The Joe Rogan Experience - #313 - Gregg "Opie" Hughes

Episode Date: January 15, 2013

Gregg "Opie" Hughes is a co-host of the popular talk-radio program The Opie & Anthony Show, which airs on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. What happened? You just died off there. It's like your actual real voice. The podcast has come full circle. Opie, you are here. If it was not for Opie and Anthony, I doubt I would have ever thought it would be so fun to do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:21 What was it about us that made you want to do this? Because you guys are the first radio show that I've ever done that is a complete hangout. Right. Like almost every show that I had ever done, even the great ones, Howard Stern, whatever, it felt like they have an agenda. Like they sit down and they'll ask questions
Starting point is 00:00:37 and they're going to control it and they're going to move it along certain lines. With you guys, it was always just a hangout. You would go there and it was just a real conversation. Well, it's just that we're lazy. That's all that was. Yeah, but you don't understand that's the right way to do it. But then it became our thing, just to chill out and go for it.
Starting point is 00:01:00 You guys doing it that way inspired me to do this the same way. Damn, that's so cool. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. if it wasn't for doing your show because every other show where someone got you know they got interviewed right on your show you just talked right i mean we could go on a show and you know we could just all ask anthony about guns and that'd be a fascinating fucking show we could do it for an hour and a half hour and a half you know what i'm saying yeah that's him getting warmed up as far as guns go that'd be three four hours but you know what i mean i mean it's like well the philosophy i've always had about radio is uh philosophy about radio uh there's a lot of egos in radio yeah and so they there's a lot of guys i don't feel like
Starting point is 00:01:39 naming names today but a lot of guys they have to be the funniest guy in the in the room they have to be the most creative the you know the most interesting and we took the tact like if you come on our show we're gonna fucking sit back and listen to what joe rogan has to say because you come in well prepared and you'll you blow our mind every time you come in but when i go home and i'm in among my friends and family they go wow that was a really good show today i get the credit in the end so who gives a fuck who the funniest guy is in the room or or the most interesting but a lot of radio guys never understood that fucking concept so it goes back to your thought everything has to be all right for the next 15 minutes we're gonna do this and then we're gonna move on to the interview and if you
Starting point is 00:02:18 get a laugh i gotta make sure i get a bigger laugh it was that's an exhausting way to do it it's really dumb too. It's like why would you not want other people to be funny? Right. How does that make you less funny? Like the idea that your entire body of work that you've done up until now is meaningless if this other person is funnier for a brief moment. Of course. It's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It's like why would you be even affected by it at all if someone else is doing well? But the business is filled with those guys it's so weak it's the worst instinct to have comedy is as well yeah and and they're scared of the unknown as far as radio goes you know if something's going well just go with it but they have that stupid uh clock in their head and like well we only allowed 20 minutes for this guy to be funny or interesting and we got to move on to like news or some horseshit yeah they have to go instead just throw all that shit away and just keep going all right we're gonna read the news at noon
Starting point is 00:03:13 like your fucking thing that you have to do every 15 minutes all that and that bored the hell out of me when i got into radio i mean they still do it they still do it i got in and i was playing music and all that shit and i'm like this is stupid if i can't talk and just you know have some kind of hang then i'm gonna go and do something else yeah kevin and bean uh are really interesting guys i don't know if you know them at all the la guys of course yeah do you guys have you ever i met one of them who's the bigger guy that's bean yeah i met being at k-rock in new york he really smart he could have been nicer really smart cats right and if someone just like let them talk in the morning and just have people on talking and have guests on a talk with them sure it'd be fucking a fantastic radio show but
Starting point is 00:03:56 they have to shove songs in they just shove songs in on because that's the new thing on regular radio you gotta get the music in for whatever reason i mean and it's all music we've heard a million times you're not gonna blow my mind with a new song right and you could be in the middle of the coolest fucking conversation they have to play a song yeah and the pds are down the hall they're they're watching the clock and they'll hotline you they'll knock they'll come march in the studio and they'll they'll do this point at a imaginary watch like you know get get back to the format. It's so whack. Hey, am I going to get strep throat from you?
Starting point is 00:04:28 No, no, no. He didn't. Well, I was only contagious for the first 48 hours. I'm trying to have a... All I'm thinking is I'm going to get strep throat now. How do you get strep throat? Do you have to kiss somebody or something? I think it's from eating a lot of pussy. Oh!
Starting point is 00:04:43 I'm allergic to penicillin, which is, like, the number one get rid of strep thing. That's why I get it so much. You're that guy that's allergic to it? Yeah, I'm the one guy. I think that's why I get it so much. The only thing I've been doing is eating pussy. You sound like you're doing a character.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You're the creepiest guy ever. Brian has strep throat right now. Brian, your voice is whack. His voice is really fucked. What happens to you if you took penicillin? I need to know. I get a huge rash over my whole entire body. It's a pretty bad rash.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, but you can survive that, right? Yeah. But I can take Z-packs, and that usually works. Love the Z-pack. Love the Z-pack. My left tonsil is so big that the air is gone from my throat. Oh, my God. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:05:27 So when I try to sleep, it's like I'm gagging the whole night because I can't breathe. Oh. You ever have strep throat? I think so, yeah. It's not fun. This place is set up. It's kind of intimidating. Intimidating?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Wait until we put the werewolf in. What's the werewolf? Again, a werewolf. There's a guy named Pat McGee. He's a special effects guy. He's recreating the American werewolf. American werewolf in London. They do a full-size version of it.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And you're putting that in here? Yeah. How badass is that going to be? I'm jealous. We've got just a shitty studio in New York that we can't do much with. Well, that's the beautiful thing about not having a boss. You know, do whatever we want. We might have done a little of that just a little while ago.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You guys can, yeah, maybe a little of that. You know, you guys have been saddled down by bosses forever. If you guys. Not really. Never? No, we've never listened to them. Yeah, that's true. Which has caused a lot of strife over the years.
Starting point is 00:06:26 But the fact that there's even any strife. They should just leave you the fuck alone. They should let you do whatever you want to do, and you're going to do it the right way. You're trying to do a good show. As much as we complain, I mean, we're allowed to do whatever the fuck we want. But this is ideal. Yeah. You don't listen to anybody?
Starting point is 00:06:42 No. No one is breathing down your back. There's no one there. This is the whole operation. Look at it, the whole operation. Fuck. Yeah. Yeah, we do whatever we want.
Starting point is 00:06:53 That's cool. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of shit that I'm sure we would have gotten in trouble for if we had to listen to somebody. What do you think is that? But it's stupid. What is your number one thing you would have gotten in trouble for if it was on regular radio?
Starting point is 00:07:03 Use of the word cunt. Oh, language crap? Yeah. Yeah, but satellite, you can do a lot. No, a lot of, you know, I'm sure a lot of corporate stuff. But did you guys... Talking about corporations, drugs. Ah, no.
Starting point is 00:07:14 You would have lost a couple sponsors. But did you do any bits that would have gotten you in trouble? We don't really do bits. You know? Bits are going away. Yeah. We just, I mean, I would rather just have conversations with interesting people. I guess.
Starting point is 00:07:24 You know? But every now and then someone will do a bit that's fucking great i mean i'm not opposed to anybody creating anything that's funny it's just for us but you have a lot how we do it so much to talk about hope the world is fucking bananas and i do have to say this you're the king of twitter the king of twitter you are the king of Twitter. How did I do that? It has to be said. The links you tweet are just amazing. Oh, well, get them to me. Yeah, but you're searching that out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Well, maybe some of it is things I retweet. Some of it is things that people send me. Whatever I can find. But you're filtering it from, you know, you're filtering the shit you're finding and then sending it out to your people. Well, there's never been a time where you get so much weird shit thrown at you all day and you can throw it right back at everybody else you were the one that started the whole um planet thing where earth is this yeah and then it shows this and it just gets bigger and bigger and just blows your mind now the thing is everywhere but you were the first one to tweet that oh really
Starting point is 00:08:22 just knowing how fucking big shit is i love that video that that video i don't love it so fascinating you do you love it though yeah yeah it does it creep you out yeah absolutely definitely does we had uh neil degrasse tyson tyson on the other day the astrophysicist sure and he was talking to us about oh my god he was talking to us about the depth of the universe and just the way he does it first of all he's so brilliant and passionate. And when he describes things, it's just so – there's like a theater to it as well because he's such a good talker. And he's also so fucking smart. So when he's talking about the multiverse and the idea that the universe with hundreds of billions of galaxies, like almost infinite, is really just one of an infinite number of universes.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You're like, stop it! It just freaks – it can freak you the fuck out. And you're one of these guys. You're convinced there's life all over the fucking place, right? I don't see how we – I think they've done calculations on not just – like everything in the world is a collection of atoms essentially, right? And I think if you understand – See, there it is.
Starting point is 00:09:29 That's your buzzer. That's the whistle. I think they understand that if the universe is large enough, that every collection of atoms in exactly the same collection as it is on earth will exist somewhere else. collection as it is on earth will exist somewhere else that when you're talking about something that's infinite like literally everything that exists in the exact same order right and the exact objects in the exact place exist in some place but it has to be some insane light years away like 14 trillion trillion trillion trillion there was a into the wormhole with uh what's what's his name um the guy's banging his granddaughter morgan freeman morgan freeman okay and he's the the host of this and it's just like so there's another ope it's just you have to go far enough
Starting point is 00:10:18 that's what infinity means i mean it's so crazy that not only is there another ope but there's another jamie in the room there's another brianpe, but there's another Jamie in the room. There's another Brian in the room. There's another me in the room. Like that is real. But what kind of life you think is out there? Us. I think we're out there. But exactly how we're living on Earth?
Starting point is 00:10:33 That's how crazy. Or is it Earth 5,000 years ago? The universe being infinite is so crazy that the Earth in exactly the order that it appears here might be somewhere else right because it's just a combination of atoms in various states and that combination of atoms in various states could absolutely mirror in the infinite but we have to think about what the infinite means right what the what the infinite is it's impossible for us to to conceptualize did that freak you out as a kid fuck yeah when you started thinking about the universe and then you were okay with the fact that wait maybe it ends and there's a wall.
Starting point is 00:11:07 This is how I thought of it. I'm like, okay, the universe ends and there's a wall. Yeah. But then I started thinking, what the fuck is on the other side of the wall? I remember being a little kid and just stopping and thinking for a second that there's not a roof. There's not a roof to the world. Wow. That's kind of flying through space yeah
Starting point is 00:11:25 and all of a sudden my love my world went like from my point of view to being this is my neighborhood this is where i live to what the fuck like how come nobody's talking about that it was it was really weird to be like a seven or eight year old whatever it was when i really started probably about eight yeah i think it happens around eight for everyone because that's about the time you realize you're going to die. Yeah. Is that the worst day of your life ever? It's a scary day.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I remember I learned at eight that you were going to die. And my parents were taking off to go to the movies. I just wanted to suckle on my mom's dick. I was so fucking scared. And to them, it was just a night out. To me, it was like a life changer. I'm like wait a minute this fucking thing ends someday yeah it was a weird weird night i cried the first night
Starting point is 00:12:12 i realized yeah i was gonna die someday i was like six or something like that i cried it was really sad yeah and that was also when i was i'd already given up on religion because i did a year in catholic school are you a catholic guy originally because I did a year in Catholic school. Are you a Catholic guy originally? Yeah. I did one year in Catholic school. I was like, yeah, nope. I told my parents I'd run away from home. I'm not going. Was it all boy school? No.
Starting point is 00:12:33 They would separate the sexes? They separated us in class. There was girls that would have other classes. I was brought up Catholic, but I'm not an organized religion guy. The craziest girl I ever dated went to an all-girls Catholic school. Yeah. What do you believe in then? I don't really believe in anything.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I mean, I don't not believe in anything either. That's the problem. Are you an atheist? No, I wouldn't say I'm an atheist. There's something, right? No. We just haven't defined it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I would definitely not throw out the possibility that there's something. I think to throw out the possibility that there's something out there is kind of silly. I think this – a lot of the reaction that people do that is the reaction against organized religion. And organized religion we all know is silly. So your reaction is to say, no, there's no God. There's no anything. There's no evidence.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I respectfully leave open the possibility for almost anything. But do you – you said we all know. We all know what? That religion is worship? That organized religion? If you're listening to this show and you feel me on this, dog, I'm telling you, you know and I know that it's a crock of shit. But that's interesting. I want to go with that for a second.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Are you talking to the people out there that go to church every Sunday? They even know? They know. Or are you talking about the people that have given up on organized religion? If you're really paying attention, you know it's horseshit. If you're really paying attention. And if you're not paying attention, that's on you. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:56 You don't have to. But people just don't want to admit that, right? They don't want to admit that. To themselves. Yeah. It doesn't mean that there's no God. The idea that there's no God is crazy. mean that there's no god this is you know the idea that there's no god is crazy but the real problem is the idea that all those contradictory things all those ridiculous things that are
Starting point is 00:14:11 written down on paper about controlling property and about wearing types of cloth at the same time things that you could be put to death for right like if you really knew what the fuck was in the bible and you really like got a good account of it, an excellent translation of all of it together, which is really fucking difficult, you would go, this is crazy people talk. Okay. This is not God telling you all this shit. There may be a God and maybe God has a way of communicating to you through good and bad feelings, good and bad reactions to people. And mean maybe that's what God's message truly is and that people have sort of learned lessons from these things and written them down. It doesn't discount the idea that there might be some overwhelming force in the universe that creates all of this. The idea that we should discount that entirely, I think it's kind of nuts.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I think the problem is that it's been simplified into this nonsense sort of fucking cartoonish, you know, man in a robe and gods and then his son Jesus came down. I think that that's what fucks it up for the real idea because the real idea is not that far-fetched. Well, how do we update that? Well, yeah, that's a good point. Because the Bible was written, what, 600 years after the fact? The real problem is pussy, okay? Let me just break it down. The real problem is pussy because what happens is someone has a new way of thinking.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Someone has a new way of doing it. Someone comes up with a new Bible and they put it all together and then they start teaching that shit and then they start banging chicks. that shit and then they start banging chicks and then everybody gets pissed off and then everybody wants to come in waco style with guns and you're not going to be able to update it one of the things about religion is it has to be old as fuck right if it's not old as fuck we're gonna we're not gonna trust you but there was a time catholicism wasn't old as fuck yeah but it was there was a time it was as new as scientology. And when was that? When was it created? I don't fucking know. Was it like created all at once or did it absorb other religions?
Starting point is 00:16:09 I don't know the history of Catholicism. I have no idea. It is just always disgusting. I wasn't paying attention. What a cunty religion. To grow up as a Catholic was just fucking torturous. And then the other religions you got to blow off as not being real. Well, everyone's full of shit.
Starting point is 00:16:25 No one knows. That's kind of crazy too, right? The reality is, the absolute hardcore reality is that we're just studying some things that people wrote. And the idea that any of that stuff is a message from God and then he's not communicating with you today in some way, shape or form is crazy. I think that most of what people wrote about, most likely the origins of it, the real big experiences that we wrote about were either bullshit
Starting point is 00:16:49 or were probably psychedelic experiences. I think they were eating a lot of mushrooms back then. The shit grew everywhere. They knew the ones you could eat and the ones you couldn't because it kept you alive. You talked about that on our show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And you look at the old, what, drawings? Yeah, the old drawings of people. And the old art and stuff and you see the fucking magic mushrooms. Magic mushrooms, first of all, all over Christmas lore, all over depictions of Christmas is the Amanita muscaria mushroom. I mean you see little elves with like dancing around these mushrooms. So the thing about that mushroom is apparently it was very variable. Like you could get a hold of some of it and it doesn't do shit for you and then you can get a hold of some other stuff that gives you the psychedelic experience yeah and it might be seasonal it might be geographical it might vary in genetics so it's a tricky mushroom but there's a lot of evidence that points to the root of like a lot of these religious things having to do with mushrooms and the use of psychedelics.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So why do they write about that? Well, because it's – first of all – You can find it deep on – you can find it on the internet. Yeah. Somewhere deep, but – There have been people that have written things about it, but it's not something that makes people excited. The idea of psychedelics being anything other than a distraction and something bad for your life. You think about – like someone says, oh, he does psychedelics.
Starting point is 00:18:09 What does that mean? To me, automatically you think Hunter S. Thompson. He's losing his mind. He's firing his gun at the walls. That sort of vision pops into mind. Are you heading that way? No. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:22 But if you said – Aren't you the Hunter S. Thomas of our time? That's ridiculous Are you getting there? He was a genius, wasn't he? He was an alcoholic too I'm a huge fan In the end of his life
Starting point is 00:18:35 It was very sad Towards the end He couldn't even understand them He was just rumbling I know you're not a big alcohol guy. No. Because I listen to the Joe Rogan podcast. Who did you have on?
Starting point is 00:18:49 One of our – oh, Dommerer. Powerful Dommerer. Yeah. That was my pool playing partner. I know. And I found it fascinating that you used to hang out at that pool joint. Which one? The north of the city.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Chelsea? Chelsea Billiards? No. Weren't you in the suburbs? Oh, White Plains? White Plains. Oh, yeah, yeah. Executive Billiards and White Plains. that was a great podcast too oh yeah thanks yeah tell the old stories of uh the old pool hall yeah um that's one of the last fun places where a man could be a man in this
Starting point is 00:19:16 country you know there's something about pool halls like a lot of people like they look down on it or they had a negative connotation with it because a lot of times pool is thought of as like this kind of tough person game or some – you're going to be around like seedy characters. But I've had some of the best times of my life in pool halls. Are you good? Yeah, I'm pretty good. Real good? Came in second place in a tournament last night. Oh, you're still playing well.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah. Damn. Yeah, I played in a tournament last night. You still like it. Yeah, yeah. I just started playing in tournaments again. But yeah, I love playing. I play a lot, man.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Take people for money? No, no, no. I mean, if I gamble with some money, I would gamble like for the – pay for the time or something like that or play for like 20 bucks or something like that. I'm not really interested in stealing anybody's money. Well, you don't need the money, but – I'm just interested in – I just like the game. I just like playing the game.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I like competing. Why? Why do you like that game? I just like playing the game. I like competing. Why? Why do you like that game? Because it's a control game. The game is all about focusing in exactly on the amount of effort that you have to use with your hand to make a ball roll a certain amount of revolutions. And there's times where literally you're looking for the position to vary between one and maybe a half a revolution. So you're looking to get that close, and you're doing this all striking a ball with another ball.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Not when I play, I just want to try to hit that mark. Have you ever seen anybody that's really good? Well, yeah. Like really, really good on ESPN. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:37 In real life, there's like an art. What's her name? Oh, Jeanette Lee. She's very good. Well, she's good to look at.
Starting point is 00:20:44 There's, there's guys that you watch them play and it it's like you're watching an art form. It's like I think that's – It blows your mind when you see that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's the case with anything. I think if you understand chess, I think that chess is like that. I think the people that really understand – I mean I understand chess but not enough to like read like the Rook Knight to Seven, all that shit.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I don't really know it that way. I just know like which pieces go in what way right but i know that to piece to people that love games they'll like sit and watch a guy play and they get a ooh or ah when they see a good move like oh yeah oh fuck yeah fuck yeah you just jacked him with that shit and that you know that a pre that comes from like knowing that that form of competition. I used to like playing chess. I was pretty good growing up. And then when you realize you have to think 10, 12 fucking moves ahead, it's a lot of work. I was done.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yeah, it's a lot of work to think about all these different things that could possibly happen and to calculate what's the risk and the reward and to factor in how your opponent plays. What's your deal with alcohol? Why don't you like it as much as – It's just bad for your body the other stuff you've talked about oh it's fun it's just bad for your body you know like he still drinks it yeah i still drink i mean i'll have a couple of cocktails on occasion on occasion but the problem is like get hammered then the next day you feel like fucking shit right but if you smoke pot, you don't feel bad at all. Alcohol does a lot of great things. It enables people to laugh when they maybe wouldn't. A lot more fucking high-fiving, a lot more craziness.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Alcohol could be great. Loosens some people up. Yeah, it loosens people up. It's great for comedy clubs, man. You could tell evenings, weeknights at the improv. One of the things about the improv during the week, uh, the shows are great. They're very realistic.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Like the crowds do not give you any more than you deserve. If you're, if you're killing, they'll laugh really hard, but you gotta be on point. Right. And then they're not going to just give it to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:38 They're not drinking. You look around, you'll see like a lot of sodas and shit. You know, I just got a text from Jamie from the improv body. Well, I flew in. You mean the laugh know? I just got a text from Jamie from the improv. Buddy. Well, I flew in. You mean the laugh factory.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Oh, he's laugh factory? Buddy, I'm not improv. Oh, sorry. Other club on the other side of town. But he writes, Opie, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry, lost my phone. You are welcome to come anytime. I wrote him two nights ago. When I come to town, I like going to the comedy store or any of the places.
Starting point is 00:23:06 That's where we first met. Yes. Yeah, we first met. Before I ever did your show, we met at the comedy store. People always ask me why I love Joe Rogan so much. And when we were going through our shit for the sex in the church thing, you stepped out and wrote a fucking article on the whole damn thing supporting us. Yeah, I was horrified that no one was getting upset that you guys were getting oh everyone was getting upset but I mean you know I mean it wasn't like it wasn't like a national
Starting point is 00:23:34 free speech outrage right of a situation oh man you wrote a great article and that's when I started really realizing you know what you were all about you know because I knew you from Fear Factory I didn't even know that you were a stand-up at that at that time yeah we didn't know each other and then when i saw your stand-up i was absolutely blown away because you know you leave thinking about shit i like that i like that from a stand-up but um what was gonna say oh um there was no outrage because we didn't have the social networking like our fan Our fan base, they were out of their minds. Like, what do you mean you guys are getting kicked off the air?
Starting point is 00:24:07 But there was no Twitter back then. There was nothing. So it's kind of like, I guess we've said it on our show a bunch of times, you kick an anthill and all the ants go fucking scurrying, but they don't know what the fuck to do. That was our fan base. They were all pissed off. They were running in all sorts of directions, but they couldn't organize.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Nowadays, you can organize, obviously. I thought it was the most ridiculous shit ever that people were making a great outrage about the fact that someone had sex in a church. That it's like you did something so horrible. Oh, man. They did something that everybody wants to do, but they did it in a super secret special place. Right. The magic house. Yeah. Why is it bad there super secret special place. Right. The magic house. Yeah, why is it bad there?
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's not bad there. It's stupid. Why would it be worse if someone fucked in a supermarket? That was my point. I would think it would be worse if someone fucked at a Toys R Us. Yeah, no, I get your point. But what would be the answer to why is it bad in a church?
Starting point is 00:24:58 Is that disrespectful? Yeah, it's a magic house. That's what they're saying. They're saying that magic is real and that all this fucking corny bullshit that's obviously not real. Really, these people with their stained glasses and there's a dude who's being tortured to death. Right. And you're supposed to stare at that and feel bad.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, it was in the vestibule anyway. I don't even think it was in the actual church. And to this day, I don't even know if they actually did it. But it cost me two and a half years of my career. It was so gross. I mean were one of the groups i mean literally one of the only guys stepping forward it was so gross i couldn't believe it was real i couldn't believe you guys were getting fired for that i just i just like this is the craziest thing i've ever heard like if we don't stand up and say this is nothing this is not that big a deal
Starting point is 00:25:38 right why are you making a big deal out of it not only that it's it's it's funny right it is funny you know what if they if they did it else, would you have gotten in trouble? That's the real question. They did it a lot of other places that day. But that didn't get you in trouble. They didn't even talk about that. It's the church that got you in trouble. So that's really saying that there's like a public policy.
Starting point is 00:25:57 The magic place is real. Well, here's the thing. The same day it was done in Toys R Us. That's right. Yeah, that's right yeah that's right so is that right about that so it was a toy store and a church yeah were the two biggies that day but they didn't care about the toys the fact that they did that's right schwartz one of those yeah i think it might have been fao schwartz the fact that that the they're reinforcing the idea that this magic place is actually a magic place yeah yeah it's it's really kind of creepy that people go there and they want to worship and they want to be like, you know, so like if they interrupted
Starting point is 00:26:32 and started fucking in a bunch of people and in front of a bunch of people, but if no one knows about it, they actually pulled it off. Like they didn't get caught, right? No. See? No, there was a security guard that saw it. And actually he basically said said get the hell out of here i don't want to deal with this shit and then someone grandstanded that day and you know it got
Starting point is 00:26:51 so the only person that saw it was a security guard that was it we were we were done we were good he saw and he didn't want to deal with it he didn't want to write it up he didn't want to call anyone and then someone grandstanded and then the guy basically was like all right fine if this is what you want and then next thing you know the cops got the guy basically was like, all right, fine, if this is what you want. And then next thing you know, the cops got involved. Wow. It was so rude. But we had a chance that we would have got away with it. And then we would have went to our bosses like, ah, man.
Starting point is 00:27:12 You know, we were just making believe. It's just so silly. But that fucked us up, man. We've never come back from that. We were so fucking big. Yeah, you guys were gigantic. Holy fuck. And then the world changed by the time we got back
Starting point is 00:27:25 yeah two and a half fucking years two and a half years isn't it funny that you know people get addicted to other shows they just like well they lock onto a show and then they just get uh they they get into it if you take it away from them for a couple of years things change well they came back but i mean you know then we're competing with everything else yeah you know to this now look everyone's podcasting everyone's on their phones you know now you're competing with everything else. Now look, everyone is podcasting. Everyone is on their phones. Now you're competing with some idiot that just wants to look at tweets all day. So you got to try to get their attention.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Could you have done podcasting at that point if that existed? No, nothing. No, there was nothing to do. We had to wait. They actually paid us. People go, oh, you got paid. Yeah, but do you love doing this? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And if someone took this away from you for two and a half years or the UFC for two and a half years, but they were paying you, would you be cool with that, Joe Rogan? No, I'd be sad. Plus the fact that I knew that another company would hire us immediately to continue where we were. Yeah, you would have immediately gotten back on the horse. But our company said, fuck that. We're yeah you would have immediately gotten but our company said fuck that we're paying you every single dollar but you can't do nothing that's so gross what a shitty fucking company policy so stupid and i tried to get out of my contract at the time but uh my agent was a little scared because he was getting his piece oh he was
Starting point is 00:28:40 getting his taste so i'm like oh yeah we'll get this whole fucking thing back together oh that's so yucky on his part that's a contract conflict of interest isn't it i mean we're making he's doing something yeah we're making good money and he was getting his 10 percent yeah that's a conflict so why would he realize why would he call the company and go hey you know my boys went out but i'd call him like weekly i'm like get us the fuck out of this contract because at the time clear child was the big you know radio company they want us immediately they want to put us on q104 in new york so what what you know what did they want money to get for a payoff to get you out of the contract did they or would you have had to just
Starting point is 00:29:20 take a chance i i'd sued i um wait what was that again because i had a thought there oh i said would would they want money like it would have the company that don't who owned you guys it was cbs cbs infinity broadcast would they have accepted money to get out of that nope no that and you know people are gonna say people are gonna say you're full of shit but i know i know this uh to be true they didn't want us to compete with Howard because they knew we'd go across the street, do moorings. Would we beat Howard Stern in moorings? I don't know. I would like to think we'd have a pretty good shot at it back then especially.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You guys were killing it in the afternoon. We were fucking huge in the afternoons. They knew at the very least we were going to take a nice chunk of his audience away. And that was a lot of money to the company. So they sat down in a boardroom and they said, look, it's better that we pay these fucking guys for two and a half years instead of taking the chance, them going up against our main guy. That is a fact.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Well, if that's the case, if they probably looked at their own profits and how much it would cost to pay you off, they probably figured it would be worth the gamble. Oh, no. They made way more money paying us. Isn't that weird? That's how fucked up the business was. That's so strange. They used to talk about it was a business where you just printed up money.
Starting point is 00:30:37 They just printed up money. The advertisers were just paying a fucking lot of money for their ads. How much has the radio business changed since the internet? Drastically. Massively, right? Yeah, and they're stupid because at the time you need personality-driven radio, they said fuck that. So the two biggest formats on regular radio is sports talk,
Starting point is 00:30:59 which anyone could do, no offense to those guys, but that stuff is easy to study. And then it's uh pop music that's it no talk shows are left really yeah it's while you were singing earlier kevin and bean they have to they have to play their music now too i think they've always done it that way you think i think so i i feel like i remember a time where they were a street talk show but i don't know man they're they're good dudes. I just think that the future is not looking good for regular radio. It's like companies, their model that they operated under is just deteriorating.
Starting point is 00:31:32 There's too many options. And with Stitcher in your car, you could listen to this podcast anytime you want in your car. How cool is that? You just set that up and bing. Yeah, you download them. And if you put it on your phone, you can get them all off iTunes. I got it right here. It's so easy to do iTunes I got it right here It's so easy to do
Starting point is 00:31:45 I got it right here It's really hard For a radio station To compete that Especially if they have The wacky DJ voice You guys are one of the first To shit all over
Starting point is 00:31:53 The wacky DJ voices You really made it obvious You know And then I thought it was obvious To everyone It is obvious to everyone But nobody brings it up
Starting point is 00:32:02 One of my favorite bits We do every year Is that Jackocktober bit. Yeah, I love that. So many radio shows are so fucking pissed off at us. Look at yourselves. We're actually trying to help you out. Why are you still doing that type of radio?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Well, tell me what Jocktober is. Jocktober, we feature one show every day for the month of October and just beat the shit out of them. But they're all doing the same thing. There's shows that they have to have a woman, which we call the whole, obviously. But that's a dumb program director. They would get you two together, right?
Starting point is 00:32:35 And then they would throw a woman in for her point of view. Yeah, I'm not really interested. Of course not. It's not that I'm a misogynist, but I am a man. And I like talking to men. And they have a tendency to fucking put up the yield sign or the stop sign. Like, oh, you know, knock it off.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So, yeah. I mean, we've been offered females over the years. And we just said, hell fucking no. I mean, we'll have females on our show. And they do well, you know. They do really well. They could hold their own, but to have someone in there on a regular basis,
Starting point is 00:33:10 oh, that would be a fucking nightmare. Right. I mean, you would have to have the perfect mix of personalities because otherwise, look, there's nothing wrong with what women like, but what women like and what men like varies drastically. It's a big fucking difference. And when women are in the mix, if you're trying to do anything, especially something creative along these lines, when it's like freeform, conversational type shit, if a woman is in the mix on a regular basis, it changes the entire dynamic of the show.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Well, you're going to watch everything you're saying. Yeah, you're going to watch everything you're saying. You're going to try not to be as rude. No, all that shit. Yeah, you're definitely not shit on her the way you shit on each other. Sure, you're going to watch everything you're saying. Yeah, you're going to watch everything you're saying. You're going to try not to be as rude. No, all that shit. Yeah, you're definitely not shit on her the way you shit on each other. Sure, you're going to be very aware. Yeah. You can't talk shit to a chick the way you can talk.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Like, you just say to your friend, shut up, stupid. You know, and that's fine. But no one even gets upset. But if you say that to a girl, shut up, stupid, like, hey. I think our female listeners understand that, too, because they're like, wait, we get to hear, like, guys unfiltered. Yes. Because the guys in their lives, they're around their wives or their fucking girlfriends. They're not unfiltered.
Starting point is 00:34:10 So radio shows like yourself and ours, they like to kind of take that peak and listen in. Yeah. That's the only opportunity they can. Just like when me, when I listen to out-cue gay radio. I don't listen. That's the only way. I don't ever hear gay people have like conversations is it good i really don't know fucking great is it really i really don't know
Starting point is 00:34:31 they're they're nice guys we know all but there's um i guess i gotta i guess i gotta check him out i just get a kick out of i get a kick out of listening to everything i like listening to conservative talk radio right i like listening to those really silly conservative guys where everything is fucking 100%. Alex Jones. He's a little weirder. Alex has a lot of nutty shit in there. He thinks marijuana should be legal.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Gay marriage should be legal. He's just a conspiracy theorist. You scared me for a while because I'm like, Joe Rogan is a really smart dude and you were really into Alex Jones. And I miss – hold on. I misread it. We finally had that conversation and you said it.
Starting point is 00:35:11 You're like, I believe, what, 20 percent did he say something like that? It depends. It depends on the subject. Sometimes I believe 70 to 80 percent of what he says. Fair enough because the last time he was on our show, I was surprised how much I was digging what he was saying. But then there's been other times it's been ridiculous. He's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:27 But he's awesome. He's a lot of fun to listen to. Yeah, he's a lot of fun to listen to. Do you think it's an act? No. I know him really well. It's not an act? He's my friend.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I mean, I've known that guy for over 10 years. Alex Jones is exactly who he presents himself as. You're not going to give me the total. No, no, no, no, no. I'm telling you. No. I'm telling you. No, I'm telling you. My thought is this, that he understands conspiracy, like living in that world is good for his business. So he forces some of this shit to continue to live in the conspiracy world.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I understand why you would see that, but I don't believe it's that. What I believe it is is more of it's confirmation bias. And that happens when someone gets really fixated on the idea that there's a conspiracy everywhere so they start seeing conspiracies in places that they're not right but it doesn't mean that the validity of some of the shit he's brought up the validity of some of the shit he's brought up is unquestionable you know there's a lot of stuff that he brings up that's like and by the way he was bringing it up way ahead of anybody else he was he was talking about and he during the first days of september 11th he was calling it a false flag attack and he was saying that um you know there was uh it was possible that you know buildings were detonated and like he was sticking himself way way way out on a limb and when he did
Starting point is 00:36:42 that i was like wow man you can't i was like you can't say that that's crazy you can't you know you can't you can't say that they're willing to go to war for profit i thought he was being nuts right i was talking to him i was like you know you're just drawing all these conclusions but next thing you know we're at war with iraq and nobody understands why and you know he's saying it's for profiteering they're profiteering over there right i don't believe that he's right about like september 11th being orchestrated by the government i don't think it was orchestrated by the government but i do think they capitalized well of course i mean one of my thoughts on that is if you want let's say you want to bring your country to war right and you know that there's some shit that could be going down in New York City, like planes going
Starting point is 00:37:25 into the fucking buildings. You know that would be technically really good for the country because then you would, like you said, profiteer and head off to war. Why wouldn't you let it just happen? Well, one of them was... That's where my line is where I
Starting point is 00:37:41 wonder and it's like a gray area to me. But to think that people were wiring the buildings while people were going in and out of work, that's just ridiculous. Yeah, I can't – But to possibly let things happen and go, you know what? All right, we know this is going down but it's not the worst thing for our agenda right now. It's possible. The real issue is the idea of the false flag. The idea of the false flag is the idea that the government would plan out a fake attack.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Would they do that? And for most people, that answer is no. Most people say the government would never do that. The real problem is they've done it. They really actually have done it. Not only have they done it, they've planned on doing it a bunch of other times and they couldn't pull it off. There was one from when uh the bush administration was leaving they were talking about in 2007 i believe it was they were talking about uh going into uh
Starting point is 00:38:31 iran and and coming up with a false flag attack in order to get us into war with iran before their administration was out to set the you know the next administration to set obama administration into some crazy fucking war that he couldn't control now in the end is that good for the country in their in their minds i know i think it's profiteering i really do i think i don't think there's any other way of your buddies right there's no other way it has nothing to do with actually making the country stronger in the end if you can't justify it militarily if you can't justify the reason why you're there then you're profiteering right you know it's just it's really that simple. It's like, is someone profiting? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Okay, so you can't justify when you're there and someone's profiting. That means it's about the profit, and that's something that we don't like to hear. We don't like to accept that shit in this country. You like to think that it's all just patriotic. Yeah, Alex Jones brings up all that shit. The Northwoods document. And the Northwoods document is in the 1960s, 1962 I think it was, before Kennedy was assassinated, the Joint Chiefs of Staff signed this.
Starting point is 00:39:34 They agreed on this. They were going to fake a bunch of attacks on America by the Cubans. They were going to blow up a drone jet. They were going to take a jet and fly it in the air with radio control and then blow it up while it's in the sky. They were going to blame it on the Cubans. They were going to arm Cuban friendlies, and they were going to lob mortars at Guantanamo Bay, possibly killing American civilians or citizens rather. And they were going to do all this so that we would get angry and we would want to go to war with Cuba because it was the only way we could get to go to war with Cuba. They wrote all this down. They're like, we're good to go. And with Cuba because it was the only way we could get to go to war with Cuba. They wrote all this down.
Starting point is 00:40:05 They're like, we're good to go. And then Kennedy was like, get the fuck out of here with this. Kennedy vetoed it. Where are you at with Kennedy? So they killed him. I'm almost positive. Who? CIA?
Starting point is 00:40:16 FBI? There was quite a few people. There was quite a few people who wanted that guy dead. Because what's his name came out what? A couple days ago, right? Was it Robert Kennedy's kid? Yeah. And he said Lee Robalt didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:40:30 No, he said there's definitely, you know, that was definitely a conspiracy. I don't think there's any question. I mean, I think there's a lot of people that want to tie things up in neat little packages. I think that's the least tieable neat little package on earth. I really don't. Just the video alone. There's a Pruder video. Just the video alone, there's a Pruder video, the fact that you know that they had to attribute all those wounds to one bullet because they found a bullet that hit an underpass and ricocheted. So they were like – they were coming up with illogical reasons why all these wounds came from three shots.
Starting point is 00:40:58 It's kind of insulting to our intelligence, right? Yeah. Why would they say – why would they limit it to three shots? I'll tell you why. Because that was the only amount feasible for this guy to pull off for that amount of time. Of course. That was it. To make it one guy, it had to be no more than three shots. And it doesn't mean Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't in on it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I don't know. He could have been in on it. What the fuck? He had a long history with the CIA. He had a long history of limiting Russia, possibly being a Russian spy. There's a lot that points to the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was doing some shady shit too. You ever been to Dealey Plaza?
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah, I've been there. Have you been there when all those whack jobs come out with their books and their card tables? No. They're still reliving the day and they all have something to sell? Oh my God. You haven't seen that? No, I just drove through it. No, man.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Next time you play Dallas, you have to go to dealey plaza and you have to hang out there for like three or four hours well we drove through it and it's a weird piece of history it's smaller than you think tiny and it it looks like um it looks like a hollywood stage right it looks like a set for a movie because nothing has really changed i mean the trees have grown that's about it but these people that were there that day they're all you talk about profiteering to this day they're profiteering. They go there every day and try to sell their pamphlet or their book or whatever the fuck. Someone like you, you would love it.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You would love it. Joe, did you see the Sandy Hook fully exposed video that's been announced? Yeah, what is all that? They're trying to say it's a conspiracy. Yeah, it's a conspiracy, like how, you know, there's two other shooters, and they show even footage that the news of people, like the police catching a guy in the woods, and then whatever happened to that guy,
Starting point is 00:42:34 and how some of the kids. So did the police catch him or not? Can't they just talk to the police? Or were the police in on it as well? Well, I'm waiting for somebody to debunk that. I've seen the videos. I'm like, something's got to be wrong here. They were saying that the tribute video
Starting point is 00:42:48 was put up a month in advance, and I was like, how do you know that someone did just edit something and put up another video? It could have been a post that was made a month ago and they had something else and they just took out the stuff and put the regular video in. Yeah, that could have been it. There's ways to fake a time stamp
Starting point is 00:43:04 if you have a previous post of your editing editing i don't know whether or not that's real but i i do know that whenever anything happens now a million people go looking for conspiracies yeah even if it doesn't make any sense even if there's no conspiracy we all love a good conspiracy right love a good god we grew up with that shit yeah do you believe the uh uh bigfoot that's a good goddamn conspiracy. We grew up with that shit. Yeah. Do you believe in Bigfoot? That's a good one, man. Whoa, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the reason why.
Starting point is 00:43:30 All right. There's two reasons. One – And then I was going to ask you about Loch Ness, which is on the same page. We got it. Jane Goodall, who's a world-famous primatologist. She believes in Bigfoot. No. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah. She says she's convinced that there's an undiscovered primate. I'm pretty sure that's her exact words She's convinced so there's an undiscovered primate living in the Pacific Northwest So where the fuck is the the remains? Well, the deal is well, you know, we had a hunter on yesterday this guy Steve Rinella And we were talking about animals like has he ever seen a dead mountain lion? He's like no, I've never seen a dead mountain lion, you you know you could and he's a hunter he's in the woods constantly we know mountain lions are real right but what are the odds of running around and finding a dead one it's pretty small but no one has found a
Starting point is 00:44:12 skeleton um skeletal remains or nothing nothing credible nothing credible for a mountain lion no no no no no i'm talking about for bigfoot okay yeah but i'm saying i know that but the reason why jane goodall believes um that it might be a real animal is because there was a real animal that looked just like that. Right. And it lived alongside people. It's called Gigantopithecus. And the photos of them are kind of crazy. Like they have a recreation of one.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Right. It's an eight-foot tall bipedal giant Sasquatch. Right. I mean that's really what it is. But they have actual proof that it lived. Oh, it lived. Yeah. It lived 100,000 years ago because they have bones.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Oh, they do have bones. Yeah. Okay. Someone was talking about it. I believe that it actually was one of the few primates that stores its dead. Like they buried their dead. They had like their dead in one area. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:56 So they think they might have understood life and death more than other chimps who just kind of sort of leave their monkey bodies laying around after they die. Right. They took care of the bodies, which is really kind of sort of leave their monkey bodies laying around after they die right you know they took care of the bodies you know which is really kind of freaky and if they were really really smart and i mean all primates are smart right you know they're all reasonably smart of course if it was a gigantic one that's that big it could be smart as fuck but i mean everyone's searching for it now who's searching are you i'm not no i don't know anybody i just feel like i could say that i think maybe i feel like i feel like I could say that. I think maybe everyone knows.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I feel like I could say that it's true. You don't think there's like people, I mean, that would be amazing for somebody if they could prove that Bigfoot exists. Well, you know, Spike has a new show. It's like a $10 million challenge or something crazy like that. To find Bigfoot? Yeah. I think I might have said too much money.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Don't blame me. It might not be $10 million. Whatever it is, it's a lot of money to go find Bigfoot. That's a good concept. Yeah, it's a fucking great concept. And you've got to go deep in the woods and look for something. The only guy that I've ever heard tell a Bigfoot story, I heard him tell it on your show, and then he came and told it on my podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It was Les Stroud, Survivorman. His Bigfoot story was uh pretty credible because that guy didn't mind what did he say again he was he had two two um different encounters one of them uh he was in alaska and this is the most memorable and he was in his tent and he's sleeping and i was just lying in his tent trying to go to sleep and he heard something thumping through the woods bipedally and he was walking on two legs clearly and he goes and it was really heavy you could tell it was really heavy and he didn't know what to do so he just laid there and waited and it got closer to him it was coming towards his camp right and he said it was about 50 feet from him
Starting point is 00:46:37 and started going like he goes clear primate sounds right like clear primate sounds. Right. Like clear primate sounds. And he goes and reaches for his camera. And when he rustles, the thing runs off. And the thing runs off. He says, it's running on two legs. I hear it thump, thump, thump, thump. Fuck that. And to this day, he's convinced that it wasn't a bear.
Starting point is 00:47:01 He said, there's no way that was a fucking bear. There's no way. He goes, I've been around every animal. He's a real survivalist. You know what I'm saying? Like, that guy goes out there with a fucking pocket life and he can last a month. Where was he? He was in Alaska. Oh, he said he was hundreds of miles
Starting point is 00:47:16 from anybody. Fuck that. They flow him in on a plane for hours before they dropped him off for a week. And he runs into this fucking animal out there. There's been a lot of sightings in Alaska, by the way. It's not just one. There's hundreds of Bigfoot sightings in Alaska. We've got to catch one, though.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yeah, we do. Are you scared of the woods? Fuck yeah, you should be scared of the woods. I'm fucking scared of the woods. You should be scared of everything, everything natural, because then you become a part of the food chain. Right. Like here we're in a studio.
Starting point is 00:47:41 The beautiful thing about the studio, we have eliminated the food chain 100%. It's just us and a fucking table You don't have to look out for jaguars and shit If you live somewhere that sucked You don't have to look out for jaguars When you're going into the jungle Or you're going into the woods It's a beautiful thing to be with nature
Starting point is 00:47:59 It's beautiful But you also agree to be a part of nature You throw yourself back into the lottery It's fun for the first couple minutes And then you start seeing those shadows But you also agree to be a part of nature. You throw yourself back into the lottery. It's fun for the first couple of minutes and then you start seeing those shadows and your fucking mind plays tricks on you. I was in Montana. I went hunting for a week. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Yeah, we went. It's what Steve Rinell was on yesterday. I shot this thing. Whoops. Wait, you shot this thing? Yeah, I shot this thing. What is it? That's a deer. That's a nice uh how many points it's eight eight point deer we're looking at right now yeah just the skull
Starting point is 00:48:33 yeah and the antlers it was uh interesting experience but to um to camp out like five nights and uh in in you know like this really wild habitat like that. Man, you really start looking around for stuff. We found mountain lion shit. Right. That was a real eye-opener. You see a big, fat rope of shit with hair in it. And you're like, okay, something killed a deer with its face.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Jesus. It caught a deer and killed it with its face. Right. It's hanging out here Dropping shits So how did you know you were safe? Well we had rifles No at night when you're sleeping Well you're in a tent
Starting point is 00:49:12 It's going to know where to attack you in the tent It looks at the tent It's this big thing that it doesn't really totally understand When they smell If you have food in the tent or something like that Especially bears it can get really tricky. But there's no bears in this area. Mountain lions aren't really scavengers.
Starting point is 00:49:29 They're looking to kill things. I've got to ask you something. How is it to kill something? Not that hard. No. You're all right with that? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Why? Because I've been eating meat my whole life. And if you don't kill them, it's not like they live forever. You know, what you're doing is you're ending their life and you're choosing to end their life, but their life is very temporary. It's very temporary in a very harsh climate. And if you don't do it, they get eaten by wolves. No, I'm not questioning that.
Starting point is 00:49:57 I just don't think I could do it. You could do it. Of course you could. You're a person who eats meat and you want to be alive. Let me tell you something. You're a father. Does it bother you at all though? No, not even a little bit. No. I mean, I have respect do it. Of course you could. You're a person who eats meat and you want to be alive. Let me tell you something. You're a father. Does it bother you at all though? No, not even a little bit.
Starting point is 00:50:07 No. I mean I have respect for it. I have reverence for the animal. I mean it was – seeing an animal in the wild like that is – I don't want to use the word majestic but it's a really powerful moment. Like you see that animal like wild. It's probably never seen a human being before. I mean we were in the Badlands of Montana and you're running into a deer that very likely is three years old, two, three years old. You might have never seen a person ever and then you're sneaking up on them and shooting them.
Starting point is 00:50:37 It's pretty intense. But the food is delicious. It's really nutritious and healthy. And if you're a person who eats animal protein, I can understand the ethics behind not wanting to cause harm to animals, not wanting to kill them. But especially in the case of big game hunting like deer, all you're doing is you're ending their life before a predator takes them out. They all get taken out. They get taken out. No, I know they're overpopulated and all that. You know how many deer die of old age?
Starting point is 00:51:05 Zero. Literally zero. They're just fucking, making babies. Wolves are pulling the babies out of the mama's pussy while they're giving birth. I mean, it's a crazy life. Jesus Christ. You're out there in the woods. This is a fucked up podcast. It's as dark as it gets out there in the deer world.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So when you come along and blow their heart out with a bullet. I'll have to try it then. It's really like the safest, I mean, not the safest, it's like the most humane way for them to die ever. You know, it's, I could understand people's points of view. Like if you want to be a vegan, if you want to be a vegetarian, you don't want to cause any harm. I totally understand that. But I think if you do accept that most people eat meat and that is the case in this culture, most people eat meat. This is the case in this culture most people eat meat this is the most humane way to acquire the meat and all you're doing is acting as a predator in
Starting point is 00:51:50 a world filled with predators you're not denying any other animal the predation and in fact the idea is that if done correctly it keeps the animal populations healthy so they don't fucking starve to death i understand all that i'm just thinking what goes on in your head. No, it didn't. I was ready for it. I had prepared myself for it for a long time because I wanted to do it for a long time. Yeah, this was the first one. Yeah. Wow, cool.
Starting point is 00:52:13 You know, and it's not like – it's a very respectful thing. I mean you're eating – I'm eating this whole animal. It takes months to eat it. There's a lot of meat. Yeah, it's processed and cut. I lived in western New York. We had a lot of venison chili. Oh, yeah. I didn to eat it. There's a lot of meat. Yeah, it's processed and cut. I lived in western New York. We had a lot of venison chili. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:29 I didn't like it. Western New York has a lot of fucking deer. No shit. When you take that ride from Buffalo to Long Island, where I was brought up, we used to count how many dead deer on the top of the cars. Yeah, you see a lot of them, right? There's hundreds. Yeah. Yeah, because especially during hunting season and all that. Yeah. And then on the side of the cars yeah you see a lot of them hundreds yeah yeah because you know especially
Starting point is 00:52:45 during hunting season and all that yeah and then on the side of the road and all that crap a lot of people get their cars fucked up by those deer too yeah that's why it's very important to keep deer populations down like people don't understand like if if deer populations get really big first of all you get a lot of lyme disease as well that that. The ticks travel from deer to deer and they get into people and Lyme disease in people is fucking devastating to your health. And a lot of that is overpopulation. These fucking deer, they get, I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:14 they can get, there's a road from Massachusetts, western Massachusetts to New York, to like the White Plains area. I forget what the road it is. Probably, I want to say 91. Maybe. Whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:53:27 95, something like that. It's a two-laner at one point when you're like, I'm not too late. Two lanes on each side. Four-laner, I guess. Way up in upstate Massachusetts or western Massachusetts. As you're driving down to New York, it gets so bad with deer that you've got to go like 20 miles an hour. It's fucking crazy. They're just darting out in front of the lights, just running out in front of your car.
Starting point is 00:53:48 You ever see one get hit by a car? Yeah. Yeah, I've seen one get hit by a car. It's pretty fucked up. It's pretty fucked up, yeah. I've seen a bunch of them on the side of the road. Yeah, yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:53:55 In Boulder, it's weird. They're not scared of cars at all. They don't even run. They just stand there. Really? Yeah. In Boulder, there was a deer. We parked the car, got out.
Starting point is 00:54:04 The deer was 20 feet away 20 feet away and we're all just standing there looking at him and deer's like hey what the fuck are you bitches looking at and he just keeps eating his grass it's just used to it they're so used to it it was just used to cars we took a picture of him got back in the car and he jumped across the fence right on but they they get used to people and you know if you don't keep those populations down they're gonna be slamming into your cars at night and they're like they're like little crazy squirrels you know but they'll kill you like they'll go through your windshield i'm kidding have you ever seen those photos online yeah i have giant through the windshield through the windshield
Starting point is 00:54:39 but they're beautiful i understand they're beautiful I'm not saying we should eradicate them But we should eat them You know There's nothing wrong with eating them There's plenty of them No I was just trying to get into your head I was just curious Because you know
Starting point is 00:54:53 I've never done it That's all Well I never did it until this time And I wondered whether or not I was going to have a problem with it But I eat meat I've always eaten meat I like it
Starting point is 00:55:01 It's delicious Of course It would be hypocritical It's one of my favorite foods in the world which one snake steak steak just love it steak over mesquite get some mesquite lump charcoal and salt and pepper that bitch and throw it out there do you go with the grass-fed you ever have the grass fed is terrific it's really good fucking beef yes very nice really good it's interesting it's a different kind of taste.
Starting point is 00:55:26 It's way better for your body, too. What are you drinking over there? This is that bulletproof coffee shit that I told you about. But it's made with butter? Yes, it's made with grass-fed butter. Where do you learn about this shit? This is a guy named Dave Asprey who came on to – Brian tells me everything. He's my Yoda. Oh, Brian knows this shit.
Starting point is 00:55:40 No? It's like Yoda. Yoda, like, pretended to be stupid. He was in the background with all the knowledge. I don't even know what's happening. Brian's the one pulling all my strings. This guy that we had on the podcast, Dave Asprey, he gave this really fascinating speech about mycotoxins, something that I wasn't aware of. But most coffee, when you buy coffee from a store like Starbucks or something like that, it has mold on it.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And the way that like a coffee is stored and the way a coffee is treated when it comes off of right out of the plantations, how it's taken care of, is directly proportionate to how healthy it is for you. And those mycotoxins you have in moldy coffee are really fucking bad for you. That's where liver toxicity, these different effects that – like there's an issue with some coffee is not bad for you at all, but other coffee shows like bad liver markings. And what that is is fungus. It's in corn and it's in coffee. It's in a bunch of different shit. What kind of coffee is it in?
Starting point is 00:56:42 A lot of different coffee. Like the big guys? Well, you ever see – there's a show called Dangerous Grounds. The show is about a dude who's on the Travel Channel. He travels to all these different exotic places where they make coffee and shows you what it's like to acquire coffee in these tropical lands. And he was saying that somewhere between 70 plus percent of all the coffee you get has mold on it. And that could be a health issue. So when people are talking about the health issues of coffee,
Starting point is 00:57:09 this Dave Asprey guy says, they're talking about mycotoxins. And when you're dealing with toxin-free, clean, fungus-free coffee, you don't have nearly as many issues and the energy doesn't, you don't crash afterwards. What he's saying is that you're basically being poisoned by shitty coffee. Isn't the water killing all that stuff? No, it doesn't – you don't crash afterwards. What he's saying is that you're basically being poisoned by shitty coffee. Isn't the water killing all that stuff? No, it doesn't. That's the crazy thing about fungus.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Your voice is getting worse. I know. It's hilarious. His voice is getting worse. It sounds like it's fake. You should get a Stephen Hawking's device. One of those little things and click, click, click. You should do it.
Starting point is 00:57:41 I don't want to get strapped, man. He's not – No, I'm not contagious after that. I'm not contagious. Yeah, just don't make out get strapped, man. No, I'm not contagious. Yeah, just don't make out with them. Your question. No, they can't. The boiling, it doesn't kill them.
Starting point is 00:57:54 See, they can survive in space. They can survive radiation. Yeah, spores can survive in insane places. That's one of the main reasons why some people believe that uh magic mushrooms came from outer space right the idea that there's there's they're very different and as far as a chemical composition from other mushrooms and other and they mirror human neurochemistry and they can survive in a vacuum they can survive incredible radiation and we know that certain shit has come here from asteroids we know water has come here from asteroids we know that certain shit has come here from asteroids. We know water has come here from asteroids. We know that things have hit other planets and sent things to us and could have contained organic matter.
Starting point is 00:58:31 We know all that. So they're pretty sure that these fucking spores, these cunty spores could survive in space. And that's how we got some of these mushrooms. Well, that's like prions too, that shit that causes mad cow disease. That can survive like a thousand degrees for like seven days or something crazy like that. They're insanely tolerant.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Does this stuff keep you awake at night? No. Your head is filled with a lot of fucked up knowledge, man. It's not fucked up. It's more fascinating than fucked up. You know that's a compliment. It's just the way I say it. No, I know. Can I take a fucking leak? Yeah, go take a leak. You know that's a compliment. It's just the way I say it. No, I know. Can I take a fucking leak?
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yeah, go take a leak. Go through that door and say, what happens if I take a leak? Nothing. Come on right back. We'll keep talking. This is casual as fuck, man. It's the internet. You're looking at the CEOs of the company right here.
Starting point is 00:59:18 You just never take a break? We do whatever we want. I don't need to take a break. If I leave, will you be talking about me? No. Unless you want me to. Hell fucking no. Whatever you want, man.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I want to be talked about when they're not in the room. Are you checking your Twitter like a little girl? What are you doing here, man? Yeah, I was just checking it out. Why not? Get a couple plugs in. That would help. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Get a few follows for Christ's sake. Follow OP Radio. O-P-I-E Radio. Nice. Go through that door and take a right. We'll be right here. We're going gonna talk some shit About you Where you going
Starting point is 00:59:45 What's that Yeah Oh yeah Really Uh huh I might have a story Yeah you got Yeah there's a story
Starting point is 00:59:52 I know you motherfucker We gotta hear something There's a story He's got something to show us So uh Poor poor Brian You got the bad AIDS And uh
Starting point is 01:00:01 You should call Peter Duesberg up right now And tell him to go Fuck himself Okay Listen Peter Duesberg I got mouth. It hurts. You should call Peter Duesberg up right now and tell him to go fuck himself. Okay? Listen, Peter Duesberg, I got mouth AIDS. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Yeah, strep is no joke, dude. How many days is strep contagious for? I think it's the first 48 hours after taking the medication. And how many hours have you been taking the medication? 72. So you buffed it, gave it a little buffer? Yeah. It feels like there's a piece of glass in my throat.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Dude, you sound like you've been sucking cock for years. Like they just put you on a cock-sucking plant. You know, for a year, you were on a cock-sucking plantation. And that's what they did. They just lined you up, and you had to just suck cocks all day for years. Can you imagine a world where that existed, where that was the punishment that someone would bestow upon you? You've got to suck cocks for years, for years and years and years and years. You have two years in the cocksucking factory. So they send you someplace, and your life's existence is you get four hours sleep a night,
Starting point is 01:01:00 and the rest of the time while you're awake, you're sucking dicks. That's your whole day you get like five minutes to shove some food down your throat five minutes to shit twice a day and then the rest of it is just sucking cocks or death your choice there was a guy who did something to someone and paralyzed him and the punishment that they gave him was to paralyze him. Medically. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I forget what the story was. I'm going to find the ruling. Judge's ruling. This was like, I want to say a couple of years ago. They paralyzed a man found guilty of paralysis. Okay, let's see. Paral. Paralyze is one of those words we like.
Starting point is 01:01:47 How do you spell that? Paralysis. Paralysis. Paralysis. What happened? We're talking about some guy who, Saudi Arabia was going to paralyze a man who crippled another man. I wonder how this – they were going to – this guy had crippled someone. So they were trying to – they wanted to sever his spinal cord and cripple him as punishment.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Right. And people got really fucking freaked out about it. The guy, he stabbed someone and severed their spinal cord. And they were going to do the same thing to him. Right. Because under Sharia law, this guy, his victim requested that. Really? Yeah. Imagine living in that world under sharia law this was his right to seek what a wacky ass part of the world i mean as an adult and especially as a father when you read about the the craziness the world
Starting point is 01:03:01 when you see like some woman who was just gunned down because they thought she possibly had been guilty of adultery, so they got gunned her down the street and everybody's fine with it. You're allowed to have these honor killings. Well, don't you think our country could use a little of that? Honor killings? Well, just something.
Starting point is 01:03:19 What do you mean? Oh, fuck, man. Like the Aurora shooter. I don't feel like seeing his fucking face on the news every day. Why can't we just take him out back and shoot him in the fucking head? Okay, but that's a big difference between that and honor killings for women dancing and shit. But I was just bringing it all together. No, of course I don't want honor killings in America. Yeah, I was like, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:03:37 But I think we're a bunch of pussies as far as we take care of some of these fucking people. You want to take care of school shootings, fucking take these guys out immediately. Yeah, you have to also find out what the fuck is going on with their mind, though. In keeping them alive, you can study them. You can find out what we might be able to prevent once in the future. We might have, like, markers or flags. They think?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Yeah. They got to figure out what it is psychologically, and they also have to figure out what it is chemically, because a lot of these guys are on antidepressants, more than 90 percent of them in fact. Yeah, I think the mental illness part of this whole equation is way worse than the fucking gun part. Yeah, you're right. Of course I'm right. I mean Timothy McVeigh killed a lot of people with fertilizer. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:22 If somebody wants to kill you, they can kill you. And I agree with that. This is such a weird, chill environment. Is it? Yeah, man. This is how we do it. I'm so out of my element. No, you're not.
Starting point is 01:04:33 You fit right in. What are you talking about? But it's cool, though. But how are you out of your element? I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone these days. Are you really? And just do different things. Yeah, because the type of radio show I do, I can almost do it in my sleep now.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Right, right, right. So to step into this environment to me is really fucking strange. I'm just pouring out some shit. You guys have really become a home for the comedian hangout. Right. We used to hate comics on the show. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:59 When? When we were in Boston. Wow. We fucking hated it. How come? And then when we first came to New York, we fucking hated it. Because we had guys that came in and instead of just having the conversation we're having or just be funny because if you're a stand-up, can't you just be funny? Right.
Starting point is 01:05:15 But a lot of these guys at first – because we weren't getting the quality comics either because we were just starting out. They came in and they wanted their bits set up. Why can't you just come in and have a conversation and maybe we'll fit in one of your bits or whatever i don't give a fuck but let's talk about you know some shit yeah and maybe you get some jokes out there so we actually avoided comics for a long fucking time and then you know when you do radio new york you can't avoid it and we finally embraced it and you know we love it of course we love when you guys come in well you you guys figured out how to do it the perfect way and let real comics come in and just fuck around
Starting point is 01:05:51 and shoot the shit and talk shit and it creates these unbelievably hysterical moments sure whereas you know if you let a guy just come in and set up his bits how long can you do that for you know it's not even a real conversation. But that's what they want. A lot of radio stations, they were like, even I did a big radio station a couple of years ago and they still ask me to do this. Oh, really? They go, we would like you to know what questions
Starting point is 01:06:15 you would like to be asked to set up your bits. Right. And I go, set up my bits. Right. And the guy was disappointed. Like, what bits are you going to do? I go, what bits am I going to do? What the fuck are you saying? We did not know who's coming into your fucking show yeah i could
Starting point is 01:06:28 understand if it's somebody where maybe the the comedy club made you take them but something like you really it was why would you why would you waste your time with that shit i only did it because i was in the town i'm not i don't mean you them when they had an opportunity to have you just you know you know talking the radio show itself was great it was the producer that was just weirding me out with all that and he was so disappointed in me that i didn't have bits prepared yeah you know he's like what bits you're gonna do and i was like what are you talking about man can we just go out there put us put us on that radio thing right get out of here you're fucking my head man exactly and those dudes do fuck with
Starting point is 01:07:04 your head too because part of like a fun radio show Is like having a good time And being relaxed And when you're around someone who's super tense What they don't understand is They tense you up too Right You're like why are you so weirded out
Starting point is 01:07:14 About me going on the radio Like stop being a pussy Just press play Well with that said How many cool shows are there out there? There's very few Right? There's very few
Starting point is 01:07:24 There's a handful. A handful scattered across the country. Name five. Kevin and me in L.A., for sure. And I'll say this. There might be more. I'm just telling you to name five because you're going to piss off somebody. No, I can't then.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I'll stop right there. I'm not because I would piss somebody off. I don't mean to. No, but I'm just – You're right. I don't want to hear any nonsense from you. Alex Jones. Alex Jones is all you need, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:07:47 We've got internet radio. We've got live radio. We are 100 people strong in affiliates. One of the best things is when Jim Norton said about Alex Jones and never thought of. He brought up this brilliant point was that how he always talks about the government. They're changing the papers. They're doing this with the papers. But then he uses the government's research and papers for other points.
Starting point is 01:08:11 It's true. It's like you can't do both, right? You can, but it's not as effective. That sounds like it hurts a lot to talk. Yeah, I'm trying to – That's like fucked up. Yeah, he definitely does do that. I mean look –
Starting point is 01:08:24 Well, don't we all do that? But Alex is also a guy who, you know, he'll research some shit that a lot of people wouldn't. He'll find out some things that a lot of people wouldn't. Yeah. Maybe he's a little wacky. Yeah. I would say, yeah, he's a little wacky. No doubt.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Did you hear my Pierce Morgan? It was awesome. I loved it. Dude, he went off. That was just great fucking TV. It was just great theater. I just loved it. When he was having the English accent, he was talking to Pierce with an English accent.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I was like, Alex, you crazy motherfucker. I wouldn't have blamed Pierce if he punched him at that point. But Pierce, I think, in the end, is just a fucking pussy. I really do think he's just a pussy. He seems very gross to me. I don't know. Pierce? Yeah, he's very weaselly.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Oh, he's dirty. Yeah, there's something weaselly going on there. Yeah,? Yeah, something very Weasley. Oh, he's dirty. Yeah, there's something Weasley going on there. Yeah, he got into some shit over there in England, so he's dirty. Yeah, but it's just like I think he's a very intelligent guy, and he's a very good host. But, man, I feel like if he was involved in tabloid journalism before this, it's just like – Which he was. Yeah. It just seems like why do you want to talk to that guy?
Starting point is 01:09:23 Right. Those kind of guys are gross. That thing, tabloid journalism like that is just really, and they did this sneaky shit. They're like listening in on people's phones and stuff. That was Pierce. Yeah, that is really gross. That's really gross stuff. It's like, why would anybody want to get involved with that?
Starting point is 01:09:40 But Alex wanted to deport him because he said something about the Second Amendment. He's going after him. It's like, oh, it's so hilarious. It was just great theater. Try to get him deported. I know. You go back to England and preach your socialism! You can't take our guns!
Starting point is 01:09:58 He gets so angry and so fun to watch. He's so fun to watch. And you see Pierce holding it down. Very professional. He played him like a master. But what you don't understand is you can never win against Alex Jones
Starting point is 01:10:13 because he will never feel ridiculous. So Pierce is trying to embarrass him by being quiet while Alex Jones screams and yells. But then you just allow Alex Jones to go into full Alex Jones mode and then you're fucked because then you're dwarfed by his personality. And he's saying hilarious shit.
Starting point is 01:10:30 He's talking to you in an English accent. You're not even addressing it. Right, I know. Cheerio, old chap. You can't take all guns away. And Pierce is just – Pierce will have him back because he knows that's good TV. I'm sure he will have him back.
Starting point is 01:10:44 For round two. I'm sure he will have them back. For round two. I'm sure he will have them back. It's just weird that they went from Larry King to that guy. Well, I mean, they had to do something. I guess. We've had Larry on the show. He's awesome. He's like Larry?
Starting point is 01:10:57 He tells a good story still. Does he smell? He looks like he would smell. Smells like an antique bookstore or something. Yeah, he's awesome. He has lots of great stories. You should get him on. He'll do your show.
Starting point is 01:11:08 He seemed like a real nice guy. He'll do your show. I've done his show a couple times when he was on CNN. A couple times for Fear Factor. Really? Yeah. Was that intimidating, being on CNN? It was weird.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Because that's a big fucking international audience. He was very friendly. He was very friendly. No, that didn't bother me. No? You ever get nervous? Not about people watching me on tv none of that no not really no so you did you know between the ufc and fear factor and i've just done it so many times especially the ufc which is like right to me the like i owe those the people that are fighting, I owe them my best performance more than anybody. You know what I mean? If a guy has a great fight and I don't do great commentary over his great fight,
Starting point is 01:11:53 to me it doesn't – I feel like if I fail my side of the bargain, I feel very shitty. Have any of those guys ever taken a swing at you? No. Some dudes have been upset at me, but I've never been disrespectful in my depictions. I don't like it. But in a weird way, it's brave because that's a crazy world to live in. It's a crazy world. And you're critiquing some of these guys. I've always wondered, man, I wonder if just one of those guys have taken a shot at you. It doesn't mean that they can't kick my ass, but it doesn't mean that I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I know what could make them better. But they don't want to hear that, so that's why I wonder if they've ever taken it personally. And by the way, they might not even be able to physically achieve what I'm asking them to do. There's some guys that get into striking too late, and you could say what he needs to do is really go to a great striking camp
Starting point is 01:12:42 and really get his striking together because you're missing this big hole hole there are some guys athletically i don't know what it is but they they can never really get the striking part down right it's a weird thing it's like sometimes you see it in uh it's rare wrestlers who have been wrestling for a long time and um for whatever reason, they can't seem to get snap in their punches. It's really weird. And there's some guys who have it right away.
Starting point is 01:13:11 You start holding the pads for them, and right away they're scary as fuck with their power. They're just super athletes. But some guys can't get that striking together, and I don't know what that is. I really don't understand it. I've seen it. I don't know if it's an age thing.
Starting point is 01:13:23 I don't know if they caught it too late in life't – they just cannot develop the kind of explosive dynamic movement. And that shit is obvious to you. Yeah, immediately. When you see these guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Immediately. To me, they all look like they could strike. The more you appreciate martial arts, the more you understand martial arts, and the more techniques that you know, the more you appreciate seeing the application of the techniques.
Starting point is 01:13:54 So when people say, why do you get so excited about MMA? Why do you watch jiu-jitsu matches and go crazy? Why do you get so excited about it? Because I know how hard it is to do what that guy's doing. I know it intimately you know so when you see a guy who's triangling some guy and you hear me screaming it's because this this fucking dude just pulled off a crazy ass triangle that's hard to do like i so i am extra excited because i'm intimately aware of how difficult it is to do what this guy's trying to do oh i love how you call fights it's great it's fun man it's it's a fun gig but that that's that's the only thing that i ever i don't i wouldn't say nervous that's the only thing that I ever – I wouldn't say nervous.
Starting point is 01:14:26 That's the only thing that I ever do where I feel like my responsibility is more than to just me. It's to the guys that are fighting as well. It's to the sport. It's to the fact that the fan base, the millions of fans, if I'm their favorite guy to do this, I can't slack off there. I take that super seriously. So if I ever do feel pressure, it's then. But that pressure is good pressure. But as far as doing this or doing Larry King or something like that, no.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Radio is easy. I did TV yesterday. What did you do? I'm doing a show for TBS, Who Gets the Last Laugh. It's Ashton Kutcher's company. Oh, really? They're kind of reinventing punked. I did something with Ashton Kutcher's company. Oh, really? They're kind of reinventing punked. I did something with Ashton Kutcher's company.
Starting point is 01:15:08 They were great people. I didn't meet Ashton, but the people were awesome. I met him, too. He's a handsome man. I'm in front of a live audience on a stage. Basically, I directed a prank, kind of like what you see on Punk'd. Right. And there's three of us.
Starting point is 01:15:26 And we all directed a prank. And then we present it to a live studio audience. That's fucking horrifying for me. But I could do radio. Like, you know, I never get nervous doing radio. Well, you're also doing radio to your fans. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:41 And after a while. Yeah. I mean, first of all, they introduced me. No one knows who the fuck I am. Well, you didn't stack the deck? What do you mean? You didn't tell the ONA fans to get tickets? I should have.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah. I know. No kidding. Why don't you throw that fucking phone in the toilet? You should do that, too. What happened? A little bird that keeps going off every couple minutes. You like the bird, right?
Starting point is 01:15:58 I like the bird. In a previous podcast, we talked about how- Is it distracting? Well, in a previous podcast, we were talking about how every time I'm at a restaurant that goes off, people are like, do you just whistle at me? The whistle is a little weird. I got to be honest with you. Look, it's one of my guys. Great interview with Rogan.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Asked to try his deprivation tank, Trippy. Tripping. I do want to try that. I want to float. Is there a place in New York where you could do it? I don't know. I got to look it up. But anyway.
Starting point is 01:16:24 I think I need to open one. But I was horrified just presenting my stupid prank. Well, if you stacked a deck with ONA fans, I don't think you would have been as horrified. No, they were cool. Yeah, it was great. Yeah, it was great because it was funny. But my point is I don't do a lot of TV. So when I do, it's like you want to talk about stepping out of your comfort zone.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Fuck. Yeah, that could fuck with you. That's like when you see those sportscaster guys that have been doing it like a million years and they're like you know like the nfl guys or any of these guys have been right you know they're just so smooth and whatever they do they've been there done that a thousand so it's all about doing the job it's not about oh shit we're on tv right that's out the window now it's just about doing a job yeah i used to be nervous doing radio. I mean, but that left years ago. So the only person that's ever intimidated me was Ray Liotta.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Did he intimidate you? I don't know what it was about him. But he came in recently, and I definitely did better. I just did better. He was one of these guys, man. I don't know what it is. I was fucking intimidated by him. That's funny and then the first time
Starting point is 01:17:25 he came in where i was barely talking and he finally looked at me and he goes hey is that guy sick that sounded like him too is that guy sick i i don't know what it was it's like no one else does that to me but ray leota and then the fans knew and then when you know when he was coming back in they were were all talking about it and tweeting. I did all right the second time. He's a bad motherfucker. I don't know what it is. I guess –
Starting point is 01:17:51 You got respect for his acting. Fuck yeah. Good fellas. Fuck yeah. Come on, man. Did you ever see him in Narc? He's in Narc too, right? No.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Dude, Ray Liotta is a bad motherfucker. He is a badass. I think it's him in Narc. You're going to have to look that shit up. I'm going to have to go to the IMDB and see what's up. But just his performance in Goodfellas. I mean, it was so good the way he was keeping everything together, running back and forth between the Coke house and his girlfriend there,
Starting point is 01:18:21 and she throws a brick of Coke at him. It was just like when he was in the car and he was driving around, the helicopters were over the head. Like you were there with him, man. No kidding. You were high with him. And I don't know what the fuck. Yeah, Ray Liotta was in that. I don't know what the fuck they did to his eyes in that scene.
Starting point is 01:18:38 I mean maybe they kept him up and gave him coke because he looked like he was coked up. No, those are the eyes that, that's what did it. Yeah. I was staring at his eyes, you know, because when you're, you got guys in your interview and you got to look them right in the fucking eyes. And I was looking at his eyes. I'm like, fuck, that's Ray Liotta. And it was fucking freaking me the fuck out. Freaking me out.
Starting point is 01:18:58 That scene where his eyes were all fucked up and he was driving in the car. I'm like, that guy played that so well. Right. But I'm telling you that it's pretty much his eyes were all fucked up and he was driving in the car. That guy played that so well. Right, but I'm telling you that's pretty much his eyes in general. You ever think about a shit actor doing that same part? If you take some guy who's a soap opera actor, make him do that same part. Without him knowing whether Ray Liotta had ever done it,
Starting point is 01:19:19 this is a difference. And we would not know Goodfellas is a good movie. I wonder about that a lot, like these bad fucking comedies that come out. You wonder if they got a different guy. Right. Would that have changed everything? Yeah. If you got – I mean if you got someone else to play this character, this movie could never have been as good.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Ray Liotta was born to play this character. Sure. But it's not saying that someone couldn't have come up with something else. Do you like hearing about the actors that were also up for roles like that? Yeah. That's always fascinating. I don't have an example right now. Nobody could have done this. He was so fucking perfect with this. It was so perfect.
Starting point is 01:19:57 What are you looking at? Look at Ray Liotta. Yeah, there he is. There's a few of those guys out there that are real craftsmen, like Daniel Day-Lewis, Ray Liotta, Russell Crowe before he got fat and lazy. He could still kick it out of the park if he wanted to. He's been gone a while now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:16 He needs a hit. Yeah, but you know what it is? They just get fucking crazy. It's a nutty life to be a movie star out there, jet-setting the globe, trying to keep your shit together. Would you like to do that? Fuck that. No.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Why not? Zero interest in making movies. To do movies? Why? Because it's not fun. It's a thing you build up to a long point in time, and then the fun thing is when the movie comes out. Yay, and then everybody likes it. But all that making of the movie shit, that shit takes forever.
Starting point is 01:20:42 It takes forever. You're stuck in a town. Most of the time you're just waiting around. Yeah. Doing nothing. Not really interested. I get it. I see how other people would like to do it.
Starting point is 01:20:50 But to me, I could be podcasting or I could be doing stand-up or I could be doing something else. Like, why would I want to do that? I want to do that. It's still exploring. My latest thing is exploring New York City. Oh, really? Exploring.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Did you ever see Dark Days? Where the mole people used to live? Oh, Dark Days is a great... Well, I shouldn't say it's a great documentary. It's a weird documentary. It's a weird and it's a really cool documentary. It's black and white and basically talks about the Amtrak tunnel under the Upper West Side. And you went down in there?
Starting point is 01:21:20 Yeah, I've been wanting to do that forever. Did you worry about the super aides? No. The super aides can get you if you do that forever. Did you worry about the super aides? No. The super aides can get you if you go that far down to the middle of the earth. What the fuck would happen? When did you do this, post or pre-Sandy? After. Only about a month ago.
Starting point is 01:21:35 There's a guy coming on our show that, I forgot the name of his book, Hidden Cities of the Underworld or Under, oh fuck. You could probably look it up. His name's Moses. Does he have a TV show? No, but he's connected with a lot of those guys. It's like a network of guys, and they go around the world. Like, hey, you come to Paris, I'll show you our shit.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Right. And then we'll come to New York, you show us your shit. So you went with them? I went with this guy, Moses, and we went into the old Amtrak tunnel, and the train's still run, but that's where the mole people used to live, under Riverside Park on the Upper West Side. And we went into a run but that's where the mole people used to live under Riverside Park on the Upper West Side and we went into a little fucking rat hole on the side of the highway
Starting point is 01:22:09 there was one hole he wanted me to go through I'm like get the fuck out of here it was just garbage and smelled like just horrendous I go let's see if there's another hole and we went a little further and sure enough there was a hole just enough to get your fucking body in and then all of a sudden you're underground in this tunnel where these uh people lived wow some of these people lived down there
Starting point is 01:22:29 for like 20 25 years did they kick everybody out they kicked them out in um i don't know like the mid 90s finally how weird are people that they just find these little collective groups of other people willing to live in a tunnel and they find each other and they all live together yeah i mean a lot of them are you know drug addicts how many of them were down there they don't really know i mean some say hundreds some say thousands they don't really know in dark days they the documentary they didn't do a really good job because i would have loved to know that type of shit they focused on a probably uh about a dozen people that were living down there. They built little, really nice fucking
Starting point is 01:23:07 living arrangements for themselves down there. Really? Yeah, man. Like little shanty towns, but they had cable, they had electricity, they cooked. What? They had TV? They had TV. They figured out how to plug into everything. It was all free. They had pipes that they broke for their showers
Starting point is 01:23:24 that was just constantly running cold water they would take really you know ice cold uh showers really yeah they had pets down there when i went down there recently it was me this guy moses and we saw three people the entire time we walked underground two and a half miles uh to the way out i mean when you commit you got to go the distance and it's two and a half miles to get the fuck out. Wow. Or you've got to come back from where you came from. Dude.
Starting point is 01:23:49 And we only saw three other people, and they were explorers too. They were explorers as well? Yeah, checking that shit out. So there's a lot of people that go in there and explore it. I mean, not a lot. I mean, that day there was, what, five of us total. Yeah, that's not big for New York, right? Well, that's a creepy thing to do though, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:24:07 Kind of creepy? Yeah, it was cool though. But the stuff that used to be there – I'd rather do that than be in the middle of the woods. The stuff that used to be there, what did they do with it all? They just pulled it all out of there and – Yeah, they cleaned it up. Yeah, because Amtrak had it and they – I guess – I think the tunnels weren't being used back then or they weren't being used a lot.
Starting point is 01:24:26 And Amtrak wanted their fucking tunnel back. So they kicked all the people out and they cleared, you know, they cleaned house, got all the shit out of there. But there's beautiful artwork down there, murals from these fucking just literally underground artists. Really? Yeah, graffiti artists and shit. All from the people that lived in there. Pretty fucking cool stuff because the grates, you know, where people walk above, obviously,
Starting point is 01:24:46 the light comes through right on the wall and every area that has the light coming down, someone, you know, drew something or painted something on the walls.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Wow. And some of the shit is really fucking pretty good. That's such a trip. It's such a trip that they had developed like a little underground city down there.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Fuck yeah. And a lot of these guys would come up during the day to hustle, collect cans and make money however they could. Or they'd go through the garbage and get their fucking food and then they'd go back down. How long did this go on for? According to Dark Days, they were talking about guys that were down there for like two decades. Jesus Christ. They said fuck it to society and decide they want to live down there. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:25:30 But a lot of them were drug addicts, crackheads and shit like that. There's so many crazy people in the world. In the movie Dark Days, some of the guys would write no crack on their little homes because they were sick of people breaking in or knocking, asking for crack. Yeah, it's hard to get crack in the basement. It's a whole thing. Oh, there you go. I keep forgetting that we could check some of this shit out. It's so strange.
Starting point is 01:25:56 I recommend it. I mean, I think they could have done a better job with this documentary, but it was definitely cool. Look, that guy has a dartboard. Yeah, he's got a refrigerator behind him. Yeah, he has a refrigerator. It's all free electricity. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:09 And so they just tapped into all the wires above them? They tapped into everything, yeah. Wow. It's really ingenious. It's so fascinating how people just find a way to adapt. Right. They find a way to adapt living in Siberia. They find a way to adapt living in the fucking tunnels.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Right. They seemed very way to adapt living in the fucking tunnels. Right. They seemed very happy down there too. It becomes their life. Yeah, and I bet they probably feel like they're getting away with not paying rent. Of course. That's what cripples everybody, right? Paying rent. I was creeped out.
Starting point is 01:26:38 I thought I'd see rats down there. I didn't see any. And the guy, Moses, I was with, he's like, look, there's no people down here anymore. And rats need people to survive. So they go where the people are. Yeah, because rats basically just eat our garbage. I was on the Upper West Side once. And I was at a gas station somewhere on the West Side.
Starting point is 01:26:58 And I was on the pay phone. This is how long ago this was. And while I was on the phone, my car was parked. It was getting gas rats are jumping out of this sewer climbing up my wheel and into the wheelhouse oh yeah yeah yeah just immediately like right away looking for like whatever fucking a sandwich i might have run over that's on the tires they're looking for a way into the car looking for a way like into the engine compartment they sense the heat coming off of it. I mean, I saw six, seven rats climb all over my wheels. It was disgusting.
Starting point is 01:27:29 And they're highly intelligent. There's so many of them. There's a book out there called Rats. You want to be creeped out. They're highly intelligent? Yeah, they really are. And they learn. And it's really tough to fucking trap them and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Really? They understand when you're fucking up their environment. Oh, yeah. They set up all their paths and stuff so you know dopey humans go oh well i'll put the fucking rat trap right where their path is they they understand that shit they're fully aware yeah rat traps are not enough for those cunts no we got to come up with robots that eat rats they say there's more rats in New York City than people. And in this book, they said at any given time, this will blow your mind,
Starting point is 01:28:10 at any given time when you're walking around New York City, there's a rat within feet of you. Wow. Because they have all these tunnels under the sidewalk and all that shit. So they dig their own tunnels under the sidewalk? They love fucking tunnels. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:28:26 But according to this book, at any given moment in New York City, you're very close to a rat. Wouldn't that be nuts if they had an app for that? So you go and you look at your phone, like how many rats are near me? And you look and everywhere on your feet, it's like that scene in Aliens. Right. When the little girl's hiding and the aliens are coming through the ceiling. You look all over the ground. There's rats running underneath you and tunnels everywhere.
Starting point is 01:28:48 I think people would move out. They wouldn't be so fucking comfy and cozy in their Upper East Side penthouses if you could look down with a phone and just see all the rats moving underneath the surface. You know the Plaza Hotel, obviously, in New York? Yeah. I think it was the Daily News that an article about the park across the street is infested with rats. And the reason is because the horse and carriages, they put all the feed down. So that shit is everywhere.
Starting point is 01:29:13 So it's a great food source for rats. So I read about it in the paper. I went there that night. And they said, you got to wait until the sun goes down. And sure the fuck fuck there were rats everywhere hopping across the fucking lawns and everything oh did you freak out sometimes they run like on just two feet what fuck yeah i don't know if it's because they're excited i have no fucking idea not not a lot but enough to creep you out like what the fuck rats run oh yeah and then there
Starting point is 01:29:40 people were people were just kind of sitting on benches and shit, and rats were literally right behind them, and they didn't know. Oh, my God. Because I was fully aware because of the oracle. And they climb on people sometimes, too, if you're sitting there. Yeah, I didn't see any of that. But then you also see all the paths where they're coming from. Yeah. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Paths from one bush to another. How many do you think you saw? That night, a couple dozen probably. Oh, yeah, they came out, man. And that's probably a tiny fraction of how many of them are around. It's a tiny little park. It's like, I don't know. Yeah, it's like maybe four times the space we're in right now.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Just a small park, but it was infested. I'm sure the city hasn't cleaned it up since. How do they do something like that? If you want to check out rats, go there. It's across the street from the plaza. Not Central Park, which is right there, too. How do they keep a rat population correct? There's guys that make a shitload of money just killing rats.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Killing rats. That's all they do. Yeah. These buildings, they hire the best guys, and they make a fortune keeping these buildings rat-free. You need cats. Yeah, I guess. Cats are the way to go. We cooked up rats on our radio show. You ate it? You didn't know about that one? No Yeah, I guess. Cats are the way to go. We cooked up rats on our radio show.
Starting point is 01:30:46 You ate it? You didn't know about that one? No, maybe I did. We did more shit at NEW than satellite radio. Really? Yeah, one day we got the idea. I don't remember why. Maybe there's some dumb cooking show on.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Baby Bird. Baby Bird was NEW. The greatest fucking bit ever. Oh, and we got to talk about the Destroyer before I get out of here. The nickname you gave me. That's right. You were there for probably the greatest bit we ever did baby burke yeah but let me tell you about the rat thing real fast so at new um we decided to cook up rats and we actually got listeners to come in to eat rat wow and i looked at anthony i'm like there's no way but we'll try so we we you know we threw the question out there who would come in and eat rats.
Starting point is 01:31:26 The phones fucking lit up and people were like, I'll eat rats. So we had two cooks come in. Oh, God. We had one guy that was a French chef. And we had just a fucking run-of-the-mill barbecue type guy. And they both had live rats. We gave them the live rats and they had to do everything else. And one guy killed the rat like very
Starting point is 01:31:46 humane. He found a spot on the neck or whatever and just fucking stabbed it real fast. The thing was dead in like a second, half a second. And the other guy fucking took his rat and was just bludgeoning him to death on the side of the table. Oh my god. To kill him. Because he didn't know how else to kill him.
Starting point is 01:32:01 This is all on the radio? All on regular radio. Oh my god. And then the French chef had a nice recipe and he made like a brown sauce. Why do I feel like I was there? Nice presentation and the other guy just fucking cooked up this bloody
Starting point is 01:32:17 mess. Didn't even, just cooked the whole thing basically. But wouldn't you know the listeners came in and they tried the, especially the one by the french chef they went back for seconds they went back for seconds well not only did they say was it a store rat or was it a street rat um i don't i don't remember where we got the rats from to be completely honest with you i was we were trying to get like subway rats oh but i think we might end up getting them from a pet store or something. But they were big, ugly motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:32:48 The whole thing's on YouTube, by the way. It's under Opioid Athlete Full Show Rat Eating Show. Oh, yeah, yeah. Check that out. Wow. But then you were there. The first time we did radio together, though, I think was in Vegas at the poker tournament. No, it wasn't in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:33:01 It was out here. It was in California. Oh, yeah, in California. Was that the first time you were on our show? that was ed asner called you the destroyer well i don't yeah but then he was ed asner but then you pushed that forward well you you came was that the first time we did the did radio together yes yeah that because i didn't i didn't really i knew of you and your stand-up obviously and like i said earlier you know you supported us and we finally got to do radio together and anth Anthony was in the poker tournament.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Yes. So I'm like, yo, Joe, hang out. Let's do this. Yeah, we had a good time. And Ed Asner came on. I mean, he had no reason to be on our show, to be honest with you. He's a great guy. He was all right.
Starting point is 01:33:38 You and him, and you started fucking with him. Well, no, we got along. And you started fucking with him. Well, no. We got along. But I recently explained this somewhere that I do that shit just to get a fucking – Get a rise out of someone. Out of you. Not him.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Yeah, I don't give a fuck about him. So you went after him to get a rise out of me. Yeah, that's how fucked up that is. That's not fucked up. It's showmanship. I did it to Superfly Jimmy Snooker the other day. Oh, did you really? Well, back in in 83 a woman died that he was with and it was very suspicious oh really very suspicious he says she fell on some rocks they were they were uh driving to a i think a wrestling
Starting point is 01:34:18 match or something and stopped at a rest area and she was checking out a stream and she fucking hit her head and then by the time he got into the hospital stuff she was dead but some say yeah he might have had something to do with it maybe he didn't though imagine if that was actually just his girlfriend and you're accusing him of killing her and well we got a video horrible and it's it's my it's one of my latest videos on my youtube channel because what happened was i we we asked him the story which which was pretty big because i wasn't sure he was going to talk about it and he told the whole fucking story and just to get a rise on everyone in the room i go well what is she doing now knowing what the answer would be
Starting point is 01:34:58 and look at the reaction i'm getting now but that's just to get everyone in the room extremely uncomfortable and that's what happened with ed asner that day ed asner didn't do anything to me but for the people that don't know a producer started giving me like hand signals and stuff like he was trying to get my attention for something else it might even been where ant was at in the poker tournament and uh who who said what does that mean was it it you or Ed Asner? About what? The hand signals that led to what I did. I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:35:28 OK. But anyway, like someone asked like why is that guy giving hand signals? And I said, well, when the guest is boring – I said this right in front of Ed Asner. I go, when the guest is boring, they give me hand signals to get them off the fucking air. And that's when Ed Asor called me the destroyer. And for some reason, that made you really happy. It was hilarious. It made you really happy.
Starting point is 01:35:50 It was fun because you were fucking with him, obviously. But it was good nature. It wasn't that. But he was just. You also got in a fight with that poker player when we were there. Oh, I didn't. Oh, you were there? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:02 I got some photos. Me? You mean you're talking about Negrano? Yeah. Yeah, I didn't. Oh, you were there? Yeah. I got some photos. Me? You mean you're talking about Negrano? Yeah. Yeah, I didn't really get in an argument. He just wrote some stuff on his blog. Yeah, we weren't feeling him that day. We weren't feeling him.
Starting point is 01:36:15 He's a good guy. He misunderstood what I was saying. He thought that I was talking shit about his ex-girlfriend. I was not doing that. I was talking about what I... He realized it. He went back and looked at the... listened to it and actually wrote an apology on his website. He's a nice guy. I got no problem
Starting point is 01:36:32 with him. We didn't... I don't know. We didn't hit it off that day. I was doing radio. We were talking about... It was on XM, so we were talking uncensored. We were having some fun. And then you were the one that officially came up with Baby Bird. Which some say is probably right up there one of our greatest bits ever.
Starting point is 01:36:49 I think Bill Byrne named it. It might have been Bill that said the name Baby Bird. Wasn't it your idea? It was my idea. I can't take credit for that one. My idea was... We were doing the eggnog drinking contest, which we no longer can do. It's illegal now? Ah, fuck. Why won't they let you do that?
Starting point is 01:37:05 Because that stupid lady died drinking water Yeah, so they shut down Just bring Pat from Woonaki They shut down all the... Just see what he can do Were you there the year the guy ate the Froot Loops with the puke milk? Yes, I saw that Oh, you were there too?
Starting point is 01:37:18 Pat Duffy Did he do it that day? I think Pat... Yeah, well, I was there when he did it He had Pat Duffy brush his teeth with dog shit – with cat shit. Dog shit or cat shit? Dog shit. Dog shit.
Starting point is 01:37:28 He's a fucking crazy prick. He's on Twitter. I love him. I love Pat Duffy. I love him too. Whatever happened to him? How come he's not working for you guys anymore? Because we can't do the stunts anymore.
Starting point is 01:37:38 But we got a couple positions that are open. So he wants to interview for them. Yeah, he called in depressed the other day. Just hire him. Did you hear him? he sounded so sad oh really and uh he called in the jim norton show and he just was like nothing's working for me i'm on my last it's just hire him he's he was willing to eat shit he did amazing stuff for us but he was the one that decided to go over the garbage pile when when uh pat from monaki started puking from where to watch that now. We knew Pat from Munaki was going to puke, so we were trying to figure out what would be the most fucked up way to cap off this already awesome radio show, which, by the way, we're on regular radio.
Starting point is 01:38:13 This was on regular radio, so we couldn't swear or anything like that. And me, from having to do Fear Factor, it's the only way I would have ever thought to do this. I was like, how about someone leans over the garbage pail and he throws up in their mouth i never thought anyone would say yes duffy's fucking stepped right up and pat duffy stepped up immediately and i'm like there's no way this is really going to happen there's no way this is really going to happen and the cartoonishness of the throw up coming out of path from munaki the fact that it was literally all eggnog yeah it was 70 something shots of eggnog and it was like a broken fire hydrant stream and we were it was the craziest thing i've ever seen in my
Starting point is 01:38:53 life it could be the most amazing thing i've ever seen it was always awesome because you couldn't imagine there was that much fluid in one guy it just kept going and going and going if you haven't seen it ladies and gentlemen you, you deserve to owe it. YouTube took a lot of the videos down. Here it is. From a cell phone. They let the cell phone version. This is
Starting point is 01:39:16 unbelievable. Pat Duffy is just sitting there with his arms crossed, relaxed, and Pat from Munaki, who is about, what, 300 plus pounds? Yeah, easy. Gig plus pounds easy gigantic tiny little thin legs and he's got this huge gut filled with eggnog and he's ready to blow it all over pat's face and once it goes by the way the floor is covered with plastic i mean it's set up like a dexter cut room they couldn't wait to get us out of there and pat they fucking hated us i'm sure could you
Starting point is 01:39:44 imagine they didn't want to deal with this shit. If you have a fucking jazz show that's on air, you're just going to use that studio? I haven't seen this in a while. Pat from Woonaki, he said this is it. He's going for 75. 75 shots. And he's so calm.
Starting point is 01:40:02 He's such a professional. People are calling from all over America. They've been puking all over the place. 75. Just about every city in America. Yeah, because other people had already started hurling. They gave up early. It was you and Bill Byrne's studio that day.
Starting point is 01:40:16 Here we go. And I think. Oh, there it is. Oh, my God. The baby bird is going down. The baby bird is happening. The baby bird is happening. Oh, my God. that's three massive. Four.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Look at that one. How big was that one? Holy fuck. And you think there's no way he's going to do more. No, he keeps more. Oh no. Five. That's impossible.
Starting point is 01:40:39 That's impossible. That one was. That's impossible. That's impossible. Six. You know, I have seen this video a hundred times. I think that one was... That's impossible. That's impossible. Six. It's insane. You know, I have seen this video a hundred times. It never gets...
Starting point is 01:40:50 Seven. That's impossible. Seven. Seven dumpsters full. Seven. Seven. And he's not done. Eight.
Starting point is 01:41:02 That's eight. Oh, my God. Look at the size of them. They're like a gallon each. How do you explain that? You can't explain it. But how do you explain how much liquid is coming out of his mouth? That's it.
Starting point is 01:41:12 I don't understand it. There was eight massive. But how do you explain that? They're massive blasts of liquid. They're so wide. So wide. They're like rivers coming out of his mouth. You remember the Stephen King movie Stand By Me
Starting point is 01:41:27 with the dude that has the pie eating contest and throws up? Yeah, yeah. It's literally crazier than that. Oh, yeah. Literally, it doesn't believe... I don't believe that it came out of his body. Pat Duffy, I did one stunt with him where we decided to make
Starting point is 01:41:43 ice cream out of his sister's breast milk. So every once in a while, I'll step up and still do some of these fucking bits. And that was one, for whatever reason, I said, yeah, I'll fucking do it. Fuck it. And the ice cream, it tasted really good. It was the first second, and then it was the most horrendous taste you could ever imagine. This is a pie eating contest. Where?
Starting point is 01:42:05 Remember that? Oh, yeah. By's the pie eating contest. Where? Remember that? Oh, yeah. By me? Here we are. All right. Stephen King is such a bad motherfucker. How many good movies and books has this guy written? You trashed us.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Look at that. Oh, yeah. Pat was more impressive because that looked more fake. It did look fake. You can tell them trashed you guys? Yeah, I don't remember exactly. Over what? So many people trashed us, you forget, after a while.
Starting point is 01:42:34 I think we went after one of his radio stations or one of his morning shows. A Jocktober sort of a thing? I think. Someone maybe could help us out. Is it recently that he did this? A couple years back. Okay, because recently you guys went after one in Maine. It was like a Portland, Maine one. thing i think so we did a someone maybe can help us out is it recently that you did this a couple years back okay because recently you guys went after one in maine it was like a portland maine one i was laughing my ass off probably it was really funny yeah the jock tober ones are real
Starting point is 01:42:54 i love those and i love how they always shut their facebook pages down like almost immediately because they can't take it the pests find out about it just just swarm. Who can take that shit? Nobody can take that shit. But they take it to the nth degree, as they say. It's hilarious. It's hilarious. Yeah, the pests are like the most loyal and active radio fans, I think, of any show. And they also turn on us as well. They keep us on our toes. It's like, fuck. Yeah uh they definitely used to at the comedy
Starting point is 01:43:29 shows and you guys had some we i went to one of your shows i did one of your shows in vegas and it was great the audience was great no our audience has it has to be said they are a great comedy crowd they will sit down and fucking listen man but that show in philly the infamous show that one they did there was a little hostile yeah well they they were drinking all day we did these uh comedy shows across america and the philly one is legendary now and i feel bad because i know you're close with don marere but yeah he ate his balls that day but but i've thought about it many times since that went on he never had a chance he never never had a chance, and Jimmy Schubert never had a chance. And Jimmy Schubert actually bombed in front of his fucking family that were basically sitting in the front row.
Starting point is 01:44:12 They had a deal with that shit. Did Jimmy go in first? No, Jimmy came close. I think he went. Who didn't bomb? Norton. Bill Burr was next. Bill Burr saw what was happening with Jimmy Schubert
Starting point is 01:44:26 And then Don Marrera And then went on shit all over again And he goes you know what they're fucking not doing this to me And at that point our audience didn't really know Bill Burr yet You know they didn't embrace him yet Like other guys that came before Bill He was sort of on the cusp of being accepted By our big fucking
Starting point is 01:44:41 You know lunatic audience And he said They ain't doing that shit to me So you know it's legendary and accepted by our big fucking lunatic audience. And he said, they ain't doing that shit to me. So it's legendary. That clip is out there too where he took on the entire fucking place. Fuck you and fuck the Liberty Bell. Right. Yeah, he went after Philadelphia in a way that nobody's ever done before. And they started booing him.
Starting point is 01:45:03 By the end of it, he got a standing ovation. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I know I'm saying that a lot, but we're bringing up a lot of benchmarks today. But that was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen, a guy turn a fucking room like that. Yeah, that was legit. See, and what bothers me about this video, I wish we had a better copy of this. Yeah. It's just a shitty cell phone video.
Starting point is 01:45:23 It's somebody uploaded on – got it on their cell phone. Bill Burr started out in Boston, and you deal with so many crowds like that. Drunk, angry, crazy fucks. You develop that style, that, you know, that attack style. That was such a Boston set. Is Boston tough for you guys? Boston's a great place. A great place to do stand-up.
Starting point is 01:45:48 Well, as long as you got your shit together. But, I mean, when you're coming up, I would imagine it was hard. Well, when Bill and I came up, I was a couple years before him. But when we came up, there was so many good comics around that, like, the rules of the land had been pretty much established. And there was a lot of like really good places to do stand-up right but there was also like a lot of like really fucked up little shitholes that you get sent to those are like so important though of course you know you can't have like only easy crowds when you're starting out right you really learn how
Starting point is 01:46:18 to do comedy you got to be able to do some hostile places right so i see like a guy like bill in that video it's like that's right up Bill's alley. You get it. You do stand up in Boston, you're going to have to deal with some fuckheads. You get it. I miss those shows. We're thinking about bringing them back. Bring them back, man.
Starting point is 01:46:34 It'd be fun. Maybe this coming summer we'll do one or two. You were the guy that first came up with the name Death Squad. Do you understand that? Really? Yeah. Our show? No, the name Death Squad.
Starting point is 01:46:44 Yeah. You came up with. Me personally or our show? You did. Our show? No, the name Desquad. Yeah. You came up with – Me personally or our show? Yeah, you did. You did. No, he called his – he didn't make the name up, but he called his Desquad. Your voice is getting worse. Yes.
Starting point is 01:46:54 And how about I get a little credit here? Joe, just give me a little credit, man. When I showed up, I showed up with Tate Fletcher, who's this big giant Ultimate Fighter dude, and Eddie Bravo. Sure. And you go, here comes Joe Rogan with the Death Squad. Okay, I do remember that. And when you did that,
Starting point is 01:47:08 that literally became the nickname we started using. So all the podcasts that are called the Death Squad, that all came out of that one thing that you said. So how about, do I get a little taste? What do you want? What do you want, a hug? I got my taste. Give me some free Alphaline?
Starting point is 01:47:21 I got my taste, by the way. Oh, the taste of that? It's tough to get that in New York. In New York, you've got some wacky laws. Do you know MMA is illegal in New York? No, I know. We can't even do a fucking UFC in New York. No, we talk about that with Dana White all the time. It's so stupid. It's ridiculous. What do you think that's about? It's just to do with the fucking culinary union. The culinary union? Yeah, they're buying people off. It's amazing. It's amazing how it works. If you talk about the amount of revenue that's being lost in the city of New York.
Starting point is 01:47:49 So why can't they work around that knowing how much money they're losing? Because the industry is set up where the influence of these unions has really been established. And when they want to keep something out, they spend the money. They spend a lot of money on anti-UFC propaganda, anti-UFC websites. They put out press releases. But can't they make money off the UFC? I don't understand. Here's the issue.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Break it down. The culinary union is in dispute with the owners of Station Casinos. Station Casinos are a non-union organization and apparently, according to Station Casinos, the workers in the casinos voted to not go union. They don't want to be involved in the union because they don't want to have to pay the dues and they believe that the company treats them fairly and pays them well. So since they don't want to be in, the culinary union apparently – this is allegedly and I don't really have any direct connection to any of this knowledge. Hearsay. This is a lot of hearsay. A little hearsay.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Allegedly, the Culinary Union would benefit in terms of millions and millions of dollars in dues if they got the station casinos. Because I think there's like 20 station casinos or something crazy like that. If they got those casinos unionized, then it would be very financially beneficial for them. So they have used lobbyists and they've used politicians that they have relationships with and people that they can pay off to try to keep MMA out of New York. It's amazing. It's amazing because there's millions of people in New York and there's a tiny handful of twats that are keeping MMA out and it's all financial. And it's made for New York City. Yeah. Can you imagine? I don't want to talk out of school so I don't know what the real
Starting point is 01:49:29 details of their dispute are. I don't want to pretend that just because I work for the UFC that they're correct or anybody's correct. Sure. But it looks to me like some typical union goon strong arm bullshit. I think unions are important. I'm a fan of unions. I'm a fan of people getting paid well for their efforts. And I think that there's a lot of merit in that.
Starting point is 01:49:51 But when they do stupid shit like this, I think it ruins it for all the good benefits of the union. Of course. They start using themselves as a – they're like a mob. Of course. And they're trying to enforce their own interests. And it has nothing to do with safety or nothing to do with the public. And to see these whore politicians that have been bought off by these people. To see them lobbying to keep the UFC out. It's just disgusting.
Starting point is 01:50:12 Is Dana getting closer? I think so. I think it's a... There's Joe Rogan. Madison Square Garden. Yeah, it's very possible. Madison Square Garden calling a UFC fucking fight. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:50:23 Yeah, I can imagine. You've been everywhere. That'll fucking freak you out a little bit. No. Madison Square Garden? No, fucking fight. Can you imagine? Yeah, I can imagine. That'll be everywhere. That'll fucking freak you out a little bit. No. Madison Square Garden? No, it wouldn't. No. I found all the photos from the casino when you guys were all there.
Starting point is 01:50:33 It wouldn't shake me because it's a historic building, but at the end of the day, it's just a building. That's true. You know, maybe five years ago it would have freaked me out or ten years ago. That's you? Yeah. Is that Ed Aslan? Look how young he looks. I know.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Yeah, Brian, he's a little sweetie. Oh, that's hilarious. Where are these pictures from? This is from that casino you guys were talking about. What site are they on? This is one of my private sites. Well, fuck, man. Those are my pictures.
Starting point is 01:50:55 I can send them to you. Those are my pictures. Little Jimmy. That's way back in the day. Wow. What year was that? Like two- 2006.
Starting point is 01:51:03 Was it really? Was it even? When did you guys first get on XM? Who's this guy? 2004. I don't know. 2004? I know who that is.
Starting point is 01:51:13 Who wants to take a guess? Some famous. Very famous. Is that Michael Clark Duncan? You were looking at a very famous athlete. Did you say that's Michael Clark Duncan? Well, I can't see it that good. He's making a crazy face. You were looking at a very famous athlete. Who is say that's Michael Clarke Duncan? Well I can't see it that good. He's making a crazy face. You were looking at a very famous athlete. Who is it? What's his name?
Starting point is 01:51:29 Deacon Jones. Oh Deacon Jones. That's right. I think this is 2004 man. 2004? I think we just got on satellite. Brian when did you start working with me? 11 years ago, 10 years ago. So 2002? Well we went to satellite. Yeah it was 2004. 2004. It was like so 2002 well we went to satellite so yeah it was 2004 2004 it was like right after you guys went to satellite yeah we were just starting to get back
Starting point is 01:51:50 yeah shit fuck oh here's the table it's funny yeah look at that Voss Voss was there
Starting point is 01:51:57 yeah Voss was there so it was me you Voss and Jimmy and it was playing poker that day Ed Asner Steve and I did that just for you fucking guys.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Because, you know, Ed, he didn't deserve it that day. Boy, I listened to Voss and – And Bonnie. And Bonnie's podcast the other night. Yeah. Driving home. It was on your station. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:16 I wanted to fucking throw myself out of the vehicle. Why? I really did. You don't think it's different? I wanted to just hit the gas and kick that door open and just leap. I don't know if you – No, what I'm saying is their conflict, their constant back and forth conflict, it's really funny. I love it.
Starting point is 01:52:31 It's really funny. I absolutely love listening to those two. I mean, she tortures him. Yeah. Yes, she does. And you know what? She's smarter than him. And that's a –
Starting point is 01:52:39 A little bit. That's a little bit. Now Rich is going to fucking text me. She's smarter than him and they're in a trap. Yeah. She's got them locked up and whenever they start going they banter back and forth she's always right he never wins one he was fucking trumping them over and over again and i'm listening to it i'm like i'm gonna open this door and i'm gonna jump out of this fucking car for rich this is brutal brutal it's one of the few podcasts i do listen to
Starting point is 01:53:06 yeah what what um what do you have on your show now on your channel on the weekends you have uh our show our show the yeah we call it friends of the show it's you friends of the show that's we call them uh rich and bonnie um i think bobby's podcast is on there. I don't know. We mix and match every weekend. And it's on Saturday and Sunday? Is that what it is? I believe so. I don't listen to my channel. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:33 So you guys don't control when your show goes on. Because look, I love Ron and Fez, but I don't like the fact that when I get up in the morning, if I'm driving around at 9 o'clock in the morning, I don't hear you guys doing your show. I hear Ron and Fez. Well, you've got to get the on-demand thing. Yeah, Sirius app. Yeah, but when I'm driving. The Sirius app.
Starting point is 01:53:51 If I'm driving. Put it in a fucking pod. Yeah, what it does is it just pretty much connects to your internet, and then you could just choose. He sounds like a fake person. You could choose whatever episode you want. You could download tomorrow or yesterday's
Starting point is 01:54:04 and hit it play, and it would automatically automatically plays so it's kind of like itunes for sirius xm okay but can i listen to it today yeah yeah it's super fast i would love for our show to be on of course hmm you know in morning drive so it archives right away yeah yeah okay i would love that's better but do i have to have a 3g connection or some sort of a connection to pick it up you always have a connection usually but yeah I have to have a 3G connection or some sort of a connection to pick it up? You always have a connection, usually. But yeah, you have to have some kind of connection. Some kind of connection. I don't like your voice.
Starting point is 01:54:28 Yeah, because a satellite, I don't have to have a connection because I'm connected to the motherfucking sky. That's right, motherfucker. Except bridges. Yeah. Bridges or storms. Yeah, bridges, storms, or clouds. Snow fucks it up as well.
Starting point is 01:54:41 It sure does. You ever get like DirecTV? Snow's out. Yeah. Doom, son. It's fucking worse. Good luck. And then you wish
Starting point is 01:54:47 you had cable and you pissed. I don't know if I like the pure coconut water. You guys got a lot of freaky stuff around here. Coconut water's very freaky. I'm surprised it's legal.
Starting point is 01:54:55 Alpha brain. What are you talking about? How's coconut water freaky? Did I say freaky? Oh, I said you just... Other freaky shit. I guess maybe I'm not describing it perfectly,
Starting point is 01:55:03 but you got a new mood thing over there. You got fucking alpha brain over here. We're freaky shit. I guess maybe I'm not describing it perfectly, but you got a new mood thing over there. You got fucking alpha brain over here. We're freaky pee-pee. I'm drinking pure coconut water. It's very good for you, which makes you healthy. I know it's very good, but I don't know. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:55:15 We're surrounding you with organic items, wood and brick and bone. But then you got coffee made with butter. Yeah. Keeping it together, bro. What is coffee made with butter? It's bulletproof coffee. It's grass-fed butter. I know it's one of your sponsors.
Starting point is 01:55:29 It's mycotoxin-free coffee. I said that with love. I know you do. Okay. It's not even one of our sponsors. I've heard you talk about that. We sell it. We sell it on Onnit, but they're not our sponsor.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Oh, okay. Onnit's one of our sponsors. We started selling bulletproof coffee because it's so good. Yeah. The key is trying to find coffee that's like – has very little mold in it. Apparently you can treat it too with coconut oil. You ever have this Starbucks coffee where it's like the fucking really good shit? Only a few Starbucks serve it?
Starting point is 01:55:56 What is it? It's kind of like – Remember they have – I think Joe, I think you even told me about this, that some Starbucks have like this million-dollar coffee machine. Oh, yeah. There's a machine that a guy made. He was a coffee freak and he made this machine that brews the beans to the perfect temperature. Yeah, all that shit. Starbucks is experimenting with that.
Starting point is 01:56:19 In Boston, you get a cup of coffee. I actually had it on – what is it? Boylston Street again? Yeah. Is it Boylston down? Yeah, Boylston, Boston. Is that where the finish line for the marathon is? What road is that?
Starting point is 01:56:30 I don't know where the finish line is. I'm going to get my roads fucked up. I'm not a little girly man who goes around running. No? You never ran? I do run, but I'm not quite a runner. What's wrong with running? Let's see who gets it.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Actually, I'm just teasing. I was good at running. Nothing wrong with running. Anyway. Do you ever run 20 miles without stopping? No. Let's do that. Why would I do that? Just so you get in the car.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Just so you could say you did it. But there's a Starbucks over there in Boston, and it's like seven or eight bucks for one cup of coffee. So I had to try it. It was amazing. Is it the type of bean as well? Is it special beans? I guess. It was like fucking blue or green something fucking coffee beans. And they brew individual cups of coffee and it takes a whole thing.
Starting point is 01:57:12 And it's almost like on a pizza pie tray. It's a whole thing. You watch it being made. The most expensive coffee I've ever drank is something called Kopi Luwak. No idea. What it is, it's coffee beans that are eaten by an animal called a civet. Right. And it shits it out.
Starting point is 01:57:31 And when it shits it out, the coffee beans are not digested by its body, but its body's acids, stomach acids, do something to break down the outer area, the outer hard area. And then when you brew those beans, it's unbelievably smooth and delicious. And it doesn't taste like shit? Someone has to say it. Sorry. No, I guess they clean it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Maybe they just fucking drain the beans a little bit. They clean the shit off of it. I'd try that. It's good. I'm telling you, it's delicious. Where do you get that? You get it at a specialty store. You get it ordered online.
Starting point is 01:58:02 But the fact that someone likes coffee so much, they picked it out of a pile of shit. No kidding. This little cunty fucking Civic. And you know they had to eat my beans. Well, someone had to try it for the first time. Yeah. Well, think about anything that people have eaten. We've had lobsters and shit.
Starting point is 01:58:16 Right. Someone had to go, you know, I think that might be tasty. They had to give it a shot. But I think of the stuff they tried. Like, you know, someone had to try poison ivy. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I bet they ate that. They had to try all that shit, and we finally said, no, leave that shit alone.
Starting point is 01:58:31 Yeah, it's funny how some plants are delicious for you, and other plants will kill you immediately. Right. And they all, like, sort of... And someone had to fucking figure that shit out for us. Yeah, they've all been, like, documented. Essentially, except for, except for the rainforest. They don't even know what the fuck's in there. You deal with the gigantic, vast reaches of the Amazon and how many plants are in there that we don't even know about.
Starting point is 01:58:56 It's very possible. They send botanists down there all the time, and they discover new shit. And we're just fucking destroying it. Yeah. Tell us it's no big fucking deal well where is it bornea was it bornea they keep finding new species they've been finding a bunch of new species in like tropical rainforests new species of primates new species of bugs new species of birds right it's like they're constantly finding all these weird freaky fucking animals
Starting point is 01:59:22 they didn't even know existed. And it's 2013. We do not have a good inventory of all the life on Earth. We got most of it, though. Maybe not Bigfoot. I don't know. What about Loch Ness Monster? I think that's most likely horseshit.
Starting point is 01:59:38 Or it could be just a big fish or an eel. It has to be. They've been looking around enough. They don't just look around enough. They've actually trolled that. They thought it was a plesiosaur, I think. But if I'm not mistaken, I don't think
Starting point is 01:59:56 that animal breathes water. I think that animal is supposed to be an air-breathing thing like a whale, that kind of a situation. A dragon? Yeah. I don't know, though. I don't know if they they breathe water but i just don't think that a dinosaur could be alive today it just doesn't make sense to me but how cool would that be it would be pretty fucking cool that'd be cool right you think we'll bring dinosaurs back yeah i think they're gonna do that eventually you think we're gonna start doing some of that shit i couldn't imagine them not
Starting point is 02:00:21 because they're already talking about mammoths. I think there's some Russian scientists. They're getting close to figuring that out, don't you think? They're very close to doing mammoths. But they've only been extinct how many years?
Starting point is 02:00:31 13,000. I was going to say 10. Between somewhere in the Pleistocene and somewhere around the 13,000s. That's nothing compared to fucking dinosaurs.
Starting point is 02:00:37 Yeah, they don't know. They think that they might have been killed the same way. They think that there's a lot of speculation as to what killed off the woolly mammoth. But they think the woolly mammoth and the sabertooth tiger might have been killed off same way. They think that the – there's a lot of speculation as to what killed off the woolly mammoth. But they think the woolly mammoth and the Sabertooth tiger might have been killed off by meteors.
Starting point is 02:00:49 Really? Yeah. They think that the decline of the last ice age, like the abruptness, might have been started or triggered initially by meteor showers. Because they found that about, I think think 12,000 years ago and the strata when they do like coil soil samples you know 12,000 years ago they found this type of glass that exists at nuclear test sites in on meteor impact sites and it's everywhere all over the earth so they found it in all sorts of different countries it's all in the same area so they're pretty sure that that's
Starting point is 02:01:23 what happened and they think that that might have coincided with a lot of mass extinctions, including the woolly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers. Because they found some areas, really interesting areas, where they found a lot of woolly mammoth skeletons all together in one place. They all died together. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:01:39 What kind of glass is that that they're finding? Impact glass. So what does it look like? It's like greenish. It's really kind of cool looking. But is it like big, huge. So what does it look like? It's like greenish. It's really kind of cool looking. But is it like big, huge pieces? I don't think so. I think it's microscopic. Microscopic?
Starting point is 02:01:50 I think you can see. I mean, I don't want to say microscopic. It's the wrong word. I think it varies in size, but some of it is small pieces that they just find. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Well, let me find it so I can answer your question. But impact glass, glass 12,000 years.
Starting point is 02:02:04 so I can answer your question, but impact glass, glass 12,000 years. Yeah, it's fascinating shit because what they're saying essentially is that it's most likely that if something like that did happen, a lot of people died and that it might have killed off a huge percentage of our population. But it's so long ago that the stories about it, the fables, everything that was, if there was writing back then, everything that was written down is gone. It's long gone. And it might be very well that the amount of civilization that we had back then was like we were on our way to developing a civilization. But it was pretty remote and pretty crude.
Starting point is 02:02:39 Right. And then it got reset. Right. And then we had to start all over again. You think it was crude? Might be. There's a lot of evidence do you think that could have had highly intelligent beings before us sure it's possible it's just there's no evidence of it true what if you found new evidence somewhere
Starting point is 02:02:56 and you found out well in greenland there's an alien ship that you know came here from another fucking planet they found it in the ground and they found all these alien fossils and they had a whole city set up here 100 million years ago. You'd be like, whoa. No shit you would. Yeah, but until they find something like that, you're just talking out of your ass. Well, that's what I said about Bigfoot.
Starting point is 02:03:14 I said that about Bigfoot. You're right. You're right, except I defer to that lady. That lady. Yeah, she knows a little bit more. Jane Goodall, she's a bad bitch. She knows what the fuck she's talking about. But then again, that could be just her super excited.
Starting point is 02:03:28 The melt glass forms at 1700 degrees, equal to an atomic bomb. Meteorites are thought to have triggered a cold snap that killed off early civilization and giant animals. Yeah, this is what they're thinking. Evidence of this meteorite's intense heat was found
Starting point is 02:03:43 on two continents. Researchers believe the huge cosmic impact triggered a vicious cold snap, which caused widespread destruction. The international team found a substance known as melt glass, which forms at temperatures of 1,700 degrees to 2,200 degrees Celsius and can result in a cosmic body hitting the Earth. So that's what it's a result from. So they think that that's like one of the leading. Oh, it's big, man.
Starting point is 02:04:14 They have big pieces of this shit. I thought it was small, but look, it's big. It's in this guy's hand. Oh, wow. It doesn't look like glass, though. Yeah, it's weird. Yeah. It's created by, well, it does here more.
Starting point is 02:04:24 It looks like melted glass. It's sprayed out. I think you're just looking at sort of a weird picture. But there's a thing called the Clovis Comet, and that's a comet that they're – an impact site that they, they were researching too. They're trying to figure out as around the same, same time around 12,000 years ago. They think that that might've coincided with a lot of the, or might've rather been the source of a lot of the stories of cataclysms in
Starting point is 02:04:59 like the old texts, like the Sumerian texts and, you know, and the, the, the ancient stories from the original Hebrew Bible. Like a lot of those cataclysmic stories might have had something to do with it, retelling
Starting point is 02:05:12 of the days of the impacts of the meeting. Were you bored at school? Yeah, I was pretty bored, yeah. Because they weren't teaching this shit? Well, the problem with school is they're just trying to get you to conform to sitting in a chair and absorbing information and doing what they ask you to do all day. When you've got a kid, the way to get a kid excited about learning is to get him excited about learning something that he's interested in. Of course.
Starting point is 02:05:36 And then once they do that – Or sexually. Yeah. Having a hard teacher. And then once you do that, then learning becomes fun. But for most of us, learning became a burden. So I had to kind of relearn what learning meant. Now, how are you handling that with your kids?
Starting point is 02:05:54 In what way? How are they learning? Just traditional school? Yeah. I mean, are they having a good time with it or are they going through the same shit we did growing up? Because my kids are still too young.'re the the i start that next year i guess the the four-year-old is in preschool right now and it's fascinating to watch them first start to interact with their little friends and they're just starting to learn things and uh they're learning things and it's fun
Starting point is 02:06:20 and what's really interesting to me is i was watching the other day and they're teaching this class and you know they're they're teaching them stuff and they get excited when they raise their hand and they figure it out and they're right and they all like laugh and they're having fun. I'm like, what happens where this stops being fun? How does this become the grossness that is nonchalant high school teachers who don't give a fuck and kids in the class who don't give a fuck and everybody seems to be misguided and lost and ready to fucking just get out of there and break free. I got the answer. The first day they gave you homework.
Starting point is 02:06:55 Is that it though? I don't think you should do homework. I agree with you there. Well, school was absolutely fun until they started fucking giving you homework. And it was busy work. Most of that shit was busy work. And if it did – look, you can only focus on certain – like one thing or –
Starting point is 02:07:15 whatever your subjects are that you're really trying to gather information on, you can only focus on them for a certain amount of hours in the day. Of course. Otherwise, you're going to lose the absorption. You're not going to absorb. And when you force kids into getting home and then working, what about the rest of their life? You're going to make an imbalanced person.
Starting point is 02:07:34 Right. They're going to school eight hours a day. That should be good enough. Should be. Eight hours doing anything a day should be good enough. It's ridiculous. You're not going to get them to get excited. I don't know how I'm going to handle that.
Starting point is 02:07:45 My son is almost three and preschool next year in the fall. Yeah. And I don't know. I don't know how. What are your thoughts on the way to, you know, I mean, obviously you made a living in a very controversial and unusual way by becoming a radio guy. Like very few people make it as a radio guy. unusual way by becoming a radio guy. Very few people make it as a radio guy.
Starting point is 02:08:11 So a lot of parents, their big scare, the big fear is, what if my son or daughter becomes a loser? What if I fail to get them ready for the real world and then they're out there and they become this big burden? So then when they hear something like, hey, mom, I want to be a radio DJ. Son, don't you know it's hard to make it in the radio business? The radio business has one of the smallest rates of success of any business in America. Why? Why do that?
Starting point is 02:08:31 You can go work with your father in stocks and bonds. Well, my dad said go for it. Well, then your dad's a good guy. He was an amazing guy. Yeah. He absolutely, he told me from a very young age, he said, look, find something you really enjoy because you're going to have to do it for a long fucking time. He didn't give a fuck if we wore a suit or if we, you know, try to be a radio guy.
Starting point is 02:08:50 And he supported, you know, he supported me every step of the way. That's awesome. And it's funny you say what you just did because I remember my friends were so fucking jealous of me because I was able to go for my dream. And they wanted to go for the same fucking dream, but they had the parents that you just mocked, where they basically said there was like five careers that were the hot careers back then, and they basically forced their kids to go to college
Starting point is 02:09:16 to get a job in one of those areas. Yeah. Because it was the safest route. And those guys, they're miserable. They're absolutely miserable. Yeah, and then you're fucked because you're stuck on that path right there's nothing you could do you got the mortgage you got the wife you got the kids you got the job that's a good job like what are you gonna quit this good job and then how you gonna live what are you gonna do you gonna be a
Starting point is 02:09:35 musician now really yeah no your time to be a musician was when you were 20 yeah and and to be fair my dad always said have something to fall back on like he was aware right that you know the odds were against me but he's like you know make sure you have something to fall back on which i never really did yeah i just kind of i was either gonna do that or just be a bum or something i think but as far as my kid goes i just want him to just try every everything whatever he enjoys right have him pursue what he enjoys i always say that if there's a guy out there anybody out there that's making comic books you can make comic books too okay if there's a guy out there who's making movies you can make movies too you're a person you got to figure out what he's doing i'm
Starting point is 02:10:13 not saying you're gonna figure it out you might not be able to figure it out but if it was so easy to do everybody be doing it okay but if someone's doing it it can be done right it doesn't you know you have to figure out and along way, you learn about yourself and you learn about getting shit done. Of course. You learn about making things happen. Of course. And that's what people don't learn when they take the safe route. And they take that safe route.
Starting point is 02:10:34 They don't learn about making shit happen. Right. They don't learn about the thrill of carving a life out of something that's like a really difficult business like the radio business. Right. Like you've got to kick back at the end of the day and go, hey, fuck it. I'm Opie from Opie and Anthony. It's one of the biggest radio teams in the history of the business. 18 years.
Starting point is 02:10:53 Period. At the end of the day, no one can take that away from you. That's pretty fucked up. That's fucking awesome. That's the only thing I've done my whole life. Started at 18 years old. But it's great. And think about how few people who get into radio ever get to be in Opie.
Starting point is 02:11:06 How few people get to be on a show like Opie and Anthony. It's so few. And they were scared to take the chance. So you can understand why your parents would be reluctant to try to encourage you to pursue that kind of a dream. If you don't want your kid to be a loser and you see something like radio, you're like, oh, this fucking kid. I wonder what they really thought when they weren't talking to me. When I was away doing this fucking thing, I wonder if they had conversations like, oh, fuck, I hope he gives up on that.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Fortunately for me, my parents didn't have any influence on me by the time I was 21. There's nothing they could say. I was so stubborn. When I had it in my mind, I was like, it didn't matter to me. So when I started doing stand-up comedy, mother was like well i never really thought you're that funny i don't think oh really dude yeah my mom didn't think i was funny at all i think uh i i never looked back at 18 oh yeah yeah i came i came from a you know kind of a strange upbringing my mom was fucking mentally insane and i knew i had to get the fuck out of there. You told those stories about your dad and the gambling, right?
Starting point is 02:12:07 Gambling? No. Was that you? No. Who the fuck was that? I don't know. No, no, no. My dad wasn't a gambler.
Starting point is 02:12:13 No, I'm sorry. I confused you with somebody else. Who the fuck did I confuse you with? I don't know. That sounds like a good story. Shit. God damn it. All right, forget it.
Starting point is 02:12:24 Gambling? Now I need to know. Your mom was nutty oh yeah yeah do you feel like you have any of that nutty sauce working around your brain i'm sure we all do not not like not like she had it no she has she had she was diet she's diagnosed with ocd but she's she's got all sorts of shit going on now what would they do for her today if they weren't today they would just hook her on something. She's medicated. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:46 But, I mean, the pills would come a long way, you know. But back in the day, man, holy fuck. Yeah, if you were stuck, if your mother had a mental illness back in the day, nobody did anything about it. They didn't have any results. She would go away to mental hospitals. And as kids, we were like, where's mom? Oh, she's visiting, a long lost fucking relative.
Starting point is 02:13:05 Oh, God. But she would be gone for a week or two at a time. Yeah. And they did the electric shock treatment back then, the bad kind. They've been able to pinpoint that shit. So when they do give you electric shock now, they kind of, they understand a little better. But back then, they were just frying the whole fucking brain and hoping they were turning some shit off. Oh, yeah. then they were just frying the whole fucking brain and hoping they were turning some shit off oh yeah well it's really interesting when you look at like respected peer-reviewed medical
Starting point is 02:13:30 journals from like the 1600s and shit right they thought you could like lobotomize people it was like a totally cool thing to do no kidding man i don't know what year it was where they lobotomized people but yeah i'm making the number up but whenever they used they used to do it, they thought that was the way to do it. Like, this is a good move. You're going to fucking stick in there and scramble. But someday they're going to look at the shit we're doing today and go, yeah, these idiots back then thought this was the right thing. Oh, yeah, like artificial hips.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Artificial hips tweak me out. I can see when someone needs them and you've got to do what you've got to do. But I know in a few years they're going to be able to regenerate a hip. Of course. They're going to be able to figure out how to do some really nutty shit. Right. They built a woman's bladder. They made a fake bladder.
Starting point is 02:14:12 Yeah. They built it in a fucking, I don't know how they built it. Right. They used some sort of tissue from her skin and constructed a bladder and then put it in her body. I don't know. Did it work? I don't know. Tastes the same? Is it her urine? I don her body. I don't know. Did it work? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:14:25 Does it taste the same? Does it taste like her urine? I don't know. I don't know, Brian. I don't drink other people's urine. Just your own. Just my own. I don't even drink my own anymore.
Starting point is 02:14:35 I tried it. I did it a few times. I tried drinking my own. It's not that bad, right? It wasn't bad. Yeah. It was all right. Yeah, it's one of those things where you can survive on a boat if you drink your urine,
Starting point is 02:14:44 or you could die of dehydration. I'd rather die. Yeah, of course. You're a pussy. Yeah, it's one of those things where you could survive on a boat if you drink your urine, or you could die of dehydration. I'd rather die. Yeah, of course. You're a pussy. Yeah, exactly. You fucking pussy. You know what I'm saying? I hear you.
Starting point is 02:14:53 That's why I'm saying as a father, you'd be able to kill a deer if your kids were hungry and you knew that's what you had to do. Brewer told me the greatest thing about being a father. What? He goes, when you become a father, you completely understand that you could kill another human being. Oh, yeah. I didn't understand that.
Starting point is 02:15:08 Like, my wife was pregnant at the time and I was hanging out with Brewer. And, you know, you get all this advice from all your friends and that's what he told me.
Starting point is 02:15:14 And boy, is that the fucking truth, man. Oh, totally. Yeah. I'm the lunatic father at the playgrounds. Are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:21 You're like, what got little kid? Watch, my son's coming down the slide. Oh, no, not that bad. But there was a girl that pushed my son right into a pole bad. And I lost my shit. Well, she was bigger than my son, but still, what, three or four?
Starting point is 02:15:34 He was probably a year and a half at the time. And you yelled at the little girl? I yelled in, like, just, like, in general. But the kid was pretty damn scared. I was out of my mind because the parent wasn't around. I was like, who's... I started screaming. I started screaming,
Starting point is 02:15:48 whose fucking kid is this? Whose fuck... Oh my God. Because my kid is like... You know, when you see your kid cry, it's brutal, right? Yeah, it's pretty brutal. And I mean, you know,
Starting point is 02:15:59 I've learned since then you got to be a little cooler about it, but I lost my fucking... my shit. Because she went right at him. He was being an innocent little kid, just kind of like shadow playing with them and following them around. She turned around and gave him a shove. He went flying to this pole.
Starting point is 02:16:13 I thought he was fucked up, too. They say that most kids that do that, like physical kind of stuff, it's because that's happening to them. Yeah, well, we all know kids are sponges, right? Yeah, they say when kids react violently Out of sort like that I kind of believe that I notice most kids are passive-aggressive assholes Do you go to the playground with your kids?
Starting point is 02:16:35 Oh yeah How do you handle it? I just let them play I have a two and a half year old And I have a four and a half year old So the four and a half year old I watch her a little bit more in distance Buthalf-year-old, and I have a four-and-a-half-year-old. So when it's a four-and-a-half-year-old, I watch her with a little bit more distance. But the two-and-a-half-year-old, I mirror her.
Starting point is 02:16:49 I'm there. I'm her shadow, wherever she goes. I let my kid get roughed up a little bit, but not that being pushed into a hole. Well, it just doesn't seem very necessary. Yeah, I would definitely say something. But if it wasn't really badly hurt, I would try not to scream. But it's hard. I was embarrassed. I lost it. And then some parent came up, but it wasn't really badly hurt, I would try not to scream. But it's hard. I was embarrassed.
Starting point is 02:17:06 I lost it. And then some parent came up, but it wasn't her kid. It was like a friend of the parent that was watching the kid. And she's trying to go at me. And I'm like, look, you don't even know what the fuck she did. Why was she going at you? What was she saying? Because I'm yelling.
Starting point is 02:17:21 So she thinks I'm yelling at her kid. I'm like, I'm technically not yelling at your kid. I am losing it because as you see my kid is screaming over here and yeah and i and i go you don't even know what the fuck happened i said fuck right there right she goes what the i go well do you where were you you weren't watching your kid yeah people get real defensive it's very emotional when you're dealing with children and injuries and shit. When you see how fucking wacky the world is getting, do you worry about the future of your children? It's fucking brutal.
Starting point is 02:17:54 I mean, you guys, as part of your show, you're constantly covering everything that's fucked up about the world. There's constant stories. It's brutal. Yeah. I kind of like the days when I just had to worry about myself. Yeah. Those single days. Because I also know that I will absolutely take one before my kid does.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Right. I know I will jump in front of a car and all that shit now. Well, obviously, yeah. We hope that doesn't ever happen. Oh, of course. I do. But all that shit plays into it, being a father. You're like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:18:24 This is all stuff I never had to think about or worry about. This world is beautiful in certain spots for certain amounts of time. And the key is trying to take those certain spots where it's beautiful for certain amounts of time, extend the amount of time, and spread out the spots. Nice. I mean, that really is – I mean, think about – obviously we all like people. We all love people. We all love people. We all love people. We all have really good friends.
Starting point is 02:18:49 We all have family. We all have people that we enjoy seeing in movies. The key is to bring everybody else into that sort of an environment. This idea that we need constant conflict, I think that's all some outdated ape shit. And I think that that needs to be looked over and moved forward. And it could be managed. I'm done with conflict. Yeah, it's so stupid after a while.
Starting point is 02:19:13 I fucking had it. I mean, the fact that every fucking day in the news we're talking about going into some new country and there's some new Al-Qaeda strong point. Did you hear about that shit? There's some new talking-Qaeda strong point. Did you hear about that shit? This is some new talking point. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. They'll have an island in like Mali.
Starting point is 02:19:30 There's some place called Mali. Where's Mali? Do you know where Mali is? No idea. Brian, anyone? Mali? Mali? Google Mali.
Starting point is 02:19:38 No, not Mali, silly goose. It's Mali, M-A-L-I. So this is the – somebody sent me this tweet. I don't know how correct he is. It says Al-Qaeda moves to Mali. Just so happens Mali has gold and mineral deposits. Oops. Of course.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Oops. Which is hilarious. So the headline in the world news on Yahoo is Al-Qaeda carves out own country in Mali. That Al-Qaeda has its own country all of a sudden. Deep inside caves in remote desert bases. This sounds like you're reading something from the fucking 1950s, one of those propaganda films. Deep inside caves.
Starting point is 02:20:13 This is how it actually starts on Yahoo News. Deep inside caves in remote desert bases. In the escarpments. What's an escarpment? The escarpments and cliff faces of northern Mali, Islamic extremist fighters have been burrowing into the earth, erecting a formidable set of defenses to protect what has essentially become al-Qaeda's newest country. West Africa. That's like – They got a lair.
Starting point is 02:20:42 That is – It sounds like they're living in the middle of a mountain. That is wacko propaganda. When did that hit? A couple days ago? I think it's today. I think it's today's news. I haven't really checked the news.
Starting point is 02:20:53 Yeah, 10 hours ago, apparently. I mean, I don't know if that's true. Maybe it is true. Maybe there really isn't. Al-Qaeda has a fucking country all of a sudden there. You know, I haven't turned on CNN, Fox,snbc in like two or three days it's kind of nice it seems like the government wrote that though i can't believe that a journalist wrote that like the way this is written it's almost like the government said here go with this it's
Starting point is 02:21:14 almost like the government hired some like gay guy who's hiding from the fact that he's gay and he's very creative and he writes and you know he, he has a boyfriend, but no one can know. And so he writes this kind of shit for them. They pull him aside. They say, listen, we need something that really gets people excited about us going over to Mali and taking over that gold. So do what you got to do in your fancy little typewriter and say hi to your boyfriend for me. And this gay dude sweating it out and drinking bourbon. So clinking his glass together. This is what I mean. That's the side kings. That's quite an imagination. And the escarpments. And this gay dude sweating it out, drinking bourbon, clinking his glass together, says, what do I need?
Starting point is 02:21:45 Deep inside, can't use remote devices. That's quite an imagination you got there, Joe. And the escarpments. Escarpments. Escarpments is a phrase only a gay man uses. Only a gay man under the influence of alcohol is trying to come off as being a little bit more literate and verbose than he is. Escarpments and cliff faces. Northern Mali.
Starting point is 02:22:04 Islamic extremist fightersali Islamic extremist fighters Islamic extremist fighters That sounds kind of scary. Have been burrowing into the earth. Can you have a picture of these fucking people, please? Can I at least see one of them satellite photos? Do you have a leak? A leak in what?
Starting point is 02:22:18 I gotta take another leak. Oh, yeah, go take a leak, man. Go ahead. I can handle it. I have a fucking powerful bladder. But you've been drinking coffee the whole fucking time. Look, I told you, Ope, I got a powerful bladder. How much time do we have left on this program?
Starting point is 02:22:31 We're good. It's like not even five o'clock. 20 minutes. Yeah. We almost did three hours, Ope, already. That's pretty good. Crazy. I think we did good then.
Starting point is 02:22:40 You want to wrap it up right now? No, I don't care. Okay, go take a leak and then come back. We'll talk about some other shit. Opie took notes. He's a fucking goddamn professional. He knows what he's doing. He's the most professional out of all the radio guys we've ever had on the show.
Starting point is 02:22:53 How many other radio guys have we had on the show? Besides Norton. Norton's a comic as well. We need to get Tom Likas on. I know they don't like each other. We need to get Kevin Smith back on. Yeah, we need to get Kevin. I've got to do his show next.
Starting point is 02:23:04 I owe him one, but then he'll do ours. But we have to do it that way because I did him first, and then he did us. So I owe, but I'll do it, and then he'll do us again. It's a big swap off. But we got a lot of good guys coming up. We're going to do David Cho with Yoshi. He's coming up soon. We got Duncan most likely is going to be here tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:23:30 But Duncan is undergoing his first doses of chemo. Oh, no. Yeah. So he's very optimistic, though. The type of cancer that he had is 98% curable. So he still has to do the chemo. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He has to do a version version of it i don't know
Starting point is 02:23:47 exactly how it works he'll uh he'll explain it to us because it's pretty interesting like he was explaining to me on the phone today they uh this particular type of cancer testicular cancer a lot of research has been done and apparently they're very good at nabbing it, at stopping it, and very good at bringing people back to being cancer-free. Scary shit, though. Scary shit when a friend has something like that. You should check out the movie 50-50. It deals with Seth Rogen and the guy from Looper and stuff. I just watched it the other day.
Starting point is 02:24:19 It's on Netflix, and it was kind of interesting to watch a young kid getting this cancer and having to do like the cancer stuff and like that I went on a date with a girl once she she died of cancer when I went yeah I went on a date with her she was already suffering from cancer when my friend uh hooked us up together we went on like this double date she was very nice a very nice lady and she had she had uh something like I think she had her lymph nodes already removed. She had some issue, like her neck had a scar on it. She wore a scar to cover up this scar. She was very pretty and very smart and very nice and so vibrant and full of life. She was such a fun person.
Starting point is 02:25:01 It was hard to believe that she was on her way out the door. And then within a year, she was gone. Yeah, it was really a fun person. It was hard to believe that she was on her way out the door. And then within a year, she was gone. Yeah, it was really weird, man. But my friend was like, would you mind going on this double date with my girlfriend's friend? And I said, yeah, sure, why? He goes, but I got to tell you something. She's dying of cancer. And I was like, oh, OK.
Starting point is 02:25:23 So I go, OK. That's a tough sell for me. Well, she was, you know. It's a tough sell for anyone. Yeah. She was alive, you know. I mean, she did wind up dying of cancer, but the night that we went and hung out, she was very alive, and she was laughing and happy, and it was weird. It was weird to know that, I was saying that she had already had an operation. She wore
Starting point is 02:25:44 a scarf because she had a big scar like on her neck. She had something removed from her neck. But she was still like really pretty and really fun. And she was only 27 or 28, I think. And then how long ago was this? Long time ago. Long, long, long time ago. It was in the 90s.
Starting point is 02:25:58 And she died. It was crazy. You know, it's weird to think that your body can just Go wacky on you And literally your body starts growing shit That's not supposed to be growing there And it enters into your system And before you know it You've got a real problem and everything's shutting down
Starting point is 02:26:16 And you're just going to check out Horrible That's great Joe I went to the bathroom, what the hell happened? I heard through the grapevine that there's a video out of you being on top of the fucking Chrysler building or something. Is this true? Did you get into the bowels of the Chrysler building with some fucking nutty dude and he climbed up on top of the roof and you got like a video of this? Is that possible?
Starting point is 02:26:48 Well, there's no video. There's no video. There's no video out. There's no video out. Well, the rumor is. You're hurt through the grapevine. The rumor is that, I don't know, I don't want to say anything.
Starting point is 02:26:59 I'll just tell you what I've heard. The rumor is that you have a video, that you were there personally while some fucking lunatic right was climbing out onto the actual eagles that overhang on the chrysler building so he's literally walking around on this metal that is not designed to carry a fucking grown man by the way i would imagine that metal would be slippery oh slippery as fuck he's got street shoes on
Starting point is 02:27:25 and he's standing on top of this thing and it's how many floors? You've seen this? How many floors is this? It might be 60 stories. Jesus fucking Christ. That guy's nuts. You've seen this, huh? I've heard. This is what I've heard. This is what I've heard. Is it true? It gets really windy
Starting point is 02:27:41 up there. How do you get there in the first place? How does one get there? Let's say hypothetically. How would one get there? Let's pretend. If you were writing a novel that was exactly how it all went down, how would you have the characters do it? This is a novel.
Starting point is 02:27:58 This is all fiction. This didn't actually happen, but if it did happen in your book, how would the guy do it? Well, you can't tell happen, but if it did happen in your book, how would the guy do it? Well, you can't tell me, huh? I'm just a little nervous. Listen, don't be nervous. There's nothing you can do.
Starting point is 02:28:13 This is all hypothetical. We've already laid that out. Well, the guy, Moses, that took me underground, he knows some things. He's done some things. He might have been on the Eagles. It was him? The same guy? He might have been? He might have been on the Eagles. It was him? The same guy? He might have been.
Starting point is 02:28:26 He might have been on your book. In your book. His book. You'll be writing. His book that's coming out in March. Oh, yeah. That's the thing. That's the Slippery Eagle.
Starting point is 02:28:35 That motherfucker stood on that. Yeah. Oh, my God. Just watch. Just looking at my skin's crawling. My asshole's quivering. I haven't even talked about it. My hands are's quivering. I haven't even talked about it. My hands are sweating like crazy.
Starting point is 02:28:47 I haven't even talked about this on my own show yet. What did you do? What happened? Tell me what happened. Fuck, he's going to be so fucking pissed. Top shit. I mean, but why? The fucking word gets out there.
Starting point is 02:28:58 The internet has no secrets. But why would he take me on this amazing tour and allow me to film it? Because maybe he's crazy. That's why he's fucking climbing around on Metal Eagle's 69 story. What if he slipped off and you had that video? Moses Gates? What if he slipped off and you had that video? I had my first anxiety attack, panic attack.
Starting point is 02:29:21 Looking at that? When I went home that night. Over and over again, I pictured him falling from that eagle. What would you have done? Would you have gotten in trouble if he did that? What do you think? How am I going to explain that? I think you would have been okay.
Starting point is 02:29:36 How? How do you know I didn't push him? You have good lawyers. Why would you push him? I asked him sitting on it. Jesus Christ. Is that him? So it's on the internet, right?
Starting point is 02:29:44 Okay. So he's a crazy fuck. Wait, what is... And there's photos of him. It's on his goddamn Twitter page, Ope. Oh, all right. The photo of him on his fucking Twitter page is him sitting on that eagle. So you don't have to worry anymore.
Starting point is 02:29:55 That's Moses Gates. He's... Hidden Cities? Hidden Cities. Oh, fuck. Moses. It's a TV show. I swear to God.
Starting point is 02:30:02 What's wrong? There's nothing wrong with that. Well, he... It's a book. Well, I did make a kind of a promise to the guy. His book comes out in March. Fuck him and his promises. Dude's got a picture of him standing on top of that thing on his Twitter page.
Starting point is 02:30:13 He's like, hey, don't tell anybody that I'm standing on top of this thing. Meanwhile, he's got a photo of it. Basically. All right. If he has a photo. He's got a photo of it. So we went off the hook. We went underground where the mole people used to live.
Starting point is 02:30:27 And then he goes, I want to show you something else. So I go, all right, I'm up. But he won't tell me. We take a cab ride. And I kind of see in the distance, it's the Chrysler building. I'm like, I think he's fucking taking me to the Chrysler building. Holy shit. And all of a sudden, we got past security.
Starting point is 02:30:44 His name was on a list. And we went in the elevators and we went up to I think the – I want to say like the – well, I don't want to say. But in the 50s. And then all of a sudden we get out of the elevator and do a quick dart to the stairwell. And then we went up another, I don't know, like maybe seven or eight floors. And then we went up another, I don't know, like maybe seven or eight floors. And next thing you know, there might have been a door unlocked that is an office that is abandoned. And from that, you can get that office allegedly to the bowels or rather the peak, the attic.
Starting point is 02:31:20 Oh, wow. You're going there? I thought I was doing the first part of the story. Oh, okay. Go ahead. Do the first part of the story. Wow. Oh, wow. Oh're going there? I thought I was doing the first part of the story. Oh, okay. Go ahead. Do the first part of the story. Wow. Oh, wow. Oh, is this on?
Starting point is 02:31:29 So this abandoned office leads to, I think it used to be an observation deck back in the day, but the railing's really low. It's only about four feet. Oh, God. I think. Something like that. People didn't give a fuck back then. No, and that's where the-
Starting point is 02:31:42 They were harder people. And you're looking at it right now, if you're watching this podcast, that's the iconic eagles that have been in a shitload of movies and whatnot. I'm telling you right now, my fucking hands are sweating. Looking at that picture, my hands are sweating. My toes are wiggling back and forth. I'm shitting my pants. I'm just going to unload my fucking Piper right now So this guy knew that the Office space was abandoned
Starting point is 02:32:07 And this guy knew also that the door Was unlocked So he knew how to do it Obviously he's taking fucking pictures up there There's a whole Network of people They go to each other's cities and do this shit Climb on top of each other's roofs
Starting point is 02:32:22 Whatever This video is of guys on the ground In like old water tunnels and there's guys like climbing the bridges and all that real of being up there must be insane so we had to go up so then the door was the door to the outside was open a sliding door and then it's like an old observation deck with those eagles and then as i'm at As I'm at one of the eagles just kind of filming shit, all of a sudden I look over and he's standing on the
Starting point is 02:32:51 head of the eagle. He doesn't even tell me. Yeah, there you go. There's the picture. My hands are soaking wet. He did it again. I do have a video of him doing it. Fuck it. I do have a video. When he turns around and get back to safety, I saw the slight slip. I saw how it would happen.
Starting point is 02:33:14 Oh, my God. Where that's all it would take because this thing is like kind of – first of all, it's not flat. It's some kind of metal, which looks really slippery. And there was a wind. Yeah, the wind was about 30 miles an hour that day and i saw him turn around and that just slight slip i'm like that's how it would have happened so when i went home that night and i saw that play over and over again in my head and i had my first fucking anxiety attack i'm a middle-aged man i've never had an anxiety attack before my heart was pounding out of my chest i
Starting point is 02:33:45 woke up my wife and she had to calm me down because over and over again i saw him falling if i was there i would have given you a hit of some of this and it would put you right over the edge no right there at that moment then you give a hit of that green crack and be like what yeah what then we might have done all the watching that just watching that almost gives me a heart attack. Yeah, so I got a video of him going out and kissing the head. He's a crazy prick, man. He's crazy.
Starting point is 02:34:10 Yeah, man. Those things break off, man. And then it kills people below, too. What do you mean it breaks off? What if it broke off? What if it was loose? What if his weight is just not designed to carry a 180-pound man or whatever the hell he weighs? Well, there he is on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:34:23 Yeah, he's crazy as fuck, that guy. All right, so that part of the story I can tell. You know who we have coming in, folks? We have Alex Honnold. Do you know who Alex Honnold is? Alex Honnold, he's coming in on the 28th. He's that kid who free climbs. He free solo climbs things that go backwards.
Starting point is 02:34:43 So he's hanging off and climbing and pulling himself up thousands of feet. He free solo climbs places that nobody else can do. Well, what about the guy? I forgot his name, and Jim Norton's a big fan. He's the guy that climbs outside the buildings without anything. Who's that? French dude. Somebody help us out.
Starting point is 02:35:02 He climbs buildings? There's a million videos online. It's... Spider-Man guy? Is it... Does he call himself Le Spider-Man? I don't know. I am Le Spider-Man.
Starting point is 02:35:10 But there's a video where he was climbing a building, and they made him wear a harness. He didn't want to. Yeah. This video of him fucking slipping, it would have been his death. Maybe, but maybe he... And it's online. Because of the harness, that's why he slipped. See, you always got an answer.
Starting point is 02:35:25 Seems like if you have a safety net, you'll fall. You're always thinking out of the box. See, Ope, you didn't have a safety net. And that's why you're successful in this radio business. If you had that safety net, it would have all gone bad. What is that? This is the world's largest building in China. This is the guy climbing this fucking thing?
Starting point is 02:35:45 Yeah, the Spider-Man guy. He uses these suction cup things. Oh, my God. But he's got a cord. Is this the time when he had the safety net? The safety line? Oh, my God. Look at this guy climbing.
Starting point is 02:35:53 You've never seen this guy? No, this is nuts. He's climbed pretty much every tall building in the world. Oh, my God. This is nuts. Look at him just hanging off the side like it's no fucking big deal. That makes me shit my pants. No shit.
Starting point is 02:36:04 I am shitting my pants just watching that. No shit. That is the fear of heights thing, man. Looking over the edge of a building. There's many times where we were filming Fear Factor. We were at the top of buildings. And I would just freak myself out. You had to be cool, right?
Starting point is 02:36:17 Look over the edge. Well, the Chrysler building, that was pretty amazing. That's one of the tallest buildings in Manhattan, right? Yeah. Now, with the World Trade Center Towers down, is that number one? Empire State Building, number one? Well, Empire State Building. Well, no, I think the new Freedom Tower, whatever the fuck they call it, is now officially taller.
Starting point is 02:36:37 And the Freedom Tower is not done yet, right? No, no. It's almost there. Really? When is it going to be done? I don't know. Maybe next year. That's got to be crazy to live in a city and see something like that happen.
Starting point is 02:36:48 Because all of us that experienced September 11th, we experienced it from the West Coast. Right. It was creepy. I'll never forget the smell of plastic and death. You could smell death. Dramatic pause. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:05 Like, I stayed. I wasn't living in the city at the time, but I stayed for, you know, a few days so we could broadcast because they shut down the whole fucking city. And in Midtown, you smelled burning plastic and you smelled death. There was no doubt in your fucking mind that was dead people. Wow. All the way in Midtown. I don't know how many miles officially that is from ground zero but you know it's quite a hike and i also remember that some people were just going about their day
Starting point is 02:37:32 like nothing was different i remember like studying people i remember looking at these two women they were going to happy hour and they were just talking about their dumb office you know their day at the office and i'm sitting there thinking to myself, holy fuck, do you understand just what happened to the city 24 hours ago? Oh, God. I never forgot that. Yeah, it's weird how people can do that. It's weird how some people can just kind of shut off and disconnect.
Starting point is 02:37:56 Yeah, because most of the people living in New York, they were all like, holy fuck. But you did see these other people that they basically, their lives didn't change that day. I noticed that when I went to New York. That people were friendlier. Oh, for sure. I noticed that people got a lot friendlier. Beyond friendly.
Starting point is 02:38:15 All of a sudden, like, you're looking people in the eyes. Like, when you live in New York City, you don't look at anybody. Yeah. It's a very lonely place. There's so many people. Isn't that weird? It's a lonely place. Like, no one looks at anyone. No one strikes up any conversations. It's a very lonely place. There's so many people. Isn't that weird? It's a lonely place. Like no one looks at anyone.
Starting point is 02:38:26 No one strikes up any conversations. Very rare. But after 9-11, everyone was talking to each other. It was really cool. That is a weird thing about New York. You go to a big place and it's crowded with people and no one's talking to anybody. Everybody's being themselves. Unless they know they could get a buck off you.
Starting point is 02:38:42 It's very strange. If they know they can make money off you, then they're talking to you. But in general, you're not having that small talk. Like I live in a building. I've been there four years. I don't know anyone in my building. No one talks to anyone. I see the same people in the elevator and I want to look at them like we know each other.
Starting point is 02:38:57 How about we talk a little bit? And I've tried. And you think you're a creep? No, it happens to everybody. It would be easy to say that, but no. But then when you do have a conversation with someone in the elevator in my building, you know they're visiting. There's no doubt in your mind because they're the ones that are having that small talk. No, but they don't think you're a creep when you try to start up a conversation?
Starting point is 02:39:14 Oh, I don't know because I feel like, God, we've seen each other so many times. I don't think I'm doing anything out of the ordinary. I never liked that about New York. I always thought that was really unfortunate that that sort of behavior exists. People are like real standoffish with each other. One of the things that I liked the most about when I lived in Colorado was how few people there were. There was only 100,000 people in Boulder.
Starting point is 02:39:39 People were very friendly. Right. Because it's less burnout. It's like you're around people all the time. You're like, fuck, will you get the fuck away from me? But then if you see somebody that you haven't seen in forever, you're so happy to see them. It's like you've got to strike a balance point. I don't think the balance point is stacking people up 70 fucking stories high.
Starting point is 02:39:56 I kind of miss when I used to live in western New York. It was more of a small town mentality. People were a lot friendlier. Have you guys thought about moving somewhere else? Have you and Anthony ever thought about not living in New York and just fucking taking the show on the road somewhere? Oh, hell no. No?
Starting point is 02:40:11 No. I don't even know how many more years we're going to do it. What are you going to do if you don't do that? Just chill out for a while. Get the fuck out of here. What, are you going to die? Are you going to get old and fall apart? No, man.
Starting point is 02:40:21 I'm going to fucking hang out with my- Get right back in the hunt. I'm going to just chill out. You know what you guys should do? For real, you should do exactly- We're trying to figure out what's next for us. You should do exactly what you're doing, but do it on the internet. Because that's what's going to be in everyone's fucking stereo.
Starting point is 02:40:33 Everyone's car stereo is going to be connected to the internet. We probably should have made the leap this last contract. But you can make the leap- Two years. Slowly. You could just do it under assumed names that everybody knows. You could come up with your own name. Right.
Starting point is 02:40:46 Flocky and douchey. Whatever. I think Dale Dudley, they call themselves T-Bag and Taint. I think he's got some sort of a contract issue thing like that. Just do it and just start it up. What could they do? I've done it for a long time. I know, but it's easy and it's fun.
Starting point is 02:41:05 I'm just looking for something new and different. Oh, yeah? Like what? I don't know. That's the problem. I don't know. West Coast? I've been fooling around with this video shit. Yeah, West Coast. Come on out here, man. I've had a lot of fun with...
Starting point is 02:41:15 How about I have a video on Death Squad? Bring you full circle. Let's do that. Do a podcast. Let's fucking make some videos. Death fucking Squad, man. Be right next to Kevin Pereira. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:23 So I hope Moses isn't pissed at me. Listen, Moses is a crazy fuck, and he's got other things to worry about. He's nuts. How about his need to climb on top of that eagle? He's nuts. Crazy asshole. And then we might have done other shit. I don't want to hear it.
Starting point is 02:41:35 I'm getting nervous. My hands literally are sweaty. They're wet with sweat. That was, yeah. Yeah. It'll come out. I think it'll come out in March, because I sort of promised the guy. Well, yeah. Yeah. It'll come out. I think it'll come out in March because I sort of promised the guy. Well, whoopsies.
Starting point is 02:41:48 But if he's sitting on the Eagle on his Twitter, I guess we're all right with that. Yeah, this Alex Honnold guy that we got coming in, we were talking about him. I told Steve Rinella, I go, yeah, I got Alex Honnold. He's coming in. He's going to do the podcast. He goes, better get him in as quick as you can. Those guys ain't going to last. I don't even know who he is, to be honest you he's the climber guy the free solo oh okay right
Starting point is 02:42:10 right it's like you better get him in because he's not gonna last he's gonna fall right eventually i don't know maybe not he knows what he's doing shit that takes fucking balls you ever see those guys like those those real mountain climbers where they have to be up there for the night and they set up their fucking, you can't even call it tents, whatever the fuck the apparatus is that is just hanging off the side of it and they're able to get a good night's sleep? How the fuck do you do that? I know, what if you roll over and you sleep and take that whole thing right off the edge? And then you realize as you feel your back touch the ledge, oh, my God, I'm going, oh, my God. In the tent. No, you're off the ledge.
Starting point is 02:42:51 Yeah. These sleeping, I don't know what they're officially called. You're actually off the ledge sleeping. Somehow they hammered into the side of the fucking cliff or whatever. Can you find a picture of that? It's insane. What is it called? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:43:06 He'll find it. Oh, Jesus. But they set it up because, you know, their climb is that fucking long and they got to, like, camp out for a while. And there's no, you know, they're on the side of the fucking. What do you think of those crazy fucks getting those wing suits? It's insane. Did you see that one video? It doesn't look real where he jumps.
Starting point is 02:43:23 That's the tent thing. Look at that. Yeah. Just hanging off the side. And it's somewhere in your brain. You're like, yeah, this is cool. I'm going to now sleep. And then I'll continue my climb in the morning. So insane.
Starting point is 02:43:36 Yeah, what are those? Oh, my God. Look at how that is set up. That is the craziest fucking thing I've ever looked at in my life. Really? And you've seen some shit. Those things are crazy. They're hanging those things off the edge, and they're just sleeping in those little tent things.
Starting point is 02:43:53 You got to hope that however you fucking fast it, you know, put it to the side of the rock face, that it's going to be all right. Fucking bananas. Open that one up, Brian, that one with the red jacket. that would look like you're just having tea the one to the left of that oh my god just hanging out reading that is so you've never seen this one before raising I'm kind of happy that I was able to turn you on oh my god these people are not you're always turning me on to some shit. I finally got one for you. Look at that fucking picture. Oh, my God. Could you do that? I mean, I guess I could, but I wouldn't like it at all.
Starting point is 02:44:31 All my instincts would be like. How long did it last? I don't know. I mean, you're essentially shutting off that part of your brain that tells you you're shit in your pants. Yeah, fuck it. It tells you you could die with one little slip. Those guys die all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:44 Those climber guys, that's a crazy life. Of course. You might make it. You might be fine. So what's up with the wingsuits? Those guys are out of their minds. Did you see the one video where the guy I think is holding up the balloons or something, and the wingsuit guy comes flying through?
Starting point is 02:44:58 I think it's on Vimeo or something. He's holding up a balloon and the wingsuit guy. Someone tweeted the other day. It was just amazing. He jumped off the top of a fucking mountain and now he's flying through the valley and and he's coming toward his buddy and the his buddy i think holds up balloons or something literally right over his head and he comes flying it you can barely see it's just like a flash yeah they're going really fast they go like 100 miles an hour that is fucked up they're so silly look at
Starting point is 02:45:26 these motherfuckers climbing this wall these people are so crazy your your uh fingertip strength it's got to be ridiculous oh yeah these guys can do mad chin-ups too their hand strength and their their ability to do chin-ups is fucking nuts what am i doing like one finger chin-ups mars who works on our show i didn't see it i heard him talking about but i had to do chin-ups is fucking nuts. You can do them like one-finger chin-ups. Mars, who works on our show, I didn't see it. I heard him talking about it, but I had to do something before we started our radio show last week. There was a video. He was going, this fucking guy is doing chin-ups with one finger? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:56 Have you seen it? No, but I believe it. You believe it? Yeah. Yeah, people can do that. One fucking finger. It just takes time. You start out with your full hand, then you work your way to four fingers, three fingers, two fingers. And the more you keep doing it, you can do that. One fucking finger. It just takes time. You start out with your full hand, then you work your way to four fingers, three fingers, two fingers.
Starting point is 02:46:07 And the more you keep doing it, you can do it. Wow. The guys can do chin-ups, or push-ups rather, with one finger. I've seen that. One finger on each side. Some guys do push-ups. Jesus. Full push-ups.
Starting point is 02:46:17 Amazing. Just supporting themselves with one finger. Yeah, you can develop crazy strength in your hands and your tendons. It's like the difference between someone who's really strong and someone who's not really strong is that the someone who's really strong, whoa, look at this guy fall. Oh my God. Look at him. He's being a dickhead.
Starting point is 02:46:33 He's having fun. That's having fun? Yeah. Because he slipped and caught himself and was okay. But the difference between someone really strong and someone who's not really strong, besides genetics, is that someone who's really strong forced their body to get strong by making it lift weights a lot and keep going and keep going. Fuck you, lift the weights.
Starting point is 02:46:51 Fuck you, lift the weights. So this Alex Honnold guy or any of these climber guys, they're constantly climbing and climbing. Oh, my God. This guy just fell. Look at this. Oh, shit. He's got –
Starting point is 02:47:02 Oh, my God. But then he knows how to grab the rope. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you've got to slam it to the side now. But the impact – Oh, shit. He's got. Oh, my God. But then he knows how to grab the rope. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you've got to slam it to the side now. But the impact. Oh, fuck that. The impact. I never had a desire to climb.
Starting point is 02:47:11 On that thing that's supporting him that's so crazy. Right. Because if that breaks off, man, you're fucked. And he's just silly around. You're missed. Their hands get super strong because they just force them to. They're constantly carrying shit with their hands Their hands just get thick as fuck
Starting point is 02:47:28 The kid that's coming in He has these His fingers are like sausage fingers Twice the size of a normal finger Really Yeah they just get huge from carrying his weight He's not a big guy He's like
Starting point is 02:47:39 You want to be very slight Big hands and be a slight person Right Carry yourself around Fuck that But you know it's a weird way to get your thrills you know sure it's a weird way to just get your jollies out of climbing to the top of something that can fucking kill you and sleep it on the side don't go to the top of
Starting point is 02:47:59 the chrysler we gotta wrap this bitch up joe this was fun man You got me out of my comfort zone I'm so happy You came down To do this I This podcast Owes you a lot man Not just for naming Death Squad
Starting point is 02:48:11 Which is a ridiculous name But you know That deserves a Twitter plug Give me one But not Not just that I came up with Death Squad For staying
Starting point is 02:48:18 For creating A radio show That allowed us to realize That there's a show In just fucking talking Right There's a show in just fucking talking. Right. There's a show in just hanging. And that, you know, you guys make it so comfortable for us, for comics to come in and fuck around.
Starting point is 02:48:32 Right. And I think a lot of podcasts really follow that lead. I kind of, I don't want to play that game usually, but I kind of get that feeling. A lot of the podcasts are very... Very much like ONA. I feel like it. You guys are the most unstructured of all the major radio shows. I told you.
Starting point is 02:48:48 That's because we're lazy and it just worked out. Yeah, but it's also because it works. That's the right way to do it. You're lucky that the lazy way is the right way to do it. We actually used to – It makes it interesting. We used to like prepare for our show and we – that was like – that was some of our worst shows ever. Because we did try to have structure for a while there.
Starting point is 02:49:04 And there's some days we're like we don't even know what the fuck we're doing but it by the end of the show we you know we know we had a good one you guys have an awesome groove you know between norton who's in my opinion the funniest fucking guy who's ever been on radio ever he makes me howl like on a regular basis listen to that show just because he's so perverted and twisted and he's carved out his own little fucking slice of the world with that – and you know his way of thinking. So it's extra hilarious when he says something fucked up.
Starting point is 02:49:30 And then Anthony is fucking bananas and you're crazy. And the three guys together know each other so well. And then you bring in comics. It's just awesome. It's been a good run, man. It has. And for real, it's the reason why we do this podcast today. I guarantee you it has a lot to do with it.
Starting point is 02:49:43 It's kind of weird that someone will acknowledge us. It's weird. Yeah, not many people do. Really? Nobody acknowledges you? Do you feel left out, poor Oprah? No, no. It's the love that you need.
Starting point is 02:49:54 Honestly, it means a lot. Thank you. I don't know how to handle that because we usually don't hear that. Well, listen, you guys, you created the most fun environment in radio for comics to come and hang out. Thanks, brother. And because of that You've had so many funny fucking shows I mean it's just
Starting point is 02:50:09 Been a brilliant brilliant run It's not like it's over or anything I'm saying it like it's over Like you're retiring and shit I'll be on the radio tomorrow I stayed in LA just for you Have you done live in the compound? Have you done live in the compound?
Starting point is 02:50:23 He's another reason That's why we started doing the early days. He's another reason. Anthony's another reason why we're doing that. That's why we started doing it on Ustream. Yeah, he's nuts. Nutty motherfucker you work with. I love him.
Starting point is 02:50:31 I love that guy. Yeah, I'm going to be there I think in April or something like that or March. So whenever there's a UFC coming up there soon. I'm taking a red eye
Starting point is 02:50:39 and I'll be on the radio tomorrow. I'm going to be there a day early just to hang with you guys. All right, Joe. All right, my brother. Opie. Follow Opie on Twitter, you creeps.
Starting point is 02:50:48 Opie Radio. At Opie. O-P-I-E Radio. Thank you, everybody. And thanks to our sponsors. Thanks to Ting. If you go to, you can save yourself $ bucks off any of their super slick mobile devices they got everything from
Starting point is 02:51:07 flip phones all the way to the sportiest most highly advanced android phones all of it on the sprint network all of it with no contracts all of it from an ethical company and they sponsor this podcast so you know they must be the shit thank you to
Starting point is 02:51:24 on That's O N N I T. Use the code name Rogan and save yourself 10% off any and all supplements. All right, you fucks. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? All right. We will see you guys tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be here with the one and only Duncan Trussell.
Starting point is 02:51:42 That's in just in case he might have to bail. So don't get too jolly for it because he's going through radiation therapy for ball cancer. Holla! Yeah. Yeah. But he's doing good. All right, you freaks. See you tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:51:57 Maybe. If not soon. Got a lot of shit going on. Go buy my special. It's five bucks.

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