The Joe Rogan Experience - #489 - Liam & Dylan Resnekov

Episode Date: April 21, 2014

Liam & Dylan Resnekov run VT1 Academy in Austrailia. Liam is a black belt in Gracie Jiu Jitsu and Dylan is the 2009 World Muay Thai Champion. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out! The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day! Dylan and Liam Reznikov, am I saying it correctly? That's right, 100% Liam is a guy from the underground, from We've been online friends. How do you say it? Online correspondence.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Correspondence. Yeah. Well, there's a brotherhood on the Underground. It's one of the most interesting mixed martial arts websites in the world. I think it's the best one as far as access to information. You're the guy who put up the Helio Gracie Chronicles too, right? I can't comment on that because at the time I was a BTT guy and now I'm a Helio Gracie guy.
Starting point is 00:00:48 We're going to have to move these things. How are you going to set these up so we can see your faces better? Yeah, scoot over a little bit that way. That way it's not in Liam's face. So Liam put – did you get in trouble for that? the you get in trouble for that did you get in trouble for that there was a guy with a similar name to me who put them up i think oh okay okay cool whatever whatever it totally wasn't you oh yeah right absolutely anyway um recently uh you put up a an attention joe rogan thread which will those things go up every now and then on the underground
Starting point is 00:01:24 it's usually like you suck your mother's a whore or something like that i didn't want to enable anybody by doing that you know but i thought you know we're coming through america and you know we're coming la so he's gonna talk right into this oh sorry he's bringing around to you i didn't want to enable anybody so you know they're gonna come out of the woodworks the weirdos now but they come out anywhere there's no way you can stop them. They're sitting at the table with you now. Yeah, it's the internet. So you contacted me, and I'd seen you online. I know that you run a gym in Sydney.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yes, yes. What's the name of your gym? VT1 Academy in Sydney. And VT1 is MMA. You teach Muay Thai there. You guys have pretty much all mixed martial arts. Yeah, it's kind of like a white-collar academy with some UFC fighters, that sort of thing. So it's a good place for regular folks to train.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah. We started in a scout hall, and it just keeps moving forward, and we've ended up with a big academy by mistake. Well, that's the best way to do everything. Just follow what you love, and it all happens by mistake. And so you put this thread up about you and your brother dylan being in town your brother dylan being a former championship kickboxer former professional motorcycle racer and just the beginning of the the thread was so crazy because
Starting point is 00:02:37 you were a motorcycle racer who stopped doing motorcycle racing because he had too many concussions so what do you go into? You go into fucking Thai boxing. What is... And then you became a champion. That's right, yeah. Sound like a ladyboy today. Yeah, what's going on with your voice? Screaming Richie in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:02:57 We had one of our boys last week in Quebec, and we always lose our voices. That's why he's lost his voice now, so he sounds like... Oh, one of your students was fighting in the UFC? Yeah, he was the ultimate fighter. How did he do? He won. He won.
Starting point is 00:03:10 He was the only Aussie to win in the prelim thing. What's his name? Richard Walsh, Filthy Rich. Okay, cool, cool, cool. And he's one of your students? Awesome. Yeah, he was on the fight pass, and not a lot of people saw it, but I think he's going to be straight in the face.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Well, I was going to say you should look up, there's an article about him online if you type in uh the face of mma in australia kyle nook right he's the big guy right is he the most famous and hector lombard a lot of folks don't know trained in australia when he got out of cuba he did a lot of his fighting initially yeah in australia before he fought for bellator then for the ufc he's not really australian as such but yeah look he's an really Australian as such, but yeah, he's an amazing fighter. Hector loves Australia. He's an amazing fighter, of course, but I don't think, we're talking about when we were
Starting point is 00:03:52 in Canada, like how MMA has gone down in Australia and it's shot up in Canada. It's gone down in Australia? It's been, it's had a lot of trouble since the first UFC show. I don't know if it's, I don't know. My theory on it was basically that we just kind of need someone coming up that makes it. You know, like a lot of the guys we're fighting now, like Jamie and Tahuna and Anthony Parrosh and them, they're already quite established before they hit the UFC. So I think we need kind of like a gsp sort of
Starting point is 00:04:26 character you know an everyman sort of guy yeah i see what you're saying well you need someone who is like a championship level fighter well look i mean jamie is amazing it's not that it's just that like you know dylan sing over here weighs about uh 63 kilos he did before now he's about 100 but um you know there's no one for him to really look up and go, man, I can be that guy because a lot of the guys are heavyweights in Australia. There's no real light guys. So I kind of
Starting point is 00:04:54 think that's affecting the scene a little bit. Maybe. It's a theory. It's an interesting theory. I think if you had a champion that would immediately get everybody excited behind it. Well, Jamie Tahuna is possibly, I mean, a potential. He's amazing. Yeah is possibly, I mean, a potential. He's amazing. Yeah, yeah, Tahuna's a tough guy.
Starting point is 00:05:09 There's a few. Kyle Noak is also a tough guy. You know, there's, who else is fighting in Australia? You know, you've got Hunt, who's out of New Zealand. Oh, Hunt, yeah. But it's hard for, like, a middle-class Australian kid to, or a rugby player, which are often private schoolboys, to kind of look at someone like Mark Hunt,
Starting point is 00:05:29 who's just an amazing fighter, don't get me wrong. But yeah, it's not a, oh, that guy's led the way in the way I'm going to do it. You know, no disrespect, he's an amazing fighter. You know what I mean? I think, yeah, I think, you know what I'm saying? So you need someone who's like a wholesome Australian regular guy who the folks can relate to.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Like my cunt. Yeah, a guy with a fucking tattoo on his neck. He's a great guy. He's a great guy. You know what I mean. Yeah, no, I totally do. I didn't know that Australian MMA has started to decline, though. I wasn't aware of that.
Starting point is 00:05:57 There's not a lot of opportunity out there at the moment, unfortunately. You know, like one of our girls is fighting in the house, the one coming up. And, I mean, she was on hold for a year at a time because there was just nothing going on. You know, there's just a couple of local promotions. But, I mean, most of the guys move overseas. I was thinking of something else, but overseas like Carl and stay there, you know, because they have to. Brian Ebersole went to Australia as well, didn't he? Yeah, he was there for a while.
Starting point is 00:06:24 He fought over there for quite a long time, right? He's in Thailand now, living in Thailand. Yeah, he's having a bunch of issues, like physical issues. I didn't know that. He's a tough guy. Yeah, very tough guy. Very smart guy, too. Very crafty fighter.
Starting point is 00:06:35 He's had a bunch of back things. A few things gone wrong. Kept him out of action for a while. So anyway, so how the fuck does a guy who is having problems with concussions what what was your rationalization to not just go into muay thai but to become a muay thai world champion that's fucking bananas that seems like worst path you could take if you've had head problems yeah i meant like um look we grew up doing martial arts, both Liam and I. You know, dad had karate schools in South Africa where we were born and opened big karate schools in Australia.
Starting point is 00:07:11 So it was in our blood. Like we already were doing martial arts, uncle's boxes, et cetera. But my dad also raced motorbikes and did barefoot water skiing at my uncle. Barefoot water skiing. So that was my first proper sport with my dad and my uncle. How the fuck do you barefoot water ski? Do you want to proper sport with my dad and my uncle how the fuck do you barefoot water ski do you want to tell them
Starting point is 00:07:27 what they used to do with me I mean actually funny if you look at his nose he tells everyone a broken kickboxing that was barefoot skiing yeah
Starting point is 00:07:35 they used to dad and my uncle used to chuck us on the back of the boat in Sydney just at a small lake called Brooklyn and used to be like
Starting point is 00:07:43 no you'll be fine just chuck us on the surfboard, crank it up. Just put your feet in. Yeah. Put the hand up, you know, stick your feet in. And I was like eight. And they would just drag you behind this motorboat? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You've got to understand like South Africans, South Africans are what we call like a white belt in nothing. You know, like they've never barefooted before, but they've got an idea of how to do it. They saw a few videos. Saw a few videos. There's no YouTube. So this wasn't something that they were like adept in.
Starting point is 00:08:10 They just gave it a shot. They did it behind a smaller boat when they were in South Africa. Look, we used to ski and they didn't know anything about slaloming. So they'd get snow skis and you'd go on both and then kick one off. Then you'd have to go fetch it. Yeah, normally the one ski you kick it off would actually hit you. There's no logic behind that.
Starting point is 00:08:29 You kick it off, what do you mean? So basically, like when you slalom ski. Slalom, yeah. Slalom, slalom, sorry. Sorry, both a bit sick of the mood. You come up out of the water out of it, but our dad and uncle didn't know how to do that. So they'd just put you on two skis and you'd kick one off
Starting point is 00:08:45 and then go find it later. It's just, that's every Saturday morning. The Resnickers have a bit of a reputation of being idiots and they're a little bit different. South Africa's a kind of a crazy place, huh? It's madness. Absolute madness. Well, we're from Cape Town.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Cape Town's not that mad. It's more Johannesburg. Johannesburg's crazy. It is nuts. Cape Town is not that crazy? Well, you just went. Cape Town's not too bad. I more Johannesburg. Johannesburg's crazy. It is nuts. Cape Town is not that crazy? Well, you just went. Cape Town's not too bad. I meant Johannesburg.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I meant, you know, like we were driving back from a night out, and we had to call armed response to come actually follow us back to our house because we thought someone was following us. You call response. That's the police? No, they're like ex-Congo fighters that hang around the neighborhood, which are private security guards with massive guns. And cars.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And cars. So you just call them up, look, I'm walking home. Someone's looking at me. You call the number and the car comes and follows you home. Really? Yeah. I mean, we're not from Johannesburg. I was in Johannesburg and I was staying at a place called Boxburg.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And I told my other friends, they want a nicer place in Johannesburg. I was there for a wedding. And I was staying in Boxburg and my friends were like are you out of your mind you know we had guys out the front with uh guns like securing the complex and everyone's got dogs and i mean i was on the phone to my friend and across the road there was a shootout it's it's basically like a seen judge dread the the new one. Yeah, that's filmed there. That's filmed there. It's mad that you don't stop at Red Lions. You don't stop at Red Lions.
Starting point is 00:10:11 But if you look at Charlize Theron, they've got beautiful girls there, so that makes up for it in a way. Really? So hot chicks and golfers. Bullets flying all over the place. Cape Town's different though. Cape Town's where we're from. It's a bit more like Sydney-ish. That's beautiful.. Cape Town's different, though. Cape Town's where we're from. It's a bit more like Sydney-ish.
Starting point is 00:10:29 So Cape Town's safe, fairly. I had a guy try to get into my car when I was there, and I just drove another side of the road and just disappeared. I mean, one of the dangers is Dylan came home, and he's saying, you know, Cape Town's safe. And I thought, man, you know, it's safer, but I wouldn't be relaxing like it's, you know, Sydney. Sydney's very safe, you know, comparatively.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, they did this thing on some television show where they were talking about South Africa and all the carjackings. And so they had all these different cars that they had wired up to prevent carjackings, with flames on the side. Yeah, they're mad, man. Like, they have these bars on the side of the car that blow flames on anyone standing next to the car. Yeah. That's fucking crazy. Anything goes there, really.
Starting point is 00:11:08 My dad says, you know, if we go to South Africa, he's driving. Because, you know, we don't, if people lined up across the road, me and Dylan or Dylan, I will stop. He says, no, you just keep, you can't. In Johannesburg, different to Cape Town, but he's like, you know, they'll stop you and then carjack you. The day I arrived there, I remember seeing on YouTube, it was only a couple, it was in November last year. I remember seeing a car pull up, just put guns straight in the window and they dragged like, it was all over TV. Dragged, you know, like four or five kids out of the car, just threw them to the curb and just drove off. They haven't got really, they don't really care too much for life.
Starting point is 00:11:43 You got to understand, it's like Brazil. People go, why would you live there that you've got a lot of potential to make money there, you know, and you've got a comfortable lifestyle. And again, we're not from there, but that's our friends who are from Johannesburg. We say, why, why the hell would you stay there? Well, they've been there for generations and you can't bring the money out. That's another, there's a lot of issues. You can't bring the money out.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It's $1 Australian to 11 Rand So when I go there I shout everyone burgers It's cheap for us What does that even mean? Shout everyone burgers? Oh, shouts like Like shout as in like Pay for everyone?
Starting point is 00:12:14 Pay for everyone It's funny while I'm sitting here I'm noticing he's talking about South Africa And his accent's becoming South African Is it? As we're talking about it How old were you guys when you left south africa one years old well that's ridiculous how the fuck can you keep a south african you could even talk you're a baby
Starting point is 00:12:29 well it's we're from actually funny enough um we're talking about accents nobody this whole trip has recognized our accents as australian yeah because australians sound like kind of weak canadians crossed with new zealanders you know like because we watch tv and we listen to podcasts and stuff so you know what uh you watch TV and we listen to podcasts and stuff. So, you know, you have on your show Jim Jefferies, is it? I mean, when you listen to him, you think he's like Paul Hogan's son, you know? Right. Because when you come here to be recognized... I think he plays it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh, he does. He's from St. Ives, which is where we're from. Yeah, I've talked to him off podcast, not quite as Australian. Well, he's from where we're from, the same suburb. But look, he's very funny. Yes, hilarious. Very, very funny. Is he most famous comic out of Australia?
Starting point is 00:13:13 I don't think he's, I mean, within the people that we know, he's not that well known. But I mean, he's, every now and again, someone will come up and say, hey, check this clip out. And he's brilliant, obviously. Yeah, he was telling every now and again, someone will come up and say, hey, check this clip out, you know, and he's brilliant, obviously, you know. Yeah, he was telling me that a long time ago. I wanted to know if that changed, that he was having a hard time in Australia, that he was famous in America, he was doing well in America, but not so well in Australia, which I thought was odd. Australians are weird. Like, if you're an American, you come to Australia, your accent will make you funnier instantly. You know, like, think about our accent. Like, if I say
Starting point is 00:13:43 ass, say, I mean, in America, it's not tough, it's not funny, like, right. Think about our accent. Like if I say us say, I mean, in America, it's not tough. It's not funny. It's not, well, there's certain comedians.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I don't want to name the names, but there's certain comedians that get a little bit of extra credit because they have an English accent. Like we'll, we'll accept someone from another country and we'll pretend that they're way better than they really are. And then you watch their comedy, like,
Starting point is 00:14:01 like American comics, like the guy's dog shit. Like, what the fuck is everybody going on about? Irish accent. Irish is, that adds charm points shit. Like, what the fuck is everybody going on about? Irish accent. Irish is, that adds charm points instantly. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Scottish, Scottish accent as well. Yeah, we like other accents. I don't know what the fuck that's about. Girls love it too, man. Girls love Australian accents,
Starting point is 00:14:17 right? Don't they? Well, we pull it off. He says g'day and every time we, we have never said g'day in Australia.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Nobody in Australia says g'day. Never. But you meet a girl over here, you throw it around and let her know what's up. Can we get some beer? Are you from Australia? How long is that flight? That's the first question
Starting point is 00:14:38 we get. Every time from an American. And the kangaroos. We eat kangaroos. Is that the furthest you can get on a plane? What's the furthest flight you can make in one shot? Is it Australia? Sydney to LA. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yeah, it's pretty far. No, is England further? No, England's only 10 hours from here. I just know it's a pain in the ass. Sydney is 16. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass. We haven't slept more than about four hours for the last three weeks probably. We're just not adjusting well.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, I've done it twice and it's a fucking brutal flight. It's an awesome place though. It's been to sydney this is the only place i've been in australia i fucking love it man if i was going to live outside of america sydney's on the short list it's the place yeah this where we are now i mean not saying where it is but where we are now is very similar to suburban sydney it's we were driving around and we're like oh this looks like ride but you're on the wrong like ride. But you're on the wrong side of the road. We're on the wrong side of the escalator, the wrong side of the road, we're on the wrong side of everything.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You know that awkward moment when you're just like walking out of one of those doors, you know, in Vegas, we were in Vegas yesterday, and you walk into someone and you normally shift to the left or right. We go left because we drive on the left. But they shift right, so we're both going the same way. I'm like, buddy, move. I'm like, move out of the way, and he's like, you move. You keep saying, look at that car, no one's driving it.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Like, we're driving it, and I'm looking at the car, and there's no one in the front seat. Because it's the wrong side. There was a kid sitting there. We're like, what the hell? There was a kid driving. That baby's driving. It's pretty scary, man. Well, we were just in Orlando, and our driver was telling us
Starting point is 00:16:04 that oftentimes people come from Europe or from England or what have you, and in their countries, they drive on the other side of the road. So they come to Disney World, get drunk, and get on the wrong side of the highway. Well, he doesn't let me drive. He doesn't trust me. He's the mechanical guy. I'm the directions and shadow guy. We've got a Mustang, so we're pretty happy about that.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Oh, you're very excited. Yeah. Do you guys know why the left side and the right side? Do you know what the origin of that shit is? I heard an explanation, but I don't. I'll, you're very excited. Yeah. Did you guys know why the left side and the right side? Do you know what the origin of that shit is? I heard an explanation, but I don't. I'll tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:16:28 The left side, the reason why they did it in England and a lot of those countries is because it was from way back in the day when people would ride horses because you wanted to have
Starting point is 00:16:37 your sword arm on the right-hand side if someone was coming the other way so you could fucking hack at them. So where did America go wrong? Yeah, where were they? Was everyone left-handed herehanded they decided no more war fuck it guns maybe yeah maybe it was maybe henry ford was a fucking lefty i don't know i don't know what started it off well it's fun i
Starting point is 00:16:55 mean our whole trip we basically spend the whole time just i mean you guys you guys in america looking around and you're driving your board and this and interstate this and that for us it's like we're watching movies through our eyes you know like we just drove past Sherman Oaks and I was watching no retreat no surrender last week and we were just like that's fucking Sherman Oaks I took photos with no surrender no retreat no surrender you never saw that so that's a karate movie or something but back I'm in the day the guys knew it was Van Damme's first Oh okay, okay. He went to Sherman Oaks Karate. We're like,
Starting point is 00:17:26 Sherman Oaks, we're fucking, we gotta take photos. That's hilarious. We gotta take photos of Sherman Oaks. That's hilarious. It's a silly suburb.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I didn't think we got Starbucks. No retreat, no, there it is. No retreat, no surrender. We watched it last week, man.
Starting point is 00:17:39 It's the greatest. Have you ever seen the Jean-Claude Van Damme reality show? Oh, where he does a lot of coke and then whatever. His lawyer might not be happy about that. Well, whatever. He does a lot of coke.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I still like him. His lawyer can go fuck himself. I like the guy too. But his reality show is goddamn brilliant. It is? He's such a... He's so crazy. He is.
Starting point is 00:17:59 He's nuts. He's so off the fucking chain crazy that you watch his reality show and he keeps talking about this fight that he's going to have. Yeah, with the tie that's like 90 years old. Well, it doesn't matter. He's not having a fight. You know it. I know it. He knows it.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Everyone knows it that's filming it. It's like this weird charade that he puts on where he pretends and he cries where he starts talking about the fight. I'm going to have to fight to show the fight i'm going to have to fight to show the children i'm going to knock him out but it's like the way he talks is like a character in a movie such a romantic though you know like but a fake romantic a romantic like a romantic in a bad movie it's like he's become a guy who speaks in bad dialogue he's like become that guy well i mean i want to ask you about that. You know, he still speaks with that accent. He's been living here forever. So has Arnold Schwarzenegger, right?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Does he live here? Oh, I mean, he'd be traveling. I'm just saying. The show, it looks like he's in another country. It's hard to tell. He was in Dubai in one of them. Remember, he has a sparring match with some random chic dude and psychics him. Did you see that? No, I didn't see that episode. But they were saying
Starting point is 00:19:03 when we were up in Canada, someone was saying, you know, GSP, for example, has kept his accent on a certain level because it's so recognizable. No, no, no. I didn't think that was true. Somebody was saying that to me. No, George lives in Montreal. George speaks perfect French. I mean, it's not his accent.
Starting point is 00:19:19 When I talk to George outside of the Octagon, he speaks exactly like that. He does? That's what he does. Yeah, he's very authentic. The reason I bring it up, I was just wondering if Van Damme's handlers or George's handlers haven't kept him... You know what I mean? If he started talking like this...
Starting point is 00:19:34 George doesn't have those kind of handlers. George has trainers and jujitsu coaches and mixed martial arts trainers. He doesn't have those kind of handlers. But Van Damme? Maybe. But Van... I mean, George was just in that Captain America movie, but he really didn't talk all that much.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It was mostly him just kicking ass, you know. It's a fun movie. Did you see Captain America? Yeah. Fucking creeped out. There's a problem with the movie, an obvious problem. What's that? Captain America knows the Hulk, and he doesn't call him.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Right, when he's in trouble. The fucking world's about to end, and he knows this invincible green dude. Why wouldn't he just go, hey, hey, hey, look, there's some shit going down. I'm tired of getting my ass kicked. I'll be right back. I'm going to make a call.
Starting point is 00:20:12 And the Hulk comes flying in and just fucking smashes everything. The movie's over in 10 minutes. You know, all those dudes, like if Captain America's duking it out with those dudes and they're going blow for blow, the Hulk finishes everything in five seconds.
Starting point is 00:20:25 The fucking movie is over. No plot to take over the world. It's over. It's over. Everybody rest assured. Sleep tight. They had the Ed Norton one on TV the other day.
Starting point is 00:20:34 We were watching it in Vegas. With Hickson? Yeah, with Hickson. And the first 45 minutes of the movie are him avoiding wrecking stuff. He doesn't even do anything for just 45.
Starting point is 00:20:43 The Mark, what's his name? Mark Ruffalo? Is that his name? Yeah, yeah. He's cool. He's awesome. He's the best banner ever.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Here's another piece of American trivia. In the comic books, his name is Bruce Banner. But when they made the television show, they changed it to David Banner because they think
Starting point is 00:21:00 Bruce is a gay name. That's how silly we are. We're fucking silly. That's why silly we are. We're fucking silly. That's why we love America. We're a silly as shit, man. So back to you, man. How the fuck, get right back to that question.
Starting point is 00:21:13 How the fuck do you go from having too many concussions in motorcycle racing? How many concussions did you have, by the way? Motorbikes, I had about four big accidents on the track. So four out cold, KO'd, uh flatlined probably about three of them yeah three hospitalizations from head injuries um oh that was just from the motorbikes um but you didn't wreck your body no it's actually all right it's all right so it's just head injuries? Yeah. A couple of, like, to be honest with you, I've actually had no major injuries from barefoot
Starting point is 00:21:48 water skiing, fighting, racing bikes. That's incredible. Started bull riding recently. That didn't go too well. That is the worst thing you ever did. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. You started bull riding?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Yeah. So. You're the manliest man alive. Look at you. You only do savage shit. We look like little hobbits. That's the funny thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 No, I love bull riding. Bull riding is good hobbits, that's the funny thing. No, I love bull riders because I only started getting into it. You love bull riding. Well, I popped my shoulder and landed upside down.
Starting point is 00:22:11 dude, you gotta stop doing that. That first time. We had a guy on Fear Factor that had been a professional bull rider and he had just had scars all over his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:22:19 It had been reconstructed like eight times and he said that anything goes wrong, plop, it just pops out on him it's his shoulders just loose as fuck well the thing is the hospital called me my friends called me oh yeah dylan's dislocated his shoulder i'm like oh here we go um i've been in the hospital
Starting point is 00:22:35 for 10 times a year like just always little things just stupid things you know but but they call me and i was just like, tell Dylan I'm fucking happy. He just got his shoulder. It could have been his neck. You've got to talk right into this. Oh, sorry. It's just a big difference in the volume.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It's a bit intimidating looking at it. We think I'd be used to it. Why are you looking at me when you say that? That's a black dick joke for those at home that are listening, not watching. But he just complimented me, so I'm sweet with that. The first thing I did was, I was like, fuck. I was basically just like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Because we were in the academy together. Fuck you. You discared your shoulder. You're lucky it wasn't your neck hung up the phone. I'm not even going to deal with it because I'm just like, I'm glad you're doing it. Why are you bull riding? Look, I retired from fighting about a year ago, a year and a half ago, and been living in Thailand on and off for a long time.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And it's a very hard thing for people that are like, you know, eight, nine, ten years in their career. I mean, look at John Wayne Parr, who's actually a good friend of mine. Yeah, I love that, too. And you couldn't say one bad thing about him. He's a sweetheart. Great fighter, great guy.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Really good guy. Yeah, really good guy. You've got to get him on the show. Oh, I'd love to. He's awesome. Yeah, I love him. He's so funny. Yeah, I met him for the first got to get him on the show. Oh, I'd love to. He's awesome. Yeah, I'd love him. He's so funny. Yeah, I met him for the first time about a year ago when he came to the UFC.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I got him tickets for the fights. He's a big fan. I wanted to ask you a question about being a celebrity of sorts. I mean, you are a celebrity, I guess. Absolutely. Aussies don't like to kind of like recognize celebrities to some degree. Like they feel embarrassed. But one thing I was going to say is looking on the to some degree. Like they feel embarrassed, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But one thing I was going to say is looking on the internet, I want to know how you deal with this. And I'm taking it off topic again, sorry. But, you know, like some guy comes up to me the other day and he's like, Wayne Parr, yeah, he was all fake and he's a dick and this and that. Now, he's absolutely not fake. Absolutely. Like he got up at 9 a.m. hungover to treat one of our students to pads. Like he's the genuinely nicest dude I've ever met, right? Yes, I i agree but it just seems like you can't be a celebrity without some dick just
Starting point is 00:24:30 just shutting down making shit up about you well eventually you realize that the only type of people that would do that they would attack you for no reason are idiots so if you're going to live your life worrying about idiots or worrying about bitter, negative people, some people are actually smart. Some people will attack you and they're smart and they write these scathing negative things about you that are not true, not based on reality. They make these judgments of you. They decide how you think and they flavor you in their posts, whether it's a message board post or a blog post, but they're just negative people. And then there's a real problem with or a blog post, but they're just negative people. There's a real problem with being able to post on the Internet,
Starting point is 00:25:11 whether it's posting on a message forum or whether it's making a blog. And that problem is you're not interacting. You're just putting out a thing, which is fine. There's good to that because you could read things that people write, whether it's a blog post or a message board forum post like on the underground. That could be very informative and fascinating. But also you can decide to – like Liam is obsessed with himself. His ideas are bullshit. His ideas are – and you can just go on and on and on with all this ad hominems and all these fallacies about a person. And the person's not there to respond.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And so if that person reads it, like, no, I'm not. What the fuck, asshole? But this is not a conversation. And those kind of interactions would never take place if someone was in front of you. If they were in front of John Wayne Parley, John Wayne Parley's fake, he's bullshit. And John Wayne Parley, what are you talking about, mate? I'm right here. Fake, I'm right here.
Starting point is 00:26:08 They just wouldn't say it to him. Well, they wouldn't say it to him and even if they did, he'd be like, okay, well, how am I fake? Explain how I'm fake. And he'd be like, well, I've never done that.
Starting point is 00:26:14 What are you saying? He's a nice guy. He'd probably just be like, oh, that's your problem, mate. Yeah. Yeah, he wouldn't even react. And he's a self-actualized, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:21 he's got personal sovereignty. He doesn't need a fucking idiot's opinion of him to to define him but people will try to define you and they'll try to define you in a bunch of ways but most of the time the reason why they try to define you is because they're failures whether they're personal failures whether they're professional failures their failures are life in some way shape or form if if they don't have a real interact like you didn't steal from them you didn't do anything to them personally if they don't have a real interaction, like you didn't steal from them, you didn't do anything to them
Starting point is 00:26:45 personally, if they don't have a real beef with you, they just decide to start attacking you. Almost always, it's because they're losers. So you're dealing with a pool of people that are almost all failures. What they see in you, whether it's John Wayne Parr, look, John Wayne Parr is a
Starting point is 00:27:02 multiple-time world champion. I mean, he's a bona fide bad motherfucker. I mean, he's a guy that, look at him, parr is a multiple time world champion man i mean he's a bonafide bad motherfucker i mean he's a guy that look at him there he is right there and george saint pierre brought him in to help him with his kickboxing i mean he's just he's he's as legit as they get look at that fucking stack of belts well a guy who sees a guy like that and you you know men measure themselves against other men. They don't like it. Imagine his eBay store.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I have had fucking conversation with someone like, hey, what's up? Hey, how you doing? And then fucking that one person will tell someone else some 20-minute story about what a douche I was because I didn't say, hey, what's up, the right way. People just decide that they're going to define you because defining you in a negative way somehow or another makes them feel less bad about how they compare themselves to you. When they compare themselves to a guy like John Wayne Parr, they come up short. He's a fucking savage. He's a rare human being. You compare yourself to him. You don't like it. Hey,
Starting point is 00:28:00 that guy's a fucking fake. He's a this, he's a that. People love to just chop people down. It's that crabs in a bucket mentality. You know what crabs in a bucket is? Put a bunch of crabs in a bucket. They can never get out of that bucket. Because as they're trying to get out of the bucket, the other crabs pull on them and drag them down. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Well, he actually, I mean, you can talk about it instead of me asking you, but, I mean, for a fighter, it must be terrible because you can get knocked out and you look silly when you're knocked out. I mean, not silly, but, I mean but it's not a nice moment, right? There's a video of a guy coming up to Rashad Evans with a photograph of when Lyoto Machida knocked him out. You know that famous photo? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Because he got really knocked out and he was unconscious. The guy was asking Rashad to sign it with a big smile on his face. What a dick. Well, you stopped going on the internet after a while, didn't you? Yeah, I had him just writing for me, man. Yeah, basically, I just stick off the internet. And the other
Starting point is 00:28:51 problem is this anonymity. The ability to post something as you know, JikFuck69, you make some fake name up, and you could just say the meanest shit about somebody. You know, instead of like, a photo of you, and here's my background, this is where I went to school, this is what I've accomplished in my life, and this is what I think about Dylan. You know, instead of saying that, you know, you just post some
Starting point is 00:29:12 nonsense, some fake account or fake name rather. Anonymity with sensitive information and insults, it just doesn't work that way. When you, the thing about insulting someone if you define someone insult someone most of the time there's like an evaluation process during that insulting like the guy like if if someone's a fucking 300 pound guy who just shit his pants and he's calling you a loser it's really difficult to take him seriously it's like oh i'm a loser but you know if someone's an anonymous poster online all that evaluation kind of goes away. It's like, do you take that person's opinion seriously? Yeah. It must be terrible for fighters.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It is. Look at the underground. How many fucking pros post on the underground? When was the last time you saw John Jones posting on the underground? When was the last time you saw? A lot of them lurk. They go in, they creep around, they look. But when they post, just so many fucking assholes.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I mean, Tito Ortiz is probably one of the last guys that stopped posting, but even he gave up after a while. I mean, how many times can you hear people, anonymous 14-year-olds, just shit all over you? But I treat it like snake venom, and I feel like you get bit by a snake, and you can really get fucked up. But if you get bit by a little bit of snake venom every day,
Starting point is 00:30:23 you get immune to it. Yeah. That's how I look at it, personally. But it's just a side effect of this stage of interaction. Because there's not going to be any anonymity. There's not going to be any anonymity
Starting point is 00:30:38 within the next decade or two decades or whatever it's going to be. Enjoy your privacy and your freedom now, because it's not going to exist 20 years, 30 years from now. It's just not. Yeah. Good thing, right?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah. In a way. I mean, for a guy like me, it's normal because I'm already not anonymous. I'm already out there. But I think everyone's going to be out there like that. People are going to pretty much know as much about you as is humanly possible. Yeah. Well, that's coming on the show.
Starting point is 00:31:03 It's funny. We talked a lot about this. And one of the projects we're doing is with that, with the Growing Down one, is with a psychologist. And we were talking about it and being on the show and stuff. And, you know, we've got a business that we teach kids. You know, we teach adults. And we teach a lot of sensitive people in, like, a white-collar area, right?
Starting point is 00:31:21 And the psychologist friend of mine, Jonathan, Jonathan back, he's, uh, he's on the, on the other show. And he, um, he took him a while to open up a little bit because he was worried, you know, people get a lot of information about you on these things, you know, and, um, they can judge you, they can use it against you, this and that. Like, especially if you're somebody who likes to talk like we do, or I suppose you do as well and just give opinions and think and shout things out it seems like it might be a little bit dangerous what did you write there it looks like a dick what did you write we're just worrying about the effect of what you say can have in a public scene whereas if you're at a bar you can say whatever you want you know right well yeah there's
Starting point is 00:31:59 definitely gonna be a lot of people that judge your thoughts and your opinions and how you express yourself but at the end of the day it forces you to evaluate your thoughts and your opinions and how you express yourself but at the end of the day it forces you to evaluate your thoughts and your opinions and how you express yourself and you you know you have to you have to own your words and you have to mean what you say and say what you mean and once you do that you're like i'm comfortable with it there's not a single thing i've ever said on this podcast that i feel like man that really i really fucked up when i said that because now people have a different opinion of me. My opinions that I say on the podcast are well thought out. And I'm lucky that I started it later in my life. I didn't do a podcast when I was 20, when I was a fucking idiot. I think back on that, like, God damn it. If there was podcasts from when I was 20,
Starting point is 00:32:39 oh my God, you could hold it against me to the end of time. Because we all learn, you have to be, if you're going to be out there and you're going to take chances, you're going to fuck up. And you're going to fuck up socially, intellectually, along the ways. The only way a person learns is by trial and error. Trial and error and absorbing information from other sources.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Those are the way. You learn on your own by your own failures and your attempts at accomplishing things that you're not really qualified to do. And then you learn from other people's information and from other people's failures. That's what we do. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:11 But when you fail online, man, you know, I mean, how many fucking knockout animated GIFs have you seen? I mean, for the longest time, remember that guy Fred Eddish? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That poor fucking guy was tortured fred eddish is a guy who fought in ufc one and he fought johnny rhodes and johnny rhodes beat him down and uh there was a guy who started a website called fred eddish fetal fighting style like because he curled up in a fetal position while johnny rhodes was beating him down yeah so they were you know
Starting point is 00:33:43 torturing this fucking guy and he's he's And he's fought again since then, right? Yes. He had one fight. Fought MMA. Well, he learned jiu-jitsu. You know, he became a real MMA fighter. And I think he fought more than once. But, you know, he's a legitimate martial artist.
Starting point is 00:33:55 He just, like a lot of us back then before the UFC came along, he didn't understand what real fighting was about. He thought that his karate was enough. I, you know, when I was doing taekwondo, if the UFC had been around when I had only done Taekwondo, I probably would have thought that Taekwondo was enough and somebody would have taken me down and strangled me. Um, when I first went into kickboxing, it was a huge realization to me that I, I thought that Taekwondo was enough. And then I was getting my face punched in. I was like, oh my God, like there's so many holes in this style. And then I started Mu my face punched in. I was like, oh, my God. There's so many holes in this style.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And then I started Muay Thai, and I'm like, oh, God damn it, kicking the legs. And then it was Jiu-Jitsu. I was like, oh, well, fucking Christ. I spent all this time doing this one style that I thought was sufficient. But that's what the UFC was all about. It was exposing the world to the effectiveness of real martial arts. I'm laughing because I ended up doing Jiu--jitsu extensively and he did muay thai but he ended up doing jiu-jitsu because every time we get in an argument over mirc jiu-jitsu would win oh yeah you take them down strangle oh yeah
Starting point is 00:34:57 my mom wasn't very happy about it well most people have no idea how helpless they are on the ground until it happens you have all these ideas and you know dana white and i had this conversation the other day he used to joke around about it but he used to always think if a guy tries to take me down i'm fucking hit him with an uppercut and do this and do that dana says yeah in the old days all right that's how you used to think not now but that's no he's like i really thought that before we went we you know we own the ufc before i started you know learning about mixed martial arts. It's like we laugh about it because everyone has these preconceived notions. You don't realize how helpless you are until you actually do it.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Well, he's got a bouncer to hit you now, so I'm going to avoid him. Well, nobody's hitting anyway. He's a sweetheart. Danny's one of the nicest guys ever. He does seem that way. The point is that most people have no idea how helpless they really are until they actually roll. Yeah. He,
Starting point is 00:35:46 he, he pursued jujitsu quite seriously for a while. Yeah. As a result. You know how frustrating it is. I'm like, let him get the hell off the computer. He just takes me down and chokes me out.
Starting point is 00:35:55 It's too easy, right? It's fucking frustrating. I took it up quick, man. Come back. It gets you mad. You can't just like,
Starting point is 00:36:03 near your brother in the face. It's not, you know. You try try I tried Well I've Tried once Well at least you're a martial artist though The really crazy thing is
Starting point is 00:36:11 When you get someone Who has no martial arts experience Whatsoever And you know You go Okay Lie on top of me And try to keep me from strangling you
Starting point is 00:36:18 Ready set Go And they'll try to like Hold you in place And the next thing you know Hold their breath Yeah it takes like Fucking ten seconds
Starting point is 00:36:24 And all of a sudden They they're essentially a dead man. Yeah. You know? That's the beautiful thing about jiu-jitsu. And that's what jiu-jitsu showed the world. Yeah. But these poor guys like Fred Eddish and these poor guys that had to. They had to be the reason why we learned.
Starting point is 00:36:37 We had to see these guys learn. We had to see these guys get taken down. Art Jimerson with his boxing and one glove on. We had to see these guys getting taken down. Art Jimerson with his boxing and one glove on you know we had to see these guys getting taken down you know art jimerson wants a rematch with hoist gracie i could talk to him recently about it he's a bit kind of a little bit a little bit yeah taking a few of those but in thailand it's funny um it's getting a bit better now but every time we'd go there were a couple places like super that had a cage and the ties would be like yeah i'm gonna fight mma soon i've got a big heart, you know, and clinch. Their clinch is
Starting point is 00:37:07 ridiculous. But when you hit the ground, they don't have the ability to relax. They just don't, they don't really get it yet, which is a shame, but you know. Well, it's a very different thing, you know, especially Muay Thai or any, any kind of striking going from striking to grappling. Like I've seen friends that are good boxers, and they've got very good endurance, like hitting the pads. They can hit the bag for five, six rounds, no problem. They roll for a minute, and they're exhausted. They just don't understand.
Starting point is 00:37:34 It's a totally different style of moving, conserving your energy. But those guys, man, we owe such a huge debt of gratitude to the original UFC fighters because they showed us with their own humiliation and their losses. And even guys who were like badasses like Orlando Veit. Remember that guy? I do. That Muay Thai guy?
Starting point is 00:37:55 He's a fucking animal, man. The commentator says, oh, he'll be out of this shortly. Fuck, he is. Yeah, Remco Pardue elbowed him into another universe. That was a horrific knockout too because he was trapped under this giant judo guy who's just smashing him with elbows in his head, and his head is stuck there. He's just, bong, bong. This huge judo guy just crushing him.
Starting point is 00:38:18 And then he gets crushed by Marco Huas and Hoyce Gracie and all these other people. We learned, we really learned what real fighting is so many of us had all these like crazy ideas of what fighting was I think I was like 12 and I was in England
Starting point is 00:38:33 in England yeah I went to England just on Holiday Earth Family and Liam said listen man Dylan you gotta get me this
Starting point is 00:38:40 this crazy cage fighting it's illegal in Australia like you couldn't actually buy it in Australia well no it was't actually buy it in Australia. No, it was UFC 1. No, it was 3.
Starting point is 00:38:48 It was 3. Definitely. And I bought it back. 2 was the first one that came out on video. What year was this? We watched it in about 95, I think. But it was definitely 3 because Hoyce, I was expecting Hoyce to smash everybody
Starting point is 00:38:59 and then he pulled out. So it was the first one we ever watched. Yeah, it was 2. Because in Australia, we just didn't have access. It was just we used to trade VHS tapes overseas, you know. That was the only way we could do it. Right. Was that one of your businesses for a while?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah. Well, in high school, I couldn't get hold of it. So I had this UFC 3 tape. And then I legally sent it overseas to trade it with somebody. So I had two tapes. And then we had three tapes. And then I'd trade three. And I'd have three tapes, six tapes, et cetera. etc but i remember we watched it and we waited till everybody went downstairs
Starting point is 00:39:29 because we thought someone was going to die so we were huddled around the thing we pushed play and of course nobody died there's no google nothing back well they could have though man because the medical test they did on those guys was fucking nothing man yeah you know there was nothing going on they just threw people in there and hoped they survived. And Josan looks like he probably has been messing around on a corner a little bit. Well, you know Josan's in jail now. Yeah, he murdered someone now as well. No.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Well, he murdered someone in jail, but he went to jail because he was a part of a gang rape. Yeah, they did a, I don't know what happened. He got arrested for something else, and they his dna sample with an unsolved gang rape i'm laughing at the giant cross anytime you see someone that extreme you know they're going the other way short joe's son used to hang around the comedy store and before he ever got arrested and he was so weird man he called everybody sir called you sir and mister and he would hug everybody he was really really weird man it was a really weird because he was like five foot two and just jacked. And he was hanging around
Starting point is 00:40:28 and everybody was like, this guy's fucking crazy. He was like a weird dog that you were hoping that didn't bite you and everybody was like, yeah, nice dog. Okay, let's get out of here.
Starting point is 00:40:36 You know? In Australia, you know, like when we have weird dudes, you don't generally worry about getting stabbed or shot. In America, it's a real concern.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yeah. With drugs and stuff. We just don't generally worry about getting stabbed or shot. In America, it's a real concern with drugs and stuff. We just don't have that imminent sense of danger that you guys, obviously, this is a safe, they're safe areas, but you just don't hear about it in Australia as much. So Australia, there's more fistfights? Is that what it is? There's more fistfights. There's bottlings. England as well.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Bottlings are just, man, it's fucking scary shit. There's a big thing about the coward punches now. Yeah, they've got those plus the law. Coward punches? That's what it's called. Dog punching. Sucker punching. King hitting.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Sucker punching. If you hit someone while you're intoxicated or even, I don't know exactly, it just got passed. And you hit them, it's like a massive jail sentence. Some kid got hit and died by this big juice head who said he was an MMA fighter. Oh, yeah. That was bad. So he got sucker punched? He got, well head who said he was an MMA fighter. Oh, yeah. That was bad. So he got sucker punched?
Starting point is 00:41:27 Well, there were two or three kids arguing with him. They were kind of like, you know, well-dressed sort of kids. And the guy hit one of them and then- He fell and hit his head? Yeah, he hit his head and died. And they want to change it to say, it's not called a sucker punch or a king hit. It's called a coward punch. So Australia kind of rallies behind these odd things like that.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Now they've also made it that you can't go out, you can't come into a bar after a certain time. So they've got lockdown now after, I think, three, we didn't go out much, but three o'clock you can't, whatever club you're in, you've got to stay there. Like you can't come and go. Huh. Why is that? They've got up in Queensland.
Starting point is 00:42:02 No common sense. It's just, they keep the dickheads out on the street, so when you go out with your wife, they're waiting on the corner rejected from a club. So it's worse. Well, you know what, man? The idea of having these places where people consume the worst drug ever for social behavior, and it's all over the world.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Alcohol's the worst drug ever for social behavior. Lowers inhibitions, makes you feel like a bad motherfucker when you're not, gives you terrible shitty judgment I mean It's like the worst drug as far as like getting involved in fights if we had pot clubs If we had places where all you could do was smoke pot you go to a place and just eat Brownies and smoke pot there would be no fucking fights. Nobody wants to fight on pot They just don't even if you're thinking about fighting like I gotta go I gotta get out of here
Starting point is 00:42:42 Canadians are so nice. Yeah, that's one of the reasons. Because those guys smoke like crazy. That is a nice period because they're not trying to take over the world. You know, that's one of the big fucking problems with America is that America's got this long, deep history of trying to take over the world or defend against other people trying to take over the world. So it's just a fucking group of psychopaths living right underneath these nice folks to the north.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah. Well, no, we just went to Quebec and Montreal was beautiful Yeah, that is wicked the fun. Oh, it's fantastic Oh, the Canadians are the nicest people in the world, you know That's the other shortlist place that I would move to Vancouver you ever been to Vancouver. We went there for one night God damn that place is awesome. Yeah amazing. So another city that I Really thought about moving there in 2004 after Bush won re-election i really thought about moving i was because like everybody's so fucking crazy he won
Starting point is 00:43:31 again like how could he win like how the fuck did that guy win after all this nonsense that everybody knows about him yeah it's crazy fake war that they dragged us into it's just not real war under fake pretenses but i was like like, this country's going to turn into some banana fucking republic police state. We've got to get out of here. For us living in Australia, it's very much like Canada. It's very relaxed. It's almost a little bit too fortunate.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I had a friend move here because he just said it's really easy in Australia to be middle class, but it's very difficult to make a lot of money and be upper class. America just has that kind of ability to really easy in Australia to be middle class, but it's very difficult to make a lot of money and be upper class. There's just, America just has that kind of, um, the ability to move up.
Starting point is 00:44:11 There's a bit of romance here. Maybe you don't see it. It's for us. We see it, you know? No, I can imagine. Yeah. I could see that the,
Starting point is 00:44:16 the, the caste system and the class system that exists in, uh, England exists in a lot of other places in the world. Yeah. England is really bad. Is it? Hey,
Starting point is 00:44:25 some of the, we went to Manchester and it was a bunch of kids walking around with babies because they give them a house if you have a kid. So there's 16-year-old girls everywhere with baby pushing prams. Because of socialized society, socialization. It's pretty funny to watch. Just young chicks everywhere with kids and red hair. That's weird. I didn't know that. Manchester's nice.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Our family's there as well. Socialist ideas, there's good things to it, like health care. I really think that's one of the big problems that we have in America. The way they're fixing that in America is like fucking up even more. Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act has got so much.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So many people are angry about it. But I think that the principle behind public health care should be that that's like one of the first things that a government takes care of. First things that a society, a civilization takes care of. I mean, what should everybody have? Well, everybody should have access to health care. It should be like one of the first things. It shouldn't be that everyone has to go buy it, though, that they force you to go buy it. I mean, it's this weird sort of, you know, we have the money to start wars and finance these overseas campaigns, but we don't have enough money to take care of the health of the citizens based on the tax revenue that we generate.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And I think that's just crazy. Well, you guys have to keep crap jobs just to keep your health care right sometimes many people do yeah many people take and keep jobs just specifically for their health takes advantage of the health care system in australia that's for sure i bet you do to the whole of australia have gone up because of me because you're fucking bull riding. So back to the thing. So you have all these fucking concussions. Four, three big ones. Three, three alcohol from motorcycle riding. Yeah. And you decided to go into Muay Thai.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yeah, well, I meant... Tell them what you wanted to do in between then and why you got into Muay Thai. So basically I decided to join Israeli Army. We've got family over there as well. And the school I went to, some of them decided to go over there. I was dating an Israeli girl as well. I thought I'd go to the Israeli army and I was 18.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I thought I'd go join. It'd be a good experience because my dad was the paratrooper dog unit in South Africa. So I was like, hell yeah, why not? This is the brains over here. This is the brawn. Sort of. But the thing is, is this girl's mom is convincing him to go to the Israeli army, romance this. And Israel is very romantic.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And meanwhile, she's moved to Australia. So her daughter doesn't have to go to the fucking army. Yeah, true. She's convinced him. I thought this chick's going to marry me for sure if I go to the army. It's like three years. So that's why you, so how do you join
Starting point is 00:47:08 the Israeli army when you're living in Australia and you're an Australian citizen born in South Africa? It's voluntary. It's voluntary. So they'll take anybody? No,
Starting point is 00:47:17 if you're from a Jewish background, it's voluntary and you can join the Israeli army. So you're from a Jewish background, that's all you needed? That's correct. That's all you background. That's all you needed.
Starting point is 00:47:25 That's correct. That's all you need. That's all you needed. Wow. And then you get free university. Oh, really? It's after three years of pretty active duty. So you go over there, you're 18, you join the Israeli army.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I didn't quite make it there. So I told my parents and my dad. You didn't tell your parents. That's the whole point of the story. I told them in New Zealand about three days before I was going why did you tell them? because I'm terrified of my dad he's like the nicest guy ever too which is funny
Starting point is 00:47:53 I don't know why I said that yeah and they're like no you're not going get me a big guilt trip I cancelled it I had a plane ticket I'm like well screw this
Starting point is 00:48:00 leave it already I mean he's a couple years older than me it's like screw this I'm going to go to Thailand they're on the same ticket. My parents are like, you're going to Thailand? We're paying for him to go with you. I went as a chaperone. All expenses paid. First
Starting point is 00:48:12 night we arrived there, went straight to 7-Eleven, got a massive bottle of Samsung. It's Thai whiskey. I just got absolutely drunk off my head on Kho San Road. Bangkok, which is a bad area. it's not a bad it's a tourist area
Starting point is 00:48:26 trashy tourist area it's like the Vegas trip yeah but friendlier you know it's a bunch of friendlier than the Vegas trip well not if
Starting point is 00:48:35 well look it's basically backpackers central everybody's very friendly because they're usually straight out of school and they're free
Starting point is 00:48:42 and they're wearing their fisherman pants and drinking and smoking cigarettes. Right. Going there just for vacation. It's gross. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:49 It's gross. It's lovely. But you're not alone. There's probably a bunch of other people drunk like that too. Well, they got him drunk. Yeah. The ironic thing is
Starting point is 00:48:58 he got drunk on the corner with a homeless Israeli guy. Yeah. That was the funniest part. There's a lot of them. A lot of Israelis. That's hilarious. Yeah. And then ever since then, There's a lot of them in there. A lot of Israelis. That's hilarious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 So, and then ever since then, I was like, man, I love this, this fighting business. Like I was already boxing since I was young. Lee was doing Jiu Jitsu. Obviously I looked up to him more. Well, I was doing Muay Thai and thought I was good at it. And then he got 10 times better than me. I was like, screw this man. I'm just going to live here.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And just kind of kept going back and love living there. What was it that like forced you to like make that decision? Like what, what, what triggered in your mind to like, yo, okay, now I'm a Muay Thai fighter.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yeah. Look, I mean at school, I, you know, I didn't so much struggle at school, but you know, I have ADD and ADD.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I'm learning difficulties. It's even remotely interesting. Yeah. And, um, it is struggled. I thought, you know, like I want to be something good. shit ADD learning difficulties it's even remotely interesting yeah and um Ed has struggled I thought you know like I want to be something good and Muay Thai
Starting point is 00:49:50 wasn't established in Australia yet like there was no Wayne Pa was still very good but he's living in South Wales there's a video on
Starting point is 00:49:58 the thread on the underground I mean on message board of him fighting pull it up so we could put it on while we're talking of me fighting yeah yeah there's a video of you fighting on my message board of him fighting. Pull it up so we can put it on while we're talking.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Of me fighting? Yeah, yeah. There's a video of you fighting on my message board. Is this my highlight? It is a world championship title fight. That's the one he got. I wanted to ask him about that, actually. That was the second time in his whole career he got knocked out.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I wanted to ask him what it's like to actually watch yourself. I've watched this a few times. Who are you fighting there? That's Sonny Venanti from New Zealand, a really good fighter. This was actually, I still get told to this day, some of people's favorite fights because we kept dropping each other in it
Starting point is 00:50:33 and this is quite a, there's my coach Nick Stone. Yeah, I just didn't have a good, I had a good training camp for it. I just, you know, I was kind of. Oh, i wouldn't go that look it's i was getting i had too many coaches whereas i you know i should have had one that overlooked everything and you're getting contradictory information is that what it is we didn't really like the problem was with muay thai australia i mean he's got a coach nick stone
Starting point is 00:50:59 who's a brilliant coach but it's um you know we had a bit of boxing a little bit of nutrition a bit of this a bit of that and it wasn't how we coach our students. It was just basically do a little bit of boxing, a little bit of running, wish for the best. Like it wasn't. You weren't totally organized, is that what you're saying? Yeah. You know, like when I was going back and forth between Thailand. So, you know, the Thai is like, no, no, no, you kick like this.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And you come back to Australia and like, oh, fuck this guy. What was the difference between the way the Thais told you to kick and the Australians told you to kick? Look, the Thais are more dominant in clinch, elbows, knees, and kicks. Especially clinch, which is what I love the most about Muay Thai. It's my favorite thing. Whereas Australia, you generally find, like Sonny Van Anthe, I'm just watching the video now, he's very well known for his hands.
Starting point is 00:51:45 So in my whole career, I only took about 12 to 13 hits to my head in all my fights. Really? So, I wasn't someone, if you watch, I don't get hit much. 12 to 13 hits ever to your head? How's that possible? How many fights did you have? 34. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:58 34 fights and only 12 to 13 hits to the head? I like this down the outside range. When you say that, you mean hard hits. Hard hits. You know, like dancing elbows. Not jabs and stuff. Right. But it just gets really exciting in round two.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Do you think that Muay Thai fighters take much less damage than boxers, per se? It depends. You know, like I'm reading a lot of the articles in the MMA forums and stuff, and there's guys coming out saying the damage is getting done in the training. It's not getting done in the cage. Right. For me, my training in Thailand, we don't even really spar.
Starting point is 00:52:29 We do a lot of clinch, a bit of play sparring, a lot of pad work, a lot of ground work. Well, they have it down more. You know what my opinion is about MMA sparring? The real problem is that MMA in America and MMA as a sport in general,
Starting point is 00:52:44 it's still very young. It's a very young sport. And there is a lot of people that got into MMA that really did not know how to properly train for striking. Absolutely. Properly train as far as like what kind of damage you do long term if you spar really fucking hard all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:03 But boxers always have had a history of, you know, gym wars and stuff with ties. Yeah. See, the thing is, like, when Americans went to Thailand, they saw the ties training and they copied it and brought it back. And this has happened in Australia a lot. It's one of those fights you can't stop watching when you start. That's not going to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Sick. But the problem is that they watch the ties do it. And this is like anything when you go overseas you do yoga you do muay thai whatever art you're doing cooking whatever it is right and they're watching the ties do it and the ties go pads bag work clinch and that's it so the americans have come back and australians come back and copy that but they forget the ties don't spar for one reason they fight every weekend right you know so from a young kid so they don't spar for one reason. They fight every weekend. Right. You know, so from a young kid. So they don't spar.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Why would they spar? They fight. Right, right. So, I mean, I think like that was lacking and clinch is really lacking in Western countries. But Thais don't, if you watch them fight, have you been to Thailand, Joe? No. Oh, that's a sick place. If you watch them fight, around the fourth round, if one guy's won, they stop fighting in the fifth round so that they can fight next week. They know who's won already.
Starting point is 00:54:06 You know, the first round, they don't go hard. They don't throw elbows for the first round normally. There's a lot of that sort of stuff in Thai boxing. They go slow in the first round. Is that because they also want to place bets? There's bets. There's a big part of adrenaline. Adrenaline?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Well, because the adrenaline will take a bit to kick in. To calm down and find your rhythm. Look, the problem with Thai boxing is like he's been, how many times have you been? 26. 26 times. I've been about 16, 17. It was on about our 10th trip that a Thai actually explained the rules to us. Oh, yeah, I remember.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Saxon. Yeah, Saxon, right? And it's like- Saxon Jinjira? No, I wish. But no, he's an American. Saxon is the name of the gym. Saxon's a guy, he beat, you know, Samkor? Samkor is like the best kicker in Thailand.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Look, he was just... How did he become the best kicker in Thailand? Oh, Samkor. He was kind of just known for a while. But this guy explained the rules to us, and we're thinking, Jesus, like nobody... Woo, beautiful knockdown. It's kind of been known for a while. But this guy explained the rules to us, and we're thinking, Jesus. Like, nobody. Oh, beautiful knockdown.
Starting point is 00:55:12 And by the way, that was not illegal for people that actually lived in Thailand and kept saying it was illegal. Why was it illegal? As long as you throw the kick before they're down. You can kick them away. Sometimes they land on the ropes. You can still hit them as long as they don't hit, like, the floor. Oh, I see. All those critics out there. But what was the point of this?
Starting point is 00:55:24 I don't know. He knocks me down With Thai boxing One of the misunderstandings People don't They don't understand Is like You know the Thais
Starting point is 00:55:30 They won't fight in the fifth round They won't use You know elbows Usually in the first couple So they don't cut each other So they can fight next week And then The punch in the back of the head
Starting point is 00:55:38 So that was illegal So I had a brain hemorrhage From this fight Really Yeah so it was one shot To the back of the head So he hit you from the back of the head while you were down. Yeah, you were down, totally.
Starting point is 00:55:49 So now I've got a little bit dirty. It happens again. Wow. So I had a brain hemorrhage. I remember going to the hospital for a while. And this was the fight that convinced you to stop fighting? No, I had one or two fights after this. Yeah, no big deal.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Just a brain hemorrhage. Yeah, one or two fights after. Did Yeah, no big deal. Just a brain hemorrhage. Yeah, one or two fights after. Did they have to drain your brain? No. No, it was only a small bleed, but it was enough to. Yeah, you look like you're certainly wobbly here. I keep going. Damn.
Starting point is 00:56:17 The thing about the fight is, man, it didn't have to be this way. You didn't get hit on the back of the head. And then again. Being dangerous, you know what I mean? Right. this way. Like, if you didn't get hit on the back of the head. And then again. Being dangerous, you know what I mean? Right. Like, it's, I hate saying, like, when people hear us say that, it's, the sport of Muay Thai is generally quite safe compared to boxing or rugby. Rugby's a horrible sport.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I mean, a lovely sport, but I mean. But how is it safe when you're dealing with head kicks and shins and knees? I mean, how many head shots have you seen this time? Oh, you dropped him with a head kick. This is a crazy fight, man. Back and shins and knees. I mean, how many head shots have you seen this fight? Oh, you dropped him with a head kick. This is a crazy fight, man. Yeah, back and forth. Holy shit. To get dropped like that and get punched in the head while you're down,
Starting point is 00:56:50 then get punched in the head again and dropped, and then drop him with a head kick. And then I think he punched you back in the head again, but it was only when I kind of went down. Also, I think this fight had changed to Southpaw. That's kind of one of my later fights that changed to Southpaw. That's kind of one of my later fights I changed to Southpaw. It's wild. So the difference in the way
Starting point is 00:57:09 the Thais fight being that they fight like almost every weekend. And that they train very differently. But even their sparring, they don't go at it full blast. Like the Dutch who don't fight as much as the Thais, they throw hard kicks to the legs and to the bodies, but they throw lighter punches to the head.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Jesus, we were in Holland about a year ago training at, oh, I wouldn't say which gym, but, man, those dudes were punching each other's heads through the wall. Really? Oh, man, especially when you had... I was Majira. Yeah, Majira Gym's crazy. Really good gym.
Starting point is 00:57:40 That's a great gym. By the way, if you ever go there, have you been there? No. Well, there used to be a Majiro gym in Encino. There's a guy, Shuki, from Majiro gym in Holland, came to America. He was here for a while. He's in Israel as well. He went back to Israel, though.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Well, anyway, go to the locker room and just be prepared to keep your eyes facing straight because there's group showers and everybody's naked, guys and girls, talking and chatting after training. We weren't ready for that. Why wouldn't you be ready for that? When you're sitting down at someone's church next to you. No, no, the guys and girls shower together and walk around. Sounds great. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Back to the Garden of Eden. Yeah. Let's do this. We weren't ready for it. Wow. That's cool. So. Geez, they kill each other in training though.
Starting point is 00:58:22 So how did you decide though,, that you were okay doing this? That was a beautiful head kick, man. How did you decide that you were okay doing this after, like, retiring from motorcycle racing because of concussions? I mean, you weren't worried about these concussions like this? That's some bullshit right there. Like, I hate you. That should have been the end of the fight. Yeah, it kept going.
Starting point is 00:58:42 There's another one coming up. But, look, I can't take it away from this guy to get off the top because he suddenly is a top fighter. Yeah, he kept going. There's another one coming up. But look, I can't take it away from this guy to get off the top because he, Sonny is a top fighter. Oh, he definitely is, but he's also a dirty bitch. I'm not going to lie. Dylan actually has a lot of respect for him.
Starting point is 00:58:54 I woke up for about three months after this fight dreaming about strangling him. Oh, that was the first fight my mom watched as well. Sonny is a lovely guy. Everyone tells me. He just gets amped up. Every morning I woke up dreaming. I was just like squeezing his neck.
Starting point is 00:59:05 I like how you hit him when he was down too. Payback, bitch. Yeah. That's how we roll. That's a crazy fight, man. That's a crazy fight. This is the first time you really got hurt in your whole career. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I got knocked out in Jamaica on a big show, but I was so dehydrated. We're like, my coach says, I'm going to be 135 pounds. I'm like, oh, yeah, my coach says I'm going to be 135 pounds. I'm like, oh yeah, 62 kilograms. I get there and Steve McKinnon, who's one of my coaches as well, he's a heavyweight. I'm thinking, you know, 135 pounds. It's probably around 61, 62. Didn't think about it.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I get there. I'm like, shit, man, I got to cut like. So what did you end up? 58 kilos. I was like 58.7 or something. I had to get down. I don't even know what the weight was. I was like 64 kilograms.
Starting point is 00:59:46 In Jamaica. Wow. So what is that in pounds? How many kilos was you talking about? You're talking eight kilos? Was it? You were eight kilos off? No, I was about five or six, six, seven kilograms.
Starting point is 00:59:59 So let's say six. So six is 2.2 pounds per. Probably 120 pounds. Jesus Christ. And back then we didn't like, you know, we didn't know many of the cutting methods to sit in the sauna for five hours.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I was saying about, saying about this, you know, and I'm sure it's the same for you with everything you do. Like we didn't, we now, the way we coach,
Starting point is 01:00:17 how we didn't know back then or how we wanted to be coached. So we just didn't know, you know? Right. So he'd just go jump in a sauna suit and that's what we did. You just did it did it yeah there was a lot of really bad weight cutting in the ufc back in the day i i used to cut weight to fight in taekwondo tournaments i cut the
Starting point is 01:00:34 day of jesus i would you know get down 140 pounds the day of the fight yeah you got hit in my head 16 17 yeah it was terrible for you very Well, that was the thing about boxing. While they changed it to weigh-ins the day before the fight because they give the fighter a chance to rehydrate, the big issue was brain injuries to a dehydrated fighter are more substantial. Yeah, of course. They found out that almost all the deaths in boxing came outside of the heavyweight division. In the heavyweight division, there was no deaths. That's one of the things they attributed to this is not cool to
Starting point is 01:01:06 watch it's it's one of those fights to be the greatest fight ever if you weren't the guys but I made the best highlight of this was just me hitting him we don't have to watch you keep going because I want to question but um yeah there's a theory now they're saying that and I was saying to one of my guys because we just went to the UFC and he cut about five pounds, and everyone keeps saying you need to drop down a weight division, right? Yeah, this is not cool. That's it, man. That was not cool.
Starting point is 01:01:33 This is the end of the fight. That was a back of the head shot again. Yeah, that was not a back of the head shot. All right, we can kill him. You can watch the video. That's all right. So you fought two times more after that. How many MMA fights, or excuse me a Muay Thai fights
Starting point is 01:01:46 Did you have total? Um, I had a couple of like You know, we kept my record down because I was fighting in Thailand a lot Uh-huh. So if those guys I've never been passed around to in Thailand in 16 17 flights ever really so all up we we found a lot of tapes and probably about 30 34 So all up, we found a lot of tapes from about 30, 34. But they started getting dodgy towards the end. Yeah, I started finding bigger ties. And there's some good ones on YouTube of me finding his tie. I think I dropped him like 15 times with elbows.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I just kept dropping. Oh, this guy just kept getting back up. So I don't know. It didn't bother me fighting in Thailand. You've got little kids, eight-year-olds that are fighting. And it makes you feel, you know, in Australia when I fought,
Starting point is 01:02:28 it's like you go backstage, you've got to rev yourself up. You've got all your friends there. You know, it's the crowd, it's the music. Thailand, there's like eight,
Starting point is 01:02:35 nine, 10, 15 year olds all sit in the back with their mummies, taping their hands. You watch them fight. They tape their own hands. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Yeah. You know, they, they fight for like 15 minutes. You're like, Oh, this isn't so bad, you know know so it's a more relaxed environment so you feel like easier going into the fight yeah yeah absolutely playing as well and i was normally the main event being like the westerner and i started fighting some really good tires it started becoming
Starting point is 01:02:58 really good started towards the end getting a little bit dodgy like because tires are very proud people and they're very similar japanese like that and they started kind of slipping in the bigger dudes and slipping in the there was one fight actually the one that scared me where he was actually winning and you you threw him he just got his shoulder but yeah it was a bit scary until then i think he kicked him in the head he's a big boy so when you say bigger dudes you mean like the wrong weight class like they're outside of your weight class like ringers oh like ringers after a while. Were they bigger than you? Thicker legs.
Starting point is 01:03:28 They're trying to set you up? They didn't really weigh you, did they? No, we didn't really weigh in. Most of them were either my weight or heavier. Earlier on, they used to weigh me, but later on, they're just kind of about my size or bigger, which I was okay with. It was still good fun. Wow. So you fought over there for many years and were you there when the tsunami hit? Yeah. So, excuse me. Um, basically the story of this, um, I don't think I even read this online, but basically we were in Koh Phangan. So we're actually the other side of Thailand.
Starting point is 01:04:06 And my brother and I are in Koh Phangan and I was still staying there for quite a while, having some flights. And my brother's like, listen, man, I'm going back to Sydney. Cool. So I cover a bit of money. I'm like, yeah, sweet. Like I had so much in my bank. I was like 20. And he went and took it and he entered the PIN card wrong.
Starting point is 01:04:23 So he entered the PIN number wrong when he put the card in and I was like, great. So it swallowed my card. I was like, oh, fucking great. So I'm stuck here in Koh Phangan, which is like the full moon party, like crazy party island. And I had to wait like four days to get a replacement card.
Starting point is 01:04:39 In that time, my friend, I had two doctors that lived in Melbourne, Glenn and Tom, and I'd met them a few times in Thailand. I said, listen, you guys go to Phi Phi Island. You go to the other side of Thailand, um, where we wanted to spend New Year's and Christmas. And I said to him, well, you guys go there and I'll meet you over there. I've got to wait for my replacement card. I was still there for a couple more weeks. Um, sorry, a couple more months in Thailand. So they went over there and then the tsunami hit. So in a way, I kind of missed the tsunami because of my brother. So I'm like, okay, well, like, screw this.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I'm going to go look for them. And we didn't know what actually happened because the media is often run, you know, by governments and we didn't really know what was going on. So we heard, oh, there's a bit of a wave. And, um, yeah, basically we heard there's a bit of a wave and, you know, I thought, oh, oh we'll try help out i'll go look for my mate so i got i got a friend um to write in tie saying i'm head of the australian search and rescue so i went over there with another south african friend who i'd met who is now a very good friend of mine and they're like okay cool you guys are in charge of um picking up the bodies we're like yeah this is just fucking great. And we got more involved. And, you know, there was 1,500 bodies on PP Island.
Starting point is 01:05:48 We didn't carry all of them. There was just a couple of volunteers and stuff. Wow. And then after a couple of weeks, we're like, well, we tried to do a few other things. You know, those things, they wanted us to start cleaning up because there's a lot of disease on the island. Because of the bodies? Because of the bodies?
Starting point is 01:06:05 Because of the bodies. And then the animals started eating the bodies as well. Oh, God. So bodies would be washing up, you know, all the time. What kind of animals? What actually happened during the tsunami was, in Phi Phi Island, it's flat. You know, it's got two hills on both sides.
Starting point is 01:06:21 And the animals must have detected, there's a lot of articles on that on the internet, detected that the tsunamimobile was coming in and they actually all went into the hills. So there was like, you know, dogs, cats, birds, whatever. There was a goat we found running around like loose. I don't know what the hell it was doing. They started in the bodies and then they got sick as well.
Starting point is 01:06:41 It's only a small island. And that was, you know, I was only... How big a cross is it you can walk from one side to the other it's not it's not that big but um yeah so and then i was like oh shit i better keep looking for my friends so we went through the bodies i went through the pictures in the morgue went to the morgue meanwhile these two two monkeys they're both um they're both doctors now actually had gone across to pp island it's a bit of a trip you know like fairy bar very two monkeys not I have my two friends okay right you don't really mean
Starting point is 01:07:11 really monkey no no I was like monkeys we came down and basically some girls on the bus across and had just stayed in hotel I don't know what the hell they were doing so I'm looking for them in the tsunami, you know, pick up bodies and do all types of crazy things we probably shouldn't have. And they were just on the mainland hanging out with these two girls. So I went all the way there to find them and they were just chilling out. But, you know, obviously I suffered a lot of, not so much depression, but more so post-traumatic stress after I was only 20, 21. Yeah, and suffered a so uh post-traumatic stress after i was only 20 21
Starting point is 01:07:46 um yeah and stuff a lot of post-traumatic stress and um you know it ate that much and just from the bodies well ptsd wasn't really like talked about as much at that stage you know like i i felt like i was a warrior i was like oh they're not talking about this to be fair my mom was like don't even think about going over there and And I was like, yeah, hell no. You're like, no, mom, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it, yeah. Went straight over there. And we had some cool experience.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Like every day I could write a book on the things that we did and what happened. Well, that's the idea, actually. Yeah. So when you say post-traumatic stress, like specifically, like what was the feeling? Like what was the issue that you had from seeing all that horrific shit? Look, I mean, for example, actually what happened when I came back, my parents split the day I got back from the tsunami. So, they split, and my brother and I were just in the house alone. So, I don't know, like, you know, we'd be watching, was it Bad Boys 2?
Starting point is 01:08:41 It was your favorite movie. Yeah, I love Bad Boys 2, man. Love that movie. Wow, you really did get hit in the head a lot it's cool man um yeah bad boys too and you know we'll see the bodies in it i still don't get why you like that movie so much sick man will smith so bad boys 2 what would happen there was a scene with the morgues and stuff like that and bodies and yeah like a little bit of a flashback and yeah but it was just kind of hard it wasn't something i talked about it wasn't something i was proud of i was like oh man i put everyone out you know i probably should have done that and yeah a bit of guilt as well well you only told
Starting point is 01:09:15 me some of the stories today quite recently i haven't talked to him about it that's one of the reasons i um i put up the post up because we were so busy in Sydney and everything's always moving, moving, moving. We never actually sat down and talked about it. All I know is he had some trouble, you know, and we see each other every day, you know, but just it's never just come up in conversation, you know. So today on the way here, we were talking on the plane stuff, and I'm like, I've never heard any of these stories.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yeah, some cool stories. You know what I mean? Wow. Yeah, which is strange, I guess, but that's what it is. Look, for a 20-year-old, I think it was, it kind of, I grew up very quickly, and I went back to Thailand a lot since then. Yeah, it was a cool experience. Later, like now, I've been working for the Koh Samui rescue team for about three years now.
Starting point is 01:10:00 So I'm the only Westerner that does it. Only idiot. Yeah. What is the rescue team? What is it? So in Koh Samui, they've got private ambulances and then they've got volunteer and there's a rescue team. So if like a boat flips or there's a car crash or a local sick or someone dies or there's
Starting point is 01:10:16 a lot of, you know, there's a lot of bike accidents and stuff, you know, we go collect the bodies. A lot of dumb Westerners. Yeah. We go like patch them up and take them to the hospital and it's a bit of everything, you know. There's a fire. We're there.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Like we're kind of G.I. Joe kind of rescue men. But I'm the only Westerner. So that led to that later on. And I've had some pretty cool experiences for three years now, just working a couple of shifts a week with the Thai team. And, you know, one shift, probably the hardest shift I had was last February when I actually decided I'm going to retire. And I called February when I actually decided I'm going to retire. I called Liam, I said, I'm going to retire.
Starting point is 01:10:47 And I was like, if I'm going to retire, I don't have to train that much. So I spent a lot of time doing the rescue team. And over the full moon party on the island up from us, in one shift from 11 a.m. until the next day, 11 a.m., there was like 30 accidents we attended. Wow. Yeah, so it was pretty hectic. And they don't get published as well. Yeah, we're was pretty, it was pretty hectic. And they don't get published, you know, as well.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yeah, we're not, we're not really allowed to talk about all of it. But most of it's, you know, Westerners, drunk Westerners just being stupid. And I met, there's a girl, I think her sister is Nicole Fitzgerald and her young sister Kate. And Nicole was on the back of a bike and I don't know if it was a Western or Thai, I got hit by a truck and she died. And now I know she promotes safety for, for riding and transport in the Asian countries.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Cause a lot of, like a lot of Australians are dying, fall off like balconies in Phuket and just stupid stuff. Just being drunk. And it's, it's a great place. Yeah, Thailand's amazing. Make it sound worse.
Starting point is 01:11:47 This is the worst part of it. You know what I mean? Right. It's an amazing place. But people just go there and it's, you know, the Thais are lovely people, beautiful people, very patriotic. Like if the king, if you don't talk badly about the king, if you go to a movie.
Starting point is 01:12:01 They never mention their king. Well, you've been to the movies there, right? What happens? You have to stand up and do the thing for the king. For you go to a movie... You haven't mentioned a king. Well, you've been to the movies there, right? What happens? You have to stand up and... Stand up for the king. Stand up for the king. For like 10 minutes. And one Westerner, one idiot, refused to stand up and they just, of course, what happened
Starting point is 01:12:13 would happen. You know? Like, I don't know what happened exactly. I just know he was taken away, basically. They beat his ass? Yeah. I mean, they're not... They're kind people, so I don't know if they beat his ass, but they would have fined him or arrested him.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Wow, just for not standing up at the movie theater for the king. I think you get arrested for talking back. It's their country. Fuck everybody who goes to – you know, like right now you go there and you go to these places, and the key with going overseas – and you've traveled quite a lot, of course. You've traveled like a lot. When you go to someone's
Starting point is 01:12:45 country you never go to the place where westerners hang out i don't want to see aussies i don't see thais that deal with aussies because the thais that deals with deal with aussies they get that red-eyed look and you know they get it's just a little bit like they're not they they become um jaded right so it's just like um you've got to go to that country and respect it you know if you go to thailand and you must it's an amazing place don't go to an area where thais have to deal with westerners because then you've got to deal with the thais that have to deal with the west yeah well that's i mean hawaii is a part of america um but that's the the argument that you always hear about hawaii is how they they hate Americans. But it's just because they're dealing with douchebags all the time.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I mean, imagine the fucking idiots that you have to deal with that are always on vacation coming from all parts of the world. And they're all drunk. And they're all entitled because they're spending so much money to get over there. They act like you should give a fuck about them. I've met people that are Hawaiians in Hawaii that are some of the nicest, kindest, coolest, sweetest people you could ever meet. But then you'll talk to people, oh, Hawaiians hate Americans. Maybe some, maybe for a fucking good reason.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Maybe they have to deal with dickheads. Thais hate Israelis. Really? And Israelis, it's a lovely place. Never been to Israel. Imagine Copacabana without crime really it's pretty much what it is Tel Aviv beautiful place no crime no crime I mean everyone's got the you got girls 18 year old girls machine guns on their back you know at McDonald's off-duty you know but Wow that's an underrated traveling place but
Starting point is 01:14:20 everyone's so scared of the bombs and all that's right don't worry about it we do that you know the point is they hate Israelis in Thailand. So we'd go buy a motorbike, which anyone can have. Any girl, Aussie girl who gets off the plane can hire a motorbike, never driven one before. And we go hire one and they say, oh, no, sorry, we can't lend you. And we say, oh, no, we're Australian. They go, oh, okay, we thought you were Israeli. So what the reason is, Israelis are nice people.
Starting point is 01:14:43 It's not that. It's just that the ones that go to Thailand are fresh out of the army. So they're crazy. They're just straight out of the army. They've seen all this bad stuff. And they go to Thailand and they just smoke weed and just go crazy. They just go crazy, basically. Mushrooms and everything.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Disrespectful towards the Thais. Alcohol. Fights, whatever. Loud. Because they feel entitled after the army. but, you know, the ties don't like them. Right. But if you go there, they're nice people. Australians aren't far off at the moment.
Starting point is 01:15:12 The young traveling Australians. The Russians aren't doing so good. So now the Russians have, like, there's a lot of Russians in Koh Samui and the islands in the past two years, I've noticed, especially working for the rescue team, I'm attending more and more Russian, I may as well speak Russian, more and more Russian accidents. And, um, cause our last name is Latvian or Russian really. We thought it was, we thought it was Russian until about a month ago. We found it was Latvian. So we're going to change our haircuts and everything.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Um, basically a picture of a crew cut. Yeah. But now, you know know when I went to hotels and I can speak Thai so for me it's like I can get around it they see my last name Reznikov
Starting point is 01:15:50 and they're like no no no we're full I'm like are you out of your mind there's like 300 rooms there's rooms open
Starting point is 01:15:56 I can see them and you speak to them and they're cool once they realise you're Australian well yeah but if I spoke Thai they kind of
Starting point is 01:16:03 really take you in oh do you speak thai um that's a bit rusty he's very he does he's bloody shy that's every time i said dylan order for us and speaks in thai no no no yeah my team didn't speak english at all no one in my rescue team so sometimes there's misinterpretations about you know i i didn't interpret things properly when they speak to me in thai they'll be like go over there and you know like i'll drive to like the other side of the island if I was driving the ambulance. And, you know, some, yeah, not so funny things.
Starting point is 01:16:31 But the one thing about Thailand people don't know is that before the tsunami, you couldn't buy property there or businesses unless you were under a Thai name. So you'd marry a Thai woman or a Thai man. Right. Which is great. I think that's a good thing. The Thailand should be owned by Thais. But after the tsunami, they allowed foreign investment. So if you go to Koh Phi Phi, which is where the beach was filmed,
Starting point is 01:16:54 that's where he did his rescue stuff, it's not recognizable anymore. So anybody can buy a business and property there now. That wasn't like that before the tsunami. It changed a lot because of that? I mean, before that, you've got people who have to go roundabout in circles to set up businesses and brothels and strip bars and stuff like that, you know. Now, just give them money, you can do whatever you want. Dude, there's Russian strip clubs in the middle of the main.
Starting point is 01:17:16 With white people. Yeah, with Russian strippers in the middle of like clubbing areas. Yeah. Really? It's crazy. Yeah. I mean, look, you've got to go. It's an amazing place and the people are amazing.
Starting point is 01:17:24 That small part, you know, of Thailand, like there's still a lot of untouched areas. Especially up north. It's crazy. I mean, look, you've got to go. It's an amazing place, and the people are amazing. That small part of Thailand, there's still a lot of untouched areas. Especially up north. It's amazing. Do you think that it's going to change irrevocably because of this, though? Because of allowing Westerners to buy businesses there? Is that going to fuck everything up? Look, I know a lot of expats that live there. A lot of South African expats as well.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's a big expat community. And it's nice there. expats as well. It was a big expat community. And it's nice there. But like anywhere, like my brother said, there's bad areas, like specific bad areas. Out of a whole island, it's only a small area. So now I
Starting point is 01:17:53 don't really go back there anymore. It's not exactly bad. It's just young people getting drunk in great restaurants. It's like spring break all the time. Basically. When was the last time you went to spring break? It's been a long time. I'm, basically When was the last time you went to spring break? It's been a long time I'm not really into it Even when I was on spring break in college
Starting point is 01:18:09 I wasn't really into it We dream about that stuff Too many people throwing beads at you Great place to get stabbed Is it? Too crazy Is it worth going? Well, I think whenever you give someone the opportunity
Starting point is 01:18:17 Like, this is the time It's New Year's Eve Let's go crazy Like, people go crazy on their own You don't need to give them a fucking day Where they're allowed to go crazy like a full moon party in Thailand yeah the half moon party the quarter moon party I need more days to go nuts well this a lot of clubs do New Year's Eve nights they do can't stand up comedy shows for the longest time I avoided those just because they I got tired of
Starting point is 01:18:41 the drunken crowds on New Year's they They're so crazy. It just wasn't worth doing. But, you know. Tell him where we spent New Year's this year. Where did we spend? I can't remember. We got up to the fog. Oh, we went hunting, yeah. You have to tell me.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Well, bloody, here's something for you. Every time we speak to an American or Canadian, we spoke to these two guys at the UFC, Antonio Cavallo, a really nice guy, and his friend, Monkey, who's a really good, he doesn't use his real name. And they live up north in Canada and they hunt fucking bears and wolves
Starting point is 01:19:13 and with automatic rifles. In Australia, you can only get single shot. Yeah, bold action. And they're saying to me, I'm like, we're going to come next year
Starting point is 01:19:20 and you guys are going to take us hunting. This will be fun. And he says, he said, I said, why don't you come to Australia and hunt? He goes, you're out of your fucking mind. I'm not coming to Australia. I go, what do you mean? He goes, going to take us hunting. This will be fun. And he says, he said, I said, why don't you come to Australia and hunt? He goes, you're out of your fucking mind.
Starting point is 01:19:25 I'm not coming to Australia. I go, what do you mean? He goes, come to Australia and hunt. You guys got the most dangerous animals in the world. And I'm thinking like, you just said you hunt wolves and bears. We don't have shit that attacks us. The only thing that attacks us are pigs. Crocodiles.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Yeah, but the pigs attack us because we're chasing them. We're in New South Wales, so there's no crocodiles. Where are the crocodiles? They're up in northern territories and stuff. You've got to be careful you don't step in a puddle there. Really? There might be one hiding underwater. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:19:53 They're terrifying. Yeah, you can't see them where we are, though. But the thing is for us, the scariest creature you're going to see is a brown snake. Yeah. Which is deadly, but they don't want to be there. If you're hunting in bloody Canada there's bears and polar bears if you keep going up but bears and wolves
Starting point is 01:20:09 we don't have wolves we don't have anything that attacks us so the crocodiles they're limited to one part of the island but what about the water, the swim yeah but I mean you're talking about we're talking about like bush hunting like in a bush right
Starting point is 01:20:24 but swimming up on the top side of Australia you don't just have to worry about sharks. You have to worry about crocodiles. Crocodiles and sharks. In the beach. And what part is that? What is the- It's like Darwin area. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Way up north. Up above Queensland. Queensland sort of up above. There's not much up there. Have you guys seen that guy who claims to be Jesus in Queensland? He's become fairly famous on the internet there was an internet expose about him some uh i believe it was a british guy went to uh queensland and talked to this guy he's got a huge colony of people up there that
Starting point is 01:20:53 believe he's jesus really well he's got some woman with him that he uh says is mary so she's a whore well you know she's a reincarnated whore, sir I don't think her herself But apparently this guy's causing a stir up there And people are hoping he gets eaten by crocodiles He's got a good chance as long as there's a puddle around So is that bad? In terms of the puddles? I mean, look, there's probably crocodiles
Starting point is 01:21:20 Ponds, lakes, anything like that, right? Look at me, like a bear, you could probably run around a tree Like a black bear, I don't know I've never seen one We're looking forward to actually doing it Run around a tree? No, right? Look at me. Like a bear, you could probably run around a tree. Like a black bear. I don't know. I've never seen one. We're looking forward to actually doing it. Run around a tree. No, I'm saying as in like a black bear, you could probably shoot it or climb or something, right?
Starting point is 01:21:32 Not a brown bear. The smaller ones. You know how fast a black bear can get up a tree? I have no idea. We want to go next year. Black bears can literally get up a tree as fast as they can run. Ah, Jesus. They go like this.
Starting point is 01:21:42 They just go up the tree. You're not going to out-climb a black bear. Do you reckon a good black bear could strangle one? No. I don't think so. No. I don't think you could. You could shoot it.
Starting point is 01:21:51 I mean, most of them are scared of people because we usually have guns and bows and arrows and stuff. But black bears are tricky, man. I've never seen one. Yeah, we've never. They don't usually attack people. Black bears are much more likely to run away from people than attack people. People have died because of black bears.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Brown bears, on the other hand, are fucking terrifying. Yeah, I hear you, sir. Grizzlies are a totally different animal. What's that movie, Anthony Hopkins' one? With the bear that's bloody chasing him? Oh, yeah, I don't remember that. I don't remember the name of it. They're terrifying, though.
Starting point is 01:22:16 The polar bears are the most dangerous. Really? Yeah, because they're 100% carnivorous. The other ones are omnivores. Even grizzly bears are omnivores um mostly i'm sorry brown bears hunt a lot they'll they'll kill moose and they chase moose and chase them down and kill them they chase antelope or um rather a caribou and deer they'll eat fawns but they uh and they'll they definitely kill people they kill people every year
Starting point is 01:22:41 they kill people even in america every year That's brown bears. Brown bears. Brown bears and grizzlies, essentially the same bear. Black bears are smaller, but still very dangerous. But all those bears, they eat different things. They'll eat like roots and berries. But if a polar bear sees you,
Starting point is 01:22:56 they just go, oh shit, I could eat that. And then they just start coming at you. They all just want to eat. Anything that's moving is on the menu. But what about wolves? Do you think they're scarier than bears?
Starting point is 01:23:08 Wolves are scary as fuck because they act together together the scary thing about wolves is they act together they they haven't been there haven't been very many attacks on human beings but it's only because we figured out how to contain them and kill them there used to be a lot of them i mean all that big bad wolf all those stories the you know little red riding hood and all that stuff that all came about because at one point in time, before the wolf populations were put under control, especially back before they had really good weapons, wolves were a huge problem. During World War I, the Russians and the Germans had a ceasefire because in the forest, they were killing so many troops. The wolves, they ran into a super pack, and wolves, especially in the really cold climates, can
Starting point is 01:23:46 form super packs. There's also a principle of the further north you go, the larger the mammals are. That's why polar bears are the biggest bears and Kodiak bears. Because the further north you go, the more they have to maintain their body mass in order to keep heat. So you have enormous wolves.
Starting point is 01:24:02 And there were so many of them that they were killing so many Russian and German troops that they got together and they made a ceasefire. They said, we're going to just kill these wolves and then we'll go back to killing each other.
Starting point is 01:24:11 It's a famous incident. This guy, Monkey, was telling me, I was like, wolves, whatever, because we got dingoes
Starting point is 01:24:16 and dingoes are like, dingoes are kind of like crackheads if they kind of gang up and follow you, you know you're in trouble. When was the last time you saw a dingo? Well, my dad was jogging
Starting point is 01:24:26 once he saw one dingo and he kept jogging and then he saw two he kept jogging and then he saw on Fraser Island if you ever come to Australia you've got to go to Fraser Island
Starting point is 01:24:33 best place in Australia and bring some anti-dingo weapons well you just don't jog on your own bring red band how big are they they're like dogs
Starting point is 01:24:40 they're like dogs like 70 pounds 60 pounds they're kind of like you guys have got something similar in coyotes. Yeah, something similar to them there. They kill people every now and then. A woman died a couple years ago, a folk singer up in Canada. A bunch of coyotes killed her.
Starting point is 01:24:55 She was 19 years old, young kid. Apparently a talented singer too. But the wolves that they're starting to shoot now in North America are really fucking big. Jamie, pull up a picture of a big wolf that someone's killed. They kill these wolves and they take pictures of them after they shoot them. They put them in bear hugs and hold them up so you see how big they are. They're 150, 200 pounds. They're fucking huge.
Starting point is 01:25:17 I could never shoot a dog. You say that, but it's a fucking circle in you. I love humans, but I'd shoot one of them. Look at the size of that. That's one of them. That is insane. That's a perspective shot. The wolf's in front of you. I love humans, but I'd shoot one of those. Look at the size of that. That's one of them. That is insane. That's a perspective shot. The wolf's in front of you. It's hard to tell. Show one of the ones where a guy's picking up a wolf.
Starting point is 01:25:33 There's some of them where guys are holding up these wolves and you're like, that is fucking insane. It's bigger than a person. Look at the size of that fucking thing. They have a lot of them now in places like Idaho and Montana. They're starting to shoot them and put hunting seasons on them and put larger tag limits on them as well
Starting point is 01:25:55 because they want more people to kill wolves. That's a lion. They're big. That's big. There's another one. Look at the size of that. Australia, we've got the smallest. We've got the bloody little spider that kills you and a snake.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Well, a lot of these are reintroduced in North America. The thing is they were almost decimated in North America, so they brought in the Canadian wolves to repopulate. And then again, here's the issue. The further north you go, the colder the weather is, the larger the animals. And so you get in these larger wolves. I mean, they're the same species technically,
Starting point is 01:26:24 but it's just like white-tailed deer. White-tailed deer in Mexico tend to only be around 100 pounds, but when you get up to Alberta, white-tailed deer get to like 250, 300 pounds sometimes because it's much colder, and they need to have more body mass to keep their body heat up. It's pretty amazing stuff. Australia's pretty weak.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I mean, crocodile's probably the worst, I guess. No, no, no. The funniest thing was when we were in Vegas yesterday, Pretty amazing stuff. Australia's pretty weak. I mean, crocodile's probably the worst, I guess. No, no, no. The funniest thing was when we were in Vegas yesterday, I met up with a friend of a friend. I was like, you and your boyfriend got to come to Sydney sometime. Like, Sydney? And if I go there, it's just everything wants to kill me.
Starting point is 01:26:58 I've heard that like 10 times. It's the worst. Where does that come from? Everything's trying to kill me. We've got spiders, snakes. Yeah, but you're one of the only Americans who's been there. That's how you know. Well, here's the thing. And she's like, oh, man to kill. We've got spiders. Yeah, but you're one of the only Americans who's been there. That's how you know. Well, here's the thing. And she's like, oh man, I heard about those drop bears.
Starting point is 01:27:09 And I was like, are you serious? Don't give that away. You don't know about drop bears, do you? What's a drop bear? Drop bear is, it's a kind of an alternate species of koala bear. And they hang, you know koala bears? Yeah. And they hang out in trees and they drop on people's heads.
Starting point is 01:27:27 They don't know why, but for some reason, the way Americans talk, they, you get where we're going with this. They fucking hate Americans? They fucking hate Americans. The accent. There we go. It's basically like, well, yeah, that's the drop bear. That's the gray ones.
Starting point is 01:27:39 See if you can pull a black one off. Get the fuck out of here. Yeah. That's not real. It's a, yeah, no. That's real? A koala bear with giant fangs? Look out, black,
Starting point is 01:27:47 black drop bear. They only attack Americans. Australian black drop bear. They only attack Americans. Are you trying to keep Americans out of Australia? We may or may not be doing that. Are you guys fucking with us?
Starting point is 01:27:56 It's, uh, I'm not sure. Come on, are you fucking with us? I'm not sure. If we say anything, I'm sure when we get back to the, when we get back to the visa
Starting point is 01:28:04 section at our airport, they may take our passports. How is it possible that these koala bears... This shit is Photoshopped. Drop bears. This is bullshit. This is bullshit, isn't it? It's something about the pitch and the smell of the American pheromones. It's the mustaches.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Something about red meat. I smell bullshit. You're smelling the right thing. Okay. Why are you bullshitting people? They don't know any better. In Australia, it's just a thing. Every time you meet
Starting point is 01:28:28 an American, koala bears are the most harmless, bloody, useless thing. I've seen like three in my life. They make little chocolate treats. So these images with this fake teeth, it's fake. It's an Australian joke. But honestly, this girl yesterday was like... No, they're terrified. They're like, what about those drop bears?
Starting point is 01:28:43 I'm like, are you serious? Tell that bitch to go online. You'll find out in two seconds. The first thing when you Google drop bears is museum of hoaxes. Yeah. All we've got to worry about are pigs with short legs and pretty much... Pigs and kangaroos. Yeah, brown snakes.
Starting point is 01:29:02 Do you guys eat kangaroo here? You can get it. Yeah.? Um, you can get it. Yeah. I mean, you can get it. You can get it. Like there's exotic meat places where they'll sell. It's pretty common in Australia. There's a place that serves, you can buy lion meat.
Starting point is 01:29:15 You can buy lion. It's not going to be fresh. Yeah. It's all going to be frozen. All of it's going to be frozen. Yeah. But, uh, there's exotic meat companies. Like people are into like trying weird shit like zebra and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Yeah, I tried that. What is zebra like? I had a lot of the... We eat something called dry vos, which is like dried sausage and biltong. It's like your jerky. Made out of zebra. They've got everything there.
Starting point is 01:29:39 They do. Wow. Yeah, it's some really good stuff. Well, I know that there's these different places that you can go in Africa where you can shoot anything you want. And Louis Theroux had a whole special about it. It's really quite fascinating. Did you watch that? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:59 By the way, when you had that podcast, I was geeking out because when I hear that guy talk, I just want to hug him. He's just like such a charming fellow. He's very cool. Yeah. He's very interesting, too. I really enjoy talking to him. My mom loves him. If you listen to this, Louis, my mom, Mrs. Apter loves you.
Starting point is 01:30:14 I love you, mom. That's cool. Yeah, it was interesting having him on because somewhere along the line, I realized that he was sizing me up to figure out whether or not he could do a story on me. Louis would. Yeah. was sizing me up to figure out whether or not he could do a story on me like louisville yeah there was well i think he thinks that i'm starting a cult or something like that or he heard you heard it because he's like i've met all these people that tell me i have to go on the joe rogan podcast he's like they have this thing in their eye they look a little crazy he's like he's talking a cult like he had a like this conversation with me and i'm like no man no it's not if it's happening it's
Starting point is 01:30:43 not i'm not it's not me. We had a bunch of guys sign up to our academy. They're not there anymore, but they signed up and they said, yeah, we listened to the Joe Rogan podcast. He says we need to do jiu-jitsu, lift kettlebells and smoke weed. So these guys would, they bought kettlebells. These are IT nerds, like the dorkiest dudes you've ever seen, right? They bought the kettlebells.
Starting point is 01:31:03 I'm pretty sure they didn't take them out of the box. And after training every day, they go smoke weed in their car. And it was just absolutely what you prescribed in your cult. I'm not prescribing shit. I'm not running a cult. I just wanted to state that for the record. There is no cult.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Stop looking for a sign-up sheet on my website. It doesn't exist. But the thing I was going to say about, which is interesting about the internet, we were talking about this on the way here, is like in my gym, each person has their own kind of little... Okay, so for example, most guys listen to your show, right? That do martial arts. But they each tend to diversify.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Like one guy goes, yeah, no, I'm not into Joe Rogan anymore. I'm into Duncan Trussell. He's more kind of like my kind of tempo or vibe. All the kids have now chosen their- Their paths. Their paths. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:53 It's cool, though. It's a cool time for content because everything's free, too. Right. It used to be that if you wanted different stuff online, well, first of all, podcasts didn't exist just 10 years ago. You couldn't find them. And then second of all, to have different radio shows that you listen to
Starting point is 01:32:12 is very difficult to get a hold of. I have a bunch of Terrence McKenna recordings and Alan Watts and a few different interesting people, like a few Timothy Leary things that I've downloaded here and there from various websites. But you had to search for them. It was really really hard we used to have a little cd of you like and i remember i was saying the first time we heard your stuff was my friends in high school and this is like this is 53 this is 15 years ago or something smoking cigarettes and listening to
Starting point is 01:32:39 this crazy dude on uh on a cd talking about little athletes going to China and stuff. That was probably like your older stuff, right? Little athletes going to China? A little, you know, like the school teacher comes up to him and says... Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That was about the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Yeah, yeah. It was a little bit about... It wasn't about Chinese... It was about... Sorry, I messed it up. That's why you're the comedian. It was about someone going to the Olympics
Starting point is 01:33:02 and then having to go to high school after they win the gold medal in the Olympics and take math seriously. The teacher starts giving them shit about not doing their homework. Yeah. But the thing is that your stand-up, and probably back in the day like Bill Hicks and stuff, was kind of a dirty little secret that made me sound smarter at parties. You know?
Starting point is 01:33:20 And nowadays, everybody listens to podcasts. It's great which is great don't get me wrong i'm just saying as an um there's no dirty little secret anymore right well that's the thing that people love they love knowing things before it's cool yeah like and then oh i knew it before it's mainstream it's all bullshit now i don't even listen to rogan anymore he's all bullshit that's for fucking people that are just now getting into podcasts i am all about duncan trussell now that's what that's what his people that are just now getting into podcasts i am all about duncan trussell now that's what that's what his psychic ben does psychic ben's like oh i can't say ben's
Starting point is 01:33:50 name well you know what people will do that they'll do that and then they'll be like they'll ban and dunk in after a while and then they'll go to another guy and then but it's fine you know look i do that too i get in these streaks where i i'll get in a certain podcast and i'll listen to only hardcore history for like six months. And then I'll go with Radiolab. I'll listen to only Radiolab for three months. It's like you get annoyed at people too if you listen to them too much. Like I've heard people complain about me.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Oh, your podcast changed. I used to love it. Now it changed. No, it actually hasn't changed. It's exactly the same. It's just you listen to someone after a while, they become fucking annoying. That's why marriages break up That's why you don't hang out with the same fucking guy every day all day you get bored with people
Starting point is 01:34:31 Fucking people get annoying man. Everything gets annoying if you have I love cheeseburgers But if I had a fucking cheeseburger every dad want to shoot myself Every day after a while you'd be like Jesus Christ enough with the cheeseburgers and the quality of the death The guests has been slowly sinking, I see, as well. Because you guys are here? I had Eliza Schlesinger on before you, and she won last comic standing. Really? And she's hilarious. So how dare you?
Starting point is 01:34:54 Well, you know, I think one of the keys to the podcast is that I put people on that I would like to talk to. Genuine interest is the most important thing to me. And people say, oh, you need to have this kind of person or that or more science people or more whatever. I'm not interested.
Starting point is 01:35:11 What I'm interested in is what I'm interested in. I'm not interested in diversifying for anybody else's ideas. That way the thing that I talk about is always something that I'm genuinely fascinated with, and that's all I'm concerned with. You've been promoting a lot of people doing podcasts, as in like telling them to do their own podcast. Sure, yeah. I did that with Eliza earlier.
Starting point is 01:35:30 I think there's plenty of room. First of all, there's 7 fucking billion people on the planet, 300 million people in this country, and the idea that you should only want people to listen to your podcast is foolish. And from what I stated before, you're going to get bored of me. It's like there should be a lot of other shit you tune into there's plenty of room for everybody and podcasts also i think the better you get at something the more you do it and when i say the podcast is the
Starting point is 01:35:56 same as it's always been i don't necessarily know because i think i've probably changed as a human being i'm evolving at least i try to constantly working on myself. So I would hope that the podcast gets better, but along the way you kind of realize that there's, there's plenty for everybody, but I'm like that with everything, man. I'm like, I promote all my friends when it comes to standup comedy, when it comes to everything. I think that the idea of only promoting yourself or only pushing yourself, that's a famine mentality. And I think that mentality is a very dangerous mentality. It's foolhardy. It's stupid. And it promotes this sort of desperate sort of thinking, which I think goes against the very nature of progress itself. I think it's all about helping people out. It's all about promoting ideas that you find beneficial, promoting people that you enjoy their work or their ideas.
Starting point is 01:36:51 And I think that the more you do that, the better it is for you and the better it is for everybody. Can I ask you with regard to – like he's – and my friend and I are starting a podcast, right? What advice – he was writing a book originally. That was the original thing. But writing is not really his thing or mine really. Do you think a podcast is a good place to start? Fuck yeah. Stuff like that?
Starting point is 01:37:17 Yeah, absolutely. Just do it. It's not hard. I mean you don't need a setup like this where it's all so complicated with cameras and all that shit. All you need is an MP3. Yeah, you don't need a Predator or a lava lamp or a salt rock. All you need is an MP3 recorder and microphones.
Starting point is 01:37:30 It's super easy to do for a couple hundred bucks. You set it up. You put it on a table. You sit around with some chairs, and you talk, and you get better. You do it at first, and you listen to them, and you listen to input online. That's a big one. Listen to what people say. Oh, you talk over people too much or you interrupt too much.
Starting point is 01:37:47 And sometimes people do things along those lines. They don't even realize they're doing it. And you have to tell them. Or some people, they're not listening. They're just waiting for their turn to talk. There's a lot of that going on too. It's funny when you're saying that. I'm conscious of myself doing that.
Starting point is 01:38:01 In terms of I'm like, okay, hold on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, just hold back. Well, there's an art to conversation. And that's one of the things you find out about doing podcasts. You find out about the art of conversation. You find out about the art of when to talk, when not to talk, listening, actually interacting with people instead of just trying to say your things.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Like there's some people that are frustrating to do podcasts with because all they're trying to do is impress upon you how much they know and spout out facts and quote people and you're like jesus fucking christ did you even listen to what i said you just waited until i was done and then you spit out a bunch of quotes and shit that are not even related you know they're just they have this idea that they want to get out, and a lot of it is like trying to sound cool. It's a lot of ego. There's a lot involved that you find these parallels in just a normal conversation. I'm shocked sometimes when I talk to people about how bad people are at interrupting people, not listening to people when they're talking. So podcasting just makes you better at the art of conversation.
Starting point is 01:39:05 And the better you get at it, the less awkward a podcast is to listen to. So you just do it, man. Just do it. Start it. You'll get good at it. So that's the plan. And then hard, man.
Starting point is 01:39:16 You guys can do it. You hang in here easy. It's easy. You guys are smart. You're articulate. You're easy to talk to. You're down to earth. It's perfect for a podcast.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Set it up. That's what we're doing. Put a fucking MP3 recorder, a couple of microphones, bam, and you're off to the races. We did one on the Growing Down site, and we recorded it 20 times before we released it. Why? Because, look, we were sitting there with my friend who's a psychologist and Dylan and I were there. And we recorded about 20 before that. And it was just like, man, it just, listen to yourself.
Starting point is 01:39:52 And also on top of that, like, he was very concerned how people would see him as a professional because he's being open and speaking his mind. He's a really funny guy. Jonathan, the guy Jonathan Bach, he's a really funny guy, but he was a bit concerned. It took us about 20 times for him to stop playing a character, you know, like Dr. Cat slash Hannibal Lecter.
Starting point is 01:40:12 So, you know, like somewhere between the two. And he looks like Vince Vaughn. So he's having a hard time relaxing and being himself. Yeah. Well, that happens. That happens and that'll be taken care of in time. You just got to do it. Just do it after a while.
Starting point is 01:40:28 I mean, I have friends that suck at podcasting in the beginning, and now they're awesome at it. It just takes time. You figure out how to do it right. Some people, by the way, they fucking never get better. They'll podcast for hundreds of episodes, and they still say stupid shit and jump in the wrong time and fuck up the flow of the
Starting point is 01:40:46 conversation and make it all about them it's it's you're gonna have that too you're gonna have guests on that are disasters that you're never gonna have on again and you you recognize that like while you're talking to them like oh fuck i can never have this guy on again some people just not design some people are just not fucking interesting yeah you don't even know why like what what is it about one person's personality that makes them fascinating? I don't know. Is it honesty? Is it their curiosity?
Starting point is 01:41:11 What is it? I don't know. Everybody's got a different thing. Sometimes I was talking before about some people were talking about what, and meanwhile I've just talked over him for the whole podcast. I support him here. No, no, you didn't. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:41:24 No, you guys are all't. That's cool. No, you guys are all interacting. It's cool. But the thing was, like, sometimes it kind of feels like people aren't ready to hear some stuff, you know, like in terms of holding back, you know, and I wonder if that comes across as boring when you're trying to, you know what I mean? Like, we're talking about some of the stuff, some of your stories is like, maybe not for, I don't know. You know what I mean? Like, it might come across as not being willing to share. You know what I mean? Oh, I don't know. You know what I mean? Like it might come across as not being willing to share.
Starting point is 01:41:47 You know what I mean? Oh, I don't think so. You can't overthink things either. You got to just put it out and then listen to the feedback. Listen to it yourself. But sometimes it's hard to see yourself the way other people see you. You know, you have to. And then it's also, it's going to be hard listening to the feedback
Starting point is 01:42:03 because a bunch of people are going to write Z, Z, Z, Z, Z. Fuck it. Boring. Kill yourself. I mean, it's going to be hard listening to the feedback because a bunch of people are going to write Z, Z, Z, Z, Z, fucking boring, kill yourself. I mean, it's going to be a lot of that. You're going to have to deal with that. Your own parents? No. You're going to have to deal with that. But listen, I would think that just your stories about Thailand, I mean, just the story that you were telling me about
Starting point is 01:42:20 those, dealing with those bodies, just that alone, like, holy shit. What were you telling me? You were telling me today something about the eating. I remember you were talking about, I haven't heard any of this stuff. Yeah, I mean, the stories, a lot of them are, you know, I think funny to me, like being of a Jewish background, for example, I never ate pork. It was just what we didn't, I know it's a part of my religion, but like.
Starting point is 01:42:41 No, I can't stop you. I fucking love pork. Yeah, you know, we were transporting bodies off on one boat and we'd sit in the middle I know it's a part of my religion, but like. No, I can't stop you. I fucking love pork. Yeah. And, you know, we'll transport him bodies off on one boat and we'll sit in the middle making sure no bodies jumped off the side or fell off the side. And then we'll transport food back onto the island without cleaning anything. Oh my God. And then they'll prepare food there.
Starting point is 01:42:58 There'll be flies and it was pretty bad. Holy shit. And then I was starving. I was like, man, we're going to eat. We were vomiting a lot just from the smells and stuff. I was like, you know,
Starting point is 01:43:07 let's, you know, I need some food, man. I've got to eat now. So I went over there. I'm like, what is this packet?
Starting point is 01:43:13 There's just like flies everywhere. I'm like, no, fuck that. I'm not eating that. And then I said, no, I've got to eat something.
Starting point is 01:43:18 So I had, it's just a little packet and I ate it. I was like, this stuff is frigging awesome. So I said to the Thai person, I'm like, like, near I, like, what is this? And like, oh, ni mu. So I'm thinking mu, like it must be a cow. So I'm eating this stuff and I got so addicted to it that I got them to write it down in English and Thai for me. And then when I went to back to the
Starting point is 01:43:41 mainland and for many, many trips after, I kept ordering the same dish. I loved it. And my friend turns around and he goes, dude, since when do you eat pork? I'm like, it's not pork. It's moo. It's cow. Like moo. Like cow.
Starting point is 01:43:53 I think his tires probably looked at me like, oh, this white guy. And I was like, oh, you know, they're just making the sound of the animal. Moo actually translates to pork. So I've been eating pork for like 10 years. I didn't even know it was pork. And it was just so much miscommunication and translation problems and there's lots of little things
Starting point is 01:44:08 so you still thought that you were adhering to your religious principles look I probably would have ate it anyway like you know we eat prawns and stuff but it was so good man I've never given it up I love it yeah prawns are against the religion as well
Starting point is 01:44:22 a lot of people don't know shellfish right you're not supposed to eat shellfish. But Jews love the unlimited shrimp buffet, so. Yeah, pretty much. It's true. That's hilarious that shrimp gets a pass, but pork, cloven hoof. Have you ever had wild pork?
Starting point is 01:44:36 We hunted it but never eaten it. You can't eat it in Australia. Why not? The worms. A lot of worms. They're pretty gross. So they take the babies. They capture the babies and they deworm them and send them to they're pretty gross so they take the babies they capture the babies
Starting point is 01:44:45 and they deworm them and send them to Germany yeah because they love the boars I didn't know boars were pigs for the first when I watched Asterix and Obelix
Starting point is 01:44:54 I was like boars I didn't know boars were pigs they were like this mythical creature well it's apparently it's all the same species I had a guy
Starting point is 01:45:02 there's a guy that I hunt with that's been on the podcast his name's steve ranella you ever listen to your book yeah yeah great book but he he said it's all they're all from the the genus sous graffa they're all the same thing it's that a wild pig can breed with a domestic pig that's or they're all pigs there's a thing about pigs it happens too when you take a domestic pig and they get loose in the wild, within three weeks, their body starts to change. They metamorphosize. Their hair gets longer and thicker and bushier. Their tusks grow. Their nose grows. Really fascinating stuff.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Did you get that fact from him? You've been telling me that for like a year? I've been telling him. I mean, that's what I said. He used to make me sound smarter at parties. Now everyone listens to your show. Now I know where you're really getting from. I'm like, fuck, man. You told me that a couple weeks back. I can't get away with anything anymore. They morph. It's really fascinating.
Starting point is 01:45:50 They look physically different than the pigs that you have in domestic stables. They change their appearance. Their nose grows longer. It's really weird. They get tusks and stuff, right? Yeah, and that's a domestic pig. They start to look like moors. You guys have a problem with it here as well, huh?
Starting point is 01:46:04 Huge, huge problem. Huge problem. American hoggers. Yeah, there's no tag domestic pig. They start to look like boars. You guys have a problem with it here as well, huh? Oh, huge, huge problem. Huge problem. American hoggers. Yeah, there's no tag limits on them in California. You could shoot as many as you want, man. You could go shoot pigs all day. I can't do it, man, but he likes it. You can't shoot pigs?
Starting point is 01:46:15 No, I just can't. In Australia, you don't shoot pigs. You dog hunt them. Oh, and then you stab them. I can't do that. But we've got, depends where you are in New South Wales, but you can kill pigs and kangaroos if they're destroying the land. But you've got to understand like Skippy.
Starting point is 01:46:31 Did you ever watch Skippy back in the day? The bush kangaroo? Skippy the bush kangaroo. He was kind of like Mr. Ed. He's like the Australian Mr. Ed. He didn't talk, but he was kind of that character. Like, you know, he's a good guy. He was pretty much like
Starting point is 01:46:45 captain america about as interesting like he's the like he was basically like a hero that didn't really do anything say anything too interesting or you like captain america don't you yeah i do i find him dull but anyway anyway so skip anyway is there skippy so skippy that's skippy so it's like lassie it'd be, man. Skippy would come on. Oh, it's Skippy. Can I tell you something you haven't seen? Something very Australian. So when we go hunting and the farmers want to kill the kangaroos,
Starting point is 01:47:12 it's really hard for us because it's like... Because it's Skippy? It's Skippy. We grew up with Skippy. We grew up with Skippy. There's some kangaroos that are bigger, right? Is it red ones or the gray ones? Red ones are bigger.
Starting point is 01:47:22 The red ones are scary, yeah. How big do they get? I saw one at the zoo, Taronga Zoo in Sydney, which, by the way, if you ever go, did you go to Taronga Zoo? Yeah. That place is wicked. These kangaroos, I haven't seen kangaroos in the wild this big. They were massive.
Starting point is 01:47:35 The ones we see are small ones. If you hit one, like a kangaroo, people talk about kangaroos like, oh, they're so cute and this and that. And they are cute. They taste really good as well. But they're on the roads everywhere. And one, it wasn't even longer. It was like two, three months ago.
Starting point is 01:47:54 You're reading the newspaper. A kangaroo went, because they jump in front of you like deer. Right. They jump a lot higher. And they look at the headlights like, Oh, what's this? And then, boom, you hit them. But what happens is, um, they, it went through because the way they're built, like, you know, deer, like it hits, it rolls over the car.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Whereas this kangaroo went through. The windshield. The very bottom. Yeah, front to back and killed the kid in the back. Oh God. So like, you know, we, we, you see them everywhere on the road wombats and kangaroos out about a year ago one tried to jump through the window while we were driving we we don't personally hunt kangaroos but it's you can do it in a certain area there's just too many of them
Starting point is 01:48:36 it gets boring but the one thing i was going to say i don't know americans probably haven't seen this and it's it there's a there was a bit of a legal thing going on in australia but it just reminded me of skippy there's a show um called home and going on in Australia, but it just reminded me of Skippy. There's a show called Home and Away. You've seen Home and Away? Mm-hmm. It's very popular in England. I've heard of it.
Starting point is 01:48:51 I've never seen it, but I've heard of it. It's like a 90210-ish thing anyway. Right. There's this very wholesome character called Alf. Have you seen this? You can swear on your podcast and stuff. Okay. Are you serious?
Starting point is 01:49:01 I'm just swearing all fucking day. Yeah, it's true, but it's just second nature. But if you can get Jamie to load up. Alf. Not Alf like the alien. No, no, no. That guy was creepy though. Yeah, no. Alf is like a wholesome sort of fatherly character on a small town show that everyone likes, right?
Starting point is 01:49:17 And what kind of animal is he? He's not an animal, but he is in this one we're going to show you. So there was this whole thing in Australia. What happened was he- give Jamie the name of it so he can go find it okay look up Alf Mr. Doodle Burger so basically what happened was
Starting point is 01:49:31 a guy a guy took all existing home and away stuff and he dubbed over it and made Alf into this character who's basically like
Starting point is 01:49:39 a serial killer slash murder rapist that loves like Colombian like little Colombian boys. And now it's been quoted all over, but it ended up on the news because they tried to sue the guy.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Yeah, that's kind of a douchey thing to do. It is. Poor Alf. But it is hilarious. And we have to show you. Because Americans don't know what we're talking about. We don't have Hollywood. You know, we don't have Hollywood.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Okay, this is one of them. That's Alf. What's the music. Oh, okay. This is one of them. That's Alf. What's the music? Oh, where's the sound? Are you playing music for something else? No, that's it. It's just not the show. Okay, just a video.
Starting point is 01:50:15 Well, America, we don't really have too many of those videos available, probably. Try look up Alf Awards. Is this really important? You have to see it because it's a very Australian thing. ALF awards? Award ceremony. And it caused a lot of problems in Australia, a lot of controversy. And basically, your average Australian quotes it all the time.
Starting point is 01:50:34 But Americans have no idea. They quote this video? This video. Because it's so ridiculous? It's so ridiculous. Wow. I'm trying to judge whether you've got the patience for it right now. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:50:44 But you do have to see it. Look up Alph. So you could never kill a kangaroo. Basically, you never kill a kangaroo because it's creepy. No, but the guys we go with do, and they eat it and stuff like that. Is this it? This is it. Can we put the volume?
Starting point is 01:50:57 Oh, wait, is this it? I'll tell you now. This is it. This might be the real thing. It might be the real thing, which instead of the real thing. It might be the real thing, which instead of the fake thing. I've had the opportunity over many years to send many gold logos. No, I don't think this is it. Okay, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Forget it. I'll Twitter it to you guys and you can check it out because it's outrageous. So you couldn't do the pig hunting thing because of the way they do it, where they stick dogs on them and stab it. Look, they stick dogs and they stab it. That's because of the way they do it, where they stick dogs on them and then stab it. Look, they stick dogs and they stab it. That's a real common way to do it. The country boys are a bit desensitized to it, and they're real nice dudes as well.
Starting point is 01:51:32 They're nice guys. I don't feel like that's hunting. That's a weird way to do it, holding it down with a dog and then stabbing it in the neck. It's still dangerous, though. It sure is, but why don't they shoot them? With the terrain, it's quite hard to find dogs so a lot of the dogs there's different types why are they using dogs so they normally sniff them out and get them running uh-huh but with the dog you don't want to use
Starting point is 01:51:57 the gun in case you shoot the dog so is it just such a dense terrain that you can't find them any other way it's yeah generally i mean mean, look, I was against it. And then I went to the farms. I was hanging out with the guys. And they, you know, like anything, they've got their own logic. And it makes sense. Their own rationale. And the rationale is, look, it cost us $100,000 last year.
Starting point is 01:52:19 And, you know, it's basically like, look, we're growing food for people. And they're destroying it. So, therefore, we kill them. Well, they're very different than any other animal, and they're also very smart, and they breed all year round. They have many litters of many pigs all year round. It's just they have a huge problem with it in America, especially in Texas. Texas is so bad that they've allowed them to start shooting them out of helicopters with machine guns. Have you seen that?
Starting point is 01:52:43 I haven't. Want to see something fucked up? Pull up Pigman and Ted Nugent. It's a porkalypse now. A porkalypse now? Yeah. They get on a fucking helicopter and they fly over these...
Starting point is 01:52:55 Well, these places are literally infested with pigs. They have so many pigs in these farms and they destroy millions of dollars worth of crops every year. There's at least 5 million pigs in these farms and they destroy millions of dollars worth of crops every year. There's at least 5 million pigs in Texas. You've also got that show with those hot chicks and the fake boobs running around catching pigs.
Starting point is 01:53:14 $1.5 billion in damage per year. $1.5 billion? Yeah, $1.5 billion. I mean, that's incredible. See, that's the thing. Americans get these machine guns. We've got bolt actions. See that guy?
Starting point is 01:53:28 That's Pig Man. Pig Man has a show where he just shoots pigs all year round. That's Ted Nugent. He's an American patriot. Yeah, I've been hearing you talking about it. Can I ask you, do you think someone can do this and be well-balanced? Like as a person? Mentally, you mean?
Starting point is 01:53:43 What? No, I'm not talking about just hunting. I mean as in hardcore animal slaughter. Well, it depends on what you're doing it for. I mean, what these people are doing with this Apocalypse Now video where they're shooting them out of helicopters, they actually have to eradicate these pigs
Starting point is 01:54:04 from these farms. they're growing in population at a staggering rate and they can't control them they they have no other options other than hiring hunters so they have companies that they hire to have people come in and uh and shoot these pigs they bring people on and they give the meat to families. Oh, so it's not just thrown in the... No, no, no, no, no. The hunters for the hungry. Look, it's delicious. The meat is fantastic.
Starting point is 01:54:30 I shot a wild pig a few months back and I made a ham recently. I brined this ham for six days and then smoked it for a day. It's delicious. I mean, it was so good. I'm going to do it again in a couple of weeks. I have another ham and a couple of shoulders. You guys do meat much better than us. It's delicious.
Starting point is 01:54:46 We do barbecue well, but you guys are – I went to Kansas and – Oh, Kansas barbecue is legit. Kansas City? Yeah. Woo. After – what's the one – they've got that popular – I don't know the name of it. There's a bunch of really good Kansas City barbecue spots.
Starting point is 01:55:04 I've never heard of Burnt Ends before. Oh, yeah, man. You guys have got a deep culture of food here. Aussies are a bit simple like that, steak on the barbecue. Texas is no joke, too. You want to get some barbecued pig in Texas. This pig man guy, pig man, has a show now called Boss Hog. He just likes barbecues.
Starting point is 01:55:21 And it's all about his – he has a barbecue place. And he shoots the pigs and then brings them to the barbecue place and they serve these wild pigs that they barbecue. Sounds awesome. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:55:32 It's so healthy for you too. Really? Yeah, they're much healthier animals. What pork is? They're wild pigs because it's a dark meat. They had this campaign
Starting point is 01:55:41 in America called Pork the Other White Meat and they would show like pork as white meat. That's unhealthy pork. If the pork is white, it's anemic. It's like veal. Wild pork is dark.
Starting point is 01:55:53 It's like a deeper, redder color. Have you had it? I haven't had it. It's really good. You haven't had it? You have to make sure you cook it all the way through because of trichinosis. Ah, right. Because trichinosis comes from animals eating other animals that have trichinosis so these animals could possibly get it from like
Starting point is 01:56:09 rats or rabbits or you know anything else they eat they eat a lot of uh deer babies they ground eggs like ground laying uh birds they eat we've caught one eating each other oh yeah they'll eat anything they're animals pigs? They're animals. Pigs, they're smart as shit, too. They see you coming. They see you. They hear you. They smell you.
Starting point is 01:56:30 They fucking bolt. We saw one of the farmers. There was a whole family. And he went to shoot at them. And the two adult pigs ran one direction. And the kids ran in a line up and escaped. And obviously, they don't talk to each other on the planet. But it was brilliant.
Starting point is 01:56:46 That's funny. Yeah. It looked almost planned. Well, they're smart as dogs. They're smart. You know, they're tricky animals. And delicious. And delicious.
Starting point is 01:56:56 See, we're smart Australians. We kill them and then we shit them off to Germany. The only people smart enough to eat them. Do tigers eat pork much? I don't even know. I didn't know about the worm thing that you guys have. Yeah, there's a lot of worms in the kangaroos as well. Really? Ticks as well.
Starting point is 01:57:07 The kangaroo's cheap meat for us, you know. What does it taste like? It's very gamey. You've got to know how to cook it properly. Yeah. What's it like? But it's... It's not the nicest meat, but it's 99% fat free, apparently.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Oh, I'm sure. Probably very lean. All the... Strong. All the lifters, it's promoted to them. Really? Kangaroo meat. Yeah, it's low fat.
Starting point is 01:57:29 I worry because basically they kill it and then refrigerate it. It's not... Fresh. Well, they kill it and then put it in the thing, but it's not like bread. You know what I mean? It's like some hunter on a farm killing it, chucking it. I don't really know what the process is. It's not bread. What do you mean it's it's like you know it's some farm it's some hunter on a farm killing it chucking i don't really know what the process is of it's not bread what do you mean no i mean like as in there's no farms with kangaroos where they kill you know give it health
Starting point is 01:57:52 checks and then kill it and then produce it i'm not saying that's better or worse i just mean as in you know it shows up in your woolworths what do you guys have um not walmart's you guys have like metro or it's like our local supermarket. Local supermarket. We've got Woolworths. I don't know what you guys have. But I kind of think like, you know, how well is this? Do they have a Department of Agriculture or anything like that? I'm sure they do, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:14 And do they check them, inspect them? I'm sure they do. You couldn't sell it. Yeah. My friend's a professional, Terry, who we go to the farm slot. He's got a little tie box in gym out there. And we go there for a couple of years. And he was a professional hunter for a long time.
Starting point is 01:58:28 And he's like, And bull rider. Yeah, and bull rider. That's who got me into it. And he turned around and was like, man, I've never eaten kangaroo. Like I've been shooting these things
Starting point is 01:58:35 since I was a kid. He said, man, if you saw what was in them, like, and how we did it, you probably wouldn't eat it. Now,
Starting point is 01:58:42 that's only one person. What was in them? In what way? A lot of them had worms, but it might just be that. They checked the intestines. Yeah, might just be that area. I don't know how we got on this topic so much, but it's a good topic. Pigs, worms, I don't know where we started.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Well, there was kangaroos. The thing is, funny enough, I was saying to Dylan, when we went out to the farm, you know, I'm very conscious of my diet. I'm sure you guys are too, you know. We went out to the farm. The farm boys, they tend to not really think about diet. I'm sure you guys are too, you know. We went out to the farm, the farm boys, they tend to not really think about diet. So they'll eat red meat sometimes and a Red Bull and that's all they'll eat for three days. They don't eat vegetables. I mean, they do obviously sit down and have a meal here and there, you know, but we went out there and Dylan and I were sitting there
Starting point is 01:59:18 and we bought our supplies in our little bag and, you know, we had our snacks and all this and that and we were eating all the time, eating all the time. Right. And the boys didn't really eat much. And after a while we realized we were eating because we're anxious. We're not used to having nothing to do. And we'd just automatically pull out a bar and just start eating it, you know? And, um, after a while, we just started doing what the boys did. And I started thinking, man, I'm going to get sick. I'm going to feel gross. I'm feeling unhealthy. But after a couple of days, I started to realize, like, I think we put a bit too much emphasis on, um, what we eat because we ate red meat straight for four days almost. And we had a little bit of this and that. And because we weren't eating a
Starting point is 01:59:59 lot of it, we actually felt quite healthy. Like as in our body adapted to kind of just doing what we were doing. I was really concerned. I was like, like man i'm gonna feel queasy i'm gonna get constant you know like all that sort of stuff but when you're out there and you're doing and you're just eating it it seems like maybe we overemphasize veggies well certainly no i don't think so it's certainly not a balanced diet i mean you could get away with it for a few days but if you took that on for several months you'd probably see some nutritional deficiencies. The funniest thing was like, first I brought my brother up there
Starting point is 02:00:28 and I've got like, you know, my jacket on. I've got like ammunition. I've got my nice survival kit, bandages for snakes. And I'm like pulling it out to check. I've got everything, my torches. Liam pulls out a sandwich bag with salad. And he's sitting there snacking on salad. I can't eat without salad. We're trying to impress the farm boys, man. You bring out a salad bag with salad. And he's sitting there snacking on salad. Because, man, I can't eat without salad.
Starting point is 02:00:45 We're trying to impress the farm boys, man. You bring out a salad. I bought my own vegetables because I was like, I can't eat meat without vegetables. You know, crocodile. I had my little bag of salad and my cucumber. That's hilarious. How long did that stuff stay good for?
Starting point is 02:00:57 Oh, we had a call for like three days or something. Oh, okay. But anyway, it was just one of those things where their diet, my body just adapted to whatever it had to do, you know? That's interesting, okay. But anyway, it was just one of those things where their diet, my body just adapted to whatever it had to do, you know? That's interesting, man. I would think that after a while, your body would go dickhead. You need a fucking salad or two. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:12 Well, I'm only talking three days. I'm talking about three days, four days. Yeah, you'd be fine. Three or four days, you'd be fine. I felt good, actually, weirdly. Really? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:01:20 But I was eating a lot less than I normally would in the city. Like, I'd eat little pieces of meat. They'd kill them, them barbecue and eat it. What kind of meat was it again? It was rabbit, deer. It was rabbit, deer. So you're just getting really healthy wild game. Man, rabbit is out of control.
Starting point is 02:01:32 Rabbit's beautiful. There's so much vitamins and so much nutrition in wild game too because they're eating wild grasses and wild plants that are just filled with natural nutrients. Rabbit's actually one of the best things I've ever eaten. I was a bit disappointed by deer. Really? Deer heart was good, man.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Deer heart was good, yeah. How were you disappointed with deer? Look, you've got to understand, we didn't hang it properly and all that sort of thing. But our deers aren't like your guys' deers. Our deers are weak-ass deers, you know what I mean? Australia's animals are a little bit weak, I think. They're not really meaty. They're not really meaty sort of animals.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Anyway, that's just my opinion. That's interesting. Some farmer's going to punch me. Yeah, you don't know shit about deer. But it's not common to get deer, man. We were in Canada and there was deer on the side of the road. Dead? No, walking.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Oh, walking. Oh, yeah, you can get that all over the place. Well, certain places like in Pennsylvania, there's certain parts of Pennsylvania where they change their deer hunting season to all year round. Really? They just let people shoot them
Starting point is 02:02:30 because they're fucking everywhere. And they have a bow season all year round, and they do it in these areas that are suburban areas. There was a show on it, one of these hunting shows. Suburban areas. Yup, these guys set up, I mean, there's these estates, these beautiful homes that have these giant pieces of property, like 20, 30 acres. And they had fucking so many deer hitting cars, or cars hitting deer, rather.
Starting point is 02:02:53 Deers eating people's lawns and all kinds of shit, eating their gardens, rather, eating their roses. They brought in these hunters to set up tree stands in these suburban neighborhoods. That's crazy. They're our equivalent as a kangaroo. Awesome for us because we love to find deer and shoot. We never find deer. It's pretty hard to find. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:11 People think we're nuts. That's a funny thing. He's the biggest animal lover you've ever met. He's got this big dog, Ralphie. He loves dogs, works for dog charities and animal charities, and then he goes hunting. Yeah. Well, people have a hard time with the idea of cruelty,
Starting point is 02:03:23 and rightfully so. I mean, I think people are scared that people or the idea of cruelty, and rightfully so. I mean, I think people are scared that people or hunters are evil people that want to kill animals. But the reality is if you're wearing leather, you're killing animals. You might not do it with your own hand, but you're doing it. You're sitting in a chair right now that's covered in murdered animal skins. Yeah. I've had vegans sit in those very chairs that you're sitting in. You rest their butt on murdered cows.
Starting point is 02:03:45 You know, the shoes you wear, the belt you wear. And then on top of that, if you buy organic vegetables and you think you're away from killing, they fucking run machines over those vegetables to collect them. And they're chopping up a lot of rabbits, a lot of mice. More animals are killed per pound of vegetables that are killed per pound of meat. What is it about vegans that we just love pissing off or teasing? There's something about them. Well, they're self-righteous.
Starting point is 02:04:13 And there's also this moral high ground that they like to take. Not all of them. Some of them are super cool. I've met a lot of really cool vegans, but some of them are really fucking annoying. And they want to tell you that they're better than you because they're vegan. And they're proselytizing, too. They're always trying to get other people to be vegan. And just by the way, the straight vegan diet,
Starting point is 02:04:32 not that healthy. Omnivore's diet is a better diet. And Omnivore's also, you can eat shit like eggs that have no animal cruelty attached to them whatsoever. I have organic eggs because I have chickens that are pets. I pick my chickens up. You get your own ones. Yeah, I have 14 chickens because I have chickens that are pets. I pick my chickens up. You get your own ones. Yeah, I have 14 chickens.
Starting point is 02:04:47 I can pick them up and hold them, and they give me eggs every day. That's my wife's dream. That's what he wants to do. That's my wife's dream. It's great, and there's no cruelty involved at all. I mean, they lay eggs every day. Yeah. I mean, there's no potential whatsoever of that egg ever becoming a chicken.
Starting point is 02:05:02 The only way that egg can become a chicken is if you have a rooster. So we only have hens. So the hens hang out. They have a good time. They have a big yard to run around in and they eat bugs and worms and everything they find and grass as well. And then also we give them chicken food. That's a healthy chicken food. Do you eat the actual chickens ever? No. You wouldn't kill one in eight? I would. Yeah. I almost killed one of them. One of them pecked my daughter in the face, and I came real close. My wife was like, that little bitch, she did it again.
Starting point is 02:05:27 And I was like, all right, let's do it. I was ready. I was just trying to figure out how to do it. I was going online, and it was almost like the chicken figured out that we were going to fuck it up, and it completely backed off of all of its aggressive behavior. It's like it totally felt the vibe. It was really weird, man. It's like I was seconds away. I bought an axe. I was ready to rock and roll. I was completely ready to to cook this chicken up
Starting point is 02:05:50 I'd love I've never eaten a fresh chicken like that. I Well, I was assumed that it's a lot like other things that you are organic and fresh They just taste better the eggs taste way better when you eat organic fresh eggs They just they're the first of all, the yolk is very dark. It's a dark orange. It's just healthier. It's very healthy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:12 I ate seven of them this morning. You ate seven eggs? Yeah. I eat six, seven eggs a day. Yeah. I eat them all the time. You know, the funny thing is we were forced vegetarians for the first 10 years of our life.
Starting point is 02:06:22 That's why we looked like hobbits. Your family wanted you to be? My dad was big into karate and, you know, like the karate guys, they have this kind of like, they follow different, you know, like they catch on to a certain philosophy and his whole thing made sense. It was just about hormones. What was the philosophy? No, look, he just, you know, he thought, he read all these books and there was no internet
Starting point is 02:06:40 back then. And, you know, he had this idea that there were too many hormones in the meat, which is right. You've been to Brazil. Have you ever seen a chicken breast in Brazil? Yeah. It's about the size of this table, you know. And you see all these homeless dudes walking around. They look like they're bodybuilders.
Starting point is 02:06:55 Well, you know what's interesting? There's a misconception about chicken breasts. And it really is not that they pump them up with hormones. Really? Cattle is what they use hormones on. But chickens, it's just breeding. They've just bred larger-breasted chickens until they only genetically select the larger-breasted chickens and to the point where these chickens, they're so large-breasted that they can't fly.
Starting point is 02:07:18 Chickens can fly. They don't fly for very long, but they can fly for short distances. Like my chickens, they have roosts, and they can jump up to the roosts. They flop, flop, flop, flop, flop, and they flop up to the roost and then sit there. But these chickens aren't going nowhere. They're fucking these giant fat tits chickens. But it's genetic selection more than hormones. Not that chickens haven't been shot up with hormones before.
Starting point is 02:07:42 With chickens, it's more antibiotics that they have to deal with because they're on top of each other and they're getting sick all the time. And they're also feeding them chicken. It's like they're feeding chickens chickens. They're feeding them chicken shit and chicken heads and chicken assholes. If you feed them a healthy diet, the omnivorous diet that a regular chicken eats, you get healthier eggs, you get healthier animals. Oh, you do that?
Starting point is 02:08:05 Yeah, I feed them only grass. I mean, my chickens eat natural things like that they find when they go out and peck and they forage and I have a big yard and they run around the yard and they kill bugs and stuff.
Starting point is 02:08:15 And then we feed them, we also feed them table scraps. So they eat like beef. They'll eat, they've eaten deer before. I've fed them pork. You ate deer? Yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:08:25 they eat protein I want spaniard deer it's funny in Thailand you don't see a lot of chicken there is chicken in the food but it's mainly for westerners
Starting point is 02:08:33 to eat it but the Thais all have their own chickens what do they do with them they've got fighting chickens oh yeah it's on TV and they always do it behind
Starting point is 02:08:41 so no one can see you know like oh quick someone's coming the white people are coming. Like, put it in your cage. Like, shove it to the side. But they're not the ones with the hooks on. They're just like kickboxing.
Starting point is 02:08:51 Kickboxing chickens. Oh, that's interesting. And they've got the fish as well. Yeah, my camps. I have a friend who does that. Well, he's not a friend. He's a friend of a friend. And he has 100 chickens in his backyard.
Starting point is 02:09:03 Yeah, right. He's from Mexicoxico you know he barely speaks english i don't know why but that makes sense and all of his friends are from mexico too and it's kind of interesting he he uh he got in trouble for killing a goat and and cooking it in his yard because he butchered the goat in his yard and they were upset at him for doing that and uh he didn't understand because he's you know know, he's from Mexico and he's like, he goes, but you eat meat. Like, if you eat meat,
Starting point is 02:09:28 like, why do you care where the, how the animal gets killed? I can't kill it in my yard? Like, and he, you know, they told him, like, there's all these regulations. You can't just kill a goat
Starting point is 02:09:36 in your yard. He's like, okay, what do I have to do? I have to bring it somewhere to kill it? Like, this is crazy. Why can't I just kill it here? There's a lot of room.
Starting point is 02:09:43 I'll just kill this goat. Don't you think we kind of lost that? It's a weird thing. Like my wife slash girlfriend, wife now, I've been married for like two, I got married two days before we went overseas. So she went on a honeymoon to Italy and I went to Canada. So I actually haven't seen her since then, which is really random.
Starting point is 02:09:59 But her mom can kill a chicken and cook it up like you wouldn't believe, right? She's there from a Vietnamese, she's Aussie, but her mom's Vietnamese, right? My grandma, and I'm sure your grandparents could kill a chicken, skin it. They'd be able to make 40 dishes with it. They'd use the fat, the skin. My dad was telling me, meanwhile, our whole family die of heart disease. The oldest one's like 62. And he was telling me their favorite dish was you take all the leftovers, put it on a pan, fry it,
Starting point is 02:10:26 skin, bones, everything, right? You'd fry it until it liquefies and then you'd pour it into a bottle and then dip it in ice and then you'd take it and you'd just wipe it on your bread. Oh, okay. Amazing, right? Nutella.
Starting point is 02:10:37 Yeah, well, like a pate or something like that. Well, like a fat pate, but the thing he was saying was his grandma and their whole generation, they wouldn't have a problem with just taking skin it use every part of its body you know that's lost the reason why people don't like hunting although they do eat meat i have friends that eat meat and will never hunt they wouldn't do it they couldn't do it i'm like i i understand you don't want to be cruel i don't understand and i understand that they enjoy that separation but to criticize people who don't enjoy that separation i think it's kind of crazy it's a
Starting point is 02:11:09 there's a weird disconnect but there's a lot of people that eat meat and have eaten meat and don't have a problem with ordering a cheeseburger that but they really look down on people that hunt yeah i think it's the easy i think it's not the easiest way obviously but i think it's the easiest on your the ethical dilemma is the easiest because you're dealing with an animal like that deer right there had no idea a human being was even a thing until it saw us and then it was dead moments later you know i i shot that deer in the middle of the the forest in montana i mean that fucking deer was living in the wild country of mont, and it was delicious.
Starting point is 02:11:46 And I had no problem with it. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. And the idea that somehow or another it's okay to eat a cow, but it's not okay to do that. And then other people will tell you, oh, but I only eat organic grass-fed deer. Let me tell you, or grass-fed cows. Let me tell you something about that. I have a friend
Starting point is 02:12:01 who keeps organic grass-fed cows, and those motherfuckers are terrified when you go near them they run they run and they all huddle up together yeah you know why because they know that they're gonna die they know someone's gonna shoot them and eat them like this idea that if you eat organic grass-fed cows you're somehow another removed from the cruelty yeah they aren't they aren't kept in a pen They aren't Jammed into some Pig box Like pigs are And they do
Starting point is 02:12:27 Run around free And they do eat grass But They're fucking shit In their pants Anytime a person Comes near them We did some
Starting point is 02:12:34 City boys Did some Cow herding Man not only is that Fucking terrifying If you're in a pen With these cows I mean
Starting point is 02:12:42 They don't attack humans But they're big Have you ever been in a pen? They're massive man Cows are big animals This crazy bitch is riding on them He's riding the males I actually was
Starting point is 02:12:51 Remember I was Like the first one I was like I jumped on them And messed around on them You jumped on a cow too? There's a whole bunch Do cows buck like bulls do?
Starting point is 02:12:59 Nah these are old ones But they'll run each other into a corner And kill each other like You know like They're so silly. Well, they're very big. Would you eat dog? Would I?
Starting point is 02:13:08 Yeah, that's a good question. I love dogs. If I was in another country and maybe it was for a television show or something like that and they were serving dog. Like Fear Factor. I would have a real hard time with it still. I might do it just to see what it tastes like. And just to, you know, if I was over someone's home and they offered it to me and it was part of their culture, I don't think that
Starting point is 02:13:28 I would insult them and say that I wouldn't eat it. And if I eat pig, I mean, pig and dog are supposed to be like a dog supposed to be actually as intelligent or more, or excuse me, a pig supposed to be as intelligent or more than a dog. Yeah. So it'd be a bit hypocritical, but I have a deep connection with dogs. I've had dogs my whole life, and I have two dogs now, and I love dogs. I love them.
Starting point is 02:13:51 Yeah. This guy sat me down for an intervention about a week ago. Yeah. I got a massive French Mastiff. I love him. I think he eats $2,000 a week. He eats a lot. And he-
Starting point is 02:14:03 He's an investment property. You know, Turner and Hooch? Yeah. Those are big. I have a Mastiff too do you yeah I have a Regency Mastiff it's a little smaller they're they're
Starting point is 02:14:10 like 120 140 pounds oh this guy goes up to about 90 kilograms what's that 200 200 it's a big boy
Starting point is 02:14:18 it's a big dog yeah man but yeah we had an intervention joint problems right those poor dogs not yet yeah mine's starting to get a little arthritis in his hips
Starting point is 02:14:27 Not bad. He goes mean he's he runs and Yeah, very slobber, but there's the sweetest dogs ever Yeah, my my dog is like so great with my kids, you know, they go up and grab his face and kisses He's got no anger in him. The Regency Mastiff was raised to to have no human aggression right sweet dogs no dog aggression either
Starting point is 02:14:49 they're real they're great with other dogs too what was my intervention I don't even remember oh the intervention I'm not allowed to put up any dog pictures you know what the problem is
Starting point is 02:14:58 to put up too many dog pictures do you know what the problem is right the boys back home like typical to get your dog even mentioned in this show yeah of course yeah they're gonna be like oh you mentioned ralph because you love your dog it is a weird thing right you love dogs but you also love hunting we love obsessed with dogs you can't deny that
Starting point is 02:15:15 well there's a bond that humans have with dogs and especially that's a thing that people don't understand that dogs and hunting have gone hand in hand forever that's right one of the reasons why we have such a tight bond with dogs in the first place is that dogs were used not just to keep animals away, like keep wolves away from camps, but to help people hunt. Yeah. Well, he was devastated when we were in Vietnam. They served us some starters and afterwards we didn't know what they were and he discovered
Starting point is 02:15:40 he'd eaten his man's best friend. So that took about a year to- It tasted funny. Like it didn't taste right. It was... I can't explain it. This guy is like... He retires from fighting.
Starting point is 02:15:52 So the first thing he does is replace fighting with pictures of dogs. It's like we're running a business. You know what I mean? What, on your Instagram or something? Yeah, like put some pictures of your tattoos up or something. You know, like... Not fucking dogs. I actually did. I actually was like of your tattoos up or something. You know, like, not fucking dog. I actually did.
Starting point is 02:16:05 I actually, I was like, look, Dylan, listen. You know, like, you know, you love Muay Thai. I get that. But you've got to understand, people want to see a Thai boxer that's got a little bit of, like, Bokow about him, you know? And, you know, it's him with his bloody. What does that mean? Bokow. Bokow.
Starting point is 02:16:20 Paul Pramac. Dylan with his tattoo and looking six pack and stuff. Right. This guy's with his tattoo and looking six pack and stuff. This guy's with his fucking slobbery dog. You know, I'm like, okay, you're allowed one picture a week. On your Instagram. The rest are of Muay Thai.
Starting point is 02:16:33 He never said that. He never said any rules. And I said the rest are of Muay Thai. I don't want to see fucking rap. For the business. Why don't you just do it on your personal account? Well, they're kind of the same thing. Oh, yeah. It's all interconnected.
Starting point is 02:16:43 He's got his own Instagram. He's got his own Instagram. And it's all interconnected he's got his own instagram and it's sweet he's got his own instagram and it's all dogs it's all the dog does the dog does everyone loves ralphie yeah i love dogs too i love animals and that's something that people have a weird problem with but they don't have a weird problem with loving animals and then feeding their animals animals like i have friends who fucking are vegans and they have cats and i'm like do you under fucking stand that cats only eat meat it's not like a dog a dog can eat carrots a dog can eat grains dogs eat rice like i have a friend who um cooks for his dog and i've seen that happen he gets his dog ground beef and mixes it with potatoes and rice and it's delicious. You do that for your dog?
Starting point is 02:17:26 Hell yeah. Cool. It's good. He doesn't eat probably himself. But you can't do that with a cat. If you're going to do it with a cat, it has to be just animal protein. That's it. That's the only thing a cat is allowed to eat.
Starting point is 02:17:37 Yeah, you can't feed cats grains. Cats are not supposed to eat rice. They're not supposed to eat carrots. Cats eat fish and they eat chicken and they eat beef and they eat liver and they eat animal protein. I didn't know that. They're carn supposed to eat carrots. Cats eat fish, and they eat chicken, and they eat beef, and they eat liver, and they eat animal protein. I didn't know that. They're carnivores. They're straight carnivores. So for you to be a vegan and have a fucking cat living in your house, you're involved in the killing of animals whether you like it or not. I mean, I guess there's probably some vegan cat food, but I can't imagine it.
Starting point is 02:18:02 Let's Google that right now. They'd probably kill the cat. It's probably not good. Vegan cat food bad. Let's look up that. Cat food bad. That's one of my two phobias, cats. Okay, vegan cat food. I just would imagine that shit is not good. They're basically mini lions. Oh, look at this. It says actually and the vegan cat foods contain adequate amounts. Is it okay to raise a cat vegan?
Starting point is 02:18:28 Hmm. I think it's hilarious, by the way. I think that is fucking hilarious. Now, artists and activists with more than one feline in the family in Ithaca, New York, Maureen and her partner, Shariah Golding, that means they're lesbians. What a surprise. Lesbian vegans with cats. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:18:45 You never hear about that. Relatively small but deeply dedicated group of vegan pet owners who believe their cats and dogs' diets should reflect their own beliefs about the treatment of animals and the environmentally sustainable lifestyles. Is it okay to give your diet of, hmm, spare me all the faux outrage. Be outraged at the billions of land animals and trillions of sea animals tortured and killed each year in the U.S. How are they tortured?
Starting point is 02:19:10 Alone for food to feed people and pets. I don't know, man. You know, you leave a cat outside, that cat's going to kill a bird. That sweet kitty cat that you have is a murderer. Yeah. My cat makes these crazy noises when he looks outside. He sees, like, something, like a squirrel. His little jaw starts going. have is a murderer yeah my cat makes these crazy noises when he looks outside he sees like something like a squirrel his little jaw starts going they start their jaws start moving up and down like
Starting point is 02:19:31 they can't help it like they're just thinking about biting have you ever had to fight dreams like when you wake up kicking you know you know those dreams close well cats have those when they see a fucking animal that they want to kill. It's like, they have reflexes. I hate cats. They make noises. He just looks out the window. Have you ever watched them, like, stalk?
Starting point is 02:19:55 Yeah. It's a stalk. You stalk your leg. And then watch a lion. There is very little difference. You know, like a lion crawling through the grass or a cat crawling through your carpet? Yeah. Like, they look identical.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Oh, yeah. Absolutely identical. They're murderers, bro. They are fucking murderers. Apparently, what they're saying is for a lot of these people that are making these diets for these dogs, there's like a big debate on whether or not it's healthy for the dogs. You're talking about the vegan? Yeah,
Starting point is 02:20:27 vegan diets for dogs and cats. Whether or not it's a matter of the animal getting all the proper nutrients or just being able to stay alive. I don't really understand
Starting point is 02:20:37 people's relationships with dogs in that sense. Like, I get the whole man having a dog, but people get weird... Like,
Starting point is 02:20:43 we know a friend who told us they have a patient who's got Munchausen's. You know Munchausen's? Yeah. You know Munchausen's? So they basically make up things so that you can get their dog operated on. It's just like as in problems so that they have an excuse to get an operation on the dog. Right, like psycho. It's like their kid. problems so that they have an excuse to get an operation on the dog. Right. Like it's like their kid. Oh, people are fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:21:08 Apparently what they're saying is that dogs and cats have a much different nutritional requirement than human beings. And that they need much higher protein intake than a human does. So especially dogs can eat a bunch of other shit like yams and potatoes and all these different other things. And it's okay as long as they get sufficient amount of protein. But it's almost impossible to get the amount of protein that a dog needs with just plants. Yeah. And cats, just a fucking joke. Cats are, you know.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Here's what you know. Lay out some fucking meat and lay out a bowl of beans. See where Fluffy goes. Oh, Fluffy, no, you're not a murderer fluffy the dog's just choking down these pieces of meat you know have the yams fluffy fucking ridiculous vegan cat food bitch shut the fuck up that thing's a murderer man you're gonna keep it keep it from being a murderer? It's its nature. I mean, you know, it's what it does. That's what a cat does.
Starting point is 02:22:09 It's kind of calming. Like everybody who's been pushing all the tofu and all the soy stuff over the last couple of years, they're starting to get breast cancer, men. You know, like it's just, you're discovering it's bad for you. I used to eat that stuff instead of milk. And I'd always feel sick, but I was like, it's got to be healthy for you. Everyone keeps telling me that. That's why you got man boobs.
Starting point is 02:22:28 That's why I have boobs. Boobs. Yeah, even is telling people to feed their cats meat. That's when shit gets real. When tells people to feed their cats meat. After much soul searching, we've decided that we need to keep our cats alive and feed them meat. We only feed them asshole cows.
Starting point is 02:22:51 Cows that stomp on rats or something. If a cat walks into a room, I'm gone. He hates cats. I hate cats. Really? Terrified of them, actually. He hates cats and hookers. And hookers.
Starting point is 02:23:02 And strippers. You hate strippers? Man, in Thailand, if one touches him, he freaks out. Is that because of your experiences in Thailand? Or is it just like a thing in your DNA, perhaps, from past lives? Maybe. Were you ever stomped to death by a hooker or a stripper? Dude, actually, talk about that.
Starting point is 02:23:21 If you ever go to Thailand. All right. No, no, no. If you ever go to Thailand, man, the most vicious things you see, and you see it in the hospitals, the chicks with the guy as they bottle. Like if you're going to fight with a guy, the chicks, the hooker chicks will smash a bottle on you. Like they're known for it, and especially like Pattaya.
Starting point is 02:23:37 Yeah. Like that area. The chicks, the first thing if a guy gets in an argument with another guy, they'll stand up for their man and bottle the dude over the shoulder. Oh, God. I love bottling. I bottle the dude over the shoulder. Oh, God. I love bottling. I don't know what it is. It's effective.
Starting point is 02:23:48 Yeah. Especially if you're a woman and you don't have a lot of physical strength. You hit a guy with a bottle and open him up like a fucking tomato. Oy. Oy. Yeah. Bottles are scary shit. When I lived in Boston, I saw an argument over,
Starting point is 02:24:00 I don't know what the argument was because I was a fair bit away. Like, you know Several us by these guys were arguing and the guys first move was to hit this guy in the face with a Heineken bottle Jesus It was horrible. It just cut him wide open He's bleeding all over the place and they tackled the guy who did it and the bouncers beat the shit out of him But I remember thinking like man you got to be real fucking careful who you're fighting with who you're arguing with I just this guy just smashed this guy in the face and just cut him open. He's bleeding everywhere. Not good.
Starting point is 02:24:31 Yeah, but you know one thing I was going to say is it always shocks me when you see dudes in another country like Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil starting fights with the locals. Ugh. What are you fucking thinking? People are stupid as fuck, man. I think it's probably just DNA, like wanting to get eradicated. Like you have some shitty genes, and your genes want you to just be taken out of the mix. It's like a suicide pill. Fuck, you're over there.
Starting point is 02:24:56 Fuck, Thailand. They're like, oh, really? Okay. You have no idea. And you're drunk. Every night. Something. They start a fight with a taxi driver driver and the whole of Thailand jumps in.
Starting point is 02:25:06 Do you live in Thailand now or do you go back and forth? No, I've been going back and forth since I was 18, 31. Wow. So a long time. You tried to live there. I tried to live there, but, you know, it's actually, I mean, like I love Thai people. I love the country. I love everything about it.
Starting point is 02:25:20 It's very ancient. There's no rush. It's beautiful. And the Thai people are amazing. It's very, there's no rush. It's beautiful. And the Thai people are amazing. Most of my friends, they're a Thai. But, um,
Starting point is 02:25:29 you know, after a while, like, um, you just, I just got a little bit bored. Um, you know,
Starting point is 02:25:35 I had my brother back in Sydney as well. He was running the gym. Um, you know, he got, um, he got to a stage where he was doing the rescue and I think he got really attached to it. Not just, and man, you know, the thing I was saying, like we were talking about this before, me and him, like, you know, like when you finish pro fighting, what do you do?
Starting point is 02:25:54 And I think like, it was kind of like, you're not, you know, you're doing all this fighting and you're being admired and you're brave and everybody's like, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan. And afterwards you stop and you're just like, what now? So he's going over to Thailand and, you know, he's rescuing people afterwards you stop and you're just like, what now? So he's going over to Thailand and he's rescuing people and suddenly you're feeling important again, right? But he got really attached and actually at one stage he wanted to go live there. We had a few arguments about it and eventually I just said, I think you should go because I didn't want the gym and me
Starting point is 02:26:20 to be holding him back. And he went there and two months later he was like, I'm ready to come home. Did you ever think about competing in jiu-jitsu the gym and me to be holding him back. And he went there and two months later, he's like, I'm ready to come home. Yeah. Did you ever think about competing in jujitsu to maybe just spark your competitive desires and avoid like head trauma? Well, look, I did.
Starting point is 02:26:32 I competed a fair bit in jujitsu and I loved it, you know? Um, but you know, I don't know. Like when I hit, you know, when I was there,
Starting point is 02:26:40 like for those two, three months last year, like Liam said, I got really addicted to the ambulance. It was an adrenaline rush. Like, why cops say that well you know you hear the radio go off I listen to the coat I'm thinking okay it's a car accident there could be we could be cutting people out of cars we could be saving people you know one accident I went to like I was trying to actually put back three bodies back together over like, I don't know, quarter mile, 100 meters. It's less than a quarter mile.
Starting point is 02:27:07 100 meters trying to put everyone back together. And it was a crazy adrenaline rush. Put them back together, meaning save their lives. Trying to figure out whose arm and leg was whose. Oh, Jesus. So two bikes collided. So dead people. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:20 Lots and lots of bodies. There's an adrenaline rush and trying to figure out dead puzzles? The adrenaline rush wasn't that. I think I became like a little bit desensitized to everything. Like nothing bothered me. Right. I've seen everything. But it was more when the alarm went off in my little rescue bed.
Starting point is 02:27:36 It's just a room half the size of this. And you hear the code and all you hear is it's a car. There's an accident. But you don't know how many people, you don't know anything. So you get there and it could be like five cars. One time we got there, I was driving and they hated me driving. Like I was telling my brother in the car. Why?
Starting point is 02:27:55 It was like a V8 turbocharged ambulance, this thing. And they said, I'm a mad driver. I drove Lamborghini yesterday up at Vegas. That was sick. Oh, you went to one of those race car track places where you could trust me by soon i'd be driving and then after a while they they started racing me to the to the driver's seat because i just laid next to the ambulance and used to race me there and i was like man why don't they you know i said why do you guys not like me driving anymore said dylan when you drive man we're every religion.
Starting point is 02:28:25 And it sat with me, and I'm thinking, what the hell are they talking about? And they go, man, we're Christian. We pray to Allah. We pray to Jesus, Jewish. They go, man, you're such a crazy driver that we pretty much pray to every God just in case. Well, think about what the fuck you did. You went from Motorcycle racing Too many concussions
Starting point is 02:28:46 I'll try kickboxing You go to fucking Thai boxing You become a world champion In Thai boxing Hmm Not enough thrill I need to ride
Starting point is 02:28:52 Fucking bulls Oh well Along the line I can go rescue people Let's do it Hey what an adrenaline rush I'm putting together bodies Absolutely
Starting point is 02:29:01 You're a maniac dude One thing I thought Was interesting about it Was you know He became quite detached For a while You were eating candy The whole time you were here too What are you doing Bodies. Absolutely. You're a maniac, dude. One thing I thought was interesting about it, though, is he became quite detached for a while. You were eating candy the whole time you were here, too. What are you doing? You got a candy thing?
Starting point is 02:29:13 No, I'm just soothing my throat. Oh, your throat. Okay. Yeah, both of us got... Bloody Vegas. You can't escape the smoke. Yeah, it's not that. In Australia, you can't smoke indoors. Most of the time, you can't smoke indoors in America.
Starting point is 02:29:22 Most places. Texas, a few places, I think, in Texas allow it. But Vegas is one of the few places left where you can't smoke indoors in America. Most places. Texas, a few places I think in Texas allow it. But Vegas is one of the few places left where you can smoke indoors. But they have so many. I don't usually have a problem with it because they have so many filters and air cleaning systems. Where did you guys go? R.A.O. You know, Joe, in Australia now, I think you better look it up just in case.
Starting point is 02:29:42 Yeah, this is bro knowledge. Bro knowledge goes deep on this show. We've been promoting bro science for four years. But I'm pretty sure that they've, or they're passing the law that anyone born after the year 2000 can never buy cigarettes. It's illegal. So it's our first generation of non-smokers. I like that.
Starting point is 02:30:03 And I don't like that at the same time, because I don't like anybody telling me what I can and can't do. Yeah, of course. But I like it because kids are so goddamn easily tricked. Well, we smoked. And those chemicals that they put in cigarettes that make them more addictive. Did you ever see that movie Inside Job? Yes. Russell Crowe.
Starting point is 02:30:19 He's your boy, right? Yeah. Russell Crowe, he's from there. He's from there. Australia? Yeah. It's a great fucking movie, man. It's a good movie.
Starting point is 02:30:25 And it's a true story based on a real chemist who was developing specific compounds designed to keep people addicted. And he details the mechanism involved in these addiction processes. And it's like, wow, how the fuck did the government let this shit get in there? I had a lot of trouble quitting smoking. I was smoking while I was fighting. Really? And I got to a point where I was like, I'd get sick a lot because you're smoking and fighting.
Starting point is 02:30:50 I was only 20. You were smoking and fighting. Yeah, absolutely. Well, isn't Sakuraba famous for that? Yeah. I mean, the thing about smoking, man, I wish I never started. But I started when I was about 13 and I thought it was cool. I was an idiot.
Starting point is 02:31:04 And by the time I was 21 and I was still smoking, I couldn't was cool I was an idiot and by the time I was 21 and I was still smoking I couldn't quit I'm not dipping oh you got dip oh no he knows I hate it but um
Starting point is 02:31:12 man I couldn't quit and you know I got to the stage where I was like I have to either quit martial arts or quit smoking and I couldn't quit smoking because I was getting sick a lot
Starting point is 02:31:19 from my lungs and my sinuses so I'd go train and then I'd have a cigarette wow man it was so addictive, man. It was really a scary thing. That's crazy.
Starting point is 02:31:27 What kind did you smoke? Just normal cigarettes. Did you ever try those American Spirits? They have some cigarettes that are all natural. They don't have any additives. We smoked. Look, I mean, we started as teenagers as stupid idiots. That's what you did socially when you'd meet up and smoke.
Starting point is 02:31:42 But I was actually one of the last ones smoking, and I felt really down on myself, really like weak about the fact I couldn't quit. You know, I quit when I was 22, which was like 11 years ago, but I haven't, but you know, like I actually got to a stage where I was that addicted to it that I couldn't, I almost quit like training because I couldn't, my health couldn't put up with physical exercise and smoke. I'm not'm not surprised man that stuff will fuck you up i absolutely agree i'm not surprised i've everyone that i know that's that had a cigarette addiction and then quit still longs for those goddamn yeah i don't once i quit i quit you know yeah my friend jeff to this day i mean he's he's quit for more
Starting point is 02:32:21 than a decade he's like to this day every now and then I'll see someone smoking and it just looks so good. I just want one. I just want one. I just want to punch them in the face. Really? When I was in the casino, and I was sitting there, and the guys, those kids, right next to a guy blowing smoke on them, and I'm thinking, like, why don't you just hit them with your car? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:36 You know, I have a real problem with that. People just don't give a fuck about that. That's a weird thing about the cigarettes, too, is that it affects the people around you. That's right. And they don't give a fuck about that. That's a weird thing about the cigarettes too, is that it affects the people around you and they don't give a fuck. But it's also the thing that they throw them on the ground. Yeah. Like cigarette people are so likely to litter. It's the weirdest thing. Like they don't have any problem with it.
Starting point is 02:32:56 It's like almost on, on average, more people that smoke cigarettes litter with those cigarettes than anything. I had a guy over my fucking house that was working on my house and he's sitting out my backyard he smokes and then he throws a cigarette on the gun i go what the fuck are you doing are you really littering in my fucking backyard while you're working for me dickhead trities huh just a douchebag man yeah but i couldn't believe it he did it right in front of me I'm like what the fuck are you doing man I live here You're just going to throw shit on the ground
Starting point is 02:33:27 And step on it Oh you stepped on it It's good now Someone tried to tell me Oh they're biodegradable Yeah in a fucking hundred years In a hundred years It'll go back into the earth
Starting point is 02:33:38 You fucking nitwit And the daughter's at the beach She's like hey daddy Look at this Look what I found It's either a condom or a cigarette Biodegradable you fucking dildos It a condom or a cigarette. Biodegradable, you fucking dildos. It just ruins a good beach as well.
Starting point is 02:33:48 Biodegradable. What are you talking about? It's a foam fucking plastic filter at the end of a shitty piece of paper. Eventually the earth will absorb it. So you know what else is biodegradable? Your fucking car. Leave your car for a thousand years. It won't exist.
Starting point is 02:34:03 Have you ever picked up? I hate how people put them in bottles and picked up a beer bottle you thought was yours and you just like oh That's the nasty shit of all Beer and cigarette ashes How about they throw them out the window to that's a half the fires in California from shitheads trailers throwing Fucking cigarettes out there and they do it all the time you drive on the highway every day you'll see some
Starting point is 02:34:27 shit head throw a cigarette out the window they're not flicking it at you they don't think they're doing anything wrong
Starting point is 02:34:32 I feel like it's they're doing something so bad to their own body that they don't give a fuck they don't give a fuck about poisoning
Starting point is 02:34:39 their own bodies they don't give a fuck about poisoning the earth itself the worst thing is seeing young girls smoking we're going to wrap
Starting point is 02:34:44 this thing up anyway. We're at the end of... Our attention span is not really... Yeah, it's... We're at six o'clock already. It's been a lot of fun, dude. We did a three-hour podcast. Unfortunately, you got two sick Resnicovs today, but...
Starting point is 02:34:54 No worries. It was great. It was fun. No, it was fun. It was really... I'm glad we did this. Yeah, cool. So, your gym, give people the...
Starting point is 02:35:01 How do they get a hold of you? What's the website? Yeah, okay. So, our gym's www.vt1 you don't have to say www anymore 2014 so true
Starting point is 02:35:11 what about HTTP I don't think you need even that anymore I always got the slashes backwards but what's the name okay no we're at
Starting point is 02:35:17 vt1academy that's insane there you go there's the website that's on the left just one quick thing.
Starting point is 02:35:26 Do you know that a lot of French girls in Canada are called Lawrence? Yeah. That's really weird. Last name or first? Only because I was on Tinder there that we found out. Wait a minute. Their first name or their last name? Now, if you cycle back, that big Chinese guy on the left there,
Starting point is 02:35:38 when I say Lawrence, I think of a big Chinese guy with a guillotine that kills you, right? Lawrence. But on Tinder, all the girls were Lawrence. That's so weird. Really weird. Tinder in the house. On a random note. Get your freak on.
Starting point is 02:35:51 So that's us down there. Come visit us. We're really friendly, everything. And our other site is Huh? Our other site is peak. Peak? P-E-E-K.
Starting point is 02:36:03 P-E-E-K. Yep. Dash at, A-T at dash so why are you what is that that's uh that's the project the growing down site that we're working on we're going to put all like the stuff at the time stuff on and we've got the psychologist she's doing the podcast on and stuff so that's um um that's our kind of site we're just going to host everything because that's our business site, obviously. Okay. So, Jamie, did you find that?
Starting point is 02:36:27 Yeah. What is it again? So, it's peak. P-E-E-K. Yep. Dash. Dash. Dash you. At
Starting point is 02:36:37 That's – oh, it's not up there. I'm just pointing at Joe. I'm just – this is awkward. Hey, man. Okay. And you – there we go. That'm just pointing at Joe. I'm just, this is awkward. Hey, man. Okay. And you, there we go. That's the Growing Down site. Okay.
Starting point is 02:36:48 And that's going to have all the talents. That's just going to have all our projects on it. Where's Growing Down? Growing Down is a project we launched because we were sick of basically. Growing up? Sick of growing up? Well, he was sick of being at the dinner table and everyone comes up to you and says, so what are you doing with yourself lately?
Starting point is 02:37:03 Are you working hard? That's our South african accent right you know so my friend's a psychologist and he just started getting pissed off and so he coined this whole growing down thing which is about stop listening to other people and start fucking listen to yourself basically beautiful yeah that's a great idea because by the way not only will other people give you shitty advice they will give you shitty advice because they got shitty advice and they want you to continue the tradition of suffering people love watching people fail and struggle because they failed and struggled it's very rare that someone will tell you listen to me i failed my life is a fucking disaster don't do what i did they don't
Starting point is 02:37:39 say why don't you fucking grow up i've never heard anyone say that i've had many people tell me to grow up i've had many people that were fucking miserable telling me that i needed fucking grow up? I've never heard anyone say that. I've had many people tell me to grow up. I've had many people that were fucking miserable telling me that I needed to grow up. I'm like, I don't get it. I'm happy. You're not. And I need to grow up. This is baffling.
Starting point is 02:37:52 Do you know you're going to die? We're both going to die. Isn't the whole point? Do you enjoy this as much as possible? I feel like I'm enjoying it. And I feel like you're not. So I'm super confused as to why you're giving me advice. One quick thing just before we wrap up.
Starting point is 02:38:04 I just wanted to share, Chris. it just was something interesting that came up. When we were backstage at the UFC, right, and this is about growing down, and we're back there. Our fighters prepared pretty well for the fight, right? And you go there, and everybody's telling you what to do. Don't eat bread. Don't eat this. Switch a potato, a sweet potato. And everyone means well, right?
Starting point is 02:38:23 Cut weight this way. Cut weight that way. Prepare this way. And the guys were holding pads hard as they could the night before the fight now we take it we taper a week before right and we're there and our fighter starts getting nervous you know and he starts copying a little bit because these are professionals right we're professionals too but we study you know we know what we're doing but he starts switching to sweet potato he cuts out bread he starts training a little bit closer to the fight than he should be. And the thing was, was like, everybody was telling everybody what to do. And he ended up dropping five pounds by mistake because he changed everything that week. And I was like, I was thinking about for comedy, for fighting and all that stuff, is like, it's really fucking hard to just trust that.
Starting point is 02:39:02 Look, I've eaten potatoes and red meat my whole life. Let's just keep doing it until the fight. And so that's what the whole growing down thing was about. But it seems like if those guys are given that advice on how to lose weight, that seems like good advice. It seems like the weight that he lost. That's what he meant. Well, it's probably because he probably should be lighter in the first place.
Starting point is 02:39:19 Like it's a healthier diet. The advice is right, but the timing is wrong. That's what I mean. So like you're about to go up on stage and some guy comes up and he goes, man, before I go on stage, I usually go do a quick shot
Starting point is 02:39:29 of tequila up my nose. That works for me. And then you go and do it, you go on stage and everyone thinks you're... You know what I'm saying? Your nose is sniffling, you're bleeding.
Starting point is 02:39:38 So it's just, for all the Aussies coming up, it's just having confidence in what you're doing is good. Write notes and do it after the fight. That was just something we learned backstage. it's definitely a good point about tapering off man that's one thing that people make a huge mistake about they they train too hard they think
Starting point is 02:39:53 it's good to train hard the day before the fight but training breaks the body down the whole purpose of training is to break the body down if you don't understand that then you need to talk to someone who's an exercise physiologist and understand what is the purpose of working out working out taxes the body so the body heals healing is what makes you stronger the breaking down of the body forces your body to react to the fact that you're making it do all this work so it goes okay we're lifting weights now we got to get stronger because this motherfucker wants us carrying heavy things all the time okay this guy wants us running up hills boy we better increase our vo2 max because we want to stay alive obviously the body has different requirements now we need more oxygen but to break it down the
Starting point is 02:40:34 week of is really not beneficial some guys do it though and they get away with it so our guy looks at them and he goes fuck this is a pro i better do it yeah well there's a lot of schools of thought i mean it's just like hard training you know there's a lot of schools of thought. I mean, it's just like hard training. You know, there's a lot of schools of thought when it comes to hard sparring. Yeah. And then there's, you know, even pros, like guys like Martin Kampman, who say you should spar once a week at most. Yeah, he's good.
Starting point is 02:40:54 Yeah, he's very good, very smart, and very technical. But, you know, a lot of guys didn't do it that way, and they have suffered because of it. There's a lot of damage that gets done that's unnecessary, whether it's in training, whether it's, whether it's in preparation, strength, and conditioning, whatever it is. There's a lot of unnecessary damage. And what we were talking about before about MMA training,
Starting point is 02:41:15 I think it's still in a learning period. I think we're still having to add it down the way, say, football has it down. They know exactly how to train to develop top-flight football players. Basketball, same thing. You go to a basketball camp, you're dealing with top flight strength and conditioning coach. They really know how to deal with, I mean, you're dealing with multi, multimillion dollar athletes and they have that investment and they want to keep it healthy. And really no one should apply that more than MMA fighters because who the fuck gets hurt more than MMA fighters? Muay Thai probably is the worst taught
Starting point is 02:41:45 sport in the world especially in Thailand because there's no history of teaching yeah so it's like it's all fighters teaching fighters
Starting point is 02:41:51 well they just copy by as much really pretty much so it's like that's one of the most backward sports in the world
Starting point is 02:41:56 never mind MMA and isn't a lot of smoking and drinking as well man we had it's getting better now do you remember it's getting better
Starting point is 02:42:02 like they've got a lot of you know fighting against alcohol fighting against drugs so there's a lot better. Like they've got a lot of, you know, fighting against alcohol, fighting against drugs. So there's a lot of promotion now. You've got a lot of guys like Jotzenklai Fairtex and Malapet, oh, he's actually American, you know, and Borkal. These guys are heroes.
Starting point is 02:42:18 So for people, there's a lot more push towards be healthy, get fit. You can make good money now. You can go to Japan. You can fight in America. You can do dives. Yeah. I have friends that trained and fought in Thailand,
Starting point is 02:42:31 and they were telling me about everybody smoking cigarettes. And my friend Chris started smoking when he was in Thailand because he was fighting. He was fighting in Thailand. Everybody was training and smoking, and he started smoking too, just like to be one of the gang. Now he smokes cigarettes. You know Champua Kiat Songrit? I've heard the name. He's the one who, like Tong Po be one of the gang. Now he smokes cigarettes. You know Champoy Kiat Sungri? I've heard the name.
Starting point is 02:42:47 He's the one who, like, Tong Po sort of based on him. Oh, really? He broke Rick Rufus' leg. You've seen the fight, I'm sure. You know the one where he boots him and he breaks his leg in the fight? I didn't see that fight. It's on YouTube. It's worth watching.
Starting point is 02:42:59 But we saw him, and he's a legend. He fought Andy Hoog. He fought all these guys, right? We go to Thailand in Pattaya, and he's just sitting there smoking. So if I buy him a box of cigarettes, he'll let me film him kicking the bag. So I'll just bring a box of cigarettes, and he'd kick the bag for me. Show me the technique. They're just smoking, and alcohol over there is out of control.
Starting point is 02:43:18 Wow. It is. Last question before we go. I'm a big fan of kickboxing, obviously, and kickboxing is starting to make its way into the United States in a big way with Glory.
Starting point is 02:43:27 Glory, yes. My only problem with it is I don't like tournaments. I don't like the idea of making someone fight twice in a night, and I definitely don't like them doing it with, like,
Starting point is 02:43:37 high-level kickboxing. Like, Nathan Corbett fought Gokhan Saki. That's right. Gokhan Saki knocked him out in the first round, broke his eardrum. That's right. Gokhan Saki knocked him out in the first round, broke his eardrum.
Starting point is 02:43:45 That's right. He stopped the fight. And then he had to go into the final round, Gokhan Saki did, against Tyrone Spong, where Tyrone Spong fought three hard rounds, this young Brazilian kid, and then fought in the round and broke his leg. I don't think the shin break came from the fact
Starting point is 02:44:03 that he had to fight three rounds and Gokhan had a fight one But the idea that one guy could fight one round and then the other guy could go three rounds to go to war Yeah, and then they meet in the finals. I think that's fucking crazy And I think in this day and age in 2014 with what we know about concussed fighters Exactly head injuries and then taking a break and cooling down in between That fight and having an hour in between the first fight and the second. I think it's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:44:29 But also the removal of clinch makes it fucking dangerous. Exactly. And elbows. No elbows, no clinch. Clinch is awesome, man. Corbett would have won that fight, I think, with elbows. Well, he's a real Muay Thai specialist. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:39 He is an elbow guy. Amazing fight. And they took away one of his best weapons. That's right. The clinch and the elbows. Two of his best weapons. Americans. right. The clinch and the elbows. Two of his best weapons. Americans. We can also.
Starting point is 02:44:48 You go. The thing about glory, though, for us, is that it's getting us on a bigger scale for Muay Thai. Yes, absolutely. Which is good. In that way, it's good. I understand the tournament, your perspective on the tournament is kind of green away. But to get striking, competing against the ufc is so hard yeah you know it's money it's hard well i think that first of all they're on spike which
Starting point is 02:45:13 is a huge company you know spike is viacom they're owned by huge huge huge billion dollar you know backing behind them there's a shitload of money involved in Spike and Viacom. But I think that the tournament format is dangerous. I really do. I think it's antiquated. It's dangerous. I loved it back when it was on K1.
Starting point is 02:45:33 It's amazing to watch. You're a pride. But I think for the athletes, when you're dealing with world-class athletes like a Tyrone Spong, like a Gokhan Saki, I just think it's unfair
Starting point is 02:45:41 and I think it's fucking, it's the wrong way. I almost feel like it's disrespectful to i think it's fucking it's the wrong way i've i almost feel like it's disrespectful to the sport itself and the fighters to force world-class fighters to fight more than once in a night i think is outrageous but the thing i was going to say just quickly about that is um one of the bigger problems i think with glory is it's also going to reduce the the um like okay muay thai in america is basically kickboxing with knees and elbows, right? The clinch in Thailand is like 30%, 40% of Thai boxing.
Starting point is 02:46:12 Not in America, not in Holland, right? So you're seeing all these guys coming into MMA. Not only is it going to increase head damage because there's no clinching, but also the skill sets that come from the clinch, they don't exist in MMA yet, you know? Yes. Well, you see it a little bit with Anderson Silva. You see it with a few Muay Thai guys.
Starting point is 02:46:29 They know how to clinch and ragdoll people. This sounds really stupid because you've got a bad neck, but I was saying, like, if you get to clinch with, like, a Thai, like, I'm trying to say it modestly, like, real clinch, like Thai clinch, it's almost like doing flowing Greco. There's body locks, back takes, snap downs. Well, do you like Lion Fight? Do you ever watch Lion Fight? What's that?
Starting point is 02:46:48 Lion Fight's an organization in Vegas, and they're putting in Malapet fights for them. Right, right. They have a lot of really high-level people that are coming over from Europe and fighting for them. They've got really good fights they're putting on. Right. That was Cyborg, Christina Cyborg.
Starting point is 02:47:01 She lost to this girl from... People are hard on her. Fucking hell. She had two fucking Muay Thai from... People are hard on her. Fucking hell. She had two fucking Muay Thai fights. They're hard on her because she took male hormones. That's the bottom line. She's such a nice lady. The reality.
Starting point is 02:47:12 I'm sure she's a nice lady, but the reality is she took male hormones. But you're saying they include clinching. Yes. Clinches and elbows. Great. Yeah, I mean, they have... It's Kevin Ross fights with them.
Starting point is 02:47:22 Yeah, he's cool. Kevin Ross. Good fighter. And, you know, elbows, clinch, everything. Take downs. They trip each other. They drop each other. Yes, it is beautiful.
Starting point is 02:47:31 And it's the comprehensive full style of Muay Thai. And it's safer. It's better. And it's also more lethal. It's more effective. Exactly. Elbows, kicks, knees, everything. Watch the prelim card with our guy who fought.
Starting point is 02:47:44 Look, he's got a long way to go. He's only, you know, his first fight, right? Watch the prelim card with our guy who fought. Not to even look. He's got a long way to go. He's only, you know, his first fight, right? But he used Muay Thai, Muay Thai in the clinch. And like people were saying, what did he do there? And I was like, that's like first day stuff in Thailand. Right, right, right, right. So I think Americans are robbing themselves a bit by doing glory, not Muay Thai Thai.
Starting point is 02:48:01 You know what I mean? I couldn't agree more. I couldn't agree more. And I think we're on the same page As far as the respect For the athletes Making them fight More than once a night
Starting point is 02:48:08 Against world class guys On an uneven playing field Like you could have fought Like you could fight A world class guy And get rocked A bunch of times In three rounds
Starting point is 02:48:16 And be really fucked up In that dressing room When you're preparing For the title And the other guy Lands a head kick 15 seconds into the fight And you're both fighting
Starting point is 02:48:23 In the finals Against each other. I think that's crazy. I absolutely agree. And they're going to have a big tournament in L.A., and I'm going to be there. We're going to watch it every time. I'm going to watch it every time, too. I'm a big supporter of it.
Starting point is 02:48:33 I just think that they should reconsider. And I wish they would go Muay Thai style, just fucking bringing the elbows, bringing the clinch. Watch some of those lion fights. They're doing it. It's great. I'll watch it. They have them on AXS TV
Starting point is 02:48:45 gentlemen, it's been a pleasure a successful fun podcast, thank you very much follow them on Twitter it's VT1 underscore MMA underscore Sydney and the website one more time
Starting point is 02:49:01 ok, beautiful, thank you guys appreciate it, thanks also to our sponsors. Thanks to NatureBox. Enjoy some delicious, healthy, nutritious snacks. slash Rogan. That's slash Rogan. Go there, use that, and you will get 50% off of your first box. Thanks also to
Starting point is 02:49:23 Go to O-N-N-I-T. Use the code word ROGAN and save 10% off any and all supplements. Thanks also to Go to Use the code word J-R-E and save yourself some money, son. We'll be back tomorrow with Andreas andreas antonopoulos who will uh drop some fucking mad knowledge about bitcoin um both ace freely and david tell had to reschedule so there will be no podcast on wednesday david tell will be back on tuesday the 29th uh next monday i have steve maxwell on
Starting point is 02:50:02 and then thursday g Thursday Greg Fitzsimmons and then next Friday I'll be at the Lobero Theater in Santa Barbara with Joey Coco Diaz alright we love you guys and we'll see you tomorrow much love big kiss Thank you.

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