The Joe Rogan Experience - #1744 - Derek from More Plates More Dates

Episode Date: December 3, 2021

Derek is the fitness educator and entrepreneur behind the "More Plates, More Dates" YouTube channel, podcast and companion website. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. you in person. No, yeah, long overdue. How did you get started? For me, I've always sort of just been like a nerd about pharmacology and biology, endocrinology, stuff like that. And I've always just researched online about random stuff. And eventually, I was encouraged by a few people to start posting online. And I was, I just started writing up blog articles on a WordPress site, maybe like five and a half years ago or something at this point. And eventually it got to the point where I guess YouTube was already big, but it wasn't that what it is now. And I was just asking people in the, I don't know, like male self-improvement niche that I was friends with. Do you think I should be posting videos too instead of just writing these articles? And they said, yeah, it's a no brainer. You should be.
Starting point is 00:01:06 So I just started basically reiterating my articles in video format too. And then eventually the YouTube sort of outpaced the WordPress site. And that's why it's always, you know, Derek from, that website was where I originally wrote my articles. And that eventually got to the point where it wasn't very time efficient to write, unfortunately. So I kind of like moved disproportionately towards video format because I can just fire off a video in, I don't know, 15 minutes. Otherwise, that in written format would take five plus hours to write out, if not longer. Well, I'd love the fact that you have, like, your production is very minimalist.
Starting point is 00:01:48 You have an air conditioner behind you, wood panel wall. It's like there's no attempt at all to, like, glitz and glamour, but it's just good content. I mean, you just hit a million subscribers, so obviously something, it's working, you know? It's working well.
Starting point is 00:02:03 But what you're doing is just, you have a unique ability to pull information out of the air. Like you remember stuff, like how things work and how things, you know, like how, especially when you were talking about catching people that are doing steroids. Yeah. Like when, like there's been many times you've gone over people's blood work and it's very educational i learned a lot about it especially like before i watched your videos i thought oh usada like there's no way anybody can cheat with usada around and then i watched some of your videos i'm like oh my god they're cheating yeah it's not like they make it obvious where their shortcomings are and where the loopholes are because they would obviously prefer people to not know what they're doing current research on to tighten up but yeah
Starting point is 00:02:48 there's definitely leeway still or else they would not still be in the lab trying to figure out ways to bulletproof it essentially well there's one gym that i know of that at one point in time i don't know how they do it now but at one point in time, they had literally full-time scientists that were working with the athletes. No, yeah. I think a lot of athletes have maybe not a full team, but there's usually some sort of chemistry slash pharmacology guy in the back end who they're deferring to, or even just their bro who's experienced enough. Yeah, but the bros is how people get caught. Oftentimes. You're probably just like, bro, you just got to do this.
Starting point is 00:03:28 You got to test clean. Trust me. And then you test positive, and that guy's fucked. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think usually there's some sort of, I don't know, deferral to figure out. Like even people who, anybody at a top level is trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:03:43 what kind of edge they can get regardless if it's through straight through straight supplementation, dietary practice, manipulations, lifestyle interventions, et cetera. And obviously the conversation at some point comes up is like, what's not on the list that I could get away with? Or is there a way to get around? Or what are the other people in my sport doing that I don't know about? And if other people are doing something, you're going to, you know, it's not as dramatic as the Lance Armstrong case where everyone's doing it. So you're pretty much forced to do it to be competitive, but
Starting point is 00:04:11 you know, people are thinking in that same way. The Lance Armstrong one is the most ridiculous to me because they took his jerseys away, supposedly, but he still has them. You know, he's like, there's a photo of him, it's a hilarious photo, of him on his couch, like with his feet
Starting point is 00:04:28 up and behind him is all these framed jerseys of him winning the Tour de France. And it's like, what are you going to do? Take my jerseys? I fucking won those bitches. And he did win them. He did. It's fucking ridiculous how they even, you know, pretty much everyone underneath him is doing the
Starting point is 00:04:43 same thing. 18th place was the last guy that you could find that did not test positive. And even that guy, though, he might have just gotten it out of his system in time. Oh, yeah, probably. Because they're still trying to figure out how to detect EPO use, blood transfusions, autologous, you can't detect right now at all, except for aberrations in your hematology that can kind of like infer based on longitudinal data that something's off, and they can assert that you're doping
Starting point is 00:05:08 and putting blood back into your cell, but they still can't even tell. Right. Yeah. Yeah, well, that's why they try to use the biological passport, right? They try to get a baseline of you at random times over a course of several months,
Starting point is 00:05:21 and they understand what your normal levels are. but even that varies with sleep and diet and you've got to build up the data so if you're hypothetically an athlete who understands how this process works going into it it's not very hard to go to lab corp get my own hematology panel assess my reticulocyte hemoglobin red blood cell count over time develop my own longitudinal biological passport before i go into a tested sport and see do i fall within the you know threshold cutoffs where i would not get caught for my degree of autologous blood transfusions so hypothetically i could just i could go in quite confidently if i had done the preliminary research prior and if you're doing something like tour de france of course you're gonna do that research yeah they had teams behind them yeah did you see icarus yep that's a fucking great documentary yeah yeah god damn it's so good it's so good when you realize that the entire
Starting point is 00:06:15 russian olympic team was juiced to the tits yeah the whole team yeah everybody they that guy gregory he said the only people that it didn't benefit was the figure skaters so they didn't do it to the figure skaters well I would bet the figure skaters were still doing stuff that might just not be on the band list yet or might might be now who knows cuz even like 2000 I think it was 2000 when we're the Summer Olympics it was like 2008 2004 8 and 12 or something like that. They've retested, like since they've developed some of these long-term metabolite assays, they've been able to go back and retroactively catch, I think it was like 150 athletes that
Starting point is 00:06:55 otherwise didn't get caught at the time. And this was over six years later. And then of those 150, that's just a ballpark number. It's not accurate, but it was like 79, I think, were medalists. And they figured that out six years later. Well, whenever the host country wins like a shitload of medals, that's when it all gets weird. Like Sochi. That was a big one with Russia.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And then Beijing. The Chinese one was a big one. They had won so many medals. And you know that it's such a big one they had won so many medals yeah and you know you know that it's it's it's such a big thing for some nations like to win the olympics yeah it's a huge show of superiority yeah and they go all out man now what's that uh have you ever heard of the um i think it's like the goldman dilemma or something where it's like if you were to die in five years or win gold for your country what would you take and it was like over 50 of athletes said die in five years and
Starting point is 00:07:52 take the and take the win versus you know live a normal life yeah fucking wild well they in their head it's everything yeah i mean to lose is so painful and to win is so glorious that they'll just take it. Yeah, and in professional sports, obviously, the contracts are so ridiculous. Like there was one NBA player who just popped for draw standalone and testosterone like a week and a half ago or something. And when you actually look at it, the guy has only played, I think, in totality like seven minutes on the court or something, but his contract is like almost $8 million. So even guys at the highest level of professional sports, it's
Starting point is 00:08:29 so lucrative, the amount of money that's on the table that if you think, even if you're, you know, like a low tier, like you're still a top tier athlete, obviously, if you're in the NBA, for example, but if you're at the bottom of the totem pole and you think you have leeway with, you're not going to get tested as much or whatever, the choices of drugs he used, too, were like one of them was absurd and made no sense. But I assume he was just hedging against the chance that he would get randomly tested. You know, if it helps you get this lucrative contract, even if you're like just a seven-minute court player, like it's a big fucking deal. Well, it's probably the guys who get caught doing something stupid it's
Starting point is 00:09:05 probably some dude from the gym right maybe somebody from the gym tells them how to do things they're not being sophisticated about it especially he's not a top tier athlete he's just kind of a guy who plays occasionally yeah i've heard in arm wrestling it's like a more obscure sport obviously but some of them are drug tested the The scrutiny is very low, but some of them don't even, they just take whatever they want and go sauce to the tits and just hope they won't get tested. Like that's their strategy. Yeah. So like they take whatever the fuck they want and just hedge against the probability that
Starting point is 00:09:40 they won't get tested. And then if they get lucky, which a lot of the times they do, because's very low scrutiny testing they just go in like full board yeah well the ufc um and mixed martial arts in general is a very interesting sport because uh from that perspective because it started out all juice like started out literally like most of the athletes were on something it was you know you'd have to be a real rebel to not be on juice. Like the rare BJ Penn type guy who was like just a super athlete who just didn't need anything and fought natural. But so many of those guys were on juice.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So many. Like if you go back and look at them, if you go back and look at like UFC 3, 4, and 5, like everybody looked like a superhero. Oh, Vitor was insane when he first started. Oh my God, dude. That like, the fight where he, I forget, it was against Vanderlei, and he just ran him across the ring.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah. That epic shot. Yeah, he was fucking cranked back then. Yeah, well so was Vanderlei back then too. Yeah, but the physiques, like disproportionately bodybuilder-esque. Right. Well, Vitor at one point in time was 240 pounds,
Starting point is 00:10:44 and then he eventually got in the UFC, was competing at middleweight, which is 185esque. Right. Well, Vitor at one point in time was 240 pounds, and then he eventually got in the UFC, was competing at middleweight, which is 185 pounds. Damn. So, like, yeah, he's pretty juiced up there. But if you go to Vitor versus Randy Couture, that was a fight where he lost, where his body was so big, his trap started at the top of his head.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah, yeah. And he was fucking enormous. Is that Vitor versus Randy? That might be the second fight. I think that is the UFC light heavyweight title. Right there. Yeah, you want that one in the upper right next to your cursor? Go up.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah, right there. That's him. He was, look how big he is. He was fucking huge. That one he was like 240. His arms were gigantic. But he gassed out quick. And Randy was a superior wrestler.
Starting point is 00:11:31 That was back when you could wear shoes. Look, Randy's wearing wrestling shoes. That's old school UFC. Like that was early, early on. And there was no testing. There was nothing. No, you had guys like Mark Coleman showing up looking like. Just jacked. Mark Kerr was even bigger than Mark Coleman showing up looking like. Just jacked.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Mark Kerr was even bigger than Mark Coleman. Mark Kerr, the smashing machine. Have you ever seen that documentary? No, I haven't. Very good documentary. It's an amazing documentary because it was like Icarus in the sense that the way, if you haven't seen Icarus, folks, Brian Fogle, the guy who's the director of it, is also the star of it.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And what happened was Brian, who is an athlete and he does bike races, he decided as a cyclist, it would be interesting if he did a race natural and then did the same race the next year, juice to the tits. And so he did the race natural, documented it all, and then hired this guy gregory rechenkov and gregory was the head of the russian anti-doping agency which is not real yeah the russian anti-doping agency is the russian we dope everybody agency and so gregory talked um brian through the protocol told him what to take how to take it i don't know if he supplied him with it. I don't really remember that. But along the way, the Russians get busted in the Sochi Olympics. Gregory has to flee the country and then rats out the entire Russian Olympic team.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And now he's got a hit out on him. So he's hiding in America and still is. He's under witness protection. He's got 24-hour armed guards around him all the time. And, you know know someone from Russia apparently is looking to kill him yeah
Starting point is 00:13:08 so this poor guy is wandering around well the smashing machine is like that in that what they were doing was they were studying
Starting point is 00:13:14 Mark Coleman or excuse me Mark Kerr when he was at the peak of his popularity in pride and Mark Kerr was a fucking
Starting point is 00:13:21 gorilla look at him there my god just enormous wrestler super powerful guy just fucking Mark Kerr was a fucking gorilla. Look at him there. My God. Just an enormous wrestler, super powerful guy, just fucking smash the shit out of people. But when they start filming this documentary, he is falling apart. They catch him falling apart. He's addicted to pain medication, so he's shooting up, and he's doing it right in front of the documentary crew.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Jesus. Yeah, he's just out of his mind. He's doing steroids. He's doing painkillers. He's just completely addicted. And you see everything collapse. They caught it right at the right time, right when the cameras got to him, was right when it was all falling apart. And it's a fascinating documentary. And that was in the Japan days of pride, where not only were there no testing, but- They literally write it on the contract. Yeah, they literally write on the contract, we will not test you for steroids. Ensign Inoue, who fought over there, told me they wrote it in all caps. We will not fight you. We will not test
Starting point is 00:14:21 you for steroids. And so this documentary is like the gold standard uh documentary for mma um like fighters like that were substance abusers there's so many of them they were so hooked on steroids there were so many of these guys and then usada came along and then their physiques just melted yeah but not all of them like some guys figured shit out. Yeah. Yes. Some were pretty dramatic like Johnny Hendricks fell apart Yeah, Vitor fell apart Vitor was the most dramatic. Yeah. Yeah, he's usually like the poster boy for yeah Yeah, yeah Yeah, he was He was the guy that was probably responsible for them getting rid of the TRT program. The TRT program is very controversial because the whole idea behind it was some of these
Starting point is 00:15:08 guys need testosterone. It's just like anything else, like thyroid medication. We're just going to give it to them. But the problem is like, why do they need testosterone? Why does a 26 year old man have low testosterone? Yeah. Well, the reality is a lot of them were on juice. And so their natural endocrine system shuts down,
Starting point is 00:15:25 and then they get tested during that time period. They go, oh, my God, this poor guy, he needs medicine. And so you give him testosterone and Vitor. Like whatever the natural level was, Vitor was at hyperhuman levels to the point where they were worried he was going to die. Yeah, something a lot of people don't consider about TRT2 that goes overlooked when it comes
Starting point is 00:15:45 to these tues is even if you're within the natural reference range like he was pushing it to super physiological levels that's why you know he was getting more scrutiny too but even if he kept his levels at like 700 nanograms per deciliter and that's like a normal level that's like a chronic bleed of hormone you're getting all day that's not gonna dip based on diurnal rhythm it's not gonna dip based on shitty sleep based on excessive training based on weight cutting lack of substrate for actually producing the hormones and nutrition while you're weight cutting aggressively fucking anything it just stays chronically at 700 the entire time whereas like a natural who has 700 would be like 700 in the morning it goes down to like 500 600 blah blah
Starting point is 00:16:24 yeah and obviously when you're weight cutting aggressively, if you're a guy who loses, I don't know, 30, 40, 50 pounds in a matter of a few months to make weight for an event, obviously your test levels are going to go in the gutter too. But then you maintain that that entire time. Your performance metrics obviously stay far better. metrics obviously stay far better. And also you get a disproportionate drop in SHBG, which spikes your free test to a level that otherwise would never be achievable. Explain that. So like there's testosterone that's bound to albumin and SHBG, which is your total test. What does SHBG stand for? Sex hormone binding globulin. So it's like a binding protein that regulates how much hormone is like freely in circulation to get to target tissues. So if you have a higher SHBG, you have less free testosterone that actually is available to do activity, you know, like do, you know, all the things that testosterone does in the brain and the muscle, et cetera. So if you have this drop in SHBG
Starting point is 00:17:21 from exogenous administration of testosterone, you get a disproportionate rise in your free test because there's less of this binding protein to hold onto it. And when you get that disproportionate rise in free T, you get more psychoactive activity, aggression, muscle building. There's a reason why guys on TRT, I guarantee you hold more muscle than they would have otherwise at the same level on paper of a total T with natural levels. Makes sense.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah. And is there a way that, I mean, they use carbon isotope tests to detect exogenous testosterone, right? Yeah. And that detects testosterone that's coming from wild yams, right? Yeah. And that detects testosterone that's coming from wild yams, right? Yeah. It's kind of ironic how testosterone commercial grade is derived from soy, which is like the complete fucking opposite of what- Yams are soy? It comes from like yams, stigmasterol.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I forgot all the- It's basically like soy derived ultimately at the end of the day. Yeah. It's like Mexican yams and it's like all these- The way they react it down, it comes from, I think, the current way to do it is soy, which is just interesting because that's like the last thing you would think makes testosterone. Well, soy boy is like that is the worst insult for someone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:36 So this carbon isotope test, which detects wild yams, have they figured out a way to extract testosterone from animal sources um because i know that that was theoretical commercial grade testosterone like the stuff you get from a pharmacy for your trt is all derived from the soy derived so the carbon isotope of it the ratio of it is indicative of like plant derived testosterone so when you do a carbon isotope ratio test and you combust it down and you see what kind of like carbon content is in it when you're checking the urine you see it disproportionately um the carbon 13 to carbon 12 ratio is disproportionately in flavor of favor ofderived testosterone to a point where there's no way
Starting point is 00:19:25 a human could produce this through endogenous steroidogenesis from cholesterol. So if you hypothetically wanted to skirt around this test, if you had animal-derived cholesterol and you reacted it down, you could hypothetically get a human-looking derived testosterone that's completely immune to detection through the carbon isotope ratio test. Now, is that just theoretical or is that a bit, has that been achieved? Well, it's not like I could pull, it's not like you would ever be able to get that from a commercial company that's going to provide it to you. But hypothetically, if you got, I don't know, from like a medical supply company, you've got animal grade testosterone or I mean cholesterol. And then you had a chemist who you hired because you're, you know, an athlete who has access to the resources available to pay somebody to do this.
Starting point is 00:20:13 And you had the lab equipment. You could hypothetically manually take that cholesterol and react it down all the way down to testosterone, just like your body would endogenously. testosterone just like your body would endogenously and then once you have that you have testosterone that's been derived from animal-based cholesterol that has a carbon isotope ratio equivalent to that of what looks to be animal derived rather than plant and then it kind of like gets around that system has that been done um i believe so yeah really yeah but this is not like there's no papers on this they're not gonna say this is being done and this is how you do it. Right, but I was wondering, like, I wonder who, like, is this something the Soviets have done or the Russians have done?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Is this something the Chinese have done? Athletes in all sports, I don't think it's prevalent. Like, especially in the UFC, some of the people who get caught, even at, like, high-level fighters, like T.J. Dillashaw,, he is recombinant EPO, which is highly detectable if you're looking for it. So even the highest level of fighters, I don't necessarily think have access to the resources to hire these chemists necessarily, or even think to do this kind of stuff. But ultimately, I do think at a very high level, there are individuals doing this. Yeah, I think there's individuals doing it too.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I'm just wondering if it's been proven that it can be done. Nowitzki, Jeff Nowitzki from USADA was the first person to tell me about it. But his take on it was like, we don't really know. No, I don't think there's – if you can literally take a fucking yam and turn it into a test, I cannot imagine it's impossible to take actual human identical cholesterol, which is literally what your body uses to make tests, and react that down. To me, it makes more sense how you get tests out of that than out of a random plant. Yeah, that does make more sense. And you got to think, out of all the stuff that China does, one of the things they do
Starting point is 00:22:02 is these concentration camps. They have these prisoner camps, and the people that did wrong speak or whatever and they shuffle them off there yeah i would imagine i mean the the dark rumor was always like that's where you're getting some organ transplants that some people would go over there to get organ transplants yeah you gotta think they're making testosterone that way too. Just using people as like a fucking sponge to drain out. Maybe, yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if there are countries doing it, athletes at a high level in the UFC perhaps,
Starting point is 00:22:32 as well as in professional sports in general. Didn't John Jones block you? Mm-hmm. I don't think he likes me. What did you do? Well, I guess it's just I've made a few videos just dissecting his case and giving my opinion on what i think he did and i don't he just doesn't like it obviously because it's just bringing up shit that is in his past that he doesn't want dug up i guess
Starting point is 00:22:56 this is the stuff about the drug testing yeah because there was that whole debacle with the you know the pulsing and the terinobal metabolite. Yeah. What's your take on that? Personally, I think that if you go back historically to the beginning, obviously the guy is pretty loose on what he's willing to do in terms of, you know. Substances. Yeah. So with him, if you go back to his first positive test results, I believe he tested positive for
Starting point is 00:23:25 clomiphene and letrozole way back in like 2016 or something. So if you look at those two drugs, one of them is an aromatase inhibitor that you would use to prevent gyno formation usually. And then clomid is like a fertility drug you would use to restore testosterone production or in women use it to aid intility so using those two drugs back then to me seemed like something you would be doing to either you know prevent the gyno from what you were using at a time when it was less scrutinous perhaps and then the clomid you know to recover or something was tainted as what his claim was but we already have you know history of him doing this or getting popped for something pretty stupid to get popped for way back in 2015, 2016 era, approximately.
Starting point is 00:24:09 After that, he tests positive for Terenobol and then thereafter the pulsing. But the thing that's interesting about that is when Nowitzki talks about this pulsing M3 metabolite, he refers to, well, it's not him. he refers to well it's not him he's just reiterating the research and it's ultimately they use this reference point of clomid pulsing as a kind of a proxy to exemplify look here's a drug that stores itself in fat tissue and pulses over time so they use clomid as an example of a because they can't just give a human a shit ton of terinabol and like try and figure out if this is going to work or not so they give them this fertility drug or they've looked in the data and found parse out this information about clomid pulsing and they use that as a reference point for like look there's a drug that can pulse over time but the interesting thing is john jones literally popped for clomid before
Starting point is 00:24:56 but he's never had that pulse so he has this terenobol that keeps pulsing but the clomid they use as the reference point of a drug that can pulse never pulsed for him. But didn't he say that the Clomid was from tainted food? Yeah, but he still got it in his system. So it's like, if you ingested Clomid, why is that not pulsing? So what causes something to pulse? Explain pulsing to people that don't know what we're talking about. Like the idea would be that metabolites of these hormones like first of all with terenum ball after icarus came out and like shortly around that the rod shankov is the one who came up with the m3 metabolite test and like extended the detection window of terenum ball
Starting point is 00:25:36 and that's actually when i mentioned the summer olympics and how many people retroactively got their metal stripped or they got popped for the summer olympics for like 12 years in totality a lot of those positive test results for were for terendable after they use rod chankov's data to like retroactively test the urine samples and see they thought at the time it was undetectable because they got out of their system based on the current detection windows but then when rod chankov came out with his he came out with his data. And when I went back and tested it using his assay, you could figure out, oh, past that date, they actually detected for that, you know, the longer term metabolites.
Starting point is 00:26:20 So the idea between behind the pulsing is these metabolites that linger, they can store themselves in like fat tissue, essentially, and they can like liberate themselves over time sporadically has that been proven or is that theoretical yeah and it was proven in clomid data which is interesting because john jones literally is pot for clomid but didn't pulse for that yeah but it hasn't been proven before with this stuff no with terenobol never so what's your take on that like i think personally um like the amount of Terenobol you had was so small. A lot of times, like for certain compounds like Terenobol, the only way you're going to get it is like underground. Like you're going to get it. It's not a pharmaceutical product that's designed for like a clinical application.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So you're going to get it designed by an underground lab who sells steroids to, you know, random bodybuilders or a chemist in, you know, China or something. And you're kind of just banking on the fact that it's not going to be tainted. They're going to use like clean equipment. It's going to be whatever drug you're hoping to get. And there are a lot of different scenarios that might, you know, explain it. And there's different theories like I could have that could hypothetically, either one could be true potentially. But I think one of the options is a drug he thought he was getting that was potentially undetectable was tainted with turinabol. Or he thought he could get around the detection window by taking it unaware of Rodchenkov's
Starting point is 00:27:36 long-term data that came out. Or there's like a variety of different things that could be happening. But ultimately for him, he got it in his system. a variety of different things that could be happening but ultimately for him he got in his system and on paper when you look at his testosterone levels and his ratios of testosterone epitestosterone like when he fought dc they were so out of whack that it would not be explainable in my opinion by anything other than some sort of suppression of your system via the usage of something so to me not not hard training because hard training does suppress it right yeah but to the degree where he's literally like a female probably not
Starting point is 00:28:12 so he really it was that bad yeah so normally the levels would be over 10 times what he had in general i'd have to pull it up to remember exactly, but he was like in the single digits for urinary testosterone, which otherwise should be like 60 plus or something. He was like four or something. And it was multiple data points of his testosterone being single digits to a point that would
Starting point is 00:28:38 indicate significant suppression, in my opinion. What could be another possible explanation for it other than significant suppression of the super low test levels um i don't know castration uh is that bad uh yeah it was pretty fucking bad dude it was like the equivalent of you only have your adrenal glands producing testosterone basically like your balls are essentially non-functional but explain this then if that's the case then how would he perform well? Because
Starting point is 00:29:06 if he's going into a fight with his testosterone that low. Because if you have a drug that's suppressing your system, the drug you're taking presumably is what is driving your performance vectors that you deem useful enough to use in competition. So hypothetically, if I was using Terinabol, like all those athletes in Russia or whatever using Terinabol, you're going to have some suppression of your testosterone levels, which, you know, on paper could inhibit performance, but you're using the drug to drive performance. So even though your endogenous levels are lower, you're relying on this compound you're using that you deem useful enough to dope with potentially. So here's my question.
Starting point is 00:29:46 If they're using a test that's sophisticated enough to detect that he has these very low testosterone levels and he has this pulsing of terinabol, like where is the room for this compound that's going to significantly increase his performance? Yeah. so let's just say hypothetically terinabol or any random oral steroid is not that like presumably this isn't 100 factual this is just speculating based on the levels and whatnot but if he has a certain even if he has crushed test the room if they're not looking for a certain drug that's not on their list and you're using it full board, whatever dose you want, because they can't detect it because they don't even know it exists, then that's going to be significantly performance enhancing. Okay. So then we're talking about something like the Balco Clear, that kind of a deal?
Starting point is 00:30:36 Potentially. So, see, the thing is, like, when they catch someone with something like what Victor Conte had come clean with that they use for Barry Bonds and all these different athletes, undetectable, you rub it on your skin, and no one knew what it was. We think, oh, well, they caught that guy. They're more sophisticated now. You can't get away with that now. designer steroids or some new compound that's not on the list of things to be tested for because we don't even know it exists, but yet it is significantly enhancing performance. Like the clear. If you don't have an assay developed for it, detecting it is essential. You can't prove anything exists in the body if you don't have
Starting point is 00:31:20 an assay to detect it. So even though you have this elaborate list of steroids that are known about, if you have a novel drug and you don't know how to detect it, even if you have other markers that look fucked up, like it's testosterone levels in the gutter, there's no threshold amount where you pop because your test is in the gutter. They look for high test.
Starting point is 00:31:38 They don't look for low. So if you're really low randomly, they might be like, huh, that's weird and keep an eye on it and maybe test you further for other stuff. But it doesn't mean you couldn't be using something gung-ho the entire time. So I do think designer drugs exist. I don't necessarily know that they're being leveraged highly in the designer steroid family because you could hypothetically probably be able to determine this compound derived from testosterone
Starting point is 00:32:06 was manipulated and, you know, see something iffy and, you know, dig into it and get a, perhaps find out pretty clear pretty soon what it is and retroactively, you know, penalize that guy. But I do think there are novel agents being developed from the growth hormone side of things, EPO side of things, the testosterone, obviously there's the carbon isotope ratio proof cholesterol derived testosterone, which you could also potentially argue the guy was using basic like TRT and came off and like crashed the system, you know, at the time of the test or something like there's a million different reasons, but ultimately seeing that level in his urine, testing for a random compound,
Starting point is 00:32:44 having in the past tested positive for a fertility drug and an aromatase inhibitor you would only use in the context of like drug use essentially intentionally in most cases it's just like highly improbable i don't think that he's at least tried to do some shit to get around the system so explain how someone would create something that would mimic the effects of hyperhuman levels of testosterone but be a novel steroid, like a new compound. Well, I think the main loopholes in testing at this point are through bioidentical compounds, so things that your body naturally produces. so things that your body naturally produces. So if you're trying to mimic the benefits of a high dose of testosterone, I think the main go-to, to be honest,
Starting point is 00:33:28 is literal testosterone. So I wouldn't even, I don't think people are often deferring to these oral agents that would shut you down and trying to design like a THG, the clear kind of thing. I think they're using literal micro doses of actual testosterone, actual EPO, actual GH, things of that nature.
Starting point is 00:33:48 They're just micro dosing it throughout the day. And the idea is that it diminishes quickly so that if you get tested, it's not going to show up. Yeah. Like I have studies that I could pull out. Please do. Yeah. So for right now, the detection of these things, if they're identical to what you naturally produce, it's kind of difficult to prove one way or the other. Like, at least with a synthetic drug, if you develop a test for it, you can prove retroactively you use something that should never be in your body.
Starting point is 00:34:17 But with testosterone, EPO, GH, et cetera, it's a lot more finicky because it's supposed to be there. It's a lot more finicky because it's supposed to be there. So I think that, again, even with randomized testing, 24 hours, you have to give a one-hour whereabouts of where you're going to be every single day. Hypothetically, after that one-hour window, if you microdose test, GH, EPO, all these bioidentical compounds, the likelihood that you're going to get detected is like, it depends on the individual, and you would do this preliminary data going into your longitudinal testing beforehand, ideally. I'm not saying how to do it or anything. I'm just, you know, hypothetically saying,
Starting point is 00:34:57 and you would kind of know beforehand what it looks like when you take this micro dose of a compound and what it does to your, you know, detection parameters. So you'd have someone who measures what it's like for you if you take it and you wait four hours, five hours, what have you? Yeah, so like hypothetically, like there are studies that literally show people microdosing EPO and GH and getting away with it and almost nobody getting caught. And then there are certain genetic polymorphisms that cause it to be nearly impossible to tell if somebody's using even mega doses of testosterone. Really? Yeah. So this is just rare genetic anomalies? Some of them, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:30 So there's some individuals that have a genetic, it's like they're literally missing the gene that encodes for the enzyme that excretes testosterone that they test in your urine. So they test in your urine for testosterone, like glucuronidated testosterone. They add glucuronic acid to the testosterone in your body. That's a process that happens to allow you to like piss it out essentially. And some individuals lack the gene that encodes for this enzyme. So it makes it so you literally piss out barely any of this, you know, marker that they test for. literally piss out barely any of this, you know, marker that they test for.
Starting point is 00:36:09 So there's people who use upwards of like half a gram of testosterone, 500 milligrams, which is like a fucking actual bodybuilder cycle essentially, and getting no detection. That's crazy. Yeah. So what do they do if they find out that that person has that gene? That's why you have the biological passport, because you could assess over time what does your testosterone look like, and then they develop their own little, like, a much narrower and smaller
Starting point is 00:36:31 threshold for red flagging you. Oh. Yeah. God damn, this is complicated. How do you, what was your background in school? Uh, marketing. Marketing? Yeah. Which was not useful whatsoever. How do you know so much about this stuff fucking nerd dude i don't know so you just started reading it and getting into it and you have
Starting point is 00:36:53 just an ability to remember these things i used to be really into bodybuilding much more so than i am now i'm still very into it but not like actively pursuing trying to gain stupid amounts of size or anything you You used to be gigantic. You used to do your shows in a tank top and you have these fucking worlds on your shoulders like moons. Yeah. So for me, just trying to figure out how to do that stuff. I've seen so many bodybuilders die in like their 30s and 40s. Yeah. So a lot of my research has been developed around, like my research has been developed around trying to not die and live a long, healthy life while using things like testosterone, having a higher body weight than otherwise may be optimal for longevity, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And I don't know. I just find it highly interesting. I just go down these rabbit holes of things and just end up learning about it. I find it interesting, too. But I prefer to just listen to you talk about it and do my own research yeah it's way easier you know we were uh talking before the podcast about uh athletes and actors and people who are carrying massive amounts of weight and like what kind of a toll that takes on your body yeah if you're a 300 pound you know eight percent body fat guy who's 50 yeah yeah yeah no yeah there's a lot of uh a lot of guys that you know just don't talk about it yeah i think it's weird that they don't
Starting point is 00:38:13 talk about it yeah like i don't know especially if you're i don't know like i guess at the end of the day even if you claim it's, I'm just on medical prescribed testosterone, people ultimately know that it's not TRT limit levels. You know, if you're walking around at fucking the rock size, essentially. Yeah, the rock's a great example, right? I've always been real honest about it because I've always been like, I just, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Just like I don't think there's anything wrong with talking about doing mushrooms or smoking weed. There's definitely a huge stigma around it, though, still. Like, even I saw your podcast with Shob and I think it was Hinchcliffe.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah. And he was like, you think The Rock's on steroids? And you guys are like, what the fuck do you think, dude? And he's like, really? There's no way. Don't they test in wrestling? First of all, let me tell you something about Hinchcliffe. I love him to death.
Starting point is 00:39:06 He's the best, but he is the ultimate wrestling nerd. He gets up to the precipice of believing it's real. You know, like he is that guy. Yeah. He fucking loves it. So like for you to tell him that those guys are on steroids, he'd be like, what? But he hangs around you guys and and he still, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:25 I know. at least has some sort of an inkling of perhaps, you know, people use testosterone for, you know, medical uses. I think he uses it now. Yeah, and he still, you know, thought that perspective.
Starting point is 00:39:37 So you imagine the layman who just random person. Right. Anyone who just watches a random The Rock movie is gonna, you know, just think, oh, this guy just fucking trains hard. He definitely does train hard. Oh, he does.
Starting point is 00:39:49 There's a lot of other shit involved as well. Yeah. Never. I think a lot of the time people don't want people to downplay their hard work. So they don't want to admit it. Like even bodybuilders who couldn't argue out of taking stuff because it's so obvious. it like even bodybuilders who couldn't argue out of taking stuff because it's so obvious they often will do this thing where they say the doses they use are lower because then it's you know doesn't take away from the fact that they still train hard they eat perfect you know they're
Starting point is 00:40:13 so meticulous about their sleep etc which like i sort of understand but it's like it's all fucking lying at all levels yeah it's just not worth it oh especially when it comes to testosterone replacement therapy because for me i am i'm a person where if i find something that's beneficial i want to tell everybody yeah if i find something that works great for me i just tell everybody i just and also like my business it's kind of okay to be a buffoon yeah you know it actually helps me it helps me to be a moron yeah you know really actually helps me it helps me to be a moron yeah you know really does it's beneficial especially if you are a self-admitted moron yeah like it's like a nice uh a parachute that you could pull oh yeah it gives you a nice little chop out yeah
Starting point is 00:40:55 so when i talk about it first of all i talk about it because everything that i find beneficial i feel like i have a obligation to tell people. And the thing about the testosterone thing, it's like, I think it comes back from the Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, those guys getting caught doing steroids and everybody was so disappointed. And in baseball in particular, that was such a big deal. Yeah. If you got caught using steroids or in the Olympics or anything else, like, my God, you're
Starting point is 00:41:27 a cheater. Yeah. And I'm like, okay, I want you to think about this. Why are they doing that stuff? Well, they're doing that stuff because it works. Yeah. Well, you don't, you're not competing in the Olympics. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:39 It's not like there's some sort of a sanctioned competition where you have an unfair advantage over other people because you're taking testosterone replacement therapy and the normal 50 year old guy is not like what are you doing yeah and what do you think is going to happen in 10 years from now well 10 years from now you're going to have another 10 years of low testosterone so during that time you have significant breakdown of your tendon strength muscle muscle tissue, bone density. There's a lot of shit that's going to go wrong, man, or not. Or not. And that's why I always tell people, I'm your poster boy. I'll tell you what I'm taking.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I'll tell you how it works. I don't take a lot of stuff, but I take it on a regular basis. I get my blood worked on on a regular regular basis and I'm fucking super healthy. Like it works. Like when I was a kid, when you were 54 years old, you were fucking dead. You were a dead man.
Starting point is 00:42:32 You weren't swinging kettlebells and hitting the bag, doing rounds and doing jujitsu and swimming and fucking working out like a crazy person. But you can do that now. You can do that now. You get your heart checked. Everything's great. You're looking healthy.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Yeah. That's possible today yeah i think the longevity of pro athletes has definitely become a bit more uh it seems like the careers are being extended a little bit too and i for sure yeah but i think some of it is natural because of science the understanding of nutrition and supplementation hyperbaric chambers all the things that are legal that people do implement. I mean, there's a lot of legal things that you can do that can change your hormone profile. Sauna's a big one. You know, there's a lot of different things that people do that do have like a measurable
Starting point is 00:43:17 effect on your ability to recover, your ability to, you know, your endocrine system to function correctly. Sleep. your ability to you know your endocrine system to function correctly sleep people know how valuable sleep is now yeah it's literally like a performance enhancing drug like people that work that sleep four hours a day versus people that sleep eight hours a day the markers are fucking astonishing yeah and back in the day too especially from the entrepreneurial side of things people would always advocate this whole like sleep when you're dead you know yeah, if you go to bed and sleep for six hours You get an extra two hours of work that you wouldn't have otherwise right yeah stuff like that was popularized maybe like
Starting point is 00:43:53 Accidentally by guys like Gary Vee for example. He's just like the most hyper aggressive fucking high-energy, dude and you're just like never fucking sleep just you know kill it and Nowadays you know how deleterious that is to just like everything including your actual efficiency when you're just like, never fucking sleep. Just, you know, kill it. And nowadays you know how deleterious that is to just like everything, including your actual efficiency when you're awake. It's a big deal for me. I mean, I'll tell you right now, I got five hours sleep last night and I just did a workout with John Wolf over and on it. Me and Burt Kreischer just worked out.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I'm wrecked. My brain is like firing on six cylinders. It's like, but if I get a good eight hour sleep and I come in, like if I was going to, uh, if I needed to do something where I had to be at my fucking very best, like some like super complicated podcast with a shady character and I had to be, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:39 I had to be, uh, I had to have all my resource resources and all my research at my fingertips. fingertips so I could just pull it out at any moment. I would make sure that I got a lot of sleep and didn't work out that day. Yeah. Yeah. Like if I'm doing two shows in a night, I won't work out hard during the day. I'll have a light workout.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I'll do like 45 minutes of cardio or something. Two shows. Something easy. That must be fucking insane. Yeah. It's like. Because they're at nighttime too, which is like the tail end of the day where your brain is at the lowest part. They used to do three shows.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Three shows are rough because the third show you don't remember what the fuck you've said. Yeah. Because they all blend into each other. Because it's like when you're on stage doing stand up, it's almost like you're in a trance. Yeah. And then you're in this trance for the third time in the night. You're like, what am I talking about? Did I already say this? Yeah. Especially if you don't have a rigid
Starting point is 00:45:29 set list of all the bits and how you're going to say them and when you're going to say them. It can be a problem. Do you have like a cognitive stack you use for shows? Yes. Yeah, I do. Yeah, I have a bunch of stuff. One, I really like this Neuro Gum.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You ever use that stuff? I think it rings a bell. We have some over here. It was a sponsor at one point in time. I buy a lot of it on Amazon. Another stuff is one thing that my company Onnit makes. It's Alpha Brain. This is the new one, Alpha Brain Black Label.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I'll give you some of it. Awesome. Take it. I'll give you a fresh one. That's my bottle. Yeah, I actually formulate nootropics for my company too, so this stuff highly interests me. What do you use? What's your stack that you formulate?
Starting point is 00:46:12 The company I have, it's called Gorilla Mind, and the product is basically based around probably a lot of the same stuff, but cholinergics mainly. Acetylcholine. Yeah, so having alpha-GPC, I find the most bioavailable form of choline that actually crosses the blood-brain barrier. And then acetylcholinesterase inhibitors that inhibit the breakdown of acetylcholine. So you could use like huperzine is a good one. Right. And I have things like ginkgo, bacopa, stuff like that. And then dopamine precursors I'd like to put in there too. And basically just have it so your brain is as mentally sharp,
Starting point is 00:46:49 capable of retaining information, memory formations at its peak, all that kind of stuff. What's your product called? Gorilla Mind. Oh, it's called Gorilla Mind. Yeah. So do you take this before podcasts, before you do your video podcasts? Yeah, I take it pretty much every day.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And you take it, like say if you want to do something and be at your peak, take it an hour, two hours before? What's your? For me, yeah, I'll usually do like an hour beforehand-ish. I'll usually combine it with like some sort of stimulant, either just caffeine through, you know, a coffee or an energy drink if I want. Or, yeah, sometimes I use, I have sleep apnea, so I've been prescribing modafinil for a long time too, which is- What have you done for your sleep apnea?
Starting point is 00:47:28 CPAP. Oh man, those things suck, don't they? Uh, they're not very, like they're kind of annoying to have to wear, but I'm so used to it at this point that it's just part of my routine, but- I have a mouthpiece that I wear that keeps my tongue from falling back. Like a lot of the thick neck guys like you yeah yeah what happens is your tongue like falls back because you have all this extra tissue around your neck so your tongue will fall back and cover your air hole that's why you choke and snore real loud well this tongue depressor it's like a mouthpiece and it holds
Starting point is 00:48:00 my tongue down so it keeps my airway open oh nice it's amazing yeah i think uh that's one of the most overlooked silent killers of muscular guys yes and fat people yep yeah because you don't even know you're getting fucked up in your sleep you wake up and you just feel terrible like i used to go to university classes and sit there and not understand why i'd fall asleep after five minutes every day right and the you know the lecturer just thought I was a shitty student, but in reality, my sleep was just atrocious the entire time. And the CPAP is a game changer for me because otherwise, you know, I was getting, I don't know, like, I forget how many episodes of apneas I was having per hour, but it was exorbitant to the point that I probably would be dead by now if I didn't get a CPAP otherwise. So when you got this machine, did you struggle to
Starting point is 00:48:45 sleep with it on your face for a while? Well, when you first start, yeah, because you're not used to something blowing air into your airway and strapped to your head, so I'd often wake up and just be fucking like chucked across the room or whatever, but some people, they don't get used to it. Like, they don't try to get used to it. They just do it a couple nights
Starting point is 00:49:01 and they say, this thing sucks. Who wants this? And, you this? Some single guys have this idea that girls are gonna think it's weird and shit when you show up and you have the CPAP machine. It's kind of weird. I've never had experience with that though personally. So when you go over a girl's house, you're gonna spend the night, you bring
Starting point is 00:49:17 like a vacuum cleaner with you? Yeah. And that's the thing too is like it's kind of presumptuous because if a, you can't really get around implying you think you're going to be staying at her place with a new chick if you have a fucking machine in your car. That blows air, you know? She's like, what's this thing for? Like, do you think that this is, like.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Right, right, right. If she wants to snuggle and you're over there like Darth Vader. Yeah. But if you don't do that, then you're literally going to be choking in her face. Right, right, right. So you pick. And one of them kills you quick and one of them keeps you alive. And how much of a difference did it make once you started using it?
Starting point is 00:49:54 Night and day. Night and day. Yeah. Energy levels. Yeah, yeah. Everything. Like I wore a pulse oximeter and that's how you assess if you have sleep apnea or not. And if you are even like a healthy guy otherwise and you're lean you assess if you have sleep apnea or not and if you are even like a
Starting point is 00:50:05 healthy guy otherwise and you're lean even if you're fucking shredded if you're a big guy highly recommend a sleep study to anyone because it's something that even sometimes significant others they may just think you're a horrible snorer right and they think you're they just go in another room maybe to get away from you and they just think that's how you sleep and you're just annoying and loud but you might literally be dying in your sleep gasping for air like i used to wake up sit up and gasp for air because i was literally at the point of about to pass out and my body wakes me up and makes me breathe yeah i i had been there too yeah i remember i was on a plane once and um uh there was a guy behind me it was a long flight i think it was an international flight there was a guy behind me he was a big guy very overweight and he was holding his breath choking for like
Starting point is 00:50:49 15 20 seconds at a time so he's like laying back yeah and then um he gets up eventually i go hey man i go do you know that you choke in your sleep and he's like what do what what do you mean i go you have sleep apnea yeah i go hey man i go do you know that you choke in your sleep and he's like what do i what do you mean i go you have sleep apnea yeah i go listen to me i have sleep apnea too you got to listen to me you got to go to a doctor i go this is fucking you up i go you tired all the time it's like oh my god i'm tired all the time i go that's why you're not getting any sleep but it was wild to watch someone how often you get to watch a guy sleep you know but I'm playing you watch people sleep I recorded myself before I got diagnosed when I finally knew what this was and I listened
Starting point is 00:51:31 to the audio and it was terrifying dude yeah you're just sitting there and all of us really like literally gasping yeah yeah there's ways you can sleep where it's not as bad right we sleep on your side or I always felt like one of those massage tables would be the move like sleep with you so you can lie on your face yes because i can't i with the mask thing i can't lie on my stomach like i used to because the thing will get pushed out of my airway right right so yeah that might not be a bad idea how do you lie sideways on my back which gets annoying because sometimes you want to roll on your side. And you can't. You can, but it's like.
Starting point is 00:52:07 It knocks off your face. Sometimes, yeah. You could use the full face mask, which is pretty much impossible to knock off. But that makes a bunch of lines on your face and it encourages mouth breathing, which otherwise is. There's research that's come out that implies that's bad for performance and just longevity and whatnot. Yeah. Mouth breathing is supposed to be bad for you. Does your sleep apnea change if you breathe out of your nose? If I use a nose mask versus this one?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah. No, the quality is the same because it's manually putting the amount of pressure I need to oxygenate me. But it encourages that subconscious mouth breathing that otherwise carries into your day so you use a nose one yeah so what does it look like um it's just like a big long tube that connects to the machine that's on the ground and then it has this uh just like a strap that goes on your head up here it's a pretty thin strap here and here it has these little nasal pillows that you just like put into your nose and it's maybe like this big and do you tape your mouth shut i used to but it's uh the tape never like adhered properly to me me neither it always fell off and
Starting point is 00:53:19 i always wondered like how the fuck does anyone use this stuff i think it's a beard thing yeah but even when i was clean shaven it didn't work for me. Really? Yeah. Maybe try duct tape. Yeah. Try some sears tape. I actually, okay, I actually use this thing now. I just remembered, actually. It's called, uh, it like, so I have the strap for the CPAP mask, which is the nose thing, and then I have another
Starting point is 00:53:37 strap that goes around my chin to keep it locked. Oh, to keep your mouth shut. Yeah, because the tape wasn't working, so I looked for, like, a chin strap. How do those work? It just ties around your head, so you have a strap here, a strap here. Yeah, to keep your mouth shut. Yeah, because the tape wasn't working, so I looked for like a chin strap. How do those work? It just ties around your head, so you have a strap here, a strap here. Yeah, I know how it works. I mean, how effective is it? Very. Really? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:53 I find it better than tape. Oh, so that's your move now. Chin strap, nose plug. Yeah, so it's quite the fucking setup. And it does look ridiculous, so I can see why some guys don't want to do it especially you know around women but ultimately like they'll understand if they like you enough so it changes your life though ultimately oh yeah yeah it is a it is a big game changer i remember
Starting point is 00:54:15 i was always tired and then i got it done well two things i got done one i got my nose fixed i had a deviated septum most of my life. I've highly considered getting that fixed tube based on what you said. Because you said it was very significant. Oh, my God. It changed everything. There were so many people that warned me about empty nose syndrome and weird shit that might happen when you do it. What's that mean? Apparently, when you...
Starting point is 00:54:39 Or is that... No, that's for a turbinate reduction. I got turbinate reduction. Yeah. No, that's for a turbinate reduction. So for me, I got turbinate reduction Yeah so that apparently if it's like too dramatic it gets to a point where You can't even like feel the inside of your nose or something and it feels like it's empty Cuz all the stuff in there is just gone and I can't imagine like what it's like
Starting point is 00:54:57 It's never happened to me, but people say it's the worst thing ever and it makes them suicidal from how it feels Yeah It's the worst thing ever, and it makes them suicidal from how it feels. Yeah. There's some real weird YouTube videos about guys talking about how they got their deviated septum fixed and the turbinate reduction, and their lives have been ruined. Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. So it made me kind of think about it. Empty nose syndrome.
Starting point is 00:55:17 You feel like there's a hole in the middle of your face, like that kind of a deal? Maybe. I don't know. Speaking of which, do you ever follow any of these guys that do like wild body modification projects uh i've yes over the years i've probably done uh videos on a few of them yeah there's just one guy i don't know if you ever heard of him the black alien project have you ever seen this maybe i might have jamie go to the instagram and look up the black alien project this guy recently just got two of his fingers removed
Starting point is 00:55:46 So he can turn one of his hands into a claw He's gonna do both hands He's just gonna get one and then he's gonna heal up And then get the other one done I forget what country he's from It's a different country It says France So his entire body is covered in tattoos
Starting point is 00:56:00 Jesus fuck His eyes are tattooed He's got implants tattoos. Jesus, fuck. Yeah. His eyes are tattooed. He's got implants all over his head. He got the tip of his nose removed so that there's these openings that go straight into his head. And then his left hand, where you're seeing right now, you see all his fingers. Now he got those two fingers removed. Yeah, that's what his hand looks like now. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah, what the fuck sometimes i wonder when it comes to nature versus nurture of being a parent like how much it's just you're predetermined to be your brain chemistry a certain way versus how you're raised like how do i avoid having my kid do this you know i don't know if you can i mean i think if you i don't know if you can. I mean, I think if you, I don't know. I would imagine this has got to be some abuse. Someone had to abuse him. I just, I can't imagine that this is just normal brain chemistry. Well, also like what kind of a fucking doctor removes your fingers? And how expensive is this too?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Like imagine the amount of resources of your income you're allocating towards these procedures with the amount of shit he's done. The thing about the Removing the fingers too is like how ethical is that if you're a doctor you're removing fully functional fingers must be like an elaborate Thing you have to sign I mean maybe he's in France. Maybe they don't give a fuck over there Have a croissant and sit down cut your fingers. I've seen seen the real life Ken doll. He looks like a human still. Yeah, that is bizarre. And he doesn't look anything like Ken at the end of the day. No.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But he has like fake abs, fake chest, fake everything. Yeah. So that was what the guy used to look like. He was a handsome guy, which is crazy. Yeah, it's wild. Look at him. He's a fucking good looking guy. And then now he's this freak.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Oh, Jesus, look at that picture. Like, what is he doing with his lips? Is that new? That's crazy. Look what he used to look like. He's a good-looking dude. Like, I got to imagine there's, like, there's body dysmorphia involved in that. I mean, there's some armchair psychology here.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Whoa, what is that? That's what he's getting the claw tattooed into, I think. This is from his Instagram story, it looks like. So before and after. So he got the fingers removed, so now is he going to get the bones removed that are at the base of the hand to make it look like that? Like, that's the only way he's going to achieve that look. I must have.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Oh, criminy. Woof. All right. Okay, Black Alien. Woof. All right. Okay, Black Alien Project Evolution. It says 25%. So now is that before? And he's got a Kickstarter so you can help him pay? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I don't know what this is about. Is that real? No, no, no. It's on a Kickstarter? No. So I guess he wants to not just remove those last two fingers, but remove all the bones that connect to the wrist from the actual palm of the hand. Look at that face.
Starting point is 00:58:53 That's so crazy, dude. Is he wearing a bra? Sure he's got a bra on. Super bra. It says bra. Jamie's looking at all the weird shit about him Like hey is that a bra Out of all the weird shit this guy's got Out of the bras would freak you out
Starting point is 00:59:10 Yeah Body dysmorphia is a very strange Anomaly Like I was in Hawaii last week And there was this one lady that came Out of the water And we were looking at her like Oh my god this poor lady like what does
Starting point is 00:59:27 she think she looks like she was a skeleton like there there's no question at all that this lady had some sort of anorexia so she was walking around like like a skeleton yeah it was disturbing as fuck because like she probably thinks she looks good or maybe she even thinks she looks fat yeah there's this girl on youtube her name's like eugenia cooney i don't know if you've ever seen Because like she probably thinks she looks good or maybe she even thinks she looks fat Yeah, there's this girl on YouTube her name's like Eugenia Cooney I don't know if you've ever seen her before but she has she's probably the biggest youtuber who's Anorexic I guess and just her entire comment section is inundated with people saying like this is bad gain weight You look you know this is scary and she just gets from the start of her YouTube channel to current she's gotten progressively more skinny to the point that she's like a bone rack and she still posts videos regularly and she has millions of subscribers and her entire comment section is
Starting point is 01:00:15 just telling her how bad this is there's a mental disorder read it she's a she must be very aware of how people think about it because people make videos about it all the time, too. About her being scared. Yeah. What the fuck is that? You want to pull that up? Post it up so we can see this lady. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Oh, my God. That's crazy. Yeah. Oh, my God. See, look at all the comments, just the top ones. Wow. I'm genuinely impressed that the comments, just the top ones. Wow. I'm genuinely impressed that she's still alive at this point. All I can say is God bless, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:00:53 God bless, huh? Yeah, that's atrocious. That's crazy, man. Yeah, and what's wild is if you go on her YouTube and you sort by oldest to newest, you can actually see she was still obviously underweight in the first video, but it gets progressed. Is this her first video?
Starting point is 01:01:12 No, that's 2021. God damn it, dude. Dude, they took away dislikes, which is fucking ridiculous. Isn't that weird? Yeah, so now you can't see how downvoted her videos are to reflect the opinion of how people think of her body know body composition
Starting point is 01:01:25 choices so that's her first video 2013 that's pretty thin yeah but at that point you're like she's just a skinny girl yeah at that point you're like okay you're like borderline emaciated yeah well she's pretty fucking emaciated yeah look how tiny her legs are god that's crazy imagine walking around like that, it looks like you're just going to fucking snap and fall over. Yeah, like a good breeze. Yeah. But at least it looks like she eats a little. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Whereas now she looks like she's genuinely starving to death. Yeah, so if you start by, yeah. God, now she looks like a poor girl. And it's a disease. It's very similar to what bodybuilders have or with what women have when they get like triple j tits you know when they go off the deep end and they just keep getting bigger and bigger implants and then they crush beer cans with them and yeah yeah yeah with bodybuilders it's wild too because it's almost like the opposite extreme where you you actually
Starting point is 01:02:19 are aware you're killing yourself very quickly while you're doing it. Oh. Yeah. Like you still want to walk around at like 260 plus, even though you know how stressful it is on all your organ systems, your heart. You just want to look jacked. Yeah. Above all. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:36 It's such a strange thing. And some guys, some guys like Dorian Yates, they get out of bodybuilding and then they become healthy. I commend guys like that so much who had, because it's one thing to realize something is unhealthy and fix it, but when your entire persona is built around this physique and you're superhuman, to watch it literally disintegrate and be mentally okay with it, that takes a very strong willpower, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:03:03 It's a shift of perception and consciousness right because you can no longer think of yourself as this gorilla you have to think of yourself as a normal human i'm a normal human now dorian has a great perspective he's a really interesting guy have you ever talked to him no i've seen your episodes he was great i really enjoyed talking to him he's super down to earth really easy easy to talk to. And, you know, he basically, uh, his mindset was when he was a bodybuilder, he was going to work harder than anybody.
Starting point is 01:03:30 He was just going to get fucking massive, just absolutely enormous and huge crush everybody. And then he was done. He's like, all right, fuck this. I'm done with this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:39 That's wild. Being able to shift your perspective that dramatically where you're like, the physique is just for competing. Yep. And you can't get away from the comments of people where you're like the physique is just for competing. Yep. And you can't get away from the comments of people saying you're smaller too. Like even for me in my comment section, if it's, you know, the difference between me at peak versus now, it's, oh, Derek, you stopped caring about muscle. Oh, what happened? And it's like, it's not like I was a bodybuilder level competing, you know, a pro level or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And he was literally the pinnacle of the sport, 260, 70, fucking shredded. He was one of the biggest ever. Yeah. He was so massive. Yeah. And he lost like 70 pounds or something. Insane. He looks like a normal athlete now.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Yeah. Like a normal guy who's athletic. But he's got a lot of muscle problems, joint problems, shoulders are kind of fucked. These guys, the worst I've ever seen though is Ronnie Coleman. Oh, yeah. problems joint problems shoulder shoulders are kind of fucked it's like these guys they all get the worst i've ever seen though it's ronnie coleman oh yeah guys who's done a fucking great guy he's the best he's got a great attitude about it all yeah like all is like you know they always say ronnie would you do anything differently yeah i'd lift more weights yeah like he doesn't have any regrets at all and i think he said at one point in time, I forget the number of actual back surgeries, but it's very high.
Starting point is 01:04:49 It's more than 10, I believe. Yeah. And his whole back is essentially fused. And there's massive scar tissue and inflammation. He has trouble walking. The nerves are all impinged and it's all fucked yes the brutal thing too when you get to that size is progressive overload you get to a point where you're forced to use weights that are so exorbitant to overload because you're way too strong that it's impossible to not literally fucking dismantle
Starting point is 01:05:16 your entire infrastructure while you're supporting those loads because you're though you're squatting you know hundreds and hundreds of pounds benching hundreds and hundreds doing this and this and like your bones can't right you know just hundreds and hundreds of pounds, benching hundreds and hundreds, doing this and this. And, like, your bones can't just, you know, just adapt and be totally fine. And your discs. Oh, yeah. Your tendons and the cartilage in your shoulders and your labrums. Everything's getting destroyed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:37 It's so crazy. And they can't fucking help it. They just fucking, yeah. Like that rich piano guy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like that Rich Piana guy. Oh, yeah. That was a wild one, right? The guys who try to retain their size going like 40 plus almost always end up kicking the can real quick. He was big.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah. And weird, right? Because he's not really a professional bodybuilder. He tried competing to become a pro, and he just doesn't have the genetics from a structural aspect. So even though he's a massive fucking dude on stage he doesn't have the proportions, the symmetry, etc. to make it far but he just
Starting point is 01:06:14 loves the lifestyle so much that and his brand was built around it. Again, the problem of being one of these guys like The Rock where your entire persona is built around your presence and you just end up retaining it into an age where you can no longer support the drug use,
Starting point is 01:06:31 the body weight, et cetera. Yeah, like what else do you do when you're a 300-pound tattooed-up bodybuilder guy and everybody's like, dude, you're a freak, you're a freak. Like everything was he was a freak, you're a freak. You're a freak. Like everything was, he was a freak. Yeah. You know, is there videos of him competing? Yeah. If you type in a rich piano, uh, bodybuilding competition, you'll probably find him competing. I think it was like a California state show or something.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Was he all tattooed up back then or was not as much? No. And he didn't have the PMMA injections yet. What's that mean? He got like implants in his arms, I think. What? Yeah. Oh, so that's him bodybuilding like implants in his arms, I think. What? Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:07:10 so that's him bodybuilding. Yeah. He looked pretty fucking good. Yeah. If you click that Reddit one, second to the left in the second row, that one, like that's pretty solid, dude. Yeah, man. He looked great. Yeah. But then if you look at more. But what's wrong with his genetics there? That looks like. Well, when he's on stage stage it's just uh you know it could be conditioning could be the lack of a developed back like there's a million reasons why you might not go pro but that's his arms you know post implants in mexico apparently so you put implants in his arms yeah apparently what what kind of implants does someone like go down to that lower right, yeah, that one right there. What's going on with your arms?
Starting point is 01:07:48 It was called a PMMA, I think. PMMA. Yeah, you'd have to Google that because I forget exactly what it is, but that is what I think he had done. At least that's the circulating rumor. It looks like he's constantly about to take a shit. Like,
Starting point is 01:08:06 look at that. So when, what do they do in terms of like putting an implant in your arm? It's like plastic or what is it? Um, like a breast implant type thing? Probably, but I'd be talking on my ass.
Starting point is 01:08:21 So you might want to just type in PMMA and see, see what it is on the Google result. What is that? Is that a picture before and after? Or maybe just type in what is PMMA. But that, Jamie, if you just back up to where you just were, it said Rich Piana's girlfriend shows pictures before PMMA oil. Oh, it's oil. Like synthol.
Starting point is 01:08:44 You have to. No. Pictures before PMMA oil. Oh, it's oil. Like synthol. You have to... No? I would not trust the random person who uploaded that. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's the problem with the internet. But before you do that, scroll down real quick. Right there, that picture with the tank top.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Yeah. That does not look normal. No. Like those arms, they look inflated. Like the triceps, they don't look normal size. Yeah, that's what happens when you do a sinful is one thing where you do inject just sterile oil in such a bolus amount that it eventually stretches the fascia of the muscle. And you can manipulate the shape of body parts. And a lot of pro bodybuilders do it.
Starting point is 01:09:23 But PMMA is literally like a filler, apparently. So there's the term. How do you say that? Polymethylmethacrylate? Is that it? Jamie, help me out here. I think you hit all those syllables there. If you go to PMMA before and after, maybe we'll see other examples of what people use it for on images.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Penile girth. Whoops. They use it in their dicks? Yeah, get a fat hog, bro. Just put that PMMA in it. You get your fat booty, too. Look at that. That girl's getting in her booty.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Oh, my God. I watched some video that was horrific of this woman who had ass cancer that she got it from butt implants. Some chick died recently. Some mega influencer who got butt implants. Really? Yeah. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Oh, God. Removal of silicone, hydrogel, biopolymer, synthol. Oh, my God. Her ass rejected it, and there's just rotting necrotic tissue not showing that picture by the way just don't show that picture but show that one next to with that booty with that girls on it like right there maybe it's worth it i find they look disproportionately like out of balance to a point that it's not you know you can tell something's fucking off well a girl with a big ass that also has big thighs is hot.
Starting point is 01:10:45 That's like a nat. Oh, Jesus. What am I looking at there? So that's a girl who's got the injections and had a body rejected it. Well, now her legs are destroyed. It's just lazy. Just do squats. But the thing is, it takes so long for a woman to develop like a big ass and big legs and if they want to so i could imagine because some of them just want like a fat ass and to get that amount of size you might
Starting point is 01:11:13 otherwise need to make the rest of your body a size you don't want it to be to get to that point so like i understand why they might want the injections but right you have to get your shoulders bigger your back bigger yeah like most chicks don't want that. Right. Well, it is weird. Yeah. When a girl looks like she might be able to wrestle you to the ground. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:32 It's uncomfortable. Yeah. Yeah. But a girl with a big ass, like a muscular big ass and big thighs is hot. Yeah. But when they have a big ass and then they have little legs that don't feel like they can support them then it looks like a diaper like you're wearing a diaper you have diaper butt yeah i don't get how they can't tell that it looks like i guess once you've done it you're fucked because you already have it yes so i think it's that same thing it's this body dysmorphia it's like the the bodybuilders that don't know how the regular people look at them and you know
Starting point is 01:12:02 it's like how the anorexic doesn't know. Yeah. It's strange. When they start fucking with their face, that's when it gets really weird. The saddest thing for me is when chicks do their lips. What's the matter, Jamie? Huh?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Oh, I thought you made a noise. Sometimes he finds things in here. Oh. And then you know you're going to get a treat. Yeah. This is a dark place to keep going down. If you guys want to look, feel free to Google it. Go ahead. Give me one more.
Starting point is 01:12:25 What else you got? I'm just clicking around. No, the lips one is, I agree, makes a, I don't know. It's weird because a lot of the time when you hear girls say what they would love to have done, you can transparently tell them no guy wants to see that or cares, but they still want it. Yeah, they want it because it's a thing in their head like they're looking at their own lips and they go if i just had i would look good yeah yeah it just gets in their head i know a lady who had her lips operated on where they sliced open her lips
Starting point is 01:12:55 and stuck some stuff in there and this was like i don't know she probably had it done in the late 90s early 2000, back when the technology. She was an early adopter. And so she has this constant lip scar. So it's like a linear scar across the lips. And when she's talking, you see her lips, you see the scar tissue. And she's got these like fatso lips. Yeah. It's just the proportions of the face seem seem off like why your lips look like they if a girl
Starting point is 01:13:28 Has big lips usually she has thick skin and like a thick thick features, and it looks great But if it doesn't fit your face, and you got big crazy lips and a little skinny nose you look like an alien Yeah I could see if some chick had like a brutally deviated septum where their nose is like off center or like their lips are so thin that it looks weird where it's not balanced. But the ones with normal features that then go to the hyper extreme. Yeah. I can never wrap my head around that shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Granted, we would still probably say breast implants are fine, even though that's like not to some severe degree but just like better than what their natural is and for some reason our heads can wrap around that looking good but then other stuff looks not good yeah that the breast implants a weird one that's the one where we we send out confusing signals we can somehow perceive that a silicone fucking like circle sticking out of your chest i'm like that's good but your lips with that shit not not good yeah or your butt not good yeah yeah so what's the logic you know there's no logic it's very strange yeah it's uh you can't argue with it it just is what it is for some reason like boobs don't seem as uh personal maybe yeah i don't know maybe what it what is it more it's not
Starting point is 01:14:47 this is something about your mouth you're doing your your mouth like your lips it seems sad like i don't even know biologically why i would be attracted to bigger tits anyways like does it imply you're better at feeding a child or something but then it's it's weird how you're cognizant of the fact that it's fake but you're like primitive brain is so fucking dumb then it's it's weird how you're cognizant of the fact that it's fake but you're like primitive brain is so fucking dumb yeah it's like i can't even tell that silicone has nothing to do with if i'm being tricked yeah keep tricking me well you know we we have certain things that your biology just gears into and and gets attracted to like, hip-to-waist ratio, girls with thin hips and big waists and big butts,
Starting point is 01:15:28 just whatever it means to whatever your DNA signal is that picks up on that and goes, that is a girl who needs to breed. Yeah. Yeah, so it's fucking strange. Just the, I mean, because it's, for us it makes sense. Like, we know what's hot, what's not. Yeah. But if you were a biologist from another planet trying to study human beings.
Starting point is 01:15:49 No, it wouldn't make any sense. You'd be like, what are they doing? Yeah. This is the weirdest animal ever. They like to be tricked. Like, the women are all wearing high heels. And like a totally fake face with makeup all over it. Yeah, all over it.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Like, paint. Like, to the point of being unrecognizable. And you're just you know oh well you i'm sure you've seen those tiktoks of the girl who has no teeth and she looks like shit she looks like hell like i'm like a total meth head and then she puts her dentures in and does her face up and then does her hair up and then she looks super hot dentures i've seen a lot of chicks getting veneers lately that don't need them. No this girl has no mouth Her teeth are no teeth rather. That's her. That's her on the right. Yeah, she looks like on the left. That's crazy It's crazy
Starting point is 01:16:32 So it's almost like when you're dating somebody it almost would be like prudent to be like let's see what you look like with nothing But it's crazy. It's like she has no teeth like how do you lose all your teeth? Where'd your teeth go? She has no teeth. How do you lose all your teeth? Where'd your teeth go? First date questions. This is a young mom who lost all her teeth while pregnant. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:16:51 What the? How, though? Well, doing math. I don't know. I'm just guessing. But look how hot she looks on the right. It's crazy. Goddamn ad blogger.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I mean, it's really weird, again, that it doesn't bother us at all, that we know that is not what your face looks like. Yeah. But we go, oh, you look great. TikToker. What is it? Princess X. Glitterhead. Glitterhead has gone viral from her transformation from toothless to gorgeous.
Starting point is 01:17:19 It's kind of funny that she experienced tooth decay and loss throughout her pregnancies. She shared her experience with dentures to help other young people with tooth problems. How the fuck would you have tooth decay during pregnancy, though? I don't know. Maybe some rare anomaly, health anomaly. Wow. So, what, I mean, what can someone do? She experienced toothaches.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Front teeth broke. My two front teeth broke, and then she got partial replacements, took a huge hit on me emotionally, and I was losing my teeth. My husband married me with perfect teeth, and the next year his wife is missing front teeth. She's 36. Wow. But it's crazy that she does this.
Starting point is 01:18:05 It's like that's a ballsy move to put that out to the whole world where you could see you without your teeth. Like scroll down, see her without her teeth, and then see her dolled up with the teeth. Yeah. It's a trap. But it's an amazing trap. Like look how good she looks.
Starting point is 01:18:22 Like scroll it. Look on the lower right-hand corner. She looks fucking amazing in comparison to what she looked like with no teeth and no makeup on. Oh, yeah. That's wild if you must have been just like severe nutrient deficiency or like hormone. I don't know. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:18:36 It's just at the bottom. It's some hormones and stuff. I'm sure. Mediocre nutrition and genetics. Who knows? Just some weird stuff. Oh, what's that? After accidentally swallowing fluoride.
Starting point is 01:18:48 He said genetics and mediocre nutrition contributed to her tooth decay. She'd also feared their dentist ever since throwing up after accidentally swallowing fluoride during an appointment as a kid. That led me to delay treatment. Oh, so she never went to the dentist.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Hmm. Interesting. Okay. Okay. Damn. Interesting. Okay. Okay. Damn. Yeah. But that's not available to men. There's not, like, if a guy gets fake teeth, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Veneers, I think, are becoming more popular in men now. Conor McGregor got them. Sometimes they look overdone to the point where I'm like, you have fucking, like, some chompers now that look weird on you. Why are you laughing at Conor McGregor's teeth how much he likes to show them off oh he likes to everybody know he's yeah he has like big pearly white smiles now whereas he used to be such a badass who just never smiled well he probably got a few teeth cracked and broken for sparring and fights
Starting point is 01:19:39 and stuff I mean man you get hit in the head with a fucking elbow or a knee or something like that yeah your chin you know um they used to call Eve Edwards a dentist because he fucks so many I mean, man, you get hit in the head with a fucking elbow or a knee or something like that. Yeah. Your chin. You know, they used to call Eve Edwards the dentist because he fucked so many people's teeth up. Yeah. Josh Neer, too. That was his nickname. He fought in the UFC. They called him the dentist.
Starting point is 01:19:58 He just smashed people's teeth out after he knocked a few guys' teeth out. What do you think's next for McGregor after the little loss streak? It's a good question. McGregor after the little loss streak? It's a good question. The last loss, even though it was a bad loss in that you see him lying there with a broken leg, his performance wasn't bad. You know, the real
Starting point is 01:20:13 problem was he went into that fight with a cracked shin. And, you know, they had looked at it in training. They had got a scan on it, and they were concerned, but they thought it was just a deep bruise. It was hard to tell what was going on. During course of that first round it cracked and there's an interesting moment and um you know dustin talked about it where he checked one of the kicks and he pointed to connor yeah like i know that hurt you bitch like you could see him pointing to like after he
Starting point is 01:20:38 checked it and that was the same leg that eventually cracked and then you know connor to his credit kept throwing it like a fucking savage. And, you know, it buckled it another time. He threw a leg kick, and you could see the leg kind of buckle. And then when he went to step back on it, it just completely gave out, which is pretty wild. It's pretty rare to see it happen like that. Generally, when you see a leg break like that,
Starting point is 01:21:00 it's from a check, and you see it immediately. Like the guy checks a kick, and you see the leg leg snap and the guy just falls down like anderson yeah not like not keep fighting and then never happen right chris weidman is a good example this is there's a few um tyrone spong did it with uh go khan saki and uh glory kickboxing it's very very, but it's, it's pretty rare. It's more common for some reason in MMA than it is even in Muay Thai, which I'm not sure why. And you know, if you ask a, like a top level trainer, like Kieran Fitzgibbons or something like that, they'll tell you they're just checking wrong. And these guys are, they're throwing wrong and checking wrong. And that the MMA guys, they'll throw full blast. And all a guy has to do is just check one, like that. And they'll throw empty kicks, right? Like meaning they don't set it up with punches, just'll throw full blast and all a guy has to do is just check one – and they'll throw empty kicks, right?
Starting point is 01:21:45 Meaning they don't set it up with punches, just throw – like wind up and throw one power kick and the other guy just gets the knee up in time and snap. Yeah. Because the shin is so vulnerable. Yeah. Especially the lower part of the shin. If you catch a guy's knee, like if someone throws a kick
Starting point is 01:22:02 and you catch it up here and they hit you with this part, boy, they're going to lose every time. This part right above the ankle, like six inches above the ankle, so weak. In comparison to two inches below the knee, this shit is rock hard. It's supported by the joint, that thick upper part of the fibula, the tibia. It's supported by the joint, that thick upper part of the fibula, you know, the tibia. Do you just become, like, numb when you practice that often? Like, guys like Adesanya that rely on those, like, sniper fucking kicks, do they just, like, not even feel it when they do them now?
Starting point is 01:22:37 They feel it, but not as much. The shin itself becomes hardened and calloused. You actually get microfractures all over the shin because, you know because you're constantly whacking it and sparring. Even if you're wearing shin pads, like there's some guys that will practice. Like Kevin Ross made a bag for me that's in my LA studio that I've got to bring over to here. That's a sandbag. It's made out of all sand, and I would kick it, and it fucking hurts like hell, man. It's just sand.
Starting point is 01:23:03 So you just thunk, th thunk it's just so hard but when you do that it really conditions your shins and so you can and it actually makes your bones stronger too like you've seen guys i'm sure break baseball bats with their shins have you seen that they just fucking after a while they can just smash right through a baseball bat but the parts of your shin that are exposed like bone you can harden but the shit you can never harden is your calves like that is why that has become such a weapon in mma the calf kick because the nerves and the tissue is all exposed and there's so little of it like if somebody punches you in the forearm my god it hurts so much more than punching you in the
Starting point is 01:23:45 ass yeah you know punching you in the ass is you know there's a lot of meat there yeah but your forearms like if someone kicks your forearms that's one thing about mma that people don't take into consideration when you see guys block a kick that fucking hurts so much when someone's kicking you and you block it like this and you take it on the forearm that shin just slamming in your arms a lot of times guys are losing like 50 of the strength in their arms but it looks normal because they're still moving around and they're still throwing punches but everything is numb everything hurts it's just like the whole arm is just like, ugh, and you're still throwing punches, but it's throbbing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:25 You know? Shins always beat forearms. Yeah, I would think, yeah. Fucking guys. I've trained with guys where they're holding pads for me, and their fucking arms go numb from holding pads. They have a big-ass pad, and just slam and kicks into the pads. They're like, ah, and they can't move their arms afterwards now imagine it's just meat yeah just meat and the bone slamming right into the meat of your arm it's
Starting point is 01:24:52 horrible yeah you can't do anything about that like you can only toughen that up so much but the shins you can toughen the shins up pretty good do you still have the same uh kind of like training styles you used to like i remember some of the old kicking videos that you used to have back in the day do you still do all that stuff just as regularly and you're still yeah i can do that still yeah i have a bag set up in my house and i have a a gym where i have uh weight lifting weight lifting equipment on one side and the other side is matted up for jujitsu and heavy bags and yeah it's like what's your weekly exercise routine like like how do you out like your time is so valuable and limited how do you choose what to allocate it to accordingly it's kind of a trick like it seems like i work
Starting point is 01:25:36 more than i do it gets so efficient now because you have people working for you kind of thing well it's also like an actual podcast is only like three hours. So it seems like a long time, but like with you, we don't have to do any research. I've watched a bunch of your videos and I'm like, I can't wait to talk to that guy. It's going to be fun. So I have time in the morning. So in the morning, you know, I get up early, you know, see my kids off or today I drove him to school. Then I have all this time. So if the podcast starts at 12.30 like today and then I drop my kids off at 8, I have all that time. So that time is my training time. So today I went to the Onnit Gym, got a great workout with John Wolfe
Starting point is 01:26:17 and Bert Kreischer. And today was like mostly mobility drills, a lot of like John is into a lot of range of motion stuff. And then we did a lot of kettlebell stuff and bear crawls and all this. He's into like all this crazy body weight stuff. And then we finished up with a lot of kettlebell stuff. But other days I'll do like rounds on the bag. And what I'll do is I usually do like uh airdyne machine i'll do like the echo bike the um you know the uh rogue fitness has a great their version of the airdyne machine is like super beefy do you ever use those airdyne never no they're the shit man tabata sprints on
Starting point is 01:26:57 those is fucking you want to talk about a brutal cardio workout 20 20 second sprint, 10 second rest, 20 second sprint, 10 second rest. And you do it for eight repetitions. So eight twenties, right? So it's like, and then 10 seconds, like nine, seven, and then, and then you do it again. And it's incredible for your cardio. So I'll do those. I'll do like a set of those, get warmed up, and then mostly I'll stretch and then work on kicks. So I'll start off with like kicks in the air. I get my stretching in, make everything nice and loose, and then once I feel like everything's loose, then I'll do rounds where I'll just like shadow boxing and throwing kicks in the air. where I'll just shadow boxing and throwing kicks in the air.
Starting point is 01:27:47 And then once I get loose enough to the fact that I feel like I can, like everything's completely stretched out, all my tissue's warm, then I will do repetitions, like 100 kicks with this leg, 100 kicks with that leg. And then I'll work on my form and stretching. Then once I've done that, then I set the timer and do rounds in the bag so the difference between kicking in the air and kicking in the bags when you're kicking in the air you get this full range of motion techniques like as you're throwing round kicks you completely follow through you're you're you're also controlling your leg through the entire kick
Starting point is 01:28:21 so it's like there's something to that as well as hitting things. Like you got to do both, I think, in order to have like good kicks. And so I'll do that and I do, you know, boxing rounds in the bag, kickboxing rounds in the bag. And then other days I'll just do like I have kettlebell routines that I do. Other days I'll do just hard cardio, different shit, depending on what I feel like doing. No like traditional weightlifting stuff?
Starting point is 01:28:46 No, no. I very rarely, sometimes I deadlift. Okay. Yeah, that's basically it. But the heaviest weights I lift are like 70 pounds, unless deadlifting. Like 70-pound kettlebells is generally the heaviest shit I use. Yeah, that's probably good at this point for longevity, I would imagine. There's definitely a huge disparity between the guys like Coleman, yeah that's probably good at this point for longevity i would imagine they're like there's
Starting point is 01:29:05 definitely a huge disparity between the guys like coleman who trained mental full board low reps too with high weight and then the guys like jay cutler who went higher rep higher volume to achieve the same level of breakdown of the muscle but took them it's like more sets in the gym and more time intensive but now they can still train perfectly in their 40s. Yeah, I think there's a difference. And also the crazy thing is I'm still strong. Like even though I don't lift heavy weights, like one time we did a podcast. We got really drunk and the guys went out to the gym in the L.A. studio.
Starting point is 01:29:42 I had a studio that was set up in one part of this warehouse and then connected to it was this full gym like all rogue equipment like it was it was awesome and these dorks like burke kreischer and tom segura and ari they all got under the the bench and they tried to put up 225 they're all benched 225 and i don't bench i don't ever do it but i busted out like 13 or 14 reps and i don't bench but it's't ever do it. But I busted out like 13 or 14 reps, and I don't bench. But it's just because I do so much kettlebells. That's fucking good, dude. Two plates for 13, 14.
Starting point is 01:30:11 So it's all just kettlebell muscles, though. Yeah. Do you know that there's a guy that's really fun to watch his Instagram channel? Every Goddamn Dre. Do you know him? If I saw it, maybe. Dude's super jack jacked and he does everything with kettlebells he's he's a fucking behemoth just super jacked like perfect physique but he also like in the things like occasionally he'll do stuff with traditional weightlifting stuff and he said it's interesting that like when he goes i'm paraphrasing but when he goes and does traditional weightlifting stuff he hasn't lost any of his strength he's like super
Starting point is 01:30:48 fucking strong but most of the time when you see him like maybe he'll have like a 70 pound kettlebell or like like look at that look that's just dead lifting stuff the dude's like jacked but if you see some of the other ones jamie where he's like shirtless and he's doing all, like most of what he does, like see what he's doing there. That's probably like a 45 pound kettlebell. If you see some of his stuff, like here it is. This is mostly the kind of routines that he does. But I mean, look at the amount of muscle that guy's carrying around. I mean, he's fucking massive.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Yeah. But it's all kettlebell stuff. But look how difficult that shit is. There's these one legged things that he's doing, like these split squat things that he's doing where he's going sideways. Like that right there might be 70 pounds. It's hard to tell. It might be 50.
Starting point is 01:31:36 It's hard to say. And I don't know how big the guy is, like how tall he is, but he's obviously super jacked. Like go to that, click on that one right there. but he's obviously super jacked like go to that click on that one right there and you know a lot of the stuff that he's doing is uh he does it in the living room of his house yeah but that's pretty heavy weight that looks like it's about 90 so it's 48 four kilograms in the caption okay so what is 48 kilograms 90 something like probably like 100 100 yeah it's 2.2 per pound right yeah see that's pretty fucking strong but again like he's not doing like he's doing all this kettlebell stuff where it's
Starting point is 01:32:16 full body you know functional strength exercises that's a real weight right joe ha i think so yeah everybody made fun of me because of the Chris Cuomo thing, man. Yeah. I thought it was real. I'm being naive, I guess. But eventually I looked at it and I go, yeah, that is kind of weird how you can move it around like that. Yeah, just like a fucking paperweight. So that guy's fire now?
Starting point is 01:32:36 They got rid of that dude. Yeah. Wow. For a weird reason. I mean, not weird. Like, ethically, I get it. Because he helped his brother. Yeah. I don't know how he helped his brother and his brother
Starting point is 01:32:45 i get i don't know how he helped his brother like what did he do his brother was getting they were people were accusing him of sexual harassment and so did he like do research on the people that is that what he did i remember reading he texted someone who like knew of the situation like what do you got on someone and Oh, that's it? I don't know if that's it. Should have used Signal. Yeah. Or called a guy.
Starting point is 01:33:12 I mean, I don't know. He probably didn't think anything of it. He probably did it on instinct. But yeah, he's done. What does a guy like that do when you get fired from something like that? I don't know. I thought that guy was immune to everything. Well, I think CNN is realizing that their ratings are dog shit. fired from something i know i thought that guy was like immune to everything well i think cnn is
Starting point is 01:33:26 realizing that their ratings are dog shit yeah and that having these highly polarizing editorial personalities like stelter and don lemon and you know michael malice is fucking hilarious you know what he did he put up he goes now that chrisomo's gone, who's the alpha male over at CNN? And he put up a poll and everybody said Anderson Cooper. I think Anderson Cooper came in first. But it's like these, I personally, maybe this is just my bias. I want the news. I want objective news. I want someone to tell me what are the facts of what's going on and what's happening. I don't want your ideological slant. I don't want this left-wing propaganda network, which is what CNN has become. The way I look at CNN now is so differently than the way I looked at CNN 15, 20 years ago.
Starting point is 01:34:16 I used to look at them as like this is how I get the news. This is unbiased, professional news. They're going to tell me what's happening in pakistan and what's happening and you know mogadishu this these are this is these are the real journalists that are telling you the news now i look at them i go you fucking propagandists like what do you what you the right arm of pfizer like what are you doing you know it's just uh i think there's a market for real news and it's really hard to find that now. It's really hard, especially outside of independent sources.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Yeah. Yeah, and I guess if you're trying to even take a balanced approach to things, like are you even going to be censored to the point where you can't even be a news outlet to begin with? Right. I think the dumbest fake weight was Stallone, though. Don't you think? Oh, yeah. Don't you think? Yeah, that was dumb. That one was so ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Yeah, like the amount of trying to sell it was just absurd. It's like, what happened, man? Are you okay? How much attention do you need? You're Sylvester Stallone. This is crazy. Yeah. I don't know why he thought that was a funny thing to do.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Do you think he's funny? Do you think he was trying to be funny? Or do you think he was trying to sell it? Well, that's the argument. Right. What is it? Because then some people would think there's no way he is dumb enough
Starting point is 01:35:34 to think people are going to buy it. And it's supposed to be a joke. He's from a different time. I know. That's why you might think he just is actually trying to sell it too. Which, you know, the amount of grunting is pretty dramatic.
Starting point is 01:35:45 He put heavy in quotes, and he didn't delete the post either. Let me see it again. So here it is. So yeah, it's almost like he's selling it before he's even lifting it. That's what's crazy. Does it have volume for people to? Yeah. There's no audio.
Starting point is 01:36:01 You've been there every day after sure that is obviously so fake crashes him into the ground like the way they hit if they bounce back he would have been fucked yeah it'll smash his shins people thought that was real though i don't think they did i think most people figured that was real though? I don't think they did. I think most people figured that it was fake, but... I don't know, man. Look, the Chris Cuomo thing, I thought it was just really strong. But I didn't think about it because I don't use like a hundred pound dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Yeah, if you're used to using kettlebells all the time, then maybe I could see how you might not be able to... I just didn't look at it discerningly. Yeah. I also didn't think someone would be dumb enough to use a fake weight. No, it's i think someone wrote his name on that weight right didn't someone give him that weight i think it was uh yeah like a gift so he was probably like too proud to tell people this is really 100 pounds i'm just fucking around yeah but like thought like i'll play it off and people think, and I bought it.
Starting point is 01:37:07 But then you see like a real bodybuilder using a hundred pound dumbbell. You go, oh yeah, that's different. Yeah. No, I think most, some layman would see the, you know, Cuomo video and be like, damn, this guy's a fucking house. Like look at him toss this hundred pound dumbbell around. There are some people that are stupid strong and they don't even look that big. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Yeah, definitely. But it's odd. There's a strength is are stupid strong, and they don't even look that big. Yeah, yeah, definitely. But it's odd. Strength is an odd thing, man. There's one thing that's weird is wrestler strength. Some of the strongest fucking human beings that I've ever met were wrestlers. There's this dude, Eric, I forget his last name, but we used to do drills together, and he wasn't much bigger than me, man. He was, you know, I'm 200 pounds now. Back then I was probably 190 and maybe he was 200, 205 at the most. So maybe he's
Starting point is 01:37:53 15 pounds heavier than me. And we used to do these drills, this knee on belly drill. The knee on belly drill is you're on your back. The guy has his knee across your belly and, uh, generally like hands on one shoulder and maybe an overhook on one of your arms and the idea is he's trying to hold you in place and you're trying to explode out of there, you know, put pressure on the knee, hip escape, get out of the position. When he was on top of me, I wasn't going anywhere. This fucking dude would pin me down. It was crazy how strong he was.
Starting point is 01:38:22 But then when we reversed it and I was on top of him, I would just go flying. He was so fucking strong that he would get his hands on you and he'd buck. And you would just literally be lifted into the sky. I couldn't hold him down. And it was this wrestler strength that is just, he wasn't that much bigger. Because there would be other guys that were that big and you train with them and it was proportionate It made sense like you'd roll with them and they were strong, but it wasn't freakish and then Wrestler strength is like a different kind of strength
Starting point is 01:38:53 They're so used to manipulating bodies and they're so used to just just being able to push things They're always just pushing and pulling and pushing and pulling and they just have this fucking preposterous tendon strength yeah it's uh weird how transferable or not some exercises are for like some people are just disproportionately strong at one lift for some reason yeah where they can deadlift a fucking ridiculous amount but then bench they suck at and then transferring to actual athletics it might not even make a difference at all and they get tossed around by some dude who can't even bench a fucking plate or something yeah yeah well it's um there's a big one uh in martial arts where it's power power for striking is the strangest thing because you really can't you can get people to hit a little
Starting point is 01:39:47 harder like there's things you can do like cable drills there's some explosive plyometrics that can increase your punching power and your kicking power a little bit but not much not much where you're ever no one's ever going to like mistake you for melvin manhoof or something like that there's certain people that just have fucking crazy power and it's so weird like there's this guy Alex Pereira he fights in the UFC now but he's the only guy to knock out Stylebender
Starting point is 01:40:14 he knocked out Stylebender in a kickboxing bout and then he finally made his UFC debut and I was so excited about this I'm like cause this guy has this fucking freakish disproportionate power where it doesn't make any sense like you look at him you're like what are you made out of like you're
Starting point is 01:40:32 built different he hits people and just sends them flying like everybody goes unconscious it's so crazy and he hit this guy like there's him right there and look at him slides out of the way like he knows the guy's gonna fall him right there, and look at him, slides out of the way. He knows the guy's going to fall. Everybody falls with him, but he knocked this guy out. Look at this. I mean, this is a good punch, but it's just the reaction that people have to his strikes is just different.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Everybody goes unconscious. Is he middleweight as well? He's a middleweight, 185 pounds. Yeah. Pull up his last KO because it was fucking crazy. The guy desperately tried to get a hold of him and hold him down. Oh, it's just us talking about him because I'm just talking about how ridiculous he is. It's literally like the dude's made out of wood or something.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Yeah. Like when he knocked, there it is right there, far right. No, no, no. That's the impact of it, but there's a video right up there above that, above that, right there. That's it. Oh, it doesn't show the actual knockout? No, here it is.
Starting point is 01:41:37 Watch this. You can see. Oh, why would they do that? Well, you can find it. Find the KO UFC. Why would they do that? Well, you can find it. Find the KO UFC.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Sometimes the UFC actually stops the knockout blow from being put online. Yeah, they're pretty heavy on copyright. I don't get that. I literally don't get that. Like, don't you want people to watch it again? No, they've copyrighted my videos before. Yeah. I think they think that if somebody watches that, then they're not going to watch the actual fight and pay for the pay-per-view.
Starting point is 01:42:07 I couldn't disagree more. Especially if you're showing, like you're giving commentary on something that's occurred years ago even. It's so crazy. It's like I'm drawing attention potentially to a sport that you would want advertised. It's free advertising. It's essentially free advertising for the sport. I don't get it. It's just like it's hollywood shit right it's like copyright for music copyright for film they just they don't want you touching their stuff yeah but when you're literally
Starting point is 01:42:36 promoting it there it is watch this boom i mean dude's like what the fuck just happened watch this knee boom i mean and he just walks, and he tried to stop the fight, but Dan Merguliotta was determined to watch that guy get murdered. So what's his record in the UFC right now? Did he just enter? Yeah, 1-0. He's undefeated in, I think he maybe might have lost one MMA fight early in his career. So what held him back from being in the UFC sooner? Well, he was a glory kickboxing
Starting point is 01:43:06 champion in two weight classes. So just wanted to maintain that. Yeah. Well, I mean, not just maintain it, but he was also preparing for the UFC. So preparing the grappling aspect of it is a big deal. And it's also like his rise, his rise, uh, as a kickboxer coincides with glover to share his rejuvenation as an mma fighter because they train together it's really interesting because glover just won the light heavyweight title and he's 42 which i think is like the second oldest guy to ever win a title and and also in you know a very competitive weight class against this guy Jan Blachowicz, who's a fucking murderer. And Glover just dominated him, took him down, beat him up, strangled him, dropped him, hurt him bad standing, then got him to the ground and strangled him. But Glover has been training with Alex Pereira.
Starting point is 01:43:58 And so they've been enhancing each other's skill set. Glover's a fantastic grappler, great wrestler, black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and also a very good striker. But Alex Pereira is literally the scariest striker on earth. So the two of them together, it's really greatly enhanced Glover's abilities and also greatly enhanced Alex. So the two of them together now competing in the UFC, it's a big deal. And then Alex is the same size as him too. Because even though he fights at 185, he also held the Glory 205
Starting point is 01:44:30 pound title and was knocking people out at light heavyweight as well. He was the only two-division champion over there. Has Adesanya posted about that guy coming into the league? Yeah. He knows it's a big fight for him. And I'm sure he wants to get that W back or get that L back.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Yeah. I mean, I'm sure it's a fight. I guess that's all. What else is there to do in the middleweight division right now for him? There's a rematch with Whitaker. That's a big fight. Whitaker has looked fucking amazing ever since Stylebender knocked him out. And maybe with a different approach, it could be a different fight.
Starting point is 01:45:04 But Adesanya is just so smart, man. He's so clever. Like when you watch him fight, for a person like me who loves like intricate, high-level striking setups and traps, he's the master. Watching him against Costa was like watching a master chess player. Yep. Just pick apart an amateur. Someone who's like a berserker. Because Costa's a bers chess player. Yep. Just pick apart an amateur. Someone who's like a berserker.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Because Costa's a berserker. He just likes to charge at you and pin you up against the cage and beat you up. Which is fine if you stand there and trade with him. But Adesanya's like, not today, bitch. I'm over here. Whack. And there's your leg again. Whack.
Starting point is 01:45:37 And his leg was trashed early in that fight. But he looked like he had cup marks all over his legs at the beginning of the fight. Like he might have had some damage going into that fight, but he looked like he had cup marks all over his legs at the beginning of the fight. Yeah. Like, he might have had some damage going into that fight, but I think there's also the psychological burden of competing against Adesanya was fucking with his head. You know, he was just, you know, he said he got drunk the night before, which is just crazy.
Starting point is 01:46:01 He came up with all these excuses, and he wanted a rematch right away like dude you got lit up like a christmas tree you can't get a rematch right away yeah as much as i've talked about you know his speculated like hormone use in the past and stuff like i actually love watching that guy fight like him and verse romero was yeah fucking insane one of my favorite fights insane and it was almost disappointing to see how, like, I guess your strategy is going to be different against Adesanya, but he was so, like, timid and just, like, not effective at all. Some guys can keep it together up until the big one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:36 The real big one. Just they get dwarfed by the moment in the big one. They can fight real good in the pretty big ones, but then there's something about that world title. There's something about Bruce Buffer standing in the middle of the octagon. Israel! Adesanya! And you see Stylebender over there, and you're like, oh, my God, this is really going down.
Starting point is 01:46:58 I'm really about to fight Stylebender for the fucking world title. I think there was no crowd at that one, too, and he was still timid. Was there no crowd? I'm pretty sure. Was there in Abu Dhabi? Yeah. I think the Abu Dhabi one had a crowd. Is it cool if I go fill this up and go to the washroom, too? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll take a break. We'll be right back. Awesome. Derek's gotta pee.
Starting point is 01:47:18 And we're back. How much water do you drink a day? Are you one of those freaks? Um, maybe like four or five of these. I don't know. Damn, you must be peeing all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Do you cut it off at a certain time so you don't have to pee in the middle of the night? Yeah, usually maybe like half an hour beforehand, and I make sure while I'm getting ready for bed I piss before I start brushing my teeth, and then I piss again after I'm done right before just to make sure I get the last little bit out. Do you wake up in the middle of the night or do you sleep in the night? Never? No. I always do.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I drink so much water. I'm always drinking. And I'm thirsty at night and I just, I'm weak. I just drink it. I just feel like it's good for you. Wait, so you wake up in the middle of the night to go drink more or to piss? No, to piss. Yeah, to piss.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Yeah, you might want to try it is a glycerol this is a product that we sell usually for hyper hydrating a muscle for endurance work or for getting just like a impractically ridiculous pump in the gym as a bodybuilder but you could hypothetically retain more water before you go to bed so you don't piss is it is there any side effects and glycerol is just like a normal food ultimately glycerol yeah g-l-y-c-e-r-o-l g-l-y-c-e-r-o-l yeah see if it keeps me from peeing yeah so like runners would use this typically in endurance events to hold on to more hydration and that yeah so like hyperhydrates your cells to allow you to not excrete as much. The thing is like, I know what I'm doing. I know if I have a drink right now,
Starting point is 01:48:50 you know, if I drink a glass of water and it's 10 o'clock at night, I know, I know at three in the morning I'm going to have to piss, but I still fucking do it. Yeah. But it's, you know, there's that feeling you get. It's funny. Cause it's the most dramatic before you go to bed. You're like, huh, I'm super parched now and it just feels so dry. Like I wouldn't even be able to sleep knowing that my throat is this parched. I know. And I want water. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:11 But then I know I'll have to pee. But you know what? I drink so much water and I think it's one of the most important things you can do in terms of health. I just think there's a lot of people out there that are unknowingly that are dehydrated. Yeah. And I'm not. I just drink water all the time. And I just think it's so important to do.
Starting point is 01:49:30 That's why I saw you with that big-ass jug. Yeah. No, yeah. I'm like, right when it runs out, fill it back up, and I just sip it all day. And you cut it off at what time at night? Typically, it's about half an hour before I go to bed. That's it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Yeah, I just make sure I piss with higher frequency before bed. I can hold my piss like a motherfucker during a podcast, but at 4 o'clock in the morning, it's almost always like, God damn it, I wake up from a nightmare or something like that. I'm like, fuck, I've got to pee. No, I don't know. I'm a bit lucky in that regard, I guess. But I don't know, you could probably manipulate
Starting point is 01:50:09 your electrolyte intake a bit too to hold more water with your sodium and whatnot. But I do take a lot of liquid IV, which is an electrolyte supplement that I love. Yeah. I take that stuff a lot. Yeah. And I don't know that necessarily having more,
Starting point is 01:50:24 like forcing your body to hold more water isn't necessarily like healthy anyways. No. Yeah. But. It's not, I don't try to do it like past my thirst, but I'm always thirsty. Yeah. I'm just, I'm always drinking water.
Starting point is 01:50:36 And if I'm not drinking water, I'm drinking something like Zevia, you know, which is like Stevia flavored. Yeah. That stuff's pretty, pretty good for being naturally flavored. Tastes good, right? Yeah, the cream soda one is like pretty goddamn close. Black cherry's pretty good, too. In Canada, I don't know why the diet pop options are so limited.
Starting point is 01:50:56 Like our grocery stores are like a fraction of what you have available here when it comes to diet substitutes. But we have Zevia, and it's like the only diet cream soda thing I have access to, and it's like one of my go-tos. Does that mean does Canada have smarter laws in terms of like – No, they just have like all like the full sugar shit and not as many of the alternative diet substitute versions that are, you know, zero calorie or stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Is the thought that the diet stuff's bad for you? I think we just don't have as much stuff. Oh. Yeah. What is it like over there right now with the COVID mandates and the vaccine mandates? Oh, where I am on the West Coast, it's basically everywhere you go into, you have to wear a mask. It's basically everywhere you go into, you have to wear a mask.
Starting point is 01:51:52 You have to show proof of vaccination to get into pretty much everything except grocery stores. What else? Like fast food restaurants. Gyms, you do need to show it, which is problematic, obviously, because it's kind of like paradoxical to, oh, you want to be healthy, but we're not going to let you be healthy unless you get this thing that they, you know what I mean? So, but pretty much everywhere you need it other than grocery stores and a couple like, you know, random things that are less relevant. And is, what are the regulations? Like we were talking earlier, but I haven't even checked. Maybe we should check. Like if you want to fly into Canada, don't you have to be vaccinated?
Starting point is 01:52:26 You have to get a PCR test, and it has to be negative. Whereas to come into here, you can get like a rapid antigen or a PCR, and they'll take both. Yeah, but going into Canada, you take like the more strict, elaborate one that's higher sensitivity. Do you have to be vaccinated as well right now i don't 100 i i believe you do yeah it's because i have a show there on 420 yeah it's been rescheduled for two years in a row because of the pandemic yeah it was supposed to be
Starting point is 01:52:59 april 20th of 2020 and then it it was April 20th of 2021. So you chose 420 there for a particular reason, I would imagine. I do a 420 show every year. I do it somewhere where weed's legal. Just have a 420. It's been like a tradition that I've had for several years. But I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it. And I was thinking maybe I could do it somewhere across the border and like uh washington state just have everyone drive over yeah tickets dude seattle's a fucking
Starting point is 01:53:32 war zone meet you in blaine washington bro seattle is a war zone yeah it is so wild there now it's like it's literally like a third world country about to implode oh i used to go there years ago and it was gorgeous you'd see like a few homeless people every now and then, but it was like all tech money and everything. Now, like every time you turn on the news after they fucking took over that six block, like the Antifa people took over that six block area in downtown Seattle and the mayor called it the summer of love. And everybody's like, what is this bitch saying?
Starting point is 01:54:03 Like, what are you talking about? You took, you got fucking antifa took over your town you've got literal like militants controlling the streets like warlords yeah like they they were they were beating people up that took photographs and videos they had their own like police they were using like their own they had their their own police. They had their own authoritarian control system. Somebody got shot there, and then eventually the whole thing imploded, and the police recaptured it. But it was like, what is happening to Seattle? And Portland's even worse. You've got to get sunlight, kids.
Starting point is 01:54:44 Something about that Pacific Northwest. What's it like in Vancouver right now? In terms of? Chaos post-COVID. There has been some protests and stuff downtown, but I think it's, I don't know, there's very strict gun laws in Canada, so I don't really know how much less or more problematic that is because of that, but there's not that much violence in Canada. So I think it's, I don't really know how much less or more problematic
Starting point is 01:55:05 that is because of that, but there's not that much violence, um, in Vancouver, but there is, you know, protests against the vaccine and stuff like that. And I don't know, like I kind of stay out of the downtown area nowadays. It's kind of going to shit a bit. Like a lot of people have moved from down. It used to be the place to be downtown Vancouver. And then a lot of people have moved from down, it used to be the place to be downtown Vancouver. And then a lot of people have moved to the suburbs away from it to get away from the bullshit. And the prices did not go, they're still exorbitantly high and ridiculous. So it's kind of like, I don't know, like of all the places to live, the most overpriced, I think it's like Vancouver, Toronto, California, Nework kind of places are all absurd shit they're all
Starting point is 01:55:46 yeah so like even to live in like a you know relatively chaotic area of downtown and get like a shit whole house it's like you know a couple million bucks potentially okay maybe that's an exaggeration but like a shit hole would be like a million dollars for sure it is wild yeah those prices are wild i remember when i was a kid youole would be like a million dollars for sure. It is wild. Yeah. Those prices are wild. I remember when I was a kid and you thought about someone having a million dollar house like, wow. No, a million is like the pinnacle number of like you're rich now. Now it gets you like what? Gets you a shack. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:13 San Francisco is the worst. San Francisco is crazy overpriced and filled with like homeless people shooting up in the streets and taking shits in front of parked cars. It's wild. shooting up in the streets and taking shits in front of parked cars. It's wild. Yeah, there's this area in Vancouver called Hastings, and it's just, we call it Resident Evil when we drive through it because it's just like going through like a zombie video game essentially. And, yeah, it's absurd.
Starting point is 01:56:38 It's all these liberal cities too, which used to be amazing just a few years ago. It's like you see what happens when the shit hits the fan and then they have to make decisions. They revert to this sort of authoritarian way of doing things. And then they're also paradoxically leaning on crime. Yeah. It's kind of unfortunate too, because it's not like I have a lot of flexibility if I ever want to move. Cause it's like, where else do i go in canada and then getting citizenship in the states is quite difficult to do what is it like if you're a canadian and you want to come over here you have to get a visa or marry a white chick yeah i mean a white chick marry a canadian you're from
Starting point is 01:57:16 another country yeah look that's funny i'm like saying you if you marry some American lady, how difficult? It's like, do you have, if you marry an American lady, do you have to, how does it work? Like, do you have to prove that you love her? Like, what do you do? I don't know, because I think, isn't there like mail order brides from like Russia and shit who come to the States and get green cards? That's a good question. Like, is there countries where they're less likely to believe you? That's a good question, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:51 Like if you want to sneak over from Haiti, like all those people coming from Haiti, and then like, you know, you see this lady comes over from Haiti and immediately gets married to some American guy. Like, hey, how'd you meet? Yeah, I guess it's kind of calling into question. It's kind of like an ethical weird thing where you're like a official government guy and you have to criticize a relationship's validity I think they do I think you have to have meetings really there's no way this fucking guy would
Starting point is 01:58:15 get this chick cuz I know a guy who did marry a girl who came over from Russia and that's that's how he did it like but they were friends I think she was like his roommate and he married her. But I don't even think they were fucking. I think he just. Ryan to the deal for sure. I think he just like did it for her so she could stay here. But they had to go places and they had to go to some sort of a meeting where this guy's like, you know, like, how long have you been married?
Starting point is 01:58:41 You guys are real close. Like, what's up? You have to get it. I mean, because, like, people have, there are people that have asexual relationships, but they're married. Like, they're married, but they don't really have sex anymore. I'm trying to imagine having, like, a serious interview with a guy who's like, so, do you guys fuck?
Starting point is 01:59:00 Like, how much do you like to fuck a bro? Do you actually like fucking this guy or you just here for right? Yeah, and if you do fuck the guy, but you don't like it is that yeah Yeah, I do it because I want a green card. Yeah, like what how's that work? What what the fuck do they do about that? No things get to prove make it bona fide marriage and here guys of the So, the thing's you have to prove to make a bona fide marriage in the eyes of the... So, documents showing co-mingling of financial resources such as joint bank accounts.
Starting point is 01:59:30 But I have a friend who's married, and him and his wife have different bank accounts, and she kept her maiden name. These are examples. They wouldn't be able to do it. Oh, more than one thing. I get it. Credit card statements, tax returns, blah, blah, blah. Documents showing joint ownership of property, such as a home or auto title.
Starting point is 01:59:47 A lease showing a joint tenancy of a common residence. Birth certificates of children born into the marriage. Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationships. That's funny. The bona fides. This here is a bona fide relationship. I love my wife. I'm not just a Canadian coming over here.
Starting point is 02:00:10 It's a bona fide marriage. Look at that fucking racist photo they used. This poor dude looked like he's smiling next to a lady who doesn't really love him. Look, I love you. I'm in America now. Look at this. The USCIS will scrutinize your case to confirm there is no attempt to evade immigration laws with a fraudulent marriage. What's a fraudulent marriage?
Starting point is 02:00:36 You can't tell me what the fuck a fraudulent marriage is. If I say I do and she says I do, we're good. You could be married to someone else is one of the things they said. There's a list of stuff that if you're a drug dealer, or not, sorry, a drug abuser or addict, drug trafficker, they won't allow you to go through either. What if you're just a drug enthusiast? Not an abuser. Scroll back down.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Scroll back down to what we were just looking at. Look at this. This is what's funny. It says here that anyone... Oh, here here it is anybody can get a marriage certificate uscis will need evidence that your marriage is the real thing therefore it'll be necessary to submit evidence that you and your spouse have a genuine bona fide marriage to establish the bona fides i've never seen more bona fides. I wonder how you qualify for that job.
Starting point is 02:01:28 That's funny. Being the guy who completely dismantles relationships and decides. Well, I know a guy who's married, and I'm pretty sure he's gay. And he's got an older wife, and it seems like they get along. They have this weird relationship, but they're married. He says, this is my wife. She said, this is my husband. And I'm like, okay. I believe it mean maybe they're just great friends i don't know that's not a real marriage yeah they seem like they're married yeah i don't know i uh do not
Starting point is 02:01:55 want to have to go down that path to get find yourself a nice texas lady settle down yeah settle down here in america it's weird right? Because like Canada is a strange one because everybody speaks English and they look exactly the same. Like a Canadian, you could easily have a Texas accent. You could easily have a California or Chicago accent. People somehow claim that they can tell in my videos that I'm Canadian. Yeah, no, I can tell. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:24 You have a boat. You say, you have a boot. You say that occasionally. You have like certain ways of saying things where I'd go, oh yeah, he's probably Canadian. But when I first watched your video, I did not think that. It took time. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:35 It took like, and also, man, maybe I knew you were Canadian. I might be lying. I might've known you were Canadian and then started seeing it first you know not that bad But there's like a is it you there's like a part of this certain you the way Canadians talk Yeah, one of the I did a video a long time ago on Jason Momoa I think in his role in Aquaman and the way I say aqua apparently is like a sort of aqua
Starting point is 02:03:02 Mmm, and just like certain things like that people would clue into and be like what the fuck what a weird way to say this oh did you think jason momoa was on the sauce um i think my conclusion at the time that was a really iffy one because the guy is just a built fucking dude to begin with with like a big frame um but it would be like safer to assume than not that he probably did a little something for his peak superhero you know yeah and the money that you're talking about like if someone's playing thor like that's a good one that guy sauced it up 100 percent i love it yeah yeah i think so too not there's anything wrong with thatemsworth's back on like 20 pounds or 30 pounds in a matter of like six months or something absurd. Yeah, pretty quickly.
Starting point is 02:03:49 Yeah, and if you look at him before Thor 1, it was like a night and day difference. He looked like a skateboarder. Yeah, he looked like a surfer dude. Look at the video before. That's hilarious. My God, he looks so thin. Oh, my God. Well, that looks like he's like 20 years old, though.
Starting point is 02:04:09 The one on the left, he doesn't even look like he's 20. He looks really young, doesn't he? Yeah. It's not like he had a bad, like he's still athletic and has like a good frame beforehand. But that's the reason why he also ends up the way he does when he takes gear because a lot of people who take gear they still look like shit to be honest but it's still pretty obvious he packed on just exorbitant amounts of tissue very quick so he had a great frame you see there's that uh that fat suit that he put on look at that
Starting point is 02:04:38 yeah that's crazy um that he does have a great frame for it, though. Now, that's one of the superheroes I think actually looks like the superhero you would picture kind of thing. Yeah. Because it's very difficult, especially when you're growing up and you get influenced by these comic books and you see them. They look like Mr. Olympia competitors in the comic books. Right. And I just find it hilarious how many women complain about body, like obviously they have their own issues
Starting point is 02:05:07 with unrealistic body image, you know, things that they're portrayed to be the ideal for women. But those physiques are achievable through like some like nutrient deprivation and excessive cardio or whatever. Whereas for us,
Starting point is 02:05:20 the physique we're told is like the ideal is achieved through grams and copious amounts of exogenous steroids that are going to kill you in like 15 years. And then, yeah. And it's like that is what's portrayed on us as like ultimate pinnacle of masculinity, some ridiculous, unrealistic ideal that you'll never get to. Even if you had prime genetics and sauced your face off and ate food all day and trained every fucking day perfectly you'll still never get there in most cases i think there are certain women that want an excuse for why they're big oh yeah there's definitely a huge push towards pro obesity stuff now yeah well it's ridiculous this body positivity nonsense like yeah listen it doesn't mean we need
Starting point is 02:06:02 to be mean to someone who's overweight but to pretend that that's healthy is fucking preposterous yeah too the problem i don't see anything wrong with of course if you just want to be a certain way or you have like some people through epigenetics when they're born their parents the way their lifestyle is will literally influence their kids baseline as to how you know their like appetite signaling satiation like feedback systems and whatnot work and they end up having a harder time you know keeping weight off than the next person like there's obviously some genetic predisposition elements and if you want to be if you're overweight like whatever but don't put out
Starting point is 02:06:39 their like viral tiktok videos that are like be okay with being like a fat fuck and like, you know, actually promoting it as if it's like cool almost, or it's completely fine in a way that's not going to harm you in some capacity. Well, not only that, I mean, especially during the pandemic and especially during what we talked about this yesterday, they pulled up the study where it was showing how COVID affects overweight people so much differently because their body literally doesn't produce the antibodies correctly. Oh, yeah. Because of the obesity. Like obesity has an effect on the way your body produces antibodies.
Starting point is 02:07:18 Yeah. And so that's why at one point in time, at least 78% of the people that were in the ICU for COVID were overweight. Yeah, pretty much everything in your body, physiologic process-wise, functions better when you're a lean slash athletic body composition, have some muscle, have good glycemic control. Did you see the podcast that I did with Peter Attia? Yeah, he's great. He's amazing.
Starting point is 02:07:39 Yeah. But one of the things that Peter, he's an oncologist and now he does mostly uh life extension medicine but uh he said or he's a surgeon he's a what is it is an oncologist someone who does cancer surgeries whatever he is genius guy um he said that having high cardio having a high uh cardiovascular fitness level reduces your all-cause mortality by fivefold, which is so crazy. He's like, we don't have a drug that can reduce your all-cause mortality by fivefold. And if you did, my God, everybody would want to take it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:20 But that's all you have to do is just have great cardio. Yeah. Yeah, and they won't tell you that, unfortunately. Well, they don't want you to feel bad that you don't have to do is just have great cardio. Yeah, and they won't tell you that, unfortunately. Well, they don't want you to feel bad that you don't have any willpower. True. That too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:37 One thing I thought that was really interesting is he mentioned the use of fluvoxamine in attenuating the COVID. COVID-19, yeah. Yeah, that's definitely a super promising intervention now. And it's like, it has so many multifaceted applications. And I don't know why more people aren't looking at it for like a concurrent, like adjuncts to be used alongside the, you know, the main thing that everyone thinks is the only thing you can use. That vaccine thing. Yeah, that thing. Yeah. Well, it's interesting too, is that there's so many different things that we've learned over this pandemic. And this is, I think, maybe the bright side of it, that people have learned about the actual effect of obesity in your immune system. Whereas before, the body positive shit was so prevalent that it never got discussed. Like, what are the negative consequences of being obese?
Starting point is 02:09:20 But now people get it and they get it in their head. And a lot of people have made positive health choices, including my friend, Laura, my friend, Laura bites. Who's a hilarious comic. I take her with me on the road all the time. She lost. What is she down? Like she's down more than 50 pounds. I think she's down close to 60 pounds. I maybe I'm wrong, but there's pictures of her on her Instagram. Go to Lara's Instagram. She's pretty, she's very bold the way she takes these photos because she shows herself like with like a sports bra on, just fat as fuck.
Starting point is 02:09:56 And then the next one, she's super lean and healthy. Look at that. Wow. Look at that. That is a positive change over the pandemic. Do you know what's wild? Have you seen Adele before and after? Yes.
Starting point is 02:10:09 And people get pissed. They're mad at her. Yeah. They're mad at her. She's a smoke show now. They're pissed she's going to be less likely to die. And it's like they're a person that they want to see thrive and make music. Yep.
Starting point is 02:10:21 And they're like, you suck for. You used to be one of us. Yeah. And now you make me feel bad because now they see her and she's a fucking this hot lady she's hot and lean and you know you see her like give me a recent picture of adele she looks fucking hot like she's beautiful like who would have guessed like she always looked Like, she had pretty with her big face. But then when you see her when she's, like, really lean, like, how much weight has she lost? I don't know. It's dramatic, though.
Starting point is 02:10:51 But it's all, she didn't do surgery. She just did. No, I think most people that, well, not everyone because there's, like, that fucking alien guy who thinks he needs everything regardless of how jacked or, you know, lean he is or whatever. 100-pound weight loss. My God. Yeah, that's insane. Amazing he is or whatever. 100-pound weight loss. My God. Yeah, that's insane. Amazing. Look at that.
Starting point is 02:11:08 Bro, she's stunning. Jawline city. She's so pretty. It's crazy. Look at her. Like, look at her body. It's incredible. And women are mad at her.
Starting point is 02:11:18 Yeah. You fucking bitch. Used to be one of us. Eating donuts and singing like an angel. No, it's crazy how much fat shrouds facial features too, where it's like somebody who they thought they were ugly, and then they just like got in shape, and it's like, oh, wow, you're fucking hot. Look at what's going on under there.
Starting point is 02:11:36 Yeah. Because it's like everything gets bigger. Your nose gets bigger. Your eyebrows get bigger. It's like, it's just fat. Yeah, some of my old heavy-d duty bulk photos from when I was into bodybuilding and didn't under, I just, I thought more food equals more muscle. Not that you're just going to gain disproportionate amounts of fat.
Starting point is 02:11:55 So I used to force feed the shit out of myself. I just turned into like a bloated disaster at 40 pounds heavier than I should have been. What was the heaviest you ever were? Um, 270 maybe. And heaviest you ever were? 270 maybe. And what do you weigh now? Right now I'm probably like 220. And so when you were at 270, was that the bulking phase?
Starting point is 02:12:14 Yeah, and that was just like fat. There you go. That picture on the left is like, yeah, that's a, look how round my head is just in general. Yeah, you got a big round face. Yeah. And then the right shredded. That's my head is just in general. Yeah, you got a big round face. Yeah. And then the right shredded. That's the most shredded you ever were? Probably, yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:30 And so is that, like, your peak bodybuilding days? Look at the size of your shoulders, son. Is that just genetics, like, those kind of shoulders, like, that big? Yeah, some of it is gear-related, too, though, because there's an idea that there's more androgen receptors in your delts and traps. So you sort of see this. This is almost one of the ways you can identify guys who use shit too. Like, you know, when you saw Vitor, you're like, his traps are up to his.
Starting point is 02:12:53 Yeah, there's more androgen receptors in there that steroids bind to. So you can sort of identify a guy who has disproportionate development. Like, oh, he's probably using hormones. Interesting. Yeah. So I didn't know that. I just thought it made all the muscles grow yeah look at those shoulders damn son it's what the shoulders are a big one that's a big muscle group yeah like for whatever reason like you know like girls it's a big butt. With guys, it's big shoulders. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:28 There's like different muscle groups that have like an effect. Oh, there's one, amoebian fat. That one on the lower. Oh, yeah. This is that video I made like forever ago. Yeah. I did not have HGH gut. I had, I ate like a giant bowl of spaghetti with sausage. In hindsight, I think it was just like gut dysbiosis from like your diet at the time. Because you got rid of it pretty quick, right? Yeah. I got rid of it with sausage. In hindsight, I think it was just like gut dysbiosis from your diet at the time.
Starting point is 02:13:46 Because you got rid of it pretty quick, right? Yeah, I got rid of it real quick. But it was also that night. That was a nighttime podcast, and I had eaten a huge meal before we did that. You still use GH, though, right? I use IGF now, and I use it rarely. I use it like every four days or something like that. And I'm using sermoralin, too. Okay. That's what I'm using now. days or something like that. Okay. And I use, I'm using Sermoralin too.
Starting point is 02:14:06 Okay. That's what I'm using now. I'm transitioning to that. So why'd you switch? Just to try different stuff, see what it's like. Because I was only using, even when I was using growth, I was using one unit. It was a very small dose. And so to switch over to, this guy that I work with was using igf1 and he's using it and um like using
Starting point is 02:14:28 it intermittently like using it every four days like to use it after your hardest workouts or something or like how do you time it he's just doing in the morning and so you know we try to do it that way there are certain ways to time the growth factors to be like more productive have you ever used some more one uh so that's like growth hormone releasing hormone it's like a peptide and like personally i see uh there's something called cjc1295 that the same compounding pharmacy you probably get the samorlan from probably makes that seems to be more efficacious. And I've used that over some more land and I use a GHRP with it, like an iPamorelin concurrently with it. And it's, it definitely works to some extent. The, but for me, I don't know, like I like the, uh, I like the fact that it works with your body's internal system.
Starting point is 02:15:21 Whereas like GH is just an unregulated amount of hormone getting introduced into your system you have no control however how much output there is right whereas with samorlan and cjc1295 it's like your pituitary there's a bottleneck where you're not going to go over what you otherwise should need right because with gh you could end up in a situation where you do have like disproportionate insulin resistance developing um you know progressing cancer potentially whereas you have this that would never happen with one unit but within your own body's pituitary limits the samorlan seems to be uh more favorable from like a risk standpoint at least the cjc how often do you take that well it kind of depends on like how
Starting point is 02:16:02 frequently you want the benefits because if you're using this stuff like you're going to get acute lipolysis when you're using it so like what's that mean like the free liberation of free fatty acids into circulation to then burn so like for gh or anything gh related they basically do like insulin is like a storage hormone and gh is like a liberating hormone that like liberates fatty acids for then burning and exercise ideally. So ideally you would be doing some sort of activity after its use, or you'd be using it at a time when you otherwise are trying to induce the most recovery, like pre sleep is like what I would time it as. So that's as important, like doing it is like when you do it is very important i think so because
Starting point is 02:16:49 if you were just using gh just haphazardly all the time hypothetically if you have no injuries to heal you have nothing really going on you're not exercising you're like freeing up fatty acids becoming insulin resistant and then not burning them and they kind of just get like redeposited and you're making yourself like acutely insulin resistant for no reason essentially i have heard that that people do develop insulin resistance from from gh use yeah i've heard of that i think that was from it was a book that i had read like back in the day when i had first heard about people um doing hormonal replacement doing doing hormone replacement with growth hormone. Yeah, yeah, it's definitely a real possibility.
Starting point is 02:17:31 Because some people, too, they overdo it, and they self-induce a state of acromegaly, where they're like Andre the Giant, basically, hormone levels. But we had a guy named Bigfoot Silva that fought in the UFC that had a pituitary gland tumor. And it was causing him to have gigantism. And then they operated on the pituitary gland. And then his body wasn't producing any hormones.
Starting point is 02:17:56 And so then he was fighting with no hormones. And the problem was he just could not take a punch anymore. Where he was, like, indestructible before. And then all of a sudden he'd take a punch anymore, where he was indestructible before. And then all of a sudden he'd take a punch and he'd just go out. I mean, it's hard to say because part of that could have been there's a thing that happens to a fighter when they've had X amount of pro fights, X amount of gym wars, X amount of sparring sessions. They just can't take a shot anymore.
Starting point is 02:18:22 It's crazy. It's crazy to watch because you watch a guy like Chuck Ldell was a great example he had an iron chin yeah people crack him on the jaw he would just fucking fire back and you couldn't believe the shots he could eat and then one day he'd get hit and pink it just like his legs would go and it would he would just would not be able to take a shot anymore and he actually explained it to me he said it's like your body is trying to protect you from your toughness it's like your brain realizes like oh this motherfucker is going to stand and trade bombs with this guy again and we're just going to take the damage fuck that we're just going to shut down the system and just shut off yeah i think that's almost sort
Starting point is 02:18:59 of how even as you get older some of of these processes downregulate to like, I think, conserve you as you become less like capable of handling stressful events. Like a lot of people, they want to replace like every hormone that gets, you know, shut down. But like, there's a theory that maybe these things are downregulating on purpose to avoid things like cancer and whatnot. Right. Right. As you get older. Yeah. One of the things that I've done recently that helped me a lot is hyperbaric chamber use. Yeah. I followed that Israeli.
Starting point is 02:19:31 There's an Israeli university that did a protocol which was for 90 days you do 60 sessions of 90 minutes per day, 60 of those 90-minute sessions. And you found at the end of the 90 days, they had an increase of the telomeres, which corresponded to a 20-year decrease in biological age. Have you done one of those like Horvath clock assessments or anything? I need to do that now. I need to do that.
Starting point is 02:20:00 No, I have not. That would be interesting. Yeah, I'm very interested, especially after doing the hyperbaric chamber sessions because it made a big difference. Like felt lighter if that makes any sense yeah i felt like oh like you know just felt like i had i'm i always feel good because one of the things that i've been very fortunate about is that um i've been very consistent like i've never got really out of shape i've gotten fat before but it's just for gluttony. I'm a
Starting point is 02:20:25 glutton. I will eat two pizzas. If it's in front of me, especially carbs, I just don't stop. I don't get how some people can portion out junk food and just eat a little bit of this. If I'm going to eat shitty,
Starting point is 02:20:41 it's like full board. I'm coma-ing myself. Have it out of the house or if it's in shitty, it's like full board. I'm coma-ing myself. Yes. Yeah, it's like either have it out of the house, or if it's in there, it's getting like fully destructed. Yeah, if I'm pulling into a drive-thru late at night, and I know it's like a fucking jack-in-the-box, we're going to have a problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:56 I'm going ham. Yeah, yeah. But for me, the big one has always been pasta. And I get so fat, and it's always like right here it's like sticks out my sides and my guts too i think it's also like a gluten issue because both of my kids have gluten gluten issues and i i guarantee you if i got my allergies checked i guarantee you have a gluten allergy because every time i eat a lot of pizza or a lot of pasta it's not like when i eat a lot of meat if I eat a lot of
Starting point is 02:21:25 meat I don't see like a distended belly yeah but if I eat pasta I'm like I think some of it is like the bacteria in your gut to process the shit too could be more like gas producing yeah and it's just like because it's like there's no way the overall mass of the food is producing this much of a difference where it's like I sat down with a flat stomach and now it's like touching the fucking table. But the thing is, it's like you're eating dough. It's just glue. It really is. It's like powder.
Starting point is 02:21:57 It's like flour and water. And they dry it out and then they boil it. So it takes the water back. And then you're going, bah, bah, bah. You're eating glue, and it just sits there. The silicone tit discussion, it almost reminds me of, like, with food, too. When I look at something that's literally not even, has no nutrient substance whatsoever, and yet I want it like an idiot.
Starting point is 02:22:20 And I disproportionately eat so much of it that I know it's gonna make me feel sick too and it's like you know gonna be like pro fucking cancer pro get fat pro everything that I don't want but it tastes makes me feel very dumb yeah pro inflammation your back hurts more you got weird neck pains after you eat a lot of pasta even focusing on if I eat a meal like that I know the rest of my day work quality wise and focusing on anything is out the window. The brain fog is severe. Oh, it's unbelievable. That was one of the more interesting things about the carnivore diet.
Starting point is 02:22:54 When I did that one month of January, I'm going to do it again this year as well, where I just ate meat. Yeah. I only ate meat for a whole month. My energy levels were so consistent. It was really interesting. That's what's made me sort of consider either. I haven't done a ketogenic diet.
Starting point is 02:23:14 I've never done carnivore. I've done keto a couple of times, but it was super long ago. And I was never, you know, like doing anything entrepreneurial at the time. So it was irrelevant me assessing the brain fog back then. So I don't even remember what it was like. But now from a cognitive aspect, I noticed a dramatic, anytime I have a super carb dense meal,
Starting point is 02:23:32 the brain fog is just like another 20% added every like carb dense meal until the end of the day, you're just like in a fucking haze trying to work. And it's just not even, like nothing productive is happening. And I know guys who do carnivore or keto diets, you stay mentally sharp perpetually because your blood trigger is just stable. You're not spiking your insulin through the roof. So I've been very, very tempted to try it personally, just for the cognitive elements, but the dramatic decrease
Starting point is 02:23:59 and you lose like instantly like 10 pounds of water, like out of the muscle specifically from the lack of glycogen and the performance hit you take in the gym it's very hard to build muscle when you're in keto or it's harder that's sort of like yeah i've been like weighing it out in my head if i should try it or not yeah i wonder if your body adapts eventually because you said the carnivore thing hit your performance pretty hard in the gym yeah it hit my performance, especially doing rounds in the bag. Like, I would be okay for the first, like, 30 seconds. I have, like, I feel good and strong. But then there's, like, this, oh, Jesus. I wonder if you could do, like, carnivore as your base diet
Starting point is 02:24:35 and then just around the workout sessions that you're trying to get that acute glycogen saturation, burn it up, and get back into carnivore quick if you could do something like, just like a cyclic dextrin like peri workout get like the glycogen you need to burn it get back into keto Immediately after or as close to it so you can retain the mental clarity around The workout perimeter right but then during the workout you give the food just the fuel you need carbohydrate wise Might be an approach that's worthwhile. Yeah, it seems like that's possible, and I know some guys have done that with apples.
Starting point is 02:25:09 And for whatever reason, that combination seems to be pretty common. Wouldn't the fiber in it be too slow? I don't know. There's something called cyclic dextrin, which is something you can buy. It's like a carbohydrate powder that's very, very light that like the gels that those cycles cyclists take my glucose gels i don't know exactly what those comprise of but this is like the gastric emptying of this stuff is very very fast intestinal transit to the point that it's like in and out of your system like so you have low gi stress in and out of your system quick. So you could hypothetically like fuel up for the workout, burn it,
Starting point is 02:25:47 and then be back into keto relatively quick ideally, I would think. It might be worthwhile to try. Yeah. Because an apple, I think you're going to spend way more time digesting that than. Because of the fiber and everything? Yeah. What if you had like apples, like say if you have like an apple or two, just like an hour and a half before a hard workout.
Starting point is 02:26:08 You'd have to experiment, I guess, because ultimately I'm sure you can tell a dramatic difference when you, the keto adaptation period is pretty rough from what I remember, like transitioning. So I think you'd tell if it was making the transition in and out difficult from like a time duration standpoint pretty quick the keto fog has nothing on the carnivore diarrhea yeah didn't you like shit your brains up for the first couple of weeks bro yeah it's wild i tom segura tried the diet as well and he sent me a text that was hilarious he goes this diarrhea is astonishing so So is it like the frequency all day too? Or is it just like when you take a shit, it's liquid? It's liquid.
Starting point is 02:26:50 But do you like have to go suddenly at random times that are inconvenient? You do not trust farts. You do not trust your butthole. Like to keep everything back. Like if you think you have to fart, get to the bathroom. But I didn't shit my pants, I don't think. I don't remember. I've shit my pants many times, but I don't think I did it during that month.
Starting point is 02:27:11 But one thing that I did notice is there were certain times that I went to the bathroom like, what is happening? It was just like black oil was coming out of my asshole. I was just like, what? This is so much liquid. It's so crazy. And I would just be like, get on the ball. You hear the fluid come out.
Starting point is 02:27:31 You're like, what is happening? But that went on for about two weeks. And then after two weeks, what was remarkable was when I would take a shit, it was so small. And it was like easy. It was like dry. Like dry shits. They would just come out nice and clean. You know and I have one of them bidet toilets where you press the button.
Starting point is 02:27:53 I was going to say hopefully you had that for shitting yourself with diarrhea. Well I would often times go I gotta get in the shower. I wonder how many carnivore diet guys went and bought a bidet after starting. Bro bidets are the way to go. If you don't have one, not a bidet bidet like your Frenchman, but
Starting point is 02:28:10 one of them toilet seat things. I forget what the name of the one that I have, but for my house here in Texas, I got one where you even come near it, it opens up and light goes off and everything and you sit down and you can press a button and the button shoots hot water up your butt.
Starting point is 02:28:26 It's nice. Cleans it all out. How do you dry it before you put your pants back on? You got to take a little toilet paper and pat it down. But the thing is, like, it hoses your asshole off so well. That's why it's like a sniper. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, so it's not just like a mess that you got to take a fucking towel out for.
Starting point is 02:28:41 No, no, no. You can target it. I saw one that has a massage feature. That's outrageous. They're trying to come. It gives you it. Target it. I saw one that has a massage feature. That's outrageous. They're trying to calm. It gives you a prostate massage while you're cleaning your ass at the same time? I'm making sure. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:28:50 It puts two fingers up there and does that. And then you use the jacket. Yeah. Next gen toilets. Well, it does feel really good, though. That's the problem. It's like nice. It's like, ah.
Starting point is 02:29:04 But it cleans your butt well. Dude, time but uh time efficiency though too i can imagine like sometimes you sit there and you you've got that one random one that's like what do i need a whole roll of toilet paper to like get rid of this last bit like fuck it's also what are you doing you're just smearing the shit i know all over your ass yeah when you actually think about like what you're doing oh it's nasty yeah it's gross you wouldn't You wouldn't accept that any other place in your body. You get shit all over your elbow. You'll be like, I'll just wipe that down with some dry poop. It turns out the massage function is to stimulate the rectum to help promote bowel movements.
Starting point is 02:29:35 It's not for washing. How does it work? It is a pulse and massage. So it relaxes your sphincter. It's stimulating your rectum. So does it touch your rectum? I don't know. It's a rectum? I don't know. It's a massage finger.
Starting point is 02:29:47 I don't know. These are people jacking off on the toilet. It's like cups or ball sack. It gives you a little tickle while you're trying to. And it moans. Then the next Google question says, can bidets turn you on? Oh, God. All right.
Starting point is 02:30:01 Of course they can. Everything can turn you on. People get turned on by feet. People are gross. Oh, yeah. People are weird. You they can. Everything can turn you on. People get turned on by feet. People are gross. Yeah, yeah. People are weird. You over that now? I was just a boy.
Starting point is 02:30:10 I was a young boy. No, I think girls with pretty feet are hot. Yeah. But it's not like a thing. It was a thing, though, and then you got over it. Well, it was a thing when I was 18, 19-ish. I had a girl with rubber feet on my dick. Yeah. It became a thing when I was 18, 19-ish. I had a girl with rubber feet on my dick. It became a thing.
Starting point is 02:30:28 Yeah. But when you have good events and then something concurrently with it, your brain ties the two together. It's almost like if you work out and you always listen to music, then when you work out without the music, it's like, this fucking sucks. I can't even enjoy the workout. Right. So after that point, did it drag into every relationship
Starting point is 02:30:45 moving forward or like well then it became uh it's like different things turn you on you know then like you'll date a girl who's got great lips and you become a lip guy or you date a girl's got a great ass you become an ass guy like i didn't even realize i liked asses until i dated a girl had a great ass i was like that is a big perk yeah that's a big it's a big difference yeah when a girl's got a great ass it's like wow that is really exciting yeah you know it's like something about it doesn't and what's really crazy is white people didn't figure it out until baby got back it's like sir mix-a-lock came along and they were like you know what that is good yeah something happened because if you look at like white women from like the 70s and
Starting point is 02:31:32 the 80s they all had flat butts yeah and they were the hottest women in the world yeah nobody cared yeah it was wild when uh it was like a fucking shift in the universe when like uh those tight pants came out and like lulu lemonmon was founded in Vancouver in Canada and Girls starting to wear the the Lululemon like tight pants that show off their ass Yeah, and like all the pants that came thereafter the tight ones Yeah, fucking night and day difference like you could have a chick who's like a six out of ten It's like oh these pants you're an eight and a half easily Well, it's a weird thing that that I mean it's again like the shoulder thing for guys the butt thing for girls it's a weird thing that this one
Starting point is 02:32:10 body part is so significantly more attractive yeah like great calves are like okay you know but a great ass is like wow yeah look at that yeah it's just genetics. It's just biology, right? It's just like something about us is attracted to this. I mean, it's clearly a waist-to-hip ratio thing that indicates that the woman would be better at giving birth. The ass would indicate better birthing ability too? Well, more fat. Okay, right. More fat.
Starting point is 02:32:41 Carrying more fat would allow her to get through her pregnancy better, because a lot of times women lose – well, sometimes they gain weight, but you have a lot of tissue that is going to be able to sustain that child while it's in the womb. I mean, you think about what it was like to be a person 1,000 years ago, 3,000 years ago, 4,000 years ago, when we developed all these attractions to specific body types. Your odds of surviving were fucking low. thousand years when we developed all these attractions to specific body types like your odds of surviving were fucking low so you would be more attracted to someone who would bear a child
Starting point is 02:33:11 that is going to make it which is that's really what it's all about yeah it makes sense that's why we see that poor girl who's the anorexic you know yeah yikes yeah what is that that's so crazy no yeah that makes sense yeah yeah it's uh the the human body is such a bizarre thing it's just so strange like what what we like about it and what we don't like about it and like what things matter to women no girls have like dramatically different opinions it seems on like guys universally it's like are you a tits or an ass guy? And then for girls, it's like, do you like big biceps? Do you like big shoulders, big back, big? Some of them like big asses and guys.
Starting point is 02:33:52 Some of them like skinny guys. They're like guys. Yeah, some of them want like skater dudes and like little emo boys and shit. Travis Barker looking dudes. Yeah, it's weird how dramatic the difference is. And then some like beards, some don't like beards. But I always wonder, it's like maybe it's like what they were attracted to when they were growing up like the same thing it's like a guy was in a feed or for some guys it's like pantyhose you know like you meet a girl and she's
Starting point is 02:34:15 into pant like she wears garters or something like that like garters are weird like why is that sexy yeah you got a rubber band that attaches your underwear to your socks like yeah what is that no yeah some of the some of the preferences for women are just like i guess it's good universally though because it means there's more chances for guys whereas for chicks it's like there's like you can kind of tell universally what's attractive on a woman from like a body composition aspect and features but then for guys it's like so many fucking options and so many preferences that more guys are gonna have a chance than otherwise would with like a you know higher quality woman probably well guys have so many other weird things right like a guy could be successful that makes it more attractive yeah a guy could be funny that makes it more attractive
Starting point is 02:34:59 yeah it's definitely good being in a guy for sure because you get so many more things to play with from that aspect for sure. I think it's like some statistic. It's like 5 to 10% of guys get like 90% of the girls or something because it's just like all of these, like especially from an online dating aspect. It's just like disproportionately ridiculous in how successful a very small subset of guys is on the on the device on the apps um versus women they from like i don't know five out of tens all the way to ten out of ten a lot of them are like pretty much inundated with options still whereas guys it's like only the top top upper echelon have all the options and the rest get like fucking none yeah that's like the concept of the incel right remember when that one dude drove his car into a bunch of people and killed them because
Starting point is 02:35:46 he was an incel? Yeah, yeah. And there was a- Then it became a real concern. I forget. Elliot Rogers, I think. I don't know if that was the guy. Yes.
Starting point is 02:35:54 Maybe he shot people. Elliot, someone, that was his issue as well, that women wouldn't have sex with him. Yeah. He wasn't even an ugly guy. That's the weird thing is when you watch the videos, you could tell he just- He was a psycho. Yeah. Like the brain chemistry and just the fact that I bet he's never even tried like talking to chicks.
Starting point is 02:36:11 Right. Like he probably just was at home like, why aren't they getting pussy? Why is it not handed to me on a silver platter? Yeah. And he was a normal-ish looking kid. Yeah. There's definitely uglier guys who've had hot girlfriends. Not bad looking at all.
Starting point is 02:36:23 Yeah. Especially if they're successful. Yeah. There's way more options for girlfriends. Not bad looking at all. Yeah. Especially if they're successful. Yeah, there's way more options for men. It's unfair for sure. Yeah. And that's why women complain. That's really what the big complaint is when a woman sees like these unrealistic body types. Yeah, because they know their value is more so based on that than anything else.
Starting point is 02:36:42 It's unfair. so based on that than anything else. It's unfair. Yeah, I can't even imagine the awareness of knowing how disproportionate my value is based on physical appearance and almost nothing else. Because if I'm a guy seeking a high quality woman,
Starting point is 02:36:56 I don't really give a shit if she's rich and successful. At all. No. I would prefer you are a good cook and can take care of and like help me achieve success in my endeavors and are like supportive rather than like I don't give a fuck if you're a breadwinner or not. Yeah, that's a weird position because then people automatically assume that you're anti like having a strong woman in your life. And that's not necessarily the case no it's just it's not more attractive yeah yeah your value is not propped up as a woman really if you have like a you know all these other things that guys can do to leverage yeah which is like I can imagine being would be quite frustrating
Starting point is 02:37:37 for a woman who's you know driven yeah well that's the thing is like some women feel like as they're growing up that they have to prove themselves by gaining a commensurate amount of success. Like this is a woman who could stand right up there with a man, but she's also hot. She's also attractive. Like that's great. But that first part, that doesn't really, I mean, that doesn't excite a lot of men. I mean, some men are really into like really ambitious, really powerful women, I guess.
Starting point is 02:38:07 Yeah. But for the most part, I don't think that that's like a number one draw. No. No, like I wouldn't give a fuck personally. Yeah. Yeah. Like if some chick is like, has super high aspirations and wants to be like entrepreneurial and like start a business and do that, I'm almost like, oh, like how much time is this
Starting point is 02:38:24 going to take? Well, see, that's what women are worried about women are worried about the idea that if you're not into strong women and then you want the woman to be subservient and you want the woman to be like uh for you to be priority your life to be a priority and your success be a priority and her to be almost like uh you know she's an accessory yeah i just yeah it's not that i wouldn't want them to have their own aspirations like goals and stuff i would just think like i if i have my path i'm gonna go down you know do certain things that i know are going to support me and you know a family down the line like i don't necessarily i would rather see you allocating time towards something that's I don't know like aligns with my vision
Starting point is 02:39:09 of where I'm going because it's like if we have two different paths entrepreneurially she's like I can't imagine you wouldn't drift apart in some capacity if you're like she's full board on work you're full board on work like there's no like in the middle at all mmm i don't know like yeah but for a woman if she invests a bunch of time in your success yeah and then you break up with her she's like fuck yeah that's true yeah that that's that's what motivates these big divorce settlements yeah yeah that's true yeah i don't know what the uh um that got to be it, right? I mean, that's how they feel. They're like, well, fuck that. Like, she was with him.
Starting point is 02:39:48 Like, he made all that money, sort of. She was helping him. Like, she was with him in the relationship. She assumed a sort of supportive wife position, and she took care of all these other aspects of their personal life while he worked hard. Yeah, there's definitely an argument to be made. Like, although I think it's fucking insane to take half of somebody's shit, but like
Starting point is 02:40:08 the amount of efficiency you gain out of a supportive partner who's taking like the tedious work off your plate. Oh yeah. You know, like there definitely is a huge element of like your success being foundationally backed by like a good partner who's doing. Sure. Even if on paper they're not doing something that's productive from like a money producing aspect sure and then there's also the emotional support like knowing that you have someone who's rooting for you who's in your corner and then there's also
Starting point is 02:40:32 like the amount of time that you save and not like going on dates and you know trying to find the one trying to be single and like also do entrepreneurial stuff fucking impossible impossible it's a full-time job being single and dating yeah because if you're dating first of all and you meet a good one she's gonna want to spend a lot of time with you right she's like he really likes me we're gonna go out again tonight and like oh my god you're going out every night and then you're going out four nights a week and you're going out to dinners and you leave the house at seven you don't come home till 11 then you're tired when you go to the gym in the morning but you're really into it because you really like her but it takes a lot of time whereas if you're married you live in the same
Starting point is 02:41:15 house you come home it saves a lot of time and you know also when you're working really hard she doesn't think that you are ignoring her she thinks you're working for the both of you if you you know have your funds together tied in together Yeah, it's complicated shit though because again like if you're a woman and you You'd assume that sort of a traditional male female marriage wife role And you take care of the house while the guys working and then the guy goes I'm done with this and you're like bitch I just invested 15 fucking years in your stupid life yeah now you don't want me anymore fuck time to get a lawyer before your you met your wife did you have relationships that like were divergent in terms of like how it aligned with your outlook of future goals or
Starting point is 02:42:01 like how did you eventually end up with the partner that you deemed like best i guess well my problem is i've never had goals oh really i just work yeah i just do stuff that i enjoy like i never thought like oh i want to have the number one podcast in the world i'm gonna fucking work hard i'm the number one pod... Never thought that once. Never advertised this podcast. Never went on other podcasts with a specific goal promoting it. Never took out video ads anywhere or anything. Just did it. So that's the same with almost everything I've ever done. My goal as a comedian was just be a professional.
Starting point is 02:42:43 It wasn't like, I want to sell out arenas. When it came to arenas, like, really? I could do an arena? Okay, let's try it. Shit, this is crazy. Yeah. So it's just my goal was always just to do my best. Like do my best as a comic, do my best as a podcaster.
Starting point is 02:42:58 And that has worked for me. I'm not saying it should work for everybody because I think some people need, like there's some people that are very goal-oriented. Like they want to have a vision board and they want to write all this shit down and they want to say, you know, by the time I'm 30, I want to have X amount of dollars in the bank
Starting point is 02:43:17 and I want to have my own house. And by the time I'm 40, I want to be the fucking CEO of this and be doing that. And I don't, I'm not that guy. Yeah. I think there's a misconception about how like disorganized or just like, I don't know, people don't realize their success successful until they're just like they are. And it was just a result of their hard work cumulatively over time. And it's like, yeah, eventually you're in
Starting point is 02:43:43 this amazing position, but it's not like you planned it necessarily step by step i can only speak for myself because i don't really know like first of all i'm in very weird businesses right i mean i do cage fighting commentary i do stand-up comedy and i do podcasting three things where there's no blueprint yeah nobody like cage fighting commentary first of all when, when I started doing it, there was literally like maybe four guys had done it before me. So there was no blueprint. There's no one to tell me what to do.
Starting point is 02:44:13 I just did it. Yeah. I just would just explain what was happening, why it was happening. And I felt like I had an obligation to try to explain to people, like especially the ground game when it comes to jujitsu positions, which is very technical. And so I'm trying to explain and walk my way through these very intricate positions where I see a guy setting up for a very specific move. And then when it comes to standup comedy, like you, you just gotta, like, no one can tell you how to do it. You just gotta do it.
Starting point is 02:44:42 Like your way is going to be different from that guy's way. Like, Mitch Hedberg is very different from Sam Kinison, who's very different from Chris Rock. Everybody's different. You just have to figure out what makes your perspective funny. No one can teach you how to do it. No one can show you how to be funny. A guy can teach you how to play guitar. No one can teach you how to do stand-up.
Starting point is 02:45:02 You just got to do it, and hopefully it works. And then with podcasting, I i mean there was radio before so it was like howard stern and opie and anthony that was like really how i got into it and then once i started doing podcasting in 2009 there was adam carolla he already had one and markon had one. There's a few guys who had one before me. But it was just like, it was bullshit. No one got any money from it. I mean, Carolla was the only guy that I think was making some money at the time. But for me, it was like, there's no money in this.
Starting point is 02:45:36 It's just silly. It's just doing it for fun. It was 100% doing it for fun. And it went on like that for years where I didn't make any money. I probably lost money doing it. And then And it went on like that for years where I didn't make any money. I probably lost money doing it. And then eventually it started making money. And then it started making crazy money. And then I was like, whoa, this is nuts.
Starting point is 02:45:53 But it was never at any point in time a goal. Whenever I look at this, like we were just on Spotify 2021, number one podcast of the year, all this, they sent me some stuff, showed me what the numbers are. I'm like, okay, can't think about it. I mean, it's great, wild.
Starting point is 02:46:15 It's crazy that it's the number one podcast in the world, but it's still, it's the same thing. I just come in and I do it. So I don't have like goals that way. So I didn't like find a woman who like aligned with my goal she's just cool all right so we just get along great so it works and I just do my shit and she doesn't get in the way she doesn't fuck with me and she's very supportive so it's a great relationship in that way but again I couldn't teach anybody how to meet somebody like my wife yeah I couldn't teach anybody how to meet somebody who understands how crazy i am and it
Starting point is 02:46:45 gets and just works with me because other people won't work with you know it's like relationships are just like business partnerships or even friendships like some guy who would be great friends with another guy you would think that guy's annoying as fuck and you'd never want to hang out with them yeah whereas other people be people will be like, dude, fucking let's party. You're excited to see him. There's people for everybody in business, in relationships, in friendships.
Starting point is 02:47:10 It's like, you got to know what you like. Know what you like and know who you are and hopefully you get lucky and find someone that like fits with that.
Starting point is 02:47:20 Yeah. I, yeah, it's a lot of fish in the sea, but trying to like, I don the exact match for your exact lifestyle. Don't pretend you're anybody other than who you are. That's a big one. Because that way, if they like you, they actually like you.
Starting point is 02:47:38 If you're working so hard to convince someone that you're awesome, but you're really just kind of bullshitting, eventually you're going to get exhausted and you're going to give that up. And that's what a lot of women say guys do. Like they're in a relationship with a guy and then they know him for like a couple of months and all of a sudden that guy reveals who he really is. There's definitely like a facade people, I think, are on their best behavior and act like totally fucking different
Starting point is 02:48:02 than what they are for the first little bit. That's what every rich single guy worries about. He's going to get roped in. He's going to get roped in by a gold digger, you know? And then she's going to go, I can't believe I'm pregnant. I mean, I don't know how this happened. I was on the pill. And the guy's like, fuck.
Starting point is 02:48:17 Yeah. And then she starts yelling at him. I had a buddy of mine that happened too. Oh, really? Oh, my God. He told me the moment she got pregnant it was almost like ha ha got you and he was like what like she started yelling at him telling him what to do and he's like what is this yeah and he he was stunned and he just realized he goes joseph she got me
Starting point is 02:48:39 she fucking got me i'm like really he goes yeah man she fucking got me like I'm like, really? He goes, yeah, man. She fucking got me. Like, I thought she was a different person. It's like, who is this? And then she got lawyers involved. And her mom got involved. It's crazy. Like, you come over the house. Her mom was there with her. And they're both staring at him like in a mean way.
Starting point is 02:48:57 And she's telling him what's going to happen, what you're going to do. And he's like, what the fuck? So what happened with that after? Got broke up. Broke up and broke up and you know divorced and lost a shitload of money terrible story has a kid you know every time he goes to see the kid she's got a sour face she fucking hates him geez she got him that's a fucking and he thinks the well the mom was uh multiple relationships, divorced over and over again, right?
Starting point is 02:49:26 And he thinks it's just like she grew up with this predatory idea of what a marriage is. Like you can find a guy who's successful, and then you treat him real nice, and then you work your way in, and then once you get pregnant, and then you tell this motherfucker what's up. And so once she was married and when she was pregnant, it was just like she just decided, you know, no sense in dragging this out. Let's just close this up right now and take that check.
Starting point is 02:49:56 And now he's paying her for, you know, 18 years. Fucking horrible. Yeah, it's not good. And since he makes good money, it's a sizable amount of money you know and i don't believe he signed a prenup because i think he's a dummy and i think he would admit that yeah yeah so it's like proportional based on what you make not just like what the kid exactly it's it's proportional based on what you're accustomed to oh so he like treated her to certain shit or something and then you have to maintain
Starting point is 02:50:26 that he's wealthy he's wealthy and she lived with him and they were together for a couple of years and you know they they were together and during that time you know he was making a lot of money and they lived in a very nice house and she was married to him so then all of a sudden i wonder what uh jeff bezos wife is up to now. She's balling out of control. She's got $39 billion. She married a high school science teacher. I have a whole bit about it. Oh, really? Yeah. It's awesome. She's very philanthropic. She gives a lot of money away to charities.
Starting point is 02:50:59 And when you have $39 billion, just leave a little bit of it in the bank and it's just accumulating interest constantly. I'm sure she's got good investments just balling out there wearing fucking mr t gold chains and yeah make coats everywhere i don't know it's a lot of money though man but again he probably doesn't even notice it he's still one of the richest guys that's ever lived you know he gives her 39 billion and it doesn't even put a dent in them well at that point isn't there like an ego thing if you're like the richest guy in the world still so maybe that like takes him down a notch from the other titans he's trying to hang with so maybe that might piss
Starting point is 02:51:34 him off probably yeah isn't that funny they all have like the the race to space and then also like the net worth thing yeah like i can imagine that's like at that point you're so desensitized to everything on earth because you've been hyper exposed to like the most pinnacle level of success at that point it's like to get your next dopamine hit it's like i gotta beat fucking elon right right right yeah that does happen with men right they get real competitive against other people that they're their peers yeah that's such a crazy thing to get competitive when you're like you got 150 billion but he's got 190 oh fuck him yeah like i don't know if that's actually how they think but i mean like the perception from this like competing like space things yeah you
Starting point is 02:52:18 can't help but perceive that there is some sort of competitive thing around it yeah and it's like a dick measuring contest between the titans of who's rich and who can do the biggest thing the fastest. Did you see the video of Jeff Bezos' girlfriend meeting Leonardo DiCaprio? Yeah. Yeah. Everybody got – people looked into that. Like when people – first of all, she's a smoke show, right?
Starting point is 02:52:42 She is smoking hot. Yeah. And, you know, he's not the best looking guy in the world, but he's super wealthy and kind of fit. Looks pretty good now compared to what he used to look like, right? The before and afters of him and Elon are pretty dramatic. Oh, yeah. So he put this thing, Leo, come over here. I want to show you something dangerous.
Starting point is 02:52:58 Take the fatal drop. That's pretty funny of him. That's pretty funny of him to do that um but you know when she's you know he got himself a 10 you know and got divorced and does what a lot of rich guys do like look at the way she's smiling at leo that's criminy all right and also leo's like standing on the stair above yeah so it's like the most demeaning picture like perception wise for sure yeah yeah she's an alpha like a predator you look at her you're like jesus yeah that's some genes son whoo and she's not a young lady she's 50 how old is bezos
Starting point is 02:53:41 he's probably the same age probably Yeah. Probably similar, right? How old is Bezos? I'm going to guess. I'm going to guess he's like my age, 54. Yeah. I wonder how old it is before. 57. I think when you're that age, you don't want to date a 20-year-old.
Starting point is 02:53:58 Jesus Christ. DiCaprio does, and he's like late 40s. Yeah, but he doesn't have any children. Okay. You know, I think once a man has children and once you've been through all that and your father, it's like, what if I date some 20 year old doesn't, and someone who's like the same age as your kids, it seems kind of creepy. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 02:54:15 Yeah. If you're a 57 year old guy dating a 20 year old girl, like that's what Jack Nicholson did, right? Oh, really? Yeah. Wasn't that thing? Jack Nicholson? He was, that was his thing, right?
Starting point is 02:54:24 He was always dating like really young girls deep into his 60s and shit. Yeah. That's okay, too. Maybe they like it. Maybe he likes it. Women get mad at it, though. Oh, yeah. And you can't help but, like, question if it's legit, too.
Starting point is 02:54:37 And that's where you bring in the old inspector who tells you if it's a legit relationship or not. Imagine if it comes to the point. I mean, think about that, right? Like there's an inspector that checks to see if your relationship is bona fide. Yeah. If you want to get into the country and get married. But is there one if you want to marry a guy for his money? No.
Starting point is 02:54:55 There should be. Yeah. There should be like a bona fide inspector there to stop gold diggers. Yeah, if you're going to get the divorce settlement or not based on was your intentions legitimate or not in the first place. Could you imagine if gold diggers were scrutinized the way immigrants are? That's the next level position. There's probably something to that, man. There's probably something funny in there because gold diggers, it's a strange thing.
Starting point is 02:55:19 No, there might be something in there. That's fucking interesting. Look, gold diggers are a viable business move. Yeah. It's a solid business move. If you're a smoke show, if you're a hot lady, and you meet some like Rupert Murdoch looking guy, and he's worth billions of dollars,
Starting point is 02:55:35 you're like, I think I can fuck this guy. And you really can. Yeah. If you're a hot lady, you can kind of fuck any guy. Yeah. All you have to do is get alone with him. Yeah. All you have to do is get, if he's single, all you have to do is be alone with him yeah you know all you have to do is get if he's single all you have to do is be alone with him and if he's straight you know you
Starting point is 02:55:49 can eventually you know charm your way to the point where this guy wants to fuck you and he can't believe he can yeah and then you let him and then next thing you know you know you hang around for a few years yeah i wonder what the self-awareness of some of these like hyper successful guys are when it comes to getting disproportionately hot women it can't be good yeah like I can't imagine their head they're like this is legit yeah I deserve it bro yeah I'm hot as fuck yeah let me let me rest my gut on your ass when I fuck you because there's some guys they're just so gross, and their girls are so hot.
Starting point is 02:56:28 I mean, maybe they're attracted to the power and the money. Maybe they're attracted to the prestige, or maybe they just don't want to work and realize they can fuck this guy, and they can get enormous amounts of money. Yeah. I don't have a problem with it. I have zero problem with gold diggers. I think it's funny. When I see, like, a really hot woman
Starting point is 02:56:50 with, like, some fucking rickety old man who's barely hanging on. Yeah. Like, I think it's hilarious. Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I'm like, what do you tell the rickety old guy? Like, no, you should only be with, like,
Starting point is 02:56:59 old rickety old women. I would say, good luck, bro. Who's that? I would say, true love is your gut matching her back perfectly and she's down with that look at that wow i hope that guy must be balling out of control they must yeah or maybe it's just some women though do prefer a guy where they're hotter than the guy where the guy is not going anywhere it's a security thing yeah even if he's not like hyper successful if he's like 100 gonna stay yeah i guess there's
Starting point is 02:57:33 definitely a comfort in knowing that you've got like the leveraged position do you have like specific goals like for your success like do your your podcast you're saying essentially your your youtube show you really didn't start, your YouTube show, you really didn't start out to do it. You didn't have it in mind. Like, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to do a podcast on, you know, male enhancement and betterment and, you know, improving your life. And, uh, this is going to be super successful. And I'm going to be on YouTube with a million followers. You didn't have these goals, right? No, those seemed unfathomable at the time when I started. So that was never a goal at the time.
Starting point is 02:58:08 But they sort of like, I do have goals and they transition, but most of them are more like, like when you get up in a day, you have a scheduled day. And those are probably like on paper, they're mini goals. Like if you miss your workout and you wanted to get a workout, you'd be like, fuck, I feel bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:24 You know, cause you didn't do your goal. So for me, I started to develop more, I don't know, I don't know, kind of like higher tier goals from a daily like micro standpoint as things went on and became proportionally, you know, more, I don't know, the stakes are higher. became proportionally, you know, more, I don't know, the stakes are higher. So I would, for example, when I wanted to grow faster, and I just saw the opportunity of what my channel was doing, I went from posting once a week or something to once a day. And then after that, I went to twice a day. And adhering to that schedule, I could tell the growth was disproportionately better. And the performance of things was getting better. And I was also getting better at speaking, becoming more fluent, being able to articulate myself and things were just proportionally like escalating, almost in like a dose dependent manner of like
Starting point is 02:59:14 the input relative to the output of the what result I was getting. So I started to change my daily goals accordingly, just knowing that the output was going to be you know the superior thing that otherwise i wouldn't have got to in nearly the same time frame or the i don't know the level at which it's become so my goals did i do have goals but it was i don't know like at this point i do have pretty tangible goals but they're more based around my companies rather than anything to do with like the channel itself. Like the channel. The channel fuels.
Starting point is 02:59:47 Yeah. The channel fuels everything. Yeah. Yeah. So we're similar in that way that we both kind of just started it. We just kind of like started it in the beginning and then it just got the same thing with me. I was starting, I was doing it like once a week.
Starting point is 03:00:01 Yeah. We're doing the podcast. We'd like, we were doing it on Ustream at the time, me and my friend Brian, and we were watching this little chat thing, and we would answer questions on Twitter and shit. It was just fucking around. It was all fucking around.
Starting point is 03:00:14 And then when the numbers started rolling in, and then I got better at it too. That was the other thing. It's like I realized somewhere along the line, like a couple years in, this is something you can actually get better at yeah you get better at conversations you get better at not being annoying you get better at not talking over people you get better at listening you get better at like the art of flowing the conversation and keeping it together and keeping it engaging and interesting yeah and then i realized that if i do it more days more than
Starting point is 03:00:44 once a week then you'll have more people pay attention That's what I'd said to a lot of my comedian friends at the time. They were like, why do you do so many fucking podcasts? I go, dude, you should do more too. The more you do, the more people watch it. They become addicted to it. It's like it becomes a part of their life and you give them content. And in return, they come see you do standup, you have a successful show, you get advertising revenue. And I had this idea of it that a lot of other comics didn't seem to grasp because comedians, a lot of us are lazy. We're impulsive, kind of wild, crazy people. And not the type of people that you would think are going to sit down and formulate some sort of a business plan.
Starting point is 03:01:23 Yeah. Especially based on something that was never supposed to be a business in the first place yeah and then as time went on i really started saying okay now i need like a real legit professional studio now i need a legit this and then and then the big thing was like moving here like moving to texas was like yeah because it was kind of risky but i was like I think I can do it. I'm like, I think I'm at a place where people will come to me because they were already coming to me in LA
Starting point is 03:01:51 and I'm like, and LA is kind of fucked. And I thought it was fucked like in May of 2020. I was like, I don't see this turning around. I think, when I saw lines outside the gun stores, I was like oh i gotta get out of here no like you moving at the time he did is like the equivalent of some guy getting in like early on bitcoin like almost like the like i'm sure the prices here are all like jack through yeah well once elon moved here too i moved here that was a big deal and then elon moved here like
Starting point is 03:02:21 the smartest guy in the world moves here people People are like, hmm. Maybe I should listen. Maybe he's on to something. But yeah, the goal thing is it's interesting when someone just concentrates on doing a good thing, and that thing is something that they're genuinely interested in. That's what comes through when I watch your show is that the subjects that you're talking about, you obviously have a genuine interest and a deep knowledge of you really understand these things. Yeah. I think there's a huge disparity between individuals who just post for the sake of having high viewership though, too. And people
Starting point is 03:02:54 who feel like they're impactful in some like actual way that's improving lives. So like for me, it's not just about, because eventually those people who are just entertainers on YouTube that post vlogs and just like, you know, girlfriend, boyfriend channels that are just like, you know, dumb. Like today we're going to go like fill up a fucking pit of balls and jump in them and like see how many. I don't know. Let's do some random challenge. That's just like trying to do something as extravagant and ridiculous as possible for max amount of views like that. and do something as extravagant and ridiculous as possible for max amount of views like that. Eventually you burn out and start to question like, yeah, all those people eventually have some sort of tangent into something else or just burn out. But for me, a lot of my stuff is based
Starting point is 03:03:33 on like interpreting blood or getting prevented a medicine, doing stuff that's actually impactful, either from a performance enhancement context or like a prevention of, you know, deterioration of health aspect, that kind of stuff. I'm like highly passionate about, highly interested in. And those are literally the foundations of my businesses too, because I have a preventative medicine practice with a bunch of doctors in it who we literally like diagnose and help people with, you know, like pituitary adenomas with low testosterone or individuals with autoimmune issues or this or that. And for me, when I put out content and I see somebody that found an undiagnosed issue that they went years without realizing was ruining their life,
Starting point is 03:04:15 and then we're able to find it and fix it for them or something like that kind of stuff is like very rewarding from not just a monetary aspect, but like, it feels like you're doing something useful rather than just like producing content for the sake of content that you think will get high views kind of thing. Yeah. So when I put out information, that's, I don't know,
Starting point is 03:04:33 extrapolating or like parsing out information from newest literature that's come out on endocrinology, that could be relatable for, you know, hormone replacement or how to attenuate the, you know, cardiovascular implications of testosterone use and things of this nature. It's very, very practical in that I'm actually potentially
Starting point is 03:04:53 imparting information on somebody that's going to save years off their life, improve their quality of life, do a bunch of different things that are above and beyond me talking about, oh, is this guy naughty or not? that love those videos. So like I do those cause they draw in viewership too, which then brings those people to see my other stuff. That's actually informative. I think you have a very fair assessment too. You always give people an out, like who knows,
Starting point is 03:05:16 maybe he's like a biological freak. You, you, you're not like a dick about it. Yeah. You give people like a little room. Yeah. You gotta be a little bit,
Starting point is 03:05:24 uh, you know, give wiggle room on stuff like that too because some of them are pretty like bold accusations sometimes. Yeah, but listen, man, I really enjoy your channel. I think you're an unusual guy. Like your place in the YouTube world, the podcast world is very unusual. You're very unique. And so I'm glad we got a chance to do this. No, me too.
Starting point is 03:05:44 Thanks for having me. We'll do it again. We'll do it again if you can get out of your fucking communist shithole of the country. Yeah, let's very unusual. You're very unique. And so I'm glad we got a chance to do this. No, me too. Thanks for having me. We'll do it again. We'll do it again if you can get out of your fucking communist shithole of the country. Yeah, let's do it. Let you escape. Awesome. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:05:53 Tell everybody, more plates, more dates on YouTube. The same on Instagram, right? What's all your social media stuff? Yeah, so more plates, more dates on YouTube. And then my two companies are for my nootropic and pre-workout formulas and supplements. And then Merrick health, if you want high quality preventative medicine, spell that Merrick M A R E K for high quality preventative medicine, hormone replacement. Um, it's basically a platform where I get you connected with doctors that represents the most cutting edge literature and the most recent, uh, you know, ways to optimize your
Starting point is 03:06:30 health performance, vitality, et cetera. All right. Beautiful. Thanks, Derek. It was fun. Thanks, man. We'll do it again. Bye everybody. Thank you.

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