The Joe Rogan Experience - #599 - Shane Smith

Episode Date: January 13, 2015

Shane Smith is a Canadian-American journalist. He also is the co-founder and CEO of the international media company VICE. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is our whole new setup. We're in HD now. You're gonna look beautiful. I don't need... I need not HD. I need like cheesecloth. I need Vaseline. Joe Rogan. Experience. Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night. All day. No, we're all in HD. We got multicolored. Look at the colors. Different colors for the buttons now. I like it. That's huge. When you get lit up colors, that's what I thought the future was going to look like when there was computers in, like, 2015.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I thought it would be, like, the inside of, like, a spaceship. Because that was Star Trek then. Yeah, like multicolored. That's Hal. All of our buttons are the same color. That is Hal, right? That's the TriCaster. So we're in HD now.
Starting point is 00:00:43 You're beautiful, baby. You're beautiful. Look at you. You're beautiful baby you're beautiful look at you you're beautiful oh i need hair where's my hair and makeup what's going on man you savage world traveler you're the most savage world traveler i know you're the dude i'll get a text message from you and you're in bulgaria or some you're in north korea on some wacky cell system the communists use you You're all over the world. I didn't text you from North Korea because they won't let me. But, yeah, I was just in Antarctica in the South Pole.
Starting point is 00:01:12 That's hard to get to, very hard to get to. Your special was one of the first things that I ever saw on North Korea that made me, like, really start to investigate it. Like, I knew that they had, there was a lot of human rights violations and this horrible things that they're doing to people in prisons, but you going to those fake restaurants and having these people take you around
Starting point is 00:01:37 and trying to present you with this image of what North Korea is like, like, oh, it's just like everywhere else. Come here. And you were really talking about it pretty openly on camera while you were there and that made me really like start to look into it and this is before all this uh has gone down with the interview of course and before before people really i think like after his dad died that's when people really got a sense of like well this is not going to end here yeah Yeah. Like this crazy communist, this is like the last real crazy communist dictator.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah. Like the old school sort of utopian communist, you know, cult of personality. They're God. They're, you know, the president. They're, you know, George Washington. They're everything. Yeah. And yeah, it's still going on, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:25 In fact, they picked Kim Jong-un because he looked like his grandfather, Kim Il-sung. And so the people were like, oh, you know, they're the same guy kind of thing. God. It's so weird. I mean, I was always aware. I'm one of those people that I'll get something in my head,
Starting point is 00:02:39 and then that will be stuck in my head for weeks and weeks and weeks. Yeah. For a long time was the Mongols, and people were like, dude, will you just shut the fuck up about the Mongols? Did you see that movie, Mongol? Yeah, I did, yeah. So good.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Pretty good. You know what's really good, man? Marco Polo on Netflix. I'm going to check it out. Yeah, it deals with Kublai Khan, who's like the descendant, the grandson of Genghis Khan. Genghis. Yeah, I always said Genghis, but you should have said Genghis.
Starting point is 00:03:03 But then I got into North Korea after your show show after watching you in that restaurant calling like what a weird charade this is the government's putting on a charade for journalists yeah and also i was thinking like they they kidnap people sure like you going there and doing that was pretty dangerous yeah there's another film um we we interviewed the, actually. I think they just sold the rights, so they're making the film. It's a crazy story of... There was, like, basically the Orson Welles of South Korea. So after the war, they had this crazy film scene
Starting point is 00:03:37 going on in South Korea. And there was, like, the Orson Welles and, like, the hottest star, the Marilyn Monroe, basically, right? And their husband and wife. And they end up getting into a fight. And the wife goes, basically, right? And they're husband and wife. And they end up getting into a fight. And the wife goes to Japan. She's crying.
Starting point is 00:03:49 She's pissed off. She goes to Tokyo. Boom, disappears, right? And no one can find her. What the fuck's going on? So he goes to Tokyo. Boom, he disappears. Now, it turns out they were kidnapped by the North Koreans, right?
Starting point is 00:04:02 By Kim Il-sung. Yeah. And so they had made this film studio, which I actually went to. It's a complete replica of 20th Century Fox back in the 50s. And they make all these anti-American films. Anyway, it turned out that the woman who he kidnapped, he turned into sort of a sex slave and the star of all these North Korean propaganda movies, because he used to make a ton of movies. They get the husband and say, now you're going to direct her in these movies, right?
Starting point is 00:04:30 They kidnapped him in Tokyo. And he said, fuck you, I'm not going to do that. So they had put him in a concentration camp, which a Korean concentration camp may be the worst place in the world. So he's eating grass and he's being tortured. Five years, right? Five fucking years he's in this concentration camp finally he says okay i'll do it i'll direct the films so they let him out and he goes to kim jong
Starting point is 00:04:51 il's you know palace uh and then all of a sudden uh there's his wife and his wife all of a sudden realizes holy shit he's a alive b he came to get me, he's been in the concentration camp. And he realizes, oh, she's been eating shrimp pate all day, fucking Kim Jong-il, while I'm in the concentration camp. In any case, they get together and make like seven movies, big movies for North Korea. And in fact, one of them called Escape, no joke, called Escape, wins a Moscow like Oscar, like a Soviet Oscar at the time. As a reward, they get to go to Vienna,
Starting point is 00:05:27 which was their dream because it's where The Third Man was filmed. He then, and she, and their tour of Vienna, they're allowed to tour Vienna. They defect, and they get out, and finally they escape. And then they told the story, and now they're
Starting point is 00:05:45 making a movie about it so they're probably gonna shut that whoever puts that out is gonna get shut down what the that is the craziest story yeah true story yeah that a guy can still live like that i mean that's that's basically the same as people lived 5 000 years ago i mean yeah it's crazy kidnapping people forcing the wife to be a sex slave forcing the husband into a concentration camp torturing him yeah starving him yeah it's completely insane whenever you whenever you start dealing with north korea at in any level about anything it's crazy as it's just amazing that it's still around like that yeah it is it's just such a it's such an archaic
Starting point is 00:06:25 idea yeah it's I mean it really is it doesn't fit in what we think of as 2015 the modern world although it wasn't that long ago you know that you had Stalinist Russia you had Maoist China you had Hitler's Germany where people just went yep that's the dude he's the one who tells us how to do everything. You know? I think it's really disturbing because it's happening now. And even though like 40 years ago or 50 years ago, isn't it really that long ago? Right. Now, it feels like that could be us.
Starting point is 00:06:54 But I think if you look at what's happening in Russia, it's not so far away because obviously the thing about North Korea, which is weird, is it's like going back to 1938. You know, it's like going back in time. But the thing about Russia, if you go to Russia now, they're like, there is no economic crisis. America did this to us. The oil is falling because America did this to us. It's total Cold War rhetoric. And Putin is, you know, the new czar.
Starting point is 00:07:22 He's taken over all power. And, you know, he runs the press. And, you he's he's taken over all power and he you know he runs the press and you know he runs everything and and it's definitely not going forward in russia it's going backwards yeah he's a weird case isn't he i mean it's just so blatant that this guy is a dictator when you see what happens when there's any sort of dispute over there and even with these oligarchs sure they put them in jail and they take their businesses yeah yeah sure and he's done this more than once right did it to a guy recently and he only wound up taking one of his oil businesses yeah and you know he's done it with with famously with gazprom and rosneft um where you know one guy became the
Starting point is 00:08:04 richest dude in the world and three other guys got either assassinated or went to jail so i think that when you look at it you know uh it's a tough place to do business russia unless you're unless you got a key card to the kremlin you're not going to get anything done i mean it's so blatant yeah it's so blatant it's so strange that can happen they just reactivated 28 28 cold war bases this year so they were done okay cold war is over yeah fuck we're done boom 28 bases reactivated like uh what do you think that they feel like the only way to recharge the economy is being a full-blown conflict with the united states yeah i think that it was a humiliation in russia um you know we look at sort of gorbachev and yeltsin and go oh you
Starting point is 00:08:50 know they finally came to their senses and joined the world and whatever you know yeltsin drank a bit too much or whatever but uh there that's seen as a huge humiliation as we you know we were at if not number one we were number two for a long time, and then we went to be in and also ran. And there was a lot of resentment there. B, then, as oil came on the ascendancy, they're like, okay, we're going to throw our weight around. So they were subsidizing oil.
Starting point is 00:09:19 For example, Cuba was subsidized oil. One of the reasons why they're like, oh, let's be friends again, is there's no more oil subsidies. And it's the same thing in the region. And then I think what happened is Putin came along and said, Russia's the best again. And we're going to fuck with people. And we're going to take back our land that they took from us.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And we're going to take back this. And our military is the best. And we're going to put more money in the military. And we're going to reactivate these bases. And people went, yeah, good, why not? By the way, you've got to remember, too, that they grew up where we were the boogeyman. Right. So it's not too, like, you know, all the old people,
Starting point is 00:09:56 like if you look at the Fox News people, they're like, yeah, fucking Russia, they're all communists. Well, all the people in Russia are going, I know the Americans eat the babies, you know. And so it's not that much of a stretch. Well, and if you look at, like, the way we behave abroad, I mean, the fact that we have multiple wars going on, that we have drone attacks. On their border.
Starting point is 00:10:15 We look scary as fuck to someone outside of us. Remember that Sting song, The Russians Love Their Children Too? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a great song. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I remember listening to that song and thinking thinking was it sting or the police might have been i think it was sting i think it was when the it sounds like sting but it was the era of the police yeah um and he was yeah
Starting point is 00:10:36 i mean we thought of them like as that was going to kill everybody it was there was going to be a nuclear war the russians were going were gonna kill it hovered over our head Yeah, yeah all the time. Well you and I grew up at the end of the Cold War when it was still full-on Yeah, it's propaganda You ever watch like war games? Yeah, and like that was just a given. Yeah, of course. We're gonna destroy each other It's just a matter of time and then when you get to school when you find out about the Cuban Missile Crisis Wait, how close was that? Oh fuck man. yeah wait a minute yeah like they were gonna what yeah we were gonna go to nuclear war with cuba yeah yeah holy the idea that that almost
Starting point is 00:11:14 happened or could have happened or you got even like step one in a three-step process of happening yeah it's completely insane and we had this small interim of sanity where we all went hey those guys were crazy it's a good thing we're not like that anymore and now we're going yeah we still have all those warheads pointed at them they still have all those warheads pointed at us and you're like why it really is amazing if you think about how long people have been alive for, it really is amazing that we've only dropped two nuclear bombs since 1947. Yeah. I mean, just those two, and that was it. Well, they're bad, so they scared the shit out of us.
Starting point is 00:11:52 They're so bad, but everything else we keep doing. Everything else is fucked up, we keep doing. But that was the one thing that we ever did that was so brutal. Yeah. There was no way of morally, like, rationalizing it. Well, even us at our craziest and even the Russians at their craziest, you know, we never did it. But the problem is we were rational actors.
Starting point is 00:12:17 We were like, even if we hated each other and even if there was propaganda, we're still rational actors. The problem, the worry is you have irrational actors like Pakistan has over 100 warheads and they're rapidly becoming an irrational actor because they're losing control over their country to the Taliban
Starting point is 00:12:35 whose agenda is clearly stated that they want to fuck us up. So, I mean, that's where it gets terrifying. But we shouldn't... It's the new year, Joe. We shouldn't start off... We shouldn't get straight into, like, you know... And the vector for warhead number 6179 is Carmel, California.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I have these conversations with you more than anybody I know. Because you're the one who actually goes these fucking places You go you actually go well I will say creepy scary spots and come back with news, but you know I used to be afraid of Why you know I go to all these war zones, and I still am but you know war is bad Everyone always says well we go to war and they picture sort of manly GI Joe type shooting each other And it generally doesn't look like that it's lots of collateral damage and women and children
Starting point is 00:13:28 being fucking blown to shit and then guys go in there and get PTSD and get their ass shot off but you know the thing is is one of the things that I recently came back from that fucked me up like really I mean to the point where I'm having kind of an existential crisis
Starting point is 00:13:43 what's it all mean is I went to the point where I'm having kind of an existential crisis. What's it all mean? As I went to the South Pole, because we did this piece on Greenland melting, which won us the Emmy last year. We got a lot of whatever, discussion around it on both sides of the debate. Although why it's a fucking debate, I don't know. But anyway, the Arctic is melting. One of the things that's happening, the reason why the Cold War is heating up again is under the Arctic ice there's tons of oil and gas,
Starting point is 00:14:10 and Russia didn't have any other money besides oil and gas. So Russia literally went, put the flag in the Arctic Circle. We talked to the guy who did it and said, well, we own all this now. We're taking all the oil and gas. Of course, every country that borders them is a NATO country, and if you attack one, you attack them all. So this is why the Cold War is heating up. People are afraid. Anywho, so we go, the Arctic is melting, Greenland's melting. Everyone now is like, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:33 okay, we'll give you that. We'll give you Greenland's melting and the Arctic's melting. But Antarctica is actually gaining in ice. So it's kind of evening itself out, which is crazy to begin with. But we're like, okay, instead of saying you're crazy, we're going to say, okay, fuck it. We'll go. We'll go down and we'll see what the fuck it is. So, we go down with NASA. We go down with, you know, the top scientists in the world from, I mean, from, well, from about 20 different countries. But the top guy is a French guy.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And we go to the South Pole, and we're like, so, you know, Arctic is melting and Greenland's melting, but Antarctica is not. Like, we have ice gain. And they're like, you're fucking stupid. Like, what the fuck? And because what was happening was there's sea ice, right?
Starting point is 00:15:25 Which is like if it's like a lake. You know, it freezes and then it melts. It freezes and then it melts. And the lake doesn't go up or down because it's the same water. It's like an ice cube that's already in the glass. Right. It just melts. Land ice, the old ice, the shit that's melting,
Starting point is 00:15:42 it's like putting new ice in the glass, right? So it overflows. That's sea level rise. So they're like, yeah, there's sea ice gain on this side, and on this side, the sea ice is the shit that doesn't matter. And on this side, land ice is fucking melting as fast as it can go. Land ice is a scary shit. Land ice is adding the new water in.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So that's sea level rise. That's glaciers glaciers exactly so i go down there and i go with all these different scientists i go on planes with lasers and radar to measure everything and all these dudes and scientists and everyone like oh yeah like like bored like yeah it's a given it's melting it's gonna melt we're done we're gonna melt and we're like whoa why don't we know about that they're like well we do I mean we publish the reports publish the data NASA published the day it's fine publish the data and you're like um I'm a guy who does this for a living and I don't
Starting point is 00:16:36 know this like why the so you know we got the top scientists and we went to the thing whatever and they're like yeah oh yeah it's gonna, yeah, it's going to be, you know, three meters, four meters. And at that point you're like, well, that remaps the world. Shouldn't we be making a bigger fucking deal about this? Because, you know, and I always get shit talking about, I'm not, you know me, I'm not a tree hugger. I'm a fucking beer drinking, football loving, steak eating guy. But when I see shit like this, I go,
Starting point is 00:17:05 why the fuck aren't we freaking the fuck out? Because all the wars in the world don't matter if we add, you know, three, four meters
Starting point is 00:17:13 of sea level rock. So don't get anything on the ocean in Malibu. Don't do that. Is that what you're saying? Is that the hidden message here? Don't try to be that dude. Well, if you do,
Starting point is 00:17:23 sell it within five years. Those dudes that live in those stilt houses, like how confident are you that the ocean's not going to take your place, man? You get stilts into the sand? Yeah. It's anchored in cement. Oh, that's going to stop the ocean.
Starting point is 00:17:37 The ocean, yeah, yeah. Anyway. How much quicker is this happening? Yeah, yeah. We don't have to get into this because we're back into doom and gloom. It's okay. It's going, going so but isn't water good the ipcc report well the one thing is is we won't it looks like a lot of people won't die because they'll move right we we have legs and we can move we can build new cities and the problem is is you know we we we we go
Starting point is 00:18:03 to antarctica and all these they all scientists, they're all old dudes, and they're like, you know, very clinical, I guess, well, we'll lose three meters and then mean this and this and this. And then you go to Bangladesh, which is sort of at sea level, and they're just, you know, I think last year alone there was like 20 million climate change migrants. So then you go to the city and it's just, I mean, it's fucking, you know, it's just everything breaks mean, it's fucking, you know, it's just everything breaks down.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Nothing works. It's just there's 20 million people in the city that's built for 2 million people. It's just crazy. And you're like, when you see it, you go, oh, rich people or whatever will be able to move up the hill or Colorado or whatever the fuck it is. And everyone else is just like, well, you guys have to stay in the garbage heaps and see how you can do it. And when you see it going forward, like, I'm a positive guy. I believe things, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:53 genuinely have gotten better throughout history, and quality of life has gotten better, and health has gotten better, and all this shit. But, you know, you're basically saying, well, if there's going to be hundreds of millions of people forced to move because of this, then that's going to cause chaos. Chaos generally isn't good for anyone who isn't a young 20-year-old dude with a club in his hand, you know. Yeah, and even him. It's good for him for a bit.
Starting point is 00:19:24 What is the long... Until somebody with a bigger club. A bigger person who's better at hitting people with clubs. Yeah. What is the longest pipeline we have as far as oil? Like, I know there's, that's one of the issues is that Keystone pipeline. And they're trying to get oil all the way from Alaska, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I mean. My question being, why can't we do that with ice with all the water is draining just pump it into california needs water just bring a pipeline of water down here and just spray that stupid death valley area that area is stupid let's turn death valley into a forest well you know you can yes you can do that but that would be the shit but But then the ice, it still gets in, and the sea table is still alive. Whatever. Just buy fucking real estate in Greenland. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Because it's going to be like a lush tropical community. People are actually, well, mining companies, because you couldn't get to the land before. Now mining companies are buying it all up because the ice is melting. When was it named? Was it named Greenland ironically, or was it named? Was it named Greenland ironically or was it named? Yeah, that's a good point. It was named that because there was Iceland and Greenland
Starting point is 00:20:30 and they switched the names because I believe it was Leif Erikson or Eric the Red. Leif Erikson, not Eric the Red. One of the Reds. One of the Eriksons. Anyway, he went there and he didn't want people because he wanted it to be his own. So he named iceland iceland
Starting point is 00:20:45 and greenland greenland to freak them out okay so they went to greenland looking for what the fuck everything's ice yeah then iceland's the sweet spot yeah iceland's the sweet spot that is a good spot it is a fucking good i love the documentaries on iceland you guys did one on the iceland strong men yeah yeah fucking dudes that just carry rocks around up there they're ridiculous people there's some crazy genetics going on what is that i gotta move there what the fuck is that Strongmen. Yeah, yeah. Those fucking dudes that just carry rocks around up there. They're ridiculous people. There's some crazy genetics going on out there. What is that? I've got to move there.
Starting point is 00:21:08 What the fuck is that? I'm just going to move there. Those guys are freaks. They're big. They're big motherfuckers. They're so big they're like freakish, like cartoon freakish. But what's weird about it is that there's a ton of them. It's not like one dude, one genetic anomaly could lift a fucking car above his head.
Starting point is 00:21:23 It's like there's 17 of them. All the strongest dudes in the world are all from one fucking tiny little place. They all have those crazy fucking names, too, that are really difficult to pronounce. There's always a Magnus in there. Like they're a groom from the laid. Yeah, they're so, but I guess they are. I mean, it makes sense. They're like the descendants of Vikings.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Oh, certainly. They just lift shit all day. Well, they're just manly as fuck. I mean, if you're the descendants of some of the greatest conquerors and the most barbaric conquerors ever, that genetics doesn't just stop. Those people keep fucking, even if they're not in jail. Like whoever lived or whoever was like the product of sex with one of those men,
Starting point is 00:22:05 like if those women lived and their children lived, even if the Viking didn't live, that's like you're talking about some insane genetics probably. It's also not like L.A. or, you know, let's say Panama where you can pick the bananas off the trees. Like to live in Iceland, you got to be tough as fuck. You got to go out on freezing cold water and like stab a cod with a spear. Yeah. Like it's hard. It's cold and forbidding. You got to learn stab a cod with a spear. Yeah. Like, it's hard. It's cold and forbidding.
Starting point is 00:22:27 You got to learn how to drive on the ice. Yeah. It's fun as hell, though. I love Iceland. It's a great place. I love Greenland, actually. I went there and was blown away by how beautiful it was. Did you eat that shark dish that they have that's supposed to be disgusting?
Starting point is 00:22:40 That fermented shark? No, it's fermented puffin, I believe. Is that what it is? Yeah. No, I didn't know I'm not into you know I'm not like uh my thing is to go to weird countries and and shoot the Newsy but not eat the because I get the shits anyway so if I'm eating fermented puffin I'm like I'm not getting on that plane I feel like it's a shark dish it's a maybe it's a I know they have maybe
Starting point is 00:23:01 it's pickled I know they have fermented puffin, and it's the most disgusting fucking thing in the world. But they eat it like crazy. Because it comes from matjes or whatever it's called, which is the fermented herring, which they had to make illegal in Sweden because it stank so bad. So they made it like you can't make it in your house or shit anymore. You can't make it. No.
Starting point is 00:23:23 It's illegal. But it's a swedish national did you can't because it stinks so bad and then and then instead of the fermented herring they did the fermented puffin which i don't know well they might do that as well but they they do do a shark thing it's called uh hakari okay hak? I guess it's Hakarl. All right, whatever. I don't know how they talk. It's a very interesting pronunciation.
Starting point is 00:23:56 But it's a Greenland shark or other sleeper shark that's been cured with a particular fermentation process and hung to dry for four to five months. Yeah, it turns black. It turns black. Yeah, yeah. I've seen it hanging. Oh, my God. Look up fermented puffin now. Give me my five minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Fermented puffin. Fermented puffin. And is a puffin the deadly one? No, puffin is the cute, it's like a cute-looking bird, I think. Oh, Icelandic dog. Yeah, apparently they ferment a lot of shit. Yeah, they ferment a puffin. They ferment a puffin.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Which is a bird. Yeah, a cute little bird, and they ferment the fucker. And it reeks so bad. And then, you know, it's one of these things where you have to eat it or whatever. And I used to go, I'll eat it, I don't care. And then you're just like, yeah, I'm not going to eat the fermented puffin. I think if you live in a place as, like, scary as far as climate and as harsh as Iceland, you learn how to eat fucking everything.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Puffins, they just, you know how they do it? They call it sky fishing, apparently. It says they're hunted by sky fishing, which involves catching low-flying birds with a big net. So they're just like, they have nets in the sky. They scoop up all these birds. How about that? They scoop up birds from the sky as they're flying,
Starting point is 00:25:05 ferment them until they're rotten, and then eat them. Oh, this is so disgusting. They bottle it, and there's all sorts of different ways they cook it. But it's, well, smoked and cured sometimes. But the fermented one is this disgusting. No, I'm not doing the fermented puffin. The Greenland, the one, the basking shark is what I saw Bourdain eat. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And it looked pretty foul. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We don't want to do that. But that must be they develop a taste for it because you need that protein. There's not a lot of options. I guess so. I mean, I smell the fermented herring that the Swedes do, and you're like. Why?
Starting point is 00:25:45 It's like hardcore, hardcore ammonia. And you're like, how... Like, it's telling you not to eat it. Yeah. Like, why the fuck would you eat it? I don't know why. Yeah, I mean, what happens to a person's body? Does that, like, do they get accustomed to it?
Starting point is 00:26:04 Is it like a... I have no idea. I mean, that doesn't is it like a I have no idea I mean that doesn't make any sense I have no idea I mean less you're starving and Iceland gets a play you know you have a weird thing like kids you know you develop your taste when you're kidding like you know what natto is you know no it's like fermented beans very strong taste everyone in Japan eats it for breakfast not too delicious natto and it's like it's like ferment like rotten rotten sticky beans and it's it's but you know again you go there and they love it and they eat it with a sort of strong mustard but um you go to a lot
Starting point is 00:26:37 of places i remember you know i was sick somewhere anyway it was somewhere uh Anyway, it was somewhere. Maybe it was Kathmandu. Anyways, I was sick, and they brought me the spiciest, like, craziest fucking chili, like, you know, vindaloo. And I was like, I'm sick. I want, like, a grilled cheese sandwich and ginger ale. Like, you know, I want to. And they brought me the spiciest, crazy chili shit.
Starting point is 00:27:02 And it's just, like, everybody has a different, I don't know, a different, you know, comfort food or whatever when they're sick or whatever they believe they're going to eat or something. Well, they say that fermentation is how people figured out how to make alcohol. They figured out they got drunk from fermented things. Do you get, is there a certain amount of intoxication you get from those fermented things? Maybe, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:24 That's a good question. I know alcohol, it was a way to transport water. Wine was a way to transport water. They're like, oh, because a lot of places they would go to, it was a big thing. Anthrax was huge because the animals would go to, you know, they fall in the water. And then the whole pond or the whole water source becomes anthraxy. That's where anthrax comes from. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yeah, yeah. So it just comesrax comes from. Really? Yeah, yeah. So it just comes from like a decaying animal? Yeah. And so it was a lot of water was unsafe. So like, oh, we need to figure out a way to carry water with us. And they figured out a lot of ways, but wine was one of them. Oh, we can carry this for, you know, years. We can carry this.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And they didn't have corks. They just put a bit of olive oil on top of it, which would seal it. And I was like, that means that if you go logically, they were drinking a shit pile of wine because they were like, well, I'm not going to trust the water because I don't know that the animals haven't died in it. So I'll just drink wine all day, every day. So they lived off wine. That is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Well, that explains, like, a lot of the crazy shit that people did back then. Just drunken bands of marauders going from hillside to hillside yeah that's really crazy if you stop and think about it like the people that were traveling and drinking wine exclusively for hydration yeah what the difference it must have been on the way they thought and behaved sure that explains a lot of history it does it really does right we're figuring
Starting point is 00:28:46 we're figuring it all out here yeah if we figured out two things we figured out we just gotta get a pipeline pipeline from from Antarctica or Greenland
Starting point is 00:28:54 pour that water into Palm Springs the Palm Desert all that area just fucking make it a lush tropical forest we could do that
Starting point is 00:29:02 alright just how about a big pipe and like a sprinkler system over L.A.? It just rains once a week. Well, L.A. needs water. Imagine if that's what it came down to. We have artificial like high rail like shower systems over cities.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It doesn't rain anymore in L.A., so L.A. decided it needed a shower system. It would cause a lot of news saying we're going to reuse the Keystone Pipeline not for oil but for glaciers so that we can actually have water. That would be badass. Nobody would oppose that. Who would oppose moving water? Well, if oil keeps going down and water keeps going up, it'll be economically feasible. You'll make more money selling water than you will oil. It'll be a commodity.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Yeah. Yeah, that's the projection, right? Yeah. We're going to actually have an issue with fresh water within the next 50 to 60 years. Oh, sure, we have an issue with it now. Well, when you see those lakes in Texas, if you've been to Austin,
Starting point is 00:29:53 they have Lake Travis and Lake Austin. And Lake Travis, they don't artificially feed. Lake Austin looks badass, but Lake Travis is vanishing. Yeah, all the, yeah, we did a piece on it. All the houseboats and everything are sitting just on, like, not even dry land, like caked, like scorched land. Yeah, and the docks are nowhere near the water anymore. Yeah, no, no, yeah. Like hundreds of yards.
Starting point is 00:30:17 It's weird. It's like you literally. Texas has been in drought now for three years. Three years. As has California. Yeah. I think theirs is worse. Also, they have a lot of agriculture there too, right?
Starting point is 00:30:29 They have a lot of farms. Agriculture. The big thing is now I believe the numbers are staggering. One-third of beef cattle are gone. Wow. Which in Texas is a huge number. It's millions and millions. We have a lot of agriculture in California,
Starting point is 00:30:46 but do we have nearly as much as Texas has? I think. Like who needs more water? Well, I think there's more straight up agriculture in California, but there's more like livestock and shit in Texas. You know, there's as many tigers in Texas as there are in the wild. That's tragic and weird. That's amazing. But there's, yeah, I mean, there's not that many left in Texas as there are in the wild. That's tragic and weird. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yeah, I mean, there's not that many left in the wild, and there's a lot of crazy people in Texas that want to buy one, so it doesn't surprise me. Texas has a huge population of these wildlife parks. They have wild game parks where you could go shoot a zebra. Yeah, yeah, yeah. With a compound bow, you could go hunt a zebra. They have these crazy
Starting point is 00:31:25 fucking parks where they have wild animals it's not just a few yeah there's a lot of people have private collections i've heard of that and my favorite story is not actually in texas but uh in in columbia where uh escobar loved wild animals so he bought like hippos and elephants and tigers and then when uh you know it all went to shit, they just went into the jungle and they're just procreating and living there now. Jeez. And you're like, it's kind of, that's kind of cool actually. You know, it's probably environmentally,
Starting point is 00:31:57 they're not supposed to have elephants in Colombia. But having the animals sort of set free into the wild is, I think, is good. Yeah, well, there's a lot of people in this country that have private collections. Right. They have wild animals. There was the guy that lived in Ohio. Yeah. He opened his gates, let all of his animals out, and then blew his brains out.
Starting point is 00:32:21 No. Yeah. And the cops showed showed up and you know there's all these wild animals including dangerous ones like lions and shit right so these cops have to shoot these animals like they can't even save them because you can't let them go out into the wild i mean it's not wild it's goddamn cities you know suburban neighborhood it's close by so they kind of just wind up shooting all of them but this guy was fucking crazy. But you can just do that. You can have tigers in your yard. Like Mike Tyson had a tiger.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Like you can have a tiger. Like that is insane. Like there needs to be a law on that. Like that seems even more ridiculous than done. There's no more tigers left in the world, but, you know, Joe Blow down in Dallas can say, I'd like a tiger, send me one. Listen, son, I got the healthiest tiger community in all of North America.
Starting point is 00:33:07 These here tigers, these are direct from India. I don't fuck with them Siberian tigers. They're slower. They're lazy. They don't kill. There's a ton of wild game parks in Texas. I did not know that. They took a lot of animals that were almost extinct in Asia
Starting point is 00:33:27 and now they're thriving in Texas. Really? Yeah, species of deer. Wow. There's many species of deer that they have that they take from other countries and they bring to America and they put them in these game parks,
Starting point is 00:33:40 especially in Texas. Then they can hunt them anytime they want. Right, right, right. Because they become like a commodity. Instead of it being being like there's seasons for deer and they're seasoned for it and there's seasons for everything else but these animals that are non that are non-native you can hunt them anytime you want right so they bring them over there just specifically for that purpose but so they're thriving wow because they're worth something right right which is really kind of trippy you know it's yeah, you want the animals to be thriving,
Starting point is 00:34:06 but it's kind of weird that the only way they're thriving is if dudes can get out there and shoot them. This is not a tremendously popular sort of argument, but it actually makes a lot of sense. When we did this piece on rhino poaching, they kill the rhino just for the horn because they sell it in Vietnam as an aphrodisiac. And the guy who is trying to save the rhinos is saying,
Starting point is 00:34:35 you know, legalize it and we'll take the horns off because you can take the horn. It's like, you know, it's made like... It's hair. Yeah. You take the horn off and we'll just sell it, and then, therefore, they don't have to kill the rhinos for the horn.
Starting point is 00:34:49 It'll just be a market. And everyone's, you know, freaking out, saying, no, no, no. But as long as dudes who are poor can make a ton of money for killing a thing to take the horn, they will. Whereas if you just say, okay, well, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:06 we'll give you the fucking horn and you can do whatever you want want you have as many boners as you want go nuts that's the only way to save them is capitalism is killing them so capitalism has to save them and initially you go well that doesn't sound right but when you think about it you're like well okay yeah then the problem is well somebody will be like someone will regulate it. And, like, a company, you know, GM will make the money out of the illegal rhino horns, but they'll still be illegal rhino horns because the guys will get disenfranchised and they'll get screwed out of it somehow. But in any way, the argument that you have to make it as economically viable to do the thing
Starting point is 00:35:43 because otherwise they'll just get killed out. Imagine if rhino horns really did give you a hard-on. Rhinos would have been extinct a long fucking time ago if it really worked. But the other thing is, you're like, rhino horns give you a hard-on and whatever. You're like, just fucking buy Viagra and Cialis. They don't have that education.
Starting point is 00:35:59 It's 99 cents. It's a lot cheaper. Because it's expensive. It's like 20 grand for a piece of rhino. And you're like, you get fucking a vat of Viagra for that. You could bathe in Viagra. That would be the rest of your life. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Like, what the fuck? Supply, taking it all day, every day. Like, what the fuck? 20 grand? That's so hilarious. Oh, it's so expensive. It's crazy expensive. But it doesn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's just like eating someone's hair. Yeah. I mean, it's similar. I'm going to grind up hair and fingernails. Yeah. And that's going to get me hard. But seriously, like, just take fucking, you know, they bootleg Viagra for like a penny.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah. Anyway. Well, they also put it in those boner pills that you buy at gas stations. Like those boner pills. They put Viagra? Yeah. They put Rhino Horn. No, they put those boner pills that sell for like $3.95 for like a little packet, you know.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I got to go try them. I don't know those ones. Red Band takes them all the time, that fucking freak. He's always buying them. And I'm like, why won't you just buy real Viagra so you know what the fuck you're taking? You're taking this crazy shit from this gas station. You know, it's called Red Hot Super Dick. You know?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yo, I got two packages of Red Hot Super Dick. What's in them? I don't know, but the shit works. Like, that's no worse. That's no better than eating rhino horn. That's just stupid. Well, it's no better than eating garbage you find on the street. But we did another piece on that that I found fascinating because I didn't know anything about it. rhino horn that's just stupid it's no better than eating garbage you find on the street but we we
Starting point is 00:37:25 did another piece on that that i found fascinating because i didn't know anything about it was that you know you have the you know like first of all bath salts you know people were like and then eating each other and like you know while they eat them and i'm like what are they doing how do they have bath like bath salts and're like, well, they're not fucking bath salts. They call them bath salts, but you can buy them in the corner store. And now they have like, they're legal. They have fake cannabinoids or they have fake whatever, other kinds of chemicals that get you high or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And what happened was in New Zealand, meth was such a huge problem that they went to the government and said, let's make a healthier version of meth, of speed, but just with real chemicals and stuff. And so they did. They legally made drugs, pills, and the meth problem went down, the you know they were a healthier version of drugs or whatever but they were like selling them next to like chocolate bars and so the the you know the moms and everybody went well this is not cool that you can buy meth next to the chocolate bars quite rightly and and they so they banned them again But what happened was online you can go and just change the molecule,
Starting point is 00:38:47 and before the DEA, you know, catch up, you just change it again. And in China they have these companies where you can just email them saying DE to the power of 7. They're like, right, I'll send you 10 kilos tomorrow. So it comes in, they just mix it up, put it in a package with Scooby-Doo on the cover and say, there you go. And you can sell them legally until you have to change the molecule again. And there's like, you know, you smoke these things, you snort them, you do whatever. And they're fucking so strong, like crazy strong. And here's me, Mr. Hipster,ster going i didn't even know that existed you can
Starting point is 00:39:26 walk into any corner store and buy these off the rack and just go outside into the back and and go to neptune like it's and have they they've made it illegal in a few different states but the problem is they have to specify what exactly chemical it is they just alter a thing and then there's a new wave and then they alter a thing and then there's and bath salts was a somebody put the wrong molecule in there and we decided that we were gonna eat somebody's nose off as we were having sex and that was one of the side effects might experience sexual addiction and cannibalism simultaneously my favorite drug reaction ever was there there a drug called ReEquip.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And ReEquip, they were given to people that suffer from Parkinson's syndrome. Oh, shit. Parkinson's syndrome. And they gave it to this guy. I think it was in Dublin. And it turned him into a gay sex and junkie and a gambling junkie. Wow. The guy all of a sudden became gay right from this Parkinson's disease started having risky gay sex with men
Starting point is 00:40:31 like moving ads to meet meet up places meeting guys and having sex them had no idea we were in gambling couldn't stop gambling like it was just completely addicted to gambling all day long he just wanted to gamble and won in court the the American equivalent of somewhere around $600,000. Really? So this guy actually proved that it was. It wasn't just him going, fuck it, I got to get out of jail free card. I'm going for the full bull goose loony.
Starting point is 00:40:57 That's what it seems like, right? I've always wanted just fucking random gay sex. Oh, I'm taking a weird pill. Get out of jail free. Here we go. I'm going to let my freak flag fly. Oh, I'm taking a weird pill. Get out of jail free. Here we go. I'm going to let my freak flag fly. Yeah, I wonder how much you have to prove in order to win a case like that. Because it was against GlaxoSmithKline.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, you've got to think he had a pretty good case because they would shut him down. Yeah, it has to be locked down tight. He won 600 grand. You could never have ever played cards or looked at a before and then all of a sudden it was just like boom he was living in a different country though they might have different standards as far as like what they think yeah you know pharmaceutical drug companies responsible for right well it's ireland so there's really yeah i'm pretty sure it was ireland hit him for a few bob yeah what a crazy story though
Starting point is 00:41:45 you remember imagine being a normal guy yeah and all of a sudden you just can't stop fucking playing cards at gay orgies just like it's just
Starting point is 00:41:53 all day your life is consumed with dick and dice and just whoa come on give me that dick
Starting point is 00:42:01 just a constant chaos of you should be in sales I'm you know dicks and cards I'm like that just. Just a constant chaos of... You should be in sales. Dicks and cars. I'm like, that just sounds like a good time. Reequipped gay sex trial. We'll find out where the fuck this was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, the guy was addicted. It's on ABC News, man. Wow. Yeah. A Parkinson medication made him addicted to gambling and gay sex. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:42:32 He was from France, so the whole story is now suspect. I'm so sorry I brought this up to you folks. For sure that guy was just making it up. Yeah, it's fucked up what's happening in France right now. Yeah, that's a second way and a half. It's fucked up, yeah. Well, we went from funny to... Yeah, we did fucked up what's happening in France right now. Yeah, that's a segue and a half. It's fucked up, yeah. Well, we went from funny to not funny. Yeah, we did. We went dark.
Starting point is 00:42:48 You know what's really not funny? I've actually seen people that are taking this very interesting stance on this story. The whole story, if you don't know what it is, how do you say the name of the paper? Charlie? Charlie Hebdo. Hebdo. They made these satire cartoons about Muhammad and about Islam. And they were murdered.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Ten people and two police officers, 12 people were murdered by these Islamic hit people. And there's been all these protests in France and all these marches, and everybody's freaking out worldwide. But I've seen some people take the stance that those cartoons were offensive and they were punching down. That was satire. They were punching down and that those cartoons were racist and that, you know, don't they understand that it's offensive?
Starting point is 00:43:40 I read this tweet, actually. Don't they understand that it's offensive not just to Muslims But to one quarter of the people on the planet That was what they wrote as if that in any way Like what when do we put our foot down and say like you're I know you're a tolerant person Whoever saying this is you're trying to preach tolerance. You're talking about tolerance for something that kills people that draw Yes look You're talking about tolerance for something that kills people that draw cartoons. Look, Charlie Hebdo and cartoons and humor in general is meant to be a mirror onto ourselves.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And, you know, we take ourselves so seriously. And when you start, I believe if you start any type of censorship, you're fucked. Because, you know, somebody won't like something and then the other person won't like the thing that you like and once you start down that path and you say well you know joe you know uh i hate you know that you like you know palestine well shane i hate that you like israel whatever it is someone's obvious always going to have and the minute someone gets that then censorship starts and the minute censorship starts, it never stops, first of all. Censorship by fear, and we were just, you know, we started the whole conversation about this. Censorship by fear was Nazi Germany. Censorship by fear was Stalinist Russia. Censorship by fear was Maoist China. And if you wrote or thought or said anything against the state, you got killed. And now what we're saying is if you do or say or
Starting point is 00:45:05 do anything against a perceived you know thing about a religion then they're gonna come get you right and people were like terrified oh my god we're not gonna show the cartoons we're not gonna show we're not gonna what do you think you can think that there's that many terrorists out there they're gonna kill everybody who retweets a fucking cartoon and that's the insidiousness of of of of of terrorism because then you're like if you make fun of anything if you make fun of any political leader or political group or terrorist group or anyone with a gun they can can can come out and shoot you and i think that's the whole thing of like uh no they're allowed to fucking say,
Starting point is 00:45:46 guess what, you're allowed to say whatever the fuck you want and then I'm allowed to say whatever the fuck I want against you. But the minute you say you're not allowed to say what you want and if you do, I'll shoot you, then you can fuck off.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And that's what World War II was fought over. That's what World War I was fought over. And if we don't say there can be no censorship, then we should have just given up and said, yeah, fuck, we'll just write whatever Hitler wants us to write because that's what censorship is. I was just shocked at how many people who call themselves progressives were taking the stance that the jokes actually were inflammatory.
Starting point is 00:46:16 But they had the same fucking jokes about everybody. They were an equal opportunity asshole. They fucking went after everybody. And that was their job. That's their thing. It's satire. It's making fun of shit. A roast for the world.
Starting point is 00:46:33 A roast for the world. But they roasted everybody. Right. And so the fact is now you're allowed to roast everyone except for these guys because these guys will shoot you. Well, it's not just that. What's freaking me out is not just that people are willing to shoot you over a cartoon that's been freaking me out for a long time but that somehow or another people that call themselves progressive
Starting point is 00:46:53 will stand up and say well you know i looked at what these people were doing what they were doing was really offensive like that's fucking crazy but you know the reason why that's happening. Why is it? Because what's happening now is we're reaching a critical mass, right? You're reaching a point where, which, by the way, if you look at terrorism, it's been incredibly successful because you're reaching a critical mass where people are saying now it will be like this. mass where whereas people are saying now it will be like this you know for example the the fight the the the reaction was always well islam is a religion of peace now that's become a joke because everyone's like well it's a religion of peace why does this continue happening right and so progressives or whatever are trying to say hey well maybe because they realize that the logical conclusion of this right is going to be it's going to be bad it's going to be okay there is going to be an effective as this polarizes islamic fundamentalism gets bigger and then our reaction to that fundamental fundamentalism gets
Starting point is 00:48:03 worse because look i'm i believe I'm a progressive guy. I don't know what that means, but I'm nonpolitical on either side and I believe I look at things critically. But at a certain point, you're like, well, this is getting bad now and public opinion is getting heated and the end result of that is going to be you're going to have heated public opinion on
Starting point is 00:48:27 one side a bunch of guys with a bunch of guns on the other and it's not going to end well so people it's a type of appeasement right it's a type of well i looked at it it's not so bad well it is bad but it is an intrinsic appeasement by progressives um by really liberal people, which the same type of people that will shit on Christians but use the term Islamophobic for any criticism of, and any jokes, in fact, any jokes, in fact,
Starting point is 00:48:53 about Islam or Muslims can be seen as Islamophobic by the same type of people that would have no problem shitting on Christians. Christians, Jews, anything. It's this weird thing. It's because this is what
Starting point is 00:49:04 becomes the target. It's appeasement. It's because this is what becomes the target. It's appeasement. And quite frankly, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Everybody should be game, and that's what freedom is all about. But who's it appeasement to? It's this weird social brownie point thing that they're doing. Well, maybe. Looking at it as an opportunity to criticize racism or criticize punching down with humor, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:27 Maybe. I mean, I—sorry. I'm getting a drink. Sorry. No worries, man. I think, you know, for me, I think it's—we're afraid of the outcome because if we keep going on this trajectory, the outcome is going to be problematic. I think you have a point there for sure, but I also think one of the things that's going on
Starting point is 00:49:48 is there's a bunch of people in this culture that have this bizarrely utopian version of what they would like us to be, like the way we should react to anything, people that think that they're a fox, someone that decides to have whatever, any strange idea they may have in their head.
Starting point is 00:50:10 We're supposed to be as even keeled with them as possible. I don't want to get started on politics in this country. I think politics in this country is fucked. I think it's more a psychology issue. I think it's fucked and it's getting worse. And we could go on until the cows come home about politics in this country.
Starting point is 00:50:28 One thing I would like, if you want, it would be long-winded and boring for most people. But I read a book, if anyone wants to read, maybe the most fascinating book ever written about the situation that we're dealing with right now with the rest of the world and Islam is called the siege of Mecca. And it's a true story. It's a journalist who wrote it about in 1979, which was the difference, I believe the year 1400 in the Islamic calendar, there was a siege of Mecca. And a bunch of dudes who were wahhabis took over mecca during hajj and the royal government uh the royal family couldn't go get them because it's illegal to fight in mecca and so there was a standoff and they were fighting people shooting each other and snipers
Starting point is 00:51:19 it's like an action movie the french secret service gave them drugs to drug them and and at the time it was the same time that that was happening uh the the the hostage crisis in teheran so the ayatollahs the smart dude goes yeah the americans the cia have taken over mecca which of course is like the worst thing you could possibly fucking do so there's this whole up really they burnt the embassy in pakistan they do all these things because everyone's like, fuck the CIA, they've taken over Mecca, you know. And what ended up happening,
Starting point is 00:51:50 it's a long story, but an incredible action movie. It's an incredible story. But what happened was the royal family had to go to the clerics and say, you've got to give us a fatwa that we can go into Mecca and fight
Starting point is 00:52:04 because you're literally not allowed to bring a gun and a sword, nothing. And so you have to give us a fatwa that we can go into Mecca and fight because you're literally not allowed to bring a gun and a sword and that thing. And so you have to give us a special fatwa to go get these terrorists. And they're like, well, we kind of believe in what they're saying because the terrorists were actually just Wahhabists saying we need to be more Wahhabist, which is fundamental Islam. So they said, we'll give you the fatwa if you then basically give us money to do what they're asking for, to be Wahhabist.
Starting point is 00:52:31 So anyways, it happens. They go and they kill the guys, a guy named Juhayman. But then what happens is from then on, billions and billions of petrodollars, which we pay the Saudi government, then goes to the Yulma, the clerics, who then send that money to every country, America, UK, you know, France, you know, Pakistan,
Starting point is 00:52:54 and they build the biggest mosques. And because Mecca is like the Vatican would be, and the Yulma are like the Pope, they build the biggest mosques and they you know spend the most money and then they say okay now you teach wahhabism and you know when you look at what's happening with isis you say how the can these guys recruit 50 000 foreign fighters in in four months it doesn't make any sense they're coming from america they're coming from france they're coming from england because these guys go to these mosques where they're wahhabist teachings right
Starting point is 00:53:29 and then when you look at it and and when you look at what's happening with things happening in france with things happening in the uk with things happening in pakistan with you know where we're saying we're not going to go with the taliban even in pakistan now we're we're going with isis or the taliban's aligning with with ISIS and you say how the fuck can that happen overnight how can it happen that all these people are saying fuck yeah that's great ISIS it's because we have the Pope and the Vatican saying that that's good that Wahhabism is good so as long as that continues the problem on the that side is going to get worse right and then as long as that problem gets worse we are going to react stronger and stronger as is only human and that's
Starting point is 00:54:14 the problem is is we're heading for some sort of boiling over we're heading for some sort of you know thing and i think and this is me giving people the benefit of the doubt, is that some people are saying, well, fuck, if we just let into everything now and say everyone's shooting us, if we say the wrong thing, fuck you, let's go. Then it's going to happen sooner rather than later. Which might
Starting point is 00:54:38 be inevitable if Mecca keeps on funding Wahhabist Sunni doctrine. Jesus fucking Christ, Shane. Goddamn doom and gloom, son of a bitch. The world is melting. War is coming from Russia. It's coming from maybe North Korea is going to kidnap your wife and force her to do porn.
Starting point is 00:54:59 No. God damn it. This is all this shit that's going on right now. Let's start 15 with some positivity. God damn, you're freaking me the fuck out. Let's start with some positivity. What about the... Well, the thing is we can change it all.
Starting point is 00:55:11 We're human beings. We're smart. And I believe there's enough of us now that are woken up and are smart and understand our political and economic power. And we can stop all this shit from happening. Because I'll tell you what. North Korea only exists because people let it exist. Right right global warming only continues because we let it continue i mean fucking the problems that we have with terrorism only continue because we let it fucking continue if humanity as a whole says we ain't gonna fucking do that anymore it would stop tomorrow
Starting point is 00:55:39 we would need a lot of people to band together to go after north korea though north korea seems like a huge problem. And on top of that, don't they have, like, nuclear weapons? I mean, how are you going to stop a... You'd have to stop it from inside. You'd have to stop it from inside. But I think that that's where, like, everyone running around freaking out about the interview. Oh, my God, North Korea fucking told us we can't do something.
Starting point is 00:56:01 We should be figuring out ways of getting the interview into north korea we should in fact the interview we should be figuring out how to get an nfl football into north korea or or like you know lassie or heidi duke's a hazard or any kind of because i think you know one of the smartest things that america learned after world war one and world war ii is if you expand your troops it costs a lot of money and it takes a lot War II is if you expand your troops, it costs a lot of fucking money and it takes a lot of lives. Where if you figure out that Marlboros, Cokes, McDonald's, and Hollywood,
Starting point is 00:56:32 everybody loves them, then guess what? You don't have to fight the war. You won. Everybody's like, fucking, I want to smoke a Marlboro while I'm drinking a Coke and watching Brad Pitt.
Starting point is 00:56:41 You know, Gramscian hegemony. And I think that we should be exporting our culture a lot more aggressively to North Korea. And I'll, you know, Gramsci and hegemony. And I think that, you know, we should be exporting our culture a lot more aggressively to North Korea. And I'll tell you what, Kim Jong-un grew up in Switzerland. He loves basketball. He was watching TV. He knows what fucking time. And he's watched, you know, fucking Dukes of Hazzard.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Or I guess he'd be later. He'd be, what's a big 90s show? He probably watched Dukes of Hazzard. I don't know. Just to check it out. I mean, he's into the Detroit Pistons, right? I mean, isn't he a big fan of, what's his face? Rodman.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Well, he was, yeah, Bulls. They liked the Bulls because it was Jordan, right? What else did he play for? Did he play for the Pistons? He played Pistons. And then he played for the Bulls. Pistons and Bulls, yeah. You're right.
Starting point is 00:57:21 He's got, like, metal all over his face now. Yeah. What's going on with that dude? He's a weird dude. He's got, like, metal all over his face now. Yeah. What's going on with that dude? He's a weird dude. He's always been a weird dude. But it's just strange that that's the guy that Kim Jong-un is sort of connected to. Well, we sent him there. You know that.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Yeah, but how the fuck is that real? Because they love fucking the Bulls. I mean, if Michael Jordan would have gone there, and I hope, Michael Jordan, you listen to this, if Michael Jordan would have gone there, it would have been world peace. They would kidnap him, force him to do ebony porn. No, I, it would have been world peace. They would have kidnapped him, forced him to do ebony porn. No, I think there would have been so much goodwill
Starting point is 00:57:49 he would have said, look, let's just fucking call it a day. Do you think so? If Michael Jordan went to North Korea... I think he would have been a god-like ambassador and he would have been a little bit more sane. Really? So you think he could have actually gotten diplomacy accomplished? Well, I think there was diplomacy accomplished. I think if you look at it, you know, one of the actually gotten, like, diplomacy accomplished? Well, I think there was diplomacy accomplished.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I think if you look at it, you know, one of the things that, well, besides oil tanking, that helped detente between Cuba and America was baseball. If you look at Puig and all the, you know, stars that came out of Cuba, you know, culturally they were just like, okay, fuck it, fuck this, let's just do it. And I think that, you know, the number one sport in North Korea is basketball. Wow. And so it's like if Jordan had gone there or even if the Bulls would have gone there and there had been a real fucking thing and a cultural outreach and whatever,
Starting point is 00:58:37 it would have at least sped it up, right? Because that was ping pong diplomacy. They were like, well, we don't actually eat each other's babies. We play fucking ping pong like Sting. Like, you know, everybody's kind. You know, when I went, I grew up at the end of the Cold War. And I was fascinated by propaganda. I was fascinated by Eastern Europe.
Starting point is 00:58:59 And as soon as it opened up, I went to Prague, and Prague was always inundated with Americans. So then I went to Budapest, and then I went to Kiev. But it was like, yeah, it's not that much fucking different. They had a car and an apartment. They had two weeks, and they went to Lake Balta. It was a shitty car, and it was a shitty fucking guy from point A to point B.
Starting point is 00:59:18 And they kind of were pissed off at their government, but they were kind of like, well, whatever. Fuck, there's food in the fucking store, you know? And it was kind of shittier it was a shittier grayer you know scarier i guess because of the police version but in reality it's like people are people at the end of the day except for north korea i mean north korea it's just crazy but i think that the more it's not actually us we're not doing over there They still think we're the devil. But Chinese people who used to come, they were wearing the Maoist suit and with the stars everywhere
Starting point is 00:59:51 and they looked the same and they talked the same and they were still revolutionary, are now coming in Hawaiian shirts and with a cannon, fucking S5 and a fucking thing. Because our culture got over there. Yeah, I think global culture got there and consumerist culture. I mean, China is the most capitalist country in the world now but the chinese who are coming to north korea don't look like them anymore they don't act like them they have laser beams in their hands like
Starting point is 01:00:12 phone they don't have phones they don't have computers so they see all this from the chinese and go okay something's going on and i think if we if we just exported our culture that the fact that hey guys you're actually living fucking 100 years ago. You should come and get up to speed with us. I mean, that's what happened in East Germany. You know, East Germany, West Germany, they said this is never going to come together. Boom. They realized that these motherfuckers over there are driving 911s and I'm driving a fucking Lada.
Starting point is 01:00:40 So, you know, that's what won. That's what won the war. Is there a way, though, that anybody could ever, I mean, you'd have to get rid of that whole family. You'd have to get rid of that whole government that's running it. I mean, they're not going to soften. The family doesn't, I mean, now, well, who the fuck knows? I don't know shit.
Starting point is 01:00:56 But, you know, from what I know about going there a lot, the military runs everything. It's called military first. The army runs everything. Whenever the army runs everything anywhere, guess what? It's not a ton of fun. Kim Jong-un is he looks like his
Starting point is 01:01:11 granddad. He's the dad. They got him out of power. They killed number two. They fucked with his wife. They did all this shit. Oh, he's got gout. They were just saying, hey, you know who's running shit? The army's running shit. Because if the army isn't running shit in North Korea,a it's over because the minute the army isn't running shit they're gonna all be in line saying can i please work at hyundai for some money because
Starting point is 01:01:33 i'm fucking hungry right yeah it's that's so true it'll be exactly what happened in east germany i got a great idea for a buddy comedy how about about this? How about Kim Jong-un captures a basketball, a college basketball team from whatever the world championship college basketball is, whatever the fuck. Kentucky. He gets Kentucky. Yeah, whatever the big team is. Captures them. Reroutes their plane.
Starting point is 01:01:59 It lands in North Korea and kidnaps them and forces them to play basketball for him. in North Korea and kidnaps him and forces them to play basketball for him. Yeah. And they wind up taking on the North Korean army, kicking everybody's ass and taking over the country, and they become the president of North Korea. I like it, except for I'd like to change it to the best college basketball team in America gets kidnapped by the North Korean despot,
Starting point is 01:02:26 which makes them play the worst pro team in America for a winner-take-all game. Because it's always that question at the end of the year, if the best college team plays the worst pro team, who would win? And I love those arguments. And everyone's always like, well, if Oakland played Bama well now it's uh uh Buckeyes but if let's say Bama because I love Bama if if Oakland played Bama then you know they would throw so many schemes up against them and they couldn't end but you're like Bama had the biggest offensive line in football not only not just fucking uh college football football and they played together
Starting point is 01:03:04 as a team and they're fucking awesome. Now they sucked against Ohio. But in any case, the best college team because then you could bet on it.
Starting point is 01:03:11 You could bet on it and whoever won between America and North Korea would run the world. I think we should do that. That's what we should set up. What if they won? North Korea runs the world.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Then we have to kick their ass again. Sorry, you only won the world for a second. We're fucked. We're not going to let you run the world forever for a basketball game. What are you, retarded? Then we failed have to kick their ass again. Sorry, you only won the world for a second. We're fucked. We're not going to let you win the world forever for a basketball game. What are you, retarded?
Starting point is 01:03:27 Then we failed in our mission. But the pros should win. The dream team. Weird shit happens in sports. Remember the dream team? People get tweaked ankles. Spain. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Mike Jordan. Wasn't there like a hockey game too? Well, that was the opposite americans that was the opposite that was the russians were effectively pros because they were the russian army they would give and then we were still putting up college players and even though the russians were pros and were going to kill us we we won so we became the underdog we were we are the champions yeah we are it's a big day for the hockey people. It is.
Starting point is 01:04:05 It's a huge day to beat those Ruskies. Have to beat the Ruskies. The Cold War was played. We need a kind of Cold War again just to have sports. Well, you know what, man? Fighting, sports fighting. We've learned a lot from Russians, I'll tell you that. We've learned a lot of how goddamn tough they are.
Starting point is 01:04:21 They're tough motherfuckers. Like, when we compare the softness of the average American male to the shit I see on TV that Russians do, it's crazy. The military guys over in Russia are mean as fuck. Oh, yeah. For sure. Not just the military guys, but I mean,
Starting point is 01:04:35 just the average humans in Russia. But we'll just send drones. We'll send laser computer people over there. Yeah. You think? Well, we won't win we won't win if we fight the well you've seen the shit they fucking have to you know squat in their haunches for three days and what getting kicked in the face I mean they're in a different level of shit now not to take anything away from
Starting point is 01:04:57 the best military in the world which is the American military but the Russians are fucking tough motherfucker you hit him in the face with a baseball bat and they smile. It seems like whenever you hear about a crazy concept, like an MMA concept, it comes out of Russia. Like they had team fighting where they had like five on five or six on six or some shit. And then there was another one that I saw there
Starting point is 01:05:19 where there was two on two. And one I saw was these guys met in like a park somewhere and these rival teams and they beat the was these guys met in like a park somewhere and these rival uh teams and they beat the shit out of each other in a park they just both met for a gang they just want they just want to fight the fuck out of it all the time if you see the Russian a special like the the the special service training shit that they have to go through it's fucking ridiculous like obviously it's hard to become a seal or a range or whatever but like like I don't know something like 50% like some crazies that they are fucking crazy anyway we
Starting point is 01:05:54 don't want to fight them I guess why everyone who's fought them from Napoleon to Hitler to everybody lost except the Mongols Mongols to Mongols Mongols beat everybody Mongols took over Russia forols beat everybody. Mongols took over Russia for like 200 years. The only reason why they didn't get to Europe is because they got tired. They're all drunk. They got syphilis. Our horses aren't big enough. My question was, I wonder if because Russia suffered the defeat in the Cold War
Starting point is 01:06:21 and economic disparity and it was hard times. They've gone through some brutal infighting. And all the shit that happened, the people that did survive, they're a different lineage. Well, they're tough as hell, yeah. Yeah, and I wonder if that's just what happens. And then those people rise up. And then the people like us that are on top of things,
Starting point is 01:06:44 we start criticizing cartoons and we get soft and fat well maybe the cartoon shouldn't be punching down yeah we get we get goofy that's true yeah and then we we get so unrealistic as to the nature of man and the ways of the world and the way things work right now not a utopian vision of what could certainly be possible but the fact like i saw a T-shirt. You don't like cops. Next time you get in trouble, call a crackhead. Well, listen, people that are complaining and bitching about cops, I guarantee you, if someone was breaking into your fucking house,
Starting point is 01:07:13 you're going to call 911, right? But whenever, you're right, but whenever I go to any of these places and you see dudes, like, sleeping in the sand, eating dirt, you know, cuddling their collision to cough for warmth and then you look at look i'll be the first to put my hand up you look at me and i'm like well will i have in and out burger or wendy's will i have the super sized coke or the valium you know and i'm just like you know i used to when i young, I used to think I was a tough guy. And when you see these dudes who literally know nothing but an AK-47 and will eat sand, you're like, yeah, I don't want to fight that guy.
Starting point is 01:07:53 And by the way, the majority of people I know in our country, why? Because our country is great. You don't want to fight these motherfuckers because they they are fucking badass and it's like you know i think we've had this discussion before but you know when you look at boxing and shit the tougher the neighborhood the poor the neighborhood the better the boxer because they're fighting for something they want to get the fuck out you don't see a lot of harvard boxers sitting there going one two three carumpf you know it's that and it's also they're used to dealing with violence on a regular basis they They can operate more effectively in those high-pressure scenarios. I think that's what we're saying about Russians too, that these are harder people.
Starting point is 01:08:32 They're stronger in will and in character because of what they've had to go through. I think if you look at the two longest wars in American history, if you look at Iraq and Afghanistan, and then I remember when Russia invaded Crimea, which is 90% Russian. You know, Fox News was saying, this is the first time they've ever gone without a shot, and we should go in, and what are we going to do? And you're like, hold on a second, hold on a second.
Starting point is 01:08:58 You're talking about going into Russia, which is Russian, to fight Russians about taking over a part of russia you know that traditionally was a part of russia you know we had a hard time in iraq with not the greatest army in the world a lot of terrorists we had a hard time in in in afghanistan with the taliban who aren't even an army in in any real sense of the word, you're going to go take on the Russians in Russia's backyard. You're going to get a fucking bloody nose like you've never
Starting point is 01:09:32 experienced before. If you're going to do it, you better be ready to go all in. And that's, you know, one of the things that NATO has a thing that if you attack any NATO country, all of NATO then has to go and go with you. Obviously we're, all of NATO then has to go and go with you. Obviously, we're a part of NATO.
Starting point is 01:09:47 So that means if anyone fucks with an island of Finland or someone fucks with fucking Norway's fishing rights or whatever, we all got to go in. And then you're like, well, we better be ready for that. And we better understand what the fuck that means. Because guess what? The Russians have been doing fucking power squats with the AK-47s ready to go while we've been sort of eating Pop Rocks
Starting point is 01:10:09 and drinking Coke and saying, I think PlayStation is better than Nintendo. What's the real difference between us, though, is economic, right? Like, for the long... I mean, Russian, they don't have an economy like we do, right? I mean, look, the thing is... There's no difference as far as, like,
Starting point is 01:10:26 what they can put into the military, into their budget and their resources? Well, you know, Russia and China have always had a different philosophy, which is they have a lot more of it, you know? So they have more tanks that are shittier, but they've got to fucking... You've got to shoot 10 of them, you know?
Starting point is 01:10:41 And China used to... That was their thing, waves. You know, they'd have waves of people and they would literally, your machine gun would overheat kind of thing. So if you look at it, we have the best military in the world, most technologically advanced military in the world, but I don't know what the standing army is and I'm going to get in shit no matter what number I say,
Starting point is 01:10:59 but let's say it's 3 million, right? You know, then you look at Russia, it's probably 30, and if you look at China, it's million yeah I mean because every well I believe in China look it up I think at one at one point in China everybody has to be in the military they have a billion three people so you know but yeah but that's that the thing is is you can have however many people you want the most technologically advanced military in the world, but if you're fucking with China, you're in trouble. And if you're fucking with Russia, you're in trouble.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Then it goes to, well, we have a lot more nukes than them, and then obviously that's not a question you want to have. Yeah, that's the worst question you can ever get into. The United States Armed Forces, Standing Army, let's see how many people we got. Active personnel, 1,369,532. Is that combat troops or is that in total? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:48 It just says active personnel. It's just a wiki. Yeah, because if you look at combat personnel, it's usually 20%, which is a staggeringly low number. It's like 300,000 people. Whoa, that's terrifying. Yeah, this, that's not good. This idea that we're going to go to war with someone like russia too that freaks people out too because we can't go to war russians look white
Starting point is 01:12:12 oh no you can't go to war with russia because a you know whoever maybe maybe it would be a tie let's say but then all those nukes all you need is one crazy general on either side. One crazy motherfucker to say, you know what? I'm going to Dr. Strange love this shit and I'm just going to let it fly. Yeah. Dr. Strange love this shit. Do you think there is an issue, though, the difference between going to war with someone who doesn't look like what we perceive to be the quintessential or the typical you know what yes but you know what i'm confused about is if you look at america what
Starting point is 01:12:53 would you say the number one security political problem in america is today security like like security issue security problem political like not political problem, like it can't be debt or energy or whatever. Privacy? No, like a security, yeah, okay, it can't be, external, external. External, we're worried about terrorism. Okay, good, thank you. That was good.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Sorry. What's the number one, by far way worse than america in russia today terrorism they have terrorist attacks you know they had the theater where they you know they were all killed in the theater they had they just had the subway state they blew up two subway stations in moscow recently they had the the the school where they killed all the kids right dagestan's coming up into Russia. They have 9-11s, right, on a yearly basis, right? Then you look at China and say, what's the biggest external threat happening in China right now? Right? Terrorism.
Starting point is 01:13:57 So Western China, the Uyghurs or the Uyghurs, are fucking going apeshit in northern China and outer Mongolia, and it's causing a huge, massive, massive problem within China where hundreds and thousands of people are being killed in slaughters and bus stops and train stops. They just had one recently. And what's interesting is you say, OK, the three major powers in the world, America, China and Russia, right, all share the exact same number one enemy which is terrorism within their countries aligned terrorism it's the same group same groups and then you say okay
Starting point is 01:14:37 uh why the wouldn't we just get together and say hey guys we have exactly the same m and india by the way is in there as well why the don't we get together and say, hey, guys, we have exactly the same, and India, by the way, is in there as well. Why the fuck don't we get together and say, hey, this is a huge problem for all of us, massive fucking problem for all of us. And Europe, put everybody in there and say, why the fuck don't we get together and say, hey, we got to solve this one way or t'other.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Because it's much, the deaths by terrorism I believe our number one China number two Russia number three America so why the fuck don't we get to go and say let's do something about this collectively what number three America but there must be number three all of in countries that we've invaded to bring us in a number three right because of death by terror is only like the 3,000 people that died in 9-11 and what other attacks attacks? You know, a few other isolated attacks. It would be attacks on Americans on foreign soil. But in China, it's a continual war.
Starting point is 01:15:32 You have Western China, Northwestern China with the Uyghurs. In Russia, it's continuing. You have Dagestan, you have Chechnya, you have all this stuff. And then here, you know, we have all of our, you know, things. I guess it must include Afghanistan or Iraq. And Russia's getting in that weird spot right now where their economy is sinking. Right, yeah. Like a free fall.
Starting point is 01:15:56 They've lost 50% of the ruble in the past two years. Is that what it is? Yeah, it's a combination of sanctions and the collapse of oil, which is the majority of their GDP, both of which they're blaming on us. Well, how do we fuck with their oil? We lowered the price of it, right? Isn't that part of what's going on? Well, everyone lowered the price with shale oil and fracking.
Starting point is 01:16:20 We have done a lot to become energy independent, which I think is a good thing. But the glut of cheap fracking shale oil has driven the price down. And OPEC hasn't decreased supply, which would theoretically increase it. Also, problems like Venezuela and Iran have sort of solved themselves in the sense of oil distribution. Wow. The number of barrels that the United States produces today is supposed to be as much or more than anybody in the world. We produce as much oil as anybody.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Yeah, we always produced a ton. We just consumed more than we produced because we like to consume shit. You know, but by and large, the biggest security problem I believe that we had, including terrorism, was that our energy dependence upon... So if you look at Saudi Arabia, you say, OK, these guys are actively supporting mosques that say Wahhabism is good,
Starting point is 01:17:27 i.e. that you should not, you know, you should, you know, adopt fighting, you know, terrorist Islam. That was our money, you know. And so at that point, you know, we're giving money to Pakistan, we're giving money to Saudi, we're giving money to Iran, we're giving money to Pakistan. We're giving money to Saudi. We're giving money to Iran. We're giving money to Iraq. Why? It's crazy. It doesn't seem sane. Well, why then? Oil.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Because we need the fucking oil. Because we need the oil. And we need all the oil. And as we need less and less of their oil. Yeah, well, I think it puts us in a better position. But doesn't it make them desperado? Isn't it better to keep them our hoes? That's how I think.
Starting point is 01:18:06 If I was running the country, I would continue to give money to other countries to keep them on the ho tip. That question is being answered right now. That question is being answered in real time. You don't want to go head-to-head with a hoe. But the thing is, because of exactly what you're saying, because of destratification of that power system, that's why you have ISIS. That's why you have all this shit.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Everyone just thinks ISIS is a bunch of dudes who went out, fucking had a joint and said, you know what, why don't we fucking take Al-Qaeda's thunder? No. What happened is you have a huge fucking group from all over the world, international fucking consensus coming in there and saying we're going to make a caliphate. And by the way, that caliphate, because the Wahhabis say we want to take over Mecca, once they take over Mecca, if they take over Mecca, hopefully they don't, then you have a real problem.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Because then you have ISIS saying we are the Pope and fucking Rome. Thank you very much. Is that what they want to do? Yeah, oh, fuck yeah. That's why Saudi Arabia is shitting their pants now is because they were funding all these
Starting point is 01:19:09 Wahhabist things and then ISIS goes yeah, we're Wahhabist, but we're the real Wahhabist and we're coming to take Mecca. Why? Because if you run Mecca, you run the Sunni world, right? And so Saudi Arabia has a lot more to worry about ISIS than America does
Starting point is 01:19:25 because they're real close to fucking Mecca and they want to take it. We need to just get giant cargo planes, like those cargo planes we do skydive out of, and then fill them to the top with mushrooms. And then at the end of it, you have like a big board where you just push the mushrooms out the back of the plane. What I love is we'll go on the ground with our whole military and fight Saddam Hussein. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:19:50 But we were not going to go after it. We'll bomb ISIS here and there. And you're like, yeah, ISIS is as bad as it gets, dude. ISIS is as bad as it gets. ISIS is Nazi Germany on fucking steroids. Well, we're using drones, right? That's the idea? Or they are using drones.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Airstrikes. I should really distinguish that. They. I am not involved in the drone strikes. Airstrikes. Airstrikes. And manned airstrikes. Yeah, with jets, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:15 And how many ISIS soldiers are there? According to Ben Affleck, there's like 200 dudes. Is he correct? No. What did Ben Affleck say? I don't know. He was on the Bill Maher show. He had some goofy quote
Starting point is 01:20:26 that got chewed apart by Sam Harris. I mean, I've... So we embedded with ISIS for four weeks last summer and I interviewed an ISIS member. Hit the brakes. Why'd you say that so casually? We embedded with ISIS for four weeks.
Starting point is 01:20:40 What the fuck were you thinking, dude? First of all, I did not say it casually. That was casual as fuck. I just assume everyone knows in the world. No, I didn't know. We had something like 45 million. Were you there?
Starting point is 01:20:53 45, no, fuck, no. But we have a filmmaker who we worked with in Palestine. We asked if we could go see what was happening at the time ISIS now ISIL and we embedded for four weeks they changed names, the artist formerly known as ISIS it's ISIL now they're like P. Diddy on steroids
Starting point is 01:21:17 or Puff Daddy so we embedded for four weeks with them all over in Iraq and in Syria and we released a documentary, won a ton of awards We embedded for four weeks with them all over in Iraq and in Syria. And we released a documentary. It won a ton of awards. It was viewed tens of millions of times.
Starting point is 01:21:36 And basically, we didn't have any commentary. We just pressed record. And I really enjoyed it because of that. Because it wasn't like, look at these fucking cocksuckers, because it wasn't like, look at these fucking cocksuckers, whatever. It was like, hey, your veil's not... Because what they did is they showed us what life under the Islamic State is. And it's like Nazi Germany.
Starting point is 01:21:56 It's like you have to have the veil, and you can't be too happy, and you can't fucking eat too much licorice and all this shit. And, you know, won a ton of awards for it. We embedded with ISIS. I personally interviewed a couple guys from ISIS. There was a Canadian guy who was thought to be dead.
Starting point is 01:22:11 He was not, and I interviewed him. And what's interesting is, I mean, the numbers vary, you know, but the top end, what the number of the guy was giving me is they have 50,000 foreign fighters. Now was giving me is they have 50,000 foreign fighters. Now, we know that they have 50,000 fighters. The argument is, is it like 20,000 or 30,000 foreign and, you know, 20,000 Iraqi Syrian or what the mix-up is. But these are on-the-ground fighters. These are not like support troops or, you know, logistics or intelligence.
Starting point is 01:22:45 These are the fucking fighters. So this is why people should sit up and take notice. I mean, for us to mobilize 50,000 fighters is a huge fucking deal, right? But they have people coming from America. We talk to French people in ISIS. We talk to Americans. I talk to Canadians personally. And we're like, I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:23:10 You're from America or you're from Canada. You're from France. You're from Germany. You're from the UK. You're fighting, in my mind anyway, for maybe the worst political organization around. But in their mind, because they've grown up with these wahhabist mosques that that's the right thing to do because they need to be wahhabists in mecca for it to be
Starting point is 01:23:36 true islam and that's why i think people should take the next look at isis because uh isis is not going away anytime soon because these people ideologically believe that they are right. And the question shouldn't be what the fuck's happening with ISIS. The question should be how the fuck could ISIS recruit 50,000 people in fucking six months? Well, if you think about what the image of the United States is and how we've invaded these foreign countries, these Islamic countries, of the United States is and how we've invaded these foreign countries these Islamic countries and the hatred that a lot of the Islamic radical fundamentalist
Starting point is 01:24:09 guys have towards the United States government if we had a similar enemy to the United States as overpowering as we are is as invasive as we are we have bases in over a hundred countries red dog could you imagine wake up those dudes that live in michigan white dudes that get all their guns south dakota and north dakota and new mexico jesus louises you know what kind of a army if we were invaded yeah that would be it would never end if you united states turned hard if you fucking gave us our super serum our super soldier serum from captain america movie yeah it would be this is a war-loving country yeah we're just so fat and so far ahead of the curve but we would get down with it pretty quick i mean well that's what
Starting point is 01:24:56 we saw after 9-11 yeah but i think i think that you brought up a fucking good point which is here's iraq right and and for a long time we were supporting iraq and then we'd support iran their biggest enemy and then we'd support iraq again and then we'd support iran why because we wanted cheap oil fine that's geopolitics actually who gives a fuck actually you know we're hegemonic power that's what we have to do whatever the problem is is you say okay we made up shit this is where it gets a bit wonky right because you're like if you wanted if you just told the American people we need to fucking oil in the
Starting point is 01:25:33 skies fucking fucking wonder oil I think that would have been better than weapons of mass destruction and going in the UN and trying to get everybody behind it and try well we understand we are geopolitical player we're the policeman the world's policeman you don't have to make this up but what happened is they said al-qaeda is being supported by saddam hussein now anyone would have a brain knows that al-qaeda is fundamentalist religion and the bath party was a secular they were anti-religious they were like a political thing they were they didn't want religious extremism. So they weren't helping
Starting point is 01:26:08 Al-Qaeda. Were they bad guys? Is Saddam Zayn a bad guy? Yes. I didn't like him. He's not my friend. I don't like him. But was he fucking Osama Bin Laden's best friend? No. They were enemies. In any case, we make shit up and we go in there. We fuck shit up so bad for so long that when we leave
Starting point is 01:26:24 right after the day we leave, a fucking cadre of motherfuckers come out, called ISIS, which make Al-Qaeda look like a fucking tea party and take over the country. But is it surprising at all? But hold on. So we go in, we made it up. We said the
Starting point is 01:26:39 boogeyman lives in Iraq. We fuck it up so bad that when we leave, the boogeyman is twice as big, and by the way, we made him. Now, that is a failure, not of our troop, but of the fucking State Department and of a political fucking... Because these guys, there was a time when the British could actually say, you know, we can make decisions that are... We are making decisions that are terribly wrong,
Starting point is 01:27:02 and the saddest part about that is people are paying for that on our side and on their side with their fucking lives. But isn't that, I mean, I'm not in any way downplaying the troops or any military action, but I'm just looking at it from a purely objective point of view, almost like a mathematical point of view. Isn't that a cause and effect type situation? I mean, you enter into a country you have what is the number of casualties of civilians in iraq it's staggering right it's
Starting point is 01:27:29 like 101 it's it's crazy the amount of civilians that were killed supposedly somewhere around a million yeah yes including sanctions because we cut off medicine and shit it's like a million iraqis it's a big number What does anybody in their right mind think the reaction of those people is going to be unless they're so completely detached from those people on the ground that you don't take that into account at all when you make your decision? That's my long-winded answer to your question, which is, if
Starting point is 01:27:56 someone did that to America and said, America bombed Russia, and we clearly did not bomb Russia or we didn't help or whatever, they invaded us, killed a million or ten whatever the factor is ten million or twenty million everybody including me and you would get we're gonna kill those motherfuckers yeah we would all have to get down and that is what's happening now and then everybody's seeing they're going well fuck we'll just go bomb Isis
Starting point is 01:28:21 those Isis motherfuckers cutting people's heads off fuck Isis fuck Isis you're like I agree agree, fuck ISIS. I'm a journalist. They're going to cut my head off, so I don't like them. But at the same time, you're sitting there going, okay, why is no one asking? Why is no one asking? How the fuck did these motherfuckers become popular? How the fuck did they recruit guys from Virginia?
Starting point is 01:28:40 How did they recruit guys from France? How did they recruit guys from England? Where the fuck are these guys coming from? And how did they take over Syria and fucking Iraq when you have every army in the world there and every fucking commando unit and every intelligence agency and these
Starting point is 01:28:55 fucking bunch of new guys, new kids on the block took over everybody's shit. And the reason why is because A, there's institutional fucking money funding them, and B, because we fucked up shit bad on our side. Now, we should take the learnings that we've done and say, look, ISIS isn't going anywhere. And unless we fucking, you know, go ape shit, guess what?
Starting point is 01:29:16 It's going to make al-Qaeda look like a tea party. Good Lord. Right when you think that he's brought the doom and gloom to the highest level possible, a new watermark emerges. This motherfucker. I actually love life. I know you do. I love life.
Starting point is 01:29:33 I love you. I love life so much. Look, I eat too much. I drink too much. I hang out with dudes like you. I got to say, there's nothing. I'm in there with drinking too much? But I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Because there's nothing better in life, and i don't know if you if you agree with me but when you get older besides family because family for me is number one you have you know your kids which are everything but you get a bit older you know a bit of shit you have a drink you have a steak you talk to somebody and you say look this is important shit the greatest thing that we have, you and I, is that we can talk about this shit and people actually listen to us. Because I believe that people all over America, North America, Europe, are having the exact same discussions. And unless everybody goes, you know what, that's fucking true.
Starting point is 01:30:23 These guys are being cocksuckers and fuck ISIS, and we've got to stop this fucking sea level rise. That's the beauty about what we can do, is that we live in a world where we can talk and have a few drinks and say what we believe in, and literally I get it every time, like hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, Facebook, Twitter, everyone saying, okay, good, I'm fucking down, what what do we do next I don't fucking know I'm not Jesus Christ we're just sitting here saying this is what I believe in this is
Starting point is 01:30:52 what I think the greatest thing about our lives is that we live a life where we can have a discussion and it actually matters and people will listen and say what do we do next well I think that's one of the things that's held back are all cultures is the ability to communicate with each other and find out that we're more alike than we are different. We're all just human beings. And it was really difficult to have those conversations before. It was really difficult to reach people all over the world.
Starting point is 01:31:19 But look at this. Doing something like this. Hold on. Look at what you've built here. You've built a communication center. You've built a network. Back in the day, doing something like this. No, but hold on. Look at what you've built here. You've built a communication center. You've built a network. Back in the day, this would be NBC. People would come in and they'd talk their shit
Starting point is 01:31:32 and they'd say whatever the shit they'd say and then they'd leave. Walter Cronkite. You literally built that here. Now it's a lot less prohibitively expensive than building NBC. But that's why whenever I come here and I try to come here every time I come to LA,
Starting point is 01:31:45 is because this is the future of, it's NBC, but it's NBC for our people. It's not NBC for everyone. Like, NBC used to do three channels. But one of the things I love about coming here, and this is why I get rankled about
Starting point is 01:32:01 censorship, is Joe Rogan has to be able to say whatever the fuck he wants no matter what. Shane Smith has to be able to say whatever the fuck I want no matter what. You can say I'm wrong. You can say fuck you, Shane, I hate you. You're not allowed to shoot me without me trying to shoot you back. But while we have freedom of speech and while we have communication, while we have all this shit, we should celebrate the shit out of it
Starting point is 01:32:26 and we should tell everybody else out there that they should celebrate the shit out of it because that's what true freedom is. Unless we're allowed to say whatever the fuck we want to say, there is no such thing as freedom. There is no such thing as true freedom if you can't express yourself.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Correct. It's 100%. It's number one. Fuck the thing, you can buy a gun, you can do this. If you can't say what you fucking believe without somebody pointing a gun to your head, that was what the Gestapo did.
Starting point is 01:32:50 The Gestapo said, you can't say that or we'll fuck you up. Well, the idea is that they're symbiotic because you need the gun to be able to say, hey, fuck you. I'm going to say whatever I want. I can protect my body with this weapon. You have a weapon. It's the only thing that I'm worried about from you. But then you're in a gunfight.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Isn't that what the whole world is? It shouldn't get to the gunfight. We should be able to say whatever the fuck we want, and that's inviolate. And by the way, that's what we should be fighting for. When we talk about human rights, when we talk about shit, a lot of time, like, we were going to Amsterdam
Starting point is 01:33:19 and saying he's a bad guy. Yeah, there's a lot of bad guys. The hootsies and the tootsies were fucking killing the fuck out of each other at the exact same time. With machetes. Exactly. Millions. So it wasn't about him being a bad guy. Yeah, there's a lot of bad guys. The Hootsies and the Tootsies were fucking killing the fuck out of each other at the exact same time. With machetes. Exactly. Millions.
Starting point is 01:33:27 So it wasn't about him being a bad guy because there's a lot of bad guys out there. However, what we should fight for is freedom of speech and that's why Charlie Hebdo
Starting point is 01:33:36 is an important thing that everybody in the world is coming out. They're not protesting. They're saying, you know what? Everybody should be able to say whatever the fuck
Starting point is 01:33:44 they want and I believe in that. Well, I think anybody who doesn't believe in that is a fool. protesting, they're saying, you know what? Everybody should be able to say whatever the fuck they want. And I believe in that. Well, I think anybody who doesn't believe in that is a fool. There's a lot of fucking people. But there's a lot of people. But did you hear about what the fuck is going on? There was another attack after this Charlie Hebdo thing, this Boko Haram.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Yeah. That was 2,000 people were killed in Nigeria by Islamic extremists. Yes. But we didn't hear about that. Because they're black. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. killed in Nigeria by Islamic extremists. Yes. But we didn't hear about that. Because they're black. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, well, that's true.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Isn't that a fucking weird thing, man? That's weird. That's African. 2,000 people. It's racism and it's African fatigue. And quite frankly... But it's two different issues, right? One of them is attacking someone because of freedom of speech. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:23 And this is some other motivation, right? Well, there is, sadly, you know, there is Africa fatigue, much like there's Afghanistan fatigue or Iraq fatigue. I mean, how about if, let's take Iraq, for example. We left Iraq and said, mission accomplished. We won. Good. Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:34:40 And we left. Story didn't end, but we left. Boom. ISIS. Bang. Biggest story in the world. Boom, ISIS. Bang, biggest story in the world. Oh, where the fuck
Starting point is 01:34:46 did these guys come from? Well, if you would have not just left, you would have known. And I think that there's Africa fatigue for sure. Like Ebola actually continues to rise.
Starting point is 01:34:56 The deaths continue to rise. We haven't contained it. It's now in Sierra Leone and Guinea and it's fucking getting worse in Liberia. It's out of the news cycle, so therefore it must be fucking over. We must have sent a pill that worked.
Starting point is 01:35:11 No. The deaths fucking increase. The opportunity for contagion increases. And everybody, that's why we're doing our 24-hour news network, because you're like, who gives a fuck about the news cycle they found the plane so therefore every like who cares like when we left iraq that's when the problem started and nobody paid any attention while isis built up you know you look at west africa and you say ebola is fucking still raging But now it's fucking the nurse didn't get it in Houston, so we're okay.
Starting point is 01:35:47 I mean, there is Africa fatigue. There is Iraq fatigue. There is Iran fatigue. And it's like now we're going to enter into domestic elections and we'll be fascinated with what goes on there. Well, it's almost like it never ends. Like this is a fractal equation. Because as you start looking at all the various aspects of our culture
Starting point is 01:36:04 that we could change, it could be better, and we look at life and death. Well, that's true. various aspects of our culture that we could change it could be better and we Look at life and death. Well, that's just look at the deaths that we have in this country because of cigarettes I don't have anything any problem with people smoking cigarettes if you truly want to but the fact that that's like sort of this Ignored thing if everyone stood back if everyone like the entire government like had like a whole If everyone, like the entire government, had a whole anti-cigarette week where they said, and every day on the news they broadcast a special about this is a person who started smoking when they were 16, here they are when they're 15, getting half their throat removed, and show that shit on television. How long would it be before the numbers just radically dropped? And the number of people that you saw dead every year radically dropped from cancer.
Starting point is 01:36:44 It would be gigantic. It would be gigantic. It would be huge. But then we get back into the whole freedom of speech thing, which is, you know... But isn't that freedom of speech? Well, it is freedom of speech, but when government gets involved in... Social issues?
Starting point is 01:36:58 In messaging things. Well, but what's a social issue? Well, that's a social issue. Because if you look... Okay, but let's look at the social issue that was they know that was Obamacare which by the way calling like affordable health care Obamacare is funny because you're just labeling Obama and if you look at it just as if you take a step back and by the way I don't want to get embroiled into it because I am NOT an expert but globally you're like universal
Starting point is 01:37:25 healthcare is like a thing. Like people, you know, should be universal healthcare or whatever. Now, granted, I come from Canada where universal healthcare when I grew up was good. However, that said, I'm not a huge believer in the government running anything because governments, I believe, because I grew up in a government town are inefficient and They spend 80% of the money on themselves and 20% on the thing So I'm not like a huge believer in government doing anything that said Universal health care for the richest country in the world seems like fucking we should have it that became the greatest
Starting point is 01:38:01 single debate and probably the worst thing for became the greatest single debate and probably the worst thing for definitely Obama, but for sure maybe up there in top five for the Democratic Party. And essentially it was like a thing that if you looked at it in the world context, every rich industrial country has universal health care. It's just boring. It's a fucking given. It's a nothing. And that became such a fucking huge thing because it was the government interfering into your private life. And because of that, the extrapolation became a thing.
Starting point is 01:38:37 And I found that to be an amazing litmus test on the American psyche because you sit there and say, I mean, quite frankly, who the fuck cares, right? You know how much money we're misspending on health care? I get taxed more in America than I did in Canada, in communist Canada. I get taxed more in America, and the fuck of money gets thrown down the toilet. You know, I would be a fucking tea party motherfucker
Starting point is 01:39:03 on the taxation side because you tax me the same in Canada, but the schools suck and the hospitals suck, whatever. But you have to have universal health care. You cannot be the richest country in the world and have fucking people dying on the street and just rotting there because, well, fuck, you know. They can't afford it. They couldn't afford it. Now, was it implemented? Well, no. Was it messaged?
Starting point is 01:39:24 Well, no. afford it they couldn't afford it now was it implemented well no was it messaged well no but the political war that went over over something as stupid as fucking universal universal health care stupid to argue about yeah just becomes like we're gonna fucking argue about everything now every single fucking thing we are gonna we're gonna argue about it can we fund the government we're gonna argue about fucking are we gonna pay our own debt we're to argue about can we fund the government. We're going to argue about fucking are we going to pay our own debt. We're going to argue about, you know, what shoe we put on the right foot versus the left foot. And that's the problem is if you talk to Petraeus, who now is up against charges, but Secretary Gates, anyone, they will all tell you the greatest fear or the greatest problem for american security is the inaction of
Starting point is 01:40:07 the government the government cannot enact fucking anything and that is the problem that you have today is you have something like like affordable health care act just becoming a huge politicized issue where someone should have just said look it's going to cost us 0.01 of the fucking thing to make universal health care, which we can't fucking hold our heads up if we don't have. Just fucking do it and we'll shut up and fucking get on with fucking whatever the fuck else it is. Became the number one political issue of last year.
Starting point is 01:40:34 And guess what? It's a non-issue. It's a non-issue. We're sitting here. We don't have water. We don't have fucking water. I think I already fixed that, bro. Fix it.
Starting point is 01:40:43 I already fixed that with my pipeline. Pipeline to Antarctica. Pipeline to the big ice I already fixed that, bro. Fix it. I already fixed that with my pipeline. Pipeline to Antarctica. Pipeline to the big ice cube. No problem, dude. You just develop like a funnel. You know what I'm saying? And attach the funnel
Starting point is 01:40:53 to the ice. Instead of the narcos, it'll just be like eco-warriors with dreads and sandals. Yeah, we would find out that Inuits
Starting point is 01:41:01 have been peeing in the funnel and everybody would get really pissed. This is bullshit. There's no fix, but I think we've been in constant turmoil for so long. I wonder if when something happens like ISIS or something along those lines where there's a real military movement against this big machine that is America,
Starting point is 01:41:20 I wonder if it excites some sort of primal DNA. Yeah, got it. Because I know that hunting does. And you know what else does? Farming, man. You know, growing your own vegetables. There's something about plucking your own vegetables and slicing into it and making a salad with that tomato. I made that.
Starting point is 01:41:37 There's something primal. Oh, that's good. I believe that that reward. It also tastes better. It does. It does. I was listening. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:41:44 It probably tastes better just in general. I was listening but hold on it probably tastes better just in general it's probably better for you but psychologically yeah it tastes better because I made that 100%
Starting point is 01:41:53 definitely I couldn't agree more but I feel like the vodka that I make doesn't taste better than this do you make vodka? I've made every booze
Starting point is 01:42:01 you can make really? how do you make vodka? it tastes like fucking it's potato it's just you can make. Really? How do you make vodka? It tastes like fucking, it's potato. It's just, you can make a still in fermentation, and it tastes like, everything tastes like shitty, awful moonshine, terrible. Vodka, what they do is they just refine away,
Starting point is 01:42:17 just so it tastes like nothing, because you never, I mean, vodka doesn't taste like anything. It just adds some shit into it. Have you ever seen those tests where they've taken Brita? You know, that doesn't taste like anything. It just adds some shit into it. Have you ever seen those tests where they've taken Brita? You know, that doesn't taste like anything until they put it into the barrels. Oh, the barrels are like stained. The barrels stain it and taste it. Otherwise, it would just taste like fucking vodka.
Starting point is 01:42:35 All alcohol is just alcohol. Right, and the whiskey barrels are like coal and stuff, right? They burn them. They burn them, yeah. That's why it's so yummy. It is fucking good. It's the best. Jack Daniels is the best.
Starting point is 01:42:46 You know what? America, fuck you. But hold on. You can order all the super high-end shit and whatever else, but I believe Jack is the best tasting. But it's not bourbon, apparently. It's sour mash.
Starting point is 01:42:58 It's pure America. Come. It's the come of our great country. I do like Jack. What I was going to say was that someone took a cheap bottle of vodka and poured it through those Brita water filters and did it like seven or eight times
Starting point is 01:43:11 and it came out as good as any vodka you could ever buy. Well, Smirnoff always wins. Smirnoff's like $5 a liter. And they always win the taste test. You know why? Because it tastes like fucking nothing. They put sugar in there. Well, I don't think they put shit it tastes like nothing they put sugar in there well i don't think they put and they just put alcohol in there that is weird that drinks
Starting point is 01:43:29 are not supposed to taste good if they taste good yeah you pussy what do you got a little umbrella in your drink and a cherry that's true that's true something about that's weird because i always when i was a kid I used to pretend this says something about my psyche but I would drink Coca-Cola out of like a shot glass oh Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:43:50 when you were a kid yeah and I always thought this is the greatest and by the way if they had a drink that was like Coca-Cola
Starting point is 01:43:58 but like was like I would drink the fuck out of that because I I love Coca-Cola I try not to drink it now. What about Pepsi? Do you have an issue with Pepsi? I fucking hate Pepsi.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Won't drink it. Whoa, that happens often. Jim Norton is the same way, by the way. Pepsi is like a sugary... Coca-Cola is the greatest carbolic acid that ever existed that depleted the radio. But, you know, people used to have the taste tests, right? I don't know why I'm looking at you for vindication.
Starting point is 01:44:24 Why'd you look at Jamie? They would do the taste test and you'd be like, if you can't taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi, you know, people used to have the taste tests, right? I don't know why I'm looking at you for vindication. Why'd you look at Jamie? They would do the taste test and you'd be like, if you can't taste the difference between Coca-Pets and your fucking, I hate your guts because they're completely different fucking things. In any case, I always pretend, and I've always been waiting for a drink that's going to be as powerful and amazing and hit you as hard as a Coca-Cola. And every time you have one one it's just minorly disappointing i love whiskey right but if whiskey tastes like coca-cola i would feel like i would drink a lot more you can't yeah if whiskey tasted like coca-cola we'd have a
Starting point is 01:44:58 real problem in this country you have to feel it i think one of the good things about You have to feel it. I think one of the good things about whiskey or about tequila, you feel it when it's going down. You know you've done something terrible. You take a shot of Jack Daniels and it hits you and just like... Well, you brought up a very good point because I just got back from a week in Vegas. Right? And it's a very good point because if you ask me what i really like to drink like
Starting point is 01:45:26 if i wanted to drink something i like irish whiskey i like shitty irish whiskey on ice and then number two would be like i like to drink you know we you and i like meat so like i like to eat a steak with a glass of red wine i think stay with a glass of red wine is like a reaffirmation of life, right? I can't feel like I'm bad. But what the fuck do I really drink? I drink vodka soda. Why? Why?
Starting point is 01:45:52 Because it's a fucking drunk's drink, and you can drink, when you're at Vegas and you're playing, you can drink 50 vodka sodas and just be like, there's the water in there, it's the purest of the spirit, and, like, if you drink 50 fucking, Jack, you're fighting the croupier. You're shitting on the floor. Really? You're running around.
Starting point is 01:46:11 Vodka soda is like you're rehydrating. It's a drunk's drink. You can drink a vodka soda forever. Also, do you ever get sick? Like, you know when you're drinking a lot of whiskey? At the end of it, you're like, I never want to drink another whiskey again. Vodka soda, you wake up the next day and say, oh, vodka soda. Like, that's scary because I'm now so old and I've drank so much booze
Starting point is 01:46:31 that I'm like, well, can you drink 5,000 of those? Because if you can drink 5,000 of them, I'll go, which is a vodka soda. That seems ridiculous. So you honestly believe that whiskey gets you into fights? You think that's what's going on? Brown liquor is a punchy liquor, my friend, and you know it. Listen, I come from a long line
Starting point is 01:46:47 of brick-carrying savages. I've always drank brick liquor. I despise the clear liquor. Brown liquor is a punchy liquor. I don't like the clear liquor. I drink the Mexican version of clear liquor.
Starting point is 01:46:57 I don't trust that Russian shit. Well, tequila will keep you up. Vodka will keep you up. I've always been a Jack Daniels fan. Brown liquor will keep you punchy. You know that. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:47:07 Why do you think he's a fighter? You got the kettle bells and the kicking and the fighting? Come on, man. This has nothing to do with Jack Daniels. You can't blame Jack Daniels on poor decision making. I don't think it's the carbon inside the barrel. I mean, you yourself said that alcohol has the same effect. It's alcohol.
Starting point is 01:47:21 It's shine with a bit of fucking burnt wood in it. But by the way, it's gorgeous. One of the managers at the comedy store, Terrence, has some fucking ridiculous moonshine that he brought from back home. Oh, yeah. Moonshine will wake you up. But the reason why I like cheap Irish whiskey. You want some?
Starting point is 01:47:37 Yeah. The reason why I like cheap Irish whiskey. New glasses. Is because they run it through peat, which is, you know, bog bricks that they... It tastes like fucking grass, basically. And it's just moonshine that tastes like grass. I'm like, oh, fuck whiskey.
Starting point is 01:47:51 I love it. It's just fucking moonshine. How about grappa? Grappa is just fucking moonshine, but they put it in the fancy bottles and shit, and you're like, it's fucking moonshine. It's disgusting. It's the same fucking thing as moonshine. My grandparents used to have that shit.
Starting point is 01:48:09 They used to drink it after a meal oh just to tolerate each other i've got to say that we've talked about how the world's about to end i've never felt better about humanity than i feel now because i've had a few drinks and yes i don't know why alcohol is considered a depressant because i'm euphoric as when i drink it after the effect. It's it crushes your immune system. It's immunosuppressant It's bad for protein synthesis. It's bad. It's dehydrates you It's it. I know it's bad for fat burning. I've experienced that first different kind of moonshine We have the real issue with alcohol is the dehydration and the liver toxicity Yeah, we're doing a piece. Actually, can I be fucking
Starting point is 01:48:49 positive for once in my misery life? You're doing a piece that's positive. Okay, so my favorite piece I've ever done I'm doing right now and I was at this conference.
Starting point is 01:48:59 This is Moonshine. I'm about to play it. And well, now it's about to get unintelligible if I get into that shit. But I'm going to,. I'm about to play. And, well, now it's about to get unintelligible if I get into that shit. But I'm going to try to get my last intelligence story out. So I was at this conference,
Starting point is 01:49:14 and there was this amazing, I don't know, presentation about a guy who was a researcher, HIV researcher. And they were like, well, HIV, you know, eats T cells. It eats human cells. It's amazing at eating shit. It's amazing at eating cells. Moonshine. Now you're going to get me all fucked up.
Starting point is 01:49:41 I'm going to start crying again. So what were you saying, AIDS? You have AIDS? Okay. Whoa. That's good. That's actually the best taste of shit we have here. Goddamn America again.
Starting point is 01:49:54 I like it. I'm going to have one more before I finish this thing. By the way, this story is going to fuck you up. So everybody turn it up now because this is important. Okay. Okay. Okay. now because this is important okay okay so they figure out hiv is amazing at eating t-cells right so they say what if like a pit bull we starve the hiv and then we only feed it cancer right
Starting point is 01:50:17 guess what happens it's fucking works like a charm so they starve the hiv they genetically reintroduce it. So if HIV doesn't eat your T cells, it's not a problem to you, but it eats cancer. So it's a cancer eater. So I'm watching this thing going, hold on.
Starting point is 01:50:33 Wait, HIV eats cancer or cancer eats HIV? No, HIV is an eater. HIV eats cells. Right. So like, why don't we starve it for T cells and feed it cancer cells? And it worked in fact they've been in four years of trials 100% success rate and it's going
Starting point is 01:50:50 it's it's a blood cancer so it's leukemia and so what what happened so I started saying well holy fuck is my mom had cancer and my stepmom died of cancer everyone's had somebody affected by cancer. So I'm like, holy shit. They re-engineered HIV to go out and eat cancer. And then they're like, well actually, now what they're doing is they're re-engineering viruses for different cancers.
Starting point is 01:51:15 So for example, the Mayo Clinic re- engineered measles. And they're injecting like a billion measles into bone cancer. And you see one woman had a golf ball-sized tumor in her head, and then they inject her with measles, and the fucking measles eat the cancer, like eat it, which was previously inoperable, just goes away.
Starting point is 01:51:41 What the fuck? So in Houston they're doing it, in Mayo Clinic, in Penn State, and in Ottawa, Canada. The guy who first discovered it was a guy who came across this paper where hookers who used to get cervical cancer also used to get rabies
Starting point is 01:52:00 because they were living in squalor. So they would inject the women with rabies and then their cervical cancer would go away because the viruses eat the cancer. So this is, by the way, I must be drunk because I'm giving you my biggest scoop on HBO that's coming up on our new season. But so I went to interview all these doctors.
Starting point is 01:52:20 I went to say, like, what the fuck's going on? They've re-engineered these viruses that used to kill us, right, to go eat cancer. And I'm like, is this the first step? Not just for a treatment that isn't radiation or, come on. Pharmaceutical-based? Yeah. Chemo? Chemo, chemo, chemo.
Starting point is 01:52:48 chemo chemo chemo uh but actually uh uh you know a a treatment that doesn't fuck you up and then and puts you in recession they're like we're looking at the first step towards a cure so this is the biggest story i've ever or the opening scene in 28 days later oh oh yeah right right zombie movie right right, they actually, so they re-engineer the virus. The virus, for example, the measles virus actually comes from 1953, and it's the kid whose throat culture they took that we've been using as a measles virus for the last however long. These guys in Houston are using a cold virus, which we're all immune to. The HIV one, they actually reprogram so that it doesn't eat our T cells. But what's incredibly interesting about that is these guys figured out that what happened was cancer puts our immune system to sleep.
Starting point is 01:53:41 And so that viruses activate our immune system. and so that viruses activate our immune system so the virus just goes into the cancer says here it is and then the immune system goes and eats it so for the past six months I've met the top five or six medical teams in the world as they explained this shit to me and I'm thick as fuck so I didn't get half of it but what's interesting about it is the first step to curing cancer caused by the shit that used to kill us because measles used to kill like 150 million people a year it was the fucking worst thing you could get now the measles brings all the fucking white cells and eats the cancer it's absolutely fantastic and that's my happy thing before we get drunk on the moonshine give me some more of that
Starting point is 01:54:22 excuse me that's insane. It makes sense, and it also seems terrifying because if they fuck that up, then you've got some crazy Well, they go through incredible protocols and I wish I could have shown you the stuff, but I'm covered in NBCW suits and shit. They go through very, and the, you know, they're
Starting point is 01:54:39 making sure that the viruses are done in the correct way and stuff. But I've got to say, oh yeah, but how it all happens is they're like, it happened by a mistake. Like, it happened by like, oh, this fucking, we're working on HIV. That thing actually eats cancer, you know. And I think that, you know, when I look at stuff, I'm like, we can solve these problems.
Starting point is 01:55:04 We can fix these problems. When we get on here, we're always like, wow, fucking Russia is this and fucking ISIS is this. We can fix the problems. We just have to put people on it. You know, Larry Page always says, the guy who runs Google, is always like, that's a zero million dollar problem. Meaning if it's a problem, only if you put zero million dollars into it.
Starting point is 01:55:24 You put a couple million dollars into it, guess what? You solved the fucking problem. A zero million dollar problem meaning if it's a problem only if you put zero million dollars into it you put a couple million dollars and guess what you solve the fucking problem zero million dollar problem yeah there's a lot of those do those exist on purpose and i don't mean on purpose meaning there's some sort of a grand scheme sort of uh an overlying conspiracy to the way the world runs but i often wonder the way people behave, even the way you see people behave when they know they're in a relationship where their husband's never going to leave or their wife is never going to leave
Starting point is 01:55:55 or they know they're in a job. Like there's certain college professors when they get tenure, become preposterous human beings. And one of the reasons is that they can't get fired. They have this really ridiculous power, and people tend when they have power, to explore
Starting point is 01:56:12 the limits of it. It's almost inherent. I've been listening to the last, this is like maybe the fourth or fifth time in just the last year that I've listened to this Dan Carlin series on the Mongols. It's Wrath of the Khans. It's on Hardcore History, this podcast.
Starting point is 01:56:27 I'm going to check it out because I'm fascinated. Dan Carlin's podcast is the greatest podcast the world has ever known. It shouldn't be called a podcast because it's too good. It's essentially a dramatic version of history and not just the Mongols but everything from
Starting point is 01:56:43 World War I. There's so much shit that this guy covers in such an incredible of like history and not just the mongols but everything from like world war one to there's so much shit that this guy covers in such as incredible dramatic fashion but as i'm listening to these tales of carnage and conquest and all and i'm wondering like what the fuck is it that compels people to to operate in this way like what is it about someone who gets in power and abuses that power whether it's a priest or whether it's a, you know, a politician or a police officer. Great question. What the fuck is it?
Starting point is 01:57:10 Like, is it just something that in like ingrained in us to resist, like to have the strength to resist opposition so that when the opposition isn't there and you have ultimate power, you spool up your power to ultimately resist opposition again. It's like you gather up your resources. We live to fight. I mean, it almost seems like this weird sort of cyclical thing that's very difficult to escape. Yes. Very, very difficult to escape.
Starting point is 01:57:40 And I think that's the one thing that troubles most of us. to escape and i think that's that's the one thing that troubles most of us most of us rational thinking people who live in urban environments who don't have to worry about anything other than like normal petty the occasional crime what we're worried about is like what the is going on in the congo what the is going on in afghanistan what the is going on in crimea yeah what what are these these worlds that we don't ever want to see in fucking Tribeca? What are these worlds that we see? Right? We're on the right page at the right time.
Starting point is 01:58:17 I'm just going to give you one anecdote of exactly that, which is I believe we're sort of the same kind of guy. We grew up in the same era. I'm way different than you, bitch. Settle down. Well, you're way tougher and stronger. You're way more bold. You're a fucking world traveler.
Starting point is 01:58:34 I'm an occasional dipper of my toes. I still am going to take you to find, by the way, remember one of the last times I was on here, I was like, we should go to Liberia to find the AIDS island of the monkeys. Guess what happened? Ebola. So it's a good thing we should go to Liberia to find the AIDS island of the monkeys. We're not going to AIDS island. Guess what happened? Ebola. So it's a good thing we didn't go. There's no more AIDS.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Ebola eats AIDS. Maybe we need Ebola. Ebola eats everything. Or maybe we need AIDS to eat AIDS. I'm really not worried about AIDS. I'm going to tell you that. I'm worried about Ebola. I was worried about it.
Starting point is 01:58:58 I'm not even worried about Ebola. I'm worried about the flu. You know why? Because the flu kills more people than Ebola every fucking year. Not really. Number one killer before World War I was the flu. You know why? Because the flu kills more people than Ebola every fucking year. Not really. Number one killer before World War I was the flu. You know what the number one killer almost universally, the entire history of the human race is?
Starting point is 01:59:12 Death. Malaria. Oh. Malaria is killed. And old age. Old age is 100%. I'm at midnight of my ecological, environmental, and whatever it is, evolutionary clock, so I'm fucked.
Starting point is 01:59:24 But if I could just but hold on but you brought up an amazing point and I just because I had to deal with this recently and it was a big wait till you sober up and listen to the podcast before you make that statement it was a big epiphany for me when I said I have a penis
Starting point is 01:59:40 no it was I woke up one night and you know I used to to sleep you know 12 hours and i went now i wake up i don't know why but i woke up and it was my daughter's first day at school right and so you know i gotta take my daughter to the first day at school and i was thinking about school and i'd always been like you know i went to sort of public school rough schools and i think that's where i got to where I am because school is just bullshit. It's a curriculum everywhere you go.
Starting point is 02:00:08 But you learn the pecking order. You learn a lot of other shit besides fucking one plus one equals two. You learn where you are and what you do, and you learn how to fight. You learn how to not fight and do whatever you want. In any case, so I was thinking a lot about my daughter going to school because she has a different life than me because I grew up poor, and she has a different life than me because I, you know, I grew up poor and, you know, she has a different life than me.
Starting point is 02:00:27 And then I was thinking, you know, my daughter now is about to go to school for 25 fucking years. You go to school for 25 years. Why? Because you want to have a career. What's a career? Well, a career hopefully is something that you like doing and you make some money and maybe you make a difference or at least you convince yourself you make a difference and you know you make enough money to maybe buy a house and maybe you can retire somewhere warm because fucking cold makes your arthritis or aching I'm literally thinking about like life you know because because you you know like I went to school and then I worked and then you got a career and then you tried this and you know shit
Starting point is 02:01:03 and I've been at war I realized I've been at war, I realize. I've been at war since I was five years old. I fought every kid in the schoolyard, and then I tried to get fucking this, and I tried to play football, and whatever the fuck else, I was always at war. I was at war with my brother. We fought every day of our lives. And then when I got out of school, I started a company. That company, I was always at war, right?
Starting point is 02:01:24 All of a sudden, I woke up one day, okay? I went to school. I got my career. I got to work with my best friends. I became a billionaire, right? Doesn't happen. I got the A+. I got the fucking A+. And I'm sitting there going, okay, I don't have to go to school anymore. I don't have to work anymore. I don't have anything to do anymore. I can move to fucking my private island, put my Amadeus wig on, put the fucking ponytail butt plug up the ass and ride my fucking horse into the sunset.
Starting point is 02:01:55 Shit just got real. Now, why are you getting up in the morning? What do you have to fucking do? Why are you doing it? Now look at you. You are a fucking big star on TV. You're the number one fucking voice of the MMA. You've got a huge comedy career going on.
Starting point is 02:02:11 You do whatever the fuck you want to do. You're done. You won. You won. You got an A+. In the game of life, you got an A+. I got an A+. Guess what?
Starting point is 02:02:19 I don't have to do anything. I have no more chips on my shoulder. I have no more demons to exercise. What the fuck gets me up in the morning? Right? And then I said, you know what gets me up in the fucking morning? Fun.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Doing this shit with you, going out there and saying, hey, everybody, you can listen to me or not, but Antarctica's fucking melting. And if I don't say something about that, then I can't look my daughter in the eye when I figure her Kraft macaroni and cheese
Starting point is 02:02:48 would be burger or fucking mixed in. I don't think that shit is good for you. It isn't. You shouldn't give that to your kids. Your kids should be all organic. I eat most of it. But I can't look my fucking kids in the face unless I say, guess what?
Starting point is 02:03:03 We got to fix Washington washington doesn't work we got we have to fucking do something about global warming or we're all fucked uh now me and you we're still gonna be okay we'll be all right because we're much longer to live but our kids and by the way and i love your kids and you have beautiful kids and I have beautiful kids. And I love our kids. I don't give a fuck about me. I had a lot of fun. I did a lot of coke and drank a lot of booze and had a lot of sex and all that shit. But you're like, guess what?
Starting point is 02:03:34 Like we, you know, and so at this point you're like, I can either ride off into the sunset and say, fuck it, I'll sit on an island beach and I'll drink fucking mezcal every day. Or you can go out there and say, no matter what, I'm going to kick against the pricks. I'm going to say this ain't fucking right. By the way, what you're saying is bullshit. I'm going to go talk. By the way, I'm going to go interview Putin. I'm going to interview Putin.
Starting point is 02:03:57 I'm going to say, what the fuck are you doing? And by the way, guess who I'm interviewing after Putin? I'm interviewing Obama. And I'm going to say, what the fuck's going on? Why? Because why the fuck not? And that's why I always get excited about coming on this show is because this show is democracy in action. You have millions of fucking people listening. And guess what? Unless we say something, unless we wake up from our valium and booze induced stupor, nothing's going to fucking
Starting point is 02:04:24 happen. So why the fuck are you doing it? That's the question you should ask yourself in 2015. Not am I going to lose weight. Not am I going to read more fucking books. Not am I going to go wear Skechers instead of Nikes. It should be, why the fuck do I get up in the fucking morning? And now we're very lucky motherfuckers that we're post-economic and we can fucking say, I'm going to get up in the morning because of this.
Starting point is 02:04:47 I like how the 1% has relabeled themselves post-economic. Well, I'm the newest of the 1% and I'm giving it all away. Because I'll tell you one thing, money means a fuck of a lot when you don't have it. My old man told me the only thing that ever made any sense about money. He said, life is like a shit sandwich. The more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat. But once you get it, once you get that A+, you just say, fuck it. You know what I'd like to do?
Starting point is 02:05:14 I would like to buy 20 million acres and say, no one's allowed to fuck with that. You can't fucking do shit with that fucking land. I'm just gonna fucking leave it. Because that's one of the only things you can do that's a pure good. Just leave the land. Don't fucking mine it. Don going to fucking leave it. Because that's one of the only things you can do that's a pure good. Just leave the land. Don't fucking mine it. Don't fucking piss in it.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Don't shit in it. Don't put Joe's tuna barge and tequila boom boom room in there. Just leave it fucking gorgeous because fucking that's Godhead to me is nature. Well, I think one of the things that's changing in our world is that more people have the ability to communicate. They might not be able to communicate on the things that's changing in our world is that more people have the ability to communicate.
Starting point is 02:05:46 They might not be able to communicate on the scale that is like a podcast like this. But they have the ability to express themselves to us. And maybe, you know, if you were on Twitter or Facebook or you ran into them in some form of social media, you might read what they said and take it into account. So something about them trying to express themselves has some sort of a meaning. One of the things that has the most impact for those people is someone who can reach millions of people who represents their point of view. Yeah. Because most of them feel disenfranchised.
Starting point is 02:06:18 It's not happening. Vote Joe Rogan. There's a guy named Brian Stan. He was on my podcast this week. He can win. I can't. I don't have skeletons. I got graveyards.
Starting point is 02:06:25 This guy, I'm pretty sure his backyard is fairly clean. If you have graveyards, I have concentration camps and shit. We're all good. But that's why you're where you want to be. No, but you should run, dude. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'll be your press secretary. I should run on a treadmill.
Starting point is 02:06:37 I'll be your press secretary. To warm up for my workouts. I'm not into one. It's not happening. I would say to everybody out there that Joe Rogan would be the greatest political candidate. No, no, it would be terrible because I have other shit I want to do. I'm not going to stop commentating for the UFC. I love that.
Starting point is 02:06:52 I'm not going to stop doing stand-up. I love that. I'm not going to stop podcasting. I'm not going to stop hanging out with my kids and taking care of my family. So where's my time? Yeah, well, that's true. It doesn't exist. But this is just, it's not just as good as
Starting point is 02:07:06 being a president, but it's as far as like what I can do with who I am and what personality I've sort of developed along this path of life. If I wasn't me and I saw me and I said, hey man, you should talk about this shit because this is kind of weird. This is
Starting point is 02:07:22 kind of fucked up. My obligation is to do that and your obligation is to do that as well and i think that's what you're saying yeah you're right i used to play pool like to a degenerate level professional well i never played professional but i played in some pro you were good you were good you were good i wasn't good compared to people that were good but my point being i know you were good because you played with me the people that are really good at pool almost almost universally, they're gamblers. Almost universally. There's a few guys in Europe, but the American players,
Starting point is 02:07:53 almost all of them, what they call match-up. And the guys who are the best, they always look at pool as what the ultimate thing is winning. And what money is, is just fun coupons money is is just fun coupons. They're just pool coupons. You pass those back and forth. You don't worry about the money. You're not trying to accumulate money.
Starting point is 02:08:11 What you're trying to do is win the big score over and over and over. I worried about money a lot because I left home at 14 and I was broke. And I worried about a lot. You left home at 14? At 14. And I worried about. What did you do when you left home? I was a bad guy. How bad? Fairly. Medium. Damn. What did you do when you left home? I was a bad guy.
Starting point is 02:08:25 How bad? Fairly. Medium. No. Medium guy. I was medium bad because you can't be that bad in Ottawa, Canada, but I was as bad as it gets. But I got to say, like, you know, money consumed me for a long time, A.
Starting point is 02:08:42 And, B, I had a big old chip on my shoulder. I would say what fueled me for 75% of my life was spite. Because I would say, I'm going to fucking do this, and they'd roll their eyes and say, Shane, you're a fucking arsehole, Shane, you're bullshit, or whatever. And like, just recently, I'm going to launch a news network. And they're like, oh, fuck, Shane, you piece of shit. Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:09:03 The same family? No, my family. Your your family my family's awesome my family not your family no no i'm just saying people people in the world i'm confused sorry sorry you left but you left your family when you were 14 yeah but not because they were mean or shitty because you were crazy yeah i was old you were only 14 yeah but i was like i was, I was the same height I am now. I looked old. I was working as a bartender. You were working as a bartender at 14? I was screwing chicks. I was older than me.
Starting point is 02:09:30 I was getting drunk. You were a bartender at 14? 14. Well, this is Canada, too, back in the fucking day when it was like, all right, who gives a fuck? And it was, I was a punk kid. By the way, I had a great time. Bartending at 14? I would imagine. Yeah, and slinging coke and stuff. But the thing is, is like. Wait a minute. Whoa, hold great time. Bartending at 14? I would imagine.
Starting point is 02:09:45 Yeah, and slinging coke and stuff. But the thing is, is like... Wait a minute, you slung coke at 14? Yeah. But when don't you sling coke at 14? Do you know how funny that is? You're like, yeah. Well, I learned all my business acumen being a drug dealer
Starting point is 02:10:00 because it's pretty fucking simple. You have to make a margin and you have to do this and you have to mitigate risk and all this stuff. And then I went to Eastern Europe and I sold money, bought and sold money because you can make money, a lot of money on arbitrage, right? So the thing is, is money was outsized for me for a long time. It was just, it was a monkey on my back
Starting point is 02:10:24 and success was based on money and whatever. Now, the most arrogant fucking thing in the world you can say is I don't give a fuck about money, right? Because guess what? Everybody gives a fuck about money because that's how you eat. But the one thing, and it was Spike Jonze actually, we go away every once in a while, we go to the top of the mountain and we fucking talk about shit. And he was like, you're too concerned about about money because I'm literally a poor guy who was concerned about money and he's literally a guy who never give a fuck about money and that's why he's more successful than I am wait wait would you say guys more successful than
Starting point is 02:10:57 you after you said you're a billionaire let me tell you something about but anybody richer than a billionaire can go fuck themselves okay I'm gonna tell you something about anybody richer than a billionaire can go fuck themselves. Okay? That guy's an asshole. I'm going to tell you something about being a billionaire. A billionaire doesn't mean anything. Because guess what? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm going to tell you something.
Starting point is 02:11:13 That's a bunch of horse shit. But hold on. I'll tell you why. Because I'm going to give it all. I'm not going to give it all away. I'm going to buy a bunch of land because I believe in nature. I love nature. And make people compete for it.
Starting point is 02:11:21 Yeah, and die. No, and I'm just going to leave it. And that's why we're friends it that's going to be my thing but what I will say is it's true money won't buy you happiness but guess what your family not having to worry about where the next rent check is coming from
Starting point is 02:11:37 being able to fucking feed your kids all that shit that is important incredibly important it takes the stress away but more importantly it goes okay now take all that shit, that is important. Incredibly important. It takes the stress away. But more importantly, it goes, okay, now, take all that shit out of the equation. What the fuck are you going to do today, right? With everything you know, look at you. You're a powerful guy.
Starting point is 02:11:55 You got all these people listening to you. What are you going to do? Guess what? Joe Rogan can say, fuck you. I'm going to drive my fucking car. I'm going to go bow hunting. I'm going to fucking go to Vieques and fucking line the beach. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:12:06 You're fucking sitting here with me doing a back-to-back podcast, talking about shit, challenging people, putting information into people's minds. I don't have to ever work again. Why am I sitting here
Starting point is 02:12:16 on the fucking Rogan podcast? I could be doing USA Today. I could be doing fucking 60 Minutes. Why am I doing the Rogan podcast? Because this is... Anderson Cooper hit on you. That's what I heard. Because this is important,
Starting point is 02:12:29 and we always get to this at the end of the day, is there is a movement of like-minded people who have the A+, who go, I don't give a fuck about the A+. I don't give a fuck about the money. I don't give a shit about... You were the fucking biggest star on... I forget the network, but come on. What's the network? ABC, CBS? NBC! I wasn't ever the biggest star. I forget the network, but come on.
Starting point is 02:12:45 What's the network? ABC, CBS? NBC. I wasn't ever the biggest star at NBC by a long shot. Anyway, the thing about it is, what are you doing now? You're literally, hold on, you're literally spending your own fucking money to have shitheads like me come on here and talk to people. I know every time we get drunk, which I am now, I get all boozed up and say this, but this is democracy in
Starting point is 02:13:05 action. This is important. And by the way, you took your A-plus and said I'm going to do my own thing, bitch. I took my A-plus and said I'm going to do my own thing, bitch. We're not Brad Pitt or George Clooney accepting our Golden Globe Lifetime Achievement Award, but guess what? Millions of people are saying, hey,
Starting point is 02:13:21 how the fuck can we change the shit that you're talking about on the Rogan Show? This is the thing that people like least about us when we're drunk. We just compliment each other like joke But I've got to say I've got to say I've got to say if Joe Rogan and I don't get along then the world will end No, we'll be fine We'll all be fine as I've gotten older one of the things that i've really like come to to grips with is in this really strange way is that we for this brief glimpse that we're awake and alive we're really just a a blip in this infinite number of blips
Starting point is 02:13:59 and what what i everybody worries about their own finite nature. It's one of the things that troubles all of us, and I'm one of those people. It's impossible to avoid. I think anybody that doesn't, is not troubled by the idea that, you know, you only have a certain amount of days and hours and minutes on this earth before eventually this vehicle shuts down and stops working. Like, what are the things that are important to you while you're here? And what's important to you while you're here is trying to spread
Starting point is 02:14:27 what I would call harmony, what I would try to call this community, communion with each other, the ability to develop really honest, friendly relationships. And I think a lot of what we have, whether it's issues with Muslims or whether it's issues with Christians, I think a lot of the issues that we have across the board with human beings, with various ideologies, is a lack of communication, a lack of understanding that at the end of the day, we're like each other more than we're different. And what separates us and what you you're talking about and the good thing about having financial independence is that once you have financial independence it releases you in a way that's indescribable to people
Starting point is 02:15:13 that are caught up in the the constant very common web of existence existence it's hard I had a development hard when i was i was 26 years old and i got a development deal to come to california and do this television show and when i when i got i got a check and it was a like for like 150 000 or something along those lines and immediately it was like the whole world just just relaxed like i knew you know my rent was like 600 bucks or something like that i knew i could pay my rent now i knew i could eat now i knew i i knew i made 500 bucks in the average week doing stand-up i knew i could eat i could pay my rent i could eat and it was like this whoa and i remember sitting in my shitty apartment in new rochelle new york and i had this weird
Starting point is 02:16:02 epiphany when that happened i was like whoa this is like the biggest relief i've ever had in my life not i'm not rich by anybody's standards but all of a sudden now i'm a i'm slightly ahead of the run and i can stop and i can really look at the struggle behind me and i'm like oh we're caught up in we're caught up in the momentum of debt we're caught up in the momentum of stress we're caught up in the momentum of having to every this and that and every week worry about they're gonna shut my lights out oh my cable bill and writing checks and all that stupid that people do all day and as soon as you can step away from that then you start to look at your life and going like what is my life like this just constant worry about this impending tide of bills yes and pushing them back yes so the one thing the
Starting point is 02:16:53 responsibility that i think a person like you has or a person like i have is that once you are slightly ahead of that wave to let people know what it's like let people know what's going on up here and also let people know like you're like. Let people know what's going on up here and also let people know, like, you're being misled. This doesn't last forever. You're being misled. That's the whole thing. Not only are you being misled,
Starting point is 02:17:11 because we're all being misled. We're being seen in each other. What you're saying is 100% right. I was so caught up in bills and money and buying shit and not buying shit and being broke for so long that I got consumed about cash. And you're exactly right.
Starting point is 02:17:28 When you have this, it could be 100 grand. It could be whatever. It could be Vegas. It doesn't matter what it is. But you get it and then you go, oh, all that time I spent worrying about it. All that time I was freaked out. All that time. Like, it's just a construct.
Starting point is 02:17:45 We make it up it money is just a bunch of fucking computer fucking blips on the screen and then when you get it you realize and this is I I know how arrogant it is to say but at the same time you're like fuck like all that time because i'm stupid all that time i was trying to chase the money i should have been trying to chase something else i don't know because i'll tell you but hold on i'll tell you what i mean because you know spike jones who i love more than anything you know he, he made Adaptation, being John Malkovich, every fucking award-winning music video,
Starting point is 02:18:29 every award-winning fucking commercial. Not everyone. Most. Did he make Thriller? Most. Sean Landis is freaking out right now. What was I doing? I was trying to make money.
Starting point is 02:18:39 We actually won one of our Go to the Mountain things. It was like, take money out of the equation, what would you be doing? And you know what? I said, I'd be doing news, because that's the only things, it was like, take money out of the equation, what would you be doing? And you know what? I said, I'd be doing news because that's the only shit that I really like doing anymore. Guess what I did after that? I started a news channel.
Starting point is 02:18:53 And news is stupid. You can't make money. You can't do things. It's not going to work. You can't start a new news channel. We're the fastest growing news channel in the fucking world, Joe. Yeah, but why does everybody say you can't make money in the news? Because everyone's dumb.
Starting point is 02:19:07 And everyone will tell you you can't do something. We've talked about this before. Everyone will tell you you can't do something until you do it and then they'll say, I always knew you could do it. But the thing is, because it's difficult to do, we have, we're bigger than NBC and CBS News combined on our online
Starting point is 02:19:23 viewership were the largest and fastest growing news agency in the world. Everyone told me I would fail. Every single person without exception told me I would fail. The reason why we didn't is because everyone's doing such a shitty job. We're tallest of the midgets. But I will say this about Spike. He said, take money out of the equation.
Starting point is 02:19:43 What would you do? I said, I'm going to do news. He goes, if that's what's what's gonna get you up in the morning go to fucking news and tell everyone else to go to hell which is what i've been doing which is why we've been getting a little bit of trouble because now everyone's like i like vice news and i don't like the other vice anymore but there you go people like vice news but they don't like the other vice well because vice when we came up was like poo-poo cack in the book crazy vice advice you know and now general butt naked that kind of shit yeah but now news became so big overnight vice news and vice are now fighting each other for being how big they are and so now no like people like i don't
Starting point is 02:20:18 want to see poopoo cack in the bum bums or i don't want to see your music shit or your travel shit and i'm like well then just turn into vice news don't turn into see your music shit or your travel shit. And I'm like, well, then just turn into Vice News. Don't turn into the other shit. But the fact is this news became so fucking big that it's now coloring the rest of the brand because the rest of the brand used to be everything. And now everybody just wants fucking news. Which, by the way, I love news, but I still like all the other shit too. You know what the problem is?
Starting point is 02:20:42 It's not even everybody that's complaining. That's not really the problem. The problem is access. The problem is you shouldn't have 300 million in America plus worldwide have access to just throw Twitter comments up and Facebook comments and YouTube comments. Welcome to my life. Even though it's not bad, it's not bad.
Starting point is 02:20:59 But it's overwhelming in the sense that it's very, very difficult to manage. It's almost impossible to manage those numbers So you're gonna get people that complain Some of them is some of their complaints are legitimate and some of their complaints are just to get your attention And the best way to get your attention is to tell you you're shitting the bed. You're fucking up. You're doing badly You're disappointing them. It's not as good as the old device. The old device was better I'll tell you two things about that and that's exactly right no but I'll tell you two things about that I'll get a hundred things saying you're changing the world you're
Starting point is 02:21:32 changing news room and one thing saying you fucking cocks like what I'm like cocksucker I'll fucking meet you at 59th and 7th I'll kick your ass so a beat and and this hits on I don't know about you but about me in my life is that you sit there and you say you know I I start I had a small company before and and it was ten people in a room and you're like Joe you got the fucking photo and And fucking Ted, do you have the thing? And fucking Rosalie, do you? And now we're doing something on the order of 14,000 posts a day. And everyone's like, Shane, did you fucking see
Starting point is 02:22:15 what fucking Vice Bulgaria put up and that goddamn bullshit? And Germany just said that this and that and whatever else. And you're like, I'm sorry, but I'm lucky if i see seven posts a day and we do 14 000 and that's the problem with running something is that you go when it was just me it's easy when it becomes i don't know how many people we even have 4 000 employees some shit you're like doing 14 000 posts sucks. And I've got to say, when it is just you, it's you. But then it's not Vice. Then it's not a thing. It's just me.
Starting point is 02:22:53 And what I'm trying to do now or what Vice is trying to do now is to have much more of a cohesive point of view. And ironically, how we're going to do that is we're buying TV networks around the world. We're going to make TV shows that then we then push out for the first time ever, day and date, with online and mobile. No one's ever done it before. And we believe we'll have the largest audience in the world,
Starting point is 02:23:22 online, collectively online, mobile, and TV, and then the question is, okay, great, what are you going to put in there? We don't want to put in shit just between the ads. We're like, okay, who wants all of the people, the Spikes and the Harmonies and the Yous and whoever else, now we're saying
Starting point is 02:23:40 we can put whatever the fuck we want out to the largest audience in the world, we just don't want to put shit out can put whatever the fuck we want out to the largest audience in the world. We just don't want to put shit out there because why the fuck are we getting out of bed in the morning? And that is going to be our 2015. And that is why I believe I'm positive. Because I'm going to give it a shot. I might fuck up.
Starting point is 02:23:59 I might not do a good job. But at least I'm going to have that shot. And we're going to go out. We're going to try to do something that doesn't suck. suck well there's a bunch of people that will complain about anybody in any position of power that is either above them or has more influence than them but if there's a person that you you would be like oh that guy got it there's a person that would be i would be relaxed in a position to disseminate information it It would be you. And again, this is more of what most people hate about this show is us sucking each other's dicks. But you're a genuine gangster.
Starting point is 02:24:32 I know you do all this crazy shit even though you have money. And you can do whatever you want. You don't kowtow and you don't suck up to the corporations. And as weird as the position that you're in is, I wouldn't want anybody else doing it other than you. Because most people would play it safe. I'm going to say one thing. When we announce anything big, we'll announce it on Joe Rogan. Why?
Starting point is 02:24:54 I'll be honest. Hold on, why? Because literally, we've said it before, and I would challenge somebody to watch the trajectory of these podcasts because we're going to launch one of the largest TV networks in the world will launch it on the Joe Rogan show why because we're the same why the fuck would we launch it on today's show or whatever the fuck it is or who the fuck cares and by the way you only live once we work with our friends we do with our friends and by the way we are the new
Starting point is 02:25:21 audience oh I'm one thing I'd like to say for anyone who gives a shit because i think for 100 people who say fucking rogan and shane doing stuff is good when people say you're so self-congratulatory the reason why is because joe's a real guy this is a real fucking dude who came fucking up i'm a real guy we came up and half of it is us looking around going can you fucking believe this shit? Can you believe where we are today? We're sitting here having a conversation with two mutual fucking dudes we just have anyway. And millions of people are listening to us. And guess what?
Starting point is 02:25:59 We're going to announce fucking the next wave of media in the world together. Why? Because we can. And guess what? If we don't celebrate that we're the first fucking generation that's ever doing that, then we should fuck off. I don't know. I'm getting weird signals. No, you're not getting weird.
Starting point is 02:26:11 I'm getting fucking weird things. We went black for a second there on the screen. But look, just to be a human being, the fact that you and I are having this conversation, two freakazoids who would never be on anything any fucking other way, even if we get in shit for it, I'm going to say it every time. Because if I'm going to ever do anything
Starting point is 02:26:31 and announce anything I'm going to do on the Rogan Show, why? Because Joe Rogan is the fucking man. And because, guess what? I love him, and that's all that fucking matters. We're blowing each other again. I'm trying to avoid this. I'm done now.
Starting point is 02:26:42 I'm over. Everyone can fuck off. The world's about to end. It's not. We're going on each other again. I'm trying to avoid this. I'm done now. I'm over. Everyone can fuck off. The world's about to end. It's not. We're going to be okay. But I see what you're saying, and it sort of aligns with what I'm saying, is that we find ourselves in very unique positions that we didn't expect to be in. And those positions happened because everything aligned with information.
Starting point is 02:27:02 You don't need to do this podcast. You don't need to do this podcast. You don't need to do this podcast. Why the fuck do you do this podcast? Well, I want to have a conversation like this with you. If you and I had a conversation at a restaurant, it would be 15 to 20 minutes of your insane trips about the world. We would laugh. We would tell jokes.
Starting point is 02:27:18 But there's an awareness of the fact that this is being broadcast that makes us stay on point and focus on some, and occasionally a little dick sucking every now and then. Well, hold on. I don't like that whole dick sucking thing. Not that I don't like dick sucking. I'm just saying with criticisms of us. But hold on. I would say
Starting point is 02:27:36 the hundred people saying I love the Rogan podcast versus the one dick sucker. The one thing I would just like to say is what I'm doing is saying that this is the first time in media history where conversations like this can happen. Yeah. And I don't think that's fucking dick sucking.
Starting point is 02:27:54 Well, it's because of a lack of censorship. And that's one of the most important things about what's going on in France. There you go. Exactly. Don't criticize people that you think they got it wrong with their take or their humor, their satire. No, criticize the people that are trying to silence dissent, that are trying to silence other people's criticism.
Starting point is 02:28:13 Satire. Criticize those people. Don't criticize the people that were making cartoons. Also, we should celebrate the fact that two motherfuckers can sit there and go out there and say whatever the fuck they want, and people can listen or not listen. And it's never happened before. This is very rare times. It's never happened before.
Starting point is 02:28:28 And not only that, anyone can do this. Any guy right now who has an iPhone. I mean, Duncan and I and Ari and I, we've done many podcasts on planes where we're sitting next to each other. Well, one of us will hold the phone up in between the armrests, and we'll just talk, and we'll have a podcast on a plane.
Starting point is 02:28:45 You know what also the big difference is? Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are out there. It used to be maybe it's three, four, five, six. This is now a movement. And that's why, like, whenever I come here, I have to go see fucking Rogan. Why? A, we're friends. B, I love your family. C, like, I don't want to go see fucking Rogan. Why? A, we're friends. B, I love your family. C, like, I don't want to go talk to anybody else.
Starting point is 02:29:09 I don't give a fuck about anybody else. So I'm going to stop with the dick sucking. But I would like to say this is the celebration of free speech. And I give you total kudos because you don't have to fucking do this. You don't have to pay for this place and do all this stuff. Yeah. But I'm always blown away that you do and I'll stop there. That's very nice. But I do because anyone who couldn't, but all of a sudden was given the opportunity would. And that's exactly the situation I find myself in. And all of it is played out for all of us in a very unique way that none of us could have planned out,
Starting point is 02:29:43 including just the average person that is on Facebook or Twitter that sends a message that you respond to or I respond to or anybody, Duncan, or anyone responds to. We're in this weird era of communication that's never existed before. And we're a part of it as much as anyone else. And we're a part of it in that we represent that even though you do make a lot of money or you do pay a part of it and that we represent that even though you you know you do make a lot of money or you do pay a lot of taxes you still are just a regular person
Starting point is 02:30:11 and you will continue to do those stories that you find fascinating and in need of illumination yeah these all these stories whether it's your story and you you went to north korea you're rich as fuck you didn't have to go there. You did that because this was compelling, and this was also something that you felt like needed to be illuminated. But you also have to look at you and say, okay, you know, where's everyone else doing that? Where's Brad Pitt or... But he's doing his own thing.
Starting point is 02:30:40 I mean, Brad Pitt is, like, he adopts a lot of kids. But who's actually paying money out of their own pocket to create a studio, to have dialogue? And by the way, I will say this. The only thing that really fucking matters in this world is dialogue. We have to talk about shit. And if we stop talking about shit, we're dead. And, you know, you might not agree with me,
Starting point is 02:31:02 you might agree with me, whatever, but at least we can come here, we can talk about shit. If you can't talk about shit, we're done. But the way you're talking, this is what's really important, and this is what's really resonating with people that are listening to this podcast or watching it. We're talking in a way, I mean, I joked around about Anderson Cooper. He seems like a nice guy.
Starting point is 02:31:23 He's gay, he's probably been fucked with his whole life. He's probably fine. I bet if you sit down with him, he's fine. I bet a good percentage of the shield he puts up is just to try to keep his job as a gay albino in a fucking white man's world. You know what I mean? But the reality is that guy can't do this. Well, if Shane, if Shane Smith wants to go out and have his own podcast and you do it in a sumo diaper one of those crazy sumo diapers and you have all these thai lady boys around you and
Starting point is 02:31:51 you're drinking fucking drinks with umbrellas in it you're smoking big spliffs but you're still talking about the world and important points people will still listen. You know why? Because you're being what is absolutely 100% lacking in all of corporate-controlled media, and that is authentic. That's what's missing. I will say this. I don't know Anderson Cooper, and I don't know most of these people. He lives in a firehouse. But what I will say is, and this is a big deal, for me anyways, personally,
Starting point is 02:32:27 is we were in negotiations with Time warner and we were in negotiations a lot of people and uh you know i could have made a lot of money but they wanted anderson cooper and you to go on a cruise that would be no problem i'll go on a cruise with anyone no what what like one of the things is everyone wants control, right? And I fought very hard to keep control. I don't even know why. Quite frankly, let's be honest, because this goes back to the one day you wake up and say, I got the money, I won the game, what the fuck am I doing?
Starting point is 02:32:57 Why am I fighting so hard for control? I vote 95% of the board, I'm the largest single shareholder of Vice. Why did I do that? Why didn't I take money off the board and spend it? I'm not, by the way, I'm not setting myself up. I don't know the answer to that question. But at least for now, I run fucking Vice. Now, I don't run it perfectly
Starting point is 02:33:18 because a lot of shit gets through that shouldn't get through and a lot of things happen that shouldn't happen because I don't have enough time in the day, and there's a bottleneck, and I have to get better at that. But the thing is, is I was able to launch Vice News by myself. I was able to launch a Vice News. We're up for Peabody's and Poacher's.
Starting point is 02:33:37 I just won the Knight Foundation Award for Journalism, which is great. I've never even heard of that shit. Well, it's... If I was trying to... I was was at a party and I was trying to talk to a girl, she was like, yeah, I just won the Knight Award for journalism. Knight Foundation, cocksucker. In any case, I'm trying to do a humble brag, but what I'm trying to say is I could do that.
Starting point is 02:34:01 I could say, you know what, I'm going to override my board, I'm going to override everybody, I'm going to override my board. I'm going to override everybody. I'm going to override my investors. And I'm going to invest in news when everyone says you shouldn't because there's no money to be made in news, which is true. But guess what? We did it. Why?
Starting point is 02:34:14 Because it's fucking important. You're a guy. You don't have to do any of this shit. You're in fucking Hollywood. You're a celebrated motherfucker. You can come out here and you can not do fucking anything and fucking kill it. you're a celebrated motherfucker. You can come out here and you can not do fucking anything
Starting point is 02:34:23 and fucking kill it. Now, what I'd like to say is you got two medium old guys here who like a fucking few drinks. And by the way, we're regular dudes who just grew up and said, hey, I watched Scooby-Doo
Starting point is 02:34:35 when I was young and then I did this and then I did that and now we're just sitting here. That said, I believe that we're in the majority. I believe that us and people like us
Starting point is 02:34:44 are in the majority and then we look at and people like us are in the majority, and we look at shit now and say, hold on a second. All these old motherfuckers are dying off. We control this country now, not only this country, but probably, you know, the West, you know, with our money and with our politics. Why are we still doing all this shitty stuff? The only guy that does it week in and week out
Starting point is 02:35:04 and says, why are we still doing this shitty stuff is fucking Joe Rogan. Now, Anderson Cooper, what he does is sits there and says, here's the storm here or whatever there. He's not a weatherman. He's a weatherman. So for me, by the way, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you right now.
Starting point is 02:35:20 Fuck CNN. Up the ass. And fuck all mainstream media. Fuck Fox News. Up the ass. And fuck all mainstream media. Fuck Fox News. Up the ass. How rude. But what I will say is, we'll at least try. I'm not going to just say fuck CNN and not try to be better than them.
Starting point is 02:35:34 I believe in the first eight months of Vice that we were better than CNN. We're up for all the awards, right? We are rating better than CNN. And by the way, we're not doing it great we're not perfect we're not doing it great but we're gonna get there well you know certainly you know you know they didn't we broke ebola we broke isis we were the first in ukraine we were the first in gaza but guess who the people i'm gonna go talk about that what did you cnn and 60 minutes they had their time so rude i can't be a part of this because i was about Fucking people aren't going to go talk about that. What did you do? Fuck CNN and fuck 60 Minutes.
Starting point is 02:36:05 They had their time. They're done. This is so rude. I can't be a part of this because I was about to do a deal with Larry King to relaunch Larry King Live. Well, fine. But he's gone. He's going to do his own thing. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:36:17 Well, he's on the internet now. He should do his own thing. Isn't he? He's on the internet? He should do his own thing. But if he found out that he gets more views on the internet than he ever did on CNN. But he will, though. He will.
Starting point is 02:36:27 Probably. He will. Of course he will. Of course. If he just got somebody behind him with some shekels, give him some growth hormones, some testosterone. Pump him up. I would back him except for the fact that he's fucking old as shit. Hey, easy.
Starting point is 02:36:39 We're all going to be fucking old. Well, I'm not going to be old, my friend. If he was old and he was Timothy Leary, you'd back him. I don't know. I'm not going to be old. Some was old and he was timothy leary you'd back him i don't know i'm not an old gangster you're not gonna be old yeah you think so yeah don't you think that somewhere along the line science will save you science will step in i hope they will liver regeneration pill we give shane a shot and i did a liver cancer piece and i was like i will literally give you all my money if you can fucking cure my liver cancer. Excuse me, I know it's in the mail because I like to drink booze. And I got to tell you, I like to drink booze.
Starting point is 02:37:12 I like to eat food. I like to sleep. I'm a sensualist. Sensualist? You like senses? I like sensual things. Yeah. Who doesn't?
Starting point is 02:37:21 I want to find that fuck. Have you ever been experienced? I want to find that guy who wants to be numb. He's rubbing lidocaine on his dick all day. Who is he? That guy's the best. You only live once and then you're dead for a long time. That's what I'm saying, dog.
Starting point is 02:37:35 Fuck all those people that disagree. Sensory experience is one of the beautiful things about life. The greatest thing about life is life. Enjoy your fucking shit no matter what it is and then you're gonna be dead for a long time so just do it the older I get the more I'm just like I'm gonna enjoy this shit out of this motherfucker that's what I'm saying yeah the older I get though the more I realize like this is gonna that's that this goddamn thing on fire and go when I was 20 I didn't think it was going to end.
Starting point is 02:38:05 When I was 30, I was like, this shit's going to end way in the future. When I'm 40, I'm like, hey, when does this end? Now I'm 47, I'm like, how much time do I have left? Those are the steps. The immortality of the 20s is staggering to me now. Yeah. Because I used to just think it's all going to go on forever. Well, I have a buddy, and he he called me once and he goes you know what's the scariest fucking
Starting point is 02:38:30 thing in the world teenage boys oh fuck you and i go why he goes i was the scariest they don't know yeah he goes they don't know they don't know and they want to make a name and they want to fuck shit up and smash it yeah it's true and i think that that's one of the the weird things about life is that you no one comes out of the box with any sort of understanding of what the the grand spectrum of this this experience is the scariest thing in life is teenage boys done because they don't give a fuck i was a teenage boy and I would fuck the shit up. And every time I'm in, it doesn't matter if you're in Africa, Afghanistan, whatever,
Starting point is 02:39:10 if you see a bunch of teenage kids with guns, you're fucked. If you see a guy with a gray beard, you're like, I can talk to this guy. I can talk to this guy. He's right. The scariest thing in life is teenage boys. That's true. In understanding of that, or in consideration of that, the scariest thing in life is teenage boys well that's true in in understanding of that or in in consideration
Starting point is 02:39:26 of that the scariest thing in life is really ignorance power and ignorance together and when you're 18 and where you and you're a young man your idea of what you you can accomplish once you start getting laid once you win your first fist fight once you you know you're at the top of the world it's like you you you get into this experience in life where because of the limited amount of information that you've been exposed to, the limited amount of people that you've met, the limited amount of friends that you've had, you start forming your world. And your world is so small. It's so tiny tiny but you think because
Starting point is 02:40:07 of the limited amount of experience that you have you think that this is what's up California weed you can live it in New York too long son they're all fake I literally can't talk as Joe Rogan smokes the strongest bottle of... But... represent. I think that you're exactly right in that when I was young, I would tell you I knew what the fuck I was talking about. I would tell you I understood mortality. I would tell you all this shit.
Starting point is 02:40:41 But the fact of the matter is, no matter how bad the fight or how drunk i was driving my car home or jumping off the bridge into the water or all the stupid i did when i was young in the back of my mind i believed i would never die and even because i hung out with this gang of kids and a bunch of them died from drug overdoses and a bunch of them died from car accidents. It's just sad shit. There's nothing sadder than a teenager dying. But the thing is, quite frankly,
Starting point is 02:41:14 they all died from the boring shit. They all died from you got wasted and you fucking hit the car. You got fucking wasted and you overdosed or whatever the fuck it is. And you look at it now and go, you know how wasted you overdosed whatever the fuck it is and you look at it now and go you know how much you missed man you know how much of all this crazy fucking shit you didn't get to see you know and at that point you're like look i was the dumbest motherfucker on earth when i left home at 14 and I got progressively dumber until I was
Starting point is 02:41:45 probably my mid-20s and I think when mortality comes and gets you and this is I don't know about you with it's hit me is every day is fucking awesome you know I I see the worst shit in the world every day with politics and with poverty and with environment whatever the fuck it is well guess what fucking life is fucking awesome if you're healthy life is amazing if you're healthy life if you're healthy if you're healthy and you have friends that's the big one that's why solitary confinement is the darkest shit of all time and hold on and this goes back to our first point if you gotta be healthy be healthy. You're right. You've got to, you know, have friends, family,
Starting point is 02:42:29 somebody out there, you know. You've got to enjoy your shit, you know. Enjoy your food. Enjoy your fucking sleep. Enjoy your book, whatever the fuck it is. But the other thing is, is if you don't have future, if you don't have, like, tomorrow's going to be good too, you know, then you're fucked, and that's why we all have to participate in that sorry i cut you off well it's it's inevitable i mean
Starting point is 02:42:51 we're all participating because it's inevitable i mean we're all a part of this crazy growing wave i've now become addicted to your it's good for you dude don't be scared Addicted to your... It's good for you, dude. Don't be scared. Very delightful. It's going to just calm you down and soothe you and relax your soul. But if I had to do it all over again, I would realize that every day is fucking just... I think you wouldn't.
Starting point is 02:43:16 You've got to kill it. I think if you had to do it all over again, you'd do it exactly the same way. Probably. Because if you didn't, you would never learn the lessons that you learned. You know, I mean, I'm not claiming that I've gone the perfect path. But every fucking disaster I've ever been a part of, every mistake I've ever made, it's made me humble, reconsider, be more considerate, be more introspective, be more observant, be more objective.
Starting point is 02:43:43 Just look at it from, you to up you can't like everybody that up they feel like they're a bad person because they up but no you're just a person hopefully you didn't up too bad but that's how you learn by up yeah it's you never when it when it when you're killing it you're like oh yeah i'm the smartest i'm the best exactly you learn by up that's what people hate right hate, right? What do we hate more than anything? We hate cockiness, right? Yeah. It's one of the things that people hate more than anything.
Starting point is 02:44:10 Which is, yes, it's true, and I've learned that the hard way. Because I like being cocky. I like guys. I like saying, I'm going to fucking kill it. And I like other guys. I like guys going and saying they're going to kill it. If they don't, fuck them or whatever. That's bro talk.
Starting point is 02:44:24 No, but I do. I like people being confident and going out there and. If they don't, fuck them or whatever. That's bro talk. No, but I do. I like people being confident and going out there and doing that shit. Of course, because it's tribal. Well, my old man always said to me when I was young, he goes, they're going to tell you life is fair. That's not true. He goes, life is brutal. You have to be the smartest and the toughest and you have to win
Starting point is 02:44:44 and you have to be there in the right place at the right time. And even then, if you have a little dick, you're fucked. Well, because I have a huge dick. That didn't come into it. But no, it was just like he was honest, because that's the truth. It's fucking hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:01 It's hard, and you have to have a little bit of luck as well and everyone else tells their kids it's fine it's good it's gonna be great and my old man was like actually it's gonna be fucking hard so you better really fucking try to hit it because if you get fucked up it's only gonna travel with you and at that point you sit there and go honesty goes a long way we're wasted we should probably go and I gotta get a plane best ending of a podcast ever a long drunken rant and you should probably get out of here because it's only gonna get worse from now on for me Shane's bad motherfucker you every time we talk I feel inspired you're a bad motherfucker, dude.
Starting point is 02:45:45 The next time we have a rule, a new rule, next podcast, there'll be no complimenting each other. Either one at all. I love you, but it's enough. Enough already. We're getting ridiculous. All right. You're the best, man. I appreciate you very much.
Starting point is 02:45:59 I appreciate you very much. I appreciate you coming on, too. Thank you very much. All right, fuckers. We'll be right back in about 10 minutes with the great Ari Shafir. Booyah! Hit it! I got an arse holder on that.

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