The Joe Rogan Experience - #1789 - Tom Papa

Episode Date: March 8, 2022

Comedian and writer Tom Papa is the host of the popular podcast "Breaking Bread with Tom Papa", and the co-host, along with Fortune Feimster, of the Netflix radio program "What a Joke with Papa and Fo...rtune." It can be heard daily on Sirius XM.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the Joe Rogan experience train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day and we're up oh hi Tom good to see you Joe you are the man that brings the bags you bring the brown paper bags Joe I was so happy to bring you bread that I was in Colorado doing shows, flew home, had my wife feed the starter. I should have come right here. Feed the starter.
Starting point is 00:00:35 But I wouldn't have been able to bring you bread, so I flew home. This is so sick. I flew home just for 24 hours so I could bake the bread and then get back on a plane and bring it to you. Wow. But I feel like you haven't had it in so long. You're the only one I'll eat bread from. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:51 No, I'm lying. I had a piece of bread this Saturday after the fights. I did have a piece of bread with butter. It was pretty damn good. Well, I'm happy to do it. And I made one regular loaf. I'm not sure which is which. But one regular loaf and one olive loaf, which has green and Kalamata olives, lemon zest, and herbs de Provence.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And I hadn't made that in probably a year. And the house was just filled with the smell of the bread. It was so great. And then flying here, the only thing in my carry-on was bread. Wow. Because it baked yesterday. Here, I'll let you open it with your hands. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And, yeah. If Jamie could get a piece of it, he would probably. Did TSA check that hard, or was there a cool shit? It smells so good good it filled my hotel room up you could bake fentanyl in there let me see which one that is does that have all of it yeah does that smell beautiful it does it's so dense yeah it's a pretty heavy bread i was reading about a woman who got caught at the border she had a uh she's a pregnant lady. Yeah. And she had like a rubber container filled with fentanyl stuffed up her cooch. What?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah. Oh, my God. Which, you know, that stuff kills you if it's just a small amount. Jeez. Like she had enough to kill everyone she's ever met. Oh, my God. What is fentanyl? That's a.
Starting point is 00:02:20 It's an opioid. It's an opioid that is highly, highly potent. It's like hundreds of times more potent than heroin, I believe. The amount of fentanyl that kills you is so small. There it is. Pregnant drug runner nab smuggling fentanyl in her vagina. It looks like an eggplant. Like an eggplant?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Oh, it's like in a condom. Yeah. She wrapped it in a condom. Yeah, she wrapped it in a condom. Oh. Just say no to drugs on the ruler. How did they discover that? They fingered her. Well, that's a random search. Yeah, that is an interesting question.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Right? Like, how did you pick that person out of the line? She had a quarter pound. She voluntarily removed it. Because she's waddling through security. 19 years old and pregnant 19 year old u.s citizen was flagged for secondary inspection poor girl what is you know what man why is she faced with that yeah you know i mean she's fucking a terrible situation yeah exactly just just
Starting point is 00:03:17 gingerly walking through security oh it says a drug, canine dog alerted. Dog's barking at her pussy. Oh, my God. Oh, it's terrible. Oh, no. Fentanyl. Well, I felt pretty high risk coming with the bread. It's literally my wheelie bag and these two big loaves of bread.
Starting point is 00:03:40 You just smell it. Did people ask you? No, they didn't open it. They didn't open it. No? No. You look like a safe guy. Right. I should be getting fentanyl in my wheelie bag.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I thought that I was looking forward to it. I wanted the story of them going through the bread and being like, it's sour. Imagine if they cut it open, though. Ooh. You monsters. You know what? That's a pretty good smuggling technique.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Just sneak stuff in the bread. Right. When you're putting in the olives, also put in the whatever. Right. If you could have something that's got good thermal dynamics that you could put in the center of the dough. Is that the right word? Thermal dynamics? Sure.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Something that would stand heat. Right. In the center of it. You have to bake it. Something that would withstand heat In the center of it Sometimes screw down metal container That's like insulated Uh huh Shove it in there What is this?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Oh my god Look at these people smuggling booze and bread Oh that's like a loaf of bread Is that like at a stadium when they're going to see a game or something? Oh that's hilarious You know when I worked as a Security guard We used to always catch people smuggling booze into concerts. Where we?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Great Woods. That was at Great Woods Center for the Performing Arts. It's in Mansfield, Massachusetts. And we would have garbage bales, like these big garbage cans, plastic garbage cans filled with booze the other night. No kidding. Because so many people brought booze, and then we'd have to search their bags, we'd have to take the booze,
Starting point is 00:05:09 and we'd just put it in their bucket. And then we got to take it home. They would just give us the booze. There's that thing in O'Hare. You've heard of that pot thing? Yeah, you get to chuck the pot in there. Yeah, you got to chuck your pot in there. That's in Vegas, too.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Oh, yeah? On Chicago's, it's inside the security line, though. Right. Like, you're already past security, and then the amnesty bin is there. Right. So it's like, if you got past it, now you're thinking, right. Oh, it's up to you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Your free will? Well, it depends on where you're landing, right? Because, you know, first of all, nowhere where you land do they check you when you land. You're already... You gotta be a real piece of shit for them to check you when you land. I mean, if they're like, pull that fucking guy off the plane. You know what I mean? If they're checking you when you...
Starting point is 00:05:59 You're already on the plane. You made it through security. You got on the plane. You flew somewhere. Yeah. And just completely act like a maniac in the sky. then they flag you i had a guy yesterday getting i'm waiting to board last night to come and uh the guy comes up and he just you know it's pulls his mask down just big beard and he's just like how's it going why are we born i'm like uh no you know i was just being friendly
Starting point is 00:06:26 i'm like you know the pilot's waiting for the whatever and it just becomes clear he's drunk he's just hammered hammered and he starts talking about comedy and he's saying it's so loud you just want you just locate let's it's night you know who you were yeah and i'm just like let's just get on the plane no man tell me like who's your like who's your favorite comedian all time dude jerry lewis he wouldn't stop and then he does and i'm being nice and he's peppering me with questions and at a point i was like okay, okay, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I'm just tired. Let's just get on.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And he's like, oh, my bad. My bad. That's okay. I'm like, it's okay. Are you, and I asked him something about himself. I didn't want to think I'm just, like, ghosting him. And he had this very, like, kind of little sad story he was telling. And then he's like, they go, okay, he's telling and then he he's like they go okay
Starting point is 00:07:26 we're boarding group one he's like let's go i'm like we're a team now i'm like why are we a team and he goes i'm not number i'm not group one but i do this all the time and he goes up and he gives the woman uh the gate agent his thing and she gives it back and then goes uh john john and he starts picking up speed to get into the game she goes no no no no no you're group three you have to go back he's like and he goes back he just totally knew this is how he operates a lot of people do that they try to sneak in i've seen that multiple times it's so so gross. Yeah. It's a weird move. It is a weird move. Yeah. And then just, you know, why are you special?
Starting point is 00:08:09 It's like kindergarten cutting. Well, people panic when there's a line. It's almost like they think they're not going to get let on. Right. It's like, I got to get on that plane now. Right. They're not going to let me on. Everyone's getting on.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Everyone's getting on. You'll be fine. Do you want to sit in your seat that much longer? I mean, who cares? Flying freaks people the fuck out, man. How many people get drunk? I mean, it's one of the weird places where you could drink at 8 in the morning. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You go to the airport. They have booze there. On the flight, they have booze. Everybody's drinking. Everybody's getting hammered. Isn't that strange? They give you a drug. They give you a drug.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It's scary, especially if you don't fly all the time. A lot of these people, this is probably their one flight of the year, you know? If that. Yeah, and freaked out. And they're getting on there and they're sweaty and nervous. Give me something. Right, but it's also, it's weird that there's a very specific drug that you're allowed to consume and they'll provide it for you. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:58 They should be handing out edibles at the end of security. You haven't been to the golf course at 730. What? You haven't been to the golf course at 730 in the morning. Oh, yeah, but that's not because they're worried you're nervous. Well, there's just a bunch of drunks driving around in carts
Starting point is 00:09:12 and with weapons. A golf club is kind of a weapon, but that's a weapon like your car's a weapon. It's not a weapon on magazines anymore. You should see the videos. There's some wild shit that happens on golf courses. People getting fights with golf clubs? Oh, yeah. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:09:26 Oh, yeah. There's some crazy videos. People, because they're talking shit, and then there's also the group in front of you. If they're fucking with your play, and then all of a sudden someone mouths off. Start hitting up on them. Oh, yeah, you got four, eight dudes fighting, basically.
Starting point is 00:09:37 People get very tense about a guy in front of them that's going slow. Yes. Is that the thing? Or the guy behind them. Going too fast? Going too fast? Or if they're rushing? Because it was a big holdup.
Starting point is 00:09:48 The group behind having a lot of fun. The one guy's there all the time just loud, drunk as shit having a good time. Eight beers deep. But like, hey man,
Starting point is 00:09:57 shut the F up. Like, we're out here. We're having a good time. We're not involved with you. Right. I don't know what you're supposed to do. Now, when you have like a fancy place,
Starting point is 00:10:04 like you go to a fancy place, right? Yeah, yeah. They're supposed to be able to call a guy, and they're supposed to come out and be the mediator. What if that guy's some oil baron's son? 100%. That kind of shit happens? Right. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Annoying. Good luck. I did a show in Colorado, and there a some flight attendants in the front row and they came up at the end when i was signing books and they wanted to talk about because i talk about oh i i have a line in my act about uh like the what it is to be a good person now the bar has been really lowered like if you get on an airplane and don't punch a flight attendant straight in the face you're a pretty good guy. You know, like,
Starting point is 00:10:47 and they came up and wanted to talk about the stories and stuff about how insane this last year has been. Oh, sure. Because you're trying to get people,
Starting point is 00:10:55 first of all, just to sit down and buckle their seatbelt and not lean their seat back is hard. Now you got to get them to keep their fucking masks on. The masks on
Starting point is 00:11:03 and no alcohol for a long time. She said her daughter worked for jet blue and she had she gotten a physical altercation on jet blue her daughter and uh yeah she said i think that they're going to stop the mass on the planes pretty soon just because of that just because it's going to calm everybody down my favorite video was a lady with no mask screaming at a man to put a mask on she was just a just a person on the plane it wasn't even she wasn't even a lady who worked for the airline she was just screaming and then she smacks him in the head have you seen that video no she wound up getting arrested but she was just i don't know if she was on drugs or what you don't know who what you're dealing with you don't know who's on what
Starting point is 00:11:48 she goes you're a real piece of shit and she smacks him in the head oh my god he's like an older guy and i i guess she told him put you because one of the things that happened over the last year and a half is that people really enjoy telling you to put your mask on because you kind of have to listen yeah you know someone says put a mask on you have to yeah it's a thing yeah you're not wearing it and someone you can't say in the space right yeah if someone say if you say fuck you then you're on youtube and then it's real yeah i mean look you got people to that you got people to do it at all is pretty remarkable because people you know they don't know what they're doing and right i the the move i see at the gate all the time is older people you know these poor people
Starting point is 00:12:30 they can't breathe without like anything on their face they're struggling and the number of times i see them pull the mask down and cough into the air and then put it back up. I can't breathe. Totally. I can't breathe. I'm telling you, I've seen that so many times. I saw jujitsu classes where people had masks on. Really? It's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. You're breathing heavy.
Starting point is 00:12:57 You're on top of each other. You're sweating on each other. And you've got a stupid surgical mask on, which doesn't do a goddamn thing it's so it's a struggle it's really it's you lost their fucking minds they lost their fucking minds over the last two years totally think about how many people were already on anti-anxiety medication already fucked before that i know and then you put this stressful situation on top of them yeah it's a lot it's a heavy load it's a heavy load. It's a heavy load. Yeah, and people's ability to take a new form of stress into an already stressful life.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Very hard for a lot of folks. Really hard. And, you know, I can't believe, like when I go to do shows and you see these people that are coming out and, you know, they've got families and they're and they're out looking for laughs like they're back wanting to do stuff again it's like i said to a couple shows i was like your kids won't say it but i'll say it i'm proud of you i don't know what you did but you did it you got through these two years of weirdness and keeping your family safe and that you're out just getting a
Starting point is 00:14:01 drink and trying to have some laughs good on you that's not a small thing that we did that was a big especially in the beginning when you're like are we gonna die right is everyone gonna die are we all gonna like march of 2020 remember those days yeah yeah this could be way worse than they're telling us this is right exactly this could be totally scary yes when they were bolting people in their houses and spraying disinfectant through the streets. You remember those? Yes. And all of a sudden, New York was just quiet. I mean, that was not a...
Starting point is 00:14:33 We got through... Human beings get through shit. But when you look back, it's like, whew, okay. That was really a thing. It was really a thing. So, you know, that you were able to muddle through it, great. If it sent you off, I totally get that, too. I totally get it, too.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I just don't know how when someone gets sent off, how do you bring them back? Like, how do you bring people back to, like, calm, normal after they went haywire? Yeah. It just kind of, I don't know. It depends the degree, right? It just depends. You just have to have that thing of just, you just got to keep on getting on. I remember my grandparents went through all of the original troubles.
Starting point is 00:15:11 They just always had the mentality of like, yeah, big deal. I know. Life is hard. So you want a tuna sandwich? What's going on? The people that went through the Depression. The Depression and the Second World War. You just kind of muddle through you just it all comes down to just doing your little task and
Starting point is 00:15:28 going forward and trying to stay positive it's like in the doing like the small of the little doing keeps you focused rather than the big overwhelming well being able to see you know big picture there's a funny meme that i saw online that sam triply posted on his instagram find that it's uh it shows the galaxy and the the escape of the galaxy and then it points to an arrow and then you are here crying in the shower on the way to work right crying in the shower before work right you are here crying in the shower before work just wake the fuck up right exactly how great is that meme that's amazing i love the internet the fact that these memes exist it's a totally new kind of comedy what it says we are the universe experience itself having an existential
Starting point is 00:16:16 crisis carl sagan that is great yeah yeah perspective perspective that's the biggest thing it's hard well it is hard there's an old expression i've said it many times i'll say it again but the hardest thing that's ever happened to you is the hardest thing that's ever happened to you you know it doesn't matter if it's a tiny little thing right like you know when my daughter was four and you know she couldn't find her toy and she started freaking out but listen well we're gonna find it right it's not that big a deal it's a big deal find lamby but it was a big deal to a four-year-old right sure because she hasn't really had you know now she's 11 the same thing happened she'd be like i can't find my tour i'm like well let's look for it okay like you know yeah she's
Starting point is 00:16:58 got a little resolve that's right that's right experienced a little life yeah you got through it i know some people are fucking, they've taken no chances. They've played it safe their entire life. They don't understand it. They've never done anything that's really dangerous. Right. So when a form of adversity like COVID came along, or this fucking war, this shit is, this is scaring the fuck out of me.
Starting point is 00:17:22 So scary. So scary. And that's like, yeah, I mean, that's kind of the thing of like going about your day. It's like you check in and you look at it and it's like, oh, it's too much. And I was reading an article today where they were talking about Putin's options. He has almost no options, which is terrifying, terrifying because he could do something crazy. Exactly. That's I know.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah. If he decided to do something crazy exact that's i know yeah if he decided to do something crazy like what are we getting like if he decides to send one nuke into ukraine right do and kills a hundred thousand people two hundred thousand people three hundred thousand what do we do are we supposed to nuke him now that's the dangerous thing it's like so you choke him out and you you you know all the sanctions are taking effect. And, okay, so you turn him back. And so, I mean, all right, so he, you defeat him. Ultimately, what does he, like, what does that mean to a guy that has the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet? What does he go, like, how does he save face?
Starting point is 00:18:16 I don't think he does. And pull out. What does it say? Or does he just take it and everybody lives with him having taken it? The world's nuclear-armed states possess a combined total of nearly 13,080 nuclear warheads. More than 90% belong to Russia and the United States. Yeah, but look, Russia has more. Approximately 9,600 warheads. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Do they have more than us? Russia has 6,257. We have 5,550. Oh, my God. I thought we had more. No. I thought that we had more nuclear power.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I thought the power of our weapons was greater than the power of Russia's weapons. I do know when I was looking something up about that... We were talking about the suitcase bomb the other day. When I was digging through articles about that, trying to find out the accuracy, there's a lot of claims being made over certain time periods of like, we heard through intelligence that they now have 200, they made 250 of these.
Starting point is 00:19:12 So you have to have proof of that. I don't think they're showing them their boxes of them. They're saying they just had new ones. The nuclear football thing or the nuclear briefcase thing was always a thing that got discussed. I thought that our, I guess it doesn't matter, right? If one nuclear bomb goes to Russia and they launch all their shit at us, it kills the whole world multiple times over. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:34 But I was under the impression, I believe I read something, that the power of the United States nuclear arsenal was larger than the power of the Russian arsenal. Maybe I confused that to numbers of bombs. I don't know. It's all terrifying. It's so scary. And I just, I don't know, like, what his, like, what's his endgame?
Starting point is 00:19:52 Like, if there's 40 million people in Ukraine, like, how do you just take, like... Well, how did he do it in the first place? Like, imagine, like, us, like, the United States invading Rhode Island. Mm-hmm. You know? Right. Like, what the fuck? Ifading Rhode Island. Mm-hmm. You know? Right. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:20:06 If they actually went out and did that. And it's a lot bigger than Rhode Island, right? It's like there's more people in Ukraine. Like, how many people are in Ukraine? 40 million. Is it really that many? Yeah, it's a lot of people. So that's like California.
Starting point is 00:20:19 That's like if Washington, D.C. invaded California. Like if the Pentagon invaded California. It's so horrible. And you see these – and what's so bizarre is you're watching war on your phone. Like you're seeing footage of this stuff. High-resolution footage because people filmed it off of their phones. And you think about those kind of wars. It's like we're used to those grainy black and white images of those kind of a war.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah. And now you see people in like puffy jackets that your family wears and with their cell phones and that that one horrible picture of the the family of four just on the sidewalk just dead and it was just it's horrible yeah i saw horrible video footage of an apartment building that had been blown up and there was these like old ladies wearing like old lady coats yeah you know like they look like your regular old Ukrainian old lady just hanging out a month ago blown apart like legs missing blood everywhere nightmare
Starting point is 00:21:16 how do you just do that just go in and just it's horrible so I don't I don't know I don't I'm like I that's what I keep looking for is those articles. I'm like, oh, so what's the end game? What is the end of this? It's terrifying. This thing about what Russia's offered Ukraine, I was listening to Sager and Crystal from Breaking Points talking about it this morning. And apparently Russia's demands are that
Starting point is 00:21:47 they recognize crimea as being russian but i think they also want ukraine to demilitarize itself which is like yeah hilariously crazy because you just attacked us right imagine you saying hey i know we just attacked you we want you to get rid of all your weapons. Right. And we won't do it again. Ay, ay, ay. Like, what? Right.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And also, if your president dies, we want to put a president in. Oh, my God. He's a comedian. Yeah. The president of Ukraine played a president on television on a show a few years ago and then ran for president and won. Genius. Kevin Spacey should have tried that. He's a tough guy, man.
Starting point is 00:22:36 They made an attempt at his life. Three attempts. Three? Yeah. Apparently they've made three attempts at his life. Oh, my God. Three? Yeah, apparently they've made three attempts at his life.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Oh, my God. But there was also like a Chechen hit team that came, like a whole squad of Chechens that they came into Ukraine to try to get him and try to – and then they got – See, it's so hard to say what's true, what's not true. Yeah. Because you're hearing about things like I heard that um the nuclear power plant got bombed they attacked the nuclear power plant and then they said actually it wasn't it was a building next to the nuclear power right caught on fire no they they attacked it oh they did yeah they attacked a building that was near the nuclear power plant so it wasn't the actual power plant it was a building near it right so it's like you hear about all these things and it
Starting point is 00:23:25 takes a day or two to find out what's true and what's not true. At least we're finding something out. Russia's locked down. They don't even know what's going on. He shut down everything. Is that what happened? Yeah. They have no access to any news. They're saying that they're not even aware of what's happening. The Russian people. I wonder how the system works there in terms of if Biden wanted to deploy nuclear weapons, I'm sure there's a series of checks and balances that have to go into play before that happens. It has to be approved by somebody.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I wonder what the situation is in Russia. I don't know. And even whatever the system that is, what mistakes could be made? If they have more nuclear weapons than us. And they got one guy who's already shown that he's willing to just invade a country that, you know, just a few decades ago was a part of the Soviet Union. Yeah. It was all a part of the same union.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And now you're bombing them. You're killing them. It's wild. It's insane. It's so scary. It's the scariest time I could ever remember and I bet it must feel like to a lot of people with the Cuban Missile Crisis Felt like mm-hmm where it's like Jesus were that close. Yeah, like how right how far do we go? When does this when does this tip over? Do you remember when you were a kid and we really thought we're gonna go to war with Russia?
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah, I remember those days. Mm-hmm. I remember those days clearly. Yeah. Like being in like, I guess it was high school, and I was thinking, oh my God, we're going to go to war with Russia. Yeah. And Rocky had to go against Drago. That's right. Rocky fought Drago.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Fought Drago. When the U.S. won in the Olympics in the hockey, that was so, I mean, the emotion of that was so crazy and it's hard to tell people young people like what what that meant like oh that's cool you beat the russian no like it was at a fever pitch yeah of just anxiety and almost war i mean we were in a cold war it was it was so big and uh and now we're kind of like back. What a dick. What a dick. We're coming out of COVID.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It's all starting to feel hopeful. And now, god damn. What are you doing, man? But you know, there was a lot going on there. The idea was that Ukraine was trying to join NATO. And if they joined NATO, then NATO could park nuclear weapons at Russia. At Russia's door. From Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Again, I'm not a foreign policy expert. It's the shit I'm reading. Yeah. There's a lot of complicated things to it. There's a video that we talked about a few podcasts ago, but it's really good. It's explaining. It's about 15 minutes, that video or so. It's explaining.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's about 15 minutes, that video or so. It's like a synopsis of what is going on with Russia and Ukraine, why Ukraine is so valuable. One of the things is natural gas and oil. It has a tremendous reserve of natural gas and oil, and that's one of the reasons why Russia invaded Crimea and took over Crimea. That takes away some of the access to the waters where the oil and the natural gas are. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Could they have done it a different way? Could they have taken it over or made a deal or done something? Dude, I don't know. Is there some other way? I don't know, but the whole NATO thing is kind of crazy too. If NATO is invading and encroaching on Russia's space, if they're moving these countries into, if they're making them join or having them join NATO, and then they actually would do that, park weapons
Starting point is 00:26:52 next to Russia. Like Dakota Meyer on the podcast, who's a veteran, who's got a famously insane story about some of his combat duty in war in war in afghanistan right crazy shit but he was saying imagine if another country like russia or china parked nuclear weapons in mexico and they're like oh yeah i mean it's not there's no you know there's no justifying anything that putin did what he was done is horrific and terrifying and and that he's a legit maniac yeah but you got to wonder like yeah there's something at play pieces are moving here yeah and and the humiliation like that the the cultural humiliation that he was saying right you know that's I mean that's what Hitler was was bred on you know after World War I the humiliation we're going to regain this
Starting point is 00:27:45 for ourselves like that human emotion in a leader that drives them in these ways still exists no they're not that's why he's shutting everything down yeah I think it's a real bad move for him I think this
Starting point is 00:28:00 it seems so isolating but that's what makes it even crazier right like so it's this one guy so then he can do whatever he like there's no checks on him there's no you see that that one when he's meeting with his with his his people and he's like on one end of this 50 foot table and all his advisors sit down at the other end really did you see that picture no yeah jamie if you could find that picture of him talking to his advisors, it's like he's isolated in very real ways. It's terrifying. He has to be. I mean, they could not have wanted this. I mean, if you play things out from where they first invade Ukraine, like how does this end good? Right. What's the end game? They just give up up they just give up and you occupy ukraine i mean they're gonna be happy that you're there and i mean i've read how many officially how many official russian soldiers have died it's in the hundreds but there's unofficial reports that it's far greater than that so it's like what's that's the oh my god that's insane yeah that's that's an
Starting point is 00:29:04 insane photo that's him having his meeting with his people why is he doing it like that they say that he got really wigged out by covid no he doesn't trust people yeah no chance that's what they said yeah so he stays that far away from people because of covid that's all the colorful food looks delicious that's not photoshopped oh someone, someone put all that. Someone filled the table up with food. Someone filled the table up with a buffet. I'm like, that looks yummy.
Starting point is 00:29:30 That looks good. Putin's long table explained why he put some leaders, including Germany's Schultz, at an extreme distance. So it must be a COVID thing. Click on that. It's in Forbes. Why he put some. Oh, you fuck. $50 for a subscription. Is that really what they're charging?
Starting point is 00:29:49 That's what it said. $49.99. Forbes is a financial thing. They have money. This is why it's so scary. It's like if Hitler had nukes. It's like, okay, so you can beat him in all these different ways. Like you're saying the
Starting point is 00:30:05 soldiers or this country turns out like or he gets just militarily defeated but he has this thing at the back of it like he has this horrible weapons as his like he's got that right so he like if you break him and and take him all the way to the end, he still has that. That's the most terrifying. So it says the distance from Schultz, and he refused to take a Russian-administered COVID-19 PCR test. That's why. So they put him at the end of the table. But he has the fact that he has a crazy table like that.
Starting point is 00:30:41 It says Putin is living in a strict health bubble, and the Kremlin confirmed the extreme distance is to protect Putin. Wow. Well, I guess when you poisoned a few folks, you get a little nervous. Right. I mean, imagine what he's done to his detractors, and then imagine how nerve-wracking it must be to be him and worry about retaliation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah. He poisons doorknobs and shit. Right. People touch doorknobs and shit other people touch doorknobs and they get sick and die in different countries yeah did that in like was england was it yeah yeah god so the the what's the process for him launching nuclear weapons that's what i want to know like does he have to clear it with his generals i hope hope he has to talk to someone. Because he's the top dog, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Do they share that with the world? Probably not. Good point. This is what I want to know. What, like, the amount of power, nuclear weapons that Russia has and the amount of nuclear weapons that America has, can't they blow up the whole world, kill all life, like, many times over many times yes so you hope that's the deterrent right yeah but you don't want to like scar face at the end just like fuck it i'm gonna take everything out if i go we all go yeah a giant long table filled with coke say hello to my little friend well that's the thing like also how old is the guy? I don't know. He's like 69 years old.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And is he in great health? I don't know. I don't know. I hopefully. What if he's got a tumor? I mean, we're all like, you know, and then you've got China behind him. But we all kind of need each other for these economies to keep going. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:21 It's all too scary and unknown. This is why you go back to the thing of like my grandmother of like, do you want a tuna sandwich? Because it's too much. Yeah. It's too much. Well, this is too much, but it's also it's too much where you go, this could go really bad. And how does it go good? Like, how does it go good?
Starting point is 00:32:40 The only way it goes good is if Putin backs out. And if he backs out, he looks weak. Yeah, right. good the only way it goes good is if putin backs out and if he backs out he looks weak yeah right or if they surrender and give him ukraine but then does he stop oh wait a minute they're not gonna do that i'm just i'm just talking crazy scenarios of like how it could end i guess yeah if he if they surrendered and gave ukraine or he takes it over and he just starts to occupy it and it becomes Syria. But this is what I was reading. What I was reading was they were saying that they're grossly underestimating the amount of human beings they would have to have in Ukraine to take over.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And they said it was probably in the neighborhood of 500,000. Military? Yes. They would need 500,000 people to take over and run Ukraine. God. Because if you take over, 000 people to take over and run ukraine god because if you take over you have to take over everything you gotta take over everything you gotta take over the military you gotta take over all the political seats unless they just go you know what you guys are right we're gonna be russians now right we gave up we're not ukrainian anymore that's not gonna happen because then then it becomes syria right it becomes this prolonged war within the country and just totally destroys the everything in it
Starting point is 00:33:50 it's nuts man so crazy so how many times over can we blow up everybody i am trying to find that out the best answer i've found now is how destructive are today's nuclear weapons compared to the hir and Nagasaki ones, it says those were about 15 kilotons and 20 kilotons, respectively. Current estimations now of thermonuclear weapons yield about 100 kilotons of dynamite comparison. That's just for one.
Starting point is 00:34:21 It says one kiloton nuclear weapon dropped on New York City could lead to roughly 583,000 fatalities. So multiply that times 10,000. I think you could just say everybody. It would kill everybody. Because you said Russia has 6,000 of them and we have 5,000 something? Yeah, they have just over 6,000. We have just under 6,000 estimated. Do we have more power than them? More
Starting point is 00:34:49 nuclear destructive capability? Again, that would then go into like, we know we've shown videos of like a couple mega bombs. Maybe I could have one that could take over 15 or 20 of theirs. I don't know how many of those one we have. Might only have one or two. Save it for a real a good day or whatever i don't know so you've just got
Starting point is 00:35:10 to you've got to really hope that he doesn't want that he loves russia so much he doesn't want russia to be obliterated um the president of france yeah uh what's his name macron macron is that how you say his name uh Yeah. Macron. Macron. I was reading an article where he was saying that he met a very different Putin when he went to Moscow to talk to him about all this. And that Putin was just ranting and raving for hours and hours about history. Right. Which I don't like.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I don't like that either. I don't like hearing that. I don't like hearing that either. Because if he's thinking that much about history, he might be thinking about leaving his mark. Right. You know? Yes. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Fuck him. Yeah, fuck him for sure. Fuck him. I mean, no one's, I don't think, even his own family's probably like, fuck him. Right. You know? Yeah. How does that guy stay safe?
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah, how do you stay safe? And is there stuff at work of like, how do we get this guy? I guarantee somehow you get this guy. Right? Because it's down to that, right? We're down to one guy. Right. Like if someone took him out, let's imagine it happens inside of Russia.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Right. Like some Russian military guy decides to take him out. Yeah. That seems like it's take him out. Mm-hmm. That's... Yeah. That seems like it's on the table. I would imagine. This is a crazy movie. It is a crazy movie. It's scaring me.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah, I'm scared. So... The only thing that's keeping me comforted is bread. Batman did a really good opening this weekend. Maybe we send Batman. Look at this. Putin sends nearly 100% ofussian forces at border into ukraine 100 of the forces that means everybody that was lined up at the border he sent them all at border
Starting point is 00:36:52 he sent them all in when everyone was watching all the people amassing and they're like i don't know if he's going to do anything who says but the united states does not believe that russia is preparing to move additional battalion tactical groups from elsewhere into the country to shore up its troops in Ukraine. This is today, Jamie? Yeah. I do not like his face. His face bothers me. Does it?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Well, it's the face of a killer. Yeah. It should bother you. That's the last face you see before a knife gets rammed in your throat. Ah, jeez. Realistically, how many guys do you think that man has watched die oh yeah and oh my god a lot yeah that's there's a difference right between him and a guy like biden is you know yeah telling stories about corn pop corn pop was a bad dude
Starting point is 00:37:40 you know one of the things that I was saying I love baseball Doesn't really apply to him because he's doing something terrible But one of the things I was saying about The democratic process Of electing a president Yeah One thing that's weird is that
Starting point is 00:37:58 You're Taking on the most important job in the world And you're new You're new on the job You only in the world and you're new. You're new on the job. You're new on the job. You only get four years to get good at it. And then, like in the case of Trump, they vote you out.
Starting point is 00:38:15 So now you just start to get an understanding of how things work, how to make the fucking engine move smoothly. They get with you. Whereas a guy like him, he's been running Russia for decades. I know. And when you do that, if there's anything else you do, if you're a CEO of a company, if you run your own business, after a decade or two, you really know what you're doing. Yeah, you get an idea of how to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It's kind of weird, right? Yeah. That the most important job, everyone who does it is new at it. Right? It is really weird. You've got to be great yeah immediately but the other option is terrible right option is dictator the other the other then you get putin yeah right exactly but the other thing with america is then you have what you know they refer to as the deep state because really you have the figurehead who's biden right this is the best example we've ever
Starting point is 00:39:01 had because clearly he's declining. Right. And so the people around him and the intelligence agencies and the military, those are the people that are really calling the shots. That was like, yeah, that was like Bush also. That was always the argument. It was like, well, there's other people. He's not really running the show. Dick Cheney. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:20 He's not really running the show. Did you see that movie? I did. I didn't see it. Still haven't seen it. It is so good. Is it? His performance is so...
Starting point is 00:39:30 Christian Bale. He's amazing. Oh, my God. I couldn't... As I was watching it, I had just... Not recently, but the last thing I saw him in was Ford versus Ferrari. He was great in that, too. He won the Oscar for it, I think, right?
Starting point is 00:39:44 He's all skinny with my buddy Matt. I mean, just skinny. And I remember talking to Matt, and he was talking about being on set with him. Yeah. He was so impressed. And, I mean, he's been acting since he was a little kid, but he's so... I could not believe I was watching him as Chaney and that this guy was Ford versus Ferrari. It is crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I mean, what he's able to do with his body, the transformations he puts himself through. The eyes. I mean, he changes inside. That's the most insane thing. It's not just like they put prosthetics on him or he wears a collared shirt. There's something in his eyes, the way he talks, the way he moves. Yeah. I mean, he transforms.
Starting point is 00:40:29 And then what was the other one he did with Adam McKay with the money, the big short? Remember, he was the guy that figured out that the housing crisis was going to happen? Right, right. Everything he does. Yeah. What was he when he was a kid?
Starting point is 00:40:45 It was Empire, not Empire. When he was a kid with John Malkovich. A kid? Spacing. He was a child? Empire of the Sun. Empire of the Sun. I remember that one.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Oh, yeah. This is where he starred, and he was great then. How old was he? He was like 12. Oh, my God. That's him? That's him. With Steven Spielberg?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Wow. He was so good, Joe. That's Christian Bale as a 12-year-old? Yes. It looks like him. Look at that. Yes, that's him in a leading role as a 12-year-old. And I'm telling you, he was amazing then.
Starting point is 00:41:23 This was not like, look, i put on a play in fifth grade where i played where i played a canadian mountie it didn't come close to what this kid was doing in this movie yeah he does transform himself like when he was uh the guy in american psycho yes amazing amazing you 100 hook line singer believed and American Psycho. Yes. Amazing. Amazing. 100% hook, line, sinker believed it. Oh, my God. And then The Mechanic, or The Machinist, rather, which is one of the weirdest ones, the one when he lost all that weight.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Right. That's when he played Dickie Ward. Was it Dickie Eklund? Is that his cousin? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that the guy's name that he played? I don't remember the character's name, unfortunately, but I remember the movie for sure. It's so good. God god i think it's dickie ecklund pull that up just just to figure
Starting point is 00:42:10 because it's i want to say it was i thought it was mickey ward's brother not to sidetrack but my i played colonel do better in that play but he was great in that movie too because in in that in that well that's a different movie yeah the fighter yeah oh my god the guy's yeah dickie ecklund yeah he's never swung and missed and that he he played this guy who you know we all in the the boxing like look how yeah i mean he's a crack act addict in real life and so the guy was like you know in and out of trouble and and he played This brother of Mickey Ward who's this famous boxer, and he just played this kind of like you know eccentric crazy
Starting point is 00:42:57 drug addict troubled Brother right you fucking totally bought it. I mean yeah, that's Batman. How crazy is that that's great. That's right That's Batman. That's right right and by the way the best Batman he was the best Batman he was the best the voice was a little goofy people are loving the new one people love the new one
Starting point is 00:43:13 people love spam they love everything people love all kinds they love TikTok who is the new who is the new Batman Aiden Christensen is that his name no no no Robert Pattinson who is the new Batman? Aiden Christensen?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Is that his name? No, no, no. Hold on. Robert Pattinson. The guy from Twilight. He's a vampire. Oh, right. Girls loved him as a vampire. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:35 You know, this is a very controversial thing because he really wasn't into working out to be Batman. So he's like the least convincing physical presence
Starting point is 00:43:43 as Batman. Really? He wouldn't work out? I'm sure he did a little something, but he didn't work out like Christian Bale worked out. Christian Bale as Batman, he looked like an MMA fighter. He was jacked like that. Robert Pattinson. I mean, I guess he's in shape.
Starting point is 00:44:00 They probably photoshopped his shirt. Right. Whose body is that? It looks good right there, though. They put his head on. I would say that looks reasonably athletic. That's what I would say. Really?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's a guy who's not fat. I wonder what you would describe me with my shirt on. Death. That's reasonably. Dead man walking. What?
Starting point is 00:44:20 He's vengeance defined, right? Yeah, that's not vengeance defined, unfortunately. Embodied. But apparently it's a very dark and interesting movie. And everyone that I know that has seen it loved it. Yeah. I've heard good things. 128 million opening weekend.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Oh, you're a fucking Hollywood guy. You pay attention to that shit. I saw the headline. Look at you, reading Variety on the toilet. How much money are they making? As if somehow or another that involves you. That's big. That's big.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yeah. How much did Pfizer earn this quarter? Tell me that. I don't know that part. But I do know that, and Jackass Forever did very well. I'm sure it did. I don't know how those guys are alive. That's the biggest victory for me.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I just love that dumb fun comedy. Yeah. Went back to making some money after the pandemic. That's good news for all of us. Dude, you know what I watched yesterday? I watched a series of Buster Keaton stunts. Oh, man. Here's the real deal.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I know I've seen these before. Yeah. So I shouldn't have been so shocked, but I went down a rabbit hole and I watched quite a few of them. YouTubes? Yeah. There's a gang of them. One of them, he goes out this window. No, he jumps from one rooftop to another roof, grabs onto the lip of the roof and slips and
Starting point is 00:45:40 falls and go, watch this. Now, this is not CGI. So he's standing there. He makes the leap. He catches that, falls through those things, and then catches that bar. Wait a minute. And then goes under like that.
Starting point is 00:45:54 These are real, man. And look at this. That's amazing. I mean. Wow. I don't. How do you do that? There's no stuntmen.
Starting point is 00:46:04 This is Buster Keaton. But he did a bunch of these things. Like, watch this. Grabs the car. Grabs the car, and he holds onto it, and he goes sideways. But the thing is, man, this is all really happening. Yeah. Like, watch this.
Starting point is 00:46:30 He grabs the back of this trolley car no that's not real that is not real how does he do it though that's definitely not how'd he do it he was like one of the first filmmakers but that's not real like that's that defies physics right yeah doesn't it i guess i mean how did he do it? There's so many. It's Johnny Knoxville. Some of these were the beginnings of camera optical illusions. Oh, really? Some of them. Some of them.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Not all of them, because he got fucked up doing some of these, too. Oh, he had to get fucked up, because they probably had to figure out what you can get away with and what you can't get away with. Didn't he? Did you see the one when the whole house falls? That's real. This is real. This is real.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Wow, look at that. I mean, this is wild shit. Wild shit that he was, oh, look at that. His whole car falls apart. That's hilarious. Like that may. Like this. Yeah, so how did he do that one?
Starting point is 00:47:22 There's a small chance it just was on a... Like, he did some of it, but, like, that could have been, like, a screen plate, you know? Like the way they even did cartoons back then. I've seen a few behind-the-scenes of some of these, but I also don't want to discredit it at all. I heard he got hurt doing this and still managed to make something happen even though it failed the way he planned it.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Dude, this makes my hands sweat just looking at it. I know. Watch him make this leap. Boom, boom. I i mean how does that well how does that not fuck you up was that his body though falling down well it wasn't somebody else's body it could have been a dummy i mean uh do you think maybe it sure looked like uh i'm only gonna die if you did it like if somebody really did it right it makes me nervous just to but like a fucking crazy ass Tom Cruise does his own stunts for Mission Impossible, broke his ankle jumping from one roof to another. Did you ever see that video?
Starting point is 00:48:12 No. He clearly breaks his ankle. Really? Like he makes this, I mean, he's wired and everything, so he doesn't have to worry about dying, but he makes the leap and his ankle catches funny. You see his ankle like like, give out. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:26 What do you think the desire is to do your own stunts? Tom does all his own stunts. Tom, like he's my friend. Yeah. My friend Tom. Tom does it. Not Tom Papa. Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Oh. The other Tom. Tom Seat. The guy who doesn't bake bread. He does all his own stunts. He does motorcycle race stunts. He does car racing stunts. He does a lot of wild shit. He does motorcycle race stunts. He does car racing stunts. He does a lot of wild shit.
Starting point is 00:48:46 He learned how to race helicopters. He learned how to fly helicopters to do a scene. Wasn't that Mission Impossible as well? Like there was a crazy scene and they were like, hey, man, this is a fucked up scene. He's like, I'm going to do it. And they're like, what? So he takes his helicopter and he's going through this valley. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Like sideways. Jeez. Yeah. And he's going through this valley. Yeah. Like sideways. Jeez. Yeah, and he's piloting the fucking helicopter. Don't mess with TC. He's a wild dude. He is a wild dude. All things through L. Ron Hubbard who strengthens him. Well, there's truth to that, isn't there?
Starting point is 00:49:18 Well, yeah, if you believe it. Like this is real too. But this like he's strapped into the you know he's like tied on he's not just hanging on amazing but he's a lot of the shit that he did like this this is him actually doing this he's actually being suspended he actually jumps out of this fucking building he does wild shit man and he has the option to tag out, go to his trailer, eat some carrot sticks while the other guy does it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Well, and by the way, stuntmen die. They die. They die all the time. It happens all the time in films. Yeah. I have a very good friend of mine who got badly injured doing stunt work just a couple years ago. And he's still fucked up.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Really? Yeah, his head he was doing a stunt and he did it once and they they liked it and they asked him to do a second take and he was very uncomfortable and he did it and banged his head really hard my friend tate you might have met met tate at the comedy store maybe um yeah tate was on season three of The Ultimate Fighter. Okay. And he was, you know, big, fucking strong, athletic guy. And stunts just go bad, man.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Of course. They just go bad. And he banged his head, and he was fucked for a long time. Oh, my God. Couldn't see bright lights, had to be in dark rooms. Jeez. And all the depression that comes when people get those horrible head injuries like that. So meanwhile, here's Tom Cruise, literally the biggest movie star in the world, risking his ass doing these things.
Starting point is 00:50:55 It's insane. I slipped on the ice in Fargo, North Dakota last week. Hit your head? A little bit. You all right? Huh? But it was literally like a week after Saget. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I didn't even know I was falling. It just happened so fast. I was just walking to my show, but everything in Fargo right now is an ice block. It's literally covered in ice. So I'm just walking. I wasn't even thinking about falling. I was just thinking about getting into the building because it was so damn cold it's like minus 31 wind chill and i'm just walking and there was no part of me that was like whoops or whoa or i might be falling i was just i fell bang i'm down i'm on the sidewalk and i there was a building next to me and i just kind
Starting point is 00:51:42 of grazed it a little bit with my head and i think I might have broke a rib because I'm still in pain down here. Broke a rib? Or bruised it. Yeah, something. If you broke a rib, you'd probably know. I can't sleep on it. Yeah? Yeah, it's been a couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Can you touch it, and do you feel like an – I feel it. It's not crazy pain. They don't do much for those. Unless it's really bad, then they put screws in place. Yeah, no, this isn't that bad. Maybe I bruised it. There's a gentleman named Chance Rencounter.
Starting point is 00:52:13 We brought him up a couple of times because he fought in Bellator a couple weeks ago. Or a week ago, I guess. Not even a week. Maybe. Whatever it was. Recently. And he got kicked and broke five of his ribs oh yeah like kicked really hard and uh he put a photo of the x-ray up i think yesterday of the the screws
Starting point is 00:52:34 and the plates that they put in place ah put his ribs back together yeah there's the kick look at that and that kick broke five ribs bro look at it at it. It's like halfway into his body cavity. Oh, my God. Yeah, he fought this guy, Korshkov, who's a straight-up killer. Yeah. He hit him with a spinning back kick to the body. Oh, my God. I saw some of your kicks.
Starting point is 00:52:57 You posted a kick like a month ago? Same kick. Holy cow. Whack. Yeah. Whack. You do not want a guy like that kicking you like that no i can't even walk through the winter wonderland of fargo without getting hurt so look
Starting point is 00:53:11 at his his ribs all of these plates put in them now oh my god yeah just just to kind of puncture a lung oh 100 his lung was punctured it was yeah and it was soaked with blood his lung was filled with blood it was punctured oh my god i mean it was a brutal brutal break and that ended the fight oh yeah it was like the first first uh few seconds of the fight he threw that kick it was very quick very very early in the fight how was this weekend it was great was it yeah it was great yeah great great event yeah crazy yeah wild i don't know the names or anything, but any surprises? No, not necessarily. Just really good fights.
Starting point is 00:53:50 It was Colby Covington versus Jorge Masvidal. Have you been to a UFC live yet? I haven't. Bro. I really want to go. What are you waiting on? I'm waiting for the invite. You know a guy.
Starting point is 00:54:01 You know a guy. Do I got to give you three loaves? Just tell me when you want to go. I would love to. Are you going to be in Vegas in May? No, I don't think there's a May one. There's a July one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I think, when is it? Is there a Vegas May day? There may be a May one, but it probably is at the Apex Center. Uh-huh. Because there's an April one that's in Phoenix. That is April, no, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:54:29 that's in Florida. That's April 9th and there's a May one that's in Phoenix. Phoenix could be fun. Yes, yeah, Phoenix is fun. I have a show in Vegas in May. If you can make that happen,
Starting point is 00:54:41 that'd be great. I'll call the UFC. Say, listen, Tom Pompa wants to see some scraps. Where should I go? I would love to come. Vegas in May if you can make that happen that'd be great I'll call the UFC say listen Tom Pomp wants to see some scraps where should I go there's a I would love to come honestly if you want to go the Phoenix one would be great yeah yeah because the Phoenix one it'll be a fun time if you want to come because I don't have any gigs scheduled that weekend either we're just going to go and have fun oh man I saw your your uh steak that you ate after oh yeah, yeah. We ate at the John George Steakhouse in Aria. I was like my dog
Starting point is 00:55:05 just salivating. That would look beautiful. One thing about Vegas, man, there's so much good food. Yeah. That place is great, but even better. Sorry,
Starting point is 00:55:14 John George Steakhouse, but Bizarre Meats. Where's that? At the Sahara. Oh, yeah? It's... Bizarre Meats. It is
Starting point is 00:55:22 insanely good. Really? They cook them over fire. So they have these Argentine-style wheel steak grills where they lift and lower. They have these, like you walk in there, you smell the wood burning. Oh, man. The smell of the meat and the smell of the burning wood. Your caveman comes out.
Starting point is 00:55:43 It's so good. The smell of the burning wood. Your caveman comes out. It's so good. And the gentleman that is a famous chef, Jose Andres, who is the head chef of that place. So you walk into that place. Yeah. Jamie, show the area where they're cooking if they have like a – there's a video of it I know.
Starting point is 00:55:59 So that's it. Perfect. So those right there. So they have the cuts of meat right there, these big thick cuts of steak. And then they have these grills that are basically fires. So they have just, it's just hardwood. And then they put the steaks at the top. See the very top area?
Starting point is 00:56:24 They have them up there until the steaks reach like an internal temperature of, you know, like 110 degrees or something like that. Then they put them directly over the fire to sear them on the outside. So they use like a reverse sear method. Jeez. It is. It looks so good. I always think I should go somewhere else when I'm in Vegas, but I never do. It's not worth fucking around.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I can never get that outside char at home. Oh, I can help you. You can? Yeah, that I'm good at. Are you? Like I can't bake bread at all, but I can cook the fuck out of some steak i'm very good at really yeah yeah yeah well i have a beautiful freezer in my uh in my garage you got a nice setup yeah i gave you that commercial freezer that my buddy how much do you have left um i have not that much steaks i have a good amount of ground elk still.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Do you have sausages too? Yeah, but I'm getting low. You know what you should do? Well, I got more. You know what you should do? You should make lasagna with that ground elk. Oh, that's a good idea. Have you ever made lasagna?
Starting point is 00:57:17 Not with the elk. I mean, I make a good lasagna. Yeah, you should make it with elk. Yeah, that would be good. Yes. Elk lasagna. Elk chili is really good too. Yeah, that would be good. Yes. Elk lasagna. Elk chili is really good, too. Oh, that's another good idea.
Starting point is 00:57:28 What I really like, which I think you told me, is for breakfast. Oh, yeah, with eggs? Just crack some eggs over it. Yes. Oh. Fantastic. Get some of this toast on the side. In butter, so you get a lot of the fats from the butter, and I like a little garlic salt.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Right. A little garlic salt. Right. A little garlic salt over all of it. Yeah. It's so good. Yeah. Yeah, I know. I go, that freezer's great.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Something about the smells of cooking, too. They're so exciting. When you cook food, you get the smell, all the aromas while it's cooking, and then afterwards you eat it. It's like you get double pleasure. and then afterwards you eat it. It's like you get double pleasure. Whenever I'm making sauce and you start with onions in the oil, like a sofrito.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Peppers and some garlic. Some carrots and celery. And that onion smell will linger for a day or two. Like the meal's done, it's all satisfied, whatever. You come up the stairs the next morning yeah and you still have that lingering it's like the holidays it's like the whole house is just filled with it i love the smell of sauteed garlic it's one of my favorite smells oh it's the best something about like i whenever i cook a sauce the first thing that i do you know i usually just use bottled sauce but whenever whenever I do it, the first thing I do before I pour it in the pan is I put some – I heat the pan up, and I mince up some garlic.
Starting point is 00:58:49 I put some olive oil, let the olive oil get up to temperature, and then I drop the garlic in there and get it crackling. And then once it gets crackling, then I pour the sauce in over that. So good. You can never have enough garlic. I know. I interviewed Lydia Bastianich. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:59:08 She's a famous chef, Italian chef. And I had her on my podcast. And she was telling me that it wasn't until Italian-Americans started cooking Italian food, like when they brought it over to the new country garlic was cheaper so that's when garlic was really heavily introduced really? because it was expensive in Italy? yeah or it was more rare
Starting point is 00:59:33 and she said but all us lugs in Jersey were just throwing garlic on it like crazy and it became like a heavy thing it used to be you know like carrots and celery and onion and it was a lighter kind of. It used to be, you know, like carrots and celery and onion and it was a lighter kind of a thing and we were just like, uh-uh, garlic.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Dude, I've seen like literally 40 or 50 hours of videos of Italian guys cooking steak over fire because there's a special type of steak they cook in Florentine. They call it bistecca Florentine and they do the same kind of thing as that. Because there's a special type of steak they cook in Florentine. They call it Bistecca Florentine. And they do the same kind of thing as that. It's like you're cooking over live fire. Right. And the smells and the embers.
Starting point is 01:00:14 And I don't know what they're saying because they're all talking in Italian. They're like, man, man, man. They're all getting into it. I have the same thing watching guys making carbonara. Ah, yes. It's the guanciale and the egg and the cheese. And, yeah, Matteo Lane turned me on to these carbonara guys. And the same thing, all in Italian.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Don't understand it, but you're just watching them. It's better sometimes if you don't understand what they're saying. Yeah, it is. You're right. Especially something as simple as cooking steak over fire. And you can have the closed captions on and everything, and you can read what they're saying. But there's something about watching.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah. It's so primal, watching people cook meat over fire. What's your char myth? How do you get the outside? I have a gas grill, first of all. Will I ever get char? Well, the best way to do it if you have a gas grill grill honestly is you do it two ways you get the you start it off slowly like you put it low and i
Starting point is 01:01:13 would put it at like you know 250 260 somewhere somewhere on that line and have a meat thermometer get it up to whatever the internal temperature you'd like to achieve is. I like to get like with elk, I like to, I like to keep it pretty rare on the inside and slowly get it to like one 20. And then I like to use a cast iron frying pan to sear it. Yeah. So I get the cast iron frying pan. Very hot, very hot. No,. No butter. Because butter has a low flash point. It'll burn quick. It'll burn up. Yeah. So I use beef tallow. Beef tallow.
Starting point is 01:01:48 What's that? Beef fat. Oh. Yeah. Beef tallow's better because you can get beef tallow very, very hot. And that's how you do it with the elk? Or no, low flash point or smoke point. I forget what it's called.
Starting point is 01:01:59 But basically what it is, it's like at a certain temperature, like some oils will become fucked up and they burn. Right. Like butter burns pretty quickly. Right. Olive oil is not the best for that. Yeah. Olive oil is great for like a nice medium heat saute with garlic and stuff like that. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:02:19 But with beef tallow, you can get it hot as fuck. And so that I scoop some of the beef tallow out, I dip it in the frying pan, and then I just sear it on the outside like me, depending on what the internal temperature is, a minute and a half, two minutes on each side maximum. Because you're just doing the outside at that point because you've achieved the inside already. Yeah, just trying to get a nice crust. What do they call the mallard reaction?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Is that what they call it? What do they call the mallard reaction? Is that what they call it? There's a reaction of meat where the meat sort of gets like a caramelization. I think it's called mallard. Okay. That's like when you get a steak and it's got a nice crust on the outside. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And then the inside, it's very perfect. Do you put the cast iron on the grill? You can. Yeah. I usually do it inside. Do you then turn the heat up? the grill? You can. Yeah. I usually do it inside. Do you then turn the heat up? Or you do it inside? Yeah, I usually do it inside.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Right. Because, yeah, if I was going to put the cast iron on the grill, I'd turn the heat up way, way, way high. Right. Is it called a Mallard? Yes. The Mallard. M-A-L-L-A-R-D reaction. So it's a chemical reaction with sugars and amino acids in the meat reacting, create new flavorful compounds.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Flavorful. Flavorful. Flavorful. But that's that beautiful brown crust on the outside. Yeah. So what I do is I put, when I get the temperature of the meat up to about 90 degrees, usually, generally speaking, I like to do elk one of two ways. Either I use one of those Argentine-type grills and I cook it over fire,
Starting point is 01:03:58 and when I do it slowly, I use like a meter probe, or I do it on the Traeger, which is very easy because the Traeger, the temperature stays super consistent, and you can read the temperature on your phone. So I like that. That's cool. So I can read the temperature of the meat and the grill on my phone. Right. So I can just look in the app.
Starting point is 01:04:13 So I could be watching TV or whatever and just chilling. So then once it gets to about 90-ish, then what I do is I fire up the stovetop in the house at high heat, and I put a cast iron frying pan there. Got it. And I get that sucker real hot, get the fan cranking, and then I throw some tallow in there right when I'm about to put it on there. Got it, got it. And the beautiful thing about that is when you do that method, you don't have to make
Starting point is 01:04:37 it rest very long either because you sort of slowly cooked it to that 120 degrees anyway, then you're searing on the outside. I'll let it rest five minutes plus. Right, right. That's about it. Oh, that sounds great. Nice. That sounds good.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Nice, nice, nice. So where do we go see the fights then? Maybe it should be Vegas. Well, Vegas, you can go to July if you want to come to the July fights. That could be cool. Yeah, that'll be a big one. The July is July 2nd, and I have a gig July 1st too there.
Starting point is 01:05:10 July 2nd. I think I'm in San Diego July 1st, so then I just buzz across. Yeah. Oh, yeah, hop, skip, and a jump. That's easy. Show up July 2nd. Yeah, you'll love it.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Oh, that'd be cool. It'll be a big one too. Yeah. Whatever that July 1 will be, the July 4th weekend is always huge for the UFC. Because July 4th is that Monday. Right. So July 2nd will be a cracking card.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Right. They always have a championship event. It might be the return of Conor McGregor. Oh, really? Yeah, I know they're talking about Conor coming back. Really? All dependent upon his injury. Yeah, is he healed
Starting point is 01:05:45 i'm not sure he said he's says working out and walking around you can see him walking around he looks fine but whether or not he can actually spar uh-huh that's the big thing right it's like sparring is if it'd be yeah you have to make sure that the bone's not gonna break again and he's got a titanium plate in there now oh geez, jeez. Just like that guy had on his ribs. Right. Conor's got that on his shin now. Aye. And screws in there. So who knows what it feels like, whether or not he can fully get after it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:13 That'd be a big payday. No, he's going to do it for free. He just loves it, right? See, the thing is, I don't know if it can be Conor, because what they're talking about is Conor fighting for the title again, which is kind of hilarious. But if that does happen, it will be the winner of Justin Gaethje versus Charles Oliveira.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Charles Oliveira is the current champion, and they're fighting in May. And that is a big fight, and that's taking place in Arizona. But the thing about that fight is when that fight is, oh, I think I'm right about that. Make sure I'm right about that. I'm wrong a lot. But when that fight takes place, you have to assume that they can be healed enough to fight in July
Starting point is 01:07:04 because that doesn't give you a lot of time. Right. It's only two months. Oh, yeah, yeah. To be able to, right, right, come back. Yeah, May 7th. So that's the one that's in Phoenix. That's a big one.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Oh, boy. So it's like for you to be able to fight unless, like, let's say Charles Oliveira catches Justin Gaethje in a submission real quick or Justin Gaethje catches Charles Oliveira with a big punch and knocks him out, if one of those guys wins quick, then you can conceivably say, I'm good to go for July, and they make it happen. But that's a big if. Because these are two of the very best fighters in the world,
Starting point is 01:07:38 and most likely they're going to fuck each other up. And they'll go the distance and they'll be all messed up. They're going to be messed up. Most likely. You never know. Like Colby covington just won this weekend he said he has no injuries he says good to go he says he'd like to fight again in july he said that well i think he said july but he wants to fight again fairly soon so he's he's feeling good and that was a big long five round fight against uh elite fighter oh yeah Yeah. And there'll be no baseball, so that would be good. What's going on with baseball?
Starting point is 01:08:07 They're having a lockout. They shut down. I saw you. You were getting pissed. I was getting pissed. Which is rare. I'm like, Tom, pop out. It's hate tweeting.
Starting point is 01:08:16 I know. My one angry post was about baseball. And the price of hot dogs. I hate greed. I hate greed. Is that what it is? Yeah. Sons of, you know, we yeah you know I love baseball so much
Starting point is 01:08:29 what's the dispute it's between the owners and the players and there's different I don't know I don't even know you don't know? no I don't know the ins and outs but yeah you're tweeting about it I just know get your shit together and open up baseball.
Starting point is 01:08:48 We stuck with you through this stupid ass pandemic, through everything. These families have- Here it is. It's all green. Major matters such as the competitive balance tax thresholds, the minimum salary, and the size of the new pre-arbitration bonus pool leaves the sides with a significant distance between their proposals. Boy, good luck getting America behind competitive balanced tax thresholds, minimum salary, and the size of new pre-arbitration bonus pool. People are going to go, what?
Starting point is 01:09:19 Where the fuck are the hot dogs? That's exactly my reaction. It's just like, I want to meet my friends on opening day. Get your shit together. So is it possible they're going to work this out or is it over? It seems like, well it seems like opening day is going to be shut and
Starting point is 01:09:35 will they work it out and save the season? Perhaps. But they've already knocking off some weeks. Which is so dirty and gross. It's just gross. It is gross. It's such a huge, the money is so huge.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Right, but if you're a player and you realize that the owners and the coaches are making way more than the players, which is understandable, but there's like some negotiation room and the owners aren't willing to negotiate and minimum salary is low yep oh yeah no i know i mean i look at i'm sure someone is more at harm than others i don't know who uh but get your shit together and realize that you've got a fan base and you've got these families that scrape together stuff to go and keep on this tradition it's just ugly and gross yeah if i was them i'd be worried that people would wake up and realize that baseball is boring what
Starting point is 01:10:34 who said that you don't give us time to think about it who said that it's relatively boring i love it so much. Well, it's an American pastime. It's an American pastime. There's a lot tied to it. Dude, people live for that shit. My grandfather lived for the Yankees. My grandfather, too.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Lived for those Yankees. They were probably around the same age. Yeah, probably. In the same area. Yeah. I loved it. I loved talking about it with him. He was just, I was the best.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yeah, I loved it when I was a kid until I started doing martial arts. Yeah. I found martial arts because of baseball. That's how I found Taekwondo. Why? Went to the Sox game. Went to see the Red Sox at Fenway Park. And we were, me and my friend Jimmy were on our way home.
Starting point is 01:11:18 And we had to wait for the T, you know, the local transportation system. And there was a big ass line. So we walked past this martial arts school. And I said, let's go see what's up. And we walked in. And as I was walking up the stairs, I was hearing this crazy sound like whomp, like and then a chain clanking. I was like, what is going on up there? And it was this guy. His name was John Lee.
Starting point is 01:11:42 And he became a mentor to me later on. I fought on the same team as him. And he was the national champion at the time, and he was preparing for I think it was the World Cup. Wow. You just wandered in. I just wandered in. I wandered in watching, like, one of the best on earth in peak condition
Starting point is 01:12:01 in the middle of training. Jeez. And I remember watching him kick the bag thinking, I want to be able to do that. And he was doing that, the thing that you saw me kick the bag, the spring back kick, that's what he was doing. Jeez. And that's probably how I, no, not probably,
Starting point is 01:12:17 definitely how I fell in love with that kick. Wow. Which became like my signature kick because I wanted to do what he did. I couldn't believe the amount of power he was generating. It is impressive to watch. Watching you do it is just like whack. It is. It's the sound.
Starting point is 01:12:32 The sound is the thing that gets you. I'm so slow compared to what I was when I was like 19. Really? Oh, yeah, man. When I was 19, I was so fast at that. Also, I weighed 155 pounds. I was a lot smaller. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:44 But you're still fast. I mean, it's still fast. Relatively. Relatively. It's still a big, loud whack. It's a lot of noise. I'm just happy that I could still, at 54, that I could still do it, because I was worried that as I was getting older, there's going to come a time where I'm going to be physically limited. And I've managed to stave that off. I've managed to hold that off. Yeah. I mean, one injury in any part of your body that needs to participate in that and it's over.
Starting point is 01:13:10 A lot of things have to be moving in coordination. Knees and hips and back and turn and force and ankle. It's like when I fell on the ice. That's exactly what happened. Basically, you're an athlete. But I found out gym because of a baseball game. Yeah. And that's also what led me to stop taking baseball seriously.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Right. Yeah, I just like it. It's just the pace is great. I have so many traditions around it. I meet up with my buddies from high school. The pace is great. So you like it slow. I do like it slow.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Do you like soccer? And then there's action because it builds. It builds. It's that thing. Do you like soccer? I do like it slow and then there's action because it's builds it builds it's that thing do you like soccer i do but i don't really watch it like when the world cup comes around i get into it and think i should be watching this all the time yeah but i've never been like into the leagues and all that stuff there are certain dudes that when the world cup comes around yeah get really annoying i know you know what i mean? They know everything. There's certain guys that are like a little too enthusiastic about letting you know that they like soccer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:12 You know what I mean? I totally know what you mean. It's a little virtue signally. It's a little I'm wearing two masks. You know? You know the type of guy? Yeah, this is my team. This is what I do.
Starting point is 01:14:24 No, I know exactly what you mean. It's the type of guy who pronounces the names of countries with a roll of the tongue, a little too exaggerated. Right. Guadalajara. Argentina. You know, they say names of cities. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:42 They go too hard. You're from Denver. Settle the fuck down, buddy. Those are the guys that get so excited about the World cities. Yeah, and you're white. Yeah, they go too hard. You're from Denver. Settle the fuck down, buddy. Those are the guys that get so excited about the World Cup. Yeah, and they know a couple names. Yeah, they're faking it. All you need in sports talk to try and put a little bravado is just know a hair more than the person you're talking to. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:01 So if you could throw a couple names that that guy doesn't know, you're the phonies are gross phonies are so phonies are gross and i run into phonies like there's only one sport where i can spot a phony i mean i kind of smell the phony with world cup like i don't like how you're talking i smell i don't know what it is but it ain't true but with mma i love talking to phonies. Right. Because they'll bring up stuff. That's the one sport that you go, ah, ah, ah, ah. Don't try that shit with me.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Right. I'm the wrong guy. I got you. Because I got it covered. And so the phonies will try to break out data and facts. I'm like, stop now. Yeah. You would need a decade of heavy research to be able to just have a conversation with me about this.
Starting point is 01:15:46 So shut the fuck up. What is that thing? I don't know. That phony thing is – What is that thing? Oh, my God. Why can't you just admit that you don't know that much? Some guys want to pretend they know everything.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Yeah. And it's a weird thing when you're talking about like a sport. Because like sports involves so much. Like think of the World Cup. Think about how many players there are and so many teams. History. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:16:10 The whole thing. It's the number one sport in the world. So if you're going to be a phony in that, you know who's a legitimate soccer expert is Ian. Yeah. Ian Edwards. Ian, yeah. He lives it.
Starting point is 01:16:20 He lives it. He has a soccer podcast. Right. Ian's not remotely. Ian's going to come here and we're going to go see one of the, because Austin has a professional soccer team. Uh-huh. So there's a, you know, Matthew McConaughey's one of the owners, and a friend of mine is
Starting point is 01:16:33 one of the other owners, and we're going to go watch a game, and then we're going to do a podcast about it afterwards where I ruthlessly mock him. Bad. Bad. But we've been talking about doing something like that for a while. Oh, that's great. Watching a soccer game and then doing a podcast. That's really great.
Starting point is 01:16:48 But again, he fucking loves, but Ian doesn't have, he has zero phony in his body. No. There's nothing in there. Oh my God. Nothing in there. No. He's the last person to pretend he knows something. He'll pretend he doesn't know something.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Yeah. He's the guy who gets quiet when someone else is acting a fool about it. Exactly. And just like starts clocking it. Did you see that fight that happened over the weekend at that soccer match and was it mexico no huge fight brawl oh no brawl like huge they had to shut the whole thing down they had to evacuate people from the stadium oh Oh, no. No, it was big. At least 26 injured as fight breaks out amongst fans at Mexican soccer game. Wow. But that's on CNN.
Starting point is 01:17:32 It might have never happened. Wow, look at this. They're throwing haymakers. Oh, he's eye poking. It's spilled onto the field. Look at that move. The double eye poke. Look at his belly sticking out. Duck under and the eye poke extend the hands and the other guy doesn't know
Starting point is 01:17:48 what the fuck he's doing either it never ceases to amaze me how people who don't know how to fight are so willing to fight is there video of it? three critically injured wow I'll tell you what bro, Mexicans
Starting point is 01:18:03 have a long history of combat sports. Look at it, Joe. The whole stadium is just flooded with people just. It looks like people are just running to me. I guess there's sort of a fight there. Look at that guy kicking, punching. What are they fighting over? That guy kicked and then fell down himself.
Starting point is 01:18:17 And then he fell down and he hit him. Oh, my goodness. Look at that guy with the chair. Oh, my goodness. They're on the field. They're beating each other with chairs. A lot of guys with no shirts on. That guy looks so hammered with the chair. He doesn goodness. They're on the field. They're beating each other with chairs. A lot of guys with no shirts on. That guy looks so hammered with a chair.
Starting point is 01:18:28 He doesn't even know who to hit. He just found a chair. He kind of barely tapped that guy with the chair. He's like, no, this is too much. He walked away. He didn't keep swinging. He tapped the guy with the chair. He was like, what am I doing? I'm going to kill somebody. I got a job.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I got a family. I found a chair. 22 hurt. Look at it. I mean, it's insane. Look at him with the chair. Watch. The guy with the chair. He's got it up in the air.
Starting point is 01:18:51 I'm going to fucking hit something. Who but? Let me get out of here. Oh, jeez. I got to get there. I got to go find my car. Go back to the beginning because when he was doing it, like, he did hit somebody. Back up a little bit because he hit somebody with the chair.
Starting point is 01:19:03 There was one moment. Here he goes. Watch. Watch. Watch. He moves forward. I, because he hit somebody with the chair. There was one moment. Here he goes. Watch, watch. Watch. He moves forward. I'm going to hit somebody. Look at this. He kind of hit him in the butt.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Nothing serious. He's got this, I'm threatening people with this chair. Fuck it. And he walks away. Fuck it. I got to go home. What am I doing? Have you ever been where a brawl takes place, where something happens and a brawl breaks
Starting point is 01:19:25 out in a crowd? I've been, yeah, there was like a, yeah. There's a weird feeling in the air when those things happen. Totally. Where you feel like kind of anything can happen. When you don't know what's happening, but the energy shifts and everyone's looking in a direction and you don't know what it is, but you feel it. Well, it gets scary.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Oh, shit, that guy got laid out. Oh, my God, that guy's bleeding all over the place. No, it was nasty. Oh, they must have stomped him. No, like the... Oh, this family running away. That's horrible. Horrible.
Starting point is 01:19:49 You just take your kids to see a game, and this is what happens. Look out. Go back to those pictures, Jamie. I mean, scroll down. The next one. That guy is fucked. That one right there. I mean, that guy is probably dead.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Look at his arm. His arm's going in three different directions. His arm's fucked. For sure, that guy's got a broken arm. Yeah, and then the other guy, the blood that's going in three different directions. His arm's fucked. For sure that guy's got a broken arm. Yeah. And then the other guy, the blood that's coming out of his head. God. It was like right at the end of the game.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Were actually presumed dead. None of them, you said? It said many of the people were presumed dead, understandably, when you see some of the stuff. And unconfirmed reports out of Mexico stoked even more, claiming several fatalities emerged from the brawl awful fuck man no come on keep it together soccer god and you know i would say well the good thing about baseball being boring is that you don't get this but there was another problem with the dodgers in this look at the amount of people on the field. The Dodgers and the Giants.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Someone always gets really messed up in the parking lot. Yeah. Sports. Sports. Well, sports are basically a proxy of war, right? Right. It's kind of like, it's like fake war. Yeah, it's like a replacement.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah, it's like a replacement of war. Yeah, it's like when the Raiders are going to play the Dolphins. It's basically, now it's Vegas, right? Right. It's basically Florida is going to war with Las Vegas. Right, exactly. And we get it out of our system in an hour and a half. You know, that's what it was invented for.
Starting point is 01:21:21 That's what football was actually invented for. Oh, yeah? Yeah. There was an article I read about, I think we might have even talked about it on the podcast at one point in time, about how football was invented to give people something to do that was like a replacement for war. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:42 When they were in between, when there was no war to fight. Yeah, and the beginning of it, a lot of it was like native americans playing like some of the best early players were native americans right yeah i was reading this this whole thing about the history of football i wish i could remember more details but again i don't really follow football either so yeah casually was glancing at this article and then I gave up on it. Yeah, but when you see how people are so passionate and passionate by it, it's like, well, would Cleveland be marching on Pittsburgh if they didn't have the Browns and the Steelers? Like would all these young men be just, right?
Starting point is 01:22:17 I think you need to give people things like that to do. I think legitimately when you get an enormous mass of people like the United States is, the United States is 300 and whatever million people. They need some things that they can root on. Yeah. They root for. And they need some things that are like very important and serious to them.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Yeah. It takes you out of your everyday. Yeah. It takes all that aggression and puts it towards something. Yeah. It does. Yeah. It does.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Were you ever a hockey fan? No. I was a hockey fan? No. I was a hockey fan for a while. What happened? They did you wrong? Yeah, they just went into, I was with the Rangers like as a kid and then they won the cup
Starting point is 01:22:53 and it was like this huge thing and then for the next like decade, they were just so bad. It was just like I. So you're a fair weather fan. Is that what you're trying to say? It was pretty fair. Yeah, I guess
Starting point is 01:23:05 so I didn't just show up when they won the cup but I I bailed at a certain point well when I you know that one day that I went to see the Red Sox game yeah got into Taekwondo from that day on all I really cared about was martial arts mm-hmm combat sports yeah all I was interested I was always interested in boxing I was always interested in boxing. I always was a big boxing fan. Right. But then I got really into martial arts, and that became my obsession.
Starting point is 01:23:32 So I didn't watch any sports after that. Right. No, you were doing it. You were participating. But it's also like the stuff that I watched. I'd only watch combat sports. I'd watch boxing or kickboxing. There was no MMA at the time. And no YouTube, by the way. Yeah, nothing. But I would get V combat sports. I'd watch boxing or kickboxing. There was no MMA at the time.
Starting point is 01:23:46 And no YouTube, by the way. Yeah, nothing. But I would get VHS tapes. Right. You'd get VHS tapes back when VHS came out. Yeah. I would record, like, say, if Marvin Hagler was fighting on HBO. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:23:56 I would record it and watch it later, play it back. That's good. Oh, my God. That's amazing. Oh, my God. Did you find anything on the origins of football? No. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:24:01 That's amazing. Oh, my God. Did you find anything on the origins of football? I remember there's, I think there's two different stories there that you, there's definitely a story about the Native American roots in football, I know. Yeah. Because there was some, it's like how Jim Thorpe got involved. Oh, right. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Right. Did you see the picture of Jim Thorpe when he was running in the Olympics? No. And he had one shoe that was a shoe that he found and it didn't fit him right, so he had to put two socks on. Yeah, and he won. And he won. He won the gold medal.
Starting point is 01:24:37 Oh, my God. Like fucked up shoes. And they were like shoes. Yeah. Oh, like dress shoes? Yeah, they looked like shoes. That's all people had back then. Right. The shoes they ran in. Yeah. Oh, like dress shoes? Yeah, they looked like shoes. Like that's all people had back then. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Like the shoes they ran in. Yeah. Like look at the image of them. Like look. Oh my God. It's like a wing tip. Yeah. I mean, it looks like it fucking barely fits him.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Jim Thorpe, legendary Native American athlete, had his shoes stolen just before he was about to compete in the Olympics. He found a mismatched pair of shoes in the trash can and went on to win a gold medal wearing them. He was also the first Native American to win a gold medal for the United States. Wow. Let's show a picture of his face. Like, that is a hard man.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Yeah. That's a guy who's not going to get stopped by a fucking pair of shoes. God. You know? He should have played Batman. No. He's dead. Look at his shoe there.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Look at that vintage shoe. Yeah. Oh, my God. That's what they ran in. It's just like a piece of leather. It looks like there's some kind of traction on the bottom. Yeah. Some kind of thing on the bottom, I guess.
Starting point is 01:25:39 God. You think about just the stuff that regular people could wear now compared to that. Oh, no. God, everything. Oh, no. Everybody had one pair of pants, one shirt, one sweater. I know. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah. And that was it. Whenever they'd show baseball games and you show it, they were like, wow, they really dressed back then. They wore suits and ties to the baseball game. It's all they had. Right. It wasn't casual clothes. You weren they really dressed back then. They wore suits and ties to the baseball game. It's all they had. Right. It wasn't casual clothes.
Starting point is 01:26:07 You weren't putting on board shorts and a t-shirt. Well, it was also a big event. To go to something like that was a big event. There was no television. Right. Yeah. Did you ever see, there was a thing we watched the other day. It was when Jack Johnson fought Jim Jeffries in Reno, Nevada.
Starting point is 01:26:23 And you looked out at the audience. First of all, there was no ladies there. It was almost all men. And everyone was dressed in a suit with a hat on. Right. And we were watching this, we were saying, imagine if you were a hat maker back then. You're like, this business is never going away.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Like, look. Look at the audience. Amen. Everyone has a hat on. It was probably fucking sunny as shit, right? Oh, for sure. Fourth of July in Reno you know what changed the hat
Starting point is 01:26:47 put it out of fashion JFK what when he came on the scene he didn't wear a hat and he looked so great and he had that head of hair and that changed the fashion and yeah hats fell out of favor
Starting point is 01:27:03 after Kennedy he was the guy they talk about it all the time And that changed the fashion. And yeah, hats fell out of favor. No kidding. After Kennedy, yeah. He was the guy? Yep. No shit. They talk about it all the time. I love hats. I wear hats because I'm bald. Oh, look at that.
Starting point is 01:27:11 The beautiful hat. I like that hat. But look at the image. I mean, that is- Yeah, that's amazing. Everyone. Every single person. Everyone has a hat on.
Starting point is 01:27:18 And there was etiquette and there was rules. You took your hat off when you saw a lady. You took a hat off when you went inside somewhere. They all have the same kind of hat, too. Yeah, isn't that funny? All white hat because they're all outside. Yeah, I guess so. And this was a famously hot day.
Starting point is 01:27:34 It looks it. Yeah. Pretty crazy. Pretty crazy. I think this is the article about the football team. Native American team that revolutionized football. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:47 There wasn't even a lot of forward passing back then. I remember this. I think it's the coach, Carlisle Indians, quite a team, 79. Right. And that had to do with Pop Warner, too. That's a big guy in the history of football. It's a whole long thing.
Starting point is 01:28:01 But what does it have to do with the military? There was a different story. Yeah, so then that's the other part of where I thought you're maybe mixing two things up. There's a history of just the strategy of football as an Army, Navy. It was a big thing back when they would compete to do strategies and just have stuff to do in the off time. Listen to this. Pratt knew that nothing could stop the westward expansion of whites, and he knew the Native American way of life was coming to an end,
Starting point is 01:28:28 fearing that Native Americans might actually die out. Pratt opened up the Carlisle School to save them from extinction. The idea was to teach Native American youth how to survive in this strange new world. Wow. Of course, Pratt wasn't interested in preserving their culture. After convincing parents to send their children to Pennsylvania, Pratt gave his students haircuts, instructed them in English, and ordered them to dress as white people. After all, his motto was, kill the Indian, save the man. Wow. That's crazy. I got really into Native American history about two years ago, two and a half years ago.
Starting point is 01:29:07 And I read a series of books, and one of them was Black Elk Speaks. It was about this guy who had, he lit, what's so funny? This is how he changed the game. Like part of the way that there were rules in football, because of this. I just, sorry, I read that out loud. Oh, sorry. During the game, one of the boys tucked the football into that elastic band. What?
Starting point is 01:29:31 Elastic bands inside their jersey, creating something of a pocket. During the game, one of the boys tucked the football into that elastic band and ran down the field with the ball under his jersey. As he sprinted down the field, the Harvard team was completely lost, unsure of who had the ball, until it was too late. Furious, the Ivy League teams were constantly changing the rules to stop Pop Warner's trick plays, which, oddly enough, essentially gave us the rules of modern-day football.
Starting point is 01:29:58 They were almost like cheating, but not really. There's no fucking rules. All right, change the rules. It's a little bit of little rascals. That's a little bit like the war stuff and getting a little shenanigans yeah right this uh black elk speaks book one of the things that this guy there i read two of two books by him about him and it details he was one of the the native americans that was alive when they roamed the plains and then lived through them being forced into reservations. Okay. And what happened with particularly the young men and children,
Starting point is 01:30:32 how they were indoctrinated into white people ways and taken from their families and cut their hair and tried to teach them how to behave like the white settlers. Yeah. If you think about this guy guy won't worrying that they were going to be brought to extinction like that came so close they yeah what does that photo is that oh that's always speaks that's the book oh that's yeah it's an autobiography a biography rather there's always those yeah those were always unsettling pictures from back then photos
Starting point is 01:31:02 when you saw them all of a sudden in suits and ties yeah it was just like this is so wild unnatural for them well you know what killed the most of them was disease right 90 of all native americans died from disease really 90 yeah geez yeah it's the europeans were when they came over they had all these disgusting colds and bugs and fucking smallpox. Smallpox, yeah. They just burned through the entire continent. Oh, my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:34 It's crazy. It's crazy. Imagine a disease that kills 90% of the people and there's no cure. Nothing. There's nothing you can do. Good Lord. Imagine if you visit a place and there's a million people do good lord imagine if you were you visit a place yeah and there's a million people like the mayans like you would visit chichen itza a million people
Starting point is 01:31:50 thriving metropolis you come back in 50 years there's no one it's abandoned jeez like imagine that so scary like you want to bring your children this is the place that i saw i'm telling you they're all they're all wearing gold it's amazing way out of your way to get there. You're gonna love it. No, no one's there They banded so many of those cities, yeah, you know, have you ever seen those ruins? I've never gone seen one I've yeah, I went to Chichen Itza. Was it cool? It's amazing. Yeah, it's amazing and it's so It's so complex like when you're walking around it, and you think about how much design is involved, and the implementation,
Starting point is 01:32:31 and where are they getting these rocks from, and how are they cutting them, and how are they, have you ever seen Chichen Itza, the layout? Yeah, well, not the whole thing. I've seen the pyramid things. Oh, my God, it's amazing. And on top of that, there's these,
Starting point is 01:32:43 they had ritual human sacrifice so they had these uh like tables where it's like a like a guy's body like a like like he's like the table is almost like he's laid out like looking like this and the flat part of the body where it's like his torso was was stone and that's where they would kill people oh my god kill people on that and cut their fucking hearts out on this thing in front of everybody and then they played soccer they play like a game it wasn't soccer but it was you know like some kind of crazy game and uh sometimes they would use a human head this is part of the speculation that they were kicking this fucking human head around jeez i wonder why it didn't all work out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:26 There was also. Human head for soccer. But there's so much, so little about that culture. I mean, the scholars know quite a bit in comparison to the regular people. Regular people don't, but I mean, even their knowledge of this culture is fairly limited compared to what we know about, say, like the Greeks or the Romans or something like that.
Starting point is 01:33:42 Do you think there are cultures that we just don't even know about that are like under the sea maybe? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I mean I think that that's probably what all this Amazon stuff, I mean not Amazon, Atlanta stuff is all about. There's probably, there was something that was very, very complex that was thousands of years ago that was wiped out by asteroids. That's what Randall Carlson believes. There's actually a theory about it. It's called the Younger Dryas Impact Theory.
Starting point is 01:34:10 And it coincides with the very rapid end of the Ice Age. The Ice Age ended very rapidly. And it ended somewhere around 12,000-ish years ago. It's all in that range. And they think that this guy Randall Carlson has studied this his whole life, and he was a guest pretty recently. He's been on multiple times, but he was on pretty recently. There's all sorts of features in the earth that you can show
Starting point is 01:34:36 that indicate massive amounts of water that had gone through an area in a very short, like millions and millions and millions of gallons of water that's gone through an area in a very short period of time know that carved through the landscape of instantaneous melting of the polar ice caps or the rather the ice caps over North America right North America during the Ice Age like more than half of North America like all of Canada was covered in a mile-high sheet of ice Wow Wow. And that shit was all wiped out almost instantaneously. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Yeah. By what? Asteroid impacts. Oh. Yeah. And so this is how they can tell, because this is what's fueled this Younger Dryas impact theory. They've always wondered, like, what caused the extinction of –
Starting point is 01:35:21 there's a giant percentage of all the megafauna. There was a North American lion, there's a giant sloth, woolly mammoths. They all died off very quickly in this area. And they think that that also has to do with this impact theory. When they do ice core samples, or core samples of the Earth, when they dig down, they get to the area around 12,000 years, what they find is a large amount of what's called iridium.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Iridium is very, very rare on Earth, but very common in space. And it most likely indicates that that is the time period where the earth was bombarded. Right. Pummeled. And so they think that that has to do with a lot of the really complex structures that they find in ancient Egypt and Turkey and a lot of these areas that are inexplicably old for how complex they are. And so they would always try to attribute them to more recent peoples. But this would sort of wrap that up better. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:30 People at one point in time had reached a very high level of sophistication and they were basically knocked back to the Stone Age for a thousand years or so. Oh, wow. Civilization rebuilt itself. Jeez. So when they're talking about things, it's a very cool theory. But it's very scary because that means that could happen to us well yeah I know that
Starting point is 01:36:48 you don't have to bring that up yeah no that is terrifying all of a sudden you're back to sticks and fire that could happen coffee it could happen do you smoke cigars Tom?
Starting point is 01:37:04 I do I would love one that's a great idea What is it? Coffee. Oh, yeah. It could happen. I know. Do you smoke cigars, Tom? I do. Do you want one? I would love one, actually. Hey, let's get crazy. That's a great idea. Let's get crazy. That is an awesome idea. I haven't had a cigar in quite some time.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Yeah. Do they come from Cuba? No. Nicaragua? Nicaragua. They're actually JRE cigars. Look at that. Oh, no way. Yeah, there's a company called Foundation Cig They're actually JRE cigars. Look at that. Oh, no way.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Yeah, there's a company called Foundation Cigars. They make awesome cigars. Oh, beautiful. They made a special cigar for us. Oh, that's so nice of them. Yeah, they're fucking good, too. That's a beautiful thing. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:39 I don't know enough about cigars to comment on what. Just make it up like the sport thing. Just start saying some stuff. All you have to do is sense that the guy you're talking to knows even less than you do. Thank you. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but that's what people do, right?
Starting point is 01:37:54 That is the move. That's the World Cup guy move. There's fucks. Thank you. You're welcome. It is a weird thing, though, to want people to think that you're more knowledgeable than you are I know It's one thing to think you know something but be wrong
Starting point is 01:38:10 Like oh I thought that was right But another thing is like to pretend that you know things But you know what Sometimes when you just admit that you don't know stuff People act like Like you're not shit. Like if you were like, oh, so who is that guy? Is that guy a good defensive end?
Starting point is 01:38:31 Oh, you don't even know? Jesus. Fucking idiot. Right? Yeah. There is that thing. Like you got to kind of protect yourself at times. Bro, that would be me.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Sometimes you got to bullshit yourself. If I went to a football game with some people, I'd be like, why'd they stop? Right. How come they're stopping? What's the whistle? Why does everybody have a whistle? How about that little man with the striped shirt? He just, what if he gets run over?
Starting point is 01:38:53 He's out there. They're like, what's wrong with you? They're like, oh, I thought you were cool. I thought you were one of us. I remember reading this story about- You want to belong. NBA referees that would shave points. They were corrupt.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Yeah, the one guy, right? Oh, the guys went to belong. NBA referees that would shave points. They were corrupt. Yeah, the one guy, right? Oh, the guys went to jail. Yeah. Didn't they, Jamie? You knew about all that stuff, right? Oh, yeah. Guys went to jail, didn't they? Yes, you sure did.
Starting point is 01:39:15 Yeah. I remember that guy. Actually, just as you're saying this, there's an NFL player today suspended for a year for betting on NFL games. Oh, really? Yeah. Dirty. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Why can't you bet on a game? That you're in? If you're not in it. There's a lot you could do to manipulate the points when it's one play that can change the game. Well, if you're not in it. But if you're not playing. No, yeah, no, that's not. He's in the game.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Yeah, but your old roommate from college is playing. Right, and he could tell you if someone's hurt. Yeah. I think you can bet on the game that you're not in. But why can tell you if someone's hurt. Yeah. I think you can bet on the game that you're not in. But why can't you bet on the game that you're in if you're betting to win? Like, we're going to fuck them up. I'm so confident I'm going to bet money. I don't know that that's what was happening.
Starting point is 01:39:55 That's Pete Rose, right? No, Pete Rose bet the other way, though. He did? Yeah, Pete Rose apparently bet the other way. He did. I love this label. Isn't that dope? This band, rather. I'll get you some of those. I think he said he never did. I other way. He did. I love this label. Isn't that dope? This band, rather.
Starting point is 01:40:05 I'll get you some of those. I have a few of them. I think he said he never did. I thought he said he did. Yeah, I thought he didn't bet against his team. I thought that was like his thing. Yeah, I thought so, too. Hey, I didn't bet against us.
Starting point is 01:40:16 I thought so, too. And then I read an article. Oh, really? It said, contrary to popular belief, Pete Rose bet against his team. Which is... Which means... So Barry Bonds is never going to be in the Hall of Fame. That might not be true.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Yeah, no, I'm actually looking at what happened with this player, too. It says a league investigation uncovered no evidence indicating any inside information was used or that any game was compromised in any way. There was no evidence suggesting any awareness by coaches, staff, teammates, or any other players of his betting activity. It took place during a five-day period in late November while he was away from the team and away from the club's facility
Starting point is 01:40:50 on the non-football illness list. And he was betting for his team? I honestly don't know that part now. It doesn't say. Find out if Pete Rose bet against his team, because if not, we're going to have to edit that out. I don't want Pete Rose to be mad at me. Yeah.'m i mean i could be wrong i do remember reading that but yeah the thing is i've read shit about me that's not true so maybe you're writing things about him that's not true yeah even
Starting point is 01:41:14 the thing we're about to look up might not yeah so he said in the book he never bet against the reds right i thought so he was making bets I believe in a way that maybe He was managing the team So he could have done things to manipulate stuff Like by playing a player To win the game real hard tonight Fucking up tomorrow's game Playing a pitcher to get the strikes
Starting point is 01:41:37 But did he Oh I see So he fucked the team by betting So he Didn't make strategically wise decisions because he was trying to cover a point spread. And that's probably why he got in trouble. Whether or not that actually happened or was speculation,
Starting point is 01:41:54 I think that's where I'm like, I wasn't even alive then. Well, that's why betting on it, all these questions come up. That's why you can't do it. Would you just look up Pete Rose actually did bet against his team? Look, I'm 100% looking. Quotes from Pete Rose. Quote from Dan Patrick's show. I bet on my team every night.
Starting point is 01:42:14 I didn't bet on my team four nights a week. I bet on my team to win every night because I loved my team. I believed in my team. I did everything in my power every night to win that game. So the story that I read that said that he didn't bet on his team, that he bet against his team, that's horseshit. Probably. But that's people I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:32 According to him. Yeah, people, I don't think they believe him because they would say, of course you're saying that. Yeah, right. According to him. The problem is I don't know how many gambling junkies you've ever met. Do you know any? Not really.
Starting point is 01:42:42 I've known quite a few that have have real problems and those motherfuckers will come up with any reason at all to gamble and they get they're sick it's like it's like do you remember when kitty ducacus was drinking aftershave right shit yeah she was so sick so she was alcoholic and she was so sick that she was drinking like whatever she could find. That's the thing with the gamblers. Do you think that— It's a sickness. Do you think that—how do you feel about gambling being now available to everybody all over the country?
Starting point is 01:43:17 I think people need lessons in how to manage their thought process. And I think gambling is exciting and it's like when I was in Vegas a few months ago with Whitney Cummings here's probably bros did not set on the Reds to win in the four games here it is the four that rose didn't bet on the Reds were all started by Bill Gullickson the problem comes when you realize this if he bet the Reds were all started by Bill Gullickson. The problem comes when you realize this. If he bet the Reds to win every night, when the four nights he didn't bet on the Reds would send up a gigantic red flag, the gamblers would know that Rose wasn't betting on the Reds,
Starting point is 01:43:56 so this may be the right time to bet against them. You might say Rose was still trying to win those games, and yes, maybe he was, but if you take a closer look at the games in question, it becomes even more disturbing. And they have to break down each of these games in question. So he might have bet against his team. It's too many questions. It's just too much. Or just even by not betting, maybe he's paying back a debt to somebody he owed money to. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:23 I'll not bet here, but you can make your money. Right. Right. You can make money here. Yeah. But that's the thing. When guys get into hock with loan sharks and shit like that, it gets super sketchy. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:44:36 I knew a comic, and this was a comic in Boston, and he worked for the mob. Because the mob ran one of the clubs in town. And I say the mob I mean like legitimate like you get paid in coke or cash up to you like these are this kind of situation and this guy was a gambling addict like a hardcore addict and he was placing bets for these mobsters but they would make bad bets stupid bets and one of times they won, and it turned out he wasn't really placing the bet because he thought they were going to lose all the time, so he would just take their money.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Oh, no. And so they were gambling a lot of money, and then he didn't have the money. And then they found out that he wasn't really placing the bet. Oh, what happened to him? I don't know. Is he gone? He's alive. He is?
Starting point is 01:45:27 He left Boston, though. He had to leave Boston. Oh, my God. That's a movie. He did a bunch of sketchy shit in Vegas, too. He was a gambling addict, and he lived in Vegas, and he got his next-door neighbor to lend him some money. It's just some little old lady, and he fucked her over the money.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Jeez. There's a whole story written about him. It's a sickness. It's a sickness. sickness it is there's a story in a newspaper about him it's um it's like being a heroin addict yeah so then so and we've known that forever and you know you you had to travel to vegas or you had to travel to reno or atlantic city and now you can just open up your phone and anyone can do it. But they have gambling anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, where you can learn how to not gamble. Just like they have, like, people get addicted to everything, man.
Starting point is 01:46:16 I know. They get addicted to dieting. That's one of the things that happens to people. They get addicted to, like, there was a guy who died recently and he was addicted to working out more plates more dates covered this guy this guy was he would sleep like four hours a day right he worked out constantly he maintained like a five percent body fat year round and his fucking heart gave out and he was in his 20s he was in his 20s. Whoa, whoa. He was in his 20s. So this guy is like ripped, looks like he's in phenomenal, literally worked himself to death. There was an article in the paper yesterday, I think, Big Rexia?
Starting point is 01:46:53 Oh, yeah, right, right. Big Rexia. Sure. The same thing, like young men are getting obsessed with putting on. Yeah, right. It's body dysmorphia. It could be you never feel like you're big enough or you never feel like you're small enough. It's basically the same kind of thing that's going on it's you have a distorted
Starting point is 01:47:08 perception of what you look like and you think you look like shit and everybody looks at you like you're like a gorilla right and he thinks he's he thinks he's yeah i guess i have a little of that i picture myself as um being really in shape. I don't think that's the same. That's probably healthier. That kind of delusion, when you think you look good. I'm sorry, what? Delusion.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Delusion? Delusion, it's not real. When you think you look good, if you think you look good but you look like shit, that's probably better. Probably better for you, yeah. Because you go through life like, I'm on cloud nine, baby. Yeah. I got it going on, baby. Let's get some pancakes for the table.
Starting point is 01:47:53 Yeah. Oh, here's one I read. I read a fucking study that said, I'll send you this, Jamie, and tell me if this is real. A study that said that women prefer dad bods over ripped bods. It was in the Independent. I believe that. People do this a while ago. I believe that.
Starting point is 01:48:12 You don't even have to go into the details. That shit ain't real? That's true. That shit ain't real. They love a nice dad bod. No, women say that because they don't want their husbands to feel bad. Survey confirms women prefer dad bods over six packs. Every few months it comes out.
Starting point is 01:48:27 It's such a lie. Horse shit. It is a lie. Horse shit. It is true because my wife will be like, you look good. And I'm like, come on. You look good. See, it's the emphasis on the word good.
Starting point is 01:48:40 Listen to the difference. Here's the difference. Ready? You look good. Or you look good. Right. Exactly. If she doesn't say you look good or you look good right exactly if she doesn't say you look good you look you don't look good she's just trying to feel you're not you don't look like a pile of shit you're my husband and then we watch a movie and then some guy will be on with his shirt off and she'll be like oh i'm like you can hear her vagina moistening hey that's my wife you're talking about. You hear this.
Starting point is 01:49:08 What's going on over there? No, there is a big difference. All of a sudden my glasses are steaming. Did you turn the humidifier on? Yeah, and you know, it's all different perspectives. You see pictures, yeah. Yeah. You see pictures when you're young and an athlete there's that's horseshit that they don't prefer a dad bod that's not true it is not true it's not true no they might say it but when they're alone with their friends when they're alone with their friends how'd you feel about the server i fucking lied i don't want to hear it from George. I don't want George to think he's gross.
Starting point is 01:49:46 He's not gross. He's not gross. But he's not hot. I mean, I close my eyes and I pretend my high school boyfriend's fucking me. Oh, it's so sad. It's not gross. It's so sad. He's a nice man.
Starting point is 01:49:58 He's a good husband. He works hard. He doesn't have time to work out. He's so good with the kids. He doesn't have time to work out. He gets home from the office. He's exhausted. He's so good with the kids. He doesn't have time to work out. He gets home from the office. He's exhausted. He's so good with the kids.
Starting point is 01:50:10 I'd rather him just hang out with us. I don't want him going to the gym. I don't mind if he has a dad bond. What workout do I have to do to get rid of love handles? Just got to lose weight. Stop eating all this delicious bread you gave me. All right. I'll keep them. I have to say that thing, you were with Cameron when you were
Starting point is 01:50:32 doing the kettlebell thing? That looked like my wrist would snap. Well, you got to build up to that. That really? Under your legs, back up. It was this end part. Yeah. It's called the long... you get you get used to doing that It's called the the move is called the long count And sometimes I add a bodyweight squat to a overhead squat to that too, which is even harder Yeah, so what that is is it's like two kettlebells in your legs clean Press and then what I'm feeling really frisky
Starting point is 01:51:05 And then again. Clean, press, squat. Yeah, you were doing this at the end, too. You were putting it back. Yeah, that's what the thing about kettlebells is. You're swinging them, and you get really accustomed to using them, and you know how to decelerate the bell so it doesn't bang against your forearms. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:51:26 But some guys wear a pad on their forearms so that the kettlebell can hit your... I have those. I don't use them generally, but I do have them. It'll hit your forearm because it doesn't hurt your forearm. Right. But kettlebells, it's my favorite way to work out because I can work my whole body out.
Starting point is 01:51:44 What's great about that yeah is if you do a thing like say if you play tennis or something like that that translates that kind of strength because you're making your whole body work as a unit instead of like curls or something right just isolating that one muscle yeah doing that one task yeah that's the only kind of workouts i do most of it mostly i mean do some stuff like I do dips, which is kind of isolating, and I do chin-ups, which is – but most of the stuff I do is like these compound movements where there's a lot of things going on all at once.
Starting point is 01:52:13 So my body knows how to coordinate weight. I'm doing push-ups now. Good for you. How many do you do in a row? 25, 100 in total. That's great. So you do like a row? 25. 100 in total. That's great. So you do like four sets of 25? Yeah. Nice. That's a good amount. Yeah, because... What is this? I think this is the article
Starting point is 01:52:32 that this came from, right? Yeah, that's the article. Majority of people prefer dad bods to more toned... Read the first... the second paragraph, which describes how they got the data. Okay. As reported by the Guardian, 75% of single people who took part in the survey conducted by were said to prefer so-called
Starting point is 01:52:47 dad bod type, a label that has been thrown at men who aren't considered to have the athletic beach body that we've all seen in movies. Of those who took the survey and believe themselves to have a dad bod, 45% of them admitted to putting hashtag dad bod in their bios as a way
Starting point is 01:53:04 of showing off their proud physique. So how many people that took the survey, yeah, dad bods are preferable because I have one. Half? More than half? Right. That shouldn't be for men. That should not be for men.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Right. There's no way that should be. People say most people prefer a dad bod. That's deceptive. Rightive right you need to ask ladies when no one's around that being said 70 of them answered said they've been working out more in the past few months to get in better shape well that's the thing about dad bod dad bod gives you it's not saying i'm i'm gross and fat it's saying i, I'm athletic, but I've got... Like, that is the mentality, right? Right, I got a little fat.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Yeah, I was an athlete. I played football 30 years ago. I got a little chub on me. Yeah. Yeah, you can't have men ask that, you know? Yeah. You can't ask men that question. No, right.
Starting point is 01:54:01 It's just like, here's another one that I found. Because this one might be even more preposterous because I read this one. I'm like, okay, they're grooming people. It was guys saying that they get together with their buddies and they cuddle and sometimes kiss. Man bromances. Straight men bromances, kiss, cuddle, and stand around naked together. No, they don't. Those are gay guys.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Nothing wrong with being gay. Yeah. But straight men who kiss, cuddle, and stand around naked together are gay. Those are gay guys. Yeah. Most likely. Yeah. A strong percentage.
Starting point is 01:54:43 Yes. I mean, maybe some of them are like really open-minded and like, I'll kiss you. There's like three of those. I don't know. I'll kiss you right in the lips after this podcast is over. Pandemic's over. Yeah. Coffee and cigar breath.
Starting point is 01:54:57 I'll give you one right in the smacker. But if you want me to go tongue-in-tongue with you. Yeah, and you're in another world. You're in another thing. If you want to stand around naked together, like, why are you standing around naked, period? Put some clothes on, you fucking savage. All right, so what about...
Starting point is 01:55:11 Put on some pants. What are you doing, man? What's this about? So why are, all of a sudden, these guys having body issues? Like, women have been talking about this forever, right? In magazines and stuff. Because guys feel left out in the grind
Starting point is 01:55:29 of fucking being objectified. Hey, we feel bad too. Hey, we're fucked over as well. I had a fucking argument with a guy about this once because men do try to find ways where they're victims too and it's so dumb. and this fucking
Starting point is 01:55:45 dummy literally said we were talking about like the the plight that men have and he goes uh you know statistically speaking men actually get raped more than women i go yeah by other men you fucking idiot right that's the dumbest thing right all that means like women are running around we're so gross we fuck each other that's that's That's all that means is like the idea that somehow, oh, we're victims too. Yeah. Like there's fucking packs of cheerleaders out there raping football players. Yeah, yeah. Like that's not what's going on, man.
Starting point is 01:56:14 You just declared that men are even worse than we thought. Yes, that's what you did. I had a bit about it back in the day. It's such a, but men do, like some weak men who don't want to admit that it's fucking hard to be a woman, man. Right. Like, look, it's so hard. Women make a baby in their body.
Starting point is 01:56:32 It takes forever. And then their body like gains all this weight. Their vagina gets destroyed as this baby comes out. They have all this healing they have to do afterwards. And in many circles, they're expected to work full time. Right. Imagine. Right.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Imagine you're raising a child. You've got to handle the kid. You've got to, you know, and then you've got to leave your kid with someone you fucking barely know. Right. So you can work and you've got to compete with men and try to be this like, you know. And still menstruating once a month. Oh, my God. Forget it.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Yeah. Forget it. And, you know, just imagine the resources required to grow a human in your body. Right. And imagine there's anything remotely comparable that a man has to do outside of war. Just imagine all of the solutions we would have if men were the ones doing it. There'd be tanks. There'd be all of these different things.
Starting point is 01:57:22 How many abortions would there be? Oh, my God. If guys got pregnant? Oh, God. They would be everywhere. They'd be like J these different things. How many abortions would there be? Oh, my God. If guys got pregnant? Oh, God. They would be everywhere. They'd be like Jiffy Loops. They would be everywhere. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:57:33 100%. Yeah, 100%. This discussion would be, this whole national debate. And all the moral dilemma about whether or not it's okay to have an abortion would go out the fucking window. Out the window. Out the window. No, of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Guys are the window. Out the window. No, of course. Yeah. Oh, guys are the worst. Well, you know, it's a testosterone thing. It's also like we have the genetics in us that are the same genetics as people that lived during savage times thousands of years ago. We're the exact same thing. We are the exact same version of human beings pretty much. Yeah. Like if you took a person from 10, of years ago were the exact same thing we are the exact same Version of human beings pretty much yeah
Starting point is 01:58:07 If you took a person from 10,000 years ago, and you put them in a movie theater mm-hmm and dressed him up like with a baseball Hat on you They blend right in they look they probably be smaller right have any food back then right, but they would be real similar Yeah, yeah real fucking soon. we haven't really changed that much. Very little. Yeah. We just have more access to good food, nutrition. But genetics, they say, take like 10,000 years to establish like really great changes in the genome.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Jeez. In terms of like, obviously, I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just saying words of some sort. I'm believing every word of it. I'm in. No, but it does make sense i mean because much different no we're not i don't think we're much different than people that lived in the time where everyone was killing everybody with a hatchet i know that's that's what always blows me away i always think
Starting point is 01:58:55 they there's they had to have been so different like my when i just read stories about that or like when you're talking about black elk and all this kind of stuff. No, they were you and I dealing with it. It was the same person, the same thing, but dealing with that set of circumstances. It's bonkers. It's crazy because that's one of the reasons why human beings have so much anxiety and that's one of the reasons why we have
Starting point is 01:59:21 so much violence inside of us. It's not because society demands you be violent. It's a lot of it is like we just have this leftover code that's in our bodies that is very confused as to why it's in a cubicle. Right, right. Why am I in traffic all day? Why am I in a cubicle?
Starting point is 01:59:38 What is, my body has requirements that it's not meeting. No, I know. Living like this. Yeah, it's totally different. And then we're going to go into the metaverse and we're going to do even less. How long after Zuckerberg launches the metaverse do you join up? A couple, like a week.
Starting point is 02:00:02 I bet it's going to be so fun. I'll tell you what. No dad bods in the metaverse. Right know dad bods right it's gonna be hot it's gonna be hot is when food becomes like scarce like right the Rubin esque women right right right right paintings of yeah exactly they exactly. Big old fat ladies were hot. It showed luxury, right? It showed wealth. Yes, you could eat all you wanted. Just sit around eating grapes. You're a woman of luxury.
Starting point is 02:00:32 I don't know. The metaverse, it sounds exciting and terrifying at the same time. Dude, it's going to be so fun. That's what the problem is going to be. You and I are going to link up on the metaverse. You're going to be still trapped in la like a fool and uh la is nice again i'll be out here in freedom town oh la is nice people don't get arrested for anything it's great it's awesome they just break in your house and loot you well
Starting point is 02:00:56 there's a lot of crime sure oh yeah what a great thing to have around your whole family crime well there's crime everywhere here what is this jam Jamie? What are you showing me here? This is the new, I would call it a competitor to what the metaverse is. A vivverse. So this is augmented reality. Right, so this is what the Vive is showing as what they're calling the Viveverse. Oh. Based around the HTC Vive. Okay, I want you to look at that.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Back that up again. Back that up a little bit. Look at the athlete on the left-hand side. See that? Yeah. That's what men want bit. Look at the athlete on the left-hand side. See that? Yeah. That's what men want to look like. That's what women want. That's why she's not looking at her body.
Starting point is 02:01:30 Notice. She's looking at hot men. She's running, thinking about getting some gladiator dick. That's what she's thinking. She's thinking, I'm going to get a nice toned butt, and I'm going to get that big fucking savage look. Oh, look how she shrunk down in the metaverse. Go back and look at that again
Starting point is 02:01:45 Before she did that Look at what she really looks like And then watch this Oh she lost 80 pounds I liked her before Yeah she looks like a little kid now Yeah I liked her before She looked great
Starting point is 02:01:55 Go back to what she looked like Yeah She looks like Nice looking gal Yeah But you can do anything She's womanly Why you don't even have to be a person
Starting point is 02:02:04 Yeah but she'd lost too much weight. Like, if that was your wife, you'd be like, honey, have a sandwich. Yeah, come on now. Come on, honey, what are you doing? I don't like you this skinny. I don't know. I don't know how, well. Look, they're all dancing.
Starting point is 02:02:15 You can go to a club. You can do anything. You can fly. Yeah, you're having fun. You can do all this stuff. You can buy. You're a cat. Grandma's not an invitation.
Starting point is 02:02:22 You can buy stuff. You're a kitty cat. I want to be a dog. I want to be a dog. I'd rather be a dog. I'd rather be a dog. The pure joy that dogs have... I'm going to send you this, Jamie. This is like the funniest thing that I saw, or the happiest thing that I saw today.
Starting point is 02:02:42 It made me... This is why... I mean, there's a lot of reason why i love dogs but of course this is uh this is one of them i'm gonna send you this jamie i had a good post of these three dogs taking a picture i reposted from somebody did you see that did you see that uh i don't know if it wasn't an elk it looked like an an elk. It looked like a small elk. On, what is the, Nature's Medal, running down the mountain. Oh, that was a chamois. Holy cow. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:12 They live in the mountain. Watch this. Watch this dog. She lets this dog out. Check this out. This dog. She lets the dog out. Give me the volume because you can hear it.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Watch this dog. It's a pile of leaves. Look at this dog. That dog is so happy. He knows exactly what's going to happen. By the way, when I used to take Marshall running in the hills when I lived in California, I would let him out of the truck. He would immediately just start running.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Just take off. He loved it. He was so happy. Oh, my God. Look at this dog. Just leap. That's a joy. So happy. That's so great. So happy.
Starting point is 02:03:45 That's like dogs play. I know. I mean, cats play too, right? Maya have a black lab, and she just wants to play 24 hours a day. And I feel so bad when you're just lazy and you're just sitting around, and she's like gets a thing in her mouth like, let's go. Yeah. And it's like, ah.
Starting point is 02:04:01 Labs are the best. They're so nice. So nice. I have a golden retriever, but he's, you know, it's the same thing. Yeah. They're both super, super sweet dogs. So emotional and smart. Sweet.
Starting point is 02:04:12 So sweet. What's fucked is people turn them into that. Like all these dogs, at one point in time, you go down the genetic history, they used to be wolves. Yeah. They used to be a wolf that came near the fire and we gave them some food and they eventually domesticated them and then they turned them into poodles yeah i mean that that is what i don't know how the fuck they did it and we we really don't know a lot of inbreeding and we also have a pug and that is not really a dog
Starting point is 02:04:39 they're the most inbred right or whatever they are they are. Oh, my God. You know what's so funny? He's funny looking to begin with, and then if we're sitting outside in the sun, you can see everything. It's like, you're a mess. His little nose goes off to the side. His jaw is kind of weird. Well, if you think about it.
Starting point is 02:04:58 They're lovable, but man. This is what's happening to humans. Yeah. I mean, this is why the conversation about a dad bod is even happening. It's because at one point in time, there wouldn't be any thought about it. Like, you want a Viking. A Viking is going to survive the war.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Right. You know, you don't want... But we don't need that anymore. Yeah. Now you go to the metaverse. Right. Yeah, and you sit around. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:18 Look at that little fella. Yeah. Look at little Frank. Look at that little fella. That one point in time, if you follow... That's my dog. If you follow that... Is that your dog? That's my at little fella. That one point in time. That's my dog. If you follow that, is that your dog? That's my Frank, yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:29 That's Frank? Yeah, that's Frank. He's a little cutie. Yeah, he's so cute. If you follow that dog's genetics, you go all the way back, you find a wolf. I mean, how many thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago. Right, right. That was a wolf.
Starting point is 02:05:42 Yeah. And somehow or another, they turned it into a little tiny flat enough faced little thing that can't feed itself no and they literally bred those dogs to cuddle with the humans the emperor used to have these big sleeves and they would be inside them and cuddle them and and that's what he is like if you watch tv he just who's ever there it's not it's just whatever warm human being he climbs up and just lays on you yeah and it's just and you can't get up remember when your kids were really little and they would just lay on you you couldn't even reach your phone because you don't want to disturb him
Starting point is 02:06:14 it was so peaceful and warm and beautiful yeah that's what the bug does except he's snoring and slobbering at the same time there's no need for them to be ferocious. There's no need for them to have strong jaws that can crush bones anymore. No. So they slowly turned into what. Right. And that's what's happening to people. Yeah. That's what's happening to humans.
Starting point is 02:06:35 Yeah. We used to be, you know, like Neanderthals were like 5'5", 200 pounds, solid muscle, dense bones, thick heads. Yeah. And then we slowly became, you know, what you see now. Right. Sort of doughy things that break their hips when they fall down. Remember WALL-E?
Starting point is 02:06:55 You remember that animated film? Yeah. I don't think I saw that. It was good. I think I saw part of it. No, I don't think I saw the whole thing. Jeff Garlin was like the lead voice of the guy. And they were just in these, they were like baby people.
Starting point is 02:07:06 They were just all chubby and they were like in these little walkers. And they just laid there and they had iPad kind of things around them. We are moving in that direction. They weren't that far off. The only thing that could save us is Putin. Putin in this war. Oh, yeah, there they are. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Wow. Yeah, that's us. Big sodas glide around. Humans are going in that direction. Oh, yeah, there they are. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, that's us. Big sodas glide around. Humans are going in that direction. That's for damn sure. Yeah, just soft mush balls. And denying that that's unhealthy. That's what's really crazy.
Starting point is 02:07:35 This, like, the whole body acceptance movement and fat phobia, which is so crazy. It's so crazy. It's like, here we are doing something unhealthy but awesome, smoking cigars, right? It's really good, by the way. Yeah, I love it. If we were smoking cigarettes or smoking all day, it'd be foolish for anybody to try to pretend that that's not bad for you.
Starting point is 02:07:58 Right. It's bad for you. Yeah, it's terrible. This is like marginally bad for you because you're not inhaling. You take a little, but you have a couple of cigarettes. Those are not good for you. You have a pack of cigarettes. That's not good for you.
Starting point is 02:08:10 You have a pack a day. Like, ooh, you've got a problem, Mike. How many years do you think you can go doing that? No, I know. I have a friend of mine who he says that he would just smoke a couple a day and just had a heart attack. And that was the first question. How old was he?
Starting point is 02:08:28 He's probably 65. Does he drink too? No, I don't think he's a drinker. Overweight? No, dad bod. Yeah. Like a little. Sometimes 65-year-olds have heart attacks and they're not taking care of themselves.
Starting point is 02:08:42 Yeah. I mean, he doesn't work out or do anything like that but your body slowly deteriorates yeah it atrophies of course you know atrophies if you could see like a time lapse of what you used to look like over like the course of like when you're 18 years old and full of piss and vinegar yeah my god slowly watch your body like expand your shoulders shrink and you shrink yeah your body shrinks too yeah you know old people shrink i'm shrinking yeah i'm shorter than i used to be you are yeah my my discs are less uh there's less stuff between them in between my discs i have like i have some they're way less significant now than they were
Starting point is 02:09:25 before because i've taken care of it and done like a lot of uh therapies for them and regenequin and stem cells and i do uh spinal decompression to it because that's what like um like sciatica is like a lot of what sciatica is your disc is protruding because it's compressing and your disc is pushing against the nerves, and you get that pain that goes down your leg. That's what that is. That's your discs. So that shrinks you.
Starting point is 02:09:52 Right. As those discs compress, that disc makes your space in between the two spinal columns. And as you see old people when they start to shrivel up like that, that's what's going on is that all the disc material, it's posture and it's also they lack the strength in their back and the strength in their core to support themselves and it leads to straight posture. But when you see that slump, that's what's going on, man, is the disc is shrinking and it creates all this arthritis and pain. Doesn't it feel like tech, medical advancement advancement like we should be able to be getting out of this stuff? Well they kind of can
Starting point is 02:10:27 but it's tricky. Like I was just talking to Michael Bisping who is a former UFC middleweight champion who was on the podcast last week and he has an artificial disc in his neck and that's because his discs compressed to the point where it was kind of like bone on
Starting point is 02:10:44 bone and it was fucked so they had to put in a new disc so that brings your neck it was kind of like bone on bone. And it was fucked. So they had to put in a new disc. So that brings your neck back to kind of a normal size. But then the problem is that's one disc, and the discs above and below start getting fucked. And then so he's about to get two new discs above and below that one. Jeez, so now you're chasing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:02 My friend Eddie, Eddie Bravo, he got one in his lower back. Right. And he gained an inch in height from it. Yeah. A friend of mine. They have to like separate your discs and they shoved it because he was basically bone on bone. So he was in pain.
Starting point is 02:11:14 In pain all the time. Yeah. Constant agony. But the thing is like that, that thing sometimes, even though they do that and it's better. Yeah. Sometimes you still have pain. Yeah. My buddy just had it done and uh he's very
Starting point is 02:11:25 active and i don't know if they fused it or they put one in like you're saying but he couldn't believe that he had been living with pain for as long as he was like the difference was so great oh that's awesome yeah that's a great story yeah when that happens that's awesome yeah it doesn't always happen even his daughter was, you're less cranky. Like he didn't, he was just dealing with it. Is he athletic? Yeah, he is. He's very active.
Starting point is 02:11:54 They have like these titanium discs that are articulated. Michael Bisping, by the way, also has two artificial knees. Whoa. And he's in his 40s. All bionic. And he looks very fit. If you looked at him, you would never think there's anything wrong with him. But his neck is in constant pain. His knees are like, they take the top of your femur and the top of your tibia your shin bone they they saw it off and screw this cap in place and
Starting point is 02:12:14 amazing and he was tapping it on the microphone yeah he'd go click click click click click it's amazing i mean we know so many people who've like gotten hips. And I said to my wife, how amazing a world where you can do that. All these people walking around with new hips and able to live their lives. Not just live their lives. My friend John Wayne Parr, he's a multiple time world Muay Thai champion. He got a fake hip and now he's fighting again. Wow. He got it fixed.
Starting point is 02:12:41 Yeah. And now he went back. Pull up John Wayne Parr on Instagram. There's videos of him kicking the pads. And by the way, he's kicking with his left leg. His left leg is the one that's fucked. And so the guy's holding the pads and he's like, ha, pow, ha, pow. He's kicking with, like they saw your fucking leg.
Starting point is 02:13:01 And they put a screw that goes down into the bone. And then you have a new like ball and socket you're a robot deal right it's crazy because when he told me he was going to get it done i was like oh i felt so bad because here's a guy that's this warrior that's like world renown like when i met him it was like i was so thrilled to meet him i'm just john wayne parra right see him fight so many times now this this is him, he's kicking the bag. So I think he's gonna kick this bag, I'm gonna see if he kicks it with his left leg.
Starting point is 02:13:29 How old is he there, Joe? He's in his 40s. So this is, he's kicking with his opposite leg. That's his right leg. But there's videos of him kicking with the left leg. See, the left leg is the one that he had operated on. That's him there, kicking with the left leg, bam. So that leg that he's kicking with,
Starting point is 02:13:46 he's demonstrating some techniques. Wow. And that left leg, he has an artificial hip, man. And look how fucking hard he's kicking. Yeah. Give me some volume so you can hear this. It's like he's 18. Listen to this. Listen to this.
Starting point is 02:13:56 What's that sound? I mean, that motherfucker, you don't want to catch that on the chops. No, that'll take out your ribs. He's doing this with a fucking fake hip. It's amazing. Isn't that amazing? That is amazing.
Starting point is 02:14:14 At that age? Come on. I mean, you know, my friends at that age just do not. Bro, he's 10 years younger than me. Yeah, it's crazy. That's what's fucked. He's 10 years younger than me. God.
Starting point is 02:14:25 And I don't have those problems yet. Is there a main supplement that you would take as a anti-aging thing? Yeah. Well, there's no main. There's many, many, many, many things you should take when you get older. Like hormones are a big one. Hormone replacement is a big one, like replacing your testosterone. I had a lot of friends who used to make fun of me for taking testosterone back in the day,
Starting point is 02:14:54 and they're usually younger than me. And I'm like, now they're thinking about it. I'm like, ha-ha, told you, bitch. I'm like, what do you want to do? Do you want to live your life where you don't have energy? I had a conversation about it with a friend of mine, and he was like well why why do you take it i go because i want my body to work better uh-huh like when you're younger and you have hormones your body heals better and it works better it's really that simple right it's really that simple like you can say is vanity involved
Starting point is 02:15:17 of course i like looking good right yes who likes looking like shit yeah try you can pretend you like it but it's probably because you're trying to make an excuse for why you don't put in the effort to look good. But at the end of the day, your body doesn't perform as well without the proper hormones. And you get to a certain point in your life as you get older and older and older where your body. So my thought was like nip that shit in the bud early where I i'm on the decline and my doctor was like this is what you do you just take a little bit a tiny amount like every three days you take i take a tiny amount and it just raises you back up and it raises you up to a healthy level you don't want to have a lot where you get too much where your body doesn't work properly but now it's mainstream
Starting point is 02:16:04 it's normal so many men that i know that you would never guess are supplementing their testosterone yeah and it's just to feel better it's to feel better it wards off injury it wards off sickness it makes your immune system function better what is the thing like if you had something in you like a a precancerous something or other that that's growth hormone that's growth hormone that it accelerates the bad stuff is yes as much as the good i take peptides for growth what what peptides do is that makes your body produce growth hormone it makes it produce it at a higher level which facilitates healing and recovery better but that's another thing though you got to make sure you don't take too much right it's it's a balance like
Starting point is 02:16:49 bodybuilders take crazy amounts right you know and that's not that's not safe no certain point in time you're running the risk of something growing inside you right but it's also manipulating your diet making sure that you don't take in foods that are inflammatory and And one of the things that when I switched over to this diet where I basically just meat and fruit, I lost weight. I felt slimmer and I stopped having joint pain, which was kind of crazy. You know, it's weird. After I fell on the ice, which sounds so old to begin with, but I slipped on the ice and it's it's been it's been messed up i
Starting point is 02:17:25 felt whatever i had pizza we went we had pizza i like inflamed it i was in so much pain after eating pizza it's in flames right flames it's inflammatory those foods are delicious but yeah i fucking love pizza yeah of course but you felt the impact of it yeah but when i was young when i was young i used to love coming home from jujitsu and eating a whole pizza i'll get a giant pizza pepperoni and mushrooms and i would crush an entire pizza while i was watching tv i was like fuck it i just did an hour and a half of jujitsu i could eat this pizza i could eat this damn pizza. You know? So hormone.
Starting point is 02:18:10 Yeah, because I went for a physical, and I hope this isn't too boring, but I went for a physical, and he was like, your testosterone levels are fine. And I was like, I bet he's saying that for my age. It's like when your wife says you look good. Right, right. For your age, for someone who's dying, that's a pretty good, but it's not the level you want. It's not optimum. Right. If you changed it, if you started adding to your testosterone, you'd feel a lot better.
Starting point is 02:18:32 It's everyone that I know that does it. They all call me up and go, oh my God, I feel so much better. Can I get it on Amazon? No. You can get some stuff on Amazon that supposedly stimulates your body's production of testosterone one thing that does work there's a thing that's a plant-based compound called terkesterone and uh this is i found out from the same guy derrick from more plates more dates oh you didn't pull up that video of that guy that um died from overworking out oh god this is this is we're talking about people that have sicknesses yeah
Starting point is 02:19:05 any kind of like mental sickness yeah whether it's gambling or alcohol whatever yeah well it's a lot of it is the same thing it's like people fixate on a thing yeah and so this is the guy this is how his name was scott murray that kid so yeah so he was, they said he had mental health issues already. Yeah. And then, see if you can find what he looked like. But he did not eat much.
Starting point is 02:19:33 He tried to keep his body mass very, very lean. And he worked out so hard that he literally wound up dying. Oh, he was sick. See if they have any images of what he looked like when he
Starting point is 02:19:46 was in like full that's why i didn't pull it up earlier oh they didn't have any images of it see like scott murray pull up scott murray um physique pull up scott murray physique because he was fucking shredded this guy was carrying around a very low percentage of body fat all year long and it's just, there's an image of him there. Fitness trainer and YouTube, go back a second, read that. Fitness trainer and YouTube diet planner
Starting point is 02:20:12 Scott Murray passed away. So this is what he started at and that's what he became while he was on YouTube. So look at the difference in the two images. It says his death was brought on by an eating disorder and excessive exercise. Jeez, that's sad. Yeah, so you can literally work yourself to death. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 02:20:32 We always hear that about people that they work 16 hours a day, they're constantly stressed out, and they have a heart attack and die. That's common. It's kind of the same vein of things. Yeah, your brain just starts going off in a weird direction. It's hard to know when to chill. Yeah. And when you're a person that's obsessive
Starting point is 02:20:56 and you're trying to accomplish something, if you're in a competitive business and you're putting in all the hours in the office or bodybuilding or whatever the fuck it is. Yeah. People get crazy. Look at the difference there. See, he maintained around 5% body fat year round natural and was burning roughly 5,500 calories per day.
Starting point is 02:21:17 His workouts would typically burn around 1,400 calories. Oh, my God. That is incredible. That's so much. Yeah. He just got obsessed with getting jacked. 1400 calories. Oh my God. That is incredible. That's a lot. That's so much. Yeah. He just got obsessed with getting jacked. Did you see that doc of the Mr. Olympia?
Starting point is 02:21:36 The guy who had the most Mr. Olympia's. Ronnie Coleman? Ronnie Coleman. Was it Ronnie Coleman? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ronnie's been on the podcast. Yeah. He's fucked.
Starting point is 02:21:43 Unfortunately. Can't. His body is. Yeah. When he was on the podcast, he came in a wheelchair. Right. Yeah. That's what on the podcast. Yeah. He's fucked, unfortunately. Can't. His body is. Yeah. When he was on the podcast, he came in a wheelchair. Right. Yeah, that's what they were showing. He was such a sweet, beautiful person. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:53 Yeah, that's what he looked. He still looks good. I mean, he's still fucking strong as shit. God. And by the way, back surgeries. Right. His whole back is fused. Oh.
Starting point is 02:22:03 He's had multiple. I think he's had nine discs fused. Look at what he looked like when he was in his prime. God. My God. Ronnie Coleman's a legend and nicest guy you ever could meet. That's what came through in the doc. He was just like everybody loved him.
Starting point is 02:22:18 Look at the fucking size of him. Look at that picture. Oh, my God. Look at that bicep. Bro, he was unstoppable. Those shoulders. When he was on top He was unstoppable Unstoppable
Starting point is 02:22:26 But he was so dedicated That he kind of Destroyed his body Right Because Ronnie Unlike a lot of these Mr. Olympias Yeah
Starting point is 02:22:34 He used to lift Heavy heavy weights Right And that's what hurt him And by the way He said on the podcast When he blew his back out Uh huh
Starting point is 02:22:41 He finished the set Really He was in agony But but he was so tough. He's like, fuck that. I'm going to keep going. Look at the weight on that. Look at the weight. Yeah, that's Ronnie Coleman, man.
Starting point is 02:22:52 He was, I mean, listen, you only get to be a legend in that sport, like to be that big by being a fucking fanatic. So how did Arnold balance it? Because Arnold looks like he's doing great. He's doing fairly well comparatively. He can walk around and do stuff unlike Lee. But Ronnie rather – I don't think Lee Haney is in problem. But Lee Haney was another guy that was built like that too.
Starting point is 02:23:15 But Dorian Yates is a great example. He's a guy that was on this podcast. And he has quite a few injuries like his shoulders are kind of fucked up and everything like that. But he concentrates on cardiovascular fitness now. He smokes a lot of weed. He was very chill. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:31 And Dorian, that's what he looks like now. Oh yeah, I remember him. He still looks good. He looks good. But he has like, he can move around good. That was how big he was back then. That's him next to Ronnie Coleman. God.
Starting point is 02:23:41 Look at those. Look at those. Preposterous. It looks like those turkeys when they get too big on the breasts when they try and get the breasts going. Or those cows when they take the myostatin inhibitors. Oh, my God. Look at that back.
Starting point is 02:23:54 Man, oh, man. But Dorian is very healthy now. He's got a great attitude about it. Oh, that's good. He doesn't- Was Dorian the one who couldn't beat Coleman all those years? No, no. He was a multiple champion.
Starting point is 02:24:06 I don't know what... I'm not exactly sure what happened when him and... Did they compete against each other? There was one guy who was like... Coleman just kept edging him out in the dock. Well, I'm sure. There's probably quite a few. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:21 Coleman was the fucking man. Yeah. But Dorian was a multiple-time champion. Yeah. I think there was a multiple time champion yeah i think there was a different era i think the shadow versus the king 93 99 oh yeah he was before there it is jeez louise i don't know um i would have to go into the history of it but they're both former mr olympias and they're both legends and Dorian was known as being like one of the most for his time one of the most massive
Starting point is 02:24:48 guys anybody had ever seen look at those thighs god crazy amazing 1997 Ronnie was in 2005 so Ronnie came afterwards look at the size of Ronnie look at the size of him alright I'm gonna get some testosterone you're gonna need a lot more than that
Starting point is 02:25:04 the only way you get that big is incredible amounts of work and Look at the size of them. All right. I'm going to get some testosterone. You're going to need a lot more than that, bro. The only way you get that big is incredible amounts of work and incredible amounts of steroids. Yeah. You don't. Like, that's a sport. That's all steroids, yeah. That's a sport where there are natural bodybuilders, and they look really good. Right. There's natural bodybuilders.
Starting point is 02:25:21 Right. They really do exist. And they look great. Right. They look a lot better than me. And they don great. Right. They look a lot better than me. And they don't do anything. They just eat well and work out. All natural.
Starting point is 02:25:29 They never look like Ronnie Goldman. No. No. And Ronnie was like a gifted, genetically gifted guy who openly admitted he said he couldn't compete with the guys who did steroids. So he didn't do steroids, I think he said, until he was 30. Right. And then when he was 30, or I forget what age it was, but then when he started doing steroids, then he hit his legendary form.
Starting point is 02:25:52 Right. These are all natural. Those are natural guys? I mean, I don't know if they all are, but I typed it in. It's possible to, like that guy with the board shorts right there, the colorful board shorts, click on that one, Jamie. That is possible to achieve. Right. That's possible to achieve naturally. I mean, that guy must the board shorts right there, the colorful board shorts. Yeah. Click on that one, Jamie. That is possible to achieve. Right.
Starting point is 02:26:06 That's possible to achieve naturally. I mean, that guy must work out incredibly hard, diets well. That's natural. Oh, God. That guy probably is fanatical in his fitness. Fanatical. His diet. But the difference between him and a guy like Dorian Yates is pretty significant.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Yeah. Now go to Dorian Yates is pretty significant. Like, look at, now go to Dorian Yates. Like, look at the difference. Look at that black and white picture of Dorian down there. Uh-huh. On the far right, Jamie. Where are my fingers? Yeah, next to that.
Starting point is 02:26:33 Look at that. Oh, God. What the fuck, dude? But are they funny? Ah! He's actually funny. Dorian's a fun guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:42 I really enjoyed having him on the podcast. I would imagine whenever into someone as i enjoy talking to someone that is just achieved insane levels of accomplishment in anything oh my god whether it's software design or fucking they're so impressive people who can do inspirational and but you gotta like – is there a time where you can't do that anymore? Is there a – like how long can you compete at a certain like level of RPMs before your brain or your body just goes bang? Yeah. There's a limit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:16 It's amazing. So like I said, 25 push-ups at a – 25 is good. It's good? That's good. Well, you know why? How often do you do it? Because you look at a 25 is good it's good that's good well you know why how many often you do because you look at you look at every day you do 100 push-ups a day yeah come on yeah that's very good dude thanks man that's very good but it's like the least you could do that's not the least
Starting point is 02:27:38 you could do you do one it's pretty much the least you can do one is the least you do yeah but you know flail on those kettlebells and it's like, you just feel it. You could start, you're just feeling like, I was at the, I've said this before, but you're at the pool and you see these guys walk around, the dad bod guys, they got nothing left. It's just like, you know, over their shoulders. When I see guys' shoulders and it's just kind of like bone. Yes. And skin.
Starting point is 02:28:03 And I always think, oh my God, you're going to like bone. Yes. And, and, and, and skin. And I always think, Oh my God, you're going to get hurt. Right. Like that guy's going to open up a mayonnaise jar. I know. I just don't want to do that. I don't want to be that. Have you ever thought about hiring a trainer?
Starting point is 02:28:15 No, I can get you one if you want one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I have to go somewhere. Um,
Starting point is 02:28:20 let me get the hormone. So I'm motivated enough to go. Do you have, uh have weights at your house? I do, I have dumbbells I have dumbbells and the bike Someone could come to your house and just with dumbbells Give you a phenomenal workout Just body weight and dumbbells Just commit to doing it two times a week
Starting point is 02:28:38 And then ramp it up Up to three times a week Make sure you have recovery time. You do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Right, right. And then you'll see improvements for sure. You know what's hard is the road, when you're on the road. It's so hard.
Starting point is 02:28:53 I'm always like, no, this week I'm going to do it. And you're on the road, and it's like my go-to is yoga when I'm on the road. I'll do yoga in the room. It's hard. Yoga in the room is good. If you go to a class, it's better. Oh, of course. Yeah, if you can force yourself to go to a class.
Starting point is 02:29:11 Those little adjustments that they just come over to you. It makes all the difference. Yeah, and it's also like you have to keep up with the pace of the class. You can't just fuck off and take a shit. You're in that class, man. You're locked in for 90 minutes with your little bottle of water, and you've got to make that water last. I know.
Starting point is 02:29:32 No, it's a big difference. Well, now that we're coming out of the pandemic, I go to classes again. I can't believe you never caught COVID. That's amazing. Never caught it. That's incredible, especially with this Omicron. I know.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Everybody caught that. And I was touring heavy. I've been out out and at a certain point i was like i'm just gonna sign books like depending on where i would go if the audience didn't have to wear a mask if that city and that theater was saying and i was like i'm just gonna go i'm just gonna do it for you and uh yeah i never caught it well you know what if you have the right protocol in place into how to take care of yourself once if you did get sick if you were ready for it yeah you could be okay it's just you know you're you're a relatively young healthy guy and you're vaccinated and right you're out there i was vaxxed and boosted and have my little baggies in my backpack.
Starting point is 02:30:25 Vitamins. Yeah, with all the zinc and the stuff. That made a big difference, I'm sure. Yeah. Well, that's one of the things that they said about vitamin D in particular was that some ungodly number at one point in time, I think it was like in the high 70s, I think it was like 78% of the people that were in the ICU with COVID
Starting point is 02:30:41 had insufficient levels of vitamin D. Wow. Yeah. Wow. It's a big factor COVID had insufficient levels of vitamin D. Wow. Yeah. Wow. It's a big factor with your immune system, vitamin D, because it's not – they call it a vitamin, but it's really a hormone. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:54 That's Rhonda Patrick. Dr. Rhonda Patrick was explaining it to me. She's like, really, they shouldn't even call it a vitamin because it's really like a hormone that you get from the sun. Right. My friend Kira Soltanovich, you know K Kira she was saying I've got to take you got to take it with K K 2 yeah it helps absorption yeah yeah she was like don't just take it on its own so then I changed it to that yeah it's like a great zinc you're supposed to take zinc with quercetin or curcumin or some kind of an ionophore.
Starting point is 02:31:26 Right. But to have someone who can go over your blood work and look at your nutrient levels and make sure you're taking the right stuff, it's so beneficial. Because you think about your expertise in comedy. Now, if you had someone who was just starting out and they were doing everything all wrong, you'd be like, don't headline right away. Right. Don't do that joke yeah exactly you would be able to talk to them and tell them like what how to do comedy yeah that's they can do that with how to eat right do that with how to exercise right right it's always worth like bringing in an expert yeah for sure expert yeah no you're right because i've had a bunch of workouts with real high-level fitness trainers.
Starting point is 02:32:08 And I work out here in town with my friend John Wolf, who's the head trainer at the Onnit Gym. I work out with him all the time. Yeah. It helps a lot. It does help. Yeah. It helps so much, man. Because he'll make me do mobility exercises and shit that I don't really want to do.
Starting point is 02:32:23 Right. Yeah, you get into your own pattern you're doing something that's better than not doing anything yeah but having someone else just be like uh change this you're like oh right i feel this now also to make someone who does things on their time like you you don't you want a certain amount of rest in between they only give you the rest they think you need right get back at it right right they're to build you up. Whereas you're just trying to like maintain a comfort level while you're at the gym. Yeah. Right. Exactly. You know, see people fucking around with their phone. Yeah. Reading the paper on the treadmill. Yeah. And having some reason to fuck
Starting point is 02:32:58 off with a buddy. Yeah. Laugh and joke around. Right. Right. You really should be doing another set. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's good. It's also the thing about going to a gym that's great is the culture of the people there, like especially Onnit Gym is great because everyone there is trying to better themselves. So when you're there and you see all these like super fit people that are working out hard
Starting point is 02:33:18 and trying to better themselves, you get into this mindset and then the momentum of that kind of carries on in your life. Yeah. Nice. That is a good thing. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:33:28 I'm on the bike. I just have Frank the pug walking by. That's okay, too, though. Listen, that's fucking way better than not doing it. Yeah, for sure. For sure. It's all about how much time do you have for that? How much energy do you have for that?
Starting point is 02:33:41 You don't want to overdo it where it takes away from other things you do no of course but that that guy that died no yeah he obviously went too far he was going crazy you don't want to go crazy it actually in the right dose staves off the crazy i i mean you know during the pandemic it was like if i didn't work out it was like you're a different guy after two days you know it's so good for anxiety oh my god it feels so much better yeah my friends who have anxiety don't exercise i'm like man it's like you're not taking your medicine right exactly yeah it's just you can help yourself you'd be in the shittiest worst mood and then you do it and you're like what was what was i complaining about exactly what what didn't i like and like you you have a lot more empathy for people after you do that too which is interesting
Starting point is 02:34:30 patience for people yeah empathy yeah you're right you know why is that why i think a lot of our reactions to other people are based on how we feel internally like physically how you feel you know like i think we carry around a lot of stress whether we realize it or not. Yeah. I feel way better when I stretch. Like even if I'm not going to work out, just a long stretching session I feel better. Totally. Because you're carrying around less tension.
Starting point is 02:34:56 Right. You're alleviating tension in your body that alleviates it in your mind. Yeah. And you just feel better. That's the yoga key, right? You come out of there, you're like blissed out. Oh, my God. You're so much more compassionate towards people when you do yoga.
Starting point is 02:35:10 Yeah. So good. It's great. So Duncan is coming back to L.A. Is he? Yeah. A hundred percent? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:20 I wouldn't bet on that. He said he was. When did you talk to him? We started doing this podcast together. When did you talk to him? We started doing this podcast together. When did you just start doing this? Like a couple months ago. Yeah? We haven't released it yet.
Starting point is 02:35:31 We just love each other. We never really hung out. He's the best. I just love talking to him so much. So we've just been talking. He said, we're like, should we do this? Because we have so much fun. We're like, you want to do something together like this?
Starting point is 02:35:45 He's like, I'm moving back, man. I'm coming. He was coming here, too. So I wouldn't count on it. Yeah. I'm coming to Austin, man. Man, I'm, no, man. I miss it.
Starting point is 02:35:55 Last time we did a podcast together, I was sitting in that seat. He sat in this seat. And he wore a ghillie suit. And I wore a wig. No, no, no. We both wore wigs, right? We burned candles. We had candles all over the table.
Starting point is 02:36:08 He's so crazy. I don't know. Did we take mushrooms? Did we take mushrooms? Really? I don't think we took mushrooms. But we were baked out of our fucking minds. He's one of my favorite people to hang out with because he's so uniquely Duncan.
Starting point is 02:36:22 So much so. Yeah. And it just feels like, yeah, just talking to him is just great he's so uniquely Duncan. So much so. Yeah. And it just feels like, yeah, just talking to him is just great. He's the best. He's such a sweet person too. Like genuinely nice. You're going to see Joe. Give that werewolf a kiss for me. Give that werewolf a kiss. We have a new version of the werewolf. Oh yeah. You do? Yeah. We got a new one. Patrick mcgee who's the guy who made the first werewolf is that still in la yeah but we're going back to get that too uh soon too um but he sent me
Starting point is 02:36:55 i'm gonna send you these jamie because they're fucking sweet um but he changed this new one where he does it. The old one had, some of it was yak hair. Oh, man. And some of it was like this artificial hair. And then the new one, he's using all yak hair. And because I had Rick Baker on the podcast. Rick Baker's the guy who did all the special effects for the American Werewolf in London. And he created the first werewolf. Right.
Starting point is 02:37:24 He criticized my werewolf and said iton and he created the first werewolf right he um criticized my werewolf said it's too large oh really yes he said uh in the film it was uh smaller than that because it was more like the size of a person the person became a wolf which made sense right he wouldn't this is our new one oh wow come on look at the claws that is fierce look at his fangs yeah he fine-tuned it so pat mcgee who's patrick mcgee does like high level special effects for films that is insane yeah the old one was awesome but this one is awesomer like look at the difference in like the muscles yeah look at the muscles in this thing and the hair. So it's all yak hair now. So he's not using the synthetic hair anymore.
Starting point is 02:38:08 He did the whole thing in animal hair. It looks twice as scary. Yeah, and he brought it down to the size. So it's like a little bigger than me probably. And it's... Yeah, you could see that it was human. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 02:38:22 That's the idea. Like his back. Yeah. Fucking awesome. Oh, that's amazing. Yeah. What? That's the idea. Like his back. Yeah. Fucking awesome. Oh, that's amazing. Yeah. What an artist. Oh, he's so good, man.
Starting point is 02:38:29 He does a lot of stuff for films. He does a lot of stuff for monster movies. And he's one of those guys. Yeah, this is McGee's special effects page. Look at his stuff, man. Jeez. He's incredible. Look at those eyes.
Starting point is 02:38:40 I mean, that's Patrick right there. And he's a big giant dude, too, when I met him. I was like, holy shit, he's like six foot six. He's huge. He's like, he was a basketball player, and he decided to get into special effects. Really? Yeah. Look at that fucking thing.
Starting point is 02:38:54 Oh, it's scary. Because you expect that someone who did this would be like sort of a nerdy introvert. Yeah. He's like a big athlete. Like, look at his work. It's amazing. Wild stuff, right? Holy cow. Isn't that at his work. It's amazing. Wild stuff, right? Holy cow.
Starting point is 02:39:05 Isn't that wild? Amazing. Yeah. And what is it? McGeeFX on Instagram. You can check out all this stuff out. Yeah, I got to look him up. But he's one of those guys, like, look at that.
Starting point is 02:39:15 That's his big foot. Oof. Fucking, isn't that dope? Yeah. He's a real artist. See, there's two schools of thoughts when it comes to special effects for films. And one of them is they do CGI, so computer generated images. And then the other one is guys who want to use makeup and prosthetics because they think it moves real and it seems like a real object.
Starting point is 02:39:37 I believe that. It does. Because sometimes you see things in a movie and it looks cool, but it looks fake. It takes you out of it. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. you see things in a movie and it looks cool but it looks fake it takes you out of it yeah yeah exactly yeah whereas like an american world from london which is one of the great horror movies of all time yeah you didn't see the werewolf that much see get some footage of the werewolf in
Starting point is 02:39:55 american world from london you saw it briefly in these scenes and that's one of the things that made it so scary right is that like you weren't like staring at it trying to find holes in it right analyzing it right you saw it briefly yeah and uh it was terrifying was um wasn't uh jack nicholson a werewolf he was terrible he was terrible him and michelle pfeiffer oh right right right they were like that it was so corny it was like that's right. It was so corny. I was like, that's a wolf man. Get out of here, bitch. Grr. They were trying to do, well, there's a whole series of things we could say here,
Starting point is 02:40:34 but pull up the one from American Werewolf in London, and then we'll do Jack Nicholson, and then we'll do Benicio Del Toro, because Benicio Del Toro did a new version of the old Wolfman. So this is when he's turning. Yeah, this is great. You've got to realize, I think this was the 80s, right?
Starting point is 02:40:56 Yeah, it was. I remember I was in high school. So what year was this? 81. 81. My God. So I was in high school too. So this was so radical for the time, this transformation scene where his hands are growing and he's screaming.
Starting point is 02:41:13 And it was also funny. Did you call him Meatloaf, Jack? It was his friend. I'm sorry I called you Meatloaf. Because his dead friend was telling him to kill himself. His friend came back from the dead, told him to kill himself because you're going to turn into a werewolf. Right. He was warning him.
Starting point is 02:41:27 He's like, what the fuck are you talking about? And so this is the first time he changes. Good actor, too. Oh, my God. He was amazing. And this scene was fucking incredible, man. Mm-hmm. Because no one had ever seen anything like this before in a film.
Starting point is 02:41:43 Yeah, I remember. The Wolfman stuff before that was kind of corny. Yeah, and shadows. Yeah. It just didn't seem like it was really happening. Good actor, too. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:41:56 This fucking movie is one of my all-time favorites. And then you had a little Warren Zevon in there. Yeah, man. God damn, it was good and funny like jack like the face look at that look at this fucking thing god damn what a movie this was oh god it's really great in 1981 man and the music look at the fucking body on that thing just wild it was also the first time i'd ever seen a werewolf where it was on all fours And the music, look at the fucking body on that thing. Just wild. It was also the first time I'd ever seen a werewolf where it was on all fours.
Starting point is 02:42:29 It wasn't walking around in a suit. Okay. Now see if they show the werewolf in any other scenes, because there's a scene where it's running through Piccadilly Circus. Don't have the full movie up. I just had that scene. Did they have Piccadilly Circus? Piccadilly Circus. I don't have the full movie up. I just had that scene. Did they have Piccadilly Circus? Piccadilly Square.
Starting point is 02:42:47 What's Piccadilly? Piccadilly Square was the area where it was running through the street, just killing people. It was in a nudie theater. And he was in a movie theater watching porno with this guy, because that's where the guy told him to meet him there.
Starting point is 02:43:01 Oh, yeah. And he's telling him, you're going to turn the world off, you're going to kill everybody. And so he's him, like, you're going to turn into the werewolf, you're going to kill everybody. And so he's in this theater, and there's other people in the theater that are like, what the fuck is wrong with this guy? And then he turns into the werewolf and see this cop comes in because he hears there's a disturbance.
Starting point is 02:43:21 I think he'd already killed a guy in there. So some people are in there Having sex And the cops walking through The movies He just ate someone For Christ's sake Someone come on straight here Culver is decent
Starting point is 02:43:40 Trying to bring rifles No guns in London. So the guy's trying to get people. I know, they have sticks. Imagine. These poor bastards. So this thing is in the middle of this porno theater. All these cops are trying to hold it back.
Starting point is 02:43:59 And these people are like, what's going on over there? What's happening? And then eventually the werewolf breaks through that boundary and comes out and starts slaughtering people. Go a little before you see it come out. What the hell is going on here? Open that door. Here he comes. Oh, and he eats the main guy.
Starting point is 02:44:23 Oh, there goes his head. Now you get it, people. Get out of there. What a fucking scene, man. That's when movies were movies. Fuck, yeah, man. Look at that thing. and it's true it like if that was animated you'd be like yeah okay right you're seeing whatever that thing is it looks like a real thing is happening there yeah and it's snapping at people while it's running around now go to jack nicholson and the wolf oh no
Starting point is 02:45:03 i think they called it Wolf. I think it was called Wolf. It was him and Michelle Pfeiffer. Right, right. Wolf. It was corny. Wolf Man. No, no, that's Wolf Man.
Starting point is 02:45:14 That's Benicio Del Toro. That's the next one I'm going to show you. Right. But Jack Nicholson. Oh, yeah, there it is. Yeah, Wolf Jack Nicholson. Versus James Spader, that's right. Yeah, they had a super fight.
Starting point is 02:45:24 Him and that guy from that fucking cop show. Yeah. They both became wolves. So Michelle Pfeiffer hits him in the head with a fire extinguisher, and she's running away. And then look how he runs. Look how he runs and tackles her. He's in a sweatshirt.
Starting point is 02:45:42 It's like it's so fake looking. Look. Jack Nicholson becomes a wolf. He throws the keys away. I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill her. I mean, come on. Who's more badass than Jack?
Starting point is 02:45:53 You make a leap like this. You're like, I think it'll work. Look, she gets away so easy. He has to leap through the air to stop her from getting away. It looks so corny. I don't know how they sold off on this. Well, you're at the mercy. You're thinking,
Starting point is 02:46:09 no, there's good people. So if he takes that thing off, is that what turns him into the wolf man again? Yeah. Is that what's supposed to be happening? Yeah, he locked himself in a cage and wore that thing so he wouldn't hurt people.
Starting point is 02:46:21 But now he's got a saber. It's so corny. So he takes the amulet off. Look how corny that is. Now he's got a saver so he takes the emulet off look how corny that is now he's going full wolf i can't believe they jack nicholson signed off on this i mean jack nicholson has done so many amazing movies like look yeah but it's too late by the time you're at that point oh oh the horse is oh no What is he trying to do? This is very rapey. That's rapey. Oh, no. Oh, this is terrible. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:46:51 Come on, Jack. Save her. This is taking a long-ass time, Jack. Save her, Jack. Oh, he jumps over the top. Oh, there's no roof. Oh, now he's gonna land on him. So the only thing that changes on these werewolves is their face. Yeah, their teeth gets a little nasty.
Starting point is 02:47:08 But it's nothing significant. Like, look at that. And then watch Jack Nugget. Yeah. This is like people that come to your Halloween party. Yeah, and you're like, come on, bro. That's all you did? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:20 Right. A little effort. Come on. Oh, werewolf. Okay. Now. All right. A little effort. Come on. A werewolf. Okay, now. All right, that's whack. Now, Wolfman, Benicio Del Toro, the scene where he transforms in a hospital.
Starting point is 02:47:35 So this is one where they had decided that Benicio Del Toro was like a madman. Give me some volume. He's so good, too. Give me some volume. He's so good, too. So they were thinking that this guy was delusional. There was something wrong with him.
Starting point is 02:47:54 So this doctor... He's all strapped to a chair. Yeah, so they're observing this in this, like, medical theater. Because they used to have, like, medical theaters back then. So this is also Rick Baker. So Rick Baker decided to do an old-school werewolf thing, but to do it right. And to do it, not CGI
Starting point is 02:48:14 all the way, but some CGI. Some CGI, and that's CGI, clearly. But some of it is... That's great. Some of it's CGI, but some of it is... That's great. See, like, some of it's CGI. But some of it is, like, physical stuff. It's always so creepy when their bones stretch.
Starting point is 02:48:30 Yeah. Well, this was the most creepy. It was really good. Like, the movie was pretty good. Yeah. But it, I mean, it was close. See, like, when this all takes place, like, these people are freaking out
Starting point is 02:48:45 And they try to get away And then it eventually Becomes like this version of like It's not quite Like the American werewolf in London But it's not corny like Jackman Right It's like in the middle
Starting point is 02:48:59 Look at this guy He thinks he's gonna like Trank him He shoots him up with a thing. Yeah, he's got a little bit more of a human... Yeah, you buy into it more. Hello! Open the door you fuck!
Starting point is 02:49:18 Seems to be locked, sir. Like he pulls out his heart just eating people it's close enough where I think okay at least it's not just a dude with like some teeth like that looks that looks like a monster
Starting point is 02:49:37 yeah that's a good one it was good but this was like a lot of CGI stuff too like the werewolf like jumps off the buildings and stuff and it looks right right like you see it running through the city like watch this like watch this when you see it like run over the buildings it looks kind of corny right this it's like they did a hybrid type movie like a lot of it was like this here like i'm hopping from building to building.
Starting point is 02:50:08 But then here, it's like a real guy running. Yeah. But then once he gets hopping, it gets kind of corny. Yeah, that all of a sudden is not real. And he runs on all fours sometimes. It's like that. He looks good. Yeah. They try.
Starting point is 02:50:22 Yeah. Jamie's laughing. Yeah. I had to like that. No, they tried. Yeah. TV's laughing. Yeah, they had to add that, but also. Yeah, of course. You don't have to. But that sound cannot fuck with the sound that the American Werewolf in London made. Yeah. The American Werewolf in London sound was so much more ferocious.
Starting point is 02:50:41 That was a better sound. But that was one of those movies where they tried there was an old school was it lone cheney jr that played the werewolf lon cheney and the wolf man who was the original wolfman yeah the og wolfman yeah from like the 1950s and those movies were good because there was suspense like you didn't see a lot it wasn't you didn't have so you had to build it up with not seeing it and Well, that's what he looked like. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 02:51:06 Lonely Chaney Jr., the wolf man. Yeah. So what this wolf man with Benicio Del Toro was supposed to be was like this thing, but better. Right. They achieved it, but the reality is it's not quite scary enough. No. It wasn't about the effects as much as it was the acting it back then but it's
Starting point is 02:51:25 like that movie the the wolfman with benicio del toro was ultimately kind of a failure right it really didn't didn't catch no people were like come on man right you know i see what they're trying to do but yeah we want a real monster yeah a real monster and then uh abedin costello go against the wolfman oh they did there's no like comedy teams like that anymore no james franco and seth rogan were like the last comedy team they were in a bunch of films together right right oh look at that there you go that's hilarious oh but also who else was what the fuck's his name from Step Brothers
Starting point is 02:52:13 oh Farrell and John C. Reilly that's right those two guys have been in a bunch of movies yeah that's probably the best comedy team
Starting point is 02:52:20 they are Step Brothers Talladega Nights yeah that's right they're our modern team yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:52:26 then there's Talladega Nights is amazing so funny Step Brothers is so damn funny fuck yeah so funny
Starting point is 02:52:34 you couldn't do that movie today man I watched it with my family during the pandemic and I was like whoa there's a lot of racy humor well it starts off
Starting point is 02:52:42 I just showed it to my daughters the first real gag is putting the testicles on the symbols my daughter's like what are you showing us but it's a lot of it's like homophobia jokes yeah there's like a lot of jokes you just can't it's weird today like you can't just joke around about certain things now because of social media and the outrage recreational outrage that's sort of blossomed from it yeah there was a lot of bad taste back then but at least there was the freedom to to make stuff there was like bad comedies every year there'd be a boatload of
Starting point is 02:53:17 bad comedies yeah just swinging for the fences and then every once in a while one of them would hit but with the ones that hit today when you go back and watch them, like, you know, if comics are getting canceled for old jokes. Yeah. Jeez Louise, go back and watch some of those films. Revenge of the Nerds. Oh, yeah. Revenge of the Nerds. Those guys were creeps.
Starting point is 02:53:36 The nerds were creeps. They were so rapey. They put spy gear all over the sorority house. Yeah. They're watching them all night. Yeah. They're perving out on all the girls. And then they switch his costumes, and he goes and has sex with the girl.
Starting point is 02:53:51 And she thinks it's with the other guy. It's essentially raping her. You remember Superbad? Uh-huh. Dude, that movie. You remember Superbad. Sure. The movie is filled with crazy humor.
Starting point is 02:54:05 I tried watching that movie. That was the one when they started out the movie like he was drawing all those dicks. It didn't start out like that. That was in the movie, right? Yep. That's a fucking hilarious movie, but it starts out they're talking about porno. Right. And I was trying to watch it with my kids.
Starting point is 02:54:20 I was like, okay, stop, stop, stop, stop. I forgot. Like I forgot. 16 Candles? I haven't seen that in forever. stop, stop, stop. I forgot. Like, I forgot. 16 Candles? I haven't seen that in forever. Same thing. Is it really? Yeah, she's all drunk at the end.
Starting point is 02:54:31 He just gives her to the nerd. Oh, my God. Take her, man. Do what you want. There were so many movies like that. Yeah. I remember Animal House, that whole scene where the girl was out unconscious.
Starting point is 02:54:40 Right. And he pulled the stuffing out of her bra. Right, right. Yeah. He had the devil and the angel. he pulled her the stuffing out of her bra right right yeah the devil and the angel yes yeah yeah not good it doesn't hold up i mean how many judd apatow movies that that he put out would just never fly today never and that's not that long ago that's what my point is yeah it's not that like animal house was in the fucking, what was that? The 70s. Yeah. Yeah. The Apatow movies were in the 2000s. Right. That's quick.
Starting point is 02:55:08 The invention of social media changed everybody's acceptance of what is okay to joke around. Did you ever see this movie? It came out. I was trying to figure out what it was called. It was in the background of the Ghislaine Maxwell photo. This photo thing, the movie poster was. No, I didn't see it. Was it good? I mean, it came out like two years ago. of the Ghislaine Maxwell photo. This photo thing, the movie poster was. Uh-huh. No, I didn't see it.
Starting point is 02:55:26 Was it good? I mean, it came out like two years ago. It's about a bunch of like teenage, young teenagers, probably 12, 10. It's irreverent as fuck. Oh, yeah. It's a dirty movie.
Starting point is 02:55:35 It's pretty funny. Yeah. But I mean, it wasn't one of those things that you're like, oh my God, you gotta go see it, kind of. It didn't cross that level.
Starting point is 02:55:42 Hmm. Right. Yeah, I wouldn't want to make a comedy today man very tricky yeah super tricky yeah you you have to dance a line and then the studio would probably be like you'd have to really do it independently probably probably right yeah like if you wanted to try to make i mean the thing about these comedies it's not like you're endorsing this behavior. You're just saying that it's funny because people are fucked up.
Starting point is 02:56:09 And it's right. You're reflecting the people and how they talked and what they did. Right. And you're showing people's flawed reactions to situations or flawed decision making. Right. And that's where the comedy is like, don't do that. Oh, my God. Right.
Starting point is 02:56:22 You know, and that's, you don't. Yeah. like don't do that oh my god right you know and that's you don't yeah today that stuff it's like what was the last good comedy movie that was released it used to be you would be able to something about mary right you know kingpin you could just snap them off you knew where they were it's like wokeness killed the comedy movie in a lot of ways. It did. People, they're just not making them. What was the last great comedy movie? The Last Stepbrothers?
Starting point is 02:56:54 No, there's been some other ones. What was the one where it was the end of the world? It was James Franco and Seth Rogen and the fucking volcanoes and shit was happening. What's the one where the house party goes out of control? This is the end. This is the end. This is the end was good. What year was that? 2013. I wouldn't say great comedy. But that's still 10 years ago. That might be the last
Starting point is 02:57:16 of the Mohicans. Yeah, it's weird. What was the one where the house party goes out of control? Project X. Do woke people make comedy? Is there a woke comedy movie? Is there even an attempt? Is there even an attempt at a politically correct comedy movie?
Starting point is 02:57:37 Did it just stop making comedy movies? They just stopped making them. But, I mean, you could be super funny. You could make a great comedy. For sure. Without being rapey, you could be super funny. You could make a great comedy. For sure. Without being rapey and homophobic. Yes. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:57:49 But it's not just that. It's, like, all abhorrent behavior. Right. Like, it's not an endorsement. Right. Like, if you have a movie. Right. Like, here's an example of, like, American Psycho.
Starting point is 02:57:59 American Psycho, you could do that movie today. And it wouldn't be an endorsement of a person who's a serial killer. Right. It would just be a film about a serial killer. About a psycho. But there's a weird thing that happens when you're making fun of something. When you're making fun of something, somehow or another, it's like supposedly an endorsement of whatever that activity is. Right.
Starting point is 02:58:20 Even if it's like completely unacceptable. Yeah. Right? But it's kind of like, yeah. But the real question is, is that a moment? Is this a moment? even if it's like completely unacceptable. Yeah. But it's kind of like, yeah, but it's, the real question is, is that a moment? Is this a moment? Because I know like really young people
Starting point is 02:58:32 who think that that whole thing went too far. Like they laugh at shit that's a little more irreverent. That doesn't matter. What matters is if you did make that movie, the backlash would be absolutely real. People would go crazy. Right. But that's what they're afraid of.
Starting point is 02:58:50 They're not afraid of whether or not they'd have a market. Right. They would definitely have a market. Yeah. But how many people would get canceled because of it? How many people would get attacked because of it? Right. How bad would the studio get protested?
Starting point is 02:59:01 Right. Right. Well, then it comes down to the math. When was the last great comedy movie where people were roaring in the movie theater and then went to see it and then they told everybody, you got to go see it? Yeah. It's weird that we can't. It's weird that we're struggling.
Starting point is 02:59:17 I am 100% struggling. Jamie, when was the last great comedy movie that you saw? You said Good Boys. I mean, I just was throwing it out there. I would think it wasn't. But like, what is another one? Well. It's like the genre has been murdered.
Starting point is 02:59:33 I was trying to think. Let's think Kevin Hart. Let's think Will Ferrell. There's a few movies like the Jumanji movies sort of. Yeah, but those are family friendly. Exactly. I know. They're family friendly.
Starting point is 02:59:41 They're great. Funny though. Funny. Great movies. Really funny. I love Jumanji. It was great. It took my kids to see it. It was fun. Deadpool had a lot of Great movies Really funny I loved Jumanji It was great It took my kids to see it
Starting point is 02:59:46 It was fun Deadpool had a lot of comedy in it The first Jumanji Deadpool No Deadpool Yeah But that's a superhero movie So it's not really
Starting point is 02:59:55 Yeah But it wasn't a comedy I know in some sense I wouldn't consider that really Yeah It was a funny superhero movie Get Hard Kevin Hart
Starting point is 03:00:02 And Will Ferrell I didn't see that you know like i'm just trying to think of the funny actors that have been making the stuff right but they make a lot of family friendly stuff now yeah which you can kind of do still um uh hangover okay right that was like the last and that's why it exploded because it was an r-rated. Same year, though, for Hangover 3, 2013. That was great. I'm trying to find anything since then. There's not a lot since 2014, 15, 16.
Starting point is 03:00:33 There's a few of those family-friendly comedies that pop up. They murdered the comedy movie. Yeah. Wasn't that also one of the first ones to go rated R? That was a big deal Because it was a top rated R comedy movie Of all time Superbad was R too
Starting point is 03:00:51 But it wasn't as top rated as The Hangover was Hangover exploded That was a spectacular success Yeah You could make Hangover today Could you though? I think so what was in it that was that you couldn't do yeah I'd have to go back and watch it sometimes I forget like how crazy those movies are yeah yeah I think you can make hangover
Starting point is 03:01:18 today you can make it but I think people are scared I think people are scared of making like the studio scared they would go over that script with a fine tooth comb oh yeah yeah yeah different parameters mike tyson showed back up remember like he was yeah oh mike tyson yeah i remember when zach blew up it was phil collins i can come into the air that was fun that was great movie. What else? What was the next movie like that? That was that big? Google. The jackass movies? I've been looking.
Starting point is 03:01:55 I'm deep in the highest grossing comedies, the top from the last 20 years, 10 years. What do they have? Even Google can't figure it out. That's what it seems like. It's like for top grossing comedies of the last 10 years of the 2010s. The top two, as I said, are Kanjumanji. The Hangovers are in there.
Starting point is 03:02:15 Ted. Men in Black 3. Both Deadpools. 22 Jump Street. Sequel to 21 Jump Street. Right. So that sounds like these are... Yeah.
Starting point is 03:02:29 Jonah Hill. I don't know if I didn't see to compete and be like, yeah, this is on my list. Oh. Yeah. What was the... Well, Wolf of Wall Street, that was kind of a comedy, right? Yeah, kind of. But that's like...
Starting point is 03:02:40 And didn't Scorsese make that? Who made that? You know what I mean? Wasn't it a comedy, though? Adam McKay. It's funny. Yeah. That's also 2013.
Starting point is 03:02:50 Wow. So that's the end. That was the end. Maybe the Mayans were right. December 21st, 2012. Yeah, and now all we're watching is human sacrifices. December 21st, 2000. Isn't that what it was? Yeah, 21st, 2012. 21st, 2012. Yeah, and now all we're watching is human sacrifices. December 21st, 2000. Isn't that what it was?
Starting point is 03:03:07 Yeah, 21st, 2012. 21st, 2012. Yeah, that's what they predicted, the end of the long count. Yeah, man. Yeah, wild. It's crazy. Yeah, they'll come back. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 03:03:19 I think they will. I don't know about that because you need a lot of money to make a movie. Well, that's the problem, too. It's also a film thing. I mean, if you talk to people that are just into the business of making movies, even dramas, like the number of films that are made now that are financed by the studios is so small compared to what it was. But you have to also think that COVID must have put a giant dent
Starting point is 03:03:41 in the movie business because you couldn't go to the movies anymore. And it was vulnerable right before that. And the DVD market fell out. must have put a giant dent in the movie business because you couldn't go to the movies anymore and it was vulnerable right before that and the dvd market fell out and then and then covid this is like rough time to make like those just good middle of you know yeah 20 million dollar movies it's all superhero giganto movies or the really small movies that people don't see where the streamers are starting to put them out you know like adam mckay's um don't look up and you know what i mean see that it's good yeah yeah it's good well what's interesting now is like the best things that you can watch like in terms of like the depth of character and the script writing is television shows
Starting point is 03:04:22 television shows are amazing now like you watch ozark right ozark is basically like uh i mean how many episodes are they into now they're on season four yeah so it's like you know whatever the fuck it is a 50 hour yeah right you know yeah it's a 50 hour movie right like it's crazy like you're watching these people grow up yeah you're watching this family do you watch it yeah the new season's insane I haven't seen it it's insane yeah oh my god and then the new second part of the new season they're ramping it up for this oh yeah which I think starts in April sometime I think starts in the end of April right it's gonna be amazing well yeah that's where all of that's
Starting point is 03:05:03 where that's where it gets made. Yeah. Last Stranger Things is going to come out. Yeah. You can make comedies if you set them in the 80s. Right. When people were shitty and funny to each other. Even then, man.
Starting point is 03:05:17 Even then. Yeah. Good luck. Yeah. The comedy has to be in a guy who's like, you have to make fun of someone who's an absolute piece of shit. Right? And then there's funny in that because it's like there's a villain.
Starting point is 03:05:31 You can't have funny in a broken lead character. Right. Yeah. He's got to be an asshole, a socially outcast. Because movies like, they have statements now. It's not as simple as just have a funny movie
Starting point is 03:05:48 just to yeah yeah let's make one please that's the last thing you want to do could you imagine
Starting point is 03:05:57 imagine how much fucking time oh my god and then if it bombs you gave up a year and a half of your life yeah I just don't have a desire.
Starting point is 03:06:05 Yeah. You know, stand-up is fun enough. I know. It's the most fun. I know, it's pure. Yeah, it's so fun. And so many more laughs out of a stand-up act than a movie. I actually just thought of one.
Starting point is 03:06:15 I'm looking through comedies coming up. This seems like it would be a good comedy, potentially. This movie that Nicolas Cage is in about himself. Oh, yeah, Nick Cage is Nick Cage or something. The unbearable weight of massive talent. I remember watching the trailer. It's like the story is a really rich guy hires Nick Cage to come and be at his birthday party. And then he flies him.
Starting point is 03:06:34 He's like, hey, Nick, you need a million dollars, right? His agent calls him. He's like, yeah, I'll take the million dollars. What do I got to do? Go show up at a party. And then a bunch of crazy shit happens. Oh, OK. Gotta love Nick Cage.
Starting point is 03:06:44 They can still do it. Tiffany Hash is happens oh okay gotta love nick cage they can still have houses in it yeah oh it can still be done like potentially yeah so we'll see tiffany hasch with a bold move to shave her head isn't it yeah such a bold move she's good though yeah she does look good she can pull it off she looks really good uh tom papa tell everybody where you're doing your he he's and ha ha I'm touring all over the country. The tours, I've been on 16 flights in the last two weeks. Whoa. Really?
Starting point is 03:07:10 Yeah, I've been everywhere. I'm cranking it out. Go to You can look it up. I've got a big show in Vegas on May 6th at the Wynn. Oh, nice. I'm going to be at the Borgata. Look at all those little spots on the map.
Starting point is 03:07:22 Look at you, you fucking traveling fool. I'm all over. I'm touring like crazy. Yeah, you are, dude. Fargo, North Dakota. Are you going anywhere you haven't done before? Yeah, this weekend I'm going to be in Great Barrington, Mass. In Redding, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 03:07:34 I haven't performed there. Great Barrington, Massachusetts? Yeah. Where the fuck is that? By the Berkshires. Wow. And then I've got... Is that Western Massachusetts?
Starting point is 03:07:43 Is that what that is? Yeah. It's like near New York State, right? Yeah, exactly. What's out there? Some little theater. They found you and they dragged you out there? They dragged me and that's where I'm going on Thursday.
Starting point is 03:07:53 Oh. And then down to Redding, Pennsylvania. Connecticut. You're doing Connecticut, huh? And then- Big mistake. Nashville. Yeah, the big one is Vegas. i've got a big show in vega i just
Starting point is 03:08:07 started i did my first one at the win at the encore theater i've heard that's an awesome i love it i i was there uh staying there a few months ago and i saw the theater the theater's gorgeous going back to cleveland may 6 is the encore theater nice yeah yeah i'm cranking out nice and a whole bunch of stuff in the fall Just keep on going Paramount, Huntington, New York Hilarities in Cleveland Great Club
Starting point is 03:08:31 Breaking Bread Podcast It's all happening kids It's all happening motherfuckers We can still make comedies Yes Yes Tom Papa So good to see you Joe
Starting point is 03:08:38 I love you buddy There's an olive loaf and a regular loaf Thank you Thank you my friend See you soon buddy You're the best Goodbye ladies and gentlemen Until next time An olive loaf and a regular loaf. Thank you. Thank you, my friend. See you soon, buddy. You're the best. Goodbye, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 03:08:48 Until next time.

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