The Joe Rogan Experience - #2032 - BJ Penn & Tulsi Gabbard

Episode Date: September 7, 2023

BJ Penn is a veteran mixed martial artist and former candidate for Governor of Hawaii. Tulsi Gabbard is a former United States Representative, Iraq War veteran, and political

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Showing by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day. Yeah, we're doing Fight Companion Saturday night. Fight Companion's fun. It is. Have a little whiskey, watch the fights, talk a little shit. Eddie Bravo brings up some crazy conspiracies. Oh man, every time.
Starting point is 00:00:24 This time Eddie's out so Sam Tripoli's in. He's even more deep into the world of conspiracies. Wow. He's hilarious. That'll be fun. Conspiracy theory is the code name for spoiler alert. It used, well it was
Starting point is 00:00:40 invented, the term conspiracy theory was invented after they conspired to kill the president that's that's when conspiracy yeah conspiracy theory the term conspiracy theory started getting thrown around right around the time that kennedy got assassinated and it was directly because there were so many people that had all these theories there There was all these stories about the shots from the grassy knoll. And until Dick Gregory went on the Geraldo Rivera show,
Starting point is 00:01:10 which I think was 11 years later? What year was it that Dick Gregory went on Geraldo Rivera and showed the Zapruder footage? There's a... Many years later. At least eight years later. After the assassination.
Starting point is 00:01:26 The Zapruder film came late, right? They used it before that. But it was a different assassination attempt. Oh, it was another assassination attempt. Garfield. Interesting. Interesting. In 1881.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Interesting. Listed on a piece of paper. All conspiracy theorists. Interesting. When did the Zapruder film come out? So they had the Zapruder film. I think his name was Abraham Zapruder. He was at the scene,
Starting point is 00:01:53 and he was filming the president as he was driving down. And as he was driving down, he caught the shot. He caught the shot to the neck, and he sees Kennedy holding his neck, and then he sees the head go back and to the left. So 1975.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Okay. Think about that. The assassination was 63. So 75. Wait, wait. What was in 63? What was in 63? 63, Kennedy was assassinated.
Starting point is 00:02:17 That's what I'm saying. Yes. But the Soprano film was released by Dick Greger, who is a stand-up comedian. Wow. Dick Gregory brought it to the Geraldo Rivera show with this other gentleman, and then they played it for America. And the whole country got to see Kennedy's head go back and to the left and this spray of blood. And everybody was like, wait, what happened? What happened? Did they ever say why it took so long?
Starting point is 00:02:44 Because it's fake. Because it was owned by life. I believe what happened was Zapruder sold it to life. Life had it and they wouldn't release it. Either they thought it was too disturbing
Starting point is 00:03:00 or... Maybe they were told not to. We also have to remember that back then there was no VCR like it's very hard to watch something like this you'd have to have one of those real-to-real cameras that you could set up and watch me only nobody watched films at home you watch what was on television right then so when they played that this was monumental this is not so and then you had to be there to see it. You couldn't just pause it. You couldn't rewind it. There was none of that.
Starting point is 00:03:29 No DVR. You couldn't tell your friends on social media. You had to go to work the next day and go, did you see that Geraldo Rivera show? By the way, I think it was on late at night too. I think it actually says good morning or good night. I think it's says good morning or good night hold on i think it's a i think it's
Starting point is 00:03:45 a late america yeah yeah good night i think it was a late night show and so it blew geraldo up no he was already doing well he was already an established journalist which is why he was the host of that show and i think it was a i think it was late at night so fucking nobody was watching right you know like a small amount of people watching and then you know they play this they see it once they go what the fuck did i just see and then it takes forever for books to come out and and now you got tucker carlson on fox news saying the cia killed kennedy and you're like what did he just say what did he just say that on TV? Like, what? Yeah. What? Imagine how long it took for somebody to find out who the president was before the telegraph type thing.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Oh, yeah. Two years. Now, imagine those elections. Oh, my God. Right. The checks and balances. Right. Right?
Starting point is 00:04:40 Right. Like in Washington. Imagine if Washington stole the election. It's funny. Right? It when Washington, imagine if we found out that Washington stole the election. It's funny, right? It is funny. A few votes here and there. It is funny. What if we found out Lincoln was a total fraud?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Tommy Jefferson, right? Right, they all stole the election. Like, what? Had people assassinated that voted incorrectly. It's amazing. But Lincoln ran and lost like five times or something, right? Before he won. I don't remember if it was for president or when he ran for a different office.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Back then they would stand in front of the whole town, like on a literal soapbox, and talk for hours. Yeah. Hours and hours in front of everybody. Yeah. Explaining what they were going to do. Yeah. Amazing. So you've got to imagine that when this Zapruder film came out, that was a moment where, like, you've got to also realize this is, like, during the time of the Vietnam War.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So there's already massive distrust in government. And people are like, you know, what happened exactly? And then the books start coming out. You know, books start coming out like Best Evidence by David Lifton. Twelve years later. Yeah, twelve years later. Twelve years and nobody but the CIA saw it. I'm sure. books start coming out you know books start coming out like best evidence by david lifton 12 years later yeah 12 years and nobody but the cia saw it i'm sure yeah it wasn't they were there it was it wasn't until it wasn't until dick gregory a stand-up comedian brings it to the geraldo rivera show yeah incredible yeah it's a that's amazing. I thought it was two years. It came out two years late, but wow, 12 years.
Starting point is 00:06:07 12 years. Yeah, so 75. So just imagine something that happened 12 years ago for us. Like what? 2011? Which, by the way, that sounds crazy. It does. That's great.
Starting point is 00:06:20 2011 was 12 years ago. What the fuck is happening? Time is flying. Too fast. And what a world we live in now where even if the government tried to withhold information or tries to, as they do with social media and all these different platforms, it's very, very hard. It's very, very hard.
Starting point is 00:06:42 So they try to push a narrative and then different people have questions and you know it creates this environment where if if the truth is not being told people people can pick up on it yeah they then the new mayor in um in maui because i was surprised he got in because um victorino was so loyal kept the on. He even did that where you got to reset your vaccination status or whatever. But when I saw Bisson in, he's so smart. I mean, they're talking, they're like, what about social media? He just, being a judge, right, or he just looks over and says, I don't got time for that stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And looks for, you know, just the really smart speakers and they know what they're doing out there, right? The people in office, you know, just the really smart speakers and they know what they're doing out there. Right. The people in office, you know. Well, I mean, Tulsa can speak to that better than anybody. I don't I don't know Mayor Biss. I may have met him in passing. around the aftermath of the wildfire on Maui is this total vacuum of information from government officials to the people. And in that vacuum,
Starting point is 00:07:52 obviously people have all kinds of ideas or theories or this or that, but people were left without any kind of communication from anyone in a position of authority to provide help for days and weeks. And it created massive problems. And so, you know, the immediate line of response needed to come from the county and from the mayor and from their emergency response director. And unfortunately, they did not communicate. They're still not
Starting point is 00:08:20 communicating. There's still a huge lack of transparency and therefore an increasing level of distrust in any of the levels of government that should be bending over backward to answer questions and to say, hey, here's what's going on every single day. Here's what we're doing. Here's what we're trying to do. Here's what we're having a hard time doing. Whatever the case may be, it's been a major problem from the beginning. Do you think that this is a complete lack, because of a complete lack of preparedness, that this is an unprecedented type of disaster, never happened before, it happens and they just weren't prepared, they don't know what to do, and they just, it's incompetence?
Starting point is 00:09:00 I think that that is very true. And there's, you know, in hindsight, there are things going back as, you know, Maui has experienced drought year after year after year. Brush fires are a common occurrence, especially on the west side of Maui, where Lahaina is, the side of the island that was most impacted by this. You know, it is, you know, being prepared for wildfires on Maui is something that if you look at their, you know, emergency assessment documents, it's mentioned almost as a bit of an afterthought. Maui fire has been vastly undermanned and under-resourced for quite some time. So there's all these different things you can look at from a preparedness level that should have been addressed long before. things you can look at from a preparedness level that should have been addressed long before. But from the county officials, yes, they were completely overwhelmed and unprepared for this unprecedented wildfire. It's the worst wildfire our country has seen in over 100 years. But the problem is, once you get to that point, like, oh shit, this is really, really, really bad. Not only in the hundreds of lives lost in that fire, but the surrounding
Starting point is 00:10:14 communities of people who survived, but who went without power, who went without any cell phone signal, any ability to communicate with people who didn't have, you know, all of the gas stations in their neighborhood, they were empty. There was no way to get gas. They couldn't get food. They couldn't get clean water. The water supply systems were contaminated. I mean, all of their, there was disaster upon disaster that came in the aftermath of the fire that went unaddressed. And my biggest, I went there a few days after the fire happened. Maui was my district for eight years when I served in Congress and had a lot of friends there and went out to those affected communities. And what I heard over and over again was no one from the county, the state, or the federal government has shown their face in our community. It is neighbors helping neighbors,
Starting point is 00:11:06 shown their face in our community. It is neighbors helping neighbors, families helping families, people on the island of Molokai, which you know, they don't have much on their island. Everything comes in by barge. They're loading up whatever they have in their general store on these little boats and running them over to West Maui on a private boat dock because that was the only place that they wouldn't be blocked from bringing food and water and medical supplies. Now, why are people being blocked? I keep hearing that about people being blocked. Is it because they haven't gotten an accurate death count? Is it because they have to make an assessment of how much was damaged? And it's so massive, it's so vast that they haven't been able to do that yet. Why is it being blocked? So things are being opened up now.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I think people are able to get in and out of the West Maui area. I understand that the historic town of Lahaina is still being blocked off and they're working on reopening it as we speak. In the couple of weeks after the fire, I don't have a good answer why they continue to block the roads, again, to those surrounding communities, why they blocked people like Kai Lenny and others from using their jet skis and boats to try to bring supplies in through the water. you could say, well, we were trying to secure the area, but you're blocking. You're blocking friends and family from coming in and bringing necessary supplies, literally doing supply runs. So, you know, I jumped on a plane that was doing supply runs from Kahului, the main airport on Maui, out to this tiny little airport that serves that community. And that was for a lot of days, the only way that they could get supplies brought in. I don't know. I really don't know. But again, this goes back to why aren't you communicating to people what's going on and why you're doing
Starting point is 00:12:58 what you're doing? All the result of their decisions left people and families and communities stranded in their most dire time of need. And the mayor didn't go out and show his face until almost two weeks after the fire happened. That's insane. It's crazy. And then says he wants to take the land for the state. That's his first word. Now, this is one of the reasons why we want to talk about this. Like, how is that possible that these people could lose their home and then lose their land?
Starting point is 00:13:27 How is that possible? It is the number one concern of people there in Lahaina is that a few days after this happened, I haven't spoken to the governor, but he said in a press conference, he said, we're talking to the attorney general. He said in a press conference, he said, we're talking to the attorney general. He said, I'm talking to my attorney general to explore options for the state to take over told, well, the state, the governor is looking at taking that land, taking ownership of that land, that it is unconscionable. And there's, oh, you know, we'll, you know, for those who've been displaced, we'll see about doing a land swap and we'll send you the big island to live in Puna. Jesus. We'll see about doing a land swap and we'll send you the big island to live in Puna.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Jesus. It's taking away the sovereignty of people's rights to have a say over their home. In many cases, their generational lands is is it is such an abuse of power. And so this is and I'm I'm glad that there are leaders in the community who are leaning into this fight to make sure that they are fighting this fight before anybody tries to do that, rather than looking in the rearview mirror and saying, gosh, I wish we had done something. But just imagine a governor going on television after a massive tragedy where you have we don't even know the number of people dead yet. You have this massive area that's been burned to the ground. Yeah. And then he starts talking about taking it over for the state. That's an insane position to take.
Starting point is 00:15:13 It is. Post-tragedy. When people are suffering at their most, they can't even believe it happened. Yeah. And then all of a sudden he's saying, we're going to take it for the state and make a memorial? How about give the fucking people their homes back? One of the things we went over yesterday, which is a crazy number, we were looking at the amount of money that was accidentally sent to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:15:34 They over-sent $6 billion. And then I said, well, how much would it cost to rebuild every house in the Maui fire? And it's $5 billion, $5 billion something. That's just like accidental money. But there's no talk of doing that. There's no talk of doing that. Isn't that interesting? And it's happened two or three times now where the Pentagon has said, oh, we miscalculated how much money we had set aside for Ukraine. So we have an extra4 billion to send now that we didn't know we had. And this has happened a few times. Secretary of State Tony Blinken went to Kyiv yesterday, promising, hey, we're going to give you another billion now. And this is the thing. When I was
Starting point is 00:16:15 out there in Maui, person after person was like, Tulsi, tell me what would happen if we started to call ourselves Ukraine? you think they would give us some money then to take care of our families to put to fix our roofs you know that that have been torn up by the hurricane winds that came through to make sure we have clean water to drink you think they might pay attention to us then and then the and then fema comes out the fema director comes out and does this press conference i think think it was at the White House. And she says, well, someone said, well, what are you doing for Maui? She's like, oh, we're giving a one time $700 payment to everybody who's been impacted by the wildfire. A one time $700 payment.
Starting point is 00:16:57 It's insane. Hawaii has the highest cost of living in the entire country. The entire country, the entire country. And how freaking insulting is it to have the rep, the lead disaster response administrator from the Biden administration stand there and proudly say, hey, we're giving everybody one $700 payment. It's insane. And it's insane, especially because of how much money we're sending to Ukraine. Yeah. Because there can be no doubt that these things are financially motivated now. Yeah. That someone is making money off the Ukraine thing,
Starting point is 00:17:33 and there's a reason why they're sending so much money. Yes. They have so much concern. Have we ever seen a real war? I mean, when it first started, Putin came with a mile of tanks. You would think the guy would be hanging in five days. You know, their president, like when they went into Iraq and Saddam, and they got Saddam, you know, and they hung him in front of the world. You would think that Russia would be able to do that in a few days.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Ukraine is very well armed now. You know, we sent them a lot of really good stuff. But they're losing a lot of soldiers. And the other thing about when they invaded was it was at a time where the grounds were like, essentially like marshy. Like they were concerned when it got colder because then the trucks and the tanks could roll in on the dirt. But they were only coming in on the roads and the Ukrainians were ambushing them on the roads. Well, you hear that Russia is a superpower. I mean, on par with the United States. Well, they always heard that.
Starting point is 00:18:30 They are, but they're just not they're not using the full force of their might. I think we've spent more in Ukraine than Russia has. Wow. That's crazy. That's true. I think that one of the other things was that was our intelligence, the United States intelligence agencies in the lead up as Russia was building up their, you know, manning and tanks and everything at the border. Kiev in days, like in a few days, that Russia will take the capital of Ukraine. But even their intelligence proved to be vastly wrong. Very, very wrong.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And this is why people use this fear tactic to justify sending all of these hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine. Say, well, if we don't do this, Russia is going to take all of Ukraine and then take over all of Europe. It's like, no, they don't have that capability. You're fear mongering in order to continue to fund a war that's benefiting the military industrial complex more than anyone else. There you go. That's what it looks like. Just another another one of those 20 year wars. It's going to be 20 years, you know, real similar to what we just got out of. And if you're looking at that in relation to like what's going on in in Hawaii, it shows what's wrong with the world. And the priorities, frankly, it is it is when you look at, you know, President Biden and his people announced like, oh, hey, look, he's going to take a break from his vacation at Lake Tahoe to go and visit the people.
Starting point is 00:20:08 What a good guy. Exactly. Did you see when he went there and he started talking about a fire that he had? He almost lost his car. Yeah. Yeah. I know what a fire is like. I almost lost my car once.
Starting point is 00:20:17 That is funny. It's like they do that on purpose. They have him just babble something. No, they can't stop him. He is the president. They are a bunch of dopes who work for him. The smartest one is probably that White House press secretary. When that's your ace in the hole,
Starting point is 00:20:32 you've got a fucking entire administration. Think about that one guy that got busted because he was stealing women's clothes at the airport. He's our first non-binary person in the White House. Fantastic. And this dude just stealing ladies clothes. the airport. You know, he's non-buy. Our first non-buy person in the White House. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And this dude just stealing ladies' clothes. Like, not once. Not an accident. Like, it just, that's his thing. Steals people's bags, puts in their clothes, dresses up like them. Oh, man. Brought their stuff to a hotel, threw out some of it, kept other ones. I thought it was my bag.
Starting point is 00:21:00 What are you going to do? That is funny. Coups. Full of coups. Over and over. And so there's no one running the show. The show's chaos. And then the people that are involved
Starting point is 00:21:10 I'm sure in the defense industry are like listen, it'd be very nice if we could continue this project and continue funding. I mean, watching Green and even watching Hilo's own mayor, Mitch Roth, I mean, it really seems and feels like the campaign
Starting point is 00:21:25 is while they're signing these bills, this next bill that they signed that's going to do whatever, that's going to take Lahaina, that's him trying to get to the president, that's Josh Green trying to move up to the president, you know? Well, they care about themselves.
Starting point is 00:21:39 That's what it comes down to. Political entrepreneurs. And they're involved in a game. And the game is, like, if you're playing chess, you have to abide by the Chess Federation's rules. You play a certain amount of time. You know what to do. You don't piss anybody off.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You don't break the rules. You sign this bill. Yeah, this is the game you're playing. And everybody wants to get better at their game, right? If you start off and you're a white belt, you want to go, I'm good. I like being a white belt. No, you want to be a black belt. If you start off and you're the mayor of a small city, you're like'm good. I like being a white belt. No, you want to be a black belt. If you start off and you're
Starting point is 00:22:06 the mayor of a small city, you're like, you know, I'd like to be the fucking governor one day. And then next thing you're moving around and moving up and hobnobbing with the right people and signing the right bills and making the right people happy and, hey, welcome our new governor. And then the governor's like, you know, I like to run the whole motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And then, you know, and then that guy starts doing things. And what we've done with California is take the tech sector and the finances. We're number one economy in the country. And, oh, I see what's going on. You want to win. You want to win. It's a game.
Starting point is 00:22:37 It's a game like all games. You want to be the top dog in the game. It's natural. If you're racing, you want to be the one that gets there when the flag goes off. That's just what human beings do. And when you apply human beings to a game that's governing citizens.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Scary. I mean, this is why our country is, I mean, we are headed in the direction of going to hell in a handbasket because we have people in positions of power who treat it as though it is a game and the only ones who lose are are the people it's the american people it's the people it's the people on maui it's the people who have uh extreme
Starting point is 00:23:12 needs and challenges who are being failed at every step of the way and it's because they can get away with it here here's a thing that people forgot about ready east palestine remember that wasn't that long ago that was not that long ago. That was not that long ago that these people are living in toxic soup. Everybody's completely forgotten about them. There's no stories on TV. There's no stories in the newspaper. What about that community of people that experienced an insane experience? A train derails with toxic chemicals and they decide to light it all on fire and fish are fucking floating in the
Starting point is 00:23:45 rivers the skies are black so president biden was asked about this the other day by a reporter who said uh oh good there you go president will go to east palestine oh he will jean-pierre that lady she's hilarious oh my god what the way he responded to the reporter who asked is they said oh it's been 200 and however many days since the disaster in east palestine you promised that you would go there uh you haven't gone yet why and the president basically said well i haven't had time wow when i when i went to east palestine i my i got involved with politics in Hawaii in the first place because of water, protecting the environment, making sure we have clean water. And so the challenges people on Maui are facing with water, the challenges people in East Palestine are facing, it was such a huge toxic disaster. But when I was there, they were saying that the effects of this disaster won't fully be
Starting point is 00:24:46 known for a while because the toxins at that time hadn't had, they were being told the water's clean. It's fine. It's safe. In the days after the disaster in East Palestine, people there are smart enough to know, well, the water hasn't seeped down through the soil and into our groundwater sources for those tests to be accurate. And so they were concerned not only about, well, how are you going to come back and test our water in a month, in two months, in six months, in a year? How is that? It's a farming community out there. How is that going to affect the crops?
Starting point is 00:25:18 They were already seeing animals dying in the weeks after that disaster happened. And that was their foremost concern is nobody ever heard the name East Palestine before this disaster happened. Will they still remember us when we need them? And what about what's happening with their lungs? Right. Those people were breathing that air and they were told it was safe to go back
Starting point is 00:25:39 and they were taking photos of the sky. And when it rained, that stuff stays in the clouds. And then when it rains, that stuff stays in the clouds. And then when it rains, more comes down. Acid rain. And then, you know, where's their money? Right. When they're accidentally sending an extra $6 billion to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:25:58 It doesn't make any sense. It's just blatant and in your face. Yeah. That there's no concern about you. The concern is about, you is about whatever the agenda is. That's the concern. And if the American people want the guy to go there and give a little speech and talk about
Starting point is 00:26:14 I was almost on fire once, they'll go do it. That's it. That's all you get. And you get 700 bucks each. And Ukraine gets an extra 6 billion. This is an extra 6 billion. What's an extra $6 billion. What's the amount of money they spent so far in Ukraine? Let's guess.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Tulsi, you'd be the best at this. It's well over $100 billion. They divvy it up. When you look at the count, sometimes they say, well, it's this much has gone towards weapons. It's this much has gone towards weapons. But like, you know, like, you know, the money we are giving to you that our government is giving to Ukraine is not only going to weapons. We are paying. We taxpayers are paying for their bureaucracy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:53 We are paying for their administrators. We are paying to 135, 135 billion. Wow. Yeah. So president just asked Congress. Now, is that August 15th? When was the fire? August 8th.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So this is after the fire. He's asking Congress for $24 billion for the war in Ukraine and $0 for Maui. And 10% for the big guy. You'd have to think. You'd have to think that. That's why it's easier to track the money when you bring it to Hawaii because all of our eyes are on the ball. I don't even think he can be corrupt anymore. He's just living.
Starting point is 00:27:32 He's just eating ice cream and just waiting for the ticker to stop. But this is insanity. This is like true insanity. And this is like the opposite of what we – the whole idea of electing people for office is that these people are going to care about us and do the right thing for the community because they're one of us. That's what we want.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That's what we want. Someone who's one of us. And when you see that, especially from these guys like Biden that are these career politicians, they're the opposite of one of us. They've been in that system forever. They've been playing that game forever. They've been playing that game
Starting point is 00:28:05 forever. You know, the excuse that Pete Buttigieg was the guy that the Biden administration sent to East Palestine. Of course, he showed up. He announced he was going only when Trump announced that he was going. He literally showed up there the day after Trump. Trump went and visited the people there. But, you know, the excuse that he gave is a common excuse that's given by people in government when they don't show up for people is, well, you know, I didn't want to get, which is Biden, I didn't want to get in the way of the response.
Starting point is 00:28:34 You know, I'm busy doing things in my office to try to help, et cetera, et cetera. But my point is like, Joe, if a really good friend of yours or your child or someone in your family was hurt for whatever reason, was in pain, was suffering, even if you are not in a personal position to be able to alleviate that pain and suffering, what's the first thing you do? Go to them. You show up. Yeah. And you say, I love you.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I care about you. i'm here for you tell me how i can help and this is what i heard from officials on maui at at at every level if the government is like well how do how do we know what they need how do we how do we best help how do we best support you will not know unless you show up and say i I am here for you. Tell me what you need. Tell me how we can support you. And if the answer is, I don't know, you are there for them. And that's what matters. If you care, no one should have to tell you to do this.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Because it's human instinct. How long did it take them to come down and finally? I mean, I heard from people there that it was like day 10 or 11 that the mayor showed up. That's a long time. That's a long time. Right? The mayor, you live there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:52 It's a small island. Yeah. It's insane. It is inexcusable. There's no. He must have just been panicking. Well, you'd have to think. I mean, you're the governor.
Starting point is 00:30:02 You leave. The first thing you're going to do, you know a hurricane's coming. Get your emergency team ready. Right? Why wasn't the emergency team ready to go? Well, you know, the county, the head of emergency response for Maui County was on Oahu at a FEMA conference when this happened. At a happy hour, you know. Why didn't he, like, we all know you can get on a plane within 30 minutes to fly from Honolulu to Kahului and be there within an hour, hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:30:30 He didn't show up there until the one or two days after. And when the mayor was asked, Mr. Mayor, this was a couple of weeks after, a reporter said, who was directing the response? Your emergency management guy was not there. Who was the person making decisions in the hours after the wildfire? The mayor said, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And what about the guy sounding the alarm? Now he resigns. Does that mean he's not going to be criminally charged for criminal negligence? I mean, you're talking a thousand people he the guy who was on oahu when the when the fires happened he didn't show his face in public to the media or to the or to the community until eight or nine days after the
Starting point is 00:31:19 crisis the guy who should have been talking to the media every single day in the hours and days after he didn't show his face in public until day eight or nine. And that was when he said that he didn't regret sounding the alarm system, which is a whole other like his response made no sense whatsoever. And then he resigned the day after. I don't. What is the controversy about the alarm system? So that was the question was like Hawaii has a state of the art alarm system. We are the most remote island chain in the world and as a result natural disasters is kind of a
Starting point is 00:31:50 part of life tsunamis or hurricanes that's what made it big flooding or whatever the case may be we have the best there was they were not sounded because of these fires and that was the number one question why wouldn't you sound the alarm? We had to wait until eight or nine days after when he came out to this press conference. And he was asked, do you regret not sounding the alarms? Because they weren't broken. They worked. And he said, I don't regret it. And the reason is because, he says, we have been trained as people, when we hear the alarm alarm we believe that a tsunami is coming and we have been trained to know that if a tsunami is coming crazy you head towards the hills you head away from the ocean and towards the mountains that is such bullshit somebody told them that line that's the best line you can come with bj you know this because we all get the alarms on our phones yeah say hey there was a there was an earthquake near Japan. Tsunami may come to Hawaii in three days or four days.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Be aware. And we got all of our geologists and all these people. They're tracking this. Like a tsunami doesn't pop up out of nowhere. That's something that we have. So if that alarm sounds and we haven't gotten that notice, there's something else. And we would know like this, there's something else. There was smoke.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Couldn't they send an alarm to your phones and said there's a fire? Yes. Yes. You know, I don't know if he was. Yeah. So what happened with the water? There was also some controversy about the water not being utilized. I think the power went down and then the water pumps went down.
Starting point is 00:33:27 So the power did go out for a little while. According to the electric company, the power was restored and was not connected to the water release. But I mean, the short answer to the long history of water battles in Maui County is going back to the plantation days when corporations essentially took ownership of the water. So the native Hawaiian system of the ahupua'a is you have the mountains, rainfall comes, streams. You have this natural ecosystem of waterways that go from the top of the mountains
Starting point is 00:34:06 out to the ocean. And Hawaii's agriculture systems and wetlands and fish ponds, everything was built around that. These corporations came in, took over, and literally took ownership of the water on Maui in many, not all of it, but most of it, and started diverting those streams so that the water fed directly into their lands, plantations, and then ag land, and then now very wealthy landowners, golf courses, resorts, etc. But the effect of that was places like Lahaina that was traditionally a wetland. It was called the Venice of Maui. It was lush. There were fish ponds and farms and all of this stuff. Because of that water diversion, it's like a desert there now,
Starting point is 00:34:54 which is why these wildfires keep happening. And traditional farming communities and native Hawaiian lands were bled dry because the water was diverted to private corporations. So fast forward to how did that impact the fires? Sorry, what year did that happen? Around? I mean, this was... 1800s, 1850s. Yeah, yeah. This was, yeah. The big five, the Hui Nui, the big five you're talking about. Yeah, exactly. The big five plantation owners that came in. But the problem has compounded generation after generation after generation. And so firefighters didn't have access to water when they needed it to effectively try to fight these fires.
Starting point is 00:35:40 There was a hurricane winds. And so obviously it grew and spread like a blowtorch across the town of Lahaina. But even in the other, you know, in upcountry Maui and Kula, when I went up and talked to some of the residents up there who also saw, I don't know, it was like almost 600 acres that were burned through. homes were burned down and they were trying to help each other. Neighbors are trying to help each other because you see, okay, hey, there's fire starting. Let's all get our hoses and turn on the water and try to do what we can until the firefighters get here. They turned on their hoses and it was just like dribbles, dribbles of water. And so literally they're going in like scooping water out of their toilet bowls and like, oh gosh, there's a little bit of water like from the last time it rained stuck in like our kids bucket. Like literally getting water from wherever, bottles of water trying to fight fires in their community to save people's homes.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Watching and watching people dying while that's happening. Watching children burn. I was talking to my friend. He was a big part of my campaign. The last campaign he said, hey BJ, children, animals burning. You're trying to fight it with water that you don't have. I mean, just so many coincidences, right? There was a request that was put in to the state to divert the water so that it could be used to fight the fires. And there was some kind of like six or eight hour delay before that decision was made.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And I don't know the answer yet as to what that delay was. But the fact that the people of Maui don't have control over their own water is exactly the problem, both in this crisis, but on a daily basis where families are told, hey, you know, countywide, there's a drought right now. Everybody needs to conserve water. You know, you've got to be limited with don't wash your car and all this other stuff. But meanwhile, they go and drive through one of these resorts and they see all the sprinklers on for the golf courses and they see no restrictions whatsoever in the hotels. And it's no wonder why people there are like, what the heck is going on here? You guys really only care about these resorts, but you don't actually care about the fact that a mother can't bathe her child because of the water restrictions. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:38:14 It is. It is literally the definition of insane. It's always been like this. It's always been like this. These battles have been. And the golf course sends their fertilizers into the water, then affecting the fish like Kona and different things. It's always been this. And so this is the thing is like, so how do we solve this?
Starting point is 00:38:36 I mean, this has been a generations long battle for the right to water, which is the one thing that every living thing needs to survive. Water. And the people there are fighting for that right to their own water. And this is big. This is big on the Big Island, on the whole Hamakua Coast. There are senators, state senators and everything, every day diverting these streams. They're pretty good size. We call them rivers, but I think the technical name, they're streams, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:13 because I don't think there's too many rivers like Mississippi or nothing. That's a river. But we got maybe just on that Hamakua Coast, we got 70 rivers. It's 50 miles, and they just keep diverting them on the top. But even more eye-catching is when you're driving down the road, Hamakua Coast, the most beautiful green place in the world with 70 rivers. I live right on there on Hamakua Coast and you can't jump in the car without asking yourself, how many trees, how many worthless, crappy trees can I count before I count one tree with food?
Starting point is 00:39:47 Not one tree with food. And you can only sit there and think, that's not an accident. That's not an accident that there's no food anywhere on this 50 miles that you would have to walk back to Hilo or walk all the way to Honoka City or Honoka Town to go get some food. all the way to Honoka City or Honoka Town to go get some food. And, you know, it's a law, actually, in Hawaii that you cannot put any trees with fruit on it anywhere. And it just makes you wonder. It just makes you wonder that. What's the law?
Starting point is 00:40:19 You can't put trees with fruit on public lands. I didn't know that. No, but that's everywhere. But look over here. Look at all the trees you see. Why isn't there food? Because they rather push stuff like social classes, stuff like the EBT card and these different things. Why is there no food in any of the trees?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Just think about it in your head. and these different things. Why is there no food in any of the trees? Just think about it in your head. Take a drive down the road and say, today I'm going to count how many trees I count before I see one tree with food. Will you see one tree with food? You know, and that's what I've been talking about.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I mean, I talk about that all the time. And it's, you know, it's to push these things. It's almost like they start eradicating all the pigs, eradicating the cows. Because you see them. You see the wild cows, the wild pigs all the time on the big island. And they start eradicating those things. And it's almost like, I'd hate to think that they were, it's like they want us to compete only for the food that comes in on the boat.
Starting point is 00:41:20 That's the only food they want, like the Hunger Games. You guys, all 1.5 million of you are going to compete for the food on the boat well the wild pig thing is interesting because the wild pig thing is big in texas too and it's really just about eradicating them because they destroy all the all the farmlands like they they destroy the crops and they they make so many babies like pigs have pigs start their first litter at six months and then they'll have you know as many as like 12 babies in a litter and they'll have three litters a year and they just bang bang bang bang bang bang and then they just start destroying
Starting point is 00:41:57 crops it's like the same thing that i said when i was in molokai when we were when we were campaigning and i said they say that you guys have a deer problem. But how is unlimited food a problem? I want to know. How is unlimited food a problem? And I understand you got to fence off or you do your different things or maybe they can corral all these animals and do different things with them. But we have to start thinking of ways.
Starting point is 00:42:23 They talk about sustainability. But the way they talk about sustainability, they want to do it with electric cities. They want to make these electric cities. They just passed it in Hilo. And they said Hilo was one of the lucky people to pass one of these United Nations electric cities in Hilo. But it makes me wonder, to the mayor who let it go, Mr. Roth, who I actually know personally, but what, you know, are you the mayor of the UN or are we going to make our Hilo cities over here? I mean, you hear all the time, in 1800, it took all the way to 1800 to get 1 billion
Starting point is 00:43:00 people. And in 1800, we started using coal and oil and fossil fuels. And then we jumped to 200 people within that time. So we jumped seven billion within the time of 200 years, right? So you'd have to just think, well, if Ige signed a bill that we can't burn coal anymore in Hawaii, and oil, we're still using gasoline, but they want to push these electric cities now with electric cars and all these things. But you would just have to think, if oil and coal made this much people,
Starting point is 00:43:39 what's this going to do? Because we're not going to have enough electricity. Or, you know, we're not there yet now. Well, it's not just that. But is it? What they're doing in Oregon. You know what they're doing in Oregon? They're making people.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I think it's one other state, too. They're going to have these GPS devices. They attach to your electric car. So it taxes you for the amount of electricity that you use. Oh, my gosh. So for every mile that you go, you have to pay a certain carbon tax because electricity is being generated by something that generates carbon. Yeah, like oil. So the idea that this is supposed to be carbon-free is fucking stupid because you have oftentimes
Starting point is 00:44:17 coal-powered electric plants that are firing up extra because so many people need electricity for their electric cars. So you're putting more particulates in the air. You're putting more carbon in the air. It's bananas. Isn't that why they say you should buy an electric car? To put less carbon in the air? And now they're going to tax you for it?
Starting point is 00:44:37 The whole thing is so crazy. Like you certainly do while you're driving. While you're driving, you personally, while you're driving, if you drive an electric car, you're not polluting. But what did it take to make that car? What did it take to get that car here if you bought it from another country? I mean, just the amount that one of those giant ships that moves cars over from Germany. Do you know how much fucking fuel those things burn?
Starting point is 00:45:01 It's insanity. It's insanity. Oh, and you get here, look, we're green're green bitch you aren't green what what made that thing what if you got one from China what made that thing yeah yeah it's it's crazy it's great I mean and how are the how are all of these people gonna stay warm what about their air conditioner I mean do we have enough energy for these people? But you'll be trapped. You'll be trapped. So if we had oil and coal to bring us this far, does that mean we're just
Starting point is 00:45:31 going to have to go this far now as far as the population? Well, there's also this talk of 15 mile cities, right? Tell me about those. I don't know much about them. The idea is you'll essentially be contained. That's what this city is. You'll essentially be contained unless you get permission to leave. That's true.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Really? How are they going to put us in there? The idea, they're starting to roll out in Europe. They're talking about, I think they've already implemented this somewhere. Well, you would think, well, I'm just thinking about Lahaina
Starting point is 00:45:58 when you're talking about this because you would think, well, how are they going to put us on that land of these 15-minute cities? But then you would think, well, how are they going to get us off our land of these 15-minute cities? But then you would think, well, how are they going to get us off our land? But they just have. In Lahaina, they just got these people off their land.
Starting point is 00:46:10 And if you go— Well, they're talking about it. They haven't done it yet. No, no, no. I mean, they cannot go on their land now because there's an 80-year-old fella, and his house burned down, and his safe is in there, and he wants to go check on his safe, but he can't get in. He can't get in the property.
Starting point is 00:46:27 And, you know, we're assuming eventually he can get in. Right. They haven't kicked the people off their land. If FEMA doesn't steal his safe first or whoever is working or any workers and that kind of stuff, if everything doesn't disappear. Right. But it's just interesting. You would think you would be able to go there and say, no, get off your trespassing. I'm going to go on my land. You would think, how can it be any different? How can it be
Starting point is 00:46:52 any different? It's impossible for these people to be keeping them off their land. It's not a thing that you negotiate about. It's not this or that. No, that's your land. Get off trespassing. Trespassers will be shot or whatever it is. I mean, I understand not wanting tourists to go view it.
Starting point is 00:47:08 But if you can show identification, this is my land. They should let you right through. 100%. Especially so far after. Your safe is there. You're an 80-year-old man. You just want to see if your money's there. I know an initial concern was the toxicity of what happened there.
Starting point is 00:47:27 But the reality is with all of the recovery teams that have been going through there, all the federal officials, like all of the government visitors that have gone there, there is no excuse why they can't tell this 80-year-old guy, hey, here's a mask that will protect you from breathing in all this crap go to your land it is funny because as kids we played in asbestos our whole lives we've cleaned it up thousands of times put it in trash bags it jumped it was on the ceilings before when we were kids that white stuff and now nobody i haven't heard of anybody with asbestos i mean i could be wrong i just don't know who it is. People got cancer from it, for sure. Yeah, it's very, very cancer-causing. Very good.
Starting point is 00:48:11 We literally used to play in that stuff. Yeah, well, they used to. Whack it off the roof and all that. But that's not good. And we're still here. Well, listen, there was lead paint in people's houses. They had to remove that, too, because it was lowering kids' IQs. What are those 15-minute cities?
Starting point is 00:48:27 Yeah, I'm curious about that. What are the plans for these fucking things? I've heard of it, but as I look it up, there's an article from Canada that says it's a little bit of a conspiracy theory. Canada's a conspiracy theory. Canada's literally a functioning conspiracy theory. It's just a concept to bring things within 15 people's houses. Right, but isn't there something going on in 15 minute city that they tried in the UK
Starting point is 00:48:47 isn't there something along those lines just google that 15 minute city in the UK just google that 15 minute city in the UK 15 minute city I know it's going to come up but I don't know what I'm looking for is what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:49:03 electric city or something, right? I mean, they've talked about walkable communities for a long time. 15-minute hysteria. That's from March. Rather benign urban planning concept. Yeah. English city of Oxford. Click that.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Yeah. Okay. An academic behind the hit urban. The hit. It's a hit, guys. It's like fucking Saturday Night Fever. It's a hit. The hit urban planning concept slammed flat earthers spreading fake news about livable cities. Oh, yeah, you're a flat earther if you don't want to be trapped in a 15-minute city. Where's Kelly Slater when you need him? So scroll down here. Is Kelly Slater when you need him? So scroll down here. Is Kelly Slater a flat earther? He jokes around.
Starting point is 00:49:48 He just torches people all the time. So a rather benign urban planning concept is shaking up the English city of Oxford, sending thousands of people into the streets to protest what they say is a dystopian plan. Take away their personal freedoms and lock them into their neighborhoods. The concept of the 15-minute city, popularized by the Franco-Colombian academic Carlos Moreno, aims to make cities more livable by ensuring that all essential services, things like schools, medical care, and shops, are within the distance of a short walk or bicycle ride. Broadly, the idea is to cut down on long commutes and car emissions and improve people's quality
Starting point is 00:50:23 of life, ensuring they have access to quality services where they live. That's not the way it's being seen in Oxford. News of the city council adopted a plan to embrace the 15 minute city model, prompted fierce backlash with local groups and public figures alleging that authorities plan to restrict residents to their immediate neighborhoods and strictly police their movements, which will happen eventually. neighborhoods and strictly police their movements, which will happen eventually. The idea that this that won't happen eventually, particularly in the case of a pandemic or something where they can control people, that this is not a this is not a fucking conspiracy
Starting point is 00:50:56 theory. The outrage has been fanned by popular right wing media figures and politicians who seized on the issue as an outrageous example of government overreach. who seized on the issue as an outrageous example of government overreach. If they do limit people to those places, that is exactly what people are terrified of. If they embrace this concept and create this model, and then somehow or another mandate that you stay inside that. That's fucking terrifying. Which in the age of the COVID lockdowns is not out.
Starting point is 00:51:23 There's no surprise that people are. Well, you just spy the guys calling the people that are talking about it flat earthers. Hey, buddy. No, they're not. It's a spoiler alert. Yeah. It's interesting. It makes you think.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Yeah. It does make you think. Now, look, if you wanted to make sure that people have all their goods and services very close to them so they could walk to, that's a great idea. But the concept of somehow or another gating that or stopping people from going out or having checkpoints, that's what gets people concerned. And they should be. And cameras. You would think the whole thing's got to be camera. They should be.
Starting point is 00:52:01 The whole thing's got to be camera. They should be. I mean, look what we went through with the flights in this country where, you know, you had to have a vaccine to even fly into this country as recently as very recently ago. I mean, is it still the case? Do you still have to be vaccinated to fly in? I don't think so. My friends just came from Australia and they said you do. And it's going to start back up, right?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Aren't they doing the next pandemic? They're talking about masks again. The White House press secretary lady, she was're talking about masks again. The White House press secretary lady, she was just talking about the vaccines. The vaccines work. Have a seat. Have a seat. They work how? Did you see the Cleveland Clinic study
Starting point is 00:52:33 that shows that the more vaccinated you are, the more likely you are to get COVID? It means that as of 12.01 a.m. on May 12, 2023, non-citizen, non-immigrant air passengers no longer need to show proof. Holy shit. So my friend, well, maybe they made you have proof
Starting point is 00:52:50 in Australia to leave. I don't know. Maybe it's an Australian thing. Does that mean non-citizen, non-immigrant? It was, because if you come across the border, they just let you come in. Yeah, yeah. If you come across the border.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I got you. Or if you're on some kind of special visa. But if all you have is a backpack and you're here legally, you don't have to be vaccinated. That's an Oregon thing, by the way. American National. Volunteer program. Which Oregon thing? The Oregon GPS thing for EV vehicles.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, but the idea is to tax people. It's to tax them. Well, because according to this, it's a way to supplement the people who are being taxed at the gas pump versus people who are not being taxed when they pump their EV cars. Yeah, but you're still taxed. I wonder who would volunteer to pay a fuel tax. No one's going to volunteer. But the idea is they're setting up this eventual precedent where you're going to get taxed on the carbon that you use, period. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:41 So you'll have some sort of an app, and we have to really fight against this. You're going to have an app that shows your carbon footprint. Now, what's really ironic is when you have guys like Bill Gates, who owns four private jets. Yeah. Just one of those jets in one day spews out more carbon than your car does in the whole fucking life you use. And this guy is flying all over the place telling everybody that they're gonna have to eat fake meat that's like the ultimate elitism when you look at people like Bill Gates you look at people like John Kerry yeah who justify their own contradiction I know exactly
Starting point is 00:54:18 when he got busted in the light yeah did you see that video to get busted for well because he was saying that I've never had a private jet. I don't own a private jet. Have you seen that? Have you seen this? You have to see this. Jamie, pull that video up because it's hilarious. He's just flat out lying.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Absolutely lying. And they think we're so stupid that we're going to just buy their bold-faced lies. Yeah. I personally... My wife. I don't know why you're having to go to my white boat. I don't know why you're having to go to my white boat. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. Ja, det er en avsnitt av det. This is not the important part. The important part, Jamie, is before this. Pause it.
Starting point is 00:56:19 The important part is before this. What does he say? Where he's saying, I never owned a private jet. I don't know. You guys got to stop saying that. Yeah. See if you can find that. He was very strong in his.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Because that's the more interesting part. It's all special interest. Everything. Right? I mean, the more you can find it. Self-interest, right? I mean, it is ultimately. It's about self-interest.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Yeah. When he says that, it's before he talks to this gentleman. So it's hilarious. It's hilarious because he just flat out lies and then he gets busted. Yeah. Oh, my wife owned a jet. Oh, that person. Oh, that lady.
Starting point is 00:56:58 So how do you come up against these guys? Because that's the kind of people that are running for president and the kind of people that are running for governors or any kind of people that are the vice president president right yeah i mean how do you battle these guys because you're a local girl just like grew up like me and that's you know that's the kind of people we're up against you know it's true i mean the challenge is that it's not only them and their propaganda that they're spewing is they have their tentacles and their propaganda arms out through the mainstream media and through, you know, some some massive monopoly big tech corporations. truth. They're starting to see through these politicians' lies and are actively looking for leaders who actually care about the people rather than these political leaders and bureaucrats and others who are making their decisions based on keeping power, growing power, or taking care of
Starting point is 00:58:01 themselves, family members, or their pocketbook, their own selfish interest. Imagine where we would be right now if Elon didn't buy Twitter. Oh, gosh. Yeah. Thank God. None of that stuff would, none of the Twitter files would have been exposed. No. We would not have known. And he just made a tweet yesterday about Facebook. See if you can find the Facebook tweet where he's talking about Facebook censoring people for ad revenue and limiting their posts, even if what they're saying is true, which is where it gets really creepy.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Because it's one of the things that happened with Tucker Carlson. They demoted his video so it was seen by approximately 50% less people. They limited the reach. And what he was saying was absolutely true. Nothing he was saying is inaccurate. And they got a note from the federal government, you need to do something about this, to take it down. They said, we can't take it down because it's true. They said, well, you need to demote it.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Here it is. The Facebook caved to far-left pressure groups and now allows them to silently dictate policy in exchange for ad money. them to silently dictate policy in exchange for ad money. I think that the big news that people should take away from what you just said, Joe, is the excuse that these corporations always give is like, hey, we're private companies, we can do whatever we want. But the fact that we are now seeing more and more evidence that they are censoring people at the direction of people in the White House and people in the federal government or the FBI or other law enforcement agencies is the most chilling violation of our First Amendment rights.
Starting point is 00:59:31 So this says that the advertising boycott battering Facebook is unlike anything the social media giant has faced in 16-year history. Three days in, 800 companies worldwide have pulled millions of dollars in advertising from the social network, with brands from Coca-Cola to Ford to global conglomerate Unilever, demanding that Facebook monitor hate speech more aggressively. With pullouts mounting the company's name constantly tied to racism and hate in the news coverage, CEO Mark Zuckerberg responded by live streaming part of an employee meeting, one of the few things he's done in that company's history.
Starting point is 01:00:09 One of the few times he's done that, rather, in that company's history. Then on Wednesday, Facebook's powerhouse policy and communications chief, former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, issued an open letter titled, Facebook does not benefit from hate, touting its efforts to police its content. The boycott at Merge is a crucial test for a company that has become a key player in American politics simply because of what it hosts and promotes on its site, which until recently had been vocally doubling down its commitment to keeping an open platform for user speech. The thing about this stop hate speech, how much of that hate speech is really even people?
Starting point is 01:00:43 How much of that hate speech is really even people? How much of that hate speech is troll farms? 19 of the top 20 Christian sites on Facebook were found to be run by Russian troll farms. How much of this hate speech is led even by our own government? How much of this hate speech is fake and they use it so they can crack down on all kinds of speech exactly and i think that's i think that's the thing right there is whether uh they use the term hate speech or misinformation or disinformation these have become labels that they slap on people on our accounts i i right now on instagram now for the last few months, they've been shadow banning me under the guise of disinformation. How do you know you've been shadow banned?
Starting point is 01:01:30 Because when people screenshot what they see, when they try to follow my account or when they try to at mention me in a repost, they get this warning screen that comes up from Meta or from Instagram that says, are you sure you want to follow this person who has repeatedly been found to be spreading disinformation? And I've gone through the things and looked at some of the examples of what Instagram has deemed to be disinformation. Here it is right here. Exactly. The account has been repeatedly posted false information that was reviewed by independent. These fact checkers are independent, by the way. Of course.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Independent fact checkers or went against our community guidelines. Do you want to mention this account when you try to tag Tulsi Gabbard? For the account holder, for me, they don't allow any means to appeal or provide counter evidence to these fact checkers. Do they at least provide you what the posts are? In the one example I'm thinking of is one where I cited the UN article, and it was an actual article reporting the UN statement essentially legitimizing pedophilia, saying that sex with minors shouldn't be demonized. And I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact article.
Starting point is 01:02:44 But that was the statement. And I posted a shot of the headline and the article, which was clearly cited. And the independent, quote-unquote, independent fact-checkers said that I have misinterpreted the article. And therefore, that was spreading disinformation. Can we see what that actual article says what does the actual article say let me see if i can find it jamie can probably find it the it was a un it was a un uh statement or policy that was was passed were they trying to use the term minor attracted people i don't know that they use that term but they they... Isn't that insane? Isn't that insane?
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah. That one's insane. It is insane. That's like saying a murderer is a murder-attracted person. Yeah. Someone attracted to killing people. The criminals do more than us to take care of the pedophiles,
Starting point is 01:03:35 and it's sad. Right. Once again, Jim. Criminal, yeah. They do more than us. We do nothing. I don't know what I'm looking for again. I have something,
Starting point is 01:03:42 but I don't know. I would look for, like, United Nations sex with minors this is from a few months ago oh yeah that they legalized it I mean they're not in the business of legalizing things
Starting point is 01:03:57 but they're in the business of advocating for policy changes and so the idea was on their side was what to stop demonizing people that are attracted to minors? Right. That it should not be... How scary is that? And every one of their policies
Starting point is 01:04:13 is the kind of stuff that somebody like Governor Green follows. He follows, I mean, from what I've seen... But that's insane. That's insane. All the politicians, they push... It's like, that's how you get to the next level. You want to be the best. You know? That's insane. All the politicians, they push. It's like that's how you get to the next level. Like you were talking, you want to be the best.
Starting point is 01:04:29 You want to get to the next level. Right. Do what the UN is saying to do. That's where all the money is. The AP claim says. Claim, a new United Nations report calls for decriminalizing sexual activity between adults and minors. AP's assessment, false. Report published in March by the International Commission of Jurists in collaboration with the UN's AIDS Agency called for enforcing minimum age of consent
Starting point is 01:04:49 laws in a non-discriminatory manner. It did not call for decriminalizing all sexual activity between minors and adults. Spokesperson for the UN and the commission confirmed the facts. The claim began with an April 14 blog post entitled UN report calls for decriminalization of all sexual activity, including between adults and children, which cited specific passages of a document issued by the International Commission of Jurists in March. The claim quickly circulated across social media platforms, including on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. Is that it? Does it show the actual what actually the UN said? No, that's all it shows on this website. Oh, well, that's not enough.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Which I think it's interesting. I mean, I'm seeing a whole lot of parsing of words there. The bridge between it. But I would like to know what they did say that would even allow people to believe that they said that. That seems just insane as it is. The problem with Googling this. I know. So I have to dig through all sorts of websites that are already in the bucket and find out where you found it.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Yeah, you got to go duck, duck, go. Try this in duck, duck, go. Well, it won't be curated, Jamie. And that's what's important. When you get to things that are curated, it gets me uncomfortable. The very first things that come up are the same thing. Yes. Well, that's good.
Starting point is 01:06:11 That means it's probably not true. Let's find out if it is true. Fact check. Post misrepresents. What is – okay. So scroll down to that one. New UN report advocates for decriminalizing sex with minors. So this is one of those websites.
Starting point is 01:06:26 This is from April 16th. Okay. What does it say? Principle 16 titled Consensual Sexual Conduct reads, consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression of the people of sexual activity, the sex gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression of the people involved or their marital status may not be criminalized in any circumstances. Consensual same-sex as well as consensual different sex, sexual relations, or consensual sex relations with or between trans, non-binary, or other gender diverse people or outside marriage, whether premarital or extramarital, may therefore never be criminalized. With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex, gender of the participants or age of consent to
Starting point is 01:07:26 marriage. Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual, in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacities of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Progressive autonomy persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them with due regard to their age maturity and best interests and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees. Now that to me could be interpreted as like you say that 16 year old people should be allowed to have sex with other 16 year old people. Which doesn't necessarily you know what I'm saying? They're not saying older people are allowed to have sex with younger people. Why not 10 years old?
Starting point is 01:08:43 According to this statement, why wouldn't that apply to someone who's 10 years old, or however old old or however old saying well hey it was consensual does a 10 year old have the ability to make that decision says the laws should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. But the thing is, it's saying people under 18 engaging in sexual conduct. It doesn't say them engaging in sexual conduct with people older than that. If it did, then I would say, yeah, you're legalizing pedophilia. But what I think you're doing is you're allowing people under 18 to have sex, which they're going to do anyway.
Starting point is 01:09:29 I guess here's the issue with this statement and why I raised it as a concern is it does not, I mean, it doesn't say, well, okay, as long as you have two kids under the age of 18, but above the age of whatever, 10 or 12, or, you know, is the consensual. It's so vague as to say, well, why shouldn't a 12-year-old have that capacity to make their own autonomous decisions about consensual sex, whether it's with a 17-year-old or a 20-year-old or a 40-year-old or a 60-year-old? It says it shall not be criminalized. So it could open the door for someone interpreting that and saying that sex with someone under 18 years of age isn't criminal anymore. And it's, and this is the problem here is it speaks to i mean we've seen over and over again well you know from pedophiles well hey she wanted it or she agreed to it or whatever you know or
Starting point is 01:10:32 or vice versa you know teachers who are sexually abusing kids in their grade schools middle schools or whatever saying well it was consensual for a teacher to have sex with their 13 year old student right but when you posted this what did you what what i gotta find it i gotta see if you could find what you posted yeah it's weird to make a law like that like what are you saying you're you're saying that young kids can have sex legally is that what you're saying like i don't know what you're saying there because it like if they're saying that know, it shouldn't be a crime for 17-year-olds to have sex with each other. Okay. I agree with that.
Starting point is 01:11:13 But if you're saying other people can have sex with them, like, I think 18 is a good number. 18 is a good number. It's a good legal, especially for men. It's a good legal cutoff number. When you start, if they're saying that you should be able to have sex with people who are minors, I would imagine it would be like way more laid out than that. Which is basically what they're saying is that the capacity for anyone under the age of 18. To make their own decisions. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:50 To provide consent. And that's where it just like, you know, you get into the whole power dynamic again of teachers and students or boss, you know, I mean, not actually not bosses, but people who are in positions of authority or power. How, you know, okay, yeah yeah how does a 10 year old or a 12 year old have the capacity to make that decision for themselves yeah or to see through
Starting point is 01:12:13 this person who is an authority figure in their lives who has somehow manipulated their minds to convince them that this is the right thing or this is the best thing or whatever and and that statement um about not not allowing that to be criminalized and not recognizing uh the parents the need to protect children yeah the need to protect children and and then you look at that statement within the context of what's happening across our country and the world, where our kids are being sexualized in like kindergarten, first the normalization of minor attracted people, of of people in positions of authority. people should be allowed to serve as teachers in our schools where they're in a position to, I mean, they are supposed to protect our kids in that position. And yet these minor, self-identified minor attracted people are in a position where they can very easily abuse that trust that parents place in them and act on their sick desire.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Are there any examples of minor identified people identifying themselves as minor attracted people teaching kids? Yes. I mean, I've seen TikTok videos of these people. someone took with their iPhone video of like a, I don't know if it was a, a school meeting or a teacher meeting or whatever of someone from the school saying, Hey, you shouldn't be, you shouldn't be discriminating against someone because they're a minor attracted person. What? That's, what?
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah. So someone who was working for the school, like in some sort of a capacity to make decisions was justifying, was justifying having someone having someone who is a legitimate pedophile. Yeah. On staff. And that's, you know, of course, they'll never use that term. That's so crazy that that term is like changing the terms changes what it is. But that's the power of language, though.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Yeah. That's bananas. That is so insane that they would go with that. Because I remember that was going on a few years ago and people rejected it. Someone made the term minor attracted persons and everybody blew up, left and right. And now it's sort of like, it's okay. Yeah. And that's why they call it a spelling, right?
Starting point is 01:14:59 Casting a spell. It kind of is in this case. Did you find out what you actually posted but i i can see taking the right away from the parents i mean just being parents ourselves right taking the right away from parents and it yeah that's everything that's the whole thing here's what i said that's the whole thing in a taxpayer-funded campaign to push quote-unquote woke ideology onto the world, the UN is advocating for the decriminalization of adults having sex with children regardless of the child's age so long as the child quote-unquote consents. At the very least, American taxpayers should not be underwriting the UN
Starting point is 01:15:44 until it stops all promotion of pedophilia and sex trafficking. And I posted a screenshot of an article from the Washington Free Beacon that says headline, U.N. says minors can consent to sex, which is essentially the statement that you read. And then it quotes, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual if, in fact, if not in law, the UN says. Well, that way, if they said it that way, that sounds to me like an adult
Starting point is 01:16:20 having sex with someone who's under 18 and that they can consent to that. That sounds like what that says. Now, why would anybody with all the problems in the world, if you're really worried about climate change, you're really worried about Russia taking over Ukraine, you're really why are you so concerned with young kids being able to consent to sex? Right. That seems insane.
Starting point is 01:16:43 And here's what the here's what one of the- The whole agenda this last- But it's like, are you just trying to destroy people's faith in life? I mean, if I really wanted to go full tinfoil hat, you know, Yuri Bezmenov, like, conspiracy from 1984, where he was describing how the breakdown of American, the demoralization, the breakdown of democracy was engineered by Russia. And that's how you would demoralize people.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Yeah. That's, that's a great way to do it. I mean, it's a, it's sneaky, but it's a great way to do it. And beatings will continue until morale improves. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Always. Well, look how quickly people rolled over during COVID. It's fascinating. It was fascinating to watch how quickly people just trusted wholesale, the pharmaceutical drug companies, the same people that got us into the opioid crisis. Well, you know what I believe it is. And, you know, just from our relationships of living life it's all a lot of it
Starting point is 01:17:47 not it's all i shouldn't i can never say that but a lot of things are of childhood trauma and the different traumas we experience as kids and you know from all kinds of from abandonment issues to neglect to to abuse and all these things. And you got all that inside, and you want to fight with it. I mean, I kind of, I make it, I use the connection that, like the analogy of, like say somebody was hanging out, they were a kid, and somebody went up and did the knockout game to them, and they got knocked out, and they were traumatized from that.
Starting point is 01:18:24 And when people would move their hands, they start to get defensive. And then after a while, they just start swinging first. Well, you know, I had a conversation with Michael Irvin once on a plane, just randomly on a plane. We were flying to Australia. We just happened to be on a flight together. He was going there for a football thing. I was going there for the UFC. And we were talking about he was telling me about studies that they've done on women when uh the child is in the womb and the women experiences violence domestic violence a lot of violence
Starting point is 01:18:51 violence in the community cortisol levels rise and the child coming out is more likely to be violent wow the child coming out of the more likely quick tempered make because you have to it's just like you're you're being programmed that danger is around you all the time, and you've got to be able to snap into it quick. That's what it is. And, you know, you think fighting a thousand fights will help this one problem, but just like jiu-jitsu, you've got to go to the root of the problem. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:20 You know, and whether it was your mother who you got problems, your mother wasn't there and neglected you or your father and different things. And you got to, you know, you got to forgive them because it's and then you realize it's not you don't take anything personal in life. I mean, somebody, you know, pulls a gun on you or different things. And you just got to remember that they're in more pain than you if you survive that night, you know. But that's that's what life is. Everybody is in so much pain. They're're so hurt they have so much fear they're afraid that their husband's going to walk out the door and they're never going to see him again now if you tell that person
Starting point is 01:19:54 if you don't listen to me it's going to be a winter of death and and everybody's in this and that and severe illness yeah and and they. And they're already afraid. They're afraid of the whole world. And that's the people who vote for them. And that's who they get. They reach out to those people. Those are the hurt ones. And, you know, imagine how much pain there is in the world just from childhood trauma. Just life.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Just life trauma. Yeah. I mean, just the anxiety of trying to survive yeah i mean so many people are just hanging on how many how many people have and just barely enough in the bank account to just take a couple of days off work forget about being unemployed yep and it wipes out all of our whole workforce i mean in in hawaii we got to wait for the food to come in on the boat and and if you're working, if it's anywhere near, because the groceries are so expensive, if it's anywhere near the EBT card, why not just jump on the EBT card then? Because, you know, it's a tough situation.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Everybody's hurt. Hawaii's in bad shape in our workforce. It was in bad shape because of COVID already. Yeah. We were talking about this in terms of the funding for any disaster efforts or anything. It was already hurt. Yep. And now they're coming to raise the rest of everybody.
Starting point is 01:21:13 And well, thank God I was talking to the UFC gym this morning and we said, nope, we're not doing anything. We're not doing any of the masks. We're not doing any of the vaccine passports. We're keeping everything open. So that stuff is more unhealthy than, you know, we don't want to push unhealthiness. We need to push healthy. And you got to keep your place open.
Starting point is 01:21:32 You got to, you know, that's what it is. We got to survive. We got to survive. Survival over everything. Well, the thing about survival, just the term survival, they're talking now about doing this with a disease that's not even killing anybody. This new COVID is a cold a cold my kids had it they had it for a day i didn't even get it yeah i didn't do i didn't do anything different i visited my daughter when she
Starting point is 01:21:55 was in bed i kissed her i'm like you're gonna be okay yeah just chill out she was sick for one day i never got it my wife had it kind of she had like a crappy workout day she was tired and she was wrecked and she she went to sleep early i never got it yeah you can't get covered unless you take the test you just got the flu the bottom line is everybody wants to be scared they want to go back to being i've watched so many people on instagram saying i can't wait for the booster to come out in September. I'm ready. I've already had five boosters and
Starting point is 01:22:29 I mask everywhere in public. That doesn't even work. You see the studies on masks. It doesn't work. It doesn't stop spread. CNN confronted Fauci about this. And what did Fauci say? But this is a wild shift for CNN, and I applaud
Starting point is 01:22:46 them for it, because they were confronting him on studies. You're telling people to mask up, but the studies are saying that masks don't work. And he was saying they work on an individual level. What does that even mean? That doesn't mean anything. If it doesn't work on a human being, it doesn't work. If it doesn't work on
Starting point is 01:23:01 populations of human beings, it doesn't work. You're breathing air out of that fucking thing. The particles of these viruses are very small. They're smaller than vape particles. If you've ever seen that one doctor that did this demonstration on YouTube early in the pandemic, this guy
Starting point is 01:23:18 said, this is bullshit. I understand how small these viruses are. Let me show you with something that's much larger, which is vape. So he takes a big hit of the vape and he puts a fucking mask on and blows the fucking the vape smoke right out of the mask. It's like we're playing a game. This is this is like cosplay. Special interest group.
Starting point is 01:23:39 It's just well, and one of the most powerful of all in big pharma. And one of the most powerful of all in big pharma. Every time they announce, oh, there's a new variation and we're working on the new booster and it's going to be ready in six months. And, well, there's going to be a new variation of COVID by then and they're going to work for the next boost that will be ready in another six months. I don't even think they've tested this new one on people. It's got to be big farmer over big pharma. Yeah. We got to get all that food. That's a good line, BJ.
Starting point is 01:24:07 I like that. We got to get all that food. Actual nutrition. Because we're not, I remember watching this thing back when I was training and it said clearly, we are not homo sapiens,
Starting point is 01:24:17 we are bacteria sapiens and we need to eat all that food. I think the best nutritionist was Colonel Sanders when he said, finger licking good. Don't wash your hands. Eat the food. Eat the poi.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Bacteria. I think there's something, the fact that I never get sick, to the fact that I shake so many hands. For real. I used to do shows. I used to do shows. I did the Chicago Theater, two shows. And 3,700 people each show. After the shows, I'd shake hands with as many people as I wanted to take pictures.
Starting point is 01:24:48 I waited for hours. The fucking staff hated it. You've got to stay there. I was shaking thousands of people's hands. I was hugging thousands of people. That's how you get strong. But I wasn't getting sick. Also nutrition, also exercise, also sleep, all those good things.
Starting point is 01:25:04 But on top of that, there's a little bit of something to being exposed to a bunch of different people's biome. And when you're not, like when you're locked in your house, it's actually detrimental to your immune system. On top of it creates anxiety, which is detrimental to your immune system. You're freaking out, social isolation. All the things are bad for your mental health, which is bad for your physical health. All those things are connected. 100% to ignore that is fucking silly. And it's crazy. All the things are bad for your mental health, which is bad for your physical health. All those things are connected. One hundred percent. And to ignore that is fucking silly.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Yeah. And it's crazy. It was so insane to me when during the height of covid, Jen Psaki was still the White House press secretary at that time. And somebody asked her, are you in the White House going to start advocating for people to I don't know if it was exercise and eat healthy or one or the other combination of both? And she couldn't just say yes. Like, of course, people should be trying to be healthy, eat healthy and exercise. All she said was, we are advocating for what our health experts say, and our health experts say take the vaccine. Period.
Starting point is 01:26:07 And imagine that that lady goes from there. Where is she at now? She's got her own show on MSNBC. That is hilarious. That's no different than someone working at the FBI and then getting a job at Pfizer. None. It's the same thing. Now you're on the propaganda wing.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Right. And that's how the propaganda wing is created. And it's no different than a governor signing a bunch of bills to screw us all over and getting to president. It's all the same stuff. While we're talking about that, I want to ask you, Tulsi, what is the legal precedent? What is a governor allowed to do when the governor is saying we might acquire that land and build a monument, which is fucking insane? Is that legal? Is that possible? Has that happened? I don't know that, that it's happened in any other state.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Every state has its own state constitution and its own laws that govern what the governor, what the executive branch of the state is or isn't allowed to do. The concerning thing is that the governor, I think, again, it was about a week after this happened, said, I'm having my attorney general look into the legalities of the state taking ownership of the land. I'm not aware that that an answer has come back on that. Governor Green, after the after people were rightly outraged at his statement, he tried to walk it back and say, OK, well, we're not going to allow big developers to come in and steal the land from the people.
Starting point is 01:27:36 But the fact that the people's sovereign right to have the decision-making power over their own land and their homes has not been expressly stated is why everyone there and why all of us are so concerned. Well, he used to be so concerned that that's his initial statement. Yes. The initial statement is not, how come we can send so much money to Ukraine and we can't send that money to Maui? How come?
Starting point is 01:28:01 Because they want us to see that, to lose faith in what's going on, I believe. They're not hiding it. I just think there's nothing here. I just think what it is, is there's no financial interest for them to send money to Ukraine, or excuse me, to send money to Maui. There's a financial interest because of the defense contractors. The amount of money that's being spent, that's propping up the people that are behind the deep state. And I believe just like you in Hawaii, why don't we have 100 casino boats down Waikiki and NASCAR tracks and another stadium on the Big Island and jobs so our people don't have to move away because nobody has to leave the Big Island.
Starting point is 01:28:38 You can fit 15, 20 million people over there. That place is huge. It's huge. Nobody has to leave. But I believe you know different things you know you got a place like if we had a economy worth like a trillion dollars what would what would a Pearl Harbor have to pay every five years you're talking about real money you're talking about a lot of money
Starting point is 01:28:59 Pohakuloa the military base on the top of the big island that's bigger than the island of Kauai, that one base. And so they're building a residential area right now. But how much would that residential area cost them, you know, if we actually had an economy? We need every dollar we can get. Hawaii is poor. It's a bank of— Completely reliant on people coming in and spending money.
Starting point is 01:29:23 And, yeah, that's all it is. And that didn't happen for two years. But why can't we take that to the next level? 100 casino boats in Waikiki. I mean, everybody with money in their pockets. And because I believe the military industrial complex, they'll have to pay so much just for Pearl Harbor. And it gets scary when they start changing because that was the Pearl River. When they start changing the name from river to harbor, they're doing that in Hilo now with the Waialoa River.
Starting point is 01:29:48 It makes you wonder what's coming next. Has anybody tried to stop casino boats? Has anybody tried to put in casino boats? The debate around whether or not they call Vegas the ninth island. Because a lot of people from Hawaii go to Vegas. They'll go for the weekend. They'll gamble. Then they'll come home.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I don't know the numbers recently, but for a long time, there's been this debate in Hawaii whether or not to legalize gambling in the state. We are one of two states that does not allow legal gambling of any sort. Do you have a lottery? It's Hawaii and Utah. We don't have a lottery. We don't want nothing lottery. We don't have a lottery. Because of these things. And so even, you know, Department of Hawaiian Homelands, there are Native Hawaiian homestead lands. There have been proposals to build casinos on Hawaiian homestead lands, similar to how they have on Indian reservations in other states. And even that has not passed in the state.
Starting point is 01:30:47 states and even that has not passed in the state and again i don't know i don't know there there is something in hawaii where again this is not based on current data but the arguments i've heard in the past is people are like hey we see that there's a lot of negative elements that can go along with casinos we'd rather fly to vegas gamble there and then come back and keep Hawaii, Hawaii. There are two sides to the argument. I get it. But that it's not a universally supported concept, I guess is my point. I guess when do you feel I mean, of course, anything will bring crime, I guess people bring crime. But you know, when you think about Vegas or whatever you, you know, I haven't been there for a little bit. I mean is there the crime and the crime in Vegas had a bit of an uptick during the pandemic but that's like everywhere in
Starting point is 01:31:30 the world people were out of work and also the cops weren't around and there was the because of the George Floyd protests there's a lot of defund the police talk everywhere in the country and you know just like things are just more wild that's calmed down Vegas seems like Vegas now just seems normal like they do a great job and kind of squashing as much crime and violence as they can yeah considering the massive amount of people that fly in look if you're gonna have a casino you're going to have more trouble but you're also gonna have more money yeah so the question is like but you're also going to have more money. Yeah. So the question is like, do you believe that people should have the freedom to gamble?
Starting point is 01:32:09 I do. I don't even gamble at casinos. Me neither. But I believe you should be able to gamble. And Hawaii, when we had the 2008 financial collapse, they were talking about, and they were ready to put it on the ballot to start letting 18-year-olds drink. So, I mean, we're considering letting 18-year-olds drink. You know, we need jobs, though, either way, no matter.
Starting point is 01:32:29 We're not here to talk about the moral issue of all of that, but we need jobs. None of our people have to leave. Hawaii is, I always say it, that Hawaii's biggest export is our people. The tourists come in on the full plane and then the plane leaves empty because we send nothing. Only thing we send is our children to move away to use their labor in another, their labor and their love in another state. And it's hard. I mean, there was a report that just came out that showed Hawaii's highest cost of living in the country and a living wage in Hawaii. living in the country and a living wage in Hawaii in order to just live, uh,
Starting point is 01:33:05 not, not do well or be wealthier. The living wage in Hawaii is around $113,000 a year. Holy shit. 113 grand. We have to take care. I'll tell you people working at the valet stand at, you know,
Starting point is 01:33:20 hotel X in Hawaii. I can pretty much guarantee he's not making $113,000 a year. Or the woman who's going in and cleaning the hotel rooms. As people say, how do people make it? People make it because you've got
Starting point is 01:33:31 three or four generations living under one roof. There you go. And most people working two jobs. And that's why they moved to Las Vegas because they can live by themselves with their wife and their two kids in a four-bedroom house
Starting point is 01:33:41 or are they going to live with their mom? Yeah. That's what they're looking at. Yeah yeah has there been talk about hawaii seceding from the united states well that's always there's always been talking about always there i mean there's there's always been a sovereignty movement in hawaii who point to the overthrow of the queen that they don't have a treaty or whatever in these things. And their effort to return Hawaii back to a sovereign kingdom. It's kind of crazy that it's America
Starting point is 01:34:13 and it's five hours over the ocean in a plane. Right? It is strange. That's so crazy. That's so crazy. Yeah. It is. I mean, wondering, I mean, because I hear it all the time.
Starting point is 01:34:28 There is no treaty. There is no treaty signed and this and that, you know. I mean, it's stuff we hear all our whole lives growing up as a kid. But, you know, right now, I think I just, my heart directed at, we got to do something now. I mean, the property assessment tax, that's, if the guy next to you buys a house for $20 million, now you pay the same tax level as this guy. And if you were just a generational family with all your kids, just look, just like me and her, and we're in the house hanging out, how are we going to pay the taxes for a two? There's no way. So the property taxes are based on the property value.
Starting point is 01:35:07 So if the property value goes up, your taxes go up and it essentially pushes people out. And nobody can withstand this. When we saw this a lot during COVID too is a lot of very wealthy people from the mainland were seizing on the opportunity. Like, hey, if I got to be at home and stuck at home and work from home, I'm going to go do it in Hawaii. And they were throwing down, you know, a house, a single family home, not built recently, not fancy, is on the market for 900 grand. They would throw down like $1.5 million cash to scoop that house up off the market. And this was happening over and over and over again. How does any local family compete with people from the mainland coming in and throwing down
Starting point is 01:35:51 millions of dollars cash? They can't. And that immediately drives everything up. I do admit, though, with all of these problems going on in America and, you know, with President Biden and everything going on, I see a lot of people who aren't Native Hawaiian trying to go over to that Native Hawaiian movement because they're scared and, you know, they're scared themselves about everything that's going on. And, you know, so everybody are kind of keeping them open mind to different things. I mean, I'm sure when all the coronavirus stuff was happening,
Starting point is 01:36:24 so was Texas, so was texas so was florida you know everybody had a more open mind is kind of a more independent uh attitude as moving forward and it's interesting to see that it is interesting what's interesting if there wasn't uh florida and if there wasn't a texas there wasn't places that were open you know when i came here i came here in May of 2020. That's when I was already like, fuck this. I was already like, it was only a couple months in. I was like, what happened in two weeks? Like everything shut down.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Everything's staying shut down. All my friends that were in the restaurant industry were struggling, hardcore. They lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 70% of the restaurants in Los Angeles. And how many small businesses? Now they're coming for the rest And so when that happened I started looking out here in May and I went to a restaurant with my kids and they were like We don't have to wear a mask Like they were sitting down like we needed a restaurant like in two months
Starting point is 01:37:19 They were already like everybody was already freaked out And then we went to the lake and people were playing music and jumping in the water and they were like, we want to live here. Right. That'll do it. That was it. Two months later, I lived here.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Isn't it crazy how Dr. Evil runs New York, California, and Hawaii? Those are like his three main things that he controls. Right? Isn't it amazing? The three best places he controls them. Well, the concern that people have here is that people are going to move here and vote the same way.
Starting point is 01:37:50 And they're going to vote some totalitarian asshole and sort of impose the same sort of laws here. Well, I just think, I mean, their moving is going to be one thing that will help them. But even on the other side, the fact that we don't heal the childhood trauma from the kids. I mean, in ninth grade, fifth grade, ninth grade, you know, through high school, there should be classes, communication classes. How for everybody, how for people to get along and communicate. I mean, one of the main things you see, I mean, just in the relationships that we know, I'm sure, just, you know, blame, resentment and self-pity. And some are so good they could blame you for it and tell you that's why they hate you and that's why they're in the position they're stuck in in life. Yeah. And I believe we have to do something about that.
Starting point is 01:38:32 I don't know if it's a therapy thing. I don't even know if they train the therapists to even work on this stuff. But, you know, this child, you know, they're talking about the voting. Well, the hurt children and all these things that's who's going to follow these people you know that's who they're that's who they reach out to yeah they're definitely not teaching people how to think you know and that's a real problem and they're certainly not teaching people about all the lies that have already been told yeah they're not the idea that you're supposed to trust the government
Starting point is 01:39:02 which consistently lies about almost everything and and now we're supposed to trust the government, which consistently lies about almost everything. And now we're supposed to trust the Zapruder film 12 years late? 12 years late. I mean, right? It makes you wonder. Yeah. Things happen much quicker now, obviously. But it all boils down to when have they not lied?
Starting point is 01:39:20 That's what I want to know. Yeah, that's what it is. What great event has not been somehow or another propagandized? I mean, you'd have to think the elections for Farrell back in the day. Do you trust those? Or like you said, do you trust John Adams and Thomas Jefferson's election? When you were running for governor, what was your experience in terms of bumping heads with these people? of like bumping heads with these people? I think the Republican Party really went against me when I went into the Department of Education
Starting point is 01:39:49 because that's why I was running. I mean, I was running for the children and I was running because if you can print all the money you could possibly ever need, why the hell are you asking us for taxes? You know, type of thing. And, you know, I would say that's when it started um when i went into the education and i and i told the guy i said hey you gotta go you gotta go you walked into the
Starting point is 01:40:14 department of education building right yeah and i said you guys gotta go and i think from that time you know uh whoever the powers that be behind the it's like the women's league of Republicans they run the Republican Party there so I think it's lingo Duke Duke Iona Linda lingo Pat psyche and whoever else they put in the top of that thing and you know people say deep state I don't really use that word people say different things but you know as special interest groups. But you think about it. I'm walking in thinking to try to help people. And, you know, the Republicans own the businesses and the Democrats keep the money coming from Washington. So they're going to love these guys.
Starting point is 01:40:57 They got their little hooey up on the top of a group, you know, that these guys bring all the money. These guys own businesses. So you're really getting shot from both sides. But I think where me and my mother talk a lot about different things, and I think she was just kind of bummed out because they came to her for years, the Republican Party, asking for money, asking for money, asking for money. What did you guys give us when we ran? You know, just an enemy. So what were you trying to do with the education department? Well, to get the masks off the kids, stop all of that stuff, because it was,
Starting point is 01:41:36 I mean, people would say, well, they're not speaking as good and this and that, but we know what that was all about. It was all about making us illiterate. They don't want us to read because then we'll know what's going on, know and that's what if you ask me why would you keep that thing on there but they were also getting of course special interest groups they were getting money 200 an extra yeah but unfortunately a lot of people believed in masks back then they did then there's people that believe in it now they're not they're not like the purveyors of propaganda in a sense that they're not trying to control people they're just terrified people that believe in it now they're not they're not like the purveyors of propaganda in a sense that they're not trying to control people they're just terrified people that are filled with anxiety
Starting point is 01:42:09 that wear masks all the time and think you should too you know and i know people like that i think that's a misery enjoys company thing a little bit of it too yeah you know there's a little bit of it too but it's also there they were under the erroneous and i've had arguments with people about this they don't have many more because now the data's out. But people that were saying that masks work, like, they don't. They don't. They're saying it on CNN now. So you tell me why you think kids should wear masks because that's fucking bananas.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Yeah. If they don't work and they statistically show they don't work, are you just doing this as, like, a theater? Is this a theater to show that you're safe? Is it to make people less anxious? What is it? They were getting a don't work. Are you just doing this as like a theater? Is this a theater to show that you're safe? Is it to make people less anxious? What is it? They were getting a lot more money. The Department of Education in Hawaii was getting a certain amount of more money for this from those emergency funds. The COVID whatever.
Starting point is 01:42:58 They comply. So they would get money that they would spend on what? Good question. Yeah. I wish I knew. I wish I knew. I wish I knew. But, I mean, you look at these different things. University of Hawaii gets their money from, was getting so much money from Governor Ige.
Starting point is 01:43:14 You just look at these different things, and they're all just a different department of the state, whether it's called the University of Hawaii or the Department of Health or, you know, whatever it is down the line. They're just all state departments. When you think about how much fear was fomented around the whole COVID situation, you look at the fear that was fomented around this war in Ukraine, saying if we don't go fight them over here, the Russians are going to come and take over America. When you look at the fear that's fomented around other wars that have been started, you look at the fear that was fomented in the whole post 9-11 era that led
Starting point is 01:43:50 to the Patriot Act and total violation of our civil liberties. In all of these examples, you can see how ultimately what's at the heart of this fomenting of fear by people in power is control. That if they make us afraid as a people, then we will be more accepting of them taking away our civil liberties and our freedoms and extending that long arm of big brother into some of the most personal parts of our lives. And that is the ultimate abuse of power. When you look at the rights and freedoms that are enshrined in the Constitution of Bill of Rights and you see people who have raised their right hand, like I did, both as a soldier and a member of Congress to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, directly taking action intentionally to undermine our rights and liberties in the constitution to increase their power that is that that is what is at the core of the problem that we have in this country right now that our
Starting point is 01:44:51 fundamental ideals values and principles are being undermined by those who've taken an oath to support and protect them in the constitution to advance their own selfish interest and their own power and this is this is not the democrat elite are in charge of the White House and in charge of a lot of the administrative state. We see the politicization of the Department of Justice, of law enforcement agencies, of all of these different entities whose mission it is to serve the people. whose mission it is to serve the people, being politicized and that power being abused to advance personal and political interests by those in power. That is the biggest threat, the immediate threat that we face in this country. That's it. And what do we do now? What does the American public, the concerned American public do to try to stop that?
Starting point is 01:45:53 First and foremost, in this age of cancel culture and censorship, we have to exercise our freedoms. They're trying to take them away. We have to make sure that our voices are heard in whatever platform or situation, whatever that is. We have to exercise our freedoms in order to to stop to to in order to maintain them and even as there are challenges in our election process even though we don't we may not necessarily have the options that we would choose we we have our democracy was set up to ensure that a government of by and for the people if we the people don't participate in that democracy we won't have a government of by and for the people what we need to do is we they're also sorry sorry but we but also what we need to do our election offices they have to do a press
Starting point is 01:46:38 conference themselves and announce this i mean announce the results of the election. Announce the results of the elections. I mean, when I was there, KITV, they did a good interview with me, and then they kept begging me over and over, hey, can we come for the live election night at your house? And I said, no, maybe that's not a good idea. Maybe my brothers might be drinking or something. I don't want any bad press or anything. So they came over and,
Starting point is 01:47:05 no, they didn't come over. We stopped them from coming over, but they kept asking us for an interview. So I sat down and I did the interview with them. And then I got up and my buddy goes, hey, that was a good interview. The next thing, I walk out the door, the next thing they play is an already edited video. Oh, the primary's over. Here it is. We got the winners, Duke and Green. So they'll go on to the final. And I thought, sat there for a little bit, and I thought,
Starting point is 01:47:33 maybe I should have told them to come over, KITV. Then I would just go, hey, this is fake, and slam their camera on the ground or something. But I thought, huh, the news. The news runs the election. These guys run the election. You know, that was the first time I ever thought that. And then I thought, you know, different things because here's the ball. And these guys have criminal or civil and criminal liability.
Starting point is 01:47:56 If they say anything, that's why I wonder why they don't do press conferences. So here they got the ball. Now they pass the ball to somebody who has no civil and criminal liability which is the news right and now the news is holding the ball and they're the ones they're the messenger you know they say kill the messenger different things but they're the messenger they're the guys who's going to tell everybody about it so you never hear from this guy the ball's over on this side and that's what what, I mean, I felt that I saw. And anybody who said, and the news will be going like, no, they got the ball. And look, these people are lying,
Starting point is 01:48:31 saying, or Trump and them are telling more lies about the election voting machines or Lindell or everything. But I don't know who is who in the zoo. We don't know who's a good guy. We don't know who's a bad guy. We know nothing. We don't know too much of our history. You know, it just, it's, life's tough to kind of sift through everything going on. And most people don't have the time. Yeah. And we're all stuck in the rat race. There's so many bills going through every day. And, and I'm kind of, I kind of like to think about political stuff, but I don't got the time to find out every bill getting passed through the city county council. And I grew up with these people and still, you'll see different things. They were trying to pass this bill. What they're going to do is they
Starting point is 01:49:15 clean up the downtown, but they put a lien on the owner of the property. He gets a lien put on his property. So all the commercial people kind of went along with it and everybody were like, hey, we're just going to pass that bill to you. You're going to pass that bill to your employee. And now they're going to put parking stalls out there. Everybody's just going to go to Walmart. Nobody's going to come to Hilo's downtown anymore. Everybody got to kind of wake up, you know, and kind of figure out what's going on a little bit. And so as soon as they were done with Hilo, they didn't get it passed.
Starting point is 01:49:47 My mother had to jump on the downtown improvement agency just to get the council to not bring the bill up again because they kept bringing it up. And all they did was pick up and move to Pohoa to get that bill passed in Pohoa. And then Kau or whatever else they do these things, it's a nonstop, It's an onslaught. It's just constantly going, going.
Starting point is 01:50:08 And you can't be on top of all of it. You can't be on top of none of it because we're busy. Tulsi, there's all this talk about it's fascinating. I'm sure you've seen this, but there's a video that shows like 20 minutes of the Democrats denying the results of the elections. Yes. You've seen it, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:50:24 It's really crazy because it's Hillary Clinton. He's an illegitimate president. He lost the election. The Russians hacked the election. All this crazy stuff. But when Trump says it, then it becomes a serious threat to our democracy. Well, and as we're seeing now,
Starting point is 01:50:42 a prosecutable offense. Yes. In your eyes. To question the election? It's one of the things that he's being charged with. Oh, wow. How much veracity is there to these claims? It seems like at least on some local levels, there's a constant theme of catching something. There's people that are concerned about the voting
Starting point is 01:51:07 machines. There's people concerned about ballot dumping. There's people concerned about mail-in ballots. What is your thoughts on that? There is no doubt there are improvements that need to be made to ensure the integrity of our elections, period, full stop. This is something that I sought to address while I was in Congress with a very, very simple piece of legislation that would have said, or that would have implemented federal funding for each state to require either a paper ballot or a paper record of an electronic vote that's cast. That way, if there are any questions about the integrity of the election or the vote count, you would have the ability to conduct a paper audit of that election. We've seen time and again through these DEF CON hacking conferences
Starting point is 01:52:00 they have in Vegas almost every year, how, you know, children, 12, 13, 14 year old kids go in and they do these demonstrations. Hey, we're going to time you. Can you hack into this voting electronic voting system from whatever state? And these kids are able to hack into these systems within minutes. Kids, what to speak of somebody who may try to do a, you know, a concerted attack and manipulate the outcome of an election. So my bill is very simple. We know these vulnerabilities. States and counties have the, the federal government does not have the authority to administer elections, period. are very different and how they choose to do it so my bill said okay well there is funding that the federal government provides to these counties and states to administer these elections this federal funding should come with a baseline requirement that these elections are auditable by having some form of a paper
Starting point is 01:52:55 record nobody in Congress was interested in passing that legislation of course not even though we had statistics and I believe this was in 2017 where the state Of course not. was the first year that they had implemented, 17 or 19, but they had first implemented having some form of a paper record. And it was the year that they did not get a single question. The State Office of Elections did not get a single question or complaint about the integrity of their elections. And they did it because they saw, oh, gosh, these electronic voting systems are really vulnerable. We need to do something about it. And they took action. The fact that this is not the case across the country is very concerning. It is concerning that you see so many of the Democrat elite dismiss people who merely ask questions about voter fraud. Well, no, no, no, it doesn't occur. When I was in Congress, I shared a house with my sister and her husband there in D.C.
Starting point is 01:54:06 When election time came around, they got a few ballots from the previous owners of the home who had since been deceased. I don't know how many people in the country are getting ballots mailed to them to be filled out at home and returned with the names of people who died. And there's no, you know, there's no verification of that. So there are very clear steps that can and should be taken to increase and improve the integrity of our elections. That, you know, the whole, oh gosh, the ballot stuffing where, you know, they pay people to go out and get ballots filled up, you know, in like older care homes and these other places. You know, there are a lot of questions around that process and ensuring the integrity that need to be addressed. But even if you won, let's say you did win, even though you don't know, say you won.
Starting point is 01:55:03 What forces the news to tell the truth of who won? There's no election law. There's no election law that the news is under. There's no law of anything, right? That they have to say this. They're under no civil or criminal liability to say anything. So even if you win the election, that's why I wonder, you know, when, when, when even Trump or, or Lindell come in and they start talking about the, the mail-in ballots or the voting stuff, is that, how come nobody's talking about the guy who tells everybody who won? We never, our whole lives, we never got to see the phone call that they say they got when, oh, they just called us right now and so and so on. Now even do it before now they even do it like a project
Starting point is 01:55:48 projection style before the county is even done they what they they say who won I mean we got to kill the messenger we we have to make a law that has the press cut if you're gonna announce something if Dana's gonna announce something everybody we've always done press conferences that's what we do that's what people do. They do press conferences and the press comes. But this one, they call the press behind our backs and the press says it. You know, is that an accident?
Starting point is 01:56:15 Or, you know, and the whole time we're looking here, the ball's over here. But what about these guys? Are we never going to look at these guys? I'm waiting for Trump to, you know, say, well, let's go look at these guys for a little bit. You know, we didn't see what happened. And it makes you wonder, why does CNN, Google, like you said, it's been curated, and Fox and all these people, why do, there's nothing that holds them to that they got to tell the truth. What we need is the press conference. So if the guy doesn't tell the truth he's incriminating himself right there he works for the he works for the government i'm sure he has to have signed
Starting point is 01:56:49 some kind of oath some whether civil or criminal liability that he has to tell the truth and then have well that was the case just if that was the case with the news they had to tell the truth like they would be in a lot of trouble like just just imagine just the war in iraq just the weapons of mass destruction, just the Russia collusion scam that they talked about forever, that the people responsible for that are totally being taken seriously in other manners. Yeah. You know.
Starting point is 01:57:16 That is, I mean, it is not when people in the mainstream media talk about, you know, the elections and election fraud and, you know, outside forces coming in and trying to undermine and usurp our elections, they obviously never talk about themselves and how much propaganda they put out to create this facade of a democracy where essentially they work with the power elite in Washington from one party or another. And they basically decide, hey, here's the people that we're okay with voters being exposed to. These are the acceptable people. And here's the people who are unacceptable to the elite. And therefore, we got to destroy them. And this is what I went through when I ran for president in 2020, the Democratic primary,
Starting point is 01:58:01 from the very first day I announced through the entire campaign, it was already decided that I was not a candidate that they found acceptable. We are seeing the very, and so they did everything they could to discredit and smear and, you know, media blackouts and all this. Hillary Clinton was saying you were a Russian asset. Exactly. And no member of the media ever said, oh, really? What evidence do you have of that? Right. They just, they repeated the line over and over and over
Starting point is 01:58:27 again, and it worked. People believed it. And you're seeing the same thing happening now with RFK. They decided, hey, this guy is speaking way too much truth, and so we're going to do everything we possibly can to block voters from hearing him,
Starting point is 01:58:43 and we are going to try to smear and discredit him with lies, so that if they do hear him, they're not going to believe what he says. Yeah. I mean, anything. So many things are, you wonder from the news. So if the news isn't true, what about history? And it's the funniest thing. Me and my friend talking the other day, and we're like, yeah, we came to the agreement that, you know, you walk in, what's the funniest thing me and my friend talking the other day we came to the agreement that you walk in what's the only thing you don't see in the cave when you look at all those
Starting point is 01:59:12 different pictures of UFOs and dinosaurs and stuff you don't see a caveman see what you don't see it's funny it's funny what is out there and what we take as fact and what we, you know. What do you mean by that with the cave people?
Starting point is 01:59:29 No, no. You know how all the different drawings that you see dinosaurs, UFOs. Yeah, yeah. Just the different stuff. They never drew each other? Yeah. Like you never really see, you never see a caveman. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:59:41 I never even thought about that. I don't know enough about it to notice. I guess people just died so quick back then they didn't really well you question everything i mean university of hawaii wants to own the native hawaiians history and and they get so aggressive all the time you know the professors and this and that and i'm like you're just taking money from the state they're just another department like all the others and uh you know it does you know it makes makes makes me wonder the different things. You know, they say from a petroglyph that they made this boat and we came across the ocean and different things.
Starting point is 02:00:14 And, you know, being from Hilo, we are the ones who always get hit from the tsunami. So I'm like, hey, man, how do we get hit from the tsunamis if we knew about the water so well? I mean, it just makes you wonder, you know? I think the thing that is so alarming is that, you know, again, I'm going back to the funding for Ukraine. The fact that there are Democrats and Republicans in Congress who have blocked every attempt of accountability for how that money is being spent, how our money is being spent, says it all. They don't want us to know where that money is going. They don't want us to know how it's being used. They don't want the corruption that continues in Ukraine to be exposed. They
Starting point is 02:00:56 don't want us to know the truth. They just want us to continue to support them writing this with this blank check, essentially, without any justification and tearing people down who just say, hold on a second. How does spending hundreds of billions of dollars of our money help us? How does it help the American people? How does it help our national security interests? It doesn't help us. And it undermines our national security interests because the consequence of this that we are
Starting point is 02:01:24 directly facing because of the Biden administration and the warmongers in Washington is we are now closer to the brink of nuclear war than ever before. How has that made us safer? It hasn't. And 10% for the big guy. Which the fact that no Democrat in Washington, no Democrat in Washington that I've heard, at least I've been watching pretty closely, has stood up and said, well, hold on a second. All of this evidence that's coming out, more and more evidence that's coming out about the corruption of Hunter Biden and President Biden's culpability in that entire mess. No one is saying, hey, we should we should probably look into this. They're dismissing it all and saying, oh, you know, the only thing Joe Biden talked about with Hunter Biden's, you know, Ukrainian Burisma executive counterparts. They talked about the weather. Yeah. I heard a congressman say this, like this like to the media like what are you guys even worried about all he talked about was the weather yeah they flew
Starting point is 02:02:29 every time crane right he flew over to ukraine in 2015 with his son to talk about the weather and then when they came and visited hunter in dc and hunter called his dad and they talked about the weather and isn't there somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 million that they got from that? Yeah, I mean, I think that's what I've heard has been accounted for. But then, you know, you hear all kinds of things like, oh, well, how is it that, you know, Joe Biden's grandchildren have $5 million in their trust account? Like, where does that like who i i don't know but the fact that they're not even that that there's not just an accepted um standard in washington saying well these accusations are being made there is evidence in communications written evidence that couldn't have been
Starting point is 02:03:17 fabricated we as elected representatives of the people, have a responsibility to objectively investigate this and see where it leads. And same in Hawaii, right? Same everywhere. With Bisson and Green and all these guys, that's the same thing. I mean, you think about, there was millions when they were talking with Hunter Biden
Starting point is 02:03:37 and that was before he was a president. Now he's up in the billions. He's up in, I mean, I would have to think, all this money going to Ukraine. It's much easier to make that money disappear than it is to make it disappear in Hawaii. And, you know, they have, what's that saying? Well, just at the best, the government's a money laundering machine. And at the worst, I mean, the devil himself sometimes, you know.
Starting point is 02:04:03 A friend of mine was telling me that her friend is an art dealer. And he told her that art is, I think she said, one of the most used platforms or vehicles for money laundering. And this was said within the context of how is it that Hunter Biden can sell a piece of art for $500,000, a million dollars. So this is what I mean when you, when you look at like, well, okay, so, so how much money are they actually accounting for that's going directly into his bank account or whatever? I think you got to look at the whole picture. Yeah. And you also have to say, who's buying it? Yeah. Who are the people buying it? What are their connections? Right. You know, is it a is it an LLC that's purchasing this from some sort of a offshore account? Like what's going on? Right. Where's that money coming from? Right. Yeah. Right. And the fact that the mainstream media, you know, those two whistleblowers from
Starting point is 02:05:00 the IRS, the IRS investigative agents who came out and said basically they were stopped from doing their job and looking into Hunter Biden by their superiors. The fact that the mainstream media called them so-called whistleblowers, immediately undermining what they were actually doing, putting their entire career and reputation and safety on the line, career and reputation and safety on the line wasn't again straight out the gate if you're not if you're not falling in line with what uh the power elite democrat elite wants you to do and their partners in the media you are immediately discredited and when people what is this here jammy another single unknown single buyer purchased 11 Hunter Biden paintings for $875,000. That buyer has reportedly purchased the majority of a $1.38 million total in sales. He likes art.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Yeah. He's a big fan. He's a big fan. The gallery sets the pricing and handles all sales based on the highest ethical standards of the industry. Well, the industry doesn't have high ethical standards. So it's like if you're the ethical standards of the industry of pimping, you know, you have to have high ethical standards. That's what it said. And does not disclose the name of the buyer to Hunter Biden.
Starting point is 02:06:19 But just what they did with the laptop story. Yeah. The fact that they suppressed it from Facebook. They suppressed it from Twitter. They did all that. And when Zuckerberg was on the podcast and he said the FBI
Starting point is 02:06:28 had contacted them about that, that was a sobering moment. I was like, wait, what? Yeah. And then when the Twitter files come out and then you read that, you know, that in the 51 intelligence,
Starting point is 02:06:39 former intelligence agency guys that had signed off on that, that this was Russian disinformation when they had known it wasn't. That right there, when you talk about interference with our elections, when you look at some of the stuff the media is talking about and you see what happened there weeks before that 2020 election, I think that the whole, that letter came out from the 51 former senior intelligence officials in October, just prior to the November election in 2020, stating this laptop has what is it is like has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation based on nothing. And then you go back and you look at where why was that letter instigated? And then you go back and you there was a CIA staffer,
Starting point is 02:07:47 an active CIA staffer who helped orchestrate that letter within like a 24 hour period of time. And this is all on the record. This is there. This is all Mike Morrell said this to Congress in private testimony that's since been released. But this was instigated because the Biden campaign told him, hey, we need Joe Biden to have a good talking point to use in this next debate against Trump because we know Trump is going to bring up Hunter Biden's laptop. And we need to give Biden a talking point so that he can immediately dismiss the whole topic of the Hunter Biden laptop. so that he can immediately dismiss the whole topic of the Hunter Biden laptop. That letter from the 51 senior former intelligence leaders gave him that talking point.
Starting point is 02:08:34 He used it in that debate. And it's what was used as the excuse to shut down the New York Post and to shut down anyone who tried to publish the contents of that laptop. It's wild. For national security reasons. It's wild. And there's no repercussions. There's no repercussions. But you want to talk about interference in our election. You withheld information from voters that may have, some would say very likely, would have persuaded them to not vote for Joe Biden.
Starting point is 02:08:59 The people on the Democratic side, they are so against Trump that they would happily take that. Yes. And that they don't care. No qualms. It doesn't bother them. Nope. They're like, look, it did what we wanted it to do. Joe Biden got into office.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Right. Better than Trump. It's about them. It's about their power. And that's it. And the true believers are like, yes, better than Trump. Better than Trump. Better than Trump.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Trump's a Russian agent. They'll say all this crazy stuff that they just also heard spit out by the propaganda machine. And the facts don't matter at that point. Are we living in a movie? I heard people talk about the Matrix. What is that spoiler alert, the Matrix or whatever? We're living in a Matrix.
Starting point is 02:09:45 Well, the idea is that this is, well, that's where it gets really complicated. The idea is that we're involved in a simulation, that all life is really just a simulation. And the real problem is when you go do probability theory, and when you talk to, which I don't totally understand, but when they talk about the probability, it's more probable that we're living in a simulation than we're not. And if the simulation can exist, and if likely as technology advances will exist,
Starting point is 02:10:14 it will probably be undiscernible from reality. And the idea of an entire universe that's most likely filled with intelligent life forms that this simulation hasn't been created is smaller than the idea that a simulation doesn't exist Wow but then again you know I'm a moron you talk to me about things like that I'm like I'm just saying words that sound smart but my puny little brain is like wait what what exactly exactly what are you saying so this is not real but it is real but there's real consequences i mean we know that right yes the fire was real the consequence of people's lives is real the the yes the war in ukraine is real the people are dying it's real
Starting point is 02:10:58 you know the the propaganda machine is real east palestine is real yes you know whether whether it's real in a simulation or whether it's real in a simulation or whether it's real in a carbon or there is there is no carbon reality. There is no concrete rock solid reality. Everything is a simulation. I mean, if you really get down to like what atoms are, most of atoms are empty. You know, it's just massive empty space that's very confusing. And then when you get to subatomic particles and exist in different spaces at the exact same time and Somehow another can be both in a superposition where they could be both moving and still like okay What is this thing that we're we're arguing about?
Starting point is 02:11:42 You know and you know how much of this And how much of this is concrete and real? And how much of this is just, you're talking about childhood trauma and people that are fucked up. Most people. Most people are a little fucked up. And they're just swimming through this world of possibilities and anxiety and not knowing what's,
Starting point is 02:12:02 and then you're being lied to by the people that are supposed to be there to take care of you but it's so obvious they're not yeah concerned with taking care of you they're concerned with i mean from the moment they get into the white house they're concerned with re-election they're concerned with i mean this is what happens donate donate donate we need money we got to fight off this and that. Donate to the Democratic Party. I mean, this is, you know, when our founders kind of formed these founding documents of the United States of America, their vision was, you know, having come from the past of, you know, the Queen of England and these authoritarian leaders. You know, the Queen of England and these authoritarian leaders, they expressly intended to keep government as having a very, very, very limited role in our lives.
Starting point is 02:12:54 A very limited role in our lives. When you look at the Constitution Bill of Rights, it's limited to saying what the government can't, is not allowed to touch, what they're not allowed to do. to touch, what they're not allowed to do. You look at, there's a reason for that, for us to express our individual sovereignty, to think for ourselves, to live our lives, to be able to truly live free. And you look at, for example, what actually happened after the Lahaina fire blew through and destroyed the entire historic town of Lahaina. What happened? Government didn't show up at all. It was people helping people. That was the most beautiful thing that rose up from this disaster. And we've seen it in other major disasters as well. You know, in Hawaii, we call it the aloha spirit, that love, that care, and that compassion that we as people have for each other, whether we are friends or family or total strangers, recognizing someone in need.
Starting point is 02:13:50 And even if you have nothing at all yourself, stepping up and saying, here, I'm here for you. way happening all across all across you know West Maui Maui County but but also the support and help and heart and prayers that was coming in from people all over the country and around the world when you what when we when we talk about going back to the basics of limiting governments control of limiting the responsibilities that that they have and instead allowing people to live and take care of each other. I mean, this has application in every respect. You talk about education, BJ, and how little choice parents actually have in being able to choose what kind of education is best for their kids. Is it a home school? Is it a charter school? Is it a religious school? It's like, what is it?
Starting point is 02:14:42 Parents in so many cases, and increasingly so under the Biden administration, are seeing their rights as parents to care for their kids in the best way that they know being taken away. That we have the right to determine your child's education. You as a parent do not. Parents getting arrested by going to Board of Education meetings, having themselves be silent. Exactly. The parents getting arrested while they're going to these meetings is wild. Not even BJ Penn got arrested. But parents going to these meetings to complain about the education their children are receiving and the propaganda the children are receiving. Yes.
Starting point is 02:15:29 And then them getting arrested and also attempts for them to be labeled. Yes. By the federal government. Yeah. That's insane. That's insane. It's, you know. Do you not think the parents are concerned?
Starting point is 02:15:43 Do you not think that their concerns are valid? Like that's supposed to be open for debate. And when that debate gets said, then people get to decide, well, which side is right? But when you silence debate, all it tells me is you're scared to lose. Yes. And you don't want to lose this. But the question is, like, why? Why would the government not want people to be involved in the education of their children?
Starting point is 02:16:04 I can see no. Not want parents to be involved. Not want parents to be involved in the education of their children? I can see not want parents to be involved in the education of children. Why would that doesn't be because they they want a generation of people to be raised who are conformists, not critical thinkers. That's what it comes down to. comes down to yeah it is it is about exerting that control and making sure these little kids from the very beginning know hey yeah i'm on a tight leash and these are the boundaries and this is how i must live my life and operate under the authority of these people who've appointed themselves we don't need no education i love that song when when do we say enough is enough? I mean, say Trump, I think they're going to put Trump back in because I think that's why they're doing this whole pandemic. And everybody's going to say, oh, that's a believable story.
Starting point is 02:16:59 And I hope Trump goes out there and says, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna, all you guys are going to prison. You know, I did Warp Speed to help the people and you guys made a myocarditis shot. Fauci, you too. You know, and I want to see, you know, something like that. Do you think that they're going to let Trump get into office? I think that's why maybe they're doing this pandemic. I don't know. But no one's buying it. And then I think it's not that, you know, I think they are doing.
Starting point is 02:17:30 And by they, I mean, Dr. Evil. Well, no, it's bigger than that. It's bigger than that. By they, I mean the Democrat elite that have vast control. It's not just the president Biden or the Biden administration. It's the media. It's the politicized Department of Justice. They are doing the timing of all of these charges against Trump is not an accident. The fact that they want to hold
Starting point is 02:17:57 multiple court hearings for these charges the day before Super Tuesday, which is a major turning point in any candidate's election. They want to kick off these court hearings the day before Super Tuesday. It's not an accident. This is all happening right now. It's banana republic stuff.
Starting point is 02:18:20 It really is. And that's what they're doing is, again, these terrible things that are happening in our country are happening because we have people in power who care more about themselves and their power than they do about the people, whoever's in power has the ability to politicize and weaponize that power to go after their political opponent. That's the real, take away whatever people think about Trump or whatever. The consequences and implications of what is actually happening and what so many of the Democrat elite are justifying in the name of protecting democracy is actually destroying it.
Starting point is 02:19:07 And when you look at the charges, like when he gets indicted, where the day before there's a scandal, there's a chart of the revelations that come about about Biden. And then day after Trump gets reigned Trump gets indicted it's crazy it's crazy the whole thing is just so so how much do we take? what do we do? what can be done? what can be done?
Starting point is 02:19:38 I mean I don't know at this point it starts with us it starts with us as Americans taking our own responsibility seriously. You know, in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, it talks about our government exists with the consent of the governed. Yeah. That's us. There is more of us.
Starting point is 02:20:04 But when it says we the people, that's us there is people that's us but these guys yeah yeah but then when you have things like the deep state like they're they're there's no question there's no question that the the the these powerful entities are very real and they they want nothing more than to hold on to their power but isn't it fascinating that that was not generally discussed before 2016. But isn't it fascinating that that was not generally discussed before 2016? Before Trump got into office, that was not like a big concern that people had, like the CIA or the FBI was in a field. Because he's the guy who broke through. Right, right. before that election even happened, to try to take him off the field, to try to eliminate him from being a choice that voters could seriously consider. You look at what the mainstream media, even Fox News did at that time, to try to make it so people didn't take him seriously.
Starting point is 02:20:53 He's the guy that broke through. And so what did they do? Every single day of his presidency, and now for years beyond, they're continuing to try to sure uh that he is not allowed to carry out you know the things that he was talking about and he is the guy who's as you've talked about he's the guy who talked very openly about the military industrial complex and their power and the deep state and these entities it's going to be really wild to see what happens in november i'm very nervous about it i'm very nervous about the country just as a whole. I'm really worried that people are going to lose their fucking minds. You know, and that that's going to be the tipping point.
Starting point is 02:21:32 And then people are going to agree to even more stupid shit. And it just seems they just want us to fight with each other all day long. They want the left and the right to fight. That's where so much of what I'm dedicating my time and energy to is, you know, using every platform I have available to talk about the fundamentals of who we are as Americans. What were the values and principles this country was founded upon? And we can have different ideas on political issues here and there. But if we're standing on a common ground of recognizing our fundamental rights and freedoms, that is a pathway forward for us to make sure that we do all that we can to protect it, that we be critical thinkers, that we seek out the truth, that we speak the truth, that we're willing to have conversations with people who we might disagree with and know that, hey, you know what? I still respect you. You're still my friend. Right. It's cool. And by doing so and exercising our responsibility to vote for people who actually care about the people versus more of these same politicians who clearly only care about themselves and their own power, we can and must start to make that shift to save our country. Tulsi, what's in your future politically? It's a good question. I have seen, I have
Starting point is 02:22:56 experienced what the power elite and all of their propaganda arms are capable of and how they tanked my candidacy in 2020. If there were a viable path forward, I would take it. There are different possibilities that I'm looking at. But my goal is to serve our country, and my goal is to be in a position to make the most positive impact to serve the American people in our country. Beautiful. We need more people like you. Yeah, we really do.
Starting point is 02:23:38 We really need more people like this for a minute. Yeah, there's not a lot of people like you. And you exposed the system in so many ways because you were everything that everybody claimed they were looking for on its face right all the superficial things everything eloquent a leader a person who served the congresswoman everything everything impeccable record everything and still they're like not her no fucking way because i didn't do what they wanted i wouldn't be a puppet yeah that's it that's it thank you for that thank you for that and thank
Starting point is 02:24:12 you bj too thanks for coming brother i appreciate you always it's always a pleasure yeah bj you know i always tell people at the end of the day you know this your MMA career you gotta look at BJ and his prime I say that all the time I was there I was there in your prime you were a motherfucker dude I was telling Pat earlier BJ you walked away
Starting point is 02:24:38 but I remember as a kid growing up in Hawaii who loved martial arts at the very beginning seeing BJ's rise coming coming out of Hawaii, obviously we were so proud. I was very much a tomboy in martial arts and all kinds of stuff as a kid growing up. And it was when you guys came out with your white Ruka shorts with the black belt. I was like, oh, man, I need one of those.
Starting point is 02:25:01 Got to represent. Thank you. It was an awesome time. I think some of these young guys that are only thinking about fighters that are in the current era, they missed your era. They got to go back and watch. It was fun. Those Sean Shirk days, the Diego Sanchez days.
Starting point is 02:25:18 You were the man. Man, I just moved back in with my mom because she's getting older and I was cleaning out my house and you kind of realize life, it's a few memories and a couple pictures. That's what life is, right? A lot of it. Make the most of it.
Starting point is 02:25:35 A lot of it. Well, thank you both for coming here and talking about this. I think it's not getting nearly enough time discussed in the world and people need to just understand how fucked it is so thank you very much so that we can fix it yes yes yes yes thank you we'll figure this out thank you bye everybody thank you

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