The Joe Rogan Experience - #2154 - Remi Warren

Episode Date: May 22, 2024

Remi Warren is a hunting guide, writer, television personality, and host of the "Live Wild" podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Trained by day, Joe Rogan podcasts by night, all day. Cheers, sir. Cheers. Good to see you, man. We're just saying, you're a professional podcaster now, too. Yeah, I guess. A little bit different, you know?
Starting point is 00:00:18 Isn't that wild? It's wild, man. I mean, when I met you, nobody was podcasting. No. You were like, you should podcast. You can do a really good podcast. I'm like, all right, I'll podcast. I wonder how many podcasts I've talked people into doing.
Starting point is 00:00:32 A lot. I think you're responsible for most in my Spotify playlist. It's gotta be over 50. This time, the amount of people that actually have podcasts, that got podcasts after I told them, you should probably do a podcast. Yeah. People were getting annoyed at me. I ran into people that would tell me personally in the street, dude
Starting point is 00:00:49 I love your podcast, but please stop telling everybody to do a podcast I was like why what if they're good at it? What if they get good at it? Yeah, like what's the what's the harm? You don't like it. Don't download it. No super easy to deal with it is yeah Yeah, that was the thing you're just like what you're like Remy. You know what you need to do what podcast was like. I think you told me three times before it got Well, you're a great podcast guest so if you're great podcast cast guest and you were great on that show Apex predator. Yeah, like you're it's simple. You're a good talker Yeah Just tell people what I guess and your perspective is very interesting because your perspective is a guy that hunts
Starting point is 00:01:27 Like how many days a year do you hunt now? I don't know. It's probably down to 200. Yes Yeah, which is crazy that's like super unusual for a human being it is Yeah living in America in 2024 What percentage of the population do you like consider your ears very small? There's like campaigns Ronella you Dudley, but I don't think those guys hunt as much you know yeah They don't they don't have as much because you guide as well Yeah, I'm just like a different kind of addict where I just have to be out there. Yeah doing it Well, it's you know the people that don't know it's it's an amazing experience have to be out there and doing it. Well, it's, you know, to people that don't know,
Starting point is 00:02:06 it's an amazing experience just to be out there. It's amazing. It's like nothing else that you experience. It's literally wild. It is, yeah. There's a lot of wild things that you do that are like, wow, this is wild. But no, this is literally wild.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Yeah. Like for real wild. I think the thing is for me is I can go out there and every, you don't know what you're going to encounter. You like it's not a mundane experience. Everything you have to be aware. It's like you could be out there and one day this happens and everything's fine and the next day you get attacked by a bear and the next day you're like
Starting point is 00:02:39 it snows on you and you're freezing. It's just every every day is so different and even doing it over and over and over, nothing's ever the same. And it can't be, you know? I mean, there's too many different environments. Like you just got back, I was listening to your podcast about hunting for musk ox. And that experience of like hours and hours every day
Starting point is 00:03:01 in just whiteness, just snow and nothing but on snowmobiles. Like that fucking freaks me out. That was the best part about it is just like the place. Sometimes hunting takes you to those really cool places that you never thought you'd go. Like nobody goes above the Arctic Circle unless they're a scientist figuring out, you know, global warming shit or somebody going hunting.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Because it's not, I guess there's a few people doing polar expeditions and things like that, but it's not a place you just go vacation. Is this from your Instagram? So this is what it's like out there? Oh, wow, so it's like little trailers out there? Yeah, you're just, you're essentially traveling on frozen ocean and you look at the size of the Arctic
Starting point is 00:03:43 and it's, it's like larger than North America. Is it really? I'm not sure exactly how big it is, but when you look at the whole Arctic circle, that whole region, it is massive. Is it really larger than North America? Larger than the United States for sure. Wow, and so larger than the United States
Starting point is 00:04:00 and it's all just snow? I guess it's part of North America, so you can't really say it's larger than North America. Yeah, it's just wild. It's frozen snow, and then there's tons, so there's like the frozen ocean, and then there's islands in it that would be land. Kind of has some undulation in there, like little hills. There's a artichere just digging.
Starting point is 00:04:19 It's like, what do they eat? They eat the tundra, I guess. The artichere and the ptarmigans, right? Like, what do they eat? Yeah. They eat the tundra, I guess. The artichoke and the ptarmigans, right? Like, what do they eat? I don't know, just the grasses, seeds. Just whatever pops up out of the little spots where they can find. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:36 The thing about it is it's super windy all the time, too, because there's nothing to stop the wind. So it's really cold, and then it's even colder because you get that wind chill. But that wind blows pretty fierce and that wind's always moving the snow. So the snow's always there but there would be like a lot of drifts but it'll cause areas where there's maybe a hill to blow open. So that's what the muskox eat. That's what the arctic hair. So you find like those kind of areas and that there's food sources there. How crazy is that? You're relying on the wind to uncover the snow to give you enough food to sustain?
Starting point is 00:05:09 It's wild and then to sustain an animal that's that large. Yeah as large as the muskox. Well, that gives me hope for Bigfoot. Yeah Muscox live out in Antarctica. Yeah, you know or the Arctic Circle Yeah, and when you're out there, how many people live there full-time? I Can't remember. I think it's under a thousand. Wow And so that's like a larger that we flew into like a larger area and then went Over a hundred miles from there. What are those folks do for the most part? there's some in the summertime, there's like fishing and then hunting in the wintertime. That's what they live off of?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah, there is stuff like certain some of the more remote there's other villages that don't have, you know, like an airplane that goes to it or whatever. And there's purely subsistence or getting things in a couple times a year, like that particular spot, the fuel comes in once a year. Once a year. Yeah. So, somebody pokes a hole in the fuel tank, you're fucked. That's it, yeah, you're done.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Oh my God. It's pretty crazy. Fuel comes in once a year, it's such a crazy thing to say. Like, you gotta plan for the whole year. How much fuel? Everybody uses diesel for everything heating And if you don't have it you're fucked yeah Wow very very crazy like I don't know just there's places in the world that are so unlike what we're used to oh
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah, not to imagine. There's people that are gonna live their whole life. Yeah. Oh, yeah, most of people that I met had never left that village Wow, imagine taking them to Hawaii. Yeah, what am I doing with my life? This is so ridiculous I don't know be in Hawaii. I don't know if they would like it. What are you talking about? Everybody likes Hawaii Yeah, I would love it you would think but they it's just like that's what they know. I think it'd be too hot What they know I think it'd be too hot I'll take you out all day. Yeah over fucking freezing tundra and wind and fuck that Yeah, you mind sweating a little bit you're next to the ocean jump in the water cool off relax They like their food they like to eat stuff that I wasn't a fan of it's called muck tuck It's like essentially whale fat. That's been
Starting point is 00:07:27 Like cured. Whoa, like fermented not fermented. It's more like salted almost like okay like whale beef jerky Oh like okay. Yeah whale fat. That's what it looks like. Yeah That's it. Bourdain told me that fermented shark was the most disgusting thing he ever ate Yeah, I haven't had that but I've heard it's really bad and they love it and apparently wherever the fuck it is I guess it's Iceland what they eat a lot Iceland. Yeah, that's what it looks like Jamie Does that what it would look like when you were eating it? Yeah, what does it taste like? It's like greasy rotten fish maybe
Starting point is 00:08:06 No, not a whale is it too the guys the some of the inuit guys they have like preferred whale kinds They like narwhal the best is what he said and then beluga whale and then there's other whales that they don't like as much So yeah, like when the community gets like it I get they do all that in the summertime and Then they save it for the winter time But I guess you'd need to eat a lot of fat to survive the winter whale in my brain is Goes into the same category as monkey like you're eating whale or you're eating monkey. I'm like yo, do you have to do that? Yeah, not a fan it seems like you probably shouldn't do that. Yeah, I'm not a fan. It seems like you probably shouldn't do that. Yeah, I had tried muck tuck before,
Starting point is 00:08:49 and so when they busted it out, I was like, I will pass, thank you. Were they offended? No, I think that they just didn't get it, you know? Right. Like their whole culinary experience too is like, I, we got the musk ox and it was really it was like really good meat and you know, I cooked it up with some like garlic and
Starting point is 00:09:11 canned mushrooms in a pan and do it how I like like medium-rare and it was phenomenal and The way they do their cooking is they just boil it they like it boiled everything everything But you think about it and they've lived so long in a lot of isolation, no doctors, none of this. So they're very cautious about their food and they just don't want to get sick from it or anything like that. So for probably their entire forever, it's just overcooked food and then you don't get sick.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Oh wow. Yeah, if you get a parasite up there, you're in real trouble. Yeah, you're in trouble. So they just, everything's boiled, they like it boiled. Well, I guess if you drink the broth too, you know? Parasite up there. You're in trouble. So they just everything's boiled. They like it boiled Well, I guess if you drink the broth too Yeah, it's like a soup. Yeah, maybe like kind of a meat soup, right? It's probably a good way to be like effective. Like you don't need to cook in fat that way Yeah, they just boil it and then they've got everything in the pot and that's and they get their dietary fat from just this whale fat stuff
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, they eat anything else that they get dietary fat from just this whale fat stuff. Yeah, they eat anything else So they get dietary fat from no, I think whales the seals. They probably have no diseases. Yeah Everybody lives 110. Yeah, I don't know Yeah, it's probably good. It's probably good for you those people that live have you ever seen that Werner Heisler Werner Herzog film happy people? I can't remember. It's the the one where the trappers in the taiga in Siberia. No, it's an amazing documentary so Werner Herzog went to Siberia and hung out. I don't know if he was just narrating it or if he was actually there I think he was just narrating it or if he was actually there. I think he was just narrating it.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Maybe he went there, but someone went there. Point is, these people are extremely happy. All they do is go trapping and fishing and hunting, and they live in these villages and they go around on snowmobiles. It's interesting because it's like, what is life supposed to be about? Is it supposed to be about enjoying yourself or is it supposed to be about accomplishing things? Because if it's supposed to be about accomplishing things and you don't enjoy yourself, it seems like you're kind of missing part of the point of life.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And these people, their life is enjoyable. They love fishing. They're laughing. When they're going hunting, they're talking about hunting, how much they love hunting and fishing and it's fun and you get all this food And they they're just pulling these massive pike out of the river They have these giant nets and shit and so they're having a good old time like all day long Yeah, freezing the fish they feed the fish to the dogs like they have this whole system worked out They just completely exist with what they had with very little thing other than like snowmobiles and the occasional like machine that they
Starting point is 00:11:49 make all their skis they hand make their skis this guy was like showing how to make a ski and so you like he's like using the pitch and the tar and like heating the the thing up and cutting it perfectly and planing it it's pretty amazing stuff yeah that's wild I guess that's like, yeah, everybody works real hard to go on vacation and go fishing. I met a dude when I was in the British Virgin Islands who worked for a big tech company. I don't want to say the company, but it's like a major company that like, you know, they make like fucking jets and shit for the military. And he just was like, I don't see this. I don't see this. This just doesn't seem like a good path for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Because I'm seeing all these people that were managers and executives are trying to work their way up the corporate ladder. And everybody's miserable. Everyone's exhausted. Everyone's overworked. They're all putting in crazy hours. They bring work home with them. You know, they hardly see their family. They make a lot of money, sure. But're all putting in crazy hours. They bring work home with them. They hardly see their family They make a lot of money sure, but he was like
Starting point is 00:12:48 Fuck this. He just became a fishing guy British Virgin Islands fucking super chill guy But as I was talking to him, it's like bringing up scientific terms for different animals and like the way Different fish have like very specific. I forgot the term he was using about like It was particularly about Barracuda that Barracuda like they they make their skin oilier So they can go faster so they can move through the water faster. Yeah, they're lubed They're lubed up, but he was explaining it and like these scientific terms and I was like wow This guy is like He's an amazing vocabulary for a guy who runs a fishing boat. He sounds like a scientist Yeah, like a guy who I would talk to on a podcast and the more we're talking, you know, cuz we're on this
Starting point is 00:13:33 Four-hour fishing trip the more we're talking he starts telling me his background We starts talking about the business that he was in I was like that's crazy And she just decided to bail on it all and just start fishing like that's like a character in a movie Yeah, you know like nobody does that everybody just stays miserable. Yeah They stay miserable they buy a new Lexus and they you know feel pretty good about themselves. Yeah Yeah, that's why I was like I feel very fortunate I feel like a pretty happy person because I pretty much get to do what I love all the time you get to do the thing that everybody looks forward to every like if you're a hunter and you
Starting point is 00:14:08 have like September for our elk or November for whitetail like you look forward to the rut like nothing else in life other than like your kid's birthday yeah exactly you're just so excited about this opportunity that you're gonna get to spend a week in the woods. And that's your whole job. That's mostly what you do. It is, yeah, it's great. You're super lucky, man, you're lucky.
Starting point is 00:14:32 So we brought you out here today to do a podcast, but also because I wanted to get you into Waste Well, because you had a crazy wrist injury that you wound up getting two surgeries on, right? Yeah, because the last time I was in here, I just started shooting that mouth tab. That's right. We talked about last Set up. Yeah, we shot. Yeah, that was like some of the first arrows. I'd flown in front of another human People don't know we're talking about well, so just explain the injury let's get into the injury first
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, so I mean I I tore Well, so just explain the injury. Let's get into the injury first. Yeah, so I mean I tore Tendon in my wrist that does a lot of the movement things and it ended up being just dislocated and had to do a reconstruction Of the tendon and all that stuff had a surgery essentially a botched surgery which made Surgery that the surgery did probably more damage than maybe even the initial thing. Really? Yeah, so the bad surgery caused a lot of complications and then had to have a salvage surgery after that. What kind of complications did it cause? I mean, I lost the feeling in my hand. You don't feel anything in your hand?
Starting point is 00:15:36 No, I do now. The second surgery, they fixed all that. Oh, wow. There was just the recovery went from you know, essentially a What what do they promise like three months to six months kind of recovery to a couple years down the track and still not Even being able to function a hundred percent. Why still a lot of pain and other things. So But yeah, but because of that so what was wrong with the first surgery like what did they do? It just didn't turn out well. Yeah, well the
Starting point is 00:16:06 they broke One of the bits when they're drilling in and it got the bit I guess got broken in the it's like a hollow screw So got busted off in there So then they tried to use another bit to retrieve the bit and broke that bit and then they used a hammer I'm like they used a hammer and something else to pound out the the broken stuff yeah and then that caused the everything was it was an anchor screw so then that tore the so they took my tendon use that tendon to make a tendon and then that that damaged the tendon but then you know I'd been under and
Starting point is 00:16:44 under tourniquet for so long that it's like you got to just finish it up see what happens and then that damaged the tendon. But then, you know, I'd been under and under a tourniquet for so long that it's like, you gotta just finish it up, see what happens. Well, what happened was the tendon tore. So essentially, surgery was complete failure. Didn't work at all. Oh, wow. Plus I now had all this additional scar tissue
Starting point is 00:16:58 from the hammering and the trying to beat the thing back out. So that's what caused a lot of like- Did you go to a veterinarian or a regular doctor? Exactly. Let's get work on horses? No, it was actually, it was like the first monkeys performing surgery. I thought it was like this could be great.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It'd be a cool YouTube video. Yeah, it would be a great YouTube video. Imagine, it works out well. Have some faith. These monkeys are well trained. Yeah, this is great. Got a fucking hammer, trying to get a broken drill bit of your wrist
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, so that that caused the problem so yeah and part of it for me is just I So I wasn't gonna sit out in archery season So I learned to shoot with my mouth because I couldn't draw the bow with my right hand with the right wrist because it was Immobilized for a long time casts and all that stuff. So I would have missed the hunting season. So I just learned to shoot, biting down on a tab, drawing back, shooting, got super proficient with it and had probably one of my best seasons. Like it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I remember when Dudley did that, Dudley had shoulder surgery. Yeah, and he actually had, he had to switch hands too, which I was fortunate, I think it was better that, it was like, it was my dominant hand, but for bow shooting, you control, I'm right eye dominant, so I control the bow with my left hand. So it was the same everything, except just biting and shooting.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Oh yeah, I've often thought about that, if that's smart. I think my right arm's probably more stable than my left arm. Yeah. It's quite a bit stronger I think are you you shoot right hand? Yeah. Yeah, so I pulled the bow with my right. Yeah, but I feel like My right would probably be more stable. It would that's the that's the thing people So if you don't know for archery you base off what hand you shoot
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's actually your eye dominance So whatever eye is the eye that controls your vision is the eye that you shoot with with a bow. So you can have both eyes open, see the sight and the pin and the target simultaneously. So if you wanted to know how to do it, you can like put your hands up, focus on an object that's far away,
Starting point is 00:18:57 and then close one eye. And if it stays there, that's the dominant eye. If it moves, so when I close my left eye, the object stays there. I'm right eye dominant, so I shoot a right-handed bow, which is weird because you're drawing it with your right hand. But every other, like if you're shooting a pistol and you're right-handed, you use your dominant hand to control the weapon. So, like really, if you're cross-eyed dominant and you shoot a bow, everybody think that's a bad thing, it's probably a better thing. You are probably almost more natural in a way.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Either way, obviously you could shoot a bow with your left hand. Obviously people shoot a bow with their right hand. So either way would work. Exactly. Like I think it's a lot of malarkey. I think there's a lot of malarkey that I recognize from like when people say you have to do certain things
Starting point is 00:19:44 one way with martial arts, right? Like Most of the time most of the time. Yeah, but there's a lot of exceptions There is yeah a lot of different ways to skin a cat like there's people that didn't even know that and they started Drawing to their non-dominant eye, but you can never shoot with both eyes open that way boxing trainers will always tell you shoot with both eyes open that way. Boxing trainers will always tell you that you should, like in the beginning, they would never tell you to switch stances, never switch stances. But some of the best fighters ever switch stances.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah. But you're not them. But wait a minute, how do you become them? I mean, some of the best boxers of all time, like Terrence Crawford today, one of the best switch hitters ever, Marvin Hagler, switch hitter, Bo and it's just like really good boxers today that switch hit.
Starting point is 00:20:29 They do it all the time. But back in the day, you just stood one leg forward and you got, but some people do it this way, right? So why not learn to do it that way and be able to do it this way? Yeah. It seems way smarter than to just be completely relying on left foot forward all the time. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And with archery, I bet if you practice with no one's gonna get a left-handed bow But I bet if you did I bet you would get better at your right because that's a phenomenon that happens with Learning things like even learning how to write with your left hand will teach you to write better You'll write better with your right hand. I I don't know who it was, but I'd heard, there was a guy, a fairly prominent archer, that got such bad target panic that he switched to shooting the opposite hand, and it helped.
Starting point is 00:21:16 He fixed it. Yeah, because his brain was so trained to shooting one way that he just switched. Target panic is bananas. People talk about target panic like Candyman Yeah, don't say it too many times Show up behind you hundred percent if folks who don't know what target panic is it's a real thing particularly with
Starting point is 00:21:37 target archers with people who their whole life is like your Life is about getting an arrow to an X. Yeah, and if you fuck up even a little bit just a little baby fuck up left and right It's a nine and if you really fuck up, it's an eight But if you hit that X you're banging tens, baby Let's go and so a lot of these guys can shoot 30 X's in a row now imagine the mind fuck of being completely stationary in a row now imagine the mind fuck of being completely stationary 29 times in a row and here comes a 30th and that little demon creeps in your head you're gonna fuck it up right me you're gonna fuck it up you're gonna miss you're gonna
Starting point is 00:22:14 miss it'll get into your head and that's target panic for these guys some of them can't even put the pin on the target yeah they have to lift the pin up to the target and when it gets to the target like a drive-by they hill They pull the trigger. Yeah, but they're just going crazy. Yeah, they just like force it in there and you get Yeah, and it's they just panic, you know, and we've had Joel Joel Turner from shot IQ Yeah, his whole system that he has for keeping people in a conscious state of mind so that you don't experience that Yeah, don't just go on you don't just spaz out which is I can't recommend enough
Starting point is 00:22:47 It's very very very good stuff for people, but I guess for a guy like you you do it so often That it's it's it's like a normal thing like you also you actually hit the trigger when you want the arrow to go I do yeah, right which is like They'll tell you don't do it don't But I think there's more than one way to address Very high stress complicated situations and this idea that you have to have every shot be an unexpected shot I don't agree with that. You you have to you have to shoot right hand you have to I don't I don't agree with any of that I think
Starting point is 00:23:26 You just have to be good at doing it that way, right? You're obviously very good at doing it that way like I've shot with you at targets I've seen you shoot like at distances. You're really accurate. Yeah, and you're still doing it the way they say you're not supposed to do it But that's a trouble man. I was too hard-headed and I taught myself a bad way to do it I've changed the way that I shoot from when I first started shooting, but yeah, it's not, it's probably not pretty, but I do, I actually do more of a, I do, I use an index release which is just like a post where you activate it with your trigger, but the way that I've done it is I use kind of more of like
Starting point is 00:24:05 a back tension style of pulling with that. I used to just slap the trigger and it was super accurate with it. I had. That's a camp does. You know what's funny is I, that's how I started shooting. And I was actually, I was shooting like tournaments and like 3D things, just, you know, getting,
Starting point is 00:24:24 getting my foot in the door just for fun in the off season. Never got super serious because it cut into hunting, but I would do it and I was winning by a lot. And this guy that I was shooting with was like, you're shooting absolutely wrong. You're supposed to shoot like that. And it got in my head.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It fucked with me, man. I was like, wait, I'm doing it wrong? Nobody's ever told me how to do it. That messed me up. But yeah. That's what I'm saying. I was like, it I'm doing it wrong like nobody's ever told me how to do it that messed me up, but I was like it's just a mind. It's a mind It's a much there's no way to do it wrong. Look cam shoots that way Yeah, one of the best bow hunters has ever walked the face of the earth. He shoots that way Yeah, he makes that thing go off. Yeah, and then there's Dudley who doesn't right?
Starting point is 00:25:01 You know Dudley who shoot with a hinge sometimes or shoot you know with the back tension you know you know but I'm also you know my thing is I'm I shoot a bow for hunting and so for hunting that's the best style release in my opinion and I'm very accurate with it so I'm not trying to shoot 900 X's in a row like I'm trying to make one perfect arrow and so I can focus on that one shot and that release works better for me for hunting. So that's why I choose it. Why do you think that the wrist strap
Starting point is 00:25:32 with the finger trigger is the best one? For hunting? Yeah. Because it's always on you. Okay, so you don't have to reach for it. You don't have to reach for it, you don't have to move for it, it's like always there. And then the other thing is,
Starting point is 00:25:44 you know they talk about like don't punch the trigger or whatever, but in certain situations, I need that arrow to go now I don't need to be pulling through the shot like right. This is my opportunity and You might be shooting in a window Yeah or in the wind and I've got to can't the bow just right and I need to make like a more technical shot that maybe Not that it it's rushed but it's like this is I need to make like a more technical shot that maybe, not that it's rushed, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:26:07 this is when it needs to go. This is when it has to happen, yeah. And so it can happen the other way, but for me, it's just easier to be like, in full control of that decision making process. There's also an argument on the other side now in target archery like Kyle Douglas like Kyle Douglas He hits the trigger and he wins Vegas
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah He's he pulls so hard that he's pulled bows apart really yeah, so he pulls on the wall so hard So he's just got that motherfucker locked out and he uses in in indoor tournaments, he uses a thumb and hunting, he uses a finger trigger. Yeah, I love it. It's like, you're doing it wrong. Scoreboard. He won.
Starting point is 00:26:51 No, he's doing it right. You can't, there's that thing. If you can do that with a sniper, right. I had a long conversation with Andy Stumpf about this who was in SEALS and he's a sniper. And we were talking about like methods and he's like there's as long as you're repeatable you know how to do this one method like this mindset of there's only one way to do it it has to be an unanticipated shot he's like no no like
Starting point is 00:27:20 if you're a sniper it's not unanticipated right you just don't move don't flinch like if you've ever one of the proudest things if you ever go to a range is when you run out of ammo, but you don't flinch. You just squeeze the trigger, you're like, oh, that's beautiful. It's beautiful. Like even though the gun doesn't go off,
Starting point is 00:27:37 you didn't do any of this stupid shit. You didn't move your hands. And if you can just do that with a shot, you can make a perfectly accurate shot by deciding when it goes off It is possible the idea that it's not possible That's a silly thing to say right, but is it possible for some people? Well, some people are spazzes, right? Some people are freaked out by anxiety the moment the adrenaline or they don't know how to keep their mind contained
Starting point is 00:28:03 Like with Joel Turner's methods, which I think anybody Should know that anybody should know that you should talk to yourself During it to keep yourself from just just acting right because of the anxiety which is because it's a normal It's a normal like tendency that people have to spaz out. Yeah I think the other thing too is like maybe there maybe there's ways that are probably best for most people. And that might be the way that's best for most people. But then there's also that, I think the people that have a lot of time into something
Starting point is 00:28:33 can do it a different way than a lot of other people because they understand that moment. Right. Right. So like, there's a lot of people that they get drawn back on an elk. They've tried to get within range of an elk for five years. This is their opportunity and they don't know how to react to that without some other kind of thought process.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Complete freak out. Complete freak out. Doesn't matter what it is. There's also like, in a situation where you might get a shot soon or you didn't know you're gonna get a shot and all of a sudden you do. Yeah. Cause if you didn't know you're gonna get a shot, and all of a sudden you do. Because if you didn't know you're gonna get a shot, and all of a sudden you do,
Starting point is 00:29:08 you're a gentleman, just kicks in, your fucking heart's beating, woo! But if you know it's gonna happen, you're like, hey, stay chill, it's coming, it's coming. Like he's 100 yards away, he's moving in this direction, you might be getting a shot, oh my god, he's coming, he's still coming, he's telling me we gotta get in position position you give yourself time to
Starting point is 00:29:27 experience that this is actually gonna happen rather than he's just there ah right and you just he tries to calm your arms moving all over the place you know it's just it's different experiences and whether or not your brain knows how to process those experiences. If you've had a bunch of those experiences, you're like, oh, I've been here before. I know what this is. I know how to do this. Okay, it's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So stay calm, pick a spot, pull through your shot. Yeah. And even myself, there's times where you go, it's actually the opposite for me. If something's surprise is there, you're just like, ah, it's here. But it's when you got to stalk all day on something. You're like, I've invested my entire day into this, or this is the last chance, like don't fuck it up. You go, that's when you start to, okay,
Starting point is 00:30:18 well, when I get there, here's what I'm gonna do. Talk yourself through it in a way. When you're going through the shot, do you talk to yourself as you're shooting as you're pulling the trigger no but there's a little bit of a checklist just so I don't kind of like drawback anchor level focus mmm kind of a so you just go through that checklist in your head yeah I think so so do you do you go through it like audibly or do you go through we just do the things I do the things
Starting point is 00:30:46 level Senator P. Yeah, that go through all that line. Just I just make sure that I'm Making the good shot and then I just focus on that shot. Mm-hmm Do you have you ever tried the thumb triggers? Yeah, I shoot I've got all kinds of releases and I'll shoot them all but just for I don't even know why just for fun I guess right like let's say I'm sometimes too if I'm like shooting and I go This is I'm just not shooting good, then I'll swap up the way that I shoot and go. Okay, there's something like My normal method of shooting is yeah
Starting point is 00:31:22 Maybe it's I don't even know if you call it to be like essentially a target panic kind of where I'm not shooting right then I go. I'll grab that other one Okay, and then I get back in the rhythm and shoot Do you find any difference in your accuracy with a handheld release like a thumb trigger release versus a finger trigger release? Mmm. I'm probably more accurate with the finger trigger because that's what I shoot all the time You know do you do the thumb behind the head thing? With the trigger. Yeah, no Cam does that I tell you not to do that. No, I mean that's a good way to get your anchor point I guess I don't I'd have to do it, but I'll hit things
Starting point is 00:31:56 I do more of a knuckle experience on the jaw knuckle to the jaw Yeah, what we're talking about folks don't do archery is like you have specific anchor points on so the whole idea about shooting accurately is that you want to repeat the exact same position that you're in each time you shoot. So there's a peep site that's in the draw in the string and you're looking through that peep site and what you're trying to do is center the site housing so that it completely halos inside of that peep site. And then you look down at your bubble and you want to make sure that your bubble is level so there's like a little leveler that's below your sight pin.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And you make sure that that's level so that means you're not going to be torquing the bow left or right, or canting the bow, which could affect the way it goes off. And so you have anchor points like the tip of your nose and some people use like a little button on the string that they touch, like Cam has one of those where it touches the corner of goes off. And so you have anchor points, like the tip of your nose, and some people use like a little button on the string that they touch, like Cam has one of those where it touches the corner of his mouth. I have a nose button, I like that. Have you ever tried those? I haven't, no.
Starting point is 00:32:53 They're great, cause it's pointy, it like pokes your nose, and you feel it on the tip. Josh Beaumar made it, so it touches the tip of your nose, and it like digs into your nose. You know 100% you're in the right spot, cause it's just like pokey on your nose, it like digs into your nose. You know 100% you're in the right spot because it just like pokey on your nose like right there. And some people when they draw back, they'll tell you do not put your thumb behind your neck.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Do not do that. But that's how Cam does it. He shoots perfectly like that. And so I tried it. I can't do it right. I have to have my, my neck is too big so I'd have to go like way back because I know I'd have to have a draw length That's longer than I really should have in order
Starting point is 00:33:33 But I fucked around with it and bent my arm forward a little bit and did it this way and I was like This is better because you're locked in right like how stable is that? Because you're locked in right like how stable is that if you get your thumb behind your head behind your neck Like that's fucking stable as shit. Yeah, that's locked in that's way more locked in than holding it there, right? You know like if you're holding if you have like a hinge you're doing like this You're you've got your knuckle or like right where your jaws generally or some spot in your face Yep, that's not as accurate as this. This is like locked in. You're not going anywhere. But they'll tell you not to do it.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And I've never had anybody explain to me why. I think it's probably because most people, like you said, if you're way back here, you're putting string pressure from your face onto the string. So it's pushing the knock one way or another. And so it'd be really hard to tune maybe because, you know, everything needs to be straight. And so you'd be pushing the knock tune maybe because everything needs to be straight. And so you'd be pushing the knock one direction.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So you'd get- I see what you're saying. You could adjust it, you could factor in. But also you could use a different style release where if you had an index style release where that's there and it's forward enough, it wouldn't make a difference. Well, the thing about those adjustable ones
Starting point is 00:34:43 when they have adjustable necks like the Spot Hog, the wise guy has an adjustable neck, you can make that sucker like real long, or you can pull it down short. So you could find, if your neck isn't too big, like if you're a big, giant football player, this is not gonna work for you. But he doesn't even work for me, but it works for Cam.
Starting point is 00:35:00 He gets it right behind his neck. It locks in there. And I think like anything where you can anchor in, and there's no other way you're anchoring that way right There's no other way you're anchoring a forward like this is stops everything in its fucking tracks I think this is like the best thing you could ever do right if you could really make that work I wish my neck was smaller so I could pull this off I would do that because I feel like that is locked in man. Yeah, I feel Smaller so I could pull this off. I would do that because I feel like that is locked in man. Yeah, I feel
Starting point is 00:35:29 That's locked in and I I've got like a small face So I think it'd work for me there's archery people out right now. It's pulling their hair out going Terrible advice. I know I mean while I've watched cam Hanes shoot balloons at 120 yards like that. Yeah, I know that's the thing It doesn't matter what you do. There's always the Armchair critics that know how to do it better It's like well, I got a certain kind of injury And I got to draw a certain kind of way. It looks like shit, but it works Well, there's there's a very similar situation in I think almost every sport. It's definitely in pool There's so many different schools of thought in pool Of like how you're supposed to stroke the ball whether or not you drop your elbow
Starting point is 00:36:03 in pool of like how you're supposed to stroke the ball, whether or not you drop your elbow, whether or not you, what fingers you hold the cue with, whether you turn your wrist forward before you shoot, or whether you always keep it parallel, or dangling rather. So there's all sorts of, like I think it's with everything that people are struggling to master. Like people have ways that they think everybody should do it
Starting point is 00:36:24 and then someone will come along That does it like completely different and they're they're killing everybody. No, like right. Oh what? I went the Filipinos came to America American pool players they hold the key they would back in the day at least they would hold the cue Lightly, but not like the Filipinos the Filipinos like Reyes, he's like one of the greatest of all time, he's like barely holding onto it. It's like his hand is like a loose noodle, and he's just like, it's smooth,
Starting point is 00:36:53 like he's playing a violin or something. It's wild to watch. And it's like this delicate way of hitting the balls, like maximum efficiency of his motion, it's all smooth. And they changed the way Americans are playing But if you had had like an American coach like if you played that way Yeah sucked and you went to an American coach to be like what stop doing it that way This is not the you stop your elbow moving your elbows only supposed to do this
Starting point is 00:37:17 Just a tiny motion just back and forth and the upper part stays completely still always These Filipinos are moving that shit around like crazy and playing like wizards Like some of the best players today. They drop their elbows. They move things around They have long bridges short buddy hall one of the greatest of all time short little tiny bridge and some of the greatest players Long ass bridge like I have like Earl Strickland long bridge like this no like it's it's all just repeatability Yeah, what can you do over and over and over and over again efficiently and accurately? And I think it's the same with archery.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I think it's the same with pool. It's the same with a lot of things. There's fundamental principles. Like you have to be able to hit the ball straight if you want it to go straight, right? With an arrow, you have to be able to shoot a straight arrow. Do you know how to do that? Well, how come some people do it sideways?
Starting point is 00:38:01 I've seen guys who like to do it with compound bows sideways. Really? Yeah. What are you doing? Like I've seen guys who'd like to do with compound bows sideways really yeah What are you doing like I've seen I guess they started that way with like traditional bows Yeah Cuz you can't the bow on a traditional bow and so they just kept doing it that way and you I'm sure you've seen guys who? Shoot compound bows with no sights. Yep like instinctive which is yeah really kind of wild Yeah, or fingers or I I mean you can do whatever. Yeah, fingers is crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I like to hunt with a traditional bow too, so I do that every year as well. And the way that I shoot that is completely different than the way that I shoot a compound bow. I mean, because I actually just instinct, I do what's an instinctive method of traditional shooting where a lot of people do like different kinds of string walking or whatever. I just do the shoot the arrow, know the trajectory, kind of like. Like you're throwing a rock.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah. Like if I'm gonna throw, and I just, the way that I practice, I walk around with a blunt tip, it's just like a non-sharp tip or practice tips. I walk around, I shoot pine cones in the forest. You know, that's like, but. Just to gauge the loop the arc And so you just build it and it just becomes instinct where it's like if I'm gonna toss a
Starting point is 00:39:10 Pen to Jamie or my phone to Jamie or there it's like it's I'm not gonna throw it at his face Right, and I'm not gonna like hit it on the floor. I'm gonna toss it to him. Right the same You just like you toss the arrow. Can you toss on when you're right hand now, or is it fucked up? I mean, I yeah, I guess I I can it look I look like a little girl. I Did some one of those acts throwing things with my buddies and they're like, can you please stop? Embarrassing That is one good advantage of having your finger trigger though. You don't have to have all that weight held in your hand, correct? Yeah, yeah, that's that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:45 You might actually, if you weren't the other way, you might actually have been forced to switch to a wrist strap. Potentially, yeah. Yeah. Does the wrist fuck with your wrist at all, the wrist strap? It does, yeah. It puts pressure on the one spot that they did those injections, man. I'm hoping that...
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah, so... I have a lot of... I think it's gonna be awesome. It's gonna make a big difference. I can't say enough about ways to well and just stem cells in general. I mean, I've got a bunch from my friend, Roddy McGee in Vegas, and what they do is fix things that you would ordinarily
Starting point is 00:40:20 have to get surgery for. In your case with the torn ligaments, they would have to have a surgery. Yeah, that's what they said. Yeah, once it's ripped. After that, the recovery portion is where you need it. Exactly, and it just really helps heal injuries, man. Like really helps.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I have had a left knee problem for a long time. Like I tore my ACL on my left leg when I was 22, I think. I tore my ACL on my left leg when I was 22, I think. I tore it and then I had a surgery on it where they did a patellar tendon graft and they tried to suture up the meniscus because there was a tear in the meniscus as well. But the suture didn't take, the meniscus tore and then had a bucket-handled tear in the meniscus
Starting point is 00:41:02 which is pretty significant because it would lock my leg out and so then I had to get some in the meniscus, which is pretty significant, because it would lock my leg out, and so then I had to get some of the meniscus removed, so it's always like a little less stable there. There's a little space there, and it gets banged around. It's always sore. And it got over the last couple of years, it's actually the stupidest fucking way I've heard it ever.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I was on my way on stage at Stubbs in Austin which is an outdoor venue and as I was going up these cement stairs, the stairs take like a little turn and I was turning the recorder on on my phone to record my set and I stubbed my foot against the stone and it twisted my knee sideways like somebody heel hooked me and it was excruciating and I had to go on stage like right there and my leg was shaking like I was scared so like one leg like like shaking like my first time like I didn't even shake like that my first time on stage was like because it was just throbbing and I had ignore it I should have in retrospect I should have like addressed it and made fun of the fact that I'm
Starting point is 00:42:03 such a fucking moron that and my leg was fucked for a long time after that and it got a little bit better And then every time I get better I would just start kicking the bag again and or going back to Muay Thai or going to jujitsu and it hurt again I'm like fuck fucker and so I went a whole year without kicking the bag one whole foot for me is crazy I went a whole year. I'm like, I'm just gonna strengthen this. I follow this guy, Ben Patrick. He's got this Instagram page, knee over toes guy. I wonder if you've ever seen his stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yeah, I think I just seen something. It's amazing. So I've been doing all these goblet squats on a slant board and Nordic curls and all these different exercises to strengthen all the muscles around the knee, which I never really bothered to do. I would do leg exercises,
Starting point is 00:42:48 but I didn't think specifically exercises that stabilize the knee. So between that and Ways to Well, I have zero pain now. It's crazy. That's awesome. This has been years since I had no pain, years. Like I would go upstairs, it would just be annoying. I'd feel it. I could do it, but I would feel it.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I don't feel it at all. I mean, at all. It's nuts, it's nuts. And so the thing to me, it's always kicking the bag. Because if I can kick the bag and then I'm not sore the next day, something's changed. Because it was like every time I'd kick the bag, the next day I'd be like, oh, I'm gonna pay for that.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I'm gonna pay for that. And then be walking around, it'd be just kind of a little bit swollen, you know? So I'm gonna pay for that I'm gonna pay for that walking around it's kind of a little bit swollen you know yeah so I'm really really hoping that that's gonna have a similar effect on your wrist yeah I'm pretty stoked you know like yeah you should know within fairly short amount of time like well because he shot you up with what it was exactly I don't even remember his text him right yeah there is also I would shoot him up with an IV plus some direct into the joint stuff Yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 00:43:48 It was all gibberish to me Yeah, they talking about so million millions of whatever okay What exactly did you inject him with I should have done this with voice? The voice is very accurate I don't know how it is on your shitty Android phone Yeah, but on these American phones these real American Apple iPhones. I don't even I just think it does it now Talking I talk shit, but I'm not not an Apple fanboy. I love I've had Samsung I was very disappointed when I found out the moon photo wasn't real though Oh, I was bragging to everybody look at my phone can do right I could take a picture of the moon. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:31 But I mean they're great pictures is great, it's so clear They're like it's no different than face filters It's a lot different if a face filter makes me look like Arnold Schwarzenegger like then you know something's going on with that Face filter it's lying Filters a fucking lie, but other than that they're amazing phones. I Just um you know I'm just locked in the fucking Apple ecosystem, but I love the rebels Yeah, like my friend Brian Simpson. He's Android for life He makes fun everybody with Apple Simpson, he's Android for life. He makes fun of everybody with Apple. Gordon Ryan, same thing. Android for life. And you, you like annoying people.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I do. I'm just like, my favorite thing is just breaking green bubble. And the best is like I get taken off of group texts. I'm like, thank God. I hate group texts. Because they can't eye message with you on. Yeah, exactly. So I'm like, take me off. Sweet. Awesome. Thank you. I didn't want to hear that anyways. There's actually hearings about this now because some people are arguing that Apple has created an unfair monopoly on the cell phone world because of the whole green bubble, blue bubble
Starting point is 00:45:38 iMessage thing. It's such a psychological, it's so weird. People are real attached to that. Well, it's a status thing with kids. kids have Android phones they get mocked. There's some nutty thing It's like 90% of teenagers have iPhones really because if you have like a Samsung Galaxy s24 ultra Which is arguably the best phone on earth if you have that phone? You give a green bubble you looked at less than you have an iPhone 10 Because you get a like a special color bubble. You know blue. Oh, yeah, cuz your iMessaging
Starting point is 00:46:10 You can have an old-ass iPhone and people respect you more. Okay, you're not that poor Literally the galaxy s24 ultra is Listen forget about fanboy shit. it's the best phone on earth it's the best phone it has AI built into the phone that will translate in real time built into the phone yeah it has AI that will transcribe voice recordings and summarize it for you so you can make voice notes it'll summarize it for you it'll write texts in different styles like you can say voice notes. It'll summarize it for you. It'll write texts in different styles Like you can say make this more business make this more friendly
Starting point is 00:46:50 And it'll do that with AI. Yeah, it's pretty wild. That's nuts and it has a stylist You can write on it and it'll turn it into text Yeah, like you could write on it in your shitty ass handwriting and it'll transcribe it in a normal type set Yeah, you take not all I do a lot of filming or whatever with it. Photos. You can just like, it's pretty crazy. The stability of zooming in at 10 power and hand hold it. Yeah. It's pretty wild. And now when they're doing this, like with these phones,
Starting point is 00:47:19 like Apple's phones don't give you nearly as much flexibility in terms of like what you can do with the camera app, right? Or like multitasking mother. That's another thing. They do you can I can do anything like you'd have two windows going Simultaneously you could have a YouTube video. Well, you kind of can do that window and window You can kind of do that with Apple with YouTube with YouTube will like let you have like a little tiny window, right? Why you do but with this it'll separate your screen for you. I could talk on the phone and watch a movie Yeah, yeah, literally it'll separate your screen for you I can talk on the phone and watch A movie. Yeah. Yeah, literally it'll separate your screen for you and show you the two things It's pretty interesting. It's the amount of very but it's all that locked into that Apple world
Starting point is 00:47:56 Which so many people including me are locked into that world. Yeah, so if you do deviate it's like What are you doing? It's like you're living in the woods now Yeah, your green bubble people have people really listen to podcast. I used to like that Remy guy, but he says I can't trust anything. He says now. Oh my god. It is interesting. I don't think that it's a monopoly I just think that they've developed a way to make a product that everybody wants I mean, it's a sneaky move but like how is that any different than like Nike now where Nike you're cool. If you wear kids, you're a fucking loser Yeah, you know, it's like Do you notice when you have them on that much? I mean, I guess maybe you do by the way they look but yeah
Starting point is 00:48:37 What's the difference like why do you care? But people care people care. It's a status thing. Yeah, it makes people angry Like I don't really give a shit. Like I don't care what other people use, I just use what I like. What problems do you encounter by using an Android phone? It's mostly just people complaining about the bubble situation. That's it?
Starting point is 00:48:56 And I'm like, people will be like, it's so on your phone, does it bubble? And I was like, no. Like there's actually no, it doesn't even matter. I guess they started doing something like a screen or something, but. Well on your phone, you can have your text in all kinds of different colors. Yeah, it doesn't even matter. I guess they started doing something like a screen or something, but. Well, on your phone, you can have your text
Starting point is 00:49:07 in all kinds of different colors. Yeah, it doesn't matter. But you can change it. There's like different ways you can have it set up. That's the main problem. And then I think the other problem is when somebody sends like a photo, because, yeah, I don't know, I'm not a spokesperson.
Starting point is 00:49:21 It's SMS. Yeah, it's the most old technology there is. And so you can't communicate with my phone, not because your phone's superior, but because it doesn't use new technology. That's the argument with Apple is that Apple is actually having to take a step to combat that. So what they're doing is they're coming out with RCS texting.
Starting point is 00:49:39 RCS texting is rich something. I forget what it's called. But what that means is that you'll be able to have the same capability that you have, like say if you use WhatsApp or Signal. If you use one of those encoded messaging services, you can send a full resolution photograph, you can send a video. There's not like a size limitation. So with the iMessage, you could send anything back and forth to iMessage people, but if
Starting point is 00:50:04 someone wants to send you a photo they have to send an SMS So it could be this like you know huge amazing high-resolution photo that you took on your Android phone with that crazy 200 megapixel lens yeah, but I get this bullshit ass Exactly is it in compresses this shit out of it in the videos of the war the worst like this little square It is like you're back in 1998 right. It's like You've got mail. That's what it looks like exactly But it's like just get your shit with the rest of the world man The Apple should have done that a long time ago They were only do like Tim Cook literally said get your mom and an iPhone when someone said how come you know?
Starting point is 00:50:44 I can't text with my mom and back and they give get your mom an iPhone that's what he said my ever is like whoa that's not the way to handle it fella they just have everybody locked in it's pretty smart whatever they've done it's it's quite genius because the psychological aspect of it is which it's interesting you know it's it's similar similar to Windows and Macs, but it's more because you're using it in public with everybody. Whereas if you have a window or Mac, if you sent me an email from a Windows laptop and I have a Mac laptop,
Starting point is 00:51:19 I have no idea you're sending me it from a Windows. It's just coming in as an email. It's the same thing. So they figured out a way to have the thing that you carry and use the most Connected to a brand that you have to like that has status attached to it. Yeah, it's pretty it's it's genius It's the best technology they got you know I don't see how that's illegal though No, it's nothing no one's stopping you from going out and getting a Samsung right Yeah, that to me is weird. It doesn't...
Starting point is 00:51:47 Google's one of the biggest companies in the world, and they have their own phones. Right. They have pixels, which is also a great phone. And then you can take those. Interestingly, I've been going back and forth with people about this because I had a conversation with Tulsi Gabbard where we were talking about these phones that are de-Google phones and I guess I misspoke because I was saying that you can't use all the regular apps with them so I think you can but I just don't know if you could
Starting point is 00:52:13 use because it doesn't track your location so I don't know how you would use like Google Maps without giving it access to your location. Yeah I think you would if you use those apps, right? So does it, but then does it keep your location or does the graphene keep it from doing that? I'm not sure, I'm not. Cause Google just gives you, Google's a little snitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Google gives you up wherever you are. Right. Wherever you are with that phone, they know who you are. Oh yeah, for sure. So I was watching this video on this last night by that Rob Braxman guy and he was explaining, he's an interesting guy that is like all about, his whole YouTube channel is about privacy. It's all about how many people are siphoning off information off your phone and
Starting point is 00:52:53 everything every day. But what he was saying that the people that got arrested January 6th, all the people that were like around the capital, they got arrested because their cell phone data. So their cell phone data gave their geo location, their tracking. And so what the FBI did was say, hey, who is there? And they went to all these different cell phone companies, they got all their data and they said, well, all these people shows that their phone
Starting point is 00:53:18 was on the Capitol lawn or was in the Capitol building. And they know where they were. And so then they go, hey, you're going to jail. That's wild. Yeah, from your location of your phone yeah and even if you were there just to see what's going on like if you and I were there and you have your bullshit snitch phone over there and that bullshit snitch phone is just constantly giving off all of your location to anybody in every app that asked for it and you're on that Capitol lawn and you're like this is crazy let's
Starting point is 00:53:43 get out of here and then all of aden like six months later the FBI knocks on your door and thinks you're an insurrectionist Yeah, that's wild whoo See I like it knowing where I'm at so when the AI takes over it's like oh, he's one of the good guys He's on our side. Yeah, we got one of them Ted Yeah, exactly live in the woods trying to blow us up right yeah, I think inevitably There will be no escape. And I think all this de-Googled stuff, and it's great. It's really probably good to protect yourself
Starting point is 00:54:11 from the prying eyes of big government and big business and big data and all these people that try, it's probably good to not do that. But also, you know, it's happening. Yeah. It's happening, kids. Like we're getting sucked into some new world, whether you like it or not, it's coming. It's how it is, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:54:33 It's how it is. Yeah. It's how it is. Brian Simpson's funny because he was just complaining the other night, he's like, I give Google all my information. I'm like, go ahead, spy on me, get it all. And they still fuck it up. They'll still offer me ads.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Like, bitch, why did you think I would want to buy that? That's good. It's so true. It's true. It's like, it's not perfect yet. No. It's not perfect. But, yeah, that's just the world we live in, apparently. Does it mess with any of the things like Onyx Hunt or anything like that? Is there any difference between those? No. Every once in a while, you'll get an app that's not developed as well for it, but okay That's about it. What are examples of an app that's not as good I can't haven't used one in a long time to be honest they used to say Instagram
Starting point is 00:55:15 But now apparently it's optimized for it. Yeah, I watch a lot of videos in this stuff. There was a few Yeah, there was like certain things that would work and then not work But when I want to waste time yeah, I watch videos on cell phones that I'll never buy. Yeah Like coming out of China like China's amazing tech man. Yeah the tech that's coming out of China right now I mean, have you seen their electric cars that could just drive over Bumps and there's zero motion in the car No drive over bumps and there's zero motion in the car. No, I haven't seen that. They have all these little speed bumps set up
Starting point is 00:55:47 and this car has like balanced champagne glasses. Really? On the roof of the car or on the hood of the car and the car's driving over it and it's not disturbing them. Really? It's insane. It's insane. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:59 They have crazy technology in their automobiles right now in China. Like it used to be just a few years ago, like Elon said their electric cars are kind of bullshit, but now they're like, you look at them, you're like, holy fuck, man. They look like spaceships. They have crazy capability.
Starting point is 00:56:13 They can go in circles. Some of them can spin 360 degrees in a circle. In place? In place. So like if you want to do a U-turn, you don't have to do a U-turn, just do a spin. Really? Your car just spins around.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Wow. Yeah. Nuts. Yeah, I guess that's like in a place like China a u-turn you don't have to do your turn just do a spin really your car just spins around wow yeah nuts yeah i guess that's a like in a place like china where it's just probably actually yeah good yeah good move to be able to just spin around in a circle but they showed they have a video of the car doing in a parking lot it's bananas it's just spinning in a circle that's crazy and it can go backwards and forwards then you can go forward and backward. Huh. Yeah, it's wild. There's technology that's just beyond what. Most people don't even know how good self-driving is right now. Self-driving, like I have a Tesla, and my self-driver, it's insane how good it is. It changes lanes, stops at red lights,
Starting point is 00:56:58 starts again when the light turns green. Crazy. It knows where all the cars are around it. You can see the cars in the screen. Like in the screen, when I'm looking down You see an image of your car and everything that's around you. This is it's recognized. This is a pickup truck This is a delivery truck. This is a Volkswagen Beetle That's crazy, and it just drives for you
Starting point is 00:57:18 You're supposed to keep your hands on the wheel with some people fall asleep But if you keep your hands on the wheel, it'll drive you home. So you're like I broke my foot fuck, what do I do? I can't Just get to the car and hit the thing and it just take you home. Huh? Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty crazy It's nuts and that's just the beginning I think in 20 years the idea of driving your own car is gonna be like riding a horse to work Yeah, like what he drove his own car. Is that even legal? Where are you gonna park that horse? You know, that's literally how people are gonna look at it. Everyone's gonna have an automated car it's gonna cut down on the automobile fatalities by
Starting point is 00:57:59 90% a hundred percent and it's gonna cut down on the fun by a hundred percent Yeah, like that's that's the part. It's like yeah, there is something about driving and 90%, 100%, and it's gonna cut down on the fun by 100%. Yeah, that's the part. There is something about driving and responsibility and having your life in your hands and having to pay attention to things. Yeah, that's good for you. Yeah, we're creating a world
Starting point is 00:58:16 where we don't have to pay attention to things. I notice that in what I do, where you bring someone out in the wild and the things that they don't notice is uncanny. Like dude, what do you see that mountain line? Yeah, you're not paying enough attention for the experience that we're having right now right here. Yeah, put your phone away. Yeah. And people that are not used to just looking around them 360 degrees, you're on a mountain, there's hills and valleys and there's water down there, there's things overhead and it's like,
Starting point is 00:58:49 this sensory overload for a person who's used to cities. Yeah, well I just walked, I don't spend much time in large cities but I just walked from my hotel to breakfast, you know, I like looked at the map, saw where it was, walked there, and the amount of people that almost ran into me was insane, like, dude at what point do we, like, does anybody look up and maneuver?
Starting point is 00:59:10 I was just noticing, like, so many people never even looking up. So many people are looking at their phone while they're walking across the street, which I think is so crazy. Creeps, like, I always have to be the, like, protective, oh, I've got little kids now too, so I'm always, like, on the lookout for cars and other things.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Okay. I guess they started putting signs in, where is it, Germany or somewhere, they're on the ground so they can see whether to walk or not walk when they're on the ground. Like the lights are now on the ground because everybody's looking down. How many people are developing bad posture because of this?
Starting point is 00:59:42 Because it has to affect you. Yeah. You're doing this all the time. Hunched over. Until we got these chairs, I'd get back pain every podcast episode. Because you've got to think, you're sitting, which is not good for you.
Starting point is 00:59:53 It's not good to sit. And then you're sitting in a regular chair that has a slump back. You're leaning back. You're leaning back, and you've got a weird posture. At the end of the podcast, I'd be like, ugh. Center of my back would be stiff. So these kind of chairs is like ergonomic chairs. They force you to have good posture. Yeah, I noticed that Yeah, probably speak better to you
Starting point is 01:00:14 You know like when you're maybe have you sit up yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, maybe I still find myself doing this Sometimes but much more often than I would be I sit straight Yeah, I just support it because posture is essentially like a static exercise. That's really what it is You know, you just because you can't your body wants to do this, you know, but so if you have a static It's like a static hold that you keep up all day. Yeah. Yeah, but if you do it, you'll be better off. Yeah You lean for that you that you have a neck problem You are but my daughter used to go to school with this kid and I was always saying How does this kid even do this because he always had his chin to his chest?
Starting point is 01:00:57 He'd be sitting out in front of the school waiting for his mom to pick him up and this kid Like he was the skinny kid and his head was like flat Like the back of his neck like he was like his head was growing out of the center of his chest It looked painful, and he's just like his buys has gotten used to it He's not he doesn't even bother to hold his fucking head up. Yeah, he lets his head just dropped on his chest That's crazy. How many kids are gonna get like bat? Is that an issue it is right like neck problems got of cell phones I'm remembering this picture Tom Segura posted one time look at that guy
Starting point is 01:01:34 Yeah, that's crazy. There's no head. That is exactly what that kid looks like that would go to my daughter's school The poor bastard that's not daughter school the poor bastard that's not that looks like somebody took the Samsung pen yeah I got rid of his head exactly there's another thing the Samsung thing to do like if someone's annoying yeah and like if we take a photo like I'm tired Jamie's bullshit you could take just circle Jamie and press that little magic button and poof Jamie goes away, and they'll fill you in with the background. How do you like that? But you could also doctor photos too You can make things way bigger than they really are like you could take a car and say look at this crazy car
Starting point is 01:02:16 So I just yeah Just put it in the middle of street bigger than everything else and everybody like what the fuck so hard to tell is real anymore It's real hard to tell crazy It's almost impossible. I know that I always get these ads that are like you talking about something. It's not Yeah, it's insane so many people send them to me. They go hey man. Is this real like no no I've never heard of that company. I don't know what they're doing. Yeah, it is Jacking my voice. It's probably some dude in Nigeria. Yeah sure money get a free crossbow Rogan selling free cross
Starting point is 01:02:49 This came up today because someone was saying that Kanye West is making a limited production Cybertruck like he redesigned the outside of the cyberjerk It's like three million dollars and so dudes were asking me about I'm like I don't know if that's real like I saw that thing too like on I think I saw him on Instagram. I don't know if that's real. It looks fake Yeah, it looks like something I would do and say and get a bunch of clicks. You can always tell cuz it's like yeah That thing is that real? the Yeezy cyber truck
Starting point is 01:03:19 2 million US dollars the car is all about straight lines like how how is that real? How do you even see out of that a? Video so okay, we'll scroll up says a video surface online supposedly reveals the design of Kanye West limited edition Yeezy Cybertruck All black futuristic twist to an already pretty out there and controversial design. I was telling you my daughters hate the Cybertruck They hate it. Why is that I don't know man just not cool they hate it I go I think it's dope yeah they look cool they look more dope though did I see you try to shoot it with your bow yeah I did shoot it yeah you know what it didn't go through it bounced right off it it can take a 45 slug really yeah
Starting point is 01:04:05 But I was thinking like if I had heavier arrows, and I had like a single bevel like an iron will yeah I was or even a double bevel something with a cut on contact I Used like a regular three blade like oh yeah, it's like a Montec style. You know yeah, and it just destroyed it It bounced right off it yeah, like steel paneling or steel. Yeah, it's thick too really yeah, it's crazy It's like seven thousand pounds that thing Wow yeah But you can shoot it like a lot of people online have shot them with guns like nine miller is just empty Emptying ooze he's in the side of the truck, and it doesn't go through it. Hmm. It's pretty nuts. That is crazy Well, that's just for fun. He did that for fun. Like that's how crazy that dude is.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It's like, let's make it bulletproof. It's also arrow proof. But it made me think, like if I had a two blade, so it cuts better, gets more penetration, and then if I had a sleeve over the collar over the end of it, you know like some protective, and then if I had a sleeve over the collar over the end of it, you know, like some protective Yeah, so and then a heavier arrow an out sir with an arrow Now it's heard heavy earlier and I was thinking if I had my 90 pound bow Maybe get that to stick in there a little bit
Starting point is 01:05:17 Maybe not though. I don't know. I mean if it's bouncing bullets off of it. Yeah, it's pretty thick. It is Yeah, I don't know. You try it. Yeah. Are you still a two blade guy now? I am, yeah. Yeah, you're all in on that now. I am, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:33 And you think you prefer penetration over like a big cut. I do, yeah. Because where I try to edge toward the shoulder more, where like the shoulder blade's there to protect the vitals. And so if you accidentally hit that, I'd rather have penetration and still make a clean kill. With a two blade. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:55 That's the real debate, mechanicals versus. Yeah, and I feel like it's better to make a good shot. Because with a mechanical, you have to almost intentionally make a good shot than because like with a mechanical you have to almost Intentionally make a bad shot sometimes but banking on the fact that it's cutting larger You know because you have to stay away from the shoulder or depending on the angle like a quartered away shot Like I've just had I've had failures with mechanical ones, so I just stay away from them Mmm, what what mechanicals have you tried in the past a lot of different ones? So this is another way everything cam shoots the craziest mechanical. He shoots. What's called a carnivore?
Starting point is 01:06:31 I haven't is it a grim reaper. I shot those ones. I like the grim reaper ones dude It's a catapult you're shooting the catapult. Yeah at this thing It's like this big like it opens a tunnel in their body cap. They just die. They go down quick. It's crazy to see how fast things go down because you open up such a hole in them and he shoots 90 pounds too, so he's got a lot of kinetic energy. A lot of kinetic energy
Starting point is 01:06:54 and then this big cutting surface of four blades. And they're pretty gnarly looking. Like when you see them open, you're like, Jesus. But there's a lot going on there. And if you do hit the shoulder, the sky is going to go up. or there's a lot of things that go Wrong like right sometimes the simplest designs the best design. We've been using two blade Arrowtips for thousands of years. Yeah, they were right here. Check that out. Yeah, real one
Starting point is 01:07:16 This was probably a business of fishing. This is probably for fishing you think so because it's so wide or so big Yeah, where did this come from Texas. Yeah Probably dug out of like a sandy bottom Could be why would you think that that one would be for fishing just the width of it? Yeah, I've just seen seen a lot of these like this that would be the size of it. Yeah, really? Yeah, so to debilitate the fish not like a barb type thing. Yeah, it would probably I could be wrong But I have some similar to this that I was told were for fishing Do they were they attaching strings to the end of their arrows when they would shoot fish with no?
Starting point is 01:07:55 I don't think so. Oh really just shoot the fish and then have you seen I've seen guys like just still in the Amazon and stuff They do it. They shoot the fish and then they grab the arrow. I did see that didn't Ronella do that He went to Guyana. Yes, I like that. Yeah. Yeah, and you probably Those like long arrow You know probably I mean I imagine there'd be whatever species traveling up those more sandy bottoms when they're Spawning and stuff like that. So they probably shoot spawning fish a lot And then have those and you just grab the arrows with the fish on it. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Make it a lot easier than just grabbing the fish. So this would be, do you think it would just be too big for deer? Yeah, I think so. So you see a lot of the hunting, like big game ones are probably half the size of that. Depends on where you're at though, like where I I'm at you see a lot of obsidian arrowheads Hmm, but you know, I'm not sure down here that could be it just be my guess is it'd be hard to get that to fly Very good for very much distance, right, you know, so you probably used like a long arrow Maybe not even any fletching shooting in a short distance
Starting point is 01:09:02 Which could be I mean brush country like I don't I'm not real familiar with what's around here so there brush yeah but they're probably hunting deer and you know they probably in tight quarters too so it could work it could work for deer yeah it's kind of I mean you could you could definitely use that for deer hunting but it's kind of amazing that when they were here there weren't even any pigs Yeah, and now they're fucking real Warming yeah, I was in a place down in I guess to be West, Texas Out at hunting was the last year maybe the year before but this place had a cave on it In it and there's like cave paintings and stuff
Starting point is 01:09:39 But you got to think like when they were I said that that cave was probably used for thousands of years Like you could see see where people had sat and it was worn smooth, it was pretty wild. But when those people were here hunting, it was a forest, now it's a desert. Wow. You know, so you think about it, like, just completely different.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Climate change. Maybe they should have been better with their carbon. They probably should have. I think they probably stopped climate change by killing all the mammoths, right? I don't think they killed all the mammoths. No, they didn't. There's no way. There's no way. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Well, it's also it's like there's so many spots on Earth where you go wait that used to be a forest like the Sahara Desert used to be a rainforest? Yeah. What? What? Right. And while people were alive? What? Pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Yeah. Haven't they found wasn't there like the bones of some kind of whale that they found in the the Sahara I remember this correctly might have been one of they are a bunch of these Instagram pages that are just a hundred percent full of shit. Yeah like 30 foot tall skeleton of a man uncovered in Turkey and this archaeologist digging it out You're like what and then you go this fucking page. So there is this thing that I did see that was it's near Where I'm living Reno, but outside of Reno
Starting point is 01:10:59 It's an ocean-going mammal Wow some of the earliest forms of whale. Okay, so this whale, where does it say they found it? They found it in Egypt in the desert. Was it called a Basilosaurid? Huh, wow. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in July 2005 for its hundreds of fossils of some of the earliest forms of whale. Wow. The Archaeoceti, a now extinct suborder of whales, the site reveals evidence for the
Starting point is 01:11:39 explanation of one of the greatest mysteries of the evolution of whales, the emergence of the whale as an ocean-going Mammal from a previous life as a land-based mammal no other place in the world yields the number concentration and quality of such fossils Wow That's wild that is why whale fall look how big it is Look at they found that you know fucking crazy walking around bro. Look what they found Look at that found. Imagine a whale walking around. Bro, look what they found. Look at that, that's insanity. They found an enormous whale skeleton in the fucking desert.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Do you ever see the animal that they said was a whale before it became a whale? It looks like a wolf. No, I haven't seen one. I had a photo of it on my Instagram. This is the original, look at the fucking mouth Wow, well, holy shit, dude That thing's crazy. They found that thing
Starting point is 01:12:32 Little feet they found that thing huh? So easy show the animal Jamie that used to be a whale or that a whale Became became a whale from this evolved from this animal. It looks like some weird-looking Dog like wolf thing. Hmm No, no, there's there's images that if they've recreated of what it looked like when it was walking around on the ground Yeah, that's it when it was walking around on the ground. Yeah, that's it. The origin of whales, that thing.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Looks like a giant rat. It does look like a rat there. That one's actually in the water. But I've, and it's not that big either. How the fuck are whales getting so big? But if you see the images of what it looked like, there's one that I had, Jamie, it's on my Instagram. Because I remember, that's what it looked like.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Look at that one down there with the flippers and the teeth oh yeah look at that fucker so those suckers walked around on the ground outside and then somehow or another they chose to live in the ocean allegedly if you believe in evolution if you're one of those silly fucks that's wild if you're one of those silly people doesn't believe the world was created in six days. You think that that's what happened. Whales? They used to be like a land mammal.
Starting point is 01:13:53 That's pretty crazy. A land mammal. And then somehow or another became a whale. Yeah, that's wild. And also, how long did it take before you figured that out? Yeah, exactly. How many bones did you guys have to,
Starting point is 01:14:03 who was the guy who gave, hey, I got a crazy thought. Yeah, because I imagine they probably didn't find it all. Well, it looked like they found it all in one piece, but maybe they just stacked it like that. They probably haven't found a lot intact like that. It's one little piece. Well, what's this giant bone? Right. I mean, that one looked intact. I hope they weren't bullshitting in that photo because I hope they found it like that. Like that cool. Yeah. You know, that's all laid out there. You're making me think of this meme I saw recently have you seen this the skeleton how aliens would recreate the animal the
Starting point is 01:14:33 animal oh that's funny oh right a rabbit versus like if you look at the skeleton yeah right yeah you would think that's some sort of a predatory animal that's funny that's a rabbit skeleton you wouldn't know it had giant feathers covering up its feet What is that thing in the lower left? What the hell is that thing? The foot past that lower left? Yeah, what is that? So if someone took the bones of modern animals like it's probably a horse or something like that and And tried to yeah cuz our idea of what a dinosaur looks like it's like Yeah, completely speculative right in fact. There's in Montana's They have a science museum and in the front they have a velociraptor
Starting point is 01:15:16 Has their normally depicted and then on the other side? It's how they think they might actually be which is covered in feathers just completely. Yeah, like a bird just like a bird Yeah, see that Yeah, see I think I've seen it. See if you can find that from the Montana Science Museum And it might be museum and natural history, Montana, whatever it is, but it's in Bozeman. Yeah, I saw it when I was there I was like, oh look at Imagine because we think of them as like reptiles I was like, oh look at the oh imagine because we think of them in this like reptiles
Starting point is 01:15:50 Yeah, like some lizard looking thing, but they think they they least know some of them They now know for sure had feathers because they found fossilized Like images where it shows like where they had feathers giant chickens. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's exactly So they think it might have looked like that, which is actually even scarier It's kind of scarier if it's pretty if it's gonna So they think it might have looked like that, which is actually even scarier. It's kind of scarier if it's pretty, if it's going to fuck you up and it's beautiful. Yeah, I could see that. That actually looks more realistic in a way. It does, right?
Starting point is 01:16:15 It looks like something that we see. Right. And if birds are really dinosaurs that survived and they have so many of the characteristics that dinosaurs have, some of them do, right? Yeah. And, you know, some of them even have teeth. But if you look at that thing, like, yeah, I could see. Yeah, that looks, it does look like a angry chicken. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:37 It's moving away from raptors specifically, but yeah, these are all just, I think it's the dinosaurs at that museum. So the theory is that many different dinosaurs, perhaps, even the T-rex I've heard speculated the t-rex look at that fucker whoo That's crazy Wow yeah, that looks cooler. Yeah Yeah, it looks like he's in his hairband phase It looks like he could be in poison yeah It looks like he could be in poison. They don't really know. One day they'll probably figure it out, but right now it's just a lot of guessing.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I wonder how they could... One way they could figure it out is to bring one back. That'd be sweet. Well, I mean, they could pretty much do that with mammoths now, right? Oh, they're real close. Yeah. Yeah, we're actually going to go see the mammoth when it's actually made really. Yeah, that's awesome Yeah, I want to see it. I want to I want to see that thing. Like what are you gonna do with that? Yeah, let them loose cuz they're good So they they'd start with an elephant and then they do the embryo but then how many generations Indian elephant, right?
Starting point is 01:17:40 I don't know. I don't know. It's a little then. Then they'll just keep doing it with the outright to get more mammoth? Yeah. Yeah, they're just gonna, I guess they'll keep doing it and then develop breeding pairs and then, you know, they're gonna have to separate them to make sure they have genetic diversity. Are they gonna like put them back in the wild? I think they are. I think they want to do it in Siberia first. Yeah. The idea is that it would stop global warming by somehow or another I don't know yeah they would eat more of the yeah eating more
Starting point is 01:18:11 spreading the seeds yeah their feces probably turn us into a new ice age yeah fucking idiot I think stomping on the ground too like they're gonna literally cool the planet to the point where we're fucked cuz I know you're gonna be like we're gonna kill all the mammoths to bring them bring back global warming exactly I'll be like the're gonna kill all the mammoths to bring them bring back global warming exactly I'll be like the next hunting Well, that's what my friend Randall Carlson always says he said global warming is a concern He goes but global cooling is a real concern. He goes. That's what's really scary. What's really scary is ice ages
Starting point is 01:18:39 Yeah, because there's been moments in on earth while human beings were alive and while animals lived There's been moments on earth where it got so cold But there was so little oxygen in the earth on the earth that we almost didn't make it That's crazy like you're we're like we're all biological life was real close to being extinguished Yeah, having been to the Arctic you realize like you don't want it to be that cold every all the time Everywhere and all these fucking eggheads that want to spray the skies with particles and cool the sunlight so low down Yeah Well, we just moved to the places that used to be cold when it gets a little warmer wouldn't that be a better solution?
Starting point is 01:19:20 Then fucking starting another ice age you dipshits Yeah, cuz they don't really know what's gonna happen if they do wind up cooling the earth but I guess like if it works too good yeah or what I mean I suppose like one giant volcano super volcano could pretty much cool the earth pretty quick too right oh yeah yeah one giant volcano and we're fucked yeah I mean anybody who lives anywhere near Yellowstone when it blows is fucked But even people in England are fucked if Yellowstone goes. Oh, yeah, everyone's fucked. It's gonna be nuclear winter Yeah over the whole world. Yeah, it's pretty wild all plants are gonna die
Starting point is 01:19:55 people turn to cannibals in That happened that people they got down to the Toba, right? That's it the Toba volcano in Indonesia. There was a super volcano that blew. They think it got down to, I forget the number of thousands of people, but thousands of people left on Earth. And they trace that back to this particular super volcano
Starting point is 01:20:19 explosion that I think was 70,000 years ago. Wow. Yeah, 70,000 years ago. Toba eruption, been associated with a genetic bottleneck I think was 70,000 years ago. Wow. Yeah, 70,000 years ago. Toba eruption been associated with a genetic bottleneck in human evolution about 70,000 years ago. It's hypothesized that the eruption resulted in a severe reduction in the size of the total human population due to the effects of the eruption and on the global climate.
Starting point is 01:20:39 According to the genetic bottleneck theory, between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago, human populations decreased by 3,000 to 10,000, decreased to 3,000 to 10,000 surviving individuals. So there was as little as 3,000, that's the low number of humans on Earth because of this eruption. So literally like a good sized theater where like I would do a show. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:07 3000, those are the people that live, that's it. For the whole earth. Yeah, cause we aren't super adapted to the cold really. All 3000 can be like, it's not split 50-50, male to female and- Right, yeah. Who knows? I mean, probably mostly men survived.
Starting point is 01:21:22 It's supported by some genetic evidence suggesting that moderate humans are descended from a very small population of between 1,000 and 10,000 breeding pairs that existed about 70,000 years ago. That is fucking kooky. So there was a 10-year volcanic winter triggered by the eruption. Could have largely destroyed the food sources of humans and caused severe reduction in population sizes. These
Starting point is 01:21:48 environmental changes may have generated population bottlenecks in many species including hominids. This in turn may have accelerated different differentiation from within the smaller human population. Therefore the genetic differences among modern humans may represent changes within the last 70,000 years rather than the gradual differentiation over hundreds of thousands of years. Wow. Imagine if only the dummies lived and we had a star from scratch. No wheel, no nothing, no flint tools, just morons. She's the dumbest of fucking humans. Statistically that's what will happen. Yeah, well, that's it probably That's probably what does happen to human populations is probably some sort of a collapse and then a rebuild but not everywhere
Starting point is 01:22:34 I think there's always gonna be a part that gets spared except super volcanoes It seems seems that an asteroid impacts. Those are biggies. Yeah, you know, that's start from scratch and roaches rule, right? You know, then you then you're fucked. Yeah, which is also on the table. That's on the menu Roaches no asteroids. Oh, yeah. Have you ever eaten a cicada? No, I've had grasshoppers and cave crickets Callahan was he was giving out recipes for some how to first. Yeah, he was telling you how to bake them You know his podcast. Yeah, he was a cows corner. Yeah Cows we can review. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:23:14 So he was telling you how to like you cook them bake them in like an oven You set the temperature for like whatever this 250 degrees Whatever then you like make a flower out of them or what? Put teriyaki sauce on them, season them, and you eat them. Okay. Well, apparently, like, they're good. Just get better at elk hunting, I guess. But if you have so many cicadas, don't you want to try them?
Starting point is 01:23:35 I guess. Like, there's places that have these extreme, this year, right, or having extreme blooms, right? We have, where I live, big Mormon crickets that come through and they just... Trout? Yeah, they're wild. Wow. They make the road all slippery.
Starting point is 01:23:51 They'll put out ice on the road. Cars go off the road. Really? Yeah, so they get squashed, but they eat the dead ones. So they pile onto the dead ones and they create these... Sludge? Yeah, and then it gets thicker and thicker and it's just completely slick like the roads get like ice do they plow I don't think the plowing would work whoa yes that's real I guess they do plow apparently they
Starting point is 01:24:15 plowed them on the Idaho Highway to wow that's crazy can you show a video that there's a look those are all crickets. Oh, yeah, dude. That's and they just they're disgusting cuz they'll go that's insane So they just smashed them and then they're scooping them off look how they're scooping them off to the side. Oh my god Yeah, just like snow. I had this I was hunting last year And there was just a bunch of them everywhere and there's this old water trough that it I And there was just a bunch of them everywhere. And there's this old water trough that had, I guess, you know, like a cattle water trough out in the bandin. And somehow some got in there, must have died.
Starting point is 01:24:51 And then the other ones keep piling in. But it was like probably, I don't know, a foot or two deep of just dead crickets with crickets just piling into it. And the smell was so bad. You'll never forget that smell. They're just, they're gnarly. That's the thing that people keep saying, who's gonna have to start eating is crickets.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Yeah, they, there was a small town in rural Nevada that had the crickets come in. So they just decided, I don't know, they put a bunch of speakers down and would blast like hard rock music and apparently kept the crickets away from the town that makes sense noise There was a certain band that they figured Just invading that's amazing god.'d never even heard of this Mormon crickets
Starting point is 01:25:46 Well now they call Mormons because they fuck so much. I have to they make so many of them You have so many kids. Yeah, why they call Mormon crickets. I don't know So is this I've never even heard of these things before have you heard of this Jamie? That is nuts. Yeah, I think they also call them maybe potato crickets or something like that as well. Wow. But yeah, they're pretty wild. Is this a once a year thing? Yeah, once a year.
Starting point is 01:26:10 And then there'll be a big hatch, I think maybe because of the winter last year, there's just millions of them. Wow. Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones. Led Zeppelin, there you go. That's it, that's the one that worked. Wow.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Down, down, down, down, down. Ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta,'s the one that worked. Wow. Down, down, down, down. Ta, ta, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, Fucking insane. Yeah, like in each other. Yeah, cuz like you walk through there you step and you step on them They create these piles of just eating each other eating each other. This is bananas How do you stay there I guess you're half sleeping on the ground Oh Camping. Oh my god. Have you had that happen? Yeah It's not it's not fun. How'd you sleep? Did they get in your you know? I know I zipped it up Bro, what does that sound like while you're sleeping? Yeah? What does it sound like when you're sleeping Just crickets crawling. I mean, it's not just constant crawling Yeah, or you feel then they kind of like hop you hear like the dunks of them hitting
Starting point is 01:27:23 Then they kind of like hop you hear like the dunks of them hitting Bro, yeah, oh you gotta wipe the guts off your boots. Look at that. Oh Yeah, oh, yeah, it's not all the time but it is like generally Late summer. I know we've covered this before but what exactly happens to grasshoppers that they become locusts There's something that has to do with the population, the numbers and the time of year where grasshopper becomes locusts and they just fill the air and fucking destroy everything, destroy everybody's crops, everything.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Like people starve to death because of locust infestations. Well I think yeah, even something like that, you see the plants, they just come, they'll be on the plants and just, it's like a tree covered in the bugs and they're just constantly eating it, eating it, eating it. And then I guess they lay the eggs under the ground and then die and then they emerge again.
Starting point is 01:28:19 It's wild. If you lived in like the 1800s and you're like barely getting by growing corn, then those guys come by Bad day died bad. Yeah, I mean wasn't that like a Biblical threat like a curse the curse you would locus Yeah, was that like a thing that people would do back in the day like a yeah, almost like playing locus Yeah, just come and eat all your food. What causes grasshoppers to become locus? Yeah, just come and eat all your food. What causes grasshoppers to become locusts?
Starting point is 01:28:50 So all locusts are grasshoppers not our grasshoppers or locusts. There's three different kinds specifically that turn into that Big difference, you know grasshoppers are solitary locust swarm, but I'm not seeing what There were said the thing that I had read was that it was a particular type of grasshopper when there's a certain Population density it causes some morphogenic change in the animal and then they just move together Yeah, cuz it is weird like those those Mormon crickets. They do that where they they move in a certain direction and they're all moving together It's really weird bizarre the change when they're crowded or isolated Yeah, there's something about the amount of them Like they get a bunch of them together. It's like a like a gang mentality
Starting point is 01:29:31 You know like when you have riots and people would storm on the streets and it's like a mob mentality You just keep going. Yeah, I guess that happens with them too, but they have changes in their actual physiology Yeah But they have changes in their actual physiology. There's a video explaining it here, but I... Yeah. The strange thing that turns grasshoppers into locusts that's on YouTube, bizarre beasts. That fellow looks like he knows what he's talking about. Yeah. But that's a, it's weird when animals can change.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Like it's, for some reason bugs, I can kind of deal with it. You know, but like pigs, the wild pig thing is one of the craziest things of all time That if you let a domestic pig loose their snout lengthens their fur grows and they start growing these tusks Yeah, and it happens pretty quick. Yeah Yeah, they just go feral and they It's the way that they can survive better because they aren't getting fed all the time So there's there's physiological changes because they have to root around they have to you know But there's no other animal if you let a dog go
Starting point is 01:30:30 The dogs just gonna be a dog like we tried to figure that out yesterday We're joking around like how long would it take before a dog becomes a wolf? Yeah, you know yeah like if you I mean turned wolves into dogs How many generations of wild dogs would it take for a wolf emerged? I don't know. I have seen a pack of wild dogs in an area where there are wolves.
Starting point is 01:30:51 And those wild dogs, they get pretty vicious and pretty efficient pretty fast. Oh, I'm sure. They probably act just like wolves. Yeah, they could probably cross breed with the wolves. I don't know. Oh, they definitely could. There's a lot of wolf hybrids.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Yeah. Like people buy wolf hybrids all the time. Yeah, that's what I wonder though, if they would actually survive, you know, the kind of the challenge to breed, but if the pack of feral dogs is large enough, they could probably. I wonder if it's a cycle that just would happen automatically
Starting point is 01:31:18 if given enough time. Like if you could reproduce the cycle of turning a wolf into a dog, if you just let the dogs out and there would be no more dogs and just be all wolves And then civilization reemerges and we turn wolves into dogs again. Yeah I wonder go. Yeah, maybe I mean you can't experiment but if you take a wild pig and you put it in a pen That fucker is wild forever. Yeah, like you have a wild boar. It's not gonna like it's it's now it's not gonna shrink right now It's not gonna turn pink again and look cute
Starting point is 01:31:48 Okay, in the early colonial times. That's why they would clip their ears in certain patterns It would cause it and that's where the word earmark came from Whoa, because because there would be domestic and running around they would need to know which ones were theirs. I guess whoa Pigs were allowed to live basically feral existence, but they were still what we'd recognize as domestic swine. The practice of free-ranging pigs may still exist in some areas, but I think it largely died out during the 20th century.
Starting point is 01:32:14 However, as a result, just about every part of North America can support feral pigs has them. However, in California, a landowner in the 1920s imported European wild boar for hunting. I think that landowner was William Randolph Hearst. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, that cocksucker. That's the reason why weeds illegal to this day, that piece of shit. These animals hybridized with feral pigs producing the offspring with some of the appearance and characteristics of wild boar. That genetic line has been spreading for 95 years or so and it's been quite successful Yeah, there's so many of them in California man. Yeah nuts
Starting point is 01:32:50 They have them in his San Jose like in people's yards like they're like people in suburbs like they'll wake up and there's fucking Wild pigs knocking over Rooting in their garbage rooting in their gardens apart, destroying their, they could destroy giant chunks of like turf, like golf course turf. They just go right through it. Yep. And just root it up and going for worms and other stuff. And yeah, they smell what's underneath the grass and go for it.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Like if you, if you were just living wild and you know, if the world goes to shit, they're the best animal to have around because you are insured. There's going a high population if you don't have for sure. Yeah, you don't have predators There's like feral goats goats multiply super fast. They're good like really harsh environments That's probably freedom people brought them to Hawaii. Right? Yeah. Yeah, Hawaii I mean New Zealand like a lot of places and they just Flourish because they can go in everything from jungles to deserts. Do you smoke cigars? No, but go for it. When people do bring animals into a place like we were talking about Adam Greentree today and
Starting point is 01:33:56 he you know he lives in Australia where they kill cats. Yeah. Because they have so many wild cats that wild cats have killed everything wild domestic cats regular cats Killed all the ground nesting birds. They've just decimated populations. Yeah, it's fucked everything up. So they hunt them over there So if you get a you ever seen an Australian hunting magazine. Oh, yeah, it's like they got a guy with a cat I got a nice cat might like whoa. Yeah You know, it's just every time humans bring an animal into an area almost definitely especially if it's a predator They're gonna fuck everything up Yeah, and most of the time they bring it into control a problem with the rats and it's like well
Starting point is 01:34:35 Nobody's gonna. They're elusive. They're gonna definitely kill the ground nesting birds that are way easier to hunt and kill Yeah, they don't know their job. No, it's so funny that people didn't know. I mean, I guess they just didn't know that they probably had shitty books. Yeah, they did all this thing, this stuff in the 18th like New Zealand. When did they start doing that? Oh, bringing animals over. Yeah. What year was that? Yeah, the 18 something.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Yeah. Yeah. Well, let's bring animals over no predators Yeah, go wrong right and they just exploding population But it really shows you to like when there's predators on the landscape They definitely take a toll on the prey species. Oh for sure sure well like what in reintroduction of wolves? Yeah, you know and now they're doing it in Colorado like good idea guys. Yeah, bring them everywhere They're talking about being grizzly bears to the Cascades. I saw that.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Do you guys not know what a grizzly bear is? No. You should go speak to them about your experience on Fogknack Island. Like, the thing about grizzly bears is people, it's generally people that don't live in those areas making the decisions for the people that do. You think about it, like, in the places where you're going to encounter a bear, there's not that many people that live there. The actual number of people that get attacked and killed might be insignificant in the whole
Starting point is 01:35:52 population, but in those areas, it's pretty significant. It'd be like, what if we released, I don't know, Kodiak brown bears? Well, there was brown bears in California that's on their flag, right? Coastal large giant brown bears Yeah, I mean a couple of those running through San Francisco clean up the street pretty quick. Oh, yeah, you got a homeless problem We're a bunch of colonizers we've stolen this land from bears right bring them back There's an amazing bears back Yeah, you look at like the whole of Canada where there's nobody living and there's a lot of brown bears grizzly bears All the way through Alaska into the Arctic
Starting point is 01:36:33 There's there's a lot of those bears around in places where there aren't people right? But the problem with Canada is the population centers like Vancouver don't have bears Right, and so they're the ones who vote. And so they voted to make bear hunting, at least brown bear hunting, illegal in BC. And the guy just got jacked yesterday by brown bear in BC. Yeah, it becomes more and more popular because we have more people in their territory and then we're going to expand their range. But there's a reason that we, I mean, I love large bears. Like it's awesome to see them.
Starting point is 01:37:06 It's an incredible experience, but there's certain places where they can be and there's certain places where they probably shouldn't be. There's a reason that we got rid of them in a lot of places because like they kill and eat people. Imagine if it's like, I mean, percentage wise, I don't know, the amount of people that get attacked
Starting point is 01:37:22 and killed by bears is going up for sure and It might be a small percentage But okay in the if you took it per capita people that are in their turf, right? Say I don't even know if it's a point zero zero one percent Well, what would that be of New York City, right? And if you had some monster that came and killed a thousand people a year You'd be like, let's get rid of this fucking monster. Which is what they did. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:47 That's what they did. I mean, LeBec, California is named for the place where the last person in California was killed by a grizzly bear. Yeah, it's wild. Yeah, this guy got fucking, and then they said, hey, let's kill them all. And then we're like, let's bring them back.
Starting point is 01:38:02 I miss the monsters. Yeah, in which, I mean, there are places where it's like, let's bring them back. I miss the monsters Yeah, which I mean there are places where it's like it's awesome to see him and they're there and we should have them there Yeah, but I don't think that we should have them everywhere because I especially with like our populations now They don't realize what they're doing in those places Do you know people are releasing wolves in California like sketchy people like sketchy activists releasing? Uh-huh. Yeah, there was one outside of Bakersfield We played a video of it on this podcast My friend who lives up there found it. He saw this they he filmed this
Starting point is 01:38:36 He was driving on the highway and they're like, I think that's a fucking wolf and they pulled over and they zoomed in on This wolf. Hold on a second. I'll find it Yeah, I've heard of people I guess they I mean there's collared wolves going from Oregon and other places right now But this is not that this is just like releasing wolves in Southern California some dip shit Thought it would be cute to let a wolf go and so I'll find it. I've got the video in here if you just give me a second Yeah, I Know he sent it to me So I was hanging out with him and I was like, well, how big was it? He sent me this video
Starting point is 01:39:12 I was like, yo, that's a wolf wolf and this thing was like five miles from an in-and-out Was it like a a wild wolf or was it just like a wolf dog that they turned loose? No it's a wolf. It's a wild wolf. Yeah goddamn it I can't find it. I know he sent it to me. He might have got a new phone number. I might have his old phone number in my book and not have that image saved in our little text message exchange. Fuck. He probably didn't have an iPhone. He probably had and so you don't get the bubble saving Yeah Yeah, all right, I give up I got it
Starting point is 01:39:52 I know we played it on the podcast before but it is a bizarre video because you'll you watch the video like wow That's a big wolf and it's running near this cow And then someone comes along and chases it away and it runs off But it's wolf really somebody just. And then we showed a video yesterday of El Cerritos, California, where a wolf's just running down the street, like a big ass wolf. That was apparently a year ago that was on TikTok.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Last year. See if you can find that again. I found the video of us playing it before, hold on. Oh, beautiful. Let me find a better version of this. Last year I was in New Mexico and they have, it was a Mexican wolf. They're different than like the gray wolves
Starting point is 01:40:27 or the further north wolves. Bigger than a, smaller than a timber wolf. They look kind of like a shaggy wolf. They're like, yeah, they're a lot smaller. They're like a large coyote, but we saw a lot of them. Really? Yeah, we saw a pack of them in the same day that we saw, it was like four to six of them.
Starting point is 01:40:44 A friend of mine, I was with Kip, and they saw some, six others somewhere else. So they were like, they say the population's not that large, but that's a substantial portion of the population that they say they are. So, and then it can't- How much of a survey are they doing? And then at camp we heard,
Starting point is 01:41:02 which would be completely different ones than the ones that we were seeing cuz we're I was like 30 miles away from where I was And you heard them. Yeah. Yeah, so you're like there's a lot of them in here They I think their populations grow a lot faster than then they say keeping track of I'm sure I mean how much money they spending in Mexico to get it gave a good audit of the wolf population Yeah, and this is in New Mexico, which... Oh, New Mexico. Yeah, northern New Mexico. Or no, southern New Mexico, sorry. And so they're coming from Mexico?
Starting point is 01:41:32 No, they were just called the Mexican wolf. It's like a separate species of wolf. Oh, is it not a red wolf? No, a red wolf's also a separate species. So I think the red wolf's the one that's a lot more rare, but the Mexican wolf is the one that they have in New Mexico. How big is the Mexican like 50 pounds? Yeah, be like yeah, probably something like that. Oh That's found it. Oh, yeah, that is a wolf wolf. Yeah. Yeah. So this is my friend
Starting point is 01:42:00 Oh, I found out what happened on why this is something's wrong with the Mac computers and playing video Oh, I found out what happened on why this is something's wrong with the Mac computers and playing video But just that's okay. Just just look at that look at that image. That is a wolf wolf Yeah, and that thing was outside of Bakersfield, bro. That's crazy Bakersfield. You know the in-and-out that's down on the 10 Yeah, or the five is that with the five what? That's a couple miles away from that huh? Why what the fuck yeah out in a field yeah, and he saw it driving and he's like hold on is that a fucking wolf Yes, so like that's pretty good video. There's people that run some of these wolf I
Starting point is 01:42:41 Don't know what you want all call them. Yeah, these wolf organizations. Yeah. That there's stated goal is to reintroduce wolves so that we will no longer need to hunt. Because the wolves will take care of the wild animals. They'll keep the population in check. Totally not taking into account pets, kids, little red riding hood, all that shit. The reason why we were scared of wolves in the first place, they think the wolves are just going to stick to deer. Yeah. No, they're going're gonna take out hikers bird watchers. Good luck. Whatever
Starting point is 01:43:09 Yeah, but also too. I mean when you think about wolves being across the United States We had a giant Great Plains full of bison millions of bison Yeah, like they had a lot more food sources and a lot more availability to Preferred food sources a different world. We don't have that. Yeah. And to bring them into this world now is just so goofy. I can't imagine how they got away with it in Colorado. All those ranchers are going to get fucked. They're going to get fucked. Well, I mean, I don't know much of speculation, but I'm pretty sure this is a fact that they took wolves that were depredating cattle
Starting point is 01:43:46 and then released them in Colorado and guess what they're doing? Killing cattle. Weird. Did you see they found one dead and it was killed by a mountain lion? Really? Yeah, so this was kind of an interesting thing.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Well, in my area in Montana, they did a huge study on wolves because everyone's like, the wolves are killing all the elk, which is sort of true because the the elk mortalities went up, but What they found is the mountain lions were actually killing more elk and the wolves were pushing off They were stealing out mice. So yeah, no line did have actually witnessed wolves pushing a mountain lion off a kill So the the mountain lions are just a mountain lions actually probably one of the most efficient predators out there. More efficient than a wolf, I would say. And so the mountain lions can kill, kill, kill pretty much whenever they want. They're just so good at it. So
Starting point is 01:44:32 mountain lion would kill, they'd start to eat, the wolves would come in, run them off, claim the kill. And then what's that make the mountain lion do? Kill again. So they're just using these mountain lions to do their killing for them. Wow. Right. So they run off the mountain lion So my speculation is they it's been proven that this collared one that they just released in Colorado is killed by a mountain lion It's like that mountain lion just didn't want to take shit from these wolves Like haven't seen you you aren't taking my kill killed the killed the wolf, right?
Starting point is 01:45:00 Not only that but they have a small number because they only released a handful of them. Yeah, so he might have been on his own Yeah, who knows he got a little cocky with the like, oh chase you off and yeah, well, yeah mountain lions are fairly timid when they run they just they go off they get up in a tree and Okay, and then they'll go kill again. But in this particular instance, the mountain lion just killed the wolf. He had enough Yeah, it was like one of the enough. Yes, very one of these found dead in Colorado Like you killed my mountain lion. Look at these wolves that they let loose, man. Fucking, they're amazing. Look, I'm glad they exist,
Starting point is 01:45:30 but I feel like reintroducing them is opening up a can of worms that's akin to releasing cats in Australia. I know they came from that place, but they haven't been in that place in a long fucking time, in a hundred years. And the world's so much different now like we have you can't just go back to the way things were because
Starting point is 01:45:50 It just isn't possible. I mean, there's a lot of invasive plants that have taken over forage for Yeah undulence and there's a lot of just so much that's changed road systems that never carve there that I mean wolves can travel a lot faster on roads and cover more country and be more efficient at killing so Yeah, and then there's gonna be massive resistance to reducing their population which there is already right? It's just it's a mess you opened up a crazy can of worms because you don't understand wolves The thing is it's like these people that want to make these decisions to reintroduce these things. They're essentially activists They have this idea in their mind this utopian view of nature being played out, but they're
Starting point is 01:46:29 not taking into account what these things actually are. You just have this beautiful, idealized version of what a wolf or a grizzly bear is. You're releasing predators. Yeah. And actually, the other thing too is like, oh, Colorado, the wolves that they released there were not the type of wolves that were in Colorado is more of a prairie wolf, which is more similar to that Mexican wolf, which is a lot smaller wolf than the ones from way far north. The ones that are north, as you go further north, species get
Starting point is 01:46:58 larger. And it's like, they're taking these that weren't even in that landscape ever and kind of filling a gap with them. Well, that's what they did in Montana. They took them from Canada. Yeah. They took these Alberta wolves, these fucking monsters. Yeah, they're these giant beasts of a wolf, which they need more food,
Starting point is 01:47:15 they're more efficient at killing certain species. Like our moose populations have just suffered. You want to protect something, maybe protect the moose, because there's plenty of wolves in North America. There's not that many Chirus moose, which is really hurting in areas where they've reintroduced wolves because they just weren't used to that kind of, you know, that kind of predator that time of year. Also, they don't have packs of moose. Right. No, very solitary. They drop a calf. Now the cow moose will protect that calf,
Starting point is 01:47:48 but... As best she can. As best she can, yeah, it's not... That's the reason why cow moose are so dangerous to be around, it's because of wolves. Because like a deer is not gonna really stomp people. It's very rare that a deer goes after people. Moose will come for you, they will run at you.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Especially if you got like a dog or something because that triggers that. People running that Iditarod have to kill a moose to protect themselves and the dogs because they'll come charge the dogs. Yeah, this year, a guy, I think the guy that won it had to kill a moose. He got time penalized
Starting point is 01:48:21 because he didn't get the moose well enough, but still won, I guess. He got time penalized because he didn't gut the moose well enough, but still won I guess He got time penalized because he didn't got the moose well enough Yeah so if you have to like protect yourself in Life or death situation like whether it's a bear a moose doesn't matter You still have to follow all the laws and that laws like you have to salvage things so you didn't gut it very well I guess like he was probably in a hurry. Just gut it did it real fast
Starting point is 01:48:43 And he overcame killing a moose and receiving a time penalty when imagine a fucking game You're in where there's a time penalty when you kill a moose. Yeah A moose that's trying to kill you and your dogs Wow It's a pretty wild deal actually that is insane Yeah, so So you have to gut it it but do you have to salvage the meat no I think that they can leave so for this race they can leave the meat there but they have to like I don't know whether they mark it
Starting point is 01:49:14 with a GPS or something so then somebody does come in and salvage the meat yes Wow this dog Fallou was injured before CV shot and killed the moose with a handgun race rules require any big game animal killed in defensive life or property be gutted before the musher moves on. He told officials he gutted the moose the best he could, however, he was ultimately giving a two-hour penalty because he only spent ten minutes gutting the moose. Well, I mean, what is he, as best as he can, like what does that mean? I don't know. Either you got a moose or you don't got a moose right so maybe just opened it up
Starting point is 01:49:46 I have no right he might have just like open the guy tried to get it and like okay I'm getting but imagine not being prepared for that like covered in blood when it's Also like what if your knife is not sharp, and you go through the first hide. It's gonna dull the shit out of that Sawing at it with a bullshit dull knife, trying to cut open this mousse, and then trying to cut all the organs out with that same bullshit dull knife. You don't have a knife sharpener.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Yeah, I don't know. I don't know the circumstances, but yeah, I can imagine it being a shit show. Like I could see a mousse being so, like you tell me, a mousse is so big, you might have to sharpen your knife if you're dressing a mousse. Yeah, yeah. Or you might have, like as you tell me it moves is so big you might have to sharpen your knife if you're dressing a moose yeah Yeah, or you might like as you're cutting it you might have to resharpen your knife right definitely
Starting point is 01:50:31 Yeah, I mean especially if you're skinning it and all that depends on how short type of knife you have and all that But he probably just had like a my guess is like a small knife that you know you'd use be bullshit Yeah You know you speak bullshit. Yeah Razor blade I don't know fuck that's crazy a two-hour time limit that seems rude Yeah, still one though. That's pretty good. It is pretty good, but it what a crazy game. You're playing Yeah, where there's time penalties built in for not not getting in the stretch How would I know you went to Greenland to you know I saw those videos it was that when you were still hunting with a mouth there was Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:51:09 Well, it's a mouth tub Greenland looks amazing. Yeah, that place is wild I didn't realize like that you see that I you know, you see pictures of it's all ice Well around the ocean certain times a year, it's it's pretty green because it's not winter yet But that ice sheet is massive. It looks like this giant mountain. I mean, it climbs some elevation. You don't really realize it. You kind of think it's all just ice. Yeah, just massive ice sheet.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Wow. It's pretty wild. Do people walk on those? Like, you have to be careful. You don't fall through, right? Yeah, they do. While we were there, we'd run into people that were doing expeditions and other things.
Starting point is 01:51:44 That was when we were in the Arctic. Some people were doing like a town to town expedition just on skis and they left and I'm like looking at it like, man, they didn't look like they had enough gear for their expedition. And when we came back in, one of the people was getting care flighted out because they got frostbite and lost a finger. Imagine like six, seven days into a 30-day trek and you're already one finger down. Were they not geared up with like insulated outerwear?
Starting point is 01:52:12 I don't know, yeah, must have. Just not, we're not paying attention. Like you get worked up, right? You're working real hard and your body's hot. You take your gloves off and you don't feel cold and then probably realize like, okay, it just happens so fast, like uncovered hands. Now when you were in the Arctic Circle,
Starting point is 01:52:30 like what is the temperature where you're at? Oh, it was like a warm spell when we got there. It was pretty warm. It was like 20 below. But like I talked to some guys that were there the week before and it was like 60 below. And what country is that officially? Canada.
Starting point is 01:52:44 It's Canada. Yeah. Yeah, and so 60 but like what's a really rough day up there? I Would think in that 60 below with wind chill factor kind of thing Heavy winds like the breeze you get a little bit of breeze and that temperature changes fast real fast When it's when it's calm you go, oh, this isn't that bad. And then when that wind starts to blow, it just drops, it's just so cold.
Starting point is 01:53:11 And you're bow hunting. Yeah. Which is so crazy. Yeah. To be bow hunting in a place where nothing stops the wind. Yeah, but there was, when it's really windy, I think we went out and we didn't have bad winds, so when it does come up
Starting point is 01:53:26 It's kind of one of those things just stops everything really because you can't see where you're going Can't really navigate well, so you just kind of hang out and wait for the wind to die down Wow How close were you when you made a shot? Oh? Really close like 25 30 yards was it windy then no it was slightly when he wasn't it was good now muskox have these crazy Coats yeah, right how thick is that stuff? There's a muskox wow look how awesome that thing is yeah that looks right out of star wars It does doesn't look at those crazy. That's nuts. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:54:01 But they had Greenland that whole area that whole Arctic is pretty cool. What did you do with the cape? I skinned it out and brought it back. It's so warm. Are you gonna use it as a blanket or something? I don't know maybe it seems like it'd be the dopest yeah You know, yeah, just like line your I don't put on your bed as a mattress thing. Yeah Definitely. Yeah people come over your house Yeah, the bedspread son. Yeah I got that on top of the world. Yeah Literally on top of the world. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:54:36 What is so Greenland not that harsh? No, I was harsh Well, it was different times a year because I think what time were you there? I was there in September. So it So the end of it was the beginning of Kind of that winter season it looked or I might have even been August. It was probably August. It looked tolerable Yeah, I mean summertime that's like anywhere like a lot is far north in Alaska the Arctic summer is amazing sunlight 24 hours a day. It's pretty mild temperatures. There's a lot of bugs but a lot of bugs mosquitoes And yeah, they go hard to yeah, Alaska mosquitoes. No, they don't have much time They just go for it
Starting point is 01:55:12 but like good summer fishing waters open all that kind of stuff and then it just turns to ice and it's like wintertime through This March April May that whole time is still winter and then it gets back into summer. And so when you were up there, when you're trying to locate caribou, do you go to these corridors where caribou naturally sort of gravitate towards? Do you know where they're going to be going? No, I mean it depends where you're at. There we were able to travel by boat and we could look for them from the boat and go up and hike. Like in places in Alaska, there's places
Starting point is 01:55:51 where they kind of live in the mountains. And when it's that, they kind of have just certain areas and they move around in the mountains but they might not migrate like other herds do and then there's migration herds and They they do migrate and they travel and then it's weird because they not weird But they tend to travel into the wind so whichever direction the winds going that kind of Chooses the direction that the caribou start to move. Hmm, but they have an area threats. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Hmm And so when you were there you were there that dude Pedro Pedro how do you say the last name Ampuro? Ampuro. Ampuro. Yeah, that dude's cool. Yeah, he's a great guy. He's got a great YouTube channel It's a YouTube channel all his different adventures are amazing. Yep. Yeah, he's a great bow hunter awesome guy fun to hang out with
Starting point is 01:56:36 I watched one recently where I was like what he went elk hunting in Mongolia. Yep. I was like what yeah There's an elk in Mongolia. Yeah. I was like, what? Yeah, the Altai. Elk in Mongolia? Yeah. And I thought of Mongolia as being these steps, like the flat plains. Oh, no, there's mountains and. Yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:56:54 I mean, it was like, you might as well have been in Utah. Yeah. There's elk. Yeah, Mongolia has elk. Kazakhstan has elk. Hunting out of a yurt. It's really crazy. Yeah. Very, very cool. That is the place that I would like to go Mongolia just to see it looks awesome
Starting point is 01:57:10 Pedro and puero hunting adventures is the YouTube channel and I mean he does an amazing job of Just like really good editing. It makes it interesting They're like documentary style videos of all these different places. He goes with this this guy that guy goes all over the world Yeah, he does some cool some cool places very cool places. It's just It's so interesting to see someone and also when he's there. They're like, why do you have a bow? Yeah Just the Elks right there. He's a rifle the fuck you do Yeah, a lot of a lot of places in Asia don't understand bow hunting It's the more just like they don't see it probably very well
Starting point is 01:57:46 They want me yeah, right? It's like let's just the best way to get me is a rifle What are you retarded like that's 200 yards away? Why sneak up? Yeah, just be done right? Oh, let's fucking get this over with but to be honest a lot of them guns that they have over They're not very accurate. Are you allowed to bring your own rifle? Yeah, you are in a lot of places. It's a major pain though. Oh, is it really? Yeah, a lot of paperwork. Yeah, a lot of paperwork, a lot of check-ins,
Starting point is 01:58:13 a lot of military stops, a lot of, yeah, it's like not a fun experience. So for the most part, when you go to a hunt like that, you would let them provide the rifle? Some people would, yeah. I don't know if I would So yeah, so could you bring your own sights? Could you like bring over a vortex site and a case?
Starting point is 01:58:35 Just like left over the Taliban that's crazy That's how many times you hunted in Asia only I've only been over there once what was it for? sheep Which kind of sheep in Marco Polo sheep? Oh, those are cool. Yeah, and you know I was in Kyrgyzstan Yeah, what was that like it was pretty wild man is how long did you get there? Oh? I don't know it's really a day of flying and then a lot of driving like a lot of driving I don't know maybe 14 hours in a 15 to 20 hours in a car I don't know something like that. And so how does one set up a hunt like that? You want to hunt for Marco Polo sheep?
Starting point is 01:59:16 How would you even start? Yeah, it was like one of the things like knowing somebody that has a connection with somebody that has like a they have like gamekeepers of the area and then you get a Permit from them and then they go with you that like the game wardens come with you It's a whole deal and like these people have the area and it's their job to manage that area And so that's kind of how that works Oh, wow, and do you have to grease everybody up like you have to pay everybody? No, well, I mean that you pay for the tags and the permits and everything Yeah, okay, and then you don't have to pay all? No, well I mean you pay for the tags and the permits and everything, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:45 Okay, and then you don't have to pay all those extra people? No, that's all part of the deal. Oh, interesting. And so when you're doing this, are you horseback through the mountains? Yep, yeah, horseback. Pretty high elevation. I don't even know what the valley floor is going to be. Maybe 12,000 feet, something like that. Wow, that's the valley floor is gonna be, maybe 12,000 feet, something like that. Wow, that's the valley floor? Yeah, 10, 12,000 feet, something like that, pretty high up. Where we were at was on the China border,
Starting point is 02:00:11 so it was pretty big mountains. They use these real small horses there, incredible horses, very good horses, but you're going on trails that are super sketchy. I wouldn't wanna walk on them and you're going on trails that are super sketchy. Like I wouldn't want to walk on them and you're taking a horse on them. A lot of them we did in the dark. It was pretty, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:32 It was like going back through some of that in the daylight. It was a little uncomfortable knowing what we were doing in the dark. Knowing what you went through at night. Yeah. And these guys do this all the time. Yeah, there was one spot where they took like a, they must've brought like, you know, like I just a barbed wire fence that has like a metal post. So they took a metal post and they pounded
Starting point is 02:00:52 it in into this like, there's like a cliff and then the trail, well, the trail had just wiped out. And so there's like a metal post that they'd somehow pounded in and then just put some stuff on top of it. And then the horse is backing up like up against the wall and then scooting around and then does a little side hop over it and then goes. And we did that in the dark with no lights because we couldn't, I don't know, it was a shit show. But coming back looking it's probably 1500 feet straight down.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Like in a thing where the horse is like just edging up against the wall. It's pretty wild, right? You did this in the dark? Yeah, it was not. You had no idea? No idea. Well, I knew, you could tell it's steeper than shit
Starting point is 02:01:36 because it's just like dark and you can kind of see but you can't, you don't really get the grandeur of what's going on in the nighttime. Kind of just hold on for dear life. Why the fuck are we going at night time? No saddles really. No saddles. Well you use like these blanket saddles.
Starting point is 02:01:48 There's like a saddle horn and mostly just a blanket and then stirrups with it. So it's kind of a different setup. Not like a western saddle though. Fairly comfortable horses though. But yeah, I didn't like that. It was wild. Why do they do it at night?
Starting point is 02:02:05 It was just a weird, it was a weird experience. We left at night. I don't know what happened, but we got into camp. We went to this, you go through all these checkpoints. We got into camp. We're going, we're planning on going out the next morning, but then like some people came into camp and just started Like our guys and those guys started fighting and then oh no, and then it was yeah It was a wild deal and so they're like we got to get out of here kind of deal They started fighting like fistfighting. Yeah. Yeah, just like they had a lot of guys So a gang fight broke out on your hunting. Yeah, but it seemed weird. It was like I don't know what was going on and then
Starting point is 02:02:43 so that that goes down. And we're just like standing back, like what the hell is going on? How does the fight end? So the leader of their crew and our crew go into the house. And then they like have a sit down. And then we, so then we're like, one of our guys, like let's get out of here.
Starting point is 02:03:04 So we like throw all our shit on the horses like packs on there and everything so that's why we didn't have any lights because we just like threw everything on the horses and then It's like let's just ride. Okay, so we're getting set up and then it was like before we left the weirdest thing I wish I I wish I had I tried to like download some translation stuff, so I just had no communication with them. The weirdest part was like, okay, everybody was good, and so we're loading up now, everything's cool. We're all good. And then they wanna take a group picture.
Starting point is 02:03:36 What the hell is this group? Is this some proof of life picture? What is going on here? So we take a picture, And everything seemed pretty normal. And then we start riding off, and the guy that we're with has an AK. And then they start fighting for the gun. And at this point, I'm like, we got to get out of here.
Starting point is 02:03:57 And so we just start riding. And then they're fighting for the gun. Yeah, they were like wrestling for the gun. And then he gets on his horse and we all just Fried off into the sun. What were you thinking? I was thinking we're so fucked. You flew all the way over there. I did not. You're in the mountains. Yeah, and he just like these guys are fighting over a gun Yeah, and their gun safety is abysmal like it was not I was just I've watched YouTube videos Yeah, it's it's dude this guy we get this So we're driving and it's a long road trip
Starting point is 02:04:25 and we're driving and we pull into this guy's hometown and he gets a shotgun. It's this old shotgun that's like pretty much duct taped together. And we're driving, I guess he's like Chucker across the road. They look like Chucker to me, I'm sure that's what they were. And so he gets out and he's trying to shoot these birds.
Starting point is 02:04:41 This is like, all right, you know, a little bit of camp meat. So he's trying to shoot these birds and doesn't like, all right, you know, a little bit of camp meat. So he's trying to shoot these birds and doesn't get any birds. But he's now thinking that the chucker, or, you know, in case we see one, he's ready. So he's got this double-barrel shotgun that's loaded, and he puts it in the car, and he puts it with the barrel up,
Starting point is 02:04:59 and it's facing toward my head. And I'm, like, trying to lean out the side. I'm not okay with this. So I'm like, hey, stop him. And I'm trying to lean out the side. I'm not OK with this. So I'm like, hey, stop him. And I'm like, this is not OK. You can't have this gun facing me. Instead of unloading the gun or doing whatever, he just leans over and puts his hand on his shoulder like this.
Starting point is 02:05:19 That's his gun safety. And I'm like, no. I get out of the car. I'm like, no. We're going to unload it. And we aren't going to go like this. I take it out. I unload it. I put the barrel no, I get out of the car and like, no, we're gonna unload it and we're gonna go like this. I take it out, I unload it, I put the barrel down, like open it up.
Starting point is 02:05:29 I'm like, here you go. Like I don't care what you do, but I'm not having a loaded gun in the vehicle or a loaded gun point for me. But like the thought of it, like his shoulder is just gonna protect the shotgun from blowing my head off. Well, not only that, what if his shoulder gets blown off and he dies, you have to figure out how to get back. Yeah. No, I mean, it's just- Everything's bad. Your ears are blown out. Yes, you can't hear anything
Starting point is 02:05:49 It's not like it was It was we it was wild I don't know. Did you know what the fight was over what why they got a gang? Yeah, the well I from one of the guys like it sounded like it's just like kind of tripe And I don't even know if tribal is the right word, but it's like very Like these guys wanted that territory, you know, so they were like gunning for that territory Like they were hunting. Yeah, I guess or whatever they wanted to be the people that take the people. Oh boy So it was like oh boy. Yeah, it's probably a lot of money in that. Yeah, I would imagine Yeah, the guy that was like I was like what's going on. It's probably a lot of money in that. Yeah, I would imagine, yeah. Because the guy that, I was like, what's going on?
Starting point is 02:06:27 He's like, no, no, I'm the big, like, in some, he spoke a little, it's hard to understand, but in the gist of it was like, I'm the big boss and they're gunning for me, like, they want what I have, in a way. The guiding business. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 02:06:44 So. So you eventually get free? Yeah, well, yeah there's a we just rode up and then we did our thing and then went went hunting and came back and Everything, you know and when you came back everything had been okay. There's no no there was nobody there But like the big boss was with us now. So I don't know what happened Was that the sketchiest hunt you ever went on? Oh yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 02:07:06 That sounds so dangerous. Because if they start shooting those guys, they're gonna shoot you too. Yeah. That's just gonna leave you. Yeah, and I don't know, I think like, in that, it made sense, it didn't make sense, but what they were, I felt like,
Starting point is 02:07:19 I didn't necessarily think that we were in danger, but I thought it was like a weird situation, because you could tell, like, they wanted something, but I don't necessarily know if we were in danger, but I thought it was like a weird situation because you could tell like they wanted something, but I don't necessarily know if they wanted something from us. They wanted something from the other people. Oh. You know, it's not gonna cut
Starting point is 02:07:33 of the action or something. Yeah, exactly. Sure. Well, I guess there's probably not a lot of work up there. No. You know, when you're guiding hunters, especially the kind of hunters that are willing to do that have some money
Starting point is 02:07:45 Yeah, cuz it's a big deal right out there like Marco follow sheep hunting. It's very hard to Yeah, it's hard to do I used to watch What's that guy's name Tom Miranda Miranda? Yeah, I used to watch his that guy's another one He was always like in the middle and one fucking weird mountain range Camped up in this yurt with like 10 other people and they're eating bread. Oh You're out there There's no there's no backup plan there and everything he was doing was bow hunting too And he had a his show was weird too because it was all about acquiring all
Starting point is 02:08:19 What is it the big whatever like? Yeah, when you're trying to the the bow hunting thing you get yeah The Grand Slams where you get like every single mammal on Earth with a bow yeah Like like they do the Africa like there's the dangerous ones Oh, yeah, there's the the the great the regular Grand Slam like all the African continent big animals. Yeah all the stuff
Starting point is 02:08:47 It's a weird thing. It's like you almost like you're collecting baseball cards now, right? You know Yeah, just yeah different places I like going different places just for that experience of the hunting culture and it's kind of interesting because you'll go somewhere and Maybe even they're like maybe didn't speak their language or whatever, but when we were on the mountain, it's like he's a hunter, I'm a hunter, and we had this certain kind of connection that you just don't get doing other things. Like it's pretty interesting where you go and it's like these are hunting cultures and they've done this for thousands of years just like we have and we do things similar and like we don't even necessarily need
Starting point is 02:09:24 to communicate that well because we both kind of are doing the same thing in the same way. And it's like, okay, there's this, it's really cool to see. And then that whole like bring the meat back and the campfire cooking and the whole like experience is not foreign. Whereas like you're in this crazy place with all these other problems, but the hunting portion of it is very familiar. You know, and like I really like that.
Starting point is 02:09:48 It's like even going to somewhere else, you go, okay, let's go to a place where, and it's like, okay, yeah, I can, do I need to go hunt a muskox to feed myself? Well, the muskox meat was really good, and I'm glad I did it. I don't have to go to the Arctic to feed myself, right? But it was really cool to experience it with people
Starting point is 02:10:06 that have lived there their whole life and have a certain view of it that is actually maybe even different, but that's how they grew up doing it. And to see that is just like a really, I don't know, I like that portion of it. So that's why I like to go different places and just see how they do things in different places. And then there's that adventure element of going somewhere kind of untouched where a
Starting point is 02:10:28 lot of people don't go. There's something kind of exciting about that. So do you try to plan your year with a certain amount of these wild adventure places that you visit? Yeah, I think so. Or if the opportunity comes up, it's more of just, oh yeah, I'll take advantage of an opportunity if it's more of just, oh yeah, I'll take advantage of an opportunity if it's given. Like, oh, I know this person here that we can do this and okay, cool, I'll try that. Or it doesn't matter whether it's New Zealand or Australia or North America.
Starting point is 02:10:53 Well, you were doing a lot of trips to New Zealand, right? Yeah. Well, that's where I came from to get here. Oh, really? Yeah. How often are you there every year? I made a pretty short trip out of it this year But just went over hunted some fallow deer and saw some friends and it was a good time
Starting point is 02:11:15 But like what's a short trip for you that was only like a week. Oh, that is a short trip Yeah, yeah, I mean cuz I used to go over there for three months. Really? Yeah. Yeah Wow. Yeah, so it's a lot shorter trip But that place seems amazing. It's and what a crazy thing that they did where they just reintroduced not reintroduced but introduced all these European animals To the landscape. Yeah, then they've flourished like they do really well. There's no predators So there's hunting and then there's like essentially government culling trapping poisoning Wild what they have to do to maintain the populations just to keep it at a reasonable manageable number Yeah, and that's what I that's what happens when there's no predators on the landscape. The population is explode Well, Remy you live a very interesting life my friend. Well, thanks. I really do I always enjoy talking to you and I enjoy your podcast to live wild. It's great podcast. Yeah, thank you
Starting point is 02:12:03 It's if you're into hunting related podcast It's a very good one great tips. You appreciate it really fun, and I'm glad you did it. Yeah. Thank you And I really hope this works. I hope that way. Yeah. Well if anything can help I bet that will I really hope it Well, I I have a lot of faith in it It's it's funny because they said it'd be swollen and it's like actually feels better than when I went in really already I don't know if it's just like a Probably they shot me up with some Was an IV bag to you which probably made me feel pretty good after traveling for so long
Starting point is 02:12:33 They give you an IV bag of vitamins. Yeah That was good. All right, brother. Um, tell everybody your Instagram. Is it just Remy Warren? Yeah, Remy Warren on YouTube Instagram any kind of social media. R-E-M-I. Have you ever talked about bringing Apex Predator back? If somebody wants to, I'm down. It was a great show. Yeah, I enjoyed it. It was fun, it was a fun show.
Starting point is 02:12:54 All right, dude, well thank you very much. Appreciate you, brother. Thanks for coming here. Appreciate it. Bye, everybody. Thanks for watching!

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