The Joe Rogan Experience - #788 - Brendan Schaub

Episode Date: April 21, 2016

Brendan Schaub is a mixed martial artist and also a former college & pro football player. He also hosts a podcast with Bryan Callen called "The Fighter & The Kid" available on Spotify. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum he's double shooting me that means we're live with the keto kid the keto kid i've been doing this for six days he's the keto kid that's your new nickname, the Keto Kid. That's hilarious. The Keto Kid. I'm just happy you're doing it, man. You know, before we get into the UFC stuff, Brendan and I were talking before this about he started the no sugar diet.
Starting point is 00:00:37 He went straight keto. Which is crazy for me. Yeah, for you, dude. I was like, there's no way he's ever going to do this. You're so addicted to candy. I was the straight candy man. I'd candy in my you, dude. I was like, there's no way he's ever going to do this. You're so addicted to candy. I was the straight candy man. Like you and Ari Shaffir. I'd candy my car, everything.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Ari Shaffir is probably the worst I've ever seen. Really? Yeah. He'll take a day off candy and he'll just eat like pasta and bread all day. Like giving his body candy in some other form. God damn. For me, I think it was just like I've tried all these diets and I've, I've never got the results I've wanted to. And then as soon as I started doing this, everyone's like, be careful, man. The
Starting point is 00:01:09 cravings, you're gonna have headaches. I haven't had shit. Um, matter of fact, I work out more. Was it hard at all over the first couple of days? No, that's interesting. Not at all. Not at all. Well, you know, if you talk to that Mark Sisson guy, he would probably say that your body just adapts really well to it. That's what I would probably imagine. But I think to be sure you're even in a state of ketosis, you've got to measure your blood. But it's going to be annoying for you, just like it was annoying for me. I have to find out where's the right place to stab yourself because the fingertips weren't working for me.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It's like the little insulin when you check your blood sugar? Yeah, they weren't getting through my fingertips. You have some thick-ass fingers. Thick-ass fingers. It's all the little insulin when you check your blood sugar? Yeah, they weren't getting through my fingertips. You have some thick-ass fingers. Thick-ass fingers. It's all those kettlebells. Calluses, son. I got some serious calluses up in here. I hear you. Over the last couple years.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I think most guys do it in their pinky. My dad's diabetic, so I see him do it in the pinky all the time. He has some big old banana fingers. Somebody sent me one, though, and they said there's a legit one now for your breath. The ones for the breath used to suck, but now they have one that's legit. And it shows what level of ketogenic, ketosis, really? I have to look into that. I don't even remember who sent it to me.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Dude, I don't give a fuck. I just feel good. You know what I'm saying? I just feel good. I'm just going to keep doing it. Dude, you're going to feel, this is the crazy thing. You're going to feel this way, and this is how you feel now. Like, you know this thing in the middle of the day where you get tired that's gonna go away and i got that when i went i went to mexico when i'm vacation had a great great old time but i
Starting point is 00:02:35 said fuck it man i'm in mexico i'm on vacation i'm gonna go off my diet i'm gonna have some fucking burritos you know never mad at tortillas why not i'm getting in there i had tacos i had the whole thing and then i said fuck it while i'm doing that. I might as well get dessert, dude. I felt like diggity dog shit when you haven't done that. No, then right away. Yeah. Right away. I felt terrible after eating the cake. And then later in the day, I mean, I was just, I could barely stay conscious. I can't, you can't do that anymore. I think my thing was, is I've always wanted to do it, but I never really had a, like a strict reason to do it. Like something that just put it, put me over to finally make the decision to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And I was thinking about how much you do. Cause I have a lot of stuff going on. I'm like, dude, I'm getting tired, man. I'm not, I'm not doing that well. Like I could be doing better, just mentally more clear. And I'm working out, doing all this stuff. And you and I have been talking about it for a while, and I was like, fuck, I might as well try it, man, because coffee really does nothing to me anymore.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I could drink six cappuccinos before I go to bed and sleep just fine, just fine. You should probably never get into REM sleep at all. That's what happens. So I'm like, I got to do something, and, dude, it's been great. Wow. That's amazing. Good for you. It gets easy.
Starting point is 00:03:46 12-step program, son. It gets easy because after a while, you just look at food as like, oh, well, this is what I'm supposed to be eating. That other stuff isn't food. You know, like you don't look at a candy bar like, oh, that would be good right now. That's what's crazy to me. I'm not like, like you were talking about how you have those ketogenic like Reese's Pieces or whatever. I don't even want to try that bullshit. Yeah, these are, I should give them a shout out.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Quest Labs sent us a bunch of stuff when they found out that we were. And Quest are great. I know those guys. They're great. But like even like sweets or something that simulates sweets. I don't want that. It's weird, man. This stuff's good.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Like they have crackers. You can eat these crackers. These are like keto crackers. They're saltines. I fucking hate crackers now. Whoa. You don't give a fuck. I'm against carbs in any form.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Those aren't really carbs. I know. What the fuck they are. I don't like the way they look anymore, Joe. Yeah, son. Look at you. You're a new man. I know, man.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I feel good. Paying no week later, I'm just 300 pounds full of sugar. This is some stuff I've been taking, too. It's called Kegenics, and it's exogenous ketones. These are, I don't know if that guy Dom D'Augustino had something to do with this. Somebody told me. I need to research it further. But these are exogenous ketones.
Starting point is 00:04:54 You take this, and you mix that with water, and it puts you in a state of ketosis really rapidly, like within an hour. 12 carbs, though. Yeah, but it's okay for the whole day. Again, I don't need anything. Like within an hour. 12 carbs though. Yeah, but it's okay for the whole day. I mean, how much? Again, I don't need anything. I have some nuts in my car covered in cinnamon. I'll snack on those all day.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Be just fine. Never hungry. You're very dedicated. Something's going on right now. I got nuts in my car. I have nuts in my car. Like macadamia? Almonds. Ooh, almonds are good.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Almonds, man. Almonds are good. Cinnamon on top. You know what I do? I eat those pistachios that are already shelled. Oh, so you got to crack the shell open? Almonds. Almonds are good. Almonds, man. Almonds are good. Cinnamon on top. You know what I do? I eat those pistachios that are already shelled. Oh, so you got to crack the shell open? No, they're already shelled.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Oh, you're saying they're not shelled. No. Well, the shelled meaning the shells were removed. Oh, word. Yeah. Is that the correct term? Shelled? Shelled.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Okay. Yeah. I mean, what would be a good comparison? No, I don't believe so. I think they say Shelled. Well, she wouldn't. Okay. Yeah. Like, I mean, what would be a good comparison? No, I don't believe so. I think they say shelled, meaning that they've been removed from the shell. If someone goes, hey, you want some shelled? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it is unshelled. If you want some shelled nuts, I'd say, well, is there anyone who can unshelled them?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Well, you're saying it makes total sense. I know. Well, whatever it is, I buy them in the bag with no shells. Let me just put it that way. I don't like that. It's a big, giant-ass bag, and I just force feed them. I like the work. It's like with sunflower seeds.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I don't like just regular sunflower seeds. I got to have the shell. Yeah. I like the work. I know a lot of people do that, man. Like, if you just got a plate of crab meat, fuck that noise. I want the legs to crack open. I see.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Is that weird? No, no. There's merit to that. Yeah, I don't know. I get it. I had some regular pistachios the other day, and I had to work for them and rewarding Yeah, and they were kind of like flavorful on the outside. I enjoyed it. Yeah, like sucking But sometimes I just like to pour a coffee cup full of pistachios
Starting point is 00:06:37 And just eat that shit while I watch TV see I'll do a mix little macadamia nuts cashews all unsalted I hate salt did you so you're so healthy now. What's going on? I don't know what the fuck's going on. I don't know. I'm like this fucking new fucking keto. It's weird, man. The keto kid.
Starting point is 00:06:54 That made me fucking laugh. Are you getting a lot of vegetables in, too? Yeah, tons of veggies. You know what my big thing is? I've ate it every night for dinner since i've been on the diet is i do like a shredded lettuce cabbage mix that i saute and i put buffalo meat in it and then i'll put like yeah hot sauce on top of that every night i know i look forward to it too wow it's so weird yeah weight is going to melt off your body too the first the first few
Starting point is 00:07:26 pounds you lose obviously i'm not a doctor are supposed to be just your body adjusting to uh this new lower inflammation diet you don't have as much inflammation of as much water storage in your body yeah and you're you just get rid of some of that. And then your body, as it starts burning off fat, one of the coolest things is you don't get those crazy hunger cravings either. It's a completely different kind of hunger. Well, plus it lasts longer, right? Because you're eating these fats. So your body's not spiking insulin, right? It's like more of a steady pace.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And the spike in insulin is fucking real, man. Because like I told you i cheated in mexico and then i cheated one other time i just said fucking i want a cheeseburger and a milkshake from this like old-timey so american oh oh i was so dead afterwards it was like somebody poisoned me i mean it was really it's so dramatic man like no bitch no i really did feel like i was having the hardest time getting up off the couch i was like god i can't i just couldn't breathe it was like my body had just shut down to process that garbage bullshit yeah it's like what the fuck is this i think the the only thing that took me a
Starting point is 00:08:36 while to get used to was so much mct oil yeah you gotta be careful with that though i texted yesterday i was running man i took this a bunch of this new MCT oil. I swear to God, I was like, it's Venice. I might as well just shit my pants right here. No one's going to give a fuck. I will just shit everywhere. Yeah, there's a tipping point with MCT oil where it just opens a floodgate to your booty hole. Yeah, there's a floodgate to your booty hole.
Starting point is 00:08:59 There's no third gear. It's like first or fucking sixth gear, man. And where is it? Is it, like, two tablespoons? I'm trying to figure it out. Is it, like, three tablespoons? You're gone. That shit is the perfect storm for explosive dialogue.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah, if you want to clean out the pipes, you don't need a colonic. But it's not like, ah, I got to take a shit. It's like, it's coming. You better fucking figure it out. You're squeezing your butt up, and you're tensing up your innards. You're trying to, like, clamp it down from the inside. I had to stop running. I was like, I better come up with a game plan here.
Starting point is 00:09:29 My mouth started watering. Oh, shit. And there's that battle that you play. It's very similar to the battle when you're trying not to cum. You know, the battle when you're trying not to cum. You're just squeezing your dick. Jesus. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:09:43 That shit is. It's very similar to that. I don't want to shit my pants. You have willpower. Because there's some weak people in the world that just shit their pants more than they should. You can't be my friend. If you just give up and shit your pants, lose my number. I just told you what to do.
Starting point is 00:09:59 It hurts to keep my butt tight. You just got no willpower, man. Yeah, but then I've shit my pants before, too. It's like, here's the deal. It's okay to tap out. Just don't tap out like a bitch. No, at least put up a fight. It's all right if you're going to lose the fight.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Be actually in a position where you have to tap. Don't just tap because you're uncomfortable. it's just you have no other option yeah hey didn't calin lie to you one time said he shit his pants and then showed up with regular pants well that's one lie you just can't do he said that he couldn't make it to the show at the ice house i love this because he shit his pants and i said what are you talking about? He goes, I shit my pants. I can't come. And I said, Brian, these people came to see you.
Starting point is 00:10:51 They're here to see you. And he goes, what should I do? I go, go to a fucking bathroom at a gas station. Take your fucking pants off. Throw them in the sink. Clean the shit out of your pants. Ring them out. And then get over here with wet pants on and a story how old is he at this time?
Starting point is 00:11:09 oh like a year ago and he's asking you what should I do you gotta show up man you gotta show up people don't want to smell shit on you so if you could just get to the bathroom for 5 minutes you could fix all that it's gonna take a little work and and you're going to wear wet pants.
Starting point is 00:11:25 But that's what you have to do. Better than doo-doo pants. People paid. They're Brian Callen fans. Yeah, they don't give a fuck if you have doo-doo hanging out your pants. Tell some jokes. So he shows up 10 minutes later. His pants are dry.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And I go, what happened? And he said, oh, I had a pair of pants in my trunk. The worst liar of all time. He had a pair of pants in your trunk. I don't know what. I didn't even want to ask what was really going on. You can't even get into it. Because if you shit your pants as a grown man, I mean, it ain't a simple procedure.
Starting point is 00:11:52 There's some steps you got to take. Maybe that's the next shirt is I had another pair of pants in my trunk. Who carries pants in their trunk? Have you ever had a pair of pants in your trunk that you didn't know about? Never. But you shit your pants and you go, what is the odds that the pants are in my trunk? Never. I guess when I'm older I might.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I might have a baseball hat in there. And I can cover my balls. I love that story. Out of all the lies, shitting your pants? I don't know if it was a lie. I'm going to need some shit, though. I'm going to need to see some stuff. I do not know if it was a lie, but goddamn, he smelled so normal.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I mean, I would have just... Only Calum, it's the best. Only he could do that. How can you shit all over your pants and just find new pants? Would you throw your pants away? If it was like a clean log, though, you could figure it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you felt it coming out, you're like, oh, okay, we see what we got going on here.
Starting point is 00:12:43 This is a blockbuster. This is a fucking lumber roll. This is one of them submarines. We'll figure coming out. You're like, oh, okay, we see what we got going on here. This is a blockbuster. This is a fucking lumber roll. This is one of them submarines. We'll figure it out. This is one of them lumber rolls that they have those trucks that go down on. Those gigantic cedar logs. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Oh, boy. Here we go. But then there's ones you're like, oh, my God. This is 100% diarrhea. Oh, that MCT oil, there's no guessing. That shit is, you will spray paint your pants brown. But there's a feeling, it's like your butt has different levels of sensitivity. Your butt knows when you're going to blow out a hard, beefy pot roast shit. You know, one of them thick, dried out shits that's very dense.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Your butt knows. Your butt's like, look, we're eventually gonna have to sit down here and there's gonna be a big one. So I want you to get a magazine. Get your mind right. Make sure your fucking iPhone's charged up. But then there's the fire drill. Then there's the fucking fire drill. And that's what I had in Venice yesterday.
Starting point is 00:13:41 But you know, before you see, you can't see your asshole even if you had to. Unless you're an acrobat. There's no way to even see your asshole without a mirror. MCT, it's like a 10 second warning. Oh, God. You know what I'm saying? There's a certain level of sensitivity.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Oh, for sure. If you had explained that, if you had explained the feeling of what is it like when you have to take a shit, you'd be like, well, there's different kinds of feelings when you have to take a shit. There's like, eventually I'm going to have to take a shit. There's a, oh God, oh boy, this is going to be a whopper. But it's a shit. And then there's, oh. You're talking about that terrorist level five shit.
Starting point is 00:14:19 There's that diarrhea feeling. There's signals in your body that we always think of. We put them in like one classification. But they're radically different feelings. It's complicated. It is. It is complicated. If you break it down, it's complicated.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's complicated. The diarrhea feeling is super complicated. It's like, whoa, how do I know? How do I know that this is about to come flying at me? My body starts sweating, too. Brace yourself, son. You're about to get active. Yeah. My body starts sweating, too. Brace yourself, son. You're about to get active. And some foods, too.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Some foods are just, like sometimes spicy food, for whatever reason, just breaks stuff loose off the walls. And there's a goddamn apple hedge. A fucking mudslide. Fucking broken fire hydrant coming out of your asshole.
Starting point is 00:15:03 It is complicated, though. We could do a podcast for three hours straight on shit. Yeah. Yeah, man. It's hilarious. It's very important. It's very important. It's so hilarious.
Starting point is 00:15:14 So easy on the MCT oil, kids. Yeah. Brace yourself. Moral to our story. Yeah. You're supposed to have, at the most, a couple of tablespoons. Yeah, don't squirt that shit directly in your mouth. It's not going to kill you, but you will shit your pants.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah, you'll piss out your asshole. Straight up. The big combination, if you really want to clean the pipes, is those Hulk load shakes, kale shakes that I make with MCT oil in it. Preach. Whoa. I started adding coconut oil.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Coconut oil is nice. I scoop it out, a couple know extra virgin or whatever the fuck Yeah, get a nice couple of tablespoons throw it in there But then I decided to go hard and go to the heart in the paint. Go MCT oil and Forget the number that I use four or five Tablespoons you fucked up. Yeah, I use four or five tablespoons for one, one of those blenders. There's probably,
Starting point is 00:16:10 how many, what do you say that is? About 16 ounce, no, 20 ounces maybe. So five scoops of MCT oil. I mean,
Starting point is 00:16:19 what were you thinking? I don't know. I want to see what happens. Usually, usually I'm always down for more means better. I didn't know back happens. Usually I'm always down for more means better. I didn't know back then. When I first started shitting myself.
Starting point is 00:16:30 See, I knew. Coming close to shitting myself at least. I knew and I still fucking do it. I didn't know it was MCT oil that was doing it. I thought it was just the intense amount of fiber from the hemp shakes or from the kale shakes. The vegetables, yeah. Yeah, all the, you know. I mean, there's cucumber in there and carrots in there, or celery rather, and ginger and garlic and usually like a piece of fruit, like an apple or something like that. Like, there's so much fiber.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I thought it was just blowing everything out. But there's a big difference between- Between, no. When I had the extra MC2 oil, it's like- It's like a turbo. What is it doing? It's like a turbo on an engine. Is it lubing everything up?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Why is that? It just gets in there and wreaks havoc. It just gets in there and fucking... Why does it make it all come out as liquid? Like, what is happening? It's complicated. It's complicated. It's so complicated.
Starting point is 00:17:19 How the fuck does that work? But it seems like it would be a good thing. Like, it would be uncomfortable, but something like that would clean you out. I think it's a good thing Probably feel like it. I hope so. Yeah, I hope so, too Anyway, good source of healthy fats. Just take it easy fucks. Yeah easy man more is not better Yeah, so big UFC this weekend. That's one of the reason what we sat down here God, we start talking about shit in our pants We talk about shit for 25 minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Sorry, man. We can talk about whatever, though. No, a big UFC this weekend, but I was talking to you through text. I feel like no one's really talking about UFC 197 because the Conor. Straight up, the Conor. That's all I'll refer to him now. The Conor. The two best pound-for-pound fighters in the world, universally heralded two best pound-for-pound fighters,
Starting point is 00:18:07 Jon Jones and Demetrius Mighty Mouse Johnson, fighting on a card this weekend, and no one's talking about it. Oh, and Anthony Pettis is on that bitch. And Barboza. And Barboza, yeah. But Jon Jones, in my opinion, he's number two. Not that he's not awesome. I just go off technique. I think that Demetrius Johnson is on another level.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I think he has to be on another level because he's so small. But I think what Jon Jones does and his risk of losing is so much higher than Mighty Mouse's, and he's destroying dudes. And not training. And high as fuck. Let's toss that on top of it. You got good points there, but just because you didn't train, it doesn't make your performances more valid. Because you beat Daniel Cormier and you did coke three weeks before,
Starting point is 00:18:52 you still had the same fight with Daniel Cormier. Just because you went five rounds with Alexander Gustafson and struggled because you didn't train, you still struggled. So although I agree that Jon Jones at his best is the motherfucker. I mean, Jon Jones at his best, when he choked out Lyoto Machida, when he just dropped him and walked away like an assassin. Yeah, I don't think it's a contest because I think Jon, the way he's been, guys, he's facing tougher competition.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You could argue that. And his level, his margin of error is so much smaller. Like, let's say DJ has one off night, and someone lands a big right hand on him, he'll figure it out, and that right hand's not going to land again. If Jon Jones has an off night, even OSP, and OSP lands a huge left hook, it's over, son. It's true. Very good points.
Starting point is 00:19:39 These are very good points. Absolutely. And think about the legends he's beat. Mighty Mouse, you know Mighty Mouse's next fight, if he gets past Cejudo, he's fighting the winner of the Ultimate Fighter, that's what the fuck we gotta result to, there's just no one for him to fight wouldn't he fight Benavidez?
Starting point is 00:19:52 no, no, his next fight they said if he wins his fight, he's gonna fight the winner of the Ultimate Fighter, that sounds crazy but that's, that's weird you know that's what he says, people, tiny people people don't look at those little tiny guys I know, it sucks man, cause he's so talented so good, I know, that's what he says. People, tiny people. People don't look at those little tiny guys. I know, it sucks, man, because he's so talented. So good.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I actually think it's better for the sport. I love Demetrius Johnson. I love DJ. I absolutely love him. I think he's great. I think it's better for the sport if Cejudo wins. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Why do you say that? Because of his upbringing, his background, Olympic gold medalist, didn't go to college, just pursued the Olympics straight out of high school and won gold. The youngest ever to win gold. You know, his Mexican roots, I think the UFC could use more of that. DJ needs a nemesis. Like, Aldo had McGregor, right?
Starting point is 00:20:34 Aldo's never been bigger now. I think DJ needs a nemesis. And if he beats him, we don't have one. He fights the fucking ultimate fighter winner. It's true, or unless he beats him barely. You know, who knows? But even then. Look, Cejudo's not a joke. He's the best wrestler
Starting point is 00:20:47 in MMA today. I mean, arguably that's competing in the 125 pound division. Who's ever had more wrestling accomplishments? He's an Olympic gold medalist. Gold medalist. I mean, that's the beast of the beasts. So, you know he's a winner. He's just a straight winner. The real
Starting point is 00:21:04 question is, is that cut to 125 too brutal because he's look good in his fights that's scary thing to me though would he look better if he didn't cut i always think guys would i always think they would a guy like him i wonder i'm like i wonder if he's got that wrestler's mentality to always be the biggest guy look what he did cutting that weight though. He adds it down to a science. Usually the wrestlers are a beast at it. DC, amazing. Hendo, amazing. You're talking about guys who never really miss weight.
Starting point is 00:21:31 How about Rumble back when he used to go down from 200 plus to 170. It was insane. I can't believe no one was like, I feel like it's a bad idea. You might die. And then Dada was like, nah, I got this. Dead. Dada died. that's why you can't have that shit well but they said dada only had to lose like three pounds a week of the fight
Starting point is 00:21:52 still though i'm just saying you better better know your weight cuts yeah i think there was a lot of other issues going on there physically we just wasn't prepared for that but there's a big difference between him and a guy like i'm just being silly i know so who does the fucking best in the business he's a master at weight cutting you just look at his you know his wins all submission i mean all uh decisions his level of competition dj i think he's number two pound for pound best good luck man yeah dj's a motherfucker he's an artist man he's my favorite guy to watch because you just don't get to hit him you don't get to it's not how it works well how it works is he's going to be moving you're going to be reacting you're going
Starting point is 00:22:29 to think he's going to go left he's going to go right he's going to punch you in the face while he's doing it he's going to circle out leg kick you on the way out and then enter when you think he's going to exit go to the right when you think he's going to go to the left and constantly switch between takedowns and punches and he gets you up against the cage and he drops down for doubles and comes up with an elbow And it's all creative. This is all flowing together and there's no one with better skills than him No, I don't think that makes him the best fighter. It's a good that makes sense But I also think if I'm DJ, I'm gonna sit there and God how how the fuck can I become a draw? I'm tiny people don't give a fuck about tiny people
Starting point is 00:23:03 Let's see the one guy who's beat me, Dominic Cruz, is a massive star. I need to go up and wait and fight Dominic Cruz. That's the fight. He should grab the mic after he beats Cejudo and go, Dominic, you're the last guy to beat me, especially in the UFC. Before that, it was homeboy
Starting point is 00:23:19 the freaking Irish cat. I forget his name. Anyways, he just needs to get on the mic and go, yo, you're the last guy to beat me. Brad Pickett? Pickett. Pickett. Yeah, exactly. Pickett beat him in decision.
Starting point is 00:23:29 English guy. I knew who you were talking about, though. Yeah, sorry, man. WC. Yeah, my bad. My bad. Love that guy. My bad, Brad.
Starting point is 00:23:34 But he just needs to get on the mic and create some sort of hype. Like, even the Suhudo thing. To the common fan, they're like, what? These are two tiny dudes. It's hard. But to stay at 125, it ain't happening, man. You're not going to become mainstream. You're not going to make a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Well, I wonder, though. Well, maybe you're right, because if Cejudo beat him, then maybe he can have a lot of money. Yeah, then we got a little bit of drama. Yeah. Well, we'll see. It's not outside the realm of possibility. So the best thing for him, Cejudo beats him and talks some shit. It's kind of back and forth fight
Starting point is 00:24:06 and then they fight again. We'll watch that three match. Or let's say he just destroys Cejudo. Cejudo, don't wait for the ultimate fighter winner. We don't give a fuck about those small guys in the ultimate fighter.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Get it on the mic. Call out Dominic Cruz, son. I wanted to see Cejudo versus someone like Benavidez. Me too. I wanted to see Cejudo versus like a real veteran. But then if,
Starting point is 00:24:24 let's say he fights Benavidez and Benavidez beats him, you want Benavidez, Mighty Mouse. I wanted to see Cejudo versus a real veteran. But then if, let's say he fights Benavidez and Benavidez beats him, you want Benavidez Mighty Mouse 2? Or 3? You do. I do. Again. I get it. You do. Everyone else does not. And Benavidez is, I love that dude. Well, there's two ways of looking at it.
Starting point is 00:24:39 As an excitement junkie and as a fan of the art form. For me, as a fan of the art form. For me, as a fan of the art form, I want to see DJ with as many different tests as possible because I'm a big fan of technique and movement, and I think he's the highest expression of technique and movement today. I agree. Because his combinations, the way he stifled Dodson.
Starting point is 00:25:02 You don't stifle Dodson. Dodson's a hurricane. You got cows flying around your yard. You know, the fucking satellite dish will take your head off as it comes off the roof. He's so fast. How about Bagutinov when he fought him? Bagutinov, he out-cardioed him. He was on EPO.
Starting point is 00:25:18 He was on EPO and he out-cardioed him. And they're 125 pounds. And he out-cardioed him. What the fuck? Bagutinov's got that style. That's that Russian style that sometimes works but sometimes doesn doesn't that fucking it's really those guys they can see the shots Yeah, it tants and a Every punches It works out heavier. It works that heavier. We can work a buggy Tina fucked a lot of people up He did a metal mother five. Yeah, motherfucker. Yeah, but. But I just think, like you said, from a purist point, it's like, yeah, Mighty Mouse, keep doing your thing.
Starting point is 00:25:49 As a guy looking at what's best for him, because he's going to fight, right? He's just going to keep fighting. Yeah. How can we make the most money and get you the most fame and the best competition? Dominic Cruz. I agree with you. It's the best matchup in that they're virtually Identical sidewise in size wise only ten pounds off. Yeah, man And they're both I'm talking about world champions the highest level you want to have a super fight
Starting point is 00:26:12 We're not that far off ten pounds at 125 those actually that is a lot of weight because it was a hundred pounds It'd be ten percent. There's a lot of weight, but they could figure it out Yeah, saying like you could risk that for that big of a payday Well or if my house has fought at that weight before. And if he just did it, if they gave him like six months. You give him six months so he can do some squats or deadlifts or whatever and put on
Starting point is 00:26:34 some actual weight. The issue is his cruise, right? So his cruise has Uriah. Let's say he beats Uriah. If we go with the Vegas odds, he beats Uriah. But then he has TJ. Well, I think TJ is going to go with Dodson. If I had to guess, like what the big fight is at 135, rematch between TJ and Dodson, because that was the finals of the Ultimate Fighter.
Starting point is 00:26:52 100%. And both guys are light years past where they were then. I would like to see how Dodson deals with the champion TJ. I mean, because TJ lost a razor close decision to Dominic, right? Agreed? Very fucking close. I actually had TJ winning a razor-close decision to Dominic right agreed very great I actually had TJ winning very fucking close fight and you know Dominic Cruz is a master I mean he is just a master straight master watching him move and his footwork inside the octagon and the way he mixes things up Be like this fucking kid has been out essentially for four years except for one fight Nuts crazy not one fight was like a minute something. Yeah, he just stormed Mitsugaki.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So you're watching this guy move around. I mean, this is a guy who hasn't performed under the pressure of the cameras for all this time, and he still puts on this masterful performance. He has the best brain in MMA that I've ever been around. He's a wizard. As far as him talking. But I think you have to, so you gotta
Starting point is 00:27:41 keep TJ active, you gotta keep Dominic active. But Dodson and TJ is a monster. You've got to keep Dominic active. But Dodson and TJ is a monster fight. It's a motherfucker for sure. It's a monster fight. But for the guy who's going to be left out and fighting a no-namer ultimate fighter winner is DJ. Yeah, that's weird. What about DJ? Is that definitely what's going to happen?
Starting point is 00:28:01 I'm almost positive. We should always Google these things. We should. Definitely what's going to happen? I'm almost positive. We should always Google these things. We should. By the way, if we're arguing this fake point, let's find out if Demetrius Mighty Mouse Johnson will one day fight the winner of the Ultimate Challenge. Maybe I'm just full of MCTO and I'm making shit up.
Starting point is 00:28:13 But that'd be a weird thing to make up. Usually I'm right on this stuff. I feel like he does fight the next challenger. It was vaguely familiar when you said it. No. I vaguely was like, is that right? I'm almost positive. I believe you.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I believe you. We'll find out. You got it? Is it, Jamie? Demetrius Johnson isn't scared of tough 24 winners title shot. I just don't care. Wow. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:38 So the winner gets that title shot. Yeah, that seems crazy. Like, I get it when you do that with girls because there's seven of them. Yeah. But with these guys, is there any way we can help DJ out anymore? You already fucked him on the Xbox deal. Is there any way we can do something with him? Man. Yeah. Oh, I think he's
Starting point is 00:28:55 making money off of Twitch. Is he making money from Twitch? Oh, yeah, he does play video games on there. Well, he's a legit gamer. Super gamer. He's addicted to gaming. I just don't think he gets the credit that he deserves. I tell every young fighter, you want to emulate someone? Emulate this guy. You better be tiny, though.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah, you got to be tiny, but you can emulate a version of it at 170. You could emulate a version of what he's doing at 170. Yeah, but if frickin' the keto kid here is 17 at 6'4", 210 pounds, you can't be like, watch Mighty Mouse. I'm like, ah, fuck. You can't, but you can emulate a version of it like Rico Verhoeven. Rico Verhoeven is very technical, has incredible cardio, and he's a fantastic kickboxer, and he's a big motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:29:36 He's fighting MMA now. Yes, he is. Good luck with that. Good luck with all that. That's why I was fighting him. Jesus Christ. And he's trained at AKA. Oh, fucking Christ.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Who the fuck's going to- What? The only problem with those guys is in the beginning of their career, they're susceptible to punches during takedown exchanges. Remember when Randleman knocked out Crow Cop? Do I ever. Woo! Because Crow Cop was looking for the shot. True.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And Randleman came at him with the punch and just leapt at him. Well, they can't unleash their hands and the gloves are so small. In kickboxing, you can get away with a little more the gloves are so small. You know, in kickboxing, you can get away with a little more, or even glory, whatever. But like your boy Pat Schilling, right? He should be murking some of these dudes. Joe Schilling, you mean?
Starting point is 00:30:13 Joe Schilling, sorry. Yeah, Pat Schilling. I was like, who's this Pat fella? Pat, yeah. But Joe Schilling, his stand-up, some of the best in the world. You see him fight MMA, he can't fight the same.
Starting point is 00:30:24 He's worried about the takedown. Yes, and so he's open to knockouts so you'll see him get knocked out by a guy where you're like dude if there was no takedowns he would fuck you up yeah 100 i feel like yelling at another crowd yeah well he's only doing that now i think he's going straight kickboxing now it's smart man quit messing with mma he's in his 30s too you're in your 30s yeah the game and it's full of grapplers. No one's standing with your crazy ass. Not only that, you might find yourself across the cage from some NCAA Division I national champion, and you are not stopping the takedown.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Not only are you not stopping the takedown, but he doesn't give a fuck about exciting fights. He will ride you for 15 minutes and love every minute of it. And smash your face with his elbows and the only problem able to get up I agree there's a big difference she's standing up with someone where guys are used to slipping and moving and anticipating angles and someone literally holding your fucking face down and force-feeding you elbows and your head has nowhere to go yeah but also with with Joe Schilling it more of like, I just don't see the payoff for it. But also there's not a lot of money in kickboxing.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I'm hoping Bellator brings it up because they have Bellator kickboxing now. Yeah. And UFC now has Glory. Yeah. So the UFC has Glory. Fight Pass, right? Yeah. Fight Pass, they're carrying Glory.
Starting point is 00:31:40 ESPN is also carrying Glory. I saw that. They're smart, man. It's a fucking awesome product it's just right now people don't know about it you have to tell the guy's story that's the problem we need to be invested in these guys tell a fucking joe shilling story it's great man yeah but we have to be invested and care about the guy fighting otherwise it's just two guys kickboxing i think if someone like hbo got a hold of, if they did it the way they do HBO boxing, if they had like a Simon Marcus versus Joe Schilling title fight, like two guys who have
Starting point is 00:32:09 gone to war and have this crazy history behind them, where Marcus stopped him in one fight and then Joe Schilling stopped Marcus in the fourth round of this insane fucking war. Were you there in LA for that fight? I watched it. I was not there in person. Good. I was supposed to go with you, actually. Fucking Moogly.
Starting point is 00:32:25 When he uncorked that right hand and you see Simon Marcus go out, you're like, holy shit. And it was in the fourth round. There's that moment when these guys have to fight three rounds, and if the fight is a draw, at the end of the third round, they go to a final death. What do they call it? Elimination round? I don't know what you call it. Final elimination round? you don't call it sudden death no you can't that's tough that's rough that's rough that's especially with the current death so they go to this one more round and uh in the one more round you can see both guys they're exhausted they're so fucking tired and simon marcus had spit his mouthpiece out a couple times he got a point taken away from him
Starting point is 00:33:03 for it. And it was looking like Joe Schilling was going to probably win, so Simon Marcus is going after him. And Joe Schilling just uncorks his beautiful right hook that just completely shuts the light out on Simon. Think if HBO got a hold of that and did a 24-7. Dude, they honeydick me more than anyone. If they do a 24-7, I will buy anything. I don't even know the two Mexican boxers, and I'm so invested.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm like, I can't wait. I cannot wait. They do a better job than anyone. You could smell the tacos and hear the music, and you feel the family. I know. I want them to win. They get good with those things, man. They do it the best.
Starting point is 00:33:42 No one does it better than them. You know what else they do that's good that I like? When they do that thing where... The face-offs with Max Kellerman? Yeah, with Max, where they sit across the table and they both talk about... It's tough if they don't speak English, though, because there's a delay. There's a little bit of delay. Like with Canelo and Khan.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I was watching like, well, okay. You can see his earpiece. It's a little tough. How much English does Canelo know? He doesn't know any? Not very good, yeah. Not very good. Weird.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yeah. The money's over here, right? They all want to come over here for the money. I would think you would just learn a little bit of English. It makes sense. Especially if you want to get big brands over here. Those shows, though, like Showtime has those ones they did for Mayweather's Fights. What do they call them?
Starting point is 00:34:24 All Access? All Access, yeah. Yeah are those are big man they're good but they're just not the same is it as the original 24 sevens nothing can fuck with the 20 verse 7 ufc's done some pretty goddamn good ones embedded they're good yeah they're good the one when cowboy fought um uh rafael dos anjos yeah they're great or like yeah the ron one they're great. Or like, yeah, the Ronda one. They're good. I'm with you, man. You're batshit crazy. You think he's better than the HBO 24-7. Where do you think they got the idea?
Starting point is 00:34:51 And that guy's voice, is it Lee Shriver? Lee Shriver, yeah. Let's steal that guy and bring him to the UFC. Yeah, who do they use for the UFC voice? I don't know. Yeah, that Lee Shriver guy is weird because you don't recognize that it's his voice. Because his voice is somewhat indistinctive in some weird way. You know, like Liam Neeson.
Starting point is 00:35:13 If Liam Neeson was doing a voiceover for something, you would know it's Liam Neeson. And that would kind of be distracting. I agree. But with Liev Schreiber, he's like, oh, this guy's smooth as fuck. And you're like, god damn. That's it. That's all you get out of it. I would do anything for that guy. Literally, I don't even know him. I'd do anything for him. Yeah. That's all you get out of it. I would do anything for that guy. Literally, I don't even know him.
Starting point is 00:35:25 I'd do anything for him. Yeah, that's all you get out of it is he's smooth. Yeah, I mean, UFC could get someone else. Even like a Morgan Freeman would be sick. Well, that brings up the thing that's going on this week with Conor McGregor. We got caught off guard last episode. Jamie and I were talking. I don't know, it was just breaking news.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And Jamie brought it up that Conor announced his retirement. And I said I thought he was trolling. You and I had the exact same reaction. I was like, he's trolling. He's fucking around. I was like, no, look at this. It's all weird. He'd be more eloquent than that.
Starting point is 00:35:56 He'd be able to put it out better than that. And then the news started coming out. And I also started thinking, well, maybe something happened in training. Or maybe it was because of that guy that died recently and people were saying you know they were shocked that i didn't know the full details and the guy's death honestly with things like this like you know it's going to happen and um it's unavoidable it's there's a certain amount of risk involved in any extreme sport. Plus, that's the exception. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah, it's going to happen. That's the exception. It is like being mad at peanut butter when someone dies. It's like I'm still going to eat peanut. You know, it is exception. But I was waiting for all the details to come out. I don't think they've done an autopsy yet. They don't think they know.
Starting point is 00:36:38 No, I don't either. I didn't think that was Connor. And I don't know if this is I don't think he's sharing too much information. When Connor and I had lunch together, I was just talking, and he kept bringing up. It was a reoccurring theme when we were talking. He goes, the media, man. Like, for this, it's such a beast. He's like, I've done interviews before, but, you know, it's different.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Like, he's not a guy where when any other fighters sit down and do an interview, they're really not selling the fight. They're talking about their camp, and they're doing the same thing over and over. Conor's a fucking master that we've never seen do it before. So he's coming up with original content nonstop. He's on. You know, like when he came on our podcast, he was on, he did the whole car wash.
Starting point is 00:37:18 He was exhausted. And when he came down, you could tell him he was thinking and just started spitting out gold. He's just a beast, man. So to have that guy fly around the world and do all this shit i mean at the end of the day we got to remember this is a sport this is not the wwe so to keep putting on the spectacle like it's similar to wwe at some point you gotta say man what these guys do is it's a real real we're in the hurt business he has to focus man and i just feel like i i think connor's to blame too dana's to blame i think both of them just need to talk because if connor before
Starting point is 00:37:52 is bad playing him bad playing on dana if he just went dude listen i've sold this fight more than anyone man this is nuts i have to if i lose this next fight i'm screwed the problem is it sets a precedent now if i'm looking at it from as businessman, if I was a businessman, let's pretend, I would say this sets a precedent. You can't let someone decide what press they do and what press they don't do. You have an obligation to fulfill certain responsibilities with the media. For sure. Like create hype. But the question is, when do those responsibilities move into a purely digital realm?
Starting point is 00:38:29 And when do those responsibilities only in showing up places, physically, old school, retro, going places? Because there's nothing wrong with the occasional press conference, right? No. But also, you could accomplish way more With a few fucking viral videos Than you ever could going To some weird interview With two people that aren't MMA fans
Starting point is 00:38:50 And I think he made a really good point about that Doing this fucking These morning shows That they make them go do Where you know Nobody knows who the guy is Or the girl They don't give a shit about MMA
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah they don't They don't want to talk to him The way you want to talk to him Or I want to talk to him You know when I'm talking to Conor Like before fight, I'm trying to find out what's going on in the head of a guy who's going to engage in one of the most exciting things that I'm going to see all year. No, you're not going on a morning show going, how about that cauliflower? How'd you get that? Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:39:18 The girls like that. Oh, I know. But Conor's a guy where he's crossed over into pop culture. He's such a big star now. a tweet from him will hype the fight if i guarantee if connor and dana had a conversation and dana was like all right man i understand it's a big fight because you gotta remember if you were to lose this one now you're losing your golden boy the biggest star by far by far i also so if he could just focus let's just let him focus a little bit well i also feel like the magnitude of this the dilemma that's in front front of him and Nate Diaz is also very apparent.
Starting point is 00:39:49 This is not a guy you can half-ass. And even if you are 100% ready, you've never even fought him at 100%. No. You fought him when he had 11 days notice when he'd been drinking in Mexico. I mean, he posted photos. It's a terrible matchup, man. And then you want to fly him on a plane. Did anyone think, man, all right, if you're looking at the—
Starting point is 00:40:08 We're three months away, though. Okay. But still, Conor's exhausted, man, from doing all this stuff. And also, you know, I see some fighters go, it's our obligation to do these press conferences. Slow your roll, homie. You're not Conor McGregor press conference. It's a big difference. And a loss to him, you're not Conor McGregor press conference. That's a big difference. And a loss to him, you're talking millions.
Starting point is 00:40:28 And the UFC, if I'm looking at it as a businessman, I go, all right, man. He's going to do a press conference, but we're going to come to him. Did anyone think to do that? Well, first of all, Conor is one of the most charismatic guys, seriously, of all time in all sports. No doubt about it. I mean, he is a fucking marketing machine like they're just the quotes and his style his tweet i don't mean to interrupt you but his tweet yeah is the biggest tweet by an athlete this year yeah beat kobe bryant's retirement tweet
Starting point is 00:40:56 and you want me to go do a fucking interview for espn well they don't know the sport oh i was what i watch espn every morning they were talking about lebron james the playoff game tonight they interrupted this shit with breaking news talk about connor's not retiring that's how big he is now the pr team at ufc could not get this they could not get this sort of attention even if they want to connor can it's a different age man those old interviews that old press conference you have a legit fucking superstar man who makes more money than anyone the highest gates totally forgot what i was gonna say i had a serious point sorry brother it's okay sometimes
Starting point is 00:41:30 i just go no well you know you you have all good points all all valid points and i get there's contracts i get stuff like that but there has to be where you can't have a pissing contest you can't say well we're gonna run like a business this time and then not this time because it's good for the company with khan mcgregor and this big of a fight, if he wins this, dude, you know how much more money you're going to make? Not the fucking press conference. Well, you're absolutely right that he's one of the most charismatic guys of all time. But Nate Diaz right now is goddamn gigantic. Not as big as Conor.
Starting point is 00:42:00 He's not as big as Conor. I'm close. But he's goddamn gigantic. He's huge. See what happens if Conor doesn't fight. He's not as big as Conor. I'm close. But he's goddamn gigantic. He's huge. See what happens if Conor doesn't fight. That's part of that fight. Part of that fight
Starting point is 00:42:09 is that Conor is also fighting another mercurial superstar character. I agree. Especially now after the first fight. I agree, Joe.
Starting point is 00:42:17 But let's say Conor doesn't fight at UFC 200 and let's say Nate fights Woodley or Robbie Lawler. Let me know how those ratings go. Let me know if you even break. He's not going to fight at 170, I don't think. Well, let's say Nate fights Woodley or Robbie Lawler. Let me know how those ratings go. Let me know if you even break.
Starting point is 00:42:25 He's not going to fight at 170, I don't think. All right, let's say at 155. Let's say he fights Dos Anjos. Let me know how those ratings go. Here's where it won't be as close. It wouldn't even be a quarter of it. I wonder. It'd be close.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Maybe half. Well, half makes sense, though. Maybe half. Half makes sense. But half would still be pretty spectacular. You know what? Not even half. I'm being generous
Starting point is 00:42:46 And I love me. He's the biggest there's no doubt about it. He's the biggest Yeah, well who knows it's all speculation, but here's what's interesting They offered the fight apparently to Nurmagomedov, but he can't take it because it's only four days after Ramadan Fuck yeah, so he's very religious so he does that whole fasting that had buddy of mine, my friend, Khan Khaleeli from back in Boston. He used to do that shit. Damn, he turned down a title fight. He would do that. He would fast when he was training.
Starting point is 00:43:14 It was crazy. You just, you have certain rules where you're not allowed to eat anything. How does it go? You're not allowed to eat anything or drink anything. Sun up, sun down, right? Yeah. Sun up, sun down. I have buddies who do it. Yeah. And you can't, there's no food or water. Sun up, sun down, right? Yeah, sun up, sun down. I have buddies who do it.
Starting point is 00:43:25 There's no food or water. Sun up, sun down. That's crazy. And at like 6 p.m. they have this feast. Yeah, but it can weaken you. And so Habib said it would be a real problem if you had to fight four or five rounds. And I get it. And I would love to see that fight.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Habib Negamedov versus Nate Diaz. Negamedov. Negamedov. He's such a beast, right? He's phenomenal. Yeah. To us who are balls deep in the UFC world. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:47 No, you're right. ESPN ain't covering that fight. Dude, you should start a promotion. Look at you. You're a goddamn promoter. You know how to do this. I'm not. I've been through it.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And when I see a guy like Conor who comes in once in a lifetime, if you think there's going to be another Conor McGregor, you're batshit crazy. I think when we invest in, ah, it's the UFC. They keep going. I think you're crazy. I think Conor's a special dude. And I think there's a few other. I think Brock Lesnar was. I think R we invest in odds UFC they keep going I think you're crazy I think Connor's a special dude and I think there's a few other I think Brock Lesnar was I think Ronda's there's there's very few players is it possible that this is a calculated gamble based on not thinking he has enough time to prepare for Nate no I don't think so impossible impossible this is just this is just
Starting point is 00:44:22 a matter of digging your heels into the ground and saying, there's no way I can do this much press. 100%. I think he's just like, dude, I'm exhausted. You want me on this world tour? Can I please get ready for this? It's not the WWE, man. Go ask a major superstar, LeBron. And I know it's not the same, but LeBron, any of these guys, these superstars in sports,
Starting point is 00:44:45 Ronaldo, go on these world tours, not get paid, sell the fight. But my social media will cover way more than this. Go fuck yourself. But we have no one fighting. He can't say anything.
Starting point is 00:44:55 You say anything, look, he got pulled from the card. So more is not better. There's a certain amount. There's a certain amount you do. At a certain amount, you're doing it for the UFC.
Starting point is 00:45:04 You're not doing it for the Conor McGregor brand. You're not doing for the fighters brand you think by him going to ESPN He's gonna get what more followers Would you think that there's like there's a certain consideration that like it looks good to have file of fighters show up on like ESPN He's been there. He's like he's on breaking news He's been doing it maybe the week before do it But when he wants to prepare for a camp, and you have a guy of his magnitude coming off a loss, and he's like, man, I really think doing all this press and all this stuff has fucked with my capabilities to be a fighter. I need to get back to that.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Will you please let me focus? Makes sense. I'm not very hyped to fight. It totally makes sense. Well, you can't have exceptions. No, motherfucker, you can. Because you do make exceptions. Well, here's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:45:44 You have certain people in the UFC roster where they pick and choose when they fight or who they fight. There are exceptions. Right. And here's another thing to take into consideration. One of the most important things that any athlete does while they're in training is get proper rest. It's one of the most important things. And what fucks up when you go traveling all the time? Your rest.
Starting point is 00:46:03 It's the number one thing that wrecks you. You know. I mean mean think how much you travel dude i just i just flew in from seattle this morning i got up at five this morning flew here got right off the plane and drove right in here yeah that's that's what happens man your your body gets uh your immune system gets jacked from that it's not good i just think of the and i think this is great for the sport it's a good discussion to have because now future superstars will say, all right, I'm only doing this many interviews this much before the fight. Doing all this ain't going to happen. Maybe there's a debate. Maybe the debate could be held as to what's the amount that you need to do
Starting point is 00:46:34 and what's the amount that you should do. How do you have it set up and what would be the best way for the performance of the athlete, the consideration of their time and focus to put 100% effort into something, not leave anything on the table because they really weren't rested enough or distracted too much because they were doing too much press? But who's at help in the end? The UFC and Dana White. Well, it helps the pay-per-view. If they have pay-per-view buys and they get a percentage of the buys, it increases pay-per-view buys. It helps everyone.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Right. It's a pay-per-view. If they have pay-per-view buys and they get a percentage of the buys, it increases pay-per-view buys. It helps everyone. Right. But if the fighter, I mean, there's a direct, if a fighter has a percentage of pay-per-view, which a guy like Conor does, the more pay-per-view deals, or maybe he does at a title fight, we don't know what his deal is. So I'm talking out of my ass. He gets pay-per-view buys for sure. I would assume. No matter what.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I would assume. Yes. But so the more press he does, the more things get sold, the more money he makes. But in his point of view, like tweets and things that he's doing right now are getting more attention to it than any of these stupid interviews. You couldn't pay for this kind of publicity. And you can't argue with that. That's absolutely true. But the question is like where, you know, there should be like a contract.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And the contract should state from X to Y, you know, pick a date and time. I would be left alone. If USADA wants to get me, I'll be up in Iceland freezing my dick off, throwing sidekicks. Come get me. I see. I think this whole thing is a miscommunication. I see Dana's side and I see Conor's side, right? As a fighter, I definitely see Conor's side. I think it's just a miscommunication. I see Dana's side and I see Conor's side. As a fighter, I definitely see Conor's side.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I think it's just a miscommunication. I think if before all this came out, if Conor was like, listen, man, I can't be doing all this fucking press. I guarantee you if Dana was sitting right there, it would be no miscommunication. I don't think he would agree that it was a miscommunication. I think he would say that Conor just doesn't want to do the press. And I think that he would say
Starting point is 00:48:22 you gotta do the press. To me, that's a miscommunication. I don't think it's a miscommunication it's a disagreement no I disagree because I disagree and this is why Joe because I think after even though he fought Aldo he expressed dude I need to chill out in these interviews he beats
Starting point is 00:48:38 Nate Diaz or he loses Nate Diaz again he's like dude this fucking press is killing me so he's been voicing it and I don't know if his camp has had the discussion with Dana but at some Or he loses Nate Diaz. Again, he's like, dude, this fucking press is killing me. So he's been voicing it. I don't know if his camp has had the discussion with Dana. But at some point. Maybe they haven't. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Maybe they haven't. It's total speculation. We would say that they would have to sit down and come up with a schedule. Like, you've got to leave me alone for eight weeks. But what if Dana and Conor had a conversation right now, man to man, and Conor goes, listen, what I'll do, I'll film videos every day. I'll do this after my practices. I'll put all this social media out for you guys to create this fight. No one has the pull that I do. And I can create this many views for you, millions and millions.
Starting point is 00:49:17 No other fighter can. Don't pay me for it. Just don't make me travel. You don't think Dana and the UFC would agree to any of this? I bet they'd be open to it. You know, it's interesting. Kevin Hart, he was like one of the biggest stars in the world. One of the biggest comedians ever as far as like sales and volume.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Like no one even close. I mean, he crushes it. He sells out like, what did he sell? Like 50,000 plus seats. Soldier Field. It's nuts. Anyway, that's not important. What's important is he's gigantic on social media, super active, and he does it all himself.
Starting point is 00:49:52 So if he does a movie, he'll do a movie, and they'll say, oh, great, and you can use your 5.8 million social media followers, and it'll boost up the movie. And it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's mine. That's mine's mine no if you want that and we gotta talk about that dude like all the people that were in those movie meetings must have been like oh shit cause then the rock goes huh
Starting point is 00:50:18 yeah because there's a giant difference between a guy like the rock like what he can do to sell a movie with social media and the average person the average actor i mean he's he's constantly on it he has a dedicated loyal fan base because he's really funny and self-deprecating follows this works hard so he's showing pictures of his alarm clock it says like 4 15 in the morning he's up there fucking doing deadlifts he's an animal right so a guy like that
Starting point is 00:50:46 That's a business on the side. That's his that's his like He's got a hype business as well as a business to promote himself, but he could also hype things You know he's a lot of what everyone's he makes money on like Kevin Hart when he does that I'm sure he's got it worked. He was talking about it. He's got it worked into movies now. So it's like, oh, if you want a part of the Kevin Hart money machine that I put together, well, you got to give me something, bitch. I got to get something. You're right.
Starting point is 00:51:14 You're right in that respect. As a superstar. Now, not every fighter can pull that card. You legitimately have to be able to sell out giant stadiums and be a superstar. Yeah, and he certainly can, especially if you give him the right matchups. You know, if you give Conor the right matchup at 145, like, I think, honestly, I mean, I'm excited about this Nate Diaz fight because I like watching them fight. I like watching Nate Diaz fight.
Starting point is 00:51:38 And I love the attention he's getting. But if I was in Conor's camp, I mean, I understand that he's obsessed and he wants to get right back at it. I would say go fight Frankie Edgar. Go fight Max Holloway. Have a rematch with Max Holloway. That shit would be epic. I agree.
Starting point is 00:51:54 If Aldo, whoever Aldo does, you know, they mix it all up, fight a rematch with Aldo. Aldo's been talking mad shit about him. You know, I think Aldo genuinely believes that he fucked up, and if he gets a hold of this dude this time, he can punish him. Which is an awesome fight and awesome story. I want to see it. I want to see it. Conor's camp thinks those fights are still going to be there if he loses Nate Diaz.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I think it takes some of the star power away. A lot of the star power already got taken away. It's too much of a risk. It's way too much of a risk. The star power got taken away in that second fight. Not 100%. Not 100%. He's still the biggest draw. It's way too much of a risk. The star power got taken away in that second fight. Not 100%. Not 100%. He's still the biggest draw.
Starting point is 00:52:26 But he was an assassin before that fight. Untouchable. You understand? Floyd Mayweather-esque. There was something going on. I agree. Like when he flatlined Aldo with one punch and then did it like it was nothing and smiled and I was talking to him in the interview and he's just saying, you know, no power.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Never seen anything like it. No power. Just put it right where it's being. Never seen anything like it. Yeah. I mean, the way he gobbled up the pressure and the way he controlled the shit talking this is the thing joe we've we've never had a guy of his capabilities and his mass appeal go man i don't want to do this like everyone else has jumped through these hoops i don't i want to fucking train man this is ridiculous i'm already big enough we've never had a guy really do this
Starting point is 00:53:03 he's also a guy where i think if he wanted to if he was involved with the ufc let's say dana which would never happen cut goes go do it the fuck you i'm sick you go do what you want he could sell out a giant arena in dublin against dada 5000 every saturday that's how powerful he is that's what i literally make and just make more and more money well i don't know about that because i think part of the excitement about him was building up to that Aldo fight that was part of the man who would be king story, was that he was going to fight the longtime king.
Starting point is 00:53:32 And when he flatlined the longtime king, he reached this level of legendary popularity that happens once in a hundred generations when it comes with fighters. There's this moment, this boom. How many guys reached that moment? Like when he flatlined Aldo with one punch, and then it was in 13 seconds and the whole world was like,
Starting point is 00:53:53 he fucking did it. The answer is none. He fucking did it. Yes, it's fucking crazy. Yeah, that was epic. But the luster gets taken off by the Nate Diaz fight. And if he loses to Nate Diaz, he's got a very good point that he can't lose because he wasn't given the right amount of opportunity
Starting point is 00:54:10 to present or to prepare himself because he had to do all this press shit. Like right now, the Conor McGregor fan base and guys hugging his nuts, which I might be one of them, but they're going, well, Nate Diaz is way bigger, and he kind of caught him off guard. And there's a little asterisk, I guess, if you're this Conor guy. Well, now, if he loses again, there's no more excuses. We're kind of fucked. There's no asterisk.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Nate had 11 days to prepare. I'm not saying that. I'm saying you could. You know what I'm saying? I'm not saying there is. Nate straight up beat him with 11 days to prepare and sipping Coronas on a boat and came and whipped his ass. I thought Nate was going to beat him just by, first of all,
Starting point is 00:54:46 the size and length and deceptive boxing skills. That's what I thought. I was like, this is going to be the first guy that Conor's ever fought that's been in wars with, like, legends. I mean, he's been in there with a lot of fucking super high-level dudes. He's a monster, man. He's a monster. I'm like, this is a big, big fight.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And this is not a fight you want to take even if he's not ready on 11 days notice. You got to get ready for this dude. And his jiu-jitsu is off the chain, man. His jiu-jitsu is at a super high level. And he's a chin. And he's bigger than Conor. There couldn't be a worse matchup right now. He spars with Andre Ward, world champion, and Joe Schilling on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I know, man. And his brother, Nick. I know. Gilbert Melendez, Jake Shields. No joke. No joke. Dangerous fucking fight, man. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:55:30 It stresses me out. It's a fucking dangerous fight. But the guy who we're not talking about in all this is Nate Diaz. Right. Because even though if Nate Diaz, and you guys can say whatever you want, UFC 200 is still going to be dope. I get that. That's all fun and dandy for the absolute fans.
Starting point is 00:55:43 If there's no Conor, Nate doesn't make the same payday. So he gets fucked, man. You're right. And I want to see a guy like that. The dues that Nate has paid. And remember, the Diaz brothers were the first guys to go, nah, fuck that, man. I don't think it should be done that way.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And you got to appreciate that, man. In a land full of fucking sheep, they were the first kind of wolves to go, nah, fuck that, man. This ain't right. Well, they're also the first guys to put a ridiculous emphasis on extreme cardio. Yes. And it shows in their style. Yeah, I mean, like Nick doing marathons and triathlons.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And I was, it's funny, I keep quoting this and Nick corrected me the other day. I said that he swam back from Alcatraz twice. He just corrected me the other day. He goes five times now. That's fucking nuts. Five times. He swam from Alcatraz to the fucking mainland. twice he just correct me the other day he was five times now it's fucking nuts five times he swam from alcatraz to the fucking mainland they didn't think you could do that they didn't think it was possible that's why they put a prison there because they didn't think people could
Starting point is 00:56:34 swim well this motherfucker is a stoner and an athlete he's not even a prisoner don't fucking let don't lock that dude i was gonna swim right the fuck out he uh if you have a bunch of guys like him in prison but how crazy are people these days dude they're doing things for recreation oh my god the only the only guy who could bring nate diaz money is george saint pierre george saint pierre now i think we might be getting honeydicked if george saint pierre does happen to show up at ufc 200 it like, wait a second. Well, George has openly said that he wants to go through a camp and decide whether or not he can do it at the end of it. He's done it.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Did he go through the prep camp? That's what I heard. When did you hear this? You got the inside scoop, dog. I mean, I know he's been training a shitload, and I know he doesn't care about belts or anything. He just wants to take the fight. You know what the holdup is?
Starting point is 00:57:22 What? Reebok. That's awful. Oh, well, you're George St. Pierre's sponsored by Under Armour. And then how many fights do you have in Reeboks? And like, yeah, here's whatever. 50 grand where these Reebok pumps.
Starting point is 00:57:35 He's like, what the fuck? No, man, I'm George St. Pierre. So he's saying either the UFC has to make up for it in his purse or Reebok has to make up for it. So I think it's a money thing right now. Really? That's what you hear? Is this an inside scoop? I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:57:49 I think we just scooped the shit out of this story. I don't know. That's what I hear. Well, I've been hearing rumblings of negotiations. But, you know, it's one of those things you don't want to hope. You want to just wait. But also, I just— He's the only guy who can save the card.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Well, he would most certainly save the card. Oh, my God. You know what would be crazy? Would be him and Connor. I mean, that's fucking nuts. Him and Connor at Madison Square Garden? There's not enough seats there. No.
Starting point is 00:58:20 There'd be full of just fucking... GSP versus Connor. It'd look like the Oscars. It'd just be this crowd full of celebrities. Regular folk couldn't afford the tickets. Especially if you get angry GSP. GSP that wanted to punish BJ Penn, GSP? I think it'd be tough to bring him out, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Didn't like the disrespect. You talking about Rush? You talking about Rush? Yeah. Yeah, man. He was a motherfucker. Oh, GSP was one of the weirder guys because he was such a nice guy at all times but when guys fucked with him there was this this switch that would go off in that head and he would
Starting point is 00:58:52 go on seek and destroy mode and he was so good at it man when he fucked up bj he fucked up fitch you you watch those fights and you just go that is arguably the greatest welterweight of all time i agree i mean his ability to mix up the strikes and the takedowns we never knew what the fuck and you just go, that is arguably the greatest welterweight of all time. I agree. I mean, his ability to mix up the strikes and the takedowns. We never knew what the fuck was going on. His constant victories and the scrambles. And the BJ fight, too, where he was punishing BJ. He wanted to punish him. And when he beat him down and didn't stop him
Starting point is 00:59:20 and then walked over to the wall and fucking punched it afterwards. That's the motherfucker that we need. Now, does he come back or do we get that safe GSP? Because a safe GSP versus Conor, I'm not trying to see that. There's a long time gone. Who knows? Who knows? We're talking about GSP and BJ Penn's coming back, too.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Yeah, well, I'm excited to see what that looks like. BJ's fighting Dennis Seaver, and he's been at Jackson Winklejohn's camp for quite a while now. Yeah, well, I'm excited to see what that looks like. BJ's fighting Dennis Seaver, and he's been at Jackson Winklejohn's camp for quite a while now. Yeah, man. So I'm assuming they're not letting him cut any corners. Oh, no. They're really running him through the real paces. Yeah, if you're at Jackson's, there's no cutting corners. If you do, you're just getting
Starting point is 00:59:57 your ass mollywhopped in there. You wouldn't be there that long. Right. You'd get back on a plane and go home. And why would he? I mean, he's been living out there for quite a while now. From Hawaii to Albuquerque he better be pretty legit gsp negotiating ufc return but rebuke deal consider his roadblocker there's a story yeah man i don't know just this whole thing bums me out it's complicated yeah we'll see we'll see what happens but man that would be the 200 to end it if well i think you save him for We'll see what happens. But man, that would be the 200 to end it. Well, I think you save him for a mask and swear guard and fuck 200.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Do you think that would be Nate versus GSP if Conor doesn't do the card? So Conor's not on the card anymore. He's off the card. Well, today he said, I'm down to fight. He even goes, I will fly to New York and do a press conference, but then I got to go back. So he's given a little wiggle room. I think it's time to drop the egos, come to agreement, and save $200 and let Connor fight Nate. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Is Brendan Schaub the reasonable one? How is this possible? Weird. Dude, how is this possible? This fucking ketogenic diet. The keto kid. He's super positive. He's clear-minded.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I like everyone. All right. Is that Dana attacks? Yeah, man. It'd be interesting. It'd be interesting. We'll see if he can work it out. I hope so, man. It'd be interesting. It'd be interesting. We'll see if he can work it out. I hope so, man.
Starting point is 01:01:08 We'll see. He's a fun guy, man. It's made it fun, though. You can't pay for this publicity. Stylistically, that's not a good fight for him. Yeah, I'm nervous for him. That's not a good fight for him. And I'm happy for Nate.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I like both guys. I'm happy for Nate. He's finally getting the credit he deserves. He's coming out of his brother's shadow. We want this, man. To be announced, to be determined. That is the big fight. See, that rest of the card, don't get me wrong. There's some phenomenal, are you kidding me? Phenomenal fights. It's an amazing card. Look at this. Look what's on the card here. First of all,
Starting point is 01:01:38 Aldo versus Edgar. I can't wait for that. I can't wait for that. I want to see what Frankie can do now, the new and improved Frankie. Me too. And then Aldo, I feel like, has declined a little bit. I think the Chad Mendes fight, the second fight, he didn't look as good as he had looked in the past. And then obviously he's coming off of a big loss. That's my favorite fight of all time. It's a great fight.
Starting point is 01:01:58 And Tate versus Nunes, come on, son. Jesus Christ. It's not a needle mover, but yeah, it's a fun one. It's a needle mover in my mind. My needle's moving right now. My needle always moves for Tate. In my mind. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:02:12 That's what we're talking about, bro. Okay, so that's a good fight. That's a very good fight. Nunes is super dangerous, especially in the early rounds. Hell yeah. She tends to tire a little bit. She tends to tire a little bit. She blows it out.
Starting point is 01:02:23 But goddamn, she's got some pop. She's got a serious right hand. Real dangerous Muay Thai. Then you got Travis versus Kane. That's a motherfucker of a fight. For heavyweight, that's a motherfucker. Damn, that's interesting. The thing to me with Kane, it's like, at what point do all these injuries and him come back,
Starting point is 01:02:40 at what point do we see him age? Like we've seen Rashad, right, come back from injuries. Rash we see him age like like we've seen rashad right come after communities rashad doesn't look the same there's sometimes when guys come back you're like ah fuck that's not the same guy anymore at what point do we see kane not come back it's true but kane's a motherfucker if he does come back good luck but again stylistic wise travis brown's a motherfucker for him great takedown defense obviously great at striking and striking, and he's huge. He's a big boy. He's a big boy. Explosive, too. Very fast. Very good striking. Long, wide
Starting point is 01:03:09 base. Good footwork and movement. Hits hard. That's a good fight. It's a real good fight. I didn't think he looked great in the Mitryon fight. No, that wasn't the best fight for him. But neither was the Arlovsky fight. That was a more disappointing fight, I think, for him. He got knocked out. Yeah. But it was also the Arlovsky fight that was a more disappointing fight
Starting point is 01:03:25 I think for him when he got knocked out yeah but it was also like the way it went down but even in the Mitrione one
Starting point is 01:03:31 because we saw him for longer rounds I was like nah not crazy and then you get a guy like Kane man you're talking about a different motherfucker
Starting point is 01:03:38 the Travis Brown Mitrione fight was just so unfortunate because the eye pokes I agree so fucking unfortunate Matt was doing well in the first round
Starting point is 01:03:44 then we got poked in the eye. It was a little tough. It was bad, man. I mean, his eye was horrific after the fight. Oh, the way they handled that whole thing fucked, Matt. Yeah. Well, he's got a lawsuit, doesn't he? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Does he need a fire suit? And he should. But again, that's a tough... He's got a legitimate lawsuit. I don't know how that fight even goes down if they go three rounds. I'm not saying Matt would have won that. Travis definitely won the fight. No, it was a great fight up until that moment.
Starting point is 01:04:03 But whenever a guy gets poked in the eye, like, the outcome is marred. When you're fighting a monster with one eye, it's going to be a tough fucking night. Yeah. But I tell you what, I don't mind Travis's shot
Starting point is 01:04:12 here against Kane. I don't think he's that big of an underdog. I don't know what the odds are, but, I mean, Travis has that one-punch knockout power in knees. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 01:04:20 We really don't know how much, like you said, of a toll all these injuries have taken on Kane in the time off. I mean, we only saw him know how much, like you said, of a toll all these injuries have taken on Kane. And the time off, I mean, we only saw him in that one fight with Verdum where we blamed it, and he did as well, on the lack of training at altitude, which makes sense. Look at my face right now. You don't buy it? Fuck no.
Starting point is 01:04:38 I'll tell you, Dickon, it's fine. You don't get to his level and be like, altitude! I got tired because of altitude. Bitch, you knew for four months we were going to be fighting at that altitude. But he's always been known for his cardio. Maybe he just overestimated his own cardio. Is that possible? You don't think anyone in his camp was like, man, that's pretty high up there.
Starting point is 01:04:53 We should probably go early. Well, Javier said that it was his fault. He said I should have forced him to go early. Sometimes guys just don't want to leave. I think he just got beat by a better guy, man. Could be that, too. I don't buy that shit. Could be that, too.
Starting point is 01:05:03 He definitely looked tired. He's one of the greatest of all time. 100%. Just had an off night. Well, Verdum is a big dude. He's tall and long, and his striking has come a long way, and his jiu-jitsu is the best in the business. He's also the worst matchup for Kane, I think.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Stylistically-wise, he's a bad matchup. He just got beat. Yeah, you take him down, you're going to get strangled. Good luck with that. Yeah. And he's also not going to knock him out, so you've got to force it. And Verdun can jump to guard, jump half guard. It's a horrible
Starting point is 01:05:30 matchup for him. So yeah, he lost. Two gears. Yeah, I'm really bummed out that we didn't get a chance to see the rematch. I really wanted to see that rematch. You're going to see it after this. Maybe. Yeah, it's a big maybe. Who the fuck knows? A huge maybe. This is a huge maybe. Huge maybe. And you know what, man?
Starting point is 01:05:45 When I saw that fight, I went, tough fight for Kane. And Stipe is a tough fight for anybody, man. Stipe is going to fight Verdum. That's a tough fight for Verdum. Stipe's no fucking joke, man. He's no joke. Him and, yeah, no joke. The odds are stacked against him flying down to Brazil and fighting Verdum.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Yeah, the odds are stacked against him. That's a tough place to fight. But he's a geared up dude. He's ready to rock. And, you know, coming off of that big one-punch knockout of Overeem or of Orlovsky, he looked good in that fight. He looked great. He looked good and he looked angry. I'm a Stipe fan.
Starting point is 01:06:16 He's got momentum behind him. Good dude, too. I'm looking forward to seeing that. And he will go to war. We saw that in that five-round fight with Dos Santos. With JDS. I mean, he took Junior Dos Santos to the edge. That was a fun fight.
Starting point is 01:06:29 That was a wild-ass fight. It's a great fight. It could have went either way. It could have went either way. So I think that he's right up there, and I think that's a really interesting fight. I'm looking forward to seeing that. But put up that card again, because there was some other shit that we wanted to talk about. Look at this one.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Mousasi and Brunson. People didn't't bring that up your boy hendrix needs to win so bad god dog he does man and that's a tough fight too man kelvin is uh gonna be coming out i'm guns blazing because he lost a magni last time and then also hendrix getting stopped by wonder boy is going to charge Kelvin up. True. Kelvin's fleet, too, man. He's a very fleet of foot, you know? He's got excellent footwork.
Starting point is 01:07:12 It's a tough matchup, man. If fucking Johnny comes with his A game, it's a rough night for Kelvin, I think. Yeah, well, it could be. Or who knows, man. Kelvin could realize that he's got to bring it up to 10 constantly in camp and reach his full potential.
Starting point is 01:07:27 And this is an opportunity to really erase the Magnum fight and to get a victory over a former world champion. I mean, that's gigantic. Then look at this. You got Diego Sanchez and Joe Lozon. Got that throwback, son. We call that throwback Thursday matchup. This is the better fucking clean the canvas special.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I agree. There's going to be some blood the canvas special. I agree. There's going to be some blood in this fight. Some chaos. It's early, too, so all those other guys are going to have to walk around that blood. I used to hate that. When there's a bloody fight before and there'll be blood on the mat. And when you first get in, you take that lap around the octagon. I'm like, God damn it.
Starting point is 01:07:59 You know what they do during the Fox fights? They spray paint over the blood. Tight move. Dude, it's gross we're sitting there doing the commentary and talking about some stuff and they're spraying like full bore paint booth like doing a chevelle 10 feet from us i'm not i'm not exaggerating that's like that blood sport when there's blood he's like scraping the mat and the next guy comes out dude they spray paint it they walk around and spray paint over the blood.
Starting point is 01:08:26 And you're like, are you fucking shitting me? And everybody, like the camera guys are covering their faces with shirts and walking away. I feel like there has to be a better solution. Well, it's probably illegal. Like you have to have masks on and stuff for that shit. You can't just blow it into the crowd. There's 15,000 people sitting in the audience. They're like, well, what's really important is we deny what we're involved with.
Starting point is 01:08:47 That is weird. So let's do a little spray paint on this blood. We don't want to see any blood. Blood's inside of everybody. We need blood to stay alive. That is weird. Sometimes it's a bloody business, but we don't want to look at it. That is weird.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Yeah, they're like airbrushing nipples over there. Stop it. Stop it. Did you say that's only on Fox or on pay-per-view or it happens all the time? Oh, it's only on Fox. It's only on Fox. Yeah, they would never do it on pay-per-view? It happens all the time. Oh, it's only on Fox. It's only on Fox. Yeah, they would never do it on pay-per-view. The UFC knows exactly what it's selling.
Starting point is 01:09:09 For sure. Yeah, they're not scared of some blood. Matter of fact, some people like it. Fox shouldn't be scared of it either, man. No, you got in bed with fighting. Blood's going to happen. You got in bed with the most exciting sport in the fucking world. It's happened.
Starting point is 01:09:21 There's a little bit of blood. Don't worry about it. And during Fox fights, I'm not supposed to talk about blood as much. I'm supposed to take it down a notch. I feel like they fucked up. Tell me that. Turn out the blood. See, there's a little thing where he goes, yeah,
Starting point is 01:09:35 do the blood. Fucking go. Well, I shouldn't, I mean, there's no need to exaggerate it. There's no need to dwell on it. But if it's overwhelming. What if there's a cut on the guy's eye and you're like, that blood's fucking crazy. Well, also the descriptives that I, this is what I believe, the descriptives that I use
Starting point is 01:09:52 during a fight have to match how I feel about the moment. That gives me, I'm giving a better narrative of what I think's going on in the fight. When I see Diego Sanchez's face hanging off of his head as he's chasing after Martin Campman and I say this looks like a scene from a horror movie
Starting point is 01:10:08 That's because that's what it really feels like to me And if I don't say that it's probably not I'm not doing my job as you're doing the fans of this service You're also not I mean, that's why we love listen to Joe Rogan if you start But you can't fucking funny dick Fox doesn't want that. No, you're gonna do it it. Fox doesn't want that. No, you're going to do it. Fox is going to wear a condom. I have to wear a condom. This is Fox. Everybody's... Joe, we need you in a tuxedo and a condom. Have we worn our Fox condom?
Starting point is 01:10:36 It's hilarious. Hey, look, and this is not anti-Fox. I'd love that they have the UFC on. I think it's amazing. Oh, it's great for the sport. I just think you've got to stop spray-painting me Stop making me breathe that shit in. And the poor camera guys camera guys five feet in front of me He's taking it right in the face. He has to. Yeah, man I see the lawsuits coming
Starting point is 01:10:56 No, why would the lawsuits come? In ten years if someone's fucking- Prove it. Prove it. Just don't do it anymore Just don't do it anymore Do it like in did in elementary. You remember when a kid threw up and then that weird janitor came with that orange substance? It was like, whatever. Well, I guarantee you.
Starting point is 01:11:10 It's for like shit the rest of the day. I guarantee you there's health codes. I guarantee you. You can't just spray paint in a room filled with people with no ventilation. Dude, no one's seen Bloodsport? Hire some fucking dude
Starting point is 01:11:22 just goes out there between the rounds and scrubs the mats. Yeah, but that's not good for the crowd. The crowd fucking dude, just goes out there between the rounds and scrubs the mats. Yeah, but that's not good for the crowd. The crowd doesn't want to see that. Fuck the crowd right now. Let's get that dude in there. The crowd knows they're frauds, though, when you start spray painting the mats. They're watching it.
Starting point is 01:11:33 I agree. They didn't put up a curtain. What's going on behind the curtain? No one knows. What's that smell? No one knows. We have no idea. Fucking gray smoke is in the air.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Everyone's coughing. Fighters, like, we were coughing. I gray smoke is in the air everyone's coughing fighters like we were coughing i actually got away from the desk i put my headphones down and i backed away from the desk i'm like what the fuck man i'm healthy bitch i'm the keto kid i'm the keto kid too you son of a bitch you guys are fucking up this kid dude you don't think they could hire like some i don't know former fighter with fucking cte just to scrub the mats. And when he comes out, everyone goes yeah! Like he's a celebrity. Then he has sponsors
Starting point is 01:12:10 on his shirt and shit and he's scrubbing the mats. This is like Ben Stiller's character in that movie Tropic Thunder. Like you could see him having played a guy like this in a movie. For sure, man. Shit has gone bad if you're doing that. That's awful.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Can you imagine if they had former fighters cleaning the octagon and waving to the crowd with broken hands? Oh, my God. Holy, is that Junie Browning scrubbing the mat? It sure is. It sure is. Yeah, there's certain things that we have to maintain a certain level of empathy and care. Certain people can't have that job.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Once you're an all-time great, you cannot do that. You can't even interview for the job. I can't have you. But you could do it if you wanted to, though. Like if everybody knew you were okay. What if you just had a super fan? If Randy Couture decided in between fights
Starting point is 01:13:02 he was going to help scrub the mat. Knee pads on and shit? And he looked up at everybody and he waved. And Randy's in great health. Fuck yeah. He looked at everybody, waved to everybody, and then got down and showed everybody,
Starting point is 01:13:13 hey, he's not too big for cleaning the blood. No, he can't do that. He could do it if he wanted to do it. No, people would start crying in the stands. No, no, no, no. Is that the natural? Fuck, man. He has overalls on.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Knee pads. Start scrubbing the mat and shit. But what I'm saying is he's still successful right now. It's not like he's down in the dumps and everybody knows he's doing movies. He's always doing the dependables. The expendables. Better name. The expendables.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Dependables. I mean, everybody knows he's doing well. So it wouldn't be, you wouldn't worry. You would say he's just doing it to show he's not above cleaning the blood off the mat. Fuck, no, how dare you? He's a national treasury, son of a bitch. You can't have Randy Couture. You need, hear me out here, like, Dada 5000 in that bitch.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Oh, you better stop right now. Just like everyone's like, yeah. I think this is racist. I'm not sure. What? Just because he's scrubbing the mats? You can't have Randy do it. I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:14:03 If Randy does that job, I will, fuck that. Give me that brush. You'll do it too? I will rush in there and save the day. I would do it as well. I feel like I should do it. It's Randy Couture, man. How dare you take it to Randy Couture? I was just saying, Randy could do it because he's that humble. Because of his stature. Yeah, because he's of his stature, because he's still, well, first of all,
Starting point is 01:14:20 if you hear him talk, you would never think, other than looking at his cauliflower ear, you would never think that Randy Couture had a lifetime of fighting. No, he beat the game. He's killing it. Crazy. Yeah. Handsome devil, too.
Starting point is 01:14:31 And it's not like he didn't lose by knockout a few times. No, heavyweight. I mean, he got TKO'd by Brock. Lyoto Machida knocked him out with a flying front kick in his last fight. Remember? Jumping front kick to him in the face. I remember. So that was Lyoto.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I mean, he had been knocked out by Chuck Lesnar bad Lesnar Lesnar was a TKO but Chuck was bad man Chuck really bad Chuck torqued his head yeah so you know there was two Chuck fights where he lost by knockout right yeah either way he beat Chuck once he Chuck once, and then Chuck beat him twice. Twice. Correct. I mean, so anyway, my point is, Randy talks perfect. When you hear him talk, he's smiling and he seems happy. There's a couple guys like that.
Starting point is 01:15:17 So does Tito Ortiz. He speaks pretty well. Tito always had a little bit of anxiety on camera that like would fuck him up Like there's those classic videos of Tito when he was doing the affliction stuff That's not saying he's fucking but that's just that's just anxiety. No, I'm just saying he speaks well I can if you have a conversation. Oh, yeah, there's nothing wrong with them. No, no, no, no, no, no good point And you know, there's a lot of other guys that have been around for a long time They don't have anything wrong with them.
Starting point is 01:15:50 You know, there's a lot of guys that made it through and you talk to them and they seem absolutely fine. Have you seen that movie Concussion? No. That shit will make you question what you're doing with your life. Really? I watched it on a plane before Brian and I had one of our live fighting the kids and it fucked me up, man. Wow. Bad. Really bad.
Starting point is 01:16:05 It's crazy. How much of it is based on reality and how much of it is a dramatic i looked i looked into it afterwards i mean you know obviously for the movies they exaggerate stuff but as far as the guys dying and the head trauma stuff like that that's all real man and the nfl hiding stuff that's all real that's why the lawsuit that's why all the nfl guys are the lawsuit because they went oh no that's all fake it's not true uh there's no brain trauma caused by football. And they hit all of this thing. And by this doctor finding this stuff and trying to reveal it, reveal it,
Starting point is 01:16:32 they were trying to fuck him over, man. It's nuts. And that's all real. All real. See, that's where it's crazy because the NFL is still in business. Is this guy still around?
Starting point is 01:16:42 They can't get any bigger. Yeah. The doctor, he's still around. He's still around. Yeah. But he didn't want to be involved in the NFL. They offered him a full-time gig to help him out, and he's like, nah, man. Wow.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I need to watch it so I know exactly. You need to watch it. It's fucking intense, man. I watched it. I was like, fuck. Look, football's dangerous. I got done. I just looked at Brian. Brian goes, what's wrong?
Starting point is 01:17:02 And I went, I'm fucked. Brian started laughing. He goes, what are you talking about? I went, concussion man he goes no you haven't done that much like well 20 years of listen to me don't ever listen to Brian oh I know if you ever think that something might be wrong go you never go to Brian because Brian will tell you you're fine the house burned down but it's because you know it's still the place you can still sleep on it you can't you're going and camp for a few years. That's Brian. That's why you love him, man.
Starting point is 01:17:30 But yeah, man, that movie, I'm fucking. Some guys have made it through even Super Bowl careers, but it's not a lot. The problem is when they test former football players for CTE, an alarming number show signs of CTE. Like an alarming number. My only question is what you think was going to happen. You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't think we knew it to this degree, but same time, like when I would run face first into another giant man, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:17:54 ah, it can't be healthy for my brain, you know? But like the way they talk about a concussion is if you put like an apple in a water bottle and you shake it, like there's water in there that's like your brain where most like uh you know those rams that headbutt each other like a woodpecker they have mechanisms in their head that absorb that shock humans don't so when we run into each other your brain is smacking against this wall because we're not meant to do that we're not meant to punch each other in the face and run into each other with helmets on we're just not built for that no we
Starting point is 01:18:24 haven't we haven't really developed the ability to absorb punishment. Or if we had that ability, we lost it. Yes. That's possible too. Like if you look at Neanderthals, they were built very different than us. They were very short and thick. I think they only were like a little bit over five feet tall and they weighed more than 200 pounds. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Big ass bones. Big thick bones. They had bigger brains than ours too so they were built different you know and they and they were just dealing with shit all the time when they find them they're always finding ones with broken bones and fucking spear points lodged in their spine oh yeah that's a day in the life of a caveman it's not not a good time. But our brains today, like this body today. Just floating. Also, you see people are becoming, they seem like if you look at people's bone structure in comparison to obviously Neanderthal, which is a different species. But some people retain some percentage of Neanderthal DNA, but you would assume that as people go further and further away from the ancient hominids, the ancient monkeys and stuff, we're getting softer and weaker.
Starting point is 01:19:30 We're becoming pussies. Yeah, we're becoming more and more pussies. More softer, for sure. But yeah, we're involved in, like football is the biggest sport in the, well, definitely the biggest sport in the country. Not the biggest sport in the world, obviously. By far biggest in the country, though. By far the biggest in the country.
Starting point is 01:19:42 They own two days. They own Monday and Sunday, which is nuts. Not only that, when there's a Super Bowl, it's a fucking, almost a national holiday. Super Bowl Sunday is like everybody knows it. Everybody knows Super Bowl Sunday. Everyone. It's that big, like the World Series can come and go
Starting point is 01:19:56 and people might miss it, but they don't miss Super Bowl Sunday. Never. But you know what's weird talking about, you know, those Nathan Drall, the caveman? The editorals. Yeah, so NFL players are actually getting bigger, though. The athletes are getting bigger and faster and stronger.
Starting point is 01:20:09 They're getting way bigger. Like a 300-pound lineman in 1988, it was like, damn, that's a big boy. Now it's like, 300, bitch, get out of here. You better go step your game up. Yeah, I wonder what that is. Might be sterile. Yeah. What are they testing for?
Starting point is 01:20:22 Do they test for shit in the NFL? Yeah, but usually it's once a year. Once a year. It depends. Unless you've been caught before, then you're in a program where you're getting tested all the time. But why would they catch them? Why would they try to catch them? Because you're an idiot.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I agree. What are they trying to prove? Same thing. The sport is safe. Look, we're testing everyone. Shit, but that just makes you recover slower. It's a weird dynamic. It is a weird dynamic because you want people to be gigantic dude no one talks for being no one talks about this and i know it you know the wwe fans are
Starting point is 01:20:54 fucking ruthless but how many wwe athletes die like china just died what last night two nights ago remember the big girl china she just died like it's a kind of alarming because they're not a ton of them right but when they get older they die what did china die from i don't know i think she was uh how old was she died in her house 45 45 not that old she was on uh fear factor really yeah before she was big or like as a celebrity? No, she was big, man. She was a celebrity. Yeah. What's she doing on there? She did some gross shit. Eating like snails and ass.
Starting point is 01:21:30 But she did one thing and after she got out of this thing, she goes, who's the man? Oh, fuck. She flexed. That's the least sexy thing I've ever heard in my life. Well, she wasn't trying to be sexy. I'm just saying. That's me. Victorious.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Victorious. Who's the man? She went into porn. You remember that? I do remember that. Yeah. As She-Hulk XXX. Yeah, that was, whoa.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Why I know that's not my idea. Don't ask. Well, I think when people don't have a whole lot of options, they start getting real desperado. They don't know what to do. That would be El Desperado doing She-Hulk XXX. Yeah. Oh, that's her? That's you and her, son.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Look at her muscles. Look how skinny I am. I feel like she would have fucked you up back then. I'll fuck her up. You're too quick and light. Rest in peace. That's sad, though, man. So let's find out what happened.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Was it pills? They don't know. I'm trying to find it out. They don't know, man. She was super nice, man. Real friendly. She was a real nice person. She followed me on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Nice to everybody. Like on the set and everything like that. That's a bummer, man. But I think it's a conversation to have. The substance they put in their bodies, and you look at their schedule, be on the road 300 days a year, constantly falling, got uppers, downers. I know it's not a legit sport compared to the NFL, UFC stuff, and NBL, all that stuff, but you've got to talk about it
Starting point is 01:22:50 because these guys are passing away. But there's no regulatory, no one's making sure. There's no commission. Well, there's certainly athletes, but I think a lot of people think of them as athletes more of like a Cirque du Soleil type thing, like they're doing a performance, than they think of them as competitors in a sport. So they don't look to try to regulate it or change it.
Starting point is 01:23:08 They look at it as sort of like an entertainment thing these people are doing. You know what I'm saying? I'm with you, man. I'm with you. But they're taking some performance enhancing supplements that a lot of the pro athletes are taking even more so, I think, because their schedules are way crazier. Oh, yeah. No doubt.
Starting point is 01:23:22 So when they pass away, I think there has to be some sort of plan in place, I think. Well, the problem is she hasn't worked for them in a long time. That's one. And the second thing is if she was doing pills or she was abusing any other substances, they're not really responsible for that. We don't know how much of what she was doing she was doing just because she was into recreational drugs. There was obviously some steroids involved. I'm referring to the steroids joe oh you think that did it to her i think it was a pill thing i don't know i don't know i don't know i think i'm pretty sure she overdosed dude oh really yeah well i'm not saying she overdosed on testosterone or something
Starting point is 01:23:57 no no i'm just saying no no no what they do with their bodies she's on pain pills oh yeah i'm sure i'm pretty positive that's what they're saying right a lot of people were saying that right she was on a opium gym not too long ago she had just came back from japan where i think she'd been living for the last couple years teaching english yeah doing just getting away from the craziness of america and she was just coming back to get back into life and entertainment and she was found dead after not talking to anybody for six days or something like that as well she went. That sucks, man. Fucking.
Starting point is 01:24:28 I just think it's something to look into with the WWE guys. It's a discussion to fucking have at least. Well, I'm sure they must be having it. It's a giant organization. You don't think we should have had it after Chris Benoit? Again, there's one of those guys who goes off the rails like that and does something horrific. And you got to wonder, like, was that in that guy anyway did he have issues already did it have something to do with wrestling did it have something to do with substance
Starting point is 01:24:50 abuse concussions they get a shitload of concussions it could be a lot of different factors I agree it's definitely something to look into but it's it's so rare that someone goes that far off the rails like he did I agree I'm just saying let's look at what they're doing to their bodies and have a discussion about it maybe to make it safer to prevent it from happening. That's it. I'm not saying it's an epidemic. I'm just saying a lot of these guys are fucked.
Starting point is 01:25:10 I don't know how you could. What are you, Captain Save-A-Ho over here trying to save everybody? People want to do flips off the top rope? Possible overdose or natural death. Wait, natural at 46? No one finds that fishy? That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Dead on her bed after receiving a call from her.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Oh, okay. We don't need to read all the rest of this. Redondo. She's a very nice person. Yeah. So rest in peace. I know. Bones me.
Starting point is 01:25:36 China. Nice lady. Hey, let's at least get it on a good note. How about your boy Ben Henderson going for the triple crown? Yeah. BellatorC, UFC belt. Say what? No one's talking about it. Not nothing.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Who is he fighting? He's fighting this Russian cat, and I wish I could remember his name. I've even trained with him, so I'm an even bigger prick for that. But it's a tough fight for Ben. He's beat better guys, but it's not a walk in the park. It's just weird that no one's bringing it up at all. See, that's the disadvantage of signing with bellator yeah because imagine imagine if he was doing this in the ufc it'd be fucking everywhere but it's oh of course uh well you know what's interesting is um i don't even i mean i don't
Starting point is 01:26:16 i don't watch half of the bellator ones i don't even watch half of them i know i know they're probably pretty good fights i watch them if they're the major ones like obviously i watch ben phil king mo a lot of these guys that I like. But I'm like, what is missing? What is missing from even drawing me in? I mean, I almost feel like detached from it because I feel insulted by the freak show element. Me too. I feel like it was a slap in my face.
Starting point is 01:26:38 I feel like, dude, you set us back, man. I feel like a dummy for watching it. Me too. Really, right? I agree. Yeah. Whereas I don't feel like that if I watch Glory or if I watch anything else. Or if I watch 1FC. I don't feel like a dummy for watching it. Me too. Really, right? I agree. Whereas I don't feel like that if I watch Glory or if I watch anything else. Or if I watch one FC.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I don't feel like that. I feel like I'm getting shit on. Like you're putting together nonsense. That might sound weird to say. I almost feel like I'm cheating on the UFC when I watch and I talk about it. I'm like, ooh. Really? Is that weird?
Starting point is 01:27:00 Yeah. I think it's good to have competition. I think it's important. I agree. They have the ways to go. They do. But they didn't good to have competition. I think it's important. I agree. They have the ways to go. They do. But they didn't have to, though. They didn't have to.
Starting point is 01:27:09 If they did the right thing and promoted it the right way, they went for big ratings on a couple of these weird fights, which the UFC did, too, sort of, in the early 2000s, like when Tank Habit came back. I mean, there was a few of those times. You had to do that back when it got started. They did some fights back then that were, in comparison, silly. But people didn't consider it a sport really back then. It was coming along.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Correct. But the sport's already established now. And so they're taking advantage of these old veterans like Hoist and Ken Shamrock and having that fight. And it's going to draw in the casual, nostalgic viewer that remembers UFC 1, and they're going to go and they're going to watch it. There's no sustainability with that. It's just not there. There's no sustainability.
Starting point is 01:27:53 And the other problem is that for whatever reason, I don't know what the reason is, you're not hearing a lot of noise about their champs. And you kind of should. It's weird. Will Brooks is a bad motherfucker. Michael Chandler is a bad motherfucker. They've got some great fighters over there. Patriki Pit Brooks is a bad motherfucker. Michael Chandler's a bad motherfucker. They got some great fighters over there. Patriki Pitbull's a bad motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Monsters, man. Very good fighters. So it just seems like whatever they've done wrong. Ben was on ESPN. That's good. He was on ESPN talking about it. I'm glad they're giving it some press. Look, they definitely need, like the UFC could use competition.
Starting point is 01:28:28 And I think it would boost the sport, whereas it would make the sport bigger. I just don't think that Bellator in its current state is competition. They're taking a lot of fighters that are past their prime, except for Benson. Benson going over there is the biggest coup, I think. Phil. Phil's big. Phil's not past his prime. No, but Phil had been beaten soundly by Rumble. He did have that really good fight against Glover. He beat beat machida that's true the machida fight was super super
Starting point is 01:28:50 close still though yeah still a win he's beat gustafson that's true he strangled him yeah yeah so i mean he but the thing about phil is phil phil isn't a guy phil's fighting style isn't a guy where like i have to fucking see this. You say that, but in Bellator, he looked fucking sensational. He looked like a destroyer. Amazing. He won by stoppage. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:29:11 And maybe he's off to a new start. Maybe he recognizes the urgency of being in a new organization. Oh, he's one of the best fighters in the world. And going over there, I think he was the first guy to do it. I remember texting him going, you got some motherfucking balls. Good luck, man. And he texted me, I'm i'm so scared like hell yeah man it's scary it's paying off right because we're sat now yeah and now ben henderson they got mitrione mitrione's a little older but at least at heavyweights mitrione could be champion so those are three completely legit
Starting point is 01:29:39 guys that they've acquired need a stable yeah well it would have been interesting if they got fade or it would have been interesting Well, there's playing grab ass and he's fighting Well don't know. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what I Might be wrong on this you might have to look at Jamie. I think it's on fight pass What is fade or might be on fight pass? I thought that fight really versus all the nano rise in or risen is on fight pass. Come on. Am I crazy here? I'm making shit up? Really?
Starting point is 01:30:07 I don't know. This ketogenic diet is just my brain on another level. It would be funny if you really nailed it. But he's been saying lately that he's been in talks with the UFC. And I think you would give it a good go because you look at the state of the heavyweight division. Everyone's old as fuck. A bunch of fossils. But don't you think they put him immediately with Verdum?
Starting point is 01:30:28 I like that matchup. I like that matchup too, but I think you have to do it that way, right? Fuck yeah. You can't toss him like some young dude. But what young dude do we even have? We don't have one. No, we don't really have a lot of... I couldn't name one.
Starting point is 01:30:42 But I'm saying for him, there's a resurgence of all these older fighters. Look at Rothwell or Lasky, fucking Hunt. Frank Merigrande just lost. But all these guys are old as fuck. Dude, Fedor, there's hope, my man. He can still do it. You never know, man. With that skinny fat bill, just fucking dudes up.
Starting point is 01:30:59 If he still has that motivation. And there's drug testing now. I'm not saying he did something. What are you trying to say, bro? I hate to piss on the pride days, but I'm just saying it ain't the wild, wild west. We have to see your dick this time. Yeah, we don't know. We're just speculating.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I'm just saying. It is totally possible. Guys look different. Yeah. Guys look different. Does he look different? But he doesn't weight train anymore. No, let me know what steroids you were taking because I would never touch him.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Because physically I'm going for looks here. But he got thicker again before his most recent comeback. There was all sorts of posts about it online. I saw some photos of him training and he looked thicker. Back to the old days, like throwing around logs and shit? He looked bigger. Pretending there were kettlebells and shit? He definitely looked like he had been doing some weightlifting because there had come a time in his career where it looked like the weightlifting days were over.
Starting point is 01:31:47 I agree. Like the early days, he was way thicker and bigger. And then as he got older, he concentrated more on skills and less on strength and conditioning. And that's not him. I think you need both. I think especially this day and age. But when he was fighting, fuck, man. I think he just put a lot of emphasis on his striking in particular
Starting point is 01:32:06 and his ability to explode with combinations. If you go to the Tim Sylvia fight, the speed of combinations that he was hitting guys with. And his hips, the power in his hips. It's insane, man. I think he has a legit shot to do some work in the heavyweight division. Now, if you're his age and you come back to 55, 70, you're fucked. But at his age at heavyweight, hell yeah, if you're his age and you come back to 55, 70, you're fucked. Yeah. But at his age at heavyweight, hell yeah, son.
Starting point is 01:32:27 What age is he? 36? No, he has to be at least 38, 39, right? Fedor? We'll find out. Him versus Barnett or something? Throwback, son? I honestly don't think he's that old, man.
Starting point is 01:32:39 No? I don't think he's that old. 39. 39? Wow, interesting. I'm telling you, this ketogenic diet, that's my brain firing, son. Dude. It's like pulling old shit out.
Starting point is 01:32:48 UFC offered Fedor Milianenko more money than rising probability to fight inside the octagon very high. Whoa. Holy shit. That would be intense. Why does he have boxing gloves on there? Because he's fucking people. Are those boxing gloves?
Starting point is 01:33:03 No, those are just big ass. Those are affliction. Really? They're all big, yeah. Oh, wow. They're huge. Are those those boxing gloves? No, those are just big ass. Those are Flixion. Really? They're all big, yeah. Oh, wow, they're huge. Are those Flixion? Yeah, those are Flixion, son. Yeah, it's just they look
Starting point is 01:33:11 a lot bigger than they do. Yeah, they do. It's the wraps. Yeah. Dude, can you imagine, this is almost hard to say, can you imagine Fedor in a Reebok kit
Starting point is 01:33:19 walking the octagon? I might buy that Reebok kit. If it was white and red, would fade on the back or be the first kid i buy son be fucking dope or i just make my own i'd wear a fedor shirt for sure fuck yeah i used to wear a crow cop security shirt did you really oh before i fought him i bought it online from like croatia it came like nine weeks later and it was too small, but I still rocked it. Like my belly hung out underneath it. I was like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:33:49 No one really knew who he was. I used to train that thing all the time. How weird was it getting a call to fight that guy after that? So weird. Might be the best collibator I had in my life. Well, it was one of the best results you ever had in the octagon. Yeah, might be the best, Joe. After that, if someone said, hey, man, let's just kind of move on from here i'm like all right if you showed me a
Starting point is 01:34:08 crystal ball all right it's all right from here but i'll just move on what do you think of osp and john jones um i think osp he's an explosive guy but but, man, John's just too smart, too long to get caught. I think it's a good—I hate saying this because Ospi's such a good athlete and he's ranked in the top ten or whatever, but it's a good tune-up fight for John. Wow. I know it's fucked up, but— The number six light heavyweight is a good tune-up fight for you. Light heavyweight is struggling, son.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Well, sort of, but not really. It's like there's so much possibility there. In the top five. Yeah. What Glover just did to Rashad, holy shit, man. That was hard to watch. It was hard to watch because Rashad was super tentative and was on the outside. It was moving away from Glover, and Glover just closed the distance and closed the lights.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Like the Terminator. There couldn't be a worse matchup for Rashad. Like, I just wish. And I get it, man. People are like, well, fighters fight. I get that, man. But Rashad's stage in his career, sometimes you got to have a man to go, dude, Glover's a fuck. He does everything better than you right now.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Let's figure something else out, bro. I mean, you win this one. Are you going to fight for the title? Probably not. I think he's got to take whoever he can. So look what we got here. This is what I want to see. Anthony Johnson and Glover.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Come on, son. What? Especially after Glover called for it. That's the best fight in the UFC right now. Yes, please make that happen. If there's one fight that could get me to go to a UFC fight, it'd be that. And by the way, I don't know who the fuck to bet on. Me neither.
Starting point is 01:35:44 How about that? Me neither. That shit could be chaos in both directions. I think if it goes past the first round, Glover takes over. Maybe. But that first round's gonna be a motherfucker. That first round is like one of those scenes in a movie where a building explodes and you have to run through the rubble without it hitting you in the head.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah, son. You got a minefield to navigate when you're fighting Rumble. That's one mistake one way or another. If that fight doesn't get you crunk, you fucking... You had a minefield to navigate when you're fighting Rumble. One mistake one way or another. If that fight doesn't get you crunk, you're an idiot. And is Gustafson retiring? I've been hearing that Gustafson doesn't want to fight anymore. Yeah, I saw an interview he did where he's saying he's lost the passion for it. So he came to San Diego hoping he could find it, and I'm not sure if he did.
Starting point is 01:36:22 But when you start talking like that, I want you to look at the top three because Glover Anthony and John Jones will rip your dick off and they want this more than anything so it's probably time to maybe give it up it's interesting that Bader well I guess Bader beat Ovin St. Preux so he should be ranked above him true and then Rashad Shogun still in the mix huh dude eight you're crazy if you think light heavyweights are good. That's just shit. That keto got me on another level. I didn't mean to say shit. It is.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Look, hey, past six. Fuck you. Fuck you. Well, Ovins, Rashad, Shogun, Jimmy Manilow. Jimmy Manilow is a guy that just was not in martial arts that long before he was fighting top-level guys at the MMA. Who are you telling? He's a sick athlete with ridiculous power. The game's changed.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Yeah. No one gives a fuck. Because now you have real fighters go, what? You're fast? Can't punch out power? That's cool. I'm just going gonna take you down He fought rumble man when he fought rumble
Starting point is 01:37:28 Well Gustafson stopped him before the rumble fight in a very important fight. Why they do them like that Here's rumble. Here's Gustafson. Yeah Double whammy of death You're fighting a guy that's boxing you up from another zip code you're fighting a guy that's boxing you up for another zip code you're just like fuck i can't get a break well in the ufc bitch and then you fight rumble dude's got literal nuclear weapons tied to the end of his hands they got shogun and little nog in the top 10 that's a hard sell especially especially little little nog is a hard sell as a top 10 guy and that's a that's a good argument that there's no one yeah there's no like you look at the you look at the heavier divisions
Starting point is 01:38:10 and like at heavyweight i mean there's fun matchups everyone's old as fuck though really man and they look at light heavyweight there's not a lot going on outside the top five and in the top five alexander doesn't know if he wants to do it anymore it's very important yeah very very good point. But why do you think that, Joe? Why do you think these bigger athletes aren't gravitating towards mixed martial arts? Well, I don't know if it's that or if it just comes in waves. I think sometimes you have a guy like Jon Jones,
Starting point is 01:38:37 and they create a bit of a bottleneck because they're so good. And we can't forget about Cormier, of course. So just in that alone, you've got Jon Jones and Cormier. Cormier is as good as anybody in the world. You've got Anthony Johnson, who can knock out a tree. You've got Glover. You've got Gustafsson. And who knows what could or couldn't happen this weekend with Ovin St. Preux. You know, the guys on that list, when I'm looking at them, I'm like, well, you've got at least one, two, three, four, five. Six legit guys.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Six legit world beaters. Six legit, but you're talking about the biggest organization in the world. After that, it's like, yeah, not much going on. There's no young talent where you're like, dude, there's no sage Northcuts. Yeah, but doesn't it happen in cycles and weight classes? Because there was no one at 185 for a while. 185 was struggling for a while. Let me see 185, Jamie.
Starting point is 01:39:25 185. Now you've got, well, you know, once Anderson lost and Weidman came in, now you've got, look at this crazy mix. And I don't know what they're going to do with Yoel Romero, but what I understand is that he has a very small window where they're going to ban him for, like only like five months. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good for him.
Starting point is 01:39:42 What he did was totally, he was actually honest. They got the stuff independently off the shelf that he said that he took. They took that stuff and they tested it and it had low levels of whatever this peptide is that's supposed to grow testosterone in your body or something like that. So he really didn't take anything that he wasn't supposed to take. He took something that had something in it that wasn't supposed to be in it, and he proved it. But, Joe, even if you go through middleweight, look, okay, Vitor,
Starting point is 01:40:10 he ain't that young. Bisping, I mean, not young, has one eye. Anderson Silva, okay, leg fell off. Leo Machida, well, older. Musashi, Tim Kennedy, ladies, like there's not Dan Henderson's in there. How is Musashi ranked above Uriah Hall when Uriah Hall jump-spinning back-kicked him in the face and stopped him? Whoever votes on this thinks it's a fluke.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Those are ridiculous people. That is a ridiculous ranking. They're the ones writing articles that you're speaking about. You cannot be two steps above a guy when a guy stopped you in your last fight. That is weird. You cannot. I wish our boy Tim Kenny
Starting point is 01:40:46 would get a fight. But that's just an arrogant assessment of someone's ability in comparison to someone else's ability that's not based on facts. You have to base individual interactions between two fighters. You have to base them on facts. Yes, it's very black and white. It's very black and white. There's no doubt about it that Uriah Hall
Starting point is 01:41:02 proved himself to be the better fighter. Gegard Mousasi took him down and controlled him in the first round. In the second round, Uriah Hall jump-spinning back kicked him in the face and knocked him out. Yeah, I saw that. That is, there's no more definitive ending. This is an insult to him to have him at number 10 and have Gegard
Starting point is 01:41:18 at number 8. The only thing you can do with these riders, because it's basically a popularity contest, right? If a guy keeps winning, it's a popularity contest. But the champs, you can't deny, right? The champ in one and two, it's kind of there's no honeydicking there. What do you see when Brazilian rider put fucking notorious MMA?
Starting point is 01:41:34 He put him four notches lower after he knocked out Aldo. Yeah, Conor. Yeah. How crazy is that? How the fuck could you do that? Does anyone take these serious? But that's why How the fuck could you do that? Well, I don't know, but does anyone take these serious? But that's why... But how could you do that?
Starting point is 01:41:48 I mean, you might not like Conor. You might think that Conor's a brash guy and he insulted your champion and he insulted your country and blah, blah, blah. And then he smashes him with one punch in 13 seconds. You're just not professional. You can't. You're fucked. You're fucked.
Starting point is 01:42:02 No one can take your word for anything. Yeah, I mean, how the fuck do you drop that guy down four points with a perfect performance well i think for the fans it's like oh check it out six verse 10 like it makes the more mainstream like oh look at six verse 10 that's number six yeah and the word verse number 10 but you can't remember when they're gonna do reebok based off rankings and even the fighters like what the fuck are you talking about those rankings and then even dan was like, yeah, that's some bullshit. Yeah. Anderson versus Uriah Hall is going to be very interesting.
Starting point is 01:42:30 That's in Brazil, brother. That's in May. That Brazil card's a motherfucker. It is stacked. I heard the promo on it. It's sick, too. It's just a bunch of Brazilians beating people up. That's an intense card, man.
Starting point is 01:42:41 That's a very intense card. Look at this. I forgot about it. Marlovski versus Overeem. That's a very intense card. Look at this. I forgot about Overeem Marlowski. Arlovsky versus Overeem. Oh, good lord. Yeah, look at that Brazil card. Oh, shit, Cyborg. Leslie Smith.
Starting point is 01:42:53 She deserves some sort of award right fucking now. I know. She's fighting Cyborg. She's going to rip your face off. What courage. Why do they have Cyborg no picture on the left but a picture on the right? They ain't ready for it. They're not ready for it.
Starting point is 01:43:04 They're not even ready. Go back to the other card. The Orlovsky fight, what card was that on? God, that card is a motherfucker. What card was the Orlovsky fight on? That's a FS1. Oh, that's a fight FS1 card? Ooh.
Starting point is 01:43:16 That's an interesting fight, man. And whenever I count Orlovsky out, he comes back and wins again. It's like the Terminator. How many times has he been stopped? It's an insane number now. It's like the Terminator. How many times has he been stopped? It's an insane number now. It's like a very high number. He's been stopped a gang of times. We don't fight as long as he does, especially at heavyweight, and not get stopped.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Look at how many times has Overeem been stopped. Dude, look at that fight. I've seen Overeem get a flatline. Look at Albert Tumanoff versus Gunnar Nelson. That's a great fight. Ooh, that's a good fight. Tumanoff is a motherfucker, man. Damn, Struve, back.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Bigfoot Silva. Bigfoot needs to figure it out. Now that they have this drug test in, it's tough, man. Yeah. Yeah, it's hard out there for a pimp. There's a heavyweight. See, a lot of guys get stopped. That's part of the game.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Who else is on this weekend? Go back to this weekend's card. That Brazil card is ridiculous. Leslie Smith with that salty record 8-6, signed up to fight Cyborg. I wonder how Cyborg is going to deal with the 140 cut. Her first time dropping on 140. I think she's going to chew bitches' faces off. I think everyone should fucking run.
Starting point is 01:44:20 Every girl in the division is like, fuck. Well, I hope they give her a 145-pound division. I think she deserves it. They've had that division in Invicta. It, I hope they give her a 145-pound division. I think she deserves it. They've had that division in Invicta. It's an established division. There's plenty of girls out there that'll fight at 145. And that way she's not dying trying to make the weight. She's a big girl, man.
Starting point is 01:44:36 She's a big girl. The thing is, how many big girls are there? Is it sustainable? Let's find out. Is it sustainable? Let's find out. Can you do that, though? Gina Carano did it in Strikeforce.
Starting point is 01:44:44 I mean, that was the whole thing. Or Elite X that, though? Gina Carano did it in Strikeforce. I mean, that was the whole thing. Or Elite XC, right? Was it Strikeforce or Elite XC? It was Elite XC. Elite XC, that was her whole thing. She was fighting 145. Joe, look at my face. I'm looking at your face.
Starting point is 01:44:54 You can build a division around Gina Carano when she looks like that. You can build a division around Cyborg when she's smashing chicks. You can. I firmly believe you can build a division around Cyborg. Who the fuck's going to sign up for that? No, you can't. I wouldn't watch it. If she's Mike Tyson, every little girl she runs into, you she's smashing chicks. You can. I firmly believe you can build a division around Cyborg. Who the fuck's going to sign up for that? No, you can't. I wouldn't watch it. If she's Mike Tyson, every little girl she runs into, you can't do it.
Starting point is 01:45:09 You can do it. You can do it. And you have her keep talking shit to everybody at 135. It'll come up to me if I mean my business. No one's doing that. No one's like, oh, I'll do it. Come on. Fuck, no.
Starting point is 01:45:20 Box tattoo. Come on, dude. She's a monster. I like it. Fuck yeah, she's a monster. I like it. Fuck yeah, she's a monster. I like giving her a shot at the 145-pound title. You want to have her fight this fight? She's going to fight Leslie Smith, who normally fights at 135.
Starting point is 01:45:34 You may get a catchweight fight because Leslie is brave enough to take that challenge. But then create a 145. Take some of them Invicta girls. I disagree, Joe. I think you- What do you do with her then? You make her fight at 140. You compromise. We don't do you do with her then you you make you make her? Fight at 140 what we don't even know how well her body's gonna handle. Let's say all right
Starting point is 01:45:49 Let's say she does decent though, but all your superstars at 135 something just do these super fight They're 140 where Misha could be champ at 135 or 140, right? You have this monster at 140, but Lee she's fighting Misha Tate and getting that coverage of Ronda Rousey or Holly Holm Right if you do 145, okay, now we've got to find 145 badasses at 145 girls. Well, the real interesting fight at 140 is Holly, who's fought as high as, I want to say she fought at like 150 before in boxing. You're right, at 150. I thought it was like 152. I thought it was like 152.
Starting point is 01:46:25 So that would be the fight. Because first of all, she was without a doubt the most experienced striker in all of the UFC. Women's divisions. As far as boxing competition, MMA competition, and kickboxing. I mean, she's a 19-time boxing champion. She's won kickboxing titles, and she won the UFC crown. I think she's the only female in the UFC who can beat Cyborg. See, that would be a fascinating fight because
Starting point is 01:46:48 she's got that style of counter-striking and moving away and almost a karate base with a lot of athleticism and footwork and Cyborg is just a destroyer. But what happens when you go forward on Holly? You get fucking murked. So a girl like Cyborg coming
Starting point is 01:47:03 forward is tailor-made for Holly. All these other girls, enjoy that. Maybe. Enjoy Frank the Tank Brazilian. I just don't know. I mean, she's bigger and stronger. It's going to be. And she can take a punishment.
Starting point is 01:47:15 She did a lot of punishment. Do you see the Jorina Barge fight in Lion Fight? I did not. She fought Jorina. Oh, I did. Yeah, yeah. That girl's a fucking monster. She lost.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Cyborg lost by decision. Or did she get TKO'd? No, she lost by decision. But she got punted in the face. Yes. She got teeped in the face. Barge is no joke, man. She's one of the best Muay Thai fighters on the planet.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Yeah, world champion. She's so slick. Her style's so good. And, you know, she has none of the physical attributes that Cyborg has. Cyborg's just so strong and so powerful. Again, I think it's tailor-made for Holly. Any other girl is fucked. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:47:49 I would like to see it, I'll tell you that. Any other girl's getting her titties ripped off. I just don't want to see... This is what I don't want to see. I don't want to see Cyborg fight diminish so much from the weight cut that we don't get to see the real Cyborg. I don't think she's been enough draw to create an entire division for. Because we're trying to build up 115,borg. I don't think she's been enough draw to create an entire division for and revamp.
Starting point is 01:48:05 Because we're trying to build up 115, 125, right? I think there is. See, I think if anybody's going to do it, it's going to be a woman who knocks women out. I think anybody who's going to bring light to the division, it's going to be someone like Cyborg. She's just not young, man. If she's like a young prospect, I think you invest in it. She doesn't have to be. The level that she's at in comparison to the level the other girls are at is very, she's very high.
Starting point is 01:48:26 The only thing that would change is if one of those Muay Thai chicks started looking at Cyborg and went, oh, really? Oh, okay. That'd be sick. Okay. Well, this is, you know, she's not going to take you down, most likely. She's going to try to stand with you. If these girls, like, really concentrate on the grappling,
Starting point is 01:48:41 and they really concentrate, you know, six-month sprawl training, you know. We're years out from that. Well, maybe. You gotta invest. If you're gonna do it, you gotta invest in that whole training. But look at a girl like Tiff Timebomb, right? She's starting MMA now, you know that? She's training for MMA. Yeah, well if during her prime, like
Starting point is 01:48:57 Miriam Nakamoto, like someone along those lines, one of the really high level female Muay Thai champions, they would be murkin chicks in MMA. For sure. If they could just keep the fight standing, there's levels out there, and there's levels of striking that we just really haven't seen in the UFC. And that's with some of the women fighters,
Starting point is 01:49:16 but I think that's what we saw in the Barge fight with Cyborg. We saw that super, super high-level Muay Thai against the marauding style of Cyborg. And so I watched that fight, and I said two things. I said, one, amazed that Cyborg has the guts to take that fight because it's a dangerous fight. Nobody wanted to fight Barsch for like three fucking years. She couldn't get a fight. And then how about the fact that Cyborg takes tremendous punishment and keeps going after her? I was thinking, how many other people in this division would fight this girl like that?
Starting point is 01:49:43 Just Holly. And keep getting knocked down, keep jumping back up and attacking. I agree. Not a lot of female MMA fighters would have been able to even stand in there. That's why I say only Holly. With her striking capabilities. She's literally the only one. Every other girl, her head would have been kicked into the third row.
Starting point is 01:49:59 And of course, you want to J-check, but she's a smaller weight class. True, but she's too small. Yeah, man. I think the 45-pound division, man, it could open it up. Women only having two division, I think, is weak. Well, it takes time, though, right? Right, but this is the time. Start at 45.
Starting point is 01:50:13 This is the inaugural fight, right? I'm not mad at it. Cyborg goes out, puts on a show against Leslie Smith. Knocks her face off. Or doesn't. Who knows, man? Well, she loses. You don't have a division.
Starting point is 01:50:21 Yeah, but if she does, if she wins, right? Boom. You got Cyborg a division. But if she does, if she wins, right? Boom. You got Cyborg fighting someone legit for the championship. Marlos Kun comes over from Invicta, right? She's Invicta, right? Yeah. 145. Or is she Bellator now?
Starting point is 01:50:36 Oh, she's Bellator. That's right. She is Bellator. Her last fight was Bellator. They scooped her up. But I don't think you can do that. I think you have to do a super fight with Misha or Holly. Do you want me to keep that on?
Starting point is 01:50:48 You have to do a super fight with Misha or Holly to create the buzz around Cyborg. Because the average friend is like, who the fuck is this girl ripping girls' faces off? Here's another fight this weekend that nobody is talking about. Whitaker and Natal. That's your fight of the night. Ooh, Robert Whitaker, man, looked sensational in his last fight against Uriah Hall. I was like, holy shit, this kid is throwing. That's your fight of the night.
Starting point is 01:51:10 He's a dangerous guy. Interesting what a change it's been for him going up to 185. He just looks so much healthier. Way more powerful. Way more powerful, way more confident, way more aggressive. It just doesn't feel as diminished. I think he was just too big for 170. And Natal's a natal's fun to watch man very dangerous man real good to the win yeah enzo gracie guy dude rodriguez though that's your young buck you're up and comer young buck yeah
Starting point is 01:51:36 yeah yeah yeah rodriguez and andrew feely that's another fucking badass fight that's a very good fight i love. I love watching Rodriguez fight, man. Yeah. He's fun. He's wild, dude. He's wild. That guy throws wild. You ever see him train?
Starting point is 01:51:51 It's hilarious. Well, he was at Jackson's for a little bit, right? There's videos of him hitting pads. Dude, he does like 360 roundhouse kick, 360 wheel kick, jumping front kick, round kick, side kick. I mean, the way he mixes shit up is like who does that in pad work but he does it like he fights have you seen yeah have you seen him go for like knee bars and legs fucking like flip stone dude it's not the future man his ground game is no joke his ground was very good he's got everything going for me so wild he's unpredictable he's
Starting point is 01:52:22 young he's brash damn Andre threw up when I was interviewing him. He threw up? He's the only guy I've ever talked to. Like, in the middle of talking to him, he threw up in his shirt a little bit, and then he threw up on the ground. Damn, that's that cardio, son. We had a crazy fight. It was a wild-ass fight. So that's a good fight. That is a good fight. It's a good card, man. It'll be a fun card.
Starting point is 01:52:39 Again, Conor's taking the spotlight a little bit. Yeah, well, he definitely is, and that's just to be expected. He's the biggest star in the game right now. I hope they work that out for UFC 200. It would be an even better story if they worked it out. I bet you they do. Guarantee they do.
Starting point is 01:52:54 I would almost guarantee they do. Or they do a GSP Nate Diaz fight. Then we got honeydicked, and then something smells fishy. Something smells fishy? For sure. If GSP's like, what? Hey, I've been training. What if they come with the cash?
Starting point is 01:53:06 They come with that fucking Reebok makeup money. I bet you, I bet you, that Reebok makeup money. Here's a set of Reebok pumps in six million. There you go.
Starting point is 01:53:15 Push it in. Push it in. We're all in for GSB in 2000. I think, I bet they figure it out. Yeah. I bet you Conor ends up fighting a UFC 200.
Starting point is 01:53:25 That's what I believe in. and I think Dana and the UFC brass are going to figure it out. I think GSP and Nate Diaz takes its place, and they use it as a negotiating tool because the pay-per-view numbers are bigger than any of the Conor fights because the UFC has, in fact, grown through their strategy. See, I don't think the numbers beat Conor's. What if they do? Well, then Conor's dealt the wrong hand. GSP and Nate Diaz, you're like, ooh, Conor fucked up. Yeah, Conor fucked up. I don't think it beats his numbers, though.
Starting point is 01:53:54 So OSP's best chance for this weekend, he's got to win by knockout. First round. You think so? Yeah. That first round, he's going to have to fucking caution in the wind. If he tries to sit there and fight on the outside and out technique, Jon Jones, you're going to get fucked up. It's going to be interesting to see Jon with such a long layoff too
Starting point is 01:54:13 with a lot of pressure on him. This is what I think is going to happen. It's just me speculating. And I've trained with both of them. I think Jon will feel each other out early on. Jon's going to get a hold of him, trip him down the ground, crucify him, and TKO him with elbows. Wow.
Starting point is 01:54:31 Wow. If I had to bet on it, I bet John finished him on the ground. Really? Mm-hmm. All right. You heard it here, folks. This weekend, UFC 197, Brandon Schaub,, TFATK-K
Starting point is 01:54:46 T-fat-K-3-D, that's the new one? Yeah, that's the new one. Fighter in the Kid 3D, your videos that you guys are doing? Yeah. How is that? Is that fun? The best. Go watch it, you fucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:55 All right, I'll be back in a little bit with another one. That's right. You're a beast, man. Another podcast. Love you, brother. Dan Auerbach. See you soon.

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