The Joe Rogan Experience - #2286 - Antonio Brown
Episode Date: March 7, 2025Antonio Brown is a former professional football player, entertainer, and entrepreneur. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Joe Rogan Experience
Trained by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day!
What's going on man?
How you doing man?
Good to see you baby!
Papa, look at that ring.
Holy shit.
Pleasure to meet you.
The most fun follow on Twitter by far.
Excuse me, X.
Thank you. Whatever they want to call it. You're the most fun. on Twitter by far excuse me X and whatever they want to call it
you're the most fun thank you you made my job easy you know all the entertainment
you give me how did you decide to start doing this how did you first of all were
you always this funny I would like to think so but like your social media
presence like I forget I think Tony Hinchcliffe told me about you
He's like dude. You have to follow Antonio Brown. You must fuck
He's the most must follow on the internet
I'm like really and then I go to your page and I'm fucking dying laughing
We're sharing it around the green room with the comments. They're like, ah, and then when I won cracker the day
I was like, yes
Yes, I'm a year cracker of the year. That's right. Yeah, I try to use X as a good platform to bring laughter making
You know bringing humor back and yeah making people feel good. We can get wild. Yeah, I get a little awesome
You get wild on X. Yeah, you can get a little while on X. Well, I try to Twitter
They would have got rid of you a long time ago. You would have been canceled.
They probably would have got rid of me too, if Elon didn't buy Twitter.
Yeah, we thank Elon Musk for giving us that platform to be able to be expressive.
You know, to bring comedy back, bring entertainment.
Fun! Just ridiculous shit. Have some fun again.
Have some fun again, yeah.
What happened? Everybody tightened up for like five years.
It was really tight.
Yeah. Yeah, so how did
How did you come up with the hashtag?
Ctesbn cuz that's my favorite
I feel like when I stopped playing football and I walked off the field people was like this guy's crazy like he's retarded
He's illiterate. So, you know, I was like, you know what?
Maybe I could you know
rebrand Ctesbn will you know I was like you know what maybe I could you know rebrand CTS being
with you know giving people perspective of different challenges people face and
yeah great individuals how they overcome adversity and just kind of share and
tune perspective of you know how people was getting through trauma no matter if
you're a football player I mean what is like for you you started damn you see you have see you yeah
Yeah, you have see like
You the the reality of head drama is something that we're like as a society
We're just embracing over the last 10 20 years. Yeah, like it wasn't for that concussion movie
I think that opened up a lot of people's eyes that will Smith movie. Yes, and the story that doctor of him
opened up a lot of people's eyes. That Will Smith movie?
And the story that doctor of him finding how many people have significant brain trauma
from football?
So for me, I try to use it because this is a serious standpoint.
A lot of ex players and players have actually has been diagnosed and passed away from CT, so for me, you know, on a serious point of, you know, bringing in record awareness and bringing,
you know, a reality standpoint of what athletes
and people fighting or anyone in their daily lives
facing from head trauma of just people writing them off,
you know, and encouraging therapy, encouraging how do you
get through tough situation and then making it funny?
Right because I feel like nowadays if you do something crazy people like oh, yeah, that guy's crazy
So it's like let's just so why they crazy and see TSP in
Cause of the craziness
Yeah, there I mean there's a real cause the craziness and yes, and we're ignoring it as society because we love football
We love MMA we love boxing
No, so we just kind of like overlooking with the entertainment
Keep you know I'm
Friends with a lot of dudes so I get to see what they're like after fights
You know like everybody watched the fight the fights amazing and then you know you run into them after fights
I'm a conversation with like oh man their whole head swollen can't move their hands
You know can't walk calves are blown out knees fucked up ice here
The challenge
It's a challenge man. It's a real challenge and when you started playing football nobody even thought about it
Yeah, cuz you just you know you never think about the repercussions. You just think
how to make a better life.
Well, back then, nobody even really knew that that was going to happen to football players.
It was kind of a thing that they thought about with boxers. Rarely people talked about football
players who aren't doing so good.
Yeah, so I feel like CTSP was brought back to recognize the awareness
of high-level people experiencing trauma and not being able to overcome that
trauma because you know life's changed on you in a second you playing football
you know it's gonna come to an end and then what do you do next? Yeah that's the
hardest thing right for pro athletes you go from being a kid to all the
sudden you are making millions of dollars and you're young and you're wild and you're not thinking it's gonna go
away and then all your friends are buying jewelry you know your friends are
buying Mercedes Benz and Bentley's and all this shit and you're like fuck and I
think the number was something like 85% of NFL players go bankrupt within X
amount of years after retirement
Exactly because the lifestyle, you know and making so much money and being able to transition in regards of
Having a new career and not making that much money all at once like you used to yeah
I think sometimes bankroll could be used to protect assets in regards of people coming after you to know Ryan
Be sure when you're in position.
Of course, yeah.
That is another problem with getting wealthy
is that you become vulnerable to scoundrels.
Yeah, scavengers.
And dirty hoes.
Yeah, dirty hoes, dirt bags.
Dirty, money grabbing, like calculated hoes.
You know, ones that, it's not just like,
well, the relationship didn't work out,
the lawyer told you you can get some money from them
Maybe you should go for it. Yeah, fuck him. No, it's like from the jump. They're
Calculated these ladies these days they gonna have they gonna have a nigga baby cuz they homeless. Mm-hmm. Yeah
Yeah, you gotta hit him and back to the streets where you belong bitch
You know, I said did you ever have situations where you thought like girls
were trying to like get over on you? I just feel like nowadays girls just want the BB,
like the BBD, the biggest and better deal. Right. You know what I'm saying? That's built
into human nature. Yeah, it's like, yeah, human nature is like what's the next best
thing? Yeah. It's called hypergamy.
It's like a natural state that women...
Stay in, right?
Well, they look for, like if you're doing okay,
but then all of a sudden she starts working for a billionaire
and he gets divorced and he's real friendly to her,
next thing you know she starts picturing that closet.
Seeing the op, right?
She starts picturing that closet,
seeing all those shoes and purses and all that jewelry.
She starts licking chops going to the movie theater.
He's actually nicer to me than my boyfriend.
They start justifying it and next thing you know, old Jeb's over there.
She's going to the movie theater.
It's hypergamy.
It's a natural state that some women, I mean obviously there's great women out there with
character and morals and they don't do that, but it's a natural state that some women, I mean obviously there's great women out there with character and morals and they don't do that,
but it's a natural thing that women do.
They try to find a better suitor.
Bigger and better deal.
Yeah, yeah.
When you talk about CTE,
when did you first start noticing the effects of football?
I feel like to me I always knew the game was gonna come to an end When did you first start noticing the effects of football?
I feel like to me, I always knew like the game was gonna come to an end.
And I feel like to me, I always played the game
smart as a receiver.
Not putting myself in bad positions getting hit.
But I did have a chance to, you know,
rest in peace to Marius Thomas,
one of the ex receivers who came in the NFL
around the time I came in.
I had a chance to see
him experience you know I'm saying some of that CT trauma and in a minute how
did he pass some CT yeah yeah he passed from CT yeah when they study his brain
yeah because I don't want to speak about the powers that he really had but yeah
you know being a close friend to him you know we see some of the experience that
he was going through.
And playing for Tampa my last year when we won the Super Bowl, I think it had a player
Vincent Jackson, rest in peace, also passed from CT.
So for me, it's a real thing.
It's a real thing.
Not only just from the hits you take, but like you said, aftermath of your career or
having a moment in your career
where some guys can't get over it
or you don't see fighters have a fight
or may not go the way that they wanted to go
and it could possibly affect the outcome
of how they look at it.
And I feel like we all have traumas in our lives
from all, no matter if you play sports or not.
So just raising awareness of getting mental therapy
and being able to work on yourself
so you can have a better life. That's an important point you brought up, like the psychology of an
athlete. You have to learn how to put losses behind you and failures behind you and regain
your confidence and then excel and move forward. You just gotta not let one moment overtake the overall moments of your career.
Some moments are big moments and if you get cut, little things that happen in your career,
just take it with a grain of salt and be able to cope with the situation you're in.
When did you, I mean you talk pretty openly about CTE, but when did you start feeling
the effects of that?
I feel like for me, I feel like for me
I don't really I feel like I always was in tune and you know aware of my situation and where I'm at in life
You know
I've been pretty blessed in my regards of being a football player to be able to come from Central, Michigan
As a walk on to Central Michigan and leave three years
Go to the Steelers being the second receiver pick
in that year.
And then, you know, I always had a high belief in myself
and never was deteriorated about the position
or where I had to start from or where I was going.
So for me, I always had the intuitive trust
and the belief in myself regarding any situation
I've been in, because I came from Liberty City
from nothing, so to to me everything's a blessing
So I never let football or any position I ever was in in life
deteriorate my perspective and my outlook or how I looked at did you feel the way your brain work change at all though?
No, I feel like the older you get playing sport you realize
Deteriorate that you know I'm saying what the game entails on your body. I feel like the older you get playing sport, you realize the period, you know what I'm saying,
what the game entails on your body.
I feel like in my 20s, I was just ripping through,
you know, dominating the game.
Then when you get 30, you know what I'm saying,
obviously it's a business.
They looking for younger players to excel at the game.
And then when you leave one of the best teams
and put yourself in a position,
you know, to do do was important for you other
than important for the NFL so you know what's it gonna come with that so to me
I always made a calculated decisions you know I mean put myself in the best
position I like playing with Tom Brady you know going to the praces leaving
the Steelers you know always try to just knew I wasn't gonna play for a long time
just maximize the moment in the meantime playing so when I'm done playing I can live a healthy life.
So you play it smart.
Gotta play it smart.
And as a receiver man, they're coming for you.
Yeah you gotta play it smart.
That's target numero uno.
You know?
Do you encounter a lot of young guys, or like, you know, I'm sure you run into like,
and you definitely did while you were playing,
young guys are coming in and you feel compelled
to let them know, like hey, this is,
you got a short amount of time here.
Nobody, the longest anybody that ever lasts is like Brady.
Like, what's he now?
He's like, he's thinking about doing it again.
He's like, what is he, 43?
44 probably, yeah.
Quarterback's a little different, right?
A lot different, right, than a receiver Yeah a lot different right than I see and they
Have long careers, but you know it's obviously for most people you hit you start hitting your 30s
That's the same thing with fighters as wells when they pass 35. That's the cutoff 35
You're always looking for decline and some of them hang in there strong like Alex Pereira. He's 37. He's hanging in there strong
Killing everybody but for most guys 35 36. That's the drop-off 37
Do you feel like compelled to talk to the young guys and like absolutely because it's a short window opportunity
Yeah, you got to know like what do you set out to do?
You know what are you came to do you got to have those and change rules and just, you know, it's a long game.
Yeah, yeah. Life is a long game.
Life is a long game.
Yeah, football's a chapter. Life's a long game. And it could be the most fun chapter
of your whole life.
Exactly. But it's not real life.
Football is just what you do. It's really not who you is, but I feel like people will kind
of get to know you from what you do based off, you know, yeah, of course
Yeah, yeah
The other thing is that like some guys they have a real problem when they stop playing
Because they don't know who they are anymore
They used to be a football player and now all of a sudden they're just a regular person who was a football player
And that's and that's some part of the trauma as well
You know some guys right it's not really in tune and knowing they self in regard to who they is and to me I always knew football wasn't gonna come to an end
we don't have unlimited health and I go back to the trauma which is understand
who you are and make yourself happy you know. Yeah yeah it's um it's interesting
to see that some people can navigate it and they figure out how to do it and they get through life and then they
Move on to other things and they start doing commentary on ESPN or what have you and they're doing great and then
Most people that's not the case. Yeah
That's why I say I recommend people who get therapy and you know into your career
Have good people in your corner that you know got your back that could still help you prepare life
Did you get therapy when you were done?
Yeah, for sure you gotta get therapy.
What did you specifically go to talk to them about?
Just how you feel, you know, mental clarity, you know, emotional feelings.
You know, I feel like waking up and being a football player when you did it every day
and you wake up with so much energy ready to put it out.
Right. Learning how to put it out. Right.
Learning how to channel it, you know, learning how to deal with some relationships that maybe
change now that you're not in a position and how to deal with that or, you know, how to
deal with people leveraging you, you know what I mean, for what you got now.
It's a lot of different things that just provide mental clarity and just, cause life's not
about just being right
Figuring out ways to just be more happy. Yeah. Yeah
Did you have a plan when you stopped like did you know what you were gonna do? I didn't know what I was gonna do was it kind of just like having you know, I was making music
With the distribution label with video. So soon I walked out the field. They released the music I
Ended up linking with Kanye West right after video. So soon I walked out the field, they released the music. I ended up
linking with Kanye West right after. After that I was doing Rolling Louds.
After that, you know what I'm saying? So for me I was grateful, you know, soon I walked
off the field, music song dropped. How'd you link up with Kanye? Man, he was
looking for me right when I walked off the field. Really? Yeah, they was calling
me Justin LaBoy, like calling me in New York, like, yo, Kanye, wanna
meet you.
I ended up flying to LA to meet Rich with Fashion Nova.
And we met right in Craigs, randomly in Craigs, but he was looking for me in LA.
And after that, ended up hanging with him, making his album, Down to Two.
Wow. Just getting
opportunities. That's crazy. I'm blessed to be able to have that happen for me.
What is it like working with Kanye? I gotta imagine that motherfuckers driven.
A lot of energy, genius, meetings at 8 o'clock, all the music. 8 a.m. or 8 p.m.
8 a.m. Really? Every day yeah. Really? All the engineers there, everyone on the team. That's unusual.
Rappers at 8am? Nah, Kanye is really a business guy who put in a lot of work. I know a lot
of people see his rants and him going off, but he's really passionate about his work.
He's a genius. He's just scattered. He's all over the place and sometimes he goes a little
out off the reservation. I feel like he thinks in a lot of forms.
So many areas he likes to think.
You don't make music like that consistently unless you got a very different mind.
That dude has a very different mind.
All of his shit.
He doesn't have one bad album.
His new album's not getting enough love.
Yeah, because I feel like people want to know where's he at.
He's killing it still. This music is is killing it this new shit is killing it
Yes, I wish he didn't sell swastika t-shirts on his website, but yeah
Just had to fuck with people he doesn't have to fuck with people
That's part of the fun as part of marketing. Yeah, yeah, it's part of the fun of being Kanye
He's getting people talk about him. He puts an ad on the Super Bowl and you go to the website. He's selling swastika t-shirts like what the hell is this?
It's so crazy, but the music is
Undeniable over and over and over again. It's undeniable every album. He's not doesn't have one dud. They're all bangers
They're all bangers and the new one after all the
shit he's been through the new one is a banger we play that shit in the green
room all the time yeah he's a banger yeah he's all gas all gas no breaks but
8 a.m. meetings for rappers is very unusual I mean he's more than a rapper I
think he's just creative genius he made beats he's in fashion shoes right of
course yeah it's just creative lucrative man I feel like he's in fashion shoes. Of course, yeah. Just creative, lucrative, man.
I feel like he's really passionate about it.
Yeah, the rap is just one extension of his creativity.
Yeah, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
I just wish he would stop selling swastikas.
Yeah, he got a comment down.
I told him God is love.
Yeah, I told him God is love, man.
He's really in tune spirit with God. So I told him God is love. You gotta calm it down. Yeah, I was telling him God is love, man. He's really in tune spirit with God.
So I was telling him God is love, be love.
Well you know what I think?
I think Kanye feels attacked and when he feels attacked he fires back.
And then you develop this antagonistic relationship with the media, with some of your fans, with
all the people that are upset at you.
You know, he feels like cornered and attacked
and not appreciated and then he fires at people
and starts saying wild shit and then puts masks on.
And he just, he's a brilliant fucking guy.
He's amazing.
When he came to do the podcast,
unfortunately at the time Jamie caught COVID
Yeah, the early early days and Jamie couldn't be here. So we wound up doing it in my studio
But what he wanted to do was build a studio that looked like a womb. Now he loves it. He loves like
Settings and how stuff look yes design designs. He's probably send 100 images every day, just different designs.
Yeah, he sent me sketches and shit of what he's working on.
You should see his workout.
He draws on a whole comic book.
A comic book of his workouts?
Yeah, but his workout, it's retarded.
He's just so...
Yeah, it's crazy.
That's funny.
I mean, that's how you become a guy that's that successful in so many different areas.
You have to be driven.
You gotta be driven, man. You gotta get on that bike and exercise that cardio.
He's got that agility. He got that agility just up and on it.
Yeah, I feel like that kind of brain though is like a Ferrari engine.
You gotta know how to handle that. You gotta know how to handle that thing You're gonna go into the woods
Hit a crash tree and that's the problem with a guy like Kanye
It's just like his brain has more horsepower than the average brain
And you know he's on a road where everybody else going 35 miles an hour
He's like get the fuck out of my way
You know because he's got that Ferrari engine, but that engine you will spin out you the tires won't hold
You will take your car too fast. Yeah, you'll go sideways. It's the crash out bucket right here. Yeah, what's with the hell?
No, why'd you watch it? Why'd you choose the helmet? I fight
This is the one of the lucrative helmets that they were when they go to war
Yeah, look at it. You know this the crash out buckets cuz I feel like when you read his helmet
You were already crashed out is like you committed to the crash out like right right right you're all in all in so I feel
Like we have war right now with the Democrats
I know you. Isn't that crazy to say?
I know, but yeah.
It's crazy to say, but I know exactly what you're saying.
I just can't believe people say it, and it's true.
It's wild life right now.
The Democrats are now the Republicans.
Yes, it's wild.
They're the ones trying to control speech.
The Democrats didn't even clap for the little kid.
That was bullshit.
They didn't clap for the little kid. They didn that was bullshit. They didn't crap for the little kid
They didn't clap for the lady who got fucked up by that volleyball player. That was a dude
Yeah, they didn't clap for Lake and Riley who got murdered by the illegal immigrants crazy. Let's just we're so divided
It's so that's you can't clap for a little kid who survived cancer. What the fuck is wrong?
Yeah, where your heart at but he's he's on their side. So you can't clap for this little kid. You gotta clap. Like you're upset. This little kid is watching you not clap at him. That's crazy.
That's a little child. Yeah, hurting his heart. A child with cancer and you can't put your shit aside
to give that kid some love. That's crazy. Yeah, that's...
We have to stop the division in this country and it's feel I feel like people are digging in their trenches
They're they're digging in deeper and deeper and really we should be encouraging the opposite
Yes, most of what people are arguing about all day long in politics is not affecting your life. It's bullshit
It's all bullshit. It's bullshit
And and you can get caught up in it and it can become your whole life and you will waste your life
Thinking about that stuff instead of thinking about stuff that you actually have control over exactly your family your friends
That's important life. Yeah stuff. That's actually important, which is what you should be thinking about most of the time
Howdy, but some people that think about that and then think yeah
What are these motherfuckers doing behind the scenes are stealing my fucking taxes doing this and bringing in the illegals and what are they doing?
Oh, the trans kids don't stop. Yeah, it's non-stop man. That's why we got to bring comedy and love back and
Enjoyable laughs on X making people were you on Twitter before Elon bought it? Yeah, I was on there before did you get in trouble at all?
I would take it on the DL back then like little obviously back down was representing NFL is some stuff. I can't really
Talk on this
Right now
Yeah, this shit you write is wild
Yeah, you get wild, but it's funny. Yeah, that's like that's what I go to Twitter for I want to be mad
Yeah, we don't want to stress people. I wanted people to come to my ex page and yeah
Ball out your eyes. Yeah, so when you did the awards, yes, like who put that together me and my god, Jacob
We put it a genius. Yeah genius. That was and everybody loved it. It was huge. Yeah
I think it was bigger than the war show at the Oscars
I feel like we have a lot of numbers. You had a lot of numbers on X man
Like a lot of people watch that what was the final numbers on that? I think almost a 200 million in games
That is so great on the X. Yeah, that's so great, but it's fun. People are
Fun, they need a siteman. A little uncomfortable, but a little cool.
Because we make the uncomfortability cool when it's like, damn.
Also, you're doing it all with a big smile.
It's happiness, man.
Yeah, you're having a good time.
Yeah, a good time, making people feel good.
That's what we need more of.
Are you going to do more award shows?
I need to.
We need to do more, especially if you're a part of it.
If you're going to come, support it, of course.
I'll support.
I'll get a bunch of guys to come too.
We need to do a real, it's like a real show awards where we have it. I feel like you could do it every quarter
You can do like once a quarter. Yeah, three months. Yeah. Why not? You get some sponsors. Let's go
You know because like that's a legitimate show like fuck all these other award shows like I didn't watch the Oscars. So much politics
Isn't that fun? I know they're talking about politics. It's not even fun. Yes. I know.
They're talking about politics.
Ukraine and this and Gaza and Palestine.
Get back to the...
You're making movies.
Just make your fucking movies.
Just go right to the theaters and keep it going.
This is what we did.
We worked real hard.
Thank you everybody for all your hard work.
Yay, we won.
That's it.
That's it.
That's all I want to hear from you.
That's all I want to hear.
I'm not interested in someone who lies for a living, because that's what they do.
They pretend to be somebody else for a living.
Tell me how I should view the world.
I like to go to other people for that, please.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Yeah, you fucking people are just actors.
Just because you're famous doesn't mean what you have to say
is important.
Especially at a fucking award show.
Imagine taking your time time and you're gonna use that award show to denounce
politics politics and proclaim your platform like
Ruin shit boring super war boring
Yours is fun. You could have a giant audience you could have musical performers like a real show
Yeah, man, a little forward to and feel happy about
Fuck yeah, I made people feel good for doing great things
And it's also like the fun thing about you doing something like that too is it lets other people know like oh I could cut loose
Too and maybe a little open. Yeah
Fun yeah, maybe someone pay attention to me
Yeah, maybe I can crack some good jokes and have some fun
Yeah, you're gonna bring people
Well, that's one cool thing that I am seeing from a lot of former athletes. They're starting podcasts. Yeah, I like the podcast
Yeah, the space. Yeah, it's like it's a good way for guys to just sit around and shoot the shit and be expressive
Look at Pat McAfee. He's fucking killing it
Yeah, take it to a whole new level
Yeah, but that's like a great example of what's possible for a lot of former athletes
Yeah, especially fun guys like you. Yeah, have you thought about doing a podcast?
I would love to I started to start a little one CTSP in by the idea
Think I want to be the guy that just talking about yeah
I feel like sometime to get a little water down when you just right talking too much
I feel like as a player always was about action. I love to talk and be funny and creative, but sometimes
It depends on you know words
What's the seriousness and the purpose coming behind it or what is what's the meaning? Oh believe me?
I know.
I talk too much.
I talk four or five days a week sometimes.
But your opinion is really good.
Thank you.
I like seeing you give me your opinion.
Thank you very much.
You're always real.
You're a realist.
I try to keep it real.
Keep it official or tell the truth how they feel.
So, you know, it's always amazing to be here with you on a experience here is real.
Well, I feel very fortunate that my job depends on me being real.
So you don't have an option to not be real.
But a lot of people can't really pay that price.
How do you come to a source for yourself where you can just be 100% genuine about how you
feel and who you is?
I kind of always have been that way.
I think that's my CTE.
I love that.
That's your trauma to be here real self.
I got hit in the head a lot when I was young man. I love that. That's your trauma to be here.
I got hit in the head a lot when I was young, man.
I got hit in the head a lot.
And I think all my years of sparring and fighting, I think, rattled something loose.
It rattled the give-a-fuck part loose, where it's like I don't care as much if other people are mad at me as some people do.
I don't care as much.
I mean, it doesn't, I don't like it.
I don't like it if people are upset at me, but it doesn't ruin my life like it does with some people. I can just like,
okay. Also, I think I have enough real world perspective to know what's actually important
in this life. And it's not really necessarily other people's opinions, especially the type of
opinions of people that get upset all the time about everything. They're not really necessarily other people's opinions, especially the type of opinions of people that get upset all the time about everything.
They're not valuable opinions.
So even if they're making you out to be the worst person
that's ever lived, like, according to them,
but they're idiots.
Like, you have to be able to have perspective.
And if you feel a certain way and you don't tell people,
if you think a certain way and you don't tell people, you're doing a way you don't tell people you're doing a disservice to you you
Doing a disservice to them like nobody is nobody's benefiting from that nobody
No one's been in favor of them back. Yeah, you're true self. So how do you handle criticism? You just yeah handle over the achievement, right?
Just don't say nothing right?
Achieve more right? Yeah,'t say nothing, right? Just keep on going. Just keep going. Achieve more, right?
Yeah, this thing called life gonna keep on rolling.
Just ignore it. I mean, I'm my worst critic, so if I have a bad show,
if I do something I don't like or wish I didn't do, I am upset at myself more than other people are gonna be anyway.
Now you're a realist.
Yeah, so I'm not interested in the opinions of people that are easily upset by almost
How do you feel about crypto, man?
You got Phantom Wallet?
How do you get your money in crypto?
Well Jamie and I have been talking about starting our own bullshit coin.
That'd be dope.
You're not doing it.
Not bullshit coin?
I thought you were gonna do a pull it up Jamie coin.
No, no, no, no.
What about the butt coin?
You heard of butt coin? No, what's what about the butt coin you heard of what coin?
No, what's but the dodging new dogs coin?
Hmm dodging news. Just already showed today dodging a dodge coin. I miss a bunch of coins
There's like a million coins, right? How many coins are there?
It's over yeah, what do you mean the meme coin?
This week yeah, Jamie
For real every day why did it fall apart because ever it's nonsense
This is I hope we didn't ruin it by talking about it. Did uh?
I'm thinking about watching the meme coin
Or knowing kind of exposed it
It's all it's all it's over because portnoy was the only one that was looking at it going,
Am I going to jail?
Like is this legal?
Yeah, I feel like you should. I was thinking about lodging a coin myself
that is really legit that you don't own.
You don't sell it.
You don't rip it. That way if it tank,
they make their money.
I feel like you could go to
at AB and check it out.
Is that yours? Yeah. Okay, so
So you promise not to pump and dump? Yeah, no pump and dump is unruggable like nobody could pump and dump
Oh, you can't pull the rug out. Yeah, you can't pull the rug out
So that way is just staying grows because that's why I feel like that's what people get in trouble with all these coins
Just pump and dump. You don't want to be scammed the fucked over
Just pump it down. We don't want to be scammed the fucked over a big lady
So I feel like you got to have for me to make one coin I feel like we got to make one that won't sell a tank on guard one that you could
Focus on I think I'm gonna put it out now some focus dot XYZ slash a B
There was um this one coin that hams at Chamei of the UFC fighter released that was they
They were claiming that he did a pump and dump.
And there was like, you ripped off your fans. I'm like, man, you can't rip off your fans, obviously.
But also, I don't know if the people that are buying those coins are fans. I think they're gamblers.
I think those people are just gamblers. And they're just trying to figure out, okay, if I buy in now,
and you know, they they probably got like their finger
over the sell button waiting for it to get to a certain number and cash out
like the casino at that point. 100% but it's it's more rigged than the casino because the
casino like the person playing it can't rig it but this the person playing it is
rigging it the person buying the coins can rig it.
Especially if you get a famous guy like Hamzat
or someone else to tweet about it and make it a big deal
and then the price goes up and then you just
pick a peak number and when it hits that number,
like that's it.
Yeah, you can't fuck people over.
No one's feeling good without their decision.
But also, who are these people and why did they think they were gonna make money on bullshit coins
Yeah, but what is a we you know I'm saying yeah
Oh, is do we are we mad at the casino when someone blows all their money playing roulette?
No, we're like well. That's what you signed up for
Like you could have won money like people win money and roulette or they don't but if you lose all your money roulette
We're not mad at the casino. No, so why are we mad?
Their money in meme coins, you know, it's like what the fuck did you think was gonna happen to the gamble?
Yeah, you you're literally buying a coin. That's like a little doggie face
You took your whole life savings and you gambled on a doggie face coin?
That's what a fake money coin
Explain that to me dumbass of the day. That's dumbass of the day. Yeah, it's like
And again, I feel terrible for anybody who got tricked into doing that shit
But I think most of those people are not getting tricked. They're like scamming. Yeah, they're trying to hustle
Yeah, they're hustling. They're trying to figure out when to buy when to sell. Figure out how to make it big. Yeah
But the weird thing is like a guy like Portnoy
Can tweet about a coin and then once he makes that post the coin goes up and then he sells and he makes a million
Dollars he's like is that okay? Like is that legal? Well it turns out it is legal. Yes, that's totally legal to do. Yeah, but like
Shouldn't there be some fucking regulations because you can't do that with a lot of things
If you did that with the stock market wouldn't you be in trouble if you did that with the stock market?
Like if you tweeted about a stock and then that stock went up and then you sold right away
I'll give you like I'm bullish on this stock and then that stock goes up and then you sell right away
Is that a pump and dump? It is right? Yeah, it's not
Is that a pump-and-dump it is right? Yeah, it's not is that totally legal
Talking to my phone. I have no idea why that wouldn't be illegal, but that's you can't that's not pumping
But it but you're promoting it right that's not pumping now pumping literally is you're putting money up
Okay, so you're putting money to elevate the price has to be seen you have to be something right look at yeah
So so that's the question so it all starts out with some real money. Yeah, right You gotta put some in on it. You can't just start off you gotta have your money
How much money how much ever you could put how much is a coin like it all start it literally depends. That's it's over
I'm telling you it's not worth learning it now, but Jamie's funny. It's over. You know what that means
I mean, it's Jamie stockpiling
Don't you feel it?
He's trying to bring down the price
We love you, all right, I see you get high with Elon Musk on here hit the joint and it's like allegedly
He hit the legend allegedly. Yeah, I like that
I got trouble for that
Cuz he has top-secret clearance. Yeah
Think about that. We can't show that on YouTube anymore. YouTube is YouTube is not like in the smoke
YouTube is taking some some precautions
Make sure they smoke man 50 states this stuff. Yes legal in 50 states? Yes, Bay Smokes.
I don't even want to ask how, I just trust you.
Bay Smokes, Bay Smokes make it legal.
How is it legal in 50 states?
I'm going to ask how.
Bay Smokes.
Bay Smokes, you gotta explain to us how.
I know how it's legal.
Bay Smokes got the paperwork.
He figured it out.
Well, it all should be legal.
I think he got hemp.
He sell hemp as well.
Oh, okay.
So that was the key about it. To it the better get the clearance in 50 states based
I don't know how the DEA feels about that, but I feel like
We're just a few years away from it being completely legal
I know Kamala was saying that she wanted to make it legal if she got into office
Yeah, that's the best thing she ever said
Yeah, I really do cuz it's stupid
It's I mean Thank you brother.
I mean, if you don't want to smoke pot, don't smoke pot.
If you don't want to drink whiskey, don't drink whiskey.
It's your choice.
Yeah, just give people choice.
And don't tell me it's all bad for you.
Stop, you don't know.
You don't know.
You obviously don't smoke weed.
Shut your mouth.
You dig?
It's going to make you lazy and ruin the children.
No. No, you have lazy kids
You get kids high they get paranoid when they get paranoid they work hard
Yeah, you start picture yourself old in your deathbed like what did I do like oh my god? I gotta get to work get you going
Sometimes a little paranoia is good for you. I like it. I don't put that fire on you to get going
Yeah, comfort is the worst poison that a man can consume
Don't see comfort. No, no, no, no, no commit to be the difference
Yeah, you get to enjoy comfort when you earn it, you know long days work
You want to come home sit in front of the television watch a little Netflix have a good time have a nice meal at a restaurant
Yeah, yeah, you earned that. But don't think that's
what you want out of life. I just want to retire and drink. Jordan Peterson talked about this.
He said, what's your vision of retirement? He's like, is your vision of retirement sitting
on the beach drinking margaritas? Like how long do you think you can do that for? Maybe
a day. Yeah, two days, a week, two weeks. Life is always long. And then you're going
to be depressed. You have no purpose in life.
I think the problem really is that a lot of people
don't have any purpose while they're working.
Like a lot of people aren't fortunate
to pursue a career in football and to be a podcaster
or something they enjoy.
They're doing something that sucks,
so they can't wait until they don't have to do
the thing that sucks.
And they think, oh, I could just be be free just to lay around and do nothing like man. You better find something to do
Let's go play golf life's always about being driven the moment
You think is you could stop and just not do nothing then yeah, you're gonna be stopped. You gotta keep going exactly
Yeah, that's what I tell all my friends and start getting successful
You know people like oh you made it you can relax now
I go listen to me. There is no made it that I made it when you done
There's no there's no made it made it is not real. It is just life
Exactly in life you're successful good that means you have an obligation to work harder to keep it rolling
Hold up that's then you got standing to you gotta keep going. Yes, you gotta push it harder now, but there's no made it
There's no fucking no holding hands and walking down into the sunset. That's just a mentality for people and
I could tip me just mm-hmm wanting to be content in regards of
Everything's done right? Yes, they want to get off work. You said what it is. They want to get off work
I'm gonna go do some
On a own time. Yeah, because most people are not really living. They're just surviving
They're just just existing doing what they have to do
Yeah, and the only time they feel like they're living those are hanging out with their friends
Yeah, have a fun relax, but you can't do that professionally. So you
You got to find something you enjoy as much as your hobbies figure out how to do that
God live life. You know, I mean healthy. Yeah
Yeah, you know, I mean, yes when you first started posting wild shit on Twitter Did anybody ever call you and go hey, of course everyone?
They're like calling my phone like bro, you idiot you calling people crackers now
I'm like bro is is uncomfortablepromising humor for comedy, bro
Well cracker is the most benign of all insults that doesn't work at all. That's what I'm saying
I was everyone love crackers. Yeah, no one's cheese. It's no one's upset
I just feel like when they first started when I first started like what the hell is you doing?
Oh, if I get out of the day, they're like whoa
Yeah, you know what it's not meant to like it's meant to
bring people up to say like yo we could have a funny moment like for fun yeah
yeah fun enjoy yourself man enjoy yourself yeah we we need a lot more of
that and but I think you know we were conditioned because of the way the old
Twitter worked to be very careful of what you said
Very cautious what you said and also there was real consequences
Yeah, you wouldn't just get banned from Twitter
You might get banned from Facebook and everything else as well and then get labeled a dangerous person
I remember when one of my football friends of
Rashad Mendenhall back in the days days he tweeted, it was like 2012 he
tweeted about like 9-11 when he was playing and I remember right away they had like the
feds calling his farm newspaper it was crazy.
What did he say?
He just like I don't think we should be celebrating the death I think the death of Osama bin Laden. I think was for the 9-eleven attack
I think in 2012. I think he must we just killed him America just had killed them
So I feel like he tweeted something and it was like
Back that's on back on Twitter was like you was limiting with yeah
That was a prime example of you know, and did they attack him? Yeah attacked him all over the news
I think that was his last year with the Steelers really literally they got rid of him because of a tweet That was a prime example of, you know. And did they attack him? Yeah, attacked him all over the news.
I think that was his last year with the Steelers.
They got rid of him because of a tweet.
God damn.
What did he say?
Did you find out what he said, Jay?
Rashad Minderhard said, uh, 9-11.
Rashad, the Rashad Minderhard, man, that's my brother.
Yeah, that was a dangerous time to say controversial shit. You'd lose your whole
career and you couldn't get it back. Yeah, yeah, it'll be over. You couldn't get it back
back then. I mean, it was... You couldn't get it back. There was no... nobody rebounded
from those days. Like, there was people that had like big public personas and then they
kind of got removed from the conversation. and even when they got brought back years later
They were so devastated out of it. Yeah, so yeah
Traumatized they had CT by that time like legit. They have trauma like you're legitimately worried
So what does he say? Mendehal's post day after been lot of news broke said what kind of person celebrates death?
It's amazing how people can hate a man. They have never heard speak. We only heard one side
He also tweeted September 11 attacks. We only heard one side.
He also tweeted September 11 attacks.
We never know what really happened.
I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.
The latter post eventually removed by Mendehal's Twitter page.
Wendy's offering was a different story.
I appreciate those who decided to read this letter, attain a greater understanding of
my recent Twitter post. See, I've gotten
misconstrued. I wanted to use this outlet as a way to clear up things that do not
truthfully represent myself, what I stand for personally, and any organization that
I'm a part of. First, I want people to understand I'm not in support of Bin Laden
or against the USA. I understand how devastating 9-11 was to this country and
to the people whose families were affected, not just in the USA, but families all over the world who had relatives in the World Trade
My heart goes out to the troops who fight for our freedoms every day, not being certain
if they will have the opportunity to return home and the families who watched their loved
ones bravely go off to war.
Last year I was grateful enough to have the opportunity to travel overseas, to participate
in football camp and put on for the children of US troops sanctioned in Germany. It was a special experience. These events had a
significant impact in my life. Oh, point out the celebrates death tweet. This
controversial statement was something I said in response to the amount of joy I saw
in the event of a murder. I don't believe this is an issue of politics or
American pride, but one of religion, morality, and human ethics. See, that's the problem with tweets,
because you're writing something that's
120 characters back then.
And it's just a complicated issue, like that thing.
Maybe we shouldn't be celebrating death.
Maybe we shouldn't be celebrating murder.
Maybe we should, instead of having joy and cheering, maybe we should, instead of like having joy and cheering,
maybe we should wonder how that guy got into the position he's in in the first place. Like
what happened? If you know the whole history of Osama bin Laden, it's kind of fucking crazy
because he worked for us. He was the head of the Mujahideen. Yeah. Yeah. And we trained
them. The CIA trained them to fight against the Soviets and you know, we
We fucking armed those people supplied them got them going and then they you know after a while
They're like fuck these people they turn on America and instead of being our ally they were our worst enemy
We don't know their snapchat
No, the kids snapchat my my kids don't even text they just snap their friends
Yeah, they're in the middle of the movie theater or something
They're like take a weird face send it to their friends like what are you doing? This is a weird way to communicate
Snapshot just got all the filters of the face you could just make oh yeah with the tech kids are just all in addicted
Oh, this is text and was so you know another thing that's weird, too
Is they all have a snap map so they know where they all are.
Oh, you see where you are all the time.
They're like, oh she's with him, that fucking bitch.
You know, like you see where all your friends are.
Like you got a map of all your friends that you let go.
Yeah, it's weird man.
They're all little surveillance experts.
Standing on the map.
Yeah, they're all little narcs.
They're all narcing at each other. But the crazy thing is, they're all little narcs. They're all narking at each other
But the crazy thing is they give it up to each other They all like you have to if you have friends you have to let your friends know where you are in the snap map
And if you block it like if you block
What is she doing? Where do you go? What is he up to? You off the grid? He's off the grid. What is this motherfucker?
What is he doing?
Yeah, man kids today. They don't have any fucking privacy
Not everything is supposed
Everything's exposed. Yeah, what year were you born?
88 1980 okay, so by the time you were 20 years old phones were just starting to arrive right?
98 ish You've ride 20 years old, phones were just starting to arrive, right? Like 98-ish. Almost popping, yeah, the sidekick.
Right, sidekicks.
Flip phones, next to him.
Remember the sidekick?
Yeah, we were flipping over.
I was so jealous, like, wow, you got a keyboard?
Need that, yeah, it was amazing.
That's crazy, you got a little keyboard?
And then people's sidekicks were getting hacked.
Remember Paris Hilton?
Some pussy photos got out of wave.
Yeah, I've heard.
She had designer vagina.
Maybe she just had a pretty one.
Some girls are born with a pretty one.
But some girls do get designer vaginas, which is like ladies, you don't have to do that.
We don't care what it looks like.
I don't mind a little chaos down there.
I don't mind a little Harry Potter.
You don't have to.
I hit it with my wand still.
You don't have to trim it up up make it look like the perfect wanton
That's not necessary if it's Harry didn't I mean it's not really been spanked a lot. I don't know if that's true
There's a lot of hairy ladies with loose morals damn. Yeah, I thought a hairy pussy is not a busy pussy
It depends on what she's doing with it she might just let it work because nobody getting it maybe
It depends on what she's doing with it. She might just let it work. Nobody getting it. Maybe
Maybe she cleaned it off that means she's getting ready to give it but you Matt I guess dudes do get dick operations right cuz they get circumcised. That's a dick look
It must be a shortage of dick. I'm supposed to I'm getting
Well, that's always the story is that 80% of the women are dating 20% of the men that's that's the real story
Is that 80% of the women are dating 20% of the men. That's the real story of life.
That's the ratio, huh?
That's the reality.
80% of the women are attracted to and are dating,
or excuse me, yeah, 80% of the women are attracted to
and are dating 20% of the men, always.
So that's why there's so many incels in this world.
Too many racials.
So what we do is just jerking off and playing video games
because nobody wants them.
And that's a self-fulfilling prophecy
because if you keep jerking off and playing video games
You're never gonna succeed in life. Yeah, so no one's ever gonna look at you like
I'm glad I'm not bored in this era. Yeah, there's a terrifying error to navigate for kids
It was really also the ability to send a dick picture when you're 15, that's crazy. Yeah, you can just pop it out
Yeah, that's not yes. That's too much responsibility for young man. That's a young man a nuclear weapon
He can't handle that yeah, that's that's too much movie. That's way too much
That's way too much and then they all got porn now, which is even crazier
It's too too available nowadays too much have to finger these kids. Yeah instantaneously not just porn but murder man
Me my friend Tom Segura. Do you know Tom Segura? I heard a name. He's hilarious. You need to do his show
He was he was a little on yeah. Yeah, your mom's house. It's a great podcast a huge podcast
But he and I send each other every day the worst shit we could find on the internet
The worst shit that comes across my Instagram feed. I sent it to Tom. It's every day
It's someone getting murdered some worship of the day some craziness on there, right?
It's always something like oh, it's not one time a day. It's all multiple times a day. We're traumatizing each other
So yeah, how is this today was a dude who crashed his motorcycle right into a gas truck
This dude just rode his motorcycle the the bike explodes catches on fire the tank explodes
The dude gets cooked
Damn, yeah, he's went fried turkey on this one day
He's riding his motorcycle enjoying freedom and then a second later boom
I've seen every horrible video that's on the internet every one of them. That's crazy
That's that's like a little crazy. The internet is undefeated, but it is our shit like we run the internet. Yes
It's it's uh, it's open. Yeah, that's the beautiful thing. Like you get these memes
I don't even know who's making them and they're hilarious and there's coming
There's someone's texting them to you all the time. I see one
I see what today I posted it was like the wrestling guy has said no condoms and then Elon Musk
I was like, I don't like calm the D. This is not gonna put my name
Yeah, Elon Musk is how many kids now that we know. Yeah, I knew he was getting so much pussy
I thought Elon Musk was a calm guy. I
Wouldn't say he's calm. I mean, I think it's going back to like the Kanye Ferrari engine analogy
It's the same kind of thing. It's just in a different realm
That's what he is with like rocket science and car design and he's space
spaceship in the pussy
Exactly. Also like when you are literally the richest man in the world
I just come to you right what are his DMS like?
Jumping out the gym
His DMS must be full of bitties on? Back shot they were. Full of everything. Everything. Squats and fingers and...
Sucking on bananas. His DMs must be wild.
He's got a movie theater in his DMs.
There's girls just thinking like what's the move? What's the right thing to send him?
You know Sean Kingston? My God loves you.
He's calling me. He never met Sean Kingston. He's calling me right now cause he loves you. No, he's calling me. Never met Sean. He's calling me right now cuz he knows what's up
Yo, Sean, what's up Sean?
What's going on my man? How you doing?
All right, man, well cool that sounds great
That sounds great. I love him man. What's up baby? We're here with Joe right now.
We're live right now.
You're live right now Sean.
Yeah, you're loud. You're loud.
This is the best podcast. I go to sleep watching this. This man taught so many. This man got
knowledge of a man. Listen, Joe Rogan is the best.
You're really smart.
Thank you sir. Appreciate you man. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Love brother. Love you.
Love you brother. I. Thank you very much. Thank you
Yeah, they want this I know inside I'm here even Theo Vaughn told me play some trick daddy
Feels the best deals the man. I love that dude. He's so unique. Yeah, he's different. I don't know anybody like
Got the uh the mullet going he's like and just the way he talks like he's so unique. Yeah, he's different. I don't know anybody like cool car. Yeah got the
The mullet going he's right. Yeah, and just the way he talks like he's so ridiculous
Yeah, he got the country country Theo and I went to dinner the other night and we're sitting at the table
It was a table eating dinner for an hour and a half
We're just non-stop crying laughing just crying laughing at the end of it like my sides hurt when we got out from the table
I was like like oh my god
That was so much fun
So having friends like that is the best cuz like everywhere you go is like you have a show
Yeah, always entertaining. Yeah, we just always fucking around and having fun. What about Shane Gillis? He's the best
He's the best hilarious. Yeah, we were just hanging out Tuesday night. Yeah, Shane's awesome. He loves you, too
Yeah, that's my heart. Yeah, all my comedian friends. Love you. They're all sharing your shit all the time
Yeah, he was excited when he got cracker of the year, too. He's amazing
He's killing it too. He is he's killing it. He's so funny man, and he's such a good guy
He says sweet heart junior and you can just see why I smile pro
Pro our guy just sweet heart of a guy and you know a smile, prayer heart. 100%. Prayer heart guy.
Just sweetheart of a guy.
And I'm just glad there's more people like that in the world.
Yeah, we need more people like that, like him.
In the world that's just prayer, doing what they love,
giving back, comedy, making people light up.
And spreading fun.
Again, back to the same thing that you do.
Fun. These people enjoy themselves again, you know, this be out not yourselves make the uncomfortable a little comfortable a little fun
Yeah. Yeah, well, especially in today's era of everybody
We're getting past the days where everything was like tight and everybody was going crazy
I think things are lightening up and Luke thank
Thanks to Elon buying X that had a huge impact because I think people
Realized that it wasn't just them that was thinking things had gone too far
It was most people but they didn't have a way to express themselves because if they said it they got attacked
No one wanted to ruin what they built up for a couple seconds and what they say exactly
It takes so long to build your shit. Yeah, like I just showed. Yeah, exactly you lose every lose everything for one moment. Yeah, so you're sitting there
Maybe you got a couple of drinks in you and you're like, you know, I gotta fucking say something
Like someone needs to be there to grab your hand. Yeah, you'll calm that shit. No no ruin everything
Don't build this do it. Don't take yourself out the game. But I think now if you do that people go. Yeah
I'm glad you said that because I was thinking the same thing
Like now it's different because people feel like they can express themselves
Which is the real danger of censorship even if you don't agree with what someone is saying
You got to let them say it because if you don't someone's gonna limit what you say and that's just the nature of free speech
Exactly. I feel like we all have the right to own a pain I'm not ever is right or wrong. Yes, we're paying we
100% look you don't have to go to your Twitter page. You know my Twitter page. You don't have to listen to this podcast
Yeah, it's your option. It's your option, but you should have that option
Yeah, and you should have the option to express yourself
You should also have the option to say things and if you think that it was
Misconstrued do what he did and lay it all out
This is how I really feel this is my actual feelings
And I feel like if you read that he should have been completely forgiven the idea that they traded him after that
Yeah, that's disgusting because that's also censorship because now you're encouraging other people to keep their mouth shut
Exactly showing them the rules or what is going the aftermath of what's
Gonna come if you do that 100% so it's grateful that we in better times and things getting better
Yeah, we're able to express they self more on the ex app and
Thanks, Elon Musk giving us giving us that good, you know, yeah, I think I'm a speech
I think the country's moving in a good direction as long as we can avoid this fucking war
as long as we could avoid war and war with China and war with Russia and
Everybody else if we could just avoid that I think we're gonna be okay. We just got to make it through some weird shit
Yes, and UFOs and UFOs you saw those UFOs. Yeah, man. They're everywhere. I don't know what to think
Some days, I think they're all there were being visited're being visited and some days I think it's all the
It's all bullshit.
It's all drones.
Maybe some...
What do you think it is?
Maybe we need to just call the men in black.
See if they know.
The men in black I think are real.
I think that's government agents that come visit you after you've had some sort of experience
i think that's what it is
i mean there's always been these stories of men in black coming to visit people
after they've had encounters yeah when it makes sense if you're
yapping about some shit especially if it's actually some government shit that
they're working on
and then you know some two men in suits come up and
we see two men show up in a Cadillac suits you
Automatically assume they're serious people some serious you get out with black suits black ties and they look at you and they tell you hey
Antonio we like to talk to you about your encounter and then you like oh shit
I'm in trouble and then they're doing some hypnosis on you and some mind control shit
You know and talking bringing you in a room and then you don't know what the fuck happens. Like what happened?
Antonio got visited by the men in black.
That's what I think the men in black is.
I think it's government agents, investigators.
Or if there's like a legitimate UFO sighting, like something legitimately that the government
doesn't know what the fuck it is.
I think then also they would send people who are authority figures.
What better authority figure than a man in a suit
Yeah, you know, yeah
Random as fuck. Yeah, Will Smith men in black. We're in a suit
I don't think they really can erase your memory. Oh, they didn't go poop
I don't think they're gonna do that, but I do think that they probably use mind control on you
They probably hypnotize you probably sure manipulate the way you think especially if you you're under stress. If you're nervous, like you think you could
be in trouble, like something's going on.
It gets you up.
I remember Tony Robbins kind of did that to me one time.
He did it to you?
Yeah. You know Tony Robbins?
What did he do?
He did that, kind of hypnotized me a little bit.
How did he do it?
He got like just think some stuff in
my spirit just like yo he be coming to Super Bowl see yourself like this oh
really yeah Tony Robbins really amazing I met him to Tom Brady oh does Tom Brady
use them too yeah so he like does like mind coaching for yeah I was I put you
right to sleep everything really yeah so So how does it explain to me?
Like, lay it out.
How does it go?
He's kind of like, you know what I mean?
Close your eyes.
You just stay a lot of stuff and just bring it in.
Just kind of put in your spirit.
You know Tony Robbins, right?
Bro, I read his books when I was 21 years old, in 1988.
I was reading his book when I was trying to figure out
how to make it in comedy I got a is like a
Cassette thing like you have a bunch of cassettes and there's like each one has like
Work books that you're supposed to like fill out stuff and goals and all these different things
It's he's got like legit nice information. Yeah, I want to say to him in Boca return maybe like
2020 right before I got with Tampa Bay. It was like
Sure, you're gonna win the Super Bowl me. You're gonna make a big catch see yourself
Really just lock it in in my spirit. Just like it's pretty cool man. Shout out to Tony Robbins
I think there's something to that. He got a real good manifestation and just
Yeah He got a real good manifestation and just downloading and programming your body just for just seeing yourself at that place.
It was another level.
I think that shit works. I think there's limitations to it. I don't think you could take like a sloppy accountant and say,
You're going to beat Mike Tyson. You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, he can't just do that shit. It doesn't work like that.
It doesn't work like that. But I think if you're already talented
and you're already in the game
and you could put some things in your mind
and you can make some things happen.
I think there's a little bit of something to that.
But it's not everything.
It's like, that's why,
did you ever see that movie, The Secret?
Of course, that's a nice book too.
Yeah, so The Secret, I think.
This is one of those things, right?
It's about one aspect of it, but they concentrate too much on the one aspect
Yeah, the one aspect is the visualization which I think is an aspect like
Speaking it into being that's one aspect. Yeah, but there's a lot of other
one aspect, but there's a lot of other shit too. Other aspects, yeah.
There's talent, there's hard work, there's good coaching.
There's discipline.
There's discipline.
Discipline is probably the most important.
Yeah, the most important.
As a football player, you must have felt like that, right?
Of course, discipline is the way you bring, emanate success.
You go there on the road trips
and you're messing with girls and.
Not getting sleep.
Yeah, not getting sleep, not eating the right foods. Exactly right foods exactly yeah yeah not making your workouts and hitting those yeah yeah studying that film
discipline the most important it's so important for everything in life so like to think that the
secret is the only thing you just have to think around and visualize it like uh-uh it's not the
only thing no it's it's an aspect that i think is real, but the problem is people put so much emphasis on it
that it becomes bullshit.
It becomes like woo woo.
They don't think it's real.
But it is an aspect.
Mike Tyson used to get hypnotized.
Gotta hypnotize yourself.
I feel like it just make your vision a part of your spirit.
Anytime, you know,
cause I feel like you can write stuff down,
write affirmations, affirmations, Hmm anytime you know cuz I feel like you can write stuff down right I'm a
affirmations affirmations
Set goals
But to meditate on them and make them a part of your spirit like yeah, it's different
Yeah, to deeply think about them embed them in your consciousness. Yeah, make them a part of you
Yeah, and then do all the work that's required do all these things
Yeah, you got to do all that shit too so that it can manifest and come together
Yeah, so that it can happen. Yeah, and then it might not happen
Yeah, like you might not have done it right. You maybe need more work. I put our together again
Maybe you need more discipline. Maybe you need more hard work. Maybe you better coaching but it But it's an aspect of success in life.
And I think with everything, with being a good parent,
with being a good father, with being a good husband,
with being a good friend, with being a good employee,
a good boss, with everything.
You have to have a mindset of what
you're trying to accomplish.
Absolutely, a vision.
And you gotta make it a party, not just writing down, just making every aspect, every step.
If you're gonna have success, a party.
How many times did you do that with Tony Robbins?
I did it like three times.
We did his house in Boca with Tom.
Did the first time freak you out?
Because the first time was probably the weirdest one.
The first time was a little weird, but then when I went to sleep and woke up, I'm
like, dang, I feel refreshed.
I feel like, you know what I'm saying?
I feel like I got some new feelings in myself.
Because I feel like at that point I was going through stuff in the NFL and I was kind of
pissed off because I kind of knew, man, these guys could just get you out your spot whenever
you want.
But it was just like, I finally realized that,
you know what, it's not even about me being right
in the situation, it's about just being happy.
What made me happy in a situation,
instead of just focusing on, man I'm right, man,
they did this, I was right.
Just let it go and be happy.
Well for a player, the best revenge is to be undeniable Yes, right people could talk all that shit
But when you're undeniable, they got to give it gotta deal with it. They got to give it up
That's the best revenge always and I think that's probably the case in everything in life
Yeah, is to be undeniable if you're undeniable
Everybody's gonna shut the fuck up. Yeah. Yeah, they're all gonna shut the fuck up and if they don't shut the fuck up. They look foolish
Yeah, now they're like it is. Yeah, like a fool. Yeah, yeah talking for no reason, you know what happened exactly
You know, this is a hater. I definitely so many haters. Yeah, there's so many haters. You gotta love your ops
Yeah, I haters make you know go harder. They make you work harder. Yeah, make you they bring them best out of oh, yeah
They do haters are good fat shaming works. All that stuff. Like haters, the anger, the jealousy, mean shit, that motivates people.
You just don't want too much.
Overkill, but just a little tab bit.
If you get a little bit of snake venom every day, you get immune to snake venom.
But if you get a big dose, it'll fucking kill you.
Yeah, take you out of the game.
Don't be like reading all your hate all day long. That's not good for you either. But a little few haters
Let's you know you're on the right track. Yeah
You know you transacted
Yeah, you want you want a few haters if you don't have haters. It means you're not doing good enough haters. Yeah, I mean you
Everybody who's doing great gets haters
Some haters are hilarious though.
Some haters are so dumb.
It's like you wonder if they're real people.
Like for fighters it's my favorite.
Like oh he's a pussy.
Like what are you talking about?
That man is literally a professional fighter.
And you're calling him a pussy?
That's one of the craziest things I've ever heard.
Every fighter thinks every other fighter's a pussy.
They do! Yeah, he's like everything pussy. They think they're bitches. Well that's the thing about alpha males. That's one of the craziest things I've ever heard every father thinks every every other fires a bus
That's the thing about alpha males they think they're the only one that's an alpha male they don't think there's someone out there exactly
Like exactly and maybe a little faster. Maybe a little stronger. Maybe balls a little bigger. Yeah, maybe something
Yeah, maybe hands a little bigger jaws a little wider
See that little edge. Little edge.
Little edge that allows them to survive the firefight.
How much UFC do you watch?
I watch UFC every Saturday.
Do you really?
I love bone jones.
I love fighting.
I feel like if I wasn't a player I probably would have gotten into some sort of fighting.
Did you ever do any martial arts at all? No, when I was little my mom signed me up for karate. Yeah, do a little jujitsu. Oh cool. Okay. Yeah
But never like really got serious with it. No a couple of maybe a fun hobby for you
I like training and working out with a grappling
Jujitsu is what I meant because that way you don't get hit. Yeah, like I stopped sparring when I was like 27
Yeah, I know his city has right like so it's just you they count
Yeah, it's the heads out of add up counts. They all count all those little
Those little things all those little they all count bang. They all count. Yeah, it all like
She's gonna add it up. It all adds up to some
Yeah, it all like
She's gonna add up it all adds up to some
Weird brain shit, but it doesn't quite work right, but yeah this weekend's a big one man
Pereira and uncle I have that's a bit. Yeah, per open kicking ass to he lost the last one All right, he's ready about no no he won
He the last time he lost was against Israel Adesanya that was four fights
I'm gonna sign begin his eyes with a little bit right even fighting too much you fight like back the back the back
Well, he took a lot of time off, but you know he lost to him evolve. Who's very very good
Yeah, and he lost to Drekas Dupont see who's the champion before that, but he was winning that fight
But he got caught and then he got strangled
You know I mean
It's hard to stay on top man. It's hard to stay on top and
When he was in his prime when he was dominating the division he was the fucking man
He's it's not like he's lost his skills, man. It's just this is a tough fucking sport
It's a tough fucking sport and the sport does not rest the sport keeps everybody's coming
They get these guys coming up, every year they're better.
Every year they're more complete.
There's no one dimensional fighters anymore.
They can all do everything.
All these guys can just freaking bang out.
They can do everything.
The best guys today are all super multi-faceted.
They all can do everything.
But then you have guys like Pereira who's really a specialist
He's a kickbox and specialist. Yeah, he's fire. Do you ever watch him kickbox? No, it's crazy
I was a giant fan of his before he ever got to the UFC
I was telling everybody about him like if this guy gets to MMA we got fucked up problems
You got problems. Okay. He just has to touch you once she's going down
He's he's so different than anybody else in the division.
Like he knocks everybody out.
Everybody hits hard.
They all hit hard.
But that fucking dude hits hard, hard.
Hard, hard.
You know they have that punch machine?
Oh yeah, you can see the power?
What's his power?
Francis Ngannou had like 130.
Oh yeah, he got punch power.
He's got more power than Ng gun. Oh, that's crazy
I mean, I can't even believe I want to give Francis a second chance at it
I feel like he wasn't swinging hard enough if he's like if he knows the
Much bigger I mean Francis is like 270 natural
270 pounds natural looking hog walk. Yeah, just giant. Massive.
And I feel like he could probably punch harder than he did.
I feel like if he knew that Pereira was going to break that record,
give him a second crack at it.
Yeah, he'd probably go a little harder. He'd probably punch a little more hip action.
A lot more. Just fucking, argh!
But right now I think Pereira has the hardest.
See if you can find that video. It's crazy to watch.
Because he even does it with his right hand, which is not his power punch.
His power punch is his left hook.
His left hook is what he knocks out everybody with.
But it might be that his left hook is faster and it's a better weapon because it's in
the front and his right hand is more powerful, but he just doesn't land it as often that
Did you find it?
It's crazy.
Did you hear the thud?
Put your headphones on real quick.
Listen to this.
Oh you didn't get it yet?
You got it?
Okay here we go.
Put them on.
What do you mean? Okay, here we go. Put them on.
What do you mean? full video? Retry?
Oh, it disappeared? Here it is. That's not it?
Oh, the video's gotta be on there.
Okay, okay.
Is that it?
Yeah, here it is.
Okay, give me some volume.
191, watch this, check this out.
Oh my gosh!
Bro, bro, bro!
That's so...
You have to understand how crazy that is.
That's an insane amount of power.
The hardest I've ever kicked it...
You going now.
Yeah, the hardest I've ever kicked it with legs.
Kicks are way harder. The hardest I've ever kicked it was like 152.
Yeah, he punching 170.
191! 191 with a punch
It's insane his powers just yeah, it's like from God. It's it's like I it's a crazy gift
It's it's different than everybody's power. Yeah, I never seen
The kid he beat up the other guy Sonia
Addisonia he put him down
Well, he he beat out of Sonia in the first fight. Adesanya knocked him out in the second fight in the UFC.
And then he came back and beat him, right? No, they didn't fight again. The third one. They never fought a third time.
They fought before in kickboxing. They fought twice more, twice before that in kickboxing. One time Israel lost the decision that I think he should have won.
The second time Pereira knocked him out. And then the third time Pereira knocked him out in the UFC. And then the second time per era knocked him out and then the third time per era knocked him out in
UFC and then the fourth time is he knocked him out. Yeah
He did the fell with his right. Hey, I feel like he fell
Yeah, that was awesome, but that's a big fight this weekend I'm pumped uncle I have is good bad that guy's really good
He's right now. How excited you get on fight night. They're excited how old have you ever been to one live I?
Think I've been on one live before you should come this weekend. Come on. Where is it Vegas? Come on? Let's go
I'll hook it up come on. I'll get tickets. I'm coming to Vegas. Let's go. I got you hooked up. That's it
Take care of it. I'll text me as soon as we get out of here. Yeah, you'll love it
You'll love it live is like nothing else man. It's especially in Vegas. Oh Vegas
Yeah, and this is like the Vegas ones are always huge and this is a big one T-Mobile sold out
You know world title fight main event light heavyweight title
I mean and the under cards banging the under cards filled with fights like killer fights in the undercard
There's like six or seven fights that I'm like whoo
Side of seat out right? Oh, yeah, man. Yeah, let's go
Yeah, fight night in Vegas is amazing and then they have slap fight talk about CT ESPN. Yeah, the slap fight is on Friday night
ESPN. Oh yeah, the slap fight is on Friday night. That should be on CDESPN. You should cover slap fight.
I would love to cover slap fight. That is hilarious.
Bro. They fighting on site.
Yeah. This... Smackdown.
Dudes are getting just knocked into another dimension with a slap.
It's so crazy. Smackdown the Pakistanis out of there.
It's so crazy to watch. I just don't
We're signing up for that. Yeah
Because the thing about fighting is
You're trying to not get it. Like if a punches are coming you're trying to turn away
You're getting your head off centerline if you're slapping you're 100% gonna get it. Yeah
You just have to sit there and take it like
You gotta eat that. Oh No, and You're 100% gonna get hit. Yeah, you just have to sit there and take it like
And every time so last every time you're standing still
Yeah, he's just waiting on the comb. Yeah, that's hilarious
It's it's so crazy. Dana White keeps trying to get me to come see it. I'm like, okay, I'll go I'll go to one of these
But it's just so nuts no, that's Mike is another level yeah
Yeah, just get a smack slap knockout. I'm surprised like pro football players haven't signed up for that
Do something wild fellas that want to do something
Smack just go just go smack somebody. Yeah. Smack!
The problem is, what do you do?
You flip a coin to see who gets to slap you first?
We get the first slap.
That's the thing, somebody has to hit you first.
That's a huge disadvantage.
Because if you get slapped hard first.
No, you ain't gonna get the get back.
I mean, I don't even know how it works. Can you get really rocked and then they'll let you get slapped again
If you get super rocked like your legs give out now you don't get up are you done if you go down are you done?
Yeah, you've done. Yeah, what are the rules your slap ain't worth a shit. Are you supposed to hold something in your hand?
You have 30 seconds to shake back. That's a long time to recover
30 seconds is a 30 seconds to shake back that's a long time to recover 30 seconds is a long time to recover
Yeah, that's a little yeah. Oh if you fall
Also if you get knocked down it's over yeah, you smacked out
What's next like when are we gonna have gladiator fights?
Well, they already do that in other countries that people put on armor and fight with swords and shit kill each other
They don't kill each other
But they beat the fuck out of each other with swords and shields and shit one dude was beating this dude in the head with
A shield I was like what are we doing?
You get a minute to recover like a timeout see that's the good thing about MMA is that you don't get chances to recover
So you don't get to get knocked out again because a lot of these times guys get dropped and then they get a standing eight
Count like in boxing that's particularly dangerous. You get a standing eight count. They clean off your gloves. Are you okay?
You're like, yeah come forward and then you slowly get your shit back together, but you're not back yet
You're still fighting to get back. Yeah, you're still out of it
You're still out of a walkie and you're still like you're you don't know exactly what's going on
He's just like show up and then more punches boom I can't just sink hit you whereas in MMA
the fight would already been stopped yeah yeah this guy's done but then the
other side of it is in boxing guys go down flash knockdown get back up they're
okay they brush their gloves off and then they go back to fighting and they're
alright you know, yes
Do you watch boxing? I love boxing. Did you see the Gervonta Davis Lamont Roach? Yeah, that was trash
Well, I thought it was a good fight. You didn't think they fight
I just champion guy taking a knee talking about greasing his hair. Yeah, that was I'm like, yo
How you just admit over the fight just go wipe your face. Also. Here's the deal
If you take a knee, that's that's a knockdown. That's a not to track to round
You got hit with a jab. Yeah, you took a knee and then you walked off exactly that is a knockdown
So I think they're reviewing that right now. No that guy should have lost maybe
Well, um, I feel like if they do review it and they do judge it as a knockdown
Which it was clearly a knockdown to everybody like You take a knee, that's a knockdown.
I think they will probably give it to Lamont.
This is a very interesting rule.
They have a power slap that kind of talks about what you guys are just discussing.
The promoter may, but is not obligated to, incorporate the following rule for any event
for any specific category matches such as title matches.
A participant was the first defender in round one and did not elect such
position and B, there is a KO or TKO finish of such participant in round one. Then, after
the referee declares a finish, a clock of two minutes begins. During this time, the
defender is given two minutes to recover and be examined by the supervising physician.
If the supervising physician, in consultation supervising physician in consultation with the referee determines that the defender has established their fitness to continue and is without medical
health risk for purposes of delivering one strike to the opposing participant within
such two-minute period and not receiving any further strikes as a defender, then the referee
will announce the commencement of the redemption round and will instruct the striker to complete one permitted slap of their opponent
If the return strike results in a KO or TKO finish of their opponent the match is declared a draw if
The return strike has any other result the match result stands. That's crazy
So you can get KO'd you get finished they give you two minutes to come back
And if you could knock that guy out
Then it's a draw. They also haven't used the rule yet. So you go knock out for knockout boy
That rule looks like it's written by lawyers doesn't it doesn't that rule written by lawyers?
So find out what's happening because I think they were gonna announce something today about Lamont Roach
Gervonta Davis decision on the knockdown. It was a very good fight though. Lamont
Roach is very good. I was really impressed because Tank is nasty. Tank is
so fucking powerful. He's so vicious. Like his his one punch power at 135 is
like nobody else's in the division. Like the way he starches people is crazy.
He gets so much torque and power into his punches and he's so fast that he he covers ground and black his uppercuts
They're just fucking
Devastating so like for Lamont roach not just to survive
But you know I have some damage to do damage and put him on a knee basically bring it to a draw
Which if they do change this because of that knee it becomes a victory
That's he I want it
I think it should be a victory for him and I think they should do a rematch
100% it's everybody saw it you can't get around what everybody saw look it wasn't a legit knockdown like he hurt tank tank did
Have some shit in his eyes, but what are you doing putting shit in your hair when you have a world title fight?
That's crazy. No one want to hear about it in the middle of a fight that no one cares in the fly fly by drop the ball
Drop the damn ball. We don't care if a fly flew by your helmet or your eyes. Yeah, nobody gives a fuck
you can't be a championship fighter and
Taking a knee and putting on those type of performances. Also, what are they putting in his hair?
That when he's sweating is dripping into his eyes. Like what is that shit? Yeah, bro. Shake your head
Yeah, exactly your fucking head who cares? I don't know pretty boy. You might go get this fight
Get those fucking braids out of there. You don't need those. Yeah, he's a good-looking guy
He doesn't need all that crazy braids and shit
Yeah, it's uh, it it makes a rematch very exciting though
and I think that's great for Chavante because other than Shakur who's the the other you know major star and then
Lomachenko if he decides to fight again, but other than that, there's not a lot of challenge the challenge
Right. So now this Lamont Roach fight becomes like the most compelling fight in the division for him. That's pretty cool
Response this is wild. Is that what this is posted a day ago, I guess
During the round in question the following the Commission's request for the replay video
There was a technical issue preventing the Commission from receiving it within the allotted time to review
Therefore the referees in ring decision was relied upon and the fight continued.
Yeah, I did see that.
I thought that was what the...
The instant replay, there was a technical issue.
When they went to the corner, like right after the knockdown, they tried to go to an instant
replay and it wasn't available.
And so they said, what do we do here?
And the referee wanted to start the fight again that they let the referee start the fight
Couldn't review this because of
Yeah, I have oh you mean after no no no it was in the moment only in the moment
They couldn't get a tape so this no you couldn't do that that would be ridiculous. Well. We still can't find it. Sorry
It's like it's like Epstein's client list. Okay. I'll find it look for it trying to help guys doing our best
Yeah, um no they obviously everybody seen it. We've all seen it online
I saw it during the fight. I didn't even know the fight was going on my friend Jamar
Texted me you watching this Davis fight
I'm like oh shit
I forgot and I caught it in the 12th round then I went back and watched the whole thing the next day
It was a amazing fight amazing fight a lot of energy
I feel like people all I feel like people used to think just knocking people out
Yeah, so to see him go to the deep end yeah to around seeing that both of the guys was damaging each other
I'm gonna go fight was pretty it was a very good fight amazing fight
Very competitive fight for a guy who doesn't have competitive fights. Yes, cuz Gervonta just steamrolls. He's undefeated
I can go steamrolls everybody and everybody scared of him and Lamont was not scared of him
But they have fought in the amateurs before I think they fought twice in the amateurs
But Lamont's a new star that guy's super super legit
super legit and very skillful like the way it wasn't just that like
you know like
Gervonta didn't show up or Gervonta wasn't at his best. No like Lamont
Fantastic fight, you know what I'm excited for man. It's just Terrence Crawford and Canelo
Terrence is too small. He weighed he the other day. He was 185 pounds.
He just looks scrawny in the ring. Well, he gets down. He fought at well down 40, 150.
Well, he just won the 154 pound title and you know before that he was fighting at welterweight, which is 147.
But it's not like he hasn't have time to like thicken up a little bit.
And if he's walking around at 185 that means you
Probably cuts a considerable amount of weight to get down to 54
And now but I think he's getting thicker and he was dead lifting 450 pounds the other day like like that
Oh, I think they're they can fuck your back up. This is trash, bro. Do you do a deadlift?
You just fucking your back. You can fuck your back up. Yeah
Like I don't know who made up do deadlifts
That's the worst power lifters like for what though? Like what is it?
Never gonna do that motion and fighting. What is it supposed to make your back strong? It's supposed to make your overall
Chain strong. It's one of the best exercises to make your overall chain strong, but
Cuz you're picking up the
Bar off the ground. Mm-hmm, and there's already gravity
Right and a lot of stress on that lower back super stressing your lower back your knees you gotta
know Robert Robert Oberst, you know he is he's he came in he did the podcast once he's a professional strong man
Like one of the biggest motherfuckers you ever seen like a house just like this big He's like don't do deadlifts and never do this. It's gonna ruin your back your knees everything you hurt yourself
Yeah, it's no position. You're gonna put yourself and fighting that gonna make you bend over like that
A lot of guys do them though. It's the worst thing you can ever do. I've heard people say that if you do them
Correctly, they could decompress your back and I'm like you could do a lot of more exercises for your back
But I'm like explain how explain how it can ever be pounding your back
You're pounding your back you're picking up weights
No matter what you do as you're lifting even if you like fully extending and stretching your body forward
I'm not doing that you're training your passing your back when you have that enormous about a weight
Yeah, no way you're not compressing your back gotta compress your back. What about lighter dead lifts about dead lifts?
Just like for right there. Let's just charge man
You want to leg exercise work your hamstring glutes and dudes cat raises or something else you do Nordic curls
You ever do what it grows is the best
Yes tremendous for I slay your hands. Yes. Yeah, you want to work your leg or back do those Jack
The first time I did I was like what I couldn't do one. Yeah, I was like, yeah
I'm screaming right away is no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no cheating. Yeah all hamstrings
Oh ham such a great exercise just to develop strength around your knees to
So when you're in the NFL, like what is the strength and conditioning program like for a receiver?
Like do they do this?
Do they tailor your strength and conditioning routines depending upon what position you play depending on so like for for a guy like you?
Yes, you obviously have to stay fast. You got to be quick and twitchy
I feel like twitchy and you got it. Yeah twitchy mean you're right. So they get out Yeah, you gotta be yeah loose of yeah body moment, like... Twitchy. Yeah, twitchy means you're explosive to get out.
Yeah, you gotta be elusive just in your body movement.
But you wanna have a lot of strength too.
Just enough, because you're gonna get hit, pushed around in your shoulders and your legs
and your glutes.
So what kind of stuff do they have you do?
So many launches, single launches, explosive launches when you're driving up, hamstring
curls, bench press, dumbbells, single arms, a lot of core rotations, you
know what I mean?
A lot of single leg calves, a lot of ankle work.
Do they have you do plyos?
For sure plyos.
Single leg jumps, two leg jumps, explosive sideway linear jumps.
And when they make a program for you, do they lay out like what the progress that they're
looking to achieve? Like how do they do like like what the progress that they're looking to achieve like how do they how do they do?
Like a program for a guy like you see the NFL easy. That's just really put me as a teammate up of
50 players 60 players so sometimes the weight room usually just have usually specific sheets that you know guys follow with the training
But the more smarter you are the more intuitive you are as a player individually.
You know, you need to, for me,
the little things that made me the difference,
the workin' on the little stuff, like your arch.
You may not think your arch is important muscle,
or how to work the arch.
The arch of your foot?
The arch of your foot, yeah.
You know, grippin' the towels with your big toe,
grabbin' the towel, workin' the arch,
makin' your big toe go over here,
cause your arch is, you know, the arch making a big toe go over here cuz your arch isn't
No super important, but being a receiver really I never thought about that so you do like foot strengthening
I was excited your big toes my explain in the game and your big toe just give out right that happens it guys right?
Yeah, but turf toe turf toe exactly so it's like
The little exercise that could pre-eminate your feet from just being healthy, you know
I mean your art your big toe because that's the first thing that hit the ground and guys don't really consider these things when they just
Want to work the big met exercise muscles that you know, but it's stuff from the ground up your feet
Yeah arches and your big toe could be good and strong
Nick curse on hit Nick curse on is a
Famous strength and conditioning guy in the MMA world and that was what he
told me.
He said foot strength is the number one flaw that a lot of people have.
Exactly because they don't feel like that muscle or that thing to be worked out.
They think shoulders, you know the big muscles.
So it's all about the little stuff that pre-eminate your success man.
You a receiver you know you're going to have to get off the ball, you're going to have
to run and cut, stop.
So the more important thing, you can get right at your feet.
That's going to be the first thing that hit the ground.
So can you explain to me what you're doing with your toes on a towel?
So let's say if it's a towel, like you know when you run, you got the ball of your feet.
Ball of your feet hit first, and then you grip.
Ball of your feet, then you grip the towel.
Ball of feet hit, then grip.
So you're working that arch, and you're working on just the grip of your toes. And are you just holding the towel with your hands? How are you doing the towel right ball feet hit and grip So you're working out arching you working on just the grip of your toes
And you are you just holding the towel with your hands like how are you doing the towel put the towel?
This is all on the ground just like that have you done this Jamie
You do it all day, right? How come you never told me?
This the best right there that work your arches or your feet. That little exercise right there, Joe.
That make tremendous difference in your feet.
I'm going to do that tomorrow.
People know the difference.
How many reps do you do?
I feel like you can go two minutes, just burn out.
You just do it.
You just do it until you burn out.
You're going to feel the burn right away.
And then does it suck to walk afterwards?
I feel really good to walk.
You're going to tell the difference between your feet right away.
Wow. I jump rope. I feel like that's really good for your feet really good
Yeah, but this is the maintenance of your feet with just a little exercise. Yeah, that seems like a really smart one
Yeah, this is physical therapy one of the best exercise you could do what happens when you get too good at the towel
Do you move up to like a rug? Yeah, you go single a now you go single leg one leg grip. Oh
Up to like a rug. Yeah, you go singling now you go singling one leg grip. Oh
So like standing on one leg and grip and then so you're balancing and then gripping at the same time stack it up
You know, I mean the grips to the balance. Oh, I like it active on it while gripping. Oh, I like it. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah It's all about your wheels man
You know what? I like it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's all about your wills, man.
You know what I just started incorporating into my workouts over the last few months
that I never did before is rotational exercises.
And I feel like an asshole.
I have a reoccurring thing that I got in my lower back that's like, I think it's really
... It's a bunch of different things, but I think mostly it's tendonitis.
It's mostly overuse, because it would start to hurt and I would just ignore and keep doing it I got it from
archery where it just started flaring up because it's like when I'm shooting the
bow the bow is 80 pounds to pull back and I'll do it 150 times a day so that's
like 150 rows with 80 pounds so a lot of doing that all the time my lower back and
Stabilizing it started to flare up and I'm an idiot. So I was like don't be a pussy
Just just put you just keep going power through yeah and in power through and it got inflamed and it's taken a few months
For it to get better. But one of the best ways it got better was rotational exercises.
With a bar, where you like twist it like that.
Those twit with cables.
Like, man.
Yeah, that's the best exercises.
Oh, it's like that's.
It works so well with athletics.
For me with martial arts, it works so well.
And I'm like, why wasn't I doing that before?
Like I would just do linear stuff, like chin ups,, push-ups, dips, squats, all that other basic
But when I started doing twisting things, I'm like, man, and then I feel like I have
more power now with things.
More range and ability, right?
Yes, I have more strength in my lower back.
So for kicking, like it's everything in there is like that ability to whip.
And I'm like, why wasn't I doing this forever?
Yeah, it's kind of crazy that it took me getting injured before I started doing it. That's how it always happened
You know my favorite one is when you're sitting like I sit on a mat with my feet up in the air
And then I take a 50 pound kettlebell and I can rotate sideways sideways. Oh, that's the one right there
That is the one because we do like that
It's like you just feel
Yeah, and it warms everything up and it feels it loosens it it stretches it a little bit because when you get to here
You know, you're challenging your range of mobility
You know, it's like and it's hard to do. So your abs are firing, everything's working.
Yeah, we got everything activated, man.
You look good at your age, man.
Thank you very much, thank you.
I try, I try.
I'm trying to keep up.
Try to just keep it active, keep it going.
But all those different exercises are huge
and I ignored a lot of them.
But that's the thing about getting injured.
Sometimes you get injured, you go, okay, okay why did I get injured I need to do more
preventive stuff yeah yeah like you're doing with your feet yeah like more of
that so when when you do plyometric stuff do they have you do stuff on like
balance balls and shit too? Of course, ball and balls, explosive launches, maybe put
up the track the track ladders oh yeah yeah no
jumping over those is always a good one for player for explosion yes you know
what I mean yeah speed bands when did when did players start realizing that
that's something to incorporate because I would imagine if you go back to the
early days they were probably doing regular weightlifting stuff right exactly I feel like if you want to be a slow so athlete you got to get into playos
If you want to be a slow so yeah
You know what I mean?
especially for if you're a wide receiver or a defensive bad guys who got to be athletic and jump high and
Attack the balls and do different stuff. You know, maybe like Olaman may not be getting the ball
So they might focus on lifting weights and you know, I mean being strong and combative
But you know what else I started added to what you're adding ab wheel to my feet
Oh, and you do explosive push-ups
So you explode up you roll your abs forward on the wheel and then you come down and catch yourself and then explode up
And roll the wheel forward and then come down and catch yourself and clap and catch yourself
I learned that from Arthur bitter beef the light heavyweight champion his crazy dude from Chechnya
He's a special push up. Yeah, but with an ab wheel. He does it with an ab wheel. Oh, that's next level
That's next level
There's like so many different things you could see like really elite high level guys do you like?
I get it oh I get it I get it just mobility
drills and exercises rotated in the hips is a big one mm-hmm what kind of shit
do you do for that you go single leg I like to do the single leg and then be on
one leg and then rotate your hip like if you was doing the full circle of your
hip mm-hmm but do it on one leg so you get the glute burning.
Oh, so you're doing that on one, and you're bouncing too.
Yeah, so you on one leg, just try to rotate this hip forward
10 and backwards 10.
On one leg, opening the hips is always key.
Land on the ground, getting this leg to this leg,
this leg to this arm, you know what,
land on your stomach, rotating your back leg to your back.
Snap open, you know?
Snap, I feel like the older we get,
the tighter your muscles get, so.
Just make sure you're scratching more than you,
you know, you tighten them up,
because keep your muscles long
as you get older to keep your muscles soft.
When I'm getting lazy, I don't stretch either.
Gotta stretch.
When I realize, like, yep,
that's probably also how I get injured.
Would you ever fuck with yoga?
Absolutely, yoga is amazing.
Yeah, I love it.
I love yoga man, scratch.
You feel like once you do yoga,
your body feel just better overall
even once you're done, right?
You can feel the difference right away.
Yeah, you feel like everything's working together too like all the connective areas are getting
strengthened all the balance and all the stuff that keeps your posture in line
yeah. Health is wealth man anytime you know you got to make accountability to
be able to you know take care of yourself that's what life's about you
know exercising and eating healthy yeah you have a chance to live a good life.
Do they coach in the NFL how to eat, what supplements to take, they tell you what to
I mean they can't, they will, but it's usually, you know, kind of up to you and yourself as
a player, you know, if you want to take care of yourself, they're getting your blood work
and got everything right in front of you.
So for me, I usually take my blood tests to know what my body digest, what food I need to put in and take, you know, what provide less inflammation to me, what's good for me, I usually take my blood test to know what my body digest what food I need to put intake
You know what provide less?
Influence tory what's good for me was not so when they take your blood test did they sit down with you and go over the
Results and talk to you about like what you need and what gotta be for you like
You got to take the initiative to go to them and you know
I mean, this is a business at the end of the day like you got to do what's best for you yourself. For sure but I would imagine for them it
would be beneficial to them to make their athletes perform at the very best
they can so give them as much information as they could. I would hope so
but using the NFL they pay you money and it's like you figured it out. He has some of you now.
What about like saunas and cold plunge? Sauna is the best everyday
cold plunge sauna man that's healthy living. Yeah cold plunge is the best everyday cold plunge sauna man? That's healthy living
Yeah, some is the best flush out cold tub feeling brand new. Yeah, that's pretty preeminent recovery right there
It's everything right? Yeah, that's what you live for the
Hot steam cold tub man. That's the best feeling ever. So what's the next move right now for Antonio Brown? What we gonna do?
I feel like you know just keep you know being myself giving back to the world. I feel like I wanna
Start a 707 team give some local kids in Miami Tampa some opportunities to
travel you know place 707 flag football
podcast maybe do more on CTSPN.
Just be happy and hopefully to Hall of Fame in 2027.
Oh, okay, nice.
You know, me and Ben Rothenberger in that class together.
So that'd be a good opportunity.
What do you do with kids?
Were you talking about flag football?
What do you do?
Yeah, flag football is a big thing right now
where you take the kids different tournaments
all over the world, allowing them to complete,
giving them opportunities to live their dreams,
different age groups, you know what I mean?
And you're involved in that?
Yeah, setting up now, we got our own team,
me and Kodak Black, one of my close friends from Miami,
probably started a volleyball league for the woman
and some flag football for the team. Oh, that's great.
For the little kids and just community activities to help some kids achieve their goals and
taking them different tournaments to be able to compete all over the world.
That's cool that you have that focus, that you want to help kids too.
Help them, and also when they see a guy like like you has done it, been there, done that,
you know, been at the top, they could say, oh, it's positive, he's a human, he's just like me, you know,
and him talking to me and working with me, maybe I can get something done in this life.
I got some new music coming out, actually tomorrow's song called Click It, 41, Cal Rich, Tata, Jen Carter.
So, it's been a blessing, man.
It's just, you know.
Are you working with Kanye anymore, or is that over?
Yeah, I work with him too.
He's not ever, oh yeah, I got some cool stuff
coming as well too for the album.
Really, still working with him.
He's still working on that stuff.
When was the last time you saw him?
I saw him in LA a couple weeks ago.
He's a wild man.
Yeah, he's a sad agent.
When he showed up at the Grammys with his wife naked,
he was like, look.
Ha ha ha. Turn around. Okay, bye. And then he leaves. He's a sad ages when he showed up at the Grammys with his wife naked. Yeah
Turn around okay, bye
He doesn't even go to the Grammys. He just shows up walks the red carpet his wife takes his clothes off and he goes home
Okay, we good
He's good man, we decided about you know, he brought me this chain is for down to sports. He bought you that yeah Whoa down to sports this was brand that he opened up. That's a GDP of a small island. Yeah
So we got to get down the sports back, you know, kind of made me presidential president of the down to sports Oh really a lot of basketball team we used to have in LA
Oh really a lot of basketball team we used to have in LA
Lot of kids came out of you know, we plan on getting back to it and
Doing some other things creatively in the music space. So I'm excited for those announcements coming soon in 2025. So oh, that's cool So what what are the sports you get involved with? Oh
Basketball has been a huge sports for Donna sports
Had a couple players, you know come out of down the sports. So what is he doing?
Is he managing them like what is a what you had a whole prep school that was you know
allowing the kids to go to school
Down the sports giving an opportunity to play basketball taking them play different games. Okay
Yeah, I mean we had a Rob Dillingham used he used to be in the program, he played for the Minnesota
Timberwolves now, got drafted, who went to Kentucky University.
I mean, went to, I think he went to Duke University and came out and went.
Oh, that's cool.
Yeah, so.
So, he represents them, gives them advice.
I didn't even represent them, just allowed them to go to school and play basketball.
Oh, just help them?
Yeah, just help them to get to the next level not even represent them and not but also like being under that umbrella's like notoriety
Absolutely, yeah, and I'm not exposure the right opportunities to just go to the next level
So is this something Kanye's gonna expand to other sports as well? I mean we was talking about it
I mean, he they don't really know a lot about sports, you know
That's why he put me on a, you know, a justin labue in regards of basketball and other sports athletes to just give them the opportunity to
Live out their dreams. That's really cool, man. That's very cool
That's it's nice that you're interested in doing that that you want to help young kids
It's a true message of success, you know, I've been blessed in my life to you know, live a beautiful life
I've been blessed in my life to live a beautiful life, spirits in the NFL. That's our job as humans, give other people the best experience, give them a chance to
do something they may not be able to do in their life.
So I'm grateful just to be in that position to give back.
That's a beautiful philosophy.
It's a good way to look at life.
You're living your life. You're happy
You're also helping people be happy
Yeah, and cracking on people. Yeah
You write all that shit yourself or do you have anybody help you you write all of it. Yeah. Oh my god, that's amazing
Yeah, it's hilarious. Well, the response has been pretty amazing, right?
Oh, they love it.
Smokes and jokes, man.
It's funny.
I mean, imagine the idea of an ex-football player starting an award show and he gets
200 million views.
He has a blessing.
I mean, very much so.
It's got to be, yes, you need to...
But it was also because you had laid the groundwork of being funny all the time on Twitter and
being that wild follow
The people like to go check you out
So when you do something like that award show everybody's like yeah, I can't wait. I can't look forward to it
Bro, I was getting texts all day long man. That was a big deal. So many people were sending me texts about it
Thank you for participating with it man. That was awesome man. That was a big deal. My pleasure. My pleasure
Everybody was, everybody was excited. I was loving it. I was, yeah, Joe on it, let's go.
Yeah, everybody was excited.
Because, like I said, it's just, it's fun.
It's like a thing that wasn't around before, and it's like a sign that everything's getting back to normal.
That you can do fun kind of shit like that again.
We gotta do more, let's do it better this time.
Yeah. Well, I think now everybody is looking forward to the next one like now
It's established. You know when you have the second annual awards
everybody's gonna be very excited about it because it's
It's a necessary thing we we need more ridiculous shit in this world to take take the burden off of a lot of people
Just the regular life you. You need fun.
Yeah, we need an excitement.
Yeah, it's valuable.
It's not just silly.
It's valuable for people's mental health.
Yeah, it's good for us.
It brings people joy and happiness.
It makes people feel good, yeah.
Yeah, like memes, when my friends send me a funny meme,
and then I send it to them, we're all like, wah!
That shit make you happy, right?
It's excitement.
It makes you happy.
It makes me happy.
It's funny. It makes you happy. It makes me happy. It's funny. It's like some of the biggest laughs of my day are memes
You know and I don't know who's making them. I don't know who's coming out the blue just
The universe is crazy. I mean it's obviously people are doing it, but I don't even know who they are
Sometimes you do sometimes a person like you know you can give them credit
I'll give them credit, but sometimes like I don't know where this came from
It's on 15 different Instagram pages people just send it to you like alright. I just throw it up my stories entertainment. Yeah
It's a fun time man. It's fun time
I'm glad you're a part of it because you know having a guy like you out there like having a good time cracker jokes
It opens up the door for other people to do the same
Absolutely, just keep it light. Have a good time. Enjoy yourself. I love it. All right
Anything else want to talk about before we wrap this up? Uh, I
Think we hit it off. We hit it all all right beautiful. Tell everybody how they find you on X a B
a B 84 X a B on IG
AB AB 84 X AB on IG
Antonio Brown to the world Hall of Fame 2027 um website
Tonyo brown calm
crashout buckets calm
All right, that's it all right brother. Well. Thank you very much for being here. Continued success. It's amazing. I'm a fan. I'm excited. I love you.
I love you too. Alright. Thank you. Bye everybody.