The Joe Rogan Experience - #377 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: July 24, 2013

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comedian, and host of his own podcast, The Duncan Trussell Family Hour available on Spotify. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night. All day. It's so nice. I worked all day, did the show all day. And this never feels like work. This always feels like... The podcast?
Starting point is 00:00:18 Yeah, the podcast. It's not work. I mean, it is and it isn't. It's never. I mean, if you start thinking this is work, there's going to be a lot of coal miners who think you're a cocksucker. Duncan Trussell on TV today. Ooh, crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Right now. Yeah. Kind of freaking out. I've noticed. I thought you would handle it well, but you're not. You're kind of tweaking a little bit. I'm excited. How do I not be excited about this? Oh, I'm just fucking with you. No, you're handling you're kind of tricking tweaking a little bit i'm excited how do i not be excited about this oh i'm just fucking with you no you're handling it very well i mean it's exciting and
Starting point is 00:00:51 it's like thank you for getting me on the show thanks for doing it you made it a lot of fun that that's a cool thing man to usher uh your friends into something like that because it's it's so it's been such a freakish year for me man you know it's like in the beginning was fucked up ball snipped off for folks who don't know you got cancer of your balls ball got snipped they took one of your testicles home they threw it i always wonder where it is it's in a cat's litter box somewhere but it's great because the year culminated in being out in the pacific northwest with you high as a fucking kite squatching hunting for sasquatch it really was like well this is great man this is like a one this is this is definitely one of
Starting point is 00:01:44 the coolest years of my life. That was so fun, man. It was so fun. It really is like we've made this life inside of a simulation. It doesn't make any sense. When you actually have a job where you get to go, like we went to Utah last week looking for UFOs and giant bulletproof wolves.
Starting point is 00:02:01 These people, they see wolves that turn into mist and disappear and fucking show up on top of barns the size of a horse. Yeah. Bulletproof wolves the size of a horse. We're having so much fun. It's so ridiculous. We're talking to so many crazy people and so many really interesting, like, science-y people, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's spun me around. That's for sure, man. It's definitely spun me around in a lot of ways. It's helped me understand how religion starts. It's helped me around. That's for sure, man. It's definitely spun me around in a lot of ways. It's helped me understand how religion starts. It's helped me understand delusion. It's helped me understand the part of myself that is delusional or the part of myself that is either too eager to disbelieve something or too eager to believe something. That's where my pendulum swings. And in that middle place people
Starting point is 00:02:45 don't like that middle place that's my middle place is yeah people don't like it there you know because that middle place is the mystery people don't like that feeling that's where i live yeah that's my spot yeah i think it's cool to get there but god damn it it's like that's no fun i mean i like to be there with my life too though i like to be there with my life i like to be that's one of the reasons why i do so many different things at the same time i don't like to be there with my life too though. I like to be there with my life. That's one of the reasons why I do so many different things at the same time. I don't like to be comfortable that much. I mean I like to be comfortable in friendships and I like to be comfortable in relationships. But as far as like work stuff and life stuff and my pursuits, whether it's competition or exercise, I don't like to be comfortable.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I think that's the enemy. I like to be plenty comfortable when I'm at home and I'm lounging, I'm chilling with my family or I'm hanging with my friends. I love being comfortable then. But other than that, I don't like it. So like when it comes with an idea, like an idea of what is or isn't, what is or isn't possible, that middle spot of the pendulum where it's all weird, that's my favorite spot because i i like when you're in a situation and people go big foot you believe in big foot and then you bring a guy like jeff meldrum that guy that we talked to that anthropologist who is you know got a phd an expert in human movement and he starts explaining things like the metatarsal break that you find in
Starting point is 00:04:01 these footprints that indicates it's built like a gorilla's foot not like a human foot because human beings don't have and then you see this break and he demonstrates it then you start going huh you're talking to a fucking smart dude that believes this shit like this is weird yeah and then we asked him if we'd be willing to cut off a pinky oh yeah pinky toe oh yeah what do you say weird you have to watch the where it got weird. You have to watch the show, Duncan. I can't. You don't have to watch the show. I can't watch myself on TV. Oh, you can. You were great. That place is a very Zen place, man.
Starting point is 00:04:35 That's like this Zen Roshi I met when I went on this Ram Dass retreat. That's what she kept saying again and again. It's live in the mystery. That's where we belong is in the mystery. It's you don't, you can't, you're not going to know what happens after you die. You're not going to figure that out. Yeah. And the place of like the Zen place or the Buddhist place or the non-attached place to be is a place where you are.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It's not that you don't know or do know. It's some other state of just, I guess, being at the crest of the wave of the universe articulating itself as you. Yeah. And what's important when I say that I like to be in the mystery, what I really mean like that, about that, is if it's a mystery. And there's some shit that's not a mystery at all. And that's also a part of the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:21 It's recognizing what is an actual mystery. also a part of the thing. It's recognizing what is an actual mystery. And when you do find it, like the nature of reality, if you get to one of those weird ones, the possibility of a universal power that's controlling the world and moving it into a certain direction, the idea that this is all some sort of a mathematical program, and that good and evil and sex and love and all this different shit, good and bad, all sort of make sure that this thing keeps moving. That's the real mystery. It's not chemtrails, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:53 You know what I'm saying? Like, it's not ghosts. There's plenty of mystery. The real mystery is, does every decision that you make literally branch off and start a whole new reality and a whole new universe that you live in? off and start a whole new reality and a whole new universe that you live in because sometimes it feels like that and i'm not sure and i don't think you're sure either when someone tells me they're sure or they're sure it's not or
Starting point is 00:06:13 they sure they're sure it is either one of those it's unacceptable because you you can't be sure there's things that you can't be sure in those things are really weird and it's hard to get comfortable in those things it's hard to get comfortable like holding on like holding on to those ideas and like and pondering them because a lot of them the implications they they they transfer through your entire life the implications are well if you really are building up a career and but you're you're you're just a part of the ether and you're part of like some sort of a gigantic super organism like why are you concentrating so much on yourself like why are you twisting your mustache at the end with wax why are you why are you doing this why are you buying you know two thousand dollar shoes that
Starting point is 00:06:52 you hope somebody notices why are you you know what are you doing what what is going on yeah are those things distracting you from the mystery you know well i mean it seems like there's two parts to a person which is the the part that is the personality the conditioning everything you've learned all the all the tricks that you've learned from other people a lot of imitation you know a lot of observing things and then imitating them and forgetting that you imitated them there's probably personality components in us that we picked up in the fourth grade from some kid we thought was cool and just forgot about it, and it stuck inside of us.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And so then there's this idea that we're kind of like the human body itself is a hive, and it is a hive within which dwell all these different bees, and the bees are all the different aspects of our personality. We're not one person. We're a harmony of personalities that are always sort of rotating through. Because if you think of the you when you're really pissed off, whenever you're yelling at someone or in a state where you find yourself in a confrontational place,
Starting point is 00:08:01 and then you think of the you when you're chilling at home with your family, that's like two different people, you know? And so that's the idea is that there's all these different parts of us that are rolling through all the time, always rolling through. And that we are constantly working to uphold the continuity of being by acting in certain ways all the time. And quite often you'll hear like, if you're in a relationship or something, someone will say like, I don't know you anymore. Who is this person? You know?
Starting point is 00:08:32 And it's because really what they're seeing is the other, one of the other dominant personalities that lives inside of you that's starting to poke its head out every once in a while. And people that don't have a good transition between those, those are the people we call multiple personality disorder people. Yes, exactly. How many, how many Abby's are in there with you, Abby? Yeah, man. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:08:55 When those, when those, and you see, or when people say that they're channeling or when people are quote demon possessed, really what's happening is one of these personalities that has gotten shoved way deep down in the dark part of the hive has managed to claw its way out. And it's so different than all the other ones that people are like, this guy has got a demon in him. When really the truth is we're just this cluster of selves that are all sort of like the way it's been described. I heard there's this mystic named Gurdjieff
Starting point is 00:09:23 who described it as like a mansion where all the servants are running amok. So it's a mansion where all the servants who are supposed to have certain jobs in certain areas where they work in the mansion have just lost, have forgotten what they're supposed to be doing. They're all going crazy. And so the modern person is wandering around with this kind of constant chaotic stream of personalities that aren't disciplined in any way and so the beginning of spiritual life at the beginning of discipline martial arts whatever the thing is is where the master of the house returns and that's considered the personality that develops once you control all those different facets of
Starting point is 00:10:02 the self and that's what you become is the master of the house who's gone away. And while he was away, all of the servants went nuts. And that's what happens when you get drunk. Like, eh, the master's not here anymore. Woo-hoo! Hey, yeah, right. You've got underwear over your face. Let me see your tits.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Ah! Yeah. Oh, where's my keys? Yeah, and it's also why you have to be compassionate to people. If someone around you has to be compassionate to people. If someone around you has been a dick to you, some really stupid people, when someone's a dick to them, will never forgive them. For the rest of your life, you'll be like,
Starting point is 00:10:35 remember the time you said that to me? And it's like, well, that was just a part of me that came out. That's not me. That's not the totality of me. That's just somebody made who managed to get to the window and scream scream something that's a real problem those people that want to bring up shit that happened a long time ago over and over and over again and just always use it as a button to get sympathy like that's not good that's not healthy for you it's not
Starting point is 00:11:00 healthy for them it's not healthy for anybody like people that can't let certain things i mean there's certain things you shouldn't let go you know like if you were in a concentration camp and hitler killed your family yeah you'd be like hey dick you know remember when you killed my family but if you like you know if you yelled at someone because you didn't want to get up and take out the trash like let's you know let that go yeah you got let it go mostly you gotta just let it go if you can it's it's hard though man i mean i i ruminate over shit that people have done to me sometimes like i'll find myself ruminating which is such a such a waste of time dude i had graham hancock i skyped with graham hancock on my podcast today and oh that's beautiful blew my mind man he like that guy is so goddamn smart he's got a book out now
Starting point is 00:11:46 a fiction book called war war god yeah and he's really excited about it when he starts talking about history it's amazing because you feel like you're with somebody who has actually lived during that time when he was describing like uhan sacrifices, when he starts talking about that, it's not like reading it in a history book. Like when he talks about the jagged flint tools to slice open the chest. I'm not even doing it. I don't know what accent I'm doing. Terrible accent. Terrible accent. and it was inspired from talking about his book, is this idea, a Gnostic idea,
Starting point is 00:12:26 which is Gnosticism is this weird philosophy that believes that the God that everyone worships currently and all the different religions, the Christian God, the Muslim God, any God that's being worshipped is actually an evil force known as the Demiurge. It's something that is actually Satan. So the thing that whispers in the Christian's ear that it's time to go to war or the thing that convinces an Islamic terrorist to strap plastic explosives to his chest and go running into a cafe, it's like an evil force that's been controlling the planet and manipulating the people on
Starting point is 00:13:10 the planet by pretending to be a god and causing them to do insane things. Where does this concept come from? It's called Gnosticism. Well, I know what Gnosticism is, but this concept of that is from Gnosticism? Yeah, and that's the Demiurge. And the Demiurge created humans. So humans are, and that's the Demiurge, and the Demiurge created humans, so humans are all the children of the Demiurge. Humans are the children of this force, which is kind of the spirit of matter that is all about dominance and fear and control. What a crazy idea, and that's
Starting point is 00:13:39 why people overwhelmingly throughout human history, there's never been a period of time where no one's done anything evil, ever. There's never been a period of time where no one's done anything evil ever there's never been a period of time as far as we can tell as far as written history there's never been a period of time where nobody controlled anybody nobody hit anybody nobody murdered anybody nobody stole anything nobody raped anybody nobody beat their kids there's never been one time where like nothing happened bad for like a year everybody was just hugs and love and kisses but yet we hold on to this idea that, well, people are mostly good. We're basically good. People in their hearts, all people are basically good.
Starting point is 00:14:15 But if you look at the totality of the behavior of human beings and you factor in the time of utmost peace, the time of ultimate peace, it's a zero. There's 0% ultimate peace in the totality of the human race. It's never happened. Yep, that's right. You occasionally get that in a household. You occasionally get that in a community where there's just mild disagreements.
Starting point is 00:14:38 They try to keep it to a little bit of shit talking behind people's back, you know? But then as you spread out and you get into cities, there's no cities where nobody gets robbed no they don't exist and religious communities yeah want to talk about some fucking stink holes dude i'm reading this book by john crack hour called under the banner of heaven which is about fundamentalist mormons do you know about this no holy shit is that like the jeffries guy yeah there's it i think so the jeffries which was the Do you know about this? No. Woo! Holy shit. Is that like the Jeffries guy?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah. There's a, I think so. The Jeffries, which was the Jeffries guy? The Jeffries guy was the guy that just got arrested. He was the polygamist. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. So here's the way it works.
Starting point is 00:15:16 There is, in this book, it talks about, I can't remember the town, but there is an area that is run completely by a guy named Uncle Rulon, or was run by this guy named Uncle Rulon, who is a Mormon fundamentalist. These people are rejected by the mainstream Mormons because the government came in at one point and said, you guys can't be polygamists. It's illegal. And so they had to renounce polygamy. And this was something that, according to this book, Joseph Smith said was the essence of Mormonism. It's one of the most deepest, most important parts of Mormonism is that you have multiple, or what they call a plurality of wives.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Plurality, that's a good word. A plurality! And here's the thing, this is why you need a bunch of wives. If you are a fundamentalist Mormon, you are only supposed to have sex with your wife when she's ovulating which means if you only have one wife you're not only gonna have sex a few times a month once a month i don't know when women ovulate once a month if you have 15 wives you can fuck every night so it's very important to have as many wives as possible because then you could have sex with
Starting point is 00:16:22 them all the time and they're always humping and a lot of these guys have so many children that one of the i can't remember which one it was it might have been uncle rulon i can't remember which one had so many children that they named them according to the year so if you were born in like 1979 your name would have an a so it'd be like Annabelle, Angus, Ari. And then you would know what year your kid was born in by the first letter of his name. That's how many kids they're having. So then you have girls. And your girls get to be the age of 14.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And you've got a pal. Like if I had a 14-year-old kid and I was a fundamentalist Mormon, I'd be like, Joe, why don't you marry my daughter, Lori? She just started bleeding. And then I would give her to you, and you would immediately start fucking her. And so that's what they're doing out there. It's just like just herds and packs of pregnant teenagers that have been impregnated by these older dudes who have so many wives. And this shit is, I think it's still going on today, man.
Starting point is 00:17:28 There's whole communities dedicated to this polygamist lifestyle, which is a lifestyle that Joseph Smith said was one of the most important aspects of Mormonism, according to this book. Wow. The other thing about Joseph Smith, do you know what he did before he founded Mormonism? What? He was what was called a treasure seeker. And so you would use magic stones to peer through that would show you where secret treasure was buried.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And there was a huge lawsuit against him because he convinced all these people that he could find buried treasure. That was also what he said about the golden tablets. Yeah, that was the next step. He said he could use a seer stone and see it through a magic rock. That's how he could read the golden tablets. Before he was doing the seer stone and the angel Moroni, before he was using the seer stone and the angel Moroni came to him, he was actually getting work convincing people like,
Starting point is 00:18:24 hey, look, I've got a magic rock and there and i can find your silver for you because there was like a guy who hired him because he knew that there was a some silver hidden up in the hills somewhere and joseph smith went around with like quartz looking through the quartz and finally after like three months of hiring him by the month they took him to court're like, hey, this guy can't really find treasure with that rock. Well, he's out there looking every day. Wouldn't you have loved to have seen like a video of him talking, of Joseph Smith like talking and explaining his strategies and what he does and what Mormonism is all about? Yeah, man. know what mormonism is all about yeah man i mean exactly i just love i just love that idea of like
Starting point is 00:19:06 uh that here's a man who was look come on let's just admit it here's a man who's like just basically like a classic con artist come on man you're really telling people you can find treasure with a rock no one's ever found treasure that's something like when I was in the third grade that I would lie about to a kid in the playground or something. But this guy was making money off of it. It's just very interesting to see something grow roots and flourish in the way that Mormonism has. When just with a very simple investigation into the... You've got lawsuits.
Starting point is 00:19:49 There's written records against Joseph Smith because he was taken to court for lying to people. For being a cuddler. Yeah. But they're like, no, no, no, no, no. But the angels really did take the golden tablets. He really is the one.
Starting point is 00:20:06 He really did find the lost work of Jesus. He really can look at it with a magic rock. And for him, it was always a magic rock. Yeah, magic rock. That was his angle. Magic rocks. But meanwhile, when we were in Utah, we were in Utah the other day, and Duncan and I show up, and
Starting point is 00:20:21 when we arrive, there was these hordes of people that were waiting for these elders and the elders are the young kids that go away on a mission all Mormons when they're young or they're they're supposed to go on these recruiting missions as elders where they go they wear a suit and tie and they go to third world countries or wherever they go some of them go to their world countries and they recruit people and so these guys were returning from their missions and they were all like dolled up in their finest suits and with their ties on and when they showed up people just scream and cheer and it was for duncan and i was so strange because we're like these weird heretics that are walking through them we're high
Starting point is 00:21:02 we've got coffee in our hands yeah They're not even allowed to drink coffee. And so, by the way, by the way, by the way, they're also one of the highest per capita users of antidepressants because of the fact they're not allowed to drink. They're not allowed to take coffee. They are allowed to take prescription medications. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:21:19 They just chomp that shit. Isn't that weird? Yeah, it's really weird. Especially when like sober people, people who are really into sobriety are chomping on Xanax and shit. And it's like, what's the difference between that and booze, really?
Starting point is 00:21:34 I know a woman who criticizes pot on a regular, but she's very ignorant. She criticizes pot. She takes a Xanax every night to go to sleep. She cannot sleep without a Xanax. She'll take a Xanax, and that's how she goes to sleep. Yeah, man. It's a really confusing issue.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Drugs are bad. That's why I love Terrence McKenna's breakdown of that, where he's like, come on. Every morning, we are brewing a fucking drug we wake up every morning and we have machines designed to extract alkaloids from coffee beans that we put into our bloodstream before we go to work every morning and that's not looked on as strange at all and not only that every labor contract is negotiated with a break for this drug in it the coffee break yeah but that doesn't count so when you tell people like wait no really the entire planet or this north america wakes up slurps back a drug every morning just to get ready
Starting point is 00:22:32 to go to their jobs and then they take what are they called coffee breaks coffee breaks if you heard someone like hey i'm gonna go take a cocaine break do you mind you're like well you got it you got a fucking problem well how about the fact that they're taking Xanax to go to sleep, and then they get drunk on the weekends? Well, yeah. You add on top of it, they're getting drunk. They're taking Xanax. Xanax is very popular nowadays.
Starting point is 00:22:54 It's very popular. I understand why. Have you done it? Yeah. What's it like? It's awesome. You just go to instantaneous, an instant relaxed. I'm trying to think of a description of it. You just go to instantaneous, an instant relaxed.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I'll try to think of a description of it. Think about a night when you've had a really good show, and you wake up the next morning, and you're laying in bed. You've had a good sleep. You're not hungover. That dawning realization, like, man, that was a good show last night, but you're still relaxed and laying in bed, and you're that's what xanax says oh yeah just it's like the opposite of any kind of anxiety or uh any kind of like like tightening up you might have it gets rid of that it's a lit but i've noticed that uh there's a bit of a residual effect with it it's not a clean drug at least it
Starting point is 00:23:44 hasn't been for me where like a couple of days after effect with it. It's not a clean drug, at least it hasn't been for me, where a couple of days after you take it, you feel kind of greasy and weird. And when I've taken Xanax, I've gotten hiccups, which is really strange. The hiccups? Yeah, I'll start having Xanax hiccups. The way I've heard it described is that
Starting point is 00:23:58 it alleviates a lot of your anxiety, but then it's almost like a rubber band. It snaps back and gives you more anxiety than you had before. My friend who takes it, he takes it almost every day. He really can't get along without it. He needs it for anxiety. He tells me when he gets off of it, he gets really freaked out. What the fuck is anxiety, man?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Reality? Yeah. The reality of your life. The reality of your life. The reality of your body. This guy who is addicted to it, who takes it every day, he's also overweight and he also drinks too much. Right. He's got issues. And so I don't think he likes to address those issues.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Right. And so instead of addressing those issues, he says he has anxiety. Man, there's certain things though that where anxiety is unavoidable man i like i just think there's certain times that emerge in your life where anxiety is not all a lot of the time it's an indication that you're fucking up yes but sometimes it's just a natural reaction to life itself. Life, yeah. Life itself, the inevitability of your demise. There's no getting around it.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You know, the ruthlessness of the day-to-day grind can also give you anxiety. The idea that even though it's Friday and you're off of work, oh my God, I'm going to have to go back there on Monday and I'm going to work eight to nine hours, whatever I have to do, including overtime. And then I'm going to do it again on Tuesday and then on Wednesday and then on Thursday
Starting point is 00:25:24 and then on Friday again. And then I'm going to get a little break again. And during that break, I got a lot of shit to do, including over time. And then I'm going to do it again on Tuesday and then on Wednesday and then on Thursday and then on Friday again. And then I'm going to get a little break again. And during that break, I got a lot of shit to do. So it's not really a break. And that just that alone, as it accumulates over time, then you start to you start to accumulate bills and you start to accumulate responsibilities, social responsibilities, physical responsibilities. physical responsibilities and the pressure of all that can freak you the fuck out because it's a never-ending just a line of ants that goes on for millions of miles they're all tasks every every ant that you see in front of you every dot every just like a million pages is all things you have to do things you have to read and it never ends yeah if you have a job a regular job especially
Starting point is 00:26:04 that's one of the reasons why you should never if you can avoid it never have it never ends yeah if you have a job a regular job especially that's one of the reasons why you should never if you can avoid it never have a job i mean if you need to have a job get a job but if you could find something that you love to do you don't have a job then what you are is a lucky fuck yeah and then what you have is a cool gig you know like whether if you're a comedian or a chef or a carpenter, something you love. You know, a guy who builds motorcycles, he loves it. He goes to work. Programmer.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yes. Anybody who loves doing what they're doing. That truly is the key to this life. And everybody's is going to be different. Your love is going to be different than my love. You can't really judge. Can't judge what people like, what they don't like. You can judge what you like and don't like.
Starting point is 00:26:50 But, you know, it's like music tastes or taste in food or anything things are weird you know things are weird and we vary wildly but yeah the the uh what i want to mention the idea that i've been thinking about of uh um uh it's called a temporal temporal peripheral vision temporal the temporal periphery. So like humans develop peripheral vision to deal with predators so that it's something to our side. We could see a predator coming and so we have this kind of like side view that helps us out. It's a very important thing. Some animals don't have that. They can only look
Starting point is 00:27:18 straight forward. But we have a we can see off to the side a little bit and that's a super important evolutionary trait. Well we also have the side a little bit, and that's a super important evolutionary trait. Well, we also have the exact same thing in the sense that it's a temporal peripheral vision where we can think about the past and we can think about the future. And anxiety is always related to things that we're looking at in the temporal periphery. Nine times out of ten, if you come into the present moment you won't feel anxious you could be sitting in a doctor's office about to go get your cat scan and if you could really pull
Starting point is 00:27:52 yourself just into the moment and what's happening there you wouldn't be you'd be 90 less afraid but the moment you step past that sliver of the present moment, that light beam and into the darkness of the future. That's where the anxiety pounds your fucking ass, man. It's like touching an electric fence. It's because things are always fine. If you really look at it, things are always fine. Up until the zombie rips your intestines out of your stomach, things are generally pretty okay. rips your intestines out of your stomach, things are generally pretty okay. You know, that's the, so that's the real conundrum. And I think that's the, uh, the, um, the thing that is so perplexing about it being a human being is, you know, that you're carrying around with you the ultimate treasure, which is the present moment, but you can't stay in it.
Starting point is 00:28:43 You don't have the discipline to stay there fully you're always wandering off into the future always wandering off into what you have to do what's coming tomorrow what's coming in the next few minutes you know what i mean it's so curious that right there in front of us is the ultimate xanax well that's why the shallow feelings of materialism you know what is materialism? Well, it's fixating on objects to fill up your attention span. Fixating on them instead of all the other shit that you could be thinking about. Instead of your own, designing your own personal philosophy for life.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Finding out what you like and don't like about your past behavior and incorporating it into the present. Living in that moment, being aware of what's happening and managing it correctly all that's too much so you start thinking about the future i'd love to have a house that's like 6 000 square feet and i want to have 50 acres of land i want to be on top of a mountain and i want to have gun ports you know start you start gun ports you know i'm saying you start like thinking about shit because if those motherfuckers come i'm gonna be ready instead of like being like right there in that'm saying you start like thinking about shit because if those motherfuckers come I'm going to be ready instead of like being like right there in that moment or you start thinking about you know what a piece of shit
Starting point is 00:29:50 you were when you were a little kid and you used to yell at your mother I mean you can start thinking about weird shit and it can fill up your present and it's part of being a human being is managing the thought that that you hold on to managing what you what you gravitate towards.
Starting point is 00:30:06 It's so hard to do. If you just got fired from a job, it's very difficult to see the silver lining. You're like, shit. You just, that feeling of getting just fucking kicked out of a job and someone doesn't want you working anymore. You're a failure. You failed. You're like, oh, God. It's so hard to go, come on, let's go out and have a good go come on let's go out have a good time like
Starting point is 00:30:25 you don't want to have a good time you feel fucking terrible yeah that month because it's also there's a dance going on a balancing act if you will and that balancing act is you gotta learn from the fuck ups and the only way you really learn is to feel like shit and it's best if you feel like shit for a while because then it really sinks in that you can't show up an hour late every day you can't smell like whiskey after your lunch break you can't yell at your boss because you're you know you gotta have a hangover and you're crabby that day you can't do those things because you can get fired and when you get fired it fucking sucks but every time i've ever gotten fired in my whole life where i fucked up and i got fired i made like an evolutionary jump as a person after that absolutely every stupid thing
Starting point is 00:31:11 that i've ever done that's resulted in disaster has always made me a million times better and why is that because you have a terrible feeling and you don't want to have that feeling again so it's forcing you to really focus on whatever the hell it is well this is the this is the this is i mean it's something that you don't want to accept you know you want it to be you want the universe to be something that's more gentle or something that's that's more compassionate but it really does seem like a huge portion of what makes people great is their ability to overcome internal difficulties or external difficulties and failure. And that's something that when you're failing, it won't give you any – it won't help you. When you're failing, thinking like, oh, this is – I guess this is helping me.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I guess it does relieve some of the pain of the thing when you realize that you're in a kiln and the failure is the heat that's sort of transforming you into something. Yeah, I think that the feelings are there. They serve like an evolutionary purpose or a purpose that's in line with progress, a purpose that's in line with moving forward and taking things to a next level, which is where we always feel at our best. I always find that one of the reasons why I try
Starting point is 00:32:33 to do a lot of things at once is because I like figuring things out. I like when things get better. I like when a joke that I'm working on becomes better. I like when it grows and becomes real. I like when you write something down, then you add to it and then it becomes better. I like getting better at a skill like a martial art or a game. I love getting, I love getting better at video games. It's a great feeling. And if you're not getting better at things, if you're not, if you don't have some sort of improvement and movement, if that's not the general trend that you find your life in, and movement, if that's not the general trend that you find your life in, I find that I don't feel happy. I find that that greatly affects my happiness.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And I also find that's one of the most difficult things to achieve if and when you have a job that you don't enjoy. Because the majority of your time and focus during the day, they take all your best hours, man. You think about what a job is, a nine to five. They take the hours that you are the most awake, the most tuned in, the most aware, the most focused on the world. So if you want to figure out how to get out of your job, you got to take your weakest time. That's all they give you. They give
Starting point is 00:33:36 you your time where you're the most tired and most likely to sit in front of the TV and the most likely to just have a beer, the most likely to take a nap. They give you those times and they say, all right, you want to get out of this fucking system? Here's your time. Well, this is why I like chanting. And I think chanting is a fantastic tool that you can use in those times. Because chanting is something that you can do. At work to get fired?
Starting point is 00:33:59 No, you do it in your mind. You don't say it out loud. But in your mind, you can start doing a mantra. You definitely don't have to say mantras out loud. You can just say it in your mind so that in the midst of when stress comes, you can actually start training yourself to start doing a mantra inside of your mind. But you can't do that if you're working. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:20 If you have to interact with people and you have a job. You can do it while you're talking to people. I'm doing it right now. I can do it while you're talking to people I'm doing it right now I can do it right now in my mind how are you doing that if you're going to concentrate on what you're doing because it's something multiple personalities which Duncan am I talking to right now
Starting point is 00:34:37 do you think you could give something your full attention like a job while you're chanting in the back of your head at the same time honestly the next time you find yourself in the midst of like working you know doing some mundanity and of your whatever it is right watch become mindful and you will see that some percentage of you is focused on the task at hand but then another part of you is always thinking always thinking always processing always a whole other conversation is always going on in people's minds. It's an inevitability.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And some people have more focus than others. But in general, there's always that part of the mind that's like an electric wire in a puddle that's just sort of skipping around and spraying out random thoughts. Well, that's the part of your mind that chants. skipping around and spraying out random thoughts. Well, that's the part of your mind that chants. That's the part of your mind that you begin to train to start doing a mantra, which is like a simple mantra, so that that thing, if you can, instead of it being like, oh, man, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:35:37 God, I hope the CAT scan doesn't mean I have cancer. Jesus Christ, man, I wish my jizz was wider. I fucking hate that song or whatever. Whatever your mind is stupidly spring up you start training that when you can't even go rum rum rum rum rum rum and you let it it's like throwing a dog a bone well why rum rum rum is it just a sound that's a mantra that people recommend it's because it's got the om in it but it also has this nice little R that you can... Do you think that people who have ADHD... Which is the one that the guy in his deathbed said isn't real? Is it ADHD?
Starting point is 00:36:16 Like ADD is real, but the guy who created ADHD said it was bullshit? I don't know. It's ADHD. It's that one? What exactly happened? He was on his deathbed and he was like, ah, this is bullshit. Yeah, I wonder if he was being serious about it or if it was just because he was crazy. I was fucking, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Right, right, yeah. What is the difference? ADD is attention deficit disorder and ADHD is... Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, isn't it? How much of that, I mean, how accurate is their prognosis or their diagnosis of add because so often they're dealing with kids and kids are bored as fuck you know and it's not because they have a disease it's because you're making them do something boring as fuck like i know because i have children i watch how how they develop as like little little people sort of
Starting point is 00:37:04 learning how to get through things. It's difficult for them to sit down. They've got fucking energy. They want to dance and play and have fun. They want to throw things and wrestle with each other and play. When you make them sit, even if they're 10 or 12, they're still juiced up with life. And if you make them sit and just do things,
Starting point is 00:37:22 they get fucking bored. And they know that what they're doing is not as fun as baseball. They know what they're doing is not as fun as the video game they're addicted to. They know it's not as fun as playing with their friends when school's over. So they can't wait to get the fuck out of there. And then you say, well, this boy's got a disease. Well, no, they don't. You're offering them shit sandwiches and they're not hungry.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Yeah, no shit. And that's why I think it's a funny term attention deficit disorder yeah because these kids there's no deficit in attention there's a uh there's a maybe it's an attention control disorder in the sense that they can't control what they focus their mind on i i know i have an attention control disorder because i can be sitting on my porch and then like look down at my phone and not look up for another 15 minutes. Okay. But stop right there because you don't, because if it's something that you really love, like Starcraft, you can fucking lock on to that shit for hours.
Starting point is 00:38:16 You can tune in with 100% of your being for hours. That's not an attention deficit disorder. What you have is a love of Starcraft. What you have is, you find the one thing that you just fucking really vibe on, and you chase after that vibe on. It's not a very 70s. No, it's true.
Starting point is 00:38:34 That's what Nance and family are, everybody. But I think that it's a, if I had my, if I could, I would much rather, maybe this is an impossibility or fantasy, but I'd much rather have the ability to lock my attention onto anything I wanted to with the exact same level that gets locked onto things that I enjoy. Because I think if I could do that, then I would be able to.
Starting point is 00:38:58 But you can if you actually enjoy it. If you actually enjoy it, you can. Yeah, but certain things like books, especially really long novels. I'm just listening to The Stand, the Stephen King audiobook, The Stand. Oh, it's good. But I'll tell you, the first two hours, there's a lot of shit in there that doesn't involve people coughing up sprays of thick, briny plague mucus and wandering through an apocalyptic wasteland. There's just a lot of character development that's not that fun. But you need to focus on that because it brings the characters to life more.
Starting point is 00:39:37 It kindles the fire of the story. And also running. When I go jogging, the first 30 minutes or 20 minutes aren't exactly a blast. Like my mind's going everywhere. But then this thing will kick in where suddenly you're like, oh, this is fucking amazing. It feels so good. But to get there, you need to get through the first 30 minutes or however long of not enjoying it. Or fucking jujitsu when i was
Starting point is 00:40:05 taking jujitsu with eddie bravo man that wasn't my mind was everywhere and like i know if i just had the ability to focus on that for a year then that would have radically transformed my life so that's why i say i wish that i could figure out a way to make my mind become immersed in anything that I wanted to instead of what it wanted to get immersed in. You still can. Not only can you still do it, what you described is the very difficult aspects of things that you really enjoy. It's a subset or another aspect of how you find what you enjoy and make what you enjoy better and then that involves doing things that you don't enjoy at all it involves work and that's the weird sort of thing that happens to kids when they learn a sport or they learn a martial art or you know you you try
Starting point is 00:40:57 out for the wrestling team or something when you realize like what i love wrestling but to get really good at wrestling you got to go through wrestling practice. And that's a motherfucker. And that's, like, this thing that you learn in life. But, you know, when you're dealing with something that you want to describe as attention deficit disorder, I don't think that applies to that. I think all that is is a conditioning of discipline and a recognition that discipline is, like, a mode
Starting point is 00:41:24 that you can put your mind into and that you can achieve. It's also one of those things where if you have a characteristic that you cultivate on a regular basis, then it becomes a part of who you are. If you get used to an act, you get used to a habit, all you have to do is do something for 90 days and that will become who you are. You say, I'm going to take yoga every day for 90 days. It seems impossible.
Starting point is 00:41:48 People have been doing it for years. You can do it. Just get up every morning at 8 o'clock, whenever the fuck the class is, and take it for 90 days. You will be a fucking yogi by the end of those 90 days. That will be who you are. But how many people ever actually do that? That's the discipline that life requires, and that's one of the lessons that you learn
Starting point is 00:42:07 once you apply yourself to something. You learn how to develop your human potential. And one of the ways of developing it is to force yourself into and through situations. But you still love the things that you love, like video games, like doing stand-up comedy, the things that don't require the discipline at all. You still pursue them and have this passion for them.
Starting point is 00:42:29 It's just there's other stuff, too, that's not on the surface. You just have to work to get to it. Like, to get good at jujitsu fucking sucked when I first started doing it. But I knew that these guys were way better than me, and they weren't immortal. They were just people who practiced more. So in getting killed, I realized, ooh, if I just keep doing this, I can eventually do that to someone else. Yeah. And when I first started playing Quake, same thing.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I was getting crushed. I would go online and spin around in circles, and dudes would shoot rockets into my face. It was a terrible feeling. Yes. And then I'd learn how to get really good at it because of that. I know. Yeah, same with StarCraft, man. Try starting that shit off shit off man you will get your ass handed to you i still do by the way everybody starcraft people out there i should make this very important announcement this friday
Starting point is 00:43:16 at 1 p.m i will be uh live streaming uh a match between me and Pendleton Ward, the creator of Adventure Time, who also plays StarCraft, kicked my ass the last time we played. We're having a rematch, and it's being cast by Artosis and Jeff Robinson, who are these professional StarCraft casters. What is a caster? What does that mean? It's like what you do for the UFC, but they do it for StarCraft. Oh, a broadcaster. Yeah, they broadcast.
Starting point is 00:43:45 So when you're playing StarCraft, they will do commentary on your strategy. And me and Pendleton suck so bad. So it would be like you casting a UFC with me and Ari fighting. Yeah, it's like just we're not good at all, but it's cool to get these two super professional casters to do it. So that's at 1 p.m. Pacific time. I think it's going to be on Twitch TV, but I'll tweet about it. For those of you who like StarCraft, you can watch us flail.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Duncan is drinking the Mountain Dew and eating the Doritos. He's slowly eating. I can imagine being a caster. I think that game is one of those... I think StarCraft, you have to be on the ball all the time. Correct me if I'm wrong. You have to be the... You can't be eating chips, right?
Starting point is 00:44:33 No, you can't eat fucking chips. If you're going to play a real game of StarCraft, you've got to eat your cashews and drink your Coke, and then you start playing. You might be able to take some swigs of water in the first four minutes or so when you're building up your arm and your little zerglings are uh just beginning to grow but you got you 10 minutes six basically it's all time man i'm not gonna get in a starcraft i was with duncan in utah we had a long drive to and from location it was
Starting point is 00:45:01 like two hours from the airport and we got got into a StarCraft conversation. And the passion in his voice when he describes StarCraft, it's like, man, if you put that much effort into anything else in your life, it becomes... The real problem is that those things don't pay off.
Starting point is 00:45:21 They don't give you anything back. You get really awesome at them, but then at the end of the day, you don't give you anything back. You get really awesome at them, but at the end of the day, you don't have a car. You don't have a house to show that you're the best tennis player. Like Pete Sampras. That guy has a giant-ass house. But if you
Starting point is 00:45:35 become the motherfucker at StarCraft, how much can you make? What do the best pro StarCraft guys make? $40? I think they make real money. They can make real money. I think I'm wrong. If you go to Team Liquid, I saw somewhere there was a listing of
Starting point is 00:45:51 how much... In fact, when players start playing in tournaments, as part of their credits, they will show the amount of money that they've won over the course of their career playing the game. Oh, wow. So you could see how much money these people won. But look, professional StarCraft is a young man's game.
Starting point is 00:46:08 This is for somebody whose neurology hasn't been frazzled by countless hits of LSD and nitrous oxide. It's like you've got to have quick, quick fucking what's called APM, which is actions per minute. Well, they love this stuff, by the way. AlphaBrain would definitely go over well with some of these people who play the game. I play the game just for
Starting point is 00:46:29 fun. But I do recognize the time suck that it is. Inevitably, when I'm playing, I'll look at my watch and think, why were you not writing for the last two hours? You've just been running purple things all over a screen for two hours.
Starting point is 00:46:49 It doesn't do anything for you. It does do something for you. I shouldn't say that because it has been proven that it has a positive effect on cognitive function. It strengthens your decision-making abilities. It makes your brain fire at a rapid pace they for real they've figured this out with video games right that you're dealing with an intense series of things going on you're managing them and it's like an exercise for your mind i just think it's a drug and i think that it's like some drugs have benefits and i
Starting point is 00:47:21 think that it's a digital drug and i think that when you're when you're playing so you know when I'm playing a video game for a long time uh for a really long time like that's when I was addicted to World of Warcraft which I I'm not anymore which I don't play anymore but when I was addicted to World of Warcraft which was a true video game addiction and I think about spending a couple of days playing that game as the main activity of my day. I don't really see much of a difference in physical activity between me and somebody who just got on the spike and shot some heroin into his veins. You know, he's going to be sitting on the couch, nodding in and out. I'm going to be sitting on my my chair focused on a fantasy world and clicking
Starting point is 00:48:06 buttons but our caloric we're not burning a lot of calories we're just kind of sitting in a in other words if that tv if my monitor was turned off and i was just sitting there doing the same thing i might as well be it's like heroin except that I don't have a chemical inside of me. So it's a drug. It's a fucking drug. And when the Rift comes out, when these new- Oculus Rift. Yeah, man. When that shit comes out, people are going to have to accept the fact that we found another way to get high that's as addictive and potentially life-destroying as any other hardcore narcotic.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Well, you keep hearing about these people that abandon their babies because they've been playing a video game and they let their kids starve to death. You hear about that shit all the time. It's happened several times. And, you know, these video games are only getting more and more powerful. So their impact, what you're getting now, is way stronger than anybody ever got from Monopoly and Pong. And then when Pong became Pac- you know and then when pong became you know the pac-man and then when pac-man became what you're dealing with now is something that's way
Starting point is 00:49:10 way way way way more powerful and the question comes up is are we really designed to handle that kind of stimulation right our brains are set up for a whole series of rewards that we get for finding food you find a rabbit you shoot it then you get for finding food. You find a rabbit, you shoot it, then you get to eat. You know, there's that thrill of catching it and eating it. Well, instead of rabbits, you're doing zorgs
Starting point is 00:49:32 or whatever the fuck you're doing. You're sending your zergs. You're sending your troops over this 3D mountain range. You know, you're setting a trap on the other end when they retreat. So you can attack from the back end as well. Yeah, I'd be evil.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I'd be evil at that shit. I don't want to fuck with it. You would love it, man. That's exactly what you just described is a great strategy. And that's part of the fun of the game is like you start learning new strategies. There's cheese strategies is what they're called,
Starting point is 00:49:56 which is like when you attack within the first six minutes, it's like, or four minutes, there's lame, it's lame. Cheese is lame. So like there's like like you can instead of spending your time building a giant army if within the first five minutes you can build a very small army and get that into your enemy's base taking them by surprise and they
Starting point is 00:50:18 haven't built up any defense then you can sometimes defeat your enemy within the first five minutes of the game because they weren't prepared for what's called a rush and that's called a cheese attack and it pisses people off and it's so fun to piss people off when you're playing because then they'll chat to you like you fucking new piece of shit what are you doing because they get really mad because it's lame because it's just a why is it lame though it seems like it's an option well it's just a... Why is it lame, though? It seems like it's an option. Well, it's lame because it's... And I used to think like you think, because I would love to do cheese attacks,
Starting point is 00:50:51 and I thought it was funny. You don't do it anymore? You want to be taken seriously? I don't want to be taken seriously. I enjoy the game more when I have bigger armies. It's more fun when you have to deal with more variables and you let the thing expand to like... The game is divided into phases.
Starting point is 00:51:06 So it's like mid-game, end-game, and the beginning of the game. In each of these phases, there's different strategies that you employ according to what your enemy's doing. It's kind of boring looking, though. I won't argue with that. The little dudes are like, they're no big deal. They're not very distinctive. I like how they explode when you shoot at them and stuff. Go back to that.
Starting point is 00:51:24 What was that? So look, what we have here. It appears, I can't see very distinctive. I like how they explode when you shoot at them and stuff. Go back to that. What was that? So look what we have here. Starcraft. I can't see very well. It appears that we have Terran. These are Terrans attacking. I can't tell what those fucking. They turn into like little red puddles.
Starting point is 00:51:36 They explode when you shoot at them. It's a mod, Duncan. A zombie mod. Oh, it's a zombie mod. Oh, wow. Starcraft zombie mod. That looks fun. So that's Terran's attacking zombies
Starting point is 00:51:45 there are zombies that are actually in the game but i've never seen those zombies before well i wish it was um more first person i wish you had the opportunity to go first person and then above just for the visual enjoyment of it yeah man that would be really cool i i keep praying that blizzard releases some version of it where each member of the armies can be somebody else playing Halo-style. So each of the armies are like each individual troop is being controlled by some other player somewhere else. Oh, wow. That would be fucking awesome, man. That would be crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So you literally would be an army of people. How many people would you get into a game, then? Well, you can only get a maximum of 200 units so or 200 not 200 units but it's like 200 supply is what it's called because for every uh every unit requires like for uh the zerg to create units you you'll max out your unit so you start off you can only have 10 units on the board and then you have to build a thing called an overlord and for each overlord you can you can build another five units so you could have potentially 200 people as individuals 200 different individuals logged into a server well it wouldn't be at 200 but it would be like you could have like 130 or 150 or something because certain units are anyway
Starting point is 00:53:01 it's like that would be fucking wild it would have 150 people online representing a team yeah i mean is that what's going to happen with oculus rift it seems like that would be totally possible yeah i think i think that is going to happen with oculus rift and i think that uh how many people are going to die having heart attacks playing that playing that and probably not many but oculus rift having sex well what about the running with the fucking oh you mean running on the fucking omni directional treadmills that yeah on the omni yeah you're no you're right i mean i think that's going to be one of the problems that we see is people are going to get sick and people are going to like go into cardiac arrest people are going to have the most amazing legs ever people are going to
Starting point is 00:53:36 be ripped but they're people are going to be using this is something that uh silva was talking about he had a word for like the mixture of certain psychedelics and video games silva who jason silva jason silva he had this uh he was talking about some kind of mix of psychedelics and video games so it's like not only are you going to be putting the rift on but you're going to be taking some synthetic drug that helps you merge into the video game more so that you can merge into it more. You get deeper into it. Maybe it'll just be marijuana. Bath salts.
Starting point is 00:54:07 But you're going to smack that fucking Rift on, man. And I haven't seen much mention of porn yet with the Oculus Rift. But come on, man. Think about first-person porn. They filmed their first porn with a Google Glass. Yep. Yeah, some guy filmed porn with a Google Glass. There you go, man.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I don't think Joe would like StarCraft. I think he would be more like like a battlefield 4 i disagree with battlefield this is battlefield 4 where you're there's tons of people playing at once that's way better and you're in that direct you're in 3d like this yeah you can get in planes you can get in tanks yeah see this to me this to me speaks to me as like an individual like as a human being experiencing life like i know i'm just in a video game but you're running around with a machine gun you're This, to me, speaks to me as an individual, as a human being experiencing life. I know I'm just in a video game, but you're running around with a machine gun. You're flying around in a plane. It's like you're seeing it from the point of view of an actual player.
Starting point is 00:54:53 When you're looking at it above, I'm sure it's really cool, but it lacks that feeling like it's actually happening. It's apples and oranges. It's chess versus Quake. It's a whole different thing you're you're controlling you know it's multitasking to the nth degree mixed in with planning and mixed in with strategy with these kinds of first person shooters you're dealing with a whole different type of gameplay and those are fucking fun man let me i was just telling brian i cannot wait for the new grand theft auto Auto to come out. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:27 That looks amazing. And that's not even on the new generation of consoles, man. That's just a – that's on the – we'll have access to that in a few months. And it looks so fun. And there's like a giant forest in it, I've heard. And there's rumors that there's a Bigfoot that lives in the forest. That's awesome. I know, man. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Did you ever play Quake, like a duel? Did you ever do duels with Quake? Yeah. Duels are fascinating because they got it down to when they know when weapons would respawn, so the whole key to a duel was controlling the map. You had to know where the rocket launcher is. You had to get to the guy before the rocket launcher respawned. You had to make sure that he never got a good weapon so all you have is like
Starting point is 00:56:07 a little blaster when you spawn and then if someone kills you and they're all armored up and they're filled with weapons they can fuck you up and the key is like you got to figure out a way to kill that guy while he's all armored up it's very very difficult and it becomes like this massive duel to get to various strong spots on the map where's the armor where's the rail gun where's this and where's that and it's so fun man and it's so funny the way it's too fun unfortunately yeah i i actually deleted my fucking starcraft so funny two nights ago i deleted starcraft so many times i tried again i deleted starcraft and then pendleton texted me and he's like uh i want to come over on fr and kick your ass at StarCraft again.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And then it's like, oh, well, fuck you, man. We'll play. Because when I played Pendleton, I didn't know that he knew how to play. So I got really cocky and was being lazy and fucking around. And then he stomped my ass. He crushed me in the most horrible way so i wasn't prepared for that i thought he was like just to just started playing and you know what i think he had that's a pathetic thing that's how bad i suck at starcraft he just started playing and he got that
Starting point is 00:57:16 i think he's just really a really really smart guy i mean have you seen adventure time yeah it's genius so when you do it um it's possible for someone to just learn right away? No, not me. I've been playing now for like two years, and I'm still in the Silver League. The Silver League. I just got out of the Bronze League, which is the lowest league. You're such a dork. I got to pee.
Starting point is 00:57:42 I'll be right back. All right. I got to pee. Sorry. Hey, everybody. Hi. I had to pee, too, but I've been holding it in. But that's cool. lowest league you're such a dork i gotta pee i'll be right back all right sorry hey everybody hi i had a p2 but i've been holding it in but that's cool you go and then we'll go have you seen this um this new campaign uh about pornography they somebody sent it to me on twitter pornography is the new drug like this is the new drug and then it's like fight fighter blog like they're
Starting point is 00:58:03 fighting pornography it's like fighter blog and fighter It's it's very odd. It's what are they saying? Well, you know They're essentially saying things that people have always said about pornography that people get addicted to it that it can affect your relationships And yeah, it can with some people but it's another one of those things. It's just like TV booze Cigarettes any fill in the blank it's like yeah yeah you could just jerk off all day and sometimes that happens to all of us for like like
Starting point is 00:58:31 a week you know especially when you're single you know when you're single like you could easily when you live but when i live by myself and i was single i can easily have jerked off twice a day for like a week in a row yeah the other day i masturbated and then like i like two minutes later i was like oh i'm gonna masturbate i'm then, like, two minutes later, I was like, oh, I'm going to masturbate. I'm like, wait, I still have cum on my hands. Like, it wasn't even, like, no time had even passed.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Like, it was only a few minutes. Yeah, people are weird. They're weird as fuck. And, yeah, when you get something like pornography where you could just watch people fuck
Starting point is 00:58:58 and get stimulated, for sure you can get addicted to that. But does that mean that because you get addicted to it, it shouldn't be available to people that enjoy it? Does that, you know, does that mean that because you get addicted to it, it shouldn't be available to people that enjoy it?
Starting point is 00:59:06 Does that mean that just because you think it dehumanizes people and objectifies people that everyone looks at it that way? It definitely is changing the kids nowadays. Oh, yeah. Like these girls, you know, I forget who, I think it was Sarah Tiana has a bit about it where, you know, like the girls that are growing up nowadays think that it's normal to get cummed on their face. So you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:59:28 That's what you're supposed to do when you have sex. Or you're supposed to have a fist in your ass once in a while. Because the porn is so shocking and crazy, and they're watching it at such a young age. Usually, back in the day, you used to look at a playboy and go, that girl has nice boobs. But you're not seeing crazy, full-on, triple-X porn back then. And people are seeing it on their phone. And they're seeing it at a young age, too. It's almost like you can't stop it.
Starting point is 00:59:53 And the other thing is, how about grooming? Grooming. Grooming the pubic hairs. Porn won that. Porn won that battle. Okay, everybody does it now. It's very rare that girls let their whole box get crazy. Crabs is going extinct, actually, because of that.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Yeah, that's true. I'm going to pee now. Feel free to talk shit about me when I'm gone. Isn't that amazing that crabs are going extinct? Yeah. That's weird. They're like the indigenous people in the rainforest that are getting wiped out. To think that we had something that is going to be extinct one day disney should do a cartoon about like a tribe
Starting point is 01:00:30 of crabs living in the pubic hair of someone who's on the verge of shaving their her pussy and they've got to like convince her not to do it save it do i i i love it man i had this girl uh recently that had a bush and i forgot how nice it was to have a bush you know just a little teeny bush i get i i i mean i if a girl wants to shave her pussy because it makes her feel better i think it's good but it's not something i really i like that much i like it when there's some hair down there i always just feel weird when they've they've decided to take that leap because Because, I mean, if it makes them more comfortable, it makes sense. But if they're trying to appeal to some notion that that's what guys want,
Starting point is 01:01:12 I think that could be a little off base. I don't know that that's exactly the thing that guys fantasize about. Man, just a nice shave, pussy. Right. I've never gotten it. That's never been a thing that it just made me feel like wow you're really committing to to fucking right i just recently started shaving my balls because joseph's that he uh shaves his balls and i'm like you know what
Starting point is 01:01:36 i've never really just like shaved him completely bald and so i did and it's so much nicer what do you use uh just a razor put some soap on it or some shaving cream, and I get your light sensor. Once I was trimming my pubes, and I sliced a piece of my skin with the scissors. It was really sad because I was about to go on a date, and I'm like, I've got to trim this bush. And I ended up cutting a piece of my skin off. So it's like now if we end up having sex, she's going to think I have some kind of soul. She's never going to believe you either.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Like, yeah, like I was trimming my pubes for you. I was so excited that I cut myself. I caught my dick in a zipper once, more than once, but once in a way that it left like a mark, like a little herpes mark or something. Oh, so painful. Yeah. Yeah, you got to wear underwear, you know?
Starting point is 01:02:23 You got to. One time I caught it with underwear, and it was not that bad. I've caught my dick so many times on a zipper. I can't even imagine if I had to count it up. I'd be so sad. I know how fucking stupid I am. It's more than a dozen over my whole life. But one time it was bleeding.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Oh, fuck that. That sucks. Ouchies. Ouchies. Yeah. I go button fly nowadays. I hate zippers. Button fly is a good move.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I got a problem, man. I need to figure out better pants. I need to start wearing pants that are too big and then get a belt that ties them down because when pants fit my waist, they don't fit my troll-like thighs. Well, you just... I mean, do you get straight leg?
Starting point is 01:02:59 Do you get... I get baggy ones. They're not baggy. They have to be like skateboarder baggy to be baggy on me. Oh, weird. Like regular Levi 501s, good fucking luck. I can't put those on. I can't even get those.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I get those halfway up my thigh and they're stuck. I can't wear them. That's the regular jeans that guys are supposed to wear. I can't wear those. I guess can't you buy them big and just go to a tailor? I think I'm going to have to buy them the right length but a wider waist just to see if they make the legs. They must make your legs bigger than they figure.
Starting point is 01:03:28 You're a fat fuck. Right. Yeah. I got a real problem with that, though, because on TV I look like I'm wearing girls' jeans. Because my jeans are tight on the top like I'm wearing skinny jeans. You can see my package is all bundled in there and tucked. You know what I'm saying? There's this app called Tinder.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Have you heard of it yet? No, no, I haven't heard of it. What's Tinder? Tinder is this thing where what it does, it's based on location, and it will pull up a girl's photo, and it will say, like, this girl is, like, you know. A block from you.
Starting point is 01:03:58 A block from you, right. Oh, my God, so crazy. And you say, like, a thumbs up or a thumbs down. And you can, like, look through their photos and everything like that. But my friend Benji Aflalo, he found this secret. So what we do is we just sit there as fast as we can and accept, accept, accept, accept. Don't even look at the photos because you're going through millions of them. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And then if they like you back, it brings up a chat room. And this guy I know says that he's gone for the last six months. he's gone on like 30 dates and about 90% of them he's fucked say yes man guys that guy's on a rampage fuck being addicted to pornography that's what he's a dick we were talking to when you went to pee about there's a some new campaign called about pornography being the new drug and I don't disagree but I don't agree that you should stop it. I don't agree that you should tell people they can't do it. I don't agree that you can tell people they shouldn't watch it.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I feel like it's like everything else. Just like booze, just like cigarettes, just like coffee, you can overdose on StarCraft. You can overdose on everything. And you can overdose on porn. Or a regular person, I believe it's possible to jerk off, watch a little bit of porn, and then go about your day. I know people that do that.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I just wish these fucking fundamentalist creeps would get their goddamn morality and ethics and fear dynamics out of our orgasms. I don't think that this is a fundamentalist organization i don't i sound from what i looked maybe from what i looked though it didn't reference religion at all it seemed to be it was just there you know it's just a an organization that thinks that pornography itself is detrimental to society and to relationships. And I can see how they would say that, but I say, no, I say though, the behaviors of people that are addicted,
Starting point is 01:05:51 those are the things that are detrimental to societies. And those behaviors can manifest themselves in porn. They can also manifest themselves in gambling. They can manifest itself in a lot of different crazy things. People are fucking nuts and the regularto-day job of no risk, no reward, that pattern of life is not fucking rewarding. And because of that, people have these, they go on these nutty chases off into the woods of craziness.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And they'll bet their entire house on a fucking hand of cards. They'll do nutty shit. And that, I mean, it's not always because of uh mundane jobs but there's a part of us whatever it is whatever's the cause of it the point is there's a part of human beings that will just get obsessed with something and get crazy with something and just fucking run with it and then go oh jesus what did i do and it could be that with pornography sure but it could be that with almost anything. And if you looked at the amount of people that watch pornography and aren't crazy and don't objectify women because of it and aren't mean to people because of it
Starting point is 01:06:55 and don't hate and don't want to rape and kill, I would have to assume that that's much larger. And there's also studies that show that people that are exposed to whether uh it's extreme like rough sex or or or different types of sex or different different you know different uh sexual acts that it can ease their desire to perform those acts that it can actually like especially like things like like rough sex like there's some people that have fantasies about that. They can watch it in a porn and never want to hit somebody. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And they think that it can act as, you know, it can have some sort of an alleviating effect. I mean, I don't know if these studies are biased. I don't know if they went into it trying to prove something and if it's been rejected by science. But I know the argument is kind of strange that it has that sort of a alleviating effect that has that sort of a release mechanism effect like violent movies a lot of people feel the same way i find it incredibly strange that we have no problem with violent movies there's very little blowback to these batman movies zombie movies or all these different movies but yet if there was that same type of extreme sexuality in a film, we would lose our fucking minds.
Starting point is 01:08:11 But isn't extreme violence just as disturbing, if not more disturbing, than extreme sexuality? Well, isn't it funny that the two even get put in the same goddamn category? That they're even compared. One, you have just pleasure-seeking people trying to reach temporary utopian states uh by coming on the other you have people actively killing each other and
Starting point is 01:08:32 yet somehow people even bring those two together it's like talking about dragons versus butterflies like one's just supposed to be fun you know and i think that's one of the that that's one of the problems with this repressed sexual culture that we live in is that what ends up happening is people watch porn and what they're seeing a lot of times is the result of sexual repression. You know, when you get that creepy narrator, I'm sure we've talked about this before, but that guy who like ruins the porn. You know what I'm talking about? Yes. The creepy narrator who like, ooh, what do we have here? Oh, little dirty girl.
Starting point is 01:09:05 You dirty. You dirty. You want to suck this dick. You know what's the worst? What? Is when the cameraman does it. The girl's having sex with the guy and the cameraman's going, oh, yeah, you want to suck this cock?
Starting point is 01:09:15 Can you suck it all the way down? You're like, hey, what's going on here? Who's that creep with the camera? You know, that fucking weirdo. It's just so fucking weird, man. And it's like, that that porn tone you know that thing what is that where suddenly oh yeah this is what we're doing and sometimes it's the girl too sometimes girls can be like oh yeah fuck me baby oh yeah fuck me like hey hey jesus what's going
Starting point is 01:09:39 on here that thing it's all the screaming yeah Yeah, that thing. That thing is so weird, and that is just a result, I think, of sexual repression. Okay, I don't know about that. I think because to some guys, that's what they like to hear. Some guys want to hear that girl being all loud and obnoxious. Oh, yeah, fuck my ass, baby. And then some guys also want to hear the guy. I think it's all the styles. Everyone's wildly different.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Everyone's got their own style. guys also want to hear the guy you know i think it's all the styles everyone's wildly everyone's got their own style but the point is how weird are we where extreme violence is the expendables it's everywhere and they shoot someone in the head their fucking brain explodes that's a someone's baby that guy just shot someone's baby that grew up in the head and his fucking skull exploded and we accept it because he's the bad guy right you know and why is that acceptable why is that not just acceptable but barely criticized well it's because uh a long time ago some really fucked up dudes started controlling everything and it's been going on and on like that for a very long time and we're the we're the descendants of super sexually repressed fundamentalist religious fanatics who came over here to start utopian societies.
Starting point is 01:10:50 And as part of their understanding of things, decided that they were going to lock that pussy underneath a Bible. And that's where we're at today. It's just true, isn't it? That is what it is, isn't it? Yes. it is isn't it yes it's just it's just a a really beautiful messy act that's kind of embarrassing but it's just ultimately fun and we've managed to turn it into a goddamn multi-eyed hp lovecraft monster that you're not supposed to talk about certainly never show it to your kids never want your kids to see sex ever that's the worst thing it thing. It's like the most, it's just fucked up.
Starting point is 01:11:26 It's like Nancy Grace shit, man. Speaking of, did you hear about that? Yeah, some guy was trying to kill Nancy Grace. Yeah, found a bunch of knives and stuff. Was he on his way to her house or something? I don't know. You know Jamie? No.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Well, poor Nancy Grace. Are you loud in bed? Am I loud in bed? Yeah, do you make noises? How dare you? Who the fuck are you? I want to know what it is. Is you loud in bed? Am I loud in bed? Yeah, do you make noises? How dare you? Who the fuck are you? I want to know what it is. Is that your little secret?
Starting point is 01:11:50 I vary. I vary wildly. Like in all things I do. I like to mix it up. Duncan, are you? It depends on what kind of sex is happening. And what kind of ball gag he's got in his mouth. It depends on how tight the ball gag is.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Did you guys see that Yoko Ono thing? Speaking of ball gag. I've seen that. Did you guys see the new thing that she did? Singing the cover of the Adele song? I saw that. That's kind of old. I've seen that.
Starting point is 01:12:15 How old is it? Adele's only been around for a couple of years. I mean, I saw it like a year ago. 2012? Pull it up because this bears repeating. For folks who haven't seen this at home, she does this thing. I don't know. I mean, it's almost like now she's heard the criticism,
Starting point is 01:12:33 so she's just taking it to the next level and making it a joke. And so Yoko Ono is at this art gallery, and she pulls up this microphone. She's really strange. Someone Like You is the song. She's dressed real weird. People still sort of give her attention because she was John Lennon's wife. John Lennon was a motherfucker in his time. So she gets up to this microphone.
Starting point is 01:13:09 She's just so weird and I'm sure most of the people in that crowd were like what the fuck John Lennon what did you do to us is it is she kind of making fun of adele i don't know i think how could she be because that's kind of like maybe that's her interpretation of modern music or something like she's like making fun of what she considers to be the empty uh emptiness or the book, you're looking into it too far, pal. This is why I say not,
Starting point is 01:13:51 because she never did anything good before that. It's not like she did something that was like really cool and interesting, and then people really got into it. And then she's doing this as a parody. No, that's like, she's always done that, that thing there,
Starting point is 01:14:04 that, she's always done that that thing there that she's always done that like bill burr had this hilarious bit about chuck berry and john lennon doing a solo together they're a duo rather and they're they're singing this song and you know john lennon's there singing and yoko ono is like playing the the fucking tambourine the background and she just pulls up a microphone and goes, ah, like she, she makes this crazy noise and like,
Starting point is 01:14:30 and you can see the look on Chuck Berry's face. Like they, whoever made the video of the bill Burr thing did an awesome job. He, was it mischief maker? Did he make it? No. Some other dude,
Starting point is 01:14:38 whoever made it, they froze frame right when Chuck Berry had this crazy look in his eyes. Like what the fuck did that bitch just do, man? I've noticed that there's people like that who will attach themselves to things and ruin it. Like, there's always, a lot of times, you'll find yourself around someone who's just going to squawk out some bullshit and ruin everything.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Yeah. I would love to see that, Brian. Yeah, you ought to see the Bill Burr version of it. No, no, no. But anyway, she's up there playing the bongos right so john lennon chuck berry two of the greats of all time harmonizing singing this hit from the 1950s that's what this moment's about and yoko in the middle of it can't handle that she's not getting any shine she takes the fucking microphone out of the stand starts playing the bongo and as they're singing
Starting point is 01:15:22 you know go go johnny whatever, she picks up the mic and I swear to God goes, some fucking crazy shit. And you see Chuck Berry's eyes fucking open as wide as they are and it's that fucking look.
Starting point is 01:15:42 What did he do? What is it about some dudes like a John Lennon type guy that seems by all accounts to be one of the coolest people that's ever lived? This brilliant artist, these amazing songs, this great way of looking at life, and then he has this really weird wife. Asian fetish, man. Back then, it wasn't that common to have an Asian girlfriend, right?
Starting point is 01:16:04 No. I think it was also who she was i think some women will provide they will provide like a guidance thing to some guys like ozzy osbourne's wife obviously a very strong woman very opinionated successful business woman and she takes care of one of the craziest guys in rock and roll that's why that show was so interesting because you got this guy that's like eating pigeons' heads on stage. He's a fucking animal. He's done every drug known to man.
Starting point is 01:16:29 He goes on stage and kids go, Fucking crazy! It's fucking Ozzy! He represents the angst of every fucked up kid. He's goddamn Ozzy Osbourne. And he's singing Crazy Train and everybody's going nuts. And then he's got this wife who's like on the ball, taking care
Starting point is 01:16:48 of shit, putting things in line, managing his career, make sure he gets paid. We're going to do a reality show, honey. You know, and all of a sudden, oh, it's a reality show. He's running around. He can barely talk. He's on a fucking reality show. His wife and his kids are getting all the attention. Well, not all
Starting point is 01:17:04 the attention, but it's almost impossible to understand him. Yeah. But they find this. In his case, it was a positive. He found this woman who was really on the ball. But in John Lennon's case, not. He just found this woman who just said, Come here, hold my hand.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I'll take this. I got this. And she just, I've seen it happen. I've seen it happen with comics. Have you ever met a comic and they have a girlfriend that's sort of running the show? Christina Brzezinski? Tom Segura is hilarious. That's a bad one.
Starting point is 01:17:32 But I had a friend back in the day. He sadly has passed. But he had a girlfriend. And his girlfriend was, you know, sort of like his manager type situation. Just running the show. Like, you know, deciding what he does and what he doesn't do. running the show like you know deciding what he does what he doesn't do and they get you know they get linked up together and it gets it gets weird it's like they become a package deal like every time you're around mike you're also around cindy
Starting point is 01:17:53 like oh jesus here we go or they'll start sharing emails yes oh that's a big one that's a big one where they have the same email account yeah he me and the wife have the same email account. Dude, I'm not trying. I don't know your wife. We're not friends. Okay, I'm trying to send you an email. Do you have your own email so we can talk shit and I can maybe send you a porn link? And not have to deal with your wife going, hey, that's a shared email account. I don't appreciate you sending him all your bullshit.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Or every time you call, they're on fucking speaker. Oh, that's bad. Yeah, that's bad yeah that's bad or how about when the woman answers the phone it's his cell phone yeah you know you're like hello like i thought i was calling mike who is this is is mike there yeah who's this please like oh jesus like you know not even famous people uh this is joe can i talk to and then you're like dude why is your girlfriend answer your phone oh hey, hey, I don't care. You know, it's no big deal.
Starting point is 01:18:46 It's just laying around. Like, that person is, like, controlling your environment. So weird, isn't it? It's so weird. It's so weird. It's weirder. It's just as weird if a guy does it. If a girl's phone's ringing, like, who's this?
Starting point is 01:18:57 Hello? Debbie? Debbie who? Yeah, I'll get her. Hold on. Oh, I hate it, Joe. I hate that shit. I'll allow you to Hold on. Oh, I hate it, Joe. I hate that shit. I'll allow you to talk to Debbie.
Starting point is 01:19:07 It's so creepy, man, when people try to control each other like that. It's so spooky, isn't it? It is spooky. It is fucking spooky. It's dangerous, too. It is. It's tricky. It's dangerous.
Starting point is 01:19:18 You got to just know when someone really likes you. If they don't like you, either find someone who does or figure out what's wrong with yourself. If you don't, you're going to get in that cycle. Like that girl that I dated that went through my phone and took screenshots of every single text I did, every photo that I had in there and sent it to herself. Like pretty much spent four hours while I was sleeping in bed just going through my phone and making copies of everything. Well, that's obviously a person that thought you were doing something different than what you were doing. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:44 She just decided that she had the right to do that right you don't have the right to do that to people no you don't you know and that's one of the weirdest things to go to become the NSA you don't have the right to go through someone's phone I mean if someone's lying to you yeah that sucks it sucks that someone lied to you but you know what it sucks just as bad are you going through their fucking phone that's that's i mean finding out that someone betrayed you by betraying them nobody wins there right you know that's not a win and it's certainly not a win if you're using it to i don't know what the fuck it's like people need to figure out a way to just get along better i don't know what it is i don't know how how you eliminate the 50 plus divorce rate that we have in this country i don't know how you eliminate the 50% plus divorce rate that we have in this country.
Starting point is 01:20:26 I don't know how you get it so that people can figure out how to not be that person, not be the woman, not be the man, not be the problem. But fuck. It's so hard to do. Yeah, you got to let go, man. You just got to let go. I mean, you got to let go. If somebody's going to leave you, they're going to leave you.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Well, it's not just that it's you gotta let go while you're with them too that's what i mean i'm saying like going through by the time it gets to the point where you're going through somebody's emails to see if they're cheating on you that fucking that ship has left the port right it's over whether they're cheating on you or not you guys are so unconnected that you don't know what they're doing uh well you never know what someone's doing no i mean you don't know what they're doing. Well, you never know what someone's doing and they're not with you. No, I mean,
Starting point is 01:21:07 you don't trust what they're doing. Right. You're so unconnected. Did you hear about that guy that disappeared for 22 years or I think it was 19 years,
Starting point is 01:21:15 something like that. A long ass time. His family assumed he was dead. They had five children. They got a life insurance policy, $800,000. And it turns out
Starting point is 01:21:24 he was living with his gay lover in Palm Springs. Wow. Duncan, are you tweeting right now? You're not really here. I'm sculpting, Joe. What are you sculpting? Play-Doh. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:21:35 This guy, he was a deeply religious guy and just couldn't deal with his sexuality. It was just too crazy for him. He couldn't handle it. And then he went crazy. He went on a vacation and just never came home. He just moved in with this gay guy and just started sucking cock and taking the butt and then just loved it. Just like, this is the place for me. So much so that he abandoned his children. And now his children, like they were eight at the time. Now they're grown. Like one of them is a grown woman and she has children of her own. And she's like, I would never do that to my kids. Like he doesn't understand.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Like he left when I was eight. That was devastating to lose your father when you're eight. Just because, you know, you can't come out of the closet. So you go and you never come back for like X amount of years, 15, 16, whatever the fuck years it was. And then finally do come back and like, look, I fucked up. Like, wow. People can do that too like that's one of those things you got to realize like we're crazy we can that's that's also in the wheelhouse of human behavior it is yeah you i mean that's the trick i think of relationships is just you got to be in the you of all things you've got to be in the moment with
Starting point is 01:22:40 relationships if you start holding on to the idea that that shit's going to last forever, you're, you'll start going crazy. That, that, that's just never, never the case. It's just never the case.
Starting point is 01:22:53 You have to appreciate the moments that are good. And then the moments that aren't so good, you've got to trust that things are going to get better. Yeah. And you've got to have a support system. You've got to have some exercise in your life to blow out the fucking bad bad hormones you gotta have a lot of shit going on and we're not told this you gotta figure it out over stumbling through your life and running in the wall this is a question i have for you it's something i've been thinking about man in a relationship is a
Starting point is 01:23:17 great way to bring it up okay if you don't feel loving towards someone if you don't feel loving towards someone, if you don't feel it, and that quite often happens in relationships where you're just not feeling it. Right. How are you supposed to act? In other words, you can't, if you're not feeling it
Starting point is 01:23:37 and you start acting like you're feeling it, aren't you being dishonest or phony? Hmm. Well, you have to, that's a really, that's a giant general question and that's the problem because it really depends entirely
Starting point is 01:23:49 on the moment. It depends entirely on you, that person the variables are so vast the variables of people, the variables of scenarios the variables of lifestyle, the variables of culture, the variables of what part of the world you're living in.
Starting point is 01:24:06 There's a lot of variables when you're going to answer that question. And it's like, why are you not loving with that person? Who the fuck? I don't know your situation. No. And to find out your situation would take a long time. I would have to deeply delve into each one of your individual lives. I'm saying you wake up in the morning.
Starting point is 01:24:23 You're a little hungover. I'm not even talking about relationships you go to work you feel like shit you don't feel kind empathetic compassionate at all you don't want to listen to anybody yap are you faking it if you start acting kind to the people around you what's better to follow that feeling and just be kind of like closed off or to try to act as though you're happy or you care about the people around you well that's a different scenario in that scenario i feel like you have an obligation to be kind to the people that are around you as much
Starting point is 01:24:56 as is humanly possible without compromising your own sanity without you know getting to the point where someone's taking advantage of you being kind and they're just ruining your life and acting like a shithead all the time. And you're like, hey, dickhead, how about pay attention to yourself? How about you not do that? How about you not spew out every stupid thought that comes out of your fucking mouth that ruins everybody else's conversation because you're doing something really selfish. Sometimes you have to do that. Sometimes you have to regulate.
Starting point is 01:25:21 But other than that, like if you go into work hungover, that's on you, bitch. All right. Be nice to everybody. And you as a human being, you should do it because you want to do it. And if you think I don't want to do it, you're in the wrong frame of mind, period. And that's not a generalization in that type of a scenario. What I thought you were talking about was inside the confines of a relationship. And if you don't feel loving to someone inside the confines of a relationship, well if you don't feel loving to someone inside the confines of a relationship, well, you know, there's so many possible variables. But I ultimately think if you're a balanced person, if you are at least in the mode of balance,
Starting point is 01:25:57 like trying to attempt to achieve balance, you should go with your instincts. And if this is not the person for you, this is not the person for you. Right. You know? Yeah, no, I meant, I just was using that because we were talking about it i i just mean in general you know there's the prescription uh that you know you're nice just be nice even if you don't feel it yeah you could be nice you
Starting point is 01:26:14 could be nice you mean you can sometimes get upset you know sometimes you know just like oh look i'm sorry man i just fucking today's crazy with me but you know unless they're doing something to you be nice it's not their fault that you're nice. It's not their fault that you're hungover. It's not their fault that you're troubled. It's not their fault, you know. As long as they're not, like, interfering with your – as long as they're not being rude or disrespectful to your own space. We have all been there before.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Like, if you come to me and you're like, dude, I'm sorry. I'm just in a shitty mood. I'm like, hey, don't worry about it, man. We don't have to talk. Just chill. Relax. Like, that's one thing about guys, too. Like, say if you and I were in a car, okay, and you're like, hey, don't worry about it, man. We don't have to talk. Just chill. Relax. That's one thing about guys, too. Say if you and I were in a car, okay, and you're like, dude, man, I just don't – I really – I don't want to talk.
Starting point is 01:26:51 I just want to sit. I'll be like, I get it. No worries. Just chill. You can do that. But if a guy and a girl are together and the guy is like, look, I just don't want to fucking talk. I just like – within 10 minutes, like, okay, what's wrong? You can't –
Starting point is 01:27:04 Just tell me what's wrong, dude. What is it? It's such a problem, man. It's such a problem. Cause, cause like I, I, I like to be quiet sometimes. Like I like to just have moments of quiet and stuff. And it really is tough. Cause sometimes it feels like girls translate that quiet into exactly what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:27:22 And it's a real problem. Well, men and women are so fucking radically different as human beings with the hormone levels, the life experiences, the goals and dreams, and the fact that men want to fuck women and the fact that women are willing to let men fuck them. It's like all of it is so bizarre. Yeah. You know, it's so it's there. We're so radically divided in like who we are.
Starting point is 01:27:44 And then yet we love each other. and yet we're constantly around each other. And if you're in a relationship that you really enjoy and is really serious, you're around them all the time, like most of the day on a regular basis. And it's strange. Greg Fitzsimmons has a fucking great bit about it where he talks about like if I had to choose to be with one person on an island for the rest of my life. He goes, if it was you or my wife, I'd be like, sorry, honey, I'm going to live with Joe on an island. He goes, because we're going to have fun.
Starting point is 01:28:16 He goes, when was the last time you went? I'm going to have a great conversation with my wife. He's like, that doesn't fucking happen. He's like, he goes, yeah, I love her. Yeah, we have children together, but I'm hanging out with my friend. He goes, yeah, we're not going to get any sex, but so what? We'll just go jerk off in the bushes, and then we'll make each other laugh for the rest of the day.
Starting point is 01:28:34 And that's because we're men, and we understand men. And that's why when women get together, and they tell jokes about purses and shoes and fucking Fif 50 Shades of Grey or whatever the fuck they're into, whatever their style of person is into, you know, whether it's whatever, feminist jokes, whatever. They get together and they laugh at the shit that they think is funny. And if you were there, you'd be like, oh, fucking Christ. But for them, it's so awesome. They're laughing.
Starting point is 01:29:02 And they're LOLing and they're saying stupid shit to each other that they like to hear. Right. Why? Because they don't have estrogen. Or they don't have testosterone, rather. They have estrogen. They have ovaries. They don't have a penis.
Starting point is 01:29:13 They have a vagina. It's a totally different setup. It's a different animal. It's a totally different thing. Yeah. So for you to try to become what she wants you to be, that's madness. And for you to want her to become what you want her to be, that's madness too. You gotta figure out what each other is and just sort of accept it.
Starting point is 01:29:30 And as soon as you don't do that, you're fucked. You're fucked. You're just gonna fucking hit the rocks. It's not gonna last. It's gonna fall apart. You're closing your eyes and hitting the gas and one day eventually you're gonna hit something. It's not gonna work. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 01:29:44 So when someone's going through your fucking emails and checking your text messages hitting the gas and one day eventually you're going to hit something. Right. It's not going to work. Right. Yeah, it's true. So when someone's going through your fucking emails and checking your text messages and sending all that shit to themselves, that's not, it's never going to work. It's never going to work for all the wrong. What? You don't know he's crazy? Right. You don't know Brian Redband's a freak?
Starting point is 01:29:58 Are you not paying attention? Right. How are you not paying attention? Do you not know this guy? I know this guy. You know, I don't have to look at his phone. I know him. We're so radically different, though, that that is a lesson that's so easily said and so impossible to absorb.
Starting point is 01:30:15 And then it doesn't help that if you tune into The View and they're all going, oh, no, girl, he needs to give you his phone. You need to take that phone. You need to be able to look at that phone any time of day, whatever you want. You need to be able to do that. Pornography is just as bad as cheating. I've heard that. I've heard that.
Starting point is 01:30:31 There was an argument that was on the Fight Porn website. A woman was saying that watching porn is just as bad as cheating, which is crazy talk. You know, we're just totally different at Muskrats and unicorns. I was dating a girl once a long time ago and, and I, you know, made the mistake of leaving porn up on the computer and leaving. And like she came in and saw whatever porn website I had up in my apartment. I don't remember why she was going into my apartment, but I remember coming home.
Starting point is 01:31:02 I guess I told her to meet me there or something. I remember coming home and she's sitting on my bed and she's in tears and she's like is this who you are this is what you like you like jerking off to this shit i'm not good enough for you it was shocking because i at that time i didn't realize that that was some women associated my four minutes or five minutes of lubing up my hand and jerking off to some random clip is like something um something offensive yeah i didn't because it's such a small little it's such a small little thing that's what you failed to mention though it was gay porn That's why she was pissed off I went on a date with a girl Whose mom is older than
Starting point is 01:31:52 Or younger than me Oh Jesus Christ Hey is there any booze in here man? Can we get a drink? Yeah Do we have ice? No What time is it?
Starting point is 01:31:59 It's 9.30 9.25 It's not going to start until 10 o'clock We're at the ice house tonight folks If you haven't If you're in the neighborhood and you haven't made plans for the evening. Hey, dude, did you happen to... I'm going to get ice.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Did you... Okay. Joe, did you see that fucking Pacific Rim? No, I didn't. Did you? Yes. You did see it. We were talking about it the other day.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Ugh. Ugh? Oh, my fucking God, man. It's so bad. It's visually really cool, but the characters are... I tweeted that I didn't like it and caught a lot of flack from people who like robots and Godzillas. And they're like, look, have you ever seen a Godzilla movie? You expect that to have good characters?
Starting point is 01:32:38 But it's like, come on. Just because it's got fantasy beings in it doesn't mean it can't be good. Right. There's a lot of fantasy beings movies that doesn't mean it can't be good right there's a lot of fantasy beings movies that are awesome you know even simple ones like you didn't like avatar though avatar i liked better than i liked i made it through avatar i didn't make it through pacific rim i left really 40 minutes in oh my god i that. I'm bored out of my fucking mind. That's amazing. And this is a Benicio del Toro, or not Benicio del Toro,
Starting point is 01:33:09 Guillermo del Toro. This is one of those things where he presents it. I don't know if he, I'm not positive about that, but he did the same thing with Mama, where it's like Guillermo del Toro presents Mama. It just like attaches his name to it. I mean, I would not go see Pacific Rim.
Starting point is 01:33:25 I would go see that movie that's coming out this Friday about the new... What's his name? The guy who did Grizzly Man. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Werner Herzog? Yeah. He's putting out a movie called The Act of Killing.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Oh, I heard about this. It's very disturbing. I heard it's disturbing, and I heard it's brilliant. Yeah, that's what I heard. His stuff is always brilliant. The only thing that I didn't connect with with him is that cave, the movie about the cave art. Oh, yeah. Cave of Forgotten Dreams?
Starting point is 01:33:54 Yeah, it didn't, for whatever reason, I didn't really, I don't know, I didn't enjoy that one as much. That's a snoozer, dude. That one knocks your ass out. Yeah, I don't know why everybody liked that one. I was watching that one. I was like, hmm, there's nothing there for me. But I knocks your ass out. Yeah, I don't know why everybody liked that one. I was watching that one. I was like, hmm, there's nothing there for me. But I love the happy people. I told you about that one. Life on the Taiga
Starting point is 01:34:11 about all these people that live in Siberia and they're trappers and fishermen and hunters and they're just so happy. They're all like dancing and hugging each other and out there living off the land and teaching each other how to survive. It's really, it really an amazing movie. Yeah, he's a genius, man.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Yeah, he's a bad motherfucker. And also I heard Blackfish is really good too. What's Blackfish? Blackfish is, I think it's called Blackfish. It's about SeaWorld, and it's about the way they kidnap orcas and bring them in and how the orca is like, you know, every once in a while the orca will, like, grab one by the arm or kill. One of them got killed.
Starting point is 01:34:46 An orca killed one of them. But, you know, these are super intelligent beings that you're keeping in a swimming pool, basically, and it's just torture and a hellish existence for them. Yeah, and they're like, what? Oh, I can't understand you. I guess you're going to have to keep doing tricks if you want fish. Yeah. Do you want this fish? Okay, you know what I want from you doing tricks if you want fish. Yeah. Do you want this fish?
Starting point is 01:35:05 Okay, you know what I want from you? I want you to flip. Yeah. Let me out of here. I don't know what you're saying. Do you want the fish? You have to flip. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:13 It's so fun. You know, they found out the dolphins can, well, they believe, rather, the dolphins have names for each other. Yes. Yeah, it's so cool. And I'm sure orcas do, too, I bet. Yeah. They kill dolphins, though.
Starting point is 01:35:24 They call them non-human people. In India, that's what they've started calling them, is too, I bet. Yeah. They kill dolphins, though. They call them non-human people. In India, that's what they've started calling them, is non-human people. Yeah. It's really obvious they're smart as shit. There's no way that they should be in swimming pools. It's so horrific. Did you see that woman in front of the dolphin aquarium doing backflips for them? And they stopped to watch her.
Starting point is 01:35:43 And it's like they're really into watching it. both two of them are just sort of sitting there watching one of them seems to be like grinning it seems like they're really smiling like they think it's funny or weird have you seen when they look in the mirror have you seen those videos yeah that's amazing they like pose and like they like they really are into themselves they're very aware of what they are yeah yeah and i think it's cool to them to see themselves like they don't get to see that under the ocean ever so all of a sudden they have a mirror it's got to be a weird thing to have that sort of branch of development where their cerebral cortex is very evolved they have this very complex language and dialects and so
Starting point is 01:36:22 complex and so different from ours that we don't understand it we have like are trying to pick out patterns and bits and pieces but as far as anyone been able to translate dolphin into like a code that you could read as english text no one's been able to do that they can't do it but yet they understand what you're saying when you say uh hey you want a piece of fish you want a piece of fish do your flip and they'll do the flip like they know what you're saying they they they can know what you're saying. They can understand what you're saying. But we don't understand what they're saying.
Starting point is 01:36:50 It's really kind of interesting. It's fascinating, man. I think a lot of what they're doing, I saw some documentary on them. I wish I could remember what it was, but it's how their language is, a lot of it's movement too. It's not just the sounds they're making, but on top of it is the movements that they're making with the sound. It's also a relational to the to it's like a more of a dance that they're doing with what do you call it a pack of dolphins what do you call it i think it's a pack yeah it's like more it's it's
Starting point is 01:37:15 like they have more of a unified consciousness than human beings do they're more of one thing and so the communication is something that's not as much based on a school of dolphins a school a pod pod pod there you go yeah plurality of lives they move in very strange ways together like that that is kind of cool and they also they they're they're capable of using sound to like to like measure where they're at and their distances from each other yeah you know their their languages are really incredibly evolved and complex where they're at and their distances from each other. Yeah. Their languages are really incredibly evolved and complex, and they're really beautiful in the fact that they're very friendly to human beings and they're playful with human beings.
Starting point is 01:37:54 But what's really freaky is they're rude as shit to each other. They regularly rape. They have these rape caves where they'll tuck a female dolphin in and just fucking rape her forever. That's right. They kill babies on a regular basis. And then orcas will kill dolphins. Orcas will target dolphins and kill them.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Is this dolphin talk? Yeah. We were talking about they found that dolphins can – they have names for each other. Yeah. I know. It's craziness. Dude, did you see that cartoon someone did scientifically accurate duck tales? No. Will you play that, Brian? Can you play that for Joe? What, did you see that cartoon someone did, Scientifically Accurate Duck Tales? No.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Will you play that, Brian? Can you play that for Joe? What is it? It's amazing. It's like Duck Tales, but the way ducks really are. That cartoon, Duck Tales. Remember Duck Tales? Oh, that's so cool.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Pull it up. Yeah, it's really violent and funny and disturbing. Is it violent? Well, ducks are violent. It's like all creatures are kind of fucked up. I mean, all creatures are not, like, innocent. It's interesting, but ducks rape, too. Jamie, are those glasses over there right behind your butt?
Starting point is 01:38:53 Are those dirty glasses or clean glasses? I think they're clean. Lick it. Tell me what's up. Don't lick it. Don't do it. Those look like clean glasses. Yeah, they're clean.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Yeah, bring those bitches over. You got some ice? Scientifically. I think what they're doing right now with zoos and dolphins, I think this is the last generation that does that. That's my prediction. My prediction is that they're going to realize in a few years that what they're doing is really evil.
Starting point is 01:39:19 It's evil and it's unnecessary, and they're not allowed to do it anymore. The United States is not allowed to kidnap dolphins and take orcas from their families. They're not allowed to do it anymore. So they have to be bred in captivity or they have some other, like they're, they're realizing, oh, this is scientifically accurate. Duck just got run over. And another duck ran over and he's fucking the dead duck.
Starting point is 01:39:45 And they're sh in their pants. I wonder if various feminist movements have gotten a hold of this making fun of rape. Yeah, are you trying to spread rape culture? This is quite rude.
Starting point is 01:40:00 I think this is rape culture. I am not. I'm trying to raise awareness about the fact that ducks are raping each other and that it should be stopped. Oh, that's cool. You're cool, man. Thank you. It seems like, I mean, the way this is happening, it's almost like a rape apologist video.
Starting point is 01:40:16 That's why they had a woman do it. She's like the Uncle Tom of the feminists. Oh, that she sang it? Yeah, she sang it. It's not a man saying it. Well, I mean, they ducks rape. I can't believe you said that again. What about a trigger alert?
Starting point is 01:40:29 And I think ducks deserve to rape. Why is that? Because I'm into rape culture, man. I like it. What's your favorite part about rape culture? The paintings. The way the guy's breath smells? I like going to your
Starting point is 01:40:45 neck yeah no i like the symphonies it's like it's funny they call it a culture i'll have a tiny bit please how dare you tiny bit um you the culture well the idea of uh calling it like rape culture that's uh some people protest that because when you put something into that sort of a box like oh it's rape culture well then then is there a murder culture? Because there kind of is, right? There's a gun culture. Whenever you want to define something as being negative, you call it a culture.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Oh, watch out. That bottle's about to fall. Thank you. What are we drinking here? I don't know. That's a bad company. Who gave that to us? Smells good.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Somebody gave us that whiskey a while ago. I think this might have been the Armenians. Oh, yeah. We got this from Ronda Rousey. You want some no i'm good still drunk you're still drunk how dare you brian's living the crazy rock and roll life he really is and it really caught up to him like over the last couple of years like if you follow his instagram or his twitter while you guys were in san when they were in san diego for comic-con it's all just drunken rampages and girls sticking their butts out the whole thing was a mess.
Starting point is 01:41:46 That was so much fun, man. Comic-Con. Have you ever been to Comic-Con? The only time I even went down there was with you. When we did shows last year at American Comedy Co., but I didn't go to the Comic-Con thing at all. I thought it would be too chaotic. People, like the guy from Breaking Bad, he wore
Starting point is 01:42:02 a mask, the Leeds guy, wore a mask of his character. So nobody would know who he is? Yeah, and it was like a super realistic mask. Oh, that's a good move. It was kind of like Mission Impossible mask. So he's like walking around and everyone's like, oh, can I get a picture with you? He's like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:15 That's dope. And then when they had the panel, they called his name and he came up out of the audience and sat down and everyone's like, what the fuck? Who's this weird guy with the mask on? And he just takes off his mask and it's so weird because he's like taking off his own face. Whoa. Yeah, maybe I'll go next year and check it out.
Starting point is 01:42:34 It seems like something you have to do. I heard Patton recorded his comedy special there. Dude, seriously, I went to me and Jam Band. No, it wasn't you benji uh like we went from the beginning of the line and walked to see how far it went and went around the whole entire place went down the street around this other building down this other street like it was the longest line i've ever seen for stand-up comedy where was the venue what was the venue it was a it was a theater that was down the street like a big theater i don't know but it was a is it the one that i did last time did you go with me the last time no san diego's badass i
Starting point is 01:43:10 like it a lot there's a lot of great spots i forget what the pandora i want to say i did the pandora yeah i think that's that's it yeah it's a beautiful theater too it's pretty dope yeah there's uh there's house of blues there that's a great place to perform american comedy company like it used to be that there was no comedy clubs in San Diego. There's Madhouse right down the street from here. Madhouse and American Comedy Company together, and then there's the theaters too. It used to be that San Diego had La Jolla. They had the comedy store, and that was it.
Starting point is 01:43:36 But now it's like a genuine comedy community down there. Yeah. I fucking love it down there. I love that. Comedy Club too. Right next to Mexico. American Comedy Company is great. Did you go to Mexico? there. I love that. It's a comedy club too. Right next to Mexico. American Comedy Club. It's great.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Did you go to Mexico? No, but Yoshi almost, was it Yoshi? Yoshi almost talked me into it because I guess people are saying that it's not as bad as everyone's saying. Like right when you go over,
Starting point is 01:43:56 you just get in the taxi, tell them to take you to this one place and there's like 200 hookers and you just pick which ones you want out. Dude, let me just tell you before anything.
Starting point is 01:44:05 On my show, I was interviewing a disease specialist. I interviewed some new guy who scared the fucking shit out of me. There is a new form of gonorrhea that they cannot cure. In the Philippines, they're finding it in Southeast Asia. And this form of gonorrhea, okay, that's the warning shot, folks. It's making its way over here, and you can't cure it. And it kills a lot of people. Good luck.
Starting point is 01:44:27 So you just have like green shit coming out of your dick for life? I don't know. I don't know what happens. Your dick probably rots off. Falls off.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Yeah. I don't know what happens. I really don't know what happens. But when someone says he can't cure gonorrhea, that ain't good. That can't be good. That's not good.
Starting point is 01:44:42 No. That's fucked up. That's scary. One of the things about this show that's been fucking terrifying is talking to disease specialists. Duncan and I went to Galveston, Texas, and we went to this level four lab, which is like the highest level. That's like where they deal with like Ebola and like, you know, hemorrhagic viruses that those hemorrhagic flus, they tear apart your body. You just bleed out of every hole.
Starting point is 01:45:06 And you turn into mush. Dude, I was scared to go. I was scared to go. And Duncan and I missed our flight. So when we went, we had like zero hours sleep the next day. We slept for one hour. We missed our flight like just from talking. Just from, I think what, we weren't even stoned.
Starting point is 01:45:23 No, we were just having fun talking. We were just laughing. Oh, you were at the airport airport at the airport we're at the airport drinking beer eating pizza and talking and then we like casually forget that there's a time that flights happen well i was wrong i thought it was 20 minutes later than it was and they it was 10 minutes before the flight they had locked the doors yeah and i was like oh no like why won't you let us on like we've already locked the door i go but it's right there you can't just let us on like is it that really that hard to open the door i'm not a terrorist they didn't like call your name over the intercoms or maybe they did i don't think so because you had to take a tram to this place yeah it was it was a crafty situation but the bottom line is duncan and i we waited at the airport and then we flew there
Starting point is 01:46:01 and then we went from there with no sleep got some coffee and went to meet this disease specialist at this creepy fucking lab where they keep you know rabies this is a this lab is a this this lab is straight out of every movie where like a plague starts it's the it's like guarded it's you it's got an an outside shell around. It's got a shell that's basically around another building that has within it different security levels. And in the deepest security levels, that's where they keep the hemorrhagic fever. That's where they keep the Ebola. Four-foot-thick cement walls and the whole deal. HEPA filters. Yeah, it was really – they showed us the filtration system.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I mean, they really have it locked down. But it's in Galveston, Texas. And it's where tornadoes hit, hurricanes hit. It's like right next to the ocean. Right. And it's like all the good shit is way up high. So if the water comes in, theoretically, the water will never reach the areas where the diseases are. Wow.
Starting point is 01:47:02 But it's just, oh, it's so crazy. the diseases are wow but it's just oh it's so crazy like when you really stop and think about what a what a gamble that is like montana used to be underwater did you know that like the whole fucking thing used to be under the great western inland sea so they're just banking that galveston's gonna stay above ground like what what if a massive shift in in the earth's crust happens if there's a giant earthquake right off the coast, guess what? That fucker's underwater now. How well do you have that locked down? They claim it's totally locked down and completely safe.
Starting point is 01:47:33 I was thinking about it, and I was thinking of the outrage and the hubris and all that, of having a zoo of deadly viruses. But then what freaked me out even more is I realized that's necessary. We need that because of the gonorrhea that you're talking about and all the countless other things that are happening all over the planet all the time. That is definitely the thing
Starting point is 01:48:00 that creeped me out the most doing this show was the biopocalypse. the thing that creeped me out the most doing this show was uh bio the by apocalypse yeah that shit is real and scary and provable and a matter of time and when you see the look on these people's faces they look like people with a burden they're people who are operating under the burden of the knowledge that it's only a matter of time before the right duck shits in the right farmyard and the right kid eats that duck meat and that kid sneezes on the right person and 20 million people die. It's only a matter of time. It's like the earthquake that's going to come to L.A.
Starting point is 01:48:41 It's not a matter of if but when. And these people are desperately trying to understand how to create vaccines for shit that maybe doesn't even exist yet that's scary man well they've got a hold of it so far what's really it's it is scary but it's also really incredibly fascinating that we're our bodies are essentially ecosystems that we're not just a person you're a whole bunch of different life forms coexisting together. There's more bacteria cells in your body than there are human cells. The whole thing is a mass of life.
Starting point is 01:49:14 There's E. coli and all this different flora that lives on your skin. That's one of the reasons why probiotics, why you always see me drinking kombucha. I drink this stuff every day. I drink it like crazy and I never get sick. Build your immune system up. Well, it doesn't just build your immune system. It actually creates troops.
Starting point is 01:49:30 It creates healthy bacteria troops that fight off aggressively, fight off incoming troops. Wow, that's weird. So if you come in contact with funky colds or weird shit on your hands, the acidophilus and probiotics, various probiotics will actually go after that stuff and keep it from taking hold. Whereas if you have an unhealthy skin flora, and you know, ironically, what gives you an unhealthy skin flora? Using antibacterial soap.
Starting point is 01:49:57 No shit. Yep. Using antibacterial soap is bad for you. I didn't know that. Because, yeah, most stuff you can cure with just soap and water. Unless you're a surgeon and you're about to cut someone's heart open
Starting point is 01:50:07 and you're worried about MRSA, what you really want is good soap, just soap. And there's, in fact, soap that actually fosters healthy skin flora. There's some stuff
Starting point is 01:50:16 called defense soap that a lot of grapplers use. And if you go to, they sell this healthy soap that has tea tree oil and eucalyptus and all these natural remedies for healthy skin flora promotes healthy skin flora and cleans off all the negative shit.
Starting point is 01:50:33 You shouldn't be fucking with antibacterial soap unless you have a real, you know, doctor prescribed issue for it. That's crazy, man. I didn't know that because when I go to the airport, I'll buy one of those little tubes and slather my hands. That's okay. Every five. That's okay. That's not that bad. Putting it't know that because when I go to the airport, I'll buy one of those little tubes and slather my hands with it every five minutes. That's okay. That's not that bad.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Putting it on your hands is not that bad. When you wash your body with it, that's when shit gets weird. You can wash your hands with antibacterial soap and you'll be fine. But regular old soap and water will kill anything that's bad. You should wash your hands. You should wash your hands on a regular basis, especially when you're touching a lot of things in public places. Then you touch your eyes, your face. That's how things get spread.
Starting point is 01:51:08 Washing your hands just with soap and water can fix most of that. When you wash your body with antibacterial soap, you really fuck up the whole ecosystem on the surface of your skin. I knew a dude who had chronic ringworm. He started getting ringworm from grappling and started getting it everywhere and you know i think it was andy bravo who schooled him on it who said like okay what are you doing like how are you getting this all the time like what are you taking do you use lamisil lamisil is like something that kills it do you take probiotics like you got to not use
Starting point is 01:51:39 antibacterial soap you got to figure out how to like bring your body back to health because this is like a symptom of an issue these what ringworm is is a an invading army and it's got a stronghold in your system and has a stronghold in your system because your system's weak so let's figure out why your system's weak like what is it and that's the holistic approach that very few people take they just go i gotta put some antibacterial soap on this bacterial problem. It's not just that. You're a whole system, you know. But it's really hard for us to wrap our hands, because I'm not a system.
Starting point is 01:52:14 I'm me. You're Duncan Trussell. That's Brian. Like, we're people, right? I'm a person. I know who I am. You're not. No, you're, there's like a consciousness that's moving this school of cells.
Starting point is 01:52:27 You know, and this school of cells, there's a lot of shit going on there. That's fucking crazy, man. That's a crazy thing to think about that we're just like a tightly woven school of bacterial fish swimming through the coral reef of matter. Well, do you want better? Each individual cell is almost entirely space. So we don't even know what the fuck we are. We're this combination of different cells that share some sort of a strange relationship
Starting point is 01:52:52 with each other. Yeah. And each cell is mostly just nothing. Yeah, it's a harmony. And by the way, it's a harmony that's destined to fly apart into a million pieces eventually. Maybe. That's the other, definitely. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Maybe they figure out a way around that, Duncan Trussell. Maybe that's not good. Maybe what we were talking about when we did the Robo-pocalypse show, where we dealt with Robo-sapiens, all these, when we went to,
Starting point is 01:53:14 Duncan and I and Ari went to this Global Future 2045 conference in New York City and met with all these futurists. Are we going to get in trouble saying all this stuff? I thought we were supposed to keep our lit, our,
Starting point is 01:53:23 we're not, we're not giving away any, any secrets. we're just talking about how badass it was that was bad conversations we got to have with these people yeah it was amazing we're we're in strange times people strange fucking times and getting stranger every goddamn day yeah it's true every day it's getting weirder and weirder. Beautiful and weird. I wish... It's just an interesting thing, man. I'll tell you, if you keep doing this show, man, you're going to stumble upon something fucked up.
Starting point is 01:53:53 I don't think so. I think so. That's you, man. You always go to that. Dead babies, Nancy Grace. You're going to stumble on some demonic possession thing. You're going to be in the woods. You're going to find some people.
Starting point is 01:54:04 They're going to be sacrificing virgins. You're going to have to make a decision, man. And it's going to be like a Star Trek thing. You're going to be in the woods. You're going to find some people. They're going to be sacrificing virgins. You're going to have to make a decision, man. And it's going to be like a Star Trek thing or Starcraft thing. You're going to have to move your dongles into a certain place. Your dongles? How dare you?
Starting point is 01:54:15 There's no dongles in Starcraft. See how angry he got? Oh, it was real. It was real, folks. It was real. It was beautiful, but it was real. Duncan Trussell is back on the comedy horse. He will be appearing tonight at the Ice House with a lovely Brian Redman.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Under the comedy horse. I don't know what this is going to be like. Tom Segura. Why do you say that? How dare you? Don't be negative. You're creating your own reality. This is the secret, okay?
Starting point is 01:54:38 I haven't been on stage in two months. It's a secret. It's a secret. Every comic I know hasn't been on stage. It's going to be great. There it goes. It's going to be the greatest set of my life. Every comic that you know know hasn't been on stage. It's going to be great. There he goes. It's going to be the greatest set of my life. Every comic that you know that hasn't been on stage in what?
Starting point is 01:54:49 Says what? Says what? If you haven't been on stage in two months. That sucks? You get a spanking from the gods of comedy. Come on. We all know this. I took three months off once.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Wow. Yeah. When did you do that? A long time ago. I got just, I was. Wow. Yeah. When did you do that? A long time ago. I was burnt out, and I just decided, you know what? I'm in the middle of so much shit. Let me just take some time off. And it was the longest I had ever taken off a comedy.
Starting point is 01:55:15 And then I remember getting back on stage. I was like, oh, this is nice. Like, immediately fell right back into it. I miss it. First setback was weird. Second setback was comfortable. Yeah, man. I'm excited about it, but I know I've got to pay the piper a little bit, fell right back into it i miss it first setback was weird second setback was comfortable yeah man i'm i'm i'm excited about it but i know i've got it i've got to pay the piper a little bit and i'm
Starting point is 01:55:29 willing to pay that price you're still performing see that's one of the things that i found about uh doing podcasts and uh doing them on a regular basis especially like you get used to talking in front of people you get you get you the like the anxiety that fucks up your set that right that's alleviated you're always going on these rants i mean you're doing these rants when we do the podcast for the show in front of like just the suits and the camera people and the the folks that work on the show and you're going right into it going right in the flow you're not being self-conscious you know you're you're completely in the moment. And I think a lot of that has to do with doing a lot of podcasts. Yes, for sure.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Yes, it's definitely a skill that you develop, and you get better at it. You're right, man. It is a form of performance, and it's – yeah, I love it. It's really fun. It's a lot less anxiety-provoking than getting on stage, but I'm excited about getting on stage again. I want to get back into walking around the Ice house, you know, just like being in a comedy club, this thing starts rising in me like, fuck, I miss this man. That it, it, it becomes such a huge part of your
Starting point is 01:56:35 life, you know, but it's like, sometimes you do have to take a break. I had to take a break. I, there's just, I couldn't go on stage after my mom died. It was just too weird. It was like, I just, I didn't, I didn't just didn't want to spend any mental energy dealing with that. I told you about the time I went on stage after Phil Hartman had died. I had one of the worst sets of my life after Phil Hartman had died where I fucked up and I was just starting to get my stage legs back under me. And then I was at a gas station. I ran into a friend who's a police officer and he
Starting point is 01:57:06 gave me some details about the case that I didn't know yeah and it was I'll spare everyone the morbid details but it was enough to really freak me the fuck out and then I went on stage and just I couldn't be funny it was impossible I had nothing funny to say I just ate shit and I knew in the middle of it that I was never gonna pull myself out of it I knew I shouldn't have been up there I should have taken more time off you know whatever I whatever amount of time I remember how and I knew in the middle of it that I was never going to pull myself out of it. I knew I shouldn't have been up there. I should have taken more time off. Whatever amount of time, I don't remember how many weeks it was that I took off.
Starting point is 01:57:31 It just wasn't enough. Sometimes I think you got to do that and I think in comedy, sometimes a more of an athletic mentality gets applied to it, which is like you just got to keep constantly punching the bag no matter what, no matter what, just punch the bag,
Starting point is 01:57:44 no matter what, just go through it. I think if you're going to be doing stand-up your whole life, shit's going to happen that's going to make you have to take some breaks from time to time. Well, even that as an athletic point of view is a bad point of view because one of the key things to athletes is don't get yourself in a rut and keep going.
Starting point is 01:58:04 Recognize what you're doing. Step back. Assess. Reanalyze. Go back into it. And also, if you get injured, don't keep going. Rest up, okay? Give yourself some recuperation.
Starting point is 01:58:15 And I think that a life injury, like, you know, losing a loved one, that's a life injury. Yeah. And you've got to recuperate from that injury. And you have to deal with emotional damage the same way you deal with the damage to a ligament or damage to a muscle yeah and it and it all and you can it grief grief has its own pattern yeah that's really curious because you can see that there's like a a cyclical thing where it like it's it's terrible in cycles but then the the it gets better and better and better and it's really interesting man it's a very natural thing but i don't know how and i've heard of comics who after
Starting point is 01:58:50 their folks die like you keep doing stand-up i just don't know how you do that it's like you got to sit on the bench for a while and buy i just bought a bird feeder i bought bird feeders and just sat on my porch and you know like I was like feeding Right after it happened I was sitting on my porch And I had bird feeders and the birds had started showing up I'm like oh this is great man This is really nice and peaceful And the birds were showing up to the bird feeder And then there's this whack
Starting point is 01:59:16 And a fucking bird flew into the window Right in front of me I'm like I can't escape death I just killed a fucking bird Stop getting so comfortable bitch And on that note I love you buddy I love you too
Starting point is 01:59:33 Hey thanks for putting me on your show Joe It's so cool It's so cool having you You made the whole thing much better Thank you It was really fun We had a good time As did Ari Shafir
Starting point is 01:59:41 Thanks to LegalZoom Go to Use the code name Rogan. Save yourself some money. Thanks also to Use the code word JRE and get yourself a special offer. Thank you to Go to O-N-N-I-T and use the code name Rogan.
Starting point is 02:00:00 God damn, I say these same things so often. It's impossible to do it any other way, folks. Use the code name Rogan. Stick it up your butt and same things so often. It's impossible to do it any other way, folks. Use the code name Rogan, stick it up your butt, and put mushrooms on it and it'll grow spores. And those spores will take over the universe.
Starting point is 02:00:11 And then those spores will eventually be housed in Galveston, Texas, behind 15 miles of glass. Maybe that's what the Earth is for humans. We love the fuck out of you guys.
Starting point is 02:00:21 The West Coast version of the new show, Joe Rogan Questions Everything, starts in six minutes. Hope you enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, that's cool, too. It's tough. It's tough out there for a pimp.
Starting point is 02:00:31 I'm not a pimp. He's a pimp. You're a pimp, too. Love you guys. What does that even mean? What a terrible way to end it. We were doing so well, and I just ran out of words. Yeah, thanks, everybody.
Starting point is 02:00:42 We'll talk to you soon. We'll see you next week. And I'll see you this weekend If you watch the UFC fights Or if you live in Seattle And you go into the Moore Theater Holla Bye
Starting point is 02:00:50 See you soon Love you, big kiss Bye

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