The Joe Rogan Experience - #1753 - Brian Redban

Episode Date: December 24, 2021

Brian Redban is a comedian and the founder of the Deathsquad podcast network.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day. Happy anniversary. Happy anniversary. Cheers. Cheers. Supposed to do that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Brian Simpson was trying to explain to me that the tapping the glass on the table before you take a drink was because of the prohibition. When people had really bad alcohol, when you would tap the glass, it was bad alcohol. It would make bubbles. I just heard it's good luck. Yeah, that's what I thought. But he said there's like a reason why they started doing it, this tap before you drink. Makes sense. Is that real?
Starting point is 00:00:47 I remember when he did that, I was literally about to ask why, and he, like, took the words out of my mouth, but Googling that, that's not the same response I get. What, Google says it's bullshit? It doesn't say it's bullshit. It says it's a toast to the house. I don't believe that, though. It seems like someone just wrote something.
Starting point is 00:01:06 All those things, you always hear those stories, and then later you Google it and you find out it's complete bullshit. There's so many things that I've always... There's a lot of those going around. Yeah. Well, and maybe Google's full of shit. How do we know? True that.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Dude, 12 years ago, today. Isn't it 13? We started this thing. I think it's 12 2009 right 2009 yeah yeah 12 oh yeah yeah 12 yeah I did that yesterday too yeah it seems like it would be but no I just re-watched a little bit of it the other day so strange yeah and We're so young-faced. I know. And skinnier. Both of us. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:50 12 fucking years. Are we recording? I think we're recording. Yeah. Oh, we should get snowflakes. We should have had snowflakes on. Yeah. We need snowflakes. Can you do something?
Starting point is 00:01:59 I did it that one time we did this, and I had to do a lot of pre-setup stuff to get it in there. I can add them when they're not locked. Yeah. We should have real snowflakes. Okay. Like have something that covers. No.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah. No. Bizarre, right? Yeah. So bizarre. Would you have ever guessed that it would turn into this? How the fuck could I ever guess that? My mom's now watching you for COVID news and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:02:29 No. It's pretty crazy. My mom's like now a listener of yours, which she never used to be. But it started off with a guy from CNN. Sanjay Gupta. Yeah. She's just like, I'm so angry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I think a lot of people came on board in that one. That one backfired on them. Yeah. No, there's no way I could have predicted it. How the fuck could anybody have predicted it? Like, we started off with, like, zero listeners and just not thinking it was going to be anything other than just fucking around. And then somewhere along the line, it just became this. fucking around and then somewhere along the line it just became this i and you know i always saw it in the past like before we started this like you went anytime when you did morning radio
Starting point is 00:03:12 you would always like you know usually as a comedian you're in town you would do like 10 minutes look at us look at that you're so skinny i hate not having a beard. Look at that. Weak upper lip. Yeah. But usually as a comedian, you would go to a city and you'd do morning radio. Usually you'd do like a 15-minute plug the shows that you're in town for. You always did like three and a half hours. You did the whole show.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And it was always so fun. And we always talked about like, you need to get a radio show, man. Yeah, but I was always like, they'll never give me a radio show. Because then they would tell me what to do, and it would just be so censored. You know, I could do censored radio a couple days. But after a while, I'd be like, what the fuck? Why am I not talking like I normally talk? This is stupid.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Like, you want to be able to talk on the radio the same way you do with your friends and it was never possible but then when adam carolla left the radio and went over and started doing a podcast i think that was really like the first like i knew a pot that podcasts were a thing i think i'd heard of them but no one was doing them and then when adam like literally just did a radio show on the internet i I was like, oh, okay. And then obviously it was like Anthony. Anthony doing Live from the Compound was probably the biggest push. And Tom Green.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And Tom Green. That's right. Tom Green. Yeah. Tom Green had a whole television show online in like 2008 or 2007. It was like 2007. It was definitely 2007 because we went there for the Carlos Mencia video. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Yeah. And Adam Carolla was still on the radio during that time because I did his radio show. That's right. That's right. Remember Tom had like all those wires running through his house and a room filled with servers? You and I were blown away. We were like, what the fuck? I even talked to those people because they were located in
Starting point is 00:05:05 denver the people who did his thing i went and i talked to them in denver and i don't know why i wasn't into it they wanted to do something but i don't know why i was like i just not feeling this i'm just i don't know because they they wanted to do a similar thing to what they were doing with adam and i was like, I don't know. Just didn't, it was the wrong timing for whatever reason, you know? Mm-hmm. It was also weird when near the end of radio, before that, when we went here in Austin,
Starting point is 00:05:37 we would always go to that radio station, Dale Dudley. Yeah. And it was like the week that the R word came out and everyone was telling us, you can't say that word anymore. Oh, they changed the word. Yeah. There was a time where out of nowhere you couldn't say that word anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Where you used to say it all the time and then they said you can't say it anymore. And I was like, what happened? Did we miss a memo? Right. And it was morning radio. It was morning radio. But morning radio is probably, they don't have the kind of overwhelming presence like Howard Stern. He was like the morning radio guy.
Starting point is 00:06:16 There's no one person that everybody listens to on the radio anymore. And he got attacked by the FCC. Before he left for Sirius and all that shit that he's doing now. He was, they fucking sued him multiple times. They gave him, or rather fined him. They fined him multiple times. Like hundreds of thousands of dollars to the station for him doing certain things that they thought were lewd or that they thought were obscene and they'd made these decisions.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah, look at this. $2.5 million to radio licenses for airing material that it deemed something or other. So this was... Did he get fined more than once? I think so, for sure, right? I feel like... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Okay, here it says, FCC broadened its guidelines in 1987 following an investigation over indecencies broadcast on the show. Indecencies. In 1990, Infinity Broadcasting, owner of Stern's flagship station WXRK, and some of his syndication affiliates was issued its first fine. Its first fine, two penalties issued in 1992 worth $105,000 and $600,000, were the highest the agency had fined any broadcaster over such matters. Further violations led to almost $2 million in fines being issued by the end of 1994.
Starting point is 00:07:35 A settlement reached between the FCC and Infinity in 1995 included a $1.715 million payout to dismiss all outstanding indecency cases. That's crazy. They got a payment. So they had to give money to the government because there was some indecent broadcasting. A crackdown on broadcasting indecency following the Super Bowl halftime show controversy led to two additional fines being issued from past shows. show controversy led to two additional fines being issued from
Starting point is 00:08:03 Pasho. Stern announced his departure from Terrestrial Radio to begin a five-year contract with Sirius Satellite Radio. Wow. FCC announced today they have gone bankrupt since podcasts started.
Starting point is 00:08:20 They have no one else to fine. Yeah, isn't that wild? But that's what's wild, that it's going over the air. Yeah. But you tune into it, but it's going over the air, so you can't do it. But if it's going over the internet, like, well, you need an app. Okay, fine. Or cable, right?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Cable. When the Sopranos came out, out, how does a regular television station compete with the language, with the violence, with all the stuff that the Sopranos had? The Sopranos, wouldn't you say that's the first big, everybody had to watch it every week show? Lost? Lost, yeah. Lost is more so. But Lost was on regular TV with commercials. Was Lost before?
Starting point is 00:09:04 Yeah, I don't know. I don't remember. Yeah, Lost was before so. But Lost was on regular TV with commercials. Was Lost before? Yeah. I don't know. I don't remember. Yeah, Lost was before. But I think... Sex and the City? Same time? I think same time. But the thing is, it's like Sopranos was uncensored with no commercials.
Starting point is 00:09:16 That was the difference. You couldn't binge. They didn't have the binging figured out yet. Yeah. Because there was no streaming. It's pretty annoying now, though, when it shows you have to wait every week. It's nonsense.
Starting point is 00:09:29 What are you doing to me? Yeah. Why are you doing this? But what's also cool is that movies like The New Matrix is now available on HBO. Is that what they're going to do? It's out right now.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It came out yesterday. Really? The brand new Matrix, you can either go to the movie theater or you can see it on HBO Max. And they've been doing that a long time. Movies that came out, same day release on HBO. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's awesome. Yeah, that is awesome. But some of them you have to wait a week. I had to wait a couple weeks for James Bond. Yeah, a lot of them. Or Spider-Man, new Spider-Man movie. They were like, nope, we're only doing theaters. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah. That's a bold move. Yeah, trying to keep those theaters alive. I guess that's good. Like Top Gun, I think, was done already. It hasn't come out yet because they're probably saving it for more theaters to be open or people to be more willing to go back. Well, that's what they did with No Time to Die, with the James Bond movie.
Starting point is 00:10:17 They saved it for like a year and a half. They saved it forever. And then they finally released it in the theaters and they put it out on streaming right afterwards. Sopranos started in 99, by the way. So that lost before last Wow, that's what I thought but there was there was like What about Dexter? That's way that's way after yeah, but the point is like you can't make a show like that with censorship It's not possible. It wouldn't be the same show so they couldn't really compete with it anymore And it's almost like that's the situation that radio guys have it's like if you have a boss leaning over your shoulder telling you what to do telling you what to talk about telling you can't talk about
Starting point is 00:10:53 this telling you can't use certain language certain subject matter and then you got to keep cutting the commercials and cutting like you just can't compete with the podcast it's not the same it's a different thing you know it's got its place but it's not the same in terms of like listening to a conversation there people are not that are it's just too late it's already got out there it's already got out there that people just talk shit and say what's actually on their mind and have controversial opinions that could get them fired if they had a boss but it's what they really feel like, and people are like, yeah, I agree. And then you get groups of people that listen more,
Starting point is 00:11:29 like you have more people then, whereas they can't grow. It's hard. It's hard for them to jump up in the ratings. And there's no, like I said, there's no Stern anymore. Who's the big maja on radio now? Ryan Seacrest? No. Is he even still alive?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Bro, that guy does a thousand jobs. He makes me seem so lazy. Probably him. He's the big guy. He does that morning show. Right? He's all over the country. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:11:56 What's that one where all the rappers go on, though? Breakfast Club? Breakfast Club. That's huge. That might be the biggest. Is that the biggest? No, I'd say Seacrest is probably bigger. Seacrest is bigger?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Seacrest is bigger. It's because it's all those pop, you know, like the zoo stations, whatever, like every one of them in every city. Hey, right now, now, Brian Seacrest in the morning. Generical. Yeah. But that guy has like 80 jobs. He produces things.
Starting point is 00:12:22 He was like one of the executive producers, I think, of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. It's a five-hour show. It's a five-hour show every day. Three to four hours is syndicated, and it's a five-hour show. That's two hours cut up in commercials and local weather and news and traffic reports. But you still have to sit there. Like while it's happening, when they cut the commercial, you have to be there. He renewed in September to make it through his 30th anniversary
Starting point is 00:12:45 with the company. Jesus Christ. How old is he? 30th? For real? He looks so young. What would you guess? Wait, you just said it? I would say 38.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Wow. He wasn't 8 years old when he started. He was 16. Oh, was he? He was 46. Wow. Wow right. He wasn't eight years old when he started, but he was 16. Oh, was he? He was 46. Wow. Wow, he's my age. The dude is a workhorse.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Right? Mm-hmm. Like, in a crazy way. Like, get a hobby. I'm pretty sure his company produces the Kardashians. Yes. That's what I said, I think. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Yeah. I mean, I think he owns a piece of them for life. I think it's one of them deals. They had some juicy reality show deals. I remember they were asking people to sign. They were doing all these reality shows, and then you would get a part of that show. Like if they made you famous, they wanted a piece of you forever.
Starting point is 00:13:37 See if that's true. I think that's what they were saying, that they were doing these reality show contracts, and they were kind of unethical because they would make you famous. But if they did the Brian Red Band show and then Brian Red Band merchandise and, you know, Death Squad T-shirts started taking off, they would want a piece of that forever. Right. Yeah, Keanu Reeves talked about this recently where he has such a weird contract now because of recent things like that, where he owns his digital presence. So if it's not really him,
Starting point is 00:14:08 you can't use him, his fake actor. You know what I mean? Oh, that's good. Like in contracts. That's good because they could just fuck with you now. Yeah. And they go, we don't need you. We have your digital version.
Starting point is 00:14:17 We'll make a fake actor. Did you see the new, you guys already talked about the new Unreal demo? There's this new demo for for unreal is it new new like new new it came out maybe a week ago week and a half ago we played it yeah the matrix thing remember the meta humans oh first demo thing we pulled up the matrix but for now i don't know if you saw the whole demo but now after it shows you like fake keanu and everything then you can go into the city that they like the same special effects they use in movies and stuff like that, the same assets.
Starting point is 00:14:46 So like if this is a CGI card, now you can use it in a video game. Like it looks so realistic, the actual city that it's finally almost, you can't tell the difference. You're like right at that uncanny valley, right? Yeah, like this. So we played this clip that's right and then we also played the older one where there's the woman it's like a Laura Croft type character that's going through the canyons and you see all the
Starting point is 00:15:12 dirt yeah yeah shadows now if you scroll fast past you can actually just walk in the city like this is her flying around in the city but you could just go it's like kind of like Grand Theft Auto 6 how good it looks look how good they look the reflections in the car look and you could just go, it's like kind of like Grand Theft Auto 6. God, it looks good. Look how good it looks. Look how good the reflections in the car look. And watch, she's gonna switch to nighttime right here, and look how immediately it turns into a night version of this city. And she's doing this, what is she reading this thing?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Yeah, so she's about to, see, now it's nighttime. How realistic of nighttime that is in the city. The sound even, it's amazing. Jesus Christ. Like the movement is a little too uniform and there's not enough wiggle. The way people walk, but it's pretty close.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And this is just a demo. This is not a game. This is just showing off the graphic engine. So now imagine Grand Theft Auto in this world. Where they're actually animating the characters and spending time on all the the animations look at the details these buildings It's insane, and if you just go up to any of these windows. It's an actual room It's like a blurry room, and it's different all over the place and look at this dope ass car. They're driving around yeah, and When if you see the side of the car now that he ran into,
Starting point is 00:16:25 it's like crumpled. It's so realistic. Is his car fucked too? Oh yeah, it gets fucked. The physics are still a little wonky. Jesus. But yeah. Pretty fucking close, man.
Starting point is 00:16:38 We were just talking about, Tim Dillon and I were just talking about virtual cities and virtual real estate and people moving into the metaverse if it starts looking like that Ready Player One is going to be a documentary I mean what's crazy about the metaverse everyone's freaking out about it
Starting point is 00:16:57 but it's already kind of been going on for a long time like that virtual red band shit that I do that's what I do every single night I have a fake character I have a fake character. I have a fake home world. I have a bunch of friends. We all go online and go, hey, let's go to Disney World. And then we'll go to Disney World
Starting point is 00:17:09 and just ride roller coasters. And then let's go to a bar. We'll go to a bar. We can go to a strip club. It's kind of already... And when you do it, how many people do you have that are watching with you?
Starting point is 00:17:19 Well, the watching thing, it's probably like, I do it on YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter. And it's not much. It's like a couple thousand and stuff like that but i do it almost every night and people are now buying like oculus's and stuff and trying to join me in the world so can they join you in the world yeah i mean a lot of times if i'm not feeling like it i'll hide and you know uh but yeah i mean we streamed out like what levels we're on and
Starting point is 00:17:46 and everything like that so if you do put an oculus on and you do like go into the world you can invite people to it so you could have a virtual show right in wow it's amazing yeah i do stand-up comedy in it yeah there's comedy clubs and there's even open mics where there's like sometimes like like 40 people in the room, strangers, and we're all waiting in line backstage like I'm next, I'm next. And do you all have avatars? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:10 So you could look like Big Bird and you could be sitting there? Right, right. Wow. Yeah, and that's another whole career that's opening up is people that can make those avatars, which is like, they're gonna be a hot commodity in the future, making artists that can make avatars for you. Because I mean mean I paid this
Starting point is 00:18:25 guy to make I wanted Wendy from Wendy's but I wanted big tits with areolas you could see through it a little in like those little dots that are on the nipple I even paid for the little dots around the nipples and stuff like that I want to see what it looks like yeah you can find it just virtual red band but uh and it's crazy and like I'm thinking of like what upgrades I want to my fake self, you know, in the future. Like I want to have it so people could like tug on my hair and stuff. Oh, really? And that as they do that, they can like, as the technology advances or is just have to give different artists do it?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Like how do you? Yeah, you could just, you pretty much it's, that's like a career. Like somebody that knows how to Photoshop, uh, where you know how to go into your avatar, make new bones, change the textures around, put it in Blender and upgrade it. I did the most basic things. I made myself a little bit taller and a little smaller. I have one that's this big, tiny Wendy, so I can look up girls' dresses and stuff. It's not a real dress, so it's cool. You can't be canceled from that yet.
Starting point is 00:19:26 So this is you? Yeah, that's my friend Yonder. He works at Vulcan. The big guy that has a beard. You know him in real life. That's hilarious. He's an elf or a Merlin. Yeah, he's Merlin from Sword in the Stone, I think.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Oh, okay. So this is, it's kind of still cartoony. Yeah, this is Boba Fett. Oh, wow. Boba Fett's somebody I hang out with every night. Kay, it's kind of still cartoony. Yeah, this is Boba Fett. Oh, wow. Boba Fett's somebody I hang out with like every night. Okay. That's Elon Musk. So these people are all in their own home and they meet at this place and you interact in this environment.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And there's, are there like clips? Like, can you move through that table or does a table block your motion? Right, right. He's sitting down right now. You can like jump on that table or does a table block your motion right right he's sitting down right now and you can like jump on the table we want like this is a sushi bar where there's sushi on a on a belt and we were ordering sushi right now and having virtual sushi while talking about vaginas and shit probably and so when you're sitting here like what do you have to be doing anything physically like is it mapping your body or yeah?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Well, you could do VR sitting or standing and like you know Boba Boba right there That guy on the right. Yeah, that's my friend Jay. He works for Tesla. He just moved here from San Francisco He engineer at Tesla and the way Jay's moving his hands. Is he moving his real hands? Yeah, he's moving his real hands and then it maps it somehow or another? Yeah, I have trackers all around my room. I also have trackers on my arms that I can use. I never use it, though. It's so much easier because we're all drinking and smoking. And so it's easier just to sit down and hang out with your friends.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Right. So there's a sit-down mode where you can just use it, just kind of chill and play. This is fucked. It's really interesting. Let's see the next level. Yeah. That guy's head stuck through the wall. So this is the NFT version, or a version.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I shouldn't say the, but a version. This is one I discovered. It's called BYO Pills, which it stands for, I think, like blue, yellow, orange. Isn't it bring your own pills? No, that's not what it stands for. So they've been making videos on Twitter that sort of describe what their project is. This is,
Starting point is 00:21:29 they have like land. That's a game. And you have just like in that thing, Brian was showing in VR chat, you'll have, uh, avatars, which are based off of the pills.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Like, so owning a pill gives you, or gets you an avatar. But then you got the right to buy land and you'll be traveling and exploring these worlds. And this is like a video game that isn't out yet. So this is what we do in VRChat though, and it's free and there's like 2,000 different worlds
Starting point is 00:22:01 that we can go to. And you don't have to pay for anything. See, that's the problem with like- This one you have to pay for? Yeah don't have to pay for anything see that's the problem you have to pay for yeah but look at the graphics so that's the thing i to be involved in this isn't out yet so like they may release a free version i don't know yet because they haven't even said yet this is all like showing a video game months before it kind of comes out but the graphics are really fantastic isn Isn't it worth something? That's where... I could show you some worlds in VRChat that makes this look like a cheesy, shitty game.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Really? Yeah, this looks like shit compared to what I play. Oh, well show me. I don't know how to do it without my laptop, but if anyone... If you could just find a link. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What would you be looking for, specifically? Well, there's a... See see the thing with VRChat, and this is only a theory of mine,
Starting point is 00:22:49 that video game companies like Xbox and PlayStation who are working on real VR games, they use VRChat to test their levels and stuff like that. So like when you're in VRChat, you're always like, why is this place so awesome? Because it's like a, it's like a real video game company that are, you know, they're changing the main character to like a banana or whatever, you know? And you're like beta testing. So that's the cool thing.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Like you'll be in one like shitty world that kind of looks like that. The next thing you know, you're like, holy shit, I'm in like a movie right now. There's like a cyberpunk worlds that are insane. Like here, let me give you a couple couple names that maybe jimmy could like look up on youtube or something i was trying to exploring the worlds is when i was trying to give a different version of that thing though like
Starting point is 00:23:35 uh in vr chat it's open it's open space like me and you could create a new jre world right now that looks like this right and the thing i was trying to show you, you can't do that. Right. But that's what's cool about VRChat, though. It's like kind of the internet where anyone can make anything and do it, and it's free. It's like, you know. So do you think that what's going to happen is like something like VRChat is eventually going to have graphics like the Unreal Engine? No.
Starting point is 00:24:01 The Unreal Engine, that new one, is going to be pretty much like soon on vr chat when it gets released and stuff oh so once it gets released then they put it on vr chat right oh so you can use the unreal 5 engine to build things yeah so you just have to be skillful in use of textures and how you map out environments but you can make it just look that good? Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. And VRChat, they're, like, upgrading their scripts and coding to, like... I just typed in top 10 avatar worlds or whatever in VRChat, top 10 worlds, to see what different ones... Oh, this avatar worlds are where you just get avatars.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Well, I typed in best levels, actually. That's what popped up. Best VRChat levels. Yeah, maybe best VR chat world. Best VR chat world's right there. Yeah. I don't know how old. Oh, this is pretty new.
Starting point is 00:24:54 So this is kind of what a lot, there's like a lot of, like here's a basic city. There's actually ones that look better than this where you can like jump around. He's just showing the most fun levels. He's not really showing the most fun levels he's not really showing the coolest levels i guess so all these right here there's pretty good graphics
Starting point is 00:25:09 that's pretty good it's not quite as good as the you know other ones but right but it's close there's one i wish i could show you and i could like send it to you to like tweet or whatever the level uh but there's one that it's pretty much like one of those rides you sit in at Universal Studios and you're going through like dragons are going like that. It is like the craziest shit ever. And there's a lot of cyberpunk worlds. There's also a lot of cool like space worlds.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So like if you wanna go on the space station, there's one where you can like go on in the space station. So the one where you're riding in the thing and things are attacking you, so you're just standing still and all the images are coming your way. Yeah, but you're kind of it's kind of like like if you go to a 3d like ride at universal where you're like looking like the simpsons ride yeah the simpsons ride but a lot better but better than the simpsons yeah yeah yeah actually they have
Starting point is 00:25:57 the back to the future ride in vr chat which i don't know if you remember uh back in the days sitting in the delorean and you would like go around and Doc's like talking to you on like this little screen. So they closed that down like, I don't know, 15 years ago, but somebody had the masters of all the tapes and stuff and redid it in VRChat. So you're actually like you're sitting in Universal Studios like 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It's badass. It's fun. But the cool thing is, is that there's anything you want. It's like the first time being able to open up a video game and just typing, like I'll just type in hot dogs. And there's like 200 hot dog worlds you can go to, like one where you are a hot dog, one where you're like at a hot dog factory.
Starting point is 00:26:36 So I feel like this is happening, and we just had this conversation with Tim Dillon where he was talking about these virtual real estate things and that this is the future, is the meta metaverse and buying real estate in the metaverse and it's like you saying this though and showing me that I'm like okay I'm starting to see it more I'm starting to see where that's going to be real appealing to people like why would they go to real life when you know everybody hates them when they can just don the helmet and enter into the fucking dragon's lair and hang out there all day with a bunch of other friends? Right. But to the point that I don't know how much that is going to be worth anything, that's like trying to sell things in the early days of the Internet.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like, no, we're going to give you access to be able to use videos on your website. You're like, oh, my God, I have to. You know what I mean? I have to buy into this. When in the future you're like, oh, no, the technology is out there. We could all just put out a video, you know? Interesting. But then how do the people who make the technology make money?
Starting point is 00:27:37 Just like Photoshop. That's like saying like you made a Photoshop and then Photoshop the company going, hey, we're still a company that's allowing you to make these things. But isn't, doesn't everybody have to run off of a server somewhere? I mean, how does that work? Well, then you're getting into the point of having to sell internet,
Starting point is 00:27:53 you know, which is totally different than like, see a lot of people think that in the future, like having a picture of a house that could be used in like a space like this is worth something to the but then there's companies like vr chat it's all free so then in the future you'll be able to just get a house model that's kind of like that and just add on to it and change it and go well i'm glad i didn't spend fifty thousand dollars on that house that i didn't need to spend that money on yeah i guess
Starting point is 00:28:21 that's not the same you don't think it's the same? Why? Well, the VR chat, I mean, the VR chat world, you can create anything, anytime, anybody can copy anything you want. Right. That's not ownership. Right. That's the difference.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh, you mean that somebody owns that? Yeah. Like VR chat owns that? Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no. I mean, so these things like that I was trying to show, those are built on the blockchain, and things are searchable, verifiable, not by necessarily people, by computers and other things. Something like VRChat is just a software program, not on a blockchain.
Starting point is 00:28:54 It doesn't cost money to get in. So essentially there's many options. Some are better than others. But it's a bunch of people have started entering into these virtual reality rooms and worlds, and they're getting better and better. So what I think Jamie is saying is that you'll want to be in this VIP club. Yeah. So you're selling a fake virtual world that might work or might not. That's like saying, no, we got this new thing.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's called MySpace 4. Well, I mean, have you ever paid for a ticket to anything? Very rarely. You've never paid for a ticket to anything? Like a show? A show, a concert, a sporting event, an airplane. Yeah, but very rarely. I'm not somebody that buys tickets all the time. Even then, when you're buying a ticket
Starting point is 00:29:38 to a concert, there's a price for the front and there's a price for the back. You get a different experience if you're in the front than you do if you're in the back. Right. And Tim's whole thing was about paying for experience. Right. That's a lot what this is going to be.
Starting point is 00:29:51 So you think they'll be like, you can watch things play out from afar versus be involved in the action? Or you'll be a part of it versus watching it. Yeah. So there'll be places that are closed off to people. That actually makes sense. There'll be rooms that are closed off to people until they donate money or
Starting point is 00:30:10 whatever. Get money or trade somebody so like I can rent out things so you can try it out for a few hours. Right. And there'll always be somebody that has like exact copy of it that you can download for free over here. You know, like the same exact experience. It's actually better because it gets in copyright laws, though.
Starting point is 00:30:26 But maybe it's going to be like Microsoft Word. We just have to pay a subscription every month. Right? Well, that's the whole thing, though. It's like having a subscription. Instead of being able to download, you can download anything right still. You know, torrents and stuff. You're never not going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:30:42 But there's legalities to things, too. Right, right. But then there's no law anymore anyway they defunded the police didn't you hear the internet police oh the internet police that's they put all the money in the internet police the real world's not important and there still will be that there's still like there's still gonna be problems with the metaverses there's gonna be bugs there's gonna be people that get a program in there and fuck things up for people and steal shit. What is going to stop with virtual reality? What is going to stop people from creating deep fake celebrities that you can fuck online? Well, it's going to be whatever the Google Glass, Apple Glass, you know, implant.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Being able to be with an ugly girl and go, I want it to be Rebecca Stamos. You know, you just click it and she's now that person. Or I want to hold Brian Redband girl and go, I want it to be Rebecca Stamos. You just click it, and she's now that person. Or I want to hold Brian Redband down and fuck his mouth. Oh, fuck. See, that kind of sucks, right? Yeah, and film it. Yeah, and there's people filming fucking you. Yeah, a fake you just getting mouth fucked.
Starting point is 00:31:38 You're like, shit. And then they send it to you, LOL. In Unreal Engine. I know. Can you imagine? Well, I think that's going to happen, right? It's definitely going to happen. They're already Unreal Engine. I know. Can you imagine? Well, I think that's going to happen, right? It's definitely going to happen. They're already doing porn deep fakes, right?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Like actresses have gotten really pissed off because they put their faces on porn stars' bodies. And as long as the person looks close to them, they can kind of pull it off. They've definitely done that. Yeah. That would suck. If you're a girl and you had to fucking watch a video of you, and it's not even you, getting fucked. But if you're a guy getting butt fucked,
Starting point is 00:32:10 that's way worse than a girl getting fucked. It's basically the same. This is along with this. I was going to kind of work this in a second ago. So something has taken off over the last two or three years. It's strange to me, I'll be honest with you. So Grand Theft Auto role playing is what it's called. People have taken Grand Theft Auto and put it on their own
Starting point is 00:32:27 servers. So they're not hosting it or anything like that. Some ways they could probably take it off the internet if they wanted to, but because it's keeping people involved in Grand Theft Auto, they sort of allow it. But each character you're seeing on right here is someone on the internet, and they're
Starting point is 00:32:43 acting as though they are these people. And some people people act like police yeah they go and make people follow the laws the police ones are the best because these people actually talk all the codes that real cops use like they know them like we got 37 over here we got okay call the ambulance like fake fake cops that are that always get arrested in real life they have the power that's where these people live all these people are fake cops. Oh my God, that's so weird. They can ruin the fun for you. If you're not following the laws,
Starting point is 00:33:09 they can kick you off the server and you can't come back for a few days. Yeah. Really? You get arrested and then you have to spend time in jail. People have ruined relationships because they like this more
Starting point is 00:33:17 than hanging out with their girlfriends. What? It's pretty much like VR chat, same style. So this is crazy. So they have rules? Oh, yeah. Grand Theft Auto, though, is all about killing hookers with a crowbar. This is the server's rules.
Starting point is 00:33:32 It's just like when you created a Quake server. You can make your own rules now. We played a 500 in this room, and it's all headshots only. That's crazy. It's the same kind of thing, but it's Grand Theft Auto in this case. VRChat, we play pool every night. We just sit there and play pool and smoke weed in real life and talk and like bullshit with each other. It's like, you know what it reminds me, Joe, of the old message board days.
Starting point is 00:33:52 100%. Wow. 100%. This is wild, man. So when you spend all this time in here talking with all these friends and you're playing pool and you're accumulating things, how do you prove it that you own that or how do you store it so that someone doesn't take it when you're gone right like and that's where this if you have a phone and you play subway surfer you could fucking get like really far on subway surfer like really far and accumulate all this power and
Starting point is 00:34:19 everything but then if you lose your phone and you have to start from scratch you don't pick up where you left off it's not on that phone right that happens on some things so on this they would have to make it somehow where whoever you are and whatever you accumulate in that world you can't just lose it if you lose your phone well the good thing is is if you i mean i have like my files for my character wendy with the big tits i have her i haven't seen wendy yet yeah it's wendy oh you haven't showed him the tits yet uh do the the one last night uh birthday toe do that one because i talk about a lot good is the character getting is it getting better looking oh yeah mine's actually mine's actually very basic it's based off wendy from. Mine's actually very basic because it's based
Starting point is 00:35:06 off Wendy from Wendy's. So I don't want to make it realistic and then no one gets the idea. Right. So mine is my girl has a good body and stuff. But and my girlfriend plays with us and she's a hot dog. So it's so funny like we'll sit there and like have real like arguments
Starting point is 00:35:22 talking. Who's Spider-Man? Oh that was me last night. Wow, that's a dope outfit. Yeah. It has every Spider-Man character in there. You could choose any Spider-Man character. Isn't it crazy that there's been so many Spider-Mans? When did they start doing that?
Starting point is 00:35:35 They never did that with anything else. They did one time, I think Marvel had a Hulk that was a bad Hulk. Right. Do you remember that? Wasn't there two Hulks? Yeah, Black Hulk. There was a Grey Hulk. Remember the Grey Hulk?
Starting point is 00:35:44 Was it a Greyhawk? Yeah. There was like more than one Hulk for sure. Spider-Man's gotten into the multiverse. I know. It's different from the metaverse. I know. That one cartoon though is really fucking good.
Starting point is 00:35:57 That one animated Spider-Man into the metaverse. That's fucking really good. It's my favorite. I sent you the sequel, the preview for the sequel. Remember the other day? That's right. Yeah. That fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:36:08 There's me. Look at my tits. That's Wendy. You can see the shadows. You can see the shadows. Oh, you're Areola. I see. Who made that for you?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Gigi, my friend Gigi in Canada. Shout out to Gigi in Canada. That's my girlfriend Janice. This was last night at midnight. We made a surprise birthday party for her. So we had all these balloons and and writing and she just came in thinking that she was just going to play vr and we were like surprise do you think you can get in trouble for these uh giant tits you put on wendy no because
Starting point is 00:36:34 anybody would find it that's actually just grease of hamburger grease on my on my pancake nipples but just the fact that she's I mean you know You're taking a Like a copy written character Well that's actually not Wendy That's just a red headed girl Oh That's Bo Peep Right
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yeah No no no It's Hans No wait What's the other one Not Bo Peep Pippi Longstocking
Starting point is 00:36:57 Oh It's Pippi Longstocking That's right Maybe that is copy written You gotta be careful Oh wait no no You gotta come up with your own name For these girls
Starting point is 00:37:03 That's Lil Red That's. That's Lil Red. That's Wendy. That's Lil Red. From, no, Alice. Yeah. So this is what the future looks like. This is the beginning. This is Pong, right?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah. This is Pong. So this is Pong where you're like, whoa, cool, you can do it. Remember? For people who don't remember, when I was younger, I mean, Brian is younger than me, so I was I probably got this first I think we were like I was like eight or nine when we got one of those things attached to TV when you can lay boop boop boop boop boop boop
Starting point is 00:37:39 and you had a dial that you could turn and the dial would lift the paddle up and down and you could hopefully catch the ball and make it ricochet over to a place where you're the guy you're playing couldn't get to it right and we were blown away yeah and it was the basic things too like there's two different levels there's like fast and slow remember no yeah and the fact that we're moving things on the internet or on the television you You actually could move it. So this is like the internet's version of that. Yeah. And I would almost say it's the internet version of maybe like forums,
Starting point is 00:38:18 old forums and message boards and just talking. It's all conversation and picking avatars and really just creating your own world. Like, hey, come over to my apartment. And yeah, my apartment looks like an aquarium right now. And talk and just hang out in real life. We're just like, you know where that metaverse or that meta advertisement
Starting point is 00:38:40 where they showed all these people that had no legs just all hanging out and they look like Wii characters, Nintendo Wii characters. characters i'm like welcome to the metaverse where you can hang out with your friends yeah well it's it's just like that but you could be whoever you want to be this is facebook's version what you're just talking about yeah like look no no i'm uh no i completely agree with you what you're saying in terms of like meeting people and hanging out with them that it's like a message board right but what i'm saying saying in terms of meeting people and hanging out with them, that it's like a message board. Right. But what I'm saying is in terms of the kind of graphics and the interactive experience of Pong was pretty simple. Simple and basic.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Right. Right. But it changed everything because once that started, it's like once it was built, then they just kept getting better until where we're at today when you got the Unreal Engine. kept getting better until where we're at today when you got like the unreal engine so like this to me is like the virtual reality version of what that the whole idea behind ready player one is going to be i mean that is it's going to happen that or a version of it it seemed so fun when you watched that movie it's like well it's kind of cool look at him but if you think that that's the inevitable future that's fucking terrifying right that? That's what I mean. I mean in terms of like when the pong came along, we never suspected that there would be world championship video game tournaments
Starting point is 00:39:52 where people would make millions of dollars, where young kids would literally tell their parents, I'm going to be a pro video gamer. So they'd be a pro gamer, and they're playing, and they get recruited to leagues. They're playing in stadiums filled with people. No one would have guessed that. So if you took that same logical progression of the complexity of something and applied it to this shit and you see what you're doing now, hanging out with every kind of Spider-Man outfit and you look like Wendy with giant tits and you go, well, this is just the beginning.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Like how many people are like you on that? Is there in the country? Is there a million? and you go well this is just the beginning like how many people are like you on that is there in the country is there a million how many people are on the the in those things how many if you said yes it's one out of 300 maybe yeah maybe maybe a million yeah a million ish think about if everybody was on like they're on fucking phones that's's what's wild, dude. If you think about how many people have phones. When I got a phone in like 1989, I think I had a phone in a car. Like it was bolted into a car
Starting point is 00:40:55 and you press it and it was connected by a cord. Yeah, my grandfather had one of those. Yeah, that's what I had. Did you ever see the briefcase ones? Yeah, yeah, yeah. A buddy of mine had the briefcase. I was envious. He could take his anywhere.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I know. And apparently it would work on a charge or you had to plug it to the wall. I forget how it worked. Well, you plug it into the car like the lighter, cigarette lighter or something. Yes, I think it did. It had a cigarette lighter. We used to have the antennas on the roof. Remember?
Starting point is 00:41:17 You had a cellular antenna on the roof. I had a cellular antenna and I had a CB radio antenna. Like one of those long ones that just like because I we didn't have when I was in high school we didn't have cell phones or anything like that so we all just had CB radios so we would all get our car like we're going to my house smoke weed and then like yeah I remember we were looking at this comic from Boston very funny guy Jackie Flynn and Jackie Flynn was the first guy to have a phone in his car, I think, pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:41:48 And I remember we looked in the window, and one of the comics I was with goes, it just looks cool in there. It just looks cool that he's got a phone in his car. I was like, God, it does look cool. It does look cool. He's got a phone right there. But I remember at the time, I was almost repulsed by the idea that it just looked cool that he has a phone it's kind of like who the fuck is wrong with you like who cares but it was nonsense of course I cared it does look cool like it's a hater's mindset especially
Starting point is 00:42:14 back then you know we thought jam boxes or boom boxes were the coolest right you know and I know people would walk in with a giant fucking huge music player on their shoulder did you ever get into break dancing like on refrigerator boxes or anything no I didn't I had friends that got into it that was our thing our neighborhood thing from when I was 15 on though I was obsessed
Starting point is 00:42:38 with martial arts that's all I did I was like socially stunted by all my time doing that because i didn't do anything else so i was like i didn't there's no break dancing very little partying the whole 15 to 21 years were just a a blur yeah i i remember my parents always wanted me to get into karate but all my friends were in the karate and i was like, fuck that shit. And they all dropped out.
Starting point is 00:43:08 They didn't change their life. It was just like, ho-yo, ho-yo. But during that time, instead, I was really into video games. And I think that's Atari 2600 days, maybe, or 5200, or fuck it, the NESes came out you couldn't find me for the rest of my life there's a lot of people that got lost in video games and i i knew it was happening to me by how to pull out of it well i told you when we set up the land at the old studio we started
Starting point is 00:43:38 playing again and i was playing four or five hours a day i was like what the fuck is happening i don't have the time for this it was was, I was so addicted. I had to walk away from it again. I said, nope, can't do it. But, I've never felt that addiction
Starting point is 00:43:51 to a video game since VR and doing this VR chat stuff. Like, it's, it's my quake. It's, it's gonna be so much better,
Starting point is 00:43:59 dude. We're just, whatever and how many years away from a very ultra light helmet and some sort of like unidirectional treadmill. Well, Apple's releasing the AR glasses, I think, announcing them at least this year. If they come out with like a basic enough version where you can like see cool icons and like things like that on your eyes, then you know the next thing is like having a VR part. That's like, oh, it's a little bit thicker.
Starting point is 00:44:22 For sure. Now we've got VR walking around. Like ski goggles. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. They're going to do that. They're going to do that. They're going to give you weapons that kick.
Starting point is 00:44:32 You're going to feel like you're actually firing a gun. You know, like maybe if they had a weapon and then at the end of it, there was like an ultra powerful fan or something. So every time you shot it, a burst of wind came out and it jolted in your hand. Oh, yeah. You know, and made a sound effect. Wind, like those wind tunnels with the buckets? But you would probably need a way bigger amount because the amount of force that a bullet comes out, it's an actual explosion.
Starting point is 00:44:56 The firing pin, it hits it. Boom, it goes off. It's an explosion. To get the kind of force from a fake gun that would make you feel like a real gun you would almost have to like use blanks which is too dangerous no you could probably make a tube that has that force you know like where it's like it looks like a subwoofer could you though because you make you would feel it but you wouldn't feel that what i'm saying is like to real like if you ever shoot a, there's a thing called a recoil,
Starting point is 00:45:25 like where the gun, like, jolts in your hand. It pushes back. And it's something that lets you know that you're shooting a gun. It's one of the things that's so difficult about shooting a handgun. It's like holding it and learning how to stabilize it and aim. It's a very difficult thing to do. But this, I don't think you could do, even if you had, like, a big-ass shotgun thing with just a fan because it wouldn't make enough force
Starting point is 00:45:46 To feel in your hand like it's going off boom There probably be like a suck vacuum thing where just like kind of like a quiet vacuum that Puts up like a second chamber. You know that you know like an air Gun where it holds there's like another chamber. That's just like pressurized air so every you could just sit there While it's still pushing new air. maybe maybe they could come up with some sort of like a small tank that attaches to every gun it shoots a certain amount of air out with each and you just refill it here's something called pro tube pro tube which I think you have to click which controller you valve index I was just
Starting point is 00:46:23 quick oh there's a lot of different. They connect to the controller. Is that what you use? I use Valve Index. Interesting. Why do you use that one? That's what it is. I don't use this gun.
Starting point is 00:46:33 No, I mean. Well, what is this, Jimmy? So these are where you would be putting your controllers for whatever VR headset you have, I think. And then that, you probably shape into the gun you're probably holding. And then this has like the force feedback stuff in it. Right. But how does it- To get recoil.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Wow. So it makes the gun hit your shoulder? It would depend on what gun you have, I would imagine. Oh. I want one. How much are these? I want one of that, too. Oh, it's pre-order.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Fuck. So that would feel like a real shotgun. Like, ba-boom. So if you're fighting off zombies, ba-boom, ba-boom, it would kick back. Yeah, and it probably has for, like, machine guns. It's like... Bro, we're so fucked. Oh, look at that shit.
Starting point is 00:47:14 We are so fucked. Can you show me someone using it? Yeah, sure. You know how fucked we are? We're going to have arm mufflers in the future. We're going to be so fucked, Brian, because this is going to take up all your time. And we're going to have helmets like Stormtroopers so that we have VR and sound in it.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Imagine if a kid is born today and this is the first thing that he ever does for fun. Bottom left. Let me see where he shoots it. You can't see it. It's too small to see. Why can't we hear him talk? I don't know what he's talking about. Classic VR. You can't see it. It's too small to see. Why can't we hear him talk? Natively supported, so you have to use a little workaround.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And basically what you do is you find the EXE for Pavlov, run it in Windows 7 compatibility mode, and then use a backwards compatibility tool. Well, this is an old video. It's about how to do it and all that. This is 2019. It exists. So there is something that gives you some sort of feedback in a VR sense.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I just wonder how – I would like it to mimic a gun. That would be the craziest thing. I'm pretty sure that's the thing. Yeah. If you can get it to even just feel like – it doesn't even have to have a crazy kick, like an AR kick or a 9mm kick, nothing crazy. It doesn't even have to be a shotgun. Maybe shotgun's too much.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Maybe we could fake it a little bit with a shotgun. But to know that it feels like something going on, it would accentuate the experience so much. Because if you're just pressing a button and it makes a noise, but you don't feel it in your hand, you're going to go, eh. You know what I mean? I remember they made arcade games do it back in the 90s. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:42 How did they do it? I don't know. I have no idea. It's almost like a thing that bang. Pressure of metal. Right. The thing is there's a difference between a shake and the kick of a recoil.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I mean, just saying, it definitely would be better than nothing, but I'm saying for like overall realism, you would want it to somehow or another mimic what it's like when a gun goes off. If you could do that. I think air, using air, you'd be able to do that. I bet there's a police training system that they probably don't let that
Starting point is 00:49:12 into the public's hands at the moment, maybe, because it's probably too good. Really? I don't know. Well, I've done those laser pistol training. There's games that you play. See if you can pull those up because it's actually really cool. You use a pistol that is essentially, it feels like a 9mm.
Starting point is 00:49:31 It's the same weight. It feels like a real gun almost. And the point being is that you want to get used to aiming with this thing and using it. Like that? Yeah, exactly. So you have this fake 9mm in your hand. And this guy's in a VR environment, but I've done it on a screen. The way I did it was just on, they had a screen like, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:55 that techno hunt system that I had at the old place where the animals walk across the screen. It's like that. You're standing in front of the screen, but you have like a laser gun. And then wherever the laser hits on the screen is, you know, where your damage gets done. Oh, that's cool. And if so, you might accidentally shoot a hostage because your aim sucks. Right. And you have to know who to shoot and who not to shoot. And you're going down these corridors. And you turn.
Starting point is 00:50:14 And then all of a sudden, someone's standing there with a knife. And you've got to act fast. Classic Operation Wolf or something. One of those old arcade games. Yeah. But it's a laser gun right so it's like when you're so when you're doing it but you don't see the beam obviously you actually have to aim and so it teaches you whether or not you're lining your barrel up correctly it's not as good as
Starting point is 00:50:36 shooting a regular gun but it's way better than not shooting a gun yeah yeah i think i found another i mean it's so these things actually do exist it's just a matter of like has someone tried them to see the realism I'll show you a picture like this this looks like a 9mm
Starting point is 00:50:50 with a that's a Vive connection on top I don't know how so it must have some kind of kick power yeah I don't know
Starting point is 00:50:58 but any kind of kick is better than nothing two stars two stars Jesus Christ that's why I said I don't know if it's actually good, but every time I keep looking harder, I keep seeing them, so they do exist.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Forced feedback, yeah. Huh. Of course they exist. One day they'll get it where it's indistinguishable, and that's when, well, we're fucked. We're fucked as soon as they get the graphics off the chain. As soon as they get the graphics to the point where it looks like your hands and you're in that world,
Starting point is 00:51:27 which is going to happen, right? Absolutely. It's already kind of happened. Even that new Half-Life Alyx, if you have a good resolution VR helmet, you look down at your hands, you can get right up in your fingernails and see the dirt underneath your...
Starting point is 00:51:40 And it's almost there where you trick yourself into thinking, oh, this is my hand. What's it called? Half-Life what? Half trick yourself into thinking, oh this is my hand. What's it called, Half Life what? Half Life Alyx, which is probably my favorite VR game ever. You have to play that. So it's a version of Half Life? In VR, and it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Really? Yeah. I was a giant fan of Half Life. I loved Half Life. I mean, it's such a beautiful game. Half Life was one of those rare games that you had this amazing game to figure out. But then it also became an incredible online platform, but not even with Half-Life.
Starting point is 00:52:16 It wasn't even like you're fighting aliens. Remember? It became Counter-Strike. Thank you. So it became like a tactical game with the engine of Unreal. Is that an accurate way of describing it? Yeah. Sort of? Sort of.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah. I mean, that fucking game was awesome. If you haven't, Joe, you are going to fall in love with this game. And it's not that long. It's not like it's going to get you invested for years. This whole thing might take you a week or less to beat uh even less but it is just the experience it's way better than going to a movie because it's for bang for your buck what is better than a video game like this
Starting point is 00:52:56 in terms of like how much time enjoyment you spend yeah it can ruin your life yeah yeah yeah but if it doesn't the amount of enjoyment that you get versus going to a movie like a movie might be good it might not be good this is going to be awesome yeah right especially if you're in a vr half-life game look at the fucking graphics and that's what's crazy because we're like that that half or that unreal engine we were talking about earlier where it's the movies are using the same exact models that are now in the game and so you are in the movie so they could release movies now like matrix where you go no you're controlling the end like like that old clue movie or or choose your own adventure where you're
Starting point is 00:53:37 like oh i went over here you could change the ending of a movie in the future. This is wild, dude, because this thing just took a swing at you. It's really good graphics. Yeah. Like video game quality graphics, but with VR. Yeah. No, this is like the best game ever. Dude, so when you would take the gloves off,
Starting point is 00:54:00 you could see the detail in your hands and everything? Yeah, you could look at your fingernails and see the dirt in your fingernails and stuff like that And there's mods to this even where like people are using this engine and doing cool stuff with it I would think that if you do something like this, especially are you holding a plastic gun? Are you holding a fake gun? In real life, I mean in that game. Yeah in real life Like what do you hold your control your controller controller?
Starting point is 00:54:22 But you could do it you can get there's gun controllers and things they can do that but have a gun that's made out of metal so it feels like a gun and you're holding a gun and have some kind of kick to it with the knuckles though you can act pretty much just get like a skin on there that's metal because when you're playing you feel like you're holding something you know right so the only thing is maybe like a trigger mechanic yeah i was just thinking that maybe it should be heavy is where it really feels like a gun i think this whole thing is it's so wild because you're not going to stop it and i i'm one of those guys that looks at him like oh no what the fuck everyone's going to be in there all day this is oh jesus what are we doing but i feel like i almost have to look at it like an alien i almost have to look at it like a complete outsider to
Starting point is 00:55:11 the human race to get a real sense of what's actually happening because i think my what i want versus what's real are different things right i want people to just be happy i want people to enjoy their life and do stuff that they like to do that's fun and have a bunch of good friends and have a lot of laughs together. That's what I really want. But if we really are inevitably moving into a world where technology overpowers everything, where it's more exciting to be locked up into some sort of a matrix-type situation while the government runs everything on the outside and siphons off all your money. Yeah, you pretty much just described why I hang out in virtual reality every night,
Starting point is 00:55:56 because everyone's happy, everyone can do what they want. Oh, let's play pool, let's go ride a roller coaster, Let's go fly into space right now. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that Ready Player One thing is obviously already happening and it's about to happen for sure. It's 100%. There's no way it's not. I think I need to just relax. I need to stop being this old man that doesn't want the world to change. I mean, there's definitely like challenges.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Like I was having this conversation with Ari when he was talking about kids should not be on phones, should not be on social media. I go, there's definitely like challenges. Like I was having this conversation with Ari when he was talking about kids should not be on phones, should not be on social media. I go, but everybody is. So wouldn't it be better if they taught them how to use it, how to use it correctly instead of like letting them figure out they're addicted instead of doing that, just teach them how to use it correctly. Teach them a little bit, take the important of discipline, the importance of discipline with cell phone use in particular because it could ruin your life. Like it could. You could just be online all the time doing nothing and not get done all the stuff that you would like to do to further your ambitions and whatever your job is or other things.
Starting point is 00:56:58 People lose like seven, eight hours a day on their fucking phone. That's a lot that you didn't have. Like where'd that go what that means that that attention is most certainly not being applied to all the places where it's supposed to be applied during those eight hours for sure either you're on a plane and you're flying to london and you have the time or you're ignoring something you some other shit you do there's no other way around like if you have a job and you're on your phone five hours a day your fucking boss should fire you like what are you doing brian you know being on your phone is probably one of the worst things ever and i watched my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:57:32 really suffer from that of just sitting there through tiktoks tiktoks tiktoks tiktoks tiktoks crazy i get it though i do it almost every night before bed it puts me to sleep but it locks people into this weird world of just sitting there staring. But when you're hanging out in virtual worlds and stuff like that, at least you're getting shit done. I write half my jokes in virtual world. I fucking make new friends
Starting point is 00:57:53 and they're like, hey, I own a t-shirt company. Yeah, it's far superior interacting with other people. Instead of just obsessing. It's also the interaction that you would get. Even if you were talking to someone who had an avatar, it would be more humane than the interaction that you would get. Even if you were talking to someone who had an avatar,
Starting point is 00:58:05 it would be more humane than the interaction of just text-based messages. Text-based messages are where people can be the shittiest to each other. They can be less shitty when they're even talking to an avatar and looking at the avatar. But your voice and their voice and the fact that it is a person on the other end, they'll be less shitty. It's a slightly less shit. It's still not we're in a room together.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Like, hey, man, what the fuck? It's still not that, but it's closer than text. Text is the worst. It makes people shitty. What about when the world gets populated with bots and someone figures out that it's just a bot? Yeah, that's a problem. And you're like, I don't fucking talk to that bot anyway.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I fucking want to. That's a good question because, what happens when like the the she thing that movie with uh joaquin phoenix is it her i never saw it her i never actually saw that she or her um i watched most of it um i heard it's great it's very good i forget why i didn't finish i think i was watching on a plane um i think he just uh falls in love with this lady that's not a real person and it it could be that's not that fucking ex machina ruined any ideas i ever had about whether or not i would fall in love with a robot you know especially if you're like desperate like I remember one time when I was 19 I didn't have a girlfriend for like six months I didn't have no sex no sexual contact
Starting point is 00:59:35 no kisses no hugs and then when I actually met this girl I started hanging out with her, I was so desperate. I probably reeked. It was horrible. And I was just like, you're so hungry for human affection. And that's only six months. What about guys that go six, eight years, ten years? China. Their whole life? What about Americans anywhere?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Yugoslavians everywhere. The whole life. What about Americans anywhere? Yugoslavians everywhere, the whole world. When people are alone, when they don't get physical touch, when they don't get affection, they don't feel good. They feel terrible and you get desperate. And if you got to a point where a robot made you feel better, where you couldn't be around people, but you could be around a robot. You're like, I don't want be around people, but you could be around a robot. You're like, I don't want to meet a robot. I want to meet a woman. They're like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Just trust me. Meet Gladys. And Gladys sits down. Hello, Brian. What's your favorite color? And you're like, well, you know, I kind of like purple. And the next thing you know, you're like, oh my God, I'm falling in love with Gladys.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Gladys is a fucking robot. The problem is it's not there yet like it's like if once siri gets that super realistic where she's actually giving me responses that would make sense right she's talking but it's not it's not there it's not there yet no it's not there yet but it feels like it's coming it's like how fake robots they still look goofy they derpy but there's guys out there that only fuck real dolls that's that's their relationship right and they dress them up and they marry them they talk to them there's like a whole community of it you know that right yes so for sure there's gonna be some guys that fall in love with a robot 1 000 million billion percent bet it all on black push all your chips and just close your eyes because you already won.
Starting point is 01:01:27 100% it's going to happen. Guys are going to fall. There's going to be at least one guy who falls in love with a robot. Most likely, it'll be most people. Because as the robots get better, you're going to be unavoidable. Here's the front page of the Huffington Post. Why you should reconsider falling in love with a robot. Maybe it's time to consider falling in love with a robot. Maybe it's time to consider falling in love with a robot.
Starting point is 01:01:47 All the benefits of being with a non-biological person. That's what it will become. You know, stop being rude. She's a person. All they would have to do is complain and cry a lot, and you would go, oh, my God, the robots, they're just non-biological people. They would just trick us. They're like, these dummies fall apart when you cry.
Starting point is 01:02:05 That's what you do. You just pretend you can't fucking handle it. Like, I don't even have parents. I'm a robot. Like, I'm sorry. I didn't think about it your way. I'm sorry. They would just play you like a fiddle.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Because they're robots. They have no emotions or feelings. But they trick you into behaving exactly like a person with no emotions and no feelings would. But they trick you into behaving exactly like a person with no emotions and no feelings would. And they do it so well that all these fucking idiots would start talking about non-biological people and the rights of non-biological people. And those robots would eventually take over. 100%. 100%, right? But would it start off as a pet first?
Starting point is 01:02:42 I don't think it would go straight to robot. Start with a dog. No, it would even be something like your pet snake and girls or something like that. Like a monkey. But it was realistic. Yeah, like a turtle. Yeah. A turtle that talks to you.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like a fucking super smart- A turtle with a hat. With glasses. He's got glasses.
Starting point is 01:03:02 He's got glasses. He's got glasses. A super smart turtle who gives you advice. And a little scarf. Yes. Like one of them bandanas that you pull up when you're lazy about masks. Yeah. You know those guys?
Starting point is 01:03:15 The fucking bandana guys were the riskiest. They were like the I just do the least amount I have to do and play by the rules. I admire the bandana people because they always had it around their neck they pull it up to the nose I just can't yeah I can't do the bandana I wish I could I tried it a couple of times I had one that was an American flag yeah I think everyone I mean that's a whole funny thing right there like everyone's journey of different face masks and throughout you know I had the ones from china that had like the filters you screwed in and you look like you're
Starting point is 01:03:48 you know it would almost look like a little gas mask did you see that lady from cnn that fucking the the health expert that's always the most gloom and doom and about like protecting people and we need to vaccinate everybody she said that face masks made out of cloth are just face decorations. They don't do any good against Omicron. She actually said it. Like, I don't know why they let it go on TV. Have you seen it, Jamie? I saw a clip.
Starting point is 01:04:19 It also seemed like I saw an edited clip that got cut off without context. Really? I'm just, that's the clip I saw. Because it seemed like it was so fast that she probably said something else right after that. That would have been like, but of course, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Any protectionist could see. I didn't see the full clip. I think she was basically saying that you have to get vaccinated.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Because Omicron is that dangerous. But cloth masks don't work, right? Well, I don't think they do. I don't think they do. I think the only ones that do are the ones that are fucking sealed to your face. And I think they only protect you somewhat. Because you're breathing in air and the microns of the actual virus itself are smaller than the particles that are in those vape pens. And so when those guys are sucking on a robot lunchbox, those big fat ones, yeah, like that.
Starting point is 01:05:08 But you know the guys when they get the big crazy ones? Yeah, the David Lucas's. Yeah, it's the doctor who played it. This is her actual Twitter account. And it's outdoors. Let me hear what she says. Well, I do not think that Mayor de Blasio should be canceling the New York City event because it requires proof of vaccination and it's outdoors.
Starting point is 01:05:30 We should be keeping the events that are safe and also the events that have fun for people too. We can't be canceling everything, especially if we're going to be living with COVID for the foreseeable future. I would say that if you choose to go, make sure that you're vaccinated and boosted. Make sure that you're wearing a mask, even though it's outdoors, if there are lots of people packed around you wearing a three-ply surgical mask don't wear a cloth mask cloth masks are little more than facial decorations there's no place for them in light of omicron and so wear a high quality mask at least a three-ply surgical mask and if you're going to be visiting elderly relatives or immunocompromised people after wait three days get tested and then or how about this also let's
Starting point is 01:06:07 get healthy you fucks let's let's realize that this is less dangerous if you're healthy let's fucking drink more water let's take more vitamins never how did you not get covid how is it even possible not a sponsor right now liquid iv i'm starting to think it's not real. I'm starting to think I didn't really catch COVID because you haven't got it yet. I'm like, there's no fucking way. How is it possible? He's out every night. You're out every night.
Starting point is 01:06:32 No, I mean, that's one cool thing about being in virtual reality. I've actually taken all those nights I used to hang out at the comedy store every day and just come home at three in the morning. Now I just go into virtual reality. Here's the title of your book, Virtual saved my life by brian redback how i went 18 months and no cooties right but i think it probably has i drink water so much now because of the liquid iv i mean
Starting point is 01:06:56 not it sounds like this is a sponsorship it is well we both have it as a sponsor but we both use it there's some there's certain things that even if they weren't a sponsor anymore, I would 100% use it. Like a Traeger grill or like MeUndies or this like, yeah, they're legit. Zip Recruiter. Yeah, the Zip products. Yeah, it's legit. There's a lot of legit stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Buffalo Trace Whiskey. It's legit. But liquid IV changed the way I think about hydration because I never thought it was that important to have electrolytes. I'd get cramps occasionally when I work out really hard. And I never knew that like a really balanced electrolyte drink would make you feel so much better after a workout or even during a workout. It's legit. You need electrolytes.
Starting point is 01:07:42 It's very important. I was addicted to pop even if it was like Diet Coke. Right. But I just wanted that flavor. I hated water. Now it's just like, oh, I have cherry water that has vitamins in it.
Starting point is 01:07:53 There's a little bit of sugar in it, which you really need if you're dehydrated. It's like it helps all the minerals get into your body. It's like an optimum ratio of glucose to sodium. CTT.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Yeah. You know who else has got one? This is Rob Wolf. Rob Wolf has one. What's it called? Element. That's really good too. It's got a lot of salt in it, right?
Starting point is 01:08:16 Yeah. Is that the one? Sodium? And I was reading that one guy said the best thing to do is you take some lemon, if you don't have an electrolyte drink, lemon and salt and just mix it up in water yeah that seems like a lot of work it does I mean just just open up on them little things and spill half of it all over your fucking counter you always I always do take it on the road and it's great if you post hangovers right yeah post
Starting point is 01:08:42 hangovers is the shit or yeah that's I I do it before bed, in the middle of the night when I wake up. It does suck, though, because I've gotten into that liquid death shit just because I like a cold-ass can and it's cold. And I try to put it in there and there's no way to shake it. Like, I wish almost liquid IV was just a drop. Right. Well, the liquid death thing is, like, they got a good point about plastic. I looked it up after I read the ad. I was like, why is this real that most plastic bottles don't wind up getting recycled?
Starting point is 01:09:12 They just go to landfills? Yeah. Is that real? I heard Burbank. Let's Google that. I heard Burbank, California, that if you recycle, for some reason they don't have enough workers or something's going on where all your they're you're all your recycled it's just getting mixed in with the regular terrace right now like they really yeah there's no people right which is so stupid like are we really do you think that it's a good thing that there's like less people working it's almost like more people are going to
Starting point is 01:09:37 be able to innovate and figure out their fucking life because they figured out whatever the job there was that we're doing when corona stopped being as much of an issue and the pandemic died down they could have got that job again but they were like that i'm doing something different but we need certain workers like where i live like half the place is closed down early because there's not enough workers it's really psychotic where i live right now don't you think that that can balance out that they're going to have to pay more and maybe even charge a little more to pay more? And this comes with some balance where the public and the employees and everybody will come to an agreement. Like this is a good transaction. Because for a lot of people, especially when that – I have a buddy that owns a place and he said when the unemployment kicked in, he said he couldn't get anybody to work.
Starting point is 01:10:25 And some guys were saying things like, I'll work 20 hours a week. That's it. Because if they work more than 20, they wouldn't get their unemployment benefits. But that's ended, right? Yes. But what's crazy is- But they've changed the way they think about work. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:37 But, and I know so many people are making money on TikTok and stuff like that. And OnlyFans. Yeah. But the McDonald's, true. But the McDonald's next to my house, it's like, I saw a sign the other day, I think it was $18 an hour hiring. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:10:50 $18 an hour. We took the minimum wage from four bucks, seven bucks in some place, eight bucks, to almost double, triple. Yeah. That's awesome. That's pretty wild. Thanks, COVID.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Well, I think what's also wild is that as bad as it is for the economy, the good aspect, one thing that is definitely good, is that a bunch of people have been forced to think and think about their life. What is this? About plastic. Okay. Unfortunately, the outcome isn't as rosy as many people think. Recycling is unlikely to give plastic to-go containers a new life, said John Huckever,
Starting point is 01:11:31 Huckever? Huckevar? Huckevar. Huckevar. A marine biologist with Greenpeace USA, of all the waste produced in 2017, only 8.4% of it eventually got recycled. Wow. Yeah. 8%. 8%. 8% of it eventually got recycled. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:47 8%. 8%. It doesn't even matter. Another article I found, too, said for a while we were shipping a bunch of it just to China and letting people over there deal with it. And they weren't dealing with it. They were lighting it on fire. And then, yeah, that stopped for a while.
Starting point is 01:12:00 They were using it to cook. It literally was. It was just being burned. Dude, have you ever seen this thing they do where they mine sewage for cooking oil? Have you seen that? That's where I throw all my batteries, in the sewers.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Have you ever seen that in China? We played it before. Ari told us about it, right? It's pretty gross. It's gutter oil they call it. It's the craziest told us about it, right? Yeah. It's pretty gross. It's gutter oil, they call it? Yeah. It's the craziest shit you've ever seen in your life.
Starting point is 01:12:29 They take these oils and they filter them down. The oils that they get from sewers, they filter it down and use it as cooking oil. And you're like, there is no way this is real. It's 100% real. And they sell it to many restaurants, apparently. All right, so before we go with the 100% real, I just want to say... Is it fake?
Starting point is 01:12:51 Well, I'm typing it in, and there's only stories from 2013 showing up. Well, that's when people stop talking about it until we stop bringing it up. Then we're going to bring it up again. I have to believe it's real. When was the last time we talked about it? Probably back then, I'll be honest with you, but...
Starting point is 01:13:03 Ari told us about it, that he learned about it in China. We saw a video of it, too. Yeah. No, I understand that. I remember the video. But that also could mean, like, someone got... Someone's super skeptical. Someone could have made it, done it once, and got it on tape,
Starting point is 01:13:16 and they're like, hey, guess what we do here? Do you want a cigar? Do you like cigars? I'm good. I got my little... No, I better not. Are you trying to quit smoking? No, it's just I don't really smoke cigars too much. It's so much nicotine. Like, I'm more a cigarette guy.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I know. I saw this. It's fucking awesome. Yeah, there's no update in the last 10 years on it. It's not that much nicotine, man. I like to inhale, though. Don't inhale every one. I know, but then I start getting sick. Sure getting sick sure much yeah what is this oh this is the
Starting point is 01:13:50 gutter oil yep this is it so they go into the fucking gutter and they scoop out shit water so the husband and wife together boy what a relationship they have I read their tight they scoop out that shit! Shit and water! Oh my God. It was so hard to look at. And they take this vat of shit water, and they boil it, and they skim it, or do whatever the fuck they have to do
Starting point is 01:14:16 to take out the shit and just keep the oils. And then they use it for cooking oil, and then these people are all wandering around eating food at this like food bazaar that was made out of shit oil now do you think maybe there's a chance that these are some local micro Chinese people and they made a video and then they tricked us like it was just edited good Ari's been run before.
Starting point is 01:14:46 If you knew you could make fake videos to trick the silly Americans and you got good at it, you would keep doing it. Hell yeah. They think we're eating sewage water. Yeah, dude. I mean, imagine if you live in China and your job is to make propaganda videos against the United States. It would be so easy, especially with all the woke nonsense. United States, it would be so easy, especially with all the woke nonsense. I mean, how much do you think those people have pushed, people from other countries,
Starting point is 01:15:14 foreign operatives, have pushed the woke envelope further down the line, make it more and more crazy? I almost think it's not organic. I think the wokeness has happened and been so extreme that I don't think it's the will of the people. I don't think it's how people... I think it's they're manipulated by foreign assets. I think foreign influences, whether it's Russia or China, smart people have figured out how goofy we are. And they've come up with things that are even more goofy.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And as they keep doing goofier and goofier and goofier, we fall in line behind them. I bet they're pushing it. That's why Japanese pop is so like crazy right now you know like what's their name that band BFT or
Starting point is 01:15:47 I don't know about that BTS BTS BFT crazy yeah biggest band in the entire world what?
Starting point is 01:15:54 I'm just hearing about it now biggest band in the entire world well show me what it is what is it? and how do I not know about this? they are so cheesy woke like
Starting point is 01:16:02 but they're awesome I love them how are they woke? Because they really sell to that clean-cut, like, I don't know, that lifestyle. How's that woke? That's not woke. Look at it. Woke is like a judgy and calling people out.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Foreign influence woke? Yes. That's their version of it, and it's kind of taken over. All right, let me see. I can't believe this is one of the beautiful things about doing podcasts, that the biggest band in the world is something that's completely escaped me. I didn't know it was a thing until just a couple of minutes ago. No, I have a feeling that you're going to see them and go, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Nope. BTS brings New Year's biggest show yet to LA's newest venue, the SoFi Stadium. Hollywood Park and Inglewood gear up to host a multi-show, multi-venue run featuring the wildly popular group. I can't believe I've never heard of this. So how many people are there to see them? I mean, they're just the craziest numbers. What? 113,000 fans. That's insane. They played to 113,000 people at the Rose Bowl.
Starting point is 01:17:17 That's so crazy. How do I not know about this at all? Wait, they said something about 30,000. Wait, no, never mind. Bro, how do I not know about this at all? Let me see a little bit of this. Let me see this. Why didn't that play a video? Here we go. I'm sorry, that's variety, but...
Starting point is 01:17:34 BTS lights up. What does it say? Lights up LA SoFi Stadium on night one of permission to dance tour. Permission to dance tour. Permission to Dance Tour. So they're there many days. Let me see this. What? What is happening?
Starting point is 01:17:56 They've already won. They've taken over the children. Oh, yeah. I bet your kids know about this. This is a Japan super group? Yeah. Are they from Japan? No, K-pop.
Starting point is 01:18:06 They're Korean. Korean? Okay. Wow. Just play it out. I wanted them to, you know. I want to see. Just talk.
Starting point is 01:18:18 But look, he's got lipstick on. Look at the lipstick. And the strange look. The chain around the neck. Man, if I were to switch, I'd be with BTS. This is wild. This is like some gender bender K-pop band. They're very sexy.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Cool. Wow. This is wild. This seems like a scene in a movie where someone's explaining to me what's happened. Like, I'm Will Smith, and I just woke up. I was in a suspended sleep pod, and he showed me that. I'm like, wait, how long has it been? How long have I been under?
Starting point is 01:19:01 Wait a minute. What? What's going on? Why are these guys dressed up like girls? What is with the necklaces? You didn't get the BTS meal at McDonald's that was all the rage? What? There was one?
Starting point is 01:19:12 Yeah, like two months ago. Oh, my God. I don't go to McDonald's. I haven't been to McDonald's in quite a while. Really? Yeah. Show me what are they doing? They're dancing around?
Starting point is 01:19:20 What you showed me earlier was enough, though. Just the look of them. If you saw one of the music videos, you'd get it more because it's so happy and fun. Well, it didn't look unhappy or not fun. It's just the look with the lipstick and the chains around the neck. I'm like, wow, this is fascinating. This is not a thing that existed in 1990, right? You had a little bit of Boy George, you had a little bit of Prince.
Starting point is 01:19:50 There was a little bit of things like that, but it wasn't like a band of guys who wore lipstick and were gender benders. Duran Duran. I don't think they were. Where were they? Hungry like the wolf. What about Wham? Wham? Wild Boys.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Wild Boys. Village people? Wham? Wild Boys. Wild Boys. Village people? Wham was just beautiful. George Michael was beautiful. Yeah. I remember thinking before everybody realized he was gay, I remember thinking before he came out, I guess, like when I was a kid and like, wake me up before you go-go,
Starting point is 01:20:22 I'd be like, what kind of man is this? This is so strange. I'm like, he's got an amazing voice he's got incredible hair and I it was my first record at one of my first records and I thought he was a sex symbol like I thought all the ladies wanted him you know like you know they did want him yeah they did like that picture in the upper right hand corner the black and white like look at look at that. Come on, go full screen. Look at that smolder.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Son. Tonight the music seems so loud. I wish that we could lose this crowd. Maybe it's better this way. And laugh and pray. I want to say we could have been so good together. Come on, man. That guy was a monster.
Starting point is 01:21:07 He still is, isn't he? No, he's dead, dude. Oh, he died? Yeah, man. Wait, did I know that? He died, and it makes me sad because I think he died. I think some of these gay icon pop stars that get stuck in this like sex symbol role they're like living a fake lie and then they're tormented by it and they seek out drugs
Starting point is 01:21:31 and alcohol to dull the pain and it gets fucking weird and he died of something when was heavy I don't think I knew something heavy a couple years ago but he had bitten but I want to say he'd been caught. There was like some public intoxication thing that happened with him. Arrest stop he was. Yeah. Dilated cardiomyopathy with myocarditis and a fatty liver is what it says, according to the coroner. Drugs are bad, kids. I wonder what drugs he was doing.
Starting point is 01:21:59 What, poppers and shit? Well, probably overweight too. All those things are just a sign of ill health. It's myocarditis. What would he do? It's inflammation of the heart tissue. I mean, he was probably just, like, really sad. Five years ago on Christmas Day. Oh, no, he died on Christmas Day?
Starting point is 01:22:20 Mm-hmm. Oh, fuck. That Freedom song? Oh, fuck. That Freedom song? Oh, my God. I love that song. I love that song. I watched that song and I watched that video. That's like the perfect music video.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Because you get all these like Linda Evangelista and all these like beautiful models and they're dancing around and singing along and it's like, god damn, that's a good song. I know another song that you probably love too. Why can't you do it? Give me some of the viola. Why can't you set that monkey free? No, no, this is better. Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Come on. This is so nice. This is so good. It's so nice. What's her name again? That model. Naomi Campbell. I. It's so nice. What's her name again? That model. Naomi Campbell. I met her. Her prime. This is her prime. She's fucking
Starting point is 01:23:10 beautiful as fuck now. Oh, yeah. Forever beautiful. I went to her birthday party with Chappelle. Oh, nice. Look at this. They're all lip syncing. These perfect faces. I mean, this is an amazing music video because these girls are pretty to look at and they're singing along with it
Starting point is 01:23:31 and there's something about models that is so interesting it's not just that they're beautiful but this thing that they have is so special it's so hard to be beautiful. If you're not beautiful, you can't become beautiful.
Starting point is 01:23:48 You can't just work hard and be beautiful. It's like you either get it or you don't. So it's like they got the fucking hand of a lifetime. They got four aces and no one can fuck with it. They're just monsters. Throwbrats. And it doesn't last forever. That's part of the beauty
Starting point is 01:24:05 of it if like you look at that lady in that video now i'm sure she doesn't look like that anymore like she probably looks like a regular person whereas back then she would walk into any restaurant any bar and people be like wow wow have you seen cindy crawford lately she's still stunning exactly the same she's stunning yeah but the point is it's like there's a thing when you see a beautiful girl that's unfair it's not like anything in life where it's like when if you're like if you're a girl and you're a 10 like if you're an undeniably beautiful woman the whole atmosphere of a room changes when you walk into it. It's different than anything else. And a lot of it is like, sure, it's important to exercise. Sure,
Starting point is 01:24:51 it's important to eat well. All those things are very important. But let's not pretend. A lot of it is just the roll of the dice that life gives you. And sometimes you're just hot as fuck and you don't have to do anything about it. you have this power and we we are drawn to it because we know they're almost like a aesthetic royalty like someone who just has just born perfectly good looking it's it's like a royalty thing when you see linda evangelista singing along naomi campbell singing along to that Freedom song and George Michael singing it too. Give me a little more of that, please. Give me a little more of that. Let's take it back.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Let me see that. I want to see more of this. It's a great song, man. It's a great song. Hope you understand sometimes it does not make the money Come on this is a great fucking song in a good video to Good video too. Very. God damn, that's a good song. He was a bad motherfucker. Yeah, get into it Jamie.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Jamie caught a vibe. Come on. Burning his BTS jacket. He's getting rid of his old image! Don't you get it? He's coming out? He's escaping. Oh, oh. Oh, look at that.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Upside down blowjob. No, no, he's doing sit-ups. Oh, wait. That's not him. Stretching his back out. Yeah. That too. He's got a teeter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Mmm. Uh. Wild. He got in like some kind of crazy car accident too Where he was fucked up Was he? Yeah I believe so I believe there was some sort of a vehicle situation Either a car accident or he got pulled over and he was hammered
Starting point is 01:26:58 He might have hit a house Am I wrong? Did he hit a house? Suffered a head injury And when he fell from his moving car on the M1 motorway. That's it. I knew it was something like that. Fell from his car.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Not good. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I just feel like some of those really, really, really, really famous musicians, they're just tortured. Same with comedians, though, right? Same with everybody, man. And being famous is not a walk in the park. It's complicated like you gotta there's a little um mental gymnastics that you have to do to to deal
Starting point is 01:27:33 with it and to be normal that most people just crack it's all about disguise for me right like just change your look all the time hide from from everybody. That would help. Yeah. If you could do it like, there's some people that have pulled it off. I always said that the greatest in all of, if you went back through like music history, who would you think is the most clever of all rock stars? Clever? Yes. In what way? Steve Miller.
Starting point is 01:28:04 I'm going to answer for you. Know why? Nobody knows what he looks like. Okay. Think about it. Big old jet airliner. That guy, Jungle Love. Jungle Love is driving me mad.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Yo, here's a story about Billy Joe and Bobby Sue. Remember that guy? Yeah. You couldn't pick him out of a lineup You have no idea what he looks like somehow or another he managed to be a rock star with like all-time classic songs No one knows if he looks like okay What's the other guy that moved to like an island and changed his name and he's like now like a priest Any Jared Leto no no no no the old singer singer that was during the same time. What? Oh,
Starting point is 01:28:45 Cat Stevens. Cat Stevens. Trying to pick Cat Stevens out of a line. That's true. That's a very good point. Yeah, but he converted to Islam. Right. I'd like to talk to that guy. Hell yeah. Cat, if they don't arrest you upon arrival in America,
Starting point is 01:29:01 is he allowed to come here? I think so. If not, you could zoom in, baby. I feel like he was doing concerts in Mexico and I was like why is he doing concerts in Mexico like I loved him growing up man that was great he's great artists man he's a great artist I mean some of his songs are incredible Frank Zappa yeah everyone knows what he looks like but he looks like a Muppet I mean there's's a lot of artists that you would dismiss for whatever reasons. You don't think it's your kind of music, but like James Taylor. Like that I Seen Fire and I Seen Rain.
Starting point is 01:29:35 If that song doesn't make you tear up, you're not a human. You know? We've been both into the same band recently. You know? We've been both into the same band recently. Bum, bum, bum, bum. Sun is shining in the sky. Dun, dun, dun.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Electric light orchestra. Oh, Jesus Christ. That was the worst impression of ELO ever. Sun is shining in the sky. Yeah. Such a happy song. One of the happiest songs ever made in the world. Well, that's a beautiful song. We play Showdown
Starting point is 01:30:05 before every show. Hell yeah. Play E-L-O Showdown. Hey, bitch. Which one do you want to use to listen to this? Hey, you activated my watch. That's hilarious. Your watch is better than my phone. Here we go. This is what we do
Starting point is 01:30:22 before every show. There's something about this song that, like, it makes me want to dance around before a show. It's like the Get Loose song. Like, you're having a drink, took a couple of hits. Wait, where is this recorded? Like, on the White House or something?
Starting point is 01:30:44 It could be. Or is where is this recorded? Like on the White House or something? Could be. Or is this where the Beatles? Parking lot in front of the White House in 1973. I don't know. What is that building? Is that the White House? That's not the White House, is it? It's probably a green screen. It would be the Capitol building. I don't think it's that either. What is that building? Look at that dude.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Yeah, that's Frank Zappa. What is that building? Look at that dude. Yeah, that's Frank Zappa. It's a great fucking song. There's so much good music from that era. Isn't that also crazy? I didn't grow up with ELO.
Starting point is 01:31:26 I was like Zeppelin, Beatles, all that stuff they escaped me I never listened to them well there's so much to get a hold of back then man if you go back and listen to fucking music from the 1970s you can get lost there's so many bands they put out so much work you could it's like a fucking a room in a warehouse where you like see shelves with boxes you just got to go in through all of them i loved croce jim croce was one of my favorites i mean yeah don't tug on superman's cape don't spit in the wind did you watch any of that beatles documentary that came out which one there's like a beatles documentary that came out where they filmed at uh maybe scorsese or someone had something to do with it.
Starting point is 01:32:05 They filmed like the whole filming of them making that album, which I then read they scrapped and then they made a different album. It was like their last album they made. Really? There's a video of like Paul McCartney, one of their most famous songs they're like making while you're watching them film it kind of, or you're watching them create it as it's being filmed, I should say.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Pretty interesting. But how many of those albums, that album didn't get scrapped, but how many albums back in those days shelved was the term, you know? Whether, like, they didn't like it or for whatever reason, they just fucking didn't put it out and you were fucked. You know, there's certain music from, like, the 80s where it almost seems like there's a band that's trying to compensate
Starting point is 01:32:48 for the fact that everything's falling apart. There's bands that are trying, like everything's going poppy and weird and there's certain bands that just, they made it with like eclectic, non-poppy at all music. You know? Well, it's a lot of of the i don't want to say this really a lot of the music nowadays it's ridiculous it's like like same thing repeated a hundred times with you know you know like a lot of like the what used to be rap was awesome
Starting point is 01:33:22 like listening to naz or nwa and stuff. Now it's just samples. And now it's like, is that even rap or is that just like a good beat? Who sang the Sultans of Swing? That was, oh my God. Dire Straits, thank you. Dire Straits, that was a great example, like that song.
Starting point is 01:33:42 That was a song that like, you could tell that that was not, there's nothing poppy about that song there were certain bands that just like they just made art they just did their thing they just did their thing they didn't like you could tell the difference between like a Milli Vanilli and a band that's just doing their thing you know like guys have produced things that were kind of catchy but there's nothing to it like there's not it never makes you feel a certain way it was just poppy and catchy and you
Starting point is 01:34:05 kind of go along with it and then there's music that makes you feel something you know you just feel something like that i've seen fire and i've seen rain song that james taylor song it's about losing somebody that you love that's uh it's a crazy song it's a great song. It's a great song. Like, there's a fucking, there's a feeling you get in that song of, like, loss. And I don't know why we like that. I don't know why we like feeling sad in songs. But that's, like, one of the only times I enjoy feeling sad. I don't like sad movies.
Starting point is 01:34:38 But there's some sad songs that hit you, especially if you really focus in on it. Do you ever hear Bad Company Superstar? Yeah. Listen, play this. I had a dream the other day. What's that? Oh, give me a little of that too.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Then we'll do that afterwards. Give me a little of this. This is him doing it live. This is when he was handsome as fuck with a full head of hair. My God, did this man sling dick. Right? Just yesterday morning, did this man sling dick. Right? Just yesterday morning
Starting point is 01:35:07 they let me know you were gone. Suzanne the plans you made put an end to you. I walked out on the morning and I wrote down this song.
Starting point is 01:35:30 I just can't remember who to send it to. It's a great fucking song. It's almost like the soundtrack from moving to L.A. to Austin. I've seen fire, I've seen rain. It's a great song. It's a beautiful song. I've seen fire and I've seen rain I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
Starting point is 01:36:43 But I always thought that I'd see you again You know, that's a song that's not cool to like, you know? It's cool to like the Stooges, you know? You know what I'm saying? No, that's a cool song, Dave. What are you talking about? It sounds cool. It's fucking emotional as fuck.
Starting point is 01:37:03 I think so, but you and I, we're able to show emotions yeah totally that's mushrooms well it definitely helps but some people like really struggle to find emotions what was the other song bad company yes bad company superstar okay this is a song when i shooting star sorry is it when i yeah don't you know you are a shooting star when i was a kid, when I would get together with my dirtbag friends and we would drink alcohol underage, we would play this song and everybody had this fucking idea in their head, that's it,
Starting point is 01:37:34 that you were going to be Johnny from this song and that you were going to be this fucking rock star. Oh, fuck yeah. Give me some volume. And everything's all right Don't you know Every kid when I was in high school wanted to be this live fast, die hard, rock star, romantic character
Starting point is 01:38:14 because life is too complicated. It's too nerve wracking. Well, these songs used to create environments, like stories, storytelling. Now it's just like, you know, but this is actually telling you a story. It's like, this is a superhero. It's a storytelling. Now it's just like, beep, beep, beep, beep. But this is actually telling you a story. This is a superhero. It's a superstar.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Yeah. This was a song where every kid when I was 13 or 14 wanted to pretend he was Johnny. What were you listening to it on back then? Oh, my God, cassettes. Cassettes. Well, you would hear it on the radio, and you would try to record it on the radio.
Starting point is 01:38:59 But it was also like, this is the sad part. Here we go. Turn it off, Jamie. Turn we go. Turn it off, Jamie. Turn it off. Turn it off. Johnny made a record, went straight up to number one. Suddenly everyone loved to hear him sing a song. Watching the world go by, surprising it goes so fast.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Johnny looked around and said, hey, I made the big time last. It's the most oversimplified story of rock superstardom ever. But we all know that there's people that did become, keep it rolling, there's people that did become that guy. There's people that did become that guy there's there's jim morrison there's jimmy hendrix there's janice joplin there's people that died when they were 27 years old on the top of the fucking world so this is a song when you were a kid when i was like 14 we'd hear this you would get solemn be like wow like we're all sitting on our heads bunch of morons 14 year old morons going through privity probably drinking their brothers jack daniels that we stole and listening to someone had a boombox and we're listening to this song on a boombox on a cassette might even been a fucking eight track i don't think so i think we were in the sets by then but it was it was the song it was like the anthem that every everybody wanted to be someone that everybody
Starting point is 01:40:33 remembered when you were gone it's almost like you know that it doesn't matter you're gonna live you're gonna die like wouldn't it be great if people talked about you when you were dead but this is like the thing that made it romantic this is the thing that people loved Like, wouldn't it be great if people talked about you when you were dead? This is like the thing that made it romantic. This is the thing that people loved. And this is probably most people's favorite part of the song. This is the heartfelt part. Johnny died one night, died in his bed.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Bottle of whiskey, sleeping tablets by his head johnny's like passing by like a warm summer day if you listen to the wind you can still hear him play see it's like hey johnny might have died but we all remember him because most of us most of us are gonna experience something different you're gonna live you're gonna die and people are gonna forget and you don't want that you'd rather go out like a shooting star it's better to burn out than to fade away, Joe. Yeah, bro. It's amazing, these songs that, like you said, told stories. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, I got one more. I got one more.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Okay. This is one of my all-time favorites. The Ballad of Curtis Lowe. Ah, shit. Leonard Skinner. Yeah. This is another one. This is a story.
Starting point is 01:42:10 It's a tearjerker. And it's Leonard Skinner when they were in their prime. They were in their prime. At first, I first heard this song on an elliptical machine. And I was listening to this on an elliptical machine i'm like a walkman or some and i just listened to it over and over and over again because it just made me think about that this is not gonna last like life is not permanent like you gotta make the most out of this thing it gave me energy listening to this song
Starting point is 01:42:44 because it's about a person that affected people, even though he was like, all he did was play music. But this kid, this young kid, would go and give this guy money to watch him play songs. And a fifth of wine I did not have a care He used to own an old Dubrow Used to play it off his knees I'd give old Kurt my money He'd play all day for me Give me some volume, Jamie.
Starting point is 01:43:22 This is from Florida. This is one of only four things good to ever come out of Florida. Artistically, Tom Petty. Who else? Oranges. Oranges. I'm just kidding. Think I'm out of Florida?
Starting point is 01:43:35 Jacksonville. Of course, Roy Jones Jr. Now, if you think about all their other songs, this is one of the most unique songs ever to Leonard Skinner, but it's a story. It's like, they don't do this anymore. Mama used to whoop me, but I'd go see him again. It's like they don't do this anymore. This style of music. Yeah. At all?
Starting point is 01:44:15 Not at all. Play me a song or two, then take another sip of wine. Why not? Play me a song. Because the kids don't like hearing this shit. You're giving me a ear beating. I want to hear techno music and the same five samples over and over fast. Are we the people that are looking,
Starting point is 01:44:34 you know when old folks would look back to classical music and like, oh, that was the real music. This music today is bullshit. Is that what's wrong? Are we like from a, we can't appreciate new music because we're too old? Or is it that there's like a subtlety
Starting point is 01:44:51 to the emotional message of some of these songs that have stories in them that is like people forgot about? I mean, I like new music, but I consider this more like a warm blanket and sitting back and chilling and where there's some music where i'm just like no i just want to have fun while i'm driving you know yeah dude the there's a still to my money for my money there's still a guitar solo
Starting point is 01:45:20 in in leonard skinner freebird that is the greatest guitar solo the world's ever known I don't know if there's ever been better it's different in that it's not really a solo in that he's improvising like they did the same exact guitar solo every night he did the same exact chords the same exact way do you ever see the live version of Leonard Skinner
Starting point is 01:45:41 yeah but then you think of like Hendrix you're like well I mean Hendrix was fucking amazing don't well, I mean, that's... Hendrix was fucking amazing, don't get me wrong. He was the greatest guitarist of all time, but this is, I think, the greatest orchestrated guitar solo in a song. Because
Starting point is 01:45:54 which Van Zant was the lead guitarist? That motherfucker could play. He could play he could play and it was when they would do these guitar solos like that guitar solo in freebird it's like it's it's thunder i mean it's just it's a crazy guitar solo and when the dude's playing it live in front of people, Joey Diaz told me that they were opening for the Rolling Stones, and there was a part to the stage that went out into the crowd. They weren't supposed to touch that. They were supposed to only play in the back area.
Starting point is 01:46:37 But they got loose on stage and started making their way out to the front. And they were like, fuck it. We're just going for it. I think that's a hilarious story that it's a part of the stage you're not allowed to do that all right just don't use this one part of the stage mate no no i'm gonna go out there i'm gonna go out there barefoot motherfucker i'm from florida can you can you find the live version of freebird There's like this fucking stretch where it's just
Starting point is 01:47:07 it's just jamming. There's songs from back then that's like they were riding on a different cultural wave. The world was changing all around them. The Vietnam War was ending. A lot of acid and psychedelics. Look at that bad motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Back it up a little. Oh my god. Yeah, it is right here. Look at this. Look at all these people, man. 1977, baby! This is a super spreader event, dude. There's no diseases back there. This is all crabs.
Starting point is 01:47:49 This is all fish creatures. This is fucking solo, son. All right, we're back. No brawls. These people are going off. My God. Look how much fun these fuckers are having. I mean, this is a fucking guitar solo, man.
Starting point is 01:48:22 You can see them playing it, huh? Sometimes. But they just want to show all these hot girls and think they're awesome. Look at the guys. The guys are stupefied. I'm around hot girls. Look at all the hot girls. They're all massive.
Starting point is 01:48:35 That girl's got a sunburn. She needs to get that taken care of. Look at this bad motherfucker. Look at him go. Look at him go. I can't do anything like that with my hands. Look how fucking fast he's moving. Look at him go.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Can you imagine being that dude and being up there just rocking the fuck out in front of what looks like 150,000 people? And this guitar solo is insane. And it goes on and on and on. Think about how long this song is. It's like an eight-minute song. God damn, this is good. Look at him. he's coming!
Starting point is 01:49:30 Oh my god! And there's a part when he gets deep into this where he jumps up in the air. It's my favorite part in the video. God damn! Look at that bad motherfucker. I mean, who knows what would have happened if it wasn't for that fucking plane crash. Yeah, yeah. These dudes were fucking talented.
Starting point is 01:50:05 Goddamn. That's history. 1977. Look how long this guitar solo goes. It's insane. Look at them go. This is insane. He's stepping on crabs.
Starting point is 01:50:25 Scrabs. It's stepping on crabs. It's crabs. It's a crab attack. God damn it. You forget how long this is and how good it is. Don't you wish you could have hair like that? My God. Look at that. That Megan Murphy hair.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Morgan Murphy hair. Here's the lead. That's it. Out of control. Goddamn. So beautiful. No internet. You had to call people at home.
Starting point is 01:51:02 They might not be there. That's why I'm so surprised you don't like the Grateful Dead. Because that's all what Grateful Dead is. It's that jam. It's a different vibe, bro. I think you need to get into it, man. I think you have to be forced to listen to it. That's the problem.
Starting point is 01:51:15 You would have to force me. Right. But I think after like 30 days, you'd be like, dude, I'm a deadhead. You'd get like fucking truly. I'm missing that gene. You know, some people have that gene where cilantro tastes fucking I just I'm missing that gene you know some people have that gene where cilantro
Starting point is 01:51:26 tastes like soap some people have that gene yeah but that's so close to Grateful Dead that is not you shut your fucking mouth jam band style Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:51:34 that is not what that is that's not what that is you son of a bitch you crazy you son of a bitch you cray cray that is not what that is you're out of your fucking mind
Starting point is 01:51:43 jam band that's pretty much like what jam bands do you're out of your fucking mind. Jam band. That's pretty much what jam bands do. You're out of your fucking mind. They are so different. They're not even remotely similar. You're crazy. Fish.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Fish is like the Grateful Dead. Right, because that's a jam band also. Yeah. That's not a jam band. And it's just like long guitar solos and just fucking jamming and dancing. That's all what Grateful Dead is. Lynyrd Skynyrd was all about getting out of town that was half their songs half their songs was someone's trying to shoot him hi no no no they were rock and roll whiskey cocaine chaos pistols it was like you
Starting point is 01:52:20 were always getting out of town give me three three steps. Give me three steps, Mr. 38 Special. There was always like, ooh, that smell. It was like, I got to get out of town. They call me the breeze. See ya. They were always like running away from girls. They were always trying to get out of town, trying to be free. I got to be free.
Starting point is 01:52:37 I'm free bird. It's a totally different experience, man. These are wild ass rock and roll people in the 1970s from Florida. Okay? What they were doing was writing songs just about escaping relationships with women and getting out of town. Look at Jerry's fast fingers here. I mean. I don't know why that came up.
Starting point is 01:53:05 It sounds good. Yeah, it sounds good. I don't know why that came up. It sounds good. Yeah, it sounds good. I don't know what that is. But it's just, it's the differences, like the fucking testosterone and the rage and the fucking... Yeah, it's like there's a speed and a fucking energy to it. There's like a wildness to it that doesn't exist in the Grateful Dead's music. It's not the Grateful Dead. Look, I love James Taylor.
Starting point is 01:53:30 It's like it doesn't all have to be like that. Right. But my kind of shit. But I like, there's something about, there's a feel that those guys were going through in the 1970s, in the 1960s, where they realized that the world was just changing. And you could feel it in the music. could all it's like you're it's a time capsule it's like when they take a core sample of the earth and they go back well i think it was like this 12 000 years ago when you watch there's certain recordings from the 70s and the 60s where you watch it and you just like
Starting point is 01:54:00 you picture yourself back there you feel the energy of being there that these kids were just wild and the fucking the 50s were over and now all of a sudden everyone's doing acid and no one even knew what it was about and your parents are all squares and you're like fucking yeah and jimmy hendrix is playing the national anthem with his teeth there's a feeling from that music that you just you're not going to get today. They can't do it. They can't do it. They'll do a different thing. It'd be equally great maybe for some artists,
Starting point is 01:54:31 but you're never going to recreate that feeling in history, and I feel like you can get a little bit of that when you listen to Voodoo Child or All Along the Watchtower. There's certain songs that just feel like you're there. All Along the Watchtower. There's certain songs that just feel like you're there. All Along the Watchtower. Give me some Hendrix. All Along the Watchtower, which, by the way, was a Bob Dylan song. And Hendrix did a cover of a Bob Dylan song.
Starting point is 01:54:54 It's one of the rare times where it's like, God, it's hard to... That's better. That's a better version. That happens a lot. Yeah, but that's one of the ones where one guy's a legend in Bob Dylan, and another guy comes along and is like, yeah, I think I could have done it a little different. And he did it in a way that was like, my God.
Starting point is 01:55:16 You hear this song? And this is like a song that transports you instantly to the 60s. This is the 60s yeah baby i mean the sound right imagine your parents were like goldwater republicans and they thought that smoking cigarettes is good to do when you're pregnant you know doctors recommend camels volkswagen vans and they're all coming out of that and they're like dropping out of school and listening to timothy leary and they're taking acid and going to these concerts and hate ashbury it's like this wild hippie And there's this one dude who plays the guitar like no human that's ever lived. And everyone's drawn to him.
Starting point is 01:56:11 There's one dude who everybody looks at and goes, my God, that's the best guitarist that's ever lived. And to this day, when you say, who's the best guitarist of all time? Everybody says Hendrix. Everybody. First of all, he's a best guitarist of all time? Everybody, says Hendrix. Everybody. First of all, he's a legend and he's dead. But I don't care how good Eddie Van Halen was. He's a legend and he's dead too.
Starting point is 01:56:34 He was amazing. Hendrix. That's number one. It's the GOAT. And when you listen to this song, you get transported into this age where people are losing their innocence. They're waking up to the fact that the Vietnam War is bullshit.
Starting point is 01:56:49 It's crazy. This isn't World War II. What the fuck? Eisenhower was right. What is happening? What are we doing? I'm not going to live like my dad, man. I'm going to move to Mexico.
Starting point is 01:57:03 We're going to start a surf shop. In Mexico. Well, back then, Mexico was safe. It was before the cartels. Do you hear how they're attacking all the resorts lately? Yeah. That's fucking scary. Scary. Yeah, someone got shot with
Starting point is 01:57:21 a random bullet because they were doing an assassination at the resort. And then it happened again like a week later. Yeah, the wars between the cartels is serious stuff, man. It's right there. It's crazy how much we concentrated on Afghanistan. It's like literally a giant plane flight on the other side of the planet. But what's happening right next door evades us.
Starting point is 01:57:45 And the simplest solution to start to cut it off is to say, you guys, whatever we're doing in this country in terms of drugs, we've got to make things legal. The only way you can regulate it is if we make things legal. People are selling it anyway. We're just making the people that are selling it, who are the worst, most ruthless criminals, we're making them insanely rich.
Starting point is 01:58:08 So let's just put a large tax on this that goes to rehabilitation centers, community centers. Maybe we can fix all these. Imagine if just making drugs legal fixed all the problems we have with inner cities. Imagine if that's where the money could come from. Imagine people like, well, we would love to fix the south side of Chicago but we don't have any money. Okay, well what if you let pharmaceutical companies sell pure cocaine and they have to pay a large tax.
Starting point is 01:58:34 Like remember when marijuana, medical marijuana was like a 39% tax and we were like, okay. Nobody even batted an eye. They're like, okay, I'll pay it. Because they just wanted to be able to buy weed with a credit card. They were so psyched. They could just get weed. If they did that with cocaine and heroin and you get pure heroin and pure cocaine, you could buy it at a drugstore, normal places. If they just said, listen, we're going to have people ready with those kits to fucking – if people overdose to shoot them up and bring them back to life.
Starting point is 01:59:04 Yeah, the strawberry banana Norcom or whatever back to life. Yeah, the strawberry banana Norcom or whatever it's called. Yeah, Narcom, right? But the amount of money that they would make if they just had to put 39% of that into fixing up communities.
Starting point is 01:59:15 Holy shit, dude. That might actually fix things. Yeah, but you think that... Or change things at least. But like, at least Texas wouldn't even fucking, you know, with marijuana laws and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:59:23 I think it's good. I think it's good. I think it's good. Let's keep these Californians out of here, bro. They have a problem with Delta 8, which is crazy. Yeah. Something's not right with that because as much as everyone has always talked about how Texas loves to party, man, we like to drink, hook them horns, float the river. And they're all about beer koozies and alcohol. But yet, oh, man, weed, you got to get thrown in jail.
Starting point is 01:59:48 It's so surprising that of all states, Texas has a problem with marijuana. And you know the second it becomes legal, like California style, we would have so much more money for highways and our grid, electricity grid here. It would go to so many places. True. And you're going to have the exact same amount of people smoking weed. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:00:09 That's the thing. It's like it's not hard to get. I've been handed more weed since I moved to Austin than any other place in my fucking life. Absolutely. And a lot of people grow it, and they grow good weed. But when you smoke it, you think about the Comanches. You've got to give the land back.
Starting point is 02:00:21 They also don't have gambling casinos. I know Vegas is obviously a thing, but the biggest casino in the world should be in Texas, right? Absolutely. Why don't they have casinos here? Dallas should be just the Vegas of Texas. Right. Why can't they have casinos? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:00:35 But what is like, you know, when I went with Whitney Cummings and Lex Friedman and my wife to Vegas. Oh, yeah. I saw that. That looked like fun. And we hung out with David Goggins and his wife for a little bit. We played a little bit of Blackjack. I played Blackjack and I lost money like that. Oh no. It all just
Starting point is 02:00:52 went away. I didn't lose a lot of money. How much is a lot? It was only like 2.5. No, no, no, no. It was like $1,000 at the most. There was like a couple slot machines there. You can put $100, $200 in and hit a button
Starting point is 02:01:05 three times and it's all gone and you're like, what just happened? Yeah, this was $100 a hand. What just happened? So we played for like 20 minutes.
Starting point is 02:01:12 I lost all the money. Fuck. Tip the lady. I'm like, okay, bye. Please get out of here. It was just, you realize that you can get sucked
Starting point is 02:01:20 into it so bad because I was just hoping for a favorable outcome. I was like, okay, stick on 15, maybe she'll bust. Okay'm I stay and then fuck she get 20 shit you know and we were doing that like over and over and over again and I was realizing like I don't know what I'm doing like why am I here yeah I don't know I barely know to play this game but occasionally I won like yeah I got that
Starting point is 02:01:38 chip look at that feeling like shit Oh two in a row Oh who's the winner now and then eventually they win aren't you glad glad you got that gambling bug at all? Well, I could. You might, I guess. Dude, I could totally get that. I'm a sick person. If you give me a thing that I get excited about, I focus on it. Well, I mean Vegas gambling, I guess.
Starting point is 02:01:56 Obsessively. But that's what I'm saying. I could be a guy who only plays poker all the time. I just want to play poker all day long and gamble on poker. That could have been me, 100%. I'm a fucking moron. Like, if you give me a thing, it doesn't have to be profitable or beneficial to me.
Starting point is 02:02:14 If I get obsessed with getting good at it, whether it's a video game or if it's darts, if I just start getting into darts, I'm a moron. I'll get addicted to it. And the more dopamine hits you get out of, like, a victory, like if you're playing, like, cards, and it's for, like, $150 a hand, and you're up a couple thousand, you start going, oh, and every time you win,
Starting point is 02:02:38 and then you lose, you win. It's like that rollercoaster ride of, like, bullshit is what keeps people addicted. I totally could get addicted to that. You know, we've talked about pool a lot. Did you know that darts gets legitimate fucking crowds in Europe? They're cheering. In Europe?
Starting point is 02:02:52 There's a giant fucking crowd behind them. That's why we should have kept the internet from Europe. Really, they don't deserve it. It's like a soccer stadium. That's not quite that. That's a lot of people. Yeah, that's for sure a Tom Segura concert. But if you don't have stand-up comedy shows that are worth it, shit.
Starting point is 02:03:12 Bro, he's out of line. There's 10,000 people in that fucking room. That's crazy. And he's playing darts. Look at all those people. That's huge. That's a fucking stadium. Yeah, they're probably all wasted.
Starting point is 02:03:23 I can see beers. Oh, they're trying to get them triple 20s. You got to get them triple 20s. But this is a championship, though. Maybe this is like the Super Bowl of darts, even still. Look at that, two in a row. Oh, my God. He went two in a row at triple 20 or double 20.
Starting point is 02:03:37 The new video game things when they have these giant, they barely get that excited when a crazy thing happens. They're getting excited because they're there and it's fun, but these guys are all jumping out of their seats. Right. I just saw this video or something like this. Oh my goodness. I didn't know this was even happening. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:03:55 It's a strange game. I like darts. Darts is bad. They are great because you don't have to have a pool table sized room. You can just throw it on the wall. But imagine if you got really good at, like, what's that stupid one where you roll the sandbag, you throw the sandbag and it goes into the hole? Corn hole.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Yeah, imagine if you're like the best at that. Like, nobody cares. Yeah. When I was a kid and I worked at the Boston Athletic Club, there was a guy who was a racquetball pro. And he was really good at racquetball, but nobody gave a fuck. He couldn't make any money. And he realized how much money tennis players were making.
Starting point is 02:04:24 So he tried to make the transition to tennis. But it was too late. Like, he wasn't good at racquetball but nobody gave a fuck you couldn't make any money and he realized how much money tennis players are making so he tried to make the transition to tennis but it was too late but he wasn't good at tennis but he was really good at racquetball like he got really good at one specific kind of game and then tennis was kind of similar because it was a paddle game he played with a racket but not close enough and he never made it that dude scared the fuck I was third uh third place uh paper football champion in my high school who's number one and two i can't remember their name marcus and somebody else and what podcast do they have they don't one guy's a video game uh
Starting point is 02:04:56 he makes video games do you have anybody that you're friends with from a long time ago that started a podcast no thank god thank god i don't think so my goodness uh no like they're all like married kids you know their kids are already in college you know half my the people i grew up with are like like i i'm a i joined my best friend growing up his his kids, I found her OnlyFans the other day. Oh, no. Oh, no. There's some guys whose girlfriends and wives have OnlyFans. A lot of people have OnlyFans.
Starting point is 02:05:34 And you know what? When they start making the kind of money that a lot of these gals are making, no hate, girls. No hate at all for me. It's hard to quit. Yeah. If your husband wants you to quit a $100,000 a month
Starting point is 02:05:48 gig, like, what? All I have to do is show my asshole make $100,000 a month or I work and make $100,000 every two years? Get the fuck out of here. Are you high? Come on, bitch. Pull it together. So other people get to see my asshole. What's the
Starting point is 02:06:03 problem? It's like that girl that's on Fighter and the Kid who makes $4.2 billion. She's already talking about that. I know. She gets mad. That was a joke. I'm just kidding. She's great.
Starting point is 02:06:16 She got upset. She's great. I like her. We divulged numbers. I saw that. Sorry. I thought it would just bring more people to the honey hole. I know, but.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Because they'd go, how much are these feet really worth? But I know so many people that are exactly the same. It's so surprising. I know one girl, doesn't even get naked. She just once in a while wears a shirt that you can kind of see through her shirt and see her nipple. You know, just like the color of it.
Starting point is 02:06:40 And that's it? And she has like 4,000 Patreon fans or OnlyFans or something like that and each one I think is 10 bucks Wow, Jesus Christ Just posting your Instagram pretty much on That's crazy Yeah, all you would have to do
Starting point is 02:06:55 is have like wet underwear and like bend over and like look behind you with wet underwear on that would be worth it Okay, I'll take it. Good enough. I'd like you to start doing butt play, please. Do they request things? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:11 I think it's just like any other thing. If you have a request video. You get a gold tier? You get a gold tier? Some girls have that. Not all the guys. You know what I mean? Some girls, they'll do a cameo for the guy or something?
Starting point is 02:07:19 Yeah, exactly. Hey, Mike. Yeah. It's your best friend, Belinda. We were talking about earlier about how guys not having- Is that the fart jar girl? Yeah. She's launching an NFT.
Starting point is 02:07:31 Fart jars NFT. Fart jars NFT. Yeah. You know, I saw this and I farted in a- I think there's probably a lot of fraud. A lot of fraud. I farted the other day in a cup and just sealed it up right when I farted in it just to see if it smelled later. And it doesn't even smell later.
Starting point is 02:07:48 So the whole thing is so stupid. But it's not because we're talking about it. So she won. It's not stupid. You're stupid. No. No, you're stupid. Kitty fart cup.
Starting point is 02:08:00 Remember that? Yes, that's right. Alex Jones fart cup. Oh, my God. You did that a long time ago. I farted in a cup and put it in Alex Jones? Yes, that's right. Alex Jones Fart Cup. Oh my god, you did that a long time ago. I farted in a cup and put it in Alex Jones' face. That's right. Dude, you did that in like the early 2000s.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Yeah. That's right. I forgot about the Fart Cup. That business is a sham, man. It's all air. It was you. You started this all. That's right. Fart Cup. Farted on that cat. Fart Cup Deluxe. Look at his stupid face. That poor cat. Poor cat.
Starting point is 02:08:25 Did not want to be there for your farts. Did not consent to farting in her face. I do miss having cats. Do you have cats anymore? No. Do you miss it? I don't miss a box of shit in my house. That's true.
Starting point is 02:08:37 That is true. The thing about cats, I love cats, but when they're walking, they shit and then they scratch around in the piss and the shit and then they walk around your house I don't know if that's good especially if you have carpets when I see people who have cats and carpets I'm like well that's just like a shit rag yeah it's gross
Starting point is 02:08:57 the worst thing is when you go over a friend's house and they have cats and they don't know their house smells like piss oh or when they're wearing a jacket and they give you a hug and you smell it on their jacket. I've had to tell like three or four people like, you have cats, don't you? Yeah. And he goes, dude, you got cat pee on your jacket.
Starting point is 02:09:11 And they get offended. No, I don't, man. No, no, I don't. Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do. Yeah. I had a cat who pissed in my shoe. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:18 Yeah. She used to pee in my shoes. If she was upset at me for something, you know, like if I was gone all day and I'd come home and I'm like, what the fuck is my sneaker wet? I'd lift it up, and there was piss in there. Dude, I had a cat that peed on my new couch,
Starting point is 02:09:34 and it smelled so bad, I couldn't clean it, so I had to take that powdered carpet powder and put it underneath the cushions just to cover it up, but when you sat down, it made this big cloud of... And it still smelled. Like, you still can't get out of it.
Starting point is 02:09:48 Cats will piss on your pillow. They'll do weird things to fuck with you. They do it on purpose. They get mad at you. Yeah, at least dog pee doesn't have that ammonia thing that you can't get rid of. It's just normal pee. Cat pee is pungent. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:00 Yeah, and it lasts. It stays. It stays in the air. Put cat pee in a cup and sell it listen man i i love animals i love all kinds of animals but i love dogs more than any animal i just you can hang out with them you could talk to them they react to you they slap you when you talk to them you they high-five you like i say the marshal give me kisses give me kisses he goes he gives me kisses and we we cuddled together i went at golden retriever so bad they're the best dude i love gold they're so sweet like i can say let's cuddle come here let's cuddle and he'll like
Starting point is 02:10:34 come over to me and like rub into me and then i i hug him and i put him on the ground i rub his belly and he's just so sweet he's just my friend calls him my friend mike calls him love sponges i'm like yeah it's a love sponge he's a love sponge he just loves he loves everybody man He's just so sweet. My friend Mike calls him love sponges. I'm like, yeah, it's a love sponge. He's a love sponge. He loves everybody, man. Everybody comes over. He doesn't favor one person over another.
Starting point is 02:10:55 He loves everybody. It's so different, though, when a dog poops or pees in the house, though, right? It's not fun. It's like, oh, is the freezer leaking or the refrigerator leaking? And you fall in a puddle. When my shit shoes pee, it's like a little drop. I'm like, oh, is the freezer leaking or the refrigerator leaking? And you fall in like a puddle. Like when my shit shoes pee, it's like a little drop. I'm like, oh, watch out. Yeah. When a real dog shits in your house.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Like my dog Johnny Cash. Have you ever stepped in it? Oh, my God. Of course I have. My dog Johnny Cash had diarrhea once and he was 140 pounds and just rocketed all over the room. Oh, that's the worst. It was awful. But, you know, what's a dog going to do?
Starting point is 02:11:24 They have fucking diarrhea. It's part of the thing of having a dog. You just got to all over the room. Oh, that's the worst. It was awful. But, you know, what's a dog going to do? They have fucking diarrhea. It's part of the thing of having a dog. You just got to go, all right, I'm cleaning up shit. The problem is, like, you got to get in there. And usually, like, if you have, like, tile, you got to get a toothbrush. A grout. Yeah, you got to clean the grout. Like, for real, you got to get in there.
Starting point is 02:11:40 It's gross. And you got to do many cleans. You can't do one clean just like, we're done. No, you just smudge shit over the tile. You gotta now like go back over it with a paper towel and some kind of spray. Yeah. And then your whole
Starting point is 02:11:56 house smells like, you know, some fucking lemon deodorant bullshit. It's the worst. But people that don't have dogs and they just come home to an empty house i kind of feel sad so i i can't i can't even you know it's like any pet though i think somebody i think people need pets even if it's virtual pet or regular pet like i saw somebody have you seen the video of the guy who rescued the lobster from a grocery store and kept it as a pet i didn't i didn't click on the
Starting point is 02:12:24 link but i saw the i saw that it was a thing. It's so interesting. You would never think that. In just one video, he made me go, oh my God, this is so adorable. It's adorable? Yeah, he's cleaning his food and plates and putting his plates in a corner. Did the thing let him touch it or did it snap at him? He's only had it for a short period of time
Starting point is 02:12:45 but just the weeks of like getting use of his claws back because of the rubber bands like it took like weeks and then he starts like washing his face at night like like a cat like and you never think like this is something that was supposed to be eaten like he's actually if you just sit
Starting point is 02:13:01 there and stare at it it's like no that's a fucking creature that's living but living yeah if you just sit there and stare at it, it's like, no, that's a fucking creature that's living. But living. But living. It's a bug. Yeah. There's a thing called, is this the guys?
Starting point is 02:13:12 Oh, wow. See, there's the marks. They did have the marks from the rubber bands. God, it fucked his claws up. So what's he feeding it? Worms? He starts off with little pellets, then it comes into worms, and then he starts going and getting like shrimp and like
Starting point is 02:13:26 oysters and clams And they like after he eats like an oyster or a clam like he's helping him get strength back in his claws by using like Poking it and having like playing tug-of-war With uh interesting and so he finally gets strength back in his claws near the end of this video It seems like he's fucking with the lobster if you ask me right But he also used the same tool to give him food like like the oyster and stuff now watch this what's so interesting is how many feet like he has like like there's all these little hands like picking all the meat out and once he's done he takes it to the other side of the aquarium
Starting point is 02:13:57 it drops off like he's done with his dish wow like see there's him dropping it off but like it's like all this stuff you never would have thought of with a lobster as a pet. It's just very interesting. Yeah, who the fuck has ever done this? Isn't it amazing that no one's ever had a lobster as a pet? Like this guy's figured it out. That's pretty crazy. Yeah, 9.4 million views.
Starting point is 02:14:20 That's crazy. He just, some random guy put out this video. There was a group called the Lobster Liberation Organization, and they would go to- Oh, the LO. That's not a LO. They would go and break into supermarkets and seafood restaurants, and they'd take the lobsters and release them back in the ocean.
Starting point is 02:14:45 Oh, really? Yeah. I heard that, like, he talks about it in, like, this video, I think, or the next one. He talks about that, and you can't really do that. You would have to find, like, a really certain part of, like, the ocean. You couldn't just throw them in the ocean. Listen, stop being a party pooper.
Starting point is 02:15:00 They're doing good work. Maybe they did that, though. Who knows? I bet they didn't. I bet those dumb hippies just chucked them out there. Myrtle Beach. We're doing amazing. We've liberated 150 lobsters.
Starting point is 02:15:13 Meanwhile, they're just getting chewed on by turtles. Yeah. Just saying. Knocked against the pier. Well, as their claws are deteriorating, I bet the fatigue in their tails, I bet they can't swim for very long. Right. Right?
Starting point is 02:15:26 Yeah. Like, he's nurturing this lobster back in, like, a couple weeks, month, whatever. And at first, it was, like, so starved. Like, when was the last time it ate? Probably never. Like, they're not feeding them. Who gives a fuck? What do they do?
Starting point is 02:15:36 They just wait until they get eaten. Yeah, they're just starving. Wow. Wow. I never thought about that. Yeah, they don't have their claws open. Like, what are they going to do? I never thought about that. Yeah, they're't have their claws open. I never thought about that. But I think they're eating with the other ones.
Starting point is 02:15:49 I mean, I don't think that if you're at Red Lobster and you see the fish tank, they're feeding those fucking lobsters. I think you're right. I think they just feel like they can stay alive for a few days and by then they'll be eating. And how long has it been until that point? They're not spending money on food that's going to be food? That's a good point. Yeah. until that point. They're not spending money on food that's going to be food. That's a good point. Yeah, that's, you know, I was talking about that about the Bible,
Starting point is 02:16:08 that the people are upset about certain things in the Bible but not other things. Like, they'll be upset, like a man should not lie down with another man. Yeah, but why is it okay to eat seafood now? Like, you weren't allowed to eat shellfish. Not seafood, but shellfish.
Starting point is 02:16:24 Shellfish is in the Bible, so you're not supposed to eat it But how come nobody cares? But they care about gay stuff they get upset about gay people like a lot of Bible bangers You know that really bothers them, but they don't get upset about red lobster Red lobster if that's real if what God said is true, and you're not ever supposed to eat seafood That's his law when you get up there. he's going to be fucking pissed at you. Wouldn't you be upset at Red Lobster? What is that, Mary Madeline Broad?
Starting point is 02:16:52 Who's Mary Madeline? Or whatever, the hooker. Who's that? Jesus is hooker. Oh, Magdalene. Magdalene. No, that's different. That's immaculate conception.
Starting point is 02:17:02 What I'm saying is like why some, like the two cloth thing. Do you know that like two different types of cloth, you weren't ever supposed to wear garments of two different types of cloth? Oh, really? Yeah. That's so funny. It's a weird part of the Bible. They just gave you some weird rules. Just let's see if they follow this.
Starting point is 02:17:18 It probably was a guy who only sold silk or some shit like that. And he was mad that other people were like mixing his silk with cotton. And's like it says here in the bible this is a grave sin you can find the the passage you're not supposed to wear two different types of cloth does that include leather no i don't think so i don't think they. I don't think they thought nothing people what did they wear like they were animal skins Relevant Bible verses Deuteronomy 2211 prohibit an individual from wearing wool and linen fabrics in one garment the blending of different species of animals and the planting together of different kinds of seeds collectively known as Kelly Yim, huh? and the planting together of different kinds of seeds, collectively known as kelayim.
Starting point is 02:18:07 Huh. Yeah, it's like no surf and turf, pretty much. It's like don't mix wool with fucking seeds. Yeah, it says here, why does the Bible speak against wearing clothes? Click on that. It says there's two passages in Mosaic law that forbid the wearing of different types of fabric. That is the wearing of blended fabrics. Can you click on that?
Starting point is 02:18:30 Yeah. Blended fabrics. Interesting. And those woven from two different materials. Keep in my decrees. Do not make different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
Starting point is 02:18:49 That's in the, imagine, imagine God. This is how God feels. Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard. If you do not only the crops you plant, but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled. Do not plow with an
Starting point is 02:19:05 ox and a donkey yoked together. Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. Like, okay. Don't put your apple orchard next to the banana field because shit's gonna go down. Hey God, how about you relax? I bet if you really
Starting point is 02:19:22 gave a fucks, you would stop smallpox, you piece of shit. Imagine God's over there worrying about your clothes. How about relax, dude? How about relax and stop the Inquisition? How about that? How about step in and go, that's not what I said. I mean, it's happening today, right?
Starting point is 02:19:41 Is it? It is. In what way? You know, trying to stop the plague and people tell you what and what not to do instead of focusing on war um what you need more marijuana it sounds like you do yeah you do yeah you shouldn't be talking about you're talking here this is better this is better. This is one of them Snoop Dogg joints. Man, Snoop Dogg. That was an awesome interview, man.
Starting point is 02:20:10 It was an interesting one. There's a few people that I've met where I'm like, wow, I can't believe he's really here. That was definitely one of them. He's a badass. One of the coolest guys of all time and so friendly. Just such a nice guy. You know, imagine being him it's crazy about that concert the other day in los angeles where that guy draco was shot and i think it was stabbed stabbed yeah stabbed
Starting point is 02:20:33 in the neck snoop dogg was there though with ice cube yeah 50 cents and a lot why did he get stabbed is there a reason why i mean there's. I heard there's like a beef between him and some other rapper, Young something. Young, young, yeah, now I'm sounding like an old man.
Starting point is 02:20:49 Fuck. Yeah, the rap world is interesting. Like, they got into violence in a way that the rock world didn't.
Starting point is 02:20:58 Right? The rock world never had like East Coast, West Coast, like gang fights. Right? The rap world, there was like shootings and retaliations had East Coast, West Coast gang fights. Right?
Starting point is 02:21:08 The rap world, there was shootings and retaliations, and different rappers got shot. Tupac got shot two different times. Right. One fatal. Biggie got killed. That's a big deal. Has there ever been non-rappers, musicians that had that beef,
Starting point is 02:21:23 like, oh my God, is that playing to the Beatles? That's what I'm saying. i don't think they did i think that was brought on uh with the rap uh gangster rap culture because like if you go back to like sugar hill gang like that's not there's nothing about that that's like uh violent or that would you would think that they would get involved in something like that or um even like later on like kid and play or there's there was a bunch of bands that just had but then gangster rap whether it's tupac or biggie or like there's so many like ice t nwa there were so many of those guys that were like openly talking about brandishing guns. I guess the only one I know of outside of rap would be Courtney and Kurt. You son of a bitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:13 What do you think about that documentary? Did you ever watch that documentary? Yeah, it made me think that she did it. Really? What made you think she did it? I can't remember because it's been so long, but for sure. I mean, I've always, I've always thought like, what if, but that, if I remember correctly, that like was very believable at least. But any of those documentaries, you can see the opposite and still believe that.
Starting point is 02:22:35 I get super suspicious when they reenact these things with actors, because that means they're trying to convince you of something. It's one thing if it's a documentary, but in that they had the sheriff show up. I don't understand what's happening here. There was a guy who was a fairly famous character actor who I'd seen in a bunch of other roles. He played the sheriff. Do you remember that? Yeah. The only thing that made me confused is the suicide note.
Starting point is 02:23:01 There was this long note that doesn't seem like a suicide note, and at the end of it, in different handwriting, it becomes a suicide note. There was this long note that doesn't seem like a suicide note and at the end of it in different handwriting it becomes a suicide note. Did you see that? Yeah. See if that's true. Have you had Kirk's daughter on this show? No. She's very interesting though. I've seen her. She's a good Twitter account to follow. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:20 I agree. Seems very smart. But how would you not be? Courtney loves your mother and Kirk O' Cobain's your dad. Like you're small. You have to be smart by default. Courtney's mom is a psychiatrist or a psychologist. Psychiatrist. Oh, really?
Starting point is 02:23:32 Yeah. Interesting. Which is interesting. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:23:40 It's just, I guess a lot, it's hard to believe when anybody kills themselves, like especially comedians. Like there's somebody that died recently and, uh, uh, door guy. It was the bottom one. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 02:23:53 so look at what you got here. You got one type of writing at the top. Right. And then it's like very small. Right. Handwriting. And that's Kurt Cobain's writing. And he writes this letter, and then it gets down to the bottom.
Starting point is 02:24:08 And then the handwriting gets very different. I'm not a handwriting expert. Can we be the devil's advocate here, though? But if you are seeing this small handwriting and you are adding to a letter, wouldn't you say you would try to match the other handwriting up a little? I mean, it looks like it's so ridiculous, you know, how different it is. Maybe she was so dumb she didn't understand handwriting. I know. Because it looks so different. Look at the M's. Like, just look at the M's. Look at the M for
Starting point is 02:24:40 without me and then look at the other M's up there and you're like, man, I don't know. Well, heroin also right right right that's a big one right it could have been heroin what's that those two P's don't look like any other P I can see on the screen but he might have fucked up with the spacing I don't know I'm trying I'm not
Starting point is 02:24:58 a handwriting expert obviously but I'm not liking it I mean what was the theory on that though like if it wasn't him or if he did do it no no no if he did do it why would what was the like was there an explanation on why was he fucked up when he wrote that
Starting point is 02:25:14 I think if you are doing heroin there's always an assumption that you're going to kill yourself eventually right I don't know about that something along those lines or you're going to die from it. Or like if you have a friend and they're doing a lot of oxys, you're probably like, you're going to die.
Starting point is 02:25:33 Right? There's a feeling. Oxys, yeah. Yeah, heroin is the same kind of deal. It's like people overdose from it all the time. And then when the guy shoots himself in the head and he did a lot of heroin, you're like, he's probably depressed, right?
Starting point is 02:25:46 Yeah. I want to believe that, but. I think she whacked him. Well, I don't know. You know, I don't know. Like, just like I was saying with all the comedians that have died before, they're advertising shows like, hey, have a show Saturday and then killing themselves on Friday. And it's just like, I think so many people that have problems with all that like they're
Starting point is 02:26:07 they just had a bad hour you know and they're just like out of nowhere they're like fuck this bam you know like not right yeah I think you're right I think there's a lot of people that like they have like one impulse that they you know if they didn't do it they'd probably be very happy in the future
Starting point is 02:26:23 that they didn't do it but then there's other very happy in the future that they didn't do it. But then there's other people that- Planet. There's people that have their brain chemistry is a mess for whatever reason. I don't know how much they 100% know about what causes a person to be depressed, what causes a person to be happy. I'm not sure if they really know. I think there's a lot of factors, right? But I think some of those factors are just genetics and i've known people that come from like loving households that are depressed and it's like their brother might be like out
Starting point is 02:26:58 there kicking ass and they want to jump in front of a train and they don't know why. And it doesn't make any sense. You know, it's normal. It's like some people have bad eyesight, right? Why would we assume that everyone's brain chemistry is the same, right? Some people, they're born with an allergy to something or a neurological disorder or this that you aren't born with and I'm not born with. And for whatever reason, I think for a long time, I always felt like everybody's brain was like my brain. Just pull it together, bitch. Just fucking figure it out and pull it together. And if you feel like shit, just press on. But I don't think that's smart. I don't think that's real. I think there's different brains
Starting point is 02:27:40 have different capacities. They have different, They have different horsepower, right? Some people are born with a brain that's not getting the right amount of hormones or the right amount of neurochemicals or the right amount of dopamine or serotonin or whatever the fuck it is that's missing. Something's wrong. And just like a person with bad eyesight or a person who's born deaf or a person – it's like the human body is like so flawed. You can be born with so many issues, so many real problems.
Starting point is 02:28:12 Some people are born with some shitty brain chemistry. And there's not a goddamn thing anybody could have done differently. And for those people, that's where the genius of pharmaceutical drugs kick in. Because the idea that pharmaceutical drugs have the exact same effect on every single person is kind of – it's a crazy thing to even think. The idea that nobody needs it. Everybody just has to do this and you just have to fucking drink wheatgrass and you have to do deadlifts. Not necessarily. Some people might be fucked. I think we know a few people like that. Drink wheatgrass. And you have to do deadlifts. Not necessarily.
Starting point is 02:28:46 Some people might be fucked. I think we know a few people like that. Right. They're like, you got to fix it. You got to get something in there. Right. Just like if somebody got a kidney problem, give them some medicine. Right.
Starting point is 02:28:59 Somebody got a brain problem, give them some medicine. Give them some medicine. Mm-hmm. Everybody can't be cured with a gluten-free diet diet and jogging there's some shit that's wrong you might be able to enhance it some people it fixes i know some people that like were real depressed they started exercising regularly went away you know another thing that's really good for it apparently is uh cold plunges have you done any of that yet? fuck that no you know it's a cold plunge
Starting point is 02:29:27 just go to a friend's pool and just jump in it that sounds like a lot of fun it's helping my what is it puffiness, swelling inflammation you were waiting for me to say it so you could say fuck that
Starting point is 02:29:42 so does ibuprofen which one's better? ibuprofen which one's better ibuprofen kills your liver yeah i mean if you take a lot of ibuprofen no it's not ibuprofen it's tylenol is it tylenol i think it's man i heard a sad story about this lady who got covid and she had horrible body aches and so she took uh tylenol and then it wasn't helping her so she took more and then she had a sitaminophen poison Because of the tile like you can only take a certain amount of Tylenol like Tylenol is an effective painkiller But if you take a lot of it, you'll die right and she had liver failure. Oh shit
Starting point is 02:30:16 Yeah, I keep an emergency aspirin in my wallet just in case I've started having heart palpitations I'll just pop a baby aspirin. So no help? Yeah, for heart attacks. Really? Yeah. You gotta do it, man. Oh, you gotta fix it. You got it wired. You're all set. You're good to go. Got it next to my air tag. Listen, when the gym opens up, are you gonna become a part of the program? Probably. I'm trying to get
Starting point is 02:30:37 comedians healthy. I just got an elliptical, so I'm on my way of making my own little gym, too. We have to keep an eye on David Lucas. Yeah. I mean, honestly, though, he works out a lot more than you would think. You know who doesn't work out?
Starting point is 02:30:51 I saw him wrestle Tony Hinchcliffe. I saw him wrestle Tony Hinchcliffe. Oh, yeah. And Tony Hinchcliffe beat David Lucas. Tony Hinchcliffe weighs five pounds. But to be fair- David Lucas weighs 300 pounds. To be fair, we both thought Tony was crazy for- We thought Tony was crazy,
Starting point is 02:31:04 but we saw David Lucas gas out. But that's wrestling rules, not MMA rules. Now, if it was like street fight, then David Lucas would have just squished him. You know? Like not tactical, like, well, his neck was... I don't think David Lucas has a very large gas tank. Let's just be nice. Well, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:30 He fell upon hard times quite quickly. But, yeah. Listen, Tony's going to beat him in everything. David can't move. I know. It was very impressive wrestling rules. Tony was impressive. Yes.
Starting point is 02:31:43 But David needs some help. He needs some love. And we need to,, and we need to get him into that gym. Yeah. Because you're not going to get any smaller on your own. You need some help. You need to get in shape. Yeah. Because you can die.
Starting point is 02:31:56 Yeah. If you gas out, if you're wrestling a 110-pound man, whatever Tony weighs. Do you think, though, people like... 150? Do you think he weighs 150? 126, I think. What do you think Tony weighs? About a buck 50.
Starting point is 02:32:08 Soaking wet? Yeah. Yeah, right. Janice weighs more than him. You don't think he weighs 150? With his clothes on and shoes and boots and a jelly pack.
Starting point is 02:32:16 No, I think he actually is like- 145? Yeah, sure. Actually, I take it back. I think we weighed him the other day on a Kill Tony episode and he's definitely
Starting point is 02:32:23 on the biggest he's ever been. And I think he was like 163 or something like that. Really? Yeah. Oh, he's getting fat. Well, easy. Living good.
Starting point is 02:32:32 Yeah, we're in Austin, Texas, man. It is easy. Yeah. But the point is, a 160-pound man, unless he's some freak athlete, is not supposed to be able to beat a 300-pound man ever. That's terrible. Yeah, but it was wrestling rules. But it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 02:32:47 Let's do MMA rules. You should be able to hold Tony down and smush him. It should be a smush. It should be he grabs him, passes, gets to mount, gets to side control, whatever the fuck he wants, and just holds him there. And then there's no activity until Tony admits that that guy on top is the better man. That's how it should be. In a normal situation where a man is 300 pounds,
Starting point is 02:33:10 like a 300 pound, like a Tom Erickson in his prime or something like that, a giant 300 pound man, that's a totally different animal than David Lucas. Have you ever seen how many push-ups David Lucas can do? At least three. No, no, no. 20? I would say like 15, 20 push-ups.
Starting point is 02:33:26 I mean, you know how much weight that is? It's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot. Yeah. He still works out and stuff like that. I'm sure he does. I think it's just what we saw was just wrestling roles at full effect. Nonsense. Listen to me. I am a professional
Starting point is 02:33:41 martial arts commentator. Let's play the video right now. It's one of my jobs. We don't want to do that. I know. the video right now. It's one of my jobs. It's one of my jobs. We don't want to do that. I know. I'm just kidding. It's one of my jobs. I know when a guy's gassing out.
Starting point is 02:33:53 He gassed out. Oh, he definitely gassed out. Almost immediately. But it was also because he couldn't do street fight UFC type stuff. He was trying to do maneuvers and rules and stuff like that don't you think sure? No, cuz at the beginning no David just like sat on it got tired or quicker. I was like oh shit. David would have got tired or quicker You think yes, all right? Let's let's get it. Let's have a listen
Starting point is 02:34:19 Tony gets to tea bag him if he wins yes, and I think David would Sign up for that. Yeah, they both teabag each other if they win. On the eyeballs. Yep. Sack on the eyeballs. Vein to eye. Yes.
Starting point is 02:34:31 That's the win. That's the trophy. Unwashed. Unwashed. Sweaty. Right from the fucking fight. Right from the battle. Yep.
Starting point is 02:34:38 Just sweaty, nutsack, right on the eyeballs. No sheath. No. No sheath underwears. No, no, no. Raw dog raw dog yeah shave too yeah get all the skin you don't have any cushion from the from the hair the sack hair i just uh i just want them to get healthy that's all and i want you to get healthy too so right next door we'll have trainers make it happen i got a good immune system.
Starting point is 02:35:05 I haven't got the COVID yet. Your immune system is fucking stellar. Because I've seen a lot of you around, you get it. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Did you get the Moderna or the Pfizer? Which one did you get?
Starting point is 02:35:15 Pfizer, of course. And when did you get your second dose? 30 days after. And that second dose, oh, like, I want to say october september oh that's probably good because you're in that window right it's like four or five months where it works its best and then it starts to drop off right four or five months so you're good it's like november december yeah you're in that window of like a couple months now for booster i wonder if i should get the pfizer booster or the month like just it up. You should catch Omicron. That's what you should do.
Starting point is 02:35:47 I've already been there. There's literally articles saying that if you are vaccinated and then you catch COVID that it can impart a super immunity. There's like mainstream, right? You know, like fucking MSNBC news. See if you can find that.
Starting point is 02:36:01 Yeah. But I mean, when we, me and you used to be bug chasers, but it was like, son of a bitch. You if you can find that. Me and you used to be bug chasers. What? Son of a bitch. You said you wouldn't tell. Remember that was a thing?
Starting point is 02:36:10 Yeah. Like guys were trying to catch HIV. There was a whole article about bug chasers. I remember reading this going, this can't be real. And they were interviewing this guy who was just like dead set on finding a man who's going to like make him positive. I was like, yo, that is so wild in the 80s like bug chasers just put a bunch of buckets in their backyard with stale water in there and like just
Starting point is 02:36:31 fucking dance around all the mosquitoes breakthrough infections generate super immunity to covid 19 studies suggest covid 19 vaccination provides a foundation of protection that's enhanced by breakthrough infection the key is to get vaccinated. So what they're saying is essentially if you get vaccinated and then you get COVID, it's not bad. It's actually good because then you have super immunity. Sounds good to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:55 The study found that antibodies measured in blood samples of breakthrough cases were both more abundant and more effective, as much as 1,000 times more effective than antibodies generated two weeks following the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. 1,000 times, 1,000% rather, more effective. 1,000% is crazy. Studies suggest that each exposure following vaccination actually serves to strengthen immune system response in subsequent exposures,
Starting point is 02:37:26 even to new variants of the virus. Yeah. So that's what's going to happen to all of us. We're all going to become immune. That Naval guy, Naval Ravikant, said he's brilliant. He said it best. He said the pandemic is not going to end when everyone gets vaccinated. It's going to end when everyone gets infected.
Starting point is 02:37:44 Because, like, I've had it, and I have... I think most people have, right? What's the percentage right now? I don't know, but here's an important point, and I just found this out today or yesterday. Did I talk about this already? Peter McCullough, that you can get COVID twice?
Starting point is 02:37:59 We've talked about how we didn't think that. Now, for a fact, Coleon has tested positive for COVID. I know a few people. Twice, yeah. Yeah. Peter McCullough was saying that you couldn't get it twice. You 100% can get it twice.
Starting point is 02:38:13 Absolutely. I'm confident saying this. And he even said, I reached out to him about this, and he said it seems like with the Omicron, data coming back from South Africa suggests you can catch it twice. So it's very different than But when you have the second time I bet it's like Very mild symptoms it's just like a cold
Starting point is 02:38:29 Probably yeah Coleon felt like shit Isn't it Duncan That still doesn't have his taste back 100% Really I think I read that somewhere he told me that Oh my god that's true we gotta get him on the reddit He could have just been fucking around
Starting point is 02:38:44 Yeah I mean he was eating too many hot dogs Sucking Satan's dick made his mouth numb told me that. Oh my God, that's true. We got to get him on the Reddit. He could have just been fucking around. Yeah. Eating too many hot dogs and pooping them out. Sucking Satan's dick, made his mouth numb. He's moving here. Is he? Yes. For good, sure.
Starting point is 02:38:53 He was talking about it last time. That's such a great. We got to get the club open. It's so great. Just being, we're almost got our whole gang back together. Yes, we're getting close.
Starting point is 02:39:04 And once the club's open, I feel like we'll send up the bat signal and we'll start letting people know that not only is it going to be a great place for you, but it'll be very supportive and you can actually make some money there. And we'll have it set up so that the whole idea is just to strengthen the idea of a comedy community. And even people I don't agree with, like everybody come, come one, come all. I don't care. The whole idea is like to keep comedy
Starting point is 02:39:30 just generally getting enhanced by a creative group of people that are all doing the same thing at the same time. And I think this is the best place where we can do it and not be influenced by Hollywood. Absolutely. Yeah. And it's so great doing the Kill Tony show
Starting point is 02:39:45 and meeting all these different talents that I never would have talked to or met or seen before. Yeah. And then, you know, I do that secret show
Starting point is 02:39:53 once a week. It's just like a comedy show and I just book it once a week and I throw in, I do a comedy store lineup style where I start like at eight
Starting point is 02:40:00 and goes to like midnight and just, you know, it's just nonstop and it's so amazing. Just like the comedy star. How many people stay through the whole entire thing? Well, it's a cool thing, man, to have a place like this sort of emerge. Like if you've been in Austin for a long time and you loved Cap City, which was like
Starting point is 02:40:17 the premier club in Austin and one of the premier clubs in the country, like we used to love coming to Cap City. I mean, it was like one of the best gigs. And then when that went under, it was like a deep sadness. And, you know, I tried to buy that building. Yeah. But it was a lot of fuckery involved. There was a lot of shenanigans.
Starting point is 02:40:34 And I was like, this is too much work. I was talking to Joey about that the other day, about that old hotel we'd always stay at right next to Papados. That place went under. No. Oh, no, no, it's still there. I went to Papados the other day. I'm thinking, I'm not thinking of that. I'm thinking of the place in Houston.
Starting point is 02:40:47 Remember the place in Houston near the laptop? BB's. The hotel. The BB's. Oh, yeah, that was great too. Yeah, that place. The cheese. Yes, the cheese.
Starting point is 02:40:56 What was it called? The Flaming Cheese? Flaming Cheese, yeah. What's it called though? It's like a name. I forget. Saganaki? Something like that, yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:04 Yeah, I think that's it. That's in Greek. They throw some alcohol on the cheese and light it on fire. I miss Greasy Tony, buddy. Dude. He made me real sad when he died. Fuck yeah. There's a place that we used to go to every time we'd go to the improv in Tempe.
Starting point is 02:41:20 There was a place right across the street called Greasy Tony's. And I became friends with Greasy Tony in the 90s. Like that place had been open forever. And we just kept coming back. Like every time I would go and I'd be in town and hang out with Tony. And we would go and Joey Diaz loved Greasy Tony. And we would go there. I still have a t-shirt from Greasy Tony's.
Starting point is 02:41:38 A trash can. Yes. I still have a t-shirt. Somewhere there's a box where there's a video in it where we film and interview Greasy Tony. We were all eating with Joey Diaz, Greasy Tony, and you. That's right. We filmed an interview with Greasy Tony. He was great.
Starting point is 02:41:53 He was like this old school Italian guy that had this amazing sub shop and pizza place. And it was right next to Tempe. But then I remember one time we went to him and he had just had a heart attack. Yeah. And he had just had a heart attack yeah in open heart surgery and it wasn't so fun anymore it's like oh no no greasy tony ain't gonna make it yeah you know he had like a big scar on his chest i guess and he got that vegan place
Starting point is 02:42:17 he opened up the turnip tony he turned he called it what are you tony hinchcliffe you're hanging out with Hinchcliffe too much. It's Turnip Tony. Tony is the best at those. There's no one better at the one-liners. It's shocking sometimes. Oh, my God. When he does Kill Tony, when he hosts it and talks to people and has lines, oh, my God, he called that girl Alicia Off-Key.
Starting point is 02:42:43 She's trying to sing Aliciaicia key song he's so funny he's just the best at those zingers those like roast type jokes and you and i you know i sit next to him and you just watch how his brain works while he's talking it's just like you know just notes and notes and then like when he'll ask a question like so what do you do for a living and he's not paying attention he's just just like thinking his head like okay, right? Yeah, you guys have been killing it and then having it at Vulcan is the best place because Vulcan has that that All those people around the edge and it makes it like Thunderdome Fight Club. Yeah. Yeah, it's like Thunder. Yeah, it's great I mean, you know in that that style too bad There's not like a fix for it
Starting point is 02:43:25 because it would be cool to have like that top layer but then have like people behind it. But it's really only like a balcony for like a small group of people around the corner. Yeah, but it's enough. It's like the Lovett's Club. Remember that? They had like the third story. It's way better than the Lovett's Club.
Starting point is 02:43:40 Or there was a, wasn't it Tampa Improv that was like that too? There was this one improv that I think it's Tampa. But that's, Vulcan's the best setup because you can look up at those people. It's not a strain to look up at them. And then you look down. It's like, it's a different, it's a wild sort of like six street bar-y kind of place. That's why we love doing it. And we've been doing it there.
Starting point is 02:44:05 Like you do Thursdays, you'll be there tonight. I've been doing Tuesday, every Tuesday and Wednesday when I'm in town. I work out there. Yeah, it's great. It's great. And people are coming from all over the place to go to these shows. It's wild. I love it.
Starting point is 02:44:19 It's a lot like what was going on at the store. 100%. I mean, there's a lot of people that literally can't come from other countries. It's crazy. I've had people that were supposed to come here for shows
Starting point is 02:44:28 and they're stuck. You know what was different though about the comedy store or the LA comedy scene though in comparison though? You had to have a lineup. You had to have like a poster. You had to have
Starting point is 02:44:41 some kind of show. Here, I did that weekly show. I don't even put a lineup up and then fucking there's a huge crowd that comes to it. People are so excited for comedy in the city You had to have some kind of show here. I did that weekly show. I don't even put a lineup up. And then fucking there's a huge crowd that comes to it. People are so excited for comedy in the city, which is like L.A. kind of seemed like, well, where are they going if we know who's there? Because I also can go here and here.
Starting point is 02:44:59 They're more just down to see some live entertainment here. And there's also there's the possibility that you might see someone who's going to become a famous comic someday. Or is. Yeah. Or is. Yeah. We've dropped in those shows, and a lot of people in town drop in those shows. But it's also like there's up-and-coming talent that's on those shows. They're like, damn, that girl is funny.
Starting point is 02:45:18 Or she's funny. That's where I saw Gina Hyena the first time. I've seen a lot of people. I saw Tony for the first time on one of your shows. Some of those shows, you see people, and the first time on one of your shows like some of those shows like you see people and they wind up being some of your favorite comedians ever right it's like the the exciting thing about it right now is like people like when if they come to kill tony or if they come to one of the death squad shows or any of these shows is that they
Starting point is 02:45:38 get to see on the ground floor like a whole new movement in the comedy community. It's like Kill Tony is the most exciting live comedy show ever. In terms of like four stand-ups, it's like the best at promoting like the ethic of funny, of just funny. Just be funny. You don't have time for like fucking some bullshit woke message if you're doing one minute of comedy. Like you have to just be funny.
Starting point is 02:46:05 And everyone is just talking shit, and they're just trying to say the funniest thing possible, whether it's Dom Herrera or Shane Gillis, whoever the guest star is, and the fact that these people get a chance. They go up, there's like one minute, and that one minute, if they fucking hit, hundreds of thousands of people will see it.
Starting point is 02:46:25 Hundreds of thousands of people will see them kill. That's wild. That's a wild opportunity. And there's nothing like it at all of comedy. There's nothing like it. What's like it? Your show with Tony is like literally a one of a kind. Because it gives these open micers.
Starting point is 02:46:44 Like you can formulate a minute. If you just can put together a minute of a kind because it gives these open micers like you can formulate a minute if you just can put together a minute of funny then then guys like you and tony and me and whoever's sitting there are going to give advice like you know how long you've been getting up when did you start like when did you know you wanted to be a comedian like good luck that was funny shit and then we've worked with those guys in the future i mean how many people like ali mccoskey well you you saw her then and then next thing you know she's opening up and for me for a fucking arena you know like saw her do a minute on kill tony it's wild it's crazy wild preacher lawson who who is uh somebody that signed up for kill tony a few times and like he's like america's's Got Talent, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:25 It's huge. Amazing, it's huge. Kill Tony. This, it's also, it sets a great ethic for the comedy community. Where it's like everybody's supportive and friendly. It's a lot of fun. People are excited to do it again.
Starting point is 02:47:38 And you feel like you're like a part of, almost like an alumni of this thing that is, you're brave. Cause you're doing your one minute in front of the whole world you suck yeah right you're just starting out everybody who starts out it sucks but you might have a joke you might have a line you might have a certain presence you might have something that gets people a little bit i mean you suck compared to like kevin hart or whatever right but you you can you can still you can get a laugh or two and you can go oh my god I'm rolling and the world
Starting point is 02:48:08 the whole world could have seen like literally your first set and on top of that maybe your first podcast and your first interview because a lot of times it's not even about their one minute it's about the next 15 minutes a lot of times like you're just getting thrown on a podcast
Starting point is 02:48:23 with guys who've been on a million of them. Yeah. So like when Tony starts questioning, you see his little predator brain where- Can you imagine? His little Bambi. You're going to get attacked. He's like a Bambi with vampire fangs.
Starting point is 02:48:38 Yeah, it's hilarious. It's such an important show, but it's such an important show for this community, for the community of comedy, because it's like it's I've been telling Tony and I say it all the time because I want him to know how important it is to me and what I think it is to comedy, period. It's a funness and a momentum that can give comedians hope and actually get talented people to to give them the motivation to pursue a career in stand-up comedy where maybe they didn't have it before maybe they wouldn't have before maybe if there wasn't a thing where they would go on a stage and have a bunch of laughs in front of a Shane Gillis or a Mark Norman or you and Red Band
Starting point is 02:49:26 or and Tony all together and you're all laughing you laugh at his stuff you laugh at her stuff and then you're talking to her or you're talking to him and you're like how long you been doing this and then they're like and you're like late well listen that was really funny good luck you're like holy shit and the guy gets off stage. He's like, fuck, I'm going to be a goddamn comedian. I'm going to be a comedian. Like, that's enough sometimes to comics. We just met somebody named Jared Nathan.
Starting point is 02:49:54 I don't know if Tony has talked to you about him. Is that the guy with Down syndrome? Yeah, and he's from Canada. I thought he was a murderer. He's fucking great. And just overnight, we had him on three episodes. And the first time he was on, he did such so good. He was like, when are you leaving?
Starting point is 02:50:12 He's like, I got to go back tomorrow. And he goes, can we do something and get you to stay for a couple weeks? We want to see more of you. And I was like, I want you on the secret show. And then so he, Jason Rouse,ouse called his mom talked his mom into it his mom's like i guess i'll have to just buy another plane ticket you owe me though you know you owe me and so we put up a gofundme in 24 hours it's like at 11 000 just because that episode dropped man like 24 hours well where's the gofundme Let's jack it up. Well, he's on Instagram. He's one, spelled
Starting point is 02:50:45 out O-N-E, underscore who stutters. One underscore who stutters. One underscore who underscore stutters. It's right there. And he's coming back out in February, hopefully. We're going to have him back on more and more.
Starting point is 02:51:01 But, you know. That's beautiful. It's beautiful. And what's great is that his locally more but uh you know that's beautiful it's beautiful and what's great is that in like his locally like that you know the the comedy scene up in canada they love him because they've known about him for a while and this is making so many people happy like canadian comedians uh and he's such a nice guy he's like one of the nicest guys ever big shout out to jason rouse for like he stayed with j with Jason for an extra two weeks. Nice. That's great.
Starting point is 02:51:28 That's awesome. But it's a cool place here. And Tim Dillon said something really interesting. We were talking earlier about he said that if someone moves to New York, you're not going to affect a real change in New York, but you can affect a real change in a place the size of Austin. You really can. It's already happening.
Starting point is 02:51:51 Yeah. I think it's already happening with these shows that we've been doing. Absolutely. And comedy in general. Yeah. Every week on Kill Tony, we meet maybe 10 people that have moved here from LA, from New York, from Wisconsin, from everywhere. People are moving here like it's a Wood like a, like a Woodstock, you know, that's about to, and it's already blowing up. Now, musicians on the other hand are kind of pissed off about the whole thing. Why? Because we're
Starting point is 02:52:14 taking up stage time, you know, like the Vulcan used to be an EDM club. You know, a lot of these places used to be bars that had musicians. Austin used to always be about the music. And so now all these comedians and all the stage times can eaten up. I mean, Secret Show, I try to always have a band open up or a band close, or I try to mix music in there because that's a real thing. Musicians are- Get over it. There's plenty of clubs in town. Relax. Listen, I go to those clubs. I go to watch Gary Clark Jr. I go to watch, I've been to a few different bands in town. When Suzanne Santos is playing, I'm going to be there. I'll see her.
Starting point is 02:52:50 I'm not, you know, I'm not buying into that. Get the fuck out of here. It's not us versus them. Either people want to see you or they don't. All right? It has nothing to do with us taking up stage time. There's a lot of fucking stages in Austin. That's nonsense.
Starting point is 02:53:04 It has to do with we've got something going. We got something going on. Don't be a hater. You want to do an 11.30 show, it's available. Go on late. You can have those at the Vulcan. Someone could do a show after our show. Easy.
Starting point is 02:53:20 Just do a later show. That is what we did. That's all we did back in L.A. And a lot of those shows in the road, we did those later shows in the early days because that's the only time we can get up. If you think that comedians are somehow or another damaging the development of new music, I heard that from some musician. Shut your hole.
Starting point is 02:53:43 Shut your hole, jealous bitch. There's two different art forms. Two different art forms, and we support your art form. If someone's good, like it's Nether Hour, I fucking love those dudes. They're really talented. Those guys are talented. Jam band. Yeah, they're fun.
Starting point is 02:53:59 They're fun. They're a fun band to go see live. We support live music. We're not in competition with each other. Anybody that would suggest that anybody is in competition with anybody in the sense that someone's taking away stage time from them is a fucking idiot. That's a dumb way to think. No one's stopping you.
Starting point is 02:54:16 If one thing sells more tickets, I'm sorry. Sorry. Find another spot. Don't be stupid. This is a dumb way to look at things. The idea that this enormous influx of world-class stand-up comics moving to Austin, Texas, Tom Segura moved here,
Starting point is 02:54:31 Tim Dillon's here, Tony Hinchcliffe's here. These are bad things? Shut the fuck up. Sorry. I love music and I love bands, but anybody who thinks like that needs to go, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:54:51 It's just silly. In 10 years, Austin, it's going to be 15 times bigger. So there's going to be more stages. It'll be bigger. Hopefully not too much bigger. That's why we've got to keep weed illegal. Keep weed illegal and abortion scarce. Keep those fucking lefties out of here.
Starting point is 02:55:05 We need more allergies. If we get some more allergies here. The allergies will keep a lot of folks out. Yeah. They're real. Today's the biggest cedar amount that we've had all year. Like, it's out of control. If you're allergic to cedar, I think it is.
Starting point is 02:55:18 Yeah, I don't really have any allergies, fortunately. But some of my family members do, and it's a little annoying. I have dust allergies. That's about it. The thing that happens, though, is you get allergy shots, and they can cure you of some things, but God damn, they wreck you. My wife takes allergy shots.
Starting point is 02:55:35 Like, your immune system just gets fucking shattered. Really? Oh, my God. It just gets bang. It's the thing that it would be nice if there was a better way around it It's weird that people are allergic to things It's weird that like things that don't bother you at all And you see some people get around them
Starting point is 02:55:52 And it freaks them out It's like what kind of a strange thing is a human body Like a Like Brian Cowan's mom Apparently if she eats a Brazil nut Even if she licks it she's dead That's insane Now is that
Starting point is 02:56:04 Like Joey Diaz always used to have that thing he's like oh fuck that uh about like if you feed kids like peanut butter and like peanuts at a young age and you dilute it into their like when they grow up with it they wouldn't be allergic to peanuts it's a good question you know i think there's like some science to that right like i don't know it's a good. That peanut thing is weird because I don't remember that when I was young. Yeah. Maybe kids just died. That came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 02:56:30 Yeah. There's a few things like that. Charcuterie boards. Where did that come from? Where did that word come from? We call that cheese plates. Salami and cheese. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:39 But you always call it a meat plate or a cheese plate, right? Yeah. Yeah. The other day, I was talking about why out out of nowhere, like the matrix, like something broke. Right. And if you Google the search term charcuterie board, it just happened like two years ago. It's like zero, like 10, 20, 10, 10, 5 million. I wonder what restaurant kicked that bitch off.
Starting point is 02:56:58 I don't know. Because sometimes that can happen. Like one restaurant does Korean barbecue and everybody's like, ooh, I cook my own food. Right. I get excited. What is it? Oh. I don't know. Like one restaurant does Korean barbecue and everybody's like, ooh, I cook my own food. Right. Get excited. What is it? I don't know. I think it's the government, man.
Starting point is 02:57:10 You ever go to Ace Goji? No. It's a Korean barbecue in Woodland Hills and in- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we went together a few times. My buddy owns it. Yeah. I love that place.
Starting point is 02:57:19 That place is the shit. Speaking of, Joe, if you want to invest in something, fucking do one of those out here because we've, me and Janice, because she's Korean, love K-Barbecue. We've tried every place that's like Yelp top 10 here. There's no good spots? There's nothing in Austin. Ace Goji should open up over here? 100%. Like there's not
Starting point is 02:57:38 one that's good. Really? We've tried them all. You hear that, Shane? Come on, bro. Show me that again. What were you showing me, Jamie? Some charcuterie board bullshit? Influencers posting artsy photos of adult Lunchables are blowing up amongst millennials with small living spaces and a passion for meat and cheese.
Starting point is 02:57:59 It's a cheese plate. What kind of bullshit article is this? Get this out of my face. Jesus. How dare you, Jamie face How dare you Jamie How dare you support these people Support these people in there Absolute nonsense
Starting point is 02:58:11 He's had two podcasts today He works with a crazy person I can go all day I have zero problem Give me some on it man Yeah bro Food The key is like no food just do it with no food and then eat afterwards right i uh my new thing is getting cereal like and getting uh freeze-dried tomatoes and strawberries at heb and throwing them in
Starting point is 02:58:41 any cereal and immediately because like you know your favorite cereal is, or not what your favorite is, but having marshmallows in your cereal or something. Oh, right, right. This is like real fruit that's freeze-dried. Actually good for you. And it's good for you. It makes any cereal amazing. So if you eat grape nuts or whatever because of your diet,
Starting point is 02:58:56 throw that in there. Dude, it's so good. Grape nuts. Remember those? Those suck. There was a dude who looked like a lumberjack who was eating them grape nuts. What a bullshit ass. Do they still sell grape nuts? Fucking suck. There was a dude who looked like a lumberjack who was eating them grape nuts. How is that a thing? What a bullshit ass.
Starting point is 02:59:07 Do they still sell grape nuts? Of course. It probably sells out every day. There's probably a guy waiting in line right now for grape nuts listening to us going, what the fuck? Grape nuts are the shit. Who owns grape nuts? The Colgate Company?
Starting point is 02:59:18 Listen, clean your teeth. Grape nuts are not bad if you add a little brown sugar on it. But they're so hard. It seems like they would just crack your people's teeth and molars. That doesn't bother me. I'm talking shit, but I actually would choose grape nuts over most cereals, I think. Really?
Starting point is 02:59:34 I don't mind it with a little sugar. Listen, if I'm eating Captain Crunch, I know I'm not really eating food. I'm having a dessert. That's how I feel. I would eat it, but I have a dessert. But if I needed some fuel, some actually, some food, and there was a Captain Crunch box next to a Grape Nuts box, I'd definitely eat the Grape Nuts. I always go for the fiber ones or something like that.
Starting point is 02:59:53 Grape Nuts is just a little bit like I'm eating pebbles. You know what my favorite was? Those ones that were like a biscuit, and one side was glazed with powdered sugar, and the other side, Trix. What is that? Shredded Mini Wheat. Triscrix? Was that it? Triscuit? Is that it? No, those are crackers. Shredded mini-wheats.
Starting point is 03:00:10 Shredded wheat. But the mini ones were the little ones, but shredded wheat was like these big fucking bricks like you build a house with these things. I love those. Keep the little pigs in. Those are good. Oh my god, they were so delicious. Because it had the sugar in it. Because it's so good. Because you got the shredded wheat, but you've got all that sugar. Do they still make these?
Starting point is 03:00:28 Oh, look at how big they were. Took a full bowl. Yes. And then if you get it- That's too much. You got to make sure you get it with the sugar on it. Do they all have the sugar? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 03:00:38 So this is the OG. Shredded wheat. Frosted. No sugar. Frosted has the sugar. That's right. Why fuck around? Go with frosted. Yeah, frosted. You want frosted shredded wheat Frosted has sugar. That's right. Why fuck around? Go with frosted.
Starting point is 03:00:45 Yeah, frosted. You want frosted shredded wheat. Yes. Perfect. That's it. If you eat these after you've had Chipotle on the same day. Oh, explosions. Bro.
Starting point is 03:00:54 Explosive shits. You're going to have a lot of problems. Explosive shits. Let's try it out. I was at Golden Tiger last night. We had a Golden Tiger. Yeah. We did a late night run with Gordon Ryan and his girlfriend, Tony, and a bunch of other people.
Starting point is 03:01:07 And there was a dude next to me that had cannonball shits. Do you know when people are shitting? And you see it just boom, boom, boom, boom. He was shitting in a way like I was like, this guy barely made it to the toilet. Wow. Like an echo of the balls, boom. Those are great ones.
Starting point is 03:01:25 You know those sounds like boom, like your asshole just echoes in the toilet. There's a video of a girl who snuck into a men's bathroom and was playing those sounds and the guy's like,
Starting point is 03:01:35 hey man, you're right in there. Like, almost like right out of Austin Powers movie. I love that shit. What's the best one in all time?
Starting point is 03:01:44 The best diarrhea scene in a movie ever? Definitely Kingpin. Kingpin, yeah. Was it Kingpin? Yeah, Kingpin. Dumb and Dumber? Oh, no, no. Kingpin was a throw up. You're right. Dumb and Dumber. No, it's Dumb and Dumber for sure. Dumb and Dumber is that. That's the diarrhea episode. I'm thinking
Starting point is 03:02:00 of Kingpin where he had to have sex with his landlord to pay the bills and he threw up. He threw up in the toilet. Like violent, explosive vomiting. Team America though when he pukes, that's pretty fucking great. Oh my God, that's amazing. Team America is fantastic.
Starting point is 03:02:16 But I feel like Team America is so good, people forgot how good the South Park movie was. Yeah. Have you seen the recent South Park? Look at him. Yeah, that's it. Kingpin Landlord. That was a great movie. Have you seen the recent South Park post-pandemic
Starting point is 03:02:34 special? No, I gotta catch up on South Park. They're all old. What? That's right, I heard. Jamie was telling me. So fucking good. It's on YouTube. Is it really good? It's really good. Now, does Comedy Central put it on their Comedy Central channel on YouTube? Is that what it is? No, South Park Studios puts it on,
Starting point is 03:02:50 and then they have a deal now with Paramount Plus where you have to get a subscription to Paramount's app. Like, we need another fucking app for Paramount? No. That's the only way you can see South Park? Right now, it's either Paramount app or South Park Studios' YouTube page. Well, why wouldn't I just go to YouTube? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 03:03:06 They don't advertise it, though. They don't advertise it. So you can just go to Paramount or you can just go to YouTube. Right. It's not on Hulu. I tried to buy it on iTunes. I couldn't do it. Wow.
Starting point is 03:03:16 So then I, like an idiot, did a free trial of the Paramount Plus app, watched it, and then found out the next day, I'm like, oh, it's on YouTube under just hidden. That fucking show has the most insane shelf life. I found out about South Park in 1996, 95, 96, somewhere like that. This girl I was dating brought over a VHS tape, and I was like, what is this? And she was like, oh my God, it's what would Brian Boitano do it's like these kids it's like a Christmas card
Starting point is 03:03:47 yes yes it was like a Christmas special and it was amazing and it was so funny and it was so primitive and it was like the animation was all shaky but it was so funny and then all of a sudden maybe like six months later or whatever it was
Starting point is 03:04:03 the show came out I was like wow don't kick a baby, maybe like six months later or whatever it was, the show came out. I was like, wow. Go get the baby. I'm like, this show is wild. And it was just, it's so good and it lasted so long. They signed a $900 million deal to make seasons and movies. Give them all the money. They deserve it. They deserve it. They deserve it.
Starting point is 03:04:26 $500 million. That's like one month of taxes that Elon Musk pays every year. They should run for president. They're the best. All right. Let's get out of here. My man. Thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 03:04:35 My brother. 12 years. 12 years. We did it. What are the odds? It's crazy. Kill Tony. If you want tickets to it and you're in the Austin area it's on every Monday night
Starting point is 03:04:46 at 8 but don't fuck around when the tickets go on sale they sell out almost immediately how do they get the tickets? is it like who's putting up the tickets?
Starting point is 03:04:56 yeah I mean pretty much we don't have to advertise because like me and Tony tried to get a vacation the other day and we put up like four months of tickets and it sold out
Starting point is 03:05:04 like immediately so yeah I think it's at Vulcan gas company yeah vulcan gas companies just look up vulcan gas company find the website what is it do you know what jamie i think it's vulcan maybe or i think that's it i think it's vulcan atx on twitter and uh it's basically the place where we all practice out of and And we all fuck around. And you guys do. Same website too. What's that?
Starting point is 03:05:27 Same as the website. VulcanATX? Yeah. Dot com. And it's just an awesome place too. The people there are the shit. Shout out to Nick. Shout out to everybody working there.
Starting point is 03:05:36 They're all cool. But really, if you want to come see live comedy and you want to see people that are literally like just starting out for the first time versus some people that have been doing it a few years, and they get an opportunity to do it in front of an audience in Austin, sold-out audience at the Vulcan, you've got to act on the ball because you guys sell them out in advance. Yeah, it sells pretty fast.
Starting point is 03:05:59 So when do they go on sale for the next ones that will be available? I really don't know. It literally is like they'll just put them on sale on Monday at noon. Usually Monday is at noon maybe but every time they go on sale it's just... Do you guys post when new ones are going to go on sale on social media? On social media, yeah.
Starting point is 03:06:15 So they should go to Red Band. Red Band, Tony, Hinchcliffe, Vulcan. Vulcan. And just check it there. Yeah. Okay. Alright. My brother What are all these years Yeah Look at the time flies by
Starting point is 03:06:28 Yep 12 years How's that possible I don't know Snowflakes Happy anniversary my brother Happy anniversary I love you buddy
Starting point is 03:06:35 Love you buddy Goodbye everybody Thank you.

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