The Joe Rogan Experience - #357 - Daniele Bolelli

Episode Date: May 9, 2013

Daniele Bolelli is an Italian author, professor, and martial artist. His books include "Create Your Own Religion" and "On the Warrior's Path" and his podcast is called "The Drunken Taoist." ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rogan, experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. Dan Yalibolele, my man. Pleasure to be back. Hey, there we go. The, um, that, that, that sound of the Italian language, man. The Italians really figured out how to make shit sound good. Like, as they were saying it.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Like, I was at Disneyland today and there was a couple that was talking next to us that was, like, clearly Italian. Like, they were, like, they're singing, like, a little song. Like, it sounds good. Oh, it's awesome, because when I think about it, it's like, I've been here 20 years, and I still speak like a fob, but because it's Italian fob, then it's like, exotic european it's cool and suddenly doors open for me whereas you know if i was bulgarian or some shit i would be we would be not trusting you yeah what the
Starting point is 00:00:54 fuck is your problem learn how to speak english right already you sound like a beautiful classicist or something some dude from a bygone time when men were elegant and the number number of times that I say something in the classroom and I realize my students are just looking at each other like, what the fuck did you just say? I did this forever. Nobody ever told me anything. I always use the word, you know, when I say sovereignty, I used to say sovereignty. Oh, no, really? I never heard it. I only said it read it. So I was like, it must be sovereignty. Oh, no. Really? I never heard it. I only read it. Oh, right. So I was like, it must be Sovereignity.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Sounds about right. So I used it over and over again. Nobody ever said anything, right? So clearly nobody understood shit of what I was saying. And one day, a girl was like, are you trying to say sovereign? I'm like, yeah, Sovereignity, as I was saying. I was like, it's fucking painful, man. That's interesting when you're learning a language you never
Starting point is 00:01:45 and you you've never said words that are like fairly common read like sovereignty like i have a few there's a few that occasionally like i don't i can't think of any off the cuff but i know there's some where i've only read them i've never said them and then when someone says them i'm like which one is that is that the silent g Huh. Is that how it sounds? Wow. There's a few like, voila. I remember I read it off a script. I was like, viola? Like, voila.
Starting point is 00:02:14 You know? It's V-O-I-L-A. It's French. French is not writing possible. Yeah, but I mean, it's somehow or another, it's in English scripts and stuff. So sometimes I had to say it on a TV show. And I was like, oh, it's voila. I thought it was a W.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Travelocity? Velocity. No, that's fairly simple. You should go to the doctor. It's very checked out. But Italian, man, what is it about the Italian culture? Because Italians are known for first of all like very delicious foods you know like delicious rich fatty
Starting point is 00:02:52 incredibly good food great wine and no for great wine art and for being very passionate and they all have that crazy way of talking but I'm gonna anybody but it's like there's like an art to even communicate it. It's more. When I go back, I have to retrain myself because people, first, nobody ever finish a conversation and let the other person begin to speak. You're constantly going to interrupt each other.
Starting point is 00:03:20 So it's like that's just the norm. You're not used to it anymore. So you're like, oh, I guess it's your turn. It's like there's no such thing. There's no your turn, my turn. And then you literally see people who begin to talk taking this gigantic deep breath. And then we went this way. And they go on for 10 minutes straight.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And you're like, Jesus Christ, really? Do you have all those that many words in you? That's insane yes i got this photo on uh my wall it's from the it's an american girl in in italy it's from like 1950 something and this chick has walked down the street and these dudes grabbing their dicks and like it's like like what you didn't i didn't expect that people did that in 1950 i thought that was like more of a you know jersey shore type thing you know more of a more It's like, I didn't expect that people did that in 1950. I thought that was like more of a Jersey Shore type thing, more of a more recent thing. But no, no, no. Creepy dudes have been around since the beginning of time.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Since dudes were created. This picture from Italy in 1950-something. I heard somewhere they were seeing particularly northern Europeans who, you know, they do many things right, but definitely the romance department is not the one that they are most renowned for. No? They're not known for romance? Not exactly. So a lot of the women come down for vacation in Italy to hook up for random summer
Starting point is 00:04:37 flings with the exotic romantic Italian story and then they go back to their regular life. So who would be the boring dudes from there? romantic Italian story and then they go back to have their regular life so who would be the boring like dudes from boring is a bad word and I'm gonna have lots of people flat but you know they get the reputation for being a little bit on the cool their end selling more way yeah yeah yeah our way Sweden even Germany yeah that's the rap cold people that are very disciplined and so you
Starting point is 00:05:02 might not be so good at eating pussy. Basically, they are going to make awesome cars. They are going to run the economy great. They are going to do all the things that Italian can't even begin to know where to start. No, they do the cars okay, but definitely not the economy part. But when it comes to romance, yeah, not quite. That muscle hasn't been developed very well. In order to have a certain amount of fun in a conversation, there has to be that I don't give a fuck element. And there's very few, like, really conservative people that know how to turn that part on.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Right. They never know how to not give a fuck. They never know when it's important to not give a fuck. But it's often important to not give a fuck. Yeah. For fun, for passion, for partying, for, you know, just to laugh with your friends. And if you can't do that, if you can't let that go, you're tightly knit and figuring out how to fucking use gears and levers in order to make your car work better. That's all the time is work, you know, after a while, man.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, even the language. I mean, you try to say something sweet and lovable in German. Yeah. That was one of the craziest things about Hitler's speech. It wasn't just what he was saying was fucked up. Right. It was that crazy-ass language he was saying it in. This, like, really alien, angry...
Starting point is 00:06:15 You know, to be an American in the 1940s, like, when all this was going on, and to see that guy... I guess they saw him in movie theaters, right? That's how they would see that. See that guy screaming at the top of his lungs, that crazy fucking mustache in that weird language that you didn't understand. That had to be goddamn terrifying.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Seriously, man, because you see the videos and you see these thousands of people standing, totally disciplined, listening in complete silence to the guy going crazy. And then when you finish the sentence, they all jump up with one shout. It's insane. It's freaky. It's insane. The men that get to that position, that crazy position where they can talk a whole gang of people and they're doing something really, really bad.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And everybody is disciplined and everybody is along with them. Those are some of the scariest moments in all of history yeah when when some group or leader with you know nefarious intentions is like super charismatic super driven and super insane all together and in control that's the worst possible i was just coming over here i was listening to a dan carlin's episode to the latest Hardcore History. And he was going off about this story about what was happening in Germany in the 1500s. Yes. That has like the trippiest, weirdest story ever.
Starting point is 00:07:34 It's amazing. Yeah. I guess it's the origins of Lutheranism. And what he's talking about was I did not know this. And this is one of the amazing things about that podcast, I did not know that most people couldn't read the Bible. As recently as 1500. Death penalty offense in most countries.
Starting point is 00:07:55 If you owned your own Bible, you read the Bible by yourself, not in Latin through the priest, but instead you had your own thing, you could be put to death. That's insane. Because if you read it on your own thing, you could be put to death. That's insane. Because if you read it on your own, you may get weird ideas, and then you would water down the truth and misconstrue God's word. That's not that long ago. No.
Starting point is 00:08:17 That's not even a thousand years ago. Yeah. That's so crazy. But that's the thing that makes you wonder about human beings, that the vast majority of human beings just go with the program of whatever they are taught in those times. And when you look at that, like even if you look back 70 years and you look at racism in the United States, anybody went along with the norm of what was typical in American society 70 years ago would be seen as like batshit crazy today. And yet back then, you you know there were plenty of people against it but they were the minority you know the majority of people were like yeah of course
Starting point is 00:08:50 those damn people of color and it's like it's weird it's like people are donkeys being trained with the carrot and the stick since they are born and they just go with the they don't question shit well people it's it's super easy for people to believe some crazy shit as long as the people around you believe crazy shit as well. Exactly. We have a real problem like that where we can get sucked into our atmosphere. Yep. And especially if you are an easily led person or a person who doesn't have like a really fully formed opinion of the world. I mean that's one of the things they do to people when they torture them.
Starting point is 00:09:27 They take away your view of the world. They take away your ability to look at things rationally. And then when they start talking to you, it's like now they're your friends. That's Stockholm Syndrome, right, when they kidnap people. The kidnapper becomes someone who you love. You give in. You relent. Kidnapper becomes someone who you love.
Starting point is 00:09:42 You give in. You relent. And that's why in that Homeland show, that concept works, that they kidnap these guys and turn them into suicide bombers, these American GIs, which is a pretty creepy fucking premise and scary premise. But the idea is that people change if you change their environment. Big time. that like people change if you change their environment like big time the thing that's why to me the healthiest thing anybody can do about anything is question everything you're taught not because you are like a pain in the ass teenager who just want to be different for the
Starting point is 00:10:16 hell of being different just because precisely if you value something you should question it it's the same thing as like when you say on-it products, you try them. You check it out for yourself. If it works, you go for it. If it doesn't, you don't. It has to be by direct experience. Otherwise, if you start going by the shit that other people tell you and it's about belief and going on faith almost, how the fuck do you know anyway?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Well, the real problem with that is that should be the way we do it. We should go on other people. The problem is there's too many dummies out there. There's too many people out there that don't know what the fuck is going on in their own life and they can't give you advice and they can't give you an honest assessment whether something works or doesn't work, is good or is not
Starting point is 00:11:00 good. Right. But that should be the way we go on it. And it should be that we can completely trust everybody you know if we could figure out how to eliminate deception that would be one of the best things ever for the human race if we could figure out how to eliminate like the the need to steal and deception those just to those two things alone yeah good luck with that i know earn what you deserve you know earn what you deserve and don't deceive to get there don't lie right whether it's in business or in your personal life
Starting point is 00:11:35 your friendships yep and when we figure that out that's gonna be gigantic because it's really that's one of the the beauties when people start talking about psychedelics helping people the but's one of the beauties when people start talking about psychedelics helping people. One of the beautiful things is that it eliminates the ego. And the ego is the one that's locking you into all that stupid shit. Right. The ego is locking you into your past experiences. The ego is locking you into your idea of who you are.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And that's the kind of shit that allows people to do creepy things. That's what allows people to steal and deceive and use trickery. That's someone who's like your ego is allowing you to do that. Like your sense of humanity and justice. How would you want the world to behave? What if everyone was like that? By doing it yourself, are you giving the green light for everyone to just go straight pirate? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Do you know how hard human beings have worked for so fucking long to get ourselves to a position where we can walk down the street in almost every city in the country and be reasonably safe? Right. When you're driving and you can be reasonably safe, even despite the fact that you're dealing with millions and millions and millions of people. Well, when you go rogue, you cunt up this whole awesome system that everybody's been busting their ass. Yep. Big time. To me, it's weird because my relationship with the law, I guess, is I break the law.
Starting point is 00:12:55 That's the law for fuck's sake. Thanks for the translation. Very good. The law, as I was saying, the – man, there's so many fucking words I can say. There are a lot of laws I break on a fairly regular basis, but my, I guess, moral standpoint on that is anything, anything I do,
Starting point is 00:13:19 whether legal or illegal, the end result can't be hurting another human being. If anybody walk home crying because of something i did is fucked up if i'm breaking laws that don't really hurt another human being there's not one person who's gonna shed a tear over it then i have no problem with it well i agree with that if you're like running a red light three in the morning when there's no one around i agree with that right but i think think even if certain laws, like financial laws, there's a reason why people are willing to steal things from their job and people are willing to lie about their taxes.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Right. And one of the reasons is that regular people, people who are worried about their money and scratch and scrape and save for vacations if they ever get a vacation. Regular people see the type of shit that goes on on Wall Street. They see like those houses on the Hamptons on those TV shows and those crazy places in Greenwich, Connecticut where these people have fucking airports in their backyard and helicopter landing pads in the middle of their polo field. It's insane money. You're talking about people who have hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, so many of them.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And what do they offer? What do they do? Well, they're in the financial business. They move numbers around. They figure out a way to extract money from the system. That's what they do. They get really good at extracting money from the system. And the best piece of evidence is what's in front of them.
Starting point is 00:14:45 What exactly do you do? You move numbers. You buy. You sell. You do this. You do that. How the fuck have you acquired the amount of wealth that you need to own a gigantic compound in Greenwich, Connecticut? What benefit have you given?
Starting point is 00:15:00 What have you done there? What have you done? You've extracted money from the system. That's what you've done. Whether it's legal or illegal, it's the same shit because you know the laws that are in place are only in place because somebody bribed somebody. And that's a fact. Somebody used special interest money to make something happen somewhere that somebody liked, that somebody passed that law and got things through. And that's how the system is set up the way it is.
Starting point is 00:15:23 That's why, I mean, if you're going to be in the game game anyway then i have no problem breaking certain laws but i don't break my own laws you know what i mean social laws fuck it whatever as long as but my stuff the problem is when people when people stop being goody goody and go by the book okay that's okay they at that point they, they just go nuts, right? So it's like, it's not just that they slightly break a few laws because those laws don't make sense. It's they go all out and there's a rape and pillage
Starting point is 00:15:53 and whatever the fuck. Or they are these goody-goody freaks who are... And both of them don't... I mean, I prefer the one that's not going to shoot you at 3 a.m., but at the end of the day, they both are stuck in this dogmatic view of the world about how it's supposed to be. Right. And to me, once you break laws, you have to be, there's a Bob Dylan line in one of his
Starting point is 00:16:12 songs that he say, to live outside the law, you must be honest, which is sound like a paradox, right? Because he's saying, what the fuck do you mean? Like, how are you going to be honest by breaking laws? And it really is, you need to be, otherwise you turn into some fucked up criminal. breaking laws and it really is you need to be otherwise you turn into some fucked up criminal but if you're gonna do it you need to have some pretty serious uh moral safeguard that you have on your own then you don't need any god or cop to catch you to make you not do it is you don't do certain things because they are fucked up period and you're just not gonna do it because it's such
Starting point is 00:16:40 what's inside of you that's a very romantic notion man that's like a fucking Clint Eastwood movie you know it is right romantic notion of the the ethics of being an outlaw yeah outlaw ethics I realized a few days ago I was um I was you know like Facebook has those things like inspirational people or shit like that when you're playing you throw down some names I realized I put down Robin Hood twice I was like shit really shit, really? Twice? That important to me? At different point in time, I'm like, okay, I see a pattern here. I didn't know that Robin Hood was initially about poaching. Yeah, yeah. It's about food.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Right, because they didn't let the poor hunt. They wouldn't let the poor hunt on the land. So these poor, they have no money and no food and they started shooting deer and Robin Hood would shoot these deer and give them to poor people. Yep. People are such silly bitches. The fact that kings ever worked, that that ever worked,
Starting point is 00:17:32 that anybody was ever willing to admit your grace, royalty. That's one of the beautiful things about that and I know it's a fantasy novel, but Game of Thrones is the way they communicate with each other, the way the royals have this secret, guarded way they communicate with each other the way the royals like have this secret guarded way of communicating with each other but the actors are so good that
Starting point is 00:17:49 is like the intention is like very clear throughout everything and they have this very proper way of handling and managing every situation it's so fascinating that show is awesome it's so that royal blood thing is such a trip and i again i know that this is just a TV show that's bullshit. Sure. They got dragons and stuff. You know, it's not based on reality. What the fuck? No dragons, really?
Starting point is 00:18:12 That idealistic way of communicating did exist, at least in small places, in small pockets, for quite a while, right? Absolutely. How did that happen? Yeah, the thing that trips me out is not only how it evolves that part is actually the cool part about it is how it evolves that one day some guy shows up and say you know what i'm gonna be your king you'd call me your majesty and it's not because god wants it to be that way right and i mean if i go do that around today i probably don't have such success how the fuck did people go along with that?
Starting point is 00:18:46 It's just amazing. I don't know. Do you think that being a king and that kind of thing comes from the original alpha male primate behavior that chimps exhibit and monkeys exhibit where there's one that's always the alpha? So almost like we have this weird broken need to have that one. So we go looking for it, whether it's a king or a priest or whatever. There's a one. Could be that way. It could also be, and one doesn't exclude the other,
Starting point is 00:19:21 but it could also be like in hunting and gathering societies, which is how we have lived the majority of time we've been around. You have the kind of this informal leadership because it's all like 20, 30 people who have known each other all their life. So when there's a decision to be made, everybody turned to you because you are cool. You're smart. Last time you gave us good advice.
Starting point is 00:19:38 You don't have real power, but when you settle down and you start living in farming communities and the 30 people become 300 and then become 3,000, there's a lot more of those little inner fights. People within the tribe will start fighting each other. And so you need the leader to come mediate because he's a cool guy. But it stops being, oh, you're a nice guy. You do that once in a while. It becomes a full-time job.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And it becomes so important to keep the society together, make sure that people don't kill each other. It's like, you know what? Stop planting your fields. Don't worry about that. We understand that it's a pain in the ass for you to constantly be having to worry about our little squabbles, but it's such an important job. We'll plant for you. And suddenly there's a division of social classes where suddenly somebody has a specialized job that emerged, maybe because they are cool people maybe it starts out that people give them that power right hey man you're really smart you can always solve the problem and then with the bigger the society gets the more the social stratification the more the
Starting point is 00:20:39 deposition become entrenched solid unquestionable. It passes to their kids, kings, divine right, all of that shit. But probably the way it starts, it starts in a mellow, normal way. Like, oh man, you're a cool guy. You give good advice. Please help us mediate. And the more the need for mediation increases,
Starting point is 00:21:00 the bigger, the more important the role becomes, until it becomes something above and separate from everybody else's. And it's not leadership by charisma anymore. It becomes leadership by birth or some shit. By right, by divine right, by enforcement of the group of people that agrees with you and then you divvy up power within the group. Yep.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah, it's madness. It's amazing that it existed as the norm, though. What's amazing is that it's not just that in one place a king was born, and they had a king, and wow, this is crazy. How'd they do a king thing? Nobody else would agree with that. No, everybody agreed to it. They agreed to it all over the world. They agreed to the emperor in China, they had an emperor in Japan. I mean, basically everybody was rocking that king thing at one time. I mean, basically everybody was rocking that king thing at one time. I mean, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah, because you can't have a big society without central authority. It sounded awful to say because it sounds like you're defending some fascist model of the world where it's like you need the strong. Again, I'm not going to do the purpose of my weird voice, but that's need for central authority to keep the society in check. And unfortunately, when you put enough people together, it's not going to work unless you have some kind of central authority that can decide things. That's the long chess game of the new world order. If you think about it, why would you ever want the world to be stable?
Starting point is 00:22:23 Because if the world was stable, you wouldn't need some sort of militarized government to protect you. So the militarized government that's protecting you makes sure the world stays unstable. Absolutely. It keeps the party rolling. Because if everybody just agrees to settle the fuck down and stop killing each other, then you don't really need as many jets. You don't have as many resources or as much resources going to war. There's all sorts of shit you could solve.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Military industrial complex, yes. You're locked into the grip of this constantly feeding machine that constantly has momentum working in the same direction. And there's money to be made in it. It's not like it's just an altruistic adventure to try to fix the world and engineer it properly. No, no. Everybody's making money in staggering amounts. It's the best money-making thing in the whole world. That's why I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:10 the whole speech by Eisenhower in the 50s was a trip because Eisenhower, a Republican guy, was led troops in World War II, not the most conspiracy theory inclined, you know, he's a very straight, buy the book kind of guy. And yet when he announces, you know, the biggest threat facing the United States in the 50s, everybody said, well, communism, right? No, military industrial complex. He's like, the fuck are you talking about again? And, you know, the guy is a military guy himself,
Starting point is 00:23:39 a fairly conservative guy. And yet he makes the call saying, if you let certain industries that profit on war get too big they will get to have influence over government pushing us to fight wars when we don't really need it because of their own profit and you know if it comes from some random hippie telling you this is like yeah whatever you know it comes from this straight laced by the book kind of guys like whoa really you know when i first found that out i that i saw that speech i was really pissed that straight-laced, by-the-book kind of guys. Like, whoa, really? You know, when I first found that out,
Starting point is 00:24:07 I saw that speech, I was really pissed that no one ever showed it to me in high school. They never did? No. They didn't talk about it? No, no.
Starting point is 00:24:14 What the hell? No, that never came up in my high school. Nobody ever said that Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. The concept of the military-industrial complex being anything but good or industrial complex being anything but good
Starting point is 00:24:25 or the military being anything but good is never taught. Shit. Yeah, it was never taught when I was in high school. Not in my school. I went to Newton South High School, which is a very good high school in the suburbs of Boston.
Starting point is 00:24:38 It's a very good school. Very smart kids. I don't remember any of that. No, there's no idea there was never really there's that's a really sort of uh that that that's a very controversial subject to be teaching children it's fun though that's what it's about that's yeah they're gonna pay attention to that they are not gonna pay attention if you say the president in uh 18 but I mean controversial in that a lot of parents are gonna think that that's like
Starting point is 00:25:05 liberal programming. And then what you're doing is bullshitting these kids with your hippie ideas and you're fucking with my kid's head. And it's like I'm reporting what some Republican president who was a general in World War Two said. Yeah. Back off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's still though. It's such a it's such a at least it was when I was in high school. It's such a sensitive area to accuse the government of doing anything nefarious. That was never done. Like when I was in high school, they taught us Lee Harvey Oswald shot fucking Kennedy. Really? Oh, yeah, they did. Of course they did.
Starting point is 00:25:34 That's how it was, right? That's exactly what it was. They showed you Lee Harvey Oswald and they showed Jack Ruby killing Lee Harvey Oswald. God darn it. We'll never even know now why he killed the president. Like they taught us that in high school. And this is like years after they had the Zapruder film shown on the Geraldo Rivera show where Dick Gregory, the stand-up comedian, brought it on the Geraldo Rivera show and
Starting point is 00:25:58 showed people the view of the assassination from essentially where this guy Zapruder was standing, which we had never seen the actual assassination before. And when people watched it, the first thing they thought was that this guy looks like he's been shot from the front. Right. Like, it doesn't look like he got, his head goes back into the left. Like, he got shot by more than one person too.
Starting point is 00:26:22 He got shot in his back. He got shot by more than one person, too. He got shot in his back. He got shot. There's one wound that they turned into a tracheotomy wound. Right. Yeah. It was an entry wound from the front. There's a bullet wound where his neck was. And there's two different depictions of the autopsy from Bethesda, Maryland to Dallas.
Starting point is 00:26:41 It's really interesting. It is. It's very interesting stuff. But I guess what you're saying puts things in perspective for me because there are a bunch of times when I'm teaching class and to me, I'm saying the things that are the most normal things that everybody would know. And I see everybody kind of like, Joe dropped to the ground, like, what the fuck? Really? That happened? I'm like, yeah, doesn't everybody, isn't that kind of the stuff that you normally teach? And I guess, no, it's not. No, it's not at all.
Starting point is 00:27:05 No. The normal – in school, you're taught no conspiracy theories. You're taught no variations of the truth. You're taught nothing. As the most controversial guess is Nixon was involved in a scandal in Watergate. They tell you Nixon – That's controversial. Yeah, because they got rid of Nixon.
Starting point is 00:27:24 He did a bad thing. This guy, apparently Nixon – That's good. They're part of it. Yeah, because they got rid of Nixon. He did a bad thing. This guy, apparently Nixon had loose morals. Did you ever listen to all those Nixon tapes? Oh, yeah. There's like hundreds and hundreds of hours of tapes because they had everything mic'd in the whole entire place. And there's like things where like he talks about abortions. I just heard this on Open Anthony the other day. And there's just like parts where he's talking about abortion and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Just in case of like – just listen to it it it's crazy he said a lot of creepy shit creepy shit like he was a creep he was a creep and they found out about it by by you know tapping into his fucking well he knew about the president oh yeah yeah recording he knew about it yeah he knew they were recording all that stuff? He was responsible for it. No, he was responsible. He had everything mic'd because he wanted to – if anything was to happen, he wanted to have proof. So he was like the good guy. And what happened is that they just recorded everything and found – you know. I thought they bugged the campaign headquarters.
Starting point is 00:28:19 So that's what he did. What these guys did, they bugged the Democratic campaign campaign in order to find out what they were saying. And when they got busted, that was the scandal because it's like you authorized bugging. That's totally illegal. Right. And he said, no, no, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me. And then eventually it came out. That was exactly the recording that I was referring to where there's a lot of evidence of what Nixon was actually saying that he did do that shit.
Starting point is 00:28:44 People need to know if their president's a crook. Right. I'm not a crook. And then Nixon lately, afterwards, fabulously said, well, if the president does it, then it's not illegal. And he's like, what the fuck are you talking about? Did he really say that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Well, he was a creepy dude anyway. The weirdest thing about him being president is that is the leader of this great nation that's the best you can do that guy's weird man seriously that guy everything about him looks like you made it uh with a stamp you know and pressed it in a mold it looks like you polished it up and the whole like his everything was weird about that guy everything the way he walked the way he talked big time i tend to trust intuition in that regard at least on a person to person level like you see somebody and before they say anything you've got a vibe of whether you think there's something weird to the person or not
Starting point is 00:29:35 man look at nixon you've got how the fuck did he become president that's what i'm saying if you look at him he's like one of the creepiest guys ever elected to a major office. He's got his arms up in the air and his weird face. He's a weird-looking dude, man. He looks so awkward. And he didn't feel warm. He didn't feel real. He didn't feel – there was nothing about him that – like with Kennedy, Kennedy had – it was obvious he was a special man. It was obvious he was this handsome man. It was obvious he was handsome, a man of great lineage, you
Starting point is 00:30:07 know, and he had this way of talking, this charisma. That's all, you can see it right there. It's all real obvious. But you get to a guy like Nixon, you go, what the fuck was going on there, man? And it's funny because he got elected in 1968, which is, you know, in the middle of the 60s. Yeah. And it's precisely because the 60s were going on that conservatives got freaked out, and they started,
Starting point is 00:30:28 oh, my God, the country's going in this crazy, wild, godless, liberal direction. We need to take it back. They got hardcore politically organized to try to elect, and they got Nixon in office. Yeah. But yeah, man, Nixon is a trip.
Starting point is 00:30:42 They say that the election of 1960 was the first election where they had – the debate was on TV. And they had – they say that people who listen on the radio to the debate think that Nixon had done pretty well. But then people who watch it on TV, they overwhelmingly thought Kennedy dominated. Because he's so handsome. Exactly. Kennedy looked good by comparison, whereas Nixon was like this weird weird looking troll that was scary as hell on so many ways and so anybody watching on tv was like fuck not that guy he was sweating like a pig he was doing all that it's like that's instinctive it
Starting point is 00:31:15 shouldn't be but it's instinctive there's i mean it's not it's not even an appearance thing because rodney dangerfield was kind of an ugly dude but he was so lovable and warm you know what i mean i mean if rodney dangerfield had the creepy behavior of Nixon, he would be just as creepy. Of course. Nixon lacked any charisma. When you tell people, you know, oh, you trust first impressions, they're like, ah, that's superficial.
Starting point is 00:31:35 They're only looking at somebody's good looking or not. It's not even about that. There's a vibe to people. To me, I'm a big believer that I don't know exactly what you see. I don't know if it's some specific body language i don't know what is that you see but to me is everything you've ever gone through is written on your skin you know it's right in easy now you move is it now you talk is it now you do everything so it shows up and to me it's not weird that some people can't see it it's like why the fuck can't most people see? It's like a chihuahua can sniff you for three seconds
Starting point is 00:32:06 and decide whether to bark at you or be all like, woo, woo, woo. It's like, if a chihuahua can do it. Yeah, but let me tell you something. Chihuahuas are wrong all the time. Those little cunts, they bark constantly. They're not the best. That's not the best.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah, okay, fuck. I need for a dog. Yeah, that doesn't qualify as a dog anyway. But that is true. The dog can sniff best. I need for a dog. That doesn't qualify as a dog anyway. But that is true. Dogs can sniff you out and learn things about you. And people can too. We have a weird way of
Starting point is 00:32:33 whether or not you trust it and whether or not it's tuned in. You've got to have A, been around plenty of crazy people and B, taken a really good look at your own self. Look at yourself really truly objectively. your faults, all of it, to be able to recognize it in other people. Because if you're bullshitting yourself, it's super easy to get bullshitted.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Of course. Yeah, and if you're bullshitting other people, it's also easy to get bullshitted. Because, you know, like that was like a big thing in gambling was the double dump. When a guy thought he was getting dumped, but really they were dumping on him. You know, the double dump where you're manipulating how a game goes down. Right. People are devious little fucks. They sure are.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Well, not all of them. A lot of them. A lot of them. Good percentage. Yeah, give you that. Once we read each other's minds, that shit's all going to stop. Yeah. I think that's the next step. The next step of evolution is going to be knowing whether or not someone's bullshitting you.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Hell, save so much. But to me, that's – I don't know. Maybe I'm too like psychic powers or some shit. But to me, that's not even hard to do now, let alone – What about that Jodi Arias? Well, I mean, that's what I mean. Let me tell you something son she would have got you she would have got you she would trick you she would rope you in she was cute enough that you would say you know this she wants to be with me i'm gonna take a chance you'll be in there with her damn like she doesn't look like an
Starting point is 00:33:59 obvious freak there's nothing that's cream freak but there's a sexual freak no no i mean just like weird like i'll stab you in the shower kind of freak but as in she does look freakishly cold like there's something there that's like there's something weird going on emotionally so i wouldn't be able to tell oh yeah she's this weird uh wannabe but you could tell like huh there's something off there that bitch is crazy did you you see the video, the security video of her after they arrested her? No, I didn't see it. She's doing headstands, doing headstands, singing to herself. Like, they're locking her up in a cage for the rest of her life for murder and probably going to put her to death. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And she's singing. Yep. And then when they ask her from jail, like they have a jail jailhouse interview it's stunning how well she lies about this and you know it's a beautiful thing that people do so well when they lie about shit like that well how are you staying calm my faith
Starting point is 00:34:55 just think about that statement that your faith after you stabbed a dude like 28 times shot him in the head slid his, like this bitch did some crazy shit to this guy's body. And she's like, my faith. It makes me wonder. I think she actually believes it. When she say my faith, I think there's a good chunk of her who actually believe what she's saying.
Starting point is 00:35:19 She could be one of those people that's so crazy that they sort of reformed their reality every three or four hours. There's people like that. I've seen people that have been able to justify almost anything because they just sort of put it away and then there's a new reality. I've never done anything like that. You just did it. What the fuck are you talking about? There's a lot of people that are like that. They could just shut parts of their brain off.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And unfortunately, I think a lot of them suffered childhood abuse yeah in fact that's the thing that sometimes when you got the whole background story you almost feel bad but then you feel bad for the 5 year old you don't feel bad for the person you have become because it's like I understand how you got there
Starting point is 00:35:58 but understanding doesn't mean justifying exactly it's too fucked up sorry can't let that slide. It's just there's certain things as a race we have to figure out how to stop from occurring. And I don't think we put any resources into that. It's amazing how much we put resources into making sure that marijuana stays illegal. Think about how much money is involved in that.
Starting point is 00:36:23 What is it? Four billion a year? Something like that? It's crazy. It's something nutty. And how much have we really put into trying to help people that are doing a shitty job of raising their children? How much, I mean, besides like, I don't know what you can do really, I mean, besides actively going in there and taking their kids away.
Starting point is 00:36:43 But just some form of education, some community center, something. I just feel like when you see really, really poor neighborhoods that are ignored, you're just asking for problems. Of course. You're just asking for problems. You should fix that, level that up as much as possible, help those people out as much as possible, and help them to get the fuck out of there.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And the thing that drives me crazy about people when they talk about people that are in the ghetto, like, oh, they're poor, they're lazy, that's why they're still on welfare. If they don't want to work, you don't get it. You don't get it. They are in a shit spot. And it's super hard to have a good mentality
Starting point is 00:37:22 when you're in a shit spot. It's very hard. So to say that they, you know, oh, just fucking get off their lazy asses and stop collecting welfare, I think you're probably missing what's going on there. You know, ideology aside, right-wing rhetoric aside, you're dealing with someone who got a terrible roll of the dice. And that could have been you, man. You could have been in that. And just because you could pull out a story or two or three
Starting point is 00:37:47 about people who are in that situation. And then Rob went on to get his PhD. And to this day, he says that living in the ghetto does not hold you back. It's a prison of your own mind, right? It's like, there's always those stories, but the reality is how much good role models do those kids have? How many good role models? How much good inspiration? How much hope for the future? A student of mine, the very first semester I started teaching, it was this guy who was from South Central LA.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And we started chatting afterwards. And, man, the stories he would tell me about what was a normal part of his day-to-day life. He'd be like, yeah, yesterday I didn't get home until midnight from class because somebody killed right down my door and so they had locked up the whole... Fuck, really? And that shit would happen like three times a year. Yeah, it happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:38:34 It happens all the time. It's real dangerous. Who you know running into the wrong people, it's all real dangerous. And no one's doing shit about it. All they do about it is they arrest people when people do things that are bad you know instead of making cops lives way easier and this is all very utopian hippie we need to fix it we need to do something about the year but it's just weird to me that it never comes up it's weird to me that if you do
Starting point is 00:39:00 bring it up all the socialism and and people – like that's – there's a bunch of babies there, man. There's like a whole community of future people that you can affect. There's a whole new generation of future people that if emphasis is put on helping, it can somehow or another we could figure out a way to like at least eliminate a certain aspect of the lowest of our lowest class society. You know, it seems like that could be done with education. Right. It seems like at least part of it can be done. Sure. Definitely better than it's currently at least.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Way better. Which is not saying much, but at least is. It's just one of the most frustrating things is how far we've come as a human race and yet how far we have to go when it comes to shit like that absolutely yeah because i mean the whole emphasis on individual initiative is like pull yourself up by your bootstrap and stuff there's something good about that of course there is an element about self-empowerment that regardless of circumstances you know you're not going to change circumstances just because you wish it.
Starting point is 00:40:06 So there is an element where the individual needs to find a way because if nothing else is doing it for you, you might as well put your best to do it. But having said that, most people then use that argument to dismiss all the social conditions. It becomes, well, it's just up to you. So go on. We are all behind you kind of shit but it's in the meantime you start from 50 steps behind everyone else because you grew up in a shitty place with drug abuse all over with alcohol abuse all over with neural models with the whole thing and it's
Starting point is 00:40:38 like but you know you can do it well yeah sweet for sweet of you to say it wasn't you know you haven't grown up in that shit. It's such a cliche, but a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. And if we really, you know, the most patriotic thing that we could do as a country is not go fuck with some other countries overseas with dubious intentions, but strengthen our weakest link, our weakest economic link, our weakest social link. It's like, it's a weird thing that politicians don't talk about that, that they don't offer that up as a plan for the future. Give companies contracts to clean up the ghetto.
Starting point is 00:41:18 The same kind of contracts you give to clean up fucking Iraq. Give contracts to clean up the ghetto. It would be amazing. Let Hal Burton make money cleaning up the ghetto. Why can't they do that? I don't understand why he can't profit off of that. It seems ridiculous. And it seems like it's just at this point in 2013, we're still doing the same goddamn
Starting point is 00:41:41 shit. Still going over to countries, getting involved in dubious shit right somehow or another it can or can't be tied to resources and oil and this and that and oh it's conspiracy theory we're over there to stop islam from taking over our underwear whatever the fuck it is it's like the same goddamn shell game yeah well i mean in fact that's what's funny i guess i keep bringing you up today but that's because you started on him with Dan Carlin. I was listening to his series about the Roman Republic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And it was hilarious because it was the same exact dynamics you see them today. Yeah. By the book exactly. It's unavoidable. It's unavoidable. Yeah. We're stupid. We're broken.
Starting point is 00:42:22 We're broken little crazy animals. We don't know how to keep it together. We get it together for a certain amount of time, and then we fucking spiral out of control and go slamming into the rocks. It's fucking weird because, I don't know, I mean, I notice when I look at myself and I analyze, like, where I'm at, I'm happy with me or not, I see so much fucking room for improvement. There are lots of times I'm like, you know, I like it.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'm glad you see it because I would mean to talk to you about your room for improvement i see a lot of it i kind of i like myself there are good things but i also see like oh fuck this thing is not so good this thing it's a weakness then i look at everyone else and i'm like fuck i'm a god that's gonna be a meme on the internet for sure then i look at everyone else and i'm like fuck i'm a god that is a meme and a half son you just fucked yourself you just fucked yourself hard you better hope and pray you don't say anything stupid for the next three years because they that's how long they remember a meme for so good let's do it and i look at everyone else and i'm like fuck i'm a god no but you know the thing that's fun is that it's not that i really think like i'm all
Starting point is 00:43:30 that because when i look at objectively just me i do see so many places where i could improve but then you know the bar is so fucking low on average the average human being there are so many fucked up shit that people do that i'm like, wow, okay, at least. Right. Right when you think that you're a loser because you can't pay your credit card, you hear about this guy in Cleveland that has kidnapped three women for 10 years and you go, I'm not really a bad person. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:56 It's like, okay. Yeah, but that's why it's important to surround yourself with bad motherfuckers. That's very important. You know, to surround yourself with cool people. Like one of the things that I've gotten really good at as I've become an adult is I collect cool people. I know how to collect cool friends. I got a bunch of cool people that I've managed to sneak into my life. And that's very important because when you have questions about something, when you want to talk to somebody about something,
Starting point is 00:44:22 like I can resource a database of cool, intelligent, level-headed, healthy, ego-ed people. That's super important. It's so hard to find. It is. That's one of the most important things about choosing a place to live or choosing people to be around is surrounding yourself with inspirational
Starting point is 00:44:40 people. People who also are healthy. People who are excited, people who have good attitudes, people who aren't lazy bitches. That's probably the most comment I see when I look at your board, when I look at Duncan's board, like people's emails or people when send you an email like, oh, I love the podcast, stuff like that. So many people say the exact same thing you're saying, which is, Jesus Christ, I can't find around me the kind of conversations that you guys have on a podcast. Man, I wish.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And that's why I listen, because I can't find it around me. And, you know, it's amazing. It's inspiring to be reminded that not all humanity is like that. Well, you know what it is? There's a lot of people that think like us out there but they were weren't connected by like a show yep it's like they were all floating around and you sort of locked into certain ideologies and sometimes you could listen to this kind of a show or that kind of show but it net there you know it didn't get locked into like where you could all meet up it's almost
Starting point is 00:45:43 like you need a spot where you meet up and then everybody goes i'm not alone i'm not crazy i'm not alone yeah this world is fucked thank you because i get up every day and i look at my alarm clock and i go what the fuck is the point and go to my whack ass job right well this is a crazy fucked up world it doesn't make any sense at all and i'm just stuck in this system which eats up most of my time and therefore leaves with no time to really think about what I'm doing. So I'm just caught, a creature of momentum, floating down the river of life trying to figure out a way to get to a lily pad. Just catch a breath.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Fuck me. Fuck, man. So, you know, that's one of the best things about living in L.A. is that I know so many cool people that live around here. It's one of the only things about living in L.A. is that I know so many cool people that live around here. It's one of the only things that keeps me around. Yep. It's so important. And so important to do it through podcasts too.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You know, when we do it, when we bring you these people, you guys out there listening, we bring you these people like Daniele Bolelli, Joe Diaz, and Duncan Trestle. You know, that stuff, when it spreads like that, like I said, it's good for everybody. It's good for all of us. Yeah, because, I mean, imagine you are the guy who lives in a town
Starting point is 00:46:51 of 2,000 people in Nebraska or something. Yeah. And you are the – everybody you relate to feel like they live in a parallel universe. Yeah. And you feel like you are the weird – before internet, you would have been really fucked. With internet, you can have access to a whole other world out there where like okay i'm not just the
Starting point is 00:47:09 only crazy one in town there really is something different and you can share it with other people in your town too you can say listen this is a dude named duncan trussell and you gotta hear this fucking podcast it's gonna change the way you look at marriage or a flashlight or a flashlight yeah that's uh that's what the internet provides that nobody had before. Yeah. You know, that's one of the things that was really fascinating about this Dan Carlin podcast is he was talking about Martin Luther and how they printed up. This is amazing stuff, folks.
Starting point is 00:47:37 They made these little pamphlets and they handed out these pamphlets about religion and people would hide them and share them with each other and they were they were like secret like they're and it spread like a wildfire this guy martin luther he was the first guy to translate the bible in a phonetic language the first guy to make it so that the people who didn't understand Latin could actually read the word of the Bible. Yeah, because at that time, when he started doing that, he was a death penalty offense. Yeah. To own a Bible or read it in, you know, Christian countries, it was bad, bad, bad. You had to be a priest.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Because only a priest can read it correctly. If you read it on your own, you're going to screw things up and pollute the word of God. And back then, the Pope had bitches. Of course. The Pope had mistresses. What's the word of God and back then the Pope had bitches of course the Pope had Mistresses what's the point of crazy cash? The Pope was going to war with the Mongols No, actually the Pope went to war with the Romans, right? Who went to war the Pope would let it on the world, right? Of course Yeah There were a gazillion of these stories where sometime before they became Pope, they were like general or some shit, slaughter a whole town
Starting point is 00:48:46 and then eventually they become Pope. Slaughter a whole town and then become a Pope. Sometime when they were actually Popes. When did Pope and being a priest
Starting point is 00:48:54 in general become so gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that. No, I think like throughout, it was the only cover that you had
Starting point is 00:49:01 if you didn't have heterosexuality where you get married and you just have kids and all of that shit had if you didn't have a heterosexuality where you get married and you just have kids and all of that shit if you just wasn't in you and you couldn't fake it and it's not like you had the option of saying no sorry i i'm out of this because i like dudes or something you couldn't say that couldn't you just teach poetry and everybody would just give you a wink and they knew it was up not even because everybody's expected to get married if you're not married and you don't have kids, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:49:25 If you become a priest, it's your only cover because it's in the service of God. Then it's like, oh, okay, that's why you don't touch women and stuff. How many men back then must have had beards? That's what beards meaning, wives that weren't really their wife. They had a wife just for,
Starting point is 00:49:41 they even fucked her and got her pregnant. Of course. Really, they were just out getting booty every night. Plenty, plenty, plenty. For sure. That's only 1500s, man. Absolutely. That Martin Luther shit was nuts.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yep. And that people that didn't think he took it far enough, they took it to another level. Right. What was it called again? The one that- Anabaptism? Yeah, Anabaptism. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And even those guys there are like so many subdivision that's why this thing gets so crazy right because you know yeah most of those guys were hardcore pacifists who sort of read the new testament in a very literal you know turn the other cheek love your enemy so they wouldn't fight under any conditions but then there were some guys who decided well i like some of your interpretation, which was the more pro-poor, semi-communist interpretation of the New Testament, but this peaceful shit, yeah, I don't like that part. So we'll just go for the hardcore pro-poor,
Starting point is 00:50:35 pro-communist approach, but we'll just bash bastard's heads along the way. And we'll take people's things. Exactly. They decided that there would be no private property and they wanted to, like no one should be able to own anything. It's like we all enjoy fire. We all enjoy the sun.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Like they were going deep. Some of the stories are just – you can't believe that people go along with it. Well, I can't believe that in 1500, you couldn't even read a Bible. That is amazing. I didn't know that. And that gives you an idea of how much of an institution designed to control people the Catholic Church was, for that matter is. Yeah, you can read the Koran since the beginning of time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:13 No, it's crazy. It really is insane. And in that sense, that was the cool thing about Martin Luther is about pushing this. Everybody can make it decide for themselves, which sounds very sweet and democratic. everybody can make it decide for themselves, which sound very sweet and democratic. But the problem is that then when he started realizing that other people were interpreting the Bible in ways that were completely unlike his, he was just as peaceful as the Catholic with them. He's like, no, I meant freedom from the Catholic interpretation. I didn't mean really make up your own. That's some weird shit that you're interpreting there. Who told you that? And Protestants started burning people at
Starting point is 00:51:44 the stake just as much as Catholics were doing it. Well, that? And Protestants started burning people at the stake just as much as Catholics were doing it. Well, that was the big time for burning people. Yeah, the guy John Calvin, like the second major figure beside Martin Luther among the Protestants, he was so pissed with this one guy because he denied the Trinity,
Starting point is 00:51:58 you know, the Father, Son, Holy Ghost thing, that he had him burned at the stake. And when they were bringing the wood to set him on fire he said no no not that wood that's dry he's gonna burn up quick i want green wood i want this motherfucker to last a long time oh my god i'm like really that's the guy who started a huge branch of protestantism they use green wood yeah because that way that shit takes a long time yep they cooked a guy to death with green wood. I could just see a slow fire cooking your feet.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Which is like, what kind of a sick motherfucker do you have to be to be in Sanrio? Yeah, there was a lot of Green Mountain Grills. I met the owner, by the way, in Sacramento. Oh, did you? We went drinking and got wasted. You got wasted with the owner of Green Mountain Grills? Yeah. It's a great grill. I just wasted with the owner of Green Mountain Grills? Yeah. It's a great grill.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I just used mine the other night. I love it. I cooked some of the last of my venison sausage. It's amazing. It's so – because you keep the temperature the same. We went from Martin Luther. Well, we were talking about cooking people. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:58 That is a fucked up part about history is the cruelty that people were willing to do to their fellow man. Again, just a few hundred years ago. In the name of ideology. I mean, this is not even the stuff where it's like, hey, man, you have a lot of cool gold. I want it. Sorry. Tough luck. I'll bash your skull in because I want to take it.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It's not nice, but you can see a logic to it at least. This is about some, you don't believe in the Trinity. That's why I'm going to burn you to death. Are you fucking kidding me really that's what we argue about the father the son of the holy ghost yeah your daughter's raped killer well there wasn't the catholic church that's more of a islamic approach right yeah i mean but the thing is that what scares me to me is not even one group or the other is like anybody who puts ideology above real individuals around them. Yeah. Anybody who goes, anybody, in that sense to me, ideology, any kind of ideology in that sense is a disease.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Because rather than interpreting life by looking at what really is going on, you are trying to interpret it to this filter of your, it has to fit my preconceived notion of the universe. And if life doesn't, then there's something wrong with life. I'm going to disregard that evidence because I got it all figured out. Yeah, it can be beneficial if you follow a really positive ideology, but just following an ideology itself is so dangerous. It's like the idea that one person or one idea, one thought will prevail above all despite rational changes in your environment, changes around you. That's what a religion really is. A religion is an ideology. That's where it really becomes a problem. We get locked into those too easy for some reason.
Starting point is 00:54:41 It's like a broken circuit. You know what I mean? We have like a broken circuit. We have, you know, it's like we have like a defect. I think life is too complex for most people to deal with. There are too many exceptions. There's too much change going on. So what was working yesterday
Starting point is 00:54:54 may not work today. And it's too much. It's too much work. People don't want to deal with it. So one of the things that people dig is the ability to have some solid dogma to fall back on that is reassuring, makes them feel good about life. It makes them feel like I know what's going on as opposed to be constantly on the ball and figure things out as you go.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yeah, especially folks that seem to have a little extra fear or a little less curiosity or they get tired easier. It's so easier for them to just lock on to something. But it's also easier for people who are mentally ill to lock on to something. And that's one of the weirdest things when you see an obviously mentally ill person screaming fire and brimstone. You're like, oh, fuck. Yeah, no, you're right on that. And it's hilarious how people apply to every aspect of life, even when they are not that flat out crazy, but just a couple of degrees lower that desire for owning the truth and for martial arts is the same. I mean, in martial arts is the same crap, right?
Starting point is 00:55:56 Before MMA, before Bruce Lee, everybody was like, Judah is the shit, fuck karate, doesn't you guys suck? And it was the same mentality that organized religions have it's the same mentality that i got the truth everybody else must be wrong and i'm gonna defend it against all evidence no matter what yeah martial arts are very cult like a lot of the traditional martial arts and although i benefited a lot from that i was definitely locked in it's just i was lucky that it was very positive and it was beneficial towards me. But it was all bowing. Everyone was a sir. You wore a special outfit when you walked into the place.
Starting point is 00:56:31 You had certain words you would use. There's a lot of mind control to it. It wasn't just discipline. It was also like they were instilling a program in your mind. And if you accepted that program, it would make you a more efficient fighter, make you a more efficient killer, make you more disciplined. And that's the beauty of MMA is when everybody was claiming this stuff. They built a cult in so many ways.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Many traditional martial arts built a cult in terms of cult of personality and the wise master who knows everything. And all these rules are designed to increase this sense of hierarchy sometime. And in things like UFC, it's like, well, prove it, which is almost blasphemous if you say it in a more traditional context where you're not saying it as a challenge.
Starting point is 00:57:18 You're not telling somebody to fuck off, but you're saying, hey, man, that sounds like a cool theory. Show me. Show me that it works under pressure. Under the real pressure of an actual fight. That's as close to emulating an actual fight as you can get yeah and that stuff in most traditional elements like in most religions is blasphemy to say yeah what you're questioning the master you're doing and it's like his question is the healthiest thing man he's like i'm giving him a chance to prove it. Yeah, that doesn't work anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:45 That's that whole idea that you can't question. That's out. That one's out. That one's out. Anybody tells you not to question, question that guy. Right. Because that's a mess. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Who the fuck are you that you can't be questioned? Are you an alien? Are you from another planet? Right. Are you the perfect being? Are you Dr. Manhattan? Right. No, right?
Starting point is 00:58:02 Dr. Manhattan. No, you're not, you silly bitch. Manhattan right no right no you're not silly bitch and that's exactly actually where I was going with the new book that I the new book is called create your own religion and what is it on what publishing company it's this info I mean it's a subset of wiser but yes yeah disinfo. a subset of Wiser, but yes. Yeah, I have both of the original disinfo books. You know? You're Being Lied To.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yep. That's a great book, man. Not really. That's a book. Awesome stuff. You read that book and you're like, what the fuck? That was like sort of almost pre-internet, you know? I mean, it was a part of the internet movement, but having that book around, it was like if
Starting point is 00:58:43 you went over someone's house and you saw You're Being being lied to, you're like, all right, man. You fucking tuned in like me, brother. Yeah. You know how the man's been lying to you as well. Daniele Bolelli. Yeah. So Create Your Own Religion is – what is the concept behind it? It's just to add all the best parts to all the different ideologies that you've ever found and just sort of Bruce Lee it all.
Starting point is 00:59:08 That's exactly what it is. It's the MMA approach to religion. The way MMA stands to traditional martial arts is like this approach is what stands to regular religions, which is not all the good stuff come from the same place. You need to look at multiple places. You need to test it. You need to see what works or doesn't. And rather than being like, Christianity sucks or it's like,
Starting point is 00:59:31 it's like, try, try some things. Maybe 80% of it you think is crazy bullshit that make no sense, but you find a couple of gems that can help you in life. Then use them. Why not? Doesn't mean I'm marrying the ideology,
Starting point is 00:59:42 but I'm going to take whatever I can use to make life. To me, the only thing that matters is elevating the quality of life. If you're elevating the quality of life, I don't give a fuck where you got the sourcing formation from. That's not what it's about. It's where it's leading. What kind of results does it create? Yeah. That's what interests me, which is exactly the MMA mentality. It doesn't matter whether the technique is judo or karate or boxing or whatever the fuck. If it works, it works. Yeah, that's one of the things about human beings ultimately is that we need someone to lead by example. You can't just get up and tell us how to do things. You can't just get up and tell us. That's why people especially should be really distrusting of politicians in 2013.
Starting point is 01:00:27 The way human beings should talk should be explaining what they've learned from their own experiences. It should not be telling people what they should do. It should be learning from your own experiences, telling you. And if you don't have any experiences, if you don't have any really unique experiences or really unique thoughts and experiences, why the fuck would you think that you should be able to lead? You're trying to lead because you're saying the words the right way. And you're saying the things that the polls say people want to hear. But as far as unique individual thoughts, there's shit like I Have a Dream
Starting point is 01:01:00 that you could hear today and you go, that motherfucker just nailed it. He just nailed it. Martin Luther King nailed it. Or Kennedy's speech about secret societies, you know, or any of his speeches. He has a bunch of brilliant speeches where the guy just, it made sense. You're dealing with a unique individual. You're dealing with a person with great intelligence.
Starting point is 01:01:20 You're dealing with a person that you should be paying attention to. And those people are usually, they are both cocky and humble at the same time. Because, you know, there's a certain cockiness, a lot of it comes from you are a bad motherfucker and you know it because you're doing things that no one else is doing. But at the same time, you know your limits real well. You see all the times when stuff that you do and say doesn't work. It boils down to being honest with oneself. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Which means neither pumping yourself up or faking modesty because you're, it's like, this is how it is. This is the stuff that I do well. This is the stuff where my experience stops right there. And I don't know anything beyond that. And even experience. People get into this trip of like making perfect sense of it. Right. This is the
Starting point is 01:02:05 event and i'm gonna derive 12 lessons from it it's like sometimes you can sometimes it's just like that's my experience and it's fucking mind-blowing and i don't know exactly what to make of it and that's honest you know it's like looking at what things that happen and rather than running with it beyond what experience warrants that you just acknowledge what happened you acknowledge what you derive from it, and keep an open mind, the fact that there's probably more to it. Now, your idea about this book,
Starting point is 01:02:32 is this just to pick out all the cool shit that you've learned? Yeah. All the cool shit that you've found and you're studying? You've studied religion for how long now? Yeah, for a bunch. And to me, it's like,
Starting point is 01:02:43 at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what I'm teaching. I always end up talking about the same stuff, whether I'm talking about, I start from American Indian history or religion or martial arts, I end up talking about the same things because they are the stuff that life is made of. The cool topics, sex, gender roles. Talk about, yeah. Attitude about.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Sex and gender roles. Yeah, all good stuff. Is there one way to the truth? Is there multiple ways? It's like the relationship with death and dying. How do you deal with that? How do you deal with the physical world, with your own body? I mean, the big topics are always the same.
Starting point is 01:03:17 They don't change. The specific examples that you get there from may differ. So to me, I pick like a chapter each on some of the big things for me the things that in my mind any human being need to find uh need to decide where they stand on some of these issues and i look at what's out there some answers make no sense to me and they seem to lead down really unhealthy paths so thank you but no thanks other answers make more sense or maybe they don't and i come up with my own. But it really is boiled down to the Bruce Lee, you know, research your own experience,
Starting point is 01:03:55 reject what is useless, absorb what is useful and add what's specific on your own. You know, his basic methodology for how to approach knowledge. I mean, he applied it to martial arts, but really it's a brilliant way of approach just any kind of knowledge whether it's really it's about life yeah yeah it's hard for people to accept that right it's uh it's much easier to follow the pattern that your family's followed i'm a lutheran because of grandma's lutheran right grandpa always said that no matter what we'll be lutherans yep i remember talking to this girl and she said that she was going to get a tattoo of a cross. And I said, oh, I go, you're really religious? She goes, well, not really, but you know what? I was born Catholic and I figure that no matter what,
Starting point is 01:04:32 that's the one thing that I'll be for the rest of my life. What the fuck? And I remember saying, I'm like, you know, I didn't know her very well. So I was like, okay, how do you know? Like, how do you know you won't change your mind about that? And she's like, oh, oh my god my family would kill me and I was like oh okay
Starting point is 01:04:50 well good luck with that good luck with that wow those are the cases that at World War II gone different there would be people today's like
Starting point is 01:05:00 no I'm not really Nazi but you know if I don't put the swastika on my grandma her feelings would get really hurt and so it's I don't put the swastika on, my grandma, her feelings would get really hurt. And so it's like. I don't hate the Jews, but grandma fucking hates Jews.
Starting point is 01:05:09 I love grandma. Yeah, exactly. You know, it's like, I don't want to make them sad, you know. What's hilarious is that she was going to get a Catholic tattoo in the first place because, like, in the Bible, it very specifically says, you know. No tattoos. So, like, getting a religious tattoo is like like were you not listening to me yeah no only what i listen when it's convenient but a cross tattoo is so sexy it makes me look spiritual and it thins out my back and that's the other point of like the people get pissed
Starting point is 01:05:37 when you are you create your own it's like what do you mean create your own it's not there are some absolute truths that fall from heaven and they, stop. All of the people are making up their own shit anyway. I mean, when people say they follow something, it's bullshit, really. They are making up their own thing because they will edit some parts that they don't like. They will focus on the parts they like and pretend that it's the one and only interpretation. It's like if you're going to do that, might as well be honest and just pick from any source if you're going to pick and choose. I think that religion in general in the future is much more likely to be studied and less likely to be practiced. Because I think especially in like a really hardcore fundamentalist form, it's much less likely that people are going to accept that as time goes on and information gets distributed broader and faster.
Starting point is 01:06:27 But then again, people will always be afraid of dying. People will always be afraid of where do we come from? Is there any meaning in the universe? And pure rationality doesn't give you very satisfactory answers. No, it does not. So when you want answers and you can get them through reason in that case it's like well fuck reason then just give me any answer because i can't deal with not having some and living that way i i need some solid basis i used to have a whole bit about that
Starting point is 01:06:56 is that uh i would really like to join a cult if anybody could like fucking write one that doesn't make me throw up when i read it just one of you guys isn't there like a smart guy out there that can write like some much more believable shit than scientology or mormonism or any of the newcomers you know like those are the the two latest greatest newcomers that really stuck mormonism and scientology right and they're both fucking cuckoo for cocoa puffs you read both of them, they're hilarious. There's planets and shit. They both have extra planets. They both have planets where they know some shit's going down. Both of them, Scientology and Mormonism. Like Kolob, right?
Starting point is 01:07:36 Isn't that the Mormon planet? In their story there's some really... My favorite Mormon story is the pre-1970s. Most Mormons believe that dark skin is a sign that God hates your guts, basically. That is a punishment. But, you know, in the 1930s, that was fairly mainstream view. I wonder what made them change their mind. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:58 In the 1970s, suddenly God sent a memo saying, wait, wait, you guys got it wrong. Dark skin is totally cool. I have nothing against it. You just made a mistake. It's like the civil rights movement managed to convince not just millions of Americans, but God himself that racism is no longer cool. Yeah, God didn't understand until he saw Martin Luther King give that speech. That's how strong that I have a dream speech is.
Starting point is 01:08:21 That's why to me the whole pretense that it's divinely revealed falls from the sky one day. It's so funny because people, when it doesn't make sense anymore, people will change it. Because it's like, I can't really go around saying this shit anymore. It doesn't. So, way we got it wrong. God meant this other way, really, all along. Everything we've been saying for the last hundred years is just a misinterpreted thing. God was right we were
Starting point is 01:08:46 wrong yeah of course yeah whoops whoopsies isn't that like um what would when martin luther translated the bible into a phonetic form and then the people started interpreting it and then like going well how come no one's practicing any of this shit how come you guys are all where why the fuck do you have so much money? What's going on? Why are we peasants forever? It doesn't say that here. You guys made this shit up.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Like you made all this shit up about being a peasant and ordained a peasant forever, but then you'll be rewarded for your toils in heaven. That's not in here. No, definitely. It doesn't say in here you're a peasant for life. That's the part that I have always the most fun in regards to people making up their own stuff. To me, with Christianity, it's like you want to be Christian. Hey, there's good stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:31 All for it. But then how are you capitalist at the same time? Because there are so many passages where they are so hardcore. I mean, you have the Jesus, it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven which is like something that jesus said that yeah which damn jesus that shit's deep carl marx would blush you know what i mean he's like really fucking that that far wow and that shows up over and over again a bunch of passages are anti-accumulation of wealth yeah and so it's like so you're gonna be christian but you're gonna be hardcore capitalist it's like, so you're going to be Christian, but you're going to be hardcore capitalist.
Starting point is 01:10:05 It's like, yeah, because I'm down with Jesus. That part about money, I'll just skip over those passages and I'll focus on some weird interpretation of one passage that may seem to say, seem that he say something else. And I'm going to ignore the other 19 where it's clearly stating fuck accumulation of wealth. Yeah. That was the other thing that they had found in the translations was that Jesus hung out with people like them. Jesus hung out with the poor
Starting point is 01:10:29 and the downtrodden and the prostitutes and that's who Jesus was palling around with. Like what the fuck have you guys been teaching us? And so the people that wanted to go even further than Martin Luther, these Anabaptists, I guess is that Anarchy Baptistist is that a combination no it's a baptism for a second time because basically they rejected the infant baptism because they said baby doesn't have a fucking choice it needs to be an adult choice so they would baptize as an adult when you want to right and then the third baptism was when they drowned you yeah if they catch you right if they catch you and uh either either lutherans or catholics
Starting point is 01:11:06 if they would catch you then they would decide it was uh their way of being funny was to drown you since he's oh you like two baptisms we'll give you a third one and anna you know anna baptism anna baptist thinking that just that does sound like an anarchistic And they were really radical, huh? They wanted no private property. They wanted free education, free health care. Those damn communists. Well, meanwhile, why is that bad? Right.
Starting point is 01:11:38 This is what drives me crazy. It's not that I don't think that people should be able to have land. I definitely think that you should be able to have land. I definitely think that you should be able to have land. Sure. But why is it so bad to say that you shouldn't? Right. Why is everybody so committed to hanging on to it? Because let's hear this out, okay?
Starting point is 01:11:57 What if we don't have land? Let's have it this way. What if the world consists of Jamie, Brian, you, and me, okay? We're the only four people left in the world. No, there's no one left. Okay, but the good news is we're on Catalina Island, and that's all there is. Can't we just share it? What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:12:16 I'll put my house over here. You put your house over there. I'll say hi in the morning. We got a house on the spot of dirt. That gets problematic when you get into the 300 million people range. That's the fucking problem. The problem is there's too goddamn many of us. And everybody would want a house right by the lake.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Like, you're coming by the lake. There's too many of us, dude. You can't have a house by the lake. Right. But come on, man. Well, we were here first. So listen, this is our land now. We have a house by the lake.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Man, that's fucked up. This is our world. We're all in this together. It is all in this together. But I was born in 1947, and I've had this house by the lake, and I'm not giving up my fucking house by the lake. Right. Can I use your house by the lake? No, you can't, bitch.
Starting point is 01:12:50 I'll shoot you. The problem is there's too many of us, and there's not enough cool spots. Right. That's the real fucking problem. Yeah. It's not private property. Right. Because really, it would be perfect if we all had use of everything.
Starting point is 01:13:08 That would be amazing. It's not my laptop or my table. It's the table. It's the laptop. Is there a laptop I can use? Yeah, you can use that laptop. It's like that would be beautiful if that worked. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Exactly. In utopia land, it's perfect. In utopia land. It's ideal. That is the way you want to live. I want to live in utopia land, it's perfect. In utopia land. It's ideal. That is the way you want to live. I want to live in utopia land. That's one of the things that I've always wondered. Will we see a utopia?
Starting point is 01:13:33 Will we see a working utopia in our time? A working community where no one's a cunt? Community, I buy it. On a small scale, sure. But it would have to start as a community and it would have to the the best you could do i think is probably like a couple of thousand people yeah yeah before it started getting wacky yeah and you would have to like have meetings and everybody would have to really talk about let's uh make sure we avoid all the pitfalls that have fallen all societies before us yeah it. It's not easy.
Starting point is 01:14:07 That's some serious end-of-the-world type shit, though. That's the only way that would ever happen. Right. And I guess today there's a better way to go about it because whereas in the past, if you do that, you run off into the mountains, create your one community where all the other bastards can... Today, you can have an element where you have your local community and at the same time you're in connected to a wider world
Starting point is 01:14:26 in a way that doesn't isolate you doesn't make you weird and cultish and cut you off from everything else because that was always the downside of the small community. Daniele Bolelli, party pooper. That's what I just heard out of your statement. You don't need to be a cult
Starting point is 01:14:41 perfectly. Okay, I was just kidding. Let's head out for the mountains. That's what I'm saying. Damn, dude. Let's do it. Hunt elk with spears and shit. Nobody can say a word. Start our own families.
Starting point is 01:14:54 You don't want to separate from society. Society is pretty fucking awesome. It's just we need to figure out a way to fix society and lessen the amount of shitty people, shitty products, our product of creating human beings. We need to figure out a way to make less of those guys in Cleveland that kidnap girls and keep them locked in their basement for 10 years. That should be like our number one priority, not curing lack of boners.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Right. Not arresting people for fucking selling boner pills at 7-eleven either brian did you hear about that they need to cut it up they came in and they busted all those and it was exactly as aubrey had said aubrey told us that the reason why those dick pills work is because they're filling them up with sialis and viagra and shit right that's exactly what it was it was all sialis oh okay okay and it sucks because it's getting harder to find the good ones now. Why don't you just get a prescription for Cialis? Because I don't really need it.
Starting point is 01:15:48 It's just fun to do. But you can get it. You don't need it. You can get it. Yeah. You can get one. You just say, hey, my dick's not working that good. There's a lot of unscrupulous doctors.
Starting point is 01:15:56 They would write you off a prescription. That way you don't have to fuck around with something you don't even know what it is. If you take a Viagra, you know that's a Viagra. So you're going crazy. You're playing Russian roulette with your health with some 7-eleven fucking stuff that looks like pop rocks you're throwing it into your your drink and shaking it up this is a real sex enhancer meanwhile it's like seven times the normal level of sialis you're supposed to take and you're gonna break your dick one day you're gonna get that priapism what's fun to drain your dick with
Starting point is 01:16:22 a needle what's funny is the the one that's the Cialis one, the pills have gotten bigger on some of them. And it says now it lasts up to seven days. And then on the back it says only take one every 24 hours. So I've taken like three of the seven-day ones. In 24 hours? No, I take three in a week. But that's a week's worth of boners. So that's like 49 boners in one boner.
Starting point is 01:16:46 You should not do that. You're going to break your dick. Your dick is not going to work without them. That's what's going to happen. And you're going to also – confidence-wise, you're going to rely on that wonder dick. Well, I tell you – You're going to like go, how am I going to fuck a girl with my regular dick? My regular dick just doesn't get that hard.
Starting point is 01:17:01 But when I'm on wonder dick – I mean I masturbate every day though, so I would know immediately. Well, you're on pills every day. You're constantly masturbating. You're masturbating while you're on Viagra. I take breaks. Oh, good. You cycle on and off.
Starting point is 01:17:15 I took one on stage in Sacramento because I had one on me. It was called Goldrilla, and it's this gold gorilla on the front. And I was showing everybody and somebody's like take it i'm like all right i'll take it and i open it up and i put it in my mouth and i broke it accidentally breaks in my mouth you know how like the capsules it was just boner like i couldn't i couldn't talk because it was so much powder it just like exploded in my mouth and it was the most disgusting thing ever but then i had like a crazy boner for like three three days and isn't it amazing that
Starting point is 01:17:45 they're still killing rhinos to like to give chinese dudes boners did they not know about the boner pills do they not know about viagra is that possible what's that horny goat seed all about they killed horny goat weed i don't know i don't even i think that's a mood enhancer yeah let me let's go with that i'm gonna read that uh i've never taken the horny goat weed. I don't know. I don't even – I think that's a mood enhancer. Let's go with that. I'm going to read that. I've never taken horny goat weed in any mass quantities. Maybe I've taken it once or twice as an ingredient in something else. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Yeah, they've been knocking them down a lot lately though. There's been at least 10 different companies that have been hit by that thing where they made them pull the pills because there was Viagra and Sergio Leal And so what is it trademark infringement or something? No, they're they're selling prescription drugs mixed with like apples. Oh, they weren't so that's a supplement. It's called epimedium. Hmm. horny goat weed is Yeah, it's called is yeah it's called yeah epi epi m e medium medium um and uh it's also known as barren wart bishop's hat fairy wings horny goat weed rowdy lamb herb randy beef grass it's all about
Starting point is 01:18:57 like bonerific stuff yeah you can look that shit it's a genus of 60 or more species of flowering plants in the family of berberidaceae. This is a hard one. Well, let's just try this. B-E-R-B-E-R-I-D-A-C-E-A-E. Berberidaceae. Berberidaceae. Large majority are endemic to southern China.
Starting point is 01:19:28 What is it supposed to do? Aphrodisiac. Bam, son. Let's hear it, Brian. That's what it does. Many species. The qualities associated with content of icarin. According to legend, this property was discovered by a Chinese goat herder who noticed a sexual activity in his flock.
Starting point is 01:19:47 See, same story as the fucking – the quarter-sips mushrooms. It's probably a bullshit story. It's probably some marketing shit from the 1400s, both with the mushroom and with this horny goat weed. Even though the mushroom stuff does fucking work. I had mixed it in my mind. When you were telling earlier, Brian, about, hey, why are you taking those pills? You don't know what's in it. I was picturing your early story about the zombie ants.
Starting point is 01:20:08 And I was imagining like that mushroom going into the pill that Brian takes and this dick exploding. Oh, yeah. It could be. Sorry, but I, by the way. That could be going on inside of his little body. He dies and his dick becomes like a fireworks display. A lot of these supplements that you take, these boner pills, are actually ants. Tons of African – I think it's African black ants.
Starting point is 01:20:28 What? Yeah. We've talked about this before on the podcast where – The boner pills? Yeah. A lot of them because if you just type in boner pill ant, you'll have a bunch of stuff. Oh, that's right. We did talk about that, but I think we got sidetracked and never came to a rational conclusion.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Yeah, because – I think it was one of those. One of the pills actually that was pulled by whatever the FDA last week was even called something like boner ants or something like that. This is – I'll give you the rundown scientifically if anybody gives a shit. It actually apparently does have a similar effect to nitric oxide supplements, which also give you boners, which is also one of the reasons why Viagra is a performance-enhancing supplement. A lot of athletes, I think it's banned from the Olympics. I think you can't use Viagra anymore.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Why? Because it gives you a boost, an athletic boost. I think it's an endurance boost. The same thing it does when it gives your dick this crazy fucking wonder dick. It also does that for the rest of your body. It increases blood flow or something. They didn't know that. Yeah, you're recycling your that for the rest of your body. It increases blood flow or something. They don't know that. Yeah, you're recycling your blood in more parts of your body.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Something around what he said, but with some science that none of us really know. You're getting that brain juice, putting it all aside. So this stuff, like sildenafil. So that's Viagra. Viagra is sildenafil. Ienafil so that's uh viagra that's viagra sildenafil i'm probably i'm probably but it's s-i-l-d-e-n-a-f-i-l um and that's what's called that viagra um this stuff that it produces called icarin i-c-a-r-i-i-n the active compound in epidemium inhibits epimedium inhibits the activity of PDE5. And so this PDE5 shit works the same with horny goat weed inhibiting it as it does with Viagra. So it probably would work, but it probably wouldn't work as good because i think that viagra shit is like nuclear
Starting point is 01:22:27 i think they've got it down like this is like i think my dick's getting a little harder but you take a viagra and your dick just slam just fucking gets like body slammed against your zippers like where are we partying tonight your dick is just really rowdy and obnoxious and unrealistic. You can feel your heartbeat on the very bottom of it. I love that. Your heartbeat on the bottom of your dick. Yeah, like that vein that goes down the bottom. Yeah, and don't measure your heart rate then.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Because that's not your resting heart rate. You're not resting right there. Your dick is going crazy. Your dick's turning into a zombie. Yeah, even like old dudes that are barely alive, they can take a couple of Viagras and stick a finger up their ass and bam. It is so fun going to massage parlors on Viagra because you can't stop it.
Starting point is 01:23:13 You do it on purpose. You're just pretending you're the super freak. Like, baby, I'm just a super freak. I don't even know what's up. I'm trying not to think about sex, but just having you in the room while I'm on 7,000 milligrams of venafenol, sildafenol, or whatever the fuck this stuff is called. I'm starting to think that in the 70s I would have a raincoat.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Oh, you probably would. Well, if you didn't have a podcast, you'd have a raincoat. How about that, you fuck? I've just turned into this now. Well, the problem is it's more fun than not doing it. Oh, yeah. That's why you're liking it. You're liking doing it.
Starting point is 01:23:47 People are like, why would he like to have hard-ons and go to massage parlors and get jerked off? Hmm. Why wouldn't he? I didn't say anything about jerking off.
Starting point is 01:23:56 I'm just... Look, that was... I added that in for comic relief. Oh, of course. I'm just displaying my boner for this poor girl. I only added that in for...
Starting point is 01:24:03 to lighten up the moment so it doesn't seem as much like sexual assault right this one girl had a tan line from the rope the other day it was from a rope what do you mean what rope when she was carried into this country i think oh i mean in san francisco those are fresh son of a bitch they are so fresh like i was like either she had a watch and she went tanning and she took off her watch, or that's from rope. That's ridiculous. Yeah. You know what's...
Starting point is 01:24:37 I don't even want to talk about it. Why? What's the matter? Go, go, go. It's too much of a... It's a scary subject. Well, that website that everybody's talking about. I feel like I shouldn't talk about it anymore.
Starting point is 01:24:45 You shouldn't talk about it. It's going to get taken away. It's going to get taken away, and you're going to get monitored by the government because there's a boner police out there, and they don't like people getting their boners taken care of in illegal manners. That's what's going on. That's some of the lamest ways to spend tax dollars of all time, stopping dudes from getting jerked off at handy massage parlors. You know what really sucks?
Starting point is 01:25:07 That shit... Oh, sorry, go ahead. They have undercover sting operations. Well, I went in there at 3 p.m. with my boner. I took boner pills just to be sure. I told her I want a full service. She said, hard. I tapped her leg twice.
Starting point is 01:25:20 She grabbed my cock and I threw her on the ground. I think there's two things I wouldn't mind getting arrested for. One is having weed on me or selling or smoking weed or prostitution. Both of those, who cares? You like the fuck and you like weed. Who cares? Well, officer, when I threw her to the ground to make the arrest, I came all over her face.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Completely coincidentally, what can I say? I'm a red-blooded American man. The fact that prostitution is still illegal in 49 and a half states in the U.S. is fucking insane. It seems like a mistake. It seems like a mistake to tell people that they can fuck people as much as they like, but they can't get paid for it. But you can marry a guy that you don't really love, and you can fuck him, and then you can divorce him and make money off of it, and then they'll write songs about you. Right. That's perfectly fine.
Starting point is 01:26:10 It's okay. Yes. You're allowed to be a gold digger, but you can't be a whore. That is fucking fascinating. And you're not even allowed to be a gold digger, because women are like, look at that bitch. You know she doesn't even love him. He's fucking old as shit. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Bitch, she is 40 years younger than him. What the fuck do they have in common? It's prostitution. What do they have in common? It's prostitution. What does it have in common? She came from Thailand. He's got a billion dollars. Shut your hole. You know exactly what it is.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Let it happen. Yeah, I mean, consenting adults. What the fuck? How does it affect you, you fuck? Exactly. To me, it's like, you're not hurting anybody else. No. As long as there's no, nobody nobody's forged there's no underage
Starting point is 01:26:45 shit there's none of that as long as it's consenting adults back the fuck off let people live how they want yeah who cares and and there's you know there's a there's an argument that there's nothing wrong with sex so why should there be anything wrong with paying for sex and the reason why it seems like such a terrible thing to us now is that it's frowned upon it's looked down upon but if you look at what it actually is like it's just sex like it's it's weird to massage people right you gotta pay someone to massage you so you go to a place where they guarantee everybody wants to fuck. Guys want to fuck. Girls want to fuck.
Starting point is 01:27:26 That makes sense to me. But nobody wants to give you a fucking massage. They do not want to give you a goddamn massage. Girls don't want to give you a – they'll do it for a little while. They'll do it if they love you. I'll give a massage to someone I love. But the reality is I don't want to do it. Shit's a lot of work.
Starting point is 01:27:41 But sex is not a lot of work. But yet you can pay for the massage and you can't pay for sex. That is purely Puritan values because it is essentially the same thing. 90% of us will never get paid to massage someone and 90% of us will never get paid to have sex with someone. Those numbers I fucking made up. Who cares? I'm just doing the math here. Help me.
Starting point is 01:28:04 But the reality is they're the same goddamn thing it's the same goddamn thing absolutely i agree it should be your choice right if you're fucking skeeved out by feet and you go to massage people but you don't mind giving head right that's you that's you man absolutely it's okay and to me it's more honest than uh you know a lot of people any fleshlights how about that we have those for two me, it's more honest than a lot of people. Than flashlights? How about that? We've had those for two fucking years. It's way more honest to pay a person to do it.
Starting point is 01:28:30 And lying and hooking up just really because you want to fuck somebody. Although flashlights are very good. No, more for that. Oh, and by the way, people have been emailing me 1,700 times saying, tell Joe to get your flashlight. He still has some in his closet i'm sure probably preferably give you a flashlight you wanted one well you should have emailed me before i got here i still have it in the closet i ate them i fed them to my chickens
Starting point is 01:28:53 no but the thing is like the stuff you're saying about uh how people perceive sex is really not okay in some way there's this puritan vibe. Mostly American though, right? Yeah, I mean, that's where my weird phobish thing come in. Because when I came to US and I was trying to ask, you know, you're learning new language, you're picking up new words. And so I heard the word slut. I'm like, slut? What the fuck does it mean?
Starting point is 01:29:17 It's like, well, a woman who's kind of indiscriminately having sex left and right, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, well, if sex is a good thing, then as lots, somebody who freely gives sex away indiscriminately left and right, it's kind of like a humanitarian, like a philanthropist, it's some sort of sexual mother Teresa. That's a beautiful thing, right? No, it's really, really bad. I'm like, wait, why?
Starting point is 01:29:41 Let me try again. You know, it's like, that shit doesn't make sense. Wasn't there a woman in Italy that made it to the parliament? Oh, yeah. Was it Pornstar? Cicciolina, yes, of course. Cicciolina, what a great name for a dirty bitch. Yeah. Cicciolina.
Starting point is 01:29:52 That's Italy for you, right? What a good kid. Pornstar. Actually, it happened multiple times. She was the first and then a few others did the same thing and they all got elected. Because it's like in Italy, it's like, I'm going to vote for this annoying old guy or these annoyed old guy. Hey, there's the porn star No brainer. Obviously we were Lariously the place up north with the tan line girl
Starting point is 01:30:12 I think it was it was a GI GFE place, which is the girlfriend experiment or experience and It sucked because when she was done like she didn't want to massage me at all She just was kind of just like crawling on me like tapping me was like bullshit but then at the end of it she just wanted to lay down next to me so we were both like laying down and then she fell asleep and it was so sad like i'm like all right i'm just gonna stay here for a bit i guess she's sleeping what's going to happen and then like a door slams i don't know if like somebody else was coming in or if it was like the madam going what the fuck you know and she get like gets up real quick and goes, oh, thank you. I'll be right back with tea.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And I'm like, oh, my God, this poor girl just fell asleep on me. That's so sad. I know. It's the saddest thing in the world. She probably blacked out from shame. Yeah. From trying to deal with this Viagra-ind induced direction for the range of three and a half hours. Yeah, it's probably just shock.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Like when you corner a little mouse, scream at it. It's like a fainting goat. Horny goat weed. Fainting horny goat. It is a weird aspect that we have this thing. We're weirded out about sex.
Starting point is 01:31:24 But that's how this country got started. It got started by Puritans. People forget that. The echoes of the retards that fucking founded this place, they're still here. They were religious fanatics. The Puritans left. You hear about this stuff about the Puritans coming here for religious freedom. It's total bullshit.
Starting point is 01:31:40 They didn't come here for religious freedom. They came here for the freedom not to be persecuted. It's a whole different game. It doesn't mean we don't want to persecute somebody else we just don't want to be persecuted right it's not religious freedom they support their own freedom yeah it's like i don't like to be in that place i don't like my place in the game i have nothing against the game itself as long as i get to be on top and the the fucking native americans piling them up and stacking them and whacking them. And those are the guys who consider the church in England as crazy liberals. You know, they are the Puritans who are the hardcore fundamentalists of their day.
Starting point is 01:32:17 They're much like fundamentalists today. Back then, there was no Hollywood, so they were pissed about the Theatre of London. They're like, there's all this sex and spectacle and isn't that exactly the same arguments that you hear today about fundamentalist again entertainment industry exactly the same thing as in the 1516 and that's you would hear with the Puritans it's amazing so what happened they came over first or they were one of the first to come over here yeah no they were well right, because at first they had this other settlement in Jamestown in Virginia,
Starting point is 01:32:48 and then like 13 years later, not that long later, they had one, Plymouth Rock, the famous one, which is the Puritans and all of that. And these were guys that England was more than happy to get rid of because it's like, they are weird, they are crazy, they are annoying, they are too much, so please go, yeah, go settle the New War. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 01:33:04 These guys were happy to leave because they felt that they could start their own society where Puritan values would rule rather than having to deal with more mellow visions of Christianity. How much different would America have turned out if people landed on the West Coast instead of the East Coast? How much different would America have turned out if England was on the other side of the world and then they came over and landed in LA and were like, oh shit.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Oh shit, bitches. We ain't never going back. There's no winter. Winter doesn't happen. They landed in fucking Massachusetts, man. That is with no heat. Oh my God. No heat, no cars.
Starting point is 01:33:44 You have a few animals. Oh, Jesus. You're going to try to collect food in the four months that everything's not frozen? Right. No. And it's funny because when they first came, they usually didn't really know how to make a living here. So they would fax things up. And within a year or two, they would start eating each other in these cool cannibalistic stories.
Starting point is 01:34:01 And it's like, that's some weird weird sick shit that was going on nothing else they could do it was pure survival yeah yeah that happened in england too right wasn't there they they reconstructed a girl that they had uh eaten and uh she was uh 14 years old that was here that was in that was in town like the very first american the first first british colony in the americas to stay And she was 14? Yeah, because they pissed off the Indians, so they are not going to have much help from them. They don't know how to make a living throughout the year in a new harsh environment.
Starting point is 01:34:33 So soon enough, you start eating your friends. That's always a good idea. It's fucking amazing that we've made it this far. Yeah. Seriously. As a person who knows as much as history, but as a person who knows as much as history but as a person who knows as much about history as you do does it it must be like really shocking when you know that this shit was just a couple of years away you know that's the that to me is what's mind-blowing is
Starting point is 01:34:57 the stuff that has been considered normal throughout much of human history, it blows your mind to think like probably 75% of people were totally cool with these ideas that today they would land you straight in like a psychiatric hospital. Yeah. Back then, totally normal. And again, it boils down to the same thing. It's people too lazy to question what they are taught and just going with the program and just not really, why am I burning people at the stake?
Starting point is 01:35:25 Because they believe a different idea. Well, it's what my grandpa did and he's cool. So I must, you know, it's like not really stopping to think, is this really healthy? Is this a good idea? Is this how I want to live? How did people find out about the pilgrims, whether or not they were doing good enough that people decided, let's join these crazy bitches? How did all that happen? They did go back and forth.
Starting point is 01:35:45 And they were telling how great it was? Well, some... We're eating each other. It's fucking awesome. There was also... No, some people also put money as an investment in this. A lot of these weren't just random individuals coming in. They were sponsored by corporations as an idea.
Starting point is 01:35:57 And it was an investment. So these guys had an economic interest in keeping the thing going. And there were plenty of people who had a shitty life in England. So even going to the crazy wild place across the world was better than what they knew back in England. And so they were willing to take chances. I mean, one of the things that people don't know a lot of the time or don't emphasize enough is the idea that a huge chunk of people
Starting point is 01:36:22 who came here were basically slaves, white people, you know, British. They were indentured servants, which technically meant you only serve for seven years, but most of them were worked so hard by their owners that they killed them before the seven years were up. So really, if you were an indentured servant, you're pretty much fucked because you're going to be in conditions that are semi-slavery. They are not going to survive to see the day when you are freed. So it doesn't really matter whether it's in theory it only lasts so long because you're
Starting point is 01:36:50 never going to leave that time. So a lot of these guys would run off the second they arrive here. They would try to show their best face when they show up at an Indian encampment saying, hey, man, I'm a nice guy. Those guys are freak. Can you please take me in? And a bunch of tribes would take them in. And so you would have these communities where sometimes you would have a lot of British people
Starting point is 01:37:09 who escaped the settlement to go live with Indians because otherwise they would get work to that back in the settlements. And it's a trippy story. The colonies would pass these laws preventing anybody from leaving the settlements and going to live with Indians because otherwise your labor force just left and now you have to work on your own. Yeah. How many white dudes went dancing with wolves style? Quite a bit. There's a really cool story. I forget the guy's name right now, but there was back at the very beginning of the Puritan days, there was this one community of sort of crazy unconventional guys that left the main Puritan towns and started their own thing
Starting point is 01:37:46 with a bunch of local Indians. They basically had an interracial community where they would party a lot, they would drink, have their dances, sounded like sort of hippie heaven, except that because it was a little too hippie heaven, these guys didn't make plans for the Puritan wanting to kick their ass because their community was actually growing at a faster rate than the Puritans. More people wanted to live there, but the Puritan had military muscle and so they went to kick their ass and squash them. Those motherfucking Puritans. Yep.
Starting point is 01:38:14 And that's us. Yep. If those hippies had planned. Yeah, fuck. I mean, I'm all for having fun, but put two hours a day into planning that maybe you want to know what to do when people start shooting at you these crazy religious fucks that are dressed up like johnny cash and live right down the road exactly those guys are kooks you don't know they're kooks they're all just the
Starting point is 01:38:33 same okay listen we know they're kooks yeah but listen they spend a lot of time praying that we need to spend that exact amount of time making arrows yep that's the idea and instead the choice was happy stupid hippies who don't make plans or crazy religious fundamentalists who are well-armed and know how to use their guns. It's like, well, not exactly the greatest alternatives, but... I mean, one is nicer than the other, but it doesn't make any... You know, they can't live in reality because they don't make plans. They don't set things up for when shit goes wrong.
Starting point is 01:39:03 And so the other guys who are way worse win because they are more disciplined. Those motherfuckers. So they absorb them? Yeah. Some of them, they send them back. Some of them were killed. Some of them were reabsorbed under close watch. A bunch of options there.
Starting point is 01:39:20 One of the weirdest things about history for me as I get older is realizing how short a period of time that was ago where things were so bananas. Yep. 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. 1492? That ain't shit. That's hard to believe there was no buildings here just that long ago, especially when you look at England and the shit that's up in London. I mean, you can go visit things in London that are 1,000 years old. America itself is only 200 fucking years old we've only been around i mean someone landed in the bahamas you know a little over 400
Starting point is 01:39:52 years ago right that's crazy it is it is and in that sense yeah living in europe is a trip because you go down the street to meet your friend and you're next to a building that's like 2 000 years yes it's Yes. It's fucked. It's really nuts to think that those people just lived in that one spot forever. Yep. You know, that's one of the really cool things, this Dan Carlin thing on the history of the Mongols is realizing how much these guys affected Asia and how much they would have affected Europe and they affected Russia.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Yep. You know, like Europe got really lucky there. Seriously. Well, or depending on point of view because, yeah, what they had wasn't exactly good. What they had was horrible. Right. The Mongols. They dodged a crazy bullet with those motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Sure did. And then one of the craziest things that dan carlin was talking about was when they took over baghdad and killed everybody that it literally hasn't ever recovered no they say it was like 600 years before the population was at the same level as before they wiped that i mean the mongols didn't fuck around yeah they really were genocide 101 you know is they yeah those were Genocide 101. You know, it's the... Yeah, those guys... And they played a terror card. And they ruined progress. They ruined cultures.
Starting point is 01:41:09 They ruined everything they learned. See ya, light it on fire. They didn't want to take it with them. No. If it's not useful in a felt tent or running around with my horses, then what the fuck do I care? That's the nuttiest thing
Starting point is 01:41:20 is that they never really... They captured all these cities, but they were nomads. They didn't have a country. They just had this gigantic, huge mass of people making their way across the world, killing everybody. Yep. My favorite on that one is when they do enter Baghdad and the whole story, there was this thing of this one guy was a local governor who had killed the Mongol traders early on. So the Mongols were pissed.
Starting point is 01:41:45 They sent an ambassador. This guy chopped off the head of the ambassadors too, saying they are spies. He banked on the fact that it was a big desert separating him from the Mongols, so they wouldn't be able to invade. He didn't make his calculations right because the Mongols got through the desert. They show up at his door, and after wiping out everyone else, they grabbed this guy and said, You are a greedy
Starting point is 01:42:05 motherfuckers because of that you want gold we'll give you all the gold you want they melt a bunch of gold and pour molten gold down his throat to kill him those guys poured into his eyes and his ears as well exactly those guys are not playing around yeah and then they probably chopped his head open and get that gold back. Exactly. It's like, okay, now, sorry, now we need it back if you don't mind. It's just amazing that that, again,
Starting point is 01:42:30 1200 AD. 1200. That's not that long ago. None of this is that long ago. And that was only a couple hundred years before Martin Luther. And that's just
Starting point is 01:42:41 a few hundred years before people came to America. And that's a few hundred years before slavery was abolished. And it's all of it is so recent. It's really weird. I mean, right here in California, where we stand back in the 1850s, more than half of the American Indian population, I feel like 80 percent was wiped out, not because of diseases, not because of stuff.
Starting point is 01:43:04 But what they had in a lot of California towns were the Indian hunts, which was the local, on the local newspaper, they would publish this saying that if you, you know, you're the scalp of an adult female, and a little bit less for the scalp of a child, because it's good for the health of the community to wipe out Indians. 1850s, not a million years ago, right? You know, under our feet. That's a trip. Wow. You know, I always wondered what that whole scalping thing, where that came from. I thought it was the Indians that did the scalping. You know, actually always wondered what that whole scalping thing, where that came from. I thought it was the Indians that did the scalping. You know, actually, they do stuff like that in a bunch of places around the world because it got tiresome to just carry around people's heads to prove that you killed them. So it's like, do I really have to carry this big fucking thing? Can you imagine like chopping off the head of somebody like Titor T's big giant head? It's like, really?
Starting point is 01:44:02 I have to carry around to prove that I killed it. Can I just scalp him and beat him with it? People around the world, they ditch it a bunch of places. Well, then, you know, you could scalp two butt cheeks and say, oh, I killed a couple of bald dudes, too. I mean, you get three for the price of one if you're
Starting point is 01:44:18 unscrupulous. These motherfuckers always scalping bald Indians. That's one of the beautiful things about the Native Americans. They actually go bald. Right. That wasn't one of their genetics. That genetic sort of only got introduced to them after we came around.
Starting point is 01:44:34 I tell you, these Indians sure do smell, though. It's a butt. Never mind. Butt cheeks don't smell that bad, do they? Back then, they did. Yeah. Back then, the whole package right everything below the pelt was just a mess on the east coast they probably never
Starting point is 01:44:49 really painted their face it was just from butts that doesn't make any sense son on the east coast they had this badass thing that they would do where a lot of uh indian tribes there they would shave every other part of their head but they would leave this really long strand of hair in the middle. That was like the scalp knot that you leave it out there as a challenge to other warriors of saying, hey, here is my scalp. You want to take it? Come take it. It makes it even easier for you to grasp it and pull it out.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Yeah. So it was a fuck you kind of thing. It's like, I'll leave it on. You leave yours on. Let's see who gets to take home who's first. That's ridiculous. That's just begging for the gun to be invented. You silly bitches out there shooting pointed rocks at each other.
Starting point is 01:45:32 What the fuck are you doing, man? Grabbing each other's hair, cutting each other's heads off. Did you see that guy on that video the other day that was walking across, I think, a waterfall or something? And he was doing the balancing thing, and he fell and he held on. And then he was like trying to climb across it and he had a long ponytail and his ponytail got stuck in it and he let go and he scalped himself. Jesus son. He died from that?
Starting point is 01:45:59 Yep. Cause he, cause he fell. Oh my God. His ponytail stayed on the line. Oh Christ. That's when you know. And his ponytail stayed on the line. Oh, Christ. That's when you know. Yep, that can't be good.
Starting point is 01:46:08 That's a shit choice in hair wear. Either death or God hates you. Yeah, you fucked up, son. You definitely fucked up. There was a woman in France recently who died. She fell like 900 feet to her death off a cliff. And by the time they got to her, the vultures had already eaten her. Yep.
Starting point is 01:46:24 There was nothing left but bones. Sheesh. That is also how you know you fucked up yeah first of all if you're in a place where they're not killing the vultures everybody's like well we need these vultures well you know what the problem is now they they're they have laws in this part of uh europe where you have to kill livestock when they die you have to burn them so because of that the vultures don't get to naturally play pray off the livestock so vultures don't get to naturally prey off the livestock. So vultures are actually going down and attacking live things because they're starving to death because the government cleans up the dead animals
Starting point is 01:46:51 and burns them. It doesn't allow the vultures to eat them. So now you have vultures that are carrying away dogs and they're going after pets. They're getting livestock and shit. Vultures are scary. Vultures are scary. That's as much as, oh, sweet, cool nature. Well, yeah, to a point.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Yeah, nature's nice and cool as long as you're in your car. Yeah. Or you're in your house. Or you have a gun. Right. Or there's, you know, slow people behind you and in front of you that will get eaten first. Exactly. I had a dream last night that a friend of mine had, like, an animal snuck into his house and we couldn't get it out.
Starting point is 01:47:24 It wasn't a big animal. It was like a raccoon or something. But it was terrifying in this dream. You know, like the raccoon was behind the TV and we're trying to chase it out with sticks. And it's like, fuck shit. You know, like think about how little a goddamn raccoon is. And I was terrified of this fucker. You know, get him out of your house, man.
Starting point is 01:47:39 You know, we're trying to stick a fucking broomstick back there to get rid of this raccoon. And in my dream, it was horrific. Because I was thinking, if this raccoon just goes for it and just jumps on my face, I am fucked. My face is made out of toilet paper. It's just like soft, mushy shit. Your face is barely more durable than a flashlight. Yep. Buzzy cut it.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Raccoons and skunk both scare me. Because in my backyard, somehow they get in there once in a while and have like a fenced in yard. Do you leave cat food out there? No, no. But somehow they just do it. Like it's weird. And I'll just be sitting outside, you know, whatever, on the porch. And out of nowhere, I'll just see like this skunk or a raccoon like running towards me because it's like it doesn't realize that I'm sitting there.
Starting point is 01:48:21 And I'll be like, hey, get away from me. And then it just stops. I'm like, OK, hopefully it just turns around, walks away, nothing happens. Most of the time they won't engage you unless they're rabid. Right. But they will engage you if they're rabid. Yep. You know, there's that too.
Starting point is 01:48:35 It's worse. You're really fucked if you get bit. Because if you get rabies or you get bit by someone with rabies, you've got to get like ten gigantic needles in your ass. I think it's worse. And their stomach, right? Doesn't it go needles in your ass. I think it's worse. Yeah. And their stomach, right?
Starting point is 01:48:47 Doesn't it go right in your stomach? Oh, fucking Christ. And they're huge needles. Yeah. It's apparently like really bad to get rabies. I got bit by a dog once and they were telling me, the doctor was like, yeah, we're not going to give you shit because take your chances. It's better than taking a rabies shot.
Starting point is 01:49:02 You don't want to have a rabies shot. Unless you're really convinced that you have rabies, you don't want to take it. It hurts beyond belief. Yeah, I guess there's a lot of bats here in Los Angeles that are being found with rabies. Oh, fucking Christ. Rabbit bats. I'm wearing a bat country t-shirt, son. Hey, dude who gave me this in New Jersey, thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Some fellow Hunter S. Thompson fan. Bat country. Yeah. There's a great story about these guys from Harvard who went to Africa to study these bats that migrate out of this cave. And they sat in the front of the cave. And every night at a certain time when, you know, it became dusk, these bats would fly out en masse. It's this massive number of bats. This is an enormous cave.
Starting point is 01:49:47 And there would be like millions and millions of bats. Well, these guys, they sat down in front of this to like film it and record things, whatever the fuck they're going to do scientifically. And what they didn't anticipate is the assault of bat shit that hit them. As they came out of this cage they just shit all at once so they were literally in the firing path of a wave of shit a hundred miles high millions of bats shitting on their face okay so they get back to to America and they're horribly ill they They're bleeding from their eyes. They're deadly sick
Starting point is 01:50:25 and they die. They both died. Yeah, they both died. Yeah, it's insanely toxic. They just got toxic levels of nitrogen and bat shit and it goes in your eyes and it's in your face and your skin. It's good. It's in going through your fucking skin. No, it's toxic shit. Talk about fuck man talk about a story. What happened to him? A bunch of mammalian bats took a shit on him, and that's why he died. Yeah. And he must have realized somewhere in the middle of that shit storm that probably lasted an hour.
Starting point is 01:50:56 It was probably an hour of bats. This is an insanely big cave, apparently, and there's just millions of bats there. Bat guano is – i know they use it for shit i think they use it for fertilizer and stuff growing weeds it's big is it big for growing powerful daniele ballelli's he got the knowledge um that story that we talked about a couple of weeks ago about the couple that used to be in the cia uh and they had uh retired and were making uh plants in their basement they were growing tomatoes and they had retired and were making plants in their basement. They were growing tomatoes and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:51:27 And the fucking DEA kicks down their door, guns blazing, rifles in their face, and finds their tomatoes in the basement. Boy, boy, is that a silly goddamn story. What turns out, these people, the reason why the CIA did this or the DEA did this is they followed their car. Their car had been parked at a hydroponic store. And they took a photo of the car, the license plate. They ran the plates, and that's how they find where the houses are where people are growing. That's this genius fucking group of ass fucks called the DEA that think that everyone growing anything indoors.
Starting point is 01:52:08 My sister's ex-husband used to grow tomatoes and shit because they lived in Boston. They had a full setup in the basement. He didn't even smoke weed. Right. He had a full setup. But that guy would be like under suspicion. Of course. If you, if they, they're allowed to pass by your fucking house.
Starting point is 01:52:21 This is how stupid this situation is. All they're doing is growing plants, by the way, I might add. They're not making meth, okay? Right. They're allowed to go by the places where they teach you how to grow plants, take pictures of your fucking license plate, and then run them on the suspicion of you doing drugs. Find out where the fuck you live.
Starting point is 01:52:39 Stake out your house. Yup, for sure they're growing plants. We're going in, boys. Go in guns blazing with dogs and shoot your dog if Yep, for sure. They're growing plants. We're going in boys. Go in guns blazing with dogs and shoot your dog if you've got one. They shoot your fucking dog. Almost every time they go into these people's houses. They shoot puppies. They'll shoot collies. They don't care if your dog's a threat. They shoot dogs. And then they find out you're making tomatoes. I mean, that's the dumbest shit. That's why to me, it pissed me off when I
Starting point is 01:53:02 hear people who are all like, I love freedom, but I'm pro-drug war. I'm against legal prostitution. I'm against... He's like, you're not pro-freedom, motherfucker. You're only pro the freedom of the stuff you like the idea that making anything that A, benefits people, P, people want to do, and C, there's no victims. Right. To say that – and then you're talking specifically with the people who would in a logical scenario benefit from it being legal. The reason why all this money is being made by drug cartels is because drugs are illegal. Right. If drugs were legal, these people wouldn't be making that money. Out of business. I mean, just that alone is impossible for some people to grasp.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I mean, even when people are against it philosophically because they are control freaks who want some morality in force according to their standards of morality and everyone else, even those guys still look at the evidence. Is prohibition working in terms of keeping the rates of addiction or use low? It's not. So what the fuck are you doing? It's like taking a bunch of money, putting it in the toilet and flushing because if you're not affecting demand or supply, why the fuck are you doing it?
Starting point is 01:54:20 Yeah, the best example that we have about whether or not it's good to legalize drugs is Portugal. Yeah, absolutely. And they have lowered their rates of addiction lowered their rates of crime it's it's real simple folks people don't like being told what to do and they're going to do whatever the fuck they want to do but if you tell them what to do then they're going to rebel and that's just what they do and when people rebel sometimes they're not even doing what they want to do they're just doing what you don't want them to do. So that seems like the thing to do because they don't like you fucking controlling them. You know,
Starting point is 01:54:50 when I moved here from Italy, I didn't know about the age 21 thing about drinking. I thought you're gonna say about banging chicks. No, there's like Italy, I don't even think he does. Maybe it doesn't have an age limit. If it does, nobody enforce it. If you are eight-year-old, you go to the store to buy for your mom a bottle of wine. Nobody asks anything. But because it's the kind of shit that your grandparents have for lunch, it's not glamorous.
Starting point is 01:55:17 It's not like, cool, I got booze. I'm going to start downing it like crazy. Right. When I saw here people who start drinking as teenagers as a prohibited exciting thing, they would down alcohol like crazy, throw up all over themselves. I'm like, ew, that's fucking disgusting. Why would you do that to yourself? You know, it's like, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:36 you learn how to drink a little bit at a time. And to me, it's like you learn how to drink as a kid. Yeah. You learn how to drink with your grandparents, where it's like, if you have a sip, you feel happy and stuff. If you have more than a seat, you got a headache and one day you do when you're like, Oh, fuck, you're right, I got a headache. It's kind of weird that this is the most successful society ever. Because it really is right. If you had to look at it as far as like the what what's been done by this society, American
Starting point is 01:56:00 society, maybe that's the only way you can really get shit done. Maybe you have to have this fucking weird button down repressed in order to work the kind of hours that people are willing to work. Whereas in Italy, they take like, what, two hours a day off just to take a shit. Yeah, nobody does anything. I have a shit break. Italy is an awesome place to retire in, but to get anything done, yeah, good luck. Well, I know marvelous Marvin Hagler did it.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Yeah. Marvin Hagler, when he retired from being the fucking man, was one of the best boxers ever, went to Italy and just said, fuck it, I'm just chilling here forever. I'm going to become an Italian movie star. He lives in my town. Does he really?
Starting point is 01:56:41 He's a friend of mine. He runs into him at the gym all the time. That's hilarious. He's the weirdest case ever for a boxer because he still has his wits. Yeah. And man, what a good boxer he was. He was amazing. He was one of the all-time greats.
Starting point is 01:56:55 But he's still like he's lucid when he talks. And he lost to Sugar Ray Leonard and he said, that's it. I'm done. Right. But he really meant it. He's the only guy that I can ever recall. Yep. Everybody out, like Sugar Ray Leonard broke everybody's heart,
Starting point is 01:57:09 came back, won a couple fights, and then lost a couple fights very badly. Right. The Terry Norris fight, classic example. That was a brutal beatdown. Yeah. Terry Norris beat the shit out of him. That was scary.
Starting point is 01:57:20 The fight with Hector Camacho, when Hector Camacho stopped him, it was like, oh, Jesus, you know. He was, at the end, he broke everybodyacho and hector camacho stopped him it was like oh jesus you know he was at the end he broke everybody's heart just like everybody else right no i was smart man he made the call he didn't really take that much abuse actually he actually took more abuse in some of the fights he won like there was the fight with mugabe yeah where they beat the out of each other yeah or even the one with tommy earns that was like the most intense round i've ever seen in combat sports yeah you want to watch a great fight first round hagg Tommy Hearns. That was like the most intense round I've ever seen in combat sports. Yeah, you want to watch a great fight.
Starting point is 01:57:47 First round, Hagler-Hearns. On YouTube, somebody put it up on an Hendrix soundtrack. They have like Voodoo Child's light return going on the Marvin Hagler highlight. It's like the coolest thing ever. Yeah, I tweeted that a while back. That's an amazing highlight. Yeah. Yeah, he was a beast, man.
Starting point is 01:58:05 He was, when I was a kid, he was a big inspiration for me. I was living in Boston. Because I remember he was supposed to fight Mustafa Hampshire, and they had some TV special that was following him training, and he would go to the Cape in the wintertime, where there's nobody in the Cape. It's horrible. Right.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Freezing. You know, many, many degrees below zero, wind chill factor, wind coming off the wall or ripping your fucking skin apart, and he's out there running, screaming war. Jesus. He would just scream war as he was running up sand dunes and shit. Like if you're his opponent, you just look at the video, and you're like, yeah, no, thanks.
Starting point is 01:58:42 Yeah, he beat the fuck out of some people, man. Marvin Hager was a beast. If you look at the Mugabe fight, it's a great example of that. You couldn't hurt him. He had a chin like nobody. They did this weird thing with him where they scanned his head, and they found out that his mandible muscles, the muscles on the sides of his head, were much larger than a normal person's.
Starting point is 01:59:06 They were like, literally the man has like built in headgear. And you're like, I guess you get that from biting down maybe or something or biting down on mouth pieces or fucking could be genetics or whatever it was. The dude was just like really hard to hurt. That was one of the big things
Starting point is 01:59:22 about him. Like you could never hurt, like Tommy Hearns couldn't hurt him. Mugabe couldn't hurt him. They would nail him, but he would just keep coming forward. Nobody ever stopped Marvin Hagler. Nobody ever stopped Marvin Hagler. Not even close. Nobody even fucking came close to stopping that guy. Yeah, there's been a few
Starting point is 01:59:38 guys like that throughout history that just for whatever reason just had that just extra motivation above and beyond everyone else and he was smart to call it quits when he did because i mean you do see those guys a la nogera who have these ungodly chains who can take so much abuse but after a while you know you hit a spot where he's like okay you clock the x amount of punches you could take in your life is done yeah now every other punch you take is gonna drop you yeah that's that's gets really
Starting point is 02:00:05 sad to see old great fighters that don't that's one of the saddest aspects of fighting and wouldn't it be amazing if they figured out how to fix that with like stem cell research like to figure out how to reverse pugilistic dementia and cure brain damage from fighting that would be beautiful yeah because it makes you think twice about training stand-up sparring for real. Because you grapple, it's all limbs, right? It sucks, but it's not your brain. Listen, I know people who have gotten bad concussions from grappling. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 02:00:34 They fall funny, you know, and a lot of heads collide with knees and accidental things happen where you get knocked unconscious. You're taking a chance no matter what you do, but it's the subconcussive blows from boxing, the continual process of getting hit. Yeah, because that's not an accident in training. That's the name of the game. It's hitting you in the head,
Starting point is 02:00:53 and you take it over and over and over after a while. You know, there can be a good thing for your brain. Especially if you're training with some fucking animal who hits hard. If you're in there with, there with some guy on a regular basis and he likes to beat up sparring partners, great. You just got a little stupider every day. Exactly. Every day of your life, you get a little stupider.
Starting point is 02:01:11 That's how I do it. How do you do it? When you spar, because when you grapple, it's easy. As long as you're not a dick, you're not going to hurt people. Well, accidents happen. You've got to just find really good training partners. That's the most important thing. Because, I mean, don't you find sometimes
Starting point is 02:01:23 when you are done with a sparring session in striking that sometimes you're not entirely sure how well you did because it's like you didn't really go full out where you like that shot that i hit him with was it some what did it have the juice really behind it or he would have just shrugged it off and that's it you know it's like does it ever happen to you or you feel like you know what's up by the end? Well, I think you have to, like, ego-wise, you have to realize that, like, when you're sparring, you're both pulling back. So shots that you got hit with, you maybe would have got hurt in a real situation. And shots that you got hit with, your response, maybe you wouldn't have been able to even deliver it. your response, maybe you wouldn't have been able to even deliver it. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:07 So it can get unrealistic for guys who like to spar light, but they take shots on the chin and then keep moving forward as if in real life they would be okay. Right. That becomes a real problem for sure. And that's one of the problems with developing techniques under minimal stress. But if you're doing it correctly, if you're being well-trained, they won't allow you to develop those really bad habits. Because those really bad habits, like you can, you can, you can fundamentally alter the thinking that allows you to spar like that.
Starting point is 02:02:31 Right. Number one, most important thing, two important things, but number one is great trainers. You have to have a trainer that trains you in a technical way and makes the class move in a technical way as well. And number two, train partners that you can trust. So you're not going to blast each other. Yeah. And then you've got to make sure
Starting point is 02:02:46 that you go full out on the mitts and the bag so that in a real scenario, you can deliver those shots with full impact. But it's a tricky game. Striking is a tricky game. It's a very, very dangerous endeavor. But it's awesome to get good at. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:03:04 Oh, it's whoosh. It feels great, but it's awesome to get good at. Oh, it's whoosh. It feels great, but it's that line, right? If you do a little too little, it's unrealistic because it's like, come on, you're barely touching each other. If you go a little too hard, those are all brain cells saying goodbye. Yeah, my young days when I was a young man, one of the things that I was concerned most with was the potential of brain damage. that i was concerned most with was the potential of brain damage yeah you know i i've known too many people that i'd seen slowly slip away from the gym wars and kickboxing and boxing training and stuff like that but you know on the other hand it's fucking exciting to watch big time people are going to keep doing it like the did you see uh the mayweather fight this weekend
Starting point is 02:03:40 now mayweather i just can't take it why why is that he's brilliant he's brilliant he's brilliant it's beautiful to watch if i was fighting at this level i'll probably do the same thing he's like i'm not gonna get hurt i'm gonna get paid a little of money i win why the should i take chances well he took chances he does take something you know in this fight he fought a very different kind of fight he stood right in front of this dude. Robert Guerrero is a tough guy, but he out-toughed him. He out-moved him. He out-angled him. He clinched a hold of him and didn't let him manipulate him and bully him and rip shots on him.
Starting point is 02:04:13 And then he just counterpunched the fucking shit out of him, man. It was brilliant. I mean, it wasn't the most exciting fight in the world, but as someone who appreciates technique, I appreciate the shit out of how he did it. He's just an awesome boxer. He talks crazy mad shit. But that's also why people buy his pay-per-views. I don't know the dude. I know the dude's a bad motherfucker though as far as when it comes to boxing.
Starting point is 02:04:34 He's made some crazy claims about MMA, which I always find hilarious. But I don't fault him for that because he's in the business of promoting. That's like part of his shtick is, look, he knows there's a lot of people that are paying attention to MMA. If he starts talking mad shit about MMA fighters, people who don't even watch boxing will pay attention to his fight and even buy it to see him lose. Absolutely. I saw some people that I know, they were tweeting,
Starting point is 02:04:56 I think Mayweather loses this weekend. I was like, what are you even saying? What are you even talking about? Do you know what you're watching when you're watching that guy? You're watching an all-time Hall of Famer. And Robert Guerrero is a good fighter he's a very good fighter it'll be an interesting fight mayweather's gonna box his fucking face off that's what he's gonna do because he's one of the best ever i made 80 bucks on him so i was pleased what was the odds they were really bad just tried to bet a lot but i was so sure that it was like he was like there's no way in hell
Starting point is 02:05:22 he's gonna lose it just he can hurt his hand yeah that's the only way and no way in hell he's going to lose. He could hurt his hand. Yeah, exactly. And he did, in fact. He hurt his right hand somehow in the fight, but he kept throwing it. Or the Jon Jones thing. It's obvious that Jon Jones was going to win, but he's like, well, shit can happen. Yeah, act of God type shit. You know, Jon Jones' foot wasn't even broken. The toe wasn't even broken.
Starting point is 02:05:41 He just dislocated it and twisted it and broke the skin. Crazy that that wasn't even broken and they're like he'll be back training in six weeks like what six fucking weeks that looked like a six month injury but apparently nope no problem they as soon as they set it they they stitched up the uh the cut set it and they're like you'll be all right it was funny how he barely even i don't think he noticed it until he was doing cartwheels yeah and he was doing cartwheels with a fucked up toe and you were like hey look at I don't think he noticed it until he pointed it out. Dude he was doing cartwheels. He was doing cartwheels with a fucked up toe. And you were like, hey look at your foot.
Starting point is 02:06:08 No, no, no. He noticed it. Oh he not? Yeah, we were talking and he was like standing like he like I think he noticed that when he's stepping that he's stepping in something wet. So he looked down and realized it was blood. Like where's this blood? Oh my goodness, I have a broken toe.
Starting point is 02:06:22 That's when he realized there was something wrong with his foot. It was totally him, him looking down at it. It was fucking crazy. It was a crazy moment because nobody knew what to do because I was interviewing him and it was all antique. So nobody acted. So I had to kind of like grab the stool, call in the doctor, sit down. You still want to do this? He's like, I still want to talk.
Starting point is 02:06:39 I'm like, okay. It was a weird moment. I know you had to tell somebody to get a chair for him. Well, I got a chair for him. I wound up getting the chair myself. I was like, can we get him a chair and then i'm like no one's moving right everybody was like oh shit you know no one wanted to get in the way on tv either you know it's one of those things you're probably it's probably like strict rules as to who can enter the octagon in that situation you know you have right but that that was probably one of the the weirdest injuries
Starting point is 02:07:05 that i've ever seen or who who saw that coming beat some guy up you hurt your own self and yeah you are this close to losing the fight when you have dominated the whole time lost they would have taped that fucking foot together he would have gone yeah if they could if they even if he didn't have to tape it together chael would have had to come close enough to clinch him and he beat chael up so bad in that first round Chael was in a lot of trouble doing anything In that second round The fight was almost over, the round was almost over I think there was like 30 seconds to go, maybe less
Starting point is 02:07:32 But the beating That he put on Chael was ferocious Those elbows He's a motherfucker He's a motherfucker and he's getting better all the time It's so cool to watch What is like a real exceptional athlete, an exceptionally gifted person come along in MMA.
Starting point is 02:07:52 Yep. Because he, to me, is like a Roy Jones Jr. type character, like a guy who's coming out of nowhere, who's just so athletically talented as well as all the other things, as well as disciplined, as well as he's got the whole package. And he's creative. He's fun to watch. He's not going to do just the same fucking thing that he does well
Starting point is 02:08:13 and he wins by whatever. He actually pulls off these crazy moves that you never know what he's going to do. And it's like. That spinning elbow he does when he gets you up against the cage is like a tornado of bones. Yep. It's just whoosh, it's just you're just getting smashed yep that is just it's and you know it's amazing the kid's only like 25 like
Starting point is 02:08:32 what the fuck what how what's he gonna be like when he's 35 yeah because he's not really taking damage so at this rate he can go on forever yeah and how is he going to take damage it's like who's gonna be able to solve that fucking puzzle like what what is you know sometimes you look at a guy's style and say hmm you know what that guy needs if you find a guy who does this and that he might be in trouble the closest is if vito belford catched him in that arm bar yeah but i mean that's sure everybody can lose yeah one mistake happens anybody can there's always that percentage where you can lose any fight no matter what but it's like the odds are so low right and you know what would what freaks me out about that arm bar he let that dude fuck his arm up man he let that dude way hyperextend his arm he never
Starting point is 02:09:14 tapped he did not tap and then he beat him up and then he tapped him he tapped him with a fucked up arm it's like so he's got this mental game down as well yeah because he's he's like, he got his arm popped in the first round, and he won, what, in the fourth? So it's like, it's not even like he won right away, and then he was like, could pay attention to his arm. That was a nasty arm bar, too. He did. Vitor did that.
Starting point is 02:09:35 That was some real black belt shit. Perfect. Yeah. That's, oof. Most guys would have tapped. I would have tapped. I mean, seriously, like, how do you feel if you're a belt? You pulled off the perfect move. You pop this arm you gotta ronda rousey that
Starting point is 02:09:48 bitch you gotta ronda rousey it ronda breaks arms she doesn't wait for you to tap yep she's not even trying to get you to tap she's trying to break your shit her mentality is not to tap you'll tap and then win her mentality is break it right and then they gotta tap then the game's over yeah it's what a crazy way to make a living. Seriously. So your podcast, you call your podcast Drunk and Taoist? Yep. You're fairly sober.
Starting point is 02:10:12 Well, sometimes. Why do you call it Drunk and Taoist? I like wine and I like Taoism. No, I guess, I mean, to me it's like there's always in like kung fu movies or something the figure of the old dude who looks like all drunk and stuff. And he can pull off these amazing things. It's like, how the fuck did it happen? I dig the idea of figuring out ways, whether it's applied to martial arts or applied to life, to nobody can figure out how you did it, but you pull it off.
Starting point is 02:10:40 Right. And to not think along the same lines like everybody else is going through the plan. There's an obvious A to B, B to C to get the results. But to have an alternate way to get shit done, I like it. So that's why you came up with Drunken Taoist? Again, that's the high-minded version. The low-minded version is I like Taoism and I like wine. Did you draw this picture that's on your T-shirt?
Starting point is 02:11:01 No, I asked this artist. I told her what I wanted and she worked with me a little she was really cool she was awesome so what is it is a dude punching a guy who's getting kissed yeah there's this guy was making out with this hot shapely woman right while he's making out with their chair he's pouring wine over the two of them as they another guy punches him another guy is punching him and so while he's leaning backward kissing the woman he managed to use a leg to kick him in the balls so it's like that is one of the worst shirts i've ever seen in my life and you need to burn it and never wear it
Starting point is 02:11:34 again and you need to question your sanity for mass producing these fucking things i love it i love it it's so multi-dimensional yeah it's uh i'm a lover and a fighter it's a very strange shirt dude you sent in a really confusing message and you're also a cartoonist or you should have like the drunken taoist adventures this guy just running around drinking making out with chicks and kicking random bullies in the balls that's not a bad plan you've only been in america a short amount of time folks we need. We need to season him. We need to get Daniele Bolelli just accustomed to our way of life where this is ridiculous. We don't allow you to.
Starting point is 02:12:13 The other interpretation, people are like, no, but wait, this dude is punching him and he's leaning back. I'm like, well, in that case, if he still managed to make out with a woman and drink after getting punched, I dig that message too. I would think he really needs to stop being cocky and let go of the girl and deal with this dude who's trying to kick his ass because this is silly. If I was your coach, I'd be very mad at you. Not really.
Starting point is 02:12:34 You've got to address the situation more rationally. We need to be serious about it, right? What do you, how often do you do on your podcast? I do twice a month. I do once a month with a guest and then once a month with a guest, and then once a month is like random rants and chat with my friends Rich and Evan were helping me put together. Do you do it at your house?
Starting point is 02:12:53 No, we record. Well, actually, we started doing a few at my house. We were doing it in a studio first, and then now we decided movable studio. So a few times we did it at my house. It was cool. Yeah, it's cool to be able to do it wherever the fuck
Starting point is 02:13:07 you want it right yeah yeah it's cool to have a central location but I like when sometimes when people do like Ari does a lot
Starting point is 02:13:14 of them on the road he just starts you know brings microphones sets up and that way if he's in weird places he can get strange people
Starting point is 02:13:22 right Ari's gone Ari's gone Ari moved to New York City he did? yep because he's a silly bitch and he's in weird places. He can get strange people. Ari's gone. Ari's gone. Ari moved to New York City. He did? Yep. Because he's a silly bitch and he's all Jewed out.
Starting point is 02:13:30 He thinks he can go to the motherland. He can't go to Israel, so he thinks he's just going to go to New York and that's the other Jew motherland. They're going to accept him with open sandwiches. We had a Going Away podcast where he brought this huge box and inside the box was just shit that he was going to throw away.
Starting point is 02:13:46 And he's like, if you come to the show, I'm going to give away presents the whole night. So he had all this random shit that he bought when he was really stoned and never used or never even opened the boxes. Just random things like raid, air bombs for cockroaches and just weird shit. And then at one point he's like all right who here you know the next five people um who here does drugs you know raise their hand and he's just throwing out prescription medicine to people he's fucking like he grabs this one thing he goes oh i better not do that like because i think it was like acid or something he just puts in his pocket but it was just ridiculous and then he hands out he opens like uh this thing of joints
Starting point is 02:14:24 and he gives a joint to every single person in the audience and then how hands out he opens like uh this thing of joints and he gives a joint to every single person in the audience and then how many people in the audience probably like 30 40 something like that he gave 40 joints away oh yeah he gave a lot i mean it was just a huge thing of joints and then he's just like all right everybody smoke it and so we everyone's smoking it and just in the comedy store you can't even see anything and there's like this boston uh you know thing going on downstairs for like all the you know like a tribute or a marathon uh show where they're making they're raising money charity show yeah charity show there's this charity show going on and you're just seeing the smoke just gushing down that back hallway like going oh so
Starting point is 02:15:01 that was in the main room which is right below right below the belly room oh that's hilarious so funny though that's ridiculous yeah he literally burned his bridge yeah you can't do that indoors he they can lose their license for that shit i'm not supposed to do that you fuck allegedly that all happened yeah allegedly because the people were smoking in the audience i think you used to be able to smoke on stage as a part of an artistic performance. I think you can still do that, actually. Still do that? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:30 Because Stan Hope used to do it. He used to smoke on stage and make fun of how it was a part of an artistic performance. He allowed to smoke on stage. Some stupid loophole. Yeah. I remember that because he smoked in Ohio. He went and played this building that's owned by the campus it's just like a building for speech and you know speakers and stuff like that but it had a bar
Starting point is 02:15:50 in it it was really weird and i think they tore it down since then ohio state and doug played and he wanted to smoke so bad but this is like owned by the school and there's like definitely no smoking allowed in it he goes i don't care everyone can smoke and he just started smoking like the bartender lady who was just like this older lady that probably was retired and just work at the old college. But she was like, oh, stop it, please. And she was just getting upset because she didn't know what to do. And the whole campus was just like cigarettes. Everyone was smoking cigarettes in that little room.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Because Stan helped do it on stage? Yeah. So were they allowed to tell him to stop doing it on stage there? Or was it an artistic performance thing, exception? I don't know. He did it anyway. He just didn't care. He told everyone in the audience to do it also.
Starting point is 02:16:33 The problem with cigarettes is it fucks with other people. That's the problem with that stinky drug. And it doesn't – that's the one thing that Stanhope says that if he could stop – he did this opiate thing recently where they were talking about addiction because Jim Norton is like real clean. And it made some news source because it was an interesting conversation where Stan Hope was advocating that he's a shitty comic if he's not drunk. And that's why he stays drunk and that comics like Mitch Hedberg, the only way you would have gotten those guys is with the drugs. Hunter S. Thompson, the only way you would have got him is with the drugs and the alcohol. That's how you create something like that. It's just a weird sort of conversation to get into with people.
Starting point is 02:17:12 But he said the one thing that he regrets is the cigarettes. Yeah. He said it doesn't give you any benefit and he's completely hooked on them. Right. But they say that it does give you a benefit. Synapses, like Stephen King claims that when he stopped smoking that he noticed a difference in his ability to fire. That like his mind fired slower. This was just right after he stopped or like after a while?
Starting point is 02:17:35 I don't know. He just – he made a comment on it. I don't think it's right after. I think it's the effect of it. I think when people are on nicotine all the time, nicotine is like some kind of a stimulant. Yeah. It relaxes. But it doesn't really relax.
Starting point is 02:17:49 That's sort of a – Oh, it does. It relaxes your nerves and everything. Right. But the reason why it relaxes is because it feeds your addiction. Is that it? Or is that just the way tobacco does it? No. No, that's what – when you get an addiction and you become a junkie, you need it, you need it, you need it.
Starting point is 02:18:04 Goddamn, I'm stressed out. I need it, I need it, you need it. Goddamn, I'm stressed out. I need it, I need it, I need it. Ah, I got it. Well, cigarettes relax me. But they also got you to the point where you needed them, where you were fucking crazy. And it looks cool. Yeah, but it is a stimulant, meaning it is a drug. But that's not a relaxant.
Starting point is 02:18:18 It's the exact opposite of something that relaxes you. A stimulant is the opposite of something that relaxes you. Exactly. That's why when you're – you definitely do get that feeling of relaxation. But that feeling of relaxation is the same thing that heroin users get when they shoot up. Right. Boom, boom, boom. And they see those little white glowing butterflies float out of their soul as they lay back on the pillow and let go of the rubber band.
Starting point is 02:18:49 Let that hot heroin just race through your body. I think you just caused about 17 people listening right now to fall back into heroin. The people that have done it, man, that's the problem with heroin. They say it's fucking awesome. People that have even taken those pills have said it's awesome. Oxycontins. People that have had Oxycontin issues. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Some guy posted a thread about it on the message board. He was talking about opiates and how amazing they are. It's just terrible that they're so bad for you that you can't get them. But the feeling apparently is just amazing. I read somebody a while ago say now, yeah, it's fucked up because it mess you up horrendously. But so we should leave it legal for people who have like a few months left to live. Because it's like, what are you going to fuck up anyway? You know, you're dying anyway.
Starting point is 02:19:34 I agree with that. Like a god for the last three months. I agree with that. Well, that's what we're doing anyway. We give them morphine. That's what we're doing when we're giving them Oxycontins. We're basically giving them opiates, right? Morphine is weird. I mean, when you think about the whole thing is like how, yeah, speaking of freedoms, it's
Starting point is 02:19:49 like people, I'm pro freedom, except that you can't kill yourself the way you want to. You know, if you're dying as low painful disease, you need to die slowly and painfully because otherwise, because otherwise what? Otherwise the gods are angry. Exactly. It's like the life is not to choose how you stay or leave but but then we have the hospice which it really i mean euthanasia is not legal so you can't really do it but we'll just give you morphine for comfort wait you said you need more morphine okay we'll give you a little
Starting point is 02:20:18 more you said you're still in pain you know of course you just keep shooting up until you die but rather than doing it in a humane cool way where you shoot up and you're done in pain, you know, of course you just keep shooting up until you die. But rather than doing it in a humane, cool way where you shoot up and you're done in 50 minutes like you do with a dog, you'll do it over a period of days or a week or something. How dare you compare grandma to a dog? Son of a bitch. Goddamn crazy Italians. But the other thing is like people are all pissed about, oh, it's terrible. It's like, well, you don't fucking do it.
Starting point is 02:20:44 How about that? You die the way you want to. How about, oh, it's terrible. It's like, well, you don't fucking do it. How about that? You die the way you want to. How about you let other people die the way they want to? The problem is that someone can get it and then give it to you. That's the worry. The worry about having shit that could fuck you up is obviously people doing it to people against their will. Yeah, that's, of course. But then that's what you work on, on anything that you don't do.
Starting point is 02:21:03 You don't outlaw something just because it can be used against their will. You work on the fact on those cases when it's used against somebody's will. Which is the argument for not worrying about how many guns are out there but worrying about the mental health of a nation that allows a certain percentage of people to go on gun-fueled rampages. Right. Who are those people and why are they doing it? Exactly. But nobody concentrates on that. They concentrate on the yeah there's too many guns right it's like no that's exactly that's missing the point because it's about it boils down to in your hand or well i don't know
Starting point is 02:21:36 about you but in somebody's hand having a fucking atomic weapon wouldn't be a problem because you're not nuts and you're not gonna use it are you saying that i would be a problem but uh but you know what i mean it's like so the worst thing it really boils down to individual to individual it's not the same thing the problem comes in because it's who's gonna decide who's the sane individual and which one isn't you know the state yeah that always works really well but then if you don't do it that means every psycho in the world can get easily their hands on some messed up stuff if you do't do it, that means every psycho in the world can get easily their hands on some messed up stuff. If you do do it, it's clearly an imperfect system because it's done through the state where there are always enormous loopholes, things that doesn't
Starting point is 02:22:13 work, it's inefficient. So it's tricky. I can see why people argue passionately both ways because you can see there's a lot, there's kind of a logic both ways in that. Yeah, there's definitely a logic both ways. I mean the idea that people are smart enough to figure out what to do and not to do has been proven false time and time again. People are stupid. There's a shitload of us that are stupid as fuck. But then the argument is the reason why they're stupid as fuck is that we allow them to survive while being stupid and don't allow these dumb mistakes to happen. They die off. We're just so attached to
Starting point is 02:22:45 every single precious life that we're not allowed allowing stupid people to die from being stupid so stupidity is no longer a negative like factor right in in evolution you're allowed to be stupid and live yeah that's stupid fucks that's fucking scary at the same time. That's fucking stupid. It's a slippery slope from that to like, well, good eugenics program. Yeah, that's not good either. You can't do that either. Yeah, that's the problem. There's no way to do it right.
Starting point is 02:23:17 There's no way. We're stuck in the middle. We're on a stage of developing, and one day we'll be way better than this. But right now, it's kind of fucked. Way better than me? What the fuck? It's possible even better than the god that is Daniele Bolelli.
Starting point is 02:23:33 Jesus. Blasphemy. The future is going to be amazing. We'll have even better gods. Wow. I don't know if I can deal with that. Are you still teaching? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:43 Where are you teaching at? I'm teaching a few courses at Cal State Long Beach, a few courses at Santa Monica College. Do they ever give you a hard time for your controversial viewpoints? No, I think they decide it's easier to just not deal with it because if they come after you,
Starting point is 02:23:56 then you can open a whole shit storm of why are you firing him and all of that. Right. So it's like, you know what, whatever. It doesn't matter anyway because we'll do things the way we want anyway, say whatever the fuck you want, go in the classroom. Does anybody ever take umbrage with some of the things that you
Starting point is 02:24:12 say? I'm sure they do not, not face to face. Nobody says anything. Really? Oh, that's kind of cool. So you teach all this crazy shit in your classes. And everybody's like, well, it's fucking historically accurate. Yeah, I mean, it's not. It's like, sure, argue to me about the specific, even because I don't, in the class, I don't really try to sell a viewpoint. So I'll say something really radical, but I'll also show all the exception to what I just said.
Starting point is 02:24:35 Right. So it doesn't sound like I'm trying to sell you something. The reason why I asked you is because you went on like some Twitter rampage a while back. Yeah, I was pissed. Yeah. I was pissed. You wrote like a whole essay about the education system.
Starting point is 02:24:47 I had an open letter to academia that closed with the immortal words of Tupac, fuck you and your motherfucking mama. So, yes, that I'm sure didn't go so well. Well, that's how you make it count. Yeah. You got to speak their language. Well, man, listen, I wish I had a fucking teacher like i had dom herrera used to be a teacher i wish he was one of my teachers and i wish you were one of my teachers too that would have been an amazing time in school instead i got caught with a bunch of
Starting point is 02:25:17 people that made teaching or made school boring as fuck that's the majority i didn't know that history was interesting until i listened to dan carlin yeah but that's what i mean that's what drives me insane a guy like dan carlin was fucking amazing in case we haven't made that clear already he is not a historian and that's why he's fucking amazing because most historians by the time they got through their phd all the creativity all the juice has been squeezed out of them and there's nothing left because they have been made to conform to this really boring prudent careful way of telling stories where they can't say a sentence without 17 exceptions to what they say and the evidence here on paragraph 17 is like nobody want to listen to it right fucking boring dan carling goes on put on a historical podcast and becomes something
Starting point is 02:26:00 that people around the world want to listen to because he's a storyteller, because he makes it exciting. Being boring is a fucking real curse. Tell me about it. It's almost like there's something wrong with you if you're boring. It's almost like you can't figure out a better way to express this information. This information that you're giving, you're giving it in a really fucking shitty way. Yep. You need to work on your presentation, son.
Starting point is 02:26:30 And that's the thing that in some way it sucks because you can tell to somebody, look, this sucks because it's so boring and it doesn't have the juice. But the reality is that I think they can all improve it 10% because it's not just a technique. It's who you are. These are people who are boring when they step, when they are not teaching and you're talking to them down the street. It's just their personality that comes through. It's like that song, Daniele Bolelli, It Takes Every Kind of People. I could see Daniele Bolelli sitting around his house,
Starting point is 02:26:56 a little incense lit, smoking a joint, listening to some 70s music. So maybe some Jim Croce. You don't turn on Superman's cape. You don't spit in the wind. You don't turn on Superman's cape. You don't spin in the wind. You don't pull... No? 70s more like... Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:08 Well, early 70s. Like Hendrix Led Zeppelin kind of stuff. That's more my... Do you do air guitar around the house in your underwear? No, I haven't quite... I'm sure I'm going to get to that level, but I haven't quite got to that point yet. If you do do it, please make a YouTube video so your students know what the fuck they're dealing with.
Starting point is 02:27:23 Oh, they sign up for your course. Can you imagine? You'd probably have a full class. please make a YouTube video so your students know what the fuck they're dealing with. Oh, they sign up for your course. I can imagine. You'd probably have a full class if you just played Voodoo Child and just fully lipped all the lyrics. Right. Knew all of it and went around with it. Yeah. There's every other time now because through online you can find out a lot of things about people. A bunch of students ask me, it's like, is that you in those picture where you're holding a kid and you have your middle finger out it's like what's that about i'm like oh yeah
Starting point is 02:27:49 about that yes i was rebellious it was before i realized the ultimate expression of rebellion is the drunken tower t-shirt before then i was holding a baby giving the middle finger it's another i love my drunken tie shit t-shirt. God damn it. Listen, brother, I'm sorry I talked shit about your t-shirt. I had to. I'm a comedian. I got to do what I got to do. I gots to do what I gots to do. And how do they get your podcast?
Starting point is 02:28:12 It's on iTunes? iTunes, yes. And if somebody wants to take your class, can they take your class without signing up for anything else at the school? Can you just pay to take your class? Officially, clearly not. But, yeah, whatever. So how would someone make that happen? Long Beach, I'm actually not
Starting point is 02:28:27 teaching a whole lot because I'm there mainly I think I teach just one class and the rest I do online, which sucks anyway because well, in any case. The main thing, so I teach mostly at Santa Monica College live in person and it depends on the class. Some classes are they enroll them to the
Starting point is 02:28:43 limit. Other classes they enroll it and then they leave a bunch of empty chairs. So not a big deal. Somebody might be able to just show up. Totally. Wow. Hmm. Daniele Bolelli. Thank you for joining us, my brother.
Starting point is 02:28:56 So The Drunken Taoist is available on iTunes. Do you have a website for it? Yeah. Yeah, there's It's actually And then there's just my own website that's linked to that. That's just my name, It's actually And then there's just my own website that's linked to that. That's just my name. Boom.
Starting point is 02:29:09 That's it, bitches. And if you look for him on Twitter, it's Dboleli. B-O-L-L-E-L-I. Right? No. B-O-L-E-L-L-I. L-E-L-L-I. I tried to freeball it and I failed miserably.
Starting point is 02:29:23 Thank you to for sponsoring this podcast. Go to forward slash Joe. Get yourself a free audio book, my friends. Book. We're also brought to you by Click on the microphone. Use the code word JRE for a little special treat and an excellent deal on a great service. And
Starting point is 02:29:47 That's O-N-N-I-T. Use the code name Rogan and save yourself 10% off any and all supplements. Brian and I, along with the lovely and talented Ari Shafir, will see you dirty bitches in Canada this weekend. We will tomorrow night be at, what's the name of the theater we're doing? He doesn't know. This motherfucker doesn't know. This motherfucker doesn't know. I think it's called The Vogue.
Starting point is 02:30:08 Yes. The Vogue Theater in Vancouver tomorrow night for two shows. So we can't wait. And we're doing something different this time because you fucking people take too long with your goddamn phones that you don't know how to work. The camera on. So I'm going to take all the photos. I'm going to have someone take them with my camera. So we'll get a perfect picture every time and then we'll upload it to the website. You can take it from there. So it'll also drive traffic to my website and don't go, dude, that's fucked up because
Starting point is 02:30:31 I don't want to hear it. You bitches need to learn how to use your 1967 fucking whack ass cell phone that I have to wait for. Damn it. I shut it off by accident. Hold on. And there's a line of a thousand people taking pictures. That shit's ridiculous to the people that work at the theaters. So they've requested I streamline the process. So that is the only solution. All right, you fucks. So we love the shit out of you.
Starting point is 02:30:51 And we will see you on Monday. And that's a wrap. Peace, love, happiness, and good luck in your search for Bigfoot. We see you, freaks.

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