The Joe Rogan Experience - #46 - Chris Aubrey Marcus (Part 1)

Episode Date: October 5, 2010

Joe sits down with Chris Aubrey Marcus. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Brian, this doesn't have a connection. Did you plug it in? Yeah. Okay. Not yet, hold on. Hold on, we have a web problem. Some Wi-Fi, man. Your Wi- wifi is jacked
Starting point is 00:00:27 people are asking why do you guys have an opening song and then after the opening song then you play more music like what kind of shit is that and you're right it's fucking ridiculous this whole show is ridiculous i can't
Starting point is 00:00:46 believe anybody's even listening at this point this is the most ghetto podcast on the internet the most fun to do though and this is uh some mashup brian who's the mashup i believe it's party ben it might be girl talk i don't know you, man? I used to not be a big fan of podcasts until I heard this Voodoo Child Jay-Z mix. And I was like, God damn. Okay, you did something there. You know? A lot of times I listen to a podcast or to a mashup, rather. And I'm like, this isn't that interesting.
Starting point is 00:01:21 But every now and then they just fucking make something super cool. They just kill it. Yeah, it's like shit that you shouldn't think would go together like chicken and waffles bam yeah you know there was a jay-z lincoln park mashup that was just dirty yeah didn't they do like a whole album yeah they did yeah i love when shit like that happens i love when artists get together like that and create something fucking nutty we were talking about this before the podcast and it's you know total retard hippie talk, but what the fuck is music? And what does it do?
Starting point is 00:01:50 How does it just get in you, man? By the way, we're talking to. Oh, I was going to introduce him eventually. This is my friend Chris. What's going on? Chris is a writer. He writes for the blog, what is it?
Starting point is 00:02:06 And what is, man? I'm looking to take over the world eventually, but I'm starting with the US. .com is currently unavailable. Yeah, I couldn't get The dude who owns it, he's a nice guy. He's a real estate guy,
Starting point is 00:02:20 but he goes, just occurred to me, the more famous you get, the more this is worth. Right. And I was like, oh, all right, Dick. I'm like, I'm not buying this from you now. You had some Twitter dude who was holding down your...
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah, but I got it back from Twitter. Twitter gave it up. But this dude, his name's Joe Rogan, and he's older than me, so respect to him. It's got to go to him more than it is to me. I was willing to buy it, but after he said that, I was like, get out of here. The more famous you get, the more this is worth. Oh, come on, man. What are you, 12?
Starting point is 00:02:46 Just tell me what you want. Can't we talk through this? The more famous you get, the more this is worth. Oh, come on, man. What are you, 12? Just tell me what you want. Can't we talk through this? The more famous you get, I can hold on to it. This is a good investment. Except you have to be able to buy it for it to be valuable. It doesn't matter. You can find me now. It's Google, It's probably good. It probably filters out a bunch of idiots. Because if you can't
Starting point is 00:03:02 instead, if you give up, I quit. I couldn't find it. Good. I can't instead, if you give up, I quit. I couldn't find it. Good, I don't want you finding it. People would put in the Google search bar instead of the URL too. Yeah. I'm sure Brian knows about that. I do that all the time. Do you? Yeah. What happens when you do that?
Starting point is 00:03:18 You porn shows up and I have to masturbate using a fleshlight. Is that really what happens? Yeah. Porn shows up if you put Every time I put anything, I'm fucking directly to porn. I think that's called a flashlight. Is that really what happens? Yeah. Porn shows up if you put a dot com? Every time I put anything, I'm fucking directly to porn. I think that's called a virus. Yeah, dude. You're going to get your shit cleaned out, son. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:03:33 I just need to clear my cash. Because seriously, everything that comes up on my toolbar, it just automatically... Have you just been beating it furiously lately? Brian, if you don't know, ladies and gentlemen, Brian had a very lust-filled short-term relationship, which filled with passion and a loss of fluids. And then as quickly
Starting point is 00:03:52 as the storm came into town, the storm left. And I have kids now. I have a dog now. He's got a kid from the relationship. Just something to remember it by. Here's lesson number one, children, anyone under 30 that I'm talking to right now. Listen to me. Do not get a dog with a chick, okay? Never, ever.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Don't do it. Unless you guys have kids, don't get a dog. And if you do do it, go to a pet store. Don't get nutty. And if you do do it, go right to the pet store. Fuck what they say. Just go against all the rules. No.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And get one of those dogs that will drop it. Don't go to the pet store. Don't support puppy mills, man. I'm just kidding. I hope those pet stores go under. Go to the fucking pound or go to a good breeder. Obviously, I'm kidding. I got one of my dogs from a breeder,
Starting point is 00:04:26 man. I am not, um, there's nothing wrong with breeders. People talk shit about breeders, but if a guy's a passionate breeder and really breeds dogs because he wants like a good B, my dog is awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And one of the reasons why he's awesome is because his dad was awesome. His dad was one of the security dogs on fear factor. We had him like bite people in these big crazy bite suits and his dad, his dog was so cool. He was just chill, hanging out with everybody, not douchey to the other dogs. He was just the sweetest dog. Come over to him, hey man, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Meanwhile, he's this giant mastiff. And I'm like, what a great dog. He's so friendly. Makes such a difference. Genuinely affectionate. Come up and rub against you, and love it when you rub his head. I'm like, how crazy is this dog?
Starting point is 00:05:04 He's got this perfect personality. Well, this guy won't let his douchebags breed he just anytime he goes i love them i take care of them but no breeding for you you fuck all right and he takes him and he takes all the douchebags out so he's done this for like 20 generations so his dogs are like the coolest dogs like i come over his house he's got these big fucking mastiffs he's like the chick's like a buck 30 and the male's like $1.50. And they come up to you like, okay, these are lions. These are these small lions that I'm just assuming you have control over. I'm walking in your house, and I'm trusting my balls and my legs.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I'm trusting all my soft tissue to these monsters that you have under your control. The dogs couldn't have been more chill. Just like, hey, how you doing? Not like checking you out like what's up bitch what the fuck you doing around here not sniffing you all aggro like some of them will disrespect you with a sniff and that's that's like letting you know bitch i'm just gonna sniff your dick right now just like get it on your dick you know they're they're going aggro on you man they're pulling some alpha male shit and you gotta step in and stop them from doing that these
Starting point is 00:06:02 dogs were nothing like that man these. These dogs were so cool. They just had this air about them like, hi, hi, come on in. Meanwhile, they would do bite work. He would have these dudes in a suit and they would hold them back and they'd let the dog loose. It was like a meat cannon.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Like you shot a side of beef at this dude's arm. The thing would just latch onto the guy and bring him down. I'm like, what a crazy thing you've engineered. This dog that will respond to your every command is super intelligent and is gigantic.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And can mimic the primal attack mode and then shut it off. And shut it right off and be super friendly. Do physically exactly what he's designed to do to kill and then stop. Dude, that impressed... That was the most impressive thing to me when we were on Fear Factor is what people have done with dog breeding and dog training.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Like dogs that really know their shit. They're impressive, man. That's impressive. Like they have it locked down. They're giving them treats and they're setting them up and they're giving them their affection and they're giving them their recognition for what they've done. These dogs will do anything. They'll do whatever the fuck you say. You know, that's pretty nuts that we figured out a way to do that.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah. I always think it's kind of funny that people will, you know, I totally love people rescuing animals i think that's a beautiful thing that people do and then you know there's the other people who will buy like a budget animal you know which is definitely coming from a bad place if you're buying like a dog for like a hundred bucks sometimes people just fall in love too yeah that's true sometimes people see a dog but i gotta get that dog yeah but you you know they expect great results it's like there's a place where they had $25 tattoos you're gonna have this for a long time make a good investment
Starting point is 00:07:31 some people just say it's a dog what could be wrong with it I've had a bunch of dogs I had this bulldog he's had to have a bunch of operations he's got hip dysplasia so he had to have to get both his arms operated and it was like six grand man it was like it's like serious money so it's like eighteen
Starting point is 00:07:50 thousand dollars i think for both of his arms he had to have one operation and then he had to have one like a while later and then they were talking about replacing his back hips and i'm like listen this dog's lazy as fuck you don't have to do that people this dog just likes to chill like you don't have to like yeah he walks around with a bit of a limp, but he seems happy. He might be in a little pain, but most of the time he's just chilling. He's not a running dog. He's a bulldog. He's just going to relax.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Yeah, he's fucked up, but you don't have to give him metal hips. Let him be fucked up. But that's a dog that was given to me. If that was the situation, if it wasn't, I would have never wanted to get a dog like that. I would look for dogs that have a genetic propensity for hip displacement and stuff like that. And you got to think, man.
Starting point is 00:08:31 It's wonderful to love a dog and take care of him, but you're adopting a giant bag of fucking problems with some animals. If you get them from a good breeder, you know what the fuck you're getting. Yeah, we bought a big Savannah cat. It's going to be almost a 30-pound cat. That's insane. You told mepound cat. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You told me about that. That's insane. And you feed this thing like chicken wings and shit? Yeah, chicken bones. And it just growls? And it just hunts it. It just hunts it. It sits there and it'll stalk it.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And then it'll just pounce. And then it'll grab it in its mouth and throw it up in the air and paw it before it gets down to the ground. Wow. Just savage. But do you trust it with you? Does it ever get dicky with you? Totally. No.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I mean, because I've definitely alpha-mailed it, too, though. Does it tear up your furniture? Yeah. Does it with you? Does it ever get dicky with you? Totally, no. I've definitely alpha mailed it, too, though. Does it tear up your furniture? No. Does it destroy things? No, he doesn't have that crazy cat instinct where he's going to rip stuff up. Oh, really? Do you have posts for him or something? We do have some posts.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And does he use those? He does. So he doesn't defy you? No, he doesn't. I got this little motherfucker. And he loves it, though. This little motherfucker. I got this little cat named Oliver.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And he's a rag doll. And he's a sweet cat. This little motherfucker. I got this little cat named Oliver. And he's a rag doll. And he's a sweet cat. He's super friendly. Super sweet. Loves coming up. But if you tell him to get the fuck out of here, he's going to keep coming back. Right. It's like, you know, he's going to prove a point.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Right. Like, he'll come into this. My library has a carpet. And I don't like him licking his asshole on my white carpet. You know? So I'm like, get the fuck out of here licking your asshole. Go. Come on.
Starting point is 00:09:43 But dingleberries are worse than them licking their ass. Well, whatever. He's got short hair. Just take care of that right away. He's trimmed. I trimmed him. We trim him for the summer because he's a fluffy cat. It gets hot as fuck out here. Anyway, so he's licking his asshole on this white carpet. I'm like, get the fuck out of here, dude. Come on. You gotta go.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I'm being nice about it. I pick him up. I take him out. Thank you. Bye. I go back in. I'm rearranging my shit. I turn back in. He's licking his asshole again. Same spot. It's like, what, you can't lick your asshole over there? He wanted to walk back to the exact.
Starting point is 00:10:13 No, this is where I want to be. I'm the one who decides where I want to be. I want to be right here. I picked him up. I put him out of that room four fucking times before I finally shut the door. I had to shut the door. I had to give up. Little cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:10:25 He tests me. But he's a little tiny cat. If it was like a big serval, that's what they're called? Yeah, well, it's bred from servals. So they call them savannas when they get one generation removed from that. So it's a serval mix with a domestic cat? It's a serval mix with a domestic. But the breeder I got them from, they've been doing it so long,
Starting point is 00:10:41 it's mostly savanna to savanna mating. What exactly is a serval? It's this wild-looking mini cheetah with really long legs. It's a wild animal? Fully wild, yeah. So they don't train those at all? No, those are just gone. I mean, they live.
Starting point is 00:10:55 There's pictures from the breeder, the servals with the children and stuff like that. They hang out all right. There was a Fear Factor show that we did once, and it was in this really rural area, really rural. You know, like these people were like living out where there was no one out there. And one woman had a dog that got fucked by a coyote. And it was half coyote, half dog puppies. It was a trip, dude. It was a trip.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I bet. They were all huddled together because it was freezing cold. A bunch of the cast, or the crew, rather, took them home as pets because everybody was so heartbroken because it was really cold outside. We were filming in the winter, and we're up in this really high-altitude area.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's cold as fuck, and there's these puppies all huddled up together, like, shaking, and they're half coyote, man. It was crazy. Some dog got fucked by some murderous beast from the woods. You know? When a dog gets fucked by a coyote, man. It was crazy. That's wild. Some dog got fucked by some murderous beast from the woods, you know? Yeah. When a dog gets fucked
Starting point is 00:11:48 by a coyote, that's got to be some trippy shit. It's got to be a gnarly coyote, too. What's crazy about those hyenas that people use as dogs?
Starting point is 00:11:54 I wonder if a dog fucks a coyote or a coyote fucks a dog because that's what it is usually, probably. I bet it's not dogs fucking coyotes. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:02 One of those big mastiffs could fucking take it. Do you think so? No, I think you'd kill it. I think you'd kill it. Yeahotes. I bet it's a male. Do you think so? I think it would kill it. I think they would have a war. But a male gets to fuck a dog. Males can fuck the dogs. That's so creepy, man.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I wonder if the dogs can go back to regular dogs after that. Or if they just get coyote fucked. Have you ever seen a coyote's mouth when they open their jaws? Dude, there's like rows of teeth like a crocodile. That shit goes back. The first time I saw a coyote yawn, I was like, whoa, hold on.
Starting point is 00:12:34 You start thinking they're dogs, and then you see a coyote yawn. You're like, you've got like 20 extra teeth, you fuck. Those are scary, creepy fucking murderers sneaking in and fucking your dog there's a there's a dude that runs down lake in austin which is a big like big jogging trail he has three wolves full wolves and he just pretends that they're that they're not wolves but they're they're beautiful creatures but that's a little a little iffy yeah i have a friend who
Starting point is 00:13:00 has one he has one and the fucking thing got out and killed a gang of goats. Killed like, got out of his, he has like a ranch and it got from his ranch and went into the neighbor's ranch and just started jacking their animals. Just fucking up everything.
Starting point is 00:13:13 A little too much. He had a blood orgy. Just went over there that he found a pen that was filled with goats. So he jumped into this pen and started just tearing these goats apart
Starting point is 00:13:24 and he was big. 160, 170 pounds just ripping them apart and I'm like bro you don't have control of this fucking thing man you gotta be careful so what does he do? he moves to Hollywood brings his wolf
Starting point is 00:13:36 three of them he's got three of them this douche bag living in the fucking Hollywood hills this thing's out killing deer and shit I heard wolves aren't even good for home invasion either. Well, they don't do a fuck. Like, if you come in the home, they're not territorially protected because they have
Starting point is 00:13:49 those wide ranges. It's not like other dogs. So, I mean, a burglar, murderer can come in your home and do whatever and it won't be bad. But if it threatens you, apparently, then the wolf will take you. It'll protect you. It'll protect you, yeah. Yeah, you're his buddy.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Right. But you're not his dad. Yeah. Okay? Yeah. That's the difference. You're his buddy. Yeah. It's like, you know, if your roommate is getting attacked, you're his buddy, but you're not his dad. That's the difference. You're his buddy. It's like if your roommate is getting attacked, you're going to jump in. That's not like if your son was getting attacked,
Starting point is 00:14:12 or if your father was getting attacked, rather. And that's how dogs are. Dogs look at you like you're a dad. With a wolf, you're just like, what's up, man? He's got fucking with you? The wolf is like, yo, yo, yo yo get that shit out of here but the wolf is not like you can't come over the wolf's not like who the fuck are you let me check you out and make sure you're okay the wolf's like bitch i know you're okay what are you gonna do to me
Starting point is 00:14:32 stupid that's how the wolf looks at you the wolf is not wolf's not threatened by you he's like oh you are you being nice okay good whatever i got teeth look at these teeth i'll fucking kill you dude they're not worried about you. Look at my smile. Yeah, they don't just listen to you. It's a totally different situation. It's like for the most part, you're probably going to be okay and they're not going to kill anybody. But wolves have killed people. Wolves kill people.
Starting point is 00:14:55 A woman got attacked by wolves recently. I think it was in Alaska. I'm not sure where it was. But a woman got attacked and killed by wolves. It's very rare. The last time it happened was like the 1950s or some shit. But so what? time it happened was like the 1950s or some shit, but so what? So it happened.
Starting point is 00:15:07 If there's only one monster, a fucking goblin ate some old lady's head once in 1812, that would be the most haunted woods for the history of time. You'd be like, that thing's real and it's out there? Well, wolves are for fucking sure real. They howl. You can see them. You can watch documentaries on them.
Starting point is 00:15:25 If you go through Wyoming, you're going to see them. You know what I'm saying? Or was it Wyoming? Where are wolves? At Wyoming, I'll have them. Are they? North Dakota. For sure, like Yellowstone.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Those are real animals, man. And they'll jack you. And they're smart. People forget the mythical basis for that. I mean, wolves were real enemies. I mean, the expression, keep the wolves in the hills and our women in our beds was real. They're like your babies, man. You were to that daily you know back in the days yeah what happened did they just wise up to our whole gun situation and just like back off with all that
Starting point is 00:15:52 aggression shit i think they got they got trappers just you know decimated the population yeah is that what it is and then the population's so small now they don't feel the strength to fuck with people right yeah and they're hanging out they will fuck up your crops or your cattle though yeah if you have cows or if you have any animals they will fuck them up man them and mountain lions i was i was a kid once and i was reading this uh comic book and it was uh i used to read a lot of creepy and eerie do you remember those comic books do you remember those at all creepy and eerie were like these um really those comic books? Do you remember those at all? Creepy and eerie were like these really cool comic books that were like black and white really cool illustrations and it was all like monster
Starting point is 00:16:29 stories and one of them was about this werewolf that was sneaking into these people that had sheep and they were living in the old west or some shit and they had sheep and the werewolf would sneak into their pen and kill all the sheep you know and then the guy goes out there and he gets attacked by this werewolf and I'm like wow how crazy would that be if a werewolf was out there sneaking into people's pens and kill all the sheep. And then the guy goes out there and he gets attacked by this werewolf. And I'm like, wow, how crazy would that
Starting point is 00:16:46 be if a werewolf was out there sneaking into people's pens and killing all their animals? Then I thought about it. I'm like, there's cheetahs. Cheetahs do do that. Mountain lions do do that all the time. They got a real... If you live anywhere near a mountain lion and you have animals in your yard, you got to... That's game.
Starting point is 00:17:02 They're going to just hop over that fence and kill them and drag them in the woods why is a wolfman any scarier than that I don't know maybe because it can have sex with you
Starting point is 00:17:11 a wolfman it does in all the Twilight movies that's for sure is that what they do are those guys technically werewolves though
Starting point is 00:17:18 you know because they just become wolves you know what I'm saying they don't become a werewolf they become a wolf like that's kind of gay like you know what I'm saying? They don't become a werewolf. They become a wolf. That's kind of gay.
Starting point is 00:17:25 That is. You know what I'm saying? If you're going to take the time to morph, be something cool and new. Be some American werewolf in London type hybrid shit. Don't just be a dog. Teen Wolf killed that whole thing. After Teen Wolf to me, like, oh, it's a werewolf guy. Teen Wolf killed him for you?
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah. It's like fucking Michael J. Fox is not scary. Did Twilight kill it for you for vampires? No, vampires were already killed for me a long time ago. Dude, if you think vampires are killed, go watch Gary Oldman do Dracula. Yeah, that's what I'm saying, though. But then also watch the million other TV shows and fucking knockoffs. Totally.
Starting point is 00:17:59 But if Gary Oldman came out today with a new Dracula, he could rock that shit, and you'd be believing in vampires again. But not Wolfman, not too much. Wolfman's done. I think he's done. I think that last one with Benicio Del Toro, that killed it for me. I'm a Wolfman fan, bro, and I couldn't do it. We've talked about this too many times on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I have Wolfman fetishes. I have some crazy fucking werewolf thing, man. I don't know what it is. Ever since I was a little kid, loved werewolf movies. Just like the idea. You showed some sketches. You were drawing werewolves. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 In high school. Yeah. When I was a little kid, even before high school, a lot of them were from when I was like 12 and 13. I'm fucked up. They tap into something primal in Joe Rogan. Some fucking part of me. That's why I moved to the woods, man.
Starting point is 00:18:41 There's some part of me that wants to be out with animals. Has anybody seen Joe Rogan on a full moon? Right? full moon right it ain't that why is he tweeting at 6 a.m it's really it's because i can't live in the jungle if i could live in the jungle i'd live in the jungle but there's no jungle in america so i choose the woods it's like i really would like to be just living around animals and shit well it's got to represent some primal part of all of us you know yeah there's something there's some energy i think that you get this sounds so hippie faggy bullshit it's so true man there's like certain energy you get when you're around these animals like one of the the people that i uh lived near up there was this uh crazy yoga lady very nice lady
Starting point is 00:19:22 but crazy yoga lady and I was talking to her about mountain lions. I'm like, listen, how do you guys deal with the fact there's mountain lions? Because there's a fucking corner store up there that had a sign that if you get attacked by a bear, you should play dead. And if you're attacked by a mountain lion, you should fight back. I'm like, what the fuck? You have strategies
Starting point is 00:19:39 to deal with different monsters jacking you. You're going to play dead by a bear is biting the fuck out of you. Really? That's tough. You're really going to do that? Are you going to be able to do that? Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:19:49 So I said, how do you deal with this? How do you deal with the fact that you're around these beasts? She goes, I just let them all in. When I walk through the woods, I let them know that I'm here among you. I'm no threat. I love, I love you and I love them and I'm no threat. I love,
Starting point is 00:20:05 I love you and I love them and I just walk through and I've never had a problem. Like, bitch, you've been so lucky. You zigged
Starting point is 00:20:12 when you could have zagged and you could have walked right onto a mother cougar protecting her young. You could have fucked up and walked into a fucking grizzly bear and it could have been
Starting point is 00:20:21 with its cobs and freaked out and decided to eat your face. You got lucky. Yeah. You see, well well you see all those documentaries the people who hang out with these predators long enough why do people think that they are better than deer why do you think that if there's love in nature why does is it really it's all love why does nature let this murderous cougar snap this deer's fucking neck and suck the blood out and then eat its guts first? Because that's what they do. They go guts first because they don't eat grass.
Starting point is 00:20:51 They get their vegetation by eating the guts of the things they kill. But it wouldn't happen to you. Why would it happen to the deer and not to you? Does you really think the universe gives a fuck? If you're around a predator and it wants to eat and it looks at you and says, I think I ate one of these back in the 90s,
Starting point is 00:21:09 I'll try it again. It was good. Yeah. I only get a hiker once every 10 years, but fuck it. Yeah, they got that muesli in their system.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah, dude. They'll jack you, especially when they get used to it. There's an area, I talked about it in my act, an area in India
Starting point is 00:21:25 called the Sundarbans. And they have a real problem with tigers there because the tigers have gotten used to eating people. The tsunamis, or the typhoons rather,
Starting point is 00:21:33 they wash a lot of bodies into the river. A lot of people drown. These are fucking villagers, man. These people are really poor. They're living in like shacks on the river in India. And the tigers eat the bodies
Starting point is 00:21:44 that drown. And so they get a taste of human flesh, and they just start jacking people. Just jacking people. Ghost in the darkness. You can't go anywhere. Bro, there's videos on YouTube. And look this up, folks. If you're at home or when you get home, you've got to check out Sunderband's Tigers.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Because there's a bunch of cool documentaries online. And one of them, these poor fucks these guys are census takers so they have to find out how many of these murderous monsters are out there in the tall grass in the fucking tall grass out on a boat so what this guy this guy has a rifle and he's got a helmet on okay and the helmet has a mask on the back of the head because tigers like to sneak up behind you and jack you they They don't want you to see them coming. They just want to jack you. So these guys are wearing helmets to protect themselves from getting jacked by monsters,
Starting point is 00:22:31 and they have a mask with a fucking face on the back of the head. Well, the tigers figured it out after a while that it was just a face. So they started jacking guys from the back anyway, even though they have these face on. A bunch of dudes at the census takers get killed by tigers with fucking masks on. So now they're fucked. These things can swim, so they have to make sure that their boat has an engine so they can swim faster than a tiger can.
Starting point is 00:22:52 They can run 50 miles an hour, and they've killed 300,000 people in the last 200 years. That's insane. You'd think that someone would take up the challenge and be like, all right, tigers, we're smarter. Let's fucking do this. Dude, people are like, hey, they're a part of nature. They're a part of nature.
Starting point is 00:23:09 In some regards, they're right. I mean, what makes us that much better? Because we have the guns. This is ridiculous. We don't need them around. It's so stupid. Kill them all. What are you, crazy?
Starting point is 00:23:19 The people in India should be like, we are worried about the extinction of the tigers. You should be worried. You should be worried about your fucking murderous master that lives in the jungle. Yeah, you've got to keep it alive. It's your god. Are you crazy? Are you fucking that attached to these animals that want to kill people? Just gun them down, man.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Gun them down. Or put human masks on the back of the tigers and really confuse everything. Yeah, that's what you're going to do, Brian. You're going to find the tiger and put a mask on it. You fuck. A human mask. How dare you? Just fuck it up.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Did you try to trick the tigers? Is that what you're saying? That's what I'm saying. It would confuse everything, you know? There'd be people with tiger masks on the back of their heads and tigers with human masks. If you could transfer human consciousness into anything, if you could transfer human consciousness into like an animal, just to see what it would be like, how dope would it be to be able to download your fucking brain into a tiger's body?
Starting point is 00:24:14 And just be moving that shit around and running up a tree and shit. For sure. How fucking insane would that be, man? If you could just control the body of a tiger with your human mind. And fuck other tigers. Oh, shit. Tiger sex. God damn.
Starting point is 00:24:33 How crazy would that be? It would totally feel right. Oh, my God. It would feel perfect. You're supposed to fuck this. And even when she freaks out, you're like, bitch, I got this. It'll allow her to intimidate you. Even though it's a tiger and you've got your dick
Starting point is 00:24:47 inside of her, you have no fear. You have full control of this thing. Just blast for 20 seconds. Just shoot loads into her. Just shoot tiger loads into her. That would be insane, man. I would think, though, if I had to choose, I would take eagle. I would like to be an eagle. That would be the, man. I would think, though, if I had to choose, I would take eagle.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I would like to be an eagle. That would be the dopest thing ever. Yeah, because eagles get to jackfish from the air. Yeah, bro. It's our fucking national animal for a reason, bro. Have some respect. You know, the turkey, I'm sure you know this, the turkey was supposed to be our national animal.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Really? Yeah, Benjamin Franklin was putting forward, the turkey's the smartest bird. That would have made us less douchey. See, in Canada they have a maple leaf. They're all like chill up there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've got a fucking killer bird.
Starting point is 00:25:36 That we eat once a year. An eagle? Oh, the turkey. No, no, turkey. We eat our national bird, man. If we didn't have the eagle, maybe we wouldn't be so douchey. Because the eagle is such a douchey animal.
Starting point is 00:25:49 What, bitch? Why would we want an eagle, first of all? Because eagles don't give a fuck about anybody. You ever look into an eagle's eyes? That's like the pits of hell. I cry. They don't give a fuck about you. If you're holding them and feeding them every day
Starting point is 00:26:02 and they're a little thing on your arm and you get shot in the head with a howitzer, they'll go, well, I guess I'm not hanging out here anymore. Just fly away. They don't get sad. They don't feel bad that you're dead. There was a hawk that landed on our ranch and we knew something was off with it because it was just hanging around the house.
Starting point is 00:26:18 So my parents were like, alright, we've got to try and bring it in. We've got to try and get it to the vet or something like that. So they sent me with a kitchen glove. Were they short of bullets? Yeah. They sent me with a kitchen glove and a little piece of steak. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:26:32 So I'm going very slowly, looking at this hawk in the eye, thinking of the options. Do I fight? Do I run? What happened? Oh, my god. But it turned out that it was a domesticated hawk. So I was able to give it the meat, and then it dug it, and then it hopped on the kitchen glove.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That's crazy. Yeah, brought it into the house, and then they rescued it. Does it have to be domesticated for that to have happened? I don't know. I'm glad I found out. Because did you ask them? Like, have you done this before? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Yeah, bro. That's what we do. That's what we do. There's no problem. Climb on your glove, bro. Yeah. What animal would you be? Shut the fuck up. Brian's what we do. That's what we do. There's no problem. Climb on your glove, bro. Yeah. What animal would you be? Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Brian's on a date. Chris is a very handsome man. I almost answered that. That's the sad part. I was right there with you. I was like, oh, actually, Brian. Well, we have to know the answer now. Well, it's like one of those things if someone asks you, what's your favorite color?
Starting point is 00:27:19 You go, shut up, dick. But meanwhile, it is a valid question. Maybe you have a reason why you're into violet. I'm into purple. I'm into fuchsia. I want to shock you. I'm into fuchsia. Look, I'm fuchsia.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I got a hot fuchsia car. I'm radical. Didn't Cameron trademark some kind of pink as his color? Did he really? Yeah. Good for him. Trademarked it. My boy Javi Vasquez, he fights in pink shorts.
Starting point is 00:27:44 He wears pink little fucking tighties when he fights. He fights for Strikeforce. He's a bad motherfucker. He fights for WEC. Excuse me. He was fighting for, he won the King of the Cage title. He won, he fought in Japan and went over there. He always wears pink shorts.
Starting point is 00:27:59 He doesn't give a fuck. No one wants to get beat by pink shorts. Beat your ass with sissy clothes on. All you see is the stars are clearing out. It's just pink shorts and a package staring you in the face. There's another dude, that dude, what the fuck is his name? Tim Kennedy. Tim Kennedy always trains with pink gloves.
Starting point is 00:28:16 He wears these big fucking girly looking pink gloves. But he's like, when you're a fierce motherfucker, you can wear pink. It totally makes sense. How did a collar get to be so disparaged? Why? Well, it was the traditional girl color. But why? What is it?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Because people gave it to girls on the baby shower day, you know? So it was just ingrained. But why? Why are they into pink all over the world? There's not like, are they into like, in Transylvania, are little girls into black? They're little goth girls? I don't know. Is that the big color for little girls?
Starting point is 00:28:45 I think pink's the prettiest color. I think if you don't want red, because that's like an evil hot color. Thank you. You just passed my faggot test. I think pink's the prettiest color. Because it's sparkly. How did pink get to keep the name Pink? You know, the singer Pink?
Starting point is 00:28:59 How the fuck has nobody else been Pink? I mean, that bitch got the best name a chick could have ever. Like, what's the girliest shit ever? Pink. Because she's a gangster. All girls love pink. And deserves it. Yeah, but she does deserve it.
Starting point is 00:29:11 She's a badass. You know, I wrote a whole blog about watching her perform at the Emmys. I watched her perform, and I was like, you've got to be fucking shitting me. That was just sheer brilliance in coordination with perfect singing and just so in tune with the crowd and had everyone mesmerized. It was fucking beyond. But I'm just shocked that nobody got pink before. I mean, she's not old. It's not like she got there first.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Nobody thought to call themselves pink. It seems like there probably was, I bet. Some fucking dummy that just didn't trademark it. Right. I think that was probably some bitches out there. I was a real pink. I was pink way before that hoe. Charlie Chaplin was pink once.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I was pink in the 80s. They didn't have no internet. She heard about me. She heard about me and created her own shit. Jack my name. That bitch Jack my name That bitch jacked my name Whenever someone famous gets famous There's always someone that thinks
Starting point is 00:30:09 That happens all the time He's got my whole act That's my whole routine I was doing that in the Catskills I taught him everything he knows I've heard that story so many times That a guy makes it and then you go You know that guy made it
Starting point is 00:30:23 But there was a guy back in like michigan who was scared to leave town but he was the guy he learned from that guy like yeah like there's like kramer there's a real kramer you know kramer from seinfeld but there's a real dude he calls himself the real kramer and he gives like tours of new york he was like the guy that burst through doors burst through doors. Well, I guess he's universally acknowledged as the guy who inspired that character. So somehow or another, they let him capitalize on it and gives tours and shit,
Starting point is 00:30:53 which has got to be so twisted. And boring. Maybe not, man. Maybe for him, it's like the shit. Maybe if he was a dentist, he'd be bored. And maybe if my dentist had his job, he'd be terrified. Maybe. Maybe if he was a dentist, he'd be bored. Maybe if my dentist had his job, he'd be terrified. Maybe. Maybe the dentist
Starting point is 00:31:09 would put it off himself. Who knows? If he really was supposed to be Kramer, the guy's got to be very eccentric, right? If that's really the guy who they model it after. What the fuck? What does that guy do now?
Starting point is 00:31:27 I've seen him randomly in placements and appearances really recently you're talking about kramer yeah the real one yeah what the fuck's his name he's about to go in some why don't i forget how come i'm getting michael ridgers thank you uh he just attacked a photographer the other day and yeah did he yeah no i thought he had it together who would have thought I guess he punched him That's one of the worst predicaments In the history of the media For an actor For an actor to have done
Starting point is 00:31:53 That was one of the worst predicaments That's like People have caught people with hookers Hugh Grant got busted with hookers And Alec Baldwin yelled at his kid That's all good But You know Hugh Grant got busted with hookers, and Alec Baldwin yelled at his kid. That's all good, but it's not that bad. No.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Right? I thought the worst. He yelled out, here is a nigger. Look, we have a nigger. Jesus, Joe. I mean, I know what he was trying to do. Spoiler alert. What he was trying to do. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:32:21 What he was trying to do is say something completely shocking, Spoiler alert. What he was trying to do is say something completely shocking and somehow or another rescue himself from a bad situation where he was bombing. And he wanted to figure out how to get them, how to hurt them, how to let them know that he didn't give a fuck. Like, oh, you're going to fuck with my show? You think it's okay? Oh, you think because I'm on Seinfeld I won't get crazy at you?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Oh, look, here's a nigger. Look, we have some niggers you know and and everybody was like whoa what the fuck it's shocking but what's most shocking to me is that that word still works it's one of the few words that people still freak out it still has magic left in it you know still has that ability to affect people it's nuts it's interesting it's amazing. Yeah. The only one left,
Starting point is 00:33:06 the other one, I think cunt. Yeah. Dude, I have a whole bit on it. I have a whole bit about the three magic words, love, nigger, and cunt.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Those are the three words or the three magic words that have, like the word love always has way more power than, than any other words you can string together. Like I care about you so much. I think about you all day. I just, I don't know what it is. I just, when I'm around you, I want to be affectionate.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Do you love me? You have to say it. You have to say, I love you. Like, I love, oh, it's the fucking, we're in, we're in the house. We're in the love house. We all go in, and that's magic word number one.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Cunt, sort of, but that's getting abused a lot. Yeah, it gets tossed, especially in England. Hallmark's using it in cards now, so I don't think it's... Is Hallmark using cunts in cards?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Probably. In England, they cunt all the time. Everything's cunt. This fucking cunt. Cunt, fucking cunt. Talking about dudes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 This fucking cunt over here. Yeah, they start, they cunt it up so much that it's like, this fucking dude. It's like they're saying dude. We're going to be left with two words.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yeah, but niggers still very, very controversial. You know, and just even the joke in my act, I would say that even saying it's a word, like I'm not even calling anybody yet. We're just saying the word, and you're like, candy man, candy man, candy man. It is like that.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's like you're saying an incantation that's going to bring violence your way. Like you are using a bad word. You're not even calling anybody anything. You're just saying that this word exists and encanting it and saying it out loud. You know, you run the risk of violence. That's amazing. That's amazing that it's 2010 and we think that's okay.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I think it's one of the few words where I can't even hear my own voice saying it because I don't think I've had the courage to voice it. Oh, it's just a word, man. I say it to girls all the time. When you're fucking them? Yeah. Tell me how you do it. Tell me what you say. Hey, you fucking nigger.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Whoa. That was offensive, Brian. I thought you were going to say N-word. Fucking N-word. That's even more offensive. That'd be good. Dirty bitch. She's not really one.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I'm not swearing in front of you. You might be wearing a wire, you dirty N-word. But she's not really one, so it's not bad. If she was really black, then it would feel bad. But if she's white... Well, you could be a white nigger. I think that's in a song somewhere. Right?
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'm sure it is. What's a wigger? No, nigger. Brian, stop saying that. It's uncomfortable for everyone. We just weirded out half of America. Half of America. Ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:35:27 There's 100,000 people listening to this thing. Listen, folks. They're just words. That's the point. It's a ridiculous point that's been argued throughout time. It shouldn't be still going on. It should always be your intent. It should always be, like, whenever you're in any environment
Starting point is 00:35:41 where you're not allowed to say certain words, you make that environment at least 20% bullshit at all times. Any work environment that you're at, nobody's really totally being themselves. Everybody has to have this stupid guard up because you can't say cunt and you can't say fuck and you can't say shit and you can't talk honestly about how you feel about things. No, you're in a professional working environment. Except at Fleshlight, I'll have to say. Except at Fleshlight. Chris, by to say. Except at Fleshlight. Chris, by the way, works at Fleshlight.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Chris, what is your exact job over there? Executive VP of Marketing and Business Development. He's the reason why we made the connection, and he's also the reason why they have an avatar Fleshlight. Let me say this. Just as a correction, this is not an avatar Fleshlight. Did I say avatar? This is the alien pussy.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Oh, it's just happens to be blue. We actually launched this two years ago, which is how we're getting around things. It's space pussy. We pushed this out two years ago. It was just a space vagina. We put some girls in some blue lipstick. This was before Avatar.
Starting point is 00:36:38 It just happens that there's a super hot alien that's blue. You didn't even make it look like a vagina at all. Double clits, Joe. I like how you look like a vagina at all. Double clits, Joe. I like how you did that. I like it. Double clits. And inside the mold is a whole bunch of different stuff. So you've thought of this.
Starting point is 00:36:51 The mold inside is like a bunch of space. Eggshells and shit. Coffee grounds. Every thousandth blood site has a razor blade. It has like different ribs inside. Okay. Urban myth. Is that an urban myth?
Starting point is 00:37:04 The razor blade in the vagina from Vietnam. Is that an urban myth? The razor blade in the vagina from Vietnam? Is that an urban myth? What? I've never heard of it. That hookers would do that? You never heard that? No. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Hookers would take these back in Vietnam. It was like when I was a kid in high school and growing up in Boston. Back in Vietnam, I heard what they did. They took razor blades and they put them up the girl's vagina and then you'd fuck them and cut your dick in half. You never heard that before?
Starting point is 00:37:25 No, never. I hug her out with a bad crowd. Have you heard of the rape condoms? I've heard of those. They have little spikes on them and they stick. The girl shoves it inside of her like a tampon. It's basically like an interior
Starting point is 00:37:41 lining for her vagina that's filled with barbs. Like fish hook type deals. an interior lining for her vagina that's filled with barbs. Like fucking, like fish hook type deals. So these guys, they rape a lot apparently in Africa. It's like a serious, serious problem. It's super in right now.
Starting point is 00:37:54 It's like one out of three women in Africa has been raped. Certain areas of Africa. And this is one of the areas where they're pushing these rape condoms. Like those guys are gonna kill now. Now it's not just gonna be rape. It's gonna rape and murder you know if a guy sticks his dick inside you and comes out bloody and covered with fish hooks chances are he might hit you right yeah
Starting point is 00:38:13 even if he's raping you it's gonna give you such an asshole that he would rape you yeah so give you a moment but a guy who's such an asshole that he would rape you you don't think he'll kill you if you cut his dick up? That guy's a piece of shit. He's not going to go, you were right. You were right. I shouldn't have raped you. I got fishhooks on my dick.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I deserve it. No, he's going to attack you, right? I would assume. We went out. I was actually out there in Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and out with some of the tribesmen. We were working with some of the men out there to try and actually instill traditional martial
Starting point is 00:38:47 arts into them so that they could get some kind of... So you're teaching martial arts to the tribesmen? Yeah, and some of the inner city, the slum kids, because really they have a whole generation of fathers that are gone from AIDS. Just no father figure. So they have nothing else to really go to. So they get picked up by gangs. They get picked up by these war parties.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And then they get turned into little killers. So what we were trying to do is show them some kind of paternal discipline and show them that you know they can be strong and powerful without having to be in a gang and it was a really cool program and it worked but it's fucking intense out there man it was really intense we ended up having to stop the program because civil war broke out in kenya and it was just too nutty to keep doing it god damn yeah it was it was pretty crazy so you're over there teaching them martial arts yep wow very like traditional stylized you know we weren't going into mma ground and pound just like discipline karate type going through the kata and right you know definitely speaking to them and they i mean
Starting point is 00:39:44 they dug it you know it's kind of interesting interesting that Africa is not known for martial arts. It's like Africa is the cradle of civilization, right? That's where humans emanated from. But really, martial arts didn't really pick up until they got to Asia. I mean, there was other martial arts that were developed in other countries. But for whatever reason, I think it's because Africa was so fucked up, they just went straight to weapons. They're like, what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:40:04 We're fucking around here with karate chops. Give me a gun. You have a gun? Give me a pointy stick, man. Give me some shit. I got to stab some fucking animals with some hyenas trying to eat my kids. All right? You can't just fucking box them like in Ireland.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Hey, how do you try and eat me, kids? Yeah, man, in Ireland, what do they have to worry about? A deer gets into your yard. You know what I'm saying? They had time to beat the fuck out of each other. Or a whiskey bottle. Yeah, man. In Ireland, what do they have to worry about? A deer gets into your yard. You know what I'm saying? They had time to beat the fuck out of each other. Or a whiskey bottle. Yeah, they didn't even bother learning MMA. They didn't even bother with takedowns or leg kicks or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:40:32 They're like, ah, this is good enough. Just use our hands. We don't need to get crazy with the knees. Come on, Flannery. Elbows are against the rules, lad. Why are you hitting me with that? We're not trying to kill each other, okay? But in Africa, they're like,
Starting point is 00:40:46 fuck you. They're going right for pointy sticks to your chest. They're poison darts and shit. Blow guns. Yeah, they're just trying to jack you. The exception is the Greco-Roman style wrestling that some of the tribes have. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, yeah. They got good Greco in Africa? Yeah, some of the tribes. That's what determines the alpha in the tribe. Really? They do all kinds of crazy rituals. Do they have good technique? Do you think you could take their back? Yeah, some of the tribes. That's what determines the alpha in the tribe. Really? They do all kinds of crazy rituals. Do they have good technique? Do you think you could take their back?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah, dude. They don't defend the double leg. No way. No way. You could get them down. Let them get on top. Sweep his ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:15 You got no base. You don't know about the rubber guard. You don't know about my lockdown. He's flopping up and down. All of a sudden, he's choked out. I get half guard on you, bitch. You got a problem. You got a deep problem. Wake up with shit in his loincloth. You wouldn't even know about my lockdown. He's flopping up and down. All of a sudden, he's choked out. I get half guard on you, bitch. You got a problem. You got a deep problem.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Wake up with shit in his loincloth. You wouldn't even know what hit him. So what kind of wrestling do they do? Well, it's just like real Greco-Roman. But is it like technical? Do they understand underhooks and overhooks and hip movement? Yeah, a bit. What kind of throws?
Starting point is 00:41:40 Do they have throws that are like judo throws or like wrestling throws? Like judo, shoulder throws, like hip throws. And they're good? I mean, like an all-American wrestler would go there and jack them. Roll them. I mean, they don't have the nutrition and the training. Yeah, they're eating bugs and shit. That ain't good for you, Greco.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Bugs ain't good for you wrestling. Drinking some stuff out of a fear factor. Drinking goat blood and shit. Yeah, exactly. You know, we were talking about this on the show before, but in Africa, trepanning, where you cut a hole into the top of the head. Have you ever seen that?
Starting point is 00:42:06 No. Dude, some tribes in Africa do the gnarliest shit to their bodies. And I've always tried to figure out what that is. Where's that coming from? But one of them is trepanning, T-R-E-P-A-N, and it means cutting a hole through the skull
Starting point is 00:42:23 and exposing the brain. This one guy had done it 20 times. I'm sure that's very antiseptic condition. No. Yeah, they're doing it with coconut shells and shit. Fucking cutting your head over with a sharp rock. I'm not joking. They are using rocks and shit. No anesthetic
Starting point is 00:42:40 whatsoever. Carving into dudes' skulls. Then the women in Surrey who cut the hole in their lip and they put plates in and the bigger the plate the more cows you're worth when you get married like what is that about what is all that those are those are tough to figure out the one scarification they do a lot of that the one that's easier to figure out but i think is maybe the worst is the clitorectomies that are done by the masai tribe traditional Maasai. Not just them, right? There's more of them. So bad. And then once they do that,
Starting point is 00:43:12 sex is just never pleasurable for women. They're trying to do it as a deterrent for adults. They're haters. They have no game. They want to control these chicks for life. And then the chick turns 20 and she wises up. Dude, you fucking smell. I'm not into this relationship i'm gonna get some good dick right and she tries to leave and you are my property and they have problems you know it's a bunch of haters man
Starting point is 00:43:34 it's all those faggots and won't let chicks dance all those dudes who want to put chicks in burkas and shit everything but your eyes you know they want them to walk around like they're you know inside of a trash can looking through a slot. All totally insecure. Haters, little faggots. Yeah, for sure. Little bitch-ass people living in the middle of nowhere. For sure.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's the dumbest place in the world because it's the first place. I always say that the Middle East is basically like the townies of the world. Because that is where written language was created. I mean, the Middle East is responsible for so many firsts. You know, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, where Iraq is, is ancient Sumer. They had the first written language, the first agriculture, the first government, the first astrology, the first astronomy. I mean, they had a lot of firsts there. It was a brilliant, brilliant place.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I mean, so much development. But everybody, like in all good places, they got tired of the douchebags and they moved. And everybody spread out. Civilization spread out across the country. It's just like America. If you go to the East Coast, you get a lot of holdouts. That's what it is. A lot of stubborn people that go, I fucking like it here.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Fuck everybody else. And what they really are is the grandchildren and children of fucking savages people in ireland and poland and england that that life over there sucked so much cock that they were willing to get on a boat for months and come to them someplace they didn't even know what the fuck it was and so then they get there and then they huddle up and they try to figure out this new place and fight off the fucking indians do whatever they have to do to make a business. Everybody's smart goes, there's got to be someplace better than this.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Let's get the fuck out of here. And they started traveling west. Devote your vital energy to something besides bear survival. Yeah, so that is the civilization beginning, is Sumer. And that is Iraq, and that is the Middle East. That's why the Middle East is so fucked up. That's why there's such haters over there. You know, I have a theory that I don't think has been explored very much, but it seems like
Starting point is 00:45:30 in the desert areas of the world they're very patriarchal dominated. You know, and then you get to the coastlands, you get to the jungles, they have a lot more matriarchal societies that have a lot more respect for women and the religions appear different. Something about that dry, arid landscape.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And of course, you know, the major desert religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, have kind of really taken hold there. But for whatever reason, that kind of patriarchal dominance that occurs out there in the desert areas is different. It's a hard life. It demands hard living. You know, you have to make, you gotta... And you also have to realize that they had this hard, radical
Starting point is 00:46:08 ideology thousands and thousands of years ago, and a hard, radical ideology is very difficult to break without a revolution. It doesn't sort of evolve. If their ideology about... And I don't know how recent it's been that they've been so strict with women with the
Starting point is 00:46:23 clitorectomies and with the burkas. I mean, how recent has that been? I mean, it's still going on. Right, but I mean, when did it start? I mean, is it something that's been going on for hundreds of years? Thousands of years? At least a hundred. I don't know how long that is.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I think when you have a situation where there's a lot of fear and a lot of religious fanaticism, it's really hard to change because everybody's scared. Well, even the females for the clitorectomies, some of them feel like they can't become a woman until they get it. It's so ingrained. So if they make it illegal,
Starting point is 00:46:51 it's actually forcing some women underground to get them done in even worse conditions than the flint rock and the chisel or whatever they use to get it done. So it's a nightmare. I mean, you really got to attack it with education. I mean, that's the only real option. It's one of those things where I think about,
Starting point is 00:47:08 there's certain levels of fear when fear gets ingrained into a culture and when it's control. And that's what a lot of that is. A lot of the controlling of women with the clothing and the dancing to try to prevent other men from fucking them and all that craziness.
Starting point is 00:47:24 When that shit gets a hold of a culture, it's very hard to get it out. You know what I'm saying? It takes like a new restart. Or a person. Or a person, sure. Sure, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:47:34 But at least a culture or a person rather is responsible for themselves. People can wake up and go, hey, I'm a douchebag. I need to snap out of this. It's very difficult for a culture to wake up
Starting point is 00:47:42 and go, hey, we're fucked up. Look what we're doing overseas. Look what we're doing overseas. Look what we're pretending that this is going on and we're making billions and we got all these fucking dummies that are listening to us.
Starting point is 00:47:51 We can do better. It's very rare that a culture wakes up or a government wakes up or any large group but a person can wake up. I think the best thing to do would be to put
Starting point is 00:48:00 internet kiosks fucking everywhere. Just put that in satellite internet. Just get them out there and have them watch Spice i mean like at that point you know they're gonna say yeah clitoris they kind of do that with those cheap laptops and have you seen those things as like are they getting into yeah they're like throwing them in different places like that's the yeah but they yeah they definitely need some big inoculation of the retardation that they've gone through for decades and hundreds and thousands of years.
Starting point is 00:48:28 They need something to get them to evolve. When you get people that are just so wacky about a certain ideology to the point where they're so nutty that you're not even allowed to draw their main dude. Oh, yeah. Think how crazy that is. Yeah. You can't draw their main guy or they'll kill you. Why do we tolerate
Starting point is 00:48:48 this? Why does anyone tolerate that? That is absolutely crazy. It's not saying that Muhammad doesn't exist or never did exist or he's not a prophet. He might very well be. I am completely uneducated to that matter. But if you're telling me that you can't draw him,
Starting point is 00:49:04 come on. That's silly. One of the tenets, I had a great philosophy instructor when I was going to school, and one of the tenets that he taught he was a philosophy of religion specialist, and he said, you know, any God that should be worshipped should be worthy of worship. So if you're a God and someone's drawing you
Starting point is 00:49:20 and you're going to smite them, I mean, that dude isn't worthy of worship. Well, it's the followers that smite, right? Right. But it's because they're smiting because they feel it's an offense to God. Right. You know, like if someone's drawing you, you're not going to get pissed. So does that mean that you're better than God?
Starting point is 00:49:35 It can't be. You can't have a system where, you know, the God isn't worthy of worship and being at least as good as another man. And this was my thought, is that all of this, it seems so archaic and ridiculous. It seems so several thousand years ago. It's amazing that this kind of ideology is allowed to live through this age of information, like deep into the 2000s. That's fascinating, man. It's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah, it is. I think there's a real grain of truth at the bottom of all these religions, some beautiful things. i'm sure in the quran you know i'm not as familiar as i am with some of the other works but i've seen a little bit there's beautiful passages spiritual spiritual and really powerfully beautiful passages and all that but then you know men get in there and they're able to utilize that as a mechanism of power to wield more power over other people. Right. And it just gets kind of twisted. But what's the origin of it all? I mean, if it isn't the word of God, what is it? Is it smart people who figure some things out and somehow or another figure out how
Starting point is 00:50:33 to tell it to people? And those people tell it to each other for thousands of years, and then it eventually gets written down. And by that point, it's become fables, and the words have been twisted, and things have gotten strange, and the translations are off the memory's off I mean if you're dealing with something as big as the Bible how many hundreds of pages is that?
Starting point is 00:50:51 It's a lot. So dudes had to say it it's a spoken word thing for like a thousand years and then they wrote it down? It was a while and they had a council to decide it was like an editing council where they decided which now this goes in this goes out well how about the fucking New Testament the New Testament's even better than that
Starting point is 00:51:09 there were cannons for the New Testament they just threw out they're like no I don't fucking editor they just recently redid it oh yeah they have like a newer new yeah I was just talking to Jesus and shit and he got some old notes we got some old Tupac tapes we're going to pull out. Jesus is like Tupac. They're redoing his words. That talking snake shit was a view. There was like a bunch of apostles that were like,
Starting point is 00:51:33 that dude, he ain't all that. I don't care if we know Jesus. They chose the words that fitted their agenda. Yeah, well, that was Constantine. That was when Constantine was controlling Rome. He was a smart dude. He realized he needed to rope people up with one universal religion. It couldn't be pagans. Well, at that point, though, the slave class had really outnumbered the other classes.
Starting point is 00:51:53 So he says it came to him in a dream or whatever, but I think he was trying to survive. I mean, the Christianity spread in the lower classes. I mean, they idealized that theory that they were going to go to heaven, and all these rich people who were putting him to work and doing shitty stuff to him, they were going to go to heaven and all these rich people who were putting them to work and doing shitty stuff to them, they were going to go to hell. So it took off. And then he was like, oh, shit, almost our entire country is slaves. I'm a Christian.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Like, bam, I had a dream. Really? And then that's what did it. He says it came to him in a dream, but really I think it was survival. So the Christians were just taken over then. They were. There was just too many in that lower class versus the patricians who were well outnumbered at that point.
Starting point is 00:52:28 That's fascinating. So it was a survival move more than a control move. I think so. At that point, the adoption of Christianity was like he saw the flood. He saw the tides going, and he was going to either get trampled by it or he was going to go with it. Wouldn't you have loved to have been in that war meeting? Yeah, for real when they're like all right well how are we gonna handle this like yo we got some shit some shit
Starting point is 00:52:49 is going down there's some people out there with pitchforks and fucking torches and shit yeah beating them to the lions was just um let's let's tell him we found jesus yes i like that let's tell him we found jesus go with it i'm fucking i'm born again i don't know about y'all are you born again i'm totally born again we can still keep everything going as usual yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:53:08 we bring them in we're gonna have to include them but they're not gonna kill us yeah okay we're good we're born again we're born again that's it
Starting point is 00:53:14 and off to the races history has changed how ridiculous and he didn't even become a Christian until right before he died yeah you know right wasn't he baptized
Starting point is 00:53:22 like before he died I'm not sure exactly the time he He had a little bit of time. For a long time. Yeah, it wasn't a while. He didn't start leading like that. I'm not dunking my fucking head in the water. You gotta do it. They don't believe you unless you do it. I gotta fucking get in the water. The water sucks. It's cold.
Starting point is 00:53:37 You gotta do their thing. You gotta get in the water. You know who's on point? You posted a video about him, but I've read all of his books. It's John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change or Die. I think you actually posted a YouTube video on Twitter. I'm sure I did, yeah. And he's a preacher who kind of is commenting, and a very devout Christian who's commenting on the way Christianity has gone.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And his second book is Why Christianity Must Change or Die. And it's really a poignant book for anybody interested in that. Yeah, he was fascinating. He was like, we're in the control business. This is all the control business. He was so upfront about his whole, the entire career that he had in it. Brutally honest. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:14 His first book goes through different passages and basically attacks the fundamentalist position of Christianity and says, look, this doesn't make sense. This was a book. It was a guidebook. There's lots of stuff that doesn't make a lot of sense in here anymore. Let's go through this. Let's get rid of this.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And then his second book philosophically talks about how the evolution of Christianity needs to be in order for that religion to survive. And I think ultimately it will. I think it's happening. Like the fire and brimstone that used to be, that Bosch paintings of people just getting ripped apart. And if you go to El Duomo in Florence, you look up at the ceiling and there's demons with these big, giant, big, giant wooden flaming staffs shoving them in people's asses.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Oh, man. And like another demon that's like shoving one in some girl's pussy. Wow. Yeah. And you're in this church, beautiful church. You're like, what the fuck is up here? That is crazy. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Wait a minute. What is the name of this place again? It's called El Duomo. El Duomo. El Duomo. It's the center church in the middle of Florence. Oh, my God. I have to see this.
Starting point is 00:55:11 It has fucking bananas, man. I have to see this. I mean, I've been there. Do they have it online? They must have the photos online. Yeah, for sure. Sure. So what is the story behind all that?
Starting point is 00:55:19 Well, I mean, at that point, I mean, they were pushing the, well, it was for sodomy and adultery, and that was the crimes being punished, but they would be punished by the How do you spell L-D-U-O-M-O? It's a, I think it might be I-L since it's Italy and then D-U-O-M-O. It's in Italy, those crazy Italians, those motherfuckers. Yeah, but I mean, just, just nutty, man. Italians are so nuts, man. You know, I'm Italian, I grew up Italian, but it's because they're so savage that they're always riddled with guilt.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah. Because they're just so fucking crazy. It's tearing them up. It's tearing them up. They're the leftover Romans, man. That's real shit. Where's the photos of the dragons and the assholes and shit? So it's going to be the interior of the dome.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Interior of the dome. I need to see this. It's a beautiful fucking building. Yeah, man. Holy shit. It's stunning. to see this it's a beautiful fucking building yeah holy shit stunning i mean it's done they made some they made some dope ass architecture they did they were on point it's not amazing isn't that amazing that if like if you look at like the vatican you know and look at like a lot of the shit from like the like all the shit that Da Vinci painted, like the Sistine Chapel and stuff. No one does anything like that these days. Some of the sculptures, I looked at some of the work by this artist named Bernini,
Starting point is 00:56:32 and I sat this one, and it was a lady sitting on the pillows. Well, Bernini actually did the ones that were like Daphne and Apollo and the Rape of Persephone. And just to look at how he was able to sculpt someone's fingers digging into someone's flesh, like Hades is digging into Persephone's, into her side, like grabbing the side of it. And you cannot believe that it's marble.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I mean, just the way that he makes it like fleshy and lifelike. Canova did the same thing with this lady reclining on a pillow. Just sculpting sheets out of marble that looked like they're, you know, you could fluff them in the breeze. Yeah, man,
Starting point is 00:57:08 what the fuck, man? Really just incredibly talented. And all this stuff just passed on through generation after generation of learning how to work with stone
Starting point is 00:57:16 and carve and fuck, man. Yeah, that'll never be duplicated. Yeah, it's like people are just way too lazy, man. I'm not carving shit out of stone. No just way too lazy, man. I'm not carving shit
Starting point is 00:57:26 out of stone. No. Fuck all that, man. Finding the weaknesses in the marble and envisioning what could come out of it. But we'll do some crazy shit like walk through the Amazon. We'll do some nutty shit like I'm going to be the first guy. Douchebag, do you know you can take a boat
Starting point is 00:57:42 and it's like a few hours you go all around. You know what's even crazier than walking through the Amazon? Have you seen the documentary Big River Man? The dude who swam the Amazon? What? He swam the Amazon. Oh, that guy's trying to die.
Starting point is 00:57:54 This one will be easy to bring up. It's and see it. That dude is nuts. So he's from like – That dude's trying to die. Yeah. Well, he does pretty much. It takes 65 days, right?
Starting point is 00:58:05 So it's this documentary of this guy, and he started swimming because he had this alcoholic father. And his father would come home and try and beat him. He's in Eastern Europe. Try and beat him. So he went swimming? He figured out if he went in the river, his dad wouldn't follow him. And so he'd just swim. And his dad would chase him along the riverside.
Starting point is 00:58:19 What? And so eventually he learned to be this stamina, endurance swimmer, but he got all fucked in the head. And so he goes out and he swam all of the world's biggest rivers. And so he goes out on the Amazon, and I just saw this, happened to catch this late night, and I was just amazed. And he doesn't do it like a normal swimmer would, like take their protein and do it. He's like getting them to throw bottles of wine in the water and whiskey. He comes off, he drinks another two bottles of wine. And he's this big dude. He's not even in shape.
Starting point is 00:58:46 He's like, he's kind of like chubby, you know? And he gets there. But then around day 40, you know, all the parasites, he's drinking the water from the Amazon. So all the parasites are getting him. He has an onboard doctor and he's like shocking himself with electroshock therapy to kill the parasites. And he's like screaming with stuff in his head
Starting point is 00:59:02 and like batteries attached to him. It's nutty. But then around the 40th day day the last you ever hear from him in the documentary he goes i'm crossing into the fourth dimension now and he just fucking is gone at that point just gone and then so he'll like wake up early in the morning and swim away from the boat and they won't know where he is they're like pointing their light out and trying to find him they see him naked on some river bank looking at driftwood just gone so is he gone because he was just fucked to begin with or was it all the parasites i think it's the parasites and just not taking care of himself exhaustion he's so sunburned he has to wear this like mask he looks like silence of the lambs this mask covering his face holy shit
Starting point is 00:59:45 yeah it's it's nutty the big river man is the name of it martin strell i believe is his name it's it's funny there's some nutty motherfuckers it is a broad spectrum of human beings man it's broad yeah you know just when you think you've got people completely figured out you'll find some new one online. You'll see some new shit. I guess when he was swimming the Yangtze, it was so dirty in some of the industrial areas that he had to have nightly blood transfusions
Starting point is 01:00:13 from a nurse on the boat. Just new blood in, old blood out. What the fuck? And he just kept swimming. God damn. And the pictures of that swim are just insane. Jesus Christ. He wants to swim all of the biggest rivers of the world.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Okay, what is it about people doing dangerous shit that they don't have to do? It's one thing that if you get thrown into the Amazon, you have to figure out a way to swim to stay alive and make it to the shore and then get back to safety. I survived in the woods. I started a fire with rocks. I know how to get back, and I got back, and I made it. That's an excellent story.
Starting point is 01:00:47 But when you thrust yourself into that situation, that's not a game. That's a river. What is that? It's not the survival instinct that has propagated the species. It's the instinct to reproduce. And doing dangerous shit has always gotten chicks. Is that what it is? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Dangerous shit has always gotten chicks. Is that what it is? Yeah. Okay, but how do you account for chicks that like getting hot air balloons and go across the world? How about this chick who's rowing her way? She's in a sailboat. She's like 16, and she's sailing across the ocean. What's that about?
Starting point is 01:01:18 Is she a lesbian? She's trying to get some pussy? I don't know. I think that's some kind of tapping into some of the same instincts. No, I mean, I think that's some kind of tapping into some of the same instincts. Dude, lesbians trying to pick up straight chicks is just as creepy as dudes trying to pick up straight chicks. My girl certainly gets her fair share. I was at the mailbox, and I'm about to send a package, and there's this lesbian lady. And she's like so obviously dykey, just big, and she's got a mullet.
Starting point is 01:01:46 And it's like the whole deal. And she's got like one of those Eddie Bravo Falcon wristbands. It's like a leather strap on her wrist. And the girl in front of her is getting a package. And she dropped something. She was like, oh, I'm sorry. I'm so disorganized. And the lesbian goes, don't apologize for being human.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And I was like, oh, it was so gross. I literally put my hand up to my mouth. I'm like, like it was so like sleazy. Here's my card. You know,
Starting point is 01:02:22 it was so like low rent, you know, traveling vacuum salesman trying to fuck somebody's wife. You know what I mean? It was so sad. Don't apologize for being human. I was like, ugh. I was like, that must be what it sounds like when dudes try to do it, too.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Yeah. I'm sure it is. It is. It's the same thing, right? Yeah. When you hear a dude with a sleazy, cheesy line, you're like, oh, you feel bad for that chick. That could be your sister. That could be your daughter. She's got to listen to this moron.
Starting point is 01:02:50 You know, I could always just give it to you right here in my car. Yeah, that's brutal. Disgusting. Could be someone's kid. That perspective comes from having children. Dude, that perspective jacks you. When you have children, everything changes. Porn becomes like a sad story.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Like, oh, poor girl getting mouth fucked. Think about it. That used to be somebody's baby, somebody's little girl. Used to be a thumb, now it's some big, giant black dick. Glug, glug, glug. She's getting gagged, slapped in the face with it. I'm like, wow. Can't enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Not so fun. Changed it. Changed the game. Have you been? You've been. Brian, have you ever been to a set of a porn? Where? A set of a porn being filmed?
Starting point is 01:03:36 Just in my bedroom and stuff like that. Bow, chicka, bow, bow. Tell us, Brian. I make horns all the time. You know how it goes. Speaking of which, play your friend. Your friend's clip. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Not speaking of which. I mean, you really, this is not a romantic situation. Here's some porn I filmed. No, this is actually from Sam Tripoli's Naughty Show. This is a video that. Tell everybody. They don't have to see it. It's funny enough as it is.
Starting point is 01:04:02 But if you want to see it, what is the YouTube address? Just type in Little Esther on the Street. Little Esther on the Street. No, this is Brian's friend. She's 22? 22, but she looks like she's... Yeah, 12 years old. Seriously.
Starting point is 01:04:18 She really looks like she's 12. And that's her whole thing. She was on Jimmy Kimmel. She played Jimmy Kimmel's sister on Jimmy Kimmel in one episode or something. And what is her name? Esther. Esther? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:30 They go by Little Esther. She's hilarious. She's like a new up-and-coming comic, I would say. She does a lot of comedy store stuff. And Esther, I'm sorry, what's her last name again? She goes by Little Esther. Little Esther. Yeah, so you can find her.
Starting point is 01:04:43 So her name is a mystery? Well, if you go on Twitter, it's backslash L-I-L underscore Ether. I'll tweet it in a bit, but yeah, it's called Little Ether. And here's that. How do you spell Esther? Hold on. E-S-T-H-E-R. Oh, it's Esther, huh?
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yeah. Hmm, I would have got that wrong. But then I would have looked at it the right way and be like, that doesn't look right either. E-S-T-E-R? That looks stupid too. E-S-T-H-E-R. All right, whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Let's hear this. It's funny. She's on the street. She's a girl who literally looks like she's 12 years old, and she's just walking up to strangers. Yeah, and she's saying this is for her health class. Yeah. All right, so here it goes.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Little Esther, she's got questions, she needs answers. This should be interesting. So I'm just asking questions for my teen health project. What does friends with benefits mean? Oh, it's loading up. It was loaded up. Oh, that's so gay, Brian. I can't believe you did that.
Starting point is 01:05:42 It was loaded up earlier, but now we did that song instead. So it stopped. Anyway, blah, blah, blah. Are you playing it over again? They already heard that part. God damn it. Anyways, it's really funny. Yeah, just go to it online.
Starting point is 01:06:00 We'll play it in a bit. It'll load up while we're waiting. Yeah, let it load up. Okay. Anyway, she's 12, and she looks... Or she's 22. She looks 14. And she looks like she's 12. It'll load up while we're waiting. Let it load up. Anyway, she's 12 and she looks... She's 22 and she looks 14. She looks like she's 12. It's a really funny video from Sam Tripoli's naughty show.
Starting point is 01:06:14 She asks dirty questions. You already know the joke. But it's good. It's a good joke. It's very similar to that man show boy concept. But way dirtier. The kid looks really young But way more wrong
Starting point is 01:06:26 Because it's a girl But at least she's really an adult As opposed to the Man Show Boy Was like a real little kid Was it? I thought it wasn't No, no, no, no It was a kid
Starting point is 01:06:37 He was like 15 or something He was a boy, right? And he aged while the show was going on I didn't know that Then became the man show teenager. You know, I always got that kid mixed up with Andy Milonakis or whatever his name is. You know what? I don't even know who Andy Milonakis is.
Starting point is 01:06:51 I know the name. I've seen the name written in print. It's like a cultural pop icon name. Right. You know, someone will say it, and I don't know who it is. I don't get it. I've seen it a hundred times. It's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Is he a comic? Well, he's like a video guy. I don't even know. Like a YouTube guy? Yeah, like a YouTube guy, kind of, but he also has been in stuff, movies. I hope people don't get offended when you say they don't know who they are.
Starting point is 01:07:12 There's just too many people to know now. He's from MTV, I think. There's too much shit going on, man. I can't keep up with all those goddamn videos people are sending me. I look at my Twitter. It's like if I wanted to just waste my entire life, not waste, but use up all
Starting point is 01:07:25 my time i would just go on my twitter and watch all the videos that people send me all these fucked up crazy videos over and over and over and over again all day check this out oh my god have you ever seen this how is this guy still alive every day animal attacks car wrecks motorcycle crash animal attacks it's all fucking day dude yeah so much content out there fuck it's impossible to watch it all it's you're our minds are being reprogrammed you sit in front of these fucking computers just inundated with crazy shit over and over again all day if you have time if you have time and your dick works someone's gonna send you something fucked up right because if you have time and you're young enough to be having fun in life,
Starting point is 01:08:06 you're going to have some fun friends. And if you have fun friends, they're going to see some fucked up shit. And if they're going to see some fucked up shit, they're going to want you
Starting point is 01:08:12 to see it too. Right? If it tweaks them, they're going to want to send it to you. They're going to want to be the one that shocks you. It's too much, man.
Starting point is 01:08:21 It is. Every once in a while, just reading a book with actual pages, because I got the iPad thing, and I like that too. But it's sometimes comforting just to go back. Just back. I'm going to read this page of printed letters. You've tried this recently, and this is a big thing that I do,
Starting point is 01:08:40 is the sensory deprivation tank. You just tried it for the first time, right? Yep. And what did you think about that? Well, I think I sent this to you in an email, but I likened it to the first time I had sex. Like I could tell it was something rad and I knew I was going to dig it for the most, the rest of my life, but I was terrible at it. Like just not, not quite good at it yet. You know, you have to really just relax your mind. And I was fidgeting with, you know, how comfortable I was. But then I also was super tired when I when I was in there, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:10 it was a long week, and I didn't have it, you know, available to me, except for, you know, kind of late in the evening, and I wanted to make sure I got in. So I started to fall asleep. But it was this crazy consciousness in the sleep, like I saw this window of where sleep was, and I could visually see it, I could see it with my eyes open. And I could crawl in it. And I was asleep. Like I saw this window of where sleep was and I could visually see it. I could see it with my eyes open and I could crawl in it and I was asleep and I could crawl out of it and not be asleep. And I was fully in control of how it was going. And that was pretty, that was pretty wild. I mean, what you're able to do with your mind in that situation where you can't tell when your eyes are open and your eyes are closed and there's no feeling no sensation on your body uh the amount of control i was able to exercise was amazing
Starting point is 01:09:49 didn't find any kind of great lucid information out of it but the experience was wild i mean i've never been able to see those layers because usually you just pass out you don't know when you fell asleep all of a sudden you're awake you remember that then all of a sudden you're asleep and you wake up the next morning but this i was able to see the steps in between. You never realize how quiet it is until the power goes out in your house. Yeah. You know, when the power goes out in the neighborhood, and the power's out everywhere, that... You hear things go off.
Starting point is 01:10:17 And there's that dead silence that you don't get any other way. Well, the tank is that times a million. The tank is that with your body. It shuts everything off. Everything. It's one of the things that I always talk about. I talk about it on this podcast all the time. I talk about it in interviews all the time.
Starting point is 01:10:34 And the thing that I always say is that I'm always shocked that people don't do this. I'm always shocked that people don't know about this. I'm shocked that there's not one of these on every corner, that people aren't having these things put in their house they have jacuzzis put in their house why don't you have an isolation tank right like do you do you not want to be happy do you not want to think do you not want to relax some people are running like hell from their own thoughts that's too dangerous too too much work man that's too much work it's more work to to run
Starting point is 01:11:02 from your shit than it is to face your shit. Agreed. And there's no facing your shit like facing your shit in that tank. Yeah. You can't hide behind any bullshit when you're in there. There's no distractions. There's nothing. You get right immediately to whatever is fucking with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Anything. And then once you get good at that, then you become a Jedi. Yeah. You become an astral traveler. You get in there and you learn how to really let really let go just lock in quick uh-huh i can lock i lock in within 15 minutes i'm gone yeah i i settle in i it always the the thing is you always got to get your body to relax there's so yeah yeah so much tension that you're carrying around in you you don't realize how much tension you have in you until you're in a zero-gravity environment. And you realize you're holding yourself.
Starting point is 01:11:47 You're like pulling yourself in. Like your back and muscles are pulled in. Your arms are pulled in. You don't even realize you're doing this. You're like fighting the world all the time. But when you get in there and then all that shit goes away, then about 15 minutes in, once the breathing stabilizes, it's like whoop.
Starting point is 01:12:04 And then I go. Then I'm gone. Then I'm off in the land of wild hallucinations and fucking vivid dreams and lucid dreaming and flying and communicating with entities and having things explained to you in gigantic three-dimensional numbers from an alien planet that are rotating around you
Starting point is 01:12:22 in some big holoscope that's like a hologram that's shaped like the planet Earth. I was watching the universe being explained to me in letters that were from another planet that were spinning around, that were three-dimensional, and it was all being orchestrated by these aliens. And it made sense to me while I was watching it. I was trying to figure out their code and their patterns. This is how the whole universe works. It all works by this one thing, and then everything goes into another thing, and that goes deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper.
Starting point is 01:12:49 That's how crazy the tank is. Why is that not everywhere? There's other ways to get there, too. There ain't no other ways to get there unless you're doing drugs. Exactly. That's kind of where I was leading to. But even those are better in the tank. You think you know what mushrooms feel like?
Starting point is 01:13:05 Mushrooms in the tank are a totally different animal, man. There's no distractions. That mushroom gets to talk right to you. The weed in the tank, the weed's talking right to you. There's no, oh, my ass is on the couch and the light is hitting my eyes and the elbow touches the seat arm. There's none of that. There's no input.
Starting point is 01:13:24 There's so many powerful weapons at our disposal that people are so scared of i mean it's just crazy i mean the tank is one of them obviously a huge resource and it's easy it's just you know you can't complain about anything but then there's other you know shamans for years i think the best way i've heard it described is this rad book called the cosmic serpent bypent by Jeremy Narby. I've heard of that. The shaman's goal is to lead you to the realm of the spirits and then allow you to defocalize. He talks about it like a stereogram. Remember those 3D images where you'd relax your eyes and the 3D would pop out?
Starting point is 01:13:59 He's like, that's what you're doing when you're in that kind of shamanistic experience. You're defocalizing your body and then allowing communication to come through and but his theories are pretty amazing i mean just these conversations are there's people right now that are listening okay and there's two two groups of people that not obviously there's more than two but when it comes to this subject there's people who've had psychedelic experiences and people who have no fucking idea what we're talking about. Literally, you think we're talking about hippie fairy dust.
Starting point is 01:14:31 This is what it sounds like. Wait a minute, what are you doing? You're tuning in to what are you tuning into? You tuning in to Santa Claus? What's going on? There's even intelligent scientists that will have conversations. And if you bring up any sort of psychedelic or any sort of psychedelic compound or altered states of consciousness, they just shut off on you.
Starting point is 01:14:52 They just immediately discredit everything you're saying. Well, you're just talking about getting high. And let's just put it in a nice little box that they can discard. And they toss it away. But if they've done mushrooms, they'll go, oh yeah. Exactly right. They'll look at you and go, yeah, it might be that.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Yeah, it might be that. I've talked to like some serious, serious fucking scientists, man. And guys who have, you know, PhDs and guys who work at universities, teaching schools, I mean teaching, you know, physics courses and shit.
Starting point is 01:15:22 I've talked to them about psychedelics and had some fascinating conversations where people who are way smarter than me, way more educated than me, way more experienced in the ways of the world, and they've had a bunch of psychedelic experiences, and they'll tell you, who knows what that is?
Starting point is 01:15:40 Who the fuck knows what that is? That might be a billion different things. This is a pretty cool theory by Jeremy Narby, and I'll give you the cliff notes here for discussion's sake. But he went down to the Ayahuasquero shamans down in the jungle and took the ayahuasca with them. And he was just an anthropologist. And for people who don't know, let's explain what ayahuasca is.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Ayahuasca is two different plants. There's the actual dimethyltryptamine active plant that is part of a vine. And then somehow, out of the 80,000 species in the Amazon, they figured out there's this other leaf that they needed to combine with it to actually make it work, an MAO inhibitor. And so they combine this and they make it into a tea, and it's been part of the traditional religious ceremonies down there for thousands of years. Yeah, see, what this DMT stuff is, is a chemical that, it's the most potent psychedelic drug known to man. But it exists in a bunch of different plants, but you can't eat it.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Because when you eat it, it exists in so many different things. I guess your body has some protection for it. Because if you eat grass, grass has DMT in it. Well, there's a thing that your stomach makes called monoamine oxidase, and that's MAO. So these guys figured out how to mix an MAO inhibitor that kills the MAO in their system with this DMT so that they can take it orally. Yeah. And you talk to, when they interview the guys and they ask them how they figured this shit out, thousands of years ago, by the way, they said the plants talked to them.
Starting point is 01:17:00 That's how they say about all the medicines that they get. The plants thought of them. So Jeremyeremy he took that and he was like how could this be true he's like you know science discredits it but they prove it time and time again they pick the shit that works and then modern pharma goes down there and say hey what does this do and they know the answer so how do they know the answers you know and so the theory is that this all comes from your brain you know your brain projects this stuff when you take dimethyltryptamine but he has a different theory. His theory goes that in all of these cultures, you see
Starting point is 01:17:29 a lot of serpents when you're underneath these visions. These serpents are often intertwined. You can see this written in rock paintings in Aboriginal Australia and all over the place. The vision of the serpent, he calls it the cosmic serpent, everywhere and what he's saying is is that's actually a vision of person's dna of dna in general not just the person's but the dna of life and that you're actually when you're in that level you're communicating on a microbiological level with dna which is connects everything it's kind of like the navi avatar principle where everything is connected by the universal language of DNA. And the defocalization of the ayahuasca allows you to communicate with the DNA so that the plants talk to you, that there's visions and wisdom from everything that
Starting point is 01:18:15 comes. And the synthesis he's able to get, I mean, there's actually DNA emits. And one of the ways you say they communicate is DNA emits actual light light and emits photons dna itself will do that it's too dim and it's too small when you isolate dna by itself but it'll emit a certain amount of photons so you know the all of these theories that you know your beings of light and whatever and everything's everything is light all sounds like you said like hippie stuff whatever but it's cross-culturally people say this well when you do when you do DMT, that's what you see, too. You see beings that are made out of light. Right, exactly. And he's saying that's the DNA.
Starting point is 01:18:49 The DNA is the substance of life. It's an interconnected substance of life. And that's basically the collective unconscious. And that's how all different life forms. Man, you're just on drugs, dude. I see what you're doing, man. You blew my mind. You're just trying to fucking...
Starting point is 01:19:04 There's always the cynic that steps in. Yeah, that's good. This is what you're doing man you're just trying to fucking there's always the cynic those steps in yeah that's good you've got this is what you got you got chemicals interacting with your brain and you go loopy for a few hours while your body tries to normalize the poison you've put in your system yeah yeah yeah what you are okay it's just another religion man you're just believing some more wacky shit and all that always ever tells me is that dude hasn't done dmt that's all it tells me if you're you're talking shit about doing dmt for sure you haven't done it because once you do it you go oh oh whoa whoa really really wow changes the game
Starting point is 01:19:41 and these guys have been doing it for thousands of years. And people go, what if they're so fucking smart, man? How come they don't have TVs or cars? They don't have paved roads? Because if you were doing DMT all the time, you wouldn't give a fuck about TVs. You know what? You're like, TV ain't shit compared to being able to communicate
Starting point is 01:19:58 with the afterlife, you fuck. You know what's funny? I can fish. I'll go get a fish. It takes me an hour. I cook. I know I have food. I'm done. I'll go get a fish. It takes me an hour. I cook. I know I have food. I'm done.
Starting point is 01:20:06 I'm going to do some more DMT, all right? The ayahuasca, they call the ayahuasca the television of the forest. Yeah. That's what they call it. That is where they go to see the crazy shit that's better than any television. They brought some ayahuasca back from Brazil. I believe this was in the 50s. And when they first recognized it as a psychoactive substance,
Starting point is 01:20:26 they were going to call it telepathy because it allowed group think and allowed telepathy. They were going to patent it as telepathy, but they didn't realize that one of the active compounds in it had already been identified, and that was haramine. And because haramine had already been identified, because of was harming. And because harming had already been identified, because of the rules of scientific nomenclature, like the thing they were naming had already been named.
Starting point is 01:20:50 So they couldn't call it telepathy. But that's what they were going to call it. They were going to call it telepathy. Like, whoa, that's the active ingredient. Something that allows you to have telepathy. These are like scientists are fucking writing this down. That's nutty shit, man. It sounds so woo-woo, Deepak Chopra, yoga beads bullshit.
Starting point is 01:21:08 It sounds so fucking dumb. To me, it sounds dumb. But I know it's real because I've done it. That's how crazy DMT is and ayahuasca and mushrooms and all these things that people just automatically label as silly. These are life-changing reset button pressing motherfuckers and everybody's like oh what are you doing mushrooms man but here's an honest question do you talk about dmt every day is there days that you don't talk about it not at all it's so amazing that like it's just flooding you can't talk about anything every day man but i think
Starting point is 01:21:39 about it every day there's always about it every there's always a moment where i'm like in the shower by myself and you go, oh yeah. So you don't think that's kind of crazy. It's not crazy. It's like if you were picked up by God
Starting point is 01:21:51 and taken on a magical mystery tour for three hours in a spaceship above fucking Pluto, you would be remembering that shit all the time because it was the most extreme experience
Starting point is 01:21:59 a human being could ever possibly have. But I've felt that in drugs where I'm like, this is the most amazing thing in the whole entire world but I don't think about it. It's not like that. It's not like that. Sometimes the integration. It's've felt that in drugs where I'm like, this is the most amazing thing in the whole entire world, but I don't think about it. It's not like that. It's not like that.
Starting point is 01:22:09 This was the most amazing thing in the world. It's not like that at all. It's that this is even possible is impossible. That this exists is mind-blowing. That this reality seems realer than the reality that I live in every day. The fact that there's something that feels like it's communicating with you and it's giving you a message
Starting point is 01:22:25 that you're connected to everything and that it's a gigantic illusion created by your biology to keep you alive and to make you sustain this other world that exists in your dream consciousness. I mean, they communicate this shit to you and it makes sense and whatever it is,
Starting point is 01:22:41 is seized right through you and communicates only with love and is showing you impossible to believe images and visuals. And at the end of it, when it's all over, you're changed forever. You can't go back on that. You can't go back.
Starting point is 01:22:57 You wouldn't want to, but you couldn't anyway. But you've got to make sure that whatever you get out of that, you can still talk to people. That's what I was saying. It's too much of anything. You don't want to lose your grip. Yeah, you don't want to get slippery.
Starting point is 01:23:11 You can get slippery. There's a guy that I know that's a tattoo artist that's done DMT like 100 times. And I have hung out with this dude. And he did Eddie's arm, Eddie's sleeve. I don't want to say his name, just in case he doesn't want people knowing. Anyway, dude has got this fucking sniper stare. He's got this look in his eyes, man. He's just been over there just a few too many times.
Starting point is 01:23:39 He can't ever quite step back into the real world. Every corner he turns around, there's fucking DMT elves staring at him from behind the counter. He's just been there too many times, man. He's had some very interesting... He doesn't talk about it. That's the weird thing. I think when he does talk about it, but he doesn't go into depth like me. I'm just yapping about it because I haven't done it in years.
Starting point is 01:24:00 It's still fresh in my mind. Yeah, does it start off like I'm talking about it a lot, and then you start peeing your pants, and then you start... When you talk about it, you start seeing it again. You know, like little flashbacks will pop in your head of things that happened. Not flashbacks like you can't see or you're hallucinating, but just like,
Starting point is 01:24:17 oh yeah, okay, that happened. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. It makes you think about it again. There was one experience that I had with a traditional shaman out in the desert here in the U.S. And she took me out. A girl shaman? Yeah, a female shaman. That's hardcore.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Right. This is where the music starts. Yeah. But anyways, I fasted, did the proper traditional preparation, and I drank a substance. I think it was some kind of mushroom and other traditional plant-based substance. And what I got from that has totally changed my life forever. At that point, I was able to lift from my body, lift from it, look down and realize, oh, wow, this is just a vessel.
Starting point is 01:25:04 It's useful. It's wonderful. It allows me to flow through this world, but it's not the end of, wow, this is just a vessel. It's useful. It's wonderful. It allows me to flow through this world, but it's not the be-all. There's a separation. There's a distinction between body and spirit. And from then, the fear of death evaporated for me. And it would just be a shame. I certainly don't want to die.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I love life. Life is fucking rad. But the fear of it is gone. It was just a hallucination, man. You were on mushrooms. You were hanging out with a hot shaman girl, trying to get some pussy. You got a little carried up in the moment.
Starting point is 01:25:31 You went a little Barry Manilow. Jesus just put him on your shoulders, man. He could have been Jesus. He was just carrying you around the shoulders. You ever think of that? Do you know the book, the sacred mushroom and the cross? You ever heard that story?
Starting point is 01:25:44 I've heard a little bit about it. John Marco Allegro, who was one of the head scholars of the Dead Sea Scrolls, he was in charge of deciphering it, spent 14 years working on the oldest version of the Bible by far. And what he decided after 14 years, he wrote a book about it, that the entire Christian religion was a gigantic misunderstanding. And what it was initially all about was psychedelic mushrooms and fertility rituals and he said this is what the whole Christian religion was initially all about and
Starting point is 01:26:13 like you know has this fucking book dedicated to it I don't know I can't follow it I don't understand you know ancient languages I have no knowledge but just the fact that this guy was like this really well-respected scholar And he came to these conclusions. I mean of course they were doing drugs the drugs were around mushrooms around for thousands and thousands years What we're the first ones to figure out you can eat it people back then ate everything they could write they ate everything they had A try the reason why we know shits poisonous is because dudes ate it and died and they said all right he ate that he Died don't eat that you eat that you try eating that because if this is there's a lot of this shit around this is edible it's good it's good the apples are good let's eat the apples
Starting point is 01:26:51 that i mean that's how they figured out how to do things they ate everything bro they eat it all they knew what was good what was bad and if mushrooms are around and they were people were eating them and if people were eating them they were seeing god and if they were seeing god they didn't want anybody else in on the action. So what did they do? They hid all their fucking knowledge about these mushrooms and these rituals, and they put it in stories. And they put it in fables and parables,
Starting point is 01:27:14 and they just twisted it all up. So it was just a little bit different. Fascinating. That's the fucking, the forbidden fruit is a mushroom, man. That's what it is. I mean, there's an ancient fresco in France. There's this ancient painting, rather, and it's on this man. That's what it is. I mean, there's an ancient fresco in France. There's this ancient painting, rather, and it's on this wall. It's from fucking
Starting point is 01:27:29 thousands of years ago. And it's Adam and Eve with a mushroom tree. There's Adam and Eve with mushroom caps all around them. I mean, it is the fucking forbidden fruit. Sure. And it's been squashed because if you take that, that's a direct link, I feel, to God. I'm both a spiritual person and kind of a deistic believer in the universal God force.
Starting point is 01:27:49 But so you take away mushrooms and then you insert people. And people get to absolve you of your sins. It gives them power. You build them giant structures. They get to wield money, power. And if you look at the history of the Catholic Church, women as well, especially in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, going through there. And so they've inserted themselves and then removed the other mechanism to get there directly. So they've become the intermediaries at a certain point.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I wonder, I mean, how much of that is true, because there's a lot of speculation about, you know, where they lost the way and what it was really all about. I wonder how much they let the common people know about it, even back then. Maybe it was something that the elite found out about it, and they tried to protect the information, even from the common folk. But it also might have been a question of climate change, too. Terence McInnes had some ideas about that, and he thought that
Starting point is 01:28:37 with global climate change, which is very cyclical, happens all the time, a lot of times the climate will be inhospitable for mushrooms. It changes. So instead of getting mushrooms all the time, now lot of times the climate will be inhospitable for mushrooms. It changes. So instead of getting mushrooms all the time, now they can't get them anymore. And so then the culture completely changes
Starting point is 01:28:51 and becomes more of an alcohol-based culture. It starts off, they start using preserved mushrooms in honey because we know they've been preserving things in honey for thousands and thousands of years. And then you deal with fermentation because honey can become a psychoactive substance on its own. It can become mead when it becomes fermented. It becomes
Starting point is 01:29:10 like an alcohol. And so then they go into an alcohol culture and then before you know it the mushroom ideas are gone. All the love and your fellow man, that shit's out the window. And now everyone's just drunk and raping. You know? It's interesting.
Starting point is 01:29:26 It's fascinating shit, man. It really is. You always got to wonder, how did we get to be who we are now? What was it like? Could you imagine if you could go to 1400 BC and just go hang around England and see what the fuck was going on in France and see how people were living in Europe? How trippy would that be, man? That'd be crazy. Woo!
Starting point is 01:29:48 That would be the strangest fucking thing, to be able to go back in time, even just in an invisible, impenetrable capsule. You could just stand there in an invisible phone booth in the middle of a town, and you get to watch. And they can't walk through the phone booth. It looks like a tree.
Starting point is 01:30:05 They can't touch it, you know. I've always been fascinated by that moment before battle, you know, where you know you just have like an axe or you choose between an axe, a morning star, and a sword. And you're like, what am I going to use that's going to maybe make me survive? You know, like how good is my armor? Not as good as that dude's, but I'm going to rock it anyways. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:30:30 And like just feel that, you know. i mean mma gets an approximation of that and that's i think why people love it so much because it's the closest we got but it pales in comparison to that you know to that moment you're with all of the people in your country and perhaps the horde that's coming is gonna rape your girl you know your children, put them into slavery. Smash their head on rocks. And you just got to fucking hold the ground. How is that? I mean, we don't even know what that's about. We have no idea.
Starting point is 01:30:54 No. And they did that forever. Forever. Forever. I mean, that was such a part of the human birthright. But how much of that shit is still in our genes, and how do you shut that shit off? All of it. Yeah, right? The human hardware is so retro. It still goes on, though. Like, any
Starting point is 01:31:10 war, you're doing the same thing. Like, what kind of missiles does this guy have? Of course it goes on. I'm saying, why? War is different now. Yeah, it's totally different. It's impersonal. You know, it's so impersonal. You know, with the guns. Have you seen Call of Duty? It's pretty... I mean, yeah, it's intense. Our soldiers are certainly brave. Brian just said, have you seen Call of Duty while two wars are going on overseas?
Starting point is 01:31:27 Have you seen Call of Duty? That means it's all ground game. The game is pretty much ground game. Is that what's going on now? It's like going into war and seeing explosions and stuff like that. That's still going on for sure. That is going on. You know what else is going on?
Starting point is 01:31:37 Drones. Drones are allowed to go into places we're not even really at war with. Like in Pakistan, we're not really supposed to be at war in Pakistan. But we got spaceships that are working on remote control from Nevada. They're remote controlling them from Nevada and jacking dudes in Pakistan from the air. They probably have iPhone apps for controlling drones. Just tilt it, man. You can tilt it.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Destroy that person by just hitting. Well, dude, it's like that movie. Do you remember that movie where the dude got really good at that video game and then the aliens came and recruited him? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Remember that shit? Remember that shit? Star something? Starfighter?
Starting point is 01:32:18 Starfighter? Was that it? Starfighter. I just remember because his name was Rogan. His name was Alex Rogan. Alex Rogan. And, you know, dude, I mean, they're doing that with kids that get really good at video games, man. Kids get real good at video games. The Army has video games. You guys are awesome. The Army has a video game.
Starting point is 01:32:31 High score. And then people burst in your door. Why wouldn't you, man? Excuse me, son. Why not take some? Have you thought about this? The Army has a video game that's tracked. So they can track the top guys.
Starting point is 01:32:40 I bet those top guys get knocks on the door once in a while. Oh, my God. Would you like a million dollars? Could you imagine? You weigh like 80 pounds and you're in your while. Would you like a million dollars? Could you imagine? You weigh like 80 pounds and you're in your underwear. You're like, I don't like killing things for real. I just like to play your game. Can I go back to playing your game?
Starting point is 01:32:52 You're some poor little 13-year-old. Five more years, you can join us. You can play that game for a living. What do you think, pal? What do you think? Get you all the hookers you want. Take some poor fucking kid who's just awesome at the army game. Yeah, it's scary to remove that personal side to killing.
Starting point is 01:33:08 You know what I mean? It's just a totally different paradigm. Well, we were talking before the show about these guys that have been caught in Afghanistan that are U.S. soldiers that have been killing civilians and taking home little trophies. They've been playing like a game,
Starting point is 01:33:21 just jacking people and killing people. It's just they get too used to killing people, man. too used to killing people and too used to being in a place where everyone resents you and they don't want you to be there yeah you know i always for the longest time i always would look at at like politicians and go how much say do they really have how much say does the president really have and what the fuck is going on over there? Or is he just a dude with a job just like all of us? Is it just all bullshit once you get in there? And I used to look at Bush and when Bush was in Iraq and I used to say, is this motherfucker responsible for all these people dying? Is he responsible for all this talk about weapons of mass destruction? Or is he just some dude who's got to do this job?
Starting point is 01:34:04 And I remember when he was standing in front of those people and that dude took off his shoes and threw him at him yeah remember that shit i remember that and he ducked and then the dude threw it again and he ducked again and he had a little half smile on his face and i'm like that guy's just a spokesman yeah that's what i got out of that yeah i looked at that i like, that is just a dude with a very difficult job that's not all that bright and has some ideals and got stuck in this situation and yeah, he's got to say we're going to war but there's a machine behind
Starting point is 01:34:34 that motherfucker. He's not running shit. I'm looking at him ducking those shoes smiling. I'm like, that guy's not he doesn't have a care in the world. He's not worrying about what happened in Iraq. No, he's just an employee. Perhaps it's not his responsibility, really. Is it?
Starting point is 01:34:48 I don't know. Who knows? I think Alex Jones would have a theory on that. That was my favorite part of the whole Bush administration was when that dude threw his shoes. It was the first time I liked him. The first time I liked Bush. I would get angry.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I'm like, this motherfucker's just making up words and all this bullshit. Then I thought about him. I'm like, that guy probably gets like four hours sleep a night. What would I be saying if I was speaking to all these people? I'd be making up words too. I'd be stumbling. I would fuck my words up. Everybody fucks up.
Starting point is 01:35:13 You know, Obama said something about there being 48 states. I mean, he fucked up the states when he was running. You know, people fuck things up all the time. You're not thinking. You're tired all the time. You're on this campaign trail. He's not running shit. I've learned. So you like Bush?
Starting point is 01:35:27 No. I mean, he's probably alright. He's probably not a bad guy. Everybody's like, he's the demon, he's the devil. I bet they believe that you're really a president until they get in there. I think once you get in there, they open up these doors and you get to see
Starting point is 01:35:43 the gears of the universe run. You get to see the gears of the universe run. You get to see the gears of our whole system and the fucking, well, if we stop the war, we don't have the oil, and society's going to fall apart. And we're getting to a point of overpopulation. That's why we need these feedback camps. And we have to make sure that if something goes down, we have enough caskets. Whoa. Now, about you cutting taxes. Oh, fuck all that.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Yeah, fuck all that. Fuck all that fuck all that exactly we're gonna need some money dude we're gonna need some money we got some shit going on we got to come up with an alternative fuel we have exactly two years worth of fuel left and then people start eating people okay yeah what the fuck happens when you get in there man show yeah i was a big i was a big support i was a big obama fan i thought you know know, maybe I don't, I'm a libertarian, so I'm not Republican or Democrat, but I thought, this dude is smart. He can hoop. He's got a good family, it looks like.
Starting point is 01:36:31 Right. He'll get in there. Yeah. He can play a little basketball. Hey, you say that, I appreciate it. I saw him play pool. I go, this guy's got a little bit of a stroke. A little bit of a stroke.
Starting point is 01:36:40 It makes a difference. Obama can get out. He leaves four balls on the table. Obama might get out on you, man. Damn, I played Halo Reach with him. Yeah, right. I started playing Halo Reach. He's four balls on the table. Obama might get out on you, man. I played Halo Reach with him. He's a regular dude. That's what I want.
Starting point is 01:36:49 I don't want some fucking child blood sucking dragon like Dick Cheney in office. Dick Cheney can't play pool. He's too busy killing people.
Starting point is 01:36:57 You think Dick Cheney ever learned how to play basketball? No. His heart explodes when he tries to tie his shoes. Fucking guys
Starting point is 01:37:03 had 150 heart attacks. He ain't playing shit with you and he's got no sense of humor. I could recognize him and relate to him more than anyone that has ever been president before. I was like, well, here's a guy who's only a few years older than me and he seems like a normal
Starting point is 01:37:17 dude. Kanye West, he calls him a jackass. Yeah. Fuck yeah. When he kisses his wife, it's like, oh, yeah, he kissed his wife. I don't like that bullshit. Was it Quayle that tried to do that? Or was it Carrie? Oh.
Starting point is 01:37:30 I don't know. All of them. All of them. Edwards is my favorite. Yeah. That fucking swarmy douchebag. Busted. You cunt.
Starting point is 01:37:39 You fucking fake cunt. Yeah. There's all of them, man. It's like you can't. It's like it's impossible to be't... It's impossible to be honest. It's impossible to do it. They won't let you get in. You've got to be full of shit to get in.
Starting point is 01:37:51 I thought Obama was the first guy that wasn't full of shit. I was like, well, he seems like I can take a chance with him. I was backing him. I don't think he can do anything. I think you get in and it's just a fuck. I think he's just stalemated. You get in and it's just like, what the fuck? Lobbyists and fucking Congress and this and that I think he's just stalemated. Yeah. You get in, it's just like, what the fuck? You know.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Lobbyists and fucking Congress and this and that and layers and red tape and chaos and war. Yeah. And then they just tell him. Heroin. Heroin. Heroin. Heroin coming in by the fucking boatload. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:38:19 What's a hero doing? It's just like the Afghanis need to make a profit. In other words, support this war. Yeah. You know, we were talking about that on the Alex Jones show. We were talking about that before the show that there was a – Geraldo Rivera was in Afghanistan talking to this fucking soldier, this guy who has a family who is supposed to be defending his country.
Starting point is 01:38:36 And meanwhile, where is he? He's in the poppy fields protecting the poppy fields for the Afghani farmers because in order for the Afghani farmers to support the fact that we're over in Afghanistan dropping bombs on your moms, we have to get this guy's approval, and we have to allow them to keep producing their illegal crop of heroin. So we have American soldiers that are guarding Afghanistan heroin so that we can go over there and blow shit up. Whoa! God damn! What do you do if you're Obama? How are you going to fix that?
Starting point is 01:39:11 It's tough. I think they figured out that his approval ratings were dropping as the economy was tightening up. So they're like, fuck it. Let's just push some more money out into the system. Push the ball up and then it's working. If I thought that heroin was helping the economy, I'd say sell that heroin.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Who the fuck is buying heroin? Retards. Why is oil still, at least in California and most states right now, still cheap? Cheaper than it was five years ago. You mean when Bush was leaving office, then they had a fucking grab. That's what it was.
Starting point is 01:39:43 It was an evil money grab. Don't you think right now it should be ridiculously high, especially after that spill and stuff like that? Well, did you just realize, or just hear rather, they underestimated Iraqis oil reserve by 25%? There's 25% more oil in Iraq
Starting point is 01:39:57 than they thought there was. Oh, shit. Party on. Oh, shit. Gonna get that Corvette, son. Fuck a V8 You know Listen man Who the fuck knows I think it was I think they just jacked up
Starting point is 01:40:09 All the prices So they can pay for new plasmas On top of the All the fucking oil You could be Gone to like the gas station There's like nice plasma TVs And everything like that
Starting point is 01:40:19 And like How does Where does this come from Oh yeah Five dollars a gallon Last year you know I wonder who actually How that works I don't know I think i think actually how it works is the i mean they're all in bed together
Starting point is 01:40:30 obviously but i believe it's the distributors that set the price and then these oil companies like there's a place up the street it's owned by these hindus that i go to and they have like the om on the door i'm like this is the oddest place ever. They sell weed pipes there. They sell weed pipes and incense at the counter. I'm like, this is the oddest place ever. You guys sell petrochemicals. You sell the real problem, the reason why we're in war, the reason why we pollute,
Starting point is 01:40:57 and it's all coming out of this hole right here. Meanwhile, you've got the ohm at the door. So I don't think it's them setting the price that they're putting the plasmas. I think it's the companies that sell it to them. It's all very complicated. Free market speculation handles a lot of that.
Starting point is 01:41:10 When oil price was dropping, there was big deflationary pressures at the same time. Gold prices were dropping. Things were pricing because nobody had any money. The speculators weren't able to buy the gold. They were pulling their assets back out into cash, etc. But now things are a little bit looser and these commodities have value. They're more worried about inflation now because Obama's pushing,
Starting point is 01:41:28 just shoving money into the system. So in an inflationary time, then these commodities have value. So now we're seeing oil rising. We're seeing gold pushing to $1,300. Right, but what was the big – there was one big jump where it went up to like $5 a gallon. What was the cause of that? I think at that point it was the massive inflationary concern you know that there was just really that money was
Starting point is 01:41:49 going to lose its value and that caused the oil to go up in price at yeah when it went when it goes up a barrel does anybody know you don't know either do you brian has no idea it's uh i think it's yeah it's like brian i'll tell you it's ninjas Ninjas at the price In Japan On friendly dolphins There's certain supply and demand factors Involved in the oil As well specifically But on a macro level
Starting point is 01:42:13 It's all about generally inflation It just seemed very suspicious to me That it was the end of the Bush administration An administration that was clearly under the influence of big oil And then at the very end of the administration Everything just gets jacked up. It was to pay his tab, you know? It was to redline.
Starting point is 01:42:31 They were going to redline as much money out of the system as they could until the new administration came into play. You know? How much control does the president or the administration really have on how that kind of stuff works? Do they have any? It's all got to be set up. There's no way they're going to let some new dude come in every four years and just rerun shit like why would we do that we've you know the career guys the very top of the heap
Starting point is 01:42:53 they've already we got this we got you know well opec supposedly sets how much available reserves there are and kind of does that but how much is it you know all of that is some speculation you know who knows how much they know and what they're doing but it's it's an interesting game with a lot of money at stake when you have that much money at stake you could be fucking sure that people are trying to figure out a way to fuck it you know it's pretty amazing what it's done though because if it wasn't for oil there would be no plastic there'd be no computers it'd be no nothing you know all the shit that we make today, everything. No fleshlights. No fleshlights.
Starting point is 01:43:26 It's true. Fleshlight is actually made out of oil. This shit has to come out of the ground as oil before you can fuck it. Mostly mineral oil, food-grade mineral oil. Sure it's not made out of heaven, Joe. It's the primary component. And food-grade mineral oil comes out of the ground, right? Just like oil. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Where does mineral oil come from? I think it actually might. Does it come from minerals? I should probably know that. It doesn't come from fish. Can you make a flashlight out of fish oil? That would be nasty. That would be more realistic.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Dirty fucking yeasty flashlight. Maybe some dudes just miss stinky pussy. The only time they got laid is by sluts and just drunk pigs that didn't wash their snatch. And that's what they do. Get me a hat on. I gotta smell it a little. There's a product that came out actually called Vulva
Starting point is 01:44:15 and what they've done, they sell it for $40. I'm gagging already. They sell it for $40 and it's like a little perfume vial that supposedly smells like pussy. No, it doesn't. Yes, it does. So, you know, obviously being in the business, we ordered some and we passed it around to smell.
Starting point is 01:44:31 Oh, God. And it doesn't quite get there, but what it kind of smells like is like... A cat box? No, it's way closer than that. It's like post-condom sweaty sex. Oh, sweat and rubber. Yeah, it has that tinge of chemicals.
Starting point is 01:44:48 And funk and dip cheese. Like this? Like this? Oh, why would anybody want to sell stinky pussy smell? I don't know. We used to scent ours with like the nice vanilla scent. But now all fleshlights come on scent. I always wonder how much
Starting point is 01:45:05 of fart porn is just for show. How much of dudes... I think it's mostly definitely for show. Girls are farting in dudes' mouths and they're beating off. What is that? Is that for show? Or is that just dudes who are really over the deep end? What is that?
Starting point is 01:45:21 I think with all these fetishes... Someone out there likes it, for sure. At least one guy out there loves everything. You know, I think with all these fetishes. Someone out there likes it, for sure. At least one guy out there loves everything. You know what I think it is? I think all of these fetishes, whether they're feet or whether it's shit, I think someone's mommy was like, that's disgusting. Don't you ever fart. And they just hammer them with this repression.
Starting point is 01:45:38 And this repression gets all twisted up. And then all of a sudden, all they want to do to get a boner is fart on somebody. Because they've been told by their mother so many times farting is disgusting don't ever fart and i think it's the same with feet like hide your dirty feet your dirty feet they they stink blah blah blah and like really like kind of victorian you know parents are doing then all of a sudden all they want to do is see someone getting jerked off by a girl's feet so what's your fetish i you know i i don't have one really what's yours hot girls i don't know my beautiful girlfriend yeah what's yours brian do you have a fetish i have a lot of fetishes
Starting point is 01:46:13 really yeah totally like what definitely boobs but well that's not a fetish that's called being a dude no every guy's in his boobs i'm not really no you don't care about them at all i'm really a butt guy yeah but it's definitely more i appreciate i appreciate what they do to the feminine form I'm not really. No? You don't care about them at all? No, I'm really a butt guy. You're a butt guy? Butt is definitely more important. I appreciate what they do to the feminine form. I can aesthetically value them, but as a sexual object, very low on the list. Yeah, I agree. Well, I don't say they're low on the list, but they do not compare to the ass.
Starting point is 01:46:38 The ass is critical. It's very important. Because a girl can have a tremendous ass and really be like an A-cup, and she's hot as fuck. It doesn't matter. You look at that ass, you're like, God damn. But a girl with big tits and a really flat ass is just like, If the butt had nipples, I would agree. If an ass had nipples, I would agree.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Could you imagine, though, if an ass had nipples? If an ass had nipples, you would agree that you don't want a flat one? No, I'm just saying for fetishes if you combine boob and ass that would be like the best you're trying to
Starting point is 01:47:07 do a mashup yeah I want to mash up that ass fetish mashup the remix it's you know

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