The Joe Rogan Experience - #61 - Cliffy B

Episode Date: December 8, 2010

Joe sits down with Cliffy B. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 music and then you know edited but no we don't even fucking feel alive and dirty it is dirty dude it's dirty as fuck bam oh is this music maybe what is this called there's a slight pause what's the what's the music called portal from the portal soundtrack still alive we tried to play this the other day but i don't think i'm high enough i'm making a here, huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Aperture science. You know you want another hit of this. We do what we must because we can. Don't be scared, homie.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Do you play this? I'm going deeper. How do you like that? I'm going four. This is four that I'm going forward this is four I might be too high to talk Cliffy B offering to help out offering to help out. Offering to help out if I can't talk. That's a real pal. This problem driving over.
Starting point is 00:01:15 We started getting into good subjects. It's like, save it. No way. Save it. Save it. That's the problem. You get cool people that come out before the podcast. Then when you try and recycle the exact same conversation, sometimes it doesn't have the exact same. Fake as fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:26 So, earlier you were talking about hide your kids, hide your wife. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That guy. What happened to him? Crazy. Ladies and gentlemen, joining us on the podcast is the one and only, the real Cliffy B. Yay.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Cliff Blazinski. Am I saying it right? Yep. Fresh off the plane. Fresh off the plane fresh off the plane if you don't know cliffy be Behind us is Gears of War is playing on the big screen in Casa de Brian and that is one of the masterpieces from cliffy be and cliffy is a game designer for epic games and It's been my friend for a long time. We've been friends for how long now. It's like 10 years now 10 years bitches
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah, thank you has a habit of basically going around to it Is this the one you find in a beer can How long now? It's like 10 years now. 10 years, bitches. Joe has a habit of basically going around to a... Fleshlight. Don't touch it. Is this the one you fuck? Is it in a beer can? That's the most used and horribly slutty fleshlight you've ever, ever had. I thought it was a beer that overflowed the fridge. This is the fleshlight.
Starting point is 00:02:17 This is a sponsor of our podcast. Before we go any further... That's the fleshlight in a can, actually. If you go to... Yeah, and apparently this one is not the most effective one. If you're just looking for something to have sex with, you might as well go with the standard version. The can one is more of a novelty item. You can get it done if you need to.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Look at this, dripping with water. You're a disgusting human being. You are wretched. Brian went through a dry spell. He broke up with his girls. He's got excuses. Oh, dude. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Stop it. You're fucking freaking me out. If you go to, don't wipe it on me, man. That's not cool. That is so not cool. You wipe it on your pillow, your dog's going to, oh, man, we got problems. Anyway, if you go to, you enter in, click the link for the flashlight, you get 15% off.
Starting point is 00:02:59 You enter in the code word Rogan. Is that right, Rogan? Yeah. I ask you every week, and I always forget. Anyway, with that out of the way, Cliff Wazinski, lead game designer for Gears of War and so many other fucking cool games. Unreal.
Starting point is 00:03:12 He's actually a design director now. Design director? Yeah. Is that a different thing? Yeah, I mean, it's basically like if you can prove yourself working on multiple projects, then you get to try and sprinkle a little bit of the magic, fairy dust, and all the other projects.
Starting point is 00:03:23 We've got Boltstorm coming out. I don't know if you saw that one. What is it? It's called Bolt Storm. No, what is that? It's kind of like... You remember Firefly and Serenity, those TV shows Joss Whedon did?
Starting point is 00:03:32 It's kind of like that meets Duke Nukem. Serenity, I sort of remember seeing the ads. I don't think I ever watched it. You're like a drunken space pirate who winds up crash landing on a planet and you wind up using a combination of crazy guns and your boot to kind of fight your way off the planet. Oh, wow. Yeah, it's actually really fucking kind of fight your way off the planet. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah. It's actually really fucking cool. It's coming out in February. Wow. That sounds pretty fucking cool. It's developed by a bunch of crazy Polish guys and I've been working on that a bunch. We got our iPhone game dropping this Thursday. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:57 What is it? Yeah. It's called Infinity Blade. It's like punch out with swords. Wow. For the iPhone. And will you be able to play against people? Not yet? Not yet
Starting point is 00:04:05 First release is Just one player But I mean The beauty of Apple right now Is you have these updates Right? Right Remember in the PC days
Starting point is 00:04:11 It used to be patches Yeah And you're like Shit I gotta get a patch This sucks This is broken Now it's updates And you're like
Starting point is 00:04:17 Wow I'm getting an update It's a gift Here's the thing That people don't appreciate If you came up In the old Windows days It's seamless It always works.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Man, I started out with Windows 95, and I'm sure you probably started way before that. We're showing our age, dude. Yeah. Windows 95 was the first PC that I ever had, and I remember one time, I somehow or another, I did something,
Starting point is 00:04:40 somehow or another, I installed my operating system onto one of those big drives What are those big stupid drives? Remember those things? Floppy? No, it was like Another step above that
Starting point is 00:04:51 Zip drive Oh yeah, the slow ones It was a big one It was probably like one megabyte Or something stupid It really wasn't that big It's a stone tablet Yeah, it was giant
Starting point is 00:04:59 It's big fucking brick Chisel it yourself And somehow or another That became my startup drive I installed Windows on that. So then it took like four days for your computer to boot up? It wouldn't boot up.
Starting point is 00:05:08 It was just chaos. And so I had to bring it into a guy who was a PC expert who figured out what the fuck I, what retardation I had. That guy later went on to the Geek Squad
Starting point is 00:05:16 and he's a billionaire now. Yeah, and meanwhile. The technology's built to decay. It's like money, right? Like anytime you have something like six months later there's a new version that comes out.
Starting point is 00:05:24 You're like, damn, I've got to upgrade this. You know what? They say that, but I don't see it that way. I think it's exciting. I don't think of people like, oh, this sucks because the new shit's coming out and they build it that way. No, they're just trying to catch up with the ideas.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I think technology is moving at such a fucking insane rate. I've got guys at work. They have kids right now. My buddy Lee, he's one of our designers, he pulled his daughter aside and he's like, look, things have gotten pretty cool
Starting point is 00:05:49 in my lifetime, you have absolutely no idea the things you're in for, like where the world is going, like the world in 10, 15 years is gonna be completely unrecognizable. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:05:57 I agree. It's like from where we were as kids, like you can't even imagine, right, like with nanotechnology and everything, it's unbelievable. And you and I,
Starting point is 00:06:04 I'm sorry, you and I have had this conversation a couple of times one of the things you turned me on to is fucking 3d printers yeah the idea that you're going to be able to have certain elements inside of a machine and you're going to be able to print objects we talked about on the podcast before that you're not going to have to go to stores to buy things no more than you have to go to stores to get a picture you can download a picture i already hate going to the store now dude like you know you go to big box retail a picture. You can download a picture. I already hate going to the store now, dude. You go to big box retail, it takes like 45 minutes to find what you want.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Like, okay, so now I use Amazon, but if I can actually have a fabricator in my house that can print out a pen, like, fine, right? Because you have the wooden type ones right now that kind of print it out of kind of like a shaved material, right? And you can just send them a 3D studio object. And then they have metal ones where you can just build your metal object just layer by layer. And eventually it's going to be everything. Glass. They've got to figure out a way to manipulate whatever atoms and molecules
Starting point is 00:06:47 to build whatever you want out of it. It's just unbelievable. And it's coming online, man. And smart dust we were talking about, right? Yeah. That was another thing that you set me hip to. Well, explain the whole thing for people who don't know what smart dust is. At a very high level because, again, I'm a bit of a Luddite despite what I do for a living. It's
Starting point is 00:07:03 this kind of dust that they're able to sprinkle out in the battlefield. Each one has a little bit of a transmitter on it. And they can detect if anybody walks on it, like any sort of footstep patterns on it. Because it essentially creates a little network that then sends back to base. And then what happens is it can also kind of catch in people's shoes and little bits of their clothing. You know, just like little DNA bits you would find with pieces of hair in a crime scene. And they can track whoever actually has that on them, right? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:07:23 You combine where technology is going with the connectivity we have in the world and it's really scary, right? We talk about the end of privacy as we know it, right? How big are these things? They're tiny. They're the size of a small grain of sand. Motherfucker. And I don't know how many are actually out there yet, right?
Starting point is 00:07:36 Think about how much sand you get in your shoes when you go to the beach. Yeah, I get a lot. Could you imagine if all that sand was transmitters? We probably already have this on us, by the way. Yeah, right? By the time we know about it. I've always said about clones. By the time we hear about it, it's been in use for years.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, when they talk about clones, I'm like, by the time they tell you they've cloned a person, the guy telling you is probably a clone. Yeah, I wonder how many technologies are actively in use by the government that if your average person knew about, it would result in total anarchy. It's in Axe Body Spray. I've gotten it. It really is. It's on the whole Axe line. Axe Body Spray is only for douchebags. It's in Axe Body Spray. I've gotten... It really is. It's on the whole Axe line.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Axe Body Spray is only for douchebags. That's why. They want to track douchebag activity. It's the first thing when they step outside of chimps when they do medical studies
Starting point is 00:08:13 on chimps, test out mascara on them and shit. I noticed you're an Old Spice guy there in the bathroom. Yeah, I'm an Old Spice guy or whatever's cheapest.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah, whatever gets the job done. And it has to be white. I need white deodorant. That's racist. I don't need the blue kind. That's like avatar cream. It doesn't work. Do you do the antiperspirant thing?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Fuck yeah, I do. I don't think that's a good thing for your body. I don't wear antiperspirant. I know I stink sometimes, but I don't mind. You know what's important to me? What's important to me is I don't clog my pores up when they're trying to leak out sweat. What is that about? You're just gumming up your pores so that sweat doesn't come out?
Starting point is 00:08:49 You're not just plugging them. You're using some sort of fucking nasty chemical that jacks your whole system. Yeah, but how many people get armpit cancer? If I got armpit cancer, I'd be like, thank God. I'm the first at something. I'm not scared of my sweat. It doesn't bother me. I'm sweaty all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah, but you stink, though. I do, right? Yeah, that's the whole thing. That's the problem with once you start working out. I smell like an ape because I'm so hairy because my chest is hairy, too, so it all funks in there, and it gets some sort of a bacterial growth. You look like Dan Hedaya with your shirt off. Not that bad.
Starting point is 00:09:17 All right. I shave it a lot of times, too, because otherwise it starts itching, and it gets caught in jujitsu. People pull your chest hair. So you don't wear deodorant but you shave your chest I'm sexy as fuck you're just dude when I when I shave my chest man I look at myself in the mirror I'm like damn ready for the French Riviera Joe I don't shave my legs though no excuse to shave my legs I know some dudes who do because
Starting point is 00:09:39 it's good for you guys gets you out of submissions easier jiu-jitsu guys more yeah yeah you're still hardcore into that? Yeah, yeah, it's fun. What do you think of this, was it Krav Maga? Krav Maga. Krav Maga, the Israeli fighting technique? Well, I think if you wanted to just learn it for self-defense, it's a good system
Starting point is 00:09:53 because what they do is they incorporate a lot of the best techniques in ground fighting and they incorporate a lot of the best techniques in stand-up. And for someone just looking to defend themselves, it gives you a pretty comprehensive view of martial arts in general.
Starting point is 00:10:04 You look it up on YouTube, man. It's like half the videos are like how to get out of a gun situation and half of them are like legit guys who are fast. The other half would wind up dead. Yeah, that's true. But you know what? At least you have a chance. You know, it's like if you have an idea of what to do and someone is trying to get you
Starting point is 00:10:19 with a gun, most likely they're going to fucking shoot you, right? But at least you have some sort of an idea if an opportunity presents itself. Yeah, take control of it or not, right? Yeah, I mean, that's what the whole idea of martial arts is about. It's not that you're going to be able to beat people up or you're going to be able to fight. It's like at least you're going to know what's happening. Because the scariest thing about any sort of an altercation is when you don't know how to defend yourself.
Starting point is 00:10:40 You don't know what to do. And I've seen guys, I saw this guy get knocked the fuck out once and it was crazy. You're talking about like at a bar? Yeah, it was a bar. And they got into a fight and as they got into a fight, one guy was just, he just went into a full panic
Starting point is 00:10:54 and was just swinging his hands. He wasn't even making like fists. Like a girl? Yes, yes. Full panic. Swinging his hands and a car got in front of me and as the car got in front, because people were trying to get out of this parking lot while this fight wasinging his hands, and a car got in front of me.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And as the car got in front of me, because people were trying to get out of this parking lot while this fight was going on. And as the car got in front of me, as the car passed, he was out cold on the ground. Yeah. Flattened out. Dude, I don't know, man. It was a look in his eyes of complete, total panic. He had no idea what to do. He was locked into this situation.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It was on sunset. You understand. I mean, you doing what you do with MMA and everything and being involved in the scene. I went to my first MMA fight. The one in Charlotte, right? Sitting there watching UFC. I've seen it on at bars. I'm like, okay, this is cool.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Seeing it in person, getting a huge amount of respect for the fighters and how tremendous athletes these guys are. Whenever I'm living in Raleigh and seeing bar fights, which break out on a regular basis. They're not as bad as Boston, by the way. We need to talk about Boston. That's the land of savages. 12.30 hits and it's the witching hour.
Starting point is 00:11:51 There's too many ugly, angry women and dudes are pissed. The Seahawks, man. We'll get there. Whenever I see a fight in real life, dude, unless it's two guys who are scrappers, man, you see one guy who picks a fight with this guy who doesn't know what he's doing. I think it's really ugly shit, man yeah you see somebody actually legitimately get hit and beaten up like that before the staff can get to him that's why it's pretty fucked up when someone knows how to fight and the other person doesn't i try to make friends with the biggest motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:12:14 in town that's good hide behind people man notice notice when the shit's about to hit the fan and know where the door is that's all important you can smell it man yeah and the thing about someone who does train in martial arts, most of the time you don't want to fight because it's not the same thing anymore. It's like a good bouncer. You know how to defuse the situation, right? You're not looking to crack skulls. Well, it's not just that.
Starting point is 00:12:33 It's not attractive. For some guys, the idea of beating someone's ass is attractive, but when you do martial arts all the time, it's not attractive at all. It doesn't seem like a thing to do. It seems like what you want to do is avoid all that. This is stupid. You can get hurt. You don't have any need to prove yourself physically, where a a thing to do. It seems like what you want to do is avoid all that. This is stupid. You can get hurt. You don't have any need to prove yourself physically,
Starting point is 00:12:48 where a lot of people do. And unfortunately, sometimes they're just trying to bluff. And they get called out on it, and they don't know what to do. They're already at step nine. They don't know how they got there because they're drunk. And then they say, why the fuck are you going to hit this guy? And they go to take a swing. And the horror upon horrors is when you throw a punch at a guy
Starting point is 00:13:05 and he moves like he actually knows how to fight and he's sober, then you're fucked. Because then you're drunk and you did a douchebag thing and some guy's going to light you up. Next thing you know, you're on the side of the street laying there bleeding. From my experience, there's always going to be assholes that do martial arts.
Starting point is 00:13:19 There's assholes that do everything. But it's a much, much smaller number. So the odds of someone who wants to fight actually being a martial artist, most of the time they're not. It's a much much smaller number so the odds of someone who wants to fight actually being a martial artist most of the time they're not it's a big misconception like these guys that are fighting like george st pierre he's like one of the nicest fucking guys you're ever gonna meet and even josh koscheck the guy who's fighting him this weekend fucking great guy if you're if you're not fighting him i mean he likes to talk a lot of shit and likes to like get inside guys heads but
Starting point is 00:13:42 a lot of that's pre-fight hype like outside of that he's. You see a lot of those guys beat the shit out of each other, and then at the end, they're just kind of like, what's this guy? Because it's a mutually assumed destruction, right? They're like, okay, I'm going into this. It's my profession, right? It's that, and some guys get real caught up in the shit-talking, and some guys,
Starting point is 00:13:56 they drop it as soon as the fight's over. And you see them, they'll go out and have beers and shit. It's like, look, there's a certain amount of stress involved. This person's your target. There's going to be some animosity. But for the most part, they resolve it way better than boxers do. Boxers seem to be,
Starting point is 00:14:12 I don't know what it is, but there's more douchebags in the boxing community. I'm not exactly sure what that's all about. I remember MMA when it was like five, eight years ago and it was considered that niche thing. That's always the way with any sort of new sport, right? You look at snowboarding and all the skiers look down and they're like,
Starting point is 00:14:26 that's a joke. That's never going to be big. And now snowboarding is freaking huge, right? It happens with so many different sports, right? Well, when I was first involved in MMA, it was almost like telling people that I was involved in porn. Really? Like, yeah, because I was working on news radio, right?
Starting point is 00:14:40 And by the way, I'm not the only one who said this. Dana White said the exact same thing. He said he had the exact same feeling. You feel like you're doing something sleazy. It's the same thing with video games, dude. No way, dude. This is my story. I was on news radio and I started doing the backstage interviews for the UFC
Starting point is 00:14:55 and this was 1997. So this was like we were in Augusta, Georgia and Dothan, Alabama and places like that and I would tell them that I was off to go do commentary for Cage Fighting. They would look at me like, what the fuck is wrong with you? This is terrible for your career. You want people to know that you're commentating on Cage Fighting?
Starting point is 00:15:13 It was almost like I was doing Girls Gone Wild or something. The video game analogy, though, I mean, it's not a one-to-one, but at the same time, it was one of those situations like 10, 15 years ago, it was like, you want to do that? And it's like, oh, that's cute. My little son plays that in the basement, right? And now it's one of those things, you look, 10, 15 years ago, it was like, you want to do that? And it's like, oh, that's cute. You know, my little son plays that in the basement, right? And now it's one of those things, you look at everything from the 360 to the Wii to Natal.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Oh, I see what you're saying. But it doesn't have a negative connotation, does it? Not anymore. It used to? Now it's the coolest fucking job ever. But then it was, it used to, it was more of a frivolous connotation, not a negative one, right?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yeah, no, it wasn't negative. It was more of a pat you on the head. Dismissive, right. Okay, you run along little Billy with your little video games thing because he used to play Pong, right? Right, but now there's games like Call of Duty that make more money, way more than Avatar.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And that needs to sink into people's head. Well, it's a difference of a $60 day one versus $10, right? I mean, it takes not as many people to do it, right? I mean, they're getting so good at building up the hype for these midnight launches for all this, right? I mean, the big issue right now is how much of that money you think the actual developers are seeing. I don't know. Not necessarily a lot. There's a you think the actual developers are seeing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Not necessarily a lot. There's a lot of controversy about Call of Duty. I don't know if you heard the whole thing. No, please tell me. So basically, the Call of Duty guys originally were these guys from Infinity Ward, and Jason and Vince, real good guys, and they had originally built this brand after working on Medal of Honor, because they built up Medal of Honor, and then that didn't work out for a number of reasons.
Starting point is 00:16:24 You can look all this up. They built the Call of Duty brand up, and then basically Modern Warfare hit, made a ton of money. They basically didn't see much of it, and then they were like, screw you, we're going to go do our old thing. It's a very controversial thing
Starting point is 00:16:34 with a lot of lawsuits and everything like that. I stand on the side generally of the developers, because I believe in developers' rights. I believe in paying people what they're worth, and when you create a multi-million dollar to potentially billion dollar brand, you deserve to be paid for it, right? So the issue is that the people that finance it are getting the majority of the money?
Starting point is 00:16:49 The large studio Activision, basically, from what I can tell, again, this is secondhand knowledge, you know, the guys basically did not feel that they were paid what they were worth for. Did they have contracts? Once your studio is purchased and you're part of a larger conglomerate, your game can make a billion dollars and they could just give your studio half a million and be like, fine, we own you, whatever. I don't know what the numbers
Starting point is 00:17:11 are, but you're increasingly seeing in the video game industry people getting a lot of representation, people getting agents, people getting proper accountants and lawyers, and they're actually negotiating this sort of thing. People like Warren Spector who created Deus Ex, people like Ken Levine who created Bioshock,
Starting point is 00:17:28 they've got deals now and they're making amazing games and they're going to make sure that they and their staff are taken good care of, right? I remember back in the day when John Romero, is that who it was? Yeah. Broke off from id Software and that was like the first drama in the game community.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Oh, yeah. This guy John Romero, who's the game designer, splits from this guy, John Carmack, who is this fucking super genius from another planet wizard guy. He's the one, there's very few dudes
Starting point is 00:17:52 when I'm around them, I get intimidated. Like when I'm talking to John Carmack, I'm like, why am I even talking? Why am I even bother talking? What do I have to say to this guy? He has a fucking alien.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah, same sort of thing. This whole like one in a billion type of personality that just speaks code. Super genius alien dude. It's amazing. Yeah. On another level than all of us. And Carmack would sit in front of the computer, for people who don't know who he is, 16 hours
Starting point is 00:18:13 a day, code. And then he would go make rockets. He's a rocket scientist in his spare time. And he was involved in the X Prize. He was trying to win the X Prize. Yeah, that's his hobby. And when he wasn't doing that, he turbo charging ferraris building turbo chargers for ferraris that's a big no-no by the way right they're like if it's like it's like buying a
Starting point is 00:18:32 mona lisa and then just painting over it right like yes but he just doesn't have no reverence for any objects he's like fuck you he's like hey i'm gonna upgrade this but he's an alien well the rumor was that like after he started doing that that ferrari kind of was like dude what are you come on like you're undermining all of our engineers here we'll give you new ferraris stop fucking with our shit he was making like these 12 000 horsepower ferraris you know that run on fucking nuclear energy die yeah oh for sure well he apparently was a really nutty thrill seeker yeah he used to really like to go really fast which is yeah what happened was he would not expect he left id software the guys that do right so this john romero guy to get back to the story
Starting point is 00:19:04 this john romero guy was like the play to the story, this John Romero guy was like the Playboy character. He was the original Rockstar game designer. He's a Rockstar. And then they left. And what was that crazy game that they came out with afterwards?
Starting point is 00:19:13 They did Anachronox and Daikatana. Daikatana, that was the one. So he leaves, and it was like sort of a cult of personality thing. Oh, yeah. And the big debate was who was the most important?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Is it the game designers, the guy with the vision, or is it the coder? And how easy is it to actually design the games? The game designer is often the chaos, and the programmer or producer is usually the order. Yeah. Right? It's a combination of those two personalities. It's like saying, what's the best part of the band? Is it the singers?
Starting point is 00:19:39 Is it the drummers? Is it the... And if you get the singer who can be on stage and be charismatic, you get David Lee Roth, but you don't have Eddie Van Halen backing him up, then you don't have the magic. Perfect example. The checks and balances, right? He wasn't Van Halen on his own. On his own, he was just David Lee Roth.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Well, he's gone on and he's doing some cool stuff now, man. He's a good guy. Oh, he's great. He's a great guy. I've met him. I met him at the Comedy Store. It was one of the fucking coolest celebrity meetings I've ever had, ever. But my point was that as a group, those guys created some pretty
Starting point is 00:20:05 fucking dope games. Doom. Doom they created as a group. And the idea was that it was all this guy's. So this guy leaves and he gets this giant fucking deal. This John Romero guy. Did you visit the Dallas office? No, but I heard it was insane. I heard it was like the top floor with unbelievable views.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Just stupid, crazy overhead, right? And This is legendary gaming history you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, this is how much of a dork I am about this shit. And he gets crazy, crazy money and then they're just lazy as fuck
Starting point is 00:20:34 and they're just barely working, man. What happened was... This game takes forever to come out. It comes out all wonky and shit and you can walk through walls. That's an abbreviated version, man. But I mean, the thing is he assembled a team so fucking fast and tried to be so ambitious so quick and
Starting point is 00:20:48 that was with idos's money this is basically the lara croft tomb raider paying for this right and so once you build a team that quickly like you can't just overnight assemble a bunch of people like in hollywood and have magic yeah right and so half the not half but a good percentage of the guys i work with my fucking art director who's this amazingly talented awesome guy bled out of the eyeballs to ship Daikatana. And he went to work for Romero because he thought Romero was a cool guy. And he still tells me stories
Starting point is 00:21:11 about having panic attacks working in Dallas and how he almost killed himself, dude. Jesus Christ. And so I always look at that as... People don't realize how much you guys work. Dude, it's like you look around a room, right? Every little bit, somebody has to work
Starting point is 00:21:22 and build every last little bit of it, right? But we visited you and you were talking about when crunch time comes and it's like right at the end and everybody's like basically sleeping at the office. Yeah. That's all you do is you work all day. It's gotten better than that. We're like we've figured out how to make games better now.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Like you get a producer who knows his shit and it's kind of like, OK, we're not just going to all work really hard to hope it turns out great. Right. We're going to actually have a plan. Right. So if you say when it's done, that doesn't mean you really know what game you're great. Right. We're going to actually have a plan, right? So if you say when it's done that doesn't mean you really know what game you're building but at the same time you need to have
Starting point is 00:21:46 a little bit of wiggle room because it's not a definable process. You're panning for gold. It's comedy. Comedy you iterate, right? It's so comprehensive though. I mean for people
Starting point is 00:21:56 who don't understand what goes into making a game that just the amount of effort. I remember we were exhausted leaving thinking about the hours that you guys work. Yeah. I remember we were talking about it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Remember? But, dude, you can't burn through people that much, right? Right. You can maybe get away with a few crunches like that. So we're at the point where we'll do maybe 10 hours a day, 12 tops, five days a week, tops, and then we call it. We're like, dude, if we just can't do it. It's not worth burning.
Starting point is 00:22:17 That's smart. You don't see a lot of people in the industry who are over 40, dude. Yeah. They just get fried, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting. I'll tell you about that Daikatana thing, though. Even though it was a long time, it was a fun game to 40, dude. Yeah. They just get fried, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's interesting. I'll tell you about that Daikatana thing, though.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Even though it was a long time, it was a fun game to play, man. Deathmatch? Deathmatch was fun on it. They had the cool rocket. Yeah. There was a crazy, weird rocket launcher thing. They had a shotgun that had 18 barrels or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:39 They had some cool shit. Romero was supposedly into first-person shooters and Deathmatch games. It was him and Carmack and that whole crew that just birthed the genre yeah it's one of the lessons i tell the guys if you have a new camera angle you can create a whole new genre the first quake was a fucking masterpiece for like deathmatch yeah brian says you're still hung up on it well i'm still hung up on all games but the not really quick to quick to never really got me but quake one dude The only thing that got me about Quake 2
Starting point is 00:23:05 was the rail gun. That was very key because that's when accuracy became very important in death matches. So was your problem the fact with Quake 2 that actually balanced the weapons?
Starting point is 00:23:13 No, no. I just didn't like the way it felt. It just didn't feel as good. It wasn't as fast-paced. It was a little slower whereas Quake 1 you could move much quicker.
Starting point is 00:23:21 It was much more chaotic. He plays the numbers game. They slowed it down. It has to be.7 seconds less. No, it's just my... What it is is that I just really love deathmatch. That's what I really love. That's all I play in Call of Duty now.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Team deathmatch. Anytime it comes up with any sort of domination or CTF, I'm like, I just want to shoot people. How do you feel about those things that hook up to a console and give you a mouse and a keyboard? Are those good? I mean, they're cool and all,
Starting point is 00:23:44 but the thing about Halo is Halo... Mrs. Cliffy B says, nope. They built the game of Halo for that dual stick controller. And if you're a PC guy who's used to that level of accuracy, it feels like you're like drunkenly using like a rubber hose to steer your car. But if you build a game for it, it can work. And that's what Halo did.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Gold and I did it before that. But you look at Halo, they basically introduced a genre that was new to a whole generation of kids. I have this whole 10-year rule where the kids who played Halo, many of them didn't play a lot of Quake because they were like, wait, what is this new Xbox thing? I'm going to play this. And then they become hooked.
Starting point is 00:24:15 We talk about vampires on the way over. It's like, okay, well, all these kids who love Twilight don't know what Buffy the Vampire Slayer is. That's so sad. But if you wait 10 years, your kid who liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer is. That's so sad. But if you wait 10 years, your kid who liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer or your person who likes Twilight, they were what, like, six when Buffy came out?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Now they're 16? Right. And so they didn't know about that. So you can basically wait every 10 years and find something that was old and make it new. And then if you can introduce it with new technology,
Starting point is 00:24:39 you might be good to go. Yeah. For people who don't know what we're talking about, those hand controllers, the consoles, when you have a console, you have like an Xbox or PlayStation. What they are, most people are listening on iTunes. This ain't helping.
Starting point is 00:24:57 He's holding one up. But they have a bunch of buttons on it. And with PCs, when you play with a computer, when you play online especially, what you're using is a keyboard and a mouse. And what it is is for whatever reason, the keyboard and the mouse, you can just control it better. You're far more accurate. You're accurate with the keyboard as far as your movement, having four very specific buttons right where your fingers are. And you're much more accurate with your hand as far as like aiming. And that's where it came into play with games like Quake.
Starting point is 00:25:23 It's like aim, especially when the railgun came about. Aim became very, very important. So how do they optimize these games for these controllers? Do they have auto-aim or something? There's a combination. Where you get close, you're in the neighborhood of it, and it just locks on? A little bit of auto-aim, man.
Starting point is 00:25:36 One of the things that Halo did was they kind of introduced this idea of friction and adhesion. So what you do is when you move your console, kind of stick over the enemy, the game actually slows down a little bit. It's like, oh, you want to hit them, don't you? And then it provides a little bit of that kind of assistance, right? That would drive me crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:52 The whole generation loves it right now. Those fucks. Those lazy cunts. That's what it is. They don't even want to aim, these fucking kids today. These self-righteous, entitled children. Back when we were kids, we had a fucking aim. It was a pixel hunt, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:04 That's what it was right yeah your crosshair was this one pixel and you had to shoot that guy's itty bitty head across the map yeah except for in quake one where you had to just hit him with a rocket launcher that had a radius of half a mile well that was the cool thing about quake 2 is a lot of people would put their own crosshairs in they would build their own crosshairs but quake 3 they came out of the box like a bunch of cool ones you know like figure out what was the best for you like i would have different ones for the would have different ones for the rail gun,
Starting point is 00:26:26 different ones for the rocket launcher. It's all customization. It's insanity is what it is. It's a constant subject on this fucking site. Dude, trust me though. You have a whole generation of millions and millions of kids
Starting point is 00:26:35 that are perfectly fine with the two sticks. Yeah, they're going to grow up pussies. We are entering, what I like to say, we're entering into the feedbackless generation, right? Those kids growing up
Starting point is 00:26:44 with those consoles, this is the fall of Rome. This is when they were getting drunk and throwing up and trying to get more food in. Dude. That's what it is. Gluttony. You can't even fucking aim. Joe, look at touchscreens.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Look at Kinect. We're getting to a point where people don't need buttons right now. Yeah, I hear you, right? It scares me. Is that what's going to happen? Is it going to be like aiming with your fingers and shit? Like pointing where you want to go? That might be.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Dude, the key is always. That's what the Microsoft thing is, right? Isn't me. Is that what's going to happen? Is it going to be like aiming with your fingers and shit? Like pointing where you want to go? That might be where... Dude, the key is always... That's what the Microsoft thing is, right? Isn't it? That's, yeah. What is that called? Connect, man. Connect? Yeah, you don't need a controller.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And you stand in front of it and move around, I guess? Have you heard much about this? Yeah, not that much, though. Okay, I know this is going to trip you out. So it's a camera that can track your body movements without anything on you. You've seen the motion capture setups, right? You know, the Tiger Woods setup where he wears a spandex and all that. This is a very light version of that where you just stand in front of the TV and it can procedurally form your skeleton and then track that. So there's a dance game,
Starting point is 00:27:36 Dance Central, which is a ton of fun. I was playing it with my niece over the holidays. You literally just dance right in front of it. It tracks your movement. It can judge your score. Here's where it gets weird. There's a VO, vo like a microphone on it so it can do voice recognition and it's got a facial recognition on it so once you do the facial recognition thing which makes you stay out of the room to kind of you know build an aggregate of your face you then can just walk in the room and it goes why hello cliff welcome oh jesus fucking christ i smoked too much weed for that dude i don't want my computer talking to me you know what I want to see? I want to see IMAX movie screens,
Starting point is 00:28:08 where you walk in and you're all sitting there in the video game. So there's like 500 people all joining in, playing this huge video game in front of you. I told you about Hefron, right? I told you about Hefron doing stand-up? Yeah, what's that? My friend John Hefron has been doing these conference stand-up things where they're in front of
Starting point is 00:28:27 some new technology where they get him in a room and he's got all these screens in front of him and they see him and he sees them live and he does stand-up. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:35 It's like he's doing a desk in front of all these monitors. So he gets to see the reaction? Yeah. Two-way video? Yes. Two-way video.
Starting point is 00:28:41 So he's watching their reaction. They're watching him live. It's like he's performing on stage but he's nowhere near them, which is the shit. I would love that. If I could do shows from my house and not have to travel all the time, that would be awesome. So you can judge people's reactions, right? They're right there, yeah. Talking about iteration, right, and how much we pan for gold and we try and find fun and we fail a bunch before we figure out what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I mean, talk about Jerry Seinfeld's comedian and how much comedy. They go to the little dive bars and they do a surprise appearance and they just bomb. And then they figure out, okay, this joke worked. That one didn't work. This one did, right? We find it's the same thing with game development. I've known people in the restaurant business that try new menus. They figure out what works and doesn't.
Starting point is 00:29:14 It's all iteration. Very few people ever actually nail it right the first time, right? You fail early and fail often, which I found is the key to so many instances of success in life, right? Well, you fail and then you find out what you don't like about what failed. You know, and that's how you learn. You have to learn what you do and don't like, and when you're doing something complicated, there's a lot of failure involved, for sure. Dude, keyboard to mouse, man.
Starting point is 00:29:34 It's still relevant, but the market's split, man, between iPhone, between DS, between consoles, PC. I think no controller is very important. I think making it so it important. I think like making it so it could be, you could do,
Starting point is 00:29:46 just sit there and do that. What I don't like though is when a lot of times I just want to sit back and play a video game in bed or on the couch. You don't want to have to get up and run around.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I don't want to be like, come on, I'm just trying to run through the forest. I don't, you don't want to like sweat. You don't, you just want to,
Starting point is 00:30:01 you want to lay back and just sit there with your controller and just play. Yeah. Right. You don't want to have to jump around
Starting point is 00:30:04 like an idiot, right? That's one of the cool things. If I could sit here and go like this though, like Tron style and just move my hands like to lay back and just sit there with the controller and just play yeah right you don't have to jump around like an idiot right that's what i can say here go like this though like tron style and just move my hands like dude i'm going through here they're working on many type stuff like minority report where you're going to be able to just kind of manipulate it like that so you don't have to like mark there's a certain percentage of person a lot of them out there especially girls if you hand them a current console controller they act like you handed them a flaming bag of dog shit right really like really i'm supposed to use this for what like i don't want to play this. Granted, there are some exceptions, but
Starting point is 00:30:27 most people, parents, like your average person... Who are you hanging out with, Cliffy B? That's your old girl voice. That sounds annoying. That's your old girl voice. I learned that by watching you joke. That's your Becky voice. Oh my god. Yeah, exactly. He's such an asshole. All he does is play games.
Starting point is 00:30:42 We have this whole theory that there's a certain type of girl that somehow gets that voice preloaded into her with that bubble writing. I think they just imitate everybody else. It's like, why would anybody have that fucking horrible Boston accent? Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Because a bunch of other people have it, and they just imitate it. I still miss it, though, dude. Oh, do you really? How dare you? Dude, I had a great time growing up. I miss it as far as dudes. You don't like the girls? No.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Jesus Christ. Some of the most horrendous experiences of my life came out of a female Boston accent. Yeah. Let's go to the pack and get some beer. It just gets too cold. Yeah, we had this experience where a buddy of ours was in Boston. He hooked up with some chick. And while they're fooling around, she goes, you got to tell your friends.
Starting point is 00:31:28 What a monster sound and she was just hideous and he's just fucking swinging it I got a buddy money dated a girl from Long Island and they woke up the next morning and he asked her what she wanted for breakfast and she went count chocula dude so I took Lauren back to see my hometown right like I had what what What town did you grow up in? North Andover. North Andover. Yeah, I mean, it's totally nice suburbs. We went up in the fall, saw all the foliage.
Starting point is 00:31:51 The local farm stand I robbed as a kid is this now national thing. What month was this? It was October. That's good. October is good. It's right before it gets horrible. Horrible. Horrible.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And I'm sitting there, and there's something about certain sections of the Northeast that just kind of take something out of you. I don't know if it's the diet or the weather, but there's a certain tiredness that kind of creeps in, man. I don't know what it is. It's the weather. Lack of vitamin D, right? That too. Lack of vitamin D, but there's something about the weather.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Too much comfort Italian food? It's that cold. It's not supposed to be that cold for that long, where it just sucks. Well, you just assume that every year for four months, it's going to suck to be outside. Yeah. For four months. You grew up with it, right?
Starting point is 00:32:29 I grew up, and I do a paper route as a kid, right? Me too. And they deliver it, and they deliver the papers in November. The snow would hit, and I'd get up at 10 a.m. to do my paper route, and it would all be plowed over, and my papers aren't there. I'm like, I guess they didn't deliver. Am I calling for a refill? It would all be plowed over, and my papers aren't there. I'm like, I guess they didn't deliver.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Am I calling for a refill? Sometime around late March, early April, that would thaw out, and I would find the papers for March, like a time capsule. And I'm sitting here going, is this how it is? Because my dad, I love him dearly, but he was super cheap about the heat. And he'd, like, at night, he'd turn it all off. And, like, on Monday morning, getting up and going to school. Oh, it's the worst. Like, getting to that shower, man. Oh, we used to have to use a hairdry to unclog the pipes because the pipes would freeze.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Yep. So my dad had like this opening underneath the floor in the basement and he would have to lift up this opening and be sitting there with a fucking hair dryer before anybody could take a shower. It was brutality. It was brutality. My dad decided one year he was going to buy a coal stove that was going to like take care of all this, right? So he gets it installed and literally like one fall he has two tons of coal put in the basement, right? And we literally have to go down there with a hopper and bring it up there. And you have to hold your breath otherwise you get black lung basically.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And we come up and this thing heated like two square feet of the whole house. So if you wanted to stay warm, you stayed in the living room and just hovered right in front of that thing. It was the worst, man. Yeah, I got four older brothers, brothers man growing up with that in one house and it was a decent sized house but one of that what's that i'm sorry i had central air you're spoiled how old are you what are you like 24 fuck is wrong with you 36 oh no shit huh one of the houses i looked at in colorado had one of those wood heating stoves in the middle of the living room and they were talking about how economical it is to use this wood heating stove to keep the house warm.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I'm like, what are you fucking talking about, Hooker? I got kids. And you got a giant red hot ball of metal in the center of the living room that they're just supposed to avoid? Dude, I used to take it. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life. I was a kid. I used to take prongs with the hot coals and take them outside from the living room through the hallway and go into the snow and write my name
Starting point is 00:34:25 with the blazing hot coal. How did I not drop this on my foot and burn myself, right? I don't know, but in 2010, they should eliminate that stupid shit
Starting point is 00:34:33 and get a goddamn heater. We don't get a fucking giant cast iron fucking structure in the middle of the living room. Where I grew up, that was not common at all what you guys are talking about. Really?
Starting point is 00:34:41 I didn't know anybody that had that. Well, Columbus gets pretty cold, though, man. Doesn't it get cold? Growing up, they didn't have central heat or air. They were like, dude, what is this? The technology of heating and cooling in Ohio was better than where you guys grew up.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Well, no. Columbus doesn't get death cold, though, right? What is winter? What is a terrible January day? It got negative 10. That's Ohio, man. I grew up with four brothers, right?, man. That's the real shit. That's cold. So, yeah, I grew up with four brothers, right?
Starting point is 00:35:07 And we had to share a lot of shit. And so, like, we'd have to share towels in the bathroom. We only had a certain amount. We'd all have to go in line and take showers, right? And I'm sitting there one day, and I get out of the shower after with my older brother. And I take the towel, and I kind of wipe my face. And it's a light-colored towel. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And I realize the towel smells like ass. Oh, Jesus Christ. And I pull away. And I'm telling this story to his daughter recently. She's like a little eight-year-old kid. And I realized the towel smells like ass. Oh, Jesus Christ. And I pull away. And I'm telling the story to his daughter recently. She's like a little eight-year-old kid. I'm talking about her dad. And I look at the towel, and I realize there's brown streaks in the towel. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:35:33 This dirty motherfucker. And I'm explaining to his daughter that this is a double fail, because not only did he not remember to wash his ass, he forgot to wipe. Right. And I asked my niece, I'm like like what's the what's the what's the lesson out of the story and she says buy dark towels i'm like no you're doing it how old is she that's brilliant i'm like you're doing it wrong no follow that kid keep an eye on her she's a wizard brown and red towels she's a fucking ideal match for me that's i would never thought
Starting point is 00:36:01 of that in a million years have you seen that that's like a great line your kid's a genius it's a true story dude it's a great line right they have I would never have thought of that in a million years. Have you seen that? That's like a great line. That kid's a genius. It's a true story, dude. It's a great line. It's a great line, right? They have that towel you can buy online that's like one half is brown, one half is white, and it says face and ass. Right. It's like a split towel.
Starting point is 00:36:13 I have it in my bathroom. Wow. It's a good reminder. I would want a brown towel that looked like a Dexter splatter of blood on it. You know, and that was the design of the towel. I'm sure you could buy that somewhere. You can actually buy Dexter's shirt, the kill, the little thermal he wears. Did you give up on Dexter, Joe?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Yes, I gave up on it. Mrs. Rogan's really into it, though, so I'm going to have to try it again. Dude, you should see this season. Even though I didn't like John Lithgow. I quit because of John Lithgow's shitty rear naked choke. John Lithgow, get some woman in the bathtub. That was your... Gave her the fucking weakest bitch ass
Starting point is 00:36:45 rear naked choke I've ever seen in my life. I'm like, no, that's not gonna kill anybody, stupid. That's like me stopping watching a TV show because they're holding
Starting point is 00:36:51 the controller wrong. People, when you try to kill people, man, they fight. They fight back. They claw at you. They kick. They try hard.
Starting point is 00:36:58 They don't just lay in the tub and go, uh, while you're choking them with your little fucking old man arms. That guy didn't even put any pressure on that thing. I know what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It was amazing that season. Dude, and you know Peter Weller's on this season? Have you seen him lately? No. He looks like the most, I didn't even recognize him. Who's that again?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Who's Peter Weller? Robocop. Robocop. Yeah. He's got this voice where he's kind of going like, you started this motherfucker, you're gonna finish this
Starting point is 00:37:18 and drop it. And you're just like, oh my God, dude. He looks like this sleazy, amazing Miami PD guy. He looks great. Dude, it's still a good show in spite of the bad chokeholds. Okay. my god dude i don't he looks like this sleazy amazing like miami pd guy he looks great dude it's still a good show in spite of the bad chokeholds okay well i'll give it a second
Starting point is 00:37:29 chance watch walking dead no but i've heard that's pretty awesome too it's the end was a little eh but don't say that then i got nothing to look forward to frank darabont fired the entire writing staff whoa yeah he's the guy who did shawshank redemption green mile right wow fired the whole staff it's hard to find fucking good writers that want to write your shit. Yeah. Good writers want to write their own shit. Yeah. Well, I've had people approach me and they're like, hey, we're doing this new IP and we
Starting point is 00:37:53 want Epic to make the game. I'm like, dude, we do our own stuff, man. We could either create our own thing like Gears or we could do the Star Trek the movie video game. What do you think is going to happen, right? Ugh. We're not going to work on it. Uninspiring. Nobody gives a fuck about those stupid movie video game. What do you think is going to happen, right? Ugh, how uninspiring. Nobody gives a fuck about those stupid movie video games.
Starting point is 00:38:08 There's the occasional exception that's a good one, but it's hard to make. Like Superman from the Nintendo 64. Get the fuck out of here, stupid. Best game ever. E.T. for Atari. Two of my favorites. You know that's buried in a desert, right?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Oh, yeah. That's one of the craziest stories. It's not an urban legend. You know about that story? No. It was the E.T. the video game, right? And the Atari 2600. And they basically assumed it would sell millions of copies.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And it sold like five. Oh, my God. They decided to bury it out in the New Mexico desert. And it actually is still out there. They buried it? Buried it. Why did they bury it? Because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I guess they couldn't find somebody... It's cheaper than whatever disposal. The economics of it. So there's this huge landfill filled with that game. How many of them? I don't actually know. You can look it up on Wikipedia. What's the urban legend though?
Starting point is 00:38:49 Well, people think it's an urban legend, but it's actually true. No, but what is the number in the urban legend? Millions. Millions of millions. Because they hired some programmer and had to make the game
Starting point is 00:38:56 over the course of a month. Like, oh, it's the license. We can print it. We'll make money, right? Like, no, you actually have to make a good game. Like, the new Call of Duty was done by the second team, which previously had made a very solid one a couple years ago,
Starting point is 00:39:06 and it had made one a few years ago that wasn't as good. But they have really stepped it up, this new one. Like, I didn't even play the campaign, man. Did you play it much? No, I've never played it. You should give it a go, man. I know you have dual analog fear. Can't do it.
Starting point is 00:39:18 You have to try. You have to at least give in sometime. What's going to happen when all the shooters are, like, motion controls? I don't give a fuck. I guess I'll play pool. You can play pool. Imagine going like this and playing pool. You don't even need a pool table.
Starting point is 00:39:29 No, no, no. You need a pool table, bro. That's the whole game. The whole game is feeling. You got to feel the ball. Contact the cue. It's in your arm. Feel the ball.
Starting point is 00:39:37 How much effort you put into your stroke. How relaxed your grip is. Keep your shit together. Wait till you see the new Tron. Don't stab at it. You got to stroke that ball, son. You'll change the mind. You don't understand. You don't understand you see the new Tron. Don't stab at it. You gotta stroke that ball, son. You'll change the mind. You don't understand.
Starting point is 00:39:47 You don't understand. You'll see Tron and you'll change your mind. You and I like some different things. All right? How do you think that new Tron's gonna do? You don't like some different things.
Starting point is 00:39:54 No, no, it's Disney, so. It'll probably cost. It'll probably cost. It'll probably cost. It'll probably cost. It'll probably cost. It'll probably cost. It'll probably cost.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It's a movie? 150 million? Do you know the guy who directed it? It's the guy who did the first Gears commercial, the Mad World one. Oh, really? Yeah, Joe Kaczynski.
Starting point is 00:40:05 That fucking commercial was awesome. That was awesome. Dude, I remember when that commercial was coming out before Gears came out, I saw it on TV and I went, whoa, like they just nailed it. That song is a perfect song, too. That song was actually one of my favorite songs
Starting point is 00:40:19 when I was going through a really tough time. Throw that up on YouTube, Brian. Yeah. Brian will pull it up. That was one of my, like, I was going through a really tough time at that point. They actually didn't even know about that song. Dude, why didn't you just call me?
Starting point is 00:40:28 I would have snapped you out of it. That's ridiculous. Don't listen to that kind of music when you're in that kind of mood. That's a good song for a good mood to go, wow, that's kind of a cool song. The last thing you want is one depressing-ass fucking song when you're in a shit mood. Remember there's a remake of that Tears for Fears song, right? Is that what it is? Yeah, it was a remake of something.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. And then they just did, Gary Jules redid it. It was like number one in the UK over the course of the holidays
Starting point is 00:40:52 when it came out. And then it had another like, re-bump. That commercial put that song back to the top of iTunes for like a month. That game was the last game
Starting point is 00:41:00 that I played with on a console. Was it called Last Day? You didn't play Gears 2, dude? No. I played Gears 1. I fucking loved the way it looked. I loved everything about it,
Starting point is 00:41:08 but that fucking thing was driving me crazy. Trying to move around and look with this stupid controller. And I'm like, why does this have a mouse and keyboard? It would be so much easier. If I had a mouse and keyboard, I'd be kicking some fucking ass up in this bitch. Oh, this is gay already. Get this away from me.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Get this away from me. Get this away from me. You can't even... Don't be a gaming dinosaur. I am. I'm a dude. Yeah, so the second one they did was called Last Day. That was for Gears 2.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Oh, I like the zoom feature. That was pretty dope. Yeah, you can zoom in, right? Left trigger, right trigger shoot. Oh, come on. This is so ass slow. Can you adjust the sensitivity
Starting point is 00:41:40 in the mouse? Yeah. You can? Yeah. Okay, well, it looks fucking spectacular. You're missing out on a lot of gaming right now. Yeah. You're missing out on a lot of gaming right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I'm missing out on a lot of things, man. I'm not skydiving. I'm not climbing rocks. Yeah. I skydived once. That was all I needed to do. Brian's got a great story about skydiving. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:41:55 His dad. Were you tandem? He said it a couple of times, but it's an interesting story. I'll tell it because he's told it twice. His father had a person at work that was always saying, you should go skydiving with me. I go skydiving. I love it. She used to go all the time. Well, she fucking
Starting point is 00:42:09 died. She fell out of a plane and her shit didn't work and her second shit caught up in her first shit that didn't work. She fucking went screaming to the ground from 10,000 feet in the sky and slammed into the earth, ending her time here. Fuck that
Starting point is 00:42:26 noise. I'm not that afraid of death. I'm afraid of the screaming before it. Knowing the plane's going down. Four minutes. Not even four minutes. How much time does it take? Terminal velocity, 10,000 feet. I'm sure you could just figure it out. It's 180 miles an hour. Three minutes? Three minutes of terror.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yeah, look up Gears of War Mad World on YouTube. Mad World, that's what it was. Nobody, it seems like a lot of people. Somebody's got to have it on YouTube. It's like, you can just assume that if something's out there, it's on YouTube now, right? But dude, if you ever actually want to try and find somebody's official music video, good fucking luck.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Yeah. Because what people do is they upload a video where it's like, hey, here's what I think of Nicki Minaj's new song. And then it's like, Nicki Minaj official video. You click on it and they use the thumbnail to make it look like it's a video and then some guy
Starting point is 00:43:07 is talking about it you're like can I actually find this freaking thing like usually and then the one that's actually has millions of hits
Starting point is 00:43:13 is like the last one to actually appear what's up dog this is it right here this is the ad damn I want to watch it, man. Tell these fuckers to go on YouTube. It changed the game for a lot of video game advertising.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Fuck yeah, it did, dude. But also, you guys raised the bar so high as far as the graphic appearance of the game. When we came into your office, I guess it was like two years before this came out yeah and you guys were deep deep in development you had all these crazy models and all these you know it was mostly just demonstrations of the technology but you know i remember asking you like what are you guys up to like what's going on you're like we're about to take a big fat shit on doom i cannot confirm or deny saying that and then uh and then i went and i wow and i watched it and like the especially the light like a lot of the shit you had was like demonstrations of I cannot confirm or deny saying that. And then I went and I watched it. And especially the light,
Starting point is 00:44:07 like a lot of the shit you had was like demonstrations of how the flashlight... How many years ago was that? It was a while. So think about where technology is going to be in a few years, man. It's going to be insane. Like if Sony and Microsoft getting around to actually making next generation consoles,
Starting point is 00:44:19 like imagine what that's going to be like. What is the bottleneck? I want it... Personally, I want some Avatar quality stuff real time. IMAX, IMAX theater. Imagine that. Going to a concert where you're all together in a concert. There'd be no need to have a real life.
Starting point is 00:44:33 World of Warcraft every day. Everyone would just plug into their fucking computer and be some sort of an elf. Just wander through the forest. And we'd all turn into the Cartman on South Park with the WoW episode. It's a fucking dangerous thing we're doing here because we make games more exciting and way fucking cooler than real life.
Starting point is 00:44:50 It gets weird. It's like, why exist? It's our metabrain that's getting hooked up, right? Well, the scary thing is what happens when we can download consciousness into a computer. Singularity. And the option is to, I want to live in fucking Avatar, man. You know about the whole thing about the singularity, right? Yeah, sure. Ray Kurzweil.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I have a feeling it's within our lifetime. For those of you that don't know fucking Avatar, man. You know? Well, you know about the whole thing about the singularity, right? Yeah, sure. Ray Kurzweil and all that, right? Yeah, sure. I have a feeling it's within our lifetime. For those of you that don't know, Brian's little butter dog is attacking me right now. That dog's a slut.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Do you know what a butter dog is? No. That dog's a serious slut. Did I ever tell you about that, Joe? No. What's a butter dog? I had a buddy of mine, he came in,
Starting point is 00:45:19 he's a photographer from New York one time. We were doing a photo shoot for a magazine and he's telling me how much he hated dating in New York City. I'm like, well, why? He's like,
Starting point is 00:45:26 well, there's a certain type of girl in the city who's given up on the dating scene and she has what's called a butter dog. And I'm like, what? She's a good girl, but her dog's annoying? No, it turns out that this type of girl, and this might be an urban legend. He might have been fucking with me. Peanut butter? Turns out that their boyfriend is
Starting point is 00:45:42 their little dog with their little tongue and a little peanut butter and then that's their boyfriend from there on out. So anybody from New York can confirm or deny this if it's an urban legend. I would love to know. It's just a regional thing? It might be a Manhattan thing. Is there message boards that we can meet and greet other people that enjoy it? There's a message board for everything.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Yeah, I'm sure there's a message board out there for girls who like to get their pussy licked by dogs. Have you guys seen this shit that Pirate Bay is doing? They're attacking Visa and MasterCard. Because of this WikiLeaks thing? Yeah, they are attacking Amazon for not hosting it. MasterCard was down today. MasterCard, you can make a donation to WikiLeaks, right? Now they're all attacking them.
Starting point is 00:46:15 This WikiLeaks thing is fucking fascinating. For people who don't know, and I just found this out today, Ari brought it up yesterday or the day before when we had the podcast, and then, was it yesterday? Yesterday.ri brought it up yesterday at the podcast and then today i went online and started looking it up the guy was arrested for surprise sex hi buddy the guy was arrested because his condom broke and he didn't tell her that's the crime and apparently it's only a crime in Sweden. This is nuts. They had an interpoll.
Starting point is 00:46:48 They're trying to get this guy and bring him in for questioning, but this is the charge? I've known girls who try to get married that way. But this woman that he did it with, the woman who he had sex with, this chick has published websites with a detailed list of how to get revenge on men. It's just craziness.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I mean, the idea that this is enough to bring this guy into justice, the internet is gonna stop that, man. Some shit is gonna go down from this. It's not gonna be this easy. It's really hard for any organized system to fight because somebody somewhere is going to be willing to host something.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Yes. And how many places are you gonna break down and shut it down? On one hand, I'm like, wow, this is fascinating. There's information I shouldn't be seeing that maybe some of it needs to be shut it down? On one hand, I'm like, wow, this is fascinating. There's information I shouldn't be seeing that maybe some of it needs to be exposed. And on the other hand, I'm like, this is national fucking security, man. We're talking about serious stuff that could really put people's lives at risk. So I'm on the fence with it.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I can see both sides of it. I can see both sides of it too, but I can't see defending against it. I don't think it's right or I don't think it's wrong, but I can't see stopping it from happening. When you fuck with people that are that powerful, they will find some sort of way to get to you. I know, but that's what's fascinating about this is how transparent it is. It's incredibly transparent. All of a sudden, this woman who, by the way, has CIA ties. Follow my Twitter.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Just go to Joe Rogan. There's a bunch of things that are tweeted today. When I started researching about it, and I'm not talking about CNN. I'm talking about it. And I'm not talking about, I'm talking about like CNN, talking about legit news sources and they're showing all this, how the connections are, what this guy is actually being arrested for. It's a fascinating thing, man.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'm surprised. They're arresting him for having sex with no condom. This is consensual sex. Yeah. This is not like any, I mean, it's not rape, it's not assault, it's craziness.
Starting point is 00:48:19 And this is something that's like, there's an Interpol warning for him. They're searching for him all over the place for having sex. No, you got extradited. Whoa. That's insane. Did he? Did he get extradited from London to Sweden?
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah. It's craziness. It's really shocking how transparent it is. I'm honestly surprised that these things didn't happen sooner. I remember sitting there, and I had a friend right about the time we were working on Unreal 1. This was about 97. And I went over to his house, and he was like full high quality like Hollywood movies off of a website and this was in 97.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Wow. I'm sitting here going and now it's like BitTorrent is everywhere, right? Like it's and you have a generation that doesn't want to pay for shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Right? Like the Scott Pilgrim movie. Did you see that, Brian? Yes. One of my favorite movies. Amazing movie, right? Out of nowhere I can't believe
Starting point is 00:49:00 they pulled it off. I thought it was amazing. It was Edgar Wright who did Shaun of the Dead, right? It was just a great movie and what happened was it bombed at the box office but at the same thought it was amazing. Edgar Wright, who did Shaun of the Dead, is just a great movie. What happened was it bombed at the box office. At the same time, it was a perfect movie for the gamer nerd generation.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Hipster generation, even. I saw somebody tweet about it. They're like, Scott Pilgrim is the movie of this generation. The problem is this generation doesn't pay for shit. I had a friend of mine one time. She posted on her Facebook. She's like, I saw The Lovely Bones. It was amazing. It was two weeks before the film came out. And I'm like, you're posting this on your Facebook.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Did you get a screener from somebody in LA or something? She's like, no, I torrented that shit. Yeah, people just admit it. Just talk about it openly. Well, what's Hollywood going to do? Go knock on people's doors like the music industry, right? Nobody wants to be the fucking music industry right now. Mark my words.
Starting point is 00:49:39 We have to get rid of currency and make it likes. Because all those people would have liked it. And so then you just want to collect likes. They're not even money that's going to be the currency in the future just like six great do you like me or do you like me like me yeah but he's got a point i mean you know what i mean yeah because that's all you're going towards and that's like the new currency people that's actually a good idea that's actually i mean some sort of a revamped idea have you ever actually tried to unlike anything on facebook it's a nightmare yeah but that's how it should be yeah it's like yeah right it's easy to get in hard it's like calm down drama queen just think about this for a bit brian's used to deal with crazy
Starting point is 00:50:13 bitches you really dislike cupcakes really you know you like settle down what's with the thumbs down why is there 32 thumbs down and 1 million thumbs up who are you 32 people i want i want to know who pays for those things, like gifts. Is that what they're called? You're paying like $3 for a balloon to put on somebody's Facebook? That was a part of Facebook.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Are you talking about like you got a button or something? Yeah, a button. That's what it was. Dude, virtual goods are huge. Yeah, I heard. I'm not into it. The whole rage right now in the industry is they call freemium.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Really? It's like the game is free, which is a brilliant idea in a bad economy. And so you start playing it. But hey, you see that guy who has the fancy cowboy hat you could have that for a dollar let me ask you what do you think about this what do you think about games where it's like like everquest and shit where they sell the character they like build up some crazy superhuman character and then they go sell it you're talking about digital farming yeah it's great yeah there's people who sell it yeah there's there's entire places where they just
Starting point is 00:51:04 they busted for World of Warcraft where they'll sit there and they'll just farm yeah I watched that on TV man there was this couple it was all about addiction of gaming
Starting point is 00:51:10 I don't know what the show was but it was a sad sad couple man because they weren't paying attention to their kid their poor kid
Starting point is 00:51:16 was like mommy daddy they're like shut up playing World of Warcraft no it was a real TV show it was a and the
Starting point is 00:51:21 one of the things that they had is all these people that were in I think it was like Russia or somewhere like that, that were playing games for Americans. They build up their account. They play all day, and then they sell it to them. This is the fundamental tradeoff that you have right now.
Starting point is 00:51:34 As you get to a certain point, you realize there's – people often talk in the industry about kids versus adults. Kids have no money and all the time. Adults have very little time and have the money. And so which audience are you, right? If you can have a person who's can get paid, you know, the equivalent of five cents an hour and every hour he can earn a dollar's worth of gold. That's a business model for somebody, right? I don't think Blizzard's a fan of that, right? But once you have eyes, like I often talk about the seven deadly sins is game design, right? Like I walk into this world and I see you with your fancy, you know, two girls, one up shirt on and I'm like, Ooh, I want one of those. How do I
Starting point is 00:52:04 get that? And then I envy you, you right and then i wind up getting greed so i can collect money and then i wind up getting too many and i wind up with gluttony and then it's just all these start factoring into each other and once you have eyes it's the way the world works you see the guy with the nice car it's like oh i envy him i want that nice car you can apply that to the virtual world exactly as you can apply it to the real world you know blizzard and world of warcraft i don't know the exact numbers but they had released a pet whereas it was like 25 actual dollars
Starting point is 00:52:27 or something like that and their servers wound up getting crashed with people lining up to buy it just for like one little pet. That's the power
Starting point is 00:52:33 of those people. What they've figured out how to do is make it so that the more you play the game the better you get. The better your life is. The more successful you are.
Starting point is 00:52:43 The more powerful you are. The better the experience is. The more you have control over the more powerful you are, the better the experience is, the more you have control over the people in the game. And that's the really trippy thing. It's a time thing. They locked you in. It's a show that you're totally hooked on, and it never ends. And it keeps getting crazier every time you do it.
Starting point is 00:52:58 And you keep meeting new people. Blizzard, mark my words, has created this mold that so many other people in the business are going to follow. We got this thing in the new Gears where we have a calendar. It's like you play Gears, and it's like, oh, Blizzard, mark my words, has created this mold that so many other people in the business are going to follow. We got this, this thing in the new Gears where we have a calendar. It's like you play Gears and it's like, oh, hey, you know, don't trade in your game because in two weeks there's like Ticker Tuesday or Triple XP Thursdays, right? And then your friends are playing on that same day and you want to keep going, right? And maybe there's like a psychology trick there where like, you know, you don't sell
Starting point is 00:53:20 the game because you're thinking there might be something coming up, right? We're dungeon masters and we're always like manipulating that experience online to have new shit happen. Yeah, it's kind of crazy that it just keeps going, though. I mean, how much control does your average person have over their life, right? Very little. So if you could have a world where you could start gaining that control. Yeah. I think the biggest problem when you're young is figuring out what you want to do when you grow up, right?
Starting point is 00:53:42 Thankfully, I was lucky and I saw games. I was like, boom, that. Right. But I've talked to kids. They're like, I'm going to school and I don't know what I want to do. do when you grow up right like thankfully i was lucky and i saw games i was like boom that right but so i've talked to kids they're like i'm going to school and i don't know what i want to do it's like dude pick something and be surgical about it and decide that you're going to be the best at that yeah but the problem is finding something for a lot of kids the real issue is finding something i mean you got lucky i got lucky a lot of people did but it's like it's very difficult to find the thing that you're into you don't want to like say oh it's going to be this and then you're doing it and then halfway into it you're like this fucking blows okay so it's difficult to find the thing that you're into. You don't want to say, oh, it's going to be this, and then you're doing it, and then halfway into it, you're like, this fucking blows.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Okay, so it's difficult to find what that thing is. It's like asking at a young, especially at a young age when you hardly know a lot about what's going on in the world around you. But at the same time, that opportunity now with the internet is greater than ever. Like you could shoot a viral video. You could start a podcast. You could do anything. And if you start getting better and better at it, you could build community, right? If that's what you want to do, but what if you want to be a carpenter, or what if you want to be
Starting point is 00:54:28 a painter, you know, there's so many, for kids, the hardest thing is finding the thing, finding whatever the fuck it is, like, you know, most kids don't get enough exposure to interesting ideas, between the schoolwork, when you go to school, when you think about what you gotta do, you gotta get up at fucking 7 o'clock in the morning,
Starting point is 00:54:43 you gotta leave, catch the bus with a bunch of other douchebags, do a bunch of shit that sucks all day, listen to a bunch of people tell you you're never going to make anything out of your life unless you pay attention to them, and they're like, listen, bitch, you're teaching school. I know you don't make any money. Shut the fuck up. But don't you love it? It's like, oh, life was so great when you were a kid. No, nonsense.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It's moments, but it sucked. So to find something that you truly love in the midst of all this programming is what... School is no more than programming it is education there is information that you're going to download you're going to remember it but the reality of what it is is getting you programmed to get used to doing things you don't want to do listening to people that you don't want to hear be around people you don't want to be around like co-workers there's a buzzer why does there have to be a buzzer stupid stupid? Why is this so important that we fucking leave at a certain time and get there at a certain time?
Starting point is 00:55:27 You're turning me into a robot. You're turning me into some worker asshole that just goes and does the same goddamn thing every day. You're providing order for a certain mind that might otherwise devolve into chaos. Yeah, there's ways to educate people. Have you hung out with any public school teachers? My favorite hobby is if I'm out with friends.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I was out in San Francisco with a buddy and he had a date who was a public school teacher and anytime I find one of my pullovers I'm like come here let me buy you a drink and we'll just sit there and pick their brain
Starting point is 00:55:51 for like an hour my uncle's a public school teacher does he have horror stories oh of course he does right teaches in New Jersey yeah like you know
Starting point is 00:55:58 like classes that are huge like kids who are young like super young hooking up in bathrooms they have to call child protective services it's a horror story out there. They're all doing crazy shit now, too,
Starting point is 00:56:08 because of the internet. You hear 13-year-olds are talking about making out with other girls. There was no girls making out with girls when I was 13. That shit never took place. Now they're all doing it. That was the issue.
Starting point is 00:56:20 13-year-old girls, yeah. When I was 13, I knew a lot of 13-year-olds, dude. None of them were making out with each other. Everybody would say they were going to do something, and you never knew quite what it was, right? And there was this kind of adult conspiracy to keep pornography away from you and things like that.
Starting point is 00:56:32 You had to go in the woods and find porn. We've talked about this 100 times on the podcast. Finding porn in the woods. It's so funny. Everyone's got the same story. It's incredible that we didn't bring this up to you. It was always the dirty stuff. We didn't bring this up to you
Starting point is 00:56:45 and everyone has the same goddamn story. You're in the woods. You can find a magazine. You should make an adult bookstore in the woods. It'd probably be the most successful. Just don't even have any signs
Starting point is 00:56:53 in the middle of the woods. There's like a Johnny Porno CD. It looks like Ron Jeremy and a thong going through the giant sack of porn and it's like cherry and hustlers. Yeah, cherry.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Yeah. Yeah, swag. It's not Playboy. It's the dirtiest shit you could find. It was the bad stuff we grew up with, cherry, yeah. Yeah, swank. It's not Playboy. It's the dirtiest shit you could find. It was the bad stuff we grew up with. Oh, your dog. There we go. It was always penthouse with a lot of water damage.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And it was always the girls looking like they had a Sarlacc pit down there. It was horrible, right? And your young, impressionable mind is like, oh, my God, I'm supposed to think this is hot? What is going on here? It was terrifying. Yeah. But now, at the click of a button, you can see two girls, one cup. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Yeah, we've talked about this before, about how crazy it is, how close all this stuff is. Yeah. But now with the click of a button, you can see two girls, one cup. Yeah. Yeah. We've talked about this before, about how crazy it is, how close all this stuff is. Yeah. Like someone can send you a Twitter link and you click on it and it just could be the most horrible thing ever. Mark my words, if I ever have children, like they are not going to get a cell phone until they're maybe 13, 14. Yeah, but you know what? The worst thing you want to have is an uninformed kid. True, true. When all the other kids, just talk to them and just let them be in the same flow as everybody else. Just let them know what the fuck is going on while it's happening.
Starting point is 00:57:54 As long as that base is there, right? Yeah, yeah. Look, there's that old expression, the kids are going to be all right. And they are. They're going to be all right. They're going to be fine. Just like we're fine. We're worried about them. And I have
Starting point is 00:58:06 little daughters. And logically, I can say this, and of course, paternally, I just want to protect them and nerf the fucking world and all that. But I understand where all that's coming from. These kids are going to be fine. They're growing up with other human beings. To some extent, you want them to make their own mistakes, right? I've known parents who
Starting point is 00:58:22 pad the house up too much. And it's like, let them fall over once in a while. Let them learn how to balance right like well yeah but you know you got to be careful you don't want them i mean kids die you know they fall yeah i mean don't have a cold stove in the middle of the living room yeah but i mean if you have hard floors you know like i have marble floors it's kind of tricky you know you gotta you gotta watch them but but that's not the point the point is um you know what these they're growing up with other people, and I think things always get better. And even though it seems like shit's worse,
Starting point is 00:58:49 even though it seems like shit's worse as far as, like, the economy and all this craziness as far as invasion of privacy and, you know, the access to information that we have and they're getting inundated with images and videos and all this shit that we didn't see until we were well mature, they're going to be fine. This is how they're growing up now. This is just how it is.
Starting point is 00:59:07 And we're just the old people that are just like our parents, like, you know, kids these days, look at them. Kids with these video games. It's the same thing. It's just we're like kids these days with their fucking ass-to-mouth porn. They got ass-to-mouth porn on their fucking iPhone. Well, that's just what it is. It's just this is the new world,
Starting point is 00:59:23 and the world constantly keeps getting more and more complex. It's a world of ass to mouth. The world is always getting more and more fucked up. It's always getting more complicated, more strange,
Starting point is 00:59:32 more bizarre. So where is it going? To the zombie apocalypse? Is the world just devolving like you're thinking? Look, I think as long as there's freedom of information, the way we're expressing
Starting point is 00:59:39 each other right now and communicating with each other, people are going to be able to figure out things quicker. And I think kids are going to be able to figure out this multi-f I think kids are going to be able to figure out this multifaceted, fucked-up, chaotic world far quicker than some fucking doofus from 1963.
Starting point is 00:59:52 You take some kid from 1963, you can talk him into anything. They didn't know shit. Today, kids are going to be more savvy, more aware, more information. Nobody needs to ask anybody anything anymore. Yeah, Google the fuck out of it. You just look it up, you can find it, right? You know, Wozniak was complaining about this, actually. There was Steve Wozniak, one of the creators of Apple,
Starting point is 01:00:08 was doing an interview where he was saying, back in my day, if you had a question, you had to find a smart person and ask him. Well, that's dumb. Why are you complaining about that? There's not that many fucking smart people. What, I've got to seek out one dude? That's retarded.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I have to go and talk to the professor? That's why they're so goddamn arrogant about their information. That's the classic thing about the Mayans, right? They used to control them by the, you know, all the, quote, priests, you know, figured out science and figured out, you know, how the lunar cycles and how everything would turn out. And everyone was like, wow, how do they know this? It must be magic. And they're like, we're controlling this through knowledge, right?
Starting point is 01:00:38 Yeah, well, there's, yeah. The Egyptians, too, before the Library of Alexandria burned down, they had, I mean, that was the idea as well. They kept all the knowledge. They had all this information about all sorts of different things that the lay of Alexandria burned down. They had, I mean, that was the idea as well. They kept all the knowledge. They had all this information about all sorts of different things that the lay person was unaware of. Now everybody can get it. Google, bitch. Damn. We used to have to seek out a Tim Sweeney
Starting point is 01:00:54 or a John Carmack. Yeah. Right? And hang on to them and ride them up to the top. Yeah. It's true. Now there's just fucking a computer connection to the internet and all your questions answered. But it's not always true, dude. Not always. That's the thing. But it's getting there it really seems like closer and closer it's getting to the point there's a lot of disinformation but there's also a lot of information there's a lot of good information and i think that's good because i think it developed just like we need
Starting point is 01:01:16 to be able to discern between bullshit and reality in the real world you need to be able to discern between bullshit and reality online yeah and people will sort it all out and figure it out you know if you know there's a lot of people that have there's a lot of urban myths about all sorts this urban stream bullshit and reality online. And people will sort it all out and figure it out. There's a lot of people that have, there's a lot of urban myths about all sorts of different things. If you drink a Coke and take fucking this with it, you'll die. I mean, how many different stories have we ever heard?
Starting point is 01:01:35 Oh, yeah. And then you just go online. Yeah, it was Coke and Pop Rocks growing up. Yes, that's right. That's what it was. And it was Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial died, his stomach exploded. Right?
Starting point is 01:01:43 And then there was the urban legend about the girl who stuck the hot dog in her pussy and then had to go to the hospital. You never heard that one? I didn't hear that one. That was the other one. All the maggots were starting coming out of her ass. Oh, then there's the one about the lobster.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Right? You heard that one, right? What was that one? The girl apparently took a lobster. This is such a Boston one. It's a lobster. This girl. She took a lobster, put it in her, and then lit a match to make its tail flip around.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Turns out the lobster had planted a bunch of eggs in her, and then three weeks later, she died in the tub. Yeah, I can totally see that. Some disgusting girl with shit breath telling me that story. It really seems like life is going towards having a matrix bubble where you live in a bubble, and your whole life is... She was such a whore. She took this lobster.
Starting point is 01:02:24 She stuck it in her pussy, right? Right? She lighted it with a lighter. And she lit it on fire. And it was on fire. And the fucking lobster just dropped all these eggs in a snatch. It was a lobster fest. And two fucking lobsters are crawling out of her pussy. What a whore. That's wicked weird. Don't you think that's the case? That life is
Starting point is 01:02:40 going towards where we're going to be in a bubble and our whole life is going to be some kind of like Matrix style cocoon where we're all working for the hive. and our whole life is going to be some kind of like Matrix-style cocoon where we're all working for the hive. I actually think the people who actually have people skills will suddenly, everybody's going to know how to be connected and how to get all this data, right? But those who actually can interact in real life
Starting point is 01:02:54 will actually do pretty well. If you can have the combination of that, right? That's what I'm saying about carpenters. It's interesting to try to speculate as to what exactly is going to happen, but we all know that something's happening. And that's the most interesting thing about this conversation, is that we all know that something's happening. That's the most interesting thing about this conversation
Starting point is 01:03:05 is that we all are just admitting. No one's saying, well, this is going to stop and everything will level off and then we'll just go fishing. It's going faster than ever, though. Exponentially, right? It's moving in a weird direction. When you were talking about that smart dust
Starting point is 01:03:20 and the ability to track you and little particles that can hang onto you and 3D computers and this whole WikiLeaks thing. I mean, the transparency of the whole process now, seeing this guy get arrested for not wearing a condom and they're tracking him down like he's a killer, and that is the main thing he's done wrong. He didn't wear a condom. That's what they're charging him with.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Nobody knows anybody else involved with it, though, right? He's the one who's willing to stand up there and take it on the chin as the face of this whole operation. I don't understand the whole story. I need to look into it more and I hesitate to anytime anything involves anything political, I always just say, you know what? It's like watching a TV show that's fucked me over. This show
Starting point is 01:03:58 sucks. You're not getting me again. I'm not going to watch your stupid show. And that's how I feel about politics. So when anything like this is in the news, I'm like, fuck you. My time's valuable. You guys are all crazy. You're all full of shit. Kiss my ass.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I'm not paying attention. But as this is getting further and further along, I'm getting sucked in because it's so surreal. Yeah. It's so strange. Well, you know, only a certain percentage of the cables were actually released. It was something like 20,000 out of like 300,000 or something. They're fucking panicking, man. The politicians are panicking.
Starting point is 01:04:27 They're going to know, all these other nations are going to know what kind of shit we talked about. You have a hard time containing data, though, even in my business. It's just like, oh, suddenly something just appears as a rumor on a website. It's like, how the fuck do they know this? It's amazing. It's interesting. Is somebody profiting by this? Because I know in the gaming industry, if you're going to leak something to a video game website, you're not going to make money.
Starting point is 01:04:46 And you'd hope somebody wouldn't have two beers at a pub and tell them something. And then people run with it, right? Well, that's one of the most fascinating things about BitTorrent and all this stuff. It's almost like people feel compelled to contribute. It's like there's a human urge to put
Starting point is 01:05:01 information and stuff available online. Before people were getting chased down, people loved the idea that you could go to their site and get a bunch of shit. You can get a bunch of shit from them. For free? Yeah. They loved to be distributors of it. It was so common. There were so many
Starting point is 01:05:17 different sites that had illegal shit. There's got to be a human nature thing where you just want to share and host and have community. Remember Wares? Wares sites? Yeah, of course. Yeah, I mean, that's different than BitTorrent. People don't know that there was these weird fucking hidden sites where you can go and download. It was Wares with a Z.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Yeah. W-A-R-E-Z. You could go and this was... In Mexico, it was Juarez. They got all shut down. They figured out how to stop them. But then this whole peer-to-peer thing came up. And the peer-to-peer thing is too confusing.
Starting point is 01:05:43 For people who don't know, it's like when you're downloading, say if you're getting a movie, you're not getting it from one person. You're getting it from like 100 people or more even. You're getting all these files, and somehow or another, they're compiling onto your computer. Yeah, but it's craziness because you're taking all these ones and zeros from like 30 different places, and then the final product is illegal. Like, whoa, what are you saying and how do you how do you track right where did it come from somebody had it if the one person that had it there's one illegal copy right and then they're all illegal but what if there's one legal one so here's the key is to provide a service that people are willing to pay for why do you think hollywood's
Starting point is 01:06:17 betting on 3d so much right now right it's like okay what are we doing what are we gonna actually do i think it's adding the third dimension i think the key to that is nfl i don't think it's porn nfl would be dope too we're filming all the ufcs in 3d yep ufc and 3d that'd be genius right because then it's an event right like filmed a bunch of them already i want i want my 3d to be an event i want to go see avatar i want to go see tron in 3d i don't want to go see like meet the fuckers 6 in 3d i don't really care right yeah and in my house like you know i don't really need to see like you know your average rental in 3d. I don't really care, right? In my house, I don't really need to see your average rental in 3D, but when there's an event, there's a fight, there's the Super Bowl, I will put my glasses on and watch
Starting point is 01:06:50 that in my house in 3D. Or a dope movie, something fucking badass. Something that's super CG. I'm sorry. The more I watch TV in 3D, though, it's not really about that. I think why they're trying to make all the movies 3D and all the games 3D is to make it to the point that what we're going
Starting point is 01:07:05 towards is like walls of TVs or like I was saying the IMAX movie theater where it's going to be. You're still in the bubble aren't you? You want the 360 like I think they're really trying to push that. Not the 3D part just the depth part of it. So that's what it's going towards a bigger screen.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Do you think that they can do that eventually? They'll be able to create an image that looks three dimensional without actually having to have glasses. Have you think that they can do that eventually? They'll be able to create an image that looks three-dimensional without actually having to have glasses? Have you seen the Nintendo 3DS? Yeah, they already have it. Remember when we went to that... I don't remember where the place was. We saw some sort of a big screen.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Was it in Austin? They had a big screen that was a 3D thing. It was super dope. It was in Best Buy. Somewhere in Best Buy. It was super dope. It was in Best Buy. Somewhere in Best Buy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was Best Buy. Remember they had,
Starting point is 01:07:47 it was incredible. We were watching that Monsters, Monster vs. Aliens. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was insane. The depth was so fucking gripping. I was like, this is like giving me
Starting point is 01:07:57 like a mental boner just to watch it. It's like thrilling. You know, it's like so alive with like visuals, you know? So your story doesn't always have to be the most original thing but if you can provide something
Starting point is 01:08:06 somebody's never seen before that's why we play games, that's why we go to the movies to get away from the shitty day to day mundane life that's why there are people who love Avatar so much that are depressed when they leave it because they created this whole virtual world they just wanted to exist in it was me man, I wanted to go there
Starting point is 01:08:20 when I read about that movie I'm like this is retarded so it's blue people meets Ferngully and and i'm watching i'm like oh this is cool that was a perfect example of depth though when you saw avatar for the first time how like that one scene where they're going down they're pulling out something like a dead body or something yeah it showed like that long hallway yep you know that's what it seems like everything that i've been watching regular tv in 3D for a couple months now. And even regular TV shows, they have a reenaction that makes the TV try to make it in 3D.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Not reenaction, recreation of trying to make it in 3D. And even shows like that, you're just watching TV and you're like, wow, this background is really far back. So it seems like everything is going for just depth nowadays. That the technology is going to just depth nowadays that the technology is going to be like us in a pod and we're just going to sit there and communicate.
Starting point is 01:09:09 The key is to get people so used to it that they can't go back. Right, exactly. That's what it seems like. So what are you saying? So used to it that what? That they can't go back.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Right, right. That's how it is with HD for me right now, right? But never underestimate how many people don't have the money or the desire to upgrade to that, right?
Starting point is 01:09:20 That was the stonest conversation I ever said, sorry. We can track how many people have HD versus standard definition televisions in our games, right, based on their settings. And it's actually not as many people as you'd think have HDTV still to this day. Really? There's still a great percentage of rural America that still doesn't have broadband,
Starting point is 01:09:36 right? There's so many people that lag behind it because it's just not a priority for them, right? You'll always get your early adopters, you know, guys like you who have 3D. There's still tons of people out there. Like, I stream all my stuff on my Xbox. When I saw the Redbox, you go to the supermarket where I live, and a Friday night near the college, there's a line out the door for the Redbox.
Starting point is 01:09:53 And I'm like, what is this? It's Blockbuster condensed into one box that you can just rent, right? And it's huge. Not everybody has the broadband and has an Xbox set up that they can easily stream everything from the comfort of their living room, right? Yeah, but not everybody had electricity 200 years ago. You know what I mean? It's like it's all...
Starting point is 01:10:08 Oh, we got to keep pushing forward, right? It's all going to... It's eventually going in the same direction. It doesn't matter how many of these hillbilly fucks don't catch up. We have no broadband in 2010. I got no fucking time for you. That's silly. You need to move, stupid.
Starting point is 01:10:21 You know? You need to fucking get your family out of the woods, dude. Come on, buddy. It's like there's not going to be carpenters anymore, stupid. You need to fucking get your family out of the woods, dude. Come on, buddy. There's not going to be carpenters anymore, though. We're saying if you want to be a carpenter, how is this person going to find his job and stuff? That's what's going to happen. There's not going to be houses anymore.
Starting point is 01:10:35 We're going to live in pods. Will we have gigantic 3D computers or 3D printers that we set up that build a house? Is that what it'll be? There'll be something. It'll be like a cocoon of a third dimension wall that wraps around your body like the Matrix. What if you don't want to live like that? You're not going to be able to live
Starting point is 01:10:51 Unabomber style? But what if you're young and you grew up with that and you don't need that much space and you prefer the virtual world over the real world, right? And you're perfectly comfortable running around a virtual field over a real one. Maybe it'll be inevitable. Maybe it'll get so dope that why would you want to live in the real world?
Starting point is 01:11:06 Stupid. Maybe the fake world will be so fucking badass. You talked about Avatar. What if you could just go and live like, remember when virtual reality was all the rage
Starting point is 01:11:15 And be immortal with a giant dick and eyes that can see through walls. And there's no racism in this world. Yeah, no racism. Unless you're like purple
Starting point is 01:11:22 You have all the money that has ever been printed. It's all yours. There's no monopenis. We all have multi-penises everywhere. Unless you're like purple or something. You have all the money that has ever been printed. It's all yours. There's no monopenis. We all have multi-penises everywhere. And you can just go to other worlds. You can travel to other worlds. You can do anything.
Starting point is 01:11:31 It's not real. You can craft your own world, right? Yeah. That's the million dollar, trillion dollar prize everybody wants to go for for games is to give you your dream that you can ultimately control. Well, think about this, man. I mean, what is imagination?
Starting point is 01:11:42 Imagination is some sort of energy that allows you to think up something that isn't there and create it and now it becomes real it manifests itself in the real three-dimensional world and you can beat on it with a hammer it all comes from imagination so imagination is like some real creating force but nobody really ever knows where that comes from is it come right environment has come from like what you're exposed to like what is it well they also the other concept of the, that you're an antenna and that you're tuning in to all the energy that's out there. You just
Starting point is 01:12:09 process it just like a satellite dish pulls it out of the sky and makes these numbers, ones and zeros into this image. You're getting heavy for me now. It's true. When you look at what imagination is, it really is some sort of an energy, something that exists in the mind and it's ethereal and then it becomes a solid thing. It becomes a Miller
Starting point is 01:12:27 light. It becomes a computer. It becomes a microphone. And this is eventually got to move further, right? So if the imagination of all these thoughts can become a real thing by someone getting out and sawing some wood and nailing some things together. Eventually it's going to become something through code where you can alter things, not with a hammer and nails, but you can use your mind to create a real world. That could be a hundred percent real, but your imagination applied operating system that tunes into neural
Starting point is 01:13:00 interface and becomes a part of you. You and this operating system connect to some sort of a computer or whatever the fuck it is, whether it's wireless or whatever. Then all of a sudden, you enter into a tangible, three-dimensional world that you control. Then you upload into it. What the fuck, man?
Starting point is 01:13:18 We leave meat space. What happens when the meat dies? It just rots and someone has to come along and clean you they have to recognize there's a hole in the matrix do you not find it weird that it's 2010
Starting point is 01:13:29 and we still bury people in the ground yes scam we should dress those people up and fucking dance them around like we get it for a reason no they fall apart
Starting point is 01:13:37 you need to burn them what are you talking about stupid I think that should be a play it should be the play of this guy you go there to respect the guy and it's like six months long. You're so crazy.
Starting point is 01:13:46 You gotta burn him. It's so dumb, man. It costs so much money to bury people, man. I was at the Duncan show at the cemetery. Yeah. What's it called?
Starting point is 01:13:54 The Hollywood Cemetery. He's got some weird show he does at the Hollywood Cemetery. That's where he had the Gears launch party. Yeah, that's where the Gears sign is from. They do movies and shit there.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Yeah, it's awesome. It's like a hip cemetery. But they do a comedy show there. And we were there and so it was the first time I'd ever been around gravestones in a long time. And they're all high tech now. They have like laser etched people's faces and shit into the gravestones. Do they have like video screens
Starting point is 01:14:19 and stuff? No, there's probably posters of like the Sopranos and stuff like that on the walls and like Harry Potter inside the place yeah inside the place yeah but i'm talking about where the dead people are yeah where the dead people are the the headstones they're they're they're they're like high tech now yeah like the whole place is like just like a trendy place like that so even there's like neon lights around like some of the graves and there's these digital candles that flick it's like this like a hip you know what you do is... Ridiculous. What you do is if you die, you have a live streaming thing
Starting point is 01:14:46 that has a Twitter hashtag with your name so people can do shout-outs. Yeah, totally. I want to give a shout-out to Gravestone number 42. You ever know anybody who died who still has a Facebook?
Starting point is 01:14:55 Oh, yeah. That is some weird stuff, man. Outlaw. His wife updates his Facebook all the time. I miss you and shit like that. It's such a weird thing. I've known people
Starting point is 01:15:04 and it's weird. They almost haunt you on Facebook. They keep popping up in photos and stuff that aren't tagged like tag me and it's just you'll be in the middle of the day just eating your lunch and it just pops up and you're like oh man it's a weird sobering reminder. You're not going to delete it. It's like this weird ghostly memorial to that person.
Starting point is 01:15:20 It's trippy. What happens when that person starts responding though and it's not like the Wi-Fi? person starts responding though? And it's not like, there's a twilight zone, right? It starts with a poke, right? Hit my like button.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Yeah. And you're like, I think the acid's kicking in. There's this article in fast company talking about how Twitter is kind of taken over in certain ways and how basically during the VMAs this year, they had like Twitter projections in the wall of like the number of hits, like each artist got, and they had live feeds of what people were saying about each artist.
Starting point is 01:15:46 And so we have a generation right now that wants to interact 24-7. It started with the remote control. And now like it's not enough. I know friends who have been sitting there texting other people. And I'll say something like, hey, do you want to go to the store? And they'll be like, did you actually hear what I just said? And they'll be like, yeah, you said you want to go to the store while they're in the middle of typing an email. The human mind is adapting to this kind of multitask ability.
Starting point is 01:16:05 It's not just enough to sit down and watch something. You need a ticker feed. We're playing an online game, and in between rounds, we're tweeting at the same time. You have to keep doing something and doing multiple things. Otherwise, the brain is bored. You know what? I don't think it affects traffic as much either because I think the majority of people that have the google maps live traffic view sorts it out from people that are just sitting there twittering their mom and driving slower like it cancels
Starting point is 01:16:30 each other out because now we have better technology so we know where to drive better and where the traffic is so that equals out the other retards that are just sitting there twittering and slowing down traffic a different way so what do you think about that do you mount your phone to the center of your steering wheel what's that you should about your phone to the center of your steering wheel? What's that? You should mount your phone to the center of your steering wheel. No, I just did the side straddle thing. I looked down at the map. I'm like, okay. I've got to turn right up here.
Starting point is 01:16:52 You're at the point where you can feel the tug of your phone in your pocket sometimes. Oh, yeah. Where you're just like, I just want to look. Having a Twitter fan base and just seeing you post something before you leave the office or whatever, and you're driving to the road, you just want to know what they're going to say, right? Right. And you just want to respond. That in itself, having a community, right?
Starting point is 01:17:09 That's incredibly addictive. You have an instant response from thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people, right? Like how could you not want to know what they're going to say? And half the time it's the same thing and half the time it's something new, right? Yeah, it's very addictive. Very addictive.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Just wanting to know what's going on because every now and then I'll check Twitter and someone will turn me on to something really amazing. Right. You know, some incredible fucking video or something like that. Do you ever get a little weirded out by the links, though? Like, you just worry about clicking on it. Like, hey, check out this video of this cat who farts while he burps. And you're like...
Starting point is 01:17:35 Mac, you don't. Don't you use a Mac? No. Oh, you worry about viruses? Well, that's the problem. Do you ever know what my... The big Apple cherry popper for me was the iPad man oh yeah
Starting point is 01:17:45 I love it yeah you gotta get Mac man clicking on links nowadays who cares right yeah you don't worry about viruses you don't worry
Starting point is 01:17:52 about anything yeah I'm still a PC guy that's what we develop on at work right that's all nice and good dude but it's nonsense you have to have dessert yeah you gotta have dessert
Starting point is 01:17:59 it's like being a person who's allergic to peanuts and you're eating everything blind hoping you don't run into a peanut yeah fair enough. You know, it's silly.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Yeah. You're right. Is this .tv. Fuck. What's the difference? I put out the wrong link on my Twitter. Did you?
Starting point is 01:18:15 Did you put it up for you? I put out the wrong link. These people are watching the wrong goddamn thing. Oh, yeah. Piss anytime you want to. Yeah, get up here. Just piss in his mouth. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:22 Just watch for cables. He's been here before, man. Trust me. If you want to pee on my dog, here. Just piss in his mouth. Yeah, just watch for cables. He's been here before, man. Trust me. If you want to pee on my dog, she's out back. She likes it. Dogs love pee, man. You know what's crazy about video games nowadays is that Angry Birds game. There's a game, I don't know if you heard,
Starting point is 01:18:38 that's 99 cents right now I think it is, but that game has sold so many fucking 99 cent apps that Spielberg is going to be making a movie with Brad Pitt any day now as an Angry Bird or something. That's how crazy popular it is. I don't know what you're talking about. What is this?
Starting point is 01:18:53 There's a game that you can get on your iPhone. You can also get it on the Droid and stuff like that. It's called Angry Birds. It has sold like shit loads of digital copies to the point where that game is making millions for a 99 cent video game. It's gotten so big that now they're
Starting point is 01:19:10 making it for iPads, they're making it for consoles, but now it's going to... There's even a movie maybe in the works that's coming out. So what's the numbers? How many? Millions? Millions of people watched it? Millions, yeah. Played it? What would you say? 3.7 million today
Starting point is 01:19:25 just take a name of Ralphie May that's what we're gonna call him from now on it's a Ralphie May make up a word make up a number I'm gonna Ralphie May
Starting point is 01:19:33 this number there's 4,000 people that died remember that we looked up there's two two yeah thousands of people
Starting point is 01:19:40 died he sounded as black as coal too God do do thousands of people died. 2,000, Jeff Rogan. 2,000. You will not understand this. Ralphie's a great guy, and he's very funny,
Starting point is 01:19:53 but he sucks with numbers. He doesn't suck at numbers. His popularity of that episode is one of the fastest, most popular episodes. Ralphie's very popular, man. Ralphie's funny. People love Ralphie. Ralphie was the best ralphie ralphie and this is ralphie was the the one who was the best at capitalizing on that um last comic standing show he did it better than anybody man he just ran
Starting point is 01:20:15 he destroyed like i said this on the podcast he i watch him destroy rooms like people just howling like on the show yeah on the show yeah and that's what made me got into thinking like wow he is he is a real comic or at least he's an animal dude dude i mean he might be 500 fucking pounds or whatever he is but he's working yeah he's out there constantly huffing it i heard he did like three hour shows to it sometimes like he's just those ridiculous shows i want to know is like he's doing a lot of comedy man he's doing it constantly his feet his feet must hurt though they must hurt they must just fucking maybe he sits down after a while maybe he lays down and maybe what he does is the audience is unlike it's like one of those music part rides they all strap in and they raise them up over him so they're hanging from the ceiling and he's lying on his back and that's
Starting point is 01:20:57 how he does his comedy what if he had a water bed on stage and just laid back in a water bed and there was just candles all around him and that's how he did his whole show. That's actually kind of a cool fucking idea. How about just being in the tub? Just in the tub with candles doing your comedy? Oh, totally. That's actually not a bad idea. And you had your opener in there with you
Starting point is 01:21:15 and they're just hanging out laying there. No, that's gay, bro. Only with girls, though. You only had girl comedians. Then they sink down. So then you have one person who's funny and one person who isn't. Are you in that camp that thinks girls aren't funny?
Starting point is 01:21:25 Most girls are not funny. That's not a classic comedy thing, right? Well, there's a bunch. I mean, Sarah Silverman's really funny. I shouldn't say most girls. Look, most comics aren't funny either. There's less girls doing comedy. So there's, you know, less funny comedians that are women.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I mean, Esther's funny. Little Esther, she's very funny. She's a good comic. There's a bunch that are really good comics I have a bunch of friends that are comics that are female It's a joke, but there's a lot of women that are terrible It's a different They have different restrictions
Starting point is 01:21:53 They can't talk about as many things Sarah Silverman does, but she's such a rarity But that's kind of what it takes, right? You look at Richard Pryor It has to be you And so very few women actually are that. Sarah Silverman, one of the reasons why she's so funny and so brash and dirty is that's what's funny to her.
Starting point is 01:22:11 That's who she really is. It has to really be you. Can't be doing an act. For a lot of men, 90% of all men talk about a lot of the same situations. You can relate to anyone, even if
Starting point is 01:22:26 they're on stage, unless they're as extreme as, say, Joey Diaz. Joey Diaz will take it into a realm that the average man really has no... But for most women, conversations like, men don't want to hear you talk about politics. Men don't want to hear your opinions. Men don't want to hear you talking about you getting laid.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Men don't want to hear you talking about, what the fuck is this bitch up there doing? So they're so limited. They're limited and they can't be the alpha. They can't be the one who has this idea that maybe everybody should listen to because it makes sense. You can't be that person. The last thing any fucking asshole man wants to do is be in the audience with some woman smarter than
Starting point is 01:22:57 him that's making a lot of sense, that's saying some shit that he should have thought up on his own. Good luck controlling that crowd. Good luck that, yeah. And good luck with politics. Men always oppose women on political issues. Yeah, good luck controlling that crowd. Good luck that, yeah. And good luck with politics, you know. Men always oppose women on political issues. I know a lot of men who, when women think one way, they'll think the other way just because a woman thinks that way. It's just like, you know, it's just natural.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Yeah, it's ingrained. Yeah, it's ingrained to not want a woman to control you. I think so many comedians just rely upon the whole, like, marriage sucks, like, unhappy American male type thing, man. It's just, it's sad. Well, you know what it is? First of all, that is a lot of what they are. I mean, a lot of people,
Starting point is 01:23:29 especially if you're shitty at relationships, you don't know. We know a lot of people that have fucking terrible relationships. It is what it is. And it's also, they get programmed into thinking that that's what's funny.
Starting point is 01:23:41 That this is the angle. This is what everybody does. It's all like, oh, my life sucks like that, so that's the way it is. I feel sympathy for you, right? Yeah, but some people will come out with it and you know it's real. Two people can talk about the same subjects
Starting point is 01:23:56 and one it works and the other one it doesn't. The one it works, it works because the shit is coming from a real place. That's the most important thing with, I think, any kind of art. It's got to come from a real place to really resonate with people. This has to actually be what you want to do. I started watching
Starting point is 01:24:12 for about five seconds on cable the other night. It was Pauly Shore is Dead. How dare you? Did you enjoy it? No. I wonder why. The funny thing was, growing up as a teenager, we would watch that shit. We would watch Pauly Shore. Well, Pau watch that shit. We would watch Pauly Shore movies. Yeah, well, Pauly Shore of then is not the Pauly Shore of now.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Oh, fair enough. Life moves on. Are you still working at the comedy store still? No, never. Never? Not anymore? No, that's the main reason why. That whole Carlos Mencia thing, that was the end of it for me.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Yeah, I don't want to bring up old... Yeah, it was just gross. I mostly do the improv now and other clubs, but... You all right, buddy? Dude, what is... Brian's moving around. Put down the butter dog. With his fucking dog.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Wait, what did I miss about... He's walking around with his dog like it's a suitcase. He's such a strange person. He needs a purse for it. We're in the middle of a podcast. He's carrying his dog around. You can get a bedazzled purse and just walk around. You got a dog now?
Starting point is 01:25:04 Yeah, I got a couple dogs. What kind? Well, you know my story about when I was living in Colorado, my dog got eaten by a mountain lion. Did I tell you that?
Starting point is 01:25:09 Oh, you should have told me that, yeah. It's fucking horrible. So I have two left. I got a mastiff and I have a bulldog. How big's your mastiff? A buck 40.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Jesus, I'm a buck 50. He's big. He's super friendly, though. He's like the nicest dog I've ever had. The bigger the dog, the nicer they are. The meaner they are,
Starting point is 01:25:24 they're more little shits. Well, there's some big dogs that are scary though, like Presa Canarios. There's some giant dogs that are fucking dangerous that eat people. Usually the Mastiffs and the Danes are cool, right? Yeah. Great Danes are also really confident. They're really friendly. But Mastiffs, like, this dog is the best. He's just got the perfect personality.
Starting point is 01:25:39 He's so sweet to everybody. He's just a nice dog. I can't do the little dog thing, man. I don't know how you do it. Well, the little dog's the one that got eaten. I had a cool little dog, man. He was a Pomeranian and American Eskimos. He was a fluffy dog, but he got jacked by a mountain lion. Did he just vanish one day, or did he come crawling home halfway like the zombie in The Walking Dead? That's a long story that we've told many times in the broadcast.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I don't need to go over old stuff. I saw the mountain lion. Having little dogs like that, they really can't protect themselves from anything. Foxes can jack them. I saw a fox with a little baby deer. I didn't know. Everybody was talking about how foxes are sweet. Oh, they're so cool.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Look at the fox. They got to survive, too, man. Then I saw a fox dragging a fawn. And I was like, oh, this is real shit. You ever actually get to be around any of the big cats, man? Well, I saw this one mountain lion that was in my yard and it was about 60 pounds 70 pounds it was like a dog like a german shepherd size it wasn't big like like holy shit this is gonna eat me it was big like whoa that's a mountain lion it was like it was almost kind of like more shocking
Starting point is 01:26:40 that it was smaller because then i knew it was real you know i'm saying'm saying? Like I expected if I'm going to see a mountain lion, I'm going to see a full-grown mountain lion walking through the woods. But something about this small one, and I was like, whoa, like they're small ones too. Like how many of them are out there? I started thinking like, how many of these fucking creatures live in the woods
Starting point is 01:26:58 and just kill things all day? Yeah, I had a cat killed by, I think it was a coyote out near my mom's place in California one time. You hear them at night, right? You just hear all the howling start kicking in, right? Yeah, they're in my yard sometimes where they used to be. I had to fix my yard so they couldn't get in.
Starting point is 01:27:10 But they would get in and they would shit all over the place. They would shit over by my pool. And it was creepy, man, because I stay up late, dude. I'm up until like 4 o'clock in the morning. So while I'm up writing, these fucking monsters are wandering around my yard looking for shit to kill. Yeah, but if you're out there, they probably sense that you're there and they don't want to avoid it, right? While I'm up writing, you know, these fucking monsters are wandering around my yard looking for shit to kill. Yeah, but if you're out there, they probably sense that you're there and they don't want to avoid it, right? Yeah, but, you know, don't fucking take a chance with a small person if there's no one around.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Dude, I had a chance. I've killed people before. I had a chance to take my brother and my little seven-year-old niece to the San Diego Zoo or the Wild Animal Park and kind of go behind the scenes and check out the whole cheetah set up there. And there's one cheetah there that was hand raised. And my brother and I got to go in and like pet the whole cheetah set up there and uh there's one cheetah there that was hand raised and my brother and i got a coup and like pet the fucking thing right and just hearing the it sounds like like a like harley davidson right in person and you see this the fur is actually really coarse and they have a certain presence about them just like a don't fuck with me right and i'm at that point i'm like okay i'll go in i'll get my photo op and i'm gonna get the hell out because i don't want to have my face eaten like that baboon and that lady a while ago
Starting point is 01:28:01 right and then there was another one that was just pacing the cage the cage and when she saw my little niece she stopped immediately immediately and made eye contact. And my niece could sense, like, this creature, like, looked at her and wanted to eat her and just, like, completely ran behind my brother's legs, right? Because the cheetah just saw her as food, right? It was just that primal instinct just kicked in. Yeah, they can't help it. Cheetahs can be domesticated.
Starting point is 01:28:19 They're one of the few animals that you can successfully domesticate them. They're actually in the low end of the cat food chain in Africa too, right? Is that what it is? Yeah, so they're actually somewhat endangered. Yeah, and people have actually kept them as pets and trained them
Starting point is 01:28:31 and shit. I guess they don't kill you. Dude, I mean, with a few animals, I'm still not going to trust it. Yeah, it was a smart move, especially with your niece, man.
Starting point is 01:28:39 She wasn't allowed in with them, of course, right? It doesn't matter. I mean, even, you know, having it aware that that's food, if, you know, it ever sees her again, it's creepy. The cheetah just realizes it, right?
Starting point is 01:28:50 Whoa, that's crazy. He just realizes it. Those magic moments are like, alright, this is something not to mess with, right? That's some scary shit, dude. Big cats are the scariest. They say that the reason why we have scary, where people are afraid of monsters, like every kid is, it's all just leftover DNA from monkeys getting jacked by cats
Starting point is 01:29:07 back when we were subhuman hominoids. It's a primal instinct to avoid scary stuff, man. There's an old Stephen King line, I can't remember what it was from, where he was saying when the lightning crashes and the door opens and you see a 40-foot bug there, part of you is happy because you're expecting a 60-foot bug. That's why Alien worked, right? Because you don't see the full alien right at the beginning. You see the little bit
Starting point is 01:29:27 of the leg, a little bit of the tail, and you're imagining, like, what can this thing possibly look like? And yeah, it was the most screwed-up, awesome H.R. Giger design ever, but at the same time, in your head, it was still out there. We re-watched Aliens recently. Aliens is good, but the problem with Aliens is that they established in Alien
Starting point is 01:29:44 that this thing is super fucking intelligent, really fast, gigantic, super resourceful, very crafty and sneaky. But then the second one, they're just shooting them left and right and they're dying. That was the whole movie that killed the first one. They needed one alien versus the truckers. They went too quick. They should have had less aliens. Who the fuck am I? Movie designer.
Starting point is 01:30:06 I'm telling them one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time. Still an amazing movie. But to me, I was like, wait a minute, you can just kill them that easy?
Starting point is 01:30:12 Everyone's just running around shotgunning them and they die. I like two better than one. One is an exercise in action, one is an exercise in suspense, right? One is the tease of the leg, the other one's the full-on
Starting point is 01:30:21 blown-out porno, right? Yeah, right. And you ever re-watched The Thing? There was too many cut-the-shit scenes in the second one like when she was battling it with the exoskeleton on i was like why isn't it just stabbing you in the heart it's got this giant fucking monster tail why isn't it just scooping you out like you're a camera and sat
Starting point is 01:30:36 down he's like i want to see a fucking mac versus an alien yeah there's a certain point in creativity man where you have to be like you know what a gun with a chainsaw makes absolutely no sense on it like even look at the design if you went to grab the gun you saw your finger off right but it's cool yeah but what i'm talking about is cut the shit moments i'm suspension of disbelief where you make me go in a place where i think you got lazy or you did so why are you making me go here why did why is this your conclusion why how's this bitch fighting this thing all they could all they had to do is build a certain amount of but you're they had to make it believable you gotta you gotta
Starting point is 01:31:06 I can't like have to go oh well I guess it's just really bad with its tail today that's the same argument that says like well Lord of the Rings
Starting point is 01:31:13 why didn't they just grab those you know birds at the end of it and have them fly over and drop the ring into the volcano right like there's always it's always possible
Starting point is 01:31:20 to find birds because birds don't listen to you fucking birds they were riding the birds at the end of the movie man they were like carrier pigeons I don't trust birds birds are cunts birds are all forward dinosaurs that became something new that's what they're the most evil
Starting point is 01:31:32 bird ever is the african gray the most evil bird you ever see a shoe bill no there's a congo documentary from the bbc that freaked me out once because there's this five foot tall prehistoric fucking bird with this giant bill that jacks these fish. It's fascinating, man. The thing that fascinates me most about birds is they really are dinosaurs. They really are. There's a lot of theories that a lot of
Starting point is 01:31:56 dinosaurs had feathers. They just rotted off and we don't see the fossils of feathers. The fossils were just placed there to test our faith, dude. There's a dude that I argue with on Twitter all day. I don't argue with him all day, but I read his shit all day.
Starting point is 01:32:10 What is your threshold for blocking people? Oh, I just, if they're annoying. I just go on instinct. If you're annoying me, I just block you. I love it when they're dicks.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Yeah, it's just so easy. I love it. I read the thing, you fucking, you block. I always quote that old comedy bit you did about the disproportionate amount of racial porn being sold in the South, you fucking fuck, you block. I always quote that old comedy bit you did about the disproportionate amount
Starting point is 01:32:26 of racial porn being sold in the South, right? Yeah. It's like, dude, if you hate me, then obviously there's something that I fucked up with my team in the game, like that we did something wrong. Like, how can I flip this
Starting point is 01:32:38 to turn you into somebody who likes what we do? It's just one switch away. Maybe it's a reply saying, hey man, sorry the matchmaking sucked in Gears 2. We've been working on fixing it. Like something like that to win you over.
Starting point is 01:32:47 And if you do, then you could wind up with a fan for life, right? You would have to go back in time and stop that bus driver from fucking them in the ass and roofing them and giving them moonshine. You'd have to do that. And then you'd have to find out why they're angry, why their mom didn't love them, why their stepdad was a cunt. It's the 36-inch LCD testicles that the internet provides people. Once you have anonymity, suddenly they get giant balls.
Starting point is 01:33:12 There's that, but why are they angry? You don't take a healthy, happy, super cool person who watches a game and doesn't really like it and goes and attacks you on a personal basis. They're coming from a deep anger of depression. Crystal Pepsi. It's a lot of different anger of depression. It's crystal Pepsi. It's a lot of different things, man. It's like your life not being what you wanted it to be. Unfilled expectations were all around you.
Starting point is 01:33:32 There's people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian that are multi-millionaires driving around in Bentleys and they do nothing and you're going crazy. And so you attack. And so you're like, this fucking game is for faggots. You eat shit. I hope you die in a fire.
Starting point is 01:33:45 You know, like, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're in the era of the art of the meta-celebrity, man. You don't have to be famous for anything. You can just be famous for being famous. You know what it is? Was it Angeline, the blonde who always used to have billboards? Yeah, I'm going to pee, but go on to this. It's the continuation of that, right?
Starting point is 01:33:58 I mean, it's just like, oh, you know, you just want to be famous, so you are, right? It amazes me right now how many celebrities can bounce back from like doing anything right now because america just loves a comeback story right you look at like charlie sheen you remember everyone forgets kim kardashian had a hardcore sex tape out there you're like dude really like and like there are little girls out there that are looking up to her right now i had a buddy of mine recently who uh actually finally i'm sure this happens in la all the time but he found an ex-girlfriend actually in a random porn video online no way yeah and that's gotta be great i want it to happen one day i want to be able to just go to my feelings right and it's it's one of
Starting point is 01:34:34 those things like if you sit there like i would say like porn is like on the internet it's like a mandelbrot fractal it just keeps going and going and you can just keep the and it's never ending like when we were growing up it was like Asia Carrera and like Ginger Lynn and then like Jenna Jameson and then Jenna came along it was like the same 15 actors just repeated with different spoofs of movies right now it's like
Starting point is 01:34:55 you can just go on there and it's like an infinite amount of girls and you're like at what point are you like alright so this is a thousand dollars and I don't think anybody's ever going to see this and his reaction man I felt so bad for him and of course I teased him like nobody's business but I was like dude you're getting you're like you're chasing Amy type of Girl next door type moment right like it. He was just kind of crestfallen about they didn't even go out that long right But the fact that you know at some point he found this girl cool
Starting point is 01:35:18 Thing hung out and then he finds a video over on some random internet site doing some bad cheerleader porn Right, and it's just like I'm just coming back. Who is this you're talking about? It's a buddy of mine in town. You see people in LA, I'm sure it's a common thing to date a girl and then find out later she's a porn girl or she's done stuff like that. But I don't see it that often outside of that. I had a friend of mine who recently happened
Starting point is 01:35:38 to. Imagine the mix of feelings he came up with. Like of comedy, of crestfallen. I'm like, dude, did you rub one out to it? And he wouldn't admit to it. But the feeling he would have of the, like we were just saying to Brian about the chasing Amy slash girl next door type vibe, right? Or just like, oh, man. Yeah, it's kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:35:58 I blame Joe Francis. Hey, what's going on with the Gears of War movie? They're still making that? You guys still making that? Let's wait for the sirens to go by. That's optimistic. Still working on it. I learned a lot about how filmmaking and how Hollywood and everything, the business works, right?
Starting point is 01:36:12 I mean, you really realize that it is very much a business. It's annoying as fuck, right? There's so many people with so many different opinions, and you've got to listen to all of them. Well, and there are people who just might not even have an opinion, but in order to stay relevant, they throw their opinion in. I'm missing one ear here. I'm only hearing out of one side. One side. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Test, test. Oh, you know what? I think it reconnected. I think it's just the bass. Sorry. So what happens is it's a business, like any other business, right? And people want to make money. And often the people who make the decisions are often very rearward looking.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Like, well, I'm looking at the last two years, and according to this, movies with monkeys in them do well, so you need a monkey. And I'm not saying that's my personal experience. That's exactly what it is. Yeah. Not for this project, but what happened was they had, they're like, okay, we want to do this big. You know, we got, you know, Len Wise has been attached. Great guy. Amazing director. Okay,
Starting point is 01:37:00 well, great. You know, we have a really good script. You know, we think we can dock this out. They looked at the budget like, okay, so this is $120 million estimated, and there's no real love story in here. It's got to be rated R, because if I show up at Comic-Con and we have a clip that doesn't have people getting cut in half and blood flying everywhere,
Starting point is 01:37:16 they're going to tear us limb from limb. And then there's no little kid Jaden Smith-type story in there. This just doesn't add up. This doesn't hit all the demographics. I remember reading a story about these guys who kind of created a computer formula for it where you could literally plug in the genre. You could plug in the actors. You could plug the time of year it was released, the various themes
Starting point is 01:37:34 that are in it. Vegas type betting odds, you could bet on whether or not their production would actually make money. They make money doing this. You're at the point where it's... They're saying, well, we won't get the Matrix or we's... Fascinating, right? Yeah. And they're saying, well, we won't get the Matrix or we won't get the 300 out of it, but we'll get some sort of Will Ferrell comedy
Starting point is 01:37:50 where he's doing a wacky sport, right? And you get to the point where creativity sometimes goes to die in that environment and now everybody wants to make a District 9, right? How can we make something that only costs $60 million and then blows it out because everybody's conscious about how much money they spend? It's basic economics, right? So we're kind of redoubling it, doing something that's costs $60 million and then blows it out because everybody's conscious about how much money they spend. It's basic economics, right?
Starting point is 01:38:06 So, I mean, we're kind of redoubling it, doing something that's a little bit smaller, recycling the script. Project's not dead, man, but Are you doing it with live people? TBD, man. I mean, a lot of it depends on who gets attached as a director, things like that. I mean, I personally would like to see live action, as little CG
Starting point is 01:38:22 as possible. I would like CG people, man. You know why? Your people don't look real. These motherfuckers with their giant heads, what are you going to get Brock Lesnar to play every role? Your dudes look like fake dudes. They're so awesome. There's not a lot of thick-necked guys like that that have that level of charisma to hold up
Starting point is 01:38:37 on over a two-hour movie. It's not going to work. You've got to go CGI, son. Get some little geek voices. Yeah, geek dudes who are crazy, like Steve Buscemi type guys. But dude, it doesn't... Be a wolf. They're getting closer with that, but dude, the guys don't have to be that jacked, dude.
Starting point is 01:38:51 But your guys are so jacked. In Gears of War, everyone's jacked. That's part of the cool thing about it. Vin Diesel, to your average person in pitch black, looks jacked, and he's 5'2", and was maybe, what, 180 or something? No, he's not 5'2". He's a lot bigger than that.
Starting point is 01:39:03 When I've seen him, he was short. I think his lead's six feet tall". He's a lot bigger than that. When I've seen him he was short. I think he's a lead six feet tall. He's friends with Rico Rodriguez who used to be UFC heavyweight champion. I met him at one of the UFC's.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Maybe it was I caught him at a bad angle. Way bigger than me. He seemed short when I saw him man. Well I'm short but he's bigger than me. But the bottom line is
Starting point is 01:39:18 dude it's more about charisma than it is about muscles. As long as you're a charismatic actor. Incorrect. Look at the Hulk. You can't have a Lou Ferrigno doing the Hulk in 2010.
Starting point is 01:39:26 We want that big fucking crazy CGI. That crazy Hulk that fucking smashes down the ground. Dude, there's a huge delta between Marcus Fenix and the Hulk. His fists are as big as pickup trucks. The Hulk's head is this big compared to his body. Marcus Fenix is jacked, but he's not like insanely jacked. He's not even as jacked as the guy in the Cubs for Muscle and Fitness magazine. Yeah, he is. He's just as jacked. And his head's extra super wide because he's not insanely jacked. He's not even as jacked as the guy that comes over at Muscle & Fitness Magazine. Yeah, he is. He's just as
Starting point is 01:39:46 jacked, and his head's extra super wide because he's a double alpha. The armor's part of it, dude. Yeah, but his fucking head is giant, and he's perfect. Why fuck around, man? Listen, dude, get some super duper fucking CGI pimps on this shit. Why? You can do anything, man. Monsters and
Starting point is 01:40:02 everything at all exist in the same world. Not insane shit Good luck doing that For 60 million Oh is it too expensive Dude do you know How much Avatar cost I mean it was insane
Starting point is 01:40:09 How much did it cost Here's a better idea Close to 200 million plus Tron cost 150 million Here's a better idea then Your in game footage movies Like in your video game Are so good
Starting point is 01:40:18 You should have like sitcoms With those guys going home After work Like having a relationship Like them at the bar Fucking do King of Queens yeah King of Queens King of Queens
Starting point is 01:40:26 yeah just get some guy he gets home takes 20 minutes to take off his armor right oh god just do in game footage stuff
Starting point is 01:40:32 you know like a sitcom with all your characters in it and they're all like family guy style they're all friends they hang out and get drunk
Starting point is 01:40:37 it was a terrible movie but it was an interesting concept it was a terrible movie but it was an interesting concept there was a Bruce Willis movie where I think it was called Surrogate. Did you see it? Yeah, Surrogates, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:49 It was really recent. Yeah, where everybody wound up, they stayed at home, and then they had the younger version of them that all exists in the world. Yeah, younger, perfect version. He had this full head of hair and perfect skin. It was kind of weird. I don't know. They CGI'd him somehow.
Starting point is 01:41:00 They're getting at the point where they can kind of track your body and then kind of CG over in such an amazing way right You look at what they're for Tron They're recreating kind of like Jeff Bridges I was saying looks a little bit more like Gary Oldman Than Jeff Bridges I haven't yet to see this Look at all the posters
Starting point is 01:41:16 I'm dying to see the film man Jeff Bridges to me I thought it was pretty cool Jeff Bridges gets cooler looking the older he gets Have you seen the trailer for True Grit? Have you seen him naked? Yeah, that trailer looks awesome. His face is just... I'm talking about his face, man.
Starting point is 01:41:31 He's probably scary from the... He's probably a mess. He looks so just like awesomely grizzled, right? He's got bruises. He doesn't know where the fuck this came from. He's got things sagging. Why is this bleeding? He's got like skin tags.
Starting point is 01:41:43 His shit's just breaking left and right. Did you see the trailer for True Grit, though? Yes, I did. I saw Crazy Heart, too. Yeah, that was good. Yeah, that was an interesting movie, man. It was kind of cool. It's sad, right? It was sad, but it was good. I mean, there's the life lesson of being on the road that much, right?
Starting point is 01:41:59 The loneliness, right? Well, it's also the partying, man. I've met a million people that have problems with partying, with alcohol especially, but with coke and with a bunch of different things. People that are performers, they're performing all the time, and they need to get up to perform. That's the respect I have. I've done the European press tour for the games,
Starting point is 01:42:18 where it's five European cities in five days, and that just wrecks me. I cannot imagine doing 30 cities in 40 days, what it takes to actually pull that off and to sit there and show up every night and command a stadium. What does that do to you? How can you actually show up like that? At the end of every night, there's an infinite amount of partying or girls line up to just
Starting point is 01:42:36 do whatever. In a different city and new people experience who all think you're God. Most of the time, you really have to get back to your hotel because you've got to get up in the morning and five hours to go to your flight. Those are the ones you're responsible for, right? Yeah. Well, the reality is those tours. I only did one tour like that.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Most of the time, what I do with comedy is I go out on the weekends, and then I come home. I go out for a couple of days, and then I come home. But a lot of guys will go out, and they'll do like, I know Maz Jabrani, who we're talking about, he goes out and he goes out for like a couple of weeks, three, four weeks. But one time we did this Maxim tour and we were gone for like a month, like a whole month of just constantly doing gigs. And it's a fucking weird thing, man. It's not. How many cities? I think we did 22.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Oh, God. 22 cities. 22 in 30 days. Do you have like a comedy bus or do you fly? We both. We took a bus some places. Most of the time we flew. But it was brutal, man.
Starting point is 01:43:28 It was weird. It was horrible. All you're doing is traveling and then trying to get as much rest as possible. Then getting on stage and then trying to get as much rest as possible and traveling. You never get a full night's sleep. You're always flying. You're always eating terrible food. It's interesting.
Starting point is 01:43:41 It's fun. Your comedy gets tight as fuck. Don't you love the waking up and going, where the fuck am I? All the time. Yeah, I still do that. I do that so often because I travel so much. I'll get up to pee and I'll go, okay, where's this bathroom? Do you know my trick? Leave the bathroom light on, close the door.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Because when you don't know where the hell you are and you've got to go, that thing will be like this light at the end of the tunnel. That's a good trick. Lance Barton, motherfucker, you. I've had that happen. That's the worst feeling in the world. That's a good trick. You learn all the tricks, Trevor. Lance Burton, motherfucker, you. I've had that happen. That's the worst feeling in the world. It's a weird thing, man.
Starting point is 01:44:09 But it's a hotel room. You can just pee on the floor. Me and Joe had like a scare at a hotel where we both thought we were going to die. We've talked about it before, but that really changed the whole thing for hotels for me. I actually fear half the hotel rooms.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Always check. Always look out. Somebody knocks on the door, always look out the people and everything. No the door, always look out the little, the people and everything. No, it was a fire. Yeah. It wasn't,
Starting point is 01:44:29 you know what the problem was, it was in an old hotel. It wouldn't have been nearly as much of a problem, but there was a single file staircase and we were on the 15th, I was on the 15th, what floor were you on?
Starting point is 01:44:37 I was on like 14th, I think. And you know, 12th. And it's, you could only get one person on the staircase at a time and people were slow as fuck. You probably felt that people were about to trample each other.
Starting point is 01:44:49 They're at that threshold, right? Or just that instinct kicks in. Are you kidding? I'm the fucking head of the pack. I was the one to be running on people's heads. I was seconds away from sprinting through these fucking people. People with slippers on, man, all ambient up. You can tell they were fucked up from sleeping pills and shit.
Starting point is 01:45:04 And they were moving slow as shit. The problem is the announcement. The lady on the thing is like, please evacuate a building. The building. A fire has been detected. Please evacuate the building immediately. What time did that happen?
Starting point is 01:45:14 Like 3 in the morning? 4.30. Especially not knowing where the hell you are. It was like a robot voice that woke us up. It was like, attention, attention. But it wasn't. I hate your face. It was a woman.
Starting point is 01:45:24 It was a woman talking because while she was talking, attention. But it wasn't. I hate your face. It was a woman. It was a woman talking because while she was talking, she was doing it so robotic. We were trying to, first of all, we're so foggy and we're trying to figure out if this is really happening. It doesn't seem like how you would tell me
Starting point is 01:45:36 that the fucking building's on fire. You'd be like, get out! Exactly. So this chick's like, a fire has been detected in the building. Please evacuate immediately. And I'm not sure if this is a robot. I don't know if it's a robot or if it's a real person.
Starting point is 01:45:50 The cake is a lie. Evacuate the building. Until I hear in the background, we got to get these people out of here. Shut the fuck up. There was a guy in the back behind her that must have been behind the counter with her. It's like, we got to get these people out of here. And then I'm like, oh, shit. It was just a false alarm, and he just decided to fuck with everybody.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Like, no, no, it's on the 12th floor now we need to get him out i remember thinking that i was the same exact thing as joe because we had talked about it afterwards and i was thinking the same thing like i am going to have to start throwing people out of my way yeah and then i looked at the windows like in the stairways it was like you've seen it when you get off a plane it just it just amazes you and how slow people can actually physically move. Like that plane that landed in the Hudson a couple years ago. I would have just crapped my pants.
Starting point is 01:46:29 I would have been like, get me off of this. So many people, dude, are barely taking care of their body. Barely. They're just barely, barely, barely. You've been next to that guy on the plane who gives you the extra elbow rest. Yeah. Leaking over onto your seat. We were thinking about that when we had Ralphie on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:46:45 I mean, Brian and Ralphie barely sat in a couch together. Like, what happens if you're on Southwest and you've got to sit next to him? That's what he's saying. It's all about the lap band now. Yeah, what the fuck is the lap band? Dude, it's everywhere. It's on every billboard out here. They're so gluttonous that, you know, there was a picture from a long time ago,
Starting point is 01:47:02 the beginning of the 18th century or the 19th century. There was a carnival, and they had the fat man in the carnival, like a sideshow freak. The bearded woman, the fat man. And the fat man wasn't nearly as big as Ralphie Mae. This guy was a freak back then. Because people had to fucking work. They had to move around their bodies. It's not just that.
Starting point is 01:47:21 It's moving, but it's also the average American diet. The average American diet likes three flavors, fat, sugar, and salt. It's everywhere. We have an entire generation of kids that will not eat food without ketchup on it. They just won't. They just have to have ketchup. Ketchup, chicken fingers, and it's like, dude, heaven forbid you take them out and give them some fish or try curry or something. And then think about McDonald's.
Starting point is 01:47:43 Get them young. And then you don't think about McDonald's. Get them young. The thing is about this lap band thing. What's really creepy about it is all you're doing is making the stomach smaller so that you get full quicker. So all you have to do is just stop eating so much. It's that simple. But it's hitting your dopamine receptors and you've been trained for that.
Starting point is 01:48:00 That's the only thing you know. Can I go to a restaurant and get a half portion, please? It's huge now, right? Right. But when you're filling up and you have this lap band thing so you have this like tiny baby fake stomach now and that little fake stomach's filling up do you does your dopamine receptors go off do you get rewarded those are the chemicals that say i'm full right dude it's on every billboard apparently the surgery is not invasive enough that that's the point it's going to be like you watch people get their lap band installed in the mall like laser eye surgery, right? Like, yeah, do that dental whitening. Get your lap band while you're at it, right? But isn't it like
Starting point is 01:48:29 a shitty fix to a problem that's obviously a lifestyle and diet problem? Somebody saw profit, right? Yeah, I mean, that's true. It's like the shake weight. Yeah, well. What's so weird, though, is when you talk to somebody that's insanely obese, they act like it's... I know she's drunk.
Starting point is 01:48:45 She's a drunk slut. Don't do that. She's not really drinking it. She's just licking the bottle. She licks the bottle. She's used to licking cylindrical things in her home. But it's like you talk to these people and they're always like, I don't even know what the problem is. It's thyroids. It's this. It's that. I'm on a diet. But then you hear the other
Starting point is 01:49:01 stories where like, no dude, he went to Jack in the Box and pretty much ordered like 13 hamburgers. I honestly think it's the same thing as the guy who just works out to the point where he looks like he's just comedic. I think it's an addiction. I honestly think it is. Yeah, I guess so, but that's a little more, that's a different
Starting point is 01:49:18 kind of, totally different kind of craziness. You know, the fat craziness is just like, they're just trying to die or something. You know, like I have a friend who just i know has like a massive uh food addiction and just any time he's around fast food he just he can't drive by a jack-in-the-box he's gonna go in and because you're trained at a young age to enjoy those flavors also man and it's it's a stealth calorie thing also but he's got a i mean he knows he's fat. He talks about it. He's trying to do things and never has done anything. And if you know in your head that you should stop doing this and you have a problem,
Starting point is 01:49:52 it's very strange that you can't rewire your brain to recognize that. Like, oh, this is something I'm aware of now. Now I just need to stop. Once people get set on a certain path, then at a certain point they just go, right? Breaking that cycle is the hardest thing. Right, but why does that exist? The Right. But what is that? Breaking that cycle is the hardest thing. Right. But why does that exist? The big question is why is that in our system?
Starting point is 01:50:09 Why is it? Is it the same thing that allows us to get obsessed with things and get really good at things? Is it like a bastardization of this focus? How do we all know what hoarders are now? My grandma was a hoarder. When she died, my uncle wound up having to clean out her place. I remember as a kid going to visit her, and she would have stacks of National Geographic
Starting point is 01:50:25 five feet high with her goat paths we'd have to navigate. You'd go to the bathroom to pee, and her bathtub was used to have bags of clothes in it. She never really... We were always wondering why Grandma smelled sweaty. It's because she didn't wear deodorant, Joe, by the way. My grandmother was the same way. Your grandmother didn't wear deodorant?
Starting point is 01:50:40 Clearly not. Why not? Maybe she just didn't think it was okay to plug up her armpits with stuff. I'm interested in this. Well, I wear deodorant. I just don't think it was okay to plug up her armpits with stuff. I'm interested in this. Well, I wear deodorant. I just don't wear antiperspirant. Right.
Starting point is 01:50:48 One thing is just smell. I was just giving you shit, man. The other thing is stopping the... My grandmother was completely crazy. My grandmother, when she died, was exactly the same thing. They had to clean out my uncle. I think it's a control thing, partially, too, right? His brother had to clean out their house.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Have you ever watched Borders? Yes. Usually, the husband's... It's an obsession thing. The husband's some train wreck and something's gone south so it's this one thing that they can control in their life, right?
Starting point is 01:51:08 Maybe, but she was insane about a bunch of different things. But the whole house was just stacks of boxes and no one knew where anything was. And it's never anything valuable. It's usually just like...
Starting point is 01:51:16 No, she had a lot of money that she didn't even probably know she had. Like $30,000 was stored in the house. Some ridiculous number and they were broke and it was really because she had grown up in the recession and when you grow up in the recession,
Starting point is 01:51:27 you're constantly worried that you're going to run out of money. Yeah. So they would stash money in little spots. That's our parents and our grandparents were always like,
Starting point is 01:51:32 no, you're going to finish that? You're going to take that home? Yeah. And this current generation is like, screw it, I don't need it, right? She had an aneurysm and she forgot where everything was
Starting point is 01:51:39 so she had all these fucking cans around the house and nobody found it until she died. Wow. So it was like 12 years. That's crazy. Yeah, they gave her 72 hours to live live she had a massive aneurysm and nobody found her for a long time i came outside and she was just jacked and so uh they uh they brought her into the
Starting point is 01:51:53 hospital and they were like you know maybe she's got 72 hours maybe she lived 12 years wow 12 sicilian peasant genes bro yeah die hard? Yeah, carrying rocks up hills for generation after generation. Josh Ortega, he wrote Gears 2, had one point where he was an apartment manager at an apartment and he got a phone call
Starting point is 01:52:11 that this person had this strange fluid that they assumed was a sewer leak above them or something like that. Oh, yeah, a dead person? Yeah. Yeah, he called in,
Starting point is 01:52:18 it was a cop or some sort of cleaner guy. He touched it, smelled it, and he's like, you got death above you. The guy had died and bloated and actually soaked through. Oh, boy. And once they took the body out josh actually had to clean like all that out but you can't clean the ceiling you have to cut it out yeah because it's sucked
Starting point is 01:52:34 through the fucking plaster that smell does not go away right it's in the wall board yeah it's leaking through the wall board you got body and your ceiling yeah would you live somewhere like a place that that somebody's been murdered at? No. You wouldn't? No, I don't think I would. And you know, one of the reasons why I don't think I would is I really honestly believe that there's something to... I think it was
Starting point is 01:52:56 Rupert Sheldrake, who's an evolutionary biologist, had this idea that everything has some sort of a memory. I believe it was his idea that memory doesn't just exist in the human mind, but that objects and things have memory. And the world around you. And that's one reason
Starting point is 01:53:10 why you can come into certain buildings and creepy shit has happened there. And, you know, people are fucking flakes, man. People will tell you they can read your palm or, I sense you're a good person. There's a lot of weirdos that talk crazy spiritual talk. But there's something... Especially in Southern California.
Starting point is 01:53:23 For sure, right? Everybody out here wants to be special without working for it. But for sure, there's something about feelings. There's some feels that you get for some places. And so many people have gone, it's like a house where someone's been murdered
Starting point is 01:53:38 and no one even has to tell them and they feel terrible about the house. And the house is a nice house. There's been so many stories about something like that. I just thought the wallpaper was so bad that somebody had to murder somebody in there. Dude, you know what? I think ghosts aren't just, there aren't just potentially these things that exist around you. I think it's like a memory, right?
Starting point is 01:53:54 As far as, there's this awesome game, System Shock 2. Did you ever play it? Yeah. And they used to, basically you had these implants that allowed you to see the memories of people right before they died. And you come up with, it was a great storytelling thing. Because they were ghosts. You couldn't interfere with the cut scene. You couldn't shoot the guy before he did the thing.
Starting point is 01:54:08 You just saw the last, like eight seconds of his life play out. And he came up this elevator shaft and this guy in front of you who's standing there with a shotgun. He's like, I'm sorry. You know, the space station's gone to hell. I can't deal with this.
Starting point is 01:54:18 You know, Ellie and the kids, forgive me. And you see him put the gun in his mouth and it phases out. Whoa. They use that throughout, right? It's an amazing storytelling technique, right? That's a good idea. It's classic stuff, man, right?
Starting point is 01:54:27 You brought it back to gaming right there. Did you see that? Mario Kart started that. Yeah. With the ghost around the track, right? Yeah, yeah. That's exactly what that was. Now you compete against yourself, right?
Starting point is 01:54:38 Yep, exactly. Oh, dude. Yeah. Now we're all figuring out how to basically have different type of events happen online. You know, like Angry Birds, you were saying. Now they're doing like the holiday edition. Right. But they're handling it right, too, yeah. Now we're all figuring out how to basically have different type of events happen online. You know, like Angry Birds, you were saying. Now they're doing like the holiday edition. Right. But they're handling it right, too, man.
Starting point is 01:54:49 Those people didn't charge anything for that game. And then they've been updating it and, you know, patching it. Dude, I would have told you if I finished Angry Birds and then there was a screen that came up and said, Hey, you can have 30 more levels for $30. I would have been like, Yes, yes. And my firstborn, please. They're treating it right, though. Is that how they do it?
Starting point is 01:55:06 Yeah. How do they make money? See, they get it. They sold the game first. They're giving a lot away for free right now, but weren't you just saying that they have some
Starting point is 01:55:12 99-cent eagle that'll take out the whole level for you that they've been planning? Well, they have that, and they also had the Halloween pack, and then they also have
Starting point is 01:55:19 this whole new Christmas pack. But you can't just play all the levels. It's an advent calendar, so you can only play one level on each day. Right. So you can't just play all the levels. It's an advent calendar, so you can only play one level on each day. Right. So you can't just burn through them all in one night,
Starting point is 01:55:28 but it's such a well-designed game that you're just going to keep coming back. Right, totally. So simple. Perfect kind of iOS game. Just doot, doot, doot, doot, doot. Definitely. Tap and swipe, baby.
Starting point is 01:55:36 That's the way to go. Yep. Everything's turning into applications, too. Have you noticed that? Yeah. Like, nowadays, you're not paying money for, like, magazines. you're not paying money for magazines. You're not paying money for this and that. You're now having applications. Apps are just fancy programs,
Starting point is 01:55:52 right? That are just well-maintained. Smaller, well-maintained, personal. You're taking these apps with you on the road. A lot of people are concerned, though, on the internet right now. It no longer is a series of linked websites. It's Facebook. It's these various kind of silos of information where it's all self-contained within that, right? The thing that, and again, I like Facebook. I think it's cool. I like stalking people I went to high school with. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:56:13 At the same time, the fact that every website I go to now has Facebook integrated now, right? Where you're like, I don't necessarily want somebody knowing I go to one website and accidentally click like, right? And then it broadcasts because you know and comments you can make comments on these on a lot of oh absolutely and you do it through your facebook you log in your
Starting point is 01:56:33 facebook i'm like wait a minute where's my password going how do you know what's going on i'll never are you connecting i'm allowing you to connect through my facebook so here's a question for you okay if you could have perfect memory, like day to day, you will remember everything when you were 10 years old every single day, but it had advertising in it. Would you do it?
Starting point is 01:56:53 It already did, dude. That's fascinating. That's a very good question. So you can be like, I want to go from August 4th, 1974, 3 p.m. They're like, okay, this is sponsored by Gecko, who go to And you're like, fine, fine, whatever. And then you're like, okay, this is sponsored by Gecko, who, you know, go to, and you're like, fine,
Starting point is 01:57:06 fine, whatever, and then you're like, bam, now you have that day in front of you, like, on video, of course. Because we're all in love with our memories, right? No doubt. Or that thought at least. You would definitely, but then you would say, well, where is this stored? Is this non-local? No, no, no, no, it's like Divick Circuit City via 2000.
Starting point is 01:57:23 There's a story on I can't pull up this shit on my own. They're able to surgically kind of remove certain memories from mice. They've started to come through some of that technology, like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. So if you're a PTSD sufferer, and you have traumatic events in Afghanistan, they can surgically remove the stuff that happened to you
Starting point is 01:57:38 so that you can move on. Yeah, but what if there's some dude that you fucking hate in Afghanistan, and all of a sudden you're in New York, and he sees you like, you motherfucker! And you're like, I don't even know this dude. Right. You know, that's not cool. Then this guy would hate you, and he'd be following you around.
Starting point is 01:57:51 You're like, what is this dude's deal? Or you get out of a bad relationship. And you killed everyone he knows, man. And he made me make the Iron Man outfit. Right, yeah, you get out of a bad relationship, and meanwhile she still remembers you, and she's fucking sharpening up her daggers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:05 She's like traveling all over the country trying to find you. She's trying to find you how the condom can break to get you arrested for it. She's got all sorts of outfits. She's like Blade and shit. She's got a trench coat filled with weapons looking to take you out. But the fact that they're starting to make these breakthroughs, right? Yeah. There was a breakthrough in nanotechnology that happened,
Starting point is 01:58:20 I think it was about a year ago, where they were able to figure out how to actually have cells that were bonded in an injection that would actually then melt a tumor that was a tumorous growth, without any sort of radiation treatment or anything like that, right? We're right in the verge right now, right?
Starting point is 01:58:36 Of so many diseases and everything like that, it might actually happen within our lifetimes. And forget about your kids. And it's not just happening in technology, it's happening in space like all the shit that they're finding out about space as well are you have you following any of the astronauts in the international space station on twitter no there's that guy dig up his name his uh he's been just tweeting photos of like amazing like like sun or you know sunsets from
Starting point is 01:58:59 from space from the space station like somehow they hooked up you know he's an internet connection up there and he has like 300,000 followers on twitter he does man he's like hey look at this look at this his name's um i guess the sochi naguchi it's uh oh yeah at astro underscore s-o-i-c-h-i he's got 300,000 followers and he's like hey look we're taking off and go to the space station and he's just got this following and like he's making space travel cool again right whereas you know you joke about kids who want to be mma fighters or video game designers now this guy's doing that for the job right which i think is really cool what do you think awesome space porn yeah i actually do follow that guy i have seen some of his cool stuff i forgot i follow so many
Starting point is 01:59:37 people i forgot they compile it on the huffington post once in a while you just look at it just scroll through just like this is amazing there's so many things that are just so crazy that are not even understood about this world. The whole, like, arsenic-based life form stuff they came out with recently, right? Yeah, you know what? They found out that that was bad science. Really? Yeah. That was very poorly written and that NASA rushed to try
Starting point is 01:59:56 to get this press conference or this press release out there before it got really reviewed by all the right people. And there's a ton of criticism all over the internet that what they did was they drew some really unscientific conclusions and kind of...
Starting point is 02:00:11 It's not disproven completely, but it's not proven either. It's not ready yet. It's kind of like the end of Contact where they're not really sure if Jodie Foster really went to the other world. There's some nutty shit going on, man. Have you heard about this new object that they found outside of Pluto that's Jupiter-sized?
Starting point is 02:00:27 Really? Just out of nowhere? Yeah, way the fuck out there. Like, probably as far or more from Jupiter as we are from Jupiter. Or, excuse me, from Pluto, rather, as we are from Pluto. And it's outside of Pluto, and it's gigantic. They don't know what it is. They have no idea where it is exactly, but they know there's something out there.
Starting point is 02:00:44 They're pretty sure. You've probably talked about this in your... because you're big on aliens, the whole idea what Stephen Hawking was saying. If aliens actually find us first, then it's going to be a situation where we're the Native Americans and then it's everybody else coming over from Europe.
Starting point is 02:00:56 That didn't turn out very well. Or we're monkeys. We're not even Native Americans, man. Native Americans, we're at least human. If something is a million years more advanced than us, it's going to be like us collecting bugs. Like I said, your kids are probably going to live to be 150 plus.
Starting point is 02:01:11 If not you. Who knows, man? Who knows what the fuck is going on? The breakthroughs they're coming up with every fucking day. Would you stress? Maybe you'll just kick back and go Jay-Z style once you you know compile all your money yeah that's a problem though if you because the developers the people
Starting point is 02:01:32 who have the money are the people who put up the money and those are the people that make all the money is that what's going on and that it's much harder for the developers to go jay-z style it is yeah you get well you get to the point where it's it's so hard for one person to really break out and do his own thing, especially in the AAA space. Because you're seeing where used games and rentals are eating up so much of the market that for somebody to spend millions and millions of dollars to make a game and then to actually launch it with all the marketing is a huge risk. And so a lot of people are running to mobile. They're running to all these different kind of places, right? But I would think that at a certain level, like your level, when you have a certain reputation behind you, that it might be easier for a bunch of people to come to you and say, listen, man, you're a proven commodity. Why don't you get your team and we'll give you guys a cut of the publishing.
Starting point is 02:02:22 Hypothetically, I knew at an early age that by doing the PR and being able to have a little bit of a theater background and go on stage, this stuff would get me a certain amount of leverage. And then by working with talented people and making great games I have built a brand for myself so hypothetically I could probably go knock on a lot of publishers door tomorrow and be like just give me a bunch of money let me build a team do whatever I want the problem is Epic takes good care of me and I work with everybody and I do the shit I want and I you know I've got a great set up so
Starting point is 02:02:40 why fuck with it for something that may or may not work out right? That explosion was Brian fucking around in the background. Do you think that the world is coming to an end? What do you think the current lifespan of the consoles are? Like, until the new ones are released? For the first time ever in video games, we've just gotten past the five-year life cycle.
Starting point is 02:02:56 It seems like there's no reason yet, is there? Well, I think for a lot of people, graphics are, quote, good enough. Yeah. If you were to put something new on TV that's the current state of the art versus the latest PlayStation, Xbox game,
Starting point is 02:03:08 would it pass the mom test? Would your mom look at that and go, that looks amazing compared to that? Maybe, maybe not. Give it a couple years, yes.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Right? So right now, maybe it's good enough. You know, you have all the motion controls and everything like that that can kind of keep everybody occupied.
Starting point is 02:03:20 What do you think the next thing is? What do you think is just going to be faster and bigger or do you think there's going to be the 3D more integrated? This is me speaking personally.
Starting point is 02:03:27 Yeah. My personal opinion. Your personal opinion. It's fast as hell, avatar style, graphics, avatar level of graphics, something that is always connected to the internet.
Starting point is 02:03:35 Is it ever going to come to a time where that's easier to do than it is now? What, in regards to building this? Technology, building it, creating it. I mean, will there be tools that will be so effective?
Starting point is 02:03:44 There's ways that you can procedurally create content, right? Like Will Wright did Spore, where like a lot of the, building it, creating it? I mean, will there be tools that will be so effective? There's ways that you can procedurally create content, right? Like Will Wright did Spore, where a lot of the textures were automatically created, so he figured out what an algorithm would be for grass and wood and things like that. And there's a huge, not a huge, but there's a subset of people that work in that technology. Like, okay, just hit a button
Starting point is 02:03:59 and just generate 50 types of wood for me so we don't actually have to build it, right? Then you get to the point where there's a certain library of do I really need to remodel the couch for the 8 billionth time? Like work smarter, not harder, right? Figure out ways to use modular architecture. Do you really need 50 columns of different types or you can just spit them all out, right? The key is going to be figuring out, you know, like how to craft that within a certain financial model.
Starting point is 02:04:19 That's the billion-dollar question. How do you provide AAA content that makes sense, right? Like how do you remain profitable? Will there eventually, do you think, be software that makes it easy, like the average person can create games? That's what we do. That's half of our business. You could go to and download the same exact stuff we use to build our games. Really?
Starting point is 02:04:36 For free. So anybody can, for free, go and take your technology and make their own game? They can. The problem is, of course, if you start making money with it, then you have to talk to us about officially licensing it. Wow. That's pretty fucking dope. That's how it works.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Actually, never really knew that. The reason why this is smart is because you have so many college campuses out there that want to find a solution. How do we train college kids to learn how to use this technology? How hard is it? How hard is your builder? Is it a hard builder? I would have fucking killed for these tools when I was 17.
Starting point is 02:05:06 Yes. They're not, you know, making games is hard, right? Like, you still have to know what to do. But if I was myself, 17, I would have been able to do such crazy shit. Like, I had to, like, learn Visual Basic and get a programmer. The other programmer I did Jazz Jackrabbit with back in the day is the guy who works on Killzone now. Wow, really? Yeah, it's just one of those weird, like, you know, Professor X Magneto type situations, right?
Starting point is 02:05:24 But he's a cool guy, great Dutch dude. But yeah, like, you can just go download it now and start building a game. So I get these kids that tweet me all the time. How do we get the business? How do we get the business? I'm like, go to UDK, download it, and start building something.
Starting point is 02:05:34 Figure out what you're good at and work your ass off and be better than everybody else. Have you been playing that hard shaft? I mean, mineshaft game that's on the... That was a good one. Holy Freudian. What a slip there, Brian. Kidding. What the fuck is wrong with you, son? it's this game called big black dog it's a king kong i mean it was great it's minecraft
Starting point is 02:05:50 right uh so have you been playing that at all i heard that it's the first pc game i paid money for in years really all right so we almost got through this whole episode without anybody talking about big black dicks wow i apologize that was a horrible slip it was like one of those where he brought up big black dicks though it's almost like it's impossible it was like one of those where it was he brought up big black dicks though it's almost like it's impossible it's like
Starting point is 02:06:07 it's embedded into our system yeah we attract dick talk weave through our DNA the black kind
Starting point is 02:06:14 so what is it mine shaft how do I okay I'm gonna go from big black cocks to minecraft minecraft
Starting point is 02:06:19 it's not even shaft so it's this game Joe this kid this kid decided to make this game out of his garage. And he's making, God, I don't even know the numbers. He's making money hand over fist.
Starting point is 02:06:30 Right. And it's basically a world where you initially start off and you can build cubes of different materials in front of you. And then build anything you want, basically. So imagine building 3D pixels. And there's people who have built the earth in this game, right? Right. And then there's this mode where nighttime comes and you have to eventually figure out how to survive your first night and start building aD pixels. There's people who have built the earth in this game. Right. And then there's this mode where night time comes
Starting point is 02:06:46 and you have to eventually figure out how to survive your first night and start building a workbench and build all these different things. And it starts getting deeper and deeper. I haven't gotten too deep into it, but it's become this kind of phenomenon. He's talking to Valve
Starting point is 02:06:55 about doing something with it. And what you see right now is these kind of little micro-developers who are having success, right? The guy who did Braid, Jonathan Blow. You have the team who made Portal was like a handful of kids who made an independent game that then they started
Starting point is 02:07:07 working with valve right the guy did limbo the team into the limbo they were at the independent games festival we saw that and like this game is great and then every time I love supporting these indie kids because you never know like what's gonna come out of them because they can often take risks that we can't right because you know they're you know in their garage and they're you know how hard would it be for someone to make a movie with your game engine? Pretty easy. Really?
Starting point is 02:07:27 Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Whoa. They call it machinima. Oh, yeah, machinima. Yeah, I'm going to the awards ceremony. What do they call it?
Starting point is 02:07:34 Spell that? I always called it machinima, but I don't know why. How do you say it? It's the art of a machinima. It's the art of a virtual camera, right? M-A-C-H-I machinima? M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machinima. M-A-C-H-I machin right? M-A-C-H-I Machinima? M-A-S-S S-L-I-T
Starting point is 02:07:49 I've seen some old ones done with old game engines that looked really hokey. But the game engines of today, they're so sophisticated. That was what Red vs. Blue was, right? That whole web series that became huge. These guys took the Halo characters and made them talk in these incredibly funny situations. That's why you need to have a sitcom of your characters
Starting point is 02:08:05 having wives and stuff in that form. We will absolutely do that in our spare time. No, no. You just hire two high school kids. It's been our iPhone efforts.
Starting point is 02:08:13 You hire two high school kids to do it and you give them fucking $10 a week. It's opportunity cost, man. They'll have the marine guys pulling their assholes apart in the goatee pose.
Starting point is 02:08:23 That's the beauty of so many of those internet memes is I can sit there eating a giant bowl of cereal and just watch it and not even care because it's been sent to you so many times. That's true. That's the other thing. We were talking about kids getting freaked out by all the
Starting point is 02:08:35 input that they have today. They're just going to get desensitized a little quicker than us. If you can handle it, kids can handle it. It's just going to be trickier. It's trickier in the beginning. I will tell you, bringing it full circle, every time I see gonna be trickier It's trickier in the beginning But I will tell you Bringing it full circle Like every time I see real life
Starting point is 02:08:47 Like you know Violence in front of me See somebody get hit at a bar It makes me nauseous Yeah Really? It does My problem is
Starting point is 02:08:52 I'm so used to it Right I see people get beat up And it's so normal My wife cut her head And she opened up The back of her car You know the hood
Starting point is 02:09:01 And banged her head on it Accidentally Did she get a skull? Bled No it wasn't that bad But it started bleeding Did she have a skull? A lead. No, it wasn't that bad, but it started bleeding. Did I talk about this already?
Starting point is 02:09:07 No. It started bleeding and I just looked at her and I'm like, eh, it's a little cut. You know, for her it's like this traumatic thing.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Yeah. And I'm like, they're not even gonna stop this fight. This is nothing. She didn't even tap up. This is ridiculous. This is barely a cut.
Starting point is 02:09:19 It's only an inch long. Facial wounds bleed a lot. I'm like thinking, shit, am I gonna have to take her to the hospital for this little baby cut? Is she gonna freak out
Starting point is 02:09:24 or is she gonna let me stick like crazy glue in there and glue it together? Because that's what I would do. If that was my head, I'd be like, just drop some crazy glue in there and squeeze that shit right here, dude. That's what they do, man. Quit crying, you pansy. When you get cuts, they put crazy glue on it and they push it together if it's a little one. Just put some vinegar on it. But it's so funny.
Starting point is 02:09:40 My point is that I'm so used to trauma. I'm so used to dudes getting punched in the face. Well, you have that kind of fighting. Constantly. Dude, again,'m so used to trauma. I'm so used to dudes getting punched in the face. Well, you have that kind of fighting upbringing. Constantly. Dude, again, it comes back to Boston. There's that, but there's also working for the UFC for over 1,000 fights, being three feet away from these murderers, these fucking trained killers, punting each other in the head.
Starting point is 02:09:59 I've seen so many dudes just get fucking flatlined. What's the lifespan of a fighter with the amount of head damage or anything, right? That's a good question. I don't think we know. I'm not saying lifespan. I'm saying as far as how long can he actually fight before it starts to become... Have you seen fighters that it becomes a visible issue? You start to see things get a little off? I have seen guys go from being absolutely normal
Starting point is 02:10:17 to absolutely not normal. Absolutely normal to frightening. I've seen that. I've seen the full spectrum. It's very shocking. And I've seen also guys like Randy Couture who get out of it with not a single problem. And Randy is super lucid. You talk to him,
Starting point is 02:10:34 he's very intelligent, very aware and he's been knocked out a couple of times. He's recognized how to build a brand though, right? Well, it's also he's a smart guy. He doesn't take unnecessary punishment. Some guys, they try to be more exciting so they'll take unnecessary punishment they'll they'll like they won't fight strategically they'll fight like in an aggressive style and an attempt to overwhelm this person with their physicality and when you do that you know it makes for exciting
Starting point is 02:10:57 fights for the fans yeah but it's very dangerous for you it's very dangerous for your your long term mental health that's a management management issue. You'd assume fighters have their managers who kind of advise them on these. Impossible. You can't tell a guy what to do. There's no way. He's not going to listen to you. If he's the guy who wears his underwear when he gets in that fucking cage and they shut that door, he's not going to listen. Fighters will take
Starting point is 02:11:17 direction as far as coaching. They'll take direction as far as technique. They'll take direction as far as they have a guy that they really trust and he raises him correctly and trains him to be a good fighter. They'll go out there with a healthy respect for the art form and they'll go out there and do it right. But if you get a guy and he just, that's how he develops, he develops and, like, this is his style,
Starting point is 02:11:35 and then you try to coach him, it's like, you know, good luck. Can't use some new tricks. Well, you see some fighters and all they want to do is brawl and they brawl every fight. And then you see other fighters where they skillfully avoid strikes, take the guy down, strangle him. You never see, very rarely, I should say. I wouldn't say never. You very rarely see someone go from being the meathead brawler to being the super intelligent, ultra skilled technician that gets through a fight and takes no damage.
Starting point is 02:12:00 Yeah, I imagine you want to be surgical about it, right? You should, yeah. Well, you should treat it like what it is. It's a martial art, and it's a game. And the game is do punishment without getting punishment done to you. Be superior in every single aspect of the game. Be able to force your will on that person. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:15 And that's the intelligent part about it. But, you know, it's also when you get fight of the night bonuses, and, you know, you want to make the crowd cheer. Get that adrenaline going, right? Yeah, and a lot of guys, they love to say they finish fights, they go out there and they put it on the line, and it does make for a more exciting fight. That's absolutely true.
Starting point is 02:12:31 But I had this exact conversation with a guy named John Donaher, who's this pretty infamous jiu-jitsu instructor, really super, super smart guy. And he and I both agreed that the most important thing is, even though it's good to be exciting as a fighter it's good to you know it's good to you know please the crowd and it makes the sport more popular and everything I absolutely agree with that too but the most important thing is to be very skilled and to be the most skilled and do the exact right thing that you're supposed
Starting point is 02:13:00 to be doing in order to apply damage but take little in return. And when you take unnecessary risks and you do something in an unsmart manner, you're degrading your art. You're watering down your purpose. You're doing something that's not the optimal way to do it. It's not the artistic way to do it. You're not fighting it correctly. It's like riding a wave. When you get off that wave, what do you want to do?
Starting point is 02:13:23 You want to face plant to the rocks? Of course not. No, you want to ride that bitch and be perfect. That's the way to do it. I can't speak of it, man. It's a world that's had my eye on it. So alien. It's alien to me and I've done martial arts my whole life, but I've never fought in the UFC. And being around over at least a thousand fights.
Starting point is 02:13:40 But we were talking about guys being used to trauma. I'm way being used to trauma i'm way too used to trauma yeah it's just so normal for me i've been at bars when dudes are beating the fuck out of each other i'm like yeah these guys hit each other yeah keep your hands up dude you know i'm a fucking pussy that's the irony right it's like you know we do these games with these like bad-ass guys and they're just you know tearing arms off and beat people to death with it and like you see anything in real life and it's just like, oh, Jesus, I'm getting sick, right?
Starting point is 02:14:05 Well, that's a good question, man. What do you think about this whole debate? I think it's pretty silly and kind of not well thought out. This idea that violent games make people violent. I don't think that's true. I think whatever happened to Crazy
Starting point is 02:14:22 first and foremost, right? It's a Chris Rocks kind of thing about it. I honestly think it's a situation that they relieve more stress than they cause. Like, it's a cathartic thing. And there's a certain sick type of mind that's drawn to a certain type of entertainment that was just predisposed to that, right? Yeah, and that person's sick, period. Yeah. It's always what violent games was Hitler playing, right?
Starting point is 02:14:44 That kind of thing, right? And it's just like, dude, I mean. Right. We cannot create a society based upon the lowest common denominator of entertainment. Thank you. Right?
Starting point is 02:14:52 Or anything. There's entertainment for kids. There's entertainment for adults. And that's the way the world works. I mean. It should be that way with everything. Access to information, you know, propaganda.
Starting point is 02:15:02 You can't like program society for the lowest common denominator and that's what you're doing if you're if you're not allowing intelligent people who are not going to be affected if you're trying to restrict their access to things like video games and i personally think the market will bear what the market will bear right like you look at what we do with the stylized violence of these big giant guys in space armor ripping the arms off lizard men if there's a game about a guy on flatbush avenue with a yankees hat pulling off the arm of somebody else with a red socks hat like and it was depicted real like it'd be kind of like but then the violence in grand theft auto on the other hand plays very well because it's done within the context of the story or it's done
Starting point is 02:15:38 comedically where you're running over a hooker or something like that right it's all people if people are offended by it okay but but what going to buy it. Okay, but what if the government steps in? I mean, there's been many times where there's been talk about legislating the content of video games and making sure that there's rules on what you can and can't do. There are already rules, though.
Starting point is 02:15:57 That's the thing. That's what people forget, is the fact that there's... Well, there's rating systems. There's a rating system. There's parental restrictions on the consoles, which are very easy to set. And there's also the fact that the games cost a certain amount of money
Starting point is 02:16:08 in order to get access to. There's multiple gateways there that are in place. And on top of all of that, there is, of course, the parenting issue. But is there the situation like there is with movies where they tell you, hey, you can't release this unless you cut out a bunch of shit, or it's going to be like X-rated? Is there an X-rated? It is reviewed, right?
Starting point is 02:16:23 It is viewed by the ESRB. Is there an NC-17 or something? You can get an adults-only rating, but it's a kiss of death, much like the NC-17, whereas you're not going to be in Walmart. Mass Effect, isn't that at Walmart? Mass Effect or whatever, the one with the prostitution and the nudity, and that was... Mass Effect did have some
Starting point is 02:16:41 sex-type quests in it, but there was... I don't think there was prostitution in any Mass Effect. It's kind of amazing that you can have chainsaws on the end of your gun where you can cut people in half, but you can't fuck. Well, that's America. That's amazing, though. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right, we're back. Okay. Anyway. It's rough being this cat. We're going to have to split this up. This audio is split up. I'll put it together.
Starting point is 02:20:05 This is the end. You're a master. You know what the fuck you're doing. This is the end. Dum, dum, dum, dum. My only friend. The end. Thank you, Cliffy.
Starting point is 02:20:13 The real Cliffy B on Twitter. Thank you very much, man. It was a lot of fun. Like I was saying before we cut off, we covered everything, man. We covered the universe. We covered video game development. We covered greedy cunts, black cocks, Brian's whore dog. What else?
Starting point is 02:20:26 Anything else? I'm sorry about my whore dog, by the way. What else? Angry birds. Angry birds. The universe, the galaxy, fighting, bleeding. Technology, WikiLeaks. Super glue.
Starting point is 02:20:36 And dude, come to town once more than once every five years. It's tough to get to Raleigh. Charlotte, dude. Charlotte. It's tough to get to Raleigh. Yeah. Well, maybe I'll do Charlotte Goodnights again. Yeah. I haven't done that in a long time. It was tough to get that name. Yeah. Well, maybe I'll do Charlie Goodnights again.
Starting point is 02:20:46 Yeah. I haven't done that in a long time. Yeah, but you know what? The problem is too many goddamn hecklers. That's why I stopped going there. There's too many
Starting point is 02:20:52 fucking hecklers. You can always handle them. Dude, it was brutal. The last time I was there it was just people talking. Just do matinee shows. I mean, this is a fun club, though. Great owners, too.
Starting point is 02:21:01 Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that's it. Thank you very much, Cliffy B. Fleshlight. Yes, thank you. Thank you to the F fleshlight for sponsoring the show you can go to and uh if you go to joe there's a link that takes you to and you type in the keyword rogan the promo code and you get 15 off and then you can beat off like a fucking savage like a man alone in the ocean trying to figure out how to get by. All you got is cans
Starting point is 02:21:28 of dried fish and some rainwater that you've collected and a fleshlight. Get enough spit. And you're hallucinating because your fucking skin is getting cooked off by the sun. You ain't got no sunscreen, stupid. Your dog is just walking all over me. That's so rude. That's the end of the show, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 02:21:44 Thank you very much. Next week, it looks like we're probably going to get Greg Fitzsimmons. He wants to go on. Oh, cool. And who knows? We've still got to get Brian Posea. We've still got to call Bobby Lee. We've got a lot of shit happening, people.
Starting point is 02:21:55 Thank you very much for tuning in, and we appreciate all the positive energy and all the support. I appreciate all the people appreciating the podcast. It's awesome. And all the people on Twitter and Facebook and all you people out there sucking appreciating the podcast. It's awesome. And all the people on Twitter and Facebook and all you people out there sucking cock in the streets.
Starting point is 02:22:09 Good for you. Good for you. Good for you. Wikileaks, baby. She's going for the make-up. It's all going to get interesting..

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