The Joe Rogan Experience - #587 - Ron Finley

Episode Date: December 17, 2014

Ron Finely is a "guerrilla gardener" from South Central, LA. After giving his first TED Talk in 2012, Ron has been spreading his "vision for community gardening and rejuvenation" all over the world. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. I can't tell you how many times on this podcast we've talked about growing your own food, We've talked about growing your own food, about how great it would be if people figured out a way to utilize empty spaces and neighborhoods or a lot on a block and put in a garden. And then, boom, somebody sent me a link to your TED Talk. Right. And I said, Ron Finley is on it. You're on it. And you've been doing this for a while.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Tell me how you got started in this. It was real simple. Ain't no damn food where I live, you know? So my thing was, if it ain't there, you put it there. I mean, and I think these neighborhoods are by design. I think this whole food system is, to me, a form of slavery for everybody, you know? And I think a lot of people don't get it. They want to control your life. And if you control the food, you control the world.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Do you think it's by design where someone set out and said, okay, we want to take these people and we want to keep them impoverished, we want to keep them ignorant, we want to keep them in this cycle of crime and poverty with no escape? Or do you think it's convenient for them to ignore it because they don't get any benefit on trying to make it better? They do get a benefit. It's so much money being raped from these communities.
Starting point is 00:01:38 It's not that they're poor. I mean, to me, it's all by design. It's too perfect of a storm not to be by design. The fact that you have, what, four corners, but you have six fast food restaurants. What, these restaurants are not making no money? Bullshit. It's like in the school system. Come on, I'm sure you've been in these schools, Joe.
Starting point is 00:02:00 You can't tell me that's not by design. You can't tell me the food they're eating in these schools from day one is not. You know, it's garbage. It's definitely garbage. But I always felt like it was more of an opportunistic thing than a by design thing. Like it's very it's very fun to sit around and think about like the cabal of Illuminati that controls the world and like to break that down into, to get all the way down to urban neighborhoods and to think about it like it's by design that these neighborhoods are the way they are. But I always wonder how much of it is actually just people taking advantage
Starting point is 00:02:35 of people who are in a situation where there's no other options, where they don't have anything better until a guy like you comes along. I'm one person, but yeah. But you're one person with a message and that's all it takes sometimes yeah it's it's it's crazy that i'm that i'm even here i mean how i'm here it's i didn't plan none of this you know and all of a sudden you know i plant a seed in the ground and shit i'm in greece i'm in i'm in cutter i'm in o. I'm in Oman. I'm in England, you know, from planting a seed in the ground in South Central. So it's everywhere, Joe. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:03:11 That's how it works. Sometimes it just takes someone to do something and everybody goes, oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. That's what's happening. When I was a kid, my stepdad was a part of this community garden thing. my stepdad was a part of this community garden thing. He was going to college, and there was this thing that they would do with a class where everybody would have shifts. They would have to take care of the garden. And I remember thinking, like, what a great idea. It was an amazing idea.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Why shouldn't everybody grow their own food? We have one lot. One lot. If there's 100 houses on a block, one lot is just gardens. You got everybody's food right there. Because if you do that, you're destroying the system. Come on. Do you think that's what it is?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Come on, dude. They just can't afford it. Why is it illegal to plant food? Of course. That's where it gets weird. No, it ain't weird. This shit's my design, Joe. Come on.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Tell me how illegal it is. But I'm saying weird in that, like how how are the laws written? Like what what is illegal? Well, now the laws in L.A. have been changed. You know, say thank you, guys, to, you know, because of these nails in my hand, you know, from from me being put up on that on the wall. But a lot of places are still against the law. And why would it be against the law to grow food? You know, that's what I'm saying about this whole slavery thing, man. Well, it's a suburban thing, too. There were some folks, was it Detroit or where was it where they got arrested for having chickens?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. I think it was Illinois. I don't remember. But these people just had a normal, like, backyard chicken coop. Where is it? Michigan. Michigan. Michigan. I don't remember. But these people just had a normal backyard chicken coop. Where is it? Michigan. Michigan. And they got arrested.
Starting point is 00:04:49 They went to fucking jail for having chickens. When I first put my garden in on my parkway, I literally got a warrant. The time you saw is not the first time. That's the second time. Because I guess I'm kind of thick, like the Italians say. He don't get it. But, yeah, no, I got it. I had to go to court, you know, twice to make sure to get it out.
Starting point is 00:05:14 You know, take this out. You can only have this. And this is some guy says you can. Well, you can keep the trees. I kept the trees and somebody came back. You get inside it for the trees. Take it. I said, take everything out.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Why do this? There's nothing to eat around here. And you and you're going to I'm going to get penalized. I have a strip of land as that. Usually people leave their dressers and trash and condoms and toilets and, you know, sinks and shit on the on the on the parkway. And all of a sudden I beautify it. And it's like oh no this is against the law to have beauty out here dude you can't do that so did they find you when you were planting these things or did someone somebody called that and a neighbor called and um this motherfucker's growing food and i said but that's it's cool because i tell people to embrace your haters because they make you famous you know because next thing i know i'm on a 27th floor suite overlooking the harvard in vancouver about to do the first ted i got did the guy that took me to the big ted you know so so it was it was it was kind of weird i never
Starting point is 00:06:19 forget this moment man i was looking in the window looking out at the harvard and i you know so i saw my reflection in the window and i'm like damn dude you're standing here because of some hater you know you're in another country in some damn suite because of somebody tried to get you in trouble you know for planting carrots you know well that's sort of the the someone getting mad at you sort of put energy into it. It made it more, more vital, made the whole thing. There's more behind it. Right. Yeah, totally. Because because I think a lot of people woke up and saw this is the shit is stupid.
Starting point is 00:06:55 You know, why are you this guy's beautifying his neighborhood? You know, it's not costing you anything. And and and this is against the law. So fortunately, Steve Lopez, you know, from the L.A. Times, who is a beast to me, you know, Steve, don't put Steve on nothing because he's going to tell your mama's maiden name, the prostitute you were with, you know, the dog you left on the freeway. Steve don't play the radio. He don't play. Steve don't play the radio. He don't play. So he got a hold of it.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And my councilman, Herb Wesson, I love him dearly now. And he saw it. He said, damn, I guess you're right. And he credits me to bringing this really to his attention where before it was like the guy's breaking the law, just deal with him like that. So now it's the law. Well, that's beautiful. And he gave me a plaque. Herb Weston actually gave me this Food Hero plaque for Food Day a couple of months ago. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:56 So essentially those two guys. So Steve Lopez and who's the other gentleman? Councilman Herb Weston. Herb Weston? Yeah. So those two guys essentially were the force behind. They saw what you were doing, and they were the force behind getting it legal. It didn't start out like that.
Starting point is 00:08:12 No? You know, it didn't. No. Hell no. They threw me under the bus before. They did? They threw you under the bus? Not, not, not, not.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Steve Lopez? Not Steve. You know, not Steve. But, you know, the city threw. Let's just say the city threw me under the bus because they had they looked and realized that oh he did this before you know so repeat offender exactly growing carrots again i'm like one no damn hummingbirds and butterflies get his ass out of here you know just the hood flowers what you know they wasn't having
Starting point is 00:08:46 it so yeah so that but now they see and it's beautiful because now herb has actually uh he built a park named in the area named after his wife so they sit and it was on a lot that's been vacant for years so it's so they're seeing it you. And they're supposed to address the fact that I brought up that 26 square miles of vacant lots in LA. And they said, wow, you're right. We need to give up some of this space for people to grow gardens. And it's just like you said, what about if one lot on this block? What about if every block had? And that's where i'm at joe just imagine if you planted your parkways but again it's like you're creating a neighborhood you're creating system you're creating safety and you're creating health all in the same at the same time man that's dangerous dude it's good
Starting point is 00:09:37 but it's dangerous who's it dangerous for uh for the people don't live on your block the people that's setting the prices at the supermarkets. You know, because your visits to the supermarkets are now going to be less frequent. Right, but how much influence do the people that own the supermarkets actually have, do you think? They have a lot of influence. I mean, you've got to think. It's not called big ag for just for a reason. You know, we have to buy their shit.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You know, they need somebody to buy their shit. And guess what? It's just like the dialysis centers. I didn't see any dialysis centers driving in over here. But you go to every hood you go to in the United States that I've been to, there's a dialysis center there. Because people have diabetes.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And why? Can't these dialysis centers come in and say, hey man, if you change your diet for a week, you might not need us. Hell no. We've created a whole nother medical industry that did not exist. You fly over L.A. and you look down at all those people that need food. It's amazing how poorly it's planned out. When you think about all the lawns that are on these fucking golf courses that use millions of gallons of water. I mean, I don't know
Starting point is 00:10:47 if you've ever seen the statistics on... We're going through an insane drought right now, for folks who don't know. There was a recent story that said that we need 11 trillion gallons of water to bring it just up. Just to back to where it's supposed to be. Just to bring us back to baseline.
Starting point is 00:11:03 This is a place that I go to. It's Tohon Ranch. It's about an hour and a half north of here. And they had this lake that was like one of the best bass fishing lakes in Southern California. And all the bass died. Wow. Because the water level got so low. There was no oxygen in the water.
Starting point is 00:11:19 All the vegetation died. All the fish just started floating to the surface. And the guy who works there was telling me, like, trophy bass. Like these big, you know, 7-, 10-pound bass just floating to the surface. Wow. And what I see is this was – this is not new, Joe. They knew this. They knew that what kind of climate we have. And all of a sudden, we're at critical mass.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And now all of a sudden, say oh uh yeah let's do something about the water no dude you should have did something about the water 30 years ago you knew it was a problem you know where we live so why doesn't everybody why aren't we collecting water off the roof of every damn house in this in in this city man it's they could address this all these millions and millions and trillions of gallons of water when it rains just goes through the sewer system and done. Where you can collect that water. It's true. And my point was the amount of water that it takes to water these fucking golf courses is obscene.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah. I mean, it's incredible. But it's got to be green. Come on, dude. Shit got to be green, Joe. Why you playing? Isn't that amazing, though? When you think about the amount of money. I mean, obviously, it's their money, and it costs a lot of money to join country clubs and shit.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But water is kind of a shared resource. It's everybody's. Yeah. And if you looked out at L.A., the giant mass of L.A., and how few gardens there are, how few areas are growing food, It's really kind of crazy. When you look at what we pay for a bottle of water, that's crazy. That is crazy. We literally pay more for water than we pay for gas and bottle water. And nobody's addressing that.
Starting point is 00:12:57 The gas price is $3. Oh, my God. You know, it's like, dude, you're paying like $4 a gallon for water. You don't realize that i was in alaska and we were staying at this place on prince of wales island and it's way up high and it rains every day there and you could literally take your glass and dip it dip it into the water and drink like it's pure it's pure rain water and it's so funny because it felt so i'm like are you sure and then they
Starting point is 00:13:26 were drinking I'm like are you sure you could just drink this water and then I thought about I'm like how crazy is it that we're like we're scared to drink most water like we're scared to drink fucking tap water a lot of people worried about tap water they have these Brita filters and charcoal filters and filtration systems in their houses and shit. But, you know, in Alaska, you just dip your glass in there. That's what it's supposed to be. Because the water has been treated. You know, it has all kinds of shit.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And it has a fluoride. It has all kinds of added stuff in the water to make it not harm us. But everything I've read on fluoride, it's not sexy. Yeah, fluoride is not good for you. Yeah, it's not, but it's in your water. Well, Harvard did a series of studies on fluoride and's not sexy yeah fluoride is not good for you yeah it's not but it's in your water so harvard did a series of studies on fluoride and iq levels and it's yeah and iq levels on in children and the the higher the level of fluoride was it corresponded with lower iq rates that sounds like a conspiracy joke i don't know if it's a conspiracy or if i think there's a
Starting point is 00:14:23 legitimate there's a legitimate belief that there's a conspiracy for maintaining fluoride in water well who the fuck doesn't have toothpaste no well it's it's a guy who worked at um i saw a story recently works at um in sacramento i think for the water treatment and he's he quit his job because of that and he's an advocate for take the fluoride out of this water yeah i don't think we need it yeah it doesn't you're ruining our kids you're ruining you know it's like it's the health problems uh but i i it's too many that's what i'm saying to me you asked as a conspiracy it's too perfect dude there's too many people benefiting there's too many people benefiting from these kids not being educated.
Starting point is 00:15:05 You know, it has the prison industrial complex. We got the medical industrial complex, the military industrial complex. I mean, we got too many complexes in Big Ag that are benefiting, man, you know, and what we're paying for this food and where it comes from. know i don't need i don't need my you know my tangerines to come from cameroon or some damn place you know especially in la yeah it's warm here all year round you can grow shit all year anything as somebody you can't grow i got bananas growing on the street in front of my house and i had a doctor he's like you can't grow bananas in L.A. Cursiton. Dude, stop. He's a doctor. So I had to like, yeah, this is on the street, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:51 You see that? You know what's ironic? One of the few things you can't grow in America is cocaine. Right. Climate-wise, it doesn't grow here. It's like one of our big problems. Oh, is it a problem? No.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I mean the opposite. It's a problem that we have it here. Like, cocaine is a problem in the United States, but it can't even be grown here. Is it it a problem? Well, no. I mean the opposite. It's a problem that we have it here. Like cocaine is a problem in the United States, but it can't even be grown here. Is it still a problem? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's always going to be a problem. Don't you think that's by design?
Starting point is 00:16:21 I think definitely there's an issue with legalization because adults should be able to do whatever the fuck they want. I think you can go into CVS. You could buy whiskey. You could buy enough whiskey to drink yourself to death any day of the week. Literally. Yeah, any problem. No problem at all. Or you can get a doctor to give you a prescription
Starting point is 00:16:32 for a bottle of pills, and who's to stop you from just throwing the whole thing down your throat with that whiskey and killing yourself? No one can stop you if you're alone. But yet, they want to shield you from marijuana, which has never killed anybody, mushrooms, which has never killed anybody. All those things are Schedule I drugs, which are much more illegal than those pills or that alcohol, which is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And that's clearly by design and in place clearly because there's a thing called the – you ever see those commercials, Partnership for a Drug-Free America? you ever see those commercials, Partnership for a Drug-Free America? They got millions of dollars from alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceutical companies, which is hilarious. It's hilarious that drugs are spending money to keep other drugs that are less harmful illegal. I did a joke about it.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I said it's like hookers doing commercials against strippers. It really is. Well, you strippers. It really is. Well, you strippers, strippers, the gateway drug. And they are. But that's a conspiracy for sure. I mean, they actively conspire to keep marijuana and other drugs that aren't as dangerous. My whole thing is, how did the drugs get here?
Starting point is 00:17:43 You know, I mean, come on. It's too many. It's too many. It's too much. The weight is way too much for this drug to just all of a sudden find a place where they find them, man. This is, stop. You know, that whole Ali North, you know, thing. Freeway Rick Ross. I've had him on the podcast a couple times.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And he told a story About how he brought The drugs in Through the help of the CIA I got You can't say anything? No I can But I'll tell you later Okay
Starting point is 00:18:13 Later Later this And I can't tell you Sorry folks Yeah but there's Obviously There's a lot of issues With people trying to
Starting point is 00:18:22 Protect the money That they make Yeah And it Against The greater good of mankind. And that's what you believe is going on with urban farming and the reason why these cities are set up the way they are. Well, you see it. I mean, you see it. It's just like I said, you go from one place to the next place to the next place,
Starting point is 00:18:46 and it's like, and you realize, oh, shit, this is by design. It can't, it just can't. Why is this the same as it is in Houston, as it is in Philadelphia, as it is in Louisiana? You know, it's, come on, it's totally, and it's like there's no money that the whole no money thing. It's bullshit. You know, if there was no money there, the corporations that are there, the medical corporations that are there, you know, wouldn't be there. And they have they putting people on these drugs and you will take this for the rest of your fucking life. And there's a lot of money in those drugs.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Come on. Stop. A lot of money in those drugs. I tell people you don't need drugs. You need a garden. You know, it's true. And in a lot of money in those drugs. Come on, stop. A lot of money in those drugs. Yeah. I tell people, you don't need drugs. You need a garden. That's true. In a lot of ways, it's true. That's the thing about nutrition when it comes to doctors, that very few doctors have a long or prolonged education on nutrition.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Wow. They know very little. I know. It's shocking. It's a trip that you bringing that up. It's like I somebody some i've talked to doctors ah we had a maybe a week yeah you know eight hours of instruction nutrition nutrition which is what you put in your body to make you healthy and you've only had a few hours in class
Starting point is 00:19:58 on that it's like well this is the way i try to tell people to look at it when they're skeptical. The only thing that you take into your body to help your body recover and grow is food. That's it. There's nothing else that goes in there that makes your body. Except water. Except water. The health of your body is directly related to the nutrients you take in. If you have less nutrients, like the reason why, you know, I mean, if your body doesn't have enough calcium, it'll start pulling it out of your bones and you'll get osteoporosis.
Starting point is 00:20:30 There's all sorts of ailments. Selenium, a lack of selenium has been directly related to strokes. There's all sorts of essential minerals, trace minerals that you, a lot of times people are not even getting from the food that they buy in stores. And all of these things are necessary to have a complete, healthy, balanced body. And if you don't have those things, your body starts going haywire. And that's where diabetes comes in. That's where all sorts of diseases come in. All sorts of cancers are directly related to nutritional deficiencies.
Starting point is 00:21:07 All of that can be avoided, at least to a certain extent, by healthy foods. It is. But I mean, and then you ask, is it by design? Of course, you got a kid in elementary school and they start from day one eating shit. You know what I'm saying? And then throughout their life, they eat shit. Now you've compromised their bodies. You compromise their brains. And their DNA has changed because of this food.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Food is supposed to be alive, you know. And when you grow it, I think that's what I say. If kids grow kale, they eat kale because they see the connection. I planted this little bitty ass seed and now I have this and I can eat it. So there's a connection there. There's a connection. Soil is alive, dude. And people don't realize that.
Starting point is 00:21:45 People don't realize, oh, that's dirt. No, that's dirt, but this is soil. And this shit is having sex 24 hours a day. There's shit happening in this soil. It's the same thing with water. We think water is an organism that's alive. But we don't look at it like that. And I always do a lot of times when I do talks, I ask people, say, what's the most important thing to your life?
Starting point is 00:22:08 And they're like, oh, my husband, my dog, my baby mama. And then no one ever says, like, Joe, what's the most important thing to your life? The most important? The most important out of everything. Health. No, air. Air is the most important out of everything. Health. No, air. Air is the most important thing to your fucking life. But if you don't have any food and you have plenty of air, you starve to death.
Starting point is 00:22:32 You should know. Mr. MMA, you should know, okay? Somebody put your ass in a chokehold and you got off. That's actually blood. Right. It cuts the blood off from your brain. That's what a choke hold does a lot of people think it's cutting the air off it's actually you can't hold your breath for a long
Starting point is 00:22:48 time if i choke you you're going out pretty quick you can only you get choked out in like two or three seconds it's pretty interesting well some people can't go without air for for like um give them 30 seconds to a minute a minute let me tell you something if someone's choking you for a minute like holding on to a choke you're fucking done you're done there's a big difference between holding your breath you can hold your breath for a minute no exactly but i think there's people who've done it for like 20 david blaine do some crazy stunt or did it for like 15 minutes those skin divers yeah deep dive free divers free divers they do it but I'm saying to people, nobody thinks of air. So we're not taught how to breathe ever, you know, unless you go to some yoga class or something and you know them, you realize.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So everybody takes air for granted to me. You know, they never bring it up. It's like, damn, without air. And I think it's because you can't see it. Right. You know, so it's not that important. Unless you're flying to Mexico City. Or China. Yeah, or Singapore. Right. Did you fly into Mexico City. Or China.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Or Singapore. Did you see that shit I posted on Twitter? Oh my God. Take a look at this. There's a thing that I posted on Twitter today where they're talking about, I think it's Singapore. Was it Singapore? Shanghai? Some shit.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Some place in an Asian country. Beijing. Beijing. That's what it is. That's fucked up. And they got to the point where everybody's walking around with gas masks on. Their city is toxic. And they're forced to live there.
Starting point is 00:24:11 They're stuck. And then somehow or another, in this quest to make money and industry, look at these images. Watch as he scrolls down. Look at this fucking town, man. You can't see any. You see like 100 yards. That's it.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Those are not gas masks either. Oh, damn! You got a baby with a righteous gas mask on. Yeah, it's fucked. And those kids are going to get super sick. Okay, so now they're using gas masks because... Jogging! He's running a marathon with a gas mask on. Look at that beautiful architecture
Starting point is 00:24:43 in the air. But you can only see like a hundred yards out. Everything at that beautiful architecture and the air. But you can only see like 100 yards out. Everything after that is just in the fog. Look at that. That's insane. Dude, I flew into Mexico City recently and it tripped me the fuck out. I flew into Mexico City and I took pictures and I put them
Starting point is 00:24:59 on my Twitter. I'm like, this is crazy. You fly and it looks like there's a fire. You know how like when la sometimes like over the 101 they have those those fires that will start making their way down and if you're anywhere near there it's like it's like you're in a cloud it's all just smoke that's what it looks like in mexico city it's fucking crazy i've always been scared to go to mexico i mean and i had i heard i mean even the ruins they found underground where they built the city over these ruins. I mean, I at one point had property over in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:25:31 But it's, I don't know, Mexico City was just always scared the shit out of me. Well, it's really crazy as far as traffic. But that's what it looks like when you're flying. Damn. Isn't that crazy? I took that shit from the plane. Wow. That photo was just regular photo from the plane.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I took a few of them because I couldn't believe it. That's crazy. You see the amount of pollution. This is madness. And there it is right there off of my Instagram. And then on top of it, what's really crazy is the gridlock. You know how sometimes in LA there's some assholes that the lights turn in yellow and they still weasel their way into the intersection. They block it off for everybody else. In in Mexico that's all they do that's
Starting point is 00:26:08 all they do there's all gridlock all the time there's gridlock this way there's gridlock that way and the light turns green the light turns red and nobody's going anywhere and they're just kind of weaseling in front of each other and everybody's trying to get ahead and no one gets anywhere and you're like this is crazy Wow but they're not honking at each other, and they're super chill about it. It's normal for them. It's so normal for them. Well, who wants that to be normal?
Starting point is 00:26:30 I mean, and I think that's what happens with these kids in a lot of these neighborhoods. That situation becomes normal. I mean, with me, people ask me why did I start growing food. It took me a while because it becomes i have to do this to get this so what you do joe that's what i do i do that but you don't realize how it's lunacy you don't realize why the fuck i need to do this you know why do i have to go out of my area to get healthy food you know when it's like whoa it should be right here i shouldn't have to do this what got you started on this path like Like how did you, what was the first thing that you planted?
Starting point is 00:27:07 I mean, you know, we got it. We can go back to elementary school when we had the Petri dishes, when you put the seeds with the brown paper towel and you watch them grow on the side of the Petri dish and you plant them and you got beans. I mean, the thing here, it was nowhere being in the city. And, you know, I grew up in South Central. There was really nowhere to plant. We had stuff growing in the yard occasionally. But it wasn't something that, you know, that we was, hey, let's get in the garden. What did it to me as an adult?
Starting point is 00:27:37 I remember going to the store and there was a tomato and it's, you know, and it's had a label on it says coated with shellac you know to preserve and i'm like shellac that's the shit we used in wood shop for the you know for the wood when we you know went shellac really dude they coat tomatoes with this tomato said coated with shellac and i'm like damn when the last i ain't heard that word since the 70s you know and i'm like i'm cool and that kind of that was one of the things i mean i've always been um you know somewhat healthy i mean i had a brother that was used to have like barrel 50 gallon barrels of spirulina plankton you know back in the day and so i was around it you know we used to go up to aunt tilly's was one of the biggest health food
Starting point is 00:28:22 stores here it used to be at um pacific design center man that was the place to go to go up to Aunt Tilly's, which was one of the biggest health food stores here. It used to be Pacific Design Center, man. And that was the place to go to pick up girls. So, you know, to the health food store. So I've been in it. But that's basically what did it. I remember that tomato. And I'm like, this is not cool. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:39 There's a paper that was written on it. Shellac and aloe vera based gel gel, surface coating for shelf-life extension of tomatoes. That is insane. See? Don't you love the internet sometimes? God, this is insane. Abstract shellac, whatever that means, an aloe vera gel were used to develop edible surface coatings
Starting point is 00:29:02 for shelf-life extension of tomato fruits the coating was prepared by dissolving de-waxed and bleached shellac in an alkaline aqueous medium as such as such as well in combination with ag incorporation of ag and shellac coating improved permeability characteristics of the coating what the fuck is all that that's so crazy that is fucking good shellac shellac dude i mean i remember that like like it was yesterday oh my god i've never heard of that before and i was just like and then you know you just wake up and you realize that all this stuff does not need to be in our food. You know, the high fructose corn syrup, the stuff in my have a thing.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You know, I do a thing with these kids sometimes when I when I talk at schools and I'll bring snacks. And I said, no, but you can't eat them. I said, I want you to get on your phones, get on your computers. I want you to tell me what these ingredients are, you know, and they'll say, oh, this is is such and such. And it's related to hypertension and diabetes and that I now get another one. Oh, cancer. And somebody always comes up with this line that they can't read. The word is so damn long that they can't five. But I was a perfect you were you're the one i was waiting for it's real simple if you can't read that shit don't eat that shit
Starting point is 00:30:32 okay nothing in nature that i know of that you this edible has 16 letters you know what i'm saying so it's real simple man and you just go on a thing and you're like wow damn they straight trying to kill us you know but that's when you realize it's like you got they're putting poison in the food. Why? When you can have and then the stuff is cheaper than than oil like potato chips, oil, potatoes and salt. OK, but you have a potato chip that has this this category of stuff and it's less than the oil. Why is that? Don't they have to buy barrels of that bullshit? Shouldn't it be more money instead of less money? Well, there's government subsidies, which is where it gets really weird when it comes to corn.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Every corn farmer, if they grew corn the way they're growing it right now without government subsidies, they'd lose money and they'd stop growing corn. They get money from the government to grow corn. If you've never heard of this before, you've got to watch a fascinating documentary called King Corn. I urge everybody out here who's like, that's how. I haven't heard of that one. You've never seen King Corn? It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It starts out with these guys. They go and they get their body tested, like their blood tested. And it turns out that most of the carbon in their body comes from corn. And then they start. Carbon. Yeah. Literally, the building blocks of your body, the food that you take in.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I just tweeted something earlier today from my friend Lee Camp, who's a stand-up comedian who's also an activist. And one of the things that he tweeted today was about how two out of three, three out of four items in the grocery store contain corn. That's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:09 No, genetically modified corn. Yes. Well, that's also, well, almost all corn is genetically modified. If you go back to the original corn, it depends on what you consider genetically modified, whether it's in a lab, whether it's splicing genes,
Starting point is 00:32:24 or whether it's just the way they've, you know, they've changed all sorts of, yeah, hybrids. And they've changed all sorts of plants over the years to make them yield more. And corn used to be like a scrubby little vegetable. It was very small. And now it's this big fucking healthy thing. But the crazy thing is a lot of the corn that these people are growing, you can't even eat. Eat it. Yeah, it tastes like shit. Well, a lot of it's for fuel now too yes you know for fuel or for you know
Starting point is 00:32:50 feed for for cows to make them sick when cows are supposed to be eating grass you know bizarre i tell people i said you you're you're you know i start with soil i mean i start i make compost compost to me is one of the most sexiest thing on the planet, you know, because it's like, that literally makes my nipples hard when I make compost. Easy. And I tell people, so plants eat soil. They don't just grow in it. That's where their nutrients come from. So you need healthy soil.
Starting point is 00:33:22 So basically to me, you know, they tell us you are what you eat. It's like, no, you are what you eat eats, you know, literally. So with the cows, they're supposed to be eating grass. That's what they do. But now we're feeding them corn. We're feeding them all this other stuff. And can they, are they digesting this the way, you know, that they were meant to digest this? No, you're eating animals that have been fucked with,
Starting point is 00:33:47 and that's why they're so fat. The thing about the difference between wild game and a cow that you buy from a grocery store is that the cows have these layers of fat, which makes it delicious when you cook them because it's all juicy and fat. Easy, easy. But it's not really very good for you.
Starting point is 00:34:05 It's just all that extra fat is just unnecessary. And grass-fed beef, I think, tastes better. I mean, I buy grass-fed beef. It's leaner. And buffalo. Yeah, it cooks quicker, but it's a better meat. It tastes better. You get used to that flavor.
Starting point is 00:34:23 But some people are used to that corn-fed, sick flavor of beef. But I think that's what, like I was saying with the kids, with their DNA being compromised with this food, now their taste buds are adjusted for this garbage. So when you give them real food, it's like, ugh, that's nasty. You ever have some moose? You ever have moose? No.
Starting point is 00:34:40 See that fucker over there? I shot that one a couple of weeks ago, the one on the left. Yeah. Oh, you don't even know, dude. I was sick the other day don't even know dude i was already like that yeah yeah i had it treated yeah you cut all the meat off of it and then you you boil the head there's a wire in the back you scramble the brains and pull it out the back yeah that's it where do you get time for all this shit i find it right i find time i make it i don't have time. I somehow or another just do shit, and then I have a bunch of people scrambling after me,
Starting point is 00:35:08 trying to get a hold of me, but I'm out of cell phone range shooting animals. But my goal was, by the end of 2014, to have all the meat in my house from Wild Game. And I'm there, because I have 400 pounds of moose in my freezer because of that. Moose. I've never even seen moose on a menu nowhere, dude. Well, you can't get it commercially.
Starting point is 00:35:27 It's only available in the wild. Like you literally cannot buy it commercially. You can't sell it. You can't buy it. Wow. In some countries, they sell and buy elk. But in America, the only way you could buy elk is most of it comes from New Zealand where they allow it. In New Zealand, they grow these animals over there, but there there's no predators so New Zealand has like no regulations on hunting you could
Starting point is 00:35:48 just go in there and like any you could go there right now and shoot a ton of elk shoot geese you could shoot anything the fuck you want you don't need tags and the reason being is they they have an overabundance of these game animals they're like very precious here yeah like in America or in Canada where I shot that these animals are regulated. You can't just go and shoot them. You have to have a tag, and they limit the amount of tags that people get every year. So if they monitor the population from the air and the ground, they want to make sure that they know pretty close to exact how many animals are in the area.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And that way they issue tags, the tags being how many animals you're allowed to kill how do you get it back to United States well I had a guy drive that back for me from from Canada some long process if it wasn't for for him driving it back what had to ship it and it's really expensive but it's expensive to have someone drive it back to and then the one on the right that's a mule deer from Montana I shot that one a couple years ago that was the first animal i ever shot and that was like that was only about 90 pounds it was 180 pound animal maybe about 70 70 to 90 pounds of actual meat did you have to stock them
Starting point is 00:36:58 yeah yeah both of them you have to stock them yeah yeah you gotta sneak up on them you gotta make sure you're in the right area where the wind can't be blowing towards them you want to make the wind blowing in your face so that they can't smell you that's the thing is to smell you they don't know what the fuck you are if they had an ar-15 on your ass how that what would that make the shit look because they antlers ain't they too far you too far away I'm not in listen here's the thing people always want to say talk about like
Starting point is 00:37:27 things being even I'm not interested in even okay I'm interested in eating animals okay this whole idea is it fair
Starting point is 00:37:34 to use your rifle no it's not fair at all I'm a cheater I'm 100% cheating I shot a bear with a bow and arrow too I'm eating bear stew tonight I'm cooking a bear
Starting point is 00:37:43 on the real on the real yeah I'll show you pictures on the real a bear with a bow and arrow, too. Really? I'm eating bear stew tonight. Stop, dude. I'm cooking a bear. On the real. On the real. On the real, yeah. I'll show you pictures. On the real, a bear? What kind of bear? I'll show you a black bear. Black bears are delicious.
Starting point is 00:37:51 What was that, in the valley? That was in Canada. In the valley. That was in Canada. That was in Canada. You shot a bear in Reseda, fucker. You know any bears? That's a gay dude in Reseda.
Starting point is 00:38:02 That's the moose right there. Stop. Yeah, that's the moose I shot a couple weeks ago. But I'll show you the bear. And, you know, a lot of people have these ideas about bears that are based on, like, yogi and boo-boo. Right. Let me explain to anybody who thinks that bears are these cuddly, cute animals. First of all, bears will fucking kill you, 100%.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Not only will they kill you, one of the reasons why you have to kill bears, like mature boars, is to keep the bear population healthy because bears eat bears. And one of the things they do is the male bears love to eat cubs. Stop. Because the cubs can't get away. They're all cannibals. That's one of the most fucked up thing about bears is that they're almost 100% cannibals. Damn, so their DNA is...
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's kind of fucky. Yeah. But it's survival of fucky. Yeah. But it's survival of the fittest out there. It tastes like a pig fucked a deer. That's what it tastes like. It's like a combination between a pig and a deer. How would you know that, Joe? It's just a guess.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I mean... That's my bear. That's the bear I shot. Wow. Yeah. Shot that with a bow and arrow. That's a big-ass bear, dude. Well, that's as close to fair as it gets.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Bow and arrow with a bear. Crossbow? No, regular compound bow. I mean, it's not really fair. No, it's not fair. You get to wear camouflage shit and be in a tree and all that shit. That's what I'm talking about. Actually, we're on the ground.
Starting point is 00:39:20 But the problem with shooting in a tree is you're shooting down. And one of the things about a bear is you want to make sure you go straight through both of the lungs to kill them like that. You shoot through both lungs, they're dead in 30 seconds. Within 30 seconds, they're gone. But when you shoot down, sometimes if you're shooting at an angle, you're only going to get one lung. They might survive. They'll be like really badly wounded and get away. So especially with a bow and arrow, it's very important that you're very accurate.
Starting point is 00:39:48 You got to practice like a motherfucker. I was practicing hours every day, shooting 150 hours a day, every day, getting ready for this hunt. So, and that was? That's a rifle. You shoot a moose with a rifle. Boom. That sucker was down in seconds.
Starting point is 00:40:03 But I'm doing it for a couple reasons. One, for the meat, because the meat is delicious, and it's the only way to get moose meat unless you know somebody who should. I wish I knew. I should have brought some for you, man. And bear meat. I mean, that's crazy. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Bear meat is good. We're just not exposed. If you talk to people that live in Canada, that live up there, that hunt them on a regular basis, or Alaska, people that hunt them on a regular basis, Like when we were in Canada, when I was in moose camp, we ate a bear roast. We had a bear roast while we were up there. It's good. It tastes good. It's an interesting meat. So what do they eat?
Starting point is 00:40:36 What do bears eat? No, what do- Moose eat? Moose. Those are herbivores. So they're all eating grass and different leaves. And they get that big? They're enormous. That was 900 pounds. And they get that big? They're enormous. That was 900 pounds.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And that wasn't even a big one. I mean, you look at his antlers. That's not even a big moose. My buddy, Ben, he shot one that was about 1,400 pounds while we were there. It was fucking huge. That thing walked down into the road. We were driving, actually, on the way to the spot where we were going to hunt. And this fucker just walked out onto the road.
Starting point is 00:41:08 And we were like, holy shit. It was huge. Just towering over the truck that we were in. And he jumped out and he shot it at like 240 yards from the road. Yeah. But my point is, that's the type of animals we're supposed to be eating. I was feeling shitty the other day. You killed Bambi's dad, fucker. That's not Bambi's dad.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Bambi's a cartoon. Stepdad. Yeah, Bambi's... If I didn't kill Bambi's dad, he would have gotten his asshole eaten by coyotes. They would eat him asshole first. I'll show you videos. That's how they do it.
Starting point is 00:41:39 They attack the legs. They pull the hamstrings apart so the deer can't get away. And then they start chewing on the asshole i'm not kidding maybe that's where all the flavor is it must be yeah i don't think they have good taste right but the point is if you don't do it it's not like they're gonna live forever like everybody has this idea that these animals are beautiful you're going in there killing they're going to die something's gonna and there's a fuckload of them.
Starting point is 00:42:05 That's like us. It's a fuckload of us too, Joe. And we're going to fucking die. I'm on team people. Okay. I'm here for me.
Starting point is 00:42:12 They're not there for you. They don't give a fuck. They not fucking with you, dude. Oh, but they would. If you were wandering through the woods and that bear saw you.
Starting point is 00:42:19 But who the fuck is wandering through the woods, Why wouldn't you be? Why should they be allowed to wander through the woods and you can't? Oh my. Team people. people ron okay i'm not on team bear bears don't give a fuck about you yeah and they're delicious but you in their territory no no it's mine now around no no no
Starting point is 00:42:38 now you this hippie motherfucker no no it's not their territory it's mine it's mine you know why because i'm a human oh Oh, see. Yeah. If I have a tag and it's legal and the humans have deemed that the numbers need to be dropped, that's legal. Humans have deemed. And that's my territory. If I'm out there with a ride, that's how you have to think if you want to bring back that meat.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Or are you a vegetarian? By no stretch of the imagination. There you go. So what are you doing? You're getting food from a supermarket hitman. That's what you're doing. You're getting some weird. No, no.
Starting point is 00:43:05 My shit is, I get my shit from some guys that raise it. Oh, you know the guys? Yeah, personally. Okay. So you have a relationship with farmers. They grow grass fed meat. No doubt. So you eat all healthy stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Try to. Yeah. Yeah. That's the most healthy though. That's the shit. That's the most, the game. I was telling you, I wasn't feeling good the other day. I was feeling kind of run down.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I cooked myself a moose steak. And when you eat it, you're like, whoa. So do you butcher the shit too photos i'll show you i got proof on you i saw this woman man she posted some pictures on facebook where she laid out cable and they brought a deer or something in and right there on the table and they they chopped it up and made um deer steaks and shit yeah that's how you do it yeah it takes a long time but that's how you do it okay so where do you get classes to do this shit well i got super lucky and then i learned from some hunters you know i learned from some really experienced guys my friend steve ranello was the first one to take me out hunting that's where i got that mule deer and he has a TV show that's on the Outdoor Network called Meat Eater.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And what you do is, you know, you essentially do what people have done for thousands of years. You take the skin off, and you cut it into meal-sized portions. I mean, that's what it's all about. Do you guys use the skin? You can. Do you guys use the skin, Joe? No, I didn't use the skin, no. I mean, you can, but I don't have any use for it, really.
Starting point is 00:44:28 But if you leave it in the woods, it gets eaten. I mean, it's not like it goes to waste. Animals eat it. I mean, there'll be rodents and all sorts of animals that eat it. I mean, it's a part of the, when you, anything you leave behind, it becomes a part of the ecosystem. No doubt. The idea that it goes to waste. We decompose.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah, it doesn't. We turn to compost. Everything, that's what why i said everything turns to compost everything it doesn't even just turn to compost animals eat it like if you leave behind the bones wolves will come and and and pick the bones for our coyotes will come you know the the cycle is is enormous i mean the cycle of life is enormous so like i I would prefer if I could use every part of the animal, like the bear, I have the rug that's coming to me, the bear skin rug. I'll use that in my house, you know, but, um, the, if you leave stuff behind, it's not going to waste. Animals are going to eat it. You know, it's all a part of this continuous cycle. My point
Starting point is 00:45:20 being those animals are as healthy as you're ever going to get. I mean, there's no antibiotics, no human intervention whatsoever. They are as close to nature as possible. The problem is, with 300 million Americans, there's not enough game animals for everybody to just be out. But that doesn't stop you or me or anybody else who really wants to do it. If you really want to put in the effort, you can acquire your own meat. I've seen um these guys that that's how they like with the buffalo they literally have a truck that they take yeah on right like right there where they kill as soon as they kill the buffalo it's
Starting point is 00:45:56 it's done and you're dealing with with a buffalo you're dealing with a 2 000 plus pound animal that's more than a thousand pounds of just meat right it's incredible i mean and buffalo is delicious yeah the problem with buffalo is very little buffalo is wild most of it is like there's some buffalo ranches in california actually we can go and hunt in quotes a buffalo but you're hunting in a high fence operation where they have like you know a couple thousand acres and these animals live just permanently inside these fences right and you just go seek them out and shoot them i mean it's more wild than a farm for sure but it's not like really wild in still some cheating shit may in may we're hunting buffalo, wild buffalo in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Really? Yeah, those are real buffalo. Those are buffalo that were actually introduced in the 1950s. They brought like 30 buffalo down there, and now they have a huge sustainable herd in Sonoma. It's sustainable. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of them. There's a large population of buffalo. And Mexico, like the United States, has tags.
Starting point is 00:47:06 They have limits. They tell you how many you can kill and when you can. And when the population is dropped, they reduce the tags. And then you have to enter into a draw. That's how it's done in most parts of the country. There's places in the country where elk, especially, very difficult to get a tag in certain places. You put in, you might not get one for four or five years.
Starting point is 00:47:25 So we are now that since the natural predators, what would have been are no longer there. So we were taking their place. Well, there are definitely still natural predators. Almost everywhere where these, these kind of large game animals, there's mountain lions and wolves, especially in Canada, Canada. They have so many wolves in Canada that where I was in BC, they have no limit to the amount of wolves you can kill. They want you to kill wolves.
Starting point is 00:47:51 We got a lot of wolves here. They call it Hollywood. They're more like coyotes. Really? Or jackals. But the point being that I have a garden in my house. We have chickens. My wife and I, we have 24 chickens. garden in my house. We have chickens. My wife and I, we have 24 chickens.
Starting point is 00:48:07 We get all our eggs from these chickens. So we get fresh eggs. You get blue and green eggs. Yeah, they're blue and green and brown. And they look different, man. When you crack those eggs, it's a dark orange yolk. Yeah, because it'd be glowing. Yeah, and it's so healthy for you.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Yeah. Because my chickens are wandering. We feed them some table scraps like vegetables, and we'll actually feed them some fish or some leftover beef or game meat or something like that. But they also wander around the yard. So they're constantly eating grass. When you see vegetarian-raised chickens, guess what?
Starting point is 00:48:41 They're not supposed to eat vegetables. They're fucking omnivores. Chickens are dinosaurs. Right. That's what they are yeah they're dinosaurs that survived right i mean that really is what they are and they eat everything they wander around the yard and they like my wife will like lift up rocks and they they attack slugs they go they go fucking crazy for worms and slugs and bugs it's kind of cool to to watch them do it. I used to have a friend, and I used to take my, those grubs. You know, I used to take the grubs from the compost and give them to their chickens. They go crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:49:16 Mine are cool because they're like, we have so much interaction with them that they're like my friends. Like, I go see them, I go, hello, girls, and I open up the gate and let them out into the yard and they you know they run through your legs and stuff they're they're so used to us we could pick them up but yet they make food for us you have a rooster or two no yeah why'd you say it like that because that motherfucker will wake up your neighbors man i don't want i opened a gate once that people had this rooster, man. The chickens are in there and the rooster. I didn't even. He was like six feet in the air, claws done.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah, trying to fuck you up. Yeah, dude. I'm like, I'm cool on the rooster. Testosterone. It's a motherfucker. Even in chickens. Testosterone is a terrible, is a hell of a drug. It's the reason why the buildings are so tall and the fences are so high
Starting point is 00:50:05 and the guns are so strong it's all testosterone if it was only women on the planet there'd just be some fucking arguments right a few hair pulling matches that's about it testosterone is what's up my friend remy um he uh he has chickens and his neighbor had a rooster that was coming over and fucking his chickens and just going crazy beating him up so he put a concrete like there's the you apparently buy these roosters that are like made out of cement they look like a rooster and he placed it in front of the chicken coop and this rooster came over and started fighting with the concrete rooster and just got its ass kicked just pecked it fell down it, and stopped coming around.
Starting point is 00:50:46 We need that on tape. Yeah, exactly, right? He's like, that rooster fucked me up. I didn't even try. He just came over and pecked it and kicked it and just said, fuck this, and just literally stopped coming around. When you see what they do to these chickens, though, man, it's horrible. Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:51:05 It's pretty bad. I didn't know that they do these chickens like that. And to see these chickens' feathers and body raped up and scarred up, it's like, damn, dude, is it that good? Yeah, I'm cool on that. Yeah, when you buy chickens that have been factory farmed, too, it's illegal in a lot of places to film the conditions like they've made laws against exposing how inhumane it is to raise chickens like that which is what kind of a fucking law could you have that would that would prevent you from exposing something that most people think should be illegal yeah Yeah. Like, can you imagine that?
Starting point is 00:51:45 No. Well, I mean, we have, I mean, we need those chicken sandwiches at these fast food restaurants, man. You know? It's crazy. It's really crazy. And we need them quick. So, I mean, when you think of the numbers, you know, I remember, like, the guy that runs the food at LA Unified. He was like, he tells me, Ron, I've already served 300 and something thousand meals
Starting point is 00:52:07 this breakfast is this morning. And you think, God damn. I've had such and such thousand, hundred thousand chicken lunches. And you think, that's just a school. What about everybody else? So yeah, I don't know how we're going to do that. But I think it's a-
Starting point is 00:52:26 Well, it's a numbers issue, right? Yeah, it is. But we have this, we can't feed everybody. We don't have enough food to feed everybody. No, you guys waste. They say it's up to 50% of the food now that's to produce. They say it's 50% of the food that's going to waste, man. So my whole thing is like, I don't need you to feed me, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And I guess you on the same tip is like, no, I got my bow and arrow and I got my AR and I'm cool. I'll feed my, and I got my chickens. Yeah, if you could feed yourself, it would be ideal. The problem is a lot of people that live in apartments or a lot of, they don't have the land, they don't have the space. And that's where like your idea of using the medians and using empty lots,
Starting point is 00:53:08 like, God, there's got to be enough room on every block. And it should be mandated. I mean, if we have, look, if you look at LA, you look at the grid of LA, if it's set up the way it's set up and it doesn't, it should be engineered to have these spaces in it. And if it was engineered to have these spaces in it and if it was engineered to have these spaces one on every block it wouldn't look much different than the way it looks
Starting point is 00:53:30 now but it would supply food to everybody that lives on those blocks yeah i mean it it's it's perfect i don't know why they that's what i'm saying and that's why they have to know this do you think but who are they when you say they have to know this? Do you think that they're taking advantage of the situation as it exists now, or do you think they actively engineered it? Because this situation's been there for a long fucking time now. So the people that are in power right now, they've essentially stepped into power after it was already in place. Yeah, but if everybody started growing their food, think of the system that you attack and eliminate.
Starting point is 00:54:10 They have these things called lobbyists and everything, man. They're going to be up in the uproar, man. That's a real problem, right? These lobbyists are fucking creepers. They're creepers. They really are. I mean, that situation is very strange. Who came up with that shit, though?
Starting point is 00:54:31 I don't know demon spawn it's just fucked there's a lot of things special interest groups the fact that the the supreme court made it so corporations can donate money like an individual as much as they want yeah which is just fucked and then you have people that are paid to say that this shit is healthy. Yes. And that's what's crazy. And it's like, how do you sleep? You know, like these companies that have, I'm like, do you guys eat this shit that you produce? Or have you drank the Kool-Aid? Exactly. Even fucking Dr. Oz was on TV talking about miracle diet pills or miracle cures.
Starting point is 00:55:02 And Dr. Oz is my dog too man i don't yeah he he's cool not now you know i mean it's cool peeps but i i don't know what the hell that was about i mean the same thing with um what's the one i'll tell you exactly what it's about dr oz was thinking about that new mercedes s550 oh god it would look good driving around in the 24th nobody drives the 24s. Nobody drives with 24s anymore. There's potholes. They destroy your wheels.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Everybody gave up on rims. Right? Remember with spinners? Spinners was the tipping point. It's like people had nice rims and then the spinners. And everybody went, what the fuck are we doing? Okay, yeah, let's shut this shit down. It's time to shut this shit down.
Starting point is 00:55:44 It went too far. And then we had to bring it back. And now everybody has stock rims. Dr. Oz is not interested in 024s. Standard 19-inch wheels are fine. He just wants to just drive around and just listen to music on his nice Mercedes, thinking about those diet pills, making him all that money. Well, I mean, what's his name? What was Dr. Phil had a problem some years back?
Starting point is 00:56:08 With what? With the same kind of product kind of thing, endorsing that shit. All Oprah's bitches. They never get in trouble. Oprah should be president, man. I'm telling you. Everybody wants a woman president. Why not Oprah?
Starting point is 00:56:20 No, I think Michelle should be president. Obama's wife? Yes. Really? Yeah. Why is that? Why do you think Michelle should be president. Obama's wife? Yes. Really? Yeah. Why is that? Why do you think that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:28 She's sexy, and she just seems like a beast, man. She just seems like she knows what time it is. I don't know. Well, it wouldn't be a bad thing for a woman to be president, because I think women are much less likely to go to war. Back up. But the first person they were trying to get in there... Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton?
Starting point is 00:56:48 No, the chick that can see... Oh, Sarah Palin? Can see Russia from her front porch. You know, or some shit. See, that was just a ploy to get scared white people to vote for McCain. That's all that was. That was like... But they loved her. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:57:02 They liked the concept of her but once it was exposed what she really is then they didn't like her that's why it didn't work they found out she's a fucking moron when katie couric was interviewing her like oh my god what books do you read what magazines do you read what newspapers do you read well you know all kinds oh you know that fucking bitch doesn't read she doesn't read shit You're so wrong She doesn't read her own emails It's true She's a fucking moron That interview
Starting point is 00:57:29 It was like You realize And they lampooned the shit out of her On Saturday Night Live Yeah They did That was bad dude Well it was great
Starting point is 00:57:37 I mean that's what made What's her name What's the funny woman That did her On Saturday Night Live That made her famous Tina Fey Tina Fey That's what made her famous. Tina Fey.
Starting point is 00:57:45 That's what made her famous. Tina's kind of sexy. Essentially. Tina's kind of sexy. You like that? Yeah. Well, and then that Lisa Ann porn star did her, and that made her famous, too. Those porn videos where she played Sarah Palin.
Starting point is 00:57:56 No. Don't pretend you don't know. No. Look at him. He's like, what? What is this, porn? What's porn? No, I'm not saying I'm not.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I don't know what you're saying. No, I'm just saying I don't watch. I haven't indulged in porn every day. But no, I'm just saying. No, I don't see. I'm not like you, dude. I don't get invited to the conferences and all that shit. I don't go to any conferences.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah, whatever. I don't. I don't go to anything. This is what I go to. I go to UFC fights. And I shoot fucking Bambi's daddy. Oh, what the Bambi. Bambi and Yogi and Boo Boo and Bullwinkle.
Starting point is 00:58:29 That's Bullwinkle's kid right there. I shot him right in the dick. I'm going to eat a Bullwinkle burger later tonight. Yeah, no, you got to put me up on that. I mean, I tasted it. I would love to. I wish I brought some in for you. You eat snake?
Starting point is 00:58:44 I have eaten snake. Yeah, it's weird. It's very lean, you to i wish i brought some in for you you eat snake i have eaten snake yeah it's weird it's very lean you know but it's very good for you you know what's really really good for you is alligator i've only had it like a restaurant where it was like frozen and thawed out and it wasn't that good but apparently according to the people that like actually hunt alligators when they do the protein analysis on the meat, it's like twice as much protein as beef. It's incredibly good for you. You can get it in Louisiana. Well, they have so many alligators now.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Those stupid alligator shows, those swamp people, those fucking redneck hillbillies wandering around shooting these alligators. They shoot 500 of them a season. They're allowed to shoot 500 alligators a season. That's how many there are. I mean, they're infested. So what is a season, though? Is that a year?
Starting point is 00:59:28 Is that six months? Is that four months? It's usually a couple of months. Usually a couple of months. It depends on the animal. I think I've had a gator. Was it poor boy or something? Really?
Starting point is 00:59:40 Yeah. Wow. No, I mean, Louisiana, I'd be big as a house if I lived there. They deep fry the fuck out of everything. No, I'm, Louisiana, I'd be big as a house if I lived there. They deep fry the fuck out of everything. No, I'm just saying the food is flavor, dude. You can't find that flavor nowhere else. And that shit is just like, oh, my God. I go and it's like, damn, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I try not to eat like two weeks before I know I'm going to Louisiana because I know I'm just going to fuck the game up. Do you like that spicy sort of Cajun food? I love that shit. I love that shit. Oh, man, come on. Is there a good Cajun restaurant in L.A.? Not like Louisiana.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I haven't found nothing that's like Louisiana. That real gumbo. I mean, even when you go to House of Blues in Louisiana, it's a whole other game. Even when you go to House of Blues in Louisiana, it's a whole other game. And I remember seeing Dan Aykroyd once here at the House of Blues in Hollywood. And I just, I mean, I was in Louisiana and I think I ate a House of Blues shit three times. Wow, it's that good? The food was the bomb.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And I told Aykroyd, I said, man, this food, man, y'all need the same food that he didn't take it too good. I said, y'all need the same food that they got, the chef you got in Louisiana, man. And what did he say? He didn't take it too good. He get upset at you? His face kind of changed a little. But I was serious. I thought I was putting him up on game.
Starting point is 01:01:06 He's a squirrely dude. Yeah dude You ever hear him talk about UFOs? No Oh he's hilarious He fucking believes every goddamn story of UFOs ever He does all these UFO documentaries He's always the narrator for these UFO things Apparently he's just a UFO nut Okay so what do you think about chemtrails?
Starting point is 01:01:21 What do I think about chemtrails? I did an episode of this For the real, and this, I did a special, an episode of this for this sci-fi show that I did. When you see those clouds across the sky, when a jet is going
Starting point is 01:01:32 across the sky, that is absolutely 100% a jet engine reacting to the condensation in the atmosphere. When a jet engine is driving or flying through condensation,
Starting point is 01:01:44 the way it spins and the heat temperature, the changing of the temperature of the air causes artificial clouds. And this is scientifically documented. No one in the scientific world disagrees with it. However, when you talk about has the government sprayed things from the sky, 100 percent, they definitely have. Not only have they done it, it's documented. These tests have been documented. They did one in, was it Detroit?
Starting point is 01:02:10 I think it was Detroit, where they wanted to test during the Cold War what would happen if the United States got, if they sprayed some sort of a biological agent, like a biological weapon. So they sprayed these particles into the sky what the hell detroit yeah we who we don't need detroit let's just test these well they said that these were innocuous particles they wanted to measure them and they they definitely for sure
Starting point is 01:02:35 have experimented with cloud seeding they know how to start rain oh yeah they said that's what happened in vietnam you know oh yeah They did a lot of shit in Vietnam. They did a lot of experimenting in Vietnam. Well, it's one of the things they do whenever they go to war. Whenever they go to war, they bust out all sorts. Look at the fucking depleted uranium shells they denied using in the original Iraq war that caused all these veterans to get sick as fuck. All that Gulf War syndrome. Most scientists believe that it's directly from depleted uranium.
Starting point is 01:03:08 For sure they used. And they denied it for the longest fucking time. But they used these depleted uranium shells. Apparently, they just blow through everything. Tanks, any armored weapon carriers, they just boom. Depleted uranium is so insanely dense. It just goes through everything. And it's fucking nuclear waste.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Right. So they're creating these weapons out of nuclear waste. This shit has a half-life of like 100,000 years. Right. So these soldiers are around these burnt out husks of these tanks that they shot with this shit. They're breathing it in. And they all get deathly, deathly ill. And that's a fact. And that's something where they get away with experimenting with things.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Like, look, we're already killing a million fucking people. Let's experiment with some shit. And so that's what they do. And then that shit's still in the air, though. Yes. But as far as what people think chemtrails are, like you see those clouds across the sky, and everyone's like, oh, the government's spraying us.
Starting point is 01:04:03 No, that is not what happens. And when you say that, the real problem is it throws everything else into question because it's so easily disproved, it makes it look like people are being kooks. Really? And then it makes everybody like, oh, the fucking sky is falling. No, no, no, it's a fucking artificial cloud created by a jet engine. It's that simple. Why are they in grids, though?
Starting point is 01:04:24 Because flight patterns are in grids it's real simple when you see planes flying from burbank to phoenix they're going the same route every time and they crisscross each other everybody's looking for some crazy grand conspiracy when it comes to these chemtrails but it is 100 percent jet engines interacting with condensation we talk to scientists we talk to people that believe in people that don't believe people that believe in conspiracies and believe in chemtrails and they're fucking loony they're loony man they didn't do the work and when you talk to them about what the the actual fact like you show them like a real jet engine that is interacting with the condensation in the
Starting point is 01:05:05 atmosphere and creating these artificial clouds all of a sudden they don't want to believe that those the government made that video not another fucking southwest watch it it's a fucking flight it's a flight flying out of burbank they're not spraying anything man oh the aluminum and barium we did this we had this interview with this guy was talking about aluminum and barium in the soil and that's the aluminum and barium. It's proven. We did sample tests of this water and it had aluminum and barium in it. But I talked to the guy.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I said, well, it says sludge here in this exam. It says sludge. I go, what does sludge mean? And he goes, well, I don't know. You tell me what it means. I go, okay, let's Google it. So I Google sludge. Sludge is water mixed with dirt.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I go, so you have dirt and water. I go, do you know that dirt has like, has a big percentage of dirt? It's fucking aluminum. Like aluminum is in dirt everywhere. It's a natural metal. It's all over the fucking world. There's aluminum. It's like one of the most common metals.
Starting point is 01:05:58 So what you're saying is your dirt tested positive for being dirt. And that's not evidence of a fucking conspiracy. Not only only that you know how ridiculous it would be to try over there it's they're trying to control the population they're fucking controlling themselves too they're spraying entire cities no stupid that is the idea that they're spraying cities I agree and but my whole thing is this when we look at the food what's the difference what are these people that's making this bullshit food what are they eating, Joe? Here's the real chemtrail.
Starting point is 01:06:27 You know what are the real chemtrails? They're burning gasoline in the sky. That's the real chemtrail. The real chemtrail is the thing that people aren't even worried about. The thing that everyone knows. Everyone knows. You get in a jet, you fly to New York. That fucking jet is burning gas in the sky.
Starting point is 01:06:43 30,000 feet above your head. that's not innocuous that shit is bad for you people around airplane airports there's a high level of asthma lung disorders diseases they're breathing in burning fumes that's real as fuck i mean it's like this that apartment that burnt down next to the freeway downtown so you know it was so funny that it would happen because a friend was talking you know how they have if you lived here you'd be home now you know how they have those banners and and she was like what about if there was a banner we put on the building that said if you lived here you'd have cancer asthma you know and all kinds of shit there's no way they already know that you don't do not build
Starting point is 01:07:25 buildings that close to a fucking freeway and you got these people's balcony literally what 50 feet away from the freeway you know it's crazy by the way it's not just the fumes it's fucking brake dust yeah that's things that people don't think about brake dust when you will you clean your wheels if you take your car to a car wash and you try to clean your wheels all that shit that that black powder that fucking shit's in the air man that shit's in the air and it gets in your lungs and people that live in cities like in new york city they're sucking in brake dust all day long all day long you know if we really cared about people we would first of all we would would change it. We would make carbon ceramic brakes would be mandatory because it limits the amount of brake dust. They're more expensive.
Starting point is 01:08:10 You can get them on performance cars, but it limits the amount of brake dust drastically. If you have carbon ceramic brakes in your car, you don't get brake dust on your wheels. It's different. And they could come up with some sort of a material that's not so fucking toxic. That shit that you're breathing in, you're breathing in a combination of the chemicals that are being burned in the engines, the gas, the pollutants. There's a lot of shit you're breathing in. And what kills me is they've done these tests and they said it should be at least 200 yards, some crazy 200 yards away. That's almost a safe zone. And they keep building these buildings where people live in right next to these freeways,
Starting point is 01:08:52 even schools right next to freeways like that. And it's like no concern. Well, it's just convenient, and people are willing to live there, and they just bury their head in the ground like an ostrich. I got to die of something. Yeah, there's a lot of that. Well, the reality is what we've constructed as far as, like, modern urban cities, they're not natural. They're not natural, and they're not well thought out in that it's not healthy for your body.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Nope. It's not optimal. They say the people that live in cities will die an average of 10 years earlier because of the fact that you're taking in these pollutants and toxins than someone who lives in the country that follows the exact same sort of diet and lifestyle. Wow. Yeah, no, I mean, that's we in instead of making homes for us to live in, you know, that are that accommodate us. I think it's like you said, it's just the opposite. These houses are not made for us. They're made for the space that we're in.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I mean, even when you think of if you take the sun and the moon into account when you're building, which is a lot of these things, oh, this is the property I'm building, what fits in here. They don't take a lot of the natural resources into account when they're doing these construction projects. Yeah, without a doubt. And they're not worried about the effect it's going to have on these people that live right next to the city or right next to the freeway, rather.
Starting point is 01:10:13 They just know, look, we have this lot, and we can make X amount of money if we put 100 apartment buildings in this lot. Fuck it. Let's build. And they just build. It's dark, man. It really is. It's weird. It's weird that people are willing to— Yeah, but we just build. It's dark, man. It really is. It's weird. It's weird that people are willing to.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah, but we got to find some light, man. And that's kind of why I started what I'm doing. I mean, there's. Well, there's one thing about what you're doing with growing plants is you're actually filtering the air. No doubt. That's one of the reasons. Well, when you know what I love about the fight, you filter in the air and the conversations that I have that I would never have had if this garden wasn't there. I mean, people that I have, you know, homeless guys is, man, I love walking by here. I walk by here every day and it makes me feel good.
Starting point is 01:11:00 You know, and or the interaction with these kids that that or have a guy that comes by every day to point in his kids in a wagon. He points out everything and tells her what it is in Spanish, you know. So I had a busload of kids from Harvard, you know, come. And this is like and to me, it's like, wow, really? This is. But one thing is, like you said, you're changing the ecosystem. I get up every morning and I get to see hummingbirds. I get to see butterflies. I get to see the bees that took over a trash can, you know, for two and a half, three years now. You know, I gave them a new condo recently, you know, with a window in the back.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Do you raise bees or they just live there naturally? They came and now, I mean, I'm kind of forced to deal with them um yeah but i'm i'm cool with them because what's beautiful is that all they have to do is fly 25 30 feet to get you know and they're back to their hive so they get the sunflowers that i have planted on the front and um they're doing their pollination thing so it it's a win-win i mean and that's the thing that whole if you build it they will come come. So I have pollinators. I get to see butterflies. I get to see, but I also get these damn baby bears that they call raccoons.
Starting point is 01:12:12 They're crazy, aren't they? Stop, dude. They're scary. No, it's hell. And they don't run. No. You know, they don't run. And it's like you ripping up my garden, dude, and you just turn around and look at me and say,
Starting point is 01:12:23 you see these claws, dude? I will fuck you up. Yeah, they don't give a fuck about people. No, man. Not those urban raccoons. No, and they're big, dude. They're kind of scary. Well, they know how to open up trash cans, first of all, and they're getting a lot of food.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Yeah, I saw a special one on PBS or something where in Japan people had them because there was this little cartoon and they were all oh so all the kids all of a sudden everybody had raccoons until they grew bigger and they started tearing up the house and then what they did they just put them out of the house and now they're ruining like all this ancient um this uh what you call architecture in um in japan i mean just tearing shit up yeah raccoons are they're interesting animals because they kind of have like little hands like a person almost because that's how they get the trash cans in broad daylight man they'll just turn over trash cans and but i have raccoons and then i mean one day literally i'm going i'm leaving going i was like
Starting point is 01:13:20 nine ten o'clock i walk out and I see this possum on one side. I'm like, damn. And this possum is scary as hell to me. They're just out of you. And then he disappears. And then I hear a russel in a tree. And then there's this raccoon that's on the ground. It's like trying to go into my flower beds.
Starting point is 01:13:41 I'm like, what the hell is this? What is this? Alice in Wonderland? What the fuck am I? Just menagerie and shit, you know? So I'm cool, man. I'm like, what the hell is this? What is this? Alice in Wonderland? What the fuck am I? Just menagerie and shit, you know? So I'm cool, man. I'm cool. But I can't, I mean, I love the interaction. You know, I love the people who, the conversations.
Starting point is 01:13:58 I love, you know, because I keep plants growing and I give people, like, if they like something, I'm like, here, I keep seedlings, man. Here, grow your own. You want your sunflower? You like my sunflowers here take it grow your would you ever want to live in a place that's like more um more of like a outdoor environment like you know more of a rural environment or do you like the fact that all this is happening in the city um yes and no i mean and i think that's why a lot of people have you know they have the stuff in in parts of the valley in malibu and places like that where you can kind of have that kind of thing i mean uh where they have these big ass properties where you you
Starting point is 01:14:37 do that and you have to come down the hill you know to um to go to the property um grocery store or something yeah exactly i don't know i mean i like i like the city you know but also i mean i used to camp and stuff so i mean i appreciate that i appreciate the fact like you brought me back when you talked about the water because you know the whole thing we learned is the snow runs down and then it hits all those rocks and all that rock this rocks of filtering the water. And that water is just crystal fresh. And it's clear because it's been filtered and filtered and filtered and filtered by nature.
Starting point is 01:15:11 You know, my whole thing is all this waste and all this fucked up shit is because of us. We all the waste is us. Mother nature don't waste nothing. We do. And what's really crazy is human beings. If we'd have been around in this form for whatever, a hundred000 years, the world's been around for four something billion years.
Starting point is 01:15:29 But we've only been fucking it up for like 100. Right. I mean, it's kind of crazy. I mean, since the industrial era. So what, 150 years, whatever it is? That's nuts. And in that time, we fucked everything up. If you talk to like Japanese people that are into sushi,
Starting point is 01:15:49 and they used to be able to pull just so many tuna out of the ocean, and now it's hard. It's not the same anymore. The numbers have depleted drastically, all of it within our lifetime. These wells that are being beached and people wonder why. They see the open. They open these whales and it's like tons of plastic inside of them. Yeah, there's a lot of birds that accidentally feed their young chicks.
Starting point is 01:16:16 They feed them plastic. They don't know what a plastic is. They think it might be a fish or something. And they're trying to feed it to their chicks. And they find these dead chicks on some of these islands. their stomachs filled with plastic and these matt these uh what cigarette lighters they never ever ever deteriorate no nothing yeah so it's like we i mean and and it's like i asked some it's like the same thing with something as simple as leaves we throw it's a nuisance to us we throw it away they we don't see that has has a resource
Starting point is 01:16:46 those are that's soil dude that's rich ass soil if you put it and i tell people i say who gardens who gardens in in the forest no damn body so how the hell do we have 350 50 foot trees mother nature blade the game plan down and we just keep trying to change no go back to nature go back to the real shit why don't we why don't we emulate why don't we copy what she's doing have you ever gone to the uh rainforest in the pacific northwest no it's amazing up there because the ground is really really soft like when you step on it it's like smushes under your feet because it's literally six seven feet of leaves that have just dropped down there. And the lower you go, it becomes dirt. And as it decomposes, like the lower you get, it's feeding the soil.
Starting point is 01:17:37 It's making its own compost. It's making its own soil, which is rich in nutrients. I mean, and when you think of that whole process, it's like a circle. When you think, okay, the tree knows it's winter, so it's going to shed its leaves, and those leaves create a moat for the tree. So when it rains, the water stays there, and then those leaves turn into soil. I mean, it's that simple, but it's also one of the most complex things on the planet. Yeah, but when we take table scraps and, like, eggshells and all these different things, we throw them away, and they just go into a garbage somewhere.
Starting point is 01:18:10 But if we took those and put them in a compost pile and then added leaves and all that stuff, it's incredible nutrition for those plants. Well, my whole thing is I tell people, to me, it's compost made me realize that nothing ever dies, ever. Okay, because if this leaf that you hear this crunchy sound because it's compost made me realize that nothing ever dies ever okay because if this leaf that you hear this crunchy sound because it's dried out that crunches energy but you put it with a green leaf and all of a sudden so how does this shit heat up to 150 degrees if it was dead where where did this heat come from if this is dead that's the weird thing right the heat when you when you take a pitchfork and do a big compost pile you lift it up
Starting point is 01:18:45 You see steam steam rises. No, I just recently I had some meat and I had I have some compost bins that I just had made and I put some meat in the middle of the compost bin, you know, and this shit cook do I mean? I when I flipped it over this stuff was like you had put it in a damn you know skillet or something that's how hot the pile is good that's crazy it is well they mean it's heat i mean and i think that's what it took me to is like damn i wonder if these survivalists in the in the forest i wonder if this is a technique they use to keep to keep warm you know is to to do a leaf pile or some shit like that because
Starting point is 01:19:25 i mean you think of the heat that comes off of a compost pile um will allen who has growing power and what he does he heats his greenhouses with compost he builds the compost on the side of these he has these giant hoop houses and that's how he heats them is with compost and where does he set these greenhouses up although he has um in um he's in the midwest and um you should look him up will he's um he's a badass um he's um got kids training them how to grow fish he he has like this closed loop system where he does the uh the fish the fish and that fish the water from the fish goes into his double-tiered greenhouses, which are plants. And so they water the plants.
Starting point is 01:20:09 And then you eat the fish. And then he eats the fish. Yeah, my friend Jason just started doing that in his basement. He said it's incredible. He spent months setting it up. But the water and the poop from the fish filters down into into the soil grows the plants from it and it's it's amazing then he eats the plants exactly and these systems these closed systems i mean you can have one of those in your fucking basement and provide yourself with a lot of food hydroponically
Starting point is 01:20:37 a lot of a lot of this a lot of uh stuff is growing hydroponic and aquaponics and hydroponic yes um and i mean i think that's the way i don't know i haven't been convinced Stuff is growing, hydroponic, aquaponics and hydroponics. Yes. And, I mean, I think that's the way. I don't know. I haven't been convinced on the flavor compared to soil yet. Have you tried it? Yeah, I mean, but now I want to do a serious, like, get down. Okay, I got four different, six different vegetables from the ground and six different vegetables, the same thing from hydroponic I mean a couple I've I have done because I had one of those towers that someone gave me and I wasn't really convinced the flavor I think that's
Starting point is 01:21:14 something about that soil dude right you know the best way to do it you know I mean I ain't saying it's the best but yeah hell yes but at least with the aquaponics is edible and it is solution actually, hell yeah, it's the best. But at least with the aquaponic, it's edible, and it's a solution. It's a solution. It's a way to do it. And it's better, for sure, than relying on supermarkets. Totally. The more you can be self-reliant, you know?
Starting point is 01:21:35 And that's where the defiance comes in, and that's where the gangster come in to me. You know, that's why I changed. That's why I was, why you use gangster? I said, because growing your own food come in to me. You know, that's why I changed. That's why it was, why you use gangster? I said, because growing your own food is gangster to me. How's it gangster? Because you're being self-reliant. You're taking care of yourself. You're being a fucking bad.
Starting point is 01:21:54 You're stepping away from the system. Anytime, to me, you step away from the system, that shit's gangster. You know what I'm saying? And my whole thing is, you know, we got these oldwood rappers and shit that's doing this thing where you know they're they're rapping about all this violence and all the shit they do and they living behind gates in calabasas somewhere you know and they still that's so true they still selling this bullshit on the street so what do we have we have these kids emulating that shit that he made it look and they you know so my thing was to give these kids something else to
Starting point is 01:22:25 know the soil is gangster dude you know let this let this shovel be your weapon you know not some gun not not singing about gang banging and cripping and your ass is driving around in a bentley stop and i and don't have no connection you know to that so my whole thing stop stop stop pimping these kids like that that that is the term to pimping these kids like that. That is the term, too, pimping these kids, because they're capitalizing on this need to make something out of a terrible situation where they're at. So they take pride in that terrible situation, take pride in the violence, the gangbang, the crime, all that bullshit that really, if they've escaped from it,
Starting point is 01:23:01 they should be trying to figure out a way to help people escape from it. But instead of doing that, they're pimping them. Exactly, and a lot of them, I mean, some of them escaped from it, they should be trying to figure out a way to help people escape from it. But instead of doing that, they're pimping them. Exactly. And a lot of them, I mean, some of them have done it, but a lot of them haven't done it. Right. You know, and they're singing about it. So my whole thing, I wanted to get these kids
Starting point is 01:23:14 something else to look at, man, something else to possibly grow into, something else where they can design their own life rather than this life that's been designed for them now what was it like when you did that ted special and the one that i got a hold of and i was like all right ron family's on this because i i had been talking about the idea of that for a while and i had never seen anybody that was like really it until you, which is kind of crazy. If you really think about the fact that people have been growing things since people have been alive.
Starting point is 01:23:50 That's how you colonize places. That's how you, hey, shit, this soil is good. Let's pitch the tent right here. Exactly. That's how people set up shit. But for some reason, until you came along and did a TED Talk, there weren't a lot of people that were doing this in an urban way, especially not people that were being publicized. I think, yeah, I think that's what it was. I mean, that's, it was, they were out there.
Starting point is 01:24:13 And me, I'm a fashion designer, dude. I wasn't, you know, I wasn't. Is that what you do? You make clothes? I was supposed to. That's what I did until, shit, what, 08, when this recession, this depression that they keep telling us is a recession happened, you know, and it just,
Starting point is 01:24:28 it just hit, it put me in a chokehold, dude, you know, phone start ringing and people like, we gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today and shit, you know? So it just,
Starting point is 01:24:36 it just fucked me up, you know? So this, I, I had other stuff that I did, you know, I did some personal training and I did this just to keep alive. Cashing bottles in and shit.
Starting point is 01:24:48 And I started growing more of my food. And I started giving the food away. And the reason that's why I have it on the street. Now, how did Ted find out about you? How did all that take place? Wow, that shit, it was some serendipitous shit, man, because what it was, I said a girl, Melissa Painter, did a video on me for this company, Wondros. And about about because they found me on L.A. Times. So they came by, hey, find this guy, do a piece on him.
Starting point is 01:25:21 So that so they did this piece. And so one day i'm watching uh ted and it's the guy that did put the garden in the white house and you know he was real boring and but i'm like damn this guy say the same shit i say but kind of white like you know and uh it's the same kind of shit and so i'm like damn so i i emailed melissa like whoa check this out maybe you're right maybe i should be teaching maybe i should because she's all you need to be teaching you need to be doing it i'm like i don't have a clue what the fuck i'm doing i'm just you know i'm just doing it and making it happen and so so i sent it to her okay so then um uh i don't know
Starting point is 01:26:01 30 40 minutes later i go back to my computer and there's this message on the computer says, Hi, Ron, we've been watching you. And I literally push my seat away from the table. And I'm like, literally, there's nobody even in office. What the fuck is that? And I read Ted said something about Ted. We want you to come to Vancouver. And I didn't even finish reading it. I'm like, yeah, haha, real funny.
Starting point is 01:26:24 So I sent Melissa emails like, yeah, you real come to Vancouver. And I didn't even finish reading it. I'm like, yeah, ha ha. Real funny. So I sent Melissa emails like, yeah, you real funny dude. You know? Oh, I sent it back to them though. No, who the fuck is Melissa?
Starting point is 01:26:32 Who's Melissa? That's what I get. And I'm like, yeah, right. So I sent her on her email and she's called, are you fucking kidding me? Are you?
Starting point is 01:26:40 I didn't have anything to do with it. You find my air, right? I, I talked to you and send you a Ted and 30 minutes later, I'm getting invited to anything to do with that. I'm like, yeah, right. I talk to you and send you a TED. And 30 minutes later, I'm getting invited to Canada to do TED. That's how that should happen. So they saw her video on one of the guys who's now one of my good friends, Nick Weinberg.
Starting point is 01:26:57 He found the video online. That's what he does for TED. They literally scour the Internet in different places and find find these stories and um that's how I wound up doing the Ted which was called the worldwide talent search they had never done it before so they literally went around the world looking for speakers and where I came in I was the I was so last but I wasn't even even in none of the brochures because they finally think we gotta have this guy so I was the last person in the last city of the whole tour. And I was the last person on stage.
Starting point is 01:27:31 And I had never done that shit before. Well, you did great. No, no. For someone who's never done it. That's the second one. See, this one got me to that one. Okay. So it was almost like an audition.
Starting point is 01:27:43 I didn't know. Yeah, it was. And I almost, i didn't know yeah it was and i almost i said ron don't you could just just leave just get on a plane and go you you're gonna embarrass yourself dude it's like leave leave you're gonna embarrass your son were you nervous fuck yeah i was nervous are you kidding me what were you nervous about just public speaking just well the whole thing and being dyslexic and screwing up the lines that i thought i was supposed to read and no one paid attention no one there they thought because they saw this video that was shot over its days they thought
Starting point is 01:28:15 how wrong we're not worried about you and i was looking at these college kids and these professionals and they had these polished ass presentations presentations. And I'm like, damn, dude, how are you going to compete? But I wound up being the last one, and I wound up getting a standing ovation. That was in Vancouver. So that's what happened, dude. So I just let it. Literally, I remember, Joe, my foot was about to hit the stage, and I said, dude, you got to represent.
Starting point is 01:28:43 You got to represent your sons. You got to represent your hood. You I said, dude, you got to represent. You got to represent your sons. You got to represent your hood. You got to represent LA. You got to represent. You can't come in this country and fuck up. And when my foot hit the stage, I literally said, let the bullets fall where they're going to fall. And I went out, and I rocked it. I mean, if you watch it, you can see the nerves kind of.
Starting point is 01:29:02 But if, you know, compared to Big you know to big ted and big ted that shit was just like that should change it should change my life dude in a sense of from the moment i got on stage to the moment i went off stage just it was just it ain't stopped i mean that that was i didn't expect that i didn't expect that kind of i didn't expect that. I didn't expect that kind of, I didn't expect that, dude. I didn't expect people to react like, I didn't expect that kind of reaction. Well, it makes sense. It all makes sense. And you do a great job.
Starting point is 01:29:35 I mean, what you're saying makes sense. And you do a great job of expressing yourself in an authentic way. Like you are you on stage. You're not trying to be somebody. You're not a politician. I do me fucking good I can't be no and I tell people don't change, but that's good No, it was it was and and I think that's what threw me because you're hearing all these brilliant people all these
Starting point is 01:30:00 Academics and they you know and all these people with all these these You know letters behind a name PhD and all that bush and all these people with all these these you know letters behind their name phd and all that bush and then my remedial ass you know what i'm saying and it's like how do you do why are you even here but that is that's authentic and refreshing to a lot of people like the people are they're getting tired of hearing the same sort of bland monotone yeah you're being yourself and also your message resonates like it makes sense to people they're hearing what you're saying they're like yeah why don't we grow our own food yeah that would be a great utilization of space so no when i saw i mean i got i got a massive standing ovation from there and it was it that that i it hit me man it was like whoa
Starting point is 01:30:47 and um to in it just that it just changed everything wow it just changed everything and i mean i i um i got i got mad respect for ted you know i mean a lot of people oh it's a it's this it's this yeah that's what i what I always hear. I know you had, what's his name? Eddie Wong. You had Eddie. I saw your show with Eddie on here. Yeah, Eddie's rich. They're trying to make him have a roommate.
Starting point is 01:31:12 He's like, can I get my own fucking hotel room? He could have got his own fucking room. They wouldn't let him. Stop, dude. He doesn't lie. Eddie's not a liar. Did they make you stay with somebody? Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:31:23 No. Did they make you stay by yourself fuck no no no you stay by yourself maybe they didn't make me stay by myself well it was scared whatever oh the big black guy you know it's a little chinese guy they like push that motherfucker in a room with somebody else it's funny because i did i did this i had the best time i did this conference called mad four um in uh in copenhagen you know renee susepe who's the owns noma which is you know no it's the best restaurant in the world and this conference was like all chefs and you know food writers like food people from literally all over the world man
Starting point is 01:31:58 and i had a girl to come visit me that she i met her there and she came visit me to talk about a project. And she says, yeah, Ron, you came out and you scared everybody. You know, but it was like you changed the whole, you changed the whole
Starting point is 01:32:12 atmosphere of the whole conference after you, you know, because basically once I did my piece, it wasn't everybody just, fuck it, everybody just got naked.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Fuck it. Just like let it hang out. It wasn't none of that pretentious bullshit. And she said, but I said, I scared. What did I do? She says, you just came out and and you told people to raise their hands up. And because I did this thing for Ferguson there, you know, and I'm like that. I said, oh, yeah, the big black guy.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Ah, you know, so it's funny. It's funny to hear that, though. I don't see it. But, you know, it's I've had a lot of fun and I met a lot of great people. But I've also this shit where, you know, I got people, this this woman, they want me to come to this place in Ireland. And this is what I get. They want you to come and they're going to pay your fare and they're going to put you up. But they're not giving no paper you know they ain't no honorarium they ain't giving you no speaker's fee and it's like but you want me to do a keynote and you want me to do uh you know a panel so basically it comes it's almost like i'm entertaining your people and they're paying to get into this conference mad money yes so what the fuck is that well you i'm you get that a lot man where it's like you know
Starting point is 01:33:25 people were and i have to and so i get this shitty ass email that's like well um i guess no one else is asking for honorarium or fee so i guess this is not a fit for ron good luck in what he does and it was like real snarky kind of kind of like the nerve of you to ask us to pay you right you don't do what you do for free. This is how I send my kids to private school. Well, you know they have that South by Southwest festival. Oh, my God. Why do you even bring it?
Starting point is 01:33:52 You know that festival? I keynoted. I opened South by Southwest Eco last year. Did you? I was the key. I opened the whole conference, and they will never show my video. Why? Did you say something crazy?
Starting point is 01:34:06 No, I mean, I kind of clowned them just about what we're talking about you know about about not paying people they offered to have me come down and they wanted me to perform there and uh do do some some fucking thing they were doing on podcast right and they they offered me a pass to go to see and they're like this pass is worth twelve hundred dollars to see all these other fucking people who aren't getting paid to perform they wanted me to fly in on my own dime put myself up pay for my own fucking food and work for free and they were going to give me a pass and i was like no that's hilarious and do you see how much money they make? Yes. And what I did, literally, I didn't go deep, but I did kind of, I mean, I told the whole, I said, hold on a minute. And this, you know, and I had a tip.
Starting point is 01:34:52 I had a bucket, a paint bucket, and I had a sign that says tips. So I said, hold on. So I got the tape and I put tips on the bucket. Then I got on stage. People were fucking dying laughing. You know, some of the tweets are like, uh-oh, Ron Finley just entered the stage with a tip bucket. Details later. And I kind of clowned them about, you know, why am I here?
Starting point is 01:35:14 Well, it's not only that. Southwest Airlines is a fucking big company. They have a lot of money, and they're the sponsor of this whole thing. It's called South by Southwest. They have a fucking southwest airlines plane on all their pictures and brochures and shit like where's the money going yeah no i'm paying to get in there no it's it's it's but it's exposure yeah joe you need to i tell you know what i say about exposure i said too much exposure give you pneumonia you know frostbite yeah exactly so but
Starting point is 01:35:43 they a dude you know who's gonna be in the audience joe no i need a check dude fuck who's in the audience you know what i'm saying so your response that's not your responsibility if you want me to come somewhere and you want me to inspire and do what i do i need a check because you're taking me from what i do yeah and it should be as well it's like the exposure should be as well as financial compensation thank you it's like the exposure should be as well as financial compensation. Thank you. It's like, yeah, there should be some exposure. They should be able to say, hey, Ron, we'll be able to pay your fee, blah, blah, blah, and here's a good thing for you.
Starting point is 01:36:11 It's exposure. But to say that the exposure is your pay is fucking ridiculous. I did get a, I did, I think, no, well, they reimbursed me for my flight. How cute of them. How sweet. No. Well, they reimbursed me for my flight. How cute of them. How sweet. They reimbursed. That's insane. It's insane if they're charging money for people to perform and they're not paying the people.
Starting point is 01:36:32 I mean, that's one of my things now. And I want to send this woman a real bad letter just to say, you know, just like you don't do what you do for free. Don't think that I'm supposed to be honored to come and speak on two panel, on a panel and keynote your event for free just because you've given me a ticket. And it's a conference. It's, I mean,
Starting point is 01:36:52 it's this thing, this festival that's sponsored by a major corporation. It's fucking ridiculous. And it's profitable. It's a profitable thing. There's a lot of people that are working there. They're all getting paid to do what they do. Yes, exactly. And so, no, I don't, and everybody's like, well, Ron, it's a lot of people that are working there. They're all getting paid. To do what they do. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:37:06 And everybody's like, well, Ron. It's a scam. It's a fucking scam. It's 100% a scam. And people fall for it. And apparently they pay some people. They pay some people. Everybody's getting the same thing.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Not really. No, no. Some people apparently get paid, and that's one of the reasons why they keep it very high profile. Big bands and shit like that, they get a certain amount of money but it's i don't know how those things got started but when they offered it to me they offered it to duncan first my friend duncan trussell was a very funny stand-up comedian but at the time duncan wasn't very well known and you know and he was like wait a minute what you want me to fly there and work for free so he made a video about it using the Hitler speech.
Starting point is 01:37:46 I don't know if you ever see that Hitler speech where people do this video. There's been a hundred of them made of Hitler ranting in German. But you put your words in it. And you use the subtitles of what he's actually saying. It was Hitler going off about South by Southwest, making people work for free. It's fucking crazy. It's all crazy. That is a goddamn huge, huge festival.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Well, and that's just one of them, man. And a lot of them have, a lot of them do that. And it's like, I've had somebody tell me so much, well, so much for the movement. Oh, you want, that's your fee? So much for the movement. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's like, what do you mean? I'm supposed to do what I do? I'm supposed to fly to you and and and work for free and it's because of this so what you
Starting point is 01:38:30 call the movement right but meanwhile you're getting money it's not like there's no money exactly that's what's ridiculous it's one thing if this conference was free everybody could attend for free if they people donated food they donated. Oh, everybody's working for free? Okay, then. But that's not what's happening. This fucking thing that they sent me where they said, hey, we'll give you a gold pass. It's worth $1,200. I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 01:38:56 What the fuck? Did you feel insulted by that shit? I was laughing. I was like, this is hilarious. So you want me to go there and lend my recognition or my talent or whatever, and you're going to give me a fucking pass? Oh, good Lord. No, I get it.
Starting point is 01:39:13 And they'll try, I guess. I got a couple of festivals that try to do that, and I know that it's like – I mean, I know that I have in this game you know they've put me on this thing so I have on this kind of like Oh Ron Finley you know to me I'm still I tell people it's like I was in England and I put me at this Cathedral and shut on Sheffield and they put my they had my my my picture like what you call it projected on the whole Cathedral so you walk up and it's big. The whole picture.
Starting point is 01:39:47 I'm like, damn. And so I told that guy, I said, damn, you guys must be bored here. It's like 7 o'clock on a Saturday and you're here to see me? And it's like, how do you even know who the hell I am? And some woman yells, you're famous. And I said, yeah, my dishes still need to be washed. So it's like, I'm not famous to me, you know? Right, right.
Starting point is 01:40:08 I don't know how those conferences. I don't know how you deal with that. Festivals. It's not that hard. It becomes like your reality. Really? It just shifts. But I don't know how these festivals got away with that business model.
Starting point is 01:40:20 I don't know who the fuck let that happen. Too many eager people. Jedi mind trick. Yeah, too many eager people that don't understand their value fuck let that happen. Too many. Yeah. I mind trick. Yeah. Too many eager people that don't understand their value. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:29 You said it. And that's exactly what it is. Ooh, I got a book to promote. Ooh, I got this. Ooh, if so-and-so is going to be there,
Starting point is 01:40:36 I heard he's going to be there. Ooh. And I'll be, that's exactly what it is. You don't have, they don't have a value now. And that's what I, and that's my whole thing with this thing in, in, inireland you're in you're you're you're insulted because i know
Starting point is 01:40:49 i have a value yeah you know so so you you that's what it is man it's like people they i need to get somewhere because i have this product i need to get somewhere because you know and if i if i do here and then i'll go there and that's that's what it is man this this south by southwest or any of these people do they claim that all the money goes to charity or anything like that? I have no idea. I've never heard of that before. I don't think so. I mean, we're complaining too much about something, I think.
Starting point is 01:41:12 But the idea of you not being compensated for it, like that it's like, oh, so much for the movement. That's fucking insulting. Yeah. That's insulting. Because, you know, they would never say that. They didn't say it. Well, that was some organization back east. i don't even remember who they were but that was the email once they told this is his fee and this is what he gets and that's what i got
Starting point is 01:41:33 back and it's like people say aren't you a non-profit i'm like no my non-profit is a non-profit i'm ron finley he needed he needed a check yeah how the fuck are you supposed to eat how the fuck you supposed to pay your rent how the fuck are you supposed to eat? How the fuck are you supposed to pay your rent? How the fuck are you supposed to fill your gas tank? People are weird, man. People are weird. They're weird with how they look at other people and fairness. And especially someone who's legitimately got something that's important to say.
Starting point is 01:42:00 And somehow or another, if you've got something that's important to say, you should be doing it for no money. Well, I think it's that whole mother theresa shit or you have these kids coming out of college now that have trained in non-profit so and they have them thinking that you're doing good so you don't have to have you shouldn't get paid that lot you know there's not money to pay you but the executive this run is like you said something about one of these corporations this morning where the money Red Cross, the Red Cross, where the money. Yeah, he's probably getting, you know, a couple of million dollars. But the people on the ground, same thing with one of the I don't remember if it was Goodwill or one of them where they were paying people like a quarter or somewhere. And because they had some writing where they could do some ridiculous ass price they were paying people that were working there you know handicapped people and different shit so it's like that
Starting point is 01:42:49 just because you it says in writing that you can do that does that make that shit right you know so so in that and that's that's that's where i'm at with it man i don't i i mean i do a gang of shit for free again i mean i growing, putting in gardens and everything for free. You know, my thing, a lot of times, people don't respect that. I think you need a value on shit. Well, especially if they're charging money to hear you speak. That's where it gets ridiculous. And you realize that they're making profit off of it. And all of those organizations are making profit.
Starting point is 01:43:19 That's why they exist. I mean, even TED. TED has become this huge business. And without a doubt, they do benefit because I enjoy TED Talks. I found out about you through TED Talks. I watch them all the time. I was watching one today on fucking the engineered proteins that are causing different food allergies and how antibiotics and foods and all this different shit. And all those things are incredibly educational.
Starting point is 01:43:49 All those speeches and TED Talks are fascinating. But once you start getting money, once money becomes a part of the thing, you know, people start trying to maximize their profits. Yeah, but I mean, like with TED, I mean, Chris is, you know, a lot of these guys, they started out rich. He bought TED from, you know, from another guy. So, I mean, they got paper, you know, but I don't, is, you know, a lot of these guys, they started out rich. He bought Ted from, you know, from another guy. So, I mean, they got paper, you know, but I don't, I think it gets to a, you know, a penis show. I got more paper than you. Watch what I'm doing. It's like, but I mean, I got mad respect for Chris, you know.
Starting point is 01:44:19 I mean, the fact that they let people use the Tads and it's like oh damn this is like open source you know it's like like with a ron you want this they'll call you want this person to use your tad for they want to put it here and like yeah cool so it's like they give you that that kind of consideration and for you the more it gets spread the better right the more people you play that the more people talk about it the more your ideas come out there. I've had kids. One of the coolest things, man, is I had these kids. This father sends me a picture of his kids.
Starting point is 01:44:53 They're probably like 10, 11, and they're calling themselves gangster gardeners. And they're sending pictures of them growing, like propagating plants and seeing, he says, and they're recruiting other gangsters from the neighborhood to grow food. And this is in India. And I'm like, you know, a friend of mine used to work in Africa and in the bush. He says, this guy, he said, man, this guy probably has a wooden computer. It's so fucking old, you know. So he says this guy rides a bike 20 miles to use the phone.
Starting point is 01:45:24 And he hasn't heard from him in years. And all of a sudden he's like, hey, Mark, you work in South Central, right? There's this guy. You should find him. You know, his name is Ron Finley. I saw him on TED and he's in Mark's his dude. And once he tells me the story, he was like, he just shaking his head. He said, dude, this guy lives in the bush. You know, so, you know this guy lives in the bush. You know? So, you know, so it's been crazy.
Starting point is 01:45:50 How many people have seen your TED? Oh, my God. Well, see, it's too un-TED. It says 2 million, I don't know, a couple hundred thousand. But what that doesn't count, Joe, is when people see it at a college, when people see it in a school room, when people see it in an auditorium, when they see it at the movies because it's shown in a movie. So those people are not – those numbers are not counted. So it might be an extra million. Oh, easy.
Starting point is 01:46:18 It might be an extra two million. Fucking easy. I mean, because you think like with – my video was probably one of the most – when you do a TEDx, you have to show a TED video. And my TED literally has been shown probably one of the most around the world. Like when they do a TEDx because they said, you know, like the people say, hey, we just watched your video. Hey, we just watched your video in, you know, in Amsterdam or when, you know, in the Middle East and shit like that. So the numbers are pretty staggering.
Starting point is 01:46:47 But what really hits me is people go to action. There's a guy who saw my video in Brazil, and he contacted me. Next thing I know, like a month ago, he's on the news in Brazil, and somebody sends me the clip where he's on the news in brazil and they somebody sends me the clip where he's he's talking me up in brazil like yeah we all we took this lot because of ron finley in south central you know that and it's like whoa dude so that kind of shit it it that touches me man that this word i don't have to be there that's the whole thing people we need no no you me dude i don't need to be there you me. How many years has it been since this all started, since the first TED in Vancouver?
Starting point is 01:47:29 First TED was 2012. So it's only been a little over two years. Yeah, and it feels like six. I mean, no, it feels like easy. I swear. When I look, I cannot believe what's transpired in this short, very, very, very short amount of time. And one of the biggest things is that the law has been changed, you know, to to allow you to grow food on your parkway in Los Angeles. I it's to me, I'm humbled, you know, that that it's that it's happening like this where kids are calling me.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Hey, Ron, we're in Boston. We don't have the green spaces, but we have roofs. How can we take your project further? Wow. You know, so that kind of thing. You know, this kid in Texas where he started planting food on his front yard and on his parkway, and he calls it his front yard grocery store for his neighborhood. Wow. on his parkway and he calls it his front yard grocery store for his neighborhood wow so i mean that kind of inspiration joe has been just it's been like how you can't who could have thought this man you know i i wouldn't have thought that you know i got kids from oregon university coming
Starting point is 01:48:38 you know to see my garden and our kids driving down from um from uh up north to work in my garden and our kids driving down from from up north to work in my garden just hey so it's been it's almost like some cult kind of shit I don't know it's like we want to meet you we want to we want to touch the soil that you worked in kind of thing you know it's amazing because what you're doing is like such a basic normal human thing to do that we've been doing for thousands of years. And that's why it still astonishes me that people are putting this on. I see why when I hear the conversations and when we see where the world is. Because it's almost like, oh, yeah, I forgot about that. I can't do that.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Because we don't have no skin in the game joe because you you go you talk into a box and you drive 20 feet and they hand you a box of shit that's supposed to be food you know what i'm saying and and you drive off and you to the good there's no skin in the game and i think that's why so that's to me is like part of the whole slavery shit you know it's like you're a slave to that rhythm. You're a slave to that because now you don't understand that that's making you weak. That you're being controlled now. It's like the monk pushed the button and, you know, the Pavlov dog shit, you know, ring the bell and you start salivating. Well, I think there's a movement going on right now.
Starting point is 01:50:00 And you see a lot of different places in our society where people realize hey we are living exactly the same way our parents lived and as we get older we realize they didn't really know what the fuck they were doing so everybody steps back and says hey maybe we should exercise more what kind of exercising should we do maybe we should do shit that people have been doing for thousands of years strongman type shit. Do deadlifts. Do squats. That's where this whole CrossFit thing is coming from. What is it coming from?
Starting point is 01:50:29 People realizing if you lift weights, you feel stronger. If you feel stronger, you feel better. You be healthier. Okay. What about food? People realizing, hey, you're not supposed to feed cows corn. Corn-fed beef is fucking bad for you. Hey, I'm going to eat grass-fed beef.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Hey, look, the fat in grass-fed beef is actually higher and essential fatty acids it's better for you the meat is healthier it's a healthier animal that's why it's leaner okay let's leave let's eat let's eat that more hey organic vegetables are probably better for you let's fucking eat more organic vegetables and you see these fucking whole foods and arowans are popping up all over the place and exorbitant rates, exorbitant prices. And then people are like, hey, you know what? There's fucking dirt right here. Why don't we grow our own shit?
Starting point is 01:51:12 So it seems like this is part of this movement of realization. And you are in that. You're a part of this movement of realization. This show is a part of this movement of realization. We're all a part of it. Because this show is connected to the internet and there's no network behind it. There's no persons telling us what to do. So we can have someone like you on just because we want to.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Right. Because it's interesting. Because it's an interesting conversation. And then more people are tuning in. They know there's no agenda. And they go, oh, this guy is telling me I can grow my own food. And he's not even trying to get any money out of me. He's just trying to tell me to grow my own food in my backyard.
Starting point is 01:51:47 He's telling me about compost. He's telling me how he got started just simply to spread the information. I just saw sickness, man. You walk out your door and you see sickness, and then when you go somewhere else and you see the same thing, and it's like, damn. And that's when I came up. Why is this parallel? Why is see the same thing and it's like damn and that's when i came up this this is why is it why is this parallel why is this the same you know so we have to take that's we need skin
Starting point is 01:52:10 in the game it's like that's why my whole thing grow your own shit you know and not you don't have and like you said you don't have to grow everything yourself but if you do it collectively with your neighbors that's what i'm talking about it's like where you growing the apples and the and the carrots and sally down the street is growing some chard and rhubarb or whatever the hell. So now you can trade food and I can send my son to your spot and tell you, give me some carrots from Joe's house. And that's and vice versa. You know, you can send them over to my house and get some onions. That's what I see, man.
Starting point is 01:52:41 That's that's what it was. So you have eliminated a couple of systems there and you've created community you've created partnerships you created business without without a money exchange yes you know and that's huge and you've created safety you know so so that's and it's so damn simple to me and i guess it's gonna take me a while it's so simple that it's like you but you guys know this, right? Yeah, that's what's crazy. It's like you're not talking about something that's like just been discovered, some new technology that has recently been released to the public. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:53:17 And that's why, to me, it's still somewhat mind-boggling. It's 100% mind-boggling. And what you said about community is giant. Because I think people live in this weird place now where we barely even know our neighbors. And the more populated the areas are, the less likely you are to know your neighbors. And that's what I'm saying. That's where the safety comes in. Because I know your son, and I know he shouldn't be doing that.
Starting point is 01:53:42 I know he shouldn't be. Yo, dude. So I know. So that's where the safety comes in. And that's where the neighborhood and that's where community comes in. And that's what caring for one another comes in. And to me, we can do it. I mean, there's too many examples of this happening. Our whole system, like, you know, packing all these different people into these small areas and not knowing each other is so alien to human culture for thousands and thousands of years.
Starting point is 01:54:12 We've known all the people that are in our tribes. We all have these groups. We help each other. We have hunters and gatherers started out, and then they developed agriculture. But everyone worked together. But now we've got these weird things where we have cities, we have a big concrete box, and we stuff a fucking thousand people into it, and no one knows anybody. That's weird, man. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:54:34 Well, I mean, yeah, and that's why I tell people gardens, they build community. It's not just food. And it's like people with, you know, I've had these people come. So how much food can you grow on a piece of land this big you know talking about the parkway and i'm like i really don't give a fuck you know i don't grow food i grow people and sometimes they grow food it's not about the food food is probably three or four down the the list it's what you get from that soy it's what you get from being involved it's what you is what a child gets from
Starting point is 01:55:05 from from learning okay from touching this soil from seeing that i planted a seed now there's this big ass tree that can feed me you know oh and it's got value just these this stuff that this tree has hanging on it has value so look at all the lessons that are in that soil you know so that's what it is to me and then it comes and then it comes to food but but if you're not exposed to this ever at all you know if you just want your hot cheetos and takis and that bullshit it's like and that's to me that's that's condition you know so we can change the design of these neighborhoods just by that by changing the people and there's something in our our genetics our DNA our art our spirit whatever it is that like really gets rewarded from growing your own food when I pick vegetables out of my garden I make a salad out of it feels
Starting point is 01:55:56 great in some weird way but don't you think this shit tastes better I mean you think you think is you you think it's like my babies are the prettiest you know you think it's one of those things it's like my babies are the prettiest. You know, you think it's one of those things. But I remember the first time I had successful watermelons, man. I had these watermelons that, and I taste them. I'm like, God damn, I ain't never tasted, in my life, tasted a watermelon like this. And I gave some to neighbors, and they thought I injected the watermelon with something. Like sugar or something?
Starting point is 01:56:23 Yeah, they thought like, no, dude. I'm like, no, really? Hair. And I've never been able something, you know. Like sugar or something? Yeah, they thought like, no, dude. I'm like, no, really? Hair. And I've never been able to get that back. But I thought it was one of those things. This is my, I finally got these watermelons to grow and they're the best ever. And it was, I've never tasted nothing like that. I used to have this orange tree in this house that I rented in Encino.
Starting point is 01:56:39 And they were the most fucking delicious oranges I've ever had in my life. To this day, I've never had an orange that good. I would pluck them right off the tree and they would be so juicy and sweet. You buy an orange in the supermarket, it just doesn't taste as good as those oranges off of that just natural tree with no effort. I never put fertilizer down. I didn't do shit. It just grew oranges every year, and they were amazing.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Nature happens. That's what I'm saying. That tree is going to do what it's supposed to do with very, very little effort. And we also fuck up the flavor and the nutrition and things by making them last longer in supermarkets on the shelves. Putting shellac on some shit. Yeah, putting shellac on them and even just engineering these vegetables to last longer. When you do that, like tomatoes. My grandfather used to have this garden in Newark, New Jersey.
Starting point is 01:57:33 And I don't know why New Jersey is famous for tomatoes. It's something in the soil or with the seeds or whatever it is. But they would have these tomatoes that like, you've had heirloom tomatoes. They taste so much different than a fucking tomato that you, regular tomato that you get from a grocery store which is like no pale and hard they're like firm these tomatoes are kind of a little bit mushy to them but when you slice into them they're like a fruit and you realize tomatoes are supposed to taste like almost like a fruit they are fruit they're delicious and the ones that you get like if you buy a burger from mcdonald's you see that pale ass fucking tomato slice that thing could live for a month on a shelf and that's and
Starting point is 01:58:11 that's why it's to me what is what's happening to this food this food doesn't even you know get back it doesn't even get mold on it right you know so that's a problem that means it's not alive and it's because they want this shit to be delivered into these neighborhoods that aren't growing anything they want it to last in the trucks and last on the shelves so that they get the maximum amount of money out of their effort rather you know out of what they put into it to grow them and to ship them and to to house them in these supermarkets so we've developed this. We've sort of developed this food that accentuates the system. Yep.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Yeah, no, and that was my whole thing. It's like, I guess, waking up realizing, damn, I've been bamboozled all these years, you know, thinking that, you know, they don't care about us, you know, and it's like the fact that the government let a lot of these laws be pat are passed you know regulating this shit and you know regulating this it's like the fact that oh we don't you don't need to it's fine you don't need to label this bullshit what do you mean can can i can i know what's in my food is why why you know um i'm not cool with that you know yeah well i think what you're doing is really interesting.
Starting point is 01:59:26 And I think that's one of the reasons why the TED Talk has been viewed online countless millions of times and people have seen it in schools. And the reason why it resonated with me. What you're doing is so interesting because it's such a normal thing. But in talking about it, and especially you're a charismatic guy when you're on stage, you're talking about you're being yourself and you're having fun with it. And when you're doing that, it kind of gets everybody titillated and excited about it. And then it spreads this movement. And I guarantee you this podcast is going to do more of that too. And it's also something that's really accessible.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Like when I talk about hunting, people go, yeah, man, but I can't fucking hunt. I don't have a gun. I can't get – I'm a whole hire a guide i'm gonna move to montana or something it's fucking a lot and you don't know what you're doing you don't want to shoot anybody you gotta learn gun safety and hunters yeah be like safety courses be like your vice president your ex vice president oh that fake she never quite got there but yeah yeah it's it's it's difficult to get your own meat but man get your own meat, but man, growing your own food is pretty fucking accessible to a lot of people or more accessible than you would think.
Starting point is 02:00:31 And to me, it's sexy as hell. Yeah. I say, you know, somebody wrote me once. I said, you know, I tell these guys. I said, because of the guys, I was like, man, Ron, why are there always these girls at your place, man? Why are you always there? I'm like, I told you guys, if you plant flowers, you get flowers.
Starting point is 02:00:50 You know what I'm saying? So I'm like, you better start planting this soil. And they didn't listen. I ain't doing that until they see the girls. Then it's a whole other thing. And I said something. Somebody sent me an email. Oh, Ron said this was a real sexist remark.
Starting point is 02:01:06 And I said, you know, I said, you want to know a true panty dropper is when you go to your garden and you pick some food and you cook a meal for a girl or a guy. But because I asked him, oh, that's sexist. Why is that sexist? I mean, it's like, who wouldn't want? I say, oh, that's sexist. Why is that sexist? I mean, it's like who wouldn't want, I mean, that's sexy as hell to me, dude, that you can go to your garden and fix a meal and feed it to somebody.
Starting point is 02:01:31 I mean, come on. That's win-win. Well, people love to call sexist. You're not discriminating or diminishing women in any way by saying that. People just love bitching and complaining. How do you deal? Tell me how you deal with that shit. How do you deal with people thinking just because you're a public figure and you're entertainer that you're out there and they can just they can just you know and they got your email address or your
Starting point is 02:01:54 fucking facebook or whatever it is and they can just say shit and they think it's cool because they're on facebook they just want attention that's okay is that you think that's what it is yeah a lot of it is and then they're they're short-ed, a lot of it. And sometimes they have good points. Sometimes people have points and you have to look at it from their perspective. I think they, you know. It's hard to be that low on the ground though sometimes, Joe, to see their fucking perspective. Well, you know, it's hard to not be affected by things that people say about you because in real life when someone says something to you, it's a conflict. But there's no conflict. there's no real conflict online and that's the
Starting point is 02:02:29 reason why they're able to do that with no recourse and or rather uh no repercussions and also there's no social cues there's no interaction they're not in front of you calling you a sexist piece of shit you'd be like because if they were also you would get more than just the printed word you would get their personality and you would get oh you're fucked up i see what you got your own problems you need to worry about why are you worried about me being sexist when i'm talking about vegetables being sexy i've had you know i've had a couple of interactions and somebody said uh ron i think you need a pr person fuck off you don't need a goddamn person because i'll go i'll you know i go there don't check me and think think you checking a PR person shut the fuck off you don't need a god damn PR person because I'll go
Starting point is 02:03:05 don't check me and think you checking me just because you don't know who the fuck you really don't know me at all you don't know what I stand for you don't know what I do this is a part of me but don't think you can just say some shit and like kind of judge me and go at me
Starting point is 02:03:22 just because you online and it's like no and some occasion and i've bit my lip a lot man but it's like right now they make it real hard to do good you know what i'm saying some people it shouldn't be no i'm not even going i'm just saying that just the system the way it is with a lot of this non-profit bullshit and it's that's what it is that it's bullshit a lot of a lot of it's bullshit man it's like are you are you guys really trying to change some shit or hey ron this this money comes with um strings what a noose what kind of fucking strings you know what are you
Starting point is 02:03:57 talking about it comes with strings what are you are you trying to change this or what dude is that some bullshit or you got to shuffle papers and it's, and that's what I'm trying to, I mean, I'm trying to literally see change, dude. And I mean, and it ain't no, it might be some ego shit in there. But when I do something, I put my fucking foot in, dude. I want to see some big, massive, ginormous type shit change, man. And that's what, and it's like, whoa. And you getting to talk to these people and getting going to and trying to get money man and it's like you realize you guys ain't really
Starting point is 02:04:30 trying to change shit well some people are and some people aren't and the real the situation you're dealing with is the numbers are staggering you know you're dealing with when you're online especially if you're online like you are and you become a celebrity because of a cause that you support you are a person who can be reached by other folks who agree or disagree and just the sheer numbers you're dealing with the people like you can't filter them out you don't know them you can't meet all 100 000 people who want to comment on your fucking youtube video you can't do it you don't have the time and if you did you wouldn't even get to know them anyway. You'd get to know what they're putting out there
Starting point is 02:05:08 and their fucking most polished, most prepared version of themselves. You don't know whether or not they're really, they have their shit together enough to consider their opinion. So you don't know. So when you're getting the printed word and someone's responding to you or insulting you or criticizing you
Starting point is 02:05:24 in some sort of a way it's hard to deem whether or not it's valid or not so it takes a certain amount of personal sovereignty when you're putting yourself out there you know that's a good one personal sovereignty that's what it is with me i don't i mean and somebody said ron you shouldn't read all this shit you shouldn't i'm like i read it if it's there it's coming i'm reading everything it doesn't bother me there's certain shit that people could read. I mean, I've been- Well, they're trying to bother you.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Oh, no. No, there's- Oh, and I tell them, and I read that shit, and it does not bother me. You know what I'm saying? I know who the hell I am. I have a code, and that's what I live by. I'm not living by your code of what you think should happen. So I'm-
Starting point is 02:06:01 I mean, that kind of people are like, you shouldn't read those. I'm like, why not? Yeah, why not? Yeah, no, I- As long as you people, like, you shouldn't read those. I'm like, why not? Yeah, why not? Yeah. As long as you're cool with it, why not? I always say that it's like snake venom. If you get too much in one shot, you're going to die. But if you have a little every day, you know, you become immune to it.
Starting point is 02:06:16 I could read mean shit about me. I'm like, that's not true. I know me. I know me. I know who I am. I slept with me last night. I was pretty damn good they also like the people that are criticizing you do you turn that high-powered perspective
Starting point is 02:06:31 the introspective uh like analysis do you turn on yourself right do you do you judge yourself the way you're judging other people most likely not and if you did you probably shut the fuck up because you have plenty of things in your own backyard to clean up before you go after other people like kim kardashian or these fucking people you're getting upset about online go to any video online read the comments on youtube 99.9 of those motherfuckers leaving comments should just get away from the computer get their fucking life in order like you're you're missing you're putting all this effort and energy and as someone you don't even fucking know try to make them feel bad because you feel bad that they're rich and famous and you know dating kanye west or whatever the fuck it is i had i had somebody say something because
Starting point is 02:07:20 i used to post pictures of um and I still do if I see one, of people with tattoos. I don't have no tattoos, but I still appreciate the art of it and the beauty of it and the fact that somebody did this and the history of that shit. And I would post tattoos, and some woman hit me up and says, Oh, I was surprised to wake up this morning and find this on your feet, you being a
Starting point is 02:07:45 progressive fuck said i'm a progressive and what i don't what do you see here a woman in a bikini with tattoos and what i see art i see art and beauty here but she's you know the fact that somebody think that they like you said it's like oh hey i got a typewriter i can i got a computer i can do this shit so you do have to to, you know, some, okay, yeah. Well, people love to categorize, like, I'm a conservative. I'm a liberal. And if you don't, you know, you have this rigid ideology that falls into that. Oh, you're a progressive, but yet you like girls?
Starting point is 02:08:17 Right. Hmm. Like, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? How about these girls? It's their choice whether or not they want to take photos with bikinis because they like the way their body looks there's not it's not bad what people don't like is the way it makes them feel about their body is that what that's what it is we see a woman who's got this fucking banging body and she's got a a beautiful tattoo on her back she's sticking her ass out oh sexism oh no it's her idea she wants to do it she wants you to see that ass
Starting point is 02:08:46 because she knows it looks good she likes it you know and oh exploiting women how about she's exploiting you stupid how about that she's got a fucking great hand of cards that genetics dealt her she went to the gym every day look at that ass pow you know what it's oh is this sex no you're fat you don't like that you're fat. You don't like that it makes you feel like shit when you look at someone who works out. I didn't call you fat. Joe calls you fat. Some people are fat.
Starting point is 02:09:12 It's a goddamn fact. You can't get away from it. And the same people that will think that you're egotistical because you go to the gym. How about you can, and it makes your body look better and feel better and people are more attracted to you. That makes sex better. Nobody wants to say that. No, sex is about love. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:32 Guess what? Love when you're more attractive is better. No doubt. It is. It's just better. If someone has a good body, there's a reason why they use women's bodies to sell cars and fucking shampoo and everything. It's because we're attracted to it. And if your body is overflowing with neglect and your fat rolls are pouring over the side of your underwear, that's not as attractive.
Starting point is 02:09:57 Some people find that shit sexy, though. Come on, Joe. There are some people that find that shit sexy. There's some people who like ugly feet. They like to jerk off on ugly feet. Necrophilia. Yes, there's that too. You're right.
Starting point is 02:10:07 I'm being close-minded. Yeah, you are. That's a little judgmental there. I'm very judgmental. That's what I do for a living. I judge shit. People say, don't judge. If you didn't judge, you'd never get anything done.
Starting point is 02:10:20 You would be fucking hit by cars every day. You'd never judge where the cars are coming. You were retarded. Don't judge. But that's how we got to 2015. Okay. That's how we got. We've been judging shit, figuring out what's good and what's bad.
Starting point is 02:10:33 You know, don't judge. No, no, no. Judge. People don't like the people don't like the fact that there's this this broad fucking range of human beings in this life. And some people got lucky as shit. And some people, just athletically. There's people that no matter what the fuck they do, they'll never be Kobe Bryant. It's impossible.
Starting point is 02:10:57 He got a way better genetic roll of the dice than you. Period. End of discussion. Move on with your life. Maybe there's some shit. Maybe you're a better singer than Kobe. Maybe you tell better jokes maybe you could write a better book maybe you're better at eating pussy whatever it is whatever it is you can't shoot a jumper like he that's his he got that sorry it is what it is your nose is bigger than mariah carey's you got to deal with that
Starting point is 02:11:21 okay this is the the hand that you're given. Work with it, baby. Work with it. That's just life. That's just life. But people don't want that. So they go, oh, look at you, sexist. I thought you were progressive. These photos of women.
Starting point is 02:11:33 What the fuck is a progressive? It's a new label. People love labels. They love being a part of groups. I mean, the new one is social justice warriors. Why the fuck did I get put in that group? Well, because you're a guy who's teaching people how to grow vegetables oh that makes me that's progressive progress isn't that going backwards though isn't that you're right in a way but it's
Starting point is 02:11:55 progressing away from the direction that we're at now which is negative which is factory farming and factory agriculture and all this fucking bullshit with the meat and antibiotics. That's negative. Factory education. Progress is moving away from the chemicals that have been put into our foods for greed and profit. So that makes you a progressive. Also, anybody that is against racism, anybody that is against government monopolies and corporate control of our media, that's progressive as well. It's just labels.
Starting point is 02:12:29 People love labels. Wow. So does it make me a progressive that I'm tired of them shooting these black kids? Yes. And getting away with it? That shit's progressive. Very progressive. And getting away with it.
Starting point is 02:12:42 That shit's progressive. Very progressive. Very progressive. Well, I think that what we're seeing today, and this is a really interesting time when it comes to accountability for crimes, especially with the police. There have been more articles in the past year that I've read and that I've seen online and more videos and more protests about police brutality than ever before. And then finally, what's the response? L.A. just paid for 7,000 body cameras that cops are all going to be forced to wear now. That is accountability, and that is a direct response to people being outraged, and that's progress. And that's being a progressive.
Starting point is 02:13:20 So it's somewhere they got some cop, forgot where it was texas somewhere where he would just he would um disarm what you call disarm his body camera and do some foul shit you know they caught him beating up some girl he should go to jail this should be a mandatory like 20-year prison sentence for a cop that disarms his fucking camera on purpose to do something like that like you are you're committing a crime and you're abusing your position of power and you're doing something that is absolutely not what you're supposed to be doing when you're supposed to be upholding protecting serve and protect does not mean take your fucking camera shut it off and beat the shit out of somebody because it's illegal doesn't know well how about that fucking guy that was in denver that was beating the shit out of this guy that was on
Starting point is 02:14:00 the ground punched him in the face they saw a guy with a camera that was filming it they take the guy's camera away from him delete the pic the video arrest him but he had already sent it up to the cloud right and so then he released it online and now everybody's like well we're all about accountability right we're all about transparency the fuck you are the fuck you are that guy knocked over a pregnant lady was punching some poor immigrant dude in the face you know that happened. Yeah, the guy was selling little drugs. Why is he doing that? He's broke and poor and he's in a bad situation.
Starting point is 02:14:30 And if you lived his life, you'd probably be doing exactly the same shit he's doing. And it's so easy to do. I mean, and like I said earlier, where did the drugs come from? How the fuck did they get here? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I mean, the reason, the number one reason why they're sold the way they're being sold right now is because of the fact they're illegal. That's why if you look at Portugal's decriminalization of all drugs and you look at the amount of people that have died, the amount of crimes that have been committed that are drug-related, there's a graph that was put up online a couple of days ago that it's a fucking huge dip. A huge dip in drug-related violence, a huge dip in all sorts of shit
Starting point is 02:15:06 that's connected to illegal activities. When you have illegal activities, look, alcohol in this country is a huge problem, for sure, for sure. But you know what's not a huge problem? Alcohol companies shooting other alcohol companies because they're stealing their profits. Because of the fact that it's legal,
Starting point is 02:15:24 you don't have that gang-on-gang violence that you're having down in fucking mexico that shit is directly connected to the illegality but do you want all these motherfuckers on the street high i don't want them drunk yeah how about that i don't want them driving drunk so now we got them drunk and i would way rather have people driving around on marijuana than driving around on alcohol. I mean, of course. A fact. Go to Texas. What I didn't like, though, when I'm not Texas, I mean, Denver.
Starting point is 02:15:50 When I was in Colorado, what wasn't cool, they were just smoking in the street. And somebody's kid is right here. I'm not cool with that. No, I'm not cool with that. Somebody literally booked me in a Bud and Breakfast hotel, dude. Bud and Breakfast. I've never been high a day in my life. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 02:16:08 And I'm like, what? Why did they book you in that then? Maybe they got a special, right? I have no idea. You know, I don't know what the hell that was. But it was like, you know. They probably just assumed you get high. You're so cool.
Starting point is 02:16:19 Most people do. That's probably what it is. Maybe you'd be even cooler if you got high. You're saying there's not a day in your life. I mean, look, I'm willing to give
Starting point is 02:16:28 most things a chance that I find to be beneficial. What's that joke? Some comedian did this joke about what he says. I'm gay.
Starting point is 02:16:38 I couldn't imagine. I'm not gay. Suck another man's dick. He says, well, just that once because I needed to ride home
Starting point is 02:16:45 gotta do what you gotta do exactly that's why dudes are selling drugs i've never had a cup of coffee dude ever in my life coffee's awesome so i hear you know it's delicious don't ask me why get you well look there's not you don't have to obviously you turned out great you don't need any of these things you don't need alcohol you don't great. You don't need any of these things. You don't need alcohol. You don't need drugs. You don't need any of those things. But my point is that they exist, and some people find them beneficial, and grown adults should be able to do whatever the fuck they want.
Starting point is 02:17:14 I enjoy a cup of coffee. If coffee was made illegal, I would be fucking furious. Would you? Yeah. Some asshole decided that coffee is somehow or another causing people to be too tense or be more productive or whatever the fucking reason they decide to make it illegal. That's a grown adult telling another grown adult what they can do with their life that doesn't affect anybody else other than them. That's bullshit. You're one of those coffee elitist people that have to have the certain brand type shit.
Starting point is 02:17:42 No, no. I go to Starbucks all the time. I'll go to fucking Dunkin' Donuts and have their shitty coffee. I like coffee, but I like good coffee. It's like anything. Good coffee's better.
Starting point is 02:17:52 My friend owns Caveman Coffee, which is a single source coffee company. He has a direct relationship with his farm in South America. They grow the coffee. He gets the coffee. They bring it back to America. They roast it.
Starting point is 02:18:02 It's like you know exactly where it came from. He has a direct relationship with the farmers. That, to me, is beautiful. That, to me, you go down to Central America. You get the fucking coffee. You know where it comes from. I like all that.
Starting point is 02:18:14 I like that. It's very difficult to grow coffee in America. And, in fact, there's a place in Santa Barbara, I think, is one of the few places in America that's growing coffee. It's not that easy to grow it in America. You need a very particular climate. One of the things I found out, I had a guy on who was a coffee expert who told me that all coffee is actually from Ethiopia. All of it.
Starting point is 02:18:38 Originally? Originally from Ethiopia. And all this coffee that you have, like Colombian grown, all that shit, it's not supposed to be in Colombia. They brought it over. They brought it like Colombian grown, all that shit, it's not supposed to be in Colombia. They brought it over. They brought it like Arabian coffee, Arabica beans. All that shit came from Ethiopia. And they brought it to Saudi Arabia or wherever the fuck they're growing it.
Starting point is 02:18:54 All of it comes from Ethiopia. Well, that's one of the things with me with native plants. Some of that to me is some bullshit. Native when? When was it native? And that's this big thing. We'll only plant native plants here right native when what year for what who said it was made when the dinosaurs were here how you know what i'm saying when the fuck was it native to you dude
Starting point is 02:19:15 and you got these scholars and shit to preach this and it's like native when i won't give me a date right you know right right well there was an episode of radio lab which is a great podcast on the Galapagos Islands, and it was talking about how there's all these invasive plant species that come from literally dudes walking somewhere else, having something on their shoe, and then walking to this new place, and then these plants grow. It's native now. It's native now. Yeah, right. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:19:42 Isn't that crazy? That is crazy. It is crazy how we're like that, native. We do that crazy? That is crazy. It is crazy how we're like that natively. We do it with humans. That's where it gets really weird. If you're over there, especially what I always trip out, I talk about this when I go to San Diego all the time because I love San Diego.
Starting point is 02:19:57 But one of the weird things about San Diego is it's right next to Tijuana. And those fucking people, they can come over for a little bit, but you better get back over to your fucking side. They'll let people come over. Let me check your papers. Check your papers. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:20:10 You know you're only over here for a few hours, and get back over that fucking line. There's a line for humans. No, literally. A line. A line. Is that crazy? With a guy with a gun. Standing and making sure.
Starting point is 02:20:23 Two guys. Many guys. Many guys with trucks the fucking trippy thing about san diego is they gotta you drive like 40 minutes outside of san diego they got another line to try to catch you just in case you're hiding in someone's trunk it's fucking nuts man no i it was that sign dude you know the sign that's got the family and the little kid is dangling behind everybody's running i'm like that's just looks so racist it's dark it is dark the fact you got to be careful that families are trying to come over here for a better life yeah and that's why
Starting point is 02:20:56 they're coming over here they're not coming over here to rape dogs or fucking being in mexico too though it it let me know that a lot of that shit seems like propaganda because when I was in Mexico, it's like Guadalajara and places. Man, these people are like not even thinking about coming to the States. Mexico City. Yes. Come on, man. They're like, what? It's nice.
Starting point is 02:21:17 We kicking it. Great restaurants. Yes. Great nightlife. Yes. But they have it thinking that this whole country wants to come to the United States. That's the propaganda bullshit that we get. Like, the whole country is lined up waiting, and they're not.
Starting point is 02:21:31 Man, there's people just having shit over there. And you know what one of the weirdest things about Mexico is? It's the border towns that are the most fucked up. That's so strange. I got a friend painting right now in Juarez. That's a bad spot. Yeah, El Mac. I heard he was in juarez oh that's a bad spot yeah elma elmac i heard he was in the juarez that's a scary spot because you but the weird thing is you cross juarez and it's fine in america it's fine san antonio is nice you know what's that
Starting point is 02:21:55 about i don't know that's not good though that's weird it's weird tijuana is another one i mean tijuana is not as bad as everybody thinks it is But every now and then They'll cut a bunch of people's heads off And leave them in fucking garbage bags With notes tied to them and shit I mean they will do that If the I mean
Starting point is 02:22:13 That shit's so fucked up It's fucked up It's fucked up Yeah I mean that drug violence is fucked up But that shit didn't happen when we were kids Right That shit is all Within the last 20 years.
Starting point is 02:22:26 Yeah. I mean, I went to Mexico without a second thought in, I think it was like 2004 or something like that. I went on vacation there. Didn't worry at all. But in 2014, 10 years later, it's like, whoa. What part? In Tijuana? No, we were in Chichen Itza.
Starting point is 02:22:44 Went down to see the Mayan pyramids. Amazing. That's some trippy shit. But now people, you know, you talk to people about going to Mexico and they're like, fuck that. I'm not going down there. Fuck that. I mean, I think a head cutting will do that to you though, Joe. Well, how about Chicago's gang violence?
Starting point is 02:23:03 I mean, more people die in Chicago every year than a lot of these cities in Mexico. And we don't think about that when we travel to Chicago. Everybody just goes. Because the food is so fucking good and the architecture. My kind of town. Think about Sinatra songs. Somebody called. I was in Chicago and somebody was like, Ron, we need your help.
Starting point is 02:23:21 There was one guy. I think he owned 60 lots. And it looked like some war zone some shit man it's like and they're like we want we need to plant food we need to and i'm like and to see that somebody owns 60 lots and this is normal that wasn't like he was some special guy how is it's kind of crazy in chicago man that that is happening like that yeah well there's some crazy spots in chicago man that that is happening like that yeah well there's some crazy spots in this country for sure i mean detroit i spent some time in detroit last year that tripped me out you could buy a house for 500 bucks you know and detroit
Starting point is 02:23:55 is starting to slowly bounce back from that too where people are starting to see people are starting to start businesses and starting to expand and starting to make use of the land. A lot of the artists are going out there, too. I guess it's like the new Wild West out there. Well, in a lot of ways. I mean, the nature has sort of reabsorbed a lot of the buildings. Like there was some. Nature does that shit.
Starting point is 02:24:19 Fuck yeah, it does. Really quick. Really quick. Nature don't play. Nature doesn't give a fuck about your rent, your zoning. Nothing. But there was a website that had all these homes in Detroit that are being reclaimed by trees, like trees growing through the center of the floorboards, these buildings.
Starting point is 02:24:36 There were some holes in the ceiling, which was enough to let rain and light through. A seed got somehow or another into the ground, and it's growing through the fucking floorboards. There's a tree in the middle of a house. That house won't be there in a hundred years. It'll be a fucking tree. You know, and all the boards will rot away and the tree will absorb the nutrients from the rotten wood.
Starting point is 02:24:58 It's crazy. It'll be like compost for this tree. No doubt. And I tell people, you know, nature always wins always yeah ask those people on pompeii if you can find them you know nature nature don't play yeah nature does not play no and it's and we and and i think that's what we need to hear that call because the way we fucking up this planet because it's it's it's a thing where has um we have history to see what nature is like okay you guys are done you know it's like you can't keep just screwing this up
Starting point is 02:25:32 and think it's gonna be cool you know we it's like they had um where was it was it chernobyl or one of those other nuclear places where um they did a show i think it was 60 minutes or something they went to visit one of these places and it's the radiation is still off the hook oh we'll be forever where people cannot live in this it's just like this stuff is frozen in time yeah Chernobyl I know exactly and then they said what they said in the nuclear reactor there's actually like mushrooms and shit growing up yeah I wouldn't eat one well you probably you probably would. Imagine how high you'd get off of those nuclear reaction mushrooms. If somebody told you, Joe, this mushroom gets you fucked up, you'd be all over that shit.
Starting point is 02:26:11 Get me on the next plane to Chernobyl. I would let somebody else eat it first, and I would closely monitor them for a few years. I want to make sure there's not some sort of an incubation period. Eat that mushroom, and six six months later you become one. Like have you ever seen those mushrooms? Like there's a strain of cordyceps mushrooms that affects ants where it grows inside the ant, kills the ant, and then it literally explodes and sprays spores all throughout the colony infecting all the other ants. So these ants, when they find out one of the mushrooms has got a hold of one of the ants
Starting point is 02:26:46 and killed it, they take the ant deep, deep, deep into the woods and drop his body off and get the fuck out of Dodge. Like they have a bomb they have to get away from. It's almost like instinctively nature has let them know that there's a certain amount of time. Yeah, this is these ants that are growing these mushrooms out of their body. Come on, man. Stop. Oh, it's a trip dude and that mushroom that grows out of their body will explode and the spores will spray into the air and infect all these other mushrooms using the the the ant
Starting point is 02:27:16 like soil exactly exactly and they're using it as a base to launch all of their little soldiers that are going to infect all the other ants nature's crazy dude oh nature's so crazy there's so many examples of them using like other bodies as a host to spread i mean it's like you learn or die and that's what it's telling those ants you better figure out how to get this fucking body and drop it off in the woods that's how do it how if like an ant attacks an animal or a bug in another insect how do these group know okay good dude you get the right i get the left i'm gonna get the i'm gonna get the head and how do they know that we don't know we don't know how they know but we do know they do know do you know that ants take down elephants i didn't know
Starting point is 02:27:59 they climb up the elephant's leg and start eating their fucking brain from their ear they climb into their ear and they let somehow or another let all the other ants through pheromones or whatever signals they send they let all the other ants know hey it's on we got some food here we go and they will climb up the fucking elephant into its ear and start eating the elephant alive from the ear brain first fuck that's kind of that's kind of little tiny thing just nipping away slowly at Live. From the ear. Brain first. Fuck. Yeah, that's kind of more. Little tiny thing just nipping away slowly at an elephant. They're like, we got all day. We got time.
Starting point is 02:28:32 That's the thing about it. My friend Brian wanted to be a biologist at one point in time. He wanted to work with insects. And he was in, I think, New Guinea or some jungle. They have these tents that they would have to place on platforms above the ground. And then they would put turpentine on the posts to keep the ants from climbing up. Because once they find you, they fuck you up. The biomass of ants on this planet, like the amount of weight of ants,
Starting point is 02:29:04 is the same roughly as the amount of weight of ants is the same roughly as the amount of weight of people yeah stop that's true it's true that's how many fucking ants there are that's crazy that's crazy seven billion people at least 100 pounds right did you see that documentary on ants um where they hit this guy had he wanted to see how big the colony was oh yeah i did see where he poured the concrete in and then they pour some more concrete in and then they push then they got a concrete concrete truck then they got another concrete truck and it just kept taking up all the concrete and i think it was a square mile or some crazy shit and they dug it up and this was this this ant, whatever the hell they call them.
Starting point is 02:29:46 It was leafcutter ants, and not only do they have this incredibly complex system, but in it they have ventilation because these leaves are decaying. So in order to give these leaves air so that the fumes from these leaves can escape, they created fucking ventilation systems. No, that's insane. Who taught them this? Who taught, man? Who taught?
Starting point is 02:30:10 They say ants are the only species that have pets because like aphids. When you have aphids on your plants, they bring the aphids basically to your plant and then they milk them. Because the aphids suck the sugars out of your plant. And then they have these little things on the back of them like titties. And the ants get the milk, suck that out of them. So they literally, it's like they're cattle or some shit. What the fuck? I had some, like I have these, the bees.
Starting point is 02:30:42 And they were in the front of the hive and they were you know crowded and i'm like what the hell is happening so and i'm like what do they have and they were moving and so all of a sudden wasp no they was it was a rubber band it was a rubber band that that because when we put the frames in somebody they kept the rubber bands on them to hold up the um the wax stuff and um so the the ants like get that shit out of here so these yeah i'm sorry the bees literally drug these rubber cut the rubber bands first and drug them out and then drop i got pictures of this and then drop them like flew a little and then dropped them and then even moved once the thing was on the ground and moved them further away so i'm and i
Starting point is 02:31:24 got i got to something like what the hell is happening and then so i saw all the rubber bands so it was like eight rubber bands that they did this to wow and it's it's it's like i got some brilliant shots of it and you you it's like hot and so you got ants pulling this side of the rubber band and pulling that side of the rubber bees somebody keeps saying bees yeah it's incredible that's fascinating so did they affect how it's suspended because the no no i guess they let i guess it was up already when they did it that but they were like hey this ain't we ain't about this get this rubber bands i wonder if it's the smell i mean i don't know what it was but you can see they literally cut the rubber bands wow yeah so it's it so it's pretty – so it's a lot that I think we still have to learn that we don't know. Well, I've told this story before on this podcast, but I'll tell it to you.
Starting point is 02:32:13 One time we were doing Fear Factor. We covered people with bees, and we had this dude who was a beekeeper. He brought in his colony, and he would cover people with bees, and he had to stand there covered with bees. Well, while we were doing that, we were doing it at this ranch and uh a local colony showed up that wasn't even the one it wasn't his and so he had to back away he told everybody we got to shut down we got a local colony they got to work this out so we had to back up and get out of the way gang fight and the local bees and his bees communicated with each other. They didn't fight, but they were in the air, and they were fucking swarming.
Starting point is 02:32:48 And you can literally see the two. You could see them. There was a cloud. You can literally see the two different. No, couldn't tell. He couldn't tell. No one could tell, but they could tell. And the local colony left, and his colony came back into his, you know,
Starting point is 02:33:02 those hives, those things that he carries around with him, those trays that look like filters for an air conditioning system his you know his those hives those things that he carries around with them those those uh trays that look like filters for an air conditioning system you know and they had to work it out they worked it out for like 20 minutes half hour whatever the fuck it was and then they took off they're like what the fuck you guys doing here oh we're filming a show you know like they had to have a conversation they had to like why are you guys here like why are you on my turf exactly who are these So what happened to the people that were covered with bees? Were they covered already or no? It was in between.
Starting point is 02:33:28 They were transitioning, so it was lucky. And when these bees showed up, one shows up, and then a bunch showed up, and then a whole cloud of them showed up. I'm glad you brought that up. How many people did you guys kill on Fear Factor? Zero. We got lucky. Bullshit.
Starting point is 02:33:42 What, you think we killed people and just buried them somewhere? Somewhere. I mean, the shit y'all had people doing dude We just took We sprayed them over the city And they control the population Mind control Hanging somebody over
Starting point is 02:33:56 In a car No we got lucky Over the fucking ocean and shit We could have killed people though For sure No shit It could have happened Yeah
Starting point is 02:34:02 You know the scariest thing Wasn't even that the scariest thing that i ever saw was riding bulls when they rode when they had people rode ride bulls i was like that is fucking goddamn crazy like that's scary shit like those bull you can't you can control you can have like a really good system of safety harnesses and all these different things in place where you could be reasonably assured that if you engineered a stunt correctly that people are going to be fine but not with a bull you can't control shit that was the scariest one for me and when that was over i was legitimately terrified all day and then it was over i was like because i was scared someone's
Starting point is 02:34:39 gonna get stomped or someone's gonna get kicked in the head or any of those things can happen and i'm sure you've seen those videos where those fuck yeah where those bulls like you know what i'm about sick of your ass and go into the audience and go oh yeah oh yeah i've seen them like do that uh bull dogging where they grew by the horns in mexico you know that's just again testosterone that's what it is just like the fucking rooster. You put testosterone in a nice cow. Cows are sweet. They don't want to fuck with anybody. Give it to a bull and they'll start fucking running at you with their head.
Starting point is 02:35:14 Testosterone makes them grow weapons on their fucking head. Isn't that crazy? It's crazy. They grow weapons on their head that they can stick through your asshole and launch you into the air. Yeah, it's crazy it's it's crazy but yeah so that that is the no one ever died on fair factor and it's one of the reasons why i was happy when it got canceled yeah i was like we got away with it we got away with it listen ron it's been a great fucking podcast i really enjoyed talking to you
Starting point is 02:35:40 no thanks for inviting you have a non-profit how can people contribute how can they donate what can they do where where do they get a hold of you uh info at cover everything you can buy some t-shirts you can donate some money we got a um a crowd riser but just info at ron finley hit me up on the website ronfinley.. is the website. And you have a CrowdRiser, is that what you said? Is that like a GoFundMe type thing? Exactly, yep. And what happens with that money and where does it go? We're putting it into work.
Starting point is 02:36:16 Actually, we got this hell of a project we're working on. It's the oldest operating library in the city and it's right in the middle of the hood. It's called the Vermont Square Library. operating library in the city and it's right in the middle of the hood. It's called the Vermont Square Library. It's got an acre behind it and we want to just put the, we want to put up a space there that has gardens, but also a container cafe made out of a container greenhouses and just a creative space where people can come do mosaics,
Starting point is 02:36:38 learn how to cook, eat a healthy meal and exchange fruits and vegetables and have a weekly food. There's a lot of shit's going on. That sounds beautiful. I want to contribute. I want to help you out. I want to promote it on Twitter as much as possible. I think what you're doing is beautiful.
Starting point is 02:36:51 I appreciate that. Thank you. I really, really appreciate being here, man. I really appreciate you coming. I had a great time talking to you. Let's do it again, man. We'll do it again. Okay.
Starting point is 02:36:58 Fuck yeah. You'll be talking about, damn, Ron's here again. I wouldn't do that. No, no, no. I enjoy this very much. Ron Finley HQ on Twitter. Follow him. Send him some love.
Starting point is 02:37:09 Send him some money. Be a part of this and help out. Thank you, Ron. Thank you, guys. Joe Rogan Experience. All right. We'll see you soon. Peace.
Starting point is 02:37:16 Peace.

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