The Joe Rogan Experience - #73 - Bert Kreischer

Episode Date: January 19, 2011

Joe sits down with Bert Kreischer. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Long day? Really long. Speaking of Vietnam, I saw a really interesting documentary, or a piece rather. It was a very short clip about, they were talking about how marijuana, it was changed war, and how Vietnam was the first war where the soldiers were smoking marijuana and they became reluctant to fight. And it was all about the mentality of the soldiers just completely changed when they were in Southeast Asia. And they were smoking weed, and they could smell the Viet Cong smoking weed, like over the hill. Like they were close enough to each other to smell each other's weed.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Shut up. Yeah. And one guy was talking about how there was one time where he was high and he had seen this Vietnamese, this Viet Cong soldier. And he knew that that guy was high too. It's like they looked at each other and they knew they were high. Just started. And they knew they didn't even know each other.
Starting point is 00:00:41 And they're going to shoot each other because, you know, some fucking people in an office somewhere say that this is how it's supposed to go down. But those Vietnam guys were the first generation to hear stories about war. Yeah. Because their dads came back. My grandfather came back from World War II and was fucked up. Like, fucked up. And they didn't know that you could fix it. They just thought, well, that's what happened to my life.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I was 18 and it just switched and now I'll drink beer in the garage by myself. Well, they don't know what to fix it with. Even though what they're doing now, they're really taking the long way around. What they really should be doing is giving these soldiers, the ones that want to do something about post-traumatic stress disorder, I mean you shouldn't impose it on them, but giving them Ibogaine. Ibogaine and Ayahuasca are two of the most potent psychedelic mixtures and they're responsible for so many different people getting off of heroin getting over the past yes that's dude it's like conversations with god seems like that would be like the worst thing possible to give somebody that's not in touch with reality you know no no what it does is it lets them know what really happened it lets
Starting point is 00:01:41 them see it from an emotional perspective why there's this big gigantic hole in them that freaks out whenever they think about the past and freaks out and relives all these moments and you can go over it especially with Ibogaine.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I've heard so many different stories about and also with MDMA. You know MDMA which is ecstasy. I would love to do some therapy with that. That was the idea.
Starting point is 00:02:02 That was the funnest drug when you didn't know it would fuck you up. Yeah. Well it does fuck you up though. That's why I won't do it. I did it once and that was the idea the funnest drug when you didn't know it would fuck you up yeah well it does fuck you up though that's why i won't do it i did it once and that was it for me and but i learned a lot man i i learned a lot about like insecurities and but anyway the point is about about soldiers like you know and people that are addicted there's people that have like problems with heroin problems with alcohol they could fix all that shit with ibogaine
Starting point is 00:02:23 giraldo uh right i said like when in one of his lowest points took a bunch of acid because he said that he heard that that would fix his right problems and he said it didn't well acid's not known for that i mean acid well it is kind of self-observing right yeah but i mean i think acid also just freaks people out so much like when it wears you off it It's like so... Someone described it as abrasively introspective that just like so freaks you out that it might be too much
Starting point is 00:02:51 for someone who has like an addiction. Mushrooms, I think, are a little... Mushrooms are good. Anything that's enlightening, anything that allows you to step back and look at it.
Starting point is 00:02:59 But it has to also jive with your biochemistry. You can say everything enlightening, but what if you're that one weirdo that's allergic to peanuts and you can't even drink Diet Coke or you get splitting headaches? Are there people that are allergic to weed physically?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Sure, there must be. There's people that are allergic to everything, I would think. A lot of people that have smoking allergies in general. Yeah, but if that's the case, are they allergic to it if they eat it? Or what about vaporizing? Vaporizing still has smoke in it. I don't care what people say. It doesn't get hot enough to smoke.
Starting point is 00:03:27 That's the whole deal. But you still cough from it. I don't cough from it. You coughed yesterday from it because I remember going, you're going to be really fucked now. No, I think so, Brian. I think you're attaching that moment, that memory to some other time. I didn't really cough.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Demetri Martin's allergic to alcohol. Really? Yeah, and peanuts. I shouldn't say this. You could be really mean allergic to alcohol. Really? Yeah, and peanuts. Like if you throw, I shouldn't say this. You could be really mean and throw something else in there. If you throw,
Starting point is 00:03:49 he's allergic to pussy. You know, you say something stupid there. I don't even know the dude. There was an opening right there. He's a regular. Is he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And he's allergic to alcohol. So what happens when he drinks? And peanuts. Oh, he breaks out. If you throw a peanut on his face, his face will swell up. Wow, that's crazy. Talk about fucking being
Starting point is 00:04:03 helpless on stage. Peanuts, man. Someone doesn't like your show and just flicks a peanut at you does he know he knows i mean do people now people know now i just fucked him up man people gonna be throwing peanuts at him that's just kind of fucked up because i've worked in some so many kitchens before where like easily there could be peanut in something and then just be a dumb waitress that didn't know or you're at this you're making a salad and a peanut flies into something. It just seems like that's just crazy. Like pad thai, peanut sauce and shit.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Lady in front of me was allergic to shellfish on the flight yesterday, coming back from D.C. and they gave her shrimp and put it in front of her and she flipped out. She was like, I can't have it around me. I can't even be around it. And I was like, oh. If we have to land this fucking pain because this chick can't eat shellfish.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Whoa. She was freaking that bad? She was freaking me out pretty bad. People do, though. Because that's your, think about that. That's your windpipe. Like, I'm allergic to gerbils, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And people wouldn't recognize it. Bad. Fucking bad. Gerbils? Your ass swell up and stuff? No, my wife. My kids got, at her school, they got a gerbil. And so my wife was playing with the gerbil one morning and then washed her hands, got in the car, grabbed the steering wheel.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I went to take my sister to the airport, grabbed the steering wheel. My eyes shut. This part. You know this part of your eye? That lining part? Uh-huh. Swole up over my eyes. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I started, water's coming out of my eyes and it's burning lines down my face. My windpipe closes up and I'm just like, but I don't know what's happening at the time because i'm like i just fucking sat in a car right i'm like oh shit this is a stroke something's going down i call my wife and then i started thinking did she fucking play with the gerbil i just asked out of the blue she was like but i washed my hands and i was like fucking wow my god can you believe that's what I washed my hands? Nah, right you did. Fuck you did. You didn't wash your fucking hands. Trying to make up for it.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Revisionist history, motherfucker. Yeah, but I washed my hands. Oh, that's nonsense. That's craziness. Sounds like something a 13-year-old would tell you. So could you walk through a pet store if you just didn't touch anything? Or have you ever done that just because you're feeling dangerous on a Saturday? Fuck no. That is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:08 So anybody that has a gerbil in their hand and touch the doorknob, you could touch that and it would just jack you? That seems fucked up. I'm allergic to cats but I live with my wife has a cat. So I live with it so I've gotten over the allergy. Wow. That must have been crazy in the beginning of the relationship. Fucking talk about swallowing your
Starting point is 00:06:24 pride and fucking deciding, my life is less important than dating this chick. Wow. And the doctor, we sat down with an allergist one time, and he's like, so here's the deal. The cat cannot be in the room with him, or one night he might die. And then the cat is fucking there. And your wife's like, but I love the cat.
Starting point is 00:06:42 She tried. She tried, but she'd hear the cat clawing under the door like you want to let him in let him sleep she's done the cat longer than me i'm like four months in oh wow fuck it was all soul just destructive yeah you got chose over i might kill i'm gonna have to kill that cat oh dude the cat she called one night when we were moving apartment she was like we can't find gus gus and i was like that's too bad i was like sweet and then i came home gus gus for like a day we couldn't find this cat right and then my daughters are getting upset because they're like daddy gus gus is he's hungry i'm like he's a fucking street cat he can fend for himself so then i go into the older old apartment to look for him and i hear him
Starting point is 00:07:19 he's in the fucking dryer oh no so you turned it on part of me is like there's a moment where you have to make the call. Do I just not say anything and just leave? Like in those fucking movies where you just go, huh, and just walk by. Or do I rescue the cat and deal with my allergies? And I'm like, I can't fucking kill an animal. I can't let an animal die on my watch. Yeah, not like that either.
Starting point is 00:07:40 If you're going to kill it, at least stomp on its head. Punch it or something. Yeah, kill it quick. Don'tomp on its head. Punch it or something. Yeah, kill it quick. Don't let it kill it. Fuck it. My cat, when I was in high school, my dad accidentally threw the cat in the dryer. Really? Yeah, I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:07:53 The cat had gone to sleep in the hammock or in the hamper because it was warm clothes in the hamper. No, no, no. That's not the story. The story was there was, I guess he went to sleep in the dryer, whatever. Somewhere or another, the cat got in the fucking dryer by accident. And my dad heard all this thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And he opened it once and looked and the cat was out and the cat didn't move. So it was like, well, I guess nothing's in here. And so he shut it again and again, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. And after like a couple of minutes of this man man then he opens it up and the cat comes out screeching and one of his teeth was broken off and my my father felt so bad he felt awful it was just such a bad scene you know the cat lived though that's a shitty story yeah cat lived with one fucked up tooth he always had this one fucked up tooth that reminded you of like no wonder this cat's crazy imagine one day you wake up and you're in blackness and you're falling on metal every half a second.
Starting point is 00:08:50 You're just getting beat over the head. Someone's just beating the fuck out of you and you're flipping through the air. What a crazy way to wake up inside a dryer. And then to survive that after minutes and minutes in that fucking dryer. I had a buddy who passed out and fell into a pool and that was a terrifying way to wake up. That cat needed Ibogaine. I was just going to say, why don't you heal that cat with some psychedelics? I know.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Heal that cat with some ecstasy. By the way, don't listen to anything I say. Don't take anything I tell you to take. Stop it. Don't listen. I'm just a fucking comedian. I'm not qualified to be diagnosing life-changing chemicals to any of you fucking freaks. A lot of those guys, they come back.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Like my cousin, they're fucking fearless. From the war? You can't phase these dudes. Once you watch a bunch of people shoot at you and you shoot at them and kill people. And then you got some fucking frat boy telling you he's going to knock your teeth in at a bar and you watch my cousin
Starting point is 00:09:43 not give a shit. You literally just go really like he got wasted this weekend and fell down a flight of stairs and split his head open and he was like and all his buddies are like he's fine i'm like dude he has a head injury he fell down fucking at the dc improv down those stairs i've never been dc improv it's like a fucking slippery icy stairs wow and so he and they were like he's fine he's fine don't call a fucking ambulance just hold johnny you're gonna be fine johnny you're gonna be, he's fine. He's fine. Don't call a fucking ambulance. Just, Johnny, you're going to be fine. Johnny, you're going to be fine. And then he starts throwing up
Starting point is 00:10:08 because he has a concussion all over the place. And I'm like, we're calling an ambulance. I don't give a shit. But they're fucking, you just can't fade these kids, man. That's a new generation coming back here. Toughing it up. Yeah. Coming back here after those experiences. Hundreds of thousands of them, right? God. Oh, standards are going to change.
Starting point is 00:10:23 It's so unfortunate. It's so unfortunate. It's so unfortunate that you've got people that are willing to do literally anything for their country, like Pat Tillman type people who really are true heroes. And then you look at what they get used for. You look at how chaotic. You talk to any soldier that comes back from Afghanistan,
Starting point is 00:10:40 they tell you it's fucking chaos over there. No one thinks you could fix that place. That place is bananas. It's fucked. It's fucking warlords, man. They're like you, it's fucking chaos over there. No one thinks you could fix that place. That place is bananas. It's fucked. It's fucking warlords, man. They're like Michael Vick's dogs. Like, you just gotta fucking... Crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And they're... Another thing is, they fuck boys over there like on a regular basis. It's like, there's a weird culture over there where there's a lot of, like, men who take in, like,
Starting point is 00:11:01 little young boys. Like, they fuck them like on a regular basis. It's like a natural part of their culture. It's so common and so prevalent. Everything over there is so alien to us. There's one city in the whole country and the rest of the country is
Starting point is 00:11:16 just like warlords. It's like you can't control it. There's like a hundred different fucking dudes with a hundred different harems and they're rocking one part of the country and holding it down. The best way they get information from these dudes, the way they communicate with these dudes, they give them Viagra.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That's what the American soldiers do. Viagra, because they can't fuck their wives anymore so it's hard to hold this harem. It's hard to be a warlord when your dick doesn't work anymore. So they're giving them Viagra and now these 60-year-old dudes who were just trying to hang on and keep the young bucks at bay, now they can bone again so they can get some credibility.
Starting point is 00:11:50 You can't have 18 hot young wives and not fuck any of them. Someone's going to fuck one of those bitches. That's what's going to happen. You're going to have to shoot some young males or something. You're going to have to prove your dominance. If you had gotten fucked in the ass as a child, wouldn't you say, I'm in this way I am. I'd be like, well, I didn't enjoy that, so I'm not going to do it to somebody else. Well, that's a rational, logical way of thinking it.
Starting point is 00:12:11 But apparently what happens to some people's minds when something traumatic happens to them is their mind gets rewired in a very, very unhealthy way. And somehow or another, when people are molested, some folks have an urge to do the exact same thing that happened to them to someone else almost like they're reliving their pain and their tragedy and reintroducing it to another person to try to understand it or something i mean it's like it becomes an addiction to them it becomes very very sick i heard of women sometimes that get raped uh state date raped try to fuck the same guy over again to try to like make sure it was okay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And then a lot of times those guys don't want to be in that situation again because they know they did the bad thing. So then they veer away from it and then that fucking ruins the woman that got date raped.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Oh God. That's horrible. Man, I hate, psychological shit, the way your brain tries to fix things is insane. It is insane.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I think that's why I drink. That's why bullying is so dangerous. You know, when you hear about kids at school getting stuffed in their lockers and all this crap, and then wind up committing suicide. And some kid recently, fuck, this story was so crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I don't know the full details of it. It was something someone told me. But some 14-year-old kid, there was a bunch of kids. They were out on some little event. This kid climbs to the top of 10 stories, breaks a window, and jumps out in front of everybody. So they're all on there on some fucking vacation or some school trip or some shit.
Starting point is 00:13:29 This kid smashes a window and just skydives into the pavement in front of the whole class. Shit. Were you bullied at all? Yeah, I was bullied. That's how I got into martial arts. Really? Yeah, I think almost every comedian is bullied.
Starting point is 00:13:41 But for me, first of all, I was little. I wasn't a big guy, And I moved around a lot. When my family was seven, we moved from New Jersey to Florida, or New Jersey to California. And then California to Florida. So it's like I never really, like, stayed long enough to make, like, good friends. I would, like, live in one place. And even California, we lived in one street. And the next year we lived, you know, halfway across town.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And then, you know, in Florida we moved a couple of times. It's like, man, I just never really had a chance to make like long-lasting friends i went to an all-boys Catholic high school oh jesus that was just torture me and then i was like the funny like the funny guy to my friends so the older dudes would just fuck you up and it wasn't even like bullying which is beating you up wow it's just like you just got you knew i got beaten up one time this this guy on the baseball team, Freddie Rosella. I'll say his name. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Fuck that dude. He's still a beast. He was a beast when we were all fucking like children. He had like ball hair. Like he was a monster. Damn. That's a little kid with a beard. Dude, the guy was shaving in like eighth grade.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I mean, he was a monster and his arms were huge. And he was the captain of our baseball team. And I was like a junior, sophomore. And I was making a joke and he said, Chrysler, shut your face. So I went as a joke. And then he did not get that. And then he went to go fight me. And then I was like, but then they broke it up.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Wow. So then we get done. He goes into the dugout. And I'm playing catch with my buddies Joe and Troy Dean and warming up. And we see him walking out, and we're walking in. They're like, oh, Freddie gets upset sometimes. But he's just coming to apologize. He's like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He's got a bat. He's probably had enough through the batting practice, and he's just going to say sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:14 So I was like, okay, don't worry. I got this one. So I have a glove in hand, ball in the other hand. I'm like, hey, Freddie. And then he just with the baseball bat just starts beating the shit out of me. And like my three friends got on, and they couldn't pull this guy off of me i've never let go of the ball i'm just like and then you know and then of course i just go to crying because i was still like a young boy and then and then he beat me up and then the coach was in there and son and fucking and we both played
Starting point is 00:15:41 left field together so i had to go out and sit in left field with him after that. Whoa. But those things, that's why I think women... How do you get past that moment and run by him again when this guy beat the shit out of you? He came to see me at the Tampa Improv recently. Are you serious? And me and him probably never talked about it. We were cool after that. I mean, we were like...
Starting point is 00:16:00 You know, we played on the same team for a year after that. But he came to the Tampa Improv. He's like, what's up, man? I was like, hey, how you doing? I'm still gun shy. You know Cowhead, the guy in Tampa radio show? Okay, yeah. Cowhead, I used to tell a story about getting in a fight with a black guy.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I did it on my hour special. It's a real story. It's a true story about getting the shit kicked out of me by a black guy. Cowhead looked him up and found the dude and was like, I'm bringing him in studio. Oh my God. I was like, please don't fucking do that. I was praying the guy was dead and his daughter listens to the show or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I was like, fuck. Because I've been telling jokes about this guy on stage for the past eight years. There was this one dude that I went to high school with. I don't even remember his name. I think it was Kevin. He was this black kid that was way bigger than everybody else. He was like this football player. I didn't really know him very well. I knew his brother. His brother was a nice
Starting point is 00:16:50 guy. But he was like a scary dude to me. Just looked like a Mike Tyson looking dude. And you know, I remember like no one ever fucked with this kid and everybody was always nervous. But there was something about him where I'd be like, man, this guy just seems like, he just seems like too dangerous. Like there's something about him where I'd be like, man, this guy just seems like, he just seems like too dangerous. Like there's something about him. Like that makes me fucking nervous. Like someone could be that much bigger than you when you're 16 years old. That much bigger.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Turns out he wound up murdering somebody. Wow. Yeah. We had one kid in our neighborhood. Definitely won't say this guy's fucking name. The one kid you knew was weird weird but you didn't know like how to like you just everyone would be like who wants to ride bikes and he's like who dares me to go in the woods and put a stick in my ass like that kind of kid right just crazy one night he was he had
Starting point is 00:17:33 the keys to his this chick that lived in our neighborhood he had the keys to her house because his parents were watching their house and he's like hey you want to go in her house and get weird and i was like they're not here he's like i know come on be fucking crazy i go in there and i cut the the pussies out of their underwear. And I was like, so my sister calls me like six months ago. She's like, you remember John? And I was like, yeah. She was like, he's in jail.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I go, really? And she goes, yeah, he was working for Circuit City when they were going out of business. And he stole one of their trucks filled with a bunch of equipment. And I was like, really? And she goes, yeah. And they arrested him And then they fingerprinted him and found out he had been killing chicks down by the causeway I was like serial
Starting point is 00:18:09 If you fucking said serial killer to me I would have been If I was the guy next door I'd be like I fucking knew it I knew it I saw that coming Holy shit how many girls did he kill I have no idea but I was like And I've looked for it online
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's so hard When you run into someone who's completely fucking crazy yeah it's like what what you know there's no way to fix that guy when you're 15 16 years old or whatever and you're all of a sudden you're going to high school and you're hanging out with this kid who you know is completely insane yeah and it's a small neighborhood like eight boys that's it oh my god and we spent the night at this kid's house. And like, just fuck. And I'm like, holy shit. Man, I wonder when he started.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You got to be, it starts young. I remember him shooting a frog with a BB gun. And I remember him asking me to do it. And I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill an animal. I just couldn't. In my head, you know, at that age. But he was like, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's easy. It's easy. They don't move. But I think you have to start. it's got to start in college i wonder what it is you know because some people like jeffrey dahmer they say there's nothing wrong with his upbringing you know some people were abused when they were younger some people have some you know various reasons for why they're so fucking crazy and psychotic but with dahmer dahmer was one of those weird ones where they like there's nothing was wrong with his childhood. But what parent's going to be like, yeah, I did that?
Starting point is 00:19:29 Right, of course. Dahmer's parents are going to be like, I fucking didn't know you're not supposed to finger their assholes. Right, every day. By the way, speaking of finger their asshole, I saw a clip online of your show where you went to the Gracie Academy in Torrance, and you were talking about defense,
Starting point is 00:19:43 and you said, oh, I'll just grab their balls and finger their asshole, and you were talking about defense, and you said, oh, I'll just grab their balls and figure their asshole, and Horian just stone-faced you, and the way you held it, dude, was so funny. I was laughing out loud. You held it, just staring at him
Starting point is 00:19:55 for like fucking 10 seconds, man, when it was like no one said anything, and then he's like, okay, let's go learn some techniques, some arm locks and some joint locks and some jokes. Dude, I got joked out that day.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I saw it. That is, that fucked me up for like a week. Because you know what it's like to die. You know what it's like to be totally helpless and your windpipe to close and your blood to stop and you fight it just like you see in the movies where you go, no, no, no, no. It's very helpless. Very helpless. especially with the guyan man when guys get collar chokes on you that's what he did he gave me like the color thing
Starting point is 00:20:30 very hard to defend those and that's why i stopped fucking with dudes because i realize now everyone's a badass everyone is i almost got in a fight i almost got a fight recently uh really yeah because recently. Really? Yeah, because I just was like my brain is... We drunk? No, sober. It was in the morning. I was going to shoot something for Comedy Central and I needed a bathing suit. So my sisters live on an apartment building below Starbucks. So I like fly in and I kind of
Starting point is 00:20:58 block at two spaces and they're just going to throw my bathing suit to me. So they throw it and then as I pull out I realize I blocked it and this guy's pissed. So he's really pissed. As I pull out, he zooms in, gets out of his car and starts yelling at me. Now, I've been in a lot of fist fights. So I do come from that kind of like mentality of like talk shit and let's – that's my mentality at the time.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So I said – Talk shit and let's fight? I'll fight. Really? You're just ready to fight some dude? No, no, no. Not now. Not now.
Starting point is 00:21:26 How long ago was this? This was like three years ago. Oh, okay. You're a different guy now. Very. This moment and then the moment happened the next day. So then he yells at me and I roll down my window and I yell to him. I go, I was just trying to get my bathing suit.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Like that's going to fucking, like he's going to go, oh, I didn't know. Go ahead. But I was like, that was my defense. I'm just getting my fucking bathing suit i wasn't being a dick and then he goes fuck you learn how to drive and so i get out of the car and then i stand up and i come out here i stand out of the car and i go come out here be a man prove you're a fucking man oh no you did oh my god you're crazy at a fucking starbucks now everyone's like do you know how to fight at all no but i know yeah i know how to and this was? No, but I know how to... And this was L.A., right? This is L.A.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Wait a minute. Do you have martial arts training? None whatsoever. You don't know how to box? You never wrestled? Never boxed, never wrestled. No sparring? Just fist fights in college.
Starting point is 00:22:14 God damn, dude. What are you doing? Are you crazy? Exactly. And it was at that moment that I realized if he walked out, I would have to fist fight. Right. What if he's good?
Starting point is 00:22:22 What do you do if you get out there and you start talking shit to a dude and the dude just holds his hands up real natural and starts bouncing around on his toes i get my car and drive away or he just pulls out a gun and shoots you yeah this is la yeah that too it's but it's that moment you might be your ass first yeah you need that one moment where you go all right that's never gonna happen again yeah why why why have unnecessary conflict you know that's an unnecessary moment. That's like just management right there. That's management of stress and emotions.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yes. Because really, you don't even know this guy. If that was you, what if you had done this and the guy who you cut off was like your best friend? And, you know, you cut him off and you're like, fuck, I can't believe I cut Mike off. You know, Mike's my best friend. Yeah. You know, your interaction with this guy is all based on this conflict that you're
Starting point is 00:23:08 having. But those thoughts don't go through your mind. I know, I know, I know, but you can rewire your brain to try to think like that. Was he driving a Prius? No, he was driving a Teal BMW. Prius is a douchebag. Yeah, I was going to say, I might have done it if I saw a Prius. He had a Teal BMW. I told you I'm on an 8-8 count, 8 so far.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I've seen 8 Priuses flick cigarettes out their windows. 8. That's crazy. It's amazing. I started noticing it in San Francisco. I'm like, why do I keep seeing these eco-cunts throwing cigarettes out their window? They have some weird justification. Well, you could also think that you could just own a Prius because you want to save money on gas.
Starting point is 00:23:40 You don't give a shit about fucking... I swear to God I unplugged this fucking cunty phone. It's funny now. It's not funny, dude. What? Call from what? Planned Parenthood, Joe. Planned Parenthood.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I don't... John Mendoza, it sounds like. How do you hear Planned Parenthood? I'm always thinking Planned Parenthood, you know? If anybody should, you. Yeah. You should. Great place to pick up chicks is the subway right underneath the Planned Parenthood.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Get a bunch of sad girls. So what were we talking about before we got cut off? Yeah, don't go and get an advice, man. No, I've got that. I mean, it's like a total hippie thing to say, well, look at that guy as if he's your brother and treat him as such. But, you know, a lot of shit can be avoided just with cool talking to people. Shit that could just turn your whole life into ugliness. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:29 One fucking... I knew a guy in college that punched a dude one time and killed him. He fell back on a thing. Kevin James went to... He was a bouncer for a while, and he was a bouncer with this dude, and a fight broke out between some drunks. Something happened. Bouncer punched this kid. The kid fell unconscious and banged his head off the curb and died. The bouncer was a fucking college kid.
Starting point is 00:24:49 He was trying to make some money. All of a sudden, he's in jail for like years. You know, it was like some serious shit. He got charged with manslaughter. I think that's a lot of the reason why I wear hats and sunglasses so much. And I always look at the ground. I've never, because especially out here, I don't want, I don't care. I don't need to talk to anybody.
Starting point is 00:25:04 If I want to talk to somebody I'll go to you Type of attitude It's funny when you see those people That hand out things on the streets Like flyers or people trying to get you to sign things When you walk into the grocery store You see that I watch them go To every person
Starting point is 00:25:20 And I get up and they don't say a word to me Because I purposely Sent out a vibe to be like, don't talk to me. Yeah, I'm not happy when they get me in the parking lot of the supermarket when I'm trying to put my groceries into the truck. Yeah. You know, what are you doing? This guy comes up to me with his one finger up in the air, okay, holding it up in the air, like above his head, and he points it at me, and he goes, do you have one minute for gay rights? No. Do you have one minute for gay rights no do you have one minute for gay rights we're talking about lesbo rights and i was like yeah dude i'm going to my fucking car get out of here this is nonsense no i have one minute for you this ain't about gay rights man you're not gonna fix gay rights by me giving you a dollar or by me
Starting point is 00:25:59 giving you my fucking email address that's not gonna fix gay rights what's gonna fix gay rights is voting and people learning how to be nice to each other and not being prejudiced. Not some fucking weirdo who accosts you in a parking lot with a finger in your face. Do you have one minute for gay rights? He was just so pronouncedly, offensively gay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:17 You know, with his finger in my face. Gay guys have just fucking hate me. Why? I don't know. They see me and I think they just look at me and they're like, fucking that guy was a nightmare in high school. Think you're homophobic? Oh, in a heartbeat. I'm the furthest thing from homophobic.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I think you look like a decent bear, you know? I do. A decent bear. A bear for the folks at home that are innocent is what a hairy, overweight gay man is. A bear. That's what they call them. And now a bunch of people are looking at this going, oh, that is right. Do you have chest hair?
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah, a little bit. Joe got so gay right there. Both of you two, you just almost kissed. Have you ever seen a gay porn? Yes, accidentally. Accidentally? Me too, and I watched it for 45 minutes. I've seen a bunch of shit on my website.
Starting point is 00:26:59 There's always stuff. But one time I picked up this girl in Long Island, and we went back to her place. And she said, there's this video that's here that was here when I moved in. I think it's porn. And I go, oh, yeah? And so she throws it in, and it's these two dudes in the woods. And one dude's got his back against a tree, and the other dude is looking at him. I'm like, why is he looking at him like that?
Starting point is 00:27:20 And I'm like, I didn't know it was a gay porn. I thought it was a porn. We're putting a lot of backstory in this. And I'm like and i'm like yeah man this is gonna be a strange story i never did like the story ones i like the clips just cut right to the bone and i don't need to know that you're a pizza man okay so anyway this this dude pulls the guy's pants down starts sucking his cock and i literally like started hyperventilating i was like what like i'd never seen mind you you kids today you grow up this is the age of the internet. You see dudes sucking dick all the time.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I had never seen a man actually suck a dick until this moment. And I was probably 22 years old, somewhere around then, 22, 23. So this guy starts sucking this guy's cock. And I was like, wow, they really do do it. That's what I thought in my head. I knew that's what gay was. I lived in San Francisco for three years when I was like, wow, they really do do it. That's what I thought in my head. Like I knew that's what gay was. Like I'd lived in San Francisco for three years when I was younger. Actually, my aunt, I told this story before,
Starting point is 00:28:11 but my aunt used to get high with these gay guys that lived next door and they used to smoke pot and get naked together. And like one guy would play the bongos and they were really weird and it was like this big muscular black guy and his white little bitch boyfriend and my aunt would go over and smoke pot. So I grew up with gay people. It didn't bother me. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:28:28 But watching the guy actually suck the cock, I'm like, whoa, you can't take that back, dude. You are sucking a cock on video. I can't believe they could get people to do it. I couldn't believe that they could get people to do it. Even if you were gay, you want people to know that much? You want people to see the gay stuff? I used to have a joke about, you're going to hate this.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Why would I hate it? Because I used to say, I looked at the audience and say, who's seen a gay porn? No one. I said, who's seen the UFC? And then everyone. I go, here's my pitch. Mix the two genres. Fights where the winner gets to fuck the loser
Starting point is 00:29:06 in the ass. I'm not saying anyone would watch the entire fight, but how hard would you fight if your asshole was on the line? You would fight hard as shit. No tap outs. The best part that I thought would be after the guy is unconscious, watching Brock Lesnar try to get
Starting point is 00:29:21 hard in the thing. I just don't want to get hard before I can fuck him in the ass. Come on, come on, come on, come on. So what if he takes him down to rape him and the guy's out, he can't get it up. Can't get it up and he's just sitting there and then the guy starts coming to him and he's got to start beating him up again. No contest? Who's that? He didn't win by tap. He didn't tap that ass.
Starting point is 00:29:38 But yeah. You'd always get like a... Why would I hate that though? That's hilarious. I don't know. I just thought, like UFC guys. Because it brings up the whole When it's so gay with two guys rubbing dicks Guys like you like to think it's gay I might have thought that when I first
Starting point is 00:29:52 Thought of it the first time ever But now I don't think of it But it's funny every time I go to open mics Whenever they talk about UFC That comes up That's like Asian drivers Or black guys don't tip. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:05 You know, it's all like, it's all right there. It's a hot topic. It's the easiest conclusion to draw, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You know, you see these guys in their underwear, looking gay. They stopped wearing the tight ones. I like the tight ones. Some guys wear the tight ones.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah. George St. Pierre will still rock the tights. Yeah. Who's packaged there. You know what I'm saying? He's just smuggling it. Now, would you ever fight in UFC?
Starting point is 00:30:32 No, I would not. Never. I don't think you should ever dabble in fighting. I think fighting is a very, very, very dangerous thing, and you should be obsessed with it, and it should be your sole focus. You shouldn't be a stand-up comedian slash you know author slash podiatrist slash ufc fighter no one was the last fistfight you got in like a provoked street not since i was in high school really yeah now by the time i was in high
Starting point is 00:30:56 school i was already a martial arts champion see i was so scared of getting bullied and kids fucking with me that i just became obsessed with martial arts yeah and so when I was you know 16 I was already winning all these these big tournaments when I was 17 I was the Massachusetts state championship I was fighting in the men's divisions when I was a kid when I was like 15 and 16 so most of the kids that I knew at the time they all knew that I was doing that so but I would have left me alone but I was still terrified I was still scared even when I was fighting in tournaments I was afraid of bullies and getting my ass kicked. I didn't totally believe that I could kick someone's ass. Really?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Even when I was knocking out grown men in sparring and, you know, and then, you know, having fucking wars in the gym, I would still run into bullies and, you know, kids that I knew that were like bullies and I'd be scared of them. I just didn't want them to fuck with me. I wanted to make sure I can get away from them. I wanted to just go around the outside. Even when I was winning fights against trained fighters, I was still, it's like it fucks with your head.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Me and my friends, we all got bullied by the same bullies, but we were all like the artist kids. What we'd always do is draw pictures of them with cocks in their mouth and stuff like that and just put them around the bathrooms and the girls the girls bathrooms we would throw them in there right we just turn around the corner just toss a bunch of drawings in there like you know say like you know did you copy them or did you just rake the same drawing no we copied them and then uh with a copy machine yeah uh but we would make it like kind of like currency and they knew we were the
Starting point is 00:32:22 artist your mic is so much louder than everybody's mic. It's the same thing. Is there a setting or something? I'm so much lower on this board if you can come look at it. Maybe your mic is better than ours. I don't know. I'm sorry. Anyway, so we would draw a bunch of different ones.
Starting point is 00:32:39 There was all these $5 bills, $10 bills, $20 bills, different kind of currencies of bullies with dicks and cocks and stuff like that. Fucking hilarious. That's so funny. Yeah. I wanted to. I just pitched to the Travel Channel.
Starting point is 00:32:51 They were trying to think of ways to promote my new show. And I thought I had the most genius idea. I was like, what if you made like busts? A bust of me like this big, right? Just my bust like with my mouth open and you it fit over urinal mints like urinal cages so you'd put them in urinals all over the country just me with my mouth open so people could piss in my mouth i was like everyone would fucking talk about those and like i thought it would like spread like wildfire and they looked at me like i was out
Starting point is 00:33:22 of my fucking mind i'm fairly confident i would never have come up with that idea. If you saw one in a bar, would you not bring it up? I would never want anybody pissing in any symbolic mouth of mine, because I don't want to give anybody that idea. I don't want dudes to go, yeah, man, after we piss in his mouth, let's fuck him in his mouth. I hadn't thought it all the way through, possibly. Hold him down. You jerk off in his hair, and I'm going to shit on his chest. You know, I don't want to open up the door for anything degrading it wasn't flushed out but i thought it would be like one of those like marketing geniuses what do you what you would
Starting point is 00:33:55 want to give people something that everybody wants and needs and doesn't really have on them like if you want to give them lighters you know or something like that would burke the conqueror lighters or give them something they're going to use so they're going to enjoy the fact that oh i got this from burke the conqueror like a keychain who uses a fucking keychain man that's silly that's just more shit to have in your pocket put your fucking key in your pocket right yeah you know but like you know burke the conqueror keychains that's not going to come up that's not good but but like maybe a lighter no especially people who are smokers. I told him to print a thousand stickers and just send them to kids. And then they'll get annoyed.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Stick their stickers. Bert the Conqueror cunt. He's got his fucking stickers all over my school. What is a thing, though, that you could use that would really help people? Besides pens and shit like that. What would people enjoy? Is there a piece of swag that people would actually be happy to get? Brian, you're into
Starting point is 00:34:47 all that shit. Yeah, you know, the thing I would think of iPhone cases. That's not a bad move. Because I know so many chicks that have no iPhone case.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm like, dude, you're so fucking stupid. You're going to break this. You're going to drop it. It looks so dope without a case. It does look dope, but all their excuses
Starting point is 00:35:02 is like, I know, I just need to get one. It is pretty stupid that you have to have a case to that bothers a shit out of me And I think that's so dumb. I had that little rubber bumper on I dropped it shattered really yeah Yeah, I got a good fat rubber one now. What about what about birth to conquer magnetic wristbands? Oh those hologram bullshit. Yeah, they're bullshit bands Those things pass amount people like fuck this I've seen so many high-level fighters wearing those things wristbands. Oh, those hologram bullshit bands? Yeah, those bullshit bands. They pass them out and people are like, oh, fuck. I've seen so many high-level fighters wearing those things. It makes me so sad.
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's like, why don't you just take a chicken head and wrap that around your neck? Do some voodoo. Yeah. But it works. What is that, Brian? See, this is like a rubber iPhone case that I got the other day from some Japanese anime. For the folks listening on iTunes, he's holding up some sort of a Oh, you just got that for free?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Japanese iPhone case. No, I didn't get it for free, but I'm just saying if you feel it, this is like a cheap... That is a cheap product. Well, they cost like 30 bucks though, dude. Yeah, but that's super markup. If you go to eBay, if you go to Amazon, you can get like a box of these kinds of... So how much do you think that would cost to get printed out? This is probably...
Starting point is 00:36:01 Like a dollar? Well, I think probably just the part alone, I'd probably say like not even a dollar thirteen, something like that. How did you come up with a dollar thirteen? Because it seems more official. It does, right? If you added like an extra number in there. I bet there's a company on the internet that you could print out your own iPhone cases. What about birth control sunscreen?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Little packets of sunscreen? That's not a bad idea. As long as you know that it doesn't give you cancer or or something because i've read some crazy shit about sunscreen actually contributing to cancer in some people fucking great yeah that's all i do is lather in sunscreen i do too man fucking i have a friend of mine who's got skin cancer right now i had a big big chunk of meat removed from his head now how did he notice was it itchy here's the scary thing he went to uh a dermatologist and the dermatologist said and the dermatologist said nothing. The dermatologist said, I don't think you should worry about it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And then a year later, he went to another dermatologist, and it turns out it's skin cancer. And it was pretty deep. They had to really dig into his head to cut it out. Wow, that's scary. Because, I mean, I have this one mole. I'm a moley motherfucker. You moley bitch. I have this one mole on my back that always feels so weird.
Starting point is 00:37:04 It's like crusty feeling sometimes. And then I went to the dermatologist and they're like, oh, no, that's fine. Here, look at these pictures. See that? That's what you want to look out for, where it looks like red dots and it's like all crazy looking. I'm like, okay. But I've always thought, no, that's not right. I have that checked out 10 times.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I'm a massive hypochondriac. Oh, you really? Oh, I found a fucking ingrown hair under my arm one time. And because I just hung out with Schimmel, I was like, I got fucking non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This is how it starts. Oh, you really? Oh, I found a fucking ingrown hair under my arm one time, and because I just hung out with Schimmel, I was like, I got fucking non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Oh my god. And I fucking convinced myself, whole flight home, went straight to the doctor,
Starting point is 00:37:33 and she looked at it, and she goes, it's an ingrown hair. Holy shit, dude. Check this out. I had an ingrown hair in my belly button. Do you remember this? Oh my god, I gotta see this. This is like four or five years. Again, this show turned gay. Oh my god, I gotta see this. This is like four or five years. Again, this show turned gay. Oh my God, I gotta see this. That would look amazing in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:37:49 If you have an ingrown toenail, anything ingrown that's pussing, I'm dying to see it. Oh yeah, really? You haven't typed in bot fly extraction? I have seen it. I want one so bad. What the fuck is wrong with you? Just the idea to pull it out. Maybe I don't want one.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I want my wife to get one. So you can pull it out? Oh, that looks awesome. Let me see your ingrown hair. Get those pull it out. Maybe I don't want one. I want my wife to get one. So you can pull it out? Oh, that looks awesome. Let me see your... Get those things. I know, I don't have it now. This is like four or five years ago. You got a weird pus thing going on, son.
Starting point is 00:38:13 You don't do that. I'll fucking... If I get anything like a good pimple, oh my God. It swelled up my belly button to the point where you couldn't even put your finger in it. And then one day it just filled up with blood and yellow stuff and you gotta be really careful about staph infections and this is for anybody that listens to the podcast please if you have any weird infection on your body that you know maybe it's a spider bite i don't know what it is go to a fucking doctor and get that checked out because you could fucking die staph infections are scary shit did you guys do you probably don't
Starting point is 00:38:44 know the comics named roy name's Roy Johnson. He's from Tampa, right? I'm going on Facebook one day and I click on it and the thing, his post is, doctors say it looks like I'll keep my leg. Now I'm like, what the fuck? I go to his page and I start
Starting point is 00:39:00 clicking back older posts to find out what happened. I go back two weeks later and and it starts like he's at the dayton funny bone and he's like yeah so um i got a weird bite on my leg last night uh well i wonder if it's a spider bite i'm gonna get some calamine lotion next day it's getting worse the day after that okay this is really starting to concern me the day after that i'm having a hard time walking and like you can see it getting worse and worse and worse. And then he ends up in a hospital and he's like, doctors say I'll keep my leg.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And I'm like, wow. It's like this guy. What was it? I have no idea. It must have been MRSA. It must have been that there's a crazy strain of staph. We talked about the antibiotics, Brian. About people not taking their antibiotics in the full dose so it doesn't kill the bacteria.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And it creates things. Antib-resistant strains of infection. And staph is one of the scariest ones, man. Oh, fuck yeah. Donna DeErico apparently has it real bad. Who? The Baywatch chick, Donna DeErico. Shut up. She got MRSA.
Starting point is 00:39:58 She got it real bad, apparently. It was in the news. She was in really bad shape. I always worry about that at Barry's Boot Camp because I don't think they clean it. Well, this is what you've got to make sure. When you ever get any sort of scratch, there's a company called Defense Soap that has a bunch of different solvents or salves and all these different things. And they're all natural oils that kill any funky infections. But any open wound, any open wound any open scratch you gotta clean that
Starting point is 00:40:25 that has to be cleaned and you have to make sure you put something on it you know this these ointments and salves they're all like natural it's all like eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil kills all funky shit yeah you know just give yourself a fighting chance the dudes run around with like deep scratches and they don't do anything about it and something you don't clean it and then it gets infected like you could fucking lose your arm like that's that's no joke man i know a dude who got one in his elbow and his elbow was fucked up he got it in jujitsu didn't know what it was hurt him didn't do anything for a while and by the time he went to a doctor you know he's a tough guy it's australian dude by the time he went to a doctor it's too late he had this giant hole in
Starting point is 00:41:02 his arm because his arm had swollen up this this monstrous looking thing that's twice the size of a normal elbow. Fuck that. It happened to Ari Shafir, too. Ari got one on his knee. And we were playing pool, and I saw him limping around the pool table. I go, what the fuck is going on? And he goes, I got bit by a spider. And as soon as he said that to me, I said, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I had had staph once, and I was lucky that somebody pointed it out to me. I didn't know what it was. I got it really, really early. It was just a few pimples on my leg, and my friend Tate looked at it. He goes, dude, what is that on your leg? And I go, I don't know. Was it zits or something? He goes, I think you got staph, man.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You got to go get that checked out. And what it is is folliculitis. I forget what the actual term is. But when you see, like, follicles that are like little infected follicles, that's the beginning. That's the beginning of a staph infection. And it could be nothing, it could go away, or it can get ugly and be nasty.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And Ari's had turned into like this swollen, pussy-looking thing that looked like he had been bit by something. And it was just a rampant staph infection. So wait, how do you get rid of it? Well, he had to go on some serious antibiotics. And he got it again. He got staph infection. So wait, how do you get rid of it? Well, he had to go on some serious antibiotics. And he got it again. He got staph again like a year later. Wait, how's he getting it?
Starting point is 00:42:10 Well, he got it from jujitsu. He got it from jujitsu. And that happens in jujitsu. And the way it happens is you're getting scratched and scraped. And you're sparring. And when you're sparring, you're essentially going pretty much full clip on each other. And you get cuts and your knees scratch on the ground and and if you don't wash yourself like ari would just like fucking
Starting point is 00:42:29 he would just like not take a shower at all even that night and he would have like 10 dudes rape sweat all over him just leaking into various holes in his body honey pot of disease festering and then some poor shit gets in that same bed the next week and fuck in the next town. And bangs chicks in that bed. And by the way, Ari changes his sheets, no bullshit, once every six months. He went six months without changing his sheets.
Starting point is 00:42:55 No, I think it was even longer than that. Really? It was like a very long time. And he wonders why the fuck he gets staff. Yo, dude, you gotta clean your house, son. I love that video of his asshole. Oh, my God, it's the best. So strange.
Starting point is 00:43:11 It really defines what hemorrhoids really are. Yeah. I didn't know what they were. Prolapsed anus. Your butt's popping out from the inside. How do you do stand-up with that in the back of your pants? I know, man. How do you show it to everybody and not give a fuck?
Starting point is 00:43:24 I can't even sit on my wallet. Ari's sitting on a golf ball. I think it's comfortable, though. It's squishy. It's probably like those things you put in your shoe. Like an air mattress? No, like the Dr. Scholl's. He's just gelling?
Starting point is 00:43:34 He's just gelling? Ari's just gelling, Mike? Hey, Ari, how you doing? Just gelling. Just gelling. Oh, no. Shelly donating. His mind works totally different than mine.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Talking to him about getting on smoking weed to get a prescription for flying because I have a terrible fear of flying. He's like, dude, you just gotta take one of these gel tabs. And I'm telling you, man, him and Ralphie, two people that I just don't under... Hey, player, just take two of these.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Don't listen. I think they're fucking being dicks. They don't mean to. I took half of one. Don't listen. Don't listen. I think they're fucking being dicks. They don't mean to. But I took half of one and was melted. Yeah, a breast strip, one of those little things. If you get a hold of those jammies, take a half. Take a half if you're an OG. Just don't eat any.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Yeah, don't eat anything if you didn't make it yourself, man. It's just too hard to know the dosage. They've got to regulate that shit. Yeah, it's not fucking dudes that work in Intel making microchips with fucking lab coats on. It's some asshole in a tie-dyed t-shirt and a goofy ponytail and he's throwing some shit into a bowl. And if he's making it, he clearly
Starting point is 00:44:33 has a high tolerance. Yeah. He's like, who am I gonna make this for, fucking kids? Dude, exactly. There's a dude that came to visit us, and he came to visit us at the John Lovitz Club, and he gave me some shit. Me and Joey, after the show, we both just sat there. And Joey always leaves. He always leaves.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Always. If I go on stage, I know that it's the second show. By the time I get off stage, Joey's gone. I got off stage. I'm saying bye to the staff. Thank you, everybody. Blah, blah, blah. Gathering all my shit.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And I see Joey sitting in a chair. I ain't going to lie to you, dog. I ain't moving. I ain't moving, Joe Rogan. That's how high I am. You're not going anywhere either. Stay here with me, cocksucker. Stay here.
Starting point is 00:45:10 The whole time he was sitting there watching you, Joe, when you're on stage, sweating, like hand going like a thousand miles a moment, just sweating. He would look at me and get those eyes. He's like looking at you like that. The point being, these motherfuckers and their cookies, man, they were too strong. R.E. ate, they had these, what are those called, biscottis? The guy told me, only eat a half. Ari ate a whole one.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And Joey ate one and a half of them. Oh, no. Yeah, Joey ate one and a half. The guy says, eat a half. Joey goes, ha! I laugh in the face of danger. He just ate all of it, yeah. Now, what happens to your brain when you get
Starting point is 00:45:46 is getting too high like getting too drunk no it's when you get really really high especially if you eat it it's really psychedelic it's very it's uh it's really introspective it really brings up your past and you start thinking about all kinds of weird shit about your childhood and things that you did you know that you're upset that you did to someone when you were like seven. You just start really tripping out about weird shit. It's like a much deeper, much more psychedelic trip than just smoking it. When you're smoking, you get really high. You get paranoid.
Starting point is 00:46:20 You get hyper-aware. You start feeling really vulnerable. You start being really sensitive to shit. But when you eat it, you start halluc hallucinating especially when you close your eyes when you eat it and you close your eyes dude i always for me for whatever reason it's cartoons fucking that's what i see i see these really bizarre alien impossible to describe cartoons fucking and i can never exactly see what they look like because whatever they look like right now is not what they look like a second from now yeah just keep morphing and changing and it's like
Starting point is 00:46:48 some sort of these alien cartoons fucking that's what i see every time i close my eyes when i get super big that's what i know if i've eaten like a pot cookie that's what i know i'm deep in the terror zone really yeah you get into that that's that strange place of it's almost feels almost feels like you are now in another dimension. Like you've entered into an alien world. You look at the world around you, the mechanical world like airplanes and pilots and stewardesses and cars and trolleys. And you look at all that shit. And the mechanical interfacing, you become super aware of it all. And it feels like an alien world.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Because there's a world all around you that you've totally taken for granted that is completely bizarre the world of you climbing into a metal box with these squishy rubber tires connected to this hard pavement they've created and molded over the earth and you're you're in this box and while this is happening the giant fucking nuclear explosion that lights everything up and you're spinning around it going a million miles an hour through the fucking universe. It's just too much, man. You have to compartmentalize your life. And what pot does is it doesn't let you compartmentalize. You can't say, well, I got to get the kids to school.
Starting point is 00:47:56 You know, pot goes, yeah, you do. But look at what life really is. Look at space. It goes on forever. Inside every galaxy, there's a black hole. Inside every black hole is another universe filled with hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with a black hole, each with another universe, with hundreds of billions of galaxies. And the whole mass of it all just starts fucking overwhelming you.
Starting point is 00:48:18 That's the problem with pot. That's why people think, like, you know, people go, oh, it makes me paranoid. No, you should be paranoid. Yeah. If you were really smart, you know, people go, oh, it makes me paranoid. You know, you should be paranoid. Yeah. If you were really smart, you would realize, A, the shit all ends. Everyone's going to, it's going to stop for all of us. Are we trying to get me into an anxiety attack? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I mean, that's something that we ignore. You know, I think we should appreciate the moment, but we should be aware that it's temporary. You know, and to deny it and just to put it in the back, that's not helping you. Because then when the pot comes on, that's not helping you. Because then when the pot comes on and you get super paranoid about that, what you're super paranoid about is about something you haven't really addressed in your own mind.
Starting point is 00:48:51 You haven't come to grips with it. It's a real fucking thing that one day you will find out. Is there a god? Is there a devil? Is there fucking space aliens that take you away in their crafts? Right, or is this one step in an endless cycle of things that you can't even
Starting point is 00:49:05 recognize what the next one is it's so bizarre and alien this is alien man this this world that we live in if we didn't live in this world we were some sort of an empty rational objection objective being you know that was like looking at human culture we would say this is the this way to live is the craziest thing ever that That's why, that's why if I ever get really rich, I'm moving to Idaho, I'm buying a mountain, I'm making a huge rock sculpture of myself with paintings of like, carved into the mountain of what I did, like real outrageous stories.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Because that's the only thing that's going to be left. You're going to go make Pharaoh, Pharaoh Kreischer. Because that's all that's left, man. That's all that's the only thing that's going to be left that is you're gonna go like make pharaoh pharaoh chrysler because that's all that's left man that's all that's left all the steel crumbles but it's gonna be me crazy horse and the fucking four presidents yeah and they'll be like who is this bird how dope is that crazy horse structure they're still working on that thing i'll be doing that shit too that's what you should do joe let's do this okay i will i will spearhead this i will quit comedy tomorrow, okay? I don't need a lot of money. All I need is a bunch of dynamite. And I just want to be your sidekick. Do you know how to do this?
Starting point is 00:50:10 No, figure that shit out. We can figure it out. Lewis and Clark made it across the fucking country. Dude, I've been watching this new show. I think it's called The Wild Within. It's a new show on the Travel Channel. It's on Travel Channel with Steve Brenna, yeah. Dude, I watched it last night for the first time. I saw the ads and I started Tivo-ing it.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Fuck, it's awesome, man. And he went the Lewis and Clark way through Montana. Dude goes pit bull hunting for fucking boar next week. Jesus Christ. Like old school. We're taking some pit bulls. We're getting a boar. Dude, I had a dog that was trained for that shit.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I had this Hawaiian pit bull that they used for wild hog hunting. He was crazy. Frank, you remember Frank? Frank was crazy. I could not stop that dog from wanting to attack other animals. He was bred to go after hogs, so he was super, super
Starting point is 00:50:51 aggressive. It was a tremendous pain in the ass to have a dog like that. How's your dogs with the girls? Oh, they're great. The dogs that I have now are very... Johnny, the big one, the Mastiff, is very calm. The guy who bred him bred dogs for Fear Factor. And he really is conscientious about how he mixes them.
Starting point is 00:51:11 He makes sure that dogs that are aggressive to people or even other dogs, they never get to breed. So he only breeds the best personalities. And he's been doing it for generation after generation. So he really is, and he's very proud of it. So his dogs have like the best temperament. Like I went over his house And his dogs
Starting point is 00:51:26 Like they're just These giant things But they're so calm And friendly And they come over to you To check you out And assess And make sure
Starting point is 00:51:32 Okay let me just make sure You're cool Okay come on in Come on in relax That's what I want Yeah You can get one of those I'll hook you up
Starting point is 00:51:37 I wanted an Argentinian Mastiff Those are crazy You gotta be careful of those And why I didn't know And then I submitted I sent an email to the lady And then she sent back a questionnaire Yeah, do you have kids?
Starting point is 00:51:48 Yeah, first question Do you have kids? And I was like, yeah Second question Do you plan on sleeping with a dog? Yeah I was like, I don't understand You have to bond with them
Starting point is 00:51:57 Is that what it is? Yeah Because I don't know if you didn't want to sleep with them Before Mrs. Rogan moved in I used to sleep with the dogs Really? I used to sleep with two pit bulls in my bed Yeah Yeah, they love it They love sleeping with you They love you, man Dogs, you know Before Mrs. Rogan moved in, I used to sleep with the dogs. Really? I used to sleep with two pit bulls in my bed.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah. Yeah. They love it. They love sleeping with you. They love you, man. Dogs, you know, when you have a real relationship with dogs like that, they really are like this sort of subhuman baby that you have. It's like, it's not quite human. You don't love them as much as that.
Starting point is 00:52:17 But, you know, there's an affectionate, like, loving bond between you and a dog. Well, ever since you and Callan, Callan two weeks ago or last week said you guys were talking about how crazy is it that we're riding horses. I started looking at animals just sitting in my house. It's weird. I got fucking dominion over that bitch. What's weird is when they can
Starting point is 00:52:37 kill you and they don't know. When you have a pit bull or my mastiff, he could kill me. I've worked with chimpanzees maybe four or five times. Yeah. I had a chimpanzee. An adult chimpanzee on my shoulders with both ears in his hands. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:52:52 For fucking Spike TV. And I was like making 13 grand an episode. Oh, my God. You're crazy. Fucking possibility of my nose being bitten off. A real good possibility. I've worked with chimpanzees a lot. Was it a male?
Starting point is 00:53:03 Male chimpanzee. Sitting on my neck. John Moore, an EP I've worked with a ton of times, has a picture of it. And he's just got both my ears in his hands. I worked with a bear that fucking... How big was he? He was a fucking beast. Like how big? How much did he weigh?
Starting point is 00:53:18 He was like a seventh grader. What is a seventh grader weigh? 100 pounds? Yeah, 100 pounds. Sort of an adolescent chip. It wasn't fully grown. I wrestled a bear one time for that Huck Burtt show. Dude, that's the fucking scariest thing I've ever done in my life.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Did you ever see the video of that guy who was a trainer and the bear kills... I killed his brother or his cousin. I think it was his brother. It might be the same bear I worked with. Really? Because I worked with the bear that was... It was a movie bear. Yeah. So it was like the bear that fucking fought Will Ferrell in the movie bear I worked with. Really? Because I worked with the bear that was a movie bear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:45 So it was like the bear that fucking fought Will Ferrell in the movie Semi-Pro. Really? I think this is the bear we're talking about, dude. That bear killed somebody. Hold on a second. Let's find this out real quick because I think that is the case. I think his name was Bam Bam or it's from Bam Bam's family. One of the bears that we fought that day was named Bam Bam.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I know that. Or I think that. This podcast is filled with bear talk. Semi-pro bear kills trainer. Yeah. That's the first thing that comes up. What was the bear's name? I think it was either Rocky.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Rocky and Bam Bam were the two bears. The massive animal who were named Rocky is being put through obedience exercises. Was being put through obedience exercises. Wow, he just decided to just bite this dude on the neck. Let me see a picture of where it is. That looks like where it was. Is it in California? Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Yeah. Big bear. Yeah, we had to drive out. Dude, this is the bear. This bear killed somebody. There's only like four bears you can work with. It's like fucking black actresses. So you worked with this murderer bear.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Wait, that was a really good joke. We're going to pass by. That was pretty good. I'm sorry. I mean, that's so true. I wasn't even thinking about it. No. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I like how you claimed it, though. You were like, stop, stop. That was a good line. That's strong. I like that. So you go to the... It's like, how's Al Sharpton keep getting work? What the fuck, man?
Starting point is 00:55:02 You guys can't do better than that guy? That's ridiculous. That guy's the safest man in America. No one's killing him. It's so ridiculous. No white supremacist is going to kill him. They love what he does. They don't care.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Yeah, he's so buffoonish. He gets up with his windows open. Al Sharpton walked by the comedy store one night, and we were hammered. It was me and, God, I think Ari was there. Eddie Bravo was definitely there. He's walking by, and as he's walking by, like Al Sharpton, we all just start yelling out, Al Sharpton's a pimp. Al Sharpton, work that motherfucker. And everyone's yelling at like five different dudes.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Go get yours, Al. Fuck those dummies. And he's like kind of waving and not knowing how to respond. And we're just like letting, you know, we know you're a crook, but go ahead. Go get it. Did you hear how he got his. The Tomorrow Broadleys style? uh, his tomorrow broadly style? No, his, uh, his, his relaxed hair relaxed.
Starting point is 00:55:49 No, he used to look like fucking buckwheat. Right. And then, uh, and then, um, godfather of soul, James Brown was said, I can get you a meeting with the president and we can get a, you know, we'll get in there tomorrow. I think it was like, I want to say it was Nixon or fucking Reagan or Carter. James Brown just called the office and was like, we got a meeting. I saw the movie Good Hair. We got a meeting.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And he goes, listen, I ain't taking you to meet the president if your hair isn't relaxed. He got his hair done just like James Brown. No way. It was on the movie Good Hair. Best fucking movie I've seen in the longest time. You cannot go through TSA and not guess if black women have fucking weaves. It makes you reassess black women entirely. Oh, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:56:27 It's the best movie. So anyway, on Hurt Burt, I had broken my ribs. I got mauled by a bull. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's online. It's online. Just type in Hurt Burt Rodeo Club. And this is all from your show?
Starting point is 00:56:39 This is Hurt Burt. This is one I did right after the X show. It hit your side, right? Where I met you like 10 years ago. So. It stepped on your foot and it hit your side or something? Broke my ribs and broke my foot. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:49 A bull did this to you? A bull didn't teach me a fucking thing on this show. They just bring me in and go, so today you're going to be a rodeo clown. I go, what do I need to know? And they just stay away from the bull and just let the bull loose, put me in the makeup. Oh my God. And it just fucking broke. It just mauled me.
Starting point is 00:57:02 You're lucky you're alive, man. Dude, you have no fucking idea. You have no fucking idea. Who was responsible for this show? Mark Cronin. Who was the producer? Mark Cronin. The guy who does, he did Celebrity Reality on VH1.
Starting point is 00:57:13 What year was this? 2000? Oh, so they really weren't hip to how dangerous all this shit was. It was done through Fox. And they were literally like, I remember them going, it's simple. We'll just pay him as a contestant, and then we'll give him the rest of his money for being a producer. So I was covered. Because you were a contestant.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Technically. I was like a reality show contestant, so I was covered under that insurance clause. And then I was just paid like the rest, like 80% of the money as as a producer an executive producer on the show wow so that but the idea was it was it's you can't sue yourself because you're a producer right it's your idea and it's the most brilliant show that never took off it was it was jackass meets dirty jobs you want to see it joe i would go out and i would do i would take dirty i would take dangerous jobs for a day so i was a professional football player, MMA fighter, hockey player, dominatrix. Did you actually have an MMA fight?
Starting point is 00:58:08 No, I just fucking fought three Gracies at once. Oh, when they rolled you. And they just beat me up. Yeah, so that was what I watched. Man, what is it like putting your fucking body on the line like that all the time? I was young, and I was in, and I just was like, and that was the theme of entertainment at the time. And I was in, and I just was like, and that was the theme of entertainment at the time, was that like, jackass, I had done this ass wax in like 2000 that had blown up before jackass.
Starting point is 00:58:30 You had done an ass wax? It's the funniest thing I've ever done in my entire life. I swear to God, if you're listening to this, just type in Bert, Hurt Bert, ass wax, and it's longer because that's the way segments were made then, but it is the funniest thing I've ever done. The funniest. Cher got a hold of it and started passing it around to people. It got TalkSoup Clip of the Year. How do I not know this?
Starting point is 00:58:52 That's the reason I'm not fucking... Literally, everything I've ever done has just fallen. How long is this clip? Too long. Ass wax. Then we did the bull thing. I broke my ribs. And so we had to kind of stay in the city cause I couldn't really travel.
Starting point is 00:59:07 And they're like, so after you broke your ribs, did you, they give you time off? Say, okay, heal up. And then you go right back at it. They gave me like two weeks and then two weeks and then two weeks off and you have broken ribs. Two weeks. I just laid in bed on bedrest. Didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Right. But you can't just go back out with broken ribs cause you can, they can fracture and become, you know, embedded in your organs. Yeah. Yeah. We didn't really think a lot of this through. God damn. anything. Right, but you can't just go back out with broken ribs because they can fracture and become embedded in your organs or shit. Yeah, we didn't really think a lot of this through. God damn, dude. When I was a football player, we were doing helmet-to-helmet contact. I basically shot a porn one day when I was the
Starting point is 00:59:34 dominatrix camp. I basically shot a porn. Really? I mean, I was naked and this girl was just fucking doing everything she could to my junk. Like putting weights on my balls. Whoa! You had to do this? It was insane. It was the Wild West of reality television because what was huge at the time was Fear Factor, right?
Starting point is 00:59:51 Everyone's eating shit and jumping out of shit and crazy. And so it was this next level stuff where you didn't know you could just host something and be charming and people would stick around for that. You just had to take it to the next level. You had to fucking try to bring it. And you were competing with that doggy dog Like jackass I forgot about doggy dog
Starting point is 01:00:07 It was like the craziest shit So then the opus Not the opus but the height of it Was towards the end when they were like Hey do you want to fight a bear And I was like who does that for a living And they were like you do on Thursday And sure enough man they just took me out
Starting point is 01:00:23 And fucking Dude what was that like? Terrifying. Terrifying because you see the bear he's totally wild. He's jumping up and down and there's a crew there and I got in this, but this time I realized they don't give a shit about my safety
Starting point is 01:00:37 because I'd already gotten fucked up by the bull so what they're looking for is the end, is to hurt Bert, Bert to be hurt at the end. So then, I mean it's a little bit of a bit. It's not a bit, but the story is a story. I get there, and the trainer's like, this is how we'll do it. Take these, and he hands me five marshmallows. He goes, when the bear's not looking, take a marshmallow and put it in your mouth.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And then casually walk in front of the bear and show him the marshmallow like, aww, and allow the bear the opportunity to engage you and take the marshmallow out of your mouth. With his mouth, this way he'll learn to trust you. And I'm like, fuck that. Like, who needs that trust? What, am I borrowing money from him? Oh my god. But you don't know any better. At the time, I'm 28
Starting point is 01:01:20 years old, maybe 29. Oh my god. And I did it, and then he goes, alright, we're ready. So what the fuck was that like when that bear tongued you? I felt like you were making out with a homeless person. Like just fucking, bear lips look like a 17 foot woman's vagina. Just going ear to ear on you. Just.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And his giant teeth and his giant head. And just tongue right behind the margin. What is it like knowing that that bear went and killed somebody after that? I don't know I think it's probably like the guys who missed their flight on 9-11 Like you don't think about it You don't go like Because I didn't die
Starting point is 01:01:52 So I'm like You're the appetizer Fuck dude But yeah it's the I mean the entire experience was like terrifying We ended up fighting And then they go So look if you're in trouble just say marshmallow
Starting point is 01:02:02 Because then that's your safe word and we'll get you out Marshmallow Yeah and so that fucking beginning of the fight i'm like fucking marshmallow marshmallow and there the bear's just throwing me around i'm like marshmallow and then the bear put my face in his chest and i couldn't breathe and then and then he spun me doggy style and fucking had me in a bear hug where you're like helpless and then i just started looking at the crew and the trainer and i'm like marshmallow get me the fuck out of here marshmallow and the trainer's like go limp i'm like please be talking to me right now and not the bear there's a bear cock climbing up my jeans marshmallow but yeah that's the i mean that's technically how it went down so they didn't save
Starting point is 01:02:39 you no i went lip and slid out the bear and then the bear ended up sitting on my face. And then my wife, I put a marshmallow in her mouth, and the bear got off, and then they pulled me away. Oh, my God. Is that online? You let your wife get kissed in the bear after he was so worked up like that? I would never do that. She did it. And then I went in and tamed lions that day. Tamed four lions.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Dude. Fucking washed an elephant. I mean, literally. What? Wow. Hurtbert was the probably the greatest show no one ever saw. God damn, dude. You're giving me anxiety. Just listen to these stories. So why is it somebody with
Starting point is 01:03:16 such anxiety? It seems like you have a lot of anxiety and stuff that do all these crazy shows because you also do a show where you like ride the craziest roller coasters and you do all these intense things, but it seems like you wouldn't, it seems like you'd be cooking shows or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I don't know why they, I don't know how I got these jobs. Like I just got them like, like I don't, I, you know, I don't know. I don't know why they go to me.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I think. How'd you get the first one? How did you get Hurt Bert? I got Hurt Bert cause I did the ass wax. And then. So the ass wax was for what? The X show. It was for the X show.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Yeah. And then. Okay. Now I remember the x show it was for the x show yeah and then okay now i remember the x show we now are remembering it fucking two minutes of television when joe was on because gary valentine we all went into gary's green room me you and kevin sussman and jerry jess sussman and we were talking to bullshit and one of the producers came in and they're like so here are the questions we're gonna ask joe and g Gary's like, fuck that. I've known Joe forever. We're going to be fine. We're just going to go out there and riff. Do you remember this at all?
Starting point is 01:04:07 Sort of. So we go out, it's me and Gary and you, and you, you sit down and Gary's and Gary was, I love him to like a brother, but he was the worst host in the world. The worst.
Starting point is 01:04:20 So he goes, all right, welcome back. I got my buddy, Joe Rogan. I've known Joe forever. How are you doing Joe? And you're like, like, just like pretty good, Gary. And he's like, all right, welcome back. I got my buddy Joe Rogan. I've known Joe forever. How you doing, Joe? And you're like, pretty good, Gary.
Starting point is 01:04:27 And he's like, all right, all right, yeah, okay, ha, ha, ha. He just locked up. And then I was like, so Joe, you are doing the MMA thing now? And you're like, yeah. And he goes, ha, Joe, you've always been into that, man. You've always been into that. Ha, ha. And it was so uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:04:44 They made us do it again. You don't remember this at all? They made us do it again. So then they been into that, man. You've always been into that. And it was so uncomfortable. They made us do it again. You don't remember this at all? They made us do it again. So then they go, okay, Gary. And they gave him the questions. And he's like, don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't fucking worry. I got this. I got this. Come on, Joe. I'll get you into one of your bits, okay? All right.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Hey, we're back. I'm here with Joe Rogan. Joe, I've known Joe forever. Joe, I haven't seen you in a while. And you're like, yeah. And he's like, you've been on the road? And you're like, pretty much. And he's like, great. Ha Joe forever. Joe, I haven't seen you in a while. And you're like, yeah. And he's like, you've been on the road? And you're like, pretty much. He's like, great.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Ha, ha, ha, ha. And I'm fucking laughing my tits off next to Gary. And Gary's like, ha, ha, ha. And then they're like, take it again. And then you're like, ask me about this. Ask me about that. And Gary's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's where we'll go.
Starting point is 01:05:21 That's where we'll go. But it ended up being funny. Dude, I completely forgot about this until you just brought it up. This is like an old, dusty memory. I want to see it. I'm in a corner of an attic right now with a broom going, is that what that is? Yeah. Let me clean that fucking, get a flashlight.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Do you have a flashlight? It was so fucking. Dude, I completely, that would have been erased forever. If you gave me a piece of paper and said, describe your appearance on the X show, something really crazy happened with Gary Valentine. I would have wrote, never went on that show. Don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That's crazy. Is it that online anywhere? No, those were the
Starting point is 01:05:51 outtakes that they'll never use. The X show was like a maximum, they were trying to do like a Maxim, like Maxim Magazine, sort of a TV show. They were trying to do a hot sexier man show. Wasn't the guy from Studs, wasn't he a part of that? Mark DiCarlo. Yes. He's
Starting point is 01:06:07 actually a really cool dude. Do you remember Studs? No. Studs was a show that was the most ridiculous dating show, like, ever. Oh, yes. And it was, like, the most arrogant guys and the most cool. It was, like, one of the first looks into reality
Starting point is 01:06:24 TV. Probably. But we didn't recognize it because it was sort of a show. I most cool it was like the one of the first looks into reality tv probably we didn't recognize it because it was a it was sort of a a you know a show i mean it was like you know it's a dating show we didn't recognize that it was reality tv it was uh yeah mark to call and then he got fired that guy justin from like uh the movie with um alicia silverstone do you remember clueless yeah he was the pretty boy i I don't remember that. He got fired and then John Webber got fired and me and Gary Valentine got brought on. Oh, that's right. You guys came in at the very end. And that's how I met
Starting point is 01:06:52 Stanhope because it was up between me, Gary Valentine, Doug Stanhope, and some guy, Scott Henry. Wow, if you stick around in Hollywood long enough, man, you'll have some crazy stories that just accumulate. I remember going to the improv one time and stanhope was on stage and i don't know if he saw me or if he didn't but he ended up doing like 15 minutes on
Starting point is 01:07:10 me i knew just making fun of like but it was very it was like what show what was it from the x show the x show and he goes he was just talking about a shitty show on television that they give to a younger comic because he has some heat generated behind him and oh that sounds better what it's like but it was like it was really funny it was murdering and then i was in the back and i go and i'm sitting there like i wonder if he knows i'm here and then and then at the very end he's like don't get me wrong burt kreiser you're a nice guy i'm sure but i want to see you one week in fucking iowa when it's snowing and you can't leave your hotel and there's only there's only an arby's to eat next door to you
Starting point is 01:07:49 and you gotta fucking drink wine just to get through the and like does this whole bit and then i'm in the back i'm just like i'm fucking leaving because i was like so then so then cut to like four probably four years later i'm in sacramento soulless empty like in the fucking taffy district or wherever the fucking place is. And I'm just empty and I'm drinking a lot. And I email Stan Hope. And I'm like, I wonder if I can reach out to the dude. Because comics are all like you know each other.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Right. So I email Stan Hope. And like 20 minutes later, I get a message back long, like a long like, oh, welcome to the quickening. And then he just emailed me now and then, like, how you doing, baby girl? Stan Hope called me up the other day, pie-eyed drunk. Called me, and I tried to, like, I realized, like, right when we started talking, you know, he wanted to talk. I wanted to, he got an altercation with Janine Garofalo on The Green Room. Paul Prevenza's Green Room, so I wanted to hear, like, his version. Oh, shut up. Yeah. I'm so turned on to Janine Garofalo on the green room. Paul Provenza's green room. So I wanted to hear like his version.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Shut up. Yeah. Well, I'm so turned on to Janine Garofalo, by the way. Are you really? Fucking so turned on to her. It feels like it's 1993 right now.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Oh my gosh. She looks so good right now. But go ahead. For real? Yeah. She stopped drinking. Is that what you're into? You into that look?
Starting point is 01:08:58 No. At all the choices? Maybe I am. My wife kind of looks like her. Tracy Lourdes in her prime or? I'm going Janine Garofalo. Whoa. Tracy Lourdes?
Starting point is 01:09:06 Fuck, definitely going to Janine Garofalo. I would have agreed in 93. Tracy Lourdes, you prime or... I'm going Junie Garofalo. Whoa. Tracy Lourdes is definitely going to Junie Garofalo. I would have agreed in 93. Tracy Lourdes, you don't think is hot? No. What is wrong with your DNA? I used to fuck blonde chicks all the time. Who can't? She's got brown hair. Oh, I thought she had blonde hair.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I didn't even notice. How the fuck did you notice? Wait, wait, wait. So what happened when Stan opened to Garofalo? Okay. How the fuck did you know this? Wait, wait, wait. So what happened with Stanhope and Garofalo?
Starting point is 01:09:24 Okay. Apparently, Garofalo, on her first set after 9-11, went on stage at the Laugh Stop in Houston, and according to Stanhope, what she said is that everybody should just back the fuck off, and Noam Chomsky should back the fuck off and leave George Bush alone, because this is obviously a crazy situation, and the guy's doing the best he can.
Starting point is 01:09:44 And Stanhope was saying that he was very disappointed because he went to see her expecting some really biting social commentary. Stanhope was doing this bit about 9-11 that he was really sticking his neck out there. He was like, I guess your God takes Tuesday off. He was doing this thing about all these people praying for God and how this came through in spite of all these people, this religious fervor, and he had this big anti-war thing that he was working on. And he was really into it. And so when he went and saw Janine Garofalo,
Starting point is 01:10:15 and she's saying, give George Bush a break, that always nodded him. So he brought it up on the show, apparently. Fucking love Doug Stanton. And I talked to Jamie Kilstein, and Kilstein saw it, and he gave me his version of it. And then I talked to Doug and I got this fucking version. You know,
Starting point is 01:10:31 Doug gave me the, the drunk man version. He was hammered when I talked to him. It was a really crazy conversation because Doug and I, we have these conversations where, you know, we'll like, like we'll talk like every few months and it's like,
Starting point is 01:10:44 okay, where are you at? What are you thinking about? And then when we're talking, it's like, like we'll talk like every few months and it's like, okay, where are you at? What are you thinking about? And then when we're talking, it's like, you know, this doesn't make sense and that doesn't make sense. And then what happens?
Starting point is 01:10:51 And you know, what's the point in even concentrating on any of this? Right. Exactly. I'm there too. And we'll have like these weird conversations, you know, we're just trying to like,
Starting point is 01:10:59 how much have you been trying to figure out in life in the last three months since we last talked? And then we try to like figure out, you know, if either one of us has come to any conclusions that make you happy in the middle of this he goes is there anything is there anything that gives you hope is there anything that gives you hope and i was just sitting there going wow what a strange conversation i'm sober completely sober he's fucked up drunk and he's going, dude, is there anything that gives you hope?
Starting point is 01:11:26 Maybe he's thinking of a tagline for himself You should have said The Fleshlight That fucking gives me hope 15% off Go to my website His version of it He just was relaying exactly what he saw
Starting point is 01:11:42 And he thought it was disappointing that she didn't take a stand And he's not attacking her, he's just telling her But you know what, quite honestly After 9-11, who the fucking exactly what he saw and he saw that it was disappointing that she didn't take a stand and he's not attacking her he's just telling her yeah but you know what quite honestly after 9-11 who the fuck knew exactly what happened and who knows still you know i i have a real issue with people that want to argue about 9-11 and it's a fucking inside job or you know it was just nowhere the government would have done that either argument where you're so goddamn sure you know that whole thing is just a bunch of puzzles there's a bunch i watched that jesse ventura show and i don't know if he's telling the truth or if it's real but if it is real what he said that conspiracy show is fucking terrifying that donald rumsfeld had a press
Starting point is 01:12:16 conference the day before the 9-11 attacks where they said that some insane amount of money in the trillions was missing and they couldn't account for it and they were working on it and then the next day the pentagon gets hit in the exact same spot where the accounting offices are where all that information was stored that's what got hit in the pentagon and they're talking about trillions of dollars that were unaccounted for i see i have no understanding of that when you know it's so abstract to me first of all you start talking about trillions of dollars i mean i don't even i can't even wrap my head around that. I don't even know what that means. And then, you know, when you tell me that the money was unaccounted for, you know, and they smashed this, you know, plane into the exact, or missile, if you listen to some people,
Starting point is 01:12:56 into the exact offices, like, what does that mean now? They didn't have a backup somewhere? They didn't back their shit up online? All that money? I don't know what happened to that money. So if you don't know what happened to that money, then this conversation is over because we can't talk until we have any information. But there's so many different things about 9-11 that make you go, why did that happen? Why did this happen? What the fuck happened to that Tower 7? You can't say one way or the other. You can't say that they did do it, that the United States government was involved, and you can't say they weren't involved.
Starting point is 01:13:24 You got to look at it and go what did Happen you would Have to go back in time and watch it all You would watch Every single aspect of it play out in front Of your own eyes to really be truly sure Yeah I believe in some Conspiracy I like believe that the flight
Starting point is 01:13:39 800 conspiracy that Terrorists got shot by a missile And then Clinton just pimped it and was like. It blew up in the middle of the fucking ocean, man. And Clinton's like, no, that was a wiring thing. Fuck you and all your tries. I believe in that shit. If there was a way to avoid
Starting point is 01:13:55 telling people that a terrorist attack had blown up an airplane. That you could affect us? Yeah. They'd do it in a heartbeat. Yeah, for sure. They would hide that information. They would say, well, it was an engine malfunction and that's it. If they could find a way to avoid any sort of information getting out like that. Because, first of all, people are going to freak out about something that most likely, with 300 million people in this country, most likely is not going to affect you. It's an isolated incidence.
Starting point is 01:14:17 And by the way, we're immune to those isolated instances, but they happen every fucking day all over the world in these places where we're supposed to be liberating, you know? I mean, in Iraq, fucking buildings just get hit by missiles. Whoopsies. We didn't mean to shoot this building, but we did, you know? Sorry, everyone who died, you know? I mean, that shit is commonplace all outside of the world. But if the United States government can keep us from recognizing that and just, they would do it. I think they would do it and they would think they were doing us a favor.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Now, what's stand-hope stand-up like these days it's angry and dark and twisted and you know resolved i want to do i want to do a show that's what it is i want to do a show called um uh comedy intervention where you take a guy like stanhope and go look here's what we're gonna to do okay we're going to have like 8 comics that he likes we're going to go through we're going to make you one hour special that you can sell on DVD it's going to be clean and you're going to
Starting point is 01:15:13 make 20 million dollars and then you can do whatever you want and you can have a trust fund for the rest of your fucking life because I bet if he spent some time just going through what would be Brian Regan's set list I bet his fucking like if he had a kid just going through what would be Brian Regan's set list, I bet his fucking view like, if he had a kid, all this like, when you had your kids, did your
Starting point is 01:15:29 did your, like you when you first do, you go fuck, I'm noticing a lot of this shit everyone else noticed, but then no, I didn't think that I mean, there's definitely going to be things that you notice that other people have already talked about but I just, to this day still, like when I had a little conversation with my daughter this morning, and it's like I'm on drugs.
Starting point is 01:15:50 You had a conversation with your dog? Daughter. Oh, I thought he said that. I was like, I think you might have been on drugs. I'm like a fucking, one of those commercials. I had a conversation with my daughter this morning. I went to the store and I got bagels. She loves lox, you know, like salmon. Yeah and so uh we're eating bagels and lox and i'm having this
Starting point is 01:16:10 little conversation with her she's like i love salmon it's so yummy is it really yummy it is okay i would like some more and we're having this little conversation i'm look at this incredibly cute little two and a half year old person who's talking to me that i am just i love more than anybody i've ever loved ever and i'm having this weird little conversation with her about salmon like do you want some more daddy i want some more i am not quite filled up and she starts laughing and she like rubs her tummy and then you know i gave her some more and she's like delicious and she tries to make me laugh and she and it's like it's surreal it doesn't even seem real yeah it's i i always explain children to people who don't have children i'm like it's just like mushrooms if you haven't done mushrooms you really don't know what the
Starting point is 01:16:53 fuck you're talking about you can't say you know that doesn't do any good for you that's just an escape like if you've done it if you've done it and you have that opinion then i would like to talk to you about it because i think it's strange that you would have that opinion if you've actually done mushrooms. And same thing with children. People say, yeah, it's just a bunch of fucking cells and no big deal, man. Get over it. You say that, but it's love. It's love in the purest form.
Starting point is 01:17:19 And most of the time, you're dealing with douchebags in life and it's very difficult to be open and loving all the time and to really just put out only positive energy. You feel like people walk over you. Experiences that you had when you were growing up getting bullied and I had and everybody has. It's very difficult to put out love like that. So it's easy to dismiss it when you have an absolute pure form of love for a baby that you're raising. People who don't have them don't understand. It's like being a born again Christian.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Sort of, I guess. And you almost have this look to your friends like, don't worry. When you get saved, you'll figure it out. Sort of, but it's also tremendous responsibility where I just felt like a massive growth and maturity and pragmatic way of looking at things just just kicked into like seven gears higher yeah you know i started working harder i started you know being focusing more on certain shit it's like you know it's it's an evolutionary stage i really believe that just like you know when a healthy bird leaves the nest you know that's like you know you talk to kids that are
Starting point is 01:18:20 like 30 that still live at home they're fucked up you know there's something wrong with them they never really went out and did their own shit and they never really became adults. They're stuck in this salamander stage where they never quite blossomed into the mature animal. And so when I see that, I think that
Starting point is 01:18:38 having children is another stage like that. I'm not saying that everyone should have children. No, definitely not. Or that having children is going to definitely evolve you or that you need to do it to evolve. I'm not saying that everyone should have children. Oh, I don't think that at all. No, definitely not. Or that having children is going to definitely evolve you or that you need to do it to evolve. I'm not saying that. Yeah, some people end up drowning their kids in a tub. Fuck yeah, they do.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Yeah, there's some crazy assholes out there. And not only that, sometimes they get involved with someone who's like really detrimental to you, but you like to fuck them. And all of a sudden you have a baby with that person. And now you have this incredibly chaotic relationship where they try to keep the baby from you,
Starting point is 01:19:04 to manipulate you. And, you know know the things can get really ugly but for me at least i think having having a child kicked my my just my whole being into another level i was i went from being a guy who hung out with hollywood improv drinking until the bar closed to literally the week my daughter was born being on the road every single fucking week like taking feature sets for no money like just because I knew that I'd get better and better really ambitious just horrifically
Starting point is 01:19:34 and now I'm on the place where I think I'm traveling like 50 weeks this year do you bring your kids your wife with you and your kid yeah I'm going to doing a trip to Indianapolis Arizona and then Cancun but it's for the burt the conqueror so we'll go to like the greatest theme park so i'll take them oh that's great and we'll take them we'll just spend the day at a theme park and they and they are have like a an escort and they can just go do wherever they want so now it's
Starting point is 01:19:58 it's it's turning out i think this summer we're going to do it pretty heavily what has there been any of these uh rides that were the worst like What's the most craziest one you went to? I think the Stratosphere really fucked my head up. That's the one in Vegas? Man, I was bad the night before. I was throwing up in a bathtub and called my wife and told her I was running into the desert. I was like, I'm fucking out. I'm going to get sued for this production cost because I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 01:20:23 But don't tell anyone. You were not scared of it? After you've been on a bull? Or after you've been attacked by a bull? Heights. You know heights, man. Heights is a different thing, man. Heights, it shuts your brain down.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Look at your fingers. You're moving so fast and everything. As I'm talking about it, my ass just started sweating. Really? The second I talk about it, it knocks your stomach out. I mean, I can't even look at the videos online Of people on like those Russian kids climbing on the tower We talked about that Fucking my asshole starts tingling
Starting point is 01:20:48 Oh my god it's so hard to watch I told the man my wife's like just tell the producers You can't do it and just be a man about it So I called this guy Dan Adler that morning And I was like and I hadn't slept and I'd been drinking And it was a bad scene I was a wreck I was a real fucking like wreck And I was like dude I can't do it
Starting point is 01:21:04 It's not gonna happen today And he was like, dude, I can't do it. It's not going to happen today. And he was like, that's fine. That's totally cool. I get that. But here's the deal. If you're not going to do it, I need you to not do it on the edge of the building. I need you to get all the way to that moment and then back off. And I was like, and he goes,
Starting point is 01:21:20 and you do not have to do it. But I can make a show out of that. I can't make a show if you just go, I'm not doing it. So I was like, okay. So I went through the whole thing. Did the training. Got the jumpsuit on. Did all my interviews.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Got up to the top. Started doing my reads. And my cameraman, this guy Scott Sands, is hanging off the building. Literally tethered in and hanging off the building with a camera. Fearless motherfucker. This guy fucking loves that shit. And he's videotaping my he's taping my reads and i'm on the edge and i'm fucking my i've i've pissed my pants a little at this moment like it's just bad it's a bad scene and scott starts laughing and i go what and he's like you know there's like
Starting point is 01:21:57 400 people at the bottom waiting for you to jump and i was like and he's like there's like 200 behind you right now he goes dude it's gonna be much easier to jump than to tell 600 people and the mayor who's waiting for you with a shot of tequila that you're not jumping. So I was the first person to do it. The mayor was waiting for you with a shot of tequila? I was the first person to jump on the ride. I was the first guy to do it. So I was like, shit.
Starting point is 01:22:19 And he was like, I just jumped, man. It's 16 seconds. And then it'll be over. 16 seconds is so long. It's a fucking free fall for 16 seconds. I think it's be over. 16 seconds is so long. It's a fucking free fall for 16 seconds. I think it's 16 seconds. 16 seconds is ready. This is your free fall.
Starting point is 01:22:29 You just jumped right now. And right now you're going, right now you're thinking, oh, the ride works. But then you're thinking, man, this is really freaking high. This is really fucking high. You're like, when am I going to hit the bottom? And you're looking at a target below. Oh, my God. Still not even time.
Starting point is 01:22:42 You're about eight stories. And right now you're 40. You're 40 stories away You still haven't landed. Did you shit yourself? Did you shit yourself? So what is this explain the ride to me cuz I don't know it's it's controlled descent So you they took you in on a seven-point harness to and and they and with basically a big fishing reel And so you jump and you fall and that that tether make sure you don't run into the building or like uh or like swing out it basically keeps you in one kind of area so you can land on the target yeah but what if it gets windy i mean that it was very windy my day as a matter of fact they do it by gusts so
Starting point is 01:23:15 it's gusts of like 45 miles per hour right so it's a windometer so anytime a wind gust hits 45 miles an hour they shut the ride down for 15 minutes and then they wait for the wind gusts to go back down and my day they were just peaking but they were like they had fucking 100 people waiting to do it and they needed to open the ride and you can you can see that they're just like ignore it ignore it ignore it so then i i'm just a fucking and i've got my producer lani is like in the background with my script going like i need you to say i'm here in las vegas on the top of the strip this like and i'm like and i just start going fuck you lani fuck you fuck you you can fuck yourself i'm fucking jumping right
Starting point is 01:23:49 now and she's like bert don't jump and i'm like fuck everyone i'm fucking jumping and now i know they can't use any of that because you can't use cursing right and so then i'm like and then i'm like and then i'm calm down i'm like okay seriously i'm gonna jump okay and they just use that me jumping so then we do it i land i have I have a religious moment. I start crying. I take a shot, and I'm just like, I'm alive. There's no better feeling in the world than surviving a fucking 110-story jump. What the fuck, dude? 110 stories is the height of the Sears Tower.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Oh, my God. Think about standing on the edge of the Sears Tower. And then I get down. I do it. I'm like, fuck. And they're like, can you do it again? And I like no i'm not i'm done so then like two weeks later they're like listen we didn't get any of your fucking reads i was like what and they're like we can get in your neat breeds we need to send you back to vegas to like do pickups because there's a lot of shit
Starting point is 01:24:38 because you were so fucked up that we didn't get so i was like okay so they we have to reshoot the episode but we're just basically Everything but the jump Everything but the jump is what they're telling me So then we get up to the top I know where this is going And my buddy Scott Sands goes look dude I put in for like a fucking $120,000 lens
Starting point is 01:24:58 I'm gonna sit a mile from you But I'm gonna shoot you from a mile And if you jump it's gonna look sick And I was like Scott I'm not jumping And he goes I'm just saying man it's your show Do you want it to get shoot you from a mile and if you jump it's gonna look sick and I was like Scott I'm not jumping and he goes I'm just saying man it's your show do you want it to get picked up for a second season it's gonna look sick so then I was like fuck so I get up to the top and I know I'm not jumping I'm no I'm not jumping and I get to the top and I realize standing on the edge it's easier to jump than to walk away from it so I was like fuck it and I just jumped again
Starting point is 01:25:23 had the same religious moment you get down to the bottom. It's not religious. It's like a spiritual awakening where you're like, I'm fucking alive. I'm going to hug my kids. Like, oh, they just called. They called me two weeks ago and they're like, the Navajo Bridge in Arizona, they want me to jump off it and
Starting point is 01:25:39 do a bungee jump. It's like 500 feet. It's pretty gangster for a bungee jump. Dude, 500 feet feet. It's pretty gangster for a bungee jump. 500 feet is really high. Free fall for 400. Free fall bungee style. How long does that take? Probably 8 seconds. And the real
Starting point is 01:25:58 part is, you don't jump. Four dudes lift you up like you're on a boat and they just throw you off. So you're fucking, you feel out of control. And I'm looking for a celebrity to do it with because I don't want to do it by myself. Joe, get the fuck out of here. Straighten your back up right away. Yeah, no, I'm fine, man.
Starting point is 01:26:14 You'd never do that? No. Really? Not into that. Not into that. I'm not either, but like I'm doing running. I'm not into tricking my brain into thinking I'm almost dying. I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 01:26:25 I get it. It looks like fun. I don't need that kind of stress in my life. It's all my life's filled with right now. It's crazy, man. It's not even that much money. Like,
Starting point is 01:26:33 like, well, is it helping your gigs though? It should be helping. Yeah. Yeah. I sold out five shows in DC this week and like it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:26:40 but it's a, it's family friendly audiences. Oh no. So you, you just have to train them to watch what you watch. You did it. Well, that's something you were saying, too. Yeah, that's what you were saying when you were talking about comedy intervention,
Starting point is 01:26:53 like getting someone and taking someone and making them super clean and realizing there's so much money out there and that. Yeah. I couldn't do it clean. Yeah, and a guy like Stanhope couldn't do it either. It wouldn't be fun anymore. It wouldn't be the same thing. It would be all of a sudden there's a job that you can do where you can make money,hope couldn't do it either. It wouldn't be fun anymore. It wouldn't be the same thing.
Starting point is 01:27:07 It would be all of a sudden there's a job that you can do where you can make money, but you're not going to be really doing standup anymore. You're not going to be doing what? Doing this job. Like your brain won't be thinking the way it normally thinks when you're on stage. Or I feel like my brain is just juggling thoughts to me like, ooh, this would be good. You can't do that if you're saying, no, can't go there. Nope. Can't go here.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Nope. Can't say that. Be careful when you say this. Yeah. Don't want to offend any sponsors. So when you do stand-up now, when you were saying that you get them to like what you like, or get them to know what you do.
Starting point is 01:27:31 I start about my kids. I'll start. They're not by any stretch of the means clean jokes. One joke's about my daughter. My daughter's in a room. My youngest was fingering her ass and putting it in the dog's mouth. They finger their assholes all the time it's so disturbing stop she's like she'll be talking to me about like playing on the swings and she's just digging in her vagina yeah just fingers in her vagina so maybe we can go on a swing what do you think maybe we can do that
Starting point is 01:28:00 like maybe you can stop finging yourself when you're talking to your dad. No, wait. Fuck. But that joke, when you do something about your children fingering their ass, that takes all the parents that went to see a clean show and puts everyone at the same level and goes, oh, that shit does happen. It does happen. So then once their brains get reset for that, then they go, okay, all this shit does happen. He's not being mean. I stopped doing racial jokes, like being heavy on racial jokes jokes just because I was like, I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 01:28:28 I don't care. Like I don't give a shit enough about equality to put my job on the line to try to make everyone even. Like I'll get into nights if it's an all-black room where I just do black jokes. But not mean, but just what I do, black jokes. Right. And then you do that. And once you do that, you have a fucking power of attorney To do anything
Starting point is 01:28:47 Because even the clean people go my kids finger their ass too Right right right And then I talk to the audience a lot But when you were saying that you used to do Racist jokes Or racial jokes And you stopped doing them
Starting point is 01:29:03 Because they offended too many people? No, I never got, no one ever got offended, but I just noticed that I was, for one, I was obsessing on it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:11 I would write, I could write, all day long, I could write jokes about black people. I mean, if you sit me, I swear to God,
Starting point is 01:29:18 if you put me in a room with a black audience, all I'll do is talk about black people. All I'll do. And like now, the dirt, the one, only, the furthest I go is I have a joke about, um, just, uh,
Starting point is 01:29:29 I go, I think it's racist that they don't make black baby powder. Like, I just think that from a company named Johnson and Johnson, they would have thought of that by now. That's pretty funny. And then they go, you know, that, uh, that's how I'm gonna make a million dollars. I'm gonna make black baby powder. And then, uh, and then, and then I'll call it magic johnson and johnson's so then one night there's one this is great one night this black dude sits up in an audience in miami he goes
Starting point is 01:29:50 hey motherfucker when you get done your little joke about black baby powder i'll tell you i don't make shit and so i was like i think i'm done with the joke now like what what why don't they make it and he goes we don't have a problem with moisture the way you guys do. Every time I hug a white guy, it's like hugging a dolphin. He goes, black people have a problem retaining moisture. So they have a problem getting ashy. So they have to always stay moist, whereas white people are constantly fucking moist. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:30:20 And so he's like, they just never needed black baby powder. He schooled you. And I was like like but it was awesome It was like a great moment Dude if I had a videotape Of every experience I've had with black people in an audience I would be the most famous comic in the world I've had black dudes
Starting point is 01:30:38 Get on stage in Miami Real shit Fucking three gangsters in the front row True story on my children Fucking they're ruining the show for everyone And I go up and I just talk to them Real shit of fucking three gangsters in the front row. True story on my children. Fucking, they're ruining the show for everyone. And I go up and I just talk to them. One dude gets up on stage halfway through my set.
Starting point is 01:30:53 And he's like, this is a real motherfucker. He's keeping a real, real talk right now. Real talk. You know what real motherfuckers get in the 305? And he drops his pants and shows his dick. Place goes bananas, right? They're like, and it's the biggest, blackest. It's almost purple. It's so black. But it's almost purple it's so black
Starting point is 01:31:05 like but it's huge it's huge and i'm like that is real that is fucking real and then i'm like how big is this dick fucking monster nine inches and it's a it's a it's a shower it's like a thick it's thick thick and uncircumcised i'm just looking at it like holy shit so then i go i go man that's fucking his name was Ray. I don't know why I remember that. But I'm like, Ray, I go, I think you might want to get off stage because I can guarantee you they're calling the cops right now. And I don't want you to go to jail for just showing your dick. He's like, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Good looking out. And then he puts his pants on and leaves. So then I go, man, how do you follow that? Another gangbanger stands up, gets on stage. I go, please tell me we're seeing another cock right now. Pulls his pants down, fucking just as big, but lighter, like a lighter brown. And I'm like, holy shit. And I was like, you might want to go catch up with the Brakes.
Starting point is 01:31:55 I guarantee you they're calling the cops now. So they're sitting with, I swear to you, all my children, they're sitting with a hairless albino. And I said, and now the crowd is like Fucking in a fevered pitch I go That's funny Out of all the dicks I wanted to see It was yours He stands up
Starting point is 01:32:09 Gets on stage Takes his dick out And it looks like a lighthouse There's no grass Bright white And the They're flipping over Fucking tables now
Starting point is 01:32:19 Like fucking going nuts And I was like Ladies and gentlemen That's my show That's the perfect way to end Cut off Just cut off Like that's my show that's the perfect way to end that's my show damn it how do you follow that you can't follow that
Starting point is 01:32:31 I literally a white glow in the dark Casper the ghost dick it was beautiful and it was big it was big I swear to you it was big and I was like and then they all waited for me out at the bar and they were like dude we're taking you out and I was like I don't And then they all waited for me out at the bar. And they were like, dude, we're taking you out. And I was like, I don't think this is.
Starting point is 01:32:48 This doesn't end this way. But I was in my, I want to be David Tell phase, hardcore. And I was like, I'm fucking going out with these guys. This is what comedy is about. It's having this experience. I went in one time to do radio. Miami's my crazy club. I go in and I do the fucking Morning Pimp show.
Starting point is 01:33:04 And they happen to have this. You do the improv in Miami all the time? Yeah. You like that place? I stopped going to that place, man. But you can't. You can't. Because you're not.
Starting point is 01:33:12 You're famous. So when, like, some. No, no. I stopped going way before I was famous. But that club wants to get the best of you. Like, they want to show you you're wrong. No, what happened with me was I was on stage once and I brought up a boxer. I forget the boxer's name.
Starting point is 01:33:27 I think it was Oscar De La Hoya in one of my jokes. Oh, you referenced him. And a fight broke out in the audience over, you know, fuck Oscar De La Hoya, finish him and kick his ass. And then dudes were standing up and yelling at each other. And like an argument broke out in the crowd over like what boxer was the best boxer. Who would fuck who up? And I just stopped and I said,
Starting point is 01:33:46 I'm never coming back here. Is that just a bad audience? That could have happened. No, no, no. That's very common there. No, Miami Improv, they lost control of that place a long time ago. They just, some or another, gave away too many free tickets. They gave away a ton of free tickets if you're white because they can sell tickets to black people. And then,
Starting point is 01:34:01 so one time I go to the morning pimp show and they have this gang in there called the Zopound. A real gang real gang dude look it up they were on gangland okay these are all haitian motherfuckers so they're doing this thing this song i'm a zoe that's a song that they're singing in studio and now mind you i'm just doing radio i'm doing press like i'm just there to fuck around but i know the one thing i do in these stations i bring a bottle of tequila in and then i get everyone drunk and then i just take my shirt off and we go fucking crazy when you do press you always bring in tequila sometimes sometimes i've done it before but i think that's more because i'm an alcoholic and not like not for but like sometimes drunk with you in the morning
Starting point is 01:34:38 and you'll sell out the entire fucking weekend because all anyone's doing is driving to work wishing they were drinking and then they hear you drinking And all the rules go out the door And every show lets you stay on Until fucking 11 It's been like a little trick I've done Wow but what do you feel like for the rest of the day Take a nap
Starting point is 01:34:59 Take a nap Take a nap I look at you When you go into a radio I've seen your radios And you'll come in high High as fuck And I'm like
Starting point is 01:35:08 How do you function For the rest of the day Oh I do But high doesn't kick your ass See I smoke weed And then I go to the gym Like it doesn't Doesn't affect me
Starting point is 01:35:16 The same way I go Like if I'll do like The morning radio And I'll I'll smoke some weed Before the morning radio I'll go to the gym afterwards
Starting point is 01:35:23 I'll go lift weights I'll run Or I'll do the elliptical machine. Like it feels good. I usually, yeah, I don't do that. When I drink, man, when I drink, I'm done. The next day I'm done. I have a very long history with drinking.
Starting point is 01:35:34 So, oh, so there's no pound. Yeah, so these guys are singing. And I'm doing shots to kill and they're calling me cocaine because I'm white. And so then I tell them, I I go you guys can come to my show Tonight if you want and they're like, oh, we're coming. We're coming. We're coming. Oh, you're crazy I'm like, I'm like this will be fun cuz I just seen these guys on gangland Right, so they come to the show and like 15 minutes in they walk on stage Like Matt just deep with the fucking bottle of tequila and they're like we're drinking this on stage right now
Starting point is 01:36:03 And I'm like, holy shit and DJ Laz comes up And we all just fucking DJ Laz? You say that like we're supposed to know who the fuck that guy is He's the biggest DJ in South Florida For like Latinos If you're a white comic And you can get in that room and do well
Starting point is 01:36:19 You'll sell out for the weekend Not sell out I'm doing West Palm this weekend Not this weekend, this weekend Next weekend That is the That you're doing Paul and Ron UFC
Starting point is 01:36:27 Yeah yeah yeah They're great dude Yeah they're great guys They'll fucking Yeah I've done their show Many many times Those guys are really cool That's a great club
Starting point is 01:36:34 And you probably know Johnny The guy that's managing it now Yeah I've been to that club A long time ago Back when it was a smaller club Dude that's your market Those guys fucking Like those people
Starting point is 01:36:43 Like when you get done a show You know who the big comics are And you know who the ones that people don't go see are. Based on what comics go. So do you know guys, like, everyone always says, do you know Rogan? Everyone always wants to know if you know Dane Cook. Who do you know? Who do you hang out with in Hollywood? Basically, and I'm always like, hey, they're all great, they're all great.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Do you ever talk shit about anybody? Oh, yeah. What comics do you talk shit about? I can't say. Can't say? I can't say. But, I mean, you can probably guess. But, yeah, I talk shit about.
Starting point is 01:37:13 I got to stop. The standard one. I got to stop because there's comics I've talked shit about a lot, a lot, that just came up to me. And they're like, dude, I'm a big fan. I'm like, oh, me too, me too, me too. It's the worst feeling in the world. Like, you know, Ari is someone me too. It's the worst feeling in the world. Like, you know, Ari is someone who I initially did not like.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Really? Because I met him one night and he was just standoffish. But he was just Ari. He wasn't being standoffish. Yeah, and I wanted to meet him and then he didn't and then he walked away. And then I was like, oh, fuck that guy. And then I saw his Amazing Racist. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:46 And I was like, I saw a clip and I wanted to hate it. I to hate it really and i because yeah that's why it's kind of weird yeah then i watched it it was the best thing i said i don't give a fuck when i see that guy again i'm gonna make friends with him yeah and i saw him at the improv one night like right after the shit went down with you and messiah and like you guys switched and i was like dude i just want to tell you like i'm a big fan like you make me laugh a lot and And then, and Ari's just like, really? Thanks, man. And then we hung out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:08 But if you tell people you like them, then they like you too. Yeah. A lot of times. That's all you have to fucking do. A lot of times. Yeah. A lot of times comics are standoffish with each other because everyone is so competitive. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:18 You know, especially early on. Comics, for some reason, have this weird thing where they think that if someone else is being successful, that somehow or another it keeps them from being successful. Like their success takes away from you. Like that could have been yours or something crazy. It's like this weird illogical connection that a lot of comics make. And it almost happens with every fucking comic you meet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Why is that? I don't know. I know because I'll have arguments with comics in my head. Like fake arguments? I had an argument with Opie from Opie and Anthony and I have never met the guy in my entire life. That's hilarious. But I love their show
Starting point is 01:38:50 and I've wanted to get on their show to promote things. Oh, dude, you'd be awesome on their show. You're perfect for their show. They never let me on. They're always like, no, no. They still don't let you on? No, still don't let me on. Listen, Opie listens to this show sometimes.
Starting point is 01:39:01 I guarantee you he'll hear about this from Twitter and he'll have you on. I had a dream last night. Someone cut up some clips of the funniest shit that he said and you'll be on Opie and Anthony for sure. So here's what happened. I had a dream last night that I could fly and I flew into Opie and Anthony's studio and I was walking around and I was like, oh shit. Like fly through the air?
Starting point is 01:39:16 Yeah, but their studio. Without a plane? Without a plane, I was flying. I was flying. And it was in a tent. It was in a tent. And I went in and they had these gift bags and I was like, oh so I opened one up and I was stealing one. I was like, I want to get one of these. I love Opie and Anthony. This will be awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:29 And then it was an Opie and Anthony scarf. So I pulled it out and I went, oh, fuck. I can't use an Opie and Anthony scarf because I never want to know. I got it from here. And then they'll be like, we didn't give it to you. So I put it back. And then I left. I flew away.
Starting point is 01:39:40 And then as I was hovering above their tent where they were doing their show, Opie came in and said, who stole this fucking scarf? And I was like, you know what? If I man up to this and tell them, Norton will have my back. So I go in and I go in and I'm like, listen, I'm the one who opened that. I didn't steal it. Norton was in there. And Opie's like, who the fuck are you?
Starting point is 01:39:57 And he basically in my dream, my brain, told me everything about me that I think. Like all the horrible shit. So now I'm pissed off at Opie for fucking saying that to me. So I start getting in a fight with him. And then I wake up, right? And then I now I'm pissed off At Opie For fucking saying that to me So I start getting In a fight with him And then I wake up right And then I literally Laid in bed
Starting point is 01:40:08 Arguing with Opie Never met him I listen to his show Every day I'm the biggest fucking fan So you were like Preparing yourself In case
Starting point is 01:40:15 In case I go in And he literally Does the you know Typical Opie Throw a chest set at me Like fucks with me Ruins me Like tries to make me
Starting point is 01:40:23 Look like a fool He doesn't really do that to comics, though. He only does that. He did. He used to, I think. They used to a lot. Really? Yeah, they did it to the guy that killed himself. Who? The guy in the bathtub. Oh, Richard Jenney? They did it to Richard Jenney. No.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Did they really? Yeah, they made him stand outside the studio and they wouldn't let him in. What? All radio show guys would sell out their mom for a bit. Wow. Like if they think they could get a good bit out of humiliating me. So what happened with the Richard Jenney thing? What was the story?
Starting point is 01:40:52 I'm literally, I probably listened to every opening Anthony. Just back in the day, they made him sit outside the studio in the glass. And they made him do his interview from there. What? Like, I think. Do you think he was in on it, though? Maybe that was like... No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:41:09 I don't think they liked him. Why? I don't know. I don't remember this whole story. I'm probably paraphrasing in a way that makes it horrible, but yeah. He was a guy that had a weird reputation, though. Jenny was a troubled guy.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Brilliant comedian, though, man. I went to see him when I was an open-miker at Catch a Rising Star in New York. And he really influenced me a lot early in my career to the point where I caught myself a couple times on stage when I was really young. When I was sounding just like him. When I was like, boo, I've got to fucking make sure I don't. I mean, I sound like I'm ripping him off. Like I'm imitating him, you know?
Starting point is 01:41:40 I think so many comics do that. Oh, he was so good, man. Anyway, when I saw him at Catch a Rising Star, he influenced me so much because he just free balled he had so much material he just went all over the place with it i'd never seen anybody do that before everybody that else that i had seen do sets they always had like a sort of a an opening that they would always do then they'd have a middle part and then they would have a closer but when i saw richard jenny man i saw him a couple times in a row and every time saw him, he was doing like a different hour and a half. And I was like super humbled.
Starting point is 01:42:09 He was so quick. I remember hosting for him at the Hollywood Improv, and I'm in the back watching him. And, you know, I'd come from New York, so I was like, in my head, I was like, if I didn't know you in New York, you're not anything. Basically, I was basically saying, if you're not Geraldo, Attell, Hedberg, in my head. Right. So someone says, he said something, Basically, I was basically saying, if you're not Geraldo, Attell, Hedberg in my head.
Starting point is 01:42:31 So someone says, he said something, and now we're going to go over there and look for, this is right after 9-11. Now they want to tell us to go over there and look for weapons of mass destruction? What a load of bullshit is that? You think they got them? And some lady goes, they have nuclear weapons. And he goes, listen, you dumb whore. If they had them, they would have fucking used them. Do you think they're holding back? And I was just the floor i was like what a great perception like would they hold
Starting point is 01:42:50 would they use them right of course it would have used them but yeah he was he was great i he was so prolific and he was the best guy that i had ever seen at really like dragging the most out of a subject like he would get on a, and he would fuck that subject up from all different angles. And right when you thought he was done, he would go deeper, and then he would go deeper. And it made me realize, like,
Starting point is 01:43:12 man, that's something that's really present in amateurish comics, where they will touch on a subject, and then immediately have a quick joke, and then immediately go to another subject. It's me. Well, it's everybody in the beginning. It's me.
Starting point is 01:43:22 I've gotten so fucking lazy. It's a bad thing, man. You know, it's everybody In the beginning It's me I've gotten so fucking lazy It's a bad thing man You know It's really easy to do You know Especially when you get Comfortable on stage Especially if you do
Starting point is 01:43:31 A lot of ad-libbing Yeah when you get A good ad-lib You're like Wow that was genius I'll keep that As opposed to Looking for the better one
Starting point is 01:43:36 But Jenny Jenny would take Like any subject Whatever it was And just find All sorts of angles He never really got The credit I think he deserved
Starting point is 01:43:43 It's really weird You know I just think people Didn't appreciate how good he was. He was in the Eastside Comedy Club in New York, in Long Island. I saw him there too. And I remember Peter Bales, who was the host, was just shaking his head back and forth. He's like, he did three different hours. He did three different shows in three totally different hours. He didn't repeat one joke once.
Starting point is 01:44:02 I was influenced by Attell massively. Yeah. Like as a New York comic. Is that guy you're drinking to? Did that partying thing? No, I told you. Explain that because this is a crazy story. You didn't say this on the podcast. In 1997, Rolling Stone magazine wrote a six-and-a-half-page article about me calling me the number one party animal in the country.
Starting point is 01:44:22 This actually gets a little weirder. Were you doing stand-up back then? No, just partying I had a notorious reputation at Florida State For being funny but being a wild party animal Like what kind of shit were you doing? Just fun shit I think loudest guy in the room shit
Starting point is 01:44:37 I remember I used to climb up on this telephone pole Outside the bars on Tennessee Street There would be 500 people out there And I'd just stand up and go Everyone shut the fuck up and I'd go, everyone shut the fuck up and listen. If you want to smoke weed, go to my house. And the cops are all sitting there.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I have tons of weed, enough for everybody. And we're all going to have a blast and get high. If you know where I live, you're invited. If you don't, ask someone. Just no one tell the fucking cops. And you'd have literally 500 people just giggling at the idea that someone was offering them weed in front of a cop's face. And what do the cops say when you do this?
Starting point is 01:45:10 They would laugh too. Like one time for an election, I got naked for this election and just shit on a pizza box and won the election. Election for what? For my fraternity. I just got up naked and shit on a pizza box. And then everyone... And that's how you won? And then I won. Did you wipe? No, I just shit. I just shit. a pizza box and then everyone you won and then i won did
Starting point is 01:45:25 you wipe no i just shit i just shit i learned one very important lesson when you go number two you also go one because i pissed all over the feet on everyone that was sitting oh no you can't stop it when you go one oh jesus dude and so i won the election so like all these stories came out and then rolling stones like let's do a, let's do an article on him. Oh, my God. It gets crazier. Ready? So are you ready for the part that you go bullshit?
Starting point is 01:45:51 I will never say bullshit. I've heard enough of your stories. I'm not saying bullshit. So Oliver Stone optioned the rights to my life. And then from the article. So then I try to stand up. And I moved to New York to start doing stand-ups. I did it once in Tallahassee. And it went amazing-up I did it once in In a Tallahassee, you know, we went
Starting point is 01:46:07 Amazing I got offered my own morning show in Tallahassee Really? Yeah Oliver Stone option the rights of my life like I start doing stand up five months later Will Smith sees me do stand up and I get a deal development deal with him like right out the gates like Bill Burr style Oh, like been doing stand up for no time at all development deal based on the article and that the fact that I could competently do stand up somewhat and then the development deal falls apart with oliver stone all the guys that have submitted their scripts for oliver stone's movie about my life then get their intellectual property back one of the guy takes his movie changes my name sells it in national lampoon and it becomes a movie van wilder so theoretically and i say this loosely, I'll never be able to sue. I never
Starting point is 01:46:46 would sue. I never would sue. But I went into National Lampoon and did, do you remember Kevin Couch? He used to have a show on National Lampoon. Yeah, on XM Radio? Yeah, yeah. And I told him, I said, bring some execs in. I've always wanted to find out if this is true. So then he brought some execs in and I start telling the story just like I am you.
Starting point is 01:47:02 One of the guys fucking locks up like, hold on, stop right now. What do you want? What's going on here? Is this like an ambush? And I was like, no, I I am you one of the guys fucking locks up like hold on stop right now What do you want? What's going on here? Is this like an ambush? And I was like, no, I just want to be able to tell it on radio and no, i'm not lying That's all I care about. All I care about is the story being like true, right? And and he was like, what do you want like your own radio show? I'm like Fine, and then he's like we'll do a show parting with the original van wilder. Are you happy? I was like, yeah, and so then he was like pretty much I was like so I. And then he's like, we'll do a show parting with the original Van Wilder. Are you happy? I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:26 And so then he was like, pretty much, I was like, so I can say it's true. So you were worried that you were going to sue them. They were worried I was going to sue them. Well, that must mean you have a case. Why don't you just go fucking sue those cunts? Barry Katz said to me one night, Papa, you can be one of two guys.
Starting point is 01:47:40 You can be the guy that sues and doesn't work, or you can be the guy that doesn't sue and works. Which one are you? And I was like, I'm the one. Anything Barry Katz would tell me to do, I would immediately do the exact opposite. Barry Katz used to drive a Ferrari while he owed everyone money. He looked like the Grimace when they'd sell a toy Grimace in a car. Just a big head sticking out of a tiny car.
Starting point is 01:48:01 He's so crazy. He was like a big brother to me. He was my manager for a long time. What happened? You got rid of him. You wised up, right? It was like he just never could get in touch with him. You know? So I just went to Levity. No comment.
Starting point is 01:48:15 I want to re-watch Van Wilder. I've never seen Van Wilder. This is what you do, bro. You find out what the fucking statute of limitations is. Get to a point where you're so talented, you're so funny, you cannot lose. You just have to keep doing what you're doing. You cannot lose. You're a very, very entertaining dude.
Starting point is 01:48:32 They can't stop you. So once you get to a certain point, and then you go after them. Get to a certain point where you're embedded into the zeitgeist. I was just looking for a reason to use the word zeitgeist. Zeitgeist. Very important. To show you my range. My range as a man.
Starting point is 01:48:46 What is it? It's a strange conspiracy movie that they've got three episodes now. It's actually the cultural, the idea of the mind of the culture. Get into the consciousness
Starting point is 01:48:55 of the culture. The zeitgeist is like the mind frame, like where people's heads are at right now. The zeitgeist. There was a new one that they just did recently,
Starting point is 01:49:04 I guess. But a lot of it's like 9-11 shit. Of course. I tried to watch the first one. Incorrect shit about certain things about religion. I was like, ah. Yeah. And then you get Zeitgeist debunked,
Starting point is 01:49:15 and things get really cloudy, and people go online and debunk it, and who's right, who's wrong. I don't have time for this shit. Yeah. You know? But you should sue the fuck out of those Van Wilder punks. I'll never i'll never sue them okay that's all nice how about i pretend i'm you and i'll sue for you do it and then just let me swim in your email address bro yeah you can swim
Starting point is 01:49:33 in my pool anytime bro come on over bring your daughters i bring my daughters in a heartbeat little park out here my daughters will think they swim and they're like i can swim daddy and i love just that first second where they jump in and then sink. And then you save their lives and you see rescue in their eyes. I can't swim, Daddy. I'm not into that. I'm into showing them how to swim. No, I'm trying to teach them how to swim. Be like Daddy.
Starting point is 01:49:59 I don't throw them in like fucking my Uncle Johnny. Like, you go for it. This is how you learn, boy. I don't know how I learned how to swim. That's how they did it to us. They just threw us in fucking pools. I can't remember not knowing how to swim. I just always knew how to swim.
Starting point is 01:50:11 I went to swimming lessons. I must have done something. Yeah. I just got thrown in a pool by my Uncle Johnny. Fucking Uncle Johnny. Same dude whose son fell down a flight of stairs. Really? Same uncle.
Starting point is 01:50:22 And Northeast, baby. That's how they did it. Irish Catholic. Throw you in a fucking pool Learning how to swim Yeah, I grew up Native American style In Jersey
Starting point is 01:50:30 And in Boston My formative years That northeast Sort of a mentality There's a lot to that It makes people more go-getter It makes people more ambitious It makes people more
Starting point is 01:50:43 The kind of people That can button down and get shit done. There's something about California. There's something about this weather where it's 85 degrees in January. It just makes you weak. It just makes you a soft little bitch. I wrote this on my Twitter and I really believe this. People need
Starting point is 01:50:58 visible nature to keep them humble. You need to see that snowstorm coming where you know you can't do shit. Sit the fuck down. I hope you have logs to burn because you might need them. The power might be out for a week. No one's going anywhere. And that quiet, you don't even know what quiet is until you get outside in the middle of a blizzard.
Starting point is 01:51:18 When the blizzard's over and everything's covered in snow, like three feet of snow in Boston. I would go outside and you could hear like the quiet has like a sound to it. It's like it's empty. It's like you don't hear anything. The snow absorbs it all. And it's almost like a fake world. Like you go walking around and everything is white. It's like I really feel sorry for kids that don't grow up with some snow. Don't get to experience that and those fucking school days when you when you get a day off and you go outside
Starting point is 01:51:50 and everything's covered in snow i never grew up with snow at all the only problem with that is you could die out there you could fucking freeze to death fall asleep in a snow drift and lose your foot did you hear about this lady in toronto that happened last week the coldest night of the year she uh apparently she had dementia and she froze to death outside in a neighborhood while she was screaming for people to help her. Shit. Everyone's screaming and she just died out there. Apparently she was just a known nut.
Starting point is 01:52:13 Look at that crazy broad out there screaming. That's why I don't drink in the snow. A lot of dudes fall asleep and lose a foot. Everyone loses a fucking foot. Do you still throw them down like hardcore? You still partying it like you were Or have you slowed down a little I don't know
Starting point is 01:52:28 I've had a major stretch where I didn't drink At all? Did you feel different on stage when you were sober? Oh I don't drink on stage Here's the thing Let me rephrase that because everyone that's listening has seen me on stage It's like hold on you fell off a stage one night Like I've fallen off stage twice
Starting point is 01:52:44 Really? Hammered? Kind of. Not really. Like, I wasn't that drunk. It just was bad footing. Oh, okay. Like, once in Tampa Improv and once in D.C. Improv.
Starting point is 01:52:54 But, yeah, here's the thing. As I go up, I will have a beer when I get on stage. I will drink it fairly fast, probably, to sell drinks throughout my show. And then I probably sit. And then people send. You did that on purpose? Yeah. Really? Like, you counted it? David Tell said to me one night in miami i probably said i was featuring for
Starting point is 01:53:08 him he said two things when you're featuring you should write all the time you should never go up and try to kill you should be writing and writing because no one gives a shit about you and then the second thing he said is when you do get headlining remember you are there to sell drinks like as much as you want to do your art The more drinks you sell the more appetizing You are to the club and the club will bring you back If your bar sales are high doesn't matter what your ticket Prices are so I literally just Went on stage and I remember and Attell would be
Starting point is 01:53:34 Like he'd bring up he wouldn't even bring a Drink most times he'd bring up like a He'd have them send I mean whatever I don't want to get behind Attell's theories on drinking on stage or what But I would just go up and drink a beer No but so we could figure I, complete what you were saying. He would bring up shots? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Now he doesn't drink, so I guess you can say it. Yeah, yeah. He's pretty open about it. He wouldn't drink shots. He would drink, it would be like coffee. Oh, he would fake it. Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:53:58 But he didn't drink now, so I don't think he gives a shit. But he would tell me, he's like, you've got to be sober, man. You've got to be working up there. Like, that was Attell. Attell was never fucking drunk on stage. Right. So, but I would go up and I still, I mean, I can drink a lot of beers. I can go up now and I'll usually, what I'll do is I'll play a song that's inspiring me.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Like, cause I, you know, you get bored doing a lot of road work. Like one was this song, Alcohol, Pussy and Weed by the MJB and 8-Ball. Just fucking great. Just first 30 seconds of the song. Alcohol, Pussy and Weed. Alcohol, pussy, and weed. Alcohol, pussy, and weed. Does that got you fired up for a show? And it was also because I was having family-friendly
Starting point is 01:54:32 people come out, and it would set the stage. So then the second song I do is this song by Maxim Ludwig, and the Santa Fe 7 was a really great song. And then now I go out and listen to Black Betty by Ram Jam. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:46 And then as the song plays, I'll maybe fucking throw off a shirt, pound a beer. Is that that song? Whoa, Black Betty. Bam-a-lam. Whoa, Black Betty. Bam-a-lam. Black Betty got a child. Bam-a-lam.
Starting point is 01:54:56 The damn thing don't lie. Bam-a-lam. Send your mother money. Bam-a-lam. Whoa, Black Betty. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. Bam-a-lam. And right now, everyone in the crowd's fucking pumping. And I'm like, everyone raise a beer. We're pounding a beer right now. And then the whole fucking room lifts a beer.
Starting point is 01:55:16 We pound it. And then right there, you just increased the entire bar staff, the bar bill for the club by five bucks. How many dudes are going to slide into the trees on the way home, though? My cousin fell down a flight of stairs. He was that show oh that was the one yeah everyone sent shots and i'm like we're talking like like aggressive what's the most shots you ever drank on stage oh i couldn't even guess i couldn't even maybe like i don't know take a guess more than 10 oh yeah yeah More than 15? No no no Probably around 10 or 12
Starting point is 01:55:47 I've had a lot of shots on stage before But uh And those shows don't Those shows are usually More chaotic Like I had one in Tampa recently This was like a really great moment Where you're just so drunk
Starting point is 01:55:57 You can't function So I bring a I bring a black guy on stage And I do an interview It's always being a black guy He shows his dick Thank you Can I
Starting point is 01:56:04 That's like a great new closer for you i bring a but it's the best it's the best you bring a black guy on stage and then one of two things will happen either you say something totally hilarious or all the white people just applaud for whatever he says right right he's an engineer yay good for him he's not one of the you know like that's what happens so i bring this black guy on stage and i'm like and i i tried to guess what job he did and then i used to have a great one where i bring a black guy latino on stage and i go let's i'm gonna say it the way i say it you say it the way you say it and then i go i would like to take you on a date and then the latino guy would be like mummy mummy mummy and then and then the black guy would be like can a player get some conversation
Starting point is 01:56:44 and then we do like a bunch and the crowd loved it because they were like oh that's right the And then the black guy would be like, can a player get some conversation? And then we'd do like a bunch. And the crowd loved it because they were like, oh, that's right. The white guy's nerdy. And then I'd always close with, all right, how about this one? I'd like to apply for a home loan. And I give it to the black guy. And he's like, oh. It was great.
Starting point is 01:56:55 It was great. So I bring this black guy on stage in Tampa. And I said to him, I go, I'm at a loss. We're having a great moment making jokes. And then you can slide whatever jokes you do have in your pocket into that moment. Looks improv, place fucking flips out. Like I tell, oh, you remind me of my black friend. And he's like, oh, you got a black friend?
Starting point is 01:57:13 I'm like, yeah, his name's Imaginary. And so then just bam, right off the gate. So then I tell the black guy, I go, what do you want to do? And he goes, let's sing a song. I go, really? He's like, yeah. I go, okay. I go, what song do you want to sing?
Starting point is 01:57:24 And he goes, Journeys Don't Stop Believin'. I was like, all right. I go, do you have that in the DJ booth? So they start playing it, right? And so now it's me and the black guy singing Don't Stop Believin' back and forth. Just a small town girl. And he knows all the words and it's killing. Then I have them cut the music and the whole crowd starts singing.
Starting point is 01:57:42 And it's like just this like living in a lonely world and you can literally we would cut the music and then have it turn back on and everyone's right on time and then at the end of the show it's me and the black guy no music and the crowd still singing and it's like do it soft you can hear 350 people go
Starting point is 01:57:59 just a small text like don't stop believing and then I'm like do it in a Mexican accent and then the whole crowd, don't stop believing. And then I'm like, do it in a Mexican accent. And then the whole crowd's, don't stop believing. And then the black guy's doing it one more time. Shirts, his shirt's off, right? And then the whole crowd sings. I grab his leather jacket, throw it on his shoulders.
Starting point is 01:58:16 I'm like, we're done. And you just, that moment, you can never recreate that. You can't recapture it. You can't try to do it again. Yeah, that's live performing. It's just being in that moment and being 10 shots in and going, I don't recapture it you can't try to do it again yeah that's live performing it's just being in that moment yeah and being 10 shots in and going i don't fuck it yeah fuck it i this can't end bad but yeah those are those moments and then but here's the problem then you get addicted to those moments and then you sometimes like okay i got this like 90 year old
Starting point is 01:58:40 woman on stage and we were dancing to alcohol pussy and weed and I've got her pinned like donkey style like my hands on the ground my legs are up over her shoulders and she's just going like this and then you get addicted to that and you want to create that and you stop doing stand up she was doing that to you it's online just type in her she was on top of you
Starting point is 01:58:59 and your legs were over her shoulders it's really hard to explain okay I'll see it I'll look for it but it's just type in... I want to hear more, though. Just tell me more. Yeah, so then... But you get addicted to those moments. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Because then what happens is you have the story that maybe a comic tells another comic. When Burt was in Miami, three gangbangers showed their dick. And then other comics are like, dude, I can't wait to work with you. I want to see you work because I hear What you do and you're like I don't do that all the time but like It does happen then you feel pressure And then you go to a set at the Hollywood Improv And it's just fucking eight minutes of material
Starting point is 01:59:34 And you're like that was uninspiring I mean don't get me wrong You have those moments where like those oh shit Moments where you're just like This will never fucking happen like this again Right and those are moments too when you're doing like an hour on stage and they get to know you and you're really in the groove with the crowd
Starting point is 01:59:49 and it's a moment and I give this to any comic listening if you ever need to do this because sometimes you get that reputation and then they go you go to a club and they're like listen we got a marriage they want to propose on stage we told them it was cool with you listen it's a shit dick moment, but here's what you do.
Starting point is 02:00:07 I've given this to every comic that wants to use it. It's brilliant. It came in the moment. I had like four shots of tequila. I had a guy want to propose to his chick. This is what you do. Bring them both up on stage to do a shot of tequila. Okay, the guy knows he's proposing.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Don't worry about that. Get them on stage, and then you tell the girl, we're going to play a game. We're going to blindfold you, and you're going to have to feel our chests, just our chest, and tell which one's your husband and which one's me. And then she's like, okay, so you blindfold her, right? Then you tell the dude, now. And so he gets on his knee with the ring. And then you just release the blindfold. Dude, you want to talk about 200 people, like, crying, like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:00:44 The perfect setup. And it's such an easy way to get out of that. Because a lot of times when you're a young comic, the manager will just be like, they give me 500 bucks, just make sure he proposes to her. So if you're a comic and you ever get stuck in that situation,
Starting point is 02:00:55 feel free to use it. It's how I did it. And it killed. Now, what do you do after that, though? Just get all fucking staged. Someone play back BlackBerry. You should write a book called burt kreischer exit strategies well those are awesome man dude thank you very much for coming
Starting point is 02:01:12 on the show man you're fucking hilarious this is one of the most fun podcasts i've ever had me too you know and knowing that you enjoyed listening to it now you're on it and you probably made one of the best ones we've ever had i won't listen to this one but i can't wait i can't wait you can't tell the Tracy Morgan story. I can tell it, yeah. You can tell it? Of course I can tell it. Please tell the Tracy Morgan story. Okay. We're going to end on this. Thanks to the Fleshlight. Go to
Starting point is 02:01:34 Enter in the Fleshlight, the thing. It's like Rogan is the code name, and you get 15% off. I'm in February 4th. We're at the Mandalay Bay Theater. It's me, Joey Diaz, and Ari Shaffir. That's like a three headliner combo there. And then next weekend, not this one coming up, but next weekend, I'm at the West Palm Beach Improv, the 28th, 29th, and 30th.
Starting point is 02:01:53 And that is also with the young and talented Ari Shaffir. So tell me what the fuck happened with Tracy Morgan. Okay. I'll preface this. I want to be safe and preface this, that my buddy Jay Moore does tell this on stage. We have an agreement. He's my friend. He's not a thief, okay?
Starting point is 02:02:07 I know that Jay is concerned about that, but he told me he's not telling the story anymore, and it did happen to me, so I don't give a fuck. I mean, this is a true story. So this is a true story. It's a true story. So I was a young comic working at the Boston Comedy Club, working the door.
Starting point is 02:02:21 In New York. In New York. In the village. Yeah, and I used to party with all the black comics. Because they, well, because I don't you like to yeah and so we uh we used to have a good time and so then um one night tracy morgan comes in this is when he's starting to get back into stand-up after snl so like when you were a young comic a new celebrity came in you like had to see that shit had to so i go in and i watch tracy's set and it is not we have nothing in common he's doing observational material and his observational
Starting point is 02:02:50 material is like all right yeah okay okay who remembers finger fucking by the handball courts and i'm just like and he thinks that's a shared experience like losing a sock in the dryer right but like everyone and then he walks you through and he's like you put that bitch up against the wall and just pussy pop that bitch wouldn't even kiss her put your arm in your own stank
Starting point is 02:03:10 and now you have a visualization of like Precious getting boxed out at a handball court making eye contact with passerby just getting her pussy
Starting point is 02:03:18 blown out by Tracy Morgan oh god but then he comes on stage and he's like fucking yeah I'll hit that, man. I got this new bit about my dick being so pretty you can suck it with the lights on. Which is a genius statement because I've never had a blowjob in the light.
Starting point is 02:03:35 But he just didn't word it right, right? My dick is so pretty you can suck it with the lights on. Yes. So then he goes, hey, you want to get hot? And I was like, yeah, because I'm a grown up. And so we walk around the corner, and he pulls out this rack of a joint, hands it to me, hits it, gives it to me. I hit it, and it tastes like shit.
Starting point is 02:03:59 It tastes like sweat socks, just like, and I'm like, what the fuck is this? And he's like oh you never smoked sherm before and i was like what he's like sherm baby angel dust pcp you never smoked sherm before and i'm like you just gave me fucking pcp like how did you know who ever taught you how to get high like so i panic bad like hardcore anxiety attack i go back to the club i go to this older black comic who's was and still is one of my good friends and i go hey man tracy just gave me pcp he's like oh oh let me tell you something shorty uh tracy doesn't smoke pcp he's not he's fucking with you i was like what he's like he's gonna he's just smoking pot he's fucking with you though he's just getting in your head
Starting point is 02:04:38 and i was like no i smoke pcp i'm feeling weird and he goes whatever you do shorty don't go to your house you hang out with us tonight. So I'm like, all right. So I do my set. I bomb. We all go out. And Tracy is in downtown Soho, like right on Houston, right? And he's in a club that is like one of those railroad clubs where it goes all the way back. You have to like walk down five, a flight of five stairs to get to.
Starting point is 02:05:01 And he's in the back. He's been there like 20 minutes. And he is holding court with his shirt off. Okay off bottles of champagne covering his table there's other tables that have champagne on it he's buying it for them i'll buy her a bottle of champagne right now i got a pretty dick like just eddie murphy gave me this whatever the fuck he's saying is like loud and boisterous so i sit at the table and i think i'm on PCP and I start ordering Heineken separately from this wreck of a bar tab he has. And so I'm getting Heineken's and then the whole night goes through. It's kind of an interesting, bizarre experience.
Starting point is 02:05:34 But like two o'clock in the morning and Tracy and the waitress comes up. She's got the bill and she puts it in front of me because I'm at a table with all black dudes. So she thinks I'm their agent or lawyer or coach, whatever whatever i am so she gives me the bill and i see it i'm like oh i can't and tracy morgan flips out and he goes oh what the fuck is that that's fucking racism you give it to him he works the goddamn door he doesn't do i ain't gonna make any money i'm the rich motherfucker in here i'm on tv i'm the rich motherfucker and he flips the bottle of champagne table upside down. Now the woman's like, sir, sir.
Starting point is 02:06:07 And he goes, hey. And he takes his shirt and throws it in her face. A bouncer comes up and he's like, excuse me, sir. And Tracy just wham, lays the guy. And the biggest fight I've ever been in just breaks out all over. People are fighting, jumping on you. And I think I'm on PCP. So I walk out on Houston and I start going, this isn't happening.
Starting point is 02:06:24 This is imaginary. this is not real People are flooding out left and right And they're like dude that shit's going off Tracy's got like four dudes on him And I was like holy shit A minute later the doors kick open And Tracy Morgan is launched out of the club By the back of his neck and the seat of his pants
Starting point is 02:06:39 Just up onto the street They put a shirt on him? No, up on the street shirtless laying at my feet On the sidewalk, doors closed, laying at my feet on the sidewalk. Doors closed. Second later, doors kick back open, and Tracy's shirt comes out, end over end, and lands on his head, and it's silent.
Starting point is 02:06:54 And we're looking at Tracy like, fuck, this is crazy. All of a sudden, he looks up, stands up, takes his shirt, snaps it, and he goes, now that's how you get out of paying a check. I was like, this guy out of paying a check. This guy's crazy like a fox. He fucking just walked out of a $6,000 bar. Holy shit. Getting kicked out of the bar.
Starting point is 02:07:17 You really did that? That's awesome. Did he ever have to pay for it? I have no idea. Here's the thing. That was it? I only met Tracy once. You don't hang out with a dude more than that.
Starting point is 02:07:31 I would never leave that guy's side. I would have to be hanging out with him every day. I would have to be hanging out with him all the time. Especially if I didn't have kids. I was just like, Jay used to tell that story that had happened to me when we'd do stand-up. And man, people would be like, get out of here. But I don't know Tracy, and I doubt he remembers the night at all.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Fuck. And I'm like, and you know how stories go in your head when you start telling them a lot, then you like shorten it and tighten it. Yeah. And I've been telling that to comics for like 12 years, ever since that happened. And I was a stand up doing stand up for like two months. That's hilarious. Now you weren't on PCP.
Starting point is 02:08:03 You just thought you were. I wouldn't know. I don't know. I was, I Now, you weren't on PCP. You just thought you were. I wasn't on PCP. I don't know. I was probably strong weed. Probably strong weed. I doubt Tracy smokes PCP. I've heard him on NPR interviews say he's never done drugs.
Starting point is 02:08:13 And I mean, I don't know. He's never done drugs. He said on NPR. PCP is something that you would probably tell the person, even if you were a PCP user. And I think here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:08:22 Not if you're crazy. Tracy's got that like I would say that like prison mentality Of like he'd rather fuck with you Than really fuck you up Like I think he'd rather get in your head Than like fuck you I don't think he's a mean spirited person
Starting point is 02:08:35 He's just playing with you And then I'm the one white guy hanging out with all black comics And so then that's funny that he thinks he's on PCP That's a great story That's a fucking fantastic story, dude That was one of the funniest stories ever next time I'll tell you about when I was in the Russian mob and we robbed a train really true story But I'm not gonna tell it now. Okay, dude. You're coming back again soon. Definitely folks if you want to follow Bert on Twitter
Starting point is 02:08:58 It's be RT k are e is C h er follow him, please. One of the fucking funniest guys we've ever had on the show. Thank you very much, man. That was so much fun. I had a blast. And we will see you bitches on Tuesday. Holla at your boy.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Later. Love you. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:09:28 Bye.

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