The Joe Rogan Experience - #397 - Josh Barnett

Episode Date: September 24, 2013

Josh Barnett is an MMA fighter, currently fighting in the UFC Heavyweight division. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. So for anybody who doesn't know the difference between, Josh and I were just talking, if you're just tuning in now, about bugs and about the difference between wasps and bees and how fucking evil bees are and how silly it is that vegans don't eat honey. Yes, well, I mean, like I said, the only time I've ever been stung by a bee is because I accidentally stepped on it. You know what I mean? Like it's dancing around in the clovers and the grass. And I just didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:00:31 But otherwise, like bumblebees, most bees, besides like African killer bees, as far as I know, most bees are not aggressive. Whoa. Sorry. Jesus, Brian. Honeybee thing went crazy. Epic music. It's like attacking Mordor. They want to let you know there's some shit going down.
Starting point is 00:00:45 They're not comfortable in just showing you the video. But wasps are gnarly. There's wasps that like tarantula hunters, they capture, they get a tarantula, they sting it,
Starting point is 00:00:54 paralyze it, and then insert their offspring into it and then it hatches out of the spider. I mean, that's a pretty fucked up animal.
Starting point is 00:01:01 That's gangster. That is super gangster. It's hard as shit. It's very metal. Yeah, they take tarantulas off. They carry them away. They sting them. They poison them.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Like tarantulas never beat wasps, apparently. I watched a gang of videos and it was all wasps killing tarantulas. From the area that it can't get to. It gets on its back and that's it. It's done. They just sting the shit out of them. They can do it multiple, multiple times and then they carry them away. This is these Japanese
Starting point is 00:01:26 these giant wasps. They find these honeybees and so they just go up to them and start just cutting them in half. They cut all of them in half. I think there's like 30 of these wasps and they kill hundreds and hundreds of bees.
Starting point is 00:01:42 It'll tell you the exact numbers of how many it killed, probably in the YouTube descriptions. But these things are monsters, man. And they just come in and kill. That's all they do. I mean, they're just coming in and performing genocide on these honeybees. It doesn't seem like they're eating them.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I mean, I don't know what they're doing. They're just killing them. That's crazy. So they can get to the honey unabated. Is that what it is? Or are they mortal enemies? Look killing them. So they can get to the honey, huh? I guess. Is that what it is? Or are they mortal enemies? Look at them. They're gnarly as shit, man. Those are some mean
Starting point is 00:02:11 sons of guns. They look like a cartoon. Like, when you see that big, flat, stupid face with those dark, black eyes, they look almost cartoonish. These things are relentless. You can only imagine that if, let's say, if these bees happen to get it together enough to take one down, it wouldn't even matter. There is no retreat in these things are relentless. You can only imagine that if, let's say, if these bees happen to get it together enough to take one down, it wouldn't even matter.
Starting point is 00:02:28 There is no retreat in these things, obviously. I think, you know, it's beautiful that people have compassion, but I think they really underestimate how fucked up these organisms are. Just nature in general. Nature is a brutal, sadistic son of a bitch that has no feelings. Yeah, and nature
Starting point is 00:02:44 doesn't favor the weak. No, not at all. You've got to get the fuck up. You've got to wake up. You've got to get shit going. You want to stay alive? You've got to keep moving. Nature is not looking out for you.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Essentially, nature is usually a fairly balanced system, but it can become unbalanced easily upon its own self. However, we have had a huge impact as mankind in terms of ruining the way nature offsets itself. But sometimes I think humanity could step in for the right reasons. Yeah, I think so too, sometimes. But you know what? We also have to realize we're a part of nature. We're just so delusional. We think that because we're in cities, we're not a part of the ecosystem. We're 100% a part of it. Absolutely. We're lucky those little things are little. Exactly. Or there's not so many of them
Starting point is 00:03:27 that they could just swarm a person every couple minutes and just sting them to death. What was the numbers, Brian? 30,000 honeybees they killed. How many bees? 30,000. No, how many wasps?
Starting point is 00:03:39 30. 30 wasps killed 30,000 bees. And the bees just have no idea of defense. They can't do anything. It's like a wolf in a room of kittens. That's the difference. It's insane. It's going to be a song when I have my band write its new EP.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Do you believe in the whole honeybee thing? Do you think that's a serious problem? Well, I certainly believe in it because it's a scientific fact the numbers have dropped um i think they're they're narrowing it down to several things they think there has been disease but they also think that it's without a doubt that bees are having a hard time with cell phones and that it's an issue cell phones are messing up with bees ability to navigate yeah that it's real i mean can you imagine like imagine living in the world that we live in now where you could sit on your back porch and just kind of chill and quiet ability to navigate. Yeah, that it's real. I mean, can you imagine like, imagine living in the world that we live in now
Starting point is 00:04:25 where you can sit on your back porch and it's kind of chill and quiet and then all of a sudden a constant bwaaaah was going through the air.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I mean, it's almost that's what it's like for these honeybees because they've lived forever with no signals in the air and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:04:42 within a hundred years there's all this crazy interference. And they're sensitive enough to pick within 100 years, there's all this crazy interference. And they're sensitive enough to pick up on it. Well, they're so sensitive. Check this out. We were filming Fear Factor, these honeybees that we used in one of the stunts. Oh, don't tell me you made them cover.
Starting point is 00:04:52 We covered people with honeybees. The guy's a beekeeper. He knows what he's doing. But what happened is, he takes care of this whole colony of bees. Well, they're his. He brings them everywhere. They stay at his home. He has this giant honeycomb set up. and then he can bring them out places, but when he brings them out
Starting point is 00:05:07 places, occasionally they interact with the locals. So this huge cloud of honeybees that we're using, and all of a sudden this other huge cloud comes in, and the crazy thing is the guy recognized what was happening, and he's like, everybody, we got to get off the set, they got to walk, they got to talk this through. Like, they don't go to war to war bees never go to war but they have to figure out who the fuck is who and so they come in and go what are you guys doing here and they're like hey we're sag we're just here working we're working on this we're on a show and they're like what show is this it's fear factor is it on tv yeah is that that shit that's in the air that's fucking with us yeah that's that shit man and so they they talked it out like an hour. We had to wait before we resumed filming.
Starting point is 00:05:47 By the time it was done, they were SAG eligible, though. They were working in the kitchen. They were stuntmen. It was really interesting, man, because they swarmed together and just started smelling each other and communicating in whatever way they can. But the area that we were at was also an area where you didn't get any cell phone signal but i'm sure you got everything else i'm sure you still get radio waves and bluetooth what the fuck all that stuff is doing to the environment you know i guess i guess we'll find out but do you do you think yeah do you think it's something that if we like like like that old
Starting point is 00:06:20 einstein quote supposedly where he says that if you eliminated bees from the planet, mankind would soon perish. Do you believe it's to that point of distinction? They would have a very negative impact, but I don't think we would perish. I think we're just too obstinate and shitty to perish. Because we can make shit like honey now, right? By the way, how about this guy being so vocal?
Starting point is 00:06:40 The other two times I have actually been on the show, he sat there in the corner and acted like he didn't exist. He's getting used to you. He's getting comfortable with you two times I have actually been on the show, he sat there in the corner and acted like he didn't exist. He's getting used to you. He's getting comfortable with you. You're an intimidating guy. But the Monsantos come up with artificial bees. They've created a little robot bee that works on solar power. It's the real doll of bees.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Exactly. Does it have every hole? Only one. Only the honey hole. Only the honey hole. Well, it's the only one that counts, really, I guess. That's the sweetest one. That's what you're looking for. Yeah. And that's why it's
Starting point is 00:07:07 named so aptly. Could you imagine if you were by a fucking field and you saw flowers and a swarm of little robot bees come in and they're pollinating everything? You'd be like, what the fuck are we witnessing? Some Russian kid's gonna upload a virus to make them, like, just come down as a bullet all
Starting point is 00:07:23 together. Yeah, something like that. As a javelin of bees. You know what? Usually little hackers, they don't even think so big. They're just like, how about we just make them all make fart noises? They might do that. That's more their speed usually. It's like, oh, hey, I heard you really like this video game.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Oh, yeah, cool, buddy. Let me send you this trick that's going to help you play it better. Why are you such an asshole? You know, it's a video game. It's supposed to be fun. Quit trying to give me a virus, dickhead. There's a lot of people out there trying to give viruses. When you ever see the number of viruses that have, and all of them have been created,
Starting point is 00:07:54 none of them are just like people got sick and they got a virus in their computer. I mean, somebody fucking had to hash that shit out, design it, implement it, figure out a way to sneak it into people's Microsoft Word files. Maybe redesign it. Oh, let's make it better. I got one once. I'm just on a fucking Word file that an executive sent me.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And I opened up the Word file without running a scan on it. It was back in the Windows days. And all of a sudden I had this fucking virus. Microsoft Word file from a friend. He had an infected email. Whatever happened to giving viruses the old-fashioned way? Yeah, earning it yeah earning it yeah you know like some sort of sore on your penis exactly earn it with lies do you know that they've uh for the first time ever figured out a way uh to or they they have gotten uh herpes out of blood they um have like apparently they're on their way to a
Starting point is 00:08:44 cure yeah it's in trial right now. Interesting. You know the funny thing about herpes is if there's so much to laugh about it. Hey, what if somebody's herpes sword looked like Jesus? Now, I would like to see that. I wonder if people would worship it. Or would they be like, you know, we need you to have an outbreak, so we're going to stress you out and make you drink a lot until one pops back up.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah, herpes virus cleared from the blood for the first time. This is on New Scientist. It's not on some world conspiracy and review dot com. This is real shit, apparently. Cytomegalovirus, that's what you call it, CMV, type of herpes virus,
Starting point is 00:09:21 is carried by about 70% of people. Wow! Although it usually doesn't cause illness, it shaves 3.7 years off life type of herpes virus, is carried by about 70% of people. Wow. Although it usually doesn't cause illness, it shaves 3.7 years off life expectancy. Whoa. How weird is that? Well, I guess a ton of us have herpes based on, like, if you ever had chickenpox, that's a type of herpes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And you could get shingles later on in life, potentially. Yeah. And then, you know, they're grapplers with the herpes gladiatoriumatorium then everybody else with the herpes on the ding-ding so and or just regular cold sores like it's it's such a but it's just a rampant thing yeah or you sticking to that one I'm sticking to it well you don't have it what you want to be left out this is fascinating a mutant that this stuff is 70% of people have it it takes 3.7 years off life expectancy. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah, that's not good. I mean, that's not a lot of years. I wonder if that's actually a figure, a stat based on those who maybe get shingles later on and it kills them. Do shingles kill people? Oh, man, it will ruin you. God. And apparently it is the worst. And you can get it
Starting point is 00:10:25 at any point in your life it could just pop up and uh it it clusters i guess around uh where nerve endings are nerve nerve uh pairings are and so it's incredibly painful to touch to where you could if you had it across your chest or whatever if you had just putting it having a shirt touch it is excruciating a friend of uh a friend friend of my family a long time ago, he was like 33 years old, maybe, maybe 30. And somehow he, boom, he came out with shingles. And he's just like, dude, everybody had to quarantine him. No one could get near him because it's highly infectious. And then after the fact, he's just going, it was brutal. He goes, this is something that 75 year old men get. I'm 30 or whatever. This is ridiculous. But it was the worst experience of my life.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Was he a grappler? No, no, no. He's just a regular dude. He's just a construction guy, concrete. I don't know what it was that caused it. Fuck. But it did. That's the one thing that creeps me out about mats, like when you're grappling.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I've got staff before, and I've gotten ringworm before. And you're rolling with a bunch of stinky, dirty dudes. And every now and then, one of them's got a bug. When you rolled at a gym, they had Matt Horwich all the time. Yeah. So you're increasing that by threefold. There was a dude who used to go to my jiu-jitsu gym. What I found out was he was putting bleach on his skin after he would get ringworm.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And so he had these giant patches of it. It wasn't going away. And it was like burns. He had burns on his body. And finally, we had a talk to him. We're like, what are you doing? You have ringworm. First of all, you shouldn't be training.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Second of all, you're doing something to your ringworm. What are you doing? He's like, I was pouring bleach on it. We were like, look, you need to go to a doctor. You need to get some Lamisil. You need to get some antifungal. You don't need to be pouring bleach on your open skin. I don't remember reading on the back of the Clorox bottle
Starting point is 00:12:07 and having ringworm treatment as being one of the uses. Maybe you should have used the toilet gel instead. Some dudes also make a mistake, and this is a big one, of using antibacterial soap. You've got to be careful about that because you want to keep healthy skin flora. So you want to use, like, there's a company
Starting point is 00:12:24 called Defense Soap that's really good. They're the best. I know you use their salve for tattoos even, and I use it for all scrapes and stuff. A lot of MMA gear, I know they like the speed and usage of doing Velcro on stuff, but I tell you what, if it's not taped properly or whatever,
Starting point is 00:12:39 those hooks just will scrape the shit out of your skin and just dig right into you. And so you're covered, and it looks like you got into a fight with like 8,000 cats. Yeah, and that opens up and gets infected. Right. The next thing you know. That defense soap gets rid of it. The defense soap salve will make that stuff heal up really fast.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Really fast. You know, that's really interesting. They found that about Komodo dragons. They used to think that Komodo dragons had toxic saliva. But now they realize that it's just the septic, the environment is so fucking moist. And all they have to do is just bite an animal. And an open wound in that environment is a death sentence. It's just microbes and all the shit water that these water buffalo live in.
Starting point is 00:13:18 They live in this shitty water. They shit in it and they piss in it. I think they're big on just rimming each other, too. Just getting all that fecal matter in there. I think they do. They're like big on just rimming each other too, you know, just getting all that fecal matter in there. And, you know, it helps relax the other dragons too. Yeah. Well, the Komodo dragons, they bite them and then the water and whatever gets in the wound
Starting point is 00:13:35 of the water buffalo. And then he dies poisoned. But it's poisoned because of the environment. It's not even poisoned because of the animal itself. It's something they just recently... And yet it doesn't bother the dragon. It doesn't bother the lizard. They're fucking so foul, those things.
Starting point is 00:13:47 They open their mouth up and they have these just webs of saliva attached to the lower teeth and the upper teeth. They're fucking evil. I think I've been with a girl like that. She had braces? No, no, man. Yeah, you open it. You just drop the drawers and you open it up and it was just like a giant web.
Starting point is 00:14:05 It looked like an alien dropping mucus everywhere. Like that scene when the tongue comes out? Yeah, yeah. And it had the little snapper on the end too. Oh, Jesus, Louisa. We're a tungsten-plated condom. War stories. Serious war stories.
Starting point is 00:14:19 This is good news about herpes. It is. It sounds like herpes is really bad. Especially that shingles, man. That's a motherfucker. Yeah, and like I said, chicken pox is the kind of thing where parents often, oh, well, hey, this kid's got it. I'm going to send my kids over there to play with him because you want them to get over it at an early age
Starting point is 00:14:36 because if you catch chicken pox when you're older, it can be lethal or cause a lot of difficulty for older people. It only gets worse. I caught it at 24, and it was miserable. Yeah. Not fun. Yeah, there's a lot of fucking diseases out there, man. That's what's really weird. There are.
Starting point is 00:14:54 You know, there's Middle East Respiratory Virus. Have you heard of that? Middle East Respiratory Virus. Is that like you get too much hummus up your nose? It's something about camel farts. There's a disease that it kills a very high number of people that get it. There have been relatively small cases, but I think it's in Saudi Arabia mostly. But 50% of the people that got it are dead.
Starting point is 00:15:16 That's terrible. Yeah, it's not good. It's a respiratory disease called MERS, M-E-R-S. And it's one of the ones that I talked to some infectious disease experts about on the sci-fi show that I did. And they were like, this is a really troubling disease. Because if it got in New York, if it infected New York, and so far it hasn't spread. But if it did, you're talking about like half the population dead.
Starting point is 00:15:36 What's the root of it? Like, where does it come from? Let's find out. That's probably a good idea. But I think it's just some new respiratory virus. That's probably a good idea. But I think it's just some new respiratory virus. I think it's a combination of oil hitting massive amounts of money. Probably like that.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Some sort of chemical interaction between the ink on all these $100 bills. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. And it's a viral respiratory illness first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. It's caused by the Corona, the Corona virus called MERS-CoV. Most people have been confirmed to have MERS-CoV infection, developed severe acute respiratory illness. They had fever, cough, shortness of breath, and half of these people died. About half of these people died about half of these people died that's fucking crazy shit dude this is uh this is a weird one i wonder if saudi arabia
Starting point is 00:16:33 also like beat out all the other arabic countries and negotiation over getting this virus would get how much you pay for that bro well you know what the people that that study diseases say you're way like the idea of humans making some sort of an incredible powerful potent device or virus is nothing compared to what mother nature is going to do on her own they're like make no mistake about it like these people that work in the like there's level four labs they're working on ebola virus and shit they're like it's just it's not a matter of if. Like, it's coming. Like, there's going to be a pandemic. Well, sure.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Every day, every minute, every second, Mother Nature is having viruses interact and splice and evolve. And with no intent or reason, it's just that that is the way that these things are created to function. So they just go about their function doing what they're supposed to do. And with that, it creates the potential for creating super viruses. Yeah, that's what's really important. They're constantly changing. They're constantly evolving. And that's the thing that when people—
Starting point is 00:17:39 Who do you think is going to die first, the vegans? Most likely. Yeah, they don't have—you need meat to stay alive when the shit hits the fan, in my opinion. I think that there's- West Hollywood's going to just be evaporated off the face of the earth. Is there a lot of vegans in West Hollywood? Oh, massive, massive, massive amount. Oh, no, okay, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:17:57 They're hiding pepperonis, folks. I think that one of the biggest reasons for the amount of vegan and vegetarianism that that is all throughout you know hollywood west hollywood west la whatever all the way to santa monica and all that is is not one first it's girls women and and then their boyfriends end up hooking up with some hot chick and they're like well i guess i'm now a vegan so uh and two the and why these why these women are are so hot on this vegan stuff is i mean, there's plenty of propaganda that makes it sound, you know, like you're not hurting the animals and that it's a cleaner way to live and so on. But really, nothing is a clean way to live unless you yourself are buying, whether it meat or not, like the cleanest sources, cooking the food yourself, avoiding processed foods of any sort. cooking the food yourself, avoiding processed foods of any sort.
Starting point is 00:18:47 But I think it is because these chicks, they go and they're like, well, by being a vegan, I can intake less calories and stay skinnier longer. How dare you, Josh Barnett? You think that they don't care about the animals? You think they're really just trying to keep their ass small? I think so. I think that the animals come into it so much less than the fact of like, well, actually, hey, you know, I can stay skinnier this way by eating less food. And I can make myself feel better about how big my ass is not going to get by chomping on a few carrots here and there.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I think it's more of an ideology thing, like you're trying to be a kind person. I think if I had to guess, I think it's more that than it is losing weight. It could start that way, but as soon as they're like, oh, my God, these jeans still fit. Maybe. And then the dudes, they're just weak, and they just go along with the woman. Is that what it is? Often. Mostly.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Often. There's a lot of that out there, and that's an unfortunate thing that we're not supposed to admit. We're not supposed to admit that there's a lot of bitch-ass dudes out there. That's true. If you talk about that, somehow or another, you're an asshole, or you're a bully, or you're arrogant. Sure. Also, pussy is a powerful motivator so they're like oh my god look at this wannabe actress exactly her i'm sure her vagina is it's like a diamond studded gate to heaven and i need to be a part of that and so they they go ahead and go well you know i guess i don't need animals anymore either and and when i talk about my willingness or a person's willingness to go along exactly with what a woman wants them to do,
Starting point is 00:20:11 it's based on the fact that I've done it in the past. Oh, yeah. Nobody here on this show right now is speaking from some superior position in that we've never been there. Oh, yeah. Any time you've stayed at that party way too long, you're like, I think it happen it's no no this is and then you walk home you're like i'm an idiot now i got no sleep no pussy no nothing god damn it absolutely and we've all been in a situation where a girl's breaking up with us we don't want it to and we feel like the biggest piece of shit the crushing confidence destroyer it's it's a devastating thing. I understand why a man
Starting point is 00:20:45 would want to change his position. And then I understand there's also men that really do have those positions and they really do not want to hurt animals. I know the difference. I know the well-thought-out position
Starting point is 00:20:56 and I know the white knight. The white knights are brutal. Right. Because when you debate with them, all their arguments fall apart because they haven't really thought it out. They don't really have the moral high ground.
Starting point is 00:21:07 They have no real foundation at which to base their arguments, to really put their faith in, so to speak. And so, you know, you start confronting them with reasons. And they're just like, well, I don't really have anything to stand on because I've never really taken it that far. I don't really believe that strongly and I don't know for myself. But it's also there's a reality about agriculture in this country. And that reality is farming is literally what got us to the 21st century. Like, if we didn't have that, we would never have a kind of country like this. Like, do you know how hard it is to actually hunt and gather?
Starting point is 00:21:40 It's incredibly hard. Now you're going to take out the hunting. Yeah, all the kids that are all into paleo, there's so many of them would just be done. You're dead. Finished. Most of us would be dead. That's why people only live to be 30. It's fucking brutal life.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Chasing after food all the time is a brutal life. And you don't get to figure out anything. You don't get to make the wheel. You don't figure out the typeset. You don't know how to write books. None of that happens because you're fucking hunting and gathering all day. You're going to be born on the internet for free.
Starting point is 00:22:03 So they figured out how to keep animals close by. And that meant we had a massive source of protein and people got way larger. People are way larger than in other countries where they don't have the kind of protein that we have. People got smarter. They got healthier. They lived longer. And on top of that, we figured out how to make a lot of shit along the way. Of course.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Because civilization had been paved. Because now we're spending so much little time chasing after food and stopping from being killed all the time. Yeah. Then now we can use energy to, I don't know, maybe create penicillin and aspirin and whatever else is necessary to survival. You know, when I watch old movies, or I should say period pieces where it's like Middle Evil or whatever, and I start thinking, fuck. Not only do they not have any toilet paper or plumbing, but the
Starting point is 00:22:51 idea that one nick from any little thing and all of a sudden, I'm dead. I got a bacterial infection and now I just died from tetanus or anything else. Yeah, but you get real bad staph and you don't get any treatment at all. You're done're toast. You're done. That's a painful death.
Starting point is 00:23:06 One of Brian Callen's friends, his girlfriend, I believe it was, she had a staph infection and tried to treat it holistically, in air quotes, and fucking died. She fucking died, man. And Brian apparently had seen her
Starting point is 00:23:21 during the process and talked to both of them and said, get her to a hospital. Yeah. Like, what the fuck are you guys doing? Like, people don't understand the severity of some of the shit that's out there. But my point is nature is a motherfucker. Nature is a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And it's not as simple as not eating meat. Because if you don't eat, here's the thing, if you don't eat meat, something else is going to eat it. You have to realize that. If we're not also killing cows, the rise of predators will naturally take place. Because they're going to have deal right with the new numbers i can already see where my friend's argument would come in she's uh she's a vegetarian for um her i wouldn't even see necessarily for health reasons because she just makes all her own food anyway so even if she ate meat she would get grass-fed you know no antibiotics she would just eat clean she's a clean person and but even but
Starting point is 00:24:06 a long time ago as a kid like she just couldn't wrap her head around the idea of of killing an animal for food when she felt you know what i actually i can get by without having to eat this animal i can do it without that and i will say this she's one of the fittest buffest leanest like most athletic like not i don't think most people's bodies can sustain itself on vegetarian. She's not a vegan, but just on a vegetarian diet alone and be that kind of athlete. However, her argument would be, well, these cows would not be in this farm-raised setting, and there wouldn't be so many of them because we wouldn't be raising them. setting and it would be you know there wouldn't be so many of them because we wouldn't be raising them so it's an off-balanced scenario from the beginning that as soon as man comes in and farm
Starting point is 00:24:50 raises them but at the same time my whole argument is always animals don't give a shit whether you eat them or don't eat them and they don't give a shit whether you live or don't live you know they have they i'm not saying that you can't create rapport with animals i've seen it you've experienced it we've done it with domesticated animals. You've seen people that have rescued wild animals, those lions that came back to the people and recognized them. I'm not saying that's not a possibility that animals can't have some sort of empathy or feeling of some sort. But for the most part, that's the exception, man. That ain't the rule.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Animals, if it's just everyone's just sitting around you know a cow could just for no reason just kick you right in the face and kill you and it just keeps chewing its cud it doesn't really care yeah they don't give a fuck about you
Starting point is 00:25:30 no and bulls will kill you for sure absolutely just because you exist and that's also very important for people who go in like
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yellowstone or something like that and you see a bison do not approach that guy it will maul you to death yeah and happily they don't give a fuck. They don't feel bad. They don't trample you and then feel really bad about it.
Starting point is 00:25:47 It's their instinct to do so. You know, maybe it can pick up on something in the air from pheromones or whatever, but it's just this is my area, and anything that comes into it, I'm just going to make a decision to destroy, you know? Yeah, I understand why people think the way they do. The people that want to be vegan and want to, you know, are animal rights advocates. I understand it entirely and 100 percent. I just think it's a short sighted approach to the love of nature.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I think the idea of supporting animals over people is absurd. I think that as well. And the idea to ignore the impact that agriculture and livestock have had on feeding cities is absurd, too. It's absurd. You know, is it possible to get vegan dinners? Yes, for a lot of people. However, if the entire fucking city decides to eat vegan, you've got a real goddamn problem on your hands. And that's a reality.
Starting point is 00:26:39 You need to change the way you get people food. You need to change how food gets in. If you're feeding 20 million people and they're all going to go vegan, whoa, how long is that food going to last? I don't think there's enough kale out there. There's not enough kale. No. All the yoga studios would increase dramatically.
Starting point is 00:26:55 It's not a bad idea to love nature, but it's a bad idea to not respect the actual balance of nature. I think it's a better thought process and to think of any specific, you know, vegan or non-vegan diets is just, hey, you want to be healthier? One, don't put a bunch of processed shit in your body. Stop, you know, just because candy is considered vegan, don't do it. Don't jam a bunch of candy. Oh, man, I've known so many vegetarians that are pounding, you know, Reese's Pieces and
Starting point is 00:27:23 bullshit into their face. I'm like, how is that healthier? Okay, you don't kill an animal, but that animal should probably trample you just because whatever even comes out of your ass is probably so toxic it's destroying the earth at this point. Whatever turns a red vine red, as you process it and you shoot it out all over this planet, I'm sure you've killed so many plants. That's funny i actually read this in a quote about a story where there was a broken line uh and sewer raw sewage was getting into the ocean water and they were talking about the pollution the ocean water and someone in the comments actually wrote if they were more people were vegan the sewage
Starting point is 00:28:01 would be less toxic like what you think your broccoli shits are any less disgusting than someone who just ate a burger? It's all rotting waste, you silly fuck. Yeah, and you know, if you wherever your shit is going, I mean, if only on land is it really going to be all that
Starting point is 00:28:19 particularly helpful, if at all, anyways. So it's just, you know know eat cleaner shit go out and support the things that are that are doing good for the environment and the way that they're producing and making the food and trying to regulate i mean it doesn't matter eating clean is going to help you out a lot you're still going to be subjected to a whole bunch of bullshit just by living on this earth yeah living in these cities but that's you know if you want to make a difference to your diet and the way you feel, do it with the
Starting point is 00:28:46 quality of food you eat. I mean, there's got... I understand if you're trying to live a healthier life, but there's a lot of it that's not people trying to live a healthier life. It's this moral high ground with animals. It's an ideology sort of concept. I get it. You're a loving
Starting point is 00:29:02 person and you love animals. I get it. I've met people that I really like that are vegans and love animals, and I totally it. You're a loving person and you love animals. I get it. I've met people that I really like that are vegans and love animals and I totally get where they're coming from. And for them, it makes them happy. But it's like the reality of dealing with all the animals on the earth. If you want to supposedly where people, what we are, is we
Starting point is 00:29:17 hold court over all the other animals. We're basically deciding what stays and goes and what gets to live and what goes extinct. We've decided that we're the stewards of the earth. That requires management. You can't let population numbers get too crazy. You can't have
Starting point is 00:29:33 jaguars running through your streets. That sounds pretty rad. Pretty rad until people die. Just pouncing folks. Those are so evil. Aren't they? They jump on the backs of crocodiles and crush their skulls. Yeah. Bite them in the back of the head and then eat them.
Starting point is 00:29:49 They drag them off. Yeah, I want a jaguar. Jaguars have been spotted a lot lately in Arizona and New Mexico. Like, much more common than ever before. They're starting to make their way up through Mexico, the same path that drug dealers take. They've had all these camera trap photos of jaguars. Big-ass 200-fucking-pound cats. Fuck, yeah. Yolked. Looking camera trap photos of jaguars. Big ass 200 fucking pound cats. Yoked. Looking like Wolverine
Starting point is 00:30:08 in a comic strip. Put a bunch of armor and spikes on them. And like fucking night vision. I already have that. I just got a thing in my mail saying from like Burbank police to be on the watch out for a mountain lion. And they showed this humongous picture of this huge
Starting point is 00:30:23 mountain lion. I guess it's been in Griffith Park and it's been coming down. It's just killing hipsters. It's okay. I know. That is so fucking spooky, man. That's so spooky. Jaguars are even more spooky than mountain lions, but yeah, they're all spooky, man. Well, here's another thing is that, so state fishing game wards will determine, they track all the population of the various herds and animals that exist in their boundaries.
Starting point is 00:30:50 And they keep tabs on them so they know what's dying from natural predation, how many are actually just being born and surviving, the herd population, where they're moving, where they're living, what they're eating, whether they're getting sick or not, all these sort of things. And then they decide come hunting season, they've already got all this data and that determines how many hunting permits they allow to go out there because they've already figured out, well, if this many people, let's say, were able to actually score a deer or an elk or what have you, it's actually going to be okay for this population and potentially even help it to a degree. And they've already figured, I'm sure they've got percentages worked out to how many are actually likely to actually get an animal when they go during the season times too.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah, it's really well regulated and they're really good at managing the resource of the animals. Like they do that with fish too. Like when I was in Alaska they have a salmon weir. They count salmon and if the numbers are too low they shut down fishing for the day. And then they allow them to build back up and they're really good at that
Starting point is 00:31:56 kind of shit. And the people that are in the fish and game department all of that is funded by the permits and tags from hunters. And they have hunters and fishermen. I mean, it sounds almost contradictory, but they have done more to preserve wildlife in this country than almost any other group.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Huge. They've got a lot of groups that have, I mean, just for the Audubon Society, for an example, but one of the things they do is they go out in the Sierra Club and they try to preserve wetlands, preserve the areas at which the animals exist and thrive. Because they, you know, if anything, as a hunter and a fisherman and growing up in a hunting and fishing family, when you're out there at the crack of dawn on top of these mountains walking around, I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:37 regardless of the fact that I want to, you know, bag a deer and bring that, you know, go through the whole process of killing the animal and gunning it and skinning it and doing the whole deal and then eating it, you know, and giving the meat to my other friends and family. The environment is amazing. I don't want to kill a deer because I don't, because I just want to eat it and because I think I should. I want to be out there because I actually have a lot of respect for the animal as well and it's just it changes your opinion on things it lets you one know how small you are in comparison to nature for sure when you're standing there with these huge giant furs and pines and you're trying to go out there and i'll just go out and find a deer it's like good luck good luck let me know if you can actually see it and then
Starting point is 00:33:19 the whole process of being able to actually land and hunt and find the deer and score it and everything that comes after that. All the work that's involved and everything else that's going around you all at the same time as you're in this environment. It's interesting that people with a very rigid way of looking at this, though, would never see how you could want to hunt an animal and still have a love for it. They feel like, or at least some of them do, I shouldn't put into everybody's mouth, but that it's kind of a sadistic thing to do. Well, we're predators. This is something that we are born to do naturally. It comes from just a simple source of our own nature. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Well, the argument would be, aren't we evolving past that eventually? Why is that? How would that be a plus? You know, how is that actually better for us? To evolve past that, does that actually better for us? To evolve past that, does that actually make us better? Well, to that question, would it be better to go back to a time with no language where you could just rape willingly? You just wantonly run the old cartoons of the caveman clubbing the chick
Starting point is 00:34:19 and then drag her by her hair. Remember that? That was so common. It's hot. The dragging them by their hair. Now, I usually prefer it if they set it up ahead of time and they're like, I'm going to be home between 8 and 9.30.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So, I want you to creep around the outside through the bushes. Those kind of fantasies, huh? Well, I don't know. I'm just imagining how this might go. People have it. That's a thing that exists, man. You think of any messed up fetish, anything that could seem messed up to you,
Starting point is 00:34:45 somebody else thinks that is the highlight of their entire life. Oh, yeah, without a doubt. And you can't really judge them for it. I mean, you're going to, to a degree, depending on how extreme it is. But at the end of the day, man, it's their swing, not yours. Yeah, if they enjoy playing cop and speed here. Or whatever. Whatever it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Or throwing cream pies full of feces at each other. Yeah. It's kind of exciting. I guess. I guess. I mean, look, if you allow one, you've got to allow the other. Absolutely. I can understand the cop and speeder thing more than I can understand the plates of shit.
Starting point is 00:35:15 As long as you don't throw it at me, we're cool. Yeah, we're good. Yeah. I'm not judgmental. Uh-uh. But I think that the real problem with all of that is when it leaks over into other people's lives. Yes. They're not used to throwing plates of shit.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yes, that's the cause and effect thing. It's like you can do anything you want to do with whomever you want to do it with. But until anybody else is forced to have to endure it, let's say I'm renting the house to you. And now I come over to come check a look at take a look at my my property and I've got shit stains all over the wall now I'm really upset about that
Starting point is 00:35:50 yeah that's not cool no that's not cool at all if you're renting don't throw shit don't throw shit you know at least put plastic up everywhere go Dexter style
Starting point is 00:35:57 yeah and then really clean up afterwards absolutely don't have acid spew as much you know volcanic diarrhea as much as you want I I guess, on each other.
Starting point is 00:36:06 But I get what these people who are super sensitive and don't want to kill animals, I get where they're coming from. I really do. But I think it's, unless you're going to sterilize all these animals, unless you're going to give them birth control, are you going to stop them from breeding? Are these animals Catholic?
Starting point is 00:36:22 I don't know if you can give them birth control. Yeah, I mean, what happens then? What if they oppose? Are you going to decide that you own them? Are you going to give them birth control? Because otherwise they just start fucking filling the streets and you can't drive anywhere, which would happen. Right. What if the animals create this totalitarian fascist regime and have these really cute uniforms?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Well, have you ever seen what happens when towns don't allow anybody to kill animals? No. Have you ever seen that place in Japan where there's a Buddhist place? Are you talking about the monkeys? No, the Buddhist place where there's deer just flood the streets. Oh, no, uh-uh. It's incredible. It is one of the weirdest fucking things ever.
Starting point is 00:36:56 These people are driving around, and there's just deer everywhere. I mean, all throughout the street. You have that video? No. What should I look up? Deer. Deer in Japan, all throughout the street. You have that video? What should I look up? Deer in Japan, all over the street. I know there's a certain island in an area in Japan that is
Starting point is 00:37:11 packed full of these freaking monkeys and they are really intelligent and they know how to, they'll steal your wallet or whatever. I mean, they'll just do whatever and they'll throw rocks at you. Yeah, monkeys are evil fucks. Yeah, deer, Japan, in the street. I just got it already. Video,
Starting point is 00:37:28 oh, deer. That's what happens when you... No, that's not it, Brian. Video, deer, Japan, in the street. When monkeys... Fur and antlers all around Japanese city. These people just... Look, it's on the telegraph. This is the video. Everywhere you go. See this video? Look.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Everywhere you go, there's deer. Oh, yeah. Look at this. Oh, shit. I was just going to say, monkeys are what happens when you have opposable thumbs, but you have no higher level of reasoning. And you're an asshole.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. Isn't that nuts, though, how many deer there are? How can you survive in that? I, as a hunter, would be worried that one of these males might just decide to get a hair up his ass and put me on the floor. Oh, yeah. That deer might weigh maybe 80 pounds, 100 pounds, but that's 100 pounds of pure wild animal. That's horny. Yeah, or angry or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And has horns. Yes, man. Bad news. Yeah, these are smaller deer. They're Sitka deer, but I think they get 60, these are a smaller deer. They're Sitka deer. But I think they get 60, 70 pounds. I still don't want to fight it. I see this one's got a big fucking set of antlers.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Actually, maybe I would want to fight it. Maybe you would. With a fucking sword or something? They're crazy. See if I could maybe just with a brass knuckle type situation. Like spikes? And a gauntlet, yeah. And I could punch it out to death. You could punch a deer to death.
Starting point is 00:38:43 A 60-pounder, I'm 100%. All my money on you. I do have a mask on. As long as C.J. Ross wasn't doing the betting, judging. Betting, I say judging. I said betting because that was the actual Freudian was betting. Betting. Because you know the whole story behind that.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Oh, I've heard some of it. Yeah, yeah. Holy shit, it's crazy. That woman scored at a draw. She scored at a draw. Right. Canelo and Mayweather, which is the least draw fight in the history of fights. It was a fucking, he outboxed the shit out of them.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And she scored at a draw, and then she vanished. Then they found out that she was also the one that scored Tim Bradley over Pacquiao. Right. The thing about betting that a lot of people don't think, well, what difference does it make? Here's what difference does it make if you don't know betting. There's a lot of people that't think, well, what difference does it make? Here's what difference does it make if you don't know betting. There's a lot of people that bet on unanimous decisions. And the odds of Floyd getting a unanimous decision are pretty good.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yes. He wins a lot of those fucking things. Right. And if you were smart and the odds were 10 to 1, you would go, I'll put 10 grand to win 1,000. Sure. Because I think it's an easy 1,000 bucks. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And then this lady comes along and judges it a draw. All your money goes away. Yes. And then Vegas wins. And maybe one potential person had bet, oh, no, it's going to be a majority instead of unanimous. Yeah, and what's the odds of that? It's probably only like three to one of your money or something small. All you have to do is give that bitch a piece.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I don't know. I'm not saying she did that. But it's plausible. It is plausible. She could have been,. I don't know. I'm not saying she did that. But it's plausible. It is plausible. She could have been, and I shouldn't say bitch. I'm sure she's a very nice older lady. I didn't mean it that way. I meant it in the vernacular of my time. We call each other bitch. I don't mean you as a bitch, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:40:16 But, either you're criminally incompetent, or you're corrupt. Those are the two possibles. Like, someone who judges a professional fight and actually thought that was a draw, that's criminally incompetent. That's like me being a doctor. Like you come and, you know, Joe, I need surgery.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Okay, let's do it. I mean, it's... And just cut off the wrong arm, you know? It's almost that bad. I mean, it's ridiculous. And the amount that's on the line on a contest like that, you're not just considering the amount of money that's being bet. You're also considering the reputation of the sport itself.
Starting point is 00:40:50 This is, you know, boxing is already under plight by a lot of, like, neuroscientists and as is MMA and as is football. You know, a lot of people feel like it shouldn't be legal and it's barbaric or what have you. Well, you know, that's fine. It could be barbaric as it wants to be if people choose to do it voluntarily yes by their own free will let them fucking do it fuck you to tell me how to serve how to protect myself from myself i don't need you for that that is go figure out how to do something better with your life exactly you're probably a vegan uh but uh you know from the fighter standpoint too you know I'm a lot a lot of my career is on the line with this this win could change everything for me or not even just monetarily but in terms of what
Starting point is 00:41:34 the next thing is going to happen from here on and from here on and all the time I put into the gym and all the time I took away I had to take away maybe I had to I was down on my luck and I had to mortgage my house to get some money to go through a training camp. And then I really needed to win this fight to set up for the, and now all of a sudden you just took that away from me potentially. Or, you know, these guys are putting so much, as a professional athlete, we don't, we train to fight our opponents, not judges. We train to fight our opponents, not judges. And although my whole thing is I just say don't let them become a part of your scenario here. Just don't give them any excuse to even be a shitty judge or a shitty ref.
Starting point is 00:42:20 You go out there, take this guy out, smear him all over the mat, and then nobody can take that from you. That's always great advice, but you know as well as I know. I have a couple decisions on my record. It's impossible to avoid. You're fighting guys like you. If you're fighting guys like you, it's almost impossible to avoid some decisions. I know that you fight to finish every fight, but the idea that you have to not be able to count on professional judges at the highest level of a sport that's a giant sport. It's bullshit. It's craziness.
Starting point is 00:42:46 People are bound to make errors, and this much I understand. But some of the incompetence that does exist within athletics, not just boxing or MMA, but the issues with IOC judges and all kinds of things, it is criminal. Do you remember Roy Jones versus the Korean guy in the finals of the Olympics? No, I'm not old enough to know about that. Roy Jones boxed the shit out of this dude. All right. And should have got the gold medal in the Olympics, but it was in Korea.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And they gave it to the Korean. And it was like one of the worst decisions I've ever seen in all my years of watching amateur boxing. I mean, literally, the Korean barely touched him. I mean, it was Roy Jones in his prime in the finals of the Olympics, and he went off. He just lit this kid up and was moving around him and boxing him and just outlanded him 3-4
Starting point is 00:43:36 to 1. It was a joke. It was an easy clear cut. And they still gave it to the Korean. Koreans, when I was a kid in Taekwondo tournaments, there was a lot of Koreans That gave away Some really fucking Shitty decisions
Starting point is 00:43:48 Towards Koreans They love Koreans And they will like They're really national Now obviously This is not all of them But This is
Starting point is 00:43:56 They have a lot of National patriotic pride Yeah They show The actual fight itself Show some of the highlights Because it's actually Kind of hilarious
Starting point is 00:44:04 The guy's holding up the thing like, oh, I guess I won. I mean, Roy Jones just fucking bombed on this dude. Dropped him. See him drop him there
Starting point is 00:44:13 with that punch? I mean, and look at him. He's like, man, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? He's crying afterwards.
Starting point is 00:44:19 They robbed him. The guy's like, ah, yeah, thank you. I mean, he went on to be one of the greatest boxers
Starting point is 00:44:23 of all time. Of course. This Korean guy who knows what happened to him. I think he's just like, I'm good. Let's just end this right here. Open up a little kimchi factor, and he's like, I'm just going to invest in this, and we're going to keep it going. Yeah, fuck this. Olympic kimchi.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I mean, Roy Jones really just boxed the shit out of this dude. It was a really clear-cut decision. When you see that kind of stuff and you know i don't like to get mad at anybody that's why i was mad that i called that lady a bitch even though i don't really mean she's a bitch it's just the term but right but in this situation it's like some it's a certain point in time something needs to be done and when nothing is done over and over and over and over and over again you keep getting these really bad decisions. Yeah, and the bottom line is, this is a really serious matter,
Starting point is 00:45:08 not just for the athletes, not just for the fans, but for the commission itself. They should show that they have the ability to govern something with intelligence. And when you have all these complaints, and when you have all these scenarios that keep repeating themselves over and over again,
Starting point is 00:45:22 and yet you do nothing, that's not showing that you're intelligently handling this. It's like, it's clear, it's obvious in front of everybody's face that there's a real problem. And it's not like there's a fucking lack of people that would replace them. It's not like, man, it's really hard finding martial arts experts. How the fuck am I going to find someone who knows what's going on in the fight? Can you imagine if you put out, you know, you put out an application and said, look, if you want to be a fight judge in Nevada
Starting point is 00:45:47 or New York or whatever, we're willing to take on new people. Tell us what you know about fighting. The fucking lines would be around the block for days of people who would want to be judges. It would really be more a matter of trying to weed out who's full of shit and who isn't. Could you imagine if you're an MMA fan to be
Starting point is 00:46:03 able to judge or to be inside the cage for a great fight? One of your fights. Right. You said a great fight. Jones said a great fight. One of your fights. I mean, imagine if you're, for a fan to be in Herb Dean's position, holy shit, to be there, whoever,
Starting point is 00:46:19 who's going to be the lucky judge for the Chris Weidman? Do you think they could be as chill as Herb Dean, though? No. He's kicking it just like, mm. Chillest dude on earth. He's the coolest, nicest, chillest dude on earth. Stop fighting. Even when he separates like a crazy fight. I mean, he's just so calm about it. He's the best.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Him and Big John, that's the gold standard. And Josh Rosenthal was right up there until Homeboy got popped for weed. It's very unfortunate. Speaking of judges and decisions and all that, what about that Jones-Gussison fight? First of all, look at this picture. You know that picture? Oh, you know I know it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Oh, yes. From Pantera. Perfect. Perfect. It's the exact photo. Oh, my God. It's the exact photo. It is.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Yeah. Someone did this on the underground. It's Pantera from Vulgar Display of Power. Whoops. Oh, and the coffee's on the power. Oh, that's not good at all. Catastrophe befalls Joe Rogan podcast experience.
Starting point is 00:47:23 That's electricity. Yeah. If it explodes. Are you telling me electricity doesn't like bulletproof coffee? Let's, uh, hope it, hope it doesn't die.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Good idea. A little help. Yeah. What's up? Come on, buddy. What's up? We interrupt this podcast for a concern of possible and potential electrocution, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:47:56 We got a real spill while I was spinning around my fucking laptop trying to show Josh Barnett. No, I think it's okay. I don't think it got any closer. No, it got in the slot. It fell into there. Yeah, keep it upside down like that. Are we still talking about...
Starting point is 00:48:10 John Jones and Gustafson. No, no, I meant... Go vulgar display of power. We're getting in slots? Yeah. All right, we're good. Love slots. Yeah, those...
Starting point is 00:48:18 The different kind of slot, buddy. Jones, Gustafson, yeah. What do you think, Joe? How do you score it? I would have to go and watch it again quite honestly because uh i think um when you do commentary on a fight you should never score at the same time you know because you i'm trying to be as entertaining as possible i'm trying to be as objective as possible i'm trying to enjoy the fight the way the folks at home enjoy it you know and i think to really judge a fight correctly, you shouldn't even talk. You just sit there and concentrate on
Starting point is 00:48:50 100%. I think I could do a pretty good job of judging while I'm commentating, but not 100%. And I don't think any fight deserves less than 100%. So I never try to, unless it's really obvious, but what I felt at the end of the fight when we were going into the fourth round, I was like, wow, John might need to stop him to win this fight. Because I don't know who won the first three rounds, but I could see it argued that Gustafson won. It doesn't mean that I believe that Gustafson won,
Starting point is 00:49:19 but I could see it argued. Right. Like the Condit-Nick Diaz fight. Some people thought that Condit should have lost, and some people thought that Diaz should have lost. But it's a weird sort of a subjective thing. Diaz for sure pressed the action, but it's hard to argue that Condit didn't land more strikes. And it's hard to argue that Condit didn't. And then you say, well, Diaz is trying to actually engage and make it a real fight. Okay, but whose fault was that? I mean, if he just stopped and
Starting point is 00:49:44 stood there, would Condit have been forced to come to him? I mean, it's an argument. Agreed. And at the same time, you want to look at, like, well, who's actually controlling the fight? Yes. Whose game plan is being initiated and working? Right.
Starting point is 00:49:56 You could argue that it actually Condit. You know, he's the one that's dictating where this fight occurs. You know, fine, he is retreating, but he's scoring, he's moving. He's landing all the kicks and punches where where um Diaz is not really being effective yeah and Diaz is now reacting to Carlos Condit's uh game plan the way he's fighting his fight and and that's why Diaz is is you know pulling forward and trying to swing you know it's it's on on a base that that Condit is creating this, I can see that argued as well. And you know what I could also see?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Argue that Diaz is the aggressor and that Diaz is taking the fight to him. And that counts for something as well. And even though Carlos is hitting him, it's not really having much effect. Diaz is talking a lot of shit and chasing him around. Like the Condit really isn't winning as well. In that scenario, you might want to even actually look at the referee. And the ref should be going, hey, I'm going to warn you for stalling. If it's that much.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yes, if it's that much. But he was, Nick was always engaging. So Carlos really never even had an opportunity to not engage. You know, Nick is such a pressure fighter because of his cardio. He's got just ridiculous triathlete cardio. He's had so many fights where he breaks a guy. He just stays on him and stays on him until they can't keep the pace anymore but condit's a pretty fucking fit well and you know that's the thing you made a really simple point and that is hey if this guy wants to just do nothing but counter
Starting point is 00:51:13 punch and and and run and try to get off four four strikes and i get off zero instead of you know having a full-blown battle just stand in the middle of the ring be like fuck you dude come yeah you can do that too i, you can just stand there. And if the guy's still just circling around, you know, then it'll be pretty obvious what the fuck is happening. But I think there's a lot of subjectives when it comes to fight judging. But then there's decisions like Mayweather and Canelo where there's no subjectivity. You look at that and you go, there's no fucking way. There's no fucking way.
Starting point is 00:51:42 You can look at a fight like Diaz-Conda, and although although I thought the decision was good I thought it was a very close fight and I thought that it was a very good fight interesting in that way and I could see it being argued either way it's not that I I'm not right it's just my opinion is that Condit won the fight but I'm not right I think it's a long conversation I think when a fight is real close sometimes, like Jones and Gustafson, I could see a bunch of different arguments. I really could. I had Gustafson myself, three to two.
Starting point is 00:52:13 But at the same time, I could have seen it a draw. Which rounds did you give him? I gave him the first. The second, I believe. I'd have to rewatch the whole thing all over again. But I think I gave him the first, the second, and the third. But the third could be, I think the third is the one where he got wobbled on his feet towards the end. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So that could even be arguably a draw round and then give Jones the last two. Then that's a draw. I think the fourth was when he got wobbled. The fourth is when John hit him with that spinning elbow. And then he almost finished him towards the end of the round. Well, maybe. Hard to say. You know, they're both so gassed, too.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And I also took that into play when I watched. You know, I know Gus Wilson got cranked with that elbow. But I know that they're both gassed as hell. Right. So, you know, how much of it is actual discombobulation and how much of it is also just, you know. Incredible war. Yeah. They're just fatigued to all get out.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Yeah. just, you know, they're just fatigued to all get out. And I can agree with the idea of you've got to beat the champ, you've got to take it away from him. It's got to be more decisive than a close fight, and in a close fight it goes to the champ. And that's one thing to be said. And I think that was Gustafson's fight to win. I think he could have finished Jones at points because there were times where Jones broke. Where he had
Starting point is 00:53:26 quit, essentially. You really think so? But when? Well, you could see it in his eyes at times, getting hit. He's turning his face and you can just see in his posture. It's just something that I pick up when I'm fighting somebody. I can tell the minute you give up, I know exactly when that moment is and I'm coming after you.
Starting point is 00:53:44 And that's why I have so many finishes on my record, because I can smell blood from a mile away. And you felt blood. But the difference between Jones and a regular guy is Jones, he received this adversity to the point that it pushed him all the way back to where he was right at that edge of just being done. But if you give him, it's just like if someone gets wobbled or knocked down and they
Starting point is 00:54:05 recover, Jones recovers, you know, he gets to him and he remembers, oh, okay, I was in a really bad spot, but I got past it. So I got to make up for it. I got, I'm going to, I'm going to come back and I'm going to do what I can. You know, he'll throw haymakers. He'll go to all his strengths. He'll do whatever he's going to do. He's got, I got to finish this round. I got to try and finish this guy off versus a lot of people will just,'s it once they once they feel that that despair or that that feeling like oh i just failed or this is i it was you know um at that point of no return they just stay there they can't get over it but jones was able to continue to struggle on and fight on you could see him in the corner especially after around three and just the look on his face was blank just like uh
Starting point is 00:54:45 he's just on on autopilot so you think he just hit that wall adversity that where a lot of people just just snap i don't think he had been uh right but he did not quit right well he didn't quit the vitor fight either no that's another uh great example he got armbarred you know i mean that armbar was really hyper extended he got it very good and i think vtar might have actually let it up probably i think he just because i mean it was so deep it should have been a done dot a deal but uh i think i mean there were times later on the fight where gustafson would start to score some significant strikes and i could see you know john jones is just that his his demeanor just starting to drop. Like, he's again, he's at that edge again.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Like, if you happen to really pour it on and crank him, he's going to throw something back with knockout potential. He's going to throw, like, one or two things, and he's going to stop and look for a reset because he just, that's a reaction. Like, I got to do whatever I can to finish it, and if it doesn't happen, okay, here I am. This is just me. That's all that's left. And if Jones, or if Gustafson had to really took it to him and really cranked him hard with something good, I I am. This is just me. That's all that's left. And if Gustafson had really took it to him
Starting point is 00:55:46 and really cranked him hard with something good, I think he could have put him away. Wow. Strong statement from Josh Barnett. Well, at the end of the day, I also think that with a different game plan, Jones could have been way more effective against Gustafson. What do you think would be his game plan? Well, he needed to be more aggressive to begin with.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And if he had scored with that left one he and if he was had he'd scored with that left high so what he should have done is set that thing up and really turned it over instead of just continuing to flick it up there he should have set gustafson right back into that same same reaction mode and then turn put everything into it i think he was really hurt by that time i'm sure he's definitely had something wrong with his foot. One of his foot's broken. But I was really impressed with Gustafson, man. I mean, really impressed. First of all, I was so impressed that he took Jones down in the first round.
Starting point is 00:56:32 That was very surprising. I did not see that coming. And his boxing looked so smooth. I mean, his combination, it was so loose and fluid, the way he was landing strikes. I mean, when they were squaring off on the feet, you could clearly see that John was not enjoying boxing with them. But then John figured out his rhythm was kicks, kicking to the legs,
Starting point is 00:56:53 threw a lot of side kicks, and that spinning elbow as well. That spinning elbow, Gus Wilson should never have gotten hit with that. That was just stupid. But especially after throwing it like three four times beforehand it's like oh come on dude okay you know that this is coming now i think with that left high kick you should have but uh jones was great about scoring on the uh the uh the transitional points so they're boxing they're clinching on separation of clinch. That's when Jones is still throwing strikes, and Gustafsson's trying to reset back to one modality,
Starting point is 00:57:28 where Jones is still engaging and looking for openings. And that was a really key point, really key part for Jones to stay in that fight and actually score a lot of the damage that he did. Throwing elbows inside instead of, okay, we're not, oh, I didn't grapple, so let's start over again. It's, nope, we're still here. I'm still working. I'm going to throw elbows. I'm i'm gonna throw knees he pushes me back i kick again you know i'm scoring on the way in and on the way out where gusafson would would would look to reset run circle break get right into position again okay let's let's start fighting again and and
Starting point is 00:57:59 on gusafson's aspect he getting hit for him did not make him, he just stayed in the pocket and kept throwing back until he didn't like his range. And then he would disengage, restart, reset. Now, okay, back to where I want the fight to start from. Excellent footwork. Whereas Jones would get hit and he'd get tagged a few times, he'd get tagged a few times, he'd get tagged again. All of a sudden, now he starts turning his face away. Now he starts retreat tagged a few times. He'd get tagged a few times. He'd get tagged again. All of a sudden, now he starts turning his face away. Now he starts retreating from the fight. Now he starts reacting to a point where he's not able to deliver a good counter.
Starting point is 00:58:32 So you think it was a conditioning thing with Gustafsson or maybe an experience thing? Both, maybe. I don't know. I mean, I think he's a well-conditioned athlete. He put a lot of work out there in the ring. And for him to be as fatigued as he was at the end of the fight understandable and uh all the the wrestling aspect can take a lot of fatigue out of you and he's not a wrestler by he doesn't have all the years of wrestling that john jones does so john jones tech you know it's it's easy to to say that he likely has better efficiency when it comes to
Starting point is 00:59:01 wrestling in terms of his his his muscle endurance but uh uh i think it's just a little bit of experience from gus i've said he's got a lot of fights but it's it's the kind of thing that just you don't just have no matter how many fights unless it's honed unless you can find that feeling and and see those moments and those things in in your opponents and pick up on them, that kind of perception just doesn't happen always. I feel like he's going to grow tremendously from this fight. I think he's got more to come from. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Well, both of them do, really. They're only 26 years old. He can't hang on this fight, though. That's the biggest thing. He's got to take from it what he can. Same with Jones. They've got to take from it what they can and then move on, make adjustments, but not hang on.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Oh, well, I did this this one time. Every fight's different. Do you think it's possible that because John was so successful against so many different fighters that he got a little bit overconfident coming into this fight? Well, he did have a shirt that says, not quite human. Yeah. I think it's a Nike shirt, though. Isn't it like a sponsored shirt?
Starting point is 01:00:02 I would have just told Nike, to hell with you, man. I'm not wearing this shit. This is bad juju. Fuck that. Well, yeah. Well, yeah. Gustafson was all human, all heart. Amazing, amazing fight.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And I'm amazed. I was amazed with both guys, really. I was amazed with the boxing, the footwork of Gustafson, the fact that he could take Jones down. And I was amazed at Jones' persistence. That motherfucker kept coming. He kept coming no matter what and got stronger. I mean, even though he was exhausted, his push got stronger in the fourth and fifths, took him down in the fifth.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Where most people would have given in, he did not. He wants his title. He likes his title. And I looked at the fight metric score, too, which isn't real. It's not a real indication of the fight. There's a lot of intangibles that I don't think numbers cover, but they gave it to Jones, and I felt
Starting point is 01:00:49 like it was a really close fight. I'm glad I didn't have to be a judge. Super close. Glad I didn't have to be a judge, but also, I think it was a fucking amazing fight. Now, that being said, what do you think about Jones and Cormier now? Well, I think, first of all, they're gonna probably have a rematch. If I had a guess, I would say it would be crazy to not have a rematch.
Starting point is 01:01:07 The rematch might be the biggest fight in MMA history. The rematch would be Jai fucking Gantai. Every Sweden person from Sweden, they would get visas and start moving over here, building houses if the fight took place in Vegas. They would start building Sweden homes. He's going to be a fucking hero over there. And I think that if they do, they take six months off or whatever. They're going to have to take a long time off.
Starting point is 01:01:30 That was a crazy five-round war. Both guys went to the hospital. Do you think Gustafson looks like my little brother? A little bit. He's got a lot of Viking in him. I mean, no doubt. Dude's a Swede. And that photo, the Pantera photo.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Oh, yeah. Vulgar display of Viking power. I wonder who made that photo. pantera photo oh yeah vulgar display of viking power i wonder who made that photo big time viking but you know i'm torn because i also want to see glover to share a fight john i mean that's i think that's an amazing fight too and uh glover is a class act and i think he's a really talented guy very explosive hard hitter fast he's got good takedowns on his own. And he's been around, man. He's been around.
Starting point is 01:02:08 He's tough as shit. He's an interesting guy, and that fight made him a little bit more interesting. I think also it was incredibly fascinating to watch someone who also has the same physical advantage that John has. That physical advantage of length, I mean, I don't have to tell you,
Starting point is 01:02:24 when you're fighting a guy and you're striking with them, that's a giant advantage. I agree. And I don't think Jones is, I don't think he's a brawler type. I don't think he's a take one to give one dude. I don't think he really digs that too much.
Starting point is 01:02:36 I'm not saying he's afraid of getting hit, but I don't think for him getting hit causes more reaction out of him that well out of others, the other types of fighters. I mean, you got, you got your, your, your, your grand types of fighters. I mean, you've got your grand scale. You've got your dude that flinches away from a punch to your Pedro Hizos
Starting point is 01:02:51 where they ate 16 of them and hit you with one. Right. So, I mean, obviously there's a lot of variance. But I don't think Jones is – I don't think he digs getting cracked a whole lot. Well, do you think it's just because he's trying to be intelligent and trying to sustain as little damage as possible? I don't think he digs getting cracked a whole lot. Well, do you think it's just because he's trying to be intelligent and trying to sustain as little damage as possible? I don't know. You know, if you don't have to get hit, don't.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I've taken the biggest straight-up shots from the hardest hitters in the world right in the mush and still stood for it. I mean, it's helpful for fighting, but I know I must have forgot at least 16 song lyrics and like three or four books. Algebra, that went out the window. Do you do anything to try to keep your mind working all the time? I know George Foreman used to do a lot of crossword puzzles, and he used to do things that he felt kept his mind.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I think if you juggle eight or nine different women and all the different lies that you're telling them all at the same time, that's a lot of management in terms of mental capacity especially if you're into cosplay you can't show up as a squirrel to this one when she's clearly in a bunny she's gonna be like who who you fucking now i fucking hate squirrels yeah like you can take those fucking acorns and shove them right up your ass and that bitch you're fucking she like reading that fucking whore yeah reading just reading in general uh or even finding anything that's a challenge um to to you if it's
Starting point is 01:04:13 like picking up a musical instrument and trying to learn it or anything that is is different it's a new new experience to yourself my buddy you know amir Alam. Sure. So his wife, awesome Ritterbush, well, she's now Alabush. But Kathleen, I remember she made this comment. She goes, well, you know, when you're a kid, you're constantly learning new things. But as an adult, you stop learning new things and try to only do the things at which you're already familiar with. And you go, why, why should you ever stop picking up something new? And it really stuck with me. And amazing because we were all drinking beers and I was singing heavy metal karaoke and wrestling with her husband all over this bar and upsetting people. But it's a great comment.
Starting point is 01:04:55 And I think that it's something that people should apply, whether they're professional athletes and getting hit in the head all the time or just a regular Joe Schmo going to work every day and has his family and his house and his bills and the normal run-of-the-mill stuff that people have to manage. But there's tons of opportunity from the small to the big to increase who you are and give yourself a new experience. And I think with those new experiences, I'm sure there's a scientific study that says when you do new things and you use different parts of the brain that it probably releases chemicals that are all for the better. Yeah, I think that without a doubt, the more you use something, the more active you are with something, the more it grows and continues to grow. And we get to a point in our lives, especially people who have office jobs, where that's a wrap. This is why I masturbate so much.
Starting point is 01:05:42 That's a good move. It hasn't grown that much more. But your fantasies are simulating brain so much. That's a good move. It hasn't grown that much more. But your fantasies are simulating brain tissue growth. Imagine if they did an MRI on you for a fight. The part that makes you horny is huge. What are you doing to that thing? You're constantly working
Starting point is 01:05:55 out that part of your brain. You're just beat off like a fucking madman. I can't believe it's still attached. It's ready to blow out of the side of your head. You have to take away your license. Your brain is swelling. So, I mean, I'm acting now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Really? And part of the reason why I really... To meet actresses. Well, I mean... That's a good move. Or makeup department. Are they the best? I guess.
Starting point is 01:06:19 So I hear. One of the biggest things about acting that I love so much is that it is completely different. It's not the kind of thing you can attack like an athlete. You have to flow with it instead of trying to conquer it and beat it up. I'm not talking about sex. I hear you. Makeup lady? It's the sort of thing that you can't force.
Starting point is 01:06:42 You have to let it happen. I mean, you were on a show for how many years? Five years. Man. Yeah. It was a sitcom, though. Sitcom acting is way easier than pretending that your daughter just got run over by a bus or something crazy. Sure enough.
Starting point is 01:06:56 But at the same time, you still can't attack acting. You can't force it to be what it isn't. Yeah, that's true. And you have to understand how you come off. That's something that some people, some people are not, they don't understand how they sound to other people. So they don't understand when they're doing something fake or they don't understand whether they're being obnoxious. They don't understand because they don't, they're not, they're not looking at themselves. They're not very objective. They're
Starting point is 01:07:20 not introspective. And so they suck at acting because they really don't even know how it's coming out to other people. Sure. It's also people that are like really insensitive and not aware of other folks. Those people also have a hard time with it. So basically psychopaths have a hard time being an actor. Yes. That's why, have you ever had someone lie to you and it's so obvious? You're like, this is crazy. This guy thinks that this would work. That guy's probably a psychopath. He just, he's so off. He doesn't realize that he comes off to other people. That's fucking super common, man. There's apparently a large percentage of people in this country that are sociopaths.
Starting point is 01:07:52 You know, like one out of six. What is this? Wife convinced husband to shoot neighbor for telepathically raping her. This isn't real. Yeah, it is. This is on Gawker. No. Is this real?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Yeah, a woman in Utah pled guilty to attempted criminal solicitation and possession of a dangerous weapon when she she pretty much told like said her neighbor was raping her
Starting point is 01:08:12 to Elpaca oh god if only it was Skyners and he blew her head off look at this couple it looks like somebody on Chatterbait well did you hear about
Starting point is 01:08:21 that's what happens when you go to a swingers party that's who shows up yep that's right did you hear about this man who got unjustly convicted of rape? This woman made up this story, and so he got put in jail for four years, and then she finally admitted that it was a fake claim,
Starting point is 01:08:39 and so they're going to put her in jail for two months. Two months? Yes. You took four years of this person's life away, and you stuck them with a sex offender deal. Joe, I was listening to you last night on Fitzsimmons. That guy from Ohio called in, and he was like six years. Six years.
Starting point is 01:08:53 And he gets no money back. He's just pretty much nothing. Yeah. Well, that guy had sex with a girl, and she was at a party, and she got drunk. He had sex with her, and she had a boyfriend, so she claimed that she was raped. Right. And that was a false claim. He got nothing. You're right. Oh this yeah, he got zero money and the girl didn't do any time at all
Starting point is 01:09:10 She finally admitted it one day. She was really sorry, but the guy would have been in jail the entire time But this woman this is what's really crazy She got caught by her mother looking at pornography on the internet So she said that she had been sexually assaulted and blamed her neighbor. Whoa. And the lie just snowballed from there. So the neighbor had, there was, they have no interaction at all. And all of a sudden this guy is locked up in jail for four years of his life.
Starting point is 01:09:34 How could you just lock him up in jail based on what evidence? How does, beyond a shadow of a doubt, you've proven that someone that has no interaction with the other has somehow managed to rape them? I don't know. I don't understand it. What does that say about the people that are making decisions on, you know, from the judges' chairs or the jury box? How fucked up are they? I don't know. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Maybe the dude, like, is really shifty when he comes in there. He looks guilty. I mean, maybe she was really convincing, but she said the lie, just sort of snowballed. Maybe had a T-top Camaro. I mean, that's like a giveaway. This is so crazy. Yeah, he maybe had one of them old Burt Reynolds Transats. A 77?
Starting point is 01:10:11 Yeah, that's the rapist car I've ever seen. I mean, it's really stunning, man. I don't understand how the woman could only get two months in jail just because she's sorry. I mean, I get that she's sorry, but you shouldn't. You ruined his life. You essentially ruined his life. It's crazy. How old was the guy when he went to jail?
Starting point is 01:10:31 I don't know. It doesn't say here. I mean, that could be a huge. Oh, no, it doesn't say here. No, it doesn't say here. Poor guy, man. I mean, what the fuck do you do there? You get out.
Starting point is 01:10:42 You must feel so devastated by life. What the fuck do you do there? You get out. You must feel so devastated by life. It's that O.J. Simpson law, man, that the police have to follow by. Anything a woman says is right until proven not right. You know, so like any crazy bitch can just be like, yeah, you did this. I mean, that's helpful if you're trying to, you know, get anal sex. But otherwise.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I changed my age of a lady that I would maul. Okay. Like at what age do I quit? Uh-huh. 73. What? Raquel Welch. Oh.
Starting point is 01:11:11 She's looking that good still, huh? You gotta look at Raquel Welch at 73. I mean, I'm not much for fucking celebrity gossip, unless it's very positive, like, to be nice to people. Just imagine that. Raquel Welch, this is what I want you to Google.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Raquel Welch stuns at pre-Emmy party in leopard print dress. You're not going to believe this woman is 73 years old. I mean, I don't know what she looked like a month ago. I don't know if they put her in some sort of oxygen tank and rejuvenated her and brought her back to life. I don't know if there's a pod under her bed and she doesn't exist anymore. I mean, she looks like she's 40, dude. Yeah, but she's got that suntan-y boobies. Shut your mouth and put the picture up.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Wow, no way. She's 73 years old. Yes, she's 73 years old. Holy moly. She's got that suntan boobies. Dude, go to the full size picture so you can actually see her whole body. For 73, that's ridiculous. There's a full picture where you can see her whole body. Zoom out so we can all see it.
Starting point is 01:12:03 What's her old body? Oh, her old body was ridiculous. Yeah, she looks like, hey, let's go do a cruise. Dude, go to a full body shot. That is her body. No, go to the ones where you see her body, the other ones, where she's in the skirt where her legs are spread. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Back up. You got a distorted image here. No. There you go. It looks like shit compared to what's on my screen. I have a full one from the Huffington Post. See, look at this one. Don't knock over the camera.
Starting point is 01:12:28 You don't have that photo? No. I mean, it's pretty similar. Well, that's a good angle on the one that you got there. Yeah. Oh, it's certainly a good angle. I mean, she's 73 years old. I'm not going to begrudge her at all.
Starting point is 01:12:38 No, look, she's still 73 years old. But, dude, if your woman looks that good at 73 years old, congratulations. You win. You fucking win. You knock it out of the park. You that good at 73 years old, congratulations. You win. You fucking win. You knock it out of the park. You know who's 73 years old? Hunter S. Thompson six years after he was dead. How about that?
Starting point is 01:12:52 Hunter S. Thompson shot himself in the head at 67. You remember what he looked like? He looked like, holy hell, this broad is six years older than him. Or like Bukowski at 73. That's incredible. Yeah, Bukowski at 73. Buk incredible. Yeah, Bukowski at 73. Bukowski at 33 was probably not. She looks amazing. Who knows? Congratulations to her for
Starting point is 01:13:10 fucking keeping it together. You would hit that, huh? Gangster. Probably not. Just giving her her props. I'm just giving the lady her props. Yeah, she's pretty hot. I know to a woman that might seem offensive, but for us, that's like one of the simplest, like, sure fire ways that we, that's a, from but for us, that's one of the simplest surefire ways that we,
Starting point is 01:13:29 from a male perspective, that's a good start, rock-solid compliment. Yes. It doesn't seem like it is. It seems rude and uncouth, but it's actually a huge compliment. Joe, you really need to play this Grand Theft Auto. They found Bigfoot in the game, and it's so crazy. That picture has been around on the internet forever, Brian. That's not from the game No, but but there's actually a Bigfoot that's in the game that like like like it's really hard to find them
Starting point is 01:13:52 And then like if you stare at them too close Look, it's I think it's zooming in right here. You stare at it too close. He just runs away immediately like it's cool Where's Bigfoot? I want to see him Somebody must have captured one of the only people that didn't buy and isn't playing gta5 um no you and me nah i just i'm not that kind of time man i'm busy i got shit to do now when i waste my time i play magic the gathering because that's so much more cool do you play that of course i do absolutely i'll tap your fucking man right now buddy magic the gathering that you must be the toughest dude on the planet who plays magic i I'll tap your fucking manor right now, buddy. Magic the Gathering. You must be the toughest dude on the planet who plays Magic the Gathering.
Starting point is 01:14:27 I think it's arguably so, yeah. I don't even think there's a close second. Probably not. No. No fucking chance. Is this it? I can just reach over and just crumple your little cards up. What are you going to do about it?
Starting point is 01:14:36 What are you going to do, bitch? That's him? That's Bigfoot? Yeah, you'll see him. If you use your thermal, you'll see him. Oh, that's it? He just stands there? Well, I mean, he's really hard to find. He's just like real Bigfoot. He'll run away immediately when he, you'll see him. Oh, that's it? He just stands there? Well, I mean, he's really hard to find.
Starting point is 01:14:45 He's just like real Bigfoot. He'll run away immediately when he sees you looking at him. Yeah, but like real Bigfoot. Does he fight the bionic man? If he's real, you should be able to track him. Like real Bigfoot. Yeah, I'm sure you can eventually kill him. I mean, people are pissed off because animal rights movements are demanding boycott of the video game.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Are we talking about a game now? Because you can kill animals in it. Like, you can run over deer and stuff like that. So now people are... Well, did they know that those deer are not real? I think they do. What about alien rights advocates? Are they going to fucking...
Starting point is 01:15:14 For Quake, are they going to come along? Quake. They're going to stop shooting at aliens. There's aliens in Grand Theft Auto. Aliens? Oh, yeah. What about pirates rights advocates? Are they going to come out about that?
Starting point is 01:15:25 I think I saw the head of their union driving down Ventura getting here. Pirates' rights advocates. There was a pirate hobo. He was just standing there all swarthy, just looking at me, wondering if I was going to eat the rest of that sandwich. You played the card game Magic, you said. Yes, I played. Did you play with that group of eight girls?
Starting point is 01:15:43 Yes, that's what got me started back into it. I started playing magic when it first came out back in the day going to role-playing game conventions yes yes indeed and uh they were handing them all out because magic the gathering is from redmond washington and they're handing out these packs me and my buddy are playing with all these cards thinking well you know this ain't this isn't going to be worth anything and then lo and behold it's they ended up being worth a lot of money so i played up until like 1997 and then i stopped playing i just got out of it and then and then uh and ryan keely league somehow she got someone turned her on to the whole game and then she's like hey would you you did you ever play this yeah yeah i did quite a bit actually and And she's like, well, hey,
Starting point is 01:16:25 will you teach me how? I got all these cards these people gave me and so all of a sudden now I'm teaching them how to play and all the rules are way different. It's way much more complex and difficult
Starting point is 01:16:34 and then I start getting sucked right back into it. Now I'm buying all these damn cards. Now I'm building all these decks and doing all this crap. Although I will say one thing I like about it and I do like playing card games
Starting point is 01:16:44 just like even, you know, I'm not like a big poker guy, but I like the fact that how we talked about engaging your mind, this game is all strategy. Right. And dorkiness. Of course. I mean, if I could simply play spades with you or how about I have my rune scar demon
Starting point is 01:17:00 come flying across and maul you. What? Yes. My rune scar demon. Your demon. Yeah. Holy shit. Or my, oh, what would be another good one? Primordial ooze.
Starting point is 01:17:11 It's got all this crazy stuff. Liliana's reaver. Does that not sound cool? That's really cool. Yeah. It's hilarious, too. What is cool is that it's a bunch of hot chicks all playing this. And so it's like just a whole ton of hot chicks that are all playing Magic the Gathering on Wednesday nights.
Starting point is 01:17:28 That sounds cool. It is. That sounds like you win. It's so funny how girls will ask for dick. They have to go way round about it. They have to do it through runes and magic cards and shit. And elves have to deliver messages. Unravel the scroll.
Starting point is 01:17:49 It's a proclamation. My vagina is available for you, sir. But I think the game's a lot of fun and it is one of those things that does keep me... Yeah, fine, fuck it. You know what?
Starting point is 01:17:57 I'm done justifying my playing of Magic. Dude, I wear a fanny pack. I'm, you know, I'm a dork. I'm 100% dork. Is that your crew? Yes. Is that your Magic the Gathering crew? Yes. I would a dork. I'm 100% dork. Is that your crew? Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Is that your Magic the Gathering crew? Yes. I would be in there just to smell the air. I would just like to smell all those girls. I don't even want to smell them up close. I'm not creepy. Check out me. Check this out.
Starting point is 01:18:15 I just like to be around pretty girls. Just walk through the room real quick. If you're around that many girls that are pretty, you just feel better about life. If you're in a room and everyone is that hot, I would probably be so funny. And you're playing card games. Yes. Magic the Gathering. It would probably be really good for my writing. I'd be able to make them laugh because I would want them to like me.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I just want to be really friendly and funny. Please, you make me feel better with every smile I get from you. You guys smell so good. I just want to be around you. I don't even want anything from you. I'm married. I swear to God. I'm just going to be digging through your trash for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:18:42 It's no big deal. I'm just trying to smell you. Magic the Gathering. Whoa! I swear to God I'm just gonna be digging through your trash for a little bit it's no big deal just trying to smell you magic the gathering whoa I tell ya like I said I wear a fucking fanny pack well how much cooler would it be
Starting point is 01:18:52 if it had a bunch of magic cards in it not at all not at all did you see that thing where the guy was this artist
Starting point is 01:19:01 in Normandy did an artistic representation of all the people that died on the beaches of Normandy in a stencil. He put a stencil down for bodies and then raked the sand. Pull it up, Brian. Artist stencils, 9,000 people, Normandy. It's for a peace day. Incredibly moving images when you see that this actually represents how many people were killed. And so he had all these stencils, and at first it was just 50 people volunteered to do it. And then the town, the locals found out about it, so everybody started joining in. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Yeah, well, when you see it from the air, there's several photographs. You could really get a sense of how many people died that day. Wow. It's insane. I mean, it's really insane. I don how many people died that day. Wow. It's insane. I mean, it's really insane. I don't know what those things are. What are those things? They're just stencils.
Starting point is 01:19:51 They're rocks. Those rocks. Like, scroll up a little bit. It's like pebbles and stuff. What do you mean? Scroll up a little. There was a closer picture. Back where you were.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Back where you were. Keep going down. Down, down, down, down. That one. That one. Above. The rocks where you see it on the map. What are those things?
Starting point is 01:20:04 Oh, those? Who knows? Maybe they're... They look like dominoes. Maybe they're leftover beachhead deals to keep you from landing close enough. Oh, you know what? That might be that. Or where the gunners used to be or something.
Starting point is 01:20:16 God, that's all probably remnants of war, right? Look at that thing behind it. What is that? Is that what that is? Probably. To keep people from landing? Yeah, just a big concrete bunker to you know to do whatever it's got to do so they um did this and it's insane when you see it from from the sky
Starting point is 01:20:30 if you scroll down brian there's some better images look at that i mean it's it's immense and if you go further back they show one where they really zoom out look at this one that's cool that's nuts and that represents how many people died that day. It's incredible. Imagine what the water looked like. Oh, my God. Look at that guy's mustache. How about what it smelled? What it smelled like. It must have been horrendous.
Starting point is 01:20:52 I mean, what do they even do with the bodies? Do they clean them up one by one, or do they avoid it and let the ocean eat them all? I don't think you can let the ocean eat them all. I think you've got to strip them all down. You've got to take stock, and you've got to take all their dog tags, all the information. Everything has all the logistics that have to go into letting anybody who is related to these people know that they have died in war. And they have to be – I think they're all body bagged up and sent to a military graveyard. I wonder.
Starting point is 01:21:20 That's a real good question because I know that's the standard operational procedure. When you get a war, a battle that kills so many people, I wonder. Let's see. What happened to the bodies at Normandy? Man, it seems like it would be almost impossible to get them all out of there. And you start thinking like, well, from just a logic point of view, it's like we have more fighting to do. just a logic point of view. It's like, we have more fighting to do.
Starting point is 01:21:46 If we're spending more time and manpower and energy moving bodies, then killing our enemy. Yeah. The decomposing bodies presented a health risk to the living. That's a video game right there. It's called D.D. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:22:02 The Allied dead of Normandy invasion were buried close to where they fell. The decomposing bodies represented a health risk for the living, so it was important to bury them as soon as it could be done safely. Rather than use Allied troops for this purpose, the Allies put German prisoners of war to work, laying out the cemeteries, digging graves, and interning the combat slain.
Starting point is 01:22:25 The simultaneously freed Allied soldiers from war vital to... Oh, okay, that's simultaneous. Okay. Yeah, so they made German prisoners of war bury all the bodies. Wow. Fucking A, man. What a fucking weird place it must be to be a prisoner of war. You were on your way to kill somebody, but it all fucked up. And they decided the killing's enough.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Enough is enough. We'll just dig some holes for us. And you're going to get rid of the bodies. And it's interesting when you look at, say, World War I, World War II. And let's say you're an officer in World War II. And you're captured by even the Germans, I guess. If you're an officer, they're going to feed you and give you housing and quarters and all this kind of stuff. And then you go into Vietnam where there ain't none of that.
Starting point is 01:23:07 You know, it's just absolute brutality. We're going to torture you and shit on you until you die. Or you give us what information. You know, there's like this idea of sort of a, you know, even some sort of honor amongst war. Like, no, no, none of that. Or even now with the conflicts going in the Middle East. I mean, the mentality is way different. It's very weird when you have rules for war, too.
Starting point is 01:23:30 But they do, yeah. And everybody in Europe sat by and thought, well, that makes sense. My grandfather was, you know, I told you, a prisoner of war for like six to eight months. And here's this picture when he was captured by the Nazis. And it's just weird seeing it because they had, when they checked him in, they took his photo, they had to give his thumbprint. Why doesn't it have his real face? Why does it say Red Band on it?
Starting point is 01:23:53 That's actually his real face, but I just put Red Band in there. Why'd you do that? What's the real photo? Because I put the name up and I didn't want his real name on it. Oh, I see what you're saying. So, wow. So for eight months he was a prisoner of war? Six to eight months, yeah. Looks a little like you, fella. I know, isn't what you're saying. So, wow. So for eight months, he was a prisoner of war? Six to eight months, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Looks a little like you, fella. I know. Isn't that weird? Yeah. Looks like he could have a cigarette in his hand and a kitty cat T-shirt on. But he got out of it, huh? He got out of it alive. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:12 But my family all thought he died. So they pretty much was almost like about to fake bury him or something like that. Did he ever talk about the whole situation, like what he went through? Yeah, he did. But you could tell it was pretty hard for him. ever talk about the pro like the whole situation like what he went through yeah he did but he you could tell it was you know it was pretty hard for him because i like i that video game i was showing you earlier i used to have like a you know really good stereo system when that came out i mean this was like 15 years ago or something like that and what was that call of duty 2 or 1 call of duty 2
Starting point is 01:24:38 and like i set him down was like here i want you to watch this oh dude why are you such a dick because he wanted to see it he was and i just like, let me see what this is. And I remember sitting there watching him going, wow, this is too intense for him. So I had to turn down the sound a little. Because especially that opening scene when they're on the beach, he was just like, whoa. That must be really weird watching a bunch of people fake what was the worst moments of your life. And then faking it. Like, woohoo, they got fucking Mountain Dew and Cheetos and shit.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Extreme with three X's. It was the worst time of your life. And they're faking it. Like, woohoo! They got fucking Mountain Dew and Cheetos and shit. Extreme with three X's. Worst time of your life. Ever. Sailing a 250 Yamaha over the top of a bunker. Yeah, you're like, do you know you guys could be fighting aliens?
Starting point is 01:25:14 Why are you fighting real people? Why are you pretending you're in World War II? Why don't you go make a game where you fight wolves or leopards or crocodiles or some shit. Or crocodile leopards.
Starting point is 01:25:24 It doesn't have to be... There youards. It doesn't have to be people. There you go. It doesn't have to be people. It doesn't have to be a recreation of the worst part of someone's entire life. I always thought this was weird. For some reason it says blows that will finish Reich. Like my last name. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:36 What does that mean? I don't even know what that means. Blows that will finish Reich. Reich is the third Reich. Finish quickly? Well, the Reich is the death squad. Yeah, well, the third Reich, Reich is the third Reich. Finish quickly? Well, the Reich is the... Yeah, well, the Third Reich, which is... They came up with the whole Reich idea
Starting point is 01:25:50 because it started off with the Holy Roman Empire, right? And that was considered like the first German, the first Deutsches Reich. And then it moved on to the second one, which ended after World War I. And then you had the Weimar Republic, which was considered a huge failure although I mean there was a lot of interesting art and propaganda and things that came out of that but which
Starting point is 01:26:11 you know Germany was in such a terrible state financially and spiritually that it was easy for a good order and a good orator not order and the political party of the Nazis to come out and, oh, you know, you guys are so oppressive and things are so shitty for you. You know, we have, we're on your side. No, we're totally for you, the German people. And everybody else, you know, they fucked us over.
Starting point is 01:26:35 And look at how we're, you know, it's us against them. And so, you know, you got a disenfranchised public and they go along with this. And then, boom, the idea the third reich was that it would be an extension of these previous moments of glory in germany's past i mean germany pretty much owned all of europe at one point a couple times josh barnett dropping mad knowledge that the germanic folks were the ones that were the scariest to uh various tribes to the romans they were they were scary to even the Mongols,
Starting point is 01:27:06 the Germanic tribe. They were fucking savage people, man. They were bad motherfuckers for a long time. They ran shit in Europe. They were big, crazy, milk-fed, steak-fed people. You know, for the reasons that we were talking about earlier, like they lived off of cattle. That was a lot of what made them so fucking large. They had some pretty powerful tribes to begin with and then
Starting point is 01:27:25 at the point of civilization once they had managed to unite them to a single purpose and they just grew and all of a sudden they could turn this advancement in their society into a machine that they could go and carry on their protocol to
Starting point is 01:27:41 increase their land and their economic structure and whatever. Prussia was an amazing world empire at one point. Austria. The Holy Roman Empire was basically out of Austria. Yeah, it's really fascinating when you look at the history of Europe because the history of the United States is so small. It's like such a little blip of time, a couple of hundred years.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Well, as far as we're concerned, too, because we don't even know all the history of the Native Americans that were here and all the stuff that was going on with them. Yeah. And even pre-Natives. I mean, there's evidence that Chinese people were here 10,000 plus years ago. No way. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:20 Donut shops. No, I don't think they had even laundromats back then. Fuck. Donut shops. No, I don't think they had even laundromats back then. I think the history of Europe, though, to me, it's one of the more unique and fascinating aspects of human culture is how much is written down. They were one of the first societies to really grow in a modern sense.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Chinese as well, right? to grow and in a modern sense versus, uh, you know, it, it, it just takes as well, right? The Chinese had an amazing, amazing empire of themselves. So the idea of the Chinese coming to America, not, not a stretch in any sake of,
Starting point is 01:28:55 uh, of the thought or the, how there was a lot of these South, some of these Southeast Asian countries, their first real introduction to big civilization was china dropping in and saying hey what's up yeah you're going to be a pre you're going to be like a little subsidiary of us like vietnam a lot of the the red and gold uh is incorporated into everything that they do is left over from from china because china was down there way back in the day way before the french
Starting point is 01:29:22 way before any of them and gold and red are considered uh you know fortuitous and special colors in chinese culture wow that's interesting so they're just running around looking for spices and shit well yeah china also people what what amazes me is how the middle east uh was similar like china they had uh higher learning and knowledge and language and things that that help a civilization to grow in terms of technology right away. They had developed methods for forging bronze weapons. And, in fact, they were some of the first cultures to come up with crucible steel, which is a high-carbon steel for making swords, which were more flexible, sharper, less brittle. And then you had math, all this math and geometry and all these fantastic empires and warrior cultures and all this thing and and then at some point boom it all gets reduced to third world wow that's madness isn't it well it
Starting point is 01:30:17 is you know you look at iran well the persian empire the turkish empires and all this you know and they were still those were were Muslim empires still. But yet, you know, these countries like Afghanistan or some of the other ones where, you know, they took on a very heavy ideology shift towards Islam, a very, very much, much more forgiving one. And then it changes the entire landscape to, you know, everything seems to go back. Forgiving in what way? What do you mean? Wait, for Afghanistan took on a more forgiving?
Starting point is 01:30:53 No, unforgiving. Unforgiving. Yeah, you know, very, very hard-lined in the way that they... I thought you said forgiving. In the way how they wanted their culture to be, to exist, to present, you know. And, you know, there's, I think we talked last time about how there was, there was, there's pictures of, of Afghanistan with, with Western ideal type, Western idea type cultures. I mean, of course, I believe it's probably been a Muslim country for as, just as about as long as it's actually been Afghanistan
Starting point is 01:31:18 for the most part. But, you know, there was a massive culture shift in terms of, you know, women with education and, and your state of dress of dress and things that wouldn't be allowed. Killing literally everyone. Killing everyone in the city. Filling the rivers with all the works of literature, all their maps, everything they've written. The river ran black with ink and red with blood was how they described it. And they sacked Baghdad and killed everybody. And this was in the 1200s. And they said that today it hasn't recovered.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Baghdad at one point in time was the cultural center of civilization. I mean, that was the birthplace of that's ancient Sumer. That's where I guess that's 6,000 plus years ago. Mongols messed that motherfucker up. It really might be. I never considered it until I listened to his podcast. But he basically said they killed over a million people there. They killed people.
Starting point is 01:32:24 The Mongols were so fucking gangster, they would kill everyone in a city. Then they would leave, and they would come back two weeks later when they knew that you'd be cleaning up and coming out of hiding and trying to bury your dead, and then they would kill everybody else. Damn.
Starting point is 01:32:37 They didn't fuck around. They would double tap back in the 1200s. And people thought the Romans were so bad, but at least they brought technology with them. Same with the 1200s. And people thought the Romans were so bad, but at least they brought technology with them. Same with the Muslims back. Well, they said that the thing the Mongols did was they opened up trade routes and they broke
Starting point is 01:32:54 up these lethargic empires by killing everybody. Well, yeah, you know, through destruction you can create, right? Oh, there's a Nile song called that, as he creates so he destroys. Well, that's also like in correspondence it actually has a connection it bears a connection
Starting point is 01:33:08 to Nazi Germany because Carlin was talking about how there's this sort of revisionist history that long after the fact there's some people that come up
Starting point is 01:33:18 with positive traits that they attribute to the Mongols and one of them being that they had religious tolerance they didn't give a fuck what you believed basically like just give us your money and you don had religious tolerance. They didn't give a fuck what you believed, basically.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Like, just give us your money and you don't have to give... We don't give a fuck what you believe. We want money and we're going to fuck all your women. Like, they leave out
Starting point is 01:33:32 conveniently all the rape and murder and they talk about religious tolerance and the fact they didn't tax the poor. You know why? The poor don't have any money.
Starting point is 01:33:39 So just steal it from the rich. You're stealing plenty. Don't worry about the poor. And don't worry about what someone fucking believes in. And so this revisionist history has also shed nice light on the Mongols. And the Mongols killed
Starting point is 01:33:51 somewhere around 50 to 70 million people, according to Carlin. That's a lot of fucking people. Over the course of Genghis Khan and his son's lives, somewhere between 50 and 70 million. The truth of it is that good or bad, massive change creates change. It just does.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Even a really incredibly horrible thing is often the catalyst that can create the next step for potentially something good to even come of it. Much like it means our own lives, right? Yeah. Well, we're static creatures. When we can get away with expending the least amount of energy, we will. Yeah, and when we're forced to change, oftentimes we grow. Yeah. And it's not that it's good that the Mongols did what they did, but because of that, things moved along in a different way.
Starting point is 01:34:37 And what he was saying was, how long is it going to be before someone makes that same analogy about the Nazis? before someone makes that same analogy about the Nazis? How long is it going to be before someone comes along and says, well, here's what's good about World War II because it united Europe and this and that, and they got rid of an evil dictator and blah, blah, blah, and comes up with good reasons why that all happened? I don't know. I don't think our society at large, especially any of our supposedly more advanced, whatever you want to call it, with all the media sources. I don't think we can allow to ever look at anything entirely objectively,
Starting point is 01:35:17 whether we could say this is 90% bad, 90% bad, whatever this thing is. But look at this 10%. To say that that 10% wasn't good or that wasn't – Wasn't so horrible. No, it's like, no, you can't do that. It's all bad. No, it's all emotional and that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:33 I think what they're saying is like a few hundred years from now. Right now it's too fresh. Too many people are actually still alive that were in concentration camps and lost their grandparents and what have you. But in the future. I think people have a hard time trying to understand that there's a distinction between, you know, just because you can say that one thing is bad, that all of this is bad, but there is one, that doesn't erase, it doesn't change what things are.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Simply stating something as a truth doesn't make it any less of whatever it was. Any less evil. No, it doesn't make bad things not bad. It doesn't make good things not good. You just tell it like it is. Yeah, Terrence McKenna had a really interesting thought about the 20th century, like the most science fiction moment of the 20th century. He's like, wasn't really even the Internet.
Starting point is 01:36:23 The most science fiction moment of the 20th century was during World War II when this man who wanted to engineer a master race was shooting rockets into Europe. And London was getting hit with rocket fire from these Nazis, these evil people who want to create a master race. Like that's very Orwellian. Super science fiction, yeah. Super science fiction. You know, this idea of engineering a master race and rockets. Eugenics. Yeah. And creating, you know, all those crazy amounts of, I mean, the technology that the German army came up with back then,
Starting point is 01:36:57 a lot of it was the, you know, just from a military standpoint, the things that came from the Wehrmacht are all littered throughout modern combat as it exists, as things are designed, the idea of specialized troops and special forces. And the AK-47 came from Sturmgewehr 44 assault rifles being left in Russia because, I mean, these guys are just getting trounced and they're freezing to death and, you know, we just got to get the fuck out of here. We don't care about this rifle anymore. But it was a stamped steel rifle.
Starting point is 01:37:33 It had a curved magazine. It had a.30 caliber bullet that was shorter and it was designed. Everything that the AK-47 is is the STG-44. They found them, disassembled them, reverse-engineered it, and made some adjustments, and then boom. The AK-47 exists because of
Starting point is 01:37:52 getting into conflict with Germany back in the day. I'm not surprised at all. The idea of a cheaply created stamp steel versus machine steel. A lot of the German stuff to begin with was all machined it was very high you know tight tolerances and very very perfectly designed which is great unless something breaks or you have to change something or you end up out somewhere
Starting point is 01:38:15 like oh well hey my buddies is is on the fritz and you got an extra one how about we no things don't really match up so well and we and it takes longer to produce it and more expensive. So at some point, you go from making the MG34, which is all these machine parts and all this stuff, to making the MG42, which is all stamped steel. You can replace the barrels more easily because they heat up after a high rate of fire. You can swap one to the next to the next. You have this interchangeability, and you can produce that much more of them. Wow. It's just an engineering thing.
Starting point is 01:38:50 And while it was used for weapons, it's something that I have no doubt that it has followed throughout the rest of industry as an idea anyways. Germans were incredibly innovative. BMW used to make engines for fighter pilots or fighter planes. Rolls-Royce did a lot of that too. Yeah. And we used them over here in America, supercharged them. Incredible. used to make engines for fighter pilots or fighter planes rolls royce did a lot of that too yeah and we used them over here in america supercharged them incredible he hitler had an ancient fucking i want to say it was a mercedes an ancient race car no it was a volkswagen beetle no no no that was his yeah but there was a race car hitler's race car i want to say audi but did you know he
Starting point is 01:39:22 was a he was an architect or an amateur architect yeah really amazing artist there is a book on the on the architect of the of the third reich and it's it's crazy because even the way they wanted to design buildings had a social purpose like say creating structures that were so monolithic and oppressive that would make you think that you could never be bigger than the state itself. You know, and I mean, these things are pretty impressive. And some of them were actually built, but of course, throughout the history of war, of the war, they were bombed and destroyed and all that.
Starting point is 01:39:57 But it's just, you know, the idea that your environment can control your populace. And that's a true thing all the way to casinos. I mean, the way the place is designed and the colors and the designs and the carpet are all supposedly supposed to make you feel certain ways that will encourage you to gamble and keep you in there longer. That's so weird. Google Hitler's Audi race car. Yeah, it was an Audi. Apparently, Audi is Auto Union. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 01:40:27 And it's been around since the Nazis. And Hitler had this fucking dope-ass little race car. Nice. It's really wild-looking, man. And especially when you consider it's from the 1940s. I guess when you're a little maniacal fuck. No, just look up Hitler's. You'd want a race car.
Starting point is 01:40:42 Hitler's car. There's photos of the actual Hitler's. You'd want a race car. Hitler's car. There's photos of the actual Hitler car. Yeah, maniacal fuck would want an awesome race car. Yeah, of course. Their engineering was so off the charts. The stuff that they were building back then. That's it. That's the car.
Starting point is 01:40:57 I mean, how dope is that fucking thing? Damn. It looks like a fuselage to an airplane. It looks awesome. I mean, that's something, if you saw that drive down the street today, you'd be like, holy shit. We got a straight eight-cylinder in it or something with a supercharger. Low to the ground, small, lightweight, probably fucking flies.
Starting point is 01:41:15 And if you compare that to, you know, like other cars, like a 55 Chevy 10 years later, that's stupid-looking fucking box of shit. Check out Upskirt of Hitler's girlfriend. It's totally way easier to bang broads in the back of a 55 Chev though. Yes, tough to bang chicks. But if you're gangster enough to drive a car like that, you fuck her right in the hood. And if people watch, they watch.
Starting point is 01:41:36 You don't even care. Right, you're like, look, I just had this polished. You can see your reflection. That's Hitler's gal? Hitler's tit girl. Wow. Hitler's a vegetarian, you know. Was he? Yep. There you go. Fucking creepy asshole.
Starting point is 01:41:50 It was a 1939 Auto Union D-Type. That's the car. Fucking wild, man. Yeah, well, you know, even though the world was at war, it's not like the world stopped, you know? Yeah. Things kept motoring on. Yeah. It's not like the world stopped. You know? Things kept motoring on. Yeah. It's amazing, man. They actually purchased it.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Audi returned it. They bought it from someone. And then someone had held on to it. It was supposed to fetch over $10 million when it was up for auction. Wow. It was eventually sold to an unnamed private collector.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Private collector who happened to love Nazi memorabilia? Yes. I want to be private. He walks around his house with a fucking Charlie Chaplin mustache.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Does it have boots in it? This is not a Hitler. This is a Charlie Chaplin mustache. This is not Hitler. Absolutely. Hitler's girlfriend looks like my mom when she was young.
Starting point is 01:42:40 That's weird. They had it fully restored and preserved, though. I mean, the photos you see of it, it's immaculate. It looks like it was rolling off the factory floor in 1939.
Starting point is 01:42:49 It's amazing. Well, you know, good, bad, and different, history needs to be kept so that you can learn from it. Yeah, I mean, just because you show things like this
Starting point is 01:42:57 doesn't mean you're praising an evil, evil person. It's fascinating. And the Nazis, their use of technology, also fascinating because that's so very human, a wanted and cherished characteristic, our ability to innovate. It's so rewarded. We love it. We love that aspect. It's so cool. And to think that that could also be attributed with the most evil totalitarian dictator regime. The things themselves are not.
Starting point is 01:43:25 They're only subject to the will of the people that created them. Yeah. And they were fucked. How do both things happen? I mean, how do you make Porsches and Nazis? Well, it's the extreme. The idea of an extreme emotion or an extreme feeling is likely to produce. You get these crazy tortured
Starting point is 01:43:45 artists and you're like well how did you come up with this amazing painting or idea or sculpture or whatever it's like because he's a fucking nuts that's why because he's absolutely insane you know that's so you take some fucking asswipe like hitler who's who's completely bonkers and out of his mind and and and and then he manages to rally a bunch of people in this crazy frenzy and they're spurred on by this fucking nutso you know concept but out of it they managed to produce more you know it's like yeah it's like everybody that was involved in and on a big scale in world war ii managed to like rally their all their people up for an extreme cause and then do amazing things with it and And somehow, I mean, a lot of it was obviously put towards a war effort. But, you know, America, England, everybody all of a sudden started stepping up their game in industry and otherwise.
Starting point is 01:44:36 And it's just it's nuts. But it took but it was, you know, all from extremity, not from not from like a good place necessarily. Yeah, it's interesting how sometimes bad things create good things. And it's interesting when you look back at how united America was during World War II and how people were giving up their steel and giving up pots and pans and aluminum. They were helping the war. People wanted to help the war effort. Women were going into the industrial sectors and building these bombs and riveting and putting these airplane wings on.
Starting point is 01:45:10 And, you know, it was a time where things just lined right up and they could create that sense of unity and patriotism and a common goal. And we're able to, you know, and it's funny, you know japan was this also quite insane imperialistic uh entity over there completely ransacking and raping korea and china and burning it to the ground and just fucking it over and to such a level that and that we don't even really go over it in in u.s and in america and history here in the united states versus talking about Nazi Germany and the things that happen within Europe. It is practically the same thing but on the other side of the ocean. So you have Japan being this isolated imperialist country
Starting point is 01:45:55 and then the war happens and the atomic bombs and everything that ravages the country as a whole and the people. And then the rebuild of Japan, boom, come the 80s, they own fucking everything. That's kind of weird, right? Yeah, they're like just crushing it but in a completely different way, like technologically and business-wise. And they're just on top of the world. They're on top of everything except nuclear cleanup.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Right. Not so good at that. But would that have ever been if they hadn't have taken that crazy step to start trying to be a total asshole all over the world and then paying for it? Would they have ever become that massive technological superpower at the time in the 80s and made all the advancements that they did? And think about how quickly that took place. You're talking about like 40-plus years later. It happened very fast. Even faster.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Think about Korea. So Korea obviously got divided at some point after the war. about like 40 plus years very fast you know even faster think about korea so yeah korea obviously it got divided at some point after the war uh but uh even south korea you had was korea was a very agricultural country it didn't really have a ton of technology and you know japan goes in there and ruins it and then you know korean war and and the difficult and trying to keep that line or whatever. And after all this conflict, boom, they get attached to this industrial, this technological revolution. And then, bam, fucking South Korea is this massive giant in the technology industry. Yeah, and a lot of this started off with just a bunch of farmers, yeah,
Starting point is 01:47:22 a bunch of farmers and their land. And instead of being farmland, being turned into cities, being turned into factories, being turned into industry. And then you've got companies like, well, you've got Samsung, which has every kind of department you could think of. You've got, I believe, another one is Hyundai and Daewoo. So people may think of Daewoo as the little cheeseball cars that got sold over here at one point, but they make military arms. They make heavy machinery. They make
Starting point is 01:47:51 anything you can think about. These companies are enormous. So Samsung is South Korea's. Yeah. It is fascinating how things like that do happen. The phoenix rises from the ashes. Yeah, and in both cases, you know, Korea, I would say Korea is arguably the Japan of the 80s
Starting point is 01:48:10 and that the way they have conquered the marketplace with their products and with the companies that exist and how they're taking technology to that next level. Yeah, it really is fascinating. And it's definitely not saying that there's anything good about anything that happened before. No, Korea went through some really bad stuff. The Korean China suffered immensely from World War II.
Starting point is 01:48:34 I didn't know about it until the 90s. Someone recommended, no, it was the 2000s. Well, the director, Rupert, director of Fear Factor, recommended a documentary, The Rape of Nam King. Yeah. Oh, it's horrific. Terrible. You want to follow that up
Starting point is 01:48:48 where there's a movie called The Man Behind the Sun? It's a Category 3 Hong Kong gore flick, but man, is it brutally shit. It's bad news. But I think that it was probably quite similar to what they really did do. Yeah, it's unbelievable
Starting point is 01:49:02 how much carnage took place. If you try to wrap your head around it, it's almost impossible. It's hard to believe that these are people that just lived 60-plus years ago and that somehow or another, 60, 70 years ago, these people were that evil. I always love talking to my Asian buddies, and I'm like, you guys crack me the fuck up. Although what you're talking about is not any different from any, you know, we as human beings love to always segregate and, and, and, and separate anything for any reason, blonde hair
Starting point is 01:49:34 versus brown hair or white versus black or what it doesn't matter. If we can find a difference, we will cut a line at any, at any given point. That's just what we do do so i always make jokes i'm like it's hilarious talking to any asian culture about the rest of asia everybody thinks that their asian culture is the one that's the good one and everybody else is fucked you know and it's and it's funny from what standpoints they they take it i'll talk to my my south south uh southeast asian buddies and they'll always be like we're cool the rest rest of Southeast Asia is full of crazy people. They do crazy stuff. Unbelievable. They're all barbarians. And then every other Southeast Asian country
Starting point is 01:50:10 will say the exact same thing about the rest of them. And then China is always like, oh, basically you all exist because we were first. You're just stealing or using everything that we gave you from the beginning. So, you know, fucking, you're welcome. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:50:25 And then Japan and China always, and Japan is just basically like, well, we're much more civilized and better than all of you anyhow. You guys are still essentially barbarians. And then China's like, oh, how are you going to be so high horse when your language and everything
Starting point is 01:50:39 came from us to begin with and we're older than you. So how are you going to look down on me? And then Korea and Japan have like a whole thing where Japan's always like, you're like my idiot brother, whatever. And Korea's like, fuck you, dude. We're our own people. We're our own thing.
Starting point is 01:50:53 And we never ask you to. It's interesting, but they all disagree. They all battle with each other. To a point. In fact, Korea and Japan still have some real issues. Like North Korea still kidnaps people out of boats and stuff that end up in the sea. Japan are over on that side yeah there's and and there's a lot of bad blood because it wasn't that long ago that japan as an imperial uh uh society or an imperial uh nation went into
Starting point is 01:51:15 korea rounded up all the women and made them whores for their army wow and then went all the way down to china and then created the concentration camps and all those things that they did. And so, and, you know, but even still, Japan is not that country anymore. They don't feel that way. They're not that, they're not, they are not those people. But, you know, in terms of human history, it's really not that long ago. You could have, the fact is, you could have someone that was alive during that time that still exists. I mean, you're that, think of how close you are to history in that aspect did you hear about japan's new battleship what japan how are
Starting point is 01:51:50 they having a battleship i thought they were only allowed to have a self-defense force that was part of the treaty that happened with uh after the end of world war ii japan japan unveils largest warship since world war ii does it turn into a robot too i don't know but it's fucking huge you know japan has unveiled its largest warship since world war ii to be used in anti-submarine warfare and border area surveillance i'll tell you where that comes from missions north korea oh i bet you're right yeah yeah but but i'll tell you what the biggest anytime you do the biggest warship, it always seems like that's always the first one to get its ass kicked.
Starting point is 01:52:29 Like the Bismarck came out of Germany, sunk. The Yamato, sunk. Like they never hardly got to do a damn thing. The coolest, biggest, most awesome floating piece of iron on the seas always ends up sunk, like almost immediately. Yeah, the sea does not appreciate you trying to float around in it like an asshole. No, and it almost seems like fucking karma. It's just like, you're like,
Starting point is 01:52:50 this is the baddest, coolest fucking, ain't nobody got, oh, god damn it. Well, that's what happened with the Titanic. What was the quote on the Titanic that it won't sink? There's something crazy. Titanic, only God can sink it. This is asking for it. That's what it said. Here, I'll tell you exactly
Starting point is 01:53:09 what it said. This is hilarious. There's an attributable quote. Oh, I guess it's on Snopes. So it's saying that it's bullshit. Okay. There's the legend that Titanic was advertised as unsinkable.
Starting point is 01:53:26 The press, captivated by the ironical implications, has faithfully repeated the story. Me too. I just went right with it. Thank God for the fucking internet. Proved me dumb. Actually, the white star. That's how you shut up all your Facebook friends when they post something stupid. The ads never made such a claim about the Titanic or her sister.
Starting point is 01:53:42 The Olympic all promotion almost invariably used the simple slogan, largest and finest steamers in the world. That's it. So there was nothing. God himself could not sink this ship. It's just crazy that we make something now, I mean this Japanese thing, that we can land planes on. It's so big. That is nuts. Or even just, have you ever been up to like say one of our nuclear class
Starting point is 01:54:05 uh our nimitz class um aircraft carriers no i haven't well i went on one aircraft carrier um that they have parked in san francisco it's enormous we did a fear factor stunt on it okay it's fucking enormous and uh i don't know if that was a nuclear class i'm not sure but it pretty god we haven't come in all the time for a seafair and a fleet week or whatever up in Washington and Seattle, Bremerton area. We have a big naval base out there. We have a lot of military installations. And just being at the bottom, being on the street down on the waterfront and looking up at this thing and just feeling immensely small. Like, wow.
Starting point is 01:54:43 One, I can't believe that we ever created this. Yeah. It's amazing. And two, holy shit. Look at how much it takes to run this, for it to even exist on a day-to-day basis, for it to continue being an operative thing. Yeah, that's a big fucking piece of machinery, goddammit.
Starting point is 01:55:03 How are they really run on nuclear power? You know what? Must be, right? There are nuclear submarines, I'll tell you that. Perhaps, I may be wrong, aircraft carriers might not be run on nuclear power. But I don't think they're diesel engines either.
Starting point is 01:55:19 It's gotta be something. Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. There you go, okay, I was right. The Nimitz class, Jesus Christ, there's 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. There you go. Okay, I was right. The Nimitz class. Jesus Christ. There's 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Never doubt myself, I guess. Never doubt yourself, Josh Barnett. In service with the United States Navy, the lead ship of the class is named for World War II,
Starting point is 01:55:37 United States Pacific Fleet Commander, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, who was the U.S. Navy's last fleet admirable. God damn, these things are huge. It's ridiculous size. It is. How many people does it hold on it? It's 1,092 feet long. It's full load displacement of over 100,000 long tons.
Starting point is 01:56:01 I don't even know what that means. I think that's just if they're aroused. That's an aroused ton. That's not a normal ton. That's not a soft, curdled up ton. That's poo. That's a ton with its lips curled back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Letting you know it's ready to sling some dick. It doesn't say how many people it feeds. I guess because the Army doesn't want you to know, or the Navy doesn't want you to know. They're like, as many as we say, get in. How many are in it right now? Enough. Go.
Starting point is 01:56:24 Get in. Time to go. Time to get in. How many are in it right now? Enough. Go. Get in. Time to go. Time to get in. Yeah, it doesn't say. But it does say that it can accommodate a maximum of 130 F-A-18 Hornets or 85 to 90 aircraft of different types, but current numbers are typically 64 per aircraft. But they can accommodate 130 FAA teams. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:56:47 That's insane. Have you seen how big an FAA team is? I got to fly in one once. Yeah. It's a good size piece of machinery itself. It's an amazing machine. 138 of those will fit in there. The Blue Angels took me somewhere near Arizona.
Starting point is 01:57:00 As you're driving to Arizona down from San Diego, you drive down to San Diego and they take a left. Arizona, as you're driving to Arizona down from San Diego, you like, you drive down to San Diego and then take a left. I don't remember the Air Force base, but the blue, the blue angels take you up and you know, they run you through the canyons and make you puke. It was fucking incredible. I bet. You're only a couple hundred feet off the ground and they're just flying through these mountains, just turning sideways and banking around corners. It was amazing. Make your poop come out your mouth? Didn't do that. I took 7.5 Gs. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Before I was done. I was really excited because the guy before me tapped out at like 5 Gs. So I got to 7.5 Gs. I was very excited. But the pressure is unbelievable. The guy in front of me, they don't even wear G suits because the Blue Angels do at old school, like manual transmission style.
Starting point is 01:57:43 No G suits for these guys. And this guy could go to 13 Gs. Whoa. So he goes to 13 Gs before he blacks out. How do you increase your G-taking ability? First of all, you do it a lot, and it becomes like a muscle, because you're actually resisting the pressure. All right. It's literally like you're working out. And then they get really good at hooking.
Starting point is 01:58:00 You know what hooking is? No. Hooking is you hold on to the stick, you know, and you go like this. Hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot. And you're really, literally pumping blood into your head. Like as you're flying, you're hitting the bank and you're hitting the G's. You go, hoot, hoot, hoot. And you feel, don't do that.
Starting point is 01:58:16 You're feeling your consciousness close in like an elevator door. Right. Like you feel it like clamp shut. Like you're about to get choked out. Yes, exactly. But you see it. You see black on both sides. Like you literally see your clamped shut. Like you're about to get choked out. Like, yes, exactly. But you see it. You see black on both sides. Like you literally see your window of vision narrowing and you're fighting it out. And you're fighting it out by forcing blood into your brain. You could like pump it, like force the pump.
Starting point is 01:58:36 And these guys can go up to 13. You are your own Swedish penis pump. Yup, you're your own pump. And the shorter, stockier guys apparently do better at this. Tall, long guys are fucked. Like basketball players, they're your own pump. And the shorter, stockier guys apparently do better at this. Tall, long guys are fucked. Like basketball players, they're fucked. It's too much travel. Like a Jon Jones-type character, Jon's tough enough.
Starting point is 01:58:52 I'm sure he'd figure out a way to do it. But it's hard to get through. There's so much travel room. You have to force all that blood up there. Whereas if you're like a Husamar Paul Hares-type dude, he'd be a badass fighter pilot. Big, stocky, fucking strong, short dude who could fight off the pressure a little bit better.
Starting point is 01:59:09 But only with leg locks. Yeah. Only with leg locks. He only turns left. Yeah, that guy's got some nasty leg locks. As a leg lock specialist, what do you think of his technique? I think it's great, man. I've seen some video of him just rolling in general.
Starting point is 01:59:23 I'm like, sometimes I think he takes it too far with the leg lock stuff and that his, he could have transitioned to better positions. I think he, he got a little tunnel vision on, on leg locks. I think his leg locks are great though. In fact, I watch him roll and I go,
Starting point is 01:59:35 he doesn't really resemble most jujitsu guys. You know, I mean, I'm sure he's been through the same or very similar training regimens. There's a lot of BJJ dudes because the sport is a huge aspect in how you would train and how you apply the techniques. And, you know, that's pretty typical with all things, you know, sport dictates training. But somehow in his head, you know, his unibrow, he just decided I'm going to be more aggressive
Starting point is 02:00:02 and explosive and try to tear everything off all the time and I'm gonna go after legs and um maybe he just had an understanding of physiological advantage and the way he was built and the way he that he performs naturally or you know who knows maybe he just thought it was really cool did you ever see that grappling competition where he's uh fighting one of the Avalon brothers oh yeah, yeah, and he just won't stop. Yeah, he doesn't let go of shit. No, and then he's just like, ah, yeah, friend. It's cool, right?
Starting point is 02:00:30 It's like, I don't know. Well, there's the one where they reset him. Yes, right in the lock. But he's in the middle of a heel hook, and you know as well as I do, that's not possible. No. That's not the same. Ready, go is not the same of a real live scramble.
Starting point is 02:00:45 No. A real live scramble is constantly in motion. There's never a pause. Of course. And if you pause, you're dead. Yes.
Starting point is 02:00:51 And so giving him an opportunity, ready, go, that opportunity, like this guy has to pull out and you get to try to cinch it up. Ready, go.
Starting point is 02:00:58 I would never even let him reset me like that. I'd be like, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. You're out of your fucking mind. Let me up for a second. We're done here.
Starting point is 02:01:04 You crazy bitch, you're not grabbing my leg like that. No. This is not real. That might work with wrestling. Right. Like you restart someone in a certain position, but not in a lock. Even wrestling, it's a difficulty with the, there's the zero-zero match, and then they
Starting point is 02:01:19 make the flip. The guy starts in on the high crotch, and then he just bowls him right off the mat. Yeah. Boom. It's ridiculous. It should be. What are your feelings about restarts? This is one of the things that bugs me a lot about modern MMA.
Starting point is 02:01:32 And I know people give me a hard time about this. They're like, well, it's fucking boring. You know, I think if a guy can take you down and hold you down, that's real. And if you stand that guy up, I know it's boring if somebody wrestle fucks you and just holds on to you. But if you stand that guy up i know it's boring if somebody wrestle fucks you and just holds on to you i think but if you stand that guy right but if you're not making an effort to finish the fight then you could be stood up but is it possible that you're not making an effort to finish the fight when you're feeling the guy out in the early rounds i'm not saying it should be very fast necessarily but i think you but i think I think it's like, well, if you're a trained martial arts professional and you're in this position of refereeing a fight
Starting point is 02:02:09 because you have the skill set available and the understanding, then you can tell when a guy is feeling someone out. All right, he's checking things. Oh, I can see what he's doing. He's wearing this dude out right now. Versus this guy is happy to be where he's at he he doesn't want to give anything up because he's afraid and he has he doesn't have the confidence in letting this guy be in a different you know uh plane of attack so you know you can tell when someone's wrestle
Starting point is 02:02:37 fucking when someone's trying to preserve a win versus somebody executing a game plan to finish their opponent and that's the thing is are they trying to to finish their opponent. And that's the thing is, are they trying to actually finish their opponent? Because the end goal is not winning a fight. The end goal is finishing your opponent. That's, that's the whole point of the contest. That is the, the, the, that, that is what, you know, you don't go on the wrestling mat to win a one point match. You should go on the wrestling mat to pin your opponent. That is the highest level of victory. If you're only going for the meager amount that is necessary to succeed,
Starting point is 02:03:08 then you're a fucking piece of shit. I agree with you on the attitude of the approach, but I also believe that if a guy can hold you down, that guy should be able to hold you down. And that's the reality of the situation. If you allow someone to get stood back up just because they hang on. Different sport.
Starting point is 02:03:24 I think if it's NHB, no time limits, no nothing, then just let it go no matter what. No breaks, no nothing. It's just you versus them and application of your game plan, your skills, your art versus theirs. But as a sport of mixed martial arts and as it exists now, you got to have a criteria that you're trying to meet. And that criteria should be like an old pride. You need to be trying to finish this fight. If you're trying to fucking, you know, tell this guy, you know,
Starting point is 02:03:52 the last book of poetry you wrote and seeing what he thinks about it while you're in half guard on top of him. No, if you're trying to keep him pinned so that you can show him your fucking vacation slides. Isn't it his responsibility to get up? It is, but you should know as well as anybody that a guy who is spending the effort into just shutting you down and negating movement without actually trying to punch, attack, transition, if he's just in a static position and trying to hold,
Starting point is 02:04:21 it is much easier to get away with that through a short length of time. Let's say you've been fighting, you're moving around, you take him down, you got three, you know, two and a half minutes, three minutes left of round. It's way easier to hold a guy without, if you're not trying to do anything, what the fuck at all, than it is if you're like, okay, well, I'm only in, I'm in his guard, but I need to start scoring strikes. I need to start, you know, causing some sort of damage or opening him up and breaking his guard. So I can get to his leg. If you're Josimar Pajaras, anything, you know, and you know, fight that, you know, start in a negative position. A guy locks onto you and all he has to do is hold versus a guy that's actually got to try and submit you.
Starting point is 02:05:00 It's not the same. I see what you're saying. I definitely see what you're saying that it's more exciting and that it would be the more noble approach and the approach that a fighter should take if they want to be great. Absolutely, without a doubt. But I also think that if there are stand-ups and if a guy can hold on and then get stood back up to his feet, where in reality a guy could just take you down and hold you there anytime you want, then it's unrealistic if you get stood back up. It is not. Yeah. Well, it's not a matter of reality versus unreality. I think it's sports specific. You know, if we're going for absolute realism, then we don't stand up anybody. But then we also don't have a time limit. Yeah. Because that's part of the problem is that we have a time limit.
Starting point is 02:05:38 So if I only have to, I get to hold you for five minutes and then go back to my corner and then I can go try it all over again versus I could hold you here as long as I want to try to but he's gonna chill I guess I'm gonna have to chill and this is only gonna go until somebody quits so as long as you're doing something like what Ben Askren does he might not finish you but he gets on top of you continue continues to punch you I'll give him this he uh he seems to do the best that he can at finishing. I don't think he's a great finisher per se. He's a great wrestler. So far.
Starting point is 02:06:09 But I think that he has, I've seen him fight and make attempts to submit people. You know, he's not a giant grounder and pounder. I don't know if that's necessarily in his DNA to be that way. But he throws and he tries to hurt you. I think he is trying to finish a fight to the best of his ability. I just don't think that he has the most tools for taking a guy out right yet. But he does have a very strong wrestling background that he's able to use very effectively.
Starting point is 02:06:38 Isn't it interesting how some guys, their musculature and their athleticism just does not transfer from grappling to striking. Sometimes, yeah. It's weird. Some guys, it's great. There's guys that can strike almost a meet. There's guys that they've been wrestling their whole life. They start striking at a later age in their late
Starting point is 02:06:58 20s and then they pick it up pretty quickly. Ben Askren on the feet is kind of like that dog from fucking Adventure Time. He's just kind of wobbling around like some sort of weird mushroom-induced fucking fantasy. But once he starts grappling, it turns into like an octopus sort of thing where he's sort of slithering and moving and, you know, balancing and tipping and falling, but where he needs to be. And, you know, Matt Linlin never was a fantastic striker on the feet. I mean, he managed to get the job done often enough, actually clocking people with some pretty decent shots.
Starting point is 02:07:29 But I remember Matt, his elbows would be way up tall and punching like some sort of a walking stick. But when it comes to wrestling, boom, he's hammering your forearms and your elbows. He's punching into his pummeling positions and dumping people on their head. He's a great example of that. Matt did a fantastic fucking job about trying to evolve as a fighter.
Starting point is 02:07:51 I don't care what anybody said. He improved his striking. He improved his submission attacking ability, you know, and had his wrestling as his base and tried to build on it as much as possible. And I think, you you know he had a pretty damn fucking good career well he also um unfortunately his dispute with the ufc like when it all happened came down in his prime yeah you know it's when he was at his best right and he had had some fights that didn't go his way like the fight with um the uh hawaiian kid oh yeah
Starting point is 02:08:23 just out and but they had a rematch. Yeah, and Dominic, Falonico Vitale. And then, of course, Dave Terrell. But Dave Terrell caught him in the first round. As we know, in any fight, if you get cracked, you get cracked. Especially in the first round when a guy's fresh and he catches you on the jaw. Right. But he was a great grappler.
Starting point is 02:08:41 And he had some really good wins in Strikeforce. Before, he fought Robbie Lawler. By that time, you're getting towards the end. Robbie, you know, there's style matchups. Robbie and Vitor were bad style matchups for him, and they were just able to get off right away and get right in on Matt. I mean, I think in a longer, more protracted fight, prolonged fight, Matt might have been able to beat those guys, actually. You remember when Matt fought Fedor? He was taking Fedor down.
Starting point is 02:09:06 Fedor grabbed the ropes. He cheated. The great Fedor. And he's your buddy. You know he cheated. He's a fucking great guy. But, you know, there's a lot of people on instinct alone. They start feeling themselves.
Starting point is 02:09:17 They just, what? Yeah. No, I know what you mean. It's almost, you know. And also, he's fucking fighting in Russia, okay? You know what would have happened if Matt Lindland dumped him there and got on top of him and armbarred him or something? Oh, my God. Oh, yeah, that would have been absolute fucking chaos.
Starting point is 02:09:37 It would have been incredible. Matt would have never got out of there alive. No, no, that would have been the last anyone heard from Matt Lindland. Do you remember when Mark Hunt had him in a... Top wrist lock? Yeah. That was crazy. That was insane.
Starting point is 02:09:48 But I think Fyodor also, you know, he had some trouble with some of the bigger, heavier guys. And on his back, he had a very static game on his back for the most part. It was like explode, and then if it doesn't happen, rest. So, I mean, he didn't have that jiu-jitsu creep into a little spot, kind of squirm your way through a different fighter with a different modality to where he approached. And so these big, heavy fucking dudes get on his hips and, you know, all right, he's struggling with it.
Starting point is 02:10:15 But as soon as he gets that space, it's lightning, you know? Yeah, that's why I think he had a hard time protecting himself against Bigfoot. But I think also by that time, by the time that fight came around, I think he was kind of done. I don't think he had the preparation for that fight as he had for some of the earlier ones. He's also, I think he started getting really religious, apparently, and just sort of lost his zest for the competition. I know that at the end of the day, he's a dude that's happy with his life.
Starting point is 02:10:42 That much I'm sure of. He's all-time, one of the all-time. I mean, I don't know if he's the greatest of all That much I'm sure of He's all time One of the all time I mean I don't know if he's the greatest of all time But god damn he's up there If he's not number one He's number two I don't know who number one would be
Starting point is 02:10:51 If he's not number one At the very least That guy never tried to go for a decision Yeah You know what I have to say He has to be number one I mean
Starting point is 02:10:58 Who the fuck else is number one If he's not number one Maybe Anderson I guess No but I mean as far as heavyweights Oh Josh Barnett, present company excluded. I'm not done.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Exactly. I'm not done. You're not done. But I'd have a lot to live up to to try and make my argument for that. It was a really sad thing that he never made it into the UFC. That would have been fascinating.
Starting point is 02:11:18 And him versus Brock would have been fucking incredible. That would have been such a huge fight. For about 30 seconds, yeah. What do you think would have happened? Oh, man. He just would have just... Brock would have been trying to... I would have been such a huge fight. For about 30 seconds, yeah. What do you think would have happened? Oh, man, he just would have just, Brock would have been trying to, I'm going to get in here. Oh, shit, I just got hit and knocked out.
Starting point is 02:11:31 You think so? Oh, yeah. He was going to, Fyodor would have just lit him up, just hands from the hips going 100 miles an hour. He was so fast for heavyweight. When I look back, like the Tim Sylvia fight, when he swarmed Sylvia, just unloaded on him. And that's the thing about Sylvia.
Starting point is 02:11:48 You need to get on him right away before he establishes his range and his reach and everything. The best thing to do is get Sylvia punching down at you and just come right over the top hard and fast. Yeah. Yeah, it's amazing when you think back on Fedor's career and some of the crazy fucking fights that guy had. Yeah, it's easy for someone to sit back and judge Tim Sylvia, also based on, let's say, his last five to three fights, and talk shit. But when he was coming out of the UFC to fight Fyodor, Tim Sylvia was considered one of the absolute best guys in the world.
Starting point is 02:12:25 He was the UFC champion for quite a while. Yeah, and if you go back to some of Sylvia's fights, the Tim Sylvia, I still say to this day, the Tim Sylvia that knocked out Rico Rodriguez, one of the fucking scariest heavyweights I've ever seen in the octagon, that was when he was, first of all, he was fucking huge. I remember he had a hard time cutting down to 265. He was really big and lifting weights back then.
Starting point is 02:12:46 He looked physically way different than he looked at any other time in his career. And he was just a monster, just charging forward, slamming piston right hands into people. He was a tough fuck. Head kicking a few guys. Trey Tellegman. Yeah. But you know as well as I do that there's only a certain amount of years you can run at a certain amount of revs. And that's why it's interesting that you're still at the fucking top of your game after all these years
Starting point is 02:13:10 i mean you've been fighting i saw you fight in 96 when did you fight in um in hawaii 97 that was uh 1999 99 okay that's when i first saw you fight. I first saw you fight in Super Brawl. And I'm like, God damn, this kid's fucking crazy. And I saw a bunch of your fights in there. And then I was going to bring it here today. I fucking forgot to bring it. I have the laminate from when I didn't even work at the UFC. I was just a guest ringside for you fighting Randy Couture.
Starting point is 02:13:41 Oh, 36. Yeah. I have that laminate, man. It's sitting at home. I saved all my laminates from the old school days. Didn't you do some stuff forure. Oh, 36. Yeah. I have that laminate, man. It's sitting at home. I saved all my laminates from the old school days. Didn't you do some stuff for the SEG too? Yeah, back in 97. I did that from 97 to 98.
Starting point is 02:13:55 But I don't think I worked at any of your fights back then. You had already left. No, I don't think so either, yeah. Yeah, and so then when you came over to the UFC, when you beat Randy, you were the youngest ever heavyweight champ. Yeah. And I have the laminate from that day. Youngest, yeah. Youngest weight class champion in the history of the sport.
Starting point is 02:14:13 There's no one, if you go back to that day, except you and Vitor, there's no one else. Yeah. I mean, who else is there? No one, really. That's amazing. I can't speak for Vitor i know for me i attribute it to the training i got i i believe skills first athleticism second and i built up a repertoire of skills and and fighting philosophy and gameness from guys like jim harrison and matt hume and eric
Starting point is 02:14:39 paulson and harushi manishi and billy robinson and carl gotch and all these guys just giving me so many different weapons and options and all these things and then I can look into that toolbox and go oh well you know if if I'm not quite as fast to do it to do this thing this way anymore how about I I what I do is I incorporate it into something else and I make adjustments and uh you know I go out there and often I don't have to change what I do I just put my basic game whatever I come out there, and often I don't have to change what I do. I just put my basic game, whatever I come in there with, just throw it right on someone. They can't stop it anyways. But there are times where there has to be adjustments.
Starting point is 02:15:11 Boom, I got adjustments. I can make an alteration right there on the spot, and I have more tools. That Frank Muir fight, the way you were tying him up was very unusual. It's not something you don't see. The way you were tying him up, but you were keeping him at a distance so you could easily strike. It was very interesting the way you were tying up his neck. That's something Matt Hume and I developed a long time ago,
Starting point is 02:15:36 incorporating a lot of wrestling and Greco upper body stuff, but mixed in with Thai boxing with the knees and the elbows, but with a lot of off-balancing and you know take down potential throw potential at the same and using elbows and knees all together and uh I know that you know if I ever usually when I clinch spar with anyone I just annihilate them because if you're just if we're just trying to do just straight up Thai boxing that's one thing if we're just trying to wrestle that straight-up Thai boxing, that's one thing. If we're just trying to wrestle, that's another. If I'm using all these different things with judo and silat and all these martial arts that I have dabbled with and trained with throughout the years, I'm applying all these things in different directions to you.
Starting point is 02:16:15 And most people, they've only got one way at which they know how to do anything. Right. So they're used to a certain variation in training camp. And when you do something differently, they have to make an adjustment and think. Right. They don't have the answer to it automatically like they would. If someone grabs, you pummel under. There's natural instincts that they don't possess,
Starting point is 02:16:32 the natural instincts to deal with certain— An easy one is you get into a clinch with somebody, especially let's just say a straight tie type clinch work, and they keep throwing the curve knee, right? Well, you're throwing curve knees. I step inside your hip and dump you. I can either just throw you like an Uchimata or I just turn and spin you on that foot by stepping my hip through your hip. As you open up that curve knee, you start losing your balance. You go to catch your balance that you throw your hands out. And
Starting point is 02:16:58 then I just drill a knee right through your guts. And how are you going to be prepared to defend against that? When you're trying to catch your balance you know your abs aren't tight you're not you're not in a solid position you're you're doing this right it just takes all the guts out of you you know and frank talked about i want to use his cardio so bad but i i could tell you he had no cardio that already hit him with two or three solid knees straight through the diaphragm he was he didn't have any cardio to use he would have had to have found a way to recover yeah that was a tough fight for him you know i can understand that he uh he wanted it's hard when a guy gets stopped and he thinks it was a premature stoppage but there was no indication that you were going to stop doing that honestly he has no idea what worse luck is bad luck has
Starting point is 02:17:38 saved him from because you know i didn't want the fight stopped either but not for the same reason you know i've i've to me me, that was it, man. This guy was going to really see what it's like to be on the end of a bad day at Josh Barnett. And the ref stepped in and got me off of him immediately. And he did. He went completely limp in my hands. I need him, and he just felt like someone cut all the strings off from a marionette. How much pressure was on you coming into that fight because you'd been out of the UFCfc for so long uh none any more than usual i just don't even give a shit
Starting point is 02:18:08 about that stuff all i care about is the opponent in front of me and uh and and that fight i don't i don't do anything to to go out there and lose man fuck that i go out there to go to war and and be the nastiest meanest individual i can be and i view the fight as the most important thing and everything else is if i was thinking about the things surrounding the fight and and separating that from the fight that was more that would be more difficult for me to navigate because that's also not necessarily all within my control but the fight kind of thing specifically oh you know you got your media days and this and what you should say and, you know, what you're trying to do and maybe getting this sponsor. All these different little things that are not directly controllable by you.
Starting point is 02:18:56 That shit can get in the way, right? Oh, of course it can. But I separate the two. I keep them completely entirely separate. And at the end of the day, I will throw away everything that is not the fight. The fight is what gets you what you want. You know, I always say over and over again, if you, if there's nobody left alive to stop you from taking what you want, then you, you can have all the trophies and trinkets and all that stuff that everything is left. It's the spoils of war. So go out and win your war and then deal with the rest later.
Starting point is 02:19:26 So when you head into a big fight and you've got a lot of media coming up, you just make two Josh Barnetts? Like this is Josh Barnett media guy and this is Josh Barnett train guy? Not exactly. I don't ever believe in being anything that I'm not. Right. I don't if I if someone asks me or insists that I I operate in a way that is not true to who I am, I'll just, you know, fuck you. You can't. I'm never going to do that. I'm going to always be me. But I realize that there is, you know, some of me that is more palatable and understandable to a mass media audience, a broader audience. And then there is a part of me that I just, you know, I keep to myself because it's not, it's not, it's not even really a matter of bad or good and it shouldn't be better
Starting point is 02:20:09 judged bad or good by somebody else because they're not the one that has to, to live with this, you know, mindset or whatever, you know, it's not them having to do it. It's me. But for me, uh, it's, uh, it's hard for them to even understand. They don't live in my body or in my mind or in my heart. So for them, it's just not – I don't need – and I don't need them to understand because it won't make any fucking difference. It's not for them. It's for me. Yeah, that's a great answer.
Starting point is 02:20:45 I would think that that would be one of the more difficult things is all the publicity that you have to do. Don't seek distractions. You know, fuck being understood. You know, I don't need to be understood. I just need to do what is necessary and be the person that I am and follow through on what I say I'm going to. And that's it. Is that one of the advantages of being around for a long time and knowing the ins and outs and been there, done that? And, you know, you know what's coming. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 02:21:07 Experience is always a plus, man. It never can do anything but help you to have an advantage. After all these years, do you still enjoy the shit out of this? I do. Seems like you do. I do. I really, really, really enjoy fighting. When you got on the scale at the weigh-ins, man, you were so intense.
Starting point is 02:21:26 You could see it in your eyes. Like, there's Josh Barnett, like, right now that I could talk to. Like, hey, man, good to see you. What's going on? And then there's Josh Barnett that day. You had, like, you got a whole different furnace going on back there behind the peepers. There was a whole new. Yeah, I walked up on the stage, and I come up, and you're right off the left of me.
Starting point is 02:21:43 I just looked at you, and you looked at me like, what the fuck? I was like, how you doing, man? Good luck. Yeah, you were fucking intense, man. That was an awesome performance. As soon as the fight ended, they pulled me off them, and I'm walking around the ring, and I'm frothing at the mouth in berserk. I'm not done done yet it's not
Starting point is 02:22:05 over is it like a bit like how about a cormier fight like when you go five hard rounds like that after that's all over uh well yeah at least you know we're it was it was it was different you know i i knew i had this injury and and uh as soon as you know we got out there for them to announce a decision it's's like, fuck. You just knew you didn't pull it off. I knew I didn't pull it off. And I knew at that point, like, all of it was over with. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:22:33 But it didn't feel over after Mir. I just felt maybe it was just that fight and that moment or whatever. But I just felt it wasn't until stitch finally came and he goes hey man where's my fucking hug all of a sudden i managed to snap out of it and i'm like oh dude i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry uh stitch is awesome i just told him hey man i wasn't here right now that's hilarious so uh this is something that i wanted to ask you about because I know that you're very intelligent when it comes to fitness. And there's this article that someone tweeted me about CrossFit. Don't put a rumble roller in your butthole.
Starting point is 02:23:13 No, I heard that's good for you. Really? No. Don't do that. You know what? I know they say it breaks up adhesions in your colon, but it does not. It doesn't? There's lots of internal bleeding.
Starting point is 02:23:22 God damn it. This woman tweeted me this article about CrossFit. The CrossFit babies? High volume training. That there's like a really, a norm, like on a regular basis this happens. There's a symptom or something that happens to the body called rhabdomyolysis. Yeah, it's like a kidney problem. Yes, it's kidney failure.
Starting point is 02:23:52 It's something that happens to people that overtrain. You get to a point where you push your body past the limit to the point where you literally, you're fucking kidney shut down. Vomiting and going nuts, yeah. Okay, here's the thing. I don't care what type of training you're doing or what sort of body function you could be creating through a detrimental habit.
Starting point is 02:24:20 Your body is not invincible. I mean, you might want to do fucking 30,000 burpees with a 10-pound medicine ball in a row, but don't be a fucking idiot. One, what are you really accomplishing? I always really wanted to push myself. Why don't you go learn how to do something with some skill and ability and fucking why don't you go do that?
Starting point is 02:24:39 If you wanted to lift the highest amount of Olympic weight in the world, to a degree, like, okay, well, there's a lot of skill actually involved in Olympic lifting. You know, you just can't be the strongest guy and just walk over and hit a really successful clean and jerk. I'm sorry. There's a ton of technique. Yeah. And because the body, you know, once you can be 400 pounds, but moving 400 pounds, no matter what is exponentially harder than moving 200 pounds. So, um, you know, if you're going to do anything and take it to the point of an extreme, and you're going to continue, you're going to do it on a multiple basis. When your body starts falling to shit, don't be surprised. And so on, on a different level, strong men have this problem. And I used to tell my buddy
Starting point is 02:25:21 who was a strong man, he was like 6'1", maybe 310 pounds. And believe you me, man, I'd watch this guy rep like 315 over his head, you know, just military oppression. Wham, wham, wham, wham. And he deadlifted like 990-some pounds of silver dollar coins in these boxes. And Tim, man, he was strong as fuck. And I used to work out with him, and I mean, there was no way I could keep up with him. But it was great to do the workouts so but he'd talk about this disc and this problem and this and that and i go look dude you know what you are you're a top fuel dragster he's like
Starting point is 02:25:54 what do you mean i go okay a top fuel dragster they take a motor and they they stroke it and bore it out to 500 cubic inches because that's what's allowed. And then they take a humongous, like 1471 supercharger and they slap that thing on top and they fucking cram as much air and fuel pressure and compress it into these cylinders. Okay. And then on top of that,
Starting point is 02:26:14 they take nitromethane, this near explosive substance that is so highly dangerous and toxic, you can't even breathe when it's around you. And they jam that in there and compress it and slam it and smash it and force it into this 500 cubic inch motor to where it explodes on a level that no one can even contemplate. Like, oh, hey, your car has got 200 horsepower. This dragster has 8,000 horsepower. And it has such high compression that you have to take another
Starting point is 02:26:43 smaller motor and jam it on the end of it to turn this fucking thing over. And then they take this and then they line all this stuff up. They create all of this intense and just unreal environment. And then they slam it down at racetrack with as much traction as they could possibly give it. So it's all being propelled in one direction. with as much traction as they could possibly give it. So it's all being propelled in one direction. And then they go, you know, four seconds and 300 and some odd miles an hour.
Starting point is 02:27:14 And after every time, and it's so often that they break, things explode. It's just all the time. And then on a successful run, they go and tow the car all the way back to the pits. All right, that was one run. This is a tournament bracket thing in NHRA drag racing. So maybe they've got probably like three other rounds they've got to go through. They'd strip everything down on this motor and completely rebuild it back together again because it's only good for one run
Starting point is 02:27:38 because you push this thing to such a limit that you cannot trust that it's going to stay together another run. So I said, dude, strong men are like fucking top-field dragsters. You take a human body, I don't care how many chemicals you fill up full of or whatever, and you get it to the point that you start lifting shit and running with it and doing whatever. You're just asking for shit to explode off of your body, incinerate. That's just the way it goes because you're pushing it to the, to the limits of physical capability beyond what a human body ever really thought it was going to be able to do.
Starting point is 02:28:12 And even if you fill it full of drugs, let's say like a supercharging, you know, and you're on so much steroids, but you know, there's only so much you can do, man. Nothing can,
Starting point is 02:28:21 can, it's still just muscle and tissue and, and sinew and fucking tendons and bone yeah even bones break on some of these fucking people they go so hard so that's the thing that's a great what you just said was an awesome quote somebody should put that shit in a video and send it to young fighters understand your body literally is like a race car yeah you gotta you gotta decide exactly what you want to do you know one of the things i it gets on my fucking nerves because i go and i train train train train train, train, train, train, train,
Starting point is 02:28:47 but it pisses me off that I spend all this time training and you think, oh, I'm done with training today, that I'm done at work. I finished it in, I clocked in, I told the boss, fuck you, whatever, and left for the day. No, because I still have to do recovery work. I got to see a chiropractor, massage therapist,
Starting point is 02:29:04 or fucking ice this, or blah, blah, blah. It's like, God damn it. I want it to be done. I want it to be done. I sit around and play my Magic the Gathering. Read all my books on Hitler's architecture apparently and race, whatever. No, uh-uh. You're not done with this day, motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:29:22 You have to... All the shit you put yourself through you still you have to all the shit you put yourself through you now you have to do something to to you know fucking recover from all the shit that you just put yourself through you're like it's just ah tough way to make a living son so that part you don't like i just hate that the job ain't when it you get this idea that you've put in oh i did all the hard work it's like well this next part is not necessarily hard work, but it still has to be done. It's like that homework is like, oh, I just really figured out how, you know, this equation works. Well, now you got to go do this homework. You're like, fucking no, I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it. I don't want to turn this
Starting point is 02:29:58 paper in now. Leave me alone. I get that. Is that what happens to some guys when they get older? They still like fighting, but they don't like training? Absolutely. Like maybe BJ Penn? No, they don't want to do everything that is necessary. They just want to do the part that they still enjoy or the part that they still get some sort of satisfaction from, and then they just want to be done with it. Like when BJ Penn was working out with the Marinoviches?
Starting point is 02:30:20 You remember that? I don't know. I do remember that he seemed to be in really great shape. He was incredible. That was the greatest BJ Penn. I don't know. The remember that that he seemed to be in really great shape he was incredible but uh it was the greatest BJ Penn yeah the greatest version of him ever like the Diego Sanchez fight well it's it really helps when you have as a professional athlete when you've got someone that is making sure like basically hand-holding you throughout the whole process so you don't even have to think about whether or not you're bummed out that you're doing recovery night now there's always someone there there's always somebody making a hand always someone pushing you know
Starting point is 02:30:47 which is something that i i i know about it but i don't have that i've always been on my own doing it my own way taking care of my shit on my own for the most part and i've got the people that i have around me are fucking awesome but i don't lean on them like that. I don't need them to handhold me or tell me I'm great or whatever. I don't ask for compliments. I just go out there and fucking push, and I'm real with whether I'm succeeding or I'm not and why. And that's it. I don't need you to tell me I'm fucking great.
Starting point is 02:31:20 Don't tell me I'm the champ. Don't fucking fill me. Come on, champ. No, fuck all that. Come on, champ. I don't need any of that. Looking good, champ. If it's not good enough, I know it's not good enough. I don't need you to give me some bullshit to try and convince me that it is because that's not the way I operate.
Starting point is 02:31:33 And I wouldn't have it any other way. Would there be any benefit if somebody else structured it? Like if somebody you really trusted, like maybe Paulson? Yes. Well, see, there is structure to some of what we do. And, you know, like my boy Eric Hammer, always he structures the training for the strength conditioning stuff. Or when we go to the Air Force Academy especially, we're only there for a short time, so we need to make the most of it. And Joel Sherritt and Coach McTaggart, they work out this whole schedule. And we have flexibility because I'm not a kid.
Starting point is 02:32:03 I know how I'm feeling what i need how things are working and so we're all adults we just sit down and we're like all right let's make an alteration here oh i started doing this drill like ah you know this isn't going to be that applicable for this fight specifically uh you know we'll go through this but let's move beyond that into a different direction right now and so it's like hey cool great awesome we are we're all on a consensus and trying to get the best product possible but uh uh but but uh uh you know even with the strength conditioning stuff i've done this shit for so long i've trained world champions i've trained people in strength and conditioning i've trained in almost every kind of modality you can think
Starting point is 02:32:38 about when crossfit came out i'm like oh look circuit training is a big thing now huh you know it's just it's not where no one's inventing the wheel, reinventing it. We're just calling it a different name or rediscovering things. So I have enough wherewithal. Like if I'm not down at a hammers CrossFit bread doing his workout there, then I have, I can do the same workout someplace else. And I will get it done because I'm not going to go walk into that fucking cage, get my ass kicked in front of everybody, and know it's because I failed me. I hear you, Josh Barnett. So everybody out there that's listening and you're going to CrossFit, beware of rhabdomyolysis. Just don't be a fucking douchebag, man.
Starting point is 02:33:20 You know, wear normal-sized socks. What, they wear big socks? They wear socks up to their knees they do they're always wearing crazy goofy socks it's like a thing you know don't buy all the fad bullshit just get what's necessary go out there be honest with yourself with what you're trying to accomplish with your lifting how you're feeling you know if you if someone's trying to make you do like super high rep olympic olympic weights then that's an idiotic thing to do that's not even the way it works. And folks who get this, uh, know this, that your
Starting point is 02:33:48 kidney apparently will never be the same. If you do get that. So take yourself seriously, make sure you get plenty of recovery and build up slowly. You don't, you don't have to go fucking crazy and kill yourself. Not just because some, somebody else and some other folks in the gym can do whatever workout of the day and X amount of time and X amount of time, and it almost murders you to do it. Like, just, you know what, build yourself into it. Rome wasn't built in a day, and everybody advances and grows at a different rate. And it depends on what you're coming into the contest with as well or, you know, the workouts are as well. And just make sure that you realize that any injuries that you get doing this
Starting point is 02:34:25 that can be avoided, you're going to feel really stupid about those. Yeah. Well, you're not living life to fucking work out. Working out is to make your life better. Working out for me is not just about making my life better. Working out for me is to help with my sport. My sport is, you know, working out's this little fucking thing. Being a martial artist is a massive thing full of tons of experience and hours, thousands of hours spent training and learning skill sets, not lifting fucking weights.
Starting point is 02:34:55 How much of your day, or how much of your week, like how many workouts a week do you have as strength and conditioning? Two. Two. Two where you really hit it? Two that I have to do that are, I call strength and conditioning because they're skill removed. They're just simply, you know, things based on getting your heart rate somewhere or moving weights. They're this body structuring and building and things like that. They're not skill related.
Starting point is 02:35:24 And then I call certain things that I do in the gym as far as the martial arts side. They're not skill-related. And then I call certain things that I do in the gym, as far as the martial arts side, that strength conditioning. Because I don't care how many fucking frans you do or whatever, you want to make sure you're not gassing out in the ring? Then you have to do what you're doing. Your body will not take fran and equate that to throwing hooks and jabs. I'm not saying it's not going to hurt you, but if you're doing more fran than you're doing you know hitting pads and sparring it's not going to translate what does fran stand for i don't know they name their workouts they have these workouts these these that they've come up with and they give them women's names yeah i had a guy i was on fear factor was really big into it and he's telling me how great it is and he's doing
Starting point is 02:36:03 crossfit competitions i'm like what do you do with it though? Do you play a sport or anything? He's like, no, I just do that. I go, do you ever want to do jujitsu? Do you ever want to learn how to choke people? No, no. I'm like, that's pretty exciting. I'm like, what you're doing, I bet it's not as exciting.
Starting point is 02:36:18 No, it's like you can do all the kipping pull-ups in the world, but if you can't throw a fucking football, you know, or, you know, it the world, but if you can't throw a fucking football, it's like, oh, you can't catch a football. I mean, well, how? It's a new crazy fad. People always take things to the next level. Of course. And tell people, you can't do it in five minutes.
Starting point is 02:36:36 Yes, I can. And CrossFit, of course, it only behooves them to continue to propagate that kind of mentality because that just gets more people in the door, spending more money, buying more equipment, buying more things, buying more classes, bringing more people in. At the end of the day,
Starting point is 02:36:51 it's just fucking working out. Failing more kidneys. Work out for the sake. Work out to make your life better. Do not live your life to work out. Powerful wisdom. What if you, from the youngest ever UFC heavyweight champion,
Starting point is 02:37:03 ladies and gentlemen. I mean, how worthwhile can your life be if you're living to work out? You're not building things. You're not making things. You're not creating. I just want to stand in front of the mirror with a fucking big fucking 72-pound kettlebell in each hand. I feel like a stud. They just want to jump on as much, you know, hopefully, oh, I'm going to get so ripped and lean so I can score as much puss as possible.
Starting point is 02:37:24 That's what I'm talking about. Walking the beach with your WOD shorts on. Toe shoes. Your toe shoes. Toe shoes, Brian. Who was the girl you said? Brian sends me a text the other day when I'm in Toronto of a girl wearing toe shoes. And he's like, you bastard.
Starting point is 02:37:38 And then he sends me a video of the girl walking around with toe shoes on. And then last night, Hollywood Jesus had toe shoes on. Oh, no. Blasphemy. I've got boob laid by toe shoes on. And then last night, Hollywood Jesus had toe shoes on. Oh, no. Blasphemy. I've got to be played by toe shoes. Bravo, Eddie Bravo, he wears them shits all the time. He wears toe shoes everywhere. I wear them to the gym, son.
Starting point is 02:37:56 They're good. Whenever I go down to Velocity. Velocity, have you ever been to that gym? No. Strength and conditioning gym? No. Pretty sweet place. They got like indoor.
Starting point is 02:38:04 If you want to work out in them, you know, fine, whatever. I don't think you know what the fuck I'm packing here, son. Holy shit, is that all from toe shoes? It's all toe shoes. It's toe shoes and kettlebells. I'm going to start working out in fucking Crocs. You want to see some massive gains? Who's going to say anything to you?
Starting point is 02:38:20 Some, you know, we were talking about those emotional support dogs. What? My buddy Justin, Justin Milos, the trainer. This lady brings a fucking Rhodesian Ridgeback emotional support dog to the gym. It shits all over the floor. The floor is, of course, that rubberized textural shit. Right, so it ain't coming out. You can't clean anything out of it because it's designed to make you not slip when you're lifting weights on it.
Starting point is 02:38:39 Just splatter shit out of this dog's butt. And they're like yelling at her. She's like, have a heart. It's an emotional support dog. They're like, why are you bringing your dog? Apparently, people have conned everyone in their thinking that you can bring a dog everywhere. Such bullshit. It's bullshit.
Starting point is 02:38:54 You shouldn't be bringing these dogs. Animals don't belong in the gym. I'm sorry. A gym is for people. I don't need animal feces or hair or slobber or whatever. And I love dogs. Me too. I love cats.
Starting point is 02:39:03 I fucking love animals. Me too. I like them. I love a great- I I fucking love animals I like them I love I got two cats and two dogs a great animal is a really special thing and the relationship that you guys create is
Starting point is 02:39:13 unreal and I am fully for supporting animals wholeheartedly but there are times and places man and they just that fucking that scam of calling everybody some emotional support, whatever,
Starting point is 02:39:28 getting that service dog fucking thing. This is... Especially a Ridgeback. That thing's fucking huge. You know, your little Chihuahua, your little Yorkie,
Starting point is 02:39:35 whatever, like, fuck off. You're just, you're abusing something for the wrong reasons and you're just being, you're just doing it so that you can be a cocksucker.
Starting point is 02:39:43 Yeah, exactly. Because you want, you want to be selfish. You want your life to be your way and fuck everyone else because I don't care if I'm taking this dog into supermarkets where there might be just everybody else is going to get their food, but now there's someone that's allergic to dogs whose fucking day is fucked because you had to bring your stupid little dog with you
Starting point is 02:39:59 because, oh, it's an emotional support dog. You don't need the fucking dog by you right then. Yeah, they're apparently going to change the laws. Thank God. Because the Americans with Disabilities Act, these people are bringing these dogs everywhere, including restaurants, hotels, taxicabs, theaters. And also because the Americans with Disabilities Act, these people don't have to prove that they're disabled. It's a provision in the law designed to protect the privacy of people with disabilities. So because of that, these cunts have found,
Starting point is 02:40:30 and I mean men as well, who have found a loophole, and they're using this emotional support thing that you can get online with a license like that. Can we get grandfathered claws in, though, if we do it right now? Like if I call home and sign up right now? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:40:44 I saw a famous actress the other day with one of these fucking things eating at a restaurant. Actresses are probably some of the worst culprits of this whole thing. The worst. And, you know, that's just the thing I need is a dog barking in a fucking movie theater or something. Yeah. It's also fucking with the Fair Housing Act because these people are able to bring their dogs into places that would never allow dogs. Like say if someone has an apartment, it's a really nice place, say no dogs allowed. Right.
Starting point is 02:41:08 You lease this to someone and they go, I have an emotional support dog. And then this dog's shitting all over the place. And those are the type of people that would have a dog that shits all over the place. Of course. Self-centered twats. And that's the men, too. And they just want to make you have to pay for their own fucking selfish wants. God damn it, Josh Barnett.
Starting point is 02:41:24 God damn it. Look, by the gods. Odin's anger is affecting these crystals right now, these salt crystals. Joe, did anyone send you that Grand Theft Auto DMT trip? A lot of people think that you had a big influence in it. I'm sure there's a lot of people who've done DMT besides me. But it starts off with this guy,
Starting point is 02:41:44 and you're just driving around with your father. And then the kid tricks him into taking it while he's driving, so he starts tripping out. That's the dad? I'm protecting you from yourself. Also, I took money from your bank account and I'm moving out. You're too crazy, Dad. That's the dad? That's the dad on the ground. Tripping balls? Yeah, and then watch what happens.
Starting point is 02:42:17 This is the part where it starts getting really Joe Rogan-y, in my opinion. This is a fucking awesome video. Holy shit. Bigfoot's got him. It's something even worse. Does it go? Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Oh, gee, this is me. No, wait, it gets even more crazy. Oh, yeah, these are my people. Oh, yeah. Now he's getting abducted by aliens. So the monkeys first, and then the alien ship shoots him up into its spaceship.
Starting point is 02:43:03 This is 100% me. These people and me are on the same wavelength. If they don't know of me and know me when they were coding this... Joe, you're a virus. You are the herpes that there is no cure for. We are on the same wavelength. We would get along great. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:43:18 If they don't know me, we would get along great. If this wasn't inspired by me... Death metal bands, fucking comic people, everyone. You have permeated all of this. Did you see that? He did this? Yeah. The alien gave him the fucking metal sign.
Starting point is 02:43:29 Yeah. Wow. This is intense shit. I would have made this with no underwear, though. Don't be a pussy. But why are you hiding your dick and asshole? You're flying through space. You know, you shouldn't be holding on to your vanity and your fear and your insecurities.
Starting point is 02:43:44 Just let the breeze blow through. Yeah, let flies just hover around your asshole. You're flying around in space. What do you care? You're one with the universe. So you go through this whole DMT trip? Oh, yeah. And you can get high.
Starting point is 02:43:56 And every time you get high, you can hear your inner thoughts. And it's really trippy. So once it goes online October 1st, all us comics are all just going to hang out at the comedy store, smoke weed together, and just trip out. I've heard that this game gets into Oculus Rift. Oh, I know. I've heard that this game is the most successful single piece of anything anybody created ever. $1 billion in three days. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:44:18 Isn't that amazing? It's amazing. There's never been anything that's sold as well as this. God bless America. Right when you think the economy's down. Do you think it's sold better than Coke? Cocaine or Coca-Cola? Both of them.
Starting point is 02:44:29 Both. In a day, yes. There's only so much blow you can do. Yeah, I mean, after a while. I remember the one time I was offered DMT by a buddy, a buddy's buddy. We're up in Canada, and he's like, hey, man, I got this shit, this DMT. And he's like, you heard of it? I'm shit, this DMT. And he's like, you heard of it? I'm like, I'm familiar.
Starting point is 02:44:47 I've heard of it. I know some people that have talked about it. Like, it's just, why don't we go back? And we're all out drinking and hanging out. I'm like, no. You don't want to do DMT when you're drinking, too. I'm not going to go back and start shoving fucking hallucinogenic drugs up my body with a guy that's just, uh-uh.
Starting point is 02:45:04 Not going to happen. It does not sound like a good idea. You're going to wake up glazed with a guy that's just, uh-uh, not going to happen. It does not sound like a good idea. You're going to wake up glazed like a fucking Krispy Kreme donut. Or fucking, you know, that's when somebody gets eaten. Yeah, that could happen too. Yeah, especially when you're drinking. You're not even supposed to eat. He was just too nonchalant about slinging, you know,
Starting point is 02:45:19 us fucking doing DMT. I'm like, that should be taken with a lot more care. You want to give me some of that? What's a fucking Viking? That's what that is. No, that should be taken with a lot more care. You want to give me some of that? What's a fucking Viking? That's what that is. No, that ain't
Starting point is 02:45:27 That's the way you fuck a Viking. That is not. That's how you... Roofie him up. Roofie him up with some DMT. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:45:35 That's a terrible thought. Josh Barnett, always a pleasure. That three hours just fucking flew by. As per usual. Yeah. As life, man.
Starting point is 02:45:43 Life is flying by. There's nothing we can do about it, ladies and gentlemen. This weekend, Comedy Magic Club, me and the great Sam Tripoli, that's Friday one show, Saturday two shows, Brian and the great Tony Hinchcliffe,
Starting point is 02:45:56 and hopefully not PDC, because I don't want it to happen to him, will be at Stand Up Live in Phoenix, Arizona, this weekend, or this Thursday, rather. This Thursday night. This Thursday night, 8 p.m.? I believe so.
Starting point is 02:46:09 8 p.m. Go to or for more details. And next weekend, I am at the Ontario Improv. Tommy Segura for two days. Ontario, Canada? No, Ontario, California.
Starting point is 02:46:24 That's where the glory is going to be taking place this weekend. It's not happening. It's not? It's canceled? No, no, hold on. Glory might be happening, but Jerome's not fighting on this one. Jerome LeBanner was training with us. He's fighting in the one in New York now.
Starting point is 02:46:36 Oh. Well, this one's going to be interesting anyway. I mean, is it Terrence Bong fighting this weekend? Who's losing the card? Yeah, if the card's still going through. I like it, though. I like that they're bringing high-level kickboxing back to television. Likewise.
Starting point is 02:46:46 It's a smart move. Did you go to that Muay Thai thing they had at Long Beach? No, I didn't. That was pretty rad, too. Was it? It didn't. Obviously, I don't think it worked out enough to keep doing it. Well, if someone's smart, if someone comes along with Zufa-type dollars and invests in
Starting point is 02:46:59 Muay Thai the way they invested in the UFC, I think it's going to be gigantic. Could be. If you watch K-1, like all the K-1 Grand Prixs, they were so fucking exciting. You've got to build up the personalities. That's right, Josh Barnett. Personalities like the War Master. Josh Barnett, youngest heavyweight champion ever.
Starting point is 02:47:13 When are you fighting next? December 28th against Travis Brown. Oh, shit. On that big supercard, Anderson and Weidman and Misha Tate and Ronda Rousey. I like that. That's a good fight, too. Travis Brown's a stud.
Starting point is 02:47:25 That fight with Alistair Overeem was nuts, man. Yeah, he was done pretty much, man. He had him at his mercy, and Alistair blew his shot, and Travis made a pay for it. Tough motherfucker. That's going to be fun. Good luck to you, my brother. Thank you. Always fun.
Starting point is 02:47:39 Talk to you soon. I'll see you at the weigh-in with that crazy look in your eyes again. Not much will be changed there. Well, you know, obviously, we're buddies, so no harm befalls Joe, even when he gets picked up and swung around in the ring afterwards. He's the first guy to ever pick me up after a post. I could tell you still wanted more, too.
Starting point is 02:47:53 No, that was Snuggles. That was Snuggles. Your scent was intoxicating. Yes, we are deodorant. That's what it is. Right card. It's good. I don't go with antiperspirant, but I do go with deodorant. No antiperspirant, deodorant. with deodorant. I know what I smell. No antiperspirant, deodorant.
Starting point is 02:48:06, fuckers. Use the code nerd. Code nerd? Code nerd. The magic the gathering taught me and haunted me. Use the code word, excuse me, Joe, and the number nine, and save 20% off of your first purchase on new accounts at, and the word Joe and the number nine all in one word.
Starting point is 02:48:24 Thank you also to and the word Joe and the number nine all in one word. Thank you also to on Use the code name Rogan and save yourself 10% off any and all supplements. Thanks to everybody that came out this weekend. Thursday night in Toronto at the Sony center was fucking magical. I had the best time of my life and Brian Callen and Tom Segura. It was amazing. And then Friday night, thanks for everybody who came out to second city performed a second city in
Starting point is 02:48:44 Toronto's really legendary improv club. All right, we'll be back most likely Thursday. And then Friday night, thanks for everybody who came out to Second City, performed at Second City in Toronto. Really legendary improv club. All right, we'll be back most likely Thursday. And until then, go fuck yourselves. All right? We love the shit out of you. Big kiss. Mwah. Thank you.

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