The Joe Rogan Experience - #1715 - Jessica Kirson

Episode Date: October 6, 2021

Jessica Kirson is a standup comedian, television producer, and host of the "Disgusting Hawk" podcast. "The Call Girls," a prank call compilation album Kirson recorded with fellow comedian Rachel Feins...tein, is available now.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the Joe Rogan experience why the fuck would anybody interrupt your show to do that because they're crazy that is such a dumb thing to do I know interrupt a performance yeah to move a bottle off a stool yeah like as if someone's at home going well well, I was enjoying a performance. She was very funny. Yeah. But that bottle. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I mean, there would have been millions of people who would have been upset about the bottle. So it makes sense. Was it a product placement thing? Was there a label on the bottle that was a problem? No, it just was bothering someone that there was a bottle in the way. Oh my God. This is why it's a problem when you have executives and too many i agree completely
Starting point is 00:00:47 what a fucking nightmare i was so pissed i literally went to the microphone and said i'm gonna fucking kill myself that was what i said they should have left that whole thing in like the person coming on the stage taking off the bottle and showing like what other art form would be disrespected like that. Yeah. Could you imagine Eric Clapton in the middle of a solo performance and someone comes out and moves a bottle? Yeah. What the fuck are you doing up here?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Right. Why are you here? Because we're just animals. We're clowns. They just literally. And it scared the shit out of me, by the way, because I'm so traumatized and like I'm physically a traumatized person. So when my manager tapped my back, I'm in the middle of performing. In front of a fucking crowd.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I mean, think about it. You're on stage and you feel someone's hand on you. I was like, am I going to be raped? What is happening? What is happening? The fact that they chose to do it in the middle of your performance. Five minutes in and I was killing. That's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Killing. That's so crazy. And tap you on the shoulder. Right. Not even yell out to you. Jessie, we're going to start. No. We're going to stop.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I felt a hand on me. Oh, my God. What if you died? What if you had a fucking heart attack and dropped it right there? My kids would have been set for life. Actually, that would have been a great thing if that happened. Maybe. Comedy Central probably has some good lawyers.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Right? Isn't that Viacom? It would have been a great story. Think about it. I mean, I was right about to, you know, things were going great at that point in my career. Motherfuckers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:17 God. Oh. Yeah. I know. And I literally was just like, I'm going to fucking kill myself this business is horrific I was doing a special once and I always do my specials with the same director he's a very good friend of mine I've known him forever and we do all the specials together but one special he
Starting point is 00:02:37 could not do because he had a previous engagement there's no way he could cancel it so we brought in someone else and this we told the guy exactly how we wanted to do it like keep it like a comedy club make it very dark in there and then uh you know we like he was like what about crowd shots i'm like we're not going to use them don't worry about i don't like seeing people's faces they're like what about for editing i'm like we're not going to do that don't worry about it in the middle of my performance this motherfucker turns the lights up he's turning the lights up more and more. And my manager has to go back and yell at him. What the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:03:09 He's like, we got to see the crowd. Like, he fucking told you to keep. And then after all this shit is over, after all it's over, we're done. I'm like, okay, fine. We're fine. He's like, I think we should do this in black and white. I'm like, get the fuck away from me. The fuck away from me. Subtitles. He's got a trucker hat on. He's like, I really think we should make this in black and white. I'm like, get the fuck away from me. The fuck away from me.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Subtitles with Chinese. He's got a trucker hat on. He's like, really think we should make this in black and white. Yeah, he's clever. Then they're like, can you do the material over?
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'm like, are you out of your mind? Oh my God. No. Oh my God. Can you do the material over? No. Hey clown,
Starting point is 00:03:42 do you know that juggling thing you did? Juggle again. Juggle Hey, clown. Do you know that juggling thing you did? Juggle again. Juggle again, clown. Actually, Burr did one of his best specials in black and white. I'm not shitting on black and white specials. But that this guy's artistic jizz that he wanted to throw into the soup was to turn my special black and white. This was his goofy fucking idea.
Starting point is 00:04:02 But there's a lot. Let's make it like a western kind of thing. Maybe you should wear chaps. I bet he talked like that. No, it's like a regular guy. It's just, you know what? Everyone's always trying to like, first of all, if you're not a comic and you don't have a long history of studying and appreciating standup comedy specials, you don't know what
Starting point is 00:04:20 you're, you're just filming something, right? You might be filming a sketch. You might be filming a television show. You're just filming something. And it You might be filming a sketch. You might be filming a television show. You're just filming something. And it happens to be someone doing stand-up if you're not really into stand-up or if you don't really study stand-up comedy specials. But if you do, you recognize that what you're trying to emulate for the people at home is a version of what it would be like to be in that audience so what i always say is when you're watching a comedy show at home you get maybe 60 or 70 percent of what you would get if you were there you're missing a giant piece of like the interaction with the audience the feel right the energy yeah for sure so anytime you add more shit
Starting point is 00:05:02 to that you just fuck it up. You just keep fucking it up and you keep fucking it up. Yeah. It's as simple as possible. Like Louis C.K. does his specials. He's just standing there. You know? It's like a fucking regular.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Oh, Jesus. Ah! I was worried I was going to spill whiskey over here. Oh, boy. And he just stands there. And it's just just there's nothing special about his backdrop there's nothing special about the stage like some of his best specials you see like curtains and like fucking wires and shit it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter you're
Starting point is 00:05:33 watching a comic just like you would be if you were in the theater yeah i agree i mean less is better with specials yeah yeah these motherfuckers it was a nightmare and then it would then of course because it was on comedy Central, it was on once. This is the thing. Everyone was like, the fact that you can't get a special is fucking crazy. And I agreed. I am very humble. But the fact that I couldn't get a special was insane.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Thank you. That's very sweet. You're very, very funny. Thank you. So Bill called me and was like, I'm producing your special. I'm like, great. Thank you. I mean called me and was like, I'm producing your special. I'm like, great. Thank you. I mean, it was just insane.
Starting point is 00:06:08 So then they put it on once. Like all that material I worked on for years. It was on one time. And there's probably on the Comedy Central app now. Right. Who goes on that? There's like five people on that. They're downloading South Park right now for a plane trip.
Starting point is 00:06:24 The problem with all these fucking apps and streaming services, it's like there's so many of them and they all cost like 10 bucks. Right. How many of them are you going to have? You have Hulu and you got Disney and you got ESPN Plus and HBO Max. What the fuck else are you going to get? No one watched it. Netflix.
Starting point is 00:06:39 You're not going to keep buying them. Right. No one, seven people watched my special. The only one that's free i think is amazon right isn't amazon prime isn't that free you have to have a subscription to amazon and it's included with that but but does amazon cost money amazon prime subscription yeah yeah they all cost the same thing it's like 10 bucks a month or a year yeah they all cost money so money yeah so how many are you gonna to sign up for?
Starting point is 00:07:06 If you're a person that's, you know, you're trying to watch your budget. Like, I have a lot of friends that just have Netflix. Nothing else. They have an internet connection and Netflix. That's their whole, if it's not on Netflix, they don't watch it. Yeah, people are like, how can I find your special?
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm like, don't worry about it. You can't. Don't even watch it. Why doesn't someone like bootleg it and put it up on YouTube? I cut it into clips. I was like, I don't even care if this is legal or not. I'm fucking cutting it up and I'm putting it out.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And I did. You should pretend somebody else did it. I mean, someone else. Could you take out that part? Someone else cut it up. You know, the thing is like, a lot of comics have had like great success just making their own specials and put it on youtube and the amount
Starting point is 00:07:49 of views that you like joe list yeah his new special has five million views i saw that it's fucking amazing yeah it's amazing because he would have been in a similar situation to you had he gone and brought that same special to comedy central it probably would air once or twice and that's a wrap and then then maybe, how many people? 100,000, couple hundred thousand would have seen it, if you're lucky. I don't even think that many, Joe. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I don't think so either. When you see the ratings today for cable shows, it's crazy. Everybody's been sucked up by the internet. The internet has consumed most people's viewing time. Yeah, the next one I'm doing on my own in like six months. I've been thinking about doing the same. You should.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Are you kidding? Yeah. But my worry is if you do something controversial and it's on YouTube and then YouTube decides to pull it down. Because YouTube's been censoring things like crazy. I know. That's the new thing now. Yeah. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:08:39 It's insane. It's like they just decide to censor things based on ideology or based on what they think, you know, it could be like what the current science is. Like for the longest time, if you had a video on that talked about the lab leak hypothesis, like Facebook would just remove it. They would just take it down. But now now that's the primary hypothesis about how COVID got leaked from a lab. hypothesis about how COVID got leaked. It's from a lab. Most scientists believe that now. But if you went back a year ago, when this was all going on, and especially when Trump was president, nobody believed it. Everybody was like, this is a terrible, dangerous conspiracy theory. And if you have this up, we're going to delete things. And so they're doing that with all kinds of stuff on YouTube. And it's not just having to do with COVID. It's having to do with
Starting point is 00:09:25 all kinds of things in politics and anything where they find that what you're doing doesn't fit into their narrow, rigid box of what's acceptable. Yeah. Isn't there a way for you to do it not on YouTube for free? I don't know. Not as effectively. I mean, I could put it on Vimeo. I could put it on, there's a bunch of other, what is that one? Bumblebee? What is that one? Bumblebee. Isn't that a, that's a dating website.
Starting point is 00:09:49 That's Tuna. Rumble, yeah. Oh, right, Bumblebee Tuna. Is it Bumblebee Tuna? Bum, bum, bumblebee, bumblebee, tuna. I'm so out of it. Oh, yeah, I love that song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:57 We're old. Oh, yeah, I love that song. That's an amazing song. I used to hear it on the radio. It got me excited. Harvey and I used to dance to that in the kitchen. There's Rumble and Odyssey is another one. Odyssey.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Vimeo's good. Yeah, Vimeo's good. But the thing is, in terms of traffic, no one can fuck with YouTube. With you especially, I feel like they would go right to that special and look at it and be like, I don't know. Yeah, maybe. Maybe they'd be like, fuck him. With comics, I don't know. They're on us like flies on shit right now.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Well, we're in this weird class of humans that are allowed to talk shit and we can say things that we don't really mean that are like completely the opposite of what you're supposed to be allowed to say. I know. Yeah. We're just talking out of our asses. We're doing it because the same reason I always say like when Quentin Tarantino has someone murdered in a movie, that's not real. I know. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:57 No one really died. Right. Bob Marley didn't shoot the sheriff. That's so funny. We're not really saying what we're saying. We're saying it because it's a funny thing to say. I know. I have a joke that I took ecstasy and motorboated my Aunt Sheila.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And people moan in the audience. I'm like, do you really think that I motorboated my aunt? Like, it's so. A lot of people are like Googling motorboating. I'm like, no, I didn't. Right. No, I didn't put my face in my aunt's tits. That's what I heard., no, I didn't. Right. No, I didn't put my face in my aunt's tits. That's what I go.
Starting point is 00:11:27 You know, I didn't do it. You believe everything I'm saying. Like they just believe everything. It's comedy. Right. Yeah. It's all an exaggeration. But this thing, this art form has been around for a long time in the same way, like where
Starting point is 00:11:40 people talk shit and they said crazy things that everybody knew. But somewhere along the line over the last, like, I don't know how many years, people decide to try to take it literally just to attack people. Well, everyone's gotten really serious. That's what's happened. People are really, they're not silly. Most people are not silly. There's a lot of bad comedians that have turned into social commentators.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I know. And it's stunning. It's stunning how transparent it is and what astounding lack of self-awareness they're exhibiting. Isn't it scary? Do you ever, I don't think you do this, but I've sat at some clubs and just like given people a chance. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I've sat with a couple of my friends and been like let's just try and just sit and watch because I laugh at a lot of comics but sometimes I've been like this person gets a lot of laughs and I don't get it so let me just sit and try to understand what's going on and I don't understand why the crowd is laughing at what they're saying but I I've come to realize that i think a lot of it is confidence and they're a salesperson and even though the jokes are there's nothing there and it's like really just clever and just you know kind of like a monologue they're good salespeople well you can't hate people for charisma right my concern is not even them. My concern is there's a lot of people on the sidelines that are talking crazy amounts of shit.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And they're terrible. They're just they're terrible. They're not good. What kind of things are you hearing? Oh, yeah. They're not good at it. And they want to criticize people who are touring. You shouldn't be touring.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It's a pandemic. They want to criticize people. Well, that I that made me crazy. Yeah. Sorry. It's a pandemic. They want to criticize people. Well, that made me crazy. Sorry. I have four children. And when I decided that I needed to go out and work in a safe way and people were saying stuff like that, I got really pissed. And who were those people? Was it Chris Rock?
Starting point is 00:13:40 Was it Louis C.K.? It was Bruce Valanche. No, I'm joking. It's people that don't work anyway no right it was it was very upsetting i i don't feel that i have the right to judge anyone for anything they do i mean that's my decision and i'm and you know for anyone to judge me when i need to work and when i'm going to work whatever that's what i need to do you know i support my family and i had to get out and start working i had to yeah um these are
Starting point is 00:14:06 also were people a lot of times that didn't have kids that don't have a family um and yeah it usually was people who who weren't working a lot yeah who didn't you know weren't on the road what it is is there was a there was a time where everybody's life was shit and everything shut down and then when people started going back the people whose lives were always shit were like no What it is is there was a time where everybody's life was shit and everything shut down. And then when people started going back, the people whose lives were always shit were like, no, no, no. We all stay in this together. There was this thing where they didn't want everything to go back to normal. And some of them publicly declared it.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Some of the shittiest people online publicly were declaring that they don't want things to go back to normal. online publicly were declaring that they don't want things to go back to normal because what they're dealing with is like this overwhelming anxiety they're you know this chosen profession is not bearing fruit they're in this position where they know it's never really going to work out but yet they're kind of working sort of and then they're just shitting on people that are getting out of this slump and moving on with their lives. Yeah, I don't get it. It's like it's okay for you and you can choose whatever you want. And if you want to stay home, I totally respect that. But what does that have to do with me and my life?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Well, now you're talking like a rational person. Right. Why is someone judging me for my choices? I don't judge anyone for their choices. I don't get it. I'm a big fan of judging people for their choices. It's fun. No, I'm serious. I i'm serious i judge them i just don't i won't attack them no i'm saying that that but i think that's what
Starting point is 00:15:32 i'm saying of course i judge people but like i would never publicly say about another comic like it's like you know if someone decides to stay home, great. If they decide to go out, great. Like, I just, it's not, it's not, I just didn't think it was appropriate to go and be like, how dare you go out and start working? You know, I got, also I got extra defensive about it because I not only support four kids, but I have a child with a heart disease. I don't even know if you know that. My five and a half year old has severe heart disease. And, you know, we have medical bills. I deal with a lot of stuff. And I had to get out and work.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Like these people don't, people have their own experiences. You know, you don't know other people's stories. And I had people say shit to me, like in New York when I saw them eventually. Like, I can't believe you went out and worked. I can't believe you got on planes. What fuck are you talking about you don't know my story you don't know the bills i have or what i need to do they're so convenient when someone's single
Starting point is 00:16:33 and they don't have any real exactly that's what i'm trying to say yeah yeah and after a while it's like you know we got to move on kids we got to move on we got to move on with life like you know it's been almost two years it's time to keep rolling well some of us have to move i mean yeah you know i mean i'm i'm incredibly uh careful myself um but i i had i have to move on you know have you seen those uh helmets that you can get oh my god what kind of helmet there's a helmet that you can get there's like a hepa filter it's it cinches tight around your neck you look like a space alien i want a fan in it we have what the hell is that actually reggie got a better maybe reggie got a better one i mean i'll die go to the instagram
Starting point is 00:17:20 i'm dying to see what this helmet looks like reggie watts was the one who told me about this and he actually wore it flying. It's hilarious. It's like a motorcycle helmet. I don't know why I'm already laughing. It's amazing. Let's look at a video of it, because Reggie, this is actually, oh, this is his new one? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Oh, my God. Holy shit. The new one's actually more disturbing. Reggie's so crazy. He's playing music Oh my god Is that real though Is that what that is
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah yeah That's what it's for Yeah yeah But that one There's a video I'm talking with I thought that's what it was gonna be Okay but that one you can see God he looks better with it
Starting point is 00:17:57 There it is Here's one When talking with it Just wanted to let you know I finally got this mask That I ordered like I don't know Six months ago.
Starting point is 00:18:05 He's a fucking superhero. Look at him. He's an Avenger. Hopefully you can hear me. And I guess it's called the Vanta. What is it? Vanta or Vinta. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Vinta RS1 in black. It's cool. It's got a little filter on the bottom. And it's actually really comfortable. really easy to take on and off kaboom pretty cool anyways um yeah i like it i don't know how steamy it'll get in there but it does have uh anti-fogging and it really does seem to work. So, yeah, pretty cool. All right. Well, he had another one, though, back at the one that we have out there. We bought two of them. Those are more complicated. They actually have fans in them that keep it from steaming up,
Starting point is 00:18:56 and it covers your entire head like a space helmet. Wow. And, you know, he was flying on planes with this fucking thing on. It cinches tight on your neck, so, like, nothing's getting in there. Like, you literally go to a COVID ward and start dancing like those TikTok nurses and you're good. Yeah, that one looked, I mean, it's cool, but it looked like you would get, I felt suffocated. It was sketchy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Yeah, it's a fucking superhero helmet. That's like. Yeah. Yeah, here it is. This is the other one. Here it is. It's about these sorts of masks you know like some kind of gimmick or something like that but uh it's it's really
Starting point is 00:19:35 fun it's cool it doesn't fog up and i'll get out into more light you hear the fan yeah yeah it's got a fan rolling on it you charge it But yeah So it's pretty comfortable That's what it looks like I have to grab my groceries Do you know Reggie? Yeah I mean I don't know him well I've met him
Starting point is 00:19:53 But I think he's brilliant He's brilliant Yeah He's a brilliant human Yeah Like a brilliant artist Brilliant musician But just a brilliant human
Starting point is 00:20:00 A super unusual person Yeah I love people like that I don't know anybody like reggie i love people like that no i do too yeah so he's he's the guy if you want to find out about covid masks he's taking shit to a whole new level yeah i mean i mean what that's what i it's like anything anyone wants to do go for it yeah well if you could travel with that thing on i mean who's gonna knock you i wonder if you can actually do sets with that on i bet you could get a mic in
Starting point is 00:20:29 that bitch right and when you would you'd be on stage like a spaceman like if it came to doing stand-up with a mask on or never doing stand-up at all i would do stand-up with that fucking helmet on are you kidding of course Of course. And an outfit. Yeah. How much time did you take off from? I didn't. I'm crazy. You just did perform the whole time?
Starting point is 00:20:52 I took a little time off and then I did Zoom shows. I can't take a lot of time off because I'll go out of my mind. I'm like an animal. Zoom shows are death. It was horrible. But I also did shows. Well, Rachel Feinstein and I Who's amazing
Starting point is 00:21:07 Made a prank album during that time So we just pranked Stay creative Businesses Yeah Through the whole thing It just came out Friday Oh nice
Starting point is 00:21:15 It's called Call Girls And it was hilarious That's a great name Isn't that a great name? A fan thought of it Do you remember the Jerky Boys? Yes it's like that We called businesses and harassed them through throughout all of covid and we recorded it with um with virtual comedy network
Starting point is 00:21:30 great fit simmons did that many years ago he's so funny he's hilarious we were he recorded a whole album of it and he has this one that i will never forget he He called up an auto rental place to tell them that the car that he rented was on fire and he did it in this heavy Boston accent. The car's on fire. And he's telling this story about how he went to the gas station, he filled up pots and pans with gas and he had it inside the car. But my fucking cousin's smoking. I forget what the whole story was,
Starting point is 00:22:05 but he's cutting this guy on the other end. It's like, what the fuck are you saying? My car's on fire. You would love when I call a GNC and I'm like, hi. I call the fat person and I'm like, hi, I need a fat supplement. And the guy's like, okay, we have some fat burners.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And then like middle of the call, I'm like, do you have any roast beef? I started ordering meat and cheese. And she's like, Rachel's on the phone. She's like, we'd like an extra thin, thinly sliced. And I'm like, do you have any provolone? And the guy's like, what are you talking about? It's so much fun to make these prank calls.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Why is that so fun? But it is. It's because, you know, it's so silly and stupid and that's my thing. It's like people need to just get, like not think right now and just people are so uptight
Starting point is 00:22:54 and just... Strong up. Yeah. And it's like getting react... They don't... Also, people don't hang up on certain characters. Like the old Jewish women,
Starting point is 00:23:03 they never hang up on. Ever. So then is that. We called for a massage. You know, I was like, I'd like a socially distanced massage. And the woman's like, what are you talking about? They have to touch you. I'm like, does anyone there have very long arms?
Starting point is 00:23:18 The thing about prank calls is that the audience is in on it. That's why it's so fun. Right. You're right. Because they know. Yeah. They know. And the other person doesn't know. So they feel like, ah, I'm in on it that's why it's so fun right you're right because they know yeah they know and the other person doesn't know so they feel like i'm in on this right that's true yeah yeah that's what's exciting about it i did them a lot when i was a kid like everyone did you oh my god i don't think i did much of that you didn't no i don't think so i'm trying to remember i probably did a few i think we all did as i used to get high out
Starting point is 00:23:45 of my mind and sit with my friends and i remember when i was a kid okay this i do remember they came up with the new way of finding out who called you you'd press star 69 yeah because it used to be when a phone call came in you had no idea who was calling you right and it was just a random gamble to answer the phone but then when people would call and talk shit you could press star six nine and call them back that was right after the invention of like you know like digital lines they had like lines that like when someone would call you you'd actually see caller id i remember that being a revelation huge this is madness i can see the person or here's here's one kids um call screening you would let it go to voicemail and then your your answering machine would pick up and they'd
Starting point is 00:24:35 be like hi jesse it's mike you're like oh hi mike and then you would have this fucking recorded conversation on your answering machine of you and you'd have to figure out how to shut it off while you're talking to the person how crazy that that was so big when we were like if people like this is what our parents used to say yeah but that was like huge when we were growing up giant like call waiting oh my god and merging a call oh my god huge another person's calling hold please it was crazy like how is this possible? I can just call and talk to you forever. Have you ever seen any videos of this kid doing pranks at all? Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's hilarious. So he dresses up, and he'll do a voice changing like his, like, he sounds like an old woman, but he says he's getting revenge for pranks on his grandmother. So he'll try to bait these scammers and keep them online as long as possible. And what is this guy's name? His name's Kit Boga. He does it live on Twitch a lot. Kit Boga.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. So he also is good at hacking and doing things on the computer. So they'll end up getting screen shared, and he'll convince them that he's buying things and gift cards that they want them to buy. Like that's how the scams kind of go. But he acts like he'll completely bait them in he keeps he makes them call them back after a couple days because they think that they have some like a hot fish on the line some of them some of his highlight videos are fucking hilarious
Starting point is 00:25:54 he's been doing it for two or three years y'all have 30 000 people watching this happen live yeah the best is when the ones have you ever seen the ones where they have the two they'll call two asian restaurants and just have them talk to each other? Oh my God. It's, it's his, hello, hello, hello, hello. You can't even do that anymore. Now it's racist. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I'm going to get canceled for what I just did. You should, you should get canceled. I don't like the way you're saying those words. I just said hello. Yeah, but I didn't like the undertones. Do you feel triggered? Yeah, fucking for sure. Hello.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yeah, you can't even do an Asian accent or you're a bad person. But what if that's what they sound like? No, you can't imitate it. Okay. You have to just give up. Like, I give up. I do a Jewish grandmother and I'm Jewish and I get in trouble. People get upset with me. I was called anti-Semitic on Twitter. I give up. I do a Jewish grandmother and I'm Jewish and I get in trouble. People get upset with me.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I was called anti-Semitic on Twitter. I mean, on TikTok. Did they know that you're Jewish? Yes. Well, then they're retarded. You can't say that. But I did. Yeah, but you're not allowed.
Starting point is 00:26:57 But I'm on Spotify. You can get away with it. That's a funny bit. You just keep going back and forth About words you can't say You can't say that But you can say this Yeah it's a fucking goofy time
Starting point is 00:27:12 I mean It's a goofy time There's a few people That can make fun of everybody Right Like if you're a black comic You can definitely make fun of black people And white people
Starting point is 00:27:21 And you might dabble in Asian But you gotta be careful You have to be careful Gotta be careful I think with that michael yo is black and asian so so he can make fun of blazian right i love that word free past right both white asian black he's got all three at his disposal yeah he's got it but i don't think that he could make fun of jew like there's there are some limits if his mom was Jewish, he could do it. Absolutely. If he was a Jewish black Asian, is that possible?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yes, of course. Is there a person out there that's a Jewish black Asian? Yeah, for sure. Yeah. It could be done. Yeah. It's a rare combo, though. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:27:59 You know? I never thought there were Jewish Asian people, but I found out recently there are. Oh, yeah. There's a lot. Yeah. They must have a really fun Sunday night. Jewish people always eat Chinese food on Sunday night. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Why is that? Why is that a tradition? I don't really know, to be honest with you, but it is a tradition. Well, it's an east coast thing huge like east coast has amazing chinese food amazing yeah how'd that happen i don't know maybe a lot of chinese people move to these i'm afraid of saying anything right now that might be the thing is like what the further west you get the less like well that's not true because los angeles and well that's terribly not true because San Francisco is a huge Chinese community.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I forget what I said. The railroads took them there. You know, you ever see those? You want to talk about suppression and some horrible history. The history of Chinese people that were immigrants in America worked on the railroads. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's horrific. They built on the railroads. Oh, boy. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's horrific.
Starting point is 00:29:05 They built the fucking railroads. They built the railroads all the way across America. And there's images of Chinese folks working on the railroads from the 1800s and the despair in their eyes, treated horribly, terribly abused. What? I mean, it's just. The history of humans is so terrible. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah. It's just like the last hundred years we've been nice to each other. What's, I thought the Asian thing was coming up. I'm like, what? Oh, here, we'll get that. The history of. History of Jews, Chinese food, and Christmas explained by a rabbi. It's because Chinese restaurants are the closest to a kosher.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Oh. Oh. Safest in. Oh, That they can get safest in. Oh, that makes sense. At least back then. The closest to kosher. So in terms of kosher law, a Chinese restaurant is a lot safer than an Italian restaurant, Italian food. There's a lot of mixing of meat and dairy.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Chinese restaurant does not mix meat and dairy because Chinese cooking is virtually dairy free. Mm-hmm. Interesting. That makes so much sense. If Chinese-American cooking, if there's any pork, which is not a kosher food, it's usually concealed inside of something like a wonton. A lot of Jews back then and even now kept strict kosher inside the home, but were more flexible with food they ate at restaurants.
Starting point is 00:30:30 See if you can find pictures of Chinese folks working on the railroads. Because it's one of the darker, more unsung chapters of American history. You know, people don't really talk about it that much. But I read an article many years ago about it. Look at this. Building a transcontinental railroad, how 20,000 Chinese immigrants made it happen. Yeah, it was. I don't know how or why. I don't remember how or why it was Chinese people, but there's some, see if you can find some pictures, because there's some crazy pictures of these folks working there, and it's just like you see the looks on their faces, and
Starting point is 00:31:00 they're malnourished and hammering fucking spikes into the ground and putting railroad ties down just all the way across America. God, it's so. People are gross. People are horrific. That's a good one. Chinese railroad workers. It's hard to see.
Starting point is 00:31:24 There's one. That's a good one. Yeah, they's hard to see there's one that's a good one yeah they look happy they're fucking so depressed that looks like my audience last night where were you what in my hotel room in my mind my friend john heffron did a zoom show back in the day like way back in the day he was like one of the first guys to do them before there was ever even a pandemic. Oh, really? Yeah. He would set up these corporate shows. And what he would do is he would be in front of a camera.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And he had like a wall of screens. So everyone that was in on this room, he could see their faces. And they could see him. So it was like as close to a virtual comedy club as you can get. Yeah. And he said it was a lot of fun. I've had a lot of,
Starting point is 00:32:13 I had to get used to doing them, but I had a lot of fun doing them. You know, I did a lot of shows for this company, Laugh Dot Events, which I still do some for them, where companies will hire comics during the day to just, you know, perform for their, because a lot of them are still at home working.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And it's great, you know, it's amazing to do stuff on Zoom. I mean, my father passed a year, a year, a month into COVID from cancer, and we had to do a Zoom shiva. I mean, my family has laughed like so many times from this shiva. It was unbelievable. All these old Jews talking about my father on the Zoom, like, Jeffrey was a wonderful man. Like, their big Jewish faces
Starting point is 00:32:57 up in these screens. I knew him from summer camp. Just, it was so crazy. How many faces can you get on a Zoom call? Oh my God, hundreds. So you'd have to figure out who's talking? Yeah. Like if you have an iPad, you gotta go like, oh, that's Mike.
Starting point is 00:33:16 You have to like hit the next page and then look through all the boxes. And then, but you know, like it lights up. But still, you have to keep looking and try to see so you gotta can you press on that box and they go full screen when they're talking you can press on a different um like a thing up top to make it that person is the center of the page how long before we're all like standing in front of screens like when when diseases are everywhere and you can't leave your house we're just standing in front of giant screens and you're going to talk to everybody like Minority Report. Everything's going to be screen to screen.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I won't be alive at that point. I won't make it through to that point. I can't. I don't know. That sounds hard. Joe, that sounds. This past year and a half was kind of horrible for a lot of people. Horrible.
Starting point is 00:34:03 A lot of people like anxiety ridden people. I was, I've never been as depressed as I was during COVID. Yeah. Ever in my life. I've always been anxious, but I've never been that depressed in my life. What, what did you feel? Did you feel like this is not going to get any better? Did you feel like.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Hopeless, completely hopeless. I didn't think it was going to go away. I mean, I didn't think we were going to be able to go out again i was like i can be very negative and go into like you know a dark place and think the worst and it really i i started seeing a trauma therapist who sent me to do therapy with a horse this is a true story and equine therapy have you ever heard of that i have because whitney cummings oh right yeah whitney owns uh she owns at least one horse yeah yeah she's very into that yeah well my mom's a therapist so my mom suggested a trauma therapist who sent me to do therapy with a horse
Starting point is 00:35:00 and it was supposed to calm me but i don't know if you realize how big horses are it scared the fucking shit out of me what if you got kicked you go to get therapy no it was worse i walked first of all i walked up to this horse it was so big that it traumatized i'm not saying it to be funny it traumatized me it was like enormous its cock was out, which I, well, it didn't turn me on. I mean, first of all, I'm gay.
Starting point is 00:35:29 So this thing was like fucking huge. It was the wiffle bat. It was the biggest thing. Oh, they're enormous. Enormous. Do you know about Mr. Hands?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Who's Mr. Hands? Okay. What? There's a documentary called Zoo. And Zoo is about people that have zoophilia. And it's like, you know, pedophilia, they're into kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Zoophilia, they're into animals. And they're sexually, excuse me, I got a call. They're sexually attracted to animals, which is a thing. Right. It's like a big thing. And so they would find forums. And these forums, they would all meet up and go to a place like a farm Yeah, they would all get fucked by animals and it turns out that is this legal in some states
Starting point is 00:36:15 It turns out why Washington State in Washington State up until this guy died Up until this guy died it was legal and so um there's a video out there called mr hands and in this video this guy is getting fucked by a horse and he eventually wound up dying from getting fucked by a horse the horse ruptured his internal organs how did it fit oh it's uh it's wild you want to see it? Why not? Yeah, you did your mom's house live. Yeah, but nothing's worse than what I just watched on your mom's house live.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Nothing. Nothing can be worse. I'm already completely not okay from that. So I have the documentary up. Where in the documentary is it? Well, Zoo is just a documentary. What you want is MrHands.mpeg. Is everyone watching this from home?
Starting point is 00:37:05 A lot of people are watching this from home. Just Google MrHands.mpeg. Was there any kind of lubricant? Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, it was all slippery. That was one of the dumbest questions I've ever asked anyone. No, they used sandpaper. It is your arm.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I have to tell everyone watching, the size of the penis was your arm. Yeah, it's enormous. If you just, did you Google? I'm afraid to wear it. It's going to take me. But yeah, you can get it there. Oh, you're worried about it being a virus? This is not on a safe website, so.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Not like a legit website? It's on YouTube, that's for sure. What about LiveLeak? Like somewhere like LiveLeak? so not a like a legit website um that's for sure what about live leak like someone like live leak live leak has all the dark shit you ever go to live leak i've seen it's all car there was a crazy time in my life where i watched not like like beheadings and stuff i was out of my mind what was that that's the video two guys one horse is the video but it wasn't playing there oh two guys one horse another guy got no it's't playing there. Oh two guys one horse another guy guy No, it's the other guys helping them. They're the guy helps guide the cock into this guy. Mr. Hands, but
Starting point is 00:38:13 It's a real video mr. Hands, but yeah, it is one It's one of the craziest videos I've ever seen in my life because you start doing the math. Did he die in this video? No The video is just one of hundreds of hours of footage of this guy getting fucked by horses. This guy got fucked by horses all the time. What other animals did he have inside of him? That's a good question. I don't have an answer.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I wonder what the strangest one was, because it's not a horse. That's pretty strange. What stranger than a horse? Is it a donkey stranger? A llama? Yeah, that's a stranger. I mean, let's just get exotic right right i mean they're paca those are so cute they are cute can you imagine its face while it was doing it probably adorable probably excited they don't give a they don't care they don't have any like social constructs in their head it's just a warm hole. No, it'd probably look really dumb. Yeah. It's probably like... They're excited.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah. He's trying to blow loads. They don't give a fuck if it's a dude's butt or a horse. They don't even know what it is. Yeah, it's just a hole. You're right. It's a hole. Imagine being a horse.
Starting point is 00:39:16 You have no ability to jerk yourself off. At least a dog can lick its dick. Right. A horse is fucked. You know? You got hooves. I know. You're just horny all the time
Starting point is 00:39:25 You can't jerk off with a hoof You can't lick it You can't even get back to there You're not built for it And sticking it in a bucket is a huge space That's not tight enough You got it? Let me see
Starting point is 00:39:40 Hold on Yeah that's it 100% Start from the beginning Let me see. Yeah. Let me see. Oh, man. Hold on. Yeah, that's it. All right. 100%. Okay. So start from the beginning. Start from the beginning. How long is this?
Starting point is 00:39:52 It doesn't take long. Do you have popcorn? Horses come quick. So let's get some volume. Oh, they took the volume out. What are you doing all about? This one he just did, how it works really well. What's this?
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah. Look, he guides it into this dude's butt. Now watch this. Oh my God. Now he's trying to hold it back, which is hilarious. But look at it. The guy's got all these anal piercings and stuff. But watch how far it goes in.
Starting point is 00:40:18 The horse goes, boom, take it. Whoa. Yeah. And apparently that's what did him in. That thrust? Yes. He wanted to be like me. Well, that kind of thrust with a horse.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Oh, my God! Yeah. Even though a horse is that big, What was that? A horse is enormous, it's still so big even for a horse. If a horse was a human, he'd have a giant dick. Right?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah. That horse was packing it. He was packing it. Yeah, that horse was a human, he'd have a giant dick, right? Yeah. That guy, yeah, that horse was packing it. He was packing it. Yeah, that horse was very confident. Hugely confident. Walking to any bar with a swagger. That horse would kill it on stage. But that's the video.
Starting point is 00:40:58 So that guy eventually wound up dying. How do you know that that thrust was the one that killed him no it wasn't that video wasn't the one where he died that was always the rumor was that that video had killed him but apparently that's not true apparently that video was one of hundreds of hours of footage that these people have that's not it what the fuck yeah oh my god he's like the horse is like cuddling him too guys like it that's a big black one some guys like it up their ass oh jesus it's fun for them i get why they like it up the ass but from a horse i think people just keep taking things to the next level i understand like some
Starting point is 00:41:38 people wanted to skydive and other people like well fuck that i'm gonna skydive off a building you know it's like people get I want to skydive from space like people just get nuts I have to burn this computer now I think oh really I mean don't I social credit score
Starting point is 00:41:51 and everything oh yeah social credit score is going to be a real issue once the communist party takes over America what would be the bigger than
Starting point is 00:41:59 being fucked by a horse like a camel um a giraffe a giraffe for sure is bigger than a horse way like a camel? A giraffe. A giraffe, for sure, is bigger than a horse. Way bigger. Yeah, that would be it. But how would you, you'd have to like have a ladder or something.
Starting point is 00:42:12 There'd have to be some way that the horse can get to your butt, or the giraffe could get to your butt, you know? I just, I don't know. I mean, I kind of understand it. If you hate yourself so much, you just want a horse to fuck your ass. I don't even know if it's I hate myself so much that that's what they're thinking. I think they're just thinking they want to do something really naughty. They want to do something super perverted and super taboo.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I think there's a lot of that. Well, in the last one, the horse looked like it loved him. Yeah, it was like hugging him. Yeah, its arms were right. He was cuddling him, kind of. Yeah, a little bit. A little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:51 You know, the episode that you did of Your Mom's House Live, I don't think it had this in there, but other ones they have had where guys were fisting each other. There was a lot of fisting. Was there? Yeah, there was fisting and then there was shitting and then there was shoving the shit back in the ass it was a lot i've i've have not been totally okay since that this is nothing compared to what i did they warn you yes i had you know how many fans sent me messages saying i hope you're gonna be okay i'm like what is gonna happen to me am i gonna be assaulted like they let you know that we're going to see some horrific
Starting point is 00:43:25 shit no they didn't tell me the fans hundreds of fans kept sending me messages going i hope you're ready i hope you have a good stomach don't eat a lot before the show i'm like oh my god yeah this was this is the preview this wasn't at the paramount right yeah this was the show yeah this is what happened yeah i didn't uh didn't make it to that one. I wanted to go, though. I was unfortunately out of town, but I'm doing the next one. You are? Yeah, I'm doing the one in November.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Oh, I'm so excited. You're going to, yeah. What are you? I set the day aside. I'm fucking pumped. You're going to love it. I had so much fun. I laughed my ass off at one point
Starting point is 00:44:05 tom turned to me and went and i said don't i can't even believe i said this in the mic i said don't throw up on me because i will throw up on christine i think this is gonna be a fucking nightmare it'd be like that scene from stand by me yes i would throw up on her then she would throw up on her, then she would throw up on me. The worst was someone, a man shitting in another man's mouth. And it was as if the man that shit, like he ate hay. I'm not saying it to be funny. It was the hardiest shit I've ever seen. He must have eaten hay for two weeks because it was horse's shit.
Starting point is 00:44:45 It wasn't human shit. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's probably a vegan. It had grass in it. It had like, it was hardy. And the guy was picking it up and kept chewing on it. Oh, Jesus. Like eating food. Then he peed all over him in his mouth.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And then he came in his mouth. He came in his mouth too? Yes, it was. Tom kept saying, it's not over. I said, what's next? What's next? Oh my God. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:45:12 There's people out there like that. But that's my point. It's like, there's people that always want to take things to the next level. You know? I don't understand eating shit. And I'm very open. I mean, I am, I am really open. What a crazy statement.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Like, I get a lot. Yeah. I get a lot. But I don't get eating shit. And picking it up and then keep putting it in your mouth and then keep eating more, eating more. Like, I don't understand how that's a turn on. At some point in time, you should stop. You shouldn't eat shit all day.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Right. It was like he kept, like, he wouldn't leave any on the plate. He kept eating more and more and more. What is that? Do you understand it in any way? Bad parenting? For sure. I mean, let's start with that.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Let's start with bad parenting. That's what I mean. They're damaged. There's something wrong. Well, there's something that they say happens to people when they get like scolded for shitting their pants when they're really young and like really punished and shamed. For some men in particular, and it seems to mostly be men, for some men that becomes a thing that gets somehow attached to sexuality.
Starting point is 00:46:24 That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Like naughtiness and you're a bad boy and then, you know, then you're shitting and then, you know, you're doing things like that. Maybe you want to see someone shit or something like, you remember there was a story about a certain actor. I don't know if it's true, but he would hire women to shit on a glass table.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I remember that. Yo, that guy. And so he would, I don't know if it's true but he would uh hire women to shit on a glass table i i remember that yo that guy and so he would uh he i don't know if it's true it's probably not true but let's just pretend it is and he would uh someone's done it for sure maybe it's on him yeah they would uh have this lady squat over a glass table or coffee table and just take a giant meaty shit while he looked up. I think Norton said people shit on him before. Didn't he say that? He's had people do a lot on him. I think Jim Norton has had some people shit on him.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I understand looking at it for some reason in a glass table. Yes. If that's not true, Jim, I'm really sorry. Jim, we're sorry. You can understand why I would assume that maybe you've tried that. I love you. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, it's kind of fascinating, like watching the asshole open up. I like watching assholes open up and things happen.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Like watch it. Yeah. And you're protected. I do like that. Right. I get it on the glass. That would be a thrill. Me too.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I mean, I like when it opens and things happen, but I don't think I'd want it to come into my mouth. Well, that's next level. That is a lot. Yeah. That's someone who's just, you're just gone. You're barely hanging on. You're a second away from ending it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:03 A second away. There's not. You've got a gun in the chamber, loaded, a bullet in the chamber. You got the gun in your hand, finger on the trigger. You're like, not yet. Let me eat some shit first. Totally. But the crazy thing is that we all, we're not shocked that there's people like that
Starting point is 00:48:19 out there. You're shocked when you see it, but there's no part of your brain that goes, I could never imagine that this was a thing, right? Because we've seen so much. Oh, I can imagine it. Yeah, that's what's crazy. It's like it's not really that stunning. What I'm saying that, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:33 No, there's a guy who cut his dick. This was worse to me than the eating the shit. Oh. There was a guy that took a knife and cut his penis. Off? No, a big cut and blood went spurting everywhere like like a like a geyser now cut it when it was hard i don't yes i don't even have a dick and i that's such a crazy thing i just said that's only the third crazy thing you've said i don't even have a dick. No. Damn it. I know. It's very upsetting.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I don't even have one. And that freaked me out more than anything. And there were some men that watched it that were like, I don't know. It didn't really. I'm like, what? That freaked me out when I saw that. It should. It was the worst thing I saw out of anything.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Well, it's like that kind of self-harm stuff is very sad. Well, especially you. You're a mom, right? So I'm a father. I know you see people that are harming themselves like that. And I immediately think someone fucked up. Like someone raised that person terrible. Somebody abused that person.
Starting point is 00:49:40 That, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I'm not a psychologist but i would imagine like 99 accuracy that person's been abused horribly has to be i mean what's the point of that like why would you cut your dick and spray blood all over the place like and it went on and i mean he kept showing it tom i was like you're yeah so tom shows me this video he sends it to me and tom has sent me the most horrific shit I've ever seen in my life, other than the guy getting fucked by the horse.
Starting point is 00:50:08 So these two guys are fisting, and this guy is fisting this guy's asshole, and he pulls his arm out, and the guy's prolapsed rectum comes out with it like a sock. Yeah. And then there's another guy next to him, and he's fisting that guy, and then he rubs their prolapsed rectums together have you seen that one jamie's seen it have you jamie's got it on a loop that's a screensaver i think they've shown that on a live or something i saw something like i think so yeah i think that's exactly where i think he said it to me before they did their show and they said we're gonna show this in front of the whole audience i was like what the fuck yeah there was a lot of prolapsed assholes what they've done and
Starting point is 00:50:48 we talked about this before the podcast started is an amazing thing they've put together like a real legitimate production and every month or so they put on these phenomenal shows where they they do a live show you you buy it online it's completely pay-per-view so they can show you the wildest most fucked up things online there's no censorship at all you don't have to worry about it being taken down it's unbelievable amazing it's they have created the crazy i mean it's on it's unreal what they've done it's unreal there They're so unusual because like, there's like Rich Voss and Bonnie McFarlane. There's like Natasha Leggera
Starting point is 00:51:28 and Moshe Kasher and then there's Tom and Christina. Those are the only funny couples. Well, Joe List and Sarah Talamash. There's definitely more people. I can't think off the top of my head, but there's definitely more.
Starting point is 00:51:40 That I can name, I can only name like four. Yeah, I can't think right now. My brain is, but there are some. Yeah, for sure. But those guys are at the top of the heap. It's so unusual that you have like a top flight male
Starting point is 00:51:55 and a top flight female comedian, and then they have a family, and their kids are hilarious, and they've decided to partner together and put on this wild ass fucking live show. It's amazing. And the thing that you said that's the best part of it is they can do anything they want, say anything they want,
Starting point is 00:52:14 hire whoever they want, no restrictions. I mean, that is what any comic would want. It's heaven. It's heaven. And without the internet, it would never have been available. Never.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And even with the internet, the only way you could do it is if you create infrastructure the way they've done. Where you have your own servers and your own thing and your own pay-per-view set up. Because no one's going to let you do that regularly. Right. I said to them, you have to do it a lot. I mean, it's just unreal. It's unbelievable. But you couldn't do that
Starting point is 00:52:45 like well patreon backed off not patreon um what was it only fans yeah only fans were saying we're not gonna have naked content anymore patreon's gotten stricter too right they have definitely well the problem is like when someone complains if someone complains and then Vox runs a story on it, then they're going to want to ban you. But if like OnlyFans, for a while, they were talking about not having any naked content and not having any pornograph.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And then they realized that's 90% of the people on OnlyFans. Right. And they backed off of it. Oh, they backed off. I didn't know they backed off of that. Yeah, it's great that they did. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:53:24 It's a win for freedom. Yeah. Of course. I mean, listen, you can get free porn anytime you want. I mean, it's ridiculous. Who cares? But I think the thing was banks. My throat is so scratchy.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I'm sorry. I've got to clear my throat again. The thing is banks. Because banks, for whatever reason, they don't want to be involved in naked people. Well, they want to be involved with naked people, just not publicly. Right. They want the money. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:56 But they don't want to be shamed. So they don't want to get in trouble, whether it's sponsors or other business relationships they have. So they were trying to figure out a way to stop the nakedness on only fans the nakedness yeah it's like come on it's what you do it's like why is chick-fil-a closed on sunday open up bitch you sell dead chickens stop saying this is about jesus i love when you say bitch It's so funny to me Oh thank you Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:26 I mean I don't know Chick-fil-a is delicious But the gay thing really I just can't I can imagine Yeah It's not good But some people are gay
Starting point is 00:54:36 And they still go to Chick-fil-a I know That's how god damn good Their sandwiches are I know You know It's like people Who have been molested
Starting point is 00:54:41 And they still listen To Michael Jackson Like I can't help myself. I want to rock with you. Well, he is an amazing singer. He was, yeah. I don't even know if he did anything. I don't shame anyone for going to Chick-fil-A, whether you eat box or suck dick, whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Right. I like that, eat box. I always say that. It's a good way to say it. I love doing it, yeah. And you can say it. Yeah, of course. I can say anything about that. I want Isn't it weird though the chick-fil-a is essentially the only restaurant chain that's associated with an ideology
Starting point is 00:55:15 Clearly right. Yeah, it's so ridiculous. There another one No, no, I don't think so not a restaurant no, I i mean hobby lobby like there's other there's other businesses for sure yeah but like a restaurant that's associated with um like a religious ideology no that's it right i don't think so jamie can you think of one but that's a big one well not an ideology but ben and jerry's's won't sell ice cream in Israel, right? Oh, yeah. That's a new thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I mean. That seems a little weird. It's not that big. In-N-Out does have verses on the bottom of the cups and shit, which is kind of strange. In-N-Out? Yeah. I was considering the name, too. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Under the cup? Do they really? Yeah, like right here. Bible verses? Yeah. I was considering the name, too. That's hilarious. Under the Cup? Did they really? Yeah, like right here. Bible verses? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is so funny to me. That is funny. But they're not pushing it.
Starting point is 00:56:14 You know, Chick-fil-A pushes it. I believe they fund anti- They do. Do they fund anti-gay groups? I just made that up, but I think they do. I backed off of it. He just took the ball. I did.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I'm like, they definitely do. That's how rumors get started. he just took the ball I did I'm like that's how rumors get started I know because I'm clueless but I I think they have I think so too I think there's something about that yeah well the Mormons definitely have I used to have a bit about it um there was a proposition eight was in California and proposition eight was uh a prop to I think it was to limit gay marriage or remove gay marriage. Gay marriage had been cleared in California and then there was, I think it was Prop 8, see if this is true, and then a big part of Prop 8 support
Starting point is 00:56:58 to try to remove gay marriage, it turns out, came from the Mormons. So I had a joke about it, that the Mormons should be afraid of gay marriage because if someone can talk you into being a Mormon, they can definitely talk you into sucking their dick. That's very true. They just need a little more alone time with you. Yeah, here it is.
Starting point is 00:57:20 What does it say? Known as Prop 8 was a California ballot proposition and state constitutional amendment intend to ban same-sex marriage. Yes, that's it. So it passed in November of 2008 in the California state elections, which is so crazy, but it was later overturned in court. So California, the most progressive state, arguably, other than New York, right, in the country. And they passed a law in 2008 to ban gay marriage. I know. And there's stuff coming up about that again now. What? Yeah. There's stuff. After the abortion thing, the new thing supposedly is trying to get rid of gay
Starting point is 00:57:58 marriage again. It's so crazy. It's so dumb. It's so dumb. I mean, that would not happen. That's the way. That shouldn't even be remotely controversial. Yeah. It's so dumb. It's so dumb. I mean, that would not happen. That's the way. That shouldn't even be remotely controversial. Yeah. It's so dumb. At this point in time, it seems like whatever, like when each generation sort of moves forward, whatever weird ideas that people are holding on to because of ignorance in the past, slowly
Starting point is 00:58:24 they get eroded away. And you see marginalized groups get accepted more and more and more over time. And the gay one's a big one in my lifetime. Because when I was a little kid, I lived in San Francisco from age 7 to 11. Oh, really? Yeah, I lived right in the heart of it. We lived off of Lombard Street. It was during the Vietnam War.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Yeah. It was just hippies and gay people. That was all it was. My aunt used to get naked and smoke pot and play bongos with the gay couple next door. I love that. Sorry, my throat is fucked up today. I even tried drinking whiskey.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I don't know what's going on. We were out late last night at the Vulcan doing comedy. Oh, really? Yeah, at a 10 o'clock show. Didn't start until 10.30. Didn't get home until 2. Oh, really? Yeah, at a 10 o'clock show. Didn't start till 10.30. Didn't get home till 2. Oh, boy. So, but- Someone should get you tea.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I don't think that's going to help. It might. I'm a Jewish mother. You should drink some tea. What about chicken soup? That's the best. Where are you going to get matzo bowl soup here? Not out here.
Starting point is 00:59:19 We're in Texas. There's not a lot of Jews out here, shockingly enough. I know. You got to- There needs to be a Jewish deli in town. There should be, right? Yeah. Is there one?
Starting point is 00:59:28 There's everything else here. There has to be. Find a Jewish deli in Austin, Texas. You need a good matzo ball soup. It's healing. I'm serious. Chicken soup is healing. I don't like the matzo ball.
Starting point is 00:59:36 You don't have to eat that. It's a big bowl of fucking crackers. I know. It's not the health. That's not the important part. It's the chicken soup. Yeah. The chicken soup is good.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I like chicken noodle soup. Yeah. You can get it just with noodle. I love that we're talking about that now. You can. Yeah. That's a ball. I got one.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Really? Yeah. Does it look good? Let's see it online. What's it called? Harold's? Spiderman's Deli. You should get chicken soup.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I'm serious. Well, we don't have to. Oh, it looks good. Oh, look at that. Bagels? That looks legit. Oh, yeah. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Pastrami? Oh, no. That's a good one. I'm telling you. Oh, it looks good. Oh, look at that. Bagels. That looks legit. Oh, yeah. Oh, look at that. Pastrami. Oh, no, that's a good one. I'm telling you. Yeah, north side of town. That looks fucking good. Oh, that has capers on it. No, that's a good one. That looks good.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I can tell. That looks legit. Listen, also, I'm Jewish. That looks good. That looks legit. That looks wonderful. Ballpark mustard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:22 It's from Cleveland, so it's probably good. Oh, yeah. There you go. So, but my point was that, like, over time, like, people, like, it doesn't mean anything anymore. Like, people, like, let it go. Like, whatever prejudice they had in the past, over generations, it becomes, like, less prevalent. And it seems like there's never been a time ever in our culture where being gay is more
Starting point is 01:00:44 accepted. This is the most. Absolutely. Right now. I don't think most people care at all. At all. At all. So where's the pushback?
Starting point is 01:00:52 If anything, I've had more stuff about it than anyone in my life. Like seriously. In what way? I cared a lot what people thought about me. So when I came out, it was like very hard for me because I cared so much. You know, I wanted to be popular and liked and I had a lot of internal homophobia. My parents didn't even care. You know, my dad, my mom's a liberal.
Starting point is 01:01:15 My dad was a huge Trump guy. Like they didn't care. They cared more how I would be treated in the world because it was years ago. So they were worried about how I would be treated that you know my mother said like i i felt sad that i you couldn't walk down the street holding hands with the person you loved you know because this was like 25 years ago yeah so um but it was hard for me you know but now i just don't feel any kind of like people don't care when i talk about it on stage they don't give a shit. It doesn't even phase them. It's normal.
Starting point is 01:01:45 It's like, I'm from Cleveland. I'm gay. It's normal. Yeah. Yeah. Doesn't people really don't give a shit, which is why when you say that there's some sort of a push to stop,
Starting point is 01:01:55 there is. Yeah. Where's it coming from? I don't know. I've been reading about it. It's the guy who, who, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:01 did the whole, uh, the abortion stuff is now supposedly that's his new mission. Who is this demon? I don't know. Some weird-looking white guy, obviously. We should know who he is. You can look it up.
Starting point is 01:02:14 It's all over Twitter. Google weird-looking white guy who's trying to stop abortion. Look up gay guy that hasn't come out. Yeah. He's trying to get rid of gay marriage. He's doing those pray the gay away things. I read this story about a pray the gay away camp where these guys would literally cuddle. Oh.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And the guy said that during this pray the gay away camp, this man was behind him, holding on to him. They were seated on the ground and he clearly had his heart on, pressed against this guy's back. Oh my God. And he's holding on to him. They're talking about praying the gay away. Is that? against this guy's back oh my god and he's holding on to him they're talking about praying the gay away is that you know i lived with my friend who went to a workshop to try and not be gay this is amazing workshopped it no for like a six week thing wow and he couldn't masturbate
Starting point is 01:02:59 you know they they you know because if he was was Orthodox and if you masturbate, you, you know, you, you waste seed. You're supposed to like, it's, you're impregnating a demon in the other world. I know it's fucking so crazy. Ari has a bit about it. I know. I love talking to Ari about all this shit. So he, he was going to this thing and they were telling him it's because his father passed when he was a kid. You know, it's all this shit.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Why he's, and he's not really gay and he cannot be gay. He's the gayest person. I mean, it's completely, hi, how are you? You know, it's completely, I love pussy now. I'm totally not gay anymore. So, so I lived with him and I, he was, became the biggest asshole because he wasn't masturbating. I finally said to him, if you don't jerk off soon,
Starting point is 01:03:44 we're not going to be friends anymore. I'm like, I haven't touched a penis in 20 years, but I will suck your dick just so that we stay friends. This is horrible. If I was him, I would say, well, sounds like a deal. Well, I always say I'm good at that because I'm an eater.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Yeah, that's him. Texas abortion ban creator takes aim at marriage equality in new brief. Wow, look at him. I mean, look at him. Come on. Just dying for dick. Look at him. Texas abortion ban creator takes aim at marriage equality and new brief. Wow. Look at him. Look at him. I mean, look at him. Come on. Just dying for dick. Look at him. Is he not?
Starting point is 01:04:10 I know. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. He's too young to wear a tie. I don't trust him. He looks like a dyke. A little bit. A little bit.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I'm going to send a video to you, Jamie. It's like one of my favorite videos of this. There's this. Maybe you could find it before I send it to you. There's this guy. He is in this church, one of those like serious with like the organs and everything like that. And he's talking to the pastor. And then he yells out that he's not gay no more.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And that Jesus has saved him. But it's amazing. I'm going to find it. I'm going to find it. I'm going to find it. Is he really flamboyant? That's it. That's it. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:04:51 He's super flamboyant. I'm going to laugh so hard right now. Give me some volume. What did you come here for? What did you come down here for? Tell me. To get delivered more. To get delivered.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Do you believe that the Lord tonight has set you free yes sir turn around and tell those people I'm not gay. I would not date a man. Look at those guys backing up when he gets close. He's hard. I will. I will love a woman.
Starting point is 01:05:40 A woman. A woman. Watch him dance. Oh, my God. They're all going to get in it. A woman. Watch them dance. Oh, my God. They're all going to get in it. Watch this. They haven't started yet. Do they do the bum?
Starting point is 01:06:00 Here we go. Black churches are the best. Look. They get that music going. Here we go him Here we go Black churches are the best Look, they get that music going Here we go Here we go Look at them They're all dancing together Look at this Look at them
Starting point is 01:06:21 I would go to church if it was a black church let me tell you something I want to go every Sunday to a black church they're having a good fucking time if all you have to do is praise the Lord to have this kind of a good time why wouldn't you we like I he's not buying that guy thinks he's bowling he thinks he's not buying it. That guy thinks he's bowling. He thinks he's bowling. Where's the lanes? Is it my turn to bowl? Oh my God, keep going. I think it gets better.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Because I got a problem here. I got a problem. I gotta get out of here. Because I gotta get up early too and put that long robe on. I got a problem though. It still looks like he's alone. What? Devil. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:07:21 This is... Can you send this to me? I'm watching this every day. Look at it. They're huddling with him. All men. There's a guy behind him. No women. All men. Oh, my God. This is... Can you send this to me? I'm watching this every day. Look at... They're huddling with him. All men. There's a guy behind him. No women. All men.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Oh, my God. They're all... They're doing a circle jerk. It's a pile-on. Oh, there's some women games. The women just want to watch. Now, let's hope. Listen, I know we got to go, but check it out.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I just heard the Lord say... Oh, you heard the Lord. There was about 50 others of you that needed some kind of deliverance. The Lord just told him that. But you were afraid that you were going to be labeled. Now, since we don't know what's going on, I dare you to run down here... Look at those two guys hugging each other and dancing together. This is a gay...
Starting point is 01:08:02 They turned everybody gay. They don't even know it. It's having the desired effect in the opposite way. Look at this. They start rimming. Those guys are about to make out. Those guys behind them, everyone's ignored them. They're slow dancing.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Why are they still hugging? They're hugging and rocking. They're rocking back and forth. The cameraman had to cut away. Those guys behind the preacher are disturbing. Look at them. Look at them. Look, they're still hugging.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Yes. Yeah. Wild. What just happened? Wait, Joe, you just missed that. The guy you were looking at, he fell. He probably came. No, two of them.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Watch. Right here. He probably came and lost his consciousness. He fell. Here we go. Two of them fell down. Look. I'm going to nut my pants.
Starting point is 01:09:07 He looks like he's nutting. Look, he's nutting. Oh, my God. He's leaning into him. Oh, my God. And then he falls. He's leaning into him dick first. You saw that, right?
Starting point is 01:09:15 Back it up. Back it up. Two of them fell. He's literally like he's coming. Watch. Look. He's bucking into it. Look.
Starting point is 01:09:22 He's bucking into him. They're going penis to penis. They're holding. The guy just came in his pants. And he wants to black out because they don't have no responsibility. He turned around. Yeah. Like the devil did that.
Starting point is 01:09:36 I don't have nothing to do with that. It's fucking devil. I think that all the comics should go to a gospel church here would be great and film the whole thing yeah just but we'd have to like not make a mockery out of it no
Starting point is 01:09:52 yeah we'd have to respect it no we just yes we sit in our seats just dance yeah and hold up handkerchiefs I'll wear a big fucking hat do you know how much I love gospel I listen to it in the car when I'm driving to road gigs.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Really? Yes. I love it. That's your shit? Yeah. It's very powerful. It is. But why got,
Starting point is 01:10:12 how'd you get started with that? Because I like, I like the way I just, it's very, I just love gospel music. I don't know, women. I like the women singers.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Oh, okay. Yeah. You should listen to it it sounds great it's like that yeah it's really great it gets me upbeat and it's very spiritual well I love anything where people are super enthusiastic
Starting point is 01:10:33 well that's what it is yeah they're enthusiastic about it it's like believe believe in yourself like it's very upbeat yeah look at you you can sing a little bit huh yeah a little bit maybe you could join up there and be a witness. Isn't that right? Isn't that right?
Starting point is 01:10:49 Testify? You could testify? Testify! Is that what it's called? What is it supposed to say when you get up and you proclaim your love for Jesus? You have to testify. Testify. That's it, right?
Starting point is 01:11:00 Yeah. Jesse, get up there and testify. Yeah, they can just pound. Don't they just punch you in the head or something and then they can just pound don't they like just punch you in the head or something and then you get they change you sometimes yeah yeah they can they can touch you and you know you get you get healed and stuff and like some people like they fall down and they start spasming on the ground you have a seizure you know there's a real problem with that in martial arts? Like there's a whole branch of martial arts that's completely fake, and it's based on a bunch of people like touching people with magic
Starting point is 01:11:35 and the people like fall down, like all their disciples. In martial arts? Yeah. Yeah, there's quite a few websites that are dedicated to it. McDojo is one of them. McDojo, what? I don't think it worked. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:11:53 He's back? Oh, Jesus. Who's that? Is that the guy? He's Mr. Delivered. What does it say now? Mr. Delivered is an internet sensation known for his famous I am Delivered video. I like how they say it. They spell it Delivered and then a T. Delivered.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Went viral in 2014. Text him. He's got his phone number out. He's just trolling for dick. Oh my God. Oh my God. He's trolling for dick. Look at him. What's that picture right there? Click on that one where he's got something in his hand. Is it a dick? It's a microphone. Oh, it's a microphone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Yeah, it didn't work. Does he say it didn't work? No, but... Wow. Is that him with the hat? What is all this? This one is, yeah. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Okay. All right. I'm confused. He does fake martial arts? Well, no, no. No, no, no. There's a whole, you know, we were talking about touching, people touching people. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I'm healed. And they fall to the ground and spaz out. There's a whole branch of martial arts like this, like death touch, power, chi type martial arts. It's totally fake. And they have these followers that are basically cult members. And so the master will do this to one of the followers and the followers will start spasming and falling down to the ground, very much like a revival church session.
Starting point is 01:13:17 And there's like thousands of videos of this. There's these schools that are all over the world that are just involved in fake martial arts. Make Dojo Life? Oh, here's one. I had to Google search it. So this guy's got a knife and he can't
Starting point is 01:13:38 cut this guy because this guy has magic and he puts it down. So this is from all over the world. I see. So you see he's got like he's doing voodoo on him and he can it down so this is like from all over the world i see so you see he's got like he's he's doing voodoo on him and he can't go near him that's just one but there's many of them like go to that one right there this one was a different thing okay there's a lot of them this one that's a good one that's a good one watch this one look this guy touches people in the
Starting point is 01:14:01 chest and they like fall down to the ground like It's so obviously fake. Look at him. Look at his face. Look how fat that guy is. Look, I thought she was full of him. He just ate a big... That guy is teaching something called Systema. And Systema is a Russian version of this fake shit. And they just like... And all these people just don't have any friends.
Starting point is 01:14:23 And they're just like, oh, hang out. Like, look at him in the background. Like, leaning back. And look at him, y all these people just don't have any friends. And they're just like, oh, hang out. Like, look at them in the background. Like, leaning back and, look at them, yawning. Like, yeah, I don't have any friends. By the way, this looks like a Saturday Night Live sketch. It does. Like, it's so funny. There's so many of them, though.
Starting point is 01:14:37 And McDojoLife on Instagram. And there's another one, Fake Black Belts. And they all, they just, this guy's dedicated to showing all that's amazing he just gives a head nod the guy stops in his tracks watch this it's so weird but there's i mean thousands of these, I'm sure. But McDojo Life does an amazing job of curating them. But it's incredible how many frauds there are out there in this martial arts community. There's so many of them. You know, there's people on YouTube lip syncing comics acts now.
Starting point is 01:15:18 It's a big thing. Oh, boy. I keep hearing about it and they're going viral. They're getting famous from lip-syncing comics acts. Oh. Like a huge thing right now on YouTube. It's not TikTok? I mean, on TikTok.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Oh, I knew it. That's what I meant. It's too stupid for YouTube. That's what I meant. I don't know why I was focusing on that guy just nodding and making someone fall down. TikTok is like- That's happening. Everybody was like, oh, my God, this generation's so stupid.
Starting point is 01:15:46 And TikTok was like, hold my beer. Yep. We're going to show you. We're going to show you how dumb people really are. Yep. They're taking someone's joke, lip syncing the whole thing, and then they'll get millions of views. How does that work though?
Starting point is 01:15:58 Like if they do one of your bits, it's your intellectual property. I don't know how it works, but they can do it. I don't get it. You're not owned by China anymore, intellectual property i don't know how it works but they can do it i don't get it by china anymore right i don't know that was so serious how i just said that are you on it yes are you really i post a ton of crowd work videos that's my thing that's a good move yeah is that i post them almost every day crowd work stuff but let me tell you something i'll get suspended for a week for saying the word threesome meanwhile my daughter's 14 year old friends will show pictures of like their asshole and nothing happens like i i don't understand it's
Starting point is 01:16:37 crazy i got my video taken down and suspended for the third time because i said threesome in a video that's the only thing i said that was if it hits the third time is that um i didn't get strikes no i didn't get suspended for good but i'm i'm being watched threesome that was the only thing i said that was not okay someone reported me see that's this is my point it's like these mass these very popular uh media websites like they always censor they get to a point where they have to censor well they're bad they're very extreme with censoring you know it's really crazy Twitter because Twitter censors a lot and they Center based on they censor
Starting point is 01:17:17 rather based on political discourse ideological discourse but they have hardcore porn. I know. I'm serious. Hardcore, like ass fucking. Joe, I'm not kidding. Coming in mouths. I know. Yeah, like mouths open, ropes of jizz. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:38 I just saw a video of that two days ago. Just gagging. I went through. You can see all of it. I was going through the the home page and i'm like whoa i didn't expect to see this yeah i can't like if my kids grab my phone and they start like going through twitter i'm like hey yeah yeah how is that on there why isn't it on there that's my question like i'm fine with it being on there it doesn't bother me with it being on there I'm okay with it being on there but why is that okay but I'm an adult right I don't think
Starting point is 01:18:08 I mean I think there's probably been studies on children's exposure to pornography and the detrimental effects of it I'm sure there happen right a ton can't be good it's not good because that's what they expect right meaning when our kids hook up
Starting point is 01:18:23 they go like right to certain things instead of like, you know, how we went to first base, second base. They're like, can I pound your asshole? Like it's like. Exactly. Right away. Yeah. I read a study about the increase in anal sex activity amongst young kids and it was
Starting point is 01:18:42 like off the charts. But part of me was like, if you're a scientist, why are you studying that? Like, imagine. You're like, I want to cure cancer. Oh, I want to study kids butt-fucking. How many kids are answering that honestly, too? I was.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Yeah, butt-fuck all day. That's all I'm doing is butt-fucking. I'm your mom. Yeah, who cares about kids' cancer? I want to know about it. Well, I remember when I was a kid, we would hear stories about girls Who wanted to maintain their virginity
Starting point is 01:19:07 So they would let their boyfriend Fuck them in the ass That's the big thing That's not how it works I was just about to tell you But that's what they're doing In the suburbs In the suburbs
Starting point is 01:19:17 In the suburbs in Jersey Where they're less sophisticated Where I grew up I'm not kidding They'll do anal Because they can't get pregnant That's their thinking But it's also They maintain their virginity.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Like it doesn't count. Right, right, exactly. Well, that's also, they don't break the hymen. Oh, boy. Yeah. We're still living with like some, the echoes of our Puritan past. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:39 You know? But then it's like being overrun by the tidal wave of pornography on kids' phones. Because everyone has a phone now. If you give a kid a phone, you're saying, hey, little fella, go watch people fuck. Right? Of course. What do you think they're watching?
Starting point is 01:19:56 This world is a mess. Yeah, it is a mess. But it's pretty awesome. It's amazing, but it's going to end soon. Do you think it's gonna end soon? I don't think it's gonna end, but I don't know what's gonna happen I'm pretty happy Really, I've never been happier in my life
Starting point is 01:20:11 Really? Things are okay, yeah I like a little bit of chaos Like the thing about everything falling apart And people going wacky and crazy And screaming at people from a mile away to put their mask on I like it There's a part of me that enjoys it. Do you like being in the center of attention,
Starting point is 01:20:29 like having people go after you and with all this stuff with the virus and all this other shit? Do you like that? Does it stress you out when people- I don't pay attention. Do you read anything? No.
Starting point is 01:20:44 I don't read anything about me. I don't read a lot either. I don't pay attention. Do you read anything? No. I don't read anything about me. I don't read a lot either. I don't think you can when you get to the position that I'm in. I think it's unhealthy. And I think the people that do- It is unhealthy. They wind up going crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:55 It's one of the things you see about celebrities. There's a certain level of celebrity where the re-entry pressure is too hard on the hull and the spaceship falls apart. They just can't take it. But if you just change your focus, it's not really that many people that are mad at you. It's like an illusion. It's like a few thousand people that are mad. But that's out of hundreds of millions.
Starting point is 01:21:21 But if you see those 3,000 tweets about you on Twitter, you're like, oh my God, the world's ending. No, it's 3,000 shut-ins that are emotionally stunted fucking weirdos who are angry at you for whatever, and most of it's not real, and most of it would be resolved if you were in a face-to-face conversation with them.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Right. Because they would realize you're just a person. It just means having a conversation. Yeah, where there's no conversation. It's basically having a conversation. Yeah. Well, there's no conversation. It's basically, Louis C.K. said this to me once about things talking on the internet and people talking on the internet. It really resonated. He goes, when you see something written on Twitter, it goes, it's because it's written,
Starting point is 01:21:57 it's shocking, but it's talk. Like, it's just talk. Like, people do that all the time. They talk shit about people all the time. Like, if someone is at the store and someone says something like, Mike, that fucking guy, he sucks. He's fucking terrible. But you see it written down and Mike reads that.
Starting point is 01:22:13 He's like, oh my God, I suck. I'm fucking terrible. The person who said it might not even mean it and they only said it because you're not there. It's the same thing with typing. They type it out on Twitter and people read it and they get this weird thrill out of attacking people. They're throwing a rock over the fence and listening for a window breaking.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Exciting. I broke something. It's part of the history of the human race. For a human being to be able to communicate instantaneously with a human being through text where they're not even there. They're not writing a letter and pushing it across the table or sending it through the mail. They're just communicating through text that instantaneously gets to you.
Starting point is 01:23:02 And they're anonymous. They have an egg for a profile. And they might even be, I put this thing up on Instagram yesterday about 19 of the top 20 Christian websites that are on Facebook are run by Russian troll farms. 19 of the top 20. Jamie, I'll send you the article because it's i didn't see that
Starting point is 01:23:27 the reason why i'm asking is because like you know i don't know if you know my stepbrother zach braff yes did you know that brother yeah no shit for 35 years and longer than that i met him at the store one night oh really yeah yeah he's a great person he's amazing but anyway i remember him telling me years ago like i, I don't read anything. And I'm like, that's so smart. Like, you know, because I feel like a lot of people do sit and look at this shit. And I'm like, you can't. Yeah, here it is.
Starting point is 01:23:54 2019, almost all of Facebook's top Christian pages were run by foreign troll forums. Oh, my God. That's insane. Well, I had this guy, Mike Baker, on a couple of days ago, who was a former CIA operative. And he's explaining that what they're trying to do, what Russia and China is trying to do to America, is just keep us at each other's throats. Yeah. And encourage dissent, encourage a distrust in the political system. Like he was saying that like when they were talking about Russia, that Russia wanted wanted trump to win or russia wanted hillary to win he goes no no what
Starting point is 01:24:28 russia wants is us to lose all faith in our electoral process they want us to lose all faith they're doing a good job they are and we're helping them we're helping them we're we're making it just as bad yeah yeah that doesn't surprise me at all. But that's crazy. It's crazy. Almost all, almost all of them, almost all the top pages run by Russian troll farms. That's troll farms.
Starting point is 01:24:54 And they really are troll farms. I had a woman on a few years back. Her name is Renee DiResta and she did a study of all of these Russian troll farms and memes. There's a place in Russia called the Internet Research Agency. And all they do is create pages and then post memes and have things on these pages.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Like it could be a Black Lives Matter page or it could be a Texas separatist page. It could be a pro-life page or it could be a pro-choice page. It doesn't matter to them. What they're trying to do is get as many people engaged as possible and then stir shit up. So if they have a pro-life page, they'll have a pro-life page and then they'll have a Russian troll will jump into their pro-life page where they've got all these people engaged in this pro-life talk and then someone will come in and start talking about, I've had 27 abortions, I can't wait to have my 28th. They'll have a, and they're like, ah, the devil!
Starting point is 01:25:52 And they'll get these people really fired up. They'll get them fired up about what's happening on the border. They'll make up stories about the Haitians. They're all coming in with AIDS. There's a manifesto, they're trying to fuck all your kids. And how do you even stop that? You can't. It's impossible. Like the managing at scale. And this is the thing. People criticize YouTube and they criticize Facebook and all these social media platforms. But the reality is these people are managing at scale and they're dealing with billions and billions and billions of human beings that are posting content all day long
Starting point is 01:26:26 there's no way to handle it and when you have these Foreign companies these foreign countries that are supported by their own Political parties and they've decided the you know the the governments of all these companies support or these countries rather support These troll farms. Like the Russian Internet Research Agency, they control, the government controls that. So what they do is their whole plan is this slow buildup of dissent
Starting point is 01:26:56 and separation in America. They're wedging this gigantic ideological, they're shoving this wedge in between our culture. They're separating the left and the right. They're making people more polarized. They're making people more galvanized to whatever their thoughts are. It's wild.
Starting point is 01:27:16 What do you think's gonna happen? That's a very general question, but seriously. This is what I think could fix it all. What? Legalization of psychedelic drugs. Really? Yes, 100%. I really do believe that because it's the thing that keeps me from falling into that.
Starting point is 01:27:33 I don't buy into it at all. And I think one of the reasons why I don't buy into it is because I've had so many psychedelic trips. Do you do the ayahuasca thing? I haven't done that. I've done DMT. I know a lot of people who are doing that. A lot of people are doing it with great success. The thing about the ayahuasca thing, it's like you've got to go to a place.
Starting point is 01:27:51 It takes a long time. There's MDMA therapies that they're doing right now with soldiers that have had PTSD that's been incredibly successful. That's a really interesting psychedelic because MDMA relieves a lot of your anxiety and it makes you very loving and it drops all of your insecurities. And that's helping a lot of soldiers. And then there's 5-methoxy-DMT. There's DMT. There's psilocybin. Ketamine.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Yeah, ketamine, which has been great for people with depression. Yep. I think there's a lot of these things that can help alleviate a lot of the tension and anxiety. And the thing about psychedelics, like generally speaking, is very general, but they bring people closer together. They make people realize, they make people feel humble in the face of these overwhelming experiences. And they make people realize that we're kind of all in this together. And the only thing that really counts is love. And the reason why people lash out online, like of them don't have any love they're missing love
Starting point is 01:28:54 You know, it's one of the reasons why I don't do it. My life is filled with love. I'm very lucky That's why I don't do it. But the people that do do it. I see them and I say they're probably sad and it's fear They're constantly in fear and they're trying to hurt people. Yeah, they're trying to hurt people because they're hurt. Yeah, or they're not hurt people or yeah hurt people hurt people. Yeah. Yeah well, I think psychedelic drugs and I don't even like to say drugs because drugs you fall into this blanket of a bunch of shit that's has completely different psychoactive effects on the mind but Psychedelic compounds I think could have a significant impact on the way we see the world and the way we treat each other. I really do. I really, really think that that could have a huge shift, whether it's microdosing, just to change the tone of general
Starting point is 01:29:37 everyday society, but still remaining functional and being able to compete in the marketplace and do your art and, you know, and take care of your kids. And there's a lot of things that people can do that can enhance everyday life. It's based on these compounds that we already know exist. Yeah, I totally get it. And it's amazing to me what people think just from reading stuff online or seeing a video or reading a tweet, know like I was at the creek in the cave and I had never met you before and you know you came up to me and sat down with me and I'm like oh my god he and I know this just from being in the business for so long but I'm like what a
Starting point is 01:30:16 nice sweet regular guy like you literally just sat down with me and I felt like I had met you 50 times and you were just so thank you I felt felt and genuine and humble like really normal you know you really were and i i love that what did you expect i don't know i mean you know you some sometimes people are just a little off wall up you know yeah not eye contact a little off like you were very like had eye contact genuine like just like a buddy like i've met you you know you were very quote unquote normal to me and that's not always common well you're a comic right you're my tribe right i get it yeah that's how i am too yeah i wish more comics were like that but yes yeah when i found out you were there i sought you out.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I know. I noticed it. You came right over to me and sat with me and, you know, and just talked like we had met and you, but that's what I want. Like people might not know that, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:15 they just read shit or whatever about famous people. Yeah. You know, it bothers me. Well, because it's an untouchable position. Like it's like, it's unreachable.
Starting point is 01:31:25 They think of themselves being in that spot and they can't imagine it. It's so far away from their reality that they assume that anybody who gets to that point is compromised. You sold your soul to the devil and, you know, all these different things. They feel like you're not a person anymore. Which is so ridiculous. It is. you're not a person anymore which is so ridiculous it is but there's oftentimes when people do meet famous people they do encounter walls they feel like this person has a wall and some some of it's because the people that are talking are idiots yeah they're just bumbling fucking dorks who just
Starting point is 01:31:58 can i get a picture holding your tits you know people are nuts right yeah and they don't know and also people don't know how to react around like i remember the first time i ever met anthony bourdain i said uh my wife says you're my boyfriend oh my god was he like just like what the fuck because i my wife used to say oh you're watching your boyfriend on tv she'd always joke around because I loved that No Reservation show. So I said that to him. It came out totally wrong.
Starting point is 01:32:31 But that's, you know, he's a guy I really admired. And here he is. He's right there. And you're all uncomfortable and weird. And so people are going to be like that with you. I bet he was so down to earth. He's super normal. Yeah. He was great.
Starting point is 01:32:41 So was De Niro. Really? Like I worked with De Niro. Yeah. What did you do with De Niro? Oh, Joe, this is the best story. I was at the Cellar late at night, and he was there with Taylor Hackford. Who's that?
Starting point is 01:32:51 He's a huge director, married to Helen Mirren. He was head of the Director's Guild, directed Ray and Officer and a Gentleman, like a huge amount of movies, huge. Oh, wow. And De Niro was looking for comics to be in his movie, and I was doing a huge amount of movies huge and denier was looking for comics to be in his movie and i was doing a set and i do this thing in my act where i turn around and talk to myself um my specials called talking to myself where i have an inner dialogue and i'm like doesn't matter how this goes you'll never make it you know I have a whole, I put my back to the audience and, and he loved it.
Starting point is 01:33:27 And I, I was, I went to Florida to do an old age community fucking Jewish show. Oh boy. Yeah. And that Saturday I get a call and it's Taylor Hackford and he's like, this is Taylor Hackford. And I'm like, okay. I had no idea who the hell he was. And he's like, Bob would like to meet with you on Wednesday. And I'm like, Bob, who?
Starting point is 01:33:47 I had no idea. I'm like, Bob the Builder. I had no idea. And he's like, Bob De Niro. And I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 01:33:54 So I'm like, I can make it. So I walk into the office and I walk in the room and he's sitting there and I was not starstruck. It was the weirdest thing because he looked like just a guy from off the street.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Like he had jeans on and I don't know. I just, he was like a regular guy to me. Yeah. And I sat with him for three hours and I hit it off with him. And to make a very long story short, I ended up being his right hand person in this movie. I had a producer credit. I was in his ear the whole time on a microphone. I taught him how to do stand-up.
Starting point is 01:34:27 He played a comic who had been doing it for 36 years in a movie called The Comedian. I ended up directing some of the scenes. What year was this? I mean, it might have been like six years ago. Something like that. Why do I not know about this movie? Yeah, that's he and I.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Look at you guys. We became very close wow i love him dearly comedian gives tips to robert de niro yeah he's he's an amazing person he really is that's cool so down to earth you would think he has the biggest ego he has no ego you can't be that good he he doesn't i mean mean, to be as good as he is, you got to have a pretty strong mind. Yeah, he's not. And he, I think like that I never was starstruck with him. Like I didn't care.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I just sat with him and was like, and we're still very close. And I, I love him. I really do. Like he just, he just doesn't give a shit. He's so, he's so funny. Like he, he has all these kids. He's like, he's just really amazing. He's really amazing.
Starting point is 01:35:33 How many kids does he have? He has six kids. Wow. Yeah. With one lady or a gang of chicks? No, a couple. A couple of different. A couple of different baby mamas?
Starting point is 01:35:42 Yeah, we like talking about women together. Like he's fucking amazing. Yeah, he's awesome. He just got divorced. I I know when guys the second time that's the same woman. Yeah, same woman. Yeah Yeah, when guys are that old and they get divorced. I'm like how bad must it be? Yeah for the second time when you're like you want to be alone and you're 78 or whatever Well the guy let me tell you something. He's hot. He works out every morning at five in the morning with a trainer. Yeah. He's built.
Starting point is 01:36:07 He has tattoos all over him. He does? I used to sit in his trailer. Yeah, he's tatted up. He's got muscle. Robert De Niro has tattoos all over the place? Yes. I know.
Starting point is 01:36:14 His chest. Jamie, find these. Does he have photos of them? There might be. I mean, there might be photos. Wow. But I would sit with him in his trailer. He was getting his makeup done.
Starting point is 01:36:22 But I hung out with Harvey Keitel. They were all in the movie. Harvey Keitel, Danny DeVito. And I used to go out to dinner with. He was getting his makeup done. But I hung out with Harvey Keitel. They were all in the movie. Harvey Keitel, Danny DeVito. And I used to go out to dinner with them and lunch with them every day. I would be starstruck if I met Harvey. Harvey was like, I want to take you to lunch. I want you to teach me how to do stand-up. So I went to lunch with him.
Starting point is 01:36:36 I'm like, I am not teaching every old actor now how to do it. But I said to Harvey, why did you, you know, you're a Jewish guy from New York. Why did you become a Marine? He goes, so I could kill people. That's what he said to me. Whoa. you, you know, you're a Jewish guy from New York. Why did you become a Marine? He goes, so I could kill people. That's what he said to me. Whoa. Yeah, he's a tough dude. He might not want you to tell people that on a podcast.
Starting point is 01:36:51 No, he doesn't give a shit. He's fucking amazing. Harvey Keitel is amazing. I love that dude. He's a tough, what an actor. One little bitch ass tattoo. Yeah, but he has more than that. No, he has more than that.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Are you lying to me? He's 100 years old in this movie. No. No, he has more than that. Are you lying to me? He's 100 years old in this movie. No. No, he has more than that. Where does he have tattoos? On the other arm. He does. He has more than that, for sure.
Starting point is 01:37:11 A lot of them? Like me? No, not like you. I think he doesn't have any tattoos. Maybe he got them late after that. Wow, he must have got them after that. Yeah, what year is that? No, but that looks really recently.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Click on that. Robert De Niro at the beach. No, he doesn't have them like you. That's three years ago, you crazy lying bitch. No, you suck. First of all- Why are you lying? Why are you lying about Robert De Niro and his tattoos?
Starting point is 01:37:35 No, I'm not, because they might have put more on him for the movie. I'm an idiot. Oh, okay. But he does have them. Okay, they're not real. No, he has one in that photo. Yeah, he got one little bitch ass tattoo. Look at that stupid little tiger crawling up his leg.
Starting point is 01:37:48 No, but seriously, it was after he had makeup done. Maybe they put extra on him. I don't know. I don't know if they did. How weird though, did they appear in the movie, the tattoos? Maybe he got them removed. No, he did have more tattoos in the movie. He did.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Maybe he got them removed. He, he did have more tattoos in the movie. He did. Maybe he got them removed. He did because he was playing younger. They painted his beard black. You know, his mustache black. He had a black mustache and black. He wasn't gray in the movie. Wanted to make him some degenerate type character. Yeah, he was like in his 60s in the movie.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Okay. But he was great. And he has no, he has no, like he's's not stuck up or like, he's not egotistical. He's not what you people would think he is. Well, he's a real artist. Amazing. of movies raging bull i mean he was literally the first actor decided he's going to gain weight for a movie right right yeah no one did that before him he transformed his literal body i mean he was fucking shredded and then he became like really overweight for that movie raging bull i know want to hear the best story the first day of filming was at a deli in brooklyn
Starting point is 01:39:03 and taylor hackford didn't even know that he like hired me to be his like right hand person. So De Niro says, Jessica calls me and he's like, I want you to come to Brooklyn, come to the filming today. I need you to punch up some jokes for me. I'm like, oh boy, does Taylor know I'm coming? He's like, I don't care. Just want you to show up and help me out. So I show up. He's in the middle. I get there a little late because of traffic. He's in the middle of doing a scene with Danny DeVito and Patti LuPone, who plays Danny DeVito's wife.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Right? So I walk in. De Niro runs up to me. He goes, I need a joke for this line. So I give him a joke. So I go wait in the side and uh he says the line and Patty and Danny start hysterically laughing so Taylor starts yelling what the fuck is going on here we got to get through this why are they laughing so he goes well Jessica came in and gave me a joke so he comes over and he starts yelling at me this
Starting point is 01:40:00 is the first day of filming he goes you can't just this. You can't just come in here and screw up everything. De Niro took his arm and he goes, if you ever fucking talk to her like that, he starts screaming. I'm like, what is happening? Where am I? I'm in the filming with Robert De Niro. I was just at the cellar doing a
Starting point is 01:40:19 set. Like, what is happening? He goes, don't you ever fucking talk to her like that again? I mean, that's set the tone for the next six months. Cause he knew not to talk to me. And like, he set the tone,
Starting point is 01:40:31 like don't ever talk to her. And I'm just sitting there like eating a free canish. Like, where am I? What's happening? It was amazing. Oh, he,
Starting point is 01:40:41 I was treated like gold after that. His temper is. Yeah. You don't, I mean, when he yelled, my hair blew. Like, my hair blew back. Like a lion's roar? Oh, he was, yeah, he's, you don't screw with him. What was Harvey Keitel like? So intense. I would imagine.
Starting point is 01:41:02 So what you would think he is. And he would get enraged before a scene. He was a real Meisner actor. Totally what you would think. Very charming, attractive. I mean, the three of them together. Can you imagine going to dinner with Danny DeVito, Harvey Keitel, and De Niro? I mean, it was unreal.
Starting point is 01:41:21 That's incredible. And Leslie Mann was in it, So Judd was around a lot. I mean, it was fun. Wow. It was fun. Did you ever see Bad Lieutenant? No. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:41:31 It's his masterpiece. I got to see that. It's a film that like it's not that famous in terms of, you know, like he was in Pulp Fiction. He's been in so many films. Yeah. That that is probably his piece de resistance it's a masterpiece it's it's about this crazy corrupt cop it's a wild fucking movie like wild and i think it was in i want to say it was in the 80s 92 okay 1992 fucking crazy movie i gotta see to see it. I mean, he was, the acting, watching them act together was just unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:42:11 He pulls over these girls. Wow. Look at him. Yeah. That's the cover of the, there's like a poster. That's the poster of the movie right there. Go down the, yeah, that's it right there. Gambler, thief, junkie, killer there. Go down the, yeah that's it right there. Gambler, Thief, Junkie, Killer, Cop.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Junkie, yeah. It is a great movie. I can't recommend it enough. I mean there's so many wild fucking scenes in that. But he just plays this completely out of control cop and you believe every second of it. There's no better actor, I mean those are the top, besides Pacino and a couple of other people.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Daniel Day-Lewis and a few other folks. Right. Those are... As good as it gets. I mean, I would just watch them and be in shock. Yeah. It's crazy. You realize that there's actors
Starting point is 01:42:56 that are just trying to be famous, and then there's people who are legitimately artists, and they can do things in a movie that no one else can do. They can do things, you know, just like the way a comic can kill. When they're, you know, you've been doing comedy for 25 years. Right. They can do that with acting.
Starting point is 01:43:14 They have this just like this precision way of encapsulating the character. And they have rapport with each other. Some of them have worked together so many times that it's like incredible isn't that wild like we think about you think about what an actor is like you go to see a movie and this guy is the captain of like a spaceship and you know he's talking to this guy who's the president but you know who these people are like you know that's i know that's will smith you know that's this person that's like this is. But you buy it. Oh, it's Tom Cruise. You buy it.
Starting point is 01:43:47 But even though you know exactly who they are. Isn't that crazy? It's weird. It's very weird. You don't think about that. Also, that's what we want. We want the people we already know. Oh, it's fucking that guy.
Starting point is 01:43:59 We want that. Yeah. Even when you know them personally, you still believe it. Sure. Think about it. A friend of yours is in a movie personally you still believe it sure think about it like a friend of yours is in a movie you still believe it yeah like if bill burr is in something you still don't see him as bill exactly that's yeah yeah it's it's very strange that we want famous people to play parts in movies where we know like that's one of the great things I think about Game of
Starting point is 01:44:25 Thrones is that- Oh, what a great show. Amazing show. But no one really in that show was a very famous actor. No one. But they're all brilliant. Brilliant. But you, Jon Snow was Jon Snow.
Starting point is 01:44:40 He didn't have another point of reference. You know? You didn't think, oh, it's that dude from that sitcom with fucking Molly Shannon from the 90s. You know, you didn't think that. No, but now you'll think it when he's in something else. That's Jon Snow. It's Jon Snow. That's the problem.
Starting point is 01:44:56 You know, like Michael Imperioli is Christopher Moltisanti for the rest of his fucking life, whether he likes it or not. Yeah. You know, that's just who or not. Yeah. You know? That's just who he is. Yeah. You know what I mean? I mean, there was such an amazing, iconic, like when he was in here, he came in to do a podcast and I'm sitting there talking to him. I'm like, that's Christopher Moltisanti.
Starting point is 01:45:16 No, it's Michael Imperioli. He's a great actor. He's got a like, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah. But he's the guy from The Sopranos. Well, there's some roles where you always see that person as, you know. Al Bundy. Exactly. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:29 But then some you don't always see them as. But yeah, of course. Like Al Bundy, you always see him as Al Bundy. He's always going to be Al Bundy. Yeah, to me too. Yeah. Ed O'Neill is Al Bundy, period. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:39 Even in that Modern Family show, he's like a newer version of Al Bundy. I still see him as Al Bundy in that show. Of course like a newer version of Al Bundy. I still see him as Al Bundy in that show. Of course. It'll always be that way and then his wife from that
Starting point is 01:45:50 when she was on Sons of Anarchy I'm like oh that's Peg Bundy. I know. That was one of my favorite shows. I never watched it.
Starting point is 01:45:57 It was great. Yeah? I loved it. It's dark as shit. Yeah? I feel like you should watch it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:03 It's dark. There's too many things to watch. I know. I gotta catch up on Vikings. I don't watch anything. I know. I don't watch a lot of TV anymore. No? No. What do you watch?
Starting point is 01:46:14 I play video games on my phone. No, you don't. I do. What do you play, like Subway Surfer? I play slots a lot. I mean, not for real money. Oh my god. You are an old Jewish lady. I play Mahjong and... You play
Starting point is 01:46:32 slots on your phone. Is there more of a waste of time than just fucking... They're fun slots. They're from the real casinos where you, you know, play. But you don't win any money. They're not dumb like... Yeah, you win fake money, but they're mindless. I need to do mindless shit. Oh, I see. I can't... I. Like, yeah, you win fake money, but they're mindless. I need to do mindless shit.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Oh, I see. I can't. I get very, like, I'm always in my head. Right. I'm talking to myself all day. So you need, like, a little bit of a break. Yeah. Even some shows can be too intense. Like, I just don't want to think a lot.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Yeah. I like, like, you know, dumb TV, like. Entertainment. Yes. Just entertain me. Yeah. just take me away for a little bit yes yeah yeah when you say you like mindless things and you like video games is there anything else that you do to like just disconnect just uh I mean video my kids I go completely disconnect when I'm around them. I love being with them. I started up taking, you know, I'm going to start playing tennis again. That's something I did my whole childhood.
Starting point is 01:47:32 That shit's rough on the knees. I know. But I love it so much. So I used to play a lot. My mom's very into pickleball. That's like a new, she plays every day. I've heard of that term, but I do not know what it means. I've heard that. People say they're going to play pickleball. I like a new she plays every day i've heard of that term but i do not know what it means i've heard that people say they're gonna play pickleball i'm like what are
Starting point is 01:47:49 you even saying and i don't even google it it's with a smaller racket and like a do you want to show him what the racket is yeah and like a very um the ball is like isn't it like a It's like a wiffle ball Yeah Really? Yeah Let me see Let me see some pickleball It's a huge thing now What? Look at the court Come on
Starting point is 01:48:10 It's a small court That's real? That's the paddle and ball Yeah What? Yeah it's like all the rave now When did this get invented? I think a long time ago
Starting point is 01:48:20 Is this for people who can't move good? Yeah this is probably better for me I don't have to even move. Look at these old dead people. You have to move. You move more than ping pong, less than tennis. Look at that lady with the blue visor, how
Starting point is 01:48:35 intense she is. She wants to win. She hates her husband and she wants to win. That's what I see in that picture. I might be wrong. I've played it twice. The rules are confusing. I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:48:47 The rules are what? The rules are confusing. I'll be honest with you. It'd be hard for me to try to explain it to you right now. It's not like a doubles tennis thing? No, because there's rules about how you have to say the score. And you can't. That little area in the front here, that line.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yeah. That area is called the kitchen. You can't hit from inside the kitchen. Oh. And that's why it's even called that is it almost gets confusing my mom is like a top player in her town like she's amazing at it she got a hundred score yesterday for her games last week like she's amazing she's an amazing shape though no she's really she's incredible so this pickleball keeps her active yeah she plays she's in incredible shape and she plays every day she's really, she's incredible. So this pickleball keeps her active. Yeah, she's in incredible shape.
Starting point is 01:49:26 And she plays every day. She's like in a league. Does it move slower? Is that what the idea is? Like, let me see a video. Yeah, I wonder if you... Yeah, you just can't hit fast. Because it's a wiffle ball, you know,
Starting point is 01:49:37 like there's only a limit to the speed. What is pickleball? Learn about one of the fastest growing... Yeah, it's like the biggest thing. Let's see. You're that d growing. Yeah, it's like the biggest thing. Let's see. You're that dork. Guys, about pickleball. Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America.
Starting point is 01:49:56 It was invented by three dads on Bainbridge Island back in 1965. Oh, Seattle. It's a combination of tennis, ping pong, and badminton. It's played on a badminton-sized court with a net about two inches shorter than a tennis net. You play it with a paddle a little bit bigger than a ping-pong paddle and a little more durable wiffle ball. You can play it as either doubles or singles. So singles is one-on-one, doubles is a combination of two teams, two-on-two. It's growing for a number of reasons. It's a lot easier on the body and it's a lot easier to
Starting point is 01:50:26 pick up. Most racket sports require hours and hours of lessons but with pickleball you can walk onto a court, pick up a paddle and within five minutes of learning how to play you can be playing a competitive game with your friends. Oh, all of a sudden I want to play pickleball. Me too. I'm going to do that instead.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Like you watch a video and all of a sudden you want to start cooking. Like I want to make a brisket. I want to learn pickleball. That really sold it for me. I get sold so easy. In five minutes you can play and you don't have to move hardly. I started looking at videos about building furniture and I started thinking about really
Starting point is 01:50:58 making my own furniture. You should make your own furniture. I'm not going to. Why? It's too much time. But when I see people do it and they get excited, I see them playing in the wood and everything, I go, oh, that looks awesome.
Starting point is 01:51:08 Yeah. That looks so cool. That's not my thing, believe it or not, because I'm a lesbian, but my wife would do it even though she's very feminine. She likes that shit. She makes furniture? Yeah, she's not Jewish.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Jewish people don't make furniture? No, we don't make anything. We don't even change a light bulb. What do you do? We hire people. Oh. That's allocation of time. That's smart.
Starting point is 01:51:28 You know? Management of resources. My father couldn't do anything like that. No? No. He would get so angry that he couldn't do it, too. Fucking shit! And when my dad was angry, he would rip off his toupee and throw it.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Oh, my God. That was traumatizing. That was amazing. Yeah. He would rip it off? Yeah. He'd go, what the fuck? And just rip it off the tape and then throw it across the room. Did you go, oh Oh my God. That would have been amazing. Yeah. He would rip it off? Yeah. He'd go, what the fuck? And just rip it off the tape
Starting point is 01:51:46 and then throw it across the room. Did you go, oh my God? Yeah, I was like, okay. Did you know that it wasn't his real hair?
Starting point is 01:51:52 Yeah. Yeah, I did. I'd watch him put it on. Was there ever a time where that was acceptable? What? Two pays.
Starting point is 01:52:02 His looked pretty good. Like, it was expensive. Yeah. He was a good looking man. Yeah. Well looked pretty good. Like, it was expensive. Yeah. He was a good-looking man. Yeah. Well, sometimes he was lazy with it, and it looked like he just ran over an animal and just, like, threw it in the air and wherever it landed, it landed.
Starting point is 01:52:15 It was... Whenever I think of toupees, I think about Goodfellas and that dude, Morty's wigs, where he'd jump in the pool. Right. But his was a fortune, and it was and it was on like a white one of those styrofoam heads like he took care of it nice did he brush it and condition it he talked it and walked it yeah the day they figure out how to stop balding for men i know my god would you ever wear i'm thinking about wearing one right now oh god afro of Afro. I'm thinking of making it real obvious.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Real obvious. That would be with a pic in it. You should really. And then we'll go to gospel church. You know what guys are doing now? What? They're getting stubble tattooed on their head. Wow.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Yeah. It's very realistic. It's really weird. That's interesting. You can see my stubble on the sides where I have hair. What they're doing is they're tattooing stubble all over the top of their head. It's like a new thing over the last, I don't know, 10 years or so. When did you go bald?
Starting point is 01:53:14 Slowly. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Oh, wow. That looks good. I started going bald when I was in like my early 20s. Yeah, isn't it weird though? It's very weird.
Starting point is 01:53:24 Because here's my thought. Like if you look at these tattoos that I have, this one's, they're more than 10 years old and the lines have started to get a little blurry. So my thought is like if the line, those little dots start getting blurry, you're just going to have mush on the top of your head. Like how do they keep that from happening?
Starting point is 01:53:44 I don't know, but that must kill. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, tattoos don't really hurt that much. It killed me. Really? Where'd you get it? On my back.
Starting point is 01:53:54 I have two on my back that killed me. On my shoulder, believe it. But I'm a pussy. I think the back is real sensitive, though. Yeah. Like, there's spots that hurt. Like, this spot right here down by the elbow, that's very sensitive. Right by your bone. Yeah, the bone. That's why here down by the elbow. That's very sensitive. Right by your bone.
Starting point is 01:54:05 Yeah. That's why. And up here by my chest is very sensitive. Yeah. But the shoulders, you could fall asleep. Like if I'm getting tattooed on my shoulder, I could literally fall asleep. It doesn't feel like anything. It's weird how like much more sensitive certain areas are.
Starting point is 01:54:20 I heard on the top of your foot is horrible. Ooh, I bet. Yeah. That seems like it'd be real sensitive. The top of your hands, I bet that would be real sensitive. Yeah. So your head would be real sensitive then. Of course, right? I think it would really hurt.
Starting point is 01:54:35 That's a good sound. Would scalp micropigmentation be another way of saying head tattoo? Yeah, that's what it is. Right, okay. A hundred percent. Right, so they're saying those words differently. They're saying micropigmentation to make you feel like you're not getting your head tattooed. Right.
Starting point is 01:54:53 Because that's what it is. It's needles. It's little tiny dots. Yeah. The problem is, like I said, if it, after time, it's going to, like, you can see these lines. They used to be, they still look great these lines they used to be they still look great but they used to be more defined like they get a little blurry over time that's how you could tell an old tattoo oh yeah a fresh tattoo so when you're looking at those dudes heads like right now it looks like real stubble because you just got it you know but then then it's gonna
Starting point is 01:55:23 look like yeah it's gonna look weird and then. Then it's going to look like, yeah. It's going to look weird. And then if a girl like rubs your head, she's going to go, hey, why is it so smooth? What the fuck is all this stubble? Someone's got a stubble fetish. She's like, rub your head on my pussy. Yeah. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:55:41 This is a very, they've had to work on this sentence so that it doesn't say tattoo. It's a non-invasive treatment that uses detailed micro needles to deposit pigment into the scalp. Oh, it's like a tattoo. But different. It gives you the look of a buzz cut or a short hair stubble. So why don't you Google what happens to micro pigmentation
Starting point is 01:55:59 in 10 years? That's what I want to know. It's not a good situation. It's going to be horrible. It's like the top of your head. Unless you want to go full Travis Barker. Like, Travis Barker's a wild motherfucker. He just tattooed his whole top of his head, like where his hairline is.
Starting point is 01:56:19 But it's like cool designs and women's heads and shit. Wow. Yeah. You're not wrong. Oh, is that what it looks like? I think so. Okay. Remo're not wrong. Oh, is that what it looks like? I think so. Okay. Removal after 10 years.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Oh, he got it removed. He's getting it removed. Oh, wow. What is this guy saying? Let's hear what he's saying. It sucks being bald again. I don't know how else to say it. Having this goofy hairline doesn't help, but just not having my hairline again, I feel exposed again.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I feel not confident. It's pretty crazy. So check out my video of me getting the laser. Go to the beginning. Why is he doing it? Sad, depressed. So in this moment, I lived with four other guys, always had a hat on, and I had makeup in my hair all the time.
Starting point is 01:56:58 I got to the point where you can tell now I got too bald where even makeup wasn't able to hide how bald I was. This is so depressing. I felt exposed in this picture, as you can clearly see. So anyway, found hair tattoo. Scout micropigmentation is another word for it, by the way. This was my initial treatment. So this was two years after I got my treatment done. So this was 2011.
Starting point is 01:57:20 And that already shows right there. I was so grateful for this in the moment. Looking at it now, I mean, I'm so grateful for it, happy to have it. I'd have this over the alternative, but I just showed you not having hair, but look how goofy that hairline looks. It, it doesn't look natural. It doesn't look appropriate. Look at that, that sharp line down here. It doesn't look like a natural hairline, but definitely a semblance of hair. Definitely better than, you know, what we just had for sure. So, um um so that was me two years later and then i decided a few years after that i started training people how to do this and when i trained someone i thought was was pretty good i uh i had him do my hairline that's not the best picture of the hairline there um but anyway it just looks stamped on after a while uh again in the moment it was great see the evolution of this industry oh hold on hold on. Play it back there. Results just got a lot better. I know I've produced results a lot better than what I'm wearing on myself.
Starting point is 01:58:09 So it's actually been a long time coming for me to do something like this. But, you know, I feel exposed right now. I got one session done. Oh, so he is taking it off and putting it back on. Yeah, because he just, like, did it too early. He did it when they – oh, so go to the end where they're putting it back on him. Right. Oh, no, he's got glasses. They're cooking it. This is them did it when they... Oh, so go to the end where they're putting it back on him. Right. Oh, no, he's got glasses.
Starting point is 01:58:26 They're cooking it. This is them taking it off. Yikes. Yeah. They take it off with lasers. So he's getting it taken off, and then he's going to get it done again with the new technology. He just cooked his head. He cooked his head.
Starting point is 01:58:41 Look at he's cooking his head. Whoa, son. Yikes. That's supposed to be super painful. Very. Much more painful. I've got an old tattoo that I've been thinking about getting lasered off to finish this sleeve. And I heard it's very painful.
Starting point is 01:58:54 It's supposed to be very painful. Yeah. But they say tattoos are painful, too. I think it's really dependent on- That stuff's apparently only been around for 12 years. The micropigmentation? Yeah, to know it looks like 10 years later. So he was the early adopter.
Starting point is 01:59:09 See, that's the thing. It's like he's getting it lasered off because I think it all gets blurry. It looks fake. It looks like you got, you know. Yeah, it said initially it can last between 5 and 10 years. So what do you do after 5 years, though? That's what I'm saying. Go to Travis Barker's head head this might be the better option to everything else over it yeah travis barker and uh jason ellis has his head
Starting point is 01:59:33 tattooed like i think he's got a wolf's head up there i think that's a better idea to just get something random travis barker's got wild shit tattooed on his head he's a tattoo junkie I mean he's essentially got every part of his body tattooed look at the Kardashian tattoos I love you on his own tattoos over tattoos oh but see if you could find some photos of his head tattoo because it's pretty detailed it's cool when you're when you see it in real life it's very interesting he's got really good work you know yeah look at his tattoo i mean they're amazing there you go you see the top of his head get in the yeah it's like a woman yeah
Starting point is 02:00:16 it's like a i mean if you're gonna get a head tattoo you know that's incredible yeah well you know he goes to guys like mr cartoon and some of the best tattoo artists in the world. But, you know, he's just, he loves tattoos. He's a really nice guy. Like a super, super nice guy. What is that? He's got a fucking gas mask on the back of it. One life, one chance.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Is that Reggie Watts? He's got Reggie Watts tattooed on the back of his head. He's an odd fella, but he's a really, guy really nice I can I see that he with that heart that plane accident was horrible yeah that story yeah that's a scary story oh yeah terrifying I mean is that why he got some I wonder if that's why he got so many tattoos, because of the burns and everything. Could very well be. Is that what it is? Some of them. I think some of them, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:10 Yeah, I'm sure. I mean, he had to get a bunch of skin grafts and all kinds of stuff. Skin grafts weren't taking because he's a vegan, so he was telling me he was eating a bunch of beef jerky and shit, just eating all kinds of meat just to try to get his body to heal quicker. Really? It made a big difference, he's vegan for you know ideological reasons and so when he uh had this injury he had to just put that aside and just eat meat to heal up he owns uh crossroads he's one of the owners of uh like one of the best vegan restaurants in la wow it's supposed to be really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:45 Yeah. My friend who's not vegan at all went there. My friend Dana White went there and said, dude, it's fucking amazing. The food's fantastic. It's like you forget you're eating vegan. Yeah. I've been to some great vegan restaurants in LA. There's a few of them.
Starting point is 02:01:59 I mean, it's like everything else. People, some people just do it right. You know, some people like everything. Some people are just artists. I know. They really know how to do it they have great restaurants here in austin yeah they do i love it here so you should move here i know i wish i could when i open up my club move here bring your kids just drag them i know i think i'm gonna start coming like every six weeks or something i love it here well i'm serious it's so It's so great. I'd be happy if you did that. It'd be awesome. I really, like, I just, it's so amazing here. And the audiences are incredible.
Starting point is 02:02:32 Incredible, right? They're so great. We had a late show last night, 1030 on a Wednesday. It was incredible. Show was over at like 1230 and fucking people were like full of energy. So much fun. I did Moon Tower last week. I did like 12 shows.
Starting point is 02:02:47 They were unreal. It's the best town. You know what it is? It's not too big. It's not overwhelming. It's not. There's not. There's like a thing that happens when you get so many million people where people don't
Starting point is 02:02:59 give a fuck about it. Each other. That doesn't happen here. It's like the vibe is still very friendly and fairly small yeah no it was great it was really great i did uh i i love the audiences because no matter what where people stand and the political shit it's not divided yeah like everyone gets together and laughs there's still a great energy it's because in some cities it's really divided well this place is a very balanced place yeah the city itself austin is very progressive it's because in some cities it's really divided well this place is a very balanced place yeah
Starting point is 02:03:25 the city itself austin is very progressive it's very liberal but it's surrounded by red like everyone on the outside has bullets and guns and fucking ranches and shit right it's like there's a balance yeah like a healthy respect and appreciation for each other you don't get a lot of and that doesn't come out in the audience. Like, that's what I mean. Because some places, it's just so tense. You feel the tension in the audience. Well, you feel a bunch of people that work in an environment where they're under the thumb of human resources every day.
Starting point is 02:03:58 And every microaggression is analyzed. And everything you do could possibly be misconstrued as being you know whatever it is sexist racist homophobic whatever it is they're just everyone's tense and then you got a comic like yourself on stage talking wild shit and they're like oh oh oh this pearl clutchers can't believe what they're hearing yeah oh oh yeah I just go for it at this point. I can't care anymore. I just really just have to stay true to who I am, and I know everything I say is coming from a good place
Starting point is 02:04:34 and a loving place. You know what I'm saying? And I just... And you have an audience. Yeah. You know, like people who already know what you do, love you, and they want to come see you. You can't change now.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Yeah. But imagine being an up-and-coming stand-up today. know what you do love you and they want to come see you you can't change now yeah but imagine being an up-and-coming stand-up today i think about that all the time i don't think i could do it you could do it no i'm saying meaning like i've talked to some girl women who are starting out now and they are like i don't i'm so afraid i'm afraid to say anything i'm like they are so i'm like you know what you have a great ass. You'll be fine. Well, you know the thing about being afraid. I never had that to depend on.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Seriously. That's probably what helped you. Yeah. It's taken a long time. I mean, I never went up with this hot body and this, you know, I never had a lot of help. It's true. I'm serious. I don't think that helps though.
Starting point is 02:05:22 You don't? No, I think it's a distraction. I think for women, for a woman to go on stage in a hot dress, tight and everything like that, and I think women don't like seeing that. They want to be like, this bitch, who the fuck she think she is?
Starting point is 02:05:37 Well, I think some male comics do help women like that. Oh, because they're trying to fuck them? That's what I mean, exactly. Yeah, but that doesn't really help. And I think the industry sometimes has given opportunities to women like that oh because that's what i mean exactly and that doesn't really help and i think the industry sometimes has given opportunities to women like that don't you think comedy central and shit like that maybe i don't know i can't name a person if i did i wouldn't but if if what would help them is if no one gave them help right that's what really helped that's what helped me
Starting point is 02:05:58 figured out that's what helped me yeah that's I mean all the male comics in New York We're always like I don't see you as a female comic I see you as a comic like I just never relied on I never Used that as yeah, it's never part of my thing. Well, all the good ones are just comics. Yeah, all the trail You know, it's Whitney Cummings or Christina Brzezinski or the good ones are just comics. It doesn't matter Yeah, you know this one and one of the things about comedy is if you're really good, everyone just appreciates you as a comic. It's a real meritocracy in that regard.
Starting point is 02:06:32 Like when you kill, people respect you and they love you. Yeah. But if you're famous and you bomb, nobody wants to have anything to do with you. I know. That's so true. Have you seen that before? Have I seen it before? I know you have, but I want you to talk about it.
Starting point is 02:06:45 No, I'm not. It's so ugly. When you watch someone who's famous and they go on stage and the audience recognizes like a minute into their act like, oh no. Oh, well, let's talk about that. So the second they go on, people freak the fuck out. I'm talking they will a lot of times get out of their seat and stand up they scream and jump out of their seats right especially someone drops into the cellar right especially
Starting point is 02:07:18 in New York it's amazing to watch because one minute in if they're not funny it doesn't matter who and i've seen it with the biggest the biggest most famous people yeah one minute in if they're not funny the crowd is done they get upset at you oh yeah that's it they shut off like you they hate you if one minute in you're a nobody they're like maybe it gets better maybe that's so true they'll give you a shot give you a shot he's just starting out maybe one day he'll be really good and i could say i saw him at the cellar bombing it's so true yeah but if you're famous and you don't deliver right away they're done that's it fuck you you're an idiot yeah you fuck you yeah yeah because there's like
Starting point is 02:08:04 a certain amount of resentment that they have for you being famous already that they don't even realize they had until you were bombing. Yeah. I think because, I mean, I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I think because of the internet, comedians realize now that this isn't a famine mentality business anymore. Because when I was coming up in the 90s, it was very famine mentality. Like there was a few slots.
Starting point is 02:08:32 If you wanted to get on a sitcom, there was like four or five people on each sitcom. And, you know, the odds of you getting on one of those is very small. And if you had a development deal, the odds of you getting a pilot and that pilot being on the air, very small. The odds of you being the host of the Tonight Show, extremely small. So everybody was cutthroat. And everybody thought of other comics as being competitors. Right. But then the internet came around and people started uploading their stuff on YouTube.
Starting point is 02:08:58 And they started having podcasts. And they realized, oh, there's room for everybody. There's totally room for everybody. There's totally room for everybody. There's no reason for us to be. And then I think a lot of people recognize like these are the only people I understand. Yeah. It's comics. And now you can treat them as community instead of treating them as like competitors on the battlefield.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Yeah. What year did you start? 88. Oh, my God. Back in the day. I didn't know that. That's wow. Yeah. What year did you start? 88. Oh my God. Back in the day. I didn't know that. That's wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:28 You've been in this. I just celebrated 33 years. Holy shit. A couple weeks ago. Or a month ago, rather. August 27th, 1988. In LA? No.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Boston. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I didn't come to LA until 94. That's such a good place. Boston's a good place amazing i just played in boston i loved it yeah everyone's angry everyone's cold they'll punch you yeah
Starting point is 02:09:51 they have to work in the morning you can't be self-indulgent let's go such good crowds i just played at laugh boston it's so much fun i know it was a beautiful club. Yeah. Yeah, when I was coming up, there was five clubs on one street. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boston was so crazy. In the 80s, have you ever seen When Stand-Up Stood Out? No. It's a documentary by Fran Solomita.
Starting point is 02:10:16 He was a Boston comic, and it detailed the rise of Stephen Wright and Lenny Clark and Steve Sweeney and Don Gavin and Kevin Knox and all these huge Boston comedians. Don Gavin, who's like, in my opinion, one of the greatest of all time. I agree. They were so good. And this one time in history in the 1980s, and a lot of it was because of Barry Crimmins, who was like sort of the godfather of the community. Barry Crimmins had established this environment, this place called the Ding Ho.
Starting point is 02:10:46 And the Ding Ho was a Chinese restaurant that they did comedy at. And it was so good there, and these comics had gotten so good that it branched out, and all these comedy clubs started being built. And so on one block, there was Nick's Comedy Stop.
Starting point is 02:11:03 Down the street from Nick's was the Comedy Connection. Above Nick's was the comedy club at the Charles Playhouse. Across the street was Duck Soup. And then one block away was Dick Daugherty's Comedy Vault. So on one little street, within a couple minutes of each other, there was five comedy clubs. It was crazy. It was a crazy place and there was packed houses every night packed packed houses i mean except for open mic night
Starting point is 02:11:32 which is kind of sparse but they always are on you know tuesday wednesday whatever the fuck it was there was always big crowds and these guys would sell out shows every weekend all over town there was stitches comedy club there's on the other side of town there's another place called played again Sam's that was like a movie theater that had comedy it was crazy and there was so many comics and they were so good and they had Austin oh my god known for like yeah Patrice oh yeah Nick DiPaolo I mean you could go down the line there's so many great comics. Jay Leno. So many comics came from Boston.
Starting point is 02:12:11 Did you just start doing, I don't know if you talk about this a lot on the podcast, but I'm just curious, did you just start doing open mics? Yeah. I took a class. I couldn't just start doing it. I was panicked to get on stage. I was too nervous. How old were you at the time? 29.
Starting point is 02:12:22 What year was this? 19. I started in 99. I was panicked. Why old were you at the time? 29. What year was this? 19. I started in 99. I was panicked. Why were you so panicked? I had never been on stage before in front of people. I was going for a master's in social work. My grandmother told me to do it.
Starting point is 02:12:35 She literally said, every time there's people around you, they're laughing. You need to be a comedian. Wow. And I was like, I can't do that. I could never do that. And she's like, you have to. So your grandmother talked you into it? Yeah, that was the only, I would have never done it if she didn't say that to me that day.
Starting point is 02:12:49 Isn't that wild? And I was always the class clown and, you know, always getting in trouble. So it was always there. Everyone said, it's no shock you're a stand-up. Wow. That's awesome. But I was really nervous. So the fact that you just went and did an open mic is so amazing to me because I'm always impressed.
Starting point is 02:13:07 I know, but I'm always impressed with that because. Well, in the 80s, there wasn't really much comedy classes available. In Boston, there was none that I was aware of. I mean, they might have existed. I just didn't know about them. So you would go to Stitches and Stitches had an open mic night. That was the place that everybody would go, because it was the easiest to get up on the open mic night. And you would go on Sunday night, and Jonathan Katz from Mr. Katz?
Starting point is 02:13:35 Yeah. Yeah, he was the host of the show. Were you nervous? Oh, my God, I was terrified. Terrified. Terrifying. I almost quit. I almost backed out. There was an opportunity forifying. I almost quit. I almost backed out.
Starting point is 02:13:47 There was an opportunity for me to chicken out, and I almost took it. And I literally had a voice in my head saying, no, this is what you're supposed to do. I know. Like a real voice. No, I know. That I've never had before. I've never had it since. Never had it before that.
Starting point is 02:14:02 It was like a real voice in my head that said, no, no, no. This is what you're supposed to do. I was like, oh, my God. I was so had it since. Never had it before that. It was like a real voice in my head that said, no, no, no. This is what you're supposed to do. I was like, oh my God. I was so scared. Yeah. It's so scary. Yeah. But then once I did it, I knew.
Starting point is 02:14:13 I wasn't even good. The first time I did it, I was like, but I realized like, I think I can do this. Because I was such a misfit. I didn't fit in in regular life. I didn't feel like I had any sort of a future in the corporate world. I didn't have a misfit. I didn't fit in in regular life. I didn't feel like I had any sort of a future in the corporate world. I didn't have a safety net. It wasn't a lot that was going to work out for me. Yeah, that is the fit. Plus the power I felt on stage, even though it did not go great, I still, that power is incredible that you feel standing in front of people with a microphone. It's really amazing.
Starting point is 02:14:46 What's a weird puzzle, right? You're like, I think I can solve this puzzle. And then you see other people solve it. That was one of the real cool things was I got to see, you know, Jonathan Katz was very funny, obviously. But I got to see other comics who are professionals would drop in and they would do sets at this open mic night. And so I got to see you know guys like Teddy Bergeron or if you know yes yeah he was at the time in 1988 Teddy Bergeron was one of the best comics on earth he had done The Tonight
Starting point is 02:15:13 Show and everybody was like praising him and his timing was so good he made you want to quit comedy his timing was so smooth and so good you couldn't believe it and so I saw a few of those guys too and I remember thinking like oh my god There's so many levels to this like I had no idea. I had no idea There's and then also here's a big part you get to see people who really suck And you go oh, I can't I'm not as bad as that right so yeah, I'll be better than them You really see people who are horrific yeah I mean that's what I did before I did comedy I saw
Starting point is 02:15:48 an open mic night and I saw some people it's because you know if you've never seen live comedy you assume that all the comedians are going to be like Richard Pryor because you've seen Richard Pryor do comedy yeah but then you go and you go oh this is oh these are
Starting point is 02:16:04 terrible okay I can do this. Right. And it's very scary when someone doesn't even get a smile and they think they killed. Like, it's nuts. That would make me think people were mentally, very mentally ill. Well, they are. When they would get off and go, that was great. And I'm like, for who?
Starting point is 02:16:18 Like, no one even smiled. Forget about laughing. People looked concerned. And you thought you just killed. Like, you're not okay. Well, there's a lot of people that will wear a mask to try to hide from reality. And that's one of the things they would do. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:35 I am delivered! Yeah, people, like, they want to pretend that things are different than what they are. You know? And they feel like just by pretending they did well. But't you i mean i never think i i could get a standing ovation and look at the one man just staring at me and be like that did not go great or the one line that you flubbed of course i will i will murder and get a standing ovation then i'll think about one line that i fucked up for days it would drive me nuts i'll be in the gym and just in the middle of my workout going, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Starting point is 02:17:10 But I think that's what makes you good because you don't really, like last night went great. I had a great time. It was a great show and I'm okay. But lucky nothing fucked up, but I'm not happy with it. That's how I feel all the time yeah i always say to the crowd no matter how much you clap it'll never fill the hole and some of them look confused and i'm like my emotional halt like it'll never i just but i think the best comics feel that way think so. I think to be really good, I think you have to be really self-critical because you're always changing and analyzing and you're always auditing your act.
Starting point is 02:17:54 You're looking at the bits and like, is this worthy? Is this good? I look at my act like a hater, like I'm a hater. Me too. Yeah, I think that's the best way. Yeah. I really do. I make myself
Starting point is 02:18:05 nauseous sometimes yeah you should Doug Stanhope told me I forget he said he looked I think he said
Starting point is 02:18:13 he looked at his act like he was trying to defend it like a defense attorney and then like would go over the bits that way like if you had to
Starting point is 02:18:22 defend them in court which is very smart that's very smart very smart. That's very smart. Very smart, yeah. It's a good way to do it. And I had a similar approach in that I would go over it like, if I was someone who hated me
Starting point is 02:18:34 and saw me do comedy, like what part would I mock? I gotta get rid of that part. That's tough. Yeah, I gotta cut that out. I gotta make these bits better. Just make them undeniable. So that even if someone's a hater, like that guy's an asshole, but fuck, he killed.
Starting point is 02:18:49 Yeah, I don't, I'm never okay with jokes that just get, like, I want to rip the room apart. Yeah, and those jokes, it's like sometimes you can hang on to them and they'll grow and blossom and become something killer, but you never know when. You never know if you should abandon them or keep going. I know. I know. blossom and become something killer but you never know when you never know if you should abandon them or keep going i know i know i give it like a couple of months and then i i normally i'll be like this one's not gonna i can tell sometimes when it's just not gonna go anywhere right yeah there's bits that you can tell and then there's other ones that one day you just figure it out yeah like one day you just go down another road when you're on stage and all of a sudden everyone's laughing you're like holy fuck i found it the best isn't it it's a wild feeling it's a wild feeling like new bits are like i worked with
Starting point is 02:19:36 shane gillis last night and uh he's got these new bits that he's working on it's so funny because he goes on stage he's killing and then he has these new bits that he inserts and he goes and then i fucking eat shit because these new bits just not funny it's not ready you know and he and and i go but one day they'll be ready he's like yeah but not tonight and we all know that pain. It's horrific. It's so bad. It's the worst. I mean, I hate doing new bits because I'm spoiled.
Starting point is 02:20:13 Like I'm used to getting big laughs. So it's so uncomfortable. Yeah. But you have to. I mean. The scariest time for me in comedy for sure is when I put a special out and then I have to write a whole new act and then people come to see you.
Starting point is 02:20:28 You're like, oh my God. That must be so hard at your level. I can't even complain. At your level, when you get to that level to have to do new stuff, it's not easy. I'm sorry. But it's fun. It's fun. It's still fun.
Starting point is 02:20:42 But it's just like it forces you to really think. And usually you have a few months. But the problem is you're essentially writing a whole new hour in four months. That's not easy. It's not easy, but you have to write all the time. The thing is you have to write all the time outside of when you're writing a new hour so that you have framework. Right. You have some ideas that you can expand on. But if you just start from scratch, you're writing a new hour, so that you have framework. Right. Like you have some ideas that you could expand on.
Starting point is 02:21:06 But if you just start from scratch, you're fucked. Like you're really genuinely fucked. Yeah, you have to consistently write, period. And even then, the ideas don't always come. Like ideas are like fertile ground. Like you could try to,
Starting point is 02:21:21 I'm planting seeds. Bro, you're in the desert. Shit's not gonna grow. Fuck. Like you could have, your mind could seeds bro you're in the desert shit's not gonna grow fuck like you could have your mind could be a desert sometimes no i know i have to be in a certain frame good frame of mind to write like i could you know that's like during covid i was not feeling creative yeah yeah my brain was dead yeah i thought i was gonna do a lot of writing i didn't write at all oh me either people that like had a new hour i'm like how did you write that much during covid i barely could get out of bed some people are like
Starting point is 02:21:50 stimulated by the stress you know yeah i couldn't do it yeah i write on stage a lot yeah when you feel you're in the zone right yeah that's when i that's why i tape myself because i go up with an idea and then i come up with a bit. Yeah, that's very wise. That's a good way to come up with comedy because you hit that weird headspace that you hit when you're killing on stage. And then you can find ideas and figure out a way to do them. But I feel like you've got to write right too. I feel like it's all those things.
Starting point is 02:22:20 You've got to write right. You've got to let ideas happen and come to you like when you're just driving around your car. And also you have to write on stage. You have to fuck around on stage. You have to take chances. Do you think you're going to do your next special, like put it out there for people for free?
Starting point is 02:22:36 I'm thinking about it. I think you should. I'm thinking about it. I just, I'm concerned that the editorial decisions that streaming networks might make about bits in the future are going to get more and more stringent. They're going to decide jokes you can and can't say. Even if you have a point, even if there's a definitive position that you're taking because you're trying to explain. You're trying to talk about language. You're trying to talk about if you say certain words, people are gonna say,
Starting point is 02:23:05 you can't do that, you can't do this, you can't say that. Even if you have a point, you can't. And they're worried about people being pissed. They're worried about the wokesters. They're worried about corporate sponsors or whatever the fuck it is. I'm just worried about killing. All right, that's what I'm out there to kill.
Starting point is 02:23:26 So when I'm killing, I'm using all the words at my disposal. So we're playing a different game. I know. They're playing a game where they want to piss off the least amount of people while entertaining the most amount of people. And anything that stands out, it has to be so popular
Starting point is 02:23:41 that they'll let this controversial idea flourish and then they have to deal with the wave of articles that get written written in all these woke online websites where they attack them you know for violence or for creating unsafe environments or for this or that like all this this new jargon and buzzwords, it's just bullshit because you know, these same people that are attacking, you're listening to music that has a horrific language and content in it. Watching movies where people are getting murdered and it's crazy.
Starting point is 02:24:18 It's weird. I know the music is really wow. Yeah. Yeah. Well that was Spotify. Daniel Eckck who's the ceo of spotify someone asked him about some of the content of my podcast and he said no much like we don't censor any of the content of all the music artists we're not we're not in the content censoring business like if someone violates our codes of conduct, that's a different thing. But none of what he does does that.
Starting point is 02:24:46 I mean, what a simple point. That's so true. But that point gets lost today because people, they capitulate to the mob. And the mob is always looking for blood. They're always looking for a new victim. I mean, and it's become a sport. Recreational outrage is a sport online. It's people enjoy it and they enjoy attacking targets and they enjoy taking people down.
Starting point is 02:25:12 They love getting people fired. It's weird. And it's the left, which is so strange because the left from when I grew up was always people that supported free speech. People that were, you know, they were like the ACLU supported Nazis. They let Nazis in the KKK talk because they they recognize like, listen, the only way to protect speech is to allow all speech. And the way you counter bad speech is with better speech. speech. I mean, this was like a rock solid perspective that was in, it was like a fundamental aspect of being a liberal, of being, you know, a progressive. It's not that way anymore. Well, I think if you, if you say that you support free speech now, you're labeled a right-wing Republican. I'm serious. The Republicans are the new punk rockers. I'm serious.
Starting point is 02:26:02 The Republicans are the new punk rockers. I'm serious. I think that, you know, you're labeled something right away when you say you support something. Instead of like, I think, you know, and that's what's happening. The thing is, those unreasonable people are at least slowly in many circles being exposed. Because their unreasonable takes are so predictable because that's what they do. They attack things. They attack things.
Starting point is 02:26:30 There's a very rigid, woke ideology that's oftentimes unsustainable. And then usually someone will dig through their Twitter and find some shit that they said like 10 years ago or seven years ago and we find that out. But Ari said it best. He said this is a great time
Starting point is 02:26:48 because comedy is dangerous again. This is actually dangerous. Yeah, I just think you can have different opinions about different things and not be labeled as one way or another or whatever. You can like, you know, the labeling has gotten really out of control. It's also like the instinct to attack.
Starting point is 02:27:08 Like people are so online attacks are so it's like such a part of the culture now. Call outs and it doesn't have to be valid. It doesn't have to be legitimate. Like people just looking for excuses. And when there's no viable targets, they'll find one. That's the problem with this online mob shit is that they keep moving the goalposts about what's acceptable. It's not like they get everybody in a good, like agreeable pattern. They go, okay, we're not gonna attack anyone anymore. No, there's already like a common pattern of attacking people online. So if everybody toes the line and wokeism, you know,
Starting point is 02:27:46 has like a very clear line in the sand, they'll just move that line a hundred yards to the left and start attacking people that used to be okay. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. I mean, I've been accused of things that I'm not, and it really was very upsetting, you know, and I freaked out. And then someone said to me, Jessica, this will be gone in about maybe 48 hours. And that's exactly what happened. Yeah. It literally went on to another comic after that. It's like it goes so fast.
Starting point is 02:28:12 Yeah. It just is like a tornado. And then it goes on to the next person. It's weird. But if you get caught up in it, if you're a person that likes to read all your comments and you can. I can't. I did it. I did it.
Starting point is 02:28:24 I got into it and I said, I'm never't I did it I did it I got into it and I said I'm never I just will never do it again it's not bad for you it's horrible it's so upsetting because first of all there's nothing you can do about it what are you gonna argue with people on Twitter like anonymous people it's horrible I mean it's not you know no one really knows you unless they know you exactly I mean these people don't, you know, no one really knows you unless they know you. Exactly. I mean, these people don't really know you. They don't, and they don't know me unless they really have a relationship with us. It's a bad way to communicate. You know, it's, you get no social
Starting point is 02:28:57 cues, you get no feedback. There's, there's no emotional interaction between you and the person like it is normally. You don't get to feel who they really are. It's just text. It's just like cold, nasty text. I know. Not good. It's not good. So I don't engage in it.
Starting point is 02:29:16 Yeah. And just because you feel one way about something doesn't mean you feel that way about all things that one party feels. So many people are in the middle on so many things. Yeah, the center is a pretty, it's a heavily occupied space where everybody shuts their mouth. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:35 Because everyone's scared. So many people are in the center right now. It's hushed tones. Yes. You know what I think? You know what I think they're doing? And then they'll tell you. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:44 It's weird. When do you think you'll do another special? I made a goal to do one in about six months, and I'm going to put it out on YouTube because I am not going to depend on any network to try and sell it to anymore. Why don't you do it at my club? Joe, I would kill to do it there. Let's do it. I've been looking for a would kill to do it there. Let's do it. I've been looking for a venue and that would be, I mean, killer.
Starting point is 02:30:09 I would love it. That is like, I'm in. All right, let's plan on that. I'm in. All right, beautiful. I will do it. You think it'll be open by then? Yes.
Starting point is 02:30:18 That's sick. Yes. I'll do it 100% at your venue. All right, good, beautiful. I mean, yes yes I love it alright Should we wrap this up? Yeah Tell everybody how to get a hold of you on the The internets
Starting point is 02:30:34 Well I have a website And I'm on TikTok I again post I love it so much Do you dance? No. But that's what it's for. I post a lot of crowd work videos.
Starting point is 02:30:51 I'm serious. Maybe if you TikTok'd a little bit on top of that, it would really boost your profile. Yeah. Well, you know what? I'm going to dance at these Baptist churches. There it is. Jessica Curzon. Yeah, but you know what? Listen, I have like 79 000
Starting point is 02:31:06 8.6 million views son yeah that's tiktok that's pretty impressive holy shit i didn't even know there was that many that's amazing that's good yeah you got a lot of views kid um congratulations you big big big on tiktok listen i am one of the only female comics that does a shitload of crowd work. You know, I do a lot of crowd work in my act. I love it so much. I love talking to dumb people. Yeah, so I'm on TikTok and then I Instagram Jesse Curson and, you know, all that shit. But I have a ton of road dates coming up.
Starting point is 02:31:45 So people, I'd love you to come out and see my shows. So is the best place to get online? All right. Yeah. I appreciate you, my friend. You're the best. No, you're the best. I love being here.
Starting point is 02:31:54 I love having you. You're doing amazing things for comics. We'll do it more. Yeah. All right. Thank you for everything you do. My pleasure. Bye, everybody.

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