The Joe Rogan Experience - #269 - Tait Fletcher

Episode Date: September 25, 2012

Joe sits down with Tait Fletcher. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This weekend, I'm in North Carolina. I am in Raleigh, North Carolina on Friday, and I am in Asheville, North Carolina on Saturday. If you're interested, go to my Twitter page and it'll have all the details. My Twitter page is Joe Rogan. Alright, fucking freaks. Tate Fletcher's here, Brian Redband. Cue the music. Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out. The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day. Dude, this bulletproof coffee that you brought here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Explain this. Tate Fletcher, OG gangster of the death squad from day one. From day one? From day one. Pushing the door in. Push up to that thing. All right. With a crazy beard.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah, for folks who are just listening to this, Tate's rocking a beard that looks like it's glued on. It looks like the fake Rick Ross's beard like they were talking about. I love how you differentiate the fake Rick Ross. Well, you got to because everybody – Freeway Rick Ross. Yeah, Free fake Rick Ross. Well, you got to. Freeway Rick Ross. Yeah, Freeway Rick Ross. If you haven't listened to those episodes of my podcast, please do it just for your own edification
Starting point is 00:01:11 because it's a fascinating scenario. Guy was a big-time drug dealer. His name was Freeway Rick Ross. He went to jail. I mean, they had a Freeway Rick Ross task force in the LAPD. His drug sales were a part of the Iran Contragate, all that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. His drug sales were a part of the iran contra gate all that yeah yeah yeah his drug sales were what's funding foreign militaries that's where they were getting the money from the cia and this
Starting point is 00:01:31 is all part of how uh gary webb exposed this in a book and michael rupert who was a la police department narcotics officer exposed it yeah i mean so this guy freeway rick ross was a part of this he was a huge drug dealer making millions and millions of dollars, right? Just crazy, crazy money. Drove around in a hearse, you know, like drive around like station wagons and shit. So like no flashy, no bling, just kept it on the DL and just raking in the cash. Meanwhile, the dude couldn't even read, okay? Goes to jail, learns how to read, becomes a lawyer, finds a hole in his fucking in his three strikes thing and gets out
Starting point is 00:02:06 so while he's in jail some dude is calling himself rick ross and he's a big fat guy who used to be a corrections officer no way a corrections officer is pretending that he was this big time drug dealer rick ross so now rick ross gets out of jail and he's trying to sue them. But he's like going to battle. The record companies are going to battle with him over his own real name. That's awesome. It's insane. This is a movie,
Starting point is 00:02:35 Tate Fletcher. This is not a real world. This world is not real. Just because you can touch it and move it around, this motherfucker's fake. There's no way that's possible. In 2012, there's no way that should be possible. not real just because you can touch it and move it around this motherfucker's fake this this is there's no way that's possible in 2012 there's no way that should be possible some guy could be a corrections officer i like it that he's like uh that every one of his raps is there a rap that he has that's not about shooting somebody or or having a pound of blow yeah it's all about
Starting point is 00:02:58 hustling he's but how about the fact that he's got Rick Ross tattooed on his fingers? He's got Rick Ross tattooed. I haven't looked at the man that closely. Dude, he's got another man's name tattooed on his fingers, and that other man is out of jail now because he's smart. That other guy's a real bad motherfucker. He's not some fake fat guy who knows how to make shit rhyme. That's awesome. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's a crazy story, man. It's a really weird story. How long did you spend with him? We did two podcasts with him and he came back and the dudes we could do a hundred more man he had some stories yeah yeah yeah and he's still fighting it in court very nice guy man he's got money no no no he's barely getting by but he's uh i mean he's i'm sure i mean i guess he could make money doing like um interviews or doing like um seminars or something like that.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But I think he's trying to do it more for real benefit, man. He's doing a lot of different speeches for young kids and telling a story and trying to offer inspiration. Because the dude went to jail. He didn't even know how to read. He was a tennis player, like a really badass tennis player. And in learning how to play tennis. It was Vanessa Williams' uncle. He was a really good tennis player, but he couldn't read,
Starting point is 00:04:06 so he couldn't go to college. So it's like he could never go from. He's got to get a screenplay. I'm sure they must have something going on. We actually talked to him about it. We said Too Short had to play it. Too Short looks just like him, I'm telling you. Really?
Starting point is 00:04:20 He's taller than Too Short, but he has Too Short's face. It's kind of crazy. Or maybe Denzel Washington could play him. He could fucking play anybody, right? He's badass than Too Short, but he has Too Short's face. It's kind of crazy. Or maybe Denzel Washington could play him. He could fucking play anybody, right? He's badass, man. Yeah. You did a movie with him? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I just got off. What is it? It's called Two Guns. It's him and Mark Wahlberg. Our crew is all Navy SEALs, and then we split from Wahlberg. He was one of our crew, and then we go to kill them, and the movie's us hunting them, basically. What do you feel like if you were a real Navy SEAL
Starting point is 00:04:48 and you saw these crazy missing-in-action-type movies and shit where people do ridiculous stuff? What the fuck does it like to be? You know what's crazy, dude, on films is that all those guys, the producers and directors, they're like, we need this to look real. We want it to be authentic until it's the day to shoot it. And then they're like, okay, we're going to flip the car over 16 times,
Starting point is 00:05:07 and you're going to push it off, and you'll just push out and roll. There's something that's ridiculous. And there's a lot of that. None of it matters. It's all suspension of belief. Yeah. There's a certain amount of that you do in a movie, though, and I lose level 10. I can never get to level 10 in your movie
Starting point is 00:05:25 you know what though dude is like you look at uh american kickboxer or something as an mma fighter you look at that and you're still like awesome and he's dipping his fucking gauze in glass and shit you're like yeah rad right but it's never gonna kick i don't think was that just called kickboxer yeah it was just the john claude van damme yeah yeah yeah i think when you get to a certain uh you know you have a suspend disbelief like that, you're never going to hit like that Godfather level. Right. You know, you see like the Godfather, you watch that movie and go, God damn, they nailed that motherfucker. The way they choked that dude in the restaurant, the murders looked real, everything.
Starting point is 00:05:57 There was no sensationalizing. There was exactly as much gore as you would see if you were in the periphery. You felt like you were in the experience. They weren't bullshitting you at all. So by the time, when you get out of that movie, you're like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Same things like Apocalypse Now. And it holds up forever. Yes. Those movies hold up. Or The Deer Hunter. Perfect example. Perfect example. What a crazy ass movie that was.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And they had to take the deer with one shot. That was their thing. Well, they're all getting tortured with the Russian roulette russian roulette and all that oh my god me the russian roulette scene with christopher walken that is one of the most intense scenes in any movie of of any era even today if that movie came out today it would 100 hold up like maybe a little bit of the music was probably a little corny look at what's out there today that doesn't have you seen expendables too no i saw one it's a nine millimeter shooting you in the head your head vaporizes it's like that kind of like oh kind of kill bill and you're like why are we doing that
Starting point is 00:06:55 right now like how about we don't do that see i'm a hypocrite though because i like like avengers type shit i like superhero type shit. But I know it's bullshit. You know, it's like I like that too. But I don't like this mishy-moshy, like halfway shit where you're pretending it's a real movie but some nonsense happens. How come this dude could beat everybody up so easy? Like, what's going on there?
Starting point is 00:07:18 You know, these guys, you're making these guys look like skilled fighters and this guy's just taking them out. Did you see Batman? No. Man. I didn't see it. I was going gonna see it
Starting point is 00:07:25 but that whole uh colorado shooting thing kind of scared me no no no fuck i thought well definitely if i was there i'd be scared but uh i don't i don't uh think i could watch it without thinking what those people were thinking i didn't think of those people at all i'm gonna i'm gonna get it on blu-ray and wear my shoes in bed. Just in case you got to run? Yeah. You felt the same way, right? I just, you know, I barely go to the movies, so I don't know. It had to hurt the box office, that movie.
Starting point is 00:07:55 It had to. It had to. That's a terrible thing to think of. That's all they think of, though. That is all they would think of. But it also highlighted how you could have 300 million people living together but it's so rare that something like this pops off to me it was like it was it was a disgusting horrible sad event but when i really analyzed the facts i was like man we get along way better than
Starting point is 00:08:17 people give us credit it's true everybody's armed everybody's hammered drunk or what you know what i mean it's like there's all that shit going on. There's all these variables, and people are vying for the same job. People aren't doing very well, and still people aren't getting axed every day. It's not like it was back in the 90s in L.A. where there's shootings on the freeway and shit. Yeah, yeah. I think even back in the 90s, it's like we have more access to the news now from everywhere. Anything that's bad from anywhere, we get real quick.
Starting point is 00:08:46 So we get a real distorted perception of what interacting with human beings is like. Because the model that we're dealing with is 300 million people, which is just crazy that you would take individual episodes out of that and try to apply it to what the world is actually like. Because it's just too many. The numbers are just too... People don't really know what the fuck 300 million is but you couldn't see it if 300 million is if you got everybody in front of you just in this country that lived there would literally be you could stand on top of like a mountain and you would see nothing but people
Starting point is 00:09:20 till the horizon right like that's an insane amount of people and they're making some shit choices and they're coming over to your house and they're fucking putting some drugs on aluminum foil and lighting it up in front of you and you're like what the fuck are you doing disrespectful lighting up fucking crystal meth in front of you with nice tits even with respectful well it's just like whoa what kind of craziness are you running here what do you think about all that like now we don't have as much outward violence like that but you look at right now what's happening and it seems like it started like it seems like prison is a template for shit and it's like we're gonna make sure blacks
Starting point is 00:09:59 mexicans white people don't get along and And we're going to control the population that way. And you look now, like, 20, 30, 40 years later, like, down the road, and even now, like, within the Republican Party, or, like, people are hating each other. Like, there's more divisions. The more divisions that are created, the more easily controlled people are. You know what, man? I think that's just human nature. I think people are insecure, and they're always going to hate on the other team. It's like
Starting point is 00:10:25 part of our DNA. It's part of our DNA to look at Mexicans and go oh, that's not me. And look at a white guy that looks exactly like you. That's my guy. And look at a black guy like, ooh, I can't trust him. That's another team. It's hard out there. And the best way to get
Starting point is 00:10:41 through this shit is we form groups and we have loyal motherfuckers that are down with us. Fuck everybody else. Right? And that's what people sort of gravitate towards that. And when you gravitate towards that, it's like you're always going to have conflict. It's like where there's a lack of enlightenment. Yeah, it's not a broken construct.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I think there's a lot of people capitalizing on human nature. And that's what they're doing they're making a fuckload of money off of prisons and they're making a fuckload of money off of making sure that these areas are not rehabilitated so they have a steady supply of people to keep that i think that's absolutely true a buddy of mine his brother does like big like if you got 20 million dollars he'll do your mutual funds and set up your portfolio and all that shit and i ask him where's all the real money going where where are people really looking to put loot and he says in in the correction system in prisons jeez and those are the those are the
Starting point is 00:11:33 futures and uh that's fucking kind of it's a little crazy and and but it makes sense then also you look we're going to go to war with the mexican immigrants that are coming in and we're going to need to house them now. And so ever since the 90s when they started doing privatized prisons, that became a cash cow for people. And so every bed, so we need longer sentences. Pot, we're never really going to get really legal because most of those fucking people that are in these victimless crimes
Starting point is 00:12:00 are in prison for drugs like that, shit that doesn't matter. And when you find out that corrections officers have unions and the unions lobby to keep things. Huge. It's crazy. Or that Ikea gets their furniture made by guys that are making 12 cents a day. Yeah. You know what I mean? In prison.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Holy. That's slavery. Fuck. If that's not slavery, you tell me what is. Yep. Oh, this guy fucked up, so now he has to be a slave. It's not that you're trying to protect society from him and rehabilitate him. It's like, nope, now you work for pennies.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yep. Now you work. I mean, it's really nuts. You know, those Foxconn people, they're rioting right now. There's one of the Foxconn factories. It's like a 2,000-person riot going on. They've blacked it off from the Chinese version of Twitter. They've deleted images.
Starting point is 00:12:39 They're suspending accounts and trying to delete everyone's accounts of it. Because they can get into the internet and they can delete shit in China. They can just delete your websites. Which basically they can do here too. Now, the government has already done that. Isn't that what they're trying to do with SOPA and all those kinds of things? Yeah, they want to have more and more power to be able to do that. But in China, what they're doing
Starting point is 00:13:00 right now is stopping dissent. Because there's a gigantic... This is the reason why this shit is dangerous in america and we we for whatever reason we accept it we think it's okay it's no big deal hey if you're not putting anything bad on the internet you shouldn't worry about it but that's the that's what's ridiculous is when people have power over you they fucking almost always abuse it if you go back to the stanford prison studies and they did it with college students they had college students pretend to be prisoners and prison guards people with power abuse it. If you go back to the Stanford prison studies and they did it with college students, they had college students pretend to be prisoners and prison guards, people with power abuse. Inside of like a day.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Inside of a day. It's like no time at all. And these are just college students in a simulation. And that is just, you can't have it that way. You can't have people to be able to take down the internet. The internet has to stay free. Because if it doesn't stay free, then you're not going to be able to squash – you're not going to be able to get rid of really corrupt governments. Like the reason why all these people in Egypt, all these people in other parts of the world, they're having these rallies against their corrupt government is because they're able to communicate with each other. So we're assuming that our people that are in power are always going to be fair and always going to be just and always going to be loyal to the good of the American people. But we've already seen through Nixon.
Starting point is 00:14:11 We've already seen through the evidence of shit that was passed. That's not the case. So that's not the case. In Iran, the only way that they were able to mobilize the resistance there was through Twitter. Yeah. And they blacked out everything else. Yeah. And that's the only thing that was free and clear for them and then that went on to spain and the the indignados
Starting point is 00:14:29 that started off the revolution there to syria and that's going right now all that in the news right now today and then even just now what happened with occupy wall street they fucking got a couple hundred people they arrested even though if you listen to mainstream media they say no that shit's dead it's like well how come you arrest 200 fucking citizens That just want to go and talk about How come the banks are fucking us What's that The real situation is that
Starting point is 00:14:53 This system is broken And they're just trying to like glue it Keep like taping it together as it's falling apart They're like putting tape and it's wrong No we got it we got it we got it In order to have it we're going to have to take some rights away To keep this fucking thing up. And they'll glue the top of it up there.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It's, you know, it's a broken ass system. And some mathematical genius, first and foremost, has to come up with a way of distributing, like distributing taxes and a way of figuring out what money really is based on and what money really is to have something. It has to be based on something. It has to be some sort of resources, whether it's oil and gas or coal or wood or money
Starting point is 00:15:33 has to be based on something. It has to equal X amount of something because right now it's just chaos. And because of the fact that it's just chaos, it's like people are manipulating it and doing all kinds of wacky shit with it. And you can move things up and down and move them all around. And the idea of stocks and dividends and banking, there's like a whole economy based on gambling that other businesses are going to fail. It's shitty. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:15:57 It doesn't even make any sense. Well, it's like I listened to Granholm, who was the governor of Michigan. manholm who was the governor of michigan and she was talking about states and incentives and people have so much surplus money to bring in dell computers or whoever to start businesses so we can have 5 000 new jobs in michigan whatever the deal is she says but that whole construct is built and based upon that ohio doesn't do well then right it's all built on taking and texas has really great incentives so they get a lot of like and so that's a for if for a national construct that's fucking horrible we've got to have states doing, and then if you look globally, it's like, I need Mexico and Cuba to do poorly for the United States. Like, it's like that whole consciousness has to shift in a way.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah, well, we've got to figure out a way, first of all, to, the idea that there's, this is going to sound really crazy, but we can't have countries. It doesn't make any sense. You can't say that just because you were born on this patch of dirt, you can't make your way over here where there's opportunity. Because isn't that what being a fucking human and a society developing is all about? Developing society is a society that wants everyone to have an opportunity to do better. Everyone. It doesn't just mean these the people that were lucky enough to be born in california what about the people that
Starting point is 00:17:09 are born in south america they should be able to come here and it's gonna fuck things up for a while but it will balance out eventually and the benefit would be the entire human race if it's handled by brilliant people if it's handled by true humanitarians, if it's handled by true altruism, if the people at the top of government really were explaining to everyone that we have to think about the future of the human race, and in order for the human race to grow
Starting point is 00:17:36 at the top, it has to also grow at the bottom. It can't have a rotten foundation. And that's essentially when you deal with these parts of the city where there's no getting out, man. You're fucked rick ross story 28 years old can't fucking read you know like how did he get through high school what happened to this poor fucking guy that we got that that rotten system has to somehow or another be fixed the thing you're talking about too there's not when you say it'll be fucked up for a while it's like there's not like a epic downside yeah it's like everybody will be fed clothed and taken care of yeah but where we're
Starting point is 00:18:08 going now that's not fucking happening those divisions are getting greater and greater and it's like at the same time if there's no separation between you me the dude in india or the fucking pot that he's fucking trying to make with his hands yeah like and we're all the same shit like those divisions hurt me yeah they, they definitely hurt us. And there could be reconstruction money, just like there's reconstruction money in Iraq. There's reconstruction money in Iraq. They could make money by, first of all,
Starting point is 00:18:35 hiring excellent counselors. They could fucking set up businesses where these kids can be trained in trades and shit, where you can set them up, where they always have a place to sleep so nobody is ever threatened their life is never threatened they're never scared like if you if you can't go to your neighborhood you can't come home like you can come here this motherfucker is guarded 24 hours a day we have you know armed cops here we have plenty of food come on in and there's no shame in this and we're just gonna have to ask you to contribute a little bit. You come in here and use the bed.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Maybe you've got to wash a couple of dishes or maybe you've got to put some stuff away. Real simple. Now, you don't have to work all day. Maybe put in 20. You know what I mean? Have it set up so somebody gets a value for what they do. And then have people who can teach them shit. Because that's the same shit with the welfare system.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Yes. Is that you give it to them. Nobody values that shit. So they don't feel that merited. They feel lower self-esteem that you know what i mean the whole shit cycles but what you're talking about is that people that were in power had a desire to do that yeah i mean right now you can look in somebody's ass in prison yeah and they're and it's the richest drug community ever and they talk about we don't want drugs and like really you don't because i'm pretty sure you're thriving off of you're looking at looking in people's asses. By making my mom scared.
Starting point is 00:19:45 By putting more public money into fucking the DEA. Yeah. It's a weird situation. It's totally illogical. If you look at the way human beings have set up our society and the way we treat impoverished neighborhoods and the way we deal with ridiculous laws and laws of victimless crimes
Starting point is 00:20:06 where people, like, rot away in jail for dozens of, you know, pages upon pages of cases. Even recently, people going to jail for long stretches under questionable circumstances. And there's stories where people were set up by government agents. That's the other thing you have to think about is When you're working for the DEA or you're working for the FBI, you've got to arrest people. You've got to bust crime. You've got to actually get things done. And one of the ways to get things done is to talk someone into doing some crime.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Talk them into doing some crime and then arrest them. And that's not illegal. And that's crazy. Because you could talk people into sucking your dick. You can talk people into jumping in front of trains. You can talk a whole bunch of people into killing themselves because a fucking comet's coming. And there's a UFO behind it. You can talk people into anything.
Starting point is 00:20:56 You can't tell me that a smart cop who makes a living being an undercover agent so that means a person who thrives under pressure is really good at lying and manipulating people really good at lying and manipulating people enough so that he can hang around with the enemy and they think he's one of them you tell me this guy can't talk someone and doing some shit they would never do of course he can so he's essentially creating crime
Starting point is 00:21:19 and then arresting people for doing that crime. That's insanity. They pay people to keep doing crime. Yeah. I mean, when I was a kid, I worked for this guy. And maybe he crossed a couple state lines or something. He ended up doing about nine years behind it. But the way he got set up and pinched was because his cousin worked for the police. And they'd give him blow. And they would fucking go and say, just stay in the game. And so there's a bunch of dudes that are just pieces of shit
Starting point is 00:21:46 that are like, stay in the game, stay in the game. So he's selling dope. They know that. He's doing all kinds of crime. But he's going, hey, Lyle, I need to get two keys from you. And then he's like, yeah, come on over. And he comes over. Next thing, there's a door kicker in.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And so it's like that shit happens. And that's just little shit that I know from my personal life from fucking 20 years ago. It's like, what's really going on on a big level? It's like that shit happened. And that's just little shit that I know from my personal life from fucking 20 years ago. It's like what's really going on on a big level that's like, come on. People would not want to believe that that is the case. But that's what happened with Whitey Bulger. When I was a kid and I lived in Boston, Whitey Bulger was the scariest guy in Boston. He was the number one gangster in Boston.
Starting point is 00:22:20 You're talking about a guy who won the lottery twice. Irish crime boss. Yeah. He won the lottery twice. I mean, if that's not just ruthless, that who won the lottery twice. Irish crime boss. He won the lottery twice. I mean, if that's not just ruthless, that motherfucker won the lottery twice. I mean, he was just a straight criminal. He killed a bunch of people. And it turns out he was working for the FBI the whole time.
Starting point is 00:22:36 So the FBI would give him information. He would kill people. The FBI would okay it. So that's like The Departed. Yeah, exactly. Based on him. Based on him. Based on him. Based on Whitey Bulger.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah, they just arrested him. In Santa Monica, right? Yes, just a little while ago. A year or two ago. Had a couple hundred grand in a little apartment up there. Yep, yep. And they were looking for that guy forever, man. They were looking for him for a long time.
Starting point is 00:22:59 He was living modest, man. Just trying to stay on the DL in Santa Monica. Yeah, him and his old lady. They got pinched up there. I don't know why the fuck he thought people wouldn't recognize him. And they actually got him because someone recognized the girl. Really? They recognized his girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:23:12 They had all these photos of his girlfriend, and they put photos of his girlfriend everywhere. And someone in the neighborhood recognized the girlfriend from some TV show. I don't know why. I guess he couldn't get out of the country, huh? Well, I don't know. I guess he was fighting with the chick, too, like screaming and yelling, and that's like it would turn people on to them you know there was uh some
Starting point is 00:23:27 some fucking uh violent altercation a lot of yelling and so that that got people to tune into them and then the lady recognized her i think this i might be butchering the story but the bottom line is that guy was a fucking undercover agent for the fbi as well as the number one crime figure in Boston. That's crazy. And not just some crime, but murder and setting up massacres. How are those FBI guys not in jail? I know.
Starting point is 00:23:54 How are they not in jail if they're still alive? How are they not in jail? How is it not an investigation? Those dudes, who was it, the guy right after the Oklahoma City bombing and that guy? Timothy McVeigh? Yeah, but the guy they capped who was like a white separatist or something up in the mountains. Oh, Ruby Ridge? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's before that, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:11 It was right after on the heels when they just went to vilify all the militias. Oh, yeah. I'm thinking of it. William Freed was the FBI agent. Because I think Ruby Ridge was like, yeah, it was from 92. Yeah, Ruby Ridge was 92 and Oklahoma City was 90. Man, I think it was 93 or 94 because I think I was living here. When was the Oklahoma Obama?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Yeah. Oklahoma Obama. Oklahoma. Oklahoma. It looks like this, the real, I'm sorry, here, Oklahoma City bombing. It was 95. Randy Weaver was it? And they killed him and his kids?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, Ruby Ridge was later. You know, there's a lot of fucking conspiracy with the Oklahoma City bombing. There's all these news reports that said that the fbi pulled out um many bombs more than one multiple bombs from the building that hadn't exploded and uh if you look at the damage that's done to the building apparently demolitions experts say that the building blew out it didn't blow in so if you're saying that a car was parked that did that, they're saying no. The demolitions experts are saying no. This is something that blew out. It was detonated from the inside, and it blew outward.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And so there's a lot of people that think that there must have been something more than just Timothy McVeigh's efforts. And weren't all the agents cleared out? Yeah, the agents. Like they killed some kids in daycare or something like that, and that's it. Yeah, the agents were cleared out.
Starting point is 00:25:44 They knew about something in advance. They were evacuated, which is really sick when you just think about that. Like, why didn't you evacuate the whole building? What the fuck is going on? Because we needed collateral damage. Well, it's because they also had to make sure that it actually happened. If the guy pulls up in his truck and everyone's out of the building, you know, and there's fire trucks everywhere, he's like, oh, fuck this job, and leaves. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:03 That's speculation. I thought it was weird that Timothy McVeigh goes to his grave without ever making a statement ever. Yeah. Well, the thing is that the fertilizer bomb experts, I guess there actually are those, they say that this is not indicative of the damage that one of those things is capable of doing. There's not that much pop. This is some crazy shit. If you look at the building, half the the building's missing it's like the whole front
Starting point is 00:26:28 just blew out you know what i mean it's like if you're in a pickup truck or whatever you need for for like if you have gunpowder and you put it in your palm and you light it poof it poofs but if you wrap that fucker in tinfoil kaboom and like or a pipe bomb like if you ever fucked with explosives it's like you need it wrapped in a certain way for it to go it's not just going to be sitting in a truck and have a huge magnum magnumness yeah kind of explosion tate are you an explosive xer i've gotten to that way a little bit just because of uh my work lately like i've been going like how is this bomb wrapped how close can i get to that like on avengers we had a lot of bombs going off down the middle of
Starting point is 00:27:03 the street right and so you had to get like within a certain distance of it but then i found out about raps and how they were um how they really changed the nature of the explosion and i blew a couple things up when i was a kid but i didn't really know much about it that's if that's what you're getting at brian no i just like to you look like an explosive expert. That's my beard. Yeah, you do. It's a weird thing, man. It seems like every event that happens, no matter what it is, has a gang of conspiracy theories attached to it. What do you think about the Batman thing? Like when they're like, that kid's a broke college student. How'd he get 30 grand worth of fucking equipment?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Student loans. Student loans. That cuts that one right out. Yeah. So government funded, you So government funded You're saying You're saying it is government funded His therapist was not surprised That kid was apparently
Starting point is 00:27:52 Exhibiting some Very troublesome issues I'm not buying the idea That you could program Someone to do that Without spending A fuck load of time with them And I've heard
Starting point is 00:28:01 That this kid was involved In something You know He was in an area That had something But he was a in something, you know, or he was in an area that had something. But he was a fucking PhD student, right? Wasn't he? He was going to get a doctorate.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah. This is a really brilliant kid who's worked really hard. About the same age as the Kalmbach kids. Well, those kids were a lot of that was linked to antidepressants, you know. So, both in Colorado. Yeah, it's true. There's a lot of links here. You know what I'm thinking? A lot of Christians in Colorado it's true there's a lot of links here you know what christians in colorado oh yeah there's a little of that a lot of wackiness yeah it's true
Starting point is 00:28:31 there's a lot of people especially colorado springs yep but there's also like not that much air maybe that's not good for you well my wife was pregnant up there man it was fucking hard to watch her man it's like she had the flu and And then when she came back, when we moved back to California, boom! Instantly, she was 50% better. Really? Yep. Yeah, you're not really supposed to live where the air's that thin. I can't imagine having a fucking baby, man. That would be crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah, it's pretty fucking crazy. Imagine carrying that in your own body? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The whole thing that women go through? I thought you meant giving birth. Well, that too. You think you'd like to give birth? I think it would be sweet. I bet that's not a monster. That would be the easy part.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Could you imagine having a human come out of you? It's insane. I've seen it happen. I've seen it happen twice. It's the strangest thing ever, man. It's the strangest thing ever. But they have a lot of premature births in Colorado. Because of that air.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I think it's one of the number one places in the country that has premature births. Because there's no fucking air up there. I hear the actresses do it in Hollywood a lot so that they don't get stretched out. They get them a month or two before they're ready to pop and they just cut them out. Who the fuck does that? Who do you know? You gotta stay hot.
Starting point is 00:29:38 That's so crazy. Keep that body viable. Well, some girls do get like really bad stretch marks just genetics some girls don't get nothing it's weird it's like some girls they have one baby and you're done son dude and they have them young yeah that can happen too dude and we just got back from louisiana everybody's got a baby but everybody looks like they're 12 years old anyway it's like you're in 98 humidity all the fucking time it's like you're living in in water almost like in an aquarium you're like it's just like a couple degrees off of the air just turning to water it's like really good for your skin right fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:30:14 feels great my joints felt great like really everything my shoulder i got fucked shoulders and everything i felt good i worked out every day and everything felt awesome wow maybe we should move to Louisiana. Death Squad Louisiana, you down? No. I don't think you want to. Dude, New Orleans. Don't you like Mardi Gras? Hurricanes. Good to visit. Good to visit. The zombies
Starting point is 00:30:35 out there. A lot of guys just murdering people right in front of cops just for nothing. They got a thing they call misdemeanor murder in the outside of Louisiana. In Louisiana, outside of New Orleans. They have so many people in jail that if they don't officially try you for something, if they don't officially charge you with something within 30 days, they have to release you. So guys get arrested for murder and they just can't get to them. So they just let them out because there's so many motherfuckers in jail and so once they get used to popping people i might have
Starting point is 00:31:09 butchered that that thing but i know that there's a term called misdemeanor murder i might have butchered whatever the the actual reason they let them out so quickly is but it's not they don't get charged they just this is crazy oh it's crazy it's crazy there's there was a lot of reports of like really crazy shit going down in the post uh the days post uh katrina right like just i bet the cops were just fucking jacking people everywhere just taking people out you know that there was all sorts of breaking in and looting and a lot of good imagine it's like you drive around the like bourbon street drive around the french quarter and it's like you drive around the like bourbon street drive around the french quarter and it's like you it's kind of hazy you expect jack the ripper to come out from
Starting point is 00:31:50 around the corner like that's where that motherfucker lives like anybody could get got there at any time it feels like you should have to have a passport to go to new orleans but it's beautiful everybody's oh it's amazing the other time everybody's so fucking sweet they're kind oh honey how you doing it's like you can't walk down and everybody's going to smile at you, ask you how you're doing, and they're going to give a fuck. They're going to be genuine. It's crazy friendly, too. We had a great limo driver.
Starting point is 00:32:14 He was the shit, this guy. He was really cool as fuck, man. He took us around New Orleans. He's from New Orleans. He was telling us stories about the one time he moved out of New Orleans. He came out of a store, and's uh sitting there drinking a beer and uh the cop cop pulled up and the cop's like you want to tell us what you're doing oh yeah man i'm just a friend's gonna meet me i'm just having a beer and uh he goes are you really so fucking stupid that you're
Starting point is 00:32:37 drinking this beer in front of me like he got he kept drinking it and he's like what the fuck is wrong like what's wrong he goes he goes where are you from? And the guy goes, New Orleans. And he goes, okay, let me tell you. The way they do things down there, it's not like anywhere in the world. You can't just, I'm telling you this because I know that you don't know because you're from New Orleans and I've talked to people from New Orleans before. I just got to tell you, you're not allowed to drink in public. Like, that's alien to them.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Alien. You could drink everywhere in New Orleans. It's alien. But really, that's the way it should be, man. You should be able to drink anywhere. It's crazy. You should be able to drink anywhere you want. You have to have another house somewhere.
Starting point is 00:33:11 You have to have a house in a fucking cave somewhere. Dude, if you don't have an idea about what life is like anywhere else, it's fucking... I walk down Bourbon Street, I'm like, did they just get everybody fucked up at the Walmart and put them in too tight of clothes and then get a party bus and dump them all off here. Like, it's fucking nutty. It's weird. Yeah, a guy gave me a laser pointer. He goes, man, I want you to have this.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I go, what is it? It's a laser pointer. I go, why? I go, why do you want me to have it? He goes, man, I think you're cool, dude. I want you to have my laser pointer. Okay, thanks, man. He just had to give me something. He wanted to give me something. Man, I fucking love you on that show. Here have my laser pointer. Okay. Thanks, man. He just had to give me something.
Starting point is 00:33:45 He wanted to give me something. Man, I fucking love you on that show. Here's your laser pointer. That's awesome. It's like, this is so bizarre. A laser pointer. And everywhere you go, it's like strip club bar, strip club bar, strip club bar. Live sex show.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Live sex show advertised in the street. Come on in. Watch people fuck. I didn't have the heart to go in. I wanted to. I wanted to. I wanted to. And like 4% of me wanted to. And I'm like, I just can't.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I'll tell you what, dude. It was a beautiful place to do stand-up comedy. That is a beautiful place to do stand-up comedy. I might have to type my next special after I release the Atlanta one. I might have to tape my next one in New Orleans. Do it early in the day or they'll be too fucked up. No, man. I had a regular nighttime show.
Starting point is 00:34:23 It was great. You know, every weekend they have a huge party. Really? Like they have a red dress run. Everybody throws on a red dress and fucking runs like a fucking half mile. But it's like a moving cocktail party, basically. Happens in the morning, goes all the way to tonight.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Or they had a running of the bulls that I did. It was awesome. I put some videos on Facebook, but it was like all these roller derby girls from surrounding states will come there. They'll all put on red. Yeah, red. and they'll put horns on their helmets and shit and they'll have wiffle ball bats and they'll be the bulls of pamplona and they'll be beating motherfuckers everybody's dressed in white i had on a tutu it was awesome oh that's big beard tutu that is so funny that's crazy anything for a party there man there's i was in
Starting point is 00:35:04 the strip bar and there's a a fucking Mexican chick comes up, and we're talking. And she's like, yeah, I'm from Tucson, originally, blah, blah, blah. Cool, cool, cool. It's just like everybody's twisted a little bit there. And she goes, hey, I'm going to this. You want to come with me this weekend? I'm going to go to this music festival that my best friend's band is playing in.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And I said, oh, awesome. She's like, what kind of music do you like? I'm like, you know, whatever. And usually with strippers, it's like ACDC or little wayne it's like what like it's something in that genre is what you're thinking you know and she's like yeah it's a neo-nazi punk show and i said excuse me and she's like she's like uh it's a neo-nazi punk show i'm like your best friends band and she's like yeah and i'm like and you're mexican and she's like yeah i'm like i'm too confused and there's no way i wouldn't get killed out here one conversation and then it would be just like
Starting point is 00:35:48 a boot party on me like there'd be 15 little skinny dudes with fucking steel-toed boots kicking my face in it's like these are confused folks oh that's hilarious yeah there's a lot of that going on in this country too yeah They said that something like 50% of the country believes in the biblical tale of creation and that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. 50%. I don't know how they estimate that. That seems low. They can't point to where a state
Starting point is 00:36:18 is either. Show us Florida. They're like, I don't know. Well, if I didn't fly around a lot, I might not know either. I can't explain to you where the fuck South Dakota is. You asked me to pinpoint that motherfucker. It's right below North Dakota. Yeah, but I wouldn't find that fucker either. I don't know where that shit is.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I barely know where Ohio is, and I love Ohio. But places that I don't go to, shit, I don't know. I don't know where the fuck they are. Where's Wyoming? Where the fuck are they at? North. Yeah, but try to find it. Is it?
Starting point is 00:36:46 I'm the same way. There's only a few places I've been to. Yeah, there's places that I've never been. Like, Wyoming's one of them. Montana's another one. Never been. I don't know where the fuck they are, man. I'd like to go there, but I don't want to stay there very fucking long.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It seems desolate. Montana's beautiful. I'm going hunting in Montana. Really? For what? Me and Brian Callen. We're going hunting for deer with this guy, Steve Rinella. He's the author of this show, The Meat Eater.
Starting point is 00:37:09 And I've been wanting to go hunting forever. I've been saying I want to do it for years to the point where people are getting annoyed at me for saying it. But it's true. I'm like, look, I eat meat. I should be responsible for killing at least one animal that I eat. You never killed an animal? No, just fish. Never killed an animal no just fish yeah we
Starting point is 00:37:26 grew up that's all yeah that's all we did murdering puppies and shit my first kill was a dopamine you killed a total everybody in Michigan we grew up hunting deer shooting deer and there's so many I mean fuck I've got friends that we would stop like straight hillbillies, man, and they'd stop on the side of the road because there's deer that get hit by cars all the time. They're steady killing people. They'll jump out if the guts aren't exploded. They'll go gut them, take out their heart, tenderloins, and then bounce.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah, that's what a lot of people do. Crazy. But it's a food source. This Steve Rinella guy, on one of his shows, they found a good deer that was shot and killed. And the only thing that was taken was the back straps. That's it. They just took the back straps and left the rest of the body. And I'm like, wow, that's kind of fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:14 That's the best part of the deer. It's the best part of the deer, but that's really ruthless. That's fucked up. You know, just drag it to a butcher shop, you lazy bitch. You know, venison sausage is delicious. Dude, the whole thing is rad. I would take that shit, like, right when I'd shoot a deer, just because the people that I'd hunt with,
Starting point is 00:38:31 if you left it there, like, you didn't drag it all the way back to camp, hang it up, skin it, and all that yet, they'd go and steal your heart and backstraps. They'd steal all the tenderloins. They'd steal all the best parts, all the best cuts of the meat. Really? Yeah. That's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Wow. Rude bitches. Fucking rude deer asses. Yeah, apparently that's a lot of, meat really yeah that's wow yeah rude bitches rude yeah apparently that's a lot of it's common that people find a deer that someone shot but couldn't find you know because a lot of times you find them the blood trails get out so people will like put their own tag on it and pretend they killed i've hit a deer with a 30 out six right through the heart like an obliterate like found it later obliterates the heart one shot runs 250 yards before you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:39:06 it's like so that like a gut shot deer or something like that they go fucking and then people go to find them too soon and then they jump them and they'll just keep running and you'll never did you see these photos of matt hughes in in africa he went on an african safari and killed everything in africa and took pictures of it and put it on Facebook or something like that or his website and there's just this crazy reaction to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah, and there's this, you know, people are really mad at him. It's kind of a funny situation with those, killing those animals that you don't eat because although there's something fucked up about killing an animal and not eating it, period. But then they do donate the money, or they do donate the food, rather, to tribes who need it.
Starting point is 00:39:52 So the food does get used. But who's eating a tiger? That's true. That's a good point. You know what I mean? He didn't shoot any tigers. He only shot, like, antelopes and stuff like that. And zebras.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Yeah. His son shot a zebra. Here's the photos. That's kind of crazy, though. shot here's the photos that's kind of kind of crazy though it's but here's but here's the other part of it um when you when you go on these hunts which is essentially like hunting in a fucking zoo okay it's like a wildlife preserve when you go on these hunts the money goes to uh conservation so it actually helps these animals stay like maintained right because otherwise
Starting point is 00:40:26 the poachers and there'd be no way to stop all the the people from you know going after animals that they can profit from like rhinos and shit like that they were essentially zebra yeah they've essentially made rhinos almost extinct like some rhinos are extinct and they've gotten extinct in our lifetime so this controlled hunting actually keeps a lot of those animals alive, so it's really ironic. There's two parts to that, though, for me. I go, if you really care about the animals, then just give them your fucking money.
Starting point is 00:40:52 You know what I mean? Donate some fucking money then, dickhead. Well, that's the other thing is that, no, you actually have to kill some of them. But in Michigan, that's so true. You get lye disease and shit like that. The animals will start to disease themselves if they're overpopulated yeah and so the dnr goes and they count them and they know what's happening
Starting point is 00:41:09 and they issue so many permits or whatever but i don't think that's happening with i mean maybe it is i don't know what the conservancy is in africa but you know in in places like that do you need to kill that many of them i think they do in certain areas you have to make look unless you have an abundance of cats uh you're gonna have to have something that controls the population and they don't want to have an abundance of cats right that's dangerous as fuck yeah you know so in these wildlife preserves i'm pretty sure they have to kill a lot of them i think they have to do it unless they're fucking around where there's lions and tigers zebra yeah right i think we do not enough not enough we got a sick gene pool yeah it's a little
Starting point is 00:41:48 bit broken but it's again it's a little bit broken when you think about the fact there's 300 plus million of us just in this spot i think if you look at us worldwide i mean it's pretty astonishing like person to person how good we have it here i think we're getting better yeah we are getting better i mean we're moving up like when i talk like i don't know i talk a lot about like like lately i'm doing this thing this whole life challenge and uh what is that it's like uh this thing off this website whole life and we started it down at a place i work out here called uh crossfit la in santa monica a couple three years ago i guess this is the third year and it started with like 40 people doing it and now there's like 9 000 people doing it but it's like a it's an accountability program that speaks to nutrition
Starting point is 00:42:30 mobility exercise uh consciousness um what what your daily life is like learning something new this week kind of a holistic look at your life you know and and just kind of tightening the game of like whatever it is for you but you know part of the thing like last week was find out like you can't eat anything fried in canola oil you can only eat basically a paleo-ish diet like no dairy uh no artificial sweeteners and all that kind of stuff and um and so you'd have a lot of conversations if you go to dinner what are your sweet potato fries fried in or whatever and you know if it's canola oil no good duck fat would be awesome grapeseed oil awesome but uh you know so shit like that but like doing it for the last three years and talking to people and i talked to people about diet
Starting point is 00:43:16 nutrition a whole bunch people are hip to it now whereas before like three years ago people are like motherfucker he's a pain in my ass and now now people are like, oh, yeah, this is gluten-free. And this is, is your chorizo made with any kind of wheat or any kind of sugars? No, no, we make it in the back. And it's fucking rad, the conversations. And there does seem to be like a coming together of all these things. Well, definitely we're being more informed about diet. And that's the internet.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Gluten-free. Yeah, that is the internet, 100%. Gluten-free. Nobody was fucking gluten the internet, 100%. Gluten-free. Nobody was fucking gluten-free just 10 years ago. No way. I never heard that shit. No way. That was really rare to hear.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yep. Now I can order a pizza on my phone. Yeah, everything is fucking gluten-free. Everywhere you go, it's weird. Well, we're realizing the impact nutrition has on the real realistic impact it has on your health. When you see someone who eats healthy and you see someone who doesn't, and you see the difference, it's pretty palpable. There's no getting around it.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And when you try it yourself and you realize how much better you feel, and you start... I do kale shakes every morning. I have this thing that I'm doing. And now I got a lot of people doing it because they listen to the show. I can't tell you how many people that I run into. You do a ju got a lot of people doing it because they listen to the show. Right. I can't tell you how many people that I run into. You do a juicer? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Well, a blender. Okay. I've got a Vitamix. The Blendtec is supposed to be the shit. They actually blended an iPhone in it. Blendtec? Yeah. Check it.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah. There's a video. Go Google it because it's ridiculous. They blended a fucking... This blender is so bad. They blended a phone. I mean, it's a blender that can blend other blenders. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And the idea is that it makes these smoothies because it can cut through, it cuts through ice like butter. So my friend's into juicing. He loves it. But he says there's different kinds of juicers. It's an extractor. One that heats it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And then that ruins all the nutrients. Well, it's also. And so there's like cold juicing or something like that. Cold pressing is good. But I'm not also cold juicing or something like that. Cold pressing is good, but I'm not talking about juicing. I'm talking about making smoothies out of shit. You need to eat all the whole food, not just the juice. Check this Blendtec shit out.
Starting point is 00:45:15 You got half a screen, son. There it goes. Look at this dork. Check this shit out. I don't know why there's no sound. God damn it, Brian. Brian. Oh, because you got the sound off?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Yeah. It's not working. This is my favorite sticker over here. Oh, Brian. Yeah. That gets said a lot. Why isn't there no volume? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:41 There's none? Figure it out, bitch. That's weird. I can't believe you're talking about the Galaxy's better than the iPhone, huh? It's better looking. To me, for like going online and looking at stuff. Same kind of strict screen. For looking at Twitter.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Yeah, it's all touch screens. Beautiful. I'd like that to be bigger because I have fucking fingers like toes. Exactly. Me too. Watch this. He's going to blend a fucking phone. This is crazy. Me too. Watch this. He's going to blend a fucking phone. This is crazy shit, man.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Watch this. He better drink it. Watch this shit. Do it, bitch. Hit the button. Stop talking. Watch this. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:46:20 He blended a fucking phone into powder. It was a 4S, so it doesn't make me sad. But dude, how incredible is that? That blender blended a fucking phone into powder. Look at that shit. That's gross. That's insane. Can you imagine drinking that?
Starting point is 00:46:36 How smart would you be? Not that smart. Put a little almond milk in that. Oh, God. Look at these. I bet that's toxic as fuck. Dude, he shouldn't be inhaling that, right? Look what that became.
Starting point is 00:46:48 That's amazing. That's insane. You know what? That's what the universe is going to do to your iPhone anyway. That right there is a perfect description why we can't find shit from advanced civilizations from 15,000, 20,000 years ago. It's called the Sahara. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:00 It's called the eraser of the world, which is glaciers. Glaciers are set up as if the world was an Etch-a-Sketch, glaciers are the big shake. Because they come down and they literally smush everything in their place. When you're dealing with a glacier, a lot of people think, oh, well, it's ice. And the ice is... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's a mile high motherfucking mountain of ice that's moving. And it only moves like a little bit every year.
Starting point is 00:47:28 But it crushes everything in front of it. It's hard to think about how big that is. A mile high. Well, North America was covered in a glacier that was a mile high just 10,000 years ago. Just 10,000 years ago. They talk about they had sea fish that they found skeletons of in Denver, which is a mile high already. And then what is that? That was under the sea?
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah. What the fuck, man? They found Lake Ontario. We were in Toronto this past weekend. Right. And you fly over it. I've only flown over the Great Lakes a couple of times, so you really get to look at it. You're like, why am I at the ocean?
Starting point is 00:48:03 How is this the ocean in the middle of the country? it's an ocean you can call it a lake all you want that fucking thing is huge and that's not even the biggest one there's way bigger ones there's giant ass lakes and what those are is that used to be glaciers and they melted i mean it's you wrap your head around it it's it really hurts. It hurts to think that this spot wasn't even livable. Well, and when you think about all of humanity and how long, like, we're a blip. Yeah, we're nothing. Like, this isn't going to last. But we're, like, so clinging to our house on the Malibu Beach.
Starting point is 00:48:36 This is here forever. This is a family heirloom. Like, you're on the most unstable part of the world. Or where we think it's going. Yeah. Really? It's going to be covered in ice where we think it's going. Yeah. Really? It's going to be covered in ice. The whole thing's going to cover again.
Starting point is 00:48:48 The whole world is constantly rolling like that. Did you hear about that kid? The climate shifts. No, not the kid. The polar bear that came off of a cap in Greenland, I believe, and fucking floated to Iceland and took out a troop of fucking Boy Scouts. What? The fucking polar bear on a fucking ice cap that breaks off.
Starting point is 00:49:08 He's fucked. He floats. He's at sea for God knows how long. And he comes up on some fucking Boy Scouts and killed, like, I don't know, 12 of them or something like that. He wiped them out. Crazy. When did this happen?
Starting point is 00:49:19 I think last year. I just had a friend that did a show in Iceland, and they're like, that's a beautiful spot. I'd love're like it's oh that that's a beautiful spot i'd love to go there yeah iceland's amazing but fuck polar bears man they're trippy they come out scary they come out like crocodiles or like great whites like a predator they come out as a predator do you remember when we uh we were in denver and uh one of the times we were in denver there was a guy i think you were there he came down the show. He's a local comic and he's also forgive me, I forget the guy's name.
Starting point is 00:49:48 He's Fitzgerald? Kevin Fitzgerald? I think that's it. He's also a veterinarian. So he was talking to us about little baby polar bears. They come out, he said like aliens. Like the movie, The Alien. They come out and they're like, they're just looking at a fucking
Starting point is 00:50:03 baguette shoe. Full teeth fucking get you full teeth yeah full teeth it's crazy dude it's a tough world there was a fucking uh just on on the la news there was it was like a mile out it wasn't even that far out off of santa monica there was like a 30 foot uh great white jesus i see babies a lot out in the bay, like at Point Doom and shit when we go surfing. But, like, they're babies. They're five feet or eight feet would be a bigger one. But a fucking 30-foot great white, fuck you. You know, they said that off of Malibu is one of the richest breeding grounds for great whites in the country.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yeah. My friend was out, dude. He went out to the end of Point Doom. And he says a little five-footer, it hit his board. Like, didn't quite hit his board but the tail slap fucking blew him like it's crazy dude.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Dude that's so scary. You think of a little one it's five feet long but like how big that is and how much force it's just a pure muscle. It'll still kill you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:57 A little one will kill you. A little one will kill you just as easy as a pit bull could kill you. Yeah. That thing will kill you. Amazing. They're so terrifying man.
Starting point is 00:51:04 So scary. It's like you're out there in the water. First time I ever went surfing dude's like could kill you yeah yeah that thing will kill you amazing they're so terrifying man so scary it's like you're out there in the water the first time i ever went surfing dudes like big sea lions come up they look like a huge fucking rottweiler just yeah and they make noise and shit claws and teeth and you're like holy fuck and then you know you see little porpoises or dolphins or whatever the fuck they are out there and like this is fucking rad i'm just sitting out there looking he's like yeah how's it feel to be in the middle of the food chain now i'm like dude if a bunch of fucking salmon came up and just started fucking attacking me i would drown like i'm not in the middle i'm way at the fucking bottom if a bunch of crabs came
Starting point is 00:51:37 up and just annoyed me enough to where i fell off this board i would drown in time and they would all eat me like there's no chance i'm in the middle yeah if salmon were trying to jack you and knock you off that board, you wouldn't be able to stop them. You'd be done. A bunch of tuna came up and fucking whacked. You'd be fucked. Yeah, tunas are big, man. And then you think about what eats the sea lion.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Yeah. Because those are big, scary motherfuckers. Sharks love them. They yum, yum, yum them. And they drop tons of great whites in there all the time. Oh, yeah. I don't get the surfing thing. I'm sure it's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I might surf. Maybe I would surf at that indoor place in Abu Dhabi. I think they got like an indoor place. I'm sure they do. Or Dubai, one of those places. You know, I'm going to play a Taliban guy, I think, in my next show. You a little worried about that, man? No, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:52:20 It better not be like this fucking Innocence of Muslims video. That movie that's out? Uh-uh. You know what's going on with that? You don't know? No. Oh, my God. A guy made a movie.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I don't even know how bad Clint Eastwood fucked up. What did he do with the VIP? Forget him. A guy made a movie with a bunch of white people with blackface on playing Muslims and made it about Muhammad and Muhammad being like a pedophile. And it's like really blasphemous. So because because of that there was attacks on American embassies the American Embassy in Libya got attacked that was what it was from yeah huh it's on September 11th and this one guy who was the American ambassador for
Starting point is 00:52:59 Libya was was killed in a rocket attack you know like and then there's riots all over the world and you know it was uh like youtube was cut off by iran and all these different uh places online where you could get this they were all cut out like you can't get to it online because there's so much dissent and so much revolt because over a video that one guy made not only that this is think about the fact that a hundred and i mean how if you're being conservative, would you say 150,000 Iraqi civilians died because of the American attack?
Starting point is 00:53:31 That's being really nice. It's probably way more than that. Some people estimate it's as much as a million. So let's say it's 100,000. Let's be real nice. They're freaking out about a bad movie, but they're not freaking out about 100,000 people being murdered. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I mean, this movie, all these drone attacks that kill Pakistani soldiers. That's how crazy people are about their mythology. Yeah, it's insane. If you find the video, Brian, show some of the video of it, because it does look almost that bad. Show some of the video of it because it does look almost that bad. It's terrible. And then the other thing is that people think they really, the people inclined to conspiracy think that this was all done by the CIA and that they're trying to get us ready for this war.
Starting point is 00:54:14 It doesn't come up on September 11th just because. Exactly. They're trying to get us ready for this war in Iran. And the way they can facilitate, get the process moving along, is to have these people revolt so they made this movie and apparently the movie was made and then they dubbed different lines into the people's mouths like the woman said that's not my voice and the actress who's playing the woman she said I never said those things they dubbed those things in afterwards which also sounds like something the CIA would do just get you to act in one thing and then make it
Starting point is 00:54:44 like fucking ridiculously inflammatory. Attach you to it. Send you out there. Boom. You got a movie. The guy who was the person who made the movie is apparently the same guy who was burning the Quran. He was involved in doing some
Starting point is 00:55:00 shit with the Quran. Is this it? Is this the movie oh my god that is the movie look at his face this can't be real look out't brown his neck. Oh my god. This is the worst movie that's ever been made. Look at his beard. Yo, look at his beard, man.
Starting point is 00:55:40 That is crazy. That's the best beard ever. That's the best fake beard ever, because they didn't even try. Look at his no beard. That's the best beard ever. That's the best fake beard ever because they didn't even try. Look at this fake beard. These motherfuckers have Halloween beards on. Set the place on fire. Oh, no. Whoa, look at his beard, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Look at that beard. Holy fuck. Oh, my God. He just... She had a cross on. He had to do it. Yeah, he just attacked this hot chick with a battle axe because she had a cross on He had to do it Yeah He just Attacked this hot chick
Starting point is 00:56:06 With a battle axe Cause she had a cross on She's on mice Whoa What country are we in there This is an unbelievably Bad movie Cause that was the hottest
Starting point is 00:56:14 Arabic chick I ever saw I know She wasn't Yeah She was a Christian though That's why she's super hot I can't forgive that That was the
Starting point is 00:56:22 Worst movie ever Just that scene I couldn't Even if for the The the worst movie ever. Just that scene. I couldn't... Even if the rest of the movie was like... Team America was more realistic. Yeah, that was one of the worst movies of all time. If the rest of the movie was Apocalypse Now, that movie still sucks.
Starting point is 00:56:36 You know? You can't have a scene that bad ever in a movie. If I saw that in the best movie ever, if that was like five minutes of American Werewolf in London, you'd be like, what the fuck am I watching? Why'd they let their little kid put this in there? What the fuck kind of piece of shit movie is this? There's levels.
Starting point is 00:56:53 And that motherfucker who made that movie is no Stanley Kubrick. That's all I'm saying. The fucking guy had brown face only on his face and not on his neck. This is a movie, Tate Fletcher. Tate Fletcher, this shit is not real. This is a goddamn movie. We're living in a movie. We're in a simulation.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Shit like this is just little pieces of evidence that's allowing us to wake up and realize this is not real. It's not real, Tate. It's not real. But this coffee's real good, man. Dude, this coffee's amazing. So how do you actually do it? You said it was like butter and... It's bulletproof coffee.
Starting point is 00:57:24 If you want a full explanation, you've got to go to That guy's going to be on the podcast in a couple of weeks. It's delicious. He's Dave Asprey. Yeah, yeah. You're going to have him here. Yeah, yeah. He's going to be here on the...
Starting point is 00:57:36 Dude, that's fucking wicked. I'm such a fan. Everything I tag is butter or bulletproof or fucking... I love the fucking guy. I'm all over his shit. Yeah. I don't know. There's him in conjunction with the dude that wrote the primal diet this guy mark sisson who you'd fuck you should
Starting point is 00:57:51 have him on he's badass i would love to we had uh rob wolf on rob's a good dude huh he worked out at my gym for a while he was at undisputed when he was in santa fe his old lady was finishing up a program there he tried to get me to go from kale shakes to bacon and eggs i tried it for a little while yeah yeah yeah yeah seems like a good idea. Yeah. It is a good idea. No, it doesn't give you the same. It's all this, baby.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yes. It doesn't give you the same amount of energy. It's a totally different experience. It tastes good. You throw in a little bit of bulletproof coffee and you'll have that same energy all day long, son. Ridiculous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:17 No, you got to try this. You got to keep drinking it all day. It's caffeine. It's delicious. It's like chocolate. What's wrong with that? Then you crash at the end of the day. No, you do not. You know when you crash? It's delicious. It's like chocolate. What's wrong with that? Then you crash at the end of the day. No, you do not.
Starting point is 00:58:26 You know when you crash? When it's time to go to sleep. And you know what I want to do at that time? I want to crash. You just switched to Jack Daniels off the butter coffee. What evidence is there that coffee actually is bad for you? Is there any? I mean, I know that if you go too hard, it fucks your adrenals up, right?
Starting point is 00:58:40 Here's the deal. And you'll talk to Dave a lot about it, but he talks about the mycotoxins, oxytocins that are all in the blends of coffee and molds attached to coffee beans all the time. And so especially if you're getting them from Starbucks or places like that, like you ever drink a cup of coffee and then all of a sudden you feel like kind of down. Yeah. Like you, because you're poisoning yourself. Whoa. And so you want to be really careful about where you get your coffee from. So I only drink single origin coffee that you know it comes from a small farm somewhere you want to really you you become a geek you dude i've had
Starting point is 00:59:09 coffee before and then i get sleepy yeah what is that from it's because a lot of people if you have the add also you get that though it's boom i know i got that shit it's the mold that is attached to the coffee so dave asprey talks a lot about it uh has this been proven i don't know he's he's like he's a scientist geek because i saw that on his website was like mold coffee must be mold free all i know is to bring a napkin and test it i uh that i changed it and this is what all i do and it fucking it's a tremendous difference it's a thousand percent so it's called single origin if you get a single origin coffee which just means that you get it from the same farm if you have a blend or a decaf coffee your your chances of it being mold infested are through the
Starting point is 00:59:49 fucking roof like 98 if you go to bulletproof exec um he's got a uh an article called why bad coffee makes you weak right so he elaborates on what he even talks about how to get stronger from just drinking coffee. Well, if you don't like the taste of bad coffee, the same reason why you don't like the taste of gasoline, your body's telling you it's toxic. The data on coffee consumption goes back and forth. Some studies show health benefits. While others show negative outcomes. This might seem confusing, but the simple reason is this.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Bad coffee is good for you. Oh, bad coffee is bad for you. And scientists suck at differentiating types of coffee when they run studies on coffee. So there's scientific tests that have no science because there's no static model. So you say my trend of iced coffee that I drink every day from Starbucks is killing me? You're probably poisoning yourself here. Really? As much as it is when you eat gluten. I've never heard this before, and I can't wait to talk to him about this on the podcast this is nuts fascinating dude he biohacked his whole body he talks about that he
Starting point is 01:00:49 went up 20 iq points he lost 150 pounds or something how did he biohack his body he's an analyst a securities analyst in in uh san fran for a while and he's like i just went into all the different facets of my body i thought about how nutrition is affecting me and bringing me towards a pharmaceutical answer and so he says i wanted to get optimized in every aspect of my life and and he just looked at nutrition and and uh and movement he even sells one of those machines the first time i ever heard of it was diego sanchez when he was just off the ultimate fighter he goes and it's one of those vibrating i got one of those and he's fucking he swears but he's got one that he's making that he's making uh available like
Starting point is 01:01:25 i don't know 1500 bucks something that's doable for the public because they were like 12 grand or yeah they're expensive but if it's a turbo sonic he's all into all of that i know like high end actors that use them for like but they do mobilization with them that's not the same machine that's just a shaky machine this is actually. It's actually sound that goes through your body. Yeah. It's a very interesting thing. The Russian cosmonauts started using it. No, it's a shaky thing.
Starting point is 01:01:51 It is. Yeah, but it's actually sound. It doesn't make any noise. Right. It's a speaker underneath the base of it. The base of it is essentially like a gigantic speaker. I just used my Hitachi. It's a really fascinating thing. The Russian cosmonauts used it to stay in space much longer than anybody else was able
Starting point is 01:02:11 to. Crazy. Without muscle atrophy and all that. Yeah. Well, that's the big issue. That's how Brian does it, too. That's how he keeps that physique. That's right.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Two Hitachis. So it's a high... Look at the fasting. He talks about intermittent fasting on there too. And like I haven't eaten today. I did a fucking 40-minute workout earlier. I've been up since 6. I'm fucking like, and I'm not hungry. I don't get hypogasemic and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:02:34 But it's not that I've been calorically deficient. It's that I've, I don't know how many calories are in my coffee, but a ton. I'm drinking a bunch of fat through my coffee. But Mark Sisson, that's the Primal primal blueprint guy he talks a lot about it and the reason I switched over like that was because he talks about sugar burners and fat burners and he's like if you're getting a preponderance of your calories from carbohydrates your body the mechanism never switches from burning sugars to burning fat so it's only burning the glucose in your blood which is why you need to eat every
Starting point is 01:03:02 couple hours or else you get sluggish and all that kind of shit right And, uh, and he says, you know, insulin is a storage hormone. So every carbohydrate that comes in insulin shuttles it to store as fat for when we don't have food, but that never fucking happens because we're never in four or five days stretches of starvation in America. And so we just stay fat that way. And we get hyperinsulamic and we have diabetes later in life and whatever or or you just keep adipose tissue where you don't want it so the thing he started saying he says you know maybe what you want to do is start eating less than 100 grams a day go into a state of ketosis kind of the way atkins was talking about but eating a lot of fibrous vegetables and and you know you can eat
Starting point is 01:03:39 a fucking bowl of steamed broccoli and not reach 100 grams of carbs and eat a high fat diet like you get hungry you want something eat coconut butter like i put coconut butter in my coffee a lot too or mct oil like um what is mct like medium chain triglycerides it's another thing that talks about fat conversion into energy and so like with this like there's a lot of different mechanisms that are going on that are making me stay energetic all throughout the day and also if i don't have calories in my body my my body's mechanisms are already turned in and attuned to eating the fat out of my body for energy, as opposed to getting hypoglycemic and falling out and needing to eat some sugar right now in order to keep going. Yeah, we had Rich Roll on the podcast, who's a vegan ultra-endurance athlete.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Poor guy. Yeah, nice guy. Sad, sad. vegan uh ultra endurance athlete poor guy yeah nice guy but uh the the vegan aspect of it but he was explaining the whole thing about burning fat getting your body to burn fat huge you have to i mean if you want to be healthy if you like and it's just a little bit of discipline it's not like i'm ever feeling like i'm lacking something or something like that it's like you're you're sated all day long yeah that's a weird thing about uh us with our diets man it's like you're sated all day long. Yeah, that's the weird thing about us with our diets, man. It's like if you look at the average person, you go to Disneyland or something like that,
Starting point is 01:04:48 you look at the average person, when you see them anywhere, you're around a giant mass of people. So many people are so unhealthy. You know what you got to go to? Go to the fucking CrossFit games. Oh, I was at the beach. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I was at the beach, and the beach was brutal the other day, and I was watching these kids eating chips with their fat family. Everybody's fat. Their parents are fat. And that's in California, where there's a higher level of, like, people aren't generally that way. Higher level of cocaine. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Is it the cocaine? No, there's not that many people on coke, dude. Have you ever done any of the stuff that makes dudes eat their faces, Brian? Bad salts? Yeah. No. It only makes one retard eat a face. I have a feeling that guy.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Is it good other than that? You could have talked him into doing that anyway. That guy was down to eat someone's face. I have a feeling. Bass salts. He's been waiting. Yeah, he's fucking waiting to blame it on bass salts. We all know one asshole, you know, that's like that.
Starting point is 01:05:41 One guy. That's hilarious. Yeah, one motherfucker that just. He ruined bass salts for everybody. that just he ruined basalts for everybody yeah he ruined the whole gig it was weed he just had the munchies he was mad hungry just talking about that crash the turbosonic site that's crazy just us talking about it that site is wrecked let's crash some sites let's talk no you can't do that brian you can't even say you can't say that i'm just kidding you can't but i just informing you. Are we being censored by the man?
Starting point is 01:06:06 What's going on? While we're working together. You cannot put us in danger like that. Really? Yeah, that's actually a threat. If you talk about let's go crash a website, you're threatening to you to conspire to remove someone's product from business. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And the way it's defined in the Patriot Act, I'm pretty sure that's cyber terrorism. You've got to be real careful about shit like that i'm not bullshitting you got to be really careful what happened with the sonic boom site that your turbo sonic is that the device that i talked about that shake oh yeah yeah and um when we uh when you mentioned it enough people went there that it crashed it out yeah yeah holy fuck you're powerful joe rogan turbo it's not even that site it's actually you know what's amazing to me is like watching this for the last few years like and we haven't been around each other a whole lot but watching the explosion of a podcast like the like the way
Starting point is 01:06:53 technology moves and like podcasts just happened and how powerful they are and then the the reaching that it does into the world it's crazy yeah it's not like anything that's ever happened to me before. There's a big difference between doing shows now, post-podcast and pre-podcast. I always had fans. I always had people that wanted to come see me, but it's just a totally different animal. But it's arenas now. That's what Ari was talking about. I'd ask him, I was like, how does this make it different for you? And he's like, dude, it's fucking retarded.
Starting point is 01:07:21 It makes all the difference. Yeah, it's fucking retarded. It makes all the difference. Yeah, it's weird. This is Toronto. This is me just going on stage in Toronto. It doesn't even make sense when I hear this. It seems like a lie. It sounds like the Super Bowl. It's fucking rad, dude.
Starting point is 01:07:51 What's up, buddy? What the fuck is going on? It was crazy, dude. For real. It was one of the weirder moments of my life. Really? Yeah, because it doesn't seem real. Was that like a pinnacle show, like one of the biggest ones?
Starting point is 01:08:11 It was pretty big. I've sold out Massey Hall before, though. I sold it out last time I was there, too. Toronto's just amazing, man. It's just a great town. They have a big comedy community there, too. So we did a show the night before at this not-to-be-named site where they have a weed show. And it's a super secret.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Only people within the community are allowed. Of course. I don't tweet nothing about it because I don't know what the laws are. The last thing I want to do is get arrested the night before the weigh-ins. Right. Not a good career move. So we literally landed at 930, called the dude up who runs the show, and we were over there.
Starting point is 01:08:46 We dropped our shit off at the hotel, and we were gone. So me and Tripoli show up at this place. We walk in. We go into the back door, and it's just like this party. There's just people drinking. There's smoke fill the room, and the Iron Sheik is on stage. No. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So we hear, and motherfuck Jabroni, and motherfuck Haran, number one Greco-Roman, number one freestyle wrestling. You hear him on stage going through his shit. Wow. And it's just, there's so much smoke in the room. It's like the room is on fire. Does the Iron Sheik burn? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Well, I don't know what I want to say. I did, too late. I'm sure he does. Cyber-terrorism, Joe. Why wouldn't he? Smart. Did they have some good weed at this place? Totally did some cyber-terrorism.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Did they have some good weed? God damn? Totally did some cyber-terrorism. Did they have some good weed? God damn, did they have good weed in Toronto. It's just as good as California weed. I think it's universal now. I think what happened was when the medical movement came along, the California botanists got on it because they could be out in the open about it. And they started putting out the names of the strains and telling you this is 70% sativa, 30% indica, and putting all the different hybrids out. And then everybody else just ran with it.
Starting point is 01:09:54 So now I think when you get good weed, it's good California weed or it's good Colorado. Colorado is right there with California. But it looks like Toronto is right there too. They know what the fuck they're doing. And then Vancouver has a medical program. They have something similar. That's like where everything came from, the base is Vancouver. The union was a documentary that I was in a few years back that they've actually shown to the Canadian parliament. They actually are using it to educate different Canadian politicians because most people don't even know the history of why it's illegal or what a big part it plays in the economy of British Columbia.
Starting point is 01:10:26 They don't even know. But it's a web holding the economy together. It's a big part of the industry. It's one of the reasons why Vancouver is such a wealthy place. And people don't want to accept that, but it's a fact. It is a commodity. It's just as much of a commodity as living in an oil town. It's just as much of a commodity.
Starting point is 01:10:44 That money gets distributed back into the community, and there's a as much of a commodity as living in an oil town it's just as much of a commodity i mean that money gets distributed back into the community and there's a massive amount of it and it's tolerated in the weirdest way possible where it is and it isn't at the same time it's legal and illegal it's it's like they let it go decriminalized is that i don't even know how they say it but you can't sell it it's like and they bust people they find they they one of the things in the union they found these undercover ones or underground uh like places where they were growing it with they had electricity running underground like they found those before in america too and they also had trains where they had like train cars and the train cars were all filled with grow house they're all grow houses and they just like you know hundreds of yards of trains filled with weed yeah i mean the the the demand is insane the and there's money coming in and it's
Starting point is 01:11:30 not totally legal it's but it's a massive part of the economy and the union if you haven't seen it my friend adam scorgi did the documentary and i'm in it too it's i i go crazy talking about weed laws but it's uh it's one of the best documentaries as far as like explaining how ridiculous it is but in canada they watch this they're showing this to politicians these fucking monkeys we have in office are not going to sit down and be educated by something that actually makes sense no these ridiculous fucking people we have running this country they say that the lobbyists now that that even like companies like the pharmaceutical companies or big electric or whatever that they're that they're pushing lobbyists away they're the the hundred senators that are bought by everybody they're like we can't we've already we're already invested sorry
Starting point is 01:12:12 like that the bribes aren't even counting anymore because they're already they're already the sides are already chosen it's the idea that you could just bribe someone and give it another name call it lobbyists the idea that you can be in fucking office that like that's what you're groomed for yeah like you ask a 12 year old what do you want to be a politician kill that kid yeah you know what the fuck kind of weird kid i love that george washington shit like fuck no i don't want that they're like we want to make you king he's like are you what we were just doing are you guys not paying attention yeah we just got away from that you stupid man yeah george washington where's the leader that doesn't want to be a leader?
Starting point is 01:12:45 You know? Yeah, that's George Washington. Probably had to do it because if he didn't do it, some other cunt would do it and ruin the whole fucking project. Exactly. Yeah, but that was like unpaid. The whole thing is like it's taking you away from being a businessman, like a plantation slave owner that he was. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:13:01 He's like, listen, I got slaves to fuck. I really don't have enough time to run this country. I got wooden teeth, and I own a bunch of people. What did you think about that? Did you ever see that Obama wasn't the first black president and all the other seven or eight black presidents? I've only seen that from the black Muslims. Dude, there's a website that is dedicated to it.
Starting point is 01:13:19 But I'm like, Calvin Coolidge? How come I never thought of that before? Calvin Coolidge. You know what I mean? It's like, my man. He's like, I should have known that. Yeah, when was the last time a dude named Calvin was a white guy? Coolidge.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Calvin Coolidge is black as fuck. Right? I wrote an article about it on my website way, way, way back. It was like way before Fear Factor. I was in New York doing a club, and I was walking down the street, and these black Muslims, the black Israelites, excuse me, not Muslims, the black Israelites, they wear crazy outfits like superheroes. Really?
Starting point is 01:13:55 Oh, my God. You've never seen it? Oh, my God. It's amazing. It's one of the weirdest religions ever. They make fun of regular Jews. These so-called Jews with their curly hair and their stupid clothes. This guy was saying this while he was dressed up like a superhero.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I'm not joking. They look like a guy who's in a Charlton Heston movie about people who lived in the Roman times. That's how they're dressed. They're dressed in these crazy outfits. Pulls up on a chariot. And they will read the Bible. You know, saith unto he, and they would say,
Starting point is 01:14:32 what he means by that, and then come up with some crazy accent. To keep the mud races, and the white man, and all the different non-African races. Like, whoa, how'd you get that out of that sentence? That's awesome. And you have to see some of the videos of these guys.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Because you would swear it's a giant troll. See if you can pull some up, Brian. Because a lot of people are not aware of them. What are they called again? Black Israelites. Crazy black Israelites. That's awesome. They all hate white people.
Starting point is 01:14:59 The white devil. And they'll do all this. And I sat there and watched these guys go off about white people he let me sit around he goes you're not Jewish are you and I said
Starting point is 01:15:10 no no I'm Italian because I'm about to say some shit I said I'm Italian he goes okay you ain't even white you ain't white I'm okay
Starting point is 01:15:17 okay I just want to hear your rap you know but a dude asked to take a picture with me I wonder if the picture is still up on my website but the picture was me. I wonder if the picture is still up on my website. But the picture
Starting point is 01:15:25 was me standing there with this fucking guy. What is this? You've got to see the guys. Where are they? Oh, this guy's got an actual Bible. Read. Oh, this guy's got an actual Bible. This is a battle between crazy people. This is no good.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Let's not go to this one. Try to find one where it's just the other crazy people. This is no good. Let's not go to this one. Try to find one where it's just the other crazy people. Just them. The fat guy is like saying they're twisting up the scripture. He's like, you are doing the wrong crazy shit. Who are the Jews? Oh, my God. Yeah, look at the outfits.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Who are the Nicos in America? Oh, I see. See, the Jews are one tribe of people. I see. That's where you get the word Jew from America. Oh, I see. See, the Jews are one tribe of people. I see. That's where you get the word Jew from the tribe of Judah. Yeah. For the Negroes. But who am I?
Starting point is 01:16:31 You're an Edomite. What's your nationality? I'm a what? What's your nationality? I'm just a person. No, what are you following? Do you follow the Caucasian? Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Okay, well, you're an Edomite. You're an Edomite. Where does the Bible tell you that? Say what? Where does the Bible tell you that? It tells you Genesis 25th chapter. Are you guys against the war? Do you want us to know? We will support the war. Every father is in control of the war.
Starting point is 01:16:50 What? What's that? Look at his awesome outfit. All 12 tribes of Israel are nothing but black people. Is that duct tape? No, I did not just say that. Okay, I'm listening. I said the 12 tribes of Israel are the Negroes, West Indians, Haitians,
Starting point is 01:17:09 Those have shit written down. Puerto Ricans, Cubans, North American Indians, the Seminole Indians, Argentina and Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, and the so-called Mexicans. So-called Mexicans? Where's the Chinese people? They live in Mexico. Was Jesus a Jew? Yes, he was a Jew.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Okay, so why do you have Jesus painted like that? That's not Jesus. Who is that? That's not Jesus. That's the man who was successful for Jesus. Look at that billboard. Look at that billboard. That's him on the left-hand side.
Starting point is 01:17:41 That is the family that painted that image. It's a show coming out in April, and they're going to give you the whole truth in that. Okay, okay. This guy is not a good representation of it. The better representation is they read on. Read on! They read out of the Bible, and then they twist it up. But it's all basically the same thing.
Starting point is 01:18:00 This guy wasn't spewing enough hate. They all yell. Yeah, he was barely doing hate. He was just doing silly. He was just doing silly. He was going silly with it. He had a cardboard outfit. It looked like a fucking paper bag from Vons. John's, not Vons.
Starting point is 01:18:15 He taped his shit on. Yeah, it looked like he taped it. He taped the trim. Yeah, I don't know why you have to have a certain outfit in order to read the word. I've always thought that was really interesting where people dress up. And I don't trust you when you're dressing up special. I really don't because that's not you. You should be able to go and do a mass in front of everybody,
Starting point is 01:18:36 dress the same way you would dress if you went to dinner somewhere. You should just dress. You shouldn't wear like crazy outfits and treat me different. If you want to wear a dress, if that that's your shit a velvet dress and a big hat if you're that kind of gal and that's what you want to wear I think you should be able to wear whatever the fuck you want but what I don't think you should do is dress like you're from another time period
Starting point is 01:18:56 and I give you extra respect dude all the people down in the neighborhood I used to live like all the dudes in the black wool suits and all that and the funny hats some are fuzzy some are cowboy hats some look like a christmas always fucking cracks me up to see those guys walking and then you'll see a dude with a bluetooth it's like you're in the 1840s but you're bluetooth like that's okay though you got to wear this uncomfortable shit all day long they only wear that one outfit they only that's the only kind of clothes they wear and then i think
Starting point is 01:19:22 those poor kids you see these young kids, you're like, fuck, man. Yeah, they're stuck. They're stuck in a cult. But hopefully they can met and Yahoo their way out of there. I feel like we're all in cults. That guy's a bad motherfucker, and he was stuck in there. I feel like you just gotta pick your cult. Yeah, well
Starting point is 01:19:40 maybe, but that's not the one. It's too restrictive. The ones that are too restrictive it's like people got out of control and they had a... Like jujitsu, that's a cult. That is a cult, for sure. The whole paleo movement. Brotherhood. All the CrossFit movement.
Starting point is 01:19:52 That shit's all cults, but it's all good. You're on a cult radio show. Yeah, exactly. This is a cult show. Just got to pick your cult, you know? Don't get fooled, dum-dum. Yeah. Well, it's also what we were talking about before. It's people that naturally gravitate towards groups.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Groups of like-minded people. Right. Because everybody's fucking different in this world, man. There's too many different variables that could affect people. So many variables. Yeah. That's why the idea of a country is, you know, it's kind of a, it's almost like we're, until we evolve to the next level of consciousness, we're going to keep having countries.
Starting point is 01:20:28 It's prehistoric. Yeah, it's going to be real hard for us to evolve past the point of needing a team, past the point of needing a tribe. It's going to be real hard. Because some other cunt's going to come along, just kind of try to jack all the resources, control the area, you know. It's true. If you look at, like, what's going on in the Middle East,
Starting point is 01:20:46 how does this not blow up eventually? How does this not overboil? Well, you look at that shit that's going on, whatever, at least they have real food. You look at what's going on with GMOs and with Monsanto and fucking the head of Monsanto gets appointed as the head of the FDA by Obama. It's like, I wanted to be on your side, homeboy,
Starting point is 01:21:03 but holy fuck. You know what I mean? It's like we're just be on your side homeboy but holy fuck yeah you know what i mean it's like we're like we're just controlled i mean they're controlling our food poisoning our food monsanto made agent orange yeah yeah they're a fucking weed fertilizer company for fuck's sake yeah that makes our food that owns if you eat any corn at all it's monsanto corn it's all gmo it's all mutated now all All of it? The wind, the way they shut down fucking farms,
Starting point is 01:21:27 they'd put a farm next to it and then they'd fucking sue them. They'd say, you're growing our shit. They're like, the wind blew and fucking your shit is here. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:33 They say, we patented that. Yeah, and then they sue the farmers. And then they fucking bankrupt them. And they bankrupt them. Yeah, that's common practice.
Starting point is 01:21:38 And now it's a done deal. They say someone every 30 seconds commits suicide because they're involved in a Monsanto contract that they can't profit from. And it stinks. Well, they're suing. They can't eat meat.
Starting point is 01:21:50 They're suing. They're the only country that's suing a corporation. And they're in a lawsuit. They're in a litigation against Monsanto because the eggplant, they're trying to own the eggplant the way they did the corn in America. And they're like like enough's enough man brazil won recently in court really yeah the brazilian farmers they won billions of dollars from now there is a cow those fucking brazilians know how to do meat they fuck yeah they do yeah and they um apparently not so good at jujitsu but they got some they can cook some shit there's
Starting point is 01:22:22 some suicides all over the world when it comes to the monsanto yeah it's really scary crazy monsanto is connected to 200 000 suicides in india 200 000 in the past 10 years the past 10 years in 10 years man i had no idea that's insane 365 days a year times crazy you know that suicide where organisms are dying to recreate themselves like humans like everything like we're like like biology wants more biology and like and you've got a you've got a uh you've got self-preservation as a gene in you and where people are dying that, like fucking what you're talking about, suicides there, or you're talking about the American soldier coming back,
Starting point is 01:23:07 like it's fucking epidemic, dude. They talk about a dude a day kills himself. That was in the army. That's crazy. And it seems like something we should address. And I mean, you think about that 365 days a year,
Starting point is 01:23:20 10 years, that's 3,650 years, right? Or 3,650 days, 3,650 days, 200,000 people committed suicide. That's amazing. That's huge. That's amazing. I mean, that's almost, that's a lot. That's insane. And that's just giving hopelessness. How much hopelessness can I give to a guy that kills himself? Is that like 50 a day, 70 a day or something like that? I mean, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:45 You're asking the wrong guy. Yeah, I'm the wrong guy to be questioning. I think it's been broken down, though. Someone's broken down like how many men in every three minutes
Starting point is 01:23:54 or something, an Indian guy commits suicide because of Monsanto. Well, India's massive, first of all. There's a billion people. Bunch of extra folks there.
Starting point is 01:24:02 And Monsanto's like, fuck them. We're going to need to fucking thin the herd some way. We're going to need weak bitches to kill themselves. So we're just going to jack them. I don't know what the deal they have over there is, but I know that there's certain places in this country
Starting point is 01:24:14 where they make deals with people where you have to buy their shit. And once you buy their shit, it only works for a year. They have suicide seeds right that don't work and then you've got to buy it from you're strung out on them yeah you're strung out you can't like the old days a farmer used to take his tomatoes and then take some seeds from those tomatoes and plant those seeds and make more tomatoes that shit ain't happening anymore they've engineered that out of the equation which is really nuts right that they've twisted money twisted it around they've twisted money, twisted it around.
Starting point is 01:24:46 They've twisted life around just so they can maximize the amount of money. It's not like you couldn't make money just selling seeds. I just read one of the Monsanto headquarters. They all vote on what their cafeteria is. They voted no GMO foods in our cafeteria. That's hilarious. Isn't that awesome? They're like, we're not eating that shit.
Starting point is 01:25:02 That's hilarious. So then what is that shit? Those are the people that know the most about that food so what the fuck is that well it gives tumors to rats like they're just uh releasing studies now that show that it gives fucking rats brain tumors it just shows you got to be more proactive know more about your life you believe the government you deserve to die you like it's like it's like if you take fletcher law if you're looking if you're looking for somebody else to be uh relying on so you can get your health and you're looking for somebody else to be relying on so you can get your health, that's fucking crazy. That's insane.
Starting point is 01:25:29 That's one way of looking at it. I think the way I'm looking at it that I would choose is that there's got to be a way that these people can profit, that everybody can make a living and do very well by selling a legitimate product that doesn't fuck people over. We just got to figure out a way to stop people. We got to figure out a way to stop people from putting money over humanity. And that's what they, that's from like that documentary, The Corporation. Do you ever watch that? No, but nobody does that.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Well, yeah, that's not true. Some companies do that. People vote and they say, what's going to be better for my taxes? They don't say what's going to be better for the homeless guy down the street. Well, fuck the homeless guy. You know, that bitch needs to get a job what's his problem there's a there's a lot of stuff that goes on with that there's a lot of mental illness of course i mean i'm just saying that's how people look at it you ever see this document but i'm not inclined to deal with i am once yes i have i think once you get to be like a a dude and you're pissing yourself
Starting point is 01:26:20 and you're on the street like bring you back to baseline and build you up again god damn that's an effort you know i'm not saying we shouldn't do it we're gonna do that yeah i'm not saying we shouldn't do it i don't know what made that guy but something something went wrong and created that dude we definitely need to patch this fucking thing up one way or another yeah and having a company like monsanto around ain't helping shit no and then what is that like when you talk about like every every country except for like three countries in the fucking world the central bank is a rothschild's bank or you like you think about things like that about like why hugo chavez is an outcast and and
Starting point is 01:26:55 treated like castro is is because fucking he said i'm not going to sell my natural resources to the world bank and and assuage my debt like when you when you look at that and you go, it's about money and control and you go, how much money you control? Like how, how many more billions do you need? Like what, what, what is that about? Or, or like you look at the thing where the, where they break the oil pipeline and Halliburton comes to the rescue again. Fuck you. You know how to clean that up. Nobody knows how to clean that up, but you got a contract to clean it up. It's just more fleecing of the taxpayers. So we're paying for our own imprisonment. Like, and, and that's the real rub.
Starting point is 01:27:28 That's the whole game here is how can I keep the American public or all the public scared so that I can make you pay for your own imprisonment? How can I, how can we spin the Euro so that the world bank in fucking in Germany can buy Greece? It's not just taking corporations. We're jacking countries. Like, that's crazy. And it's all based on someone's going to try to make money.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Right. That's the only thing that everything is based on. But it's not even money. It's like, it's sicker than that. It's like a junkie. It's like, when you tell me as a dope fiend, and you go, if you're abstinent, if you have one, that's too many,
Starting point is 01:28:02 and a thousand's never enough. It's like, it's an insatiable lust for power that they crave. Because you've already got opulence for forever. So what is it? It's just like we were talking about with the prison guard experiment. It's just human nature. When humans get to a certain point where they have ultimate control over people, they look at the regular people with disdain.
Starting point is 01:28:23 They separate themselves from everybody else they it becomes a team of them you know these these blue blood weirdos who wear fucking eyes wide shut masks and go around fucking each other in the ass on videotape so that they you know have something on each other whatever the fuck they do those uh it's it's just like anything else man they just have too much power it's too they they manipulated the system there's a rig system and they're they pass money down from generation to generation there was unenlightened person teaches unenlightened children to remain that way and it goes on and on and on and it doesn't match up to the model of information that's out there now it's it's not at this it's not like we're living in the 1500s where it's really tough to get word out.
Starting point is 01:29:06 No one really knows how the fuck anything really works because the whole country's in the dark. You've got to go to the library and get books. There's no cars. It's like that era. To get something by in that era, it was almost like balanced. It was normal.
Starting point is 01:29:19 But now it's imbalanced because everybody knows it's a hustle. There's no confusion anymore. Anybody can go online and Google the stories about Monsanto. Anybody can go online and Google lobbyists and find out how that whole thing works. Anybody can go online and read what people are saying that have actually read the NDAA and what a fucking crazy thing it is that Obama passed this. Anybody can do that now.
Starting point is 01:29:42 And this wasn't the case when this sort of style of government was born. It's just evolved to a point where it's gotten too big. Well, it's so funny, though, too, about people because nobody cares. It's like after the Bush administration, the robbery was obscene and blatant. And nobody cared. Nobody cared that he didn't really have a grasp on English. Nobody cared. Nobody cares about Mitt mitt romney how crazy he sounds he's like you can't roll down the window in an airplane and so you can't get fresh air in the plane somebody's got to fix that yeah like like that's insane you're an insane fucking person you're nearly retarded and you're vying for
Starting point is 01:30:19 one of the highest offices but that's not the crazy part the crazy part is there's grips of people that are on your side because he's white that's so he's part the crazy part is there's grips of people that are on your side because he's white that's so he's a businessman he's white and the fact that he's a businessman the fact that he's been raiding companies and fucking how about what he said about he's that videotape of him recently where he's going yeah um the 46 of americans that are just taking from the country they're just scabs on the country and we got to stop that out these are people that were paying into into all these social programs. That's who he's talking about is retirees and shit.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Well, he's talking about what he's saying, that 47% – apparently, I didn't know this, but 47% of the people in this country don't pay income taxes. They don't make enough money to pay income taxes. And he was like, those people, I don't worry about those. And they still pay taxes because they pay property taxes. They pay taxes on food. Food taxes, sale taxes, everything.
Starting point is 01:31:08 But he was trying to say that they don't contribute, so they'll never vote for him. And everybody was like, what did you say, you crazy asshole? It's so crazy. So you can't concentrate on them. It's like, you can't concentrate on half the public? On people. Yeah, on half the people.
Starting point is 01:31:23 You can't try to talk to them and explain to them that you can help them. Whoa, like he's an elitist. He's as clear an elitist as they can be. I'm not into what Obama's done. I don't like it. He's a prick, too. It makes me sad. That's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:31:37 I really had hope. That's the first black guy that's president who's a liberal, who's a brilliant guy, who's Harvard educated, and this is the result. The National Defense Authorization Act, all the ridiculousness that's gone on with WikiLeaks. Make anybody a terrorist. You've got zero rights in court. We can hold you indefinitely. All of that shit, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:58 And for him, what I was hoping for, I'm hoping the second term, it is he just played ball the first term. That's my fantasy which I know isn't true Chris Rock's been saying that like you know the second terms and you do some gangster shit
Starting point is 01:32:11 I'm like come on we'll see that's ridiculous if that's really the case first of all you can't freedoms freedoms taken away
Starting point is 01:32:18 are never returned once you give away some freedom it doesn't ever never in the history of the world has it gone back. And I'm sorry, retards.
Starting point is 01:32:27 It's not World War II freedom or your great granddaddy in World War I or something, you fucking asshole. It's people that came and carved a fucking country out from England. That's the freedom that was fucking bought with a wholesale clean slate place. We don't get that shit back. And ever since then, it's slowly sliding away yeah and those guys that built it back then they knew they knew that this could fucking fall apart so they put a bunch of safeguards in place and essentially lately the politicians have been cutting those up and and and selling those down the river and all without the support of the american people we
Starting point is 01:33:00 haven't nobody was even for that no no one's for it not only is no one for it most people don't even know it's happened i mean i've talked to friends that are like really politically active supposedly and you bring up the national defense authorization act and because it's not on cnn right they uh they think like what the fuck you know but they get to keep it off cnn yeah it's like that's the other thing you got to listen to jamie kilstein or you got to listen to fucking you got to go to other places for that you know even listen to fucking, you got to go to other places for that. You know, even BBC, if you go online, you can find information about that. BBC, Al Jazeera, all that shit, you know, that's.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Terrorist. Yeah, it's motherfuckers. It's weird, man. We got a weird world we live in, dude. It's very weird. It's strange. We got this woman coming on next week, Amber Lyon. She's from CNN.
Starting point is 01:33:45 She seems interesting. Yeah, very interesting. She's going to break open some massive, well, she exposed massive censorship at CNN. She kind of told what it's like over there. And we're going to sit down with her next week. They'll treat her like WikiLeaks. They'll sue her into oblivion. It goes back to that thing about with the family on the train tracks but it's too obvious at this point it's
Starting point is 01:34:08 too obvious it's too it's too obvious that there's censorship when there's issues especially like the national defense authorization act which is really an unconstitutional act it's horrifying when you read what they can do uh indefinite detention of american civilians who essentially have no recourse, no right to trial. They can just detain you. You don't have rights anymore. The whole idea of this country is innocent until proven guilty. The reason that is the case is because
Starting point is 01:34:36 there's a lot of people that got accused of something that weren't guilty. It's that simple. Think about trusting the TSA, the guys at TSA that you walk up on, because that's who is going to enforce this stuff are people like that. Like that. Indefinite detention under the rule of the TSA. Just this side of drooling.
Starting point is 01:34:51 They can't control what they eat. They can't control anything. Their flatulence is more widespread than mine. And their idea behind this is that what they're doing is preparing for a fucking Arab Spring-type rebellion. And we're going to be able to have these things so we can legally do the things that are horrible and immoral but since we wrote them down on paper right we can do it now so we're gonna do it so we're just gonna set it up nice and slow but we change the country and literally turn everything into a police state oh and by the way
Starting point is 01:35:19 we're gonna have drones do you mind if we have drones we're just thinking about just pass it we know what we're doing. Don't worry. We're going to have 30,000 of them floating in the sky in the next 10 years. I was talking to people last week about this, and the thing is with the people that vote for whoever your candidate is, whatever, but the people that are so easily fleeced in the country, you go, if it's, you know, we pass a law it's it's okay to fuck your kids now it's totally okay you can have intersex intercourse with a child then they go well it's legal at least it's not illegal it's like it's such a fucking battle cry for numbskulls yeah well they passed a law in
Starting point is 01:35:57 new york city recently saying that rabbis have to get consent from the parents before the mohel sucks on the kid's dick after circumcision. Because a couple kids have died over the past few years because of herpes. So these asshole rabbis... Herpes can kill you? Yes, when you're a baby.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Wow. Herpes can kill you. So these rabbi assholes with cold sores are sucking off baby dicks and giving them... This is not... I'm not making any of this up. I never knew that was part of the thing. So they
Starting point is 01:36:25 passed a law. So now there's a law that says you have to just get the parents consent and you can still do it. You can still suck a baby's dick because it's a religious practice. Because it's a religious act. And they do it because it says that in the Torah that you know you're supposed to do it with your mouth because it's the closest
Starting point is 01:36:42 thing to it and because saliva has antiseptic properties. Because this is how people lived thousands of years ago so when they perform circumcision the traditional method purell yeah yeah there's plenty of antiseptics although putting purell on a baby's dick after you cut it seems rather cruel body they're gonna be fine get them toughen them up toughen up that boy he's scared little Purell in the dick. I don't know. All that shit that's out there, then what do you do with it? What's a recourse when you've got, like, there's nothing you can do about it. You've got to make that illegal, first of all.
Starting point is 01:37:11 But you can't fight Obama and his choices. Can't suck babies' dicks. You can't fight that. Well, it's just so disappointing that a guy like Obama was the one who came up with this. So then what's the recourse? Or not just came up with this, rather, but approved this in office. he had to do a jfk there he had to stand up for that if you're going to be a real president you have to stand up for that and you have to expose it to the public and say look this is an issue that i cannot sign and this is why and make a stand and
Starting point is 01:37:38 say listen you guys can make a lot of money but you can't do this you can make plenty of money still you'll have plenty of control still why aren't you talking about that at a state of money. But you can't do this. You can make plenty of money still. You'll have plenty of control still. Why aren't you talking about that at a State of the Union address? You know what I mean? Why isn't it? Why isn't everybody? Why isn't it a huge issue? So then the whole thing goes back to me. Yeah, there is. You just turned off my power, though.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Really? What went off? My laptop. Well, my laptop is not getting any power. Oh, now it does. See see it wasn't working dude i i was getting no power for some reason yeah when i turned it off that switch is probably no it's not why well something happened but i just turned that off and back on and now it works yeah i didn't touch it before that yeah it wasn't on it's magic probably that mag shit's gonna blow up.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Well, this is a building that's super crazy old. This place has been here since like 1961. Really? Yeah. So the electrical system in here is really wonky. Was the cannabis shop, was that here before you guys? Yeah. Or did it come in after you guys?
Starting point is 01:38:40 No, they were here before us. We've only been, I started, I did my first show here in 94, but we've only been like hanging out here on a regular for like what, two years? Probably two years doing shows here. So, you know, the weed store was already here. This whole area is like very weedy. There's a lot of weed going on in this area. Yeah, it's real weird like where you can get away with certain things,
Starting point is 01:39:03 where you can like teach people how to grow and shit, and have hydroponic shops and they don't come down on you but this area is like but then you go you were in san diego you can't rock that shit in san diego and in palm beach they just they're closing down in palm beach they're trying to stop denver they stopped they put a moratorium on them they can't open anymore there were so many everywhere so crazy denver's awesome in new mexico they open them up and uh they said they they legalized it for met but there's like 10 prescriptions they gave out they they won't give anybody a card and then there's not really any they didn't think it out really it doesn't seem like anywhere where they go dispensaries have to meet these criterion and or any of that kind of stuff and so they're like
Starting point is 01:39:42 nobody can be a dispensary or maybe anybody can or they're not sure i think it's at 13 states now i think 13 states out of 50 have some sort of medical marijuana program the interesting one was rhode island where rhode island said they would use their state police to fight off federal agents if they came down to close them holy shit yeah rhode island saying you're not going to arrest rhode island citizens for this i was like wow rh Rhode Island went gangster with the Fed. Good. Because they were coming in and just arresting people who are not violating state law, which is unconstitutional, which is more shit. There's a reason why it's set up this way.
Starting point is 01:40:15 So for the federal government to come in and say that we're superseding your state government, that's the reason why there's a state in the first place. It's so the federal government can't do that. Is that causing people to starve? The only time it was supposed to be where the federal government has power was when we were in a state of war. So we're in a constant state of war. We're in a constant state of war all the time. Yeah, we're just being in a constant state of war,
Starting point is 01:40:36 so we always can control this. How about the cities? There's real problems. Sacramento, where is it? Too many hot girls. Mammoth. Yeah, yeah right that are bankrupt that now their pensions of all the firefighters they're all the cops that have retired sorry we can't fucking pay you we're bankrupt like who is that fucking accountant yeah like like you're just
Starting point is 01:40:57 stealing so much that the state is not that the state can't take care of this city that's bankrupt it's a major metropolitan. That's crazy. There's like three in California right now. But we're going to go ahead and send federal money after some guy smoking weed. Well, what's really important is that we police Afghanistan. That's really important. We've got to make sure that everything's okay over there.
Starting point is 01:41:18 They're training people, and then the people are just turning their guns on the American troops, just gunning them down. They're like, thanks. They're getting freebies. They give them a the American troops, just gunning them down. They're like, thanks. They're getting freebies. They give them a gun, and they just gun down American troops. It's happening on a regular basis now. Suicide bombings and all kinds of craziness over there. Dude, we had this guy, Shane Smith from Vice, on, who told us about interviewing these guys who had kids strapped with dynamite.
Starting point is 01:41:43 They're talking about how they use kids as devices to detonate bombs. Like a vehicle. Yeah, use it as a vehicle for delivering a bomb. That's a child. I mean, it's scary shit. And we're like, well, we need to be over there. We need to keep that place in line. What kind of a shit job are we doing of keeping that place in line
Starting point is 01:42:03 if they've got children suicide bombers on the regular? That's the thing. Is there anybody that doesn't love their kids? Everybody that has kids loves kids unless they're really fucked up. It's not like you can't sell me on the whole thing. Afghanis, they just don't like their kids. That's the way Afghanis are. That's fucking silly.
Starting point is 01:42:18 It's like in North Africa where my friends would go on merchant marine boats and they'd go, dude, there's people with just their fucking limbs cut off. And I thought it was an epidemic, but they said, said no it makes them better beggars like in india and so they'll disfigure maim children because the best place you're going to get in life is as a beggar like that's how some places in the world are and so the the best they're so frustrated and so fucked in afghanistan or if you want to talk about anywhere in the middle east where they're like little strap bombs onto people and go it's like that's not crazy people those are people that are so fucking frustrated with their empty position that they're either going to kill themselves like the 2 000 people that are doing
Starting point is 01:42:51 over monsanto in india or they're going to fucking try to make a statement while they do it yeah that's fucking crazy let's look at that shit roll of the dice being born there imagine being born in kabul and what are you going to do for those people? A couple guys with an M16 are going to take care of that problem? Really? You ain't getting out. Seems above their pay grade. You ain't getting out, bitch.
Starting point is 01:43:14 You ain't going nowhere, right? Where the fuck are you going to go? If you're born in Somalia, what is the best you can do? Be a pirate. You think so? Yeah, that's the best shit, right? There's nothing else. You're going to starve or you're going to be like Tommy Lee at the club.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Like, I'm going to be a pirate. There's got to be a way to figure out a way to have an impact on people to the point where politicians are forced to recognize that we need another reconsideration of the way we're running things. That we need to sit down and really plan this thing out. Because the corruption that we have, it's not that it's necessary. It's just corruption is necessary the way it's run right here. You've got to figure out a way.
Starting point is 01:44:01 If you can figure out a way to get the internet wirelessly and throw it through the air, how come you can't figure out a way to navigate humanity? How come you can't figure out a way to make things fair for people? Because they kill those. The unfair is what they like. I know, but isn't it funny? They're just pussies that want... It's like they want the cheat codes to the video games.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Yep. You know what I mean? They don't want to actually play the game. That's who runs shit. It's amazing. It really is amazing. I mean, you look at like Tesla and you look at what happened with,
Starting point is 01:44:28 like, he's like, I can take electricity from the air and give it to everybody for free. They're like, the fuck you can? Yeah. And then all his shit gets destroyed. Like, that's crazy. Well, Tesla apparently was really nuts too, though.
Starting point is 01:44:40 They say. Yeah, they say that he had, well, he had a relationship with a pigeon. He was in love with a pigeon. We can't judge. I'm not judging, they say that he had, well, he had a relationship with a pigeon. He was in love with a pigeon. We can't judge. I'm not judging, but I'm just saying. I think in order to have the kind of mind that can create so many things, I mean, Tesla was involved.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Wasn't it you that was telling me about that, though? About, like, when, like, he thought that sex was such a distraction that he had to destroy his sexuality? Yeah. Like, that's a guy like a wicked genius he thought of the radio like that could do that like that guy what what does destroying his sexuality mean like that's crazy and that that was an encumbrance like i'm sorry i'm thinking about science too much to think about my dick ever like i think he had some sort of a relationship
Starting point is 01:45:19 with a woman that really wrecked him and And he was really twisted and confused by it, and it really fucked him up. So there was a quote that Tesla had destroyed his sexuality. That was the quote, that he had destroyed his sexuality, which is really fascinating, man. I don't know what that means, but I guess he made a conscious decision. He said, you know what?
Starting point is 01:45:44 This is obviously a problem. This thing is fucking my life up up and he was willing to put his money where his mouth is and and and stop the ball flow i know a scientist she was uh he like made all kinds of shit he's on like monster garage that that uh what's his name show and um wrote for like scientific american and shit does all kinds of different shit but thought i'm an experiment and i want to change myself into a woman and did like a homemade that would be a fascinating one for your show this fucking lady did a homemade sex change and became a woman who's like homemade yeah yeah yeah like with no i don't think did any hormones and maybe self-administered hormones and all like so crazy crazy crazy i don't know if it's a self-administered hormones, and all, like, crazy, crazy, crazy. I don't know if it's a self-surgery fully, but ended up getting...
Starting point is 01:46:27 I bet it doesn't feel the same and it smells different. Oh! They said that eunuchs, there's a study, a study that just came out, a study of over 80 eunuchs from the Chosun dynasty, which ruled in Korea from 1392 to 1897. They looked at the world's only record of eunuchs lives and compared them to genealogical records of other men of similar social rank and the researchers cross-checked their results with other royal records and what they found was the average
Starting point is 01:46:56 lifespan of a eunuch and a eunuch is someone that has their dick and balls cut off was around 70 years 14 to 19 years higher than those of non-castrated men of similar social standing. I'll give up 15 years. What do you think it is? They were just in less danger, less stress? It's probably just dealing with women. I'm probably just dealing with the stress of chasing pussy. It's really bad in your heart.
Starting point is 01:47:20 These crazy fucks. How many people would even get out of bed, really, if it wasn't for some pussy at the end like whether to go work out or whether to go make money it's like it kind of drives a lot of us guys to get out and do stuff yeah it becomes the main motivating factor for a lot of people especially early in life and then i wonder how like unix are why were they made unix to get taken care of there was some kind of servitude right and so they're taken care of they're like on welfare in a way.
Starting point is 01:47:46 They're a completely socialist unit. So they don't have any stress about money or about who's going to steal their pigs or any of that shit, right? Right. They're probably, I mean, it said dynasty. So I'm assuming that's like kings, right? Right, right, right. So that's interesting. Castration, which removes the source of the male hormones, increases lifespan in animals.
Starting point is 01:48:08 Let's try it, guys. Let's do it. I'll tell you what, man. I had my dog fixed when he was five, and he changed. He got really tired all the time. He got lazy. He just wanted to lay down. It was sad.
Starting point is 01:48:18 It was sad to watch. It was sad. He was always horny and shit, so I was like, oh, I think I need to get him fixed. He's just a poor guy. He's like, you know, the doctors will tell you. Yeah, the doctors will tell you it's important. One point in time, his balls were aching. I thought there was something wrong with him.
Starting point is 01:48:34 He was, like, going down the stairs, and he was yiping. I was like, what's the matter, buddy? So I wound up taking him to the vet, and the vet said, there's a dog in heat in your neighborhood. And his dick and balls were hurting so bad because of the dog in heat that he couldn't walk downstairs. He would yipe. And I was like, this poor guy is tortured. It's not like I've got steady pussy around him all the time.
Starting point is 01:48:53 The vet didn't give him release, did he? I don't think so. I don't think the vet. Imagine if that's what they do. All right. Why wouldn't you? That's your best bet. Yeah, well, the vet's supposed to suck the penis.
Starting point is 01:49:02 It's in the Torah. After he cuts it it he must suck it jewish vet yeah imagine if there was like dude i had a religious things for that motherfucker his knot came out you know the knot in the penis the dog that connects them to like so they ensure insemination and fucking uh it came out past the sheath of his skin i just i looked at that poor fucker and he's just not happy at all and i'm like good luck with it you know like i just gotta wait till the swelling goes down i guess it goes in but it's like you could see it almost tearing the skin back to fucking go back into like well you know this is a funny thing about animals that that crazy desire to breed in bees, especially in honeybees. The male honeybee has sex with a female honeybee
Starting point is 01:49:47 and his dick explodes. His dick lodges inside of her. What do you say explodes? It breaks off, pops. His balls literally burst. His testicles burst and his penis breaks off inside her and he dies.
Starting point is 01:49:59 He bleeds out. The honeybee, he's driven to fuck. And he fucks and when he fucks he dies. That's it. It's driven to fuck, okay? Right. And he fucks, and when he fucks, he dies. That's it. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:50:07 Honey bees get like, one shot at fucking, and one shot at killing. They get one shot. If they sting you, the stinger, it's it, it rips off from their abdomen,
Starting point is 01:50:16 and they die. They die after that. They die. They die when they sting you. That gives me consolation. Isn't that crazy though? What a shit design, man. What is that?
Starting point is 01:50:24 What do you want? Elephant Titus? This is a a sketch remember your testes and you what is this from remember johnny dangerously or whatever oh that's funny that's what it's from you are a mad researcher sir yeah how could you remember that uh this was my favorite as a kid alright cut it off that was a good movie though that was back when Michael Keaton was like the man what happened to that guy I don't know did you think he just like moved to Malibu
Starting point is 01:50:54 I feel like he got a little throwback from Michael J Fox I always got those confused and maybe there's a little illness well one of them was Batman yeah it's hard to remember even that Michael Keaton was a good fucking Batman. He was a good Batman. I thought that, but I just watched it like four months ago, and it totally wasn't that
Starting point is 01:51:10 good anymore. It doesn't hold up. It was really bad. Yeah, it doesn't hold up. But wasn't Jack Nicholson the Joker? No, it was Danny DeVito. Jack Nicholson was the Joker. Oh, I watched the one with Danny DeVito.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Danny DeVito was the Penguin. Yeah, as the Penguin. Oh, and Michael Keaton was in that one, too? Yeah. He was the Batman more than once? Yeah, I think it was twice. Have you seen the picture of Val Kilmer with his head the size of a pumpkin? And it just says, LOL, I used to be Batman.
Starting point is 01:51:35 That fucking poor guy. That was so funny. Doesn't he live in New Mexico too? Yeah, he does. He's got a ranch out there. He apparently gets mad at people for going on his ranch, to go fishing on his ranch. Dude, it's like, Newxico's like hawaii kind of like you can't if you're not from there like that's one of the questions like if there's beef with somebody or you're on the road like
Starting point is 01:51:53 there's it's like where are you from like is a like we're gonna fight now right you know what i mean and and uh like if you walk around like oahu at night like that's if you're you're gonna scrap with somebody it's just gonna happen um and new mexico is kind of like that and fucking he lives out in this place in raton where's like i don't know like you want to you want to it's like all families old families it's the same families that have had different families and they're all kind of that's that's the community and he i guess just pisses those people, drives through crazy and the whole deal or parties. Really? It seems very unwise.
Starting point is 01:52:30 That's an indicator of how fucked up he is that he's not even aware of the danger that he's in. Yeah. He's got, I think, some bad demons. Well, he's a movie star, a big-time movie star. And he's living amongst real humble folk. Folks that maybe make $12,000 a year. Yeah. And he's living amongst like real humble folk folks that maybe make 12 grand a year yeah like and he's kind of flaunting it around that's fascinating and loaded a lot does he have um does he have like handlers or security or one of my friends used to work for him and uh it would procure shit for him but i don't procure shit for him. Procure shit for him? Like, I don't know exactly what all his life is like.
Starting point is 01:53:07 Cryptic statement. Procure shit for him. Yeah, what happened? He just decided to take his movie star money and just check out for a few years? Last time I saw him, I did a show called Felon that he was the star of, but he was absent the whole time. And then I saw him on some Indian Grammys type shit, and he could barely get sentences
Starting point is 01:53:26 together it was like watching it was like watching bob dylan perform it was just like it was sad man oh wow but they are talking they're in talks bob dylan can't get sent dude last time i saw him perform it was like just slobbery drunk like bob dylan was come on really yeah yeah bob dylan gets hammered oh he was at that time where was this it was on it was on some big award show it was like the emmys or the grammys or something like that that he was performing and there was a huge black woman that was singing back up that ended up taking taking over kind of really it was embarrassingly so yeah why have i not heard this? Bob Dylan drunk. Dylan sings drunk. I've never heard this.
Starting point is 01:54:08 I've never heard a bad word about Bob Dylan. That's one of the weird things. He's one of those dudes, it's like, you know, you have to respect. It's not a bad word. He had a couple drinks, you know. Let's give him a break. Okay, Brian, go to Bob Dylan singing drunk on stage on YouTube. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:22 Maybe he's just old, dude. Old dudes don't talk so well. Well, it could be. Who knows? Get to a certain level. You see it? Yeah. Maybe just old, dude. Old dudes don't talk so well. It could be. Who knows? Get to a certain level. You see it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:34 Let's see how drunk he sounds. Oh, can you get some volume? Oh, this seems like a fake video. Why'd he say that? Because it's... All right, we'll see. What is that? Brian, I'll suss it out.
Starting point is 01:54:46 Do you know how to get noise out of it this time? Yeah, it's got noise. It's just not loading up. And it's got... What's the tip-off that it's fake, Brian? The... Here it goes. honestly that could just be him that's just someone being old yeah yeah i think that's that's off but there was something else yeah well if you google it there's like apparently a bunch of them bob dylan drunk another one so tell me about your kettlebells
Starting point is 01:55:29 what about you want to know i want to i want to know uh are they shaped like you can't talk about that really are they not are they not out yet really can't tell you that man you just because I need to buy kettlebells for the gym. I'll get you some. Okay. Yeah, we'll get you a thumb through on it. But the kettlebells that we have are the same ones from Troy. You know, those big fat handles.
Starting point is 01:55:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're excellent. Awesome. They're the shit. You still have that kettlebell studio? Yeah, I've got a CrossFit jiu-jitsu gym. In Santa Fe? My 10th Planet satellite has got a CrossFit gym in it in Santa Fe.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Are you going to train down here while you're in town? Yeah, yeah. I'm down at Scotty's usually. Cool. Down on Pico. Where is he at? He's at Pico and Doheny. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:19 Yeah, I don't get down there. 10th Planet, West LA. Paula. Dot com. West LA. Scott Epstein. There's so many different satellites now. Dude, there's how many? How many? 50? I don't know. He's man. 10th Planet West LA. Paula. Dot com. West LA. Scott Epstein. There's so many different satellites now. Dude, there's how many?
Starting point is 01:56:27 How many? 50? I don't know. He's got a lot of different. I know. I want to go see Alder's too, dude. I really want to. I haven't seen Alder in a long time.
Starting point is 01:56:33 It's got a good Muay Thai gym too, which is a nice little. Nice. I see he's got a lot of fighters there. Yeah. I got to find a good Muay Thai gym, some place to do some Muay Thai. I need to mix it up a little bit. Do you want to spar or what do you want to do? Then why don't you just get a guy to hold pads?
Starting point is 01:56:48 Yeah, that's good. I like to do drills too. Just the rattle in the dome is not good for you. Nope. I know too many dudes who are getting a little weird just from sparring. How many people that don't quit soon enough? Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 01:57:02 Yeah. It's a tricky thing,'t it i mean you retired for folks who don't know tate was on uh season two the ultimate fighter three three season three michael bisping's year the year bisping won tate was on that and uh you had a couple fights after that and you're like you know what this is yeah it's it you know you just get diminishing returns after a while and you got to make that choice i think and and go what um what's the payoff here and even even if you're really getting really big big payoffs like like chuck liddell money at that time or something like that it's like what is the payoff of forever kind of having like like thinking everything clearly because i've been knocked out a couple of times. And, and, uh, and there's times after that where you know that you're not enunciating,
Starting point is 01:57:48 you're not, you, or you have to really think you have to really put thought into your mechanisms to get the words out clearly. And you're like, but you're thinking it clearly, but it's just not going to your mouth. And you're like,
Starting point is 01:57:58 like when I thought that I'd be like, holy fuck. And I talked to Jardine about it a lot. And he's like, yeah, I'm doing crossword puzzles. I'm like me too. Like every morning we're doing crossword puzzles after sparring but it's it's
Starting point is 01:58:08 fucking crazy dude that's but that's what george foreman said too really yeah i don't know that it helped um not george for but myself you know like you you wonder uh you wonder what that is and like you you would talk about it always rang in my head you know that they don't even know until 10 years after the concussion what the damage is and then i start thinking about residual damage like not even knockouts but dudes that are just getting jarred it's like you're getting fucking jarred all the time and like even just wrestlers man like our football players everybody gets it it's not just people with head trauma uh that's directly it's like it's the vibration in your body and the shaking of that head. You know, I mean, I know stuntmen that have it too, but yeah, it's, uh, it's a real dangerous thing and it's something to really be
Starting point is 01:58:52 cognitive about and to go, what, what is enough and where do I go from here? And what will the rest of my life be? And, and the big thing I think with fighters especially is like, here's a bunch of dudes that, you know, there's not everybody that's a kenny florian or something like that that's like a and by that i mean like a a career in law perhaps that he was gonna have right wasn't he a law student at one time i'm not sure but you know he's a bunch of highly educated fighters you know what i mean that are out there and now yeah he's got a great job as a as a uh analyst and all that but he also has a gym you know he has his own gym i know he still has brother right yeah i think he opened up a place in in he has his own gym i know he still has brother right i think he opened up a place in in beverly hills too where he's going to oh right on yeah he knows what to do
Starting point is 01:59:29 i mean kenny florian's a really smart guy but there's there's that kind of thing and that's only so many guys and so then you think you know all these guys that were working construction or that were working as bouncers or whatever what what am i because now i'm a fighter it's kind of a heralded thing you get and people are like in the store and they go oh look he's a fighter and like what are you now though and that kind of getting to the root of yourself at the end of your career and going who am i without this or or if you move to a new place like a new city and you don't have the same job you don't have the same friends you don't have the same girlfriend you're broke like who are you now without any money in your pocket without without any of that like and really getting to the base of yourself as a human and it's a scary question i think that that is the reason
Starting point is 02:00:09 that guys stay too long in those sports is because they're like well fuck what would i be without this right and to me that always seemed like a prison like i never wanted to be in a position where i was going oh well i'm a slave to this because i don't know what else would be possible and i'm like i want to live in that infinite possibility that anything's possible. And let's go jump off the cliff and see what's down there, you know? Apparently, Bob Dylan was in a motorcycle accident. Really? And he was talked into by his band into getting speech therapy
Starting point is 02:00:40 because he was in sort of denial about a slurring of the words after the motorcycle accident. How dare me. That words after the motorcycle accident. How dare me. That's apparently the story online. How dare me. According to some dude on my message board named KM Design. My apologies to Bob Dillon and his family. You did me a favor. But you think a guy who's that creative probably has some demons,
Starting point is 02:01:01 probably just getting lit up every night. Maybe he just gets drunk and he's got a head injury. He's got great publicity. maybe he was getting hammered and he's like i need a good excuse he got himself a motorcycle accident crash son i'm a victim well i remember clearly when uh fucking crazy man had that uh the motorcycle accident where he hit um the fuck's his name the guy who's uh is always crazy on those reality shows the older guy lethal weapon gary yeah yeah gary bucey gary bucey uh gary bucey had a legit serious impact with a curb in his fucking head and almost died and his head changed shape like
Starting point is 02:01:39 if you look at his his face pre-motorcycle accident post-motorcycle accident one of his eyes moved up or moved down i saw a guy fall out of a car today oh they're they're taking a right off of olympic and uh and i saw the door was open on the car and then they go to start taking the right and i see a hand reach out to grab the door and he bends the corner and and i'm kind of looking back and the dude falls out i was like how does that even happen this is so weird that you asked this for in the last week i've seen maybe three or four people fall on the ground like i'm driving and i just see like a woman fall crazy i've had three or four times this week i've seen it like have you noticed any people falling lately like is this
Starting point is 02:02:22 just like a coincidence that I keep seeing all these people falling? Does this have to do with chemtrails? I don't know, man. Tower 7 falling. Call Lady Bravo. Call Lady Bravo
Starting point is 02:02:31 and see if there's a falling conspiracy. He'll tell you it's orbs. Something in the air. Chemtrails making people fall. I don't know. I mean, do you think that there's a,
Starting point is 02:02:41 do you really think there's a conspiracy that people are falling? I don't know. I'm just saying like this week for some reason I've seen seen so many people fall where I'm just driving by like, should I help this person? Oh, there's an ambulance right there. There's a terrible photo of a person in China today that was run over by a street flattening truck.
Starting point is 02:02:58 They were trying to get protesters out, and the guy stood his ground. Like a paver. Yeah, they ran over him. Holy fuck. Yeah, it's horrific. It's like Tiananmen Square all over again. Yeah, they ran over him. Holy fuck. Yeah, it's horrific. It's like Tiananmen Square all over again. Yeah, it is. It is, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:10 In China, they'll still run you over, man. You're getting, you know, they're not quite there yet here. No recourse. They're not quite that yet here, but as long as the government keeps passing shit like the NDAA, that's around the corner.
Starting point is 02:03:22 The flattening you with a steamroller act. And now you can't occupy Wall Street. God damn it. He made that a felony to peaceably protest without a permit. And so now that's a felonious act to go and assemble to protest corporations, which our fucking government is simply a shadow for anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:46 It's, it's, it's weird. Gross. It's like, how much can you, how much can you just enjoy it and just live life and try to, you know,
Starting point is 02:03:56 to, to be cool in your own community and be surrounded by, you try to only rock it that way, but you gotta always think these motherfuckers could come in and fuck up your shit and think that they're allowed to it's like you really aren't that much connected to someone who lives in washington dc you're just not they're too far away it's really crazy but someone who's got a boner for you in washingtonC. that has power could decide to use it and find some reason to fuck you over and come after you, especially if you're involved in something
Starting point is 02:04:30 that they've written down on paper that says you're not allowed to do. Or even if you're not and you're opposed to that thing publicly, then you're vilified and they can do whatever they want to get behind that. And it makes me think those people just haven't had some nice steamed broccoli and a steak. Get yourself a good ribeye, and go and help some people what feels fucking better than helping people like go out and help like as far as like like how we can shove people down how we can control people how about you help people there's an enrichment there and then when everybody does better everybody fucking does better and it's a fucking universal law you
Starting point is 02:05:02 cocksucker it is but the problem is you're dealing with people that first of all are completely unenlightened and again they're operating the people that are in power now besides obama who's essentially a child of the internet i mean he right he existed before the internet but he's had massive amounts of access to it since the 1990s when it was around so he's he's basically grown maybe not grown up but grown with it but the other people that are in like if you look at like a newt gingrich type character or dick cheney those guys are operating on the old way they're operating the old way of corruption when you can get away with shit like on ran contra you
Starting point is 02:05:42 could bribe off judges and figure out a way to sneak shit under the door and change the law so it makes what you're doing legal and they that is the way they've been rocking it since the beginning of time it's going to take the next generation coming up it's going to take we have this guy david seaman on the podcast who was a congressional candidate or is a congressional candidate he's 26 years old and he he's trying to expose all the bullshit that's going on in politics and with the lobbyists. It's so much for a young guy to take on if you really want a career in cleaning up corruption, and you want to actually live and not get sniped. Or become a pedophile or whatever else they put on you. I mean, they can make him whatever.
Starting point is 02:06:27 You know, that's the scary part. Oh, sure. Yeah, they can easily turn him into a criminal. we'll give you five million dollars.
Starting point is 02:06:32 Like, we have that. That's easy money. Just get on board. Yeah, and they can figure out a way to compromise you nice and slowly.
Starting point is 02:06:39 Nicely and slowly. They just slow cook your ass. Didn't they do that with Kennedy? They brought him down to Cuba and got him some hookers and shit.
Starting point is 02:06:45 Maryland. They paid for Maryland. They paid for Maryland? Maryland went down there. I think you're making shit up now. I see that face. That's the I'm making shit up face. It's only $1,000 for Maryland.
Starting point is 02:06:55 She wasn't that expensive. What do you think $1,000 is worth in the Maryland Monroe days? Could you get a car for $1,000? Yeah. Is that $6,000? Really? Well, they were talking about what's like a brand new Mustang, like when the Fastback came out, for $1,000? Yeah. Is that $6,000? Really? Well, they were talking about what's a brand new Mustang, like when the Fastback came out, like $6,500, $3,500 or something like that.
Starting point is 02:07:10 New Mustang. 19th price. Let's go at 1963. Because I think a Fastback, if you got a Fastback, or you could have Maryland for a week, that's probably comparable. Yeah? I don't know. What, a Fastback or Maryland for a week? Yeah. No, yeah i don't know what a fastback or maryland for a week
Starting point is 02:07:26 yeah no you need a fleshlight and a mustang that's what you need to pretend a week you kill yourself you'd be like i can't believe i could have had a fucking 1960s i could have had a v8 i'm going to a fleshlight party tomorrow oh are you really? Yeah. Fascinating. Are you going to talk to girls there, Brian? Lexus Texas is going to be there. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:07:51 Big old booty on her, right? That girl's got it. I've seen her on film. That girl is proof that men don't give a fuck about skinny, stick figure type chicks. Thick legs and ass. Thick legs and ass. Thank you very much. That girl is at least 5 pounds overweight. And a smile. Does she ever not have a smile? Oh,. That girl is at least five pounds overweight. And a smile.
Starting point is 02:08:05 Does she ever not have a smile? Oh, yeah. Even when she's blowing, guys. She's smiling. I've always wanted to meet her. These are all Mustangs for sale. It doesn't really say what it cost back then.
Starting point is 02:08:15 Oh, wait a minute. If we do like a price circa. There's a bunch of different sites. Missy Martinez. I don't know who that is. Who's Missy Martinez? My new favorite. She's cool.
Starting point is 02:08:24 I feel like you're ahead of the curve, kid. He's got the ones that just moved from Arkansas. They've been here three weeks. Caden Cross, you know her? Uh-uh. She's hot. Yeah, I've seen her before. Sam Tripoli?
Starting point is 02:08:37 Sam Tripoli is the hottest one. Is he going to be there with the twins? Yeah, I heard Brian Cowan's going to be there. That seems like a bad idea. Why is that a bad idea, Brian? Why is it a bad idea? Just so many hot chicks. He's going to go crazy. He's a handsome guy.
Starting point is 02:08:53 He's going to kill them with his comedy. Who's better looking than Brian Cowan, really? Probably you. He's romantic. And then next in line, Brian. I'm still waiting for Brian to take me to Olive Garden. Oh, it can happen And what's going to happen when you get there, Tate? We're going to have a sensible meal
Starting point is 02:09:11 We're going to have butter coffee What happens at Olive Garden? I don't even know what happens behind those doors, Brian You've ate at Olive Garden Okay, a soldier had hiccups, okay? And one soldier was trying to scare this soldier out of his hiccups. And the way he did it was shooting him in the face. That would work, I guess, to cure the hiccups.
Starting point is 02:09:34 Yeah. That seems like the worst excuse for shooting your buddy ever. And he's being charged with manslaughter. Not murder. No. Because he had a stupid excuse. He pulled out a gun in order to scare him and stop the hiccups, and the gun went off.
Starting point is 02:09:48 That's crazy. And he blew the guy's brains off. I feel like if you make that poor decision, we should put you in prison anyway, regardless if it's manslaughter or whatever. Well, when you think about these guys that have been over there and have seen action, you know, have you ever seen some of those soldiers against the Iraq War where they talk about all the different shit that their commanding officers told them to do
Starting point is 02:10:09 and right first guy who gets a knife kill gets like days off and like you to kill people with knives like and um you go from that to like the regular world it's true it's a different thing yeah you can't it's almost like you have friends that were like in in black water or that were forced recon marines and shit and it's like that's a it's a different thing that they live with and that years i think like maybe maybe never six years or something before like my one buddy didn't want to shoot himself in the face like every day afterwards like and you live through shit like that you're you're you're at a young age and you're asked to do horrific unimaginable things for a cause that then it comes to light eventually if
Starting point is 02:10:51 you're a thinking person all like we're not even supposed to do like this is unjust isn't it amazing how our depictions of uh like if you look at like theatrical depictions or you know romantic movies about war, very little of them dealt with the real horrors of war. Look at our fucking news. I mean, if you go to Spain or something and look at the news, there's bodies. There's body parts. There's the horror of what death is. And here in America, we don't have any of that stuff.
Starting point is 02:11:19 That's why we have 9% unemployment, and Spain has 25% take. Is that why? That's the reason? Yeah, it's bad. It keeps people out of work. I had no idea. If you want to see violence on TV and reality on TV, you hate America. Oh.
Starting point is 02:11:31 We're not ready for that. Oh. That makes sense. Who do I vote for? Imagine what it's like for people that have this like, well, I've talked to a fucking guy. I talked to a guy who was at the Ice House a couple of weeks ago who came and told me about uh he actually joined the army to uh to try to pay for school and then a month later september 11th happened oh yeah so he got shipped off to iraq and he was telling me about what an insane clusterfuck it is and then how when he first got
Starting point is 02:12:02 there right when he got there he was like yep he was like well you know i guess at least we're coming over here getting rid of a dictator you know getting rid of stopping something on september 11th happening and then his commanding officer said what the fuck are you talking about we're here to get oil that's what we're here for like his commanding officer broke it down for him on the way my stepmom was like that she was like well we're you know we're giving freedom to those people and this and that i'm like if that were even true tell the mom in minnesota who just fucking got her boy back in a bag yeah about iraqi freedom like he doesn't know who gives a fuck yeah these are dead people like for for we're gonna push freedom at the end of a gun
Starting point is 02:12:42 that makes sense it's the ultimate irony, too, is because we got that guy in power. The idea that this dictator... How did he become a dictator? He got a dictator because he's backed by the United States. And then Noriega says, I'm not playing ball, and they say,
Starting point is 02:12:54 well, we're going to kidnap you then. A sovereign leader from another country. We send in special ops and kidnap him. The only place where they rock it in a healthy way is places like fucking Iceland and shit. You gotta go where it's really cold and no one wants to go there. And those people are down for their country.
Starting point is 02:13:11 You don't have fucking food that's bad for you. I mean, you can eat shit, but there's not a conspiracy to hurt the populace. It's like the government is for the populace there. I think it's because it's small enough. There's only like 300,000 people in Iceland or something like that it's very small you could throw bankers in jail yeah yeah yeah shit like that yeah well i just watched uh lawless it's
Starting point is 02:13:32 fucking what is that rad it's a movie about moonshiners and and during prohibition like tom hardy's in it oh yeah that's a good movie dude it was fun man but did you just come out yeah i just saw it last night i haven't heard shit about that you hear anything about that it was good you're gonna like it really and fucking and like the way they deal with the law they're like a couple sheriffs come through and they're like you're trying you're not trying to you're trying to intimidate us and and fucking the brass knuckles come out and shit and it's like it's like as long as you're righteous everything's cool well yeah we'll honor that bad but if you try to get silly you want to extort money from us all right we're gonna talk with a bat so it's wild that's how people lived back then i mean if there was really a time where it was fair right
Starting point is 02:14:12 exactly exactly and we look at it you know you know it's like good guys and bad guys no it's bad guys and other bad guys yeah it's all bad it's all bad guys back then and that's, you know, we're the end of that. We are as far as humanity has ever gone. What we are today, September, what is it, 27th or something? What is it? 25th or 6th? September 25th. September 25th, 2012.
Starting point is 02:14:43 What we are today is the accumulation of error upon error, of human error, learning and improving upon that, and society moving forward, technological innovation, conquering different countries. We're at the end of that line. This is like as good as people have ever been ever, like right now. The most capable we've ever been. That's what we think. The most information access. What about all the sand people?
Starting point is 02:15:04 All those motherfuckers. No, the people that have turned to sand, like the iPhone. What about all the other civilizations? Oh, the people that got whacked out, you mean? Yeah, I mean, who knows if they were the most advanced? They didn't make it. Yeah, I wonder. I wonder if there's been other civilizations.
Starting point is 02:15:20 They keep finding shit. They keep finding these old cities. Did you hear about that telescope? You ever listen to that dude? A black guy who used to work for NASA, Tyson Degrassi. Yeah. Man. Neil Tyson Degrassi.
Starting point is 02:15:33 Dude, that motherfucker is badass. I'm going to get him on the podcast. I'm trying to get him on. I'm going back and forth with him. Oh, dude. I'll give him a foot massage if he comes in. Whoa, would you really? Oil or dry?
Starting point is 02:15:44 If he wanted oil, I would do that. I would do some lotion. You know what I really? Oil or dry? If you wanted oil, I would do that. I would do some lotion. You know what I mean? Oil is nice. For sure, yeah. I mean, my hands are like pumice stone. Jerking off of them
Starting point is 02:15:50 is like torture. I think if there was really advanced societies, it's very unlikely that they reach this level except for some of the giant stone constructions. That's the only thing
Starting point is 02:16:00 that makes you like really step back and go, man, I'm not sure about that. Or that it was intercontinental. That the same construction existed in different continents. That's crazy. thing that makes you really step back and go, man, I'm not sure about that. Or that it was intercontinental, that the same construction existed in different continents. That's crazy. But he was talking, anyway, I was listening to that dude, Degrass or Degrassi?
Starting point is 02:16:12 Degrass, yeah. And he was saying that they have a telescope that's like, I don't know if it's 100 or 1,000, what he said times the Hubble telescope was, that they could construct, but it would be $10 billion, and that they just wouldn't fund it. And he said, to put it in perspective,
Starting point is 02:16:27 what $10 billion was is what from 1956 or whenever NASA was created, what has been in that program since then has been about that. Or what one month in Afghanistan is, is $10 billion, but they won't fucking make this telescope, which they say they think they could see the origins of fucking time that you could look back through space and see the origins but we don't want that that would upset the apple cart well why isn't there a good contract to be made in building that thing that 10 billion dollars it
Starting point is 02:16:57 cost to build that wouldn't there be like a company that can profit off of that you got to get him on he would be fascinating yeah fuck that is an amazing thing when you really look at that number like how much money that is and what it is really i mean and these guys are talking about oh the president whoever's the naysayer against whatever president is there's trillions of dollars what that doesn't even mean anything to me you might as well say we're headphones in debt like okay like i don't like cool well yeah when you get to like be 13 trillion yeah it's insurmountable, right? We're 1,400,000 ampules in debt. Like, I don't know what any of that shit looks like.
Starting point is 02:17:30 Okay. Yeah, and how does that work again? The Federal Reserve is, what is the Federal Reserve? Nobody understands it. It's so silly. I used to think they understood it until the crash. And then I was like, oh, you guys don't get it either. I got a bunch of fucking $100 bills with the old school little small head.
Starting point is 02:17:44 They still worth something? Dude dude they're all in louisiana and then i'm thinking what is all the old ass money that's around here that's just buried and then mattresses like those are mansions fucking everywhere but it's at one point in time is it worth anything like when when your money goes out of print like if you had some civil war era money right it's not good anymore it's got to be in real good shape if it's good because i watch pawn wars yeah but even then someone has to buy it you know what i'm saying it's not like you can go in the bank and go hey can you give me a million dollars right this is my million dollars in 19 you know right 1902 like they had totally different money back then it's weird that gold still has value in that way since it's like since it doesn't back anything
Starting point is 02:18:21 anymore really yeah yeah right, what does it mean? Well, it's still good for things. Conducting. Like the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki. It's good as a conductor. It's good if you want to have better looking teeth. You can bling them up.
Starting point is 02:18:36 You ever thought about rocking a gold tooth? Yeah, I got this one's fake right here. So I was thinking of doing platinum or something. Right off to the side, too. That would be pretty dope. That would be kind of pirate-like. People are like, oh, your career would be fucked up. I'm like as if looking like cindy crawford has ever been my career like being more fucked up looking would be bad i look at i got a big old pumpkin head and tattoos everywhere your career isn't that hilarious people are so funny about what they think will
Starting point is 02:18:57 and won't ruin your career like they got it figured out i love that line those that say that tell you how to do it never did it like there's so much it's such uncharted territory the whole thing if you want to live a different life then it's like get up go to work fucking go go back to get married go to church all that shit tay you should go super crazy and get some breast implants that's the lady that i'm talking about she did brian why would you even say that that doesn't even because why would a man want because he's so attracted to me already yeah he wants you to be a woman that he wants me to but he doesn't even... Why would a man want... Because he's so attracted to me already. He wants you to be a woman. He wants me to... But he doesn't understand.
Starting point is 02:19:27 If you had a relationship with Tate, you would be the woman. No. You know, the most... Are you kidding me, Brian? No. We could prove that right now. I don't know who you think
Starting point is 02:19:38 is coming through the door to help you. Well, if you want to show off in front of Joe, we all know. Oh, we all know. We all know where your love lies. Yeah, dog. Tate Fletcher. Follow Tate on Twitter, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 02:19:53 Tatumus Maximus on Twitter. And if people are in Santa Fe and they want to go to your gym, what's the gym? Undisputed Fitness. Undisputed Fitness. You can find that at or And look for Tate In Fright Night Jiu Jitsu Santa Fe
Starting point is 02:20:07 Powerful 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Santa Fe I saw Tate in Fright Night That was a good God damn movie That was a good movie It was fun huh Fun
Starting point is 02:20:12 Good vampire movie It was like It was a real vampire Not some fucking pussy That can go outside And sparkle Yeah yeah I like that It was real
Starting point is 02:20:19 Dude but the big thing Is coming up Dude that Arnold Schwarzenegger They just started doing For Expendables. They did the trailer. Yeah. And it's called The Last Stand.
Starting point is 02:20:27 And there's some awesome shit that I did in there. Oh, yeah? I'm just fucking wrecking myself. It's fucking fun, dude. And that's in the Expendables? That'll be coming up in January. No, they just did the trailer for Expendables. Oh, during Expendables.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, what is the name of that movie? The Last Stand. Oh, yeah. I heard about that. It's Arnold Schwarzenegger's comeback to film deal. it good is it fun it was fun to do i don't who knows what it looks like after they did you hang with him yeah he was cool as shit dude he was funny as i mean he's got jokes about maria he's like really like he's in the bus we're filming
Starting point is 02:20:58 the scene and the phone's supposed to ring and it's supposed to be the terrorist like my boss is supposed to be calling them and and they're rolling and i don't know dude when like the way i look at it like i'm nobody and and like when they're like to have a shot fucked up because you i'd be like mortified you know right he's there and they're they're rolling they got it going and everything's going good and da da da da da and the phone rings and he's he's like hello and uh he says maria i told you to never call me here. Like, right in front of production. Like, he's funny, man.
Starting point is 02:21:29 Wow. He's a funny guy. So he sends the tension. He's super cool, laid back, just sets everybody at ease. He eats in the cafeteria with, like, he's just a fucking cool guy, man. Well, he's just banging housekeepers and maids and shit on the regular. I heard he was getting back together with uh really that's what i've heard i don't know but he's super kind man i don't have a bad thing to
Starting point is 02:21:50 say about that dude that's he's an interesting cat that's for sure and all his people were super cool man really yeah everybody was dope around because they're always depleted of sperm just they're constantly just coming coming all the time time. All the time I'm coming. Coming, coming. I thought about it. I'm like, what do you call him? Mr. Schwarzenegger, Arnold, the governor. Because most people that are in office, they're the governor or the president forever, right?
Starting point is 02:22:15 Then I'm like, fuck that. Anybody can be the governor. Arnold, that's a whole establishment unto itself, man. That is a boss. He's a brand. He's certainly a brand. Huge. All right. Tomorrow we a boss. He's a brand. He's certainly a brand. All right.
Starting point is 02:22:27 Tomorrow, we got Ian Edwards, ladies and gentlemen. Very funny comic from New York who's now living here in Los Angeles. He will be with us tomorrow. And again, this weekend, I'm with Duncan Trussell. Joey Diaz is a no-show. No. Some new thing came up that he had to do, so he can't make it. What the fuck, cocksucker?
Starting point is 02:22:43 Hey, you can find him, Mad Flavor. Contact him. I told Joe Rogan i wasn't doing that fucking gig um this weekend uh raleigh north carolina friday night we're at memorial hall and saturday night we're at in ashville at the thomas wolf auditorium and i keep hearing that ashville is the shit i hear it's so fucking beautiful have you been up there yeah it's beautiful it's supposed to be unbelievable it's up in the mountains it's so fucking beautiful. Have you been up there? Yeah, it's beautiful. It's supposed to be unbelievable. It's up in the mountains. It's supposed to be just gorgeous as shit. Yeah, people go there and they go, I've got to live here. So we'll see.
Starting point is 02:23:10 We'll see. I've got a bunch of friends there right now. They're doing Iron Man 3 out there. Powerful Iron Man 3. That's the hat I'm wearing right now, maybe. Is it? Yeah, maybe it is. All right, listen.
Starting point is 02:23:19 Thanks, everybody, for tuning in. Thanks to Ting for being a sponsor of this podcast. And you can go to Pick out any one of those delicious, super fucking cool smartphones. And going through that link will save you 50%. Or what? $5? What is it?
Starting point is 02:23:36 $50? $50. See, don't listen to me. 50%. Imagine if that was the deal. There's a five. It's not the deal. 50% off.
Starting point is 02:23:42 I knew there was a five. So anyway, go to You will get $50 off. That's exactly what it is. I shouldn't be allowed to do these free stuff. They should tell me something to say. Ting, again, has no contracts. All of it is explained at, but it's an excellent service, and it goes through Sprint.
Starting point is 02:24:00 So go there. Check it out. Use that link, and you can cancel any time. It's not like anything else. It's a sweet deal. Also, we're sponsored by O-N-N-I-T. Makers of
Starting point is 02:24:13 Alpha Brain, Shroom Tech Sport, Shroom Tech Immune. Get yourself some hemp protein. Son, kettlebells. Both the ones we have available now and the super secret ones Battle Ropes Son get yourself some Battle Ropes
Starting point is 02:24:30 Use the code name Rogan Save 10% off any and all supplements And go to DeathSquad.TV If you want to pick up one of these dope ass Kitty Cat t-shirts they were all over the place In Toronto I saw a ton of them Those and the old school ones
Starting point is 02:24:43 And that goes to support Brian's Death Squad podcast network which is also named Death Squad which is on iTunes which is the only place to get the Ice House Chronicles. Alright you fucking freaks. Thanks to everybody for tuning into the podcast. Thanks to everybody who came out to Toronto
Starting point is 02:24:59 this past weekend. It was fucking bananas. Had a great time. Thanks to Sam Tripoli for hooking it up as well as Ari Shafir. Ari's new CD comes out today, ladies and gentlemen. Awesome. Check out the CD cover of that. Have you seen that? Put it up. If you go to
Starting point is 02:25:15 Ari Shafir, S-H-A-F-F-I-R on Twitter, unknown code it says? Come on, you know what I'm talking about. Twitter? Why are you trying to pretend? I'm going blind. I can't even read what I'm writing on Twitter. If you go to Ari's website, it'll show you how to get it.
Starting point is 02:25:31 You can get it from his website, which is Check that out. That's so awesome. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Revenge for the Holocaust. He's a big Jew spider going after people. I hope he doesn't hurt him. What, the Jew spider? Yeah. All right, good night. Good night. Shut it a big Jew spider going after people. I hope he doesn't hurt him. What, the Jew spider?
Starting point is 02:25:45 Yeah. All right, good night. Good night. Shut it off. You're sick of me.

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