The Joe Rogan Experience - #689 - Abby Martin

Episode Date: August 25, 2015

Abby Martin is an American journalist and former host of "Breaking the Set" for RT America. Check out her work at ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are doing this show in the honor of Derek the Safari Guide who was killed by Cecil's cousin in Africa today. All day my fucking Facebook has been a mess because of people angry at me thinking that I really cared that this fucking Safari Guide got killed. But Abby Martin's here to straighten everything out. Did you cry when Cecil? No, I didn't shed any tears no no i cried when jimmy kimmel cried yeah see these stories are just i just feel like they're manufactured kind of outrage and feign outrage for people to just feel better i mean yes of course you should you know love animals and love humans and have solidarity with all living things but
Starting point is 00:00:42 it just seemed really manufactured especially when I read interviews with people who lived there and they were like, who the fuck is Cecil the lion? Like, the way, the hysteria in this country made it seem like he was, like, their national animal. Like, this was the lion. That was, like, the beloved, the lion, right? This beloved creature, and everyone was like, why do Americans care so much about this lion?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Well, no one had heard anything about him at all until this guy killed him. And then once we decided that there was a name to Cecil, then it became this big thing. Well, I had Justin Wren, who's a friend of mine who works in the Congo. He builds water wells for these people in the Congo that don't have fresh water. And he said the most sobering statistic yesterday. He said 5,000 children up to the age of five die every day in the Congo because they drink dirty water. 5,000 a day.
Starting point is 00:01:38 A day. I can't even comprehend that. It's insane. It's impossible to wrap your head around. But black lives don't matter. Lions matter. No, seriously. I mean, when you're someone else wrote a really poignant editorial like this African woman. And she was just like this. You know, there's so much death and destruction, basically, because of just so many things. Globalization, especially with the raping of the Congo, the civil war there.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And she was like, but lions matter more than black lives. And that's the absolute truth. And I think when people can, you know, anthropomorphize this like creature and feel some sort of connection to it, you can do that about anything. You can do that about, we do it with our dogs, but the truth is we're eating animals every day. You know, it just seemed like picking and choosing just because it's this like majestic creature.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Yeah. It was also, it gives people an opportunity to be really angry and not think about their real problems like there was all these people in front of Cecil's or this guy the Dennis what are Dennis office and they were saying they should have his head on their wall people I would like to see his head on a wall like you really want you want a person to be killed now too well it's not bad enough you know it actually hit me a little bit too close to home because i saw the um this kind of you know i said a wave of hysteria and like vitriol against this guy and actual lambasting
Starting point is 00:02:55 him with death threats um over and over again people going and smearing blood on his office and stuff and i just was really really horrified because i was like holy shit this this happened to me on a really like micro scale with the Chris Kyle stuff. I was just like getting like incessantly peddled with death threats. And that's awful. It's wrong. You can't do that to someone.
Starting point is 00:03:15 We're all human beings and you can't do that. Even if you hate someone or think that they, you know, if you personally want someone to die, like you can't just be like, you should die because you hunted a lion you should die because you wore a fuck chris kyle shirt i just think that apply it across the board and this kind of online bullying and like driving people into a hole or doxing them and exposing their personal information because you disagree with something that they did it's wrong mia farrow dox the dentist what. Yeah, she put the dentist's address online. Wow. She's very so sad. Mia Farrow, that's the last person that I would ever expect to do that. Crazy bitch. That's so interesting. Wow. Shit, fuck Woody Allen. What do you want from me? It's not a joke. She's mad at the world. It's not a joke to get docs and to get like peddled with death threats. to get like peddled with death threats. Well, you had that Chris Kyle t-shirt, the fuck Chris Kyle t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Was that what did it? Or was it the being on the show that did it? So you did warn me, just in case people haven't heard the last episode that I was on, I talked about how Chris Kyle was a sociopath. I talked about how he lied in his book about, you know, killing people, beating dogs or horses so bad that his hand broke. But the thing is, he's lied about so many things. Like Jesse Ventura has proven that he lied about that fight and stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So we can't really trust what he said in his book. But I think it's just odd that someone would lie about killing black people in her and King Katrina. Like, why would you brag about that? You think that you would brag about a story about like saving a child. But instead, he talked about how he was actually bragging about like slaughtering people who were looters yeah executing poor people who are stealing things super fucking weird and i just want to make it very clear that i um i have a lot of respect for veterans and soldiers who um choose to defect that they there's a lot of heroic people like ben griffin um special operations and in the UK, who basically went to Iraq and just refused to go back. So there's a ton of amazing veterans and soldiers who I think that should be
Starting point is 00:05:12 praised, especially when we're looking at something like the Iraq War, which was a complete disaster. Countless dead, countless maimed, now ISIS is erupted. So when we have these heroes that are mythologized in our society, and when we have someone like Chris Kyle, who's the pinnacle of what the hero should be from that war and rewriting the history of the Iraq war, I think it's really dangerous. So I just, you know, I talked about how what I really felt about Chris Kyle. And people got really upset. My friend Leo, who runs this like clothing company printed a shirt, a one off shirt, fuck Chris Kyle. And he was just like he wanted me to wear it.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I was like, yeah, fuck it. Let's let's take a photo. And I posted on my Instagram account. My Instagram account doesn't have that many followers. So I was like, I did not know the shit storm that would be ensuing whatsoever. So, you know, wore the fuck Chris Kyle shirt, tits out, um you know two weeks go by and i was like whatever nothing happened i wake up to every like it almost started where i was like oh shit this is gonna be a really good art project because i was getting peddled with like the craziest shit you've ever
Starting point is 00:06:17 heard like rape like genital mutilation so detailed that i was like is this isis actually writing these comments because it seems like these people people actually admire ISIS because it's like the most grotesque, disturbing things about my vagina and what they wanted ISIS to do to it that I was like, holy fuck, like you guys must have like some sick admiration for ISIS. Now, when you saw that, do you report those people? So it started, I remember I was going to Baltimore and I just was getting it so frequently that I was like, holy fuck. So my Instagram account, I had to like make it private immediately because someone had gone, like people had gone through and said, we're going to put our raping shoes on and find you, all this shit, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So I shut that down. And then I went on Facebook and saw that, you know, every single art post that I had on my art page, every single public. So I had to like, I didn't want to shut it down because i was like i don't want to defer to these threats but at the same time it was getting so extreme that i couldn't handle like the volume of of death and rape threats because at first i was like cataloging them and i was like okay i'm taking screenshots of all these i'm going to make this giant like like art project and i was like no fuck this. This is like not this is actually getting way, way too crazy. And then I got doxxed by this guy. This veteran who basically just wrote me and he was like, Hey, I just posted your address and all the veteran and sniper forums. I was like, there's sniper forums. And he was like telling people, you know, how to find you. And then I found out
Starting point is 00:07:39 that my mom got doxxed. So my mom's personal information got exposed. And so luckily, I was already moving in a week. But I was just like, this is this is bad shit crazy. So I tried to contact the cops for like the I think there was like 10 really graphic like I'm going to come to your house this Saturday, cut your clit off, like let you bleed to death on the floor, like just, I mean, things like that. I was like, and it was a person's public Facebook page. You can see his like license plate in the photo. He had like a baby. You know, they're just like these people out there who are just totally proud to be like completely homicidal and rape me or cut my clit off. And I was like, is there anything that you can do? And they basically just took the report and nothing ever happened. Were you supposed to go to the FBI for that?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Dude, it was so funny. I called the FBI and they're like, yeah. They're like, oh, online threats. Yeah, just go to this website and file it. Like there's probably so many online threats going on every day. Yeah, at this point, right? Oh, my God. Especially with clit killing.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, I mean, a lot of clit stabbers out there. The thing that was just, it just upset me so much because people were, so specific. Yeah, people were comparing me to like Pamela Geller.
Starting point is 00:08:54 They're like, okay, Abby can wear a fuck Chris Kyle shirt and like Pamela Geller can have the draw Muhammad contest. I'm like, first of all, stop deifying Chris Kyle as like a prophet. Like, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Second of all, we're not talking about a marginalized portion of society, which is like Arabs who are basically like this, this generation's like demonized population. I was like, we're talking about Chris Kyle, which is like the peak of the empire, this,
Starting point is 00:09:19 you know, homicidal soldier who's like glorified in, in war propaganda and shit. So you can't really compare the two um but i just think it's really important to understand the real history of the iraq war and i think american sniper really not only whitewashed it but just doubled down on the myth um and you know the establishment chooses these war heroes to perpetuate and Chris Kyle is not a hero. I think that there are countless heroes that we would be much more appropriate to hail. Well, it's hard to, when you look at a story like the American sniper story, it's hard
Starting point is 00:09:55 to figure out what really happened because there were definitely some fabrications. So it's hard to figure out, okay, military people, when they retire, they do not get much money. It's piss poor and it's quite an embarrassment. It's an embarrassment as far as the way they're treated medically. The UFC has worked really hard to provide money for the Intrepid Institute for traumatic brain injuries, which is a huge issue with soldiers because the medical community has made so many incredible advances that people lived that didn't live 30, 40 years ago. So now these guys are living with some significant brain injuries.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And while we were doing one of these fundraisers, it was hitting me. I was like, why? The amount of billions and billions of dollars that are spent on this war. How the fuck could they not allocate a similar amount to take care of the soldiers? It's because the soldiers don't have a voice. Like nobody gives a fuck for them. Nobody cares. So when these guys retire, there's not a lot of options.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And so I was trying to figure out, okay, why would a guy like Chris Kyle make up all these stories? He was talking about shooting carjackers in Texas that turned out to not be true. He said he was shooting people in Katrina that were looting. There was all these stories that didn't hold water. And I was trying to think it was, do you think maybe this guy was trying to fabricate a bunch of crazy shit and put it in his book because it would make The book more sensational and sell and this would be a way that this guy could provide for his family Oh, you mean like yeah bringing it back to the human level I'm sure but I mean I keep going back to the people who just Is like yeah, I feel for soldiers who come back with traumatic brain injuries. But I do honestly think, especially, you know, dating a veteran who was in the initial invasion of Iraq and stuff, there are people who join the military because they want to kill people.
Starting point is 00:11:54 A lot of people join the military because they have no options. A lot of people join the military because they believed in the Iraq war and the war on terror. And a lot of people just want to slaughter people and I think Chris Kyle was one of those people unfortunately do you think you become one of those people once you get out there I think it's exacerbated yeah astronomically yeah once you shoot the first few people like I mean that was a part of the the movies that the first person he shot was a kid you know the first of all the movie wasn't good. And I was really confused by that.
Starting point is 00:12:28 You didn't think it was good? No. I thought it was terrible. I thought it was a terrible movie. It just wasn't well done. It was like a clunky, made-for-TV movie. That's what it felt like to me. Did you see it?
Starting point is 00:12:39 No. It's not a good movie. And Ari Shaffir was talking about how bad it was. And I thought when Ari was saying that that he was just being hypercritical. Because Ari hates a lot of things in our life. So I'm like, ah, maybe. But I watched it. I was like, this is not a good movie.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It's just not a good movie. And Bradley Cooper's a really good actor. But it was wooden, I felt like. I felt like it didn just, it wasn't, didn't have a life to it. But he had the ghost of Chris Kyle in him. That's what he said in interviews. Did he really say that? Oh man, did he really say that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:13 That's when I was like, oh, Bradley Cooper is a douchebag. Going for it. He's going for it. All in. Going for Hollywood superstardom. He wants to be the guy. Shoot right to the top. It's not a good movie. Yeah, and aside from just the movie being bad, I think it's just unfortunate to kind of personalize this character so much
Starting point is 00:13:32 when, you know, ignoring... Basically, people came out of the movie saying Iraqis are savages, and it was all, like, justified, because they're looking through the eyes of someone like Chris Kyle when really, I mean, look at Iraq today. Millions of refugees. I mean, as I just said, the country is just completely destroyed. And it's like, what about those people? So it's important. Yeah, we can humanize Chris Kyle. And of course, we can humanize every soldier that's coming back because they were sold false pretenses to go to war. But I just have to feel more for the people who are just the occupants of the country, and they just were casualties of this mess. Well, I think we should feel for all humans equally, especially people that we don't know,
Starting point is 00:14:09 and the idea that they're not as valuable because they live over there. If there was something that happened over here where there was a foreign invasion that caused a million casualties from innocent civilians, we would be up in arms and horrified. And I don't know what the real numbers are for the Iraq invasion, because it's hard to figure it out. There's a bunch of different argued numbers. Let's say it's the lowball number,
Starting point is 00:14:35 which is more than 100,000 innocent civilians. That's horrific. It's horrific to think that that's the lowball number. And the high ball number somewhere around i think two million you're gonna have sam harris come on right after this and big on the low ball numbers well here's here's the problem and i and and i'm this is all i'm gonna say about sam and because i know that you offered the debate and i really appreciate that and i um i really really appreciate you offering that because i know that we've been going back
Starting point is 00:15:01 and forth on twitter and shit what have you gone back and forth with him about? Oh, like, he actually wrote, or he, you know, just a firehose of bullshit, saying that all I was saying was, like, hyperbolic, sensational figures and stuff. And the problem that I have with Sam Harris and debating him is that I don't feel like I should or need to debate a neuroscience about foreign policy. Like, I don't, I'm interested in what he has to say about, like, neuroscience and interesting things about, like, what he's studied. But as far as someone arguing with me about, like, U.S. foreign policy and empire, who's a neuroscientist, I don't see any reason that I would get out of that, especially someone who talks about mass casualties with zero empathy. Well, I don't necessarily think he's talking about it with zero empathy.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I think what he's trying to do is being. Stone cold, like a stone cold killer. He's trying to be objective about the numbers and not interject giant debate all about islam i don't i just don't get it but i mean the information like information is kind of available to anybody in this day and age right it's in a and what he is maybe he has a degree in neuroscience and he is you know a neuroscientist but really he's an author and he researches things and he talks about things and agree with them or disagree with them in the way he presents the numbers and the way he's presenting this, this argument. I think there's a lot of debate as far as how many people died over there. But even the low number. Here's the problem with him is that this is, he's, he's basically, he nitpicked all my numbers saying that they were huge.
Starting point is 00:16:45 But all he did was basically cite official casualty count numbers from the Pentagon. It's like, do you think that's the fucking accurate number? That's way worse. Going to the lowest ball number of casualties and saying this is... Well, I think he cited some other people as well. And the high number that he was citing, I think, was around 200,000, right? I don't remember. I'm not good at recalling numbers.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah, I just think it's funny that that's what he hammered in on his meat, basically blowing up the numbers when he basically went to the most extreme, small calculations that have been determined by military personnel. When basically the General Dempsey said, we don't do body counts. That's what he said during the Iraq War. We don't do body counts. So, yeah, said during the Iraq War. We don't do body counts. So, yeah, it is really hard to tell how many people died.
Starting point is 00:17:28 But the International Business Times did a study in 2006 that said a million were dead at that point. So, yeah, it is hard. I just am. And they include, but they include Shia and Sunni infighting as well, right? Which is a lot of it was caused by the Iraq war, which really triggered a huge amount of civil unrest because there was a power struggle going on between the Sunni and the Shia, which were, was more under control when Saddam Hussein was in control of Iraq.
Starting point is 00:17:56 That is calculated in that, that casualty figure that's, that's talked about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Basically. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And a direct result of like this. Yeah. Yeah. A direct result of, and that's what brings it really hot. It's talked about. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, basically. Yeah a direct result of like this Yeah, yeah, yeah a direct result of and that's what brings it really hot It's really bad And I think that's one of the things that he argues against that you can't attribute that the United States military invasion Because it's sort of a side effect of the military invasion the civil war that's going on Even though all even though Cheney back in 2000 or 1996 said this is exactly what's gonna happen If we invade Iraq. Pieces of Iraq are going to fly off.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Saddam, we can never out him at this point because this is exactly what's going to happen. So it's like, yeah, you can say that was just a happenstance, but the truth is everyone knew what was going to happen. Well, I think he's just saying that it's difficult to attribute that number to what the United States is responsible for, because it's really civil war. A civil war based on a complete destabilization and destruction of an entire population. An entire population that was run by an evil dictator and his homicidal sociopathic sons. And?
Starting point is 00:19:00 Yeah, I mean, it was all gross before that, too. I mean, more people are dead now, but it was gross then. It's gross now. A lot of things are gross. That whole part of the world is terrifying. You know, the thing about ISIS, did you see that shit where they blew up some ancient structures a couple days ago? They blew up some ancient monuments. Pull that up, because this is fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 00:19:22 They beheaded some guy who's the head of antiquities in syria uh apparently this beloved guy who just was unwilling to bow to their demands they behead this guy and then they blew up some ancient monuments some really well preserved ancient structures that were you know archaeological treasures and yeah they're blowing these fucking things up the taliban blew up all those like buddhist yeah look at this fucking unbelievable they released the first images showing the destruction of the temple in balsamane fuck i don't know if i said that right it's just insane how rich isis is like they've just stolen so much equipment and money
Starting point is 00:20:06 you know it's just the whole isis thing is so disturbing because it is like it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy it's like everyone's wanted this this like group of like crazy islamists that we can look at and be like look this is why we need this like never-ending war and then isis just becomes out of the the shadows of destabilizing an entire region of the earth. And this is what happens. It's like this is the manifestation of, you know. Well, this is what the tinfoil hat people have always been saying, the United States engineers. The United States will prop up a country, prop up a military, and then go in and invade them.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Well, we've got to invade them. They're dangerous. Well, they're dangerous because we made them dangerous. I mean, this is the conspiracy theory because when you remember when Obama was on TV saying that we had to invade Syria. Yes. Only two years ago, he was ready to bomb Assad. And we were all like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:20:59 And the United States pretty much universally was like, fuck you. We're not going to another place. We're not going to start another war that we can't win. And then the United States backed off. Yeah. They just let it go. Yeah. But then coincidentally, the rise of ISIS, like right when that happened.
Starting point is 00:21:14 I mean, fuck man. If you wanted to make a conspiracy theory, there's no better one than the ISIS one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's right in front of everybody's face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:21 It's adorable in how ridiculous it is. Like, and I'm not saying that it's a conspiracy theory. I believe ISIS is real. But it's amazing how quick it filled the void left by our hysteria to go into Syria. Like, there's a gas bombing and they're using poisonous gas. That was the thing, right? Poisonous gas. There's rules?
Starting point is 00:21:43 How are you supposed to kill people? Also, why is WMD the pretense that we should just go in and invade a country? It's like, oh, like the Iraq war is so funny because people are like, we didn't find WMDs. They lied. It's like, if we did find WMDs, would it have been justified then? Like, just because Assad has chemical weapons, is that justified to go and fucking invade the country? It's so weird. There was a crazy hysteria, though, post 9-11 that was just undeniable.
Starting point is 00:22:04 There was a bloodlust in America. They couldn't be ignored. And then they just pointed it at something. They said, Iraq. And we were over there before anybody was like, wait, wait, wait, what the fuck? Iraq? It didn't make any sense. That had nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, which is where all the fucking hijackers came from, we were like, oil money. We like those guys. No, no, no. Iraq, though. That guy's an asshole. Look, his son's a piece of shit and they've got oil. Let's get over there.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Let's go. And then we were over there. Yeah, now we're in Syria with ISIS. And Obama just issued this statement saying, like, we can now attack Assad forces while battling ISIS if we need to. So it's just another proxy war that's gotten completely out of hand. And now we have like, look at these people that were like training to these FSA people. And like, I mean, they're beheading people and shit, too. They're like acting like ISIS.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I mean, it's insane. The FSA people? Basically, like training all these Syrian,, revolutionaries, you know, all these, like, people in these rebel groups. And then they go over, they either abandon post after we spend a shitload of money training them to fight ISIS or they join ISIS. It's a complete disaster. Well, it's hard to get Muslims to fight against Muslims, you know, when their core values and their core beliefs and religion are so much a part of their life And then they have these people that are telling them that you're supposed to fight these people that have these same core values That celebrate Ramadan that believe in halal they they have the same
Starting point is 00:23:37 Ideas that these people have it's like it's way easier to stick with them Then some guy direct some asshole directing you McCain from It's way easier to stick with them. Then some asshole directing you, McCain, the CNA motherfucker from D.C. America, the great Satan, those cunts. You know, those fucking people that have killed a million people in Iraq, or whatever the number is. Sam Harris. You know, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It's an amazing quagmire that we're in right now. It's so interesting, though, when at like every like civil war that's happened in the last ten years like Libya and then you know you have Ukraine going on Syria McCain it's just always there playing hold up the hands of the people like on the fucking world you're like why what are you doing who is paying you to be here my favorite czar my favorite time when he was they were voting on whether or not we should go into Syria and he was playing poker yeah he on his playing poker. Yeah He was just like kicking it on his phone How hilarious is that? Could you imagine you're you're about to you're a part of a military decision that who knows how many fucking people it's gonna kill
Starting point is 00:24:35 Whether or not it's gonna trigger World War three whether it's gonna trigger a new nuclear war and he's playing poker on his phone He doesn't give a fuck Ice water running through his veins hanging out. Just kicking it. Yeah It's so adorable that he would do that that he didn't wouldn't think that people would know Holding on to a sharpie playing poker on his phone. He's such a piece of shit He actually tweeted like someone from his campaign, which is so hilarious like tweeted at me saying Thank You Vladimir Putin I see that you're like paying attention to what I'm doing He like basically called me but I was like a report that I did and I was like, thank you John McCain
Starting point is 00:25:20 You senile motherfucker You just like tweeted out a scathing report about your war crimes to like all of your stupid followers on Twitter Some idiot running your campaign like tweeted out this video that just exposed the fuck out of him. It was great. That's hilarious So you tweeted something and he responded I wrote it I did a giant video just breaking down what like a scumbag he is and and he tweeted it out Oh, so you didn't even tweet. He just tweeted your video Wow And he tweeted it out. Oh, so you didn't even tweet it. He just tweeted your video out. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, it was great. Well, that's called damage control, Abby Martin. You don't understand. You've got to ridicule the information. It's Vladimir Putin, like as if Putin's- Vladimir continues his attacks against me. That's what he said. I'm honored. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Vladimir running RT. Vladimir running my show, apparently. Did you ever meet that dude? You never met him, did you? No, dude. What would you feel like? That would be a trip. Like the fucking Dark Lord.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Because this is fucking KGB, motherfucker, you know? Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. It's so funny watching him. Every time he does a sit-down, he always just says the weirdest shit. He's just on another level. Obama tried to crack a joke with him. They were sitting at some press conference, and it's him and Obama sitting there. And he just like looks at Obama and he's like, you're trying to make this funny right now and it's not.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Or something like just like completely. And Obama's like sitting there nervously laughing. He was just like, stop doing this. Be serious. You're like, okay. Well, he's killed a lot more people personally than Obama, I'm sure. How many people do you think that guy's killed? Obama's killed a shitload.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Are you kidding me? Obama? But not with his own hands. Oh, yeah. To KGB? Yeah. Knife at anybody. Who the fuck knows how crazy that shit is?
Starting point is 00:26:56 How many has he done himself? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How many has he personally killed? Yeah, definitely. Couple. Couple. Probably. KGB?
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah. Obama was no CIA. Yeah. I mean. I meanon that's for sure yeah I mean like at least George Bush's dad Herbert Walker Bush was the head of the CIA that was a real killer he was a real stone cold motherfucker look at that Putin
Starting point is 00:27:18 that's a fucking guy he's winking with the wrong eye too I don't trust that dominant left eye what kind of creepy shit is that holding the gun with the right hand, squeezing the trigger. I like the photo of the glasses. It always shows those reflecting. Yeah, those are the best. Well, you remember when that guy, who was
Starting point is 00:27:34 the guy that got murdered in broad daylight with his girlfriend that was opposing him? Yeah, Nemstov. Nobody remembers. That's what happens when you kill Putin. People just forget your name and it just water under the bridge. Just vanish. That's a happens when you kill Putin. People just forget your name and they just water under the bridge. Just vanish. That's a fucking crazy country right now.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Roy Jones Jr. is going to be a citizen. Roy Jones Jr. is going to be a citizen of Russia. He's going to Russia to be a citizen. Apparently, this is what he said, which is fucking hilarious. He goes, the people of Russia love Roy Jones Jr. I love it when people love me well I just Roy Jones has a career over there he's boxed over there a few times and they like his music he plays music over there. He's boxed over there a few times and they like his music. He plays music over there and apparently
Starting point is 00:28:25 they enjoy that music. So, Roy Jones Jr. is going to get citizenship. They're going to give him citizenship. Edward Snowden? You get a year visa. You get a visa for a year. He's probably sucking some KGB dick right now
Starting point is 00:28:40 to keep his visa going. Imagine the shit they make that guy do just to stay there. I'm sure nothing, dude. They'd probably just love that he's there, don't you think? Just a thorn in the side? Maybe, but he can't go anywhere. I mean, it's not like he can go anywhere. No. He probably has to hide while he's even
Starting point is 00:28:58 in Russia just for fear of American agents just taking him out. Totally. More honey pots. What a fucking crazy life. More honey pots. What a fucking crazy life. And what's even crazier about it, there's not a goddamn person I've talked to that thinks he did anything wrong. Like what he did was expose a crime.
Starting point is 00:29:13 He was so careful too. He was just like, you know, let all the journalists vet everything. He was just like, please make sure that there's no... Didn't matter. No one's being jeopardized. Not only that,
Starting point is 00:29:23 you remember the Hope and Change website? The Hope and Change website that Obama had when he was running for president had a whole piece in there about supporting whistleblowers. And transparency. Transparency and supporting whistleblowers.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Wow. When he was persecuted more than any other president under the Espionage Act. What happens when you get in there? Do they just show you fucking UFOs landing on the North Pole?
Starting point is 00:29:42 What do they show you? They show you where all the bombs are being planted by? I think that you're so, someone who was as young and impressionable as Obama at that time, I think he was vetted really early when he was at Harvard. And I think that he just was so fucking young. I mean, what, he was barely even a senator for a term, right? And he just gets plucked out of obscurity and catapulted to the president ship, president ship, president ship,
Starting point is 00:30:06 um, the presidency. And then he's just surrounded by a bunch of fucking, I'm not excusing him at all. I think he's a war criminal. I really strongly dislike Obama. Um, I think he's like a great manipulator.
Starting point is 00:30:16 You're a bit of a lefty. You're a bit of a lefty there. Very strong. But I, I definitely think that, God, can you imagine who was just surrounding him at all times? Like he had Hillary Clinton barking in his ear, McCain, like these crazy neocons who are just like, we need more war.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And I think that you saw all the neocon establishment really promoting Obama until the Syria thing happened where we backed down. And that's where you kind of saw this like ridiculous schism where now Netanyahu is coming to visit. And it's like this crazy where Obama's like weak now. So that's been an interesting... Obama's weak now? Or they basically were like, they were pissed off about the Syria thing. Really?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah. Well, they were like, look, we're about to have a civil war in America. Yeah. This could get ugly. If they invaded Syria, who the fuck knows what would have happened? It would have gotten really ugly in this country.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Whoever would be the most dominant militant force on the ground would rise to power. Just like, I mean, look at Libya, for fuck's sake. Yeah. Libya is a disaster. Total disaster. It's a disaster now. It's a terrifying place now, apparently.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So it's like, yeah, no one's, I don't think anyone's really defending Assad, but it's about people's sovereignty. But isn't that amazing that a guy like, you look at these dictators and you say, well, no one wants Gaddafi to stay in power. Obviously, it's bad to have Gaddafi there. And when Gaddafi got killed, first of all, it was one of the most bizarre and strange moments in social media and in the power of cell phone videos and the ability to distribute information. The fact that they had video of this guy the more rapes I a bayonet Yeah, and the moments he's dying like the moments they captured him and they're all screaming And you're seeing something that no one has ever seen before no one's ever seen a dictator Captured by rebels like it's now now, it's happened throughout history,
Starting point is 00:32:08 but it's never been documented and then distributed to everybody. I mean, we could all watch it. We could watch it right now. Jimmy could pull it up right now and we could kick back the comfort of this Woodland Hills office suite and watch this fucking guy get bayoneted in his asshole. Yeah. And it's,
Starting point is 00:32:21 it's horrifying. And especially, you know, this disaster porn that's put out there by like JSOC and this video. And yeah, I know the U.S. didn't film the video, but it was showed everywhere. And we also released photos of Saddam's sons with all the bullet holes in them on TV and shit. And we're like, look, like, look what we did. That's fucking sick, man.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And, you know, we can see ISIS videos all day long of these crazy Hollywood style sets where people are getting beheaded and it's like in the Gitmo jumpsuits. And it's like this crazy fucking manifestation of like Hollywood culture and the military industrial complex rolled into one. But at the same time, you have our military uploading every drone strike on a fucking YouTube channel. What are they? What the? Why are? Including ones that kill civilians. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. It's like, just the? Why are? Including ones that kill civilians. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah. It's like, just in case you're wondering what we're doing here, you can watch our YouTube channel and see all the people we're killing. It's really weird. Well, it's horrific that when you watch the decision making, should we shoot? Should we shoot? Let's just shoot. Like, well, it's that like that.
Starting point is 00:33:19 You're like trying to figure it out on the fly. And then you realize like, this is what precision drone strikes are all about. There's nothing precise about it. This is not surgical. It's like you have a bad person that may or may not be in this area. You have good information that the bad person's in this area. Let the missiles fly and they fly. And then everybody who's anywhere near that guy gets fucked up too.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And we're just supposed to accept that because that's just a bad person. We need to get them out. We need to take out the bad person. If other bad people, aren't we a bad person? If we're just supposed to accept that because that's just a bad person. We need to get them out. We need to take out the bad person. If other bad people, aren't we a bad person if we're killing innocent people? Yeah, it's just the most ridiculous cycle of shit. I mean, it's good to want to protect us against bad people, but that way is bad. Like, that's a bad way. Are you saying you have a better way?
Starting point is 00:34:01 No, I don't have a better way. I don't have a better way. All I know is that ISIS has gotten a shitload a shitload of US military equipment and billions of dollars So maybe we should stop just a bit like, you know all of the stuff that we've tried to train the Iraqi army like It isn't working because they're abandoning posts and like Isis is just taking large swaths of like equipment and Humvees and Grenade launchers and shit. So I, when I look at stuff like that happening, it's just like we just need to remove ourselves from the situation and let like allied states that are in the area really
Starting point is 00:34:31 take hold of what's going on. Is that the way to do it? I mean, there is, is there justifiable war in your eyes? Like when you look at ISIS, when you look at what's going on with ISIS right now, I mean, when they're decapitating the Syrian head of antiquities and blowing up these Ancient cherished monuments is there justifiable war there are these bad guys? Can you go in there and stop these bad guys? I don't think there is a justifiable war with ISIS because ISIS was created out of the vacuum of just a large
Starting point is 00:35:01 War and countless casualties and refugees and the civil war thing that happened there. So I think that ISIS is a direct result of U.S. military intervention. So I think that more U.S. military intervention to stop ISIS is just going to exacerbate the problem. And I definitely do not think that that should be an option whatsoever. Right. But what do you do? Do you let them take over and just start killing more people?
Starting point is 00:35:23 This is the trick. This is the trick. This is the trick. This is the trick. It's always going to be something. First it was all Caden. Now it's like ISIS is pulling at people's heartstrings so much because they're seeing these crazy images. And it's like, how can we just sit back and do nothing? The thing is, there's genocides happening in the Congo.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Are we going to go invade and take out the dick? I mean, it's just like, why are we picking and choosing what we're putting in front of the tv screens and brainwashing everyone saying what are you what are you going to do about isis first it was fucking a bull what happened to ebola uh that was all over the fucking tv for a year and we cured it it's just it's just like there's so much going on i just think to hone in on isis and just say like, we all need to focus on destroying ISIS militarily is just a farce because, A, it came out of military intervention and, B, we're not going to fucking destroy ISIS. It's just going to galvanize more people to join ISIS. That's why their recruiting is so high across the world. People are just like, fuck this. I mean, they're being drawn to ISIS because of the endless warfare going on.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So I just think I don't have the answers. I do think that regional players need to take a step in. That means Syria. That means, you know, Iraq, people in the region that understand the region are not coming from like this neocolonial lens and just like all we have is military solutions because that's all we fucking know. Because we're the fucking empire. That's right.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Chris Kyle, rest in peace i don't think that um there's any clear solution and i think that's a real part of the problem i think that everybody who looks at isis decapitating this syria head of antiquities and blowing up monuments and lighting people on fire with slow motion. I mean, did you see that video that they did where they have slow motion video cameras like complicated techniques where they're showing these people getting lit on fire? I mean, what they're doing is promoting terror. They're trying to scare people and they're doing it with these videos, the videos of
Starting point is 00:37:21 decapitations and assassinations. And why do we keep seeing the videos? Isn't it weird that the news keeps- Put them on YouTube. But I mean, the news keeps playing them. If it bleeds, it leads. Yeah, the videos of decapitations and assassinations. Put them on YouTube. The news keeps playing them. If it bleeds, it leads. You used to be on the news, girl. You know how it is. I'm starting a new show. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:37:33 The Empire Files. Starting in a week and a half. Such fucking counterculture type shit. What are you trying to do with this Empire Files? Trying to fucking dissect the Empire. Trying to strip away the layers of the Empire. How we get here where do we go from here how do we where do we go from here mushrooms aliens something so it's it's funny because i'm jumping from russia state television to latin american owned tv who owns this one so this is hugo chavez from the grave. 51% Venezuela, and then you have a 49% block of Argentina and Cuba and Costa Rica and Nicaragua and stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So it's like a 49% owned. So it's a giant Latin American block that has Telesor, which is the network. And Chris Hedges just launched a show on it, and now I'm launching one called The Empire Files, and it's going to be really great. Everyone check it out. We have all the social media up, ready to go. just launched a show on it and now I'm launching one called the Empire Files and it's going to be really great. Everyone check it out. We have all the social media up ready to go. So what's the name of the network? Telesaur.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Telesaur? Yeah. S-O-R? S-U-R. S-U-R? Yeah. And how do you get it? Do you get it online or do you get it on? Unfortunately, unlike RT, it's not in as many households on TV and cable.
Starting point is 00:38:44 So you can just watch it on YouTube or if you're in Latin America, you can watch it on Telesaur. So they upload everything to YouTube? Yeah. Well, that's beautiful. Yeah. That's all you need. Exactly. So you just basically use them for a studio.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Using their resources to help get the information out about the crazy empire we're living in. So, like, what kind of shit are you going to do? Like, investigative reporting type shit? Yes. You're going to fly over to these horrible places? So, yes, investigative reporting. Crimea? Weekly. You're going to fly over to these horrible places? So, yes, investigative reporting weekly. Crimea? They're going to finally get you in Crimea?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Ship me there. Boots on the ground. She needs to be on the ground in Crimea. For people who don't know. See first hand. There was a report when Abby was working for RT, which is Russia Today. She did this very critical piece on Crimea and what was going on over there in the Ukraine
Starting point is 00:39:27 and they were going to send her, or they said they were going to send her to Crimea and she was like, the fuck you are? I live in America, bitch. I ain't going over there. Yeah, just send all vetted Russians and shit like go over and you're just like, here's, you know what I mean? I can just imagine
Starting point is 00:39:43 how it would be. It would just be like when, did you ever when since Shane Smith went to North Korea and they had a fake restaurant set up for Him and yeah, just set it up for you. I wanted to talk about the anniversary of the the atomic bombs Mmm, okay. Sure. Um, what do you think about the that? Well, I think it's a fascinating moment in history I mean an amazing moment for the mazes mean more than anything is that we haven't blown up an atomic bomb since 1947. That's the most amazing thing. So somehow or another, we have had the brains to go like, well, you know, what is that? 60, 70, 66, 68 years.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Whatever the fuck it is. Yeah. 68 years without lightning in his fucking city so it glows in the dark? That's kind of crazy. That's amazing. But what's truly amazing is how much ignorance was involved in the testing process, the initial bombs that they blew up in the desert where they had soldiers run at the bombs. Did you ever see those videos?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah. I'm sure you've seen that. Yeah, but they just put on a little, like, little, like, glass, like the thing where you're looking at a solar eclipse. They're just like, put up your cardboard glasses, kids, and watch the bombs go off.
Starting point is 00:40:52 It's like 10 people. Well, they had these ones where they would blow up these fake cities, and they would have these guys in a trench. They would blow up the fake cities, and they would jump out of the trench and then run towards the blast. You've never seen that?
Starting point is 00:41:04 No. Oh, my God. You need to see it. See if you can find those, Jamie, because they're amazing. Wow. No, they didn't do it because they didn't think it was going to affect them. Right. They were teaching them to run towards the blast.
Starting point is 00:41:13 The idea would be that this nuclear bomb would go off. Everybody would be disoriented and fucked up. And that these American GIs would run in there and take over. But these guys all died. Not only did they die, but John Wayne died. The bomb killed John Wayne. I don't know if you know that. No one knows that.
Starting point is 00:41:32 The bomb killed the fucking greatest American actor of all time. That's insane. The bomb killed the man who played Genghis Khan. Does everyone realize how significant that is? They would all get in these trenches. I mean, these are the actual trenches. I mean, it's unbelievable. It's horrific that they had these poor fucking soldiers.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Look at their old helmets. Yeah, it was ridiculous. So these guys, they're playing cards and shit. I'm fucking, I'm winning just like John McCain. And so they blow these things off. And when you watch the impact, look at these guys are just ducking their head and so they have this close enough that you see the blast like super clearly so they have these fake bodies out there like they're all like drawn Japanese to like so watch how this goes off. So racist. They set it off. Boom.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Holy shit. And then the guys get up. Oh my God. Look at that. Oh my God. It's right in front of them. I mean, what is it? Fuck.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Five miles away? Six miles away? Whatever it is. But look, the impact hits them. And then they're closing their ears. And then they run towards the blast. And those guys are all dead. All of them. And they're closing their ears and then they run towards the blast and those guys are all dead all of them and they died young see that this the blast hits them look at this oh my god this is all nuclear radiation intense super high doses of nuclear radiation so who knows what
Starting point is 00:42:58 happened i mean i'm sure a good percentage of them died of horrific cancer awful a few outliers survived because of freak genes but most of those guys just like the Gipper not the Gipper what was he what was it was John Wayne look at that look at that they're just running toward it Ronald Reagan was the Gipper what was John Wayne fucking ridiculous my god look at like the not just the plume but those crazy like white or smoke formations to the left You know what my favorite one is the one that they did in the ocean Yeah, the one they didn't really know how much of an impact it was gonna have they fucking just tried shit Yeah, you know just like they tried this see if you could find the ocean the video of the ocean nuclear Explosions that they did I think they did it off of Guam. I think that's where it was
Starting point is 00:43:44 I don't remember though, but they they had all these battleships that they stationed around where the bombs would go off. And when when they did it, everything got fucked up. I mean, everything anywhere near it got fucked up. Go full screen. Anywhere near it got fucked up. Go full screen. Oh, my God. Look at this. It comes out of the water. I mean, you're talking about like a mile of water straight up in the air and just engulfs that battleship.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Yeah, that battleship got fucked up. John Wayne was the Duke, by the way. The Duke. Was there a fucking tsunami after that? Like, what the hell? Oh, yeah. I mean, well, it went straight up and straight down, but I'm sure it had incredible repercussions. That is outrageous. But look at it.
Starting point is 00:44:28 They had no idea. I mean, they didn't want to waste that battleship. They were trying to blow some stuff up underwater and wonder how close they could be while it was happening.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Turns out, not close at all. Well, here's what they did know is that the atomic bomb would obliterate, like, incinerate tens of thousands of lives in an instant. And I think it's one of the greatest war crimes ever perpetuated on humanity.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And I think it's one of the greatest crimes against humanity that's ever been done. And whenever I say this, I went to Japan last year and went to the Hiroshima Museum with like an in utero blast survivor. And it was one of the most intense museums I've ever been to because we grew up, of course. Wow. So it was in his mother's stomach when the blast hit. She was right there Oh, it was just like a random chance that she just survived and he happens to be fine Wow, but it was such a traumatizing Yeah, it's wicked good hearing his arms stretch. Yeah, right. I wish that's that's what it was like It's just a really really horrifying museum because we grow up that is probably the biggest
Starting point is 00:45:29 myth that we grow up learning is that the bombs were necessary to end the war and that they saved lives and It's just like a way to legitimize a really really horrific atrocity Two of them, actually. forth on whether or not it's actually the case if it is the case it's even more horrific because just like what they wanted to do in the ocean where they tried that bomb out and watched a mile high wave of water overcome that fucking battleship they wanted to see what happens when you drop that shit on a city and they dropped and they wanted to show russia their cock yeah they showed well i mean it's really it isn't actually up for debate anymore and this is this is a problem it's just like the iraq war it's just these it isn't actually up for debate anymore. And this is a problem. It's just like the Iraq war. It's just these people kind of holding on to this last ditch, like, gasp of air just to hold on to, like, American exceptionalism.
Starting point is 00:46:31 And it really just is totally debunked at this point. Because even Truman himself instilled an atomic bomb survey. The University of Colorado featured a compilation of just, like, dozens of American military experts and leaders. Internal interviews, diaries, other declassified materials basically involved in the bomb decision. And all of them had one unanimous commonality among them that every single one said the bomb was not of military necessity and it did not need to happen for the surrender, that Japan was ready to surrender. Because if you remember, I think like 100,000 or maybe 80,000 people were incinerated in Tokyo just weeks prior with the firebombing. 80,000 people were incinerated in Tokyo just weeks prior with the fire bombing. So the U.S. had already dropped all these bombs, basically eviscerated Tokyo.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And so countless people died. Way more people actually died then in the initial atomic bomb drops. So it's just a really, really unfortunate kind of thing that's perpetuated, and people just still hold on to it. They say it would have saved lives. It's like, well, it would have saved U.S. soldiers' lives, but instead it took, like, probably half a million Japanese if you look at the countless maimed and radiation poisoning. I mean, I think, like, 80,000 died instantly with the incineration of the blasts.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I think in each city. In each city it was something around that. Yeah, it's awful. The only argument that could be said that it saved lives is that it kept other people from using nuclear weapons because they're so horrific. Otherwise, you look at all the war that has taken place since 1947 and not one person has used a nuclear bomb. It could be argued that it was because how horrific that was when it did happen. But that's not a really good argument.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And it's also like irritating that the U.S. is the one fear mongering the world about like he can't have a nuclear bomb. He can. He can't. And it's like, well, you guys are. is the one fear-mongering the world about, like, he can't have a nuclear bomb. He can. He can't. And it's like, well, you guys are the only ones who've only used them twice. So why are we the arbitrators of who and who cannot utilize nuclear weapons? Well, we're righteous, and plus, we're one nation under God. Chris Kyle, rest in peace. Do you know that we're under God?
Starting point is 00:48:23 We are. We are. And, you know, most people don't even know that we became one nation under God after We are And you know Most people don't even know That we became one nation under God After the commie scare in the 1950s Really? Yeah The McCarthy scare
Starting point is 00:48:31 Is what led them to add that To the pledge of allegiance No fucking way I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America Wow One nation indivisible For liberty and justice
Starting point is 00:48:40 They had one nation under God Indivisible They had to add that to it They had to add that to it. They had to add that to it because of the commie scare. That's unreal. That's the 1950s. That's unreal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Before that, before the McCarthy hearings, they didn't have under God. Speaking of dirty commies, did I tell you that I went to that? It's a stupid thing to add. Oh, it's insane. It's what about people that believe in Buddha? Right. It's not under them. There ain't nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:03 One nation under Buddha. They changed it then. I just assumed that that was from the OG. They're going to change it again to one nation under Chris Kyle then it's not under them. Hey, not one nation. I'm gonna change it then I just assumed that they're gonna change it again to One Nation under Chris Kyle So crazy it's like I don't think Jesse Ventura got like threat saying they're gonna cut his boy they did no he did he got A lot of horrible death maybe I'm sure I had a guess rape threats. I don't know man I think there was a lot of like raping misogynist shit. People don't know what happened, though. So explain the Jesse Ventura thing, because a lot of folks aren't aware. So Jesse Ventura, obviously, badass Navy SEAL, epic man. Well, he was pre-Navy SEAL.
Starting point is 00:49:33 It was before it was- Oh, really? I thought they were both- He wasn't a Navy SEAL. There was another name for it. Oh, like before- Yeah, because he was in the Vietnam era. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Well, I forget. I'll find out. So Jesse Ventura, total badass, like the Vietnam era. Yeah. Well, I forget what, I'll find out. So, Jesse Ventura, total badass, like the opposite of Chris Kyle, right? He's like against war. He's really on point. So anyway, in Chris Kyle's book. That's one of the greatest lines ever in a movie.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Slack-jawed faggots. Is that in Predator? Yeah. So, he, in Chris Kyle's book, it makes up this giant bar fight That he like beat up Jesse Ventura And if you know who Jesse Ventura is Like he's fucking like a brick house Well he's an older gentleman too I mean he was born in 1951 I think
Starting point is 00:50:16 Sure but still It's like if you're gonna fucking go out there And say that you beat the shit out of Jesse Ventura You like socked him in a bar It might be a bad idea Well here's what happened He was in the book he wasn't referred out of Jesse Ventura. You like socked him in a bar. It might be a bad idea. Well, here's what happened. He was in the book. He wasn't referred to as Jesse Ventura.
Starting point is 00:50:30 He was referred to as Scruffy. He called him Scruffy. And he was saying that this guy was some celebrity they had beat up because this guy had said something bad about Navy SEALs. So Chris Kyle came along and socked him for America. He was UDT, the Underwater Demolition Team, was the original SEALs. seals so chris kyle came along and socked him for america he was uh udt the underwater demolition team is the original seals um so he uh said on the opie and anthony show that it was chris kyle
Starting point is 00:50:55 but that chris kyle said that it was uh jesse ventura that's when he was goaded into saying who the guy was i believe it was opie and anthony I'm pretty sure. And in that, that's when Jesse Ventura said, What? You didn't fucking hit me. Like, we didn't get in a fight. What are you talking about? And Jesse Ventura sued him and won. And won $1.8 million.
Starting point is 00:51:18 There it is. Jesse Ventura wins $1.8 million in damages against Chris Kyle, slain Navy SEAL sniper. And here's the issue, was that he gave Chris Kyle the option to just admit. Retract it. Just retract it, admit you're wrong, and I'll drop the case. No way. Chris Kyle wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:51:34 No fucking way. And then he was killed. Chris Kyle was killed by some poor kid with PTSD. Poor kid. Asshole murderer. He was a murderer too. Just another guy that fucked up I mean murdered Chris Kyle for no reason he said PTSD shot him shot the other guy that was with him stole his truck
Starting point is 00:51:51 I mean he was fucked war of that level of that scale obviously fucks people's head up and When he died Jesse Ventura continued with the lawsuit and that's where he got criticized And those were like you're suing the widow and all the lawsuit. And that's where he got criticized. And those people were like, you're suing the widow and all this shit. When he said he was suing the book company. He said, he goes, I'm suing everybody that's profiting off of this lie. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:52:15 You know. Exactly. And his take on it was people also should be aware of the truth of what this guy didn't just lie about that. But he lied. I I mean Jesse Ventura did several interviews we talked about all the different lies there's more than one lie in that book absolutely it doesn't mean that there aren't heroes
Starting point is 00:52:33 it doesn't mean that the military is bad it doesn't mean that there aren't people that genuinely go into the military like I'm sure your boyfriend did thinking that they're going to do good that they have these ideals that they want to protect they want to protect liberally and they believe in the american way of life and then you know it all gets convoluted because you're either with us or against us you're with us or again it's not it's not it's not uh that's not us what you're doing is not us lies aren't us
Starting point is 00:53:01 yeah murder's not us shooting looters ruling class that's not us like Lies aren't us. Yeah. Murder's not us. Shooting looters, that's not us. A ruling class is not us. Like, these people who are making these decisions are not us. I mean, we have more in solidarity with the people in Iraq than we do with, like, the elite that are making these decisions. Yeah. The people that are complete neocons, that are complete chicken hawks, that are outside of the consequences of war,
Starting point is 00:53:20 they're the ones pulling the strings. I think that there's a big problem with just the militarization of our society where we have you know every sports game has this giant military um just like drama thing going on where we put taxpayer-sponsored fucking fighter jets flying over the stadiums and shit i mean every single thing is militarized um and we're when we're conditioned in this way to glorify the military so much that it becomes and especially when you're at the helm of the empire that is the largest military force
Starting point is 00:53:50 in the world that's consolidated like military superpower that's the only solution to everything yeah ebola send in the fucking military isis let's bomb them more um riots in the streets or like you know let's send the fucking militarized riot cops who just got trained next to israeli troops in bahrain it's like good god i mean we need to start really removing ourselves with this kind of militaristic um i don't know characterization of our society because it's really fucking toxic man well and then also it creates military problems abroad because the rest of the world identifies us with that as well and if we're doing shit like what we've done in the iraq war
Starting point is 00:54:31 which whatever the number is whether it's sam harris's number the one that he adheres to or whether it's the one that the far left adheres to it's a lot of fucking people it's a lot of fucking people died and that those people it it creates, without a doubt, martyrs. And it creates, without a doubt, support for the opposition. Because we're looked at in other parts of the world as the dark empire. And also, if they're Muslim and they support Muslim ideals, and then they see that these people who are of a completely different faith are attacking and invading their homeland
Starting point is 00:55:08 It's pretty easy to support that and then they it just piles on and next thing You know we got a problem and we got a current problem and we have a past problem and we got a future problem And we have a military industrial complex It's just fucking raking it in and loves problems because problems means we get to make more missiles and more missiles means more money more money keeps going i mean money more problems did you ever see um um the uh hunter s thompson documentary no it's a gonzo i think it was called no i haven't it's good it's great it's great's a great documentary. But one of the best parts about it was McGovern when he was recounting his tired of old men in air conditioned buildings making decisions that are to send young men off to war and i'll just never forget the the way he was
Starting point is 00:56:15 saying that and he's you know mcgovern when he was doing that thing you know he was an old guy when they were doing that documentary he died in uh 2012 but he was he was old when they were doing that documentary and he was just said i'm just tired of it i'm tired and he died like very shortly after that documentary was made yeah this is like some of the last days of his life and you know he ran for president in um was it the 70s 72 i, I think. 70, 72? Whatever it was. But it was during the Vietnam War. And it's just that kind of voice.
Starting point is 00:56:55 And he didn't win. And one of the reasons why he didn't win is because his vice presidential candidate turned out that he had undergone shock therapy, electrical shock therapy. Oh, wow. And kind of hid that from everybody. And it came out during the campaign. But he was ahead. McGovern was ahead. And part of the reason why he was ahead was because Hunter was supporting him. And Hunter was writing for the Rolling Stone.
Starting point is 00:57:13 He would write crazy shit. That was where he wrote about Ed Muskie, who was also running for president. He was saying that Ed Muskie was bringing in Brazilian doctors and they were treating him for his Ibogaine addiction. Whoa, being addicted to Ibogaine seems really intense. No one even knew what ibogaine was back then. What the fuck? Yeah, and that Ed Muskie was clearly exhibiting signs.
Starting point is 00:57:34 And it was really funny because they interviewed Hunter in the documentary. He's on one of these talk shows. He goes, well, there was a rumor that Ed Muskie was addicted to Ibogaine, and I started the rumor. But he was a journalist, but he wasn't. I mean, he was a journalist, but he was also writing fiction. But he's like, I thought everybody knew. I thought everybody knew it was bullshit. He's my favorite of all time.
Starting point is 00:58:04 He's one of my favorite people that's ever lived. And he knew it was bullshit. But he thought other people knew it was bullshit. But he also knew that he could make an impact with this. So he thought that he thought that Muskie was just this fucking ridiculous hack. So he just mocked him and talked about him being under the throes of this addiction. And he had brought in this Brazilian doctor and then
Starting point is 00:58:28 Muskie had these breakdowns on the campaign trail because he was dealing with because nobody had ever dealt with that kind of negativity from the press before. Nobody ever running for president had dealt with just someone fabricating craziness about them and it's the pressure of this you could tell you
Starting point is 00:58:43 I don't even know where to start today If you run for president and you don't have a thick skin you can't deal with people getting mad at you on Twitter making shit Up about you in the HuffPost or whatever they would want to do you you really shouldn't be running for president You have to develop some sort of rhino skin at this point. Yeah, but back then they were paper right? Those people didn't know what the fuck to do There's only been a few presidents that were on TV. And they don't have the billion dollar campaigns where they have a spin master trying to skew it all.
Starting point is 00:59:09 When you think about 1972, how many fucking presidential candidates had even been on television? Just a few decades worth. It was so recent. It was all so fucking recent. These poor bastards didn't know what to do. Now look at it.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Now look at this fucking dog and pony show. Now you get Obama doing the Mark Maron podcast. That's super crazy, isn't it? Bizarre. Yeah, just going right to Vice and Mike Maron.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Did you listen to it? No. I listened to a little bit of it. I didn't listen to, I just knew it was all going to be softballs and bullshit. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:40 And all about, you know, America uniting America. It's just funny where Obama's going for the audience is like Vice, you know, sitting down with Shane Smith and Mike Moran. I mean, he has good people telling him where people are at. Where the youngins are at. Where the youngins at.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Why don't you come in here and smoke a joint with me, Barack? Yeah, come on, Obama. Sit down. We're fucking scared. The real podcast. Let's do mushrooms. Do a video. Do a drogan experience.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Let's do just a little mushrooms. Mike Moran's child's play compared to compared to this well i i don't know if i would do it i would be real weird about i mean i would definitely do it if you wanted to do it but i wouldn't pursue it right and if i but i just don't know what you could ever get out of that like what you're never gonna get trained like a vader you know what i mean like everything you'd say would just be not that, you would develop some serious fucking enemies if you really went for it. That is the last person in the world you want to put you in a book or a category, rather. Like, this is...
Starting point is 01:00:37 He's on the fuck with list. I travel too much. Most powerful person in the world. Yeah. I mean, arguably, right up there, the most powerful figurehead in the world, if not the most powerful, certainly top four or five. Just thought of something really fucking crazy. The bomb that we saw, the atomic bomb that was obviously dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
Starting point is 01:00:57 we have, that's like fucking bullshit. Baby stuff. Yeah. Hydrogen. Yeah. 3,300 times stronger. I don't even, I don't even understand. 3,300. How, thirty three hundred times stronger. I don't even I don't even understand thirty three hundred How what would that even do like picture what we just saw exploding that little battleship like what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:01:12 Well, how do we have that? I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I guess we want to kill better It's even fucked up is the research they've done into antimatter weapons What's even more fucked up is the research they've done into antimatter weapons. That's really crazy because we don't know whether or not this is just theoretical. Bring me one of them alcoholic beverages too, young Jamie. We don't know whether or not it's theoretical or whether this is actually proof of concept, whether antimatter can be developed into a weapon. We do know there's research being done on it.
Starting point is 01:01:49 And when they do develop antimatter research, I mean, when they do develop antimatter weapons, whether it's in our lifetime or in the future lifetimes, you're talking about a world destroyer. We're talking about something they might just shoot over at Pluto. Like, you know, it'll take nine years and we'll watch Pluto blow up from the sky just to see if we can do it. That's very possible they might do that someday. Just decide to launch it in some fucking planet. Well, do you know it that's very possible they might do that someday just decide to launch it in some fucking planet well do you know that that's a justification for continuing the trillion dollars that they're going to spend just updating and refurbishing the nuclear arsenal
Starting point is 01:02:15 is that they keep doubling down on the fucking star wars fantasy that reagan had gorbachev went to reagan and he was like let's disarm let's fucking end it and reagan was like no i'm senile and i want to create this giant Star Wars program that's going to this shield in the sky and we're going to do this and that. And everyone was like, alright, it's never going to fucking work. And of course it didn't, but that's still a justification to
Starting point is 01:02:36 battle asteroids, to have these nuclear weapons here and continue to maintain them. Yeah, like the video game asteroids. What are you talking about? Well, you know, they say that if you do blow up an asteroid, the real issue is you're going to create more asteroids. Right, it's going to just
Starting point is 01:02:52 mass. Like, you have a if you have something, you don't annihilate it. If you have something that has mass, it's five miles across, you're going to develop a hundred half mile ones or whatever or 500 yard ones And they're gonna kill everybody too. Yeah, they're gonna come down. It's gonna rain metal and rock from the sky
Starting point is 01:03:12 You didn't mean people that don't know what an asteroid is a lot of them are iron They're metal there's giant chunks of metal and you fucking space It's a trip well. Here's a great theory for it, or a great conspiracy that it's actually true. Fuck, I need to go pee. Go ahead, go ahead. Am I going to be able to hear you? Yeah, we're good.
Starting point is 01:03:29 No, go ahead. Just do your pee and I'll have Jamie pull this up. Pull up, I want you to pull up the Star Wars scientists that have been killed. Star Wars scientists
Starting point is 01:03:42 that have either been murdered or committed suicide. Because what's really fascinating about the Star Wars scientists that have either been murdered or committed suicide Because what's really fascinating about the Star Wars program? I'll have to at least slightly reiterate this when young Abby Martin gets back because I don't think she Is completely aware of this but when the Star Wars? Weapons defense system was created the idea behind it was the united states was going to create a military um they were going to create some sort of a military solution with satellites that could shoot these missiles out of the sky now while they were doing it they were spending
Starting point is 01:04:26 they were doing it they were spending fuck loads of money on this and apparently it was never effective and um if you you could pull up the numbers just pull up like there's a list of all the star wars see if you could find a better article um see like that who killed all the star wars scientists here's see if you could find out could go to like a Rents. Is Rents legit? R-E-N-S-E. Isn't that like a super conspiracy website? Mysterious deaths of scientists. Like scientists killed. Star Wars scientists murdered, killed. But a giant number of them have all been killed.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Let's see. I don't know. Like what's a good what's a good like website for this we should probably find a good one because there's so many fucking goofy conspiracy theory websites that lump the star wars people in with um chemtrails so the the Star Wars program the the theory being the Star Wars program was apparently never really effective and the scientists that were behind the Star Wars program a fuckload of them died like by suicide by murder and there's a giant list of them. And it's one of the most fascinating conspiracies in modern time.
Starting point is 01:05:46 You find it? Okay. These guys that knew, the people that knew, the scientists, the engineers, dead. Like, almost all of them. They all died, like, murdered, suicide, and, like, very, very suspicious. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Someone did, like, a number. Like, you know, they did, like, a percentage.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Like, what are the odds that all these people were murdered? And it's, like, fucking a billion to one. Yeah, well, very suspicious. Someone did like a number. Like, you know, they did like a percentage. Like, what are the odds that all these people were murdered? And it's like fucking a billion to one. Yeah, well, they knew. They all knew that it was bullshit. The Star Wars program, they had spent millions, untold billions of dollars to develop this completely ineffective system to shoot missiles out of the sky. It was never proven to work, ever. Right. And those scientists are all dead as fuck.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Dude. Here it goes. Dead Right. And those scientists are all dead as fuck. Dude. There it goes. Dead scientists. And look at this. There's the list. Marconi Scientist Mystery. The 1980s. Over two dozen science graduates and experts working on the Marconi or Plessy?
Starting point is 01:06:39 How do you say that? Plessy? P-L-S-C-C-Y? Plessy, yeah. P-L-S-S-S-Y? Defense systems died in mysterious circumstances, most appearing to be suicides. The MOD denied these scientists had been involved in the classified Star Wars projects and that the deaths were in any way connected. But look at how these guys died.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Look at this guy. Computer programmer Keith Bowden. Scientists at Essex University engaged in work for Marconi. Blah, blah, blah. Circumstance of death. Fatal car crash as vehicle went out of control across a dual carriageway and plunged into a disused
Starting point is 01:07:16 railway line. Police maintain he'd been drinking but family and friends denied the allegation. So what the fuck was it? Where's the autopsy? It's like corners. Accident. Accident. Here's another one. Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Godley. Accident. Accident. Here's another one. Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Godley. Expertise. Head of Work Study
Starting point is 01:07:29 Union at the Royal College of Military Science. Circumstance of death. Disappeared mysteriously. What? Without explanation. Presumed dead. Okay, that's fucking nuts. Expertise. Radar designer and droughtsman. Droughtsman? I guess that's draftsman. Droughtsman? With Marconi.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Circumstance of death. Death by shotgun blast at home. Coroner's verdict, suicide. Jonathan Walsh, 29, expertise, digital communications expert, who had worked at GEC and at British Telecom's secret research center at the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He had expressed fears his life was in danger. Yep, exactly.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Died a result of falling from a hotel room in West Africa while working for British Telecom. He had expressed fears that his life was in danger. Coroner's verdict, open. And he just goes on and on and on. Well, you know about David Kelly. You see how he's scrolling? Look how, as Jamie's scrolling, look at the upper right-hand corner. Look how fucking long this list is.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Like, scroll down to the bottom of this list so you can see how many people were on this Look at this This is a lot of people that were attached to the Star Wars program all of them in the late 80s and the early 90s dead as fuck crazy David Kelly The guy who basically said that there were no WMDs and shit, and then he was found dead. Yeah, yeah. It's a fucking sketch.
Starting point is 01:08:48 There's a lot of those people. That's what happens. If the people are interested in going over to some place that we don't belong, killing people, the idea that they're not going to kill you because you want to stop them from killing people, well, that's crazy. That's crazy talk.
Starting point is 01:09:04 That's a very good way to say Well, I mean how about Pat Tillman? I mean There's Pat Tillman's brother believes that Pat Tillman was killed because he was speaking up because he was a very public figure and he was Speaking out against the war You know that's going back to the Chris Kyle thing is every single myth that has been Resurrected out of the Iraq invasion has been like you know the Pat Tillman They were so hard, hard and on for Pat Tillman because he really was a fucking hero. I mean, he's abandoning like a million dollar career to go fight, you know, because he really believed it. And he's
Starting point is 01:09:35 really fucking smart. And he realized that it was based on lies and shit. And he had this diary and it's an incredible documentary that just talks about his transition and people who knew him. And when he was changing his mind and he had this diary all written up and they fucking burned it dude when they killed him if they did they say it was friendly fire who knows but his brother thinks that it was targeted i don't know but he definitely would have come out and been like another like chomsky like he would have come out and said he would have been a figurehead against the war and he died from friendly fire and then they burned all of his shit they burned his diary so we can never know that is fucking true that's
Starting point is 01:10:09 crazy and then look at the jessica lynch thing remember her yeah and they said she was raped and all this and then she was like the iraqi like military was like helping her just put her in a hospital and like taking care of her well they've staged that whole like rescue yeah the narrative was that she was trapped and she was being kidnapped by the iraqis and that the united states military went in and rescued her and she was this hero and she was paraded around on television but she spoke out against it and she got death threats and she essentially vanished and she just went quiet on it and they never talked to her again it's so sad too because they like chose her. They're like, we're going to prop you up as this person.
Starting point is 01:10:46 And it's like, what are you? She just got swept up in it. It's just so crazy. The idea that they would just do that to someone and force them in some sort of a situation like that. I just don't understand why they would think that she would just play along. I guess they just assume. They're like, we're going to make you famous, girl. They're telling you to kill people. They're telling you to do this. They're telling you
Starting point is 01:11:07 to do that. And it was one of the first times that we had women in active duty too. And you know, in, in combat duty. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Totally. There's not a lot of, I mean, when you're, when you're dealing with death and you're dealing with what you would call a sanctioned murder, right? I mean, that's what, what, look, if, if you're in the military and you are supposed to go over there and shoot some bad guys, all right, whether they're good or bad guys, you're going to go murder those people, right? That's sanctioned murder. And it's one of the weirdest things about civilization is that we salute sanctioned murder. Murder when you don't like someone you kill them
Starting point is 01:11:46 We want to lock you up But if we tell you you can kill someone as long as it's written down on paper and we all collectively agree But we don't really collectively agree That's where it gets weird as a small group of people that decide who you can and can't kill and then everybody else has to Fall in line well if those people were beyond reproach if they were these incredibly enlightened people that had only our best wishes and hopes in mind and could not make a bad decision, well, then it makes sense to just give in to them. They're smarter than us. We're the ants and they're the geniuses and we'll just follow along. But that's not the case.
Starting point is 01:12:21 It's never been the case. No, no. long but that's not the case it's never been the case no no and the thing that bothers me about the obama administration is that he he's feigned as this like transparency president you know we talked about the whistleblower thing it's like everything's the opposite of what it is it's like this orwellian new era where you have the nsa spying now like the the the patriarch sunsetted we think the patriarchs over it wasn't it was just that the clause that they were able to illegally spy on us through the NSA in the Patriot Act expired. And then they just passed a new law to basically codify illegal spying.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Just through another caveat. It's called the Freedom Act. So that happened. Isn't that hilarious? The Freedom Act is about to spy on you. And you can't vote against the Patriot Act either because the name is just like, what are you, not a patriot? What, you don't like freedom? You don't like because the name is just like what you not a picture you like freedom You don't like that. It's an entry not not freedom. Yeah. No, what do you want? You want death?
Starting point is 01:13:11 What do you want destruction? So it's like a prisoner the prisoner act to pass The freedom act like yeah, of course. We've been torturing people. There's been wars There's been extrajudicial assassinations, but never before has it been like openly codified and like legislated executively you know what i mean so it's almost this weird era of normalization and conditioning where people just accept this as a new normal like the empire and just the post 9-11 era we just do these things now and it's all legal right it's legal because we've created all these legal caveats to do them so what is legal that's what it gets exactly weird it's just like what is legal and what's not legal people just write it down it's legal exactly and the pentagon just issued this field manual to basically for all
Starting point is 01:13:55 the branches in military and in it i guess because citizen journalism is like on the rise and it's really hard to distinguish like who is like an official established journalist or not or who's like embedded with the enemy and they basically said that journalists can be killed legally now by U.S. military personnel. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. That's in the new Pentagon Army field now. Well, that was one of the things that happened during the Obama administration, that they started assassinating American citizens without trial.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Right. Yeah, I'm a fan of due process and the rule of law. Well, as long as you're over there, though, they can just assassinate you. Drone strikes, what have you. I get it if they're absolutely honest and beyond reproach and the most enlightened beings in the world that are dictating what these actions would be. I mean, if you have some fucking Hitler character over there and you want to assassinate him, I get it.
Starting point is 01:14:45 That makes sense to me. Just keep us in the loop. Just keep us in the loop. Send us a little memo and be like, look, we've got this fucking guy. Hitler 2.0. He's fucking... Classified, Mrs. Martin.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Didn't you work for Russia? Weren't you Putin's boot on the ground? Vladimir Putin continues his attacks against me. I'm like, John. He's barely paying attention. Wake the fuck up. He had his aide do that while he was doing the middle of poker. Yeah, he doesn't know how to tweet.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Probably barely tweets. It's insane. Do you think he tweets? I don't think Obama tweets either. Do you think he tweets? No. He doesn't actually touch the keyboard. I would hope he has better shit to do than fucking tweet.
Starting point is 01:15:22 It was Obama's tweet and emojis and smiley faces imagine obama tweeted just as his only tweet a smiley face a pile of dog shit and a gun what does that mean like that's my life what does it mean everybody would dissect it forever when they look back at us in the future when they you know civilizations 100 200 years from now look back at what we're you know when we look back at world war ii looking at these people that were running towards his bomb you know we look at him like fuck man these poor bastards what are they gonna think about us when is that gonna not be the case yeah i don't i don't know i don't know i was just thinking the other day about reality TV
Starting point is 01:16:06 and how back in the day we had the fat lady at the circus and the bearded lady. It's like we still have that. It's just in the realm of reality television where we're trying to empathize with this fat lady, but really we're just watching a giant whale live her life. It's just like the circus. And it's the same with you know
Starting point is 01:16:25 horror movies and shit like we don't have the Coliseum but we still like people being ripped limb from limb and blood and fucking guts it's something about us and and yeah it's evolved through technology but it's still that weird innate human trait that I don't really understand yeah we love oddities and we also love people suffering when we're not, because we feel like, oh, it's good, I'm not there. Yeah, right? That's why I like watching Intervention. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Because I'll watch the, I'm walking on sunshine, the episode of the girls doing the duster, and I'm like, all right, I guess I don't feel bad about smoking this much weed, because I could always be hooked on fucking computer duster. I'm not eating tape. Yeah, have you ever seen that fucking My Strange Addiction? That's the other thing. Tape. Yeah, have you ever seen that fucking My Strange Addiction? What is... Oh, my God. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Does this shit exist in the third world or like any other fucking... That's a good question. Do people fucking eat tape in like their car? I don't know. It's a very good question. I wonder what it is about human beings that when everything is great and you have too much resources and it it's too easy to get food we just start getting really fucking strange I'm addicted to eating drywall Okay, are those people real? I mean, that's what I want to know Like it almost seems like the my strange addiction one is like almost fake well having worked in reality TV and knowing how much of it
Starting point is 01:17:41 Is bullshit? How does that work? Is it just super? TV and knowing how much of it is bullshit. How does that work? Is it just super edited? Well, even when I did that sci-fi show, they fucking just fake things. Like your reaction shots and shit? I always wonder if people are like, oh. They definitely edit things and put certain reaction things where they didn't belong. We need a face where he's looking at it like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:17:59 But there was one where they did, that sci-fi show that I did, where they, there's a thing that people believe in called sky quakes And it's probably bullshit most likely but sounds from the sky like more Crazy like horns and people trying to figure out what these sounds were well They took a video This is one guy sent in this video where he was just it was actually it's really hilarious because the one guy that they put The video he was like a chemtrail believer yeah so he believes in a different kind of bullshit and he was pointing at the sky and we kind of
Starting point is 01:18:32 mocked him for his chemtrail believes but then these fucking dummies that made the show the editors took a chunk of this guy's video and then added some sound to it and then put it on the show and said that he was pointing to a sky quake. But he wasn't. It was just fake. Oh, that's crazy. I found out about it. I freaked out.
Starting point is 01:18:51 I had them remove it from the show. But it aired. The first time it aired, that was on the show. And then after it had aired, when they aired it for a second time, they removed it. That's so disingenuous and insane.
Starting point is 01:19:02 That's what they do. Yeah, that's what they do. That's what those shows are. Those shows are just bullshit. Most of those shows are bullshit. And sci-fi at second time, they removed it. That's so disingenuous and insane. That's what they do. That's, yeah, that's what they do. That's what those shows are. Those shows are just bullshit. Most of those shows are bullshit. And sci-fi at the time had a ton of those. There was one show that was all about a family that was trapped in a house in Maine
Starting point is 01:19:16 because there was werewolves outside. And it was a whole, like, fucking half-hour show about these people just... Well, you know, i looked out my sword it was standing up and it looked like a man but it was covering it for just making things up and that was the whole show they don't give a fuck as long as they can get that toyota truck commercial on we got toyota then we got tide and then we got uh fucking hot dogs all right go back to the werewolf story so interesting joe because i I had an agent for a little while looking for
Starting point is 01:19:45 work and stuff and every single thing, because I guess I come from, like, the same, you know, questioning government narratives and, oh shit, you're tinfoil hat wear if you fucking question what the government tells you. And so it's always these, like, shows. They're like, we're starting a show to basically, like, dissect, like, JFK and chemtrails.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I'm like, isn't there anything else fucking happening other than, like like the same five fucking things that you guys want to create shows around? It's so weird. No, there's not. No, that's what all these goddamn things are. And it's all just bullshit. It's like, why don't we talk about shit that fucking matters or like interesting stuff
Starting point is 01:20:17 that's going on now? Because those things are like, they can start fires. You know, it's like you can start fires with a flint and a, you know, a piece of metal clink, clink, clink. And they know it works. So they just keep going to it over and over again. You can start a fire know it's like you can start fires with a flint and a you know a piece of metal clink clink clink and they know it works so they just keep going to it over and over again you can start a fire with bigfoot put bigfoot on tv and people oh look at that and they're just drawn to it look at this ufo he says it's real there's just certain subjects that people will always want to believe in they want to believe in psychics they want to believe in chemtrails ufos the government experiments they mind control don't you know about majestic 12 the government was
Starting point is 01:20:52 you know i'm sure there's been some mind control experiments there was definitely those lsd oh hell yeah dude mk ultra where they were just watching people fuck in like a like a whorehouse and like like dosing them with acid and then these FBI agents would sit behind like one way mirrors and just watch them. Operation Midnight Climax. It must be really cool to be an FBI agent during the fucking... Yeah. They dose people with acid when they went to whorehouses.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Guys went to whorehouses, they would slip acid in their drink and you know they'd be like, uh, I don't really want sex anymore. Yeah. Thinking about life and existential angst is really kind of freaking me out right now. Wait, is it true that the U.S. government has like half the world's LSD? Is that a bullshit? Well, it's most likely bullshit.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Here's why it's bullshit. Because LSD has a half-life. Okay. It doesn't last. If you have a vat of LSD and you leave it in your house for 10 years, most likely it's not really effective after a while. I remember Alex Shulgin was saying that they seized a bunch of it,
Starting point is 01:21:52 really good acid, during that whole time. But I guess, yeah, it wouldn't last. Unless they figured out some way to contain it. Vacuum seal it in some special way. I don't know. I'm guessing, though, as far as I know. I don't think, like, I think a lot of substances are just not
Starting point is 01:22:08 that's why vitamins, if you get vitamins like most vitamins, you look at them, they're not really effective after like six months or a year. They become less and less effective over time. I'm pretty sure that's the case with LSD. Don't quote me on it, though. But I know it is with weed. Is it? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Unfortunately, it doesn't last. It's like life. You gotta get it when it's hot and fresh and young. Get that carbon in your fucking lungs as soon as possible. Yeah, even edibles, they go bad even if they bake them down into a cookie. Put that cookie in a piece of plastic, try to eat it a couple years from now.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Weed, we just, so we just took this epic road trip and got back this morning, which was amazing, but I wanted to tell your audience just about the Utah thing because it was so funny. I mean, here you are in these fucking massive rock formations carved by millions of years of water, sandstone, fucking whatever, like slate, all this shit. Insane. Like anyone who has not been to Utah, you need to go. Bryce Canyon National Park is one of the most absurd things I've ever seen. It's like these things called hoodoos that are just carved over millions of years with the stone.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Anyway, Arches National Park, obviously that iconic, like all the orange arches that are carved in millions of years. Like we can carbon date them. We know the geological processes. Very easy to explain through science. So we're reading the official park literature. And I'm just like, man, I'm like so fascinated. Like how did this form? And it's so like crazy crazy and it makes you just like appreciate time like that's What the desert is like you fucking appreciate time like that is this like you look at that
Starting point is 01:23:33 And that's the top of the grand staircase Joe. That's the newest part of the grand staircase That's amazing so in that's fucking ridiculous. It looks like a standing army Yeah, if people that are just listening to this it well what it looks like a standing army yeah if people that are just listening to this it what it looks like obviously it's not but it looks like something that someone has designed yeah looks like something someone carved out of the stone like some of those things look like insane yeah they look like columns in a building it's amazing dude um and so in you so this is all utah of course named after some m guy named Bryce who discovered it, you know So anyway, there's arches
Starting point is 01:24:08 arches that are created by just wind and time and That's what you like the most the most crazy thing about being out in the desert for so long as you're just like this took millions of years to To happen. I mean it makes you just appreciate fucking time and evolution and like how the earth has changed And this is only think about how old the earth is billions of years old This was only the last couple million if you look at something called the Black Canyon Which is actually way deeper than the Grand Canyon and way more narrow
Starting point is 01:24:33 I was just like oh my god This must have taken billions of years to form and it was just like nope just the last two million years just popped up It's like what the fuck it just makes you It just makes you just appreciate time and geology and science. So anyway, in this official park literature in Arches, it explains everything very precisely at the very end of it. It's just like, okay, we just explained how all of this worked. This is the history of Arches National Park. And then it says, probably all of the evidence is circumstantial.
Starting point is 01:25:06 And I was just like, what the fuck? I was like, what do you mean all the evidence is circumstantial and I was just like what the fuck I was like what do you mean all the evidence is circumstantial it's like all the evidence is not circumstantial all the evidence is proven we know how old these rocks are we know exactly what's carved them we can test all the sediments we can test all the rocks so I was just like holy shit like has the Mormon lobby just lobbied all the fucking parks in Utah which are the best parks in the country and the most amazing state, and basically forced them to say, none of this is real? Joseph Smith in 1820 was 14 years old. He found golden tablets that contained the lost work of Jesus. The Israeli people came over from the Bering Strait in Siberia.
Starting point is 01:25:44 That's crazy. That's the narrative for the Mormons. Do you know that? That the lost tribe of Israel were the Native Americans? You didn't know that? Yeah. What? They even tested.
Starting point is 01:25:57 This guy was this rich Mormon dude, tested Native American DNA to try to prove that they were Israeli and that they were the lost tribes of Israel and Turns out that's not true Siberia they came over from the Bering Strait and we've known that forever, but they they tested it but Joseph Smith he found magic tablets and he had a magic stone. He had a seer stone and only he could read the magic tablets. Did you know that?
Starting point is 01:26:30 Yeah, yeah. He wouldn't let anyone else see him. He was just like, no, no, just trust me. Well, not only that, he needed a stone to look at them. Oh, got it. A seer stone. Got it. A seer stone.
Starting point is 01:26:39 It's a wonderful story. It is a wonderful stone. I wish I had one. Angels came and took the tablets away because the people didn't believe. To test their faith. It's like dinosaur bones are just like, you just gotta trust Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith, that's his seer stone. What a fucking batshit crazy dude.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Can you imagine him just wandering? Can you imagine Joseph Smith today walking around with a seer stone being like, Everyone listen up! He's like on the corner. I found these golden tablets. Well, what's really wonderful is that a follower of this jackass almost became president.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Got real goddamn close. Right, that's fucking batshit crazy. The people that don't even know how batshit Mitt Romney is, Mitt Romney's family is living in Mexico. His family's all from Mexico. That's why his dad was never president. Mitt Romney's dad wanted to be president.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Mitt Romney's family was one of the fucking Mormons that escaped America when they made polygamy illegal. They were like, look, I need more than one poser. I'm gone, son. This is too much. This is too restrictive. Get the fuck out of here. That's true.
Starting point is 01:27:41 That's what happened. Did you know that? No. You didn't know that? Mitt Romney's family, they still live in Mexico. Mitt Romney's dad is from fucking Mexico. He was born in Mexico. Oh, whoa.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Yeah. There's a huge colony. He's just so white looking. Well, they're American. They're Mormons from America. They escaped back when there was no cars. Got it. See, there was no cars.
Starting point is 01:28:03 And back when there was no cars, you're on a horseback in America, you're on a horseback in Mexico. What difference does it make, bitch? But if you cross this dirt line, you could fuck nine different chicks and live in a house where you all have your own rules. Well, to this day, they're over there. There's a whole colony of them, and they're at war
Starting point is 01:28:20 on a regular basis. There's Mitt Romney's cousin over there in Mexico. That's Kelly Romney. They're playing golf with fucking armed guards because the cartel kidnaps them all the time. A bunch of wives waiting inside. Well, they get kidnapped by the cartel members. They have a fucking active war.
Starting point is 01:28:35 These people, they have these ranches and they're armed to the dick. Yeah. It's hilarious. Oh, that's Vice. That's Shane over there. Wandering around in Mexico at the romney actually is a really interesting story because he at bain capital when he ran bain capital um he was like taken in and trained by monsanto executives and he he like i think he was given his first big loan by a monsanto executive and then he was like all right y'all you guys are fucking toxic chemical
Starting point is 01:29:04 company fucking agent orange all this shit. Real bad, real bad. Look, why don't we shift this over to food now? So like he basically was behind this giant PR push to switch Monsanto over from chemicals to biotech, which is really interesting to be like, why was Mitt Romney's in the fold? You know, it's just like super weird that he was just like right there in the wings kind of helping foster this transition. It's super weird.
Starting point is 01:29:27 People with money. Being capital. People with money. Harvesting money. That's what he says in some commercial for being capital. He's like, we harvest money. And you're like, oh my God. How do you do that?
Starting point is 01:29:37 Show us where the money tree is. I can't. It's near the golden tablets. You need a seer stone to see the magic money tree money seeds The money seeds we water it with angel tears and piss Fuck Money tree harvest. What are you doing cash? What are you doing mitt?
Starting point is 01:29:59 It sounded like he was like harvesting human beings like we grow them here Planned Parenthood The whole thing is oh my god Yeah, the Planned Parenthood thing we were talking about it earlier in a different podcast We were trying to figure out what the fuck was going on What are they supposed to fucking do throw the babies in the trash can? That's what I said Yeah Like I would like them to you if they are abortion is legal, and I think it should be, what are
Starting point is 01:30:29 they going to do with the tissue? Wouldn't it be better if that tissue gets used? But it's a fucking super disturbing video when they start going through the parts. Right, right, right. And you realize what abortion really is. You're like, oh, this is inconvenient. In some cases, yeah. It's more convenient for me to think that this is a bundle of cells.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Don't want to see hands. convenient yeah yeah more convenient for me to think that this is a bundle of cells yeah i mean the whole thing is just like yeah it's like abortion's legal and i would rather them utilize the tissue for something that's scientific instead of just throwing the garbage can so yeah that's that's true i think what a lot of people were worried about not just this is that they were gonna somehow or another influence people to do it for money influence people to have abortions for money. Oh god. That's insane It is but it isn't there's gotta be people that are willing to have an abortion for money sure But what did they get paid like Planned Parenthood? Wasn't the whole issue that Planned Parenthood was making money selling the tissue But then they said that that wasn't true something along those lines Like if there was like some black market thing where people could have abortions and like sell the tissue
Starting point is 01:31:27 I just don't yeah, it's super confusing because the video implies that Planned Parenthood was Profiting off of it and that this woman was trying to say that she could sort of structure it so they can make more money Look, all I know is Planned Parenthood's fucking great. Okay. I I love it. I think it's great. I am it gives Important all right and people who want to talk shit on Planned Parenthood and talk about this baby thing. It's just so ridiculous because I Didn't have health care for like three months after I quit RT and I want birth control and I was just like what the fuck? What I do, what would I do if Planned Parenthood wasn't here? What you would do is get a fucking job and buy some goddamn birth control. How about working for somebody other than Russia?
Starting point is 01:32:12 Extends your benefits. There's some shit that you need prescribed. They don't have unemployment birth control? You don't just go fucking pick up certain birth controls at the convenience store. What was it? Rush Limbaugh? That killed Rush Limbaugh's career, wasn't it? We were talking about
Starting point is 01:32:25 some girl being a slut. Ear bleeds blown out? That too. But he was talking about some girl being a slut because she wanted birth control, some college student. Remember that?
Starting point is 01:32:33 Yes. It was like 2012. That was the drop off. That was where it ended for Rush Limbaugh. Yeah, Oxy didn't do it. That did it. Yeah, he was saying
Starting point is 01:32:41 a bunch of really rude shit. Well, he's probably oxied out of his fucking head while he was saying it. He was nodding off he was like slut fucking birth control i'll give you some birth control i'll come on your nose but that that literally like ended his career yeah that was like around 2012 if i remember correctly i'm trying to remember what the story was but it was some college girl and he was calling her a slut. And I think it was about a rape victim or no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:33:09 I think that was even over the top for Rush. Chris Kyle, rest in peace. I think what he wanted to do was he wanted to, uh, he was mocking her because she was saying that a birth control should be a part of something. See if you can find that. Like free and shit? Yeah, Rush Limbaugh, college girl, slut, birth control. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Just Google that. Yeah, it was like she was saying that it should be a part of her health care, I think. And he was calling her a slut because she wanted birth control. Right. I'm like, what? Dirty whore. What the fuck, man? You want her to get pregnant, you dumb fuck?
Starting point is 01:33:49 Yeah, exactly. Oh, some state- She shouldn't have sex. Some state just issued free birth control to this radical idea where they gave free birth control to women and like abortion- I got a radical idea. Abortion like fucking plummeted like 30%, like teen pregnancy plummeted. It's like, wow, who'd have thunk it? Who'd have thunk it?
Starting point is 01:34:07 Rush Limbaugh calls Georgetown students. Yeah, but let's not get a video. Let's see what the actual facts were. Let's see what he said. What's that? I have the audio ready. Sandra Fluke, a slut. Okay, go ahead, play it.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Yeah, play it out. Go ahead. For two days, Rush Limbaugh has eviscerated Sandra Fluke on the radio. What does it say? Look at his shirt. About the collegeiscerated Sandra Fluke on the radio. What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke? Sandra. Who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? Paid up sex. What? It makes her a slut, right? What is he talking about? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex fluke a third-year law student at Georgetown is now the flashpoint in a debate About whether employers should be required to fully cover
Starting point is 01:34:53 Contraception even if they have religious like I trunk it That was in that was basically it for him. That fucking killed him. That guy's done. It's really fascinating because Rush Limbaugh was- Is he, though? Oh, yeah. He's done. Oh, yeah. His career has dropped off radically.
Starting point is 01:35:12 He's in like third, fourth tier markets. Is this like the nappy-headed hoe comment? Was it like that bad? Well, that guy was just- That guy was like a fucking shocker. He's gross. He's always been gross. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:21 But, yeah, that was just- He was trying to be funny and stupid. Rush is trying to, like, push his ideology. Yeah. But that killed that guy. That guy, like, advertisers fleed him en masse after that. It's funny that that's what did it. It's, like, not the rampant racism and all this shit.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Well, he's just gross. He was also calling for drug addicts to be like there was a guy who got prosecuted. I forget what the story was, but a guy who got prosecuted for some drug related offense. And the fucking judge literally told him when he was sentencing him that he was listening to Rush Limbaugh on the way over and how Rush was saying that we have to give drug abusers a wake-up call. And that drug abusers need to know that there's consequences for their actions. So because of this, I'm going to fucking sentence you for X amount of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And the guy got released because of overcrowding. I read it online.
Starting point is 01:36:19 I forget where I read it from. I attribute it to him. The whole irony of that? Drug abusers? Really? But this was right before Rush got popped for chewing like 90 oxys a day and having his fucking maid go out and buy him for him with her assumed names. She's wearing a fake mustache and shit.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Oh, my back is not so good. And she's buying a fucking... But this guy was like talking about this crazy shit on the radio while he was popping pills. That's always how it is man all the anti-gay people always turn out to have the gay prostitutes it's like why are you so obsessed we were playing ted cruz earlier on the earlier podcast and i was like i recognize sounds okay there's certain sounds i recognize right when you when you hear a dude talk like this you hear you think of a big black man right right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. When Ted Cruz talks, I hear a gay man.
Starting point is 01:37:06 I hear a gay man. Dude, that is how he, why does he talk like that? Let's hear it. Let's hear Ted Cruz again. Why does he talk like that? Because he's gay. I think he's gay. He's like purposely trying to like, yeah. Super conservative. My thought is this guy cannot fucking wait to get done talking, just run up, throw on
Starting point is 01:37:21 some women's clothes and suck some cock. He just sounds gay. Now, I don't know if he's gay, and suck some cock. He just sounds gay. Now, I don't know if he's gay, but I've never met anybody that sounds gay that's not gay. There's nothing wrong with being gay. I want to say this again because I said it on the earlier podcast. There's nothing wrong. I love gay people. What I don't like is people are gross.
Starting point is 01:37:37 We just don't like gay people who are homophobes. We need to reassemble the Reagan coalition. We need to bring together all of the different parts that comprise the big tent. What about liberals who, if you got elected president, you'd be their president? What would you say to them? Well, but listen, they're different elements. So you've got, for example, you've got to bring together conservatives and libertarians. You've got differing views but shared values.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Okay, that's about as straight as he's ever sounded. Find a better one. But it's same-sex marriage ruling. See, because it's a same-sex marriage ruling see because it's a same-sex marriage ruling he's like trying to fucking straighten it up he's like i don't want to be confused with any of those how mouths the guy sounds gay i don't know if he is gay there's nothing wrong with being gay but he sounds gay i'm just saying it and people can say i sound gay too go ahead say it i don't give a fuck. The world is on fire comments.
Starting point is 01:38:26 The world's on fire. It's on fire. Here we go. And I will tell you, you are a major celebrity there. Yeah, well, it's a very small state. Look, I mean, it was impressive. I mean, I was earning major street cred. I mentioned to a couple of folks I was going to be on your show.
Starting point is 01:38:44 They were blown away. That's a gay man. Stop right there. That guy should be baking. He sounds totally different than he did in the previous. He should be naked with a fucking apron on. Baking. Wow. Baking and sucking cock. That's what Ted Cruz's best...
Starting point is 01:38:58 Those two things. That's what he does best. Cupcakes and cock sucking. That should be his campaign trip. Just fucking go for it. Just put that on your banner, dude. There's enough time. and cocksucking. That should be his campaign trip. Just fucking go for it. Just go for it. Just put that on your fucking banner, dude. There's enough time. It's still 2015.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Okay, November of 2016 is a long time away. Cupcakes and cocksucking. Ted Cruz. Hillary's got the pantsuits. You get the apron. Get in while it's hot. A year ago, Caitlyn was Bruce, and no one gave a fuck about him. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Right? Right. Now he's Caitlyn, and everybody cares. Right. Everybody loves her. Right. Right? Right. Now he's Caitlyn. Right. And everybody cares. Right. Everybody loves her. Right. Right? Right.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Cupcakes and cocksucking for president. Ted Cruz. Look at him. Ted, oh my God. That's what's up. Ew. He looks just, he has hollow black eyes. He's just a guy.
Starting point is 01:39:37 He's just trying to fucking stand out. Just trying to make, just trying to pick himself up by his bootstraps and make the American Dream happen. It's just always weird. Just trying to pick himself up by his bootstraps and make the American dream happen. It's just always weird. It's just always weird when someone goes, they go that route, anti-same-sex marriage. Oh, yeah. Just going against the grain.
Starting point is 01:39:52 It's like, I'm going to still prosecute marijuana abusers. There's no place for gays. Look at that fucking quote. This is, there is no place for gays or atheists in my America. None. Our Constitution makes that clear he said that in fucking march of 2015 at liberty university that is amazing there is no place for gays or atheists that's so silly that's obviously a gay guy i hate to quote myself but there's two types of people
Starting point is 01:40:21 that hate gay marriage people that are really dumb or people that are secretly worried that dicks are delicious Look at them. Look at them that is a vagina This is where you see this and don't stick it in my mouth. I'll throw up good Don't put it in my butt This is the world we live in, Abby Martin. Oh, my God. Is that the Empire? Now, what does a guy like that fit in?
Starting point is 01:40:51 What does a guy like that fit in in the Empire? Is he just like some guy who's scrambling, trying to get attention, running around the outside of the castle? What about me? I can be king. Yeah, that guy's the stooge, right? Let me be king. So you have these.
Starting point is 01:41:02 He's not really. He's just a sideshow, you know I know some people just like Perry of the niggerhead ranch What did you say? What is that ranch what are you talking about Perry's rent shut the fuck up his family his family has a ranch called and Shut the fuck up. Yeah, that's his family. Come on. His family has a ranch called N.
Starting point is 01:41:25 No, they don't. Please tell me you're kidding. And he, like, refused to take down the signpost. People, when he was running for president, people were like, are you going to do, like, a rebranding effort about, like, the ranch that your family owns? And he was like, it's all, like, historical. Oh, no. It's like Aunt Jemima.
Starting point is 01:41:41 It's okay. No, is that real? No, that's real. Come on, find that. I swear to God. You gotta find that. And I think he kept his... Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:41:52 It's true? Oh my God. He's got a ranch called Nigger Head. Oh my God. Is it a surprise yet? Yeah, it's not a surprise. Oh my God. Perry's version of the event's difference in many respects from the recollections of seven people.
Starting point is 01:42:09 They said they painted the rock when they got the offensive word, saw the offensive word, and then painted it over. Oh, ever since, any time I ever saw the rock, it was painted over. Oh, my God. My mother and father went to the lease and painted the rock. Went to the lease? What does that mean? Went to the lease and painted the rock. In either 1983 or 1985. It took them that long?
Starting point is 01:42:35 Well, it was not until the 80s that we realized that it was a bad word. That we really had to start respecting the damn black people. Around Texas, that's just what we called folks. Wait, and didn't he also keep a dead fetus in his fridge? Oh, my God. Is that really the sign that you showed? No, that's fake, right? He kept a dead fetus in his fridge.
Starting point is 01:42:52 For what? Just because. Why? It's good. It's good. You don't want to waste those cells. You don't want to throw those in the trash. That's true.
Starting point is 01:42:59 They could be used to cure something. You don't want to sell that to the black market. Imagine how ironic it would be if it was aborted fetuses that cured the gay. Can you imagine how ironic? You needed an aborted fetus. Rick Santorum's
Starting point is 01:43:14 dead baby ritual? What is that? Fuck, I really want to... I don't want to see that. I really want to... I'm getting bummed out. Anyway... I gotta end this thing
Starting point is 01:43:21 in about five minutes. Oh, shit, really? Yeah. Unfortunately, I got a crazy day. Oh, no way well Anything else anything else going on uh just everyone check out the grand staircase What's going on with your art you have beautiful art? Yeah, we're in town doing some art
Starting point is 01:43:36 Yeah, I did an art show Called cosmos and self and I'm actually doing another one in two days everyone should check it out if they live in the LA area Called ethos space it's gonna be in downtown LA check it out Downtown is a freaky spot now, isn't it? Fashion district in some crazy warehouse. Don't say where you live. I'm moving in three days. So it's fine now You got it. Yeah Ghost ghost out. There's a lot of freaky spots down there. Yeah, like you got to make sure you don't go the wrong way Yeah, yeah, which is great. It's like yeah, I'm sure that you've seen, you know, you've traveled to a lot of countries,
Starting point is 01:44:07 seen a lot of horrible poverty, went to Haiti, saw bad things, but then there's really nothing that compares to Skid Row, because it's this crazy community living on the fucking street, just taking over downtown LA, like excess of humanity that's just spilled out mentally ill, drug, I mean, they're just like shooting up in the street, taking a shit. It's fucking nuts. Thousands of them. Thousands. And it's blocks and blocks and blocks.
Starting point is 01:44:31 It's just like society has just like abandoned this portion of their people. It's very surreal and really scary. And we live right by there. It's an interesting thing. You know someone wants to look at them and go, how do we capitalize on this market? There's so many people. They're right there. They all have similar interests. How do we nail this homeless market? There's so many people. They're right there. They all have similar interests.
Starting point is 01:44:46 How do we nail this homeless market? I'm glad Occupy Skid Row is still going strong. Occupy Skid Row? I was just making it. It was just a joke because you just drive through it. You're like, wow. Oh. I'm like, oh, damn. It's a fucking crazy scene. I remember the first time
Starting point is 01:45:01 I was there, we were filming Fear Factor downtown and we were real close to it and someone brought it up we drove by and I was like you gotta be fucking kidding this is real it's real it's real super big and there's no one and like what do you know some of them are just mentally ill and drug addicts so it's like you don't what can you do other than provide services like that it's very just and then one of the fucking tents it's so bizarre has a giant American flag in it. And you're like, I'm glad that you are still all about America.
Starting point is 01:45:33 America. It's not America's fault that I'm out here. It's my fault. I'm the one who smoked a crack. Uncle Sam didn't put that crack pipe in my mouth. He didn't work hard enough. Yeah, well, there's a lot of mentally ill people. During the Reagan administration, they sort of changed the rules for what made you mentally ill and what the distinctions were.
Starting point is 01:45:52 And that's when they sort of opened up the doors and let all these people out on the street. I remember it like really, really clearly when I was a kid because there was a big debate like, oh, like, wait a minute. You can't. There's a lot of people that are're like you can't fucking do this you can't just right change the the classification the classifications for people that have mental illness but they did and all throughout new york and boston there was like all these like new mentally ill people wandering around the streets it was like a real clear moment yeah there i just read the statistic that homelessness has gone up like 25 in the last four years and just in la of people living in homes on freeway overpasses and shit.
Starting point is 01:46:28 And I remember like I posted it. 25%? Swear to God. And I remember I posted it and someone was like, dude, just move out. They can't afford LA. Just move out. And I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? They can't afford to move.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Once you go homeless, you don't have any money. Like, why are they living in LA? It's like, what? Oh my God. Dude, speaking of of really quickly before we wrap it up i wanted to tell you i we should talk about cuba next time because i went there and did a whole report on it but um zero homelessness that was the most iconic thing about being in cuba no trash no homelessness because everyone has their basic needs um the
Starting point is 01:46:58 shelter and there's a ration system and stuff but it was just interesting to see like the low crime rate when people have like basic shelter and healthcare, a lot of problems still very interesting. Cause I've, it was very different than every other like Latin American country. I was just like, holy shit, there's no homeless people and no beggars and no,
Starting point is 01:47:19 that's interesting. I mean, it's obviously not an ideal environment because you're forced into certain jobs and they kind of decide what you do and don't do certain jobs. You're not, that's bullshit. What about for athletes? Don't they do that for athletes? So that's what my friend who's an economist actually, when I came back from cubist, she was like, so how is it like everyone's assigned a job? And I was like, no, it's not like a brave new world where we're babies are born in incubators and like trained to be like, you're a doctor, you florist you're this it's not like that at all and um you know there is a ration system and they do get paid very little um but
Starting point is 01:47:50 it's just interesting because people just have a completely different mindset like i remember i spoke to a bunch of doctors and i was like why are you a doctor you're not getting paid anything right like why would i care about it they're like i'm helping my community and family it's just like completely this is like a totally like a understanding. I'm like, I'm coming from the hub of capitalism and I'm like, I don't understand the incentive. Right. So it's really, it was really, really fascinating. But I'd recommend
Starting point is 01:48:14 everyone check out the Cuba series I did on Breaking the Set if you want to learn more and check out Ethospace. is my art. The people that have lived there in Cuba really hated it they hated the oppression they hated the way they were treated they escaped because they had more opportunity in america especially athletes there's three laws that america has put into place that coax
Starting point is 01:48:35 defectors so one of them is basically trying to subvert cuba's whole medical internationalism so cuba has been forced into this like because of the blockade in the embargo They've been forced into like total fucking self like you know what I mean I can't like all organics and they've like like maintain these old cars And they like don't let anything break down and she's kind of cool in a way so they've also Developed instead of invading countries and bombing the shit out of people they've also developed an entire like a medical thing for their like Income so they basically lease out doctors around the world even when you go back to you know the haiti earthquake they were the first country that sent out the biggest contingent of doctors ebola biggest contingent so they basically lease out
Starting point is 01:49:14 like doctors to get oil from venezuela to like get help um it's interesting because people are like oh well they're you know they're like creating doctors to like just get oil and shit it's like well they're they're doing what they can with the resources that they have. They're under a very crippling economic embargo. They have subversion programs going on through USAID every year, despite the normalization process that's going on. The USAID is still spending $20 million a year to subvert Cuba's political process. So we've subverted the hip hop movement there. We've created a fake HIV program. We've created a fake HIV program. We've created a fake Twitter called Zunzunio that's tried to like get people against Castro.
Starting point is 01:49:49 But the most disturbing part is this medical internationalism where you have like 75,000 doctors working around the world on all these fronts. And the U.S. has created a law that said you can defect to the U.S. and become a doctor here and just leave your post. So it's like, why are we trying to subvert actual medical missions and humanitarian missions that Cuba is doing? Really, the only reason is because we want to subvert the socialist government that survived after the Cold War that we still fucking can't accept. And there's also the wet foot, dry foot policy that offers Cuban immigrants, no other immigrant in the world has this, where you can just come here
Starting point is 01:50:25 and just be an American citizen if you're Cuban. Is that the case? No questions asked. Really? Wet foot dry foot. Still? Yep. Wow. That must suck for Mexicans. They're like, what the fuck, man? This is bullshit. What about Canadians? We're conservatives up in arms and like, why are we allowing all these Cuban immigrants in here? Shut the borders down.
Starting point is 01:50:42 I did not know that. That's fascinating. It's really fascinating. You should have a conversation with Joey Diaz He'd be fucking screaming right now Yeah came over on a boat. Yeah, and you know a lot of people Look when you're Cuban and you're you're you're on a ration system and you're living in this country That's kind of isolated and you're like watching American movies and you're like why the fuck am I here? I'm gonna be there, you know and you're seeing mountains of cocaine and a case and you're like, why the fuck am I here when I can be there? You know, and you're seeing mountains of cocaine and AKs and shit and you're like, why us?
Starting point is 01:51:13 But the problem is a lot of doctors defect and they come over here and then they're caught for years and years and years. Their license doesn't apply. Like they have to go through all, they end up being like a waitress in a restaurant for a decade trying to become a practicing doctor. But when I was over there, not only do they have free healthcare care obviously for everyone in the country but they also have an international medical school that trains doctors whoever wants to train all over the world can go and just be a doctor for free so i met like 20 americans who were there and i was like why are you here getting your medical license and they're like because i don't want to fucking be a hundred thousand dollars in
Starting point is 01:51:39 debt in america and they're like i'm here to get my medical license so then i can go train and be a doctor wow free so a lot of shit can be talked about how things are run but it's a totally different society when you have basic needs met and when health care and like humans come first out of necessity because of the blockade because they had to create this not necessarily of altruism but it's evolved into such an insane just dichotomy of how society has like functioned. Super interesting. Well, it's going to be fascinating. Now the embargo has been lifted.
Starting point is 01:52:15 It's going to be lifted. It's still not. So now all they've done is lift travel restrictions. Yeah. So now they've lifted travel restrictions. And now Raul has like opened up some private enterprise and stuff. And that was a whole diplomatic process within the country too,
Starting point is 01:52:26 where they lifted some economic things. So now private businesses can flourish. And so it's opening up because they've realized that they can't obviously have it like that forever, especially now that the travel's lifted. But it's going to be really interesting
Starting point is 01:52:38 to see what happens, especially now that the U.S. still has this subversion tactics going on, these programs in place that encourage people to defect. And then also Gitmo. It's a perpetual occupation of fucking Cuba that Raul has said time and again,
Starting point is 01:52:49 give us Guantanamo Bay. You leased it under false pretenses. We really want it back. And the U.S. says it's off the table. So that's the way the empire works. We don't give back bases. So how does that, we like leased it? 1903, we leased the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, which is a giant swath of land for like a you know housing.
Starting point is 01:53:09 But it's connected to Cuba. It's on Cuba. It's in Cuba. So we leased it then when we were allies. Batista was our boy. Batista was like a corporate fucking lord you know. And so we had all these private enterprises in Cuba and then the socialist revolution happened. And then the lease agreement said,
Starting point is 01:53:26 this has to be agreed by both parties to continue or I'm sorry to dissolve. And then when the Cuban revolution happened, Cuba was like, give us back Guantanamo. And the U S was like, you know what? We don't agree to that. So we're just going to keep it.
Starting point is 01:53:40 And they never accepted a dime. They never cashed a dime for the rent after the 1956 or whatever the revolution was. So yeah, it was That's really disturbing me because I'm like dude just give them back fucking Guantanamo Bay like you can pretend that we're normal with Cuba But it's never gonna be normal unless you give them some respect and if you're so scared of socialism And if you are so sure that socialism is a failure, then let them fucking fail on their own. Lift the blockade and let Cuba just function and let's see what happens. But right now, it's been so crippled in so many ways that it's impossible to really know
Starting point is 01:54:13 what the country would be like without US interference. Well, it's very bizarre that we're allowed to trade with all sorts of different countries that are accused of all sorts of different heinous crimes against humanity, but we can't with Cuba. Yeah. I mean, just think about all the different countries that we're allowed to trade with. accused of all sorts of different heinous crimes against humanity, but we can't with Cuba. Yeah. You know? I mean, just think about all the different countries that we're allowed to trade with.
Starting point is 01:54:29 That's fine. You can go to Congo right now and hang out with warlords. You can do whatever the fuck you want, you know? Right. Saudi Arabia, we go back and forth with them all the time. Chicks just got the right to vote. Did you hear that? Like in recent weeks? Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:42 Like it was in the news yesterday. Oh my God. Pull it off my Twitter, Jamie. Yeah. It was in the news yesterday. Oh, my God. Pull it off my Twitter, Jamie. Yeah. Saudi Arabia. Women in Saudi Arabia are going to get the right to vote. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Starting point is 01:54:53 Look, it's 2015. Yay. They feel like it's, I guess. Take off your burqas, women. Nope. Not allowed to do that. Oh, right. We haven't liberated them yet.
Starting point is 01:55:01 No. Well, I love in Iran, they wear just fucking tons of makeup. They look hot as fuck. They wear skin tight clothes because you're not allowed to show shit. But they wear like yoga pants, like a total workaround. But they have to have that thing in their head. Women are allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia for the first time in history. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Isn't that nuts? August 24th, 2015. Bam. 15th? I guess, or 15? For the first time in the country's history, women in Saudi Arabia have been given the right to vote and stand as political Candidates in the upcoming elections Wow, but just amazing don't show your ankles Don't don't drive don't your ankles
Starting point is 01:55:35 Have your I guess the man needs to escort them to the voting booths because they still can't do anything without a male permission Of course they can't even drive yet. Yeah, they can vote and they can't drive still can't do anything without a male permission. Of course. They can't even drive yet. They can vote and they can't drive. You know the former King Abdullah, sorry, praise be with him, fucking... Peace be upon him. Peace be upon Abdullah. But no, his daughters
Starting point is 01:55:54 are trapped in a dungeon, being starved. What? They're living underground in some bunker that they're trapped. They did an interview with someone saying, help us. We disobeyed our father and we've been like punished for. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Yeah. It's super crazy. Look it up. Grand staircase. Everyone go to the grand staircase. Every time I talk to Abby Martin, she gives me more depressing things to look up.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Listen, always awesome talking to you. This is so awesome talking to you. Anytime you want. Thank you so much for inviting me. Anytime, anytime my friend. All right,
Starting point is 01:56:24 that's it for today you fucks. We love the shit out of you and we'll see you soon. Bye you so much for inviting me. Anytime, my friend. All right, that's it for today, you fucks. We love the shit out of you, and we'll see you soon. Bye-bye. Big kiss. Bye. Bye. Let's fucking go. That's nice.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Okay.

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