The Joe Rogan Experience - #1791 - Sadhguru

Episode Date: March 14, 2022

Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic and visionary. Named one of India’s 50 most influential people, and recipient of 3 presidential awards, Sadhguru has touched the lives of millions worldwide through his tr...ansformational programs.  An internationally renowned speaker and author of the New York Times bestsellers "Inner Engineering" and "Karma," Sadhguru has been an influential voice at major global forums like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, addressing issues as diverse as socioeconomic development, leadership and spirituality. He established Isha Foundation, a non-profit, volunteer-run organization supported by over 16 million volunteers worldwide, and has initiated several projects for social revitalization, education and the environment.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day. Pleasure to meet you. How close is this shit? Right there. That's good. Yeah, like a fist from your face is what I usually tell people. Well, I'm enjoying your book.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Which one are you reading? I'm in the middle of... Which one? Inner Engineering. Oh, okay. Why is that funny? Is that a funny one? No, that was the, I mean, after the three books have come, so I was thinking you must have gotten a more recent one.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Well, I found some of your stuff online, and I started watching some of your videos online, and they're very interesting and very educational. And then I said, all right, let me find out what this guy's all about. And so I got into that book. That's good. How did you find out about me? Because your people reached out to be on here. Well, right now we are on this soil mission. I brought you a little bit of gift. It's an Indian mint. This leaf, an empty stomach, if you just chew two leaves, they're not very pleasant to eat.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And then drink some maybe tepid water. Okay. It is a great blood purifier. Blood purifier? Yes. Oh. How does it purify your blood? How does that work?
Starting point is 00:01:18 It has the necessary juices in it to do that. The necessary juices. Save soil. Mm-hmm. I always wondered about these things about pots that plants come in. Do you think plants like that? Definitely not. They would like to grow wild. This is just a baby. It's in a nursery. You have to take it home and put it in your backyard. Okay. That's what I'm here for. Or a much bigger pot.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Because once I started learning about mycology and how... This is not where it would like to grow. This is just a baby. Just a baby. Even a big pot, they don't really like that, right? They would like to be in the ground. Ground is best, no question, because there is an ecosystem which has to connect with it. There's nothing like the ground. But because in Texas or in Austin, it could get too cold for her. So she may not survive in your garden. Then you have to bring her in. I don't want her to die. So wintertime, maybe you will have to bring it in. So maybe I can pot it outside during the spring and then put it inside. Winter, you have to bring her in.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Okay. All right. We'll work it out. We'll figure it out. Because she's Indian, you know. She's Indian. Yeah, I know. I mean really Indian, not Native American.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Right. They have a lot of Indian animals in Texas, believe it or not. Really? Yeah, axis deer. It's a very common animal out here. Really? Yeah, they imported them here. I don't know when, but they're all over the place. I saw one like six months ago on the side of the road. Yeah. So some things from India survived, but a lot of them died off. Last year we had a very big freeze that lasted for a couple of weeks and a lot of them died off. Last year, we had a very big freeze that lasted for a couple of weeks and a lot
Starting point is 00:03:06 of exotic animals from other countries that people brought in. Unless they're from northern part of India, where it's in the Himalayan region, they may survive. But South Indian animals like me won't make it in winter. So you're on this grand tour right now, you were saying. You just got back from, you were in New York, right? Yes, I was in, I just came from India two days ago. Then I was in New York, Tennessee, New York, and here. And today, this night, I'm leaving for Caribbean because we are making, signing some memorandum of understanding with the CARICOM nations for the safe soil movement. So they're all coming on board. We have made a policy document specific for each country, depending on their latitude, soil types, economic conditions, and agricultural traditions of an
Starting point is 00:03:58 individual nation. Based on this 192 nations, we've made soil policies. So this is something that you're very concerned about, and rightly so, that there's a problem with the topsoil in America in particular that we've been aware of for a long time, where there's only like, what's the number, like 45 years worth of topsoil left if we go about practices the same way? Generally, most UN agencies are talking about something like 60 to 80 harvests, which could be somewhere between 45 to 60 years of topsoil. But it's not like it's suddenly going to get over one day. It's not like a bank account. It'll start sliding, which is already sliding.
Starting point is 00:04:49 So, sliding means on one level, there is loss of nutrients in the food. And another level, the yields are coming down. We are going on increasing the inputs. The input cost is going up. They tell me 50% of the American farmers have not seen a dollar in the last 12 years. And the highest suicide rate among all professions is among the farming community in the United States. Really? Yes, it is so in India also. I know it's in India, and I thought they attributed that a lot to debt. There were some issues. But why debt? Okay, why the debt is piling up? See, the banks give debt only what is suitable
Starting point is 00:05:24 for that crop, all right? It's not like they're going to give you a billion dollars to do some farming. They're going to calculate and give you. Why is he not able to pay it back? He's not able to pay it back. One main reason is the input cost is going up year on year because the soil fertility is going down and the input cost is going up to a point where it's no more practical to do it.
Starting point is 00:05:45 There was also some sort of an issue with Monsanto, correct? Those things are there, but... You don't think that's a big deal? It would be if it came big time, but Monsanto is not so big time in India yet. It's not? No. The policies have kind of blocked it and made it regulated. So we are not... we have not taken to GMO crops in a big way.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Only a few... a few items we have taken. Even that, people are protesting and generally farmers are aware and most people, large number of farmers have rejected it. So that's a different aspect. See, the problem is always... we are always saying whom to hit, all right? So, this is a movement which is not against anybody because in this one thing, we can all come together as one. We may be of different nations, we may be of different racial backgrounds, religious backgrounds, caste, creed, gender, whatever, and political ideologies,
Starting point is 00:06:46 whatever. But we all come from soil, live off the soil, and when we die, we go back to the soil. The only question we have in our life is, will we get this, that soil is the basis of our existence here, will we get this now, or will we get it when we're buried? That's the only choice we have. So having said that, see, people are talking about organic farming. These are all urban people talking about it. They've never farmed in their life. They don't know what it means to do organic farming. Right now,
Starting point is 00:07:15 if the world shifts to organic farming 100%, let's say tomorrow morning, our food production in the world will come down to 20 to 25 percent of what it is right now. So that is death for most of the population. So when they're talking about organic farming, they're talking about farming with no pesticides, no herbicides. No pesticides, no fertilizer, all this. No fertilizer? Fertilizer is non-organic? Yes, it is chemical fertilizer, right? Okay. But what about organic fertilizer? That is a manure. Right. Okay. That is organic content is different. So that's... So people who are talking about this, it's an ideal life. Okay. Right. But will a farmer who is doing it for his commercial requirement, will he be able to conduct his agriculture in an idealistic way?
Starting point is 00:08:04 No, believe me, I've been engaged with farmers. It's not like that. It's like you're eating good food, but if you have yourself checked up, your doctor may say, well, your calcium is a little deficient, your iron is deficient. So, take these two pills. So, you took these two pills and tomorrow you felt great. Then you decided you don't have to really eat food, you can just eat a lot of these pills and you will be fine. That is how we have done agriculture. We had rich soil in that whatever is deficient, we put a little bit of nitrogen or phosphate or something, suddenly the crops burst out. Then we forgot that we have to put organic content. We just started putting the salts forever.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And in 25 to 30 years time, the soil becomes fallow. Yeah, there's a book I read years ago called Dead Doctors Don't Lie by a man named Dr. Joel Wallach. And it talked about mineral deficiencies from topsoils. It was a big issue. It was a big issue. And one of the things that he brought up is that people who grow agriculture and have animals have known forever that they have to supplement the animal's diets with minerals. And that this is primarily because the food that they're getting is not minerally sufficient. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And that's the same thing with our own food. Is that even though you can grow a lot of these vegetables, you're not getting the same nutrients that you would if you had rich topsoil. Not at all. See, the amount of nourishment or micronutrients that you got from a given vegetable, let's say in early 20th century, let's say 1920, and today what you're getting from the same thing is approximately 10% of that. 10%? Yes. 90% drop has happened. Wow. So it's enough to grow the food. These studies are available in the United States.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Everywhere in the world, there are not enough studies, but it could be a similar number, if not the same amount. It could be something like that, anywhere between 10% to 25%, let's say. that, anywhere between 10 to 25%, let's say. For example, if you ate an orange in 1920, today to get the same stuff, you will have to eat eight oranges. Wow. So, it's simply not practical. So, people think this malnourishment, these problems, and this starvation, these things will happen only to Africa or South America or somewhere. No. World Food Programme predicts that by 2035, there could be famines around Illinois region.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Illinois? Yes. Really? Because the food that they're eating is deficient in nutrients? The thing is, the soil has been so used up. You heard of 1930s, the Dust Bowl. Yes. Yesterday, I was in New York, and I was talking to somebody there. So, they're saying that some whatever volume, I don't know the volume, but some enormous amount of dust came and settled in New York City when the dust bowls just came up like, you know, it just blinded the whole half the country.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So, people are calculating how many whatever million tons or hundreds and thousands of tons of dust or soil landed up in New York City. See, it stopped in New York City because of the tall buildings and stuff. But how many millions of tons of soil, American soil, went and landed in Atlantic Ocean that you can never calculate, right? Right. When farmers are growing these monocrop agriculture, like if they're growing corn or soy or things like that, is that part of the problems? It's not enough regenerative agriculture, not enough manure, animals grazing in the same lands? Monoculture is a basic problem, okay? And we've gotten into this kind of thing because we are looking at soil like some industrial machine that we put in so much and we have to get so much. But soil is a living thing. If you take a handful of soil, there are anywhere between 7 to 10
Starting point is 00:11:57 billion organisms in it, anywhere between 50 to 75000 species of organisms in it. But now with… we are plowing with machines, it plows anywhere between 12 to 14 inches. Eighty-seven percent of the life on this planet, including you and me, come from the first 12 to 15 inches of the soil. But we are plowing the soil 12 to 14 inches, leaving it open to harsh sunlight and leaving it like that for months, that itself is a tremendous damage. We have taken to this because of monoculture, you crop everything at once. If it was multi-culture, you would crop one thing, the other thing would be
Starting point is 00:12:38 still there. And when you... by the time you crop that, another one would have again grown up, you know? There would be some greenery on the soil and organic activity would be going on. Microorganisms would be alive and active. But now it's a single crop. You take everything out by machines, plow it, and leave it open to the sun. That's causing a massive damage. Now, if we do it another way, if you have a bunch of different plants growing there and you leave trees for shade and all sorts, is there enough land with what they're growing on now,
Starting point is 00:13:14 with the amount of food that they're growing now? Is this scalable if you have some sort of regenerative agriculture plan? We can grow much more on much less land. Really? Yes. See, we have been doing this for over 24, 25 years now. We've converted a few hundred thousand farmers into what is called as tree-based agriculture. Earlier, we used to call it as agroforestry. Then it came under trouble because then the whole thing went under the forest ministry. Forest ministry is full of restrictions. It is actually agricultural land, but it was called as agroforestry. So, we retitled it as tree-based agriculture. So, now it's under the agriculture ministry because it's farmer's land. It's not forest land. So, by doing this properly, there are scientific
Starting point is 00:14:03 ways of doing it. Different crops can be done differently. And pruning the trees at the right time and taking that… See, enough green material should be generated on the farm. Enough animal waste must be generated on the farm. Right now, animals have gone out of the farms and trees have gone off the farms. So, where is the organic material? These are only two sources of organic material that you have in the world. You may have any kind, because I've been in California in the last month, and whatever you say, somebody comes up and says, Sadhguru, my friend has made an app, it can solve any problem. See, with technology, you may be able to improve the application. I'll give that margin. But you cannot generate organic content with technology. It's only plant life and animal life which can create organic content. There is no way you can generate organic content anywhere else. It has to come from the land. Simply, there is no other way. If I can tell you a joke, you're getting very serious about this soil business. I love a joke.
Starting point is 00:15:08 This happened in 2016. A few scientists from the planet got an appointment with God. They wanted to meet him. They went there and said, Hey, old man, you've done pretty well with creation. But today, everything that you can do, we can also do. It's time you retire. God said, Oh, everything that you can do, we can also do. It's time you retire. God said, oh, is that so?
Starting point is 00:15:30 What is it that you can do? So, they dug up a little bit of soil and made a vague picture of a human child and did so many things. And within a few minutes, the child sat up alive. God said, oh, that's really impressive. But first, get your own soil. Everything, whether it's a worm or an insect or a plant or a bird or an animal or human beings, we've all come from soil. There is nothing else here on this planet, which is not the source is not soil. Everything, the source is soil.
Starting point is 00:16:01 So say if you have something that's a large monocrop like corn, it's a big one in America, and you wanted to transform the way they're growing corn and make it so that it's sustainable and that you have some sort of regenerative agriculture situation, how would you do that? See, if you want to grow monocrops, I wouldn't advise that. That's not the best way to do it. But for commercial reasons, you want to do monocropping, all right? Right. You're a corn farmer. You don't want to grow anything else if that is so. You must put back substantial amount of organic content. Because even if you take a corn plant, which grows almost six to seven feet tall, and you're only eating the corn. You don't have
Starting point is 00:16:46 animals on the farm largely. If you just, the plant part of it, if you just chop it into pieces and put it back in the soil, the soil will be very happy. You got your corn anyway. And soil will be very rich. What do they do with it now? Right now, they bail it up and sell it to somebody. Some people in some countries, they just burn it. They use it as fuel for household purposes, or they use it in so many other ways. But it is not going back into the soil. And they just use commercial fertilizer for growing plants. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:18 That will last for the first 10, 20 years maximum. After that, it will start diminishing because you can't just grow with salts, you need organic content. Because the way the soil mechanics happen is, it's a very complex and sophisticated marketplace. The plants have to capture the carbon from the atmosphere and make it into carbon sugars and that is the currency with which it can exchange for nutrients with organisms, they won't give it free. So, even in our own stomach, you… today, you know that without the gut microbiome, you cannot really digest the food that you eat without their cooperation. Though, what is happening in the soil is probably a thousand, ten thousand,
Starting point is 00:18:02 or a million times more complex operation. Who we are right now as a life, ten thousand or a million times more complex operation. Who we are right now as a life, we are just a consequence of what's happening in the soil. Even in the evolutionary process, that's how it's happened. That today, what we are right now, over 60% of our body is actually microorganisms. Only 40% is our parental genetics. Rest is all microorganisms. Only 40% is our parental genetics. Rest is all microorganisms. So, what we are now is a reflection of what's in the soil. The moment you weaken the soil, life on the planet will start becoming weak. People don't notice this. I know this is a
Starting point is 00:18:38 controversial thing to say, but I think you're known for controversy, so what's my problem? But I think you're known for controversy, so what's my problem? So, I'm saying, see, for example, there are certain countries which are suffering this whole coronavirus much more than the other. I don't want to make an absolute statement about this. But one thing is something we must look at is, any doctor, you don't need a top virologist, a simple doctor will tell you, if you lack vitamin A, vitamin B6, B12, D, E, and, you know, foliate and iron and zinc and magnesium in your system, you will become susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections. retract infections. This is a known fact. Yes. So, what is the deficiency in America? Vitamin E, most Americans are 90% deficient. D. Yes. Yes. Vitamin A, 43% deficient. Vitamin C,
Starting point is 00:19:45 39% deficient. Like this, you can go on. With all these deficiencies, we are trying to make it up with pills. I see I was in Los Angeles last month, and there is a building-sized hoarding, which says, my favorite pharmacy. I said, when did this happen? When the next thing is, you'll say my favorite hospital. Next thing, you'll say my favorite symmetry. Yeah. Your pharmacy and hospital and symmetry are not favorite hospital. Next thing you'll say, my favorite cemetery. Your pharmacy and hospital and cemetery are not favorite places. We go there only when it's inevitable. We may have to go there, but we don't wish to go there. When you say something is my favorite, you want to go there, all right? That's what it means. So, you should never have a favorite pharmacy or a favorite cemetery for that matter. It is a place when it's inevitable, something, some trouble came, we will have to go.
Starting point is 00:20:32 But today it's become the norm in, well, the most affluent country in the nation, where there's a variety of choices of nourishment. In this country, without pills, you cannot exist because the food doesn't have the stuff. So, once the food doesn't have the stuff, people won't have it either. All animals won't have it either. So, the very species will become weaker and weaker by the day. In a few generations, it will become so weak that we won't be able to sustain a common cold. We could become like that.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So, you taking a pill will bridge you for some time. It is not a solution for life. When something is lacking, a pill will bridge us across a little bit. But it is not a solution, how it comes through the complex mechanism of food and how it becomes part of our body. And a simple chemical of a tablet, they are not the same thing. They will not do the same things to us. And what other consequences it has, nobody can ever estimate because there are so many other consequences in a country like United States, where there is a whole choice of nourishment
Starting point is 00:21:38 and a whole choice of lifestyles. You are spending nearly three and a half trillion dollars in health care. That is a huge statement about America's health. Well, it's very obvious if you look at most Americans. And what's really interesting is there's been some photos that people have put up recently of beaches from the 1970s. And you see these people on the beach with their shirts off and bikinis on, and they look so good. They look so much healthier. They look so much different than people look today.
Starting point is 00:22:11 When you go to the beach today, you have a large, I mean, it's a representative of America. And in America, some large percentage of people are overweight. And a lot of that is because of the food choices. A lot of that is because what the food choices. A lot of that is because what's fast and quick and available. One thing about obesity is, see, when the food lacks the necessary nutrients, the body longs for more food to fulfill that need. So you end up eating more and more thinking you'll, I mean, the body is thinking that it'll get nourishment by eating more. That more makes you grow horizontally.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yes. And it's also like the kind of food, you know, if there's food that has a lot of sugar in it, your body freaks out and it just wants more of it and it can't stop eating it because it's an unnatural state to have that much sugar in something that doesn't have fiber, like if you're drinking a sugary drink. of fiber, like if you're drinking a sugary drink? I mean, I don't know how to say this. I'm not being disparaging about a nation or a society. Go ahead. But the food choices in America are atrocious. There's a lot of bad choices. But it's also, there's a disconnect in America because there's so many people that live in urban environments that are completely removed from the process of growing, raising cattle, raising animals,
Starting point is 00:23:32 raising food, growing vegetables. They have no connection to it. They don't know about it at all. They just look for the term organic when they go to the supermarket and they feel like they're healthy if they do that. See, I mean, this is not talking about women's choices of footwear, but I call this high heel life. That means you're well above the earth. You're living in an apartment, which is 14 floors above the earth. You're walking all the time with insulated from the earth. In every way, you are trying to be away from the earth, which is a wrong way. People may believe they will go to different types of heavens depending on their belief systems, but we all come from the same soil. Being connected with that is most
Starting point is 00:24:19 essential because the body is thriving only because of its natural connection. Well, they have classes now where people are grounding, where they go outside and they take their shoes off and walk around. They lay on the ground. They're paying money to hug a cow. Legitimate tree hugging, like real tree hugging. It used to be a term that we'd use to people to make fun of them. But now it's legitimate.
Starting point is 00:24:44 People are hugging trees to try to get better. Grounding people to make fun of them. But now it's legitimate. Like people are hugging trees to try to get better. Grounding is like the principles of grounding. The idea is that there's some sort of a connection that you get from Mother Earth, that the only way you get it is to be bare skin touching the grass and the soil, and that there's actually a benefit to that. No, they're mainly talking about the electrical positive charge getting neutralized. That is true. It is true? It is true, but it's not the most important aspect. The more important aspect is the microbial life in your body and the microbial life in the soil are cousins. They need to meet. They need reunions often. If that doesn't happen, you're living like a lab rat
Starting point is 00:25:26 all the time washing yourself up with all kinds of things that nothing can be on your hands, nothing can be on your feet. So there is no connection with the source. In that, the body suffers. And today there is substantial scientific data to show
Starting point is 00:25:43 how you know, micronutrients or lack of micronutrients and mental illnesses are very directly connected. Yes. Today, the WHO is predicting a mental illness pandemic. See, what this means is, we said a coronavirus pandemic. What this means is, if we are in this room, three people, all three of us are susceptible. We may get it. All right? Now, mental illness pandemic means just that. Any one of us can go lose it right now. Well, we're going there. I mean, in 2020,
Starting point is 00:26:21 in Japan, more people committed suicide than they died of coronavirus. How's that? It's pretty crazy. So, in a country where it's affluent, they're not dying for economic reasons, obviously, not because of poverty, not because of hunger, no. Just they're not able to handle their own minds. One important aspect, it's not the only aspect, but one important aspect is lack of micronutrients that's directly connected to the type of soil that we're walking upon right now and where we grow food.
Starting point is 00:26:52 When we say where we grow food, 71% of the world's soil or world's land is under cultivation in the world. So why I'm focusing on agricultural soil? in the world. So, why I'm focusing on agricultural soil? People ask, why not what rainforest? Why not the ocean? Yes, all those things need to be taken care of. I 100% agree with that. But agricultural soil is that place, agricultural land is that place, which is every day tended to by a human being. A man or a woman is on the land, tending to it. The place that is being regularly tended to by a human being is in its worst possible condition. Where there is no human footprint, everything seems to be fine. Well, the problem is just this. See, we are the most intelligent species on the planet, or more intellectual species on the planet.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I would like to withdraw the intelligence aspect. We are the most competent for sure, in terms of ability to do things. Our competence is increasing by the day. What a thousand people or ten thousand people could not do a thousand years ago, today one man can do. That is the level of competence because of technology, we have that. With this level of competence and intellect, one important thing is we must be functioning consciously.
Starting point is 00:28:19 If we function unconsciously and compulsively, we become a destructive force. All this destruction has happened not because of some evil plan. When you mentioned a company and said, is it them? This is why I don't want this narrative to grow. It is not happened because of some evil plan. This has happened in search of human well-being. In search of human well-being? Human beings trying to be happy. Human beings trying to live well. That is why they turned the planet upside down, isn't it? In some ways, but it's also profit. Human beings trying to profit. People want profit because that
Starting point is 00:28:58 is the only way they can be well. Those who are making losses, are they well? Yeah, sort of. But a lot of them, they're already well. They're greedy. They've gotten past the point of being well. And now they've gotten connected to the idea of accumulating vast sums of money. No, that is being judgmental, calling somebody greedy. Because, see, if I have one meal a day, which is my normal, I think I'm doing fine. If somebody else has one meal a day, he thinks he's very poor. He wants two. The guy is having two, thinks he's poor because somebody else is having three. One who has a little home,
Starting point is 00:29:40 he thinks he's poor because somebody has a big home like this. So what is greed and what is not greed? I won't tell you what greed is. If you make choices where you know that the thing that you're doing, whether you're distributing a product or whether you're causing an action that is going to be detrimental to human beings, but you cover up the data to hide the fact that it's going to be detrimental because you want to maximize your profit and you don't care about the negative impact it has on people because you're only thinking about money and you're already substantially wealthy. That, by definition, is being greedy, right? See, by definition, it's like this. Somebody is dreaming of a million dollars. He thinks that is the ultimate goal in
Starting point is 00:30:26 his life. But a guy who has a million, he's wanting to be a billionaire. One who is a billionaire, he looks at somebody who has a hundred billion dollars, he thinks at least that much he must have. So I'm saying, instead of being judgmental about this, human well-being is sought from outside. That is the whole problem. See, human experience essentially happens from within. Whether it's your joy or misery, comes from within you, isn't it? Maybe somebody or something can stimulate it from outside, but still it happens within you. Joy and misery happens from within you, pain and pleasure happens from within you, agony and ecstasy happens from within you, every human experience happens from within you, pain and pleasure happens from within you, agony and ecstasy happens from within
Starting point is 00:31:05 you, every human experience happens from within you. But in pursuit of happiness, we're turning the world upside down. Because this is the case of a, you know, there was an old potato farmer. One day he wanted to eat apples, so he went to an apple tree. But by habit, he started digging for the apples till the tree came down on him because he's a potato farmer. So right now, human beings have become like this. They have gotten used to this, that they think by getting this, by getting that, by having one more thing and one more thing, they're going to be happy. Yes. But human experience happens from within. If you take charge of your interiority, being peaceful and happy is a natural consequence of that. But for convenience and comfort, we do things outside.
Starting point is 00:31:56 To create impact, we do things outside. So this experience of if human beings were naturally joyful by their own nature, they would only do what is needed, nothing more, nothing less. But right now, they're in pursuit of happiness. You can't stop them. Yeah, they are in pursuit of happiness, but they're also, again, in pursuit of profit because it's a number-based system. So it becomes like a game and you get connected to corporations. When you're in a corporation, there's a diffusion of responsibility because you don't think about your own involvement and what the corporation is
Starting point is 00:32:29 doing. You think about your role, what you do as a job, and then you try to maximize profit. And it's a game that people get wrapped up in. Yeah, but that is... Doesn't make them happy. You're absolutely correct. No, no. It's in pursuit of happiness, but... Well, it's in pursuit of success. You're absolutely correct. No, no. It's in pursuit of happiness, but.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Well, it's in pursuit of success. See, most human beings cannot be happy if they're not successful, isn't it? There's a lot of that. Yes. No. And then they get medicated to help them get happy. That's a lot of people. I mean, what percentage of people are not following by the principles that you're espousing,
Starting point is 00:33:05 which are very natural and very healthy, and they instead follow this corporate structure, the corporate guidelines. They follow that path and they're not happy. So what do they do? They medicate themselves. No, today we have come to this place where if you want to be peaceful, you need a chemical. You want to be joyful, you need a chemical. You want to be healthful, you need a chemical. Well, you want to be ecstatic, of course, there is a chemical. Right. So, what is the consequence of this? Why this is happening? One thing is in this generation, one thing that's happened in people's minds is the heaven has collapsed in people's minds.
Starting point is 00:33:40 The heaven? Yes. How so? See, I've been talking to people. The heaven? Yes. How so? See, I've been talking to people. Fifty years ago, if I spoke to people and I asked, how many of you want to go to heaven,
Starting point is 00:33:50 almost 80% would raise their hands. Today you go to your university and ask them, how many of you want to go to heaven, they'll say, hehehehehe. They think it's a ridiculous question. All right? Nobody will raise their hand. So in their minds, heaven has collapsed. There's no place to go.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So, they want to do everything here. All right? I see. So, they have not found how to be joyful and ecstatic within themselves. So, chemical usage, initially it became alcohol, then it became chemicals, it's getting stronger and stronger. then it became chemicals, it's getting stronger and stronger. And, you know, so many people dying of those things every day and illnesses.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And it's costing a nation and the world a lot. It's not just in one country, it's going across the world. Law enforcement agencies may be controlling it a little bit, but they can never control it totally because the consumption is mass-based. It is more people maybe consuming these things than people eating bread. It's becoming like that. So, this whole movement, where it's going means, if you do not raise human consciousness, if you do not teach people how to sit here feeling absolutely blissed out within yourself by your own nature, because this human mechanism is the most sophisticated chemical factory. If you are a good CEO, you would produce the chemicals that will give you fantastic experience.
Starting point is 00:35:18 If you're a lousy CEO, you're giving yourself a bad experience. Yes. Now, you're buying chemicals from outside to fix that, all right? So, essentially, you're a bad manager of your own system. You're not taking charge of this. Why has that happened? Because your education, your society is talking about conquering the world, but never taught you anything about how to take charge of this. Do you agree with me? The most in this room, there's so much technology here. In this room, the most complex and sophisticated technology is within your system. Yes or no? Human system.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Yes. This is. Have you read the user's manual? There's no user's manual. There is. There is? Yes. Where is it at? It's built into the machine. Oh, how do I get it? You need to pay attention. You're reading Inner Engineering. Read that carefully. I'm reading it.'s built into the machine. Oh, how do I get it? You need to pay attention. You're reading Inner Engineering. Read that carefully. I'm reading it. I'm in the middle. I'm at part two. There are pointers as to how to read your own user's manual.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Yes. Let me take you back to this concept of heaven. You know, when you're talking about people in universities that you say, how many of them want to go to heaven? The problem is they don't have any evidence of heaven. And so when a lot of these young people that are atheists or agnostics, they don't want to buy into anything that they believe is connected to fairy tales or they're connected to some sort of an ideology that they believe was manufactured to control people and to keep people in check.
Starting point is 00:36:43 That's what I said. The heaven has collapsed in their minds. In their minds. But it's also because heaven is connected to religion, and religion is connected to atrocities. There's a lot of people that think of religion, they think of the evils of the Catholic Church, or they think of what religion has justified, the horrors of history,
Starting point is 00:37:03 the things that people have done in the name of religion. So a lot of younger, sophisticated, intelligent people don't want to believe in anything that there's no evidence for. So when you say, how many of you want to go to heaven, say, show me a video. Tell me where I'm going. Do you have a map of heaven? I'm not asking that question, offering a ticket. I'm just telling you, heaven has collapsed in people's mind, which is a good thing because... It's a good thing?
Starting point is 00:37:28 It is because the idea that this is not the place to live well. There is another place where you will live well. It's the wrong idea. This is a place to live well. You can have heaven right here. Yes. And who told you you're not already in heaven and making a mess out of it? No one. I think that's possible. We are in a heaven making a mess out of it. We also could be in hell too, right? Whether we want to fix the soil or we want to fix the human mind, we are only trying to see that you don't mess up the heaven in which we have landed.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yes. I could agree with that. I think the problem is the term heaven. When you say it, people think of a biblical heaven. They think of a place that you go in the clouds. No, no. Every religion has their own kind of heaven. That's the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I'm saying before Bible came, there have been heavens in other places. Yes. Yes. You know one thing I found really interesting? This is one thing good about this soil is, see, people may even have separate heavens to go to, but we all come from the same soil. Our bodies go back to the same soil. So this is a unifying factor, irrespective of one's religion, caste, creed, whatever else.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So in your mind, this concept of heaven relates to like a harmony amongst yourself and the people, the living things around you, including the soil. See, essentially it's like this. If you feel pleasant in your body, we call this health. Yes. If you feel very pleasant in your body, we call this pleasure. If you feel pleasant in your mind, we call this peace. If you feel very pleasant, we call this joy. If you feel very pleasant... if you feel pleasant in your emotion, we call this love. If you feel very pleasant, we call it compassion.
Starting point is 00:39:18 If you feel very pleasant in your very life energies, then we call this blissfulness. If you become very, very pleasant, then we call it ecstasy. If your surroundings become pleasant, we call it success. So, to create pleasantness in the surroundings, we need the cooperation of people and forces around us. Without everybody's cooperation, you can't create a pleasant atmosphere. But pleasantness of the body, pleasantness of the mind, pleasantness of emotion and energy is one hundred percent your business, isn't it? So if you're feeling ecstatic, you are in heaven. Because your idea of heaven is a very pleasant place, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yes. This place, this planet Earth is very pleasant except for the human beings who are creating unpleasantness among each other. Well, this sounds like a great concept, but human beings are very complex. Their emotions are complex, their needs and desires and their trauma and pain and insecurities and all mental health issues. How does one get to that spot? Like what you're saying sounds wonderful. I mean, you're a guru. You're a literal guru. So when you sit here and tell people these things, they go, well, that sounds easy for that guy. No, look at him.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's not wise. It's not easier. You got a great beard. It is not easier. Difficult. It's not. It is a question of wrong direction or right direction. That is, you went to an apple tree and you're digging the roots because you're a potato farmer. That is the only problem you have. You are the source and seat of your experiences within you. What happens within you? Should it happen your way or my way? Tell me.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Your way or my way? What happens within you? Should it happen your way or my way? Well, it's within me. When you say within me, do you mean my thoughts? Your thought, your emotion, your body, whatever, your chemistry, your energy, everything. What happens within you, should it happen your way or somebody else's way? Well, I think if your way sucks, maybe you should listen to other people and maybe try their way. See, if it happened your way, would you keep yourself blissful or miserable?
Starting point is 00:41:30 You would keep yourself blissful if you were wise, if you were wise and your mind was working properly. But if you have mental health issues, if you're filled with trauma, if you're poorly educated, you're starting from a deficit, a severe deficit where you don't think correctly. No? No. You don't? That is not the problem. The original problem, the root of the problem is this. Let's address one step at a time. Okay. See, right now, the simple question is, what happens in your mind, your emotion, your chemistry, your energies must be your way, isn't it? Well, it's yours, yes. It is yours, so it must be your way.
Starting point is 00:42:07 But it's not happening your way right now because it's in a compulsive reactive state. Okay. So anybody can cause anything within you. So if I decide what clothes you must wear, what food you must eat, what you should do every day, you will call this slavery, isn't it? Or the government. Don't go there. So, right now, someone else, something else can decide what happens within you.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Isn't this the most horrible form of slavery? That someone can decide whether you are happy or unhappy. Yeah, that's not good. That's not good. That's not the best path. So, the problem is just this. An intelligence which needs to be conscious is unfortunately unconscious and compulsive. So the only problem that you have is compulsive reaction to life around you.
Starting point is 00:42:59 What is needed is a conscious response to life. So this simple thing, people have not handled from their childhood. Right. So when you don't handle this one thing, everything will be wrong. Everything will be accidental. Your success and failure, both are accidental. So what do you say to someone,
Starting point is 00:43:16 maybe they're 30 years old, and they've had this life of mistakes and regret and maybe alcoholism or gambling or some other problems, but they want to be conscious. They want to be blissful. They want to be enlightened. They want to be a happy person filled with love. What path do they take? What steps do they take to correct the journey they're on? Why is it, though human beings are not the strongest creatures on the planet compared to other species, why is it the human beings are dominating this world? Simply because of our ability to use tools, isn't it? And our intellect, our ability to manipulate
Starting point is 00:43:59 our environment. Yes, but even then, if we didn't have the knowledge of using tools, Yes, but even then, if we didn't have knowledge of using tools, the buffaloes would have mowed us down, all right. Yes. So, your intellect, they don't care. It's your ability to use tools. You made an arrow. You made a gun. You made so many things.
Starting point is 00:44:17 You made a house. Yes. Yes. Everything, all instruments. Right now, microphone or telephone or whatever else, these are all instruments to enhance. We are this much, because of our instruments, we become that much. Right now, there is one little screw here in this furniture. I will ask you, you're a strong guy.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I will ask you to unscrew this with your hands. Can't do it. You do it, you may lose all your nails. I'll allow you to use your teeth. Maybe you lose some of them. It's going to be a problem. But it'll be right there. But if I give you a screwdriver, boom, in a minute, you'll get it out. So this is the power of the tool. So as there are tools for doing things in the external world, there are tools to handle this. Because you don't have a toolkit, this
Starting point is 00:45:01 machine, which is the most complex machine, is going crazy. Right now, you're reading in engineering, it's a toolkit. You just use the tools. Don't worry about the philosophy. Don't worry about belief system. Don't worry about your concept, somebody's concept, your beliefs, somebody's beliefs. Just use the necessary tools. Being peaceful, joyful, loving is a natural outcome of that. Okay. Well, what are those tools? Like the scenario that I laid out. You have a person who's 30 years old. They have a history of trauma in their life. They're very unhappy, very depressed. Maybe they're alcoholics. They're trying to get their life in order. Today, I want you to understand this. The Isha Foundation and
Starting point is 00:45:41 the Sina Engineering process that we are doing around the world, in 2021, I think, 2021, I think it's 2021, our video views are 2.2 billion. 2.2 billion video views? Yes. That's a lot. Yes. Why? Because it's worked.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Because what? It has worked, I'm saying for people. It's worked? Yeah. We have over 16 million volunteers working with the foundation. Why are they doing this? Because the only reason is it has worked. What is it that's worked? I did not teach them a morality. I did not teach them a philosophy. I did not promise them miracles. I did not pull gold chains out of thin air and give it to them. No, nothing. Simply tools to fix themselves. Just how to sit, how to breathe, how to manage yourself. This is all. Yes. But you're entertaining. That's also one of the reasons why you have that many views. How many views do we have? If you guessed, pull your mic down so we can hear you. On YouTube, I guess?
Starting point is 00:46:45 Yeah, let's just go with YouTube. No, no, it's okay. That's not the point. All told, how many views? Two... I don't know. Say four billion. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I don't know. Probably about the same. Sounds about right. Yeah, and we're not teaching you shit. No, that's not true. Other people are that are on here. But I think that... I see what you're saying, that it works. But what I'm saying is, what are those tools?
Starting point is 00:47:11 This is all very, like, mystical and difficult for people to grasp. There are mystical aspects also. But that is not for everybody. But I mean, this conversation is. Only for those who are interested in those things, who want to pursue that aspect. For the rest of the people, for somebody, if their back goes away, his life changes. For somebody, if his headache goes away, his life changes. Yes. Somebody drops his alcohol consumption, addiction, his life changes. Somebody, some compulsive thought that maybe drives him crazy, that goes away. These are simple things.
Starting point is 00:47:44 This is just a small screwdriver is all he needs. He doesn't need a total overhaul. Mysticism is a different aspect. It is like you're not just interested in living well. You want to know the very root of life. Yes. That's a different aspect. That's not for everybody.
Starting point is 00:47:58 That is only for those who seek that. But for common people, all they want to do is they want to live peacefully, joyfully, with some sense of purpose to whatever they're doing in their lives. For this, it's very simple. You're talking about a case of a 30-year person, 30-year-old person who has this problem, this problem, this problem. I have millions of them with me. 30, 40, 60, all kinds, from 16 to any age. All right. So if it did not work, they wouldn't be working for the foundation. We are a volunteer organization with 5,600 full-time volunteers and over 16 million part-time volunteers. Everything is done by volunteers.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Well, obviously, you're doing something right. It's working. That's all I'm saying. So what is it when you say it is working? See, people don't know how to sit. Right. It's working. That's all I'm saying. So what is it? When you say it is working. See, people don't know how to sit. Right. People don't know how to eat, what to eat, when to eat. They don't know. They're just eating like instinctively. See, instinctive existence would be fine if you had the intelligence of an animal. With this level of intelligence, if you function
Starting point is 00:49:05 instinctively, you will be destructive to yourself and to everybody around you. That's what is happening in the world. Instinctively is fine. If you have an animal. Well, listen, I have an animal. If I left a lot of food around, he would just eat himself to death. Oh, animals. Yeah, they won't do that.
Starting point is 00:49:19 My dog would. The dog has become like you, inspired by you. But if that's a problem, wild animal a wild animal will eat what it wants and then it'll move on. That's true. That's true. Yeah. Humans have really messed dogs up. They've turned them into people. Dogs are actually the human version of animals. So when you say it works though, like for a person that is listening to this, that is seeking some sort of a path to a better life, what would you recommend they do first? The simplest thing they need to understand
Starting point is 00:50:00 is human experience is caused from within, not from outside. Right now, see, somebody can abuse you, let's say. They're just words. Right now, I'm going to abuse you in a language that you don't understand. You know, India has 1,300 languages. I can choose. 1,300? Yeah. Wow. I didn't know that. Wow. So, I'm going to use some Indian language and abuse you with a smile on my face. Okay. You think I'm saying something very sweet to you.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Go ahead. Yes. So my abuse is not hurting you at all. Right. It's only your reaction which is going to hurt you. Got it. Right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:37 So in whichever language it is, whatever nonsense it is, it is only your reaction which hurts you, not my words ever. But you think my words are hurting you. This you must change within you. You need to understand it's your compulsive reaction to life which hurts you, not what other people are doing. If somebody hurts you physically, that's a different matter. It's a survival issue. You need to take care of that properly, okay? Hurts you physically, that's a different matter. It's a survival issue. You need to take care of that properly, okay? Physical hurt is different.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Physical pain is actually very good for you. Physical pain is good for you? Yes, I'll come. If there was no physical pain, most people would not know how to survive. Because they wouldn't know what not to do. Yeah. In the name of, see, even though there is so much pain, see how tattooed people are, how poked up they are all over. If there was no pain, yeah, they've got all kinds of holes all over the place, all right?
Starting point is 00:51:30 It hurts, I'm saying. I'm not commenting on their fashion. I'm saying it hurts. But in spite of that they're doing, if there was no pain at all, they would have pulled out their intestines and walk on the street like a handbag, all right? Probably. Yes. If there was no pain, people would not even know how to survive. So, in that sense, pain is good for them. It prevents them from doing something absolutely destructive towards themselves. So, physical pain is a survival mechanism. That's a different aspect. But
Starting point is 00:52:01 rest of the pain is caused in their own mind. I can cause physical pain to you, but can I cause mental pain to you? You can initiate something that might make me react. No, I will do nonsense, all right? I will do total nonsense. But it's you who causes that pain within yourself by reacting in a certain way. Okay, I see what you're saying. So if I initiate things in a language that you don't understand, you're just fine. It doesn't work. So it is not my words or my actions which
Starting point is 00:52:33 are causing pain to you. It's your compulsive reaction which is causing that. This is a beautiful concept. But for a lot of people, they develop these patterns of behavior and thinking that are very difficult to break. So how does one come up with the practices that would allow them to consistently and continually understand this and apply this to their life? See, the patterns are formed not only in the psychological structure. The patterns are formed in the chemical structure of the body. The patterns are formed in the chemical structure of the body. The patterns are formed in the energy structures of the body. The patterns are formed in the karmic structures of one's system. So, the memory patterns establish themselves in every way and make you that kind of person, all right? But that kind of person you are is something that you
Starting point is 00:53:22 created unconsciously. If you can create something unconsciously, you can also create the same thing consciously, isn't it? So you can fix the same thing consciously, you mean? No, I'm saying if you create one kind of persona unconsciously, you can also create another kind of persona consciously, isn't it? Yes, you can make a conscious choice to create a healthy persona. So right now, because the patterns are so well established, it's like a rut in the street, a road, all right? Yes. If there is a deep rut in the road, even if you steer it this way, it drags you that way. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:57 So that is what is happening in people because they have formed patterns, strong patterns. Even if they once in a way think, oh, I must give up the drink, they come off for two days, and again, they slip back into the same thing. Because there is a chemical pattern, there is a karmic pattern, there is a psychological pattern, there is a compulsiveness built into the body itself, the whole system. So that is working that way. There are various tools and technologies as to how to break these patterns.
Starting point is 00:54:25 But they must be willing to subject themselves. You can't force them to do it. It is not something by force. It can only be done when somebody is willing, when they have a genuine desire. Then there are tools. If you don't have the desire, even if I give you the screwdriver, you'll turn it the wrong way and tighten it further, I'm saying. Right. I see what you're saying. So what actions should someone take besides recognizing that the way they react to things is a conscious choice, that they choose to either be upset or not be
Starting point is 00:55:00 upset or to react to these external... No, don't go there. Don't go there. See, upset, not upset, that is not the point. No? Are you a conscious response or are you an unconscious compulsive reaction? This is the only thing. Reaction or response? Response means right now I say something that you may not like.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Now you can respond the way you want. Not because of what I said. Right. You continue to say what you want. This is your response. You don't have to react. If you react, you in some way unknowingly, you become enslaved to me. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:55:41 That's what a lot of people love to do, right? Yes. That's why they start fights. They're always reacting. Yes. They think reacting is the way to live. Yeah. Well, if you react, you become somebody's slave.
Starting point is 00:55:52 I must tell you this. On a certain day, a yogi was coming this way, coming to Joe Rogan's show. On the way, somebody stopped him on the street and abused him in every possible way. He listened to everything carefully, not ignoring them, listening to very alert, listening to every word of abuse. Then he looked at the time and he said, see, I have a show I need to go. I'll finish that and come back. If you have something more to say, you can tell me then.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Now these guys don't know what to do with him. If these are that kind of people, they will say hundred things. If you say one thing, they will… next thing is they'll beat you. But now if you say hundred things, he says, I'll come back for more. You don't know what to do with him. Why he is like this is, he's decided that he is the master of his destiny. No matter who does what, he will go where he wants to go. Intelligent man or no?
Starting point is 00:57:00 A man who goes where he wants to go, no matter what anybody else is doing to him, that is a smart man, isn't it? Well, it's definitely a better choice than just being a reactionary. If you're a reaction, you'll go away their way. Yes. Somebody will take you their way. Somebody will take you this way. Somebody will take you that way. Such a person, will they ever achieve anything that they wish to in their life? They might get lucky. See, those who achieve things by luck always live with the fear of losing it. Yes. They panic, right? And they're always worried and they get greedy. Because they're scared. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:30 This came by chance and it may go away by chance. Yeah, they have famine mentality. If you have done it by knowing what you're doing, if you lose everything today, you can create it again because you know the mechanics of how to do. Right. And likely you won't lose it. You won't lose it. You won't lose it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:45 So what should a person do? Should they start taking yoga? Should they start thinking a certain way every day about their life and the way they're responding to things and whether or not they're reacting or being conscious? Is that guy falling off the sky or is he doing yoga in your studio? He's getting abducted by a UFO. Okay. That's a flyinged by a UFO. Okay. That's a flying saucer. I get you.
Starting point is 00:58:09 What do you think about flying saucers? What do you think about like… We'll come. Let's do yoga first. Okay. So… We'll get to that? We'll get to that.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Okay. So, right now we're trying to fix the soil. Then we'll go to another place. Okay. Let's go to another place. Okay. Let's go with yoga first. So, the word yoga in United States, it scares me because here yoga means you must look like a leftover noodle twisted out like this, like that.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Right. The word yoga means union. Union. Union means right now, we were talking about the soil. As you sit here, you're just an outcrop of soil. You may not realize this because you're sitting on a chair, you're wearing shoes, and because you can prance around. But if you were made like a tree, you would clearly understand you are part of the soil, isn't it? Yes. Or most people will understand when you bury them. Then they know they are part of the soil.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Otherwise, they just don't know that they are part of the soil. They think they came from somewhere. A lot of people started talking, I'm from some other planet. This talk is also going on. But essentially, you are part of this, but you're not experiencing it that way. This is not only true with soil, this is true with the entire creation, with the cosmos itself. Today, modern science has come to this, that as you sit here, every subatomic particle in your body is actually in communication with everything else.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Is this an image of cosmos that you have? Sort of. It's just random stars and occasionally you'll see a shooting star. So, it is... this is a part of everything. Yes. If you don't go... want to go that far, at least this is a part of the planet. There's no question about that. That's very clear. But such an experience is not there. If... can I tell you my...
Starting point is 01:00:05 how this happened to me? Yes. So, when I was four or five years of age, I suddenly realized I don't know anything. I don't know anything means I don't know anything at all. If I look at a glass of water, I don't know what this is.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I know I can drink it, I know in how many ways I can use it, but I don't know what it is. Even today, with so much scientific exploration, we still do not know one atom in its entirety. We know how to use it, we know how to break it, we know how to fuse it, we know how to make a bomb out of it, but we don't know what it is. Even today, we don't know what it is. So, if I found a leaf, I'm just staring at it for five, six hours at a stretch. If I sit up in the bed, I'm just staring at the darkness for the whole night. My dear father, being a physician, started thinking I need some psychiatric evaluation. He started saying, this boy is staring at something all the time. It looks like he's lost it. My problem is I'm looking at this, I still don't know what this
Starting point is 01:01:19 is. I'm not able to shift my attention to anything else. In this condition, they sent me to school. My mother said, don't look here and there, pay attention to the teacher. So I went and paid attention to the teacher, the kind of attention they would have never received in their entire life. I'm paying absolute attention to the teacher. Initially I kind of understood what they were trying to say. But after some time, I realized that they're just making noises. I'm making up the meanings in my mind. Even now, it is so, isn't it? Language is a conspiracy between two people. The moment I talk another
Starting point is 01:01:56 language, I'm just making sounds as far as you're concerned. So, when I just heard, they're just making sounds, I'm the one who's making up the meanings. I stopped making meanings. Hour after hour, teacher after teacher, they come and make noises and noises and noises and go. It became so amusing to me. A big smile spread on my face. They were not amused at all. You were five when this was happening?
Starting point is 01:02:24 Yeah. They sent me to school when I was three and a half. Did this accelerate over time? Did it start off slowly and become... Yes, the thing is I don't know one thing from the other. I look at the sky, tremendous things. I look at a tree, I see every leaf and it drives me crazy. I can't figure out where this is coming from, what's happening. Endless amount of things. If I look at a pebble, I'll keep on looking at it for hours because
Starting point is 01:02:50 I don't know what it is. Because there is so much to it. If you take an atom, you can spend a lifetime looking at it, still not knowing what it is. That's the nature of the creation, all right? It's that complex. So, my schooling went on like this and I slowly started going there only when it was absolutely necessary. Otherwise, I had my own excursions going. So, about eleven, twelve years ago, this school where I studied over fifty years ago, they come to me and say, Sadhguru, you must come. It is our hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the school. You must come and speak. I said, Sadhguru, you must come. It is our 125th anniversary of the school.
Starting point is 01:03:26 You must come and speak. I said, see, why me? Because I was not just a not good student. I was not even a student. I was barely there. Why are you asking me to come? I'm not a good example for any of your students. They said, no, our school has produced ministers,
Starting point is 01:03:42 our school has produced cricketing stars, sports stars, film stars. You are the only mystic, so you must come. So, I went. I went and stood up to speak in the same quadrangle, the oppressive buildings around me. And I looked at this classroom and I suddenly remembered and I narrated this to them. See, I was around 12 years of age and one teacher came and those days, because I don't know anything, what's there to talk? For days on end, I don't utter a word. I just go to the sports field, I play intensely,
Starting point is 01:04:18 any game that is there, and classroom, home, I don't say a thing because I don't know anything. So what is there to say? So this teacher is asking me some question. I'm looking at him. I know his past, present and future sitting there, but I don't know what he's talking about. Initially, I hear the words, after some time, I'm just seeing him like a blob of energy like that. And I know that guy through and through, but I don't know what he's talking. About 35-40 minutes, he tried to get an answer from me.
Starting point is 01:04:52 I didn't say nothing. So, he came, held me by the shoulder, shook me violently like this, and said, you must be either the divine or the devil. I think you're the later. See, till then, my problem was I didn't know what is this, what is that, what is that, what is that. But it was clear this is me. Suddenly this guy confused me about this also. I looked at myself, what is this? Is this divine, devil, what the hell is this? This question had never come to me till I was twelve. I had a question about everything in the universe.
Starting point is 01:05:26 But this was clear, this was me. Suddenly this guy confused me about this also. Then I tried to stare at myself, it didn't work. I started closing my eyes. And initially it started with minutes, it went into hours, it went into days. Sometimes I just closed my eyes and sat for days on end. This changed the whole experience of my life. When I was twenty-five, I just burst into an experience where suddenly every cell in
Starting point is 01:05:51 my body was dripping ecstasy like that. Suddenly? Yeah, I was sitting on a rock and just I burst out like this. For the first time in my life, adult life, tears were coming. Tears and me were impossible. I lived like that. So I was just wondering what's happening when I… I thought it's ten, fifteen minutes.
Starting point is 01:06:12 When I came out, it was four and a half hours, my shirt was wet with tears. I thought, what's happening to me? Am I going off the rocker or something? That's the only thing my skeptical mind could tell me because I was a super skeptic about everything in the universe. I had a question about everything, about the family structure, about the society, about religion, about politics, about economics, about everything. So, what do you think was happening?
Starting point is 01:06:36 I'll tell you. Then I talked to my closest friends. Hey, something is happening to me. I'm just blissed out. You know, if I just talk to them, tears are coming to me. They said, what's happening to you, man? What did you drink? What did you pop? This is a question. Then I knew there was no context to my experience. So, I started spending more and more time by myself. And I realized, if I just take my hands off my mind completely, I just take my hands off my mind completely, then I see that every cell in my body just bursts out with blissfulness. Then I established this properly within myself how to do that. Then I sat down and made a plan. At that time, the world's population was 5.6 billion people.
Starting point is 01:07:21 I made a plan, in two and a half years' time, I will make the whole world ecstatic. Here I am 40 years later. It took me time to realize people are so deeply invested in their miseries that even if you offer them the best thing, they will go round and round and round around that not getting the point because they're too deeply invested in something they don't realize as you sit here and through your misery or joy life is slipping away every heartbeat is life going away isn't it yeah it's not the clock ticking it is life ticking away as we sit here moment by moment we're getting closer to our grave. People don't understand they're mortal. This is the biggest problem. On a daily basis, they're not
Starting point is 01:08:11 conscious that as I sit here, my time is running out. I need to make the best out of this. If I'm conscious that I'm mortal, if I know my time is running out, I would keep myself in the best possible way. I wouldn't have time to quarrel with somebody. I wouldn't have time to do nasty things to somebody or to myself. I would do the best to myself unnaturally. When you're feeling wonderful, you do wonderful things to everybody around you. A happy person, a very joyful person is naturally a pleasant person to everybody. When you're feeling nasty, you will share it with people, of course, the same nastiness. So, this process, I decided we must somehow share this with people. So, I started building devices. I was practicing yoga since I was 12 years of age, a simple form of yoga.
Starting point is 01:08:57 That also I got in for all the wrong reasons. All the wrong reasons? Yeah, in the sense, I was around 11, 12 years of age. This was my… The story about the well. Yeah, you know the story. So, I got in for the wrong reason, thinking I'll become a superhuman like him, but it is something else to me. Tell the story to people so they hear it. You know, this is an ancestral home where we are about 35-six of cousin brothers and sisters who live in
Starting point is 01:09:26 different cities, we all come and converge in our ancestral home for the summer vacation, usually thirty to forty-five days max. So it's one rollicking place, all the kids totally out of control and doing all kinds of things. The young boys, one of the things is there's a drinking water well in the backyard, which is about eight feet in diameter, about 150 feet in depth. In summer months when we go there, it's at least 60, 70 feet below the ground level, the water. So, we jump into this well, you have to go straight. If you go this way, your brain will become a smear on the wall, actually.
Starting point is 01:10:03 You have to go straight. Did that ever happen? It's happened to other people, not to me. My brains are still here. You, yeah. But you know. No, not in our house, it didn't happen. It's happened to other boys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And when you want to come up, there is no step, anything. You just have to hold the rock and come up. You know, you're just about one centimeter, half an inch is what you have in the rock grip. Your entire weight is on these four fingers. So, your nails will start bleeding out of sheer pressure. So, I could come up pretty well. I was coming up very well out of that. So, I'm very proud and I can do it better than people. So, one day we are doing this act and a man who is over 70 years of age was watching us. Without a word, he just walked and jumped into the well. I thought the old guy is finished.
Starting point is 01:10:55 But he came up faster than me. I didn't like it. I said, how? He said, come and do yoga. So I followed him like a puppy. So I got into yoga for all the wrong reasons I'm saying this because even for wrong reasons if you do the right things right things will happen to you this is a beauty about this world so this was how old were you at the time 12 so this was
Starting point is 01:11:19 along the same time that you were having these realizations about the nature of things? It was, they all sort of came together, like it's a very fortuitous sort of convergence. When I look back, it's all like a set plan, all right? At that time, it was all wonderful accidents happening. Yes. That's a thing that happens though sometimes, right? When you're on the right path, That's a thing that happens though sometimes, right? When you're on the right path, like wonderful accidents do sort of seem to happen. See, the thing is just this. If you're designed to fly, if something is designed to fly, if the stronger the wind is, the higher it flies, you know.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I'm a licensed helicopter pilot. Oh, really? Yeah. Everybody thinks winds are a bad thing. No, winds are great. Only when you're landing, if it's crosswind, it's a little bit of a issue. Otherwise, without headwind, you can't really fly, all right? Too much. A storm is a different thing. But headwinds are good. That's why the airplane flies, all right? It's because of that there is aerodynamics and it flies. So, if you're designed to fly, this is what is important. What yoga means is, you get yourself geometrically correct.
Starting point is 01:12:35 What being geometrically correct means is, see every physical creation in the universe has a geometry to it. If the geometry is in such a way that it has least amount of friction, then it functions at its best. When would you say… suppose you start your car engine and it's like, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, would you say this is well-engineered car? You start it, you don't even know, you can't feel the engine. Then you say, this is a good car because it's only
Starting point is 01:13:05 unless you make it roar, you can't feel the engine. That means everything is going smoothly with least amount of friction. So it is a geometric perfection which does this. So everything that is physical in the universe needs a certain perfection of geometry to function at a certain level of competence. So this geometry, today there is something called as constructional theory they're making it, yogic sciences are deeply invested in this. That is, how an atom is made, how an amoeba is made, a single-celled organism is made,
Starting point is 01:13:39 how you are made, how the universe is made, the fundamental design is not different. It's the same design. The complexity and sophistication is multiplying many, many fold, but essentially it's the same design. So, this is what today we're calling as the carbon chain on this planet. Whether it's a microorganism or a tree or the atmosphere or the water or a human being, everything is one chain. If you break one link, everything could collapse on your head, you know. That's what we are talking about when we talk about soil. One link has become very weak.
Starting point is 01:14:13 If you don't strengthen that, the entire chain could collapse because a chain is as strong as an individual link. And this one link of the soil has become super thin. If you push it any further, the whole thing, the very chain of life could collapse. So, it is the geometry which keeps it going. For example, this planet is going around the sun. There is no titanium chain or a cable holding it to the sun and swinging it around. It's just the perfection of geometry. If you just get it off its path, finished, it'll fly off somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:14:47 It'll burn itself out. Only because of certain geometry, it has hit a certain geometry, they're all… they look like perpetual machines, they're not perpetual. In our experience, they're perpetual because our lifespan is so small. But otherwise, it's not perpetual. At one time, it was not there, at some time in future it will not be there again, that's a different matter. But right now it has hit a certain geometric perfection that it keeps going as if it's forever. So yoga, one aspect of yoga
Starting point is 01:15:18 is this, to get your body to a geometrically congruent state with the rest of the creation. If you're geometrically congruent, suddenly your experience is not that of an individual, but that of being universal. So to put it very, very simply, it's like this. See, we can do an experiment, can we? Sure. Just put your hands together. With your eyes closed, what you do is, you rub your hands very briskly for thirty seconds.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Now hold it three, four inches away from each other. Something happening between them, huh? Is it? Don't you feel something? I feel the heat of each hand. Not the heat. It's warm from friction. No. Isn't there a sensation between them?
Starting point is 01:16:19 Yeah. Yeah. So right now… See, right now, what is the difference between you and the chair on which you're sitting? It's only the sensations which tells you. How do you know, this is me, this is not me? Right. Here there are sensations, here no sensations. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:36 So essentially what you call as myself is a certain boundary of sensations. It's a sensory boundary which determines what is you and what is not you, isn't it? Yes. This water, is it you? It'll become me when I drink it. If you put it into the boundaries of your sensation, it becomes you. Yes. And that's how this whole thing has come, right? When you were born, you were this much. Now you become this much. It's the food that you've eaten, water that you took and everything into the boundaries of your sensation. Now you experience it as myself, 100 percent. So if you lose 10 kilograms,
Starting point is 01:17:13 would you think that 10 kilograms of me is gone? No, isn't it? Well, you would if you look in the mirror. No, no. In your experience. Your experience is exactly the same. Exactly the same. Except maybe you feel healthier. Because what is within the boundaries of your sensation is you. If you do anything vigorous or intense, suddenly the boundaries of your sensation is breached and you experience something more. Why there is such a big draw towards sexuality or people are rubbing each other
Starting point is 01:17:44 all the time is just this. Rubbing each other? Yeah, in a way. I'm saying it is because somewhere for one moment, they are something more than what they are. Right. Somebody or something which is not themselves becomes a part of them at least for a moment. Yes. So, this breaching of sensory boundary is yoga.
Starting point is 01:18:08 If you sit here and if you can spread your sensory body as big as this room, you would experience everything in this room as yourself. See, right now, your heart, your liver, your kidney, the five fingers of your hand, this was not you some time ago, isn't it? When you are a baby, your finger was this much. Now it became this much. That means these fingers, the way they are, they were not you just some time ago. But today, they're 100% you, isn't it? How did this happen? Because this material got accumulated within the sense boundaries of your sensory body. Sensory body, if you make yourself exuberant, either because of joy or blissfulness, sensory body expands.
Starting point is 01:18:55 If you expand your body in such a way, it's as big as the universe, you will experience the whole universe as yourself. This is yoga. the whole universe as yourself. This is yoga. So, the twisting, turning, holding the breath, doing this, doing that, all these things are to loosen up the body in such a way that your physical body and your sensory body are not stuck to each other. Sensory body can expand. Today, you know, if somebody lost a limb or something, they have something called as a phantom leg. Even if the leg is gone, they're still experiencing the leg because the sensory body is still not there. So, essentially, physical body is acting like a scaffolding for the sensory body, which gives the experience of life. If your sensory body was totally dead, you wouldn't experience
Starting point is 01:19:39 anything even if you had your body, all right? So, if your sensory body expands, you will experience this whole room or this building or this town as yourself. So, this is what yoga means. This is the purpose of yoga. Because once you experience somebody or something as a part of yourself, nobody has to teach you any morality, be good, don't harm them, don't do this, don't do that. These teachings will be irrelevant for you because anything that you… Nobody ever taught you, this little finger, don't bite them, don't do this, don't do that. These teachings will be irrelevant for you, because anything that you… Nobody ever taught you, this little finger, don't bite it off. It
Starting point is 01:20:10 is a poor little finger. Nobody had to tell you this because it's you. What you experience as myself, with that you have no conflict. This is what yoga means. The mechanism of getting there, there are various mechanisms. There are actually 112 proper technologies as to how one can get into that space. 112? Yes. You talked about in your book that I was reading, you talked about the different kinds of yoga and you told a very funny story about God getting them all together. The four yogis. Yeah. Would you mind telling that? What are the different types of yoga? There's… See, you can do… employ your body and perform action and do yoga. This is karma yoga. Karma means action. Using action to attain unity with the existence. If you use your intelligence to get... attain unity with the
Starting point is 01:21:06 existence, then it is called as Jnana Yoga, Yoga of Intelligence. If you use your emotion to get there, that is called as Bhakti Yoga, Yoga of Devotion or Emotion. And if you use your energies by refining and expanding your energies if you do it, that is called as Kriya Yoga, the science and technology of expanding one's energies. So, these are the only four ways you can do because these are only four things you have, rest is all imagination. You have a body, you have a mind, you have emotions and you have energies, life energies within you. Beyond this, rest is all made up in terms of your beliefs and imaginations. These are the four realities.
Starting point is 01:21:49 You can only work with what you have. You cannot work with what you don't have. So, these four things, is there anybody who is only body, no mind, no emotion, no energy, or only mind, not the other three? All of us are a combination of the four. It's just that in one person, the body may be's just that in one person the body may be dominant, in another person the mind may be dominant, in another person emotion like this. Different combinations of the same four ingredients are there in different human beings and different persons.
Starting point is 01:22:15 So accordingly, yoga has to be mixed. This is why the significance in the eastern cultures of having a live guru who's looking at you and making the right concoction. Let's say you came to me when you were twenty. Naturally, your body would be very dominant. We would give you one type of yoga. Now, you returned when you're forty. Now, maybe your mind is more dominant, maybe your emotion is more dominant, maybe energy is more dominant.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Body could have receded a little bit. So accordingly, it has to be mixed. So it is not like a common prescription, everybody do this, everybody do this, is not going to work. It needs to be mixed the right way. Otherwise, it won't work. This is one reason. A whole lot of people on the spiritual path feel,
Starting point is 01:22:58 first three months, they seem to be going somewhere. After that, they are stagnant because nobody to gauge that and tweak that thing according to their needs. So they need a guru. They need someone to... See, the word guru is a four-letter word today in America. Yeah, because there's a lot of fake ones, right?
Starting point is 01:23:16 That's why I'm a sad guru. It has eight words, eight alphabets. Will you tell a story about God getting all the gurus together, all the different types of yogis together? Okay. So, this is on a certain day, four yogis are walking in the forest. One is a Jnana yogi, yoga of intelligence. Another is a Karma yogi, body yoga. Another is Bhakti Yogi, Emotional and Devotional Yogi, another is a Kriya Yogi, Master of Energies.
Starting point is 01:23:50 So suddenly a storm picks up and they start running to find a shelter. The Bhakti Yogi who has, you know, who knows the geography of temples in the area, he says, let's go in this direction, There's an ancient temple there. So they all ran there. Then they found an ancient temple where the walls had collapsed long time ago, just the roof and in the center, there's a deity. They all rushed into the temple, not out of love for the deity or God, but just to escape the storm. Then the storm started lashing from every direction. So they got closer, closer. There was no other place to sit. So they all, four of them, hugged the deity and sat down. Suddenly God appeared.
Starting point is 01:24:31 They all wondered, why now? We did so much yoga, you didn't come. Now when we're just escaping the storm, you turn up. So they looked at him, why now? So God said, at last you four idiots got together. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Body going one direction, mind going another direction, emotion another way. How will anything happen?
Starting point is 01:24:53 These four things have to come together. This is very important. But today, the way it is happening, the yoga, it's become very more... more like a exercise. If you want exercise, there are so many ways to do it. Go have a swim, maybe play tennis, maybe climb a mountain, you'll get much better exercise. Yoga is not for exercise. It'll also give you that, it'll give you fitness also. There are different types of yogas. For fitness, there are certain kind of yoga. You must come, we can do this with you.
Starting point is 01:25:28 It's called Angamardhana. That means mastering your limbs. Without any equipment, you can master your limbs in such a way that you become very resilient. People are asking me, Sadhguru, you're sixty-five years of age, how will you do this thirty thousand kilometers on a lone motorcycle yourself, riding like this across 26 or 27 countries? I was just joking with them. And I said, see, this is an advertisement for a yogic back. You will see I will ride. How did yoga get started? What do you think was the origin of it? Because it's an ancient form of, however you want to call it, an ancient practice.
Starting point is 01:26:14 And it's obviously very beneficial to so many people to practice it. How did it get started? See, there is nothing in the universe which is not yoga, in the sense, there is nothing in the universe which is not one with everything else, except human mind. This is what we're talking about soil also. There is nothing on this planet which is unconnected. There is nothing in this solar system unconnected. There's nothing in this universe unconnected.
Starting point is 01:26:45 So everything is in yoga. The question is only whether you realize that or not. If you realize that, if you experience that, then we call you a yogi. A yogi means not somebody who is twisting and turning. Yogi means one who is experiencing the union right now. That though you're an individual, your experience has gone beyond your individual nature, you're experiencing the universality of your existence. Your individual nature is a psychological condition.
Starting point is 01:27:15 See, physically, this is what we've been talking about soil, nourishment, everything. Physically, if people don't understand this, if you close these two holes, you know… Your nose holes? Yeah. Yeah. Keep your mouth also closed, close this and see. If you're not connected with the oxygen bubble around you, you won't exist for two minutes. Right.
Starting point is 01:27:38 So, where is your individuality, I'm saying, physically? With food, water, with everything else, we can say it in so many different ways, but physically, you know, there is no individuality to your body. Only psychologically, this individual nature, we have taken it too seriously, simply because it's the magnanimity of creation that which has given us an individual experience. Actually, in this cosmos, we are like a speck. If you look at the solar system itself from somewhere a million light years away, the solar system itself is a tiny speck. In that planet, earth is a micro speck.
Starting point is 01:28:21 In that micro speck, Texas is a super micro micro spec. In that, Austin is a super, super micro spec. In that, you are a big man. This is a serious problem. You take yourself seriously when you're really connected to everything and you think of yourself as an individual. When you're not, you're really a part of everything. Your individuality is just a psychological thing. You want to see a funny meme that points to that? Why not? Pull up that Sam Tripoli meme.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Do you know what memes are? I think so. Yeah, they're funny things that people, it's like kind of a new form of comedy, but this one relates very closely to what you're saying. And it's this right here. You are here crying in the shower before work, pointing to the outer regions of the Milky Way galaxy.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Yep. So this tiny micro, micro, super, micro speck thinks it's the center of the universe. This is a serious issue. It's a big problem for a lot of people. And what's the function of that, though? Why does the human animal think that way? See, as I said, this is the magnanimity of creation. Though you're a tiny speck, you have an individual experience. This is the greatest gift that we have. We can sit here, even wonder about the universe, not knowing where it begins, where it ends, all right?
Starting point is 01:29:49 Yeah. So, this is a tremendous gift that we have been given an individuality, but you're taking it too seriously. For this, the only cure is that you're always conscious that you're mortal. Your time, you're on a limited lease of time. If you know this, you will not take your individuality seriously. You will enjoy it the way it is. The problem is our culture thrives on individuals taking themselves seriously. This is why the most affluent country on the planet,
Starting point is 01:30:25 look at the amount of miseries people are going through. Yeah, there's a lot. You know, I remember this. I was in 98 for the first time when I came to United States. I went there to the US Embassy in Chennai to get my visa. So this is... you had to... at that time, you had to go at like 6.30 in the morning. It would start at that time, 7 o'clock they will start seeing you. I went there because, you know, the Consul General, a fine lady, she had heard about
Starting point is 01:30:59 me so instead of just doing at the counter, she asked me to come to her office. So I went there and there she asked me, see, you're going to United States. We have heard so much about you in India. But, you know, if you want to teach in United States, you need a teacher, you know, yoga teacher certificate. Are you certified? I said, if I had asked for a certification from my guru, he would have cut my throat. So I don't have a certificate. I live yoga. I don't… I don't… I'm not certified. Then we had a long chat and then
Starting point is 01:31:31 I was coming out by about maybe 7.45. Then I see outside the US embassy, at the… outside the compound, one young man, young boy, like maybe in his early 20s, sitting and crying bitterly, he's crying his heart out. I couldn't ignore him. You know, my car was already there and then I got off the car and went to him and I said, hey, what's the problem? His visa got rejected. The guy is so bitter, he could kill himself, he's in that kind of condition. I said, why man, India is a big country, get lost here only, huh? You will go to United States and get lost somehow. You can also get lost in this country and try again if you want to go.
Starting point is 01:32:16 I'm not saying you should not go. But okay, they didn't let you go, so what about it? But that's not how it is. People think going to United States is everything. Ask the people who are living here how many complaints they have. They are miserable because they are here. Isn't that crazy? That's what I'm saying. Because human misery is not in India or America. It is within you. One of the things that struck me from your book was that you didn't read a lot of the writings on yoga until you're much older you were practicing yoga but you hadn't read
Starting point is 01:32:54 read any of the ancient texts i have never read any ancient texts not even now really yes you don't have any desire to find what they were thinking? No, because my own clarity has never failed me. I don't want to confuse myself because we don't know in these many thousands of years who all have added whatever nonsense they've added to it. Right. That's a problem. Like human beings. For a period of time, you know, every scripture has been meddled with by people. But anyway, all scriptures, it doesn't matter where they got the information from, how they received it, but written by human beings, all right? Right. Language is written by human beings,
Starting point is 01:33:34 there's no question. People may say, God dictated it to me, but still, even if I dictate something to you, you can still write it wrong. Yes. So, I'm saying, those books I never read, the only book I read is this. Your body, your soul, your experience, you, whatever. This mechanism, which is in my experience, because nothing else is in your experience. Just see this. You can't experience what's here. You can only experience what is here. in your experience. Just see this. You can't experience what's here. You can only experience what is here. Do you find that that's kind of contradictory in some ways to your existence because what you're doing is expressing your experience to other people? No, no, no. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:34:17 No. I see some experience. What is that? Joe Rogan experience. Oh, okay. Yeah. It's the name of the podcast. Okay. So, I'm never, you know, here and there when people ask questions, I may say something. But as I said, there's no philosophy, there is no teaching, there's no belief system, just methods. Yes, but you've given so much wisdom. You sit like this, you breathe like this, you do this, this and this, this will happen to you. You experiment. Forty days you do it. If it works, you keep it. If it doesn't work, throw it and move on. But do you see that you've written all this down for people to learn from? No. You haven't? Why did you write it down?
Starting point is 01:34:56 I have not written down anything. You have books. What is in the book is more like a brochure. A brochure. It's a 300-page brochure just introducing you. That's not, we will never write down what you have to use. That has to be transmitted. Right, but you are writing your own personal experiences and people benefit from that greatly. That is more for inspiration. A book is for inspiration, not for instruction. And you don't think that there's
Starting point is 01:35:22 any inspiration to be gleamed from other people's experiences? There is, of course. See, if you're looking for inspiration is one thing. If you're looking for instruction, don't look in the book. No. No. Inspiration is different to get you fired up. Once you're fired up, you want to know. Now don't go on reading books. That'll not get you anywhere. Action. You have to start delve deeper into yourself. For that, we can give you methods how to go deeper. See, when I, like we were talking about the screwdriver. Yes. How to do the thing, you know, with the right kind of tool. If you use the wrong kind of tool,
Starting point is 01:36:02 I gave you a spanner for the screw, which is in the furniture. It's not going to help. It's a tool, but it's not going to help. The right tool. That's all. That is all my work is, to give them the right tool. I will not use the tool for them. They must use it. Only for a few who completely give themselves. For them, I may also turn the screws for them. But largely, we just give you the screwdriver. It's up to you. But even when you were younger, you didn't seek inspiration from some other people's experiences? No, somehow it didn't work like that for me. For me, everything was a question mark. I'm saying, if I see a leaf, it's a question. If I see,
Starting point is 01:36:42 I look at my father, it's a question. If I look at my mother, it's a question. They were wonderful, loving parents. But I had questions about everything, nothing negative, just a question. Because question is a tool to dig deeper. Question is not a way of insulting somebody. I ask you a question. This is not to corner you, to insult you, to do something. Question is the only way to dig deeper, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:37:08 Like, you know, like people have their experiences, their opinions about everything in the universe. For example, before coming here, a whole lot of people calling him, Sadhguru, don't go on Jorog and show. Why are you going there, Sadhguru? You know what he is. I said, whatever he is, let me go and find out what the hell he is. Why are you going there, Sadhguru? You know what he is. I said, whatever he is, let me go and find out what the hell he is.
Starting point is 01:37:27 Why are you telling me who he is? All right. Well, no, no, he thinks this, he thinks that. Well, if he thinks I'm a chimpanzee, I will prove I'm a very good one. I'm saying, I have worked in prisons,
Starting point is 01:37:43 you know, like we have a program called Inner Freedom for Imprison. Both in United States we worked, but then we stepped out of U.S. In India, our programs are mandatory in all the South Indian prisons. Really? Yeah. And I worked with really hardcore, you know, criminals who have been convicted for murder and more. They have done terrible things, but when for murder and more, they have done terrible things. But when they are with me, they're such wonderful guys, lively and fantastic
Starting point is 01:38:11 guys. But if you meet them when they're angry or dissatisfied, they may be terrible. If you meet them when they are happy and joyful, they are fantastic people. So, I'm saying every human being has opinions about everything. This is one thing I've done in my life is, people who are with me for 25, 30, 40 years with me, right next to me, it's very difficult for people to understand this. I have not formed a single opinion about them. Every day I look at them fresh. This is very important, yes. So, when I sit here, I look at you fresh. it doesn't matter what you have done because what you are going to be tomorrow is what is important isn't it when
Starting point is 01:38:51 you're experiencing these prisoners do you think that that's part of the problem with having had a horrible past you know having been a criminal having been murderer, is that you can never really get past those experiences in a lot of people's eyes. They don't experience you fresh. See, the societies are made in a certain way, where unfortunately, certain people can't fit in. All right? Not necessarily because it's a very American thing. This is a good guy, this is a bad guy. I don't look at life like that. It is just that in a given moment, if somebody makes one wrong judgment, he utters something or he does something in that moment, that may end up in the prison. I've met hundreds
Starting point is 01:39:37 of them, thousands of them. Most of them are absolutely wonderful guys. There are a few who are mentally pathologically somewhere else. That's different. But rest of them, it's a given moment. They make wrong judgments because that's all they know at that given moment. Do you think that the practice of yoga can reform people? Oh, yes, of course. I will tell you. I will tell you this. Say, when I first went into the prison in Coimbatore to teach, don't mistake me, and it was very difficult to get in. I discovered that in the heart of Coimbatore City, there was a prison, central prison. So I said, let me go and see who is inside. I want to work with them, about 28 years ago. And then I found it took me over two years to get inside.
Starting point is 01:40:26 It's so difficult to get in. You need qualifications, you know. I was not qualified. It took all kinds of permissions to get inside because this was a high security prison. Then once I got in, everybody said, all the prison officers who knew me, they said, Sadhguru, you're wasting your time here. Every Sunday, a Christian priests come. All these guys do is mischief.
Starting point is 01:40:47 On Hindu festivals, Hindu people come. They do more mischief and Muslims come, more mischief. Other kinds of service organizations come, more mischief is all you will get. You'll just waste your time here. Please don't do this. I said, you just give me two hours. So, there were twelve wards in the Coimbatore prison, each with about two hundred prisoners. So, I took the long-term prisoners, one ward with two hundred people.
Starting point is 01:41:14 So, when I went there, they wanted to put them in the… See, normally prison is there, they push them into one hall and say, sit down here. So, the guru has come. I said, no, just I want to meet them on the ground outside. So, they are all sitting there like this. Okay, who is this guy who has come? You know, they have a certain there's an anger and angst
Starting point is 01:41:34 against the society which has locked them up. It's very difficult for people to understand what this is. I have not not once I have gone into prison and come out without tears in my eyes because everything seems normal on the surface. There is pain in the air. Just this is so important
Starting point is 01:41:53 for a human being to be free, you know. Yes. Just nothing else. Food is good. They get food better than probably their homes. Everything is controlled. They are all very fit,
Starting point is 01:42:03 actually much more fitter than the outside people. But there is pain in the air. Just it's so painful. So I went there and we played a game with them. They were just surprised that I'm playing a game with them. We played dodgeball with the guys. Within about 10-15 minutes, they forgot they're in a prison like little children. They're screaming and yelling and playing like crazy. And then I told them, see, I want to stay here for 10 days and work with you. You won't believe 80% of them in two hours time, they're all crying. They said, don't go, you stay with us. And then we started the program. Since then, continuously last 27 years, programs have been going on. Most of them are, you know, school dropouts. They're not really very literate and educated. But they wrote thousands of poems. One guy who killed three people in the courtroom. So he was... In the courtroom.
Starting point is 01:42:56 In the courtroom, he killed three people. Some vengeance issue, you know. So, he's on the death row. See, prison is quite a normal society during the daytime. It's evening six o'clock. They have to go inside and the doors are locked. Even if the medical emergency, nobody can open those doors unless a magistrate gives permission. The local officer cannot open the gate. Even if the guy is dying inside, it cannot be opened, no matter what happens. That's the law. So, he wrote a poem which stuck in my mind. He said, every day when the cell door closed, I thought this is my grave. But now I see it's become my Bodhi tree. And the gate, when the door closes, I close my eyes and I'm in a completely different space altogether. This is my freedom. And now after about six years, he was executed.
Starting point is 01:43:53 Wow. And we also took local industry and promised them that, you know, when they come out, there'll be jobs for them, those who can come out after a few years. Because in India, life term is 20 years, not life-life. And in 20 years, if there's good behavior, 14 years, they'll get a remission. So, many of them who have been there for murder, in 14 years' time, they will come out. So, nobody gives them a job.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Everywhere, everybody looks at them suspiciously. So, we set up the local businesses to include them into their factories and businesses so that they're not going to commit murder every day. It's just happened once in their lifetime. So how does yoga reform these people? This is all it is. Tell me, if you're feeling very happy right now, will you go and beat up that guy? Jamie? No. Even if I was mad?
Starting point is 01:44:45 Even if he's somebody that you don't like. No, it's not him. Anybody. Oh, anybody? When you are joyful, will you go and simply beat up that guy? No. No. Something nasty happening within you, anger, angst, frustration, something.
Starting point is 01:44:59 That's when you do ugly things, isn't it? Yeah. This is true for every human being. Yeah, sure. So you just label somebody as a criminal. What you need to understand is this is a deep-rooted unhappiness or frustration or something that's built up because of social reasons or parental reasons or genetic reasons. There's so many, okay? Not one aspect. Somewhere, this life is unhappy, frustrated, angry. Now it wants to do something unpleasant.
Starting point is 01:45:29 If this life is feeling very pleasant, why will it do unpleasant things? So this is all. We have focused too much in this world on trying to produce good human beings. Good human beings have caused terrible things. People who think they are good, they have done the worst possible things. Right. There's a lot of that. Thinking they are good.
Starting point is 01:45:52 But if we focus on creating joyful and sensible human beings, a whole lot of trouble will go away in the world. This is what yoga is about, that you're pleasant within yourself. When you are feeling pleasant, you do pleasant within yourself. When you are feeling pleasant, you do pleasant things naturally. Yeah. So you create this environment where people learn to be pleasant or you help them cultivate that pleasantness. It is not an environment. It is, you understand human experiences coming from within me. See, right now, let's say we are working together and I am oppressive, whatever, and you think you're unhappy because of me.
Starting point is 01:46:34 But if you realize, see, my unhappiness is my doing, you will undo it, isn't it? You think your unhappiness is because of me. It goes on and on because it's under my control now. Right. The day you realize my unhappiness, the source of my unhappiness, unhappiness is me, not somebody else. And you take charge of that aspect.
Starting point is 01:46:57 There is a method to do that. Once you do that, you're happy. Once you're happy by your own nature, then you will do what is most needed. Because once you're very happy, you have no pursuit of happiness. Your life is an expression of joy, not in pursuit of happiness. This is the shift that needs to happen in the world. Right now, people are in pursuit of happiness.
Starting point is 01:47:22 If your life becomes an expression of your joy, rather than being pursuit of happiness. If your life becomes an expression of your joy rather than being pursuit of happiness, you will stop squeezing the world the way you're squeezing it. This soil, this environment, these problems, everything is in pursuit of human happiness and well-being. Do you think that the physical practice of yoga, meaning the exercise aspect of it, practice of yoga, meaning the exercise aspect of it, alleviates tension and allows people to relax enough to look at their life in a different way? If they do it properly, yes. When I say properly, see, people are trying to do it like an aerobic exercise. No. We teach what is called as classical yoga. You don't have to do all these very difficult postures and all that.
Starting point is 01:48:09 Most yogis master only one posture. People don't know this in this country. One posture? Only one. Like what posture? Anything, they will choose one posture and they will just master that. So actually in the… you know, the traditionally what yoga says is, if you master one posture, that means generally two hours, 40 minutes, if you can sit one way without any sense of discomfort,
Starting point is 01:48:33 irritation, agitation, nothing in your system, this is your posture. You just master that one posture. Then the rest of the yoga is internal. Physical body is only that much. Then the rest of the yoga is internal. Physical body is only that much. So most yogis just have one thing that they do? Yes. And they can do it for hours? Yes.
Starting point is 01:48:57 If you can sit here, see, what it means is your body is not in the way. Your body is not in the way. Yeah. See, right now, you want to be happy, but your thought is in the way. Your emotion is in the way. your body is in the way. So once you put the body away, you must understand in yoga, there is no such thing as mind. There is physical body, there is mental body. If your body is not in the way, suddenly you discover that even your mind is not in the way.
Starting point is 01:49:26 How do you think they figured this out? This is, getting back to this, you kind of went around that. This happened over 15,000 years ago. The first yogi, he's referred to as the Adiyogi. Today, to honor him, we have set up a 112 feet tall bust of Adiyogi in India. You must look him up.
Starting point is 01:49:44 112 feet tall bust. Yeah, you can look him up, Adiyogi. What part of India is that? In southern India, in Coimbatore, in Tamil Nadu. So, this is 112 feet because he gave 112 methods as to how. So, this is what to say. 15,000 years ago he figured this out. Over 15,000 years ago. We are saying this over 15,000 years ago because they talked about certain celestial happenings. Those happenings have been confirmed today as well over 15,000 years ago. And we have iconographic proof of something like 12,400 years. Yeah, that's Adyam. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:50:23 112 feet tall. Great hair. That's a crazy statue. Yeah. How old is that statue? This was designed by me and built by all volunteers inside the center. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:40 So is that a building? So can you go inside of that? You can go inside, but there's no building inside because it's metal. It gets very hot inside. Oh, wow. That's beautiful. The idea was when I designed this, it took me two and a half years to design this face. You're not seeing the face very clearly.
Starting point is 01:50:57 Let's see if we can get a picture where the face is clear. It's very beautiful. Yeah. So I wanted intoxication, stillness, and exuberance on one face. So it took me two and a half years to design this face. What do you think? It has these qualities? I think you nailed it.
Starting point is 01:51:13 And how was this constructed? This is all metal? It's all metal. How was it made? So we made this. It took us some 680 tons of steel. Now we are doing another one near Bangalore, the same one. But now we are doing it with almost 170 tons less because now we've figured out the design much better.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Wow. That's incredible, though. I mean, it really is gorgeous. And that's all, is it welded together? Yeah. How is it welded together? Like, how is it? See, you can see some patchwork here. You're not seeing it. But actually, the metal pieces are all about this much size. We could have removed that. We could have, you know, braced that and removed
Starting point is 01:51:58 that. But when I looked at it, the roughness of it looked better than a smooth face. So, I just left it as it is. So, there patches. So you can see the construction... You can see the construction material. Not really that visible, but you can see for an observer, you can see that, which gives a kind of roughness to the statue, not very smooth. So this yogi that devised these 112... So when he came, he appeared somewhere in thealayas and people saw that he was dancing wildly in ecstatic states, completely oblivious to everything around him, or he sat still for days on end, weeks on end. He just sat still, unmoving. So, initially, lot of thousands of people gathered, some miracle is happening.
Starting point is 01:52:43 But slowly, because he didn't perform any miracles, no fireworks happened, people got bored and they left. Only seven disciples hung on because they saw the greatest miracle is, the man is not getting up for food, water, toilet, nothing. That means he's beyond the physical nature. He just sat there for months on end sometimes. That means he's beyond the physical nature. He's just sat there for months on end sometimes. The only sign of his aliveness was tears of ecstasy were dribbling down his cheeks.
Starting point is 01:53:12 That was the only sign of life. Otherwise, he looked like he's dead. So, when he came to his… some moments when he came to his consciousness, they pleaded, they wanted to learn, what is it that is happening to you? So, he tried to be dismissive. He didn't want to be in touch with them, but when they hung on, when they persisted, then he put them on a proprietary kind of work. They went through the proprietary work and then he started expounding for many years, what is the science of how human mechanism is made. And you won't believe this. of how human mechanism is made.
Starting point is 01:53:44 And you won't believe this. Hundred and... hundred and fifty years ago, Charles Darwin talked about evolutionary process. Over fifteen thousand years ago, he spoke something which is parallel to Darwin's theory of evolution. Even today, every Indian knows about, Indian person knows about this.
Starting point is 01:54:04 There are ten avatars. Avatar means not the movie that you saw. Avatar means a manifestation. So, ten avatars are… First avatar is called machya avatar, which means the life was in the form of fish or it was water. It was in the water. The second one is kurma avatar, which means it's a turtle. That means it became an amphibious life. The third one is a wild boar. It's called Varahavatar. It, you know,
Starting point is 01:54:34 other small things happened, but the mammals came. Then the next one is called Narasimha, who is half man, half animal. Next one is a doffed man, Vamanavatar. The next one is a full grown man, but a volatile man. He's so angry and so crazy, or a fighting man that always he went about chopping off people, to he got so angry and he lopped off his own mother's head. So, the next one is a peaceful man, is a Ramavatar. He's a peaceful, gentle man. The next one is a loving man, Krishnavatar. The next one is a Buddha man, he's a Rama avatar, he's a peaceful, gentle man. The next one is a loving man, Krishna avatar. The next one is a Buddha avatar, who is a meditative man. The next one, the tenth one is supposed to be the mystical man. These are not individual people to be seen.
Starting point is 01:55:17 These, this is the evolution of life on the planet. If you look at Darwin's theory of evolution, somewhere it runs parallel to this, from water bone life to amphibious life to this way, half man, half animal, dwarf man, like this it has grown. So, he talked about this and he said, see, if you want to evolve further, then something in relationship to the earth and the sun must change. Otherwise, physiologically, you're not going to evolve further. But you have a consciousness with which you can transform yourself absolutely and become
Starting point is 01:55:54 completely different from what you are right now. Right now, you're available to all the forces of nature. Right now, in many ways, you're enslaved to what's happening around you. You can rise above this and evolve consciously. But physiological evolution has come to a standstill because planetary movement and who you are right now, the planet and the solar system is functioning like a potter's wheel to make this happen. This life… Like a what? Like a potter's wheel, you know. Potter's wheel.
Starting point is 01:56:24 Oh, potter's wheel. Yeah. Okay. It's functioning like that.ter's wheel. Yeah. Okay. It's functioning like that. It's gotten you to this place. So people ask, can we develop more intelligence? Can we become bigger than this? He says, no.
Starting point is 01:56:35 Physiologically, your evolution has come to a place, unless there is some serious change in the relationship between the planet and the sun, that will not happen. But consciously, you can evolve. So then he propounds 112 ways as to how you can do it. 112 distinct ways how you can do it. So that is how yoga started. Who do you think this person was? He's Adiyogi. They called him... Because he never introduced himself, they called him Yogi because he was the first one, they called him Adiyogi. Adiyogi means the first yogi. And he is also referred to as Shiva.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Shiva means one who is not, that which is not. In the sense, see today modern science is speaking in these terms, in an atom for example, over 99% of it is empty space. There is proton, neutron, electron, all that covers less than 1%. 99% is empty space. So it is in the cosmos, 99% is empty space. See right now you look at this ceiling and you think it's full of star-like lights, but actually there's more empty space than lights, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:57:47 But because our visual apparatus are in a certain way, designed in a certain way, it gives more prominence to light because that's what we see more clearly. So, he said, everything is like this. So, if you transcend your physical nature, you become a Shiva. That means you are nothing. But nothing is the most powerful dimension of the existence because it is in the lap of the nothingness. Everything is happening. What you call as everything is just 1%.
Starting point is 01:58:16 Do you think this was a real person, a real individual? Or do you think it's representative of the learning of yoga and the best way to establish it, to express it, was to make it a person? It's a real person because the places where he came, what he spoke, everything is recorded in history, largely by lore. Today, people are trying to write it down in books because in India, we don't believe in scholarship. We believe in experience, inner experience. So it's always transmitted as a oral tradition for a long time. These days people are writing down in many ways. It was a real person because…
Starting point is 01:58:55 Pretty spectacular human being if they could do all the things. Absolutely. See, when he came down south, in southern India at that time, people were way shorter than the northern people. So they say he was twice the height of an average South Indian woman. So they say he must have been... because an average South Indian woman, tribal woman were like four, four and a half feet. So he must have been seven or eight feet tall. That people said he was twice that. And they say when he stood next to your horse, he was as tall as the horse's ears. But do you think these are exaggerations? Exaggerations could be there, but because his physical size doesn't mean anything for his yoga.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Right. So there's no point exaggerating that aspect, I'm saying. See, if he was a warrior, somebody may exaggerate him. But for a yogi, what is the point making him a big guy physically? Just to make him divine, so physically unique. No, that is the whole thing. See, in India, the Indian culture has only spiritual paths. There is no real religion per se because a religion needs a belief. All right? Spiritual process needs a quest, a seeking. If you are on the spiritual path,
Starting point is 02:00:15 we call you a seeker. If you ascribe to religion, we call you a believer. All right? Belief means something that you do not know. Because an authority speaks, you believe that. It could be your father who says that this is the truth and you believe him
Starting point is 02:00:32 as a child. Then it may be a priest, then it may be somebody bigger, or it may be in a book. You believe it because it comes from an authority. But the nature of that culture, the Eastern culture sees, there is no authority for us. Truth is the only authority. Authority is never the truth. So that is the essence of Eastern mysticism and Eastern spirituality, that you're always a seeker, never a believer. lever. So you think that yoga just emanated from this one incredibly unique human being that was larger than everybody else, that had supernatural abilities, that existed 15,000 years ago? No. See, now you're making a superhuman being out of somebody.
Starting point is 02:01:16 By making an eight-foot-tall person who can go for days on end without drinking water. See, there have been people like that, all right, in every culture. There have been physically large people. But his physical size has nothing to do with his capabilities. Right, but the capabilities are super physical too, aren't they? No. See, this is what it's about. Yoga is not about being superhuman.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Yoga is about realizing being human is super. That's what is important. So that's the whole thing that he's saying. How being human is so super, if you explore your humanity to its fullest, you will become so fantastic. Being a human being itself is a fantastic feat. You don't have to act like a superhuman being. He did not perform any miracles. He did not do anything. don't have to act like a superhuman being. He did not perform any miracles. He did not do anything. He just taught them how to be beyond the limitations of one's physical and
Starting point is 02:02:10 psychological structures. That's all. Do you think if this person didn't exist that yoga still would have been invented without him? Of course, somebody else would have. After that, many, many yogis have come. But he's the… maybe even before there were people, but they did not speak or they did not gather disciples who would take. So he sent his seven disciples in seven different directions. One was sent to southern India, who is today... we hold him as the father of southern mysticism.
Starting point is 02:02:39 He is Agastya Muni who came down, and he did maximum amount of work there. Every human habitation, he touched at that time, and brought spiritual process as a living practice, not as a separate practice. Just the way you sit, just the way you do things, just the way you address each other, was made into a spiritual process. See, right now in India, if people go to the temple and whatever their favorite deity, if they worship, they will stand like this. If anybody comes also, they'll stand like this. If a dog comes also, they'll do this.
Starting point is 02:03:14 If they see a rock also, they'll do this. If they see a tree also, they'll do this. For the people just listening, you're holding your hands together in prayer. It is not in prayer. Well, this way, whatever you're doing with your hands. Yes. This is done to everybody. Yes. All right?
Starting point is 02:03:26 Okay. So, because spiritual process is not alien to the life that you live. The way you live has to become spiritual. It's not that you have a spiritual practice and you have a separate life. It is the same thing. You integrate it into your life. So he did that. Another one stayed with him.
Starting point is 02:03:42 Another one came to the northern part of India, another one went to Central Asia, there are, you know, there are certain footprints of his. Another one went to North Africa, another one went to South Asia, another one came to South America. Wherever these yogis went, suddenly those cultures where they went saw a sudden upsurge in the knowledge of geometry. Wherever you see extraordinary sense of geometry, which is not in line with the tribal existence that they had, that means a yogi came there. Sense of geometry meaning like the structures that they built? Yes, structures that they built, artifacts they created,
Starting point is 02:04:26 the way they arranged things around themselves. Suddenly, they had a different sense of geometry because yoga is essentially a cosmic geometry. Cosmic geometry. Yep. To align yourself in line with the cosmos so that it reverberates as the same.
Starting point is 02:04:44 Which brings us to UFOs. See, there is some substance and a lot of imagination with this UFO business. Because we are always thinking life, you know, like all this, I'm saying this not with any... There are many people who could have experienced something, who could have seen something. I'm saying generally the popular imagination of a UFO, a craft will come and land, somebody will come out of it. So you're thinking like this because that's how human beings operate, all right? That we will go land somewhere, then the door opens, we come out. How do you know that's how they also do it? That's not how it is. I have living experience with certain
Starting point is 02:05:32 extraterrestrial life forms. You do? Yes, there are a whole lot of videos which I've spoken about. I have a reputation of being very logically correct. Now, I don't want to lose it by talking about it to everybody. But in exclusive groups, I've spoken in detail, I've made other people experience these things, very profound experiences of life, which is not of this planet. But it's not like a craft will land, they'll open the door, they'll come out. This is all your own thing. You parked the car, you opened the door, you locked the door, you came out. This is your thinking, all right? It is not necessary other life should operate the way we operate. It is nothing like where we are. It's something totally different. So, people have seen things here and there. Some of it could be mistake, some of it could be
Starting point is 02:06:22 exaggeration, some of it could be just total lies. But definitely some people have seen something, some people have experienced something. There is no denying, everybody will not be lying. There is no denying, it is there. But we are thinking just the way we are, they will also be. All we can think is a little bigger ears little bigger eyes, maybe Three eyes instead of two. This is just exaggeration of what we already know Leave the imaginations aside is their life beyond us
Starting point is 02:06:59 It would be very pompous to believe that in such a vast Cosmos we are the only evolved life on the planet in the universe universe, it's itself a very pompous belief system. Definitely, there is more life. And, you know, it is done. We have done things with it in the past. We've done things with it? Yes, we have done some experiments with such life. We have made people experience this very strongly. When you say we, who do you mean? We as a group, we have done certain things. You? Yes. So how? I don't go into it. Why not? I have a repetition of being very logically correct. Well, if you're logically correct about extraterrestrials, wouldn't that be beneficial to people that are hearing this? No. Why? See, our logic is related to our existence, the way we are made. All right. The way the existence is made doesn't fit into our logic is related to our existence, the way we are made, all right?
Starting point is 02:07:48 The way the existence is made doesn't fit into our logic. This is the biggest mistake that modern societies are making. You are trying to fit the existence into your logic. No, your logic has place in the existence. Existence cannot be… you can't fit it into your logic because your logic functions between binaries of two. You and me have to be there for logic. The whole spiritual experience itself is not logically correct because the experience of life is beyond two. There are no binaries in spiritual process.
Starting point is 02:08:20 When I use the word spiritual, I am not using the word spiritual the way religions are using. They're talking about a spirit which goes and comes and whatever, not in that sense. If you experience your life beyond your physiological and psychological construct, then you're spiritual. So you mentioned it, which is already the most difficult thing to do. Now to talk about it, you feel like would somehow or another discredit you. I don't understand that because... See, because there is only thus far that your language goes. When you speak something, human languages, I have to be logically correct, otherwise you cannot speak. But how are you experiencing this thing? Can you just tell me how you're experiencing
Starting point is 02:09:08 these things? See, in certain spaces, there are very strong presence, which is when you feel the texture of that life, you know it is not like anything that we know here. Obviously, it doesn't belong here. It is… it has a different source than the life that we are. When I say the life that we are… See, this is the yogic sciences, this will confuse people if we go that far because people are thinking yoga is for backache, yoga is for health, yoga is for slimming down. We've already established that's not the case. So, yoga means you know the texture of life.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Unity. That is one thing. I'm talking about the texture of this life. If you know the texture of this life… Okay. See, people ask me, how do you know all this? I don't know anything. There's only one thing I know. I know the nature of this piece of life from its origin to its ultimate. Because every other life is in some way built the same way, people think I know every other life. No, I know only this life. But fortunately, every other life from a single
Starting point is 02:10:20 microbe to a human being to every other creature in some ways a reflection of this life because it's all connected even the evolutionary sciences are saying the same thing even the religions are saying the same thing all right so in that sense i know the texture of this life and that life and every other life here but there are some lives which don't have the texture which are totally different. And how are you experiencing these lives? You want me to say something ridiculous? No, no.
Starting point is 02:10:58 I don't think it's ridiculous at all. No, no. If I say something which is illogical, it will seem ridiculous. I don't think it's illogical. It will be logical because it will not fit into the framework of human logic. Well, the framework of human logic is based on our own experience and interpretation of the life that we lived. It doesn't mean that other people haven't experienced or interpreted something that is beyond our comprehension because we haven't experienced it personally. because we haven't experienced it personally.
Starting point is 02:11:27 I think that's logical. We have done experiments where we attracted certain life which doesn't have any texture of earthly life. And how do you conduct these experiments? I used certain people to invite them into their bodies. And what happened there is totally unbelievable for people because I'll tell you a simple thing. I invited a certain life into one person's body. The weather was already like nearly zero, kind of sub-zero kind of atmosphere. It was in Tibet. And I kept a bowl of water about three inches above the head. And when this life entered and I tried to hold it within that body,
Starting point is 02:12:14 you won't believe this bowl which is three inches, the person is lying down on the ground on wet soil, you know. They just put a bed sheet and this person is lying down. This bowl is about three inches above the head on the ground on wet soil, you know, they just put a bed sheet and this person is lying down. This bowl is about three inches above the head on the ground. The water started boiling. There are over 200 people watching the water boiling, all right? Because it created so much heat, then I let it go because it could burn up the person, you know, fuse out that person in some ways. Because the moment it felt trapped, it created such heat. The water is actually boiling three inches away.
Starting point is 02:12:49 Did you film this? From a distance, they filmed it, bad filming, you know, they were not really looking for it, but it is there. And how many times has this happened? We did this about two times we did it properly. Another time we did a mild one. After that, I thought I will go spend time there, which has never happened. And above all, it doesn't serve any purpose like that. You know, it doesn't serve a purpose. It is more to know, not it doesn't serve a purpose as to how you can use
Starting point is 02:13:26 because it could be... I have to admit, I was stepping into an area where I don't know a damn thing. Okay? So you could make a mistake and take somebody's life or your own life or something like that. So whatever these life forms are that you're experiencing, you can only experience them through another person's body? No, no, no. Not like that. Only because I experienced, I wanted to demonstrate it to the people who are watching. And how did you know that it was a thing? How did you know that you could experience it that way and exhibit it, put it on display for the people that are watching. Wow. See, your whole perception right now for most human being is limited to five senses.
Starting point is 02:14:16 Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. This is how you know the world. If something has no smell, no taste, no touch, you won't know. But there could be an infinite number of senses that we're not aware of, that we don't possess. So, these things I've faced in many places, but there are certain places where there is a unreasonable level of concentration. So, one place is this Kailash Manasarov region in Tibet. In last two years, we have not been able to go because the Chinese have closed this because of this corona virus or whatever. Probably next year it'll open up. Last year we went, we viewed Kailash and Manasarov from 8 to 10 kilometers away. At the Nepali border, we went there
Starting point is 02:15:03 and even from a distance, what it does to people is unbelievable. So, it's just one concentrated hot spot of activity. Yes. And that too, it's like clockwork. Exactly at 2.30 in the morning, it starts. Boom, activity like that for about one and a half hours, one hour, 40 minutes like that. After that, it just goes down. It's almost like a busy airport. Boom, boom, boom, boom, activity like that for about one and a half hours, one hour, 40 minutes like that. After that, it just goes down. It's almost like a busy airport. Boom, boom, boom, boom, things are happening. But not like crafts or anything, just bunches of lives, just up and down, things happening for about one and a half to two hours max. Do you think they're extraterrestrial? Do you think they're interdimensional?
Starting point is 02:15:42 Do you think they're spirits? They're not spirits. No? No. Anything that's related to the planet, we will just know immediately. It's not a... It's something that's from somewhere else. It is definitely from somewhere else. And, you know, like, these are crazy things, man. Why do you want me to speak about this? No, I don't think they're that crazy. I think they're only crazy because we haven't experienced them. If you tried to explain many of the things that we take for granted because they're normal to someone who's never experienced them. Like if you try to experience fire to someone who'd never experienced fire. It would be the craziest idea that you could run across them. That there's a thing that's not alive but it consumes things and it could kill all life on this planet but it could also serve a
Starting point is 02:16:37 purpose to heat your home and cook your food. This is what I am saying. In yoga there are three types of fires within you. It is Jataragni, Chitagni, Bhutagni. Jataragni means the fire of stomach and the reproductive aspect, these two fires which keep your survival going. Chitagni is the fire of your intelligence which propels a human being to do so many things. Bhutagni is the fire of five elements of earth, earth, water, air, fire and space. These five elements which is the composite of what everything physical is.
Starting point is 02:17:13 So these three fires, only if you keep them in control. Right now, you know, for example, we're talking about the soil. these whole civilizations have been built because of our gastronomic fire and our intellectual fire. The same gastronomic fire, if it's unquenched, it can burn the world down. Right now, UN agencies are predicting that by 2035, there'll be dozens of civil wars across the world because food shortages will cause that. Because this fire is not met means people will set fire to each other. How did you know that these entities
Starting point is 02:18:01 or whatever these things are that you experienced existed? Dr. So, I was talking about five senses. See, for your sense organs to experience anything, you need a contrast. Only because there's light, you know darkness. If it's all dark, you would know what is darkness, what is light. Only because there is night, you know darkness. If it's all dark, you would know what is darkness, what is light. Only because there is night, you know what's a day. Only because there's a woman, you know what's a man. Everything is by polarities. If there are no polarities, your eyes, your ears, your anything, your five senses cannot function. So, it is based on the information that these five senses has given you that your whole logical intellect has developed without this information this will not do anything it's only from the data
Starting point is 02:18:55 that you got by seeing hearing smelling tasting and touching your intellect is first functioning in a certain way so right now you can see this part of my hand, but you can't see this part. If you see this part, you can't see this part. This is the nature of your vision, isn't it? Now, if you hear that sound, at that moment, you don't hear the silence. So, everything is like this. You see only a part of it through sense perception. Because of this, your logic is all in pieces. So with logically, if you arrive at any conclusion, it is like I gave you a million-piece jigsaw. You found five pieces, you put them together and say, oh, this is a bear, this is a bear. Oh, no, you're in Texas, this is a horse, you said. Because with five pieces, you arrived at some conclusion. This is what intellect means.
Starting point is 02:19:46 This is why in yogic sciences, we don't attach any significance to what you think and feel, because out of a million piece jigsaw, you found a few pieces and you're making your conclusions. It's not of any relevance for one who wants to know. It may be of relevance who one wants to survive. It may be of relevance for one who wants to win a race with somebody else. Okay, you figured out the horse better than somebody else, you win the race. But it's not of any relevance for someone who wants to know. For a seeker, it's of no relevance. So, how to go beyond sense perception, how to know life beyond sense perception,
Starting point is 02:20:24 is the entire aspect of yoga. Because as long as sense perception is on, you and me distinctly separate. No way. That is you, this is me. Only if you go beyond sense perception, we were doing this, beyond your sensory limitations if you go, something that's not you becomes you. Right now with food it's happening. Something… see, when it's on your plate, you call this my food. When you eat it, you say it's me, isn't it? Something that's not you became you.
Starting point is 02:20:58 So, this is yoga, that you understand the sense perception is dividing the world, and this division is needed for your survival process, but this division is no use for you to know life the way it is. So, the yogic sciences are focused on how to transcend the sensory perception, how to suspend your senses and simply perceive life without the division. If you do that, everything that is here will be in some way known to you. And there is so much here that people don't see. If you talk about it, you will look like a mumbo-jumbo, you know, witch doctor. So you don't talk about these things.
Starting point is 02:21:39 But how did you know that it was going to be in that area? It's not that I knew it's in that area. I had heard stories about that place, but I thought I'll just go there one time just to see because it's a magnificent place. By any standard, it's a beautiful, beautiful place. So it's a little over, the lake is around 4,400 feet above main sea level. The Kalash peak is almost 19,000 feet. So once I went and the magnificent nature of that... See the mountain is a place, this is a yogic tradition that when a yogi gets to know certain things,
Starting point is 02:22:20 he knows he cannot share it, his experience. He cannot share it because nobody will understand it. Because it cannot be understood, it can only be experienced. So what he will do is, he will store it in an energy form, in a place where there is not too much human footprint. At the same time, it's not completely inaccessible. There are many places like this in India. There are places like that in other parts of the world also. One fantastic place that you must visit in the United States is Mato Tipila. Where's that? Mato Tipila is in Wyoming. Wyoming. Near what? Rapid City.
Starting point is 02:23:00 They call it the Devil's Tower. You heard of that? In many Western movies. The Devil's Tower. Is that from Close Encounters of the Third Kind? I don't know about that movie. But in many Western movies, it's always there. It just stands there. Yeah, that's Close Encounters of the Third Kind. This is called Mato Tipila. In that Steven Spielberg movie, that's a very significant place because that's where the aliens land. Oh, is that so?
Starting point is 02:23:21 Yeah. So this is a powerful, powerful space in America. This is one space I found, which is naturally tremendous. And see, this is Kalash. Wow. It is something else. It is the greatest mystical library on the planet. That place? Yes. Kalash. What do you think is going on there? Huh? What do you think is going on there? Why is it all concentrated?
Starting point is 02:23:50 One thing is Adiyogi himself was there. He lived there. So he stored all that he knows there. And many other yogis later on, many Buddhist teachers like Padmasambhava and Manjushri, all these people, and even the Jain monks, they all went and stored their energies there because the knowledge that they know,
Starting point is 02:24:11 they don't want it to be lost. It can't be transmitted to people because you will not find a suitable people to do that. So you place it somewhere where in future, somebody who has the capability will access this. I'll tell you one experience. I'm going into the mumbo-jumbo world. Why, man?
Starting point is 02:24:27 I came for soil. It's not mumbo-jumbo at all. I came for safe soil. You're getting me somewhere else. We're doing both. I don't think it's mumbo-jumbo. See, this happened. I was, this is what,
Starting point is 02:24:41 I'm just thinking the years, I'm not good with years. Must be 10, 11 years ago, maybe 2008 or even before that. I'm sorry, 2003 or 4. I started running Temperature. I was in India. No, first I was in California. I was in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 02:24:59 I started running Temperature. And I come to speak in the Thai group, you know. There is an Indian group, entrepreneurs group. And I spoke there and the president of the Thai group invited me to their home again to speak again to another exclusive group. I'm speaking there, I'm running very high temperature and I'm, you know, my clothes are all wet with sweat. So one man raised his hand. I thought he wants to ask a question. I said, fine. He said, you need to go to the emergency room right now. I said, yes, I know. But I'll finish this talk and go. Then I finished the talk and then I went
Starting point is 02:25:40 to the hospital, like I was running very high temperature. So they gave me this, that, and they said this is some kind of typhoid. So I met one wonderful doctor who was a tropical medicine expert. He said this is some strange kind of typhoid. So he gave me a whole lot of antibiotics, this, that. I took that and then I went to UK where I had a four-day residential program. All the four days I was running very high temperature, but I finished that program. In these forty years, I've never cancelled one program because I was not well. I've never done that. So I went back to India.
Starting point is 02:26:16 I had a television shoot. I had to shoot fifty-two weeks of material in about four to five days. So from whole day I'm shooting and if I sit down for thirty, forty minutes of shoot, I'm like my whole cl... all my clothes are wet with sweat I have to change my clothes because I'm sweating so much. And then after shooting the whole day on the second or third day I came home and I was like feeling like my brains are getting fried up so hot. Then I took the thermometer and put it, it said 107. Wow.
Starting point is 02:26:51 I thought, oh man, I'm killing myself right now. So with my entire... my clothes, everything, I went and stood under the cold shower. Then I called the doctor and said, you know, it was reading 107, I stood under the cold shower. He said, this is the smartest thing you've done in your entire life. If you had been in that for another few minutes, you would have a stroke or you would have something, for sure. Then they said it's some kind of, what, malaria. Oh. And they gave me malarial medicine.
Starting point is 02:27:21 I had typhoid medicine, then I got malaria medicine. Then they said three different types of malarias they diagnosed in one month's time and they changed the medication, changed the medication. And then I went to Australia, I was running temperature, I was in Singapore, I was running temperature. I came to India for two days, I was running temperature. Then I came back to United States. So, it was my daughter's vacation. So, I told her I'll take her to some lake house, somebody was my daughter's vacation. So, I told her I'll take her to some lake house. Somebody had a friend of ours. So, I said, I'll take her on the lake. So, I have a port, you know, IV port running by now. I have antibiotic every day running
Starting point is 02:27:56 about three, four hours a day. With IV port on, I'm riding a boat and taking her around and everything going on. Wow. By then, I have done about eighteen blood tests and about four MRIs. All kinds of bizarre things they're saying and changing the prescription and giving me this medication, that medication. Temperature didn't go down, it just went on and on. Then I was in North Carolina on this lake house. Around 2 am, I knew that I was just kind of collapsing, kind of, kind of, you know, dropping off. Then I, I called out and they called for an ambulance. It came and they took me to a local hospital in Cashiers in North, in Carolina. And these doctors looked at me,
Starting point is 02:28:45 this is, they looked at all the blood tests, this is too esoteric for us. You better go to Atlanta. So I went to Atlanta. There they said, it's best you go to some physician in New York. He's the best guy, you must go there. Because by now, almost seven weeks,
Starting point is 02:29:03 I've been running continuous temperature, I've been traveling all over the world. So, I went to New York and they said, you know, you must get admitted, we'll check. Then I got admitted. By then I can, you know, I'm having difficulty walking. I'm just really got, like become weak. Then, and by then my lymph nodes have swollen up so badly, excruciating pain. So they said they may have to do surgery and they have to do a biopsy first and see what
Starting point is 02:29:32 is it, is it malignant or whatever. Then I'm in the hospital, next day morning for the… it's a general anesthesia, they have a pre-check for anesthesia. So in that funny gown which is open on all sides, you know, I'm wearing that holding like this and trying to walk holding onto the wall. I got into the elevator to go to another floor. In between in one floor, the lift stopped. A Chinese man got in. So the doctor who was with me introduced, he's the one who is going to do the surgery for you.
Starting point is 02:30:09 Then the Chinese doctor felt the lymph nodes like this and said, it's very deep, you must inform the family. Then I went for the test, for the anesthetic tests. Then I said, I'm going home. Doctor said, no Sadhguru, this is very dangerous, you can't leave the hospital. I said, no, I'm going. I said, I'll go. I don't want to go through this surgery.
Starting point is 02:30:29 So I went back, a friend had an apartment in Manhattan area. I just closed my eyes and sat for four days. My temperature went down, the swelling went down. In twenty-one days, I was in Kalash, tricked. You know, my muscle mass had gone down, my legs had become like this. Always I've been walking, trekking, playing games. I had some muscle, not like you, but I have some muscle to keep me going. But my muscle mass went down so much in these eight weeks, I just shrank like that.
Starting point is 02:31:01 With great difficulty, I trekked there. I could barely speak. And I sat there for two hours. I took one strand of what is there on that mountain. You won't believe, in two and a half hours, I was almost ten to fifteen years younger than what I was at that moment. People around me will vouch for it, how suddenly I'm a different man. After eight weeks of fever and all kinds of treatments without knowing what it is. So that is the power of that mountain. It's not just to heal you of your health or something. It is tremendous amount of everything that one can know in the universe is stored there in some way. It is your ability to pull it out.
Starting point is 02:31:48 But you were covered in Manhattan, right? Yes. What makes you think it's that mountain? See, I closed my eyes and I did what I have to do with my system, which gave me a respite. Yes. But still, I was not fully there. Still very weak and like that. But I just bounced back in two and a half hours' time.
Starting point is 02:32:13 But I don't understand what it has to do with that mountain. See, this is what it is. What you think is you is not just contained in the boundaries of this body if you are willing to open up that boundary the whole existence is with you so you opened up your body after all those weeks
Starting point is 02:32:39 and you don't think it has anything to do with the antibiotics you were taking antibiotics didn't give me respite at all. But you never rested, right? I'm very restful even if I'm traveling. But you were constantly working, right? You were explaining all the different things you were doing and you were constantly taxing yourself. No, I don't tax myself.
Starting point is 02:33:00 But that was taxing. You were sweating through your clothes. Yes, that's because of the fever. Right, but you never rested. This swelling, which they said without looking inside, they will do biopsy and most probably they'll do surgery along with that, which was excruciating pain, just went down. But it went down after you rested, right? Not rested. I sat with my eyes closed. I didn't sleep. I sat. But you didn't do anything for four days. If you want to explain it, this is why I said, see, I'm going into mumbo-jumbo.
Starting point is 02:33:31 No, no, I believe you. I'm just trying to piece together why. So I'm saying when doctors, every qualified doctor is saying that I'm in a state where you will have to inform the family because I'm in a life and death situation. You don't recover just because four days you sit there with eyes closed. All right? You don't think so? No, not because of rest. You think that there was something supernatural or something else? See, I never use the word supernatural because everything
Starting point is 02:34:06 is within the aspect of nature. Okay. What would you use? So, which aspect of nature are you in right now? That is the thing. See, one aspect of your nature is survival, for example, for every human being. Because of survival, you try to build boundaries around yourself, whether it's a national boundary or an individual boundary, your house boundary or your personal boundaries. These are all, you know, self-preservation boundaries. But there is also something within you which wants to expand, which doesn't like boundaries. Why people suffer the prison like that is just the boundaries. Nothing else wrong, it's much bigger than your home, the prison. Actually, your kind of company, I'm saying if you're in that kind of life, it's your kind of company, food is good, you're far fitter. Then most people on the outside, you don't have to do a job to get your food.
Starting point is 02:35:01 It's actually very good, but lack of freedom kills a man, totally. So, I want to go back to experiencing these different life forms that you experienced. You had heard that they existed in this place? Generally, yes. A lot of people who have been there have been talking about it, but a lot of talk is of that nature. See, as I said, I'm a super skeptic. I don't believe anything that anybody says. You have to experience it. Nor do I disbelieve. Right. Somebody says something, maybe it's true for them. I will respect that, but it's not that I have to believe it unless it happens to me. Do you think that a certain state of mind or being is what puts you in touch with these other life forms? No.
Starting point is 02:35:58 Let's see. These two things you're saying in the same context, and that's how normally it's used in the society. People think a state of mind is everything. Right. See, mind itself is a very limited process in the sense. See, right now, generally in the Western world, you think mind means your intellect, thought process. Right. Your thought process cannot generate anything other than the data that you already possess. Correct? Can you think of something that's not at all there in your data? Imagination.
Starting point is 02:36:35 No. Your imagination is just an exaggeration of the data that you already have. Okay. If there is no data, you cannot imagine. So this thing that you experienced was beyond imagination. I'll come to that. See, right now, when you say state of mind, you're talking about whether you're equanimous or you're disturbed or you're happy, unhappy, or you're able to penetrate something, you're not able to penetrate something in terms of intellect. But all these are dependent because it is like your computer. to penetrate something, you're not able to penetrate something in terms of intellect.
Starting point is 02:37:05 But all these are dependent because it is like your computer. If you remove the data, it's just a blank screen. So if I remove all the memory that you have, you're just a blank screen, isn't it? Right. So right now, your ideas of right and wrong, your ideas of your nationality, your ideas of your race, your ideas of your religion, your ideas of your family, your ideas of yourself is all in the memory bank. If we just take out that memory chip, nothing. So, your whole intellect is functioning from that.
Starting point is 02:37:40 Because you can see, because you cannot see the end of the universe. If you could see the end of the universe, you would say, it's just me here, nobody else. Because you cannot see, because you're here, maybe there are people there. This is an imagination, all right? But imagination is rooted in the data that you already have. You cannot imagine something new. You use two words together, state of mind and state of being. Being means this. See, right now you have a body.
Starting point is 02:38:13 But when you were born, you were only this much. Now you became this much. How? The food that you've eaten, isn't it? Now you have a mind. When you were born, you were just poo-poo-poo-poo like a little baby. Suddenly you become all this. How? Whole accumulation of impressions, isn't it, through five senses. What you have seen, what you have heard, what you have smelled, what you have tasted, what you have touched. From this you have formed a whole lot of information with which you have a mind of your own. How rich that information is makes you look that smart in a given society, all right? If you're well-informed, just because you have a good data chip, people think you're smart, not necessarily. So, essentially, smart means always in comparison to somebody else.
Starting point is 02:39:01 So, these days, everybody's saying they have a smart phone. See, when would you call somebody smart? Only if they're smarter than you. So, if you say smartphone, obviously, it is smarter than you, simply because it has more memory than you, isn't it? And it has more multiple functionality than you. More access to information. Yes. So, that is intellect. But intellect is not everything. When it comes to intellect, would you like your intellect sharp or blunt?
Starting point is 02:39:26 Tell me, I'm going to bless you right now. You're going to bless me? Do you want it sharp or blunt? I'm going to go with sharp. Yes. So that means your intellect is a cutting instrument. It's like a knife. The more sharper it is, the better it is.
Starting point is 02:39:41 So with sharp knife, you can dissect and know things. So, I want to know Joe Rogan right now. Shall I dissect him? Will I know him? If I open him up, will I know him that way? No, you're going to have to experience. Yes, that's it. So, dissection may show me the… how your heart is, how your liver is, how your kidney is, but you won't meet Joe out there, all right? So, by dissection, you can know physical things. By dissection, you cannot know anything which is beyond that, all right? The life in you cannot be perceived by dissection of any kind. So, now with an intellect which is a knife,
Starting point is 02:40:22 with this knife, if you try to stitch your clothes, then you will be like today's fashion, everybody's in tatters. So, to stitch, you need a different kind of tool. To cut, you need a different kind of tool. Right now, with the cutting tool, people are trying to do everything. You know, this happened to me. At that time, I was crisscrossing India on my motorcycle. I was just in my early twenties.
Starting point is 02:40:50 And whole night I've been riding, early morning I come into a small place where there is a street side tea shop where I had sat down and had a tea. And those days, this motorcycle chain, you know, if you ride one 600, 700 kilometers really fast, it becomes slack, you have to remove one link. Today, modern motorcycles are made differently, it's very different. Those days, like around 700, 800 kilometers means it'll become slack. So almost every day, I have to remove one link from the chain and I have a spare chain with me always because it will go off. And in a day, at those days, I'm riding 1000 to 1200 kilometers per day. Those days when roads were not great and our motorcycle was just 250 cc,
Starting point is 02:41:34 single stroke engine, all right. I'm sorry, two stroke engine. So, I was having my tea. It's not very difficult to fix the chain, but it's messy. Your hands get dirty, you need soap and everything. I was having tea and I saw in the opposite, there was a small shack. He had Mubarak mechanical works he'd written. A strappling young youth, I told him, Hey, come here, man. Can you fix my chain? He said, Oh, yes, sir, I can fix it.
Starting point is 02:42:03 I said, Okay. Then he came out with a chisel and hammer. I said, Wait. And I got up and went and I looked into his shack. He doesn't have any other tools. Only thing he has is chisel and hammer. He can fix it. But after that, nobody can fix anything on that motorcycle.
Starting point is 02:42:21 So, right now, most human beings are like this. on that motorcycle. So right now, most human beings are like this. They are trying to fix everything with their intellect, which is a cutting instrument. With a cutting instrument, if you try to fix everything, all that you will have is a bruised life. That's what they're having. If there are failures in their life, they're suffering. If they're successful, they're dying of tension. If they're poor, they're suffering their tension. If they're poor, they're suffering their poverty. If they become rich, they suffer their taxes. If they're not married, they suffer that. If they're married, oh, don't tell me all the things that they do.
Starting point is 02:42:57 Everything, because you're trying to handle everything with a cutting instrument. Naturally, you're fully bruised and bleeding by the time you're done with life. So, the perception of life is beyond intellect. Intellect is not perception. Intellect is coming out with permutations and combinations of information that you already possess. So, you experiencing whatever this life form was is beyond words
Starting point is 02:43:22 because it's beyond anything. See, because words are a product of our intellect. Language is a product of our intellect. That's why I said, if I speak, I'll end up speaking illogically. Yes. Because intellectually, you cannot think illogically. If you think, you can only think logically. Somebody may not agree with your logic, but you can only think logically within yourself, isn't it? Nobody thinks illogically. You may think the other guy is illogical, but he thinks you're illogical. But within your mind, you're never illogical, isn't it? Right, right.
Starting point is 02:43:59 Because the thought process is like that. That is the nature of the intellect. You have to add. Two plus two is four. Maybe you added two plus two is five. You got it wrong, but you're still thinking it's logically correct, isn't it? Right. So this experience that you had, whatever it is, we don't have the tools to express it in a way that a person who has an experience is going to understand it.
Starting point is 02:44:24 You have the equipment. You have not even opened the wraps. To express it in a way that a person who hasn't experienced it can understand it? You have the equipment. You have not even opened the wraps. Everybody has it. There's nobody who doesn't have it. Do you have to experience it to know what this equipment is? No, it's just that, see, where people are invested, that's what they know, isn't it? Yes. So that's all they know, isn't it? Yes.
Starting point is 02:44:48 So, that's all it is. They're invested. Largely, most people are invested in trying to be better than somebody else. Because right from their kindergarten school, their parents, their teachers, everybody told you, you must be number one. That means you always enjoy other people's failures when you enjoy other people's failures I don't call this joy I call this sickness there that is a sickness and that's a sickness that a lot of people possess the enjoying other people's failure sickness yep yeah see why is it that you enjoy a billion
Starting point is 02:45:22 dollars I'm a billionaire. Somebody enjoys it. Why? Because nobody else has it around you. Right. If, let's say, I'll, somebody who's aspiring for a billion dollars, I'll give you a billion dollars. But for everybody else in the town, I'll give them $10 billion. Will you be happy? You will not be.
Starting point is 02:45:39 You'll be very unhappy with your billion dollars. Because your whole problem is you want to be on top of everybody. Yes. Yeah. Why do people have that? What do you think that's, what is that left over from? See, this is because, as I said, your whole life is limited to your sense perception. Sense organs can only perceive in comparison. See, right now, you're six feet tall. You're not, I'm just telling you. For some time, let's assume you're six feet tall.
Starting point is 02:46:12 Now, you stand like a tall man, you walk like a tall man, you feel like a tall man, you think like a tall man. You're into another society where everybody's eight feet tall. Suddenly, you walk like a short man, think like a short man, feel like a short man. So your entire perception is always in comparison when it comes to sense organs. This is what yoga is about, going beyond the senses because this thing that you perceive in comparison is only useful for survival process. It is not good enough to know the nature of the universe. These are all realms which only interest people who just want to know. There may be no use, but you want to know. So there is that aspect in every human being.
Starting point is 02:47:00 Whether you have kept it alive or you kept it buried is a question. That's that old quote, comparison is the thief of joy. I think, is that Thoreau? No. Is it? Oh, that's right. I thought maybe Thomas Jefferson? Originally attributed to?
Starting point is 02:47:21 Roosevelt. Listen, man, I really enjoyed talking to you. Thank you very much for being here. Yeah, thank you for having me. But, you know, this soil is a serious situation. It's a serious situation. And from March 21st, I'm riding 30,000 kilometers and I am 65. What I see is in the last two years, I've been talking to so many people, influencers, scientists, politicians, leaders, everybody knows there's a serious problem. And everybody knows what is the solution also generally.
Starting point is 02:47:56 But I think everybody was waiting for some idiot to come and bell the cat. So here I am. Okay? So next 100 days from March 21st, 100 days, we want the whole world to talk about soil because I'm addressing the COP 15 where 170 nation representatives are there, where we are presenting these documents. Before that, we want to raise 3 to 4 billion people to talk about soil. Once 60% of the electorate has spoken in the world that soil is a deep concern to them, believe me, every government will get active on the job. Because
Starting point is 02:48:33 in a democracy, the only currency is numbers. Where can someone follow this online? Do you have a website? Yes, is there. Yes, there's an Instagram and Twitter and Facebook. And you have an Instagram as well. Yes, we have what is called as You Can Become an Earth Buddy. If you become an Earth buddy, every day you spend five to ten minutes to enhance the message, to reach as many people as possible. So people must understand this. People are… everywhere I go, people say, Sadhguru, the social media is stressing me, tension… This is rubbish.
Starting point is 02:49:10 See, many, many great beings have come in this world, but when they spoke, hardly ten people could hear them. This is the first time you can sit here and talk to the entire world. When you have such tools in your hands, if you do not transform humanity, if you do not do what is absolutely needed for this generation, it shows that we don't care enough. I don't want to be that one who didn't care enough to do something which matters because right now we are consuming the soil and food that belongs to an unborn child. This is a crime against humanity.
Starting point is 02:49:50 I hear you. Let's make it happen. Let's make it happen. It will help elevate your signal. And thank you very much. I really, really enjoyed this. You gave me a lot to think about. I'm going to continue to think about this.
Starting point is 02:50:04 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Bye, everybody. Bye. Bye.

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