs and material, you know, and Jay Leno's all into being clean, and we're all... That was a very interesting debate. Like, the world missed that.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Well... Did he keep it in? I didn't watch that episode. No, he removed it. But Jay Leno is from a time where it mattered if you were clean or dirty because if you were clean you could get on television if you were dirty you could not and you would have to work the road so his mindset because he was talking about financial success which was the most bizarre conversation of all time because he's sitting next to me who's super fucking dirty
Starting point is 01:17:25 and i'm like okay i want to be nice because i love jay leno rich i'm like this is so crazy like you're right i'm right here yeah this is such a dumb conversation like he maybe doesn't know what is going on with you he might just not know because he's paying attention to tv he knows because i know that him and binder were talking about me selling out arenas yeah and he didn't believe it he's like what you know because he's just selling out arenas. Yeah. And he didn't believe it. He's like, what? You know, because he's just, he's not on the internet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:49 He doesn't know. He's under the hood. Yeah. Fucking turning monkey wrenches and shit. I know he thinks things are going well, but I just don't think he understands. Yeah. You know, it's like he's from a different time. There was no arena sellers. But think about how upsetting that would be if he really got that he had to do all of
Starting point is 01:18:04 that stuff and you got to just be Yourself, I mean that's got a son. He's himself when he does the car show Jay Leno is so good on that Jay Leno's garage He's fucking excellent at it from coming from someone like me who's a total gearhead I fucking love cars and he loves cars and I love doing that show with him. I Don't I never enjoyed doing late-night talk shows yeah cuz I always felt like it was fun but it's not fun like hanging out of the store yeah it's not fun like hanging out
Starting point is 01:18:33 with a friend doing Jay Leno's car show is fun cuz you're hanging out with a friend you have a common interest you're chatting he has it he has it he's so plugged in when you're doing a car show with that guy he loves it so i was on his show with my 65 corvette so me and him are talking and we're all like ah like the engine and the fucking the shapes of the cars back then and look at the interior and a manual shifter and all this stuff and it's like we're totally on the same page and synced up and he's 100 himself like who jay leno is off camera that's how he is on camera when he's talking about cars he just gets to be himself but when he's doing the tonight show he's got to be the host of a television show and it's all
Starting point is 01:19:14 buttoned down it's kind of stiff and you know you're waiting for the next thing and i just feel like that would be so much pressure i know although i've known people that have written on those shows and they're you see the the life leave their eyes. The workload is insane. You have to write a whole new monologue every day. You barely get to test it. Jay used to go on. He used to do Comedy Magic Club in Hermosa every Sunday night and he would run over like a week's worth of material.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Like you'd have to practice it in front of the audience. And so people would come to see it and then hope that they would see those jokes that week on the Tonight Show. But it's like that world is, people that don't understand the world of podcasts, it's a different world now. Like it's changed. It's like the difference between radio and TV.
Starting point is 01:19:59 And then there's TV and podcasts. It's that much of a monumental shift. Do you think Jay would come on and talk to you about it? He has been on. Oh, really? He's been much of a monumental shift. Do you think Jay would come on and talk to you about it? He has been on. Oh, really? He's been on. He was great. I love him.
Starting point is 01:20:08 He told a fucking story about being at a mob club. Yes. He told a story about doing a gig for a mobster and the mobster screaming at a priest about having already, I gave you your fucking money and like screaming at this priest, like dangerous mobsters. He told some wild road stories. It was really fun. Yeah, I really, that was a very,
Starting point is 01:20:27 I didn't even know I was going to love him as much as I loved him. I mean, I've always been a fan, but it was really. He's great. But he's just from that weird world where they worry about clean or dirty. I know, he's on the stage with Burr
Starting point is 01:20:37 and everyone. I'm like, who are you talking to? Burr's dirty too. It's like, it's so crazy. Like the most successful people here are dirty. And Brittany's fucking dirty too. And she's right there too. But it's like, I mean her fucking specials called. Can I touch it? Yeah, I mean, but also he loved my piece in the comedy documentary and I did like a period fucking joke like you know
Starting point is 01:20:53 I'm like I just think in his mind that was his world when he was coming up, you know and in in his world He was correct. Yeah, like his decisions led to him to be much more financially successful. You know all that stuff that he has? Like if you see Jay Leno's garage, he has like 11 garages filled with millions of dollars worth of cars. He bought all that with stand-up money. He never touched his Tonight Show money. Never touched it. All that's in a bank.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Does he have kids? No. No. That's why he's got that much fucking time to do that kind of shit. Yeah. But that was his world back then. kids no no that's why he's got that much fucking time to do that kind of shit yeah but he's that was his world back then his world was you got to be clean if you want to get on television the only way to be get to get famous is to be on television nowadays that's not the world the world is a different place i had a booker tell me once um i was really happy with my set too it was like maybe
Starting point is 01:21:43 like five years ago i had just gotten into this stride where i was so happy with my set too. It was like maybe like five years ago. I had just gotten into this stride where I was so happy with my set. And it was dirty, but I was just so happy with it. And this booker was like, you're great and everything, but you really like, you need to appeal to a Christian audience. And I was like, what? Who said that? Don't say it. I won't say.
Starting point is 01:22:00 I'll tell you later. You might not know him, honestly. And I forgive him for that, honestly, because I really did hold on to like being so pissed at him about that. And I'm like, why did I? He's just trying to help me. It was just his idea of it was so off from what was true to me. And what I'm thinking about, even with this movie I'm writing with Bonnie, my agent, who I do really love.
Starting point is 01:22:17 I finally have an agent I love. I can't believe it. Ryan. But he was like, oh, I'm going to set you up with these people that are going to tell you like what the, what the different studios are looking for. I'm like, I don't give a shit what the studios are looking for. I'm going to make what I love. And then if they want to get on board, they want to get on board. But I'm not, I'm no longer here to serve other people.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I'm here to like make what I love. And that's how I would like to serve other people. Well, that's the best way to do it. Because if you do make what you love, it will resonate with people. But if you don't, if you try to make what they love, maybe some people will like it, maybe some people won't, but you won't like it. Right. And if I like it and everyone else hates it, I can take that hit because I believe in it. But it won't.
Starting point is 01:22:55 If you like it, other people will like it. Bonnie and I are like crying laughing writing this movie. Yeah, I'm telling you. It's going to work. It'll work. Yeah, I'm just so excited. But there's always going to be people giving you fucking terrible advice Yeah, that's just always gonna happen. But also it's such a weird cuz the industry is changing
Starting point is 01:23:09 Nobody really knows, you know, and the the industry folk are really just trying to find their way in I got yelled at once by this really mediocre comedian when I was an open mic Er, he was the host of the open mic night and he was so mediocre. He was just so the host of the open mic night and he was so mediocre he was just so like you know he was a local middle act that was like barely passable he would get a couple of chuckles on stage he was nobody's favorite comedian he just wasn't that good but when he would see comics doing well he would give you all kinds of advice and tell you what you were doing wrong because he hated talent it was really weird like you could see like when there was sparks so he was he told me to stop swearing oh god he told me try to make all those jokes work without swearing and i was like what are you talking
Starting point is 01:23:57 about like but isn't that how you talk normally he goes yeah but this isn't normal you're on stage i know it's like uh okay you are fucking terrible at this. Well, some people do do acts. Like, some people are a character, and they heighten themselves, and that's, I'm totally cool with that. That's not what I do, though. I've been spending my entire time while I'm doing comedy trying to be more myself on stage. That's just how I like to do it.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Yeah. Not to say that it's wrong. Yeah, but. Listen, there's nothing wrong with an act, but to tell someone that they have to do an act is stupid. This tastes good. It's pretty damn good, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Kill Cliff, pineapple jalapeno. I'm drinking this shit, and so then I need this stuff to counter it. Balance you out. Yeah, this has got vitamin B in it. This is why I'm about to shit myself on stage every day. 300 milligrams caffeine. I'm always just like, caffeine. Then relax.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Yeah, but this stuff is so delicious these uh black rifle espressos they're so good triple shot of espresso i'm not getting paid for this it says natural caffeine like anybody gives a fuck if it's natural or i mean isn't all just it's all just molecules like what's natural all i know is that i will naturally have hemorrhoids from this but it's okay you get hemorrhoids from shitting? If I, from shitting? No, from, if I drink, I could blast my ass out with coffee. Why?
Starting point is 01:25:11 It's like a dehydration. Drink water. Here, have some water. Oh my God, here we are back again. Have some water. What the fuck are you doing? I don't understand. I don't understand how, don't do that.
Starting point is 01:25:22 I have to drink out of that. You fucking selfish. You think I'm dirty? You might be. You said I smell good. You do smell good. I'm selfish. Well, it's a little weird to drink out of the pitcher.
Starting point is 01:25:34 I was doing a bit. Put your slobbery mouth in there. I was doing a bit. Yeah, but you spit in there now. Now I'm going to have to have Jeff bring out another pitcher. Hey, bring on the pitchers. Dude, you can spit in my mouth. Catch your pitcher.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Oh, thank you so much. And COVID's over. Yeah. We can spit in each other's mouths again. I'm so glad I wasn't single during COVID. Trying to fuck during COVID. All the kinky shit you can't even like. Well, some people, they put masks on and fucked.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Really? Yeah. I have a joke where I've been starting to use, I've started using condoms over the pandemic. Yeah. Call them dick masks. But I'm like, these are crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:07 But there's a punchline, but you have to come see me to go to to see my tour. Have you seen the helmets that we have out there? Are they penis helmets? No.
Starting point is 01:26:14 the ones with the, yeah. Reggie Watts sent me that. Oh, those are Reggie. I was wondering, I was like, is this Duncan?
Starting point is 01:26:19 Well, he told, we ordered it, but Reggie told us about it. He was going to travel with him in the early days of the pandemic. So funny. How does the hair fit him? I fucking love that dude. Oh, he's amazing. He about it. He was going to travel with him in the early days of the pandemic. So funny. How does the hair fit him?
Starting point is 01:26:26 I fucking love that dude. Oh, he's amazing. He's a true artist. He's so sweet. He's such a true artist, but he's also so smart. He knows so many things. Like, just talk to him about, he's a gearhead too. And so we start talking about cars and he takes it like many levels past me into like
Starting point is 01:26:44 suspension geometry and the way they use their torque vectoring system to i can't even imagine him in a car i can only imagine him in like one of those giant like the the wheel what are those called hamster wheels no you know there's like bikes that have like a little wheel oh no he loves cars he rented a ferrari when he was here really yeah he gotta do that. You should. Next time I'm renting a good one. Let everybody know you're a boss bitch. Yes.
Starting point is 01:27:08 That's what your license plate should say, boss bitch. Boss bitch. Oh my God. I don't want people to know. You know Tony had his iRoast thing? You don't like that? I don't want people to know it's me. I want, right?
Starting point is 01:27:20 Don't you want like anonymity? But I do, I also want a Tesla that's like leopard print, but I don't. That's what I was just going to say. You need a leopard print. I need a leopard print Tesla. You need a leopard print something. What's up? Did you see Kim Kardashian's car she had like in fur?
Starting point is 01:27:34 I don't want fur. That's nasty. No, but I do want to say this. There was an article in Time Magazine yesterday that I saw on Twitter where they were calling out Kim Kardashian for blackfishing and appropriating black culture because she had braids on. That's all she was doing.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Yeah, with those moves. You know where I stand. But anyway, the comments in the Time Magazine post were 100% against Time Magazine for saying that. Oh, really? They're like, cut the fucking shit. All she did is have braids. They gotta stop, and this is also white people writing these things, like to try to get, rile up a thing
Starting point is 01:28:09 so they can sell more stuff. It's just clickbait. But it's just trying to get people outraged for no fucking reason. It's a strange, it's such a strange time when it comes to that stuff. There's so much of that going on right now. I know, but I think it's going to come to an end. I'm just not engaging. Well, there's just so many people that that's their thing. Their thing is calling people out. I mean, there's so many
Starting point is 01:28:29 weaselly, non-talented little fucks and that's what they do. They just try to find people that they can call out and exaggerate things and distort things. If they're not comics, I don't care as much. When comics do it, it's like, come on, guys. No good comics do that. Every comic that does that sucks. All of them. They all suck. The reason why they do it is because they suck. Otherwise, they would be concentrating on themselves.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Or if they don't suck, they're definitely not at their full potential. If they were at their full potential, they wouldn't even think like that. Yeah, I just tap out of it. Good. Good for you. The people that concentrate on other people like that, they almost always suck. That's just a fact. I've tap out of it. I'm not. Good. Good for you. The people that concentrate on other people like that, they almost always suck. That's just a fact. I've gotten off of Twitter.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I just go on Twitter to like, I post a few things here and there, but I don't ever read it and stuff. My twin brother's always on Twitter and he seems to love it. He works at NBC Sports in Boston. So he does like the Celtics. It's good for sports. It's good for news. So he likes it, but I just don't. I mean, the most I hear about Twitter is from him pretty much.
Starting point is 01:29:29 It's a terrible way for human beings to communicate. And they're communicating in text with no context, right? It's just like this little thing that other people communicating in text. You're not seeing the person, not looking at them. You're not having a conversation. It's just this abbreviated blurb and uh this guy alan levinowitz who was a guest on my podcast in the past had a great statement about that he says it's processed information the same way processed food is bad for you processed information is bad yeah and if you think about all these really unhealthy people that are eating processed food because your body's like what is this that's the same thing with these people's minds that are just digesting process
Starting point is 01:30:09 information all the time. You're not getting a real nuanced, balanced perspective. And one of the fucking best things about podcasts is you have conversations with people like one to one conversations where most people don't get those anymore you know what i've noticed though about with when when you get under fire for things they never print the next day if you say something else do you know what i mean like they'll catch like a a segment of what you say they run with it and then if you're like oh i didn't even think of that part when i was saying that they won't it doesn't matter because they're not, the people that know me know me, right? The podcast is huge, right?
Starting point is 01:30:49 So the millions of people that listen, they heard the whole thing. They get it. And then the clickbaity people, all it ever does, and this is what's fucked, it makes the podcast bigger. Because every time one of those clickbaity things happens, my numbers go up.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yeah, and you're right, it's not people that already, you're not losing anyone that you already have. You're just not. It's the people that already didn't like you. But if you had a television show that would work. So if they wanted to cancel you and you had a television show and they could take something out of context and get you canceled, it would work because people wouldn't know. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Because they wouldn't. It's not like you have these opportunities to express yourself in these long form podcasts. But because I do, it doesn't work. Yeah work yeah right but it would work if i didn't like because they could take something from yes well they could take something out of context and they could change who you are based like if some like i've done 1667 regular podcasts and then on top of that there's been like i don't know how many fight companions and mma podcasts it's a lot of talking you could go through it and find stupid shit i've said but it doesn't mean that's who i am right who you are is who you are all the time right it's like it's we are a weird nuanced creature that has a lot of conflicting ideas.
Starting point is 01:32:06 And if you take things out of context and with the doing it to try to get the least charitable interpretation of who that person is, you're doing that in bad faith. And you do it enough times, people figure it out and they get it. Yeah. I also feel like with on Twitter and stuff, whenever, if you've noticed the pattern, it's like people who cancel get canceled. Everyone that points a finger, immediately they find some other thing they said. Because people start looking at you. Immediately. Yeah, they start looking at you and you go, what have you done? Oh, look at the N-word in your tweet.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Look at this. I know. It's like you're like, I cannot believe you came after that person with that stuff you said. Well, that guy that went after Tony. And he had, yeah. Oh, my God. He's got so much shit. Believe you came after that person with that stuff you said well that guy that went after Tony and he had yeah Oh my god He's got so much so much shit his hope but that was the thing when Tony put up his whole act Like his whole act is racial like that's literally his whole act so when Tony was going on and saying that after him in
Starting point is 01:32:57 Context especially since the guy opened for Tony the guy was on kill Tony even his like that was a thing his resume That he was on kill time now that was a thing in his resume that he was on Kill Tony and they opened up for Tony on the road. He just took a chance because this is what people think they can do today. And it almost worked. Until people saw the whole set. And some people don't care. They still think Tony, fuck Tony.
Starting point is 01:33:18 You know, even though I saw the whole set. But that is what they do to each other. And that's their choice. Like whatever people want. I mean, it's like we can't control it. Did you see what Lewis and Ari did? Oh, yeah. Hilarious. They literally made their version of it afterwards when Lewis called Ari a dirty kike. It's like, that's what, listen, this is what comics do, especially roast comics.
Starting point is 01:33:40 They say things that are shocking that the audience knows they don't mean. That's why it's funny the audience first of all the other thing you see about tony's video is he fucking killed right the reason why he killed is because everyone there knew he was fucking around at first and then he's got a smile on his face and it's just if you know tony this is the kind of comedy he does and for him to do that after that guy is just he's being a dick in jest he's not really a dick i know and then you you cut it down you caption it and everything and i don't want to like that guy did his thing i'm not even he did his thing well he's fucked now he did his thing but it's like then you're giving it you're putting it in another and you're taking
Starting point is 01:34:21 it out of context and now you actually are hurting people right like it is there are people watching and that are going like he said that you know and now it's like what is the point of well he shouldn't have said that people are hurt shouldn't have said that but it's a cheat but he was when you're on stage you take a chance and he definitely didn't think it was going to get out of that room yeah but then it's sad it's like so then all these people are you know like my boyfriend's mom is asian she probably would have been so hurt she's not on twitter right and then that sucks you just hurt like now but you know well tony's longest relationship that he ever had was with a chinese girl yeah i mean it's not he's not racist he's just trying to be funny and sometimes you miss yeah patrice had the best line about that and he said that whether something kills or something bombs and offends everybody it
Starting point is 01:35:04 all comes from the same place. You're just trying to be funny. You understand it and I understand it because this is what we do. We take swings. And sometimes like you're about to say something, you're like, I don't even know what I should say, but I'm going to say it anyway. And you're like, yikes, that didn't work. As it's like rolling, I'm like, oh no.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Yeah, but it's not like a carefully crafted statement that definitely represents all of your feelings on the subject. It's just talking shit. And that's what bits are until they're formulated. That's the other dirty thing. That's when I got really upset at people that were going after Louis when that leaked set came out. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:35 It's a leaked set. Not only is it a leaked set. It's a leaked set. It's not just a leaked set. It's a leaked set when the guy hadn't done stand-up for almost a fucking year. A hundred percent. And he was clearly working something out and if you just left it alone that bit probably would have been amazing it would have
Starting point is 01:35:51 been monster so when people were looking at it go oh that's offensive he made fun of the the people survived parkland yeah he did but if you left him alone for four or five months he probably would have made it work he would have found a way to make it work and this this is the thing that happens with really controversial bits you start off with this idea and you bring it on stage and someone will be like oh you shouldn't have said that word oh you should have said this word you're like okay how do i make it so that it reaches the most amount of people and doesn't piss people off but but gets my point across or or how do i maybe i can say that but i have to say something else first. It's all about crafting it so it enters into your mind the best way.
Starting point is 01:36:30 It's almost like foreplay or something. It's like you're trying to get in there with the least amount of resistance and the most amount of impact. Does that make sense? It's a little lube, too, though. Oh, maybe someone's getting old. I was thinking anally, and I don't know why I was thinking of two men in this. Jesus, two guys.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Both holes? No, I'm not there. Or one hole. I'm not there. I'm a voyeur. Oh, you're watching. It's me watching gay people. Two guys fucking each other?
Starting point is 01:36:54 Yeah. Oh. Missionary. Whoa, that's a rough one. It's a weird one, but their lives are flexible. Some guys are. I used to watch Queer as Folk. I used to love that show, and they'd always be fucking like that.
Starting point is 01:37:04 That's a fucking show that i forgot about it was good that was a good that was like the first gay show yeah that was good the l word i you know what i've been thinking about you know how ellen got like is got canceled or everyone was going after her yeah it's so weird and she's i've heard stories about her i'm sure she's terrible to people whatever all that stuff but then i also think do you remember that she was the first fucking lesbian to come out on tv and she was monumental and not only that but she's like had that show where she got like she's just this butch lesbian dancing into these the lives of these straight women well i feel like when you look at what happened to her when she had her sitcom
Starting point is 01:37:43 right so she had her sitcom she came out and she had her sitcom, she came out, and then basically her sitcom went away. And it went away because she came out. It was a very successful show. It was doing really well. And it went away because at the time people weren't willing to accept it. And when you've experienced that and you've also experienced what it must be like to be a gay woman and to try to get some traction in Hollywood you probably build up a lot of resentment and a lot of anger and one of the things that definitely happens to us I've seen it on sitcoms where someone's a star of a sitcom
Starting point is 01:38:18 right and they all their life they wanted to be the boss and all their life, they wanted to be the boss. And all their life, they get shut down. They go on auditions. Fuck you. Go home. You're not going to make it. You know, we didn't book you. We canceled you. Someone else is coming in.
Starting point is 01:38:32 And all that stuff happened. Then finally they get something. They have all this built up resentment. Yeah. And then once they have everybody kissing their ass, they lean into it. They lean into it. Like I remember there was a Brett Butler.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Do you remember her? Yeah. Everyone tells me I look like her. You're much prettier and funnier. But we both were drunks. She was on Grace Under Fire, right? She had that sitcom. Yeah, she was funny as fuck.
Starting point is 01:38:55 Her stand up was really good too. But she had a thing and she blew up at that Chuck Lorre guy. The guy who is the mad about the two and a half men guy. The guy's done everything, right? He's like the biggest sitcom producer slash writer guy in really in the history of the business. And I think it was that kind of thing. And Roseanne told me she had that kind of thing too.
Starting point is 01:39:17 She goes, you know, when she was on the podcast talking about, she's like, I lost my fucking mind. She's like, I know some people are triggered. People are not well, things are going crazy. but it's also being in that position is nuts being in the position where you are like imagine showing up on the set and you got like a fucking 150 people that depend on you and you walk in roseanne can i get you anything can i get you a bagel can i get you coffee can i get you this can i get you that and you're on meds you're like you're like i I get you that? And you're on meds. And you're like, bleh. And you're like, I thought she was white. Yeah, and you're fucking Tom Arnold.
Starting point is 01:39:48 There's a lot going on. A lot of confusing shit. And she did think that lady was white, by the way. Yeah. I mean, the lady looks white as fuck. That clip was so funny when she was like, was that on your show? Yeah, she goes, I thought that bitch was white. I'm like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:40:02 She goes, I thought she was Jewish. That's what she thought. Yeah. And Roseanne's all into the Kabbalah, too. She thought she was Jewish. That's what she thought. And Roseanne's all into the Kabbalah, too, so she likes Judaism. Well, she's a Jew. But Roseanne is also one of the greatest stand-up comics that's ever lived. If you go back, you can watch Roseanne's early days. And not only that, the big thing with Roseanne, when she was getting and I had a I I reached out immediately because I'm like you fucking people have no idea that this lady got hit by a car when she was 15 she had severe brain damage was on she had to go on Oprah
Starting point is 01:40:36 and apologize for accusing her parents of like molestation or something because she got false memories memories like she's been through trouble. She was in a mental institute for nine months at 15 years old after getting hit by a car. She used to be excellent at math. She got hit by a car. She couldn't even count anymore. Do you know the whole story?
Starting point is 01:40:58 Some lady couldn't see because the sun was on her windshield. She had a dirty windshield and she drove right into the intersection and hit Roseanne and sent her flying. I got to wash my car. She's 15 years old. Damn. And that changed her whole fucking life.
Starting point is 01:41:11 And from that moment on, she's been mentally ill. She's all fucked up. She's on all kinds of pills and stuff. But she's a sweet lady. But she's just tormented. She's got demons in there just bouncing around inside of her head. And she's insanely impulsive. Yeah. You know, you remember when she did the national anthem and grabbed her pussy and
Starting point is 01:41:28 spit and ground everybody went crazy they were so mad at her just screaming yeah she's nuts but she's also brilliant like her comedy is fucking amazing and you know they canceled her off that show they killed her off and then the show was never good it also was a show that was showing both sides it was like something that was showing both sides it was like something that was really cool well that was another part of the problem with the show was that she was a trump supporter for who knows what reason i mean she might think he's communicating to her through winking yeah you know what i mean it's like you gotta but on the show in the first season it fucking worked and all those premises and all the different things like she
Starting point is 01:42:05 wrote all that stuff she was explaining to me how the they they started phasing her out of the writing they didn't want her to write anymore and she's like what like what do you do like this is my show like they're like you don't have to come to the writing room like i don't have to come to the writing room like what and then all that shit happened then they just killed her off is that show still on the air? The Conners? I think it is. Is it? How many shows are on the air?
Starting point is 01:42:29 There's a lot of shows. I don't know. I only watch reality TV. Jamie knows. I watched The Challenge. This is an MTV show that's been going on. It was like real world road rules. And then they put all of these crazy heightened reality stars together and they do like they have to
Starting point is 01:42:47 do some like eating nasty stuff they have to do all these different physical challenges but it's really hard Jamie and I were talking about at the Creek in the cave that night that I saw you and people were coming up to try to talk to us like Tony came up he's like you know what I gotta tell you and I go Tony do you watch the challenge he goes no and I go I'm gonna need you to remove yourself from this conversation I when you find a kindred person, I mean, how many years has The Challenge been on? The 36 seasons. What?
Starting point is 01:43:11 We're just, it's like Survivor. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what? Yeah. And I've seen all of them. That's how I feel. Survivor and The Challenge. I've rewatched all of them over the pandemic. How am I just hearing about this?
Starting point is 01:43:20 You never told me about this once. It's something I know I talk about. It's like that secret show I watch by myself i was like no listen and also jamie you told him not to watch the movie midsummer and i it's fine i need you to watch the movie midsummer and talk to you about it you told me to not watch the movie we talked about before i was like it's fine it's like a sex cult horror movie it's the best representation of a bad mushroom trip i've ever seen in my life like they have the stuff moving and stuff. It's really, it's a horror movie.
Starting point is 01:43:47 I mean, it is horrible. But it's so good. And the reason I brought it up is you were talking about Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, how they had that violent scene at the end and you don't see that anymore. There's some violent fucked up shit in this movie. Well, the violent scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, what's crazy about it, it's a star doing horrible violence to a woman. And you're like, whoa
Starting point is 01:44:08 this is shocking. Obviously a cult murderer woman, a bad woman but it's like, Tarantino can get away with shit that no one can get away with. A lot of foot stuff. Yeah, he's into foots. Feets. I always want to know, I've been asking on stage, I'm like, are you guys one of these or
Starting point is 01:44:23 one of these? Which way do you? Where do you put it? Do you on stage. I'm like, are you guys one of these or one of these? Which way do you? Where do you put it? Do you go through the toe? Oh, do you fuck the toes? Do guys fuck the toes or do they fuck the feet? I don't know. I'm just trying to learn about it. I'm trying to be curious instead of shaming.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Some guys are into foot jobs, right? Yeah. Where the girl rubs their feet. That's got to be exhausting on your hamstrings and calves. But it may be good for you. You've got to work on that core. If you're using your core, you're fine. I bet it would be really good.
Starting point is 01:44:44 If you're lying on your back and you've got your feet up in the air. Dude, this is like Pilates. And you're doing this. This is hard to do. You do the 100 or whatever from Pilates. If you're jerking off like this, that's a lot of work. But sometimes your jaw hurts. I got TMJ.
Starting point is 01:44:57 I get it. You've got to do what you've got to do. Yeah, you've got to take a break. I understand. My hands are getting dry. Right. Yeah, I get it. And you need to do some core work. Listen, I'm in my hands are getting dry. Right. Yeah, I get it. And you need to do some core work.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Listen, I got, I'm in the gym all the time. Like, if in that position, if you're lying on your back with your knees up like that and you're going back and forth, that's a serious ab workout. You know what you could do, too? You could put some bars on the ceiling. Oh, shit. Okay? Get a full body and you're just kind of going up and down.
Starting point is 01:45:22 That's really hard to do, though. You can only hang for so long. Listen, I think anything's possible yeah anything's possible if you set your mind to it you know i mean i've seen some i've seen some people do that's the thing about uh instagram is like a lot of those uh fitness influencers you see people doing doing stuff you're like i didn't even know you could fucking do that so crazy like i'm there's so many people now that start off with dumbbells on the ground with doing a dip where they lift their leg off the ground and then they pull it all the way up and then go into a handstand and you're like how many fucking people can do that that's i'm just working on push-ups you know i can do
Starting point is 01:45:57 a pull-up i'd like to do pull-ups is my new thing yeah well you know what you should do you should get one of those rubber bands. Do you know those heavy bands? Oh, yeah, how you can kind of, yeah. Yeah, give you a little lift. Because I used to rock climb back in the day, and I used to go to the gym, and the gym had a pull-up machine, and they would take the weight off you. Right, yeah. And so that was really helpful for that.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Life cycle, I think it's called. Lifestyle fitness. Maybe I'll start rock climbing again. Whitney's boyfriend rock climbs. Yeah. But he's really good. You don't want to go with people that are too good. Well, he could probably show you what to do. But their problems are just going to be, they'll be doing like V6s or something.
Starting point is 01:46:34 I'm doing like a... What's a V6? It's like, goes V0 to, I think it can go, I don't know how high it goes, but... Oh, like difficulty. That's the level of difficulty of the problems, yeah. Oh. For bouldering. Yeah. I've had quite a few rock climbers on the show, and it's just the people that are like Alex Honnold, the people that do that shit, it's like, Jesus Christ. I remember the guy I was dating when we were watching that.
Starting point is 01:46:55 He couldn't sleep. He was like, there's too much anxiety. I'm like, why did you watch that before bed? It's hard. I can't even look at pictures of him. I watched an incredible documentary last night, by the way. I was going to bring this up to you. It's called The Anthropocene.
Starting point is 01:47:09 How do you say that word? We're in the era, the epoch, the era, whatever it is, of human beings affecting the earth in a radical way. And there's a documentary that highlights it with these incredible visuals. And I watched it last night before I went to bed. It really kind of freaked me out. That's it. Anthropocene, the human epoch.
Starting point is 01:47:33 And it's incredible. It's one of the most visually stunning movies I've ever seen in my life. It's just so wild. Where is that picture? Well, it takes place in a shitload of different places there's i don't know where that that mine is but there's so many mines that it takes place in russia and in germany and in china and in nigeria there's a church in nigeria in this movie that seats a million people yes you super spreader dude you Dude, you cannot believe what this church looks like. And the
Starting point is 01:48:09 point of bringing it up was that the church was having a negative impact on the land? No, it's just the massive amount of people in this area and how it went from having 200,000 people in this area to 20 million in two generations and the impact that it's having on the environment is just staggering just mountains of trash and they show these people in i think it was kenya that were navigating these giant hills of trash and they showed all these um uh people uh working in mines like digging into the ground and coming out with all this material and shit and how it's getting into the rivers and getting it's fucking crazy because they shot a lot of it with drones. enormous treatment plants and these enormous oil refineries in Houston and all these different things.
Starting point is 01:49:08 You're like, holy fuck. You get to see all the crazy shit that people are doing to the earth. Did it make you want to take action? I don't know what kind of action you could take, quite honestly. Do you think that getting a Tesla is the move? Well, not necessarily. Here's the thing about Tesla. Teslas are awesome, and I love them.
Starting point is 01:49:27 And it's, if I had one car that I could only drive ever, I think it'd be a Tesla. Which one? The Tesla that I have. I have the Model S. It's fucking incredible. But what's incredible about it is the technology and the performance. It's like an iPhone, right? Like it updates too?
Starting point is 01:49:41 It does update. Yeah. But it's just, they're so fast and they're so comfortable and smooth and but they're also made out of batteries like where are you getting the batteries you're getting them out of the fucking ground you're tearing them out of the ground and these uh strip mines and these uh russian dudes that are drilling into the earth and creating these you know like these huge tunnels like this is this is the kenya scary yeah that's in kenya where they have these mountains of garbage it's i mean i'm telling you this film
Starting point is 01:50:11 is amazing i wish i was high population no you don't think you would have gotten paranoid i don't i don't mind if i get paranoid i don't i stopped smoking weed recently but i might start again no i don't want to. You can smoke. Okay. I don't feel, it feels like it's like, my friend, do you know Debra DG Vani? I don't believe she is. She is fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 01:50:33 I'll send you some of her stuff. She's so funny. She's Canadian. She did not put a kazoo in her puss. Hey. But she was telling me, because she had quit smoking weed, she was like, it felt like, when she looks back on it, she felt like she was like trudging through mud and she just felt like she'd like got ankle weights off. And I was like, I do feel like that. I do sometimes I'm okay with
Starting point is 01:50:52 weed, but I do sometimes feel like that. But I also, I know it's how you use it, right? I use it for my, I use it to write. I use it to like put myself in a different mindset, but I go long periods of time without it yeah weeks without it i think that's my once i can get over this sort of because i think i was smoking it like addictively like i was like oh i want a thing yeah rather than it's time to smoke weed but i definitely it's funny like using the stuff i learned through jim fortin i don't get paranoid anymore like i know how to not get paranoid well that's good this is um a definite paranoia inducing movie but not paranoid put some more visuals up there let it play out a little bit i wouldn't say paranoia as much as it's just realization of
Starting point is 01:51:35 the scope yeah go full screen with this because it's fucking bananas the scope of the impact of human beings on the earth when you look at it the way they're showing it and the real beauty of it see how it's all so much drone footage and then and they they really did an amazing job the cinematography and the direction the editing it's it's an incredible documentary i mean it really is incredible now the place that you said the population grew that much now is that because of. I don't know. It's probably industry.
Starting point is 01:52:09 I mean, I'm sure they do know why, but I don't know why. If they show that's when they were burning all the poached elephant tusks. Oh, my God. Those are elephant tusks. Millions and millions of dollars worth of elephant tusks. Yeah. They showed that, you know, these people that are trying to fight off poachers. But to me, the wildest thing was, you know, the drone footage.
Starting point is 01:52:38 When you see it from the sky and you get to see the scale of some of the things they've done. There's this farm. They were in Germany and they were knocking down people's houses and knocking down these old churches to make more room for strip mining. And you see it like you see them knock down this old church. And then you see as they go up into the sky, you see how much land they've destroyed and how it just keeps pushing deeper and deeper and deeper by creating this strip mining. But they're like whatever used to be there is now dead and devastated and they've they've like like they peeled the skin back on an orange and you just had the flesh underneath and where do the people go they fucking have to move out they're buying people out and you know there's a lady in it that was showing how you know she was like the last house on the street and then they're pointing to this house this is
Starting point is 01:53:23 the last one down the road they just bought it and they were tearing it down. But they tore down this old fucking church. And these people had apparently locked arms over the church. They were trying to stop them from doing it. And they're like, fuck you, tearing it down. They're tearing it down to make everything gross. Like the church is beautiful and the area is beautiful. But it's this like short-sighted thing that people do when they can extract resources.
Starting point is 01:53:44 They do. When there is a they can extract resources, they do. When there is a profit to be made, they make that profit. They go after it. What do we do? I don't know. It's really weird because this is a recent thing, right? In terms of like the history of the earth, it's the impact that human beings are having has really only been in the last few hundred years and really radically the last 150 or so.
Starting point is 01:54:04 But when you watch it in these films, it's fucking nuts. These machines that they have that they bore into the ground with, these enormous excavator machines, I mean, they're giant apartment buildings with like huge teeth that dig into the earth and scoop up all this shit and and and cut
Starting point is 01:54:27 away the mountain it's wild it's a weird movie because you're like whoa we're fucked up yeah you don't think about how fucked up we are while you're being us yeah but if you get to look at it like on a in a film that's really well well you know you know it in your heart you know and but that that church with a million people i've never seen a building like that it's so big it's like a hundred that's it right there oh my god this is 200 this is hundreds of thousands it's designed to fit a million people apparently if this is the same place i just this is from uh 2006 i was trying to find that and got close but i thought it was in Nigeria. Go back to that, please.
Starting point is 01:55:06 I thought it was in Nigeria. Can I pee-pee and come back? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It says there's articles about these mega churches as a booming business in Nigeria. Oh. Is Lagos a part of Nigeria? Mm-hmm. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Look at the size of that. Go back to that picture. Look at the size of that picture. Dude, that's insane. Can you imagine how hard you would kill on stage in front of that many people? Imagine murdering on stage in front of like a half a million people. What the roar would be like. They need to lower that ceiling though.
Starting point is 01:55:37 Make it, tighten it up. Yeah, it's crazy as you're scrolling down you get to see. But the amount of money they must be pulling in too. I mean it's a lot of fucking people. But it also must cost a lot to keep it open. Yeah. It's bringing in cash. Oh, of course it is.
Starting point is 01:55:53 I mean, they've got fucking millions of people, man. That's a smaller one. I mean, how many of these megachurches do they have? I don't know. There's a list on the top that Google gave me. Just there's... Wow. Oh, my God. There's a list on the top that Google gave me. Just there's... Wow. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:56:07 There's quite a few. These are all 10,000 or more. And these... Really? Yeah. Well, 10,000 is like Joel Olsteen. Yeah, that makes it like an arena, but then you get over 30,000
Starting point is 01:56:16 and there's not really arenas bigger than that here in America. Stadiums there are, but... How many of the ones that are like hundreds of thousands plus? A couple, three, four. It seems like,
Starting point is 01:56:32 okay. The glory dome. So they're in Nigeria and then one of them is in Brazil, huh? Interesting. Salvation ministries, hands of God. Let's see what that looks like whoa
Starting point is 01:56:46 oh and he's back just in time salvation ministries hands of god cathedral so there's a few of these that uh have close to you know i have hundreds of thousands of people fucking crazy but I mean where there's money if you think about like those Joel Osteen type characters yeah how much money is that guy making a year let's take a guess
Starting point is 01:57:14 and he doesn't get taxed right he's working for the lord baby why would you take his money take his taxes come on that's fucked up what's wrong with you listen I love the lord you don't love the lord as much as I do How would you take his money? Take his taxes? Come on. That's fucked up. What's wrong with you? Listen, I love the Lord.
Starting point is 01:57:29 You don't love the Lord as much as I do. I love the Lord. No, no, no. I wanted him to get that money, all that money. You wanted him to give some of it to the government. I wanted to give some to me. The government didn't preach. He preached. This one's live on YouTube right now.
Starting point is 01:57:41 Is it really? Yeah. How many people? It doesn't say. I was trying to show a picture, but it is one of those mega churches. I like how long the thing is. And where is this one? Somewhere in Nigeria.
Starting point is 01:57:52 I don't know the exact... Go back to that video. Ota. See that guy rocking it? Can we get a little volume on here? I want to hear his skills. Fast to the end. It's never over with anyone engaging with God.
Starting point is 01:58:05 See? Boom. Perfect timing. That's all I needed to hear for the day. It's never over with anyone engaging with God. See? Perfect timing. That's all I needed to hear for the day. It's never over for anyone engaging with God. That's true. Woo! I always respond to his comments. That guy? No, I'm just saying engaging. To me it sounds like internet engagement. Oh, I get it. Right. Like if God leaves comments.
Starting point is 01:58:21 Keep it together, bitch. Imagine if God said that to you, you'd be like, whoa. I'd be like, you're you're right sir thank you so much um responsibility being god if you were leaving comments you know because it's such a shallow way to talk to someone it could be misinterpreted there's got to be uh an account you know like you send someone a text message and you know you know if they say something you just go thank you period and they go are you mad at me yeah like what why would you think I'm mad at you? Well, all you said was thank you. It seemed a little passive aggressive.
Starting point is 01:58:50 That fucking period was really. Yeah, that period was heavy. No, that was a really, that was a heavy flow. I was saying to, I texted Bonnie something, and she was like, oh, I was like, can you meet to talk about the movie? And she was like, yeah, well, let me know. I'm building a shed with rich um and let me
Starting point is 01:59:07 know when and i'll see if i can make it and i went in all caps i go you better not be mad at me she's like i'm not mad at you there was just something about that boundary she said where i was like oh no you sound like you're crazy and needy it was no it was a i was having a weird a week with that was this uh when you were reading jim's's book or following Jim's courses or no? Listen, I'm doing great. And I'm a new person. I'm not even that person I was when I said that. Oh, you're reinventing yourself on the spot.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Yes. How long ago was this? Last week. You know, yesterday. Tuesday. Yesterday. Was it? No, but you're right.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Yesterday. I know we're joking. Yeah. Sing to me. All my troubles seem so far away. What's this? What is what? Oh, it's a lighter for cigars.
Starting point is 01:59:52 But it looks like a car? Or no, that doesn't look like a car? Oh, my God. I mean, I guess it kind of looks like a car. It does a little, right? But no, it's just a lighter. See this part right here? That's where the...
Starting point is 02:00:04 And that's for cutting cigars? Yes. And this part right here is one of these things that trims a cigar. I'm not sure how it works. It's a new one. Hmm. Interesting. And what's this?
Starting point is 02:00:17 This trims the cigars too? Yeah, that's just trim cigars. That's all it does. Oh, here it goes. You cut your finger off this thing. See this here? Put the cigar thing in there. It goes like that. Ooh. See so you have two things in one it's amazing and it's a car it's ergonomic do you smoke cigars annie i you know to be cool and fit in
Starting point is 02:00:39 i sometimes i try during when we're on that rooftop i was trying and i'm like i don't even know what i'm doing here but i have brothers I'll always try something did you like it I thought it was okay I would never go by myself and do it maybe just if you wanted to be one of the guys I did want to be one of the guys I have brothers I I don't pretend that's not my life that's a weird thing right to want like to like if you wanted to like go to a cigar bar be one of the guys sit sit around, talk about sports. Just show up. I'm like, listen.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Grow out my mustache. Probably get a lot of attention. Yeah, but, you know, I feel like I just like to try things anyway. So instead of maybe judging the trying to be one of the guys, I try to be one of the girls, too. Just give it a shot. I like to just try shit out. Do you ever sit down and say, okay, this is some things I'd like to try. I'd like to try bungee jumping.
Starting point is 02:01:31 I'd like to try race car driving. I'd like to try, do you ever do that? Not really. I'm more, I'm just open to when opportunities unfold. Because I have gone skydiving. I went with my friend Erin, and we would go on the date she used to go with her dad and her dad passed away so we go on his like his pass away date and this year we didn't skydiving he didn't wouldn't that be cool no but it was just they used to always go
Starting point is 02:01:55 skydiving and then he um it would be gangster of us to keep going yeah that's what I'm saying but um no he passed away. He had Parkinson's. So we would go for that. And then this time she has kids now. And I remember feeling the first time we went, I did only go once, but when we went, I remember feeling like my whole life I'd been waiting to go skydiving. Like this was going to be this amazing experience. And then I wasn't scared to death. Like I was looking for that fear of death moment Didn't have it really I didn't because I was attached to the guy and I just knew that they did it so often
Starting point is 02:02:31 I was like this guy's not gonna want to die. So he's gonna do it, right? So he said you think they get a little too casual maybe but then on stage I was doing a joke about how I was I was like underwhelmed by it and how You know next time I want to go up I want to go to a place with one star that has like and I want the guy to be like there's two parachutes one works pick you know like really but then this guy
Starting point is 02:02:54 in the audience came up to me him and his wife and she goes oh he's a skydiving instructor and he'll he'll take you out and really scare the shit out of you and I was like um maybe I don't mean that and I never took him up on it because I was like yeah what if he tried hard to scare you and one of those guys die um Brian Redband one of his dad's co-workers was always trying to get him to skydive like you should come skydive with me skydiving is awesome skydive is awesome and then one day he showed up
Starting point is 02:03:20 at work and they're not there no it's like what happened they're like parachute didn't open yeah my dad's friend is a skydiver and he heard as he went into the hospital i think he shattered a bunch of stuff and he still skydives jesus what happened it didn't deploy or deployed fuck i don't know i don't know the story but also on the challenge you saw um what's his name uh with the hand jordan jordan there's a guy seasons yeah 36 seasons there's this guy jordan who is a fucking gangster okay he was born with like two fingers on his hand okay so he's he competes and all these things with one well he can still use it but like pretty much one hand but he did it they had to parachute down they had to skydive down in his parachute didn't open or he came down too fast.
Starting point is 02:04:08 And he fucked himself up, but he still ended up doing the challenge, which is like three days, I think they do it, where they barely sleep. Whoa. It's just these, it's TJ Lavin hosted. Are you friends with him? I don't know who that is. Oh, he's a, he was a BMX dirt bike rider or dirt bike. My jujitsu instructor, John john jock machado he was born
Starting point is 02:04:25 like that he only has one hand yeah i mean one of his hands only has a thumb dude and these are the people that you see the shit they can do and then you're like okay i better get off the fucking couch john jock who's one of the greatest jiu-jitsu players of all time like he won abu dhabi with one hand and he just he can do strangles the shit out of people he gets that arm the the left hand the one that only has a thumb he slides that thing right under people's fucking necks and you can't break his cable grip gable grip gable grip i mean well you you the way you gable grip is you only really need one good hand to gable grip yeah you know i mean you could you could easily grip someone
Starting point is 02:05:01 like this but yeah but he's you know choking people like this where he's sliding it under the arm and then gripping his hands. But he's also been doing jujitsu since he was a baby. Now, would you compete in jujitsu? Not at this stage of my life. Right. I'm just asking to get hurt. And do you like spar and stuff still? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:20 Sure. Do you ever get hurt? Yeah. Yeah, I got hurt a couple weeks ago. What happened? I fucked something up in my back. Is it still fucked up? It's a little weird.
Starting point is 02:05:29 It's okay. But you don't regret it? But you know what it is? No. I think there's a certain amount of risk that you're going to take if you do stuff that's fun, that's physical. You know? Physical things, especially like jujitsu or running hills or kettlebell
Starting point is 02:05:46 workouts or anything crazy like that kickboxing that's fucking you're you're putting a lot of stress you're exploding there's a lot of energy a lot of explosive moves they test all your tendons and muscles but one of the things that uh i've realized is like i can't not get massages i have to get massages and i didn't get one for a year because of the pandemic i basically didn't get yeah and then my back was so knotted up but i i uh i got two serious deep tissue massages in a week and it just kind of straightened up how long are they how long do you go 90 minutes 90 minutes they beat the fuck out of you too you don't enjoy a second of it yeah no i've never I've never, I hate massagers that feel good.
Starting point is 02:06:26 Really? Yeah. I don't like a soft massage. I have, nothing is more upsetting. I'm always like, give me the elbow, nothing in the world.
Starting point is 02:06:33 Wow. And I know about Waco. I know what happened there. Surfing. I'm not talking about the surfing. But yeah, no, I really,
Starting point is 02:06:42 yeah, I like a deep motherfucking massage. But do you know the Dr. Cerno thing? Oh, that's that guy, the back pain guy? Yeah, where, I really, yeah, I like a deep motherfucking massage. But do you know the Dr. Cerno thing? Oh, that's that guy, the back pain guy? Yeah, where he's like, it's all repressed childhood rage, which is so funny. That's nonsense. But it is. But listen, that shit drives me fucking crazy because I'm going to just explain this right now.
Starting point is 02:06:59 Saying that as an open general statement is so fucking stupid because people have bulging discs that push on their nerves and their fucking arms atrophy and their hands stop working. That shit's real. Okay. It's not childhood memories. Some people, some people have back pain. That's just stress and tension. Some people, but a lot of people have fucking serious spine injuries. The idea that, Oh, it's all like somebody tried to explain it to me. I went, shut the fuck up. You should have him on here and have him try to explain it to you.
Starting point is 02:07:30 That's the type of shit I want to see. No, I'd like to have him on with an actual spinal surgeon. Do it, do that. A guy who talks about, okay, let me explain. This is a fucking metal cage we had to put on this guy's back
Starting point is 02:07:40 because his spine was crumbling. And this is another guy who lost all use of his left calf because his nerves were pinched off. off like he's right in some ways and this is how he's right. He's right that Some people carry so much stress and so much tension and that they sort of almost distract themselves with back pain but then there's also legitimate significant injuries and I've dealt with a lot of those fucking Looney Tunes because I had a bulging disc for like a long time. And I was going to a chiropractor before I knew that was nonsense.
Starting point is 02:08:13 And he was, this is how he told me that I did have a bulging disc. He pushed down on my head. No, I hate when they do the thing. They do nonsense. He was like pushing down on my head. He's like, no, definitely, if that doesn't hurt, you definitely have a bulging disc. So I'm like, man, I need to go to a real doctor. And I finally went to a guy who deals with neck injuries.
Starting point is 02:08:29 And he took me in for an MRI. And he's like, look, this is how your disc is bulging out and pressing. And you have disc degeneration, which means all the cushioning in between my spine, all of it was shrinking. And my height, I'm shrinking because these little discs are shrinking and so it makes your your back more irritable because there's no cushioning so it limits your mobility anyway like old people that's why old people shrink what's what's going on is their spine like the the juiciness in between your discs it all goes away so over think about like your here's your spinal column, right?
Starting point is 02:09:05 You have all these bones, and in between the bones, you have these discs. And these things, if you do, especially wrestlers, wrestlers, their backs are all fucked up. And a lot of jiu-jitsu guys. Like, I have four friends with fake discs in their back. I know so many people that have their backs fused and necks fused. Does it help? It does kind of for now yeah but it's all for now it's like it's just letting you know the end is near right but my point is like anybody that says that it's all in your head is fucking crazy that's
Starting point is 02:09:39 a crazy thing to say because like my friend travis luter who is in here with Kevin Holland who's his coach he's a an infamous jujitsu guy like faint very famous Travis is like a world-class like top of the food chain he had his neck fused he's got like these bolts and screws and he turned his neck that's kind of stuff it's like this but he still trains it just loves training so much that he just it really is so fun like I didn't really learn that much about the sport like I didn't really learn that much about the sport. Like I didn't know. I don't know any of the fighters really.
Starting point is 02:10:11 But I just went to class as the exercise and learning the things. And just as it is like doing math problems on a body is how it felt. It was really such a fun fucking workout. Yeah. And the risk of getting hurt makes it a little bit more exciting. It is a little exciting in that regard. Maybe I will. There's ways in that regard but there's ways to mitigate it there's ways to mitigate it and that's one of the things that i work really hard
Starting point is 02:10:28 on is like strengthening my neck and strengthening my back and strengthening all of the the different muscles that protect all that area like i have this reverse hyper machine now from yeah you showed that to me that i use and then i have like this iron neck thing that I do. Well, I've got a fucking halo on my head with a bungee cord. I'm doing this shit. And that's why my neck is so thick. Yeah, it really is. It's all these kind of exercises. This is a new, this has happened over the past, what, 10 years?
Starting point is 02:10:56 Yes. Your neck popped? Yeah, well, that's when I really got into, well, it was more than that when I really got into jiu-jitsu. But I really got into strengthening my neck after the neck injury. than that when I really got into jiu-jitsu but I really got into strengthening my neck after the neck injury so that was like I really fucked it up around 2009-ish or 8-ish somewhere around then it was bad like my hands were going numb it was a real problem and I didn't understand why and it just that's the thing you can't go to chiropractors for these things yeah you have to go to a real doctor who's but you can let them. Here's the other thing, because real doctors
Starting point is 02:11:25 always want to cut you. Right. They're like, you need surgery. They always say the worst thing. Well, not all of them. I don't want to generalize, but I did too late.
Starting point is 02:11:33 Some doctors are awesome. I got really lucky that the doctor that I went to, one of them wanted to do surgery. The other one was like, I think you should try biological treatments like stem cells.
Starting point is 02:11:42 And then I found out about Regenikine. And then I had this Regenikine like stem cells. And then I found out about Regenikine. And then I had this Regenikine treatment done. And that cured me up. That fixed my bulging disc. And how do they do it? It's an injection or what? It's your own blood.
Starting point is 02:11:53 They take your own blood and they spin it in a centrifuge. It's like platelet-rich plasma, but they add a bunch of stuff to it. I forget how exactly that works. You're going to catch me, like, spinning a tampon. Like, is this how it works? I don't think that's how it works. And then they inject it directly into the areas because it produces this incredible anti-inflammatory medicine from your own blood. How fast does it work?
Starting point is 02:12:13 For me, it was two weeks. I had this bulging disc and it was painful. Like my elbow would hurt out of nowhere. But it was because my disc was pushing against the nerve. And so the stem cell like regrows the juicy part? Well, that wasn't stem cells. That's not stem cells. That's Regenokine.
Starting point is 02:12:29 Regenokine, again, it's like a platelet-rich plasma thing. The stem cell shit that I've gotten, I've gotten that in my knees. I've gotten that in my shoulders. I've gotten that in my back. I'm just like a science experiment. That's cool. But it works. I mean, I'm 53, and I still work out pretty much exactly the same way.
Starting point is 02:12:48 Like everything I do, I do pretty much the same way I did when I was 25 or 35 or even 45. And I'm almost 55. I'll be 55 in a couple years, which is crazy. I thought I was going to catch you on a weird lie that you were 54. I'll be 54 in August. It's not that far away. I'm basically 54. When's your birthday,
Starting point is 02:13:05 August what? 11. I'm going to come up with a really good present to get you. Oh, I'm excited. What do you get the king?
Starting point is 02:13:10 I'll come up with something really good. A hug. But, anyway, the point is, not everybody has access to all this stuff,
Starting point is 02:13:18 right? It's like, it costs a lot of money to do all these treatments. How much, can you tell me how much it is? It's a lot. It's like tens of thousands
Starting point is 02:13:23 of dollars for all these different things that I'm doing. For each like injection type thing? Yeah, it's fucking expensive. The Regenequin's expensive. And it's multiple treatments too. There's pictures of me getting Regenequin like on my back online with these fucking,
Starting point is 02:13:38 like these needles in my back. And they squirt the blood into these little holes. How long does it take? When do they take the blood to when they put it back in you i think it's like a 10 hour process and do you stay at the place no you go the next day like so they'll draw your blood and then they'll do it either the next day or you know following days whenever you have the time interesting i really like the thing i always think about is i have tmj that's like a thing i've had since i was a kid and whenever you go go to a doctor, they're like, oh, it's stress or whatever.
Starting point is 02:14:06 And you're like, it's fucking stress. What do you mean it's fucking stress? What exactly does TMJ mean? Now, TMJ is actually the name of it. It's the trigeminal. Yeah, I can't pronounce. I should know what it is. But Jamie, if you were.
Starting point is 02:14:18 Too much jizz? Yeah, it's too much jizz. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Temporal mandibular. Temporal. Yeah, it's too much jizz. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Temporomandibular. Temporal. It's the name of the joint, but it's actually a TMJD, which is the disorder. Temporomandibular joint.
Starting point is 02:14:37 So TMD. Can you make that smaller, please? Smaller so we can all read the whole thing? What are you doing? Jamie, what the fuck? What are you doing? I'm zooming out and it's not going. Oh. What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:14:47 What the fuck, bro? TMJ disorder is a type of temporomandibular disorder or TMD can cause pain in your jaw. Let's find out what the treatment. Let's see. How do you relieve it? Let's see the treatment. I bet.
Starting point is 02:15:01 I've tried like acupuncture. What if imagine if it was just sucking dick all day. That's the only way. I would, you know, they tell you not to. There was like a list when I went to this one TMJ clinic. And they were like, don't chew gum. Don't do this. Don't do that.
Starting point is 02:15:14 And I posted it and added don't suck dick. Mayo treatment? Go to Mayo. You added that to it? There are times. I've had boyfriends that were, it's really like, I'm so sorry. We're not compatible. Because of that?
Starting point is 02:15:23 My jaw will start clicking. Oh. Okay. Okay. Listen. Feel My jaw will start clicking. Oh, okay. Listen, feel your jaw, observe the range of motion. Okay, so they're not saying anything. It's one of those things. What's the treatment? Care? Scroll down. There's nothing down there. Doesn't say anything?
Starting point is 02:15:36 There's really, it's like. Oh, there it is. Sorry. Pain relievers, antidepressants. What? Because it's like a tension, for me at least it was like i grind my teeth at night it's bruxism so it's a titan jaw at night i do uh exercise with my jaw you do i have this rubber thing that i bite down on i put it in my teeth and i go like this like yeah no i've seen those i think because i already have it out of place that that's bad bad for me i think i need to get like um uh i've been looking
Starting point is 02:16:07 into um what do you call them what kind of doctor cranial sacral doctor like voodoo is that voodoo they don't voodoo on you is cranial sacral not a real doctor no it's like these chickens i don't know i'm like yeah i thought you know everything i've never heard of that but like i think i need to do something where they expand my palate and my teeth and kind of like can adjust it. But you know what worked for me and I got to get back into? I did breath work and that is the only thing that has gotten my tense like depression. A tension thing.
Starting point is 02:16:40 I think it is. Well, I used to get so pissed when the doctors would say, it's like, it's your tension. I'm like, fuck you. It's not. And I'm like, oh, think it is. Well, I used to get so pissed when the doctors would say, it's your tension. I'm like, fuck you, it's not. And then I'm like, oh, maybe it is. To answer your question, because there's even a question, if it's legitimate, it might not be. I don't know. It says there needs to be more evidence.
Starting point is 02:16:54 Oh, okay. What? Plenty of anecdotal evidence that CST, but what is CST? Craniosacral therapy. Oh, okay. Effective treatment, but more research is needed to scientifically determine this. There's evidence that it can release stress and tension. Some research suggests that it may only be effective in infants, toddlers, and children.
Starting point is 02:17:11 Does CBD work for you? Does that reduce inflammation? CBD I never really got too into, but maybe now with my Kill Cliff CBD, 25 milligrams. Yeah, that's not enough. I mean, this is great for just overall. If you have any CBD advice, let me know. I do, yeah. I'm a big believer in CBD. I'm a big believer in anything that you can do that reduces inflammation. Inflammation is the cause of a lot of ailments in people.
Starting point is 02:17:39 A lot of sicknesses and disease comes out of inflammation. And a lot of it is the diet that people eat, bad foods, but inflammation in your jaw like that. I wonder if there's exercises that are good. Oh, Jamie's got something. CBD oil can relieve the pain caused by TMD by easing muscle tension and reducing inflammation. The best benefit of CBD oil is it's direct pain relief by applying the oil directly to sore areas. You can experience pain relief in just minutes. Some patients also choose to vaporize the oil during inhalation.
Starting point is 02:18:14 Yeah, there you go. C, exercises. I hate vaping. What is that fucking thing that I use that jaws are size? Yeah, it's called jaws are size. I've seen those. Those are cool. I have big ass jaw muscles now.
Starting point is 02:18:28 These things right here. Oh my God. Imagine I come back like looking more like Brett Butler each day. But these muscles have 100% gotten bigger. But I have like one is stronger than the other. Sometimes I get massaged. Have you ever gotten anyone to give you a jaw massage like on the inside? That feels fucking wild.
Starting point is 02:18:44 It's wild. Yeah, it's really weird. They put those little finger cuts on. I know. They're in your mouth. Very weird. I'm like, while you're in there. Stretch your mouth out.
Starting point is 02:18:51 While you're in there, I'd like to, can you help me with my gag reflex? Help me out, doc. I'm like, hey, that's not your finger. Yeah, I was reading about this guy that got molested by his uh massage therapist and he didn't realize that he was getting molested by a male massage therapist but he thought it was normal for the guy that put his fingers in his ass yes my friend just had that happen yeah like what he's like listen you gotta trust me um i'm just gonna put my fingers in your ass it's fucking massage your prostate and everything and and he was like what and so this guy just was letting this guy
Starting point is 02:19:32 basically just yeah probably good i probably did feel good and that's like oh i do feel a release imagine if he got hard and then he probably just maybe he like, my mouth will actually help with the Ah, that's it. Your mouth will help me. We'll help each other. Why are you Mark Norman? Oh, I'm not. I'm gay. Hey. I sucked his dick. Hey, and that's what I did.
Starting point is 02:19:57 I had to do it. But yeah, no, I've gotten I, whenever I've gone to just these like whatever massage places, you know, that cost like 20 bucks. Exactly. I mean, when they go for your Yeah, no, I've gotten, whenever I've gone to just these like whatever massage places, you know, that cost like. 20 bucks. Exactly. I mean, when they go for your butt cheeks first and your asshole is getting like cold air going into it, you're like, oh, no, I'm getting one of these fucking massages.
Starting point is 02:20:14 Hey, you're looking at my asshole. Why? My asshole should not have cold air coming into it. Clean, cold air. And then you smell their breath on your asshole. Oh, my God. It's unbelievable. They're blowing. Oh, no, they're warming it up.
Starting point is 02:20:24 But there was one I got where this guy left the room and you know how they're supposed to just like expose one body part at a time. There was just no, but I go, dude, you gotta put the fucking blanket on me. And it's such a weird thing. It's such a like,
Starting point is 02:20:35 um, I don't know if it's like PTSD or whatever, but it's like, I, you just, I just say quiet and like, don't say anything. I like tip the guy.
Starting point is 02:20:42 I'm like, what the fuck am I doing? Girls do it. Well, that's what I've learned. But I wanted, I always wanted to get the guys cause they would. I like tip the guy. I'm like, what the fuck am I doing? Why don't you have girls do it? Well, that's what I've learned. But I wanted, I always wanted to get the guys because they would do it harder
Starting point is 02:20:48 than the girls. You can just get a thick gal. I got to get a thick gal. I got to be like, have you done Jawsercise? Have you used the thing? I'm going to grab your clit with my teeth,
Starting point is 02:20:59 but trust me. Like there it is, it's hanging. I'm going to put my whole hand up your ass. Did you see? And I'm going to bring you nirvana. Jessie Mae did like, she repeated it.
Starting point is 02:21:08 Someone else had already done it, but she was doing like a fake kettlebell workout. And she was like doing a squat with the kettlebell. And then she had like her, she edited so that it was like her hands were in her pants. Like it was like labia or something picking up the kettlebell. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. It was so gross and so funny. Women do do that, you know. In talking about? Yeah. It was so gross and so funny. Women do do that, you know.
Starting point is 02:21:25 In real life? Yeah, they have this world record pussy clamp lady from Russia. She carries plates with her pussy. Yeah. So she's got like a ball on a string. She shoves that ball into her snatch and then clamps down with her pussy muscles and the string hangs down and she clips weights to it. And she's there squatting. She has it in her pussy and she's like oh my god she's just letting all the men know i'm here to make you come forever you'll break your dick off you'll never stop coming with me
Starting point is 02:21:57 angelica has the pussy i just went to her page did you see this thing she posted yes that guy i've seen that in the past. And by the way, you can see that Russian lady opening for me at Dead Crow. This guy had bolts stuffed into his ass cheeks and then bungee jumped from them. I like those pants. But I mean, what kind of a person? It's just, what's the point of this? What happened to his life?
Starting point is 02:22:21 They're hanging from the ass meat. Oh! Look at this. I mean, how does it not rip off first of all i mean he's hanging from the meat of his ass i did it look at that look how it's like connected to his ass cheeks i when i used to live in santa fe there was this whole kind of like circusy type crowd there and there was like a guy who had like traveled in the circus. I wish I could remember his name, but he hung a cinder block from his,
Starting point is 02:22:48 I went to this party up in the, like in the mountains, like these rich people in Santa Fe. I was probably 20, 19 or 20. He hung a cinder block from, he stopped and he kept going. I'll tell you because I want to tell you the whole story. So the whole party was, do you remember the show Real Sex on HBO? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:02 So they had done an episode where they came, there were these like oil, these like lesbian oil wrestlers. I think they were lesbians. I think they were. Oil wrestlers that would, that they came and did a piece on. So then it was the premiere of that. And I somehow like had a fake ID and met all these people and they invited me up to this house.
Starting point is 02:23:19 How old were you? Like 20, maybe 19, 20. And then I had some fun in Santa Fe. God damn. I love that town. But so I went up to this party that they were having, which was the premiere of their episode of Real Sex. And I remember I was like topless on a,
Starting point is 02:23:32 they had a bed of nails. Like, does anyone want to do it? And me and my gay friend were like, sure. And we're just up there having fun. And so I laid on this bed of nails and then this guy came up and he hung a cinder block off his dick. He had a
Starting point is 02:23:45 i think a piercing and then they did they pierced people's backs and they were like suspending them oh jesus yeah it was really weird that's uh like right out of the the they used to do that and what native american tribe was it there's a movie a man called Called Horse, with, God, I forget the old dude's name. Famous Scottish guy. Sean Connery? No, Richard Harris. It's an amazing movie. But they would go, I believe it was the Lakotas.
Starting point is 02:24:20 They would put a cut in their chest plates yeah and they would uh hang them is this a white man playing this did they whitewash this character no it was supposed to be a white man in the movie it was uh richard harris a man called horse so it was a basically a movie i forget what the ritual is called. It's not the ghost dance. Are they doing that as a punishment to him? No, no, no, no. It's a rite of passage. Men would do it and they would proudly show their scars, like really fucked up scars.
Starting point is 02:24:53 The really tough guys wanted it to rip through their muscle tissue so you'd see these huge scars on their chest. Sounds like a boob job to me. I'm really pretty sure it was a Lakota thing. Yeah, but this is the movie. But suspension, just Google Native American suspension ritual. See, also dances with wolves. American Western to portray the Sioux as the protagonists.
Starting point is 02:25:23 Oh, okay. So that was the Sioux, I guess. But the Sioux were the Lakota. I, okay. So that was the Sioux, I guess. But the Sioux were the Lakota. I'm sorry. What am I retorting? Fucking moron. That's what it means. Sioux means Lakota.
Starting point is 02:25:34 What? Say retarded? Yeah. I try to say it as, I try to mean it when I say it. Wait, what is this? That's the girl that holds weights with her pussy. Look at that booty, too. She's got really strong ass muscles because of it.
Starting point is 02:25:48 Well, she likes to have a tight booty grip on the cock as well. Look at her. Aw, cutie. She does kind of look like the girl that opened for me. I don't like that. That's not even impressive. Either go hard or go home, okay? If you see a guy who's a powerlifting champion, but he's got a little pink dumbbell in his hand.
Starting point is 02:26:05 Yeah, yeah. I'm not impressed. But here she is. 31 pounds. You should get her with one of those. This is my record. 31 pounds of pussy power. One of your kettlebells.
Starting point is 02:26:15 You should get her in. Yeah. Look at her. That's amazing that she can do that, though. Look at those weights. She's getting it right up in the old cooter. Oh, pop. There it is.
Starting point is 02:26:26 Smell it. I know. What does it smell like? Like, ma'am, I think you might have bacterial vaginosis. Ma'am, you should get that checked out. Did you have a fish filet? What is this? Not only that, it's probably like an unnatural amount of sweat and strain.
Starting point is 02:26:40 Wait a second. When you did the election thing, you were eating a filet of fish is that your move that's your mcdonald's choice for mcdonald's my favorite too it's a fish stick it's really good tastes good i like it it's terrible for you i know it's probably barely fish it's probably something that knows fish i know it's like like trimmings and all mushed out into that weird square it's so good though but was that like that was just you did tim bring how did that happen i think we had someone go out and get food and you're just like fuck it let's do mcdonald's well i think we were drunk and so tim wasn't tim sober but is he when we're yeah yeah yeah he's very sober really he used to go hard
Starting point is 02:27:20 in the paint oh yeah yeah he was uh i never heard hard in the paint. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he was. I never heard hard in the paint, that line, but I understand. You never heard hard in the paint? Yeah, I never did. It's a very common term. But Tim used to go hard. He used to party way too hard. A lot of coke. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:34 And then he'd go, okay, can't do this anymore. Yeah. Yeah, but we indulged in some terrible food. Yeah. And that's my move. When I would come home from the store, if I was feeling really like, fuck it, I would go to McDonald's and get Filet-O-Fishes. I watched that episode with Whitney in her gym.
Starting point is 02:27:52 We were working out in her gym, watching you guys. And she was like, who won? I still don't understand. She kept texting me. She's like, what happened? Whitney's like doing content. She's like, Joe. Who won?
Starting point is 02:28:01 No one knew who won. That was the thing. Do you know they're still contesting the election? That's so crazy. I was watching thing. Do you know they're still contesting the election? That's so crazy. I was watching something about it today. They're still contesting the election. Apparently there's some recount going on right now in Arizona. Is that real?
Starting point is 02:28:15 Like in some audit of the... No, I'm telling you. I think it's real. Here we are in fucking... What is it? June? I have no clue. It's June.
Starting point is 02:28:23 I'm a comedian. I don't know what month it is. June. Yeah. June oh it's my niece's birthday flag day happy birthday reese she's not watching she's one of the girls nine yeah nine years old one of the girls that was in that video my baby oh that's cute i love her i love them so much i'm so i don't know my nephews are so cute i'm just so lucky i'm just so grateful. I love them. That's awesome. That's a great attitude.
Starting point is 02:28:46 Did you learn that from your friend, Jim? No, I knew that ahead of time. Okay. But I do. I'm very easily able to get into a peaceful state if I imagine my nieces and nephews hugging me. You spent a lot of time with Whitney over the pandemic. Oh, my. It was so fun.
Starting point is 02:28:59 You were basically living in her place for a while, right? I wish. Oh, my God. I was living in a construction zone coming to her house. You were just going over there? Oh, I thought you were living there no but it was we were there a lot it was so fun god and then i got a puppy and she loved my daughter it was just we just had such a fun time you guys did a few podcasts together but you never did a group podcast together that is a missed opportunity i know you two together would be a fucking amazing i would love to do it i mean she's just, she works so hard on her on Good For You.
Starting point is 02:29:27 And I think it's such a good podcast. It's amazing. And I will re-approach her about doing a podcast. But I do think she might be too busy for it. But I would love to do one with her. I think you two together have a special chemistry. You're both so ridiculous. And the two of you together would be so funny.
Starting point is 02:29:43 You know what it is? We're not worried about being like humiliated i think we will just like do that's part of it yeah for sure but it's just the chemistry it's like just like you two as friends it's a fun friendship like having you two on the podcast together was hilarious so fun well that was kind of the beginning of us getting really close really yeah no like we were friends and I would call her about stuff and she would call me, but it was, it wasn't,
Starting point is 02:30:07 we got really tight after that. That's crazy. And now we have our chat thread, which we talk every day. Yeah. All three of us. That's a great chat thread. It's so fun.
Starting point is 02:30:16 It's a good one. Yeah, I'm on Patreon. Just kidding. Can you imagine? Jesus. Can you imagine? I didn't mean it.
Starting point is 02:30:27 There's some government official reading those things. We should move it up to Signal. There definitely is. Yeah, we definitely should move it to Signal for some of the more risque links. When I found you on Signal and the first thing I read, I was like, where can I buy DMT? That's crazy that you guys became close after that podcast like we were we were we were friends but it really i mean i just she's like my soul sister i just really fucking love her she's a very unusual person i appreciate her i really really do but i just think you the two of you
Starting point is 02:30:57 guys together it's a fucking wicked combination and you definitely should do something together yeah if she has the time i mean i don't want to be the guy that tells, oh, you got to do this. But I just think, like, you guys together, like, when I'm with Duncan, all right, Duncan is my Whitney in that regard. Like, when he was here the other day, I was like, dude, you and I together are so much better than I am by myself.
Starting point is 02:31:18 It's like me and him together. It's a magic thing. I go, let's do one a week. He's like, I can't. I can't. I live in Asheville, man. But he's coming out here, and let's do one a week he's like i can't i can't live in ashville man but he's coming out here and he's gonna come out here for a month wow what month is that i can't tell you you might tell whenever you tell me i'll come out for that month too um he wants to come
Starting point is 02:31:36 out here and look around i go dude move here sell your fucking house it's too cold in ashville get out of there ashville is so beautiful it's gorgeous god is that a beautiful place but i'm telling them like i'm like you should live here too yeah just live here most of the time you don't want to be there in the summer in the winter time right but that's how i feel about this place too when you were like you're moving out i'm like i'm i just plan on being here a long time like tony was like you're not going to do kill tony i'm like tony i'm going to be out here all the time yeah like i'll be back you'll be back yeah i love it well i'll have news and i can give you some news after the podcast about the opening of the club because i have i have some
Starting point is 02:32:10 solid fucking options now and things are coming together finally i it's a long story and one day i'll tell the whole thing but the nightmare of uh trying to get a building and put together a club it's been crazy. But a lot of monkey wrench stuff. It's like some parts I can't tell because I'm a nice person and I don't want to throw anybody under the bus because it'll be super obvious who I'm talking about. But I'll tell you. Yeah. Huh.
Starting point is 02:32:40 But once it's up and running. You'll be on the Patreon. Once it's up and running, I'm going to do my level best to make it the most accommodating and comfortable place for comedians. I will tell you, I know you had told me some stuff, some of your plans. And after Tony's incident, everyone's now bagging phones. What a heavenly situation it is to do a show with people's phones bagged i mean it really does feel so fun people are so much more attention yeah it's just it's so it's great and i you know i saw on dig the other day some guy was getting roasted because he was using his phone while his wedding vows were being read he's literally being married the priest is saying his stuff and he checks his phone it's me and whitney people are like bro that's me at our wedding but
Starting point is 02:33:30 people are fucking addicts i'm this close this close to getting a fucking flip phone yeah i think i'm gonna take this and just leave it somewhere all day and just have a flip phone where you have you have to call me and if you text me i'm gonna call you back right i'm not you know i'll i'll read your text but i'm not i just i feel like we're too fucking vulnerable it's too easy to get sucked into these things if i'm sitting here and i'm bored for five seconds i go hmm let's check youtube and i'm watching some stupid fucking video that i don't really care and then you're sending it to me and whitney and making us fucking watch it yes do you see that video that i sent you the care about. And then you're sending it to me and Whitney and making us fucking watch it. Yes. Do you see that video that I sent you of the girl?
Starting point is 02:34:06 I didn't watch it yet. Okay, wait. Some of those are great. Some of those are great. But also what's great is just living. One time when I was in Hawaii, I broke my phone. It was weird. It was a crazy break. I dropped it and just started randomly calling people. And I should have made a video of it because it was kind of crazy. I'd be like, look, and I would hold it up. I held it up to my wife. I go, watch this. And then just, beep, it just starts dialing. And I'd hang up and then it just, beep,
Starting point is 02:34:31 starts dialing someone else. That's so sad. People were so excited. They're like, Joe Rogan's calling me? Well, it was people that I knew, but I don't think they were that pumped. But it was just randomly going through my contacts and dialing people.
Starting point is 02:34:43 And then I would swipe out of it. It was like, nope, fuck you. We're calling people. It was just calling people. It was wild. And so then it eventually just stopped working altogether. And I just shut it off. But I couldn't get it to stop calling people.
Starting point is 02:34:54 So even when I was calling people, it was trying to hang up. It was going nutty. So I got a new phone. But I ordered it online. And then I had to pay for it to get shipped. But I was in Lanai. Or Lanahi, if you want to say it the way they do. I don't want to culturally appropriate.
Starting point is 02:35:08 Thank you so much. So it took three days to get it to me and during that time I was in bliss. Yeah. There was no phone. I was just wandering around just existing and I was like this is better. This is a better way to live.
Starting point is 02:35:20 Like this whole checking Twitter all day and checking Instagram and checking YouTube and what's going on in the news. I would check the news app. Yeah. Oh, and then that happened. Oh, my God. The news app is such a fucking nightmare.
Starting point is 02:35:30 It's a nightmare because it sucks you in. And if you curate it, right? Like I want all news about, you know, I'm into technology. So it's all technology news or car news or sports like fighting. And so it's like that's all it's giving me. And it's just like, oh, oh, oh. Yeah oh you're just feeding your fucking head yeah because it knows what you want and knows what's going to distract you and what's going to get you sucked in just feeding your mind with i know but it also is fun i'm always like i'm going to figure out one day a schedule where
Starting point is 02:36:00 it's like i just post my stuff and then i i away. I think my move is to have that as like an extra phone and to have a flip phone as like a real phone. How many phones do you have? I'll tell you off the air. I have quite a few numbers. Like I have email addresses and a lot of other shit. I have people, wide variety. Texting your, Whitney, like okay, by the way.
Starting point is 02:36:21 So first of all, everyone's always like, stop name dropping Whitney and John. Like I talk to these people every day, sorry, they the way, so first of all, everyone's always like, stop name dropping Whitney and Joe. I'm like, I talk to these people every day. Sorry. They're not your friends. Um, but so Whitney, Joe changed his phone number. How did, am I allowed to say that?
Starting point is 02:36:34 Okay. Change his phone number. And he goes, delete the old number. Um, just use this number. Whitney, that fucking bitch. She texted your old number every day for like 12 weeks. I blame the ketamine. It could have been the ketamine.
Starting point is 02:36:49 That was her ketamine phase. It was her ketamine phase. And then she goes, Joe, we have to stop. I go, bitch, I will have your back on a lot of things, but I have not texted that number once. I could not go out on this one. She, for whatever reason, didn't delete it. She didn't delete it. I gave her the number. I'm like, this is the number. Go to your phone out on this one. She, for whatever reason, didn't delete it. She didn't delete it. I gave her the number.
Starting point is 02:37:05 I'm like, this is the number. Go to your phone. Delete that one. Don't use that one anymore because I don't carry it anymore. That thing's in a drawer and I pull it out once a week to see if there's anything really important. And it's just always Whitney? It was Whitney like 30 times. I was like, Jesus fucking ketamine.
Starting point is 02:37:21 Because I know ketamine is like, I think it's a disassociative. It is a disassociative. Yeah, which is like, she's disassociating my number and just fucking making random phone calls. She was on that shit a lot. Yeah. She offered it to me. She's like, you want to try it? She offered it.
Starting point is 02:37:34 I was on it for a little while, too. Then I got an ulcer. I was like, I think I'm good. Jesus Christ, I don't need this. I don't need to disassociate anymore. There's a place that's opening up out here that does ketamine IV drips. No, I think that's, I'm not knocking that. I think that's something that could really help people. It can really help people. But you need it regulated. But apparently it's mind blowing.
Starting point is 02:37:55 Apparently like Neil Brennan did it. He said, cause I go, what is it? I go, you're going to, cause he was doing a lot of other things, right? Cause Neil's had some issues with depression. He's pretty open about it. And he was doing a bunch of other things, right? Cause Neil's had some issues with depression. He's pretty open about it. And he was doing a bunch of different stuff. And then he said to me, he goes, I'm going to do ketamine therapy. I go,
Starting point is 02:38:12 that's legal. You're going to Whitney's house. This was years ago. I go, this is legal. He goes, yeah, apparently.
Starting point is 02:38:18 I mean, I go, well, how much they dose you up with? He goes, well, I can't imagine it's a lot. Oh, wrong.
Starting point is 02:38:23 They strap him to a chair. Like he's a mental patient and shove a fucking needle in his arm. And they gave him an IV drip of ketamine. And apparently it was like a full-blown psychedelic dose. And he goes, dudes, I am in this doctor's office and I am fucking tripping balls. I go like real tripping. He goes like gone. Like I was gone. I couldn't believe how strong it was.
Starting point is 02:38:45 It's an insane dose they give you. But they're monitoring you and watching you. And then they talk it through with you and everything. I guess, yeah. I mean, but I don't know what ketamine is like. Did you have a blowout experience? I never, no, I didn't go into a K-hole. Maybe when I was in high school when I was doing it.
Starting point is 02:39:00 I mean, I used to do it at parties. It was like a rave drug. But what does it do to you? What does it make it feel like? It's like, I feel like a cloud. Like the night was like a rave drug. But what does it do to you? What does it make it feel like? I felt like a cloud. Like the night we did the rooftop thing, Whitney gave me some of her. I was like, Whitney, she was like, just do two squirts in each nostril.
Starting point is 02:39:13 I'm like- Two squirts when you're talking to Jay Leno. I was fucking high as shit. I was trying to get off that fucking roof. I was like, I'm a cloud. I'm a cloud. I'm a cloud. I just was like, everything was just soft.
Starting point is 02:39:22 I was like, oh my God. I mean, it felt great, but- Remember when Jay Leno's fixing Whitney's zipper? There is a cloud. I just was like, everything was just soft. I was like, oh my God. I mean, it felt great, but. Remember when Jay Leno's fixing Whitney's zipper? There is a picture. I got a video. There's a video. Whitney's crotch zipper broke and then. And Jay was, she's like, Jay, can you fix this?
Starting point is 02:39:38 And Jay's like, okay. His face is just in her crotch. That is so funny. But in all fairness, it was not his idea. It was not. It was Ketamine Whitney. It was her, she first had her pink hair. That is so funny. But in all fairness, it was not his idea. It was not. It was Ketamine Whitney. It was her. She first had her pink hair.
Starting point is 02:39:49 This was the beginning. It was the beginning or the end. It was when she was first starting to trip. Yeah. God, she really is. But she was laughing so hard. I know. Now I know she's on ketamine.
Starting point is 02:39:58 It makes more sense. I mean, honestly. I know. I thought I was killing. I was like, I just thought it was funny. You were funny. It was funny. That was a fun time
Starting point is 02:40:05 anytime comics can get together like that and just talk about what we do because it's a weird thing to do and it's like not everybody approaches it the same way and it helps to have one of the best things about the store was it helped to have all those other comics around
Starting point is 02:40:20 that were our peers that we could hang with you know like that back bar I know the back bar i know the back bar is not open yet it's not open what why isn't it open it just doesn't open yet they go yeah they still i don't know what they're how is that i don't pay attention to any of the those rules how does that make any fucking well it just kind of feels like if people want to get vaccinated they got vaccinated and now let's just move forward it's people's choice it like the the
Starting point is 02:40:43 rates of transmit or the rates of uh people getting it now are so low. The rates of hospitalizations are so low. You're worse off if you have the flu now. It's like there's so few people that are getting it now. I just tapped out. And they understand how to treat it and then there's treatments like ivermectin and if you understand vitamins.
Starting point is 02:40:59 I just hope more people use a preventative approach from here on out and take care of their body. Like, just God damn it. Like, a big part of what happened with this, so many people I know that are really healthy got it and it was nothing. Because your immune system is fucking strong. That's not outside. Look, for some people it is. Some people obviously have pre-existing conditions and medical issues and i'm not talking about them and i feel for them and i get it but the rest of the people
Starting point is 02:41:30 that are just normal healthy folks this is your chance this is your wake-up call get your fucking body together take care of it stop pumping shitty food laura bites this shit all right look at what she did i was like she's a monster did we just do freaky friday bitch i gained weight you lost it what the hell is this she's a monster she's so fucking disciplined she's like ripped now she you know what she did always have it in her because she is so structured with her comedy and so like she works so hard i remember going i i was like laughing with her about this because we i was helping her go shopping for her david spade outfit two years ago or whatever and it was before she lost the weight and i was like oh with her about this because I was helping her go shopping for her David Spade outfit two years ago or whatever. And it was before she lost the weight.
Starting point is 02:42:07 And I was like, oh, you should wear this outfit. And she goes, I can't show my arms. She goes, Annie, my arms have never looked like that, like yours. And I went, yeah, but mine have looked like yours. And now they do. I was like, you know, I work out. This is when I was doing yoga and jujitsu every fucking day. So I was like, I was working.
Starting point is 02:42:27 Yeah. Well, you can get back to that. Yeah. I started doing yoga again. I'm doing hot yoga again. Yeah. Hot yoga is awesome. They allow that.
Starting point is 02:42:34 You have to do it with a mask on. You have to do it with a mask on, but it actually doesn't. It's not bad. It actually helps you breathe. It's not bad. Do you smell farts with that mask on? No farts, but you do smell your own nasty ass breath It's very early that I take my class
Starting point is 02:42:46 I know, right? You get it in the mask and it just bounces back at you That's why you gotta have a fresh mask each time You don't want to be smelling that shit Do you use the paper ones? Those are the best Yeah Well, I was using, yeah, I don't
Starting point is 02:42:58 You know what I like about them? You know it's bullshit It's like people with bandanas on They're just playing a game Oh, the bandanas are really like They're hilarious You're just playing a game. Oh, the bandanas are really like- They're hilarious. You're just playing a game. I'm a bandit. And then I like people keep them around their neck so they look stylish. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:14 And then they pull it up and they have to. Well, it's like all the bike messengers were always wearing them. Some people get mad at you though. You can't wear the bandana. It's not good enough. Like airplanes wouldn't let you have the bandana. Are people still mad though? I don't know't know some people are some people are just looking for an excuse to be mad they're excited about it you know i just i'm excited that this is coming to an end we're getting back being on the road is so fun how amazing are the shows it's been great it's so amazing but i feel like i'm just getting my stage legs under me over the last few weeks
Starting point is 02:43:45 and then like I did a show uh Friday night in Arizona and it felt normal but it still feels like I gotta work like it's like not having those eight ten months of like steady work it's like you gotta get back in shape again you gotta get your stage legs it's fun though I feel like a new fresh start it feels I do too but a lot of my material is not new so a lot of my materials from the last you know year and a half or so before the pandemic do you feel like weird saying it is it hard to resonate with it now no it just needs to be um i wrote about it last night i need to overhaul some stuff get rid of some stuff some stuff is just like having the wrong impact it's like i'm doing this bit about about offensive words and i'm like i feel like i need to restructure it but there's a
Starting point is 02:44:30 lot of things like that it's like comedy is like so many of the bits that turned out to be some of my best bits there was a point where i was like ready to give up on them i was like this is not having the right it's not coming across the right way or people are misinterpreting it or I'm not doing a good job of expressing it. And then you just got to kind of step away. And then I like to like take it and put it down on index cards and just like, look at it and just stare at it and think about it. Like, what am I doing? What am I trying to say? Like, what, how am I, how am I, what's a, what's a, like, maybe I just, maybe I need to rewrite the whole thing from scratch. Like it never existed.
Starting point is 02:45:05 Like this, this version of the bit doesn't exist. I know I already have that. That's already written. Let me rewrite it. Rewrite the whole thing. Maybe there's a better way to do it. Because sometimes it's like you're losing a certain percentage of the crowd with the way you're saying something that you don't have to lose.
Starting point is 02:45:21 And you can get them all or you can get a lot more of them if you just restructure things it also for me like i know the discipline of like knowing where each word is is good but i also feel like i get very like robotic when i do that so if i just go this is the joke this is the premise and then i just redo it yeah for sure then i'm saying it in a new way i'm fresher the audience is kind of hearing a new thing. Well, even though when I restructure things, I still give myself the ability to free ball on stage because you have a feeling when there's too many words to something and you don't know until you're up there. Or maybe a feeling that maybe you need more words.
Starting point is 02:45:59 Or maybe you need to look at it from other people. You know, Stanhope said something once that's really resonated. It was always a great idea. He said, I look at my bits like I'm a prosecuting attorney. Like I'm going after those bits for being fucked up. Or I'm going after those bits for being lazy or something like that. I was like, oh. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:46:19 That's a great perspective. Yeah. Well, it's like how science is trying to prove themselves wrong. Yes. The good ones. Yeah. Well, it's like how science is trying to prove themselves wrong. Yes. The good ones. Yeah. I love Doug Stain. I hope you guys talked about me on this podcast and it was very, very nice.
Starting point is 02:46:31 It was so sweet. I haven't met him yet, but- Really? Yeah. I met all his friends. He's the nicest. Yeah. I want to go to Bisbee.
Starting point is 02:46:37 Would you go with me? No. Not into Bisbee? No. That place is ridiculous. Let's bring him here. Yeah. Bring him here.
Starting point is 02:46:42 Do a show. I'll fly him out. It'd be so fun. Yeah. When do we get to fly private, Joe? When do you want to? I don't know. Where can we go?
Starting point is 02:46:49 What can we do? Oh, we'll figure something. Want to work with me on the road? Yeah. Want to do a gig? I would love to. Okay, we'll do some gigs. Can we go to Hawaii or Vegas?
Starting point is 02:46:56 Well, I'm booked in Vegas already. I'm doing MGM with Chappelle and Segura. Wow. Oh, all three of you? Yeah, nobody knows of Segura until now. I spill the beans. Whoopsies. There you go.
Starting point is 02:47:10 Yeah, July 8th and 9th. Oh, cool. We're doing the MGM. That's cool. And Don L is going to be there, too. And I don't know who else. I fucking love Don L. I love Don L, too.
Starting point is 02:47:18 I told you he got me in my starting comp pretty much. Really? He put me up when I was fresh. I had just done two open mics. I just quit drinking. My friend went to school with Esther Koo when I was fresh. Like I just done like two open mics. I just quit drinking. My, uh, my friend went to school with Esther Koo that I was living with.
Starting point is 02:47:29 And Esther Koo was like, I forgot about that. You want to be a comedian? She goes, I'm going to Ashley Larry's party. So I went to a Superbowl party at his house talking to one of his friends. One of his friends was like, um,
Starting point is 02:47:40 Oh, you're funny. Are you a comedian? I was like, well, I just started or whatever. And he goes, Donnell,
Starting point is 02:47:43 put her on your new show. And he goes, are you ready this Monday? like, well, I just started or whatever. And he goes, Donnell, put her on your new show. And he goes, are you ready this Monday? And I go, I'm not really ready. And he humiliated me in front of everyone. He was like, go hard or go home, bitch. Like he would just like, and I was so embarrassed. And then I went and then he started putting me up every Monday.
Starting point is 02:47:56 I went on the road with him. I love him. He's the best. I saw him when I was here last time. He was at the Vulcan. And I waited till after a set and I was like, hey. And he was like, bitch, why did you not come on stage when I was on stage? I didn't even think about it, but he's like,
Starting point is 02:48:08 you should have come up. He and I and Dave and all the people that opened when we did the stub shows, that was a real bonding moment because that was the height of the pandemic. Everybody was freaked out and we were testing, you know, hundreds and hundreds of people for every show. Like every show we did, we tested the entire crowd. And we did it outside and they all had masks on.
Starting point is 02:48:28 But it was at the point in time where people were really freaked out. And we put it together and we had a good time. And a bunch of them wound up getting COVID. But I didn't. I know. I'm so happy I didn't get COVID. Yeah. You made it through.
Starting point is 02:48:42 I'm really happy about that. I'm happy no one in my family got it. But you're a healthy person. You take care of yourself, you know? Yeah, but who knows? I mean, if stress gives it to you, then I could have gotten it. Yeah. If you don't have any sleep, you know, and you're not taking care of yourself. I mean, I got a fucking ulcer. But I don't think that, I think that one of the things they think about ulcers, I think they think it might have to do with gut bacteria. Well, I think I was having like, I was definitely having acid reflux.
Starting point is 02:49:08 I was having GERD, which is so... GERD? GERD? Is there a dirtier name for anything? GERD. Did you just fart? GERD? No.
Starting point is 02:49:16 Did you hear a fart? That was probably me like laughing a little bit. Jamie farted and is trying to pretend he was laughing. I don't smell it. Maybe it's GERD. Maybe it's some like excess GERD. Maybe it's some excess GERD. It's like when you have acid reflux when you're sleeping and it wakes you. You choke on your own bile.
Starting point is 02:49:31 It's horrific. That's what GERD is? Yes. Okay. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is a digestive disorder that affects the ring of muscle between your esophagus and your stomach. This ring is called the lower esophageal sphincter. Oh, you get a sphincter in your mouth. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:48 That mouth sphincter. I've had a sphincter in my mouth. Find out is, are ulcers caused by gut bacteria? I definitely was eating bad. This was like in the height of the pandemic. I was like stress eating and ulcer gut bacteria theory
Starting point is 02:50:10 here it is it's a type of bacteria after many years they can cause sores called ulcers in the line of your stomach so it's a type of bacteria that causes ulcers but it doesn't mean that all ulcers are caused by bacteria I got tested for the h
Starting point is 02:50:25 pylori and i didn't have the h pylori but i was shitting black i was shitting fucking black look at this so it is bacterial species good click on that okay hella helicobacter pylori commonly called h pylori is a type of bacteria that infects the stomach and small bowel. It was discovered in 1982 by Australian researchers who also found that it causes peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcers are often open source in the lining of the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine. That's what I have. Do you take kombucha or probiotics or anything along those lines? Yes. Do you? No. or probiotics or anything along those lines? Yes.
Starting point is 02:51:05 Do you? No. Yes. No? No. Do you want to? Yeah. Yeah, it's not.
Starting point is 02:51:12 I mean, anybody can. Okay, I can do it. Yeah. Do you like kombucha? Kombucha is, yeah, it's good. I love it. It's the only alcohol I drink. Yeah, if you get the real shit, like the GT's kombucha, the ones that you have to have an
Starting point is 02:51:23 ID to get. Is that a relapse though? No. I don't think it can be. I just get wasted on kombucha. That's so hilarious. What an LA way to get drunk. Right.
Starting point is 02:51:34 You'd have to drink like a gallon of it to catch a slight buzz. I mean, how many? I think it's like one half of 1%. Like the amount of kombucha you'd have to drink to get drunk like what's the strongest kombucha you can get I bet they have like beer kombucha where you get it they'll actually get you lit definitely right there's like weed kombucha too which you can get high instead I'm I am NOT eating any of that shit there's a place that I found in Arizona that serves weed pizza.
Starting point is 02:52:05 I'm like, you can eat shit. I'm not eating weed pizza. I don't know what the fuck. I know they have the weed chefs that come in. But the thing is, it's like, who knows what dose that is? Yeah. You know, you get fucking crippled with paranoia. Yeah. You're in an ambulance.
Starting point is 02:52:18 What the fuck? If you don't expect it and you get hit with some crazy weed. Yeah, there's a hard kombucha that says it's 4.5, which is like average beer, I think. Is that average beer? I mean, I think even higher. No, no, no, no. Canadian beer is like 9.
Starting point is 02:52:35 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's the limit in Utah? That's like 4 something. Yeah, it's like Utah beer. Okay. Bitch-ass beer. In Utah, they used to have it where if you bought alcohol in a mixer, you had to buy them at separate spots.
Starting point is 02:52:48 You had to buy your alcohol. Why? Because it's hard kombucha so it's made to be alcohol. It's like gluten free beer when you're like, come on now. Alcohol in Utah is weird because it's like they want to make money and have commerce but they also want to uphold their weird Mormon
Starting point is 02:53:03 rules. I had a friend who was a Mormon and he's like, you can't have coffee, you know, in my religion. Wow. But meanwhile, this motherfucker would carry a monster energy drink everywhere he went. They are delicious. They are good. But he would drink like four or five of them in a day. I go, dude, do you know how many fucking milligrams of caffeine you're taking in? And he was like, hey.
Starting point is 02:53:23 Well, they're just finding like loopholes, right? Because it's whatever. Yeah, it's exactly what it was. Well, I've never been to Utah, but I am going to be in Salt Lake City. Utah's awesome. Doing shows,
Starting point is 02:53:32 which I'm excited about. When are you there? I'm there next month in July. The dates will be on my... Annie Annie They're up there right now. Can you get those
Starting point is 02:53:43 on your Instagram, Annie Letterman? You know, you can. You will be able to tomorrow when this airs. Oh. You will have them. They will be in my stories. In the, what are those stories when they're the circle and you keep the stories? Oh, you save them.
Starting point is 02:53:57 Save stories. Yeah, I'll put them in save stories. So they will be up. But do you have a schedule of where you're going that's up on your actual Instagram so people can see that? I don't. You should get a graphic made so it shows. You know what I found?
Starting point is 02:54:06 It'll help you a lot. When you have the graphics, it doesn't go out. What do you mean it doesn't go out? It doesn't. When they see the words on it and the algorithm, they don't give it to you because they want you to buy ads. What? But I'll make one up if maybe one of my really successful friends wants to post about it. You have hundreds of thousands of followers.
Starting point is 02:54:23 Yeah, but it just will only get seen by like a few thousand. What? Yeah. That's real? Yeah, I mean, that's how they control the feed to make money. Yeah. Explain that. I mean, it's built towards small businesses,
Starting point is 02:54:36 but because you are in our small business, you know, a comedian promoting yourself, they don't want that. I've had to deal with these uploading them. It'll notice if you have, it's not the amount of text, it's where the text is and how big it is.
Starting point is 02:54:49 So if it's taking up 10% of the picture, it will just not go out into the feed unless instantly, you know, 10% of your people like it,
Starting point is 02:54:57 comment on it, share it themselves, bookmark it, do all these things. They want you to pay to send it out. For ads, yeah. Oh, so if you do that
Starting point is 02:55:04 and you want to promote it you'd have to like a promoted ad and then it would show up as a promoted ad yeah but people get grossed out by those yeah and i don't want to do that i mean if i have to i'll do it but you know who knows maybe people repost but if you just put it there at least people that go to your page will find you trying to repost it no i would never would never do that. I'm not desperate. That seems like she was trying to increase her response. I'm not a desperate person. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:55:31 Go there. No, but I'll post it. Yeah, no, I will post it. I'll have it up and I can put, if I put it in the stories with links and then I can put it in one of my saved things. Do all that shit. I will.
Starting point is 02:55:43 Do all that shit. I will. Annie Letterman on tour. I'm just so fun. It all that shit. I will. Do all that shit. I will. Annie Letterman on tour. I'm just so fun. It's so fun. I'm just like loving it. I'm excited for you. It's so nice
Starting point is 02:55:52 because when we first met you were in the fucking the heat of the struggle, kid. Mm-hmm. You know? I was living on my car and shit for the second time. Now you're balling.
Starting point is 02:56:01 I feel great. I'm very excited. You deserve it. It's so fun. It's just such a different experience when you do weekends. And are you coughing because I drank the water and you can't drink it? No, I drank coffee before this stuff. And it's got a lot of phlegm stuff in it.
Starting point is 02:56:14 This must have some sort of milk or something in it. Because I keep doing that. But goddamn, this is delicious. It's so good. Black Rifle coffee. Your Espresso 300. But there's such a difference. Do you even
Starting point is 02:56:25 remember when you would perform and they didn't know who you were oh yeah it's so hard because i'm such a specific you know myself so it's like a lot of people aren't gonna like me which is totally fine but it's to do to do these shows where most of the audience is just people that are like let's take the family out to a comedy show and then i'm like like oh god it's just such a different experience when people know who I am. It's just so fun. I don't think it started happening to me. Well, when it happened to me, it was actually a trick
Starting point is 02:56:52 because they knew me from Fear Factor. So it's really kind of a dirty trick. Like some people knew me from my stand-up. You know, like I was doing, I was selling out some clubs. Like I would do really well in some places back before Fear Factor, like when I was on news radio. But even maybe then they liked me from news radio. Maybe some people saw me because of that and then maybe liked my comedy. But it wasn't until after Fear Factor that people started coming to see me specifically knowing what I did.
Starting point is 02:57:22 And that took a while it was during the beginning of the podcast days like in 2009 that it really started to take off that was when that was when I started doing big theaters and people start to really invest in like who you are and they're just excited to well you get you know this from doing your own podcast and doing all the other podcasts you've done. People, you're in their head in this weird way. Like they know you. Like people come up to me like, dude. And I'm like, hey, what's up? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 02:57:53 And then I slam them into a wall and ask for a hundred bucks. That was one of the funniest things, honestly. Our little thing. That was so funny. Every time I would see it, I'd be like, hey, keep a little something for yourself. Joey's like, what are you doing? And I was like, Joey, do not laugh at the fucking joke joey it's a funny joke it was a funny joke no thank you so much i'm very grateful that was very helpful back then
Starting point is 02:58:11 yeah well i'm so happy that i don't need that anymore no i'm happy you don't need it i knew you weren't going to i knew it was like there's certain people that you just know you just know if you're you already had the most important thing you were already funny It was just a matter of the rest of the world figuring out and you putting in the time and developing a real act You know, that's all it was. It's like I always say that to like People that are struggling in the beginning. I always go way out of my way to tell them that I'm like you already have it You got the thing you're fucking fun. You know, who's fucking hilarious Brian Simpson. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 02:58:44 He really shit is that dude? Yeah Holy shit something coming out. I don't think I'm allowed to tell yeah, you will know who he is. You'll know who he is soon He's a fucking monster. He said we did a bunch of shows at Creek in the cave and at Vulcan He's one of those guys. I told him I go dude. You're gonna be fucking huge You're gonna be huge because Cause his premises are so clever, his delivery's fantastic, he murders. And he's got the most important part, which is like, some people are really good at marketing
Starting point is 02:59:13 and they're really good at putting, he's just a murderer on stage. Just a murderer. And it's just time. It's just time before everybody figures it out. And honestly, he's one of the products, I think him, Laura Bites, I would say myself too, like those late night spots at the comedy store
Starting point is 02:59:29 where you just get to kind of perform to so few people but you really get to figure your shit out. And you really, the comedy store process actually really does work for you. Oh yeah. And then you just start getting, like now they're giving me such good spots, it's so fun. The process works but also, what also works is that boiler room of all those other comics around you that are killers.
Starting point is 02:59:53 Like, and you are doing a show, and Jessalyn X on the show, and this person and that person, all these killers. You're just bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, all these people that are murdering. And you go on stage after them, and, you them and you have to kind of keep that same energy. Yeah. It's a big, big factor. It's really fun. It is. Well, when Tommy was doing it, he used to put me in between like killers when I was very new.
Starting point is 03:00:15 I don't want to do it. He'd go, I'm going to catapult you up. And then Adam came in and then I was right back to the bottom. But I worked my way up. You sound a little bitter. I'm not bitter. That's okay. No, I'm grateful.
Starting point is 03:00:29 I really honestly, I feel like very happy with my trajectory. Well, you should. You're fucking hilarious. I feel like I got time to figure it out. You'll be on the top of the food chain in just a couple. I guarantee you. Thank you. Fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 03:00:42 And you're awesome. I love you. I love you too. Thank you so much. I might have missed my plane But it was worth it Fuck your plane Alright
Starting point is 03:00:48 Annie Letterman dot com Annie Letterman on Twitter Annie Letterman on Instagram Instagram is my favorite She shows her butt I don't show my butt too much Sometimes it peaks Goodbye everybody
Starting point is 03:00:59 Bye guys Thank you.

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