The Joe Rogan Experience - #1972 - Jim Breuer

Episode Date: April 20, 2023

Jim Breuer is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of the "Breuniverse" Podcast. Watch his comedy special, "Somebody Had to Say It," on YouTube. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day. Jim motherfucking Brewer. Good to see you, my brother. You too, man. I feel like I'm seeing a high school friend. I know. And I've been out of high school for a long time. Well, when we met, we were like fresh out of high school.
Starting point is 00:00:28 When we met, we were in our early 20s. Yeah, we were really young. Yeah. We were young. Bro, we've been friends for like 31 years. Dude, so crazy. Maybe 32. It might be 32 years.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah, well, I've been married 30. Yeah. And I wasn't married. I was with the same girl. Yeah, yeah. And so that was 30, and I wasn't married. I was with the same girl. Yeah, yeah. And so that was at least 31, 32 years ago. At least 31, 32 years ago, yeah. And you cracked me up then, and you crack me up now.
Starting point is 00:00:57 We had a good fucking time. We had a good time back then, and we had a good time last night, dude. Last night was so much fun. God, that club is such a fun hang. I love seeing you enjoy life. I love seeing you enjoy life. And watching you, it's like, what I love about you is you've never changed. And you always, you love comedy.
Starting point is 00:01:23 You love stand up comedy and to see you just eating, breathing, talking living, loving stand up you would fucking go in the main room
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'd get there crush it crush it I'm watching the balcony like a 15-year-old going, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Bro, that felt good for me. You know when you're able to watch another guy and laugh your fucking balls up? And then you come inside, and then you're talking more comedy with all the dudes in there. And then you go in the little room, and you're telling me, because I'm way out of my element last night.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I was just like this whole time, like, what the fuck is going on right now? Holy shit. You slipped right into it. Come on, man. Well, I did, but I was- You felt like you belonged at that place. Huh? You felt like you belonged at that place.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Like, immediately, the moment you went on stage, we were in the balcony watching you. I was crying. That was the best impression of me I've ever seen anybody do. Well, it's fascinating watching you. Ridiculous I am. Well, I'm in the green room and you're just, you know, the guys are talking about fighting and you're just like, just every movie,
Starting point is 00:02:42 you're like, dude, you've got to go slow. It's reputation. It's wah, wah, wah. And then wah, wah, wah. And then you've got to go slow. It's reputation. It's wah, wah, wah. And then wah, wah, wah. And then you start going, but you always stay right here. And all of them are watching you like, I'll watch you. You could sell me probably going into the UFC for at least one fight. Fucking captivating.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I really had a good time. Well, a lot of those but I, I gotta say. Well, a lot of those guys are getting into martial arts. Huh? It's a lot of those guys are getting into martial arts.
Starting point is 00:03:10 You know, because like guys are trying jujitsu. It's, it's really interesting because it's like, they're realizing like there's something to that.
Starting point is 00:03:17 There's something to doing that thing, that very difficult physical thing. It makes you better at other stuff. I want to do it and I didn't commit to it yet because I know Just go with Joey. Joey loves it. Joey Diaz?
Starting point is 00:03:29 He does Jiu Jitsu all the time. He's in Jersey, right? Yeah, you're not in Jersey anymore. You're in Florida now. There's plenty of places in Florida I could say There is plenty. Oh my god, Florida is filled with high level Jiu Jitsu. But what I was going to say was it's knowing what you're capable of definitely adds to everything about you, the way your whole day goes about.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It creates a fearless, if that makes sense. Well, it's just like it gives you more of an understanding of other stuff. Like if you get good at a thing that's hard to do, It gives you a better understanding of how to get good at other stuff. Yeah. And discipline. And just life in general. Having a difficult thing that you do in your life, I think makes the rest of life easier.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I really do. And I think we're just, humans are so adaptable, man. You look at people that live in horrible conditions and they seem fine. Like you ever see like these videos of these villages and these kids are playing and there's just dirt, there's nothing else. And they're just kicking around a homemade soccer ball, laughing and giggling. Joe, so two years ago, we go on a big vacation, right? I like going to Africa. And we go to this tribe. What part of Africa did you go? This one was in Kenya.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It was right outside of Kenya. You flew into in Kenya. It was right outside of Kenya. You flew into Nairobi. It was just outside of Kenya. But you remember when you were a kid and you build a fort? If me and you were hanging out with 12-year-olds, you're like, oh, you want to build a fort? Yeah, okay. You're going to end up getting like, okay, I got a trash can.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I got my dad's jacket. I got the hood of a car and we're getting and we love and then and then once you build a fort then you're inside and you're like this is where we're gonna cook dude that's what these guys lived in and they lot they were it was like watching kids play fort and they were just so proud I went in I'll show you picture later it's so fucking cool you go in and they that's all they got and I think that when you say that's all they're got it's a misconception yeah they have everything they just like we exist like they're alive and thriving just like we're alive and thriving it's just a completely different way of living a hunter gatherer's way of living apparently when you talk to and i'm not talking about like let's be real clear i'm not talking about like third world
Starting point is 00:05:50 people who live in like rural poverty i'm i'm talking about hunter gatherers i'm talking about people that exist off the land right there's something about that they think resonates with people because that's how we evolved and so when people do that they're very happy like they had a really interesting docu-series on vice back in the day called heinmo's arctic adventure and it's about this guy heinmo korth i hope i'm saying i'm saying his name right i think i am and this dude um moved up to uh the arctic in like the 1970s and he's been there ever since. This dude doesn't have a – he's got a TV with like VHS tapes and he watches movies occasionally. He saw about 9-11.
Starting point is 00:06:35 He saw a photo of 9-11. He's still never seen the planes go into the towers. And this guy moved up there and met this woman, this indigenous woman, and had a family with her. And this fucking guy lives in like a log house that's in the middle of the woods. And he's surrounded by grizzly bears. He had to kill a grizzly bear on camera in the middle of this thing. The grizzly bear was coming to kill his dog or eat his caribou or something. It's killed one of his dogs in the past.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Like, you have your dogs tied up outside to bark to make sure that they know when bears are coming. Right. And a bear ate his fucking dog. The dog was tied up. They came back. The dog was dead. Just pieces of it.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And this guy lives like this. And he's so happy. But he's also super intelligent. So when this guy's talking, he's explaining how, I think this is how people are supposed to live. Well, not only that too, but knowing that your life or any life can end at any moment, at any time, I think when you have a reality that, just how delicate all of life is,
Starting point is 00:07:44 you have a different perception, and you take and you look at things a lot differently. Like, you lose someone you truly love. This fucker knows all of them are vulnerable, including myself. He lost his baby. He lost a two-year-old baby. It fell out of their boat in the rapids.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I mean, this is how difficult their life is, that they're forced to hold a two-year-old baby in the rapids i mean this is how difficult their life is that they're forced to hold a two-year-old baby in the rapids well that they there's no other way to do it they have to get through right everyone has to survive it's like the thing tipped over it's like well and we live in our world where two-year-old gets cancer right and you watch that kid go through things and have 10, 15 operations. Yeah. And then you finally lose them. It's life.
Starting point is 00:08:31 That's the part. Like, it doesn't matter. Part of me wants to go back to that. I know it's going to be a battle. But there is part of me that feels like this should be the new school. But is there a mix between living that way and like, hey, man, let's go get some pizza and burgers. Yeah. Let's go see a fucking movie.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yeah. Or let's go see – we have to get two nuts out here. Is there – because that's the new school, learning how to build a home, learning how to live off the land. Dude, you know what I saw that was fascinating the other day? Learning how to build a home. Learning how to live off the land. Dude, you know what I saw that was fascinating the other day? They took apart this 100-plus-year-old Japanese building that was made with no nails. The craftsmanship is so insane. They have these wood cuts where they wedge into each other perfectly, and then they have a separate wedge that they put in each piece to secure it in place. And they built this house this way with no nails over 100 years ago.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Is this like the log cabin thing too? No, but it's not like a log. It's like perfect. Like a log cabin is kind of rough. They do that, and they make those cuts, and they slide them in place, but it's kind of rough you know like they do that and they make those cuts and they slide them in place but it's a little rough i'm talking about like this precision thin cuts on wood where they mesh together perfectly i saw this i saw a complete opposite where they built into the ground and i don't know if it was like india or whatever. They had brown skin, and they built this most incredible underground bedroom just from digging and placing things over certain areas. So they just went into a mountainside.
Starting point is 00:10:18 It wasn't even a mountainside. A hillside? Yeah. They went into the ground? Went to the ground. Like a hobbit house? Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It was so cool yeah this is it look at how they did this this is the japanese construction isn't that insane look how they made these fucking perfect cut wedges and they just slide into each other and they had this whole building built like this there's no nails and And it existed like this perfectly for 100 years. So they're deconstructing it. I'm hoping that they're going to reconstruct it. I don't know what they're doing. So how old is this thing?
Starting point is 00:10:54 Over 100 years old, I believe. 100 years ago. Yeah, it's joinery. When I was looking it up, it says that that's how they did construction in Japan back then. It's amazing. There's a bunch of videos showing back then. It's amazing. A bunch of videos have shown this stuff. It's amazing. Because it's not like they didn't have nails back then.
Starting point is 00:11:10 But what's fascinating about someone who's willing to commit to building stuff like this is like, this is engineering. This is art. This is architecture. I mean, these guys, look at how they're doing this, man. When they're making all these things slide into each other and secure in place with wedges. This is incredible. They said they're bug repellent too. They're treated with bug repellent.
Starting point is 00:11:33 That probably gives you cancer. Like, what kind of bug repellent? That stuff's so nasty. When I did construction, I used to have to carry pressure treated lumber. And because I was a grunt. And pressurereated lumber, you get splinters in you, and you're basically getting inoculated
Starting point is 00:11:49 with some chemical. What the fuck is pressure-treated lumber pressure-treated with? It smells terrible. It's amazing. We just have to care. I did one job that I had during the summer with my friend Jimmy Lawless.
Starting point is 00:12:02 He got me a job working for his construction company. And Jimmy was a carpenter at the time and I was a laborer. And we had to build a Knights of Columbus ramp. And it was just carrying pressure treated lumber and cement all day. Dude. I did two weeks of that. How old are you? I guess I was 18.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah. Somewhere around 18. That's the last thing you ought to be doing. I was like, fuck this. Because I had entertained some romantic ideas of going into construction. But I wasn't interested in it. I did a lot of construction gigs because my stepdad was an architect. So I was always on construction sites when I was a kid. But that is fucking hard work, man.
Starting point is 00:12:44 That's a whole different level of work. That is, you're getting up early. You're using every muscle in your body. I did that for like three days tops, I think. I'm not even kidding. What happened to me was he goes, you know, we're working on this whatever building. I don't know if it was a church, whatever it was. I'm petrified of heights. So I was fine on the ground gathering things and bringing shit.
Starting point is 00:13:08 But when he was like, okay, take this screw gun, and then you're going to go up the scapel and fucking, what? Yeah, no harness. Right. No nothing. No nothing. Just climb that thing. So I stood there.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I stood there. And every time he was looking It looked like And then he caught on Like 50 He's like Bru you haven't even Kid
Starting point is 00:13:30 You haven't even gotten one in I'm like Fuck you sick And then he calls you out Are you afraid of heights? Are you fucking serious right now? Are you afraid of dying? Joe you bring this guy
Starting point is 00:13:40 He's afraid of fucking heights I'm sorry That's called being intelligent Bro You're supposed to be afraid of heights. Petrified. Petrified. Petrified.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Dude, when I watch those Alex Honnold videos, that guy climbing the mountains, where it's like at this angle, he's like literally hanging on with his fingers and toes, crawling his way thousands of feet above the rocks. Like, what are you doing? What about the guys in the buildings? Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah. Like buildings. James Kingston sent Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah. Like, buildings.
Starting point is 00:14:05 James Kingston sent me this. This is him. Like, this crazy fucker. This crazy fucker. Look what he's doing, man. This is not good. Like, look at this way he's got to climb this thing. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, what the fuck are you doing, bro? And he's barefoot My feet would be so sweaty I would be slipping and sliding all over the place He just got to the top and he didn't even know what was going to happen He's like, how do I do this? He's fucking stuck Oh, Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:14:36 I can't let him do that Take it away Take it away Take it away Stop it So, that's called being intelligent, though So, I remember one time I was with my kids I'm with the family Take it away. Stop it. So that's called being intelligent, though. So I remember one time I was at my kids.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I'm with the family. And the kids really want to go on this Ferris wheel. All right? But I think, I don't remember where it was. It was definitely in the, maybe it was Canada. It doesn't fucking matter. All I know is you're in a cage, and this goes really high really high right yeah so i'm like you know what it's fucking the kids this one's seven i'll be cool we got in i don't think i made it to halfway and then they started with the shaking shaking and the fucking shaking and I I I was so scared I threatened my child's
Starting point is 00:15:29 life I told him I was gonna punch their fucking faces I swear to God I'm screaming punch your fucking face in right now I swear to God and my wife's like champ stop and that was it, man. That was it. Shut my eyes. I'm never tempting heights ever again in my life. I don't need to. I'm 55. I'm done. Fucking done. It's not necessary. It's not necessary. I don't need it.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Having a job where you literally risk your life climbing scaffoldings and hanging on while you're screwing things in. Bro. It's crazy. It's hard work, man. That's man shit. Shout out to all the construction workers out there listening to this. That's man stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:09 That's real work. That's man stuff. That taught me. That was like one of the most important things about me becoming a comedian. Having like really hard labor jobs and realizing like I don't want to do this. Like I got to figure something out. No. My dad was sanitation.
Starting point is 00:16:27 this like i gotta i gotta figure something out no my dad was sanitation i'd watch i'd watch him like i don't know if i can you know i watch people working all day like i don't know if i can do this imagine if you're doing sanitation okay and you're grabbing garbage cans and you're throwing them in what are you smelling all day what are you smelling all day and how how can that not be bad for you right like toxic fumes if you work in a factory you have to have fucking the respirator thing on and the masks how is how is that okay that these garbage men are just breathing in toxic fumes all day if you can smell it yeah it means it's getting in your body. And they were all like, his whole crew were all World War II guys. So they all came back. They all just came back from that.
Starting point is 00:17:10 They all hook each other up. Right. And they all got jobs doing that. Solid job. Solid job. I mean, maybe they don't smell it too much. Maybe the way they do it now. He'd come home smelling like pure ass. It was horrifying. There's certain jobs where like, Jesus Christ, like like how do you protect people like that in
Starting point is 00:17:29 a pandemic? Like you can't stop them from working. Isn't it funny that like certain people were allowed to keep working? Don't get me started. What was weird is like they had jobs that were deemed critical. That was my favorite. Yeah. We will tell you
Starting point is 00:17:46 what jobs are essential essential yeah so that meant if you were non-essential like you didn't contribute to society you were non-essential we will decide who is essential the weird thing is that podcasting was essential it was very essential but it was like essential. But it was. Yes, it was. It was listed as because it's entertainment. The show must go on. The show must go on. People need to be entertained. Meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:18:11 we didn't know we were part of the sub show. Yeah, we were part of a weird show. Yes. I remember the early days like Dana White wanted to put on
Starting point is 00:18:21 an event and they were saying, no, you can't have events anymore with code because the code is like shut the fuck up i'm gonna find a place for this and then eventually we uh wound up doing it indoors with no audience eventually it was a few months in they wound up doing uh we did a show in jacksonville i believe i believe it was definitely florida i think it was jacksonville and uh no uh no audience in an arena it was wild i remember that it was definitely Florida. I think it was Jacksonville and no, no audience in an arena.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It was wild. I remember that. It was weird. Cause it was a big ass arena and you know, there's just us and everybody's weirded out. It's like such a small amount of people and everybody's like, are we going to die? Like,
Starting point is 00:18:59 is this like, what the fuck is this? It was like the early days of the pandemic. Everybody was still really weirded out by it. You know, it was like the early days of the pandemic everybody was still really weirded out by it you know it was it was very frustrating for me because i just came off of like the uh you know impractical joker cruise i just toured i left metallica and then did my own tour so all i thought about was okay all those tours that were out there, all those bands, thousands of bands are touring everywhere. And all of a sudden in March, you're like, everything's shut.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But up until February, you had thousands of different bands, all the meet and greets, all the hotels, all the airlines, all the partying. And no one out of that, you never heard anyone dying. And I saw, I would do meet and greets, have people coughing on me. I didn't know anyone dying. And I'm not saying people didn't die. We're not saying that because
Starting point is 00:20:00 they get pissed like, is someone right now going, are you saying someone didn't die? No, dude, it's not what I'm saying. You want to hear the most fucked up statistic that I've heard recently? 74% of hospitalizations and deaths could have been prevented. Is it 74%?
Starting point is 00:20:14 Is that the number? With vitamin D? If people had adequate levels of vitamin D. Bro, you're... I don't know if that's real, but I read this whole report on it, and I was like, if that number is real and they knew that vitamin D was essential to fighting off diseases, if they knew that it was
Starting point is 00:20:31 essential to immune system and they didn't tell everybody, they didn't just scream it from the rooftops, hey, there's this cheap thing that you can get and it really protects you. It helps you a lot. It's great for you. It's actually a hormone, right? And it's great for you. You should go out in the sun and get it naturally if you can, if you can't you need to get some of this vitamin d it's really going to help you bro when and i would tell everyone i would i would get me to find that well i would i would i just gotten i just got in it with a friend and, you know, people you love. And I go, the example of when you got sick, right? And then you come on and you say, hey, this is what I did and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And hey, it helped me. All right. That's all you did. Yeah. Now, it's how nobody sees that moment. It's how nobody sees that moment. If the world is in such utter despair from a disease or whatever you want to, it's killing everyone. Now, let's say it wasn't that. We didn't have the news.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You just heard people go, oh, my God, everyone's dying. Everyone's dying. And like, well, what do we got to do about it? You have to get a shot in the neck. You got to get the shot. Well, is there any other? No, there's not. And then out of nowhere, someone goes, hey, man, I ate this plant.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I'm not saying no. I'm just telling you. I ate this plant. And it was this berry. Actually, it kind of tasted another way. I ate the berry. And then I did like 10 jumping jacks and fucking stood out in the sun for an hour. And I don't know which of the remedy, but it helped. You think one person will go, whoa, what did you do?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Not one human being. And when you saw the vicious attack. Well, it was a coordinated response. It's like it's very clear why they did it. They did it because I said that I got better and I wasn't vaccinated. Dude. And I got better quick. And so, and they were mad. And so the best thing they did, the dumbest thing they did was say I took veterinary medicine. When they're talking about a drug that is in the World Health Organization's list of essential
Starting point is 00:22:40 medicines, it's like Billy, they've had billions of prescriptions. Not like a hundred thousand. Like billions of prescriptions of ivermectin. I got so pissed at some of my heroes. Like, you know, Terry Bradshaw. Sorry to bring up his name. I can't look at him anymore. I can't look at him anymore. He's on Fox. NFL.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And he's like, let's face it. They're horse pills. I'm like, oh dude, they's face it, they're horse pills. I'm like, oh, dude, they bought you two? He just didn't know. He doesn't know. He's probably one of those guys that's scared of the disease. He's an older guy.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And they have a heightened level of anxiety when it comes to this. And they think that people are being irresponsible. That's what they really believe. He just is misinformed. That's all it is. You're right. He just didn't know that this narrative that there's only one way to deal with this and that this way is actually going to stop it. Well, if it is going to stop it, why do you care who gets it?
Starting point is 00:23:34 You should just get it. Because if you get it, that means that no one else is going to get it. You're never going to get it. Everybody who gets the shot is never going to get it. That was the narrative. That was a lie from the beginning. And now we're realizing that it was a lie. Everybody realizes it was a lie from the beginning and now we're realizing that it was a lie everybody realized it was a lie now like we were i was talking to someone last night that got had
Starting point is 00:23:49 covid really fucking bad after being vaccinated like really bad two weeks wrecked so i have a i And his daughter, college, gets the shot. She ends up in an emergency room. And she's got blood clots on her liver. And they're all like, you know, what do you think of it? Well, you know, she rows a lot on the row team. Are you really going to believe that's what it was? Well, people do anything to not blame it on the vaccine. Like when there's an injury, people want to find all sorts of other reasons.
Starting point is 00:24:39 If there was any other thing that came along that was a new novel remedy for things. And then there was this host of side effects that were attached to it. People would want to be investigating those side effects. But because this thing came along during the pandemic and what Robert Malone talks about, where you have one solution that's presented to a problem that's isolating society, solution That's presented to a problem. That's isolating society people are literally trapped and this one thing is offered up as a solution and anything that's opposing that gets attacked because Everybody does the work of the propaganda machine the regular people do that work? Because they genuinely believe that you're a knucklehead if you don't go and get vaccinated
Starting point is 00:25:22 And you're gonna fuck this up for everybody and we're never going to get back to work. So they have that in their head and that's their narrative. He just never looked. He's an old guy. Okay. He probably wasn't looking into it and he really thought that he was probably doing the right thing, encouraging people to go get it.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I will. I get that. You know what I'm saying? I totally get that 100%. But. that and I totally get that a hundred percent but but I feel like people like him and everyone that have been out there even the ones that believed everything and that's okay because they get scared and I get it yeah there's still ladies on air there's still masks on planes. You can tell they're scared.
Starting point is 00:26:05 They're scared. They got them. But they need to understand. It's like when you're humbled. Hey, man, I might have been, maybe I shouldn't have said that. It's all cool. But I guess by their actions, I still feel it. But what makes me crazy is, isn't that a well-orchestrated, marketed, funded way to murder? At the end of the day?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Like to purposely keep people from getting healthy and actually stopping people? If your mother, that's your angel in your life, and what's being forced and threatened and ridiculed and shamed is that child or that husband. And they do it. And the people that created all this, let's not pretend they don't exist. The people that created this, they knew exactly what they were doing because they planned this in steps.
Starting point is 00:27:22 You're not that smart to pull this off without really putting a lot of logic into this. And to me, that's murder. I don't know how you explain it in any other way. Well, what gets really creepy is if they're ignoring evidence on certain things that could be beneficial because those things are not going to earn the money because then you lose all trust in them
Starting point is 00:27:46 because all you're offering up is a pharmaceutical remedy for whatever the situation is. You're not saying that there's any other things that can help. When we know that human bodies, there's a lot of things going on, man, and your nutrient levels are very important. Your metabolic health is very important for your immune system. All those things are connected and together.
Starting point is 00:28:09 And to think that the way to fix that is only an injection says who and why are we listening to people that say that? Anybody that says that is crazy. The whole thing is important. All of your health is important. The whole thing is important. All of your health is important. We should be encouraging people to be fit and healthy and to make healthy food, it would be the most popular medicine in the fucking world. What you could get from being a fit, healthy, happy person, holy shit would that be a valuable medicine. And you can get it for free. That's available.
Starting point is 00:28:57 You just got to do it. And they don't tell you that because they don't really give a fuck about your health. They give a fuck about you following the rules. And if you follow the rules, especially in pertaining to this one, then they make a fuck load of money and they have no accountability. And that's what it is. It's unbelievable. That's what it is. And so when someone like me says, hey, I got better real quick, they're like, oh, you fucking idiot. You're taking horse dewormer. They're all saying it on CNN. So CNN lies.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Now you know they lie. Because they knew I wasn't taking veterinary medicine. They knew that the guy who invented it literally won the Nobel Prize. It's so dumb. It's one of the dumbest checkers move ever. You know what it is? It's like playing chess and you just run your king out to the middle of the table. Fuck you, man.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You're taking horse medicine. We're just going to repeat it over and over again. No one's going to know the difference. No one's going to research the billions of human prescriptions. The fact that it's an antiviral, that it stops viral replication in vitro, that there's studies on it. The fact that it stops yellow fever. People get, that there's studies on it. The fact that it stops yellow fever. People get all these parasites.
Starting point is 00:30:09 It kills them. You're so stupid. It was one of the dumbest things. It was so great. But how could anyone ever trust them now when you know that this is how they treat something as so easily provable of being false and what doesn't make any sense. Like the attack literally makes no sense. You should be asking, Hey,
Starting point is 00:30:29 how'd you get better so quick? Exactly. And I got the, the hard one supposedly that's the Delta. Like, how'd you get better so quick? Won't you? That is common sense.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Common sense. But instead, how did they create this? Because they, this one narrative thing, the thing that Dr. Malone talked about. Instead, it was like saying, oh, what kind of life choices is he making?
Starting point is 00:30:50 What medicines did he take? What are monoclonal antibodies? What is IV vitamins? How does that help when you're sick? Can you take that when you're normal sick? Or is it just COVID that it helps? IV zinc, IV vitamin C and D and B. All that shit is fucking amazing for you.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Do you think that enough people realized because that's the thing. If you're just hanging out with someone, if you're hanging out with me and eventually I start lying to you all the time, are you going to take anything I say seriously? Right. It's over. Who in your life do you know that lies all the time that you take seriously?
Starting point is 00:31:24 And you take seriously. And you take seriously. None. No one. So now that every media group that exists lied right to your face. Right to... Like, while they were doing... Someone had to have been writing it going, oh my God, this is like such dick stuff, but I love being fucking dick.
Starting point is 00:31:43 You know what it's like? Oh my God, this is like such dick stuff, but I love being fucking dick. You know what it's like? The corporations, we want to think of them as being these impossibly large machines that make money. And they are. But they're just run by people. And some people are dorks. And those dorks get important jobs and they put Dylan Mulvaney on a Bud Light can. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:08 These are dorks. And you see the response that Bud had, the most recent response? It's like the fucking dumbest pro-America rah-rah. Like, we don't know who you really are now. There's like interviews with the lady who is the head of Bud Light talking about why they did it and about the old sort of frat culture attached to Bud Light, dismissing the people and, like, the humor of the people that like Bud Light.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And so they're going to change that with this crazy attention whore on day 365 of being a woman. I mean, we are in a fucking Coen brothers movie. This is a Mike judge movie. You're a thousand percent. Like how does no, how does nobody else see what,
Starting point is 00:32:57 what lunacy is going on right now? There's no other way to explain it. You got to watch this Bud Light commercial. This new Bud Light commercial. Find the new Bud Light commercial. It's the dumbest pro America. Rah-rah. It's so stupid and cliche. It fucking- it hurts my feelings. It's so dumb. Listen to this. This is a company in deep shit, bro.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And they make things like this. Look, you got the prairies, the ocean, you got a Clydesdale running down the street story About a beer In the heart of America Found in a community where a handshake is a sure contract What the fuck are you talking about? You know, I would respect them if they had this, and then Dylan Mulvaney just starts cartwheeling it to the brain. Day 368 of womanhood!
Starting point is 00:33:57 This is when some CEO is like, who is in charge? Ah, he's 90 years old. Get him. Well, this is how we used to do it. You need the goddamn Clydesdale first of all This is the story of the American spirit shut the fuck up shut the fuck up now I hate you more What is that what was that you can? You can't come out in like chick's clothes and then turn around and bring a stallion out. Well, the problem is if you let CEOs talk about stuff like that and give their opinions about stuff like that, then everybody knows who you are. So you can't just make this commercial.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Like where's this coming from? Was this AI generated? That's probably a chat GPT 4.0 version of the perfect American commercial. Where's this coming from? Was this AI generated? That's probably a chat GPT 4.0 version of the perfect American commercial. That's really what it is. That shit didn't have nothing to do with drinking Bud Light either, by the way. That made me want to move to Montana.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I want to be in the mountains and see the dust and shit. That's the dumbest commercial of all time. It's so obvious what they're doing. They're trying to like, they needed to let that sit for a little bit. But that's what I'm saying. You don't have one or two guys on the board going, I don't know if this is a good decision, bro.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I don't think they get to. I think that lady made a decision and she thought inclusiveness is important and we're going to open up the brand to new people. Or is this like an organized crime hit? The thing is, like, if she didn't make the thing about frat boy culture, if she didn't, like, kind of disparage, what was her exact quote? See if you can find her exact quote. She didn't disparage the humor of the people that enjoy the product. Like, that is such a crazy move.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Well, that's what I'm saying. It's just like an organ in my head. I go, wacky, but. What I'm saying is, like, if she just said, like, everyone can like Bud Light. Like, if that was her and she's like, America is the freedom to be whoever the fuck you want to be. What did you see? If that's what they said, I'd be like, okay, great. She was disparaging
Starting point is 00:36:06 she was talking about inclusivity and talking about like this sort of frat culture around bud light the ceo's name is brendan whitworth is that the guy i don't know there was a woman saying yes that's that's a man so that this person was a woman unless I'm misgendering them Jesus Christ. Don't say it It was a woman for sure there's videos of her talking about it. There's videos of her Talking about why she made the decision to do this But it's like you can say that We want other people like America's freedom and the freedom to be whoever you want. If you want to be a woman for day 368, that's your freedom too.
Starting point is 00:36:48 But if you're doing that and trying to change who buys the company and dismiss all the other people who buy the beer from the company, that's so dumb. That's such a silly move. It's so weird. To me, I instantly always see mob hits. Yeah. I see a mob hit just walking in like, your company's done.
Starting point is 00:37:12 What do you mean? Fucking done. What do you mean? Pow, pow, pow. Everyone's fucking out. Put on the thing that's going to get rid of their crowd. You don't think you're fucked? You'll never kill us.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Oh, really? Let's roll the tape. Oh, you mean like someone did it to try to kill Bud Light? Dude, they're fucked. What a great hit. That would be amazing if Heineken snuck in and did that to them. Someone came in there. Like, put the transitioning.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah. The lady was a guy. Like an agent provocateur. It's going to kill everybody. Yeah, you have an agent inside the company that tanks the company. And it turns out you're shorting them on the stock market. Yeah, you crushed it and you're buying shit on the side. And you open up a different company that's really manly.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I love that Elon Musk. You're just moving assets. Elon Musk and Bill Gates have a little dispute because Bill Gates shorts Tesla. What? He shorts it, meaning he banks on Tesla doing poorly. And Elon and him have like a billionaire feud because of this. Bro, that's... He's petty.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I love it. I'm not petty, but I like when people are. I do. I enjoy it. I like when people are. I do. I enjoy it. I enjoy when people are petty. What are two billionaires, what are they upping each other on? I just think it's disrespectful for Bill Gates to short Tesla's position. That's a gangster move.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I'm not a fan of Bill Gates. It's not a wise move because that company is going to kill it. Wait until that goddamn Cybertruck comes out. Dude, let me tell you something. That is the coolest vehicle I've ever seen in person in my life. The Cybertruck from Tesla? It's a stamped steel electric all off-road vehicle that's bulletproof. It could stop a 45 round it's you can raise and
Starting point is 00:39:10 lower the height so you can off-road on this fucking thing it looks like it's a hundred years in the future when you're standing next to it is absolutely the coolest looking car i've ever seen like you see on in pictures have you ever seen in pictures now if you see it in pictures It looks fucking badass, but if you see it in person you realize how big this thing is and then you get it in it It's fucking gorgeous. That's what it looks like That's when that thing comes out You can't make enough of these fucking things these goddamn things gonna be everywhere. Everyone's gonna have a bulletproof car Like Bill Gates is making a terrible choice. That's what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:39:48 When you see it in real life, you just go, holy fucking shit. What's the movie when they're, what's the famous movie? Look at that fucking thing. Look at the size of the windshield wiper. That's one giant windshield wiper that goes across the whole screen. It's like a tank. Bro. Without the big cannons.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And it goes zero to 60 in three seconds. And it goes out in the, is it like a four, you know, goes over rocks and all that stuff? Oh, yeah. It's flat because there's no drivetrain. There's no transmission in the center of the car. So the entire car is flat on the bottom. So even if you have an off-road vehicle, you have axles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And these axles, they protrude. They stick down. And so that messes with your clearance. That's why the trucks are raised and that's why the tires are bigger. So you can get over... That's because you can get over more shit. What is this? It's some video of it driving. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:40:40 I went to visit the Gigafactory and they had it at the Gigafactory and they had been off-roading in it so it was all covered in mud and shit. Dude, it's fucking amazing looking. And it drives itself, probably. Oh, yeah, it does everything. Right? What's this guy doing?
Starting point is 00:40:52 He's testing it. They're testing. Yeah, it drives itself. Mine drives itself. I kind of can't wait for it just going, hey, bring me over bring me in my uh kid's house today it's definitely gonna be able to do that in the future i just sit in the back so i'm gonna take a nap can you wake me up when we get there we're probably about 10 years away from that but it's gonna happen it's gonna be everywhere you can summon your car like with tesla it's in a
Starting point is 00:41:20 parking lot you could summon it to you. It'll come to your app. Is it doing that now? Yeah, it does it right now. It'll pull out of the parking spot. Have you used it? No. Yeah, I tried it once. It didn't work. It'll come out of the parking lot. I've watched people who do it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I don't even use the... Honestly, I don't even use the auto drive. When they gave us the new beta, I fucked with it for a little bit, but I get uneasy with like I don't I don't want to not concentrate I want my hands on the wheel, and I want to concentrate. Yeah, I had there's a guy who? also a friend and he he does all electric car stuff around the world and I Remember the first time he got me one of those Tesla'slas, and he's like, look, you can – and he kept turning around. And, yes, it was steering.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Oh, don't do that, buddy. It would go around a curve. Don't do that, buddy. I was like, I don't think I can do that. Yeah, I keep my – I can't do it. I've kept it on automatic before and just fucked around and, like, show people, look, it's driving itself.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Right. But I always – I'm not that trusting of it. Me either. Also, if people try to go in your lane and it doesn't recognize it, it panics. So it'll like slam, like, whereas you maybe would just slow down a little and the person would slide into your lane. Yeah. It's like there's subtle understanding of like how fast this guy's going, whether this guy doesn't see me or whether they're being aggressive. Like what's, there's different things you have to do.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And you can, you could avoid stuff without slamming on the fucking brakes and swerving into the oncoming lane. My car does that. Once in a while, and I don't even have the automatic drive on or nothing like that or cruise control. It'll be driving all of a sudden. It hits the brakes? Dude, yes.
Starting point is 00:43:00 What kind of car is it? Honda Insight. We've got to get you out of that thing. I know. Everyone tries to. I don't. We got to get you out of that thing. I know. Everyone tries to. I've always, I don't know if it's like a dorky thing. I always drive little shithead cars. Do you like them?
Starting point is 00:43:16 I just like fucking, I like trucks. What kind of trucks? Like a 150. Why don't you get yourself a Raptor? A Raptor? Yeah. Jim Brewer. Tell me about the Raptor.
Starting point is 00:43:29 F-150 Raptor. A Raptor. Yeah, you know about that? Tell me about it. It's a high-performance Ford F-150 off-road-capable pickup truck that you could take around the street. Like Elon's truck? Oh, yeah. It could do anything.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Oh, Raptors are super capable. Yeah, you could go Baja fucking racing in one of those things. Really? You could go off-roading in them. Oh, yeah. Raptors, like, from the factory, you could take that bitch off-roading.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Were they going to hit me for it? They have crazy capabilities. That's a good question. Show them what it looks like. It's not going to be cheap. God damn it. You got that touring money. Let's go. Let's go. You got to spend
Starting point is 00:44:07 some of that. I have all women in my house. Yeah. Well, two of them are gone. So that's where it's getting spent? Well, it's some of it's coming back. Out there, out. One, the bank is shut. Look at this thing. This is a Raptor. Oh my
Starting point is 00:44:23 Oh damn. See, I need that. Oh, my. Oh, damn. That's probably a straw. See, I need that in Florida right now. I'm Florida. I don't think that's good. Well. The way that hit. Mind your feet's a little far.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah, the way that hit, I think he blew his fucking car apart. Bro, I got a little too, you know, you said this thing last night. It's very funny in your bit, right? But I found myself, I found myself like, dude, you talking about Florida, bro? You're like a proud Floridian now. Yeah, I forgot what it was. Yeah, you'll ruin the bit if I... Yeah, no, I'm not kidding about it.
Starting point is 00:44:58 But you just mentioned Florida. And I remember I was in the balcony. I'm like, and I'm laughing. He's just fucking... Tomorrow I'm coming was in the balcony. I'm like, I'm laughing. He just fucking. Tomorrow I'm coming with a Texas thing. I won't say what's going on. It was really funny, though. But, like, yeah, I feel like I need a truck.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I, yeah, I like the little bit of the hillbilly thing going on. Well, if you want a truck that never breaks, get yourself a Toyota. Get yourself one of those Tacomas. They make great little trucks. If you want a little truck, if you want a bigger truck, get yourself a Tundra. Those fucking things never break, man. There's something about Toyota's build quality. I know so many people that have Tacomas.
Starting point is 00:45:44 They never have a problem with those things. Never. They just drive. They just go. Everyone says Toyota's the, if you want a car or vehicle that's going to last a long time, do the Toyota. Yes. And that took a while with my dad because he wouldn't do it and then finally I think his last car is a Toyota Camry.
Starting point is 00:45:59 So much of our cars are built overseas. Yeah. It's like, who cares? The reality is they build Honda NSXs in Ohio. You know, they were, it wasn't in Ohio? It was, yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, that's a Japanese car being made in America. Like, there's a world market when it comes to cars.
Starting point is 00:46:19 There's not, like, if you wanted to have a car that's, like, a really American-made car, Tesla is about as close as you get. And even Tesla, of course the batteries don't come from America, the minerals don't come from America. You want to get an American car, get an old car. That's a real American car. Get a 1969 Camaro. With a stick shift?
Starting point is 00:46:39 One of them stick shifts or something. Just driving down the Tallahassee Highway. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I never was a car guy, man. I know that saddens me so much. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Matter of fact, it's really sad. My first one was 73 Chevy Nova. That's the last year of the NSX. They're canceling it. That's your thing? Oh, it's a beautiful car. I've never had one. I had the old one.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I had an NSX from 2005, and I had one from, like, 96. I had two different ones in the past. One with the pop-up headlights and one with the fixed headlights. And what do you get in that? The one that I had was this cool little silver car. Like, they were all aluminum. They were, like, basically Japan's response to a Ferrari That's what the NSX was what when you were when you were doing stand-up with your car
Starting point is 00:47:30 What I'm well when I first when you first started started out at shit boxes You know like a Honda Accord. I had like a lot of terrible cars till I got some money But that car was a fucking marvelous little car They're worth a lot of money now because people people are realizing how fun they are to drive. It's like a little go-kart. Mid-engine. It's not that fast, but it's really exciting to drive. Very fun to drive.
Starting point is 00:47:54 The cars where I live in Naples? Oh, my God. I didn't realize how poor I was until I moved to Naples. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. That's like all billionaires and shit. It is like... Rolls Royces. There's at least three Bentleys just in my neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Do you know how crazy that sounds? Yeah, that's crazy. I've seen two my whole life. There's three in the neighborhood. You ever been in one of those? And I'm going by one on the inside. You ever been in one of those? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:21 They're fucking worth it. Sometimes you get in something. You feel like you're in another time zone. You sit in a Rolls Royce, you go, okay, I know why you spent all this money. Yeah. They're fucking worth it. Sometimes you get in something. You feel like you're in another time zone. You sit at a Rolls Royce, you go, okay, I know why you spent all this money. Yeah. You look up, the ceiling is just like this with the stars. That is wild, dude. That's wild.
Starting point is 00:48:35 But there's something about that level of balling that's uncomfortable for me. Is it? Yeah, I don't ball like that. That's too hard. You're balling too hard. So am I going too soft that's why i like muscle cars muscle cards like you're balling but muscle cars are like you know those are like that's a car that pretty much anybody who saves up money can get a version
Starting point is 00:48:58 of a muscle car yeah you know it's like you're not going to get a version of a new Ferrari convertible. You're not going to get a version. But if you buy a 69 Camaro and you spend a ton of money on it and have it coming out looking cherry with amazing paint and wheels. But another kid also has a 69 Camaro and he's working on it in his garage. That's an accessible car. His shit could have Bondo on it. It could have fucking old wheels and tires, but he's fixing things. That's a baller car.
Starting point is 00:49:30 That's like an accessible car. Damn. Yeah. I'm never going to. I can't even. I'm not going to be fucking baller. I don't know if I can ever be a baller. If I had a baller, you know what I really want?
Starting point is 00:49:40 You know what I got into? Look at that one. Look at that. Mustang Super Snake. The Hummers. Mustang Super Snakes. That's the convertible. Look at that. 825 what I got into? Look at that one. Look at that. Mustang Super Snake. The Hummers. Mustang Super Snakes. That's the convertible. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:49:47 825 horsepower. God damn, look at that thing. See, that doesn't, I don't. That doesn't negate your dick hard? No. Hard top. What? What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:49:54 I want something like a Hummer. Go back to that convertible. That convertible excites me. Does it? Yeah, I had a Shelby GT500 convertible. I don't even know what that is. I fucking loved it. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It was like a 2011, I think I had, or 12. I had a Shelby GT500 convertible. Oh, I loved it. I loved it. It was so crude and so loud and so silly. Anytime you want it when you're making a turn, you stop on the gas, the ass end kicks out. I was like, this car is so ridiculous. It so fun i loved it i loved it i loved it it wasn't like the fastest zero to 60 didn't handle the best it was just so much fun the roar of the engine i think it's like 500 yeah
Starting point is 00:50:40 that's what i had i think it was like no I had the model right before that. I had the model before that. That was 2022. I had a 2011, I think I had. I loved it. Yeah, it looked like that. Fucking loved it. It was so much fun. It was like, you know, it wasn't the best built car, but it wasn't that expensive either.
Starting point is 00:51:02 It's like, there's some, it's like you're in a thrill ride. Yeah. Like you're not driving. Every time you're heading on the gas, like the top is down, right? So you hear everything. So you hear the,
Starting point is 00:51:13 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're stomping on the gas. The fucking, the wind's in your face. Ah! It was so much fun. It was great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:22 It was so much fun. Yeah. We're so much fun. Yeah. We're an American band. I like playing that. We're coming to your town. Help your body down. We're an American band. You're fucking on the highway, Jim, bro.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Right. And I'm next to you in the Honda Insight blasting fucking Metallica. There it is. No remorse. No remorse. Come on, man. I want you to picture yourself, Jim Brewer. I want a Hummer.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I want you in a red convertible. Buy a 2012. You can still get them. And people have them, and they're low mileage. I like being hired. This is you on the highway. Come on, son. The music is blaring.
Starting point is 00:52:09 The wind's got your hair flowing. Woo! Maybe you had a 20-ounce Starbucks. I need, I need. Now he's trying to sell you on a new Corvette. Those are great, too. But I like you as more of like a 2012 Shelby GT500 stick shift. I like the tank thing.
Starting point is 00:52:34 A tank? Oh, like an Elon tank? Yeah, like I was a Hummer guy. I wanted a Hummer. I know it was corny, but I loved it. That car right there, that's you. Maybe, I have not- Red, white stripes.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Flaps? Flaps? Fuck yeah, flaps! Flaps! Give the man some flaps. But that red one, the red convertible. Click on that red convertible. That's the shit. Right there, bro. That's you.
Starting point is 00:53:04 See, now that- rubs watch the engine You're at a red light you just hear it and it just goes come on daddy. Let's go. Let's go daddy I Had I was in that for like a very short period I love that car. I'm going to go buy one. As soon as the show's over. I miss mine. I'm going to be you when I grow up. That's one of the most fun cars I ever owned. See, now that, now I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:53:36 A Hummer? Yes. I like being higher. I get it. Oh, well, you should see my truck. I have a TRX. Yeah. From Hennessy.
Starting point is 00:53:50 It has 1,000 horsepower. Oh, damn. Yeah. It's the most preposterous truck ever. You would love it. You're way above everything. Yeah, no. The good thing about that is you see trouble ahead.
Starting point is 00:54:01 If you're in a little car, like a low car, the problem is like sometimes shit's happening ahead of you and you don't know why everybody's going to hit the brakes so you don't see it until like a second or two after someone who's higher up gets a view of it that's look at that motherfucker yes that's why the little cars freak me out yeah i love driving that thing it's like driving a tank that's what and it's also i don't know but you know it's one of those Post Malone Is one like that Like the double rear wheels Like just to carry around His money
Starting point is 00:54:28 He just stacks gold In the back of it Like a leprechaun And drives around Was he on here? Yeah He's awesome Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:38 I love that dude I saw him on costume He's very fun Very fun dude We did Mushrooms We did the whole podcast On Mushrooms Did he really the whole podcast on Mushrooms. Did he really?
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah, yeah. He loves music. He loves playing music and learning guitar. Amazing guy. Super, super talented, creative individual. Very unusual person.
Starting point is 00:54:55 And really fun. He's really fun to talk to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But what were we talking about? I have no clue. The trucks. Yeah. Or just get yourself a Raptor.
Starting point is 00:55:05 A Raptor's a little less crazy, but it's still very big. And it's super capable. And it's comfortable because they have a lot of travel on the shocks because you off-roading them. It makes driving on the road very comfortable. Joe, I'm at the point in life where I'm at. I'm like, I can literally live in the middle of nowhere, I think, and, and just disappear for a year or two. I don't know, but that's where I feel like I'm at at some, at times. So I just need a truck. I don't need a fast car. Maybe like a truck and that's that but I'm close That's why you want a Raptor. You don't never get those feelings yet What the want to go away from just like dude fucking out? Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:53 Well, you know we're talking about before we made about like hunter-gatherer people and people I go hunting every year And that's to me like it's a big reset when i go like in the mountains of utah when i'm there for a week it's like it's a big reset and it's also man you're in the real wild like but we were there i guess it was two years ago that i saw that cat was it two years it wasn't this year it was the year before that right you saw a giant cat it was so dude. It was under a tree. My friend Colton spotted it for, we were driving, he was driving and we were taking this dirt road and we go through this Creek and we're going up this little Hill and he stops on the brakes real quick. And he goes, look at that fucking lion. And I look and I just see these glowing eyes that are underneath this tree
Starting point is 00:56:41 and the headlights, it was just getting dusk out, and the headlights were catching his eyes, and his eyes were glowing. Bro, it was huge. He had this big old fucking pumpkin head and these giant forearms, and he's sitting there. This was a full-grown tom mountain lion. It was a real big male, like a 180, 190- that it was that big it was so crazy i'd seen him before but the ones i'd seen before but like little ones i saw like a 60 pounder maybe or 70
Starting point is 00:57:13 pounder running across the street in montecito in santa barbara i was just driving and i saw this thing run across the street then i saw his tail i was like oh shit that's a mountain lion so what do you do so what do you do when you see this thing staring at you like we were in a truck? Luckily luckily we were in a truck, okay, dude I pulled up my binoculars from the truck cuz it was about 30 yards away from us I pulled up my binoculars in the truck and I was freaking out just just closed in on this thing this fucking killing machine Dude, I never seen one that close before in the wild. It's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Any illusions you have of escape or fighting it off, they go, your brain does all these calculations, like maybe I can fuck it. All that shit is gone. All that shit is so out the window when you actually see one.
Starting point is 00:58:04 You just melt. You're like, oh my God, I'm putty. I'm a water balloon. It's just going to scratch me apart. They're so big, dude, and so scary. You really have to be careful and or have a gun. Because there's a moment if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time where people get got every year the people get got the joggers and hikers they get got those motherfuckers will eat you and it's not you could do they
Starting point is 00:58:35 hit you you're out they're dragging you up the hill they'll grab ahold of your neck and you'll never get them off you know it'll just they'll just kill you you don't understand how much force. That thing is killing bull moose. It's jumping on the back of a moose and killing it. Bringing it back. You got to understand, this is a super predator that lives amongst us. And in California, they're like, we have to protect them.
Starting point is 00:58:59 We have to protect them. We have to keep them alive. To eat your cat. Yeah. Or your dog. Well, they eat mostly cats and dogs. They did a study of them in San Francisco, and all the ones that they had deprivation. Is it depredation or depredation, right? Depredation.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Depredation. I think it's depredatorizing or something like that. But when a predator is a problem, they get a depredation permit, and then they have to take it out. And when they take them out, they were doing studies on their stomach contents. It was 50% cats and dogs. Oh, wow. Well, yeah, it makes sense. Easy prey. They're just sitting in the backyard.
Starting point is 00:59:32 They're in the front. You let your dog out to pee and the next thing you know, Benson? Yeah. Benson? It happened to a buddy of mine recently with coyotes. Oh, no. You ever see those videos? I have, unfortunately. I know, I watch those too. The scary ones are when wolves
Starting point is 00:59:48 get a dog. Like a chained up dog. Chained up. And you see the dog knows he's fucked. The dog knows he's fucked. He knows he's chained up. He's chained up. And they'll pull him right from the chain. They tear him apart. Yeah, it's horrifying. But, that's your
Starting point is 01:00:03 not the horrifying, but that's your peace. That's your going away. I'm learning that from hunters where a lot of the hunters, I shouldn't say a lot. The ones that I know, it's not so much the hunt. I mean, yes, it's the hunt, but it's also being out there in nature, in the wild, just you and nature. And that just completely reboots everything about you. Yeah, that's certainly a part of it. That's certainly a part of it.
Starting point is 01:00:34 There's a lot of things going on out there. It's also like there's a connection to the actual cycle of life. Like you'll stumble upon a dead animal that you know has been torn apart by something right and we we were in uh british columbia once and uh we stumbled upon this uh cow uh moose this calf rather they've been torn apart by wolves and it's just all hair and bones it's just wild yeah you see that that's another reason why I like going to Africa, going on a safari, going to, I love, it just, it snaps you back into reality. Yeah. This is true life.
Starting point is 01:01:13 This is true nature. Yeah. We've created something really weird with cities. Weird. And because we're so adaptable, because people are so adaptable, we've adapted to city life. And it is so unsustainable. It's such a weird way to live because you can't get your food that way.
Starting point is 01:01:29 The food has to be shipped in every day, constantly. There's no, like, the real way to live is to live around your food. That's the way to live. The real way to live is to live like real close by to your food. When everything is getting shipped in, it has to go up an elevator to get to the 50th floor where you live.
Starting point is 01:01:48 But you got some banana like me when I was like 18, and I was shipping produce, and then you got like cherry tomatoes on top, and I'm stoned out of my bird. And you're eating the cherry tomatoes? No, I'm eating the cherry tomatoes, and the guy's like, now listen, when you go down the stairs,
Starting point is 01:02:02 if you feel the thing going, I'm pretty sure it was a fucking Mobster rest I know it was and he's like listen. This is the guy's father He's like so he loves his cherry tomatoes. No fucking prop dude. I went I made on the truck. Maybe two steps Oh No, oh, yeah, he's like I'll go distract him and you blink that shit up up. I'll fucking clean up. But the point is, yeah, you couldn't pay me. This is just me. I mean, you were talking last night.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Jim, she moved to Austin. I don't think I can ever live near a city again, bro. So do you want to live on a ranch? Is that the ultimate? I would love to. Yeah. Love to be on a ranch. Why don't you get yourself a Texas ranch, Jim, bro? I would love to be on a ranch. Why don't you get yourself a Texas ranch, Jim?
Starting point is 01:02:47 I would love to be on a ranch. I would love to do that. I'll start raising livestock. That's what I want to do. And I'm just trying to. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of work, but... You've got to hire somebody.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yes. I know I'm not going to do it. Someone has to do it. Yeah, there's like real work involved in running a ranch. I have some friends who own ranches. It's like, whew, this is like an operation. Yeah, man. That's an all-day, all-night event. You're on guard 24-7. Something's going on.
Starting point is 01:03:17 One of the cattle, or you've got an issue with the coyote, or whatever. Something's always going on. What's going on with all the chickens? Why are they dying? I don't know. Are they diseased? Yeah, this dude that I met recently in South Texas, they found a dead migrant on his property.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Yeah, some guy. You knew them? Yeah, I know the guy that owns the ranch. Really? Yeah, they found a dead migrant. What do you think he died of? They don't know. I don't know what the autopsy results were, but most likely they die of either like they run out of water and it's the heat.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Maybe they die of a heat stroke because they get lost. You know, these are enormous ranches. You're talking about like tens of thousands of acres. Oh, wow. Some of these ranches. And they're all connected. It's like they're about 40 minutes, 50 minutes drive from Mexico. And so these poor guys, this guy just wandered
Starting point is 01:04:10 and found his way onto this ranch and apparently couldn't find water. Just couldn't find water and that was that. Heat stroke. Sometimes a heat stroke, what happens with people is they, it happened to this UFC fighter, Evan Tanner, who's this really interesting guy who went on a walkabout. He would go on these nature retreats to try to find himself. He was really into meditating.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Very interesting guy. And he did it in Death Valley. And he couldn't find his water. He got disoriented and he wound up dying of heat stroke. Yeah. I don't have desires like desert walking and stuff like that. Bro, that's very- That's scary.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Very dangerous. Yeah, man. Because that temperature gets up to like, what does Death Valley get up to? It's the hottest ever. Yeah. It's the hottest place on earth. It's the hottest place on earth? 100 and what?
Starting point is 01:05:02 I think it gets like way over 120, which is wild. I was in Arizona. 134's the hottest place on earth i think what i think it gets like way over 120 which is wild i was in arizona 130 how much 134 134 do you know what 134 degrees must feel like when you go outside no that's a literal sauna yes you know how it burns your lungs when you first go in the sauna. That is insane. Yeah, that's... 134 degrees is so fucking hot. That was in 1913. Well, how good were their fucking thermometers back then? That's what I'm saying. You know what?
Starting point is 01:05:34 I mean, we believe in that. Are you going to trust the time on a 1913 watch? My apologies, it was 103. Yeah, how the fuck do you know? Bitch, stop lying. You've read out of Mercury. Just Valley just recorded the hottest temperature on Earth. 130 degrees.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Wow. When was that? 2020? 130 degrees is so insane. That's so fucking hot. My hot tub goes up to 105 and I can't do it. 104, 105, I'm done. I guess what happens when people are out there doing that i think they get disoriented and they don't know what's going on they don't know where they're where they went they're just their brain they're so overheated
Starting point is 01:06:17 that they literally can't think straight you can't think straight and then you're fucked it's like your brain just gets so hot it it's just not working anymore. So did you have a ranch at one time? Do you have a ranch out here? No, I've never had a ranch. You've never had a ranch. But I want one. You want one too.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I thought about doing one, yeah. What I've thought about is making a podcast ranch. I thought about buying a ranch and putting a studio on the ranch and have a bunch of cool shit we could do on the ranch, like have a lake where you can go fishing and have some fun, have a little concert area so friends can come by. We could play concerts and shit. That's a cool idea.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Just for fun. That is a lot of fun. Yeah. I say you invest in that immediately. Yes, I'm thinking about it. I'm learning how to play guitar, it. He needs a landing strip. I'm learning how to play guitar, Joe. We need a landing strip.
Starting point is 01:07:09 We need a landing strip. We need a small airport. Yeah. A ranch with a small airport. Yeah. And rocket launchers. We're going to need some rocket launchers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:20 The people you start to roll with, you're definitely going to need that. Heavy ordnance. We're going to need some shit. We could just, things that you could blow up large things with. I just need like a wiffle ball feel. Can we build a wiffle ball feel? Take people out for target practice. That would be very fun.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Take some old cars out and just annihilate them. That would be fun. Boom. Have you ever seen videos of people using Tannerite? No. You know what Tannerite is? No. It's an explosive that's pretty, it's not hard to get.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Like, a lot of people have it. And Tannerite, I don't know what the laws are on it, but they'll put it, like, in a refrigerator and then shoot it from a distance, and it blows up. And when it blows up, dude, there's a video of this fucking guy. He sets it up in a refrigerator and shoots it and it blows up and the refrigerator door comes flying past him, like just misses him. And how far away is he?
Starting point is 01:08:20 40 yards, 50 yards, something like that. You know that video, Jamie? I'm pretty sure this is it. Yeah. Maybe more than, no, that's like 100 yards. That's, something like that. You know that video, Jamie? I'm pretty sure this is it. Yeah. Maybe more than... No, that's like 100 yards. Oh, dang, that's far. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:08:29 That ain't 40 yards. Watch this. Maybe that's 100 yards, probably. Watch this. Oh, my God! Bro. What a... What is that stuff?
Starting point is 01:08:39 Tannerite. How crazy is that? Watch this again. So he shoots it. Watch the door. And think, and just think to yourself what what do you do here because even how heavy that door is yeah you're not getting away from that watch this wow bro that guy was so slow to react he would have been a dead man
Starting point is 01:09:00 i mean look how fast that door is coming at him i think the tree would have protected him in any way yeah it would have yeah yeah for sure but? Yeah, it would have. Yeah, for sure. But he probably still would have got fucked up by shrapnel. Let's see how fast it... Let's see. Watch this. He had two seconds, like a second and a half to react to that. How about the fact
Starting point is 01:09:18 that the door bows like a sail? It just takes off. There's so much force behind it, it bends like a sail. Did you see that? Show it again. Watch how when it comes out, the door is like, like, look at the way
Starting point is 01:09:34 the door bends as it passes by him. This guy's such a psycho. Watch this. Oh my God, yeah, you're right. It just completely bent out. Watch this. Oh my God. Yeah, you're right. It just completely bent out. Like this.
Starting point is 01:09:50 It looked like the nose of a plane. There was so much force, the fucking door folded over like a paper cup. What a psycho. See, but actually I'm looking at that. I think that's about 50 yards. Dude, look at that thing. Look at that thing. That guy was so not getting out of the way.
Starting point is 01:10:11 He was taking that in a mug. No, he wasn't. So are we going to be able to do stuff like this? Yes, but different. A little different? Yeah, we're not going to use refrigerator doors. We're going to do something wise. Like what?
Starting point is 01:10:24 What can we do? Something that blows up that's not going hurt you from a nice distance we're gonna have to develop some sort of concrete wall that would be something kind of funny to like like jurors you're like looking through the concrete wall a turret and then you blowing shit up on the other side of a lake or something yeah that sounds fun yeah as long as it doesn't litter to make sure we're not littering. Yeah. I'm a crew. Clean that shit up.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Clean that shit up. See what a tank shell does to a human body? Oh, don't show me this. Don't show me this. That's already destroyed. What is that? That's a human body. It's a 52-millimeter shell versus a body. I mean, it's not a real body, obviously.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Oh, my gosh. Bro. You just vaporize yeah maybe stem cells could fix that there have been people in the world I'm sure that got hit by a tank yeah I'm not just like they're not like the only shooting buildings with those things yeah yeah sure saw a video Ukraine recently where they they just blew it right into a foxhole. There's three dudes right there. And it seemed like everything vaporized. I don't know if they hit them or not. See what,
Starting point is 01:11:33 what plus, which I don't understand. Listen, I don't get involved with all the Ukraine stuff, but what I understand is at this day and age still, like are they really doing ground army? When you have the technology just to tap a computer and just send – like are we really on the ground and moving with tanks and stuff? That blows my mind.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Well, they're trying to overtake a very specific piece of land, you know, and that's the way they're doing it. They're using tanks. The whole thing is very spooky. It's so spooky that that's happening right now on Earth, you know, and Russia is invading Ukraine, and they're using tanks and drones. What is that, Jamie? Drone dropped a grenade inside of a tank hole. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. So did you see that? Like the tank hole, the port was open on the top. Yeah. And it just dropped it right in there. That is so insane. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Dude. The drone videos are crazy. There's a lot of crazy videos, to be honest. Well, what's really crazy is like the Bill Hicks joke. Remember Bill Hicks joke? Like he said, he was doing about the different shit the Army had to work with. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Because they had all these toys. And like, pull up G-12. Like, pull up G-12. And it's... Whoa. What's G-13 do? Remember that bit? Yeah. And then literally how I see it is just like, hey, you know, these guys should have something about your sister. Russian soldier reaches
Starting point is 01:13:12 for his rifle to shoot down the drone. Shouldn't have done that. I'll skip ahead. Oh boy. So it just gets over him and nukes him? It drops four grenades on him. Oh Jesus Christ. He's over there on the left oh my god
Starting point is 01:13:40 yeah these videos oh my god in a foxhole oh my god oh my god jesus christ all right i don't need to see this but those those videos are wild. See, this is what's crazy to me, that this is, we know this is happening, but this is the first time we've ever seen, like, social media footage from people's cell phones of war. You know, I watched a Russian guy go into a foxhole that had these two Ukrainian guys in it, and the Ukrainian guy, like, reached for his gun, and the guy shot both of them in the head. Russian guy go into a foxhole that had these two Ukrainian guys in it. And the Ukrainian guy like reached for his gun and the guy shot both of them in the head. And it's like close range cell phone footage. It's like. Well, what what supposedly started it?
Starting point is 01:14:20 What started the war? Not yet. Russia's invading Ukraine now some people say that but there's others that say that because the UN and they've been the most corrupt yeah I've heard country in the world blah blah that's the video don't show me that and then the yeah no the US with the biological weapons and Russia kept saying hey man you getting closer and closer, which is shit. We keep telling you, please don't do this. I don't know what's a fact and what's not, but there is that side of people saying that.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Both are true. So both things are true. So one thing that's true is that what they have been doing is moving arms closer. NATO has been moving arms closer to Russia, right? So it's like me coming to you and I say, Joe, I'm going to, and you go, Brewer, don't fucking come another step. Where did NATO move arms closer to Russia where it was a real issue? So there's been a lot of But what about the biological weapons that lot what I was gonna say is there's been a lot of discussion about doing this from the beginning
Starting point is 01:15:36 there was a guy who was on the Colbert show in like It was the early teens early 2000-teens and he had a book and he was describing in this book how Ukraine is essentially Robin and Russia is Batman and about we want to lure we want to lure Robin away from Batman. And we want to get Robin to join NATO and we want to get Robin to join our side. And in this guy's explaining this on television in a book, this plan that they had. So in trying to get further and further control close to Ukraine, Russia felt like that was an attack on them. That was provoking them. They felt like it would be how we would feel if China started putting nuclear missiles in Cuba. We have a new Cuban missile crisis.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Or in Canada. Or in Canada. Or in Canada. Very similar. How would we react? How would we react? So both those things are true. And then Russia really did invade Ukraine. And this is horrific.
Starting point is 01:16:34 And they're shooting missiles into apartment buildings. And all that stuff's true too. So there's both sides that are true. It's like, it seems like there were some, there were some strategic things that were being done that Russia felt was very threatening. Do we know what they did, what NATO did in terms of like moving arms closer to Russia? What about the bioweapons that, that supposedly America had there and they tried to say like, no. and then when it was brought up they openly admitted yes we did have
Starting point is 01:17:06 we have biological weapons in ukraine do they call it biological weapons or they call it what do they call it i i don't know it was like biological whatever right some bio lab some bio lab whatever that's what everybody wonders like when you talk about bio labs like what how much of that is like How much how much of this is like military applications like what right how much of these? This stuff do is it zero percent. I don't think it's zero percent I'm sure they must work on some things because I know that other countries work on things I interviewed a guy back in the day who? worked for the Soviet Union, and he had defected.
Starting point is 01:17:46 And it was for this sci-fi show, and he was explaining to me how they have, like, giant supplies of anthrax. And they have, like, their biological weapons program was very robust. Like, they have a real biological weapons program filled with shit that could kill everybody. But my issue is... there was something about that Yeah, according to what the New York Times says it's unfounded. Let's just move away To the next so but that's that's what I'm saying if they lied to you you caught them lying Why do we believe anything we're seeing? Yeah, but do we know though? That's I'm saying but but the problem is we don't know either It's like weapons of
Starting point is 01:18:25 mass destruction, right, in Iraq. In the beginning, everybody thought that that was what was really going on and that we were going in there to stop this from happening because we realized, like, this guy is funding terrorism and he's got weapons of mass destruction, he's going to kill us all. But it turns out to not be true at all. Yeah, but the people that pushed
Starting point is 01:18:42 that narrative knew it wasn't true. And they funded it very well and a lot of people got murdered like innocent people that still come back with no legs They don't get funded and they're watching, you know Trans guy the year and they're special and their legs got blown off for a cause and they're sitting there in a fucking van That drives them around Electrical that's pretty fucked up. Yeah, it's pretty fucked up. Yeah. It's pretty fucked up. It's fucked up,
Starting point is 01:19:08 but no one's held accountable for that. That's what's crazy. No one's held accountable, so why am I going to believe everything they're telling me about Russia and Ukraine? And why even, this is what drives me nuts about, humanity's better. You're a fucking leader.
Starting point is 01:19:22 There's so many leaders that are just regular people now. Why do you need government or your officials telling you where you're going to fight? If someone came in here right now and they said, Joe, you need to come across the street and fight. You're just going to go fight? No, you're going to go, whoa, whoa, whoa. The fuck am I doing? Don't worry about what we're doing. We're going to tell you what to do. Haven't they failed enough with lying and getting us into these positions? If regular people talk to one, I guarantee if you did a fucking podcast with real humans in Russia, real humans in Ukraine, real humans everywhere, the people in control get scared real fucking quick because they'll see we all have a deeper connection
Starting point is 01:20:07 we want to be with one another yeah we're not in dispute the leaders are in dispute and they drag the people into it and they're playing some geo chess game what they've always done what is the NATO thing we need to like discuss that what did they do what are they being accused of doing
Starting point is 01:20:23 it's like because I don't want to make a false statement. But either way, NATO inches closer to Russia's border. Okay, so what have they done here? I just want to know that we're being accurate. Because this is not my field of expertise. And I have no clue. I just don't want to close all avenues that I've heard. But I do believe
Starting point is 01:20:39 that there was NATO... Okay, here it was. Putin's goal of preventing NATO expansion essentially backfired when Finland and Sweden were motivated by the invasion of Ukraine to apply to join the military bloc. Currently, five NATO members, okay, so NATO already border Russia or the Russian border. Norway, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland already border Russia or the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. Meanwhile, Finland shares an 830-mile border with Russia, so Russia's border with NATO would more than double if Finland attains membership of the alliance.
Starting point is 01:21:13 So Finland was joining NATO as well. So more of these people were joining NATO, and what were they doing in terms of having arms? Russia implements border control of traffic moving from Russia into Finland, What were they doing in terms of having arms? Russia implements border control of traffic moving from Russia into Finland, thus preventing attempts at illegal entry. If Russia reduces its border control, this may cause additional pressure at the Finnish end to control illegal entry.
Starting point is 01:21:39 So they're trying to stop people from escaping. Finland cannot rely on the effectiveness of Russian border control. So people are just streaming into Finland, I bet. Yeah. And Poland, right? Yeah, when this happened, too, a lot of people left Ukraine, and they banned all men from leaving because they had to stay and fight. Were they saying that NATO had arms that they were moving closer to the Russian border as well, like when someone joins NATO?
Starting point is 01:22:02 Or is it just that since that army is now in NATO how do they what was the the dispute in terms of that it seems like if I was Putin and everyone's like joining the opposition like right next to me I would also get concerned yeah I start bugging doesn't do you know it doesn't like justify what no did. What he did is absolutely horrific. You can find a well-written essay from both sides to get. They're all creepers. The whole thing's creepy. It's great to join NATO.
Starting point is 01:22:34 It's great if we're all aligned. It's great if we just want world peace, if that's our goal. Is that really what's going on? I don't know. I'm waiting for the time that all changes. And I'm not like anti-government, but I'm like anti-lying. Yeah. And they've lied long enough, and it's cost people's lives.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Like, do you want your, like, there's no reason why humanity, we have the microphones, to be able to start talking to one another, the leaders could sit there and listen. But if their interest is our, as far as the humans that are occupying that, that they say they're there to take care of, they need to hear what we want. What we don't want is world leaders putting everyone's lives in danger. That's what I'm saying. Which they've always done and they're doing right now. This might describe Russia. So why are they still, like, I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Is that the spook of January 6th? They're going to catch on to it. Like what? Everyone needs to be held responsible who's pushing for complete madness. Okay. So this is what Russia's fear. Okay. According to Stephen Kotkin, professor of Russian history at Princeton University,
Starting point is 01:23:54 Putin believes that Russia rightfully deserves a sphere of influence in its near abroad. To Putin, Ukraine is not a state because it's not sovereign. Small or weak states are only instruments in the hands of the great powers. Where we see Moscow's aggression, Putin sees defense. If Russia cannot control Ukraine, then the West will. Thus, countries like Ukraine become platforms for invasion. And then the West will dismember Russia as the USSR was dismembered. The way of thinking Russia goes back to the Tsars. Russia has no natural borders on its periphery and Stalin believed that without hegemony in Eastern Europe, he would be subject to infiltration and subversion.
Starting point is 01:24:38 But the peoples of Eastern Europe did not want to be forced to live under communism and thus arose the very hostile, hostility rather, Stalin feared. Interesting. So it was all about controlling the borders in the beginning, and that's what they were worried about. That's, okay. They're all creepers. They're all like making moves on each other.
Starting point is 01:24:57 They're all stealing oil, blowing up pipelines. They're all creepers. They're all creepers. They are. They're all creepers. Everywhere. Yeah. The Chinese are doing it the most clever because they go to places and just take over like
Starting point is 01:25:09 mining. Dude, they're all over Africa. Every time I go to Africa, I'd ask them like, what's it been? They're like, oh, the Chinese. The Chinese. They're buying everything. How's the food though? You got good Chinese food in Africa?
Starting point is 01:25:20 I haven't had the Chinese food in Africa yet. I wonder. Imagine if there's like a thriving... it's like LA with Mexican food. It's the best fucking Mexican food I've ever had other than being in Mexico. That's two arrested for operating illegal overseas police station. Yeah, I did see that.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Yeah, it's just in New York? In New York, yeah. Explain this. Yeah, they have illegal Chinese police stations where they bust people for doing things that China thinks are crimes. Wait, but are they busting Chinese people or Americans? They're busting people from China that are living in America. I don't know what the citizenship is, but I think that what they're doing is operating as a police force for the Chinese government in America. How do you?
Starting point is 01:26:05 Defendants are New York City residents who allegedly operated the police station in lower Manhattan and destroyed evidence when confronted by the FBI. So these guys, they had their own little police station. Wow. Yeah. And they didn't tell the U.S. They were charged with opening and operating a legal overseas police station located in lower Manhattan, New York, for a provincial branch of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. Harry, Liu Jingyang, 61, of the Bronx, and Chong Jinping, 59, of Manhattan, were arrested early this morning at their homes in New York City. Their initial appearances are scheduled this afternoon in Brooklyn before the U.S. Magistrate Judge E. Ramon E. Reyes Jr.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Interesting that this is like such a big crime, but you could stab someone, they'll let you out the next day. Right. You can loot a store. You get let out the next day. Stab, shoot a guy, rape. But this operating as a police force, you know, for the People's Republic of China, it's like, you can't do that, bro.
Starting point is 01:27:07 What were they catching people doing and what would be the consequences? Do we know that yet? That's kind of interesting. Like going to a ball game? No, but if they caught people, do they like ship them back to China? Do they have a jail? What if they have a jail? What if they have the creepiest jail ever in New York City?
Starting point is 01:27:22 Oh, my God, they must have a jail, right? Of course they do. Do they have a jail? You probably got to go on the subway and then down the subway rail and then open a door. Oh, dude. It's like where the rats live. Yes. Oh.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Yeah, it's pitch black. Oh. You hear things moving in the water. Like you hear little drips and then you hear like. Did you hear about that prisoner in Georgia that got eaten alive by bed bugs? No. Yeah. What? This dude wound up he was in such
Starting point is 01:27:49 an infested cell that, and this is in America. This is a prison. This is in America. Yeah. America. This guy gets eaten alive by bedbugs. How's that possible? I don't understand. He was just covered in sores they just
Starting point is 01:28:05 like attacked his whole body he's like so I'm here time see my head I think it yeah night I think he's here at a time I don't know how I think he's in solitary and I think they keep them in inhumane conditions and this guy was just covered in sores did you find that other story? Georgia inmate eaten alive by bugs in filthy cell. How crazy is this? What did he do? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Simple battery. Simple battery. Oh, my God. Three months later, he was found dead. It was three months. Okay. So simple battery. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:28:43 He punched the wrong dude, man. I don't know what happened. He punched the wrong dude, man. I don't know what happened. So we don't know what happened there, right? We don't. Could have been anything. Maybe it was the other person's fault, right? Could be anything. So three months later, Mr. Thompson was found dead in a filthy jail cell after being eaten alive by insects and bedbugs, Harper said. When his body was found, one of the detention
Starting point is 01:29:01 officers refused to administer CPR because, in her words, she freaked out. The jail cell Mr. Thompson was housed in was not fit for a diseased animal. He did not deserve this. Disturbing photographs attached to Harper's statement show Thompson's cell, which is covered in dirt and strewn with debris. One image also shows Thompson's bony body with defibrillator pads on his chest, which is covered in what appear to be small insect bites. Do they have the images? Can you see it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:32 So there's his cell. Jesus Christ. Oh, wow. Jesus fucking Christ. Oh, my God. Look at that fucking toilet, too. Oh, damn. This is so bad.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Look at his body. Oh, wow my god oh my god everything bagel looking thing that's insane he was eating alive by bugs oh my god oh my god that's gnarly. That's in America. Yeah. That's in America for simple battery. Yeah. Everyone thinks everything's perfect and amazing. Now, yes, it can be. Like, who is monitoring the jail cells?
Starting point is 01:30:18 I mean, they go to fucking restaurants and make sure that the conditions are, they give them an A. Do they do that with jails? Who's monitored? This jail gets an F. That guy died from bed are to give him an A. Do they do that with jails? Who's my answer? This jail gets an F. That guy died from bedbugs. You get an F.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Say, ah, sorry. Yeah, what do they do? Whoops. Sorry about that. That's what Epstein was complaining about before you died. Bedbugs? Rats crawling all over his cell. Of course. He said it was in horrid conditions.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Bro. I think they were flooded. But he ought to know the end was near. That guy? Epstein. Oh, Epstein. I don't know what the deal is there. Thank God they don't release that client list.
Starting point is 01:30:54 What's up with that? I mean, why would you release it? I'm glad the wiser heads prevailed. Why do you think? You saw the list, right? I don't know if it was the list correct you saw the supposed yes i mean someone must know if it it bugged me out it's crazy it bugged me out look it was it broke my heart it seems like it was for sure a some sort of intelligence operation that compromised people that seems like it for sure.
Starting point is 01:31:26 And it seems like celebrities, that people think that celebrities were over there to do horrible stuff, maybe they were. Right. Or also maybe they got kind of swindled into doing this thing because all these other celebrities were doing it and all these scientists were doing it. One of the things that it seems to me that if you can get a bunch of people that are really famous to go to a place and, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:49 say, Hey, like, have you ever been invited to something? And they'll tell you, Oh, such and such is coming as well. Sure. They'll tell you that a famous person is coming so that it makes you want to go. Oh, yeah. Conference. Right. Right. So I guarantee you that's why they had celebrities there too they are celebrities because if like if you can get like the Brad Pitt to go there then all of a sudden like it's okay to go there yes do you think it's fine the only the only thing is they say they have video footage right so that's the deal, I just know if I was on there,
Starting point is 01:32:28 I'd be like, oh. Who do they have video, like, do they have video footage of people having sex with underage people? Do they have video people, what do they have video of? What do they have video of? Yeah. Are they still making deals,
Starting point is 01:32:43 plea deals? Is that even going on? That, that like did that on the island? talked about it and You like girls who? Were forced it with a day they would have to be terrified of their lives without imagine imagine you know let's just imagine No that there were just adult prostitutes and You know you're taking care of lizard people on an island
Starting point is 01:33:07 in the middle of the Bahamas. Like, you gotta shut the fuck... They will kill you. They probably kill one in front of everybody just to show them. This is what happens. If you open your fucking mouth, they just hack some lady's head off, chop her arms off. I'm all invested in it. People think, you know,
Starting point is 01:33:23 why doesn't anyone say anything? When you know they can find you anywhere, at least they'll tell you that. Yeah. And like you said, they can stand right in front of you. Hey, man, you're going to have a great time. We're going to bang some kids. It's going to be awesome. We're going to videotape.
Starting point is 01:33:37 And if you say anything, oh, my God. Yeah. Just kill somebody in front of you. Boom. Done. Right to the floor. That's all they would have to do you're like
Starting point is 01:33:45 okay let's yeah let's get to it and get done with this as quick as possible yeah I pray to God that's not one down
Starting point is 01:33:52 I mean but it's weird it's very weird it's very strange yeah it's wouldn't you if you saw your name on there
Starting point is 01:34:01 right if you saw your name on there yeah wouldn't you be barking? Well, I guess there's two ways. There's two ways to look at it. It's like if I just ignore it, hopefully it'll go away. Because you can't tell me every name that was on there.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Somebody let them know. There's someone in their circle. Someone had to know something was going on. But do you think that they knew what the whole thing was? Because I think there was a lot of scientists that genuinely thought that this was a way to get this guy to donate money. And he would donate a little money here and there for these projects. And also these famous rich scientists would go have this lovely vacation. famous rich scientists would go have this lovely vacation so then you if you get like actors and then you got scientists and then you get a few politicians in there it like seems like just a
Starting point is 01:34:53 cool kids club we've been there it seems fine yeah been there done that to a degree and the fact that that's how they they made this whole thing take place is really fascinating because it's so brilliant it really is like some spy shit and that's what it is it's like they they compromised people and it's been going on forever yeah they forever dude it's got to be going on right now still a hundred percent but it's got to be happening somewhere where you can get away with it well i mean even in the in the disney in Pinocchio, it's unbelievable, the pub scene. What are you talking about? The new one?
Starting point is 01:35:31 No. The old one? Yeah, in Pinocchio. I think there's a new Pinocchio. There is. Tom Hanks is in it. Four new ones? Yeah, it became in the public domain, so anybody could make a Pinocchio movie now.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Oh, how creepy. That is creepy. So when did the first Pinocchio come out? Oh my God. It was probably like the fucking 40s or something. Okay, look up the pub scene. The pub scene in Pinocchio. And you'll remember this when you saw it as a kid.
Starting point is 01:35:57 It gave you a creepy feeling in your belly. Let's see it. Pub scene in Pinocchio. He talks about bringing the boys to Pleasure Island, and then he starts whispering what happens to the boys, and the fox freaks out. He's like, but, but. And he goes, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:36:17 They don't come back as boys. Watch it. Right in your face. When do you think they started doing stuff like that? Dude. He goes, we steal stupid little boys. It's the pub scene. The tavern or the pub.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Yeah. Yeah. You know, these guys all hopped up to like, oh, you know, we're making it. Yeah, this is it. This is it. Why did Sigurd? And he still thinks we're his friends. Big ugly fat fucker just watching at the end.
Starting point is 01:36:53 And Stromboli paydots. This doesn't sound right. Lenti. Yeah, this is right. Is it? Yeah. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 01:37:02 That shows you how low honest John will... That's not right. Yeah, it is. This audio is fucked up. The audio is weird, but that... I think the audio is weird, but just let it play out for a second. Stupid. Right, kiddie? Maybe that's how they avoid copyright.
Starting point is 01:37:19 So, Coachman? Yeah, it's definitely a different audio. What is your proposition? Well... Yeah's definitely a different audio. What is your proposition? Well. Yeah, that's definitely a different audio. How weird. Do you think that's to avoid copyright protection on YouTube? I think someone was fucking around is all.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Oh, like someone showing that they could do voiceover? Maybe. I'm really good at it. Could be right. This is my audition reel. It's like his fucking audition. Oh, they're playing it from, he's playing it from an iPad. I wonder why. Here we go. And he still thinks we're his friends.
Starting point is 01:38:07 And this trombone pay. Plenty. That shows you how low honest John will stoop. That's how low I'll stoop. Now, Coachman? Little cocky. What's your proposition? Well,
Starting point is 01:38:32 how would you blokes like to make some real money? Well, and who do we have to, uh... No, no. Nothing like that. You see? I'm collecting stupid little boys.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Stupid little boys. You know, the disobedient ones, what play you give them school, oh. And you see... Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. What's your reaction? As boys. Now, I've got a coach leaving at midnight.
Starting point is 01:39:54 We'll meet at the crossroads. And no double-crossing. No? Scout around. In any good prospects you find, bring him to me. Jesus Christ. What is that? It's so creepy. Because, because like what value are boys to him
Starting point is 01:40:08 that's the thing it's like they're going to kidnap these boys but why and they're not going to kill them oh Jesus Christ you want to make real money and the line before it like we'll stoop to anything for this much
Starting point is 01:40:24 and that's what people don't understand. That power will bring the pure demonic devil out of you if that's who your God is. And this fucker was like, she's like, you want to make a real man? We steal. Boys. Stupid little boys. We bring them to Pleasure Island.
Starting point is 01:40:48 And then you see the fuck, he goes, Pleasure Island! And he goes, no, no, no, they don't come back as little boys. So you gotta think, in 1940, when they're writing this, the guys that are writing this, they must have
Starting point is 01:41:04 probably heard stories about children getting sex trafficked. They must have heard those stories because we've heard those stories. Yes. We've heard those stories as adults. Yes. There was always stories about some weird government in Italy, was it saying, where the original story was written that donkey is a symbol of stupidity. in Italy was to say, where the original story was written, the donkey is a symbol of stupidity. The moral behind Pleasure Island is that little boys who scoff at education and moral codes set forth by their parents, preachers and authority figures will engage in jackass behavior instead,
Starting point is 01:41:36 such as fighting, vandalism, underage drinking, and often destined to grow up to become men who have no option to make a living except through back-breaking manual labor, and there are plenty of people in the world, such as the coachman, who will take advantage of that. I think maybe there's a little more going on there. Your interpretation of that, that's such a shallow interpretation of them kidnapping boys and saying they don't come back as boys. We're just trying to help their education.
Starting point is 01:42:06 And then he's evil. So like, what value would he have for the what's the value of those boys? You're not sexualizing them. It seems like that's a very specific possibility that's happening. Just very incredible that no one talks about that.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Have you ever seen any of those documentaries about like government officials who get busted? It's wild that no one talks about that. Have you ever seen any of those documentaries about government officials who get busted? Oh, yeah. It's wild, man. There must be a certain group, like a secret group of people that have been engaging in stuff like that for a long time. Well, think about this. All right. Do you remember, let's say, I'm going to say maybe early 90s?
Starting point is 01:42:48 I could be wrong. Do you remember there was a girl that was kidnapped and they found her and they were hiding her as like a as like a like a religious thing and they had her in the woods and she came out.
Starting point is 01:43:03 They did a magazine article on her. They did a... Jessica McClure. Baby Jessica? I don't... She wasn't... She was a teenager. She was a teenager. But anyway, they found her. Horrible things.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Kidnapped her and blah, blah, blah. Kept her in the woods. All that jazz. When you hear that a sexual predator, you know, pedophile is a nice, very kind word for viciously raping a child. At the end of the day, you are viciously tearing apart a child's body, soul, and their being. Pedophiles, too nice of a word to throw around. And so I remember 80s and 90s, you hear one person. There were guys in Ohio, people in Ohio. They had the girl, they'd had them tied up in the basement.
Starting point is 01:44:04 This was huge news. How many times in the last year or two, even just recently, oh, 12 people caught sex trafficking and gender, hey, Ukraine, hey, gender rights, hey, spy balloon. Why does that not get more attention? They'll scream. Oh, these shootings. Yes, they're horrifying. But you care about children?
Starting point is 01:44:36 Well, if you care about children. And you're just going to let an article like that just... All the children that are coming in through the border. Did you see that thing that Carrie Lake tweeted? Horrifying. Do you see what she tweeted? No. Carrie?
Starting point is 01:44:45 Yeah. What'd she tweet? See, you can find it about today. About an eight-year-old girl that had been repeatedly raped. They found all this DNA inside her from a bunch of different individuals. Eight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:02 But we're gonna... And nobody... There's such a the fucking border thing is wild it's very wild it's dark because it's like and they set it up with with with trump they were like he's he's got him in cages and whatever happened whatever it made you just like we need to go help the board just let and that it was almost the setup for what's going on now. Just shut your face.
Starting point is 01:45:30 The crazy thing was when Trump said, actually, Obama built those cages. Yes. Yeah. And he did. Here it is. A precious eight-year-old little girl was found at our border with 67 different traces of DNA inside her. In Joe Biden's America, little girls get raped by 67 different men. Did you pay your taxes today?
Starting point is 01:45:48 Perhaps some of that money could be sent to fix our border instead of whatever the rest of her tweet. Ukraine. I doubt she wrote that. We don't know if that's a true story. Right. All I'm doing is just reading her tweet. If it was six different people, that's fucking insane.
Starting point is 01:46:03 But you can't be naive to think something like that is going on. Dude, this is all insane. It's all insane that there's people that live in such horrific conditions, they'll risk their life to try to come to America. Right. I mean, that's where everyone's tugging on your heartstrings, because I get it. I get that part of it.
Starting point is 01:46:22 But if you're just going to let people pile into the country, then people are going to keep coming. They're going to know that they could pile into the country and they're going to make it through there. And along with them are going to be some despicable criminals. want a better life. It's definitely people that want a better life. Also, definitely despicable criminals. And those make it into America with no way to stop it. And unless they get caught and sent back, and there's no real consequence to that, what happens? You get sent back, okay, I'll try again. And they go back and forth. Do you think the natives are laughing? Native Americans? Yeah. And what I mean by that, you think they're like, I'm sorry, what's going on with you guys? Getting invaded? Getting invaded? How weird. That's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:47:11 Yeah. Huh. Are they carrying smallpox? No, but I don't want to hear about it. You got off light. Yeah. A lot. They're like working and stuff. What are they doing? Did we ever figure, they think that smallpox, we brought smallpox to the Native Americans,
Starting point is 01:47:29 but the Native Americans might have given syphilis to us. That might have been how syphilis made its way back to Europe. There was like two different kinds of syphilis, they think. They think one of them, I think they're saying, might have come from them fucking animals. So it's like literal like VD from animals. What kind of animal do you think? Like sheep and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Yeah, I can see that. Dudes banging sheep. I can see that. And then they bang people too, and they gave everybody syphilis. There's like, I believe there's that form, and I think there's another form that they think like Columbus might have brought back from,
Starting point is 01:48:09 like it was similar around that time when the syphilis outbreak hit Europe. It was when people returned from the new world. I wonder if that's been proven yet. Yeah, that's another thing.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Like I don't know, I'm literally at the point show, I don't know what to believe about anything anymore. Medieval DNA suggests Columbus didn't trigger syphilis epidemic in Europe. And how do you know? Skeletons provide first DNA evidence of the diverse strain of syphilis circulated in Europe before 1492. Right. But I think what they're saying is there was always a syphilis, but that syphilis was the syphilis that came from fucking animals and that the syphilis that came from uh north america was different i think that
Starting point is 01:48:52 was the thing that i had read you think we're the only species that does that that gives each other vd no no no no no like like inter-animal like is a zebra gonna check out a hippo? No, no. There's many videos of, like, chimps skull-fucking a bullfrog. Chimps would take a bullfrog and go, just shut the fuck up. It's so crazy. It's so rude. And you're watching, imagine this poor frog. It's rude. This giant chimp dick is just getting stuffed into your little frog mouth.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Like, holy fuck. Imagine if that's your life a chimp with this vice like grip takes you and oh Forces your mouth open and stuffs his cock inside of it and just skull fucks you Like look at this chimp What's he doing? No? He's holding the frog. He's holding the frog. So he's walking with it while he's fucking it. That's so rude.
Starting point is 01:49:49 That is so rude. So he's going to take the frog. Hey, come here, motherfucker. He just grabs his frog and he just forces it on its dick. He uses the frog as like a little living fleshlight. Oh my God. How crazy is that, bro? It's rude.
Starting point is 01:50:05 It's so rude. Imagine that's the end of your life, just getting your life fucked away by a giant chimp. He just grabs you and you're like, ah, and you see his dick coming towards you. He just opens your mouth up. Look at this. He just takes his dick and like stuffs it in his frog. His poor frog is like, what the fuck is going on now? He doesn't even want to hold him in place.
Starting point is 01:50:28 The frog gets out. He's like, no, no, no. Back onto my dick. He forces it open with his finger and then stuffs his dick in there. What a psycho. What a fucking psycho. Chimps are psychos.
Starting point is 01:50:41 That's what happens when you steal them and you put them in a cage To live the rest of their life They're gonna go psycho Yeah I bet they did that In the wild too You think? Yeah They're around bullfrogs
Starting point is 01:50:51 They might not have been Around bullfrogs in the wild They might have fucked them All to death Yeah They might have had frogs There at one point in history Wiped out all
Starting point is 01:50:57 The chimps just Fucked the frogs to death Fucked the whole species Out of their existence Yeah Oh that hurt man Yeah Not good. Oh, that hurt, man. Yeah. Not good.
Starting point is 01:51:07 That hurt. Can I pee? Yeah, let's pee. I gotta pee. I'll pee too. We'll be right back, folks. Oh my God. Gym and nap.
Starting point is 01:51:15 You're a napper. I'm not. I like a napper. But my body's tired. Yeah, travel. I've been traveling the last two, three days. Travel's rough, dude. It's rough.
Starting point is 01:51:25 And then staying out later than Mr. Brewer stays out. Yeah, you bailed on the burgers. I'm happy I bailed. I'm not lying to you. Yeah, I generally don't eat burgers, but when I do, I eat three double cheeseburgers. But your metabolism is a thousand times more than mine right now. is a thousand times more than mine right now. Like me, I just have like one burger,
Starting point is 01:51:50 and now I got a week to try to get this thing out. My tits are going to start drooping. And then I feel bad. I couldn't stop eating them last night. I ate three of them at two in the morning. I watched you. I watched your buddy making them. I woke up this morning and saw the people.
Starting point is 01:52:05 How good did they look? Oh, my God, you should have smelled it. They looked good, but I tapped you. I watched your buddy making them. I woke up this morning and saw the people. How good did they look? Oh, my God. You should have smelled it. They looked good, but I tapped out. I was done. The thing about a cheeseburger, and this is what I respect what Philip has done. Philip Franklin Lee, who's a Michelin star chef, and he runs Sushi by Scratch. What is that, in Cedar Park?
Starting point is 01:52:21 It's in Cedar Park, I think. And he runs the one in Miami. We went to the one in Miami. He decided to take his level of understanding how to cook and apply it to something simple and just make the perfect cheeseburger. And this experience, what I had, this is the best ever. This is last night. When you're really hungry, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Because I'm literally hovering over the grill. So Phillip is cooking for us. He cooked for everybody. We're all hanging out. We're watching him do it. I'm smelling it. I'm over it. The whole thing, I'm documenting it and sniffing it, and then I ate it.
Starting point is 01:52:57 It was fucking amazing. You're panting. Wagyu burgers, they're very fatty. Then he puts the onions on it and the fucking jalapenos and pickles. Butter the roll? No, no. He uses like this mayo that has like hot sauce in it and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:17 You fucked up, dude. No, I didn't. Yeah, we were trying to drag you. Jim does not take peer pressure Like it bounces right off No I did a little bit Just to go on that stage In that little room
Starting point is 01:53:29 I wanted nothing to do with that I wanted nothing to do With a set last night I Dude I was up till like Two in the morning Going I'm fucking going back tomorrow And I'm gonna do it my way
Starting point is 01:53:38 And I'm I'm not hanging out With Joe and the guys And I'm gonna Care about what I'm gonna do And not pretend to nonchalant Fucking I'm coming back out with Joe and the guys. I'm going to care about what I'm going to do and not pretend to nonchalant. I'm coming back with some vengeance. Okay. You don't have to listen to us.
Starting point is 01:53:52 You don't have to stay up. No, I know, but that's what I enjoy. I enjoy it, too. You enjoy that. That's the child inside. You need to keep the child alive. And my child is... I like bringing the kid out, but
Starting point is 01:54:08 also... You got responsibilities. Wow. Take care of yourself. No. My body. I was done. I was already looking at it. I'm like, this is going to be a bad... You're just tired. Yeah. I get it. I've been tired. I was tired. Yeah. And I already ate twice.
Starting point is 01:54:24 Yeah. I get it. If I didn't eat... I get it. I've been tired. I was tired. Yeah. And I already ate twice. Yeah, I get it. I went hitting a bar. I get it. If I didn't eat. I get it. I know you do. Those burgers, though. Jesus, those are good.
Starting point is 01:54:34 See, I'm still working on this right here. I see. See, I say I'm working on it. It's very lazy. It's not lazy like other. What do you do? I do the side thing with the pulley, side pulley. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:49 And then the weight's over. I'll be on the bench doing that. Do those? Yeah, a little bit of those. I'll hang from the bar, do the leg lifts, and that's it. Just get a little something going. Just get a little something then, you know. It's definitely better than nothing.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Yeah. Ride my bike a lot That's great. That's the love about Florida. Oh, okay Flat what about how the gators you ever see one? Yeah, I go kayak and win them. They're not gonna bother you Jesus and tonight gonna bother you it is there is a little something intimidating about- Until they do. I'm not afraid of them. Oh, I'm very afraid of them. You're not afraid of them at all? No. They're dinosaurs.
Starting point is 01:55:29 Let me get it back. If I was in the water? Yeah, I'm very- You're in a kayak. You're so close to the water. I'm right in the water. You're in the water with a kayak. Yes.
Starting point is 01:55:38 You're nuts and you're asshole. And when they see- Touching the bottom of that thing. Yeah. Maybe it comes and scrapes underneath you. You're nuts and asshole because it's literally inches below the kayak, ready to flip it. Maybe he's hungry. I think they're freaked out. Maybe he ate all the ducks.
Starting point is 01:55:54 He might. I don't think so. He's hungry. And when they're pissed at you, what they'll do is they'll go in front of you and then they'll slap their tail. Oh, no. And then they'll submerge. Oh, my God. What if they slap their tail and it fucks your kayak up and it starts taking water?
Starting point is 01:56:09 Then I got to start swimming. Wait for it. In that water. Watch those. Because they do eat people. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. They took one out.
Starting point is 01:56:22 Well, they took an old lady out. Yeah, that was in South Carolina, right? Wasn't it? No, I think it was Florida. It was Florida? Yeah, yeah. It was an old people home. She had no chance.
Starting point is 01:56:32 Oh, Jesus Christ. It was horrible. She had the dog. She tried to save the dog. It was horrible. Oh, that's right. Old people home, and your neighbor gets killed by a dinosaur. You're watching it.
Starting point is 01:56:41 You're watching it. Horrible. I feel horrible for the family. I apologize for even bringing that up. They get to 86 and get taken out by a fucking alligator. You're watching it. Horrible. I feel horrible for the family. I apologize for even bringing that up. They get to 86 and get taken out by a fucking alligator. By a gator. Out of all the things you've seen. Oh, Florida's so crazy with that.
Starting point is 01:56:54 It's so crazy. Dude, there's a rattlesnake in front of my house. Do you know that Florida and the Everglades, 99% of all mammals are missing? Yes, you told me that from the pythons. You can now hunt pythons. Anyone can hunt them. What is this guy doing? Do you see in the corner?
Starting point is 01:57:11 Where, where, where? Oh, right there. Oh, it's coming towards him. It bumps his kayak. Oh, my God. Wait, I don't see him. Look, look, look. You don't see it?
Starting point is 01:57:20 Do it again, do it again. Look, it's coming right in the left-hand side. Watch. It's right here. Watch. Watch this. Here it comes. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. Keep it going.
Starting point is 01:57:38 Keep it going. Yeah, keep going. I want to see what happens to him. He's fine. He's fine. That's how we got the video. That's true. They didn't find us on a dead body
Starting point is 01:57:46 Yeah That's what I'm talking about Like I said, I just did that earlier See, well I didn't get it from that I haven't seen that before I'll be honest with you Behind my house-
Starting point is 01:58:05 Is monster soup. There is monster soup. I do go kayaking in the monster soup. That's what it is, dude. But they do have, oh my God, was it mangroves, right? So they get this mangrove tunnel. Swamps. And everyone's like, you should go in the mangrove.
Starting point is 01:58:21 You can make it all the way to the bay towards Naples. Or not. And I'm like, I'm not. Fuck that. I feel better in the open water because I feel like the gator's less threatened. But where that guy was, I don't know if I can do that. He thought that that was like an invader. That gator thought that that was an invader.
Starting point is 01:58:39 And if it's mating season, that's another thing. Jesus Christ. Right. He's going to take you out. Look at that. Is that the same guy? No, this is just close encounters on a kayak. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Yeah, that's way. That's a big boy. There's no reason to be that close. Bro. Why is he hovering there? Fuck those things. Because he's an asshole. Oh, that's not even.
Starting point is 01:59:06 That's a paddle board. Yeah. You got to be's an asshole. Oh, that's not even... That's a paddleboard. Yeah. You've got to be out of your... Oh, my God. Bro, that alligator's an asshole. He's chilling. Fuck that. These people are crazy. They're crazy. Why would they do that on a paddleboard? Those things are so unstable. All right, now, is this guy coming to us? Is this on the...
Starting point is 01:59:21 These are all close encounters. These people are crazy to do this. I've got one of those. Oh, it's fishing and one of those things. The Hobies? Those things look fun. The Hobies where you pedal with your legs. Those look dope.
Starting point is 01:59:34 They're so amazing. Oh, Jesus Christ. This doesn't seem good. Oh, my God. He's going to have a gator under there. Oh, shit. Yeah. I bet he thinks he's got a catfish.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Right. He's all excited. Yeah. And as he pulls it up, he's going to see a gator. I think he did a weird stutter. Oh, shit. Oh, my God. I missed it.
Starting point is 01:59:52 Watch the mouth. Look at this. Oh, wow. Bro, that's a huge gator. Look at the mouth. Wow. Oh, my God. Don't do that.
Starting point is 02:00:04 Oh, my God. Don't do that. Oh, my God. Bro. All right, you got me double thinking the kayaking. Good, thank you. I've been in there a couple times. I don't want to lose you to a python. Have you seen a python? I've not.
Starting point is 02:00:16 I've seen a rattlesnake. Now, there's a guy that I started hanging out with that hunts pythons, and he wants to bring me on a python hunt. You have to go. I feel like I have to go. I feel like you have to go. I would go. See, I'm doing things I never thought in my life I'd be doing.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Like I told you, like the hunting. I'm going to hunt for turkey. Hunting turkey is a good one. I feel like I cheated, though. Why? The guy was so good. Like, meaning... Oh, the call on the turkey guy?
Starting point is 02:00:49 Yeah. Oh, yeah. It was that guy, Mike. I told you, Mike... Yes. He was so good. What's his last name? You knew him.
Starting point is 02:00:59 Yes. Mike Waddell. Yes. Yeah. Mike Waddell's a world-famous hunter. And that's what you said. Yeah. So, but, you know, when he sets up the two girls-
Starting point is 02:01:07 He couldn't have gone with a better guy. He couldn't have gone with, like, a more qualified, more knowledgeable hunter. And that's what- he was incredible. And- The guy's great. Conservationist. Very knowledgeable. He's great.
Starting point is 02:01:21 I had an incredible time. Where am I going with this? Shot a turkey. It was easy. Yeah, before the turkey, though. I think talking to Theo Vaughn turkey hunting too. Didn't he take Theo Vaughn hunting? Yes He was right after me Theo landed. That's perfect as I think he's a good thing He said you don't feel bad for them. I don't know why it's like you feel bad for a deer that you shoot Even though you know that you're gonna eat it and that's why you're there
Starting point is 02:01:44 It's it's a there's a sense of loss with the deer that you shoot even though you know that you're going to eat it, and that's why you're there. There's a sense of loss with a deer that you don't get with a turkey. It's weird. That's interesting. You blow their brains out with a shotgun, and then you're like, all right. I felt – it's really funny. I mean, I was with this guy, Ira Dean, and Mike, and they would laugh their ass off because they're used to this. There's a picture of me holding the turkey. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 02:02:12 There it is. I don't think Ira put out the other one. Ira's on the right. There's another one. It's a big-ass turkey. Yeah, I know they're not going to put it. But what they didn't show damn I wish I had the picture
Starting point is 02:02:27 you were cruddling the turkey before it died yes that's weird that's creepy I wasn't I just wanted to look at it up close I never saw a turkey up close
Starting point is 02:02:35 so I'm looking at him and then while yeah man I'm looking at him and I'm like I'm feeling it I'm like wow so this is what it's like
Starting point is 02:02:41 and then you know Ira will come up and he takes the beak he's like good shot Jim I'm trying, wow, so this is what it's like. And then Ira will come up and he takes the beak. He's like, good shot, Jim. I'm trying to have a moment. That's the thing. Nobody would do that with a deer.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Like, hello, Jim. How are you? You just killed me. Don't you feel bad? They wouldn't do that with a deer. People are more respectful to mammals. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:03 That's interesting. I'm more respectful to mammals for some strange reason. Yeah, rather. Yeah, I'm more respectful to mammals for some strange reason. Yeah, rather than a bird. Yeah, I feel like zero connection to birds. Like, I don't want a pet bird. Right. Right. Pet dog, pet cat, even pet weird pets, like pet horse.
Starting point is 02:03:17 I get it. Yeah, I get it too. Yeah, but like a pet snake? The fuck are you doing? Oh, that's- You got a monster that lives with you. You got a monster that you feed. That's all that is.
Starting point is 02:03:27 That is a heartless serpent. Yeah, they size you up. They size you up. The only reason why they're not eating you is because you're not big enough. Or they're not big enough. They're not big enough. And if they grow,
Starting point is 02:03:37 but this is what I was talking about, the guy, the python hunting. I think in Florida now, anyone can hunt a python and you get a prize too. can hunt a python and you get a prize too. You get money. Then you get serious money. I don't know if it's like a thousand bucks.
Starting point is 02:03:51 Did you ever see the video of the guy there's something wrong with his ceiling and they're pulling on the ceiling and the pythons were in the ceiling and it collapses. And you see like three or four pythons in his fucking ceiling. it collapses. Yes. And you see like three or four pythons. Yes. We're in this fucking ceiling. And they're huge.
Starting point is 02:04:07 Huge. Huge. You're like, where the fuck is that place? And how do I make sure I never go there? Where was it? Malaysia. Malaysia? Holy shit, Malaysia.
Starting point is 02:04:19 Watch this video. This is so crazy. Oh, God. Look at this. Look at the size of them. Bro. How many is there?'s two three there's the tail that might be one three three all over 10 feet long in the fucking ceiling even when you get them out how are you going back to sleep how do you go back to
Starting point is 02:04:40 sleep and you're not getting them out they They obviously have nested up there. Oh, my God. Look at the size of them things. Look at the size of these motherfuckers. So they must have heard them scurrying around the ceiling. They caught one in my development. A python? Yeah. How big was it?
Starting point is 02:04:57 I think it was like 10 feet. Oh, my God. And that's like, I mean. They found a record size one recently. I think it was 18 feet. I think it was 18 feet. I think it was 18 or 19 feet. And they think they get bigger. Like, they don't even know how big they ultimately get.
Starting point is 02:05:13 This is not their environment, right? Did you see this video? What? These guys were... Pulling out a snake? No, they got in trouble. Something happened. It's at a pet store.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Killing over 300 pythons and a boa constrictor. But they did, they killed the wrong one or something like that. One of these was pregnant, had like 50 in it, inside of it or something.
Starting point is 02:05:31 So why are they killing these things? I mean, they're in Florida and they're... Oh, so now he realized he killed the wrong one? Or something like that, yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 02:05:39 The longer video of them killing it is pretty intense. I don't need to see that. I mean, the whole thing is weird that they allowed those as exotic pets, and then these people just let them go in the swamp. Right.
Starting point is 02:05:51 And then they just keep multiplying. Don't you remember that, too? Apparently that's only a part of the problem, though. I thought that was the whole problem. Another part of the problem was that there was a wildlife research facility where they were studying pythons. And somehow or another, it got destroyed in a storm, and studying pythons and somehow or another it got destroyed in a storm and the pythons got out oh the hurricane injury i think was that so yeah so that's also
Starting point is 02:06:15 part of the problem so some of it is exotic pets and some of it is these ones that they release from this research facility but it's more mind-boggling to me how just a couple can turn into completely taken over. They took over everything because they're invasive. Nothing knows to fear them. But even when they're little, don't you think, I figure, what is the survival rate if they're in the water with gators and you have bobcats? Yeah. Hurricane Andrews, it was that.
Starting point is 02:06:46 That is part of the Python problem, right? I think they don't know exactly what, you know, which percentage comes from the pets from the 1970s and shit. People let go. Thousands of specimens of exotic species escaped their cages and enclosures during the passing of the storm through the South Dade County. State environmental inspectors reported 10 days after the hurricane, witnesses spotted hundreds of large snakes and non-venomous snakes loose. Wow, hundreds. And now those hundreds are half a million.
Starting point is 02:07:21 There's a half a million pythons, they estimate. Half a million. There's a half a million pythons, they estimate. So because Burmese python invasion of South Florida Everglades, populations of raccoons and opossums dropped roughly 99%, and some species of rabbits and foxes effectively disappeared. Species that had long flourished here were being decimated by the aggressive newcomers. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 02:07:44 That's amazing. Yeah, that's why it's a free-for-all now. Go ahead. It is a free-for-all. You know what else they've spotted in the Everglades? What? They spotted Nile crocodiles. So they don't know how they got in there.
Starting point is 02:07:55 They don't know if it's someone's pet, but they had a kill-on-sight order for Nile crocodiles. They don't know if it's a breeding pair. They don't know. They have spotted at least one Nile crocodile in the Everglades. Crocodile is a whole different animal. That's a whole different animal. It's a whole different set.
Starting point is 02:08:12 That's like a wolf compared to a German shepherd. Right. I was in Costa Rica. Kids were just doing like a vacation, staying in whatever. And I remember being in the water, in the beach. Yeah. Yeah, swimming around. And I didn't go, the beach dropped off where we were.
Starting point is 02:08:31 It was like a river that, and the ocean was close. And it dropped by a little bit. And I mean, I was in there, I was touring around. I wouldn't go too deep and I stayed close. And the next day we went back there, it was a big freaking... Crocodile slide. No, he was banked on there. Yeah. And I went,
Starting point is 02:08:49 oh my god. And I just couldn't believe how no one else was in the water. Yeah. Dude. Yeah. Could have been it. It could have been it. Could have been it. See that? I'm safe in Florida kayaking. We went on a tour of the crocodile habitat with my kids when they were, the youngest
Starting point is 02:09:11 were like, they were probably like six and eight, somewhere around then. Yeah. And it was so creepy, dude. I was so, like, every time they moved, like, get away from the edge, get away from the edge. I was like, I was so hover parenting, which is like, and the kids are crazy. Like, I want to sit on the railing. I'm like, fuck no, you can't sit on the railing.
Starting point is 02:09:29 Right. Like, don't do this. Like, if you go in that water, I'm going in that water too, and we're both going to die. You see the guy? Yeah. The guy who did that? What happened? The guy with the dog?
Starting point is 02:09:40 Oh, yeah, I did see that. But that was a little one. That was a little gator. It was a little dog, but yeah. Little gator too. It wasn't a big gator that in that guy did get his dog back but that guy's a fucking savage I don't know how you did that for kids you must have been freaking freaking out freaking out and we saw them and they slide into the water right in front of you there was this alligator slide yeah or crocodile slide rather so you're on this body of water and then right
Starting point is 02:10:02 where the bank is you see the crocs sunning themselves. And then you see them slide into the water. It's so creepy. It is creepy. It's so creepy because they are just killing machines. And you're in just this fucking boat. It's just a boat. And you see them on land, too.
Starting point is 02:10:21 You don't think they're fast. They can move on land. They move. They move quick. They move faster than we can. They can run faster than us. Wait, what is this? They're in their tent, and they turn those up.
Starting point is 02:10:31 It says hundreds of alligators or crocodiles behind them. I don't know. In their tent. So they camped on the beach? Yeah, they're hanging out. Did you see the one on the right? Oh, my God. Look at that.
Starting point is 02:10:41 He looks outside his tent. Oh, my God. You see all the eyes behind him? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look at that. He looks outside his tent. Oh, my God. You see all the eyes behind him? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You literally camped at the spot where they go. Where they knew he was there and they were going to go eat him. What the fuck do you do?
Starting point is 02:10:55 What the fuck do you do there? Do you leave? Do you leave? Yeah. What if you run into another group of them? Right. Like higher up the hill. Right.
Starting point is 02:11:02 Imagine you're out of breath. You're running up the hill. Running up the hill. You get to the top and you realize there's more alligators there's 10 times the amount yeah and you're out of breath now you know you can't run i mean you gotta do some research before you go there i think you know it freaks me out more young kids they're reckless you know what freaks me out more is the komodo dragons oh they're terrifying i follow something with with them too they're hard they, they're terrifying. I follow something with them, too. They're hard.
Starting point is 02:11:26 They just eat the whole goat. Their mouth, too. That fucking shit that drips out, the slime. Yes, yes. They're so creepy. Do you remember when Sharon Stone's husband got bit by one of those? No. He bit his foot.
Starting point is 02:11:41 Yeah, he went to the zoo. Here's a follow-up. The alligators got the tent. Oh my god. Look at all of them. Oh my god. Hey, bro. Whoa. That is crazy. So they overcame the tent. So this guy just had to run away. Oh, they're in Zambia. Yeah, that was a different story. Where are they? Zambia. Oh, those are crocodiles. Yeah. That's scarier.
Starting point is 02:12:07 That's way scarier. Brazil. Brazil. Oh, so those are caimans. Wow. If it was, well, where was he? Was he, he wasn't in Brazil. He's Brazilian.
Starting point is 02:12:17 He's Brazilian. He's Brazilian. So where was he doing this? Does it say? Camp didn't work out very well. I feel like I saw it. Does it say at the top? This clip comes after a British genius.
Starting point is 02:12:29 This is a different thing. This is different down here. Okay, that's a different story. So go up to the very top. Does it say where it was? It says, waking to find a nest of crocodiles invading his tent. Honestly, it seemed to me they looked like alligators. Can I see that again? I'm not sure if those were crocodiles.
Starting point is 02:12:47 All of them are fucking terrifying. Those look like alligators to me. They look like alligators. Can I see the video again? Here we go. We have to watch a Ray-Bans ad? This is his ad? Oh, this is his TikTok?
Starting point is 02:13:04 I don't know yet. Oh, you're never going to find it. Where did it go, though? You had it before, right? I just hit it. It was playing on the replay. Oh, there it is. Okay.
Starting point is 02:13:14 Let me look at those. That was it. Yeah, those are crocodiles. Aren't they? No, they're alligators. I don't know. They look like gators because their snout is round. Yeah, it's round.
Starting point is 02:13:28 They look like alligators. Huh. Anyway. Anyway. He fucked up. Whatever they are, it's not good. No. It's not good.
Starting point is 02:13:36 One of my favorite stories I heard about an alligator getting a guy was his cops were on a high-speed pursuit with this dude. He had a stolen car. I think it was a stolen car. Anyway, he gets to a bridge and jumps off to try to escape and jumps into the water and immediately gets killed by a gator. Boom, done. Like literally landed next to one.
Starting point is 02:13:55 He's like, oh, free lunch. Snap. There was a guy in Florida, I think he was on his bicycle, and he tripped, lost thing thing and he rolled just perfect place right gator snap the gator got him i don't think he killed him oh i think like he tore his arm probably freaked the gator out well yeah the game's just hanging out all of a sudden here comes this tumbling christ but yeah i think about that too because where i where i take my bike out uh there's the water's got gators in it i'm always like okay maybe i shouldn't mess around how many florida panthers are there are they common i saw a nice
Starting point is 02:14:39 video the other day this guy uh was turkey hunting and this panther didn't realize he was there and the panther's just walking right by him as he was turkey hunting. He's, like, you know, covered in camo and shit, and this turkey's, like – I mean, this panther's walking by his turkey decoy. Yep. I think that's more in the Everglades area because a lot of Florida's getting built up. Yeah. Like, even where I'm at, I can't believe.
Starting point is 02:15:06 So many people moved there. So many people. How many people turned Republican? Had to be more than a million. I think I saw something where, like the ratio too was like 80 to 20. Like Florida is the most red state. Yeah, like 80% or 70% registered. 80 to 20 like it's Florida people that move to Florida red state yeah like it is
Starting point is 02:15:25 the most 70% look how registered DeSantis did in the last vote I mean he just destroyed it destroyed it like that is a red state now and it's like it's like the most sensible version of how to handle that pandemic and that's people don't want to admit that. They want to think that there was something wrong with what they did. Like I had this conversation with this one guy who was talking about all these cops that died of COVID and it's the biggest thing. Like they're handling it so poorly.
Starting point is 02:15:54 No, it's because the cops are fat, man. Like we all know the true story about that. We know that. I mean, everybody knows fat cops. That's the problem is like that shit's really bad if you're obese. There's also... What's that, Jamie? Barely won.
Starting point is 02:16:07 This last one? What year is that? 2018, I guess. Yeah, that's it. That one he barely won. He barely won when he got into office. Yeah, and then the other guy got busted. Yeah, that's 2018.
Starting point is 02:16:20 Go to the 2022. Yeah. So in 2022, though, I think he won by like 65% or something wacky, which is very rare. He crushed. I've never seen a state. There we go. Yeah, 59%. Wow.
Starting point is 02:16:39 Orlando. The other guy got 40. Wow, look at. Yeah. That's big. That is really big. It's a big at... Yeah, that's big. That is really big. It's a big change from 2018, that's for sure. Well, it's a new refugee camp.
Starting point is 02:16:50 You get a lot of people from Chicago are fleeing there. A lot of people from Chicago. You got Californians, for some reason, going to Naples. Did you see that video from Chicago with those kids? Just ransacking. They ran up to that white lady in front of her apartment and just beat the shit out of her. Hor crazy horrifying that this is happening in modern 2023 in chicago right can you imagine giant groups of kids just beating a lady up for no reason because she was
Starting point is 02:17:15 white let's not but imagine that she's a white girl yeah and the look on her face she probably she never even seen a fight let alone been in a fight sheer complete terror and beyond and they fuck out of her there's all hands of all different angles just beating you and what is it at the end of the day what sparked it what what created that madness what what brings you to the state of i I just got to beat someone because they look like that's madness. It's also a recognition that law enforcement has lost control. Like the fact that they can do that and they think they can do that as little kids. There's like young teenagers doing this, smashing windows and meeting up in groups of hundreds.
Starting point is 02:18:03 Like what do they do? Are they organizing on social media? Like what are they doing for sure? They don't yeah, it's happening lots of places and how how is no one stopping that how's no one stopping you don't see the organ You know organizing on social media Yeah, it's crazy with everything that's seen on your phone. They don't see certain things. I do not see that come on But I don't think the the way the policing is in this country, the way people have lost respect for law enforcement, all that defund the police shit has real consequences.
Starting point is 02:18:31 And that's one of them. You're seeing it right there. It's so spooky, man. It's so spooky how quickly things can deteriorate. But they also dehumanize everything. When you're a police officer, what you don't realize is most of the times those cops are the first one to see your dead child. Yeah. And you know the trauma that brings? Yeah. Like if you got kids at home and you just, you became an officer because you had a,
Starting point is 02:18:56 you grew up in a nowhere out situation or maybe your parents got divorced or whatever. And the only way that you know to survive is you get a pension and blah, blah, blah, and try to take the test. You take a test. You know, most people think cops are just, you know, guys. Most of the things they're showing up to is watching people maimed and killed and fighting and beating women. I mean, the most horror for so many people in the fire department, police, you show up and they're like, yeah, the kid's dead in the back. You want to call the mom?
Starting point is 02:19:32 That's the side that no one will ever talk about. And that's the side, you just show a clip that happened at one particular incident and then the demons, we call it news media, the monsters, the creators of pure evil and violence and mind control and emotion control spit out. And then, boom, they hit the nerve knowing they can manipulate and control and spread violence. Well, it's also activists wanted to say that the problem was cops are showing up, law enforcement, for things that should just involve counselors and that these cops are not qualified to do that. So they're going to defund that aspect of the police. The problem is just that narrative alone devalues the police. It's like you put this thing out there that we need
Starting point is 02:20:22 to stop funding the police the police of the problem No The crime is the fucking problem and the problem is no one does a damn thing to prevent long-term crime by Enriching communities by going into these places instead of spending 40 billion dollars to fight this fucking proxy war with Ukraine and Russia Instead of doing that What about fixing these fucking cities that have been economically disenfranchised since who the fuck knows when that's right just decade upon decade upon decade of the same kinds of crime in the same neighborhoods and you expect people to come out of that and pull
Starting point is 02:20:57 themselves up by their bootstraps it's fucking ridiculous bro i remember well i remember the early 90s. I was doing something in Harlem. There was a show in Harlem. It was a comedy club there, the Uptown Comedy Club. I remember that place. Yeah. And I spent – I learned so much.
Starting point is 02:21:17 I had the most incredible conversation. It was with Tracy Morgan. And we were on the street and we just got so open and honest. And we just started asking each other questions. And when it came to things like welfare, I realized that is such a purposely driven, in my opinion, government trap. And just the way he was explaining, he's like, you know, if I have a kid, they give me money. And he's like, we don't have options. They keep us here. You know, they put certain foods here. They offer to pay us money. And I'd love to see the statistic of when welfare came out, how communities thrived or plummeted after that because they didn't have a drive
Starting point is 02:22:07 for themselves they had the they're under the illusion that they're going to be taken care of that is a very dangerous thing for people if you can keep them complacent and like with a certain level of income and just just keep that amount of money where they don't have to do anything and a lot of people get conditioned. And, but the other thing is like, how do you get people off of that? Like without extreme willpower and discipline and like working really, really hard to get off of that. And then deciding you're not going to accept that money anymore. Like for some people, it's easier to just stay in that little system. And that goes on in every level. Yeah. That goes on in every level. When every finance level you hit, it kind of, I mean, it gets easier with the more finances,
Starting point is 02:22:51 but- It gets a lot easier. It gets a lot easier. It's a lot easier. Yes, yes. The thing about it is that, A, it's human nature, but B, there's a lack of hope. So if you gave that welfare check to places where people are thriving and doing things that they love to do, then it wouldn't be so bad because they just keep doing
Starting point is 02:23:09 things they love to do and thriving. Right. And then maybe they would find other stuff to do for a living and they wouldn't need welfare. But if you're doing it to people that live in despair, that's when it's sick. Like there's something sick about it because it's like all you're doing is putting a little bandaid on it and you are giving people food, and you are giving people shelter, and that is good. It's definitely better than them being homeless. But that is not fixing anything. And the only way to fix it is to give people hope. And you can't have any hope when you live in a community where, like, everything's fucked.
Starting point is 02:23:39 Where, like, everyone's— Drugs run rapid. Violence. Cigarettes. Gangs. Liquor stores. Everything. Everything runs rapid. Yeah. Cigarettes. Gangs. Liquor stores. Everything.
Starting point is 02:23:46 Everything runs rampant. Yeah. And that's the real problem. The real problem is people have a lack of hope, lack of positive role models. Everybody that you know is either involved in crime or the victim of crime or avoiding crime. Or it's like you're just dealing with constant violence and crime. But give me your money and I'll go fix Ukraine. It's crazy, right?
Starting point is 02:24:10 It's like, how do we not address these problems in America? How do they, like, whatever the debates come up every year. It's the same thing. It's the same thing. Pro-life, pro-choice. Yeah, they're like, we're going to get jobs. Like, bitch, you are not. We have created so many jobs in this administration. And we're going to do so much for the military.
Starting point is 02:24:29 That's one thing I love about the new Twitter. When anybody posts something, even from the White House, it gets fact-checked. And the White House has had to pull tweets because they're just bullshit. Thank God. Thank the baby Jesus. Thank God. The baby Jesus. Yes.
Starting point is 02:24:44 Yeah, thank the baby Jesus. Thank you, baby Jesus. Thank you, baby Jesus. Thank God. The baby Jesus. Yes. Yeah. Thank the baby Jesus. Thank you, baby Jesus. Thank you, baby Jesus. Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft. That was one of the greatest movies of all time. Talladega Nights. He is funny. Bro.
Starting point is 02:24:57 He's funny. Will Ferrell is funny. He's so funny in that movie, too. How have they not done Talladega Nights 2? Someone please help me out he would go into character and stay in character
Starting point is 02:25:13 for a week at a time at Saturday Night Live he would come in, he'd wear this vest and he'd kind of grow his hair a little bit and he wouldn't shave and it would drive people like Marcy Klein, like the producer, like Will, you're
Starting point is 02:25:29 representing Senate Live here and we'd all be like, oh he wouldn't, he'd do that all week. So they didn't like the way he was dressed? No, because he would stay like that all week and stay in character. Sometimes it would drive me nuts, you know, like if I want to talk to you if I want to talk to you, if I want to talk to you,
Starting point is 02:25:47 and every time I see you, you're like, I don't know. Hello, Jim. Good to speak to you today. Will you be sailing with me this winter? Correct. And I go, Joe. I don't know who this Joe is, but I will seek him and tell him you're looking for him. I read a story once where John Voight and Angelina Jolie were having a phone call.
Starting point is 02:26:07 And in this story, they were saying that they were talking in character the entire time. They had a conversation in character. I've done that with my daughter. We cook on Sundays and we do it for fun. Oh, these two. Well, these two, they're wacky. They're not funny. Neither one of them is funny.
Starting point is 02:26:23 They just did it for the sake of doing it. I think they were doing acting exercises on the phone with each other. They were talking in character. Exercises. That word. Just acting exercises already makes me cry. So part of me is already questioning me being critical of this, because now I'm thinking, but they are professional actors.
Starting point is 02:26:38 Would that be fun? Because you're kind of working with your daughter then. You're, like, working on a little exercise. It's like if you were a painter and you painted a thing with your daughter is that weird like why is it weird like it's the only time you talk you should have to talk like normal yeah why shouldn't you be able to talk in character i think it hides emotions i'm mad at myself for being upset at them i'm looking at him like why am i being so critical of that they are they're literally professional actors at the highest level i mean he was in fucking he he was in wasn wasn't he in, what was John Voight in?
Starting point is 02:27:08 That one movie with Dustin Hoffman. Oh, my God. Midnight Cowboy. Oh, I don't know if I saw that. Dude. If I did, I don't remember it. Dude, that's a wild movie. Was that Midnight Cowboy?
Starting point is 02:27:21 Was that it? Yeah. That's a wild movie, man. That's a movie about these street hustlers from the 1970s. Oh, wow. Yeah. Maybe I did see this. Yeah, John Voight played some street hustler in New York City.
Starting point is 02:27:36 I've had to have seen this. Oh, it's a great movie, man. It's like HBO, early 80s. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. 69. Oh, damn. Yeah, it's a 1969 movie. Oh, wow. God, I, no, no. 69. Oh, damn. Yeah, it's a 1969 movie. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 02:27:47 God, I haven't seen this in fucking 20 years. More. Maybe more than 20 years. I need to watch it again. Did you ever get into Westerns? Love Westerns. Clint Eastwood? You know what I love?
Starting point is 02:27:56 The Unforgiven. Because that's the most realistic of his Westerns. That's when he comes. He's like an older guy. And it's Morgan Freeman and him and Gene Hackman. Oh, my God. I think that's the best Western of all time. Is that the one that opens up and it's like, oh, no, not thinking of the way Metallica opens up their concert.
Starting point is 02:28:17 This is what it is. It's like he did all those spaghetti Westerns, which were amazing. But then he went back and did a real movie on what life in the West was like. So instead of it being sort of glossed over spaghetti Western like he did with The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and a lot of other things, this one was horrific. Like really probably accurate as to how brutal life in that time period was.
Starting point is 02:28:43 What did Gene Hackman play in this? Gene Hackman was a sheriff. He was like a fucked up asshole of a sheriff that Clint Eastwood winds up killing. Spoiler alert. I've seen this, but I have to watch this again. I remember him. Yeah. He gets killed.
Starting point is 02:28:56 It's a heavy movie, man. It's a heavy movie. The boy gets killed. He's on the, he goes on the, I remember this. Well, Clint Eastwood was an assassin when he was younger. And he got married and had a family and turned over a new leaf and was running a farm. But he was raising his kids and they made him an offer to kill some people that had killed somebody. And so he needed to because his farm was falling apart.
Starting point is 02:29:20 So he goes back into action. But it's believable. It's a really good movie it's like it's so different than the style of movies that he used to do about westerns because he like he he flipped it on its head and made it it's a horrific it's not in any way glorified like nothing's glorious the people are cowards it's like they're human everything works in the and he's like reprehensible he's a complete sociopath that has no problem just a psychopath there's no problem killing people it doesn't raise his heart rate at all he that's one
Starting point is 02:29:58 of the reasons why he's so good at killing people he never freaks out it's right it's so he's calm in the face of everything boom and everybody's like stumbling for their gun oh Jesus boom and it's believable it's so creepy
Starting point is 02:30:11 and it's so good man it's a fucking great movie I'll have to watch that again I got into I should have started watching it on a plane because I don't watch a lot of TV
Starting point is 02:30:19 what is the series where I'm the worst at this it was a western and they're settling, and they're bringing these people from Denmark or they're Dutch across the country. Deadwood? Yellowstone. Yellowstone.
Starting point is 02:30:36 Yellowstone. The early Yellowstones. So not Yellowstone, but the early ones, like the 18, whatever it is. There's like three different Yellowstones that are running now. Well, I want to say this one was more Recent and it's the guy you know the guy in casino that runs He's he goes up the denier is like I really I really like you to get my son Just I mean my my nephew to work again. You know that actor. Mm-hmm. What's his name? Do you know his name? He's in this movie
Starting point is 02:31:04 And he's like taking them across the whole country. So it's a movie, it's not a show. I'm sorry. It's a series. It's a series. But I got hooked on this thing because there was some raw stuff in there. So is it a Yellowstone one of the early ones? Is it the show with Josh Brolin called Outer Range? I gotta see what it looks
Starting point is 02:31:20 like. It could be. I think it's Yellowstone. Dude, there's so many Yellowstone. That Taylor Sheridan is a bad motherfucker. This is Outer Range. That guy has put together some incredible shows. Outer Range. Josh Bolin is the fucking man, dude.
Starting point is 02:31:34 That ain't it. I love that guy, too. He's great in everything. Josh Bolin? Brolin. Brolin. I don't know. Whatever.
Starting point is 02:31:41 Kevin Costner. It's not the Kevin Costner one. Oh, the Kevin Costner one is the shit. My wife was watching. I watched a couple of those. That's another good movie. Wyatt Earp. Wilder. Yes. Wyatt Earp. That there. Boom. Boom. Right. It is this one?
Starting point is 02:31:57 I feel like this chick was in it. This one? Yes, that one. Wait, wait. Go back. I just, yes. What is that? Up there. That. Oh my god. 1883. So yeah, that one. Wait, wait, go back. I just, yes. What is that? That up there. That. Oh, my God. 1883. So, yeah, that's the Yellowstone prequel. That's like the early days of Yellowstone.
Starting point is 02:32:12 I've heard that's amazing. Oh, my God. Yeah. That one, maybe because I was on the plane, I was completing the film. That. That's Taylor Sheridan. That's the same guy who did Yellowstone, right? He did that as well, right? Dudeidan that's the same guy who did yeltsin right he did that as well right dude he's the fucking man this was so like you can wrap your head around and go oh well this
Starting point is 02:32:32 makes more sense how it all went down yeah this makes all the sense in the world and they they what you were saying with clint eastwood how it's just they came they became accustomed to it yeah like because they would constantly be under, whether it was just for their supplies or they wanted their girls. And they weren't worried about natives. They were more worried about a bunch of monsters out there. And, oh, my God. That makes more sense. It was so good coming to steal your cattle or coming to steal your horses.
Starting point is 02:33:02 The Wild West, man. I mean, that's really what it was. And those people made it across the country. There were so many fucking bad people. There were so many outlaws and just horrific conditions and no law enforcement and just fucking chaos. Well, there's a scene in there. And it actually reminded me when I watched it last night. You did something last night.
Starting point is 02:33:21 There's a little part of one of the sets, and you're talking about the tribal, like we used to. Oh, you were like, we used to be able to just maim and kill. For most of history, it was very horrific. Right. Well, there's a scene in here that I thought, it was described by the female who she's already lost. I don't want to give too much away
Starting point is 02:33:45 but she's seen enough she's like a kid fell in love but towards the end she falls in love and this guy is protecting her and she's describing like almost what a turn on and the power of this guy
Starting point is 02:34:00 the aggressive revengeful anger of him just hatching this other guy and you don't even feel bad you're like you know what fucker deserves to be hatched up for what he did it's just and she's watching and this becomes the norm just boomish. Killing someone with an axe. Ah, just took him out. Holy shit. Took him out.
Starting point is 02:34:30 Something about axe murderer. It's like a very specific kind of murderer. So barbaric. Because literally it's the only kind of murderer where you have a definition. Like you have that word connected, like axe murderer. No one calls you a gun murderer. That's right. But an axe murderer is you a gun murderer. That's right. But an axe murderer is a very specific definition.
Starting point is 02:34:48 That's interesting. It is interesting. Knife murderer? No. Poison murderer? Nope. Axe murderer. An axe murderer is a specifically brutal way to kill someone.
Starting point is 02:34:59 And it's terrifying for people because they don't feel like they could do anything about it. No. Someone's coming at you with an axe, like Jesus Christ, you don't have much room for error. I've seen videos, but I know I'm not going to be able to pull it off under pressure. Yeah, dude, it's too scary. You're supposed to get close. Yeah, good luck. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 02:35:14 Get close. Good luck. Yeah. Good luck. But the way she describes it, it reminds me of what you just said. It's just become something. Yeah. It reminds me of what you just said.
Starting point is 02:35:24 It's just become something. Yeah. Well, that's what human beings, that's how human beings existed for thousands and thousands of years. They existed in these, I mean, when you go back and listen to accounts of history. How long do you think that lasted to? And where did it last? Did that last, was that going on when they were settling here? I have a very specific explanation for it, I think.
Starting point is 02:35:46 I think it has to do with the Younger Dryas impact theory. I think that human beings, especially in Africa, had achieved an insanely high level of sophistication.
Starting point is 02:35:57 What they had done in Egypt is still, to this day, one of the most confusing things that anyone's ever been able to accomplish. And the fact that these ever been able to accomplish and the fact that these people were able to accomplish it four thousand five thousand years ago or more they don't even know really how old some of that stuff is i think that when the asteroids impacted and
Starting point is 02:36:17 the ice age ended and there's a lot of evidence of this like physical evidence all over the earth they were smashed by asteroids i think it knocked human beings back into the fucking stone age and i think the people that survived had to survive in the most brutal and barbaric conditions where society was completely eroded where it was just chaos at most people were dead and you survived if you were underground you survived if you had gotten into caves you survived if you had underground you survived if you had gotten into caves you survived if you had accumulated enough resources so you could make it through whatever amount of nuclear winter exists from pelted by giant rocks from space that literally ended the ice age and
Starting point is 02:36:59 killed 65 of all the megafauna in north amer, 65% of all the mammals died off quick, whether it's woolly mammals, woolly mammoths, saber tooth tigers, 65% of them just got wiped out in a very short period of time, probably because there was no food left over, probably because a lot of them got killed on the initial impact and through the floods and all this shit that happened when the ice caps melted.
Starting point is 02:37:21 And I think that the reason why people were so barbaric 3,000, 4,000 years ago, I think that's the ancestors of the people that survived that disaster. And I think they had to be monsters. I bet the early days there was a lot of cannibalism. I bet people did whatever the fuck they could to just exist. Right after the impacts, whatever people were left.
Starting point is 02:37:49 I bet there was very few people left, and I bet their lives were hard as fuck. I think that still exists to a degree. Well, it definitely still exists to a degree. It still exists, but they don't need no ice age to still act like that or have that built inside them. Sure, but what I'm thinking is one of the reasons why you have such sophistication like five thousand six thousand seven thousand years ago ten thousand years ago then you have like thousands of years later Barbara sheer barbarism like how'd that happen because I think everything was stopped I think it all stopped and I think the people were left in a fucking
Starting point is 02:38:19 Mad Max world for a long ass time a long I mean they when they talk about civilization restarting right so if this happened 11 800 years ago which is what they think happened the earliest instances up until these theories of modern civilization was 6 000 years ago that's sumer that's first mathematics first written language a lot of different things come out of this one part of the world. But that's 5,000 years after the impacts. So what if you have this sophisticated society of people that are operating probably at a higher level than we are now, just through some technology that we don't understand,
Starting point is 02:39:01 and they get fucking annihilated by rocks from space and then whoever does exist they exist in a horrific way for thousands of years before people reinvent civilization i don't know it's all too much for me i just i i get that i just don't know i don't know that's a good way to talk about that i don't know. I don't know. That's a good way to talk about that. Huh? I don't know either. But it's one of my favorite subjects. No, I know. Me too. It's fascinating.
Starting point is 02:39:33 I always want to know, like, where do certain things start? Where does that start? And how did it spread? Why do I keep fucking up Graham Hancock's series? It's Ancient Apocalypse, right? Correct. I always say Ancient Catastrophe. I almost said it again. It's not Catastrophe.
Starting point is 02:39:45 But it is Apocalypse. Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix. Correct. I always say Ancient Catastrophe. I almost said it again. But it is Apocalypse. Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix. Watch it. It's amazing. It's a series of where Graham Hancock, who's the master of this stuff, who really understands it better than anybody, and Randall Carlson, who's the master of it. He really understands the asteroid impacts and the impact theory.
Starting point is 02:40:00 And they put this together, and they said there's distinct evidence of a very advanced culture that we have no explanation for. And it exists all over the world. There's these stone structures in specific that are so complex and we don't know who did them. We don't know how they moved them. And all this evidence seems to point to that. At one point in time, human beings had reached a very high level of sophistication for design for construction for the ability to move stones and cut them like it's really
Starting point is 02:40:29 high levels of construction to the point where you know you're getting all these stones to meet perfectly at the top of a massive pyramid that's two million three hundred thousand stones well not only that like how did it's it's mind-boggling to think they're also in Mexico and there's and possibly be buried yeah under a mountain that looks like a mountain but it's actually another pyramid right that everything grew over exactly it's like it's all through the Amazon they find those two right that's mind-boggling to me mind-boggling all through the Amazon it's filled with these structures.
Starting point is 02:41:06 They use LIDAR and they scan the surface of the ground. They find irrigation tracks and like plots of land and grids like for a city. Wild shit, man. You go to Egypt? I have not been. I want to go. I went there and they were, it's, I don't know, man, it's wild. It's also weird to see like, what the hell is that thing in Washington, D.C., the pointy thing.
Starting point is 02:41:34 Oh, the obelisk. The obelisk. Yeah. It's like, what is the meaning of that? Because why is that in D.C. and it was in Egypt. It's in Rome as well. It's in Rome. There's an Egyptian obelisk that's
Starting point is 02:41:46 in rome in the middle of the vatican that fascinates me it's amazing like what's the connection on on the three of them and why is it in dc it's a good question and the original obelisks man the when they find ones that they didn't wind up using because there's a crack and you see them like carved out of stone you're like how the fuck were you gonna move this right what did you do how did you do this i i started seeing stuff like because i remember my mom would talk about the world fair and um oh that chicago thing where they turn on the lights for the first time no i saw that one too but i there was i think there was one in new york but then I saw the thing in Chicago where they built everything up and it looked
Starting point is 02:42:28 like a city and then just got rid of it like it was nothing. Yeah, what was it? Was it a facade? Did they build a facade? I don't know. Was that a Disney set type thing or was that the real deal going down? Some shady contracting deal going on there. For sure in Chicago.
Starting point is 02:42:45 100%. That was the mob. Hey, we got to take it down now. We got a fucking contract there. The contract is we build and then we take it down. Come on. I told you. We made a fucking deal.
Starting point is 02:42:55 Right. Don't make me come visit you. I put the Caesar up. I put everything you said. Look, I'm going to make it all nice and everything. Why are you getting excited? Don't make me come visit you, you piece of shit. Take it down. The Vatican is insane, dude. Have you make it all nice and everything. Don't make me come visit you, you piece of shit. Take it down.
Starting point is 02:43:05 The Vatican is insane, dude. Have you been there? I have not. I went to Rome, but I didn't visit the Vatican. God, you got to go next time. I went and I had a really cool guide. We hired a professor. He was this multi-language speaking professor.
Starting point is 02:43:21 Really interesting dude. And he got really into it with me like we really really like got into all these differences he was so knowledgeable it was really cool do you know who you were who did he know who you were yeah yeah he was really cool he um he just gave me like the lowdown on first of all why they all have little dicks. I was like, why they all have little dicks? Like, you gotta be reason for that. And he told me that they thought that a large penis was like brutish and barbaric.
Starting point is 02:43:53 And they're like, some dude with a little dick had conned everybody into thinking that little dicks were the shit. Simple propaganda. Total propaganda. The most easiest. It's the little dick guy. He's like, you don't want that big dick.
Starting point is 02:44:04 The big dick is nothing but problems. The big dick doesn't come with culture or agriculture or the civilization that we've created. This beautiful city relies on little dick. Little dick energy. Start filming these things everywhere. I need statues of little dicks on every corner. They have legit little dick energy. And after a while, somewhere along the line, I forget what the explanation was.
Starting point is 02:44:24 They started covering them up with leaves They started covering the dicks up with leaves right so they'd be this beautiful body this like perfect man But it's a little leaf over a little leaf the way where's that guy had a hog on him look at the size that guy Little leaf did yeah, I saw it as weird very rare that a guy built like a Greek God as a little tiny dick I just don't think those things go together. Like are they messing with it? Look at the size of his hands and his shoulders. Right, but a little dick. Monster hog.
Starting point is 02:44:50 Right. No, little tiny ass dick. You need a little dick. And everyone's like, yes, little dicks are the way to go. Whatever little dick energy dude who was running Rome at the time was like, What? Two inches? Are you insane?
Starting point is 02:45:07 Nobody needs two inches. It's like you don't need an AR-15. That's like the same people today. What do you need, an AR-15 to protect yourself? That's a military assault rifle. Two inches. One inch is plenty to pleasure every woman that's ever existed. One inch is fine. They give them that's ever existed. One inch is fine.
Starting point is 02:45:25 They give him these little one-inch penises. Giant Goliath of a man. Full six-pack. Literally looks like a superhero. Put that leaf over it. Cover his penis with a leaf. Just so weird. And there's so much art, dude.
Starting point is 02:45:42 There's so much art. You're blown away. I mean, you know there's so much art dude there's so much art you're blown away i mean you know there's so much art when you get there but then when you're wandering around you're like what in the fuck man this is nuts the arena oh the coliseum right yeah the coliseum is incredible that's incredible all of it's incredible i mean if you could go back and see what that was like when the emperor of rome was presiding over the coliseum and they got people gladiator fights and they're letting tigers loose and shit. Like, what the fuck, man? They had the animals in cages underneath the floor and they would raise the cage up and let the animal out.
Starting point is 02:46:19 What's the movie? Gladiator. Russell Crowe. The shit. Monster movie. The shit. that was a movie was so good oh my god I cried like a baby oh my god I open mouth cried oh everybody wanted to be Russell Crowe are you God. And then Joaquin Phoenix perfectly plays.
Starting point is 02:46:45 He was great. Perfectly plays the creepy dictator. He was such a dick. Oh, my God. He was so good. So good and so beautiful at the time. Right? That's the guy who becomes the Joker?
Starting point is 02:46:58 Look how beautiful he was. Dude, he's a great actor. Oh, my God. He's incredible. That guy's unbelievable. He's incredible. He freaked me out in the Joker because I was like, this could happen. I think he's partially responsible for the Antifa riots I Think people saw that and they're like that looks like fun
Starting point is 02:47:14 We need a real Joker you know when he guys are out there like Aspiring to be the real Joker real Joker. They're gonna do Joker part two which is great good Good job Todd Phillips and send this further into demise. It's the ultimate anti-hero. They are filming it next, right? Lady Gaga or something. It's happening right now. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:47:34 It's beautiful, too. Yeah, dude. I can't. I already don't want to see it. It's going to be so intense. Oh, it's going to be good. It's going to be amazing. But isn't it funny that Todd Phillips had to stop making comedies because the world got too woke?
Starting point is 02:47:46 Like the kind of comedies that he made before, if you tried to make them today, you'd get in real trouble. Todd Phillips was so, what was that first one? Was Hangover his first? What was his first one? I don't know. That was him. Hangover, right? Yeah, that's him.
Starting point is 02:47:59 Let's go to his IMDb. Check my IMDb. Check my IMDb Check my IMDB. What have you ever done? What have you ever done, Jim? Why don't you just check my IMDB? Piece of shit. I was half-baked, you fucking piece of shit.
Starting point is 02:48:14 Yeah, his first movie was Road Trip and then Old School. Oh, wow. So he did some classics. So he went right from... Road Trip and Old School. Old School, right out of the gate. Oh, my God. Right out of the gate. right out of the gate. Oh, my God. Right out of the gate.
Starting point is 02:48:25 Right out of the gate. There's a drive, and the left fielder doesn't even move. But I think he did an interview where he was talking about the difficulties of doing those kind of comedies today. I guess so. I mean, what was so offensive in— Everything. Try watching them again. Try watching Step Brothers. Try watching Step Brothers.
Starting point is 02:48:46 You watch Step Brothers, you're like, Jesus, like the language. There's so many of those things you cannot say today. Is the hangover offensive? Yeah. That's what I'm saying. What is? Perfectly. It's raunchy, but it's not offensive.
Starting point is 02:48:58 That's what I said. I said raunchy, but I don't think there's anything. I think that was the only thing that was big about it. There's nothing cancelable. A little bit of nudity. Well, doesn't Dr. Ken pull his dick out? Whatever that was the only thing that was big about it. There's nothing cancelable. A little bit of nudity. Well, doesn't Dr. Ken pull his dick out? Whatever that was. Remember, he's got a micro penis.
Starting point is 02:49:10 Do you think that was really his dick? If it is, that's so rude. I'd be like, listen, we don't even have to do any special effects. No showing my dick. Maybe it really is his dick. It could be. Could be. Could be. I mean, if you dick. It could be. Could be. Could be.
Starting point is 02:49:25 I mean, if you go in for the laugh and you think. If he was the king of the world, everybody would have a little dick on a statue. That's right. So he may be onto something. Maybe having the baby is a big problem, you know? Yeah, it's a little bit of an issue. That's normal, though. That movie.
Starting point is 02:49:41 Great fucking movie. When I saw that in the theaters, that's another one where it's hard to get me to belly laugh. I was belly laughing. How about something about Mary? Remember that? That was hilarious. The Farrelly brothers? Yes.
Starting point is 02:49:52 The jizz in the hair? And wasn't there the guy, what's his name? Oh my God. And he kept having a pimple in a different spot. Chris Elliott. Yes, Chris Elliott had like a weird. And how funny was Damon? Yeah. No Elliott. Yes. Chris Elliott had like a weird. And how funny was Damon? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:07 No, not Dylan. Matt Dylan? Yeah. Is the cop? Yeah. Yeah. Kids don't feel bad. He was funny in that.
Starting point is 02:50:16 Yeah. I miss those kind of movies. You know? I do too. So funny. Kingpin? Kingpin was hilarious. Oh my God. Hilarious.
Starting point is 02:50:25 I miss those kind of movies. They don't really make that many of those. It used to be there was a lot of banger comedies that would come out every year. I would say Anchorman's the closest thing to like that silly ensemble and you're invested. No matter how silly the character is, you're invested
Starting point is 02:50:41 in him. Sandler still does them. He does great silly movies. Yep. He's the king of silly movies. He's the king. King of silly movies. It's always funny to me, like critics review his movie poorly.
Starting point is 02:50:52 I'm like, it's a perfect Adam Sandler movie, you idiot. You know, I mean, if you don't like Happy Gilmore, if you don't like Happy Gilmore, you can go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 02:51:00 Right. You don't like that movie? Like, do you know what you're signing up for? Like, it's not like you go to a fucking JoJo Si you know what you're signing up for like it's not like you go to a fucking jojo siwa concert and you're looking to see pink floyd you you went to the wrong place right it's an adam sandler movie and they're they're awesome right you just got to
Starting point is 02:51:15 be in the mood for like the zohan right i'm not here for raging bull it's a great movie the zohan's a great fucking movie i I love that movie. And just like you said, you come in and you've got that mindset like, you know what? I'm just going to, whatever goes, it's going to go. And I can't wait for this. These movies are hilarious. Hilarious. Hilarious.
Starting point is 02:51:38 Hilarious. The Zohan is a hilarious movie. That's such a good movie. During the pandemic, my family and I, well, you know, my kids were 10 and 12 at the time. And like, that's the perfect kind of movie to watch
Starting point is 02:51:52 because they're pretty non-offensive. You can watch any Adam Sandler movie with your kids. Right, right. And I will enjoy them too. It was perfect. So we watched every Adam Sandler movie. We like,
Starting point is 02:52:02 we fucking, we binged them. He was good in, you know, he was good in too? Like, he could do serious stuff too. Uncut Gems. What was the, was it Spanish Fly? What's that?
Starting point is 02:52:13 Where it was like, he had a wife and a kid, or like, he played like a father. Spanglish. Was it Spanglish? Spanglish? Spanglish. What is Spanglish? I'm not aware of that one. I feel like he was more serious and he was really good at it.
Starting point is 02:52:28 Well, he was amazing in Uncut Gems. It's 2004. Oh, wow. I didn't know about that one. No, he was really good in that. Bro, he's amazing. Have you seen Uncut Gems? Let me see the...
Starting point is 02:52:40 Uncut Gems. Yeah, Spanglish. How do you say it, Jim? I really like Spanglish. Uncut Gems. It's about gambling. Let me see. Uncut Gems. Oh,anglish How do you say gems? I really like Spanglish Uncut Gems Uncut Gems Uncut Gems Oh I didn't see this one Bro
Starting point is 02:52:49 Uncut Gems is fucking amazing Just watch the trailer Oh I wanted to see this one It's incredible I wanted to see this one It is incredible It's an incredible movie And he's so god damn good in it
Starting point is 02:53:00 He plays a gambling addict so well It freaks you the fuck out while you're watching. You go, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't fucking do this. Mike Francesca? Yeah. Dude, a lot of good actors in it. It's a great movie.
Starting point is 02:53:16 All right. That's the movie of the week then. Oh, you have to watch it. That's the movie of the week. Yeah. People told me about it and I put it off. And then when I finally watched it, I was like, holy shit. I get home next, I get home
Starting point is 02:53:28 Sunday night that we're watching that movie. Yeah. My wife didn't even enjoy it. It gave her anxiety. Really? It's so crazy. Then that means it's really good. It's so good, dude. It's so good. And Adam Sandler plays a gambling, you ever been around gambling junkies? Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:53:44 He plays it perfect. He's just like, this next one, I got this fucking next one. I'm going to shove it up everybody's fucking ass. It's amazing. It's so good. That's those guys, man. Those guys that get addicted to sports gambling. Yep.
Starting point is 02:53:57 Holy fuck, those guys are just degenerates. It is just a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and they can't stop. They can't stop. They can't stop. They're so addicted to that rush. I know a guy that lost a lot of money. Yeah. Like a quarter, a million dollars. I'm sure this guy said, but for a guy of his status to lose that.
Starting point is 02:54:16 I remember there was a guy even, I went to, I think I was filming a pilot or something. And I was like, oh, you got to come out for this pilot. And I flew him out, blah, blah. And he was gone till like five in the morning, came back. He's like, yeah, I was at the casino. I said, there's a casino in LA? Somewhere out there. And he found it.
Starting point is 02:54:37 And he stared at it. It was probably like an hour away. He found it. We show up at five in the morning. When those guys are in, you're in LA. You're going to California. you're going to Hollywood. So many things you can do. You're looking for stars, you're going to
Starting point is 02:54:52 go see the mountains, you're going to take a ride on the hills, mohawk and anything. All he wanted to do was find a casino. Jesus. Yeah, it's pretty, it's sad. He beat it. I think he beat it. It's hard to beat because that rush, the thing that they get out of it is like regular life seems very boring if you don't have like a big bet on the line. Like every day there's a bet.
Starting point is 02:55:14 And every day you're trying to get even or you're trying to get better and you're trying to get that money back. And people are trying to get you because you have loans out and so you have to run away. So it's this wild adventure that's when it gets intense who and in New York they have off-track betting right so there's betting everywhere in New York you can go bet on the horse races you could bet on dog races we are we had a relationship and it was too much dog races still That used to be in Florida. I've never seen that in Florida.
Starting point is 02:55:46 Do they still do that? Because I know a lot of animal cruelty people wanted to stop that. They do them here in Texas? Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Let me retract.
Starting point is 02:56:00 Let me retract. It says dog racing is illegal in seven states. All dog tracks have been closed and ceased live racing, but a prohibitory statute has been enacted. Those states include Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Kansas, Iowa, Texas, and Wisconsin. Hmm. So those are the places where you can still?
Starting point is 02:56:19 Yeah. But do they do it? This video is from last year. Oh, my God. This is last year? Mm. They put a wire mesh over the dog's face, too, and make him run. Look at these motherfuckers.
Starting point is 02:56:32 Look at how fast they run. Bro. Look at how fast that thing runs. Look how fast those motherfuckers go. That is so insane. Oh, my God. Look at the one on the outside's coming in. Bro, they're so fast.
Starting point is 02:56:43 Oh, my. They're so fast. This guy's getting tired. The dude in the front is getting tired. But look at him go. Wow. He just got a last burst of energy. He did.
Starting point is 02:56:51 He felt them on his ass. Yep, he did. He even glanced back and saw them. They're still going. Oh, damn. How long did they run for? I think it was over. How long did they run for?
Starting point is 02:56:59 I don't know. Are they chasing a thing? That one, no. Sometimes they chase a little rabbit. A little rabbit. This time they're just running. They're just running. I felt like he glanced at one right before that turn.
Starting point is 02:57:09 Jesus, dude. Do they have a thing over their mouth while they're running? No. No. Wow. Yeah, there's something that creeps people out about dogs running. Yeah. Because they're like, that dog could just be your pet.
Starting point is 02:57:21 Like, why are you having them run? Maybe that's what, like horses? We allow the horses horses we do run the thing over their face look at that and so i guess different rules different places wow that's probably so they don't bite each other right they probably get mad at one dude won the race to try to sucker punch him bite his ear thigh that kind of shit happens man gotta be careful competitive dogs gives him a little crotch little crotch bite right before the thing takes off and all that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:49 Yeah. Alligator racing wouldn't bother me at all. Race those fucking assholes. I'd like to see that go down. Yeah. A little alligator racing. How'd you get them to run? Put a little muscle around them.
Starting point is 02:57:58 You have to starve them. Put chicken. Yeah, you have to starve them. Yeah, you're starting to put a chicken, like a stick with a chicken or something like that. And run with a horse dragging a chicken behind it. Yeah, yeah. What if the horse trips? Horse chicken or something like that. And run with a horse dragging a chicken behind it. Yeah. What if the horse trips? Horse breaks its leg, you're pinned under the horse, and the alligators start running on you.
Starting point is 02:58:11 Nobody's going to feel bad for you. No, but if anything, you're going to be a huge social media star the next day. Yeah, well, you're dead. I mean, I could be around to enjoy it, but your family's going to be like, hey, isn't that... You get starving crocodiles running after the chicken. You know how scary that would be if you starved isn't that... You had starving crocodiles running after the... You know how scary that would be? If you starved them so that you could do this? Because you have to starve them for a long time.
Starting point is 02:58:30 Because alligators and crocodiles, I think they can go a year without eating. Yeah. Wow, that's a long time. Yeah. Yeah. They're particularly robust animals. That's why they survived everything. They survived everything that Mother Nature threw at them.
Starting point is 02:58:46 They're here and the dinosaurs aren't. You're right. Yeah, they're very robust. Those motherfuckers, they're durable. Yeah, they could just bury themselves. Just go into ground. Yeah. Just going to chill out for the next hundred days.
Starting point is 02:59:02 They have gator holes in the ground. They have like the little dens they dig in the ground steve vernella just sent me this video of this gator running out of this little uh area he's in and running into like a gator hole gator hole yeah he's got like a gator den that he just has fucking dug into the side. That scares me. It should scare you. Yeah. They're creepy, man. It's a creepy animal. And they live amongst us. And in Florida, they really live amongst us. I mean-
Starting point is 02:59:31 They're everywhere. I can't find it. When they get too big in our development, I don't know how they get them, but they like take them in the middle of the night or something. They kill them? If it gets over five feet. No, they relocate them. So they say.
Starting point is 02:59:41 Relocate them. How about fucking Disney World, where that poor kid got eaten? How crazy is that? Well, my kids were playing there. Jesus. Right there. Right there. I know exactly where it happened.
Starting point is 02:59:54 And it's a beach. It was a beach area. And I remember walking in the water with my kids. Now, granted, they were only maybe up to their calves, and they were small, but I was right next to them. But still, I see how it went down.
Starting point is 03:00:13 The guy, when we were at Disney World, the guy was, they have a whole fishing adventure thing you do at Disney World. Yes. They take you out on the lake. The guy was saying that they have to remove alligators all the time. They just find their way into Disney World. Yeah, they find water. They take out on the lake. The guy was saying that they have to remove alligators all the time. They just find their way into Disney World. Yeah, they find water. They find water.
Starting point is 03:00:30 You can't keep a gator from finding ponds and lakes and all that jazz. It's just so interesting that you just get accustomed to being around monsters. Like even in a North American city, in the United States of America, you get accustomed to being around monsters if you live in Florida. Right. It's different. Just Florida. Oh, look, there's a monster.
Starting point is 03:00:51 Driving down the highway, 16-foot monster just sitting on the side. Yeah, there's a monster right there. There's a little monster rattling its tail in front of me. Right outside our house. Right as I come out of my house, right as the driveway, sitting there across the street. How big was it? It was probably about five and a half, six feet. Jesus.
Starting point is 03:01:12 Yeah. Jesus. Nice. Thick. And then I think they removed him like two days later. This is an interesting fight I've never seen. Oh, I saw this. Yeah, a horse kicks that gator, lets him know who's boss.
Starting point is 03:01:25 What, you want some of this? I wonder if that's a wild horse. I don't know, but the horse, like, listen. Stomped on him. And that's a big gator. Jesus. Boom! Boom!
Starting point is 03:01:38 Still, I don't like the horse's chances there. Great meal for that gator if he fucking wins. That's a big win for the gator. If that horse fucks up and he gets one of his legs clamped down on. Horses are so fucking
Starting point is 03:01:51 strong though. They are. They really are. I love seeing them in the wild. Are there any places I know in North Carolina there's wild
Starting point is 03:02:00 horses. There's a lot of wild horses in this country. It's actually an issue. Really? Yeah. It's an issue issue. Really? Yeah. It's an issue in some places where they're trying to figure out what to do
Starting point is 03:02:08 and they've opposed killing wild horses. What? So they're trying to figure out... Some people are opposed to it. Some people do kill them. Wild horses will compete with domestic cattle and a lot of other animals for resources. You know, they could... Reigning in the wild horse crisis.
Starting point is 03:02:28 Here it goes. 82,000 horses in boroughs. Yeah. Certainly stands at 26,000 animals. Look at this. Bureau of Land Management, the federal agency charged with managing the animals, sets an appropriate population level for wild horses based on the amount of rangeland available. A figure that currently stands at 26,785 animals.
Starting point is 03:02:50 Today, there is an estimated 82,000 wild horses and burros on public rangelands, more than three times the designated level. Even more challenging due to the high fertility of the wild equines, the population is on pace to double every four years wow wild horses do you know the wild horses uh horses actually originated in north america and then um they died off in that mass uh depopulation of megafauna and then they were reintroduced to North America by Europeans. Like all the horses in Africa, like all wild horses.
Starting point is 03:03:30 So horses originated right here. Isn't that wild? Well, the natives used the horses too. They didn't use the horses until the Europeans gave it to them. Really? Yeah. They didn't have horses?
Starting point is 03:03:41 Nope. I never knew that. Yeah, pretty wild. The Comanche learned horse rearing. I never knew that. Yeah. Pretty wild. The Comanche learned horse rearing. That's the reason why the Comanche were able to take over most of the Great Plains. Not even in South America, they didn't have horses? They used donkeys? When Cortez invaded the Aztecs, one of the things they were freaked out about was he was on a horse.
Starting point is 03:04:03 They thought they were like gods. They're riding horses. Yeah, that would freak me out. If they hadn't seen that. That would freak me out. What's crazy is they started here. Horses started here. They were wiped out and then reintroduced by the Europeans.
Starting point is 03:04:15 And now you've got a giant population of wild ones. Huh. Pretty interesting, but goddamn. Imagine just being in the wild and seeing like a group of wild horses running by that'd be amazing it would be pretty awesome pretty fun there's a presence too like i so i was on the outer banks and there's if you go if you go to the area where there's no roads or whatever you go to and you'll just see like a herd of horses just kind of hanging out around your house it i know it brings this like bizarre peace inside you can't explain it they're a fucking cool animal it's majestic
Starting point is 03:04:54 looking yeah and you feel something when i can't explain it pause there's something that i like about these horses just out there just living wild. Yes. And probably very happy. Like that's... That's the only way to be happy. The way they want to live. Of course. We are just so accustomed to all horses being just locked up. Right.
Starting point is 03:05:15 Weird, right? It is weird. We think of wild horses as a problem. Right, that's a problem. Isn't that interesting? But wrangling them in... It's a problem. They're wild.
Starting point is 03:05:23 They're a problem. Why are they out there wild when we could be riding them? This is bullshit. They're free. Yeah. Roaming where they want. This is such an issue. And you can't control them like you control deer, right?
Starting point is 03:05:35 So if there's wild deer and the population gets too high, you just issue tags. And then the hunters go and they manage the manage the wildlife population that way you can't do that with horses because people don't like you want to shoot a fucking horse that's creepy that's a tough that's a creepy i don't want that gig if you had to do it imagine you're the guy who has to go out and kill the wild horses you'd feel like such a piece of shit yeah especially if someone saw you too by accident or something so i's what I'm doing. They told me to do it. You got a sniper rifle just taking out these majestic stallions and mares. When that video comes out. They're enjoying themselves on these beautiful plains, just eating grass.
Starting point is 03:06:13 Not fucking with anybody. Running around, jumping. And you got them at a distance. Pow. Boom. Right. And the baby horse looking at the mom like, oh my God, what just happened? And the baby horse looking at the mom like, oh, my God, what just happened?
Starting point is 03:06:33 So if you have 82,000 and it doubles every four years and you got to get it down to 26,000, dude, that's a lot of slaughter. They're going to poison them or something. They'll do something gnarly. I wonder what they're going to do because that has giant consequences because then things that eat them get poisoned. There was a problem with that in L.A. because they were poisoning rats and then you're seeing a like a decrease in the owl population uh right owls would swoop down and get these diseased rats these poisoned rats and then they would get sick we we uh before we moved here an owl died on our front porch and it was something wrong with it man we were wondering if it got poisoned it was all fucked up it was just like trying to like move but couldn't and we found like it i guess it had fallen from the sky and just landed in front of our house it was a barn owl the big like a real
Starting point is 03:07:16 fucking owl like real like yeah one of them cat-killing owls. The ones that turn around and look at you. It wasn't necessarily a big one. It was just a regular-sized one. Yeah, but the eyes. It was weird, man, to see this thing poisoned, I think. My guess is that it either ate something. Because people, they do that all the time. They leave out rat poison. Right.
Starting point is 03:07:39 That's how people take care of rats around their house. Yeah, you don't realize. You're right. Everything else is being poisoned. Something eats it. It's going to be poisoned. Maybe it comes in contact with something else. That's the beautiful thing about the ecosystem
Starting point is 03:07:50 of California, is that those little coyotes, they keep the rat population down. People that are sad because the coyotes kill their cats and kill their dogs, yeah, it is sad. But also, the reason why you're not infested with rats is because you've got little tiny wolves that are running through the hills every day
Starting point is 03:08:06 just eating everything that slips up and you need that balance as weird as that seems that's a well designed plan at the end of the day but there's something cool about seeing those motherfuckers operating in the city there's something cool about
Starting point is 03:08:21 like a coyote just hanging out in the city there's a creepy video of a coyote eating a cat in LA on a front lawn While traffic is driving by and this coyotes is eating this cat. I I might have seen this I remember seeing coyotes in downtown Chicago Couple years ago. They're everywhere that blew me away. They're in every city. Well, yeah every city in the country Wow to think about wild. Yeah, and they haven in every city. Well, yeah. Every city in the country. But that's wild to think about. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:08:47 And they haven't attacked people. Yeah, they have. Oh, they have. Sure. Yeah. Well, in Canada, a woman got killed by one. It's very rare. Oh.
Starting point is 03:08:55 It was a 19-year-old woman. But they attributed that to the lack of prey for the coyotes in that area, and they've taken to attacking moose. So these coyotes were accustomed to attacking things that were bigger than her. Bigger than them. So here's this coyote in the middle of fucking LA just eating this cat. Wow! It's so creepy, dude.
Starting point is 03:09:17 Look at that. Oh my god. That's creepy. You little motherfucker. That's your little sweetheart. That's your cat. That's what you look up to. It's just meat to this coyote. Yeah, that's all it is. It's your little sweetheart. That's your cat. That's what you look up to. It's just meat to this coyote. Yeah, that's all it is. It's just eating it.
Starting point is 03:09:29 Look at it. Raw. Time lapsed. Look at that cat right behind him. Oh, Jesus. That cat's like, oh, shit. He's traumatized. Look at him.
Starting point is 03:09:38 He's twitching. Oh, shit. He's watching his buddy just get. That's where she went. I was trying to fuck her. Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. Look at him, man. Wow. I'm just going to walk over here. He's watching his buddy just get That's where she went I was trying to fuck her Yeah Oh shit Yeah Look at him man
Starting point is 03:09:47 Wow I'm just gonna walk over here He's sneaking around He's sneaking around Wow I don't think he sees me I'm just gonna get out of here He just did that
Starting point is 03:09:54 Wow Right behind that fucking coyote Look at that Right on the lawn Right on the lawn All these cars everywhere He doesn't give a shit He's just eating that cat
Starting point is 03:10:04 Dude They're just a A round people All these cars everywhere. He doesn't give a shit. He's just eating that cat. Dude. They're just a round people. There's a great book. That's nature right there. If you're really interested in coyotes, there's a great book called Coyote America by this guy, Dan Flores. He's been on the podcast before. I forget where he's a detailed history of the coyote and how they were worshipped by certain Native Americans and how they made their way into every city in the
Starting point is 03:10:32 country over the last like hundred years like they were confined to the West but they got chased out and as they got chased out of places they just reestablish themselves in new places until they're everywhere survival nature always figures it out away Let's wrap this bitch up. Okay. We did enough. Oh damn. It's five o'clock. Got a show in two hours It's five o'clock No, yes Time we get in here
Starting point is 03:11:03 Huh Fun times Jim Brewer we're gonna have some more fun times tonight I'm excited I am too man Alright brother I love you to death I love you too brother I love you
Starting point is 03:11:11 It's great to be around you again You as well It's been a while Last night was fun It was fun It was a good time I'm gonna have more fun tonight Alright more fun tonight
Starting point is 03:11:20 Alright bye everybody All right. Bye, everybody.

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