The Joe Rogan Experience - #2090 - Bobby Lee

Episode Date: January 23, 2024

Bobby Lee is a stand-up comic, actor, and podcaster. He's the co-host of "TigerBelly," with Khaylyla Kuhn, and "Bad Friends," with Andrew Santino. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience It's just like, what a blessing. No, no, no, no, no. Let me finish this. What a blessing. Over the years, people on the internet were like, why don't you do Rogan? I was like, I don't even know how. And I'm here now. And I just feel so present. And I feel mindful. It's going to be a great one. Anyway, thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I'm so happy you're here. You too, man. Yeah, we talked about doing it fucking a thousand times. A thousand times. Yeah, and it never happened. And people thought we had a problem with each other or something. No, we know. In fact, here's the deal, Joe. Yeah, and it never happened. And people thought we had a problem with each other or something. No, we know. In fact, here's the deal, Joe.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Okay, Bobby. Not only do we not have a problem with each other, right? Right. You've been a really big asset to me over the years on the phone. Like when I'm in trouble, you call and you're so helpful and you've got me through a lot of difficult situations. I love you, Bobby. We're the opposite of trouble. We're in a family. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:07 That's how I feel. Yeah. I just didn't know how to do it. Well, I always said anytime you want to do it, you were like, okay. But there's no number? Who do I call? You call me. I don't know who to call. This whole thing is literally booked on my phone. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah. Well, now I know. I have a guy, shout out to my man Matt, who I contact when I want someone to get, like if I want to reach out, like to Cat Williams or something like that, like reach out to this guy, try to get him on. And that's it. And then it all gets booked on my phone. Wow. Well, now I know, and knowing's half the battle.
Starting point is 00:01:44 You know what they said? G.I. Joe just said that. What? Yeah. That way, it's like the whole thing. Because I go to Tom's. Have you been to Tom's? Tom's?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, yeah. It's like they have a real production staff. There's all these people running around with clipboards. I went to Bert's house the other day day he had eight people behind computers yeah just typing away what the fuck they're doing emailing social media going crazy promoting arena shows everyone's going nuts me no i don't want that in my life why would you don't need it i don't want it you have white guy yeah just some average white guy not no offense, but you're not, you know. With all due respect, Jamie does take the place of, like, at least two regular people, if not three. He's great, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:32 How many people? I don't know. You tell me. I say at least two. Maybe three. Jamie might take the place of three people. Wow. What do you got there?
Starting point is 00:02:41 What are those? These are pouches. They're called Copenhagens. Oh, okay. I got these little rogues. I like these. Is it tobacco? It's just nicotine.
Starting point is 00:02:50 It's not tobacco. Yeah, it's the pouch. Those are tobacco? Yeah, they are tobacco. So you have to spit. Yeah. And when it blisters, I stop. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But it burns through your teeth. How did Money White was telling me that? Yeah, yeah. It made his gums recede. Yeah. Chewing. Chewing. Yeah. But then when you take a break, they grow back. It's like a It made his gums recede. Yeah. Chewing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:07 But then when you take a break, they grow back. It's like a plant. Your gums. Oh, like a little plant. Yeah, yeah. You're trimming it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, like a bonsai. Yeah, like a bonsai.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Maybe you get better gums that way. Yeah. But I quit smoking two years ago, so it's like, you know, that was tough. Was it? Cigarettes? Yeah. Well, I quit drugs and cigarettes. Well, you went clean.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You were clean for a long time. 17 years. And then what was the first thing you did? Well, I relapsed twice. So after the 17 years, my dad died. And he died. And then my mom goes, selfie. So I took a selfie with my mom and the family.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And my dad was dead. And I decided that was so weird that i took a gummy i brought one just in case how many milligrams at that time it was like 10 milligrams okay but then i had other stuff in my mom's house you know i mean and i took the rest and then i relapsed for like four months then i got sober again. And then when things got crazy in my life, I did it again. What did you go with again? Did you go with just weed? Weed and drinking.
Starting point is 00:04:12 And it's fine at first. I remember taking Edible, going to Hawaii because I was shooting Magnum PI or something. And it's fun for a couple of months, but then I overdo it. And then it's like 24 hours a day day and I'm drinking 24 hours a day and then like people are like Andrew you know Santino was concerned like one time he knocked on my hotel room and I walked out I'd poo all over my body whoa yeah and I was in a blackout drunk and he goes you had poo all over your body clean you clean me up yeah he's the yeah he cleaned me up you know yeah he's like
Starting point is 00:04:45 i'm just the best he's the best well he was mad you know he gets mad of course he's like you're a bastard you know i mean yeah yeah you're covered in shit because i didn't abandon you like i would have i don't think you would have i probably wouldn't you would have cleaned it but you would have said clean up and then 10 minutes i would have chucked you into the tub yeah like a cold plunge yeah Yeah. Just hose you down. So it got bad, and then what happened was Bob Sackett died, and then Louie died. And for some reason, I was drinking and doing, and also when I was coughing up blood. Oh.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I had these chunks of curdled blood. Oh. Right, like a ball. And I had convinced myself that I had fucking cancer. Oh. And I always, I go, death comes in three. Not that I'm that big,
Starting point is 00:05:31 like those guys, but in my mind, it's like, I'm next. Oh, shit. And I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. It was fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Oh, fuck. And then I got sober and things are fine. Whew. What was the blood? Did you ever find out? Then I got an x-ray done and it's like,
Starting point is 00:05:44 it's fine. I just, when I, I x-ray done and he's like it's fine I just when I smoke so much weed and cigarettes at the same time I would cough into it like a like a towel or something and I would send it to my axe Kalilah Just the photo or the actual tattoo? Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah. Just the photo. And I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:06:08 I have cancer. Because if you send her the whole thing, that's like bio-terrorism. That's weird. Oh, really? I don't think so. No, I mean, if you thought you had
Starting point is 00:06:15 like some crazy disease, like, oh my God, did you see these ladies in Denver today? They took a live Ebola vaccine. There's not even Ebola cases here. It's in Africa, right? But this doctor was encouraging people to take this Ebola vaccine just in case Ebola hits.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Why does everybody want to freak me out? I know. Why does this lady want to freak me out by taking this thing? Who knows what the fuck is going to happen to you now? And why does everybody want to freak me out at the fucking possibility of some new disease coming along and killing everybody? But Ebola's old school. It's a scary one. Hot zone. It liquefies your organs,
Starting point is 00:06:52 right? Denver Health Medical Team receives Ebola vaccine. The team became some of the first people to receive the live Ebola vaccine for preventative measures in case of a future outbreak. The first people? Oh my God. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Is the Ebola vaccine new? Did they not have a vaccine before? And now they do? I don't know. What the fuck, people? But back in the day when they had it, they just bombed a village, right? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:07:17 What did they do? I don't know what they did. I don't think it's that easy to spread. I think Ebola has to be spread by bodily fluids. It's not airborne. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they could fix that.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You think they're Chinese? They're Chinese guys. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. And look, now it flies through the air. Oh, man, if it was like COVID, like that easy? Yeah, but Ebola. We're fucked. But that's what scares the shit out of me, man.
Starting point is 00:07:47 They keep talking about it. These fucking creeps at the World Economic Forum, they all get together and talk about preparation for disease X. They're calling it virus X or disease X. They're scaring the shit out of me. But do you think it's... Let me ask. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Can I just ask you something? I don't know. You know me. I don't know much. Okay. I don't know about nothing, right? But do you believe that it was man-made? Well, it was definitely man-made.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Okay. Yeah, I wouldn't say definitely because I'm not really an expert. But every expert that I have talked to that examined the virus itself, the cleavage sites, the way it skipped all animal forms. You can't find that virus out in the wild. And then also it made a leap to person. It apparently has all of the earmarks of being engineered. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:36 But this is something that they do. This is not like science fiction. So when we say that, it's not like we're just making up some story about some lab where they're making viruses No, no, they fucking 100% absolutely do it and they lied about funding it. That was the big thing with Fauci in the NIH They lied about funding gain-of-function research and Rand Paul grilled them You could watch it on YouTube and then they lied about whether or not this, first of all, was happening, whether or not they were doing gain-of-function research, and whether or not they funded it. They funded it through another organization.
Starting point is 00:09:13 So they fund another organization, and the other organization funds the Wuhan lab. And there's a bunch of labs. That's not the only lab. There's a shit ton of them. I visited one with Duncan. We went down to one in Galveston, Texas. It's fucking terrifying. And I don't know if they're doing gain-of-function research there,
Starting point is 00:09:30 but I know they have some of the most deadly viruses and diseases known to man, all with these crazy ventilation tubes, and everyone's walking around in these hazmat suits and shit. They let Duncan and I there. Why? Oh, and by the way, we hadn't slept. So, Duncan and I, this is when we were doing Joe Rogan questions everything for sci-fi.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Duncan and I, we flew together. So we had to fly together to go to Texas. And both of us got barbecued. I mean, we took like 500 milligram edibles and totally missed our flight. In the airport, we were just talking for like hours. Like, oh my God, what time is it? Like that bad. And they're like, this flight's gone.
Starting point is 00:10:10 The flight's gone. Like, oh no. Yeah. So the next flight we had to take place was like five in the morning and it got us there right before we're supposed to film. So we literally stayed up all night, flew it. I think we got a hotel for one hour. I think we actually got a hotel for one hour.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yeah. And then we flew, woke up in the morning, and just got in the car, rather, and just went straight to this lab. So we're delirious. We're still probably high. And we're in this crazy bio lab where they have Ebola. Wow. They have everything. You name it, they've got it.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Everything that kills everybody. And it's all these big, thick, plexiglass walls. Oh, my God. Wow. It was freaking me out. Wow. And me and Duncan were both like, oh, my God, dude. Are you in a suit, too?
Starting point is 00:10:54 Are you in a suit? No. Oh. No, no, no, no. We only went into the administrative offices. They did not let us onto the floor. We didn't go anywhere near any diseases. They just let us through the office. didn't go anywhere near any diseases they just
Starting point is 00:11:05 let us through the but the doctor scared the fuck out of me because what he was saying to me is he because our our our piece was all on bioweapons and one of the things that i interviewed this guy who was formerly from the soviet union i believe it was the Soviet Union, it might have been Ukraine. I think it was Soviet Union. And when he left, he was saying that they at one point in time had literal vats of anthrax. Just like a giant fucking swimming pool filled with anthrax.
Starting point is 00:11:41 He said they had so much of it. They had so, like, bioweapons were a big part Of the strategy Like if everything goes fucked If we just decide to start killing each other If we decide to start nuking each other That was one of the things they were going to do
Starting point is 00:11:54 Did they use anthrax and nom? I don't believe so What's Agent Orange? The same thing? No, no, Agent Orange is a defoliation It's Agent Orange They would spray on the plants So they could find the people in the jungle. Is it orange? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Like if I saw it? Right, that's a good question. Why orange? Right. Why not yellow? I don't know what it looks like. There was another word for it, right? What was the other word for Agent Orange?
Starting point is 00:12:19 There's like a technical term. Because if they use it in Vietnam, they should just call it Agent Yellow. Bah! No? Bah! No? Bah! Cut that out! I've always said that Asian people take jokes better than anybody. You know why?
Starting point is 00:12:34 Why? All emojis are yellow. No one complains. It's true. They don't complain. Yeah. Yellow thumbs up, yellow smiley face guy, yellow girl. Everyone's yellow.
Starting point is 00:12:44 No one complains. People get mad at me because I allow comics to do Asian accents in front of me. And I laugh at it because I think it's funny. But then people think that I'm like an Uncle Chang. You know what I mean? Right, right, right. No. Listen, first of all, those people are all your friends.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And friends mock each other all the time. Yeah. My friends mock me for being short. They mock me for being bald. They mock me for being old. It's fun. It's fun. If they mock me for being...
Starting point is 00:13:12 See, the thing is, mocking me for being Italian, it doesn't work. Like, no one cares. Yeah. It's not a bad one. Yeah. That's why you can call Italians guineas. And nobody gives a shit. They'll call each other guineas.
Starting point is 00:13:22 You can call them guineas. No one cares. Because people don't really hate Italians. Yeah. They find them annoying. A little. Like the gold chain ones. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Those guys. Some of them are a little, but that's also part of the flavor of that culture. It's fun. You know, but Asian hate is a different kind of hate. Because Asian hate, like legitimately, people will walk up to Asian people and punch them after COVID.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Oh, yeah, I saw it. Yeah, I saw it. It's fucking wild. Wild, yeah. I mean, that's just strict racist hate walking right up to someone and punching them just because. Like an old man.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Old men, old ladies. Yeah. It's wild. And they don't even know what kind of Asian it is it could be someone from the Philippines it could be someone
Starting point is 00:14:07 from China they have no fucking idea they're just just hitting people it was fucking terrible yeah terrifying yeah
Starting point is 00:14:11 that shit's real yeah but when it comes to like comedy like back in the day like you're backstage with a bunch of comics we see all kinds
Starting point is 00:14:19 of fucked up shit we try to make each other laugh and it's hard to make us laugh or shock yeah or shock yeah yeah well shock to make you laugh yeah the shocking thing's hard to make us laugh. Or shock. Yeah, or shock. Yeah, yeah. Well, shock to make you laugh.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Yeah. The shocking thing is just so you go, what the fuck is wrong with you? How many times will we be in the green room and Joey Diaz will say something like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we're on the ground laughing. Yeah, yeah. But that's what he's trying to do.
Starting point is 00:14:39 He's not a bad person. He's trying to make you laugh. And then we do it publicly on podcasts and publicly around, you know, on podcasts and stuff. And people just get fucking crazy. You know what it's like? It's like being around any person that's used to a certain thing. Like, have you ever been around soldiers? Like, especially like special operator guys, like Navy SEAL type dudes.
Starting point is 00:15:02 They get a couple of drinks and then they start talking war stories yeah holy shit yeah they're funny they're funny stories about people getting blown up yeah like they have funny stories about it and you guess what you can't bring that up at the fucking pta meeting you know you can't wait where you're gonna where you're gonna you have to be around like-minded people that understand those kind of experiences to be able to talk about the cops some of the cops i know have the most fucked up senses of humor yeah they've seen so much they need a release valve man you need fucking something to let out all the gunshot victims and all the deaths and highway act all the things they see man they see so much yeah also these
Starting point is 00:15:40 port cities back in the day right you'd have different races and stuff and they didn't speak the language and the way they would connect is make fun of each other and people's accents and it was a it was a you bonded that way but that was the nicest thing they could do to each other back then those port cities were just filled with violence yeah probably yeah violence it's all gangs in new york yeah that's what it was like man. That's real. Yeah, that's when people came here from other countries like My ancestors came here or my grandparents came here in the 1920s Wow They came from Italy and on my father's side they came from Ireland one one from Ireland. He was from Ireland the mothers from Italy They're all immigrants. Everybody's in there those people that came to that place
Starting point is 00:16:21 They all were so wild they were willing to get on a boat with their kids and travel across the ocean. You didn't know if you had a job. You didn't know what it looked like. You had to look at a drawing of it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, somebody had to tell you. You had to get a letter from Uncle Pete that, you know, I made it to America. I got a job in the shipyard.
Starting point is 00:16:45 It's great. I'm making, you know, 50 bucks a month. And then they're like, oh, 50 bucks a month. And then they get in their boat with their babies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Those were wild people. And like the Chinese, right? Oh, yeah. Back in the day, they had three options. I could do laundry, right? Dynamite detail railroad, right? Opium den.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Restaurant. Oh, restaurant. I'm opium den. Restaurant. Oh, restaurant. I'm opium den. Yeah. Back in the day. Yeah, you would have the best one. Yeah, you'd play
Starting point is 00:17:10 with Mr. Jones, right? I'd lay them down on a nice like, you know what I mean? Felt mattress. Oh, you'd have cool lighting. Yeah, great lighting. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Ride the dragon. Right. Ride the dragon. I would stick it in their mouth. Yeah. Light it for them. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:17:22 And then touch their head as they're going under. Right. Just like, oh. Right, right. Whoa their mouth. Yeah. Light it for them. Yeah. Right? And then touch their head as they're going. Right. Right, right. Whoa. Whoa. Yeah. Like in that movie, Once Upon a Time in America.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yeah. De Niro was like fucked up on opiates. Everybody got fucked up on it once you did it. Yeah. They get fucked up. But that's what's wild about social media. Social media is addictive and it doesn't even feel good Opium at least you feel great. Yeah, you feel great look at all those dudes in an opium den Oh my god, mine would look so much better than that. I had Peter Berg on you know Peter Berg did that You know he's amazing. He's done a million things. He's that guy's the shit, but he did
Starting point is 00:18:04 that Netflix series, Painkiller, the one on the Sackler family. Didn't see it. Holy shit, dude. I see. Okay, I'll see. The opioid crisis. But he told me that he tried it once. He said, I tried Oxycontin once, recreational.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And he was like, oh my God, get this the fuck away from me. He goes, it was great. Yeah. It just makes you feel so good that's the problem that's the problem those goddamn things well when i was on mad tv and i relapsed because at 13 years i got on mad tv all i got addicted to the vicodin and i was taking 30 or 40 a day and then yeah and when i got off of that shit dude right it was the worst detox I've ever fucking felt and then I had to do a Connie Chung sketch
Starting point is 00:18:46 on Mad two days into fucking detoxing and I shit my pants on camera and they didn't air it because you shit your pants yeah I went
Starting point is 00:18:55 good evening I play Connie Chung right and I'm shaking oh boy good evening I'm Connie as I said Connie
Starting point is 00:19:01 I pooed and I had stockings and then I had a wardrobe wipe it. Oh, boy. It was fucking terrible. It was fucking terrible. Oh, boy. And I got sober then.
Starting point is 00:19:09 But it's like, yeah, if I get it, opiates are the worst. What other job can you do that? And they're like, just clean them up. I know. It's really good. At McDonald's? You're out. You're out.
Starting point is 00:19:19 You're gone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We try to finish. You're working for Apple? That's a wrap. That's a wrap. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Even on stage. You're in the Genius Bar. You shit your pants Apple? That's a wrap. That's a wrap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even on stage.
Starting point is 00:19:26 You're in the Genius Bar, you shit your pants. That's it, Bobby. Yeah. No more. Even on stage, you can go to a guy and go, fuck you. Yeah. In comedy, you don't get fired for that. It's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:37 It's amazing. If you did that at Jamba Juice, you're done. Right. Right. But I remember you telling me a story how you had been up all night and you got back to Mad TV. Had to get there for something. Was it a table read or what? You had a giant knife on you.
Starting point is 00:19:57 You're super paranoid and tweaking. Oh, yeah. He said you were carrying like a Bowie knife. Yeah, Bowie. And sometimes a Klingon. You know those guys that love Star Trek? Yeah. So I had a Klingon knife. One of those curves. How big was it? It was like a Bowie knife. Yeah, and sometimes a Klingon, one of those Klingons, you guys gotta love Star Trek. Yeah. So I had a Klingon knife. One of those curves.
Starting point is 00:20:07 How big was it? It was like this long. I still have it by my bed, right? And I would stick it right here, right? And an open Hawaiian shirt. And I was breaking out. That's what it looks like? That's what it looked like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Oh, that's pretty dope. Yeah, yeah. That is actually pretty dope. That's what Klingons would carry around? Yeah, and then they would, isn't that crazy? They have spaceships, but they still need knives first of all they
Starting point is 00:20:31 didn't even have the fucking internet right it's the dumbest show ever and they had walkie-talkies they hadn't even figured out phone I never thought of a Kirk out click right you would have like a nothing yeah something yeah yet they could beam you up. Yeah. They could literally take your body and reach out to you. It's still a good show. It's a great show.
Starting point is 00:20:50 It's still a good sci-fi show. Listen, I love Star Trek. Next Generation? No, first one. No. The real one. Old one. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I'll back up. I'm sorry. You're wrong. I'm not wrong. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can I just say something? I can't be wrong for liking something. I understand that. I think that you're wrong. I'm not wrong. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can I just say something? I can't be wrong for liking something. I understand that.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I think that you're misinformed. How so? Because, and do me a favor, season five. No. All right. Okay, right now. I know, but can I just, just open your heart. It's open.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Okay, so may I say what I'm going to say? Right. May I? Yes, please. All right. Season five. Okay. Second to the last episode. Okay. The episode's called Inner say what I'm going to say? Right. May I? Yes, please. All right. Season five. Okay. Second to the last episode.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Okay. The episode's called Inner Light. I'm not going to watch it. I'm not asking you to, but I'm asking your fans to check it out. They're going to yell at me. That episode is the greatest piece of sci-fi ever filmed. And Adam Egan hated Star Trek. I forced him to watch this episode.
Starting point is 00:21:50 He watched every episode after that. Really? Yeah. Okay, I'll watch it. It's a great episode. Okay, I will watch it. Okay, thank you. Now I changed my mind.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I will watch it. See, your heart was open. It looks interesting. Yeah, yeah. It looks interesting because he's walking around. Okay. See what he's got to say. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Maybe he's on like a vision quest. No, the concept is great. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe he's on like a vision quest. No, the concept is great. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I believe you. Okay, good. Thank you. I like the old one just for nostalgic purposes.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah. Because I'm old. And because when I was a kid, that was on television. I remember watching Star Trek and Captain Kirk. Like, oh my God, he's the coolest. Yeah, he was the best. You know? And it was also, it's so corny.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Like, if you watch it today, it's gone to this point where it becomes funny. It's parody. Yeah. Like, there's a scene where Captain Kirk has a fight with, like, a lizard man on a planet. Yeah, I remember that one. I remember that, yeah. It's the dumbest fight scene ever. It's right up there with the six million dollar man versus Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:22:42 That's the dumbest one. Yeah, this one. But this one's pretty dumb yeah look at him he was so handsome first of all this lizard is so goddamn slow I'll fuck this lizard up I would fuck look at that I would yeah I would fuck look at it bro I would fuck him up I'll be leg kicking him right now whop whop I take them knees out oh that would a shitty body kick. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And he just threw him. He fights like Brendan Schaub a little bit. But all he did is throw him. Brendan Schaub was a good fighter. I'm kidding. You better shut your mouth. He knocked out Mirko Kroko. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I'm kidding. I love him. So look at this. He's right next to you and he's not even biting you. Yeah, yeah. This is the biggest pussy lizard of all time. He's not even biting. He's not biting. The neck is even biting. He's not biting.
Starting point is 00:23:25 The neck is right there. He's got a giant mouth full with teeth. Easily he could bite. There's no restraint keeping him from biting. Yeah. Oh, that was a good ear move. Captain Kirk, he hit him with the ears. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Oh, he hurt him with the ears. Yeah. So what does he do? He runs away like a pussy. Now he's going to throw rocks at him. Yeah. You got to hit him in the ear bro get close the guy's slow as fuck look at him this is so dumb this is so dumb this is so dumb it hurts my feelings but imagine shooting that that day it's so hot that guy in the lizard suit oh my god he's sweating his dick yeah yeah he's having rough. Because that's probably Burbank or somewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah. Those stones. Like, that totally looks like it could be California. Doesn't it? Yeah. They must have shot it. Oh, he's going to pick up the rock. Look how fake that rock looks.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Watch him throw that rock. All you have to do is just get out of the way now. Don't stand there. Wait for the... Look, get out of the fucking way, bro! Oh, Jesus Christ. How casual did he get out of the way?, bro! Oh, Jesus Christ. How casual did he get out of the way? Because he knew it wasn't a real rock.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah. It reminds me of when that guy threw the shoe at Bush. This is picture-perfect terrible acting. Yeah. Picture-perfect terrible choreography. Everything about it is hilarious. Does it end? That was it.
Starting point is 00:24:40 He doesn't kill him? He ran away. That's it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whoa. How dumb. He's throwing boulders at him. I love that show. Yeah. It doesn't kill him? He ran away. That's it? He ran away. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whoa. How dumb. He's throwing boulders at him. He had to get that guy.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I love that show. Yeah. It reminds me of old Godzillas. You remember when Captain Kirk hooked up with that green lady? It was a big deal. Would you have? Yeah. I wouldn't have fucked the Avatar lady.
Starting point is 00:24:57 So if you and I had a- The Avatar lady? That lady's hot. On Pandora? I don't know. It looks blue. The one- I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:25:04 The one that he eventually winds up with yeah she's hot but you know how like the creatures connect with the tails where then they communicate yeah does that come out of the vagina too i don't know i don't think they have a vagina oh i think you just link up like that oh you're coming you come oh yeah i'd love to come in my nose how the baby's even yeah there I can't. Can I ask you? They don't have. I mean, they have things over their dicks, so they must have dicks, right? They all had loincloths. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:30 But I'm 52, Joe, and I can't come. You can't come? I come every other time. Every other time. That's good. That's good enough. I like edging. But how much are you fucking?
Starting point is 00:25:42 Are you trying to fuck every day or jerk off every day? Maybe you're running out of jizz Maybe you just have a small factory you know and you're just demanding too much out my factory's pretty big Do your balls are big for my size? Yeah? Yeah, but like for normal humans when you hit 52 like how often are you coming? Every other day, that's reasonable. That's reasonable, but when I'm in the sack with a woman Oh psychologically, I can't do it So do you just fake it? I pull out our no, I think I dim the lights Yeah, and I do it back. I go back you go back. So this way. Yeah, okay Oh, oh, and I'm gonna back to the back of the wall. Good move in the dark or enacted out
Starting point is 00:26:19 Good actor right epilepsy, right? Right see and I go straight to the bathroom like I'm washing it. Whoa. So they can't see the cum. That's a good move. Thank you. It's a good move if you want to be deceptive. Yeah, yeah. I guess that's not a terrible thing to deceive people about, whether or not you cum.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, I mean, but I feel bad. Girls are all guilty of it. Yeah, but I don't want them to feel bad like they're not hot. It has nothing to do with them. I get it. Right? I'm just being like a nice guy. You're a sensitive person.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah. That's so sweet of you yeah i'm super sensitive yeah but it's like because i was in a 10-year thing and now i'm like single so i'm just experimenting i get it yeah i get it you do yeah yeah yeah it's still fun though yeah you're having a good time bobby yeah i am as long as you're enjoying life that's what you should be doing you should be enjoying life you. You know, Joe, may I say? Yes. I am. That's beautiful. Because when you weren't enjoying life, it bothered me. It bothered me because I love you and you're such a nice guy and you get weirded out by so many different things. Like what?
Starting point is 00:27:15 You were just always paranoid that people didn't like you and you were always weirded out by stuff. Even me and you. We hadn't seen each other for six months. Do you still like me? I'm like, I love you. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Give me a hug. Because we have history. Yeah, but our history is all beautiful. It's a beautiful history. We have history of, we've never been in an argument. No. We've never yelled at each other.
Starting point is 00:27:36 No. We've always had good times. Yeah. We've had a lot of laughs. We have. Oh my God. Some great laughs. Oh my God, have we had laughs?
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah. Oh my God. We've had moments where I even recall that you probably don't even remember. Like one time, you and I were at the comedy store. We're in the patio and Eddie Griffin bumped us. Right? And we were talking shit. So this must be early days.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Early days. Back in the day. 90s, right? 90s, right? Wow. And then I remember there was a black guy near us listening. And he told Eddiein that we were talking shit about him and he confronted us yeah i remember that and we were like fuck off you
Starting point is 00:28:11 know i mean but it was like because you know he used to do hours yeah well he would do three hours he would go on at nine o'clock and your spot would be at 9 15 and he would do three hours it was him dice would do it sometimes Mencia would do it all the time. Oh my God, oh my God. Yeah, but the thing is, it was kind of the culture of the comedy store, in Eddie's defense, is that if you reach a certain level of fame, and at the time, Eddie was definitely more famous than us, and he was, when, I still to this day maintain that Eddie Griffin's set on Def Jam was one of the best fucking, I don't know, was it 10 minutes, 15 minutes, whatever he did?
Starting point is 00:28:48 It was one of the best sets I've ever seen. He had shorts on, remember? And he had so much energy, man. I remember I'm pretty sure I was in New York at the time when I watched it. I was like, god damn this fucking dude is talented. Yeah, I'm not questioning
Starting point is 00:29:04 his skill set. But it's the culture thing. This is what I was gonna say. Yeah, there was a thing at the store when you reach a certain level of Prominence you were allowed to just do whatever the fuck you wanted and people would show up and apparently Kennison used to do that a lot of guys used to do that but do hours I get it man I don't I don't agree with it. You wouldn't do it No, but there's certain guys did. Certain guys that are really good did. Chappelle did it. There's a bunch of guys who did it.
Starting point is 00:29:29 It was a thing that you're allowed to do there. You know what I'm saying? And it was like, I think we probably all should have talked about it. Yeah. And said, this is kind of crazy. Yeah. I still, to this day, went to Emily and I go, give me a list right now of the people that are allowed to bump me Right, right. She goes I'll get back to you, right?
Starting point is 00:29:50 Nobody should be allowed to bump you if someone wants to do a set if a like a famous person is in town They should ask you if it's okay. Yeah, that's how I feel. I never bump anybody, but it still happens No, I know but it's I don't I don't it's a also It's a thing that was the comedy stores like mark that you had made it to a certain level. If you could show up and some guys would try to get it, they would try to bump people and like, you're nobody. Some people are crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Crazy. Crazy. Delusional. Yeah. They're like a YouTube person or someone who's on some show. Literally. Yeah. Someone who's on some show that you've never heard of that was on like the WB
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what are you talking about? Yeah There's a few guys that like wanted to try that juice before because it was that thing Like when someone would show up whoever it was some Chris Rock would show up. He would just go on stage That's it Chris Rock goes on stage. He's on the list. I have a list of people that are like you're on the list Okay, you wouldn't do it, but you're on it. Yeah, I don't do it. Yeah, Chris Rock's on the list. I have a list. Of people that are allowed to box. Yeah, you're on the list. Okay. You wouldn't do it, but you're on it. Yeah, I don't do it.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah. Chris Rock's on the list. Chappelle's on the list. Bill Burr's on the list. Makes sense. Right? But then there are people, you know what I mean, that aren't. And they do it, and it drives me fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Well, it's a weird thing. It's like you're trying to appease the talent. You never know who's really going to make it big, and you don't want to piss them off now. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that. I know. I always told people, be nice to comedy club owners because you don't want to be one. That was my advice always to comics, because they always get mad at comedy club owners. I go, listen, man, you do not want to be one of these people, and we fucking need them.
Starting point is 00:31:20 This is a crazy job. You're dealing with maniacs that may or may not take their flight, might show up drunk, might get arrested Friday night after the first show. Imagine you're feeding your family based on these fucking maniacs that come in every week. I know, I know. These people are regular people. I would go to comedy
Starting point is 00:31:37 clubs and I would look at the off and see the calendar and it would always say Pablo Francisco with a question mark. Oh yeah, Pablo was a rock star. Yeah, so it's's like i get it yeah look pablo's fucking insanely talented he's so talented oh my god pablo goes to the basement he gets in there he goes and looks around those dark corners son you know i he goes out there he goes into the tunnel and i've you know i just feel so sad about it but he could have been the biggest thing He should have been yeah, he should have been that's how tell should have been huge in the 90s. Oh my god Oh my god crusher destroyer and so fun to be around. Yes, sweetheart of a guy. I got just nobody hated Pablo
Starting point is 00:32:17 Sweetheart of a sweetheart every time people around him you want to hug him? Yeah But he had a skill set on stage that was like a combination between impressions and act out and he had everything and funny jokes. Yeah, I joke Yeah, yeah, all of it all of it together and just so likable so like great. That's a nice guy. Yeah Yeah, but yeah, it's I see that still to the same Yeah, I was really lucky that the thing that I was into was weed. And that the thing I was into made me terrified. It made me paranoid.
Starting point is 00:32:51 It was the opposite of giving me courage. It gave me no courage. Like marijuana was a courage killer. Like it made me feel like courage was foolish. You're so vulnerable. Life is vulnerable. And it made me appreciate people more, like legitimately. Do you perform when you're high sometimes?
Starting point is 00:33:10 All the time. Right. Do you ever lose your place or no? No. That's what I found. I take a lot of nootropics. That's one of the keys. Can I have one?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah. Take four of those. That's Alpha Brain Black Label. That stuff is the shit. When I ever see a show on your online, I always want to try your little things. That's a good one to try. I'm affiliated with this company, obviously, but this is not the only one that I try. I'll tell people about some stuff that I have no affiliation with.
Starting point is 00:33:36 NeuroGum is one of them. We always keep NeuroGum in the studio. Can I have a packet of NeuroGum when I leave? We can have one right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me a packet, please. I'm not going to do it. I'll do it later.
Starting point is 00:33:45 We have plenty. We should get some more. We're probably running dry. We go through four or five fucking boxes of that stuff. And NeuroGum really works? Oh, yeah, 100%. Oh, wow. It's got theanine in it and caffeine and a couple other things.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And what it does is it enhances your memory. It enhances your brain's ability to form sentences. Whoa. Yeah. Well, with AlphaBrain, we did two double-blind placebo-controlled studies at the Boston Center for Memory, and it showed increase in alpha flow state. It showed increase in verbal memory,
Starting point is 00:34:16 increase in, I think it was reaction time, but it does something. And we did it at a dose that's half of what I take. I take four. Sometimes I take six. If I'm feeling fresh. If I'm talking to a scientist. Does it hit right away or no?
Starting point is 00:34:31 No. Okay. No, it'll take a while. If I'm talking to a scientist, I'll take a shitload of them. I'll take six. Like Lex? Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I love that guy. He's awesome. He's awesome. But I mean, any scientist. Anytime I'm talking to someone who's like explaining to me some very complicated things about the universe. Yeah. Like I don't want any fogginess.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I want to be like locked in. See, that was one of my fears of doing your show is science and the things that you guys talk about. I'm not talking about science. I know. I'm just saying. Yeah. I was like, I don't know nothing about anything.
Starting point is 00:35:02 You don't have to. Okay. No, no, no, no, no. I know film. I know some film. Listen, you are my friend, and we have had conversations thousands of times. That's all this is. It's just you and I having a conversation. Do you remember when we first met?
Starting point is 00:35:15 Remember when we first met at the strip club in San Diego? Can I say something? Alright, alright. But can I just say something about it? Yes. I think I might be wrong the way you're saying it, maybe. How so? Well, I don't... Let's go by...
Starting point is 00:35:30 Okay. You were headlining La Jolla. Yes. I was a doorman. Yes. Right? And I think Diaz was there. I believe so.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yeah, I think it was there, right? Yeah. I knew Diaz. Right. So he goes, hey, let's go to the strip club with Joe. And I was trying to be a host was this 95 yeah 95 96 Okay, right and I was a kid right I was enamored by you you know mean not enamored But I was like I wasn't even famous back then no, but still you were a headliner
Starting point is 00:35:57 I was an MC right so then we go to the strip club okay, right and it's deja vu Okay, okay, okay, and I wanted to go like I'm from. Okay. Right? And it's deja vu. Okay. Okay? Okay. And I wanted to go like, I'm from San Diego. I know the ropes. I know the people. I didn't. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Of course I didn't. That's not really what happened. No, but we sat there. Okay. And then there were gang members there. Right. Right? And then, I don't know what the problem was, but there was a problem between.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I'll tell you the problem. Okay. Okay, there's one of the gang members who's dating one of the strippers. Okay. And when he was over there talking to the stripper, you went over and tried to get the stripper to give you a lap dance. And when you did that, I saw the look in his eyes and he had, I'll never forget, he had long straight black hair. Yeah. This Mexican dude with tattoos on his face.
Starting point is 00:36:43 In 95. Only two teardrops. That's fine. Okay okay that's only two people killed okay and this is 95 okay and you went over and I said Bobby what the fuck are you doing what the fuck you doing I go did you take a look at that guy's eyes yeah I go Bobby these are like real real people and you're like oh shut the fuck up this nothing's gonna happen they gonna do shit, I'm out of here. So I said, I'm leaving. You can either come with me or not.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And I got up and left. I saw where this was going. They were getting up, Bobby. They were moving around. They were thinking about coming over to you. And I got us right out the door. And you barely got in my car. You barely got in my car in time.
Starting point is 00:37:20 You were dilly-dallying, and someone had to yell at you. And then we got you in the car, and we took off. I go, hey, Bobby, you were going to get a shot. Like, for real. Well, you saved my life. I don't know if I saved your life, but I definitely saved you an ass kick. But also, if she's working there, she's on the clock. No, just hear me out.
Starting point is 00:37:37 No, you're- If I'm at McDonald's, right, and some woman- Technically correct. I'm technically correct. Technically you're correct. Ethically correct. But she was over there talking to her gang member boyfriend and you went over asking for a lap dance and you, you just like stormed your way into their conversation.
Starting point is 00:37:52 You were going to die. Can I just say something? Yes, please. I want to say something. Okay. At the time, I found this out later. I thought the teardrops meant that he was emotional or something. I didn't know about death.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Okay. Even if he didn't have teardrops on his face, the look in that guy's eyes, like the whole group of them, they were serious people. I don't want to make assumptions about people. Okay. Do you have any self-preservation instincts whatsoever?
Starting point is 00:38:17 What do you mean? Did you have any self-preservation instincts? We recommend danger. Why from the suburbs? We don't know danger that way. We had no homeless. We had surfers. You should be just inherently like a child sees a dog's teeth and is scared of them.
Starting point is 00:38:29 You should see that guy growling and go, okay, this is real. Joe, I'm 52 now. I've never had anything happen to me. So I feel like my instincts are on point. You're also very likable. I'm likable. People decide not to kill you. I smile.
Starting point is 00:38:44 So what the fuck, dog? I go that's a good move that's a good move yeah yeah but that that was our introduction that's how we became friends okay it didn't right right fuck up our relationship fucking no stayed friends yeah and they came to LA and then I think that would grew what year did you come to LA? 97 or 98 like in that time here was it what a weird time at the store that was huh the Dark Ages It was weird, but it was really good for us Yes You would go on stage and the OR and it'd be half full and it was it was like a real good place to fuck
Starting point is 00:39:18 around and practice. Oh, so the people that Did it really did it because there was no light at the end of the tunnel? Not anymore. I think the store goes through eras, and it had gone through the Kinison era. And when Kinison died, I think there was a big drop off. It was terrible at times. On a Saturday night in the OR, they couldn't start the show without four people being in the audience, and there would be sometimes no show.
Starting point is 00:39:40 On a Saturday fucking night. Yeah, it was crazy. It was crazy, dude. But then it came back it came back when the internet came around came back in like in the early 2000s yeah yeah it came back and we i reaped the reward i'm so glad it didn't quit yeah i'm so glad you didn't quit too yeah i saw dude i saw some crazy i saw one time at two in the morning i was working the door there yeah and i saw people in purple robes go up into the belly
Starting point is 00:40:06 room uh-oh with candles oh jesus right so now you know you can sneak up to the belly room through the green room with those offices and stuff right were they supposed to be up there yeah oh i'm not lying this is the 90s yeah okay right i peek through. They formed a circle and they had candles up. What? No, no, no, no, no baby eating. Okay. I don't have to report that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Okay? And they were doing seances. The Comedy Store, if any place is haunted, the Comedy Store is haunted. They were trying to seance Andy Kaufman's ghost. Oh. And when I went back downstairs, the people that went with the robes, they came back down, and they were in their regular clothes.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Lily Tomlin, Bob Zmuda. Whoa. I saw it with my own eyes. Whoa. It was fucking crazy. Whoa. Yeah. Well, why not?
Starting point is 00:41:00 You know. Yeah. You get a little high. Someone comes up with an idea. Yeah, yeah. Why do we have to wear the robes? Because it'd be fun It sounds like something me and Duncan would do
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah, nice robes probably too I'm sure She's not going to wear some bullshit robe Have some respect Speaking of Duncan When I got sober, when I had that 17 years chunk Anyone out there Listening, right
Starting point is 00:41:24 I needed to get all my drugs out of my house So he was the only one I wanted I got sober when I had that 17 years chunk. And anyone out there listening, right? I needed to get all my drugs out of my house. So he was the only one I wanted. He was the only one that could do it. So when I called him, he came under my house in five minutes. He cleaned out my apartment in like 20 minutes. And then he made me a fish dinner. Aww. And then he took all my drugs and went away.
Starting point is 00:41:41 But I want to say, Duncan, if you're listening, thank you for that. Duncan's the man. He's the best. Yeah. We lived together once for a while. if you're listening, thank you for that. Duncan's the man. He's the best. Yeah. We lived together once for a while. Where? In my house. For six months.
Starting point is 00:41:49 In Austin? Really? Yeah. Wow. He got kicked out of his apartment. Or the house. He was dating this lady. And she got tired of him playing video games all day.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Really? And he calls me up. He goes, dude, I don't know what to do. I'm in a hotel. She kicked me out. I go, come live with me. Yeah. I got this big ass house.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah. So Duncan lived with me for like six months. And I had a sensory deprivation tank in the basement. I saw that. Yeah. Duncan would go down in the basement and trip balls and sort his life out. Was he messy? No.
Starting point is 00:42:23 No. Duncan was a great roommate. Really? He was awesome. Yeah. Did you have to kick him out he messy? No. No, Duncan was a great roommate. Really? He was awesome. Yeah. Did you have to kick him out or no? No. No, no.
Starting point is 00:42:29 He eventually got back on his feet again. Right. And, you know, we had a great time. Like, he had stayed there for years. We had a wonderful time. It was a lot of fun. Wow. It was like, Duncan's one of my best friends.
Starting point is 00:42:40 So, like, having one of my best friends in my house. And the house is big. So, it's not like we were on top of each other I would be way the fuck the phone didn't even work in the whole house I'd have to transfer phones to go to the parts. Wow. Wow. It's a big-ass house Yeah, so if Duncan's over in that side, I'm on over in this side like we're not even in each other's hair Yeah, didn't even bother each other. So it was really cool man It was cool like having meals with them hanging out with them so for like six
Starting point is 00:43:05 months we were roommates and to think that he was not even a stand-up at one point he was a talent coordinator well he was a stand-up he was trying to do stand-up when he was the talent coordinator we became friends because i would call up and give my veils and then we would have crazy conversations yeah you know he's like did you see this thing with Ram Dass? And he looked at me like... And we would talk about UFOs and Bigfoot and shit. That's why when that Joe Rogan Questions Everything show, that's why I did it with him. I'm like, oh, he's the perfect guy to do this with. And Ari, too.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Ari did some of the episodes as well. Wow. But Duncan was always trying to do stand-up. He was just unorthodox you know yeah but but then he got good like that fucking doll oh my god little hobo is one of the best sets one of the best bits I've ever seen it was so good it's so good yeah the mothership oh yeah yeah it's incredible yeah he's got a new little hobo to somebody stole little hobo no yeah some piece ofo was like an antique doll, too, right?
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah. So how... I don't know. I don't remember how someone stole it. Yeah, but where do you get another Little Hobo? Oh, you go on eBay. Oh, you can get Little Hobos on eBay? Oh, yeah. The new one he's got is creepy as fuck. Oh, really? I want to get a Little Hobo. Yeah, you can go online and get antique puppets.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Oh, they have them? Really? Yeah. It's thousands of dollars probably. I don't know. There it is. Is that the new little hobo? That's the new little hobo. Oh my god. He's cute. He's fucking creepy. He lives here now, right? Yeah, Duncan lives here. Everyone's
Starting point is 00:44:37 asking me to come. You should come. I know you were talking shit about moving to Austin, but listen. No, I didn't. Yeah, you did. I watched a video. No, I didn't. Don't lie. You did. I'm not fucking moving to Austin, but listen. No, I didn't. Yeah, you did. I watched the video. No, I didn't. Don't lie. You did. What'd I say? I'm not fucking moving to Austin.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I don't leave my neighborhood. I don't go to Compton. I stay right here. Could I say something? What? You know what, man? No, no, you know what? You know what, man?
Starting point is 00:44:59 You know what, man? What? Listen. What? You have to understand what you guys did. What did we do? You guys took half of the talent out.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Yeah. So I was just butt hurt. We brought another bunch in too. Like Shane Gillis lives here. I know. I know he does though. We're doing great. I know you guys are killing it. I went to the club last night. Come move here. I know but Paulie's thinking about it. Paulie's here a lot. I know. Paulie was just here the... Pauly's thinking about it. Pauly's here a lot. I know.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Pauly was just here the other day. Theo's thinking about it. Theo's thinking about it. Yeah. They're all just worried that people go, oh, you moved there to suck on Rogan's nuts. I would never suck your nuts. I don't ask. I wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:45:36 If you did, it would be a problem. Yeah. I'd be like, why are you doing this? I'd have to be asleep. Would you hurt me? No. Okay, we were camping. If I woke up and you were sucking my nuts,
Starting point is 00:45:44 I wouldn't hurt you. What? I would yell at you. Let nuts, I wouldn't hurt you. What? I would yell at you. I wouldn't hurt you. I'd be like, what the fuck, dude? That felt good. I was in the middle of a dream. What if I was in the middle of a sex dream and you sucked my nuts and I came? I would be so mindful, too. That would be a real problem for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:45:57 The hardest I ever came. I wouldn't do it. I was sleeping. I was having a sex dream and Bobby Lee was sucking my nuts. I don't know why he was doing Yeah I would never do it I was having a sex dream And Bobby Lee was sucking my nuts I don't know why he was doing it It was just for fun He didn't know
Starting point is 00:46:10 I've sucked nuts before But like you know I get it Yeah But um Yeah I mean Santino will maybe Talk about it
Starting point is 00:46:17 Listen man It's a great place to live It's a great place tax wise It's a great place traffic wise It's a great place The most important thing Is people wise The people here are so friendly Austin people are great people They're really nice Tax-wise, it's a great place. Traffic-wise, it's a great place. The most important thing is people-wise.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The people here are so friendly. Austin people are great people. They're really nice. They're nice. They're not shitheads. They're not Hollywood people. They're not lost in this fake world of leftist ideology that everybody's trapped in. They're just people.
Starting point is 00:46:41 They're just regular people, man. And those people exist outside of these blue bubbles where everyone's gone insane. Well, I used to be a part of the blue bubble. I was 100% a left-leaning person who lived in Los Angeles. I was 100%. I never voted Republican my whole life. I was very left-leaning, especially with any social issues. When it comes to financial things, I'm a little bit more conservative, but at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:47:07 way more left than I am right. But California went nuts, man. It's gone like full communist. It's out of its fucking mind. And their approach to law enforcement is so insane. It's so insane. The no cash bail,
Starting point is 00:47:23 the letting people out for committing violent crimes, the fucking not stopping people for stealing up to whatever money it is. What is it? $900 now. I think they raised it. I think they made it a little higher. San Francisco is non-existent.
Starting point is 00:47:37 San Francisco, most of San Francisco is emptied out of like big chain stores and big department stores. I wouldn't even do stand-up there anymore. It's crazy. They ruined it. They ruined the city. You can bring it back. The structure's still there.
Starting point is 00:47:50 But you'd have to have some hardcore Rudy Giuliani type motherfucker to come in there and knock heads. And nobody wants that. Nobody wants that. They're peace, love, and granola and fucking wear a mask. I'm in the middle now. I'm in the middle. I'm in the middle.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I never thought I would ever say that It only happened in this last year I just went I can't do it anymore People that you thought were aligned with you are like now mad at you about shit They're in a cult
Starting point is 00:48:18 It's got all Mark Andreessen who's a brilliant venture capitalist guy explained it to me in very clear terms. Like what the definition of a cult is, how you can get excommunicated, how you get shamed for having differing opinions, the group think, the whole, he's like, it's a cult. And he's right. He's 100% right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just hard to say because then people in the cult will attack you.
Starting point is 00:48:40 100% right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just hard to say because then people in the cult will attack you. But they're not attacking you for a reasonable, it's not logical. Yeah. The way they're attacking you. They're attacking like someone attacks religious beliefs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And some of these religious beliefs, it gets into these weird gray areas, like trans people in women's bathrooms. Like, says who? Says who? How do you know that's a real trans person how do you not know that's a fucking creep they don't want to pull his dick out in front of kids yes those are real we spa yeah and if all that guy was a convicted uh sex offender yeah yeah and he was doing that look those guys are real it doesn't mean trans people aren't real also but those guys are fucking real yeah and to even say that those guys are real you get excommunicated. You know treated like you're a Nazi. I
Starting point is 00:49:31 Never even cared about it didn't care at all. Yeah, I mean whatever you are. I'll give a shit You're mean, but it's like I can't do it anymore. I think it's engineered I really who by China and by Russia. Oh, no Chinese. Yeah, I think what's engineered. By who? By China and by Russia. Oh, no, Chinese. Yeah. I think what they're doing by manipulating social media, manipulating algorithms, I think some of it is natural. Don't get me wrong. I think some of it would have happened either way. It happened during the 70s with the hippie movement.
Starting point is 00:49:59 There's always these people that want to live completely outside of the norm of conformity of society and there's always people like that but what's going on now is very different and it's accentuated by social media and i think it's accentuated by algorithms naturally because people are inclined to go towards things that upset them but also but also it's done purposely. And I think it's done, if you have enough stuff about like whatever the thing is, whether it's Black Lives Matter or whether it's Ukraine or whether it's free Palestine from the river to the sea, if you have enough of that online, it moves the needle. And the way I described it the other day, it's like if two ships are going a certain direction,
Starting point is 00:50:44 this is a ship where people logically work through things and this is a ship that's adjusted by the algorithm affected by the algorithm it just moves that much over time this is what we're seeing so over time you and I who used to be on the left are now like where's the left where are you guys you guys are so far away yeah I can't even see you. You're out of your mind. You're fucking chopping dicks off and giving little kids hormone blockers. You have no idea what the long-term consequences are. You're ignoring the health risks. You won't even talk about the health risks.
Starting point is 00:51:16 You use things like gender-affirming care. What are you saying? What are you saying when you're talking about children? Why are you saying yeah what are you saying when you're talking about children yeah why are you just accepting this because it's a noble thing to blurt out so everybody goes you're on the right team that's what it is it's not like oh my god what are we doing to kids it's not like oh my god what are we doing to san francisco it's not like oh my god why are we letting these violent criminals out of jail oh my god why are we defunding the fucking police what are you doing
Starting point is 00:51:44 yeah you can't say any of those things you say any of those things you just said it yeah you get nervous no okay i live here right this is texas texas 99 of the people agree with me even the left-leaning people here are way more reasonable even last night there's a joke that i tell that if i say it in a liberal city it dies you know and it's a joke about I tell that if I say it in a liberal city, it dies. And it's a joke about, you know what I mean, Down syndrome people making love. And they make up their own moves. Right?
Starting point is 00:52:15 And they have, they know traditional moves. And I did it last night. It crushed both shows. And I felt like, oh, this is, you know what I mean, what I've been, I think, maybe looking for. Well, that club is specifically designed and nurtured just for what's funny. That's it. Yeah. There is no message here unless you have a message and it's funny and it's in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:35 You want to do it? That's fine. But what's valued is comedy. Just like if you go to a music show, you don't want those in between the music speeches about climate change. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up and play the song entertain me we want to develop stand-up comedy like real stand-up comedy because i think it's a worthy art form i think it's very valuable to people in terms of enjoyment and in terms of mental health and in terms of society it's in it's a it's an important part of society like the Lakota had a person in their
Starting point is 00:53:09 tribe that was called the Heyoka and Heyoka was the sacred clown and that this is the person that made fun of everything because if you couldn't make fun of something it was bullshit like if this is one guy we can't make fun of him well that's probably bullshit he probably has a in has an inappropriate amount or an inappropriate amount of power. Yeah. A disproportionate amount of influence. It's like probably some ego going on here too if you can't make fun of something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Because if you can make fun of something and it's not funny, then you're not funny. But if you can make fun of something and it's funny and people laugh and someone gets mad, they're the problem. Yeah. They're the problem. And I want to say something. I never said this before. I want to say something i never said this before i would say it now right is just for my personal life some of the bullying that i received was necessary for me to get to where i am now well you don't want it i don't want it no i
Starting point is 00:53:58 didn't ever want it but i wouldn't like go back in my past and change anything right i wouldn't either yeah yeah because i feel like everything, like my dad was fucking violent as fuck, dude. Like he would knock my mom's tooth out. She has a missing tooth right here. You know what I mean? And we witnessed all this trauma, right? And he was like, dude, it was like
Starting point is 00:54:18 it was fucking terrible. I had done EMDR on just him. Trauma therapy, right? And it's like, and then, you know, I was a little guy in an American high school, and people would bully me. I lived in Minnesota. They thought I was an Eskimo. They threw ice chunks at my
Starting point is 00:54:34 head. Crows would... Anyway, my point is that all those little things, and even in comedy, it was hard being me, this little guy, you know what I mean, doing it. People, you know, comics would, black comics would sometimes come up to me, Asians little guy, you know what I mean, doing it. Black comics would sometimes come up to me, Asians aren't funny. You know what I mean? Well, there was always that
Starting point is 00:54:50 knock on Asians. Yeah. Let's be honest. Like, Henry Cho was like the first guy that went mainstream. I love him. He was the first guy that went mainstream. I love him. Wasn't he? Yes. Ronnie Chang's fucking hilarious. I love Ronnie. That dude is so good. So funny. He's so funny. He's got so much attitude on stage.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Johnny Yoon was before him. That's right. Johnny Yoon. He's funny too. Yeah, he's very funny. There's, but there was a knock, you know, but dude, nobody thought that when they saw you on stage. Like you're, you're a really funny guy.
Starting point is 00:55:20 You're very good. Thank you. Very good comic. Thank you. You're a very good comic. Yeah. And I also want to tell you the reason why I didn't want to do this now is because I'm doing a special and I want to promote it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And I thought maybe I could only do it once every five years, but then your people said that I could do it when I... You could do this anytime you want. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel that now. You have my number. I'm going to call you. I'm going to text you.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I'm going to text you. I'm going to do it. Anytime you want to. I love you. It's going to be great. Listen, I love you. I love you too. I love you too. I love that now. You have my number. I'm going to call you. I'm going to text you. I'm going to text you. I'm going to do it. Anytime you want to. I love you. It's going to be great. Listen, I love you. I'm happy we do this. Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:55:51 All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it now. I know now how it works. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, I was like, I have to do one. I have to do a special.
Starting point is 00:56:00 You really should because it will also force you to write more and fuck around more. But you need a place to do That and that's why you should move here. Well, that's why I'm with so much stage time here, dude That's why in March I talked to Adam I go I'm gonna do Shows here in the little room to do a Bobby Lee new joke night Yeah, and then me and Adam are gonna do a Star Trek podcast. Oh boy. Yeah, and at that point you're gonna watch the inner light podcast oh boy yeah and at that point you're gonna watch the inner life that's a big ask it's 40 minutes you really think that's the best science fiction ever better than alien the first alien movie the sigourney weaver but you have to think though that it you know because obviously
Starting point is 00:56:36 the budget is an alien budget right so it's cheesy television right but if the concept you know i mean was mind-blowing at the time. When I saw that in my early 20s, it blew my fucking mind. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. And it's like I don't want to give it away now, you know what I mean? Maybe I could try to sell it to you real quick or no? No. Why not?
Starting point is 00:56:58 I'm sure it's okay. Yeah. Alright, I won't say, but you're gonna watch it. I'll watch that one episode that you told me to watch. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And then make fun of me about it. I will. Yeah. Most certainly. But that's not the best science fiction ever.
Starting point is 00:57:11 That's crazy. If you Google the best television sci-fi episode, the Interlock is in the top three. You know what's a super underrated television sci-fi show? What? Battlestar Galactica. The new version? So good!
Starting point is 00:57:25 So good. I've seen it twice already, all the way through. It's incredible. It's a really good show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think of it as a science fiction show, but it's a really good psychology show.
Starting point is 00:57:36 The way they had it set up, it's fucking terrifying. I just got goosebumps when you said it, dude. It's so good, and it's so appropriate to watch today. And they kept jumping every hour because they're so scared. Oh my God, it was so good, and it's so appropriate to watch today. And they kept jumping every hour because they're so scared. Oh, my God, it was so good.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And also the combination of artificial people and real people. Oh, my God. It's really different because that's something that we're going to have to navigate. They didn't have AI then. They didn't have that aspect of it worked out. There wasn't like a terrifying force that they were dealing with as well. But the Cylons were awesome the the robot Murderers yeah, oh my god
Starting point is 00:58:08 And they also kept some of the old school Cylons there too, but the new school ones were like you couldn't tell yeah Yeah, yeah, there was new school Cylons. Yeah, old school Cylons. That's a great fucking show. I can't believe I'm crying And you know I love it. What's the pop pot face guy with it? Oh? Shit almost I'll cry. And, you know, I love it. What's the pot-faced guy? What's the... Oh, the head guy. Yeah, what's his name? Shit. Almost. Edward James Olmos. Edward James Olmos.
Starting point is 00:58:29 He's amazing. Yeah, yeah. So good in that. Yeah, yeah. He's amazing. Yeah. It's a great fucking show. Like, great acting, great stories, great special effects.
Starting point is 00:58:38 It really flew under the radar. I think it was on, like, FX or something like that. Sci-fi channel. Sci-fi. Sci-fi channel. That's what it was. So, like, not enough people were on that channel. But, now, you know that I saw it was on like FX or something like that. Sci-fi channel. Sci-fi. Sci-fi channel. That's what it was. So not enough people were on that channel. But now, you know that I saw it, right?
Starting point is 00:58:49 I'm telling you, the inner light rivals it. Rivals. Okay, that's more reasonable. You'll watch it and go, okay, that's like the same kind of feel. Rivals is reasonable. Yeah. What's your favorite sci-fi movie? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:59:03 In terms of like entertainment? Yeah, what's something like you just loved? My favorite sci-fi movie? Oh, shit. In terms of entertainment? Yeah, what's something you just loved? My favorite sci-fi, Aliens is one of, the original Alien was good. Yeah, because Harry Dean Stanton was great. Here's what I loved about it. The cast was so believable. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:19 And that was also the first time there was a female action star that you didn't feel like they were shoehorning it in your face that she's female. She was stuck in that role. That's not the role she wanted. She wasn't some badass. She was someone rising to the occasion, becoming a badass in the face of this horrific thing
Starting point is 00:59:39 that killed everybody else on her spaceship. Spoiler alert. They also felt like real truckers almost like The ship lived lived in right right oily almost. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was fucking amazing. It's a great It's a great movie, but it's aliens to Not as good not as good but still entertaining different kind of movie That was like the aliens were easy to kill all of a sudden and there was like a lot of them. All right Yeah, well the Marines oh, zones yeah but it doesn't matter the aliens were so the alien the first
Starting point is 01:00:09 one was so clever and so fast and so sneaky yeah yeah and then all of a sudden they're not all of a sudden they're just fucking idiots just running at you like like the the british with the fucking white cross on their chest target yeah yeah didn't make any sense their characteristics were completely different they were the dumb aliens. Yeah. And then the big one, the big female, the mama, the queen. That was fun. She should have fucked Sigourney Weaver up like that.
Starting point is 01:00:34 It didn't make any sense. Oh, okay. With that stupid, you bitch, with the robot thing. Your whole body's exposed, Pope. Now you're dead. What are you talking about? Okay, okay. And why is it moving so slow? All the above. It should have been. Well, she has babies in her belly. Now you're dead. What are you talking about? Okay, okay. And why is it moving so slow?
Starting point is 01:00:45 All the above. It should have been. Well, she has babies in her belly. I don't know. You ever see a praying mantis kill a hummingbird? I don't watch stuff like that, man. You should watch that. Because a praying mantis is like the human or the earth-like equivalent of what one of
Starting point is 01:01:01 those alien things are. The alien thing is an enormous praying mantis, probably even more violent and more deadly, and I just don't buy Sigourney Weaver with a stupid fucking robot crane suit on, kicking its ass. Does it make me a pussy when I watch Planet Earth and I see a lion chase a gazelle or whatever,
Starting point is 01:01:19 and I fast forward? No. You just don't want to see the suffering. I don't want to see it. Does that make me weak, though? No. No, it's not weak. You just don't want to experience see this suffering. I don't want to see it. But does that make me weak, though? No. No, it's not weak. You just don't want to experience it.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah, I don't want to experience it. You know what it is. You've seen it before. Yeah, I've seen it happen. You don't have to see a lion eating a fucking gazelle guts first over and over and over again. Or hyenas. The hyenas ones are the wild dog ones. Those are the ruthless ones.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah, those are crazy. Because they're pulling the guts out while the thing's trying to stand up. It's good, it's good. Fuck, man. Yeah. At least the lions kill you first. The cats always kill you. They don't just eat you.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Cats grab you by the neck and they fucking kill you. Wow. But dogs, wild dogs and hyenas and bears, they just start eating you. And then the alligator, you have to do a twirl with them. Yeah, you might not. You do a little dance. You might not die for an hour. With an alligator? With a lot of different creatures.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Oh, really? It depends on what, well, alligators will take you underwater. They'll drown you because they want to stuff you under a log so you can rot. Yeah. So you're easier to consume. What animal could I think I could survive, you think? A mouse. Maybe a mouse. Maybe. No. A really angry mouse think? A mouse. Maybe a mouse. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:02:25 A really angry mouse, you'd probably run into a wall. With a bear, maybe. You don't think so? A bear. Yeah, but I would just not freeze. I don't think that works. Freezing doesn't work? Depends on why they're there. If they're there to eat you, no, that's not gonna work.
Starting point is 01:02:42 If they're there to scare you away from their children, maybe. But do you know what to do? no, that's not going to work. If they're there to scare you away from their children, maybe it'll work. But do you know what to do? No, there's no what to do. There's not a lot to do. Because when you go to Hawaii and you swim with the shark, they give you rules. You don't splash. Did you hear about that kid that was just in the shark tank?
Starting point is 01:02:57 Was in the Bahamas, got bit. They had some shark tank experience and some kid got bit by a shark. Some kid, I think, from Maryland. Really? Yeah, don't fuck around, man. They don't know that it's a shark tank experience and some kid got bit by a shark some kid i think from maryland really yeah don't fuck around man they don't know that it's a shark tank they just they're sharks they're sharks yeah and a bear is like to think you know what to do maybe maybe if you spray it with pepper spray to run away maybe maybe it won't maybe if you shoot it you'll stop it in its tracks or maybe you only have like a nine millimeter it you'll stop it in its tracks or maybe you only have like a nine millimeter and you could pump it full four five six holes and it still
Starting point is 01:03:29 tears you apart wow yeah you you if you're gonna shoot it with a gun you want a large caliber rifle you want like a 300 win mag yeah you want something big something boom boom yeah put large holes in that gigantic Monster predator what about sword no no You'll fucking bounce it off its nose and Yeah, you'll miss you'll panic. It's just the speed that it moves that will astound all your senses It's just hard. The speed that it moves at will astound all your senses. You'll panic because you'll realize you don't have the reaction time.
Starting point is 01:04:13 You don't have the physical movement time capable of dealing with how fast it's coming at you. Your body doesn't work good enough to do that. You know, I would run toward it and just get it over with. That might work. I'll just run and I'll just jump right into the head maybe. It depends on where it bites you. The thing about those things is they don't necessarily kill. They just hold down and eat.
Starting point is 01:04:30 They just hold you down and start eating. All right, okay. You know Grizzly Man, that documentary? Oh, yeah, I saw it. Yeah, yeah. Wow. That video where the lens cap was on but they have an audio of him dying. It's like- It's so horrifying.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I know. It's like five minutes long. Yeah. Five minutes of that thing eating him alive. Five minutes is so long before you're dead. You got to think of how long it is. It's something just weighs a thousand pounds, putting its paw on your chest and just pulling your guts out, screaming, eating you dick first.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I bombed for five minutes and that seems like 20 minutes. Right. Imagine getting eaten. Oh my God. Right. Forever. Yeah. Oh my God. Do you minutes. Right, imagine getting eaten. Oh, my God. Right. Forever. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Do you bomb anymore? Oh, a juggle bomb, yeah. Yeah. We also do Bottom of the Barrel. You know Bottom of the Barrel? No. It's like one of those shows where the audience has suggestions, and you reach into the barrel and pull out the suggestions, and then you just riff.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Boy, I bombed on those shows. Oh, really? Yeah, you can. Sometimes there's no suggestion. Yeah. Sometimes it's like green sneakers. Oh, really? Yeah, you can. Sometimes there's no suggestion. Sometimes it's like green sneakers. Oh, my God, it's so hard. The fuck am I going to do with this? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Because sometimes people are trying to trip you up. Sometimes people have good suggestions. Yeah. Some of them are actually almost in the form of jokes. Some of them are really funny. Wow. Yeah. So you just randomly pull out a topic.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Randomly. And the audience fills it out? Exactly. Wow. And it's like sometimes it's an amazing premise factory because sometimes, because you're on the spot like that, every now and then, an idea will pop into your head. You're like, oh shit, that's a bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:53 And then that bit, you get home and you listen to it and you write it down. Like, there's three or four bits that I've gotten that are actual bits now because of that show. I want to admit to something to you right now if I may I? Do I want to admit something to you right now if I may okay the reason why I haven't done a special Is because the fear of? Doing new shit yeah of course Of course, but it's shameful. I guess yeah, but this idea that you have of a Bobby Lee new joke night.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I'm forcing myself to do it. Perfect. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Perfect. Perfect. Because, you know, when you guys left the store, and I don't want to make fun of, I love all the comics, dude. But it's like, you know, sometimes when the headliners, like the guys with names, leave town for the weekends, you look at some of the lineups there, you know what I mean? And so when I'm, they're not as strong.
Starting point is 01:06:46 So when I'm in town, I'm in the main room, I have the prime spot, it's packed. I have this fucking pressure to crush. Of course. You know,
Starting point is 01:06:57 because I just know that they're there to see me and I want to give them a good show. Well, you can do sets other places too, you know?
Starting point is 01:07:03 Do sets other places. Go to the Ha Ha. Fuck around with the Ice House. Go to Flappers. Go fuck around in other spots. Flappers? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I know you're saying that, but it's like, go up there. It's a crowd. Yeah. You know? Fuck around. Burr fucks around there.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Oh, well, yeah. Yeah, Burr likes to do that. He likes to go to Ice House or fuck around there. Yeah. You gotta kind of fuck around. You gotta, like, come up with ideas and and sit down like like last night i was i told myself i'm gonna go to bed early uh but i was in front of the computer at 10 o'clock and i
Starting point is 01:07:35 was like i'll i'll stop at 12 and i'll go to bed but i caught an idea i caught an idea and i wrote it out till like 3 30 in the morning i was was just writing. Wow. And when I do that, I'm like, okay, that was productive. Even though I'm tired and I woke up late today, even though I'm tired, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:07:51 but that was productive. Wow. And if I can force myself to do that three, four times a week and sometimes dude, I'll just sit in front of that fucking computer and it's just nonsense. It's just nonsense. It's nothing. It's embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:08:02 It's terrible. There's nothing to this. I'm trying to work it out. I'll fucking take a little of that, go over it again. Sometimes nothing. Sometimes I got nothing. But when you write something, though, and you look at it, right? Do you go, okay, this is like a 60%?
Starting point is 01:08:18 Do you do that? It totally depends. It depends. Sometimes it's like 100%. Some bits, as I write them, that's exactly how I perform them. It's not normal, but it happens. And then some bits are just seeds. It's just a seed.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And I got to throw that bitch on stage and see where it goes. And sometimes it doesn't go anywhere. Sometimes I think it's funny. Like Ron White was telling a story the other day about this joke that he had that he thought was really funny. And he had planned, I had it planned in my mind when it was gonna be applause break he goes he got fucking nothing yeah yeah it happens yeah it does yeah but that's the beauty of creation because every now and then like i have this new bit that's killing and it's so exciting to get to it because it's like this is like this bit is alive it's like it just it was just born yeah it's just flexing you know
Starting point is 01:09:06 it's fun yeah yeah yeah it's fine but it's it's also it's hard but you gotta you know you gotta pay devotion to the muse to sit down and and try to like let the ideas come to you if you don't have a moment where you're just sitting down and just letting the ideas come to you you're gonna miss those ideas. And some people say, oh, I only write on stage. I only write with my friends. That's great. You should do that too.
Starting point is 01:09:30 But there's nothing wrong with like sitting. It's not going to hurt you to sit in front of a computer and go over your ideas. And every now and then, maybe every two times or five times, every ten times you sit in front of that computer or that notebook something pops up that wouldn't have popped up without it Yeah, and you gotta like suffer through the ones that suck that drudge of not being able to come up with anything My problem is I do I have these second addictions I have like video games right in your front of the computer You start playing video games. Yeah, and I'll just start playing Starfield or something and 16 hours later
Starting point is 01:10:08 I'm on a planet and I'm making an outpost, right? Yeah. And I feel guilt. Right. Or I'll play Stardew Valley, I'll create a farm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Right? But it's a haunting thing. Like, what the fuck are you doing? What the fuck are you doing? What the fuck are you doing? Right, you're wasting your time. I'm wasting my time. I know this,
Starting point is 01:10:23 but for some reason I can convince myself. Well, here's the thing. Yeah. If you do the work first, like say if you sit down and you say, I can only play computer games if I write 1,000 words. So when you get to 1,000 on a Word document, you look at the bottom, it'll tell you how many words you've written, and then you can stop.
Starting point is 01:10:43 That's what I'm going to do. Yeah, just earn it. Earn it. That way you'll actually enjoy it. That way when you're playing the games, it won't be in your head, oh, my God, I should be writing. Oh, my God, I should be doing something else. And by the way, it doesn't have to be you write something funny.
Starting point is 01:10:57 You could just write something about something and then try to extract funny things out of it. Like you could just write a story about like how violent your dad was like that. What you just told me, which is horrific, right? Yeah. You, if you wrote that out, I guarantee you there's going to be a seed of something in there, something. It might even not even be about your dad being violent. It'd be, maybe it'd be about how you react to violence or maybe how you react to you know angry people i just want everybody to be nice you could find like a premise in there so just
Starting point is 01:11:31 write an essay just write an essay and write an essay with no expectation of whether or not it's going to be funny yeah i used to do morning pages you ever do that no just get up in the morning and write right when you wake up apparently apparently, when you just start writing. That's supposed to be the best time to write. Yeah. Where you don't have those filters and stuff, like this sucks. Just freely write it, and then just pages of it. Maybe a couple, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:11:54 And then later you look at it, you know what I mean? Maybe I'll start doing that again. I don't fucking know. That's how most writers do. When they write, they write in the morning, and then they go for a walk. A lot of them do. And they listen to some of their notes. And they'll go over the idea that they wrote down, and they'll take voice notes while they're walking.
Starting point is 01:12:11 There's something about walking, they say, because it's like a very mild aerobic exercise, so it stimulates your circulation. It gets everything flowing. You actually think a little bit better when you're walking. Oh, okay. You're not tired. It's a mild thing. So you're just out there walking and your heart is pumping and you're not sitting there sedentary just trying to think.
Starting point is 01:12:31 You're actually walking around. Okay. I'll try hiking then. Yeah. Hiking is good. Hiking is good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Hike after you. Then you really have earned your video games. Right? Right? Yeah. And then hike and think about what you write. And then when you play, you'll be playing for fun. You'll be enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:12:48 So from this day forth, from this day forth, I'm gonna wake up, I'm making an announcement. I'm gonna wake up, I'm gonna write for an hour. Okay. Right? Hike, and then I'm gonna play video games. I'm gonna see you four months from now, you're gonna be cracked out with a Klingon knife.
Starting point is 01:13:06 You went off the rails. It was too much pressure. I was getting up every morning. I was writing and I was hiking and it was just too much. Yeah. No, my fish died. I have to do it because now it's incredible. Like, you know, when I do shows with Segura or me and Andrew, you know, because I'm on
Starting point is 01:13:21 a podcast called Bad Friends. It's a funny podcast. Thank you. You guys are good together. I want to talk to you about an episode that I saw but you you having to go to Israel was that on that or was that somewhere else yeah what was that like tell me what happened you know I want to talk about it do it because I'm not saying anything that's like wrong it's just something that happened I get a call from steve burn okay and steve goes you want to go to israel how long ago is this
Starting point is 01:13:49 14 years ago maybe oh oh okay yeah okay 12 14 i don't know and i go why i don't want to do a show there and he goes no you know i got a call and they're flying out a bunch of comedians and actors and it's a free trip. And I go, why? I don't know. They just want to show us the country and their culture. And you get nice hotels, free meals, and you get a tour of like. Are you not performing? No.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Okay. So I went there with Jamie Chung, Brian Greenberg, they're actors, and Steve Lopez went out, George Lopez. Okay. And we went out there, and then when we got there, they were like, welcome. We're like, thanks. And they were like, but every day you have to tweet how great Israel is. Every day? Yeah, like put out a tweet.
Starting point is 01:14:41 They told you you have to, and they didn't say anything about that before you left? I don't remember them saying it before. But they might have? They could have. Maybe they said it to Steve, and Steve conveniently left it out. I don't know, but I do know that I feel like if they did say it, that I would have questioned it. Right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:15:00 Yeah. So I don't know. So this is the early days of Twitter, right? Yeah. So when was, Twitter's only like 12 years old. It was 10 years ago then, I don't know. How old's Twitter? Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 01:15:12 2006. Israel unfiltered. So 2006. Yeah, yeah. Look at that. So 2006, when was that? Look at your face. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:21 I'm like, I have to tweet? Yeah, yeah. But here's what happened. As soon as I tweeted the first thing, I already knew like, oh my God, I think I'm in trouble. Why? What'd you say? I just said, Israel's great. They're beautiful people.
Starting point is 01:15:35 You know what I mean? Okay. And then like, it was just like, and they flew us out here for free. And then you would just get a thousand like, you know what I mean? That were like, you know, Palestinian, you know're mean that we're like you know Palestinian you know and go you mother you know and just it was a negative negative negative and there was these gigantic Wars that would
Starting point is 01:15:54 go on in the comment section it's got really uncomfortable and then I just remember you know yeah there I am you nice hat you should wear that all the time I look cute with it is that You should wear that all the time. I know, I look cute with it. Is that the famous wall? That's the wall, yeah. What did it feel like to be around that wall? That wall's old as fuck, right?
Starting point is 01:16:13 How old's that wall? I put a note in it. Wow. You could write little letters, you know what I mean? Letters to Jesus? Yeah, yeah. And you put it in there. Dear Jesus, when you come out. I think mine was like, let me get more pussy or whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That wall, how old is that wall? 19 BC. 19 BC. Yeah. Wow. But then toward the end, I was just like, I got to get the fuck out of here, I think.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I was just like. How many tweets did you make? And did you keep going after they were attacking you? Yeah, I think so, yeah. You have to. You have to. Otherwise, you don't get your hotel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:43 It was like a free thing. What the fuck are you going to do? And I didn't know the significance of it until later, almost. You have to. Otherwise, you don't get your hotel. Yeah. It was like a free thing. And I didn't know the significance of it until later almost. Like, you know what I mean? Or the significance, but like what the impact of it, you know? Right. Because I, you know, obviously, you know, I mean, obviously I have my opinions about it.
Starting point is 01:16:57 You know what I mean? That I'm keeping to myself. But it's like, you know, it's not fully aligned, you know what I mean, with what people think that I should be, you know. You have to be careful because I live in L.A. and, you know. Oh, I hear you. Look, it's a complicated issue. It's so complicated. And it's terrifying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:14 When you look at the video of when they do an overhead of what Gaza used to look like and what it looks like now. I just, I mean, it's just, it's insane. It's fucking insane. It's going to take over a year to clean up just the rubble oh my god but it's like 25 000 now at least at least they don't know how many people are dead they have no idea and just the half the population is women and children and the trauma uh-huh and the fucking you know famine it's just it's just i just can't even comprehend it really yeah and the israelis tell you that it's necessary and then they they have to get rid of hamas and this is the way to do it but just i mean i believe that i believe i believe that i believe that maybe that that should be but I think the approach could be different.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Yeah. Right or no? I don't have any expertise in war. Me either. But I'm horrified that they can just shoot missiles into buildings. And they tell people to get out, but then they bomb the areas where they're going to. I mean, the whole thing is nuts, man. It's nuts and it's so dangerous.
Starting point is 01:18:30 It's nuts, man. It's nuts and it's so dangerous. It's so dangerous. These free Palestine marches that are happening all over the world, those are all organized too, by the way. When you get on social media and you see the free Palestine people and the pro-Israel people, what percentage of those people are bots? Right. It's not zero. It's not zero. There's a lot of what's getting stirred up, a lot of the hateful things that are being said a lot of the crazy things that Are being said I guarantee you a lot of that's being instigated by foreign countries And that's what's scary about social media and the influence it has on people and the way they feel about a particular issue And that's on top of the horrific nature of the issue itself both of October 7th
Starting point is 01:19:02 Which is undeniably horrific horrific and this, and then on top of that, you have this open anti-Semitism that we never saw before, where it's just open everywhere. It's wild. It's fucking terrible. It's so scary, man. But it's also an issue that will never be resolved. But it's not just that it'll never be resolved.
Starting point is 01:19:24 I never thought it was going to be an issue where the presidents of, like, major universities were standing in front of Congress and they were justifying people saying death to the Jews, that it wasn't harassment unless it was actionable. I'll tell you, that's insane, yeah. Like, what...
Starting point is 01:19:39 And then when the congresswoman was trying to get them to expand on that, do you mean actual genocide then it's harassment when they commit actual genocide yeah what the fuck are you saying yeah but it's the same thing we were talking about it's the cult they're in that leftist cult and it's not reasonable it doesn't make any sense it's all crazy oh and when they were like osama bin laden could have been riot or whatever that do you remember that fucking trend oh yeah fucking insane what are you talking about and these are people right that weren't that i was there that's a tiktok thing too by the way yeah osama bin laden in 2000 right or two when 2000
Starting point is 01:20:15 2001 i was on mad tv 9 11 happened i went to work the next day and Andrew Daly, one of the actors, his cousin was on one of the flights. Oh, Jesus. Right? And I could feel the pain. Right? And, you know, we were inundated with the fucking footage. Yeah. And just in the moment, it was fucking horrifying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:36 It changed America. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. And now people that weren't even around then, kids, which is fine, but now they have these grand ideas about, it's insane. Well, it's also, where did Osama bin Laden come from? Well, he came from the CIA funding them, the Mujahideen, to fight against the Soviet Union. They were trained. They were trained by Americans.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah, yeah. Look, there's a certain reality to American imperialism It doesn't do anybody any good to deny it. Yeah, yeah military bases. You're right Everywhere right now if you were a foreign country in a nationalistic foreign country, of course you'd hate America Of course you'd hate what we do I mean look at what's going on right now with this Ukraine Russia thing look at how much money is being funneled through that How much insane amounts of money? Yeah, and most of its second basalt, right? with this Ukraine-Russia thing. Look at how much money's being funneled through that. Insane amounts of money.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Yeah, and most of it's like embezzled, right? Who fucking knows? But again, it's not zero. It's not 0%. It's getting embezzled. And the fact that all of a sudden no one wanted to admit that Ukraine had always been a very corrupt country. There's a crazy Twitter exchange
Starting point is 01:21:42 between Candace Owens and the New York Times where Candace Owens was talking about how corrupt Ukraine is. And then the New York Times says to her, like, what evidence do you have that Ukraine is corrupt? She goes, oh, you mean the links from your fucking newspaper? And just from like 2016 and before that, there's all these fucking stories about how corrupt Ukraine is in the New York Times. They didn't even bother looking it up because when you're in the cult, the cult says you support Ukraine. Do you want Ukraine to win or do you want Russia to win?
Starting point is 01:22:13 Like, what the fuck are you even saying? How much do you know about why this thing was instigated in the first place? How much do you know about NATO? About how much they're moving arms closer to the Soviet Union? About how Ukraine joining NATO was always a red flag. Do you know? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:29 I don't know nothing. Most people that are talking about it don't know either. I don't know nothing. That was the red line that you could not cross. Ukraine joining Russia, or joining NATO, rather. The whole thing's fucking terrifying, because we're dealing with nuclear superpowers. When Xi Jinping tells Biden that Taiwan will join China again, like that means they're going to take Taiwan. What are we going to do if they take Taiwan?
Starting point is 01:22:51 Are we going to – and then Biden says we're not going to do anything. Like, okay. First he said we're going to stop them. Now he says we're not going to do anything. Like, oh, my God. And he's only saying whatever the fuck they write down for him. The whole thing's nuts. It's like, who's deciding what happens and doesn't happen?
Starting point is 01:23:10 It's not that guy, right? So if it's not him, who the fuck is it? Is it the Secretary of State? Is it the Press Secretary? Who's... Is it the Military-Industrial Complex? Are they completely at the helm? Will they ever let control of that wheel to anybody else now that they have it? Is this the shit
Starting point is 01:23:26 you think about when you lay in bed at night? Mm-hmm. How the fuck do you sleep? Sometimes I don't. That's a real problem at night. At night, I have my most anxiety-filled moments about this stuff. I've talked about it openly. Wow. I'll really freak out at night because I
Starting point is 01:23:41 legitimately think we are one or two events away from living in the Stone Age again. And I think it could happen in our lifetime and it could happen to you and I. Like, I'm really convinced that the fabric of society is way more fragile than anyone appreciates. Yeah. That most people appreciate, rather.
Starting point is 01:24:01 I mean, I feel it in the air. Yeah. Well, you saw it during the George Floyd times in L.A. Oh, yeah. I felt it. That was Mad Max times. Right. When they were burning those cop cars on the highway.
Starting point is 01:24:11 And I remember seeing that going, I got to get the fuck out of here. Yeah. This ain't going to get better. Was it that or COVID that made you? Both those things. And the money, probably like taxes. No. That was not even a consideration.
Starting point is 01:24:21 It was nice, but it was the freedom. It was these fucking dipshits, like the mayor of Los Angeles, telling everybody what businesses they can and can't have open, what's essential and non-essential. It says who. And after a while, when a bunch of people had had COVID and then gotten over it and they were fine, I was like, well, wait a minute. How scary is this? And why are we closing everything down? Why aren't we giving people choice? And when it never opened. I bought into it., wait a minute. How scary is this? And why are we closing everything down? Why aren't we giving people choice? And would it never open? I bought into it.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Of course you did. I didn't even leave the house for two fucking years. I didn't even go to the grocery store, and I had to spray everything down. Doritos, spraying it with, it was insane. Well, my whole family got it early on, before there was anything, before there was a vaccine, before there was anything. And I didn't get it. And I didn't do anything different.
Starting point is 01:25:06 I hugged my kids. I fucked my wife. I hung out with them. I just took care of myself. You've had a COVID though, right? Yeah. I got it eventually. Yeah, I got it too.
Starting point is 01:25:15 I got it when the Delta variant was around. I got it when I was doing arenas in Florida. And I got it because I was hanging out with my friend John Shulman. My friend John Shulman is a buddy of mine who makes pool cues, and he lives right there, and I got to see him after the show, and we played pool until like 3.30 in the morning, and I was exhausted. I had like fucking five margaritas, and then I got sick. But even then, it wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 01:25:38 But my point is, like, my whole family got it, and I didn't get it. They weren't vaccinated? No, no, there was no vaccine back then. Okay, so, yeah. And I didn't do anything different, man. Yeah. I remember I worked out two days where I was tired, and I realized I was fighting something off. Like, there was two days where I was in the gym.
Starting point is 01:25:56 I was like, you know what? I'm just going to go through the motions here. I'm just going to lift light weights and just, like, let my body, like, break a little bit of a sweat but no exertion just get some circulation going so i did like some some kettlebell exercises like 35 pounds nothing strenuous like yeah just nice and light and just get the body moving and then the next day i went back in the gym i feel the same same thing today same thing did some push-ups did some chin-ups nothing crazy like five reps of five chin-ups, not just a little bit of exercise, nothing extraneous. And then the next day, I felt great. The next day, I had a full
Starting point is 01:26:30 regular workout. So whatever it was, I fought it off. And so then I was like, well, what is at play here? Can your immune system stop this? Or is it something that you 100% get? No, it seems very infectious, but it also seems like if you have a healthy immune system, this isn't a death sentence. This isn't Ebola. This isn't... So what the fuck is going on? And then the vaccine came out and I signed up to get vaccinated. The UFC had this whole allotment of vaccines, but I was there on a Friday for the UFC and they said, you have to go to the clinic. And I said, I can't, I don't have the time. They said, can you come back Monday? I said, no, but I'll be back in two weeks.
Starting point is 01:27:12 So I was going to get vaccinated in two weeks. And in the two weeks they pulled it. They pulled the Johnson and Johnson for blood clots. And two people I knew got strokes. Two people. Two people. Within the 10 days of taking that vaccine, two people I knew had strokes. Like healthy people, like weird blood clots.. Like weird blood clots. People were getting blood clots. Weird people. I mean, it is true that if you were older, though, like 70, and you had some sort of like, you know what I mean, comorbidity. What's the word?
Starting point is 01:27:36 Comorbidities. Comorbidity, right? That they could die, right? I mean, that's a true thing, right? Like Herman Cain, he died. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They die of the flu, too.
Starting point is 01:27:46 I mean, it's a bad cold. It's not dismissing what it is. But it's dismissing this control that all of a sudden the medical industrial complex and the government has over you and your job and your choices in your life. For something that now they admit they could have never contained, that it was
Starting point is 01:28:02 never going to stop transmission, that it was never going to stop infection. It was all just lies. They lied about the efficacy. They lied about the protection in parts They but they put it out on MSNBC Rachel Maddow the virus stops with you you can't get it. It's not true It was not true. There was no evidence that it did that. Yeah, not only was there no evidence They never even tested it for trans. Wow They just tested it try to see if it makes antibodies, but what scared me was when Michael evidence, they never even tested it for transmission. Wow. They just tested it to try to see if it makes antibodies. But what scared me was when Michael Yeo, you know Michael Yeo? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:29 When he was in the ICU because of COVID. In my mind, I don't know why, because I know that Michael Yeo is athletic. Yeah. I thought to myself, oh, if he's in the ICU, I would have died. You know what I mean? Meanwhile, his mom got it, and she was fine. It's Michael Yeo. He's weak. I don't know what I mean? Meanwhile, his mom got it, and she was fine. It's Michael. Yo, he's weak.
Starting point is 01:28:46 I don't know what it is, man. It could have caught him absolutely exhausted. Maybe, yeah. That's what I've heard of people getting it really bad. It catches them when they go on a bender. And that's what happened with me. I was drinking until 3.30 in the morning. I think when drinking, first of all, is absolutely terrible for your body
Starting point is 01:29:04 and terrible for your immune system. And if you're drinking like I was drinking these five super sweet, super potent margaritas, we were hammered, you know. And then I was actually I came from a show, too. So I did a show that night. I probably had a couple of drinks at the show. So it's like you're not in a good place to fight off anything like that. You're exhausted and drunk. And then I've been sick that way many times.
Starting point is 01:29:29 The times in my past when I've caught a cold or caught the flu, it's almost always when I'm run down. Almost always. So I don't know. Maybe Michael Yeo was really run down when he got it. I know a guy who got COVID really bad because him and his buddies were drinking. They were drinking and they were partying and he was really fucked up. And then the next day COVID hit him bad, but he was weak.
Starting point is 01:29:49 His body was weakened by a bender. Like they were drunk all night. And then in the morning he started feeling like shit and then it caught him bad. Yeah. But what I got, I was really bad, but I lived through it. It was fine. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:03 There's a lot of different things that were at play there. First of all, there was just general metabolic health that was completely ignored. People told you all you have to do is get vaccinated. That's horse shit. Your immune system is complex, and it relies on a bunch of different things to keep it effective. It relies on good nutrition. It relies on sleep. It relies on low stress.
Starting point is 01:30:24 It relies on vitamins and nutrients, healthy diet, exercise. All those things were huge factors, and they ignored every single one of them. When you look at the number of people that died of COVID, something like 90-plus percent had four-plus comorbidities. Four-plus. Cancer, diabetes, heart attack risk. Fill in the blank. Four comorbidities. Four plus. Cancer, diabetes, heart attack risk. Fill in the blank. Four comorbidities. 90 plus percent of them.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Yeah. It's not that it's not bad. Of course it's bad. But you know what's worse? You motherfuckers telling everybody what they have to do and not have to do. You motherfuckers telling people they could shut their businesses down and they have to take this experimental medication regardless of whether or not they have natural immunity Dude, it was Gestapo shit. I'm with you, but I'm with you. It was yeah, it was fucking mind control. It was
Starting point is 01:31:15 totalitarian authoritarian tactics they were limiting people's livelihood limiting people's ability to travel Shaming people The fucking government released during Omicron, which is nothing but a cold, they released this thing. For the people who have been vaccinated, you did your job. For those unvaccinated, you experience a winter, what is it? Severe illness and death?
Starting point is 01:31:38 You're looking towards a winter of severe illness and death? When Biden's on TV, our patience is wearing thin. We've been's on tv our patience is wearing thin we've been patient but our patience is hey motherfucker our patience is wearing thin with you you can't even form a goddamn sense yeah you fucking zombie yeah what are you talking about your patience is wearing thin you're not even looking at data you're not talking about reality you're talking to the cult can i ask you why are they so reluctant to not give us a different option there?
Starting point is 01:32:07 Because it's control. Because whenever there's anything that happens in the world, whether it's 9-11, and through 9-11 they passed the Patriot Act. And there was a devastating blow to free speech and control and just your ability to have privacy. The government had full reign to listen to all your phone calls, read all your emails, and they're doing it right now. And the NSA is doing it right now. They can listen to any time you make a phone call to someone. It's all getting recorded. Yeah, but when we complain, like, Biden's a little too old. Maybe can we find a different option? They're not even open to the idea of it. It's just like, no, he's the guy.
Starting point is 01:32:43 He's not in control right now, right? So if the people who are in control are in control right now, why would they want to swap out a new person? Deep state boom for real is a deep state listen Yeah, you could put whatever words you want, but if you don't think that these corporations that donate Insane amounts of money to political campaigns have an influence on what happens in the world. You're naive That's a silly way to think of things. Now, if you've got a guy who basically has no mind and he is your figurehead, if you can keep him alive for four years, you just run it the way you're running it right now. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:17 All you have to do is get that other guy arrested a ton of times. Just keep arresting them. Keep trumping up new charges. Yeah. Put him out there in the fucking news every day. Terrible things he's done. He's an authoritarian. He's going to lock all the gays up.
Starting point is 01:33:32 If you just say that enough, the people that are uninformed and aren't paying attention, they're going to listen. And then if you have mail-in ballots and if you have a voter machine shenanigans, if you can fucking sway things one way or another, then you stay in power. Do you stay in power? So you believe the same person stays as a figurehead and the same people run it now. Do you believe the election was stolen then? No.
Starting point is 01:33:55 OK. I believe that there are without a doubt in every election. There's election fraud. Sure. It's like, what's the number? Yeah. So that's what I say. I don't know what the number is.
Starting point is 01:34:05 I know Trump apparently released a whole bunch of documents showing irregularities, showing that the mail-in ballots were incorrect. The mail-in ballots is something Putin talked about recently. He said the 2020 elections were stolen and they used mail-in ballots. But who knows why he's saying that? But these things happen every cycle, right? Every election, these things happen. There's irregularities.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Hillary claimed that she won. Right, right. I mean, John Kerry claimed that he won. Al Gore claimed that he won. Remember the dangling chats? In Florida. In Florida, yeah, yeah, yeah. The idea of people denying—
Starting point is 01:34:36 But the difference is that Al, though, went, okay, I'm going to concede and— Sort of. It took a long time. Okay. You know, the Al Gore, George Bush won. how long did that go on before he conceded? I want to say it was a few months. I don't think it was as simple as just conceding. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:53 I think the Al Gore, George Bush one went on for quite a while, if I remember correctly, because I remember being confused, like, wow, this never happened before. A month or so. A month. A month or so. Okay. So think of that. Think of like a whole month where they're trying to decide if it's true, right? It's fucking weird and there was a documentary that HBO did back when Bush was president during these times
Starting point is 01:35:15 Well, this was when it was okay to deny the election because it was Republican that was in office And there was a documentary called Hacking Democracy. And in that documentary, they were using, I think they were using Diebold machines. And Diebold, they also make a lot of ATM machines. They make various machines. But what they had found in this documentary was that there was the ability to have a third party input. So first party input is you, you're the voter. Second party is me. I collect the vote. Third party input was also there. And so they used that on the documentary to change the vote. So they used it to change the numbers.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Wow. And they showed that they can do it. Wow. I'll send you something, Jamie. I don't know if this is true, but someone said that someone had just done this recently. Here, I'll send you this because this is just something that someone tweeted. I don't know if it's true, but I wanted to send it to Jamie so Jamie could research it. computer scientist and engineering professor J. Alex Halderman was able to hack a Dominion voting tabulator in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg using only a pen to change the vote totals.
Starting point is 01:36:36 That happened this time? Supposedly. Wow. This is a tweet from just a couple of days ago. Wow. That was a tweet from, actually a tweet from, when was it? Anyway, I don't know if that's true, but that's crazy if it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:52 This is actually from two days ago. Wow. This person tweeted this. Now, we'll look, see if that's horseshit, and see what, but here's the thing. When you have computers, if you have a phone, like with Pegasus, Pegasus was the first one that, by the way, the Israelis created Pegasus,
Starting point is 01:37:10 and Pegasus was a software that, that's what they used to get Jeff Bezos when they got his dick pics and all that shit. Oh, yeah, the good ones, good ones, good ones. He's got a solid heart. When they did that with him, what they did was someone sent him a link in WhatsApp. I think it was the head of Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Sent him, allegedly, sent him a link in WhatsApp. He clicked the link and then Pegasus was downloaded on his phone. Now, you don't even have to click a link anymore. Now, they can get Pegasus on your phone. All they need is your phone number. I could have Pegasus now? They probably do. You probably do.
Starting point is 01:37:44 You have it? I'm sure. Oh, no. How can we detect it? Is there an app? I don have Pegasus now? They probably do. You probably do. You have it? I'm sure. Oh, no. How can we detect it? Is there an app? I don't believe so. Okay. I think, according to Gavin DeBecker, who's a securities expert, these things are constantly
Starting point is 01:37:55 evolving, and they get better all the time. They don't tell you when they're better. Yeah. They just have better technology. Yeah. But he's aware of Pegasus, too. And he said, with Pegasus, 2, all they need is your phone number. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Hey! But Joe, can I ask you something? Mm-hmm. What? Can't you just shut it off and not... I mean, there's so many people in this country just walk around, and they just don't... All these things that we're talking about right now,
Starting point is 01:38:23 they don't think about it, they live their lives don't you think that that's a happier life or no depends on whether or not your voice actually matters so if you can change the way people think and you can change the way people look at things and then those people vote in such mass numbers that you can't make stealing the vote possible. Because enough people realize it's horseshit to the point where the overwhelming majority. You would have to have fraud that's so apparent that no one would buy into it. It would be a national scandal. We need whistleblowers.
Starting point is 01:39:01 We have them. We put them in jail. Look at Edward Snowden. He has to live in Russia now. Look at Julian Assange. We have them. We put them in jail. Look at Edward Snowden. He has to live in Russia now. Look at Julian Assange. She's fucked. They've been prosecuting that guy forever. And if you ask what the crime is, it's nothing.
Starting point is 01:39:14 He's a journalist. I just feel so stressed out right now. Why? It's stressing me out. That's the reality that we live in. We live in a very dangerous, complicated world. Yeah. Halderbin, a University of Michigan computer scientist, changed results of a hypothetical referendum on Sunday alcohol sales.
Starting point is 01:39:32 He flipped the winner in a theoretical election between President George Washington and Benedict Arnold, the Revolutionary War general who defected to the British. He rigged the machine to print out as many ballots as he wanted. Wow. to the British. He rigged the machine to print out as many ballots as he wanted. Wow. All he needed was a pen to reach a button inside the touchscreen, a fake $10 voter card that he had
Starting point is 01:39:51 programmed, or a $100 USB device that he plugged into a cord connected to a printer, rewriting the touchscreen's code. Haldeman delivered his presentation during an election security trial, evaluating whether Georgia's voting system is vulnerable to manipulation or programming errors. All in-person
Starting point is 01:40:10 voters in Georgia make their choices on touchscreens that print out paper ballots. I believe Georgia was supposed to update their machines. And then there was a talk of when they were going to do it. And I think it's also taken into consideration other than just corruption, it might also be a budget issue. The headline says election officials say these vulnerabilities are... Merely speculative. Oh, merely speculative. It's safe and effective. Our election is safe and effective.
Starting point is 01:40:39 These people dropping dead. Yeah. 40% increase in all-cause mortalities. Yeah. Ages 18 to 34, there's nothing to concern yourself with. That's normal. It's merely speculative, really.
Starting point is 01:40:52 These people all have your best interest in mind. Is that a cigar? These are little baby cigars. Can I have one? Yeah, sure. Okay. You're okay with nicotine cigars? I'm not going to inhale it.
Starting point is 01:41:01 You want a real cigar? A big one? No, the little ones. You want a real cigar? I like them. Yeah, why don't you have a real cigar? A big one? No, the little ones. You want a real cigar? I like them. Yeah, why don't you have one of these? Is it Cuban? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:08 No, these are from Nicaragua. These are JRE cigars. Oh, fuck. They're actually really good. Yeah. Here, I'll open it for you. This is what I think, man. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I think evil's real. And I think evil exists in many forms, and it exists in callous disregard for loss of life for profit. That's evil, right? And that's a real thing. Like, you could say evil is the devil. Here's a little lighter here, buddy. You could say evil is Satan, and evil is demons, and evil is, you know, exorcisms and shit.
Starting point is 01:41:39 There you go. Look at that, baby. But also, evil is profit over human life, which is real. Evil is cobalt mines in the Congo. When you watch pregnant women mining for cobalt and getting toxic fumes in their lungs. Some of them have babies on their back. That's evil. That's evil.
Starting point is 01:41:57 They're living in dirt floors with no sanitation. It's horrific conditions, and that is in everybody's cell phone and everyone's cell phone is the labor of essentially people so poor they don't have to choose whether they're slaves or not they just have there's no other option for them to work but there's a power of powerlessness that one feels like what is little bobby lee gonna do about any of this so it's like a lot of times i'm just like you know everything that everything that you said, I'm with you. But I'm just saying that, like, it stresses me out. It should.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Yeah. And I want to walk around a little bit more free and, you know. You deserve that. Yeah. You're a comedian, man. You provide laughter and you help people. And if it's fucking you up, knowing about all this shit that's happening in the world that can get in the way of your job yeah yeah look it's it's not an obligation to pay
Starting point is 01:42:52 attention to everything okay but it is something that i think would help people break out of the cult because that call it's like you think you're a good person if you buy hook line and sinker everything that the left says. That's crazy. These are the same people that want war. These are the same people that are encouraging censorship. These are the same people that are trying to silence dissent. That's all totalitarian shit. And just because it's done for trans kids or for Black Lives Matter or for any social cause that you think is like undeniably
Starting point is 01:43:27 worthy it's still the same thing at the end of the day the patriot act still controlled people in a way that was never allowed before and it did it under the guise we have to stop a terrorist attack yeah so even if they don't do evil shit to make these things happen once these things happen they take advantage by doing evil shit. And they enact control over the people that they never had before. And that's what they did during COVID. And the redistribution of wealth was insane. The redistribution of wealth to big corporations and companies.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Gates profited that. Oh, my God. So many people did. Billions of dollars was moved. Yeah. Wow, it just stresses me out. You want to talk about the movie? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Can we talk about the movie I'm promoting? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's your movie, Bobby? Oh, I'm barely in it. And they're making me, you know what I mean? But they're making you do promo and you're barely in it? Well, I have four scenes.
Starting point is 01:44:25 What's it called? It's called Drugstore June. What's it about? It's about a girl, Esther, right? And she works at a pharmacy. I play the main pharmacist. And it's basically, she plays sort of like a Gen Z, you know what I mean, girl that's kind of out of touch. It's kind of like a Juno, you know what I mean, girl that's kind of out of touch. It's kind of like a Juno, you know what I mean, but it's more modern.
Starting point is 01:44:46 And what I like about it, Joe, is this, okay, is that, you know, can I talk about Hollywood real quick? Sure. There's still gatekeepers, right? And for me, it's like, I think I'm perceived as dangerous. I don't know why. Because I'm on a podcast, I say shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Right? Right. And it's like, I'm always the fourth option. It goes Ronnie, Jimmy, Ken Jeong, right? And I like acting, right? So it's like, I think this is cool because it's like, everyone that's involved in it are dear friends of mine. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:45:19 Pretty much everyone in the movie are people like Miss Pat and people that I know. Oh, cool. And it's cool to like have... Look at you. Yeah. Let's watch the trailer okay if you were gonna give me a consultation for plastic surgery it's not what i do here but just if you were what do you think you would do to my face i'd probably start with your mouth like lip filler no I would sew that sucker shut. I'm a loser! Your Facebook group is right.
Starting point is 01:45:56 I have no life. What did you ever see in this psycho? One, two... Oh, I messed it up. I need a coffee break. You're not even clocked in yet. I haven't been getting paid for any of this. Give me a double macchiato.
Starting point is 01:46:12 I brought you some hot chocolate. You're interrupting my stream. Okay, bye, June Squad. Oh, well, thank you, Chad. What? Ew! I heard the pharmacy got robbed. Miss Potts. What the hell happened in here?
Starting point is 01:46:30 What's your name? At forever June on everything except Snap at June forever. No, honey, your real life actual name. June. June. This is not Queen June's private castle. June the Almighty. Oh. June? Oh,. June the Almighty. Oh.
Starting point is 01:46:45 June? Oh, I got the poor man that ends up with her. I think I'm gonna start doing some investigatory work. Y'all heard anything about a pharmacy here, Rob? I don't watch the news. All I do is smoke weed. Do you feel safe here? I'm gonna have to get you!
Starting point is 01:47:06 I'm looking for information. Hey baby boo. June Squad has a lot of time on their hands. Take it easy. I'll tell you what you want. What are you doing here? I'm collecting evidence. You watch too many movies. You are not a police officer. Help us out here. God, mugshots are so sexy. Can I take this home? No. Why not? Did you watch it? No.
Starting point is 01:47:35 So that's the first time you've seen the clip? Yeah. Well, Abby, you know Abby Levito, my manager, she saw it. She was like, it's pretty good. And when she said that, I was just like, oh, I don't want to watch it. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:47:46 yeah, yeah. But you know, I got to promote it. I got to, I'm sure you're great in it. I'm sure you're great in it. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:47:56 yeah, you're hilarious. But I want to say though, that it's like, you know, it's all our friends. It's like, you know,
Starting point is 01:48:01 you and your friends got together and we made a movie and I heard it's great and it's going to go into theaters. There's all these things. I'm going to see it. I'm going to eventually see it. I can't watch myself. Can I say something?
Starting point is 01:48:11 I've been to movies. I get invited to premieres. I leave. Yeah, I don't want to watch me. This was pretty good. Oh, that's me in Death and Roman. Yeah. I'm pretty good in this.
Starting point is 01:48:19 It's in a short that just came out on YouTube. It's like 15 minutes long. Okay. Yeah, but I'm okay in that. Yeah. So you want to get into acting. You're enjoying it. Can I ask you, you don't like it?
Starting point is 01:48:30 No, I don't like the process. I love movies. You're great in news radio. Thank you very much. Huge laughs. It's fun. Yeah. Stand-up's more fun.
Starting point is 01:48:38 It is, but why can't you do all of it? Because I don't want to deal with all those people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why I did Fear Factor. I didn't want to deal with actors anymore. When Fear F yeah, yeah. That's why I did Fear Factor. I didn't want to deal with actors anymore. When Fear Factor came along, I was like, oh, this is perfect. Not that there's anything wrong with that. And the cast on NewsRadio were amazing.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Incredible. It's just you deal with a certain kind of person that is 60% insane. 60% of them are insane. Yeah. 40% of them are cool as fuck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's just like, I don't, they can't, they're not fun to joke around with. They're shitty.
Starting point is 01:49:07 They backstab. They fucking, they undermine you. They go to producers and, you know, try to rewrite your words and say it conflicts with my lines. Yeah. It's like weird ego shit goes on with them. They're weird, man. They're weird people. They are weird.
Starting point is 01:49:21 But what, the jobs I have now, like I did Reservation Dogs. I did I'm On Sex and the City, the new one. Oh, how's that? I said no to it for the first couple of times. They were like, you want to do it? Because I just didn't think that it was the right fit. I had never seen it. I know it's a big cultural thing.
Starting point is 01:49:39 Yeah. But I just basically said, all I want to do is feel comfortable, dude. I said that to MPK, the showrunner. Because I don't want to go in there and feel like people are mean and I'm stressed out. I don't need it. And he comforted me. He was like, no, we want you on the show. And I would go to New York and everyone was super sweet.
Starting point is 01:50:00 I put myself in situations that aren't that. I've had fucking directors call me a pan face gook what yeah I had a director call me that was he also no he was a white what yeah how long ago in the 90s I don't want to call the director he's a big director holy shit and he called the other actors a whore oh my god he's a get on your mark you pan face gookok. Yeah, yeah. This is back, you know, when it wasn't woke. Is he alive? Yeah. So he's doing movies still? I want to so badly tell you who it is. What's his
Starting point is 01:50:32 name rhyme with? I'm not playing this game. I know the internet. Will you tell me later? Oh yeah. Okay. Oh yeah, yeah. Well they're gonna go through your IMDB and they're gonna find some likely candidates. Maybe we should do that. Yeah. Let the internet do it. Maybe we should do that. Yeah, let the internet do it Maybe we could play warmer. Yeah
Starting point is 01:50:49 One time this director, I worked for this director. Is he Italian? No, I'm not playing this game. Fuck you. Okay One time I fucked up on a line and he made the whole Everyone like the cameraman everyone and the wardrobe form a circle They put me in the middle of the circle, and he goes, point your finger. And they all pointed their finger at me, and he goes, repeat after me. You're the worst actor on planet Earth. Oh, my God. And they all did that, and tears welled up in my eyes.
Starting point is 01:51:17 And I remember a wardrobe lady looked at me. She goes, I'm so sorry. Oh, my God. Yeah. I mean, I've had Michael Bay do something to me. Wow. What did Michael Bay do to you? He grabbed my face aggressively.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Whoa. Why? What did you do to him? Did you grab his balls? Did he wake up with you sucking on his balls? I don't do that. I do that for comics. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Yeah, I don't do it when I'm like on a... No, I did this. So I booked this commercial with Eric Stonestreet. Right. You know Eric? He's on Modern Family. Okay. He plays the fat gay guy.
Starting point is 01:51:47 Sure, sure. So we played Tower Boys with Kim Cattrall. So it was a Pepsi commercial, I think. And she was in this bathtub. And I'd never acted before. You know, Joe, I'm a stand-up. I come from the same place you come, which is open mics. Stand-up. Yeah, I is open mics. Stand up.
Starting point is 01:52:05 Yeah, I didn't learn how to act. I don't know the fuck that. Right. I didn't know what a jib camera is or a mark or any of that shit. Right. So I had this scene where I had to bring these. Oh, fuck. I had to bring these towels into a.
Starting point is 01:52:17 It was like stacked. That was the joke. And he would go, your face needs to be in the light. And I go, oh, I don't know. So I try to tilt every take. The light! The light! Right?
Starting point is 01:52:33 And then, like, by the eighth one, he came from behind the thing, and he grabbed my face like this. He goes, here! Here! And, like, tears. Well, no, don't feel bad for me. I'm a survivor. That's your Holocaust.
Starting point is 01:52:49 That was your Auschwitz. Being in a movie and Michael Bay tells you to put your face towards the light. Yeah, but in the 90s, I experienced that shit, right? Well, that seems like you really weren't putting your face towards the light, and he was freaking out because they could only do that take so many times. I'm kind of on Team Bay. Really? Yeah, he just turned your face. Oh, you're right. You're making it sound like you're right. You're right. You're right You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right beat your ass. You're right. You're absolutely but but also when you
Starting point is 01:53:14 When you come when you come from a background like me yes with your dad fucking I get it Yeah, when people scream right it fuck triggers if you Triggers. You feel it. You got triggered. Yeah. What's his name? The original Robocop? Peter Weir. Peter Weir, yeah. He's a screamer.
Starting point is 01:53:33 Screams? Yeah, so I was on Magnum. Screamed at you? Yeah, I was on Magnum. He does it to everyone, right? Oh, yeah, back in the day, we wouldn't have sides. You can't remember one line? He would yell shit like that, right? Really?
Starting point is 01:53:46 And every time he would do it, I would, like, tense up. I'm not a pussy, dude. I get it. I'm a warrior, okay? Wow. Yeah, and then... And then, right? I just went to the showrunner.
Starting point is 01:53:58 I go, next time I'm on the side, maybe not him. So they just did it, you know? But anyway, now I do shit that's like where I feel like I'm wanted and I'll do it. So it's not like that crazy bullshit where I need, back then I needed it. Right. When someone would say something horrible to you, you just had to swallow it. You would absorb it.
Starting point is 01:54:16 But there was also no recourse back then. I mean, that's how you get to like a Harvey Weinstein. A guy who has just ultimate control, can do whatever the fuck he wants yeah, and does ruins people's lives and careers if they don't accept his advances That's where that mean that whole business has always been about Powerful people abusing the people that they that had to listen to them From casting directors all the way up to producers it was different then yeah yeah look tarantino was in here and he's talking about this old school director who had his office
Starting point is 01:54:51 had a bedroom where he'd take the starlets all the starlets had to fuck him oh my god in a bedroom in his fucking office oh my god so everyone just assumed if a casting you know thing was going on and a girl came into his office He fucked her and 20 years ago. I would have done that. I think you think so. I think that if I think that it was a huge director. Mm-hmm, right? You know, I would suck his dick maybe really I think I wouldn't say I wouldn't tell you well There's definitely I would just cry could have feel like some offers if that just cry. You could have filled out some offers if that was out there. What?
Starting point is 01:55:26 You could have gotten some offers if that was out there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe you weren't like open enough with your desire to make it. Yeah. I just think that back then I was like so like, I had no money. Right. And in my mind I'd be like, oh, this is the way it's supposed to happen. Right.
Starting point is 01:55:42 Yeah, yeah. I mean, imagine if you're an actress, right? And you come out to Hollywood from fucking Kansas. You're 20 years old. And you are all of a sudden in this producer's office. And he's 50. And he's been banging stars for 20 fucking years. And you don't know how it all works.
Starting point is 01:56:00 And he explains to you, listen, honey, this is how it works in this business. You're like, well, I mean, okay. Do you want to be be an actress and you're kind of mentally ill anyway oh right and you're like yeah i do so much yeah yeah no one has to know about this oh okay you won't tell anybody it's terrible it's fucking terrible yeah and that's probably what they did forever it's so fucking terrible yeah and i mean i mean i know you know we have problems with the word woke, but I think in many ways, Hollywood wokeness is also good. Yeah, that way. I think-
Starting point is 01:56:31 Now in a stopping the abuse way. But the problem is there's like, in Hollywood in particular, there was an overcorrection and crazy people like Amber Heard got involved. Right. And started manipulating the truth to sort of gain sympathy. You've got a lot of those cases, too. The Chris Hardwick case. There's a lot of those where the reality is so different than the truth.
Starting point is 01:56:51 Right. And everybody just assumes that the woman's not insane and that she's telling the truth. But you're going to have to have a few of those if you're going to have to have real change, like a real correction of actual abuse. to have to have real change, like a real correction of actual abuse. It's just like if you're going to accept trans people, you're going to have a bunch of instances of perverts pretending to be trans. If you're going to say, hey, we have to stop abuse, you're going to get fake abuse. You're going to get people that come out and say they're abused. I know, man.
Starting point is 01:57:19 And that's the way Hollywood is bad. It's the way humans are. It's the way humans are. Yeah. Hollywood is like bad. It's the way humans are. But in the sense of a show like Beef getting greenlit, which are mostly all Korean or Asian cast, I think in that way it's good, right? But there is an overcorrection
Starting point is 01:57:34 in terms of like... It's good because that show is good, right? That's why it's good. Yeah, you're right. It's good when the show's good. Even if the show was good back then, 20 years ago, they would never... That's true. They would never wrote it. That's better about acceptance. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's still, I think art has to be, particularly stand-up is the best example I can speak about that.
Starting point is 01:57:53 It has to be a meritocracy. It has to be what is actually funny. At The Mothership, we have a fucking very clear mandate. No one gives a fuck if you are gay, if you are straight, if you are trans, if you are black, if you are Asian, if you're white. They don't give a fuck. Are you funny? That's all it is. Are you funny?
Starting point is 01:58:10 And that's our goal. Yeah. The goal is and that's what comedy used to be. I had this conversation with Ali Wong once and she was like, do you think comedy is a meritocracy? And I was like, ultimately it has to be because at the end of the day, what's funny is what people are going to come see again. And you could pander and you can get away. You can kind of like be half-assed and be treated like you're better than you are. You see that all the time when they make those lists of the best stand-up specials of the year.
Starting point is 01:58:35 And some of them are like, what the fuck are you saying? You're so crazy if you think this is good. And they're only saying it because it's the right demographic. Yeah. And you can say that if they're talking about the right points. Even if the stand-up is clunky and awful and unoriginal and just garbage, they'll tell you it's amazing. And I don't want to kiss your ass. May I for a second, though?
Starting point is 01:59:01 Just accept it. Okay. All right? I feel like like here we go i love it i love it i love it just just hear me out okay i just feel like you know in a way you carved the way for me specifically because before i did Tiger Valley and Bad Friends I mean Joe I'll be honest with you I mean I would do half rooms
Starting point is 01:59:29 you know what I mean even though the eight years of Mad TV and all the things I had done right and I couldn't get an audience right and now I mean it's just like it's night and day I mean it's you I mean the path that you laid down.
Starting point is 01:59:45 And even back then when you used to do, when we used to do it at the Ice House and they used to pop in back in the day, right? It's sort of like, I think it just kind of like subconsciously absorbed it and it became a path for me and it changed my life. That's beautiful to hear. What? That's beautiful to hear. And when I go on the road now, it's like I get people that are like really.
Starting point is 02:00:05 They're fans. They know me. Yeah. They. And when I go on the road now, it's like I get people that are like really. They're fans. They know me. Yeah. They love me. And I love them as well. And it's a different fucking deal. You are a creature of the internet. I am.
Starting point is 02:00:13 Yeah. And you should be. And the internet changed the game. The internet also made it, instead of a famine thing, people had an abundance mentality. Because when we first started in the 90s there was only a few shows you could get on you got on mad TV I got a news radio there's only a few shows and you were really lucky if you were on a show I remember we would talk about it all the time oh my god I'm so lucky miracle crazy we're
Starting point is 02:00:37 on TV oh my god we're so lucky but there was other people that didn't get your spot and they hated it and they were mad at you like they're like if you cast for Mad TV and other comics at the club, you know, I know you experienced that Oh, yeah, and they were fucking jealous and bitter and they would talk shit about you He fucking sucks on that show. He doesn't do anything and they just angry that it didn't happen to them because it could have happened to them Yeah now instead of that now we're valuable to each other because now we're a community of podcasters and comedians. And instead of us being like in competition with each other, we all feed off of each other and we all support each other.
Starting point is 02:01:16 It's a much better environment for stand up. It's a much better environment for comedy clubs. It's like everything's better now. It's also the connection with East Coast, too. It's like before, I felt like there was a rivalry almost, right? And now it's like when I go to New York, and as soon as I land, I don't even call. The seller will call me and go,
Starting point is 02:01:37 what spots do you want? Yeah. And then all the comics will come by the pod. You know what I mean? It's like a family. It's fun. It's fucking amazing. Yeah, that happened during the podcast revolution.
Starting point is 02:01:47 That's what changed everything. You think it's going down now? Going down? The podcast revolution. Yeah, are we still on? It's happening. I know. Are we on downswing or upswing?
Starting point is 02:01:55 No, it's not a downswing at all. If you pay attention to the numbers, more people are listening now than ever. Yeah. All the podcasts. Yeah. It's awesome. And it's awesome because you get to see people for who they really are no bullshit no filter no nonsense you can't nonsense people
Starting point is 02:02:11 for three hours you know at a certain point in time your fucking demons will show their it's really who you are yeah and it also shapes who you are because you get to kind of like experience feedback and examine how you think about things and why you say the things you say. In the early days, like how much of what we used to say was just for shock value. Like you would go on a morning radio show. Yeah, I know. We would try to say as shocking things as we could because that was the way to get attention, especially like Opie and Anthony. I know.
Starting point is 02:02:41 I know. I know. We don't have to talk about it. No, I could vaguely go around it. I'm just like, at the time. We all did it. Yeah. I was a survivor.
Starting point is 02:02:50 Yeah. And I'm like, oh, this is the culture. Yeah. This is the culture. And also I'm like an LA comic. I'm in opening Anthony with beasts. Patrice. Patrice.
Starting point is 02:02:59 Norton. All those guys were fucking beasts. Yeah. And it's like, you know, and then, you know, at the time, you know, and then later and then now, you know, but it's like. But now it's a much more honest thing. Yeah. Because now you do your own thing, right? And if people want to see Bobby, they know how to find Bobby.
Starting point is 02:03:17 And they go, they seek you out. So it's not like some random person's tuning in. Like, who's this guy? And then you have to say something crazy to get attention. Yeah. Now it's just you could be yourself. You know, that's the difference like if you got a million views on tiger belly That's a million people that really want to watch your show. Wow. That's not random Yeah, you know if you get a million people that are on like some Comedy Central show a million people watching that they're flipping channels Yeah, they like how many of them are looking forward to it. How many of them just stumbled upon it? It's probably
Starting point is 02:03:45 quite a bit. Most shows don't have loyal, dedicated viewers. Unless they're streaming shows. If you're watching Stranger Things, that's what you want to watch. But there's a lot of things that are just not that popular, and the numbers are still not as good.
Starting point is 02:04:02 I know. The podcast thing is a wild thing. I drive down the street in LA and I see a show. I'm like, who the fucker? Who's on that? No one's going to watch that. I mean, maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Maybe it's good. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I like that they're still doing them. I don't want them to go away. They tried to kill that, man. This fucking last strike. Dude, I had so many friends that stopped doing stand-up and just been writing that went into a panic because they had mortgages and they just started doing stand-up and just been writing that went into a panic
Starting point is 02:04:30 Yes, they mortgages and they just started doing stand-up again, right Wow. It was hard He hadn't done stand-up in seven years Wow, and I know Owen Smith was getting back on the road again We had him at the mothership, but he's a guy that I was always saying like that guy That's a velvet prison for that guy. He's too good. Yeah, He's too good at stand-up to not be huge. Yeah, I love him. He's one of the best comics in the country. He's like top 20 in the country
Starting point is 02:04:49 without a doubt. No question at all. Owen Smith. Yeah. Yeah. If I'm making a list of top 20 in the country, Owen Smith's on that list.
Starting point is 02:04:57 He should've wore sweatpants on stage, though. Who gives a fuck? Let him wear sweatpants. He's got a big ass dick. He's a big dick. Let him sweatpants. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 02:05:03 He's funny, man. He's so funny, that guy. He's so good. Big dick, too're right. He's funny, man. He's so funny, that guy. He's so good. Big dick, too. That's a good thing. He was in town just a couple weeks ago. We all sat in the balcony and watched his set. He did my show, and then he did my show on Thursday, and then he did the weekend he headlined.
Starting point is 02:05:16 He said it was awesome. I just also want to tell your fans, I have a pretty medium-sized dick. It's regular. Thank you. I've seen it at a gang of times. I know. Online, they're like, it's like a minion. No, no, no. No, it's normal. It i've seen it a gang of times i know but online they're like it's like like a minion no no it's normal it's a regular it works it's great squirts the whole
Starting point is 02:05:30 thing yeah yeah yeah thank you so much every other day it squirts yeah everything yeah yeah it works it's great yeah yeah it's fine i got that out there you know yeah yeah you're rude judging you by something you can't control yeah but it's been a real blessing man It really has and I podcast things a blessing for all of us obviously Yeah, it's in a change stand-up. It really did it created way more theater acts There's so many more theater acts and arena acts guys like Schultz and all these guys And they just releasing their stuff on the internet doing podcasts becoming popular through podcasts. Yeah, it's an amazing way to live I was in Hawaii with, Sigur was in town. I was just there vacationing
Starting point is 02:06:07 and Sigur goes, I'm doing a show. Do it. So they didn't announce me. Oh, that's great. Right? It was like 6,000 seats or whatever, right? And when they, and I don't want, it's not a bragging thing, but when they said my name and I walked up there, I had never felt that before in my life. It was a pure love.
Starting point is 02:06:23 What was you in town for? I leave tomorrow morning. Shit. I know. Change your flight. Do my show tomorrow night at 7. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:31 Okay, okay. Okay. Beautiful. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'll change. Bert's going to do it too. Oh, he is?
Starting point is 02:06:36 Yeah. He's in town? Christ is in town. Oh, I'll do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It'll be fun. It'll be fun. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:06:40 They're going to go bananas. Okay, good. That'll be great. The beautiful thing about those shows, Shane will be on the show, too Oh, it's gonna be awesome. Okay Here's the thing, yeah, and this is what's great about it. I'm not afraid. No, you shouldn't be afraid. I'll follow you It'll be hard. Very difficult. You don't have to do that. Yeah, but I would try I wouldn't be afraid of doing it Listen, the show's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be amazing. All right, pinch clips on would try. I wouldn't be afraid of doing it. Listen, the show's going to be amazing. It's going to be amazing. Hinchcliffe's on the show.
Starting point is 02:07:06 It's going to be amazing. Brian Simpson's here. I love him. Oh, he's the best. Yeah, yeah. He's so good, dude. It was good to see also old friends last night. It was great.
Starting point is 02:07:14 Yeah. Like, I miss them. Yeah, man. We took all the good people. You fucked us. I didn't. I made life better for these folks. It's a better place to be, man.
Starting point is 02:07:23 It really is. It's a better place to live. There's less less traffic and so many people last night after the show We're like move here you moving here, and I'm like I'm gonna talk to Andrew about it You should but we have to move together. Yeah, but look we could have a like a house that we come every once So I should yeah, I should look Santino would love it here. I know you love it here He likes doing TV shows too though that fucking idiot I know but it's a different craft and it's, you know, I'll tell you something.
Starting point is 02:07:50 He always wanted to be an actor. No, but guys like Schultz and these young guys, right? It's not a part of their dream. Right. But when I came to LA, I was like, I want to do movies. I love movies. I get it. I love watching it. But here's the thing, Bobby. You can always still do movies. I still get offers for movies. You can still do them. No, I am doing them, yeah. 100% could go back and do them. Yeah.'s the thing, Bobby. You can always still do movies. I still get offers for movies. You can still do them.
Starting point is 02:08:05 No, I am doing them. 100% could go back and do them. Yeah. You're a free man. I know. And you've got some cash. I know, but comics make fun of me about it. You should see Hinchcliffe's apartment.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Oh, my God. Hinchcliffe has this fucking insane apartment. I know. With this giant balcony, which you can get here in Austin, would cost you $20 million in New York. Wow. Oh, my God. It's incredible. The life there is amazing.
Starting point is 02:08:30 The life in downtown Austin, there's so many great restaurants. I know. People are cool as fuck. Tonight, we'll go to the Pasta Bar. It's going to be great. Oh, that place is great. Great, yeah. Dude, it's incredible here.
Starting point is 02:08:40 I know it is, dude. And there's so much live music here. I mean, Gary Clark Jr. has a club. He has Antone's. He's one of the owners there. He's there all the time. Last night after the show, this tall blonde that would never talk to me in L.A. came up to me and gave me a side hug.
Starting point is 02:08:55 Ooh, side hug. And we connected eyeballs. Yeah. And if I lived here, I think I could. Yeah. Right? And I'm like, that also is an incentive. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:03 You know what I mean? Because I'm single. Texas girls. I love Texas girls girls They're so nice I know They're so womanly I love womanly womanly Yeah that's what I like
Starting point is 02:09:10 Yeah I love it too Anyway really good to be here Great to have you You can bail if you want You're gonna keep going Yeah Keep going Why
Starting point is 02:09:19 We can stop It doesn't matter It doesn't No Two and a half hours That's good enough That's huge That's plenty Yeah yeah yeah We could stop. It doesn't matter. It doesn't? No. We're talking. Two and a half hours. That's good enough. That's huge.
Starting point is 02:09:28 That's plenty. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if I leave, you're going to keep going? No, no. All right. I'll stop. Let's just stop now. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:34 So the next time I have other things I want to talk about. Perfect. All right. Perfect. Thanks for having me on. It was a beautiful podcast. It was great. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 02:09:39 Thank you so much for having me. My pleasure, brother. Watch Drunk Sergeant. So now that we cracked our ice and we did this, we'll do them more often, right? Yeah, 100%. Yes, 100%. And please, consider moving here, man. You do an awesome addition.
Starting point is 02:09:51 It's a thing. Like I said, Theo's considerate. Pauly's considerate. We have some tour. Pauly Shore is a different human being now. I know. Pauly Shore is so loose and so friendly and so silly on stage. Oh, I love him.
Starting point is 02:10:01 And he's killing. I love him. He went up in the little boy, the little room, and I hadn't seen him in years. And I go, dude, that was so funny. You were so loose. And he's like, at the comic store, I was always tense. It's like, it's hard for me to be free. He's a different
Starting point is 02:10:15 person. Also, I wouldn't be in this business without him and that family. Oh, her. I mean, that's why she's here. She said two things to me as a young comic. It's a sin to support mediocrity. Right? I still don't know what it means,
Starting point is 02:10:31 but I still have it in my heart. But then one day I was at Bully's restaurant in La Jolla with her. When Freddy Soto used to drive her down, he would go, come eat with us. I miss Freddy so much. I do too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:46 And so one day we were sitting there at Bully's restaurant in La Jolla. And she goes, do you know what makes a star? I go, what? She goes, 50% of the people have to love you, but it's okay for that other,
Starting point is 02:10:56 the other half hates you. It's all in the same. Right. And it's like, when I read bad comments now on, you know, cause I get some because I'm like, I've risen. Right. I just take that into the thing that it's like when I read bad comments now on you know cuz I get some because I'm like I've risen right
Starting point is 02:11:05 I just take that into the thing that it's like it's attention Right, it's not personal. You know what I would tell you to do what don't read them. Yeah, I haven't don't read it Yeah, yeah, you don't read no no yeah, yeah, I don't read articles about me. I don't read shit But if you read it would hurt your feelings it could yeah, could. Yeah, it could. Okay. It could bother you. All right. You're a human being. Yeah, yeah. Someone says something, especially if it's not true, and it's influencing people in a
Starting point is 02:11:31 fucked up way, or it paints the least charitable version of you. People also don't realize that I'm a sensitive guy. We're all sensitive. Right. We're sensitive, too. That's why they're lashing out. The reason why they're writing mean shit is because they know what hurts them. A kind person, a kind person a happy
Starting point is 02:11:45 person wouldn't be writing shitty things about you they're doing it because they're it's that old expression hurt people hurt people but when they make shit up dude the other day i read i'm sorry i read this is what i read i heard bobby lee abuses his animals okay like why are the because they want to hurt your feelings They want you to get angry I get my cats Nobu I believe you Shishimi dude Yeah
Starting point is 02:12:09 I get them the best I go what's the most expensive shit The healthiest shit But should they have all those oils and stuff on It's not an everyday event Like you know every other month Every now and then Yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:12:18 You know what I mean Isn't it weird that cats hate water but they love fish It's kind of crazy, right? It's crazy, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's weird. They love fish. They love fish, yeah, yeah, yeah. They don't want to go nowhere near that fucking water.
Starting point is 02:12:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I don't abuse my animals. I love animals more. Of course you don't. Yeah, I know, but it's like insane. Of course you don't. Of course you don't.
Starting point is 02:12:37 Yeah, yeah, so I don't read it. Yeah, just don't read it because even if you read a hundred things that are awesome, one that sucks is going to like stick in your head because that's how a human mind is designed. It's designed to find danger and conflict and look out for it because it could hurt you. And so when you see that one thing, that's the thing you're going to concentrate on. It's the one person that hates you. Why do they hate me? Oh my God. What if they're near me? That feeling of hate is the same feeling that you would get if there's someone that's dangerous. It's from another tribe that's looking at you over the hill and you think they
Starting point is 02:13:09 might want to kill you like, ah, fuck. And you have to think about them. You don't think about your friends that love you. You think about the danger and that's natural. It's a natural inclination of the human mind. Right. So you do that with social media too. You don't seek out the danger then. No, don't do it and don't spread it either. The people that spread it too you don't seek out the danger that no don't do it and don't spread it either the people that spread it You you don't realize what you're doing But you're also affecting yourself because you know that what you're doing unless is like the person you're going after some Legitimate Nazi or something I mean like most of the time when people are attacking They're they're they're attacking someone to try to hurt them because they know that they can be hurt too
Starting point is 02:13:43 It's like a lot of the people that are doing this shit on social media all day long there We know them they're mentally ill people. I don't need to name any names Severely mentally ill people yeah that are just liars. They're insane. They're full of shit They're on medication and in therapy and they're just lashing out at other people's behavior. And it's like they don't realize that like to be a good person also means to be nice to everybody. It doesn't just because someone has a differing view on something. You can't demonize them and turn them into a non-human. But people do that because they're terrified of that happening to them.
Starting point is 02:14:23 Yeah. And I also don't, like, when people try to do things like that, I'm not mad at them either. I don't have, like, thoughts of revenge or, you know what I mean? You know what I mean? I just, you know, I just feel bummed that, like, they feel that way or whatever. You know what I mean? But I have no, I have love for people.
Starting point is 02:14:39 I know you do. Yeah, I do. I have love for you, Bobby. Okay. Anyway, thank you. Bye, everybody. Bye. Bye, I do. I have love for you, Bobby. Okay. Anyway, thank you. Bye, everybody. Bye. Bye. Thank you.

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