The Joe Rogan Experience - #194 - Jason Silva

Episode Date: March 12, 2012

Joe sits down with Jason Silva. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Train my day, Joe Rogan podcast my night, all day. Jason Silva, come back to sling more cosmic dick. You said we're cosmic revolutionaries. I say you're a cosmic dick swinger. How about that? Wow. Well, thank you for having me back, dude. Last time was such a-
Starting point is 00:00:21 It was so fun. Thanks, man. It was so fun. I had a great time too. Just a shout out to all these amazingly engaged listeners and followers, dude. The response was so positive. Yeah, we have a really super positive group of people that follow the show. And it sounds ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:00:36 How do you do that? I mean, how does that ever happen? I don't know, but I'm so honored. Maybe it's because of your authenticity, man. Well, I'm honored if that's what it is. Whatever it is, I'm honored. It your authenticity, man. Well, I'm honored if that's what it is. Whatever it is, I'm honored. It comes across, man. When we go to clubs, that's the thing that the waitresses are always saying,
Starting point is 00:00:50 that our crowds are so nice and that they tip really well. It just makes you feel so good. It's like the biggest feeling of accomplishment that I've ever had is someone who listened to the show once and said, your show makes me want to try to be a better person. This is the kind of feedback that we've been getting about our mind meld dude it's been insane like some people have created these remix videos where they've taken highlights and sound samples from what we talked about set them to imagery and set them to music and that's kind of like what the creativity
Starting point is 00:01:18 and the whole remix culture is all about it's not about where you take things from it's where you take them to yeah yeah you see that it's just like, oh my God. There's a bunch of those out there now. There's so many guys that are really good at that too. There's so much creativity. Oh, yeah, so much. And most of them have like regular jobs. They're just like regular dudes.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So they're doing it out of pure passion. Yeah, like there's a kid who calls himself the paradigm shift on YouTube. I met him. And, you know, he's just a really fucking talented guy. Amazing. He made this thing for me the american war machine and i mean it's like it's it's humbling yeah it's humbling because you you
Starting point is 00:01:50 you hear the words that you say and they kind of the words seem just kind of obvious to you the things that you've thought of and said a hundred times right but then when you this kid puts it to images and video and music and then you see the power of an idea the power of an idea to live on beyond its inception beyond the moment that it came out of your mouth. There was this guy, The Thinking Primate is the YouTube name, and they did a remix of us, and I thought it was glorious. Honestly, I thought it was glorious. Yeah, there's a lot of those guys out there, and yeah, we're super honored that they do that. It's one of the coolest things of all time.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah, it's a weird thing going on right now, man. I think the internet has kind of ushered in a whole new culture. I really do believe that. You can't get by on bullshit anymore. Yeah, it seems like a culture of massive collaboration and cooperation.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Even that recent example of that viral video that they made about Joseph Kony in Africa. And it reached 100 million views in a week.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And I think that just what it shows between that and also the anti-SOPA movement. And I think that just what it shows, between that and also the anti-SOPA movement online, I think that what it's really demonstrating is just the ability to create viral swells that have massive impact without having used mainstream media, for example. Just make a video, put it on YouTube for free,
Starting point is 00:02:59 and have a voice in the national conversation. Everybody can do that. And the price points keep going down and down and down exponentially and it's there's no reason not to think oh my god what comes next well yeah well this guy i don't know the whole story on the guy who orchestrated the whole coney campaign and i've seen some criticisms about him but it didn't really make much sense to me i mean it seems like this guy really is a war criminal and what this guy's doing by exposing that, it's like yeah, we're exposing really a guy who's
Starting point is 00:03:27 done some terrible, horrible things. Oh no, absolutely. Unquestionably, right? I just think the success of the campaign, game-changing, game-changing viral success also is going to invite scrutiny that comes with that. So I think whatever the controversy is,
Starting point is 00:03:44 that's a whole separate conversation. I think the real conversation is, you know, people, democracy, social movements, revolutions, take note. This is how you join the conversation. This is how you get your voice heard. No need to like take up arms.
Starting point is 00:03:58 No need to be violent. Like you want to get something heard, you know, have a good video editor and a good sense of aesthetic presentation. Yeah, no shit, huh? It's kind of amazing. You know, I saw the tweets. They started coming heard, you know, have a good video editor and a good sense of aesthetic presentation. Yeah. No shit, huh? It's kind of amazing. Isn't that a good...
Starting point is 00:04:07 You know, I saw the tweets. They started coming in. You know, it's Kony, Kony, Kony. And I knew who the guy was. I'd read about his movement in Africa. Yeah. And you saw Peter Pan. I saw Peter Pan?
Starting point is 00:04:20 It's all exactly the same as Kony. Really? Yeah. Didn't Peter Pan used to steal the kids and make them like an army? Isn't it horrible, though, that that actually is happening? That someone, they're stealing children and forcing them to become soldiers. I mean, it's just terrifying stuff. It's really, really horrifying, horrifying stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, no, it's terrible. But I do think that we're seeing violence is going down across the world. I mean, this guy, Steve Pinker, and he has a TED talk, The Myth of Violence. We might have mentioned it last time. We'll say that violence is down across the world and the chances of a man dying at the hands of another man are the lowest that they've ever been. Now, granted, there's more people in the world than there were in the past, but proportionally, the violence is a lot less. And I think as these people, you know, the rising billion in certain parts of the world coming online, getting smartphones, joining the global conversation, all of a sudden can have their voices heard.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And the first step to addressing a problem is, you know, making an awareness that the problem is there so that the importance of it can resonate with people. And so I think there's reason to, you know, be optimistic about even the worst of the worst getting less worse. I think we automatically go pessimistic because things aren't perfect. You know, we look at it and we go, God, why is there so much fucked up shit in this world? Why is there so much crime?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Why is there so much violence? Why is there so much death? Why is war still here? Why is corruption still here? But what you don't realize if you really stop and think, it's like this is the best it's ever been ever by a goddamn long shot. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I was driving on the way over here today on the highway and it was a nice day here in Pasadena. There was no one on the highway. It was like easy traveling. It was nice and beautiful and sunny out. And I was thinking, how much it would have sucked to live just 500 years ago. Oh, totally. Just 500, a blip in time, like nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:59 No cars, fucking horses. There's not even trails out here. You need to see there's a presentation by out here you know you need to see there's a presentation by this guy called Hans Roebling his website Gapminder
Starting point is 00:06:09 he does this thing where he shows all the nations across the world over time and how the indicators of quality of life and infant mortality rate
Starting point is 00:06:16 and income and all these different things he shows that all the countries of the world even the worst of the worst are rising
Starting point is 00:06:20 so the rising tide does lift everybody else and it's unbelievable and I think the reason that most people don't realize that things are always getting better is because of the am are rising. So the rising tide does lift everybody else. And it's unbelievable. And I think the reason that most people don't realize that things are always are getting better is because of the amygdala. Peter Diamandis did a presentation about this at the TED conference just a week and a half ago. And he has his book called Abundance. And he'll explain that, you know, because our brains evolved in a time where we had to have fight or flight mode, the amygdala is always looking for danger and it supersedes everything else. And so the media gives us danger
Starting point is 00:06:44 because that's what we're drawn to. You know, if it bleeds, it leads. And we're always going to be paying attention to what's wrong, even when there's infinitely more things that are going right. And because the media wants to just get viewership, the mainstream media will feed us what we want, which is to see all the horrible things that are happening across the world. Although eventually, that's actually going to be a good thing because if we can see what's wrong, we'll try to address it and try to fix it. But even when we remedy 99% of the problems that exist today, our brains are still going to be seeing the new problems because that's what the brain does. Yeah, the amount of time from us running from jaguars to being a guy who steps into a jaguar and turns the key, the amount of time is so small.
Starting point is 00:07:22 The biology has never had a chance to catch up. It does not. We have pretty much the same brains as we did 100,000 years ago. I mean, 100,000 years ago, kind of everyone is agreeing, unless you really go extreme, that there was no sophisticated culture, which is nothing. 100,000 years is nothing. It's a blink.
Starting point is 00:07:39 What the fuck happened, man? It's a blink. Language. Language. We got into it last time. Yeah, we did get into it. You really believe that that just made everything change because we could, man? Language. Language. We got into it last time. Yeah, we did get into it. You really believe that that just made everything change because we could exchange information?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yes. How did one animal figure it out? Because the moment that we invented, and this is where Terence McKenna gets into, gets Kurzweilian and Kevin Kelly-ish in his comments, is that he said that when we invented language, biological evolution stopped playing the key role because it was replaced by this cultural
Starting point is 00:08:06 epigenetic type of evolution, which goes faster and faster and faster because it accrues knowledge and it builds on itself. And it's not limited by the hardware of the brain, which would take billions and billions of years to change. And so this cultural thing, all of a sudden, each brain became a neuron in a vaster global brain of a crude knowledge and intelligence that was bootstrapping on its own complexity which is why over the last hundred thousand years it has been the cultural evolution has been accelerating exponentially it manifested as technology technological evolution but what's most interesting is that this telescopic nature of it gets faster and faster and faster. So over the last 100,000 years, yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But over the last 100 years even, it's gotten crazier than the last billion. Well, they say that 1,000 years ago, no one could read silently. Right. There you go. They had to read by talking. They had to say the words. No one could read silently. And it was actually one of the ways that some guy, I don't remember,
Starting point is 00:09:05 some religious figure, Thomas Aquinas, maybe it's him, not sure, proved that he was a saint. Because he could read silently. Because he could read silently and then he would recite it. Amazing. He would look at it, not say anything, look at the scripture, obviously not reading because he wasn't speaking aloud. Wow. And then he would recite it.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Wow. And that was his mastery of the scripture was unparalleled. It's because he could read silently. He was like the only guy. Yeah. I don't think it's that guy, though. I think it's one of those other religious people that may or may not have ever really existed.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Right. It might not have been Thomas Aquinas. I didn't ask Sam Harris if he believed that Jesus was a real human. That was in the Zeitgeist documentary, I remember. They said that he probably never even existed. Well, because he shares all the same attributes as all these other gods and all these other cultures. They all die at the same age.
Starting point is 00:09:51 They're all born at the same, like... But isn't it also possible that it could have been just a real person, but they attached all these other attributes to him because of ancient mythology? I suppose. It just says, if you look at it, open. Yeah. Just completely open.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Right. But I don't know if it was a real dude, but man, you want to talk about one guy just kind of dominating religion for like thousands of years, you know? Yeah. He's like, you know, if he was- Well, he became a meme. If he was a man- It was no longer a person, man.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah. He became a meme, which, you know, in Richard Dawkins' book, The Selfish Gene, he says that there was this new replicator, you know, just like genes were the replic The Selfish Gene, he says that there was this new replicator. You know, just like genes were the replicators. They could multiply and they could evolve over time. That there was a new replicator that was born above the biosphere, a new kingdom above the biosphere. And the denizens of this kingdom were ideas. And so he said ideas in the form of memes, they're like organisms.
Starting point is 00:10:43 They've retained the properties of organisms even though they rise above the biosphere they replicate they complete each other they mutate they leap from brain to brain they compete they compete for attention you know yeah and he goes crazy and you know james glick who wrote the book the information says that the most the primary building block of reality might be information before it, before matter itself. So he actually says it comes from bit, matter comes from information, and that information is really what's at the core of reality. And it's just an insane idea.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Because that goes back to the whole thing about the power to change the world. People, ideas, passions can change the world because ideas have done more than genes over the last hundred years. Well, McKenna would always go on about the world being made of language. Yes. And it was really hard to wrap your head around, man. That was a real mind fuck. It was huge. Sort of, not really, but wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Because two people have to communicate in order to create something together. And then you're thinking about infrastructures and cities that is all a factor of language oh yeah without language none of this would be there it's just it's so hard to to wrap your head around that and i think that the i think that he was spot on and i think that the reason that he was spot on is because what he when i think when he says okay the world is made of language what he's saying is we create a mental model of the world in order to understand the world, in order to speak about the world and react to the world. We create a mental model in our head, and then we label those pictures in our heads symbolically.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So we abstractify reality. And therefore, the way that we interface reality through the prism of our language, our thinking, our preconceptions, our stereotypes, our culture, which is to say, we don't see the world as it is. see the world as we are which speaks exactly and directly to what i think mckenna was saying reality is made of language it's almost like it's why like they say that like even like thinking a happy thought will start to make you happier you know like essentially the world changes you become happier about the world simply by thinking it's so and it sounds kind of like new agey and stuff, but like not really because even the object of description, I think, does something to influence one's perception of reality, which is just how you interpret electrical signals
Starting point is 00:12:55 going through your brain anyway. And so if you're aware that reality is made of language and that we're like co-creating it with our intention. And something, of course, which is magnified with psychedelics. That's why I talk about set and setting being so integral to the trip, because your thoughts about the trip affect the trip itself. So thoughts become reality. But we should think of our lives as one big fucking trip. Our normal baseline waking sober lives is one big hero's journey. And it should be up to us to think of it so. And so if we're all on a hero's journey, if we're all on an extended lifelong mind manifesting, which means psychedelic trip, then we have a responsibility to sort of use words to map our reality the way that we want, to be authors of our reality, of our existence, to make a masterpiece out of life, one that we
Starting point is 00:13:43 would willingly live again and again for all of eternity so i it like like what we're doing now our conversation it's changing the reality inside the synapses of those that are engaging with us just the same way we're changing each other's reality right now you know this is a different reality than where we were an hour ago we're literally interfacing in a different yeah it Yeah, you don't think about it that way, though. You think, well, we're just doing a podcast. A podcast. Chilling here, talking shit. Yes, but your portions of your mind,
Starting point is 00:14:16 the output of your mind, whether it's immaterial or not, still creates tangible impact in the world. Because think of like the one or five or 10 people that you might inspire to create some work of art that came out of what they heard in this conversation. And that work of art gets licensed by a brand to create a campaign for creativity
Starting point is 00:14:40 that then the government of Finland adopts in their policy for education for the following year, and it transforms the lives of the next generation of students. The butterfly effect in transformation triggered by ideas is more powerful than, you know, I think, you know, than of the physical world. I think you're absolutely right, especially in the age of the internet. Right. I think this is the time
Starting point is 00:15:07 where the ideas really can go viral almost instantaneously, like this Kony video. I don't even think we've really fully examined the impact possible through information, especially with what are kids going to be like, man? What are 20-year-old kids going to be like 20 years from now oh dude just growing up infinitely more
Starting point is 00:15:29 advanced and empowered yeah way more aware way way harder to bullshit yeah bluetooth enabled kids yeah they're just gonna be crazy they're gonna look back on the nonsense that we believe today and they're gonna be laughing at us man yeah i think i think even the way that you know how things are voted in you know how people resolve issues i think the idea of having representatives you know over there to to carry our voice to washington is obsolete because we are post-geographicals we beings at this point we don't need somebody else to represent us necessarily because we can all represent ourselves and have a voice online. In fact, there's people that are talking about how, you know, we could reform or upgrade or re-examine like how government is run and how people are represented. I mean, I'm talking like a little farther out, but there's this guy who's starting
Starting point is 00:16:15 this thing. He's a friend of mine. His name is Micah. And he used to actually be with Students for Sensible Drug Policy. And now he's doing this thing called Dynamic Democracy, which is about starting a conversation and exploring new ways of how the Internet, the human extended nervous system that's connecting us all. Right. Because we love saying that we are all connected. We are all empowered. Well, how about we upgrade the way the world is run, you know, like on a meta scale? Well, we're talking about it, you know? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I mean, that that essentially is what the Internet's doing. Right. I mean, the Internet. about it you know yeah yeah i mean that that essentially is what the internet's doing right yeah i mean the internet i mean i've heard people be down on the internet and i i guess you could see some negative points to anonymity and there's a few aspects of pornography that are a little unseemly it's definitely accelerated pornography i'll tell you that things have gotten really weird man if you want to look at like what happens to human beings when left alone to their own devices and when allowed to expand in a contained market like pornography, there's only so many different things they can do. So you know what the big thing is lately that I keep seeing, man? It's girls getting guys to come in them and then they squirt it into a champagne glass and drink it.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And you're like, really? Or a martini glass? Really? Well, look, just because these digital tools extend the range of our creativity, it doesn't mean that people can't use that creativity in ways we don't agree with or perhaps in bad ways
Starting point is 00:17:38 because just like we use the power of fire to cook our food, we use the power of fire to burn other people, which is always the double-edged sword of any expansion and extension of human reach. But that's still what evolution is probing for because we're all seeking out complexity. It's just going from single-celled organisms to multicellular organism to beings to thinking beings to beings who create technology and so on and so forth. So it's all happening anyway. So people say it's not going to stop.
Starting point is 00:18:05 It's part of evolution. But yes, we have to acknowledge that these tools are a double-edged sword. And that's fine. That's part of it. Or some people really like doing that. That's possible too, right? There could be a woman out there that actually likes to get dudes to shoot loads and then she squirts them out into a glass.
Starting point is 00:18:21 It is very possible. And who am I to judge, right? No, you should never judge. You think of the creepy shit that you like. People can do whatever they want as long as they're not hurting anybody else. Exactly. It's just weird that porn has accelerated to this, to what it is today.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I mean, porn was just porn for the longest time. You know, you'd heard rumors of like snuff films or something crazy, but no one ever saw one. Did you ever see a snuff film, Brian? Yeah, I've seen snuff films. Well, you've seen people die on the internet for real. Yeah, it's disturbing. But I don't even know if those are real half the time now.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Remember when Nine Inch Nails had a snuff film out called Broken? It was like they advertised it as this bootleg video, and you'd rent it, and it looked like somebody murdering somebody else. It was kind of like Faces of Death. Oh, wow. That's terrible, man. And everyone thought it was a snuff film, but it turned out it wasn't. Well, there have been real films, man, for real.
Starting point is 00:19:09 There was a documentary on it a while back. That's terrible. Yeah. And the guy who was the, one of the people they were interviewing was talking about watching this film. And as he's talking about watching the film, he starts crying. Wow. It's pretty intense. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah, he's obviously pretty fucked up by it you know maybe he didn't cry he definitely got choked up he was like just thinking about watching this yeah there's a broad spectrum of human behavior man it's gotta we've got to figure out somehow to stop that well is there a way or is it necessary to have negative in order to influence positive i mean is that i don't know if that to influence positive? I mean, is that a true? I don't know if that's necessary. I think that was, you know, that has been something that perhaps has worked for some people, you know, to you got to know what bad is in order to know what good is.
Starting point is 00:19:53 You know, you need the contrast. But it doesn't mean that we come up with some more novel solution that allows us to live, you know, because if according to that idea that we need the bad in order to know the good, it means that it implies that we're always we need to have suffering to appreciate when we're not suffering. Not that we need to, but if you look at things as being natural, you look at everything as being natural, like wolf behavior, bee behavior, look at all this stuff as being natural and positive towards whatever their goal is. Whether their goal is to create this beehive that they create,
Starting point is 00:20:24 whether their goal is to create this beehive that they create, whether their goal is to create an anthill. When you look at human society, maybe what we're doing is natural as well. And maybe we're so fucking chaotic and so crazy because you sort of have to be to be working with technology that's so far and ahead what your biology is capable of processing. what your biology is capable of processing. So we have this fucking wacky tribal monkey shit going on while we have nuclear power, while we have atom colliders. There's a lot going on. Increasingly, people are moving into their own personal universes and soundscapes.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And when we have virtual reality, then we each become the god in our own universe. And at that point you know an infinity of combinations and permutations of lifestyles will be explored by individual individuated nervous systems living out in the ether sphere of the inner web you know um so who the fuck knows but uh but at that point we won't care what that person does in their own virtual universe like the porn's gonna be awesome awesome. You think so? It's going to be grosser, probably. Grosser?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, like Balut Ponds, where it's like the tampon gets shoved in the vagina for a week and then pulled out and somebody eats it or something. I hope not. I hope it actually becomes about composing and creating the greatest dream we have ever dreamed. I hope we use these tools to make greater art than we've ever experienced to create better designer designer drugs that engage with our senses and make us appreciate art in ways that we couldn't
Starting point is 00:21:52 have before to merge with our lovers to become one with them I mean we use language to connect and say how we feel to one another what if chicks want to merge all the time what do you want to do man yeah like you want to go hang out with your boys it's gonna you can't want to go play pool But what if your boys want to merge and your boys want to merge with you and your wife? No, you won't be playing pool though you everyone wants to merge with your wife He's like hey, man. Can I merge with your wife? That's weird. See what it's like to be heard. They want to merge with your kids. What if they can copy and paste your wife?
Starting point is 00:22:22 It's not sexual. No. No. No, what if they want to merge with the dolphin because they want to know what it's like to be a dolphin timothy leary settle the fuck down merging with dolphins and people yeah what if right let's just get we have to define like once if we do create something that allows like the human consciousness to merge to interface with something we're gonna have to like really define what's happening there so people don't like whether it's going to have parameters. I just don't see, you can see Nancy Grace on TV, who is this man that he's merging with a 14-year-old
Starting point is 00:22:54 girl in Florida? That's ridiculous. You tell me that's appropriate that this man is merging. What does a grown man have in common with the thinking of a 14-year-old girl? She gets a little wetter every time there's a dead baby in Florida. Every time something happens in Florida, she's like, oh, yes, more programming, more material.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You know, I have to say the fact that we see so much... Can't she find nice things? Can Nancy Grace, please? I love you. I'm not... I'm picking on you because I have to.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I'm a comedian. Can't you just find one nice story? Yeah, we need... We need more programming that's uplifting. Isn't it nice to see stuff that makes you feel good about humanity?
Starting point is 00:23:42 But it's also good to have people go after bad people. Don't get me wrong. I get it. Stopping crime and preventing scumbags from getting along. But absolutely, as far as what we project, our issue is that there's 7 billion people on this planet. And if you only want to pay attention to negative shit,
Starting point is 00:23:56 you can find enough to fill every second of every day. Every second of every day, of every moment that you are on this planet, someone's getting jacked. Yes, but I think the people are reacting to that by creating more and more really inspiring content. And I think corporations now are all wanting to align themselves with having a sort of positive impact on the world. You know, they're saying there's more to a corporation than just making money.
Starting point is 00:24:20 How about wanting to make a social... But I think it is becoming part of our consciousness now. Increasingly, like, this is what you're hearing. I mean, you had Pepsi do that campaign last year. And they're all, they're realizing. My point was that, hold up. But my point was that you have to manage your own interaction with this kind of information. My point was that if you so choose, you can be around it all day, every day.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Or you can just not. And you can force yourself into more positive places. The options available. Both options are available. And you have to be kind of careful in how you manage your consciousness. Because you really can freak yourself the fuck out if you only chose to concentrate on all the negative things in this world. There's too much information.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Totally. And you could drown in information, especially because the new limited resources are attention. But I think it's interesting. There's a book about this. It's called The Information Diet. And it says that it's really up to us to take responsibility over our information diet,
Starting point is 00:25:18 to set up curators, to set up certain filters, to have a significant say in how we interface with media. Yeah. And we have that opportunity now that we didn't have before when it was just two channels. It was on or off. Now there's a billion options. So curate, author, create an experience, an information diet that will keep you mentally invigorated. Just like a healthy food diet will keep you healthy.
Starting point is 00:25:41 A lot of experimenting going on too. You know, there's also a lot of people trying different things out and focusing on different things. And there's a lot of misses that seemed like they were hits. Remember when everybody was into The Secret? Yeah. You remember that? And everybody was convinced that all you have to do is think positive
Starting point is 00:25:57 and just draw a picture of the house you want on your wall and one day it'll sort of manifest itself. And yes, Secret fans. Yes, I'm paraphrasing that. But don't you think that's an example, like the way you said it is how probably a lot of people literalize the message
Starting point is 00:26:14 without really thinking about it a little deeper and understanding how it might not sound like just bull. Well, here's the problem with uh the secret some of it's real okay there is a certain amount it's one of the ingredients in making something happen one of the ingredients is vision it's 100 there's one of the ingredients and you talk to anybody that had some sort of a great success and a good percentage of them at least some of them have sort of gotten their vision along the way but a good percentage of them had a vision and followed
Starting point is 00:26:43 it right and it is true. But there's so much other shit involved. Education, hard work, discipline. It's not as simple as just thinking. And executing. Everything out in the world, everybody's most magnificent artifact from the iPhone to the jet engine is actualized
Starting point is 00:27:00 from a thought, from a dream, from a design. Which means to say we constructed the virtual version before we constructed the actual version. That's the same thing as visualizing something into being. But the into being part is when you say, okay, I'm going to go execute on this. I'm going to move through space and time, move my atoms through space and time and go construct the thing and go lobby to build the thing to build the dream to actualize the goal and i think maybe people who read the read the book without reading as deeply enough into it what they thought it was like okay i'm just gonna sit on the couch and dream something and it's
Starting point is 00:27:32 gonna come knocking on my door it's also the problem is that they're dealing with a bunch of people who have had success and when people have had success and you know they all tell you the same story oh i knew it was gonna happen and it. Well, but that's because it happened. Right. You know what I'm saying? I mean, there's a lot of shit that comes along the way. You could have gotten in some random car accident. You could have got hit by a fucking meteor.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Absolutely. I'm not exactly sure if 100% of your success is based on the fact that you focused on your dream. Right. I think it's a percentage of the success, but there's a lot of luck involved there, too, man. Oh, yeah. 100%. Oh, yeah. And to be pretending. There's a lot of luck involved there too oh yeah a hundred percent oh yeah and to be there's a lot of luck involved in everything i mean like the fact that each of us is here we
Starting point is 00:28:09 beat out billions of sperm yeah we've already are all of us are living against the odds and respect for luck i think is one of the reasons why people get lucky or respect for luck you know you gotta respect luck is you know fortune good fortune is unquestionably an ingredient there's an ingredient in there and i i feel like if karma is real in any form i believe that's where the most evidence of it being real is that to me then the people that i know that are the most fortunate are also the kindest are also the most generous those are the people that are the most fortunate yeah well because if one's with themselves as well, which is a very critical point. When a lot of people mess up, they're super nice to other people, but they treat themselves
Starting point is 00:28:51 like shit. They treat their body like shit. Which is no good. They don't go after their own goals. They don't chase their own dreams. They let people abuse them because they're too nice. I mean, there's a lot of people that are not nice to themselves. You've got to be as nice to yourself as you are to other people. I totally people totally that is a huge part of the equation that a lot of people miss out on they're like i'm
Starting point is 00:29:10 a good person i'm nice to people yeah but you hate yourself you know you hate your body you hate your mind you hate the way you think yeah and you can do not everybody can do not you you can do more for for the world i think um by treating yourself with the same kindness that you treat other people. Well, it's a sickness not to. It's a sickness. Yeah, absolutely. You know?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah. I mean, food is fucking delicious, but you shouldn't eat yourself to death. You know, I'm not saying you have to look like Kate Moss in her prime. Where did I put that reference from? Where was that?
Starting point is 00:29:40 But, you know, you don't have to, you know, you don't have to fucking eat yourself to death either. Right. You know? Right's there's a lot of people that eat themselves to death like the the human mind can go terribly wrong it can go on a horrible path and just get stuck there just get stuck yeah yeah but the thing is when we have that problem with software and if software gets corrupted or if it gets a bad virus in it you know we can we can upgrade and reboot the
Starting point is 00:30:04 system and we're not so lucky with our biology what if someone did something horrible like uh there was a uh you know a mall shooting or something and some guy goes in the mall just shoots random people okay and then you reboot him would you allow that guy do you think that's okay in a civilized society do you think we have to oh to reboot him to reboot him and that's a great philosophical question to ask i i mean that, that's a different case study. Do we blame society on allowing him to get to a point where his software failed him? How do we approach that? If it's effective, if it's real, do we blame the tissue that's left after we remove his consciousness?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Do we blame that tissue and say, I'm sorry, this tissue has to die to make up for the 16 people you shot at the mall? Who knows? Maybe there will be some form of like... I bet there will be an ethical dilemma. Like a virtual reality psychedelic experience where you take him down the rabbit hole and he has a Joseph Campbell-esque hero's journey and he collides with his own cosmic nakedness and then emerges rehabilitated. Maybe we'll have like...
Starting point is 00:31:02 It sounds like ayahuasca. Digital download rehabilitation. Yeah, electronic ayahuasca. You said, you tweeted once that that would be a way to grab a criminal and you should put him
Starting point is 00:31:10 in an ayahuasca session with a shaman to stare into the nakedness of his own soul. Well, this is my new show, my next show that I'm working on. Nobody's bought it yet,
Starting point is 00:31:18 but I've got some hopes. It's called Douchebags on Mushrooms. And that's the show. We take douchebags throughout the world and we just bring them somewhere and dose them up with like five grams of mushrooms
Starting point is 00:31:28 and let them see themselves. I mean, I think psychedelic therapy is so spot on, like in terms of the psychic readjustments that can happen in one session. It could take years of conventional therapy. Well, what people don't understand. Imagine giving it to people.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yeah, giving it to criminals as part of a rehabilitation. That would be very interesting to explore. It just sounds very fascinating. And not even just criminals, but people that have issues like alcoholism. Oh, well, that's obvious. I mean, they just came out with a study just now that said that LSD could help people get over alcoholism in one session.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah. I mean, that's not to say about the mushrooms and depression. Well, you know, they were actually doing tests on this in the 60s. In the 1960s, they determined that 500 micrograms was enough to cure more than 70% of chronic alcohol patients that came in and tried acid. Just from looking at the situation just completely differently, being separated from the nonsense of what you're engaged in, we get stuck in these weird patterns. It's very strange.
Starting point is 00:32:22 It's almost like a byproduct of our ability to focus on things right we have this ability to become intense and obsessed and focus on things in a positive sense but there's a byproduct of that and that byproduct is obsession it's a glitch yeah it's a glitch or it's a you know it's a possible you know it's all it's like if somebody gives you a fucking uh ferrari but you don't know how to drive a stick shift and you sort of figure it out along the way and you're jamming gears and fucking things up. Sometimes it's working well because you don't understand
Starting point is 00:32:47 how to use the system. And it could be just that. You know, when you see a kid that becomes obsessed with jerking off, you know, you get him into a sport.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Maybe you become a fucking world champion. You know, maybe he's just one of those kids that just, whatever he focuses on, he focuses on insanely. There's a lot of kids out there,
Starting point is 00:33:02 I'm not saying you're wasting your life playing video games because video games are awesome. Oh, they've improved one's brain. There's been a of kids out there. I'm not saying you're wasting your life playing video games because video games are awesome. Oh, they've improved one's brain. There's been a bunch of studies about how gaming improves coordination cooperation. But what I'm saying is that these kids, any kid that gets really good at a video game, you can get really good at anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:16 You can get really good at anything. If you put that kind of focus that you put to get fucking awesome at Call of Duty, you could have a better life. You could get, you know, you're getting tricked by putting in the nurses where you can play these games to address real social challenges and these gamers will probably find solutions
Starting point is 00:33:32 to problems that engineers couldn't in the real world. That is happening more and more now. Wow. To use the resources of gamers to gamify a real world problem. How does that work? Is it like a virtual reality work? Well, because... It's like a virtual reality thing?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah, they'll create like some interface and some problem and there's like a game and you get points for solving issues related to the game. Oh, wow. And some gamers discovered like some antibody for some crazy virus. Yeah. People can Google this. 40-year-old virus. Gamers solve some illness, like crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And you're going to be seeing that more and more. In fact, they did this crowdsourcing crowdsourcing experiment about a protein folding and you know who the world's best protein folder is who can fold and design proteins in the virtual space is like a woman who does it in her free time in the uk and during the day she was like a receptionist or something and she's the world's best protein folder and she used to do it on her computer at night yeah what yeah because you because you crowdsource what Clay Shirky calls the cognitive surplus. It's all this extra brain activity. How is she
Starting point is 00:34:29 protein folding? What is she doing? It's some kind of crowdsource software thing that lets people fold proteins and you can figure out how to do it in the virtual space and then it can be applied in real life. It turns out that the best one in the world was this woman in the UK. Better than all the scientists in the world. Yeah, yeah. But she's just a lady with a regular job.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're going to find that more and more. There's going to be some gamer in Budapest who's going to fix world hunger. Wow. Look at hackers, the hacking community. These little 13-year-olds are hacking fucking Microsoft. Yeah, exactly. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah, a 13-year-old hacked the UFC. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they're badasses. Did you hear about the Lulosek guy? Is that how you call it? Lulosek? Yeah, he ratted out all these anonymous guys, like 26 anonymous guys.
Starting point is 00:35:16 He just ratted out everybody to the FBI just because I guess the FBI was playing dirty and was saying, hey, we're going to arrest you forever. You're never going to see your kids ever. Oh, no. And the FBI was playing dirty and was saying, hey, we're going to arrest you forever. You're never going to see your kids ever. The FBI actually admitted to it and interviewed it. That's what they used their kids against.
Starting point is 00:35:32 What were they guilty of? Hacking. Digital terrorism. They broke into some serious websites, right? Somebody said recently it's a higher form than terrorism. Cyberterrorism rated higher than That's right. I mean, that's, like somebody said recently, it's a higher form than terrorism. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Cyberterrorism rated higher than regular terrorism? Well, I have a good friend, this guy Mark Goodman. He's at Singularity University over in Silicon Valley where they look at how these emerging technologies are- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is Singularity University? Oh, hell yeah, dude. You need to go, man.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I just did their executive program here in LA. It was at Fox Studios, and it was hosted by the head of Fox, the chairman, Jim Giannopoulos. And it was the founder, Peter Diamandis and Kurzweil. They have people from all over the world, like the most interesting, smart people, diplomats, actors, technologists, business people to learn about exponentially emerging technologies
Starting point is 00:36:18 and how they can be addressed to solve humanity's grand challenges. And you know, like the homework there, everybody that comes out has to come up with an idea that can help a billion people. Because the notion is that technology and our tools now allow individuals to know what to do, what at one time could only be done by governments, you know what I'm saying? Or people with extreme resources. But yeah, Singularity University had an executive program and they had talks about all the amazing stuff
Starting point is 00:36:39 going on. But also this guy, Mark Goodman, talked about like cyberterrorism and new forms of obviously synthetic biology used in bad ways. It's a conversation that needs to be had because human beings have a good ability to foresee problems. And so we should start addressing those problems before they become a serious issue. So that we can enjoy all the fruits and benefits that are coming from these emerging technologies. But at the same time take responsibility for obviously what is a double-edged sword, as always. Or the aliens land first before we get our shit together. Right, well.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And then we got a problem. Actually, we should talk about aliens. I have a fucking crazy idea to tell you about. Okay, tell me, please. Have you guys heard of the transcension hypothesis? No, I have not. Okay, so I just found out about this last night, and it's a hypothesis by this guy called John Smart.
Starting point is 00:37:24 He's an accelerating specialist futurist over in silicon valley that's right sentient hypothesis hypothesis uh is an answer to fermi's paradox which is if the universe is so vast and there's all these other planets that have had so so much more time to develop intelligent life how come we don't see it everywhere right like that's fermi's paradox i I'm told. And the transcension hypothesis says that if you look at what's happening with technological progress as we head towards the singularity is the dematerialization and miniaturization of complexity. So like there's more energy per second per gram going through a microchip than there is in the surface of the sun.
Starting point is 00:37:59 The most complex thing in the universe that we know of right now is the human being. So complexity gets more complex, but also gets denser. So call stem right and so what is stem again tell me what it stands for uh anyway i'll remember but anyway aliens brother yeah no no but what happens is he says that eventually this exponentially growing technology and when we start talking about nanotechnology and putting intelligence into the nanoscale, then we're going to eventually create an artificial black hole and disappear into it and slingshot into the future. Because there's going to be so much density and so much complexity and so much information that eventually is going to create a rupture through space-time. And we're going to disappear into it. So we're just going to do that just by density of information?
Starting point is 00:38:39 By too many hard drives in one spot at one time? Yeah, well, because he says that the computation event works by shrinking things. And complexity gets smaller and smaller and smaller as the computer chips get faster and faster and faster and more powerful. I mean, look at the complexity that's in an iPhone today. It's a million times cheaper, a million times smaller, a thousand times more powerful than half a building in size was 40 years ago. So in 100 years, imagine the complexity that is going to be in something smaller than an atom or even scales beyond that. So when our minds, when intelligence is residing on those scales, basically they're saying that eventually we're not going to colonize outer space.
Starting point is 00:39:10 We're going to go into the inner space. We're going to go smaller and smaller and smaller in density until we literally create the ultimate universal computer, which is a black hole. Does everybody have to do this or can we opt out? It's a crazy idea. I don't know if I explained it very well. I've been saying for years that I think that people are responsible for the Big Bang.
Starting point is 00:39:29 There you go. There you go. Well, the Big Bang could have been birthed from a previous universe that eventually achieved the transcension and disappeared into a black hole. I think it's a reset button. I think that's why we're so fascinated with technology. We eventually hit a point where we figure something out and we press a button and we disappear into a black hole, which is birthed as a big bang in a new universe the whole idea of the big bang is really fucking amazing because it's amazing that
Starting point is 00:39:49 science ever would come up with a theory like the big bang it's almost like they had to have a theory so this was the best one the universe is constantly expanding yeah there's um there's some radio waves from 14 billion years ago we're detecting we believe that was a big explosion let's just run with this yeah and the idea that at one point in time 14 14 billion years ago were detecting. We believe that was a big explosion. Let's just run with this. Yeah. And the idea that at one point in time, 14 whatever billion years ago, the universe was so small. It was more than the head of a pin. Everything.
Starting point is 00:40:14 The entire universe. Yeah. That is ridiculous. Well, that is that. That's ridiculous. But that going the other direction. And I just remembered what the STEM acronym stands for. It's space, time, matter, and energy. Space, time, matter, and energy shrink.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Why isn't it STEM then? Space, time matter oh okay my bad okay yeah space time energy matter compresses compresses as technology progresses right so there's less space and less time and things are smaller and uh and less energy going through that matter and also less matter so that's the move towards density it's's like a reverse Big Bang. It's giving me a fucking headache. Yeah, it's crazy. It's really ridiculous if I was correct. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever thought this up, by the way.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Maybe you are correct. I think that when you look at nuclear bombs and just nuclear power in general, the fact that where we control most of our power in major cities is controlled by these nutty fucking nuclear explosions that they've contained. Not an explosion, but a nuclear explosions that they've contained i mean not an explosion but a nuclear reaction that they've contained in the sand if the power goes out like it goes in japan everyone's fucked you have to run everybody has to get away from then it's doomed for a hundred thousand years just that alone just that alone yeah it makes me think like wow like i know i don't have any better options no No, I don't. But this is all you guys got.
Starting point is 00:41:25 You guys, I mean, in the 1960s and 70s, this is what you figured out. You figured out how to make nuclear power that if the power goes off, it just eats right through the earth. And then everyone's fucked anywhere near it. You know, but isn't it mind-blowing what a mind, what minds can do?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Oh, it's incredible. Because when you think of the scale that we are, like how small and dense a mind is, a thinking being, the amount of synaptic connections inside of something as small as the brain is as many galaxies as there are in the universe. Like that amount of complexity
Starting point is 00:41:55 in something so small is what we are. So it's like people say, oh, we're so insignificant. I think we're like really significant. You know what I mean? Like we're the cutting edge of design that has emerged from the universe. I agree and I don't at like really significant. You know what I mean? Like we're the cutting edge of design that has emerged from the universe. I agree and I don't at the same time.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I think, yes, we're very significant if it comes to change on this earth. But the earth is just so goddamn small in the big picture. It's ridiculous to say that we're significant. We're so fucking tiny. But just the fact that we can talk about the whole universe
Starting point is 00:42:23 and literally play back the evolution of the universe in our heads, a capacity to understand events that have occurred over deep time. Not just understand it, but explain it on the internet. We're creating models on the scale of that universe. The universe that you're saying is so much bigger than we are. We're creating internal models of it inside of our heads. It's true. So we're fitting the universe in our head as far as virtual conversations about it are. That's what's fucking crazy, which means it inside of our heads. It's true. So we're fitting the universe in our head as far as virtual conversations about it are. That's what's fucking crazy,
Starting point is 00:42:48 which means it fits in our heads. The design fits in our heads. If we understand it correctly, the smartest people in the world, Einstein among them, could probably contemplate it in his head. And people who take psychedelics say that they experience the entire universe at once.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Maybe they do. Yeah, maybe they do. Maybe it's all inside a mushroom. You can see the whole thing you just got to take a nap on them yeah well because the universe expands outwards but it goes inwards too this is the scales get smaller there's an entire universe inside of us 10 trillion trillion trillion atoms and apparently the scales go smaller there's in most atoms it's just space like you ever you know when you look oh yeah somebody told me about that the other night. Most of everything is mostly empty space.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Most of us, apparently, is mostly empty space. Mostly empty space. We're just patterned integrities, man. It's bizarre, man. Just patterned integrities. It's so insane to just even try to wrap your head around how complex the whole thing really truly is, which is why people like sticking to neighborhoods
Starting point is 00:43:42 and watching the same shows. They want anything that calms down this bizarre feeling of never-ending complexity. It's impossible to understand or be in control of your universe. Well, it's frightening to live in the mystery, to live on the edge of knowledge, to live on the edge of thought. Well, there's a reason we call it the edge because it looks like there's a ravine on the other end.
Starting point is 00:44:06 But I still think, even though as individuals, some of us find that frightening and to each his own, as a collective, I think mankind is always restless and never afraid of the edge. I think mankind always pushes at the edge. And that's what makes me ultimately so optimistic about humanity. We're still here. And it's getting crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And look at the stuff that humanity is talking to itself about. Yeah, about bombing Iran. That's depressing. There's a lot of that going on too, man. It's going both ways. I do agree with you. It's a self-correcting global organism. So maybe we're just self-correcting.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I agree with you. I don't quite share in your optimism because I'm continually fascinated by the stupidity of the human race as well as the intelligence of it. I think you can't ignore that. There's a lot of dummies out there, unfortunately. Oh, totally. A big percentage of the world is a fucking mess right now. And a lot of those people have bombs. I don't know if it's a big percentage, but I just think that what is a mess gets magnified and brought to our attention.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Well, it's more than 1%, right? More than 1% of the world's a mess, I would say. Wouldn't you say? When you think about Iraq, Afghanistan, what's going on in Syria, what just happened in Libya, what's going on in Egypt, what may happen in Iran. But there's a lot of things about this that are very exciting, right? I mean, what happened in Libya and in Tunisia.
Starting point is 00:45:19 No, don't get me wrong, but I'm saying it's at least more than 1%. It's more than 1%, right? It's more than 1%, and you've got a hundred people in a room and one of them is fucking crazy i think we live in disruptive times yes yes fueled by these accelerating technologies but i think disruption it's like going through the birth canal it's like it's like you know when timothy leary says that we're about to like you know shed our skin you know we're in the larval stage we were pre-larval and then we're larval and then we're that we're about to like, you know, shed our skin, you know, we're in the larval stage. We were pre larval and then we're larval.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And then we're just, we're about to spread our wings. Potentially, potentially. That's where this conversation comes in. If some new age Hitler doesn't step into the equation. Fair enough. But,
Starting point is 00:45:58 but a good conversation to have. Yes. Oh yeah. Of course. It's amazing when you really look back at the world war two, that it was such a short amount of time ago. It's terrifying. It's hard to wrap your head around that. I'm Jewish. I know. Yeah. Yeah course It's amazing when you really look back At World War II That it was such a short amount of time ago It's terrifying It's hard to wrap your head around that
Starting point is 00:46:07 I'm Jewish I know Yeah Did you have family That was My family fled from Europe Yeah my mother's side Polish and Russian Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:15 They went to Venezuela Ari interviewed a bunch Wasn't his dad in Well I don't want to say Let's see But yeah It's incredible that that's inside That could That could be your grandparents
Starting point is 00:46:26 that could be our lifetime that's within our within our grasp while you know this chain of life is going on the holocaust was happening world war two is happening I mean the storming the beaches of Normandy that's like the most savage shit in human history you know cutting people down with machine
Starting point is 00:46:42 guns as they run through the sand I mean that is that's our lifetime, man. It's amazing. It's really, truly amazing when you stop and think about how crazy that seems. Yeah. Yeah. There was a really interesting article that I read because obviously everything you're saying is very upsetting. It was in Foreign Policy Magazine. I'll just stop talking, dude. It's cool. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, but there was an article in Foreign Policy Magazine. It was called The End of War. And it was one of those counterintuitive articles that you read it and you're like, okay, there's these interesting academics that are saying, yes, this was tragedy.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yes, there have been horrible things. Yes, these numbers, these scales are horrific. But put it into context over deeper, longer time. And what you see is that things are getting better. Less wars happening. Before, we couldn't cover every war on TV. There were too many conflict zones in the world. But he talks about how there's less and less.
Starting point is 00:47:34 It's important to get the other side. So that we don't forget. I'm sure that it's better now than it has been ever. But I think human beings as just naturally, we look at the errors and the issues that we have. And we see a lot of them that are sort of legacy that aren't corrected. And they've been going on for so long, like war.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I mean, I remember when I was a kid, I was, I don't know, maybe like, I think it was like eight or something like that when the government pulled out of Vietnam and the Vietnam War was over. And I remember thinking, like, it's good that we're done having wars because now people realize that we don't like war. No one's going to go to war anymore. I remember even as a child with the idea in my head that I was watching the culture evolve
Starting point is 00:48:18 past war. I had like a real sense, especially I think when you're a child because as you're growing and you're kind of experiencing life and it's being sort of explained to you along the way through experiences, that you start getting an idea that that's how the whole world works. That things just get better over time. Things get smarter. They improve. Because that's what you're doing. You're eight years old.
Starting point is 00:48:36 You're smarter than you were when you were five. Right. You know what I'm saying? I mean, a significant leap over who you are when you're eight. Yes. So I think that's how I viewed the world. And I remember in whatever year it was, 91 or 92 when Desert Storm. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:50 What year was that? 91, right? Maybe. I don't remember. Might even have been 89. But whatever year it was, I remember watching that happen. I remember me and my buddy Jimmy that I used to live with, my roommate, Jim Dottilio. What's up, Jim?
Starting point is 00:49:02 We were sitting in front of the TV and they were showing missiles like firing over into Baghdad. And I remember watching that going, what the fuck? And he looks at me and he goes, we're at war, buddy. We're at war. Like, well, that didn't even make sense.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Well, because it seems obsolete compared to all the great things that are happening in the world, right? The massive collaboration, the massive cooperation, people doing things increasingly for free for one another online, people coming together, people protesting against dictatorships, Twitter being used as fuel for dissent and discontent.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I mean, there's so many encouraging trends that whenever you kind of contemplate the fact that there's still bad things out there, the contrast also makes you realize, wow, there's aspects of us that are so obsolete, we need a firmware upgrade. But we're fucking, we're getting there. Singularity University is what you need to go, man.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I'm sure they love to have you. I do need to go. Yeah, we had, actually, was there. Really? Yeah, and then he did a talk and a panel. We had this company that does a buyout. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. gets to talk at the Singularity University?
Starting point is 00:50:01 Him and the head of Fox. What does he talk about? Well, because he was Talking about Using these technologies Getting hot bitches on the road The creative and good uses Of these technologies And how we need to spread These technologies
Starting point is 00:50:10 To those that are less Less lucky than we are And what not I'm sure he was talking About nice things I just have to crack jokes And we saw Two paralyzed people walk
Starting point is 00:50:18 This bionics company Who makes these Like exoskeletons I've seen those Demonstrated Two paralyzed people Standing up And walking I mean it was It was insane That's really intense I've seen that like exoskeletons. I've seen those. Demonstrated two paralyzed people standing up and walking. I mean, it was insane. That's really intense.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I've seen that. An exoskeleton is fucking nuts, man. That's like something right out of a Marvel Comics, man. Totally, right? It looks like a trailer for a movie that takes place in the future that's showing you how we got there. Like, archival footage from the future. It just totally makes sense, right? I mean, it's the future. They're going to figure out, well, they're going to figure out artificial
Starting point is 00:50:44 bodies eventually. Dude, absolutely. For sure, they're going to figure out, well, they're going to figure out artificial bodies eventually. Dude, absolutely. For sure, they're going to be able to put your head on someone else's body. Dude. On an artificial. Avatars. Well, isn't there a Wired Magazine story about the man who wants to build the real avatar? Could you imagine if they get so good at surgery that they build an artificial you and the head is open and they just have to sew it up and stuff your brain in there.
Starting point is 00:51:02 They only have like a certain amount of time where they can take your brain and reattach it. That would be interesting. They open your... Good night, Mr. Jones. Boom. Cut open your... Next thing I see, you're going to be 20 years old and invincible. They cut open your fucking brain, suck it out real quick, and they only have a couple
Starting point is 00:51:15 minutes, and then they screw it into this new brain. Turn it on. Fire up. Mr. Jones, do you hear us, Mr. Jones? Well, I think... 37 seconds. We're good. We're good.
Starting point is 00:51:23 You got a new life. There you go. Mr. Jones made the trip into think I think seven seconds. We're good. We're good. You got a new life. Mr. Jones made the trip into a synthetic body with his biological brain. Is that possible? Well, I think by the time that we can do that, we will be non-biological in the sense that we'll have far greater than human intelligence and sentience residing in decentralized non-biological substrates. Do you feel like that about the nanoscale? Do you feel like that?
Starting point is 00:51:44 I've never felt like we're going to go to other planets. We definitely are. We're going to go to Mars in less than 10 years. Elon Musk is working on this. Did you hear that? Yes. Newt Gingrich said if you let me in office by the second term, we'll have a base on the moon.
Starting point is 00:52:00 We don't need governments for that. That's the difference of where we are now. It's going to happen by private space flight. It's going to be the techno philanthropists like Elon Musk who have the vision and the resources to make it happen. And they benefit from the emerging technologies because something that the cost was impossible 20 years ago, all of a sudden it's been miniaturized,
Starting point is 00:52:18 it's infinitely more affordable. We're going to space. And then we're going to send artists into space. And that will transform the human condition. We have to decide who the artists are, because the last thing you want is shitty poetry from outer space. Well, imagine you in space analyzing it philosophically, a podcast from space, how that would influence your thoughts, your ideas.
Starting point is 00:52:36 How about we just get a green screen and put some space behind me? Maybe that will work. That would be the same. And we'll put on our NASA suits. Do you have your NASA suit, Brian? Yep, it's here. Mine's in the trunk. Very cool, man. Yeah, I don't know, man. That will work That will be the same And we'll put on our NASA suits Do you have your NASA suit Brian? Yep Mine's in the trunk Very cool man
Starting point is 00:52:48 Yeah I don't know man I don't know what the future holds But I think the Big Bang machine Might come before space travel I mean I'm just guessing The Big Bang machine Yeah They might press the Big Bang button
Starting point is 00:52:57 Before we figure out How to get to other planets I hope not man We have to at least figure out How to back ourselves up But what if you fucking fly out to Mars? What if you fly out to Mars and it's just like
Starting point is 00:53:07 the shittiest parts of Arizona? It's just like the shittiest parts of the Arizona desert and you're like, you know what? There's spots like this
Starting point is 00:53:12 that suck on America. I could have just driven there. I didn't have to fucking fly in a rocket ship to some place with no air to see a shitty
Starting point is 00:53:21 part of the universe that I could have seen in Arizona. You know those rock desert areas where there's fucking no one but rattlesnakes for a hundred thousand fucking square miles yeah dude fair enough and i think that those that go are not going to swim on mars's beautiful beaches i think they're going for the feeling that they will have when they look out that window and see another
Starting point is 00:53:47 celestial body. They're going there for the wonderlust. The awe. They're going there for the awe. That's their religious feeling. That's them getting off on God. Anybody who does that, who really, if they really do choose to give up essentially years and years of their lives
Starting point is 00:54:04 for this scientific adventure. I mean, that's what they're doing. It's going to take like six months just to get to Mars. That's a real hero. And there's going to be a lot of one-way tickets like you were saying. Oh, yeah. That's a real hero.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And who knows, by the way, what the fuck happens to your body out there in radiation and deep space. Who knows? How unhealthy it is to be in the atmosphere. And, you know, and then what are they going to do? They're going to have to do some sort of a, what is it called? When you change the atmosphere of a new planet. With terraform.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Terraform. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they would have to terraform. Yeah. So they would have to build machines that actually create oxygen. Yeah. And then hope it stays stable. Yeah, although, but you want to go a little crazier, man, a little farther into the future,
Starting point is 00:54:40 that will all be done with nanotechnology. The physicist Freeman Dyson says we'll be able to have the entire biosphere of the world decoded, the genome of the entire biosphere of everything that's living on planet Earth in something that's a few micrograms in weight
Starting point is 00:54:53 and at the nanoscale. And we'll be able to send those nanotechnology instructions to self-replicate and seed the universe. I did a whole rant about it. This is a physicist
Starting point is 00:55:02 talking about this. Like, that's the thing. It's not like some, like, you know, hippie tripping. This is a physicist who's this. Like, this is the thing. It's not like some, like, you know, hippie tripping. This is a physicist who's, you know, at one time was probably a hippie tripping and became a physicist. It makes sense when you think about how small data holding, you know, little hard drives now and what they're going to be like. I mean, they've got computers that are as small as a grain of sand now. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Quantum computing is going to be doing superposition, which means like being one and zero at the same time. Yeah, what is that? Explain to me superposition. Does anybody, do you understand it? I'm no expert, but superposition means that- Something can be in motion and still at the same time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Exist and not exist. Yes, yes. In two different places at once. Yeah, something can be a particle and a wave at the same time. And so something can be a particle and a wave at the same time. And so something can be at the same time in two different points in the universe
Starting point is 00:55:50 simultaneously and communicate. And this is not horseshit, right? This is all proven stuff. No, this is all proven stuff. At least accepted in the quantum physics community. Doesn't that make you want to toss all previous notions
Starting point is 00:56:03 about reality aside when you look at something like that and you go, toss all previous notions about reality aside? Yes. When you look at something like that and you go, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Yes. The very foundation of everything that we see, touch, feel, observe, know exists. Is illusory. What? Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:16 It's a goddamn program. Yeah. Dude, it's the fucking Matrix. Yeah. It's the Matrix. It's clearly. It really is real. The Matrix didn't go far enough.
Starting point is 00:56:23 The Matrix didn't go far enough. It didn't go far enough. But that's why the movie was so brilliant and that's why Inception was similarly on those same, there's a friend has a shirt, it has these two guys sitting in a chair and one of them says, are we just graphics on an imaginary t-shirt?
Starting point is 00:56:35 And the other guy says, that's ludicrous. But you could extend that and extrapolate that to us. Yeah. Are we just like two dudes in some virtual simulation that somebody else is playing with and then you're like, nah. And then it zooms out
Starting point is 00:56:48 and it shows like that we're playing on some screen for someone else's entertainment. Well, if you, the game was really good. Which is what's happening right now. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:55 when you're playing like a really good game of Quake, you know, when you're in the zone, man, you're not thinking, hey, I'm playing Quake. Oh, no, it's real. You're locked in there.
Starting point is 00:57:03 You're inside. You're hopping and moving. You're a part of it. We can be, it's real. You're locked in there. You're inside. You're hopping and moving. You're a part of it. We can be in multiple realities, dude. There's no doubt. We're already doing it with flat screens that are not even that immersive, and we can lose ourselves in it. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:13 So if this is artificial, it could be just so good, it feels real, which makes sense for a lot of shit. Absolutely. I've said so many times that the world feels like a piece of fiction. That the reality, when a guy like, you know i am i yelled shut the fuck up at the tv when uh that anthony wiener guy got caught with taking pictures of his dick i'm like come on man this is shitty writing this is a sitcom i'd get mad well you know what that's a movie yeah a movie about a guy that's criticizing the screenplay of life yeah starring you Starring you would be really funny.
Starting point is 00:57:47 It wasn't that I was criticizing. It was that it was like Coen Brothers-esque. Yeah. Like it was so preposterous that it seemed like all of a sudden we're in a movie. Come on. The guy named Wiener. Dude. Takes pictures of his cock. Dude, the clues.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Just throws them on the internet. The clues are everywhere, man. Row, row, row your boat. What? What does that mean? Well, the last line of row, row, row your boat. It says life is but a dream. It was but a dream.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah, but barely, barely, but a dream. They probably had to make something wrong. What is life? Not the pursuit of a dream. You,
Starting point is 00:58:14 life is not the pursuit of a dream. There's clues everywhere, man. Yeah. Or someone could have been really high when they wrote that. Yeah. That doesn't Jesus wrote that song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:22 I've written a lot of shit high that I'm embarrassed about. Yeah. Like your one joke. Yeah, yeah it's true i really did write that that's funny um so what what do we do to to sort of i mean i guess what we're doing is what you're doing right now i mean what we're doing what we can do as we're creating memes yeah and we what we can do is retweet things that resonate with us absolutely talk about things that well we can do is retweet things that resonate with us. Absolutely. Talk about things that resonate with us. Well, every time you retweet something, 600,000 minds are... Potentially, yeah. Potentially.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Potentially. Fair enough. But 600,000 is a very big number. It's huge. So even if only 10, if the tweet that you sent out triggers a butterfly effect in his thought that opens up a whole new stream of possibilities for that person that will that's real transformation yeah so it's natural selection playing out at a faster and faster rate because things are happening so you're creating artful change in the world using the power of
Starting point is 00:59:15 your mind yeah somebody listening to this might invent might invent you know some new poem that becomes the campaign for some brand that you know world. Like I said, the butterfly effect. But we're talking on scales and numbers where that's possible. I've seen the engaged, inspired audience interface with you. I've seen it. So it's kind of amazing.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Well, they're responding to you too, man. They're responding to your ideas and you're passionate about it. And one of the cool things about having a podcast is someone right now could be anywhere doing some tedious work around the house or whatever. Right. And they were in a certain state of mind.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And the conversations, the topics that you brought up and the way we've explored these topics, all of a sudden their mind is fucking racing. Right. You know, and that is a real cool thing. That is a really cool thing that we can do something like that. That to me is one of the most satisfying aspects of this, that you can entertain someone and engage them and literally put them on a little bit of a mental journey where they start thinking about these different
Starting point is 01:00:14 subjects. Yeah. Absolutely. You start thinking about nanotechnology and you start exploring it and seeing how bizarre it is. Some of the references that you use, you go and look them up and go, Holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:21 So many people ask for book recommendations after our session. Oh yeah. I'm sure. So many. Yeah. I recommendations after our session. Oh yeah I'm sure. Like so many. Yeah I've got to eventually like make like a thing on my website like my favorite books you know
Starting point is 01:00:30 those favorite documentaries. There's a documentary thread on the message board but I need to make that popular. I'm such a big fan of Joseph Campbell and the sort of monomyth
Starting point is 01:00:40 and the hero's journey but like see think of the hero's journey we think so literally so we're like, obviously a geographical journey. Like if you go on a safari
Starting point is 01:00:48 and you climb Kilimanjaro, you will go through all the steps, a departure from the ordinary, overcoming obstacles, having a catharsis and realization and making the return. But we need to apply that metaphor internally. This podcast session
Starting point is 01:01:00 is a Joseph Campbell-esque hero's journey. Person puts on the headphones and it's a departure. Who's the prince and who's the princess? No. I just want to know. We don't need. We're going-esque hero's journey. A person puts on the headphones and it's a departure. Who's the prince and who's the princess? No. I just want to know. We don't need. We're going on a hero's journey. No, but think this is the hero's journey.
Starting point is 01:01:11 It follows the steps. It's a departure from the ordinary. We're partaking in conversations that are maybe not your everyday conversations. We're overcoming obstacles in the sense that we're challenging preconceived truths and questioning ourselves and asking difficult questions and thinking new thoughts. So that's the obstacles. And then we're transcending and overcoming the resistance that we have to change into new ways of thinking. And then we're having, hopefully, the catharsis. Hopefully, sometime during this journey, we have a moment of profound realization that changes us both and somebody listening to forever. And then we make the return,
Starting point is 01:01:39 which is to say, I love that. I want to share that with my community. I'm going to tweet it. I'm going to Facebook it. So if you apply that metaphor of the hero's journey, you try to make parts of your life significant hero's journey. I'm going to wake up in the morning. I'm going to be like, today, I'm going to depart from the ordinary. I'm going to put myself in uncomfortable situations. I'm going to transcend those boundaries. I'm going to have a new realization.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I want this day to mean something and then make the return. Right. But what if that day you got like a bunch of shit you need to get done? You listen to this podcast. I don't want to depart from the ordinary. Because it can happen in your brain too. Right. I'm going gonna read this book tonight I'm gonna you know
Starting point is 01:02:07 Check out this interesting documentary It is definitely good One hour a day is enough To expose yourself To different things Absolutely That's why I really get Into finding Bigfoot
Starting point is 01:02:14 I've been watching that A lot lately Brian No That's probably It's one of the things I have Isn't that just a waste Of time for you though
Starting point is 01:02:21 Fuck yeah it's a waste of time But I'm trying to write Some new material I'm doing my special. By the way, it's confirmed. It's going to be happening in Atlanta on April 20th at the Tabernacle Theater. And most of the tickets are sold out for the first show,
Starting point is 01:02:33 but we're going to do a second show. So we'll have the first show, I think, is at 8. The second show will be 10.30. And the second show tickets will go on sale sometime this week, probably today's Monday, sometime probably Wednesday, I would guess. And it'll be me and Joey Diaz and Duncan Trussell.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Holla! And I'll be recording my new comedy special and releasing it Louis C.K. style on the internet for five bucks. That's brilliant. Dude, brilliant.
Starting point is 01:02:57 That's who you gotta call too. You gotta call it Louis C.K. style. And you're gonna be in New York too at some point, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna be in New York. I'm gonna be there.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Are you gonna be there? Let's link up. Yeah, what day is that? I'm gonna be there all of April, man at some point, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm going to be there. Are you going to be there? Let's link up. Yeah, what day is that? I'm going to be there all of April, man. Oh, you are? Okay, cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, I should tell you this because this is really cool.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I'll be there May 5th. May 5th. May 4th. Okay, so let's link up. Okay. But actually, next week, man, I'm heading up to, or this week, at the end of this week, I'm heading up to the Bay Area because on the 20th, I'm speaking at Stanford Design School and showing some of my crazy ecstatic videos. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And then on the 27th, March 27th, I'm speaking at Google. I was invited to speak there. Yeah, I'm going to show some of the videos. And then on March 28th, I'm going to be speaking at the Economist Ideas Festival on innovation at Berkeley. Wow. It's going to be sick. All about showing the videos. It's about talking about inspiration, creativity,
Starting point is 01:03:47 new ways of packaging and disseminating ideas. Then I go to New York, and on March 30th, I'm speaking at the PSFK conference in Battery Park. And instead of making people memorize this stuff, because most of them won't, what is your website? Where is this all? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Yeah. If you go to Yes, but the best thing, honestly, is Twitter. Twitter. At Yeah. If you go to Yes. But the best thing, honestly, is Twitter. Twitter. At Jason underscore Silva. S-I-L-V-A.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Yeah, and if you can't find it, it's on mine, talking about this podcast. Yeah, that way I keep people updated on all the talks. And then April 20th, the National Arts Club in New York City. Damn. I'm going to be speaking as well. That's amazing. And this is all because of your videos that you produce for the internet. Which are's amazing. And this is all because of your videos that you produce for the internet, which are really amazing.
Starting point is 01:04:25 And if you Google Jason Silva Vimeo, there's a whole page with a gang of them on. And Vimeo is a nice high quality visual too. Yeah, I love Vimeo, man. They're amazing.
Starting point is 01:04:34 It's very high quality. Like you can go full screen with it on a large screen. It looks great. They get it. And the design, it's made for like artists. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Yeah, Vimeo is awesome. We put all of our podcasts up on Vimeo. We also put a video blog up. We put that on Vimeo is awesome we put all of our podcasts up on Vimeo we also put a video blog up and put that on Vimeo as well but yeah I think that's incredible man that you've getting all this was work just from those videos popping up on the internet yeah how did you get started in this man would you yeah what is your background as far as like education yeah man well I grew up in Venezuela and I went to international school and of course after Venezuela I was in film
Starting point is 01:05:04 school and I did current TV which was Al Gore's TV channel for like the last five years but it was really when I left last year that I wanted to do my own content did you ever get massages with Al no we didn't go to a hotel no no got really baked and did now get have some massage problems I don't know but um yeah the short videos were just I wanted to like apply in principle what I was believing intellectually. Like I wanted to make content that was mimetic because I believe we live in a world where short form content disseminated through the internet can infect people, can transform minds. We don't need the sort of the old gatekeepers, so to speak. Everybody's empowered.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And so the reason short videos are easier to consume through small devices and this and that, and you don't ask people for too much of their time. That's a big thing. Well, until you've won them over like you. easier to consume through small devices and this and that. And you don't ask people for too much of their time. You know, I see. That's a big thing. Well, until you've won them over like you and then people, I know that people love to listen to you for a long time. Like they love the podcast. Cause what most people do is they listen to it while they're doing other
Starting point is 01:05:55 stuff. That's the best way to do it. That's brilliant. Yeah. That's brilliant. Well, that's, it's a real genre,
Starting point is 01:05:59 you know, that hasn't really been addressed before. Yeah. I love coming here with you because it gives me a chance to talk about these ideas in a space in which is bigger and people are listening to it. But, you know, for my situation to initially get the word out about the videos,
Starting point is 01:06:13 it just worked to do them really short. But what I think people respond to them is whether or not they're into the ideas of exponential growth and technology and transforming the human condition, people are into the idea that inspiration needs to be reinvented. How we package and disseminate big ideas needs to be re-examined because we have a new substrate the internet is a new substrate when we invented the printing
Starting point is 01:06:34 press we came up with the format of the book and there was like rules and parameters and this is how it works best television we came up with the sitcom film we came up with the length of time that a film should be before people get restless in the theater and so on and so forth and i think on the internet we're still figuring it out. Yeah, what are the parameters of work? What are the lengths of videos that we look at the statistics and get the information and find out how long people pay attention to? stuff and this is that and And so I'm just trying to I get excited when I find long-form documentaries available on like Google video and YouTube So yeah, but not a lot of people people don't do it yet on their screens. We're going to have that more
Starting point is 01:07:06 when we have the merger of TV and the web. Apple TV. Because then you're on the couch watching TV, watching web content and it's a different experience. It's not just a small screen.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Right. When the screens merge, I think we'll have that. Do you think that's entirely going to happen? You don't think that it'll be still have the separation of computer and television? No, I think software is going to eat the world.
Starting point is 01:07:27 That was a great article that I read. So do you think that like networks, like NBC, maybe that's like legacy, it's all going to like be like VHS tape someday? Yeah. I think we're going to be interfacing. I think the Apple TV thing is coming is my feeling. And that is going to make everything intuitive.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I read an article yesterday from Nick Bilton from the Times where he was saying that he gets anxious when he looks at his cable and TV box because there's so many buttons and it's so complicated and he doesn't know what input is connected to what this and most of the stuff he doesn't want to watch and there's so many over. And he says that he looks at his iPad and everything's so neat
Starting point is 01:08:01 and he can press what he wants and get what he wants in real time. And we're moving in that direction. I mean, if you guys checked out HBO Go, it's really cool. Yeah. I mean, on your computer,
Starting point is 01:08:09 watch anything, anytime, on demand, if you're an HBO subscriber. Wow. Like a premium, beautiful experience. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:08:16 I think that's the future. That's beautiful. And another thing that's the future, which is, it's still clunky today and I can't believe it's still clunky.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Like, the other day, I wanted to find a show on a channel and I'm like, I don't know what the channel is. I have a thousand numbers. So I'm like going through each channel, like God,
Starting point is 01:08:31 where, where the fuck is this channel? You know, it should be a search. No, it's just going to be Siri. It's going to be, it's going to be a turn to the cartoon network,
Starting point is 01:08:38 you know, and that's all it's going to be. And then we're, the remote control alone is just such, it's like looking at an old pay phone. Yeah, when the UFC moved to Fuel TV, when they were having some fights on Fuel TV, I had to find Fuel TV.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Took forever, right? Good fucking luck, man. Yeah. Good luck. It sucks. Yeah. It's like 618 on DirecTV. And especially when you have like HD channels now too.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Like half the time you're watching, you're not even watching the HD channel and you're like, oh shit, how long have I been watching this? Yeah. There's so many channels now, man. It's amazing. That's why I think the Apple TV when it does get released, I think that's just
Starting point is 01:09:10 going to change everything. I think everything's going to be a la carte. I think, you know, yeah, NBC's going to be around, but they're going to be like any other channel. It's going to be like, you know, your channel. People like shows, though. They like Lost. They like things that are going to be produced by a production company that you might not be able to replicate the home user,
Starting point is 01:09:31 even with incredible software and computers. I think people will always want the premium experience, and they're willing to pay for the premium experience. I don't care to pay $20 to see an IMAX 3D film in a theater and be completely immersed in an experience like that. Did you like Avatar? I thought it was beautiful. Did you feel any Avatar depression
Starting point is 01:09:48 once you left? You know, I think that's fascinating. Don't you think? I love it. That idea. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 01:09:54 there's a great book called The Art of Immersion by Frank Rose who used to be at Wired who says that the future of immersive storytelling and an example is Avatar
Starting point is 01:10:04 is such an immersive 3D experience, and he says, we all long to go back to Pandora, even though we've never really been there. We miss something that wasn't really real, but then again, everything is not really real, right? Because it's all an illusion. But more and more, dude, immersive experiences like that, yes. We're going to get sad when we fall out of the game
Starting point is 01:10:22 or out of the movie or out of the virtual space because it's increasingly becoming more interesting than reality. If people got Avatar depression, really they got depression that they weren't one of those blue things. Because you wouldn't want to be living in Avatar if you were a human. You're just a little fucking
Starting point is 01:10:37 bitch of an animal. I think it was just so pretty. That got jacked left and right. Yeah, but humans didn't even have a chance in the Avatar world. You can't have Avatar depression. You essentially have depression about your species. You want to be one of the Na'vi. Well, you want to be larger than life. But that can be a...
Starting point is 01:10:53 Well, you want to live that lifestyle that they're living, the love and honor. When I was little, I used to get Indiana Jones depression. When Indiana Jones ended, I used to get sad. I wanted to dig for treasure in my backyard, and I wanted to have my life to be as fun as Indiana Jones's. I remember that feeling as a kid. I really remember leaving films
Starting point is 01:11:10 and wanting the luster and the awe to sort of come home with me. Usually, you buy the beat at Betamax and you watch it. The idea of Avatar, though, was that the culture of Avatar was missing everything that we're missing. Or rather, the culture of Avatar, the culture of the culture of Avatar was missing everything that we're missing. Or rather, that the culture of Avatar, the culture of the Na'vi had everything that we're missing.
Starting point is 01:11:31 That our lost society, that our materialistic, ridiculous society where we're not taking responsibility for our own actions. We all act collectively as a gigantic group or corporation, that this tribal life, this tribal life where all these people were forced to toe their own weight and celebrated and loved each other. Yeah, but that trial, that tribal life that supposedly was so advanced, I mean, they still had hierarchical systems. There was still an angry boss
Starting point is 01:11:58 that told everybody else what to do. There were still warriors. They didn't really transcend our savagery. But they're happier than secretaries. Do you see what I'm saying? There's an interesting thing that Kurzweil had mentioned that he thought. It was really interesting that you use the world's greatest technology to bring our imaginings into being to make that movie
Starting point is 01:12:18 to then criticize technology in the movie. So you use the most powerful computers and digital tools to realize that dream into screen. And then you tell a story inside of that technologically mediated reality. You tell a story about how bad technology is and how we should all go live in the forest again. Not really.
Starting point is 01:12:36 What they told a story about was about greed and about the willingness to fuck over cultures and kill entities just to get that crazy mineral. But a lot of people came out of that and said it was an indictment of technology. What was the mineral? Impossibranium or something like that? That was some stupid fucking name.
Starting point is 01:12:52 It was like, what was it called, Brian? I don't know. I saw the movie once. Obtainium? Inobtainium? Like impossible to obtain? Something along those lines? Like, oh, you silly goose.
Starting point is 01:13:03 There's a great term called computranium that I recently learned and i think it's when we leverage all the matter in the universe or in the galaxy into computation so all the atoms we put computation into everything and it becomes a computronium well i'm not sure if i'm explaining it correctly but yeah this idea that uh civilization will eventually get advanced that it can leverage all the matter in the universe and put computation into it, harness all the matter and energy in the universe. What does that even mean?
Starting point is 01:13:31 Could you use that to get you to work? It means everything will have computation in it. Well, you know how there's, you know, our computers are built of materials and we put computation into those ever-denser materials. So we could put computation into the stars? Yeah, that's, yeah. How the fuck would you do that?
Starting point is 01:13:46 I'm not a physicist, but this is stuff that you can find physical articles that speculate about the future and how a society will cross a scale and then it will harness the energy of its star and put computation into matter and terraform other worlds. And yeah, I mean, it's...
Starting point is 01:14:00 I mean, but dude, we already do it inside of computers. I mean, computation and complexity inside of a microchip the only other thing as complex is the brain you know what I find fascinating
Starting point is 01:14:09 nothing else in the universe has that complexity I find fascinating when I go back to like some 1980s and 1990s science fiction movies I like watching
Starting point is 01:14:17 like what they thought a computer was gonna be like like the movie Alien I watched that again the other day one of my all time favorite movies an amazing movie
Starting point is 01:14:24 and still holds up as far as suspense. You must be excited about Prometheus, though. Oh, fuck yeah. Oh, man. I saw the 3D trailer in a theater. Anything Ridley Scott comes up with, I'm down for. It's going to be genius. The first Alien movie is one of my all-time favorite movies.
Starting point is 01:14:37 But, God, the computer looks so fucking wonky and shit. Yeah. And it was fascinating that when you look at some of when you look at, like, some of these older movies, they'll be like, they'll take place in 2017. And it's like nothing looks anything like today. Everything's super futuristic, flying cars and shit. Like, when was Blade Runner supposed to be taking place in? How far in the future was it?
Starting point is 01:15:00 That's a good question. I don't think it was that far. Dude, you should be close to what... what you would see some of the little flying robots that they showed at ted this year i saw some of those 2019 choreographed choreographed flying little helicopters that could do a dance and go around obstacles and objects and those going to have hd cameras and they can map rooms the google self-driving cars, 200,000 miles they've driven with zero accidents. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:15:26 A million people a year die in road accidents, okay? A million people a year. When we switch over to those self-driving cars, which we already know after 200,000 miles, no accidents,
Starting point is 01:15:34 they're only going to get better. That's, I mean, it's coming. So that's what cars are going to be. Of course. Self-driving cars. Just like airplanes, man. But then you never- Humans are too unreliable.
Starting point is 01:15:42 You'd never be able to go sideways or on a corner. You can do it in a sport track. You'd have to go to a track. Yeah. It'll be a sport, but not in a place where you can hit a pedestrian or hurt somebody else. Of course. But that's coming, man.
Starting point is 01:15:55 It's amazing. Those Google guys, they're geniuses. Yeah. No one saw them coming. I mean, if there was a Skynet and Skynet wanted to sneak up on society and just sort of integrate itself completely. I mean, it is Google. Isn't there like a website?
Starting point is 01:16:09 Google is or something like that? Yeah, but I think at this point, their ambition of don't be evil is holding so true. I love Google. Don't get me wrong. But I'm saying it's amazing with Google Maps, Google fucking voicemail, and Google Gmail. All free.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Jesus Christ. All free. Jesus Christ. All free. Yeah, it's incredible. There's a whole book about how everything is dematerializing and it's becoming for free. We used to have a camera, but now a camera doesn't exist because it's inside your phone. You used to have like a notebook to write things down. That disappeared because now it's all on your phone. Which, by the way.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Everything is dematerializing and going into your devices. Have you seen this new device that's just come out? There's a new droid that came out this the samsung journal oh have you seen this thing dude it's fucking five inches yeah it's huge it's the biggest one ever it's like a cross between a tablet and an iphone right it's amazing yeah beautiful i bet the battery lasts about 35 seconds totally on full brightness you got about a half a minute. That's pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy that the new iPad 3 has the same battery life, but yet the screen's HD.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Oh, yeah. That's exponential growth right there. Yeah. The battery life on those iPads is amazing. They sold out their first batch already, dude. The demand is unprecedented, dude. It's pretty shocking how long you can watch
Starting point is 01:17:27 a movie on those things. You watch three, four movies and you look at it, it's not even halfway choosed with the battery. I can't wait for the iMind. You think they're already working on the iMind?
Starting point is 01:17:35 What is that? It'll be like a synthetic mind. I don't trust them. I can't wait for the iCar. They need to make cars. Oh, yeah, iCar. They need to make a car. Well, they'll do their counterparts
Starting point is 01:17:43 of Google's self-driving Android cars and then Apple needs its iCar. Jesus, yeah. They need to make a car. Well, they'll do their counterparts of Google's self-driving Android cars and then Apple needs its iCar. Jesus, how long before we see self-driving cars on the street? Very soon. I think very soon. Because Google already has them
Starting point is 01:17:53 driving in California and there's been over 200,000 miles. They're driving in California right now? Oh, yeah. You could be rear-ended by a fucking machine? Well, there's been zero accidents in 200,000 miles.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Do you want to be the first one, son? They map. They map three-dimensional maps of what's in front of them. Dude, it's insane. They can see. Like, they can see, and they can notice people walking, and they'll adjust accordingly. It's insane. You know what freaks me out, man?
Starting point is 01:18:15 Insane. We got onto this through the idea of robotics and flying drones. Yeah. What freaks me out is those things that walk that have, 10, 15 legs and you kick them and they adjust. Yeah, that one that looks like a dog, dude, that you immediately
Starting point is 01:18:29 sympathize with. What the fuck is that thing, man? That's incredible. You should have seen the TED Talk. The head of DARPA gave a TED Talk, dude. She was the most poised,
Starting point is 01:18:36 elegant, articulate, attractive woman, dude. Isn't that the people from Lost? DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Project. DARPA, I know. Yeah, I know, DARPA.
Starting point is 01:18:44 She was amazing. She was talking about dreaming the impossible. She actually reminded me of Jodie Foster's character in Contact. Whoa. She's really like elegant, poised, articulate. You actually felt comforted to know that somebody that intelligent seeming is like running DARPA. And her TED Talk was unbelievable. What did she talk about?
Starting point is 01:18:58 She was talking about dreaming the impossible and we have to challenge what is in order to dream about what could be. And she's speaking on behalf of the agency that has invented a lot of stuff so it's kind of amazing what have they invented i don't know but a lot of stuff that we take today cutting edge stuff are you sure pretty sure if you don't know how can you be sure because if you read about darpa all the time they do the advanced secret research project wow i wonder what they're working on she showed a hypersonic plane we We still never got to aliens. We didn't get to aliens. No, you took me on a crazy journey.
Starting point is 01:19:31 I took you about transcension, why we could never see them. Fermi's paradox. So you don't think we'll ever see them? Only when we build our own black hole and go into it, then we'll meet them at the end of time. Whoa. Because it slingshots you into the future. It's impossible that they could just be roaming through this universe in galactic spaceships.
Starting point is 01:19:44 No, because if they did that, that would influence our evolution. So it's not possible that they could just be like roaming through this universe in galactic spaceships. No, because if they did that, that would influence our evolution. Us discovering them and being influenced by their technology would be influencing our ultimate evolution. It would create a butterfly effect. And the thing that John Smart says is they wouldn't want to do that because that would be akin to incest. To influencing us in some way and then changing how we unfold. Devil's advocate. This is through our understanding of genetics, right?
Starting point is 01:20:07 It's not through theirs. And if they're a thousand or a million years more advanced than us, maybe they know a lot more about how to work that shit. Right, and maybe that's why he says they're not involved. It's not that they would think of it as incest at all, but they've completely gone past the idea of gender. And replication by means of sexuality is just what we have to do to make one step from the primate form but they wouldn't want us to replicate their technology alien large
Starting point is 01:20:29 almond shaped eye form right they wouldn't want us to replicate their technology says who i mean well maybe maybe there's a some sort of thing that will lead to the most diversity and if we're not influenced by them they'll be more diversity because we'll get there ourselves it's just well the idea anyway that's what he says. The idea that people really love to share when it comes to wacky alien theories
Starting point is 01:20:49 is that aliens have genetically engineered human beings in the first place. Well, that, I mean, you can't unprove that, so that's very possible. That's a problem, right? You can't unprove
Starting point is 01:20:57 leprechauns, bro. You know? No, no, no. Why can science... Yeah, that's the thing. That's the dog thing. We're watching this. So amazing.
Starting point is 01:21:05 The nuttiest thing about this, this weird-looking robot thing is that it moves. It has sort of like an insect-like leg set up. But if you kick it, it adjusts, and it doesn't fall down. Yeah, look at it adjusting to the sand and the water. Yeah, totally, dude. It's walking on the beach. Yeah, and if that thing starts saying hi to you
Starting point is 01:21:22 and smiling and drooling, you would totally fall in love with it. You know what I'm seeing? Put that thing on one more second. You know what I'm saying? I'm seeing that thing storm out of the back of a giant battleship and missiles flying off of it. That's what I think. I think if they make one of those fucking things, they make it descend over to countries.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Could you imagine a whole army of these motherfuckers heading into your town shooting missiles? I'm imagining them as pets for people who are lonely rocket launchers on that bitch it's always a double edged sword i have to admit it's always a double edged sword but look what if people start riding them what do people start riding them they become the new horses they will become the new horses they'll be our little pets look it's wagging its tail it's wagging its tail oh don't you feel bad for it when he kicks it you feel bad so human like yeah but think of how quickly you feel bad for it when he kicks it? You feel bad for it? So human-like. Yeah, but think of how quickly you feel bad for it. I do, but what's amazing is this thing adjusted.
Starting point is 01:22:09 And it seems to be adjusting. The movements seem organic. Yeah, totally. You know what I'm saying? Totally. We're going to have one of those, and we're going to ride them like a goat down the side of a mountain. That's what it's going to be. You know those crazy goats?
Starting point is 01:22:24 They're incredibly strong, and they can climb up the side of mountains. We'll ride these. They never complain. They're what it's going to be. Like, you know, those crazy goats that can, they're incredibly strong and they can like climb up the side of mountains. Well, right. They never complain. They're not goats, right? They're sheep, right? Yeah, they never get tired.
Starting point is 01:22:31 They don't have ache. Yeah, but then they probably run on solar power too. Yeah. Eventually, solar power is going to get to a point where it can power everything, right?
Starting point is 01:22:39 Of course, dude. We get 10,000 times more energy from the sun than we need. This fucking thing's slow as shit going up and down. We just need to get better ways of capturing that energy. I'd be pissed. If I was riding this stupid thing right now, I'd be like, come on, bitch.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Free energy. That's what the sun gives us, free energy. It's too heavy, Brian? Yeah, for that, you know, how it's going. Oh, wow. It's making it through snow. That is incredible. It's walking through snow.
Starting point is 01:23:01 And there's a bunch of different designs of them, too. I've seen other ones that have many more legs. Wow, that's crazy looking. This thing's dancing around. Robotics, man. Robotics is going to be such a huge... Well, robotics and AI. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Artificially intelligent robots. Jesus Christ. Look at that. The down to the bare skeleton of the thing. This is incredible stuff, folks. I know we're just talking right now, unfortunately, for a lot of you folks that are listening to this on iTunes. Which do they Google, Brian, for a lot of you folks that are listening to this on iTunes. Just Google.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Which do they Google, Brian, so they can watch this? This is Boston Dynamics, but it's just a new big dog robot. New big dog robot video. And it looks like a spider when you're looking. Really, it's a must. And it's the one that has 700 plus thousand hits on it. It's a must see. You need to know.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Amazing. Yeah. I mean, what does the future hold that we're not prepared for? What is the next step? You know, I mean, the internet, I think, caught most people by surprise. Yeah. Well, we're in for some... Is that a robot dog?
Starting point is 01:23:54 Yeah. Oh, my God. Brian just put on a robot dog, and this thing is moving around like an animated dog. This is insane. The thing is, there was a guy at TED that showed his... Oh my God, that's insane. That dog's insane. Sorry, is the guy at TED?
Starting point is 01:24:10 No, no, no. There's going to be more of those kinds of robots and the more that they interface with us and they look cute, we'll start... It doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:24:18 if they're conscious or not. Right. Once they cross a certain kind of perceptual barrier that we have and they seem real, we'll start to interface with them as if they are real. Well, they're going to be our friends just like your dog.
Starting point is 01:24:28 You know, when you come home and have a conversation with my dog. It doesn't matter if it understands you or not. It's just about the feedback. Exactly. And we'll have the same thing with robots, dude. Yeah, as long as we can get past the idea that something that's metal and wires and, you know, that that thing can't have some sort of a soul. Yeah. Because you're interacting with it. You know, if you're interacting with it, as long as it doesn't get needy. some sort of a soul yeah because you're interacting
Starting point is 01:24:45 with it you know if you're interacting with it as long as you plant a soul in it what if your fucking computer gets needy it might well maybe you might want it to get needy because it'll make you feel like you're you're important to someone maybe that's a part of like what it's like to have a robot fuck doll that a robot fucked all the really good ones like they're really dangerous like this bitch might burn your house down. You can't fuck other girls. She's going to be the best, hottest robot fucked all ever. The robots will give you whatever you want. And that's the only way to make it hot.
Starting point is 01:25:14 The only way to make it hot. She has to be super jealous. She can't just let you treat her like shit. I mean, why aren't you sharing your location services with me? She becomes a robot, an angry, psycho, jealous robot. And that's the hottest sex you can get. And so that's why everybody just accepts it. You'll be able to get whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:25:33 The robots are going to be... They'll be Asian robot fuck dolls. Don't ask no questions. Just take care of business, son. Right? They'll always be the exotic Asian robot fuck dolls. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:25:46 there's interesting, we keep talking about all these exotic, all this exotic technology and it sounds. I think we were talking about Asians. We're talking about girls, bro.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It sounds hallucinatory. Yes. Even though it's very quickly emerging. Yeah. And it just takes you back to that whole thing about computers
Starting point is 01:26:02 as the modern version of the psychedelic. I just want to say if you're an Asian girl I'm just joking around. These are just jokes. I just throw things out there. I don't mean anything by them.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Okay. But what do you think of that? Like to tell Timothy Leary you know computers are the LSD of the 90s. Like people took drugs and they're like
Starting point is 01:26:18 we can expand our minds and now computers expand our minds. Well right. That relationship is very fascinating to me. It's absolutely fascinating. Well right now just think this what's this interface that's happening right now. relationship is very fascinating to me. It's absolutely fascinating. Well, right now, just think this interface that's happening right now.
Starting point is 01:26:28 This is all live. Right now, only 2,000 people are synced up live with us, but eventually this feeling of this conversation and these ideas explored are going to branch out to about a half a million people. So half a million minds are hearing our thoughts. Yeah, and out of that half a million, who knows how many people are going to just, you know, I read this Tony Robbins thing once
Starting point is 01:26:52 where he talked about Tony Robbins actually very positive. You know, a lot of people think that Tony Robbins is full of shit because he's kind of like made a lot of money off. Oh, no, I think he's brilliant. He's got a lot of very, very good points. And one of them was to change your life, to make huge changes, all you need is a small change in the direction. And over time, that small change will lead you so far apart
Starting point is 01:27:12 of where your initial direction was going. It's absolutely true. And the idea is that if you have two cars in two parallel lines and one of them just takes a slight turn to the right and they keep driving straight, the one that's a slight turn to the right is going to be, you know, 100 miles from now, is going to be way the fuck away from that other one. Totally.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And that's sometimes really how you have to look at it. Yeah. We especially, I mean, I'm a super impatient person. I want things now. Me too, man. Even when I go to the supermarket, I'm like, you bitches don't have any grass-fed beef, seriously? Right, right.
Starting point is 01:27:39 But, I mean, like, how preposterous is it that I think that I can just go to a place and they've killed an animal for me, raised it on grass only, killed an animal. And there's plenty of meat. I can feed my family. I can stay alive from this food here. But you're complaining because they didn't get the shipment of organic meat that day. Well, think about it. You just don't have no grass-fed beef?
Starting point is 01:27:59 What the fuck? Well, what about when you're having a Skype conversation with somebody on the other side of the planet? And you're just, like, taking for granted that you can see their face, that they can see yours. You're talking in real time for free, and then all of a sudden it might freeze. You're like, oh, goddammit, it's freezing. Why is this freaking computer freezing? But think about what you were just enjoying two seconds before, and you totally take it for granted. We assimilate, man.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Hedonic adaptation. Yeah, that is what it is. It is adaptation. You know, it's amazing though that we have this urge and this push to make things bigger,
Starting point is 01:28:33 faster, quicker. And that urge and push is also responsible for one of the reasons why people get accustomed to things and want more. Yeah, and you used to quote,
Starting point is 01:28:42 you quoted McKenna and you talked about how something about the astonishment, to not give in to the astonishment. Do and you used to quote, you quoted McKenna, and you talked about how, something about the astonishment, do not give in to the astonishment. Yes, do not give in to astonishment. Do not give in to it, but definitely seek it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Because I think most people. Well, he's talking about DMT though. Yeah. But the truth in DMT, I mean, we should be able to see. You ever had a DMT experience? I have not. But don't you think that,
Starting point is 01:28:59 for example, it's astonishing that you can do this podcast and reach half a million minds. And very rarely does one marvel at the astonishment of the things that occur every day that are miraculous. How many hundreds of thousands of aircrafts are flying through the air right now, communicating with one another, flying safely, individuals to other parts of the world. We don't experience that astonishment. I don't wake up in astonishment. We should. Yeah, you're absolutely right. I mean, if you had pulled someone out of the caveman era
Starting point is 01:29:25 and put him in modern society, it would be just as psychedelic as a lot of peyote trips. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It'd be so bizarre and outside of what you conceived of
Starting point is 01:29:37 just seconds ago as being possible. Right. You know, you take someone from, you know, a thousand years ago, 500 years ago, a blip in time
Starting point is 01:29:43 means nothing to the universe. And then put him in today or put him in a movie theater, make him watch Harry Potter and shit his pants. Right. Shit his pants. Can you imagine what a guy would do if he saw a fucking dragon, one of those Harry Potter dragons, blowing fire out, flying through the fire. He would just dive on the ground screaming in horror.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Right. And that is so amazing. It's amazing. And the fact that that is, we wake up in the morning, we don't think about that because that just is. We're on to the next thing. Yeah. It's incredible. We're done and on to the next thing to be looking forward to or to be complaining about.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Yeah. And maybe that's the part of our evolutionary makeup that makes us always probe the boundaries of the adjacent possible and always want to keep pushing because maybe if we were in astonishment of all we've done, we wouldn't keep progressing. We're obsessed with innovation. Human beings are obsessed with innovation. I mean,
Starting point is 01:30:29 you know, every year, sports cars get faster. You know, we're getting to a point right now where like regular cars are doing like racetrack numbers. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:30:39 it's insane. Even though we have speed limits, even though we have that, like we still push the performance to its limits. I'm fascinated by sports cars just because I'm fascinated by extreme engineering. And I'm fascinated by the idea that there's a bunch of people out there that are trying to get something that handles faster, has better geometry, moves better, sticks. And the newest Porsche 911 goes around the track as fast as the 996 Cup car.
Starting point is 01:31:07 track as fast as the 996 cup car so the the nurburg ring which is like this really twisty turny track in germany yeah a really high-end sports car can go around it today at about seven minutes 30 seconds seven minutes 40 seconds that's like a 911 you know like a real high-end car that's what race cars would do just a decade earlier right so it's getting to this crazy point where regular modern street cars are like like fucking cup cars so and how much faster do you need these fucking things like you know the bugatti veyron they have a bugatti veyron it's like a thousand fucking horsepower but we do it just to do it, man. That's crazy. Just to see how much complexity we can pack into it, how much performance
Starting point is 01:31:48 we can get out of it. It's like modern jet engines, dude. Yeah. Operate at half the temperature of the surface of the sun. The core of a modern jet engine. I mean, it's insane, okay? It spins at 500 miles per...
Starting point is 01:32:00 I mean, I don't remember the speed, but jet engines are really feats of engineering. I mean, it's dazzling the speed, but jet engines are really feats of engineering. I mean, it's dazzling. I mean, you know, everyone's scared of flying. Jesus Christ, there's 30,000 flights a day
Starting point is 01:32:09 and nothing happens. It's incredible. It's so safe. It's amazing. It's so safe. Yeah, but the way you go is so terrifying. Just slamming into
Starting point is 01:32:17 the fucking rainforest. Well, that's why I love Virgin America so much, dude, because they got brand new planes. They really rock. Yeah? Brand new, state-of-the-art fleet. Well, that's why I love Virgin America so much, dude, because they got brand new planes. They really rock. Yeah? Brand new, state-of-the-art fleet. Well, because most other airlines in this country,
Starting point is 01:32:31 countries have fleets that are 20 to 25 to 30 years old. Dude, you're scaring the fuck out of me right now. I need to go on Virgin Airlines. Listen, that doesn't make them any less safe. These planes are still certified and well-maintained. Nonetheless, on Virgin America, you're getting a brand new fleet of shiny, state-of-the-art aircraft.
Starting point is 01:32:49 With the best of everything with internet. No, you're not getting a brand new pilot. You say, dude, we're ready. No, but it's nice. The year is 2012. You want to fly on an airplane that was manufactured in the last year or two or three.
Starting point is 01:33:00 It just makes you feel better when they're shiny. There's less stress fractures. Yeah, it is kind of an interesting thing about air technology is that we essentially have the same technology. It's really one of the only industries that has the same technology. The same general principles, but the engines are far more reliable and far more advanced than they were before.
Starting point is 01:33:16 When did they start getting much better? Oh, well, the same Moore's Law that applies in computers. I mean, the engineering of a modern jet engine in the computers. But aren't a lot of these jets from like the 1970s and 1980s? Well, no, they make revisions that are pretty much like entire new models. iPhone 1s still work.
Starting point is 01:33:31 They change the engines and shit? They change everything. Yeah, iPhone 1 will work as long as you don't update the software. Right. Right? But it's kind of interesting, though.
Starting point is 01:33:38 It's more fun to go on the new ones. They have far more technology in them. Yeah. Absolutely. You know that robot dog? You know what that's going to be in the future? What?
Starting point is 01:33:44 Check the screen out right here. How crazy is this? Somebody posted this on your message board, but hold on. Episode two, Attack of the Clones. No, no, no. Here we go. Oh, my God. Is that real?
Starting point is 01:33:55 Oh, that augmented reality placed in there or what? Yeah, yeah. But they're at-ats, you know, from Star Wars. Those robot dogs are the exact same thing as an at-at. Right. No, dude, you're totally right. right I mean it looks exactly the same oh so what is that that's just they added that yeah somebody just put a funny video together there was a yeah well that's that's amazing you're totally right yeah
Starting point is 01:34:15 that's exactly what it is yeah that's Brian stupid fucking cat clock how dare you oh is that the cat clock yeah that's the uh the famous cat clock he likes cats he likes things to meow um yeah future of medicine man are you excited about that yeah well i'm excited about the idea of keeping people alive long enough to figure out some really crazy shit oh yeah the idea of people staying long enough to overpopulate the planet kind of freaks me out, though. Yeah, well, I think that most people cluster around only like 3% of the surface of the world, which is city-states, like big cities.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Yeah. The world is still mostly empty space. By the water, right? And it's mostly water. And technology is more like a resource-liberating mechanism because scarcity is just contextual. Things are only scarce until you create technology that makes them into things that are abundant. People talk about water wars, but the minute they... So you're not worried at all about overpopulation?
Starting point is 01:35:09 No, man, not at all. In fact, the more developed and educated people become and in developed nations, the rate of having children goes down significantly. McKenna has... The best cure against overpopulation is to educate and empower people and put more technology into their hands.
Starting point is 01:35:23 But also, like desalinization, for example. Once we perfect that technology, this is called a blue planet. It's a water planet. It's mostly water. It just needs to be converted. Do they have anything right now that can do the widespread? Israel has a lot of desalinization plans. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 01:35:39 They just got to get more advanced, just like solar panels. It's just exponential growth. Once they hit the tipping point where it's actually cheaper to use those technologies and to do it the other way then it becomes it'll become the main thing wow but you knowization yeah but you need to create you need to create incentivize you need to incentivize people to innovate and we're such cunts though we'll probably dry out the fucking ocean we'll probably pull all the water out of the ocean no i don't think we were can you imagine can you imagine though if we're so greedy we use up all the water out of the ocean. No, I don't think we were. Can you imagine? Can you imagine, though, if we're so greedy, we use up all the water in the ocean?
Starting point is 01:36:07 I mean, nobody predicted that we would have polluted the ocean the way we have in just 100 years. I mean, we've done an incredible job of fucking up the ocean. Nanotechnology will create synthetic biology, algae that eats the plastic, and we'll, yes.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Where's the evidence of that ever having taken place in the past? When have we ever fixed anything? There's an XPRIZE contest that the XPRIZE is doing to come up to something with plastics. The technology to clean up oil spills or something like that. Yeah, like bacteria that eats plastic. Something like that.
Starting point is 01:36:33 What it is, they create incentive by offering these prizes, like $10 million prizes. And teams around the world will spend $100 million to win a $10 million prize because of the prestige and because of the legacy. Isn't that where Swamp Thing came from? For what? Swamp Thing. Remember the that where Swamp Thing came from? For what? Swamp Thing. Remember the Marvel Comics Swamp Thing? From a contest?
Starting point is 01:36:49 No, no. From some porn, some biological shit to eat up some, maybe I'm inventing that. Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's another comic book hero.
Starting point is 01:36:55 But, you know, for example, the X Prize, they were the ones that did the $10 million X Prize for space. Yeah. Which became Virgin Galactic.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Well, they have one now to create a device that's the size of like an iPhone called a tricorderactic Well they have one now To create a device That's the size of Like an iPhone Called a tricorder $10 million So you can make a device That you can spit on
Starting point is 01:37:10 Or you can put your blood on And it will diagnose you With the equivalent Of 10 certified doctors With greater accuracy Than 10 certified doctors I swear to God This is their new contest
Starting point is 01:37:20 This is their net $10 million prize That they just put out Tricorder XPrize. Is it possible to do that? Of course it's going to be possible. I mean, they already have things that you can put on your iPhone that you can spit on that will measure and analyze your fluids.
Starting point is 01:37:33 Yeah. Really? Yeah, they already have that. You spit on your iPhone and it gives you information. Well, the thing that you attach to it. Yeah. What's it called? I have no idea, but people can Google spitting on your iPhone medical device.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Wow, I never heard of that. That's amazing. That stuff is going to get a lot faster because now that biology is becoming information, biology is an information technology, we're going to see the same progress. Well, it is so cool when you have contests for good along those lines, like with XPRIZE
Starting point is 01:37:56 and the fact that they would come up with something along that. Yeah, they're brilliant. Yeah, and I mean, I would love to believe you. I'd love to believe that someone's going to eventually figure out a way to get rid of that giant patch of garbage that's in the Pacific Ocean. We shall. Yeah, we shall. That's a big issue, huh?
Starting point is 01:38:10 Yeah. Well, people talk about that a lot. They're very concerned. Although it's not actually like the size of a country as people would. I think it's the size of Texas. I don't think it actually is physically the size of Texas. Well, I think that they're so small. No, I think the you know how it is. It's all caught in the current. There's like a of Texas Really? Well I think that they're so small No I think the
Starting point is 01:38:25 You know how it is It's all caught in the current There's like a vortex Really? And that's where all the garbage piles up And all the garbage Let's I'll look at it right now
Starting point is 01:38:33 Okay Let me Google this real quick Cool Powerful Google Pacific Ocean Garbage patch Pacific Ocean oh it's fucking huge holy shit
Starting point is 01:38:52 wow although many media and advocacy reports have suggested that the patch extends over an area larger than the continental U.S., recent research sponsored by the National Science Foundation suggests that the affected area may be twice the size of Hawaii. Wow. Wow. That's fucking big.
Starting point is 01:39:18 But that's not the size of Texas. I'm pretty confident that we will create nanotechnology that will literally eat up the garbage that's how we'll fix it but then when it runs out of garbage then it'll be hungry and then it'll become a swamp thing and it doesn't want to die man it doesn't want to die and that's how
Starting point is 01:39:37 isn't that like the premise to a lot of comic book monsters it's a double edged sword fuck that is we better come up with a way to kill those things before we feed them plastic. Well, yes. Look, it's important to look at all the possible uses of technology for good and for bad. That's why the conversation needs to be had, though.
Starting point is 01:39:54 Let me ask you this. Because the progress is not stopping. I think if we paint beautiful pictures of how things could be, we inspire the people to make sure that that's what we actualize. Absolutely. I completely agree with you.
Starting point is 01:40:04 And I think the way you're doing it in videos and online is really cool. It's very positive. Thanks, buddy. Well, the way you're doing it is amazing. But my question to you is, what if we saw kangaroos evolving? What if we saw kangaroos, they had found some flower, there was a psychedelic flower, they started eating it, and kangaroos started building houses and whittling weapons and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:40:23 We saw some kangaroos welding. We saw some welding. would we allow that shit i think we go in and kick the kangaroos asses and go get the fuck out of here with your armor we might we might we might make other animals smarter who knows do you think so we might give them but then we'd be battling for resources i think we would just jack no because no we don't even want iran to have nuclear power what if the kangaroos came up with the nukes before i ran what if kangaroos just started fucking being really super smart man yeah well but but i don't think that the resources will be an issue because we'll be harnessing the saturn energy from the whole galaxy there's an infinity of reasons you say that but what if an
Starting point is 01:40:59 asteroid lands in australia right near where the kangaroos are and some spores from this asteroid contain a never before seen mushroom that rapidly accelerates evolution and within like a hundred years they surpass us
Starting point is 01:41:13 and then kangaroos are smarter than us. What do you do then Brian? What if? What are you going to do? You go with your fucking cat clock. I'll create a time machine
Starting point is 01:41:21 and take the words what if out of the dictionary. Well then I'm going to take a time machine and take the word like out, and you won't ever be able to say anything. Whatever. Whatever, bitch. Listen, I believe that you are absolutely convinced
Starting point is 01:41:34 that someone's going to come up with this. I just don't know if I agree with you. I see it happening, man. You see this? Our brains. What is the current plans to fix this now? To fix which? The garbage patch that we're talking about? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:46 Well, they're talking about creating some kind of like algae or bacteria that eats the plastic. I think one of the big guys of synthetic biology is Craig Venter, who also spoke at the Singularity University thing. And he was seeing in terms of the future of fuels and the future of like cleaning up like chemicals and absolutely going to be using synthetic biology wow yeah because we can program life to do whatever we want you know so we can it's like you know just like we can use language to describe anything we can just author instructions you know and here you have software that writes its own hardware see that's the thing about programmable life unlike computers you write the code the code manufactures its own like phenotype right right life the genes determine its physical attributes so the software writes its own hardware
Starting point is 01:42:34 into existence that's what's really exciting about like synthetic biology and programmable life especially if you give synthetic like if you give some artificial intelligence access to 3d computers and 3D printers. Oh, dude. Absolutely. Oh, my God. Things are going to get crazy. Unlimited intelligence. Unlimited intelligence that replicates itself.
Starting point is 01:42:51 And 3D printers. But just the concept of 3D printers, having it aware of, oh, now I can improve upon this design of 3D printers. With trillions of time more RAM than our brain. Yeah, and instantaneously. Well, you know what Henry Miller said. One year is like 10,000 years of progress. And we need to believe that it's coming, man. Henry Miller said,
Starting point is 01:43:09 the day that men cease to believe that they will one day become gods, then they will surely become worms. Wow. That was Henry Miller. So he says, believe. Mankind, you know, going from ape to Superman, you know, smack in the middle, in a trajectory
Starting point is 01:43:26 between the born and the made. That's where we are, man. Yeah, we're in this weird stage. We're in the middle. Yeah, this weird stage where we're sort of conscious and we're aware. We're also animalistic and jealous and weird and savage. Horny. We're gonna turn ourselves into
Starting point is 01:43:41 the most beautiful artwork we've ever made, man. You really think so? I definitely think so. Or the the aliens land first or the aliens land first so you don't believe that societies ever get to the point where they travel from one place to another land and affect things that doesn't no i think that they do but the transcension hypothesis says that by the time maybe they reach the edge of the solar system or the edge of the galaxy at that point all the density goes back and it goes inwards into the nanoscale so it's kind of like we the complexity kind of goes into itself and goes and makes a black hole and disappears from the visible universe is it possible that people should look up the transcension hypothesis because it'll probably explain much better than i can but
Starting point is 01:44:17 isn't it possible that what you're dealing with is something that's here all the time but it's in another dimension is it possible hyper dimension string theory yeah i mean that is addressed in that article yeah so yeah so you could even go back to mckenna and say oh so when mckenna talks about hyper dimensional beings and then well the transcension hypothesis says essentially our minds yes will break through the visible universe into other dimensions it's like crazy stuff except it's like written by an academic scholar. Wow. Yeah. So no aliens and flying saucers, just landing. Yeah, that's what he says. He says, well, yeah, we'll go to other planets,
Starting point is 01:44:52 but that's early stage stuff. Going to other planets over the next 50 years, that's early stage. So if we ever get invaded, we're essentially being invaded by young punks. The really high level aliens wouldn't bother invading us. Right, right. Totally. Every time we do that, the microphone picks it up.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Sorry, man. It's fine. It's good. But, you know, someone's going to be upset. I'm sensitive because people always complain. I used to chew gum. Can't chew gum on the mic anymore. People are like, dude, you're fucking sipping.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Can't sip drinks. If you get up here and go, people get mad. I guess what you got to think of is that's the reason why we put headphones on. We could easily do this conversation. But if you were in the gym right now, you would hear that. Sorry, gym guys. No, please. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Sorry, everybody. Just wanted to keep everybody happy. This is all incredible stuff. And I guess it all could come true and come to fruition as long as we don't fuck it up or as long as some gigantic natural disaster doesn't happen as well right yes do you take any do you ever take any care or in consideration well yeah i mean that's super volcanoes shit like that i think look we have to be paying attention and we have to be cautious and we have to be you know vigilant as we transition towards what promises
Starting point is 01:46:01 to be the most exciting time in human history. I mean, we're already living in the most exciting time in human history, but let's not lose focus. You know, like let's address the grand challenges of humanity. We've never had such tools with which to do so. And I think it's like an opportunity for us to pull our mental cognitive surpluses together and fix shit. Yeah, absolutely. Do you think we'll ever get to the point where we can avoid asteroids?
Starting point is 01:46:26 Sure. You think so? Yeah. Shoot them down. Yeah, we'll get to that point. Shoot them down, you think? Shoot them down with lasers. A single laser would blow it up.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Everything is turning into Star Wars. Yeah. You really think the enemy will do that, though? I mean, some asteroids are miles wide. We already have lasers that are pretty powerful. I mean... Send nuclear weapons to them like in the movie Sunshine. Well, no, the issue with that is actually that it makes it worse
Starting point is 01:46:48 because what happens is instead of one big impact, you have hundreds of thousands of impacts. Little ones. Well, they're not even little. You know, you don't need anything that big to make that giant crater in Nevada. You know, it's one of the weird things about all planets. I mean, every planet we find is littered with impacts.
Starting point is 01:47:03 You know, we live in a very volatile solar system. Well, we've been inhabiting the Goldilocks space for the Goldilocks amount of time. We've just been very, very lucky. Like I said, we've been talking about this. All of our progress, man, is a blink of a blink of a blink of a blink of a blink in terms of cosmic time. So it's not that we've... I mean, we're lucky, yeah, but it hasn't been that much time that has passed. We're lucky to have a couple million years in the inevitability of getting hit.
Starting point is 01:47:25 It's coming. That's why we've got to progress so that we can thwart that. Well, they just found very recent evidence of an impact, a big one, about 13,000 years ago. And what's really fascinating about that is all the ancient history theorists all point to that point in time as one being the end of the Ice Age, like around around that time the end of the Pleistocene and also also that's when a lot of people point to the the possibility of like an ancient civilization like Egypt falling apart and then rebuilding in the same area sure you know when they when they hypothesize that something went wrong it's always around 10,000 12,000 13,000 somewhere around there like you know cycles yeah well the idea is that, you know, human life on this planet, like the reason why there's the myth of Atlantis and the myth of, you know, Noah and the Ark and the Epic of Gilgamesh is that there's all these giant disasters just that frequently hit, you know.
Starting point is 01:48:17 And, you know, if something hit us today and wiped out. We're wired to look for danger, man. That's the only way we survive. So cautionary tales embedded in our culture are just alarm systems. Sure. And it's kind of a race. I mean, it's kind of a race between technology, awareness, progress, and the ability to at least predict and prepare slightly for natural disasters.
Starting point is 01:48:40 But some of them, like caldera volcanoes and things along those lines, this is nothing you can do, man. It's just nothing you can do. When it goes, it goes. Unless you can figure out a way to throw some ice cubes on the lava. Maybe. Keep it from fucking blowing sky high. Nanotechnology is the only way I think that could be addressed.
Starting point is 01:48:58 That really is the craziest technology. I mean, self-replicating things on a nanoscale. So do you think that you'd be able to throw those into the lava and they would somehow another problem everybody the fuck yeah yeah change the structure of the molecular structure of the lava i don't know if that fucking freezes up the planet turns us into another ice age jesus christ jayson jayson selva what are you doing the butterfly effect issue is always yeah it is right we don't know yeah well no we'll have supercomputers that can map out every possible possibility
Starting point is 01:49:27 trillions of times more than we can map out different scenarios in our heads. So those AIs will be able to pick the best scenario. They'll make
Starting point is 01:49:33 mathematical projections and they'll be like, okay, there's a billion and one probabilities of this is the best one, let's do it. You spend so much time
Starting point is 01:49:40 thinking about the future and thinking about all these possibilities. Is it possible that when you do these possibilities is it is it possible that when you do this or is it uh difficult when you do this not to or not to ignore the present is it hard to you know is it like is it like a sort of a normal thing to sort of ignore the present where you're concentrating entirely on what the human race is going to accomplish and what well i think that you know how they say that i didn't just phrase that very well but you know no no no
Starting point is 01:50:03 i think you know how they we always talk about how human beings need a purpose. And a purpose by its very nature implies a reason to look forward. Right. So we can't help but look to the future. It's what we do. So your purpose is to create a purpose and to put the idea of purpose into people's heads. What gives me a sense of purpose is a collective feeling that like wow humanity has this unique opportunity to sort of map its road beautifully and we all have a way of participating in that
Starting point is 01:50:32 and what a wonderful sense of collective purpose it's just it's more interesting to me than like oh well my purpose is to become you know or get this job or do this thing it's like yeah i want to get this job and do this thing just like everybody else because i want to survive but i'm in the mood for cosmic purpose, cosmic significance. You're a cosmic dick slinger. Did I say that? It's the same reason that religion always appealed to people, for the same reason that man can live for a few weeks without food,
Starting point is 01:50:58 a few days without water, but not for a second without hope. It's just the human condition. The minute we lose hope, we commit suicide. Not the minute. Sometimes you can really suffer for years before you pull the plug. But when you lose complete hope, you might not even wait around. If you're waiting around, it's because you have a little bit of thinking that things might turn around. So I think it's important. I think it's important to look forward. I think it's huge. I think it's the only thing that propels our progress anyway, because if we were in a stupefied lull staying in the present,
Starting point is 01:51:28 we wouldn't do anything. Yeah, of course. What do you see happening in your lifetime? I mean, we are right now in 2012. This is supposed to be, if you're paying attention to time wave zero novelty theory, this is supposed to be when the shit hits the fan. You know what I found recently? I've've talked about this recently but i wanted to bring it up with you because i know you're a mckenna fan as well he uh altered the end date to coincide
Starting point is 01:51:52 with the end date of the mayan calendar yeah maybe he was uh of the people that believe that by creating a social movement around these ideas you more quickly actualize those ideas people were so upset at me for bringing this up but somebody posted it on my message board and then I went and read and apparently his initial calculations was November, November of 2012. And then he moved it to December? Moved it to December 21st, which is the end date of the long count. But then somebody brought up the other day, there was like an internet meme going around
Starting point is 01:52:20 where, you know, calculate leap years. Did the Mayans calculate leap years? Because if they didn't, you know,, this shit all happened 700 years ago. Yeah, I mean, the specifics, I have no idea what the science is. But I think what's interesting is that if you create a viral swell 10 times the scale of the Joseph Kony video
Starting point is 01:52:38 with some beautifully produced message about how mankind is using technology to create a global brain and address the problems of humanity. And it's seen by a billion people by December on YouTube. Then the idea becomes reality because this is what we've been talking about. You know, ideas are just as real as the neurons that they inhabit. So that's what's crazy. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Well, Kony video, we talked about this, but I remember when it hit Twitter,
Starting point is 01:53:08 when I saw it starting to appear in my timeline, I started thinking, wow, what's going to happen here? This seems like a very orchestrated campaign. And the idea to make a terrible person very famous so that he's a target. More vilified, more, yeah. What a genius idea. And that really is just target. More vilified, more, yeah. What a genius idea. Genius.
Starting point is 01:53:25 And that really is just sort of tapping into potential, tapping into, which no one else has done before. No one else has ever done that about a terrible person. Yeah. No, no, it's very, yeah. It's interesting. It's so interesting. It's brilliant.
Starting point is 01:53:38 And just the use of media and understanding its power and applying it for savvy social impact. What are the criticisms of this Kony video? Because I know there's a few. The criticism, I think, has to do specifically with the nonprofit operations details. But look, again, that's a whole other conversation. We're not experts and we don't know the facts. But I think what's interesting is what they've made with the video
Starting point is 01:53:59 and what that video means about the future of how messages get spread. We're seeing, we all realize we all know where we were when the coney video hit yeah it's one of those things where it's like something has changed here and we're all aware that okay this is this is a new paradigm and within a week it's a paradigm shift not even a paradigm shift you know what's really fascinating is obama the obama campaign is releasing this is where they're so social media brilliant savvy they understand aesthetics in that campaign they had the director of an inconvenient truth is about to release a documentary so like a well-made film about obama and that's going to be part of their campaign media materials so instead of like
Starting point is 01:54:37 an ad like a normal attack ad like the other guys are doing these guys are releasing a film made by a talented filmmaker i mean the brilliance of that. And that's probably going to go ridiculously viral. That's the best campaign video you could have ever done. When is that going to come out? I don't know the dates, but people should Google the Unua Obama. They just released a trailer. I wonder if it's going to be free or like Louis C.K.
Starting point is 01:54:57 I wonder if it's going to be like a Kim Kardashian reality TV show where you know that they've created artificial scenarios to move the plot along. Yeah, like Obama's. All right, Obama, we got you at a car wash now. Obama's like, Mexican food? I don't want Mexican food. Now you're going to be washing the car. Could you imagine if they actually did it?
Starting point is 01:55:13 They produce it like a reality show? Yeah. Would that be the most ridiculous shit ever? I haven't seen it. I wonder what it's going to be. Something tells me it's going to be a well-made film with beautiful music. Well, it'd be nice to see him talk outside of that fake sort of I'm giving a speech voice. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:55:28 It should be like a documentary that followed him and you get the behind the scenes. Well, the fake I'm giving a speech voice is very disturbing because it's too smooth. It's not real. It's too polished. It's not, you know, I know it's prepared and beaten down. I don't want that out of a leader. You know, what I want out of a leader is I want I want to know that this is you who this is you this isn't I'm being a strip club DJ this isn't I'm the a.m. morning
Starting point is 01:55:53 guy on the zoo coming up next the same fucking voice when you hear a man give a speech and then you know there's that way of talking that is so goddamn fake it should be illegal. They should be able to stop you from making campaigns and speeches and stop you and go, you can't talk like that. It'll be interesting to see how it comes across. And speaking of politicians, did you see the HBO movie about game change? What is it?
Starting point is 01:56:20 What's game change? It's about the McCain. Oh, about Sarah Palin? Yeah, when he picked his running name. I can't watch any more Sarah Palin stuff. Well, Julianne Moore was so good in it, dude. She's pretty hot. She looks just like her. Yeah, but the film is so upsetting.
Starting point is 01:56:34 Really? Well, because it shows you the theater of what a lot of politics has become. And also how obsolete it is. How accurate is it? How accurate is the conversations? I mean, it's all been doctored up for fucking dramatic effect. I don't know. You need to see it, man.
Starting point is 01:56:47 I think you still get the message. You still get the idea of the reasons that she was put there and her lack of experience. Well, that became painfully obvious immediately. But here it's presented in the way it would be like a film scholar explaining something to you. Well, to me, it just illustrates how wonky the system is. Right. That could even be an option. How could that be an option?
Starting point is 01:57:11 Exactly. How can it be an option to get that lady? Why do we as a society would allow something like that? Well, you know, it's what I've always said is the real problem is there's really fucking dumb people out there, a lot of them, and they get to vote too. And the problem with dumb people is they don't know they're dumb so when they see someone like sarah palin who may not be the smartest person in the world but she's way smarter than them they can't distinguish between her and stephen hawkins when neil tyson speaks he sounds just as brilliant as sarah palin because they're both way out of
Starting point is 01:57:41 their fucking league most people can barely string together a sentence. And so these are the people that cling to her because she represents simplicity. She represents good old-fashioned things and hunting and family and God. There's a safe danger with her. She's dangerous, but she's also familiar. So maybe that's why. But, like, fuck, I feel like today, man, if you have access to the Internet, you have no excuse not to be on Khan Academy. You have no excuse not to be watching TED Talks.
Starting point is 01:58:08 You have no excuse not to saturate your brain with knowledge. Like, it's not like there's no books around. Like, every book that's ever been written is an internet click away. And I feel like ignorance is inexcusable these days if you have an internet connection. So it's kind of like, I don't know. It feels like, you know, the tools are there, but it's kind of like uh i don't know like it feels like you know the tools are there but it's up to us how we use them it's going back to the same message and i think people really they need to need to get on this right they need to get on this
Starting point is 01:58:33 the representative government idea has got to go that's that's not necessary anymore we can all instantly communicate with the you know the government we can instantly decide what what we agree with oh yeah we can we can have our voices heard already the idea that we have senators and congressmen and you know they're they're in this position where they get to vote for their districts shut the fuck up that's a ridiculous idea that's not even that that's not see everybody looks at it at democracy as if like you get a say you get to vote but you don't get a say in shit you get a say in who you pick who gets you in a position.
Starting point is 01:59:06 Democracy needs to come online, man. The whole thing needs to become online. 100% needs to be revamped. They need to throw out all representation. The internet needs to vote on new constitutional amendments. Absolutely. And there should be people who have jobs. But those jobs are to carry out the will of the people. Not to represent the people.
Starting point is 01:59:22 The people can represent themselves now. When is somebody going to make a Joseph Kony style video about legalizing marijuana? And if people say, click here and play this to say yes. And if it gets a billion views, they'll have to legalize it. You can already see. Just Google the union, man. Go watch the movie The Union. The business behind getting high.
Starting point is 01:59:39 It's a documentary that I was involved in that my friend Adam Scorgi produced. It was like four or five years ago at least that we did this. It's one of the best documentaries on the reality behind the illegalization of marijuana and the reality behind how big of a business it is and how many fucking people use it. Dude, I have members in my family that benefit from its medicinal use and they benefit immensely. It's been like a miracle for my aunt well it's it's one of those plants one of those substances one of those elements of our culture and society that if you were again if you were looking at life as a work of fiction if life was a movie
Starting point is 02:00:16 and there was some plant in the movie that was incredibly beneficial not just to the culture not just to instilling a sense of camaraderie in people, not just for making you inquisitive, a turbocharger for your imagination, making sex feel better, not just all of these things. But then it creates a superior fiber that you can make clothes out of that's way more durable than cotton. It makes a much more superior paper, and you can put it in an area, and in four months it can be ready to process,
Starting point is 02:00:44 whereas it takes fucking years to grow trees in the same area. Plus it outproduces the trees in the same acreage by something like four to one. I mean, it's amazing. It has the amino acids that you can live off of. You can use it to make fuel. You can make hemp oil. It becomes preposterous. Preposterous.
Starting point is 02:01:01 But imagine a video that's slickly produced like the Coney video that gets a billion views. Well, let's do it. Let's do it. You and me, dude. Ten minutes. It's your specialty. We'll pump it up on Twitter. Should I hear about what?
Starting point is 02:01:13 There's a new bill in California, a DUI bill, that they're going to make it zero tolerance DUI if you have any weed in your system or any marijuana. And marijuana usually stays in your system days. Six weeks. How could they do that? That's like punishing you for being drunk two days ago. So it would pretty much make anyone that smokes weed... Well, that's silly.
Starting point is 02:01:31 They'd have to get a urine test from you. You wouldn't be able to blow it. That's what they would be allowed to do if they pulled you over. Oh, that's so ridiculous. You know, the real problem with that is the science is not the same. Marijuana does not treat people or it doesn't affect people the same way that alcohol does, period. I'm not saying you should go out and get high and drive around, but I'm saying some people can drive high and they're fine, and that is a fact.
Starting point is 02:01:54 You might not want to address it because it seems like it's a taboo subject and people want to dance around it. It is not getting drunk. Getting drunk is something that really severely impairs your ability to operate machines, your ability to walk, your coordination. They're very different things. Very, very, very different.
Starting point is 02:02:10 And still, it's not a good idea to be in any altered state of consciousness while you're responsible for other people's lives. No, that's why we get the self-driving cars. That's why the Google self-driving cars are so perfectly.
Starting point is 02:02:18 So you can be baked as fuck in your Google car. Just your Google car can be cheesing chong to the max. Yes. Completely filled with smoke. So they open up those side going doors. Why not? Google self-driving cars. And everybody gets a contact high. Yes. Google car Yes Just your Google car Could be cheesing chong to the max Yes Completely filled with smoke Yes So they open up those side going doors
Starting point is 02:02:26 Why not Google self-driving cars And everybody gets a contact high Yes And it'll be the self-driving car It's perfectly safe The computer doesn't get high Dude you're a Google fanboy
Starting point is 02:02:35 A little bit right I'm kind of a fan of anybody Who's pushing the boundaries Of the possible dude Of course Yes I'm a Google fanboy Yes
Starting point is 02:02:43 I'm Lycos all the way whoa bro i'm netflix netflix or no no no courage net zero net what was the other one net no god damn it netscape that's your browser remember netscape yeah netscape search you should do an internet search yeah there was like a search part of it i think does that make sense i thought it was always a browser i didn't know well there was a What were the earliest search engines before Google? There wasn't the first. There was... No, the search engines.
Starting point is 02:03:08 Web crawler. Alta Vista. I remember Alta Vista. I remember Alta Vista. Hot Bot. Hot Bot, I don't remember. Lycos. I remember Lycos.
Starting point is 02:03:16 So how did those go away? And how did Google just storm the beach? They out-innovated, man. Is that what it is? Out-innovated is like natural selection. It's like winning. It's like winning the game. Microsoft is trying so hard with this whole Bing thing.
Starting point is 02:03:28 First of all, why Bing? What does that mean? What are you saying? That's Google. Bing. It's not bad. It's probably the second best one. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 02:03:37 But why Bing? Why call it Bing? Why is it Google? Why is Google? Because a Google is a number, dude. It's a very cool number, actually. I didn't know that until recently. It's like a term for like... It's a very cool number, actually. I didn't know that until recently. It's like a term for like...
Starting point is 02:03:46 It's a gigantic... Quatillion. Yeah, it's like a million zeros or some shit. Well, let's find out what it is. What is a Google here? Because we should inform people. What's a Googler? It comes from another term.
Starting point is 02:03:57 I don't believe that the word is Google. It's an abbreviation of a term. Yeah, Google. It's G-O-O-G-O-L. Yeah. And... It is... Holy shit. How many? abbreviation of a term yeah google it's g-o-o-g-o-l yeah and it is holy shit how many oh my god 100 zeros it is the wow a google is the large number 10 to 100 that is the digit one followed by 100 zeros what a great way to make a statement about the depth and breadth of your capabilities by using a number like that. It's kind of beautiful.
Starting point is 02:04:27 And how perfect. Yeah, exactly. What a perfect description. It's perfect. For Google? That is Google, man. Google voicemail, Google fucking maps, Google, Jesus. That's why I'm so excited to speak there.
Starting point is 02:04:38 Yeah, what are you going to talk about? I'm going to talk about creativity. I'm going to talk about innovation. I'm going to talk about inspiration and awe. I'm going to talk about using. I'm going to talk about inspiration and awe. I'm going to talk about using technology to render the impossible into existence and I'm going to show some of the videos. Actually, my friend,
Starting point is 02:04:52 Josh Kaplan, actually, who set this up, is a huge fan of your show. Oh, that's awesome, man. He loves your podcast. What's up, Josh? Yes, he's the man. What? What? And he set up the invite to Google. Oh, that's amazing, man. That's incredible.
Starting point is 02:05:09 You know, Google is known as being one of those companies that really treats their employees well. Yeah, that's what I hear. We got an invite a couple years ago when we were in San Francisco. Maybe a year ago, someone from Google emailed me, but I lost it in the shuffle. My email gets clogged sometimes, and I just can't find anybody. Because you get a lot of crazy. You must get a lot of emails in general, huh? Yeah, but the one thing that I was fascinated by, I wanted to see what it was like in there.
Starting point is 02:05:31 Because I've always thought like, man, why can't someone make a company where they treat their employees well? Like how much more does it cost to give them really good food, take care of them? It might cost like a little more, but wouldn't make the atmosphere way better and make everybody appreciate it. Yeah. I mean, that's like one of the most important things is that the environment be positive totally nobody wants to work around someone who doesn't want to work there they also understand that creativity and productivity comes from allowing people to have distractions yes so it's like they have ping pong tables and beanbag and all these things
Starting point is 02:05:58 because you know and some people might criticize oh it's just a playground actually no it probably makes the employees much more creative you're creating spaces in which the free association and their synapses can fire and yes it's that's creativity is about that and i'm sure they're you know they're judged or at least uh evaluated based on their productivity it's not like they're not going to be productive exactly in the wall i got this job tom just played ping pong all day they're not the type of people that would do that in the first place right so it becomes a resource rather than a distraction and a distraction as a resource. And these are the post-industrial revolution companies.
Starting point is 02:06:29 And these are the most admired companies in the world. You have Apple. You have Google. And people are looking to these companies as examples of how to run businesses, how to have social impact, how to make legacies, how to not be evil. And they stood out against SOPA. This is the new model of corporations that are going to be judged upon. So all these new entrepreneurs now coming online,
Starting point is 02:06:47 they're getting inspired from these companies. They're like, I want to be the next Google and change the world. It's not I want to make the next Google and be rich. It's I want to change the world. Now, what happens with Google Video and stuff? Because I know they came out against SOPA and the Stop Online Piracy Act.
Starting point is 02:07:00 That all fell apart, and they're trying to come up with a new strategy, a new act. Well, I think trying to come up with a new strategy, a new act. Well, I think we need to all have a new conversation about content ownership in a world in which everybody has the tools to make mixtapes. Yeah, but what about Google videos and stuff like that? What if someone has a documentary and that documentary is for sale, but you go to Google Video and there it is and you can just watch it for free? No, you do what Radiohead did, which is where they can just watch it for free. What is, No, you do what Radiohead did which is where they put their album online for free
Starting point is 02:07:27 and they said donate money if you would like to pay for this music. So you think that that's how people who want to sell DVDs should deal with the fact that people are stealing their shit? They're going to have to ask for donations? Well, no,
Starting point is 02:07:40 but I think that we're just, it's an environment in which more, because what happens is everybody's going to be making content for free anyway. And the content for free is going to be just as good as the content you charge for. And I think people will pay because they appreciate your content. But I think it's going to be harder and harder to like impose payment on it. Well, how would someone like, let's say for an example, say if there's a documentary on
Starting point is 02:08:00 crocodiles. Okay. I told you about it. Oh my God, it's crazy. You got to watch this. Now you go to Google video and you find this documentary on crocodiles how the fuck are you gonna find the production company the website you're gonna search it out are you gonna go google the name of it and then you're saying you were just watching the website watch it on youtube yeah I mean if you
Starting point is 02:08:15 really wanted to they had it set up where you could you know where you could donate if you like on their website yeah well no they can sue they can do a YouTube channel that's supported by ads. And if lots of people watch the movie, they'll get money from the ads that they have on their page. And then in the description, they can say, we're putting this movie online for free
Starting point is 02:08:33 because we want to share the ideas, but we're asking for donations of $5 of you. And I'm sure that a lot of people would give it. A lot of people would. A lot of people wouldn't as well, though. So do you feel like that is... And then there's The other argument Is the people that
Starting point is 02:08:46 Wouldn't as well I kind of see their point of view Because they would say Listen I would have never bought this In the first place So I'm not taking anything Away from them
Starting point is 02:08:53 I downloaded it Because it was free Because I knew I could watch it And I didn't like it So I'm glad they didn't Get my money When you see a bad movie Don't you want to get
Starting point is 02:09:00 Your money back Yes I mean there's I can see that argument As well you know It is a weird thing When it's ones and zeros and it's just being distributed through the Internet. It's a weird conversation.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Because things only have a price because of scarcity. Right. You can't charge for something because it's a rare commodity. No. Things have a price because there's no scarcity in artwork. I mean, you're not... No, but in your unique work is yours unique. So people pay for it because it's only you did something that's unique to you. not... No, but in your unique work is yours unique. So people pay for it
Starting point is 02:09:25 because it's only you did something that's unique to you. And if you have an audience, people will pay for that. That's what I'm saying. But I think that increasingly... But you're compensating them for their efforts. I mean, it's not necessarily just paying for scarcity. It's you're compensating someone honestly
Starting point is 02:09:38 for their efforts. Because you appreciate the efforts. But I think that it's just the genies out of the bottle. It's just too difficult for immaterial things to be contained. Do you think that ultimately that's going to lead to sort of a decay in the idea of capitalism? Everything is going to be reexamined. Everything is going to be reexamined. When they start getting into real high-end 3D printers, and that's how you order things,
Starting point is 02:09:57 you just order the formula to create things. Transform manufacturing as well, man. Yeah, and then those... People will get scared and lose their jobs, and we'll have moments of panic and all of that transition yeah will change everything but you know that like 80 of the jobs that people do today didn't exist 100 years ago there were jobs that didn't exist so there will be new things for us to do it becomes a real problem when people hold on to the idea that they need to keep a job because the job is a part of the old way. And that is also one of the reasons why marijuana is still illegal.
Starting point is 02:10:28 And there was a recent article that I tweeted, if you find it, just a couple of days ago, or just Google the statement, lobbyists are getting rich off keeping marijuana illegal, because that's what's going on, man. There's lobbyists that are doing this through police unions. There's lobbyists that are doing this and these guys are making a lot of money off keeping marijuana illegal. There's a lot of people that their business...
Starting point is 02:10:51 It's a shame. Yeah, well, their business is to arrest people for pot. I mean, that's part of the job. It's part of what keeps people paid. It's part of what keeps a strong police force. But I think that in a country where most of the population at this point wants it to be legalized,
Starting point is 02:11:06 there should be no red tape or bureaucracy between the people's will and it being changed. I think it's also... Most people want it to be legalized. There should be like a like button on Facebook and if 100 million people click it, it should be legalized tomorrow. And I think that will eventually...
Starting point is 02:11:19 Yeah, that's dynamic democracy. I think that's what we need to get to. But I think one of the issues is, and I think this has to be stopped, is we have to stop treating police officers as glorified revenue collectors because that's what they are. And I think that's a really disgusting thing because guess what? Firefighters in place, and I hope we never have to fucking use them. I hope those guys get to hang out at the firehouse all day and cook and work out and do fucking
Starting point is 02:11:41 chin-ups and shit. I hope no one ever has to work. I hope no one ever has to deal with a fire. I would like the same thing with police officers. Right, it would be great if they never had to take their guns out. There was never anything for them to do. But the issue is they have quotas. They have quotas they have to reach.
Starting point is 02:11:54 I had no idea. Oh, fuck yeah, especially with speeding. You know, I've talked to friends that are cops. They have quotas? Yes, absolutely. Yeah, they have to make quotas as far as giving out tickets. That really raises a red flag, doesn't it? That's like telling a firefighter that you're only going to get paid if you put out a fire.
Starting point is 02:12:08 So they're going to be looking to build fires. Imagine what would happen if the entire country decided that for one month, which would fuck up the entire system. That's all we need is 30 days. Everybody in agreement where nobody ever violates a single law as far as speeding or driving or traffic or stoplights. If we made a viral video for it and we created a campaign. Every cop would get fired.
Starting point is 02:12:26 Don't break a law for a month. Every cop would get fired. It would be chaos. Wow. Yeah, it would be crazy. They would lose all that revenue that they count on. They count on us never evolving. I mean, it's really factored into the budget.
Starting point is 02:12:36 Dude, we need massive system upgrades here. Massive system upgrades. Massive system upgrades. Just the idea that you have engineered a system where we can never be good. We can never get through because your cops need to arrest a certain amount of people, need to pull over, rather, a certain amount of people and put out a certain amount of tickets. The state relies on that for revenue. Yeah, no, we're going to have to radically change.
Starting point is 02:12:56 Everything will radically change, you know, but there was a time when, you know, somebody's life was about making saddles for horses, you know, because everybody made horses, and that person was probably really nervous when the car started to become popular because it couldn't make his horse carriages and he lucky for him lesbians are still around they still like horses I wouldn't say lesbians I'd say women who used to like men but gave up now they like horse I don't know man I live right in the equestrian district and I see him every day and some of them are fucking high
Starting point is 02:13:20 these are like spoiled little girls that date like rich guys that buy the models and shit yeah you gotta fuck those girls hard man they ride horses all day they're used to they're not impressed by just like regular sex riding a giant animal all day you must feel so feeble yeah you know you know i'm saying they get on top of you they're like really this is it this is all you got here next level of masturbation i always feel bad for the horses man there's chains around their mouths i'm like no man i'd rather yeah I don't like it it's gross it's gross there's a lot of people in my neighborhood and they're like super self-righteous like you know slow down you could be like it's 28 miles and you
Starting point is 02:13:55 know the part of the speed limit is 25 you're going 28 slow down slow down just big big bull dyke on her fucking crazy animal it's a thing that you're allowed to just ride around animals in 2012. Someone should come along and you go, really? Just go to a farm somewhere. You can't be just, you know, I don't care if this is an equestrian district. That's ridiculous. It's still Burbank, you crazy fuck. What are you doing riding a horse in my neighborhood?
Starting point is 02:14:18 Get out of here. Well, soon we won't eat animals either. I'm convinced. That's nonsense. I'm convinced about in vitro meat, man. Tissue engineering. Well, someone's going to have to eat those fucking animals.
Starting point is 02:14:26 That's a problem because what happens then? Do we sterilize them? What do we do to keep them from just being everywhere like in India? What is it like if you drive everywhere
Starting point is 02:14:35 and there's fucking cows or like rats in New York City just infesting the landscape and we can't eat them? Someone's going to have to kill them, bro. We're going to have to introduce triceratops,
Starting point is 02:14:44 bring in some dinosaurs. We won't breed as many. I mean, that's another option. What if them have to kill them, bro. We're going to have to introduce Triceratops. Maybe we won't breed as many. I mean, that's another option. What if we just let them go, right? If we let them go. We're not eating them anymore. We let them go. They're going to fuck. They're going to fuck and they're going to be like buffalo.
Starting point is 02:14:53 Buffalo on the plane. Just grow the tissue without a nervous system. Oh, man. I don't know. I think if we want to stay human, I think they're going to keep breeding. I think we're going to have to get predators. We're going to have to make some robot predators, like those dog robot things that only just go out and jack cows.
Starting point is 02:15:11 Interesting. They just do it to keep the population down. Who knows, man? It's going to be... Brian just shook his head. We'll have to invent our way out of the new scenario. The new scenarios will come, and we'll find new novel solutions to deal with them.
Starting point is 02:15:26 Do you eat meat? I eat meat. Not every day, but I'm a flexitarian. A flexitarian? You're flexible? No, I eat meat, but I try not to eat it every day.
Starting point is 02:15:35 Do you ever consider the idea that what you're doing is harmful to the energy of the universe that you're eating tortured animals? Does that ever fuck with you? You ever watch Food Inc.? I try to have organic food, but I still...
Starting point is 02:15:49 That's like a cow that grows up in a hippie community and then gets shot in the head. I don't know. Still gets jacked. I would like to become vegetarian. It's not the easiest thing to do logistically. You can't always find... Right now, you're going to get a swarm of hate mail
Starting point is 02:16:02 from sweaty little vegans and vegetarians. They're warming up their little fingers right now. Well, I'm a flexitarian. I mean, not Jason Silva. I thought you were an open-minded person. Eating vegan food twice a week is already really good. You're making it. It's a beginning.
Starting point is 02:16:15 That's decent. It's a beginning. Twice a week. Are you? No. No, I eat meat. Yeah. I think animals are dumb.
Starting point is 02:16:20 And I think if they were smart, they would be killing us. I think we'd have issues. I think every animal on this planet is an animal where our empathy is big enough to alleviate suffering even suffering if it's not completely as conscious as we are however the cycle of life requires predators and we have sort of completely
Starting point is 02:16:37 hijacked that cycle of life with the idea of cities and civilization and big metal boxes where we can drive through a fucking safari and be 10 feet away from a lion killing a gazelle. I mean, we got a crazy. We're game changers, man. We're a game changing species for good or for bad. I think more for good.
Starting point is 02:16:54 I'm more impressed with us than I am disturbed by us. I am much more impressed with us than I am disturbed as well. But it's nice to just kind of marvel at ourselves a little bit. I think we have kind of a, what's it called, a guilty cosmic complex where we feel like we're small and insignificant.
Starting point is 02:17:10 And I think we have a big role to play. We could play an even bigger role if we pool our cognitive resources together. I agree. But I also agree that bacon is delicious and so is steak. Yeah, but you can grow bacon out of like stem cells
Starting point is 02:17:24 and not have to kill another animal print out some bacon you're never going to be able to recreate venison you're never going to be able to recreate wild venison no venison is deer meat oh okay you could totally recreate you could well there's a there's a delicious gamey wild flavor they'll have that shit that run away ones and zeros do you think they'll be able to figure that out yeah yeah man it'll be like in the matrix when the guy's eating the steak and he's like i know this is not real i know it's made of like code yeah and he's like i don't care it tastes delicious and then he puts it in his mouth so you're gonna be satisfied with that i think we all it's inevitable right it's inevitable
Starting point is 02:17:57 well dude i mean what are we tasting anyway except our brains interpretation of something going in through senses that are like creating a software that goes in real time and tells us, oh, this is what this feels like. I'm glad I got to experience life with no answering machines. I'm glad I got to experience no cell phones when I was growing up. So you could see the contrast? Absolutely. Absolutely. Does it make you appreciate how wired you are now?
Starting point is 02:18:18 I appreciate how wired we are now, but I also appreciate old school stuff. I appreciate a good steak. You know? I like a good steak. Hard know? I like a good steak. Hardwood, coals, grilled. Stop talking about food. Hey, man. Cooking with fire was a technology, too.
Starting point is 02:18:34 Yeah, it is. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, look. The appendix exists. It was an organ to break down fibers. We were eating all kinds of crazy shit back then, right? Wasn't it?
Starting point is 02:18:43 Isn't that what it was? And then we lost its use. And that's why a lot of people have to have it removed. Have you ever gotten your genome tested to see what percentage of the under tall you are? I did 23 and me. The Google thing? Yeah, that's the thing we were talking about. What'd they say?
Starting point is 02:18:56 It's not like they can understand everything yet. Someone's a monkey. It's trying to downplay the technology. It's one of those exponential things Where eventually It'll be 100% Tell you everything about everything Do you have to spit in a cup?
Starting point is 02:19:09 Right now at least it tells you Did you spit in a cup or something like that? How do you do it? What do you do? They send you this little tube And you spit it in Yeah
Starting point is 02:19:17 23andme It's amazing And then it'll tell you If you have like a Precondition of some sorts Or if you have a likelihood Of developing something Like high blood pressure, if your genetic profile says you're going to get Parkinson's or the
Starting point is 02:19:29 percentages of a chance of developing something. So for people who get stuff that's preventable, you know, if they're like, Oh, I have a 70% chance of high blood pressure. Well, I can start addressing that now.
Starting point is 02:19:38 I've been told that I'm more likely to get it than another person. So I can change my diet now because some people are just genetically so lucky that they can eat shit nothing will ever happen to them those other fuckers yeah that's always the case until we all upgrade our genes but for everybody else this is a chance to see what some of their vulnerabilities might be and how they might address them so we start to hack our biology how cool is this idea that we all start hacking our biology we're upgrading ourselves by hacking in and getting backdoor and shortcuts and fixing things. Are we delaying the inevitable brilliant next stage of existence? Are we in this life?
Starting point is 02:20:12 You mean that we wake up into something else? Maybe something after this stage is way better, and that's the natural progress. The natural progress is to move from this to the next. Well, that could only be the case if this is a dream. If this is a simulation and we're eventually waking up from the simulation, if this to the next. Well, that could only be the case if this is a dream. If this is a simulation and we're eventually waking up from the simulation, if this is a lucid dream, if this is limbo from inception,
Starting point is 02:20:31 you know, that you spend 80 years in limbo and you get old before you wake up and become a young man again. But if that's the case, great. Look, awesome. I fucking hope so, man. I'm just not fully convinced. So I'm going to fight for my survival
Starting point is 02:20:43 as passionately as I can now because I don't have the evidence that there's anything else. And with no evidence, it's pretty hopeless. The despair is pretty vivid. It might be the big sleep. Eternity on both ends. The universe is eternal. Why can't we be?
Starting point is 02:20:56 That's my question. Well, I think consciousness probably goes to sleep forever, but I think you become a part of it. Is it? Maybe consciousness is really a tool to create action. Maybe it's a tool to move things forward maybe there's no doubt that it is but it's a tool that found out that it enjoys its own it wants to persist it likes blowjobs enjoys itself no it's enjoys itself
Starting point is 02:21:13 get drunk we're self-referential it's that recursive feedback loop we know that we know that we know and therefore consciousness if it was a fluke or if it was by like emergent design it has decided that it likes itself sure it likes like you know it likes free time it likes to make art and sing songs not everything that it does is to build things and to be utilitarian and functional some things are pure pleasure like the robots and blade runner pleasure of being like being alive as well there you go so that could be what it is right yeah rutger how rememberger Hauer, remember? He really liked it. Yeah. He was bummed out. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:48 Crazy. Kangaroos. Kangaroos. Kangaroos who eat a flower that came from another planet. I'm telling you, man, super intelligent kangaroos. Would that be the shit? If kangaroos started yelling at you for fucking polluting, kangaroos started talking English like really quick
Starting point is 02:22:04 within a couple of years. And they were Catholic schoolgirls. You know what's amazing about kangaroos start yelling at you for fucking polluting. Kangaroos start talking English like really quick within a couple of years. And they were Catholic schoolgirls. You know what's amazing about kangaroos is that they continue to raise. They have that thing, you know, the pouch where they put their little babies. But it's almost like when the baby's born, it's almost like not ready to be born. And so they keep them in there. And that's kind of like. Well, they live in a terrible environment.
Starting point is 02:22:21 Yeah. I mean, they have to protect that fucking thing. It's kind of amazing. They're living with these crocodiles everywhere. Kangaroos, that's a terrible environment. Yeah. I mean, they have to protect that fucking thing. It's kind of amazing. They're living with his crocodiles everywhere. Right. Kangaroos. That's a bad spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Australia's a shady fucking spot. The most venomous snakes. Oh, they got all kinds of shit that can kill you. And most of the country you can't live in. Most of the country nobody lives in. They live around the coast. I think that's happening more and more and more and more people moving to cities,
Starting point is 02:22:41 man. Most of the population lives in cities and will continue to live in cities. They found a wreath of ancient, like, symbol organism shit. Yeah. That is, like, some 650 fucking million years old, some insane. It predated the idea of life on this planet, and they found it in Australia. Yeah, Australia, it's a crazy spot. It would be fun to go.
Starting point is 02:23:05 Have you been? Yeah, I've been a few times. I've been to Sydney twice. Great people. Wow. That's what I hear. Really fucking nice people, man. That's what I hear.
Starting point is 02:23:12 And they have no ozone over there, man. They got real cancer problems. Right. Like all over their billboards are these pictures. They have like these skin cancer campaigns. So there's photos of people with big, giant, stitched up scars. Oh, bummer. They talk about getting, because everyone's getting chunks taken out of them.
Starting point is 02:23:26 Like, you go out there in the sun with no sunscreen on, you get fucked up, man. It's important to wear sunscreen. Yeah, it's another level sun with no ozone layer. Wow. Just a giant hole in the ozone over there. It's so long to get there, right? Like 17 hours or something? Not quite.
Starting point is 02:23:40 I think 15, something like that. I want to go. Yeah, it's a lot. I want to go. But you know what? If you can deal with that just one day, I mean, you know, what you do is, man, get a bunch of podcasts. Get a bunch of podcasts.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Get a few movies on your iPad and just zone out and just go zen and say, this is what I'm doing. And don't freak out and don't feel like, fuck, I got to get up, move around. Just deal with it. Ain't no big a deal. Right. And then once you get there, holy shit. It's a beautiful, beautiful country, man. Once you get holy shit it's a beautiful beautiful country man it's so gorgeous it's so amazing when you think that the people from england uh caused that you know as a prison colony at one point in time
Starting point is 02:24:14 you know like what a what a silly idea fascinating now all their actors win all the awards yeah i wonder why they're so good yeah australian and british actors man they just they make good stand-ups too there's a few Jim Jefferies Really funny stand up From Australia Yeah And there's a couple Americans That do really well over there
Starting point is 02:24:30 Like Eddie Ift And Arj Barker They go over there And they're Arj Barker's fucking enormous Over there apparently Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 02:24:36 And they just Like when I was in Australia I was talking to people Like what do you do I'm like I'm a comedian Like you know Arj Barker Like immediately Wow
Starting point is 02:24:44 Yeah Yeah It's so close To like you do i'm like i'm a comedian like you know ajpaka like immediately wow yeah yeah it's uh it's so close to like it's nothing like america but you could totally hang out there like you could live there like you wouldn't have to learn a language people are very friendly you'd have no problems it feels slightly alternate universe yes because it's like they speak english but it's just another another reality well it's so far away that they drive on the other side of the road right that freaks you out totally that whole England thing is a trip Alice in Wonderland man it's like why are you on this that's why traveling is so cool though for
Starting point is 02:25:14 shifting people's sense of like reality oh yeah expanding your consciousness because you're immersed in a sort of mirror world yeah where it's like well most things are kind of the same but they're a little off yeah so it's like reality has shifted a little bit i think into traveling well it's cool to see like a culture like australia where you know socially you know it's really kind of like parallel to america like really similar i mean not exact but but really similar like if you go over there and you meet an australian guy who's your age chances are you're gonna have a lot of things to talk about in common it won't be very it'd be different but not alien at all yeah so it's kind of interesting that that is happening on the other side of the planet right there's like some some sort of a you know you're there
Starting point is 02:25:51 you're modern civilization yeah and they're like these people live here and they dream here and they wake up and they go to work skyscrapers they've been living their entire lives with a whole different set of priorities that have no bearing on my existence and that i didn't know about until i came here what really makes you trip out is when you watch their TV shows and they have like really popular TV shows You fucking never heard about her little guy comes out the girl comes out, you know who the fuck are these people? Everybody goes crazy. Everybody goes crazy number one show in Australia my I can't believe they're really on right now I everybody will sit down and get drunk. It's amazing. It gives you perspective also Just no one inches you from your reality. It unhinges you a little bit.
Starting point is 02:26:25 The one thing that I consistently get when I go to these places is how uptight America is. When you go, especially in Australia, they're so fun and they're so easy to hang out with and so generally friendly.
Starting point is 02:26:38 It makes you feel like, what's responsible for this level of tension in America? What is responsible? I don't know. It's not everywhere, by the way. Of course, there's a lot of cool people in America. Don't get me wrong. I get a lot of douchebag dummy tweets like, why don't you
Starting point is 02:26:49 fucking go move to Afghanistan if you hate America? It's not that I hate America, stupid. It's that I love America and I think America should be awesome. I mean, it is awesome, but it should be better than what it is. It's possible for us to improve. And what holds us back is fuckheads like you. That's what holds us back.
Starting point is 02:27:05 Twitter angry people. There should be no reason why the cutting edge should be uptight about things, particularly like social issues. We need to like completely legalize gay marriage everywhere. We need to legalize marijuana everywhere.
Starting point is 02:27:16 Well, you need to debate Rick Santorum because he disagrees. Rick Santorum did have a really interesting point, though. I got to admit. I mean, I am always 100% in support of gay marriage. I think you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want to do. Of course.
Starting point is 02:27:29 It's not hurting me. It's not a scam, and it's not hurting me. It's not like you're trying to steal money. It's not hurting me. So I'm completely in support of that, but he had a really interesting point, that Rick Santorum, because he was talking about marriage has always been, for over 1,000 years, been defined as a man and a woman. Now, all of a sudden, you're calling it marriage,
Starting point is 02:27:47 but it's a man and a man. Can it be a man and two men? And I was like, oh, shit. Like, he just flipped it on its head. Like, he really did. It was a really good point. And I was like, well, yeah, well, why can't it be two men? Why can't two men get married to a guy?
Starting point is 02:28:01 Why can't everybody just bang each other? Why not? Why not? Why not? Yeah, but he was, and the women in the audience were saying, no, that's a different scenario. men get married to a guy why can't everybody just bang each other why not why not why not yeah but but he was and the women in the audience were saying no that's a different scenario you're talking about a couple that's in love and he's like well no what if these people are all in love there's three of them what if they are what if you know can it be two women and a man can it be two
Starting point is 02:28:18 men and women and then you know he just fucked them up man he just fucked them up there's nothing they could say then because you know he's really right. Like, first of all, as a personal freedom issue, I feel like you should be able to do whatever you want if it's not hurting me. Clearly gay marriage is not hurting me. So do whatever the fuck you want. But if you want to call it marriage, like maybe they should call it, maybe it should be something different. Maybe it's marriage, but it's gay marriage.
Starting point is 02:28:40 Oh, we're gay married? No. Like me and my partner are gay married. You wouldn't be able to say regular married? Oh, triple married oh there's three of you yeah we get together what would you call that if you made that legal what would you call that domestic partnership domestic partnership domestic partners if they want to call it married this is my whatever they want to no but you know and then they get all the benefits of society and they want to like do tax stuff together and all those things that people want.
Starting point is 02:29:05 Why not? Corporations can have like hundreds of employees or thousands of employees. Maybe marriages should be able to as well. So a hundred thousand people in a marriage. So you're down with like. They can be many nation states. More of a style polygamy. I got a time magazine.
Starting point is 02:29:18 No, no, no. That's different because those are getting minors involved. I got a coercing people and imposing reality tunnels and closing access to other media. It's different. I got a Time magazine at home, and there's a guy on the cover as one of those last holdout old man Mormon dudes who has a gang of wives.
Starting point is 02:29:36 That's so true. I feel about that. He's still rocking it. There's one dude, nine wives, and he's got 46 children. What the fuck? He should be thrown in jail. What the fuck, man?
Starting point is 02:29:47 Wow, that's not good. Yeah, that's crazy. Did you know that a lot of those guys, we talked about this before. Who was it that brought up this, that they went to Mexico? That a lot of Mormons were traveling to Mexico and they were having problems with the cartels.
Starting point is 02:29:59 They established these polygamous communities down in Mexico. Oh, wow. And now they're having problems with the drug cartels. And someone was assassinated recently. Remember that? Yeah. I remember who brought it up.
Starting point is 02:30:08 One of our guests brought it up. I'm like, wow. I had no idea that that was even going down. Right. They've set up these alternative communities down in Mexico. Yeah. Huh. Do you ever think about that?
Starting point is 02:30:18 What if somebody just decided to turn Costa Rica into goddamn paradise? Everybody said- They're trying to do it. The world's all fucked up everywhere else. But here's the deal. We have a limited government. We're going to establish the best schools possible. It's libertarian utopia.
Starting point is 02:30:32 Yeah. Social, you know, care possible. The best health care. The best community centers where we, you know, we have people who are, you know, set up to take care of stray children and really create a society. They're trying to do it. Where? There's a guy called Patrick Friedman
Starting point is 02:30:48 who had this thing called the Seasteading Institute, which is an organization, and they're backed by Peter Thiel and everything. Is that the giant island? Yeah, to make these artificial man-made islands where we can do practice runs of futuristic versions of governance, and they can be in international waters.
Starting point is 02:31:03 But now they're doing something with a Central American nation where the nation has given them a chunk of land to let them set up their own autonomous zone. Where was this? In Central America. I don't know if it was Nicaragua or Guatemala or one of those,
Starting point is 02:31:15 but they're going to try it. There's been all these articles about it, and they're going to test out futuristic, cutting-edge forms of government. See, the only thing I worry about is one of the beautiful things about doing things in America, even though you're under the shadow
Starting point is 02:31:27 of the military industrial complex, is that it's fairly safe. Yes. You know, it's fairly safe here. Yes, yes, very much. And you, you know, unless you're, I mean, where are you going to recreate that? Where are you going to recreate that?
Starting point is 02:31:39 You're not going to do it in open waters. Because if you do it in international waters, what are these Somali pirate dudes? You hear about that shit every day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are you going to do do they got a bunch of peace there's a lot of floating spot out there yeah a big concrete floating jungle with what paul the security guard who patrols the perimeter they shoot paul in the head
Starting point is 02:31:54 fucking take over god damn it jason silvey you gotta be ready for war yeah no it looks i i mean i think there's obviously logistical things that have to be addressed but it's a very ambitious idea it's very ambitious you would have to have guns a mo things that have to be addressed, but it's a very ambitious idea to begin with. It's very ambitious. You would have to have guns. They probably would. You have to have laser beams. Just get that trash pile and live in the middle of it. That's not a bad idea. No one wants to get near that thing.
Starting point is 02:32:15 Yeah, I hear people coming, too. But then where are you going to get your water from? Your water? What do you mean? From the ocean. Desalinization? Of course. Is that what they're trying to do?
Starting point is 02:32:24 Dean Kamen, who invented a lot of these water purification systems, man, that you can put in like bacteria, infection, like poison almost into the water and it comes out like ready to drink. Wow. And they have this new unit that they're going to be taking to like rural parts around the world to these little villages. And that's like the number one cause of disease and illness. Dirty water, right?
Starting point is 02:32:49 These things, these small little self-powered devices, and they last forever. And it's like Dean Kamen and his water products, water filtration stuff, people should Google. How far? He's a genius. No, no, he already has this new design. I wasn't going to say that.
Starting point is 02:33:03 I was going to say, how far are they on the island thing, the artificial island? I don't know. I think funding. He already has this new design. I'm not buzzing to say that. I was going to say, how far are they on the island thing, the artificial island? I don't know. I think funding. They need funding to build it. Of course. Who the hell is going to pay for that? Like, bitch, what?
Starting point is 02:33:15 Well, techno philanthropists, new internet age billionaires. They have the resources. It would have to be a lot of money. How much would it cost to build a fake island? I have no idea. Probably a lot of fucking money, man. Probably a lot of money. I was watching a documentary on the uh japanese um uh airport that they had created and that is uh it's on artificial island and an
Starting point is 02:33:32 artificial island they've created but they're slowly sinking into the sea so they have an elaborate system of lifts that as it sinks they raise it up to keep it level wow it's fucking nuts i mean what a marvel Of engineering Engineering is just Magnificent When you think about it It's incredible I love looking at Engineering and nature
Starting point is 02:33:50 And comparing it to Engineering made by man And you see how There's certain patterns That align And here we are We're like Oh you know
Starting point is 02:33:56 We thought of this But then it's like Oh but it matches This pattern that Nature came up with too And what you realize Is that a good idea Is a good idea
Starting point is 02:34:03 Whether you came up With it blindly Like nature Or whether you came up With it consciously Like what you realize is that a good idea is a good idea whether you came up with it blindly, like nature, or whether you came up with it consciously, like man. A good idea is a good idea. If it works, it works. That's what's amazing. Have you ever seen when they take a colony of leafcutter ants and they expose their entire underground structure by filling it with cement?
Starting point is 02:34:20 Technology, man. They have their own technology. That's their extended phenotype, man. It's really kind of a fucking disturbing thing to's their extended phenotype it's really kind of a fucking disturbing thing to watch though because it's kind of ant genocide you're like looking at i mean they eventually cemented everybody in there it is very sad i mean it's a i don't really give a fuck about ants but it's kind of crazy that they're willing to just cement the shit out of their houses just to find out how big the house is yeah if you haven't seen it folks
Starting point is 02:34:42 just google it uh what is it, Brian? Leafcutter ants? Just pull that video up because it's astounding to look at. Just pull up leafcutter ant colony exposed. And these scientists, they found out that not only do they have these intricate structures, but they have vents set up. So where they bring in like funguses and things that are rotting, there's an ability for the fucking gases to rise out through the air. It's insane.
Starting point is 02:35:13 So it doesn't pollute their little tunnels. There's so much emergent intelligence in the design. But do you know what the most amazing part is? There's no one in control. Yeah. It's all decentralized. It's all a bunch of individual local interactions happening simultaneously that together exhibit emergent phenomenon and emergent complexity it's
Starting point is 02:35:30 like a beehive occupy wall street beehives exhibit self-organization that emerges when all these billions of bees are working together to create this intelligent behavior but no individual bee itself is intelligent yeah that's amazing now they're saying that our neurons are the same that we're not like a singular consciousness but billions of non-intelligent neurons that together create synchronous like
Starting point is 02:35:50 transcendent effects. Consciousness emerges from the interactions of trillions of neurons, individual, local relationships happening in different parts of the brain. That totally makes sense.
Starting point is 02:35:59 Yeah. So our brains are like ant colonies. Our neurons are like the ants in the ant colony and then us is the emergent behavior. It's what comes out. Yeah, I've always said that it's ridiculous to think that human beings can ever be separate.
Starting point is 02:36:12 Because that's the worst thing they could do to you in prison. The worst thing they could do to you in prison is separate you from the general population and put you in solitary. Nobody can talk to you. You're just by yourself. And that's crazy for people. Well, that's like cutting your arm off. Yes, it's alien to our goal and purpose and our desires on Earth. 100%.
Starting point is 02:36:29 Yeah. So it's obvious that we are engineered for a reason or at least for feedback. Yeah. For interaction. Yes. Interaction and feedback. Everything is feedback loops, dude. Everything.
Starting point is 02:36:40 Well, that's why these kind of conversations are so exciting. Yes. Exactly. Because you turn my brain into an area that it might not have gone into. Likewise. And then we start expanding in that area. Yeah, there's a book by Matt Ridley called The Rational Optimist, and he coined the word idea sex.
Starting point is 02:36:54 And he says that ideas coming together in open liquid networks, open channels of communications, are akin to genetic recombination in nature. It's genes being in the primordial soup, mixing and completing each other, interacting. It's all a giant algorithm, right? And it's happening with ideas. Yeah, ideas are intermingling and having sex with one another, but they're creating more
Starting point is 02:37:11 change and at a rate that is unheard of by the gene pool. If we could look at the interactions of human behavior and thought and language, if we could look at all that stuff as numbers and look at it as energy and something that can be quantified, instead of looking at it as our own product, instead of look at it as like energy and something that can be quantified instead of looking at it as our own product and instead of looking at it as something
Starting point is 02:37:28 that we have done if we could just look at it entirely of its own we would see a completely different picture wouldn't we well if we take
Starting point is 02:37:34 the long view we're a caterpillar man we're a caterpillar about to become a butterfly that's what we're doing we're making some crazy fucking cocoon
Starting point is 02:37:42 right now we don't even know what we're doing transform everything and we're just buying We just transform everything. And we just buy an iPad to freeze. And we know it's possible because the caterpillars did it. Caterpillars do it. So it exists.
Starting point is 02:37:50 It's not beyond the laws of physics for completely have radical self-transformation. You fucking blew my mind again, man. Hey, guys. You blew everybody's mind again. This podcast. Essentially, I got to think we should stop it right there because that's about three hours. Oh, that was magnificent. Wasn that's about three hours oh that was three hours of craziness
Starting point is 02:38:06 magnificent wasn't it about three hours somewhere in there yeah two hours forty minutes something like that thanks again brother thank you man
Starting point is 02:38:11 you're so awesome very very stimulating to talk to thanks my friend it's one of those so are you so are you guys we have these conversations and it just
Starting point is 02:38:17 you know you walk out of drive home just going what the fuck man thanks for having me man what is next you're so awesome at like passionately infusing these ideas in other people's heads thanks brother you know the fuck man thanks for having me man what is next yeah you're you're so awesome at uh like passionately infusing these ideas in other people's heads thanks brother you know you you
Starting point is 02:38:29 have like a way of uh you know like when you get fired up about shit like everybody around you's like oh yeah yeah yeah thanks man it's infectious very infectious thanks brother if people want to find you on twitter it's jason underscore silva if they want to find you online, it is and all of his upcoming lectures and all. Is there anything that people can see? Like, are there any places where the average person can go and buy a ticket and watch you perform live? The Economist Ideas Festival happening in Berkeley
Starting point is 02:38:57 on March 28th is on innovation and people can Google Economist Ideas Festival. Anyone can go to that. You can buy tickets for that. So you don't have to work at Google. Yes, and on April 20th, when I speak at the National Arts Club, they have a website. and Google Economist Ideas Fest. Anyone can go to that. You can buy tickets for that. So you don't have to work at Google. Yes. And on April 20th, when I speak at the National Arts Club,
Starting point is 02:39:08 they have a website. You should be able to look it up. I think it's about like Dreaming Unlimited or something like that in New York City. And all this information is on Yeah, and I tweet about it all the time as the talks come up. The PSFK Conference in New York at Battery Park
Starting point is 02:39:21 on March 30th, you can buy tickets to. I'm going to speak at University of Pennsylvania April 2nd, actually. Beautiful. It's going to be fun. There's a class on psychedelics and visionary arts and stuff. Dude, keep doing what you're doing. I love it. It's very exciting.
Starting point is 02:39:33 Thank you, everybody, for tuning into the podcast. Thanks for all the positive tweets and messages, and we love you, too. Thanks for everybody who already bought tickets for Atlanta April 20th. It is... The first show is pretty much sold out. It will be when I record my next special. So if you want to go, there will be tickets to the second
Starting point is 02:39:50 show that will be available sometime this week. Like I said, probably somewhere around Wednesday. And I got a lot of other shit going on in the future too. Louisville, Kentucky, that's soon. When is that, Brian? Any ideas? Louisville, Kentucky? January, March 30th through April 1st is Louisville, Kentucky.
Starting point is 02:40:07 And then we're in Hermosa Beach is actually before that. March 23rd and 24th at Hermosa Beach, the Comedy Magic Club, one of my favorite clubs ever. And then 420 in Atlanta. 420 is when I'm going to do my special. It's so cliche. It's so cliche as a corny pothead I couldn't resist. Thank you to the Fleshlight
Starting point is 02:40:25 for tuning in and saving our souls with their plastic vagina. Does that work? No. I need to come up with a new commercial. Thank you to the Fleshlight for being there for lonely boys. For being easy. Thank you for being yeah, but not that easy to clean. A little complicated. No, it's nice.
Starting point is 02:40:41 A little bit. It's super easy. At the end of it, it should be like a garbage disposal. It just eats loads and then turns it into love and sends it out through the universe. It's really easy if you like to suck your own cum out of it. So, Brian, so not necessary. Jason Silva's here. He's a serious man.
Starting point is 02:40:59 You don't need to do that in front of him. You fucking freak. Thank you to O-N-N-I-T. Oh, yeah. Oh, what did i say uh fleshlight entering the code name rogan 15 off you already know that you heard the first half of this fucking podcast go to enter in the code name rogan save 10 there it's over
Starting point is 02:41:14 it's done tomorrow we have uh aubrey mike marcus uh formerly known as the artist formerly known as chris who's our friend who changed his fucking name. That's how hard he tripped. Wow. He went to Peru and did ayahuasca and changed his fucking name. You know, I have a friend who did that too, my friend Lion. Yeah, that ayahuasca. Okay, fuck you up, son. And Aubrey just got back from Costa Rica where he went through a series of ibogaine experiences. And now his name is Optimus Prime. Yeah, now he's Mr. Manhattan.
Starting point is 02:41:43 And we're going to meet him tomorrow, and he's going to explain to us what the fuck is really going on with this crazy universe we're living. Everything that has not been covered today will be covered tomorrow. And then on Wednesday, we get Matt from Hoarders. He's Clutter Cleaner on Twitter, and he's the guy who cleans up the crazy people's houses. And I'm really fascinated by that because I've got a bit of a hoarder in me.
Starting point is 02:42:03 Just a pinch. You do as well. Yeah. So we'll find out what that fucking psychosis is all about. Jason hoarder in me. Just a pinch. You do as well. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll find out what that fucking psychosis is all about. Jason Silva, you are the man, sir. You are the man. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 02:42:10 Thank you, everybody. We love you, dirty bitches. Oh, two shows this weekend in Pasadena because I'm gearing up for my special freaks. So this Friday and Saturday, Friday night, when are we doing it? Friday, 9 o'clock, Saturday, 1030, Yes. And it's the Annex. It's a small it? Friday, 9 o'clock. Saturday, 10.30. Yes, and it's the annex. It's a small room.
Starting point is 02:42:26 It always sells out in advance. So if you want to get on this shit, Is that it? Yeah. One Friday at 9 o'clock? 9 o'clock Friday. 9 o'clock Friday, 10.30 on Saturday. That's it.
Starting point is 02:42:37 It's over. Nice. God bless America. Jihad. Jihad. Jihad. Jihad. God.

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