The Joe Rogan Experience - #1950 - Derek Wolfe

Episode Date: March 3, 2023

Derek Wolfe is a 10 year veteran of the NFL, Super Bowl 50 champion, bowhunter, outdoorsman, and host of "The Drive" on Denver Sports radio. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the Joe Rogan experience so first of all that's a fucking hell of a ring sir look at that that's the real deal I always want to see what one of those like holy shit look at the size of his finger my thumb slides over and down like nothing. That's hilarious. If you don't think Vikings were real. Size 18. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:00:32 That is so fucking big, dude. What's your thumb? I don't know. Your thumb's like a fucking broomstick. That's ridiculous. Fucking giant thumb. How big were you in high school? My senior year, I was like 6'5", 280 pounds.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I wrestled heavyweight. Wow. Did you ever think about doing MMA? Yeah. Yeah, did you? Well, I started boxing with Henry Hoof down in South Florida. No shit. With the Black Zillions.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I love those guys. Back in 2011, 2012, when I first got into the league, and I was training for the combine. I was like, man, I'm really into this MMA stuff, and I just started doing it. Sparring with, just like wrestling with Overeem a little bit. Oh, wow. I'd wrestle with him, keep him against the cage,
Starting point is 00:01:18 and just drop to a single, bring him down. He was like, wrestle? I was like, yeah, wrestle, man. I know what I'm doing. Then when I moved to Colorado,, bring him down, you know, and he was like, wrestle, you know, I was like, yeah, wrestle, man. I know what I'm doing. Um, and then I, then I, when I moved to Colorado, like full-time training, cause I used to go to South Florida to train and I stopped that once I got married, you know, I just had to end that. And I moved to, uh, uh, Trevor Whitman's gym. Oh, that's a great fucking gym too. Yeah. And Trevor was like, Hey, you should really think about maybe fighting, you know, because it's like you're 290 pounds and you're moving like this.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Imagine a 265. And I was like, dude, I'm not doing that. It's just not worth it. Is it not worth it? Well, like, you know, I know you retired from football, and you're still in the prime of your life. Did you retire because of injuries? Did you decide that you had enough? Yeah, it was a combination of all that.
Starting point is 00:02:08 So I had double hip surgeries. I tore the labrums off the bone. Oh, Jesus Christ. My NFL, like the injuries I had while I was in the NFL were just out of control, man. 2013, I bruised my spinal cord. I was paralyzed for three hours, and then I played two weeks later. Oh, my God. And I played for 12.
Starting point is 00:02:27 It was miserable. Every time I got touched, my arms would go numb. And I'm a defensive lineman, so my head's getting hit every play. Holy shit. What was the play that made your spine get bruised? So I was playing on the end of the line on the right side, and I was playing a cut block. Somebody tried to cut my legs out,
Starting point is 00:02:42 so I sprawled out to play the cut block, and then the fullback hit me on top of the head. Oh! And I was awake. It didn't knock me out. It just, like, it felt like, you know, when you're sitting on a shitter for too long, get up? Yes. Exactly how my whole body felt, from the nose down.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Oh, my God, you must have been terrified. I was scared. But then when I could feel them, like, touching my toes, like, a couple hours after it happened, I was in the hospital, that's when I just started making jokes and stuff, because I knew something in my head just toes, um, like a couple hours after it happened, I was in the hospital. That's when I, I just started making jokes and stuff. Cause I knew I was something in my head just said,
Starting point is 00:03:08 you're going to be fine. Like I just had a feeling I had no choice. I was a young kid, 22 years old, 23 years old. Wow. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:16 12 weeks later I was playing good football still somehow 12 weeks later I had a seizure. Like a bad seizure. It almost killed me. I had to go. I was in a coma for 36 hours. So what, what did the seizure come out of a play or did it? No, it was because I wasn't getting fresh blood to my brain because there was a bruise on that spinal right at the base of my brainstem and it never healed.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I didn't let it heal. Two weeks isn't going to heal a bruise, you know? Holy shit. It never healed. So I wasn't getting fresh blood to weeks isn't going to heal a bruise, you know? Holy shit. It never healed. So I wasn't getting fresh blood to my brain. So I was running on just like pure adrenaline. How did they clear you to play two weeks later? They told me it was a stinger.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Oh, God. They said, it's just a stinger. You're fine. Well, they said, well, you know when you have a big warehouse and you flip the lights off, they come right off. But when you turn them on, it takes a while for them to come back on. That's what they told me happened. They're comparing you to a warehouse.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah. You're like, hey, motherfucker, I'm a human. That's when I realized, man. I was like, they don't care about us. No, there's another guy waiting to take your spot. That's what's so crazy. And that's why you have to play. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:15 That's why guys play hurt and play banged up. So how much time did you get to train before you went and played two weeks later? Like how much? I just went straight into practice the next week wow the next week yeah so one week after you're paralyzed you're in practice yeah so they tried to keep me in the hospital after that after like after the game and I was like when's the plane leaving and they were like they're getting ready to go to the plane right now it's a preseason game and I was like okay well I'm getting on that plane then so I had them take me from the hospital to the plane so the doctors wanted to keep you in the hospital yeah doctors wanted me
Starting point is 00:04:49 to stay but the team doctors were like you're good we can go team doctors are savages oh my god well they did the x-rays and the mris right away you know and right so that like we went straight to the er i was on a on a stretcher you know into an ambulance they had to bring the ambulance on the field i couldn't move i was just stuck in the ground it was like it was like i was melted and you know i couldn't move at all every all my muscles were just it was the weirdest feeling man but like i said it started i was feeling better but i think i just tricked my brain into thinking like i was in survival mode i've been in survival mode since the day i came out of the womb man I just like always surviving you know just trying to survive through whatever it
Starting point is 00:05:29 is that's going on it's like I disassociate from it and I guess just make it through great skill to have if you want to play professional football right well I don't know if you saw what Deion Sanders just said about what he's looking for in a quarterback he wants two parent home it's a two parent home a 3.5 GPA, and he wants the complete opposite for a defensive lineman. Really? Yeah, he's like, I want, it's either football or prison pretty much. Type of motherfucker is what he wants.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But if you think about the position, and you think about what you guys have to do, it kind of makes sense. You have to be fucking barbaric. Yeah, it is a fucking war and you got two i mean the way that the size of these offensive linemen now i mean they're fucking 350 pounds and there's two of them and they're trying to move you every fucking play oh my god and you better if you play pussy you're gonna get fucked that's what i used to that's what
Starting point is 00:06:22 i would say you got there playing pussy you're gonna get fucked that's just the way it goes what is the average lifetime of a career like in the NFL two and a half years because at that third year you get vested so vested means you get pension and all the benefits that come with that and most guys don't get there and most guys don't get there you know we talk about it with fighting all the time that a real elite athlete in his prime has like nine years you got like that's that's the consensus is there's like nine years at peak performance and then it's just too much the wheels fall off the injuries stack up you know the the time and train and then sometimes
Starting point is 00:07:03 it's enthusiasm too guys lose that that fire that made them a savage in the beginning. But football is even worse. I mean, it's even shorter time. Well, it's shorter, but your earnings, right? Your earnings, you don't get to that. You're on a rookie contract for your first four years. So you get drafted, and you're on that rookie contract. You make pretty much slotted out the money.
Starting point is 00:07:24 If you're not a top ten pick in the draft in the draft and you're not really making life-changing money, you know? Um, I had $7 when I got drafted though. I didn't even have a bank account. I didn't have shit. I was just a fucking poor ass kid from Ohio. I went to Cincinnati and I lived with Travis and Jason Kelsey. We all lived in the same house. I don't know if you know who those guys are, but Travis is the best tight end in the history of the NFL now.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Jason's going to be the best center of both Hall of Famers. Just played against each other in the Super Bowl. And then our quarterback went up to Canada and won two Grey Cups. So we got four Super Bowls and two Grey Cups in that house. And we were fuck-ups we were fucking idiots but again don't you kind of want that from i want football players to be
Starting point is 00:08:14 a little reckless you have to be yeah same with fighters i don't want a fucking boy scout exactly when when john jones kept getting into trouble and people like you believe what john jones did i'm like john Jon Jones is a wild motherfucker. That's why he's the greatest of all time. You need an element of psycho in there. You have to be fucked up. You have to be fucked up. You do.
Starting point is 00:08:32 It's just the way it goes. You've got to be a little fucked up to do it. Is that true with all of them? Is that true? Like, you've been around the greats. You've been around some amazing players. Like, is that true with all of them? No.
Starting point is 00:08:42 No. Most D linemen, most d linemen interior defensive linemen though they're fucked up they are they're just fucking different like aaron donald is a different motherfucker he was i mean he's gonna go down as the best defense tackle ever do it but he's fucking wild like he's crazy do you think he tries to kill people out there he came in with that or do you think that also developed over the course of his career i think it develops over your life right i don't know his life story or anything but most of us have been through some
Starting point is 00:09:09 shit right you know and it's just you can kind of see it when you meet a guy he's just fucking different right yeah and i when you meet then you meet guy i have like peyton manning good friend of mine now you know we were teammates for four years when we won a super bowl together um and he still lives in denver so we see each other all the time. But Peyton was like complete opposite. He fucking controlled the room. Everything he did was like dialed in. It was so dialed and so professional.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Like he came to work dressed professionally, right? Defense lineman, we're coming in fucking slides and fucking shorts and t-shirts and shit, right? He would show up fucking buttoned up with a suitcase or with a briefcase, you know, and right to the film room. We're going fucking to the weight room. That's where we're going. So it was just a different vibe, man. And then, like, DeMarcus Ware, fucking ultimate, like, such a professional.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Everything about him was professional. But the great D-linemen that are interior guys, they're usually fucked up. John Randall, you've heard of him? Yes. This guy fucking slept on a fucking dirt floor growing up. Jesus. You think he's not a little fucked up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And then there's the sport itself, which, I mean, just the amount of impacts you guys are taking on a regular basis. Every day. Every day you're getting hit in the fucking forehead. Every single day. So, like, when someone talks to you about, like, fighting in MMA, you're probably like, I've done enough. I don't want to get kicked and fucking elbowed in the head, punched. No.
Starting point is 00:10:35 If I was going to do anything, it was going to be boxing. Yeah? Yeah. But, fuck, because Klitschko was still the champ, and Trevor was like, you can fucking, you can quote him on this. He was like, we could talk a bunch of shit and fucking get the word out there, get you a couple amateur fights, get you winning a couple fights. And he's like, in two years, we'll be fighting for $100 million. That's what he told me.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Trevor's a wild dude, but he's also a genius. Oh, it's so much. He took my pass rush game to another level. Yeah? Because I was good at figuring out angles from wrestling on people, but he took it to another level of levels. Taking my levels down. I could bring my level up and get it back down and come out
Starting point is 00:11:16 of there with power. So I was just creating angles on guys and doing shit they'd never seen. And is that from footwork drills? Yeah, doing footwork. It was all footwork. Everything is footwork. It starts feet your feet first and your hands will follow and he would i mean he would have me doing like switch jabs and shit like that and i would use that shit on the field i would switch my feet last second cross up and then cross body and then and then be able to lower my level and be able to accelerate out of that
Starting point is 00:11:41 and it just like took my fucking pass rush to another level that makes sense you know if you learn new skills like that like you know vasily lomachenko the boxer yeah his dad made him do ukrainian dance for two years made him stop boxing he's like look you're you're going to be an amazing boxer but what i really want you to concentrate on is your feet and now if you watch him fight have you ever seen him fight yeah see if you can find a lomachenko highlight his footwork is insane like he's standing in front of the of a guy and then he'll like switch and throw a jab and circle off to his left and catch him again then circle off to his right the guy does not know where the fuck he is yeah how are you supposed to play chess against that? Because it's a dance out there. He's such a wizard, man.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Look at him. His footwork came about from all the stepping. Like a matador. The fact that he can just stand. Look at that. These angles are insane. And then he lights off punches. He's the most beautiful of any guy I've ever seen
Starting point is 00:12:44 in terms of footwork. Because it's like you're really watching him dance. Because of the dance background, like his footwork looks beautiful. I mean, my God, who fucking moves like him? And by the way. Guys just put their hands up. They're like, fuck, I don't know what's coming. He's really not a lightweight. You know, he fought Tiafema Lopez and lost,
Starting point is 00:13:02 and he's fighting these bigger guys, but he's really like a 130-pounder. That's his real weight class. And if there was big money fights at that weight class and he didn't have to keep going up, I mean, he's a motherfucker, dude. Probably wouldn't be beat. Yeah, and that's the thing. It's like it's all from footwork. Yeah, that's where it all starts, man.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It's your base. And, yeah, so what the fuck were we talking about? We were just talking about skills that you picked up training with Trevor you don't want to fight yeah I didn't want to I just didn't want to do it because I didn't want to get hit in the fucking head anymore smart and then when it came to to stop to be stopping with the NFL like when I was like I'm done um I played eight years in Denver which was awesome um but then I dislocated my elbow bad going into a contract year in 2019. I was having my best season of my career. Year eight, balling out, about to get another payday. And it was like a dead play. So the whistle didn't get blown. A couple guys jumped off sides and the whistle gets blown halfway through the play. So half the half the fucking field is moving at full speed and half the field's not. half the fucking field is moving at full speed and half the field's not.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And it's like a fourth of an inch's play. So I try to make the fucking tackle. And I, like, slow up and I end up slipping and falling. And I'm going to get up and our 330-pound nose tackle goes to, like, he's, like, running straight at me and his fucking shin hits me right in the elbow and it goes to the ground. Oh! Dislocated all the way to the fucking ground. I fucking, dude, I was, I'd never been in so much pain.
Starting point is 00:14:24 It hurt so fucking, made me want to throw up. I was throwing up in my mouth because i was grabbing at it and trying to put it back in oh because i in 2016 i did that with my right elbow it came out and i put it right back in it just kept going i mean that's the fucking the shit your fingers get popped out all the time you just put them in and go like there's no time to fuck around and i was trying to get it to go in and i could just feel it grinding on the bone grinding against each other and it was like making me fucking ill oh then they took me in they took me in the locker room and i was fucking pissed because i knew it was going to cost me a bunch of money that elbow deal was going to cost me i knew it probably cost me 20 million
Starting point is 00:15:00 fucking pissed my own teammate he didn't mean to him it's not his fault but it was like on a dead fucking play i was losing my shit i fucking slammed my helmet i was like these motherfuckers like i was blaming the refs blaming everybody fucking fucking refs i'm gonna sue the fucking refs my turn all right you know yeah think and here's the other thing before games i was taking micro doses so i'm micro dosed and I'm at like full taking mushrooms. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Before games. So I'm taking mushrooms, the Viking in you. Yeah. I'm fucking taking mushrooms and fucking Adderall. Wow. Oh my God. Before I play.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Yeah. What is that like? Mushrooms and Adderall. Dude, the fucking focus is out of control. And I would just like, before games, I would like,
Starting point is 00:15:44 I would like get myself pissed off. So I just would start thinking about my childhood, like the shit that I went through as a kid. Whoa. And they would fucking get me in this rage mode. And it was like this crazy controlled rage. So Adderall, mushrooms, and childhood rage. Yeah. All together in a 280-pound Savage.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Well, I was like 300 pounds then, you know? Oh, my God. I was like 300 pounds then you know oh my god i was like 20 pounds heavier than i am now when i was playing oh my god just fucking such a meathead saying wild crazy shit to quarterbacks i told i told a guy i was gonna fucking eat his kids it was crazy what did he say he he didn't he didn't say shit he never talked i played against this guy twice a year for eight years and that was in year four that that happened so four years straight he never said another word to me oh my god he was like this guy's a fucking sicko once i got married and had kids and stuff though i like i was like cooled it on saying shit like that but i just that's what you do man it's a fucking head game it's a head game i'm trying to get in his head yeah 100 yeah i always
Starting point is 00:16:50 try to explain that to people people conor mcgregor's a fucking asshole the things he says like it's part of the game i mean it's yeah i get it you don't want to hear those things i get it i get it but that that's legal and that works. It works. It's strategy. It's unsue art of war. Well, listen to the shit Tyson would say. Oh, my God. And that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You know, it's funny. I was actually, before I came here, I was down in Nashville with Kid Rock. Oh, no shit. Staying at his place. Awesome fucking place. He's a great guy. Dude, he's the best. His place is amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Unreal. It's like the dream place. He's got a fucking church. he's got a fucking church it's uh he uses the church the white house dude it's the most wild shit you've ever seen the wildest shit i've ever seen and then like i was like i'm like bob show me around this fucking place like what the fuck we should explain to people what he did 27 000 square feet fucking he built a White House. Yeah. Like it looks exactly like the White House, but it's bigger than the actual White House.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah. It's fucking phenomenal. And it's just a party house. It has one bedroom and one guest bedroom. Yeah. And it's 27,000 feet. Jamie, you got to go. Next time we're in Nashville, you got to go.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It's the most, he's got a golden shower. So it's a room. A golden toilet, golden shower. The room is as big as this studio and it's all the tile on the wall is gold. Everything's gold. He's like, get a golden shower. He's got a giant gold elevator in the middle, like right when you walk in through the front door. And the contractor said to him, he goes, a lot of people like to hide their elevators he goes fuck that i want people coming over my house going kid rock's got a fucking gold elevator
Starting point is 00:18:30 some of the like antiques and shit he's got in there too like he's got the hammer they use to fucking knock down bin lon's door whoa he's got that hammer whoa that's like one of his like prized fucking possessions, I think. Oh, no shit. Because he fucking- Is he sure that's really the hammer? Who did he get it from? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Because if I was going to sell somebody a hammer, I'd be like, bro, this is the one that knocked down Ben Ladin's door. Yeah. I think it was a gift. Oh, okay. So I think it was gifted to him by the guy that was there and fucking used it, you know? Kid Rock. The thing about Kid Rock, too, is he's got so many hits.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Like, that guy could tour to the end of time. So he could do something stupid, like build a White House. Dude, that place is phenomenal. Huge gym. How about that Double Wide? Yeah, it's amazing. This fucking Double Wide that's like a five-star resort in there. How about the view off of his fucking back porch, too?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Nashville, yeah. It's incredible. It's beautiful. He's like the highest point in Nashville, too. Yeah. five-star resort in there how about the view off of his fucking back porch to the nashville yeah it's incredible he's like he's like the highest point in nashville too yeah no he's he's living a redneck dream but what i was what i was saying is this motherfucker was like you know i was telling him about my you know my she was asking me like you know where i was from and about my we were on a duck hunt together and i was telling him this he's like well where'd you you know who fucking raised you and i said you did motherfucker whoa it's like I was raised on kid rock stone cold Steve Austin fucking the rock like that's who raised me Mike Tyson like that's the those are the motherfuckers I looked up to wow I didn't have any any other like role model in my life that I could look up
Starting point is 00:19:58 to so I had to look up to those guys in a way they just didn't give a fuck and I was like that's what I'm gonna do so when you were growing up was your mom around my mom was an alcoholic and struggle with drugs and she doesn't know who my dad is like has no idea you think by now like this motherfucker would just pop up right right but no like nobody fucking knows who it is because she would go on these month-long blackouts oh man and just be fucking blacked out for a month and you know she was abused as a child too you know she was sexually abused and stuff so she just kind of didn't break that cycle right didn't break the chain then my stepdad was abusive you know he would fucking you know beat the shit out of my you know that he would
Starting point is 00:20:42 beat the shit out of me like for fun like that's what If he was in a bad mood and I had my fucking mouth open even looking at him, he'd fucking pop my mouth and fucking throw me on the ground, kick me in the stomach and shit. Oh, man. Like, you fucking pussy. Get up. That's just the way he treated me, but I got out of that situation and broke that cycle.
Starting point is 00:21:02 But when people are like, you're fucked up, I'm like, well, what do you think yeah what do you think's gonna happen when you fucking treat a kid like that you know my mother didn't really show me i don't know what unconditional love felt like until i had a daughter wow i didn't know what that felt like and that was like the life change it was so life-changing for me to have a daughter and to feel what that feels like that unconditional no matter what i'll love you because i didn't know what that felt like that unconditional no matter what I love you because I didn't know what that felt like never had it so it was Wow Wow it was intense man my childhood was fucking intense you know like even you know being in relationships my wife is so patient with me because like my idea
Starting point is 00:21:37 of intimacy was you know my mom I slept in an in the attic you know in this tiny little fucking house then we lived on all these. I went to seven different elementary schools. We were always getting fucking booted out of the house. But when I was like really developing, going through puberty, like what I heard was them fist fighting each other, throwing each other through walls. And then fucking 10 minutes later, like that's what my idea of intimacy was. So like I had to like reprogram my brain. How did you do that?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Did a bunch of treatments. Like you ever heard of EMDR? No. So it's like, you believe in past lives? I don't not believe. I think there's a certain amount of undeniable genetic memory that people have. I think that's probably where things like ophidiophobia and arachnophobia come from, fear of snakes and spiders. Because I think that a lot of that probably comes from, there's a memory of you either watching someone die from it or you getting bit and surviving and it gets through the DNA and it gets to people today.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah. Cause there's certain people that they, for no reason they'll see a snake and they just fucking freeze. Whereas other people see a snake and it's just like, Oh, stay the fuck away from that. But it doesn't have that same visceral reaction. The same fear.
Starting point is 00:22:46 There's things that people know. Like you know to be scared of big teeth and scary things. And that's why kids are scared of monsters, right? It's because we grew, we evolved around big cats and things were eating us and wolves. Yeah, saber-toothed tigers and shit. Yeah, that's, I think. Prehistoric animals, man. I think those memories are in our DNA.
Starting point is 00:23:05 So I have a feeling we have no idea what kind of information is stored that passes on from your genes. Yeah. Like one of the things I've noticed about my kids is they have very specific talents that I have. Very specific. And also that like some other members of my family have. Like my uncle's an amazing artist. And I'm always like, how much of that is genetic? Like where's that coming from?
Starting point is 00:23:28 Like where's this ability? Like my youngest daughter is fucking incredible. Her artwork's amazing. Like I watch her draw, and I'm like, Jesus Christ. She's 12. I'm like, how are you so good? Like there's something I think that kids get from their parents, and maybe that is what past lives are.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And maybe when someone has a seance or some shit and, you know, they tell a story about a past life, maybe that's in there somewhere. Like, deep, deep in that file system. In that DNA code, right? Yeah. It's all, I mean, we could get down the rabbit hole here but it's you know that dna code we don't know you don't know what the fuck we don't know what's in there it's in with animals right like i got a dog he's a golden retriever sweetest dog in the world but like if that dog sees shit outside he rolls around in it like he knows to roll around like i don't know what the
Starting point is 00:24:21 fuck kind of instinct that is but that's like in his system yeah it's a very specific thing you know if he if he sees a squirrel he's it's it's on bitch yeah like i'm here to kill squirrels you know like it's on squirrels and birds and shit like that he wants to chase him most for him it's squirrels he's a fucking the squirrel killer but well that's probably i mean that's the rodents like small rodents and shit were what wolves were eating back then. It must be. Or taking down like
Starting point is 00:24:47 Because my daughter has a chihuahua she has this little tiny chihuahua whip it mix he's this shit his name is Snoop he's this tiny little fella and him and Marshall are like best friends.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Like that's a rat. Like the size of a rat. Yeah. Like how come you want to kill the squirrels but that little dude is your buddy. Because he knows. Yeah it's crazy. Well it's the same thing It's it's the same thing with uh like big dogs and babies right they just are soft around me like they know they go slow because think about that when wolves first started coming into little fucking nomad camps right
Starting point is 00:25:18 like they were feeding them and they would keep them safe from the other wolves yes that it was the first fucking thing they learned was don't touch the fucking kids yep right or you get fucking killed yep right yep so they didn't they were soft and easy with the kids especially animals with floppy ears yeah the ones with the floppy ears they think that that wolves their ears droop to sort of show submissiveness and that's how wolves when they transitioned and became dogs over time, they developed like Labrador ears. Yeah. That's so fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:48 The evolution of dogs. It's wild. They're so close to us in a way because they're the same thing, but they look so different. You know, like you could take like a Great Dane and if you could figure out the logistics, that could fuck a little poodle. Right. And then it would make a dog Dane. And if you could figure out the logistics that could fuck a little poodle. Right. And then it would make a dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Like how is that? How are those the same animals? You know? And when you see. The lab created dogs that they have now, man, it's wild. But you see someone like Shaquille O'Neal and then you see like Tina Fey.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah. Like they could have kids. Yeah. Like the, the size difference, the way they look is so different, but we're, we're a lot like, like domesticated animals in that way.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I guess it makes sense, right? Because humans all came out of Africa and they traveled all over the world. They had to adapt to all these different climates and that's what caused all those, the physical changes in people. Have you read the book Species? Yes. Yeah. That fucking book changed my life. Very, very interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:26:42 When you hear the history of us. It's fucking wild. That there were seven different species of humanoids fucking wild that there were seven different species they think there's more now they think there's more they keep finding one they found a new one recently they found uh some dna of a recent human species that is different than anyone that they've found before and how old did they think that was i'm not sure i don't quite remember but i know they're they're in the neighborhood of there's some of these people that were that used to be humans that were around when modern humans were around so like yeah yeah so we're the we're the final product we've are we i don't know i'm not saying i'm saying wait i know what you're saying we
Starting point is 00:27:22 killed off all the fucking other ones right yeah Like you were talking last night about how you have Neanderthal in you, right? Yeah. And it's crazy to think that like, imagine like seeing like an ape and be like, yeah, I'm going to have sex with that, you know? Yeah. Well, I think people were- That's fucking crazy. I think everybody was pretty close back then.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I mean, I think when you're dealing with like Neanderthal mating with Homo sapiens- Yeah, they didn't look so much different, right? It wasn't like a gorilla. Hairy beasts. Hairy beasts with fucking deer skins over their dick. I mean, it is crazy that we got to where we are today. It's wild, the evolution of humans. Now they're turning into these fucking super nerds that are just...
Starting point is 00:28:03 Genderless. Yeah, genderless, fucking no testosterone. Soy boy fucking out of control, man. It makes me crazy. I think that's the future. I mean, I know it's not so good for guys like you and I, but I think it seems like that's where this race is headed. I think that's why we try to fight it so hard. I think so.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I think there's part of it with men. It goes against everything in our DNA to fucking be like that. Well, you have this DNA that did evolve through war and conflict and fighting off predators. And it gets ignited during a football game or it gets ignited during a fight. It's like, yeah! And you feel alive. I'm glad you brought this up because I was talking about this on another podcast a couple weeks ago. And I'm just trying to get my thoughts here and how I explained it.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Sports were invented by dudes practicing to hunt. Yeah. Like they're like, how can we fucking get ready to go hunt? Or practicing war. Yeah. We're practicing war. We're practicing hunting. Like that's where sports come from.
Starting point is 00:29:01 So that's why there's like this deep spiritual connection between battle and sports yeah and hunting it's all kind of it all kind of goes together it was a great transition for me to get into bow hunting i was already i bow hunted when i was a kid too but that was kind of like my escape you know football and bow hunting were my escape as a kid that's where i if i was i just stayed in the woods man because if not i was just a loose fucking cannon you never knew what was going to happen out there. I interrupted you earlier. You were talking about past lives.
Starting point is 00:29:28 We got off on a tangent. Let's get back to that, and then we'll go to bow hunting. So what is this therapy that they use? It's a light treatment. So the way they do it, you keep your eyes open, and you do a breathing series, and then they send these lights across your eyes, and it almost puts you in this trance and i was able and you're being guided pretty you know there's like a therapist that's like kind of guiding you through it um dude at one point i'm like i'll be telling you i'm i'm sitting there and i'm fucking just tears rolling out of my eyes
Starting point is 00:29:59 and i'm like what the fuck you know because I was like releasing this trauma that like because the body keeps the score, man. So like I was like I was releasing that trauma. So this light thing and someone's guiding like what is it doing to your mind? It took me. I was able to go into this. So I was able to go to my young self. To the young Derek. And I was able to like comfort him.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Whoa. And like it helped me grow as a person because I was stuck in that trauma. Whoa. Stuck there. I was like to like comfort him. Whoa. And like, it helped me grow as a person. Cause I was stuck in that trauma. Whoa. Stuck there. I was like, I couldn't grow. You can't grow unless like, like I gotta, I had to like let him know, like, you're safe. You're good. It's all good. It's shit sounds wild, but it's real, man. I really fucking did that. Like, and then we got into a deeper because some of the, some of my like frustration in life is not knowing who my father is and knowing my ancestors. because that's important to me. So we dug deep.
Starting point is 00:30:48 This is before I ever did any kind of ancestry DNA shit. And we dug deep into these past lives. And it took me into this fucking Viking camp. And I was, dude, it's fucking wild. I'm going to get into it. People are going to be like, you're fucking nuts. So are you under hypnotized? What does it feel like? Are you being hypnot hypnotized it feels like you're in a dream
Starting point is 00:31:07 you're in a dream i felt like i was in a fucking dream are your eyes closed no your eyes are open my eyes are open but like the lights kind of like you can't see anything but the lights so your mind is like the only thing that's really working and you're in your breathing and then you can hear this woman and then like i go into this viking camp and i'm there and i'm like with my my woman right and i'm getting ready to go to war she's like putting me in fucking armor and whoa or not armor but putting my like fucking hide like this wolf hide or something on me you know and then i grab my fucking axe and a shield and i go to war and i'm out there fucking like, like murdering people out on a fucking battlefield, just going ham, you know, just fucking axing people. And like, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Like you felt this, I could feel it. I could feel it. It was like I was doing it. And then when I came out of that, when it would have, well, I was betrayed in this fucking dream. I was betrayed by my brother, whoever my brother was, he, he, they betrayed me because they didn't want me to marry this woman because she was like, to them, you know, she was like, they couldn't control me anymore. Whoa. So they didn't want me to marry this woman. And I did. And then they fucking had me killed.
Starting point is 00:32:19 This was all in this experience? I wake up because my head was getting chopped off. Holy shit. that's what woke me up holy shit isn't that fucking crazy has that ever happened before or since no there was one time yeah i just did it i well i did like three or four sessions and like that was the last session because i felt like i had found the roots, you know, of like the trauma. Wow. So I fucking like. I wonder if that's in there, man. So that made me.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I was like, this is fucked up. Oh, I know that the mind, like I know that your mind, your mind is the most powerful tool you have. So I know that it can play tricks on you too. And like I watch movies and shit. So like I was like, this shit could have just came from a movie. Right. So I was like, let me do some DNA. Fucking Scandinavian all the way through.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Of course. Look at you. Look at you. I came from Scandinavia. a movie right so i was like let me do some dna fucking scandinavian all the way through of course look at you i came from scandinavia we went my bloodline goes from scandinavia germany and ireland and then straight to fucking appalachia wow so wow holy shit just all around viking i just you know people will dismiss that. They'll dismiss it as imagination and dreams and stuff. But I just wonder how much you carry. I mean, obviously some information is transmitted. It's transferred from your genes into your children.
Starting point is 00:33:37 There's some that's it. Oh, yeah. Some of it is from them learning, being around you. How do you think they know how to work a fucking phone at three years old already? They know how to fucking swipe it and like it's like they just know. I think that's just easy for those young pliable minds to learn. You don't think that that's passed down at all? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:56 The technology stuff? Like why are some people good with fucking computers and like dude, I get a computer and I want to snap it in half. I think some of it is probably passed down through the parents. I mean, they think like musical talent, like oftentimes it's, but then you got to go, well, they probably grew up in a musical household too. They probably contributed to it. But what you're talking about is something way more intense.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And it makes me wonder, I mean, when people do have those past life dreams, I always wonder if that's bullshit. Like there's always some little kid that can speak German that can tell you a story or they grew up during the war and you're like, what? Like you're four. There's a few of those, but I never know if those are real stories. Have you ever read any of those that are very compelling?
Starting point is 00:34:41 I've looked into this heavy one time. There's a guy, a doctor doctor an actual person out of college that's been studying as many cases he could find about this and i can't remember his name i can look him up he's got the info and what does he say i think he says it is accurate but there's levels to it there's different parts people remember you can't force the child to go through it you kind of just have to like let them say what they remember as soon as you start asking things that freaks them out sometimes they start crying but there's one I remember hearing he was remembering stuff about this guy this World War II pilots friends that he had he remember he like almost named the
Starting point is 00:35:18 ship I think they were on this guy like he died in a plane crash he was shot down he was having all these memories of it but they went too far with it. I think is also what happened. He's like, I don't know what you're talking about now Oh, wow, so there's levels to it too, but I always wonder because I always wondered Like how much is trans it makes sense if these beings want to evolve and learn That you should have the lessons of the people from the past They should be inside of you in some sort of a way there's some sort of knowledge that gets transferred to children it just makes sense right then that's the case you're gonna have the most traumatic memories are going to be burned in there because you it's it's and then like even the ones that you experience in
Starting point is 00:36:01 life you bury those in your subconscious yeah right so like when you're i think it's what from this is the doctor dr ian stevenson it's still going on the studies are still going on division of perceptual studies at virginia i think is where most of the research has been happening wow a lot of a lot of a lot of studies have gone into it some people are bullshitting obviously for sure but there are many cases of people that seem Some people are bullshitting, obviously. For sure. But there are many cases of people that seem to be not bullshitting. Deathbed visions. A lot of stuff. Various types of extrasensory perceptions
Starting point is 00:36:33 such as telepathy, apparitions, and deathbed visions. After-death communications or ADCs, poltergeists, experiences of persons who come close to death and survive, usually called near-death experiences out-of-body experiences and children's memories of previous lives wow that's wild when you get a real scientist to study and shit like that yeah because you got to wonder like it's so
Starting point is 00:36:59 easy to dismiss those things so easy to dismiss it but the human mind and it's just ability to acquire information and store it in there and to be able to remember things like all that is weird enough as it is I don't think it's that weird that those memories would transfer to children no I mean it makes sense to me it does what the fuck do I know yeah well you have that you have a memory that's pretty fucking intense that completely makes sense when you look at you yeah man it's so i just fully embraced it man i got fucking odin tattooed all over me oh nice big odin big fucking raven with the odin sign on my chest and shit like i just full viking full went on went into it man and embraced it so it's given me like a lot of peace just kind of like
Starting point is 00:37:41 knowing where you came knowing where i come from right because i didn't know what that i don't know anything could you imagine being alive during the viking times oh fucking savage can you imagine those we're gonna go rape and pillage we're gonna like that's how you think about it i think i'm gonna get raped and pillaged that's what i think you're thinking oh yeah we're gonna rape people i'm thinking that's not my role in this my role is running in the mountains i have to get the fuck out of here. I see those boats pull up. I'm like, oh shit. We gotta go.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Imagine how fucking scary that was. Oh my God. Just a fucking Viking boat pulls up. Not just one, probably. Oh, just fucking a couple hundred of them. And they just can't wait to jump off the boat and fucking kill everybody. Have you watched that show, Vikings? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:27 It's a pretty fucking cool. Have you seen The Northmen, the movie? Yeah. Woo! Dude, savage. That movie's fucking good. It's fucking good, man. And it's like they really were.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It's not modernized in any way. That's what I loved about it. There's no 2023 person there. It's accurate. Yeah. That's what you would imagine those people would be like. Everyone's super flawed and fucked up. Yep. Fucking crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It's just a... That final sequence when they fight it out. Holy shit. Holy shit. I loved it. It's a great fucking movie. I love that movie. I mean, but that time in history.
Starting point is 00:39:01 What an amazing time. I mean, there's several times where I wish I could have a time machine and just watch. I just want to be there and see what was that really like. Yeah. And the Viking Rage would be one of them for sure. I think about that all the time. Steve Rinello actually said something, I think it was on your show, when he was talking about Daniel Boone when he first crossed the Cumberland Gap.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Imagine what that was like. I think about that, then i go and i think about imagine like discovering fucking iceland for the first time right right or imagine like seeing that shit and then or going to greenland and seeing the fucking volcanoes erupting fucking they got lava pouring out of them and shit like and that probably was fucking mind-blowing wooden boats powered by the wind just floating across the ocean. Well, they used fucking rowers, too. They had fucking whole, like all those guys fucking rowed. Imagine how fucking strong they were, and their backs probably hurt like a motherfucker, too.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Oh, yeah. It's fucking crazy to me. Yeah. For miles and days. Yeah, for days. Just eating nothing, really. Those motherfuckers were savage. Yeah, people back then were just it's so funny like the the hardships that people talk about today and what imagine if they had to
Starting point is 00:40:12 hear it imagine if you said that to one of these guys they'd be like you fucking pussy is that a replica or a real one i think it's a found and then fixed oh wow because i don't think it stayed in that shape but i think they put it back together. Yeah, they've had a few of those where they sort of rebuilt them, and I'm like, that's new wood, though. Look at that thing. Imagine that thing just covered with savages,
Starting point is 00:40:35 swinging axes. And they're just fucking blood there. They got blood on their faces and shit. And that was a normal part of human history. I mean, that was an era. How long did the Vikings last for? Like, how long was that era? They were traveling around fucking everybody up.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I mean, it kind of, like, faded off into... When they got to England, they started, like... Well, what it was is Christianity. Christianity, like, kind of... Sedated everybody? Yeah. 793 to 1066 CE The period during the middle ages when the
Starting point is 00:41:11 Norsemen known as the Vikings undertook Large scale raiding Colonizing conquest Wow And trading So they had a good run Just go steal everybody's shit Just fuck everybody up how is everybody so big that's what's crazy like when you see those guys from iceland that all those world power
Starting point is 00:41:32 lifting champion guys and like like uh like the mountain yeah like how are they how's everybody so big over there i think it's like an ancient dna yeah it has to be you know that's almost gotten lost it's it's there man it's fucking they be, you know, that's almost gotten lost. It's, it's there, man. It's fucking, they say giants, you know, I believe that there was giants walking the earth at one point. There's probably fucking eight foot tall, nine foot tall motherfuckers. They say they were like 20, 20, 30 feet tall. Cause didn't they find a femur bone? It says the average Viking was, uh, eight to 10 centimeters, three to four inches shorter than we are today. The skeletons that archaeologists have found
Starting point is 00:42:08 revealed that a man around 172 centimeters tall, 5 foot 6, and a woman had an average height of 5 foot 1. Yeah, but that's just the people that they killed. Yeah, those are the ones that died. Those are the skeletons they found. Everybody else died in a fire on a boat. On a boat, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 If you were a fucking... If you were... If you had to die, those are the ones that just didn't die with their sword in their hand. Yeah. They just found them stomped to death. Yeah. Fucking ran through. That's such a, when they talk about the average, it's funny. So they killed a bunch of five foot six dudes.
Starting point is 00:42:41 It's like, that's all that is. Like the amount of five foot six dudes that got stomped to death is pretty high. We think they were all pretty short. Like, this obviously, that can't be true. Because the stories of them all being these giant savages, and then you
Starting point is 00:42:57 have the guys in Iceland, you got guys like you, obviously they were giant. It seems obvious that the ones who were, like, at the front of the boats, the guys who were raiding, they were giant people. And I think that the water was so much different back then that people drank that glacier water
Starting point is 00:43:16 and they were eating fucking muskox and fucking Irish elk. Remember the Irish elk? They were eating shit like that. So they were eating just like that. They were eating just meat, leaves, and berries. High protein and murder. And mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:43:33 They used to do ayahuasca. Those Vikings were really into that. I know they were into mushrooms. They would take mushrooms before they would go on. That was in the show, too. The show was great because there was no real good guys like the people that they were storming the castle and kill them they were cunts too yeah so
Starting point is 00:43:49 it's like you didn't really mind that they were getting murdered well everybody was fucked up back then right like everybody was fucking evil yeah you had fucking kings that just owned all the land and would be like nope you can't eat anything off this land yeah you're gonna starve that's the real robin hood story yeah what robin hood was really about was hunting yep yeah yeah that's i mean that's not that long ago that's not that it's not no when you think about how long like it's just a little blip a tiny little blip just a fucking blip do you uh ever uh pay attention to guys like graham hancock and randall carlson and these guys that think that there was a huge reset of civilization I've heard about the reset but I but I talk more about that because they think that there was natural
Starting point is 00:44:32 disasters probably comet impacts around eleven thousand eight hundred years ago okay reset civilization and probably knocked us back into the Stone Age yeah and that it makes sense if you think about the like when you're talking like a thousand years ago with the Vikings and 2,000 years ago with the Romans and just how savage and barbaric people were but yet thousands of years before that they built the pyramids Like how'd they do that? Well if something happened that like wiped everyone out back down to like just pure savage people that just scratch and claw and stay alive And then they rebuilt civilization one out back down to like just pure savage people that just scratch and claw to stay alive and then they rebuilt civilization but you would have the echoes of that barbarism just running through
Starting point is 00:45:11 cultures and that's what we have yep and that's really when you see the vikings when you when you you think about the mongols you think about the horrific shit that people did to each other just a couple thousand years ago and then a few thousand years before that you have this immensely sophisticated civilization in africa that's building giant stone structures and perfect geometry like what happened what the fuck happened yeah it has to be it has to make sense i totally believe in that uh this is what's the documentary called uh well the graham hancocks is well there's a natural catastrophe yeah yeah okay ancient apocalypse What's the documentary called? Well, Graham Hancock's is called Natural Catastrophes. Yeah, yeah. Ancient Apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Okay, Ancient Apocalypse. Ancient Apocalypse. What's a terrible thing? He said Natural Catastrophes. Natural Catastrophes. Ancient Apocalypse. Ancient Apocalypse. Ancient Apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And Graham's is, I believe it's seven pieces. Seven. How many parts is it? Oh, hold on, actually. It's at least four. But it's all different. I watched it. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:03 It's fucking great. It's amazing. And this is what he's pointing out. And archaeologists are very hesitant to get on board with it because they've been lecturing this different narrative for so long. And they've been writing books. And, you know, I mean, they don't want to say they were wrong, but it looks like they were wrong. It looks like the idea of the start of civilization being around 6, years ago is a restart of civilization that so it has to be yeah it makes sense because when they're finding these structures like gobekli tepe and turkey and and a lot of the ones they believe in egypt have you been to egypt no i haven't been there yet dude i heard it's insane i climbed to the center of the great pyramid yeah fucking wild energy in there oh can imagine I can imagine. Fucking vibrating. Really? It's fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Like you feel it? Yeah. Or is it just like you're freaking out because you're there? No, you can almost hear it. Really? It's like this weird energy in there, yeah. It doesn't feel like, it doesn't put off like a bad vibrancy. It just feels like electric in there.
Starting point is 00:46:58 It's like, what is this, a fucking power station? What is it? I don't know. They say it's a tomb. Yeah, but that's not real. That can't be real. I don't know it's a they say it's a tomb yeah but that's not real that can't be real i don't think that's real because why would they spend so they wouldn't spend that much fucking time and manpower i mean maybe they would if the king was that much of a baller but i just don't think that it makes sense first of all i don't believe they've ever found uh like a
Starting point is 00:47:20 dead pharaoh inside of one of those things no i don't think there's any real indication that it's a tomb. And they're like, oh, it got robbed. It's just speculation. It was robbed. They definitely were. I mean, they robbed the shit out of us. But why would you take a body? They definitely did.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I looked into that recently. Remember? Yeah, they ate them. They used to eat them. Yeah. Until like 100 years ago, they ate them. Yeah, people would have ceremonies, like rich people's houses,
Starting point is 00:47:43 and they would unwrap mummies in front of their guests yeah it was like an english thing right uh even if it sounds like an illuminati thing it does nine they they would give people ground skull for uh it's like headaches and shit like that ground up skull they ground up mummy was called mum mumia right yeah yeah yeah yeah what the fuck yeah that's fucking weird yeah bro that call there's one place that i could go see what the fuck was it like it would be ancient egypt that would be the number one spot i'd be like i gotta say i gotta see what were you guys doing like how'd you do this well then show me how you move a rock yeah well i think there was water flowing through that area. Well, there definitely was. The Nile River's there.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Well, the Nile, yeah, but I'm talking about right next to the pyramid. Why do you think that? Because there's no fucking way, if you've ever, there's no way they moved that shit through sand. They're like, oh, they rolled them on logs. Motherfucker, that's sand. Those logs are just going to sink into the sand. Well, it wasn't necessarily sand back then. See, this is the crazy thing about that area is that where there's like the Sahara Desert used to be vast greenlands. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:54 It used to be like a jungle. And it receded and became what we see now, all the sand. And Egypt in the early days, like 9,000 BC, I believe, that it was a rainforest. So like that same area where now it's just sand and dry, it was like torrential downpours all the time. That's kind of like Pangea, right? When we had just one continent. It was just a tropical, a giant island. That was a long-ass time ago.
Starting point is 00:49:26 This is not that long ago but this when they're talking about the dates of the pyramids one of the the first uh pieces of evidence that they discovered was uh there's a guy named uh dr robert shock out of boston university he's a geologist and he was examining the temple the sphinx and he was like this is water erosion it's like there's thousands of years of rainfall that's caused this erosion. And all the other archaeologists are like, there's no way. This is impossible. Because the last time it rained in the Nile Valley was like 9,000 BC. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It's really nuts. So that means it was thousands of years of rainfall before that. So that means these things have to be 12,000, 15,000 years old, 20,000 years old. How old are those? 20. That's what the guide that was with me, he was like a local guy, you know, that lived there. And we kind of just met him hanging out, you know, and he's just like, Hey, you want to fucking really learn about this thing? I was like, yes. He started filling me in on all this. He took me on, like, he took us all around the city and he was like, listen, these things are so much older. They'll tell you these things are only like, you know, a couple thousand years old.
Starting point is 00:50:27 These things are like 15, 20,000 years old. Wow. He's like, and there was water that he said there was water that flew through here. And that's how they got, they said they brought these rocks in on boat by boat. They brought them in by boat and then they would roll them up and they would use elephants and all kinds of other shit to pull them up. I would love to see what they did. And when you see the size of these fucking stones, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yeah. Granite and marble and fucking, they used to have gold capped on, they were gold capped on the top. And smooth limestone on the whole outside of the pyramid. It is perfectly fucking smooth. Before they fucked up the outside of it, because that was all looters that turned the outside all jagged. It used to be smooth. Yeah. the outside of it because that was all looters yeah that turned the outside all jagged it used to be smooth yeah well and then who knows what's who knows what that fucking city is built you know
Starting point is 00:51:09 what's underneath that city right because what was there before them if you want to if you don't believe that cities are built on top of cities go to fucking europe right you know and look and see how every fucking city is built on another one yeah where they came in and then fucking knock their shit down and built right on top of you. Yep. They find that in Mexico City, too. Yeah. They're always digging around. They find, like, Aztec stuff and they have to stop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Fuck, man. And what was before that? Right. What was before that? Like, when did they start? When did civilization actually start? Was it 30,000 years ago? Like, when did they get to 50,000?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Was it 100,000 years ago? Well, they keep predating modern humans, too. They used to think, or they keep moving the date, rather. They used to think modern humans were like 50,000, 100,000 years old. Now they're getting close to like a million. Yeah. That's fucked up. That's a lot of time to learn shit.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I mean, think about the difference between 100,000 and a million. Yeah. Well, think about how much evolution can happen. Think about the Viking times and now. Yeah. Not that long. Not that long. Like that.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah. Electricity changed a lot of shit, too. Yeah. A bunch of a lot of shit too. Yeah. A bunch of electricity and the internet. Electricity and then combustion engines, the internet, air travel, everything. It's like every time some new thing happens, everything moves much, much faster. And so who knows what the fuck they figured out back then.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I think they had some completely different technology. That's what I think. Had to. I think it was wiped out when the comets hit. I think whatever... They got hammered by those fucking comets, man. There's real evidence for it, too. Like, real core sample evidence of the Earth. It shows that the Earth got
Starting point is 00:52:35 hit during that period of time. So it's a very valid theory. But it's one that's mainstream. They don't want to embrace it because they've been teaching in a different way for so long well think about like atlantis right like that was like the downfall of atlantis right was when it was fucking commented and then you then you have like real evidence like like pompeii where it's fucking like a volcano erupted and just wiped the whole
Starting point is 00:52:59 civilization out yep froze people frozen have you gone there yeah it's weird right it's fucking creepy imagine like being there just chilling having a good time in Pompeii, and then you see, boom, just a few miles away. You're like, holy shit. Oh, why are we here? Why did we build a city right here? Why did we build right here by a volcano? There's a thing on Netflix about natural disasters now, and they're talking about volcanoes and
Starting point is 00:53:23 how people are living closer to volcanoes more and more and that it's a fucking mistake i think it's like a i think it's like a billion people or something live near live near volcanoes on the planet and like all of them are active well how about hawaii i love the big island but every time i go to the big island last time i left it was a volcano the next day i'm like jesus christ yeah dude i don't want anything to do with that shit. That shit freaks me out. They say the steam from that shit will just melt you. Just melt you.
Starting point is 00:53:52 There's a great video of Hawaii. This guy's got his Mustang parked on a street, and the lava just comes down the street and engulfs the Mustang and destroys it. It was like someone's security camera caught the footage. Man, I bet that was cool looking. It's just like, lets you know, you're not supposed to stop there. No. Don't live here.
Starting point is 00:54:12 That's a bad spot. But if you can get away, here it is. Look at it. This guy's car is parked and it just makes its way across the street. I mean, it's a residential neighborhood. Well, if you think, like, this is how all earth was made, right? Yeah. Look how it does this.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Look how amazing that is. It just completely consumes that car. That car doesn't exist anymore. It just melts everything. I mean, it just looks so out of place. When you see the sidewalk or the street, and then you see the mailbox, and you see this lava flow headed towards that car. You're like, what the fuck is happening? Look at that thing go.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Dude. That's amazing. Just destroy anything. And they live there. But beautiful place to live. Yeah. I think we're going in June, maybe early June. I'm going to take the kids and the wife over there.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Have you gone to Lanai? No. I only going to take the kids and the wife over there. Have you gone to Lanai? No. I only went to Hawaii once, and that was to play. Oh, it's a great place to hunt, too. Well, that's what I was going to do. I was going to do a little hunting, a little spearfishing, too. Oh, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:15 I haven't done spearfishing, but I heard that's awesome. It's fucking creepy, dude. I hate sharks. I fucking hate them, dude. I feel so vulnerable in the water when there's sharks around. You should. Yeah. More than any other animal that I've been around, I've i feel so vulnerable in the water when the shark's around it should yeah more than any other animal that i've been around i've never felt so vulnerable yeah because at least on the ground you're used to being on the ground yeah like you're in the water that's their
Starting point is 00:55:33 world yeah and i have no chance yeah it's not a good spot not a good spot to be but uh lanai is an amazing place to hunt they have so many axis deer i love eating axis too they're so delicious and it's like there's an imperative to kill them because there's so many axis deer i love eating axis too they're so delicious and it's like there's an imperative to kill them because there's so many of them shark feeding frenzy caught off coast of what dude that's my worst nightmare right there is that real oh my god for people who just listen and we're looking at like what 50 sharks a hundred more well we're gonna see more and more sharks because we people you know there's like a lot of effort to save sharks now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:06 So people don't really kill sharks. So you're going to see more and more of them. So the fishermen were surrounded by a shark-feeding frenzy. What were they eating? I mean, these guys were probably chumming, right? Yeah. Probably chumming a little bit, and they got bait in the water. This is insane.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Look how many fucking sharks there are. I've never seen anything like this. You ever seen the videos of the great whites that get the dead whales? Yeah. There'll be like a dead whale floating and these fucking 20 foot great whites come up and just fucking take a huge chunk out of it. Take like three or four chunks out of it and they're like
Starting point is 00:56:37 alright I'm good for a few hours. Yeah. Like you just ate like fucking thousand pounds of meat. Sharks are they're so terrifying. That's why I don't surf. I'm like, you can keep that. I don't want to look like a fucking seal. People love it, though. They love it.
Starting point is 00:56:51 They tell you about surfing. They say it's the greatest feeling of your life. You get up on that board. You're in touch with nature, and you're in the vibe of the ocean. Those big wave surfers, dude, those guys are fucking nuts. 100-foot wave? They got real problems. I would never.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I mean, like, I've been rocked by a fucking 10-, 12-foot wave, you know, and washed in the air like I was in a dryer. No thanks. They're wired different for sure. My buddy Shane Dorian does that shit. I watch videos of him doing it online. He's like a normal dude. You hang out with him, and he's, like, real chill and mellow and real friendly.
Starting point is 00:57:29 And then you watch him on the surfboard like how the fuck look how big that wave is like if that comes down on you you look like a little speck it looks like a building it looks like you're on a fucking there's a building falling over i think part of it what people like is like being humbled by nature just the overwhelming sensation of the power of nature well i've been like that's how um that's how I feel when I'm out elk hunting, when I'm really backcountry, way out there, 12 miles deep. You're standing up on a ridge and you just look out and it's like, oh, fuck, I could die out here. It's real.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I could really fucking die out here. If I don't find some fresh water, I'm fucked. It's the real wild. Yeah, I love it. When did you first, you said you started hunting as a kid yeah my i killed my first uh white tail with a bow when i was just about 13 so that's when i and my stepdad would he was he'd like to hunt too every now and then you know he was into it but he would just take me in the woods once a year and fucking sit me under a tree and don't fucking move all right i'd sit
Starting point is 00:58:20 there and freeze and he'd go but i got you know just sitting there you'd see fucking deer come close was, to me, it was really cool to see how close I could get to the deer. I didn't really like enjoy shooting them with a gun. So I just like, once I got a bow in my hand, I was like, Oh, a full blown addict. Like right away. It's such a different experience, isn't it? Yeah. There's something primal about it yeah it taps into some strange area of your brain and because it's silent too like it's like such a because you're sneaking up you have to be quiet there's no boom yeah the boom is like cam hans has always said that that the boom of the gun just always felt out of place to him yeah like you're in the wilderness everything's peaceful and beautiful and natural and primal. And then boom. And I have nothing against rifle hunters, man. Like there's a need for all that shit.
Starting point is 00:59:10 But did I just, the bow hunting, the snap of the bow, like that, and then the whack of the, and the pop of the lungs popping. Also the skill involved in archery. You have to practice so much. You have to practice so much. It has to be a part of you. You have to just like in your mind, you have to be able to just like. Yeah, you anchor. I use a nose button.
Starting point is 00:59:28 So when I anchor that nose button, it's like everything is, you know, like that mountain line hunt, dude, that was one of the most physically demanding things I've ever done. Really? It fucked me up. So how did this come about? This is a mountain line that was killing people's dogs? Yeah. Well, no, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:59:43 It's not. There was in that area area dogs get fucking killed by mountain lions all the time in colorado in general like it happens all the time like up in boulder they took a cat from they took a lion from boulder and moved it out to like netherland you lived up in boulder so you know what i'm talking about yeah netherland area my dog got killed by a mountain lion right oh yeah i heard this story yeah so they moved this lion instead of like killing the lion which is what they should have done because once it's used to eating that kind of food it's not going back to chasing deer and shit you know it's gonna go take the easy meal and kill the little dogs right of course
Starting point is 01:00:11 well they took that line and moved it out to netherland it killed 15 dogs in 30 days and then they had to kill it so you have to manage that population but what happened was alex is out he's actually sitting out there right now alex called me was like hey we got a fresh snow you want to come up and you know drive up here and hunt a lion? I said, yeah, let's go. So I grabbed my bow and drove up there, you know, four in the morning. And we just started driving around trying to cut tracks with the hounds. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:35 So, you know, we're driving, driving. Just find a couple smaller tracks. And then we find this big track coming across the road. And we're like, oh, that's a big fucking lion. So we get out and look and check it out. And he had a fucking mule deer. He just killed this mule deer. It was like steaming still under the tree.
Starting point is 01:00:52 He had ripped it. You could see its guts all hanging out because it was eating it and shit. Dude, these fucking things are crazy. This giant mule deer, four by four, full grown under this tree. And then we look and we see it going back and forth from this porch so it's going from this guy's porch that we're to this to this kill going back and forth that's where it was denned up was under that fucking porch we didn't see it under there but you can see that that's where he was sleeping like that's where he was fucking hanging out because it was
Starting point is 01:01:17 easy killing for him for him he had dogs and fucking deer and literally any whatever he wanted because it's there's a lot of public uh hiking trails that go right up through there oh so and this is like a dude ranch right so and we knocked on the door and the guy didn't answer so we were like fuck so we called a bunch of different uh landowners around the area trying to and neighbors and shit and we then we started hearing stories about oh yeah last year this lion killed a dog and uh he's been hurt there's a there's one that's harassing my dogs now, this woman said. She's like, I won't come out of my house at night.
Starting point is 01:01:49 She's like, because there's like three or four of them running around here. And there's like sheep herds and deer herds and elk herds all through there. So it's like prime lion country. They have all the food they could want. But when you have one big alpha, he literally like hoards all the food and kills kittens. He'll kill kittens to like make sure he gets the food. So killing a big tom is what you want.
Starting point is 01:02:11 That's what you want to go after, big, full, mature tom. Because it's good for the lion population. It's good for the deer population. It's good for just conservation in general. And in this case, it was good for the neighbors because he was living. Imagine a 220- eight and a half foot lion was it that big yeah that's what you waited at i wait i got it was gutted it i had it gutted and cleaned and it was 173 cape and meat was 173 so i'm guessing with all his blood and
Starting point is 01:02:36 meat in him and guts it was probably 220 that's that's as big as they get, right? That's how it's so big. And if you pull the picture. Look at the size of that picture. Holy shit. That cat is so big. Look at his fucking paws, dude. That was the first thing that I looked at was his paws and his head. I mean, dude, it's 11 inches from thumb to, on my hand, it's 11 inches from pinky to thumb. So when I put my hand up there and that thing fucking just like engulfed my hand it's 11 inches from uh pinky to thumb so when i put my hand up there and that thing fucking just like it engulfed my hand wow that thing's so he could fucking huge he could kill
Starting point is 01:03:12 you and drag you by your fucking neck out of there no problem right up a tree whoop right up a fucking tree you'd be wow look how big his head is That's the biggest cat I've ever seen. I saw a big one in Utah a year ago. It was pretty big. It was under a tree. And we were about 30 yards away in a truck. And my buddy Colton, who I was with, he spotted it. We hit the brakes.
Starting point is 01:03:43 And you see these glowing eyes under this tree because it was, like, getting dusk out. And I had my binoculars on, so I'm, like, zooming in on big old fucking pumpkin head but it wasn't that big the one I saw looked like like 180 well let's see it's huge huge enormous because the average that's what the CPW told me the average is like you know 140 to 160 is like that that's what we normally see and then for a big mature time and then you get one like that that's in his prime. In his fucking prime. Eating dogs. Eating fucking dogs. It's only a matter of time before he eats a fucking person.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Yeah. Right? Yeah. So fast forward to us trying to get a hold of this guy that owns this land, right? Because there's a truck in the driveway, but I didn't want to go up there and bang on his door at 6 in the morning. Of course. Fucking pow, pow, pow. People that live back out there, they don't want to be fucking bothered right you know so so finally we two hours go by
Starting point is 01:04:30 of us calling people and hearing stories this and that and finally we get this guy's fucking standing outside now so we're like fuck yeah now we can drive down we keep driving to see if that because there's there's private and then there's public so we didn't want to go on this private land without permission because it's just the way i fucking do things right don't be a dick and so finally he's out there standing like kind of waving at us he's like you guys see these fucking tracks around here like because they went up onto his porch the tracks go up under his porch onto his porch and then across his fucking across his uh backyard and up into the fucking mountains like straight up a cliff so we're like fuck and he was like you guys in line hunting we fuck. And he was like, you guys been lion hunting?
Starting point is 01:05:06 We're like, yeah. He's like, can you guys go get this one? And we're like, fuck yeah. We tried to get a hold of you for two hours. He's like, oh, was that you guys on the porch? He's like, I thought that was the lion. He thought a fucking, he's like, that motherfucker, he's like, there's a big fucking lion that keeps looking in my fucking windows at night.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Oh my God. Because I have little dogs and cats in there. Oh my God. So this lion is like hunting him and his fucking animals right like and then this this woman the woman next door that we talked to she's like yeah there's he's like she's like at night i'll look out my window and there'll be a lion just staring into my fucking house a fucking lion we're not talking about a fucking kitty cat like a meow cat right he's not fucking purring.
Starting point is 01:05:45 He's trying to kill you and eat you. And he's huge. And they kill indiscriminately. They'll just kill just to kill because they're cats and they're fucked up. Cats are fucking weird and crazy. That's why they torture fucking mice and don't eat them. They just torture them to death. They're fucked up, man.
Starting point is 01:05:59 It's a fucked up animal. I'm sure mountain lions probably don't do that because they have to survive a little bit more than regular cats do. Well, wolves kill indiscriminately too. Yeah, they do. Well, they just do it to practice. They surplus kill. Yeah. And bury it.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Well, lions will kill and bury their shit too. Yeah. Just like bears. Predators just do that shit, you know? Yeah. Because it's like in their DNA to store food and instinctually to save it. Yeah. So they have something to eat later in case it gets cold or something.
Starting point is 01:06:29 They can't find anything. So this guy, you get a hold of him he gives you permission and then how do you how how does it go about so we fucking get out of the truck you know i got gators on fucking coat it's i mean it just snowed so it's like two feet of snow on the ground so and it and we're at like 8 000 feet and it goes up to 11 000 and then um so it at like 8,000 feet, and it goes up to 11,000. So it's like 8,000 to 11,000 in vertical feet where we're hanging out at. So we get the dogs on the tracks, and they go straight up the fucking hill. First they go under the porch and sniff around because they're like, this is where the scent's the strongest. They just went straight to under the porch.
Starting point is 01:07:02 So you know he was sleeping under there every night, fucking denned up. Like that scares the fuck out of me. And then the dogs get on, the dogs get on that track and they're fucking, you know, they just take off and we, they got, we use GPS. So we, but you have to stay with them because if they get those, those lions in a fucking in a cave, the lion will kill every dog that you got. They'll just kill them all. So you've got to fucking try to stay with the dogs. And Alex is like, all right.
Starting point is 01:07:23 And he's like a fucking mountain goat, right? He's just fucking straight up the mountain, right? I'm slipping and sliding the whole way up. So I just said, fucking, I'm going to crawl. So I got my bow in one hand, packing the fucking leashes and some water on my back. And I'm just crawling. Just crawl straight up this fucking mountain. And we get up there and I'm thinking, please have him treat up here.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Nope. They were fucking two miles that way already. It took me like an hour and a half to get up that hill. And I just slid down the other side, fucking straight down into this drainage where they, they went and walked, crawled up through this drainage. Cause the snow was like fucking up to my chest. It felt like could barely walk through it. And then I go, Alex is calling me cause he's way ahead of me now. He calls me and goes, Hey, where the fuck are you at? And I was like, I was like, dude, I'm fucking so far behind you like i can't even i'm moving slow so slow
Starting point is 01:08:08 through this shit and he was like well hurry up we got him and i was like oh fuck i was like i can't even hear the hounds i can't hear him so how far away is he of like two miles mile and a half oh my god but it's like oh but to get to him i had to go up straight back up to 11 000 feet follow his tracks and then drop down on him oh well here's where i fucked up he sent me like the pin he sent me the pin where he was and i was like all right i'm coming straight to you he's like come straight to the pin i said okay instead of following his tracks like i should have i went straight to the fucking pin so i'm like side hill and i'm telling you this shit's straight up and down it's rocky and slippery you can't
Starting point is 01:08:42 fucking post hole into it you're just sliding falling the whole way like my fucking pants are all ripped up i'm dude i'm cramping my hamstrings quads my rib cage my forearms and shit i'm cramping bad so i got to the point where i couldn't even fucking walk without just locking up so i just crawled and i dropped down i'm on the fucking road and i'm like i call him he's like where the fuck are you at we're gonna lose this line and i was like i'm on the road now and he was like like, I call him. He's like, where the fuck are you at? We're going to lose this line. And I was like, I'm on the road now. And he was like, oh, no. He's like, you got to climb back up. I was like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:09:13 I was like, all right, I'll be there. And he was like, you're never making it up here. I said, watch me, motherfucker. And so I did. I fucking crawled all the way up through there. And the shit I was climbing and crawling, like, it was sketchy, man. If I fell and rolled down through that shit I it was sketchy man if I if you if I fell and rolled down through that shit it was gonna kill me probably like I probably I'd be
Starting point is 01:09:30 fucked up break a leg a lot of shit can happen to you up there so I just kept crawling and made it took me it was only 900 yards that I had to go so he was at I was at like I had it was like a probably 800 feet vertically that I had to go but But it was like two feet of snow, slippery as hell, with a bow, fucking crawling and cramping. So I get to him, and I'm laying there under the tree at one point. And I look up, and there's the lion right above me. And he's sitting there looking at me, and his fucking teeth are out. And he's like doing that shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:10:02 And he's only like 20 feet from me. And I'm just like, I'm so exhausted that I'm like, I'm dead if he's only like 20 feet from me and i'm just like i'm so exhausted that i'm like i'm dead if he fucking falls on me so i have like a knife right here on my packs just in case you know just in case that fucking falls out of the tree because that branch could snap at any time you know he's on a shitty fucking branch like this i was like this don't look this is sketchy he said alex goes hurry up bud you got to get up here and i was like i'm coming motherfucker and there's a video of me on my Instagram. You can see me, um, fucking like I get up and he's taking a video of me. I'm, I look like Rob zombie. I'm
Starting point is 01:10:33 fucking dead. You know, my face is pale white. My dreads are all fucking hanging out. And, uh, and he's like, and I just shake my head at him and stand up there. And, and that's where that fucking training comes in with the bow. Because I do this fucking crazy high-intensity training in my basement, and then I pull my bow out with my heart rates at like 160, 170, and fucking just, you know, shooting dimes. So you practice doing it that way. I practice doing it that way. But the one thing I never practiced was shooting at that angle.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Right? So I was like, this is going to be a little different. I'm going to have to cam the – you're on all this shit. You have to cam, do all this going to be a little different. I'm going to have to cam the, you're on all this shit. You have to cam do all this shit to make a good shot. Cause I'm shooting him in the chest. Right. So I'm like,
Starting point is 01:11:11 I'm, he's facing me and dude, the look on this fucking lion's eyes, he's like staring through my soul, this fucker. And I was like, dude, it's over for you,
Starting point is 01:11:20 bud. Fucking days are numbered. I fucking sent one right through his chest man it was perfect shot um at like to me i was at one point i was like down below and i said can i shoot him from here and he was like fuck no he's gonna land on you and i was like oh that would be fucking that'd be a problem kind of intense said okay i guess i'll make it up there it's only like 40 yards but 40 yards might as well be a fucking half a mile in that kind of, you know, when you're in that,
Starting point is 01:11:48 like, dude, I shot that, when I released that arrow, I just fucking fell, like just sat down. I just was like, fuck, this was, I said, now we got to get him out. Now I got to get this fucking thing out of here. Right. So he died quick, right? He didn't run anywhere.
Starting point is 01:12:04 He just was basically under the tree where i shot him laying there and uh we walked up to him and well i said walked up i crawled backwards down the hill to him and uh i was like holy fucking i can't believe how big this thing is and alex is like you gotta pick him up man pick him up so we could show how big he is so you got people got to see how big this thing is and i was like all right so i i fucking grabbed him around the stomach and fucking right like i'm like this motherfucker's 200 pounds he definitely 200 pounds like i could you know i know what the fuck 200 pounds feels like i'm tackling 220 pound running backs and 250 pound running backs all the time like i know what that fucking weight feels like and that's what this felt like i felt like i had fucking derrick
Starting point is 01:12:42 henry lifting that motherfucker up you know wow so i grabbed grabbed the line lift him up and that's what this felt like i felt like i had fucking derrick henry lifting that motherfucker up you know wow so i grabbed grabbed the line and lift him up and he's like flop his head over and i flopped his head over and i said and i look at alex's eyes and i seen his eyes light up and he was like dude this and he's been doing this shit for his whole life you know for like 30 years he's been seeing mountain lions he's like this is the biggest line i've ever seen i think and i was like fuck show me a picture of that thing again i sent you the fucking shot the video right i didn't want to put that out to the public because they fucking get sensitive but well they must have got sensitive about this too but you ate them oh yeah that's what people don't know mountain i was gonna bring some dude but i was gonna bring you some but like i don't know traveling with meat and
Starting point is 01:13:22 shit you know illegal yeah traveling with mountain lion meat you can't i was like i don't know about that i don't think we should be doing what did it taste like it tastes like white meat pork but sweeter really yeah steve renell says it tastes amazing it's fucking delicious i made some chorizo breakfast sausage with it wow dude plus you're eating the mountain lion. Yeah. There's something going on there, too. It's fucking something about that, right? I did my first bear. Dude, my first year out of retirement, I got to hunt so much. I mean, in 10 days, in 10 days in September, with my bow, I went to New Mexico, killed my first elk.
Starting point is 01:14:00 That was five days, 60 miles on my feet, just got after it. Awesome, tent camping, you know? And then I went up to Wyoming, killed my first mule deer. I drove straight home, had a retirement party, and then got honored at that retirement party in the game and jumped in the truck and went straight to Wyoming because I drew my general deer tag. And I fucking 50-yard shot on a double drop-tine fucking mule deer. Wow. That was spot and stocked.
Starting point is 01:14:25 We just fucking got lucky. You know, we were just out there dicking around a field pretty much and got lucky. Out of all the things that you can do that'll juice you up outside of competitive sports, I got to imagine bow hunting is right at the top of that list. Dude, that elk, nothing. I mean, I've sacked quarterbacks in the Super Bowl, sacked Tom Brady in the AFC Championship tom brady in the afc championship and the whole fucking crowd howls when he gets when you stand up i mean it was in the new york times
Starting point is 01:14:50 front page me standing over tom fucking screaming fucking howling over him you know like that but the that feeling it never made me want to cry and it never made me feel like i was like you know i think it's because the turnaround to the next play is so fast, you know? It's like, all right, now next play, you know? But like when you have time to like, when I shot that elk, cause like growing up back East, poor coming on an elk hunt was just like, I never, I didn't even fly on a plane till I was a freshman in college. Like I didn't know what the fuck, how I was going to get out there and do any of that kind of hunting. It just always a dream that I was always dreamed about. when i put my hands on that elk man like nothing compares to that like nothing nothing that i've done in my life like physically done compares to that that's incredible yeah and i'm hooked i'm
Starting point is 01:15:35 hooked on it and then i went oh so right after i shot that mule deer up there i went straight down to fucking sawash colorado and shot this 400 pound giant fork buck giant like a 200 inch frame but he only had a he only had forks and his fucking bases were I couldn't even get my hands around him and he weighed 400 pounds 400 pound mule deer the processor that I took him to thought it was a fucking cow elk wow he was like this is a mule deer I said yeah he's like holy shit you know he's like this might be a state record it's like i don't care about records and shit like that but you know bowhunting is it's so it's i mean you could say it's primal but you are using a compound bow with cams and you have a site that's geared up exactly for the range of your arrows but there's something about it that it taps into this ancient DNA.
Starting point is 01:16:25 It does something where, you know, when people would hunt back in the day, that's how they stayed alive. And there's a thrill. There's like a human reward involved in collecting wild game that's not like anything else. Yeah. And I think eventually I'll get into that stick bow hunting a little more. But I'm not going to just fucking grab a stick bow and go out in the woods and be a dummy and shoot just wound animals. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:49 It's like, I want to be fucking dialed in on that shit. And I like my compound cause I could fucking shoot them at, you know, 90 yards if I have to. It's also, it's more effective in terms of like the penetration is so much more kinetic force to it.
Starting point is 01:17:01 You could kill them much easier. I have a 33 inch draw. I'm pulling 80 pounds i could send a fucking butter knife through it you know and it's gonna penetrate do you use fixed heads or mechanicals both yeah it depends on what i'm hunting right so like i like using these sever broad heads that those are great those i love them yeah but uh and i like them mostly because i could practice with them that's why i usually don't like those mechanical is because I can't practice with what I'm going to actually be hunting with. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Because you fuck them up when you do that. Shooting them into targets and shit. But these things, you can just consistently shoot that thing and it's perfect. Yeah, they have it set up where there's a little screw. You can tighten it down. Tighten it down. The blades don't extend. Yeah, those are really effective too because they move around bone.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Right. You know, because of the pivot system that they've developed. Yeah. It teeters. And it's only two that come out, right? They start up top and they come out like this and they're fucking kind of long, right? And it teeters like this. And to me, that's fucking genius.
Starting point is 01:17:58 It's genius. Yeah. Those are some of my favorite mechanicals. Because when you slip it in right behind that shoulder, sometimes you'll catch the shoulder or a rib or something, you know. And instead of it, like, stopping it, it just kind of slides by it and, you know, does its maximum damage when it gets in there. And, like, that elk, you know, I shot him at 42 yards right behind the shoulder, and he was only, like, 80 yards on the other side of the hill. And he didn't have, like, this violent, miserable death. He died quick, you know. Yeah, that's the only time they've died like that every other time they die
Starting point is 01:18:29 like that it's from wolves and cats yeah because they get eaten asshole first or they freeze to death or they freeze yeah yeah imagine that have you seen these videos of the of like coyotes freezing out in a field fucking mid-walk frozen mid-walk imagine you're walking and you're just like that's it fucking dead now this is the end yeah standing how about those people that died in buffalo they froze dead in their cars oh man that would be fucking fuck that would be hell is this my water yeah yeah yeah this is a nice cup little thing of that yeah we're trying to not use plastic for whatever reason save this es yeah save the turtles and the fucking meanwhile there's a giant island of fucking plastic just floating around the ocean yeah the size of texas isn't that crazy yeah it's pretty nuts they're they're trying to trim that
Starting point is 01:19:15 down what are they doing with it though they're turning it into taking the plastic and recycling it making sunglasses and shit out of it and selling it. So more plastic shit. Yeah, I mean. Well, the chemicals you have to use to break plastic down is not good. Yeah, can't be. Can't be good. I think they're developing bacteria that eat plastic. But, boy, who knows where that goes. What happens with that bacteria?
Starting point is 01:19:44 Yeah, what happens when it runs out of plastic? Yeah, super fucking bacteria. Evolves to eat air. Yeah. The more problems we fix, the more problems we cause. Yeah. But that's a big one, the plastic patch. That's pretty fucked.
Starting point is 01:19:58 So how did you get this lion down? So if you're talking about this insane journey to get to the top of this mountain. So it was at 9,700 feet where we shot him. That's what the GPS said. So we gutted the mountain lion and laid it across the back. I have one of those Kefaru packs, a Striker XL,
Starting point is 01:20:18 and it has like a meat tray back there. And it's perfect. It's like when I load up an elk, I'm putting 150 pounds in there you know and and packing it out but i put this line in there and laid it across sideways because i didn't want to fuck it up you know like i was like this is fucking beautiful fucking animal i want to like really do a full body mount on this and right i don't want to fuck up any of the meat and get it all bruised up you know trying to drag it down a hill. So I put it in that fucking pack and laid it across sideways and it was like touching
Starting point is 01:20:47 the fucking ground. I sent you that video of me fucking turning around and you could see it just laying in that pack. Once I got over those trees, I got on my hands and knees and crawled backwards down that motherfucker because it was, I couldn't do, my legs were seriously just like, every step was like cramp, cramp, cramp. Like my hamstrings were bad. It was bad.
Starting point is 01:21:07 I was fucking miserable, but I was, you know, felt accomplished at this point. Your buddy Alex must be in fucking insane shape. Dude, this guy is a fucking mountain goat. Guys who are on those mountains every day. He's like, you're supposed to be a fucking professional football player. He's like, what's wrong with you? I'm like, dude, fuck you. Fuck it. And and I do I train my ass off I train every day and it's not like weightlifting training I'm training like high intensity fucking workouts like getting my heart
Starting point is 01:21:34 rate going and this fucking hammered me dude I was fucked up for like well then I had to go straight to work after that but anyways I crawled backwards down this fucking mountain. And finally I get down there and Alex is dying. He's dying laughing at me. He's like, I've never in my fucking life seen somebody crawl backwards down a fucking mountain like this. It's like, think about it. On my hands and knees crawling like so slow too because it was miserable. And I got held up up there because there was like this, there was this part where I'd, on the way up I remembered I had to go across this rock outcropping because it was like a 10 foot drop so I like had to go across this I had to like walk across it and I remember it sucking
Starting point is 01:22:14 I was like this is gonna suck with a lion on my back and I took one step on that rock and my feet came out from under me and I fell fucking 10 feet bow oh jesus with a lion yeah and landed straight on my butt but it was like fucking snow it didn't hurt i was like how the fuck am i just okay now like how like i did you know how i don't know if you ever had like an accident out there where you slip and fall and you're like well this is it yeah i was like i could be impaled like a fucking stick could impale me up my ass or something like i was that's what i was thinking about it was like getting impaled i was like i don't want a stick going up my ass you know so i landed and i was fine and but the fucking line had like shifted all out of the pack and shit so i had to fucking take my pack off on a fucking hill like this and repack him in there
Starting point is 01:22:58 and then somehow get him back on and fucking strapped in and rolled back over onto my fucking uh onto my stomach and pushed up and fucking got on my hands and knees and kept going and that took fucking like 30 minutes to get that line back in there wow but i get down and i stand up and i put that fucker on the back of the truck and i'm like all right finally i'm fucking here it took like this is like a six hour ordeal and i have a i do a radio show in denver um a sports radio show for the afternoon drive so it's from like 2 p.m to 6 p.m do that monday through friday and we're talking about football and basketball and all kinds of other bullshit and it's great because i don't have to be right about anything i just get the bullshit you know like this yeah so i show up fucking two
Starting point is 01:23:37 hours late uh i sent a picture of them with of me on the mountain with it in my pack it's the current situation boys i'm gonna be a little late and they're like fuck what the fuck they're like who the fuck like what what they're like what the fuck are you doing i was like i was like i'll tell you guys when i get there dude i walk into this i walk into the studio still wearing my boots and my gators and my pants and my i'm wearing the shit i was out there hunting and i smelled like a stinky ass fucking lion and get in there and they're like what the fuck is going on with out there hunting and i smelled like a stinky ass fucking lion and get in there and they're like what the fuck is going on with you what happened and i told the story right away wow on air so like people that were listening got to hear it like right away and i should shit
Starting point is 01:24:15 they're like this dude shows up to two to work two hours late and just fucking tells like an unbelievable story and i guess our viewership and listeners were like the highest it's been ever been that wow because people were like oh we gotta hear this story we gotta get in you know wow but it was it's funny how the legend turned into me fucking like the legend of this lion that was eating fucking dogs and cats and shit i don't know if it was that lion i didn't check this shit in his stomach if it was that lion right cpw didn't have reports of it either, but the stories that the neighbors had given us is like, yeah, there's some lions around here that are causing problems. That lion seems like it ate whatever the fuck it wanted. Whatever it wanted, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:52 If that was the one living under that guy's porch, it was in proximity to people. It makes sense that that was its hunting grounds. And that guy was just little. He was just a little guy. He was a shorter guy. I was like, this fucking lion could eat him. Easy.
Starting point is 01:25:04 For sure, easy. It could kill me and eat me and there's a bunch of people that went missing in the hollywood hills over the years they think were because of lions guarantee it yeah sneaky kids i don't trust cats man cats well right down the road from where i shot this line a kid was jumping on his trampoline eight-year-old lion came and took him right off of it and he survived oh my god he somehow He somehow survived. I guess the parents fucking you know I don't know the whole story, so I don't just make shit up, but somebody must have saved him Match watching a kid get grabbed by a cat no the feeling that would have and they're fucking everywhere though like California That's fucked up. They're just hanging out in your in your backyard in the residential area, bro. They're so goofy
Starting point is 01:25:42 They're so goofy like their approach to these things is so strange. Their approach to all conservation is, it comes from an emotional viewpoint instead of a scientific and rational. Yeah. An emotional uninformed viewpoint. Yeah. It's like the same thing in Vancouver. Like when they outlawed the grizzly hunt in BC, people are like, yeah, no more grizzly
Starting point is 01:26:03 hunting. And the people that live in rural BC are like, are you fucking crazy? Do you know how many of them there are up there? Do you know how scary they are? Like, it didn't make any sense. They just decided because of the high population places that don't deal with these bears, like Vancouver, they were the ones who voted. This is the most people.
Starting point is 01:26:20 And they're like, yeah, no more grizzly hunt. Well, it's like in Colorado, they just reintroduced the wolves. I know. people and they're like yeah no more grizzly hunt well it's like in colorado they just reintroduced the wolves i know and look what the wolves look at what the wolf pup the wolf reintroduction into yellowstone was great for like the the natural balance balance of things right but they could have hunters could have handled that yeah hunter do you just give out more elk tags i love wolves i love the idea the wolves are out there but you can't not manage their population or it gets wild. It gets real wild. And they'll send an elk herd into like a 30-year decline. They'll take an elk herd from 30,000 to 2,000 in just like a decade. The other thing too is people are reluctant to give away wolf tags. They're like, we don't want them hunting wolves. Why? This is the thing. They
Starting point is 01:27:03 don't understand how hard it is. No. I'm going to Canada in November to do it. Well, in Canada, they have a lot of them. There's a lot of them. I've been up in Alberta, and my friend sent me some trail cam pictures of wolves. They have a shitload of wolves up there. Who was it? Who was it that sent that to you? John and Jen Rivett.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Yeah, that's where I'm going. Oh, yeah. They're great. Great people. Awesome people. Great people. Yeah, they got a lot of wolves up there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:25 He sent me some, like, we probably saw the same pictures. Probably. Yeah. He said it's, like, a couple miles from his house. Yeah. I was like, well, that's fucking sketchy. They're sketchy as fuck, man. And, you know, they have an understanding of them up there.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Like, wolf tags are easy to get up there. And they want you to hunt wolves. Like, when you get a bear tag, you can buy a wolf tag, too, right next to it. Yeah. They want you to hunt wolves. Like, it you'd get a bear tag, you'd buy a wolf tag, too, right next to it. Yeah. They want you to hunt wolves. Like, it's not easy to get one, though. No.
Starting point is 01:27:53 They're so smart, and their fucking nose is so intense. Oh, I mean, coyote hunting? You've probably coyote hunted before, haven't you? Not really. Well, coyotes are fucking smart. A coyote hunted in my backyard in California. I had some coyotes that killed my chickens. I almost got this motherfucker too, but my daughter,
Starting point is 01:28:08 she was like five at the time. She was like, coyotes, coyotes. I was like, shh, daddy's trying to kill him. I'm trying to kill him. Yeah, they killed a shitload of my chickens.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Fuck this coyotes, man. Those fuckers. They're little wolves. Yeah, they're little wolves. That's what they are. So imagine like the real apex. Yeah. Like wolves are like apex fucking predators, man. Yeah. man those fuckers the little wolves yeah they're little wolves so imagine like the real apex yeah like wolves are like apex fucking predators man yeah and the way that like if you watch those uh
Starting point is 01:28:31 national geographic documentaries on them hunting elk herds and how they fucking separate one of them and they fucking stay on them for just miles and miles and miles until they wear it out and they just fucking eat it alive yeah and they nip at their legs and take their hamstrings out yeah that's like somebody slicing your fucking achilles tendon and watching you crawl yeah and eating your eating your asshole first and they're so smart like the way they do it is so interesting because there's some kind of communication like different wolves know their jobs they'll chase them into a pack of other ones that are waiting. They'll, you know, they'll bottleneck them. They're so smart. I was watching the one.
Starting point is 01:29:08 They lost an elk, right? They didn't get it. And the other wolves were, like, throwing shade at the wolf that, like, took them off the trail. Ooh. They were, like, throwing shade at him. Like, snapping at him? They were fucking snipping at him and fucking looking at him weird. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:29:22 He, like, had to hang in the back of the pack for a little bit. It was fucking wild, man. Yeah, they're so social. Well, think about when they have an alpha, they try to kill the other ones that are trying to be the alpha. They'll just all attack him at the same time, and he has to fight them all off. Think about that shit.
Starting point is 01:29:38 And you're all living together, sleeping in the woods together. Fighting over bitches. Literally, bitches. That's what they are i know out there in the snow it's wild to think about like i'm glad they're out there though yeah i really am like i don't like the idea of eradicating wolves but i just wish that they would have a real understanding of managing the necessity yeah Yeah. There's a necessity to it. And these, these, uh, animal groups, animal rights groups, they don't, they don't think that way at all. And they, they, I get their perspective too. They just want these animals to thrive and they want
Starting point is 01:30:16 us to leave them alone and they want them to exist peacefully. Like California's model seems to ultimately be the eradication of hunting eventually and just have animals work it out amongst themselves yeah which is you know it's i hate that idea it's a weird idea because in some ways it's been effective with deer like if you think about it the deer population in california like all around los angeles is so low like i used to live in the the valley which was like 30 minutes outside of LA. And there was occasionally you'd see a couple of deer here or there, but it's because there's cats everywhere. Yeah. They'll kill one a week, one or two a week.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Yeah. So the population's pretty fucking low. Whereas out here in Texas, a mountain lion is basically a coyote. You just fucking shoot them. Like there's no restrictions. They're thought of as like varmints. So if you see a mountain lion in your yard, you just blow them away. So there's no Restrictions there they're thought of as like varmints. Yeah, so if you see a mountain lion in your yard, you just blow them away So there's deer everywhere out here like it's a totally different experience like everywhere I go there's deer and I'm like oh, this is what California would be like if they manage their line There would be deer everywhere. Yeah, I mean it's it's like prime deer country. That's what deer want to live Is that kind of shit you know? but so well in colorado in colorado i mean i know that the the mountain lion is like the only big cat on the planet that's thriving
Starting point is 01:31:29 right they're all doing pretty good but the mountain lions are like they're fucking thriving yeah and especially north america so and that is that is in part it's not just because of what california does but like in colorado every unit has a quota on how many lions based on all their scientific numbers that they fucking pull out. I mean, these guys are in the field. These CPW guys are out in the field giving information and lion numbers. They have collared lions. They have game trail cameras that they watch them on. So they know everything they need to know about them.
Starting point is 01:31:59 So they know what kind of numbers that they have and how many need to be taken out to keep everything balanced in the area. So humans and animals can all live together in the area, right? Like shit's going to happen. That's just the way it goes. Like somebody's going to get attacked sometimes by a lion. Like that's what happens when you live up there, right? But you should still be allowed to hunt them. So you have to take an exam to get the license.
Starting point is 01:32:23 They make you take an exam online to even get the license so you you learn everything you can about lions about their gender and how do you identify a male lion and what does this spot it's like a little black spot that that you can see that shows that it's a male you know where's the spot about on the back here like on their legs no it's like on where the dick and their gooch yeah like the gooch yeah it's like I'm with a dick in there gooch yeah like the Gucci yeah it's a spot they'd like that's the identifier like that's a fucking he's got a dick you know right so I didn't know that though going into this I learned something you know just just do it just taking this exam and then you buy your license and then you have to as soon as you kill the line you have to check that fucker in
Starting point is 01:33:01 right away or else they'll fucking ding you and you don't want to get dinged by the CPW because they'll fucking stick like a five-year ban on your license you know so they'll they'll find any reason to get you then the meat has to be processed for human consumption they come and they take a you have to when i say check it in it's not just call them they got to come and look at the line they came and weighed the cape and meat and that's what that's what was 173 that's why i got number. I didn't fucking care about weighing it, you know? You have to take the meat and make it ready for human consumption. You can't, like, discard any of it.
Starting point is 01:33:31 It has to all be used, which is wild because up in Wyoming, they don't give a shit. They're just like, if you kill a bear, they don't care. Yeah, that's a lot of the places that hunt bears are like that. Did you know that in the early days, the pioneers preferred bear? They used bear for meat and deer, which is for hides. Well, they used their fat. They used to use the fat for everything, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:50 Yeah. So I think, I don't know. Have you had bear? Yeah. You like it? It's good. I think it's pretty good. It's not as good as lion, though.
Starting point is 01:33:56 The rivets are cooked. I haven't had lion, but the rivets are cooking for you. Like Jen. Jen's a master chef. Okay. She's good. I guess you're not supposed to call them a chef unless they run a kitchen. We found that out recently.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Really? Yeah, yeah. A chef is like the person who runs the kitchen. A cook is the actual person. The actual one cooking it. But she's fantastic at it. When we were up there, she cooked a roast, and it was a bear roast, and she slow cooked it in the Traeger for like 16 hours.
Starting point is 01:34:21 It was insane. It was so good. I mean, you could put a turd on that fucking Traeger and it'll taste good. I use that Traeger for everything. They're great. It's so convenient, too. It's so easy to do. You do it on your phone.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Dump some pellets and fucking turn it on with your phone. Easy. You know what I started doing out here, though? I started using an offset smoker. What's that? You know, like those old school Texas, like Terry Black style smokers. Like where you start to fire yourself. Yeah, you get the fire over here with logs and the smoke
Starting point is 01:34:45 filters into the the main chamber and you cook your meat in that oh my god it's insane is it even better does it make it so good it's so smoky it's like it in part real hardwood look traeger's amazing because it is real hardwood and but it's pellets and it's super convenient and you can there's a setting called super smoke i don't know if you ever use that which is great it gives more smoke flavor but there's nothing really like actual logs right there's a setting called super smoke. I don't know if you ever used that, which is great. It gives more smoke flavor, but there's nothing really like actual logs. Right. There's nothing really like actual hardwood. With fucking bark on them and shit.
Starting point is 01:35:11 This is what I have. There's a company out here in Texas called Sentec Smokers. That was the first time I cooked baby back ribs. So there's like a fire off on the side, and you close the lid on that thing, and it's amazing. And you could adjust the temperature. thing and it's amazing and you you could it's easy to maintain and everything fuck yeah it's so easy yeah it's not hard at all like I thought it'd be real complicated to maintain the temperature but you just got to give it some time so what happens is I start off you know like oh there we go okay send tech smokers so I start off
Starting point is 01:35:41 like uh an hour and a he's a great too. He's got a very cool Instagram page. You can see his work. So I'll start off the cook a couple hours before I'm thinking about cooking. So I get everything dialed in. I know like where the baffle should be. I get it up to, you know, like 250-ish. And it's amazing for reverse searing steaks and elk meat, too, where I'll take it. And that's the charcoal grill too.
Starting point is 01:36:06 So that's the, it's got a charcoal grill on it, on the side of it as well. So once it's done smoking, then I do it with high heat and I just sear the outside after it's done. I got it done. I need one of these. Yeah. Well, if you're in Texas, it's, it's like Texas tradition, offset smokers. But, um. What would you say your favorite meat is? Elk meat. Yeah, mine too. Yeah, it's my favorite. It's my fucking favorite.
Starting point is 01:36:28 It's my favorite. I love axis deer, and I've had moose, and I love moose. Moose is great. Deer is great. But, man, elk hunting is the best. My favorite. Eating elk is the best. I killed a Neal guy recently.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Yeah? That's very interesting, too. I heard they're pretty good eating. Really good. Really good. I still prefer elk? That's very interesting, too. I heard they're pretty good eating. Really good. Really good. I still prefer elk, but just- I heard that's a tough hunt. I'm in love with elk.
Starting point is 01:36:50 I heard it's tough to hunt those things. They're so tough to kill. Yeah. This is what's crazy. They evolve around tigers. Yeah. And they're a big elk-sized animal. Because they're from India originally, right?
Starting point is 01:37:00 Yeah, yeah. So I hit this animal perfect. It was a perfect shot at like 52 yards clean pass through like broadside quartering away why i mean i'm like i said like i have my pin on them perfect release of the arrow i hear the whop hit him and then he takes off like there's nothing wrong with him he takes off like on your mark get go! Like a firing gun went off. Dude, he just went into a full sprint into the bush. I was like, oh, no.
Starting point is 01:37:30 And then I start doubting myself. I'm like, holy shit, did I hit it bad? Like, you start all of these. Then we found the arrow. The arrow was 30 yards past his body, past where he was standing when he got hit, fully covered in blood. So I'm like, okay, this arrow looks like a dead animal.
Starting point is 01:37:47 We have to find this guy. You got air bubbles in the blood. Yeah, he's fucked. But they don't bleed. There's no blood trail. They're a different animal. They're so different. The guys are saying we never find blood.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Even when they shoot them with rifles, they don't find blood. Wow. Their skin is so tough, and there's something about evolving around tigers. Yeah. I mean, we literally, when I found the animals, like a couple of drops of blood were coming out of the exit hole. It went through here, out here, right past the front shoulder, double lunged him. He ran 130 yards, full clip, before he died. It probably only took a couple of seconds for him to run 130 yards.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Yeah, he was there. But we never found any blood. We had to grid the area until we found there. But we never found any blood. We had to grid the area until we found him. That's fucking wild, man. The guide told me that when they hunt them, they'll have the client with a rifle. So the client will shoot it, but the guide will have one around in the chamber ready to go. Yeah, because when it takes off running, they don't want to lose it. Yeah, so I'm like, why?
Starting point is 01:38:42 Because they'll lose it in that big mesquite brush. That shit is fucking miserable. Yeah, I don't know if it's don't want to lose it. Yeah. So I'm like, why? Because they'll lose it in that big mesquite brush. That shit is fucking miserable. Yeah. I don't know if it's the best animal to bow hunt. No. That's what the – I was down in Texas trying to do a spot and stalk on a whitetail this year. I did. I was successful.
Starting point is 01:38:56 I used a fucking decoy in front of my bow. Oh, nice. I bet that thing was like, what is that big bitch doing over here? Because he's like – he came bounding out of that shit and fucking stopped and was like, and I buried one in his chest, you know. Frontal shot on him. Nice. I got it on film, too.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Oh, nice. It'll be, you know, I'm doing the YouTube channel now. Yeah. We just dropped my first episode because it was my elk hunt. What's the name of the YouTube channel? Wolf Untamed. All right. Yeah, Wolf with an E, Untamed.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Right. Yeah, so it's just. As in Derek Wolf. Yes. So right. Yeah. Wolf with an E, Untamed. Right. Yeah. As in Derek Wolf. Yes. So I filmed all my hunts from last year, so that's going to be like the first season. And then we got some cool shit coming. Oh, that's awesome, man. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Yeah. Yeah. So the Neil guy thing is like, it was successful. I killed him. One arrow, died quick. But part of me is like, hmm. That could have gone way different. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:43 If you have a bad shot at all, like if you have a questionable shot on an elk, you could hang back and trail him and usually you can get another shot in him or he's going to die.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Yeah. But with the Neil guy, they run so fast and so, I mean, I never saw an animal move that fast after it got hit with a perfect arrow.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Which is, because you hit an elk perfect, like, they'll hunch up. Oh, they stop, elk are like super clumsy too. Yeah. They're fucking stumbling all over the place and shit and hit knocking shit over Well, they have this giant fucking antler rack on their head
Starting point is 01:40:12 Imagine how much that must be throwing you off banging into trees and shit. Oh, they probably love when they shed that shit They're oh, thank God. Yeah for a month. Yeah, it's it's growing back again. Here we go again Thank God. Yeah, for a month. Yeah. So it's growing back again. Here we go again. That, to me, is the craziest shit ever.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Yeah. Like a deer in velvet, feeling how soft it is and all the blood vessels that are still going through there. Yeah. That shit is wild to me. Is that guy going to shake it off? Yeah. It's on drone. Get off.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Oh, wow. Look, he's so happy. He's like, yes. The moose just shook it off. That's why moose walk around pissed off all the time. They're just like. The moose are shook it off. That's why moose walk around pissed off all the time. They're just like. The moose are the most ridiculous. Those Yukon moose that have like a table like this on each side of their head.
Starting point is 01:40:50 I'm going up there with Aaron Snyder 2024. Oh, nice. Yeah, Snyder and I are going to go up. 2024, we're going to do Yukon moose and Alaskan coastal brown bear. Whoa. With our bows. Whoa. Like 10-foot brown bear.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Oh, my God. I want to try to get him to like stand up when I don't have full draw. Come on, come on. That's not necessary. I'm up there like antagonizing him, trying to get him to fucking stand up. That's not necessary.
Starting point is 01:41:17 That's one thing they haven't imported down here in Texas. It's like they, they have everything else here. You know, elk is not a, it's not a tagged animal here. It's not a managed animal like it is in Colorado and everywhere else. They just have a bunch of them at high fences, right?
Starting point is 01:41:31 Not even in high fences, even in low fences. Like, they just have elk out here, and it's almost like an invasive animal. Really? It's so weird because you can hunt elk 365 days a year in Texas. Well, you can always harvest the meat. Well, yeah, I i see ted nugent always talking about harvesting elk yeah texas elk well the texas uh wildlife model is very different because it's mostly private land out here yeah it's 90 right yeah and there's most of the animals
Starting point is 01:41:58 like when you have these big private ranches a good percentage of them are from other countries yeah a lot of indian, a lot of African animals. And it's amazing to see. Like the place that I was at in South Texas. Fucking sable running around. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oryx. I mean, they're majestic.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Zebras fucking running around everywhere. My wife saw a zebra outside of Austin. She was driving. She goes, I think I just saw a fucking zebra. I'm like, welcome to Texas, baby. These people have zebras. They have fucking zebras. Kangaroos.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Ostriches. Fucking ostriches running around. Dude, it is fucking insane. Yeah, you can just have animals here. It's like a full-on safari. Yeah. There's more tigers in captivity in Texas in private collections than there are in all of the wild of the world.
Starting point is 01:42:41 That's, I mean, that's almost scary. What happens if these motherfuckers... There's thousands of tigers wild of the world. That's, I mean, that's almost scary. What happens if these motherfuckers... There's thousands of tigers in Texas. Thousands. Thousands of tigers. Bengal tigers. All kinds of tigers. All kinds.
Starting point is 01:42:55 Like, they got everything. What kind of tiger do you need? What kind of tiger do you need? White tiger? Derek, you want a fucking tiger? I can make it happen. You want a fucking tiger? You just have to drive, like like real deep into the ranch.
Starting point is 01:43:08 The size of these fucking ranches here are insane, right? Like 30,000 acres. Thousands of acres. 100,000 acres. There's a place in Wyoming called the Wagon Hound. Have you heard of the Wagon Hound? No. There's a place called the Wagon Hound.
Starting point is 01:43:21 It's like one guy owns like 300 and something thousand acres. And it is like prime fucking elk country. Prime. Every animal you can imagine, prime. Man. Everything. White tail, mule deer, bear, lions. Where was he at?
Starting point is 01:43:35 Turkey. It's in Wyoming. What part of Wyoming? Douglas. Wow. I still haven't been to Wyoming. So you take 25 and go up past Cheyenne. So it's in between Cheyenne and Casper.
Starting point is 01:43:44 It's like right in between there. And he owns all this huge, vast. God, that area is old. That fucking part of the country is so amazing. It's unbelievable. It's so much fun to go up there. Yeah. It's just to drive around.
Starting point is 01:43:55 If you're going to own a ranch, that's where you own one. Yeah, Wyoming. Wyoming, Montana, like that kind of shit. Like, God damn. That's what I've been trying to, I've been looking for. I have a place in Fairplay, Colorado. So that's like South Park, just south of Breckenridge. You know what i've been trying to i've been looking for i have a place in fairplay colorado so that's like south park just south of breckenridge you know i'm talking about right and i border a million acres of national forest i have 70 acres to myself but the rest is national forest oh wow and it's like it gets pretty western when we get out there
Starting point is 01:44:16 you just go back there start walking you start coming across lion tracks and bear tracks and that's my favorite hunting term when things get Western. Yeah. That's what you're looking for. You're looking for an adventure, man. I don't want to just step out of my truck and be like, oh, schwap, and then get back in the truck and leave. Of course. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:35 That's not what I'm looking for, man. That's why – you know what's crazy to me? Because you probably buy a lot of land under tags, right? Yeah. So that's how I do it. Because I'm building points right now. So I still put in and apply for that stuff. But I can afford it, so I just buy the tags. But some of these fucking tags, like the Western Hunt Expo, this guy bought a fucking deer tag for $725,000.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Where? In Arizona. The Arizona statewide gov tag for mule deer. Oh. So he knows he's going to kill it. But all that money goes towards conservation. It's all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:08 So he writes off half of it. It's an amazing model. It's an amazing model. It's awesome. The tag model and the Pittman-Robertson Act and what they've done with the percentage of all sales of goods of hunting gear and outdoor gear all goes to conservation. It's an amazing model. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:24 A lot of people aren't aware of that, but the vast majority of the money that goes towards animal conservation in this country comes from people buying bullets, people buying rifles and bows. That's where the money comes from. Yeah. Well, did you see in Colorado
Starting point is 01:45:37 they're trying to get rid of the over-the-counter elk tag? Why? Because in-state hunters are pissed off about these out-of-staters being able to get the same, you know, getting to hunt the same areas as they do. Because with that point, most people don't understand how those points, I didn't even understand until I started really getting into it, about how hard it is to actually draw tags in coveted areas. It takes years. It might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for most of these areas. Like where my cabin is, I have to wait six years to hunt it.
Starting point is 01:46:06 It's a six-point draw. Wow. It might take nine years, you know, because you can't get a landowner tag unless you have 160 continuous acres. So, like, I'm just half of that, right? So I need double this to get even one tag. And there's elk everywhere. Like in September, they're just ripping bugles all through the backyard. Wow, that's got to be wild, though.
Starting point is 01:46:28 It's pretty cool. Just sit on your porch with a cup of coffee. Well, it's at 10,000. Yeah. Fucking growling. I'll just go out there with a cow call in the morning and just tease them. I told my wife, I'm like, I know you don't want to hunt with me, but let's just go one day during the rut. I just want you to experience what it's like. You don't have to hunt know you don't want to hunt with me, but let's just go one day during the rut.
Starting point is 01:46:45 I just want you to experience what it's like. You don't have to hunt. I don't have to hunt either. We'll just go walk around them and sneak up on them. Because when you're around them and they're screaming at each other and when they fight, I watched a brawl in California last year. I bet that was awesome. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:46:59 It was this one giant fucking elk and this little cocky dude. He's like, man, I want to fuck these girls. And they went at it and he sent them flying down this hill. Holy shit. It was a serious dust up. They get fucked up when you do these too. We heard it first. Ka-clack.
Starting point is 01:47:16 Ka-clack. And then we got around to the top of this ridge to look over across the canyon and watch it go down. Like, fuck. Just the majesty of these animals they're pissing on themselves they're pissing on their fucking neck their dicks are flopping around they have boners they're pissing all over the place dude it's fucking nobody there's nothing like it my wife won't hunt she doesn't hunt either um but she like totally gets it the need for it she's from wyoming originally like that's where
Starting point is 01:47:43 she grew up with cheyenne oh really so she's from Wyoming originally. That's where she grew up, was Cheyenne. Oh, really? So she's been around hunting her whole life, but she never did it. So she won't kill a spider. She'd rather put a cup over it and let it suffer and fucking suffocate. You'll suffocate a fucking spider and an animal. She won't kill a moth, right? That kind of. Well, that's a balance though, right?
Starting point is 01:48:01 That's the kind of woman you want. Yeah. You don't want another savage out there. That's my lion. Yeah, yeah that's my lion i don't want to compete for the elk all right yeah we're not competing for you know and that's how we're competitive in everything we do so i could just see us being competitive in that but she's you know thankfully uh she supports me in it you know and and the ventures that i'm kind of doing now and what i'm what i'm looking for but people who do it get so addicted the elk i'm elk i'm like listen let me just take you with me yeah like you don't have to even watch me shoot it she's that's her other thing she's like i don't want to watch it watch it get
Starting point is 01:48:33 killed you know i just don't want to watch it you don't have to i'm like you don't have to i was like you won't be able to see it anyways but be just being there is enough but just being there and feeling the roar of an elk like when it fucking bugles and it's like, I was down a swash when I said I was down a swash. And when we were deer hunting, I was like three feet from this elk raking a tree. Wow. But there's big willows so you can't see. He's like three feet. I could have reached over and grabbed him through the bushes.
Starting point is 01:48:56 And he's raking his fucking tree and we're, you know, and he's like just ripping bugles. That's a stag. Where's that at? That's a fallow deer. Is that what that is? Oh, That's a stag. Where's that at? That's a fallow deer. Is that what that is? Oh, they have a weird noise. Yeah, listen to it. The red stag is even more impressive.
Starting point is 01:49:16 That's a fallow deer? He's just burping. They hunt a lot of stag down in Argentina. Yeah. I've heard them roar. Yeah. Such a strange thing. I want to do that hunt bad, too.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Did they introduce stag to there from Europe, or were they there? I'm not sure. They have a lot of them down there. I want to go to Ireland and do it. Oh, yeah. Like in the Highlands. I don't think you're allowed to bow hunt there. I think you are. Really? Yeah. In some don't think you're allowed to bow hunt there. I think you are.
Starting point is 01:49:45 Really? Yeah. In some places in Europe, you can't bow hunt there. Well, they're outlawing in Southern Australia now that you can't bow hunt. What? Yeah. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:54 But they don't know. That's like the primary way those guys hunt. I know. You ever look at an Australian bow hunting magazine? No. It's very disturbing. Is it? They shoot a lot of feral cats.
Starting point is 01:50:06 So these guys are like holding up a dead house cat, like a trophy. You're like, whoa, I was on a plane. I'm going to tell you a story. People are going to be like, yeah, this guy's a fucking serial killer. All right, so when I lived on a farm in high school, they kind of took me in,
Starting point is 01:50:18 and there was fucking, people would just drop cats off all the time. So I used to have to walk around with a fucking 12 gauge and just fucking pow. And they just like, I mean, it was fucking crazy, but I didn't. Linnelli used to have to do that. I didn't like cats anyways, because my mom had these cats who used to fucking try to gouge my eyes out when I was a kid.
Starting point is 01:50:35 They just fucking attack me out of nowhere. And I'm like, fucking cats. Fucking violent. My house was fucking wild, man. Violent. I would come walking around a corner. I'd walk around a corner and my step dad would, pow, punch me in my solar plex. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:50:48 And just fucking, ugh, knock the wind out of me. Is he still around? He lives, I don't know where the fuck he lives now. I don't know. I don't talk to him, so. I don't really, I talk to my mom every now and then just because I've, but I'll go like five year stretches without talking to her just because. Like, I just like, I don't want her, I don't want her bringing that negative shit in my life you know i get it i have kids and shit i don't
Starting point is 01:51:08 want i don't even want them exposed to it i'm just i'm stopping this shit now yeah like that shit ends with me well congratulations on doing that thank you it's beautiful when someone can escape that pattern you know it's hard man it's a day like the every every day is like you know, it's hard, man. It's a day like the every, every day is like, you know, my wife gets mad cause I have crazy ADHD. So like I fucking, I'm all over the fucking place. Hey,
Starting point is 01:51:31 if, but when I find something I like doing, I'm like hyper focused on it. Don't you think that that's what ADHD, I have this, I think it's a genius trait. I have the exact same problem. And I know that if I was in high school today,
Starting point is 01:51:43 so they probably put me on some kind of medication when I was a kid. well they put me on adderall when i got to high school there you go or to college i mean when i went to college because i was like fucking struggling my freshman year and then i met you know met with uh the counselor and she was like i think you have adhd like severe adhd i was like what do you mean she's like i think that you're like you know you're really fucking smart whenever you like doing something, but you can't do shit you don't like doing at all. But isn't that, that seems, I have a problem with that because that's served me my whole life. I know. But when I was able to take that, be able to take, the way they explained it to me was the wavelengths, right?
Starting point is 01:52:19 So your brain waves are like up and like they're all over the fucking place. And the Adderall helps me just like stay here. waves are like up and like they're all over the fucking place and the adderall helps me just like stay here and i i just i've talked about getting off of it because i don't have like an unhealthy i'm not it's not like unhealthy no i'm good it's not unhealthy but it's it's worries me that like what if i am i i'm like dependent on this shit now right and what happens if i can't get it anymore how often you take it now? Every day. Every day. How much? 40 milligrams.
Starting point is 01:52:47 Whoa. That's a lot, right? I'm prescribed to take it. If he takes it that long, he's probably built a small tolerance. Yeah. And so what does it do for you? Dude, when I wake up in the morning, my fucking mind's all over the place. I wake up in the morning ready to go right away.
Starting point is 01:53:02 I jump out of bed fucking ready to go. And I'm up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down. My emotions are up and down. Because of Adderall? No, because of the Adderall. No, when I take the Adderall. Because of the ADHD. When I take the Adderall.
Starting point is 01:53:14 You know how people without ADHD, when they take Adderall, they're fucking... So when you wake up in the morning, it's the no Adderall. Yeah. And you're all over the place. I'm all over the fucking place. And you take the Adderall. And it's like... I'm like laser focused.
Starting point is 01:53:25 Huh. I take my Adderall and a's like, I'm like laser focused. Huh. I take my Adderall and a cup of coffee, like ton of stimulus, fucking throw a chew in, take a big shit and I'm fucking ready to go. Yeah, man. I got to stay away from that shit. I think I'd love it. Oh yeah. That's the problem.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Well, that's what the, so I was finding myself like when I started doing this radio show, two to six, like that two o'clock mark, like normally I'm done doing this radio show, 2 to 6, like, that 2 o'clock mark. Like, normally I'm done by that time. Like, my whole life, right? Football is, you know, we practice early. Everything is done early. By 2, 3 o'clock, you know, we're, like, in meetings and kind of getting out. Right.
Starting point is 01:53:55 So to start work at 2 o'clock after I'd, like, tortured myself in the gym for fucking an hour and then cold tubbed. And then I have one of those forged. I saw you fucking post it and I was like, I'm going to check this company out. Oh, Morosco Forged. Yeah, they're fucking sweet, man. Easy to maintain.
Starting point is 01:54:12 We got a different one out here that's even more brutal. We got a blue cube. They got a new blue cube they're sending us. The water's not still. It's like a raging river. And so you never develop
Starting point is 01:54:22 a thermal barrier. Yeah. So you get in there, it's 35 degrees and then the water's just pouring around you like a river. Yeah. so you never develop a thermal barrier. So you get in there, it's 35 degrees, and then the water's just pouring around you like a river. Yeah. Rawr!
Starting point is 01:54:30 The whole time, just fucking. Yeah. Yeah, you don't. You get a break. When you do the regular cold plunge, people think it's really hard. After a minute and a half, it's like. It's pretty numb. If you get past that 90-second mark, you're pretty much numb. Yeah, it's pretty numb.
Starting point is 01:54:43 But if you ever feel how you're, whenever the water's like moving down there by your feet, that part of your feet stay cold because that water is constantly moving. That's what the blue cube is like. And the new one, apparently, they're laughing. They can't wait to give it to me and torture me. The new one is supposed to be really brutal.
Starting point is 01:54:57 I want to try it. If you go to Blue Cube's, Blue Cube guy's Instagram, he's got some videos of it in action, like what they're doing with it. It's just like a river in there. Like you're sitting in the middle of a raging creek. Yeah. And it's 35 degrees. So you never get used to it.
Starting point is 01:55:12 You never get used to it. No thermal barrier. I love the cold tub. I love it. You feel so good. I wish I could explain to people because people think it's like some macho thing. It's not. When you get out of there, you're so in love with life you're so
Starting point is 01:55:26 happy yeah you're so no anxiety no anxiety's gone i feel so good and i feel so like friendly and so happy yeah you know it's just it ramps your dopamine up 200 that's crazy and it lasts for hours your huberman is just a giant like what is it two or three minutes can last you the fucking rest of the day yeah so this is the is the Blue Cube. This is the new one. Look at that motherfucker. Look at that. So you get in there and it never stops moving. So there's no thermal barrier and you just freeze your dick off. And you don't have to do it long. You don't have to sit down three minutes and you're fucking good. I do it before workouts now. Cam started doing that
Starting point is 01:56:07 and he was telling me he was doing it before workouts. That's what I did when I played. Did you? I'd go into the training room and fucking, sometimes I would do a contrast, but I always finished in the cold tub because then I'd jump in the shower real quick and like thaw out
Starting point is 01:56:19 and then I fucking felt good. Yeah, you feel fucking great. Guys would sit in the fucking hot tub and then go out and practice. I'm like, dude, I want to fall asleep when I sit in that motherfucker. I don't want to sit in there for 10 minutes and then go do anything. You know what's good, though? The sauna's really good before workouts.
Starting point is 01:56:32 Oh, yeah. Like, just to stretch. We had a big infrared sauna that we could all kind of get, like, three or four of us could get in there. Yeah. And fucking do a little stretching. I'd get in there in full pads before practice and shit and, like, get moving around. Get everything loose. We're about to go out here and fucking bang.
Starting point is 01:56:44 I don't want to fucking something you know it makes a difference i i like to do like 10 minutes before a workout and i get in there at 185 degrees just stretch out warm up get loose do some breathing exercises and then i can go hard right away whereas opposed to when i do the cold first i like doing that too but i don't do that on like kickboxing days on the kickboxing days i'll'll do the sauna first. I get in there for like 10 minutes, just enough to get loose. Because you're rotating so much, you have to do that. Then I start jumping rope.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Then I start stretching out. Then footwork and shadow boxing. I give myself time to let everything warm up. Whereas with the cold, I like doing the cold plunge and then immediately doing bike rides so i'll do like the uh the fucking echo bike yeah and then i get warmed up with that and then pull the sled so it's nothing where i'm like leaping or exploding nothing no quick moves where you worry about tweaking something right you know but grabbing a fucking kettlebell and swinging it and god it's so good for you those cold plunges and heat something that's good contrast in your body
Starting point is 01:57:43 everything man and i i love the sauna before I go to bed. That's my favorite. I'll do the sauna. I'll listen to my set. So I do a set at the comedy club, and then I'll put it on my phone. If you get old school AirPods, they're the only ones that work. Other AirPods die. The new ones, the Pros and all those, those die off from the heat.
Starting point is 01:58:03 The heat kills them. Somewhere around 190 degrees, they fucking sputter out. But the regular ones are good. So I'll just listen to my set, go over my material a little bit, and then I sleep like a baby. That's nice. I have an infrared sauna, too. I use it all the time. Those are supposed to be really good to work out in.
Starting point is 01:58:18 A lot of people do stuff in an infrared sauna. You'd have to have such a big, I'd have to have such a big fucking infrared sauna. They make them like that. I know, but it's fucking pain. Yeah. And who has the fucking space to put,
Starting point is 01:58:30 you know? Yeah. Yeah, I don't even really fuck with infrareds that much because the people that I talked to
Starting point is 01:58:35 said that the real work had been done in terms of like studies of the benefits was done with a regular sauna because they can get hotter because the regular ones get to like,
Starting point is 01:58:44 you know, you can get them like Laird Hamilton, he goes up to like 200 plus degrees he does his shit i can't do he wears oven mitts and he rides a salt bike in the sauna at 200 degrees why because he's an animal he's a crazy big wave surfer crazy bastard he's in his 50s and he's maintaining his body in a way that was unheard of i mean he's uh i believe Laird is 55 or 56, somewhere in that range. He looks fucking phenomenal. He's in peak shape. Every day he has routines that he develops where he takes weights.
Starting point is 01:59:17 He'll take like a 70-pound dumbbell and jump in the water with the 70-pound dumbbell and take it all the way to the bottom, and he has this super deep pool, and then springs all the way up to the top and all the way back down to the bottom so he's 59 guy's a fucking animal he's an animal and he just lives to surf and and stay fit did you have him can you does he have videos of him doing this oh yeah yeah yeah he's got videos on his instagram is he a good follow oh he's a great follow and he's just like the calmest, most chill, like focused guy. He's one of those people you're around them. You're like, oh, yeah, of course you're a world record holder,
Starting point is 01:59:52 big wave surfer type individual. Oh, look at this. That probably feels so good to go back and roll. That's when I'm the strongest. That's when I feel the best for training. I have routines in the patterns more than just the actual activities. It varies just on the time of the year and also my physical state. You know, it could be Monday, Wednesday, Fridays in the pool, and then Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays on the land. I mean, in season, out of season, there's a lot of variety
Starting point is 02:00:19 within the training, which is what keeps it interesting for me. So I don't really have a real set thing. I'm not a bodybuilder or in a program where I'm just doing a certain, which, which kind of leads to some gains and some, and some falls, but it's part of what it takes to kind of be ready to do what I want to do. Functional training. Yeah. And you know, he's developed all these different routines and they have a website too. He has a website that's dedicated just specifically to these pool workouts and all these different things that he does. Here's the other thing.
Starting point is 02:00:51 People put too much effort. They're like, I don't want to go to the gym because I don't know what to do. It's like, dude, you don't even have to go to the gym. You can get a workout in your bedroom. Well, I follow so many people on Instagram that do daily workouts. You could do just what they do. It's not hard to do and there's a lot of body weight stuff that's available online too.
Starting point is 02:01:10 Do the kind of training for like the shit you do in life, right? So me, I do a lot of, I put my pack on with 90 pounds in it and I'll just fucking, just ruck. I'll just get on the fucking treadmill for 30 minutes and ruck on an incline. And just fucking put, like I'll throw a podcast in or something like just so I could kind of zone out.
Starting point is 02:01:29 And then like next thing I know, I fucking went, you know, three miles. Right. So, oh, fuck. I went three miles already. OK, cool. And then I jump off and do something else, you know. But I liked I like that. Like, I think that it's the same the cold tub.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Right. So if you did it in the morning, your brain is already like, OK, I've gotten through this. Yeah. So I can get through's the same the cold tub right so if you did it in the morning your brain is already like okay I've gotten through this yeah so I can get through whatever the fuck else comes at me so you would do all this that would show up at work on the radio station and is that when you realize like Adderall helps cuz then I started taking more I so I started taking more because I was like I need more Adderall at this time of the day. Juiced up for the show. To like be fucking like.
Starting point is 02:02:10 Yeah. Psychologically, like mentally available. Right. Basically. Because like I would be sitting there and my co-host would be talking like we're sitting like this and he'd be talking to me and I'd just be like. And he was like, hello. And I'm like, oh, shit, sorry.
Starting point is 02:02:24 And he's like, the fuck are you thinking about? And I'm like, dude, I'm just all kind of you wouldn't even like, hello. And I'm like, Oh shit, sorry. And he's like, the fuck are you thinking about? And I'm like, dude, I'm all kinds. You wouldn't even like, I was thinking about like, what would it look like if I threw you through that fucking window? That's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 02:02:34 Like stupid, dumb shit like that. Right. Like it's so silly, you know? Yeah. And he'd be like, he's like,
Starting point is 02:02:41 my wife was like, Hey, I think you need to fucking maybe take a little more Adderall. She's like, you sound like a fucking psychopath. And I was like, all right. And it helped? Sorry. And it did.
Starting point is 02:02:52 It helped. What did it do? It just helped me. I just would take like a half a dose of it, right? But then I was like, man, I pay close attention to my heart and how my heart is doing. And my doctor was like, you're perfectly healthy you know everything's good you know because i did that for like three months and then i was like let me make sure my heart's still good and it's not like affecting me because i was actually getting better sleep at night really yeah like deeper sleeps like straight REM sleep
Starting point is 02:03:18 this is like an ad for Adderall i know really doesn't make me want to try it everything's good if you don't abuse it, right? Right. Not everything, but most things, if you don't abuse them, they were made for the right reasons. Most things. Yeah. There's a benefit to them, but so many things are easy to abuse. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:36 Well, Adderall, I mean, guys, people get hooked on this shit. Yeah. Right? So it's like they just take more and more all day long. I've heard some stories. It's like that invincible pill. Yeah. I just stay away from anything that like that invincible pill, you know? Yeah. I just stay away from anything that gives me too much confidence.
Starting point is 02:03:48 Generally? Yeah. Generally, I try to stay away from confidence. I have, like, douchebag tendencies. I don't want to suppress my douchebag. I like being a nice person. And the best way for me to be a nice person is, like, to keep the ego in check. That's why I like weed.
Starting point is 02:04:02 That's why I like mushrooms. I like things that- Love mushrooms. Yeah, yeah. I like things that just like, just settle me down and keep me in a good zone, a good space.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Yeah. Put out good energy. You know? It's like, it's like, you know, my wife was, what did she refer? It'll come to me.
Starting point is 02:04:24 I can't remember what the fuck it was that i was even thinking about just now but um she she was mentioning something to me about uh oh i know what it was now so she calls my alter ego chad chad's the bad guy it's the bad guy so like i i when i if i'm gonna drink alcohol it's tequila because um um elgave is like an upper and not a fucking depressant tequila is the only alcohol you could drink that's not a depressant right um is that true is that true we talked we went over this once right it's like kind of shaky shaky space well that's what got me drinking so now you're telling me it's fucking wrong so i've been that's if you think that i
Starting point is 02:05:01 have to say stick with that thought i'm just gonna stick with it because if i think it then it's fucking true i think we googled this though once i know that thought. I'm just going to stick with it because if I think it, then it's fucking true. I think we Googled this though once. I know. That's what I'm saying. And it's a little – it's something – it is different. It's definitely different. It's different, right? And then you process it differently as well.
Starting point is 02:05:15 No studies. Well, there's the Derek Wolf study from 2023. Somebody told me that. Somebody – it was like I did this in mexico where they showed us how they make it how they distill it and everything and he was like you know i think he's the one that said that to me but i don't know well ron white sells tequila number one it's awesome tequila and ron white uh he swears by it he says like that it's the only drink that he can drink he doesn't feel like shit yeah yeah the reason i remember looking into it the the things that people say why it
Starting point is 02:05:43 might be is because there's less additives in it, and some of those things are what lead people to some of the negatives of alcohol. Oh, really? What about moonshine, though? It's clear. Well, I mean, that's really stronger. It's starch.
Starting point is 02:05:56 But it's not starch. That's why the breakdown is like it's alcohol, so it's going to have the same effect as every other alcohol. Interesting. People don't seem to have as much hangover on tequila either. Yeah, I don't feel too bad. Like last night at the show, I had like way too much tequila. That was fun.
Starting point is 02:06:11 Yeah, it was fucking awesome. How fun was Roseanne? Oh my God. I was like, no way. This is awesome. Dude, Roseanne Bar is a regular at our clubs out here. It's crazy. She just pops in.
Starting point is 02:06:21 She just popped in. And we were in the green room where we're talking to her into going on stage but it was funny because she's like oh i don't know i just hate mushrooms and i go rosanna just go on stage just go on so she goes you think so and we were all like yeah a hundred percent and i go when do you want to go up she goes not after him let me wait let me wait and see how this feels and And so she waits, and then she had a real good conversation with Brian Simpson. They were both laughing. She goes, I want to go in after him. So Brian brought her up, and he brings her up.
Starting point is 02:06:52 And I mean, it's one of the greatest standing ovations I've ever seen in my life. Oh, they've lost their minds. They didn't know she was going to be. That's the beautiful thing about these shows we do, these Joe Rogan and Friends shows. Nobody knows who's going to be on. So it might be Tim Dillon, Shane Gillis, Ari Shafir, no one knows. Mark Norman, no one knows until you see them
Starting point is 02:07:10 go up. And so when we introduced Roseanne, I was like, holy shit. Yeah, those are fun shows, man, and they're all my friends. Yeah, you never know what you're going to get. Yeah. And last night was packed. Ron White, David Lucas, Hans Kim, William, I mean, it's like these are amazing amazing shows
Starting point is 02:07:26 and they all crushed it yeah everybody was good night it was a good night but watching her go on stage man it fucking made me so excited about austin so excited about doing this club and so excited about comedy yeah your new your new spot's gonna be fucking they went nuts for her man she can't wait she she went to visit the club today the new club and what's it called the comedy mothership comedy mothership okay yeah yeah that's gonna be fucking because dude that the vibes in there last night were awesome yeah they're fun so i can't even imagine what when it's it's your actual spot it's gonna be fun any day now um and rosanne's gonna be a part of it which is exciting and ron you know having
Starting point is 02:08:04 ron there r Ron was another one. When he went after Roseanne, they're like, the show keeps getting better! It was amazing. It was unbelievable, man. It was like the perfect build-up. Yeah, it was amazing. And then you come out. You could have gone for fucking four hours if you wanted to. Yeah, but it was the perfect amount of time.
Starting point is 02:08:20 It was a great night. Just the hang there, too. The green room hang. Yeah, man, that was awesome vibes. Austin's a great night. And just the hang there, too, the green room hang. Yeah, man, that was big, awesome vibes. Austin's a great town, man. Something special about this place. You know, it's also a lot of people that have come here, have escaped from a place that was suppressing,
Starting point is 02:08:34 and they got here, and they're like, oh, this is better. Oh, freedom. Yeah, a little bit of freedom. Yeah, so, like, California's just such a mess, man. Fucking disaster. It's like an ex just such a mess, man Fucking disaster It's like an ex-girlfriend that you used to love her And now she's doing meth and works for the cartel I'm like, God, what happened to you?
Starting point is 02:08:53 You used to be hot You used to be my favorite I used to go back to California I was like, fuck yeah West Coast forever, bitch Like, we got the ocean It never rains out. We got the comedy store.
Starting point is 02:09:06 But there's going to be humans shitting on the sidewalk. Yeah. And the pandemic. Well, it was always bad. It was getting pretty bad in 2019, tent-wise. The homeless crisis was getting pretty bad. But it's just out of fucking control now. And I don't know how they put that genie back in the bottle.
Starting point is 02:09:24 It doesn't seem like they're doing anything radical to reverse the policies that put them in that position in the first place. No, they're just making it worse. Well, then the people move out of the state and they go to another state and fucking vote the same way. Yeah. That's what everybody says here. And I'm like, what are you doing that for?
Starting point is 02:09:38 Don't California my Texas. That's the motto out here. Tennessee says the same shit because Nashville's a badass city. Mm-hmm. Awesome place. It's the motto out here Tennessee says the same shit because Nashville is a badass city mm-hmm awesome place Well when things get soft and things get easy people start they put forth politicians that are gonna Send these progressive values out into action and just like these people they unhoused we need to help them like yeah You do need to help them, but making them letting them camp on your fucking streets is not helping anybody.
Starting point is 02:10:07 That's not helping anybody. You guys are being empathetic. You're ruining your city. You're just enabling at that point. You don't allow littering. You're not even supposed to throw a cigarette butt in the street, right? We all agree. So why is it okay to have your tent there?
Starting point is 02:10:21 Why is it okay to have bags of shit there? Why is it okay to have stacks of dirty clothes and a bag of meth like and needles the whole thing is just so strange that piss and it should be priority number one to keep the city clean and it's not it's not it which is wild to me yeah the the people that live in the country should be the priority number one not any of this other shit. I know. I know. We were talking about that.
Starting point is 02:10:47 The amount of money that we've sent to other countries. I know. I mean, you could solve the issues with that money. Yeah, you could solve all of them a long time ago. All of them. And that's our money. We gave them that money. It's tax dollars.
Starting point is 02:10:57 Dude, I paid 48 cents on the dollar for 10 years straight to these motherfuckers. And that's what they're going to do with it? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. That pisses me off. It exactly. That pisses me off. That's what pisses me off. It's what they do with the money. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:09 You're going to force, you'll throw me in, like, dude, it's tyranny. It's tyranny. Sorry, tyranny. Tyranny. It's fucking tyranny. It is in a way. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their grave thinking about the way we're paying taxes. They probably never expected civilization to get where it is.
Starting point is 02:11:23 No, there's no way. Nobody did. They wouldn't have written laws the way they did for a politician to step up and and call it the problem that it is and then like allocate money towards that the immense amount of money that you need the same kind of money we're dedicating to other countries that would be very unpopular because so many people who have money would be like no you're not going to take my money and give it to poor people. Get the fuck out of here. But it's the only way to fix this country.
Starting point is 02:11:48 They've got to do something. They've got to take some very involved strategy. It has to be very well thought out and it has to involve a shitload of money. And it's pretty clear they have a fuck ton of money. All this money that they're giving to. I mean, we're giving it to Ukraine. Yeah. Where'd that come from?
Starting point is 02:12:06 Where the fuck did that money come from? You guys just had that? You guys just had that sitting around time ago. It's kind of like whenever, yeah, you could have fixed all the public schools. You could have made sure that drag, like instead of fucking kids getting taught on Tik TOK,
Starting point is 02:12:18 how to dance, you know, the kids in China are learning how to take guns apart and how to fucking do math and how to fucking like, why don't, why aren't we teaching? You're going to teach me about all these fucking genders, but you don't want to teach me how to take guns apart and how to fucking do math and how to fucking, like, why aren't we teaching, you want to teach me about all these fucking genders, but you don't want to teach me how to change a tire, how to change oil in my car, how to manage a checkbook.
Starting point is 02:12:33 I had no fucking clue. I came into the NFL and they gave me two million bucks and I was like, what the fuck do I do with this? What did you do? Just put it in a bank account? Just fucking put it in a bank account. I had no idea what the fuck to do. I was like, okay, I guess I can get a bank account account a debit card and a credit card what's the first and they're
Starting point is 02:12:47 like you have no credit they're like you have no credit like i was like well what the fuck is credit what is that like how do i build credit they're like you have to pay bills back you gotta pay bills you gotta take loans and pay the loans off i was like that's fucking bullshit i said they're literally controlling everything that's when i started like losing my mind about the control because i have an issue with authority already as you can imagine i can imagine you think i fucking had any roles grown up no i did whatever the fuck i wanted when i wanted to like uh i'm not gonna raise my hand and go take a piss sorry i gotta worry about how i'm gonna eat dinner tonight fucking lady like leave me alone you know um but when i started
Starting point is 02:13:22 paying taxes well i got that check and i saw I was like well I thought it was 4 million they're like no they take the taxes out you don't even get to see it and I'm like I don't even get to fucking touch the money yet and they take it right away they take a piece they didn't do a single push up they didn't do fucking bullshit jack shit no deadlifts
Starting point is 02:13:40 they didn't do any fucking squats they didn't take on any fucking double teams or get no injuries nothing oh they take half and they take half of it and then they send it to another country while we got fucking literal people that fought and almost died and gave their life up basically for our country and they're fucking sleeping in a tent with mental illness problems and no therapy no counseling but we'll send fucking $500 billion to another country. Yeah, it's weird. We're so strange. It pisses me off.
Starting point is 02:14:10 And so I just think that we should have a say in what the fuck they're doing with our money. And they're like, whoa, you got to vote this way and that way. It's like you could do all that voting, but the lobbyists are what are doing all the fucking shady shit in the back. Even if you do voting, you're not going to stop them from giving that money to Ukraine. Exactly. It doesn't matter. This is all at a level that regular voting doesn't stop. It doesn't stop.
Starting point is 02:14:32 Unless you get some very headstrong politician, like some JFK type dude who puts a stop to everything. Look what they did to him. Exactly. And they just admitted it and people are like, well, whatever. Sort of admitted it. Yeah. I mean, we all know.
Starting point is 02:14:45 It's a slow trickle. It's like they're admitting that COVID was a lab leak. It's like this slow trickle. Yeah. They give it to you slowly. Yeah. I mean, it's a smart strategy. Instead of all at once saying we were wrong, you slowly say it seems we were wrong.
Starting point is 02:15:00 There's a low probability that we were wrong. There's a reasonable probability that we were wrong. And then it just keeps getting more and more, yeah, we were wrong. There's a reasonable probability that we were wrong. And then it just keeps getting more and more, yeah, we were wrong. It's the same with the vaccine. Yeah. It's the same with a lot of things, man. Yeah. And these narratives that get pushed on mainstream media, it's shocking how they don't feel bad for what they do.
Starting point is 02:15:19 They don't. It's shocking. It's shocking. These people are all like evil narcissist motherfuckers. I don't even know if they're evil. I think they're captured. I think they're captured by an institution that revolves around advertising revenue and that's heavily sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and all sorts of other corporations. The Super Bowl was sponsored by Pfizer.
Starting point is 02:15:41 I know. How about that devil dance that that dude did at the Grammys and it says, brought to you by Pfizer. I know. How about that devil dance that that dude did at the Grammys and it says, brought to you by Pfizer. Dude. Like, you just showed the devil and a bunch, and you're basically saying
Starting point is 02:15:52 you sponsor the devil? Like, what? I'm not even a religious person. I'm not, like, a person who's, like, into the devil. But I see that and I'm like, this,
Starting point is 02:16:01 if you want to drive conspiracy theorists nuts. This is how. Especially Christians. Yeah. Christians who don't want this tubby dude wearing a fucking devil outfit, dancing around. Tim Dillon said he looks like a plumber. He looks like a plumber.
Starting point is 02:16:15 Can you pull it up? Do you think someone could have done that on purpose? Can you pull that up? Decided to play that Pfizer piece after that, knowing everyone would get their panties in a bunch? No. Well, I think Pfizer was probably already sponsoring it, but they had to know that that graphic was going to go over the- They didn't, they said.
Starting point is 02:16:30 They didn't. Pfizer didn't know. They were not an official sponsor of the event, but they did sponsor the broadcast, and they didn't get to say when that piece went up. Oh, I didn't mean Pfizer. I mean the people that put together the broadcast. They knew that that ad was going to go up right after that. Oh, that's what I'm saying. Whoever is in control of running those pieces at the end was like that's probably watch this if someone's
Starting point is 02:16:47 really funny that would be that's very funny yeah i mean someone could have done that it's also a very good strategy in terms of getting people to make that video go viral and for that dude what's his name sam smith yeah that's that dude that's like the greatest thing that ever happened to him i didn't even know who the fuck he was until i saw that thing can i can you pull it up because i'm not i'm confused i'm have you seen it i don't think i've seen it's ridiculous he's uh dancing around he's in all like red spandex or red leather and he's he's the devil and there's a bunch of demons behind him and it's brought to you by pfizer it's sam smith like the fucking singer? Yeah, some singer dude. I didn't even know who he was.
Starting point is 02:17:27 I'm trying to find it. The videos are, everyone else has made comments on this video already, so I'll show you some of the pictures of it, I guess. This is what his performance looked like. It was very devil-ish. Dude, I think there's all kinds of wild shit going on with these fucking- Yeah, that is- These Hollywood elitists, dude.
Starting point is 02:17:43 That's very strange. It's very strange. Some of these Hollywood fucking people are... It's very strange that no one was like, what the fuck? Candace Owen, of course, she's going deep. Oh, you know she's fucking... She's like, this is fucking...
Starting point is 02:17:56 Candace Owens had one of my first, rather, one of my favorite moments with the New York Times. This is how it aired. The Grammys. Brought to you by Pfizer. So Pfizer would hellfire behind it. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Someone was like, watch this. Why not? Fire it away. Hey, man, you got to think. Did you see her face right there? She was like, what the fuck is this? People who are responsible for the graphics and all the computer stuff, those are guys like us.
Starting point is 02:18:24 They're like internet dudes. Of course they did. It doesn't have to be, but there's a good chance this is some fucking troll. Good chance of some dude laughing his ass off at a bar, telling everybody what he did. Is that an NFT? Yeah, well, it's a digital
Starting point is 02:18:40 art that's created by Beeple, and there's an NFT that goes with it, so if you see that little QR code you get the NFT but that NFT thing doesn't mean anything to me but that means something to me just the art that it's animated and it moves around and stuff and it's you know who that guy is
Starting point is 02:18:56 Beeple? I've heard of him he does digital art every day every day he puts a new piece on his Instagram and on his website every single day he puts a new piece on his Instagram and on his website. Every single day. 365 days a year. And he's, like, this is all his stuff that's on his Instagram. It's all, like, weird.
Starting point is 02:19:12 Oh, that's fucking wild. It's all very, very weird shit. What is that? What is that? He's just real weird. His stuff is very, very weird. Yeah. Oh, you're on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:19:23 Yeah. Go to his. Yeah, there, you're on Twitter. Yeah, go to his, yeah, there's his photos. So it's all this very bizarre digital art that he makes. Is that Logan and Jake Paul? Yeah, it's Logan pouring his drink on Jake. What the fuck? That's so weird.
Starting point is 02:19:38 That's so weird. He's a funny dude, though, man. We had him on as a podcast guest. He's really fun and super, super nice guy. Fucking talented. But it's really hilarious. He's like, as people are trying to find hidden meanings in my art, he's like, why did you have dicks in missile silos? He's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:19:56 They're fucking, just fucking dicks. That's kind of what came in my head. That's what he fucking was thinking about. Yeah. I mean, he's got to come up with a new concept every single day. That's what he fucking was thinking about. Yeah. I mean, he's got to come up with a new concept every single day. So he's got like these giant Trump robots with like Hillary Clinton's head operating him.
Starting point is 02:20:10 And it's so strange. Giant babies with machine guns like that type of shit. But so he made that for us. He gave it to us. So I guess it's an NFT. But that NFT thing, people seem to have wised up to that. Yeah. it seems like everybody was going nuts and spinning all look at this is that tucker carlson fucking a green
Starting point is 02:20:33 oh jesus christ tucker should put that on his wall that's fucking great yeah he's he's quite a character fucking tucker but yeah the nft thing to me is like, oh, I don't get it. Yeah, I don't get it either. It's kind of like I started to dive into the crypto shit. Yeah. And I was like, ah. Yeah. Dude, I had guys, there's guys in the NFL putting their whole fucking paycheck in there.
Starting point is 02:20:57 I'm like, you guys are fucking idiots. That seems not wise. I was like, this is not smart. I was like, it's not regulated. Do you know anybody who lost money in that FTX thing? No, I don't know. I mean, I'm sure I do know somebody. They just don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 02:21:12 Right. Because it's fucking. Do you know anybody, Jamie, that lost money in that FTX thing? No, not like that real investment money. No, no. I don't even know anyone that was really involved with it. Just a little fuck around money maybe? Yeah, that's all I did.
Starting point is 02:21:24 I did like 10 grand in crypto and that was it. I love the idea behind it. I love the idea behind Bitcoin. Decentralized digital currency controlled by the people. You can't fuck with it. People can't. Yeah, I like that idea, but I don't know. It seems like a long road.
Starting point is 02:21:41 And it seems like if I was in charge of fiat currency, I would do everything I could to sabotage that. Yeah. Well, think about Elon. Elon said one thing about fucking mining for the Bitcoin. That was bad for the environment. Fucking right down the fucking shitter. Is that true?
Starting point is 02:21:57 He killed – oh, Elon mentioning it? Yeah, he said something about he's not mining anymore because it's bad for the environment right it's like it takes too much power to fucking to mine bitcoin to mine bitcoin yeah adam curry mines bitcoin just for a goof and i remember the because i was watching it every day yeah like he said that in the next day it was like fucking that's the other thing like with the new york stock exchange it's like there's a time when everybody can fucking trade right yeah like these fuckers are up at like two in the morning all fucking night, you know, trading fucking Bitcoin back and forth all night. It's like you guys are fucking like crackheads with this thing.
Starting point is 02:22:32 Well, it is like gambling. It is. In many ways. I mean, it has to excite the same parts of the brain that get people addicted to gambling. I know a lot of stockbrokers. There's one dude that I knew from the fight gyms back in Boston. He was a stockbroker. And this dude was a wild motherfucker. And then
Starting point is 02:22:47 one day I met him out at a bar and he was wearing a suit. I go, what are you doing? He's like, oh, dude, I'm a fucking stockbroker now. He was doing coke and he was wild. He's like, I'm making so much money. I'm like, wow. That's the kind of guy that gets into stockbroking. He just wanted that thrill. Yeah, the thrill. The big swings. The big crazy swings.
Starting point is 02:23:04 He was getting hammered and telling me all what what happened how he became a stockbroker what year was that oh this is it had to be the 80s oh and this had to be like it had to be 89 or 90 because it's like right after right right when i was starting to do comedy i ran into him i remember thinking this dude's a fucking maniac. Straight off of Wolf of Wall Street. Yeah. There were so many of those guys. Like, Tim Dillon tells stories about his days when he was selling subprime mortgages.
Starting point is 02:23:33 Like, these guys were animals. He was partying all the time. Like, Tim had a serious drug problem when he was selling houses. Functioning. Functioning. On all kinds of pills and fucked up. they were smoking crack and all kinds of shit it's crazy smoke crack with me yeah jesus christ let's make this deal serious yeah it's a wild way to live your life it is man the thing about the adderall thing about living your
Starting point is 02:24:03 life taking adderall all the time is like god damn those people seem productive I know people that take a listen to me. I'm like talking myself into doing adderall. That's what's going on here I mean, I'm not gonna tell you to do it because once you once you start taking it you're probably not gonna stop And that's kind of how it's been for me the comedians that I know that take it are fucked up though I don't know if it's good for comedians. Y'all seem to have an issue getting shit done. Yeah, we get shit done. Right, but maybe we get shit done better. That's the thing.
Starting point is 02:24:32 What is this? Coffee. Stimulant. I like stimulants. Yeah, coffee. Different level of meth. That's what my wife always says. She's like, sorry, I can't just wake up because I'm not taking meth every morning.
Starting point is 02:24:44 Whoa. Hey, baby, you told me to take extra. I'm like, you told me to take more. She's like, I know. She's just joking. My wife is hilarious. Yeah, she's just joking with me. Is there any long-term problems in terms of toxicity with that stuff?
Starting point is 02:24:57 Or is it just a stimulant? It's one of those, I haven't had any issues. I've been taking since I was 19. You're the poster boy for Adderall. Until they tell me that this is fucking hurting you. Yeah. Have you ever tried not taking it? Oh, it's not good.
Starting point is 02:25:13 How long have you gone without taking it? Oh. Five days. What's that like? It sucks. I drink like fucking 20 cups of coffee. What's that like? It sucks.
Starting point is 02:25:24 I drink like fucking 20 cups of coffee. I'm all fucking jittery and wiry and dehydrated. Everything's fucked. Like my bedroom's a mess. The fucking clothes are everywhere. Yeah. Like my living space takes the biggest hit because I like can't even think about picking up that fucking towel because I'm like locked in on something that's way over here. Yeah. So I just step over problems and fucking get to this thing and just ignore the rest. And Adderall helps, makes me be able to like, like, okay, I could
Starting point is 02:25:55 do this and then I could do that. And then I could like, it helps me like manage the, manage the day. Right. And whenever, and the other thing is i've spent so much time battling depression and anxiety that's already built in that i'd like by the end of the day i'm fucking wiped because i've spent you know probably four hours like controlling my fucking anxiety right my anxiety depression and like dealing with that like on and off throughout the day because it just like hits you in waves um so then and then doing work and then getting other like all the shit that I have going on because when I was playing football I was just focused on football that's all I had to do is focus on football now I'm focused on all the
Starting point is 02:26:34 other shit that I wanted to do so I'm focused on bow hunting I'm focused on podcasting I'm focused on doing a radio show I'm focused on filming I'm focused on business deals that I was looking to work on. So all these things you're juggling. So like on a every, so I wake up in a more, that's why when you were talking about warming up before you get to work out, like I have to start warming up again. Cause I used to warm up like for like 30 minutes before I did anything, doing all kinds of movement and all this shit. Now I just walk downstairs and just fucking let's go fucking grab a kettlebell and start swinging that motherfucker for 30 rounds you know
Starting point is 02:27:05 like and getting on the rower and fucking hitting cows on the rower and then grab my bow and shooting it like it's all you know timed out but you know i don't like taking adderall before i work out i like not having it because then i like i can go to all over the place with it i like taking the mushrooms before i work out really yes how much just this tiny little microdose just capsules I have these capsules made that why do you like doing that before you work out because it helped it helps me like channel the my anger and rage and shit that I need to release and mmm that's why it's like church to me going in there I get to release all that fucking all the hate pretty work out by yourself yeah, I like doing that too.
Starting point is 02:27:46 I was working out with a trainer which I really enjoyed too, but there was a thing that was missing. It was like the alone time. The alone with just the struggle. I need it. I need that alone time and that's why, you know, when you talk about getting in the cold tub or doing a tough workout, like how many times, I'll do 20 rounds of something, right? Of a
Starting point is 02:28:02 circuit. And it's never heavy weight anymore. It's all just a circuit. it's never heavy weight anymore it's all just a circus i'll do like six rows on the on six cows on the rower and then i'll jump from the go from the rower straight over to like do gorilla rows with the kettlebells right so you're like keeping a flat back and working on your transverse core and then i'll grab a big heavy kettlebell and swing that six times and then i'll do halos with a kettlebell six aside and then i'll get down and do six push-ups and then go up and knock the tick off like that's one right so okay so and i'll look and be like i got 19 more whoa the whole time you want to quit because your heart rate's at like
Starting point is 02:28:37 150 to 155 the entire time from the rower because you have to you want to do it as short as you know all power you know just and when i pull that rower dude i'm pulling like 2 000 every time i it's like 2 000 every time i pull because i pull that fucker hard as fuck you know it feels like it's going to break sometimes so i and i just get in this mode with the shrooms like i just get in it's i call it the flow state and you've probably heard about the flow state before. And that's what it did for me in the football, on the football field. When did you start doing it in football? 2016? The year we won the Super Bowl?
Starting point is 02:29:22 The year I got fucking life-changing generational wealth money? Imagine that, right? Yeah. Imagine that. The year I decided that, um, that I met my wife and my fucking life changed forever for the better. Like I was stopped. Mushrooms was involved in all that. I know it was. It helped me think clearly and make decisions with confidence. When did you start using it? Did you start using it in training or did you start with training? Well, I started, I worker um his name's adam stir and this fucking dude is like he is a fucking mad scientist and he would like get me he would he had like a whole protocol that he did with me so we would do a monday stretch and in movement it's all movement it's not stretching it's just he's manipulating your body and we started you know using shrooms shrooms before he would prime me up.
Starting point is 02:30:05 He'd do a 20-minute prime before I'd go to the stadium and get me primed. And, dude, I'd fucking be vibrating. It was wild. He did all this breathing exercises with me to get me going. He works with a bunch of guys still in the league. Von Miller works with him. He works with a bunch of guys. And, dude, he's like, maybe try the microdosing try it
Starting point is 02:30:26 you know and i was like okay so i found some good shit and started trying it it was actually liquid form the shit i was doing i was playing yeah and i had this and he made a pre-workout for me it was all clean and it was like sustainable and i'd fucking drop two little drops of that fucking shrooms and that shake it up before the game and drink it and i'd go out there and warm up on a field and i'd be like on a whole different planet like i i would like i would start to get fucking mad and start getting ready and like dude by the time the fucking by the time i get my hand in the fucking dirt and we're about to play the first nap of football i just like i'm so fucking ready to go it was i can't i can't even explain to people like my focus is so hyper focused and everything
Starting point is 02:31:06 is so slow around me that I'm moving faster than everything else I'm just moving faster so like I'd fucking worked I'm like working like I can like watch his hands it's like the spider-man movie when he's like you know like I'd watch his hands fucking go by and then I swim over and I'm keeping it so tight to his shoulder as I swim over and like fucking cut the space and then like accelerate this way. And when you tackle quarterbacks, you can't land on them anymore. So like when I get to the quarterback, I'd be able to like focus on keeping the ball from getting up here so we could throw it, you know? Like I'd be able to lock it in with my elbow and like fucking roll back and fall the perfect way. It was like, and then you watch it on film and it's like snap of a finger it happens
Starting point is 02:31:45 right like a football play is six seconds long and that's a long football play the quarterback is tom brady is stepping back and going one two three so in one two three i've got there and all this shit has happened and in my head while it was happening for me it was slow it was all slow like hips were moving right the way my like i could feel my i could feel the way my foot hit to make sure it was hit because you want your toes pointed in the direction you're going right so i would fucking work the move you know i used to call it a chop swim so i would chop his hands grab his shoulder pull his pin his shoulder down like this and then swim over and before he could like readjust i'd have to cut that corner. So it happened so slow to me.
Starting point is 02:32:25 To me, it was like it took a minute for it to happen, but it was like the snap of a finger. Wow. And the whole game would go that way. But I also had this crazy rage going on in my head the whole time. Do you think that's Viking shit? It has to be. It has to be.
Starting point is 02:32:42 It totally makes sense. It felt so natural to be in that state. Like all your ancestors probably did it that way. And then the violence, like being able to play violently, like finishing a play, like finishing through a motherfucker, not just like grabbing him intact. No, I was trying to finish through a motherfucker. And it like was just in me to do that. was just in me to do that when from the time i stepped on the football field at seven years old put a fucking helmet on number 59 with a fucking bar down the middle he put me a middle linebacker and a coach said when you see the ball you get the ball
Starting point is 02:33:12 i said all right fucking bobby boucher that shit fucking let's go i loved it dude i love i hit this fucking kid and i know i he probably never played football again the kid i hit wow he probably said fuck this. This ain't for me. Cause I fucking, the first picture I take, I'm fucking like, couldn't wait to play football. Like finally get to be violent and not get in trouble, you know? Yeah. Cause the violence was just in me.
Starting point is 02:33:37 Like, yeah, I don't think it like you could talk about the childhood and this and that, like it created this violent fucking person, whatever. No, I was violent when I came out of the fucking womb womb my mom said it took three people to change my fucking diaper she said fucking had to and have one person fucking hold your arms and one person hold your legs and then somebody get to change you because you were so fucking strong she's like you're so strong and just like thought it was hilarious to like knock somebody over you know that's hilarious and like fucking knowing that they couldn't hold me down was just funny to me, I guess, as a kid. But that's just how I felt.
Starting point is 02:34:10 The mushroom Viking connection is wild. Because if that really is true, if that just ignites that part of you, that ancient DNA, it completely makes sense. Because that was the lore of the Vikings, that they always took mushrooms when they raided. because that was the lore of the Vikings, that they always took mushrooms when they raided. It brings out, it would, I swear to you, it brings out this crazy, like, I call it the savage. It's like releasing the savage, you know?
Starting point is 02:34:36 Like I finally get to open the line, it gets out of the cage fucking once a week, you know? How did you decide on like how much to take or when to take it? Did you do a lot of trial and error? There was games where I took a little too much. What happened? Oh, dude, the lights are so bright. On a night game?
Starting point is 02:34:53 Fuck. Wow. Fucking lights are bright. There's fucking, like going to Dallas, one time we were in Dallas playing, and I took a little too much. When you're walking out on the field, you're walking through a bar pretty much.
Starting point is 02:35:04 Imagine walking through, like I'm going to fucking war, but I'm walking through a bar pretty much. Imagine walking through it. Like, I'm going to fucking war, but I'm walking through a bar and all these fucking fans are, like, having drinks and hanging out. And I'm like, I'll kill all of you. That's what I'm thinking the whole way out of there. I would kill you all. I'll fucking murder every one of you. Like, that's crazy shit going through my head before a game, though, because it's what I'm doing, right? It's probably your body thinks you're going to a war.
Starting point is 02:35:22 Yeah. Like, I think when you do something like that and that many people are watching and you're on mushrooms and you have that Viking DNA, your body probably like, oh, it's wartime. Oh, wartime. Kill time. Yeah. Time to kill. Rape and pillage time. Oh, Jesus Christ. Like, that's in my DNA, you know?
Starting point is 02:35:39 Yeah. Undeniable. And we get out there on a field and I'm like, oh, fuck. and we get out there on the field and i'm like oh fuck like you know you know when you start to like whenever because it's a wave yeah when you take like an eighth right you're waving you're riding those waves dude i'm standing there and they're like announcing the fucking the announcers like getting ready to announce us to come out and i'm like and normally i can like get it to stop and just like settle, settle into that breath. But no, I just was like, and then finally I was like, okay, okay.
Starting point is 02:36:11 I got to fucking get it together, dude. And when we walked out there, we just came running out. I almost had to stop because it was so mesmerizing. I was like, my mouth was wide open. I'm fucking staring. I'm like, dude, I got to dude, I'm going to play football. Stop looking at the fucking jumbotron. This thing's fucking huge.
Starting point is 02:36:30 These jumbotrons are huge. There's fucking girls dancing on poles and shit. Like, there's fucking crazy. There's smoke everywhere. And I'm like, holy shit. And then the first quarter was fucking interesting. Very interesting. I was playing really well, but I was, like, not there.
Starting point is 02:36:48 Like, I had to hear the play twice sometimes. You know what I mean? Like, he'd say the play right to my face, and I'd be like, what did you say? I'd look at him like, what? And my middle linebacker's like, dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? I'm like, I talk too much. He's like, all right, I got you, I got you. You know, because we're fucking buddies.
Starting point is 02:37:03 He knows what the fuck is going on. How long did it take before it leveled out? Second quarter, it started to level out. And then it turned into like, dude, I was fucking dominating. I was like, all right, that's how much I need to take. I need to take half of that. Half of that and I'm good. I figured that's why in my head I thought half, right?
Starting point is 02:37:20 So that's what I did. Instead of doing like three, I was doing four of those drops. So I did two. I changed it to two. Did you ever get it to the point where you? Knew you could take it again in the middle of the game. Oh I did I would take it a half time to Two drops perhaps. Yeah, okay. Yeah, and then and then it was like you said it like well, of course it
Starting point is 02:37:38 Yeah, of course because I would make that little make the drink I'd fucking make the drink, you know I was just caught it the special sauce. So the full experience of when you were tight in the zone, like seeing everything in slow motion, how long would that last for? Sometimes, that's why I had to take it at halftime, because it was like a two-hour deal. Right, so it started to fade off a little bit. Yeah, and there's so many fucking TV timeouts and shit going on,
Starting point is 02:38:04 and time where you're not on the field so like being able to just get a little little dose that keep me in this and keep the savage out there wow like it was and i prided myself as being a great run stopper in the nfl like i knew that like if you ran a ball at me it was not your day like it was gonna be i was the number one run stopper for almost 10 years you know like nine years straight as the number one guy in the league. So to me, that's like one of the best compliments ever. Like, fuck those sacks. I don't care about the fucking quarterback.
Starting point is 02:38:32 I want to fucking – I was a man out there. I was splitting double teams and then tackling Derrick Henry for a loss. Like, that's the shit we were doing. And that motherfucker is a load. Like, he's fucking built like a defensive end dude he's like six four six three 240 pounds no weight class weight class limits in the ufc because there is it's 265 that's the heavyweight division and the money in the ufc was way more like it was more than any nfl player could make and they all decided to start fighting, it would be a bloodbath.
Starting point is 02:39:06 I don't think people understand the level of athlete you're dealing with when you're talking about the elite NFL players. When you're around them, you're like, what the fuck are you? It's a totally different type of person. It's like a whole different human. Yeah, and there's enough of them, and if they decided to fight, it would be a real problem for regular-sized big dudes.
Starting point is 02:39:26 Oh, yeah. Well, like, I mean, 265. If I cut to 265, I mean, five-minute, I could go fucking all day. Yeah. I could go all fucking day because I'm used to carrying 20, 30 pounds more than that. Yeah, a lot of, like, Francis, who's probably the biggest guy in the heavyweight division. Yeah, he's huge. Francis Ngannou is regularly over 300 pounds
Starting point is 02:39:45 or in the range of 300 pounds. Like he was when he got his knee operated on, and he's not fat. No. He's fucking gigantic. No. He's built like a fucking... Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:53 Yeah. He's built like a perfect fighter. If you were going to build a perfect fighter, that would be it. Tall, super muscular, immense natural strength. And super athletic. He's like the if you were to draw up a D end
Starting point is 02:40:07 a defensive end outside rusher that's how you draw it up I know that this is going to be an amazing fight this weekend between Jon Jones and Cyril Ghosn but man am I disappointed that Francis isn't in there
Starting point is 02:40:16 I know Francis versus Jon Jones to me would have been like holy shit yeah because you can't do anything wrong with francis you can't make any mistakes those nuclear weapons are zinging by your chin dude imagine zinging man i always think that's the other thing i think about man i'm like dude these fucking fighters yeah i became good
Starting point is 02:40:36 friends with cowboy with so donald and i became good friends man and i was awesome he's fucking awesome i was talking to him about it and i was like, the way you guys fucking have to train just to get ready for a fight is insane. It's fucking insane. The training is insane. Most people are like, oh, I could get in a fight and do this. Go out there and fucking just wrestle for 30 seconds and you'll be fucking laying on your back, you fucking turd. Stop acting like you could do this shit.
Starting point is 02:41:03 Try doing it for five minutes. They don't know. For 25, i wrestled right so wrestling for an overtime would go to nine minutes with heavyweights a lot and you'd be fucking tired as hell and nobody's trying to kick you nobody's trying to punch you nobody's trying to choke you out have you thought about doing competitive jiu-jitsu yeah you would be amazing be amazing at that. Yeah, I like jiu-jitsu. That'd be a great thing for you, too, like, to get obsessed with. One of my best mentors in life, he lives down in South Florida. He's a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and he does it every morning. And he's, like, you know, he's in his 60s now, and he's, like, 230 pounds, like 6'2", 6'3".
Starting point is 02:41:41 He's a big dude. Extremely successful. But he loves jiu-jitsu he does it every morning and i'll go in there and roll with him and he just fucking dominates me dude i can't like because it's not about strength and it's not about speed it's about it's like a chess game it's just a chess game so like he knows what i'm gonna fucking do long before i even thought about doing it like he already knew what like my body how my body is going to react to this. I'm exhausted and he's just laying there laughing. Like, ha ha, fucking idiot.
Starting point is 02:42:13 I think that would be a good thing for you to get into. I'll get on top in full mountain. He'll sweep my fucking legs out from under me somehow and crawl around my... I'm like, how the fuck did you get me onto my side already? How did I get here? And then I put it next to my arms, like up here. And he's fucking like, he gets your arms in a, he gets your body in a position where
Starting point is 02:42:31 your strength can't get it out. Yeah. Like I can't muscle through any of this shit. So I'm fucked. And I fell in love with doing it. So it's, uh, I'm looking to do, I work with, you know, you know, Chris Camozzi. So Camozzi and I are good friends. Isn't he fighting bare knuckle fights now?
Starting point is 02:42:45 Yes. Psycho. Dude, they're doing a big bare knuckle card. Have you seen this bare knuckle card? Mendes is doing it too. Luke Rockhold is fighting Mike Perry. I'm like, holy shit. Who's Chad Mendes fighting?
Starting point is 02:42:58 He's fighting someone really good too. Pull it up. It's on my Instagram. No, it's not. It on luke rockhold's instagram it's a wild wild card it's like they're getting like real mma stars like luke rockhold's a star like having a rockhold well chad's a star yeah that's right he's fighting eddie alvarez that's right that's crazy that's a crazy fight. Also Ben Rothwell.
Starting point is 02:43:27 But Mike Perry and Luke Rockhold, that is a wild fucking fight. I wonder what the money's like in these fights. Must be giving them big money because Luke Rockhold makes a lot of money in the UFC, but he said it was way more than he made in the UFC. I assume Luke Rockhold makes a lot of money in the UFC. I shouldn't say that. I don't know how much he actually gets paid. I'm sure it's a...
Starting point is 02:43:44 He was the champion. Yeah. You know, at one point in time, I mean, Luke Rockhold in his prime was a motherfucker, man. He was fucking good. He was fun to watch, too. It's kind of interesting seeing... Francis commented on it. He'd be an interesting addition to that.
Starting point is 02:43:57 Oh, my God. Oh. Well, I know they've given conversations to him, or they've had conversations with him, I should say. So has Bellator. So has a lot of these places. Who would fight in bare knuckles? Some person who wants to get punched in the face by friends. Who wants to get fucked in?
Starting point is 02:44:14 Bare knuckles. It's got to be somebody. If they come up with enough money, there's dudes out there that would do it. I mean, if they fight in bare knuckle, your face is going to get fucked up. Your face gets fucked up. They have gnarly cuts. They have scars and shit all over their fucking all over their face you're getting cut a lot it's just that bone but my thought was like that's how mma should be mma really shouldn't have gloves on i think so too because i was like you you're really having
Starting point is 02:44:40 you have a false sense of confidence what you could do with your fists because this is not really designed for punching things. No. It's designed for grabbing things. Grabbing, yeah. Yeah. Elbows are way better for striking. And knees and kicks are way better for striking.
Starting point is 02:44:53 But your hands break so easy. But when you wrap them up in gloves and then put a foam pad over them, then you can throw hands at people. It's weird because it's the only thing in your whole weapons arsenal that you're allowed to cover up with padding and make more effective. You don't do that with your elbows. You don't do that with your knees, your shins. Which would make more sense to do with your elbows. Like if you're going to try to protect somebody. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:17 But that's the wrapping of your hands and everything. That's to protect your own fist. It protects your own fist. But it does allow you to hit harder, too, because you can be more indiscriminate with your punches. I think these, didn't the cage fighting start without, they started without them and zero weight classes too. Yep. That was fucking wild. Yep. You got the clip of the little dude with the fucking giant, which little dude? One of the first fights that they ever had. I don't think, was it Hoyce? Who did he fight? It wasn't a guy in a gi though No
Starting point is 02:45:45 There was a lot of those mismatches In terms of size wise There's Keith Hackney He fought Emmanuel Yarbrough Emmanuel Yarbrough was a sumo wrestler Who was like Fucking 350, 400 pounds I mean how big is Emmanuel?
Starting point is 02:45:59 It says 200 versus 600 But I don't know 600 Well they lied a little bit But Keith Hackney was probably about 200. So Keith Hackney's a, I believe he's a karate guy. That's him? And he came out, that's Keith Hackney.
Starting point is 02:46:11 And the size difference is fucking crazy. When you see it when they're actually going after each other. So Emmanuel Yarbrough is walking towards him. Look how small Keith Hackney is. Yeah. He's so much smaller. But he hit him with like, basically like a bitch slap. Bow.
Starting point is 02:46:24 Look at that. Bow. Oh, shit. with basically like a bitch slap. Look at that. Pow! Oh, shit. I mean, imagine that guy being on top of you. That's a big slip-up right there. Yeah, he fucked up. So he gets back up to his feet, and he cracks him again and again. You don't want to lose
Starting point is 02:46:39 to a guy that's that much smaller than you. But how much time can Emmanuel do this for? Oh, he threw him out. He went right through the cage. He went right through the cage. See, but Emmanuel's already exhausted. To be that fat... I mean, he's so overweight. There's no way he can maintain.
Starting point is 02:46:53 This is wild. Keith Hackney just has to kind of survive past that first 30 seconds. I mean, I don't even know what kind of training Emmanuel did for this. He might have just... He was a sumo guy. Look, he's just walking him down.
Starting point is 02:47:06 He's chewing gum. Yeah, it does look like he's chewing gum. Oh, you see him trying to hit him, right? He's chewing gum. Yeah, look, he's chewing gum. Is that his mouthpiece or is it gum? He's chewing gum. It seems like gum.
Starting point is 02:47:15 It's the smallest mouthpiece of all time. Keith Hackney had another fight where he fought this guy, Joe Son, and Joe Son got him in a headlock, and Keith Hackney punched him in the balls over and over again. Oh, he drops him with the punches. That's it. That is crazy. It's crazy to watch that.
Starting point is 02:47:35 I mean, there's a reason why he's hitting him with his fist like that, because it hurts to fucking punch somebody in the head. Yeah, I mean, he's breaking his hand for sure here. If not for sure, it's definitely a high probability. Like that, those punches, he's breaking his hand for sure here. If not for sure, it's definitely a high probability. Like, that, those punches, he's doing, like, ridge hands. Like, see, he just looked at his hand like, holy shit. I don't know if they stopped it or if they kept it.
Starting point is 02:47:55 Yeah, they stopped it. Jesus. The early days. Dude, he's just standing there fucking whacking him. Really should have kicked him. But the early days, those days were just, it was a different a different world like no one knew what worked or what didn't work it was all just like people had these crazy ideas about kung fu and death touches and all that shit went out the window death touch people that still believe in that man if you go to uh mcdojo Instagram, he's always got these people on
Starting point is 02:48:26 that are like doing fake martial arts and death touch and people fall down. That's the dumbest fucking... People still believe in it, which is wild. So what is this guy doing? He just touches him on his neck and the guy falls over?
Starting point is 02:48:43 See, this seems like they might be playing. There's no fucking way that that's real. Come on, dude. Yeah, I think some of them it's people just fucking around, but some of them are like this. Like these guys are just, they're just delusional. Like this guy really believes that this would work. Look at him, he just steps to the side. So easy, like the other guy just is frozen.
Starting point is 02:49:08 Look at this. It's hilarious. He chopped him in the low back. He gave him a little lumbar chop. You know, the old lumbar chop. It's a deadly move. He just put his hand in his face. Dude, up until 1993, those people were everywhere.
Starting point is 02:49:25 No one knew what was real and what was fake. I mean, they do it at churches. Yeah, right? They speak in tongues and, yeah. You see the guy that says he's not gay anymore? Have you seen that one? I'm not gay no more. I don't like men's no more.
Starting point is 02:49:36 I am delivered. This shit is fucking crazy. He starts dancing, and then all these guys, like, dance with him. It's so homoerotic. It's so strange. The whole thing is so strange. It blows my mind. Gay conversion is the strangest thing.
Starting point is 02:49:49 And they like throw their fucking, their suit coat over somebody. Like a whole crowd of people fall over. What are you guys doing? Those people that speak in tongues, I always wonder, like, are they faking it? Are they just like, just like in a trance? Like, what is that? I always wonder. Like some of them are faking it for sure.
Starting point is 02:50:06 Just like with the past live regressions. Some of them are probably faking it. People are so easily manipulated. Yeah. Man, like I mean if my three-year-old can fucking manipulate me, my three-year-old daughter manipulates me all the time. I'm like, well, I guess she can't go to school. She has a tummy ache. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:20 Because she's like, daddy, my tummy hurts. I can't go to school today. I'm like, okay, whatever you need. Yeah, my kids always go to me. My wife's like, don't fall for it. They always go to me. I. I'm like, okay, whatever you need. Yeah, my kids always go to me. My wife's like, don't fall for it. They always go to me. I'm the softy. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 02:50:28 My wife, she's always telling me. I'm like, what's the big difference? One day, stay home. No, make them go. No, make them go. I'm like, no. They got to go to school. Toughen them up.
Starting point is 02:50:36 I'm like, what? Jesus. Toughen them up. I'm a girl. You're a girl, Dad, too. You know what it's like to have girls. So I have a teenage daughter, and then I have a three-year-old. I know what it's like to have girls.
Starting point is 02:50:44 So like I have a teenage daughter and then I have a three-year-old. So it's like I have like the teenager is like this super genius, like 4.2 GPA, honor student in all of college prep classes. Wow. Right. And then Roxy is like this crazy. Roxy is my youngest. Tatum's the oldest. And Roxy is like this crazy athlete already that wants to hunt with that. She wants to hunt so bad.
Starting point is 02:51:04 So I take her at three years old i take her out into the elk woods wow and i'll get her up close to like 20 30 yards from an elk whoa and we'll sneak up on them that's awesome she's like figuring it out already how to like maneuver through the woods and how to look at tracks like every but to her every track is a bear track now like we're up there right yeah i think we're at 10 400 feet there's fucking black bear and bobcats and mountain lions and shit everywhere like we found a mountain lion kill and i told her about that and she's like now she won't walk through the woods without a stick because she thinks that stick's gonna protect her from the mountain but i have a pistol on my
Starting point is 02:51:35 fucking hip you know like right we don't walk around up there without a gun no i wouldn't imagine not with these fucking giant lions and bears running around you just walk up into the wrong walk turn around turn the wrong corner out there and you fucking come across a mom, a sow and her cubs. Yeah. She'll fucking kill you. Yeah. Not good.
Starting point is 02:51:51 And I keep, I make sure she's standing, Roxy's always standing like right in front of me. Like I'm so, or she's like, I'm walking right here. So nothing can get to her without me seeing it or hitting me first, you know? Right. So she can get away if she has to. That's a wild experience for a little girl. She loves it. That's awesome. She loves it. I get away if he has to that's a wild experience for a little girl she loves it that's awesome she loves i'm like you want to go on a hike yeah she's like should she always i have she has like a little bow and i'm like she's like should i
Starting point is 02:52:12 she's like should i bring my bow and i'm like sure bring your fucking bow whatever that's awesome no it's not gonna kill anything but we'll but she's into it like she really wants to and at night when i tell i at my wife says she's doing it because she she really wants to. And at night when I tell my wife says she's doing it cause she's manipulating me to stay up longer, but she'll like, I'll read her. I read her five books a night. I read her five books and then sing her songs and then tell her.
Starting point is 02:52:33 And she wants to hear stories about hunting. So she wants to hear my hunting stories. She'll be like, tell me about the wild cat. And I'll tell her like in detail, not like this, you know, the sick details, but like I'll end it with a, and then daddy got up on the Hill and I pulled my her like in detail not like this you know the sick details but like I'll end it
Starting point is 02:52:45 with a and then daddy got up on the hill and I pulled my bow back and whack and then she starts laughing loves it wow like she's like yeah she's like all right tell me about the elk tell me about the bear wow tell me about the deer you know she wants to hear them all tell me about when you played football she'll say tell me about when you played football so she wants to hear like what I did in football and I'm like well I tackled people she's like why because they had the football and she's like oh but she's like so crazy advanced at that age already as far as like doing math right doing simple math already at three years old like blows my mind it's hard to tell people that don't have children what it's like it's a very strange
Starting point is 02:53:25 feeling the love that you have for those people that's crazy people it's it's transformative dave chappelle once said to me he goes it didn't just change how much love i have he goes it changed my capacity for love yeah yeah it's a great way to put it it is yeah it's a life-changing thing just like like for me it was that great way to put it it is Yeah, it's a lot of changing thing just like like for me. It was that unconditional Mm-hmm that unconditional love man is just yeah And for you with your insane background in your childhood to be able to provide a great background for your kids It's important to me. Yeah, it's it's a beautiful thing man. It's a beautiful thing And that's the I was like I said the best decision i ever made in my life was
Starting point is 02:54:05 marrying who i married i married right i did it did it the right way and it's the way we met you would think it's gonna fail for sure i was fucking we just won a super bowl and i go to vegas and i'm fucking on a bender i'm on a fucking bender like doing shit i shouldn't be doing and walk into this fucking club at the town nightclub you know i you know you know the restaurant sure so she was our our waitress for the fucking table service because we ate dinner and then we walked in there and i was fucking you know i got a fucking thousand dollar or a hundred thousand dollar fucking chain on a hundred thousand dollar fucking automar bust down ap on my wrist look at like a fucking thousand dollar or a hundred thousand dollar fucking chain on a hundred thousand dollar fucking automar bust down ap on my wrist look at like a fucking kid that's what she said she was like he looks like kid rock she's like i walk in there and i i look i'm carrying a bottle of don
Starting point is 02:54:55 julio 1942 fucking drinking straight out of the bottle and walking in there and fucking got i got a big bracelet crazy fucking diamond bracelet on, you know, fucking stupid. Stupid, dumb waste of money like an idiot. What is the first dumb thing you bought? The first dumb thing I bought? Like right when you get signed. Right when I signed my big contract? The two million bucks, yeah. Yeah, I bought $300,000 worth of jewelry like an idiot that I can never get the money back for.
Starting point is 02:55:22 It's just fucking dead. I had to make $600,000 to do that. I had to make $600,000 to do that. I had to make $600,000 to pay for that $300,000. So I fucking got $600,000 worth of jewelry. I'll never get the money back. Is that a standard thing among guys in the NFL? I play defensive line, and a white guy on the defensive line is usually not, like, that's not normal, right?
Starting point is 02:55:40 So, like, that's just the culture I was in. So I thought it was fucking i was always my whole life i spent trying to just fit in where i could you know and like it wasn't until i like retired i was able to find out who i really was you know like who am i really because i've my whole life i've been trying to fake it because i didn't want to be that i've been trying to be somebody somebody else trying to discover this other person because i didn't want to be who you were who i was which was poor white trash right so I've been trying to run from that so I've almost embraced that that white trash
Starting point is 02:56:10 side of me you know but you know it's important it's so important for a guy like you to tell this story because there's got to be some kid listening somewhere there it's living a similar life and realize there's a way out of this tunnel dude my hometown is right next door to east palestine whoa that's my home those are my people holy shit that's where i grew up was right there east palestine was fucking right there it's not like i'm not talking about like 20 minutes away i'm talking about like five minutes away like are you talking to people from there yeah so before trump went there actually um i was i had but i was trying to do something to get water to them, and then I found out Trump was going to give them water, and I was like, all right, I'll just, cool.
Starting point is 02:56:49 I don't need the fucking spotlight. He can have it. But it is. Those are my people. What is it like on the ground there? They can't fucking, they're fucking coughing up blood. They had zero drinking water for a while, for like a couple weeks.
Starting point is 02:57:04 You know, it was... And they can't get out of there. Most of those people are poor. Dude, the average income is like $15,000 a year, $16,000 a year. Everybody's poor. I mean, everybody was steel workers. The steel mills closed down. All the factories closed down.
Starting point is 02:57:22 Lordstown was a big factory there. There's a big... So now there are power plants. So there's three power plants down there too so that's fucking might be another reason why i'm so fucked just drinking power plant water ohio river swimming in the ohio river and there's fucking catfish the size of cars in there like oh that's normal i guess i'll jump in here yeah it's like fuck you know it's just crazy you know like my mom will tell me stories about like when i was a baby that she would use uh
Starting point is 02:57:51 she's like i used to i used to take rum and rub it on your gums that's how i fucking got you to settle down i'm like jesus christ what she's like yeah i mean i've heard of people doing that to their kids before back in the day. Yeah, but not now. That's like something. Now from the 19- That's from the 1700s. We knew in the fucking 90s you shouldn't even be smoking when you're pregnant. Yeah. She's fucking doing blow, fucking drinking.
Starting point is 02:58:17 Oh, man. I came out all right. Yeah. Jesus Christ. You came out more than all right. And I really do. I really think it's so important the way you're so honest and you tell your story because
Starting point is 02:58:28 there's people out there that need to hear that man there's people that think they're fucked and they're always gonna be fucked well sometimes I get nervous to talk about it because it makes people uncomfortable but fuck them like I'm here I'm not here to like it's not for them if it makes you uncomfortable then just fuck them. Like I'm here. I'm not here to like, it's not for them.
Starting point is 02:58:45 Yeah. It's not, if it makes you uncomfortable, it's not for you. Then just don't listen to it. Don't listen. Because, but I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to take, I'm going to take the opportunity to tell my story because there's going to be a kid watching this and there's gonna be a kid that listens to this podcast and he's going to be like, you know what, man, I can fucking do it. Right. And that might save his life. Cause you know what, when I was fucking 10, 11 years old, I I used to fuck I put shotguns in my mouth because I wanted to end my life I wanted to fucking be done I was like this is fucking miserable existence I hate it I just wanted to end it but I didn't and I kept fucking going and I kept pushing get to the next
Starting point is 02:59:19 day get to the next day survive and then you survive long enough and then you can learn how to thrive and then once can learn how to thrive. And then once you start thriving in life, everything's fucking different. Everything. And I didn't realize that until my wife came into my life. She was like, why are you so fucking negative all the time? And I was like, because I expect the worst to happen. That is what I'm used to. The worst that can happen is probably going to happen. Like, oh, I'm going to make it to the NFL. And then I'm gonna get fucking paralyzed and almost die and almost ruin my career before I even get started. But no, that's not the way to look at things. And she changed that for me. You know, I had fucking, when she came into my life, I had fucking people taking advantage of me, my best friends,
Starting point is 02:59:57 people I thought were my family taking fucking advantage of me, forging checks, doing all kinds of other bullshit. I never actually lost the money but I was able to recover it but you lost the friendships but I lost all those friendships all of them everybody and they were all fucking
Starting point is 03:00:13 they were all like why would you fucking marry this girl from Vegas like making a big deal about it and I was like cause she's onto your bullshit that's why you fucking don't want her here wow she's onto your guys' bullshit
Starting point is 03:00:22 she's had a bunch of people being parasites and glum on dude she she saved my life probably it was had a bunch of people being parasites and glom dude she she saved my life probably it was only a matter of time because guess what i would have been fucking my life could have turned out so much different so many different times like that's why life is all about making the right choice at the right time like there's gonna come like if it feels like it's a big important decision in your life take it serious and make it make a
Starting point is 03:00:43 rational decision don't just make an emotional decision in that moment like think about it before you fucking do anything there's a lot of times in my life where i like i i didn't think about it and i just did it and i fucking paid the price like fucking paid the price and luckily i luckily i ended up on top but like and i'm still climbing you know i'm still fucking you're still you're still a young guy i'm just really glad that you uh explained your story the way you do man it's uh it's really important and to see you come out of this and thrive it's it's beautiful it really is yeah i just these kids are these kids got social media now can you imagine growing up with that shit i can't imagine they're it's a totally new kind of adversity. Even having a cell phone, right? I didn't get a cell phone until I got to college.
Starting point is 03:01:27 I can't imagine what that's like. Yeah. When we were kids, think about it. When we were kids and you wanted to hang out with the kids in the neighborhood, you just fucking went to their house. Yep. And knocked on the door and door knocked until one of them was fucking home or was allowed to come play. Nowadays, they got to fucking text message each other and, well, I don't know. I don't want to text too much and be weird. I like what the fuck i used to fucking stalker call somebody's house
Starting point is 03:01:48 till they answered it fucking ring ring all day long and hey can johnny come play no they'll never understand that it's interesting that you grew up that way that all all of us grew up that way and then kids today will never understand that they'll never know that well i lived on i was that's how i would like go to, their house and just like ask if I could spend, I knew it. And then I, like, I didn't want to go home because it was, I knew it was going to happen there. So I would just like go to go from friend.
Starting point is 03:02:14 I'd be gone for like a month. Wow. Just staying from house to house and sleeping on couches and shit just because, and just making it seem like I was, you know, because, you know, cause I knew that I was going to get fed. I knew that I was going to not get fucking beat up. You know, I knew that I was going to have a shower. Like all that stuff was important to me.
Starting point is 03:02:33 Like I was like, I want to, and then I'd go to school. You know, my mom taught me how to fucking, I'm about to admit to stealing. I used to steal my clothes for school. Like that's how I, she taught me how to do that. Like wear a bigger shirt, put a fucking smaller shirt underneath of it oh that fits you and then fucking walk out and i'd be like okay she told me how to do that at a young age you know but that's just like that's what she grew up around that was fucking that was it man it's that tri-state area that west virginia pennsylvania ohio where it all meets yeah it all meets. Yeah. It's a fucked up place. It is a fucked up place.
Starting point is 03:03:05 It's the heroin fucking highway. Mm-hmm. Like, everybody's on heroin now. Not everybody, you know. The Oxycontin Express. Yep. Yeah. Now fentanyl moves in.
Starting point is 03:03:14 It's a fucked up place, man. Well, Derek, we just did three hours, believe it or not. I could go for another three. That was a lot of fun. That was fun, man. It was really fun. And thank you again. And I really do appreciate the way you tell your story because I really do think it's important.
Starting point is 03:03:27 And I know there's guys out here, all kinds of people out there that will listen to that and realize, like, it's possible. It's possible to get through the lowest points and have an awesome life. Yeah. There's always been a – I always see it as the – it's the coward's way out. You don't want to fucking keep going, so you just give up. I'm not going to give up. Never will. It's not in me.
Starting point is 03:03:50 I don't know what that feels like anymore. Good for you. And for everybody who's listening, listen to what he's saying. There's a way out of everything. Always. You can have a better life. All right. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 03:04:01 Appreciate you, man. It was a lot of fun. Bye, brother. Appreciate you, man. It was a lot of fun. Bye, everybody. Bye, everybody. Bye, everybody.

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