The Joe Rogan Experience - #711 - Brian Redban

Episode Date: October 20, 2015

Brian Redban is a comedian and the founder of the Deathsquad podcast network available on Spotify under "Deathsquad." ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do do do do do do do we are live Hello, Brian Redband. Hey, Joe. What's going on fella? Not much crazy week. Very crazy week. Yeah murder at the comedy store Oh, that's that's insane. I was supposed to go down there that night, too I decided the day of I had too much shit to do that day and in the morning and I said, you know I don't need to do a set tonight. I was gonna Do the stand-up on the spot show which was on before the roast battle show and i guess there was a show going on in the main room um it was one of those air quotes urban air quote yeah they they scratch records and they have more melanin and some shit went down.
Starting point is 00:00:47 And not that it matters. It was a black show. Obviously, it could have been a white show. I don't believe it was anybody in the show. I think it was just people in the audience. There was a guy on a patio. And obviously, I have like 15th hand information. But the story is that this guy just walked right up to this guy and just shot him a bunch of times.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah. It's weird how, I sent you that China did one of those reenactments of it where. Oh, those commercials. Or those CGI's rather. CGI's. And it's really ridiculous how they show it. And so I've been showing it around because a lot of us are always there Tuesday nights. And Rose, the bartender, was are always there Tuesday nights and Rose the bartender was standing right there she you know she helped afterwards why by putting you know towels and stuff on the guy a lot a lot of people at Francisco Ramos was
Starting point is 00:01:33 standing right next to Matt Edgar a lot of our friends were hanging out on the patio because roast battle was going on and it's so you know crowded for roast battle that a lot of us just sit in the front patio and watch the chinese reenactment it's a first of all note how everyone's white and except that guy yeah so was it from there wow it does look like the comedy store is that where it happened from you know they're saying that uh what rose is saying that this is not the side that came on it was more right in the middle you know the entrance uh the and was he that far away they're also saying he ran across the street which is another thing It was more right in the middle, you know, the entrance. And was he that far away?
Starting point is 00:02:09 They're also saying he ran across the street, which is another thing. A lot of people say that he got into a car and the car went down the street. Other people are saying he didn't get in a car. And it's interesting because there's so many people there, but yet they haven't released anything about the shooter except that he had a hoodie on. Not like color of hoodie, height, nothing, which was odd odd you know um but it happened so fast they say i don't know how those things usually work i don't know if they give up all the information like about the suspect the problem is if you if you tell people what it was like here's here's a there's a really weird thing that happens when people see stuff people see things and then their recollection of what they actually saw oftentimes is way off.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Like they've done these experiments with people where they've put them in stressful situations like a fake bank robbery. And then they ask them to describe what happened. And people, they get it so wrong. And they think in their head that it's right. I mean, I'm sure I've got some memories in my head like that that are all fucked up And I'm sure you have some in your head. I just think I think What our memory we would like to think it's like some stuff written down on paper or a video that you can watch and review But it's not it's it's fucking very very strange
Starting point is 00:03:22 Especially when it comes to something like a murder where someone steps out and boom, just shoot somebody. So if you say we're looking for a five foot ten black male with a red hoodie, people are going to find that guy. They're going to see it. They're going to think it. But if you say we're looking for a five foot eleven thin white male with a British accent, then they'll say, I saw that guy. I know it was him. There's going to be a certain amount of people that will tell you, even though they saw a black guy in their head, they'll see that five foot tall, 11 English guy. And they'll go, yes, he was, I did think he was English. Like in their head, especially with like trauma and the fear
Starting point is 00:04:02 of the instance, they're notoriously unreliable that's why like when scientists talk about anecdotal evidence and evidence of people's experiences when you're trying to talk about like paranormal shit especially that's why people say dude you can't tell me what i saw i know what i saw do you really do you do you really know what you saw because i don't know what i saw a lot of times like if you looked at my memory just from yesterday, it's a blur of some snapshots. And I had a great day. I wasn't drunk. Hanging out with the family.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We picked out some pumpkins. Saw a fucking pig race. Went to this farm place where they let you pick out your own pumpkin. It was fun. A bunch of kids. It was cute. We had a good time. Went in a corn maze.
Starting point is 00:04:47 But my memory, my important thing is totally sober, having a great time, lots of laughs, but my memory is like, oh yeah, then we did that. And then we did, oh yeah, we did that too. I had some of that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I had a sandwich. And this idea that we have this infallible memory. I think when you start putting out information, like this idea that you know we have this infallible memory i think when you start
Starting point is 00:05:05 putting out information like uh this is what the guy definitely looked like based on who based on whose head who said it definitely looks like that the people that saw the shooting hmm okay if you don't have a photo you you better be real careful what you say because these people that saw the shooting man boy i mean some of them might be good at it but we all know somebody fucking sucks at remembering stories you know we all we all have that one person that is terrible at it especially in a time of panic i know when i got robbed i remember he had a fake beard and but that's about it like i didn't like he had some kind of coat but i don't remember like i was staring at him i should be able to know like oh, he had a purple shirt on. He had, you know.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Isn't it funny that fake beards are not allowed, but if you are a man and you wear a toupee, you can go through TSA with it. Oh, yeah. They'll leave that stupid fake hair glued to your head. Like, that's so strange. But if you try to go through TSA with a fake mustache, they'll be like, what the fuck are you trying to pull?
Starting point is 00:06:05 You can go in there with a mop of hair. I wonder how long your fake hair can be before they go, listen, you fuck, take that thing off. Could you go in there with like a giant lion's mane? Like if you went in there with some crazy, if you were just stone cold bald, and you went in there with a glued on Fabio wig, like a full Fabio that goes
Starting point is 00:06:25 all the way down to your ass or even crazier like there was a dude that I was a I was at the House of Blues in Houston a couple weeks ago and it was great it was awesome meaning Ian Edwards and there was a dude has been growing his hair for 14 years it works there I got a picture homeboy oh he's a long ponytail is that no no he went the dreadlock route. It just takes one guy to have like try to put a bomb in his hairpiece till we have like a line where everyone has to get their like toupees like, you know, shoveled off or scraped off.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Well, there's not enough people that have big hair like that where you would have to like look into it. But yeah, if people, if there was a lot of people running around with hair like that, they would start searching your hair. your hair definitely 100 but those radio wave things that they go through here's homeboy you see his hair holy shit yeah it goes all the way down to his ass like past his ass excuse me almost down to his knees that shit's got smell it probably smells great. It's got pockets of nest in there. There's all kinds of living art forms in there. Yeah. Ebola.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But the, what was I going to say? Oh, but if that was fake, like there's no way you could wear hair that long that's fake. Because now you're wearing like some crazy costume or something. Like it has to be within the cultural norm. It has to be like culturally acceptable length hair you know like like do you remember when that guy phil specter was on trial for murder that really crazy fuck phil specter who uh jamie probably knows who he is more than both of us because he was he had that thing the wall of sound that he had kind of created he kind of created a new way
Starting point is 00:08:02 of um of producing music. Is that correct? Is that the best way to describe it? Yeah, you're pretty good. That's good. Yeah, but apparently he loved putting guns in people's faces. He was just a fucking nut. And he showed up for trial.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Look at that wig. He showed up for trial wearing the different wigs, right? Didn't he wear a couple different kinds? He wore just that one? No, what about that one? For trial, wearing the different wigs, right? Didn't he wear a couple different kinds? He wore just that one? No, what about that one? So he's got two different wigs at least. What ended up happening to him?
Starting point is 00:08:34 Is he in prison? Oh, yeah. He might be dead. He might be dead now. Precious. Yeah, look how horrific he looks. Yeah. He just looks so creepy. Is that him there smiling too? Wow, he looks like a totally different person when he looks. Yeah. He just looks so creepy. Is that him there smiling too?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Wow, he looks like a totally different person when he smiles. Oh. That's so odd. Oof. He's a creepy dude. Yeah. Well, so he put a gun in some girl's mouth. You know, he was into that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Like, bitch, I'll fucking kill you. And he actually did kill her. Wow. And she was like just a young lady. I think that's her up there lana clarkson that's her right she was really pretty oh shit she'd done some acting and stuff and she met him what's amazing to me was not just that he shot her and this crazy fuck but that an ugly dude like that can bang a chick that looks that hot. Like, how did he get her? Maybe she wouldn't have sex with him.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Maybe that's why he shot her in the mouth. Well, he's also a millionaire. I think at that point, you know. Yeah, no, that definitely has got to help. I mean, but isn't it amazing that it helps that much? I mean, look how scary he is. Is that Al Pacino? Did Al Pacino play him in a movie?
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah, they did an HBO movie, I think. Really? Yeah. What was it called? A couple years ago. No shit. I didn't know about that. I didn't know that either.
Starting point is 00:09:58 There's too many movies. Oh, it's just called Phil Spector. Do you know I had a revelation the other day when it came to movies? I went to see The Martian. It was pretty good. Interesting. But the problem is the problem with that movie is you know he's going to live. You know
Starting point is 00:10:14 he's going to make it. So it's like someone gave you a spoiler alert before you even got to the movie. It's like, oh, is he going to die on Mars? Am I paying money to watch two hours of him and he's going to die on Mars? Get the fuck out of here. Everybody knows he and he's gonna die on Mars get the fuck out of here everybody knows he's not gonna die on Mars but the revelation was there's there's too many movies and like even really awesome movies like Sicario supposed to be pretty badass because that's the new
Starting point is 00:10:38 Benicio del Toro movie it's supposed to be pretty badass but we couldn't get a ticket to that one in time we was sold, so we went with The Martian. But the point is, these movies never stop. Every week there's new ones, and they don't go away. Like, the old ones don't stop being around. Like, you can go watch them too. It's like there's too many of them. Like, I was thinking about all the different movies
Starting point is 00:11:03 just on iTunes and Netflix, and I was scrolling through them, and I started thinking, this is a never-ending equation. It just keeps getting tacked onto it. We live in the epicenter of where it's created. It's all around here. And it's very strange because the body of work just never stops. It used to be, when I was a a kid when a good movie came out you would go to see that fucking movie like star wars i saw star wars 13 times and i was nothing compared to the real geeks like there's it was like it was a big deal back then to see how many times you
Starting point is 00:11:40 could see a movie like you couldn't run a movie long enough to see for someone to see it 13 times now because there's new ones. There's new ones coming. We got to get this fucking piece of shit out of the theater. You would never have a movie like Star Wars that played over and over and over and over and over and over again. And if Star Wars came out today, people would shit right in its mouth. It's, it's weird., to me, in my childhood, one of the greatest movies of all time. When I was a kid and that movie came out, I remember when Obi-Wan Kenobi was talking to Luke Skywalker and they were in the sand. I was like, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life. This is amazing. This guy's in space and he's going to Obi-Wan Kenobi is going to teach
Starting point is 00:12:25 him how to be a Jedi. Oh, this is the greatest movie ever. I remember it couldn't have been more perfect. I remember seeing that movie and thinking this movie is fucking perfect. Now you go watch it and you're like, oh my God, it's such a clunky turd. It's clunky. The special effects look like shit. Why is Darth Vader evil? Does he doesn't even a reason why he's evil He's just evil. What does he get when he takes over the world? Does he even get pussy is even gonna get any pussy in space? You know, he's just building some giant star that can blow up planets. Really? This is so dumb like it's so dumb Oh uses the dark side. Oh not the dark side. It's so fucking dumb and it's puppets
Starting point is 00:13:04 It's like Kermit the frog and luke skywalker but in its day like if you judge it in the context of its day it's one of the all-time classic films it's just there's so many more now and they're better there's some films from back then that still like apocalypse now is rock solid you try to go watch Apocalypse Now, it is rock fucking solid. Francis Ford Coppola just made a masterpiece. That's who did that, right? It was him, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:32 It's a masterpiece. It's a masterpiece. It's like a flawless film. And it's a film that took, I think it took like seven years to make. It went way, way over budget. They started with Lawrence Fishburne when he was like 17 he was in that movie i mean that's a crazy fucking movie but it's it's a it's a movie that holds up man it still holds up ghostbusters doesn't hold up et doesn't hold up there's a lot that i've been
Starting point is 00:13:59 watching i'm going oh we were kids though right yeah well we were younger but we were it just looked real back then. That was like realistic to us. You know, those monsters made out of clay were like, Oh my God, it's a monster made out of clay. I remember I used to like land to the lost. Ooh, the sleaze stacks. They're so cool looking.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Ooh, excited. So there's a good Godzilla King Kong movie coming out. Oh Christ. Here's why that's stupid. Okay. Godzilla is 500 feet tall. King Kong movie coming out. Oh, Christ. Here's why that's stupid, okay? Godzilla is 500 feet tall. King Kong's 50 feet tall. Stop.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Those Japanese people fucked you. They fucked you with those movies because they violated all the laws. They didn't give you some reason why King Kong grew to 500. He grew 450 extra feet and they didn't say a word about it. Come on, man. How's he so big? He used to be able to climb shit and he would carry the chick in his hand and now all of a sudden he's as big as Godzilla. What if it was baby
Starting point is 00:14:54 Godzilla versus King Kong? It was just baby Godzilla. He was small. That would make a little bit more sense. But he would just stand back and light him on fire. It's fucking stupid. The fight would take 30 seconds. I mean, he got killed by little tiny airplanes. He got killed by airplanes.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And if you know anything about, like, firepower and guns, the idea that you could kill a gorilla with these little piss-ant bullets from a tiny little stupid cardboard plane, you're killing a gorilla that's so fucking big that it can carry people and climb to the top of the Empire State Building. It can grab planes out of the air and smash them. Remember it was doing that?
Starting point is 00:15:36 But yet those little baby bullets are killing them. Those little baby bullets would just make them furious. Unless there were, like, the hollow points or something like that where they blew up inside of them. Doesn't matter. Unless they were cannons, they would have to be like, they would have to be such a high caliber
Starting point is 00:15:52 that it would be like, boom, boom. There would be mad fucking recoil. It would be, especially back then. They've figured it. They have guns now that have, they're like Donald Cerrone had one that he put a video of it on his Instagram. I think they call it integrally suppressed.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So when you fire the gun, it's a 300 Win Mag, which is a big round. It's a very powerful rifle. When you fire it, it's like, tunk, tunk, like nothing. You don't feel anything and you don't hear anything. It's like a very small amount of sound and a very small amount of kick. Like he has a girl on his Instagram picture just a regular-sized girl shooting it and it's not fucking her up at all but you should be like at least a struggle you know so but back then they didn't have
Starting point is 00:16:36 any of that shit back then it was just an explosion in a metal tube shooting out a piece of lead the idea that you're gonna kill this big gorilla with your piss-ass guns he's gonna fuck you up man and he's gonna bang that white chick that's what he's there for unless they got smart and you know and it was just all like hacking and like nuclear war like Godzilla's using computers now and King Kong never mind where are you going with that? You committed to it, too. They made it a drama. A drama. Well, the last Godzilla looked like it was going to be badass.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I never watched it. It wasn't good. It was kind of fun. Like, the Godzilla monster itself was fucking badass. Like, they did an amazing job with CGI. But the story was so clunky and this fucking kid who's the hero keeps surviving i mean he survived the most ridiculous shit like a plane fell off or a train fell off of a giant bridge into the water and he gets out of there like over and over and over again wasn't that what happened some stupid shit like that
Starting point is 00:17:42 over and over and over again this fuck survives the most ridiculous preposterous disaster scenarios to watch godzilla kill this bad guy in the spoiler alert godzilla survives spoiler but it's just the the special effects were pretty wicked but the story itself was just clunky did you see a movie called The Guest? I don't think so. Who's in it? I forget his name. No one really... Hold on, I'll tell you right now. It is...
Starting point is 00:18:12 No. Dan Stevens. I don't know who that is. Anyways, it got really good on Rotten Tomatoes. It got like 92%. It got really good reviews. Doug Benson told me to watch it. It's on Netflix right now.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It starts off like a kid's summer teen movie. Are you spoiler alerting this movie? No, I'm not. It starts off like a kid's summer teen movie. And this guy who just got out of the army comes visits this family. It is one of the biggest Roadhouse type version movie.
Starting point is 00:18:48 It starts off horrible, but then you wake up out of this coma. You're like, wait, what the fuck am I watching? And then it starts like, I swear to God, I laughed so hard in this movie because like a Roadhouse. Accidentally.
Starting point is 00:19:00 But then I go to Doug and I'm like, dude, thank you so much. That was like hilarious movie and he goes oh well like he liked it for real Z's Doug Benson quite possibly might be the worst poster boy for weed alive
Starting point is 00:19:15 I just did it's getting Doug with high and he would like ask a question and then I'd be like starting to answer and he goes what are you talking about like completely forgot what ask a question and then I'd be like starting to answer and he goes, what are you talking about? Like, completely forgot what it... Well, in his defense, listen to what you just said 30 seconds ago
Starting point is 00:19:32 about Godzilla hacking with computers and using nuclear war. Well, no, I was just saying if Godzilla was like a drama, like if they... It is a drama. No, I mean like King Kong was hacking Godzilla and made it like a... Picture view. But this idea that Doug Benson
Starting point is 00:19:49 smokes too much pot, we should explore this. Because I know he enjoys the marijuana and I know he's been an activist and letting people know but this type of behavior is perhaps negative to the cause. He makes me laugh. He gets so high. He's so funny.
Starting point is 00:20:06 He gets so high all the time. And he gets visually high, which makes it so much more funny. He closes up like razor slits. He closes up like there's no eyes in there. Where's your eyes, man? You don't have any eyes. Dommerer if he was a pirate or something. Imagine if Dommerer smoked pot.
Starting point is 00:20:22 We'd have to get him a cane. We'd have to get him one of those blind can pot, we'd have to get him a cane. We'd have to get him one of those blind canes. We'd have to get him a dog. That Ebola thing about the eyes, though, that really freaked me out. It should. It should. Ebola has been living in people's eyes. The guys that had Ebola, it's been staying in his eyes, changing their eye colors from
Starting point is 00:20:41 green to blue and having blurry vision. And then when he gets it checked, his eyes are not as strong anymore. They're more of like a musher, mushier version of his eye. A musher. Yeah, they said that it actually was affecting the structure of his eye. Yeah. Fuck, man. And what's weird is when I went to my eye doctor,
Starting point is 00:21:00 they said my eye structure was fucked and that I had scarring in the back for some reason you don't have Ebola dude you'd be so much skinnier you think yeah they lose a shit load of weight well what if I just have
Starting point is 00:21:11 they shit their brains out a lazy version of it or a sleeping maybe you're like a survivor you're one of those carriers like there's some girls that can give you herpes
Starting point is 00:21:19 but they don't show any signs of herpes right yeah this guy right here some girls notice I blame it all on the girls well one of the the symptoms is blurry vision like he started tripping out of what i've been trying to deal with myself well i don't think you you're you have to be you have to
Starting point is 00:21:37 consider a couple things when you're talking about your eyes you definitely don't have to think about ebola but you do have to think about taking care of your health. You don't take care of your health. And I've told you before, it freaks me out. Well, I've cut out things like boner pills recently. Well, you definitely should cut out those. Look, they have Viagra and Cialis and stuff like that. And it's scientifically proven. You can adjust your dosage.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You don't know what you're taking when you take those things. And a lot of times you are taking Cialis. You are taking Viagra. Well, what's weird is Lamar Oden, who just recently, you know, went to the hospital for, they found him at the Bunny Ranch. He had supposedly cocaine around and these boner pills, these gas station boner pills. What's so weird about the whole thing, about two days before that happened, I found out the on their front page, if you go to it right now, has a whole thing about these boner pills.
Starting point is 00:22:28 And they also have links to every single boner pill that you can buy. I took all my wrappers. I keep my wrappers. Because they come in these cardboard. You save them like baseball cards. They're cool because they all have really good artwork. Such good artwork. It's just like David Cho's work.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's like a Mona Lisa on those things, man. So I looked at my favorite one. My favorite one has Viagra in it, the Mexican version of Viagra in it. But a lot of them also have steroids in them. And if you can go through this, this is the hidden agreement. A lot of them are steroids, generic names for Viagra. Well, you know, that was Anderson Silva's excuse when he tested positive for steroids. That makes 100% sense.
Starting point is 00:23:09 He took a Chinese Viagra. But what they think is, this is actually one way it could be of what he said could be true. That he might have gotten some sort of, he might have called it Viagra, but it might've been like some super strong boner pill that also has steroids in it. But the other, what they were thinking is that with a company that makes this Viagra or Cialis or whatever it was also make steroids and they just didn't clean their batch and some of it got contaminated, which does happen. We've actually, we've run tests on different supplements that we have, like AlphaBrain. And during the early days when we first started doing it, we would notice that there would be a certain inconsistency in the amount of something. It was just minor, but enough to where we were like, hmm. And then occasionally we would find something in a supplement.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Like we never found it in Alpha Brain or True Mood or something like that. But I know they found it in like, well, you get like a B12 supplement and it has vitamin A in it for some reason. And everybody's like, well, how'd that get in there? Because you're getting your stuff from like bulk. You're getting it from a lot of people are getting with if they're getting like tribulus. I know you used to buy that stuff, right? Yeah. Or if you're getting vitamins, you're getting it from a lot of people are getting with, if they're getting like tribulus, I know you used to buy that stuff, right? Or if you're getting vitamins, you're getting them from these bulk suppliers. Like my friend Larry used to run that vitamin company. And when you get stuff from bulk suppliers, like a lot of times they they're mixing their stuff in these vats and they
Starting point is 00:24:38 just don't clean them. They do a shitty job of cleaning them. Most of the time you're okay. But if, if someone fucks up and doesn't do their job or you deal with some low level company that doesn't take care of their shit, you definitely, definitely, definitely can get steroids and things along those lines inside like protein powders and insides like muscle supplements. They shouldn't be there. But then there's also some of them, they just put steroids in there. You know why? Because steroids work. So, and you can get cheap Chinese steroids and you just throw them in your boner pills and you don't want to fuck like a gorilla. That's because you're juiced up, man. You're actually on steroids and it will fuck with your mood. We had that Jeff Novitsky guy.
Starting point is 00:25:20 He's the guy who works for the U S anti-doping agency. And he's the guy who works for the u.s anti-doping agency and he's the guy who busted lance armstrong now he works for the ufc and he's you know doing all these crazy random drug tests he told us about all the different substances that the olympic committee and the fda finds out test positive for steroids and we're like well how many are there so we go to the fucking website there's a website where it lists each one of them we didn't even get get through the A's. We were in the A's and there was hundreds of them that are just steroids. So when you're going to the local vitamin shop and you're seeing muscle build 5,000, some fucking guy shredded on it, a lot of those are steroids. Especially more so back in the day than today
Starting point is 00:26:06 because they're a little bit better at busting people and there's a little bit less people that are willing to take the chance of getting arrested or of getting sued or whatever but there's a lot of that shit that's just there's so much monkey business involved in like those kind of like muscle building things yeah well it it's really dangerous because all the ones I had were on the And so then I started taking each one of the boner pills and looking at every single ingredient that was in it. A lot of them were roots and mixing certain things with other things
Starting point is 00:26:39 has never been tested. And if you have low blood pressure, you could die off these boner pills just from taking them. Well, also if you're on a heart medication, like old dudes that have heart attacks, they have to take nitrates, like nitroglycerin and stuff like that. If you take that, like you ever seen those in those movies, the guy would almost be about to take a heart attack
Starting point is 00:27:00 and he'd pop those little pills and chew them up. He's got to get to my heart pills. Remember that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was always in those movies. Remember? That was real?
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah. Yeah, that's real. There are certain, I think it's nitroglycerin, but certain things that you take that if you are on those and then you take Viagra, it can be super fucking dangerous for you. So these people that are just taking them, thinking that what's on that label is what's actually in it, lot of times that's not the case a lot of times it's a bunch of extra shit in there the one that I recently have been taking it's
Starting point is 00:27:31 had ended up having Viagra in it but they had a new formula version which the FDA hasn't tried yet but the new formula version works really good like way better than the old stuff that but I think that has whatever's in it's making me trip yeah it's it's probably has whatever's in it's making me trip. Yeah, it's probably super bad for you. It's probably some crazy stimulants and who knows, man. You got to buy stuff from reputable sources like this. That's one thing that I disagree with people when they want to have total deregulation of drugs and things like, man, you got to be careful of people that are just
Starting point is 00:28:06 going to sell you some shit and tell you it's one thing but it's actually something else like there should be some form of regulation when it comes to uh things like you know anything that's got something in it that could be dangerous where it's like a stimulant or those rip fuel type things that turned out to kill a bunch of people like you should we should there should be some accountability and there also should be someone checking on that stuff like you kind of need someone checking to make sure that you're not gonna like inadvertently give someone who thinks they're just gonna get some herbal you you know, testosterone booster.
Starting point is 00:28:46 You're actually going to give them steroids and Viagra. You know, it should be GNC. Wouldn't you say? I mean, I bought rip fuel when I was in high school. We used to all get on that shit in high school. People have died from that stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, definitely. That's why a Fedra, like you can't get that shit anymore. People used to just buy a Fedra. You used to be able to buy that. That's a, it's fucking stimulant and a hardcore one too and it just jacks your heart rate up man
Starting point is 00:29:09 like a good buddy used to drink that red line stuff every day before the gym like yeah five times a week and he's drinking red bull four times a day anyway he's not well he's lucky he's lucky he's alive i uh i took rip fuel once before jiu-jitsu, and I literally thought I was going to have a heart attack. It didn't make any sense why my heart was beating so fast. I was like, I know I was working out, and I know I was exerting myself, but I was like, but this is just some next level shit. I have to stop. I can't do it. I literally couldn't work out after a certain point. I was like, my heart's beating too fast.
Starting point is 00:29:43 It was weird. It's like your heart's beating too fast, but you're not that tired. It's like your body's just weirding out on you. It's just like, what's all this extra shit? Beep, beep. And you used to be able to get it everywhere. Yeah. It's a lot of that stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:29:59 A lot of that stuff. And how they even, like that's what you said from my uh experience of being involved with on it and the creation of alpha brain and when you find you know you find out your suppliers aren't doing the right thing you find out that like you got to make sure that people are like you have to test things and double test things every step of the way and when you're running a company like gnc jesus christ how many products they have on their shelves. They have aisles and aisles and hundreds of fucking things from hundreds of different companies and all of them are promoting weight loss and it's mental clarity and fitness enhancement and muscle gains and strength gains and size.
Starting point is 00:30:41 You're going to put on weight and like, boy, are you sure? Is all this stuff legit? They don't know. They don't give a fuck. They just go, what do you got? What do you got? You got dick pills? Bring them in here, bitch. You know? And if you bought, if you went to a store and you got some testosterone booster,
Starting point is 00:31:00 you know, it says, you know, boost testosterone, make you feel a lot better. It's really Viagra. Also, your dick is hard all the time. You'd be like, dude, I'm so full of testosterone. My dick is hard all the time. And it would psychologically make you feel like, yeah, I'm on, I'm on this testosterone booster. It's amazing. You just go start buying it. Like for guys, you give a guy something that makes his dick hard and they're going to think that they found the fucking thing. They found the fountain of youth.
Starting point is 00:31:27 They found it. They found the holy grail. It just makes it thicker and longer. It's not even hard, right? What? These kinds are like a swelling of the dick more. What kinds? Like these generic kinds with all these extra roots and stuff in it.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I don't know what you're taking. I don't know what you're taking. Will you take one if I give you- Fuck no. No? I'd have to have a scientist go over that shit with a fine-tooth comb. Who knows what's in those things, man? You don't even know who's making them.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I know. This is fucking spray paint artwork. You're like, look at the artwork. I'm definitely putting this in my body. Hope it doesn't do any permanent damage. Gee, why is my eyesight going all fucking wonky? You're seeing things wiggle in front of your eyes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Also, you know, that's a symptom of diabetes. Yeah. I don't have diabetes. Did you go to the doctor? I mean, my last checkup was, I was fine. How many years ago was that? Year and a half. Did you have those symptoms a year and a half ago?
Starting point is 00:32:23 No. But I've also wasn't taking boner pills that have crazy shit a year and a half ago? No. But I also wasn't taking boner pills that have crazy shit in them. Well, that's true. I mean, you know, I would eliminate possibilities. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm not doing that anymore. You gotta stop drinking every night. You gotta stop smoking.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I stopped doing that also. I've been drinking like every other night maybe. That's better. That's better than every night secret to not drinking what about the smoking don't go to the comedy store how much do you smoke uh same like pack a day you got you did so well and then you just fold it up again yeah oh that's another thing the reason why i originally went to the fda i just remembered, is because my favorite cigarette, which is a new cigarette, got recalled from the FDA because they said that they were not tested. Like they were using all this.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Just fucking imagine how bad your cigarettes have to be for the FDA to go, you know what? These cigarettes are fucked up. Yeah. Those other ones that are killing people at a rate of 500,000 premature deaths per year in this country alone. They're like, this one's too fucked up. Yeah. Camel whites and camel crush. They were not allowed to be sold because they never have been tested.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And they were using all different new filters. They had things that broke and made mint inside the cigarette. Maybe it's just people that don't like white people. That's one thing. If you're going to have camels, those are white people's cigarettes. Really? Yeah, it's white people's cigarettes. Cools are black people's cigarettes. Barbara Lights is a white woman.
Starting point is 00:33:52 You either get cool. Cools are either like secretaries who are super stressed out, who are single moms. They'll smoke cools occasionally, and they have tanned. They go to tanning booths. Or black guys. I'm a cigarette expert, yo. Newports.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Who smokes Newports? I don't know. Black people and people who like black people. People hang out with black people. They smoke Newports. The worst is when you meet a white person that smokes menthols. You're like, what happened to you, man? Camel unfiltered.
Starting point is 00:34:24 It's all white guys who are trappers. They're all, what happened to you, man? Camel unfiltered. That's all white guys who are trappers. They're all like fishermen and trappers and shit and they fucking, they have hides, tanning hides on the side of their house.
Starting point is 00:34:33 You know, they tack down a hide and stretch it out on those Alaska shows. Those are the guys who smoke Camel unfiltered. The only reason I smoke is because James Dean
Starting point is 00:34:41 used to smoke Lucky cigarettes and I was like, I'm going to be like James Dean. Mmm. Lucky unfiltered. You know else james dean smoked poles he smoked poles too so he probably just liked things in his mouth i mean nothing wrong with that but maybe he shouldn't do what he does what do you think about playboy man like taking all the nudity out of you're very upset bailey j had the funniest tweet about it. Yeah? Yeah, she goes, there's girls online that have fists up their assholes.
Starting point is 00:35:10 You weren't reading Playboy. Stop it. Yeah. It's true. It's totally true. It's just fucking true. Larry Flint was on, like, CNN the other day, and he said it perfect. Like, you're taking your bread and butter away. Why would the fuck? He's like, Hugh Hefner's just a horrible businessman. He's like he's the magazine's fine
Starting point is 00:35:31 You know don't touch it. Well. He's old I don't think he's necessarily running things anymore And I think this the fact that we're talking about it means it was a good idea because we're talking about it No one talked about Playboy like playboy Nobody gave a fuck they have to literally have to do something like this in order to get people to talk about it It might be a good idea Honestly, I mean, I'm the shittiest businessman of all time because I don't literally don't think about business ever at all I just do shit that I like to do and try to like work as hard as I can and try to keep going Find things that I'm interested in and keep going.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I never sit down and go, what's the best business model? What I need to do for my brand, I need to expand. What I need to do is I need to create some sort of a publicity stunt. But if I was going to engineer a publicity stunt, that's the best one. You take either that or you show cumming. You just show a lot of hair pulling and nutting in people's faces. You show like hardcore choking and mascara and snot coming out of a girl's nose and balls hitting chins. You're either going to go one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Either you're going to go the route of the internet and the internet's going to out-internet you every fucking time. Or you're going to decide, you know what, we're a gentleman's magazine now. You can get plenty of porn. You don't need us for that. You're not buying this in a Airport fucking those little with the plastic you're not gonna go jerk off in your hotel room with this You're just not this is you have a laptop stop it right, but they can offer like good articles Right like there's people that have written for Playboy that were like really good writers
Starting point is 00:37:04 There's some really good stories that have been written for Playboy But it was always sort of obscured by the fact that really what you were doing was buying it for chicks It was like that was the inside joke is like oh, I read it for the articles That was the inside joke like people would laugh about how nobody really read it for the articles But if you go and like you ever see like Frank Sinatra interview the these those interviews and Playboy these do versino I actually have never read one single article in a play actually the interviews are classic you know I did an interview with Playboy a long time ago and that's when I got into it with Dennis Leary oh yeah that was from one
Starting point is 00:37:42 of those Playboy interviews this they've always had playboys always had like really good interviews they vote they they had like i said i used to have this coffee table book of all the great interviews over the years in playboy but the the whole feel of playboy to me was always style like it was artistic you know hugh Hefner was an artist that you know made women look beautiful and like you you you wanted to see whatever who's Sigourney Weaver naked but you wanted to see her never got naked did it you wanted to see her get naked Pamela Anderson classy Sigourney Weaver window yeah I know what you're saying yes yeah they wanted to see a classy like that's where Kardashian should have had her butt shots instead of that other thing. It was too late though. By the time she came along, it was a ghost town.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Right. But Playboy, yeah, no one's talking about Playboy because no one's talking about magazines at all. Anything about magazines. Playboy's problem, I think, is like what Larry Flynn was saying, their business is all fucked up. Playboy's, I believe, is subscription based. To listen to Playboy radio. You have to pay $7 a month. You know, it's like a zoo Yeah, it's not like you can just turn on all Playboy radio, you know, it's wait a minute Is it on Sirius? It used to be on Sirius, but I think Sirius was like and we don't care about this anymore But are you sure? Yeah, it used to be 10 bucks a month though or something. What are you sure? It's not on Sirius anymore. I don't think it is
Starting point is 00:39:02 Yeah, it used to be $10 a month, though, or something like that. But are you sure it's not on Sirius anymore? I don't think it is anymore. Why don't you Google that real quick? Otherwise, we're talking shit for no reason. Playboy, Sirius Radio. The model is definitely dying, the magazine model. Playboy's internet radio station originally launched on XM Sirius. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:39:22 On March 9, 2013, Kevin K and andrea announced that playboy morning show that the playboy will no longer be featured on sm or sirius xm you can only go to playboy radio and they want you to pay for it yeah see that's a big mistake yeah that's a big mistake to get people to pay for it. Because why would they do that when you can get the TED Radio Hour? You can get Getting Doug With High. You can get Kill Tony. You can get The Church of What's Happening Now. You can get fucking, there's so many podcasts that are amazing and they're free.
Starting point is 00:39:58 For Playboy to come along and say, hey, we want $10 a month or $7 a month or whatever it is. It's $7 a month too much or $10 a month too much. It's just you can't do it. You can't. It's a shitty model. You're operating on this idea that, like, subscription-based stuff still exists, and it really doesn't unless it's something like Netflix. Just think about how arrogant you would have to be to want seven dollars a month for your fucking
Starting point is 00:40:27 podcast your radio show When you can get Netflix for nine bucks a month they raised it right they made it nine now. I think Netflix did Still a great deal amazing deal just stop and think about that think about how many fucking stand-up comedy specials I believe I can't say that nuts will to but look think think Bill Burr specials Tom Segura just shot a second special you know fuck I put I did one on Netflix in 2005 so it's like you think about all it's 10 bucks now is that we showing me no I'm just a boy radio playboy radio is four dollars and 17 cents a month if you do a 12 month subscription if you do it for one month, it's what?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Wow, it's 17%. About $5 a month. Okay. So $5 a month, it's more reasonable, but still ridiculous. No one's paying that. Bad business model. It's a terrible business model. It's like, you know, they're talking about doing that with Howard Stern.
Starting point is 00:41:21 They were talking about doing that with something like Spotify and making, and the way they were talking was so gross. And I said, they, I mean, these business analysts who are quoting people who supposedly work for this show. It could be all bullshit. It could be all rumors, but the way they were saying it was like they were banking on it, you know, because at the end of the day, if there's anybody that can get people to pay for some sort of a podcast, it's him. I mean, Howard Stern's got the most loyal listeners. He's been around the longest time. There's people that, for them, he's a part of their daily commute and has been for decades, right?
Starting point is 00:41:57 But they were talking about doing it where it's like $7 a month for his show. And they were like, we could get 10 million listeners. So we'd be getting $707 a month for his show. And they were like, we could get, you know, 10 million listeners. So we'd be getting $70 million a month. I'm like, bitch, are you out of your fucking mind? You really think you're going to get 10 million people? They're going to pay $7 a month for a podcast? 10 million? Good luck.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Good fuck. That's crazy talk. But listen to someone say something like that. I was like, ooh, look how they think. They're just looking at it like, ooh, this is a business. Not like, let's just keep doing the most kick-ass radio show in the history of the world. Let's keep having these amazing guests. Isn't it crazy?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Howard's been on the air for decades, and he's got all this stuff banked up. You can listen to Howard 100 and hear classic interviews from back. It's amazing. Let's keep this better and better. Nope. That's not how they think. They think, how do we make money off of them? How do we take this guy and how do we turn this into 10 million subscribers paying $70
Starting point is 00:42:57 a month? And then they're all thinking, if I just get a piece of that, if I get a piece of that, they're looking at their house in the Hamptons and they're thinking about their Porsche.che they'll be driving all right and then you got all these people around you that are like grabbing and pulling and tugging that's what it's like if you work for some big giant ass corporation that feeds off of having a bunch of different shows on its network like if you work for some corporation like a Sirius XM or Playboy or anything like that, they need
Starting point is 00:43:28 to keep that fucking thing alive. We need money coming in. We cannot just operate on ideas. We need money coming in. I think we can get Playboy Radio and people will pay about $7 a month. Let's do it! Make that money! How many people do you think we're going to make? I think about a million a month.
Starting point is 00:43:43 A million a month! Five million a month. We're out of the hole. We're out of the hole in six months. And people start thinking like that. And then, you know. But what the fuck do I know? I don't know shit. Larry Flint also said, you know, like, look, Playboy probably has 43 writers. You know, they probably have a
Starting point is 00:44:00 shitload of writers. He's like, I have seven. He's like, he's like, he's like... Larry Flint said that? Yeah. And it makes sense. He's like larry flint's like i make a profit every month they don't you know i mean and he's got hardcore shit on his you know yeah his his magazine's hardcore as fuck and i i still bought you know penthouse i still buy penthouse occasionally i actually don't what's wrong with you i well you don't buy penthouse why are you lying no i do i just i swear to god i do i bought one the other day american money american money you don't use bitcoin or anything no it's like oh it's my ex-girlfriend on the cover i may
Starting point is 00:44:36 buy it so yeah it's funny yeah um i just don't think they can make it. It's like you can scrape out as much money as you have, keep a skeleton crew, run those magazines as long as you can, as long as they're profitable, but be ready to pull that chute. Be ready to pull that chute. Because now you can just get shit on your iPad. That's new. And then they have these things that are essentially like Spotify for your iPad. So you can choose from a bunch of different magazines like Time and Newsweek
Starting point is 00:45:07 and all these different magazines. You can get them on your iPad, go through it, you download it. Each page is a full image. You can stretch it out and move it. It's so much better. It's so much better. And once they start doing it like that where you have like these subscriptions, it's not going to last.
Starting point is 00:45:25 The actual print thing is just not going to be around anymore. Why would you want that print thing? It's killing paper. It's killing trees. Rather than make that paper, you could just get the thing downloaded to your phone instantly like that. It's just ones and zeros in the air. It's not going to make it. It's like the dudes who are on Morse code.
Starting point is 00:45:45 They're like, listen, I'm telling you, this is the way to talk. It'll never go away. We'll always need Morse code. Nope. Nobody knows how to do that anymore. SOS. Remember?
Starting point is 00:46:00 It was one, two, three. One, two, three. That's SOS. One, two, three is an S. Imagine being one of those assholes that actually has to sit there and try to figure out how many beeps that guy just did and you're spacing out and he's beeping at you.
Starting point is 00:46:15 We're getting a message from the Western Front. You got to write all that down. Oh my God. And then you figure out when is the word done. You fuck, you didn't down. Oh, my God. And then you figure out when is the word done. You fuck. You didn't put enough of a pause in. You still did that in Boy Scouts SOS. Did you?
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah. But we had to know how to do it. We had to know what the signal was. One, two, three. One, two, three. But I mean, how are you going to send it? What are you sending it with? Are you going to bang on a drum?
Starting point is 00:46:41 Ham radio. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. If you have an am radio you can't transmit ham oh ham radio that was a big thing man still is i remember my my uncle uh he would always let me play with it and he'd be like yeah this guy's in uh japan right now and you're like oh hi you're in japan what the fuck how are we talking right it was a cool thing to do but to go online and like start a chat with some guy from Japan, he's going to show you his dick.
Starting point is 00:47:08 It's just a matter of time. There's no friendship thing like that, like ham radio. Back then, if you were on the radio with some guy, and you're like, so, what time is it in Germany? Time for me to fuck your mother. They didn't talk like that. They didn't talk like that. They didn't talk like internet people. They had to actually speak to each other.
Starting point is 00:47:36 So because that element of you say something, someone reacts, there was probably way less trolling. I'm sure there's like, and you could get in trouble too. You could get your ham radio license taken away from you if you do shitty things. Right? I don't even think you're allowed to swear. I think on a ham radio, I think there's like restrictions on language. It is regulated, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Let's see. I know they're going to make you register your drones now. So it's going to be like a car. You're going to have to get like a fishing license probably every time you get a drone. Uh, that makes sense. That was only a matter of time. I was,
Starting point is 00:48:09 um, in, uh, Alberta last year or this, uh, this, uh, spring rather. And this guy had one that was attached to a cell phone and,
Starting point is 00:48:18 he's flying it around and we're watching the image on the cell phone, you know, cause it's transmitting. And I was like, this is fucking crazy. This is way too good. It's way too good. Way too good and way too easy.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Because he's just maneuvering it, you know, moving it around. You can do it with your phone. You can do it with a remote. The ones that they have now, there's a lot of them, too. A lot of different models. They're fucking really good, man. Yeah, I was thinking about getting one a while ago, but I think I'll wait it out. It looks like it would be fun just to do cool video stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah, it is cool. I mean, they're still cool. I wonder if you get grandfathered in. It's like if you have an AK-47 or something, they can't come and take it. Yeah, buy them now. You posted the wrong link also on your Twitter. For what? So you guys are on YouTube now streaming instead of Ustream.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Oh, did I post the Ustream? Oops. Jesus Christ. It looks great on YouTube, though. I'm looking at the picture quality right now. How do I find it right now, Jamie, if I want to find it? So we're not on Ustream at all? I just tweeted the right way.
Starting point is 00:49:19 We still haven't figured out how to do the Ustream. At the same time. Yeah. All right, hold on. You should be able to just split it the video yeah it's not doesn't work that way i saw ham radio stuff it's amateur radio there's regulations but it depends on how big probably how strong your ham radio signal is so if you can broadcast really strongly then you become like your own little radio station
Starting point is 00:49:42 and then you have regulations but well how does that technology work to where people in other countries are listening to it? What kind of radio station is this? It's better than FM? Because it's a low frequency signal that's making it. You can get AM radio from all over the place, just in your house. You can get radio from, yeah. AM radio. Radio goes further.
Starting point is 00:50:09 AM radio, rather, goes further than FM. It just doesn't have as high a bandwidth. I find it amazing when people still listen to the radio. That's another one. I thought that would have been gone, too. I still listen to it, unfortunately. But I have friends that work in it, and it's brutal. You watch the way they work.
Starting point is 00:50:25 It's the same thing. Because what they're doing, right, besides the playing record part, what they're doing is a podcast. And the playing record part would be fucking infinitely easier. Infinitely easier if you could do it on a podcast. If you could just play records on a podcast, you don't need a bunch of people working behind the scenes. You just play it. You could just play anything you wanted. But you can't really.
Starting point is 00:50:48 You can play it, but there's like fair use. You could use something in certain podcasts. You could use it. But it's not 100% clearly defined right now. But for radio, man, dude, I talk to, I don't want to say their names, but they're good guys and they're fun guys and I like doing their show. But one of them was telling me that they just got done with their, you know, they have a review where the company comes and sits them down. He goes, they fucking hate everything we do.
Starting point is 00:51:17 We've been successful for decades. They've been around forever. And he goes, I've never had one of these meetings where they say we're doing great. Never. Everything is bad. Everything is not good. They're always looking to cut staff. They're always looking to fire people.
Starting point is 00:51:30 It's just like this total negative meeting with these misers and these money people and these numbers crunchers. And they're like, we have to maximize profits. We have a strategy to maximize profits. We're going to need more commercials. We're going to need more commercials we want to add more commercials so like you'll you'll you'll do a break and then they'll play like seven minutes of commercials and then they'll play a song and then you go back to talking again you're like what is this fucking commercial thing you guys are doing because how many of those can you do in an hour if you got seven and then you got another seven what do you got a half an hour worth of fucking commercials in an hour that's crazy but it's almost getting to that point with with a lot
Starting point is 00:52:08 of these radio stations they just have so much man it's so crazy yeah i do it out of pure uh how easy it is in my car you know it's just you turn on your car the radio turns on you don't have you know it's kind of like background noise to a point yeah that's the only reason i listen to radio if if it gets to the point where it just automatically turns on my Spotify and my card, then I'd be happy with that. Yeah, it will. You know, Sirius is so much better in that sense. Like, when I listen to Opie and Jimmy, it's like they're swearing. They're being honest and swearing.
Starting point is 00:52:38 But even they have to worry about being fired. They have to worry about some sort of a public outrage situation where they say something crazy and people demand their ouster and the heads will roll and the corporation has to bow down. Well, you know, we've reviewed your file and we found that this is not the first time you've said anything outrageous, Anthony Cumia. You know, that's what he got paid for, you know, and they were like, you're out. He tweeted a bunch of horrible shit where really the great thing would be to do to have him come in and justify what he said or explain himself or apologize on the air or say he was drunk or address it the way he would have dressed it. And if he did do that, the fucking ratings would be giant. Like if they were smart about their business, the business model, that's how they would dressed it. And if he did do that, the fucking ratings would be giant. Like if they were smart about their business,
Starting point is 00:53:27 the business model, that's how they would handle it. You've got a built-in ratings boost right there. Let people talk more about it. Have people bitch more. What you should do is tweet some, you should have a sock puppet account where you tweet some of the other outrageous shit
Starting point is 00:53:42 that he said over the past five years. Just spam it. Spam it out there. It's only going to help. It's only going to help. Is it going to get more people pissed off? Yes. Is it going to get more people to call up and say,
Starting point is 00:53:54 we're going to cancel Sirius. Are you really? If that's all it takes, it's all it takes for you to cancel Sirius, fuck off. Get out of here. One guy says a few retarded things after he gets drunk and some strip or a hooker i guess she's a hooker beats him up while he's holding a gun and he doesn't
Starting point is 00:54:12 do anything about it like come on that's a great story if that's what's gonna get you to quit serious then go quit bitch they need to be able to say that go quit it's a dead model. Yeah. That's just a better version of the dead model. What they are is like, they're like a Betamax. Like the VHS was doomed. It didn't even know it was doomed. It was like a little bridge before we can get to digital media. And the Betamax was just better. It's like a better bridge.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Betamax was way better. Better quality. Laser disc. Yeah, laser disc. Even better. That's better than DVD. How about Blu-ray? Blu-ray can go fuck itself. Betamax is way better better quality LaserDisc Yeah LaserDisc even better That's better than DVD How about Blu-ray? Blu-ray can go fuck itself How about that?
Starting point is 00:54:50 It's so amazing look at the quality Good luck with it too Why would I get that? I can stream movies instantly Why do I have to hold your stupid frisbee? It's done it's over It's like they got us to that They got us to that But you can't do that anymore like that
Starting point is 00:55:06 that model doesn't work anymore the model of uh like broadcasting shit randomly through the air and you tune it in oh i got the i got it on the dial here it is unless the apocalypse hits that's fucking stupid you know know, just stop. Everybody's got their own station. Remember when Christian Slater, he was a rebel, and he broadcasted even though he wasn't supposed to? It was like, turn it up or something like that. Turn the radio, whatever the fuck that stupid movie was called.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Pump up the volume. Yeah. Well, that's what he was doing. What he was doing was just a really low-rent podcast. He was, I'm going to play real music, man. I'm going to say what I think. We're going to change the world. No, you're not. It doesn't change the world.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Podcasts don't change the world. Nothing serious radio, being able to swear, it doesn't change the world. The culture is slowly going to evolve when people are allowed to communicate with each other. But the idea that, like, one guy's gonna start a revolution, I'm gonna tell the truth with my radio show. Listen, buddy, it's not gonna happen. Your bone structure's too perfect,
Starting point is 00:56:16 you have wonderful hair, and the movie you're in sucks. This is crazy. I just had a flashback. Look at this phone, this big ass. That's a cordless phone, that's not even a, um, that's supposed to be like at this phone this is big ass that's a cordless phone that's not even a um that's supposed to be like some satellite phone or some shit like that i guess that's supposed to be a cell phone right i don't know yeah i guess that's supposed to be like one of those early that's like a really cool version of the early cell phone like high school kids
Starting point is 00:56:39 listening to a show yeah man he was changing the world with those kids i bet a lot of people listen to this podcast and uh their parents find out about it. Well, you better get that off your phone. That Joe Rogan and his marijuana talk. Get it off your phone. He doesn't even believe in our Lord. Have you seen... Not that I don't.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It's not true. I don't not believe in God. I don't disbelieve in God, just to be clear. I've seen no evidence. Have you seen Manny Pacquiao's Instagram page, though? No. It's wonderful. He's got a picture.
Starting point is 00:57:12 It's one of the goofiest pictures. If you thought Dane Cook's Instagram was a hoot, you need to go to Manny Pacquiao's Instagram and see what's going on with this dude. I have a huge D Dan Cook Instagram fetish. I tell you. Look at this. Make his name famous. Make Jesus' name famous.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Wow. And it says glorify apparel. So apparently this is like a real shirt company. These are people that worked for American Apparel, but they got head injuries on the job, and they decided to form their own business with the money that they were getting from... It looks like you got it. That store Lids made it.
Starting point is 00:57:56 It looks really basic. It looks like a mall shirt that you could just get printed out in 30 minutes. I was just trying to say something. I couldn't remember what I was going to say. I was trying to rant there, Brian. Oh, I'm sorry. American Apparel, whatever. Head injury.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Head injury. Make his name famous. Look at that. Ugh. Jesus is like, what? That's it? So this is all advertising for this company? It's all Jesus.
Starting point is 00:58:19 It's all Jesus, people. Hilarious. Do you remember on TVs where it used to have I just had like a flashback grace upon grace what is that grace upon grace that's some lesbian shit
Starting point is 00:58:30 you can't do that can't say that that's like having a shirt that says let Jesus come inside you you can't even though I know what you're saying
Starting point is 00:58:44 you can't adopted what the fuck is that so what were you saying i just had a flashback remember on old tvs uh where it used to have a knob but then you had that knob that was in the middle of the knob where you used to fine-tune the channel so like if you turn it to like channel forward then you had this other knob what i forgot all about that yeah yeah. And then there was UHF and VHF. Yeah. And UH or VHF. Wait. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:09 UHF was like the. One of them was like the good channels. Right. And the other one was like Benny Hill. And AM radio. Remember Benny Hill wasn't on the regular TV. It wasn't. He was on the bullshit networks.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I forgot about that though. I did too. Yeah, I did too. There's a fucking hilarious horror movie called VHS. It's like one of those found footage ones where there's people. But the first one is actually pretty fucking
Starting point is 00:59:40 cool. It's one of those movies like, God damn it, if you could keep this up, if you could keep this up, if you could keep this up through the whole movie, it'll be pretty bad-ass because it's a bunch of stories. And the first one, spoiler alert. The first one is about a girl who's a demon. And this guy picks this girl up at a club, but she, uh, she turns out to be a demon, but it's actually like really well done. It's kind of, it's freaky. They're drunk and they pick her up and she's got like these really weird feet. And then they realize like something's wrong with her.
Starting point is 01:00:07 But she keeps telling them that she loves him. She loves him. It's really good. But it's only like, watch it for 20 minutes. Watch that first one and then throw that fucking thing out the window if you have an actual copy. A physical copy. Blu-ray. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:20 If you have a Blu-ray. The other thing is they fucked up with their protocol battles with like blu-ray and i have a bunch of dvds that are hd dvds you can't watch on anything i got a bunch of them i got a player if you want i don't even you could get them all on digital now but that's see that'll be the demise of our knowledge. That's what's going to happen. If you just look, if you pay attention to when people talk about the possibilities of natural disasters, like somebody just posted this on the message board the other day, that America is basically a ticking time bomb. It's based on some article that someone wrote.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Maybe I'll pull it up real quick. But it was based on, see if you can find the Jamie, but I think it's in the, the main forum might be in the podcast forum, but the idea was that there's this giant culture of entitled people. Nobody knows how to do anything for self-sustaining. Nobody knows how to grow their own food.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Nobody knows how to get water. And we live in these giant population centers. America is a bomb waiting to explode. That's it. And it makes some really fucking good points. Like when you go over it, it makes some really good points. It's kind of freaky when you stop and think about how many different things we rely on that are hanging by a thread that easily could be taken out by a power grid. But when you think about our knowledge, if we do, if something does happen, a solar flare or asteroid impact that wipes out, say, 20% of the population, stops the power. And man, if all of our shit breaks, if we lost half the people on earth, if all of our shit stops working,
Starting point is 01:02:07 computers stop working, and we really, we have to live like the early settlers, like people are still alive. The people that are alive today still have the knowledge that they have of living 30 plus years with, you know, the education system and all the technology that's in place today these people still have stop these people still have those things right how how much how long could you use what we have like how long could you you don't have any power how are you going to be able to generate power some people might be able to there might be like a few people with propane generators that still work, and some people might be figuring out how to rig solar or create batteries or use the batteries that we have. But all large-scale industrial shit would be stopped.
Starting point is 01:02:56 All construction and manufacturing would cease and desist. And then all of our knowledge that's on these fucking computers and hard drives, inaccessible. When I was in Ohio a couple years ago for Christmas break, maybe for about a week, there was a really bad winter storm, like an ice storm almost. And power was out almost for the large part of the state for almost an entire whole week. I thought about that recently. If that happened here, even for three days, this place would almost fall apart if there was no power in Los Angeles for the first couple days.
Starting point is 01:03:25 People would go crazy. People are soft as fuck here, first of all. Soft as fuck. Second of all, they wouldn't be able to keep food. The difference between Ohio, you could put your food out in the garage, and it's cold as shit, and it would stay cold out there. In the wintertime, out here, it's still 70 degrees, and your food's going to rot in a day. out here it's still 70 degrees your food's gonna rot a day in that article it said one of the things that is holding on by a threat is the use of mind-altering drugs what was that all about i don't know i didn't read the whole thing maybe probably if you talk about antidepressants number
Starting point is 01:03:58 three fda approved narcotics yeah well there's a lot of that. Reuptake. Yeah. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs. Those are antidepressants. Yeah, no more supply. U.S. population was up 400% in the late 2000s over the 1990s. Many of these drugs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. These are the type the FDA-approvedotics, lone gunmen are frequently associated with that, you know, that's so true that there's a giant percentage of people that wind up shooting people that are on antidepressants. But in all fairness, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:36 there's that causation causality paradigm like that, you know, causation does not equal causality. The idea that something happening, like just because these two things are combined together, it doesn't mean that thing caused that thing. And there's other factors that you have to prove. I know people are saying, you're butchering that right now. I know I'm butchering it. But there's other factors that people have to take into consideration. One of the big factors is why was the guy on antidepressants in the first place? Why was the guy on antidepressants in the first place?
Starting point is 01:05:05 Why was the guy on anti psychotic medication in the first place if he's on it? It doesn't mean the medication made him do that it might be mean he's fucking crazy And that's why he's taking shit, and that's why I eventually wound up killing somebody But it could be that too it could be that and it also could be that this the SSRIs with certain people have an effect That makes them less likely to feel. They don't freak out about stuff as much. It might make things acceptable to them, including violence. That's the rub.
Starting point is 01:05:32 That's the scary thing. Especially if you combine it with other shit. Like, I know Phil Hartman's family, they won money from Zoloft. Because Zoloft allegedly, I wasn't there when the court happened, I might, I have to say allegedly was what I read on the internet. I'm pretty sure it's the case though. Um, because she was doing Zoloft when she shot him and that if you take Zoloft and you combine it with recreational drugs, especially alcohol and cocaine, especially cocaine is supposed to make you like really nutty when you're doing
Starting point is 01:06:04 Coke and SSRIs. It's like very crazy combination. Yeah. And if, you know, we run out of depression pills or happy pills, we're going to, you don't really see that in the movies.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Like, uh, half the people are just going crazy and angry and depressed and sad, you know, in the world movies. But you know, I'm, I'm worried about all that.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I'm worried about, it's not like, well, you should know what you need to be worried about is this. You know, people love to make that argument. Well, you're missing the point.
Starting point is 01:06:32 The point is this. No, that's also the point. You know, the world's not a black and white thing. The world has a lot of points. There's a lot of areas that we need to look at
Starting point is 01:06:42 when it comes to the way human life is operating today and what we require to keep it operating at this level. We need a lot of shit. Think about what we need to run this podcast. You know, we're talking about how such a small shoestring organization because it's just, you know, just the three of us in this room and reaching all these people. But you still need like libsyn you still need you know you need like hosts and you need websites and you need you need the fiber optic to be laid you need the the ability to transmit you need electricity there's like a lot of shit that has to be in play
Starting point is 01:07:17 and then the when the power goes out all of it stops all of it stops and All of it stops. And if the power goes out for a year or two years, we might as well be living in Mad Max. And that's a fact. That's a fucking fact. When people started getting desperate and their kids don't have any food and we're trying to figure out how to get gas, whoa, shit's going to get ugly. You better pack.
Starting point is 01:07:39 If they say, ladies and gentlemen, prepare for at least a year of no power, you got to fucking head north immediately. I mean, fucking immediately. I don't care what the traffic jams are like. Get out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here while you can. You got to get the fuck away from this powder keg because there's a lot of really dumb people here and a lot of poor people and a lot of
Starting point is 01:08:05 crime that you know what are you gonna do they're gonna keep the people in jail make them starve to death the fuck they are they're gonna open those doors and whoa having enough gas to get out of here to live somewhere that might not even work it might even work that might not even work yeah it's just this is a terrible place to be if everything stops. Because there's too many people, and there's too many food requirements, and there's too many entitled dum-dums here. There's too many people that would just fuck it up for everybody. When you look at things like the riots, like the riots that happened, granted, they were reacting to a really, in their mind, a really important moment. a really, in their mind, a really important moment where Rodney King got beat up by these cops.
Starting point is 01:08:47 They saw one segment of a very long car chase and a prolonged fight with the cops, but in the segment they saw, these cops are beating that guy with a fucking club. They're beating the shit out of him. They got to quit. Everybody went nuts, but they went nuts against people
Starting point is 01:09:02 that had nothing to do with it. They went nuts with people like, when they pulled that Reginald Denny out of the car and hit him in the head with a brick on TV. I'll never forget that. Just that guy's out there right now. That guy, there's a guy like that guy, whether it's that guy or specifically or a guy like him, he's out there right now waiting for the green light, waiting for it. And there's a lot of them. There's a lot of them.
Starting point is 01:09:26 And when there's no food, man, no food and no water. Those are not good combinations. And no gasoline to get the food or water to here. Whoa, good luck. So all this shit that we have, you know, we're so amazed at our progress. We've done such an amazing job yeah definitely but it could all go away it could go away real quick and we're putting too much important things on our phones and our electronics like if my phone dies right now
Starting point is 01:09:55 and all electricity goes out i don't have numbers to my my friends my family i don't have any ways to contact them you know personal information and yeah i might know 10 numbers right i don't have any ways to contact them you know personal information and yeah i might know 10 numbers right i don't even know that really and and another thing like i had my mom bought me one of those big medical books you know that's something that you don't even think about like if we have no internet and you get an infection you know like you should know oh poor alcohol and if you don't have alcohol pee on it you know or whatever you have to do you know i'm watching that uh showtime show the nick have you seen that showtime does some, or whatever you have to do. I'm watching that Showtime show, The Nick. Have you seen that?
Starting point is 01:10:26 Showtime does some crazy shit, man. They have to. They're like Playboy. Nobody gives a fuck about them anymore. They got to do something gangster to get noticed. And it's so graphic. The guy's, first of all, it's totally unrealistic. The guy's suffering from massive cocaine withdrawals.
Starting point is 01:10:43 His whole body's going to convulsions. He's about to die. Every vein in his body's collapsed. So she's got to try to find the nurse, has to try to find a new vein to shoot cocaine into. And once she does shoot the vein in, he's fine. Now he's up and talking swift and knows his stuff. He's the best. This is what we're going to do. I'll accept your resignation You know like they like the way they you know they do these operations. He's like this mastermind genius, but five minutes ago He was just spasming and and Flailing away because he couldn't get his cocaine and all his veins are collapsed they shoot it into him and now he's fine Do you see what's going on with homeland?
Starting point is 01:11:21 It's kind of hilarious never watched the artists that work for homeland they wrote shit in arabic how about homeland is a stupid show about how homeland is islamophobic and homeland is yeah yeah find that it's kind of kind of interesting see if you can find the the actual images but what they did is you know the artists were they were supposed to put images in the background you know they create these environments that are supposed to look like bangladesh or you know nepal or wherever the fuck they want to be right and when they have arabic writing they have to bring in an artist to write the arabic writing and what i tell these people are just writing shit because they know that these dummies can't read arabic and they're not checking or double checking and apparently um they get shit wrong all the time accusing homeland of racism
Starting point is 01:12:12 appearing in the latest episode apparently they get shit wrong about like alliances and conflicts they make stuff up in order to make their show better. Wow. The artist hired at Authenticity to a refugee scene shot in Germany, also scrawled messages as Homeland is a joke and it didn't make us laugh. That's hilarious. People get super sensitive about shows like that. You know, you're dealing with a war-torn world. That specifically focuses on the most war-torn aspects of the world. All the places where the United States has military and they're battling fundamentalists,
Starting point is 01:12:58 having these scenes and they're putting them in these fictional shows, and they're butchering the conflicts. When you do stuff like that, man, if you're doing a show about game of thrones you can do whatever the fuck you want you know the seven kingdoms you can have dragons you know it's like natasha leggero calls the make-em-ups she doesn't like it because it's like make it's a make-em-up but what i don't like about this kind of a show is like if you're fucking around with the reality and if you if you twist the conflicts and you twist the alliances and you twist the the actual historical events in order to make your your show like more smooth. The problem is people who are watching that show are going to believe you. Like I know you pretend in that this is, this is just fiction, but it's about real parts of the world.
Starting point is 01:13:48 They should have, like, the thing at the beginning, like, the following program is... Yeah. Because, yeah, I would watch that and think, oh, this is based on true. But even if they have the thing at the beginning, you're going to tune in the middle. You know, you come in, you just took a shit, it's five minutes in, yeah, I'll pay attention to this. You know, you missed all
Starting point is 01:14:04 that stuff where they told you this bullshit attention to this you know you missed all that stuff where they told you this bullshit but you know they'll make stuff up in order to make their show more interesting or more dramatic what are you doing over there uh did you see the that new technology where like me and you could be sitting in a room next to each other in the tv and i could make you talk by using my facial features and stuff you mean you can make the image of me yeah image of you talk how I mean that's a game changer yeah it's pretty freaky do you have that link I got this I could just send this to you but because that like in the future we could be watching Obama on the TV and it wouldn't even be him talking you know well it wouldn't be
Starting point is 01:14:42 him making those facial expressions you can manipulate the image of someone's facial expression like i could i could make you have duck lips and make you raise your eyebrows and and it would literally just alter your your the face of your image to match the expressions that i'm making right or if i wanted to have a a voice you know uh copy of like i can like say Say I have another technology where I can have you say a few words and then have a mimicked voice that sounds exactly like you. So then in the
Starting point is 01:15:12 future I can have it look like you are saying something and be completely just a program or two that are working on your voice and your face. Well, what they've done in the past is they've spliced together little snippets of stuff to make it seem like someone was saying something. Like they did that with Ronald Reagan. Ronald
Starting point is 01:15:29 Reagan, during his administration, he gave some speech and somebody, some bad people somewhere in the world, they took his speech and they chopped it up and made it some other broadcast, then broadcast it to people all around the world saying this is how evil Ronald Reagan is but then they showed it on television I remember they showed all the different pieces look at that target reenacted it's pretty close wow it's so weird we're looking at a source actor who's on the left, and then we're looking at a guy on the right Who's the the CGI? Like there's a there's a guy
Starting point is 01:16:11 Who is the the guy who's got? No expression whatsoever, and then there's a guy who's manipulating him who sits above him in the frame and as he makes these Expressions in the frame the guy on the left. Look at that guy on the left. His face, even though he's not moving at all, his face in the image is doing the exact same things that the other guy is. And what's interesting is, like, it sort of seems to be accounting for the size and shape of your face, too. Like the size of his lips. Like, see, like the one guy has the bigger lips the guy above him look at he's got them big old angelina jolie lips but the dude in the bottom's got some paper lips
Starting point is 01:16:52 white people lips but the paper lips are what's moving see it's interesting right like it's not that guy's lips it's the guy below him it. It's the guy who's not moving at all. They're actually using his facial features and the parameters of his facial features. That's really weird. Yeah, you're not going to be able to trust shit. In the future, definitely not. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I mean, it's probably already happened. We just don't know. I mean, if we're watching this on YouTube, what does the CIA have right now? Oh, yeah. I mean, they must have some insane shit. By the way, speaking of CIA, Neil deGrasse Tyson talked to Edward Snowden for two episodes of his StarTalk podcast. It's a must listen.
Starting point is 01:17:37 It's a must listen. It's amazing. First of all, Snowden's a lot fucking smarter than I thought he was. Because I remember thinking, like, wow. Odin's a lot fucking smarter than I thought he was. Because I remember thinking, like, wow, like this guy, like he was a high school dropout. And all of a sudden he's working for the NSA and, you know, or the CIA or whatever he was working for, gathering data. Like, why did they let a high school dropout?
Starting point is 01:18:01 But then you hear his story and you realize, well, he actually did wind up going to college and did wind up going to school. And just he would just had a kind of a tumultuous life. But he was working for the NSA when he was like 16 like he's a super genius like just because he didn't graduate from from high school when you listen to him talk he's very fucking smart and he's very well read and understands exactly what the problems with all of this technology and this unchecked surveillance. I mean, he's a hero. I know some people have differing opinions on him, but that guy enlightened us to the activities of the government that they were doing something that was illegal.
Starting point is 01:18:38 They were doing something that 99% of people are going to have a real problem with, spying on people that haven't done anything wrong. And it's fascinating to listen to him talk He also had some really interesting shit to say about aliens Which I thought was really crazy. He was like in a really complex Super advanced society they're gonna have compressed data Like everything's going to be compressed and
Starting point is 01:19:05 everything's going to be encrypted and when you have compressed encrypted data it's going to be indistinguishable from background noise it's like you're not going to know what you're listening to so if you're listening to like some super advanced aliens communications and you're catching them through the air good luck trying to figure out what that is like they're not broadcasting like unless they're trying to reach us using our own primitive methods, they're not broadcasting like that anymore. If they're advanced enough
Starting point is 01:19:31 so they can get here from another planet, most likely they're encrypting everything and everything is, we're going to hear it, it's going to sound like background noise. We're not going to know what the fuck it is. But to them, it's going to be, it's going to go into their super advanced systems and it'll be clear as day.
Starting point is 01:19:49 But to us, it's like trying to send an internet signal to someone who was on the Santa Maria back in the Columbus days. They'd be like, what the fuck are you doing? I sent you the email. What? You sent me the email. I'm on a boat here. I'm getting scurvy. What do you mean you sent?
Starting point is 01:20:04 What the fuck's an email? What are you talking about? Dude, check your phone. Check my what? Like, they won't even know what you're talking about, right? Well, you think about what that is. Think of that sort of electronic communication that just a few hundred years ago is completely alien and out of the question to the point where they would not be able to even conceptualize what you're saying. If you tried to explain something to them, my friend keeps sending me these dick pics on a phone.
Starting point is 01:20:29 You'd be like, what the fuck are you talking about? Now think of that and now extrapolate to a society that's a thousand years more advanced than us or a million years more advanced than us. And it's the same sort of lack of ability to recognize what they're doing. Unless the technology and the science was so good, how it should be, that there was like a downgradable, like it detects our language and goes, okay, this is English. Around the year 2015, I will now convert it to a understandable communication. Well, that's if they were trying to communicate with us. That's what I said earlier.
Starting point is 01:21:05 If they chose to send something non-encrypted. But the problem is they're going to be communicating with each other. It's like if we chose to talk to someone, if we had a time machine and we can go back to Columbus, we would get him a scroll and it would have some writing on it. We could do that. It would be easy as fuck if we actually wanted to communicate with him. But if Columbus was out there in the middle of the fucking ocean and he didn't know he had five bars on his phone and he didn't know he has awesome Wi-Fi, he has no idea.
Starting point is 01:21:35 He's just out there. There's nothing out here. What do I do? I'm on my own. You're not on your own, bitch. Pull out your phone. He doesn't have a phone so like the the ability to do something in the future might be completely outside of our our imagination right now are completely outside of our
Starting point is 01:21:52 comprehension front page of cnn right now uh supposedly some high school kids uh hacked uh the private accounts of cia and homeland security chiefs, and did you hear where he was doing? They hacked his account. He was on fucking AOL These old men. Yeah these old fucks. We need to get them out get out of here. You grandpa get out of here grandpa Oh my god. I kept it in a secure file It was a secure file Are you serious? It was a secure file. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:22:28 It was on the American. What does AOL stand for? America Online? America Online. It is a giant corporation. I have never heard of them being hacked in the past. AOL email account associated with Brennan that included. What does it say?
Starting point is 01:22:48 Included files regarding security clearance application. And the hacker also claims to have accessed a Comcast account associated with Johnson. Another old man. Another old man who doesn't know what the fuck is going on with the world of technology. God damn it. AOL man. What the fuck? It's a guy running the fucking Secret Service.
Starting point is 01:23:08 CIA director. That's what he is. Jesus Christ. I wonder if that was just like his email he used for porn or something. Probably. That's how he picked up dudes. But look at their two positions. The CIA director and the director of Homeland Security.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Jesus Christ. The Department of Homeland Security secretary. But Jesus Christ, those are fucking big people. That's not the guy who was the plumber. Oh, the guy who was the plumber at the CIA still use AOL. Tell him he can't. Tell him to get on the email list along with fucking Hillary Clinton. That cunt's ruining it for everybody.
Starting point is 01:23:56 With your private emails. Hillary Clinton. Did you see what it said in her email? Well, they got a hold of her emails, you know, um they were concerned that she was emailing from a private account it shows that tony blair and george w bush were trying to make plans to go into iraq a year before they did like they were already like we're going to iraq right we're going in like right away they were they were planning on doing that they i think they said from 2002 there was uh emails where they were talking about doing it so that before they even announced they were doing it they were already on doing that. I think they said from 2002 there was emails where they were talking about doing it. So before they even announced they were
Starting point is 01:24:27 doing it, they were already trying to figure it out. Old people. These goddamn old people should all have to fucking go to war. You should have to be, it should, war should be for people over 50. That's it. Everybody under 50, look, you lived your life, bitch. You need to go over there and start shooting people us. We have to I have two more years
Starting point is 01:24:48 I we us we have to we have to you know we have to figure this world out You've left us with a mess, so you guys need to go to war. You're the ones who want to fight all the time Oh, yeah, okay go to war Go over there you fuck see Hillary Clinton with a machine gun Storming the beach did you watch any of the debate did you follow that whole Bernie Sanders Time Warner's CNN thing at all what about the Time Wars uh so Bernie a lot of people think Bernie won like like online online polls Twitter Google if you search his name for the most part everyone said Bernie was way ahead of it but not the news but not CNN even on CNN's own, they had a poll during the debate, and Bernie Sanders was at 75%.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Clinton was at 18%. But they still declared Hillary Clinton the winner of the debate on CNN. That's like judging Last Comic Standing. You know, you can't judge the winner of a debate. Right. It's always going to be someone, unless one of them is like, you know, Dan Quayle or someone totally incompetent. So find out that CNN, owned by Time Warner, Time Warner is the seventh largest campaign contributor to Hillary Clinton. Like over, I think it was hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, Time Warner has donated Time Warner as donated to Hillary course course. I'm sure there's an agenda
Starting point is 01:26:09 I mean we're like laughing. You know those thieves they robbed somebody what? Hot did they really rob somebody that's crazy the thieves robbed people like we're like surprised that some greasy Politician had her greasy hands and some other greasy company. Look what they did to Ron Paul. Remember when Ron Paul was doing those debates and smashing people? He was ahead of people in the race, and they would look at the people below him as qualified, sincere candidates, and they would look at Ron Paul, well, it's just a matter of time before Ron Paul's out of the race. But that's not what you're supposed to do when you're a journalist.
Starting point is 01:26:47 When you're a journalist, you're supposed to look at the actual event and look at the actual facts of the event and then break down what's interesting about the trend. But they didn't do that. They put a spin on the trend, and the spin was clearly that Ron Paul was a kook and that this wasn't going to last, even though you got people wearing Ron Paul for president shirts and cheering and screaming. So you are smarter than them to the point where you're going to dictate how the information in the news is getting to these people
Starting point is 01:27:14 with a biased spin that makes that guy look like a kook? That's what Fox News did. That's what a lot of people did. That's what they're going to do to Bernie Sanders. They're scared of that guy. Yeah, CNN deleted the poll I mean like they deleted the poll
Starting point is 01:27:30 find the poll find the email find the saved image from the poll I sent it in the email it's right there when you say right there
Starting point is 01:27:44 am I supposed to see this somewhere oh well show it to me oh my god that's hilarious yeah that's hilarious you silly fucks
Starting point is 01:28:02 good lord why do they think they can do that why would they delete that it's amazing it's kind of scary though the 11 percent yeah he stomped her yeah he stomped her god 75 percent well you know what that is? That's the online trolls. When people don't go along with your opinion, they're trolls. O'Malley, you're out. We can't have red people. I mean, we can have Native Americans, but you can't be totally red.
Starting point is 01:28:35 That's a boozer. He's either boozing or he fell asleep while he was drunk and he got a sunburn. Look at that guy. He's an Irish guy with a big red face. That's ridiculous. You can't be in there. How did he get anything? I never heard of that guy if I haven't heard of you by now it's over
Starting point is 01:28:51 throw in the towel there's the black guy who doesn't believe in evolution there's the Hillary who's got the bad email account and there's Bernie Sanders who wants to give away everybody's money but apparently economists looked at Bernie Sanders plans for reducing deficit and they're like, what? This doesn't work. Like, I don't think anybody looks at it and goes, this is a wonderful idea
Starting point is 01:29:16 that'll fix our problems. He's a serious hardcore socialist in a lot of ways. But I think that's good. It's good to have a guy like that stirring it up. If that guy got into power, listen, it's fucking better than having another neocon. It's way better than having another Dick Cheney behind the fucking puppet stand with his hand up George Bush's ass. That fucked us. Those eight years fucked us. They changed the tone of our country. They went from a time where there was this feeling of America where everybody was sympathetic, where people were making – even Paris, they're putting on their newspaper, we're all Americans today. It was an amazing time where a horrible thing happened and the whole world came to us and
Starting point is 01:30:01 they came to us and they extended their love and friendship. And what did we do? We started invading bitches. We invaded people that didn't have anything to do with it. We fucked up to the point where eight years later everybody hated us. Everybody went from loving America to why were you in Iraq?
Starting point is 01:30:20 Like, what are you, there's no weapons there. There's nothing there. You guys are assholes. What are you doing with all that oil? What are you doing with all that oil what are you doing with all that what oh you're just rebuilding shit what are you doing you just have no you have wait what you have no bid contracts for billions of dollars what hold on hold on your fucking vice president was the ceo of the company that gets the no bid contracts are you are you that fucking transparent that is that transparent? That's what happened. Those people fucked us. If we had Obama in office, say what you want about Obama. But Obama would have never, there was no way.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Unless the president has no fucking say whatsoever on how things go down, unless it's that dirty, there's no way that guy would have approached it the same way. There's no way he would have come up with some reason why we had to invade Iraq. I say that, but he did want us to invade Syria. And people were like, what? Remember that? That doesn't come up anymore, does it? No, that shit ended.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Do you think news should be put under stricter guidelines for, you know, like that should be illegal? You know,nn picking aside giving money to a president and then announcing it or look at the former fox guy that just got arrested for you know fabricating a fake cia past or brian adams who you know brian williams brian williams brian adams it's like a knife he just released a cd that covered the whole Taylor Swift album I highly recommend it He reimagined Taylor Swift's whole album
Starting point is 01:31:50 Oh boy That's creepy It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good
Starting point is 01:31:52 It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good
Starting point is 01:31:52 It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good
Starting point is 01:31:53 It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good
Starting point is 01:31:53 It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good
Starting point is 01:31:53 It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's good It's kind of like Willie Nelson covering Nine Snails. I hurt myself today. Johnny Cash, not Willie Nelson. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Jesus Christ. Eddie Murphy told a Bill Cosby joke. He got an award for the Mark Twain Comedy Award. It's going to be on PBS. And he actually did like a whole bit. Said he was writing comedy again. Yeah, TMZ had him on yesterday saying he was going to. He should just go full Jim Norton. Look, I like tr whole bit. Said he was writing comedy again. Yeah, TMZ had him on yesterday saying he was going to... He should just go full Jim Norton.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Look, I like trannies. This is what you should just do. And come back to the fold. Just tell us who you are. You can't get your dick sucked by dudes, but you're really straight. That's okay. You're Eddie Murphy, man.
Starting point is 01:32:39 You can come clean. But he can't, you know, it's different, man. It's different. Like, the black community has different rules. They have different rules which you can he can't, you know, it's different, man. It's different. Like, the black community has different rules. They have different rules which you can and can't do, and some things you need to keep under wraps. I don't know if he picks those transgender prostitutes up
Starting point is 01:32:54 just because he was a nice guy and he wants to give them a ride home, or if he really likes them. But according to my buddy who was on the force back then, he's actually been there while it went down. They're like, it wasn't just one. Wow. He likes them, which is fine. Like, Norton talks about it all the time.
Starting point is 01:33:16 People joke about it all the time. And everybody loves Norton. If you don't love Norton, go fuck yourself. How about that? And I think if Eddie Murphy just came clean, black people would turn on him, though. All the people that voted for Proposition 8, that was when they found out that Ari had a great joke about that. About black people want equality. Everybody was talking about equality, except the gays.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Like, nope, not you. You can't get married. Black people overwhelmingly voted against or for Proposition 8, which repealed gay marriage. There was like Mormons. Mormons spent a lot of money on it. And a lot of black people voted for it. Religion. Religion is strong in black.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Yeah, but it's also the gay thing. It's like there's a certain amount of homophobia that's accepted in certain parts of the African-American community. That was a very politically correct way of saying that. Black folks don't like gays. And then it's not even all gays, man. It's just you can't really talk about it too much. But what is the Bill Cosby joke you told? You want me to play it?
Starting point is 01:34:22 Sure. It's only going to take a minute. Let's do it. Play it. Are we going to get pulled off YouTube while we're on YouTube? Yeah, how's that work? I'll just play the audio. Okay. Oh, and if you're tuning into this now and you're like, goddammit Joe Rogan, why'd
Starting point is 01:34:36 you post the wrong link on Ustream? I made a mistake. Sorry. I've been doing Ustream for six years. But the other thing about it is that you can on YouTube, one of the reasons why we decided to do it on YouTube is you can just rewind it to the beginning. Even though it's streaming, you can go back to the beginning. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:34:51 Yeah. It's a superior platform. Did y'all make Bill give his back? Y'all make Bill... No, because I know there was a big outcry from people. They was trying to get Bill to give his trophies back. You know you f***ed up when they want you to give your trophies back. I said, I don't want trophies.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I said, I don't want to give his trophy back to him. He should do one show where he just come out and just talk crazy now. I would like to talk to some of the people who feel that I should give back my trophies. That's it? Yeah. They said he goes on a little bit longer, but this doesn't air until November 23rd on PBS. Oh, so they want you to tune in. Dude, I like his timing.
Starting point is 01:35:50 He should come back. He would kill it. He would kill it. He might come back soon and do a special edition. He would kill it. Look, all that tranny stuff aside, who cares about that stuff? He's one of the all-time greats. Eddie Murphy, when not Raw,
Starting point is 01:36:06 I don't think Raw was as good as Delirious, but Delirious at the time, good lord, that was good. He was on fire. He was so powerful. Can you imagine him just hanging out at the store again? Too many people would swarm him. It's hard for us. It's hard for you. You get swarmed at the store.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Imagine if you're Eddie Murphy. The store is filled with weirdos. It's hard for us. It's hard for you. You get swarmed at the store. Imagine if you're Eddie Murphy. The store is filled with weirdos. It's a magnet for weirdos. It's always been a magnet for weirdos. It's gotten crazy lately. Too crazy. That's why they have the rope off in the parking lot. They tell people they can't go near the cars because people are backing their cars out.
Starting point is 01:36:37 There's a bunch of drunks wandering through the parking lot trying to take a picture with Steve Rennes easy. They're getting run over by cars. This thing, this article that I wanted to talk about when we got here a transgender woman she was a woman she applied to an all male all-female college well Wes Wellesley Wellesley College I used to actually know a girl from Wellesley back in the Diz-A. It's an all-girls campus. And so she applied for the college. She was born a female, but then decided to transition into... She had a very hilarious...
Starting point is 01:37:18 This is hilarious. Listen to the description of how she introduces herself. Whatever. Masculine, of center, gender queer. Exactly. Exactly. I am in love with this story. I am in love with these kind of people. I am in love with people that are so fucking preposterous that they take preposterous to an art form. And they become living parody whether they like it or not. Listen to what the fuck I just said. She goes to a college.
Starting point is 01:37:57 She applies to an all-girls college, a super liberal all-girls college. She decides that she is transgender and decides that she wants to, she introduces herself as masculine of center genderqueer, changes her name to Timothy, decided that she's Timothy, and asks people to use the male pronoun when referring to him. Okay. So, welcome on campus until the day that she announced, he announced, okay, it's he now, whatever, that he wanted to run for the school's office of multicultural affairs coordinator whose job is to promote a culture of diversity.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Now, who, you would think, would need diversity more than someone who's a transgender man? You know, I mean, that's a very small segment of the population. And they're often maligned. And,igned, and this is a socially marginalized group. And it would be nice for an open-minded liberal college to accept someone like this and to recognize what a perfect person to be a part of our campaign, encouraging people to be more open-minded and accept people. That's so crazy. No, they attacked her because now they felt that she is a white man, and they don't want a white man in that position because if a white man is in that position,
Starting point is 01:39:16 then they're supporting the patriarchy. So there was three other candidates for the gig, right? All women of color. Wonderful if one of them win. And then you got, okay, your problem solved. You got a woman of color wonderful if one of them win and then you got okay you know your problem solved you got a woman of color in that position plenty of diversity there you're good right and no they all dropped out and then they stated they started an anonymous facebook campaign encouraging people not to vote at all to keep a white man from winning the position. This is amazing.
Starting point is 01:39:50 This is the left eating itself. That's what's happening. They're eating themselves. It is a feeding frenzy. I used to have piranhas, okay? And one of the things about piranhas is when one gets a limp, they just jack that motherfucker. They are the most ruthless cunts. When one piranha would just be, you know, sometimes you have a fish tank.
Starting point is 01:40:09 One fish will just start swimming weird. They start swimming kind of half sideways for some reason. You're like, is that fish okay? And you have to look at them like, what's going on with that fish? That shit didn't last in that tank, baby. No, those motherfuckers are just, they just start taking chunks out of them. That's what's happening here. The left is, they're turning on themselves. They've chunks out of them that's what's happening here the left is they're turning on themselves they've run out of outrage
Starting point is 01:40:28 they've made so many safe places they don't want anything to be safe anymore and they want to be able to go to war over everything they're ferocious they're piranhas they're social idea piranhas and they're attacking a genderqueer genderqueer
Starting point is 01:40:44 masculine of center man for not being diverse enough. For being a part of the patriarchy. Born a woman. Born a woman, lived as a woman. Nope, you're a white man now, you fucking piece of shit. You're a part of the problem. It makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:41:04 It does make sense, though. It makes sense because it highlights what this movement is all about. It's socially retarded people that are left alone to their own devices, and they're just devouring each other like zombies. They're just tearing into each other like zombies that are trapped into a fucking room. They're just ripping each other apart. You're not diverse enough. You're not progressive enough. Fuck you. You're such a pig. I'm triggered. They're just triggering each other apart. You're not diverse enough. You're not progressive enough.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Fuck you. You're such a pig. I'm triggered. They're just triggering each other left and right. This is an Onion article. This is a fucking Onion article and it's not. This is the National Review. This is a goddamn Onion article and it's not.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Transgender woman can't be diversity officer because she's a white man now. Makes zero sense. No, it makes all the sense in the world. No, it's not a fake article. I mean, that seems like 100% a fake article. It's perfect. It's perfect. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:42:01 It's beautiful. It's a rose. It's a rose in a bad neighborhood. It pops out of the concrete, and it comes out perfect. It's amazing. It's beautiful. It's a rose. It's a rose in a bad neighborhood. It pops out of the concrete and it comes out perfect. It's amazing. This is art. It's the universe creating art with our own folly. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:42:15 It's culture. It's people. You know, there's something that happens to people when you deny reality, when you don't look at things objectively. I think priests that molest kids, some of that has to be from suppression some of it has to be probably they're abused themselves there's probably all sorts of but some of that perversion has got to come from suppression it's like the catholic school girl thing that everybody knows you know when i was in high school there was no scientists in my fucking ninth grade
Starting point is 01:42:45 class, but we all knew that girls who went to Catholic schools were hoes. And why are they hoes? They're hoes because everybody tells them they can't be a hoe. Everybody's talking to them constantly about, you are going to go to hell. Do not touch a man's genitals. Don't you do anything. Those girls were freaks. They were the biggest freaks.
Starting point is 01:43:03 And we all knew it. It was, it was, there was no books on it. There was no YouTube videos that we could watch, but we fucking knew it, man. We all knew it. And I think it's a suppression issue. And this is suppressing individual identity. This is suppressing free speech. This is suppressing objectivity. You're not allowed to have unique or intertwined thoughts. You're not allowed to have unique or intertwined thoughts. You're not allowed to share opinions with the left and with the right. You're not allowed to. You have to have, and you're constantly worried about being called out.
Starting point is 01:43:32 You're constantly worried about being outed and doxed and called out and shamed. Everyone's shaming people and attacking people, and it's this fucking feeding frenzy. I love it. I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm so happy when I read a story like this. I would encourage this woman to fight to the death for her position. A man. She's a man now.
Starting point is 01:43:53 Fight to the death for that position. I mean, literally, I want you to show up for school in a fucking, in armor with a sword and let them know that you are, you are here because you are a warrior for diversity. And you're going to, you're going to, you you're gonna take this to the very end to the very end of time oh it's amazing this is an amazing story it's like one of the greatest stories the the universe has ever told because it's it just and it it highlights that story that we were just talking about where the um the thing that was up on the thing earlier with the United States is like a powder keg. This is like what we're talking about, like entitled, ridiculous people that they don't live in reality. You're not and you're concentrating on nonsense.
Starting point is 01:44:39 But why are they concentrating on nonsense? Because they don't have to worry about feeding themselves. They don't have to worry about feeding themselves. They don't have to worry about shelter. They don't have to worry about being in Ohio, having no fucking power for a week and everybody has to stay alive. You can't get to work. Everybody's like walking back and forth to each other's house, sharing food and going out and getting firewood together and dragging it back at some little kid's wagon. That's what people do when they want to survive. When you want to survive,
Starting point is 01:45:09 you come up with ways that you can all work together. When it's too easy to survive, you start attacking people for nonsense. And that's what the fuck is going on here. You're going to campaign to keep... We're going to make sure that a white man's not going to win this. Like as if she's really a white man. Why are we pretending that's a man? Left of queer gender
Starting point is 01:45:26 queer masculine of center shut the fuck up you're a girl you're a girl or a guy whatever you are who cares what the fuck it's probably way more to the story she's just a big bitch you know like she's probably just eating too much pussy on that campus they They're all mad. Bitch is too good at it. She's too good at it. But she's genderqueer, so that means I don't think you do anything. I don't know what that means. I don't even think they know what it means. You ever heard of pansexual?
Starting point is 01:45:56 There was a woman who was like, she was making history. This is hilarious. This is a hilarious story. She was making history because she was the first pansexual person to take office. Pansexual? What the fuck are you talking about? What does that mean? She means she doesn't
Starting point is 01:46:15 sexually identify. She's not particularly sexually attracted to either race or either gender. It's either one or both. Miley Cyrus is pansexual. Of course she is. That's called being a freak. Pansexual.
Starting point is 01:46:31 What exactly does that mean? But go find the politician. First politician as pansexual. It's just so stupid. Pansexual politician. So it's like a new word for bisexual. It's not even bisexual. It's because like they
Starting point is 01:46:45 have to be special and it has to be mary gonzalez texas state representative identifies as pansexual in new interview what first of all good for her eat that pussy suck that dick have a party honey i'm not hating do whatever you want but do we really have to make a new name for it? Fucking Christ. And I posted something about this a while back on Twitter, and there was people that were defending the term pansexual. I'm like, fuck you. Fuck you for trying to muddy up the world. Fuck you for having this on your mind, unless you're mocking it.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Fuck you for taking this seriously. Fuck you for this being an actual thing where you want to debate it. How bad is your job? How bored are you at work that you're sitting in front of your Twitter account defending pansexuality you stop You stop. I'm sick. She could do it. I have no problem with her doing it Don't get me wrong, but you fucking stop if you think you're gonna defend that fuck you You need to go cut snow cut snow defend that. Fuck you. You need to go cut snow. Cut snow? You need to go cut trees. You need to go cut trees
Starting point is 01:47:46 and shovel snow over at Jamie's parents' house in the middle of the winter when the fucking power's off for a month. That's what you need to do. You need to dig Brian Redband's mom out of the fucking woods. Dig her out of the woods. It's a mild dirt road back to that lady's house. Get going, fuckface.
Starting point is 01:48:02 That's like, what is that? How many thousand feet is a mile Five thousand Five thousand plus feet of snow shoveling you fuck How much for the driveway You remember that You remember that when you were a kid you'd go to a lady's house And you'd go Ma'am we're shoveling snow
Starting point is 01:48:18 Well how much for the driveway Well we're gonna need twenty for this one That's too much That's too much It's a long driveway, man. It's going to take us a couple hours. Oh, that's just too much. They would get mad.
Starting point is 01:48:30 I do not miss those days. Or having to mow people's lawns. You just take your lawn mower. You do not miss it? Is that what you do? I do not miss mowing. I hated mowing lawns. I was watching Anthony Bourdain's show last night.
Starting point is 01:48:41 He did a special on San Francisco. It was pretty badass. But then i watched one that i had on the dvr i was doing some work so i was like just kind of like half watching it while i was working on the laptop and uh he had one from montreal in the middle of the winter and you're like oh jesus i forgot i forgot what that is like they're just all bundled up outside everyone's face is beet red every breath that comes out of your mouth is frozen because that place is wet that's a wet cold too that's a by the ocean cold
Starting point is 01:49:13 zero degrees by the ocean is a motherfucker dude that's not like the cryotherapy tank i got some new videos that you have to watch sometime on youtube it's a send me a dude's dick the other day what that dude dancing and pulls his dick out well you let you you send him to me so much that i accuse you of sending me a guy's dick and you're like i didn't uh well sometimes people send me shit and i immediately just send it to whoever it is. These guys made this prank video. And what they did is they took a taser and they put it in the seat of a bicycle and attached it to a cell phone so you can call it and activate the taser. Then they went to Compton and just put their bike down and waited until somebody stole their bike. Then you see people taking off
Starting point is 01:50:06 and then they call the cell phone and it shocks their balls while they're sitting on the bike. Oh my god. They just fall off the bike. That's like an advanced version of that bait car show. Yes.
Starting point is 01:50:22 There's this other guy that just attached a rope to it like a secret little like rope to it So people like grab the bike and take off down this hill and then when the rope catches up It just throws the bike back and they just rack their balls So these people are just breaking balls and like but they they were feet so who cares it's a loophole, right? You can get really fucked up doing that. You could get hurt bad. Yeah, but they're stealing, so who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 01:50:50 I know. So I'm addicted to these new things, like these bait car things and bait bikes. Ian Edwards has a hilarious bit. Ian has a hilarious bit on that bait car show. Oh, yeah? Oh, it's so funny. You were just in San Diego, right? Yeah, I worked with Ian in San Diego Friday night. Fuck, yeah? Oh, it's so funny. You were just in San Diego, right? Yeah, I worked with Ian
Starting point is 01:51:05 in San Diego Friday night. Fuck, he's funny, man. He's such a good dude, too. He's one of those guys that he's been writing for shows forever, so he hasn't been touring a lot and doing the road a lot,
Starting point is 01:51:17 but he's also been doing comedy for like 25 years. He's one of the best guys in the world. He really is. He's like, if there's one guy that people just don't know
Starting point is 01:51:26 about that I go, God damn, people should know about Ian Edwards. People are knowing about Tom Segura now. He's doing his second Netflix special. He just did it. Everything's going great for him. Ari, obviously, everything's going great for Ari. Duncan, if he just would put out some content. Duncan's brilliant.
Starting point is 01:51:42 His comedy's amazing. He's excellent. He just doesn't put anything out He doesn't he doesn't do any fucking specials He's actually have not really heard anything from Duncan in a while like online or it's hard to find a stand-up You know I mean he works all the time. He was at the store the other night killing it. He's still hilarious He just doesn't put anything out. He's constantly working on his podcast. I think Duncan likes doing podcasts more than anything, which is fine because it's amazing. I mean, it's really good. He's really good at it. He's one of the best ranters. Like Duncan, like when you do podcasts
Starting point is 01:52:17 with him, one of the things that happens, you got to know like when to back off and just let him rant because you don't want to trip up what he's doing because he gets in these like these like linguistic waves that he starts riding and he just has this amazing colorful way of describing things and sometimes he'll paint a picture that you wouldn't expect or you wouldn't have ever painted without it it's and that's that's something that you don't really do when you do stand-up in a way because like the beauty of his style of doing podcasts the entertaining aspect of it doesn't translate into anything else but i mean it does a little bit to stand up but really it's just a beautiful style of ranting about subjects that's great for a podcast it makes it like super enjoyable and interesting. But to that, I think that to him is more exciting and more fun than podcasts.
Starting point is 01:53:09 And it certainly reaches more people. Or comedy, you mean? Yeah, than comedy, yeah. Because it certainly reaches more people. Because obviously, if he's doing a show, unless he's putting it out on Netflix or Comedy Central or something like that, I mean, he's doing stand-up for a couple hundred people at a time or a thousand people at the most, you know. But if he's doing that podcast, his podcast is hitting hundreds of thousands every month. He's always been one of my favorite stand-ups, you know.
Starting point is 01:53:35 When I first moved out here, I would, like, go to almost all his comedy shows with him, you know, just because I had no friends. So I'd, like, go with him. shows with him you know and just because I had no friends I'd like go with him he's one of the funnest people to watch on stage especially when he had little hobo and just like somebody stole it yeah I know it's San Francisco but I there's people like him I wish would do more stand-up like he does sports and yeah I love Nick he does stand up a lot he just doesn't put anything out right you know I just think he needs to put together a special. He's so good, man.
Starting point is 01:54:08 He's so fucking funny. But everybody knows Duncan. You know, I think a lot of people know Duncan because of the podcast world. Ian is a guy who doesn't really have a big... He was doing something with you for a while, right? The Preposterous Sessions? I just kind of do what I do with The Roast Battle. I just replay it on Death Squad for him. Oh, so it was his initially? I was just of do what I do with the roast battle. I just replay it on death squad for him.
Starting point is 01:54:25 Oh, so it was his, it was his initially trying to help him out with the, yeah, he needs to, I don't know what it is. I think he just needs to not write anymore on those shows. Cause when you write on those shows,
Starting point is 01:54:36 you can't tour you're stuck. He was, he just turned down a big gig because they told him that he couldn't pitch anything else. They told him, uh, you know, Kim, Kim is going through this, some shit right anything else. They told him, uh, you know, Kim,
Starting point is 01:54:45 Kim is going through this, some shit right now with this, these companies, they get you. And then they say that they own you intellectually, not just while you're working there. Like say, if you write on a show,
Starting point is 01:54:55 right? They don't want, they want you to not just write on that show. They want to own you. If you have a movie script that you're writing on the side, they want to own you. If you have a book, a book they decide because they can Because their their model is kind of rotting away like the model of the sitcom
Starting point is 01:55:12 That's a fucking there used to be a lot of sitcoms back in the day like in the 90s when I was on news radio Everything was a sitcom there was four or five sitcoms a night, know you had sex in the city you had friends you had the single guy you had caroline in the city sex in the city i was confusing him you know you had all these different networks that had all these different shows everybody had sitcoms he had four or five sitcoms a week six seven sitcoms a week whatever the fuck the number was you had dramas all these different shows they're dying now they have a few you know you have like undateable that's doing that weird shit where they're trying to do a live version of it yeah we'll talk about that and then you have like i guess two broke girls is still doing fairly big
Starting point is 01:55:54 bang theory is big bang theory seems to me like like uh you know how they do that music that they play for the Cobra? And then the Cobra just, like, he can't move. He gets hypnotized by the music. I think that is what happens with retards when they watch the Big Bang Theory. I think it somehow or another gets them to tune in just long enough to play those commercials, and then it ends. And they go, what just happened?
Starting point is 01:56:22 And they wake up, what did I just watch? There's only a few now, though. So because of that, they want to own everybody. They want to own all the stuff you did. Now, with our friend Kim, it gets even crazier because she's not even a writer. She's employed as a secretary for a company. And the company that she's employed for. Exceptions.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Yeah, same thing. The company that she's employed for wants to own a project that she's created. On her own. I kind of get where they're coming from. How? Because she works at a place that there's a lot of, they make a lot of shows. So she has to interact with a lot of important people. She sees a lot of things behind the scenes so what
Starting point is 01:57:05 they do that for is like a basic thing in hollywood so where she can't tell the competition like oh hey you know uh jeff foxworthy's gonna be on the next show and uh that's just a confidentiality waiver that's what she they're they're pretty much saying is that that's not according to her i think you're wrong i've read what she said and what she sent me. Right. I talked to her last night and she made it seem like their reasoning is that they don't want me to create like a show using secrets that they use, you know, on the side, you know, like, because she's open to a lot of secrets. Dude, they said the words, we own your brain. Yeah. That's what they said to her. Yeah. A lot of places. We own your brain yeah that's what they said there yeah a lot of
Starting point is 01:57:46 places we own your brain while you work here we own your brain that's retarded that's retarded i don't give a fuck right what reasoning they have she's a secretary or a receptionist whatever she answers phones if they wanted to sign a confidentiality agreement you do that yeah but the idea that they they say her, we own your brain. They want to own her project. They want to own the projects that she creates. The particular, I think, thing she worked for, though, is very close to TV shows. So, like, they can't have somebody just making TV shows based off secrets that she's seen.
Starting point is 01:58:21 But what are the secrets? See, like, if you steal some... Formulas. I don't know. But what is that? Like, that's the purpose you steal some... Formulas, I don't know. But what is that? Like, that's the purpose of working for some place where you're making shit money. When you work as an intern,
Starting point is 01:58:30 say if you work for an intern for the Opie and Anthony show or whatever, the reason why they're not paying you shit is because you're learning about the business. Like, well, we're going to not pay you anything, and then what are you going to do? You're going to learn shit here and then figure it out on your own,
Starting point is 01:58:43 and then you can't be my slave anymore? That's ridiculous. That company's full of cunts. That's a cunty company. Like, why are you paying her five bucks an hour then? Or whatever she's getting. She's not getting much. That's the whole purpose of working in an entry-level gig, is you're supposed to learn.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Well, you're going to take it, and you're going to learn, and you're going to go profit elsewhere. It's one thing if she steals an idea. she steals an idea that should sue her. But if she's not stealing ideas, if she's just learning about the business and you're trying to penalize her or you're trying, they're trying to own what she's doing, you know, not just like kind of own it, but according to her, they want to own it. They want to own everything she does while she works there. That's crazy. But that's also why you shouldn't have a job like that. She should just be a comic. Just struggle.
Starting point is 01:59:28 Get a waitress job. You know, everybody wants to, like. There's nothing wrong with waitress jobs. They're fun. It's good. Unless you're waitressing on Fat Tuesday at the comedy store. Fuck that. It doesn't exist anymore.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Do you watch The Daily Show? Do you like this new guy? Because I saw you tweet something the other day about it. And I don't know if you actually. I mean, I tried to watch it. I'm not on board with that guy. I haven't seen it yet. But there's a Russell Peters thing where Russell Peters said that the guy's a thief. And then after he said, you know, he said the guy stole from him, the guy stole from someone else.
Starting point is 02:00:01 I saw the bit that Russell said he stole from him. It's the same exact premise. And if you saw Russell do it, that's probably exactly where he got it from. And then there was a thing where he recently did a bit that was a straight up Dave Chappelle bit from like the early 2000s, right? Yeah. And a hundred percent that was ganked. Right. It was the same. It wasn't, it was the same wording, same premise, same everything. And it's a Dave Chappelle bit. So, you know, that bit. So it's a Dave Chappelle bit, so you know that bit. So if you're a stand-up comic, you know that bit.
Starting point is 02:00:28 I mean, it's like Louis C.K.'s Bag of Dicks joke. There's like jokes that you kind of know. Or like... Bill Cosby. Yeah, yeah, the Noah's Ark bit. Or like, you know, Richard Pryor's vampire bit. Vampire in the Hood. You know that bit, man.
Starting point is 02:00:43 There's a classic. Sam Kinison's having sex with the homosexual necrophiliac joke. That hood. You know that bit, man. There's a class Sam Kinison's having sex with the homosexual necrophiliac joke, that bit. You know that bit. People know that bit. So if you try to steal that, come on, son. You can't He didn't even mix it up a little.
Starting point is 02:00:57 But he mixed it up a little with Russell. You could tell the origin was most likely the same, that he probably saw Russell do it, but it's a race joke and it's vague enough, and the way he did it, he danced around it enough.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Russell, by the way, that woman that interviewed Russell, oh my god, she's like, are you sure he's not jealous because he's hotter and younger? Skinnier. Skinnier and cuter, she said. Yeah. Russell, you can tell, he also mentions another person that he stole from.
Starting point is 02:01:30 I don't know who the other comic is, but it seems like a smoke versus fire thing. Definitely. Smoke. Smoke and fire. Yeah. Yeah. Most likely. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:38 And then he's there. They're hanging out, though. Do you think that? Who gives a fuck? It's not. It's not. Dave probably doesn't read internet he's probably not even online yeah it's true probably has no idea it happened
Starting point is 02:01:50 people are getting to him it's like hmm so they stole his jokes but they're friends well okay first of all if you're a calculated guy like trevor noah right why wouldn't you do that wouldn't you put this what is it a fucking coincidence that a couple days later he takes his picture with dave and who knows when this picture happened when did this picture take place did the pic but did the photo get taken yesterday that's what it's saying they went out to dinner or lunch yesterday and this went before that uh mark twain thing that eddie murphy was just at there's a bunch of comedians together well who okay well maybe he uh you know got together with dave because he wanted to talk to him about it and tell him he had no idea or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But when Russell did it, Russell said that he got this massive media backlash after he said the guy was a thief.
Starting point is 02:02:35 And then he said it was a prank. He said it was a prank. Now, in the interest of confidentiality, I will go no further. Right. But you can fucking do the math. I think my personal guess would be that it wasn't a prank. You didn't do it. You just didn't want to start shit.
Starting point is 02:02:51 We don't need to go further. That's what go no further means, Brian. But, you know, Russell's the nicest fucking guy on the planet Earth. He really is. If Russell Peters says you're a piece of shit, I tend to agree. Usually. I mean, I tend to agree. Usually. I mean,
Starting point is 02:03:05 I don't know, but it's whatever, man. You know, you also got to realize this fucking dude was doing it in South Africa. That's like being on the moon. It's like doing standup on the moon. I mean,
Starting point is 02:03:16 there's a few comics there, I'm sure, but their scene is, it's so, I mean, it might have been their style to do other people's shit. And I'm not exonerating them in any way. But you've got to think, like, if you're in a band, okay, and you're in fucking Florida, guess what?
Starting point is 02:03:36 You're going to do other people's music. You know, if you really want to be a big band and you're learning and one day you guys want to be huge, you're going to do some cover songs. And in the world of stand-up, you don cover songs. And in the world of stand-up, you don't do that. In the world of stand-up, you can't get away with that. But I guarantee you, there are some people right now that could be really good comedians someday. And they're in some really obscure market in the middle of nowhere, or perhaps they're in some place that speaks Dutch, or some place that speaks French, and they're stealing some Bill Cosby bit right now, or they're stealing some Bill Hicks bit right now. That was always a big thing with Hicks. There was a guy in Amsterdam that was doing standup in Dutch and he was just stealing all
Starting point is 02:04:14 of Bill Hicks's shit. But some other guy who is bilingual realized it and was like, what is this in Montreal? It's a huge issue. The French people up there, like the French speaking, It's a huge issue. The French people up there, like the French-speaking, they do French-speaking shows, and these guys will just gank dudes' material, just gank Americans' material, and just translate it into France. They don't leave that area. There's a giant population of French-speaking people. And you can get away with doing a French-speaking act and steal a bunch of shit. But if they are doing that, man, if they're listening to this, you gotta stop. It's gonna fuck you up. It's gonna ruin you.
Starting point is 02:04:59 It's gonna fuck you up. Even if you're getting away with it now, you'll develop tendencies. And you're gonna wanna steal when things aren't going well you know and that's those moments when things aren't going well that's what defines you as a comic that's what pulls you out of the fire there's moments I will tank bits on purpose when I'm working on shit I will take the energy down I will I will put myself in bad positions because it's the only way you, you learn how to get out of them and figure out like, if I don't believe in a bit that
Starting point is 02:05:31 much, I'll do a strong part of a bit and then I'll back off of it. And almost like put myself in a scared spot where I have to flail around to try to find a punchline. I always have another bit on the ready to jump in with, to, to bring the crowd back. But if you don't do that, and everybody does that. Diaz does it that way. Ari does it that way. A lot of people do it that way. We've talked about it. We do it that way because that's the way you find shit, but you got to go out in the deep water. And people don't want to go in that deep water. Those guys who steal, they never go in that deep water, they get they go into those shallow kill zones and they like to have these tight nice short chopping sets where they just
Starting point is 02:06:13 no pause bam bam bam next joke oh my god was that a pause are they not laughing fuck steal and then they'll jump in with a steal and that's the mencia. That's why when Mencia would always say he never bombed ever, everybody, everybody was like, what? Never? You never bombed? Dude, Chappelle bombed a year ago, and there's a video of it online. 22,000 people. And if he's not the best comic in the world today, he's top three, right? I think the best is Joey. But Joey's bombed. I've seen Joey. Joey called me the other day. He told me he bombed in Toledo. Those fucking white people, Joe Rogan. Those fucking white people hated me. He goes, the death squad people came out, but those fucking white people, oh my God,
Starting point is 02:06:54 they hated me. He was in Toledo. But you see what I'm saying? And he's, in my opinion, I think Joey's the funniest guy I've ever seen in my life. I've never seen anybody that makes me laugh as hard as he does. And even he can still bomb. You can just, because he's out there doing it. He's got notebooks.
Starting point is 02:07:10 He's fucking flinging jokes around. You have days where you're on and days where you're off. That's part of developing, and it's constant. It keeps going. So these guys like these Trevor Noah cats, man, if that's your tendency, you're going to keep with that. It's's gonna be very hard for that dude to break Yeah, that's it's gonna. He might be able to break that tendency because he's famous now He might be able to hire writers, and he's smart, and he's obviously calculating which is why he put that photo up He didn't put that photo up as a fucking coincidence
Starting point is 02:07:39 You think he's like oh? I didn't even know that people were thinking that I stole that bit. Please, everybody fucking knows. Everybody knows. He knows that everybody knows. And he made a calculated effort to put up. That makes me more suspicious of him. Yes. More suspicious.
Starting point is 02:07:55 If Dave Chappelle put that picture up, I would be like, what is Dave doing here? Is he laughing? Is this an inside joke? But him doing it makes me more suspicious it's hard out there for a pimp Brian Redband you know when are you going to put together a special I need to I just need to do it
Starting point is 02:08:13 I mean I have the material I stopped half like half hours worth of material recently what do you mean stopped I just stopped doing it but do you have it written down I mean yeah I have it recorded and yeah it's on video dude you should totally put something out put something out some guy just advertised the other day on twitter like 1500 for camera shoot we'll make your comedy special
Starting point is 02:08:35 1500 bucks yeah i should just do that for fun does he know what he's doing i don't know probably it's so easy nowadays i mean i may remember when i used to go on the road with you all the time i'd bring three cameras have a front back two sides and that was those are shitty little old school cameras too in comparison to what's available today yeah but we were on kind of on top of the game on all the cameras you would always upgrade them to like the best sony yeah cams and but yeah i I think my next one that I'm going to do, which I'm going to probably do within the next six months, I'm working out all the details right now,
Starting point is 02:09:09 I think I'm going to do it at the Ice House. I'm at the Ice House October 30th, too, by the way. Me and Ian. And maybe Diaz might stop by for the 10 o'clock show. But I think that's the future. I think the future is just doing it old school at a club and having the production value be in the quality of the video itself so that it captures the room as accurately as possible.
Starting point is 02:09:32 But don't try to make it like this big swooping camera and all that bullshit. I want people to feel like they're sitting down in the crowd. I think the only way to do that is to put it in a small spot. Because, you know, I'll do big big shows i'll do these big shows and they're fun man theaters are fun it's a different kind of experience but the the real show we all know the real the really fun show that's going to translate into sitting at home and watching it is like doing it at a comedy club especially ice house i love the ice house so much i had one of my favorite sets friday just new stuff and And just positive people go there, positive staff.
Starting point is 02:10:07 Everything's awesome there. Well, it's got 60 fucking years of comedy burned into the walls, too, you know? And also, I think I learned something from doing that Comedy Central special, the Rocky Mountain High. I'm like, that's the way to do it. That felt more to me like a regular set than anything else I've ever done. You could see the audience. They're right there on top of me. You know, it was fun. That's the way to do it. That felt more to me like a regular set than anything else I've ever done. You could see the audience. They're right there on top of me.
Starting point is 02:10:27 You know, it was fun. That's the way to do it. And the Ice House is even better than that. Ice House is our home, too. You know, that's like home base. Other than the comedy store, that place feels like home to me. Even I do the factory. I've done the laugh factory.
Starting point is 02:10:39 Who knows how many times over decades. Still always feels weird. Yeah. The improv is pretty cool, but that's not, you know, it's not the same. The ice house to me is like right up there with the store. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. They have Germany orders recall of 8.5 million Volkswagens.
Starting point is 02:10:58 Did they recall yours? I don't have that anymore. I got rid of it. You got rid of it? Yeah. They fucked up. They tried to lie. I think I figured out what car I got rid of it. You got rid of it? Yeah. They fucked up. They tried to lie. I think I figured out what car I want to get, though.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Is that i3? The BMW? Oh, those are dope. They look like an iPhone on wheels. It looks cool. Yeah, those are pretty dope. I think I might wait to get a used one. They're kind of expensive.
Starting point is 02:11:18 Are they? Yeah. I heard those things break down a lot, though. Is that it right there? No, this is the video of that autopilot from Tesla. Oh, Jesus. Play this. So this is something we've got to leave on this because I've got to get out of here.
Starting point is 02:11:28 So this is some update. Jamie, why don't you explain the update? Because Tesla. They did an over-the-air update, which is something that I didn't know that they could do, but they said they're going to do it multiple times. And I think it's just in beta right now. So Tesla has an autopilot and also an autopark. The autopilot, I think it's just made for the freeway right now,
Starting point is 02:11:47 but they've been testing it, and there's some video showing it used in New York on 12th Avenue. And this looks like it's back on a movie lot, and they're showing that crazy button first. So it shoots up to 75 miles an hour, and then it's going to go into autopilot mode and you see it like read street signs and it's reading the white lines on the road it should kind of move the car and then at the very end it will stop it as it sees a car in front of it too but uh i hope this uh this is a video from slash gear so this shouldn't bother us too much but wow fastest four-door sedan in the world over to there so getting ready to launch right now She's so right this is Tron
Starting point is 02:12:35 Just look at that fucking screen. This is on autopilot right now. Yeah, that's fast fastest four-door sedan in the world you say This is not driving itself. I'm looking at his hand That, yeah, that's fast. Fastest four-door sedan in the world, you say? Ever. Ever. This is not driving itself, I'm looking at his hand. It will now. Oh. Turn on the autopilot system. Okay.
Starting point is 02:12:52 Engaging it now. Wow, look how cool that screen is. My hands are now off the screen. That's so cool. Off the accelerator. The car will observe the 30 mile an hour sign and increase its speed as we go through this bend. I'd be texting like a motherfucker right now yeah and as it observes this 25 mile an hour speed it's going to reduce Jesus Christ and a click the turn signal people are gonna fuck around and
Starting point is 02:13:16 put 90 on those things just tape now the nine over the two so many problems I can see just with like I'm sure they've thought through a lot of things, but. Wow. That's so cool. That's amazing. This guy, Elon Musk, is freaking me out because he makes me feel really stupid. Really stupid and really unambitious
Starting point is 02:13:39 and really insignificant. When I see him with his beautifully tailored suits and he's talking about changing the world, I'm like, am I looking at Tony Stark for real? This is like, when is he going to come out with an Iron Man suit? Because he's gonna. You know that fuck's got one already.
Starting point is 02:13:53 He's probably got one already in his basement. He's probably all Adderall'd up. Steve Jobs too, right? He's more than Steve Jobs to me. To me, he's way more innovative because what Steve Jobs did was amazing, but it was all in the world of computing, which is arguably the reason why this guy is able to do this in the first place.
Starting point is 02:14:08 It's because he's incredibly powerful. Computers and the access to them and changing the way people use the internet is probably what started this all off in the first place. But what he's doing between this and the bullet trains, like he's going to create these magnetic trains that can go across the country in a fraction of the time it takes to fly. What kind of plane do you think he flies in? Something crazy, right? Some stealth bomber type shit. No one knows about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:31 Who knows, man? He's probably got some ridiculous jet. G6. Imagine he's got an electric plane. Imagine he's been flying electric jets. He's got to have something that no one knows about. He's got to have special prototype stuff. Crazy phones and computers that we haven't seen yet.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Yeah, with no chemtrails. It doesn't even make chemtrails. Oh my god. Chemtrail. Black helicopters. All right, we gotta get the fuck out of here, folks. That's it. Brian Redband, thank you, sir.
Starting point is 02:14:56 Redband on Twitter. R-E-D-B-A-N. There's no D. Okay, how dare you. And DeathSquad.TV for all comedy dates and upcoming gigs. What do you got going on? Me and Tony just announced that we're bringing Kill Tony to
Starting point is 02:15:11 Pittsburgh and Ohio. We're doing Kill Tony and then followed by a comedy show Friday, November 27th. I'll be in Pittsburgh and Ohio November 29th. Oh, shit. And DeathSquad.TV for all that information. And that's it.
Starting point is 02:15:26 I'll be back tomorrow with the Iceman, Wim Hof. Oh, that's right, bitches. You heard it here. Ooh-wee. See you, you fucks.

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