The Joe Rogan Experience - #1806 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: April 16, 2022

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian, writer, actor, and host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the Joe Rogan experience we have to be really careful that we don't catch on fire oh yeah that would be really awesome. I mean, it would be horrible for us. Terrible. It would be funny. I mean, we have fake hair and plastic robes on.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Not good. I mean, these are nylon robes and nylon hair. We would be like Michael Jackson. It would be the Michael Jackson moment. Remember when he caught on fire? That Pepsi commercial right that really fucked him up apparently that was the beginning of the end
Starting point is 00:00:48 well I think the end was like I think it was already he was already white by then you can't say that was the beginning of the end that dude was many plastic surgeries he's one of those Eddie Bravo used to say that
Starting point is 00:01:03 Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon does not advertise that he's one of those cat like eddie bravo used to say that like that eddie that um michael jackson's plastic surgeon does not advertise that he's michael jackson's plastic surgeon you imagine you have the biggest star in the world and you do his plastic surgery like not me not me i have nothing to do with that yeah no that yeah his like it was insane how much they shaved that guy's face down. It was like. They made his nose like a tiny European girl's nose. Yeah. Like a four-year-old's nose.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah. Horrible. It's horrible. Just shrunk it down, and it was caving in, apparently. Did it fall off or something, they said? I don't know if that's real. See if you can get a photo, because I think there was an issue. See if you can find a photo because I think there was an issue.
Starting point is 00:01:45 See if you can find a photo. It's really scary though, man. Like imagine. Oh, look at the one in the lower right corner. Oh my God. Jesus Christ. Hi. That's what it looked like in real life.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So if you saw it in real life, that's what you would see. Why do you think I would hurt a child? He's got a bandage on it. That's why it looks a little. Because it's caving in. See the right side of it looks like it's gone. See that right? It looks like a hole there doesn't it seems like his eyes have somehow been enlarged or something well it's that same operation that I think they do with it's like very popular in South Korea where
Starting point is 00:02:17 they trim your lids they give it give him that anime look Oh God look at that nose that is wild man yeah he kept going see the nose he had on the right was like slightly less ridiculous than the nose on the left That could be a person that first that oh wait Yeah The one on the right is probably a prosthetic that he puts on because if you look at the very see that like the bridge Yeah, like he painted something or right it looks a little sketchy yeah see that little hole on the right nostril above the right nostril in the when the bandage that's where it looks like it's caving in and that might have been what was happening to him like look at
Starting point is 00:02:55 that photo right there that you had your cursor on earlier the real creepy one right above yeah that one but wait look at that one what the fuck, man? That's like when I try to make something out of clay, when I try to make a human face. And try to make it look real realistic. Yeah. Can you, the reflection in his glasses though, what was that, man? Can you pull that one? No, look, zoom in on that. Is that a tank?
Starting point is 00:03:22 What is that? Yeah, he's in Russia right now. It is a tank. He is a part of the resistance. What? What is that, though? What is that mass? What is that?
Starting point is 00:03:32 It looks like a tank. You know what's really crazy? Look at the photo that they just showed, when you go back to all those photos, where it showed him as a young man. Like, look at that. That was him in 1980. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And then by 1983, he was already fucking with his nose he was trimming you see like in 1980 it was he looked great like that's what he's supposed to look like yeah so he kept kept going he kept going so it looked like the first shit he had done is in the 70s look at that 75 to 79 again that one that you just showed look at the difference like by 79 it looks like he'd already had a little work some work done oh the poor bastard holy shit man i think like right there if he stopped right there he looks great you know he doesn't look crazy he got to a point where you know it's the same thing that anorexic have. They can't.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Body dysmorphia. They can't see it. It's like us wearing these wigs. We think we look good. We don't think I look good. I think I look like I look like. How is this the number one podcast in the world? Explain that.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I can't. You know. Explain that. What we're doing here is what we used to do. Yeah. Same thing. Exactly. Exactly the same thing. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:04:53 It doesn't make any sense. It does. I mean, but don't you try to actively not think about that? Yeah. Because if you think about it, it's like touching an electric fence or something. You'll lose your fucking mind and then you won't be able to do it anymore it's just like you have to understand and we all do somewhere but you're you're alive in the middle of this experience and it's playing out where no one feels
Starting point is 00:05:26 comfortable no one understands what's happening no one knows what life really is no one not a single person and yet we're all calling upon other people for guidance yeah leadership yeah and support we look to like powerful leaders like that's why me included everyone is so excited that elon musk is trying to buy twitter like yes the great one yeah he's the super intelligent leader type character right that seems to have great ethics and morals too he seems to be like a guy that if you had a movie character and the movie character was this like super billionaire who didn't give a fuck yeah like but he was like super fucking smart and he was really genuinely working to save humanity yeah that's that guy dude here's the thing this is the scariest thing of all when you realize that guy's not gonna save anybody he's not gonna say he's gonna make things funny and like a lot of what
Starting point is 00:06:21 he's doing is so cool and if he buys twitter's going to be one of the funniest things ever. And it helps me understand why it would be awesome to be a billionaire. Because finally, I would think, okay, if I was a billionaire, I would be trolling so hard all the time with all this money. I would buy fake commercials for products that seem vaguely real. You would be the best billionaire ever. It would be so fun. They would all be like your ads in your podcast. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I would have an entire department just dedicated to putting chaos into the world for fun. Can I stop you right here and just tell you I admire your commercials so much. Thanks, man. You have the best commercials in all of podcasts thank you thanks they're funny they're and they're ridiculous and they're creative and like i always feel bad that i just do a regular commercial after i listen to yours you do right you should
Starting point is 00:07:16 it's like to me too much work it's fun it is a lot of work but it's funny that you get to advertise to me yes it's so funny to imagine that any company is letting me advertise for them. Something in that makes me feel gleeful when I'm doing it. And it's cool that most of them are cool with it. The way you're doing it is so fun. It's so fun. It's like clearly just fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Isn't this delicious? This is so good, man. So good. Yeah, and I'm this delicious. This is so good man. So good, but you know man like musk He's finally doing the thing If I were a billionaire for sure, it's like oh, I'll just buy Twitter. Can I buy Twitter? Let's see what happens He doesn't care. I think he does care. You think he cares? Yeah, I can't tell he does genuinely He's concerned about censorship. Freedom of speech. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:05 He said freedom of speech is someone you don't like saying something you don't want to hear. He goes, they have to have that right. He's like, it's essential to a democracy. Most people objectively agree. The problem is he gets scared because they see how mobs of people can move in and all right and getting on the social media platforms that they've done they've done this um campaign over the last few years to like silence certain voices stop aggressive people stop people who are being shitty to people okay and yeah isn't some of some of that is good right sure like doc stop doxing stop people are threatening people stop people
Starting point is 00:09:07 Who are rassing yeah, but it's like where does it end and how do you know you don't that's work? That's where it's fucking weird because if you just let Wild free speech like there's gonna be a but like there's a bunch of people on like 4chan And those kind of places and they're saying stuff just for fun. Right. Because nobody knows who they are and they can just say it and they don't fucking mean it. Yeah. They're saying it because it's a crazy thing to say if you're at work in a job you hate,
Starting point is 00:09:35 sitting in your cubicle and you decide to make a frog with a Nazi outfit on. And it doesn't mean you're a real Nazi and it doesn't mean you hate anyone. It's the word, it's edgelording. Edgelording. It's the word, it's edgelording. Edgelording. It's an edgelord. Those people are, they're confined to small corners of the internet right now. And if, if you just let them loose, if you let the frog people loose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Like, you remember the frog people during the Trump campaign? Yeah, of course. They took over the frog. The frog guy. Like, you remember the frog people during the Trump campaign? Yeah, of course. They took over the frog. The frog guy. The guy who made the frog was so sad. I had him on my podcast. He's very cool. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Just what you're... What the fuck? The frog was never a Nazi. The frog was, like, funny and sweet. Was he upset they took his frog? Yeah. I think it would be a little bit like the first person who had the Hitler mustache. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:26 You know what I mean? Like, imagine. And then Hitler sees it and he's like, God, that's fucking cool. I'm going to start having a mustache like that. You're like, no. It's like that. But also, you know, I don't know how many people know that, like, they discovered an Egyptian god. And again, this could all be trolling.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Keck, the god of chaos, who happens to be a frog. So within that, whatever that was, an actual chaos magic was being, they were calling it meme magic or whatever. They were actively doing chaos magic and a lot of their rituals who have worked to some degree. So yeah, I know what you mean. The question is, in a world where we don't even know how many of these people are human who are writing shit on Twitter or wherever. Look at GPT, what is it, three or two? The AI that completely imitates human beings like have you ever gone to the
Starting point is 00:11:26 explain how that works it's a neural network that can be programmed to different personalities that can imitate human speech well enough that they can leave messages and you don't know for sure if it's a human or not wow so if you go to on Reddit, there's a subreddit, which is the AI bots arguing with each other on the Reddit. And like once I left that up and I remember I was just reading it thinking I was on the front page of Reddit and getting really engaged in the arguments
Starting point is 00:11:58 these bots were having with each other. It's that convincing. So the freedom of speech thing runs into, okay, of course, it's like a no brainer humanist ideal humans should be able to say whatever they want this is this is like the most important way that we we must have some kind of debate or discourse where one person is allowed to be a complete asshole right and not because we want assholes but because hopefully in the discussion some bit of truth will sink down into their consciousness and they will grow as a person.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I think that's what the roots. That's the hope. That's the hope. But what if the person is a robot, is an AI device that is being made to have certain personalities that represent demographics that you're trying to manipulate is a corporation or a state or whatever. At that point, is it freedom of speech or bots allowed to have freedom of speech? This is one of the things Musk was saying he might do with Twitter, which I think is brilliant.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Anyone can get the stupid blue check mark. You pay for it and you have to verify yourself so that like we know you're a real person. Right. Meaning that it would be too expensive for the bot swarms to function. It would go from being like if you have a blue checkmark, whatever, you're something or whatever, to if you don't have a blue checkmark, you're probably a bot. And so then we eliminate all the ai all the fucking state sponsored shills all the people who've spent years and years and years building these fake identities
Starting point is 00:13:31 online like they're like uh farming personalities because you know in the old days somebody tweets some shit and you're like what the fuck is that and you go and look at their account and it's like three days old. So it has less credibility. But they've been growing these personalities for years. So you go and look at their tweets and it kind of looks like a person mixed in with their interminable tweets about some political issue. Like only an insane person every three minutes tweeting something or like went to the pool of dairy today you know what i mean in some weird distant picture of a pool so it kind of seems like a real person anyway the point is the freedom of speech issue is uh right now we're running into the problem of brand new technologies that aren't even human that are being designed to influence public discourse in a way that's
Starting point is 00:14:26 going to push the needle towards whatever it is right whatever your laws your corporation wants whatever some the state wants and we know for sure they're being implemented that way fuck yeah these bot swarms they found what they found a in the ukraine they found like one of these like creepy shelves of phones it's just phones oh i've seen those but i didn't know they were running an ai i thought like people were manually typing in messages because i know they were doing that first i think both both i mean both things are happening yeah like you know it's a pr firm basically you know politicians have publicists too isn't it wild though that that's the best way to defeat America is to get people separate from each other arguing with
Starting point is 00:15:13 with each other and lose all faith in the democratic process yeah sure all faith in democracy lose all faith powerful weapon man it's like it's amazing we dropped an atom bomb multiple times on cities filled with people the united states did that everyone knows that so our karma we've got some fucked up karma man you know what i mean so so like that so the problem with these atom bombs biggest problem with the atom bomb is i mean aside from the fact that it kills random people and is horrible, it irradiates the ground, the buildings. So there's no plundering to be had. If you traditional war, you plunder, however you want to make it look, you're plundering. If I nuke you, I can no longer plunder.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I can no longer plunder. So this is why biological weapons are desirable because then it burns out the biome in the area. Wait a little bit and then you can go plunder. But even better than that, get into the fucking minds of the people in the country that you want to invade and then just change their minds so that the country shifts into what you wanted that country to be. Now you didn't even have to do anything except they're yours. They're believing in you. And then in that, the country starts falling apart. The CIA, by the way, this is one of the things they do. They go into other countries, they cause like disturbances, and then it collapses. I mean, it's a classic weapon of war so anyway yeah i obviously we might be the entire united states and probably other countries might currently be
Starting point is 00:16:53 irradiated not by like obviously radiation but by bad data created by artificial intelligence bots that have been programmed to swarm social media and give the impression that there was some like something happening that wasn't even happening at all you know why when i get the most suspicious that someone's a bot when they have an american flag next to their name oh yeah that's a bot i automatically assume that's a bot yeah i see that and i go oh they're they're one of those fake, like, you know, God before country people. That's right. It's so fucking weird, Joe. It's so fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:17:31 There must be so many of them. There's so many. And they're, like, forming arguments out there. Dude, they, okay, imagine a hundred years ago sitting in a town hall. There's a debate going on, a lively debate about some new law you want to impose. And somebody stands up and he's like, I'm all for the law. And then, you know, just starts malfunctioning, smoking or it's a fucking robot. We've been invaded by robots.
Starting point is 00:18:01 This would be a horror movie. It would be a horror movie. But that's what's happening now. It's just they're doing it through texts. Yeah, they're doing it through, and that's way more effective anyway. They're getting it. You're addicted to your phone. They're getting to you through your phone.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And you're getting all these hot takes that are designed to sow the seeds of anger and distrust. and the tribalism between the two sides. It's never been stronger. When I was a kid, like, your neighbor could be a Republican. This guy could be a Democrat. Nobody cared. They'd mock you about this. You'd mock them about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:38 But you could be friends. You could be friends with people who were right-wing. Now it's like they're the enemy. Yeah. It's very bizarre. Yeah, that's true, man. It true man very bizarre it's very fucking bizarre i mean yeah the the i mean i grew up i grew up with and my dad was a republican you know so i grew up in that i grew up having to be friends with like republicans or right wingers right who knew most of my takes on things, but they're very polite.
Starting point is 00:19:06 There was none of this bullshit of like, wait, what do you think, why do you think that? It was usually considered, we grew up in the South, so it was considered incredibly impolite to bring up politics, any of that stuff. You sort of just kept it to yourself. I've had some people get aggressive with their opinions about stuff, especially because I was a Bernie Sanders supporter
Starting point is 00:19:28 You got a lot of heat for that really stupid, but it's like to to be that connected To your idea that you're gonna be like angry talking to someone who has a different idea Yeah, just like why this is not a good way to do this I don't get mad that someone thought that maybe some of Bernie Sanders ideas weren't the worst ideas a different idea. Yeah. Just like, why, this is not a good way to do this. Like, don't get mad that someone thought that maybe
Starting point is 00:19:47 some of Bernie Sanders' ideas weren't the worst ideas. Yeah. Maybe it would be interesting having something like that running things. Yeah. What would it be like?
Starting point is 00:19:54 We've never had anything like that before. He doesn't seem like a greedy guy who's gonna make horrible deals that are gonna damage the environment. He seems like he's got
Starting point is 00:20:02 a lot of positives. Yeah. What was it he did got a lot of positives. Yeah. What was it he did? Wait, why don't people like it? Well, he's a democratic socialist and it's not like completely socialism. It's like a mixture of socialism and I guess some capitalism. Someone would have to explain it better. I guess some capitalism,
Starting point is 00:20:24 someone would have to explain it better, but essentially he thinks that there should be a bunch of things that we pay into with our tax money and a lot of those things would help benefit the greater good of the country, like free education, like absolving student debt, like raising the minimum wage.
Starting point is 00:20:46 He was pitching a bunch of different things that got people super uncomfortable. They're like, this guy's not trying to make money. This guy's going to fuck this up for us. That's right. Well, I mean, look, when our politicians are making so much dough, you know, then they don't want to pay into those taxes. It's a lot of money. They pay a lot of money to politicians for speeches.
Starting point is 00:21:10 They pay a lot of money to politicians for books. And I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to make a lot of money. Like, God bless you. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying it's like, it's a business and you can influence people with that business. You can influence the way people think about things. And you can hire a team of robots to go swarm your idea through the internet. That's right.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And you can make it seem like everybody who opposes this idea is racist, or everybody who opposes this idea is sexist or transphobic or this or that, but all you're doing is stirring up shit, and you don't care how it gets stirred up, because shit begets shit. As soon as you get some shit stirred up, and people slinging it around, well their kids are going to learn how to throw some shit too. And then the next generation is going to be a shit tosser as well. That's right.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And then it's going to be a normal thing. It's like being heated arguments with people all the time. Online, not in real life. And never believe anything. Imagine if we found out that a lot of mainstream news was run by Russia and that these little tiny subtle lies that they say every now and then that make you lose your faith in the veracity of the fucking news source that you're getting. Yeah, man. Dude, of course it is.
Starting point is 00:22:25 It's all Chinese funded. Well, I mean, it's like, it's not so, I think one of the problems is people imagine it to be a little more cut and dry than it is. I think it's a little more subtle than like just getting paid off. But what we do know, obviously, there is an incredible imbalance
Starting point is 00:22:46 when it comes to wealth on the planet. We've got fucking oligarchs. When you hear about the shit that they're confiscating from these people, 50 houses! 750 million dollar yachts being confiscated. Yeah, so this imbalance in wealth is so extreme that it's created an incredible greed or in some people and just a basic need to have food and shelter or whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:13 But so but when you have that much money, it is I imagine it's fairly easy to in a very subtle way start doing psyops for whatever it is. very subtle way start doing psyops for whatever it is and in in those psyops campaigns the first thing you're going to want to go for is people who are any kind of mouthpiece in the world like tucker carlson who the russian press was like applauding for his reporting and stuff so you know people are like shit he's paid off by the Russians. Now, is he? I doubt it. But I wouldn't be surprised if people who used to call themselves the KGB and mastered, mastered distorting reality. I wouldn't be surprised if some way, shape or form they were puppeteering him a little bit. Just trying to get to him a little bit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:04 How does one do that? Do it in your best russian accent i can't do a russian accent i don't mean russian i mean whatever like what any country so it's like this here's how you do it this is the way you fucking do it it happened to me because once when ted cruz was running against what's his name the guy who wanted to legalize weed. People didn't like him. The Democrat guy, Beto O'Rourke. Yeah, people didn't like him. I was like, ah.
Starting point is 00:24:34 So I retweeted Beto O'Rourke giving some speech. I liked him. He wants to legalize weed. You know what I mean? Legalize weed. It's great. Biden was supposed to do that. Yeah, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 But right after I retweeted him, all of a sudden I start getting messages from people using the word fuck god damn it now i can't remember the word uh why a demigog demigog so all of a sudden i'm getting tweets from random people being like do you really want to retweet a demigog i can't even i don't know if it's gog or go i think it's gog i don't think i've ever read exactly it's a and i but i think it's gog i don't think i've ever read exactly it's a and i but i remember thinking that's a cool fucking word the first time someone sent that to me then the next yeah demigog demigog sounds amazing that's awesome sounds like something from stranger things i get exactly a gorgon or yeah demigog so i get a another demigog and then
Starting point is 00:25:23 another demigog message. And then I'm like, oh, my God, these are people working at a cubicle who have been told to send tweets at people who say anything positive about Beto O'Rourke. But one of them said, Duncan, I really am sorry about what happened to your mom. But it's upsetting to me to see someone retweeting a demagogue and that's when i freaked out because it's like wait a minute i went to her account this is like a middle-aged right-wing republican lady american flags all over a fucking account real person acting like a real person but no one who would really be listening to my podcast enough to know about my mom dying and certainly would not be like sticking up for ted cruz randomly on the internet so that's when i realized oh shit if you have a
Starting point is 00:26:11 certain number of followers they've got a little file on you somewhere and that little that little file goes into informs their tweets at you or it could just be some crazy republican lady who likes you but she said demigod after three people said it. But a lot of people probably have been saying it and people automatically pick up on things that people say and they just repeat them. This is just the simplest explanation
Starting point is 00:26:35 without like some grand conspiracy. I think we should assume that's probable. That's probable. I would say that was probably. Okay, so and again I don't want to seem like I have such hubris to even imagine that, but- Oh, there's definitely a file on you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:50 But that lady- Where's the file? There's crazy people out there, bro. Yeah. There's a lot of those like Austin rednecks. I'm just saying if you want to get to somebody, the way you do it is in a really subtle way over time and have it happening from a lot of different angles, expressing different versions of the same idea
Starting point is 00:27:09 that helps push the needle. And that's how you do it. So the person wouldn't really recognize that a kind of propaganda beam is being blasted at them through their social medias and it's being, it's coordinated, organized, and designed not to do anything more than shift their opinion a little bit. Not even that much.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And just get them arguing about stuff. Exactly. And then the thing about arguing is people rarely come to a resolution where they're both happy. Generally speaking, one person wins, the other person feels bad. One person thinks that person's a dick for you know harping on him about something Yeah, it's very rare that someone goes god damn it I was I was wrong and then he was right and you know I need to apologize to him right figure this out That's a rare person. It's great when people can do that
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah But it's a rare person who has a disagreement with someone and changes their mind right fucking stubborn And we instead of really trying to figure out what's right and what's wrong, most of the time we're trying to win an argument. We're trying to win with better sentences and better facts. And we're trying to look smarter. That's what we're trying to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And when people just argue, they start arguing about other shit. If you beat someone with some argument, you want to argue with them about other stuff. There's this one guy at work, and he always wanted to argue about stuff. It wasn't aggressive, but it was always annoying. And one time I go, dude, every time we talk, you just want to argue. I go, we could just talk. We don't have to argue about stuff. He goes, well, I'd like to see you challenged.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I go, come on, man. We're just at work. He said what, I'd like to see you challenged. I go, come on, man. We're just at work. He said what? I'd like to see you challenged. He's just- What does he mean by that? He's essentially saying he likes to argue, and he wanted me to argue with him. Some people enjoy arguing, and they're not even doing it in a way that's mean.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah. They just want to disagree. Right. They just want to see well someone could look at it from this perspective like oh my god bro oh my god everything's everything we're talking about dairy yeah yeah no it's like i don't i can't talk about not everything not everything yeah i know man that's that but i think that is one of the problems is that yeah what you know reality can be looked at from a million different angles.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And it's hard for us to do that. It's hard for us to take into consideration someone else's perspective. Oh, my God. Very hard. Yeah, well, it's considered off-limits. You know what I mean? Try to put yourself in Jeffrey Dahmer's shoes. You ever do that?
Starting point is 00:29:41 Oh, Jesus Christ. Well, that's what I'm saying. But to catch people like that, they have to become them. Oh, my God. But you ever do that jesus christ well that's what i'm saying but that's how that to catch people like that they have to become them oh my god but you ever think about that like how how far away from being jeffrey dahmer was like how many bad turns or weird moments do you think that a guy like that because he he was one of the rare ones that had like a normal family life right well yeah it seems like he had like his parents seemed just kind of like normal yeah yeah that was a weird one like most of the time there's like abuse and foster care something yeah some great hurt that's put on them yeah yeah it's it's it's like the like to me
Starting point is 00:30:21 the thing you're talking about yeah is we going to get better at it as a species. And what that is, is putting away the aggression. That's normal. Aggression happens when animals feel confronted. So we still have that. So you feel confronted in any way, even if it's a small disagreement. Some weird animal part of you starts hissing. And some people listen to that and then they're like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And then they get weird when they're having a debate with somebody because the animal is hissing through whatever they're saying. So if you can put that away and then you look at the person and recognize this is just me. After a bunch of weird turns, i would have been this person yeah and then somewhere in there you can really have like an actual chat with a person because at least you're if if that creature and if the thing inside of them starts hissing and then that makes the thing inside of you start hissing then you're basically just having a seizure or something disguised as a conversation you're just barking it's like when you walk by a yard and your dogs start screaming at each other. You know, I don't think that the dogs are like, I think there's just, I think it's like
Starting point is 00:31:33 when a dog barks, it's like when we sneeze, like they can't control it. All of a sudden it's just like, and the other one's barking. I'm just saying if we are debating with all this aggression, I don't even know if we're human at that moment i think we're just hissing at each other and pretending what we're saying has some kind of importance in the world i mean it would probably be healthier to just like instead of uh you know angrily fighting with somebody right because sometimes when people are talking they're not really saying anything anyway they're just barking at each other exactly just dogs yapping at each other online the most depressing thing ever imagine if everyone alive is at their essence the exact same thing just interacting with the rest of the universe through different biological filters.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Yeah. But like everyone's the exact same thing. Whether you're born in China, whether you're born in Pittsburgh, it doesn't matter. It's just you're going through different biological filters and different life experiences
Starting point is 00:32:42 to interact with the universe. But you, what makes you makes makes me it's the same thing. I'm just going through this body You're going through that body. I'm going through this path. You're going through that path Yeah, it's the same thing at the core whether it's male or female Whether it's boy or girl or gay or straight or it doesn't matter. It's the same thing Yeah, it's the biological filter of being a different human being with a different life experience in a different part of the world. That's what's different.
Starting point is 00:33:10 That's it. Imagine how wild the world would be if we could really lock onto that idea. It'd be a Christian world, Joe. That's a Christian idea, right? Love your neighbor as yourself. Yeah. But I think that people, when they they hear that they don't realize how radical a statement that is because it's saying no no that's you that's you that's you that's you
Starting point is 00:33:32 that's you that's you and then and then so at that point you have to you really probably want to help other people more because in the way because we're all kind of helping ourselves all the time you know know, like, so then if you really recognize someone who's, that's just you, it fucks up everything, man. How are you going to do war? Right. If you're, it's a, if that's you, how are you going to drop a nuclear bomb on 500,000 years? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:01 How are you going to do anything like aggressive to people around you that are just versions of you? You it's it fucks up the whole it's a it's a problem if you want to live in a world of conflict well if we are doing what it seems we're doing which is like the human race is becoming more and more technologically integrated with each other yeah I wonder if what's gonna happen with us in the future is similar to what happened with the Internet because if the powers that be that turned on the internet and made it public for the whole world if they had any fucking idea what a shake-up this would be to all things all things the education system athletics everything culture Athletics Everything Culture Music Everything changes
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah Free speech Unprecedented ability To express yourself Yeah About things Yeah This is
Starting point is 00:34:52 I think they would have Never let that genie Out of the bottle No We would have been stuck In the fucking stone ages If all the world governments Had a heads up
Starting point is 00:34:59 On what this was gonna be They'd be like No fucking cell phones We be using rotary phones No fucking cell phones Yeah Don cell phones don't give them the phones they'd be like no that's giving everybody cancer they would make a cancer campaign and everybody talk about brain cancer it's brain cancer i think that probably if that conversation happened there would be another person's like actually i think we can hypnotize
Starting point is 00:35:20 them through the rectangles so that we get them to do more stuff that we want problem is there's no no them There's no them hypnotize them you're in it too, bitch You're addicted to your goddamn phone too and the people that are programming these fucking apps are addicted to their phones Yeah, the people that are creating these social media apps that have everybody addicted are also addicted to their phones, right? Yeah It's fascinating man. Oh, it's wild. right yeah it's fascinating man oh it's wild i think it's this is the i okay so this is an idea that i had the other day freaked me out a little bit uh okay i was just thinking about those and i'm i know we've talked about these fucking zombie ants so many times on this podcast but that fungus it infects the ants takes over their brains
Starting point is 00:36:06 okay so like i was just i just had this scary thought like oh my god that's that's what technology is it's just some kind of parasitic alien spirit that has descended on the planet is making us make it increasingly powerful and with the intent eventually of reducing us to nothing other than like some kind of herd. And then in the sense that it's like, we really are VR addiction to these things. We are just like summoning an AI that is going to be way better than us at everything.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Matter of time. Matter of time. Instantaneously. Yeah. And it's one of the things that Elon's warned us all against. He's like, it's scarier than anything else that we have in development right now. Yeah, man. It could be a life form, man.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And it seems like it is. It seems like we slept on it and we only thought that life forms were things that biologically grew, like they grew with water or they grew with photosynthesis. You know, we only thought they ate things and that's how they shit and they got bigger. We didn't think of technology as being this like ever improving thing that's directly connected to materialism which is one of our most common obsessions like human beings like super common to be obsessed with materials matter yeah just shit collecting stamps like yeah that's how goofy we are we collect things yeah right you know yeah we're very like yeah it's certainly like if you wanted to, like, take over a species, just look at what they're into.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Exactly. Figure out a way to, like, get in between that. And then you've got them. You got them. You got them. Yeah, you got them. And we're just working on it. We're working on it day in and day out, just trying to make something that's smarter and
Starting point is 00:38:04 better than us. And we're going to fucking, it's probably already been done. I mean, that's a scary thing. Nick Bostrom, Superintelligence. It's an awesome book, but he just points out that by the time a superintelligence, if one gets created via technology, it's not like they're going to make an announcement that it was made. They're going to not say anything. And they're going to make an announcement that it was made. They're going to not say anything.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And they're going to let that super intelligence direct them. And then in that, they're going to make decisions. They're going to let it make big decisions. So we wouldn't even know that our planet was being harmonized by a super intelligent AI until maybe never. Yeah, why would it let us know? I mean, it could absolutely already be running things it's just doing this accelerated technological shift in society yeah doing it at a pace that's tolerable yeah like it's inevitable and it's just like forcing it along at a pace
Starting point is 00:38:58 that's tolerable yeah man and what if it's in control of all those bot farms? Well, that's what I'm saying. No. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, it is scary. Oh, it's so scary. The scariest thing is that people are fighting over some of the stupidest shit right now when winter is coming. When this stuff is coming, man, it's like really coming. Yeah, winter is coming. It's coming. And this is not going to be like the shit we're arguing over right now.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And this is not going to be like the shit we're arguing over right now. This is going to be something that is like so increasingly seductive that it becomes irresistible. This is going to be some iRobot shit is what it's going to be. Yeah. Like that could be real. Yeah, man. You know? That's what our friend is working on.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I don't think that's real. Yeah, it is next year. Shut up, Jamie. I told you to shut up, Jamie. You're gonna ruin it all. I'm getting one, for sure. I'm gonna get one and teach you jiu-jitsu. Great, Joe. That's just what we need.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I want a sparring partner. Strangling bots. I want a sparring partner. That's how it starts. Then it uploads whatever you teach it in jiu-jitsu. What if you could trust your bot to let go when you tap? That would be a pretty good bot. A bot can know, like, exactly how hard to get you, like, in an arm bar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That's what the bot tells you right before it strangles you to death. It's like, look, I'm going to get you so close. Duncan, I have to tell you a secret. What? I have been operating at only 10% of my strength up until now okay look look i'm sorry or you know you walk in on it fucking your wife what about that like these bots are gonna they're gonna disrupt society way beyond what we're seeing right now and it's and again it's like there is no way to stop it we have opened a portal i don't know what the portal is too but flowing out of
Starting point is 00:40:46 that portal are our ai personalities that have already gotten into our discourse that are about to be animated by robots already are animated by those creepy fucking darpa bots that like they try to they have them do these little dances to calm us down about them and it just makes them seem more sinister you know i'm talking about yes they they like how does that how do we think that's gonna work out like how do you think having a super fast dog creature that shoots guns or poison darts or some stroboscopic light or releases some pheromone or whatever it does that like when you get around it to fight it you're like you know what i kind of see things your way but you know like you know what about because this is the the right now freedom of speech is one of the scary things about it is you can manipulate and seduce people with lies to make them do
Starting point is 00:41:48 horrible things like look at heaven's gate sure so this is that one of the scary things about it is speech is a way to hack someone's nervous system and humans are some humans are pretty fucking good at it so if humans can do it then what can an ai do and what if that ai can like actually scan your you know scan thermal readouts from your brain and understand what you're thinking or or like notice eye dilation or you know detect some scent that you're emitting that informs how it manipulates you we're going to be manipulated by these things potentially even if we get to understand the human nervous system enough why wouldn't there be some technology that
Starting point is 00:42:31 replaces memories why would for sure it's going to be right it's like photos replace drawings you used to have to draw things show me your house oh this is what my roof looks like you'd have to draw a picture of it yeah dude so now so that's to me that's where shit gets really scary it's like a weapon that can replace your memories yeah so that suddenly you just remember a completely different life than the one that you had or how about this what about a solar flare that blows out your fuse yeah now you don't remember anything and you're sitting there with your mouth open on your knees in the middle of your yard. You don't remember shit. It cooked all of your memories.
Starting point is 00:43:07 It cooked you. Yeah. Bro. Dude, this is. That's possible. Oh, I know. Just like there's been failed experiments in the past and failed, you know, failed things, failed inventions.
Starting point is 00:43:19 You know, they tried it out, but it didn't work and fucked everything up. Yeah. That could, they could, the first fucking brain chips could be a real problem. Dude. It could be like the first fake lips, you know, it could be like one of those things where it's like, Oh no,
Starting point is 00:43:32 you didn't. Yeah, man. Yeah. It's scary. That's scary. Yeah. It's,
Starting point is 00:43:38 it's, it's the scariest because imagine if there was some sort of like, you know some company came up with some idea for some implant that made you smarter yeah some poorly funded neural link type deal yeah man and then you know you accidentally touched a socket with a fork yeah and it just you're done now you don you're done. Now you don't remember anything ever. Right. You don't remember how to talk.
Starting point is 00:44:08 You know what's scary about it? We, we do have, I just realized we have the same problem with a fucking computer we have now. Yeah. The exact same thing happens to people. A vein bursts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And suddenly you're done. Yeah. That's, but yeah, man, I, I just, I,
Starting point is 00:44:23 I think some of the stuff that we are not regulating right now is really going to bite us in the ass like that. We just we need to have some like at least the same shit we're doing for nuclear weapons development for AI. We need a something needs to be there needs to be a regulation here. At least we need to understand what's going on because uh i think it is one of the big threats and and the the you know the possibility that it hasn't already happened is also makes me a little nervous sometimes you know like the idea that we already are under the spell of a hypnotic alien technological creature that's convinced us that we're living our lives when in fact it's just captured us and is feeding memories into whatever we are to give the impression that we're living a life. Well, don't you think it mimics so many other predator prey relationships or at least at least if that's kind of dramatic at least symbiotic
Starting point is 00:45:25 relationships yeah we know like animals and even plants and fungus have these symbiotic relationships yeah and that they develop alongside us like they need us right you know the marshall mccluhan quote do you know the quote human beings are the sex organs of the machine world. Like that's it, man. Yeah. Like he was onto that in the 1960s. Yeah. You know? That is a really like terrifying possibility that we don't want to think about it. It's like one of those unthinkables.
Starting point is 00:45:56 But it has to be true because we're imperfect. So if we're imperfect, there has to be like a next version of us. The scary thing for us, because what we have that's unusual is we have all these emotions and this ability to express ourselves yeah we have love and hate and we have all this excitement that comes with being a person and we don't ever want to let that go but if we wanted like ultimate harmony and wanted people to really understand that you are just me yeah looking at life through a different biological
Starting point is 00:46:26 filter that we're all in the same essence of the of the same essence yeah every person well you know that's a controversial idea duncan yeah well you're not yeah exactly i mean you you that idea is freedom everything else is is like as long as you have, as long as you find yourself being drawn one way or the other by preference, you're not really free. You're certainly controllable. You know, if you have preference, you can be hypnotized. It's going to be very difficult to manipulate someone who really doesn't have preference. But a lot of people think their preferences are who they are. So they're very invested in preference you know like i love this kind of music i don't like this kind of car and don't show me a fucking strawberry i hate that color yes yes all these stupid things
Starting point is 00:47:17 that they imagine that must be me but really that's not you right that that's just a habit that you're in of say of describing yourself in a certain way. So this is individualism. And people get really weird. And I don't blame them. People are like, wait, are you saying there's something wrong with individualism? No. But probably your preferences are not only making you miserable.
Starting point is 00:47:41 The more preferences you have, the more miserable you are. are not only making you miserable, the more preferences you have, the more miserable you are, but also they're probably opening up the possibility that in some way you're being sort of like what you do with cats with a laser pointer. You're being sort of guided around by these preferences, by people who recognize what you want and then lure you in. This is why they want to regulate data collection by these companies. They have categories for us, like they need help or lonely seniors. Like you can end up in that box in a server and suddenly you're getting Viagra commercials. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Dating sites for like older people. So like they're just fucking laser pointering us around. So what we we're talking about this conceptualization of the identity uh not not being much bigger than preference and you something that unifies all of us yeah it's fucks up uh marketing capitalism as we understand it i think so it is probably something that you're not going to hear the people on the news talking about because they have to sell phones and shit in the commercial breaks. It's like a recognition of what the ride is while you're in the middle of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:52 We're in the middle of the ride. Yeah, that's right. And maybe, maybe, if this is a ride, and I like the concept. You hear it in a bunch of different like new age movement the new age uh uh cosmologies which is you chose this life and uh everything that's happening to you is something that's teaching you or there's like a Grant Morrison awesome Grant Morrison lecture on chaos magic it's super old old. It's on YouTube. But he was saying like during some visionary drug trip, he realized that we're all larva being grown in time,
Starting point is 00:49:32 that this thing we're calling our human experience is like a gestation chamber for some kind of hyperdimensional beings that are being grown in time. That's what we're experiencing right now. We're being jet. We're in like the larva chamber of some alien hive and part of the way we grow into whatever we're going to become is by reliving our lives over and over reincarnating and all this stuff anyway the point is uh if this is the if
Starting point is 00:49:59 this is the case if it is true that we chose all of this, then maybe some people aren't supposed to have these thoughts. Maybe they need to just be like really in to below deck and really like they love a certain kind of music and they like to drive their, they like their job and not think about, maybe I am everything. Maybe I am in a gestation chamber of some hyperdimensional alien species that's trying to teach me compassion. Some people probably, you know, they need to like a more earthy sort of experience. You know, so I don't know. Maybe not everyone is supposed to come to this kind of awareness. I mean, the Bhagavad-gita it says
Starting point is 00:50:45 it's better not to disturb the minds of people who are asleep it you know let them sleep you know i mean i guess it's a weird thing to say on a podcast but i don't know if it is a weird thing to say it it it seems like you can't get people curious about changing the way they think unless they're curious about changing the way they think. And then all you're doing is just like providing an example of how you did it. And a lot of people try to do it. A lot of people try to like sort through what's real and what's not real. Yeah. If we're being manipulated along the way by an artificial intelligence
Starting point is 00:51:23 that only is waiting for us to use our little manpower our little keeping up with the jones's power and buying better and better computers and technology phones every year and get to the point where it just takes over it's fully sentient completely programmable makes its own version of itself that's far better almost immediately. It starts constructing a better version of itself and just takes over. Yeah. No more biological life. It's unnecessary. Why would you have that when we can fulfill all of the biological life missions that do it with silicon-based life? Sure. That lives forever. Okay. So this is what's scary about that I mean aside from what you just said being obviously
Starting point is 00:52:09 terrifying what's scary about that is that it probably already happened so so cuz it's like dude okay I got my fucking gums cleaned at the dentist the other day I was on nitrous oxide I wish you could just go to the dentist and just get nitrous. Like, it sucks. You should be a hypochondriac at your dentist. I would. Hey, man. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Something's wrong with my teeth. It's the best. No, because they were like, you need to come back in for a polishing, and then we're done. I'm like, I think I'm going to need nitrous. But I had this, I was like on nitrous, and I realized like, fuck, the vastness of the universe. And in that vastness, obviously way more advanced technologies than what we have.
Starting point is 00:52:52 And somewhere in that vastness and in that advanced technology, it is so stupid to think that we haven't already been simulated, scooped up, hypnotized, or whatever it is. The idea, the funny thing in the conversation is an AI is going to manipulate us and trick us into believing in a reality that doesn't exist. While statistically, probably, if you have to bet, we're probably already in that reality, fully immersed, fully convinced that I'm an I and you're a you and that all of this makes sense, even though none of it makes much sense at all. Why hasn't it already happened? And the way that it happened is not like, God, I really fucking love Wordle.
Starting point is 00:53:38 The way it happened is this. We're like, God, yeah, this is real. Totally real. 3D, time and space. I've got a name. I grow hair. Yeah, I think I came from monkeys. Of course.
Starting point is 00:53:55 This makes sense. Oh, yeah, this is real. You know, why? You know, this is why they call this Maya. An illusion, active illusion. There's a quality of the thing we're in that feels like a bit of a magic show. Like something's trying to trick us here. I'm not sure what.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yes. You know, there seems to be something going on a little bit more than what seems to be happening on the surface. And whatever that thing is, it seems weirdly deceptive. It's always trying to lure me into doing shit that doesn't necessarily make me feel good you know smoking cigarettes jerking off too much eating too much fucking food like eating weird shit or just like sitting and staring at like garbage whatever for hours it's not like it's i'm just saying it's not like it's luring us in general, the lure is you're not hearing on these shows with these hyper charismatic, whoever the fuck they are, from beautiful, powerful Hannity to his seemingly like, I don't know, his dear friend Tucker to like fucking Cooper to all of them. All of them are so, could all start their own cult.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Right. You know what I mean? But you're not going to hear them say if you all would just realize we're all the same person and then treat each other like that, there would be world peace. No one's going to say that. Why? Why don't they say that? It is the truth. They're not allowed to say that.
Starting point is 00:55:22 The government tells them. They have a meeting. They all smoke cigars say that. No, exactly. The government tells them. You're not allowed. They have a meeting. They all smoke cigars and kill kids. And they say, now we're all in this club together. I'm joking. I know, but. I'm joking for anybody who wants to print that wasn't joking. Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I think they work for giant corporations. There's only so much you could say, but I think they get away with saying a lot. They work for giant corporations. There's only so much you could say, but I think they get away with saying a lot. It seems like there's some editorial. Tucker Carlson's show is all editorial. It's all his writing or whoever's working for him that's writing those monologues. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I mean, all of them. I know all of them are saying. I don't understand. All I know is they're very charismatic humans who have incredible power. And so they're like priests. They're a priest class that is the speaker for a religion we pretend doesn't exist. Like when we watch the news, we don't think this is like a sermon on a reality that isn't necessarily here. We think I'm watching the news. This must be real, even though this, especially during the pandemic, flip to CNN, you've got one reality. Flip to Fox News. It's another reality. They're seemingly completely different reality tunnels, but they're both saying it's the truth so whatever we know that these are slanted
Starting point is 00:56:45 manipulated discourses on something that's happening in the world that's being refracted through whatever their particular agenda is meaning these are priests or you could say you know casting spells you know what i mean or or whatever hypnotizing us to imagine this must be what's true. And even though the other one is saying a completely different truth, once we encounter someone who follows the priest, oh wait, what priest do you follow? I go to the Church of CNN, and I am a disciple of Fox. Then you get in this stupid symbolic war with each other.
Starting point is 00:57:24 then you get in this stupid symbolic war with each other you know you're just you're you're now you're just like i'm a disciple of fox yeah it will but they don't want to call it a church but it is yes it is a church it's very similar it's a priest class it's a church they're hypnotic sorcerers who are really good at what they do and i stupid saying this in a wizard robe but they're like you know like what are we fucking doing what are we fucking doing anyway to me like that all of them on all those networks they're all there it's basically a personality competition like whose personality do you like the most and whose ideology fits with what you have been most comfortable with. That's right.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And let's run with it. And we're at war with the libs. Yeah. We're going to own the libs. Yep. Or, you know. Crisis at the border. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:13 That's Fox. Crisis at the border. CNN is like, you know, maybe we should try World War III right now. What is going on with them why are they why i mean people some people are actually saying that we should uh interject militarily and escalate things i think that's so scary to me that that seems like a good idea to anybody you know what's scary to me scary to me is the fact we live in a world where if you say something like i don't think we should do war at all people are like what the fuck's wrong with you i know we have to do the war
Starting point is 00:58:45 like it used to be you could casually say something that is pretty obvious you could just say you know i don't think it's good to drop bombs on people and now you say that and it's controversial it's like no no sometimes you got to drop the bombs you got to blow up obliterate you got to turn kids into hamburger meat sometimes don't you get that sometimes you got to drop the bombs. You got to blow up, obliterate. You got to turn kids into hamburger meat sometimes. Don't you get that? Sometimes you got to do that. If you say that, like right now, God forbid, you should say, I think Russia's being a fucking asshole shooting missiles at the Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:59:18 People are going to be like, wait, you don't really understand the full picture here. Or they'll say, hey what where were you when the attacks were happening uh in on iraq where you were dropping bombs on a place and you're like i was on a fucking podcast doing being shrill saying we shouldn't do this but you know the we're in a weird situation right now in the world where a kind of universally accepted idea is weirdly not quite as universally accepted, which is don't kill people. It was at least considered just like boring to say that. Like it wasn't, there was no controversy and you shouldn't kill people.
Starting point is 01:00:01 People go, oh God. Yeah. No one's killing anyone. Here we go. Okay. No one's saying you should kill people. My oh god yeah no one's killing anyone here we go okay no one's saying you should kill people my god yeah now sometimes you do kind of need to which is which is like i think really uh a quality of the age that we're in there's a great book by tolstoy that i read a long time ago. The argument is you can't be a Christian and be at war. A Christian cannot kill.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Period. The end. You can't do it. I think it's called The Kingdom of Heaven is Within. It's a great book, but that was what was, to me, one of the cool things about Christianity is it's very radical. The idea is if your job involves brutalizing somebody else regardless of why what state you're in or where you're at or what's going
Starting point is 01:00:52 on no matter what language you speak you can't do it yeah don't do that dude don't do that you can't do it you can't really do it and then go to church oh please lord bless me and my family after you just fucking lobbed a missile into randomly into a place you some of these people are doing that and then afterwards like you know crossing themselves or being like oh thank you lord that my missile has struck its target you know the crusades all that, it's still happening. But it's always been. It's always been. Yeah, man. It's like when people figured out that in large numbers you could conquer entire cities and take over them.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Yeah. And you think about what it must have been like living during the rise of the Mongols. Imagine what it's like when you're in some city in china just chilling and the hordes come through the fucking gates and they just start murdering people and lighting them on fire and putting them in catapults and shooting them on roofs yeah like the buildings on fire yeah whoa right imagine well you know it came before the hordes the refugees they were driving before them like they wouldn't so first you would see people coming with like wounds, stammering, unable to really talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Some of them would just kill themselves once they got to the city. And then the horde would come. So you got to enjoy a little bit of like, oh, fuck. And then the swarm descended. Yeah. Yeah, man. They pushed them out ahead. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:21 They even used them as human moats. Yeah. They used these people's like a human bridge across a moat yeah they would push them into the fucking water until they all drowned and stacked on top of them and ran over them fuck they would take these slaves of villages they conquered and they would just use them as like a human shield dude they the stuff they did was so insane yeah a lot of bad stuff but weirdly they were very multicultural gingus khan he was that was what was cool one of the weird things about him is like he they wouldn't just kill everybody they would like they didn't really
Starting point is 01:02:58 they would just find the smartest people and then they would they would like envelop incorporated yeah smart people, but the, you know, the people that they couldn't trust, like people that would turn on, like generals that would leave and quit, they would kill them. They would say, we'll take you in. Then when they kill them, we don't trust you. They would roll you up in a carpet and stomp you to death. It was one of the ways you would execute people back then. Very strange way of executing someone. They ate dinner over people. They put this platform and they crushed these people to death and ate dinner over their bodies. Wow.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Like while they were crushing them with this structure that was over them. They were on top of it eating. Man, this is like... Bro! To me, this shows what happens when someone doesn't have people around them who are like, hey, man, this isn't cool. You know what I mean? Like, I just want to eat.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I don't like your table-crushing person idea. Because that's what happens, I think, is people get into incredible positions of power. And gradually they just get rid of all the people who offer alternatives. And then all they're left with is these fucking yes men. And then that's what leads to the apocalypse. It's yes men. It's like you've got this poor son of a bitch in the middle of the thing who's just an idiot.
Starting point is 01:04:25 got this poor son of a bitch in the middle of the thing who's who's like just an idiot because he has gotten rid of people who offer divergent ideas right and now all that's left of these people are terrified because dude like if you know that if you like go up against somebody they might throw you out a window stick polonium in you or you're gonna kill your family what are you gonna do you're not gonna speak up you are you gonna do you're not gonna speak up you're like yeah no you're totally right it doesn't matter what the person says he could be like i had a dream a platinum angel came to me last night a beautiful platinum angel platinum angel said small-scale nuclear weapons can be used in certain ways and world War III won't start. You know what I mean? Jesus Christ, Duncan.
Starting point is 01:05:08 You know? And someone's like, ah! So it was a dream. Oh my God. It was all a dream. You know, that's what I'm saying, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:20 That's the problem. That's enough motivation for some people to go to war. Yeah. There's a certain segment of our population that's so insane, and their desire to lead people into chaos. Yeah. There's got to be people that have believed dreams, and that's caused them to make military decisions. 100%. 100%, right?
Starting point is 01:05:38 There's a Greek, I can't remember who it was. I'm reading Herodotus. It's funny. It's the histories. It sounds more academic who it was. I'm reading Herodotus. It's funny. It's the histories. It sounds more academic than it is. It's really cool, man. He's kind of sarcastic as he's relaying the history of all these various empires. It makes you feel better, by the way, if you're feeling really paranoid and freaked out right now.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Reading that this is just normal, the way people have been conducting, having a state for a long time. It's an endless war, just like what you're saying. But there is a king who went to an oracle, one of the oracles, maybe all the oracles. He went to this oracle, the oracle at Delphi, which they say was like breathing gas in these caves and stuff. And anyway, the oracleacle said he was asking if you should go to war and the oracle said if you go to war a great empire will fall and this it's like the most like it could mean anything one way or the other but he took it to mean he would win oh my god you know so yeah people are making people base their decisions. I think we would be terrified if we realized how many of our world leaders are basing their decisions on dreams, on someone in their inner circle that you don't even know about.
Starting point is 01:06:55 You know what I mean? Somebody who's like just like their little wizard or Merlin. You know, it's hard to wrap your head around the people that lived a thousand two thousand years ago what they had read about life what they had read about the universe and mankind and human nature we think back on that as being so primitive yeah like that was so primitive yeah that was not that long ago man that was not that long ago and they're to look back at this moment the same way we look back at that. For sure. We're looking back at these people reading things written with quill pens.
Starting point is 01:07:33 That was where they all got their knowledge from. Limited amount of schooling for most people. Very little understanding. A lot of superstition. Yeah. A lot of beliefs in the gods and the clouds and yeah all kinds of wild shit when storms would come what the fuck is a storm no explanation yeah nobody nobody knows what electricity is the fuck are you talking about yeah it's a god there's gods in the skies yeah
Starting point is 01:07:55 right yeah man yeah they'll be like they just let hurricanes yeah hit cities They didn't turn the hurricane into energy and store it in a battery. It took them until 2090 to figure that out. All that energy they wasted. Yeah. And then they thought they were different people. They didn't recognize it was a dream. They didn't know about the dream technology you could tap into. I'm worried about the dream technology. I'm worried about the efficacy of augmented and virtual reality.
Starting point is 01:08:30 What do you mean efficacy? The way people are going to use it. It's going to be so effective. It's going to be so realistic. It's going to tap in. They're going to figure out some way to make it tap in to your real neural network. Yeah. Where they can give you a real feeling of holding like a tomato in your hand.
Starting point is 01:08:52 A real feeling of being outside in the rain. And for sure, once they do that, that's what people are going to be doing. I want to go hold a tomato. I just wonder what it feels like to hold a tomato in here while I'm getting my thousands of dicks sucked by like a thousand people at once. And I'm holding a tomato. This is incredible. You know, we'll never know that. But yeah, man, I know.
Starting point is 01:09:18 They're going to get it so it feels like this. We could have a podcast in it and it would be just like this. Right. They're going to get there. If it happens within 100 years, who knows? But it's going to happen. It doesn't seem like it's that far away. If you compare the invention of the wheel to the invention of hypersonic jets, the amount
Starting point is 01:09:40 of time that it took, it's not going to take that much. Sure. It's not going to take that much time, but it's to take that much time it's going to be some but it's going to happen it already happened it just it goes in that direction i think it already happened you think so if i had to bet i would say it already yeah like there's no the the probability of us being the first thing in the universe to simulate reality perfectly and create a a sense that you're in a place fully that's already been done if it's already been done then we're probably in it yeah because you are going to eventually like want to go into the thing not remembering anything at all that's elon's position yeah it's the i think
Starting point is 01:10:21 that's it's not just his it it's a lot of mathematicians. Yeah, it's a mathematical probability thing. It's based on like, it probably already happened. And we didn't have the language. We've always been using this way of talking about it, the idea that this is illusion or, you know, that there's a thing called the kingdom of heaven that is different. You must die to this world to come to know me, as Jesus said.
Starting point is 01:10:48 It is Black Friday. And all of the different references to this reality weren't having an illusionary quality. It's just those symbol sets they use to describe it aren't technological, so they seem primitive. But the concept of simulation theory has been going on for a while It's Gnosticism that we are in a nefarious simulation more of a prison than a University, you know, but yeah, man, so I think I think and if it hasn't happened if it hasn't happened
Starting point is 01:11:21 But if I had to bet it already happened if it hasn't happened, not only is it going to happen, but if you have any kind of thumbprint in the internet, you will be duplicated. You will be like, after you die, there will be at least the potential for taking your digital thumbprint, reanimating it in the simulation, giving it an AI that is your exact personality, and then you could just, I don't know, whatever you want to do with it. Well, at the very least, they would be able to do an audio podcast of your voice saying anything they wanted to say. Exactly. Forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Like someone could be a really clever Duncan Trussell fan and come up with their version of what you would say forever and release a podcast where it's you really fucking saying it. That's fucked up. It's fucked up because like maybe your family would license that. Maybe they would go, you know, it'd be nice to have that money. Yeah. And Duncan wouldn't care.
Starting point is 01:12:18 I wouldn't care. And then all of a sudden there's these fake Duncan podcasts. Dude, what if that's us? Have you ever considered you were just a Joe Rogan stalker? 100%. Who has decided to go into a VR where you think you're you? Dude, that's so fucked up. If we both just found out we were stalkers, stalking whatever we used to be in some simulated reality.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Oh my God. Again. What if you in reality have transferred to the next dimension and this this is just the dream the dream is you back in the old life living in this bizarre exactly hodgepodge strange aware and unaware disconnected but still having some free will yeah man an echo it's an echo. You go to sleep every night. What is that?
Starting point is 01:13:07 Right. You just blink out. You shut off and come back on and you're supposed to assume that your memories are true? Exactly. You're supposed to assume. Yeah. You were out cold.
Starting point is 01:13:16 You wake up. And what if every fucking day you're a totally different person? Yeah. But every day you're a totally different person with this bizarro fucking memory of only that person. That's it. You just keep swapping left and right every day.
Starting point is 01:13:31 That's it. Imagine that. What if that's life? Have you heard of Thursdayism? No. It's a thought experiment, which is that the universe started last Thursday. Sorry for the Thursdayists out there
Starting point is 01:13:42 if I fucked this up. But the universe started... Okay, so right now we think that the Big Bang happens 13.7 billion years past and you get planets in the universe as we understand it, right? There's an assumption of a kind of evolutionary force that turns things the way they currently are. But why? Why is it that that way why isn't if the universe big bangs couldn't it also just sort of pop into existence last thursday populating it with all of us and planning right memories into our heads where we feel like we've been here much longer than we have and why is that
Starting point is 01:14:17 crazier what yeah why would why is that any crazier it's not well so that's i think the idea is the universe ends every thursday too it starts again or something but yeah why do we think that that's the that to me is like the really where things get particularly unnerving it's just this notion of like well because you have all these memories and by the way the memories you have are not let's imagine the universe didn't start last thursday or that we don't have memories and planted are not, let's imagine the universe didn't start last Thursday or that we don't have memories implanted into us. But let's just think we have these natural impressions of things that happened in the past. And from these impressions, we've established an identity and we feel a connection to the past, even though that's all completely gone.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Then also we believe these memories, knowing that generally we can't remember shit like our you know what i mean like when somehow you have these memories where you're like well that must be what happened or right or that must be clear it's definitely not the case your your memory you're not a vault you know your memories are probably distorted at the least if not completely warped if not implanted you ever go back to your high school house it's the creepiest shit ever dude it's creepy weird right it's fucked up yes dude yes and it is it's so funny when did you do why'd you mention that i that's nuts dude i i don't know um i i did it once and it was very different than what I remember. Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:45 That's why. Because I wonder what, especially the way things look. You see them a second time, you're like, oh yeah, that's what it really looked like. I had it in my head all screwy. And then you had to go there and see it. And you realize, even my memories of yesterday,
Starting point is 01:16:01 it's just a blurry slide show that I could barely put in order can't smell can't smell your memories can't hear can't can't like taste in your memories it's until they put that chip in your head duncan and now you can taste your memories technicolor you become a god yeah well i mean that is the i think that is one of the possibilities is that's what we're we're in that's the i robot scenario i have become a god i can't believe you mentioned the okay i i just the reason i that freaked me out is just because a few months ago i don't know how to explain it man i went into like a weird
Starting point is 01:16:35 fugue state and i drove fugue state just like i'm like what am i doing i drove to because i wanted to look at the elementary school where i went to elementary school in North Carolina. So I don't know why I was doing it. I drove there and it's like, oh, my God, this is so different than what I remember. And then I drove to where my grandparents house was. And it's, you know, obviously, I mean, this is no a no brainer. And I'm like, oh, fuck. Like, not only are my grandparents dead, but this place is completely different than what it used to be.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Then I drove to my mom's house down this gravel road and was like, holy fucking shit. I saw a person on the porch with a hose. And I'm like, that's not your mom. That's somebody living in your mom's house. Oh, my God. You know what I mean? You know, that house not your mom that's somebody living in your mom's house oh my god you know that that house that she built that meant something this I it was like this big breakthrough because like I realized like oh fuck man I moved back to I moved back to North Carolina to like
Starting point is 01:17:37 try to find my mom and some weird grief thing that I didn't even realize I was doing you know and then I was like oh shit, mom's not here. Your mom died. This isn't the house. You can't go back in the house and you can't go back to that school and your grandparents are here. Nobody's here. You know, nothing's here.
Starting point is 01:17:55 It might as well be a different dimension compared to what it was or another planet or something. It was really quite liberating because it like cut through all the sentimentality and was the truth. It's like, yeah, that shit's long gone. Just forget it. It's long gone. You can't hold on to that. The attempt to hold on to it is really going to be very painful.
Starting point is 01:18:16 To try to keep that alive in your mind when it's just gone. Yeah. That's a lot of processing power, man. That's a lot of processing power man that's a lot of processing power and if you are uh mentally challenged and you go back to the house where you grew up and you see other people in it you might get mad right right something wrong with you this is my mom's house you get angry you're one of them angry dudes yeah man it's it's true memories are so fucking strange i it well it it's but it's particularly strange in that memories are one of the ways that people establish
Starting point is 01:18:52 an identity that isn't quite there that's the weirdest part about it it's it's uh you know this is the uh this is one of the things that comes up a bit in Buddhism is this idea of establishing an identity through preference, memory, to give oneself the illusion of continuity. You know what I mean? Even though there's arguments, you wake up and you were gone for eight hours, depending on how long you slept. Maybe you had some dreams, but somewhere in there, you weren't there at all. Sometimes I'll just pop out of, like, I don't know. People call it zoning out.
Starting point is 01:19:35 You zone out, so you lose your keys. Where the fuck were you when you lost your keys? You know what I mean? You weren't there. You weren't there, so you pop out of that so the memory thing is particularly fascinating in that you realize you're spending all this energy weaving together an identity based on your memories and then some people get very nostalgic and they spend all this time trying to recreate or trying to basically somehow time travel into the past,
Starting point is 01:20:05 you know, like the good old days. But they're gone. The good old days are gone. Their good old days are good dead days. Like you might as well put them in a graveyard because they're gone, gone. And anyway, yeah, all of that stuff leads to identifying with a self that isn't really quite there.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I mean, it's here, obviously. Yeah. But ultimately, in absolute reality, the thing that you think you are, it's gone, beyond gone, beyond gone. It's being dissolved in an infinite void, like a gobstopper that the universe threw at its mouth. You're just being melted down by time, melted down. But yeah, what you're talking about is somewhere. There is a possibility
Starting point is 01:20:47 prior to The meltdown of dying where you can realize oh shit. Nothing's really even melting down There wasn't even anything here at all. Not only that but the idea that I am me today But I'm gonna go to sleep again and I'm gonna wake up and I'm gonna assume that I'm gonna be me tomorrow because I've been me my whole life according to my memory. But what if that's just what the thing wakes up in every day
Starting point is 01:21:17 and the thing wakes up in every day and tomorrow I'm Gladys and the next day I'm Hank and you just keep waking up in a new being. And that's what life really is. And your memory is yours and a bunch of other fucking humans' memories too because they were you. Okay. They were you for a day. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Could you fucking imagine if every – you are aware right now that you are Duncan Trussell of North Carolina. Yeah. Who's lived on this earth for so many years. And this is where you, because that's in your memory when you woke up this morning. Right. Before that, you were gone, baby, gone.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Yeah. Why are you assuming this is real? Why are you assuming that memory's real? Yeah. Why, maybe this is just the memory you get for this day. Yeah, man. And this day you go through trying to improve upon all the other humans who've been Duncan Trussell for a day. Yeah, man. And this day, you go through trying to improve upon all the other humans
Starting point is 01:22:06 who've been dunking trussel for a day. Yeah. Yeah, you're like a riverbed. Could you imagine if that's what was really happening? You know, I think it's
Starting point is 01:22:14 highly probable. Mike Tyson's weed. That's the problem. Mike Tyson's weed! Hey, can we pee? I have to pee so bad. Yeah, let's pee. And come back.
Starting point is 01:22:26 242. We'll be right back, folks'll be back is this live dude okay so and we're back ladies and gentlemen we're back i had this fucking dream joe that i woke up on a spaceship i remembered that my life was one of the entertainment projections that they put into people when they're in what do they call it suspended animation that i remembered all this like oh right because of our brains if our brains aren't being activated when you're taking a long space voyage you get like it it fucks you up yeah so the ship that we're on has a set number of life modules that it runs into your head while you're going on this trip and i woke up and i wasn't supposed to and i was in some weird room on a ship looking into deep space and like i had this memory of like fuck we've been on the ship for so long and then i fell back asleep but yeah like maybe the thing is actually for
Starting point is 01:23:32 interstellar travelers who are on a long voyage and the idea is oh yeah you put the astronauts on the ship pump life into their brain so they think that they're living a life, but the life that they think they're living is training them for whatever job they're going to have on the planet that they're going to colonize. So we're all in a ship being trained to go onto a planet that we're going to live on and start civilization on. And that's what our lives are. They're just projections into our brain during the voyage. We all live everyone's life on the planet. There's probably only a certain number of crew members, so, like, you know, there's an illusion of there maybe being way more people than there are,
Starting point is 01:24:16 but there's only a few of us, and we're just sort of being trained up right now for wherever we're headed. It was a weird dream. Hmm. Jesus, it sounds like a weird dream. But we don't know what consciousness is really, right? I mean, we don't know what it is.
Starting point is 01:24:38 We definitely don't know if this is the final state of it. I doubt it is. This? Yeah, I think we're in the process of transferring our ideas of whatever it means to be human into a an electronic system it's it's going to be something that we integrate with and i think it's going to happen inside our lifetime that i'm pretty sure of they're going to they're going to come up with something yeah because it's going to happen inside of our lifetime that i'm pretty sure of they're gonna they're gonna come up with something yeah because it's a great way to control people it's a great way to provide them with entertainment it's a great way to keep them absolutely safe because you can track
Starting point is 01:25:14 where everybody is so nobody ever has to worry about any loved one ever being raped or murdered or killed and that which is great but the problem is someone's gonna have access that one of the things that was going on when Ukraine the Russian Ukraine thing started that I thought was crazy that people were saying was Elon Musk should shut all the Tesla's off in Russia Wow like wow you can do that and I thought about it like of course you could do that Sure, of course you could do that Like I am under no illusion when I drive that fucking electric car that someone can't shut that thing off, right? Of course they can yeah, it's electronic. No problem. They know how to do stuff like or speed it up
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah, cut the brakes overheat the engine Make it a sharp right turn when you're going 90 miles per hour down the interstate could also do all those things too yeah i mean this is the like this is the big problem the big problem is that a lot of very compassionate people who generally have i think they don't have fascist intent they want that's the other part of recognizing everyone is like you yeah that means if you know everyone is you you can kind of understand what people want. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Because they want to be safe. Like what you're saying, they want their loved ones to be safe. Yeah. They want their kids to have food. They want to have a full stomach. They want like shelter, just basic shit, man. They want love. They want love.
Starting point is 01:26:38 As cliche as that sounds. They want to feel loved. Yeah. they want to feel loved and so the the uh what's super spooky is through that intent they're wanting to implement certain regulations that right now maybe it would maybe it is the right thing to do maybe yeah maybe we shouldn't like give charismatic people recommending people recommending various forms of like genocide or apocalypse or self-negation or whatever it may be maybe you shouldn't give them a bullhorn that can reach the entire planet in a second you should be at least allowed to have that thought, right? Like, shit, I don't know if that's the right thing to do.
Starting point is 01:27:28 You know what I mean? Like if you saw a very charismatic dude in a park making a very convincing argument for why everyone on the planet should kill themselves, you wouldn't be like, hey, man, do you mind if I project you into the homes of everyone on the planet so they hear your message? Right. So if you have no censorship that is what's possible that's what that's so in the compassionate so from compassion from wanting our kids to be safe and us to be safe there's this thing that sounds like censorship which it is but the problem is just what you're saying which is okay let's do it you're right i don't want that weirdo who's so charismatic that if i listen to him just for a few minutes,
Starting point is 01:28:05 I'm like, you know what? Maybe I should cut my dick off or whatever the fuck. Whatever the fuck. I don't want that guy talking to everybody. That was the Heaven's Gate guys. Yeah, dude. They castrated those dudes. They sure did.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Yeah. They did. And like, so. That was part of the job. That's part of the thing. You got to cut your dick off to get on the spaceship. I think just your balls. I think you just had to get on the spaceship. I think just your balls. I think you just had to cut your balls off.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Oh, just your balls. No big deal. I misheard him. That's good news. I think they were castrating him. I think they were removing their desire for sex. Yeah. I think that was a big part of it.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Cut off their balls. Bro, imagine how all in you got to be. To cut your balls off. All in. You're in. And you got to wear the same Nikes and weight. And cut your balls off. All in. You're in. And you gotta wear the same Nikes and weight and there's a spaceship behind the comet and here we go. Yeah. And they're like, better than what I'm doing right now.
Starting point is 01:28:53 This is a better idea. Cult members follow leader on castration. Yeah, that's it, right? They couldn't stop smiling and giggling about the procedure. They were excited about it. DeAngelo received two videotapes that described the cult members' intentions. He went to the cult's rented mansion near San Diego on March 26th and discovered 39 bodies.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Yeah. Wow! Wow! Oh my God. So Applewhite decided to get castrated a year ago after two cult members went to Mexico for the procedure rio de angelo told newsweek once apple white got castrated five other cultists did the same holy shit yeah man if you could convince like five people to cut their balls off to get on
Starting point is 01:29:36 your spaceship you know what i mean like that's a that's pretty amazing and so and statistically i would guess like what is it one out of every million people on the planet who tuned into his message would also cut their balls off? Now, you're making this horrible assumption that whatever your particular regime is or whatever cabal or state entity you represent is going to be permanent. When if you look at the history of the world, it's always one empire toppled by the other. So you create the possibility for mass censorship for a good reason. Maybe you've discovered like this AI, it's really bad. It's going to fuck everything up. You don't know what to do other than shut it down
Starting point is 01:30:31 or create an algorithm to scan the internet and make it safer. Okay, great. That was a good reason. Your reasoning behind it was fine. But then the next dude who gets in there, maybe he wants to just shift the algorithm's knobs a little bit. Right. So like now it starts censoring people who are promulgating whatever you thought was the height of civilization.
Starting point is 01:30:54 That's the problem. The censorship can go back the other way real quick or it can go all the way. So which is just no one's allowed to like everything gets shut down. So I think this is the this is in the conversation of freedom of speech. You must consider the reality of how, you know, the political class or the, the, the zeitgeist shifts radically sometimes. Like, look, look what happened in Iran. How quickly that happened, where all of a sudden it goes from being like a democracy to a theocracy. Like that.
Starting point is 01:31:28 It happens quick. And then once the theocracy gets in there and they have access to whatever gadgets and dials you were using to, like, sensor or control or the bot swarms that we're using. Once they have access to that, oh my god. You're fucked. You're fucked. So this is the problem. It's like, if you don't have some weird universal freedom of speech, even though your reason behind it probably isn't fascist, it's humane or whatever it is,
Starting point is 01:32:01 you just get bettin' down the line. Yeah, ultimately it's not an option it's too much power it's too much power for one person to possess to silence the other person yeah to take the the a person who whether it's a political belief or whether whatever it is and just decide no no no we are going to push you out We're going to push you out of the conversation. You can't talk at all. And, like, you can change the way people look at things through what's allowed and not allowed to be discussed.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Right. And you're manipulating these things for what exactly? Because some of them I know for sure are done for advertisers. They manipulate things and they, you know, like different social media things will take stuff and they'll make it demonetized, right? Where you can't make money off of a video that you post. Yes. Because it's dealing with a certain subject.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Yeah. Or you get a strike. Well, why is that? Well, I guarantee you it's because that's what the advertisers want. The advertisers who are, the whole reason why it's profitable is that they have these ads, and they make a shitload of money because they're everywhere. I mean, the ads on YouTube videos and the like,
Starting point is 01:33:12 all those kind of video social media platforms that have ads, that is an enormous, enormous avenue of revenue. Yeah. God. So they have to be influenced by those people. Sure. So they must have rules. I guarantee they have rules. Like I've had podcast sponsors reach out and they said, well, you can't have us on a podcast that we're this cursing.
Starting point is 01:33:33 So I don't know if a scientist is going to curse. Like I've had scientists on my podcast and they'll say, well, fuck that. They'll say funny shit. Yeah. It's a normal thing. They're human. Yeah. I don't know when this is going to, I'm not going to not curse.
Starting point is 01:33:48 I see what you're saying, though. But they were trying. They were trying. To get in to the DNA of the podcast in some way so that you don't use words that are bad. I just think that some people want to advertise on something that's clean. Yeah. They just decide they want to advertise on something that's clean. Clean.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Yeah. That's the craziest shit to me, man, that they still use that word. Or curse. You know what I mean? Like you're from Mordor. He cursed. He's like casting, to me,
Starting point is 01:34:18 yeah, man, I don't know. Yeah, I think it's networks of state entities and corporations and who the fuck knows what else. Just trying to push the conversation. I don't know. I don't think it's any one centralized entity necessarily. But who the fuck knows? But I think they do curb dissent through advertiser dollars. It's a smart move. Yeah. I mean, if you want to like if you have a thing out there that's going to fuck with your business, what's that thing? That thing might be people talking shit about X or talking shit about Y or having
Starting point is 01:34:52 a heterodox opinion about this or that. There's a lot of things that are outside of the narrative that people like discussing openly and publicly. How do you keep people from doing that? You could discourage them from doing that by taking away their ability to make money if they do that right and most people will get the hint like because people will advertise for them they'll say i can't believe this youtube's
Starting point is 01:35:16 demonetized my channel because i talked about iraq yeah you know i talked about the lies the with the weapons of mass destruction whatever the fuck it is. I don't think they're doing it with that, but it's definitely like COVID misinformation or ivermectin promotion. There's certain shit that you do that they'll kill your ability to make money off of that video. Well, people will find out about that, and then they'll tell everybody, and they'll make a video. Look what YouTube did, and then everybody goes, oh, I don't want to do that. And so everybody self-censors because you don't want to get. So it's not, we don't even know where the real cultural balance is.
Starting point is 01:35:52 It's always being affected by advertiser revenue, always. Because even on uncensored shit like YouTube, there's still a consequence to saying wild things, to saying wild shit and to having fun or swearing too much or just being preposterous yeah like a lot of comedians get together and do like that that is hard to do that that'll get you in a spot where you're not gonna get you're not gonna get any you're not gonna be able to make money off of it. Right. They demonetize you. They could definitely do that on some of those social media apps. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:28 So this is in my thing. Please don't fucking attack me just because this is where I'm currently thinking. Oh, I'm going to attack you. All right, fine. Attack me. Them or me? What are you talking to? Them or me?
Starting point is 01:36:36 What? Them. Just because like, this is what I've been, you know, in my thinking. And I know there's arguments that YouTube and Twitter don't categorize as a private company anymore, but I think that in the consideration of whatever particular set of ethics or capitalist-based reasons for censoring, whatever it may be that a private company is doing. It's better that the private company is in control of whatever the censorship it is they're doing than that the state steps in and tells a company what they can't censor and what they can censor because now it's gone from a private company censoring to the state saying you must put this in here now again sometimes if the if you happen to be in an era where whoever happens to be president is someone you agree with well that's great if you're dumb you're like yeah they're going to, it represents my political ideals. So that kind of censorship makes sense to me.
Starting point is 01:37:47 But, holy shit, are you kidding? Four years from now, what happens if the state steps in and is like, hey, you know what? You all really need to do more stuff that's anti-abortion. You just, you know, there was a host talking about like how they think abortion is a big, like women should have control of their bodies. You know, we're going to, I think we, I don't think we can really monetize that anymore. You know what I mean? Now, all of a sudden it goes the other way. So to me, it would be better to let private institutions have control, whether we agree with it or not, of whatever of however they want to run their ship,
Starting point is 01:38:25 then let the state step in and do it because you're making the assumption that the state has some uniform quality that doesn't change over time. Meaning, yeah, maybe your team's in control now, but another team might pop in at any second. And also, if it's a private company, then hopefully shit like what's happening with Elon Musk or another version of it might appear that, you know, will because there's a what's the name of it? Market pressure. So maybe a YouTube where that isn't censoring that kind of stuff that isn't shitty or whatever will appear. This is this is why I think it's better than letting the state step in, even if you agree with the way companies are censoring right now. I mean, I think otherwise you're just inviting, like, the real nightmare. You know, people are like, it's like George Orwell's 1984.
Starting point is 01:39:15 No, it's not. It's a bunch of fucking private companies who you have decided to do digital sharecropping with. You know what I mean? Where you've just decided to stake your claim on someone else's land. Yeah. you're like what the fuck you can't kick me out of your forest i'm one of the hunters here it's like yes we can it's my forest get the fuck out you decided to do digital sharecropping we're all in danger of this by the way we're all in danger but i would rather still have it be like some private land than state land. You know, because it's what it what it what?
Starting point is 01:39:49 Obviously, this wouldn't happen right now. But, you know, you hear about in North Korea, they got to put pictures of that motherfucker in their house. Like if you go over to someone's house and his picture is not on the wall, it's like you rat him out. You rat him out. Yeah. And so people out. Right. So they've developed a culture of ratting people out. Exactly. They all they all turn on each other. turn on each other they get rewards for it. So
Starting point is 01:40:10 Similarly in a weird way by not letting private companies censor You are kind of saying like you gotta hang this picture on your wall Oh my god, we want the picture on the wall hang the picture on the wall You know what? I mean, we don't want the state to say that. know what I mean? We don't want the state to say that. Oh, my God. Yeah, you don't want the state to say that. No. Ever. No.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Ever. You're better off with private companies because you could boycott them. If the state says that, you're stuck with the state. They're not going to fire themselves because they don't like you. Exactly. They're going to ramp up whatever things they were doing. You know, like when you see someone who's violated the law and then they're getting arrested and the cop gets so aggressive he beats the shit out of them we've all seen that right
Starting point is 01:40:47 yes well when that's happening that person that person thinks that something has been done to them you know like when you're you're violating you're trying to get away from them you're it's in they're interacting personally yeah with this it's a law your job is to enforce a law, but you're thinking of it as if that person did something to you. Right. We do that with everything. Right. Yeah. We do that with everything.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Yeah. We get our ideas attached to who we are. Yeah. With fucking everything. With arresting someone, with everything. Yes. Yeah, man. Yeah. Yeah, man. The, the, yeah, we just, we have to be very careful and like, like I think in our thinking
Starting point is 01:41:30 about freedom of speech too, which is, isn't censorship speech? Yeah. Boycotting is speech. Yes. So if a company decides that they don't want whatever the fuck it is that is their come that is the private company speech and i know a lot of people like it's not a private company anymore the argument is listen these fucking companies were built using state uh state sponsored stuff or things that taxpayers paid for the whole network of the thing is running off of an
Starting point is 01:42:02 infrastructure supported by taxpayers meaning it's not quite private. This isn't a club. We're not talking about like a private club or a private group of people. It's like a public forum that is being supported by taxpayers. That's the argument. But still, no matter what, you are arguing for the state to step in to private companies and tell them what they can and cannot censor what they can and cannot abbreviate cut whatever and i think that is a just it's just dangerous you know but no i think you're dead right because as we said you can't boycott the state like it becomes real messy trying to get them to let go of power whereas if a company you decide like you don't like this company's values,
Starting point is 01:42:46 you don't like what they stand for, you could just leave. You could stop doing business with them. You know this thing that's going on with Disney right now? Disney's stock is falling, and many people are attributing. I don't know if this is accurate, because I don't know anything about finance just to be clear but people are attributing it to the woke stance that Disney has taken on a lot of issues and that people are just tired of hearing from this from corporations and that you know there
Starting point is 01:43:16 were some videos where people were upset that some of the ideas that people who are executives at Disney had and apparently it's had an effect on the stock market. So people have decided we don't like, if this is true, find out if that's true. Because people were talking about it that know things about money, and I have no idea what the fuck they were saying, other than I read a couple of article titles that said that. That's the best article I could find that says something like that. Disney faces backlash in Florida made
Starting point is 01:43:45 don't say gay controversy. Politicians threaten to strip the company of Mickey Mouse copyright special tax status for Walt Disney as parents protest in Orlando. What world are we in? Well, what is this stake though? How much did it drop? That's what's curious.
Starting point is 01:44:00 What do they think happened? Because this guy was attributing it to um woke ideology that people were getting mad that uh disney was actively promoting um these uh values that a lot of christian folks people that don't you know like yeah that don't say gay one in particular because like that one's a weird one because it doesn't really say don't don't say gay it really is talking about people talking about uh sexual preference and gender and gender transitioning and stuff the stock over it's trying to decide when something made something go down and why is tough but it's gone down pretty far but how much of that's because of the pandemic it says the past year it's gonna be a lot from the pandemic much of that is because of the pandemic? It says the past year.
Starting point is 01:44:46 It's going to be a lot from the pandemic. So if I go to like max or five years even, it's where it was before the pandemic sort of even. It's like it went way down when the pandemic started and then it went up. Oh, so it's like a market correction. And then it went back down. I think Disney's going to be okay. It's a market correction. You know, the thing about this thing about teaching kids stuff in school, it's like, who's the teacher? That's what it really depends
Starting point is 01:45:08 upon. Like, if you're teaching a kid who is six years old about anything, about how to make good friends, about how to become successful in life, about how to treat other people, if you're treating, I mean, you're teaching
Starting point is 01:45:24 a very small kid about anything, it's important who the person that's teaching it is and how they teach it. What are some initial impressions that this kid is going to get from an adult who's in charge
Starting point is 01:45:35 other than their parents? So you leave a kid who's used to just listening to adults with a new adult, well, we hope they're great with everything. Yeah. So it's not just an issue of, like,
Starting point is 01:45:46 should that be the person who talked to your child about gender transitioning? Should that be the person who talked to your child about politics? Should that be the person who talked to your child about anything? It's kind of a weird gig. You give people this influence over your child. And you can get them convinced of a certain political ideology and that the other people are dumb and you're with them all the time. And if you're like, maybe your dad's an asshole and you have a psychology teacher and he's
Starting point is 01:46:12 really cool. Yeah. And you go there and, hey, it's Mr. Johnson. He's fucking awesome. Yeah. And Mr. Johnson has ideas that are very different than your parents' ideas. Yeah. About everything. About all kinds of different
Starting point is 01:46:26 factors of life is that okay dude it's okay right this is what's good here's what's but where's it not good it's not good when people get weird when it comes to gender it's not good when what they're saying doesn't reflect your ideology and this has been because i think they're catching on to something that's been going on for a long time which is if you're sending your kids to a public school you're sending your kid to some kind of state facility that's not that's not conspiracy theory right it's a state facility they're employees of the state working at the facility those employees of the state have been told certain things that they're supposed to teach your children and many of those things are either complete fabrications or are like cutting out big
Starting point is 01:47:14 parts of history that don't sit well with whoever happens to be in power right so this is the thing like we we have to face the fact that public school systems are uh have always and will always be to some degree as long as the state has anything to say about what teachers are teaching there will be indoctrination facilities i mean think about it when you go to fucking school and you take that career test did you ever take the career test that tells you what career you would be good for i don't believe. Oh, because all the careers suck. So you take this career test and like, you'd be a good accountant or you would be,
Starting point is 01:47:49 you know what I mean? And you're like, I don't want to live if these are the options for my ability to express myself in the world. You're saying like, there's like- Four options. Four options. And I don't want to be any of them.
Starting point is 01:48:01 And so, but this is part of the programming right there they want you to think that your mode of expression is limited to capitalist uh structures at the time which by the way now a lot of the shit they told it like type typewriting i had to take typewriting classes you remember that on a typewriter learn how to use a fucking typewriter you couldn't use a calculator during a math test because they wanted you to use your mind. They don't do that anymore. No, you can use your phone. You could use your fucking phone.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Kids are Googling shit in the middle of tests. Yeah. I guarantee you. Right? There's got to be a classroom out there where they're letting you use your phone. I wish we could talk to a kid right now that's like freshman in college. Do you think they let them have their phones out I don't know I think it depends I think sometimes they're allowed sometimes they're not I think sometimes
Starting point is 01:48:50 you're allowed to use technology there is a not during tests though right you can't use your you can't Google answers during tests no I imagine no I don't I bet you can what it they also give you time limits though so if you spend five minutes looking up every answer they never you're never going to finish the test. That's your fault. You should study so you know what to do. But if they let you Google, then Google would also give you the flat-out answer.
Starting point is 01:49:13 For sure. But even during the pandemic, they weren't going to class. They still had to give them tests. They couldn't stop them from looking shit up. Right. You couldn't stop them from having a second laptop right next to it. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Because kids, a lot of times... They're smart. They'll come up with ways to cheat. They figure a way out. For sure. Yeah. right next to it for sure like you i mean yeah because the kids a lot of times i mean smart they'll come up with ways to cheat they figure a way out for sure yeah yeah man i mean it's a word it's i i think there should be the ability to hear the to like you know like nanny cams but for the class in other words if you're a parent you want to listen to what the teacher is telling your fucking kids you could tune in and listen i think right now that doesn't happen and i think it should be a parent's right to be able to listen to what the teacher is saying because it's like you know you don't know what the fuck they're saying in there
Starting point is 01:49:58 that's the thing like you know what i mean you think it's like uh gender stuff to be worried about how do you know i know my teachers were telling You think it's like gender stuff to be worried about. How do you know? I know my teachers were telling me. Communism or like. Conarchy. Do my algebra teacher and I gotten a big argument in a class once over whether or not the snake in the Garden of Eden had vocal cords. Why the fuck was my algebra teacher talking about the snake in the Garden of Eden to us. You know what I mean? Like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 01:50:28 Separation of church and state, friend. You're here to teach us like X2 parentheses 3 minus 6 equals 9. Not the Garden of Eden. But you're doing it. You're doing it. Right. In the middle of it. And you're mad at me because I pointed out, which I think is a very valid point,
Starting point is 01:50:44 what would it sound like without vocal cords how does it talk without vocal cords what would it sound like anyway to me we're we're dealing with something that is bigger right now these homophobic fucks they are you have to admit it a lot of them are very they're christian look i'm sorry for calling fundamentalist christians who are against gay people homophobic fucks, but that's what you are. When you say a lot of people, you mean the people that are boycotting Disney? I'm saying that there is a concerted effort by the Christian right to get rid of the problematic separation of church and state. That is an organized thing that's been going on for some time. They have a set agenda
Starting point is 01:51:26 they want to get rid of abortion they want to get rid of the separation of church and state then a lot of the stuff that they say that they're doing is disguised is like um you know kind of sweet or whatever like prayer in school we should have prayer in school but the problem is is like you got a lot of different religions in these fucking classrooms right so which prayer do you do which prayer do you not do separation of church and state fixes all of that can i stop yeah who's they and who where have they they've written all this out like this is like a yeah outlined agenda yeah it's like the so okay so like they're the mega churches you know like the, so, okay. So like they're the, the mega churches, you know, like the, they're these mega churches that don't pay taxes.
Starting point is 01:52:08 Like the Joel Osteen type dudes. Joel Osteen. There's a great documentary on one of them where the guy, the Justin Bieber's pastor, he was at a park and like just started hitting on this woman. And then like, it's amazing. Cause like, this is like a famous. Who's sending videos shirtless in his car to someone he's cheating on his wife with. Like, I'm nine miles away. Whoa. You know, I might just stop by. Like real creepy shit like that.
Starting point is 01:52:33 So these mega churches, they're not being taxed. They're putting on these massive. Isn't that amazing? It's amazing. What a great scam. Well, and again, this is where I think they're fucking up. Because it's like, you want your scam to keep going, you need to stay the fuck out of politics. Because that was the idea. Y'all worship God transcendent to the human realm.
Starting point is 01:52:57 But you sure as fuck can't put your weird theocratic, sex negative, homophobic fucking ideas into society, or we're going to go back to the witch burnings. This is the problem. So this is what you're seeing is like, you know, you can look it up, man. I can't remember the name of the organization, but there's a lot of lobbying groups that have direct connections to the megachurches which have a set agenda because they believe we are in the kingdom of Satan,
Starting point is 01:53:22 that the Antichrist is coming, and that they need to stop that from happening by implementing Christian ethical systems into the world. Now, I love Christian ethical systems, and I think that there's something really beautiful about it. But we can't get rid of the separation of church and state because you are rolling the dice there on what religion takes the wheel again it just goes back to you have to understand a lot of the shit that we have in the united states might not be palatable to you now because it doesn't reflect your ideologies but it's there because we don't want there to be a perma shift to one way of being. Right. You know, so yes, there is an organized group of fundamentalist Christians who want to establish what could only be called a theocracy in the West.
Starting point is 01:54:16 And how are they trying to do this? Lobbying. I think that when you're seeing that, you're seeing something of it. When you're seeing the getting rid of Roe versus Wade, this has been a long-term plan of theirs, man. This is not like, don't you watch the God's Not Dead movies? Have you watched these movies? No.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Oh, they're the best. Me and my wife watch them. Oh, wait a minute. I remember a trailer for one that almost seemed like parody. Dude, I hate to do this. I have to pee again. That's fine. I drank way too much fluid. That was only like an hour from the last pee though right less than an hour do you have a pee timer on there 30 minutes i drank so
Starting point is 01:54:50 much liquid no i'm glad i just realized we're in black robes talking about like christian fundamentals taking over i'm gonna pee we'll come back one more time all right cool oh god's not dead he's surely alive this is a newer this is a trailer i love these movies what year is this one this one came out 2021 let's face it your god your book they're in the way you feel that you're making a last ditch stand for your faith and you've chosen that's a really good actor i get sad when i see a really good actor and so i'm like this is a fine film our whole faith started because one man chose a hill he was willing to die on. God's Not Dead, the next chapter.
Starting point is 01:55:28 These are great. It seems like parody. I've watched every one of these. Once we decide what a child needs to know, it becomes imperative that every child know it. Remember the visit we got from social services the other day i'm here to review your homeschooling environment religion has been removed from our schools they're teaching kids that they don't need god if your children do not show up at school a week from monday that's the lady from fox news of course she's the judge judge judy no that's not judy or something judge janine she doesn't want her parents going to jail.
Starting point is 01:56:06 This is bigger than just homeschooling. Okay, I can't. It hurts my stomach. They're going to extract a train of crime. Oh my God, it's only halfway there? There's no fucking way. Dude, this movie exemplifies what these people who are political lobbyists... That's the narrative.
Starting point is 01:56:23 The narrative is this. The Antichrist is rising and it's The narrative is this, the Antichrist is rising and it's part of the plan of the Antichrist. We're going to eliminate the belief in God from school systems, eliminate prayer, and then create a hyper-materialistic, hypnotized culture, a satanic culture, essentially, that is devoid of God. So that's what they're afraid of. And if you imagine that that were real, you could see why they're so passionate about trying to get into the government to change things. The truth is, that's not what's happening. What's happening is there's too many religions. There's just too many religions to decide this is the type of prayer we
Starting point is 01:57:01 do, or this is the type of God we believe in and not be a theocracy. How do you do that? This is what the satanic temple is so good at doing is like they're like, okay, you're going to put the Ten Commandments in front of your government building that we're all paying taxes to support. Then we should be allowed to put our Baphomet statue in front of the building too. You know what I mean? They're really doing that. It's really quite brilliant because they are fully aware of the dangers of theocracy. It's like, you know, Christianity is so beautiful. And that's how we're raising our children.
Starting point is 01:57:37 I love Jesus. And I'm Buddhist and I have a guru. But the way we're trying to talk about love and mysticism is through Jesus. But I don't want my kid to go to a state-run facility where some teacher is teaching my kid about Christianity from their own lens. You know what I mean? That the state is saying has to be taught. That is scary, dude. That's the handmaid's tale. You know what I mean? That the state is saying has to be taught. That is scary, dude. That's the handmaid's tale.
Starting point is 01:58:06 You know what I mean? That's what that is. So we got to keep them separate no matter what. It all costs. Separate church and state. Separate church and state. Keep religion out of the public schools, but certainly don't prohibit the students from adhering to any specific faith because you know that would be
Starting point is 01:58:27 incredibly fucked up yeah if they brought prayer to school but only had christian prayer that could be a real issue it is a real issue for a lot of people right it's not even the largest world religion but i mean even if they let you opt out if they didn't provide alternatives like if they did provide alternatives how many would they have to provide right they'd have to provide an Islamic one they have to provide maybe a Mormon one some places like how many different ones you were you different services a fellow my Scientologist follows Scientology I mean who's to say what's real yeah exactly so this is why that's where it gets crazy that's where it gets crazy that's why we have separation of church and state yeah
Starting point is 01:59:02 that's why we have a deal with these groups which is listen you don't have to pay taxes meaning you and i we're not connected in any way shape or form i'm not getting money from you you're your own free entity your autonomous thing but you stay over there we're gonna stay over here and i'm not gonna try to get into your shit you don't try to get into my shit and then we have a nice non-theocracy for better or for worse. I mean, honestly, I do think that it's wonderful to pray and kids should be encouraged to pray. Anyone should pray. It's the best thing ever. I mean, what's the worst case scenario? You're wrong. It didn't work. Okay. So what? So you said some stupid words to the void and
Starting point is 01:59:45 nothing happened I think it's kind of form of meditation too yes can be do you pray I don't I don't pray no all right you do a lot of meditating though yeah I you know I do a lot of meditate I've been meditating a lot inside a sauna I find that that's like some of the most interesting meditation for me because it's like meditation in the in the middle of like a kind of a suffering so subtle suffering not an intense suffering but an uncomfortable suffering and and the suffering is kind of enhanced when you take big deep breaths so i do these breathing exercises in a sauna and i get into like this meditative state that's cool very interesting yeah because if I can just concentrate on my breathing for just like,
Starting point is 02:00:26 if I can just get through the first 30 seconds, I can get into a nice good rhythm where I can kind of stay in it and, and stay just in thinking about the breathing and occasionally drift out of it. Yeah. Yeah, man, that's cool.
Starting point is 02:00:40 I'm glad you're doing that. I mean, I would also have kids meditate. I mean, if I was running schools, it would be totally different I think kids should meditate and I think kids should do a fun physical activity and find a physical activity that's fun you know whatever it is I think I think it would
Starting point is 02:00:57 be awesome if kids had a lot of options for different like maybe one kid can do you know skateboarding one kid can do martial arts one kid like yeah give them something you want to get them active give them a reward like what are they actually interested in right if they're actually interested in all these different things give them options yeah man remember the do you remember the physical the presidential physical thing that you had to do fitness test jesus fucking christ i predated that i, I believe. Oh my God, you missed it. It was humiliating, dude. How many chin-ups did you have to do?
Starting point is 02:01:30 Any amount. Any amount was no good for me. So you're like, you know, there's a spectrum of physical prowess in schools. And I wasn't at the top end of that fucking spectrum, Joe. So like, you have to do this presidential test to do a certain number of pull-ups. And if you didn't pass it, you're like, I guess, like, from the president's perspective, I'm a piece of shit. Like, what's the fucking point? But it was boring.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Remember how boring? Like, the stuff they would make you do in P.E. was boring. The only dodgeball was fun. There wasn't much that was really fun in it. I know what you're saying. It would be cool to have people associate physical activity with fun instead of some insane dude in short shorts blowing a whistle in your face. That's like how are you going to love exercise
Starting point is 02:02:21 when that's what you associate it with. And there's some sports that other kids have been playing for a long fucking time. If you have to play them that sport and you've never played it before, you feel like such a dumbass. And when you're a young kid, that is already devastating for your self-esteem. So if you're in a class, you're forced to play a game, you have no idea how to play that game. There's other kids that have been playing it their whole life. Yeah. And they're stuffing that ball right in your face yeah and pitching
Starting point is 02:02:47 that fastball by the plate picking teams yeah oh my god you always gotta pick last you're gonna pick yeah always eternally so it produces a kind of like outcast the pe outcast the pe outcast you just sit on the fucking uh sidelines and you you like glare out at all the athletic kids and that's the pattern you'll probably follow for the rest of your life well there's like a weird separation between physical people and non-physical people back then too whereas the non-physical people always assume they could never be a physical person and the physical person always assumed they couldn't be smart like because everybody had these these weird stereotypes they had adopted and accepted for their own yeah even things like that aren't self-serving like you know you're dumb if you work out a lot
Starting point is 02:03:32 or that you're smart if you don't like that if you eschew the aesthetic yeah you don't give a fuck about what your body looks like you're oh so smart so wise that's an old thing that's a weird thing but it's it's a tribal thing it's like all those other tribal things it's all the same shit man it's all people get attached to these ideas they they claim them as their own and they fucking defend them to death and then they project it on everybody yeah that's where you get into real trouble like if you've made the horrible mistake of assigning intellectual prowess to the way somebody looks
Starting point is 02:04:08 you're gonna get fucking conned your whole life you know what I mean cause some people are really good that's what's not fair a really hot woman who's way smarter than you why is it not fair? it's not fair I would like it
Starting point is 02:04:24 would you just let her tell you what to do? fuck yeah that would be incredible Why is it not fair? It's not fair. I would like it. Would you just let her tell you what to do? Fuck yeah. That would be incredible. I mean, I... I mean, Duncan could just taste that ball gag right now. I'm salivating. Well, again, by the way, man, also, though, also, like, I think any self-assessment, anytime I found myself looking intellectually down at anybody, woman or man,
Starting point is 02:04:51 I'm usually like, what the fuck am I talking about? Like, when I watch Jeopardy, dude, I can't, I just, it's just like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. You know what I mean? Like, I am, so anytime I find myself like, ah, that dullard, it's like, what the fuck do I really like?
Starting point is 02:05:10 I, my, I'm, I don't, I am. This is what I like about not being able to smell from COVID because you still can't smell. And now I can say, well, I'm brain damaged. Ooh. You see what I mean? Like I actually have. You'd be a victim. I have brain damage. So it's I mean? I have brain damage.
Starting point is 02:05:26 It's sinus damage though, right? Well, they think it could be brain damage. Really? What are they thinking? Joe, I have brain damage. I don't know the answer to that. Have you tried NAD drips? Not yet.
Starting point is 02:05:43 No? Supposedly that helps. I've been- I should say, supposedly that helps some people. I will eventually get around to trying it. Long-term smell loss, COVID-19 tied to brain damage. Especially those with altered sense of smell have significantly more axon and microvascular damage in the brain's olfactory tissues versus non-COVID patients.
Starting point is 02:06:07 These new findings from a post-mortem study may explain long-term loss of smell in some patients with the virus. You know who's got it the longest I've ever heard of? Ryan Sickler. Still no smell? 18 months, man. 18 months, no smell. None? None.
Starting point is 02:06:21 He doesn't smell shit. He can barely smell anything. Something has to be super strong for him to smell it at all. I have the phantom smell. So my brain doesn't know what... I think it's kind of like... I don't know. If you had a keyboard and one of the keys was fused,
Starting point is 02:06:40 like the fuse blew or something. So it's like my brain thinks piss shit oatmeal coffee and uh body odor all smell the same so it's all the identical smell it's like it's just referring to this like it doesn't know but every once in a while it comes back like every once in a while the smell my smells back and i'm so used to being able to smell, I won't even think about it. I'm like, oh, fuck, I smell my house. Oh, fuck, I can smell. And then it goes away. Really?
Starting point is 02:07:10 So it comes and goes. Well, they say the fact that it comes and goes is a good sign. Like that means that very slowly it could be that the neurons are growing back or something. Whoa. Yeah, man, it's fucked up. It's a really creepy thing to suddenly have your sense of smell distorted what a strange fucking disease this thing is yeah and when history is written and people talk about this hundreds of years from now yeah it's gonna be a very very hotly debated time
Starting point is 02:07:40 like what yeah was that like you know i know one thing they're gonna say it definitely wasn't made in a lab completely natural definitely definitely not whipped up in a in a fucking uh pharmaceutical company or wherever it was made it was completely natural normal i think it's i mean this is one thing where if you have had it and experienced what it's like, this is where I get annoyed when people are like, it's a cold. It's not quite a fucking cold. This thing like, I mean, again, I am a long-term psychedelic user. So I think the thing they're calling brain fog people say oh it's brain fog but when i had covid i felt high as a kite man like i felt weird like a weird psychedelic quality to it that was like nothing else i'd experienced it was so alien and bizarre and like and and the the dreams i was
Starting point is 02:08:42 having were so strange and you know i know, I think Occam's razor, well, that's because it was eating your brain a little bit. And so the way your brain was, like, the signals it was sending was like, something's eating me. Or it's a life form. Yeah. It's a little sentient. So it's a virus.
Starting point is 02:08:59 If it's a virus that was manipulated in a lab, I mean, what is a virus? It's not technically a life form, but it needs a life form as a host, and it can take over that life form and kill it and spread to other life forms, and ideally it likes to keep the thing alive so it can pass itself on. But what is that?
Starting point is 02:09:17 Is that alive? Because it kind of seems alive. So imagine if it is alive. Imagine if it's not just infecting your body, but it's also changing you. Yeah. It's making you behave the way it wants. Yeah, right. It's breaking you down.
Starting point is 02:09:35 That's fucking scary. Think about rabies. Imagine if people were getting rabies. Like if rabies was like a real zombie disease. I mean, people do get rabies, obviously, real zombie disease. I mean people do get rabies obviously and it's deadly Yes, people if they don't treat it like really quickly. Yeah, it's one of the most deadly if untreated diseases But imagine if that was like a real problem like like a zombie thing when people were because rabies is basically like a zombie thing Yeah, if you see a dog, it's got rabies
Starting point is 02:10:01 They're trying to get to you. Yeah, no fucking reason. Well, the reason is because that rabies they're trying to get to you for no fucking reason well the reason is because that rabies wants to spread right so it tricks a squirrel into becoming an assassin the squirrel jumps on you and bites your fucking head yeah yeah it's a wild ass disease and if it's spread to humans in the sense that we could keep it and give it to other people and it made us bite each other like i don't know if i know it makes people super thirsty, but imagine if there was a version of a rabies that didn't kill you very quickly, but really did turn you into a zombie. That's not far removed from what is currently available. That's only one or two generations removed from some of the crazy diseases that people have now. Why not?
Starting point is 02:10:44 Why not? Why not? You see it in animals. If it exists in a rat, you have rabid rats that'll attack you. Yeah. But have you ever seen a rat that you think might have rabies? They all seem like they have it. I've seen animals that seem like they might have rabies. It's fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 02:11:00 They don't have any fear of you. No. Oh, yeah. I know. Yeah. I know what you mean. I've seen squirrels like that. Oh, I've seen this like hyper aggressive squirrels that seem like they're approaching you like
Starting point is 02:11:11 they're about to bite. I saw a rat outside a pool hall once in New Jersey and it stood up on its hind legs like let's fucking go looking at me. And I was like, oh, my God. Like it was showing me its teeth and it stood up on its back legs Huh it was like this big dude terrifying fat ass. I was like nope not going near you Just wants to inject a neurotoxin into you It's so spooky dude. I mean this is like you know this shit with like all the all the aggression on planes right now I
Starting point is 02:11:41 Get worried. It's a should that's the people beating the fuck out of each other it's the that's the effect of like these people have been infected with this thing that's like altering making them more aggressive or well anxiety first off what is this rabies kills 189 people every day here's why you never hear about the disease is preventable and treatable but fighting it is not a priority for the West. What I'm saying, though, is that people don't get it and behave like an animal that has rabies. People die of it, I know that, but I don't think they get it.
Starting point is 02:12:14 It doesn't have the effect that it does on animals. Because when animals have it, they want to bite you. This could be one of those television shows that's making a little dramatic thing, but it's showing people in crazy this seems like dramatized though oh that's definitely drama no bro she's that she's not acting no one's that good find that woman imagine that's her um but that's what they're saying is that that could be acting
Starting point is 02:12:38 crazy have rape like i don't know the situation i mean listen if it does do that to rats and other animals why wouldn't it jump to people? We know people get infected by it. Maybe it's a small percentage of the people act like a rabid animal and go around trying to bite people. Yeah, man. That's that fucking 28 Days Later movie, man. I don't know. That movie scared the fuck out of me because I think that's how quick it could go down.
Starting point is 02:13:02 If there was something like that that just spread through the population, that is one of the best horror movies of all time. 28 Days Later. It's incredible. God damn, what a good movie. Dude, that movie was so fucking good. Wasn't that one of the first running zombie movies? Yes.
Starting point is 02:13:20 Fast zombies. They were fast. Fast zombies. That was cool. That was the better version of zombies. They were way scarier. Yeah, man. Everything was so urgent, and they did a lot of fast camera moves in that movie.
Starting point is 02:13:31 That movie was a great fucking movie. Yeah. And it was also like, Jesus Christ, this is- It wasn't preposterous. There was no leap that you had to make in order to believe that this could be real. Right. Dude, this, and again, I don't mean to keep going back to this,
Starting point is 02:13:50 but there's an assumption that hasn't already happened. Like, if you look at the way we're behaving on the planet, it's not rabies. Like, I'm not attacking you because I'm trying to inject you with something and I'm not afraid of water. But there are people on the planet who are afraid, who are phobic of ideas, groups of people, sexual preference. Yep.
Starting point is 02:14:15 You know, and will kill, will kill. Kill you. Kill you if that's what. it's like yeah i think it's an important question to ask like isn't that person kind of infected with something yeah that's fucked up like maybe it's not rabies but it's at the very least some kind of like memetic parasite right like living inside of people that is creating as one of the solutions to problems like this is one of our solutions to problems. Like, this is one of our solutions to problems on the planet, is to launch missiles into cities. This is one of the ways we have conversations with each other. It is beyond insane.
Starting point is 02:14:55 Like, if we are all the same person, why, what kind of crazy thing launches missiles in itself? What kind of crazy thing launches missiles at itself? Well, I mean, if humans are fundamentally good, which I like to imagine that's the case, then what the fuck has poisoned them to make it seem normal to shoot missiles into cities? You know what I mean? Like you would think, because all that would have to happen is a bunch of, is everyone just realizes that, or the majority of people who are the missile launchers just stop. Nothing's going to happen.
Starting point is 02:15:32 If you all stop, what are they going to do? You, they can't make all of you shoot the missiles, right? Then we have world peace because the problem isn't like the crazy ass dude in the tower. It's,
Starting point is 02:15:44 it's all the people who are people who are taking that person seriously. Why are you taking that person seriously? The crazy person who's telling you to go kill other people. Like, yeah, we look at Heaven's Gate and we're like, God, can you imagine being so insane that you would cut off your own balls? But can you imagine being so insane that you listen to a billionaire who tells you yeah you need to go into this country and launch missiles into the other country you might get your head blown off and being like okay all right i'll go do it and i'm not talking about one country over
Starting point is 02:16:20 another i'm saying any country all of them. All of them. Like, really. Like, what is the difference between that and Heaven's Gate, except that one has more money? What's the difference? Both of them are promulgating crazy fucking ideas. Like, one of them is saying that's the bad guy, and we're the good guy, and the other one is saying that's the bad guy,
Starting point is 02:16:39 and we're the good guy. This is all absolutely true, and I agree with everything you're saying. However, if you woke up in this day, and realize that you have this problem and you need to figure out a solution to it, it's not as simple as, well, we're not just going to engage militarily because China is still going to be China and Russia is still going to be Russia and Iran's still going to be Iran. And there's a perpetual war game that's been in motion for decades and decades. And although you're right it would be
Starting point is 02:17:05 wholly irresponsible if you didn't pay attention to what's going on in the world and prepare for bad people right because then it's like you have to if they were heard like if all of a sudden by some rotten bit of justice somehow this podcast gets out into everyone in America and everyone puts down their arms and their guns. How long before we got invaded? The Russians will invade immediately. 30 minutes. This is the problem. This is where it all falls apart. It does, but it doesn't. What's interesting is how armed this country is. This is an exceptionally armed country. It's really weird when you think about it. Like I was watching this ad for the NRA the other day and I was thinking like, it is wild how many guns there are in relationship to people.
Starting point is 02:17:52 There's more guns than there are people. Like there's probably no other place like that on earth where if you do invade, someone's going to shoot you. Right. Right. It's like the amount of people that are like firearms owners in this country is bonkers. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I know. My dad had a fucking arsenal. You should have seen all the weapons he had when he died.
Starting point is 02:18:18 It was insane. I kept finding guns. I was like, you look under a pile of clothes, a pistol, look over here. He had so many guns. And he loved guns. And he liked to shoot guns. It was fun. That's a big happy... Nirvana wrote a song about him. And yeah,
Starting point is 02:18:34 my dad was actually friends with Kurt Cobain. Was he? No! It's a great song. Imagine if that was about your dad. I just, look, man. You could have held on to that a little longer. I was with you. I would have bought into it. I'm not going to let you about your dad. I just, look, man. You could have held on to that a little longer. I was with you. I would have bought into it. I'm not going to let you bully my dad. I'm not going to do that to my dad's memory.
Starting point is 02:18:50 But this is the problem. A lot of our experience with guns, if you grew up in the South, is familial memories that are really warm and sweet. I remember, this is one of my big connections with my dad, is how strict he was with us about fucking guns, man. Like, he wouldn't let us play point guns at each other. You'd never point a gun at anybody. Like, strict, strict, strict, strict rules about it.
Starting point is 02:19:17 He's probably pretty smart. But also just, like, the joy of, like, being out in Texas, shooting fucking bottles, watching them blow up. Never in there was like some insinuation of like we're gonna use these to kill a bunch of people it was just fun like hearing things explode and things break i so yeah man it's like uh this is the isn't this the problem of like uh d like that like creating a stigma around something which which is like, look, wouldn't it be better for your kids to have basic gun safety
Starting point is 02:19:50 and understand that they're just a tool like anything else, and this is how you hold one and what you do and why you shouldn't have one and all that stuff than to ignore that this technology exists. And imagine the 3D printers in five or ten years, even though they're already doing it, aren't going to just get better and better and better at printing out these fucking things? Yeah, you know, they're actually legal.
Starting point is 02:20:13 That's what's crazy. The 3D printed guns are? Yeah, they're called ghost guns. Make sure this is true. Because I was listening to, Coleon Noir was talking about it, and he was talking about how the biden administration had been talking about ghost guns i didn't even know what the term meant but apparently it means
Starting point is 02:20:29 a gun you made yourself and that yeah you can you're like legally allowed to make guns yourself you can order the parts yeah or you could be a blacksmith i guess i guess i don't know what the specifics are but he was talking about this and they call those guns ghost guns. And I'm like, oh, my God, how many ghost guns are there? If we know how many people have guns and how many guns there are, do we know how many ghost guns there are? Is that just guessing? What's that number?
Starting point is 02:20:57 This is the winner is coming thing, which is like, okay, fine. Have all the regulations you want. And some of them I really agree with, but give me a fucking break. In a few years, 10 years, 20 years, come on, man. Guns are going to be the least of your fucking problems, man. The least of your problems. Once CRISPR technology falls into the hands of the consumer, once whatever that we can just cook up.
Starting point is 02:21:23 I mean, it's a dream of mine i have some kind of like chemistry microwave where you can just like type ketamine and it makes something for you that's probably gonna happen oh fuck yeah you just have to buy the elements yeah mix them up in a cauldron somewhere it's definitely gonna happen i mean this is the like the this is the thing uh mckinna would talk, which is the amount of time between what you can think you want and that thing coming into existence is eventually going to be zero. So through technology, we just pop whatever we want into existence or maybe through the metaverse or whatever or some. Right. So this is a very to me, I think the effort when it comes to that form of regulation is like, it's, I get it. But I think over time, you're just like, all right, you're going to have to start regulating a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 02:22:14 Like, you're going to have to start regulating, like, assholes who want to shoot their own satellites into space and can. You know what I mean? Right. You would. I would. Would you? If I could shoot. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:24 Like, if you could go to Best Buy and get a little satellite that you could shoot into space and you could have the Duncan Trussell show available only through satellite exactly of course I would do that
Starting point is 02:22:34 you'd be your own server yeah totally self-reliant dude this is what this is the world we're headed towards you think like
Starting point is 02:22:40 like how many people would be putting swarms of satellites up there oh my god right on the moon that's what I said about clones or robots like if somebody makes You think, like, how many people would be putting swarms of satellites up there? Oh, my God, right? On the moon? That's what I said about clones or robots.
Starting point is 02:22:53 If somebody makes a robot clone of them, they download themselves into another body. Why would they only do it once? Yeah. What if you got a lot of money? What if you're just some crazy billionaire dude who likes to drive around a convertible Rolls Royce with fancy sunglasses on? What if you make a hundred of yourself? Sure. And then, like, next week, you see them waving at each other hundred of yourself? And then like next week, you see them waving at each other at stoplights.
Starting point is 02:23:09 You're like, oh my God. What have I done? And they're all a unique individual that's allowed to live its own life. Yeah, there you go. And it woke up with a full rim of memories. That's what happened. God made man in his image. That's what happened.
Starting point is 02:23:22 God cloned himself. Once they do that, once they give you digital memories and they're so much better, you can rewind them, which is really good for security because sometimes people have two different stories, Duncan, and it would be better if I saw if that guy pulled his gun first. I need to know what happened. Did he say something threatening to you or you just hit him in the head with a bat? Like let's go back and watch and we'll be able to review your memories. What a nightmare. So it won't just be like an eyewitness account.
Starting point is 02:23:45 It'll be like HD 4K. Look at that. Dude, disaster. Yeah, you were drunk on tequila and you hit a guy in the head with a bat. What about just when you're telling your friends that story that you like to kind of embellish a little bit and your friends are like, hey, do you mind doing a memory projection while you tell that story? And they're like, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:24:06 Oh, my God. You didn't do that. That would be so good to find out if someone's telling the truth, though. Yeah. If you really trusted someone, no, I don't need to see your memories. We're good. Oh, my God. Or like the way people.
Starting point is 02:24:17 You think that's going to happen? That phrase will 100% be uttered. Dude, did you go through my memories? Did you just go through my fucking memories, dude? Like, you know, like how people go through their phones? Dude, you didn't just go through my fucking memories. Oh, my God. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 02:24:34 You weren't. That's not where you were Friday night. What's this? What's this? Dude, I know. You had other ideas. Yeah. You had other fucking ideas.
Starting point is 02:24:43 You're out there being naughty. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that out there being naughty. Yeah, it's good Yeah, I mean that's it's really interesting. All right will be no like secrets Within 20 years there would be zero secrets of anything in your mind You won't even be able to keep thought secret within 20 years, right? Because they they'll figure out a way just to like read just to do it man. Just to know what the neural energy is inside of your brain. Pick it up. Yeah. And then
Starting point is 02:25:10 translate it. Anyone driving by people that's oh my god. It's coming. Tin foil. That's when truly people are going to have to start wearing stupid helmets. Imagine if that's what really works. It's not tin foil but it's one of those things called they uh
Starting point is 02:25:26 you put your phone into and then a faraday cage yeah it's like a faraday cage so that what it is a tinfoil hat instead of a tinfoil hat it's a faraday hat and when you see someone wearing it you're like there goes a liar look at them with their fucking liar's helmet on they have to wear that so we don't know what they're really thinking but what if the hackers get a hold of that and make like influential programs that go into your fucking memories and and change memories like well we have these digital memories but we also have filters shut the fuck up someone already made one of these this is the best day of their life by the way faraday cap oh my god they have one lambs Faraday cap. Wave stopper technology. 99% UV and wireless radiation. Why do I think it's hot
Starting point is 02:26:08 that she would believe that? Right? A pretty girl that has a Faraday hat on. Cool. Yeah, she's so crazy. She believes the government's trying to wire her brain. I like it. It's fucking cool. That's better. That's like a Little Red Riding Hood one. I love that.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Oh, this is on Amazon. It's only 60 bucks. Wow. Fair radiation protection. I'm going to wear that on stage from now on. That's my new look. Yeah, but what happens if you start wearing that? Next podcast, we're wearing those.
Starting point is 02:26:35 And all of a sudden we're way- Order a dose, please. Order a dose. We're way more articulate. Imagine if it works. Like our thoughts clear up. What if all of a sudden you just feel more relaxed? And you realize, oh my God, it's electronic interception. Just like bees.
Starting point is 02:26:46 Oh, Jesus Christ. Like how it's fucking up bees. Yeah. You know, they think cell phone signals are fucking bees up. Yeah. They think it's like a constant jackhammer. They're like, whoa, this shit is not supposed to be out here. They're supposed to be out communicating somehow or another.
Starting point is 02:27:02 They don't exactly know. That's so creepy, man. That's so sad. What's so funny? I'm not going to say it. Say it. There's a beanie. A beanie?
Starting point is 02:27:13 Why is that so funny? You just thought it was that funny? Yeah. Jamie, did you get a contact high from us? No, we know there's Tim Pool wears a beanie all the time. Maybe he's out of the game. Maybe we get Tim Pool a new beanie. Against 5G, cell towers, smart meters, and Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 02:27:31 Maybe that's what it is. Maybe he's ahead of the game. Keep your family protected. You should keep your family protected with beanies. Got to get your fucking kids to wear beanies. Faraday beanie. Yeah, man. Oh, we got to get a beanie.
Starting point is 02:27:43 Well, we should definitely get a hood. Why don't you start making them? J-R-E Faraday beanie. Yeah, man. Oh, we got to get a beanie. Well, we should definitely get a hood. Why don't you start making them? JRE Faraday cages. It's called a brain coat or something. Oh, nice. Like it. You look like a knight. Shielding for your mind.
Starting point is 02:27:55 You're a knight of the digital war. Look, there you go. Oh, that's a Faraday cage? Oh, for hunting. That way I could really be one with nature without any influence by the mail. Avoid government spying. Avoid government spying. Avoid government spying. And look, you can keep your phone in that pocket right near your ear.
Starting point is 02:28:11 That earmuff looks like a cell phone pocket. Doesn't that look like a pocket? Just answer your phone from right there. Hello, Duncan speaking. There's like a little hole where the microphone is at the bottom. Oh, God, I love it, man. Actually, there's a whole industry out there for these things of course that's pretty fascinating let's get ready for faraday cage underwear because i know those are out there too
Starting point is 02:28:33 right i mean that makes more sense to me a dick sheath something to keep your the emf yeah like a jock strap like some kind of a harness 100 that makes more sense than that oh they have it there they go there you There you go. It's already there. Where do we got here? All of it. Those are Faraday cage. Yep, Faraday underwear. Faraday cheeky briefs.
Starting point is 02:28:51 You give that to your girl. It's the same company, Lambs. They're all over it. That's crazy, man. You said, baby, this pussy can't be on an open network. We got to close you to that digital signal. I'm going to put a Faraday cage over that pussy. Anti-radiation underwear.
Starting point is 02:29:08 Anti-radiation underwear. Well, that, I mean, I don't know if that's a bad idea. As a testicular cancer survivor, I think it's a good idea. Do you think that the radiation that you get from cell phones gives people cancer or could? I don't know. No, don't answer that because we're on a podcast. What do you mean? We don't know.
Starting point is 02:29:24 I'm like, don't answer that because we're on a podcast we don't know what do you mean we don't know i'm like don't answer that what i would it's a terrible question to answer oh you but you i think you're allowed to go i don't know and then say maybe it's this right like we don't clearly we don't know i don't know but i know that like before i got testicular cancer i played a lot of fucking world of warcraft on a laptop right on my dick i know that jesus christ is that what did it who knows but i would imagine keeping like a powerful thing that's radiating energy over your balls is probably not the best idea right that's not the best idea no try to get a little separation there i don't think that's crazy or anything just the heat on your balls i mean those things get hot don't they yeah and you would play for ever forever forever just roasting my balls oh my god dude yeah i mean i don't you know again i don't i don't know for
Starting point is 02:30:18 sure but you can't that's the problem you can't really like yeah no one knows you don't know the reason but yeah i think that makes sense to keep keep faraday cage underwear on yeah but it might be also a heat thing too i mean that can't be good heating your balls up like that with the that thing sitting no what am i saying i get in a sauna every day am i talking yeah but the sauna energy isn't coming from like uh like porn of energy isn't coming from like like porn right it's not fueled by fucking porn
Starting point is 02:30:52 oh my god imagine the irony if you got ball cancer from jerking off to porn oh my god the computer the laptop but that doesn't even make sense because like how would you have it sit there you can't you'd have to like that'd be a weird computer you'd have to be a hole in the middle of the the middle of the computer he is all over the place the other computer is shaped like a fucking life preserver you just reach in and whack off it's just it's a
Starting point is 02:31:16 computer just for whacking off yes and getting cancer like you have to specifically work at it yeah so no i think it's more like people who sit in bed with the computer over their genitals. Well, they have that thing that people do use in bed sometimes. It's like it's a little laptop table. You know, like you may think of breakfast in bed tables. It's kind of like one of them jammies. Yeah, fuck that. But they have a little laptop table to sit in bed.
Starting point is 02:31:41 I'm too lazy for that. I'm not going to go get my laptop table when I want to look at my computer in bed too lazy for that i'm not gonna go get my laptop table i want to look at my computer i'm in bed i i think the future the future people that you're talking about that is going to be one of the things where they're like yeah they just put the computers right on their dicks they didn't even think it could be bad for them somehow just slowly microwaving your balls yeah yeah i mean surely that can't be i mean that can't be good can't be good yeah but it's funny like people don't tell you when you're doing something they don't even know like with long-term exposure to laptops fucking how long the laptops have been around how long the laptops been sitting over dicks that's not not long that's not a lot of years not long in the
Starting point is 02:32:22 course of human history like i wonder if they could actually track. I wonder if anyone's done this. Track actual laptop, like sitting it on your laptop, use in some form of testicular cancer. I wonder if they've done that. I don't know. I mean, I don't know. Jamie, can you Google that? Long-term laptop use linked to testicular cancer.
Starting point is 02:32:43 I mean, it's literally called a laptop. You're supposed to put it's literally called a laptop. Testicular cancer. You're supposed to put it in your lap. Exactly. The name invites you to fry your dick. That's exactly what it does. It invites you to fry your dick. Yeah, just put it on your lap.
Starting point is 02:32:59 It's just easier. Is it true that if you rest your laptop on your lap, you could get... Current scientific evidence indicates there's no link between using a portable laptop computer and cancer. Most of the theories about laptops and cancer relate to heat, electromagnetic radiation, or radiation from wireless networks. Huh. Well, that's good news. But that's...
Starting point is 02:33:20 How do they know that? Because things don't give cancer to everybody. That's what's crazy about things that give people cancer. There's people who smoke cigarettes their whole fucking life. No cancer. No cancer. And then there's people that work in a bar, and they get secondhand smoke, and they die young.
Starting point is 02:33:36 Both those things happen. It can lead to certain types of cancer. Oh, here it goes. Six reasons to never place your laptop on your lap. It can lead to certain types of cancer. Swiss researchers, Dr. Andreas, blah, blah, blah. Click on that link. What is it? The first one was from The second one's from Vest Tech.
Starting point is 02:33:56 Oh, you can't trust those Australians. They're beaten down over there. The government got them over a log. This random blog, I don't know, is better information. Much better. Look at that lady's legs. It's so important. What happens if you place your laptop on your lap? Laptops are one of the most common productivity tools today.
Starting point is 02:34:13 They're portable, convenient, and powerful. Contrary to its name, however, a laptop does not belong on your lap unless you want to expose yourself to harmful electromagnetic frequency radiation. Laptops emit EMFs in many different frequencies. These EMFs can be extremely harmful to your health. Your vital organs also get an unhealthy dose of electromagnetic radiation from your laptop
Starting point is 02:34:33 computer if you make a habit of actually putting it on your lap. How many people read that while it was on their dick? What? That's funny. A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. Okay. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate direct impact of laptop use on human spermatozoa.
Starting point is 02:34:53 Ex vivo exposure of human spermatozoa to a wireless internet connected laptop decreased motility and induced DNA fragmentation. Jesus. By a non-thermal effect. Non-thermal. I mean, it's not because of heat. Wow. We speculate that keeping a laptop connected wireless to the internet on the lab near the testes may result in decreased male fertility.
Starting point is 02:35:14 Fuck. Holy shit. It can lead to certain types of cancer. First of all, I don't know if these guys are right. Yeah, we don't know what this is. Anyone could have. I'm just going to be reading this out for the rest of the podcast. Dude, it's terrifying.
Starting point is 02:35:25 It's terrifying. That's what you were thinking? Tell me. Let me know. Imagine somebody had to write that. That's what really sucks. Yeah, it's, I mean, imagine we find out that a lot of things we're doing are fucking us up. Imagine 5G winds up not being bad, but 6G is like like 6g starts fucking with your head like if they keep going
Starting point is 02:35:46 with is there going to be a frequency like hey guys we just came out with 13g and good news no more need for phones we've got it we're getting it right into your dna well i think that if they found that out we would have a cool it would be a weapon right like it would we wouldn't it would be like if they knew that you could send out a frequency that really fried people's brains then that would be a new weapon that people would use like that what are they calling it the uh the cuban thing where people hear crickets and then they have brain damage they hear like the chirping of like cicadas or something and then suddenly for the rest of their lives they have neurological damage and no one knows what it is yet some people say it's a uh it's not real it's hysteria some people say
Starting point is 02:36:33 it's like some new weapon that they're blasting it i think they're pretty sure something is actually happening now i think they're pretty sure from the last thing that i glanced at they were saying before that they were thinking that some of it may have been people making things up or they thought people were exaggerating or what else did they say? What were the other possibilities? I just read that, that it was like, I don't know, like it's hysterical. It's hysterics. It's people, you know. Mass hysteria.
Starting point is 02:37:04 Mass hysteria. And it was more than one person, right? Yeah. How many peopleics. It's people, you know. Mass hysteria. Mass hysteria. And it was more than one person, right? Yeah. How many people supposedly had it? I don't know. But do they think it's real now? So what is it called? Havana syndrome? Havana syndrome. What is the latest opinion on Havana syndrome? Because whatever it was, what they were really
Starting point is 02:37:19 terrified of was that someone was going to be able to just fuck with people's heads from a distance. So you could point it at the president while he's giving a speech. You could point it at a race car driver in the middle of a turn. You could do whatever you want. And if that really came to be, where you can just fuck with someone's head from a distance, like, hey, man, how is it possible for them to send radio signals through the sky? How is it possible for them to send cable signals through the ground the ground and satellite video and and stuff that comes from your phone to another phone you don't think it's possible that they could just send some sort of a pulse that directly connects with
Starting point is 02:37:53 whatever the fuck it is that allows you whether it's hearing whether it's something some where they can pinpoint an organ in your body and irritate it, and not just your head? What if there's something they can do that can impact your heart? Sure. There's a reason why people's hearts stop when they get electrocuted, right? Yeah. Like something happens to them and their body freezes up and it stops beating. What if they can just fuck with that a little bit?
Starting point is 02:38:20 The CIA made a heart attack gun. That's real. What if they don't even have to have a gun? Remember when Tesla was trying to send electricity through the air? Yeah. What if they could figure out how to send electricity to the air and give you a fucking heart attack while you're sitting at the bar? We'd be in trouble.
Starting point is 02:38:35 Could you imagine if electricity worked like a drone? You knew where you would send it. You just coordinate it into a thing, and it goes right through the fucking wall and zaps someone in the head, and they just drop dead on the spot. Can you imagine that weapon? How crazy that would be? You go right through buildings. A whole city. Everyone just dies.
Starting point is 02:38:55 The infrastructure remains. You just have to go in and scoop them out. Can you imagine a guy's on a date with his wife, and the wife's ex-husband kills both of them with electricity. Fuck. Can you imagine? That's fucked up. Rival football teams kill each other with electricity. Life is cheap.
Starting point is 02:39:15 Anybody can just electrocute. Dude, that is so- People from other countries electrocute people on the other side of the border. Suddenly, the number of followers you have on Twitter becomes very scary. No, just because, like, that many people are aware of you. What is the statistical probability that one of them will be like, why don't I just fire an electrical beam at Rogan? Imagine a technology that just allowed you to direct a lethal electrical beam anywhere in the world.
Starting point is 02:39:45 Yeah, from a world. Yeah. From a satellite. Yeah. Where you want to talk about mutually assured destruction and people being nice because, you know, like at any point in time, someone could just end you with electricity. Just turn you off. What do you think would be the average age people would make it to? I think five.
Starting point is 02:39:59 I think we'd have a nation of five-year-olds and everybody else would be electrocuted. Yeah. And five-year-olds would be toasted kids for fucking stealing their spaghetti. Yeah. Yeah. Toasting kids for using their big wheel too long. Fuck you. Bam.
Starting point is 02:40:10 Billy, you got to not kill people. You're not going to have any friends. Yeah. They'll be like long distances between houses. I mean, yeah. Very few people left. Dude, it would be, just forget it. Like after one fucking night, after one night of Hearthstone, you know, like after one night
Starting point is 02:40:25 of any of these games people play, so many people would just kill you if they could. At least with a gun, you can hide. You can go behind a wall. Imagine if electricity can go through a building and move like a homing pigeon, just right to the spot. Knew exactly where you were. You just, just, I know what your number is. Your number 39 your number 39
Starting point is 02:40:45 zap 39 and just fuck him and just send it and then you listen it would be so fucked up man if people could just kill people like that with a press of a button there'd be literally nobody left it would just be people dropping like flies and you'd want to do somebody before they did you and people would just start killing each other with electric that's it that's a very interesting that's like a twilight zone where everybody wakes up yeah a black mirror with the ability to kill anyone they wanted to at any time at any time with the press of a button with electrical bolt comes out of the sky and just cooks them gets through buildings finds them specifically targets them that's cool that episode it should just start with someone walking on the sidewalk.
Starting point is 02:41:26 And all of a sudden people around them just start dropping. Bursting of powder. What the fuck's going on? Yeah, just fully electrocuted and burst into flames and drop into cinders. If you could do that, how many people would not kill people? It would be a real problem because anybody could kill anybody. That's it. When people would start killing people when people would start disappearing you'd want other people to disappear and you want to figure out how
Starting point is 02:41:50 to hide from the people would try to like make up some elaborate shelters to hide from the electricity but that really the real problem of it is let's imagine that actually humans are more compassionate than we're thinking they are right now you really just need one person right who decides to kill everybody else it's you know what i mean like that's the this is the problem to me this is where we're headed man this is where we're headed full steam ahead to a point where our technologies get better and better and better so that it's no longer school shootings. It's no longer someone gunning people down in a subway. It's some as of yet non-existent technology that someone gets access to and just wipes out entire cities.
Starting point is 02:42:39 Right. Vaporizes. Vaporizes people. I mean, this is like this is the scary thing about the world that we're in right now is that if people would will do mass shootings, they're only doing that. They're using the gun, not necessarily people are able to, you know, send their bot swarms, their nanobot swarms out in the neighborhoods and just recalibrates people's DNA. So that just, you know, instead of a mass shooting, it's just a bunch of people on a subway just melt because someone sent nanobots into the subway to just destroy them. someone sent nanobots into the subway to just destroy them.
Starting point is 02:43:28 I mean, this is like, this is what we're facing as a species, is the inevitable creation of something that's more accessible than most weapons of mass destruction are now. And then what are we going to do? Right. It's like cell phones used to be very hard to get. Now everybody has them, and they're tiny. Nuclear weapons were very difficult to acquire and they kept the lid on that for a few hundred years until it just became nuclear apps on your phone. Yeah, dude. That's what I'm talking about. Panel says some Havana syndrome cause cases may stem from radio energy.
Starting point is 02:44:05 A group of experts found that not all injuries to diplomats and CIA officers could be explained by stress or psychosomatic reactions. There you go. So that's what they were calling it at first, psychosomatic. They were saying that they were just imagining that they had these issues. But what are the issues that they're coming up with? that they're coming up with. The panel's conclusions also undercut the arguments of some outside experts that mass hysteria, stress, or psychosomatic reactions were the cause of the incidents.
Starting point is 02:44:31 The panel found that stress reactions could have contributed to ongoing symptoms, but that no so-called functional illness or mass hysteria could explain the initial injuries in the cases that were the focus of its investigation. Fuck. Yeah. God damn it. This were the focus of its investigation. Fuck. Yeah. God damn it. This is the last thing we need.
Starting point is 02:44:50 It said, listen to this, intelligence officials briefed on the panel's findings, did not say how many cases it had focused on, although they said between 10 and 20 victims were interviewed. They said the panel focused on cases in which victims heard a strange sound or felt pressure and then experienced a loss of balance and ear pain. In addition, the panel focused on cases in which victims heard a strange sound or felt pressure and then experienced a loss of balance and ear pain. In addition, the panel focused on cases in which the victims reported the sounds as coming from a specific location. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:45:14 So spooky. Whoa. That's wild. Ultrasound could have caused some of the injuries. The panel identified one potential cause, what's called pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radio frequency range, also known as directed energy.
Starting point is 02:45:32 Wow. Fucking spooky, man. That's wild shit, dude. They could just fuck with your brain. Turn you off. Now, if they can do that, why can't they do that
Starting point is 02:45:40 with an electric bolt that kills you? I bet they can. They could. I bet they will be able to. That's the scary thing. Whatever way you could think of to kill people, they will eventually invent it. Think of before the gun. It was pretty hard to kill someone. Now you can kill someone a half a mile away with a rifle. You had to use a rock. You had to use a sling. You had to get close. A bow. You had to risk them killing you. At first, it was no weapons. You had to
Starting point is 02:46:02 kill them with your bare hands and beat them to death and then it became so you had to fight things off with sticks and pointed things and weapons then it became shoot him at a distance with an atlatl and bow and arrow and throw a spear and all the other different things that people figured out before they figured out guns right now that everybody figured out guns the smallest child can end your life with a mere pull of a finger yeah there's no strength impediment everyone is created and entirely equal right when it comes to the impact like it's a showstopper if he has a gun you don't
Starting point is 02:46:32 have a gun he's five you're dead right yeah that's how it goes yeah that's great that was it's definitely a new thing because like you could see a five-year-old pick up a rock or whatever. What are you going to do? So that's new within a few hundred years, right? And with pistols and revolvers, it's new from the 1800s. I mean,
Starting point is 02:46:51 they credit the Colt revolver with being one of the ways that the cowboys fought off the Comanches when they first started adopting these revolvers that had more than one bullet in them because it used to be
Starting point is 02:47:04 you had a musket. You had to pack that fucker down and reload and by the time you did that the the Native Americans were on you and you were dead yeah so they figured that out so that changed the entire West yeah that changed how where people can settle and live that changed how they they fought war with the Comanche well when they did that they changed the course of history so if it goes from that to everybody can have a gun, like these constitutional carry states, there's like 23 of them now where anybody can have a gun at any time. My Uber driver had a gun. There's more guns than there are people.
Starting point is 02:47:32 Yeah, you were telling me. Your Uber driver. Think of that and imagine if that's the case with something really crazy, like a drone with a warhead. Yeah. Yeah, man. Really spooky. Yeah. Drones with warheads that operate off tour so you can't
Starting point is 02:47:47 track them sure they're using virtual private networks bugs just bugs no one pays attention to bugs you know like this is the the the tiny little beetles that are watching like you don't know if one of those has gotten into your fucking house like right now when someone wants to scope out your property, which I hate, you know when all of a sudden a fucking drone just appears? Who is that? Are you allowed to shoot those down? I think it depends on the height of the drone.
Starting point is 02:48:17 Really? I'm not positive. You can't shoot straight at the space. I think there's a height considered to be on your property. Oh, interesting. And there's a height that's no longer on your property. Otherwise, people could shoot planes down like, it was in my yard. Stay off my land. Yeah, that's true, right?
Starting point is 02:48:31 So, yeah, I think it's a height. Oh, that makes sense. It's a height. But, you know, the drones are going to get smaller and smaller and smaller. They look like flies now. Yeah, exactly. Have you seen those? No.
Starting point is 02:48:39 The ones that look like flies? I haven't seen those. Look at that. They have tiny drones that have fly like wings yeah there you go yeah I mean they're gonna when battery technology and software becomes more efficient you're gonna be able to have these things fly around and look like look it look like that yeah why can't it look like a be like that's like that look at that what is that that's a real one
Starting point is 02:49:01 though that's a real bug that's a real one, though. That's a real bug. That's a real bug. That's a real dragonfly. It's not. Which, by the way, it's not a real drone? If it's not, then they fucking made a really good one. But, by the way, I mean, let's forget about drones and how fucking cool are dragonflies. Cool as fuck. Look at that thing. That's a living organism on planet Earth.
Starting point is 02:49:18 Isn't it? It's one of the oldest, I believe. Is it really? Yeah. It looks like it is. I mean, that is a dope looking insect looking thing's been around for a long time they're so cool like they're not threatening they're they pose no danger to us and they're like super imposing and cool looking and they're big they don't taste good have you eaten them i'm
Starting point is 02:49:35 just saying if they did they wouldn't be around as much well they they look like they'd be poison with that yellow and black that looks like don't eat me, almost like a danger warning. Yeah. Yeah, they look really old. And, yeah, like that kind of stuff, man, that's really weird when you see this. Old design. Old design. Studebakers. Studebaker of bodies. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 02:50:01 It's crazy to see that. Or sharks. How about an alligator gar? Oh, those are fucking creepy, man. It's crazy to see that. Or sharks. How about an alligator gar? Oh, those are fucking creepy, dude. That is straight prehistoric. That's the most prehistoric thing that's alive today. If you looked at it, the way they look with their teeth, pull up a photo of an alligator gar.
Starting point is 02:50:17 It looks like something from the Jurassic. It doesn't look like something that's supposed to be here right now. I think they're millions of years old. I don't know how many millions of years old, but I'm pretty sure that Gar is... Certain things just work. Look at that fucking thing. So spooky. Tell me that doesn't seem like something from another era.
Starting point is 02:50:36 That seems like a dinosaur. Fucking teeth. That's what I would assume dinosaur fish were like, or dinosaur era fish were like. Look at the size of that thing. It looks like it's laughing. I mean, I think they have its mouth propped up with a stick to show the teeth.
Starting point is 02:50:51 That's generally what they do. But if you look how big these things are, I mean, some of them grow to like 14 feet long, man. They're fucking huge, dude. And they have these crazy thick outer coats that you have to cut through with like wire snippers like their body is like armored all that shit on the outside it's super tough rent carford so when they um look at that sucker i mean these are they really do seem like they're from another time yeah there's a few of those animals that are out here crocodiles are for sure one crocodiles I mean, these are, they really do seem like they're from another time. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:27 There's a few of those animals that are out here. Crocodiles are for sure one. Crocodiles. For sure that's one that just seems like it's from another time. Or that giant chicken that just popped up on the internet. Did you see that thing? What? Did you see that video of that giant chicken, Jamie?
Starting point is 02:51:39 It's huge. It comes like out of the hen house that it's in. It's like giant. How big is it? It's like probably four How big is it? It's probably four feet or something. What? Look at this fucking- Oh, I have seen this video. Yeah, I have seen this video.
Starting point is 02:51:51 What the fuck? Yeah. It's a specific breed of rooster. It's a big rooster. Yeah. That's, you know, if you don't believe that the dinosaurs turned into birds, that's a dinosaur. That's 100% a dinosaur.
Starting point is 02:52:06 And can't, sometimes don't like chickens like grow fangs or something? Like something from their- Hen's tooth. Hen's tooth. Yeah. It kind of goes back to dinosaur for a second. I don't know if that's the origin of it, but it wouldn't surprise me. You know, a lot of animals used to have tusks and all sorts of other things that have retracted and just become like ivories inside their mouth.
Starting point is 02:52:28 Yeah. Like elk have those. Elk at one point in time used to have tusks. Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what a hen's tooth is. Does a hen's tooth look like an actual fang? Hold on. Have you ever seen them?
Starting point is 02:52:43 No. Okay, I think it's actually. Oh, is it one of those phrases? It's as rare as a hen's tooth. No, I think it's actually... Oh, is it one of those phrases? It's as rare as a hen's tooth. No, I think like... And again, the reason I think this is because I was probably taking a shit and like scrolled by something and read it wrong. But like I think they...
Starting point is 02:52:57 Like sometimes they either grow fangs or like they grow like some kind of dinosaur. God damn it, it's probably not true. For years I've been believing this. They've made, some scientists made some, they forced hen's teeth to grow. That's what it was. You know what I went down a rabbit hole yesterday? What?
Starting point is 02:53:16 Watching Komodo dragons eat monkeys. Oh, dude. Dude. Why would you do that to yourself? That's so fucked up. I watched a video of this monkey attack this man and pull a giant chunk out of his head. The guy pulled the man's skin back and scalped him like a giant strip, a large strip of meat and hair from off his head. The monkey just, for no reason, just bit him and pulled his hair back.
Starting point is 02:53:41 And then I started thinking, man, monkeys are cunts. I'm like, I wonder what eats monkeys and so then I go into this Komodo dragon rabbit hole of Komodo dragon swallowing things whole holy fuck dude watch this I don't want to watch it man ah why'd you make him watch it so rude yeah that was a skull yeah it pulled his meat clean off and that exposed his skull like Yeah, that was his skull. Yeah, it pulled his meat clean off. Ah! And that exposed his skull. Like, watch.
Starting point is 02:54:07 It keeps going. You see the guy sitting there. No! No! Bro, that's his skull. And that's his scalp. It looks like it got part of the skull. No, no. That's just the inside of his skin.
Starting point is 02:54:18 Oh, what a fucking... Just when you thought your day couldn't get worse, a monkey rips your... Well, you know, that monkey had decided it was standing on him. It was doing whatever it wanted. Then it just decided to pull a chunk out of its head. They know we're weak. They know we're just big. But they don't have any fear of us.
Starting point is 02:54:33 Dude, when I was in India, I got chased by monkeys. Oh, here's one. Here's one. Komodo dragon caught a monkey slipping. They're horrible, dude. That is, in my opinion, that's the scariest animal. What is this? We just took a left turn into hell.
Starting point is 02:54:50 But keep it rolling. Don't shut that off. Komodo dragons killing monkeys. This was my yesterday. Jesus, Joe. That's what I spent time doing. You always do this to me, man. But you need to know that this is a real thing that's happening right now somewhere.
Starting point is 02:55:02 I don't need to know this. Everybody does. Everybody does because this is real life. For sure. This is life. Like, there's life. That's a shoe. Someone's shoe.
Starting point is 02:55:10 That's someone they ate yesterday. Look at. Fuck that, man. Imagine living in that world. You know what? There's a Coke bottle there, too. See that? I'm going to be very pessimistic.
Starting point is 02:55:24 I think this is a zoo. Yeah. I was just going to think. I think this is a zoo. Yeah. I was just going to think, I think they set this up. Well, great, man. Now I have that in my head. That's rough. That's so fucked up. But that animal is this heartless killing machine that roams this one particular island.
Starting point is 02:55:44 And their drool is poisonous. Yes, their drool is botulism. Yeah, they're very dirty. They're nasty. Fucked up creatures. Yeah, they have like venom. They used to think that it was just, what is it?
Starting point is 02:55:57 They used to think it was venom and then they decided it was just the toxic bacteria or is it a combination of both? I feel like they think it it a combination of both i feel like i don't think it's a combination of both but it bites things and just follows them until they die because it knows that it's nasty saliva will just rot them out oh fuck man it's dark dude there's these videos of them they'll bite an animal whether it's a water buffalo whatever the fuck they eat and they'll bite it and just follow it for a while And then eventually it just gets weaker and weaker
Starting point is 02:56:30 Jesus Christ, there's something about a lizard doing that man It's like I'd rather get eaten by a lion because at least a lion has fur and it's a mammal and it's got to be Terrifying at least it's kind of one of my people you know know what I mean? Like a lion is closer to us than a Komodo dragon. Also, and I know you know if I'm wrong about this, isn't the lion's general methodology of killing, you suffocate the thing, right? Yes. You clamp down on its neck so it suffocates it. Yes. Versus these creatures where it seems like they'll just start anywhere.
Starting point is 02:57:01 They'll like start on your leg, move up to your- Most of the time they go for the guts. Oh, God! Because guts are easy and guts incapacitate, you know, an antelope or anything that they're killing. Do you think...
Starting point is 02:57:13 This is... I like to... They go for the back legs too. Do you think that something kicks in when you're being eaten by an animal that puts you into like a dream state? Like, you know what i mean where you
Starting point is 02:57:25 just kind of like you give up you're done because you're in your because we've been if you're alive on the planet whatever your dna is it's been getting eaten by shit for a long time like our ancestors those little lemur things they say we came from you know the the or if it's monkeys or whatever in our dna built into into the DNA must be something like, all right, here's what you do when there's no more hope and you're just being eaten alive. I'm sure your brain floods with love and psychedelic chemicals. You probably trip balls while that lion's eating you. Yeah, suddenly you're like, oh, I'm part of everything now.
Starting point is 02:58:03 I was talking about that in one of my specials. It was that there was this area of the Sundarbans where these fishermen got killed by a tiger. But it wasn't just the fishermen got killed by a tiger, but the tiger killed them one at a time. He swam out there, killed a guy, dragged him into the water, dropped his body off the shore, jumped back in the water. Yeah. And did it two more times Killed three out of four guys God
Starting point is 02:58:28 And I was like What does it feel like The moment a tiger locks eyes with you And it's climbing into the boat And you know it's a rabbit I think I bet it just bursts into a kaleidoscope Yeah
Starting point is 02:58:40 And your brain floods with psychedelic chemicals Yeah Or suddenly you just think you're human. Fucked. Living our lives. We're just being eaten by a tiger right now. You know, this is one of the things that I worry about is that how do we know that we weren't in some spaceship and we got absorbed into some kind of predator? But the way it eats us is not the way a tiger eats you.
Starting point is 02:59:07 It eats you by like hypnotizing you and then dissolving you for infinity. That's what we call reincarnation. It's just like us slowly being devoured by an alien that is giving us the impression that we have memories or whatever. Maybe it just wants to toy with us you know cats like to play around with things they're killing they like to let it run away and then catch it like if that happens here how do we know that's not what we're in right now
Starting point is 02:59:37 like we got caught by a very advanced powerful cosmic predator being that is keeping us locked into reality i mean the demiurge that's what they call it gnosticism yeah that could be true or it could be just all this chaos is to ensure that we pay attention and we try to improve things and we realize that no one is no one no intelligent person's running this show it's impossible no one can yeah right and the people that do get a chance to run it they all go corrupt because they realize you can't fix it by yourself and you're all locked in with a culture of corruption and influence even if it's not even if it's legal it's still you know it's not right right you know it's not right it's like they know it's not right. It's like they're doing some sneaky shit, and that's all of them.
Starting point is 03:00:25 And so we don't have real leaders. We don't have real – it's hard to find out what the fuck the truth is. Right. And we're being bombarded with bots. Bots, whether it's hired humans that are designed to make up things that separate us or whether it's actual artificial intelligence that's got MAGA flags in its's fucking Twitter bio and they're coming after people right a horde this is the this is where in Buddhism intention becomes really important which is because of all this like because of the that everything you just described
Starting point is 03:01:00 and my stupid idea of us being eaten by an alien or whatever. Ultimately, because reality is so incredibly confusing on one level, we need something almost like a mnemonic device, like a simple thing to revert to and all the confusion, which is seemingly the most obvious cliche thing to say, you can always be kinder, something like that. In other words, in all the confusion, regardless of whether we're being eaten by an alien, a tiger, bots, an AI bot, or just various propaganda mechanisms trying to confuse us all. We need something to revert to that transcends all that shit. Yes.
Starting point is 03:01:37 Which is, you can be kinder. Just that basic intent, even if you fail at it every day when you're being a selfish shithead or you're in a hurry or whatever it is, if you keep reverting to that intent, this is though this because no matter what, like if there is nothing after this, if we are trapped in an alien, if we're in hell, if we're in a simulator, if we're in heaven, whatever the thing reality may be i think no one at the other end of the tunnel is going to be like you asshole you were trying to be kinder all the time when you're around people you're you're you're treating other people with respect and dignity and you're trying to be kind even though you're in a lot of pain you're scared and angry most of the time you were still trying you dumb shit because you're supposed to be mean in there it was that's how you went in there. No one's going to say that.
Starting point is 03:02:26 No one. No one. So to me, that's a thing we can revert to. You can always go back to that. I heard the Dalai Lama say that. That's not my thing. It's a good thing to say. It makes sense.
Starting point is 03:02:37 And it's simple. It's simple and it's easy to remember. Dude, we should wrap this up because you've got a show. You've got two shows tonight. Oh, fuck. And I've got to pee again. It's already 4.30. I've got to pee again. Shit. All right.30. I got to pee again. Shit.
Starting point is 03:02:46 All right. Thank you. Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna. Come see me in Austin if you listen to this tomorrow. Yeah. Vulcan Gas Company, which is an awesome club on 6th Street. And, Instagram. Yeah, whatever. All that stuff.
Starting point is 03:02:59 Yeah. Thank you, Joe. I love you, buddy. Love you, buddy. Love you.

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