The Joe Rogan Experience - #2072 - Stavros Halkias

Episode Date: December 5, 2023

Stavros Halkias is a stand-up comic and host of the podcast "Stavvy's World." Catch his new Netflix comedy special "Fat Rascal" on December 5, 2023. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the Joe Rogan experience I don't know I think it's their own blend some kind of tobacco thing yeah let's go live and sort this out yeah come on you know how podcasting works we're wasting all this beautiful I was recording it we I was recording it. We use every part of the buffalo.
Starting point is 00:00:26 We missed this entire Jamie ordering a half cow. What's wrong with the cow? I love that. I'm with homesteader. I'm with prepper Jamie. Jamie's got canned peaches in his basement. I just thought it was a Texas thing. What, getting a half a cow?
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah. Well, it is. Well, one of the beautiful things about living around here is that there are a bunch of really good ranchers. And you could buy meat from someone who you know they grew the cow. You know they didn't pump it full of antibiotics and hormones.
Starting point is 00:00:56 There's a lot of grass-fed ranchers out here. That's nice. I think that's what I was thinking one day. I would love a nice I would love a nice fucking grass-fed ribeye. Better rest. I'm a big fan of the grass fed ribeyes. Most people are
Starting point is 00:01:11 so used to corn fed though. You get that pinkish sort of fatty. Do you know the difference between prime? I do not. Wait, what's the difference between corn fed and grass fed? Grass fed is how they normally eat. That's how a cow usually eats. They just eat grass.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Okay. But then when they want to really plump them up quickly, they feed them corn. So most steaks, if you go to like a steakhouse, unless they specify it's corn-fed or grain-fed. Gotcha. Yeah. The BBL, the BBL of cow trough is fucking corn fed. I like my, yeah. A grass fed is nice, but I couldn't tell you the difference.
Starting point is 00:01:52 They're darker. It's a little chewier. Tastes better to me. I like the flavor more. The BBL, who was the fucking first doctor that was like, I know what to do with this extra fat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's genius. It's like how a baby would be a doctor.
Starting point is 00:02:07 You know what I mean? It's like, oh, let's put it in their cheeks. Have you seen one in real life, though? I have, and it was pretty good. Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you get them fresh. BBLs are like fish, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:20 You don't want them hanging out too long. You don't want too many kids. You know what I mean? But if you get them right after Dr. Miami, you know what I mean? Four months after healing. Some pretty cool stuff. Dry-aged beef. Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:41 You want to be with that perfect 30-day mark. Yes, you scrape off that weird top part, and underneath there's a nice bubbly butt cheeks. It is funny to fuck somebody with a huge ass when your dick is so little, though. It's like my dick was being stopped by the cheeks. My head was probably this much in her pussy. That makes sense. You really have to concentrate on tightening up your butt cheeks. And keeping that forward thrust. Good form.
Starting point is 00:03:07 You don't want to have too much laxity on the back end. No, no, no. You don't want to have a rigid wall. Like you're only going back in and back in and back in. I have to get my deadlift form down just so I can fuck a girl with a huge ass. I think kettlebell swings. It's all in the hips.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Kettlebell swings. It's a hip hinge. That's what you want to work on. I think kettlebell swings. Okay. It's all in the hips. Okay, nice. Kettlebell swings. It's a hip hinge. That's what you want to work on. I think carrying a gigantic stomach has to kind of strengthen the back. You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, it destroys your back, too. But for those 45 seconds where I'm in those fake butt cheeks, it's pretty good. Well, I was thinking that about, like, Ralphie Mae used to have the most fucking gigantic calves. And I was like, Ralphie, if you lost weight, you'd be able to kick through a fucking wall.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Bro, check these fuckers. Have you seen these little bad boys? Let me see these bad boys. Come on, dude. This is awesome. This is what I'm coming on the show for. Calves. Check these fuckers out.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Let me see the calves. Let me see the calves. Would I put them up here? Yeah, up there. Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. That's massive. Look at those.
Starting point is 00:04:11 But it makes sense. Yeah. I mean, you're basically rucking all day. What's rucking? Rucking is like when guys hike with a heavy, heavy, heavy backpack. Oh, yeah. It's great cardio. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yeah, you're rucking. I'm doing a 34-year ruck. We're shedding it any day now. Bro, if you lost weight, you'd have fucking tremendous leg power. Oh, yeah. I got to get in there. Bert looks great. He really does.
Starting point is 00:04:37 He's sending us a picture today. He's down to 230. He drinks one day a week. That's it. And he says he's on a strict carnivore diet. Interesting. Do you think his vices will? Try to lose it again Being on a constant world tour is that something to do, Bert? Yeah, that seems a little lunatic too. I know. Well, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:06 when I met Bert, Bert didn't have any money. And now Bert is rolling in dough. And I just think he just likes that too much and he wants that to keep coming. I get that. And it's like, you know, to go from a guy who, you know, really didn't do well on the road to now all of a sudden you're selling out
Starting point is 00:05:21 clubs, now all of a sudden you're selling out theaters. Now you're doing fucking arenas four or five or five nights a week it's insane i get it i get it it's fun it i yeah it's it feels like because i did the fully loaded tour i did a weekend on it was insane so much fun but it does feel like if a guy who was like working funny bones got a wish from a genie to sell out arenas yeah he would behave the way bert's behaving right you know what i mean it's like it is kind of like that it's crazy i mean he's having the best time he's fucking partying constantly he's very happy it's all yeah you can't even because you can't deny him that my instinct is to be like dude you gotta slow down but you
Starting point is 00:06:01 i was with him he's the only one having the best time ever you know I mean? It's like he's having the best time in the fucking world. Everyone's like, oh, we got to get fucked up again, Bert. I'm on the fucking, dude, I was literally napping in the bunk on mushrooms. And I was like, I have to go do an arena right now. I just want to chill, man. This is too much. Well, he has a different constitution than most humans. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's got to be genetic. There's something going on there that he must have a long line of people from his ancestry that imbibed in alcohol. Yeah, absolutely. He could just put it away. No, it's crazy. And he could put it away and just be hanging out with you. And you're like, wait, how many fucking drinks have you had? Him and Gillis.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Shane's out of control. Bro, he sat here with Ari, and Ari tried to go beer for beer with him, and he was 16, 17 beers in, and the guy doesn't even slur his words. No. Also, he's giant. He's huge. He's a big fucking dude. Yeah. And also, Ari's a-
Starting point is 00:06:58 So it's gone through a lot of flesh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ari's a sickly old man. That's elder abuse to do that to Ari Ari seems like he's 50 years older than me And he's younger than me By quite a bit He's at least 10 years younger than me, right?
Starting point is 00:07:13 How old is Ari? Yeah, wait I think Ari's like 45 I don't know Google Ari Shafir Jamie's looking up into the sky What do you think that page looks like? What do you think that search looks like when you Google Ari Shafir?
Starting point is 00:07:26 It's probably a 49. 49? 49. Oh, yeah. Well, he's got the like, he's a man who's like, his genes are, he should be a rabbi. I mean, he looks like a rabbi. Well, he was on a plane. The beard's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah. That's what he was going to do. I mean, he was literally studying the Talmud like 12 hours a day. He did the whole deal. Wild. He went to Israel and he was on his way he was very religious when I met him he was just breaking out of that Wow how long ago is this boy when did our first start coming to the store look at that that's not a rabbi? Look at his beard. The beard's amazing. The beard's so good. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:06 His posture. Yeah. The beard's incredible. Yeah. I think I met him, boy, I guess it had to have been in the 2000s. Makes sense. Like maybe 2000, 2001. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Makes sense like maybe 2000 2001 okay, so that was Somewhere around 23 years ago and Ari was like yeah, I was like 25 Huh, and he had lost his religion I'm not sure because it we didn't really start talking about that until afterwards when we became better friends right right I just knew him as a door guy the store Just really really smart dude. I remember talking to him, I'm like, oh, this motherfucker's on the ball. He's smart.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah, before 23 years of destroying his brain. Well, he's still smart as fuck, but it's like, you know, when you talk to people, for me at least, when I'm talking to like a door guy or an open-mic-er guy, I have all the hope in the world for you i really do but there's some dudes you talk to you're like oh this guy's so dull yeah it's not happening he's
Starting point is 00:09:11 dull his mind's not working well or he's just like leaping to stupid conclusions or he doesn't have a thing you try and slip him an hvac you never know you never fucking know you never know some some of them fucking find mushrooms and crack through. That's how they do it? It does. It does happen, right? I've seen some guys and I'm like, he's not going to make it. And they make it. And you're like, wow.
Starting point is 00:09:31 But you kind of look at them like a salmon going upriver. Like, how many of you motherfuckers get past the grizzlies? You're bear food, baby. That's coming out of a motherfucker's fangs. But I remember talking to Ari the first time I talked to him, and I was like, oh, this fucking dude's clever. He's smart. And then once we became friends, and he started telling me his background,
Starting point is 00:09:51 then I was fascinated. I know. So what made you give up on this, you know? Yeah. I know he's talked about it. I don't remember whether it was a moment or it was multiple moments where he gave up on it. Maybe getting pussy for the first time
Starting point is 00:10:05 but bro is he such a freak do you imagine yeah i wonder when he got pussy but i think it was like when he was like 25 yeah but his fucking special jew is so good well that's what i was gonna say about what this conversation we're having not only was it so good and it was like so interesting to hear from that but i also felt like he just scratched the surface. Like I feel like there's so much more in that like self-reflection. 100%. He could do Jew too. 100%. Jew too electric boogaloo.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And he could do it better than anybody. Electric joogaloo. I'm sorry. Where's Mark when you need him? Comedy. Oh my God. Fucking the text message chain that I have with him and Shane. We have a Protect Our Parks text message chain.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Oh, hell yeah. And every now and then, he'll fucking chime in with a Norman. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These zingers. His fucking brain works different than anybody's. Yeah. It's the most like he's just looking for a pun first and foremost. Well, he's just a real comedian. Absolutely. I mean that's
Starting point is 00:11:06 what that guy is. You can't get him to do anything else. No. Dude his wedding was hilarious. I bet it was. I see it like you can tell he's a guy who's trained himself on you know deflecting never like being emotional or being honest or not honest open and then
Starting point is 00:11:21 dude he was so uncomfortable in what's supposed to be the best moment of your life. He's just like, there's no way to do a pun. Like he was squirming. It was like, I was sitting there. Because he had to be serious. He had to just be like, tell his wife how he loved her. And he's just like, can I call her gay?
Starting point is 00:11:42 You know he would have preferred to be like, love you, homo. Yeah. Yeah, he probably would have preferred that. But it was a great wedding. Yeah, women get upset if you don't take that thing very seriously. Yeah. If you call her fatty in your vows. That sounds totally like something he would do.
Starting point is 00:11:59 And she'd be screaming after it. It's my special day. He killed it, though. It was an incredible wedding. That's awesome. Yeah. Weddings are touch and go. They can be great or they can be...
Starting point is 00:12:10 Schultz's was awesome. Oh, I believe that. Schultz's was very good. That's a motherfucker that knows how to celebrate. Yeah, he knows how to put stuff together. He had sushi by scratch, cater it. It was awesome. Yeah, sushi at a wedding.
Starting point is 00:12:23 That's really good sushi, too. You know, a lot of comics were there. A lot of our friends were there. It was a good time. That's a great time. It was in Montecito. You ever been to Montecito? No. Oh, my God. I don't even know where the fuck that is. It's in California. It's like above Santa... It's like in the Santa Barbara area. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's one of the most beautiful areas of California. And Italian immigrants came there and it reminded them, I think, of the Amalfi Coast. And they sort of recreated this sort of Italian style. There's like really good Italian restaurants. There's like Italian style
Starting point is 00:12:56 homes. Domestic abuse. Not that kind of Italian. Not American Italian. Those are the savage ones that got in the boats. They're different, bro. Italians in yeah, yeah. Those are the savage ones that got in the boats. Yeah. They're different, bro. Italians in Italy and Italians in America are very fucking different.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Oh, yeah. It's interesting. Do you go to Italy a lot? Yeah, I used to go every year. Hell yeah. Yeah. This last year, I went to Greece for the first time. Ooh, where'd you go?
Starting point is 00:13:18 We went to a bunch of the islands. Beautiful. We went to Delos. We went to- Go to the temple? Yeah, we went to Delos. We went to... Go to the temple? Yeah, we went to all that stuff. Fuck yeah, dude. Yeah, man, it was fascinating.
Starting point is 00:13:30 It's so interesting being in the ruins of a place where these people thrived here 2,500 years ago. It's fucking wild. It's wild. That's what I love about the...
Starting point is 00:13:40 Even though it's the thing everybody knows about, go to the Parthenon and go into that neighborhood where it's like you go over those cobblestones. You're like some fucking guy, some like 4'8 Athenian who's fucking just going up these steps, fucking fetching water, just having a shitty day, annoyed at his fucking girlfriend. You know what I mean? Leather sandals on. Yeah, leather sandals on. He's running late to his tutoring session slash
Starting point is 00:14:07 getting molested appointment. Some children are like, I better get the fucking I better get these formulas right or he is going to have his way with me this time. Not only was pedophilia okay
Starting point is 00:14:23 but it was openly discussed. Yeah. It's crazy. They had boy lovers. Yep. You were made fun of if you continued to get fucked in the ass past adolescence. Really? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Oh, you silly boy. Yeah, it's like, what are you? You're being a fucking little kid. What are you, being a homo? Yeah. You're being childish getting fucked in the ass. Is that true? Dude I swear
Starting point is 00:14:46 Is that documented? I now it's document. I read it somewhere eight years ago. Maybe I've been repeating it Let's repeat it Let's repeat it everywhere I might have told it to you the last time I was on That is so insane though Yeah But like if you go back and like read in history like Socrates
Starting point is 00:15:03 Oh yeah How many of these guys had boy lovers? Probably all of them. Probably all of them. It's fucked up. What year do people realize that's terrible? Like 20 years ago. It's probably about 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Dude. No, it's fucked up. And, you know, you would read in like, you know, your sociology books where it's like there's places where that's fucking, you know, you know, where they're like we can't, you know, these primitive people that we make contact with or like these people they don't have technology it's like half of them are still doing that oh yeah well there's new guinea you don't you do you know about the semen warriors of new guinea i take it by your laughs that you do not. What a fucking epithet. The semen warriors. There's a tribe in Papua New Guinea that when a child becomes six or seven, they take them away from their mother and they bring them to an older man who becomes their anal father. Their anal father.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Anal father. Okay. And they believe that the only way for a boy to grow strong is he has to ingest semen in his asshole and in his mouth. No, both ways? Yeah, so these kids are just sucking cock and getting buttfucked from six, seven on. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, and it's a literal tribal tradition. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah. Look at my boy. Look how he puts down that cock. You think there's like proud fathers with a tear coming down his eye? I don't think they get to watch. I don't know what happens with the dads. I guess the dads, I guess everybody's just used to it. Bloodletting ceremony involves beating the boys with long sticks on their nostrils until they bleed.
Starting point is 00:16:39 That way, the woman's tingue is completely gotten rid of. The woman's tingu is completely gotten rid of. Once this is done, he is made to perform oral sex on the older ones, which they do not stop until they take in the semen. Ingesting the semen will make them stronger. More so, they are kept aside for three years and maintain a strict diet to make them stronger. Defiance against this from the boys usually involves death. They've bred straightness out of their tribe. Jesus Christ, they fucking killed them if they don't want to get their mouth
Starting point is 00:17:09 fucked. Dude, how bad would this be if the guy who's fucking your mouth can't get hard? You know what I mean? He's like, alright, can you give me a second here? The guy's just jacking off. Alright, give me a sec. Hey, can you pinch my nipples? I want to go back to my mommy. I want to go back to my mommy. I want to go back to my mommy.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Sorry. You better hope you get a real pedophile who's enjoying himself. I bet they're all real pedophiles. I guess you're right. There's no moral fucking outliers in tribal communities. You're right. That's a fucking rough way to live. Did you see that guy from New Zealand?
Starting point is 00:17:42 That's the guy you got to suck off? Yeah. Damn. Yeah, with fucking boar tusks woven into his nose. That's brutal. Fuck, dude. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:53 So do you see that guy? There's a guy in New Guinea that's, he was kidnapped, and they just made a video about him today, or I just saw it today, I should say, where these guys, there's like 30 dudes around and pointing a rifle at him. And he's some journalist from New Zealand. And they've had him hostage for 10 months. Jesus Christ. And they've tried military operations to get him
Starting point is 00:18:15 and they've all failed. And now they're making demands. Have you seen it, Jamie? No, I haven't heard about this at all. I'm seeing a story from February of this year. He's a journalist and he's there in New Guinea? Or where was he? Professor from Australia.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Is he a professor? I mean, there's actually a couple stories. Oh, there's a fucking kidnap and a shitload of people out there. That's so ridiculous. Did they kidnap him or did those guys go there? That's a good question. You know what I mean? I'm going to see their stories from-
Starting point is 00:18:41 I think once they go there, they kidnap them. Yeah. Restomission underway. Rebels claim New Zealand pilot taken in Indonesia's Papua. And why would you go exactly? Well, I mean, there's a lot of people that have been there before because they, you know, these fucking knuckleheads, they think that they're, you know, they're going to experience this amazing culture.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And these people live a horrific war-like yeah existence go to montecito go to where schultz got married i'm trying to find this for you jamie i know i got it that's fucking on twitter too i see some things but i'm looking for specifically what you're saying like yeah there's here it is i got it it. That's it. Look at this poor motherfucker. Oh, my God. Damn. They got it right. New Zealand pilot, so yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Oh. Held by the rebels in West Papua region for 10 months. Is that a... Jamie, here's the video. I'm sending you the video. How'd he fall into his hands? Show it a little bit? Look at that shit, man.
Starting point is 00:19:38 He fell into the hands of the Liberation Army after landing his Susi Air single engine plane on a remote airstrip in the mountains province of Nduga while supporting the locals get home to remote parts of the country. I see. Wow. He's trying to fuck. Oh, man. And he's wearing the drip, too.
Starting point is 00:19:54 He's got the Papa shirt on. Yeah, he's got to. He's like, I'm with you guys. They probably can't even read it. We don't know what that means. Give us money. I want money and all my brothers return to me. We will fuck your mouth.
Starting point is 00:20:07 We fuck your mouth. No matter what, we fuck your mouth. We started mouth fucking. Let us make a deal. We'll let you go if you come back every three months. Damn. Damn. Damn. And this dude probably can't even understand a word what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:20:35 He's being pretty cool for... Let me hear his voice, Jamie. It's interesting. You know how long it would take you to figure out what the fuck they're saying? No chance I would ever know. I think I would... Damn, man. Poor dude.
Starting point is 00:20:57 He's been there for 10 months. That's brutal. Fuck, dude. What do you think they let... How does he wipe his ass? Like, even the most minor parts would be brutal. I bet he doesn't. I bet he doesn't. I bet he doesn't even bother anymore.
Starting point is 00:21:09 He just kicks and puts his fucking shitty drawers back on. He's probably got one sock on. What's he eating? Even the most basic stuff, let alone the 10... They're the 40 guys with rifles. Yeah, that dude lives in hell. And I wonder if he can speak their language. I wonder if he understands. They got some pretty
Starting point is 00:21:26 sophisticated rifling there. Yeah, they look I gotta say, they look cool. They look fucking sick. Those are serious guns. Let's make these guys the villains in an action movie. Yeah. They would be fucking awesome. Let's get this guy out of there. This is like so crazy. They're all just no
Starting point is 00:21:41 trigger discipline. All fucking pointed at him. They all have their fingers on the triggers look at this guy on the left-hand side You're not supposed to do that. Yeah, you do that before you shoot. Yeah, you don't keep your finger on the fucking trigger That guy has his finger on the trigger look ready for one twitchy movement. He's so close too That's so crazy. They all have their fingers on the triggers. This feels like a Chris Hemsworth movie waiting to happen Send the fucking jackdaw Yeah Extraction 3 Boy
Starting point is 00:22:12 That does not end well I would do horrible in a kidnapping setting Dude you get kidnapped on a fucking island I'm not getting I'm not coming out I would try and kill myself I mean I guarantee you can't drink the water that they can drink. No way.
Starting point is 00:22:29 You know, like, you don't probably know. Like, there's people in certain parts of the world that are used to drinking dirty water, and they can survive off dirty water for whatever reason. Yeah. I don't know what the fuck that's all about, but they're like a horse. Yeah. You take a horse up to a river, they just drink out of the river. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Some people can do that. Yeah, yeah yeah we lost that a long time too much clean water from the jump if we were drinking bullshit from the beginning we should be back to drinking puddle water hell yeah dude now we're talking straighten out the american gut biome that'll bring us back yeah that'll bring us back what brings, that'll bring us back. What brings us back at this point? I'm fucking worried about America. I really am. I've never been worried about America until COVID. After COVID, I was like, oh, this might be the end. This might be just like when you go to visit Greece and the Parthenon.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You're like, what happened? Where's everybody? You guys left behind this fucking dope-ass building. They literally left it behind. This was the first photo released back in March when they first got him. He looks remarkably chill, I have to say. Jesus Christ. Look at the size of their arrows.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Look at this one. Their arrows are like seven feet long. That's nuts. I know I shouldn't be empathizing with these guys, but they look fucking awesome. They look pretty badass. They got fucking cool shorts. You would not want to fuck with those dudes. No way.
Starting point is 00:23:43 But they're pointing at random shit. Look, they're looking down their scope. Look where he's pointing to. They're pointing at their friends. Some of them are pointing at each other. They're pointing at that log. I shoot the log. And this guy's shooting at the other guy's dick.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Look at him. And he's got his, oh, he's got good trigger discipline, though. The guy pointing at his friends has good trigger discipline. But the guy to his right, his right to the left that guy's got his fucking he's i could see the tension in his finger that guy looks awesome he's so nervous he's like i want to be cool they're like mark you get the little gun we don't trust you with the fucking cool shit this guy in the blue jacket man he lives in hell brutal 10 months of that fuck yeah and how do they get you out without getting killed and them killing you it's probably
Starting point is 00:24:26 Really hard to do because they realize how valuable it is to have some westerner that they've got kidnapped Yeah, what is the whole deal? What do they what do they want? Yeah, I'll try to find something out This is probably not gonna show it on this article. Hmm. What are the demands? I was involved in talks to free a kidnapped Kiwi pilot. Is that him? Wow, this fucking guy's been there forever. He's now been held hostage. This was four months. This was back in June.
Starting point is 00:24:53 He's been there since February 7th. Holy shit. Damn, dude. The West Papau National Independence Army kidnapped him February 7th, demanding Indonesia recognize West Papau's independence Oh, he's fucked He's fucked, he's gonna die I was hoping maybe they'd want a couple fucking hot pockets Maybe some Nutter Butters
Starting point is 00:25:13 Recognize our independence Oh, bro, you're gonna have to kill that white boy That guy's done, dude He's got no chance, that's ridiculous Or you could just be like Alright, we did it Like, truly That's ridiculous. Or you could just be like, alright, we did it. Like, truly... It's a promising picture. Yeah, they're holding
Starting point is 00:25:29 hands. They're holding hands. That's cute. Or maybe they like the guy now. He seems like a... I bet he's a cool dude. He seems like a chill guy, to be honest with you. Well, he probably legitimately is there trying to help people, so he's probably a good dude. Which sucks even more that he got... Yeah, not some piece of shit. Yeah, not some guy trying to, trying to start new slavery and pop up.
Starting point is 00:25:47 You know what I mean? Some guy who's over there trafficking Filipino girls. Right, right, right. Let him go. Yeah. Why don't they fake a news broadcast? They probably have one flat screen TV, those guys. Pop in a USB.
Starting point is 00:26:02 You know what I mean? I bet they're a lot more sophisticated than we think yeah probably I think in this day and age you can't pull the wool over anybody's eyes with cell phones I bet they have
Starting point is 00:26:11 cell phones there 24 hours let's pretend Wes Papa whatever the fuck is a real country I bet Elon put a fucking satellite
Starting point is 00:26:18 right above him and then get Starlink yeah yeah one fucking yeah let's do that what fucking beaming Wolf Blitzer being like,
Starting point is 00:26:26 alright, they're a fucking country now. You know what I mean? That guy's free. Alright, I've got this. I'm in charge of this. Here's the most recent update about what's his situation, because they think he's dead. Some people think he's dead. He's still alive, very healthy. Okay. I just received a message from our
Starting point is 00:26:41 teamwork just a few minutes ago and they said that he is still alive. He's very healthy at the moment. I don't know about very healthy. Very healthy. We, the Liberation Fighters, give him very good hospitality, which is if he needs some medication or water or food or whatever, they will always provide since they captured him in February. always provide since they captured him in February.
Starting point is 00:27:08 We have our own humanitarian team inside the TPNPB, so that team looks after him. His well-being and welfare are top priority. Yeah, because he's your bargaining point. But the thing is, once this guy is dead, they're coming for these folks. They're coming for these folks. I would imagine. If that was an American, I would imagine. Like, if that was an American, like, if that, I would imagine. Joey would have them dead.
Starting point is 00:27:28 That would fucking rally the troops. Yeah. If we get SEAL Team just blowing motherfuckers up. Yeah. Everybody would be wearing GoPros. Uh-huh. They'd be fucking, they'd edit it awesome like an action movie. Well, they wouldn't even have to hit the ground.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I mean, there's no one else there but them. They'd just fucking storm overhead in jets or the issues drones for the optics So it's got to be if the optics are pretty dope. It's gotta be a jacked guy with a huge beard Yeah, the but I think the jack guys with the huge beers go in after the initial detonation right like the drones hit boom boom People are like Smoke everywhere and then some fucking jacked seal. An American flag tattoo on his fucking chest.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Roka sunglasses on. Give him a fake wound. He's not hurt at all. We fucking slice his uniform open and then an actor, a paid actor, one of the guys from Captain Phillips, we get him to pretend he's one of them.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Moonlanding. I am the captain now. paid actor, one of the guys from Captain Phillips. We get him to pretend he's one of them. You know? We fucking moon landing. I am the captain now. Moon landing 2.0. Yeah. Total wrong accent, everything. Yeah. People are like, hey, man, that guy sounds fucking Mexican.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Well, that's the thing with deep fakes. They don't even have to fucking do that anymore. You're right. Deep fakes are so nuts. I know, dude. They're so nuts. I was, dude. They're so nuts. I was watching this Greta Thunberg deep fake one about electric vibrators. I was like, this is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I was watching Obama ice spice. That was pretty good. Talking about his big fat ass. This is a Trump rap song out. Yeah. This is an AI Trump rap or Trump raps. There's a Trump rap song out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:05 There's an AI Trump rap or Trump raps. Let's see. I don't like that because it's taking jobs out of good Trump impersonators. You know what I mean? That should be – that's money out of Shane's pocket. AI has gone too far. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:22 What happens with that guy? With who? Shane? Trump. Trump? Shane's Trump. Trump? Shane's doing great. Shane's doing great. He just bought a Mercedes.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I know. It's fucking awesome. I went to his- I took him to the Mercedes dealership. I was the fucking hype man. Dude. I was in the backseat going, dude, I was telling him about all the features. Dude, the back wheel steer. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Dude, he was- So I went- When I was here last, when I was at the mothership, I just- I wanted to hit the pool. I was like, yo, Shane, let's fucking hang out. And he wasn't there. He was like, you can just go hang out at my house. I'm the first person to ever.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I was just alone in Shane's house doing fucking cannonballs into his pool looking at his car. I was just like going. That's awesome. Feel it. His house is dope. Dude, it's out of control. It's very nice. Beautiful place.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Oh, my God. I'm so happy for him. I'm so happy he's here, too. Yeah. Nice. It's so awesome having him at the club all the time, working on new shit. It's like, we got a great vibe there now. Dude, the club fucking rules, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It's so fun. It's so awesome. It really is. It's so fun. Yeah. It's nice to just pop in. You got the fucking, the Bottom of the Barrel show's fun. You're just fucking riffing.
Starting point is 00:30:25 The crowds are always good. Bottom of the barrel shows is literally like a factory for premises. You know, even if you can't recreate the moment. There's something in there. Because a lot of times it's like there's a crazy moment that makes you go down a certain path. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you have to figure out how to get to that moment. Yeah, well, when you're on stage, it's like, and you're not, you're only using, it's like survival mode.
Starting point is 00:30:48 So it's like you haven't pre-thought of anything, and there's some deep part of your brain that just something awesome will come out of that. Yeah. 10% of the time. Yeah, but that's enough. But that 10% is fucking, that's some good shit right there. Every now and then. Yeah, I got two last week that are like legit, that I'm like watering them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And I'm like, okay, i'm like okay you're gonna be a tree come on little buddy put a little splint in it one of the leafs is going fucking it's the most fun thing in comedy is that the new the new bits new premises it's making something work it's the only thing that feels good it's like even even being like uh you know even a sold-out theater it's cool but a new joke in a shitty bar feels 10 times better than selling out a 3,000-seat theater. Yeah, when something cracks for the first time and you realize you got something, you're like, oh, boy. Oh, yeah. Because there's this process of creation that's just so weird.
Starting point is 00:31:39 You never know. One day I'm going to run out of new ideas. One day I'm going to run out of new jokes. I'm going to be like those guys that just have the same material for 50 years. I know. And that was what it, I mean, it does feel weird because it's like, I do feel like the last 10 years there's been a real shift in like, you just got to fucking be putting shit out. Well, there's so much content out there and there's also so many people that come to comedy now. I don't think comedy has ever been bigger. ever. There's way more comics selling out arenas
Starting point is 00:32:09 It's way more comics that have specials. Yeah, for example fat rascal on Netflix That's fat rascal shot here in the beautiful Paramount Theater Great fucking theater Really fucking awesome Cool old school theater Yeah dude It was fucking insane Houdini's got Little fucking Houdini's hooks are up there
Starting point is 00:32:31 Oh my god Houdini performed there Yeah yeah yeah Wow No it was crazy Wow I didn't know Houdini came to Austin Houdini was out there dude Houdini hit the road like Bert Kreischer
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yeah There it is Look at you Fat Rascal You look like Ron Jeremy though Yeah I know A little bit. I do.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I have that vibe. I kind of a lot. That's the, you know, Ron Jeremy with maybe one-eighth of the penis. That's kind of what we're going for there. It is tough to be compared to a guy who was historically ugly, but his saving grace was a huge dick and my dick is little. Not a great... Not a great... I think back then, porn stars, they wanted him to be ugly so that guys didn't
Starting point is 00:33:10 feel bad. Didn't feel threatened. Some good-looking guy. Like, if you're at home whacking off and some good-looking guy is getting laid, you're like, fuck him. Who the fuck is this guy? Who does he think he is? Look at him with his six-pack and his piece of shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You want a guy who looks like Ron Jeremy. That's true. Maybe we can take it to the next level.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Maybe there's little dick porn has to start now. I think they already have that in other countries. You mean just all Japanese porn? Is that what you're saying? I didn't say that. You did. Boy, I don't know why you said that. I felt it.
Starting point is 00:33:40 You know what's weird about Japanese porn is they have to blur out. The censor. They have to blur out the dicks and the vaginas. They blur out penetration. It's very strange. What happened? I don't understand it. I mean, what are you protecting by making confusion as to whether or not someone is...
Starting point is 00:33:57 I mean, you really don't have to have any real porn because it's all blurred out. Yeah, I mean, I will say I have jacked off to the blurred out porn. Interesting. And it's not. And now we're getting into that. Because you have no other choice? Yeah, I don't know. Because your hard drive crashed?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Sometimes I'm in the zone, Joe. Sometimes you want to switch it up, you know. I like a big pillowy Asian titty to jack off to, you know. And you can't really get those. You want to get those straight from the source, you know. You want to get Japanese stuff. They're making cool noises. Yeah. Right. You don't want someone who's been want to get those straight from the source, you know? I see what you're saying. You want to get Japanese stuff. They're making cool noises. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Right. You don't want someone who's been BBL'd in the titties. Listen, I didn't say that. I'm just saying I want it all. Give me a sampler pack. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Right. A little bit of authentic.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Grass fed. Authentic cuisine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you want to go to Chinatown sometimes to watch Chinese food. Absolutely. Yeah, sometimes you want to go to Beijing. Yeah, you don't want Panda Express. No, no.
Starting point is 00:34:42 You want to get the real deal. A little Panda Express will hit the spot. It's not bad every now and then if you're at the mall and you want some orange chicken. If you're at the mall getting your dick sucked by a Zara employee in the bathroom. Jesus Christ. Just taking the metaphor to its logical conclusion. Go as far as you can go with it. I support your thought process.
Starting point is 00:35:00 But yeah, I will, I don't know. Sometimes I feel worldly jacking off to Japanese porn. You know, like watching a foreign film. Like a guy who brags about reading old books. Right, right. Yeah, absolutely. It's like watching a Godard film or whatever, you know? When
Starting point is 00:35:17 I first met Callan, first time I ever went over his apartment, he leaves books laying out as if he's reading them. Like he had like Steinbeck of Mice and Men. And I go, hey books laying out as if he's reading them. Like he had like Steinbeck of Mice and Men. And I go, hey, motherfucker, I know you're not reading this. Also, that's what you read in high school. His eyebrows raised.
Starting point is 00:35:35 He goes, I do read it. I go, you don't, do you? You want people to think you're interesting. So you leave these books out. Yeah. Which, by the way. You do, right? By people, I mean girls. Of course.
Starting point is 00:35:44 You want girls to think you're interesting. So you leave these books out pretending that you do right huh by people i mean girls of course you want girls to think you're interesting so you leave these books out pretending that you're like worldly you know what's so funny is that i have a like an e-reader thing and i was reading like you know some book about i was reading like about goodfellas or like you know some some trashy like you're not even trash but like a detective thing and then i switched it up to like you know something smart on the outside some shit about about civil rights or something like that. So the people would know. You can switch it on the outside?
Starting point is 00:36:10 You can switch it on the outside. I have done that before. What does the outside look like? It's just like a screen. There's an outside screen too? Yeah, just the screen of the e-reader. And it'll just show what you're reading. And I was reading some fucking book about you know the oh i was reading um
Starting point is 00:36:28 about the sun the phoenix sun seven seconds or less i read a lot of basketball books you know that kind of shit and then a girl was coming around i was like let's do some fucking i don't even know what i had some book i started never even finished i was like let's pretend i'm smart or even like shit girls like like uh a Murakami book, you know? What's a Murakami book? He's good, dude. Those are good books. They're like dreamy Japanese book.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Back to the Japanese thing. I don't know. It's a book about, the guy does a lot of like magic. It's like some magical realism shit. It's all about, it's always like a guy who, there's always like an insane woman who has like BPD and he always and it's always some nerd. And in the book, the nerd always fucks the girl really well. I don't know what that is about.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Check it out, man. These are men without women. Haruki Murakami, great stuff. What I talk about when I talk about running. I haven't read that one. Huh. Norwegian Wood. Norwegian Wood's good.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I know that guy. I've seen his work. Yeah. It's blurred out, but it's good. He's the reason why Ron Jeremy had a career. Just some blonde 6'4 guy. Some Fabio-looking motherfucker with a giant hog. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah, and Norwegian Wood, he fucks two. He fucks an old lady and a young woman. Wow. Yeah. That shows you what I'm getting out of literature, by the way. Who's the main character that's getting pussy out of? There's some fucking professor listening to this. That guy's dumb as shit.
Starting point is 00:37:50 That's what he gets out of Murakami, but what can I say? They're nice dreamlike books. Art is open to interpretation. Different people get different things. I'm a simple man. I see things through one lens. You should be you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:02 You need to be those motherfuckers. How many professors have you ever met that are happy? They seem perpetually conflicted and tortured. Just the ones who fuck their students, I'm pretty sure. And they can't do that anymore. That was like the main reason to be a professor. Back in the Feynman days, those guys all banged their graduate students. That was like part of the thing.
Starting point is 00:38:23 You get these really hot 22-year-old students that are enamored by this amazing professor with his PhD and a full library of books that he probably hasn't even read yet. He actually probably has read them, which is even more incredible. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's not running a scam. Exactly. That's the payoff. Yeah, you think in the application process or the interview process, they're like, look,
Starting point is 00:38:44 we can't offer you that much money, but here's a picture of all the girls that got in this year. Here's how good. Here's the quality. No, not only do they get paid well, they get tenure. So they can't even get fired. But I bet they can get fired now if they bang their students. Yeah. Also, I feel like higher, yeah, I think higher ed in general is fucked.
Starting point is 00:39:02 When do you think they stopped banging their students? Was it the same time they stopped fucking kids? Definitely after that. I think that was like- More recent? I think that was more recent. I think people are still picking their spots and fucking their students. Really?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Grads, I think it's up to grad student now, though. I don't think you can fucking undergrad. When I was in high school, my friend, she was 17. She was dating a Spanish teacher. I mean, that guy should go to jail. He was cool. She was dating a Spanish teacher. I mean, that guy should go to jail. He was cool. He was the cool Spanish teacher. Oh, he was bringing in paella.
Starting point is 00:39:29 He was like 25. I mean, relatively, the age gap wasn't that big. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Still, she's a student at the school. Yeah, but she was a little predator. Yeah, she was. Yeah, I think at that time, that's the last hurrah. The 80s?
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah. Once people started reading about the effects of it, like, hey. This is kind of strange. Yeah. Wait a minute. Maybe fuck a 21-year-old. Yeah. Also, if you're a teacher and you can affect their grades. How often does that happen?
Starting point is 00:40:05 That must have been a big factor. Oh, yeah. Big factor. Oh, yeah. You're a professor, and if you're banging a student, you give her A's? Yeah. Seems, you know. And if she's a sociopath and she just wants to get ahead no matter what.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Sure. Yeah. Look, there's definitely, it's the thing where you're like, the guy's got to stop it because it's like, yeah, just because somebody wants to fuck you doesn't mean it's right. Well, it's also like if you're a professor and you're, I mean, literally, that's like you're setting up their career. Yeah. And you hold, you just hold too much juice over whether or not they're going to get an A and whether or not that's going to allow them. Yeah, the power dynamics are all fucked.
Starting point is 00:40:46 It's crazy. Yeah. But it's also corruption. Because, like, without a doubt, there has been grades that were given to people that professors fucked that they didn't deserve. Without a doubt. Without question. Without question.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Without question. I need to do zero research to make this confident. Yeah, I'm with you. I'm doubling down. Yeah, so that alone. It's like, imagine if you, if you hire someone for a firm. And you're like, look, she's got straight A's. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And then she gets into the job. She's like, she's a moron. Like, what happened? She fucked everybody. Maybe that's the pay gap. You know, it started there. There was an ad from like the 1950s about a secretary. And it was something about has your boss been ignoring you?
Starting point is 00:41:27 Maybe you needed to change your smell and like put different fucking deodorant on and shit. But literally they were advertising that a secretary's, like that that was the goal, that a secretary had. You tried to get the boss to fall in love with you. Get a husband. Yeah. Yeah. Going to college and being a secretary for a while was just like, all right, if you don't graduate with an English degree and a husband, you fucking wasted your four years. I wonder if we're going to look back in the future about women entering into the workforce and being forced to do – if anyone's going to make a long term analysis of the shift in culture that
Starting point is 00:42:05 that brought about. Because it pretty, between that and birth control. So those two things just changed the options for women. Totally. Entirely. Yeah. Like, you know, every time you have sex you don't have to worry about getting knocked up. Every time. Imagine if you're a woman. Like, a guy just wants
Starting point is 00:42:22 a fuck and you're like, I'm not, I don't think we should do this. You don't have a condom. It's like, don't worry about it, I'll pull out. And meanwhile, you might have all fucking human life grow inside you. That's real. And he's going to whack off six hours from now. 100%. He's just trying to get rid of loads.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Just trying to get, yeah, hard for us to even contextualize what it must have been like before birth control. And then there's the other thing. The birth control pill is fucking terrible for them. Terrible for them. No, I know a lot of my friends will just go off. They'll just be like, it's not worth it. Like if you get out of your early 20s, no kid, you're like, all right, i can't do this to my fucking body anymore well it changes the way you view the world it changes the way what women are attracted to it changes everything yeah you're taking you're you're ingesting a pill that
Starting point is 00:43:16 tricks your body into thinking you're already pregnant which is just nuts so you're walking around perpetually pregnant interesting yeah so you just want like to feel safe, I guess. I wonder. I mean, it's got to have some, I mean, there must be a way to, I mean, with really intelligent women to rationalize and understand what's going on. But for a lot of them, that shift in the hormonal balance, it has a significant impact on what you do. A hundred.
Starting point is 00:43:41 No, that totally makes sense. I wonder why the fuck we don't have any like, sign me up for the guy pill. You don't want the guy pill. Why? Because the guy pill kills your testosterone. They gave a guy pill and the guy,
Starting point is 00:43:52 it turned the guy trans. Oh, damn. His shoulders slump. Damn, would my tits get awesome? Your tits would get great. They'd be juicy.
Starting point is 00:44:01 You could fucking squirt on the lens. I feel like, on the lens. I feel like there's no other way. Is there like some fake vasectomy shit you could do? Well, there's a real vasectomy that you can do. Guys can get their tubes tied, and they supposedly can put them back together again. But it's not 100%. It might be scar tissue.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And you don't want to freeze nut. Frozen nuts not coming out thawed nice. What kind of psychopath baby are you going to have with frozen nuts? This baby's been frozen. That nut's been frozen for 30 years. Oh, dude. Frostbitten. Bro, have you ever read into how many doctors use their own jizz and fertility clinics?
Starting point is 00:44:39 Crazy, dude. It's nuts. What's even the fucking, the psychology of that is insane to me I mean I guess because it's like you think it's an animalistic thing to want to like spread your seed right on some like Evolutionary level, but we've taken your eight steps away from that right where you're not even getting like I could see The weird trying to fuck your patients. I like me well. They don't even want to know the kids That's it even more insane. They just literally want their shit out there. Well, Brett Weinstein, who's an evolutionary biologist,
Starting point is 00:45:13 he explained to me the difference between beautiful and hot. He goes, you know the difference between beautiful and hot? I'm like, there's a difference? Yeah. Like, what's the difference? He goes, hot is someone that's not going
Starting point is 00:45:24 to require anything from you you could just have sex with them right away and that from an evolutionary perspective gives you an opportunity to spread your seed johnny apple without having any sort of commitment yes whereas beautiful is someone that you want to settle down with and commit with renaissance painting a little chubby lady in the corner. You know what I mean? Some lady's good at cooking. Sweet face. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I think that thing, that was lost in me. I never even thought about that before. Yeah, I guess I consider hot more almost dangerous on some level too. You know what I mean? Like the Megan Fox archetype of almost evil. You know what I mean? Like I'm a little scared. You know what I mean? Like I'm a little scared. But you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:07 She's got like a- No, tell me what you mean. Okay, so have you ever seen- Okay, she's got like the features where it's like if she was a villain in something. You know what I mean? Like Jennifer's Body, that horror movie. She was perfect for it. Because it's like there is an edge to her.
Starting point is 00:46:21 You know what I mean? There's like an edge to someone who has like who has like um you know like almost femme fatale but like not trying to not trying to hide what she is she's just like so just yeah i don't know it's i just see scarlett johansson has that do you ever see that alien movie that she did i think it's called under the skin oh i haven't seen it it's really good she can definitely turn it on. You're right. But she also has kind of like softer features too. There's like an angular thing.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Angelina Jolie maybe. You know what I mean? Like there's an angular thing to it. There's like almost like I guess the Black Widow feel to it where it's like man eater. Like this kind of thing where it's like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Watch out, boy. She'll chew you up.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Yeah, exactly. Something like that. A song the two gay guys wrote. The Scarlett Johansson movie. Those guys are in a legal battle with each other. Oh, man. That's a shame. Sad.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Hall & Oates. If they can't get along, who can? I know. Hall & Oates are going to court. Some nice, easy listening. Yeah. How's Hall & Oates fighting? That sucks, listening. Yeah. How's Hall and Oates fighting? That sucks, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah. But that Scarlett Johansson movie, she plays an alien that kills people. An alien that kills guys. So she seduces these guys and kills them. Oh, I love that. Classic. It's really interesting, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:37 It's very original. Very interesting movie. I haven't seen that one. Is that what it's called? Is it called Under the Skin? Mm-hmm. Show a clip of it. Well.
Starting point is 00:47:47 She is insanely hot. She is insanely hot. She's insanely hot. She's hot in the really intelligent hot woman category. But, you know, she almost straddled. I think there's a, definitely. But there is a softness there. I guess big titties is also what I'm talking about. Round nose.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I guess I'm thinking about a sharp nose. Right. You're thinking of Nazis. Some bitch in leather. She's going to put a ball gag in my mouth. With one of those SS helmets on. Yeah. Holy shit. Sounds pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. Oh, damn. So she assimilates. Mm. Oh, man. I would be toast. So she picks up these guys and takes them home.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Whoa, what the fuck? and takes them home. Come to me. Whoa, what the fuck? Yeah. It's pretty interesting. It would be so easy to trap me. Strangely erotic and unnerving performance. It just shows you, like, if aliens wanted to take over, they would just have to be hot women. Dude. Hot, hot manipulative women.
Starting point is 00:49:11 So, and that's the thing. It's like, yeah, just a hot woman. Not even, see, that's the thing. She's not even like that evil thing I'm talking about because that would almost be too on the nose. Right. You want just like a hot, nice woman who's just like. Hot, a little bit soft. A little bit soft.
Starting point is 00:49:25 She has a little softness to her. Absolutely. You don't want the angular thing because that would- Don't get me wrong. I would still get trapped. But going into it, I'd be like, I'm probably going to die. Right. You'd go into it going, oh, she's probably a Nazi.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah. Look at her face. Look at those perfect cheeks. It's the Aryan race defined. Yeah. I mean, the places I've gone for head are so scary. Like the fucking back. I hooked up with this one girl I didn't know at all off the internet.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I was like, what's your address? And she was like, let me just drop you a pin. And I had to go through like an alley into a back entrance. Did you worry you were getting set up? 100%. And at the same time, I was like, I hope I don't get fucking killed. But I didn't stop. And then I went and I fucked her. It was cool. But I was like I hope I don't get Fucking killed But I didn't stop And then I went
Starting point is 00:50:06 And I fucked her It was cool But I was like Damn thank god This would have been so easy So many different ways Yeah To get abducted
Starting point is 00:50:13 I'm sure guys are getting Got like that all the time Constantly People get robbed off Tinder For sure Have you ever been It has to be What's the like a scary
Starting point is 00:50:20 Young Boston Joe You ever go into like A fucking scary place To get sucked off? No I'm lucky I never had. You were a girlfriend guy? I never had a situation where I was like going into a dangerous situation for sex
Starting point is 00:50:34 Never. You probably were a cute kid. I was pretty cute. I was boy friendly. Boy handsome Boy pretty. A little Freudian slip. Boy friendly. It's all that Pap-Out New Guinea talk. You had those soft lips. I've seen that little pic of you with the fucking earring.
Starting point is 00:50:50 The earring and the leather jacket. That's not good for comedy, though. I'm funnier being ugly. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, when you get older, you're funnier. Absolutely. It's like weathered. Like Matt Rife.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Yeah. He takes a lot of shit because he's too beautiful. Yeah, tough. Yeah. Tall, handsome, perfect hair. Mm-hmm. You know? He's too handsome.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Squidward, the handsome Squidward job. People shit on him for zero reason. For being sexy. If he was a little guy with glasses doing the same act, no one would be mad at him. Yeah, but he also probably, he wouldn't get as much attention, though. Probably wouldn't. That's the double-edged sword, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:51:22 It's like a bunch of horny women aren't coming out to that's true to a nebbishy to 20 year old ari that you met with matt rife's act he's not selling out fucking arenas that is true he's got that going for him like the audience is like half milfs totally i would it's a milf thing i might put it over half yeah it's a lot of like these older ladies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're still hot. Totally. Yeah. That's nice. Like a hot grandma. I love a hot grandma. A hot 46-year-old grandma is pretty hard to beat. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Had them young. Teen mom. Teen mom whose kid also had kids at 18. And now she sees that young Matt Rife. She's like, mmm, yummy. Absolutely. I think that is who gets milk. Milfs are not into me. I do get a, it's younger women are into me just because I think it's like the milfs want a little handsome to feel like young again. And I think like hot younger women want like.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Fun. Just a fun. They want laughs. Little daddy thing too. You're a big fat piece of shit. They like that. The thing about comics though, I think the big one is that they're funny. And that's what's attractive.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Totally. You know, like, what's the percentage of women that are funny? It's a smaller percentage than guys. Probably. For whatever the reason. There's funny women out there. Don't get me wrong. But if we're just being honest, we have to grade on a curve.
Starting point is 00:52:41 It's probably getting, it goes back to the whole, what we were talking about with like secretaries and shit, right? Up until very recently, you kind of had to play a subservient role where like, if you were funnier than a guy, you had to hide it. Right. Like you weren't, you weren't, you weren't like rewarded for it until probably 20 years ago. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:52:59 Like. What about rich women? Yeah. When rich women start dating guys who have regular jobs, like, what is that? That's got to be insane. I bet you some of them like it. I think because the women who are like... I bet they like it. Yeah. You think the dude likes it? If he's a fucking... If he knows what's good for him. Sign me up, dude. Let me be a kept man. That sounds fucking awesome. But the thing is, if the man has his own dreams of greatness... Overrated.
Starting point is 00:53:21 dreams of greatness? Overrated. Overfucking rated. Let me suck on a pair of freshly redone titties. Let me tend to the pool. You know what I mean? Let me fucking throw on some fucking cocoa melon with our son that I raised.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Happily. With a fucking smile on my face, dude. I would love a high-powered woman who's just like, doesn't, isn't, thinks comedy's stupid. You know what I mean? You would like that? I think I would. What if she started telling you to stop going on?
Starting point is 00:53:52 No, I couldn't do that. Yeah, but that's what comedy's stupid leads to. But I would be like, yeah, you're right. A friend of mine is having that issue right now. Really? Hot, hot girlfriend. Really? And she's like, you don't need to go out tonight.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Interesting. I do, though. Yeah. She's like, but need to go out tonight. He's like I do though Yeah, she's like but you went out last night. He's like yeah to the worst the job This is how I get better. I have to like you can come with me Maybe maybe this not stupid but like Would prefer if I doesn't mind the work ethic but thinks it's like, you know a low a low like doesn't have any like Respect for the art form. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:26 A lot of people don't have respect for the art form. That's what I'm saying. It wouldn't be hard to find. No, that would be easy. A rich woman doesn't. Comedy is one of the like the most disparaged art forms. Yeah. It's very odd in that it's one of the most difficult things to do.
Starting point is 00:54:39 It's one of the most widely enjoyed things. Very enjoyable, yeah. Very enjoyed. Like people fucking love comedy but no one takes it seriously in terms of like when you see someone who's a serious musician like there's a there's just a level of respect for an elite guitarist yeah yeah you know like a fucking stevie ray vaughn or gary clark jr there's a there's a level of respect like wow yeah that motherfucker like they know technically gifted yeah they have their craft
Starting point is 00:55:05 yeah whereas with comedy the problem is we're doing something that everybody does which is talking talking does it everyone thinks they can do it you know what i mean well everyone yeah a friend of mine's been bringing it up lately and i'm like no you're that's funny to be friends with you and be like i could do it oh my god it's like it's not his friend's not even an open mic but everything he ever says that he thinks is funny, he laughs at his own shit and it's terrible. Yeah, always. Like, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:30 That's part of the problem. I mean, also it's like, I love comedy. It's the thing I, you know, my whole life has been dedicated to it. But I also understand, I respect a guitarist more than a comedian. Oh yeah. You know what I mean? Like, they're right. Well, they practice.
Starting point is 00:55:43 A fine, exactly, dude. They actually practice when no one's around. A fine like I respect them more than fucking comedy and I love that though I think it should be the low. I like that. We're the lowest form of show. Yeah, that's good We're fucking yeah, we are dumb as fuck we have like a type some of us have a type of intelligence or like like I think my what I like is and like Emotional intelligence I can pick up on people, but I'm not fucking reading books anymore. Most of my mind,
Starting point is 00:56:08 my, my, I think my brain is essentially like a tachometer. Uh huh. Like I can redline that bitch. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Like if I have scientists in and I have to have discussions with them or if there's something serious that I have to debate about with someone, I can redline it. Yeah. But for the most part, I'm cruising on the highway at a steady 2,500 RPMs. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I'm a golf cart. Hey, guys, how we doing? Let me tell you about what time my dick didn't get hard. That's what I'm doing. Whenever I think of golf carts, I think of Jackie Gleason. I do not know why. Why? Yeah, I was going to ask.
Starting point is 00:56:42 There's a photo of Jackie Gleason on a golf cart. His golf cart had a cooler built into it. And he's just, Jackie Gleason just liked to play golf and get lit. That's great. And that's what he did all the time. That's a nice way to be. See if you can find the photo of Jackie Gleason on a, so I don't know why, but this photo, this is it right here.
Starting point is 00:56:59 That's awesome. Whenever I think of golf carts, I think of that photo. That's a shit version. Here it is. Oh, hell yeah. Jackie fucking Gleason. Look at his golf cart. Oh, it's a Rolls Royce golf cart. That's a shit version. Here it is. Jackie fucking Gleason. Look at this golf cart. Oh, it's a Rolls Royce golf cart.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Respect. Look at this golf with an American flag on it. What a guy. Not even an American flag. Is that the first? Is that the? Yeah, the first 13. Colonies?
Starting point is 00:57:18 Yeah, the colonies. It said he oozes self-satisfaction, which is hilarious. And he does turn it down during the professional tournaments held there. Oh, hell yeah, dude. He said he oozes self-satisfaction, which is hilarious. Oh, hell yeah, dude. Look at him. He's got the horns. He's got the horns on his windshield. That's what I want my life to be like.
Starting point is 00:57:38 And listen, man, that guy got drunk constantly. Yeah. He was just always lit. Respect. He was always having a good time. Jackie Gleason had a good fucking time. Let me hear something. After four or five of these good heavens, a spectator yelled out and he said, when you play as good as that heavens has nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Okay. He played good. Yeah. He was a really good pool player. Nice. Like an elite level pool player. I believe it. He's in the movie The Hustler.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Love that movie. Yeah. In 1963. And he's the only guy I've ever seen like that That's that's just an actor then when you see him play pool. You don't get offended. Yeah, yeah Yeah, cuz I watch him make balls Mike. Oh that guy's gonna. He's a slip stroke. Well. It's all you're real player It's so funny Probably black and white
Starting point is 00:58:26 Oh yeah dude So I can watch the game I got this connected to the girls bathroom Nice It's just short He's got a CB in there He's got a cooler Look at that shit
Starting point is 00:58:39 I mean that's beautiful That's fucking That's retirement That's an electric cooler Built into his fucking golf cart. Smoking cigarettes. Look at the little mustache. Oh, fuck yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Got the stache. Let me hear some volume of Jackie. Let me hear some volume of the great one. That's what I do to Hope when I play Bob Hope. I drive up in this and that shakes him a little bit. Then I show him the gold clubs. It says the great one. It says the great one on his clubs.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Go back. Look at that. The great one. Flex-a-holic, dude. The fucking club literally says the great one on it says the great one on his clubs. Go back. Look at that. The great one. Flexaholic, dude. The fucking club literally says the great one on it. That's so fucking sick. JG, the great one. Gold clubs.
Starting point is 00:59:14 My shit. That's a Ric Flair ad lib. He was amazing. He was amazing. You know, the amazing thing in the Hustler, he doesn't even talk hardly. Yeah. He doesn't. I mean, he has a few lines, but he just plays this stoic pool player.
Starting point is 00:59:28 He's the best pool player in the world. Fats. What's his name? Minnesota Fats. Minnesota Fats. Yeah. No, I love that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:34 You know, there's a guy, like a real pool player named Minnesota Fats who just stole the name. He was a hustler. The Minnesota Fats, the guy who you see, like, he would be in these, like, exhibitions against, like, Willie Moscone back in the day. His real name was New York Fats. They used to call him New York Fats. And then the movie came out, and he was like, that movie's about me. And he changed his name to Minnesota Fats.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Smart man. Oh, my God. Work smarter, not harder. Like Rick Ross, basically. The rapper Rick Ross. Exactly. You know, that's— The real Freeway Ricky Ross.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Freeway Ricky Ross. basically. The rapper Rick Ross. The real Freeway Ricky Ross. Freeway Ricky Ross. Yeah. Freeway Ricky Ross tried to sue him because he's using his name. He said, nope. Rick Ross, honestly, how he got away with everything is awesome. The real Rick Ross. Both. Both.
Starting point is 01:00:17 I think the... Well, Ricky Ross is crazy. He was selling for the CIA, wasn't he? Yes. But, bro, he didn't even know how to read until he got into fucking jail. That's so awesome. Became a jailhouse lawyer and then realized
Starting point is 01:00:28 once he was in jail that they had tried him for three strikes based on one case and you can't do that. Fuck yeah. It has to be three separate times you were arrested
Starting point is 01:00:36 so he got out. So sick. Yeah, he got himself out. So sick. Didn't know how to read. That's awesome. And he was a killer tennis player. Really?
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yeah. Fuck yeah. Freeway Ricky Ross. Did he pick that up in jail too? No, when he's awesome. And he was a killer tennis player. Really? Yeah. Fuck yeah. Freeway Ricky Ross. Did he pick that up in jail too? No, when he was younger. He was like a killer tennis player. But like, what future does he have? He lives in Compton.
Starting point is 01:00:51 So he starts selling drugs and didn't know that he was selling it for the fucking CIA to fund the Sandinistas versus the Contras. That's so fucking hilarious, dude. Wild, man. And then you got Rick Ross, who was a fucking, he was a prison guard. That's the best what I'm saying is like he because he's so good at Lying and rapping and just like you hear Rick Ross rap and you're like that's that's Jackie Gleason on a fucking golf cart That's fucking gold clubs. That's like, you know marble fleet. He's just talking about all this crazy shit and
Starting point is 01:01:21 50 cent who's the best troll of all time he's so funny he thought he was destroying everyone he he like was up against he's up against Rick Ross who's stealing a real drug dealer's name was a literal cop 50 Cent had the pictures of him in his little uniform Rick Ross was just good enough at fucking rapping it didn't fucking matter he's so good at fucking you know luxurious rap have you ever made love have you ever made love to the woman in your dreams in a room full of money out in london as she screams that's a fucking rick ross line that's fucking beautiful dude that's a room full of money in london it's like uh tony hinchcliffe had this bit that he should do about michael jackson and he goes michael
Starting point is 01:02:01 jackson was so good when beat it came on you didn't give a fuck about those kids And it's true. It is There hasn't been a single artist in all of history that was accused by multiple people of pedophilia. Yeah We we all knew he had kids spend the night over his house. It was all sick and weird Yeah, really fun literally turned his fucking house into a honeypot for kids. You know, the Cat Waves bit is so good. Oh, yeah. Where he's like, I have shit in my house that bitches like.
Starting point is 01:02:33 He was like, I don't like silk pillowcases, but bitches do. And then he's like, now what does Michael's house have? And he's just like, a Ferris wheel? He's like, who do you think he's trying to fuck? I know. People are giving him so much shit about that bit. Dude, that, first of all, that might be my favorite special of all time because he's just- Is that Pimp Chronicles?
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yes. And he's just, comes out in the green. In the middle of it, he dances to his own song on Dipset. Just in the middle of it. In the middle. Little John comes out. He's fucking crushing. And it's a shorter special, but he's got the fucking turbo button the whole time. He's crushing the whole time
Starting point is 01:03:08 Yeah The act outs are out of control the fuck everything is so good and in that special is my favorite Michael Jackson bit and my favorite Bit about the Iraq war where he's just like what's the what is the Iraq war? What is the Iraq Army's uniform look like? I'll wait tell me he's like and then he's talking about how insurgents. He's like, we're killing motherfuckers in flip-flops, sweatpants. He was just like, you mean. And it's a bit in between, two bits. Like, it's almost in the side.
Starting point is 01:03:35 And it is literally as good as any political comic, because he just gets to the fucking heart of the matter. That special's fucking unbelievable. Yeah, he had a run. He had a run for a few years. Unbelievable. He top and he still that's the thing it's like maybe culturally it's not what it used to be but from like the numbers like people still fucking watch cat williams a ton dude oh yeah it's just i'm saying like oh yeah he was on yeah he was on fire pimp crime truly that special i i lit i thought i you know go back and forth, but that, I mean, it's on the Mount Rushmore for me of just like.
Starting point is 01:04:07 It's pretty damn good. And it captured something. It's so, you know, of that 2000s era of like, you know, that's what I, yeah, I mean. Look at him. He looks incredible. Look at that jacket. Give me some of this volume. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Sweatshirt Purr Mountain's own song in the middle of a special. Look at him. Oh, yeah, this is about a baseball In the middle of a special look at the size of his belt buckle Jesus Christ look at that belt buckle Look at those knees the man of a special. Look at the size of his belt buckle. Jesus Christ. Look at that belt buckle. Look at those knees. The man's a dancer. Well, you can move like that when you weigh 130 pounds. Yeah, 5'1". It's quite a bit easier.
Starting point is 01:04:56 He's just in the middle of a special. And it doesn't stop him at all. Like, imagine. stop him at all. Can I get a what? What? Can I get a what? Like, imagine. Can I get it out? Yeah. He came out with a tiger once. Did you ever see that special?
Starting point is 01:05:12 No, that's awesome. He had a special with a tiger in a cage behind him. But dude. Was it a tiger or a lion? I don't remember. But dude. Some giant ass cat. Think about how hard it would be to follow little John in the height of his fucking, height of his fame. Right. Coming out in the middle of your, in the middle of his fucking height of his fame right coming out in the middle
Starting point is 01:05:26 Of your in the middle of it cat Williams doesn't give a fuck dude. Well. He wants him there That's what I'm saying. It's like who can do that's such a flex like this isn't gonna affect me at all I'm in total control of all you motherfuckers, and by the way you can tell I think he shot that in one go There's no multiple shows. Yeah, it's fucking in Cray., he's so good. He was on top. So fucking good. But yeah, that Michael Jackson bit he did was so fucking good. And he was just the man. And it's cool because it's like he's also a great actor. When he was in fucking Atlanta, he was fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:56 I never saw any of that. Atlanta's a great show. Yeah? Great show. But yeah, he's just got so much depth and he's such an interesting person. It's like all like coming imagine coming back from getting in a fight with a child he got fucked up by like a middle schooler yeah and it's like he's doing arenas like two years later everyone's like well that's it for
Starting point is 01:06:18 that's it for cat that one time when he's just completely destroying that some woman on the radio have you seen that she is trying to go after him in the softest way possible and he is demolished. It's like when he was coming back from his troubles and shit like that and this woman has no idea what she's doing. He's just calling.
Starting point is 01:06:36 He's like, fuck, I forget what it is, but it's like him on, I don't remember what radio show, but it's like. So they took a caller? No, she's like a host. Oh.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And he's like, you know, he's just fucking being chill, whatever. whatever and it's just like he's just such a genuine guy that you can't shake him and he's funny as he's so fucking funny what are you thinking this woman he i don't know i remember what he said to her it's i you know if you can find it jay but like it's one of the funniest things i've ever seen in terms of like just destroying a woman destroying that's the only reason to go on one of those radio shows Yeah, well Sam does it where he goes he goes on morning shows and talks about like how each yes This is a killer versus Wanda Smith
Starting point is 01:07:18 19 inches long and I have no perm No, it is not Come run one of your gnarled fingers. Gnarled? Put your hands through yours. That's right. They don't have to. I want them to.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Get on out of here. You okay? Gnarled fingers. They make sure they make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure.
Starting point is 01:07:39 They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure.
Starting point is 01:07:39 They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure.
Starting point is 01:07:39 They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure.
Starting point is 01:07:39 They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure.
Starting point is 01:07:40 They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure.
Starting point is 01:07:40 They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure.
Starting point is 01:07:40 They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make sure. They make His clothes are old. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I want to apologize to the people at Versace Collection.
Starting point is 01:07:52 This is your 2019 summer line that hasn't come out. We're going to a break real quick. He's got old ass clothes. He says runnishness collection. Shout out to him. I don't remember him for a while now, right? I'm not the right one to tell him though. Get the inmate out of here. If you can't get your blood pressure down, She's so nervous. She's so nervous, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Look at her. Look at the nervous laughter. I've never been to prison. Look at her. Look at the nervous laughter. I'm not telling you. If you want to have Wanda's jewelry, please go to Citgo. Go on a quick trip at any point. If you buy two packs of Newport 100, they will give you everything Wanda has on right now for $7.99. Come to the car wash. You just come on down. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Absolutely. She's destroying this bitch. She has no idea what she's up against. On her own show. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Just comes with a pack of Newport. You get everything she has on for $7.99.
Starting point is 01:09:28 How does she recover from that? How do you recover from that? I think you have to quit. And when you go back to work tomorrow and everybody's like, how are you feeling? Dude, that follows you for a year. Especially if she reads the comments and you know she reads the comments. Dude, that video is just, we'll live on. That's what people will know her from.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I'm not just saying she has old clothes on. He looks awesome. First of all, you know he's rich. Cat Williams is rich. Rich. Rich, rich. She's been doing arenas for decades. Yeah, she's the fourth mic on a fucking radio show.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Come on, lady. What is that? You got old clothes on. It's a woman completely out of her depth who doesn't, who didn't appreciate that everybody was, you know, rightfully like respecting Kat as a fucking legend and she probably just didn't like it. She thought she was going to get over on him. How?
Starting point is 01:10:14 How do you think that? People are delusional. I'm looking. What? The story went crazy. Oh, no. Did it? Apparently at a show of his in Atlanta her husband pointed a gun at
Starting point is 01:10:30 Because of his ridicule of her Imagine getting roasted so bad your husband points a gun at the guy Following the interview in the alleged altercation be Williams and sellers Smith addressed both on air She said that at the comedy theater Williams saw her and approached her and said, I told you, fucking with me will make you go viral. This led to Sellers chasing Williams into a Food Depot supermarket. Because of legal reasons, Smith couldn't talk further about the altercation. But she did discuss feeling attacked during her interview with Williams.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Oh, the victim card. Incredible, dude. Good luck playing that card with that video. Oh, my God. I felt like as he started to talk in the beginning, he had an agenda to attack me, and I kept feeling some type of way. Crazy. She explained. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:18 He kind of came for me, and I'm not that kind of comedian. She's a comedian? Oh, my God. Like, I don't go tit for tat. When he started coming at me, it kind of comedic. I'm not that kind of comedian. She's a comedian Oh my god, like I don't go tit for tat when he started coming at me it kind of threw me off I did not to come back because that's not how I wanted to talk to him because of the respect Oh now I'm not playing victim. She said I'm not a jokester like that. I don't know how to do that He did it he won it threw me off. Oh my god. Just take the L, lady. Oh my god. It's like, yeah, I put some smoked salmon up my ass and put it- waved it in front of a bear's face and it attacked me and now I'm sad. Worse! You pimp-slapped the bear.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Yeah! It's insane, dude. I mean, she went after him, 100%. Crazy. And he let her- he was letting her off easy. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And then at the end when he's just, he's got that, he's got the special bar charged up. He does his finishing move on her. She's fucked, dude. Well, when he started with run your gnarled fingers. Gnarled fingers is, that's like, lady, that's the warning shot.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Yeah, you're fucking with an elite comic. And also he's real comfortable and relaxed and he's got his Starbucks. He's the man, dude. He's ready to go. Oh, my God. That was like one of the best takedowns I've ever seen. It was fucking incredible. But that's like a Mike Tyson fight in the 80s.
Starting point is 01:12:31 It's like, what are you doing in there with him? It makes no sense. You're a fucking tomato can. This is a terrible idea. How did you think this was going to turn out? I know. I know. He's the fucking man.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah. Do you do radio anymore? Do you ever do that? Not really. It used to be the thing that you did. I know. It just doesn't... Like, I did it...
Starting point is 01:12:48 It doesn't work. At the very end of, like, when I first started headlining and, you know, playing, like, I would feature, and then I would do the Sunday or something like that, you know, or the Thursday. I did it a couple times, but I was like, why am I up at fucking 5 a.m.? If it moves two tickets, you're lucky. And it's just like, now it's like we kind of do the fuck like i'll do the shows that you know depending i'll do some you know levitard is a really great show i'll do that i'll do but even those shows it's like he's also a podcast now or like i'll do local you know in certain markets i'll do baltimore when i go home shout out to my
Starting point is 01:13:22 boy justin schlegel i'll do his show because show because he was one of the guys that started ahead of me. And it's still a good show in the market, like 98 Rock, whatever. But it doesn't feel worth it anymore, dude. I kept doing Boston long after I stopped doing other places. Same thing. Because it matters. It means something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:38 But, man, it used to be radio was fun. Well, radio was probably what led me to get into podcasting. Oh, interesting. Because I would do radio shows. I'd go, God, I want to do one of these. This would be fun. No one would ever give me one. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Yeah, better buy a shitty microphone. Yeah. Just record. Yeah. God damn. It's kind of, it used to be the only way to sell tickets. That's insane. It's kind of gone.
Starting point is 01:14:00 I think it is gone. I mean, I assume, I think maybe some part, like, I guess, I don't know if, like, Bob and Tom is still big. It used to work, though. It used to work. Like, if you went to Columbus and you did, what was that? There was a fucking, there was a, God, I can't remember the name. They did two. They had a morning zoo.
Starting point is 01:14:19 It was big there for a while, and then there was another show, depending on the year you're talking about. Yeah. But, no, you're right. I mean, if we really think about it, it really was like podcasts. Because it's like how there's a ton of, even though there's like 200 podcasts that do really, just off the top of my head, you know, comedy podcasts. There's a ton of successful ones. It's the same way where it's like every market had a place where a guy was a fucking celebrity.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Yep. In their little town, you couldn't fuck with that guy, dude. He was like a fucking Don. And that has kind of gone away because now it's like. Yeah, they were the morning guy. The morning guy was the fucking man. The morning guy was the brass ring, dude. That's who he wanted to be.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Isn't that crazy that that went like blockbuster? Blockbuster video, just like. Totally. Well, and it's like, you know, those shows were like. I mean, again, I barely did them. I did a lot of them. Yeah, like, did you feel like you could be funny on there? You just had to be, right?
Starting point is 01:15:10 I would show up lit. Yeah. Always. Always. I never did those sober. Just fucking high or drunk? I'd be barbecued. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Just barbecued. That's hilarious, dude. Not knowing what I was talking about 15 seconds after I was talking. This house was the most loose. It's 6 o'clock in not knowing what I was talking about 15 seconds after I was talking. This house is the most loose. It's 6 o'clock in the morning. Give me a big cup of coffee and a joint. Let me go. Let me go.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Let's go. Let's get into it. Yeah, let's have some fun. And, you know, I've drank on the radio, too. But that's hard, man. Because then you go back to your hotel room and crash. And then you feel like shit at, like, 2 p.m. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:15:44 I didn't even think of that. Yeah, because the show's got to come after yeah that's the fucked up part yeah but if you're on a radio show and you're having fun you got to go yeah i mean this is this is like the advertisement to get people to come see you right so you're fucking around having a good time you're crushing it you got to stay on yeah gotta have a good time and but i always used to think like that would be the job man have a fucking radio gig would be the job. You figured it out. I don't know what the fuck happened.
Starting point is 01:16:08 What are you talking about? But it's like. This is exactly that. Except you don't have to fucking. You can talk about whatever the fuck you want. You know what I mean? You're in here. That's why I never would have gotten one of those jobs.
Starting point is 01:16:16 They would have said, hey, hey, you can't talk about the pyramids again. I'd be like, but hold on. Come on, dude. There's no way those motherfuckers made them it was a fucking alien beamed us to the fucking knowledge also you would have executives yeah you would have a bunch of fucking
Starting point is 01:16:34 like they would have meetings with like I was friends with Kevin and Bean in LA that was like one of the last shows that I ever did they were no they were the last radio show that I would ever willingly do just cause they were your boys they were fun they were good dudes and you know when they got fired man they just got fucking they just got told they were fired and they weren't even allowed to go in the building to get their stuff and they were there for like 25 years i mean that's fucking
Starting point is 01:16:57 brutal but that's how those corporations work man fuck you pay me get out they they they're it's a business it's not just bleed art and they bled they bled their industry dry mm-hmm and that it kind of made way for Independent stuff independent pot and it's like they thought they were they could do that cuz they were monopoly and then in Five years it was like anybody could do yeah Well, I remember when I first started talking about doing it like radio guys were so dismissive. Oh, yeah. Like, why are you doing that? Yeah. This is our thing. Well, Howard Stern used to talk about it openly. Like, these people are idiots.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Like, what are you doing? Wasting your time podcasting. Yeah. It's kind of hilarious. It really is. But, I mean, you also get it because it like, it's, of course, it threatens them because it's like, yeah, I'm just going to do it.
Starting point is 01:17:39 I'm going to do the thing you. I get it, but I don't get it because things that threaten me, I don't attack. Right. I embrace things that threaten me't get it because things that threaten me, I don't attack. Right. I embrace things that threaten me. If there's something that threatens me, if there was something like a podcast, if I was a radio host and podcasts were killing, I'd be like, I need to get a fucking podcast. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:17:56 And I'd probably start talking openly about it to put pressure on my contract negotiations. Right, right, right. I'd be like, why don't I just get a- Why am I here? I have enough money. Why do I have a boss? Why do I have a boss? Why do I have a job? Why do I have shareholders?
Starting point is 01:18:08 Why do I have stocks? Well, do you think it's a little bit of like what happens when, like, it's not so much a, I mean, I guess it happens now too where it's like, like if somebody gets big off
Starting point is 01:18:16 purely TikTok, right, or somebody does like funny videos and then they start selling out comedy clubs, don't you think they looked at podcasters that way,
Starting point is 01:18:25 where they're like, they don't know how to be a radio guy? Well, I mean... Because I feel that sometimes where I'm like, these fucking guys can't put together an act. Or if whenever a celebrity gets canceled, now all of a sudden they're fucking comedians. You know what I mean? Right, that does happen.
Starting point is 01:18:40 That's what I'm saying. That's like actors, their last hope. Again, back to the what? Comedy is where comedy is it's like well if you are a rapist come on to the comedy club You know that's how we're respect like tick-tock made Ralph Barboza, but I think he's gonna be a good calm He's a good but he was a middle act and then all sudden He's like headlining and selling out four or five six shows in a row, but that's the thing It's like if you're like sudden he's like headlining and selling out four, five, six shows in a row. But that's the thing. It's like if you're like that, he's good.
Starting point is 01:19:06 He's a good comic and he works hard as fuck. Somebody who makes it off of the strength of their jokes is different from like let's say you do skits. Right. Or you're a personality. Right. And like somebody like Drewski is really funny. That guy is hilarious. And he goes on the road and he does his own thing.
Starting point is 01:19:22 He has his own show. He's not doing stand-up. He's like taking the experience of what makes him good but then you see other people who don't have that like imagination they don't want to work hard and craft a their own special live show and they're like right i could do stand the way we were talking about it imagine if your friend who's not funny at all blows up because he puts a wig on and pretends to be a woman on tiktok you know what i mean but i mean not on TikTok. You know what I mean? It's not going to happen. I mean, not him. Yeah, but you know what I'm saying. It's that.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Very rarely do I say it's never going to happen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But hypothetically, a guy like that, it happens, and they have no stage presence. They have nothing interesting about them. And all of a sudden, they can sell out a fucking improv for the weekend. And now, hopefully, organically, people will stop going to see them if they're bullshit.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Or they can figure it out. Like come up with something that they can do. Maybe show video clips. Maybe talk about things. Have a projector behind them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Somewhere they can juice it up. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Some bullshit. Yeah, somewhere they can juice it up. More often than not, though, I think if they figure it out, they become hacks. Because hack works. You know what I mean? Right. That's why it's hack. Well, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:31 Tom Green is a really good comic now. And Tom Green, you know, was doing movies and all that other stuff and sketches at Tom Green Show. And now he's doing stand-up. Well, he's a super imaginative,
Starting point is 01:20:41 very, like, creative guy. Yeah. You know? He's also super unique. He's also the main reason why like a creative guy. Yeah, you know, he's also super unique He's also the main reason why I did this podcast Tom Green show. Yeah, that was Online one his talk show that he had. I remember I went to his house It was like 2007 and I was like, this is crazy. Like you got wires running through your living room It's server. I mean he had like servers there and yeah, like a whole room
Starting point is 01:21:04 Dedicated to hard drives and servers. He had some crazy internet connection. It was wild. And I was like, dude, you just got to figure out a way to monetize this. This is it. This is the future. No executives, no one to tell you what to do. I think I started doing versions of web shows after that.
Starting point is 01:21:20 And then the other one that got me into it was doing the Opie and Anthony show because it was such a hang. Totally. It was just just a hang there was no organization to it at all yeah bunch of funny guys people popping in and off and norton and everyone just hanging out yeah shitting on each other that was the predecessor that was like that was the predecessor that was the thing yeah especially when they went to xm and they were you can say whatever the fuck you want yeah it's so funny to hear the clips from when they were on terrestrial radio and you're like, they're like, easy, Patrice. And they're like, oh, wait, he can't say anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Yeah. But yeah, it is very, it's fascinating. But yeah, I guess that's what the radio guys were thinking, you know. But I agree with you. You should try and understand what the fuck's going on, not like feel threatened. Yeah, well, I get why you would feel threatened. I just don't think it's productive. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:09 It's just like, how's that going to help you to shit on something that is obviously killing it? Once you're already successful, the people get set in their fucking ways. Mm-hmm. You know? Yeah. Well, especially if you're like a Howard Stern type dude. Yeah. You're the biggest guy ever in radio.
Starting point is 01:22:21 And then something's coming along that's taking over radio. Like, no way. Yeah. Impossible. Although I will say none of us have an awesome black midget that we bring on. Dude, you couldn't anymore. Beetlejuice rocks. Imagine if he bailed on his contract and said,
Starting point is 01:22:36 you know what, I got a billion dollars in the bank. I'm firing all the executives. I'm buying a warehouse. Yeah. And I'm going to just build a wild-ass studio in there and just do podcasts and go back to like Howard Stern from the 80s. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:48 But you know, at a certain point you kind of, you're not that guy anymore either. That's true. Your temperament changes, you know? It's like once you- Well, he got real scared of the virus. Yeah. He like didn't go into the city for like fucking two years. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:00 That's wild. Yeah. I just wish, I just want to see Beetlejuice back. That's another one of my classics. Is he still alive? I think, oh yeah. He's thriving. Yeah. I just wish, I just want to see Beetlejuice back. That's another one of my classics. Is he still alive? I think, oh yeah. He's thriving. How?
Starting point is 01:23:08 I don't know. I don't know, but I do like to throw on some Beetlejuice clips. I saw a clip of his sister. Yeah, him and his sister. It became a thing. Looks exactly like him. Oh, boy. My favorite one is when they trick him into thinking he's talking to Obama.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Oh, my God. Was it Obama impersonator? It was barely, the guy was barely doing a voice and he's going like fuck you Obama oh my god Beetlejuice had a
Starting point is 01:23:31 personal beef with him because he he said he wrote a letter to his mother oh my god you remember when Opie and Anthony got kicked off the air
Starting point is 01:23:39 because they had a homeless guy on that said he was going to rape Condoleezza Rice now that's radio, baby. This was on Sirius. This was on XM, where they thought they could get away with anything.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Like, nope, there's a fucking line. They didn't even know the guy was going to say it. Yeah, that's fucking hilarious to be like, this is what we need to do. This is what we need to have radio, to what radio waves were created for. A homeless guy. Three million followers. There he is. Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Killing it. Good for him. Shout out to Beat. Good for him. He's the man. Look at him hanging out with Manny Pacquiao and Mike Tyson. I believe that's a Photoshop. So what?
Starting point is 01:24:23 Let's pretend it's real. Connor's there. Let's pretend it's real. Connor's there. Let's pretend it's real. That's Roberto Duran, Connor. Let's pretend it's real. I would love to pretend it's real. I like to think it's real. In my heart it is.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Look at him. He's answering very important calls. He's on the phone with Obama right there. Oh, fuck, dude. So you started doing radio just to promote when you started headlining? Yeah. Would you start before that? that when you get on the yeah? I did a little bit before I mean you would do it anytime anybody would want you radio shows like a big yeah But it was almost always when you were doing a road gig. You know yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:24:55 I remember the first ones I did were like in Connecticut. I was living in New York You know you get kids in Connecticut Of course you have to go and do like a literal like tiny town morning show that reached like five miles Yeah, you know in each direction. Yeah, but that's how you got people to come see you Yeah, it was like the pioneer days totally, you know, literally you're on a covered wagon Yeah, yeah, I know I do I mean it's so funny to to think about when you're like to like want that shitty the old days. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:25:32 Like the old one-nighters and shit because, I mean, it wasn't as good. Like I caught, again, like the tail end of that where it was like you're playing fucking wherever and it's like everywhere had the comedy clubs were very shit. Like when you were coming up, was it like right after a boom and it was like kind of down? Yes. It was like not good. There was a boom in the 80s. So the boom in the 80s was like 84 to 88. And I came around in 88. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:54 And back then, it was really strange. There was a bunch of comics that really were like lounge acts. But not a lounge act like a lounge act comedian, like a lounge act comic. They weren't even really comedians. Interesting. They would just talk about things with a comedy timing. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:26:12 There was nothing there. There was a bunch of these guys. Because they just could sustain that. Everybody was like, ha, ha, ha, ha. They would just laugh. So they would pick premises that other people had covered, and some of them were like arrogant Yeah, it was bizarre like you're fucking terrible
Starting point is 01:26:29 But they had this weird sort of way of delivering material that sounded like they were comedians Yeah, their sleeves rolled up. They would talk about things a little blazer God There was a lot of a man and then like doing like doing Seinfeld's cadence, but with nothing underneath it something like that Yeah, they had a way of talking that made him sound like a comedian Yeah, yeah, yeah, and there was a lot of a man and some of them were headliners. It was crazy It was crazy It was like the whole world wanted comedy right and then it kind of died off and then it died off and a bunch of the Clubs went under and all the TV shows dried up there used to be like evening at the improv and MTV half-hour
Starting point is 01:27:07 comedy hour and all these different shows where you could go on and you could do five minutes and if you killed all sudden your headline on the road you might have seen him on MTV's half-hour comedy club so that's tick-tock back then something like that five minutes yeah something like that yeah and then you could do the road and so you wanted to have some sort of a credit like if they saw you oh even if the improv oh it's cool yeah yeah and then you know you had a credit and hopefully you could put together 45 minutes and close yeah but there was uh it was so many comedians but it wasn't the quality that there are today not even close like there are so many at the top end like back then at the top end
Starting point is 01:27:47 It wasn't that there was a dozen like the NBA in the 50s, right? Five of those guys could play today, but most of them were fucking dog shit. Yeah. Yeah, there was there was like You know there was maybe a dozen, like real good comics. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, there's fucking hundreds of them. A lot of good comics. Yeah, there's a lot of them, man. Well, it's harder to kind of stand out, I think, a little.
Starting point is 01:28:11 But also, it's the natural order of things. It's like as long as something goes on, shit's going to get better. I mean, I do think about sports as the analogy. Like, I mean, UFC, UFC 1 is one of the funniest things of all time where it's like a guy with one boxing glove. Right. Or a jemison. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you flash forward to now and it's like you have like, you know, fucking, you know, the fucking all the Dagestani motherfuckers that are just trained to destroy people.
Starting point is 01:28:38 It's like you drop that guy in the UFC 1. You know what I mean? It's like fucking crazy. Yeah, they would steamroll everybody. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that sport is the most obvious example of something that is almost unrecognizable from 30 years ago.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Because the first UFC was 30 years ago. Wow. And if you go to 1993 to 2023, the difference is so fucking stark. Yeah, dude. The people are so good now. Yeah. It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Yeah. We had the DVD of UFC 1, and it's just so funny to watch. Because we were wrestling fans, and it's like, I heard Ken Shamrock fought in this thing. That was the draw for us, for me and my brothers. And you just watch, and you're like, what the fuck is this? World's most dangerous man. And they were fighting every day. All those fights happened in one day, right?
Starting point is 01:29:24 Yeah, they had multiple fights in a day. That's fucking wild. Yeah, they did a lot of those. They did a lot of those up until the late 90s. And then they started doing individual matches. So were you fighting when you were also starting comedy? Was that like your dual life? Yes.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Yeah. I had three kickboxing fights while I was still doing stand-up. But then I realized I can't do it I can't I wasn't all and I was not all in in fighting or comedy, right? So all not being all in and fighting is fucking dangerous. Yeah And then not being all in in comedy. I was like, what am I doing? Why am I doing this? Yeah? I mean, there's plenty of guys like that getting drunk Try to get pussy after open my but it was really just not knowing what I wanted to do with my life and not being very good at comedy and still like I was still pretty
Starting point is 01:30:11 good at fighting so it was easier at the time yeah I was like maybe this maybe this is what I should maybe I should go all into that but right with fighting if you have a thought in your head that you maybe shouldn't be doing this you better get out now right really should get out even that much doubt yeah it kills you because the guys who don't have that much doubt are gonna fuck you up because the guy like me when i was 20 would have fucked up me when i was 22 yeah yeah you know because i was a different person yeah when i when i was all in that's all i did and i i eat breathe leave i would wake up in the middle of the night kicking.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I would have fucking kicking dreams. So I'd literally like throw kicks in the middle of the night. Yeah, like dogs running in their sleep. Yeah, exactly. It was you fucking sparring. I was playing in head kicks. But it was just, I didn't know what I was going to do. And I was like, I don't know if I can really make it as a comedian.
Starting point is 01:31:04 And then I just had to pick one or the other. Did you just get your shit split once and you were like, I can't do this? I lost my last fight. I got TKO'd in my last fight. But it was also, I fought three times in a night. I won the first two fights. Okay. Stopped the first guy in the first round.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Second guy, I beat the fuck out of him. The third guy, I was exhausted. And I beat him up in the first round. Then I got clipped with a left hook and dropped. Damn. And it wasn't too bad. It wasn't like the next day I was exhausted and I beat him up in the first round that I got a clip of the left hook yeah and dropped and it wasn't Too bad it wasn't like the next day I was fine I was I was fine like an hour after the fight But it was enough where I was like okay like part of me was like you can't go out on a loss
Starting point is 01:31:35 Get back in there. You could beat that guy you're fucking him up. You should just should have been in better shape You shouldn't had two fights that day. Yeah, but the other part of me was like no no no no no no This is good. This is what you this is this is a good way to end this fuck Yeah, yeah, by the way, I've been doing that to other people for so long Yeah, I need to get beat up a little bit was good for me the circle of life. It was good Were you like a kid were you like a kid that was in the fucking taekwondo and shit like that? That's what happened. Yeah. Yeah in high school found that became obsessed trained every day yeah and before that start teaching what was your shit what was like your shit as a little ass kid i was in art okay yeah i was i wanted to be a comic book illustrator oh yeah i wanted to make comic books can you draw oh yeah real good oh i didn't know yeah that was my shit i used to draw
Starting point is 01:32:18 damn dude fucking renaissance man over here i was really good man there's some stuff online that you could find like this is one thing that i did with three little pigs like the big bad wolf and hell yeah there's a few of those that i did it was like i i drew stuff that was like uh there was a lot of black and white comic books that were like these like creepy and eerie like these different like they were very gory like that's a that's something I drew from Marvin Hagler I drew that when I was 15 that's sick yeah
Starting point is 01:32:47 that's another one I did that one in the upper right angle I drew a lot of those a lot of werewolves so you were into some Asian oh that's cause that to me looks like
Starting point is 01:32:55 one of those like Japanese devils but that's a werewolf yeah werewolves I was just really into werewolves oh some horror shit yeah is that
Starting point is 01:33:02 one that I drew the little red of the big Yeah. Is that one that I drew of the big bad wolf? Is that one in there? The three little pigs? It's in there somewhere. Now, did you ever... This is something we used to get. The kid who could draw, did you ever... Were you ever hired to draw pornography
Starting point is 01:33:17 for any reason? Did you ever draw tits and jack off to it? That's a beautiful, like, self-fulfilling cycle. You know what I did do, though? I would draw tattoos on my friends. Oh, sick. So, like, I would use, like, tactical pens. And I would, like, you could, like, you could get, like, good control of the different thicknesses of tips.
Starting point is 01:33:42 And so I would draw cool tattoos on my friends that were thinking about getting tattoos i'd be like let me draw something on you yeah feel it out yeah this is where you wash it off yeah one of my friends got his ass kicked because he came home and the mother thought it was like a real tattoo you fucking son of a bitch he's like joe roger drew it on me it's not real that you know that family has great communication when he doesn't even get a chance to explain it's fake. Yeah. We're getting his ass kicked. He was getting swung on. He came in with a t-shirt on. She's like, you little son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Because back then, kids would get tattoos, like in high school. Oh, yeah. Just come home. Yeah. With some shitty tattoo. What's up? I got a fucking- My friend Jimmy got this terrible tiger head tattoo on his shoulder.
Starting point is 01:34:23 And one day, his mother saw something peeking out under his sleeve and she fucking started screaming at him. What the fuck did you do? And it had his name on it, like Jimmy. Dude. And bro, it looked like the tiger was made by a drunk five-year-old. A hundred percent. It was so bad.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Dude, those teen, I had a friend who just got like fucking a leaf on her foot. And it's like, this is just here. I was 16 and dumb. And now I have a leaf like fucking a leaf on her foot. And it's like, this is just here. I was 16 and dumb. And now I have a leaf that looks like shit on my foot. They can laser that off though. Yeah, maybe. They're really good at it now. She was mad.
Starting point is 01:34:52 It hurts though. Oh yeah. Apparently. I've never had it done, but the laser hurts. Interesting. They get in there. It just cooks the skin. It just cooks you.
Starting point is 01:35:00 And breaks up all the ink. It broils your shit. Yeah. Not good. Not good. Yeah, I've never. I'm a clean canvas. You thinking about getting something? I don't think. Broils your shit. Yeah. Not good. Yeah, I've never. I'm a clean canvas. You thinking about getting something?
Starting point is 01:35:07 I don't think. I think once you're 34. Maybe a large panda bear on your back. That's not bad. Yeah, yeah. My favorite. With a heart on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:15 A big black and white heart dick. I think I want an eagle with a boner just on my back. What does an eagle's penis look like? Would it be a human penis? Like death from the sky? I would do a human dick. Human penis on an eagle. I bet someone's already drawn it.
Starting point is 01:35:34 I bet we're talking find Google eagle with human dick. Oh, there's a guy on Long Island who signed up after 9-11 who's definitely got that tattoo. Jamie just laughed. Oh my god. I thought you just asked for it, but not exactly. No, I want the eagle to have a penis. That's an actual flying dick. That's an actual flying dick. Is there an eagle with a dick? There's gotta be. I guarantee
Starting point is 01:35:55 you it's out there. There's like a thousand tattoos of me out there. There's gotta be an eagle with a dick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about you, but the eagle and the dick head is your head? It's like a giant. Big ol' veiny shaft in my head
Starting point is 01:36:11 and I circulate. You're so pissed. Like I'm dead lifting. Your face on a PR. But it's just coming off an eagle's human dick. Bro, someone's going to get that. Please, Darren. Guaranteed. I'll give you $1,000 if you get that tattoo.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Yes, I'll throw in $1,000 as well. Yeah, just an eagle with a total oversized dick. You know what? Actually, I have to be one of the nuts if you get it. My face has to be one of the balls. With a big smile. And the glasses on. That's awesome. And a dick that looks like glasses on. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:36:46 And a dick that looks like a bodybuilder's forearm. You have veins, brother. Yeah, you need at least three veins. One main one, two tributaries. A lot going on. A lot of blood flow. I love it. How many dudes have tattooed their dick?
Starting point is 01:37:05 I bet quite a few. I've seen a bunch. Online. Have you tasted them, Eddie? They're different. It's not gay, but it's ink. It tastes like copper, like a penny, like you're sucking on a penny. I think that's just what a dick tastes like.
Starting point is 01:37:20 The guy's like, Joe, it'll be cool. It tastes different. Are you sure? Come on. Yes, dude, and'll be cool. It'll taste different. Are you sure? Come on. Yes, dude, and this will help you get your yellow belt. That's you for day one. Day one. I bet there's a lot of that going on, too.
Starting point is 01:37:36 You escaped the, you had no- You ever see that video? There was a guy who, a karate instructor molested his kid, and they were working, the cops had arrested the guy, and they were taking him him i think it was through an airport they were moving through an airport and this guy's waiting by the phone and as the guy walks by bang blows him in the head and puts his hands up fucking honestly awesome everybody loves that everybody how are you mad at that how you mad at that because by the way okay you know i think if somebody molests your kid you should be able to kill him, right?
Starting point is 01:38:05 I think that's pretty fair. But that's not easy, dude. He's got a small window. Also, he knows he's going to jail. He was like a mob assassin, dude. He knows he's going to jail. Yeah. And he's like, okay, I'm going to go to jail.
Starting point is 01:38:15 So what? I'm not going to be able to live with this. I'm going to go to jail. Did you ever see that one? There's one video of a woman. Some man had raped and murdered her seven-year-old. Jesus Christ. And she shot him.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Here's the video. The guy's walking by. This guy's got the bag. Bang. Damn, dude. That's a wrap, son. By the way, those guys have terrible technique when they went to disarm him. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 01:38:36 Yeah, just the way the guy moved in. Yeah. He could have got shot. Yeah, if that guy wanted to, he could have dropped both of those guys. 100%. Oh, dude. Dude, look at the fucking. Look at his face. Sung those. One hundred percent. Oh, dude. Dude, look at the fucking.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Look at his face. Sunglasses, baseball hat. Bow. Yeah. Like, was that guy like in a cop or in the army or something? If he's just a guy, that's pretty impressive. I don't know. I don't know. It's too much reading.
Starting point is 01:38:58 It's a horrible story. 1984. But there's another video of a woman in court. And the guy who murdered and raped her daughter was right there. And she just pulls out a gun and just empties it into him in court. Bang, bang, bang, bang. With like a dead look on her face.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Damn, dude. You know? Yeah. Just fuck you. Yeah, fuck that guy. Fuck that guy. I mean, I think that guy got off, didn't he? I hope he did.
Starting point is 01:39:24 He only had to like serve a little bit or something. He had to mop the jail. Yeah, fuck that guy. Fuck that guy. I mean, I think that guy got off, didn't he? I hope he did. He only had to like serve a little bit or something. He had to mop the jail. Yeah, just clean up after the blood in the airport. We'll give you a Wetzel's pretzels afterwards too. Take it to Cinnabon. But do a real good job. That can't be real. I think that's it, dude. That's it.
Starting point is 01:39:42 Dude. No, it is. Like, look at the guy behind. He's holding his ears. Holy fuck, dude. That's real. No, that's it dude that's it dude no it is like look at the guy behind he's holding his ears fuck dude that's real no that's real dude nice with it honestly she looks that's yeah how are you mad man i mean that that guy just saw something on twitter similar to this there was like an old woman on in mexico who something like that happened and she tracked down the gangsters the government wouldn't help and she tracked down the gangsters. The government wouldn't help and she tracked them all down one by one.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Are you fucking kidding me? Kill the moms in fake IDs until they were dead or in jail. I need that movie, brother. That's fucking action movie beautiful. Like Revenge Grandma.
Starting point is 01:40:14 We haven't had a Revenge Grandma. There's something about a lady who avenges her kid's murder that's intense. Absolutely. Have you seen Lady Snowblood? No, what's that? That's a Japanese like
Starting point is 01:40:23 you're going to love that movie. You're into a lot of Japanese shit. This has come out just now. I don't know what this is about. Recent in life? I don't know. I had one time where I kind of went to recharge. My friend gave me a Murakami book where this all started.
Starting point is 01:40:38 When I was just like, it was right after, it was like during the pandemic, I'd gained a ton of fucking weight. And I felt like shit. Career stalled, everything. And I just went to like Baltimore for like i'd gained a ton of fucking weight and i felt like shit career stalled everything and i just went to like baltimore for like i rented a place i worked out with my brother and i was like off my phone i was just like recharging and he gave me this murakami book and i was like okay this japanese shit's cool i started listening to like japanese music i did get into a weird so i think there's like a like a pavlov's dog thing with me where it's like any japanese shit it almost reminds me of that healing point in my life and i i got into like i'm also just so into like revenge action i really
Starting point is 01:41:11 want to write an action movie when i take i'm after the special comes out which is you know it's coming out and uh i'm you know i'm trying to promote it i'm doing all this shit but my tour is over i just ended at the beacon which was fucking sick. And once all the promo stuff's done, I just want to fucking chill out. I want to fucking watch a bunch of fucking movies. I probably will read some Japanese shit because in my head that is like the resetting. But anyway, Lady Snowblood, revenge film, a woman who's like mom. The mom has this woman in jail and she tracks down the people who raped her mom and fucking put her in jail. It's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Lady Snowblood's good shit, dude. Dude, a good revenge movie. There it is right there. Lady Snowblood. Oh, Jesus Christ. Dude, she fucks people up, dude. Jesus. No, you'd love this movie for sure.
Starting point is 01:42:00 It's fucking awesome. It looks badass. It's on Criterion, and I think it's also on HBO Max. What year is this? 73? It's fucking awesome. It looks bad. It's on criterion and I think it's also on what year is this 73 it's good. I mean I'm dude dude behind. She fucked up. Oh my god. Oh my god. This is gory It's fucking awesome. There's something about a good revenge movie man. It's the best I mean, it's just I just watched I watched the first half of hard-boiled Smart pop that little bad boy. Come on.
Starting point is 01:42:25 What's Hard Boiled? Oh, John Woo movie. Oh, that's right. Dude. Yeah. Another banger. Absolutely. But yeah, I'm trying to get an encyclopedic.
Starting point is 01:42:35 I'm going to watch so many Revenge and Assassin movies. I want to write like a- You want to write one. But I want to write like a comedy. You know what I mean? I want to do like where I'm the guy. You know what I mean? Oh, okay. But I want to have like a comedy you know what I mean like I want to do like where I'm the guy you know what I mean like yeah yeah yeah but I want to have like a I want to have like a yeah
Starting point is 01:42:49 this hard-boiled so sick dude yeah there's something about a good revenge movie man uh-oh well it's so simple you're you're oh have you seen the killer that just came out yes oh I love the killer's great killer's great that's great I saw like a bad review of it and then i was i was like a little apprehensive watching i'm like what are you talking this movie's amazing amazing fincher so good and it's like it shows you like it's also interesting to think about this fucking guy because like all you have is is his internal monologue so it's like yeah he fucks some shit up, but it's like, that's part of what's interesting is like, we don't know, is this guy as good as he thinks he is? And then how methodical he is.
Starting point is 01:43:31 And that fight scene, the fucking, that middle fight scene in fucking Florida. Yeah. Incredible. Incredible. And there's so much way, and the Tilda Swinton thing where it's, it's the opposite, where it's like, that's all psychological. Yeah. Whereas the other one is brute force and it's just like, so well done. There's also no moments in that movie where you's like, that's all psychological. Yeah. Whereas the other one is brute force, and it's just like, so well done.
Starting point is 01:43:46 There's also no moments in that movie where you're like, get the fuck out of here. Totally. You know, in a lot of action movies, there's a get the fuck out of here moment. Yes, yes. Yeah, he fucks up constantly. Yeah. He fucks up constantly. But he's also, yeah, there's like three really funny fuck-ups he does, and it's just, you're
Starting point is 01:44:03 with his internal monologue, and he fucking looks great. And all of it is like believable and feels as grounded as a fucking assassin movie can be. And isn't it weird that you're rooting for him? Absolutely. Isn't that weird? Like he's an assassin. He's just as bad as them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:19 But it is the revenge factor of if they hadn't hurt his, you know, if they hadn't hurt his girl. That's true. That's the his girl. That's true. That's the one thing. That's true. But then it also becomes this larger thing of like as he's taking it to the top, you're rooting for – not to give the movie away, but it's like you're rooting for a final resolution. And then it's like the movie plays with that. But yeah, you do – the revenge is the thing of how it gets us to root for these people that, you know, if you were to think about it, they're also fucking monsters.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Well, that's Tony Soprano. Yeah. You know, Tony Soprano was the anti-hero. Like, you rooted for Tony Soprano. He's a murderer. Well, that's different, though, because that's even more sinister because, like, the revenge movies are so simple. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:59 It's like, this guy who's cool, even though he's bad, they hurt somebody good and he's going to get them back. Tony Soprano's even worse where it's like, no, this guy's a piece of shit, but he's so charming and cool. You like him. And he fucking eats fucking deli meats just like me. Yeah. And he's getting, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:45:17 It's like, yeah, he's getting pussy. He's just like a fucking awesome guy. And you see the charm of these guys, which I don't know if that's real. I don't know if the actual real mobsters are that charming i'm sure some at the top were some of them were charming and gandalfini is just such a great actor but that's but that's what's so awesome about the sopranos and that's why i think they put a couple of those episodes where they're like no these guys are satan we're like you know ralphie kills the fucking the girl he gets pregnant and that's a big moment where you're like, oh, I shouldn't be rooting for these guys.
Starting point is 01:45:48 Right, right, right. Well, they made it very complicated. How about when Tony killed Christopher Moltisanti? Like, oh, Jesus Christ. But that's exactly it. At the end, you're like, this guy is fucking Satan. Yeah. This guy is a completely irredeemable piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:46:01 And the scene where fucking Carmela goes to the therapist and he's just like cuz she's always been in like She's been in denial or she's always been able to like pretend and he's just like no This is blood. I won't take your blood money, right? Maybe up until this point in your life no one has explicitly told you you're being an accomplice for this fucking bullshit and the the the accomplice for this fucking bullshit and the the the staying with him is like it not equal to but you're involved in this evil and the only way for him to be able to like get out of this is to turn himself in and pray for fucking you know redemption and she's just like oh well i guess i'm gonna fucking keep being part of this i don't want to do this i don't want to lose all my money i don't
Starting point is 01:46:43 want to lose my life She was just trying to Go to therapy to feel better Yeah And the guy's like I'm not Dr. Melfi I'm not fucking gonna You know Enable this bullshit
Starting point is 01:46:53 Because I'm also You know Wrapped up in it The guy was just like I know who you are I know what you're trying to do There's no way to To feel good
Starting point is 01:47:00 That's not fake here That's also the thing If you lived in those neighborhoods That were run by the mob You were under their thumb oh yeah it was scary for sure you had to pay protection money if you didn't pay protection money they'd come and fuck you up yeah like that's just how it went i know it's funny and yeah i mean it's like the you that is definitely the cult you know a culture that pervades it have you ever read uh any of the books about the 1970s mob you ever read murder machine i haven't read Murder Machine. I read the...
Starting point is 01:47:25 Murder Machine is terrifying. It's about Roy DeMeo, who is a serial killer mobster. Serial killer. Find reasons to kill people. Joey Diaz gave it to me. You gotta read this book, cocksucker. These motherfuckers were wild. He gave me this book
Starting point is 01:47:41 and I remember I read it on the road. I was like, like holy shit it's one of those books you have to put down yeah a few hours before you go on stage because you're like i gotta reset my brain and be funny again this is horrific i will check it out the five families it's almost like an encyclopedic thing of the entire i forget who wrote who wrote it but i'll say i'll fucking find it and show you that that book is almost like it's almost like a history textbook about the mob It's really fucking good and but it's not as like it's not as like what you're talking about where it's getting into the psychology It's purely like this is who was the ball, you know going from lucky
Starting point is 01:48:16 I used to train a guy who was a hitman for whitey bulger. Whoa, what the fuck? Yeah, I taught him. That's crazy Oh, what the fuck? Yeah, I taught him. That's crazy. What did you teach him? Just fucking people up? He was a dude that there was a bunch of people that I knew that were in the Irish mob. And one of them was the brother of a comedian who wound up going to jail. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Comedian friend of mine. Bill Cosby? No. Irish guys. All Irish guys. Oh, Bill O. Cosby? And one of them was a guy who used to come to the gym who, 99% sure, went to jail for murder. I know he went to jail, but I'm pretty sure it was for murder.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Okay. He was a hitman. Straight up. He would ask me, like, if I wanted to hit someone and to kill him, where would I hit him? He would just say that? Yeah. Damn. Yeah, I said, probably the neck.
Starting point is 01:49:03 And he said, I think so, too. Damn. Yeah, just strike them in the neck. But I go, it's going to take more than one shot. He goes I said, probably the neck. And he said, I think so, too. Damn. Yeah, just strike them in the neck. But I go, it's going to take more than one shot. He goes, oh, yeah. Like, we're just looking at each other. We're like, okay. So this is how you got to get your weight in it to generate more power.
Starting point is 01:49:15 The problem is you're hitting it, and then you're bouncing off it. You don't want to bounce off. You want to drive through. So me, I'm teaching this guy. You're teaching this guy how to kill. Teaching this guy how to smash. God damn, man. That is crazy.
Starting point is 01:49:25 How old were you? I guess 19, somewhere around there. Wow. Yeah. That was before I ever did comedy, and that was when I was at my most insane with martial arts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whereas I had just gotten out of high school.
Starting point is 01:49:41 I had all the time in the world now. Right. And when you're 19, that kind of shit is cool. Yeah. I lived at home until I was 20, so I still the time in the world now. Right. And when you're 19, that kind of shit is cool. Yeah. I lived at home until I was 20. So I still didn't have bills, really. Right. And I was traveling all over the country fighting.
Starting point is 01:49:52 That's all I was doing. Whoa, sick. And I taught. So I was teaching at Boston University. I had a accredited course. So the Jehun Kim Taekwondo Institute was a very prestigious place that I went to in Boston. And they had developed a bunch of national champions. Michael O'Malley and John Lee and guys who represented the United States in major world competitions.
Starting point is 01:50:14 It was like an elite gym. I just got lucky that I found this place. It was where you were from. That's where I started. You just found it? No, it wasn't even anywhere near my house. Oh, really? I was coming home from a baseball game with a buddy of mine.
Starting point is 01:50:26 And as we were coming home, we were waiting to get on the T. The T is like, you know, the public train. Yeah. So I was 15 and maybe 14. And so, uh, we were just walking down the street and we were, there were so many people that were going to get on the T, the line was going to be crazy. And so we said, let's go check this karate place out. And, uh, i walked up the stairs
Starting point is 01:50:46 and as i was walking up the stairs i caught at the perfect moment one of the best guys in the world training damn so this guy john lee and john lee was the national uh 175 pound champion and he was preparing to fight in the world cup so as i'm going up the stairs, I'm hearing this sound and this sound is a whomp Ka-ching Whomp Ka-ching yeah, and that whomp is him kicking the bag and the Ka-ching is the chains Rattling as his bag goes flying through the air So he's got a hundred pound heavy bag and he's sending this thing into the air.
Starting point is 01:51:26 And I remember watching it going, this is insane. Yeah. You had no idea you're watching the best in the world. I had no idea. You're like, I can. Not just the best in the world, but one of the best in the world in his prime, fully prepared for the world championships. So he's just full training, at his most focused.
Starting point is 01:51:46 And I'm looking at this dude and I said, I want to know how to do that. Like how the fuck? I didn't know a person could do that. He was kicking so hard. I'd never seen anybody kick anything hard before. So for me, and he was known for it. He had the best spinning back kick in the world. And everybody who fought him, there was always a moment you had to wonder if he was known for it. He had the best spinning back kick in the world. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:09 And everybody who fought him, there was always a moment you had to wonder if he's going to spin. If you got too close and he spun, it was so fast. And when it hit you, your liver's destroyed. He would just slam his right heel into the right side of your body. And you would just go down like you got hit by a car. It was horrible. He did it to so many people. people and he taught me he taught me how to do it it became my number one technique learning from this guy holy shit total dumb luck insane so that was the place that i was i was teaching out of and that was the the place where i was teaching this fucking hitman right damn yeah
Starting point is 01:52:41 and this like i know he was a hitman what did what did the guy look like that was that's the place That's the way I I walked up those stairs Thousands of times I used to teach there that's fucking sick I taught there and then they got me the job at BU so I was 19 years old teaching Kids my age Taekwondo, and I just told him I go I'll give you an A if you just try I said this pass fail a so it counts towards your GPA I go all you have to do is show up. And if you can't make it, just tell me. I go, but if you just show up, I go, you get an A.
Starting point is 01:53:09 That's awesome. Just try. Yeah. And I go, we're going to have fun. I'll show you some stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a good guy to get. You love this shit so much.
Starting point is 01:53:16 You're also a kid. It was such a weird job, though, because I was a kid going into a college to teach them this thing. Yeah. And I just, you know, so I always had to, like, put on a display before I taught. To prove that you know what the fuck you're talking about. Also because we had to get the court cleared, and these guys are playing basketball, and they didn't want to give up the court a lot of times.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, it's like basketball players are a lot taller than me, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I would have some dude hold the pad, i'd hold this like body shield and i would just start wailing on that thing awesome and then next thing everybody's going what is this like what are you doing here yeah yeah yeah teach class yeah so that must have been cool though because you you graduate at you're out of high school and you're not did you spend time on the campus at all or it was just to teach just to teach i went to school i was going to umass boston oh you were going
Starting point is 01:54:04 it was a waste of time. I was literally only doing it so people didn't think I was a loser. Yeah. Like I could say, oh, I'm going to UMass. Go to college. Yeah, I'm going to college. I didn't drop out to do fucking back kicks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:16 Well, there was no money in this thing that I was obsessed with. Of course. The only money was there's a little bit of money like you can get by teaching. Teaching. You know, fucking single mothers while you teach their kids none of that i was too young no i was dating girls my age i didn't get a milf until i was 21 oh what was the set up she was 25 she was one of my students hell yeah she was uh she was older than me she was like the first girl that ever dated that used to tell me what to do and i just think it was fun oh yeah that's nice when you get somebody who
Starting point is 01:54:44 knows what the fuck's going on sort of she was off by a lot okay also very judgmental but hot she was fun and she was really really smart yeah so i would like listen to her yeah but like i got i got in a car accident uh some old dude ran a light and fucking t-boned my car and fucked my car up and when i was leaving leaving the car, I was taking my cassettes out, you know? And she saw a white snake. She saw a white snake and made me leave it in the car. She was leaving in the car. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 01:55:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's like, here I go again on my own. Come on, this is a banger. But 21-year-old me, like, this girl that I was fucking, and she was so hot. Teaching you life lessons Well, I think or just how to eat pussy. I don't know which one both But it was also just that she was older and smarter than me. Yeah, and like accomplished. She like had a career
Starting point is 01:55:35 Oh, wow, and she was just learning karate. Yeah, she's learning taekwondo and then you struck it up Defense or what was she going? No, she she was taking a class. Oh, at college? No, no, no, no, no. This was at the gym. This was at the Taekwondo school. Huh. Yeah. I don't think of single 25-year-old moms taking Taekwondo.
Starting point is 01:55:54 She wasn't a mom. You said MILF. Yeah, but I don't really mean that. You mean spiritual MILF. Yeah, that's why. I'm sorry. No, no, no, no. She was not.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Oh, just a girl. No, no. I should be. Yeah, that word gets used too much. Yeah. But she wasn't really. She was 25. I'm sorry. No, no, no, no. She was not. Just a girl. Yeah, that word gets used too much. Yeah. But she wasn't really. She was 25. I was 21. It was just like the first time I dated a woman.
Starting point is 01:56:11 I see. You know, like all the other girls I dated were like dumb chicks that were my age. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, we're all dumb. Yeah, the first- She like had a career and she graduated from college. She was smart. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:56:22 Yeah, when I first moved to New York, I was 24 and I fucked a girl that was like 37. Oh shit. And that was awesome. That's a leap, son. That was, yeah, yeah. I only got to fuck her once, which is, you know,
Starting point is 01:56:32 you didn't do a great job. But I did eat her pussy for, I got, that was my first encounter with a squirter. We fucked her. Congratulations. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 01:56:40 That's amazing. Thanks, man. Are you sure it's real? I mean. You sure she wasn't peeing all over you? It was clear. That's real I mean you sure she wasn't peeing all over you it was clear I've thought about this a lot
Starting point is 01:56:48 how often do you pee and it's not clear and it's not clear yeah quite a bit I'm not very hydrated okay that's not good and you gotta think
Starting point is 01:56:58 you also gotta it's not amber it's not like you know you gotta rationalize if someone has so much piss in them that they piss while you're fucking them
Starting point is 01:57:04 right they're probably hydrated. That's true. She didn't seem hydrated. She was a hefty gal. She was probably very hydrated. You think so? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:57:13 She didn't seem hydrated. I don't know what it is. She drank a lot. They do say it's real, but then they also say it's just pee. I feel like it's real. I've thought about this a lot. It's sort of like Jesus. If you believe in it, it can work for you. You make your own thing. Faith is beautiful, Joe. And I believe it's real. I've thought about this a lot. It's sort of like Jesus. If you believe in it, it can work for you.
Starting point is 01:57:26 You make your own thing. Faith is beautiful, Joe. And I believe it's real. I believe it's another thing. It doesn't taste like piss. How do you know what piss tastes like? Well, you could guess. Clear piss?
Starting point is 01:57:35 I guess I haven't tasted it. Like really? I guess it doesn't smell like piss. Like from an elite ultra runner? Yeah. Just running with a water bladder on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sucking in all that water.
Starting point is 01:57:48 All right. Not bad. It feels cool either way. Even though, even if you, as long as you, you're right, it's pure faith. And I choose to believe it's not piss. Jamie, what is it? Has it definitively been addressed by science? I'm not a doctor.
Starting point is 01:58:01 You're not a, wait a minute. You're not a doctor. Have you encountered squirters though, Jamie? Yeah, well, yes. But Jamie, I would like to Google, I would like you to Google what is squirting
Starting point is 01:58:11 and is it really just pee? I think you're going to find a divided scholarship on the matter. I think there's a lot of people that have a vested interest in believing they were a pissed off. Big piss, big squirt.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Big piss money is throwing off the data. Conclusions. The present data based on ultrasonographic bladder monitoring and biochemical analysis indicates that squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity.
Starting point is 01:58:38 Although a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists it exists so that's like Pussy juice well, it's like a little bit what can't I say pussy juice? This says doctors there as squirting as a form of stress incontinence Isn't it kind of interesting though that we have like well? I would you couldn't say pussy juice Yeah, like if you're published a scientific paper, we must have another word for this term that's
Starting point is 01:59:06 acceptable for everyone to discuss the exact same goddamn thing. Whatever pro- Pussy juice. It's pussy juice. So you're saying we should, in the medical journals, it should say pussy juice? Well, this is what I understand. How is there a picture of a geyser? If it's the same thing, is that some ladies?
Starting point is 01:59:19 But if it's the same thing, if it's the same thing, why is pussy juice offensive? Right. And why is that other long ass word inoffensive when they're literally just sounds you make so I know what you're talking about? Yeah. That's all it is. I agree with you. I mean, now we're talking about what is language.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Right. You know what I mean? It's like a different word. But specifically with certain things. Yes. Like pussy juice. Pussy juice. I think you'd have to go at least, I think maybe vaginal juice.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Right, if you were talking to a doctor and the doctor was saying, you got a problem with your pussy juice. You're like, this doctor's trying to fuck me. I gotta get out of there. I gotta get out of here. Was he even wearing gloves? Why? Why did he smell like cologne?
Starting point is 01:59:57 He's like, oh yeah, your pH is fucked up. Time for a little test? Yeah. He's talking about your pussy. That's not good. Nope. Yeah, your cunt's all fucked up. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:14 You absolutely need someone to use words. You got what I like to call rusty cunt. Squirting is related to glands in the urethral sponge, which is embedded in the vaginal walls along the sides of the urethra. These glands, called Skeen's glands, are part of the urination process. Researchers have long debated
Starting point is 02:00:32 whether squirting liquid contains pee or if it's a unique substance. In studies where researchers performed a chemical analysis of squirting fluid, they found chemicals that are also in urine. But here's the thing. I want to know, but hold on a second. Chemical analysis of squirting liquid.
Starting point is 02:00:49 Researchers performed a chemical analysis of squirting liquid. And how doth one acquire such squirting liquid? What scientific studies are you finger-banging, ladies, until they squirt all over the place? They asked a man to pleasure five women to find out. Oh, my God. They asked a man to pleasure five women to find out. Oh, my God. They asked a man to pleasure five women. They paid a guy for science. That's got to feel awesome to be that guy.
Starting point is 02:01:10 What did he do? Oh, he was in Japan. It's all coming full circle, baby. Mall roads lead to Japan. That makes sense. The land of the rising sun. Now I'm not shocked. Of course they did.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Some guy just bowing. This guy probably came in with a briefcase. Two of the women were in their 30s, two in their 40s, and one was in her 50s. Oh, yeah. And all of them said they had previously squirted in past sexual encounters. Let's fucking go. Let's do it. Unlike vaginal lubrication, where a person's vagina secretes a white and milky fluid when
Starting point is 02:01:40 they're aroused, squirting involves a clear and odorless fluid, a.k.a. Squirt. Pussy juice. Squirting can happen before, during, or after an orgasm and has geyser-like quality. Sex educator Marla Renee Stewart previously told Cosmopolitan,
Starting point is 02:01:58 imagine if you're a lady and you're a squirting expert. That's a freak. Hell yeah. You know she knows how to do tricks with her pussy. Okay. Doctors examined the urine from each woman's bladder during using a urethral catheter. They injected them with
Starting point is 02:02:13 50 milliliters of blue dye saline solution. In another room, women received manual penetration from a male subject the doctor recruited. They're like, we need the finest finger popper in the land. The finest. In the shogunate.
Starting point is 02:02:27 Kaizen, I have been fingering in the mountains for decades. So yeah, some guy in the mountains just doing this. They instructed the man to use his fingers and penis. And penis. In a way to facilitate squirting. Let me just say, these gals sound cool. This guy banged them. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Fingers and penis. This is crazy. He banged them for the International Journal of Fingers and penis. This is crazy. He banged them for the International Journal of Urology. That is so insane. Scientific finger popping. So what does it find? Each of the five women squirted, the doctors saw blue liquid come out of their genital areas
Starting point is 02:02:56 in videos that captured the experiment. Their findings suggest the liquid women produce when they squirt comes, at least in part, from the bladder. The urologist wrote in their August 24 paper published in the International Journal of Urology. This is so wild. Okay.
Starting point is 02:03:10 They paid a guy to fuck the piss out of these girls. Like, literally. What a job. He fucked the piss out of them. Mom, dad? He literally fucked the piss out of them. That's awesome. And he was like, you thought I'd never amount to anything?
Starting point is 02:03:20 That is wild. Okay, here's, okay, ready? Here, how about this? Okay, it has piss in it, right? But they have something else in there too, right? So whatever pussy juice they couldn't say. Yeah, whatever's on the walls of the vagina as it comes squirting
Starting point is 02:03:34 out like a geyser. There's probably detectable amounts. It's probably like steroids they find in supplements. Like accidental steroids. You can find it. Absolutely. So here's what I posit. Even if it starts as piss, water you add Kool-Aid to it, Kool-Aid powder, now it's Kool-Aid. So the piss, you add special little concentrated pussy juice in there, now it's squirt. All right, piss drinker. I'm not buying it.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Maybe a couple of those. I'm not scared of piss, but let's just be honest about what it is. Like, that wouldn't bother me if someone peed on me. Agree to disagree. It's not that big a deal. I wouldn't want, I guess if it was very clear piss, I guess it was like the squirt I found. Look, if you're really into a girl and you're having sex and she accidentally pees on you, are you going to stop? You know what?
Starting point is 02:04:17 I actually, no. Well, have I busted yet? No. No. Let it go. Let it go. This is fucking body fluid i will say actually maybe i have encountered some tough squirt now that i'm thinking about it that should be the name of your next special tough squirt tough Oh, my God, dude.
Starting point is 02:04:49 Now that we're thinking about it, and she was not hydrated. Oh, no. And it was like, you know when you crack open crabs and it has that little yellow shit in there? Yes. That was left on the fucking sheets. Yeah. And it was so frank. I couldn't get hard afterwards. I hate her pussy.
Starting point is 02:05:04 And then I got like, oh. Oh my God. Oh man. Oh my God. And she even was like, damn, I need to drink more water.
Starting point is 02:05:13 Did she blast on you? Yeah, dude. In the mouth? Everywhere? Very much so. Oh my God. I'm just picturing this. The amount of urine
Starting point is 02:05:22 depends on when the person peed last and how hydrated they are. All right, all right. New York University sex researcher Zana Vranglova told MindBodyGreen. That's a hot name, too. I bet she's hot, too. She sounds like the evil lady we were talking about earlier.
Starting point is 02:05:37 Perfect features. Talking about piss. Angular big-ass tits. Yeah. Yeah. All right. How wild is that Japanese study, though? But that's the kind of science you can get
Starting point is 02:05:46 away with if you live in a country that's more open-minded. Yeah, but then again, they fucking blur out the genitals. That's the fucking trade-off. I know. That's what's wild, but I'll take both. Yeah. The other thing is like, the weird thing is like that this guy, how did he get that
Starting point is 02:06:02 job? Did he have to audition? Like, how did he know he wasn't going to fall apart? It says he was recruited. Right, but how did they know he was going to get hired? Maybe one of the doctors was a freak. Yeah, they found this dude. You gotta find the best. That sounds also like the plot. This study
Starting point is 02:06:17 probably was recorded and put out with blurred genitals. This sounds like the plot of a Japanese pornography. This story could be a comedy movie if we had a time machine. Yeah. All the squirt. No, if we could bring it back to 1994 when you could make a movie like this and not go to jail. And not get cancelled. If we tried to make this movie today, the outrage would be off the charts. The squirt doctor? You think you couldn't make the squirt doctor? No chance.
Starting point is 02:06:43 This guy, you're going to have him finger banging these women and fuck the shit out of them, all five of them, and they're hiring this guy to come in and sling dick? It would probably have to be a lesbian thing. And you find out that these women are just pissing all over him? I don't know. And all their dreams are shattered because they thought they were squirters. They were the rare hot squirter. Right.
Starting point is 02:07:00 But meanwhile, they're just peeing on guys. And now these guys are leaking that to the world. It gets on the internet and everybody knows that you're just peeing on folks. You're just peeing on folks. And now these guys are leaking that to the world. It gets on the internet, and everybody knows you're just peeing on folks. You're just peeing on folks. What if the guy was hot, and it's for women? He's a real piece of ass. I'm sure he's probably hot. They wouldn't force the women to...
Starting point is 02:07:14 I mean, if they forced the women to have sex with some gross guy. Oh, I made a nice discovery just now. What? I found a video of the test. No! Put it up. The actual test? Yeah. Let's go. Put it up. I love learning, dude. No! Yeah. Put it up. The actual test? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:25 Let's go. Put it up. I love learning, dude. I love science. Put it up there. Whoa! No! This can't be the fucking actual test.
Starting point is 02:07:33 Let me see this. I don't know if there's sound or not. Well, the audience can't see this, right? No. What the fuck is this? Yo! What am I looking at? That's his fingers in her pussy from the back.
Starting point is 02:07:43 This is the collection cup. Those are ass cheeks. And this is the blue liquid. See, there's blue liquid everywhere. Yo, that's him fucking. Oh, you can see her tits. There's blue liquid coming out. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:07:53 First of all, that has not been my experience. It's dribbling out. Look at them. There's someone else over there catching it. That's sick, dude. And look at those untamed Asian bushes. That's, yeah. So this is a threesome. It looks like the other guy.
Starting point is 02:08:06 Oh, wow. Oh, my God. Now we're talking. That's what I... Oh, my God. Look at her go. What the fuck? And look, they're collecting it.
Starting point is 02:08:15 The fucking nurse. They're so into collecting it. They're so into collecting it. This girl's got it trimmed, though. Oh, my God. This is so wild. You can tell it's not porn, though, because it's not blurred. You're right.
Starting point is 02:08:24 This is fucking... Science. Science. I'm not hard at all, honestly. They can tell it's not porn, though, because it's not blurred. You're right. This is fucking... Right, it's science. Science. I'm not hard at all, honestly. They should do that for all porn from Japan. Just making science experiments. The music's nice and touch. Yeah, the music's relaxing.
Starting point is 02:08:35 This is insane. Dude, this man is going after it. Can we see his penis? I don't think they'll let you see his penis. Oh, wow. That's... I mean, she's basically pissing out blue Kool-Aid. Look at that.
Starting point is 02:08:48 That is so crazy. She's peeing. She's just peeing. But the one girl, the one was squirting. You see that geyser? That fucking pop? She was peeing. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 02:09:01 That's what girls do if they were peeing. If they had a pee and just lay it on their back and peed It would squirt up in the air Yeah, I guess you're right Yeah, of course I'm right Jesus Christ What are you talking about? I want to believe, Joe
Starting point is 02:09:11 I know you do I know you do It's fascinating I want to believe, brother I'm just really obsessed with this fucking Japanese The guy Department of Urology Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 02:09:21 That did this Yeah That's what's fascinating I want to know about the guy they got this run up the flagpole you should get the guy in here maybe but those fucking doctors
Starting point is 02:09:30 they ran up the flagpole to like who and they were like yeah let's go let's go hire a pill we got a little extra money
Starting point is 02:09:38 in the fucking that feels like they're going to be under budget unless they have one more study and they let one guy be like what if we checked it out of Squirt is Piss? Beautiful idea. I wonder how much money they spent to check out of Squirt is Piss.
Starting point is 02:09:52 Jamie, will you send me that article? This needs further investigation. I'm still investigating this right now. Send me. Will you please just text me that article? Yes. So there's five women. There's one guy.
Starting point is 02:10:03 He only fucks them once. Is it an afternoon? Who knows? He's probably banging them for months. guy. He only fucks them once is it an afternoon knows He's probably banging them like for months. Yeah, do you think they have money touch afterwards? They probably put together like a whole series of banks Wow. You can't just count on one. It's like you're filming a special Yeah, I also like they recruited him but they had to recruit good squirters to reliable squ Reliable squirters. Reliable. Girls had squirted multiple times. But some women pee if they laugh. True. I mean, that's kind of probably similar.
Starting point is 02:10:31 The involuntary reaction. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do they squirt when they're orgasming, or do they just squirt in the middle of intercourse? No, no. Orgasm. Only? Yeah. Is that what they tell you?
Starting point is 02:10:41 Listen, like I said, I've been very upfront with having disgusting squirt in my mouth. Why would I start lying now, Joe? I've established my bona fides. Oh, my God. Good point. Thank you. Very good point. So you've never encountered it, or you have?
Starting point is 02:11:02 No, I've never encountered it. Wow. No. Interesting. Yeah. Well, it wasn't? No, I've never encountered it. Wow. No. Interesting. Yeah. Well, it wasn't a thing when I was a kid, man. You think it's learned behavior? I think it came about because of porn.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Interesting. I mean, I'm sure, let me be clear, I'm sure it was happening before porn. Yeah. But it was never a thing that was discussed. Right, right, right. When I was in high school, my friends, no one ever talked about a squirter. You're right. Kids in high school talk about squirters now.
Starting point is 02:11:28 That's true. They'll go, I heard she's a squirter. Yeah. They'll just like make things up. Right. They just heard of the term squirter. Yes. They've heard someone say a girl's a squirter.
Starting point is 02:11:37 Well, they know more now, these children. Yeah. You know, they're more familiar. What was the weirdest shit anybody did? Like, was anal the most wild shit anybody would do? There was no squirting. There was no, I think, even anal back then. It felt like a taboo.
Starting point is 02:11:50 Yeah, and girls didn't shave. Yeah. It was chaos. First mentioned in the 7th century poem. Hell yeah. Female ejaculation and the Graftenburg spot, the G spot, are described in detail in most works of kamasutra in ancient western writings the emission of female fluid is mentioned even earlier depicted at about 300 bc aristotle in the second century by galen so even aristotle got duped yeah they
Starting point is 02:12:18 didn't have they didn't have a piss study so this magical piss study from Japan. Really? We needed the orient. Aristotle was in the dark. He's like, bro, I'm telling you. I get him to squirt. I get him. Yeah, they're not pissing, bro. There was no squirters. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:33 Like, no one talked about it. Maybe that's why they killed Socrates, because he said it was piss. Yeah. They're like, shut the fuck up. Probably. Aristotle was like, shut the fuck up. What did I tell you, bitch? Let me believe.
Starting point is 02:12:46 I'm not drinking piss. Now drink this hemlock. Piss is gross. At least in 2014, a law in the UK where guidelines state it's fine to depict a woman gagging on a dick, but female ejaculation can only be shown in short sequences, cannot land on anyone, and cannot be consumed. Cannot land. Cannot be consumed.
Starting point is 02:13:09 Cannot be consumed. The UK has strict guidelines when it comes to piss. How did this become an issue for them? Like in porn or just in movies? Porn, porn, porn. VOD porn. You can't show squirting porn. They're still holding on to any type of control they have over people.
Starting point is 02:13:26 The empire's over, you pieces of shit. Let people drink squirt. Imagine if you're a grown adult and you're the one who's passing rules. And you're like, here's what we have to address. Do we or do we not let folks pee on each other? Well, I find it rather distasteful when they drink the squirt. Can we make a compromise? Perhaps.
Starting point is 02:13:44 I would say, what if the squirt. Can we make a compromise? Perhaps. I would say, what if the squirt doesn't land on anyone? And what if it's only for a short duration? Let's put a time limit on the squirt. I believe five seconds is sufficient. Female ejaculating? Oh, no, that won't do. Unfortunately, it is piss.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Kill him! I love this idea. How many people are in denial? I love this idea that this is like the biggest conspiracy. This is like, you know, now only the Japanese have brought it to light. But it's interesting because that would have never been, that research would have never been done in America. And if it was done in America, it would seem creepy. It would seem like there's some doctors trying to fuck some patients.
Starting point is 02:14:30 But because it's done in Japan, I'm like, oh, they probably followed the rules. Yeah, exactly. They bowed to the pussy after every time. Yeah, thank you. Respectful. Yeah, absolutely. I feel like it doesn't bother me. But if I found out it came out of Cincinnati, I'm like, like it doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 02:14:49 But if I found out it came out of Cincinnati, I'm like, oh, what a fucking freak. What agenda do they have? Like that doctor, what was his name? Keys? No. What was that sex doctor, the famous sex doctor they made a documentary about? Dr. Ruth? No. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:15:02 Kinsey. Kinsey. Yeah. Was it a documentary? I saw they had like a, didn't Liam Neeson play him? That was right. It was a movie. Yeah, yeah. The Kinsey. Kinsey, yes. Was it a documentary? I saw they had like a, didn't Liam Neeson play him? That was right. It was a movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:09 It wasn't a documentary. I think there has been a documentary as well. There's probably a documentary about him as well. This guy was into some wild shit. Oh, yeah? Like, and so much of what, like, people quote his studies, you know, as if like this is information that we now know about people and sexuality. But hold on.
Starting point is 02:15:29 Coming from who? Yeah, Kinsey. Some freak in a lab coat. Yeah, what are you into, buddy? Oh, hell yeah. Widely regarded as the first major figure in American sexology, his research helped pave the way for a deeper exploration of sexuality amongst sexologists and the greater public, as well as liberating
Starting point is 02:15:45 female sexuality. But what is the controversial aspects of his work, though? There was some controversial shit about him. The thing I know about him is the Kinsey scale, which is basically saying no one's fully gay, no one's fully straight. You're either, you know, it's like zero is you're the gayest guy of all time Five is the you're the straightest guy of all time. Yeah, or maybe which seems to make sense Well, I would imagine if you lived in Roman times But it's a straight man curve a straight man you grab a curve in Rome who's reproduced yeah, I like
Starting point is 02:16:23 You can't you're lying if you think that if you were born in Rome. Yes. Let's get into it. In one BC. Right. That you wouldn't be engaging in gay sex. Get your dick sucked after a nice bath. They all did it. Yeah. So what are you gonna do?
Starting point is 02:16:39 You gonna be the one guy that doesn't get your dick sucked? No. One guy that doesn't suck a little cock? Come on, dude. You're being funny. You're bringing down the vibes, dude. And I think there was a thing back then with men where they would go to war and they'd go on these campaigns. Yeah. And they're just a bunch of horny dudes fucking each other. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:55 And it became, if it's acceptable, it's way more convenient. Right. I mean, the Spartans were gay as hell. Gay as hell. They barely saw... They only saw women to fuck them to reproduce. And then they're just hanging out in the barracks, and they're fucking each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:08 There's no way around it. Fighting like savages. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what's crazy, is like some of the scariest armies in history were gay. Yeah, absolutely. Wild. The British, they were taking over the world and fucking each other in the ass on the ships. What do you think was going on in that long boat ride to India?
Starting point is 02:17:24 Bro, why do you think pirates dress like that? Why does a pirate got a scarf on and big earrings? Shut the fuck up. That guy's gay as fuck. Sorry to bring it back to this ejaculation. Oh my God, Jamie's obsessed. They did not have one guy do it, apparently. Most of the samples also contain prostate-specific antigen,
Starting point is 02:17:42 which does not originate in the bladder. That suggests that squirting is not entirely composed of urine. That's the Kool-Aid powder, in my hypothesis. It's the prostate-specific antigen. Three were able to use their hands alone to squirt, while the other two required penetrative sexual stimulation. In this case, from two male partners to squirt. She was getting tag-teamed?
Starting point is 02:18:01 No. Each of them had their own guy. Oh, I see That makes sense The guy's gonna get tied Maybe the girl's like I can square but I need two dicks Yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:18:11 It's only happened five times Maybe a thumb in my ass too Yeah Someone needs to choke me Who's got a tie They all do It's all science This is science
Starting point is 02:18:21 This is the only way To get a sample I love it This is one guy who's Males can apparently square too What the fuck are you get a sample. I love it. This is one guy who's- Males can apparently squirt too. What the fuck are you talking about? You're peeing, buddy.
Starting point is 02:18:28 Now, this is bullshit. We've gone too far. No, no, no. See, this is where your belief system falls apart. No, don't do this to me. I'm against this guy. Journal of Urology described a man who ejaculated then 20 seconds later squirted for about a minute.
Starting point is 02:18:44 This fluid was analyzed and also confirmed to be mostly urine Bro you peed. I don't I'm talking about female squirt get this fucking bullshit out of here Don't let me in with these fucking lunatics. All right, what I'm talking about is good honest women's pussy squirting. Yeah Yeah, it's the description of the experiment sounds notably uncomfortable as it involved an ultrasound probe inserted into the man's rectum used to measure contractions in the bladder. What the fuck? Our studies suck so hard compared to Japan's studies. You get the nice green tea. I mean, Japan had it nailed.
Starting point is 02:19:21 This guy's got a fucking radar machine up his ass. He's glowing. His balls are glowing red. What the fuck are you doing? What are you doing to that guy? That's great. I've never heard of male squirting. But also, if you've got something up your ass, your body's behaving differently.
Starting point is 02:19:36 Yeah, absolutely. If you had a finger up your ass and you peed, it would be different. It would be different. It would be different. You've got a rod up your ass. How do we know the rod's not pressing on the pitch? The rod probably feels good to him. Yeah. It's probably a little stimulating inside. He's like different. No, no a rod. How do we know the rods not pressing on the right? I feels good to him. Yeah, I Was squirting
Starting point is 02:19:51 Yeah, you're a fucking weirdo. I'm never you didn't even hold it in. Yeah told it in man We're maybe you can't hold it in if you have that rod in your ass. Maybe it makes it more Yeah, yeah, I just did some kegels right they go to imagine. Okay. What just squeeze in my Might affect performance I just did some Kegels. Right. I would imagine. I just squeezed. What if there was things in my ass? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, hmm. It might affect performance. Yeah, if I got a big rot on my ass, I'm probably pissing too. I'd probably be like, my life's already over. I'm just going to piss all over these sheets. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:20:19 Everybody, fuck you. Yeah, I mean, male squirting's definitely pissing. That we can agree. Look, there's some common ground. Male squirting is pissing too, yeah. You's definitely pissing. There's some common ground. And girl squirting is pissing too. Yeah. You're really fucking fine. I admit it, man. Stop rubbing my nose in it. I just want to respect the Japan
Starting point is 02:20:34 Institute of Urology. You're right. What's the name of the organization again? The International Institute. International. They brought it worldwide. A lot of scientists are like, how do I get in on some of these tests? I also want to know. I hear y'all are running some tests.
Starting point is 02:20:49 It's in the International Journal of Urology. But it was. International Journal of Urology. And let's shout them out. Miyabi Inoue, Yuki Segiguchi, Noriko Ninomiya, Tomoko Kobayashi, Muto Araki. Dude, you're really good at pronouncing names. You want a job? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:06 You can work here. You just pronounce names for me because I can't do it. I'm fucking terrible at it. Can you say what the university or what the organization was that put it together? First Publish. What was the, I mean, there was an institute that published it. Does it say down there? No, I don't.
Starting point is 02:21:23 It was something Japan Institute of Urology or something like that, wasn't it? Go up to the very first. Which is even wilder, right? Hit the PDF. Because it's a urology, right? No, that link. The link up there, the dot. No, that link up there.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Oh, we have to have access. Oh, these sons of bitches. Well, salute to the proud Japanese people. Anyway, whoever did it, way to go. Female ejaculation and squirting is similar but comparatively different for not. A narrative. A narrative review of current research. There's a lot of people in denial.
Starting point is 02:21:52 There's a lot of people who want to believe in leprechauns, like I'm telling you. Yeah, but it's fun, you know? Leprechauns are real. Like, no, you ate mushrooms. Yeah, but maybe that's how you meet leprechauns. That's true. It might be. Now we need to do a little research.
Starting point is 02:22:07 Yeah. We need to take some mushrooms. I'm into that research. I think that research is good for humanity. That's some real research. I mean, yeah. A tree on mushrooms told me to date a woman I would date for two years, and it was nice. Wow.
Starting point is 02:22:20 Interesting. In Seattle, I'm on mushrooms. I'm like, what should I do with my life? Boy, they should make those legal. In Seattle, I'm on mushrooms. I'm like, what should I do with my life? Boy, they should make those legal. They should make those legal and come up with the right doses for people and develop centers where professionals can introduce people to them.
Starting point is 02:22:33 Because just what they've found with people recovering, like soldiers coming back from the war, it's one of the very best things to help them get over it. I mean, just that alone, you would think that that's a resource that's very valuable. If you require of people to go to a foreign land and kill people they don't know and then when they come back you just don't address the fact that their mind is completely fucked and then you don't or you purposely ignore one ancient method that's not dangerous, that's been shown to be effective.
Starting point is 02:23:06 And if you're worried about abuse, I get it. I get the worry about abuse, but then we need to figure out places where you have treatment centers for people that do wind up abusing things and that you also have trained physicians that can determine the effective dose and give you a pure product where you don't have to worry about buying it off some fucking weirdo you met in a parking lot. Some hippie? Yeah. There's some mushrooms? Mushrooms and fentanyl.
Starting point is 02:23:34 I think they're starting to, I mean, I've seen, I think there are some- There's some states- Stuff like that. Well, they just denied it in California. Oh, what? Yeah. That sucks. Which I would think of any place that would take it.
Starting point is 02:23:43 But Newsom, even though I don't agree with him on most things, I actually saw his point. Because he was saying that they didn't submit a protocol for use and for a bunch of other things. Like if it's going to be used therapeutically, like what are the guidelines? Right, right, right. How does it get administered? They were just kind of decriminalizing it. Hey, come on. Let's do it. And he felt were just kind of decriminalizing it. Hey, come on. Let's do it.
Starting point is 02:24:05 And he felt like it should be decriminalized with information. Medically first. The same way weed was first. Come up with a protocol. Come up with like, this is what we can fall back on. This is what we know you should do. Yeah. Like Amsterdam, they're legal, but it's like truffles.
Starting point is 02:24:18 It's like the fresh ones. You can only buy certain doses. But those bad boys will fuck you up. They'll all fuck you up. When Duncan Trussell lived in Asheville, he lived in North Carolina, and they started putting certain chemicals into the cow's feed to keep them from making mushrooms. Because so many of them made mushrooms. Because apparently the spores are everywhere up there. That's sick.
Starting point is 02:24:41 It's a mushrooms town, Asheville. But that's why the town's fucked now. They took the mushrooms away? Well, you're filled with crime now. Yeah. It's a mushrooms town. How cool. But that's why the town's fucked now. They took the mushrooms away? Well, you're filled with crime now. Yeah. Asheville, Duncan was telling me, has a crazy high crime rate. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:54 I haven't been there for 10 years, but it felt like a real hippie town. What's the crime rate of Asheville, North Carolina? A lot of fucking wind chimes are getting stolen? All their money went away during the pandemic. I would imagine that ramped up crime everywhere. Everybody's forced to not work. Also, it's a small town. It's not a big, robust town that's backed up by a big industry or anything like that.
Starting point is 02:25:18 Are those people like service workers? Because I had friends in New York who were like, they were on unemployment and and they're like whoa. This is better than my shitty job That was a problem. Yeah, that was definitely a problem and that made me rethink universal basic income What like pro or negative? Well, I used to be pro I used to be super pro universal basic income and my thought was if you give people no I Thought it was by me from I can only speak from like, this isn't like, you know, a study, but it helped the people I knew where it was like, it didn't, like, they didn't get lazy. They were just like, holy shit, I can pay my bills.
Starting point is 02:25:52 That's unemployment. Yeah. I'm talking about universal basic income. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. So universal basic income would be that everybody gets a certain amount a month. Yeah. Like 1200 bucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:00 And the idea is you never have to worry about food. You never have to worry about shelter. Yeah. And now you can pursue whatever you want to write right right Part of me thinks there's gonna be a bunch of people that never do anything They're just gonna live off that 12, which is fine though, right? kind of But if that wasn't available to them
Starting point is 02:26:19 Would they figure out a path in life and how many people get tripped up? by winning a lottery ticket? Don't all of them get tripped up by winning a lottery? Doesn't everybody get tripped up? It's pretty high, yeah, unless you do certain things. There's a human psychology aspect to giving people free shit that I don't think is beneficial. I just don't think it's beneficial.
Starting point is 02:26:40 I don't think there's anything wrong with having a social safety net. I feel like welfare is important. I feel like food stamps are important. I feel like health care is important. I don't think there's anything wrong with having a social safety net. Right. I feel like welfare is important. I feel like food stamps are important. I feel like healthcare is important. All those things are very important. And education. I fully support that. I mean, if you're going to use taxes, I fully support using-
Starting point is 02:26:55 Let's do that instead of tanks. Yeah. Well, that's the best one. But I kind of think that people need to do things. And I kind of think giving people free money is a bad idea. Yeah, I mean, I think given those two options, I much prefer a social safety net for that reason. Where it's like, even if your job isn't,
Starting point is 02:27:12 even if your job is kind of bullshit, if your basic human needs are taken care of, you can like, you still go to work and make ends meet, but it's like, if you get sick, you're not worried that you're gonna fucking bankrupt, your life's over, if you could like. But the thing is, you're not worried that you're going to fucking bankrupt, your life's over. But the thing is you're not contributing if you're not doing anything. Right. If you're just taking that $1,200 and you're just living and you're not contributing at all, you're literally a sponge.
Starting point is 02:27:35 I think people would feel better if they had something that they did that gave them a sense of purpose, whatever it is. And I think that trying to find that thing and be successful at that thing is a part of the process that everybody has to go through to find themselves. And you deny someone that thing if you just give them free money. Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't be able to give money to unemployed single mothers, people that get fucked over by society, you get fired, you have a monthly nut. I think we should have a social safety net. I think it's important. But I also think if you just gave people money,
Starting point is 02:28:16 a lot of people wouldn't do shit. More people than would. The rare person that even with that free money says, I'm going to take this fucking money, and I'm only going to spend half of it, and I'm going to take this fucking money and I'm only going to spend half of it and I'm going to invest the other half and I'm going to get a job as well. And I'm going to go out there and I'm going to fucking make something. There's some of those people but those are
Starting point is 02:28:33 super rare. No, you're right about that. It's human nature, man. And I think the thing yeah, I think the, I prefer what you're saying is like, yeah, let's get, let's cover our bases which we don't do right now. And I think the thing that, I think just as likely for if you give somebody free money, they're not going to do shit. We're fucking trapped in this opposite thing where it's like people have to fucking work
Starting point is 02:28:54 hard as shit to barely make it. Yeah. Where it's like that zapping all that human potential too because those people are just surviving at shit. They don't have time to fucking- 100%. Because they just have to make rent fucking- Right. Everything is more expensive. Right. You don don't have time to fucking because they just have to make rent fucking everything is more expensive you don't have any time to fucking and i do agree
Starting point is 02:29:10 with you that kind of the middle ground is get their basic needs met and then let them be able to work but not have to fucking work you know 60 hours a week or whatever the fuck or work 40 hours but it's grueling for less pay like because you do need that time you need that space to. I think you're absolutely correct. If you want to get ahead and you want to figure your own path in life, you got to have some time. It's going to either cut into your sleep or it's going to cut into your social life. But you're going to need some time. And that's the one benefit for a motivated person for universal basic income. But my feeling was when I watched everybody during the pandemic, when they were all getting unemployment how many people didn't want to go back to work they just wanted that free
Starting point is 02:29:50 money i was like oh this is wild i mean but some of that also is that they were like because my friends were like what the fuck this is like the like i'm making less money working hard as fuck on what unemployment pays like this is what the government thinks you barely need to subsist. And when I go back to work, I make less than this and I work fucking hard as shit. I mean, it's also a problem of like, I think people also saw in that moment how mistreated they were being and how underpaid they were being a lot of the time where it's like this low pay, which it wasn't that much money, right? Well, they started ramping up pay a lot of places after the pandemic.
Starting point is 02:30:31 Yeah. They ramped up pay everywhere. They advertise high pay, places like McDonald's. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What does McDonald's pay now? I think it pays $18 an hour or something like that. What is, how much does McDonald's pay? I think it depends. I was walking through Buc-ee's yesterday. Buc-ee's is famous for paying well. I was looking at, like, if you're a manager, you make a quarter million dollars a year. Pretty sick. I'm like, damn. And probably the only place where that's kept pace with inflation. It still sits pretty low, depending on- Well, yeah, see-
Starting point is 02:30:54 21 to 21. 21, 20. 7.25 is in, like, Dothan, Alabama. Yeah. But I wonder, I wonder, even this- Oh, Austin, Texas? Yeah. 7.25 to 21., boy that's a big jump
Starting point is 02:31:07 That's probably like That's three times as much That's a cashier That's what a cashier makes, not a manager The manager gets double that But I would, even the place where they're Ramping up pay, I wonder What that even is in comparison to
Starting point is 02:31:23 Inflation from that same job in 1970. Good question. You know what I mean? Yeah, 12.55. 12.55. That's what I'm saying. Did you see that video? There's a video that was going around today of people in Chicago that are furious that
Starting point is 02:31:37 the government is giving so much money to all these immigrants that have illegally migrated into Chicago. No, I didn't see that. They're giving them cell phone and $1,200, whatever. And these people are fucking freaking out. And these people that were Democrats are like, hey, if Trump wants to talk to us, come talk to us. We're tired of this shit.
Starting point is 02:31:55 And I'm like, wow, this is wild to see. These people are waking up. Why are you giving people that aren't even from here all this money and a free phone and all this shit? You're not giving anything to us? I mean, yeah, that is fucked. It's fucked. I think those people deserve.
Starting point is 02:32:11 But that's what it's like. We're seeing this like, why aren't regular people getting that same shit? Why doesn't everybody just get that? Why is that person getting special treatment where it's like, we're just fucked? I mean, that's the safety net shit. They shouldn't get it either. What they're doing is they're trying to buy votes. That's what I we're just fucked. I mean, that's, again, the safety net shit. They shouldn't get it either. What they're doing is they're trying to buy votes.
Starting point is 02:32:28 That's what I think they're doing. They're trying to get rid of voter ID, and they're trying to bring people in or allow people to get in and make it easy for them to travel all around the country. And if someone let you in the country, wouldn't you vote for them? But they can't vote, can they? Well, what if they can? I mean— But they're talking about not having voter ID. Like, what do you think that... They were talking about it in New York. They were gonna
Starting point is 02:32:49 try to make it so that if you weren't a citizen, you could still vote in New York. That was something that was discussed, right? I don't know. Google that thing about New York. I think it was discussed, but I don't know. Attempts to have people that were immigrants capable of voting in New York. Whatever you would search it under.
Starting point is 02:33:05 My dad straight can't vote and he's been here, you know, 40 years or 50, yeah, 40 something years. If they start changing things, look, why else would you want that many people to cross over? I would want those people to cross over if I was wanted one of two things. I wanted chaos or B, I wanted voters. Yeah. That's what like Wild Wild Country did. They brought in the homeless people? Yeah, yeah, yeah,000 non-citizens to vote violated the state constitution. So, they're trying to pass this measure. Imagine what would be the motivation? What would be the motivation of allowing people that are illegal aliens to vote?
Starting point is 02:34:02 Well, they're permanent legal residents. Permanent legal residents. So, they're basically like guys like my dad who have been here and don't have a citizenship. So these are just people that are not American citizens. Yeah. Yeah. Like, yeah. Somebody with their green...
Starting point is 02:34:12 I mean, some people, like I said, I don't think my dad is ever going to become a citizen. Also only applied to local... So non-citizens. What's the technical term for a non-citizen? If you're not a citizen and you're here... Illegal resident. Illegal resident. No, no. Legal, legal. Legal. So do you have a green card?izen. If you're not a citizen and you're here. Illegal resident. Illegal resident. No, no.
Starting point is 02:34:25 Legal, legal. Legal. So do you have a green card? Yeah. Green card. Forever? I think so. Or does it expire?
Starting point is 02:34:32 Age and residency requirements. Age and residency requirements. Yeah. So it's like, I mean, look, you could debate that, but it's not the same as illegal immigrants. It's like people. It's basically people that have been in that place and they don't want to become citizens. Right. They could be able to vote for municipal elections
Starting point is 02:34:46 not national elections but if you're a democrat or if you're a republican let's see it on the other side imagine you're a republican and you do this and you say we're going to let people who aren't even citizens vote who do you think those people are going to vote for they're going to vote for the people that are allowing them to vote
Starting point is 02:35:01 especially if you're not politically savvy it is kind of like the old it's like fucking Tammany Hall that are allowing them to vote. Yeah. Just, especially if you're not politically savvy. It is kind of like the old, it's like fucking Tammany Hall, like in Gangs of New York, where it's like you vote like four times and then you just bring the fucking Irish people off the boats and like shave your mustache and go vote again, like that kind of shit. Yeah. I'm sure there's a lot of that. Well, that's the old, yeah, that's how it always used to be. That's how they always did it.
Starting point is 02:35:21 But the thing is, it's like if you wanted the laws on voting to be more lax and you wanted citizens that are here, but they're not legal. They're not. Right. Or legal. Or not legal. That's next. I don't think you'd be able to get anybody to fucking go for that. How are you trying to get people to vote for someone who's not a citizen voting?
Starting point is 02:35:42 That's always been the thing. Like you cannot vote if you're not a citizen. I guess, just reading off that, right? I don't know anything else. That, to me, I don't know that I would have to think about it, but it's like, what they're saying is, if you've been here a while, you're a legal resident, you're part of this community, you pay taxes, you do all that stuff, you can vote in local municipal elections. You can't vote for fucking senator.
Starting point is 02:36:02 You can't vote for fucking president. You can vote for fucking senator. You can't vote for fucking president. You can vote for alderman. You can vote for fucking state house representative because they directly affect your thing, which is at least a reasonable argument as opposed to a non-citizen can have the full legal protection. But I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:36:18 Here's a better argument. Why don't you make them citizens? Yeah. Yeah. Like what do you do? A guy's been here for 30 years. You think he's a spy? Yeah. What do they have to do? If someone's a productive do you do? Guy's been here for 30 years. You think he's a spy? Yeah. I know. What do they have to do? My dad, like if someone's a productive member of society, they've been here for 20 years. Yeah. And they work but they just keep going from green card
Starting point is 02:36:33 to green card. Sit the guy down. Is he cool? Yeah. Let him in. Let him in. That's true. I mean, I can tell you my dad didn't do it because he like, he got mad. He got like a question wrong and he spelled George Washington wrong or some shit. That's it?
Starting point is 02:36:49 I mean, this is his recollection, but he was not doing great in the whatever point. He got mad and he was like, whatever, fuck it. I don't want to be an American anyway. And he just stormed out because he just didn't ace the test and he never went back. He was like, I don't give a fuck. That's hilarious. So he's just been here forever but yeah i get what you're saying if they are if they have shown some kind of you know yeah well it's kind of crazy that you just be born here like if you if you're geographically on the right pile of dirt yeah american you fucking won
Starting point is 02:37:19 the geopolitical lottery yeah it's fucking sick! Fuck yeah! And then it's like, and then if you don't do that, it's like, like Greece is a perfect example where like Giannis Adetokounmpo, right? My favorite basketball player. He's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:37:32 His family were, they were Nigerian immigrants and he was born in Athens. You know, his family clearly loves Greek culture. They named their fucking kids Greek names. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:37:41 Like he grew up there. He didn't have anywhere, he wasn't Nigerian, right? He couldn't claim that. And they didn't give him a citizenship until he was a fucking famous basketball player. Like it's like fucked, dude, where it's like you got to prove it. But otherwise it's like what do you do if you don't? But also you have to make it kind of difficult.
Starting point is 02:38:00 Otherwise you get spies that just come over here from Russia and become citizens and run for president. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, that's a real thing, too. Yeah, we're back there. I mean, isn't that what the real fear about someone like Arnold running for office? Yeah. They would say, oh, he was not born here. But how nutty is that? You have to be born here? The fucking guy's been here most of his life.
Starting point is 02:38:19 Yeah, no, that's true. But even though he's a citizen, since his mother didn't have him come out of her body on this soil, it doesn't count. Yeah. It's nuts. No, that is weird. That is nuts. And I do think there was some talk of when he was, people love that guy so much, there was some talk of trying to challenge it.
Starting point is 02:38:37 Yeah, but that, obviously. But here's even crazier. If you're born in Vancouver, that does not... You're not allowed to come over here. But if you're born in fucking Hawaii, that's five hours across the ocean in a jet. That's America.
Starting point is 02:38:55 In the 30s, we really wanted pineapples. You know what I mean? Or Alaska. How about Alaska? That place is nuts. They bought that in the 1800s. Russia's like, yeah, what the fuck are we doing with this? What are we doing with this place? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:10 Have it. It doesn't matter. We're tired of this shit. That's the greatest purchase ever. Alaska? What about Louisiana purchase? That's pretty good. Well, yeah, and then purchasing New York.
Starting point is 02:39:19 They've got New York for like $9. I don't know that you'd call that a purchase. That was more like a, come on. Tony Soprano type deal. I think they were just like, can we have it? And they're like, don't know that you call that a purchase. That was more like a, come on. Tony Soprano type deal. I think they were just like, can we have it? And they're like, don't even understand
Starting point is 02:39:28 what they're talking about. And they're like, he said yes, it's ours now. And they're like, hey, can we get this back? And they're like,
Starting point is 02:39:34 you know, like. Right, imagine like someone saying, can we buy this from you? And you're like, yeah, give me $50.
Starting point is 02:39:41 Okay, yeah. Fucking idiots. Like, nah, dude, we got them. They said it. Exactly, exactly. They probably had no concept of it. If you think about it, if you live in teepees and you're a nomadic and you travel, the idea of owning a spot.
Starting point is 02:39:55 Yeah, whatever, dude. Like, what are you going to do here? Yeah. You're going to stay here? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What if the fucking deer leave? What are you, fucking morons? People are morons.
Starting point is 02:40:04 You're going to starve here. Exactly. Exactly. That's what they, yeah. Claiming it was sold is always like, come on. That's a very good point that I really never considered until just now. Let's talk about squirting for another 45 minutes. Native Americans squirted.
Starting point is 02:40:20 And what did they call it? The eagle's breath. This one will be a warrior. Anyone conceived of the eagle's breath shall grow to be chief. You ever see the video of the girl getting her vagina tattooed and she squirts in the
Starting point is 02:40:37 tattoo artist's face? No. That's crazy. I think it's fake though. Do you think it's fake, Jamie? I think it's set up. Yeah, probably. Too perfect. The angle looks too good. It's like you're seeing her leg and you know, he's in there. He takes it in the face from the side. Nah. You know, it just seems... Nah, we saw some real footage and for the folks that know, I'm sorry you weren't a part of this educational process. Also, I would imagine if you're getting your vag tattooed, you would probably want curtains up. Yeah. You know, you wouldn't be, like, out there.
Starting point is 02:41:05 Yeah, that's fake as shit. Yeah, let me see it. Run it up. It looks like someone had a hose underneath her butt. See, like, look. Oh, yeah. She's getting her vag tattooed. Oh, that's not a great spot.
Starting point is 02:41:13 But she's also... There's no way. One more time, please. It'll reset, I'm sure. But it's also, like, why is she getting her vag tattooed while these guys are just hanging out looking at their phone?
Starting point is 02:41:24 Oh, that's like the SNL sketch where they were all throwing up with the tube out of their fucking wrist. So fake. That's so fake. I think it's coming from the side, too. Yeah, it's too thick, too. She has a dick. If it comes out that hard, she's got a big, fat hog. Dude, yeah, think about that.
Starting point is 02:41:41 We're talking about a fucking... Yeah, look at that. That's insane. We're talking about a five-inch-around dick. And it looks like it's coming yeah, think about that. We're talking about a fucking... Yeah, look at that. That's insane. We're talking about a five-inch around dick. And it looks like it's coming from below her. Yeah. Like it's coming from under her cheeks. Very poorly done.
Starting point is 02:41:52 Well, they got me. Yeah. Yeah, just like the Manhattan purchase. There's so much of that now. You never know what's real and what's fake. I know, dude. Except grainy ring camera footage from third world countries of people getting shot. That's right. There's a lot of that, bro. Or Russian dash cam camera footage from third world countries of people getting shot. That's right.
Starting point is 02:42:05 There's a lot of that, bro. Or Russian dash cam. Yeah, there's a lot of that. Those motherfuckers are getting fucked up. Instagram is wild these days. Did you see that drive-by yesterday? Where? What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:42:15 I mean, there's a video that goes around, I feel like, every day that everybody ends up seeing. Yesterday was this crazy drive-by video. Where? I don't know where. Can we see it? Let's close with that, Jamie. Let's close with the good old American drive-by.
Starting point is 02:42:27 And by the way, before we close, I just want to I brought you a calendar again. Another calendar? Thank you. The Stabby Baby Erotic Calendar. There it is, ladies and gentlemen. Go watch the special. Buy the calendar. I'm naked in all of them. May I see your titties? A lot of good stuff.
Starting point is 02:42:45 Hey. Shot in Austin at a pool in Austin. Nice. For reference online. Oh, like the Terminator. The Terminator, huh? Pretty good. That's fucking badass.
Starting point is 02:42:58 Hell yeah. There you go. The Olympics. So this is it? Oh, yeah. This is the video. I'm not going to show it online, but there's a still frame if you want to find it yourself. Okay.
Starting point is 02:43:05 Look on Twitter, type in drive-by. Oh, what the fuck? That's too loud to watch, but there's a whole break down here. Watch this guy down here. He's still fighting. This guy's still fighting. Oh, no, dude. That sucks.
Starting point is 02:43:22 This guy's still fighting. Fuck. But they come back. The video's not over. Oh, no, dude. That sucks. This guy's still fighting. Fuck. But they come back. This is not, the video's not over. Oh, no, dude. Coming back. Reversing. They're still shooting.
Starting point is 02:43:30 They're still shooting. This guy's still. Oh, my God. God damn. This definitely doesn't like America. Oh, my God. The fuck. But they're about to come back and finish this.
Starting point is 02:43:39 No. Oh, my God. See, this guy almost tries to get up. Oh, this fucking guy guy What are you doing man He's just checking He knows this is over now This is bad There's a guy up here
Starting point is 02:43:52 You can't see And he starts unloading on him Oh no dude Oh my god dude And they all come up and finish Oh fuck He shot the hat off his fucking head Oh my god dude
Starting point is 02:44:03 That sucks, dude. It gets really more violent. More violent? Yeah. What the fuck? How is it going to get more violent? 20 seconds left in this video. Oh, this sucks.
Starting point is 02:44:13 Oh, my God, dude. No. No. What the fuck? Oh, my God. And it becomes not a drive-by anymore, too. Dude, no. Don't shoot the fat guy in the house.
Starting point is 02:44:24 No. It looks like those are the only guys that get shot. Oh, my God. Very targeted. Oh. They made sure that everyone was dead. Oh, my God. What the fuck, dude?
Starting point is 02:44:35 Oh, my God. Yeah, this went crazy viral yesterday. Where is this supposedly taking place? I don't know. I just saw this as the craziest drive-by video, and then I saw it five more times over the night. Good God almighty. There's so much of that kind of stuff now available online
Starting point is 02:44:52 because of fucking these cameras and shit and cell phones. Like, Instagram is flooded with that stuff. Dude, that's fucking wild. Me and Segura every day send each other shit, like the worst shit we could find. I'm kind of upset that I didn't send him that. Yeah. I'll get it to him before the podcast.
Starting point is 02:45:09 My Instagram is purely like girls with huge tits stretching. Good for you. That's a healthy algorithm. Some steaks. I've actually been watching guys grill steaks and then girls with huge tits stretching. Muscle mommies, of course. Oh, I would be remiss not to take, you know, I come on the show yearly to beg for muscle mommy pussy.
Starting point is 02:45:30 So we did it last time if anybody's around. I did fuck one strong girl this year. Congratulations. But I'd like to get those numbers up, Joe. I hear you. Well, this is the place to call for it. This is probably a lot of jacked girls in the gym right now going, he's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:45 I've had enough big dick in my life. Yeah, no. Come on. And of course, watch the special, please. Special. It's out now. Out now. Fat Rascal.
Starting point is 02:45:52 Fat Rascal. I'm very proud of it. I can't. Yeah. I'm pumped. Please watch it, folks. Thanks for having me. You're a funny motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:45:59 I appreciate you. I appreciate it. It's always fun. Always fun hanging out with you. This one was a banger. Yes, sir. All right. Bye, everybody.

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