The Joe Rogan Experience - #2094 - Colion Noir

Episode Date: January 30, 2024

Colion Noir is a second amendment advocate, attorney, and YouTuber.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the Joe Rogan experience train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day what's up good to see you good to be back we had a full Texas day today yeah full Texas doesn't get more Texas than that shotguns ate barbecue went to the staccato range how sick is that place man dude have, like, I remember when I first went there. Like, I called it the ghetto because that's what we do. But, like, there was nothing there. Just dirt.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Just dirt. And, like, they had some bays and stuff like that, too. And, you know, me and my videographer, we did some shooting out there and we filmed. But it was, like, nothing like it is now. Now it looks like an entire little village of guns. A ton of money to that place. Dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Like when we were going around he was showing us like the whole property. I was like, I don't know if you saw my face. I was like, what the fuck? I know.
Starting point is 00:00:54 It must be a lot of money in selling really good guns. Yeah. Yeah. To say the least. Like the lake? Like you guys have a lake? Like yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Why'd you build a lake? He's like, we're gonna have a lake. I'm not gonna lie. There's something something about water like if i ever bought like property like if i just get over this whole like i have to be in the city shit like i bought property i'd want some like body of water explain to me the i have to be in the city i'm just a city rat like i like always like it yeah just the buzz and the energy of the city is something that I just it's in me. So it's like like I can still like every year, you know, I'll go out to like Utah and go and do all of the, you know, eat, love, pray shit.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And then I got it. Yeah. I got to come back to the streets. Yeah, that's crazy. I like staying in cities. Like when I stay in New York City, I'm there for a weekend. But by the time Sunday rolls around, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:45 all right, get me the fuck out of here. I don't like it. I've never liked it. Even when I lived in New York, I didn't live in the city. I lived in the suburbs. Ah.
Starting point is 00:01:52 But that was because I couldn't afford it. I couldn't afford an apartment that had parking. Like it's parking in New York City. It's crazy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And I have to do the road. I travel a lot to do stand-up. I have to be able to drive to gigs. So I was driving to Connecticut and New Jersey and just to get a parking spot. I forget how much it cost back then. This was the 90s.
Starting point is 00:02:10 But it was out of my budget. I'm honestly, like, I love cities. So anytime I go to a city, if I travel to a different state I've never been to before, I always want to stay in the city and I always go to their downtowns. New York is one of the places that I genuinely do not like. Really? No, I don't know what it is. I genuinely did not like it, which is weird because I like big
Starting point is 00:02:32 cities. But for something about New York, I was just kind of like, meh. Really? I don't do that. That doesn't make any sense because it's the most city city. I wish I could articulate it. Just the feeling is not interesting. And it wasn't even like during a weird time like i didn't go like during covid or anything like that it was it was pretty normal
Starting point is 00:02:51 time during covid they made some weird law in new york city where you're allowed to eat outside so they built indoor places outside so they basically built like these like there were like little trailers that they set up outside and they put you know dining tables in and nice lighting and shit
Starting point is 00:03:10 have you seen this one yeah New York City drivers will have to pay $15 to ride through Manhattan yeah I did not know that
Starting point is 00:03:19 you have to pay money to drive through the city oh this is new yeah they're out of money yeah well yeah this is what yeah oh they're out of money yeah well yeah this is what happens when you make stupid policy decisions yeah you make terrible policy decisions and you say that you're a sanctuary city and then texas goes okay great
Starting point is 00:03:37 it's kind of a gangster move by abbott i mean it's pretty gangster if you're dealing with the border and the border is where you are and everyone's like, we are a sanctuary. Like, oh, are you? Wonderful. I got an idea. What is going on? Have you been paying attention to this standoff between Texas and the Biden administration in terms of the border? Like Texas has put a barbed wire and the Biden administration wants the barbed wire taken down.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I'll be honest and tell you, I haven't been following it super close, which is odd because I'm Texas born and raised. And the weird thing is, is living in Dallas, you're almost still kind of disconnected from what's going on at the border a little bit because you're so far north. Right. But even in Houston, because, you know, I'm in Houston a lot, too. It's not something that you're confronted with daily, but but Anybody from Texas usually at some point in time some at some point At some point time you're gonna go you're gonna go towards the border. Yeah, and you're gonna see it for yourself But what I do know of it, I mean at this this point, I mean, we're trying not to lose control of it, essentially, from what I can gather.
Starting point is 00:04:48 What is happening? I don't know. Whose idea is it? In terms of what? Who's letting this happen? Like, who's, it seems very organized. These people know the borders open, so they know they can just walk through.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I think there is, there's a lot of virtue signaling, I think, involved in all of the whole, like you talking about with New York saying, you know, we're a sanctuary city. Just, yes, we accept everyone to come in, just not our state and our city. And so I think you have that combined with the reality of what happens when you have a border that honestly is not being checked. that honestly is not being checked, right? So if you have a situation where you have people who are able to just come in and leave as they, I wouldn't necessarily say leave, but coming into a state, and it's a choke point
Starting point is 00:05:35 because a lot of it is coming in through Texas. So, you know, it's easy to have that philosophy of, oh, you know, leave the border, don't make the border, get rid of the barbed wire, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, because we want to seem as if we are welcoming to everyone. And I don't think it's a matter of not wanting to be welcoming. I think it has a lot to do with the same reason why you have a front door with locks on it on your house. Yeah. Right. At least have a checkpoint to say, OK, well, if you want to come in, I need to know who I'm dealing with well Do you see they had this one guy that was on video that? He said you will see who I am soon, and then they found out he's on like some terrorist watch list or something like that Yeah, it's terrific, but that doesn't surprise me though Well, it doesn't surprise me either, but it seems too
Starting point is 00:06:19 Convenient that it's happening with the numbers that it's happening at it seems organized and I would like to know like that it's happening with the numbers that it's happening at. It seems organized. And I would like to know, like, how is it getting to those people? Is anyone supplying them with resources? Is anyone telling them how to do it? Is this organized? I think it is.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Do I have any proof or data to back it up? No, it's a hunch. Yeah. Just because it just doesn't really make sense. I don't think anybody who's honestly being honest with themselves, you're not going to be someone who says, you know what, I just want an open border where any and everyone can come in at will without anybody checking who's actually coming into the country. No, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It makes no sense. It's insane. It's not the case if you fly in, which is nuts. So if you're coming from some country and you, you know, if you want to emigrate to the United States, it's hard. Yeah. Like you have to prove that you have some sort of exceptional skill. There's some reason for you to be here. You get a work visa. You have to apply for citizenship.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I mean, let's just keep it real. Like there are a lot of people who just don't like this country. Yeah. And they would love to get into the country and cause damage to the country any way they can. Yes. So I think for anyone to say that they don't, that they are for open borders. At least there's got to be a percentage of the people that are coming across that we don't want here. There has to be.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I mean, that's just reality. Just reality. Yeah. And as much as you want to be a kind person, look, I am the grandchild of immigrants. None of my family came from America. They all came from Italy and Ireland. They all came over here.
Starting point is 00:07:54 My parents are immigrants. Yeah. So it's like, we're not anti-immigration, but it just seems like, God damn, you got to make sure you're not letting terrorists in. It seems so simple. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:03 But like I said, I think a lot of it has to do. I think there's some grandstanding and there's some virtue signaling going on as well. I think the administration honestly is trying to walk that line of, no, we're so progressive. And, you know, while at the same time, honestly trying to stick it to Texas. Yeah. I think, I mean, it's a dick-swinging competition at this point. Why would you have a dick-swinging competition about the border? That seems so insane that you would want people to take down a barrier to entry.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You know what I think? What? I think it has a lot to do with Trump. Because, you know, when he was running his campaign, he was running a lot of it based on the idea he was going to build a wall and border. Yeah. And so that became a separation point for a lot of people in the country with respect to what side they fell on. And I think there's a particular party in this country that utilized it as a lightning rod to create that level of division. And so I think they're kind of trying to reestablish that again.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Which is one of the things that's even more gangster about Abbott sending people to Chicago, sending people to New York. Because in Chicago, they're like, get these fucking people out of here. And the people that live in Chicago, the poor people of Chicago, like, this is bullshit. These people are getting money. They're getting all this help. They're getting food. They're getting all this stuff that we don't have.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah. People literally in the place who live there. Their whole lives. And then all of a sudden these people sneak in and they're getting this special treatment. I think there's also a level of trying to pass the buck a little bit or kind of a mass distraction. Because when you look at these major cities
Starting point is 00:09:35 and you see the conditions that a lot of these people are living in in our own country, right, you start to ask yourself, okay, well, why are these these conditions why do they exist right um and they're a very particularized area in very particular places within this country so it begs the question it's like what why can't we fix this issue right right like we're talking about how we want to help these people they're they're want to come into the country because they're running away from a shitty life and in terrible environments i mean you mean the ones that are synonymous the ones that we actually have in the country as well, but yet we haven't been able to address that issue?
Starting point is 00:10:07 Exactly. Right? Exactly. But I think it's a way to kind of push that to the side and sweep it under the rug and say, no, it's a sexier problem to have when we're trying to deal with people coming from other countries. Right. And we want to help them because we're so noble and so brave. But I'm like, you haven't even taken care of what's going on in your own home. And part of the reason why the place they are at sucks, the reason why they come over here, is because of what we're doing to those countries.
Starting point is 00:10:33 They know that. Yeah, there's part of that, too. I mean, it's part of, like, when we shipped all those fucking jobs overseas and these people were making pennies on the dollar to make goods that we can buy here slightly cheaper. Yeah. I mean, we destroyed unions and destroyed american manufacturing and you know i i'm not going to go so far as to say a little bit is a little a little bit of that is our fault as well as consumers because when you do try to make stuff in america right yeah they're going to be more expensive yeah you know what i mean and some and a lot of people aren't willing to pay that price hike in order to have stuff produced in
Starting point is 00:11:08 America. So you, they basically companies become incentivized to then go and have these things created elsewhere because I've seen companies where they struggle because they're trying to make everything in America. Right. But that, but that comes with a price that a lot of people aren't willing to pay. Right. And so I, I wonder how much, you know, it's kind of like with climate change. It's like how much of that is affecting a lot of the manufacturing and so forth going overseas. Some of it is, but there's enough people that want to buy American made products from people that get paid a fair wage that if you advertise that and make that a product.
Starting point is 00:11:43 A lot of people say they do. Well, a lot of people do. Look at Origin. Yeah. Origin can't keep clothes on the shelves. Everything's flying off their boots, their clothes, their hunting gear. They can barely keep them in stock. Everybody wants it because it's 100% American.
Starting point is 00:11:55 You think that's the only reason why? What do you think it is? I don't know. I'm not that familiar with Origin, honestly. Well, Origin is my friend Jocko's company, and I'm a part of it. And I know that what they're doing is very popular. And it's very popular because that's part of their mission statement. Bring back American manufacturing.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Take pride in the fact that these things that you're wearing, these things that you purchase, these things you use every day, this is 100% American-made. Everything, down to the buttons, the threads, everything put together, all the cloth, everything's sourced from America. 100%. 100%. That's actually pretty damn impressive. The only thing they don't have from America, there's a part of a boot
Starting point is 00:12:36 that you can only get in South America. So even that's America. It's just South America, but not United States. But that's one piece, and they eventually are planning on figuring out a way to manufacture that Is that where the name comes from origin? I don't know fits it does fit. Yeah, it does fit I don't know the origin of the name But I feel like if you had an American made cell phone, I've been saying this forever
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah, give me a fucking iPhone that's made by people that aren't working for slave wages Give me an iPhone That's not made in a factory where people have nets around the building to keep people from jumping off the roofs because they hate their lives. Give me a phone that you didn't get sourced the materials by slave labor in the Congo.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Can you fucking do that? Is it possible to do that? Because if it is, how much more is it? Is it $300 more? I'll pay $300 more for a phone that I know I don't have to feel like shit about. It begs the question, though, you know, you and I, yeah, I would do it. I think enough people would. But I have the monetary ability to do it. I wonder how much of, you know, the people who aren't necessarily in the economic position to pay, like to them, that's considerable markup, right?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah. I wonder how much of that, I don't know. I wonder how much of that plays into a part of, you know, facilitating this kind of shipping or manufacturing everything overseas because they can build things cheaper and then people continue to buy it. So maybe I take a step back and I say, all right, maybe it's not just a, oh, yeah, they say they want American, but we aren't willing to pay for it. Maybe some people, maybe a large part of people just can't.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I don't know. A large percentage of people probably can't. The people that are living check to check can't. But there's enough people that are not living check to check that would feel better about buying something. And maybe instead of buying an iPhone every year or a cell phone every year, one every other year every two years every three year like it's yeah it's feasible it makes sense now granted i'm guilty i got a fucking iphone 11 i keep one of my phones is an iphone 11 the motherfucker works perfect yeah i'm i'm literally the person you're talking about i upgrade my phone on the day the new one comes out to the minute
Starting point is 00:14:43 i got 15 i have no reason to have this fucking phone no reason granted i live and die by my like this is these phones do everything for me now yeah me too i have reached a point now where i'm kind of like i don't want to upgrade but for no other reason then i don't want to have to go through the like update process like changing like the changeover process is really annoying it is weird sometimes like uh phone numbers get all fucked up something happened where phone numbers got attached in iMessage to old emails of other people yeah it's i've had some really spooky stuff happen on my phones and i'm like the hell's going on here like i had a friend tell me he was like he's like I
Starting point is 00:15:26 called you and somebody else picked up yeah okay yeah I go dude is this your phone number yeah I go bro a woman answers the phone that's exactly what happened yeah yeah what's that I have no idea yeah maybe I mean I have I don't I don't know I mean at the end of the day, we are talking about devices, right, that are essentially supercomputers in our hands. So maybe it's just the fault of the system that just it's bound to happen where you get this kind of cross communication and it just can't keep up with it. I forgot who the comedian was. You know, he's talking about how impatient we are these days because it was one of my favorite bits because it's so true. He was talking about how impatient we are these days because it was one of my favorite bits because it's so true. He's like, we get these cell phones and then the moment it stops working a little bit, we get pissed off.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And it's like it's sending message to fucking space. Oh, that's Louis C.K. Louis C.K., exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I was like, yeah, that's a very poignant point. It's a very good point. And, yeah, I mean, it's easy to get annoyed at technology when it doesn't suit your needs, but it's just. Uconnect. Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's easy to get annoyed at technology when it doesn't suit your needs, but it's just... Uconnect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah. The TRX. Yeah. My TRX has this system. I love the truck. It's awesome. It's amazing. But that system is whack.
Starting point is 00:16:34 You have one too, right? Yeah. The Uconnect is whack. I did a whole video on Instagram about it. It's the worst infotainment system I've ever experienced in a vehicle. It sometimes just doesn't connect to CarPlay. It's possessed. I've literally driven 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:16:50 and it has connected and disconnected five times. I'm like, this is... And then I step on the gas and I hear that whine. Oh yeah, I don't forget about it. I don't care. Mine's at Hennessy right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:06 They're replacing the screen or something. Something is wrong with the screen. It just shut off. I want to take mine to Hennessy. I haven't done it yet. It's addictive. I want to get the unnecessary 1,000 horsepower. 1,000 horsepower pickup truck.
Starting point is 00:17:17 But the one that comes out of the factory is 700. Yeah. What is wrong with it? No, it's not. It's not, but I mean, America, right? America. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:24 They're making making you know The Dodge Demon is a thousand horsepower of the new one. They're making a 1700 horsepower Dodge Demon. I'm making that I thought that was gonna be last one. No Hennessy is Oh Hennessy So Hennessy, that's Hennessy. Hennessy does shit like that Dude, what a psycho. What a psycho. Imagine getting a thousand horsepower two-door car and go mmm, I need more power, but it's It's amazing how accustomed you get to speed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Like you can get like, I mean, it probably takes all in all with consistent driving, I'd say about three weeks before you're like, I'll give you some more power. That's the problem with Teslas. Yeah. That's the problem with Teslas. I. That's the problem with Teslas. I'm still. I know you like engines, you like the sound. But if you go from that fucking car, go from the Plaid, the 0-60 in 1.9 seconds, silently, like a fucking time-traveling machine. I think I feel disconnected. I think it freaked me out a little bit because it just, without the sound and the noise, it's kind of like the sensor.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Have you tried it? I've driven a Tesla. Well, not a plaid but i've driven one of the earlier model teslas there are aspects to it like i'm not anti-electric i'm just anti get rid of ice engines in order to bring in electric right that's my issue i want a choice well toyota's not going that way it's really interesting because they get a lot of pushback because of that. Toyota is embracing hybrids. They're like, this doesn't make any sense. You want range. And with hybrids, you get all the range of a regular vehicle, but you get a lot of fuel economy. So you get more range.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And you get also the option of extra power. And that's one of the things that Honda did with their last NSX, which was one of the most underappreciated supercars that's ever existed. That fucking last NSX was a monster. I, to the life of me, cannot understand why it didn't do well. Because it's an Acura. Yeah, but everybody wets their pants over the older NSX. Yeah, but only car dorks like us. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Like the average person does not wet their pants over an old NSX. Yeah, but only car dorks like us. Yeah, that's true. Like the average person does not wet their pants over an old NSX. What is this fucking old Honda? We're so brand identifying. People are so brand on like if you pull up in your Lamborghini, right? That sick Lamborghini that you have. That thing is like, god damn.
Starting point is 00:19:40 If you're going to spend that kind of money, that's the response you want. But it's still just an Audi. It is an Audi, yeah. Yeah, it is an Audi, kind of., that's the response you want. But it's still just an Audi. It is an Audi. Yeah. Yeah, it is an Audi, kind of. But that makes it better because now it's actually reliable. Which is true. I think one of the best marriages between car manufacturers was Audi and Lamborghini.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah. Because everybody knew Lamborghinis were just unreliable but fantastically fun, beautiful pieces of shit. Right. Right. but fantastically fun, beautiful pieces of shit. And then you get the German engineering of Audi, and then you combine that with the flair and the pomp and circumstance that you get with the Italians, and it's just a beautiful marriage. It's just Lamborghini is like 10% too much douche.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I know. That's why I literally decided to get one just for that. It was something I said. I had some investments go well, and I was like, you know what? Let's go. Fuck it. Let's swing it. Yeah, look at that.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Look at that intersex. I mean, that is a fucking amazing car. It is, but I also think they took too many parts. Because inherently, I think the silhouette is gorgeous, right? But I still think there's a lot of it that screams Acura. I know that sounds counterintuitive because it is one. I know what you're saying. It's not quite exotic enough.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Exactly. At least for the price point. If they brought it and came in at a price point sub $100,000, they wouldn't have been able to keep them. They're still selling the R8. That's a fucking monster car, too. That's also a car that's not appreciated enough. I am a little kind of indifferent about the R8. Really?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah. I drove one once, and I couldn't help but feel like, in all fairness, it was the early first generation R8. I haven't driven any of the newer generations. My friend Everlast had one of the earlier ones. It was pretty dope. But that was back when it was new. Is this the newest one? The one I'm on is a 23.
Starting point is 00:21:31 God damn, that thing's sick. What is that? That's the next one? Oh, it'll be fully electric. It's after the R8. I don't know about this whole fully electric shit. Now, you know what? I'm full of shit. Because there is one car I drove that I was like, I actually want this. What's that?
Starting point is 00:21:48 The Taycan. Oh, yeah. Taycan. I was like, okay. All right. That's amazing. That I can. Because it gave me.
Starting point is 00:21:55 It was still lacking on the sound aspect. However, what it did do, it still gave me all the driving dynamics that you were used to with Porsche. Yes. You get what I'm saying? And the interior. Exactly. Yes. The driving dynamics.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I've driven one. It's amazing. Amazing. Amazing. I literally, my blood pressure just dropped the moment I got in the car. Look at that thing. I mean, they just know how to do interiors. They know how to do ergonomics.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yep. Without being overboard. And you can also get the Jetson sound. What is the Mission E? Is that the two-door one? Oh, shit. That looks like a four-door to me. Wait, what was that?
Starting point is 00:22:31 Maybe that was the concept. Or was that the concept for the original Ticam? I believe they're coming out with a two-door Ticam. Oh, Mission 4. Okay. But the sound, you can get Jetson sounds. So when you hit the gas, the one I was in is like... I don't like that. Yeah, you hit the gas, the one I was in is like...
Starting point is 00:22:46 I don't like that. Yeah, you say that until you drive off. It sounds awesome. I like my cars sound like they're farting everywhere they go. Look at that. Electric sport sound off. Yeah, so it just takes off silently and then sound on. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:23:09 That sounds amazing. All right. See, the sound you made and then that sound are two different things. Right, right. That's my fault. Come on, that sounds insane. That sounds like you're in a goddamn spaceship. It's a different kind of sound.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But even like the Porsche Turbo doesn't have the best sound. It doesn't because I daily drive one and I love it. It's so crazy fast. I got rid of the GT3 to get it, which is sacrilegious. The difference in sound. Yeah, because the way that GT3 wails, it's awe-inspiring. Yeah, it is. It's part of the fun. But nothing can be, I think, and I'm going to do a video on this when I start my second YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I think the Porsche Turbo S is the greatest daily driving supercar on the planet ever created. And they have that marriage with Volkswagen. Yes. Which is also kind of similar. Yeah. But Porsche has always been. They've always been Porsche. They've always been reliable.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah. In terms of like supercars, they're like the most reliable by far. Most boring supercars, but the greatest. Well, not the GT3 or the GT3 RS. Okay. Yeah. I'm not factoring in those. I look at those more like track weapons.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yeah. But they're still willing to make a six-speed GT3. And then the ST, which is the new one that's six-speed as well. I like the Sports Classic. Yeah, that's nice too. Yeah, the six-speed with the ducktail. Yeah, they're still willing to make some driver-centric cars. And there's a giant market for them.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Like that GT3 Touring, they can't keep that in stock yeah even though i think the gt3 touring is kind of maybe because i'm i like i like the wing of the original gt3 so i the last thing i want is one without the wing i'm like if i'm gonna do it without the wing just give me a turbo spoken like a true lamborghini driver i mean pretty much pretty much yeah there's a bunch of cars that just don't get their deserve what they deserve. You know? Yeah. I mean.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I went down a rabbit hole last night. Well, that's amazing. I went down a rabbit hole last night with the Lexus LC500. See, you say that, I hear LFA. LFA is amazing. But there's people that are doing wild shit with the LC500 where they're putting wide body kits on them and straight pipes. And they sound insane. Well, I think it's because of the LFA.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Because I think once the LFA didn't do as well as they expected it to do. Yeah. Because, again, I think they just overpriced it. Because the market just wasn't ready for a fucking, what was it, like $200,000? I think it was more. Well, now it is. Yeah. Because now it's like a collective. But I think even out of the box, I think it was three. Oh, what was it, like $200,000? I think it was more. Well, now it is. Yeah. Because now it's like a collectible.
Starting point is 00:25:46 But I think even out of the box, I think it was three. Oh, it was like three? Yeah. See, and for a Lexus, that's still pushing it. That's the thing. It's a label thing, right? Yep. Like if you want to pull up in a $300,000 car, it's going to be a Ferrari.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Exactly. It's how they got away with selling the Urus. Yeah. Look at that. The Urus. Look at that motherfucker. Okay, that almost looks like an 812 look at that fucking thing that's with the wide body kit on it that's amazing that is pretty badass yeah
Starting point is 00:26:11 but you can only get that up to like 550 horsepower with a lot of modification are they are they turbo no it's a v8 but it sounds incredible natural aspirated yes oh okay yeah it sounds incredible and the interior the interior is insane Lexus always done in tears you can find a video of one with a wide body because there's some awesome videos of them because they there's a lot of people doing these now cuz they've been out for like what like six seven years now yeah there's a lot of people doing wide body kids with them that's kind of a nasty setup that's a nasty looking car man You But with the wide body set up, you know, you're getting a wider stance getting wider fat tires not a fan of the wing
Starting point is 00:26:52 the wings Wings work polarizing. I think wings for 50 50 the worker they don't I think it looks great on black cars Yes, I think if you get it on the white car looks a little slow to disjoint it But I saw one that was matte black with a wing, and it looked fucking insane with the wide body kit. And then he had it set up with a remote control for the pipes, so you could have it even more silent than stock. You could have it like it is stock, or you could have straight pipes. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I've never ever put – I've never done aftermarket exhaust on any car I've ever owned. Really? No. I never get to it because all that – like, I've never done aftermarket exhaust on any car I've ever owned. Really? No. I never get to it because all that happens. Like, I'm a car whore, so. So you swap them out? Yes, by the time. But the thing is, I do a bunch of other stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:27:34 Like, I'll tune them. I'll wrap them. I'll put all types of security features. I'll put that. All that crap. Radar detectors, blockers, all that nonsense. But then when it's time to get ready to do the aftermarket exhaust yeah i'm like oh what's that there's some california fucking politician that was just trying to pass a bill to make it so you can't go more than 10 miles an hour over the speed limit in a car yeah he should be fired he's also one of the same guys that was a part of there was this very controversial LBGT
Starting point is 00:28:06 this guy is this it California bill calls for tech to make new cars unable to speed now who is the guy who is the the the the guy who's at the head of it. Yes. Weiner. He would be called that. But this guy is also the same guy that was pushing for some very controversial law about the – So there's a difference between – But they're trying to – Yeah, Scott Weiner. He's kind of a freak. Scott Weiner's kind of a freak.
Starting point is 00:28:42 There's pictures of him with a dog collar on. The name is so funny. At a gay pride parade. Oh, I know who you're talking about. Exactly. Yeah, that guy. So that guy was also part of some very, that's him. He looks like a skinnier version of Jerry from Subway.
Starting point is 00:28:54 So he's got a leather vest on with a tie with no shirt at the gay pride parade, which is, you know, have a good time. Do you. Who cares? Have a good time. But you're pushing it with this over ten but he was a part of some very it was a very controversial bill that people were Trying to misinterpret but it was it was about age of consent and they were saying that age of consent That there was some part about the way the law was structured that was discriminating against
Starting point is 00:29:24 LBGT people law was structured that was discriminating against lbgt people okay yeah yeah that's what i thought i was like what are you trying to say so like apparently there's some discretion with age gaps when it comes to heterosexual couples so like say if like a girl is 16 in california she'd be underage and a boy is 18. What if they start dating when the boy was 17, the girl was 15, and the guy turns 18? It's technically illegal. So if they go to a judge, a judge could say, listen, this is not a pedophile. This is a young couple. But if the guy is 40 and the girl is 16, now you've got a real problem.
Starting point is 00:30:02 So that's interesting you say that because I got into kind of a little bit of shit in my law school class when I was in law school one time. We were talking about statutory rape. And so statutory rape is a strict liability crime, basically. There's no excuse for it. She can have a fake ID. She can look 30 years old and give you all the signals that she's of age. And if she's underage, you're fucked. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Regardless, right? Right. Even if they lie. Yeah. And I didn't think that she's of age. And if she's underage, you're fucked. Regardless, right? Right, even if they lie. Yeah, and I didn't think that was fair, personally. And there are very few people in my law school class who agreed with me with respect to that. I understand the base. I understand the reasoning behind it. But, I mean, at that point, that person's life is done.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Especially considering if... I've known of girls and women who have gone to great lengths to mask their age and to be deceptive about it and lie about it to people and then if somebody succumbs to that now not only do they go to jail now they're a sex offender yeah the rest of their lives well to your point i have a friend and his sister's friends they're in california his sister's friends are 15 and he's got this giant issue because the 15 year old friends are using fake ids and going to la clubs they're fucking sophomores in high school and they're getting into la clubs with fake ids and you wouldn't be able to tell just you cannot tell
Starting point is 00:31:23 when they're they've hit puberty, and they're wearing makeup, and they're wearing sexy clothes, and they're going out. Sorry to say sexy about a 15-year-old. You know what I'm saying. Provocative clothing. From a stereotypical aspect of understanding what sexy clothes look like. Exactly. Like that. And if you're a guy, and you don't know any better,
Starting point is 00:31:39 that's crazy. Yeah. And we're not even talking, like, they're 15 and they look 17. Right. They look like 25. Yeah. And we're not even talking like they're 15 and they look 17. Right. They look like 25. Yeah. You can be very deceptive as a young person if you're properly dressed and if you have good genetics. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:57 At the same time, I still understand the basis behind the strict liability aspect of law as well because it's like you want to go above and beyond to protect the youth. 100%. So at the time, I guess I didn't articulate it the right way. Yeah. All I was saying was like, that doesn't seem fair. I understand it still does. I wish that like there needs to be some type of discernment given with respect to the context, the entire context of the situation.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Well, there's some wild unfair laws in California, and one of them has to do with whether or not you are the father of a child. So I know a guy and he unfortunately had a good friend who fucked his wife and he did not know this was happening. And this good friend got his wife pregnant and he did not know this was happening and this good friend got his wife pregnant and he raised that kid as his daughter
Starting point is 00:32:49 and he didn't know until after his friend was dead. His friend died and then after his friend was dead, he was stuck paying child support
Starting point is 00:33:00 until that kid was 18 no matter what. Even though he got a paternity test, he was like, something's going on. Got a paternity test test found out it was his friend's kid devastating right your friend's dead he was your best friend now he's dead and you're raising his fucking kid and you have to pay for it so he tried to appeal nope fuck you you have to pay
Starting point is 00:33:20 but listen but part of me is also like listen you don't have to be a biological father to love a child and I have a step daughter I love her like my daughter if I was in that situation I would want to still pay for that girl I wouldn't want to give any fucking money to that woman though so if you have to give that woman money
Starting point is 00:33:39 and then she distributes it that's where it gets weird because it's up to their discretion when you pay child support, it goes to the mom. The mom can buy shoes. She can go buy a purse. She doesn't have to do anything with the kid, especially if she has a job already. So the idea is you're
Starting point is 00:33:53 compensating her for the fact that you have a child together, but it's up to her discretion. If we're just going to be honest, child support, by and large, it's a business relationship between the mother most times, between the mother and the state. Because it's not like the child support office doesn't take a portion of the money that's being paid. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:14 So they're incentivized to have as many people on child support as possible, regardless of the context and the situation. So the state is not your friend in that respect. So understanding that, it just blows my mind that you can have a situation like that where he doesn't even have a choice in the matter. Right. Right. Because there's some, I know there'll be a good number of men who would say, you know what, I don't like it. I'm done fucking with you.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Right. As far as the mother. But, you know, I still want to do what I can to help. Yes. With the child. But when you put him in a position where he doesn't even have a choice in a matter... Well, the dude that we're talking about was struggling, too. My man was struggling.
Starting point is 00:34:55 He was not... And he's gone, too, now, so I can talk about this. But he was struggling. He was not doing well. And he had a monthly nut that he was obligated to pay, and he tried to...
Starting point is 00:35:05 You know, his career was in the shitter. It wasn't going well, and he had a monthly nut that he was obligated to pay and he tried to you know his career was in the shitter it wasn't it wasn't going well and he had monthly and and he could get jailed like it's it's everything's crazy about it it was his friend everything's awful about laughing to i'm laughing to avoid getting pissed i'll tell you who it is afterwards okay because it's gonna blow your mind but remind me Okay. But the whole story behind it is so sad because the guy loved his friend, and then after the friend's dead, he finds out the friend fucked his wife and got her pregnant,
Starting point is 00:35:35 and then he was raising that kid as his own. So much of it is awful. Yeah, and then nothing. I think, I think, I don't know. I think if that's the I think the woman should be forced to should be forced to pay alimony to the husband. Well, that's it in that situation. I don't know. I don't know about alimony, but I just don't. I just think there should be some level of punishment as a result of it. If you're going to to pay child now it's probably end up canceling yourself out right because it's kind of backwards he's just me wanting some type of retribution for him right because it's like she just gets away
Starting point is 00:36:12 with this scoffery like there's nothing like it's it's she didn't just get away with it she enforced it she went to court for it after the fact like after the fact she went to court and won come on i know it's so awful and, this guy is living with the heartbreak of his friend's betrayal, his friend's death first, then his friend's betrayal, and then his wife's betrayal, and then the financial obligations that he has that he can't afford. That gets even worse in Canada. Dave Foley was my friend from news radio. When he was married, his wife and him got divorced when he was at the peak of his career. So he's making the most money he's ever going to make. He's on a sitcom.
Starting point is 00:36:52 It's his sitcom. He's doing really well. And he had a certain amount that he had to pay. And in Canada, when his income dropped substantially because, you know, you just can't have a fucking sitcom all the time. If you're lucky, you get one your whole life yeah the the judge said to him your ability to pay has no relationship to your obligation to pay so this exorbitant amount of money that he was paying because at one point in time he was doing really well, that is how much you have to figure out how to make forever. Or what?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Or you go to jail. You see how stupid that is? It's crazy. It's dumb. So if the point of the point of the point of God blanking out here, if the point of child support is so that the child isn't supposed to be in the best interest of the child and making sure the child is provided for, why would you then create the very circumstance that would inevitably end up ripping the father away, not only just the father, but then also the money that could be going to the child, whether or not it's the actual amount
Starting point is 00:37:58 you established beforehand or not, right? Just lower the damn payments. If you have justification for determining, you know what, he can't make these payments anymore. Let's lower it to a payment he can make while still allowing the father to be in a child's life and have some type of money going in. Do that shit. Yeah. Like just arbitrary idea that, no, we set a million dollars for you to pay every month to this child. You can't pay for it. We're going to throw you in jail because it's in the best interest of the child. Don't get me started on this. Don't get me started on this, Joe. in the best interest of the child don't get me started on this don't get me started on this joe it's like there's a lot of aspects of the law that were written in good faith that like child support is one of them yeah like if you're a father fuck yeah you should pay for your kids 100 but then when you get into situations like yeah wait wait a minute how much
Starting point is 00:38:38 a hundred thousand a month you don't need that whatever it is like that's crazy You don't need that. Whatever it is. Like, that's crazy. You don't need that. Well, that's the weird thing about alimony as well. You have to maintain the lifestyle. So like someone becomes accustomed to a lifestyle. Like say if you're married to Bill Gates, if you get divorced from Bill, say if you only married to Bill for a year or two, if you get divorced, like you're entitled to a large sum of money, unless there's some sort of prenuptial agreement, which I'm sure there is. But if there's not, you're accustomed to a lifestyle. She's used to caviar and private jets. Now you know why I live in Texas, brother. It's a man state.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Well, it's a great state in a lot of ways. And I was having the conversation with Ari today while I was trying to convince Ari to move here when we're at the range. Wait, hold on. Was it really Ari's first time ever shooting? I don't know if he shot guns before. I don't know. Because I think I remember him saying that.
Starting point is 00:39:33 It seemed like it was his first day at first. And then you're fucked up, dude. If that's his first time shooting and the first time he shoots is with staccatos, you're fucked up. Oh, yeah, I know, right? You're fucked up, bro. You're so spoiled. you're so spoiled you're so spoiled that the smoothest shooting gun that's ever existed if
Starting point is 00:39:51 that's what you have yeah that's true yeah jamie's ruined you know jamie has a staccato you have a cs right you didn't get it yet what are you doing james oh jesus christ you gotta get on it i thought you got one no we were gonna but okay listen you can what are you carrying what are you doing? Oh, Jesus Christ. You got to get on it. I thought you got one Okay, listen You can you carry me carrying you little fanny s yes, you can't see for see ya see I care see us I'm carrying see us right now. See us in nice. Yeah, so small and so light and it's amazing It and it shoots so much bigger than oh, what it actually is so flat Yeah, and it the the recoil so non-existexistent it's so smooth in the hand i love that they're good when we went to the factory today so we should tell everybody we went to this staccato
Starting point is 00:40:29 factory and we toured it for an hour and i didn't even know we're going to tour the factory i thought we're just going to go to the range but they wanted to show they're so proud of their manufacturing process they wanted to show it's amazing how much effort is into each gun and how much engineering the enthusiasm they had for you today is the same enthusiasm when they were in that little tiny spot. Because I did the tour when they were at the older building. I did too. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah, I basically saw the same thing twice. But now I see the big version of it. Yeah. It's pretty fucking amazing. It is. It's amazing. I really genuinely love staccatos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Well, I love engineering. I love when someone just does something to the best they can do it. When they're explaining that it's 24 hours of work just to port one piece. And that they're literally down to the tolerance is one third of the width of a human hair. That's crazy. That's their tolerance. Anything more than that, they throw it away. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:26 It's wild. My brain can't even really fathom that shit. And when you see all the computer-controlled machinery and all this shit, yeah, this is the manufacturer. This is the old one. Is it? Yeah, that's the old shop. I think it's the old shop.
Starting point is 00:41:40 What year is this video from? Go pull my video up. I did a video on it. Yeah. I think the video I think... Put Coleon Noir GT3 Staccato.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Oh, no, no, no. Go back. Go back. No, type GT3. Because what I did is I drove from Dallas to Georgetown the XC well you were just saying the XT that's my favorite too the XC is insane it's so good
Starting point is 00:42:13 so that's when you went to that's when it was just the beginning of it that's when they yeah because we drove down there with Dallas Porsche Park Place and no that's the old place when they yeah because we drove down there with uh dallas porsche uh park place and yeah so this is the new place yeah no that's the old place oh that's the old place yeah yeah it's like looks
Starting point is 00:42:32 exactly like the new place i remember when i did okay it was like two years ago two and a half years ago a year ago okay yeah but yeah no i love i love the xc um i was when it came out i i think i was one of the first people to do a video on it. I went to the that's when I that's when I went and shot at their facility when it was still a ghetto. And I remember I was like, thank God for this, because I love the shoot for me when I carry a firearm. Comfort and shootability are major, major. And I'm not saying other guns I can't shoot, I can shoot them well. But these 2011s just does such a great job of bringing out the best shooter in you. Right. Because people like to say that that a gun, a high speed, a high expensive gun can't make you shoot better.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I disagree. It's not true. Yeah. I think whatever your skill level is with with a non 2011, I think a 2011 will raise it in terms of shootability because they're so easy to shoot. I call them cheat codes. Yeah. And with a red dot. Exactly. You throw a red dot on there and it's just game over.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah. I mean, we're shooting those plates. It's just ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. So now think about a self-defense situation. Think about how revved up you're going to be. Your adrenaline is dumping. The last thing you need to be worried about are your shooting fundamentals. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:44 You just want to feel comfortable and know I can do that with this gun to protect myself. Yes. And that's it. Call it a day. Yeah. And that's why I really love, love. So I carry it majority of the time unless I can't because of what I'm wearing. Because I have a whole rotation of guns that I carry based on what I'm wearing.
Starting point is 00:44:00 But by and large, if I'm going to go to something initially, it's going to go to that first. And then if I can't, then I'm going to go to something initially, it's going to go to that first, and then if I can't, then I'll go to something else. Have you seen that concealed carry holster? It goes deep under your pants, and you have like a leather strap, and you pull it up, and it raises up. What do you think about that? I'm not a fan. So I've tried so many variations of different ways to carry.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I've even done your way with the fanny pack deal. And I do, I like that for when I'm running. Right. And I know I make, I poke fun at it, but largely the reason why I don't like it day to day is because I don't really like having a lot of stuff on my waist. I like to just have one single thing, and especially if it's kind of big.
Starting point is 00:44:42 So I like to minimize the footprint because like, I'm usually like, I'm in, I'm in sweats 90% of the time, right? So like with these sweats that I'm wearing right now, like they're designed for that. And so I just take, I have my gun, I have the belt, dump them in the pants, I'm good to go. And they're comfortable as shit. And so for me, that's generally how, that's 99.9% of the the way that i carry unless it's like in a bag or something it's funny that this conversation is so normal with you and i but if you have this conversation with people from california they'll look at you like you're fucking insane like what
Starting point is 00:45:16 you carry a gun yeah well it's also like there's a reality like here's one thing like like constitutional carry when when my friends from friends from California found out that constitutional carry was passed in Texas, so anyone can conceal carry as long as you're not a criminal. When they saw that, they're like, what? Are you crazy? But wasn't that recently just passed in Ohio and crime went down? Down. Went down. Yep.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yes. Which is interesting. Because it's a counterintuitive logic Right because if you're if your starting point is if you make guns illegal Then nobody will have guns Then yeah, I guess you could you could make the argument that if nobody broke the law ever right including criminals exactly But people think like that right but if you think you're to rob anybody and then now all of a sudden there's constitutional carry and anyone can have a gun on them.
Starting point is 00:46:10 That means your job as a criminal has become substantially harder. Substantially. Yeah. Because criminals don't want to die either. Right. Right. And criminals are largely looking for easy targets. Like if you're going to go into the business of crime, you don't want it to be hard
Starting point is 00:46:25 because if you did, you would just get a normal job. Right. Right. So from that perspective, if they don't know who's carrying, it makes your job substantially harder as a criminal to find actual victims.
Starting point is 00:46:37 And not only that, and I just did a video recently where it's not even the person you're trying to rob or do something to, you have to worry about. You have to worry about the people who may see it because in this particular situation,
Starting point is 00:46:48 it was at a gas station. Guy comes up on him, starts pistol whipping him, and the guy in another car saw it happen and started shooting at the guy. He didn't shoot, he killed him. And so now you have to start thinking, shit, I'm like, I got to find either a different place to go to to start looking for victims, or I got to find a new career path.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I mean, it just is what it is. It's just logic. Now, I'm not saying all crime is going to go away. I'm not going to say, you know, I'm not saying that. But if everyone's heavily armed, you're way less likely. It sounds so. It sounds counterintuitive. So it sounds counterintuitive.
Starting point is 00:47:32 It sounds not just counterintuitive, but it also sounds like anti-progressive in terms of like society and, you know, people being civilized. It sounds anti-civilized. Yeah, but what does that mean? Everyone having a gun. What does that mean? Who said that pacifism was supposed to be the definition of civility? Right. Well, that's also like if you're not able to protect yourself,
Starting point is 00:47:47 that doesn't make you a more virtuous person. It doesn't. And a virtuous person with a gun does not have different objectives. You're still the same person. Exactly. You're still a good person, but you also are protected. You have something that if the shit hits the fan. That you can protect yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:00 That's my perspective. I do think that there are a lot of people who are anti. It's a projection. I's my perspective. I do think that there are a lot of people who are anti. It's a projection. I've seen this. And what the projection is, is largely because inevitably if you talk to them long enough, they'll tell you, I don't trust myself with a firearm. So why would I trust you? Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Right. They don't want other people to have guns. I've heard that before. By the way, those people, when the shit hit the fan in L.A., those were people asking me for guns. Guns, yeah. I had friends asking me, can I borrow a gun? Yeah, that don't surprise me at all. I go, well, if you lived in Texas, I'd just give you one.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I'd just give you a gun. Exactly. But I can't because of the laws. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, it's easy to call it delusion, but that's essentially what it is. It is delusion. It's delusion, right?
Starting point is 00:48:45 And we have it too easy. Yeah. You know, we live in probably the best times that you could possibly live as a human on Earth right now. I agree. You know, we've lived. Maybe like five years ago was better. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Okay. That's true. That's true. Pre-COVID, pre-economy crash. We live in relative peace. Relative peace. I mean, on a curve, it's pretty, I mean, if you look at a graph of over the history of the Mongol invasion.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah, think about the shit we were doing. I'm like, dude, I don't want to live in a different era. No. I don't want to live in a different era. Like, I love the 80s. I love the 80s to death. I'm an 80s boy. I would not want to live in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Fuck that. Imagine driving those stupid cars. Oh my God. They have personality, though. They have personality. The fuck out of here. Cars have personality. Bro, if I lived in the 80s, I'd have a 1960s car.
Starting point is 00:49:35 100%. In the 1980s, I had a 1960s car. 100%. I always talk myself out of getting one of those old school muscle cars. Every time. I want one, but I always talk myself out of it. of those old school muscle cars. Every time I want one, but I always talk myself out of it. Bro, drive one of mine. Next time.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Next time you come into town, drive my Camaro. Okay. Yeah, which one is a Restomod. Okay. Jamie, pull up my 1969 Roadster Shop Camaro. Let me see this shit. Let me see. Let me let you see this murdered out 1969 Camaro with 850 horsepower.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Oh, nice. And a modern suspension and big ass fat tires. That's my car. Oh, God. Volume. Volume. Jesus. That's my car.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Dude, that is literally how I would do it. Yes. That's how you do it. That is. Listen to that motherfucker. Whee. Oh, it. That is that. Listen to that motherfucker. Whee. Oh yeah, that is sexy. And that car drives
Starting point is 00:50:28 like a modern car. Like that car has incredible brakes, incredible handling. Six feet? Yes. What am I, a communist? Stop it.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Come on, man. If you're going to get one of those cars, I mean, I don't hate one of those cars in an automatic, but I always like, ugh.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I mean, I get it. I think if I had, that is beautiful, man. Yeah, man. You could drive one of these, too. You, but I always like... I mean, I get it. I think if I had... That is beautiful, man. Yeah, man. You could drive one of these, too. You would love it. HRE wheels? Yes. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Giant fat tires. Then again, this is cheating. I don't get any other color car
Starting point is 00:50:58 but black, so you can usually make me happy if you murder anything else. Don't make me pull up my 1970 Silver Barracuda because you'd change your tune on that. Let me see that. Okay. Let me see that. Because I got another roadster shop car.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Really? Yeah, three roadster shop cars. And one of them is a 1970 Barracuda. This is my Barracuda. Wait till you see this motherfucker. Come on, son. That interior is nice. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:51:34 That is some real restomach, Ed. That? Yeah. Yeah. I see what you're saying. That has a Mercury racing engine in it that goes to 9,000 RPM. Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like an exotic.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Yeah. Yeah, it sounds like an exotic. Yeah. Okay, alright. Okay. Could you see it on the road? Let me see it driving. Give me some volume on this. Also, it has a rear transaxle, so it's 50-50 weight distribution.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Oh, that sounds beautiful. Don't tell me you wouldn't drive a silver car. Come on, bro. I would. I would just wrap that car. I would just wrap it. I would just wrap it black. Listen, I love that car the way it is, but if that car was in matte black, it would be fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Matte black? I'm matte black everything. Yeah, matte black is nice. I'm matte black everything. It's nice. It's the only color I like. Yeah, matte is... I do like white.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I like white with black wheels. Did you matte black your Lamborghini? Not yet. It will be. Is it shiny right now? It's shiny right now. Still nice shiny. I probably won't have it longer than a year.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Really? Yeah. I mean, that's what I do. I get rid of it, and that's like basically basically drove it for free and then get something else. That's good, too, so you don't experience the bullshit. Yeah. I didn't realize that until like... I always think that cars were just kind of like depreciating assets.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Not if you buy them right. Not exotics. Yeah, not exotics. Yeah, you actually make money if you buy Ferraris. Is that yours? Yeah, that's my Turbo S. Oh, goddamn. That's before I wrapped it black.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Right now it's gloss black. Yeah, but look at that thing. Yeah. My God. I just love the stance. The stance is so sexy. Well, it's also as fast as you can get an internal combustion engine car. It's like basically electric car speeds.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Pretty much. But with superior handling. Yeah. The way that thing handles, it's like it's a cheetah running up a tree. But like I told you, how quickly we get used to it. I'm already talking about tuning it. I want to tune it. That's nuts.
Starting point is 00:53:34 No, it's dumb. I mean, I did, the last time I came, I came to Austin. I think it was like on a day, you know, a recent freeze. Well, it was supposed to be a freeze. Yeah. And it didn't really happen the way everybody thought it was going to happen. It you know, a recent freeze. Well, it was supposed to be a freeze. Yeah. And it didn't really happen the way everybody thought it was going to happen. It wasn't like freezing Armageddon. So I came.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Why did I come to Austin? I forgot. I came here for something. Oh, yeah. It was to look at the car, to look at the Lambo or whatever. And so I drove in the middle of the night. And I drove from Dallas to Austin. And I think I averaged speed-wise.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Don't say it over the air. Huh? You're going to get in trouble. How? Prove it. He's lying right now, so go ahead and lie. All right. So let's just say I maintained a really exciting amount of speed that was within legal speed limits.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. From Dallas to Austin in the most beautiful way possible Yeah, and and it was what blew my mind and the beautiful thing about the turbo s is even if it did start snowing or Raining whatever it's all will drive. Yeah, so but for like ice right because nothing I mean ice is ice is nothing It's not so good with snow either those fat tires true but i still have all-wheel drive yeah so i could manage yeah yeah i'm worried about other people especially people in austin when we had the freeze here two years ago i was watching people slide around i was like you don't know what the fuck you're doing as a kid who grew up in boston like i drove i used to drive uh every
Starting point is 00:55:01 day because i delivered newspapers yeah so i had to drive 365 days a year so i i know used to drive every day because I delivered newspapers. Yeah. So I had to drive 365 days a year. So I know how to drive in snow. Like, I really know how to drive in snow. Did I tell you my story about the first time I ever had to drive in snow ice? No. I never told you? No. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:55:15 This was like, this was, okay, so this was back when I was with the NRA, right? And so, you know, the NRA had their agency of record, which was Accra, Member Queen. And so I was working through them. And they were made in the offices in Oklahoma City. So a lot of times they would have us go down to Oklahoma City for meetings and stuff like that. And so I had a Dallas office one time. We went, I had like a 2000, I think it was a 2010 Range Rover, HSE, right?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Supercharged. I think it was 2010 Range Rover HSE, right? Supercharged. So we drove down there and, you know, Oklahoma, they get real winters. Yeah. Right? Not like Dallas. Dallas gets like half real winters and then Houston gets fake winters.
Starting point is 00:56:03 So we finished the meeting early and we were like, he just didn't want to stay in Oklahoma City. Me and my coworker at the time, he and I were like, we don't want to stay here in Oklahoma City. We just want to get back to Dallas. How far is the drive? About two and a half hours, three hours. Oh, okay. So we were getting ready to get to checking out our hotel. And then we were getting ready to get back on the road. And then the lady's like, you know, they closed the freeway down.
Starting point is 00:56:21 You know, they like salting free or whatever. They closed whatever freeway down. So we're like, we're cool. We'll just take the back roads. Thinking we were being smart. So we took the back road. You know, they don't salt the back roads. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:33 So I'm in, and I'm like, I'm in a fucking Range Rover. I'll be all right. So I'm in the Range Rover and it's ice. It's not even snow. It's really ice. It's just like the whole roads are just sheets of ice. Right. So I'm like, if I drive slow and careful, we'll be good.
Starting point is 00:56:48 So we're driving. We're driving. And at a certain point, I realized it's probably not the smartest idea in the world because now, you know, like usually it's kind of like patch of ice, regular road, patch of ice, regular road. No, this was at a point now where it was like straight ice. Remember, they don't salt the back roads. Yeah. So we're driving and there's like this embankment. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And I'm like, as long as I go slow, I should be good. Keep in mind, I'm a novice at this. I've never driven in this type of condition ever in my life, right? So I'm just thinking, I'll have a Range Rover for a drive. You know, not realizing your tires are what matter at the time. And so at this point, we go on there, and I can feel the car kind of shake a little bit. And I'm like, okay, that's not good. So just slow down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And it keeps doing it, keeps doing it. And then it snaps. Car starts spinning on the embankment. So now we're heading straight into the ditch. So truck is spinning. We're heading into the ditch. And we hit the ditch and I come in backwards. And so you know those moments when shit happens and you just kind of have to sit there for a second to take it in and then figure out what the hell's going on.
Starting point is 00:57:51 That's what happened. And in that time period, because in my mind, I'm like, how the fuck are we going to get out of this? This isn't like something I can drive out of. You can freeze to death out there. Exactly. And so we're sitting in there and I'm like I don't know how we're gonna get out of this and before I could finish the thought and process it
Starting point is 00:58:08 I look to my right and there's a big ass tractor coming down the road and it was a guy who owned the farm who was basically sat there and saw what happened oh yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:58:18 I thought he was sliding in there no no no no no he was coming to help us to pull us out so he comes over and he's like looks like y'all are in a bit of a pickle. And I was like, yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And he goes, ain't this fancy truck four-wheel drive? And I was like. Four-wheel drive with sport tires. Exactly. He was just giving me shit. And so I was like, yeah. And he started laughing. He's like, I'll have you out in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:58:44 So he hooked us up, pulled us out. He's's like stay at the very top ride that and you'll be good so we did that but the thing is ice was still there so that three-hour trip took us 10 hours oh my god i literally we i think we did 10 miles an hour 10 to 15 miles an hour the entire way lucky didn't run out of gas too exactly and the funny thing is i when we got back into this i dropped my co-worker off at his place and then as i was pulling up to my building my brakes went out just died just yeah i guess i was riding them the entire way oh wow and so i guess they were just like we're done like and when i tell you they couldn't have gone out at a more perfect time i pulled into my building got into my parking spot and
Starting point is 00:59:30 and as i was trying to pull into the parking spot they get they just went out now i had enough friction to get it to slow down because i was at a slower speed but at that point it was so basically i had to use the handbrake wow did you see this video a couple days ago? Missouri? No. On Icy Hill? Oh, no. Oh, my God. Oh, I did see this, yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Oh, shit. Look at her smoking. Oh, my God. It just smashed a car, though, luckily. That hit a car? It just hit this parked car, that blue car right there. Didn't hit anything else. It's a different angle.
Starting point is 01:00:05 They got lucky. Yeah. Very lucky. Look at that thing spin. Dude, and there's nothing you can do. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:00:12 When I was a kid, I lived on a hill in Newton, Massachusetts, and me and my sister's boyfriend sat on the roof and watched people slide down our hill and crash. We called the cops. We said, hey, man, you should probably close the street down. Because there was like five cars in a row spun out, bounced off the curb, went into ditches. We're just watching people try to come down the hill and just slide completely out of control. Dude, it's – and you made a good point. It's when you're – like now I feel like I'm – you know, with all the traveling I do, you know, I've driven from Dallas to Utah to New Mexico.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I've driven in ice, driven in snow. So I'm pretty comfortable with it now, even though I still don't really like it. There's nothing you could do about ice, though. There's nothing. But there's also what you pointed out was other people. Yeah. So now that's what makes me nervous because I'm like, I remember when we had the freeze apocalypse or whatever in Dallas. Yeah, I got in my truck and went out there and started kind of driving around because I kind of, you know, I kind of knew what I was doing.
Starting point is 01:01:10 But I was always I was always constantly looking in my rearview mirror because there's going to be some dumbass who's going way too fast and doesn't realize that you can't stop at the same distance on ice patches. And they're going to just ride right into me. And so I was like, this isn't funny anymore. So I just went back inside. In Austin, they don't even have plows. Because of how you said it, shit. But that's crazy. You should have a few.
Starting point is 01:01:33 It seems like it happens. Look, let me tell you, that Texas arrogance, 99% of the time it's a great thing. There's that other 1% where it's like, all right, stop being stupid. I think it's a funding issue. You think so? Yeah. They think they can't justify buying millions of dollars worth of snow plows for the city when it snows
Starting point is 01:01:51 once every three years. But I mean, it's also a one-time purchase. Right. Main maintenance and keep up can't be that expensive for a snow plow. Well, I bet there were some conversations about it after the big freeze a couple years ago. I'm pretty sure. I have that Land Cruiser. That thing was awesome during the snow i was loving it what kind of do you have what it is 1995 what kind of tires you have on it this is all all terrain yeah okay so they're
Starting point is 01:02:14 great you drive over anything in those fuckers yeah i saw it when you pulled in i was like yep looks about right yeah that thing's hooked up that thing's hooked up that was that was the the truck that i bought i had made when I was nervous about living in LA. I'm like, if something happens, like an earthquake, fire, flood, I want to be able to go over these hills. I don't want to be stuck on these roads. Because there was a road in Northern California where there was a major fire and everyone on the road burned to death. Because the fire storm swept through the road and they were trapped in bumper-to-bumper traffic and they all got cooked no yeah
Starting point is 01:02:51 and that's another thing that's another reason why I will always always have a truck with that that has off-road capability yeah well that's the TRX right yeah you know some people would argue that it's not an off-road truck that motherfucking go off-road. Yeah, I know. I've driven my own off-road. I've driven it. I've taken mine off-road.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I have the scratches on that bitch to prove it. They can go off-road. Those things are capable. Yeah, I love them. It is kind of amazing. Like a Raptor, that is essentially a Baja racing truck for the street. Pretty much. They have amazing travel in terms of you can bounce on things.
Starting point is 01:03:22 You can go over giant bumps. It's stupid it's it but it's the most giddy experience ever you just sit and you just this is how you this is how you drive a trx or a raptor mm-hmm we that's how you drive yeah the whole time the trx does come from the factory with some fucking janky ass brakes though oh no oh no oh don't don't get me started on that shit they're not that shit is a liability bro. They're not good. That shit is a liability, bro. Yeah, they're not good. They're not good. I changed them. I put the Wilcox on there.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Was it Wilcox? Yeah. I put the whatever Hennessy puts on. Ah, gotcha. I forget what he uses. And then now, brakes are phenomenal. Yeah, mine too. Phenomenal.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Big difference. Yeah. But not good. No, the stock, the standard. Like anybody who keeps, anybody who has a TRX with standard, with the stock brakes on there, just understand, you're a rolling liability. Well, you have to realize, like, your stopping distance from 60 to zero
Starting point is 01:04:10 is twice what a car is. And I learned that the hard way. I don't know if it's twice, but whatever it is, it's definitely not, like, if you have a Tesla and you have to stop at 60, and then you have a TRX, you have to stop at 60, there's no way you're winning that competition. You're not.
Starting point is 01:04:24 It's not even close. Not even close. I remember when I— Many car lengths. Exactly. Many. I had the car—I had the truck for like a week, and I was in—I drove to Houston. And I remember when I was in Houston, I forgot—there's like this—I forgot the name of it,
Starting point is 01:04:38 but there's a road where it's kind of windy, not like sports car windy, but just, you know, kind of does things and you can get up to speed. So I'm just, you know, driving to your ex. And then they were like, out of nowhere, I come around the corner and there's like eight cars sitting at the light. And I'm like, oh, fuck, I never thought about how bad this thing is at stopping. And I remember standing on the brakes. I never thought about how bad this thing is at stopping. And I remember standing on the brakes.
Starting point is 01:05:10 And then when you hear that, you're like, please stop, please stop, please stop, please stop, please stop. And it did. But after that, a week later, I got the brakes upgraded. I did a big brake hit on it and called it. Well, I noticed a giant difference because I had a Hennessey Raptor before that, the regular Raptor before the R was out, which is a great car. And then with great brakes, Hennessey upgrades the brakes too. And then I went to the standard TRX after that. The regular Raptor before the R was out, which is a great car. And then with great brakes. Hennessey upgrades the brakes too. And then I went to the standard TRX after that. I was like, oh my god, these brakes are dog shit.
Starting point is 01:05:32 What is the stopping distance from 60 to 0 on a stock TRX? Because I know they have to give you the stats on that. It's probably barely what it should be and you'd be able to drive it. 130 feet. So, okay so okay now what is the stopping distance from 60 to 0 in a corvette stingray a 2023 corvette stingray keep in mind that's with
Starting point is 01:05:57 no weight no weight right well you have a backfill with cement or whatever the fuck you're carrying back there five people in the car yeah 130 feet is crazy 93 feet jesus christ jesus christ same for uh viper uh that is think about that that's almost 160 yeah 130 feet versus six how much 90 feet yeah pretty much 93 that's a giant difference that's a giant difference they That's a giant difference. They got to do something about those brakes, and they have to do something about the fucking onboard security system, because the way they're able to steal these trucks is insane. Really? What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Dude, they still wrap. It's not Raptors. They still anything Mopar. Anything Mopar. If you don't have a kill switch on it, if you don't have, oh, man, if you don't have whatever the neutral thing is to stop them from being able to throw it in neutral, if you don't have a GPS on it or Apple AirTag, your truck will be gone. I have dudes in my building who bought a TRX, went to dinner with their wives to come back out and their truck was gone. You can look it up online. They will steal these things in a second.
Starting point is 01:07:03 They're easy to steal. They're easy as fuck to steal. It's insane. Really? Interesting. Major vulnerability to steal Dodge Ram trucks. Fuck. They have the repeaters. They'll come outside your house and boost
Starting point is 01:07:18 the signal. That's crazy that they can do that. That's a thing they do with these wires. They can find that you have a remote control inside, and then they mirror the remote control. They just boost the signal. They boost the signal, and then you start your car. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I mean, they steal them like that. It's like clockwork. Wow. That's not good. No, it's not. Anything Mopar. Hellcats, TRXs, Trackhawks. So much electronics in cars.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Another thing that's freaking me out is that they're trying to put kill switches in all cars. Yeah. Where, you know, if you're driving and the government wants to stop you, they'll just stop your car. Just like that. Yeah. I like that. That's an electrical shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:58 It's so sketchy. I'm not for it, man. Look, it's great if someone's stealing your car and you can call, you know, whatever it is, OnStar. Yeah. And say, hey, someone stole my car. And they can shut your car off. That's the thing about convenience. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:11 It's a gift and a curse. And then you're giving up something to gain something when it comes to convenience. So it's like how inconvenient do you want to live in order to have absolute autonomy versus massive amounts of convenience. But now you're kind of at the mercy of the government more or less. Yeah. Or whatever corporation is providing that convenience. Do you remember that story? There was a story about a journalist and this journalist was writing a piece
Starting point is 01:08:38 for Rolling Stone and he went overseas and he was embedded with a troop. And it was in Afghanistan, I believe. And while they were over there, the volcano erupted in Iceland. So because of that, there was no flights for like two weeks. You couldn't fly out because they couldn't see. So until that volcanic dust settled. So they were stranded.
Starting point is 01:09:03 So this Michael Hastings, is that what his name is? So this guy was around these people, and they got a little comfortable with him. And they started talking shit. And then he printed everything they were saying and talking shit, including this general, this beloved general who's talking shit about Obama. Yeah. So this guy comes back, and he's getting mad death threats. And he's fucking terrified for his life.
Starting point is 01:09:26 And he's saying, listen, if if I fucking die, I did not kill myself. Just like there's threats on my life. And his car was going down. Was it La Brea? This video of it. He had a brand new Mercedes. This car was going down La Brea at like one hundred like 120 miles an hour, went straight into a tree and exploded and exploded in a crazy way where the engine ejected from the vehicle where they're
Starting point is 01:09:52 like, this is indicative of like an explosion. Like there's like rigged, like something was. So basically something that forced the accelerator all the way down, had the car flying. Exactly. The conspiracy theory is that that's what happened. You know, the problem is there's no way to know. No. And they also said that he tested positive for amphetamines. Oh, of course. But the problem with that is journalists all take amphetamines.
Starting point is 01:10:18 It is the dirty secret of journalists. I have friends that are journalists, and they said that Adderall use is ubiquitous. I mean, that's how I was in law school. I was apparently the only person in law school not on Adderall. It's apparently amazing. I have not tried it, but everybody who wants to be productive says, Jesus Christ. I know
Starting point is 01:10:37 what coffee does to me. Coffee is just a minor form of fucking Adderall, if you ask me. It's the most minor. Yeah, and I know what that does to me. So if I ever took Adderall, if you ask me. It's the most minor. Yeah. And I know what that does to me. Yeah. So if I ever took Adderall, I'd become Superman. Yeah. And I would like that shit so much.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Exactly. That I don't ever want to touch it. My exact feelings. I don't want to try it. Yeah, because I know I have ADHD. My friend Duncan has a great bit about it. I don't even know if that's real. My friend Duncan has a great bit about it.
Starting point is 01:11:03 He goes, it's like a scientist did cocaine and went, I can fix this. And that's Adderall. Okay. So you don't, you don't think ADHD, you don't know if ADHD is real? I don't know either. I haven't looked into it. First of all, I think it's a superpower. I think if you have it, it's a superpower. And I think I most certainly have it. If I have it, look, I have an ability to focus on things that's very unusual. And it's obsessive focusing on things. And I use it to my advantage. It helps me get good at things.
Starting point is 01:11:36 It helps me. For sure, it's helped me in my career. For sure, it's helped me with martial arts. For sure, it's helped me with everything I do. I think you're right. And I say that because I remember when I was in law school and I remember I had a professor, a professor, Professor Moore. I don't know if she actually wanted to say her name, but whatever. Loved her.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Loved her to death. And I remember she was talking to me about, you know, me possibly having ADHD or whatever. And she was like, you don't think linearly. Like the way, which makes you great at a lot of things, but then kind of hampers you. Like, I am not a standardized test taker. I'm not good at it. Right. You're not good at things you don't want to do.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Bingo. That's what it is. I am not, I'm not stimulated. Right. I am miserable. Yeah. Like, I don't want to do, I don't want to look at it. I'm like, I'm just, all right.
Starting point is 01:12:23 By the way, you align with like most of my friends. Maybe that's why we're friends. I mean, I feel like most of my friends are kind of like fucking psycho about certain things that they love. You start talking to me about cars. You start talking to me about guns. You start talking to me about law. Yeah. Like anything like that, I actually have a passion.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Like, you can't stop me from being focused on it right and you can rattle off information that's at your fingertips all the time because you store it it's in a file in your brain you just open that bitch up and it's there i always say i have a terrible memory but i have great recall you know what i mean that's good i have a convenient memory yeah my memory is really good like it's stunningly good when it's things that i'm interested in but if it's something that i don't give a fuck about it's like i throw that right out for me it's in goes out for me it's names it's bad oh it's bad it's bad well the other thing is you're a public person so you meet a lot
Starting point is 01:13:15 of people okay i'm glad you said that because i had thought that and i'm like no you're just making excuses for yourself no that's real because i'm like i'm inundated with new names all constantly and so i'm just kind of, and I'll forget names. I'm like, why am I forgetting people's names? And it's almost like it's just overflow. Like there's names that will drop off and then I'll be able to recall it, but then another name will drop off. And then it's like. Well, it's Dunbar's number.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Do you know what that is? No. Dunbar's number is this principle that's based on the idea that we came from tribal societies. So all human beings came from groups of like 50 people, 150 people. And the idea is that there's a circle of people that are close to you that you're very close to. And whatever that number is, 5 to 10, whatever it is. And then there's a circle of people that you really like,
Starting point is 01:13:59 but you don't see as much, and that's like 20 or 30. And then it gets further and further out to like acquaintances and people you barely know. So this is Dunbar's number. So five very close friends. And then it gets to close friends. It gets like 15 to 50 and then it gets to friends that you would invite them
Starting point is 01:14:18 to a party. That's 150. Then it gets to acquaintances. It's 500. People who you remember how you met. And then it's 1,500 people that you could put you met. And then it's 1500 people that you could put a name to a face. Now imagine how many people you meet compared to the average person that works in the same place and he sees the same friend group and goes to the same church or whatever. You're around the same group of people all the time. You don't have to remember that many names. You might meet over the course of 10 years.
Starting point is 01:14:45 There might be like 300 people that you interact with regularly. That's most folks. I was just at SHOT Show. Right. Okay. We're talking hundreds and hundreds of people in the course of three days. There's no way. No.
Starting point is 01:14:58 There's no way you're going to remember all those things. And people get mad at you. I know. They get mad. Especially women. Yeah. Well, people get mad if you don't remember the names. They get mad if you i know they get mad especially women yeah well people get mad if you don't remember the names they get mad if you don't remember that you met them it's like i
Starting point is 01:15:09 can't do it you don't understand i don't have my hard drive is full i can't there's no room in there it's nuts i mean i hell even remembering the send messages that i was supposed to respond to sometimes oh yeah no it's impossible like look at my phone like when you see like how many messages that i i haven't let's compare because I always do this. How many you got? I usually win this battle. So right now, text messages, I have 1,152 unopened text messages. I have 175.
Starting point is 01:15:39 175. Dang. So I have. Gotcha. Now, here's where it gets insane. Okay. My emails. Okay. My emails. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:47 440,124. Whoa. I think you got me there. That's crazy. Now, in all fairness, I have like five different emails attached to that. I have. Oh, wait a minute. I might have you.
Starting point is 01:16:01 There's some maintenance there. I have a hundred and sixty eight thousand four hundred eighty five okay yeah yeah see I'm I've surpassed you yeah you got me you got me beat on that yeah but I also have five email addresses I have one two three four have four attached to this yeah it's crazy man yeah it's it's it's it's pretty bad it's pretty bad very bad but i mean it's also it's like the nature of being a public person especially and i also have four phone numbers so it's like so you have to yeah and i have to change mine now it's like i've started getting text messages from people i don't know and i i i i'm this close to
Starting point is 01:16:44 being at the point where you are where I'm like, too many people have my number. Exactly. And so I'm like, I've had this number for ages. And I'm like, ugh. Yeah, it's kind of a gross conversation for other people. Like, what's your problem? What's the big deal?
Starting point is 01:16:58 But it's unmanageable. You have to understand it's unmanageable. And when you're a person like you or I, people are always looking for something from you. Like day long it's can you do this will you come to that and i have a very hard time saying no i haven't i've i've started mastering it now yeah but it took a long time because i would feel guilty because i you know i feel blessed to be in a position that i'm in so if i'm in a position to help where I can help, I'm going to want to do it. But I started realizing I'm giving too much of myself.
Starting point is 01:17:28 And what ends up happening is I start fucking myself, essentially. Yeah. It's the pros and cons of connectivity. I think ultimately, like we were saying before, it's the best time to be alive. The benefits way outweigh the negatives. But there's a lot of weirdness to it. One of the things that we were talking about at lunch today was that there's this statistic now where they did the survey of these women. And they found that 50% of married women have a backup boyfriend.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Meaning if this fucking husband falls apart, if he talks too much shit, if she gets tired of his bullshit, she has another guy that she's been in contact with that she can kind of get a hold of and that guy could be the new boyfriend i've been the backup and that i'm sure you have and that and then they realize that's a terrible fucking idea but it's like 70 of women in relationships have this yeah i doesn't seven zero when i when i read the article i'm like oh y'all just found this out i swear to god i promise you i've always known that especially women on social media who take thirst trap pictures like my god it's a beautiful way the social media has provided a beautiful avenue to have a roster yeah so it's like they have a they have a they have a bench that was starting five and then they have a bench they have a starting five and then they have a bench right
Starting point is 01:18:46 exactly you got number one draft pick exactly he's the guy that takes the champion down then how you doing but they all serve
Starting point is 01:18:51 a different role you looking good they all serve a different role there's a he's nice he listens to me wax poetic
Starting point is 01:18:57 about nothing guy he'll go out on a date with me even though I have no romantic interest in him he'll take me out if me and the husband
Starting point is 01:19:04 are in a fight this guy makes me look really good so I'll kind of bring him out this guy has really good sex so I'll call romantic interest in him, he'll take me out if me and the husband are in a fight. This guy makes me look really good, so I'll kind of bring him out. This guy has really good sex, so I'll call him over in the middle of the night after I finish with the guy who takes me out. 50% of married women have a backup lover. So when I Google this thing, like 50% have a backup, this article pops up as a story every two or three years. Well, probably true. No, but I mean, maybe it doesn't have anything to do with social media
Starting point is 01:19:29 or anything because 2014 is happening. Well, 2014, people still have social media. I know, but this is just the first page of searching. If I go back and check, like 2009 would say that, but Cosmopolitan articles from 2000 would say the same thing. I think it's, but you got to remember too, women are social creatures.
Starting point is 01:19:43 So that's usually probably based on a survey. Right. Generally speaking, I think it's a lot higher. Well, probably a lot higher now. Yeah, that's true. They wouldn't admit it,
Starting point is 01:19:54 but probably a lot higher now because of social media, because of direct messaging. I agree. I agree. There's so much of that going around. I tell people, I tell my friends this all the time.
Starting point is 01:20:04 You know, some of them are married. You know, sometimes I'm still out here. And back in the day, you could only touch who you could actually touch. Right. Now, the game's changed. You can touch anyone. If a girl's like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:20:20 And she lives in central Kansas. And she loves Michael B. Jordan. Slide in the DMs. And he may read it he may not and if he goes to her page and she's and she's on well let's go hello sarah in central kansas how's it going let's fly you get what i'm saying so it's it's taking it's taking the game to a whole new level where it's like you everybody and it goes both ways too. Sure. The only difference is, is a guy reaching out to say some like
Starting point is 01:20:50 super famous actress is. Good luck. Yeah, exactly. That's not going to work. Because there's like 900 of you doing the same thing. Yeah, not only that, it's like women don't want that.
Starting point is 01:20:59 They don't, like if a woman's a super famous actress, she don't want some random carpenter sliding into her DM. Shit. I disagree 100,000%. Yeah, she don't want some random carpenter sliding into her DMs. Shit. I disagree 100,000%.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Yeah, she likes the attention. Okay. Yeah, that's the currency. But she's not thinking of that as a guy that she's going to bang if she happens to be in Kansas. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, no, no. Not at all. You don't stand a chance in hell.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Right. But to pick up her phone, it's like, another one. That they like. To get that dopamine spike and then it's on to the next. Yes. Yeah. It's wild. I mean, look, I'm complaining, but I like to look at it.
Starting point is 01:21:29 You know, like if women put thirst traps on their Instagram, like, ooh, look at that. I like to look at it. So I'm not complaining in the sense I don't want you to stop doing it. I want you to do whatever you want to do. But I think psychologically the temptation and also just knowing that you have that many suitors that are waiting in the wings it makes arguments very different yeah i'm one thing i'm never going to apologize for being a man ever at the same time i can't i mean if they have the access and the ability to do it it is what it is yeah and also like a woman's window of opportunity is smaller than a man's
Starting point is 01:22:03 i'd say that much. It just is, unfortunately, for whatever reason. It's not fair. If a woman has between the ages of like, you know, whatever age of age, you know, where they're legal till they're, you know, if they're really hot and they work out a lot, late 40s. That's pushing it. Yeah, but it gets. And when women are single in their late 40s, guys are like, why is she single and she's in her late 40s that's pushing it but yeah but it gets yeah and when women are single in their late 40s guys are like why is she single and she's in her late 40s you know well i think at the life is kind of cruel in a way that they've they created an inverse peak for men and women right
Starting point is 01:22:35 right so when we were younger nobody won us right nobody wanted i mean because yeah broke dude you know oh it's cute you're in college got your little dorm room. Right. Because when I was in college, all the girls were dating, they were dating all the dudes, they were dating the drug dealers, the ball players. I didn't judge them. I always told my friends, I was like, dude, you're boring. Right. Like, I'm boring. You have no resources. I wake up, I go to class,
Starting point is 01:22:57 and I come back home to my dorm room, where you have a whole guy here who has his own apartment, own house, own car, can fly you out, do all this stuff exactly yeah the problem is is at a certain point it flips the best time of my life started at 30 right right 30 you can't tell me shit you can't tell me shit right um. Whereas when a woman starts hitting 30, now she's had her fun, right? She's on boats.
Starting point is 01:23:29 She's doing all that stuff. She's having a great time. Yeah. Have at it. Yeah. The problem is that switch flips, and now she's looking for something more serious, more stable.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Unfortunately, when you're 30 and I'm 30, and I'm like, you can't tell me shit, and she's 30, and she's like, I'm like you can't tell me shit and she's 30 she's like I'm ready to be in something serious you're gonna have this you're gonna the lines start crossing in ways that aren't conducive to right you get what I'm saying so it's like that's when you start kind of having these age gap relationships where you start having individuals you start getting guys who are 30 40 dating 24 23 year olds right because it's like well i've i finally got to a point where i'm making money i'm in the i have i had the resources to do what i want and have fun so now what i'm going to do is
Starting point is 01:24:10 i'm going to start enjoying that life that i wanted when i was younger and so a lot of times they'll date women who aren't looking for serious boy exactly they're looking to have fun as well exactly so they're not putting pressure on you to have a family and settle down so that's taking those guys essentially off the market for the women who are now at a point where they're not putting pressure on you to have a family and settle down. So that's taking those guys essentially off the market for the women who are now at a point where they're like, OK, I want something more. Yeah, I want something more steady. Right. And so, like I said, life is cruel. Life is kind of cruel like that. Yeah. So it creates this dynamic where it's like now they're looking at like, where are all the guys that are my age? Because they're not looking to date younger guys and they're not looking to date super old guys either, whatever the hell that means. But what Jordan Peterson talks about this, too, there's also this disproportionate thing that happens where men who have resources and who are attractive, it's such a small percentage of the population.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Yeah. And those men have access to a much larger percentage of women. So the amount of men today that don't have girlfriends and haven't had sex in a long time, it's staggering. You can call them incels, you can call them whatever you want, but unfortunate gentlemen is what I like to call them. And that is not good for society. Not good. I mean, that's what's happening in China, right? China had that one child policy which was disastrous you know like when someone was saying all these chinese men of military age are entering this country i'm like okay maybe they're a terror cell what's that's the worst case scenario or maybe they're guys who are in china who are fucked there's no girls there so like if you want to and also you're trapped in a communist society. Yeah. You know, you're trapped in a dictatorship.
Starting point is 01:25:46 But here's the irony behind that. There's also a segment of men in America who are like, I want to go abroad and find a woman. Right. Right? Right. Find a woman with lower standards. It's the weirdest thing. Well, I mean, lower standards are a different environment.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Well, lower standards, because I've been paying attention to these guys going down to, like, Columbia, and these, like, ugly dudes are going down to Columbia and get these bomb-ass Colombian chicks. Now, you've, because I've been paying attention to these guys going down to Columbia and these ugly dudes going down to Columbia and get these bomb-ass Colombian chicks. Now, you've got to make the distinction. There's a distinction there. There are some who kind of go in there, they're really honestly going there to have fun. And then there are some who are honestly kind of looking for
Starting point is 01:26:17 something more traditional, because these places tend to have more of a traditional structure. So, I think you kind of have to split that dynamic a little bit. Yeah, there's a lot of variables there. But at the same time, like you said, then there's guys from other countries when they come to America to get women.
Starting point is 01:26:34 So it's so weird how you kind of have this crossing of the seas in order to get the same thing in different places. Yeah. I don't know. My grandma in different places. Yeah. Right. Yeah. But I don't, I don't know. I'm,
Starting point is 01:26:46 I, my grandma, my grandma, my grandma, my mom, my mom's hitting me up for grandbabies every other day. So I'm the last person to be talking to about this. Are you ever gonna do it? I mean,
Starting point is 01:26:57 if it happens, it happens. So it's like, you just have to find the right combination of woman circumstance. Yeah. I mean, the thing is I'm obsessed with my freedom. Right. And it's, and it's to a fault. Yeah. I mean, the thing is, I'm obsessed with my freedom.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Right. And it's and it's to a fault. Yeah. And so and I'm not against it, but. But it's also served you well. It has. It has. And I and I guard it viciously.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Right. Because we've all seen men that got trapped. Yeah. Hence my conversation about my friend earlier that has to pay child support. Exactly. Yeah. Hence my conversation about my friend earlier that has to pay child support. Exactly. And I usually don't even talk about this because largely when you do speak about it publicly, nobody ever tries to see that from your perspective.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Right. Right. It's just like, what are you doing? You're a woman hater. Yes, exactly. You're a player. Misogyny, right? Misogyny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:41 You're a misan... Yeah. But, which is fine. Yeah, you're a misan... Yeah. But, which is fine. I have kind of built up walls that don't really... That doesn't really bother me. You can't really shame me that way.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Largely because what I'm doing is I'm protecting my peace. Yeah, and also you've seen the other side of it. It's not like you don't know what the negative consequences are. I've definitely seen the other side of it. We've all seen horrific relationships. Yeah. And that's why I think it's largely... Where men are emasculated.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Mm-hmm. Ugh. Yeah. And that's why I think it's largely- Where men are emasculated. Mm-hmm. Ugh. Yeah. Controlling. And there's another thing that happens in those controlling relationships that I was watching this conversation. This woman who was a psychologist was having with this other podcaster. I forget who it was.
Starting point is 01:28:23 But she was saying that essentially one of the problems that happens with women is that they have this desire to control their environment and control men. But then as soon as they control men, they stop being attracted to that man. I never listen to what women say in terms of what they want. Really? No. You just always assume there's some— No, I just watch the actions. Because actions are there, right? Because you've got to remember, like, women live in a very socialized reality, right?
Starting point is 01:28:44 Like, when you think lone wolf, you don't think lone woman. You think lone man. Right. So their condition, and I'm speaking general, like there's always exceptions, right? But generally speaking, they're social creatures. So they're going to say what they're supposed to say, right? Yeah. Because otherwise they're going to be judged.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Because if you ask a woman you've asked one what does she want she was oh i want a nice guy who's who's stable who's who's sweet and so forth and so on because if she says no i want i want the bad boy right rocker who does you know whatever people are going to judge her for that for that desire right um and then again at the same time she still actually may want both. Right. Right. And in many ways thinks she can have both. Because remember that roster? Yeah. With all the different guys.
Starting point is 01:29:29 That's her different purposes. The backup man. Yeah. So, you know, there's that aspect to it that I think, I understand it. I do. But I don't make decisions off of what, I won't make decisions off of it. Because I understand what somebody does versus what they say can be two totally different things. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Well, that's a lawyer in you, too. Very much so. But there's also there's another problem. And the other problem is media depictions of relationships and that these media depictions of relationships are not based on actual relationships. They're based on playing to these desires that people have for this perfect thing. Yeah. And I think it creates I think it creates an unattainable standard because what I've learned from my friends that I know who are married and are in good marriages. But from what I can gauge, shit's hard. It's not always fun. It isn't. And I think a lot of people look at relations and even just relationships in general. They're not, it's not
Starting point is 01:30:31 an easy thing to do. You're talking about two different people. You're talking about people who are totally different. They may come together in some commonality, which is why they're attracted to each other. But you're still talking about two different personalities who have to come together and live with each other. And so that's not an easy thing to do. And it's also why people are attracted to each other. They're not attracted generally to the same type of personality. Which is true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Which is absolutely true. I think those media depictions of reality, they fuck us up in so many ways because people look to movies and songs and they look to that as their model of what life should be, including other aspects of your life outside of relationships like retirement. Like people have this like idea
Starting point is 01:31:10 like one day I'm going to retire and I'm going to have a great no you're going to die earlier. You're going to be disinterested and unengaged and you're not going
Starting point is 01:31:18 to be stimulated and you're going to fucking die. That's funny you said that because I'll be honest with you I had that like sometimes like 99% all I do is work. You know know that about yeah you know i'm always working yeah which is why i think i'm also so passionate about the things that have nothing and also why you're so passionate
Starting point is 01:31:32 about freedom because you don't want anybody getting in the way of that exactly yeah um and i always have this fantasy that i thought i would reach a point where I could just do nothing and I would do nothing and I would just enjoy the rest of my life doing nothing. The more I talk to people who are further along in their life than me, further along in their career than I, people who've retired, they all say the same thing. And it echoes the sentiment that you just said. The last thing you want to do is do nothing. Yeah. Because you will die early. Yeah, you don't want to sit on the porch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:08 I might want to sit on the porch for a few hours. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's nice. It's nice to relax. I like watching TV occasionally. Sit down, and when I know that I've done a lot, and I can just chill and watch some stupid shit on TV, great. I like it.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I've figured out a way to enjoy that. But the idea of doing nothing, I may get to a certain point where I don't work anymore, but I will always be doing stuff. I'll always be bow hunting. I'll always be working out. I'll always be playing pool. I'll always be following hobbies. I'll always be doing things that I'm interested in. But what I'm lucky about, and I think what you're lucky about as well is that the things that we're interested in are also the things we do for a living. And that's why I feel so blessed. Oh, we're so lucky. We're so lucky. There's so many people out there that throw quote that most men live lives of quiet desperation. And when you're doing what you actually enjoy doing, you are so much better off than someone who's insanely wealthy,
Starting point is 01:33:05 who's miserable, because they don't like what they're doing and they're just making money. I like working for, like I said, before investments that I've made that have done really well, I like working for each and every dollar.
Starting point is 01:33:16 You like creating good content. And I genuinely love it. Yeah. And it sucks sometimes, I'll be honest. Sure, it's difficult. Yeah, very. Yeah. The it. Yeah. And it sucks sometimes, I'll be honest. Sure, it's difficult. Yeah, very. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:27 The pressure you put on yourself, it can be maddening. But it's also rewarding. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, that's part of the journey of what makes things interesting and intriguing. And I think the way human beings evolved, we evolved trying to solve complex puzzles. And initially it was, how do I get food? How do I protect my village?
Starting point is 01:33:47 How do I protect my family? How do I avoid plague and fucking predators and all these? So people had to solve complex problems. So it's a natural human reward system that's built into the organism in order for this organism to survive. So this idea of complete sedentary lifestyle providing you any enjoyment is just fucking nonsense. It really is. And the funny thing is, I want to say about a couple months ago, I was flirting with burnout
Starting point is 01:34:15 every other day, like straight up. And then I realized the reason I'm flirting with burnout is because the way I'm approaching it. I'm approaching it like I want to finish this so I can get to nothing instead of I enjoy doing this. This isn't it's work, but this is this is what I'm doing. Right. And I don't want to say, you know, I did. That feelings that that kind of call it transient, but that feeling of burnout or almost flirting with burnout every other day essentially's something else. And I'm like, God, I just want to take a break. I just want to be able to take a break and just do nothing for like a month. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:10 But do I really? No. Because within three days, if that, Exactly. I'm going to be like, what can I create? Well, I enjoy vacations now, but I enjoy it as a time that I can spend with my family and we can hang out together
Starting point is 01:35:23 and I can have 24-7 time with my kids. Because when my kids are in school, they're in school all day, they have friends, they have sports they do, they have activities. It's hard to spend like a lot of quality time. When we go on vacation, if we go on vacation for a week, that's one week of just hanging out and I try to get as many laughs in, as many fun things to do. But it's sort of activity driven. We enjoy time together. We do stuff. The idea of just like, Jordan Peterson talks about this as well.
Starting point is 01:35:54 He talks about this imaginary thing that people have. One day you're going to be on the beach drinking margaritas, like staring at the sunrise. You know what's funny about that? Yeah. When I have that fantasy in my brain, you want to know what I'm doing? What? I'm sitting on the beach, drinking a margarita, and have my computer, and I'm working on a script.
Starting point is 01:36:16 Yeah. That to me is my fantasy. Right. It's like, yeah, I want to be able to do what I want, but I just end up doing what I'm doing. Yeah. So. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Well, you know, a day or two of that is fine. Yes. A little bit of that is fine. Yeah. I'll spend a day and I'll binge watch a show for like a day or two. And then you start feeling guilty. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Well, that's a sign of someone who loves what they do. Yeah. So it's like, it's not like a a like what you're doing is something you actually enjoy so getting away from it is not enjoyable yeah it's not yeah that's the key to a happy life is surround yourself with people that are very fun to be around that you love that you enjoy you like seeing them succeed you love spending time with them you all have fun together and then generally it's birds of a feather so like my friends all like to a person they all love what they do yeah to a person the people that i enjoy being around and that's to me when they do well and they're happy and they and they can
Starting point is 01:37:19 tell me about this thing that they're doing and how excited they are it makes me excited and i want to do more stuff. Yeah. Like people's passion for things is very infectious. Very infectious. Very infectious, man. Fuck, I love watching dudes make tables. I've been, the last like few days I've been on this YouTube rabbit hole watching dudes
Starting point is 01:37:38 make tables. I have zero desire to make a table. But I was watching these dudes make this fucking dope desk for this guy. And it was like resin and wood. And they put it all together and had this cool design to it. I was like, damn, that's badass. And the passion that these guys had for making sure that all the joints fit perfectly together, sanding them down.
Starting point is 01:38:01 It's all precise. And they're taking you through the process as a narrator, talking about how time consuming this is. But this is the way to do it. Because then the end result is so worth it. And then they're standing there when they deliver this desk. I'm like, damn, that's pretty dope. No, it's freaking awesome. You know, the funny thing is, I've started realizing I might be into decor more than I'm willing to admit to myself.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Really? Yeah. Not so much like I want to style houses or stuff like that, but like, I think that's why I like hotels so much. Like I'm a hotel snob. Right. Like a dope hotel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:33 You go in there and you feel good. Nothing makes me happy, man. And it's like, especially when you're traveling, because the process of traveling sucks. Traveling is fun. Process sucks. Right. Mainly just the airport shit. sucks. Traveling is fun. Process sucks.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Mainly just the airport shit. But I love even when I come here, when I come to Austin. I look forward to coming to Austin because I have hotels I really enjoy out here. I stay at the Proper. I stay at the Thompson. I love those hotels. Those are dope hotels.
Starting point is 01:38:58 It does wonders for even just revitalizing you. Because where I live now, I love where I live. I love it. But there's just something different about being in a hotel. Yeah, stylish bar, beautiful restaurant that you go to that's in the hotel. I travel so much and spend so much time in hotel bars, I almost wanted to start a blog where I just talk about my experiences at hotel bars. It's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:39:19 A lot of people love them. And then a cool lobby. It makes you excited about being there. It feels good. Yeah, it's a cool lobby it makes you excited about being there exactly good yeah yeah it's a cool environment yeah someone's that's got like a really cool environment in their home that's conducive to a creativity is rick rubin i was watching this tour rick rubin's a friend of mine and he's a fucking brilliant dude i mean just legendary producer right but i'm familiar with him he wrote this book on creativity it's really good it's really fascinating but about like what he does to foster creativity and it's all it's a
Starting point is 01:39:51 lot of it is also environment i mean his home show me there's like a tour of rick rubin's malibu home and studio so he's got this house and when you you see his house, the way – is this it? Yeah. So – Another house, but this is his most famous house. Yeah. So the way he has everything set up in his house – I don't know if this is what I saw. This is also like 10 years old. I don't know if –
Starting point is 01:40:19 Yeah, I think he's got a new one now. Yeah, this is a long time ago. Rick is kind of a wild man. He's got a new one now. Yeah, this is a long time ago. Rick is kind of a wild man. But he sets things up so that they make him feel a certain way when he goes into rooms. Remember how I told you I'm a city rat and I just love being in the city?
Starting point is 01:40:35 Yeah. So I initially had more of kind of a traditional style house prior to that I lived in the high rise. Maybe this room? Oh, that's it. Yeah. See, This is where the decor in me starts coming out. I'm an appreciator of good decor, I guess is the best way to put it. Yeah, I mean, the way you set up your environment, like the things that excite you, like when you're walking around, the things you see. And that's the thing, like aesthetics inspires me.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Like they do beautiful things inspire me. Art. Yeah. Obviously when you see this studio and you walk around, like I'm a big fan of art. Yeah. And that's, and you know what the weird thing about me is in my place now, um, there's maybe two things on the wall. My house looks unlived in.
Starting point is 01:41:23 And the reason is, is because i'm so specific like i can't tell you art wise what i want i have to see it and when i see it i know it i won't be able to explain it i know it so and it's not like super deep shit like recently i bought this um big gigantic canvas of a top-down view of a 930 Porsche Turbo. Right? So you can see the hips kind of flare out a little bit and stuff like that. I saw it, and I was just online. I was just at home just hanging out on the couch, and I saw it, and I was like, that.
Starting point is 01:41:55 That. Yeah. Because it evoked a certain emotion in me that I'm like, when I look at that and I see that, that's going to inspire me. Yeah. To a degree, right? I'm sounding very, like, hairy-f fairy, but nonetheless, it is what it is. The problem is, is like, I don't run across things visually or often enough where I'm like, okay, I want to put that in my home. And when I do, it's usually like something that somebody already has. So there isn't another one.
Starting point is 01:42:21 You get what I'm saying? And and so and i will not just put anything up for the sake of just putting it up because i i want it i want to walk into my place and i want it to mean something to me yeah when i see it well lack of things is also something true you know like sometimes there's a lot of serenity in an empty room which is like a couch and a table you know there's something about that too and maybe one piece of art on the wall is better than five pieces of art or a wall filled with art that is true yeah but there is something but then there's also that that mental playground when you do have and i think that's what you have here yeah right because i walk in it's like nothing every time i look something looks different right and yeah and it works it's like nothing. Every time I look, something looks different.
Starting point is 01:43:05 Right. And it works. It's like this beautiful, controlled chaos that just works because it's chaotic, but yet uniform. If that makes any sense. Yeah. It's cultivated chaos. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:19 And I love it. And lighting. I'm big on lighting. So it's like everything here is I can. lighting. I'm big on lighting. Everything here is... I may be wrong about this, but I feel like everything here is designed to relax you. The idea is to make it comfortable
Starting point is 01:43:32 but also stimulate conversation. I want a lot of different weird shit on the table like this symbol. I've been looking at the back of the spine of this thing since we got here. This is actually a... How old was this again? This is a piece of moose bone that was taken out of the Alaskan tundra.
Starting point is 01:43:56 That's from the boneyard in Alaska. How do you say moose plural? Moose. Moose, okay. Yeah. So moose and elk. Fucking beautiful creatures, man. Like you have to see them? Okay. Yeah. So moose and elk. Fucking beautiful creatures, man. Like, you have to see them in person.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Right. You have to. Yeah. They are stunning in person. Yeah. That's all I wanted to say. Yeah, because, you know, I did my elk hunt not too long ago. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:44:19 And I remember we came across twice. And when you come face-to-face with them in the wild yeah it's just different it's amazing yeah they're beautiful man yeah they are absolutely stunning and i've never seen a moose in person but i can bro they don't even look real the first one first time i saw one was in british columbia and uh the first time i saw it i was like it was like the scene in jurassic park where jeff goldblum gets out of the Jeep and he's like, what the fuck? They're so big, they don't look real. They're so big, they don't look real.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Gotcha. It's double the size of an elk. Really? Double. Damn. Double, easy. And I was blown away by how, the word I'm looking for is so agile and light-footed LR. Because we stumbled.
Starting point is 01:45:09 On my hunt, we accidentally stumbled on one. He didn't know we were there. We didn't know he was there until we knew each other was there. Right. I've never seen anything move so fast through thick brush without making a sound. Also with giant antlers. Yeah. It made a joke. Yeah, I'm talking thick brush
Starting point is 01:45:28 Didn't make a sound when it took off. Yeah Yeah, I was like, okay. Okay, this is real Designed for it. Yeah, and they're also designed to get away from credit. Let's size that moves. I Lived in what does it say? I lived inondon for most of my life so i've never seen a real life moose look how much bigger it is in those cars bro they're so big you can't believe they're real there's and they're aggressive really the difference between a moose and other animals is like if you see a deer they'll run away from you yeah see a moose they might stomp you to death if you're close enough they don't like it yeah they'll come at you yeah because they're used to fighting off wolves they're so they're stompers gotcha they're stompers okay you know i saw an
Starting point is 01:46:09 elephant take on um what was it going i think it was a rhino you saw it live no no i saw it on the internet yeah and i'm like i'm like and i've started to realize elephants are not to be messed with not to be fucked with at all no like they seem kind of passive they're not well they're passive if they don't need to be that's aggressive here it is elephant fucks up this rhino oh there's so much bigger i mean it's like a sumo wrestler versus a high school fucking 134 pounder but when i first saw them face off i thought the rhino was gonna get the best one because the long ass hornass horn. Nah, that horn ain't shit. Clearly. And that's also an elephant with small tusks.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Yeah, I know. Which, by the way, the sad thing is elephants genetically, they're starting to have smaller and smaller tusks because of the evolutionary aspect of the fact that people want them for their tusks. So their tusks are actually growing smaller. To be less desirable. Yeah, which is crazy that that's how evolution works. That it works over that small of a period of time. That is kind of nutty.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Yeah. That is actually really nutty. There is a documentary that I watched from the BBC once on the Congo, and it's so fascinating because the Congo at one point in time was grasslands and then a rainforest emerged as the climate shifted. And when the climate shifted, these savanna animals got trapped in this jungle. So you have like gazelles and antelope and- Inside of a jungle. There's an antelope, I think it's called a duiker that swims underwater for like
Starting point is 01:47:45 a hundred yards and eats fish antelope yeah little tiny antelope swims underwater they're evolving to swim underwater
Starting point is 01:47:54 there's fish that come out of the ground and they walk till they find the next water so like they're literally like evolving
Starting point is 01:48:02 in front of our eyes they're changing their behavior characteristics and then what's a natural advantage. Or is that radioactive? No, I'm being serious. Yeah, that's in some places. You know another thing that's beautiful to watch move in their environment? Snow leopards. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Oh, yeah. Isn't it wild that a cat that lives in the snow? You think of cats, you think of the jungle, right? And then the funny thing is, it's like, they call it a leopard, but I'm like, that thing looks like a lion. It's weird. Not a lion, a tiger. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Yeah, I was like, that thing looks like a tiger. Crazy big paws, like snowshoes, so they can run through the snow easier. And then watching them just chase the mountain goats all up and down the mountain and do it with such fluidity, It's just insane to me. I saw lynx in Canada once in the wild. This wild-looking thing, man. Lynx are crazy-looking. They just don't look like they belong there.
Starting point is 01:48:55 And they make the nuttiest noises. They stand in front of each other, and they scream at each other. They get face-to-face, and they're screaming at each other. What? Yeah, there's videos of these lynx that are standing in front of each other. They'll get face to face and they're screaming at each other. Yeah, there's videos of these lynx that are standing in front of each other. They get real close to you.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Here, check this out. You know that's going to become a meme, right? Yeah, check this out. Look at these guys. Look, they just scream at each other's faces. Then they just get real close to each other and they don't do anything.
Starting point is 01:49:29 They're like, bitch, this is my spot! Isn't that wild? Isn't that nuts? You know what this reminds me of? What? Okay, there's this video. Look at their feet, man. Look at their feet.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Don't get too close, bitch. I i'll slap you but they don't fight look because they know that getting injured is so fucking deadly it's a death sentence yeah you break your leg or you get your eye scratched out that's it it reminds me of this video i saw on instagram where it's like all these women at like some retreat and they're like moving crazy and screaming and like, ah, one of those women empowerment retreats. Yeah. I was like, what the fuck did I just watch? Yeah. What the fuck? And then I watched it again.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Yeah. And then I watched it again. I couldn't take my eyes away from it. That always seems like someone's got some scam running. I'm going to show you how to be powerful. You're just going to scream. To me, it just demonstrates how. Imagine men doing that. I'm going to show you how to be powerful. You're just going to scream at each other. To me, it just demonstrates how... Imagine men doing that.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Getting a... I'm sure they do. I'm sure. There's some male retreat, like probably organized by a gay guy trying to fuck these dudes. Get up and get all together
Starting point is 01:50:38 in the fucking jungle and just yell. We're going to yell. We're going to yell naked. I think it's the most brutal demonstration of how good your life is right right right you don't have to do that yeah that's that's the extent of your problem yeah but i mean yeah there's so many men out there that don't know how to be a man they don't know what to do and they feel lost and disconnected and they wish they were something
Starting point is 01:51:03 they're not so those guys are like super susceptible to these like how to be a man like yeah it's um it's definitely you know there's there's a fine line between you know what it is to be a man and in the caricature of what it is to be a man right um i like i was raised by a single I was more or less raised by a single parent mother. But I can tell I know now as an adult, she overcompensated in a lot of ways because she knew she was having to raise a man. And the way she did it was she wasn't she wasn't hard on me brutally, but it was it was enough where I she forced me to do things on my own but then also what she did is she made sure that she had male influences in my life that i would take after now at the time i didn't understand what was going on i'm like why do you want me to go see dr johnson i don't want to go talk to dr johnson right right and dr johnson was this cardiologist um who she would force me to go talk to and be around. That's very wise of your mother, though.
Starting point is 01:52:05 Yeah, she is. I mean, she's freaking phenomenal at that. Like, I should be inherently fucked up. Flat out. But because of her, I'm not. That's amazing. Yeah. That's amazing that she was wise enough to see that
Starting point is 01:52:19 and to recognize that and to act on it, you know? Yep. Because if you don't, it's too late. Pretty much. You let that guy get to adulthood and you can't influence him then. It's very hard to take a fucked up, grown adult and then turn him around.
Starting point is 01:52:33 And I think the beautiful thing I think I'm glad she didn't do with me that I've seen sometimes with single parents sometimes is she didn't baby me in a manner in which, like she understood her limitations as a woman so she knew she had to have male influence to some degree yeah so she was very cautious about like if my like for instance if my mom happened to be a hoe i would never know because she did such a
Starting point is 01:52:57 phenomenal job in curating whoever it was that was going to be around me that was a man and that influence and how much that played a part in me growing up because I think she understood I can only do so much as a woman to teach this guy how to be a man and now when I think about things and how I compose and how I handle myself I subconsciously think about those individuals who I interacted with and that's what I pulled from growing up and so I thank her for that at least knowing her limitations from that standpoint and then figuring out a way to provide that example for me. Yeah, that's very important. It's very important. I got very fortunate that when I was young, I got involved in martial arts when I was really young.
Starting point is 01:53:37 Same here. I did, too. I didn't continue with it to the degree that you did, but I definitely. And for me, martial arts turned into basketball for me and that's what that was well it's anything that's difficult to do things are difficult where it's undeniable that the work you put in equals how much better you get period yep there's if you mean there's certain genetic advantages but even with those genetic advantages the more work you put in the more results you will get and there's other people with genetic advantages too. And then when you're competing,
Starting point is 01:54:06 then you're competing against a bunch of people that are driven and they have a much higher standard and that's what athletics provides a lot of people. People under... Like, to this day, I pull from my experiences playing basketball. Because
Starting point is 01:54:21 when I was younger, like, it's funny to say now because, like, as an adult as an adult like like you're not going to They come But nobody could tell me that I wasn't right no one and I worked like I would that's what I was gonna do I put in the effort. I put in the work. No one's gonna outwork me for that and Because of it all of the struggle everything I did from that point to now I now, I still pull from that because it set a pattern of behavior in me. So all I did was when I realized your hoop dreams aren't happening, I just transferred that drive, that consistency, that discipline. And I just transferred over to what I was doing next.
Starting point is 01:55:03 And I just continue to do that. Whatever I change, I switch up to and start doing next. That's what I put it in. Yeah. That's what I was taught. I was taught when I was young that martial arts are a vehicle for developing your human potential.
Starting point is 01:55:16 And if you could figure out how to get good at this, you can figure out how to get good at pretty much everything. Yeah. I think that's the one thing I have a regret. good at pretty much everything yeah i think that's the one thing i have a regret i regret is not living longer in martial arts because i think i have i have a brutal brutal amount of respect for any individual who can perfect their craft in that space i think fighters are some of the toughest people on the planet because which is by virtue of what they do. They have to be. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:55:46 That is what they do. They do one of the toughest things to do. You're going against, willingly going against a trained individual who has spent time preparing for you. Literally. Yeah. Like, it's not like,
Starting point is 01:55:58 oh, I'm out and about and I got caught off guard and no, and I can take advantage of the fact that he doesn't know. This is like, I'm coming to kill you. Not literally, but I'm coming to kill you three months you got press conferences you're talking shit to each other getting all ramped up emotionally yeah yeah it's it's i mean that's also
Starting point is 01:56:14 why it's so exciting to see yeah because you know you're seeing like oh my god these guys have been getting ready for this forever here we go when you see two dudes just looking at each other across the octagon they're staring each other getting ready to go fuck just the tension in the air is so crazy and what and what's crazy is the car like you can be on top of the world one two three fights in and then yeah in two seconds just like that yeah everything comes crashing down yeah and so then now you have to figure out how to pick those pieces back up because there's very small room for mark there's very little margin of error to come back from a loss and the crazy thing is a lot of times fighters are at the peak of their ability and then they have one loss and they fall
Starting point is 01:57:02 off a cliff that's like tony fer Tony Ferguson is the greatest example of that. He was the scariest fucking guy in the 155-pound division until he wasn't. And then he loses to Justin Gaethje, and then he goes on like a seven-fight losing streak. It's crazy because for years no one could touch him. For years he was literally the boogeyman. Everyone was scared of that dude. And the crazy thing is, is like with UFC fighting,
Starting point is 01:57:26 there's no one way to be the best. Right. Because there's so much going on in a fight that like one lapse in focus, that split second lapse in focus, fight's done. Done. Done.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Right? And you could be perfect in everything else. Yep. Just like that. That's could be perfect in everything else. Yep. Just like that. That's Kamaru Usman and Leon Edwards. Kamaru's dominating for the whole fight, and then in the fifth round with like a minute to go gets head kicked into the shadow realm.
Starting point is 01:57:56 And it's crazy. And then Kamaru loses the next fight, and then he loses the fight after that. So Kamaru's this this unbelievably dominant champion. Yeah. And then one head kick. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Man. I mean, he's still on the hunt. I mean, he could still come back. He had a really good fight in his last fight against Hamzat Chemaev, but he lost. And then here you are, three losses in a row. What you do with that loss is everything. It's literally everything.
Starting point is 01:58:25 And it's probably way harder than any fight that you've actually been in. And then there's the reality of your body. Your body can only take so much of that before it just starts to fail. And Kamara, one of the things that I really admire about him, he's so open and honest about his injuries. His knees are so fucked up. He can't run. He doesn't walk downstairs
Starting point is 01:58:46 he goes backwards downstairs you need to send him to ben to ben knees over toes oh yeah yeah i'm sure that would help a little but i'm sure he's probably doing that stuff he has no cartilage in his knees his knees are destroyed gotcha i. I mean, they're destroyed. They're bone on bone. He's resigned himself to this thing that at one point, if you look at Kamaru's body, his upper body looks like a fucking superhero, but he has these small legs. Gotcha. He's got, his legs are so small compared to his upper body. And part of that is because his knees are destroyed.
Starting point is 01:59:20 Gotcha. There's only so much he can do with his legs. The funny thing is, it's like I'm the opposite. My legs are too damn big. I hate them, dude. What do you mean you hate your legs? They're too big. What are you talking about? They're too big. I have big legs. I have big calves. I've always been like that
Starting point is 01:59:33 ever since I was young. They used to call me calves because my calves are so big. That's great genetics, man. You should have been a kickboxer. It's a giant advantage. I mean, probably so, but it's a little too late now. It's not too late to train. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:47 And I did. I was doing, I was training. I was training at Fortis for a period of time. Oh, were you really? Yeah. Me and Saif are really good friends. Oh, that's great. I love that dude.
Starting point is 01:59:55 I love that gym too. That's a great fucking gym. Honestly, during COVID, it was my refuge. Yeah? That gym was my refuge during COVID, dude. I mean, and I was going, I was in some and I was going to do some dark times in that gym. And, hell, safe. That gym was my refuge.
Starting point is 02:00:10 Shout out to Safe Sayu. He's awesome. He's a great coach, too. Yeah, no, he is. Should I see him doing that gym? He's so good. There's like a sign of a great coach is the way they give advice in between rounds. And that guy is precise.
Starting point is 02:00:24 He's technical. He's motivating. He's intense And that guy is precise. He's technical. He's motivating. He's intense. He lets you know. He's not going to sugarcoat shit. It's not just the ring, bro. I'm sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Like, when me and Safe talk, we're talking. Like, he's, yeah. He's intense. That's how you become a great coach. You know? You understand things for what they really are. And this is what you to do and there's no ifs ands or buts about it you know you know it's funny we actually i don't know if he wants me to tell the story but sorry bro i mean it's not that big a deal but like the way we met i met him at a gun range
Starting point is 02:00:58 so i met him at a gun range and then um i figured it was a good time for me to get into fighting again so i said i called him up i was like hey i'm good i'm good with the gun stuff but it means nothing if i can't work my hands right so i called him went to the gym kind of did the first you know show me the lay of the land and then he got a notification on his phone that his alarm was going off and like somebody was breaking into his house he was like and we just met but he knew who i was in the space that i'm in and he was like dude something's going on in my house i need to figure out what's going on he's like he's like going to roll with me
Starting point is 02:01:34 oh shit yeah so we hopped in his truck we drive to his house and we cleared his house oh shit i don't know if you want to tell the the story or if I did, I'm sorry. But, yeah, like, we, and then from there, we just became best friends. Like, after that, it was like we went shooting together. A dude is willing to come clear your house with you. I mean, that's a ride or die right there. I mean, that is the scariest situation ever. You don't know what's in your house. You go, any room could be filled with a guy with a gun.
Starting point is 02:02:03 Yep. You literally don't know. You literally don't know. Now, was it the smartest thing to probably do no but i think it was one of those one of those situations you don't think you just go yeah you just go and i've done it in my house before where like i've gotten home and this is a little on the lower end of intensity but you know sometimes you that that garage door is cracked open right when you get back and you're like what the fuck and you're like i know i closed? And you're like, I know I closed that door. And then it's like,
Starting point is 02:02:27 all right, let's figure this out. You know, now I'm clearing my house. The reality of crime and the reality of violence is something that you can't just fucking bury your head in the sand about. It doesn't mean you have to be a violent person or a terrible person. And you're clearly not.
Starting point is 02:02:41 You're a very nice guy, but you, you are very well trained. you know what to do with weapons yeah and that will if if the shit hits the fan one day that will serve you well yeah and i'm in it and god forbid that ever happened i pray i pray look i carry a gun every single day as long as i can legally praying that you never have to use it. Praying. If I ever have to use my gun in self-defense, I'm going to have to get therapy. Yes.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Period. Yeah, probably. But that's just it. I don't want to have to. Exactly. But I much more don't want to find myself in a situation where I have to, but I can't do anything about it because I don't have the thing I need to do it. Or you can't protect someone you love, which is even more terrifying.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Even worse. Exactly. Or you watch something happen and there's nothing you can do about it. Like. Bro, kind of unrelated, but did you see this fucking thing that happened in California where this woman stabbed her boyfriend 108 times and they let her go with community service? What? They said that she was psychotic from smoking marijuana, which is.
Starting point is 02:03:47 So I don't smoke. By the way, I haven't smoked in a long time. I never thought about stabbing one person ever. Forget about someone that you're in a relationship with 108 times. And that's something else. The judge said that the defense was that she had a psychotic break from, I think it was one hit. So I had a bad panic attack from one hit. Yeah, you can have a panic attack, especially if you're not a regular smoker.
Starting point is 02:04:17 No, I wasn't. Was it a bong hit or a joint? It was a joint. What it was, it was my first time actually inhaling. You went Bill Clinton the way before? No, seriously. And all I remember, I couldn't stop coughing, not realizing each cough is just sending more T18 to my system.
Starting point is 02:04:34 Yeah. And that was the real, like, that was me really smoking for the first time. And let's just say all I remember, I'm sitting on a couch having a massive panic attack watching Eddie Murphy Raw and how I knew I was fucked up was I've watched
Starting point is 02:04:51 Raw multiple times and never have I not laughed my ass off and I remember sitting there watching it and I was like this is not funny
Starting point is 02:04:58 this is not and I was like oh dude someone's wrong with you dude you were just freaking out yeah you can freak out
Starting point is 02:05:04 man yeah so this is the story I mean it's just a Dutch this New York Oh, dude, someone's wrong with you, dude. You were just freaking out. Yeah, you can freak out, man. Yeah. So this is the story. I mean, it just said that this New York prostitute was just really strong weed. 30% weed. Whatever. Whatever.
Starting point is 02:05:15 One hit. She stabbed her boyfriend 108 times. I don't care if she took 18 bong hits. And herself and the dog. What? Well, maybe there's something wrong with her and she shouldn't get fucking community service. That's insane. She stabbed her dog and then stabbed herself repeatedly
Starting point is 02:05:32 after deputies were called to their apartment. Okay, after the, I mean, first of all, when people kill people, they often kill themselves. This happens to men who kill their girlfriends or their ex-girlfriends. Oftentimes, they'll shoot themselves. It happens all the time. She found out he was cheating.
Starting point is 02:05:46 Well, whatever it was. The whole thing is she received just two years of probation, 100 hours of community service, and no prison time. I would believe that more if it was alcohol. Even alcohol doesn't make any... No, but that's what I'm saying. It would have to be like crystal meth mixed with fucking angel dust. The lawyers were asked to describe the difference in her case in a fatal drunken driving crash
Starting point is 02:06:11 was Goldstein chalked up to awareness, noting that, I don't know how you say her name, whatever her last name is, did not know what she was getting herself into as Amelia provided the pot but did not show her the warning on the label. What? As far as the DUI is concerned, that person knowingly and consciously drinks to excess and decides to get behind the wheel of a car. And Mrs. Whatever-her-name-is case, she took a hit of what she believed to be a legal consumer product in the sanctity of Mr. Amelia's home as they sat on his couch with no plans to
Starting point is 02:06:44 go drive home later that evening. 43 times in her neck she stabbed herself. She stabbed herself 43 times in the neck. Oh, my God. Well, that's the marks on her neck? She didn't really try that hard. Well, listen, people try to kill themselves after they kill somebody. Look, if you're lying there and your your boyfriend is just got 108 stab wounds
Starting point is 02:07:05 and you're like oh my god my life is over i'm going to jail for the rest of my life but why the dog because she's fucking just an angry lady i mean why did she i think she just had a psychotic break and i don't think it was the week who knows i think she found out something she did not want to find out it could be snapped but it might not be that i mean she might be fucking legitimately crazy but either way two hour or 100 hours of community service in two years of probation is fucking nuts you just killed somebody imagine the rules reversed imagine it was a man who stabbed his wife 100 or his girlfriend 108 times he'd be under the jail he'd be under the jail death sentence experts for both the defense and the prosecution concluded the pot she smoked caused her to slip into a psychotic state. Now, here's the story.
Starting point is 02:07:51 You can have psychotic breaks from marijuana. It is possible. It's possible to have schizophrenic breaks from marijuana. It's well documented with certain people that have a- Predisposition. Yes. But either way, nobody, it doesn't
Starting point is 02:08:10 make any sense. Marijuana is not a violent drug. It's not the kind of drug that makes you want to hurt somebody. And keep in mind, this is coming from somebody who does not like marijuana. At all. I don't believe that. It sounds insane. I don't believe that. It sounds insane. There's probably a lot more to that story. Yeah, I don't believe that. It sounds insane.
Starting point is 02:08:26 There's probably a lot more to that story. Yeah, very much so. Very, very, very much so. She stabbed herself in the neck. Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's crazy. And a deputy used a stun gun on her four times, and another deputy hit her with a metal baton multiple times before knocking the knife out of her hand.
Starting point is 02:08:40 While she was stabbing herself or him? I guess herself. I just didn't say who she was stabbing. She might have started stabbing herself when the cops showed up too like who knows yeah yeah i mean the whole thing is nuts i mean but then again i've seen like i watched a video on the way up here on the way up here i didn't watch it i was listening to it while i was driving on the way up here and like it was this, I guess she was drunk or something and the cops
Starting point is 02:09:05 were trying to arrest her and she completely lost it. I mean, screaming at the top of her lungs. Like, I mean, complete psychotic breakdown. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:14 Just to avoid accountability of the fact that she was driving drunk. So, I mean, it's... There's some people that are out of their fucking minds but I just don't think
Starting point is 02:09:23 two years of probation is enough for that. No, I mean, I think that's insane. I think that goes without saying. It sounds so insane that the judge said that. Yeah. I want to see the judge. I want to talk to the judge.
Starting point is 02:09:34 Whoa, hold on, too. They were only dating for three weeks? Oh, my God. So even if you cheated on her, what the fuck? That doesn't even make sense. Yeah, that wouldn't warrant that. They were only dating each other for about three weeks. Wow.
Starting point is 02:09:47 She worked as an audiologist. What is that? Sound and the dude was an accountant. Maybe she stabbed me cuz he's boring It's a horrible tragedy all the way around it's worth said the tragedy for the victim his family's a tragedy for my client and her family Yeah, well it's certainly a tragedy There's no but high potency marijuana should put you in a place where you're terrified of everything. Everything, yes. Exactly. Not that you have the ability to grab a knife and stab a guy 108 times. That sounds nuts.
Starting point is 02:10:16 That sounds so nuts. It said in September they'd got the murder charge dropped to involuntary manslaughter after it was determined she lost her cognitive abilities because she was in the throes of psychosis. Yeah. Maybe. But, I mean, I just don't think that absolves you of responsibility. You know, the thing about it is there's no way to know
Starting point is 02:10:40 what was going on in her head, which is the thing. Like, you know, a friend of mine sent me a video. Tim Dillon sent me this video of these schizophrenics in downtown L.A. It's so crazy. There's so many of them. And all these different people are walking down the street just screaming at people who weren't there and just yelling into the sky. I had my old place in Dallas.
Starting point is 02:10:59 I had a guy, call him Richie. I don't really know his name. I just call him that because he likes to stand outside my door and just have loud conversations with himself. It wasn't like all the time. It would be like once every three or four months. And he would just be standing. I don't know why he picked my door to do it. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:11:18 I never engaged with him or interacted with him. I would just hear him out the open window. I'm like, there goes Richie. But, yeah. The mind is so weird. It is. You know, it's like just the fact that a human being, forget about under the state of marijuana, PCP, whatever. Just the fact that there's something if you've never stabbed anyone before.
Starting point is 02:11:37 There's something that someone can give you that can motivate you to do that. Where you've never done that before, you never stabbed anybody. And then all of a sudden you stab some guy you've been dating 108 times the mind is just so weird yeah you know we were talking today earlier while we're at the range about instagram and about the shit you see on instagram these days and we were talking about how when we were kids faces of death was the wildest thing we'd ever seen like and it was nothing compared to what you see on instagram nothing nothing you can go on instagram and see 1150 i'm about you know i'm about to get in my soapbox right yeah you can go on instagram and watch 1150 million people get stabbed shot killed
Starting point is 02:12:16 thrown off buildings and it'll show up on your explorer page right i post a picture of a gun i'm throttled i don't show up on the Explore page. I've never seen a gun on my Explore page. It's, they, the level of, it's not even, I don't even call it
Starting point is 02:12:32 shadow banning anymore. They tell you they're doing it. Like, I can't post, I even don't post guns. This is the responsible way to handle a firearm. Throttled.
Starting point is 02:12:40 Yeah, no, wow. Throttled. Like, it's insane on Instagram. Like, what Instagram is doing to the gun community is monumentally insane.
Starting point is 02:12:48 So, you know what the fucked up part about it is? Because of the way they are about that, the only representation of firearms that you're going to get exposed to, generally speaking, if you're not already following them, are the negative representations of firearms or the unsafe way to handle a firearm. Because those are making it. But the shit that we post Posts the responsible shit that doesn't bro How many videos have you seen of dudes in like traditional Arab attire? Shooting the guns off near and then they accidentally shoot their friend There's so many you see way more those and dancing
Starting point is 02:13:25 Bang dude gets it in the head you wanna know how I've seen so many of those you wanna see way more of those. They're just dancing. Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. Bang! Dude gets it in the head. Dude, you want to know how I learned? I've seen so many of those. You want to know how I learned gun safety when I got into guns? Sure. Fucking YouTube. Because there were so many examples of people.
Starting point is 02:13:35 When I got into guns and I got into the gun community, there were so many people who were iterating over and over and over again. Check your gun. Make sure it's clear. Never point it at something you're not willing to destroy. Guns are always loaded at all times, no matter what. It became ingrained in my brain. They almost shamed you into gun safety.
Starting point is 02:13:53 Well, one of the things today was a very good representation of that. Everyone today had responsible gun safety habits. Everyone today. Everyone was pointing the gun at the ground. Everyone's clearing the gun. No one ever pointed a gun in the direction of someone. People were constantly checking. Even after they cleared the gun.
Starting point is 02:14:14 There were literally probably 25 guns out there. Yeah. And magazines all over the place. All over the place. But like I said, it's establishing that safety dynamic. Yes. And you can't, and they talk about, man, I'm getting on my soapbox. Get on it.
Starting point is 02:14:30 They talk about, the other side talks about this idea of gun safety, firearm safety. And the way they go about doing it is by blocking off all the people who are teaching the safe way to handle a firearm. I don't understand this. If you want to have a population, there are 400 million guns in this country. The guns aren't going anywhere. So if you want to minimize the number of kids who accidentally shoot themselves,
Starting point is 02:14:52 if you want to minimize the number of adults who handle firearms incorrectly and end up accidentally shooting someone, what you need to do is allow the information of how to safely handle a firearm be spread to the public so that they understand it. It works because that's how I learned it. No one came to me and said, this is the safe way to do it.
Starting point is 02:15:09 I went online, I was learning about firearms and I learned from the people who were handling them responsibly how to responsibly handle a firearm. And as a result, I started creating videos and I started teaching people how to responsibly handle firearms. And then those people will start making their own videos and teaching people how to responsibly handle firearms. And then those people will start making their own videos and teaching people how to responsibly handle firearms. But instead, what we're getting with the dynamic of social media nowadays is they are trying to shut down all of the people who are demonstrating how to handle firearm responsibly or even just talking about the law aspect of it. So do you want people running around out there who don't understand the legal aspect of owning a firearm? Or when you actually decide to carry a
Starting point is 02:15:48 firearm, when is a good time not to shoot? When is a good time to shoot? No, instead they shadow ban and block all of our content. And only leave the negative representation out there. And then wonder why all of these accidental shootings continue to happen. And the negative
Starting point is 02:16:03 ones find their way into my feed all the time from people that i don't follow exactly so they must know what like there's we're talking about today about that thing that you click on that says do you still want to watch this this could be disturbed so they know they know about it they know i watched the guy get cut in half by a train today they They were fucking around on the train station. The guy pushes his friend, and the train comes, and his friend goes in between the train and the crack and gets ripped apart. The guys grab his arms.
Starting point is 02:16:33 They pull him, and it's just guts out of a torso. Jesus. And everyone's screaming. It's horrible. And it just showed up on my Instagram. It shows up on your feed. Yep. I see it all the time.
Starting point is 02:16:44 So if they have that warning, they must know what that is. Does TikTok, I'm not on TikTok. They banned me. But they banned you? Just for showing guns. Wow. Just for showing guns. Does TikTok show violence?
Starting point is 02:16:57 Do they have that kind of violence? I don't know, honestly, because. You're banned. Because I was, and the fucked up thing about it is, is this. Like when I started the TikTok page, and you remember, TikTok is a younger audience. So. What's it skewed towards? It's skewed to teens.
Starting point is 02:17:16 Teens. Yeah. So, but the thing about it is, is I can go on TikTok and watch girls engaged in sex, in, in, in suggestive, suggestive sexual behavior all day long on TikTok. Right. And I'm like, but anything with a firearm, regardless whether it's safe or not. I mean, they just banned me. Just flat out.
Starting point is 02:17:41 And I'm like, what did I do exactly here? Is that anyone on TikTok that shows firearms? Or is it everyone gets banned? that's flat out. And I'm like, what did I do exactly here? Is there any, is that anyone on TikTok that shows firearms or is it everyone gets banned? I'm assuming so. I don't know because I can't really, I can't,
Starting point is 02:17:53 I can't peruse it and figure out what else is on there because even when I try to, I try to, what do you call it? I tried to appeal this decision and then they just reaffirmed it.
Starting point is 02:18:06 And so it's one of those things that's very frustrating. The funny thing is, it's like X, which I know you don't like it when you call it X, but X don't have that problem. Well, they let porn on them.
Starting point is 02:18:17 Yeah, there's that. That's the wild west over there. I mean, listen, I'm not against it. You do whatever you want. I like the internet, I'm not against it. You do whatever you want. I like the internet. I like the actual internet. I like people being able to show what they're interested in.
Starting point is 02:18:32 As long as you're not victimizing someone, as long as you're not doxing people, threatening, all that stuff. But other than the things that are illegal and should be, you should be able to show whatever the fuck you want. If there's an active gun community, and especially someone like you, that promotes responsible gun use and shows people how to handle things correctly. It says you can on TikTok. This is their policy on guns.
Starting point is 02:18:55 They do not allow the trade of firearms or explosive weapons or content showing or promoting them if they are not used in a safe or appropriate setting. What does that mean? What does that mean? What does that mean? TikTok can be a place that educates people on the responsible use and ownership of weapons. No, they do not. Well, that's not true.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Nope, that's not true at all. Because everything you do is responsible. I've seen 50 of your fucking videos. I've never seen one irresponsible video. It's insane. Firearms and explosive weapons can cause severe injury or death, especially when used in an unsafe manner. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:19:23 explosive weapons can cause severe injury or death especially when used in an unsafe manner exactly but though but what you were saying is so important to hear that if you don't see the responsible use of it from someone who knows how to do it and also knows how to teach people that how is that message going to get out there that's how people learn how to use them correctly but here we are here we are you know irony is is at least like youtube has its problems but they're getting better they're getting better with it at least youtube will will guide you okay this is what we're okay with and this is what we're not okay with and then even if they get it wrong they'll fix it so does youtube demonetize any of your videos yeah all the time all the time now i can appeal it right and submit it for a manual review. And then sometimes, like, I have two videos right now that are under manual review.
Starting point is 02:20:08 And sometimes they're like, yeah. Sometimes they're like, no. And what is their objection to what's in those videos? It's all over the place, honestly. It can be, like, display of extreme violence, right? So, like, I have a series called Defensive Gun Use where I talk about stories where people who can still carry use guns to defend their lives. Right. Because one of the narratives on the other side is that not that many people use guns in self-defense when we all know that's absolutely not true. So what I've started doing was aggregating a lot of those stories and talking about them in whatever whatever context or angle I have to talk about whatever aspect, like, for instance, there was a guy at the gas station recently who who shot the robber who robbed another guy at gunpoint.
Starting point is 02:20:51 Right. And so I talk about it from that standpoint that, you know, with Texas, Texas, you can shoot some you can you can defend a third party's property with lethal force under certain contexts. Right. And so I go and explain those contexts. The point of me doing that. And then in the same video, I said, but be careful, not only in the defense of third party's property, but also in defending third parties. Make sure if you're going to do something like that, you understand, you truly understand the context of what's happening, because you may think somebody is the aggressor when in reality they're the victim.
Starting point is 02:21:23 Right. Right. So you, if you're going to do that, you need to be absolutely positive. Right. You know who the aggressor is. If you stumble upon someone who's beaten someone's ass, that person might have attacked that person. And that person might know how to fight. Now they've got the guy on the ground.
Starting point is 02:21:37 They're pounding on him. And then you shoot him. Shoot him. Exactly. And a lot of people don't think about those things. Not because they're stupid, but because they just may be new to carrying a firearm and they don't understand that that could be a context that they find themselves in. Well, that's context of arguments, too. You can stumble into an argument in the middle of someone screaming at someone.
Starting point is 02:21:55 You're like, hey, man, fuck you. But you don't know what happened before that. You don't. And so but but for us being able to have those type of conversations and a safe place like online beforehand. Now, when somebody who watches a video like that, they can look, they can watch the video and then they go out and they go, oh, I remember when so-and-so did a video on this. OK, maybe before they may have jumped the gun had they not watched that video. But watching a video, they took an extra step to say, OK, and assess the situation for what it is and then realize oh i read that wrong or i had another i had a follower of mine he actually he um i had him on my i had him on my podcast my virtual podcast that i do for the gun side of things and he told me i saved his life
Starting point is 02:22:37 my video saved his life and he said the reason why my video saved his life is because he for the longest time he didn't carry with around in the chamber and a lot of people i know don't carry around the chamber a lot of my friends don't carry with around in the chamber and i started off carrying gun without carrying around in the chamber because i felt unsafe doing it um and i understand that dynamic because it's it's a it's a loaded gun that you're putting in your god forbid you carry appendix like I do. It's pointing at your dick. It's pointing at your dick, right? But, and I express that, look, if you're not going to carry with around in a chamber, at least understand the limitations that come with it.
Starting point is 02:23:16 Because there are some limitations that come with it. You're not going to be able to get your gun as fast if a situation happens quickly. So you need to understand it. So what does that mean? That means that when you're out and about, you need to be more situationally aware. Probably a little bit more so than, say, someone like me because I can get to my gun in under a second.
Starting point is 02:23:30 It might take you two or three. So it's talking through those type of dynamics. And so after he watched the video, he kind of did an experiment that I said. I said carry without a round in the chamber for a period of time and then see how often that gun is accidentally engaged. And you'll start to realize that as long as you have a couple of things, you'll be fine. A good holster and a good belt. If you carry in that manner, you like to carry in your fanny pack. That's a different story.
Starting point is 02:23:57 But but like, for instance, like not always. Yeah. OK, exactly. So so like and and then with how dynamic life is. Right. There's so many different ways to carry. Right. But not a lot of a lot of people know how to do this. So, for instance, like I mean, I'm in sweats a lot of the time. Right. So I've over the to my experiences because I have access to so many different guns and so many different holsters, I'm able to experiment. So I'm like, OK, I'm in sweats a lot. I'm in joggers a lot. What can I do to carry a firearm in a relatively secure way, safely, and not have to worry about it flopping around,
Starting point is 02:24:31 for instance, right? So like, for instance, like these joggers I'm wearing now from Arrowhead Tactical, right? That's what I was
Starting point is 02:24:36 going to bring up. Yeah. That company. That company, yeah. They make joggers specifically for concealed carry. Yes, I have some of those.
Starting point is 02:24:42 Exactly. And I love them. I'm trying out their new shit now. And you wouldn't know about that otherwise. I know people who carry in sweats and they just stick the gun in there and they don't know any better.
Starting point is 02:24:56 Right. So it's that type of information that our videos are providing. How did it save that dude's life? Oh, gotcha. So as far as saving his life, what he said was after he watched the video he started carrying with around in the chamber and i can't remember if he said a couple weeks ago a couple weeks later he's a jeweler and so
Starting point is 02:25:13 as a jeweler he was he was he was selling some jewelry to someone and then it was actually a setup and there were guys who were coming they were trying to rob him so the guys came to rob him and because he had around in the chamber another guy did it when he was getting ready to pull out when he was pulling out his gun his guns already pulled and he had around the table so he was able to shoot the guy neutralize him and get gone yeah and so I did I mean I had him on my he does a better job of explaining exactly and boom exactly it's in fractions of a second is what matters. And so if you're a jeweler, Jesus Christ. Yeah. And so, you know, he was like, your video saved my life.
Starting point is 02:25:51 Now, I'm not going to take the credit for that. I mean, I just are you did you made the decision yourself that you felt comfortable with? And that's what you did. But the information he had to get to that point is what was important. What do you know about the reality of accidental discharge with a P320? So here's my understanding of the P320 because I've heard different things, right? Me too. But there's so many stories that are on. Because I carry a SIG that is in the lineup of my carry rotation of guns. Which one?
Starting point is 02:26:30 The P365. Okay, the smaller one. No, actually the P365. The macro? The macro. The one with the larger handle, more rounds. Yes. So I still carry that one.
Starting point is 02:26:39 It's a great gun. Yeah, love it. It's so small. It's so small but so big. It's a 9mm and it has all those rounds. Yep, and I'm big on capacity. It's so small. It's so small but so big. Yeah, right. It's a 9mm, and it has all those rounds. Yep, and I'm big on capacity. That's me. I'm a capacity whore.
Starting point is 02:26:51 You carry it with a dot? That one, no. Because it's so slim. Yeah, because I carry that. I carry that one. I carry the Springfield Hellcat Pro. That has a red dot on it. Similar size.
Starting point is 02:27:02 Yeah, and then I carry the CS. The 365 is literally smaller than my hand. Yeah, but it. Similar size. Yeah. And then I carry the CS. The 365 is literally smaller than my hand. Yeah. But yet has 17 rounds. Yeah. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:27:11 When I put it in my hand, it's smaller than my hand. Yeah. It's nuts. So that, I call that my flight gun. I have guns for everything. So I have my,
Starting point is 02:27:20 like my, my, my, my Vault-Tec case that I have for flying. You know, when you fly with a gun, you have to have
Starting point is 02:27:24 a TSA approved case. so that stays in that box it stays in it so anytime I travel cuz I travel a lot I already have it there it's already set up where I need to go throw it in my suitcase and I'm good to go so that's where I keep that's the macro is designated for that gun and then my go-to's are the CS from cicado or the springfield hellcat pro but the the 320 does it have the same firing pin setup as a 365 i don't think so right i'm all positive it doesn't so now they changed it too they changed they changed it on the 320s after whatever those incidents that they said happened how recently um it was some How recently? It was some time ago, actually.
Starting point is 02:28:06 It was some time ago. Now, I hear different stories because for every story you hear about the gun going off, there's another story about the person who's claiming it went off actually caused it to go off because they did something inappropriate. Like when they were holstering it, they had a floppy holster and they got into the trigger guard and it went off. There is one story I hear. There is a story of it dropping, landing a specific way, and then gun going off. And that's when I think when that first happened, I think that's when they made the change to the 320s. One of America's favorite handguns is allegedly firing on its owner.
Starting point is 02:28:46 Sig Sauer's P320 pistol has wounded more than 80 people. Again, again. So they didn't pull the trigger. But who are those people? Right. Well, one of them I watched. There's a video of a cop. Yeah. The cop is in the precinct and he's bending over and it goes off.
Starting point is 02:28:57 So I read into that. Please. And I think, and I remember reading, I can't get it confirmed, but I remember reading something to the effect of he had, because one of the things with carrying a firearm when you're coming in and out of a holster, you need to make sure there's nothing impeding the entry of that gun into the holster. Because what can happen is your shirt can get caught in the trigger. And when you're putting it in the holster, it creates enough pressure to have the gun go off. It can happen just like that. it creates enough pressure to have the gun go off.
Starting point is 02:29:24 It can happen just like that. That's why any time I go to re-holster, I remove my shirt all the way, and I pull my holster out, and I watch every second of that gun going into the holster. I'm never in a rush to put my gun in the holster. There's no point. Because if you're putting the gun up, that means there's no more threat. So I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm making sure everything is clear. Sometimes I'll go so far as to take the holster out, put the gun in, then put the holster back on.
Starting point is 02:29:50 Because I'm not, because like I said, I'm not in a rush. But this one went off in the holster. It was a duty holster. So it was outside and so it didn't shoot him. It shot the ground next to him. But you could still, I'm not saying this would happen, but you could still have fabric that gets caught in the outside waistband holster as well. But it didn't seem like that was the case. Say again, I only read, I read into a little bit and that was a theory that somebody had posed or someone saying that that's what happened. I couldn't confirm whether or not that's true or not.
Starting point is 02:30:16 But I don't. There's also guys do things to triggers. They put different triggers on it. You can do that. If you modify your trigger You can definitely modify it so too far where you can cause the gun not necessarily to go off on its own But some guys like very light triggers. Yeah, but that would just cause the gun to be Accidentally automatic below right? Yeah, and that's very illegal
Starting point is 02:30:41 So from that perspective, but I don't I don't see but for something getting caught in that trigger guard this is just me being a gun guy and understanding holsters and how they function so there's a couple of things that can take place here either that holster is not the right holster for that gun because the holsters are specific to the gun right generally
Starting point is 02:31:00 speaking or some piece of material clothing got caught in there that he wasn't aware of. I just my mind doesn't know how I can justify or explain how the gun just goes off. There was also a physical movement that the guy did. Like he bent forward. OK. Yeah. I remember I remember seeing that video where he bent forward. And that's what makes me think there may have been a piece of material in the actual holster. Or a janky holster or something
Starting point is 02:31:25 possibly something funky i'm i'm i remember because i remember raking my brain and i'm like how could that what could cause it just to go off on its own right because it's not even like the movement he engaged in was like aggressive enough to cause the gun to just jolt and go like for instance like if it dropped like i just can't see how that could be the case. In all of my years of carrying firearms, and I'm pushing 15 years now, I just don't see it. I don't.
Starting point is 02:31:56 Dropping it, if it dropped, then I can see that. But what's crazy is it's one gun. That's a good point. Now, that gun is also used in a lot of police departments. Right, but you don't hear about it from Glocks. No. Right? It's weird.
Starting point is 02:32:11 That's true. That's very true. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird. Well, well. I've never heard of it. I have.
Starting point is 02:32:19 Accidental discharge without touching the trigger? Yeah. Was anybody doing anything weird with the gun? Because Glock has a two-stage, too. so it's so it's a p320 right um so the weird thing about accidental discharges they're not accidental they're negligent because generally speaking because i've heard guns i've heard i've heard cops say the gun just went off no you pulled the trigger you didn't realize you pulled the trigger. You didn't realize you pulled the trigger, but you did.
Starting point is 02:32:50 Oh, you mean in a fight or flight situation? Even just normally. Because you've got to think about it. I've done this test before. Men, women, it doesn't matter. You give a gun to somebody who's never actually handled a gun, what's the first thing they do? I just hand them a gun. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:33:05 It's a very natural, instinctive thing to do. It's very unnatural to keep your trigger finger off of the gun. Your brain's not wired to do that. It's like, this is the thing that makes the gun go, put your finger there. And so a lot of, I'm not going to say I hesitate to say this because I don't have hard data.
Starting point is 02:33:22 I just have anecdotal data. But a lot of cops aren't necessarily gun people. A lot of them never shoot their guns outside of the qualification. So outside of that, I can see situations where a lot of cops think the gun went off on their own, but they just have bad manipulation skills of a firearm because they haven't ingrained it into their stuff. You give me a toy gun, immediately my index finger is going on the side.
Starting point is 02:33:50 It's not touching that trigger. You give me a staple gun because I've ingrained it. It's something I've ingrained because I handle firearms so often. Yeah. And a lot of cops don't handle firearms as much as people give them credit for. Yeah, because they're not all gun guys. That's the scary thing, right? Yeah. If guys are on the job and they don't train yeah I've heard I've known cops that don't like guns they only carry it because
Starting point is 02:34:13 they have to for their job okay right but then the person like the person who taught me initially how to shoot he was a cop but he's a gun guy right you get what I'm saying so big difference if he told me the gun went off, I'd believe him. Right. Right. But I have a hard time believing, and like to answer your question with Glocks, yeah, I've heard cops say, oh, the gun just went off. And it's like, no, it didn't.
Starting point is 02:34:37 You put your finger on the trigger, you didn't realize it. But there's way less. And there's also, there's not like P-226s. Yeah, it's very specific to the 320s, which I agree with you. I have two or three of them, 320s. I have one that I got from Dave Mods. It's nice. I love it.
Starting point is 02:34:58 But every time I touch it, I'm like. Now, I've never, I've, I have four, actually, about four of them. And I've never had issues, but I'll be honest and say that's not saying, that's not saying a lot because I don't shoot them often. Right. So me saying I haven't had issues doesn't really give much credence to anything. But I'm more inclined, like you make, you bring up an excellent point that it's so specific to a specific model and they did a change yes that's also very specific from a drop standpoint right but there was something going on with the way it cocks yeah um i'm trying to remember what what it was
Starting point is 02:35:39 has it caused accidental fatalities not that i'm aware of Not that I'm aware of. Not that I'm aware of. But I'm trying to think. Most people that I talk to, I should say this, for Sig's sake, for the sake of the company, most people that I've talked to are very skeptical. They're actual gun people. I mean, you can hear it in my voice. And everybody I talk to. Jack Carr, all those people that are fans of SIGs.
Starting point is 02:36:08 Because I'm a massive fan of SIG. They make great guns. You bring a great point, though. The fact that it's exclusive to that. To one model. Yeah, it's interesting. That said, I don't know. I'm still skeptical enough that I'd still, I'd still carry it.
Starting point is 02:36:25 And it's also a thing where it's like, if it really was happening, how was it only 80 people, right? How many three twenties are out there in active duty just with cops? How many three twenties do people have for home defense? What makes me think people carry three twenties. It's a common gun to carry,
Starting point is 02:36:43 but that's what makes me think. And I promise you, if you look into those numbers, the vast majority of those 80 are cops. I'm almost positive the vast majority of them are going to be cops. Well, and I look at it the same way, the way you look at guns, the same way I look at martial arts with cops. There is nothing that drives me more fucking crazy than cops that don't know how to defend themselves and have zero knowledge of grappling and get into exchange with someone and then they're on their back and they don't know what to do like how did you sign up for this without a rudimentary understanding at least of grappling you don't know what the fuck to do how you're engaging with someone physically and you don't know how to control them you hoping
Starting point is 02:37:23 they listen i if i was a cop, I'd be in it. Like my friend that taught me how to shoot, he's a fighter. He fights. Yeah, I mean, that's got to be part of the job, man. You know, that's one of the things that Andrew Yang proposed. We know he was talking when he was running for president. He was like, I think that all cops should be at least purple belt level of jiu-jitsu. I'm like, preach.
Starting point is 02:37:44 Preach. But realistically. Right. You know what i'm saying that's a long fucking road that's a long road jack and we can barely get enough cops now as it is just to not be fat right how many cops is here just morbidly which i think is insanity it's. Like literally part of your tools for your job is for you to be able to use your body to defend yourself and others and to be able to detain someone. And you can't do it?
Starting point is 02:38:14 Couldn't be me. I would be in the... Because I'm like, at any moment you could be getting shot at, bro. Yes. At any moment. Or someone would try to take your gun from you. Yeah. You know? I mean, if your gun from you yeah you know i mean if your gun is in your holster and your hands are on me and you don't know how to fight you're never getting to that gun you're not going to get to that gun how are you going to get to that gun
Starting point is 02:38:37 you don't have a chance in hell i'm gonna overhook that right arm and that's a wrap that's a wrap now you're helpless and i learned that the first That's a wrap. Now you're helpless. And I learned that the first day I started doing it. Especially if you're wearing clothes. You're wearing clothes and someone has a good overhook and they fucking cinch that bitch down. That's a wrap. You ain't going nowhere. You're going nowhere. And then you get tripped and now you're on your back.
Starting point is 02:39:01 And then some guy rotates so he can grab your gun and you can't even grab it? Yeah. You better have a retention level 10 on that motherfucker. And you better, yeah. Yeah. That's an interesting thing, right? The retention holsters
Starting point is 02:39:13 where people have holsters that are, there's a very specific way to get it out. Yeah. That scares me in a high pressure situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:21 I mean, it's one of the things you can train to because the same thing can be said about 1911s because they have a safety. Right. But doesn't your thumb
Starting point is 02:39:28 always go on there? Yes, that's the thing about 1911s. So safeties on like polymer style guns aren't necessarily the same as the ones... Where you have to click it?
Starting point is 02:39:36 Yeah, because they're a lot smaller. They're not very intuitive. And you're like, ah, click. Yeah. With the 1911, if I were to draw the gun
Starting point is 02:39:43 right now, I'm naturally, it's just already on it so it's going to drop. Yeah, it's on it. Whereas with polymer guns, if I were to draw the gun right now, I'm naturally, it's just already on it, so it's going to drop. Yeah. Whereas with polymer guns, you're kind of fishing for it. Like, where is this thing?
Starting point is 02:39:50 Oh, there it is. Yeah. Right. But yeah, it's, man, I, I'm trying to think, because I remember I had a Beretta.
Starting point is 02:40:03 I was doing a shooting course, a training house, and one of the scenarios was I was supposed to clear this house, I remember I had a Beretta. I was doing a shooting course at a training house. And one of the scenarios was I was supposed to clear this house. And they gave me a Beretta, and I had a safety on it. And I remember going through and clearing through the house, and then it was a blue gun. It functioned like a gun, but it didn't shoot bullets. And a guy popped around the corner. I was like, oh, shoot.
Starting point is 02:40:22 Pulled the gun. The gun wouldn't go off. I forgot to take the safety off. Ooh. Yeah. Well, that's what training's for. Exactly. So, same thing with the retention holster.
Starting point is 02:40:30 Right. It's like you want to train. How does a retention holster work exactly? So, there are different levels, right? So, there's like one, two, three, four, level four, level one, level two, level three, level four. Right? So, like the lowest amount is just you have a gun and a holster. Right? And you literally turn it upside down and it'll fall out. Then you have the kind of like the, the lowest amount is just, you have a gun in a holster, right.
Starting point is 02:40:45 And you literally turn it upside down. It'll fall out. Then you have the kind of like the Kydex holsters where you put it in, you hear that click that kind of like click. So all you need is just a good tug and it comes out. Then you have other ones where when you come down on the holster, there's a button because there's like a little, there's like a little,
Starting point is 02:41:02 like a, like a little thing that goes over the back end of the gun, so even if you pull it out, it's not coming out. And so when you come down on the holster, you push the button, and it flips out of the way so that you can pull the gun out. And then I think there's another level that's even more than that. It's like there's a little ring on it, and there's like a hood, and you've got to remove that.
Starting point is 02:41:21 They're designed where if the gun's on you, it's one motion. But if it's a gun, that's not on you, you're like, you're going to be in such an angle. You're not, you're going to have a hard time getting to that button to that thing,
Starting point is 02:41:36 to be able to get the gun out. Right. And so, and like I said, they started like level one all the way up to like level four. Then anybody can get them. You can go to a store and get them. Right.
Starting point is 02:41:46 But if I open carry, I don't open carry generally. I don't actually really open carry at all. The only time I've ever open carried is when I'm out in the country or something like that. Or in some rural environment. But generally speaking, if I were to open carry I would have a at least like a level three level four retention holster because I've seen too many videos I've done too many videos on people who are like in a gas station and they're open carrying and then somebody comes up behind them grabs a gun and runs oh yeah you know what I'm saying I saw a guy at a
Starting point is 02:42:23 convenience store in a video a guy had it in his lower back yeah i got snatched his gun just ran out the door yep yep and that you can't even chase him shit what are you gonna do give me back my gun unless you don't want your ankle too exactly yeah um and you know and it's it's one of those things and it's that's a hotly contested debate in the gun space should you or should you not open carry what are the benefits and what are the drawbacks because there's something one mindset says if you open carry you're going to be the first target for a criminal but then another person comes up and says if you open carry you're going to be the last target because criminals are like i want to i want a weak
Starting point is 02:42:59 target i don't want somebody who already has a gun i see he has a gun i'm going to find somebody especially if they have situational where exactly and that that that is and it's so easy to say because situational awareness can get you out of a lot of shit where you never even have to go to your yeah it really can um like you know like I had a situation where I was followed or dudes were trying to rob me you told me about about that. Yeah. And the only, I really believe, if not for my situational awareness, I call it paranoia. Sometimes paranoia will help. I don't, I don't, I do not discount my paranoia. I accept it full.
Starting point is 02:43:36 I accept it full. Because when I'm right, it's my best friend. Well, it's also, crime is reality. Yeah. And the idea that you won't come across crime because you're a good person. Yep. That's nuts. You zig when you should have zagged
Starting point is 02:43:47 and you're around the wrong people. Because if I didn't pick them up, they would have caught me slipping because I would have been do-do-do-do-do. Yeah. It would have been a wrap
Starting point is 02:43:55 and there would have been nothing I can do about it. I could have had 15 guns on me. Wouldn't have mattered. Wouldn't have mattered at all. The thing that sucks, though, is in the moment for someone like me,
Starting point is 02:44:04 it just goes to show you, and this is pretty pervasive in all the guys in the gun community. In that moment when they were chasing me, the whole time I'm thinking through not only I want to get out of this situation alive, I'm literally thinking, what are the legal ramifications
Starting point is 02:44:23 for every action I might engage in. Right. And so because I know the standard of responsibility for me is exceedingly higher. Right. Because one, I'm a known gun guy, but purely just me having a concealed carry. My burden of responsibility is 10 times higher, even that of the criminal. Right. Because you should have known you're a concealed carrier.
Starting point is 02:44:46 Right. Right. So there's so many things that like when you when you are a concealed carrier, someone who just carries a gun, you are already behind the eight ball. All a criminal has to do is wake up and decide I'm going to go engage in some criminal shit. I'm going to find somebody. I'm going to attack them. They know exactly what they're going to do.
Starting point is 02:45:02 They know exactly what they're going to bring. I'm just living my life and I have to react to this. So not only do I have to react to the fact that somebody may try to rob me, I have to react to, I have to be thinking about what did, at what point can I, will I be justified in even using my firearm to protect myself? Right. Because in that, at that time when I was in the car and they were following me, chasing me in the car, yeah, technically they were chasing me, but I couldn't stick my gun out the window and start shooting. Right.
Starting point is 02:45:27 Because they hadn't technically broke a law yet. They haven't done anything to warrant, to justify me shooting. They could have just been chasing me just to have fun. Right. I don't know. And so I have to think about those things as a legal, responsible gun owner. Criminals don't. Right.
Starting point is 02:45:42 So it always pisses me off that these politicians make laws that make it even harder for legal gun owners to exercise that right. Like these laws don't do anything but make it harder for us because we obey laws. Like what laws specifically? Like just even the process of acquiring a firearm.
Starting point is 02:46:00 Like why are you, first of all, like in California, why would you limit my round count to 10 rounds? Yeah. Like, you're making it harder for me. If I'm being chased in a vehicle, I don't know how many people are in that car. Generally speaking, when criminals are engaging in criminal activity, it's not by themselves. Right. There's multiple.
Starting point is 02:46:15 I'm largely going to be by myself dealing with multiple people. What is the logic to limiting round capacities? It's purely, purely based on mass shootings. They figure the less rounds you have in a gun, the less people die. That's what they think because they see every, because every mass shooter that they see, they say, oh, they had this 30 round magazine, which is the standard capacity for a lot of these guns. It's because they had so many bullets that they were able to kill so many people. That's not true. Generally speaking, when you have a high body count in a mass shooting, it is the context
Starting point is 02:46:45 and the circumstance of the shooting that cause it. Well, wasn't the Virginia Tech one of the most horrific mass shootings? Yes. And the guy had- 36 people. He killed 36 people.
Starting point is 02:46:55 With pistols. With pistols, right? And then they'll go on- He just kept reloading. Yeah, that's all he did. But the thing is, what made him so deadly, what people don't talk about,
Starting point is 02:47:04 is he chained the doors. He chained them. So he had free reign of that school for who knows how long. And so all those people can do is hide in corners. And he literally walked in classrooms, just start picking people off. Where were they going to go? Right. Right. He's the only one with guns. He just starts shooting people one by one, one by one. And the cops were outside trying to get in the building because he chain locked the door. So it wasn't the fact that he had a 30 round magazine in his gun. It was the fact that he chained the door and nobody can get in to stop him. Right. Right. And so and then those were handguns.
Starting point is 02:47:39 Yeah. But they talk about, oh, it's these deadly assault rifles and so forth and so on. Did you see those ladies on The View talk about ARs, like hunting a deer with an AR? There's not going to be anything left of it. Some people shouldn't just be part of the conversation. But imagine having that conversation and being that ignorant openly and not even understanding that a.226 is not even— You can barely hunt ethically a deer with a.223 round. Yeah, it's.223 or.556. They're not big rounds.
Starting point is 02:48:08 They're not at all. They're actually really small. Yeah. That's the crazy thing. That's what's crazy. They're actually really small. Somehow or another, they think you're shooting a cannon. It's so dumb.
Starting point is 02:48:18 But it's ignorance. Right. And I wouldn't have a problem with it if they were open to having a conversation honestly. Well, they're pushing a narrative that is based entirely on ignorance. Yeah. But that's mainstream media for you. Yeah. I've been dealing with it for 10 plus years.
Starting point is 02:48:38 That when it comes to the conversation about firearms in this country, that is the mainstream media narrative and it doesn't change. And it's also the idea that you wouldn't hunt with one listen hunting with one especially in a 308 an ar in a 308 it's a good ethical move because you need a follow-up shot sometimes and you don't have to go you don't have to reload it exactly like there's a lot of people in the hunting space that don't like semi-automatic weapons for hunting, but I'm like, why? It's the dumbest thing to me. If you want to shoot an animal ethically, having the ability for a follow-up shot instantaneously is a benefit to ethics. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they grew up with those hunting guns and are not comfortable with semi-automatics because they don't really know about them very much.
Starting point is 02:49:26 And so they're like, nobody needs that. Well, there's the two the two groups right the fuzz yeah, yeah, which Elmer Fudd yeah Hunters and then people were gun for that exactly And you know it's like I said I I wouldn't have a problem with the ignorance if they were willing to have the conversation Right at least be open to say having someone like me or somebody else from the space to come on But usually when they have the conversations conversations they're just they yell at you and talk they're just chicken barking amongst each other and not really getting anywhere they don't know what they're talking about and on top of that they demonize anybody that has a differing perspective and they won't have an actual good faith conversation about it and if they did they would find out that
Starting point is 02:50:00 they're solely uninformed yeah and they they're unwilling to accept the narrative that some people do save people's lives with guns. A ton of people. To the tune of 1.63 million every year, people use a gun in self-defense. Nobody talks about that. Yeah. Nobody. They talk about the 40,000 people who die every day, die every year from gun violence. But even when you break those numbers down.
Starting point is 02:50:24 Yeah. And you see the reality of it. Yeah, but also the mass shooting numbers are severely distorted too, because people don't understand most of these mass shootings are gang violence. Dude, I did a video where I remember there was a, I forgot the actual shooting,
Starting point is 02:50:37 there was a mass shooting, a legit one. A legit mass shooting. It was like a couple weeks ago. And it's about three weeks ago. And they were saying and then the report was there have been five mass shootings since 2024 we're only a week into 2000 i think we were only five four days into to 2024 and they was like there have already been five mass shootings so i said that don't sound right if there were five mass shootings within five days of 2024 i'd know about it so i was like
Starting point is 02:51:12 okay so it's a scene it was a scene in the article so i go and i look at the at the at the at the hyperlink that they use to quote that stat and it was like gun violence archive archive or something like that so i click it and so they list the the five incidents so i was like gun violence archive or something like that. So I click it. And so they list the five incidents. So I was like, all right. The problem is they don't expect people to go three, four layers deep into the rabbit hole. Right. They expect that you just see the link there.
Starting point is 02:51:36 Oh, that solidifies it. I don't even need to look at what the actual incidents were. They're correct. So I click it and I go to the first incident. It was like a drive-by. I go to the first incident. It was like a drive-by. I go to the second incident. It was a fight at a party. Next incident. Drive-by. Next incident. New Year's Eve party. LA.
Starting point is 02:51:54 Drive-by. No. A dispute between two group of people and then turned out it was a shooting. Basically street shit. The only one that was actually the mass shooting, like a legit mass shooting, was the one that the initial article was about.
Starting point is 02:52:11 So basically what they did is they took four of these street violence shootings and then clustered them in and called them mass shootings. Right, and by the way, you're never going to stop street violence until you stop disparaged communities. It's not happening. You're never going to stop street violence until you stop disparage communities. You're never going to stop street violence until I mean, I've said this so many times, but I'll say it one more time. Think about the money we've sent to Ukraine. And imagine if they put that money into cleaning up inner cities and making them safer. safer and do they really do people really think that motherfucking kids who grow up in these environments really want to live like that exactly like they really want to live their life looking over their shoulder exactly and having having to worry about who's trying to kill them what's
Starting point is 02:52:54 happening do they really think people want to live like that come on it's a convenient narrative it's a convenient narrative and it's also like they do nothing to fix those spots. Nothing. Nothing. And who are those places run by? Democrats. And I hate the fact that I even have to say it. It's so true.
Starting point is 02:53:15 But the only reason I say it is because when I look at who was pushing the narrative for gun control, it is always a Democrat. Always. Which is always a Democrat. Always. Which is fine, okay? If that's the way the party wants to lean, cool. But what I have a problem with is when the vast majority of gun murders in this country are coming from inner cities that are all ran by Democrats. That's where I have a problem. Because you're pushing legislation,
Starting point is 02:53:46 you're pushing policies that do nothing to address the root cause of the issue. You're literally using the deplorable conditions in these environments to justify more gun control policies that will do nothing
Starting point is 02:54:00 to fix these environments but give you more control over people. And put responsible gun owners in danger. Exactly. Or turn us into criminals. Right. Because you're making such convoluted laws. Nobody knows shit.
Starting point is 02:54:14 You know how many people call and ask me, I'm going to this state. I'm going to California. Can I carry this? Can I bring this? It's so convoluted and all over the place. Nobody knows how to not break the laws when it comes to guns So it begs the question are you're trying to create criminals? Right because that's what it seems like because you're clearly not trying to stop any of it because you have an entire
Starting point is 02:54:36 Environment over here that has the same consistent problem It's not like the inner city in like Chicago is so different from like the inner city in like Louisiana. Right. It's the same shit, the same problems. So if we understand that and they're happening in these very specific areas, why the fuck are we still talking about gun control? Why?
Starting point is 02:54:56 There are so many people in and out and there are so many people who have more guns than food, who live in other places in this country and they don't have this gun violence problem. They don't. When's the last time you saw a black dude who lived in the suburbs doing drive-bys in a BMW? You don't see it. That tells you there's a totally
Starting point is 02:55:17 different issue here that's going on and you're not willing to address it. And if you're not going to address the real issue, shut the fuck up about guns. Because you don't care. And you have a totally different motivation for why you're pushing it. And it has nothing to do with actually saving lives. Right.
Starting point is 02:55:35 It has to do with a narrative that your ideology accepts openly, which is that guns are the problem. Yep. And that's it. And it's a childish perspective. Exceedingly childish. Yep. And that's it. And it's a, it's a juvenile, it's a childish perspective. Exceedingly childish. Yeah. And it's not only,
Starting point is 02:55:49 it's not only childish, it's getting people killed. Because at the end of the day, that violence has to go somewhere. It has to. You can only rob the people in the environment that you're in for so long before you have to start
Starting point is 02:56:01 spreading out. So now what's ended up happening is you have people who are now forced to confront this type of violence without any means to protect themselves. So your policies are actually hurting people and causing more lives to be taken. So as far as I'm concerned,
Starting point is 02:56:19 anything they have to say about the issue until they're willing to talk about the root cause of the issue is bullshit. You couldn't have said better. It's as good as anyone could say it. I think it's a good way to wrap this up because I think that that narrative is not being discussed openly. And I think it's logical. And I think you're dead right. And I think the root cause of it is he's crime infested, gang infested neighborhoods where people don't have hope. And no. And everybody wants to ignore it and just say oh well it's just that's just the culture it's the environment yes maybe but there's a reason why
Starting point is 02:56:49 that culture started in the first place yes and so until we understand what's driving that if that's look if if we're really just like hey we just don't give a fuck then say that then at least we know we can we're on that level we understand that you just don't give a fuck we can let them kill themselves off, fuck them. But if your job is really wanting to save lives and really wanting to minimize the amount of gun violence in this country, if you're not willing to have that conversation honestly, you're full of shit. You're full of shit. Preach. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 02:57:21 Appreciate you being on here always. I appreciate your perspective. And I think it's important to get your side of things out there because it's logical it's educated you know what the fuck you're talking about and you don't hear it it's hard to hear it's unfortunate but you know it is what it is well thanks for thanks for providing thanks for appreciate you thanks for giving me your platform always always anytime thank you bye everybody Always, anytime. Thank you. Bye, everybody.

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