The Joe Rogan Experience - #529 - Abby Martin

Episode Date: August 2, 2014

Abby Martin is an American journalist and also host of "Breaking the Set" for RT America. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out! The Joe Rogan Experience. Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day! So, Mrs. Rogan sends me this video. She goes, have you seen this? Like, what do you think about Gaza? What's going on with Gaza? What is your take on this?
Starting point is 00:00:22 And she sends me a video of you. And I said, that's my friend, Abby Martin, who took this very controversial stance. And this is a tricky situation, isn't it? First of all, it's sad and depressing and disgusting. But it's also very tricky because there's all these weird biases that are going on left and right. You know, there's the United States has this weird bias where they're criticizing Israel. And then Israel's like, hey, fuckheads, didn't you guys bomb the shit out of Iraq? Didn't you bomb the shit out of Afghanistan?
Starting point is 00:00:57 You guys are talking about innocent civilians being killed. Like, what about you? And then there's also people on the palestinian side that think it's just fucking horrendous what israel's doing and then there's people on the israeli side that think hamas just signed the peace treaty and stopped training suicide bombers you know there's in my opinion when i look at it and i i'm obviously not qualified to be some sort of a political analyst but when i look at it, I try to look at it objectively, the whole thing looks like just a disaster, like a huge humanitarian disaster.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I think it's one of the largest humanitarian issues in the world today. And I think that we're going to look back in 50 years and really just criticize how abominable the entire situation is. And the fact that the world, the world isn't turning a blind eye. The U.S. is turning a blind eye. You know, you say that I took a controversial position, but really it isn't controversial in my mind because I'm looking at this oppressed population that's imprisoned. When I grew up, Joe, I didn't even know, first of all, what Palestine was. And then finally, when I learned about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even though it's really one-sided, I started to learn about what Gaza actually is. And I think a lot of people don't even understand when they hear the word Gaza, what they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's really what we're talking about is an open-air prison, 45-mile strip of land, completely closed off. Egypt's closed their borders. Sisi's just fucking sucking the dick of Netanyahu. Totally working together. Netanyahu shut off. The IDF has closed off all the other borders. It's totally under siege. There's 1.8 million people living in that close quarters. It's one of the most densely populated places on earth. So whenever you have this bombing campaign, people are going to die in mass. And when they say that they're using human shields,'s complete fucking bullshit i haven't seen one shred of evidence to prove that they're using human shields in fact if you look back at the last 60 years of u.s military conflicts they've used that
Starting point is 00:02:56 term to demonize populations whenever they want to make it seem like this population doesn't value human life you're telling me palestinians don't value their child's life? They're going to throw their kids out and guard missiles? All I've seen is cartoons from Netanyahu, these infographics that show people standing on a house with missiles underneath. Total fucking bullshit. This place has been under siege for years. Yes, they may have said that they pulled their troops out in 2007. It's under siege. The Israeli health officials they're they try to put them on a diet so they only allow basic staples in they claim because they don't want the palestinians to be making weapons pasta paper chocolate anesthetics wheelchairs this is the shit that people can't get inside gaza they're keeping them gluten-free it's been shown to reduce hostility. There was a documentary once
Starting point is 00:03:48 on suicide bombings and they had this Palestinian school and they had this sign over the school that said today's children are tomorrow's holy martyrs. And they had this child that was strapped up with C4 and they had this picture of this kid that had died in a suicide bombing and they were praising him like he was some sort of a saint because he died executing this suicide bomb. Well, just like we praise soldiers who go and drop white phosphorus from a plane. What's more manly? When you're driven to zero, when you have nothing left, that's when people blow themselves up.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's not because it's a culture of martyrdom it's because they have fucking nothing and they don't have the industrial warfare capabilities to drop depleted uranium right yeah i'm i'm certainly not taking a side right but what i'm saying is that it's uh it's an incredibly complicated situation like uh i don't know what would israel do to to like alleviate tensions at this point once like how many thousands of people have died so far in this over 1500 at this point yeah Jesus Christ 30 percent children yeah I've seen photos Anthony Bourdain tweeted some awful photo of these children on the beach that had been bombed and one kid was dead and other kid was being carried
Starting point is 00:05:05 away most likely dead it looked like by all the blood and everything it was just it's it's so depressing it's so awful and if you if you could objectively stop the whole scene and say or what is a way to fix this what is a way to uh alleviate horrible conflict? What is it? Is there a way? Well, I think up until now, people have been saying that two state solutions are a possibility. You had the Palestinian Authority working with the Israeli government. Hamas has negotiated before. It's not that they're like ignoring Israel. And of course, there's a lot of problems with Hamas, and I'm not going to sit here and apologize for them. They're really, I don't agree with anything that they want to see happen. But I understand why Palestinians have aligned themselves with this group
Starting point is 00:05:50 because the Palestinian Authority failed so much and they capitulated so much to Israel. So they basically turned to the more militant faction of the leadership saying, fucking do something. At least you guys are resisting. Because to them, it's an occupation. And under the UN Charter, it's an occupation as well. a lot of people say the one state solution is the only possibility which is end the apartheid state give Palestinians equal rights because right now there's different laws
Starting point is 00:06:14 if you're Arab that's what Israel is it's a Jewish state and they've driven out people who are not Jewish and they're ethnically cleansing them it's a fucking disaster man it's really scary and I don't actually blame Israelis because you're growing up in Israel. First of all, they think that they're the chosen people because the Bible says so, which is disturbing in itself. But second of all, if you're growing up in Israel and you do hear the sirens all the time and you fucking think you're being told that these people are terrorists and they want to kill you. So, I mean, I don't blame it. But honestly, Israel has much more fair media coverage. They have Haaretz. They have 972 Mag. People are terrorists and they want to kill you. So, I mean, I don't blame it. But honestly, Israel has much more fair media coverage.
Starting point is 00:06:48 They have Haaretz. They have 972 Mag. Here in America, we're treated like fucking children. We aren't told the context of the situation whatsoever. All we're told is Hamas terrorists keep firing at Israel and Israel has the right to self-defense. Well, in all fairness, this is a topic that's really too complicated for the news in quotes. You're not going to get in a Fox seven minute soundbite in between commercials. This is something that's incredibly complex and really should be like a three or four hour documentary just to scratch the surface. And I don't know if, I mean, I guess if you call yourself the news, there's a responsibility, at least an implied responsibility to educate when it comes to a situation like this.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But to try to cover it on Fox News or on CNN and to try to like give an understanding to the people viewing, it seems almost impossible. But they also just only do pro-Israel bias. Like that's why I did that video. Why doesn't the media care about dead palestinians because up until there was like hundreds of palestinians that had died already and the news was still making it seem like like literally every single headline was just like three israeli soldiers died 400 others and you're like who are others palestinians like human beings like who the fuck are these people or would just be like israel's you know hamas rockets have israel on edge it's like yeah they have they might have people? Or it would just be like Israel's, you know, Hamas rockets have Israel on edge.
Starting point is 00:08:05 It's like, yeah, they might have Israel on edge, but people are fucking like dying and getting dismembered and getting blown up. Like from bombs. And all this ceasefire shit, man. Look, you're invading a country. They are invading Gaza. Netanyahu has also said it doesn't matter, ceasefire or not, they're going to go through with the invasion and destroy the tunnels. The tunnels are not just used to store rockets. The tunnels are used to smuggle food into Gaza. The tunnels are used to smuggle people out to try to get them into Egypt because they're wounded and injured. On the news, it is disgusting. I've never seen anything so
Starting point is 00:08:38 disgusting in my life than the bias toward Israel on the media. And I know I'm called so many names because I'm pointing this out, but to me, it's very obvious. My friend right here, she's from South Africa. She grew up in a culture of post-apartheid, and we're living in a world where an apartheid state exists right now. And because of this tight allegiance with the U.S.,
Starting point is 00:09:00 the U.S. supplies over $3 billion a year in just weaponry. We're continuing to give more weapons to Israel. Unless the U.S. The U.S. supplies over $3 billion a year in just weaponry. We're continuing to give more weapons to Israel. Unless the U.S. says something, nothing's going to change. And because it's this Jewish state, if you criticize it, then you must hate Jewish people. And that's the problem is this rhetoric. And it's so hard to break through and to explain to people, look, because I'm criticizing a government doesn't mean that I hate population. I love all human beings. I just want them to have sovereignty, independence, and equal rights. Well, there's also this undeniable problem with having an area like that. And what the problem is, is that there are going to be children that are born in that area that have no history of conflict whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And they're fucked. They're fucked. This is where they live now, and they're treated as the enemy. And they're born into that. And there's no chance to break that cycle. In that sort of a scenario, if you have a closed border, you have a closed in population, and you have this demonized population, there's no chance to break that struggle. I mean, if you're a child and you're born in Palestine, what the fuck are the options? Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:10:08 What's going on? And what are the ideologies that you're confronted with constantly, left and right? You've got Hamas, you've got all these Palestinian organizations that want to fight against Israel, and you're growing up in this state of perpetual conflict where it doesn't seem like there's any resolution that's conceivable it's it's a terrible terrible tragedy as far as like the wasted human potential of the children that are born there the people that are forced to grow up in that
Starting point is 00:10:37 environment as opposed to israel where they could just fucking fly out and leave and live there. And, you know, I mean, I'm not, you know, I'm 100% against war, 100%. I don't think that war is the option here. I don't think it's correct. I don't think, I never think it's correct. The only time it's ever, I think the only time the military should ever be used is when there's an obvious threat. You've got some ISIS crazy fucks or something that are invading a country and having mass executions. Like what we're dealing with right now in Iraq,
Starting point is 00:11:10 that to me is a way clearer example of something that probably needs some fucking military attention than anything that they use to justify going to war with Iraq in the first place. Like what they've created in this vacuum is way scary. We're pulling out now. Well, it's not our problem. No, that's a real problem. This is a real problem.
Starting point is 00:11:29 What you fuckers did is you created a problem. You created a power vacuum and now there's a real problem because now you've got militants who are so militant that regular Islam is not militant enough for them. They're blowing up mosques. These fuckers are blowing up like these historic sites. the syrian rebels that we gave them so it's like we emboldened the syrian rebels that were aligned with this really radical faction of islam and then they join up with with isis and now they're going back to fucking iraq and you're like what in the hell this is why we shouldn't get involved this is why we shouldn't go inject democracy in places that are completely on a different evolutionary path of you know culture duncan and i had dinner last night after the show and we were talking about this we're both like
Starting point is 00:12:08 shaking our head and one of the things that we kept coming to is like whenever you have military action whenever you kill a thousand people you don't just kill a thousand people you also make widows you make loved ones who hate the lost their friends and family. And there's just this culture of hate that just never goes away. It's a cycle of violence, yeah. As long as those people are alive, this cycle is just ingrained in them on both sides, on the Israeli side, on the Palestinian side. It's just horrific. And it's almost like this process that's impossible to completely stop.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Like once the blood is shed like fuck man it's like you know it just it creates this unfixable problem i see it in a okay so we created this jewish state the u.s helped create this jewish state israel um then there was you know the antifatas and then they had their borders and basically what's happened is that israel has continued to encroach and if you look at the map there's like this map this very famous picture of these four factions of how israel has encroached more and more in palestine and now it just closed off more and more gaza's just shrunk to about this big the west bank has shrunk to about this big and they continue to build settlements against international law. They've violated all of these like international treaties to continue doing this because more and
Starting point is 00:13:31 more settlers are going over there and making a home base, demolishing homes left and right. So if you look at the conflict, it depends on when you want to start the clock. You can start it with the kidnappings, which Hamas actually didn't do, and Israel had to admit to that. Or you can start with the two kids that were executed on camera by IDF soldiers weeks prior to that. Or you could start with fucking 50 years ago,
Starting point is 00:13:54 or you could start with fucking 3,000 years ago. I mean, when you want to start the conflict or the clock on the conflict, and that really all depends on the context of the situation, but when people say like, well, you're fucking shooting rockets at us, what do you think we're going to do the problem is you have to understand why they're shooting rockets and no one wants to talk about that and no one wants to talk about how if you have a helpless population under section 51 under the
Starting point is 00:14:17 un charter that if you're getting fucking peddled with industrial warfare and you don't have an army and you're a helpless population being occupied you do have the right to defend yourself that's the un um i'm not i i abhor violence on either side and i completely condemn shooting rockets into civilian populations and trying to kill people but i do understand the resistance movement i do understand people aligning with hamas because look they're under fucking siege and if i didn't have basic amenities and if i saw my home like my neighbor's homes getting demolished all my life and if i fucking saw people getting shot and beat the shit out of all my palestinian friends friends here who have left palestine over the years their stories are just unbelievable one of them's brother was beaten to death by the idf when he was
Starting point is 00:15:04 16 because he threw a stone. The other one lost six family members and one bombing. And I'm just like, how the fuck do you guys go on? And they're like, just surviving is our resistance. Just living is our resistance. And everyone has a story like that. And there's incredible biases on the side of the pro-Israel side. I've seen some videos that make you just go, wait, what? The Dennis Prager one is the most egregious. Have you ever seen that?
Starting point is 00:15:34 No. What is it? We'll play it. We'll play it because it's quite fascinating. Dennis Prager on the Palestine-Israeli conflict. It's like he breaks it down in this way that like, it's a highly criticized video. The one in a nutshell? Yes, yeah, let's play it. Let's do it. Because it's one of those ones where you're like,
Starting point is 00:16:00 okay, come on, man. We'll play it here. You got it? Because it's something that you can't really describe without actually saying. Because Dennis Prager is this serious, conservative Jewish fellow. Right. Prager University. By the way, you can't have Prager University, you fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:18 You're not a goddamn professor of a university that you make yourself. The motto of Prager University is you give us five minutes and we'll give you a semester. Well, I took many semesters on the question of the Middle East conflict. I was at the Middle East Institute, in fact, at Columbia University. That's where I did my graduate work. Semester after semester discussing the Middle East conflict as if it were the most complex conflict in the world, when in fact it's probably the easiest conflict in the world to describe.
Starting point is 00:16:47 It may be the hardest to solve, but it really is the easiest to describe. Kill all Muslims. And really, in a nutshell, this is what it is. Israel would like to exist and recognizes the right of the Palestinians to have a state. The Palestinians, however, and many other Muslims and Arabs, do not recognize the right of a Jewish state of Israel to exist. Every poll among Palestinians shows that the majority of Palestinians want there to be no Jewish state of Israel, doesn't believe that it should exist, or had any basis for being. And this has been true since 1948,
Starting point is 00:17:23 when the British left and the UN established a division. Palestine will be cut in half, a Jewish half and an Arab half. The Jews accepted it, the Arabs didn't accept it, and what happened? The moment it was announced, Arab armies, about seven Arab armies, attacked the Jewish state in order to destroy it. To everybody's surprise, the little Jewish state survived, and that was pretty much it. And then it happened again in 1967, when the dictator of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, said, we are now going to extinguish the Jewish state of Israel. And Jordan joined him, and Syria joined him, but Israel attacked first, and so Israel survived. And that is how Israel, and only that way, came to occupy what was called the West Bank of Jordan,
Starting point is 00:18:11 where many Palestinians lived, because many Palestinians lived in that part of Jordan. So the war was over in 67, and what did the Arabs do? The Arab states all went to Khartoum, Sudan and announced no recognition, no peace, and no negotiations. The three famous no's. What was Israel supposed to do? Then Israel made an agreement to give the entire Sinai Peninsula, an area of land bigger than Israel, with oil, back to Egypt because they said they would make peace with Israel.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Israel gives territory back for peace and it will always do that. But is there really a desire for peace on the part of Israel's enemies, which broadcast after broadcast on TV and radio in the Palestinian areas is about how Jews should be killed and how Allah wants Jews to be killed? That's the typical broadcast on Palestinian television. So why don't you show us? It's not hard to explain the Middle East dispute. One side wants the other dead.
Starting point is 00:19:12 You know what the motto of Hamas is? The motto of Hamas is, we love death as much as the Jews love life. Now you tell me, how is Israel supposed to make peace when people believe what Hamas believes? Oh God, where do I start? Now here is one of the most important things nobody talks about. Everybody talks about a Palestinian state. Why didn't anybody talk about a Palestinian state while the Palestinians lived under Jordanian rule? Because the truth is, people started talking about a Palestinian state once the Palestinians were under Israeli rule,
Starting point is 00:19:47 because it was always a way to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. And I say Jewish state because that's what it is. There are many, many Arab states, but there is only one Jewish state. It is about the size of New Jersey. In fact, Israel is the size of El Salvador. El Salvador. Jersey. In fact, Israel is the size of El Salvador. El Salvador. And yet if a Martian came to the earth and they visited the United Nations or they read the world's newspapers or watched world television, they would believe that the biggest problem on earth is a state the size of New Jersey and El Salvador. This state of Israel. This preoccupation with a little democratic humane state
Starting point is 00:20:25 is absolutely irrational. And here's another question to be asked. If Israel tomorrow put down its arms and said we will fight no more, what would happen? If the Arab countries around Israel said we will fight no more, we put down our arms, what would happen? In the first case, there would be an immediate destruction of the state of Israel with mass murder of the Jews of Israel. In the second scenario I presented, where the Arabs put down their arms and said, we just want peace, there would be peace the next Wednesday. The fact is, as I said at the outset, it is a very simple problem to describe one side wants the other dead and if they
Starting point is 00:21:08 didn't there would be peace and yet please remember this there has never been never in the history of the world a state in that area in what is called geographically palestine that was not jewish what is called geographically Palestine, that was not Jewish. Israel is the third autonomous Jewish state to exist in that area. There was never an autonomous Arab state, there was never an autonomous Muslim state, there was never an autonomous any other state. That's the issue. Why can't a little state the size of El Salvadorador that calls itself israel be allowed to exist that in a nutshell is the middle east problem i'm dennis prager dennis prager is a douchebag
Starting point is 00:21:53 i i love how he's like um okay so you have all these arab states and this is the only jewish state arab isn't a fucking religion idiot Jewish state yeah you have an Islamic state Iran but are you going to really compare the fucking two if you're claiming that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East are you really comparing yourself to Iran and all these other like I mean it's just amazing that he just said that that's insane also sure there's absolutely people who hate Jewish people there's calls for genocide on that side but there's also calls for genocide on that side. But there's also calls for genocide in the Israeli cabinet as well.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Some woman just said that all Palestinians should die. Times of Israel just published a piece justifying genocide. They actually said when genocide is permissible, this was just published yesterday, taken down in a couple hours because of the backlash. But you have this rhetoric coming from both sides. But I only see one side actually doing the genocide, carrying out genocide. One side is doing the killing. The other side, yes, the Hamas charter may say that Israel should cease to exist.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I don't know if that's like a mistranslation in Arabic of just saying the state should be dissolved, but I know that they mistranslated Ahmadinejad saying wipe Israel off the map. He never actually said that so what did he say um he just he said like the borders should like israel as a state shouldn't be there as a jewish state he didn't say fucking wipe them off the map kill them all that was a mistranslation and of course you just hear that repeated ad nauseam no matter what um one other thing that's just really ridiculous is um this other israeli cabinet official just said that palestinians are committing self-genocide that every time a palestinian child
Starting point is 00:23:30 dies it's because they're killing themselves i guess there must be rockets inside of these children because i haven't seen any evidence whatsoever all the homes that they're blowing up where are these rocket command centers i just want to see fucking evidence that's not a cartoon well priggers uh his point of view is very simplified very simplistic and biased obviously you know his the whole take like it's very simple right the jewish state it's very simple it's not very simple it's not simple at all man and he didn't mention what you mentioned at all, is that these people are kind of closed in there. And there's no hope for them. This idea that, you know, first of all, the idea that a Jewish state has always, who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 00:24:16 Religion's retarded, all right? If you're an old man, you think religion's a good idea, good on you, buddy. Keep that, rocking that shit until your fucking body stops working but for us for the young folks that are out here that are sort of paying attention to the way things have run on this planet in this idiotic cyclical manner from the beginning of time from the beginning the first fucking dude wrote shit down and decided to tell the other guys that god wrote it or god told them to write it or whatever i I mean, this idea that the religious state should be allowed to exist, the idea of a religious state is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Right. It's insane. It's ridiculous whether it's a state of Scientology, whether it's the Moonies have their own fucking country. Like any country that is based on religion, it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And I know we're supposed to have religious freedom, and I agree with that. I agree that you should be able to worship the spaghetti monster.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You should be able to do whatever you want. But when you have an entire state that believes it's the chosen people, and they're connected to this other state that they have sort of boxed into this 45 mile strip. I mean, objectively stand outside of the situation. What are those poor people supposed to do? Right. You know, and look, I am not discounting this idea that Hamas is a terrorist organization because they obviously are. But how does a terrorist organization start out? It's like one of the things that happened during September 11th that drove me fucking bananas.
Starting point is 00:25:50 When George Bush was like, they hate us for our freedom. You know, okay. They hate us so much for our freedom that they're willing to fly planes into buildings. What did we do? Right. What the fuck are we doing that gets people angry? Nobody ever thinks about that all they ever think about is the action themselves not like what's causing this action
Starting point is 00:26:10 what is it that's making people come from another planet and blow up buildings in new york city well it's not new york city it's not those people it's not the people in those buildings fuck not freedom it's not freedom it has nothing to with it. It's this discounting of the chain of events that cause this cataclysmic disaster. It's discounting the pressures, the inequities, all the problems, the inequality, the despair of being born into that situation. the despair of being born into that situation. And this, the idea that what the thing that drives me the most crazy about war is that people will agree that those people are the enemy people that they don't even know.
Starting point is 00:26:52 They're just people. This, this, this concept of tribalism is so archaic and so fucking stupid that it, it drives me crazy that it still exists, that in this day and age, people who have never met will see someone who's on the other side of the fence and say, that is my enemy and I have to go kill them.
Starting point is 00:27:11 People who have never met. They don't know each other at all. And this idea that these people are Arab and these people are Jewish so they could never possibly get it wrong. It's preposterous. That's insane. It exists all throughout this country. get it wrong. It's preposterous. It exists all throughout this country. We people, I mean, yeah, there's racism and there's, there's biases against religions and religious beliefs for sure.
Starting point is 00:27:32 But there's also, there's always going to be that there's bias against Republicans hate fucking Democrats. Democrats hate Republicans. A lot of people hate libertarians. People love to hate people for regardless. And when the media is amplifying that hate and telling you more reasons why you should hate, it's the same logic. OK, so Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of the Gaza Strip. And the reason is because of what I said before, is that they're aligning more with this militant faction because they are trying to resist this occupation and ongoing siege. All right. I disagree with Hammas's all of what they stand for but i understand the evolution of how this happened but it's the same logic as saying all palestinians deserve to die because they elected hamas they all must be terrorists they all must
Starting point is 00:28:13 believe in this shit it's the same logic bin laden had that americans deserve to die because you know of what we did right because we elected these leaders who you could say are terrorists on just a larger scale what makes someone a terrorist killing Killing a million Iraqis with all this fucking high grade weaponry or blowing yourself up on an airplane? I mean, it's comparable if you're looking at, I would say that a million dead Iraqis would say that Bush was a terrorist. You know, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. freedom fighter. Yeah, it's easy to point. It's easy to decide that someone's a terrorist and that label terrorist is such a right. It's so vague and it's so easy to move around. You know, you could you could apply it to either side. But the dehumanization of populations, my brother, Robbie Martin, he's he does journalism for media roots dot org, which is my other citizen journalism website. But we just published this article about the history of the term human shield. And it just it is really incredible because you look back at even World
Starting point is 00:29:08 War II, Japan, the Viet Cong, we all use this terminology and there's really little evidence to ever back it up. And it always is when the establishment wants to paint a population as like having little value to human life. Even bin Laden using his wives as human shields when we raided the compound that turned out to be a lie um the taliban they said that they used people as human shields shooting from civilian areas all of this like never really has been proven but when you repeat it more and more and more and more people just say like oh well they're using their kids as human shields what are we supposed to do when we go in there and bomb them like it's not our fault that the kids are dying here's an even fucking crazier part i just remember this when we go in there and bomb them? Like, it's not our fault that the kids are dying. Here's an even fucking crazier part.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I just remember this. When we invaded Iraq, Bush actually, so the CIA has this giant document on human shields and Saddam's use of human shields. And Bush actually fucking had the audacity to go out on TV and say, just to warn you, there's going to be mass casualties when we invade Iraq. And he was like, but it's going to be because Iraqis are going to be used as human shields. He was like, the people who die, Saddam will be using them as human shields like how the fucking insane is that you're preemptively justifying slaughter by blaming the population that you're going to be
Starting point is 00:30:14 bombing I'm sorry I just get really upset well you should be you should be because these tactics are ridiculous you know and this these these tactics they're a part of an ancient system right this ancient system of justification of warfare and this ancient system it really you know for the longest time it was incredibly difficult to decipher incredibly difficult i mean go back to the roman days try to figure out who's right and who's wrong good luck what are you going to find the right animal skin to read you, where it has the fucking truth written down on it? No, you couldn't possibly be there when the events transpired that caused the war itself. You couldn't possibly be in the tent where the war chiefs decided to fucking, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:58 this is the attack we're going to do and this is the reason why we're going to do it. No, you just were a part of the army or you were part of the civilian population that had to endure whatever was going on you felt powerless you felt you had no information other than what was being spread through the state and you were fucked but now we live in this different time and in this different time you can watch a Dennis Prager video and go Dennis Prager is a douchebag. You can debate it. You can look at the actual facts of the situation and people can be informed in a way that's really never been available before. The Vietnam War protests were largely based on educational institutions. It was largely based out of universities where these liberal professors were trying to explain to people what the reality of the situation was.
Starting point is 00:31:47 And then parents were like, these fucking liberals are teaching my kids bullshit. And then you had Kent State, where the fucking military, the National Guard came in and shot student protesters and scared the fuck out of everybody. I mean, there was so much chaos going on to try to suppress the spread of information, to try to suppress dissent. But today, the well is broken. I mean, it's just there's no suppressing it anymore. And we have these organizations that are scrambling to try to make sense of it all, that they're trying to justify their actions in in light of this overwhelming amount of information right that didn't exist before exactly social media the when during operation cast led which was i think i want to say 2009 but that was the last really brutal siege on gaza and
Starting point is 00:32:37 we didn't have social media like we did i mean they didn't have it back then like we do now so i think they were able to control the narrative a little bit more. But now it's like the fucking floodgates are open, dude. You can't deny seeing children's brains being blown out. I mean, it's just there's so much death and destruction on social media that you're just seeing the truth right in your fucking face. It doesn't matter how many cartoon infographics you make up on the IDF side. And going back to propaganda, I mean, Israel's just working 24-7 to try to spin this thing not only is our media an abysmal failure in relaying what is actually happening but they actually have you know first of all there's the birthright trip where actually I
Starting point is 00:33:18 think like 2,000 soldiers right now in the IDF are American because they go on these birthright trips and then they're told at the end of the trip, like, come fight for us. Like you need, this is like, everyone wants to kill us still, you know, Jews need protection and come join the IDF. And it's just bizarre. I can't imagine another army. Well, actually I can. And they were called terrorists when people wanted to join like the Iraqi resistance and the Syrian resistance, we call them terrorists. But if you're an American, you go fucking join the IDF, which a colonial army somehow you're a fucking hero the propaganda machines working 24 7 they offer grants scholarships for people who can do the most pro-Zionist editing on Wikipedia and edit the most Facebook posts and post the most pro tweets pro-Israel tweets they offer free
Starting point is 00:34:02 hot air balloon rides around Israel Tel Av Aviv. If you post the most pro-Israeli shit on Facebook and Twitter, dude. It's pretty sweet though. Hot air balloon rides. Who wouldn't want to do that, right? I'm thinking about it. I doubt Hamas is offering, I doubt Hamas has the capability to offer that to all the fucking human
Starting point is 00:34:19 shields in Gaza. They don't even have pasta or chocolate. How are they going to have hot air balloons? They can't even make terrorist paper airplanes because they don't even have pasta or chocolate. How are they going to have hot air balloons? They can't even make terrorist paper airplanes because they don't have .2 paper. But it just shows you how much is going into the spin machine on one side. And I was invited
Starting point is 00:34:35 on CNN last night and I was like shocked. I was like, holy fuck, they're going to let me go on CNN and drop this truth on there? And then they canceled. I think they got some pressure because it was too good to be true. oh good googly moogly of course they did yeah someone was probably like who are you fucking no no no no what jesus christ have you watched her videos that bitch is crazy she's got a nose ring yeah um it's this is a strange time when it comes to this uh these these sort of, because they don't play out the way the military leaders sort of expect them to play out in the media anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Because the media that's online is as big, if not bigger, in total than the mainstream, in quotes, media. There's no mainstream media anymore. mainstream in quotes media there's no mainstream media anymore there's cnn there's fox there's these traditional media outlets which is the way to describe them traditional media it's almost like their their legacy it's like legacy media but then there's online media which if you totaled up the amount of blogs the amount of videos the amount of online websites that have streaming video and podcasts and the different forms of media that exist that cover these same issues, it's overwhelmingly bigger. Overwhelmingly.
Starting point is 00:35:56 The numbers are much larger. For the cumulative total of websites that cover these stories, it's much more people are downloading like clicking on those links reading those stories watching those videos than you're getting ever on a cnn broadcast absolutely that's why i didn't even care when they canceled it i was like fuck it i'm going on joe rogan's show tomorrow and that has a million times more just like people who i would even want to be reaching out to like what i want to reach out to like old ladies in their home watching fucking fox or do I want to reach out to people who
Starting point is 00:36:27 actually you know have their eye on the ball or like invested in the culture and what the fuck's happening in this country and that's your audience and it's just really cool I mean being at your show last night and seeing and seeing just like how many people give a shit and are paying attention to you and the podcast and fuck CNN we We're driving them into irrelevancy, man. I mean your show and all the social media stuff, these people, it's dinosaurs.
Starting point is 00:36:51 They're silent movies. It's a silent movie is what it is. It's the, the format is archaic, you know, we'll be right back, you know, and like these fucking things drive me crazy when they have a legitimate issue
Starting point is 00:37:02 to debate and they have four squares, like it's the fucking Hollywood squares and rip Taylor's's up in the corner and he's like this is crazy she's nuts and then you know you have all these other people they're yelling over each other and like we'll be right back thank you for your time oh we have to cut to justin bieber he just got back in court i mean that's what they actually did they like cut from a congresswoman i think cnn or something was cutting he was talking to a congressman about the NSA. And then they're like, hold on, breaking news. Justin Bieber just like pled something.
Starting point is 00:37:29 I was like, what? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if I could just say one thing so people don't call me a Nazi and shit is that I love all people. I think all human beings. I just want to see humanity have equality. And I just think that the Palestinians
Starting point is 00:37:46 are being royally fucked over and I'm just totally disgusted with the way that it's being portrayed and that they're being vilified and demonized with zero context and zero historical context of how this happened and that's why I'm just like trying to just say as much as I can even though I'm very biased and openly biased I'm an journalist. And I just think that it needs to be done because I see just a giant void in the mainstream. And I just got to fucking do it. I mean, I interviewed some woman in Gaza who she was just like, I could be called a human shield because I'm refusing to leave my house. And she's like, and the truth is there's nowhere for us to go. We can't leave.
Starting point is 00:38:21 45 miles and that many people stuffed in together. It's the options are incredibly limited. And if you really want to do, if anybody in that area really wants to have peace, this idea that you contain these people is almost like ensuring. It's like a cage. Yeah. You're ensuring that you're going to have some sort of conflict, constant conflict. I don't know what to do though, but I mean, what are you going to do? You're going to let those people, if you let those people out of Gaza. Okay, like say if the Jews and the Palestinians come to an agreement, and then they open the borders, and then the Palestinians come over to Israel, and they seek revenge for their family members that have died. And then they it all starts all over again. I mean, once thousands of people have been killed, and it's in their eyes murdered their eyes murdered, you can say military action. Use whatever noises with your face to describe a missile hitting a fucking baby.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But it is what it is. And if that's my baby, I'm strapping some C4 to my chest and I'm going to find out who did it and I'm going to take out the whole group. I mean that's probably what they're thinking. And there's going to be a lot of those people. There's a lot of those people that are filled with despair. What are their options? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:28 That's a very good point. I think that's the reason why these 120 people are still languishing innocent in Gitmo. Because at this point, they're like, what the fuck are we going to do? Release these people? We just tortured them for 12 years. Well, we tortured some folks. We tortured some folks. Did you see that fucking thing?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Oh, my God. Tortured some folks? If you haven't seen it, folks, ladies and gentlemen, there is a recent thing where Barack Obama is talking about people being tortured. And he uses the term, well, we tortured some folks after the September 11 attacks. We tortured some folks? No, you can't say that. You can say we tortured some folks no you can't say that you can say we met some folks you know oh we went to uh we went to atlanta we met some nice folks you don't say we tortured some folks like what kind of fucking weird euphemism speak is that we tortured some folks
Starting point is 00:40:19 so that's become a hashtag on twitter now uh hashtag we tortured some folks hashtag drone king yeah that is what's going on that i'm not kidding that is a that's trending hashtag we tortured some folks i'm not kidding and that's exactly yeah that's exactly what what's happening with the drone wars um that look these these fucking taliban militants just took over this airport in karachi killed a shitload of people and why because they said that a drone fucking killed one of their leaders in fucking the rural area of pakistan because obama launched a drone attack killed this guy it's like this is going to be going on forever when you kill people with drones when you fucking imprison people in a little area i mean it's just going to be a cycle
Starting point is 00:41:02 of violence and revenge and hate um and that's why i just completely disagree with with you know of course the drone war i disagree with all that shit man obama's are spooky dude it's a spooky idea that you're nowhere near there and you have a remote control and you press a button and missiles that are called hellfire missiles come flying out of the sky and slam into targets Often the wrong ones and if you look at the amount of people that are innocent that have been killed by drones Versus the amount of actual terrorists that have been killed by drone What a fucking mess that program and they also just call them militants anyone who's just aged Like literally military age so it could be 15 to fucking 100 if you're a military age male you're
Starting point is 00:41:46 considered a militant so who are i mean i don't know yeah i don't know who's even like i'm sure the majority of them are civilians if you if you have enough dirt on someone where you actually they're worthy of being executed put them on fucking trial i'm sorry but i believe in the rule and justice i don't believe in just assassinating motherfuckers across the globe with zero accountability zero context of who these people are. And we know that they've executed fucking like that 16 year old boy, the son of Anwar al-Awlaki. 16 year old kid, blew him up in a drone, him and his whole family just dead. No accountability, no rationale. And you know, there are just all terrorists, I guess. that's just makes us feel better I guess to think
Starting point is 00:42:25 that in Pakistan alone between 416 and 951 civilians including 168 to 200 children have been killed depending upon reports and you know who knows what the numbers the correct numbers are I mean first of all you got a real problem with incredibly poor people where you hit a fucking house where they live in and there's no paperwork and they're blown to smithereens like how many people are there you were gonna have to find the family members you're gonna report and tell you how many and it's you know that's why you're getting these weird numbers but the bottom line is hundreds of people have been murdered that did nothing and also more disturbingly two disturbing things one of them the intercept release which is glenn greenwald's publication
Starting point is 00:43:09 with the nsa leaks that they actually are killing people based on metadata so they track someone's metadata through their cell phone and then they track all these patterns so it's not even like real human beings within you know conducting intelligence on the ground figuring out what people deserve to die or not. It's actually fucking tracking metadata on a fucking computer screen. That is insane to me. Because what if you give your cell phone to your grandma and the cell phone's in your grandma's house or a church?
Starting point is 00:43:35 They're going to fucking blow the shit out of that church. Exactly. They're going to blow your grandma apart. They're targeting wherever that phone is. If you really hated somebody, you just leave your phone over their house. Hell fires are coming. Yeah, it's not that specific.
Starting point is 00:43:47 And so the idea of the, this is the word that gets thrown around a lot, surgical strikes. I mean, you want to talk about surgical precision. You don't usually talk about missiles that hit metadata where a phone is and it's a hit in a fucking apartment building. You're just going to blow up whoever happens to randomly be near this phone. Collateral damage, man. And going back to what do we do? I mean, I think that we end the apartheid state. We start giving Arabs equal rights.
Starting point is 00:44:16 But I think that the U.S. cutting off funding militarily, I think, is the number one thing. I mean, for God's sake, there's been blatant war crimes that have happened. Hitting the U.N. refugee school, killing 17 human beings that were trying to get refuge. During a humanitarian ceasefire, they bombed a crowded market, killing another 17. They've killed like six journalists, targeted all these media centers. And then there was the UN Security Council, where every single country either abstained or voted to investigate war crimes in Gaza, except the US. Except the US. That's how blind this allegiance is. And if we could just end this military funding,
Starting point is 00:44:49 I think then Israel would be forced to kind of analyze their role and we can really talk seriously about solutions here because it's not going to work. Yeah, you're not anti-Israel. No. You're anti-war. Right. And I have a lot of friends that are Jewish
Starting point is 00:45:04 and a lot of them have very strong opinions about this whole thing. And, you know, I see it from their point of view. They grew up with this idea that the Palestinians are terrorists. Totally. And the Palestinians kidnapped Jews. And you remember the Olympic Games and all this craziness. And, you know, I see their point of view. But as an objective human observer, when you watch this, you go, there has got to be a way to break this cycle.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And the way is not missiles. And it's not blowing up tunnels. And it's not keeping these people on a strip of land. I don't know what the way is. That's the problem. I'm talking a lot of shit here. I don't have any solutions. But it's scary.
Starting point is 00:45:42 It's scary as fuck. And then you've got Russia that may be invading Ukraine right now. Right. Because human beings have so much more capacity for violence. Our ability, when you have things like drones, when you have things like long-range missiles and nuclear weapons and all these different things that just didn't exist 100 years ago, but you still have the same mentality that existed 100 years ago. That's the real issue, right? Right. That's the real issue, right? Right I mean, a hundred years ago You know, you had to fucking get in a boat
Starting point is 00:46:26 And you had to get over there in a plane with a propeller And it was hard to fuck shit up Now you can be in Nevada You know, with a fucking Xbox controller And you're launching missiles You know, from the other side of the world It gets real weird when it becomes easy to kill And when you're so delusional that you think
Starting point is 00:46:44 That you are literally chosen by God to live more than another human being and then you have these weapons at your arsenal. That's what's scary to me. That's goofy as fuck. That is unbelievably goofy. And that's the thing that, you know, when you talk to Jewish people, that's, you know, that's my faith and my undeniable right to have this faith. And that's my Dennis Prager voice. My faith, my undeniable right to have this faith and that's my dennis prager boy my faith my undeniable right for a jewish state look undeniably there's so much fucking anti-semitism online it's disgusting
Starting point is 00:47:12 it's vile and there's obviously jews have been persecuted horribly in the past and um you know it's awful but it's not a reason or justification to do this to another population. No. You know? No, it's not. And it's only going to make more anti-Semitism. So unfortunate. Attacking Palestinians and having the outside world look at this happen. And, you know, and also, look, when Palestinians attack Israelis, that shit ain't helping either, man. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:41 But it's a terribly imbalanced situation, a terribly, terribly imbalanced situation. It's imbalanced that Israel feels like it's completely surrounded by these Arab states, these Muslim states that hate it and want it gone. That's incredibly imbalanced as well. And that's also a religious issue. They're just I mean, it's all goofy. This idea that your ideology, your religious ideology based on some ancient shit that nobody knows the real source of is more important or more valid than someone else's. It's all fucking madness. Look at the Christian culture here, the evangelicals. Dude, I just saw, I don't know if you've been watching John Oliver. I really like his show, but he had on this stuff about the Uganda gay law. And you're like, oh, wow, that's so fucked up.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Uganda has such horrible gay laws. And then you realize that it's because of the evangelicals here in this country that they've basically been emboldened because the political establishment for some reason takes them seriously enough to like let them and have such a say. And it's driven all of our politics of the fucking right so much and so then these evangelicals have so much money and backing that they go across the world and start like making these laws get pushed through to fucking kill gay people and you're like what in the hell is going on it's this crazy shit like sure uganda's uh you know might be backwards in a lot of ways but without these these American Christian evangelicals going over there and actually helping get this done, it wouldn't have happened. And that's really scary because for some reason they're relevant here. And I'm not saying, of course, if you're Christian, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the very, very, very right wing, very like minute, like very small minority that have an extremely powerful political voice
Starting point is 00:49:25 because they have so much money. And it gets people like Mitt Romney and fucking Rick Santorum. Yeah, what a goof. I mean, the fact that those people are even relevant, the fact that we almost had that as our president. Like, look, I think Obama's a war criminal, but Mitt Romney's, I mean, damn. I mean, these people are just nuts. Sarah Palin.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah. These people should not be anywhere near politics. They're fucking crazy. Mitt Romney, for folks who don't know, is a part of one of the most extreme Mormon sects ever. They left the country to go to Mexico because they couldn't have 100 wives here in America. That's literally why Mitt Romney's family couldn't,
Starting point is 00:50:01 his dad couldn't be president because his dad was born in fucking Mexico. His family is from Mexico. They have a giant compound in Mexico where they're engaged in like these wars with the drug cartels. They get kidnapped and shit. Vice did this whole piece on it. It's incredibly fucked up. And Mitt Romney's, they just, no one talked about it.
Starting point is 00:50:22 My Mormonism is off the table. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like you couldn't talk about it. What? You're like, actually, that's pretty fucking important. No, it is off the table. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What? You're like, actually, that's pretty fucking important. No, it's on the table as fuck, dude. You might keep it off the table on your goofy legacy television shows and all these ridiculous things that you do, these ridiculous debates where everything's controlled.
Starting point is 00:50:39 If I was ever in a debate with that guy, the first thing I would say is, you really believe Joseph Smith, a 14-year-old old boy found golden tablets that contain the lost work of jesus but only he could read them because he had a magic rock and then he had to bury him and then no one else can see him the fuck out of here dude i would literally say get the fuck out of here on tv you're in a cult right yeah cults are big sometimes right that's sometimes cults only have 30 people and you live in the fucking San Fernando Valley in a weird shelter and Sometimes cults have a billion people and you know You got a guy called the Pope and he sits on a fucking golden throne. Guess what? That guy's a fucking cult leader, right?
Starting point is 00:51:15 You know, maybe the new ones the best one ever cuz he's you know, he's sweet and he's man of the people and he's so Proletariat look at him. He's an awesome Pope. He's a regular guy, right? No, he's not and he's so proletariat. Look at him. He's an awesome pope. He's a regular guy. Right. No, he's not. He's a fucking cult leader.
Starting point is 00:51:26 He's just a better cult leader than that creepy fuck that came before him that sat on a golden throne, you know, and had a gay bathhouse in the same property as the Vatican.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Thank you for bringing that up. Well, I know L. Ron Hubbard's great grandson. He lives in Oakland and he was telling me that it's very openly admitted and his great grandfather wrote it in fucking books and shit, he lives in Oakland, and he was telling me that it's very openly admitted, and his great-grandfather wrote it in fucking books and shit, that he was in tax trouble and he needed to start a religion to get out of this fucking tax trouble. He was going to go to jail.
Starting point is 00:51:52 He owed tons of money to the government, and he even said, like, I'm going to start a fucking religion and get myself out of these tax problems, and wow, here you go. Yeah, he did it and to think that scientology is any less valid than mormonism right or that mormonism and is any less valid than a religion that is based on a jewish zombie the the all of it's silly man and it's not saying that there's no god it's not saying that spirituality doesn't have some sort of a benefit to our society and our culture and this idea of a greater thing other than people this greater power whatever it may be that created the universe because there is something that runs this world is something that runs this universe you want to give it scientific terms you want to give it philosophical term whatever it is there's obviously a giant energy
Starting point is 00:52:42 that has created this massive fucking universe. Whether it has a consciousness or not, you could debate it all day long. But I'm guessing that a dude didn't die and then three days later come out and push a rock aside. And, you know, come on. It's the myths that hold society together. It's all these fables and myths that are the glue. And you're talking about how we haven't really changed We fucking haven't dude. I just saw a poll that basically if a president was atheist
Starting point is 00:53:10 That would be like the least favorable factor of like any candidate running for president as if they didn't believe in God That's how important religion still is to society And I think that even like we were saying last night at the comedy show You can show someone proof that Bigfoot that this video is fucking fake and if and they still want to believe it they believe it doesn't matter if you just say like look jonah couldn't have survived inside of a whale for three days just not scientifically possible like well the whales were different back then they had condos they had condos in the whales yeah people are people are weird man they're weird with their beliefs and what's weird is as long as something's old, we'll accept it.
Starting point is 00:53:45 But if you tried to come out today with some Jewish zombie story, people would be like, what is this asshole doing? They'd lock you up. They'd put you on pills. They'd be like, good on psychoactive medicine. Yeah. If you were standing in the middle of all the people in Occupy Wall Street and you had a chart and you were holding up this chart.
Starting point is 00:54:03 This is how the earth was formed 6,000 years ago. Sign up for my religion. Here. In six days, he created this. He'd be like, bitch, are you out of your fucking mind? If everybody just believed wholeheartedly in science, if we had completely abandoned all religion and then you came along with a version,
Starting point is 00:54:21 nobody would take it. It has to be old. It has to be old. But when it's old we'll accept goofy shit and even though so much fucking shit has come out since then even though the internet we have the world's knowledge at our fingertips we still believe in these archaic philosophies that do not apply anymore dude did you hear about the blackwater shit that came out how you know you know blackwater, the most criminal mafia organization
Starting point is 00:54:45 and somehow the- Mercenaries. Yeah, they're fucking mercenaries. I had a friend work for them. Really? Holy shit. Went over there and did a couple tours. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah, he was a Marine sniper and then wanted to make some more money after the war. Wanted to make a lot more money. Made a lot more money than he did for the army. Did a couple tours, opened up an MMA gym with it.
Starting point is 00:55:02 That's cool, man. I mean, you know- Not really. Went over there and killed some people. Okay, no, that's fucked up. I with it that's cool man i mean i really kill some people okay no that's yeah i mean i mean i'm just trying to be nice i think people i think anyone in glavac water is a criminal but but eric prince the guy who founded it actually did think that he was ordained by god to like fucking like kill muslims like he thought that he was carrying out a holy war so what did we do we hired this company sent him over to fucking iraq they massacre god knows how many people but that's not the crazy part the crazy part that just came out the crazy part that just came out is that basically we went over to
Starting point is 00:55:35 investigate them and um the state department official went over to iraq right before the nasser square massacre which is when they just went out with fucking machine guns and just like slaughtered 17 like fucking women and children on the street. Before that even happened, a State Department official went over to Iraq and they're like, yo, yo, yo, this company is like out of fucking control. You guys are just like, like crashing into cars, like running over people shooting fucking birds in the sky and shit. So they meet with the embassy. And they're like, what, like, we need to, you know, this contractor that we hired is basically running our operation.
Starting point is 00:56:08 What do they do? The Blackwater guy there just said, I'm going to fucking kill you. We're going to kill you if you do anything. And he fucking left terrified. He told the embassy, he was like, they're threatening to kill me. And they're like, get out. They're like, you're threatening our relationship now with Blackwater. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:23 And he fucking came back to the u.s well they're beyond the law that's what's really crazy a lot of the things that were done by blackwater these war crimes right they changed their name a couple times since then right and now i believe they're owned by the united arab emirates i think they hired prince to start another organization because they were worried about an Arab Spring event happening over there. He's provided safe harbor in Abu Dhabi and they, something like- Is it Abu Dhabi? Yeah, he's in Abu Dhabi and he did start, Triple Canopy, that's what they just merged
Starting point is 00:56:55 with. So before it was Blackwater, then Academy and then Z. Yeah, right. And then after the story came out, all these other people came out anonymously inside Blackwater or ex-officials. And they're like, no, we like Eric Prince's like killed people like Eric Prince's put out hits on motherfuckers. Like we know this for sure. And we're fucking terrified to come out and actually put our identities because we might die, too. Like that's how insane this dude.
Starting point is 00:57:17 And he's just living, still making contracts with the government. The CIA just gave Blackwater, whatever the fuck they're called now, another contract earlier this year. Well, they're very effective. Really good at their job. I mean, this day and age, it's hard to get people to shut the fuck up about things, but boy, those guys know how to shut people up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Unbelievable. Especially when you can do things that are completely outside of the jurisdiction of any laws. Ours, theirs. I mean, that word contractor is so cute because I always think of a plumber a guy who's gonna fucking fix your roof that's a contractor like how wait well those are contractors also have fucking sniper rifles and like what that's a contractor oh okay like the you know
Starting point is 00:57:58 like when you heard that was one of the things that kept like um when that fallujah thing happened and they hung those contractors the united states States contractors, I was like, why are they killing construction workers? They're killing contractors? And then you realize, oh, no, no, they're killing mercenaries. They're killing hired assassins. Oh, that's different. That's like insurgent. We killed some insurgents.
Starting point is 00:58:25 What is that? Oh, people that are resisting. They were born in this place that we showed up with tanks, and they're resisting, so they're insurgents. Oh, they're not just people that live there? Right, right. No, they're militants. Yeah, well, we can, you know, throughout history,
Starting point is 00:58:39 people have had this incredible ability to dehumanize with terms. You know, you can just call them something, and then they become the enemy, or categorize them. You know, what Genghis Khan used to do. Like, anybody who didn't live in a tent was a bitch. You know, these dummies that lived in these cities, like, they just treated them like cattle. And that was why they were able to justify
Starting point is 00:59:02 killing millions and millions of people. And that's just one of the things that people have figured out a way to do us versus them we love it we love i fucking hate windows users you know i'm a mac till i die i mean it gets that dumb we we literally ford versus chevy i saw a fucking calvin and hobbs thing Pissing on a Chevy. Yeah, pissing on a Chevy logo. He's standing on a Ford logo and he's pissing on a Chevy logo. If I had a fucking drone with Hellfire missiles,
Starting point is 00:59:32 I might launch it at that fucking guy. I want to launch it at anyone who has the fake balls on their truck. Well, those could just be misguided youth. Shit, if you gave me some of those fake balls when I was 18, I might have put them on my car. I was retarded.
Starting point is 00:59:47 You know? But Calvin and Hobbes pissing on a Ford logo. Jesus fucking Christ. But there's people that are like, this is Chevy country. If you listen quiet, you can hear a Ford rust. Like, there's fucking bumper stickers like that. People love to be on goddamn teams. Unite blue. Unite red. We're weird. We're really weird like that people love to be on goddamn teams unite blue or unite red you know we're really weird like that and what better way to you know to control the population
Starting point is 01:00:12 to have these like fake teams of political parties that essentially there's total uniformity when it comes to foreign policy and the you know the militarization of like this country and surveillance and all that shit but then you just have like these minute differences in terms of like immigration or this and that not saying that they're like null and void obviously there's like things that are very good about the differences but on a big scale it's essentially you're driving the fucking country to the ground yeah i think it's like what they're doing is taking advantage of these ingrained tribal sensibilities that have been with us since we were in these small groups of people that had worry about other small groups of people. Like we were just talking about this the other day that this is like one of the first times in human history where if a boatload of people show up, it's a good thing. You know, it used to be when a boat showed up you're fucked men are
Starting point is 01:01:07 gonna get off that boat they haven't seen pussy in a hundred years they have guns they have no food they all have rickets they all scurvy and shit and they're just gonna fucking shoot arrows at everybody and rape everybody and take all your food and light everything on fire i mean that's what people did now they're tourists like this it's, it's a very weird time that we live in. It's very unique in that sense. Like, that's never happened before. So I think there's a slight erosion of this tribal attitude that, you know, people used to have.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And it's because of access, because we can go to places that we couldn't go to before much easier. And it's also because of information. Information, it's so information. Information. When you have enough of these kind of conversations and there's enough articles that are written on the web, there's enough conversations, like real, legitimate, objective conversations between people that actually know what's going on, where they go over the facts on both sides and try to come to some sort of a rational, facts on both sides and try to come to some sort of a rational, unbiased conclusion, it changes the culture. I mean, slowly but surely, access changes the culture.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Access to areas changes and access to information changes. Right. We're a part of that. It's all going on right now. And that's why this younger generation, these people that are growing up with no idea of life without the internet, we're completely repulsed by these things that are happening. I think the people that, if you polled young people today in America, in Canada, in places where there's no conflict, and they don't have this ingrained sensibility
Starting point is 01:02:41 that's due to having family members being murdered in front of them, and you ask them about nationalism, I think their attitudes have been, will be radically different than people that lived a hundred years ago. Totally. Yeah. I think it's the homogenization of culture and it's a lot of, it's the internet. I mean, where else can you just see a guy getting raped by a horse and dying other than the internet? I mean, a hundred years ago, we'd have never been able to see that, but I think it's true. I think nationalism, I think people are realizing how toxic it is. And the more that they travel and the more that they reach out online to people across the world, and they see that we're all fucking human, we all bleed the
Starting point is 01:03:13 same. We all suffer loss the same way. And there's only so much you can do to indoctrinate someone to think that someone else is a lesser human being than you. And I think that the more we learn about what's going on, and the more access we have, that's going to really, really erode. But fuck, I mean, the old guard is holding on. They're clinging on to that, man. They're trying. They're clinging on.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Well, ideology is the only thing that glues everything in place still. Like when you have something like ISIS or you have like this Palestinian versus Israel conflict, the ideology of religion is one of the few things that unites people in this sort of very, very rock solid position
Starting point is 01:03:51 that just, it's very hard to do with when you have an agnostic population. It's very difficult to get them to just accept that these people in Canada are douchebags
Starting point is 01:04:03 and we need to go over there and fucking take their pine trees. It just doesn't make any sense, you know. People would be like, what? We're going to go to war with Canada? Right. Can you imagine if for some reason we found, you know, this supply of diamonds or whatever the fuck it is in Canada
Starting point is 01:04:16 and all of a sudden, you know, we started talking about Canadian terrorism and like, what? Like, we're going to go over to Canada? Like, you know, people would be like, get the fuck out of here. They're like, but they look like us. How could they be evil? Well, this is the first time ever in my life I can recall the public's opposition to military action stopping military action. Like Syria.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Right. Like, when was the last time? Listen, put your hand, cup your hand in your ear and listen in the news for anything about fucking invading Syria. It doesn't exist anymore. The conflict, the idea of the dialogue of going over there and military action, it's gone. It's gone. Because the overwhelming reaction to that goofy fucking President Obama speech, left and right. People are like, what?
Starting point is 01:05:02 You're going to put our children at risk? You're going to send children over to fucking Syria for what? For what's going on over there? Oh, someone used gas? Oh, okay. Yeah, why is that the red line? What about the 150,000 people who died at the hands of Assad and all these rebels and all this shit before that? It's like,
Starting point is 01:05:17 why do we have these arbitrary, quote, red lines where that's when we need to go and impose military action? Like, what the fuck is that about? What? I would love to have been in the room when they talked to Obama and they're making that speech. Right. You're going to say, uh, gas. And that's when you know, like, where that's when we need to go and pose military action. Like, what the fuck is that about? What? I would love to have been in the room when they talked to Obama and they're making that speech. Right. You're going to say gas. And that's when you know, like, and that's why I'm terrified of Hillary Clinton, man. Because if you read some articles about who's really like, I mean, I think Obama, once again, he's a worker and he's a horrible president.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And but Hillary's fucking crazy, dude. She's like as crazy as John McCain. They were like pushing him to get into syria so hard hillary ron yeah hillary was like almost one of the most militant military hawks in his whole national security team and man that's gonna be bad news if she gets in i blame bill fucked her up made her angry she's probably a peacenik when she was younger. Probably a goddamn hippie. She looked like she was. She got the big eyebrows.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Fucking glasses. All those years of dealing with Bill. That's fucking rampant philandering. She wants to blow shit up now. Just anger. That's how you create terrorists. Well, lucky she doesn't have a dick. She had a dick. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:06:22 She'd already be president probably, right? But what do you think? Yeah, I mean it is amazing and I think I don't know what the fuck and think about this Ukraine shit Man, I mean were you following all that crazy shit that happened with RT. Mm-hmm Well, what happened they were trying to send you over there, right? What happened what does that was because I remember reading that like oh shit They're trying to send Abby to Russia. Wait, I need to go go to the bathroom oh she's gonna fucking formulate her thoughts you gotta take some deep breaths again there's Hillary Clinton oh my god look at that photo of Hillary Clinton first of all dude don't
Starting point is 01:06:57 zoom in because if you do you miss the feet look at those goddamn Birkenstocks she might have had the original pair of Birkenstocks and these pants. She's wearing these striped pants that look like a version of yoga pants in some sort of a way. They're very tight. Who knows what kind of material they're made out of, but they're like multicolored, striped, and it's all pointing towards her crotch in some weird geometric pattern. And she's got glasses on. What happened to the glasses?
Starting point is 01:07:28 Does she still wear glasses? Kind of. Sometimes. Contacts. Yeah. I don't know. That's her. That's her when she was young.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And Bill and... Look, they were hippies. He had like a hipster beard, and she looked like a hippie. Wow. And they were young students trying to make their way in the world. Yeah. Non-inhaling. Non-inhaling.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yeah. Fucking liar. They weren't inhaling because they were putting it up their asses. It's so crazy. I heard they ate it. That's what you heard? I heard they ate brownies. Did you just make that up?
Starting point is 01:08:01 No, I heard someone said that he didn't inhale. That's why I said he didn't inhale, because he didn't. Please, he didn't. Please, he inhaled. Yeah, everybody that smokes pot inhales. Stop. I tried it once. I didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:08:15 If you didn't like it, you're hanging around with the wrong people. Come on, dude. You tell me. And all those chicks that he hooked up with, none of them smoked a joint before they fucked? Get out of here. Look at her. That's before she wanted to kill people. If he's smart enough to be the goddamn governor of Arkansas, he's smart enough to know that weed enhances sex.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Guy's a freak. Whipping his dick out all the time. Of course he's high. It's crazy. Could you believe that? He just, like, fucked some girl on the desk of the Oval Office with, like, a cigar and shit. Just, like, super...
Starting point is 01:08:40 You gotta do what you gotta do. Ballsy, dude. Ballsy motherfucker. Imagine the stress of being the goddamn president. He needs to blow off some steam somehow. Cut the guy a little slack. Hey, that was the... Hey, I don't give a fuck
Starting point is 01:08:54 about people's private lives. They could have a million affairs. I mean, if you're a president, that's the last thing that we should be worrying about. Exactly. If anything, it shows your character and it also shows if you're in a really high-profile position of power, it shows that you may be vulnerable to, like, impulsive behavior, which is kind of tricky. Because it's like, on one hand, yeah, I think that, you know, especially if you're not in the position to start wars and shit like you know I'm not worried about what someone does some fucking head of Nabisco likes to hire hookers like who's this shit I'm not gonna stop buying crackers
Starting point is 01:09:31 you know I mean it doesn't make any sense but when you're like in a political position when you're in a position of power that's the one time when I go maybe you should kind of look at their behavior because if they're doing like really blatantly ridiculous impulsive shit they might be like out of control yeah they might be a sociopath but even more importantly they might be out of control because i've known some people that were completely out of control like they're just so powerful they just think that they can fucking do anything yeah yeah when you know if you're the head of a company, that's not really an issue.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Unless there's some sort of effect. Unless you're Eric Prince of Blackwell. Yeah, it's a company that kills people. That's an issue. But, you know, if you're making tires or something, that's probably not an issue. But if you're the head of a country that has the largest army the world has ever known, not by, like, a small margin, but by, like, but by fuck Rome okay we've got military bases in a hundred country nine hundred bases Jesus fucking Christ like but Clinton Clinton is the way I describe him is the last great American
Starting point is 01:10:39 presidential dick slinger they don't exist in dick slinger yes there's didn't exist anymore you can't do that right there will be no more every guy from now on that gets into that role will be a mitt romney type they'll be super bland like just without any charisma whatsoever because guys with charisma they get laid right you know like those jfk type guys who can captivate a nation those guys are pussy chasers they can't you can't have a guy like that as a president anymore. They don't exist. Those charismatic leaders are like, that charisma, that ability to do that
Starting point is 01:11:12 is just too intoxicating to find that rare one that doesn't act on those abilities. Just, this is a different time. We're going to have some weird-ass fucking presidents. I'm hoping that what it actually does is it eliminates the position. Because I think the position of president is the last great alpha monkey position.
Starting point is 01:11:31 It's a dopey idea. This idea that one person is our figurehead, is one person that gets to make the decisions, and the president can veto it. What? One guy? The one guy for $300 million? How's that fucking real? How is that still real?
Starting point is 01:11:47 Right. And then I love how people, they blame him and then they also excuse everything on him. They're like, oh, well he, you know, president can only do so much. But then they're like, but a president should be able to do this and that. It's like way too much fucking power. And then also the Supreme Court, I think really pisses me off though, because we're talking about a court that we have nothing to do with. And they're like the end all be all arbitrators of a lot of different shit.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And it's fucking terrifying because they're just fucking elected till death. They're appointed. They're basically like running this fucking monarchy. And it's, it's crazy. It's disgusting. There's a couple of fucking fascists sitting on the Supreme court and I don't want them to have the decisions over.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Scalia's a sick fuck. He's crazy. Alito and Scalia still want sodomy to be illegal. Yeah. Like that's how fucking warped he is. Well he's actually said
Starting point is 01:12:29 if people choose to if men choose to marry men what's going to stop them from having sex with animals? You're like I don't know where you're that's a sick fucking trajectory dude.
Starting point is 01:12:38 What's going to stop them from marrying pigeons? Nothing. You're like I'm sorry how are you Supreme Court Justice? It's unreal. you can marry pigeons all you want i don't give a fuck um i wanted to yeah so what were you thinking when all this fucking rt should happen i mean i was worried about you i was worried about you because you
Starting point is 01:12:55 you were criticizing the the putin regime and well here's the thing okay and i've had you know many people tweet at me oh she's a mouthpiece for fucking right right right right she works for rt and it's like they give you an incredible amount of editorial leeway it's very obvious if you watch the things and me as your friend and knowing you and having these long conversations with you and then seeing you talk on those that's fucking abby martin period i don't know how much oversight they have over the things that you say, but when you're talking, this is your opinions on these things. And your opinions, in many situations, were critical of Russia
Starting point is 01:13:36 and critical of Putin and critical of this military regime and their actions. And there was this backlash where they were saying they wanted to send you over where were they saying they were going to send you and what what area was this what was going on so that was that was like russia did this military incursion into crimea right when all the ukraine coup happened and then all of a sudden the russian military is like making all these maneuvers on the border of ukraine and crimea was basically the first little territory right there it was fucking crazy because i hear and this is what's so hard is like working at rt the world hates russia right now like the world fucking hates russia right now and we're being told on the media all day putin's the you know the biggest villain in the world we
Starting point is 01:14:21 should all fucking hate russia and then we're seeing like all this shit about the gay law and pussy riot and all this stuff so it's really tough already to just be working there you know already and it's even tougher to know what the fuck the truth is when we already know how biased the mainstream media is especially the way that they're covering israel palestine so when they're all telling us one thing but then all i'm getting is actual like russian sources i'm like i don't fucking believe anything that I'm seeing. Right. So are you getting like an agenda that you're supposed to? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:14:50 I have total editorial freedom. Here's the thing. RT Russia Today. You know it in the name. It's literally the name of what the bias is. It was created to put the Russian perspective out in the world. Of course, it's going to be fucking biased toward Russia. How did you wind up working for Russia today that's a very strange it is for someone
Starting point is 01:15:09 as opinionated as you it is I was actually covering occupy Oakland and RT was the only media organization like covering the protest movement and so I kept seeing this weird like Russian channel out there and I was like I don't know why the fuck this Russian stations covering occupiers like but it's great and I'm so grateful to have this platform that they're at least covering what's going on and I really think it's because of RT's coverage and they were nominated for an Emmy for it that it really like we were able to see all the videos go viral and I think it forced the mainstream media to at least pay a little bit of attention to Occupy but that's how I got involved
Starting point is 01:15:40 I saw RT all over the place in terms of Occupy shit. And they wanted me to come and have a show. I mean, they like, their whole thing is they offer the perspectives that you don't see. So they can like have the very extreme libertarian voice and they have like the socialist voice. They have like the anarchist voice and it's just breaking through all the mainstream media bullshit. But when you're looking at the bias, of course, they're going to have a fucking pro-Russian bias. It's funded by the russian government just like you have the al jazeera's qatar the emir of qatar funds al jazeera just like bbc's run by the british fucking crown dude all these does that bother you working there um it bothers me when people tell me that i'm a fucking propagandist and that i'm a mouthpiece
Starting point is 01:16:19 for putin because i've already displayed multiple times that I will risk my job to speak out against Putin if I feel like I want to and I have to. And that's what I've done it twice already. One time I saw all this military maneuvering in Crimea and I made a statement. And of course, the mainstream media picked it up, touted me as this anti-Russian hero just because they had no idea who I was. They didn't know how fucking controversial my show was and how I criticized the U. the US empire all the time. So they picked the statement up, made me an overnight sensation. And then they quickly realized like I was way too controversial to be lauded. So they ended up calling me like a fucking crazy conspiracy theorist, you know, lunatic. But what was really crazy about that, and I want to talk about RT some more, but what was so fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:17:04 is if anyone's watched House of Cards, that's exactly how this shit actually operates in dc like i made this statement and then this girl liz wall which was my colleague and actually one of my best friends in dc saw all the attention that i was getting and she was just like a newsreader very generic never heard her voice any opinions two days after this happened i was getting all this international press and then so she resigns live on air and is like i can't work for putin i'm a mat like this is a horrible network and we're and you know i i'm for the truth and i'm like pro-american and all this shit and then she got picked up and and you know lauded all this shit and then i found out that there was actually this think tank called the foreign policy. This is where it gets fucking weird.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Full of neoconservatives. It's the same people who started the Iraq War. Bill Kristol, you know, all these motherfuckers who basically forced us into Iraq. They're like the most militant neocon faction of the entire D.C. establishment. They've resurrected into a new think tank called the Foreign Policy Initiative. And I found out that Liz was like essentially being used by these people. the foreign policy initiative and i found out that liz was like essentially being used by these people these people probably reached out to her and they just said like look we're gonna like help you get this media tour behind you because their whole platform if you look at their mission statement they want a new cold war with russia that's what the fpi is all about and then you
Starting point is 01:18:18 saw liz working with these dudes like she was just this fucking idiot pawn who was basically used by all these dudes in this neocon think tank to spread their agenda and it just it was so fucking crazy and these people in this think tank are the ones that went out on the media and called me crazy they were like abby's a false flag putin had abby do this to make rt look like it's a legitimate news station like they let journalists have editorial freedom they're like liz is the real hero because she quit and she like hates Russia and like we should all pay attention to her And I was like this is fucking crazy This is all like being manufactured and that's why I was like this is absolutely insane And I just saw this media machine spinning and I was like the I was like being victimized by the media machine that I critique
Starting point is 01:19:01 Every day that's fast. It was unbelievable. That's fascinating to watch propaganda disseminate, isn't it? Yeah. It's fascinating to watch it. Especially when you're the... Seeds and water and grows and then they catch it and run with it. It was unreal, man. So you're a Putin mouthpiece. That's what we've gotten out of this.
Starting point is 01:19:20 But it was hilarious because I woke up the next morning after making that statement and I woke up to a press release saying, don't you know we don't push our journalists into saying what they need to say and like you know but that's why we're shipping abby to crimea and i was like pardon me i'm not fucking going to crimea it's a fucking war zone yeah what did they say to you what was the actual conversation with you because i remember they said someone had said, we want to send her there so she can see it on the ground and see what the situation actually is. What was their contention when they were saying that there was something wrong with your perception of it?
Starting point is 01:19:56 Right. So here's the problem. And I've learned a lot more about Crimea since I still stand by everything I said. But Russians have a very strong allegiance with Crimea because Ukraine is like half Russian speakers Ukraine I know like a lot of Ukrainians that I know are literally identify with Russia like they speak Russian they don't speak Ukrainian and shit so Crimea to them was actually like they were scared and they did reach out and they wanted help not I'm not justifying the military action whatsoever and I think it was really wrong to have these maneuvers right on the heels of this coup. What were they worried about with Crimea?
Starting point is 01:20:30 They were worried about the new interim government and how there's just a lot of lawlessness. There's all this shit going down, and I guess they reached out and wanted this referendum. I don't know if it was a fair referendum. I don't fucking know. I'm not over there. But my boss, and I think the boss of the whole rt operation really didn't understand what the fuck i was doing they were like i don't fucking get what you're talking about they're like we're russian you don't
Starting point is 01:20:55 know what the hell you're talking about you need to go over there and check it out to me i felt like it was a very russian frontish punitive like threat like oh we're gonna ship you there you're gonna go you'll learn for yourself. And I was like, what in the holy hell? Like, obviously I'm not going to go. And I told him,
Starting point is 01:21:09 I said, look, I'll go. If you give me like weeks that I can prepare for war training and making my own contacts in Kiev and shit. I was like, I would definitely consider going, but I'm not just going to go there tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:21:20 So what was the conversation? They pull you into the office. Abby want to talk to you about some of the shit you said on TV. And we want to send you over to a war zone. So I woke up and to this press release without even being asked. So I go into work knowing. And my boss calls me and he's like, hey, Abby, we need to talk to you. He has a Russian accent?
Starting point is 01:21:39 Yeah, yeah. He's like, I have a really great offer for you. I'm like, oh, you're going to send me to Crimea? Ship me there? I was like, is that the offer? Because I'm not going. And I was like, I woke up really great offer for you. I'm like, oh, you're going to send me to Crimea? Ship me there? I was like, is that the offer? Because I'm not going. And I was like, I woke up to already saying that I was. So maybe you guys got to eat your shit together and fix these narratives before you tell the world that I'm being shipped there.
Starting point is 01:21:55 So were you worried about being fired? Were you ready to walk? I was ready to walk at that point. And I was just trying to see what they were going to do. But I think I went into my boss's office and I was like, look, this is actually the best thing that's ever happened rt i was like let me say what i want to say because people call this network a putin mouthpiece and i was like and you know for good reason because it does parrot the russian line i was like but if you let me go out there and fucking criticize russia that's good right that's good and i was like even fox news has diverse opinions on they had
Starting point is 01:22:25 alum combs even though he was like a little pussy you know what i mean but at least they had that space where they could be like we you know we have liberals on sometimes it's like you need that if you want to be legitimate and so i was like fucking run with it let me do my thing and at the end of the day i give them inordinate credit for fucking letting me stay and letting me be there. And, you know, I don't know what's going to happen, but you cannot say the same for a lot of corporate media stations that fired people for criticizing war, which is even scary to me because those aren't even funded by the U.S. government. Yeah. Yeah. But they're yeah, they're all terrified of the wrath of the U.S. government. The access to stories, the access to interviews you know whenever you see obama sit down with bill o'reilly cross-legged you know they're sitting
Starting point is 01:23:10 there sitting like two gentlemen they're fucking their feet dangling over their other knee it's like all casual jerk each other off into the table so fucking bizarre and strange it's really incestual it's weird because you know that there's certain things that they're not allowed to say, questions they're not allowed to ask. You don't get that job unless you're safe as fuck. Exactly. You're walking into a nerfed room. And O'Reilly can pretend to play hardball, but it's going to be about economics or Obamacare
Starting point is 01:23:39 or something like real fucking simple. You knew it was going to be about Benghazi, IRS, and Obamacare. They probably already agreed to the terms. It was all pre-taped, all that shit. Well, we tortured some folks. But I went after this whole thing happened. So I was like, I went on Piers Morgan and Piers Morgan. What a dickwad that guy is, huh?
Starting point is 01:23:58 That was hilarious because he had no idea. Like he just thought that I'd go on there and just talk all this shit about, like throw my network under the bus, throw all my work that I'd done there under the bus and just be like so you know you're working for this overt propaganda machine i was like no different than you bro like no different than you i was like fucking look at what you guys have been doing you guys have been warmongering us he's a fool it's unbelievable he's a very strange fool because i find it incredibly odd that they gave that guy that job after his whole scandal with-
Starting point is 01:24:28 Oh, I know. The phone tapping scandal. Phone tapping victims' phones. Unbelievable. And then, did you ever see Chelsea Handler manhandle him? Mm-hmm. She Handler'd him. That was really awkward.
Starting point is 01:24:38 She destroyed him. It was hilarious. Oh, it was beautiful. She seemed so irritated. She's like, I don't even want to fucking be here right now. She's rich as fuck. She doesn't give a shit. She's like, I don't even want to fucking be here right now. Well, rich as fuck. She doesn't give a shit.
Starting point is 01:24:49 She's a comic and a drunk. Yeah, sure. And has it all out on the table. She gives zero fucks. So, Piers Morgan not paying attention to her and not even talking to her and in between takes and going over his notes and fucking reading his Twitter. Texting and shit. Yeah. Dickhead. But I think self-censorship is probably the biggest issue that you see on media.
Starting point is 01:25:09 And this is the point that I was trying to make is that I'm obviously like the only thing that I self-censor about is Russia because it's funded by fucking Russia. The money comes from everywhere. Even if you're looking at Piero Midiar, there's a lot of fucking dirty money that's going into that. Like a lot of neoliberal fucked up policies that he's done it's like no matter what if you want the platform unless you're joe rogan and have the joe rogan experience the money's coming from somewhere fucking shady man well you could do the abby martin experience i think i might man i mean i think i might at some point but it's just like you might have to you know what i mean i mean if shit gets if shit keeps
Starting point is 01:25:43 going spiraling out of control, I don't know how much longer I can be at an organization with dirty money and still not feel like a hypocrite and shit. But it really does come from everywhere, whether you're looking at MSNBC, NBC, CNN. And I think that the biggest problem is that those have dozens, if not hundreds, of conflicts of interest at least you know rt's russia you're not going to get news about russia from rt that's pretty obvious but if i'm watching msnbc how many dozens of corporate advertisers am i not going to get the truth about
Starting point is 01:26:16 right how much are they self-censoring about the u.s or about israel you know what i mean and so that's where it gets really tricky because even though it's much more of a gray area and I'd rather know the bias and I'd rather know exactly who's funding the organization so I can maneuver around that and get the truth. It's working for any company that gets their money from various sources, whether it's the Russian government, whether it's corporations that sponsor shows and want you to keep a non-confrontational, non-controversial stance on their network because they have this agenda, because they're trying to promote as many products as possible during their commercial breaks. I mean, there's a whole bunch of reasons. Because they want to negotiate good guests. They want to make high-profile political guests feel at home. So they have to negotiate good guests they want to make high profile political guests feel at home so they have to censor opinions access yeah about access baby
Starting point is 01:27:11 yeah you know what we were saying before about absolutism that's what that's why i work for rt because if i was an absolutist i'd be living in the fucking jungle drinking rainwater i have an iphone yeah i criticize you know the the NSA a lot, but look at fucking Facebook and Apple. They're all working with the NSA. They're offering these backdoors. I use these tools because I care more about the truth and I'm giving up and I'm compromising my moral values a little bit because I'm not a fucking absolutist because I believe in the bigger picture that this is a platform that's going to get the truth out to as many people as possible. That I'm using Facebook to spread the message about this and that. And I value that more than I do like cutting off all social media because I believe in privacy to the
Starting point is 01:27:54 absolute extreme. So I guess there's a lot of compromises that you make living in the society that we live in. And you know, it's just tough. You mentioned commercials. Dude, pharmaceutical industry. The U.S. is only one of two countries in the entire world that allows direct-to-consumer advertising about pharmaceuticals. And guess who's fucking preventing weed legalization in the U.S.? Partnership for a Drug-Free America, which is hilarious. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:28:20 They are funded by pharmaceutical companies. Drugs fund anti-drug commercials. Kid groups and shit. Like kids for a drug-free America. You're peddling, but yet you're giving Adderall to two-year-olds. Well, they used to take money from alcohol companies. They stopped. Now it's just pharmaceuticals.
Starting point is 01:28:39 It's un-fucking-real. Partnership for a drug-free America. Yeah, I had a joke that it was just like hookers doing commercials against strippers. Partnership for a drug-free America having commercials against weed. Pharmaceutical drugs kill a lot of fucking people. Weed kills zero. The idea behind it is so hilarious. It's just gross. It's gross and more transparent now than ever before. And that's why you're not seeing that talking dog commercial anymore it's really hard to push those things just a few
Starting point is 01:29:10 years ago you know lindsey i wish you wouldn't smoke weed you're not the same when you smoke it i wish you were on oxys so you just snort some oxys instead take some fucking take some adderall get shit done become a part of the workforce, Lindsay. Yeah, become a more high-functioning worker. Fucking Adderall, man. That shit's everywhere. I know so many people that are on that now. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:29:35 It's really confusing. It's like you become some hyper-vigilant corporate entity, some mass-producing consumer, this person that can work 16 hours a day, hardcore, and you're just taxing and redlining your system all day. Insane. Yeah. I know a dude who's got a serious problem with it. He can't get off it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:58 He fucking loves it. Yum, yum, yum. Chomp, chomp, chomp. 10,000 kids right now. Think about how many fucking kids two to three years old are on adderall oh yeah they're fucking toddlers what are you prescribing to fucking babies babies just being a baby i'm tired of it i can't deal with the drugs well i had an ex-door neighbor there's nothing wrong with their kid they got their kid on ritalin or something one of those
Starting point is 01:30:20 things prozac ritalin something some sort of a control the fucking kid drug and it's really bizarre bizarre to see this little kid become like a zombie you know just like dead dead eyes insane wandering around i mean they these people were such shitty neighbors they had a dog that was just so wild they they had a weird fence like they kind of had a fence but any dog could go over there like they had a fence that was connected to a hill. So the dog could just go up the hill and over the fence. And I was like, bro, you got to put a real fucking, like their dog would growl at me and shit. And I told him that his dog growled at me and he made up some crazy story about my dog getting out. And like the dog tried to attack him.
Starting point is 01:30:59 He grabbed it by his neck. He was like this fucking fat, out of shape, dumpy dude. I'm like, you grabbed that dog's neck and kept that dog from, my is a big dog i'm like that dog didn't try to bite plus my dog's not aggressive like you're an asshole right just making up some story because his dog is creepy his dog would like growl at people and shit so um it's the same guy that had this kid that was just a kid it was just a kid and they just didn't want to deal with it they didn't want to deal kids need a god they need attention the mom was whacked out of her mind on all sorts of fucking pills and the father was just sort of absentee worked all day 12 hours a day every day never home and then when he was home the kid was too much noise so put kid on pills get him on pills i was just
Starting point is 01:31:39 you know that crazy show my strange addiction where people eat like fucking upholstery and shit i was watching one where they're fucking eating tape like scotch tape third world do you think third third world countries have that problem or is it just this vacuous like vapid like identity crisis of americans just being like what the fuck is life all about i don't know i mean i'm generalizing american culture well way too much but i've always said, well, people are fucking soft. You know, it's this life is a little bit too easy. It's a little too easy to go to the supermarket and get your food a little too easy to drive in the Jack in the box and get your food. It's a little too easy to exist in this weird world. That's completely and totally unnatural. This cubicle
Starting point is 01:32:21 world, this world of sitting in a desk all day it's just not natural and we're fucked up we're we're all really screwed up because of that because of this unnatural existence that our bodies are not designed for our minds are not designed for so people get wacky they start eating tape they start chewing on fucking upholstery and eating curtains and you know it's fucking strange i mean if you look at like a perfect example is acts it's all about access right because in florida they have they it's better now but they had a real issue for a long time before um before they put out that documentary the oxy cotton express that was crazy yeah where they health centers or whatever that they just pain management centers what's the address yeah they're everywhere it's not an
Starting point is 01:33:13 address it's just like close your eyes and throw a dart at the map of florida you'll fucking hit one and they were one-stop shops which is disturbing enough but what's more disturbing was that they didn't have a database. So you could go to Dr. Jamie over here and get a prescription, and then you could go down the street and go to Dr. Mike and get a prescription from him, and then you can go down the street further to Dr. Michelle and get a prescription from her, and there's no one to stop you. There's no one to know what you've done. There was nothing. And so because of that, there was this insane number of people that were on Oxycontins. Like I'll pull up the data, I'll pull up the actual, but the number of prescriptions of people, of prescriptions that people had Oxycontins in Florida as opposed to the rest of the world. And it's also where all the drug peddlers go to buy it and then they just go to their respective states and sell.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Yeah. It's fucking nuts. Yeah, it was real nuts. It was something like 90% of... No way. Yeah, 90% of all of the prescriptions in the country were in Florida. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Well, Americans, I mean, we consume more opiates than any other country in the world. There's like some insane stat, like 40% of Americans are on like at least, I think it's honestly like five pills or more. I mean, I might be exaggerating, but remember how last time, Joe, we were talking about the opium in Afghanistan? Yes. Did you hear that the NSA is tapping every single phone call and storing it and recording it in Afghanistan? That convinced to me, that sealed the deal that we're like running drugs from there. I was like, so you're telling me that every single audio phone call that's made is being tapped and started by the nsa and we're still allowing 90 of the
Starting point is 01:35:08 world's heroin from coming out of there that's even fucking crazier well it is but see what people get confused about when it comes to this idea of tapping phones is that there's a person that's monitoring abby martin there's a person that's monitoring me there's a person that's monitoring Abby Martin. There's a person that's monitoring me. There's a person that's got Amber Lyons' number. No, it's all just being stored. And if you get arrested, then they're going to go through your shit with a fine-tooth comb. They have all this data.
Starting point is 01:35:36 But until you get arrested, they're just, you know... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. It's the retroactive prosecution. It's the ability to frame a case about you going back in your history and doing all this shit. Like you can pick one thing that you said. Implied blackmail is what it is. It's like it keeps you on the up and up. It keeps you from challenging authority because if you do, they know a lot of shit about you, Abby Martin.
Starting point is 01:35:59 I guess my point is that if you, if we wanted to stop the opium trade, it wouldn't be that hard. Yeah, it probably wouldn't be that hard. Yeah. It probably wouldn't be as hard. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, no, dude, when people know that they're being watched, we were talking about the generation, the internet generation. The problem is that there's no semblance of privacy with the generation growing up next. That's all gone.
Starting point is 01:36:24 And people react differently they act differently when they know there's a camera on them when they know that they're being recorded and what is that going to do for just independent thought and i just hope that we can um i just i don't know what the fuck's going to happen man it's just it's getting really crazy um the surveillance state is just really really out of control well the only thing that's fascinating to me is that it's starting to eat itself. Yeah. It's like it just came out recently that the NSA was,
Starting point is 01:36:55 they were using surveillance on the Senate. Yeah. So it's like they're eating themselves. And then the FBI was being investigated the FBI was investigating the CIA, and that's how they found the head of CIA was having an affair is because they were all investigating each other. It's like they're eating themselves. They've gone to cannibalism.
Starting point is 01:37:19 That's one of the things that many people are not aware is that a lot of government agencies don't like the other government agencies right right right hilarious you assholes are supposed to be on team america and the fucking fbi and the cia have issues with each other they don't share information they go back and they have fucking real problems you know i i think that ultimately the the evil and the sort of creepy behavior that's involved in the surveillance state will prove to be its own undoing because they're going to investigate each other. They're going to expose each other's issues. They're going to, you know, they're attacking each other. Like this whole thing.
Starting point is 01:38:06 each other like they're this whole thing i mean the the fucking head of the cia the number one spook in the country gets investigated by the fbi and he loses his gig because it turns out that he's having an affair i mean if that doesn't show you how crazy this is and that that guy petraeus who lost his gig was you know i mean you remember during the iraq war he was like he was like jesus of the battlefield right he remember during the Iraq war? He was like Jesus of the battlefield. Right. He was like the guy that everybody went to. Isn't it funny that an affair can take you down and not like war crimes? Hilarious.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Yeah. With some crazy bitch that was banging a lot of dudes. Like what gives a fuck? She was like into fucking high-level military guys. Right, right. It was her thing. They were kind of like weird swingers when it comes to hired killers. Very strange.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Very strange. swingers when it comes to you know hired killers very strange just very strange did you hear about that other leak about gchq which is like the nsa counterpart in britain they actually it came out that they're manipulating polls and online traffic and essentially like you know the whole like whoever controls the past controls the present well these people motherfuckers are controlling the present and the future because if you're manipulating polls that right there can change the course of like the political evolution of the country if you're like oh well 90 percent of uk citizens agree with this what are you gonna like say no and it's like you're just fucking making that shit up like you could just make it up now yeah it's insane again then that the information comes out that that's what's going on and it makes it sort of invalid. I hope so, man. I think kind of in a way it does.
Starting point is 01:39:25 You know, it's like, look, like the more the information comes out, the more the information gets in the hands of the people, the more that information becomes invalid. I mean, or at least it becomes a weapon that's used against them. Like the Petraeus situation, like Petraeus is like, he was teaching at City College of New York and as he's walking he has to walk did you ever see it yeah the war criminals the kids follow him and scream war criminal at him and you're like whoa this is crazy this guy doesn't have any protection like they they jettisoned him they took this guy who was like the head killer right he's the head military
Starting point is 01:40:02 guy the top dude who apparently like he would take credit for stuff that other people really deserve credit for there was a lot of dissent there's a lot of a lot of real issue in the military community they had issues with this guy i don't you know i don't know how much of this is true or not but watching him walk down the street while these kids are yelling war criminal they're holding up these signs and they're saying we'll be back tomorrow we'll be back every day you're teaching it's like this is great who who fucking expected this and he can't do it let's see if we can pull that video that's great find it it's a fascinating video it's fascinating because it's like who would have ever expected how would he have ever expected that a chick he was banging right led to this right
Starting point is 01:40:43 right right right what a weird world we live in well you could be the head of a military machine that's responsible for what was the the it's between x hundred thousand and a million innocents died in iraq right over a million there was like a 2007 poll that was a million back then yeah and i can't even imagine a million a thing of a pile of a million bodies. Good luck trying to wrap your head around that. It's unbelievable. But watching this guy, here it is. This is great.
Starting point is 01:41:11 It's fantastic. He's just walking. Citizens arrest. Piece of shit. There's blood all over you. Wow. Wow. So strange.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Every class, David! Every class, David. Every class, David. Every class, David. Wow. Every class, David. Every class, David. And he doesn't know what to do. Is it camera in his face? There's a camera there.
Starting point is 01:41:59 He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't do anything. He just keeps walking. But there's no one with this guy right that is really crazy that he just probably thought he could slink off wow and he's jaywalking arrest him that's. That's illegal. Wow. They don't touch him, though. They get in his face. They yell at him.
Starting point is 01:42:27 But they never get in front of him. Right. They get to the side. They don't stop him. Wow, he just keeps walking. It's just like, I mean, what's so weird, John Yoo, the guy who basically codified torture, is still working at Berkeley.
Starting point is 01:42:44 He's just still a teacher there. Like, I it's fucking crazy john you he's the guy who actually wrote like the torture justification in the bush like torture memos like he actually wrote the law to actually legalize torture not legalize it but codified it so that it was essentially legal yeah and he's a fucking criminal man and he's just working at berkeley i love when people do that though i mean kissinger what kills me is that the like these the oldest motherfuckers like kissinger and bush senior it's like how and cheney it's like god damn you guys have had all the luck that you can go skydiving when you're like 99 years old and you're like a workman like bush senior it's like how are you how are you so lucky man god um 22 times more oxycodones uh are prescribed in florida than
Starting point is 01:43:34 anywhere else in the country and these pain centers are just still operating like they're still operating but they've cut them back and this is where it gets really crazy. These poor people that were hooked on this shit, now they have to go illegal because there's no options. It's become a serious issue for people that live in Florida. Because you essentially have all these people that are hooked. And they're kind of collateral damage. This Oxycontin Express comes out. Everybody finds out about this issue. And the pharmaceutical companies are just raking it in, raking it in.
Starting point is 01:44:16 And they've made a bunch of people addicted. They've created all these addicts by giving them this access, this insane access. Like, what's wrong with you? My back hurts. Here's a prescription. Go right next door. And they go right next door and they give them pills. And the hardest pills to kick on the planet.
Starting point is 01:44:32 I mean, within a couple of days, these fucking things are deep in your bones and you're fucked. I have a relative. The fucking guy just lost everything. He became a junkie. I watched him have a regular job and then just become a lying piece of shit that never works and just always is on pills it's fucking legal heroin that's exactly what it is it's like it's it's even crazier it's more concentrated and you just have to swallow it you don't have to shoot up you don't have to fucking get a a rope
Starting point is 01:45:03 you don't have to get a needle you don't have to stick a needle in your arm find a vein you don't have to fucking get a rope you don't have to get a needle you don't have to stick a needle in your arm and find a vein you don't have to do any of that just pop a pill suck on it and then you need it it's just unbelievable that we are living in a country where weed is still a class 1 drug schedule 1 sorry
Starting point is 01:45:20 did you see the United States response the New York Times wrote an op-ed. An op-ed. Yeah. And the government had a response, and the government's response is fucking hilarious. What is it? What is it? It's so stupid.
Starting point is 01:45:35 I'm looking for it right near. Dave Seaman pulled it up. If you look on my Twitter from July 31st, I retweeted it. But the response is so goddamn goofy. Marijuana use affects the developing brain. Okay, here's the problem. All of their arguments are all about children. Well, they're talking about marijuana use amongst adults. It had no bearing on the conversation. It doesn't make any sense. It's completely irrelevant. That's a great point. But their first two points are about children.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Marijuana use affects the developing brain. Substance use in school-aged children has a detrimental effect on their academic achievement. Yeah, you wonder why. First of all, it's substance use, which includes alcohol, which is legal. Right. It includes oxycodones, which are legal. It includes a lot of shit, which is legal. Yeah. A lot of things acute.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Yeah. Students who received, and this is on the fucking federal government's website, students who received earned D's or F's were more likely to be current users
Starting point is 01:46:37 of marijuana than those who earned A's. Yeah. Okay. Whatever. They're high and they're not paying attention in class. What are you trying to say?
Starting point is 01:46:48 They're probably getting high because they're not paying attention in class. None of that. School, for the most part, sucks a fat dick and it's probably one of the reasons why they're high as fuck
Starting point is 01:46:54 and not paying attention. You're trying to stick a round kid into a square hole and most kids don't like it. And most kids that are creative, anybody that thinks outside the box,
Starting point is 01:47:04 anybody that has any sort of aspirations in any sort of alternative career outside of the academic process of, you know, getting a degree, getting a job, getting a cubicle, following this very rigid pattern. Yeah. The people have a problem with it. People have a problem with people telling them what to do and they get D's or F's. They, yeah, they're more likely to be the kind of kids that'll get high you're right and that's why finland has the best fucking education system in the world because they have like very personalized education because they know everyone isn't uniform robots that fit into like a perfect little thing a perfect package that everything's standardized and this and that and when we're talking about like the the vapid nature of of
Starting point is 01:47:42 people who like take all these fucking drugs to try to fill this void or eat upholstery and tape and shit and glue. I mean, when you're living in a culture that tells you that working is the best, like if you work hard, you can get anything you want. And that's just fucking not true anymore, man. The American dream isn't available for everyone. It never really was. And it's just not possible anymore. And I think people just still want to hold on to this dying fucking dream and we work harder than almost every other fucking industrialized nation we're the only country literally north korea and saudi arabia both offer this and we don't
Starting point is 01:48:19 paid maternity leave we don't even offer paid maternity leave so what the fuck i mean it's just nuts it's like i think that we just put work above all else and we're just working ourselves to death and it's really not what life is all about like even if you wanted to work and get money and really what are the chances of you getting your dream job where it doesn't feel like you're working um so ultimately you're going to be fucking miserable working your ass off just to get the money, sitting in traffic, fucking coming home. You can't even have time to fuck your wife or like make dinner. And you just, it's just like this horrible cycle.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Of course that they're going to abuse shit. Of course you're going to abuse drugs. Like there's no purpose because the purpose that you've put as your God is money. And as much as we all love to buy shit, like at the end of the day, that's's not gonna fill the void of what the meaning of life is and why you're here That's the real issue with materialism as well as a lot of times people resort to materialism to sort of placate themselves Because they're so miserable with their job that the least I'm gonna get a reward. I'm gonna buy that fucking Lexus They're least gonna get themselves a nice watch. They're at least going to get themselves a big TV. That's going to at least make me feel better for this fucking creepy existence that I've sort of locked myself into that I get to do until I'm 65.
Starting point is 01:49:34 And then what? Then what? Then fucking watch my knees give out, watch my back give out, watch my body decay. What are the options? I don't know. I would say to anybody that's listening to this, that's confused. If there's another thing that you want to do, please at least try to do it. Find a way. Other people have, you know, this, this idea that you should work for a company in some thankless, loveless position and just keep doing it until the wheels fall off don't have
Starting point is 01:50:06 kids until you have to okay right don't fucking get a mortgage until you have to don't do it don't do it when you're young don't do it don't lock yourself in to needing a certain amount of money every month don't do it until it's mandatory until it's necessary right and you could find other paths people can find other paths being you're not going to find it paying attention to the fucking news you're not going to find it paying attention to most school teachers you're not going to find it paying attention to most of the standards that people here applied to human beings that's why dc is so fucking weird because you're that's where you live right yeah it Yeah. It's fucking creepy, man. You're in the belly of the beast.
Starting point is 01:50:45 I'm getting out of there soon. I told my boss, I was like, there's no way I can be here for another year. I don't know. Big sir. Big sir. Live in a cave. Go the opposite. No cell phone reception.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Do the Kerouac shit and just fucking move out there. Satellite internet. I'm serious, dude. After, I'm going to take a long break. But DC is so weird because everyone there it's just like hollywood for ugly people you've heard that saying but it's fucking true because everyone there's a predator and everyone there they look like a pudgy faced carl rove baby faced like dough boy and they're all like these white dudes wearing plaid and all they're doing is just trying to find
Starting point is 01:51:20 out how they can fuck you over to try to get like you know use you to do this and it's just a super creepy predatory place and it's full of a lot of soulless people and they're all like they've all navigated there because they feel like they can streamline their careers and just fuck over humanity essentially i mean i know that they're obviously going there for altruistic goals but it's just sad that they are bred to say like, you know, this, this is all that matters is money and power, essentially, and power just corrupts the shit out of people. And they just lose sight of so much like once you're in that bubble, you can't really see outside of it. And it's just all this like, minuscule shit that you think that you're changing stuff. And really,
Starting point is 01:52:00 like on the grand scheme of things, you're just kind of perpetuating the same system. And I just think it's bad. I just feel like I'm, yeah, there's not really too many radical voices out there. I have learned a lot more about, like, the incompetence of government now that I'm living there, though. I feel like I've changed my mind about some things because I've seen how fucking stupid everyone is and how, like, much in a bubble people are. I'm like, okay, at least I understand why things are the way they are. You mean as far as far as like the ideas of conspiracy theories as opposed to just total incompetence yeah i feel the same way the more i've paid attention to more things the more i go listen man there are conspiracies for sure they have always existed they probably will until we have total transparency
Starting point is 01:52:39 as far as people's thoughts and actions which may be coming a lot sooner than we think. But more likely than not, there's terrible incompetence, and then there's people that are capitalizing on events. Exactly. Because people capitalize on events, a lot of times people say, you got to look who benefited from this happening. Actually, no. Because any time any tragic event happens, people benefit from it. So it doesn't mean they cause said tragic event.
Starting point is 01:53:06 And that's where a lot of these conspiracy theorists, they make this really egregious error in judgment. Because it's not that they cause the event and that's why they're benefiting because they planned it out. Right. It's usually that shit is just fucked from the get-go. Like 9-11 is a perfect example. So many people have benefited from 9-11 and there's a lot of people that try to directly correlate those people that have benefited from 9-11 with having planned out 9-11 with very little evidence but there's there's an old saying i
Starting point is 01:53:36 forget how it goes exactly but to paraphrase it is like the uh there's any tragedy that is not capitalized on is a waste, and that this is like a staple of governments. They look at any situation where things go wrong, like Oklahoma City, perfect example, when they blew up the federal building, whoever did it, whether it was Timothy McVeigh, whether it was the fucking Illuminati, whoever blew up that building. One of the things that happened was they started changing the laws on the ability to act against terrorism,
Starting point is 01:54:11 homegrown terrorism. They used to use the term light, what is it? Not light-skinned terrorism. There was a clean-skinned, I forget what the term that they started using. Yeah, the idea of looking for a terrorist that you know is like a white man right instead of looking for arabs oh the homegrown yeah yeah homegrown but it was like i think the term is like literally clean skin terrorists or something like that but they changed the laws they changed the laws directly because of the oklahoma city bombings um i well after the after i like got
Starting point is 01:54:41 propelled in the mainstream they resurrected all the shit that i'd done about 9-11 because I used to be in the 9-11 truth movement. And they were like, you're fucking crazy. Here you are on video six years ago saying it was an inside job, all this shit. And I was like, look, I don't think it was an inside job. As a journalist, that would be extremely irresponsible to claim that you know anything. All I can do is point out things that I feel are wrong with the official story. I feel like there's a lot of things that are wrong with what we've been told. Does that mean that we know what happened?
Starting point is 01:55:07 We can go out there and declare it? No. And really, at this point, all we can do is point out the people that benefited, the people that exploited it, because it's just the fact that you're just, you know, you're just called a conspiracy theorist. It's this catch-all phrase that you can just use to shut down debate. But I still have some questions about 9-11. I have a lot of questions about 9-11.
Starting point is 01:55:28 But I don't go out there and say it was an inside job. Well, what specifically do you have questions about? I have questions about the insider trading, the fact that there were dozens and dozens of warnings beyond just the initial PDB given to Condoleezza Rice saying bin Laden determined to strike within the U.S. There's like dozens and dozens more directly to the top of the intelligence and the fact that they i don't blame that just on incompetence i think that someone turned a blind eye at the very least
Starting point is 01:55:53 in that respect and then we know that people bet that the stocks would fail and they fucking made a shitload of money on it who were those people they never investigated it so there's just certain things like that that that make me me raise eyebrows. But, you know, do I go out and say Building 7 and shit like no, because I just think at this point, all we can do is point to the questions that we have and point to how they've used the event. this movement is that it started off i was drawn to it because i'm like i you know i like to question the narratives that i'm given because i i think that they lie about a lot of shit and rewrite history but then it's turned into this kind of conspiracy culture where there's like a conspiracy like fucking ink it's like making money off everything and you're capitalizing on everything everyone wants to be this celebrity on youtube making these fucking paranoid videos about the illuminati and every school shooting is controlled and a false flag and i'm just like this is just
Starting point is 01:56:48 that makes me just never want to touch that shit again because i'm just like you guys have actually ruined just asking questions like yes we should all ask questions but when you're just going out there within hours of every event saying it's a false flag you're actually making people like never wanting to question like the origin of these things and that's dangerous well which is disinformation agent's job absolutely the idea of a disinformation agent is someone who connects some really credible ideas with some wacky alien on the moon fucking conspiracies that are so ridiculous that it makes the other stuff that it's connected to seem ridiculous exactly have you ever um read the the debunking of all that um the insider
Starting point is 01:57:31 trading stuff it's pretty interesting no what is the debunking well you can go to snopes snopes has it um here i'll read it uh in the days just prior to the september 11th attacks large quantities of stock in united and American Airlines were traded by persons with foreknowledge of the upcoming 9-11 attacks. Right? That's what everybody parries. False. Origins. On 11 September 2001, four planes were hijacked and used in the attack on America.
Starting point is 01:58:02 American Airlines Flight 11 leaving Boston bound for Los Angeles, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, leaving Newark bound for San Francisco. Each of these planes was deliberately crashed, killing all on board. Two into the World Trade Center towers, one to the Pentagon. The operation had taken years to plan. The perpetrators knew well in advance. In the month prior to 11 September, blah blah blah blah blah um unusual trading
Starting point is 01:58:28 activity involving american united stock was noted by market analysts who at the time had no idea what to make of it wildly unusual discrepancies to put uh in the put and call ratio 25 to 100 times normal were reportedly observed in stock options of the two airlines. In one case, Bloomberg Tradebook Electronic Trading System identified option volume in UAL, apparent of United Airlines, on 16th of August 2001. That was 36 times higher than usual. But it was during the final few trading days that the most unusual variances of activity occurred. Okay.
Starting point is 01:59:08 Highly publicized allegations of insider trading have advanced. 9-11 generally rests on reports of unusual pre-9-11 trading activities in companies whose stock plummeted after the attacks. Some unusual trading did, in fact, occur, but each such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation. For example, the volume of put options instruments that pay off only when a stock drops in price surge in the parent company of the United Airlines of September 6th and American Airlines of September 10th, highly suspicious trading on its face, yet further investigation has revealed that the trading had no connection with 9-11 and a single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to Al-Qaeda
Starting point is 01:59:51 purchased 95% of the UAL puts on September 6th as part of a trading strategy that also included buying 115,000 shares of American Airlines on September 10th. Similarly, much of the seemingly suspicious trading in American on September 10th was traced to a specific U.S.-based options trading newsletter faxed to its subscribers on Sunday, September 9th, which recommended these trades. The SEC and FBI, aided by other agencies and the securities industry, devoted enormous resources to investigating this issue, including securing the cooperation of many foreign governments. These investigators have found that the apparently suspicious consistently proved innocuous.
Starting point is 02:00:46 So what they're saying is that the same company also bought a shitload of shares. What source is this? I know it's on Snopes, but what's the actual citation? That's a good question. Because I just read the CBS report, because someone was asking about this, and I wanted to refresh my memory. And people to this day claim that they still don't know and even the 9-11 commission said that they didn't investigate who made money off the attack because
Starting point is 02:01:09 it was of a little practical significance so if that's explained that's great that still doesn't explain how rum like how you know rumsfeld and ashcroft and willie brown were told not to fly like who the fuck told them not to fly and why weren't our lives as how do we know that they didn't they said they were told i've heard willie brown on the radio show saying i was told not to fly rumsfeld and silverstein who worked in the building and he had breakfast every morning he just didn't show up i mean i just think that people did have foreknowledge i absolutely do and also the whole funding operation we know that there was a hundred thousand dollars wire transferred to the lead hijacker from mahmoud ahmed which was the head of pakistani intelligence and why the fuck weren't wasn't that followed up
Starting point is 02:01:50 like he was having breakfast with con like with the white house the week of 9-11 so it's like there's just things that i just don't fucking get and i just feel like it was thrown under the rug and the fact that saudi arabia basically financed this whole operation with Pakistan and we flew out all of bin Laden's family. That to me is just like, what the fuck is that? So even if you don't believe anything else, if you have no other questions, the fact that we are still tight with Saudi Arabia, funding them, allies with them. And they essentially like knew about the attacks and helped finance these hijackers is insane to me. That's insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:23 Well, the word they is very weird, too. When you start, they did this. Right, right, right. And they funded that. Who is they? And who exactly? Well, we know proof. Just because they came from the...
Starting point is 02:02:31 No, no, no. We know. Bob Graham. Look at fucking Senator Bob Graham. He's been screaming about this on the floor for the last 10 years, saying they actually do know that they were financed by the Saudi Arabian government, that the Saudi Arabian government knew, and the intelligence services knew about these hijackers, where they were. And it's just unbelievable.
Starting point is 02:02:50 And is it possible that our allegiance to Saudi Arabia financially is greater than the desire for justice? That we make so much money from Saudi Arabian oil. I think it's very clear. Yeah. And that's obviously probably the same reason why bin Laden's family was shipped out of the country. There's just so much money involved.
Starting point is 02:03:10 I guess it just sickens me because if it really was the biggest deal in the world where they can implement a domestic police state and kill a million Iraqis and continue out this giant war on terror wiretapping the planet because of it, the fact that they didn't want to investigate Saudi Arabia because the oil money or whatever the fuck
Starting point is 02:03:26 trumps the justice, that says it all. It certainly does. It certainly says that there's some creepy shit going on and that this has been the way it's always been. I mean, this is the way they've always done business. There's a massive, massive amount of money in oil. The oil money is so hard for any of us to even – when you especially start talking about these oligarch families, these families that have insane amounts of money. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:53 They're not publicly traded companies. They don't have to pay taxes because they own countries. So the ideas that we have of the richest men in the world, they're not really entirely accurate because our idea of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates and what about these prince king dudes that nobody knows about who own oil? They own massive amounts of money. I mean, the amount of money that these kings have and these princes and sheiks, like what has anybody ever accurately got a reading on how much money they have everyone watch house of sod because it gives a really good background on saudi arabia but i
Starting point is 02:04:29 mean it basically is like a hundred year old like regime because they just discovered oil and they rise to this this status and if you just look at saudi arabia's relationship with the u.s like we said it tells you everything you need to know because of the utter hypocrisy in terms of human rights standards i mean sa, Saudi Arabia is fucking disgusting. Zero rights for women. They used to execute gay people. I think they just imprisoned them for life now. So if we want to talk about Russia's gay law, that's fine as well we should.
Starting point is 02:04:57 But for fuck's sake, let's talk about Saudi Arabia as well. What is up with Russia's gay law, though? Why are they so worried about gay people? them at all i think the gay law is terrible um and they have a lot of horrible crackdowns on press freedom as well um but i think it's just completely like apples and oranges when you're looking at russia and you're like how come you aren't as fucking free as us it's like well the soviet union just collapsed 30 years ago like they're in a weird place like and yeah they're run by a bunch of oligarchs and it's a lot of fucked up shit going on but i just don't understand the totally egregious demonization of russia when at the same
Starting point is 02:05:46 time you know all these partnerships are just so much crazier yeah we got to keep our mouth shut about that because that's where we're getting our oil from it's pretty simple it is it's very simple it's a slippery slimy world and abby Abby Martin has the bladder of a small boy's fist. Well, we've managed to piss off a lot of groups today. I think we should be proud. Everybody hates us now. The Saudi Arabians, the Jews, probably the Palestinians, Dennis Prager. Who else?
Starting point is 02:06:25 Hillary Clinton's probably mad at us. Everyone's going to go to portray us as pissed. Yeah, they're all going to go down the list. We live in weird times. This is a weird time to do an internet show, too, because you don't have a boss. Like, you could never do this. You can never have this kind of a show and put it on television. Because if you did try to it someone would come along and they would you know they would chop this out or hack that out and you can't talk shit about them or this or it's not it's not the way it goes anymore we live in a weird world
Starting point is 02:06:56 this world is changing too it's getting weirder and weirder and i wonder what it's going to be like 50 100 years from now if you go back and I was looking at this video of Chicago, and it was Chicago at the turn of the 20th century, from the 19th century to the 20th century, it was like the early, early days of Chicago. And there's these people that are like riding horses down the street. And I don't remember when the first cars came about. It was like the 1800s, right?
Starting point is 02:07:26 The late 1800s, they first had cars. So there was like a couple cars on the streets of Chicago, early 1900s. And you look at this place, and you see this very quaint existence. These people lived in these early 20th century. We're talking about the difference between now and 100 years from now, as opposed to 100 years ago. Early 20th century. We're talking about the difference between now and 100 years from now,
Starting point is 02:07:45 as opposed to 100 years ago, early 20th century Chicago. There was this video of these people riding fucking horses, horse-drawn carriages and shit. It's so weird. There was a couple cars. There were these weird, goofy-ass cars that go like five miles an hour, run on steam and shit. But the difference between then and now is
Starting point is 02:08:06 just stunning that's why we don't need like dc like we don't need these representatives we don't on horseback anymore we don't have the fucking pony express like we don't need these weird representatives that represent like 30 000 people like going and voicing it's like the electoral college is totally fucking irrelevant yeah it's all. But do you think that it should be like, is it possible that when you see people like Mitt Romney or you see people that are Scientologists, that people could be too easily manipulated? And that somehow or another this has to be filtered through representatives that understand the law. But at least we know that these representatives who are going to cast the vote for their constituents, these people are educated. These people are moral. These people are of high standards and high moral fabric.
Starting point is 02:08:53 It's gross. The idea is gross because it's very elitist. But would you, like if you lived in Utah, okay, and I love Utah. I just got back. Would you allow the popular vote to decide a lot of things if you knew that there was a giant percentage of people that were in a weird cult that had some strange, strange rules? I think a lot more intelligent people would have much more of a poll. And you just don't even see politicians giving a fuck about those states because it all comes back to the like, they know that it's going to go this way or that way. And it's just it's disgusting.
Starting point is 02:09:35 But the numbers that fly over states are gigantic. Right. 300 million people, 350, whatever it is in the country. How many of them are in New York, Chicago, San Francisco? You know, L.A. Is it a third because the other two-thirds are dangerous you're right that's actually those fucking creepers there's a giant percentage that god guns and ram i think well at least okay so at least europe this two-party dictatorship's just crushing us man because when you know you because you have money in politics, which is like people spend half their time, if not more, fundraising.
Starting point is 02:10:09 Right. So how could we ever get these people to really care about changing shit if they're just trying to make money to win the next election? And the elections here are just disgusting. This dog and pony show, it's like this fucking celebrity. They spent a billion dollars last time. They spent a billion dollars last time. You know, if you look at Europe, you can argue about the parliamentary system because, of course, there's fascist parties that get in and that's not good. But at least they have the avenues for other voices other than like two parties. And I think that it's just really dangerous to have this system.
Starting point is 02:10:37 There was an interesting story in The Guardian a couple weeks ago that was the rise of data and the death of politics. And the idea was that tech pioneers in the U.S. are advocating a new data-based approach to governance, algorithmic regulation. But if technology provides the answers to society's problems, what happens to governments? And this idea was sort of, they're sort of extrapolating on that, that we don't need these representatives anymore. They're a legacy. They're this weird system that was in place when you had to fucking attach a note to a pigeon and send that motherfucker loose to get the word out.
Starting point is 02:11:20 You know, we don't need that anymore. You could directly, through your phone, you could directly cast your opinion on whatever it may be. And if we still have a representative system, you could make the argument that that's suppressive, that that's suppressive of the individual's right to choose for themselves. And then GCHQ can manipulate the polls. But I think decentralization is really, I think it's really key. And with technology, you see things like Bitcoin working outside the system. I think that we can, if we can maintain net neutrality, if the FCC wants to implement that and be fucking for the people for once instead of telecom whores. Then we can really create some sort of decentralization online and try to create other avenues outside the system. It's just a dangerous world because, as you're saying,
Starting point is 02:12:11 the more information that we have, the less relevant these authority and establishment systems will be. But at the same time, it can almost trap ourselves in a box, like the algorithms online. It can cater your own biases toward you, where all of your Google search results are catered toward your bias and your preferential like you know searching habits and stuff so it's like what information the information that you're seeking might be different than the information she's seeking and that's not good to a free and open society too yeah that is weird
Starting point is 02:12:39 right the confirmation bias that comes from surrounding yourself with like-minded people confirmation bias that comes from surrounding yourself with like-minded people exactly you get really weird groups you know like if you've ever gone to like uh i like to go to like very bizarre websites and message boards and listen to people just debate about things and people that i just never would come in contact with in real life and you know there's some right-wing republican websites out there that are so bizarre. They're so strange. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys are serious?
Starting point is 02:13:12 Like there was a Sarah Palin website launch recently. You know about that? She's got her own online TV channel, which costs more than Netflix. That's where Liz Wall's going to be working. Liz Wall's going to get a job there probably. You think? That's the only thing she could probably do. Smart enough to do. But I was reading the comments, and it's like they were trolls.
Starting point is 02:13:29 It's like they were comedy trolls. And then I realized, you look at the guy's profile, and you follow his other comments, and you go, oh, no, you're real. Oh, my God, you're a real person. God, in capital letters, is looking out for America. God blesses this fine land. And people like Sarah Palin and True in all capital, Americans are, you know, what we need to get this country back on track. Like, there's a few shitheads that I follow on Twitter just for comedy.
Starting point is 02:14:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they're fucking serious. They're legit. Like, they really... There's one guy. Let me find this guy. Dude, it's so true, man. Everyone check out Margaret Heffernan.
Starting point is 02:14:12 She has this awesome TED Talk about willful blindness, and she has a whole book on, like, competition and the confirmation bias and how her whole thing... It sounds so simple, but the way she explains it is just, like, so mind-blowing. She's just like, you need to interact with people who don't think what you do like you need this is
Starting point is 02:14:27 like a part of human progress like you need to and it'll like reaffirm and you'll learn you can't just surround yourself with yes men your whole life you need to be challenged every day like look and not necessarily surrounding yourself with fucking trolls who are telling you you know what sarah palin's fucking great but watching the video like that dude like the thing that we just watched about israel thing yeah like like do that see someone else's point exactly yeah this is a one of the guys that i follow whatever whatever label we stick on ourselves the kingdom all caps of heaven is for who pleases the Father, all caps, in heaven. Wow. I love this guy.
Starting point is 02:15:08 Wow. Who is it? Some dickwad that I'm not going to publicize. Some little egg dickhead. No, he's got a face. He's just like some really retarded right-wing dude. I love reading his stuff, though, because I just go, what? You're a real guy? You're right wing dude i i love i love reading his stuff though because i just go what you're a real guy you're right dude it's so and i and i'm you know i'm a victim of it too because it's like who
Starting point is 02:15:30 the fuck wants to hang out with like people who are you know they're pro-israel yeah this guy's super pro-israel of course barack hussein obama pray for israel use the irs to attack America. This is what lying, low-life socialist, communist, anti-Israel, anti- U.S. demagogue does. If they think Obama's a communist, wow, they need to really read some shit, dude. He's clearly a socialist.
Starting point is 02:15:57 Have you seen Obamacare? Obamacare's a disaster. The website alone has cost a billion, trillion dollars, and it eats babies. It runs on babies. Christian babies. That's how you know someone is a very uncritical thinker if they think Obama is remotely a socialist. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:14 I don't know. But these crazy super religious folks also back Israel because they believe that Israel is where Jesus is coming back. Right. Right? believe that israel is where jesus is coming back right right like did you ever see the vice piece where they send these uh these folks uh who are like super duper religious cuckoo heads they fucking make their pilgrimage they're christians from america and they make their pilgrimage to uh to israel and they follow these people around and they they're reading scripture like out loud on this fucking raft as they go oh it's glorious it's glorious and all it's shithead joe have you seen an idiot abroad uh that's the the rich dude ricky gervais is fucking hilarious
Starting point is 02:16:51 i haven't seen it makes everything just look like shit like it makes all the seven wonders of the world just look terrible like this guy just miserable he goes and puts him in the worst situations puts him in the worst hotels and shit makes his life a living hell and he's just going around traveling complaining about everything it's fucking hysterical. It's awesome. Ricky Gervais is a genius. But I want to ask you, have you seen the Vice special on Fukushima? Yes. Oh my good God. Yeah. It's terrifying. I have a friend, my friend, Ensign Inoue, he goes over there and he provides aid with you. He's Japanese. Yeah. And he, uh, well he's, he was in hawaii but he's lived
Starting point is 02:17:25 in japan for a long time and is japanese of you know his nationality his uh ethnicity rather but he's gone over there um a bunch of times he goes over there and does a lot of like humanitarian aid and he's like it's really strange because it goes because you're over there and you feel normal he goes you feel fine but then you look at your radar tech or your radioactive Geiger counter, whatever. And it's just fucking off the charts. And you can only stay there for a certain amount of time because you don't feel anything. Right. It's really weird about it.
Starting point is 02:17:56 That's what's so fucked up about radiation. But I just, I mean, even though I study this shit every day, I did not realize until you see it, like until you see that, that vice special and you see the tanks, shit every day I did not realize until you see it like until you see that that vice special and you see the tanks how every day they're filling this whole cool like reactor up with fresh water draining the radioactive water like multiple times a day storing it in hundreds of tanks that they're going to run out of room all the tanks are leaking they're spilling like 30,000 gallons of fucking radioactive water in the Pacific Ocean every day. They have no idea what the fuck they're going to do. And as the water is leaking out of these tanks, they take the soil, dig it up, and then store it in an empty lot.
Starting point is 02:18:33 It's like there's no solution. And what are they going to fucking do? Yeah, what are they going to do? I don't know. And then the Yakuza, the Japanese government and TEPCO are hiring the Yakuza mafia there to help with the fucking cleanup because they owe them debt. So all these old Japanese men want to help. They're like, we know how to... We've worked on the reactors our whole life.
Starting point is 02:18:53 They're like, let us go. We're old. We can die. And they're wanting to sacrifice themselves. And instead, they're hiring mafia members from the Yakuza mob that have no idea what the fuck they're doing. It's a fucking nightmare, man. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:05 What, what can they do? I mean, I know they, they have that idea to dig this giant pit and then have it surrounded with frozen cones. That already didn't work. That already failed.
Starting point is 02:19:16 That failed? Yeah. The ice wall. It sounded like some Superman stuff. Yeah. Like a fucking prison. Fortress of solitude. That failed.
Starting point is 02:19:23 It didn't work? Well, look, I mean, look at Chernobyl. they have this giant sarcophagus that's cracking she was just telling me the other day that um you know that the nuclear waste even with working reactors they just have to dig a pit and put a fucking sign on it with a skull and crossbones because they're like well in a million years even though the radioactive energy will still be here they're like at least the future civilization here will know what a skull and crossbones is and they won't be able to dig up this waste.
Starting point is 02:19:47 You're like, holy fuck, why are we dealing with an energy that we can't harness properly? Like, it's a miracle and it's magic, but clearly we don't know what the fuck we're doing with it. Well, you know what all it does is make steam? Yeah, that's what's so crazy. Yeah. When you see what it really just is. I thought that it did something like made electricity with a nuclear something. They're splitting atoms and it just goes right through the wires and they're housing it in some giant fucking. It's just steam.
Starting point is 02:20:16 They're making steam. It's hot. It's hot as fuck. Like, couldn't they like do that in a better way? Seems like a lot of ways to make steam. Can you just boil water? Like, couldn't they, like, do that in a better way? Seems like a lot of ways to make steam. Can you just boil water? Can you guys fucking, what are you assholes doing?
Starting point is 02:20:35 You guys are making some shit that you can never shut off, which is really crazy. I mean, you're putting it right next to a fault line, right next to the ocean. It's like, nothing can go wrong. Splitting atoms. Well, they're all over the place, too. Right. The really bizarre thing is when you drive down the California coast and you realize that we are on a fault. Like, California moves all the time. And then you go on the way to San Diego.
Starting point is 02:20:52 This is fucking nuclear power plants. It's right there. Similar design except very small difference. It's GE. It's a general electric design. And we have 22 sister reactors here in the U.S. that are almost identical to the Fukushima ones. We have 22 sister reactors here in the U.S. that are almost identical to the Fukushima ones. Well, the thing about the reactors that's super disturbing is people say, well, it's clean.
Starting point is 02:21:10 It's efficient. It's very, you know, as far as like the access to the energy, it's very, very efficient. But once those things go bad, they're bad forever. So you have, as of now, there's only two spots, but those two spots are toast. Chernobyl and Fukushima are fucking toast. Those areas are fucked for 100,000 years. And then you have the storage of the nuclear waste from all the other places that are still operational,
Starting point is 02:21:41 and you have this spot in Nevada where they have a fucking hole where Godzilla goes to eat his radioactive energy when he lands here. I mean, what the fuck, man? This is only 100 years, less than 100 years of splitting atoms, right? Nuclear bomb, 1945, and here we are in 2014. Less than 100 years of you guys doing this shit and you already have two spots that are broken. Less than 100 years of you guys doing this shit, and you already have two spots that are broken.
Starting point is 02:22:11 You know, if you could look at the future and you look at all the potential spots to go wrong. Like, if we had a hot map where you could, you know, everything that's blue is a nuclear reactor that's currently working and functional. And you have the two red spots. And then you look at all the potential for red spots these blue ones to go bad like god we're gonna fuck up a huge percentage of the world with this power source i don't know a better method but if i lived in california which i do and it never fucking gets cloudy which it doesn't i would say maybe that solar thing is something you guys want let's just try it i mean the thing is it's not working i think that we really do need to shut down all reactors i know i've i've had someone on my show to talk about thorium still there's a matter of the waste even though it's a much smaller
Starting point is 02:22:52 concentrated amount it's still a problem and and yes maybe we can harness it differently and more safely but at the end of the day like you said is it worth the risk to fucking have this shit out there for a million years like is it worth it when we do have other sources? That's why Einstein, when we did split the atom, Einstein wrote this letter to the president. And he was like, whoa, where did that come from? Oops, that was me. But when they first saw the nuclear bomb go off on whatever the hell island it was that they saw the first explosion. You know, all they told them was just to wear little sunglasses out there. There's that photo of all them they like quoted bhagavad-gita and
Starting point is 02:23:28 they said we've become death like what have we done like the guy who like yeah that's oppenheimer yeah you ever heard yeah it's so creepy when oppenheimer says it he quoted the bhagavad-gita he says i am become death destroyer of worlds it's a really creep pull it up because it's it's it's a really bizarre because when you actually hear it from oppenheimer's voice when he he talks about how he felt and you see his face the regret because he was a part of this thing and that's not even nuclear energy that's nuclear bomb right you know he decided you know at that point in time that they had made a tremendous tremendous mistake and here we are 2014 still our major source of electricity in the united states of america uh everyone should check out untold history the united states um because in it i learned that
Starting point is 02:24:15 reagan fucking asshole he was actually approached by gorbachev to totally dismantle all the nuclear weapons like he was just like look it's done let's fucking close it all down right and Reagan was like no cuz I'm senile and I believe in Star Wars and I think that we can create this giant space program and blah blah blah and he just like said no and I blame him dude he he had the chance he had the golden ticket and he gave up on it man you want to talk about conspiracies have you ever looked in the Star Wars scientists that have mysteriously been murdered no oh good lord that's a weird one here star wars scientists yeah if you do that you type that in first thing it pumps up is deaths
Starting point is 02:25:01 conspiracy murdered whoa yeah it's um who killed all the british star ward scientists and there's a bunch of different websites about it yeah yeah there's a uh a real it's it's really fascinating how many people died and the mysterious deaths. All 25 workers on the United States Star Wars project were killed. What? Yeah. What? Yeah, yeah. They died in really weird ways.
Starting point is 02:25:32 They died in plane crashes and all sorts of shit. Yeah. Dude, it's just like the SEAL Team 6. All 25 workers on the United States Star Wars projects and the Stingray Torpedo projects. Star Wars projects and the Stingray torpedo projects. Although the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense still disputes these workers were connected to the Star Wars project, most workers died either having finished important projects or when they left for other employers. Several of those who died had routinely expressed fears for their safety.
Starting point is 02:26:01 What? The manner of their deaths was also very curious and despite open verdicts or verdicts of suicide in the post-mortems, there were aspects to their deaths that made these verdicts seem highly unlikely. One of the strangest deaths was that of Shania Warren, a personal assistant for the company that was taken over by GEC Marconi. Sharia was found drowned in 18 inches of water, gagged, a noose around her neck, her feet bound.
Starting point is 02:26:30 Clearly a suicide. And her hands bound behind her back. Wow. Mark Wisner, a software engineer for the MOD, was found dead with a plastic sack over his head and several feet of cling film wrapped around his head. This was deemed an accident by the coroner, but it was exactly the same way as Mark's colleague, Richard Poog, who met his untimely end several weeks earlier. Ashard Sharif, an experienced defense contractor, was found dead after placing a ligature around his neck, tying the other end around a tree, and driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal jammed down. The police felt this was a most unusual suicide method, but still deemed it a suicide.
Starting point is 02:27:21 Wow. He did a suicide. Wow. Yeah. He had last been seen in Bristol, a long way from his home, looking into a guest house using cash and was witnessed with a large bag of money. These details, although known to the police, were never mentioned in his inquest. There's a whole bunch of them. There's a whole bunch of these very mysterious. That's extremely disturbing. Yeah. there's a whole bunch of these very that's extremely
Starting point is 02:27:45 disturbing yeah it's fucking fascinating man it's fascinating how many of them died because apparently star wars was total horseshit right it was never going to work and right and they knew it from the jump and all the scientists that were connected to it died so all these people that could have been able to prove that these fuckers had just embezzled all this money and had used their defense contracts and spent all this cash, all the people connected to it that actually could prove the science behind it or disprove the science behind it are all dead. That's insane.
Starting point is 02:28:21 That's when you know the CIA is up to some crazy shit. It's amazing. Well, it kind of makes sense. Right. You know? It's all about profit at the end of the day, man. It really is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:32 The story of Bertha Champagne, she was like the maid of Jeb Bush or Bush Sr.'s family, or I forget who, and she was found crushed with an empty car that like, you know, someone had driven an empty car, backed up into the garage and crushed her to death. And you're like, what did she know? Like clearly she was killed. I mean,
Starting point is 02:28:53 like no one, an empty car just doesn't start and crush someone against the wall. This is so crazy. Yeah. Between 1982 and 1986, 23 deaths of English scientists that work on the Star Wars related projects. Professor Keith Bowden killed in an auto crash. Jack Wolfenden died in a glider accident.
Starting point is 02:29:15 Ernest Brockway, suicide. Stefan Drinkwater, suicide by strangulation. Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Godley, missing, declared dead. George Frank, suicide by hanging Stephen Oakes, suicide by hanging Jonathan Walsh, suicide by jumping from a building Jonathan Britton, suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning These are all within like a year or two of each other
Starting point is 02:29:36 No way Sajar Sharif, that guy that we talked about placing the rope around his neck and driving off This is crazy It's just like the DC madam, that woman who came out and she was like, I have all this shit that I'm going to say. And she's like, I'm never going to kill myself.
Starting point is 02:29:48 And I can indict so many people. And all of a sudden she just killed herself. And everyone was like, Oh, I guess she ended up killing herself. You're like, do you think that that's just a little bit strange? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:57 DC madams. Those don't have a long life, right? Yeah. That's a bad profession. Yeah. You're going to take the most powerful murderers on the planet who essentially have all these methods and they have these organizations that kill for them right i mean they have whether it's blackwater whatever i mean if there is a black
Starting point is 02:30:18 water please if there's fucking coca-cola there's rc cola okay there's fucking Coca-Cola, there's RC Cola. There's some lower level organizations of mercenaries. It's not like there's only Blackwater. You could only go to Blackwater. No, there's probably some dudes that are really good at being a mercenary. They know how to keep their fucking mouth shut. They don't go Eric Princeton the whole thing and do press conferences and change their name three or four times. They might even have a fucking name. Call Mike.
Starting point is 02:30:44 Mike used to be a Marine or a Green Beret or whatever, and he likes making $50,000 a week better. Exactly. So that guy works for you. Exactly. There's got to be a ton of those fucking people out there. There's got to be. Absolutely, man.
Starting point is 02:30:58 Some D.C. Madam. D.C. Madam. That bitch is dead. She's fucking murdered, bro. And whatever happened to all of her notes and all of her... She committed suicide. That's the official line. If you question it, you're an insane conspiracy theorist.
Starting point is 02:31:12 Well, you are an insane conspiracy theorist. You have to admit. I am. You have to be. If you are a conspiracy theorist, you're insane. If you look into any conspiracy, you're an insane conspiracy theorist. Which is crazy because conspiracies exist all the time on a local level. People conspire to kill their kids, like that kid in the car, tragically, who the parents conspired to keep him in the car.
Starting point is 02:31:34 So if conspiracies happen between parents to kill their children, why is it so fucking crazy to imagine that people at a higher level are conspiring stuff? Because it's the whole, they wouldn't be able to keep it secret, blah, blah, blah. I mean, we know that conspiracies exist. at fucking wall street what is that like enron yeah exactly look at gulf of tonkin right look at operation northwoods and look at the fucking the bush administration was thinking about doing a false flag event to get us into iran oh my god i know oh my god too. Oh my God. That was what Dick Cheney said. What were they going to do? Like fly a plane and like... Something nutty.
Starting point is 02:32:09 Yeah. That was Operation Northwoods where they were going to fly a plane and blow it up in the sky and blame it on the Cubans. Arm Cuban friendlies, attack Guantanamo Bay. That was 62.
Starting point is 02:32:19 And Kennedy went, what? Yeah, McNamara... Bitch, are you crazy? Yeah, he was like, no, no, no. Yeah, that was signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, folks. That wasn't just like some idle chatter. Like they had signed off on that.
Starting point is 02:32:30 Can we talk about how stupid it is that we still like hate Cuba and have this blockade and siege on Cuba? What the fuck is Cuba doing to us? Very bizarre. Just a Cold War grudge. Like just let Cuba just live. How's Cuba worse than Saudi Arabia? There you go yeah and not well not only they're super close and they make great cigars and the women are really pretty see and they're
Starting point is 02:32:52 great great boxers and wrestlers and they're right there yeah and i want to go like i think i'm just saying this selfishly like i don't want to not be able to go to cuba i think it's just the stupidest thing in the world like we demonize this country because we have this you know communist grudge shit against them and they've they're actually incorporating a lot of different techniques like um the castro family is like look we admit that a lot of things have failed in terms of like the business side and we're like being creative we're opening ourselves up to like some capitalist elements and i just i just like appreciate the fact that they're learning from mistakes reinventing the wheel and i think that we just have a lot to learn like i just think
Starting point is 02:33:30 closing ourselves off from this tiny island nation is disgusting it's absurd and we still demonize them you know well they are definitely fucked up though i mean their their whole country and their system of government and their system of forcing occupation on people is pretty fucking creepy. It's not great. But we should, I mean, this whole blockade, I just think, is a disgrace. It's not good for anybody. No.
Starting point is 02:33:55 And I think, who knows what it would be like if we lifted the blockade, I don't know. But it's just, once again, US and Israel are the only two countries in the world to uphold the blockade. It's like, just fucking let it go, man. But look what's going on with China, which was also an incredibly communist country, you know, and now they're really capitalist. It's like really strange how things are changing and shifting. You know, I think that Cuba is a very interesting place because, well, you remember when Jay-Z
Starting point is 02:34:21 went to Cuba and he got in trouble? Oh my God. And the media was like, oh, look it. Does he know that fucking Che hated black people? You're like, what are you talking about? Like, what is going on? It was the weirdest media coverage. Didn't Che Guevara die in 1964 or something?
Starting point is 02:34:35 When did Che Guevara die? And he also went over to Angola and fought the revolution in Africa. So it's like, I don't know if that's really true, but it's just so crazy. He was the perfect guy, though, to be on a t-shirt. He just looked like such a great revolutionary. I know people that wore a Che Guevara t-shirt that didn't know jack shit about, remember there was that wave of Che Guevara support that happened like, like a decade ago or so. Like everybody was really what they were talking about. You can look cool by having a Che Guevara t-shirt on. People had Che Guevara tattoos and it's like, why?
Starting point is 02:35:08 What about Che? Right. It's fucking viva la resistance. You know, it just looked like the guy. And he would have hated it. I mean, like the fact that he's become this commercial figure would have been like, he would have fucking hated that. You know, it's just funny that he's become this icon of like capitalism. Well, it's a perfect example of these surface inquiries.
Starting point is 02:35:29 People just sort of look at it like, oh, that guy was badass. No looking into it at all. No trying to understand who he was or knowing deeply about who he was. Yeah, this is like a baby with a fucking Che Guevara. Even though Cuba's fucked up in a lot of ways, it's a different way to
Starting point is 02:35:48 live, you know? They don't have advertisements. They have old cars. It's kind of cool. They have these restored old cars driving around everywhere. Like, if you see modern Cuba, they have these 1950s cars they're driving around. Like, these old Chevys and shit. It's really interesting.
Starting point is 02:36:04 Yeah, I just want to go there and just learn because they don't use pesticides and shit. Because of how closed off they are in a lot of ways, they've just adapted in a lot of interesting ways that I just think is fascinating. I think that we have, you know. I know a lot of athletes that fleed Cuba. cuba so unfortunately i've seen the the worst side of it talking to people that lived in cuba under the castro regime people that tried to flee got caught you know were forced back and then escaped again i mean they these fucking people got on boats and risked their lives there had to be something horribly wrong with the the conditions they were living in to force them to do that. But I would like to know if that's exacerbated
Starting point is 02:36:48 by these policies of not allowing trade. And who knows if trade was opened up. Trade and also the influence of foreigners coming in there and influencing the culture. The tourists. Exactly. I mean, I don't... Yeah, we're basically like forcing
Starting point is 02:37:05 the society to be closed off and who knows like if they weren't you know if we allowed the fiber lines to get the internet and that's that's another problem is we don't even we've like blocked off the fiber optic like network from cuba so it's like let them have like do they have the internet at all they have like very limited internet and probably just on gitmo the usb is there which by the way i'm going there next week i'm going to go on tonimo bay holy isn't that weird you can go to cuba but only the part of cuba where it's a fucking jail how much of it was just like a fuck you to the cuban government just to be like we're gonna build like this torture base here yeah what like on like how did that happen i don't know it's happened obviously
Starting point is 02:37:42 in the 60s it's a long time ago they. It's crazy. They had that base there. The military base had been there for a long-ass fucking time. That was Operation Northwoods. They were going to bomb Guantanamo Bay and blame it on the Cubans. Yeah, it is kind of fucked. Is that how they're allowed to torture people? We tortured some folks? Is that how they're allowed to do that?
Starting point is 02:37:59 Because it's over there? I mean, can you torture people on American soil? How does that work? That's a good question. I think it's probably easier to absolve themselves responsibility from doing it in cuba that's why we have cia black sites in like port like um you know poland and shit so i think it's just like as long as it's out of sight out of mind but what's so crazy to me about the gitmo thing is the beau bergdahl saga
Starting point is 02:38:21 how they're like we released the five worst of the worst. It's like, shit, if you release the five worst of the worst, then what about the other 120 innocent people that we already know are innocent? Like, why are they still in there if it was so easy to release the five worst of the worst? Why won't they release those people? Because they're worried that they're going to go and say what happened to them? Or is it because they would have to admit that they were holding people that weren't really i mean once they do let them go then they start talking then they'd have to admit that there's probably a lot of other people that are also like that before the bird boberg doll thing i think
Starting point is 02:38:52 that was the boberg doll that was the dude who was um like captured by the taliban and then they did a prisoner swap yeah that dude yeah so he came back and then they gave those five dudes um and i think that really blew apart the whole logic of keeping these people in Guantanamo Bay. Because before that, Obama, you know, he got in office saying, I'm going to close down Gitmo and everyone blames the Republicans for not letting him. And the truth is, he could sign a national security waiver and release every single one today if he wanted to. And the fact that he kept maintaining, well, you know, we can't trust Yemen to take these people back because Yemen can harbor terrorism and, like, they can become terrorists and then they can retaliate. And it's like, well, you trust Yemen to carry out drone strikes there.
Starting point is 02:39:30 You're, like, working with the Yemeni government in all these other fashions. And that's where they release these dudes. And I just think that we need to fucking get these people out of Gitmo because they're innocent. And I would rather take the chance of, like, having someone retaliate than to keep an innocent person in prison for the rest of their life with no charges and my whole thing is if they're so bad like those five worst of the worst guys if they were so bad how come we couldn't find anything to charge them with for 10 years like where was the charges where the hell what what
Starting point is 02:39:58 happened you know well I've seen some instances where people were released and they talked about what happened and how they got arrested in the first place. They just went to like organizations, they went to meetings, they listened to someone speak, and then they got locked into this idea of them being a part of this organization. I mean, I think that we have these romanticized versions of what the Taliban and Al-Qaeda is. It's just essentially like a gang. And that if you are, you know, like a teenager and you're like living in this area, sometimes you are affiliated with a gang because it's how you fucking survive. Right, right. Or it's like how you want to provide money for your family or you do running errands because you don't want to fucking get killed or beat up. So all these loosely affiliated people with like these organizations, quote unquote terrorist organizations, that was like they were just swept up.
Starting point is 02:40:49 And those are the people who are just killed now with drones and stuff. And it's just really, it's this really bizarre like interpretation of what these entities really are and how they operate. It's just like coming from Oakland, like the, you know, gangs out in East Oakland. It's like if you're affiliated with them do you deserve to die right and do you think that they can track those guys that they released the five people that they released do you think they had some sort of a method like my dog is a thing they put under skin you know and every if he gets yeah like they take this thing and if he gets
Starting point is 02:41:22 picked up by the pound they run a scan on him and they go, oh, that's Joe's dog. The mark of the beast. They can call me. There's like a microchip in him. I would imagine that you could have some sort of a GPS tracking device that you could stick in someone's fucking scalp and they wouldn't even know it's there or wherever. Some part of your body. Yeah. Who the hell knows, man?
Starting point is 02:41:44 I just think these people need to be let out of prison. It's terrible. It's so terrible. If they do let them out, they're going to be mad. They could cause havoc on U.S. soil. And then what? So far, you know what, man? So far, there hasn't been legitimate threat of terrorism.
Starting point is 02:41:58 If you want to include 9-11 and the Boston bombing, other than that, zero. Like, this report just came out. We were just talking about this. This report just came out that says every single terrorist plot that's been thwarted in the last 12 years has been completely created by the FBI. And this is like mainstream news, Guardian, Independent, like all these people picked up on it. Yeah, explain how that works because it's really fascinating how they do this. So right now the FBI has 5,000 informants working around the clock that are getting paid probably like 100 Gs with taxpayer money just so they can facilitate, create, and then thwart terrorist plots to completely continue to legitimize the domestic police state and the war abroad. on like retarded people or like mentally incompetent people or extremely poor people
Starting point is 02:42:45 and they'll say yo listen up 250 fucking g's and they'll work with them for like a year like we're talking about like long con it's like a long ass con sometimes so think about you're getting paid you know an insane amount of money to do this on our behalf to basically manipulate people who are weak-minded into committing acts of terrorism that would never have the capabilities before and would never have even thought of it before but they go into these mosques and they go into all these organizations and they're like yo yo yo like six months later they'll be like okay well you know we can talk about how fucked up the u.s government is and stuff but let's do something about it you know and then like they'll trust these people and then
Starting point is 02:43:22 over time if you're weak enough you'll be like well, well, fuck, like, let's do it. You know, I mean, it's just really sad. And to me, it's so sick. Because once they once they thwart the plot, and then they can parade around the media and be like, yo, we, we foiled another terrorist plot. Like, look, we're still doing a good job, guys. But they don't tell you that they created the terrorists. And then of course, they put in prison for the rest of their life so it's another wasted life wasted capacity just put in fucking prison and just keeping up this facade the charade that there's terrorists everywhere and that they want to blow us up and it's all fucking bullshit man we're more likely to get stung by a bee we're more likely to get crushed by falling furniture than we are dying of a terrorist attack in this country well definitely it's talking about a bee bee i mean i mean dead from a bee sting you're eight times more likely to get killed by a cop than you are dead from a terrorist here so it's just like it's totally insane and this report just blew the lid off it it was just unbelievable knowing how much resources are going in and then you see this whole terror watch list thing where 1.5 million people have been added to a terror watch list in the last five years.
Starting point is 02:44:29 Just the last five years alone. 1.5 million people. Do you think you're on there? No, because I don't think I would have been able to fly out here. Oh, right. So I think that, but think about, I mean, you're telling me that 1.5 million people, and it's really making their lives a living hell. Because you need, flying is like, you know what I mean? And a lot of these people's families are over and abroad and stuff.
Starting point is 02:44:48 And what came out on top of that no fly list thing was that the FBI is actually using the no fly list as a tool to try to get more informants. So they will go to like Muslim dudes and be like, yo, you're on this no fly list. You want to get off it? Become an informant. Turn against your community. And because the people are saying no, they're stuck on this list forever. So now they're using it as blackmail.
Starting point is 02:45:13 So there's this huge class action lawsuit trying to take these people off the list, and it's a fucking mess, man. It's a mess. It's a giant industry. That story about the guy in Dallas who was mentally incompetent they talked into uh trying to detonate a bomb that didn't exist it wasn't a bomb it was
Starting point is 02:45:32 never gonna blow up there was no bomb they they they gave him a fake bomb it's like they talked him into doing it financed the whole thing funded it coerced this poor fuck into thinking he was gonna blow up the bomb and then when he tries to do it, then they swoop in. We gotcha. Red handed. America. Fuck yeah. There was even this one dude who worked at the mosque that actually turned in the informant
Starting point is 02:45:55 to the FBI because they were like, there's some dude here like trying to like talk a whole bunch of shit. And they're like, oh, that kind of backfired on us. That's us. Oh, don't worry about it. He's American. What? He's one of us.
Starting point is 02:46:05 He's a good American. Just let him do his thing. Let him do his job. He's there to protect America, okay? Leave him alone. It's insane. It's very bizarre. It's very bizarre that they think that that's somehow another law enforcement or protecting and serving.
Starting point is 02:46:21 It's a loophole. The DEA uses that loophole too there's uh there was a rolling stone story about a guy who was a dirty dea agent who would do those sort of things who would get someone who is very vulnerable and slowly but surely talk them into getting him drugs and then you know connecting them with a much larger drug dealer, wasn't really a drug dealer, and organizing and manipulating him into some situation where he's going to show them how to make a fuckload of money, but there's no real drugs.
Starting point is 02:46:54 Right. And so this guy conspires with them, and then they fucking, you're under arrest by me. Use your idea. What the fuck, man? How can you arrest me? Cash, yeah. Not like that i mean you you
Starting point is 02:47:07 you're manipulating people yeah it's total complete entrapment entrapment is so wrong it's so wrong and what's different than actual suicide bomber recruiters in the middle east that we like condemn they're doing the same exact thing man well we're doing it for freedom we're doing it for difference right we're under the constitution we have laws in this country that we don't really pay attention to anymore. I mean, how much of the Constitution is valid after the NDAA and Patriot Act 1 and 2? What's left? Right. We kind of can do anything, right?
Starting point is 02:47:37 They can kind of just scoop you up and lock you up and you don't have to have a lawyer. They can do whatever they want. Now they're charging animal rights activists with terrorism. Yeah. There were these two kids charged under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and you're like, I don't know if releasing geese from a farm can be construed as terrorism. Well, foie gras is delicious, so fuck those kids. And geese are cunts.
Starting point is 02:47:59 I had a geese try to bite my baby once. They're assholes. Geese are disgusting. They're dinosaurs. All birds are dinosaurs that made it. That's what they are. Now they're actually thinking that a good percentage of dinosaurs had feathers. They're starting to find that now.
Starting point is 02:48:12 It's really fascinating. Whoa. A lot of like raptors, like if they think a lot of those fucking things had feathers. You know what? I almost don't like that because now it's going to make them look silly. If we like try to reshape how they really look, we're like, oh, they don't look scary anymore. They're just like giant dodo birds. That kind of funny well it kind of makes sense yeah you
Starting point is 02:48:28 know well all the birds that we see today are essentially dinosaurs that survived that's really what they are we don't really have any raptors yeah yeah and especially those those types of you know the birds with the claws the talonsons, those weird feet. I have chickens. I have 24 of them. No way. You have a little farm? Yeah, I get fresh eggs from them every day. That's awesome. They're like pets.
Starting point is 02:48:54 They're just weird things that lay eggs that you eat. You go grab them, pick them up. You don't chop their heads off and rip their body apart and eat the meat? No, but I would if shit got crazy. Yeah, for sure. 24 of them. I could live off those for a couple weeks.
Starting point is 02:49:10 Storable food and 24 chickens. If shit got ugly, I'd eat my dog. I'm going to be honest with you. Kids are starving. Hey, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? I'd try to look for food. You want to see something gross?
Starting point is 02:49:22 Pull up Aerial View Factory Farms. I just want to show you this image that looks like a festering zombie wound and it was like this photographer that captured this image of and it's only in the u.s which is really like the craziest of the factory farming um if you go on google image searches you can find it it looks like a giant green festering wound and it's really just like cows i don't know like millions of cows in middle america and all of their waste like accumulating in this lagoon it's fucking nuts like there's one of them and if you yeah if you enlarge that that is that's that see all those dots yeah those are all cows to the left what and those lots and that's all like the waste what is that's all cow shit i don't know what it is man that's
Starting point is 02:50:06 a satellite image i don't know what it is but waste lagoon at coronado feeders in texas find the green one too whoa and unfortunately um there's a lot of activists who you know a lot of like animal rights activists like my friend will potter look at that isn't that nuts oh what is that crazy what does it say in the caption? That looks big. That's huge. Waste Lagoon in Texas. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:50:31 Or a nuclear waste site. Or a nuclear waste site? No, it's not a nuclear waste site. No, no, no. It's just making it. Yeah, it's comparing it to how gross it looks. But there's all these laws now called ag gag laws where you can't even- Can't take photos of them.
Starting point is 02:50:46 If you see tortured animals, you get charged with terrorism. Isn't that hilarious? How crazy is that? Yeah. You find that... I mean, look, what they do is horrifying. Right. They chop their chickens' beaks off when they're little to keep them from pecking each other
Starting point is 02:50:59 because they're in such close quarters. They attack each other. And it's a disaster. Factory farming is horrific. It's terrible. Well, it's one of the reasons... I've tried to separate myself from that as much as humanly possible i like i said raise my own chickens yeah that's awesome i hunt now i've killed four animals this year whoa do you like do you like dismantle the whole thing too that's cool you have a freezer full of meat and i eat that and my goal is by the end of 2014 to only eat meat that i've hunted holy shit where are you hunting i go on trips wow yeah that killed that deer no way the
Starting point is 02:51:32 one right there the head oh crazy that's pretty badass i mean if everyone knew where how food was made and where it came from i think that we'd eat a lot differently and i think people would view food a lot differently it's just like we're so removed from the process of food, which is really crazy. Yeah. Well, when you see it in the wild and you shoot it yourself, I mean, that's an animal, that deer, that was an animal that I got in Montana that probably had never seen a person before because it was in the Badlands. That was off the Missouri River. The same place where Lewis and Clark traveled. It is a very, very remote place. There's no cell phone reception, no nothing. It's a cool animal too. It tasted delicious.
Starting point is 02:52:15 No hormones, no antibiotics, no nitrates, and we're out of time. Abby Martin, you're the shit. We did three hours. It's over. Damn, there's so much more to talk about. We turn into a pumpkin. So much more to talk about. We turn into a pumpkin. So much more to talk about. Tell me anytime.
Starting point is 02:52:27 Anytime. Awesome, dude. Like I said, I'll open this fucker up at 4 o'clock in the morning for you. Fuck yeah, dude. Thank you so much. Thank you, man. Follow Abby on Twitter. Check out too.
Starting point is 02:52:37 Watch her on RT until she escapes and forms the Abby Martin experience. And thanks to our sponsor. Thanks to Ting. Go to and save yourself $25 off of any Ting device. All right. We'll be back next week with a lot of more podcasts. So until then, go fuck yourselves.
Starting point is 02:52:58 Big kiss. Mwah. Mwah. That was so rad.

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