The Joe Rogan Experience - #794 - Miesha Tate

Episode Date: May 5, 2016

Miesha Tate is a mixed martial artist and is the current UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He's like Metro PCS. Uh-uh. Because I see all those commercials that they do. We live? Right now we're live? We're on the air? Misha Tate, we're on the air. What's up?
Starting point is 00:00:10 I just had to let Misha Tate know the world was flat. She didn't know that the man has been holding us down and fucking with us and giving us bad information. That satellites are bullshit and that the earth doesn't rely on gravity but it uses electromagnetism to make sure things get stuck. Where is this coming from? The world. The world.
Starting point is 00:00:29 There's a lot of people out there in the world that are waking up. Do you know what being woke is? Are you aware of being woke? No. You don't know about being woke? Jamie's woke. Stay woke. Stay woke.
Starting point is 00:00:39 You got to stay woke. Stay woke. So people think that the earth is flat? Yes. You can also use wokeness. Oh, my God. You could use it as like uh you could say like i have wokeness you know i'm saying like you just because you're just because of the ufc bantamweight champion does not equal your wokeness so what is wokeness what is it you're woke you're aware you're just aware bullshit oh the man has been
Starting point is 00:01:04 like the earth being round the earth ain't round the earth's flat as fuck the earth is flat You're woke. You're aware of all the bullshit. Like the earth being round. The earth ain't round. The earth's flat as fuck. The earth is flat and chemtrails, the government's spraying the skies and there's no gravity. Here's square and stationary earth. Is this a new one? That's one of the parts of the theory.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You think chemtrails are real? Is that what you're saying? I don't know. I kind of wonder what they are. Like, what are they? That's a good question. That's a good question. I wonder. The problem is when people take that, and then they go right to conspiracy questions. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I have questions. Like, I want to know what they are. What are they? When a jet engine flies through the sky, and the jet engine encounters condensation in the atmosphere, it creates an artificial cloud. It's not an artificial cloud. It's an artificial cloud. It's not an artificial cloud. It's an actual cloud. And the cloud is a direct reaction to the jet engine changing the temperature of the air in the atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:01:52 It is scientifically proven. It's repeatable. They could do it over and over again. That's why when you see those things in the sky, those things exist when the jet engines pass through the condensation and it changes the temperature. And then they slowly fade away or not, depending upon how much moisture is in the atmosphere. Why do some planes do it and other ones don't?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Well, because some planes are at different altitudes. You know how clouds exist in some places, but they don't exist in other places? Because in Vegas, there's people... Well, maybe there's no condensation in Vegas. It was like there's flights coming in all the time. And you watch a steady stream coming in and none of them have it. But then like the little like... I don't know. They're like small. I don't know if they're small planes they're not
Starting point is 00:02:27 commercial planes the little ones those are the ones that make all the chemtrails so i'm like does that well they call them chemtrails i don't even know if i'm technically saying it right now i don't know what they are well what do they call them they call them contrails that's the real the real like if you ask a scientist they call them contrails if you ask conspiracy conspiracy people they call them chemtrails. Because they think they're spraying chemicals in the air. This is something that I had to deeply study for this show that I did called Joe Rogan Questions Everything.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I wondered about this for a long time. I've heard so many... I've heard, obviously, most of the conspiracy part of it. Everybody hears about it. Everybody hears about it. And I wonder, I'm like, I've heard that they're trying to control the weather with it somehow. Well, that's part, I've heard that they're trying to like control the weather with it somehow. Well, that's part of the problem is that they are trying to control the weather.
Starting point is 00:03:13 In different parts of the world, they spray, they do what's called cloud seeding. But cloud seeding is very different than what you're seeing when you're seeing these artificial clouds. What cloud seeding is, they'll spray a certain type of chemical into the atmosphere that will create rain. And they do it in Abu Dhabi. In Abu Dhabi, they actually do it every week. They do it once. So they've done it like 52 times a year. And it makes rain? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:34 That's been going on for a long time. But that's very different than these artificial clouds that are being created by jets. That's just a side effect of air travel. Can that be good for you, though? The artificial jets are the rain. Rain? The chemical? Yeah, it's just rain. Well, it's silver iodine, I think, and some other stuff. Is it fine to
Starting point is 00:03:51 breathe in and stuff? Yeah. I'm sure it's not any better than jet fuel that's burning in your sky above your head. Very true. That's the real problem. Yeah, and the gas driving here and all that good stuff. Well, people that live near airports, they have a significantly higher rate of lung infections and lung diseases
Starting point is 00:04:08 and lung disorders. Interesting. Like how far? Now I'm thinking about how far I live from the Vegas airport. How far do you live? It takes me like 20 minutes to get there. 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Is that too close? You're probably okay. You're probably okay. Well, I think we're all fucked. Yeah. We're all fucked. We're all breathing in brake dust. We're all living under the same flat earth.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Exactly. Under the same flat earth. Exactly. Under the same flat earth. That's one of the problems with the whole chemtrail theory. Like, don't they live down here too? They're spraying the skies. Like, what are they trying to do? And the idea is it's either weather modification or that they're trying to change our behavior. That some people think it's their changing our behavior.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I've heard it's something to do with crops too or something. They're trying to, I don't know. They're growing crops in Vegas? I don't think they grow shit in Vegas. Tumble weeds. They probably grow pot now. There's probably a lot of pot grown in Vegas. There probably is.
Starting point is 00:04:53 It used to be so illegal. Like, if you went to Vegas, you had to be, like, really careful about having weed. But now when you drive around, they have these giant weed doctor billboards and shit. It's really weird. It's like the call 1-800-HOT-BABE on one side and then Dr. Weed on the other side. That's a weird place to live, isn't it? It is, but I feel like Vegas is kind of what you make it.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It's whatever you make it. If you want to go down to the Strip and be crazy and be wild and hang out with all the hooligans that are there for the weekend, you can. But if not, just live in your little house and go hike the Red Rocks and go down to the lake. It's a pretty barren, pretty ugly lake, honestly. It came from Washington State, so I'm used to a lot of greenery. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And it's beautiful there. And we've got the San Juan Islands. And you can go whale watching. And it's just gorgeous. But it rains way too much. We have a national rainforest up there, too. It's beautiful. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Washington State. G state, but the rain can fuck with your head, right?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah. I couldn't, I lived there for, I mean, I was 18 before I moved to the, the, um, eastern side, which is very different. Actually, a lot of people don't know this. So the mountain range divides the state in half and on the east side, eastern side of Washington, it's super dry. It's like deserty. Like there's actually tumbleweeds and sand dunes and all that. It's completely different on the other side of Washington. Moisture comes in from the ocean, hits the mountains, rolls back over, rains like double duty on the west side. And on the east side of Washington is really dry. And you're from Spokane, right?
Starting point is 00:06:19 No, I'm from Tacoma. Tacoma. To Compton. To Compton? Is that what people call it? That's hilarious. Yeah. Is it ghetto?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Yeah, it is. It's pretty ghetto, but I lived on that. It's a, it's really big actually. It's, um,
Starting point is 00:06:33 I think if I'm not mistaken, I should probably know this things, but I don't pay attention to a lot of things. Cause you'll probably find out. I don't know a lot, a lot of statistics and stuff. I'm kind of like, well,
Starting point is 00:06:40 it was fly by the seat of my pants. Like whatever's going on. It's cool. But I think it's, it's one of the, um, biggest like circumference, like the widest cities, like not most populated, but like most area in Washington. Anyway, so I live on the very outskirts, like near Puyallup. So I grew up on like five acres and like I had some land. I wasn't like in the heart of it, but it's a pretty cool place. So going from there to living in Vegas, but I guess like as you're a professional fighter,
Starting point is 00:07:10 your days are probably so filled with training and recovery and eating. Like how much time do you actually have to even be in the city that you're in? Like none when I'm in camp. Yeah. Really not much. Maybe on the weekends sometimes. That's what's nice about it too is you can go down there and just enjoy a comedy comedy show i mean you come through often like a lot of acts come through kind of heart comes through a lot of musicians a lot of concerts so it's nice because everyone comes to you essentially
Starting point is 00:07:33 you don't have to go travel to see anyone so if you want to just set the cup down for a minute and like take a break from the training game i want to go ride the the you know the big ferris wheel that they have there the what, what do you call it? Yeah, I don't know what that's on. The link. Right. Yeah. They want to go ride that or do whatever, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:50 It's nice because there's so much going on. As long as you can stay outside of it. Right. Like you like in like Henderson or something like that? I live in Mountain's Edge. So, yeah, for the most part, I don't ever even see this trip unless I'm driving by it and like to go visit the UFC offices or something like that Well it's a good place to live as a professional fighter
Starting point is 00:08:09 Because there's a lot of gyms there There's a lot of great training there Across the board Strength and conditioning, Muay Thai, boxing Well and it's the home of the UFC So it's nice there too Because there's a lot of extracurricular things That I get to take part of because I'm local
Starting point is 00:08:24 I get to do a lot more charity things with the Boys and Girls Club. And just going and being a part of the UOC, I guess. I get to do more things. That's cool. Yeah. Now, your life is very different right now than it was a year ago. It is. How crazy is that?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah. A year ago, you were talking about not doing this anymore. You were like, I've got to figure out what I'm doing. I was i'm doing and now you're the fucking world champ i know that's where i am talk about a freaking 180 yeah my my career in life it couldn't have been different a year ago than it is now you know how strange is that how that can just change in an instant you just never know what does that feel like it's like when you wake up in the morning you have to go okay there's the belt i guess that's real no for real i'm happy it's um it's enlightening it's fun it's it's great to be the champ i i love it honestly it's a completely different feeling and yeah you know a year ago i was so frustrated
Starting point is 00:09:23 because you know when i lost iran to the last time i knew i. And yeah, you know, a year ago I was so frustrated because, you know, when I lost to Ronda the last time, I knew I had a long road, you know, and to work my way back up. But I thought I had done that. And when I beat Jessica Ai, it was announced like, you know, this is going to be the number one contender eliminator fight. And then afterwards they're like, yes, it is. You're going to fight Ronda. Then I felt like the carpet was kind of just pulled out from under my feet because they're like, just kidding. Holly's, you know, Holly's fighting and they announced it without telling me. So that's why I was so upset because I was like, I don't take this shit lightly.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Like I was training my ass off. I had already reached out to a girl in France. I can't say her name right. I think it's like Javri. I don't know. Some French name, but she beat Rhonda in judo. So I had already like been making plans with her to train with her and fly her over here. And she was changing things. Then I was like, I feel like such an ass, like, I feel like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Like I look like an idiot because here the announcement was made and I didn't even know. So I was kind of upset about that. But you know, we talked about it and we smooth things over and, and I took it personally at the time, but I don't think it was meant personally. It was a business decision. And I understand that that at the end of the day, that's what it was. And it all worked out. So the UFC is in a weird position because they're both a promoter and sort of a sanctioning body. Yeah. And that's really rare. As a matter of fact, I can't think of any other sport where that exists.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah. You know, they have just this ability to decide. Like they'll they'll just decide like this person gets a shot. Like the whole Conor McGregor situation is a perfect example of that. Yeah. Like all of a sudden if he had beaten Nate Diaz or if he had beaten Dos Anjos like Dos Anjos didn't get injured and he beat Dos Anjos. You fucking know for sure they were going to have him fight Robbie Lawler. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Like for sure. And they were just going to like figure out a way to do something with 145 pound title. And why wouldn't they do it if they were business people because that's where the money is I mean it would have been if he had beat Dos Anjos and then went on and fought Robbie Lawler Jesus Christ when you talk about like a 5 million pay-per-view buy event
Starting point is 00:11:16 they'd have to do it it would be insane but if that was like a sanctioning body like you've seen it before in like boxing like someone won't take a mandatory challenger and they get stripped even when they just won the title. It happens all the time. Like where a fight would just win the title. And then they have this mandatory challenger who nobody knows. And they'll go, fuck that fight. I'm going to go fight Canelo Alvarez. I'm going to fight this guy
Starting point is 00:11:37 or that guy. And then they get stripped. Like, cause there's like five different sanctioning bodies. Like boxing is way more of a mess. So there's like pros and cons to doing it the way the UFC does it. But from a point of view of someone like you, it's probably much more frustrating. Well, you just never know what to expect. Like you get curveballs all the time in the UFC. You don't know what to expect. A lot of people were so pissed off at me for the Holly Holm not having the rematch right away.
Starting point is 00:12:02 But it's like it's not that's not my choice you know yeah why would they piss off of you i don't know because they think that i like turned it down or i should have went in there like guns a blazing for holly and like put myself out of my shield like no we have to have the holly rematch you guys you don't understand but um yeah they call me up i'm like amanda july 9th i okay. Yeah, how do you say no to UFC 200? How the fuck do you say no? No, you don't. You can't say no.
Starting point is 00:12:29 If that's what they come up with, you're like, I'm in. Yeah. And, you know, it's like, dude, relax. Most people don't get immediate rematches in their career. Like, unless you are Conor McGregor or Ronda or, you know, someone that's really got a presence, you don't get an immediate rematch. Like, I didn't when I went back in Strikeforce when I lost to Ronda. I didn't get an immediate. I've never gotten an immediate rematch like i didn't when i went back in strike force when when i lost to ronda i didn't get an immediate i've never gotten immediate rematch in my career i would have loved to immediately rematch cat when i lost to her but you don't get it sometimes you got to work your way back up and you know hope for the best but we will i'm sure
Starting point is 00:12:55 we'll fight each other again she's fighting a valentina shinshenko now yeah that's gonna be in chicago right yeah it's gonna be on the rum Rumble Johnson Glover to share card, which is, whoa. Yeah. Whoa. That's going to be crazy. It is. And they're both southpaws and strikers. It's going to be interesting.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah. Shevchenko's tough as shit, too. Good striking, too. She's like a bulldog. It's going to be interesting. She's very physically strong. She's like, the way she fights, she's very physical. I feel like they are kind of both.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I was just watching her fight with Amanda again the other day. I think I only got through like the round and a half before I had to go because I was doing the Fox show the other day. And we announced the fight with Holly. That's why I was watching Shinshinko. And she seems like a counter striker too, though. I always wonder when you get two people who are counter strikers but elite strikers, what happens? Well, Holly is much more of a kicker. And Holly also is like much more of a kicker and holly also
Starting point is 00:13:45 is like much more fleet of foot so it's going to be interesting but holly's not weak either she's very physically strong so it's gonna be an interesting fight that's a really good fight and for shevchenko it's super important you know she's had a couple pretty good fights in the ufc yeah but like this is the big one you know this is like the chance to put her on the map is it headlining yeah yeah it's gonna be a big one is that the main event of that card i think that's the same card as rumble johnson and glover i can't imagine that that fight wouldn't be the main event but i don't know it might be on is it on fox yeah is a fox one that's gonna be a big fight it will be it's a it's an awesome card period that chicago because chicago is awesome i love chicago oh my god it's one of my favorite cities in the world have you ever had molly's It would be. It's an awesome card, period. That Chicago, because Chicago's awesome. I love Chicago.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Oh, my God. It's one of my favorite cities in the world. Have you ever had Molly's cupcakes? No. You were going to say Molly. Are you really into cupcakes? Like, you have this nickname, Cupcake. Is that real?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Yeah, I love it. Are you a cupcake fan? You know what's weird? So recently, probably the last month, I've been working with a new sports doctor, Dr. Edwards, and he's changing my diet, which is great. So I've been eating more of a high-fat diet. Oh, okay. You know, ketogenic. diet, which is great. So I've been eating more of a high-fat diet. Oh, okay. Ketogenic? Yeah, ketogenic diet.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And I've been staying away from a lot of sugars and stuff. And I feel really good. So I haven't been mowing down the cupcakes recently. But in the past, I've been known to put down a couple. And the moment you said ketogenic, there's thousands of people listening to this podcast and like, no, not again. Because it comes up
Starting point is 00:15:05 so often because i've been doing that for five months i've been eating nothing but that like that's how i eat right i've lost like 10 pounds yeah brian's lost so much weight on this diet like his camp before that was a struggle to get the weight down because he's really big for 135 he gets up to like 165 you know he can get to 170-ish. Yeah. I remember when he was making the cut the first time. I was like, ooh. Yeah. It was hard. But this one, he switched to that with a little bit of carbs. Obviously, if you're an athlete, you have to have some carbs. You can't do strictly fats and whatnot. But anyways, his weight has flown off. He's way ahead of schedule. He's doing really good. So we're pumped pumped about that and i'm eating shit loads of
Starting point is 00:15:45 fats too and staying lean and healthy and i feel good so like do you do um like what protocol are you following like is it like 60 fats 30 protein 10 carbs like do you know no i'm not that scientific about it i kind of just listen to my body and i just eat what i feel i feel like i've been doing it so long that i just kind of have a natural sense. It's like if I'm hungry, then I just choose to eat something that's more fat based than something that's sugary or carby. Like what kind of foods are you gravitating towards? So recently I've been so stoked about liver mousse. Liver mousse?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah, it's like mousse. Like pate? Yeah, yeah. They're delicious. If you go to Whole Foods and you go to the cheese section, they have these little packages of moosed liver and they have different flavors
Starting point is 00:16:32 and I got like a truffled one. I think I ate almost the whole thing in one sitting but they're not that big. I mean, they're like, you know, but I mean, it's kind of a lot of fat
Starting point is 00:16:40 and the liver's really, really good for you. It's got like vitamin D and tons of vitamin C. I guess more than carrots. Like liver has crazy amounts of vitamin C. So it's like a super food. My doctor told me, I'm like, I'll eat whatever. I tend to like foods more when I know they're good for me too. Something like mentally in my brain just tells me this is good for you. You like it. Really? Well, I guess if you train as much as you do, that does totally
Starting point is 00:17:02 make sense. Yeah. And beets. Beets. Beets are great for you. Beet juice. Oh, yeah. That stuff's fantastic for you. Beet juice also, it mimics things like the endurance properties of things like certain mushrooms. Yeah. Like if you take beets, like Rich Roll, who is an endurance athlete, was saying that he found like significant advantages in taking beet juice and that like blending beets and like a kale shake or something along those lines really gave him like
Starting point is 00:17:31 an extra boost in training yeah this is a little company called love beats i don't know if they're little they could be big love beats you see a lot of uh a lot of them um at the whole foods too they have like the cans bees and um i was doing u doing UFC embedded and I had beets on my salad. And then they reached out to me like, Oh, we saw she had beets on her salad. We want to send her out some beet juice. Like maybe it was,
Starting point is 00:17:51 maybe it was, maybe she was having love beets. Well, actually it was love beets. And they sent me out this, Oh man, this shit's delicious. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And they have one that's, um, beets and ginger. They have one that, Oh my God. It's to die for. I love it. Yeah. one that, oh my god, it's to die for. I love it. Yeah, all that stuff, like anytime you can get like
Starting point is 00:18:07 powerful natural nutrients, like beets and ginger. Yeah, and they come in glass too. Which I'm kind of like, I kind of got on that glass, drinking out of glass instead of plastic, I kind of got on that train a little bit. I don't know if you're on that yet. Well, it's definitely smart. I mean, plastic for sure can leach some chemicals.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I can taste it sometimes in the water, and I'm like, if I feel like if I can taste it, and our body's made up so much of water anyways. So I think with a better water you put in your body, it makes more sense, right? For sure. Well, the real issue I think is when people leave bottles of water, plastic bottles in their car and they heat up. Well, think about how they get transported. It's not like they're in a cooler. Very good point. You know? I mean, you drink them cold. If it's cold, you don't taste the plastic as much. So they sell it to you cold or you put it in the fridge and you drink your water bottle and you don't really taste it as much.
Starting point is 00:18:52 But if you let it get to room temperature, just buying it from the store, you'll probably taste the plastic. I wonder if anybody's ever done any studies where they've taken just arrowhead water and, you know, Fiji water from the shelf and just tested it and see how much yeah funky shit is in the actual water itself yeah i wonder too but i just the fact that i can taste it sometimes like i think i'll go with glass it's like more natural it's better for you right yeah for sure so do you eat do you eat a lot of avocados mct oil coconut oil yeah mct oils i put i've been digging this are you into turmeric?
Starting point is 00:19:25 and curcumin the Dr. Rhonda Patrick show she blew my mind I've listened to that episode like 5 times she's been on like 4 times and I still have to go back over them with a fine tooth comb and write notes I just downloaded the second one
Starting point is 00:19:39 I've listened to the first one like 5 times so I figured I think I got enough of the information finally she's so freaking smart and then now I downloaded the one before the last one so I'm about to the first one like five times, so I figured, like, I think I got enough of the information finally. She's so freaking smart. And then now I downloaded the one before the last one, so I'm about to listen to that one. Probably on the flight home. Yeah, she's spooky smart. Yeah, so she was talking about all that, and my sports doctor is in complete agreeance. So, anyways, I don't know where I was going with that.
Starting point is 00:19:57 What did you ask me? Oh, about eating? Oh. Yeah. Coconut oil, curcumin or turmeric, and ginger. I make, like, a tea in in the morning and I eat that. I like blend it up so it's frothy and delicious. Speaking of not eating a lot of sugar though, I did UFC Tonight last night and then we did Tough Talks.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And the kid Khalil, we had a cupcake eating contest. Oh no. Oh my God. I was wrecked for the rest of last night because I haven't been eating sugar and I was mad you know I'm competitive so I'm just mowing down these cupcakes so they they gave me like smaller ones for the weight class discrepancy so yeah I know but you know what actually it was of a disadvantage because I had to peel more of them. I had to spend time trying to peel them out. So I think I ate four, and then my esophagus just shut.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And it was like, eh, you're not swallowing another bite of this. So I shoved three more in my mouth and just held them in the last 10 seconds. I was shoving them in my mouth. So I think it was seven, but I spit three of them out. Now when you say your esophagus shut, was it like you couldn't swallow? Did you have milk? I did have milk, but there was just too much. There wasn't room for milk in my mouth anymore.
Starting point is 00:21:13 It was just all cupcake. It was like I couldn't like. It was hilarious. The video is on my Facebook page if you're interested in watching. It was pretty disgusting actually. What did you feel like after it was over? Oh, I felt terrible, honestly. Like, I was, like, shaking.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I was, like, uh. I was, like, I feel, and I kind of had a gut ache. I was, like, this is a really bad idea. Isn't that weird that you could have eaten those things, like, a year ago? No problem.
Starting point is 00:21:35 No problem. And then I just mouth four mini cupcakes, and I'm feeling, like, garbage. I was on the diet for a long time, and then I had a cheeseburger and a malt, like, a big-ass chocolate malt, and I was, the diet for a long time, and then I had a cheeseburger and a malt, like a big-ass chocolate malt. And I was—it was a huge malt. It was like that big. It was all sugar.
Starting point is 00:21:51 It gets you. I was wrecked. Sugar is kind of the devil, honestly. I lay down on the couch. It is. But you just get used to it. That's the problem. And when you're used to it, your body seems like, ah, this is nothing.
Starting point is 00:22:00 So when people—oh, here you are. Here you are eating a cupcake. Yeah. See, I tried milk. Look at how full my mouth is. Watch. And I'm throwing they're counting down.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I'm like Oh this is so ridiculous. It's so gross. Oh it's disgusting. It's disgusting. It's terrible. I like Kenny with the referee outfit on.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I couldn't I have three cupcakes in my mouth right now. My lips are literally bursting like See if this was Fear Factor we would have made you swallow it and open your mouth
Starting point is 00:22:25 that's the only way it counts i would have speaking of fear factor i always wanted to do that show i used to watch it all the time i would have talked you out of it like i could i could eat that disgusting stuff you think you could i think i could well you could probably eat some of it i ate some of it really i was gonna ask you what was the most disgusting thing that they made someone eat you think blended stuff was the worst like blended bugs they made someone eat, you think? Blended stuff was the worst. Like blended. The blended bugs and stuff? Blended pancreas and different disgusting, like blended spleens.
Starting point is 00:22:52 And there was some. And you know what's really interesting is one of the ways we made things more disgusting was expensive cheese. Like if you go to, what's it called? A fromage. Fromage. I don't remember. I have an expensive cheese story. Do you?
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, but go ahead. But anyway, they go to this Beverly Hills store that sells like super expensive, like primo French cheese. And it smells like donkey dick. It's so bad. You open up the tub of it and you go, what in the fuck is wrong with French people? How are you eating this? This is my, that's my, that's my disgusting stinky cheese story.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It was in France. The first time I went to Paris. It was over Valentine's Day and Brian and I were on this really beautiful dinner boat thing and, you know, they bring out all this food and we're eating foie gras and like whatever. And they bring out cheese and I am a cheese lover. I love cheese.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I could never give up cheese. It's the one thing, I would I would venture to say, especially now, for sure, I'd pick cheese over cupcakes. If I had to cut something out of my diet, bye-bye cupcakes. I'm sticking with the cheese. Anyways, they bring this cheese out and there's three of them. One is fine. The other one's like, it's a little stinky, but I think
Starting point is 00:23:58 I'll try it. The other one smelled like a rotting carcass. I kid you not. I believe you. It smelled like someone ran over roadkill and then they like, then they served it up like two weeks later after it had been like in a trash bag.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I was like, people eat this? I'm like, what's wrong with I was like, get it away. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Well, there's a place in Beverly Hills where we used to send the people that work for Fear Factor to buy it. And you'd walk by this place and just they'd open the door and you'd be like, what in the fuck is in there? And meanwhile, people are paying a lot of money for this stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:35 If it smelled anything like what that smelled like, I might have struggled to eat it. I bet it was the same stuff. I mean, I don't know what it was called. I would have to call my friend David Hurwitz and ask him what it's called. I like to think I'd be able to eat anything. I don't know. Well, you're pretty mentally tough. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I'm sure you could get through it. I'm sure I could. And then after it was over, you'd probably blank out that section of your mind that deals with that and just go into the zone, throw it in, and then you're like, am I good? Yeah. And then you'd run over to a garbage pail and bah! Probably. That's what happened. I saw more people throw up than probably i would say
Starting point is 00:25:07 like if you like look at my like me and like maybe catch cafeteria lunch ladies we probably seen the most people throw up in the world oh i bet i kind of see i saw fucking people throw up every week i saw people throw i became completely immune to throw up you know i think would be more gross than the blended stuff i feel like as long as there was enough liquid to be able to to just swallow it i think i get through it but i think it would be hard for me as the crunch like crunchy bugs they're easy really well it still tastes like anything yeah but it's not the taste texture not the texture the sound the sound of it like the shell crunching and then like the guts exploding i don't know we were just talking about this disgusting topic but that's like my that's like that or the big old caterpillars, like where they pop
Starting point is 00:25:48 in your mouth. Oh, yeah. Like hearing something like that, I think is what would get me. I ate a tomato hornworm. That wasn't the best tasting thing in the world. That one popped in my mouth. Yeah, see, that's those things. I think that would be a little hard for me.
Starting point is 00:25:59 But it's nothing. It's like that gum. Remember that gum they used to have that have like the squirt center? It's good for your breath. You remember that stuff? Yes. Do they still have that stuff? Remember that gum they used to have that have the squirt center? It's good for your breath. You remember that stuff? Yes. Do they still have that stuff? I'm sure they do.
Starting point is 00:26:09 That gum is like a tomato hornworm. You pop it, except it doesn't taste good when it squirts. It just tastes like, but it's like neutral. That would be a struggle for me. That's just my thing. I don't know. That's my thing is like anticipating the pop or the crunch. I'm telling you, you would just do it.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I'm telling you. Yeah, I do it. I'm telling you. Yeah, I probably would. It's nothing. The bugs are nothing. I was in Mexico recently, and they serve crickets. They have crickets like it was a snack that they left in the hotel. Yeah. Like fried crickets.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I don't know. I guess if I could do it at my own pace, and they were cooked crickets, I'd probably try one. Yeah, but it's not. Fear of fact, it's not at their own pace. Yeah, exactly. That's half the thing. That would be the thing. That you only have a certain certain amount of time I remember one where they stuck like a
Starting point is 00:26:48 one of those I don't know it was like those spiders with like super long long legs and it was like trying to crawl out of the person's mouth while they were eating it and like that was just like oh my god that would be African cave dwelling spider I ate one of those too really yeah I ate a lot of shit
Starting point is 00:27:03 well it's alive oh yeah threw it in there chew it up can they bite you they tried cave dwelling spider i ate one of those too really yeah i ate a lot of shit i ate alive oh yeah yeah threw it in there chew it up can they bite you they tried really yeah i felt like a little pincher on my lip but are you serious yeah but i'm deaf you just mouthed it oh yeah i mean i'm like i got down on those cupcakes you imagine being a poor spider just some fucking gag for a tv show and someone's gonna eat you no but um yeah the most bugs don't taste like anything i bet the ones that are really bad are poisonous they probably would fuck with you like if you ate a black widow probably tastes like shit nobody ever had to eat like a live snake or anything like that no no well we can't
Starting point is 00:27:39 like do anything with animals we we had we did we did do some stuff with snakes it was really interesting what people would get upset about and what people wouldn't get upset about. Like PETA, they would get really upset if we did things with rats. Or things with rodents were particularly problematic. But people didn't get upset about things with bugs. There's a really clear hierarchy that people have with life. And people just don't seem to get that upset about bugs but like certain animals i kind of still almost feel bad if i was to eat a live bug part of me would
Starting point is 00:28:11 feel bad really yeah i don't know what about like lobster and throw lobster in a pot i feel bad about that too do you oh yeah i prefer to just kill it real quick first and then i'm fine with it like i think they're meant to be eaten i'm fine like with hunting it doesn't bother me like but the the idea of them maybe experiencing a excruciating amount of pain before like just just like stab it in the head real quick and then it's done it's dead you killed it humanely and then eat it no problem right i don't care about that but they say that lobsters can't feel pain but i say bullshit i say bullshit too how do you know you not a lobster. Have you ever been a lobster? No. In a past life.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Yeah. It was pate. So I just say err on the side of caution. Just kill it first. Yeah. We used to go crabbing up in the San Juan Islands. We'd catch fresh Dungeness crab. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Oh, my God. We'd cook it within like an hour. They taste so much better that way. It's incredible, isn't it? Oh, yeah. Brian can't eat seafood to save his life at all. Like, he cannot stomach it. Like fish?
Starting point is 00:29:08 Like he can't eat salmon? Anything out of the water. Anything. Even seaweed. What? Anything that comes from the ocean. Psychologically? I think part of it's psychological.
Starting point is 00:29:17 He just doesn't like it at all. He thinks it tastes disgusting. Like the taste of the ocean. You get a lot in fish skin or seaweed. Anything that tastes, resembles the flavor of the ocean, something watery. He hates it. Is he from Washington State too? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So is it like an overdose of fish because everybody's up there eating fish all the time? No, because he lived on the, he lived in like the central Washington area right on the other side of the mountains. So it's a little more like grainy and dry and a little bit farther away from the water. But he ate Dungeness crab this was going to get back to is that that crab that we caught that day and killed and boiled and we had this sweet butter to dip it well yeah actually like he ate it was like yeah it was pretty good that's the only seafood thing he's ever eaten in his life that what is this jamie what's this video you're showing me swarming crabs on a seafloor what you've seen this oh my god is that real
Starting point is 00:30:04 thousands and thousands of crabs. Where is this? You can't even see the floor. It's off the coast in Panama, it says. Holy shit. What kind of crabs are these? Does it say? Red crabs.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Red crabs. I don't know the difference. And they're just covering the floor like sand. That's insane. When I read this, they said they didn't know what it was. They thought it was just the moving sand on the ground until they got to put light on it. And then they saw that it was crabs. Crabs.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Wow. Are they little tiny crabs? Is that what it is? I don't think so. They look actually like, I think they'd be pretty big. Crabs are the cleanup crew. Crabs and lobster. It's interesting how good they taste when you consider what they do.
Starting point is 00:30:39 They just basically eat rotten things that sharks leave behind, other fish leave behind. I mean, they're just the cleanup crew yeah we're like gotta be grass-fed beef but we can we can eat shit eating yeah now like that's so crazy that brian doesn't eat any seafood because i would imagine that like especially considering that he cuts so much weight like that would be like a good source of lean protein not a fish like his friends like wanted to mess with him one time and he had like he's so much weight, like that would be like a good source of lean protein. Nada. It's fish. Like his friends like wanted to mess with him one time and he had like, he's at a restaurant and one of them had, had salmon. Brian's like one of those guys that doesn't even want to look. Like if you're eating seafood, doesn't even want to, he doesn't want to look.
Starting point is 00:31:15 What? Yeah, he doesn't. He's just so like, so grossed out about it. And so he got up to go to the bathroom and I guess I wasn't there. I wasn't dating him, but this was a long time ago. I guess they picked up a piece of the salmon and like rubbed it all over the rim
Starting point is 00:31:26 of his cup of milk and he smelled it and then threw it like he went to take a sip he almost just he just like lost it because he yeah he smelled it
Starting point is 00:31:35 and I don't know did someone like force feed him a fish when he was a little kid or something I don't know I kind of wonder something traumatic
Starting point is 00:31:40 had to have happened Eddie Bravo's got a weird thing like that really like yeah onions if you give him onions he'll fucking freak out. What if they're cooked? I don't think he can even eat them cooked.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Really? Yeah, apparently he had a douchebag for his stepdad, and his stepdad used to make him eat ceviche, and the onions in the ceviche to this day just freak him the fuck out. He can't have onions. Everything with the chocolate-flavored things. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:02 What about cupcakes? No. You can't have chocolate cupcakes? Really? No, I don't like things. What? Yeah. What about cupcakes? No. You can't have chocolate cupcakes? Really? No, I don't like them. What? How the fuck do you not like chocolate? I don't like chocolate ice cream.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I don't like, but I like like milk chocolate or dark chocolate. Does this freak you out? Looking at that, does that freak you out? No. The chocolate?
Starting point is 00:32:18 No, I'm okay with this. As long as it's not anything chocolate flavor. It has to be real chocolate. It can't be anything It's such a weird thing But the thing is I was really sick when I was a little girl I was like five or six years old I almost died
Starting point is 00:32:33 I went to the hospital I had to get a spinal tap Because all my veins had collapsed What? Yeah, I got really, really sick What was it? I had Rye Rye syndrome
Starting point is 00:32:41 I don't know what that is I don't remember exactly the details about it R-Y-E like the bread? I don't know what that is i don't remember really exactly the details about rye like the bread i don't know we got really quick it's bad almost killed you chicken pox and then i had a form of hepatitis hepatitis b that's what i had whoa all three at the same time because my immune system was down from the chicken pox and then i caught that and then i caught hepatitis b and um yeah so so my parents took me obviously to the hospital and um they couldn't they they had a phobia of needles for a while too they got an IV in me barely and um you know how like they're supposed to leave the IV in you and then like they change the tubing well the stupid nurse pulled it out and all my veins were so collapsed
Starting point is 00:33:19 they couldn't get a needle in anymore so they would come in i was just passed out they would come in on the hour almost every on the hour and i would wake up to like 10 or 15 people holding me down oh felt like 10 or 15 i was five it was probably like three people but i just see lights and i'd see people holding me down and they'd be trying to stick needles in the top of my hand in the in my ankles and the tops of my feet behind my knees like and they just hold me down trying to get fluids in me because i couldn't keep anything down and so finally it was so bad that um they told my mom to like call you know if she's religious to call like her pastor and like have him come and like they were like yeah like she's gonna you know so they brought me in to give me a spinal tap oh my god it was the most painful thing i've ever experienced in my life because they take fluid out
Starting point is 00:34:03 and epidurals like i hear really painful too but it's an injection as opposed to like removing the fluid which is more painful I don't know I remember feeling the most excruciating pain in my life and then passing out that was so weak anyways it was pretty terrible anyways back to the chocolate part of it before I went to the hospital I was running such a bad fever and I was throwing up and my mom thought you know let's give her ice cream. And she had like some Neapolitan ice cream downstairs. And she had, it was like the really cheap, we didn't, I didn't grow up, you know, with a lot of money or anything like that. We struggled. So it was like the cheap fake strawberry, the cheap vanilla and the really shitty cheap chocolate.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And I had tried to eat some of the strawberry and the vanilla and I fell asleep and I woke up and I was really hungry and really thirsty. And I went and all the chocolate had melted. So it was like a soupy bowl of warm ice cream. And I tried to take a bite of it because I was just a little kid and I lost my shit. I puked everywhere. And to this day, it's ruined it for me. Like ruined anything chocolate flavored. But I can do like dark chocolate, a real chocolate, but it has to be quality.
Starting point is 00:35:06 So if somebody brings you, like, a soupy bowl of Neapolitan ice cream right now, you just... Yeah. It's, yeah. It has mentally fucked me forever. Look at the definition. Jamie, pull that back up again, please. Look at the definition of Reye's disease.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I mean, it's... Look at this. A rare but serious condition that causes swelling in the liver and the brain. Yeah, I had liver damage. Like, they said it was permanent. Whoa. Most often affects children and teenagers recovering from a viral infection, most commonly the flu or chicken pox.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That's amazing. I've never heard of that before. I didn't even know that. I never looked it up. But I knew that I had some liver damage. They actually told me to. Aspirin's been linked to this. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Use caution when giving aspirin to children and teenagers and that's exactly when that's that's why yeah that's why that happened because my mom told me she called she called the um hospital and asked them like my daughter has chickenpox what should i what you know what should i give them give her whatever and they're like oh just give her aspirin you know give her some aspirin to help her with that and that's what caused that and then it was just bad it was really really bad it's so weird that it's connected to aspirin i wonder what the fuck the fact i didn't even know that actually but i just know that like that i had that and then i had liver damage they actually told me that i would probably never be able to excel as an athlete because of that because of your liver damage yeah because the liver and like i don't know if maybe that's why i'm like so maybe you should show up maybe i shouldn't blame blame my like my my lack of uh of
Starting point is 00:36:30 paying attention to situations and knowledge of things i can never remember people's names maybe i would say i get punched in the head for living maybe it was that like brain damage and liver damage all those things can't be great but if anybody said that you would never make it as an athlete yeah they told me like yeah yeah exactly right the doctors were like yeah she's probably Right, but if anybody said that you would never make it as an athlete, you should show up with a belt. Yeah, exactly. What's up now, bitch? The doctors were like, yeah, she's probably going to always have an issue as an athlete to excel. Now, have you ever got a liver toxology examination or something like that? No, I never had.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Seems like it would be a good idea to do. You know, my mom always told me, she's like, you should do visualization of your liver healing itself. So I used to try to envision my liver growing. Oh, you had one of those moms. Yeah. She never told me to visualize anything else, but I remember that now. This is bringing back memories.
Starting point is 00:37:14 She's like, you should try to think about your liver being healthy. I don't know if it helps. I use visualization now a lot. Visualization absolutely is beneficial. Yeah. I mean, the mind has all sorts of weird properties that we don't totally understand. That's why placebo effects work. We don't know why they work, but it does work.
Starting point is 00:37:31 It's statistically proven that if you have a positive attitude and you believe something can help you, it can help you. Yeah. But the problem with that is people use that as like an excuse for charlatans like psychics and palm readers and tarot card readers and and healers like healers are a big one there was a guy that was working with a bunch of ufc fighters back in the day that people would call like the witch doctor and this guy was like doing all these like these things do you remember george saint pierre um not not do you remember george saint pierre But do you remember George St. Pierre? They had this thing that they used to do with him when they would like rub his
Starting point is 00:38:08 back and rub his sternum. They had like, I never understood what it was. It was like this voodoo shit that this guy had talked these people into doing like a bunch of fighters. Like even fucking Randy Couture was going to this guy. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:19 And the guy turned out to be a total hoax. I met him and I just like right away because i'm so used to hoaxers i'm so used to being around bullshit artists and examining them as soon as you started talking about like the meridians of the body and this and that i was like oh you're full of shit you're full of shit and you got deep into these people you're rubbing on them and you're opening up their chakras oh fucking for sure you are well it's like those people that do the funny like chi videos. I feel like it's like a cult almost sometimes. There's people that are like, you know, I can make someone flip over by just doing this or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:53 They do the weirdest things. And the people that they convince to like, it takes two to do that, obviously, because it's not real. So the person doing it and the person getting the move or whatever done to have to, you know, that person has to agree to do it. And then it's always so funny to me when you see them get approached by someone who doesn't believe in that at all. And they're like, okay, do it to me. And they're like, okay. And they really, they really like think that it's going to work. And the person's just standing there and they're like, no, it's not working.
Starting point is 00:39:20 They're like, it's not working. Oh, you know, they think it's going to work. They think it is going to work. Like even the bullshit artist thinks it's not working oh you know well they think it's gonna work they think it is gonna work like even the bullshit artist thinks it's gonna work or you ever see the guy that was like trying to chop uh chop uh what was it those um not a pineapple i say pineapple but a coconut trying to chop with like his hand he was trying to set like a world record you guys should pull that video up it's hilarious with his hand chopping coconuts? With his hand. With his bare hand. He was like a karate guy. Did he break his hand? He chopped the boards.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I think he might have. I don't think you could break a coconut with your hand. No, and it was funny because he had a news crew there and he had like 20 coconuts set out on this bar and he starts just hacking at one, hacking at one, hacking at one. Yes. Well, you watch the video.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's hilarious. Why does this guy think that this would work? He's one of these guys. I'm telling you watch the video it's hilarious i mean i'm like i think that this would work he's one of these guys i'm telling you he's got a karate outfit on and look at his a metal bar underneath that so watch when he misses oh no no no he misses well yeah oh fail he does miss oh my god he hits the fucking oh fail oh fail oh my god he hits the fucking oh fail oh my god he hits the bar look his hands hurting oh yeah for sure he had to pull away he doesn't want to do it again he doesn't want to but he's like i got to and he's like okay no she stepped in thank god why was he thinking that that would work wouldn't you practice that before you got on television you imagine thinking you could karate chop a fucking coconut open how about just hit the earth and and wake up people in china the fuck is wrong with you that's what i'm saying though so yes the mind is
Starting point is 00:40:51 a very powerful thing well there's a gang of videos of these guys that are doing those chi things on people and then their students fall to the ground and start twitching and yeah and there's a great one with this this guy in harlem had this uh like a kung fu school and he had all these students and he he's like doing all this like literally like dragon ball z type shit on them like and they would fall to the ground and start twitching and spasming and it's like really shitty acting but they are into it i think when you're in a cult like that and that's what a lot of those martial arts are there They are a cult. I think almost all traditional martial arts have cult-like attributes, which can be beneficial.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Like the discipline and the desire to please your sensei or your sabom nim or whatever you want to call them is intense. And, you know, yes, sir! And they bow and all this stuff, and they really believe that their instructor cannot do any harm. There's like a lot of good in that because it makes you like have this really intense desire to succeed and this intense belief in yourself. But it's not realistic, obviously, in a lot of traditional martial arts. And until the UFC came around, we didn't really know how unrealistic it was. But if you remember like Pat Smith when he fought that ninja guy in like UFC 1 or 2, I think it was UFC 2.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I don't remember which one it was. But he fought some guy and this guy was doing these like in the, you remember they used to have the video of the guy training before the fight? Uh-huh. And the guy was like throwing all these techniques around and flipping people to the ground and grabbing their neck and fucking karate chopping the top of their head and they'd fall to the ground. Oh, the UFC has come a long way. A long way in a short amount of time, right?
Starting point is 00:42:31 I mean, think about like football from 93 and then football in 2016. It kind of looks like football. Right. Still the same. Yeah. But the UFC in 93, like, look at it. It's like, it's chaos. But Pat Smith was like a real fighter.
Starting point is 00:42:46 This is the guy. Look at it it's like it's chaos but pat smith was like a real fighter this is the guy look at it he just came charging at pat smith and tried to i don't know why he clinched up with him you remember this i just know his name and pat smith got on top of him and he just dropped elbows on him and smashed this poor dude's head open it was awful look at this 12 to 6s were still allowed then 12 to 6 is the dumbest fucking rule oh don't get me this poor guy look at this, 12 to 6s were still allowed then. 12 to 6 is the dumbest fucking rule. Oh, don't get me started. Here's this poor guy. Look at this. And this is the best part about it. Pat Smith walks off and the fight's not done because he's a kind man for walking off because the referee is saying the fight's still going on.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Are you serious? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, this poor guy. Yeah, that guy got smashed. What's this guy's name again? Oh, no. We don't even need to bring up this poor guy's name. But he probably thought, at least big John McCarthy, all lean and healthy looking.
Starting point is 00:43:29 He probably thought that it was real. He probably thought that what he was doing was real. And he didn't know until he got in there with a guy like Pat Smith that what he was doing was just some malarkey, some mall, strip mall malarkey. There's a lot of that out there still to this day. It's amazing. Yeah, it kind of makes you wonder sometimes the world that we live in. Well, it's that same, it's the mind,
Starting point is 00:43:52 like the belief in what you can do, what you can't do. Like it can benefit you, but it can also fuck you up. Like it can benefit you if you're talking about your own health. Like if you really believe that something's healing you, it can heal you. But there's like physical limitations, you know? like if you believe that melvin manhoef can kick you in the liver and nothing's gonna happen guess what that's not true you can chop coconut
Starting point is 00:44:13 oh that guy there's so many of those people though so many of those weird one of the first podcasts i ever listened to of yours was a guy talking about a cult that he had been involved in. I can't remember his name either, but it was really fascinating. He was talking about his story and how they basically took him in. You remember what I'm talking about? Oh, yeah. Steve Hassan. Yeah, he's actually a cult.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Is that how you say his last name? H-A-S-S-A. Fascinating, though. And how they really warped his mind. He really got into believing that his family was against him. And now that he's removed from it, he's like, I was totally mind manipulated. Yeah, he's in the Moonies. He was in the Moonies.
Starting point is 00:44:51 That's what he joined up with. Yeah. Yeah, that's a weird story because that guy now works to help people get out of cults. Well, he should go help some of these C's. Hey, gee, people. I know. I'm sure you've seen the one with the old Asian man who fights the young karate guy. Have you ever seen that one? This guy, they show him with his students and he's doing all this stuff and they go flying across the room and their body twitches.
Starting point is 00:45:20 And he decides to have an actual no rules fight with this young Kyokushin guy. And this Kyokushin guy just fucks him up. I haven't seen that one. He grabs a hold of his shirt and beats his face in and high kicks him. And it's so brutal because the man looks like he's in his late 60s. He looks pretty old. Yeah. And not stout.
Starting point is 00:45:40 And it's not like a healthy old 60 either. He looks like he's got a little pot belly and this dude just beats the piss out of him and a guy like a beating like that from a young strong guy who was much bigger than him too the guy looked like much stronger than him like that's not something that old guy's gonna recover from like he might be fucked forever from this that's terrible but in his mind he thought that he was gonna fucking kung fu this dude do you believe it like have you ever researched much about hypnosis and how i've been hypnotized yeah yeah But in his mind, he thought that he was going to fucking Kung Fu this dude. Do you believe it? Like, have you ever researched much about hypnosis and how?
Starting point is 00:46:08 I've been hypnotized. Yeah? Yeah. Yeah, Vinny Shorman did it. Well, Vinny Shorman, I don't know if you know who he is. He works with a lot of fighters. He worked with Joe Schilling. He's worked with a lot of MMA fighters.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And he does what he calls himself a mind trainer. And what he does is he can talk to you and put you in a state of mind. It's a very weird thing. Like, it's not what people think it is. It's not like take off your pants. Suck my dick. It's not like that. Like you're you're aware, kind of. But it's like an altered state of consciousness.
Starting point is 00:46:41 It's almost like he puts you in like it's like you're under a drug or something like that. So I just recorded a podcast. I just started my own podcast. What is it? How do people find it? Misha Tate? The Misha Tate Show. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:46:53 What did you come up with that name? I don't know, man. I've had to think about that one a lot. How about the Cupcake Hour? Right, the Cupcake Hour. Yeah. So I sat down with Mark Savard, who does a comedy hypnosis show for 10 years on the strip. And absolutely fascinating when you think about the conscious mind and the subconscious mind and how the conscious mind really is kind of the tip, just the tip of the iceberg.
Starting point is 00:47:15 But there's so much more beneath it. And your subconscious mind is we're talking about the power of mind. And he says you kind of go in and out of hypnosis states all the time, like when you're driving you start daydreaming or you know you're sitting you just kind of space out you're not really looking at whatever you're looking at anymore you're in you're in a daydream yeah or at night you know that's kind of a state of an awake hypnosis and that you can kind of go in and out of those yourself you do all the time during the day but a hypnotist can kind of guide you into that and then plant certain good seeds you know i guess they're bad seeds if they wanted to you know but i always thought of that too like a kooky guy that was gonna like make you do dumb shit while you don't know what you're doing but that kind of was fascinating to
Starting point is 00:47:53 me because he talks about how he helps people who have like phobias for instance someone who has a phobia of a dog he's like so fear is like one dog this dog bit you when you were a child you're scared of that dog phobia is this dog bit you and you were a child. You're scared of that dog. Phobia is this dog bit you and you're scared of all dogs now. Some people are so terrified they get these phobias they can't even leave their house. They're so scared of their neighbor's dog walking by that's going to jump out of anywhere and bite them. So they're crippled by these fears. And he could put them in a hypnotic state and kind of go back and and remove that fear essentially that makes sense
Starting point is 00:48:26 i mean i i think that there's a as he said there's a bunch of layers to the mind but i think that one of the most fascinating aspects of it is when they do those comedy hypnotism shows those comedy hypnotism shows are 100 real yeah like i've seen them live like there was a guy named frank santos was a big uh comedy hypnotist guy in in Boston and his son still does it. Frank Santos jr. But Frank Santos would do this show weekly show at stitches and all these comedians, we would come from like all over the town to watch this because we couldn't
Starting point is 00:48:56 believe it. We'd be like, how the fuck is he doing this? And he would get people and he would know when they were under and when they weren't under, like he would know when people were faking it and when they weren't, he would get them off the stage when they were faking it. But the people that were really under, you could see they just were baffled.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And he couldn't explain why it would work on some people and why it wouldn't work on others. He didn't really know. Yeah. I asked Mark the same question, because he'll invite as many people that want to volunteer out of the audience as you want. So he'll get 30 plus people up there, and he'll just pick people off as they aren't into it. But he has people doing the craziest funny things, you know.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. It's so funny. It's bizarre because you're like, how are all these people in on this? Well, they're not. They really do. Like this, Frank Sandoz used to have this person. This is like in the 80s, back when Madonna was hot. Like if you said you're going to have sex with Madonna now, guys would go, hey, what the fuck? But back in the 80s back when madonna was hot like if you said you're gonna have sex with madonna now guys would go hey what the fuck but back in the 80s she still looks good for her
Starting point is 00:49:49 age for her age she does that's the big part though for her age yeah right she still looks great i mean no but everyone knows even if she looks great everyone knows the bitch is like 60 like you know like yeah i say bitch with all due respect yeah like a bad bitch yeah badass bitch but um but you would watch him he would talk someone into believing that they were having sex with Madonna and these guys would orgasm in their pants so you would see them go
Starting point is 00:50:13 he would tell them and now you're going to come in your pants and you'd see the guy go when you're watching it you'd be like what in the fuck is this real? You almost want to go, dude, I want to see inside your underwear. Let's see it.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah, let's see if it really worked. I want to see if it worked. Let's see the proof in the pudding. But Frank tried to explain it to us. I mean, he had worked with people where he would help people quit smoking and things along those lines. But until Vinnie Shorman did it to me, I really, I had no idea. So I still haven't been hypnotized, but I think I'm going to try it. Well, he's going to be in the United States.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I'll connect you guys together. You would like it because he's used to working with fighters and he's, he's great about like setting a mindset. I think Ian McCall worked with him too, but he's great about putting you in a certain state of mind and working on various aspects of like maybe your performance or, or your attitude. That's what I'm interested in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:02 It's interesting. That's all about staying woke. You should stay woke. I've been woken. He's trying to woke interested in. Yeah. It's interesting. That's all about staying woke. Stay woke. I've been woken. He's trying to woke you. I want some wokeness. You got to achieve wokeness. It's super, super important to achieve wokeness.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah. I mean, the mind is a really fascinating thing. And I think that especially for fighters, I would have to say that it's just one of the most important aspects of your ability to perform. Like physically is one thing, but the ability to like you're inside the cage, the pin goes into the gate. Are you ready? Are you ready? Let's get it on. I mean, that is the craziest moment in all of sports. There's no moment like that where you, I mean, think about like a basketball player.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Basketball players, even if there's a lot of pressure for a three-point shot, if you miss that three-point shot, you're going to get another shot. Somewhere in the game, someone's going to hand you the ball, luckily. Or if not, someone's going to hand you the ball tomorrow. Or someone will hand you the ball next week. But if you say, if you fight, you know. Well, there's a huge difference between team sports and individual sports, too. Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I mean, it's like when you lose, sometimes it's not, unless you're the kicker on a football team and like you literally cost them, but it's still like a, you know, it's still a team sport. Your team obviously didn't get you far enough to where you had to rely on that kick, but you go inside the cage. It is just you. It's not just you. It's just you involved in the most humbling, dangerous, extreme version of a contest between two human
Starting point is 00:52:27 beings you can get outside of sword fighting yeah you know outside of fighting to the death there's nothing as extreme as a cage fight yeah when you guys i have to laugh when people say like that we're scared to fight someone you know like people are like oh you're scared to fight holly again like you can't listen to those people scared is not relative, like it's not a term that I feel like fighters really, we don't have scared the way normal people have scared. You know? Yeah, like a normal person would be scared to get off their couch and go to the gym, you know, to spa or something. Like that's what we do. Like we live like what most people would, know shit their pants to do on it and
Starting point is 00:53:05 you have to be a fool to not know that it's a dangerous fight so it's not a matter of not being aware of the danger yeah but it's a matter of managing the consequences or like i think you did a fantastic job of the holly fight like literally you did in that fight other than the fifth round which is the most amazing part of it but you did everything everything. We were talking about what you have to do to beat her. I'm like, she's got to stay on the outside. She's got to vary her rhythm. And she's got to let Holly come to her. She can't rush in.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Because if you rush into Holly, it's like rushing into Machida or rushing to anybody who's a great counterstriker. You saw the Ronda fight. Ronda just came bulldogging at her and tried to out-bulldog her. And you can't do that with Holly. She's too fast. footwork too her her striking is so precise her her counters are so clean and her movement's very hard to read like it's very unpredictable I remember well a couple times I tried to maybe come forward and get her to get her the fence and I couldn't tell whether she was going to jet out to the right or the left like she was like two steps back left and I was
Starting point is 00:54:03 like you know like ah you know like I couldn't even tell, like she gave no indication of which way she was going to go. Yeah. Well, you just did a fantastic job of varying your approach to your speed was different. Like you, you, you did a lot of fainting, you vary things up a lot and you could tell, like, she was like almost like waiting for these moments to happen when you're going to come forward and then you wouldn't come forward. And then it becomes like a test of patience. Like who's going to get outside of their comfort zone? Who's going to take chances? Who's going to engage?
Starting point is 00:54:32 Yeah. And she also has that weird stance too. When she kind of halfway stands like a boxer and halfway stands like a karate person. Yeah. She throws like a lot of sidekicks, a lot of front leg techniques. Yeah. She's a tricky one. But we put together a really good game plan.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I was happy with that. Fuck yeah, you did. I was happy with that. But it was the fifth round. The fifth round was crazy. God, when you grabbed a hold of her and then eventually got her back and got her to the ground, it was so crazy because every aspect from your initial entrance to the takedown to getting her back, there was nothing 100% about it. It was all touch and go.
Starting point is 00:55:10 It was all a scramble. It wasn't like you had complete total control over maybe like Damian Maia versus Rick Story. Damian Maia gets Rick Story's back. He's got him locked up and then he anacondas him and squeezes him and then he gets him. It wasn't like that. It was like you were fighting for your fucking life and you knew there was no time. There was no time. You were likely down by like at least one round and you were headed into the fifth and
Starting point is 00:55:32 final round. And maybe if you won that round, you could have got the decision. But fuck, you're fighting the champ. Who knows? Who knows what's going to happen? You take her back. And then when she tries to shake you off the top and you hang hang in there, and you hang in there, and you see her. And I watch her.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I'm like, oh, my God, she's going to go out. And when she went out, and you climbed off her, and she was unconscious, like, holy shit. Holy shit, what a moment. That was incredible. It was incredible. in all of women's championship fighting as far as like like an extreme extremely dramatic moment where like you're you're trying to accomplish something she's fighting tooth and claw neither one of you are exhausted so it's not like anyone's like physically compromised it's just a fucking mad scramble between two killers and you get her and you got her back and then you get her back and
Starting point is 00:56:23 you sink the choke in and she's trying to fucking shake you off and you hung in there and when she rolled and you're on top of her and you you hung on to it and you realize like oh my god she's going out yeah and she just she didn't even tap she was throwing punches in the air while you were choking her unconscious i kept thinking to myself i'm like when is she gonna tap it didn't in my in that instinctual moment i'm so used to in training you get people in a choke you know they tap so i'm like when is she gonna tap it didn't in my in that instinctual moment i'm so used to in training you get people in a choke you know they tap so i'm waiting for that tap and i'm like good god like when is this girl gonna tap like i know i've got her when is she you know tap and i and then then i felt her like and i saw her you know from my peripherals kind of do do something
Starting point is 00:56:58 i wasn't quite sure if she was tapping or what she was doing until i watched the video later and i felt him pull me off and i'm like that's the feeling that we fight for is that feeling that, that feeling of like, I did it. I established my dominance. You know, it's a, it's a,
Starting point is 00:57:11 you know, it's a prideful sport in some ways, you know, it's hand to hand combat with someone else. It's like, you know, I, I did it tonight.
Starting point is 00:57:16 It was better. It has to be prideful because otherwise there's just certain sacrifices and certain fires that you're not going to walk through. Like you have to have every fucking motivation. You have to be Zen, but you also have to have an ego. There has to be so many things going on for you to achieve that highest level of greatness. It's like walking on a tightrope. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Oh, yeah. People that are just like that perfect balance, you know, walking between buildings that are, you know, hundreds of stories high or, you know, and then it's like, it's, it's kind of like that. I mean, you have to have the perfect balance and everything has to meet perfectly in that moment, including the training camp, not over training. Did you ever hear that video that, um, the video is not that good, but the audio is, is awesome. It's between the fourth and fifth round and it's my corners, what they're telling me between the fourth and fifth round. It's such an emotional video for me.
Starting point is 00:58:05 When I watched it, it makes me relive that moment. And Brian came in there, and essentially he was like, Misha, you've got to get after her. You have got to put your chin down and Mike Tyson this chick. And that basically means just get after her. Get in there, get after her, take the risk, risk getting knocked out, go for broke. And it plays into the round.
Starting point is 00:58:25 And basically he was just telling me, I fucking Mike Tyson or like, get after her, you know, bulldog or do whatever you've got to do. He's like, cause you're running out of time. And I remember in that fifth round, still trying to get out of that, that mindset of like, I have to find the perfect opportunity. I have to be patient because the whole training camp was, you know, patient, but persistent, you know, patient, but persistent. No one ran into anything because you, you know, you'll get caught, you get knocked out, you'll get need, you'll get kicked, you'll get punched. So don't do that. But you got to look for the opening when it's the right timing. It's all about timing. And after I took her down in that second round, and I just beat her up that round,
Starting point is 00:59:01 she was so, so cautious in the third and fourth and so perfect. You know, her game plan was perfect too to beat me, to stay just far enough out of the range and keep me from not wanting to come in. I couldn't find a perfect opening. I couldn't like get in on anything. There wasn't mistakes that she was making. And then in the fifth round, I just decided, you know, you're going to have to take the chance of getting knocked out. This is what it's boiling down to now. You've got like three minutes left on the clock, and now it's do or die. It's either you go for it, you do rush in, she catches you, you get knocked out, you know you gave it everything you got, or you've got to make something happen.
Starting point is 00:59:40 You've got to finish the fight. The question was really like whether the second round was a 10-8 round. On all three judges' scorecards, it was. Yeah. Us watching it. That's what the judges said. Yeah. Well, it should have been.
Starting point is 00:59:51 But what I meant was the question watching it was like when you were headed into the fifth round, what my question was was I wonder if she got a 10-8 round for that second round. Because if she did, then this is an even fight. So what's happening right now? How are the judges looking at it? Technically, going into the fifth round, it was even. Yeah. It was tied.
Starting point is 01:00:13 That's crazy. That was such a crazy moment. That was another time in the post-fight interview where I almost cried like a bitch. I get so emotional. Yeah. It was incredible. Well, it's so hard to explain to someone when you're there and you get to see someone like you who's worked so hard for something for so long. So when I said to you, how does that sound?
Starting point is 01:00:36 What does it sound like? You're the new women's bantamweight champion of the world. What does that sound? And you were just so overwhelmed. It was so crazy just to be right next that sound and you were just so overwhelmed it was so crazy like just to be right next to you while you were saying that and you said when you said i've been waiting for you to say that for so long it was just great it was a crazy moment crazy yeah because i you know what was what's crazy you talk about the mind and the power of
Starting point is 01:00:57 it i've i had visualized that moment so many times that i felt like i was confused in that it was hard for me to distinguish that that was the real moment. I would imagine it was so intense. It was so surreal. I would imagine to this day it probably seems fake. Yeah, it's really weird. Does it? Yeah, sometimes I have to go back and be like, man, that really did. It really happened. It really happened. Right there. Oh, I was pumped. Jay, you think? Yeah. I was so excited.
Starting point is 01:01:33 If you had like, if auras were real, you know, like fucking, if you had chi, it was coming off your body for sure. I would have blown back the whole stadium. Everyone would have fallen over and been shaking. Papers flying, cups flying through the air, and the carpet would rip. Goodness gracious. Yeah, that was insane. That was one of the best moments of my life, for sure. I could only imagine.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I could only imagine. I mean, anyone that watches that sport, that moment when you choked her out, and the whole exchange of the fit, even like that, really, the whole fight, because a fight is like, I mean, in a weird way. I mean, we call this martial arts and there's a lot of people that have a problem with that but in my mind that there is an art to what you guys
Starting point is 01:02:11 did in that fight and even what holly did because up until that fifth round i mean like you said especially the third and fourth she was doing what she wanted to do she was she's and there was a display going on there was like a there was a performance going on on top of this being a competition to watch it as someone sitting there watching it and calling it I mean this is a work of art and To have it in that way was such a masterful performance It was such a masterpiece moment and it to me is like one of the best moments in MMA Because it's such a fucking hard thing to achieve
Starting point is 01:02:46 the best moments in MMA because it's such a fucking hard thing to achieve, to become a champion. And for someone like you, it tried and tried again. You won the title in Strikeforce. Yeah. And you're trying and trying again. You're trying to make this happen. And, you know, you think you're getting boxed out. And then the Ronda fight didn't happen after you beat Jessica Ai.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And then all of a sudden you have this opportunity. And it comes together in one of the most powerful ways we've ever seen inside the octagon. It was amazing. Well, thank you. That was quite a great narration of everything that's had to happen to make this come true. And it's crazy because it was the same month, 10 years to the month that I had my first fight. Wow. It's been 10 years to the like the month um that i had had my first fight wow it's been 10 years yeah so it's crazy because you think 10 years ago there wasn't even i mean women's mma was a joke like it was i mean no to me it wasn't obviously but to most people it was a spectacle at
Starting point is 01:03:40 best yeah something they kind of threw on the card is kind of like, watch the chicks fight. Hopefully a tit will pop out. That's so true. Because they didn't respect us as athletes. That's the honest truth. That's the uphill battle that it was. Nobody took it seriously. We didn't make any money. We were fighting for breadcrumbs at best.
Starting point is 01:04:06 What kept you going during those times? Passion. It's cliche as it sounds. Just the desire to want to be fulfilled. And I felt like that was the most fulfilling thing in my life. It wasn't college. There was nothing else that was as fulfilling as that. But what is it about fighting that attracted you to it when there wasn't any clear future? Because you were in it at a time.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I didn't think about the future too much early on. No, I didn't think about it as something that was, this needs to be lucrative for me. This needs to be, you know, coming to some of the, it was, I was probably three years into my career before I even thought that I could maybe like actually possibly make a living at this. So it was just something that I was doing to feel alive. Wow. Yeah. It was just something that I was doing to, to make me feel accomplished. You can't put a price on how something makes you
Starting point is 01:05:07 feel, you know, a memory, an experience, happiness, you know, those emotions, you know, people say, you know, like the day that they got married, the day that they had their kid, the day, you know, those are like mile markers in people's lives. Like, I guess if you ask someone on their deathbed, what were the moments that made you feel alive? Like, what did your life amount to? What, you know, what was that those key markers in your life? And all of my fights have been markers in my life. That's more than most people can say, you know, so I guess it was such a sense of, of fulfillment. And the fact that it was so hard, it was so it was so hard. And so many people were so against me. I think that made me really determined to because a lot of people, my grandpa, my dad, my grandpa was really, he was really chauvinistic
Starting point is 01:05:49 to be quite honest. He was not, he was embarrassed that his granddaughter was a fighter and he would give my dad a hard time all the time. Like, why you let your daughter do that? He's like, I don't let her do anything. She's, she's her own person. I'm not proud of it, but. Is he still around? it but is he still around my grandpa he's not but he um had a big change of heart when i when i actually lost my title to when i won my my title against marlos coon and you know he really became obviously a big fan you know he's like i'm very proud of you i've talked to my neighbors about you he's like i was wrong and I lost my fight to Rhonda right when he got diagnosed with cancer. And that's eventually what passed away. So I went straight from that fight down to see him, to see how he was doing. And my dad was
Starting point is 01:06:39 down there visiting. He lives in Florida, so very, very far away. And I told him, I was like, grandpa, I was like, I was like I'm really sorry that I didn't win this you know when it makes me emotional it's like I'm sorry I didn't win this fight for you and he's like it doesn't matter you know and I think that's the last fight that he ever saw unfortunately but you know he's like hey you had a lot of heart and I'm still proud of you so yeah were you attracted to other extreme sports when you were younger no because i wasn't raised that way i wasn't raised with like extreme sports like um yeah my dad still saw me as he didn't like segregate me i wouldn't say but he saw me as a
Starting point is 01:07:19 you know as a little girl like he didn't take me four-wheeling or um you know riding dirt bikes or anything like that he took me downhill downhill mountain biking, but it kind of turned into that. We like rode for miles out to a lake with my with my little brother and a friend of his. And then I remember I was like riding back and there was like big rocks and like boulders. And my dad and his buddy have had downhill mountain bikes made for I'm riding like a little street bikes. But they're expecting that I'm just going to be able to like i'll just carry down the hill or whatever i try to bomb down the same rock hill as them i eat shit like bad eat shit i still have scars on my elbow actually here from from when i uh when i fell and i just got up and my
Starting point is 01:08:00 dad says this is like one of the moments i realized you were different he's like you just popped up and you're like brush your elbows off you got back on your bike bomb is like one of the moments I realized you were different. He's like, you just popped up and you're like, brush your elbows off. You got back on your bike, bombed down the rest of the hill and beat all of us home. He's like, you were just crazy. He's like, I never saw anything like it. I thought we were going to have to like, you know, call medical help. And I thought, because he's like, you ate it hard. And it was like.
Starting point is 01:08:22 So it was just something that was just in you. I guess. Just deal. i don't know my mom always told me and this is something i realized when i was talking to mark hypnosis he's telling me about how much children can be affected by people who are negative in their life people who can you know you're never going to amount to anything and how that can affect the subconscious mind you know having a dad who's like you suck you're terrible you're, you know, you're never gonna be anything, how that can create crippling ripple effects that translate on all the way through the rest of that person's life. And I said,
Starting point is 01:08:52 well, what if it's the opposite? Like, what if you had a parent that was telling you that you're amazing all the time, that you could do whatever you want, and they really, trueheartedly believe in you? He's like, Oh, yeah, that can that can be amazing, you know, amazing too. And it made me start thinking, cause my mom and I, we've had a really rough relationship the past three, four years or so, maybe, maybe longer. It's been a struggle or it's getting better, but I will give her a ton of credit that as, as a single mom for part of my life growing up and even not, you know, single, single she she never made me feel like I wasn't capable of doing anything if I if if anything she always made me feel like I could be and do whatever I want and I could be the best at it like most people when I would I was five six
Starting point is 01:09:36 seven eight years old and I want to be an astronaut like every little kid they're like yeah yeah you know oh that's you know or oh my grandpa was the first one to be like, that's not realistic. You're not going to be, you know, not going to be honest. My mom was like, no, you will. She's like, you will. Like, if that's what you want to do, you will. It's like, she's like, Misha, whatever you want to do, you will be the best at it. Well, I think it's probably good to have both.
Starting point is 01:09:59 It's probably good to have someone who wholeheartedly believes in you and someone else who's like doubting you. Yeah. You get sort of like a little motivation to prove them wrong oh yeah the other person right because i i feed off of that i love proving people wrong love it you're a very even-tempered person which is very unusual for a fighter you're very feminine but you're also very flat i'm very relaxed yes you're very like this is misha like this is how you are. Woo-soo. It was really, when you were on the Ultimate Fighter with Ronda, it was when it was highlighted the most. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Because she's so manic. She gets so hot. And it's one of the reasons why people love her so much is she gets so fucking crazy. Yeah. And she's so competitive and angry that like when you guys did that wall climbing thing and that she's like, fuck you. And she's giving you the finger. Like you're just like, you just, you're level. But how was that? When did, when was that your whole life you were like that? Or is that something you learned how to do? I've been pretty easy going my whole life. Um, the thing is I don't
Starting point is 01:10:58 like to be stressed out and I don't like to be pissed off and I don't like to not be happy. So I do everything within my power to not be stressed out. Like I could be about to miss a flight or have something and I'm like, well, what can I do now? You know, I'm just like, and it's sometimes it's a bad thing because I don't plan ahead enough or I'm not really good with time management because I don't want to be, I don't ever want to rush. So even if I'm late to something, I don't like to rush, you know? And it's just, sometimes that's a bad thing. I'm not the most organized even if I'm late to something, I don't like to rush. And it's just sometimes that's a bad thing. I'm not the most organized person because I'm so relaxed about everything
Starting point is 01:11:28 that I'm like, no, my taxes, I'll do those later. You know, like that kind of thing. That sounds like a great recipe for life, though. I mean, no one nails it on both ends. No one does. But this way seems good. Yeah. You know, I save all my tension and stuff, I guess, for when I get inside the cage. But I like to be relaxed. I just like to be chill. I don't like to be pissed off. I don't like to be stressed out. Like, what a miserable life.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Yeah. I feel like, you know, some people are just angry all the time. I'm like, they're like perma-scrooge, you know? That's true. They're just all the time angry. I'm like, do you not even realize how bad your life must suck? Like, what if you just, like, looked at things differently? You'd have a way better life.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I'm like, I never want to be that person. I remember Mike Tyson when he was in his prime and they asked him about something. And he was talking about being angry. He's like, I'm angry all the time. I'm angry at my dog. I'm angry at everybody. I'm angry at the mailman. Just get the fuck out of my way.
Starting point is 01:12:20 When he was in his prime, he was just a ball of fury. He was just this wrecking machine, which was just a ball of fury. Yeah. You know, he was just this wrecking machine. Yeah. Which is like a lot of people associate that with being a championship level fighter. Like almost you have to have a certain level of discontent. You have to have a certain level of anger to motivate you. Yeah. But with you, I think if you could look at like a person's graph, like a sound graph of how they speak.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Yeah. Like their whole life mine would be all over the fucking place be like up and down and be all crazy and but yours i feel like it'd be like this like flat up and little tiny ups and downs like very minor ripples like you know like a little bit of like a flat lake where the the water comes in a little bit but it's nothing fucking crazy there's no tidal waves no no chaos no tsunamis yeah but you're just flat and steady i try to be not always i'm still a woman but that's so unusual for a fighter thanks like this flat level sort of way and i say flat it almost sounds
Starting point is 01:13:19 like a pejorative but i don't mean it that way. I mean, like, uh, it's almost like a Zen, like you have a very Zen thing going on. Yeah. And that's, you know, I used to have issues with anxiety a little bit when I was in high school and I would like have my track meets and something, and I would have anxiety attacks. I actually used to have a problem with it. And I guess I've always been a very open-minded person. And I always ask myself questions whenever there's something wrong with myself or, you know, an issue that I'm having I ask myself why am I having that you know and then and then it comes full circle and I was able to answer those questions and then I've never suffered from anxiety since I so I kind of put myself in a zen state of mind early on my career because I hated it so much it's like I don't want to live having anxiety issues like
Starting point is 01:14:01 why do I have that why why what am I afraid of you know it's like well i'm not i'm not afraid enough to where i'm not going to do it so let's just not make it a big not make it something i don't like obviously i do like it that's why i'm doing track obviously i like mma that's i'm doing it i don't want to make it something i hate i don't want to make it something i don't enjoy because that's so rational that's not why i do this i do this because i love it so let's not make it something i i hate ever i try not to that's not why I do this. I do this because I love it. So let's not make it something I hate ever. I try not to. That's a very rational approach though. It's very unusual for people. Yeah. Like there's nothing in this life. Like if I want to do it, that fear is going to stop me. Fear is a realistic thing. It happens. Yeah. It's scary to get into the cage. It's scary to think about losing, you know, and I've tasted the most bitter losses you could ever dream of. And it's
Starting point is 01:14:44 devastating. It's crushing. That's the most scary thing. could ever dream of. And it's devastating. It's crushing. That's the most scary thing. It's not getting beat up. It's not breaking your nose or breaking my orbital bone or letting my arm get snapped in half. That's not the scary part about fighting and what I do. The scary part is not being adequate enough. Not being good enough. Your 100% wasn't good enough.
Starting point is 01:15:04 That's scary. That's really scary. And I've had that I've had to face that point blank right in the face many times before. And it's the hardest thing to do. Bar none. It's the hardest thing to look at yourself and be like, I didn't, I wasn't enough. I wasn't enough. No one else can be responsible for that. I fucked up. I didn't do it. I have to own this. And to come back from something like that and think that you can still, you can still get it back or you can still do it again, or you can still get better. You can learn from that. That's, that's also the challenging part of it. You know, and that's something that I've, I've had to, to get to this point. I've had to get over those situations where I thought
Starting point is 01:15:41 that my world had ended. You know, my second loss to Rhonda was the most devastating. The first loss was devastating. The second loss was, like, it was horrible. I thought my world was coming to an end, you know, and nobody cared about my family and friends, but the rest of the world, they don't care. They don't give a shit. They don't care about second place. They don't care, you know, and they're mean. People are harsh. They're mean on social media you have to get thick skin quick nobody teaches you how to deal with that either there's no mma social media 101 or like you don't you just sink or swim you figure it out or you
Starting point is 01:16:15 don't either bothers you or it doesn't you know either you yell back at everyone or you don't you know like well you're in the first generation that's ever had to deal with yeah there's never been anybody in the last 10 years. This is a new occurrence. Yeah. And they don't teach you how to how to deal with it or how to not let it affect you emotionally. No one knows. No one knows.
Starting point is 01:16:33 I mean, this is a total new field. Learning experience. Especially for someone who does what you do, which is the most exposed an athlete ever gets ever. Like if you lose a tennis match and the world says hey you fucking suck at tennis you're like oh whatever bitch yeah you know you can move on with your life but if you're like you know ronda beat you again you fucking dumb hoe you're like oh my god i can't believe this 100 why are people so goddamn mean yeah yeah and it's fighting it's like the most primal thing so everyone what other sports always boil down to when they don't like another person is fighting
Starting point is 01:17:04 that's like the most primal way to deal with something. So once your sport is fighting, then people feel like they have more justification to talk shit, even though they're just like, gosh. I have to laugh because John Jones and Daniel Cormier, when we were in New York, they opened up the questions to the audience. Big mistake because these little pipsqueaks, they got on the microphone and were like, so Daniel Cormier, I just want to say I have a really important question for you. How's it going to feel when Jon Jones kicks your ass again?
Starting point is 01:17:37 And I'm just like, you idiot. You wouldn't have the balls to say that if it was just you and Daniel in this room and no one was going to know the outcome of what happened after you said that. Well, the fact that people feel so safe that they can say something like that to a killer like Daniel Cormier. Right. And then they did the same thing to John Jones. Did you ever see what they did to Rashad Evans? Rashad Evans was at a photo signing and this guy comes up to him with a picture of, you know, there's an iconic photo of when Liotto knocked him out where he's like kind of crumpled up against the cage.
Starting point is 01:18:07 And this kid, this little skinny fucking kid with a smile on his face wanted Rashad to sign that. And Rashad crumpled it up and threw it at him and looked at him like, are you out of your fucking mind? Like, do you know what I could do to you right now? Like, are you trying to hurt my feelings? Trying to make me feel bad? Trying to punk me in front of all these people while you have a camera on me because you're filming it like your friends are filming this reaction
Starting point is 01:18:29 do you stick in it I mean just callousness and also just being oblivious like oblivious to like why would you want to do that why would you want to say that to Jon Jones why I don't get it because these fucking dummies grow up watching pro wrestling and they don't understand that this is real.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Like you're saying, how's it going to feel to get your ass kicked again? What? Who said that? Like they were expecting like some fucking fake thing. Right. It's like you just get oblivious to the idea that you're hurting someone's feelings for no reason. And you can also get caught up in it emotionally. Like, you know, people get caught up.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Like, I watched Conor McGregor's social media after Nate Diaz beat him. And holy shit. I was saying to my friends, I'm like, I hope he stays offline for a few days. Yeah. Just don't go anywhere near a computer for like a solid week. Oh, yeah. Because it's just the cunts. The cunts of the world.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Just the deluge of twats. And they wait for it. Oh, they love it. People hate their own lives. The thing is that nobody wins in our sport forever. So you're going to have to face that at some point. It's one of the most exciting things about it is that it's so volatile. Like the Chris Weidman-Luke Rockhold fight, to me, is like a perfect example of that.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I see Chris Weidman training, I watch videos of him training. I'm like, what is going on in his mind right now? Because Weidman was so dominant and even in that fight, incredibly competitive. And he throws one kick, one crazy wheel kick, one ill-advised wheel kick. Rockhold takes him down and smashes him. And I just, I wonder like how much does that kick haunt him? How much does that fight smashes him. And I just, I wonder, like, how much does that kick haunt him? How much does that fight haunt him? Like, how much, what is going on in his mind? Well, here's a guy who destroys Anderson Silva, beats the fuck out of Lyoto Machida, Vitor Belfort smashes him in the first round. You know, you watch his fights and you just go,
Starting point is 01:20:20 okay, like, what is this Rockhold fight going to play off like? And then when Rockhold beats him and beats him down the way he did and destroys him, you go, oh, changing of the guard here. These moments, these pivotal moments of your whole life changes. You go from being Chris Weidman, UFC middleweight champion of the world, one of the best fighters on the planet, to Chris Weidman, former UFC middleweight champion of the world, now hoping he gets a shot at his title in a rematch. And now that he's got it and it's going to happen soon, it's like, whoa, the drama and the buildup.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Like, I can't imagine being him right now. Like the tension that he's under right now and the pressure and how much emotional connection he has towards this attempt to win his title back and how intense it's going to be once they get in there. Yeah. And they're really starting to not like each other. The last time I was here for Fox, I think it was about a month or so ago, they were there and there was some tension. Of course. They were in studio and you could tell Chris was just, he was not, he was,
Starting point is 01:21:21 you know, he's pissed. He's not happy with the situation. And Luke Rockhold's kind of like, you know, he's happy. He he's got the belt he was kind of boasting it around a little bit and he's kind of ribbing chris you could tell like trying to get under his skin a little bit and chris is like you could just tell he's like upset well they were kind of friendly before that which is weird yeah you know they were friendly before that like for a long time like there's photos of the two of them together smiling and not anymore yeah well when a guy beats you down like that like and you lose your title the way weidman did yeah but brockhold's fucking good he's fucking good
Starting point is 01:21:56 i saw holly um once since since the fight and i was really actually kind of nervous about it because i was like she was um at the Jones OSP fight that just happened. And we were both at the VIP party. And my friend Heather Clark used to train. Heather Jo Clark is actually fighting this weekend in Rotterdam. Anyways, she was like, you should go and talk to her. I was like, yeah, I want to. I just, I don't want to come on.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Like, how, what do I say? What's up, bitch? Yeah. Like, what do you say to someone that you just you know you took their title say hi i don't know that's what i did you know i just went up and was like you know how are you and she like she gave me a hug she's like you know i'm just really bummed i didn't get that rematch i'm like i know i was like don't worry i was like we'll we'll see each other in the future she's like yeah she's like i hope so she's like i hope you still have it she's like you know i want
Starting point is 01:22:40 to i want to uh see you again in the future. I'm like, yeah, I totally get it. I've been in her shoes before. I know how bad that sucks and she wants that back. But, you know, we were friendly. But it's amazing how both of you are so nice. Like Holly is one of the nicest people. She's so nice. She's such a sweetheart.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Ridiculously nice. Like if you didn't know she was a fighter, you'd be like, no fucking way. And then you find out she's a 19-time world boxing champion. You'd be like, what the fuck are you talking about? I know. How is that possible? How is that nice lady a killer? killer yeah some tomfoolery yeah it doesn't make any sense like she doesn't fit the mold either like both of you guys are really interesting representatives of mma and great representatives because you break that mold you know i'm not a fan of her manager
Starting point is 01:23:20 though oh yeah yeah why i don't know i don't even know if i've ever met him in person i probably haven't maybe i have if i did it wasn't memorable anyways um i guess he went like dana went down so dana dana told me this dana went down to albuquerque before this fight ever came together of her and i right and he said look you guys need to wait for ronda trust me that's the big money fight that's the fight you want to wait for he went down there he told me this is my face he went down there to tell them don't fight misha tate like they didn't want to give me the uc did not want that fight to happen right they wanted you know the rematch to be the first fight and holly's manager told him we want misha tate and dana said he threw up his hands was like are you fucking kidding me he's like she's been the baddest you know other than ronda for years now.
Starting point is 01:24:05 And you want to take her lightly? You think you're just going to walk through? He's like, yeah, we got this. Like, she's going to be a tune-up fight. Who's her manager? I don't even know his name. Okay. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:15 He's an idiot. But he told Dana that they thought that I was going to be a tune-up fight. Well, people get crazy. You know, people get crazy. Look, Rhonda's people got crazy, too. Everybody gets crazy. People get crazy you know people get crazy look look ronda's people got crazy too everybody gets crazy people get crazy like why did ronda charge after why did she try to stand with with holly like that and charge after that's not the right attempt right you know what she did a page what so page was also at that vip party and page and i have spoken we're friendly
Starting point is 01:24:43 don't know her that well but But anyway, she felt the need. She came up to me. She's like, Misha, Misha. She's like, I have to tell you this experience I had with Rhonda. I'm like, oh, what? And she's like, well, we were at a Reebok deal just recently. And she's like, we were at a shoot. And she's like, I was trying to find her so we could get a picture.
Starting point is 01:24:58 And the Reebok people were like, don't ask Rhonda for a picture. And she's like, why? They're like, just don't. Just stay away from Rhonda. Don't ask her for a picture and she's like why she's they're like just don't do just stay away from Rhonda don't ask her for a picture she's like okay and I guess Rhonda came later that day and like seeked her out and just like cussed her out like they've never really had a conversation either she's like I don't know Rhonda like you know other than hi bye that's it like I guess she came up Rhonda came up was like fuck you you fairweather bitch how dare
Starting point is 01:25:26 you cross me blah blah she's like cross you what are you talking about and she's like you congratulated holly home for beating me so fuck you you fucking fairweather 115 pound like it just like went off on page and page came and told me and i was like honey welcome to my world she's like oh my god she's like i'm glad that i saw this side of her. So I know, you know, I'm like, well, and she's like, you know, cause I didn't understand. She's like, I told her on it. Like, I'm sorry if that offended you, but you're not allowed to congratulate whoever I want. And, um, she's like, because, you know, I congratulated Rose Namajunas when she beat me. I was like, you know, congratulations. You whooped my ass. That was a badass performance.
Starting point is 01:26:05 And she's like, you know, I just simply told Holly congratulations once. I'm like, it wasn't anything, you know, anti-Ronda. But Ronda just ripped her new one. Wow. Like, you have to be on Team Ronda for life. Yeah. I guess. I've never been on Team Ronda, so I'm good.
Starting point is 01:26:21 All or none. That's crazy. I mean, people love both Well, it's crazy. I mean, people love both ways. It's interesting. Like people love your way, but people also love like shit talking. You know,
Starting point is 01:26:33 people love Nate Diaz for that. People love, they love the drama, but they also love someone like you who can walk up to Holly and hug her. Yeah. Yeah. I'm somewhere in the middle though, because I get a lot of flack for,
Starting point is 01:26:44 you know, my mouth. Like, so I just can't, I say what I'm somewhere in the middle, though, because I get a lot of flack for my mouth. I say what I'm thinking, and I'm pretty transparent. And sometimes people think that I get a lot of flack. Oh, you're fake or this and that. I'm like, not really. Just because I'm like, I'll say this. I'm a fan of Conor.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I am. I like his fighting style. And his antics at first were kind of like, wait, who is this guy? And then I'm like, man, props to him. He's done done amazing things like good for him and he's done really good things for our sport but when he didn't show up to film that commercial like I'm not you know I'll be honest like yeah it kind of rubbed me the wrong way because um people are like oh he does so much more media than you guys do yeah he probably does you know he probably does I do a lot he probably does more I agree but I don't have a private jet flying out to pick me up and bring me back and fly 20
Starting point is 01:27:28 people of my crew with me too. He does more. So he gets more. When they bring him to Vegas, they put him up in a penthouse. You know, they make sure he has everything that he needs. I don't get that. You know, that's fine. You know, he's earned that. He's in that spot. No problem with that. But I think three months out from a fight camp, you know, you have a private jet coming to pick you up. You can bring 20 of your teammates. You could probably work out on the jet if you want to on the way there because it's yours. It's private.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Do whatever you want. Wow, you could probably hit Mets on the jet. Yeah, you could totally. And you're three months out and you don't want to show for your media obligations. Like, I don't really understand that. I don't know. I guess I'm trying to figure it out. But the only issue that I had and it it doesn't bother me like if he didn't want to do it, that's
Starting point is 01:28:10 his own thing. The thing is, is that I showed up the day to film the commercial and I had two segments I was supposed to film and that's all that was on my schedule. And then they asked me like they're like, can you please help us out? Because Connor's not here and we don't know what we're doing for this third segment of the commercial that was supposed to be Connor and Nate so can you please come back later that day and film that segment and that was during my practice time so I had to come back and you know I did it it was a company woman but like it was just frustrating because it's like dang you know if I had known about this I could have planned my training otherwise but now I kind of have to like scramble to get my second workout in and then it
Starting point is 01:28:47 affected me so yeah his decision did and it probably is actually you know I haven't made any more money in the sport yet because of Connor a lot of people like oh you must have got a bigger payday because that last like no because I wasn't the champion so I didn't get any more of like I didn't get any pay-per-views I didn't get any more money and now he's like not on this fight cards I'm like you know but it's whatever you know it's it's Connor's deal and uh I don't get any pay-per-views. I didn't get any more money. And now he's like, not on this fight cards. I'm like, you know, but it's whatever. You know, it's Connor's deal. And I don't hate Connor, but I'm going to say how I feel, you know, and I would say it if he was sitting here too. I'd be like, dude, why did you do that?
Starting point is 01:29:16 Well, I feel like there's a bunch of issues here. And the only way to really get a firm understanding of it is to sit down with everyone involved and say, what was communicated? Your manager, did he know what the appearance schedule was going to be? Like, did you guys agree to this? Did you understand what you were getting into? And that's it. Maybe it's a misunderstanding, you know? Who knows?
Starting point is 01:29:38 It's hard to say, but the way he went about it was ridiculous. Like saying, I'm retired. Thanks for the cheese. And then saying, I'm not retired. And then saying, uh, I'm glad the UFC decided to give the fans what they want and be, I'm going to be on UFC 200 numbers.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Like what? And so like what he's doing is he's kind of like using the, the media to try to get this thing to pass through. But he doesn't understand Dana and Lorenzo and Frank. Like, that's never going to work. Like, you're either in or you're not in. Right. And they're, like, real clear about that.
Starting point is 01:30:13 They have to set a precedent. So, like, if you say, fuck you, I'm not doing media, they're going to go, well, okay, fuck you, you're not fighting. Yeah. But hold on. I'm Conor McGregor. We're the UFC. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:23 This is what it is. They've made many stars. They'll make many more in the future. And we might lose millions ofor. We're the UFC. Yeah. This is what it is. They've made many stars. They'll make many more in the future. And we might lose millions of dollars because you're not on UFC 200. Yeah. Well, Dana said that he had put, they put 10 million into promoting this already. 10 million. He's like, we're way over budget, you know?
Starting point is 01:30:37 So that's why he was like, you've got to show up and do, you know, that's how Conor was made. Yes. Is through that stuff. Exactly. Like at what point do you get to decide that you don't have to do that anymore? Like if that's what made you who you are, like, I mean, don't you kind of have to like, does that make sense what I'm saying here? It makes sense.
Starting point is 01:30:53 I mean, at what point do you get to decide like when you don't have to, like, like I use the machine and now like, I don't, I just want to hop off now that I'm here. You know, I don't know. Don't you kind of have to keep it the same? Well, I think so. But there, there is also like a fine line right like you can do too much like when I was watching the Jose Aldo media tour when they were going all around the world I'm like okay I understand that you want to promote this fight yeah but how much of this is helping the actual fight itself and how much of it is just Conor McGgregor constantly talking shit at press conferences and grabbing the belt and all that i mean that's really kind
Starting point is 01:31:29 of what's selling the fight was that i don't know they did a lot of it but apparently conor was sick like he was like i'm just constantly fighting off a cold it's really hard to get in shape really hard to train because every week you know you're traveling from here to there and there to here it's just you're constantly getting beaten down. And you know what it's like. Have you ever flown to Brazil and fought? No. I've flown in there four fight cards, though.
Starting point is 01:31:52 What is the furthest you've ever had a flight of fight? Japan. Japan. So that's an interesting one. That's a long flight. It's like 16 hours, right? Yeah. What is it like adjusting and then competing?
Starting point is 01:32:07 I try to start adjusting my schedule at home, like blacking out my windows a little bit or, you know, like to, to make the timeframe, but you never get fully adjusted. But my mind frame is like when, when push comes to shove, when fight time comes, whether it's two in the morning, my time or not, like I'm going to be game. So I just look at it that way, but it's not fun. Like I remember three weeks out from my fight with Rin Nikai, which I didn't even want to. I didn't want to do that fight because she was so unknown. She was undefeated. I'm going over there to like fight on a newly blooming fight pass. I was like, this is like feels like it does nothing for me.
Starting point is 01:32:38 And like and if she wins, it springboards her, you know, then she'll be 17 and 0. She'll have a judo background. They're going to want to make that fight for her and Rhonda. I know that's what they're trying to do. So they're trying to use business, use me as that springboard. And it's like, I don't really want to do this, but I did it. But three weeks before the fight, they had me fly to Japan to do some promotional stuff. And I was flying longer than I was even on the ground.
Starting point is 01:32:58 And they said ticket sales went up and everything was really good. But, yeah, that was exhausting. So I do. Three weeks before. Yeah. That's hard. Really hard really hard you're peaking right really hard you're ramping it up three weeks in super hard and after my fight with holly like i got to spend a little time in australia and then i went straight from australia to new york spent a day there did a full day of media went to connecticut to espn did a full day of media went toPN, did a full day of media, went to Toronto, did a full day of media. And it's just like, it's non stop from like, you start your first interview at eight in the morning. So you pick up at like seven, and you go until seven at night. And even while
Starting point is 01:33:36 you're driving to the next place, they'll have you on the phone with with the with the with the, you know, with the radio interview. You know, I mean, there's no break. It's all, it's, it's pretty intense. It's pretty crazy. It's pretty exhausting. So I, I get it. I've, I have been in those, you know, those shoes before, but, um, you know, it's, I don't know, maybe there's more extenuating. So maybe he was hurt or something. Maybe he didn't want people to see, like maybe, I don't know, like what if there's even something like that? Like what if he had like hurt himself or something and he didn't want like Nate to know? What if there was even something like that? What if he had hurt himself or something and he didn't want Nate to know?
Starting point is 01:34:06 Yeah, who knows? I don't know. Who knows? And he also had to realize there was a lot of work that needed to be done to beat Nate. Yeah. He hit Nate with some of his best shots and Nate was fine with it. And it was a real problem. I think that's more what it was, is that he was just obsessed with beating Nate. And I get that, too.
Starting point is 01:34:23 I don't take that away from him for a minute. He wanted to stay home and or he was in Iceland I guess training and he wants to train to be Nate I get it totally get it yeah I get it too it seems like the only way also I felt like but then again he could have brought his whole gym with him you know sure well he could have tried I mean it was going to be a difficult time just trying to find uh the the moments to train and to stay in shape and then obviously being exhausted from flying and all that jazz. I think it was a quick turnaround, too. You know, like as far as like, I don't think he was supposed to be there more than like two days. I honestly think he's better off not doing it.
Starting point is 01:34:58 I honestly think he's better off like sequestering himself for a few months, like really focusing on what went wrong, how to correct it. I agree. And can you correct it? Yeah. I mean, do you, like, when it comes to the ground game, what I saw on the ground, I was like, boy, this is a long road. Like, you've got a long road to beat a guy like Nate. Yeah. He's so much further along in ground and pound, jiu-jitsu, positioning, everything.
Starting point is 01:35:24 When I was watching Nate beat him up on the ground and then choke him, I was like, whew, that happened quick. This is not like – like Weidman and Rockhold was a prolonged beating before Rockhold eventually stopped him the next round. But with Nate and Conor, it wasn't that prolonged. It happened pretty quickly. And when you see that, you go, ooh, like this is going to be, there's a lot to overcome. Yeah. It's not insurmountable. It takes a lot of time to build those skill sets.
Starting point is 01:35:52 They don't just, they don't come overnight. You can pick up your cardio pretty quick. You can do a lot of things, but you can't build a skill set any faster than it's going to go into your muscle memory and be in your rep. You've got to put thousands of reps in. There's no way around it. Yeah. There's no way. There's got to put thousands of reps in. There's no way around it. Yeah. There's no way.
Starting point is 01:36:06 There's no way to fast forward through that. There's no way to cut the corner. There's no, there's nothing. You can't. It's repetition, repetition, repetition. But also it highlights all the various eccentric aspects of your training that people are like, hmm, is this what makes Connor great? And, you know, and then, you know, Nate calling it touch butt in the park.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Like they're doing all these cartwheels and stuff. That video was so funny. Hilarious. Oh my God, I was dying laughing. Hilarious. So when this all, he's doing all this work with this movement guy, but then you see what happens
Starting point is 01:36:41 when it actually comes to fighting skills. And you go, ooh, maybe this is not the way to do it. Because I've talked to a lot of people that were like, this stuff that he's doing is utter horseshit. Like this doing cartwheels and being obsessed with movement. Here's the movements you need to be worried about, okay? Moving your feet, throwing kicks and punches, takedown defense, and jujitsu on the ground.
Starting point is 01:37:04 That's it. You know, understanding takedowns yourself, taking people down if you must, throwing kicks and punches, takedown defense, and jiu-jitsu on the ground. That's it. Yeah. You know, understanding takedowns yourself, taking people down if you must, trips, sweeps, all that stuff. But all this cartwheels and what this guy was explaining to me, and I don't want to name any names because he's a prominent guy. He was like, you have to understand that there's a limited amount of energy you have in your time training. Yes. And you are not perfect at all these other aspects of MMA. So if you are not perfect at all these other aspects of MMA,
Starting point is 01:37:29 you have to say, okay, how much of this stuff is going to help me? Well, a guy like George St. Pierre, he looked at gymnastics and he was like, you know what's going to help me? If I can be stronger physically. And there's no better way, I think, as far as manipulating your body than gymnastics, like doing the rings and developing. It's proprioception. Yeah. You're learning how to manipulate your body in all kinds of contorted positions.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Yes. And being upside down and understanding where you are when you're upside down. Right. And where you're going to be with the momentum you have. You have to calculate that. Your math is doing constant algorithms and math equations, essentially, when you're fighting, too. You know, weight distribution, where are we at? Especially when you tie up with someone else and you have to feel their weight and you have to manipulate it in a way to get it where you want.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Whether it's against the cage or whether it's on the ground, your body is using a equation. Yeah. You know, your mind is equating how much force do I need to make this happen? How little force? Like, what if I go the opposite direction because they're pushing into me? There's all these different things that you have to over, there's no other way to do it than a trial and error process and over and over and over and over again.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Yeah, and you look at someone who's like really good at one aspect of MMA, like Yoel Romero, who's just a ridiculous wrestler. And you go, okay, like how much touch butt in the park is that guy doing? How many cartwheels is he doing? Is he tumbling? No, but I bet you he does 100 double legs a day. Oh, yeah, at least. You know?
Starting point is 01:38:55 Well, he's doing all kinds of crazy shit. And then 100 single legs and then 100 body locks every day. But until Conor lost, everybody was like, this is what we need. We need a movement coach. I need a movement coach. And it still might, I mean, as we said with George St. Pierre, it has massive benefits to get that kind of coordination, physical strength. What I do like about Conor, though, is his balance is impeccable. And that could be part of that.
Starting point is 01:39:19 He's never over himself, at least with the striking part of it. The ground is a completely different thing but when he's in striking range and it's just his body his eye hand coordination is incredible and his balance like he's never too far over a punch he's never too far back he's always centered he's always centered he throws a kick he never gets you know you see people kick and they miss and they kind of like stumble like their weights off balance or or they kick and even land and even when they put their foot down it's kind of like it's not a good, you know, you see people kick and they miss and they kind of like stumble, like their weights off balance or, or they kick and even land. And even when they put their foot down, it's kind of like, it's not a good landing, you know? Like I, I'm not like the world's best kicker, but when I watch Connor do it, it's like he kicks or push kicks and sticks.
Starting point is 01:39:55 He is like a, like a, a gymnast in the sense, you know, they do those flip and then they want to just boom, stick it. Like, and he's really, really good at that. Well, in that sense maybe that's where the movement does benefit i think so that he never is over himself in his weight distribution isn't it the case that whenever someone loses though everyone always second guesses what they were doing even if what they were doing was getting them to be like 16 and 0 totally undefeated world champion when you'd make a mistake or something goes wrong or something goes right for your
Starting point is 01:40:25 opponent we should probably say immediately people start questioning everything you did yeah definitely all the time i mean it happened with me when you know when i lost to ronda like oh you gotta change this you gotta change everything but as long as you're winning people like yeah keep doing what you're doing it's working and then you lose they're like change everything it's like, that was quick. Well, that's also the Ronda criticism in the Holly Holm fight. Everybody was like looking at her like a dominating Betch Cojera with stand up, you know, beating Sarah McMahon the way she did. Alexis Davis beating her down the way she did. And go, well, look, Ronda obviously is getting so good at striking.
Starting point is 01:41:01 She's such an elite athlete that she can do what she's doing to anybody. And then her trainer saying that she could go box women professionals and knock them out. And so you get this thing in your head that you can do what you have been doing. Yeah. And then you fight someone like Holly and you go, Oh, well, okay. Yeah. There's so, there's so many levels. It's one of the more fascinating things about martial arts is that there are so many levels. Yeah. And there's never, it's never ending. It's like a never ending story. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:31 It really is, right? Yeah. It's just a song that never ends. It just goes on and on. Yeah. No, it's literally, it's, you never, and just when you think you have it all figured out, boom, there goes the curveball. I think that's what's addicting about this sport, though. Like, it's safe to say, it's like a drug.
Starting point is 01:41:50 It's addicting. I think adversity, in some weird way, I'm definitely addicted to that. I like it when things seem insurmountable or they look too hard or other people don't believe that I can do it. That's such a weird quality because most people have the opposite. Most people are like, I like it when I know I can take a nap. I like it when that couch looks soft and I'm going to walk over there and plop myself down on it. You know, and you're like, I'm going to run up that fucking mountain with no air. Yeah. See how I fare. See how long I could go before I pass out. That's a weird quality.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Yeah. I don't know. It is weird, but quality. Yeah. I don't know. It is weird, but I like it. I don't know. I like that about myself because I know anytime I ever get into a hard situation
Starting point is 01:42:31 about anything, it's like, I can get through it. I've seen worse. Well, you definitely have proven that. There's no doubt about it. And you've proven it
Starting point is 01:42:39 inside the octagon just leading up to this fight. Obviously, you proved it in this fight, but you proved it leading up to this fight. The Sarah McMahon fight in this fight. But you proved it leading up to this fight. The Sarah McMahon fight, I think, was one of your most impressive fights. Because you got her down.
Starting point is 01:42:51 She's a fucking silver medalist in the Olympics. And you were dominating the top position. You outscrambled her. You stayed on top of her and you beat her down. And I was like, that is a big victory. You're in a heavy top game. You do. We should grapple sometime.
Starting point is 01:43:04 Okay. Uh-oh. I'm scared now. top game. You do. We should grapple sometime. Okay. Uh-oh. I'm scared now. Uh-oh. When girls say we should grapple sometimes, that always gets odd. It's like, that got weird quick. Yeah. Got weird quick.
Starting point is 01:43:14 No, I'm sure you do. I'm sure you do. But it comes from wrestling, and I think just experience and knowing. You know, wrestling can translate. A lot of sports can translate well into mixed martial i happen to think wrestling is one of the best translations you know as opposed to like someone typically boxers coming into the sport don't typically transition as well kickboxers you know because they have so much more to learn i feel like the fundamentals of wrestling kind of
Starting point is 01:43:39 they they encompass a lot of what you need in mma and if you're the better wrestler you can decide do i want to stay on the feet or i want to take it to the ground it dictates right it dictates so with that being said um i think i learned how to use the pieces that work for wrestling in mma and take out the ones that don't because there's a lot of stuff in wrestling or any other sport you're going to bring over that doesn't work for MMA because MMA is a sport of its own. And I think maybe McMahon, she's such an elite level wrestler that she's so ingrained with just wrestle, wrestle, wrestle, wrestle that it's hard sometimes with the more elite you are at something to water it down again, essentially.
Starting point is 01:44:19 And that's kind of what you have to do. You have to take pieces out for mixed martial arts. There's some things that you don't want to do because, oh, you'll get choked if you do that. When you're in wrestling, the last thing you want to do is you have to take pieces out for mixed martial arts. There's some things that you don't want to do because, oh, you get choked if you do that. You know, like when you're in wrestling, the last thing you want to do is be on your backs. You turn over and you arch out, you lift your neck. It's like, oh man, if you try to do that, you try to stand up the way that you would in a wrestling match, you're going to get choked. You can't do that. You've got to keep your chin tucked and then you've got to hand fight. So there's things that you have to relearn.
Starting point is 01:44:42 And I think when you're such an elite, elitist at something, sometimes it's hard to relearn those. That's a very good point. And I think you could also use that same point when you're talking about strikers learning takedown defense and that like a lot of strikers like to stand up really straight.
Starting point is 01:44:56 And, you know, as soon as they get involved in exchanges with people, they fall into their old striking ways. And that's when a guy like George St. Pierre, who was so good at being unpredictable, like you never knew if he was going to take you down or if he was going to stand with you. One of the most flawless fighters, wouldn't you say? As far as like a game plan, sticking to a game plan, being disciplined, never getting
Starting point is 01:45:13 emotional, never getting away from the game plan. Well, in his prime, when you look at during his run, and no one keeps a run up forever, but during his run, I mean, he beat everybody they put in front of him and he fought in some incredible fights where he fought some really really dangerous difficult guys and managed his way through the water to victory and that's all you could ever expect from a champion yeah and people say like oh well some of his fights were boring or he played safety first like Jesus Christ he fought the killers of the killers. He had five rounds. During those five rounds,
Starting point is 01:45:47 Carlos Condit head kicks him and drops him. Matt Serra knocked him out and won the title. He's had adversity. But he beat everybody. You can't ask for more. What do you think would happen if he just... There's this mentality that some fans want where they want a guy
Starting point is 01:46:04 who wants to bite down his mouthpiece and just swing away and like, come on, seven, and hope for the best. That's so retarded. Like, that's not what martial arts are about. No, 100%. People, I think, sometimes tend to enjoy the excitement of amateur fights more because they're more chaotic. Like, people don't know what they're doing. So it's just like, stick two people in there that kind of know how to throw punches and maybe kind of know how to wrestle and they just go balls to the wall because that's like that's all that they know that they're
Starting point is 01:46:30 confident in yeah it's like just go as hard as you can well it's also like a really good debate between two very articulate and very intelligent people no one is going to get the real upper hand real quick there's going to be points and counterpoints. There's going to go back and forth. Both guys are going to be very well prepared. Both women are going to be very well prepared. You're not going to get a very clear winner right away unless something crazy happens like Aldo and McGregor. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Like Aldo's just so mad at McGregor from all this fucking shit talking he's been doing for months and months and months that he just runs at him and gets clipped. Is that crazy? Oh, for a guy like Aldo, that's got to be maddening oh you hold the title for nine fucking years or however long he held it and then 13 seconds oh my god i mean i've never seen aldo do that he was so emotionally charged yeah he was very upset and that just goes to show you know that how much the mind is a powerful thing it's's like if you think you can or think you can't, you're right either way. It's really derived from your mind, you know. And you can have all the skills in the world.
Starting point is 01:47:33 If you don't believe you can do it or whatever, if you don't have the confidence in your mind, you won't. It's just interesting. Or if someone puts a seed in there and like Connor, I just think that he was so good at the mental warfare and you know josie never had to deal with that never that was the thing it was like it was all respect everyone that he fought shook his hand respected him realized he's this killer i mean and he was the reigning featherweight champion for as long as there was a featherweight champion he was the first the original he held that title for longer than anybody and was flawless i mean he had some amazing fights but he started to show like some chinks in his armor towards the end like um the second fight that he had with chad mendez like it showed like that was a real war and a real grueling fight whereas you
Starting point is 01:48:21 know the first fight with mendez he just looks insane he looked tremendous and stopped mendez quick so i think nobody rides for free they train so hard in brazil too they're insane no doubt yeah novo and yao in particular yeah they go to war there's a good saying about training um smarter and not harder sometimes or working you know usually it's working but same thing goes for training. Overtraining is a big thing in this sport. Yeah. I'm glad you brought that up. Cause I wanted to talk to you about that. Cause you, you had mentioned that in the Holly fight that you had made sure, you know, when you're training for a five round fight in particular, how do you
Starting point is 01:48:56 make sure that you're in peak performance level, but you're not overtraining? Like who, who designs your program? Well, you know, I think a lot of it depends on athlete input. Does someone can design a program, but if you show up one day and you're supposed to be pushing sleds, you know, or do something heavy and hard and you're like, I'm exhausted. Then they're like, okay, we need to dial it back. Do you monitor your heart rate? Yeah. Yeah. I wear like a polar heart rate monitor. Do you take it in the morning when you wake up? We do the HRV and see where I'm at. And that's really, that was helpful. What's an HRV? The heart rate variable. Okay. So basically it tells you how, how your heart is recovering.
Starting point is 01:49:34 So when you first wake up in the morning, um, from my understanding, the more, like the more that your heart is kind of like irregular, maybe for a better sense of terms, it means that it's responding to things like quickly if it's kind of sluggish and it's kind of like not really not really reading that kind of quick reaction then it's not um then you're tired that your body's still broken down it's not recovered so you're kind of looking for that irregular kind of good bouncy you know i don't know if it's a rhythm but there's something that the the hrv reads not just the heart rate but something about the heart and it and it reads it the heart rate, but something about the heart.
Starting point is 01:50:10 And it reads it, the heart rate variable, and tells you whether you're actually recovered or not. And who goes over this stuff with you? Do you have? No, not really. My sports doctor. I'll go over it with him. So you're basically calling the shots? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:22 And it's really easy to read. It's either green, orange, or red. If you're in the red, don't kill yourself that day. It tells you. It's very simple. Anyone can do it. Wake up in the morning, and if your heart rate variable is in the red, that means this should be a relatively easy day. Either a rest day or relatively easy.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Maybe just go for a nice run. Just let your body recover. Because if you don't realize, you don't get stronger while you're't realize you don't get stronger while you're training. You don't get stronger while you're lifting weights. You're actually damaging your body. You're actually going backwards. You get stronger when you're resting. Yeah, you're recovering from the work.
Starting point is 01:50:58 And that's what makes you stronger. That's literally what it is, is when you're resting after you've worked out hard. And after you tore everything apart, I mean, if you work you work out 24 7 there's no chance to repair and heal and grow and get stronger so you know it just goes back to that that science and that balance of like when to push hard and when to when to not push hard and I think that our sport typically has a lot of really tough people who don't like to ever think you know they're just in that work hard mentality because we're fighters we're like the toughest people a lot of times they don't stop and think like it doesn't matter how tough you are like science is science buddy you know it's it doesn't matter like going I'm just gonna work out hard I'm gonna push through it I'm gonna spar hard today even though I feel like crap like I mean there's something we said maybe for mental toughness I
Starting point is 01:51:42 guess you know you're gonna go in there and you're gonna push through it there's times for that but um i don't question my mental toughness so i just listen to my body you know i'm not at a point in my career where i have anything to prove as far as like how tough i am that's again zen misha yeah my coaches always tell me like we're not we don't need to prove how tough you are misha we already know that so let's just uh if you don't feel like sparring today, we'll spar tomorrow. Well, that's one of the things that I think really does trip up a lot of fighters is that they're so tough and they figure out how to push through injuries. They figure out how to force themselves through situations, but then they get these damage to their joints or damage to their back. And a lot of it comes from not recognizing the difference between an actual injury and pain.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Just a little bit of discomfort and pain is normal. It's constant. It's never going to go away. Everybody who does martial arts experiences that. But for someone like a Cain Velasquez, it almost becomes like a detriment because he's such a fucking gorilla and he just knows how to push through everything that that he blows everything out he blows his shoulder out and then he blows the other shoulder out he blows his knees out he blows his back out i mean he's in my opinion when he was at his best he's the greatest of all time it's between him and fedor those are the two
Starting point is 01:52:58 possible heavyweights and the fedor one always has to have an asterisk because he was fighting in pride and it was, you know, the steroid era. You could do whatever the fuck you want. I'm not saying even that he was on it, but who the fuck knows. But that I don't think the guys that he fought, even though he looked amazing against them, I don't think Hong Man Choi is at the same level as like Junior Dos Santos when Junior Dos Santos was at his best when when Kane fought him. It's so hard. And I think even Junior Dos Santos was overtrained for one of their fights. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:32 And, you know, they talked about it like they had measured his his creatine levels and his blood. And he was he was he just hadn't recovered correctly. Yep. That's a big part of it. It's very tough because you see people go, you know Yep. That's a big part of it. It's very common. Being so tough. Because you see people go, you know, whether it's a three-round fight or a five-round fight, sometimes you'll see people gas out like a round and a half.
Starting point is 01:53:52 Yeah. You know, a round in, you're like, oh, they must not have trained hard. No, it's probably that they trained too hard. Yeah. That's probably what it is. They're probably still beat up. Sometimes, like, I will go, like, fight week and I'll be in the workout you know the mat room that they have in the hotel and sometimes i'll see these guys in there and they're just going i mean they
Starting point is 01:54:11 are going they're hitting mitts they're just you know they're ripping the big takedowns and they're just you know blowing it all out i'm just like thinking dude it's a fight week calm down the hard work should have already all been done like this week is about recovery yeah and usually it's like people not like foreigners that are still in that mindset of like they're a little bit more old school mentality i feel like some of those gyms still haven't caught up to the the idea that it's not always about how hard you go well matt hughes told me that he used to train hard up until the day of the fight. He just trained hard. He's like, I always trained hard. And, you know, that's what I did with wrestling.
Starting point is 01:54:48 Yeah. Fucking worked, though. Worked for him. Well, you know, but he was, you know, he was a high level athlete for a long time and he knew how to how to harness what. And, you know, it's not saying that it can't that it can't work. But I still think that there's something to be said about preserving the longevity of your career you might not be able to do that as long you know well with a guy like matt hughes it's so hard to to say that now because he was such a pioneer i mean he was at the early early days of the ufc and was one of the great champions and yeah one
Starting point is 01:55:22 of the greatest champions ever and when you look at his title run and his reign of the 170-pound division during his heyday, you've got to say this guy sort of paved the way in a lot of ways, especially for a wrestler that developed some really good submission skills. I mean, he's got some excellent submission victories, including that armbar that he submitted George St. Pierre with. I mean, he had some really good submission skills for a wrestler. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:47 He was incredible. He was ahead of his time a little bit, you know? Yeah, well, definitely ahead of his time and, you know, an important pioneer if you look at the overall game. Like there's these moments where a person emerges and they go, okay, we haven't seen one of those guys before. Like Yair Rodriguez is a perfect example. Like this fucking guy. I watch that guy fight and I go, Jesus Christ. Like here's a new thing.
Starting point is 01:56:11 Here's a guy who's like this elite taekwondo guy who knows how to do everything else too. But he throws these taekwondo kicks like a normal person throws a jab. They're a part of his arsenal. He's throwing jump and roundhouse kicks and wheel kicks. And he's doing shit that, like, you've got to get ready for this because this guy's going to do this every round. And this is a totally different type of engaging.
Starting point is 01:56:35 You've got to be aware of things coming from all these crazy angles. And they're coming fast. These wheel kicks and the jumping roundhouse kick that he hit Feely with. Yeah. Like, holy shit. That was crazy. Fucking crazy. And he's one of these new guys.
Starting point is 01:56:49 It's like, he's got so much skill. We used to train with Feely. Did you? Yeah, in Sacramento. We were a part of the Team Alpha Male. And it was funny. Like, he's come such a long way. Like, he used to have, for some reason for some reason he had like a house arrest thing on
Starting point is 01:57:05 his ankle like the the band things you know train with it on he had to train with that but he did not want to train so i guess he got permission to like go to the gym and i don't know what it was you know what it was for but it's a funny story because it's like i just remember him back then and he was just still like you know still relatively new to the game and now you know he's doing well and then obviously his last loss but well he zigged when he should have zagged and that's just what happens in the game yeah he got caught and he also fought a guy who's one of the elite of the elite right now at 145 he's unpredictable so wild yeah and his fucking ground game is really good too yeah here can do everything yeah that guy is something man he is and I knew he was something, but
Starting point is 01:57:45 Feely's something too. He's a tough fucking kid, and I thought that was going to be a great fight. I'm really interested to see how Feely navigates the kicks. Because that's the big thing. Is he going to try to kick with this guy? Is he going to try to maybe just bear down? Do you watch Glory
Starting point is 01:58:02 at all? A little bit. Did you see Raymond Daniel daniels and joseph valtellini no valtellini is a traditional muay thai style fighter and he just just kept his hands up high and just chopped the legs and chopped him down and eventually knocked him out with a head kick but raymond daniels is this wild motherfucker who throws jumping spinning 360 turning side kicks to your face and all this wild shit. And he was a point karate champion who eventually got into kickboxing. And he's
Starting point is 01:58:30 so wild with his kicks. He hit this guy with a touch front leg sidekick and then spun in the air and hit him with a spinning back kick to the face. How do you train for people like that? Who can recreate that style? You'd have to get someone like him. You'd have to get a karate or a taekwondo champion to train with.
Starting point is 01:58:47 It's all you can get. Well, it's people that don't understand that there's some skills that these traditional martial artists have. Like a lot of karate guys and a lot of taekwondo guys in particular. There's some things that they can do with their legs that the average person just can't do. And if that karate guy or that Taekwondo guy, like a Yair Rodriguez, learns wrestling, learns jiu-jitsu, and learns kickboxing,
Starting point is 01:59:13 and has all that shit at a really elite black belt level, like, you're fucked. Do you know someone, a good friend of yours that can do weird things with his legs? Eddie Bravo. Oh, yeah. Good lord.
Starting point is 01:59:24 That guy is like, he's like Gumby. Well, he's been stretching his legs like that, like religiously for a decade. Was he not that flexible growing up? No, no, no. So he just keeps doing it. Eddie, when you watch TV with Eddie, Eddie will never wear shoes.
Starting point is 01:59:38 He doesn't wear shoes. He puts his fucking feet everywhere and it kind of freaks people out. But Eddie will sit there and he'll just be stretching himself out. So he'll be sitting watching TV. That's pretty Eddie will sit there and he'll just like be like stretching himself out. So he'll be sitting watching TV. That's pretty good. And he'll be,
Starting point is 01:59:49 I'm pretty flexible too, but he'll be like sitting there and he'll hold it. And he can do that without like pulling on it. Like he doesn't have to have arms that pull his legs in these positions. So he could just like tuck his legs into places. And all of a sudden you're like locked up in a go-go plot and you don't even know how the fuck he got his leg there. I know.
Starting point is 02:00:08 I grappled with him once like years ago. He was like really tricky. But he's like, dude, you're like grappling with a dude. Does that feel good or is that? Yeah, that's always a compliment. As long as people don't say I look like a dude, I can grapple like a dude all day long that's that's never you know never an issue i dread the day when like i love it when people are like oh you don't look like a fighter i'm
Starting point is 02:00:31 like good that's good because i really dread the day when people like man you look like a fighter like oh whoops yeah went too far yeah i i pushed the edge of the envelope and i didn't come out on the winning side yeah you grapple like a dude is winning side. Yeah, you grapple like a dude isn't okay. You make out like a dude. Yeah, no. That's not. What? How do you know? Yeah, right? Where's this conversation going?
Starting point is 02:00:55 That got off real quick. There is a definite difference between watching some women grapple and what some women can do. And there's got to be some benefits to being a woman when it comes to grappling. There are some times I'll grapple with some guys and I don't realize it's much different. They'll be like, man, you're so flexible.
Starting point is 02:01:15 You've got your ankles. I tried an ankle lock and it was like most guys would attack, but he's like, you were fine. I was like, I don't know. Have you ever seen this thing that ballerinas use and this is uh i think it's a new device but it's like you slide your foot into like this uh it seems like a rubber sheath it's like there's a flat board and there's like this rubber sheath and you slide your foot into and you do these exercises with your foot and somebody put it up on one of the jujitsu pages that i follow on instagram and they were like this is like the best way to prevent foot locks like literally
Starting point is 02:01:49 because it just strengthens it strengthens it and stretches it to the point where you know like if someone gets you into like a foot lock and they're pushing down like a toe hold and they're as they're pushing down on your foot it's the hyper extending of the ankle that gets you to tap because you're like, oh, I think something's going to tear and then people tap. And this gets your foot into this flexible position where you kind of strengthen and make it so flexible that you can't get tapped in certain ways. You never tried that? Do you have it, Jamie? Is that what it is?
Starting point is 02:02:20 Huh. That looks similar. That's similar. It's pro arch. Is that what it's pro arch is that what's it's called that looks like it's making it like where your feet are like so yeah like the arch of the ballerina foot that's probably like strengthening huh to be able to stand on the what is that you were in bergen is brutal oh the feet their feet are so they're so wrecked so nasty so bad oh god it's like i
Starting point is 02:02:44 thought my feet were bad. I knew this girl who's a ballerina and she had to have her feet fixed because her toes, she had smashed her toes for so long, like doing like point and trying to stand on her toes that she had to get like, she had these scars over the top of her feet where she had to get her toes like realigned and get her ligaments repaired. Ballet is a hard, sport from from my understanding like i don't think they get enough credit well they also have to starve themselves you know they have to be tiny did you see that swan movie was it black swan yes yeah freaking it was insane yeah right i was like oh yeah i don't know that's not a woman's empowering sort of activity.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Yeah. I posted a picture of me with a scale the other day, like weighing myself. People are like, 147. They're like freaking out about it or whatever. I'm like, yeah, I weigh almost 150 pounds. But they're like, that's good. It goes to show you don't have to be 100 pounds or 110 pounds to look good or be beautiful or whatever. And I'm like, yeah, I'm not ashamed of what I weigh at all. Like at all at all. I don't have to be 100 pounds or 110 pounds to like look good or be beautiful or whatever and i'm like yeah i don't i'm not ashamed of what i weigh at all like at all at all i don't care
Starting point is 02:03:48 i could weigh 160 pounds as long as i look good and feel good like you know people were just kind of surprised that i i guess a lot of women have like numbers in their head that you don't want to go over yeah 135 is like the peak don't get bigger than this bitch yeah you know i think it used to be like 110 my mom's best friend growing up she was um she was vietnamese and they had like they had a rule but she was half vietnamese so the vietnamese side of her family so she was a little bit bigger bone gorgeous beautiful like exotic green eyes dark black hair like half vietnamese really really pretty and um her family was so hard on her because she weighed over a hundred pounds. Like you were supposed to be under,
Starting point is 02:04:30 you're supposed to be 99 or less. Cause they're all super tiny, but she was half. So her, she got her half of her white dad's side and she was like one on nine or something. And we're like, you,
Starting point is 02:04:39 you lose weight, Lynn, Lynn, you lose weight. You're too heavy. Too heavy. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Yeah. Oh yeah. And she had heavy. What? You're too heavy. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And she had just, she had eating disorders and stuff like that later because she was so just mortified that she weighed more. You know, they didn't want her to weigh over 100. Oh, that's so crazy. The number. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 02:04:56 You put a number on things. Numbers don't, yeah, it doesn't matter to me. How do you look? If you look good, what difference does it make? No. Like, obviously, being a fighter, you're going to be denser to be denser i mean how anybody wouldn't understand that a woman like you what do you like five seven five six five six at five six 145 pounds you're gonna have a ton of muscle i mean you have to if you're doing all the grappling you're doing what kind of strength and
Starting point is 02:05:22 conditioning program are you on um i go usually like two, three days a week and I go to this place called Phase One Sports and they work with a lot of athletes. They work with boxers and football players and things like that. So I do like the most that I really do for like actual lifting weights is probably like power cleans or like hand cleans. Like I'll, you know, flip a bar. That's, I think, really good explosive movement for like for wrestling and things like that. I do sled pushing and do a lot of body weight stuff a lot of footwork and you know we kind of mix cardio and weight so we'll do like he'll like do one set of the workout that's strength based so it's like anaerobic and then we'll like run sprints so kind of like to simulate a fight like you're going through a a combination and it's
Starting point is 02:06:05 anaerobic you're throwing five six punches and you're doing that without oxygen anaerobic and then you do something where you know you circle away and you move or something that's aerobic you know are you coming for the takedown that's kind of an anaerobic movement and then so it simulates the fight so we do a lot of um i don't know it's not really anything super rocket science i don't think but but I like it. Have you always done a strength and conditioning program? I loved strength and conditioning in high school and stuff. I lifted a lot of weights.
Starting point is 02:06:33 I got criticized a lot actually in high school because I was pretty buff in high school and I wrestled. You got criticized? Yeah, I got criticized. By girls or boys? Actually by guys, mostly. I think the girls were kind of scared of me. Even though I was never confrontational. I never fought people. I like pretty nice to everyone but um like i don't know the girls were probably like if they knew if they would have messed with me i probably would
Starting point is 02:06:54 have wrecked them you know but i was just kind of like passive i was a people watcher um and uh yeah like the guys were like man stop lifting stop lifting me. You're getting too buff. I'm like, maybe you need to lift more. Were you wrestling in high school? Yeah, I wrestled in high school. What was that like? That was hard, man. It was actually my first half of my season was terrible.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Were you wrestling dudes or were you wrestling girls? Primarily guys. That's ridiculous. I was the only, like, consistent female on my team for all four years. What the fuck motivated you to go do that? Um, just like wrestling dudes. Yeah, no, actually that was that. Like I said, it was terrible. Like my first day, oh my gosh. Well, I'll take it to why I did it. I did it because I can't play basketball. That was really the reason why I didn't do it. Did you want to play basketball?
Starting point is 02:07:47 No. I hate basketball. Well, that's probably why you can't play basketball. Because I bet if you wanted to play basketball, you'd figure out how to get really good at basketball. So don't say you can't play basketball. Well, it would have been a long road. Maybe I could have, but it would have taken a long time. Yeah, but as if MMA isn't a long road
Starting point is 02:08:05 yeah but it's way more fun but isn't it crazy though that the odds of you getting famous as a female basketball player are non-existent yeah
Starting point is 02:08:13 there was like I mean WNBA still exists right name one famous WNBA player name one go ahead ready go
Starting point is 02:08:19 you can't do it but female fighters at the time it was ridiculous if you were in high school and you said one day I'm to be a female cage fighter, people are like, this is a crazy bitch. Get away from her.
Starting point is 02:08:29 She's out of her fucking mind. Yeah. Meanwhile, you're famous. Yeah, the UFC was just barely coming out, I think. It was like so, I don't know, it was crazy. So I decided to do it out of default because I wanted to do a sport, but I was really reluctant to play basketball or even try. It just didn't appeal to me. I didn't click. I can't dribble the ball. I don't shoot well. I
Starting point is 02:08:51 didn't pee a couple of times. I'm like, this is not the sport for me. I can't jump very high. Everything is just not, I'm not made to play basketball. And so I went out for wrestling and I was like, yeah, I guess I'll try this. And we didn't tell my dad at first either because he would have probably been mortified. He was mortified when we told him, but it was too late by then. I was already in it. I think my mom thought I was going to quit. So she tried to hide it from him for two, three weeks or so, thinking, oh, she's not probably going to like this.
Starting point is 02:09:22 But I loved it. How many girls were on the team with you? One other girl. It was my best friend, Sharon. And it was actually her idea. I never probably would have thought of it. We were in honors English class, little smarty pants. And she looked at me and she's like, you know, I really want to do a sport, but I don't want to play basketball either. You want to go out for wrestling? I'm like wrestling. And I always thought wrestling was so weird. Like in middle school as a kid,
Starting point is 02:09:44 I'm like,. And I always thought wrestling was so weird. Like in middle school as a kid, I'm like, what are they doing? Like they're these boys in these tight suits, like rolling around. This is weird. So I had this like distaste for wrestling, but I was kind of like, well, it's better than basketball probably. Yeah, sure. Let's try it. Wow.
Starting point is 02:10:00 Yeah. That's how, I mean, it's nothing against basketball, but I just, I just can't, I don't know. How did you know that you liked it? Wrestling? Yeah. Well, the first day I got my ass kicked bad. Like I left with like Matt Burns all over my body and my face.
Starting point is 02:10:14 Like I didn't know what I was doing. They tried to get me to quit. They didn't want the girl. They did not want us there. They, they meaning the teammates or the coaches? The teammates and the coaches. Really?
Starting point is 02:10:21 Yeah. The coach. Yeah. The coach was kind of an ass. He was only there for one year. He actually ended up getting fired. But anyways, yeah, they did not want us there. So I think they thought if we make this as hard on them as possible, they'll just quit.
Starting point is 02:10:36 Because I think they had had a couple years before a girl come out. And they never lost. They never made it past the two weeks. So I think I kind of felt that. And I was like, you just wait, my friends. I was like, I'm going to prove you wrong. I'm going to stick around. I'm going to do this. And I was like, and I sure as hell know I can't get any worse. I was like, so the law of diminishing return says I'm bound to get better. And yeah, I kept coming back every day. And it was the hardest thing that I've ever done. I think that's why I liked it so
Starting point is 02:11:03 much. It was fucking hard, really, really hard. And they did a lot of conditioning, a lot of, you know, but I loved, I didn't mind that at all. Like I love that stuff. I love working out. I love conditioning. I love pushing myself. The part that was the most challenging
Starting point is 02:11:18 was the actual wrestling because they didn't want to teach us anything. They didn't want to teach me anything. I remember they put me in there with a guy who placed like third in state and he just wrecked me. I was like, can you at least show me a double? I was like, I don't know anything. I don't know how to do any of this stuff. Like, can you show me? So you're just a body? Yeah. They're like, nope, just go wrestle. And he just embarrassed me. What a shitty fucking wrestling coach. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 02:11:40 I don't know. They didn't want us there. Was that the first time that you knew about yourself though, that you liked to overcome adversity like that? Do you like difficult challenges? Looking back on it, I think so. Because I didn't realize how tough I was until I got through a wrestling season. I'm like, holy crap. That was really hard. High school wrestling is brutal.
Starting point is 02:12:00 For people who have never done anything difficult, too, it's probably like their first introduction. Most people don't stay. You start out with a big team and half the people drop like flies. Yeah, really quickly. A couple kind of dwindle out and you're left with a few that are really there to do it. Especially with me being so terrible. I probably lost about every match that year. I never wrestled before.
Starting point is 02:12:23 I was competing against guys. I can't remember exactly. I think I beat a girl like later in the season my first year and I lost my very first wrestling match was actually against another female, which was rare. And I lost by points, but she was like a senior. So, you know, it was whatever I just tried to know. I got pinned. That's a lie. I remember I got pinned. She she was a senior it was like second round and I didn't I just didn't know very much you know and uh then I went on and actually my senior year I ended up wrestling varsity whoa yeah that's crazy so you went through freshman sophomore junior and senior year yeah all four years all four years you wrestled yeah that's amazing I loved it whoa I live for it that's crazy yeah in the senior year you were a varsity wrestler right what in the fuck at what weight this is the hilarious part okay so so I was good but I wasn't male varsity good you know I loved wrestling I worked hard I came early I stayed late I did all that but um I wasn't that level, right? But the thing was
Starting point is 02:13:27 is that we didn't have 152 pounder. We had two 145ers. So I wrestled 145. I didn't know how to cut weight. So it's just what I was walking at at the time. I was heavier, almost heavier in high school than I am now. And I didn't know anything about diet. I didn't know anything about anything. I thought when I, Joe, this is how stupid I was. I thought that when I had to make weight the next day that I needed to eat the most low calorie foods. So I would go like get the jar of salsa, which has like, I don't know how many thousands of milligrams of sodium, which is going to help you hold water. I didn't know. It's like, oh, it's five calories per serving. Let me eat this whole thing. And then like, I'm sure it was like a balloon the next day. Like, it's no wonder like I couldn't cut any weight. Well, there there's no science they didn't teach you shit about
Starting point is 02:14:09 cutting weight nobody nobody taught me anything about cutting weight except you throw a garbage bag on and run around yeah you know and so anyways um there was two 145 pounders no 152 pounders so what they would do is basically i was a sacrificial lamb we would both weigh in at 145 pounders, no 152 pounders. So what they would do is basically I was the sacrificial lamb. We would both weigh in at 145 for varsity and they would decide which opponent was more likely for the guy, our guy teammate to beat. And they would match him up so that we could get a win. And they would put me with the tougher opponent so that our guy that had a chance at winning could win because they're like they knew either way i probably wasn't able to win again i mean these are these are tough guys like i've been wrestling four years they've been wrestling their whole life right and they're cutting weight
Starting point is 02:14:52 so half the time i'm wrestling 152 pound men like i'm weighing in at 145 on var on the varsity team and just getting you know oh my gosh did you beat any dudes i did but not in varsity i didn't beat any varsity guys but i beat some other guys i made him cry i made a few guys quit it would always get back to our school too it would always get back to our school too like oh yeah that guy you beat last week he quit quit the team yeah it would come back to our school because obviously there was a you know a rival school or whatever but somehow it would get back to school yeah like i guess he quit the team i wonder how much that fucks with their head i don't know i don't i didn't care whoa i didn't care ice cold i didn't care of course how could you yeah well you can't some people are not gonna
Starting point is 02:15:40 make it yeah you gotta keep going one time do Do you know what a Saturday night ride is? Sure. Yeah. Why don't you explain it to people? It's the most embarrassing. So it's basically, I'll tell you the story. I got by like 152 pound state placer. I weighed in at 145.
Starting point is 02:15:58 I remember he wrestled for White River and he went out and just bulldozed me right over and Saturday night ride pinned me in like 18 seconds. I mean, he crushed me, but it's the most embarrassing and like, it's the last, like if you're a girl in high school, that's the last way that you want someone to pin you. So basically they, they lay like straight on top of you and then like a starfish position and they wrap your arm, both of your arms with their arms and wrap their your their legs with your legs so that you can't you're just starfished out on your back and like i was like what an asshole like you know he did it on purpose well why does that
Starting point is 02:16:34 but if it was effective why is that more embarrassing just because your legs are all spread apart and it looks like a sexual position kind of you know because they're like right on top of you stomach to stomach chest to chest to chest, groin to groin. Yeah, there it is. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's close. Well, that's a mount. That's someone mounting, grapevining someone. Let's see.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Oh, it's not really pulling up. The one, go down again, the black and white one, right? Yeah, there's, yeah. That's kind of like it, basically. Sort of, but he's kind of doing more of an arm bar. So just imagine if you had- It's still the same thing, a mount with double grapevines. Yeah, so it's just kind of, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:17:12 It was just like demoralizing. Yeah, no, I get it. Damn it. And it was so fast, too. It was like, ah. But usually, actually, I didn't get pinned in varsity because I was so flexible. It goes back to that.
Starting point is 02:17:23 People couldn't turn me over. Even the varsity guys, that was my survival technique, varsity because I was so flexible. It goes back to that. Like people couldn't turn me over. Even the varsity guys, like I would, that was my survival technique was like my shoulders were so flexible that if like in, in high school wrestling, you can't go past what's potentially dangerous. You're not allowed to like dislocate someone's shoulders.
Starting point is 02:17:36 So it was like, they would try to turn me and my shoulder, my arm would just be going, going, going, going, going. And they would be like,
Starting point is 02:17:41 you can't go past that or you're going to dislocate her arm. You know? So it was like, that was my, my Hail Mary. It was was like i'm really flexible and i'm super tough and i would just would not let i would have let my arm dislocate for sure i was not going to let him turn me that's one of the interesting things about wrestling isn't it is like there's some things that you would do in a fight that you're not allowed to do yeah well it's collegiate wrestling so it's um there's different styles there's collegiate which is like more safe for schools, you know, because they're kids.
Starting point is 02:18:06 And then you get into freestyle wrestling, which you can throw people and slam them. In collegiate, you have to kind of set them down. You're not allowed to just like pick someone in the air and go boom, you know, throw them. You have to kind of put them down. But even in freestyle, like remember when Mark Schultz fought in the Olympics and ripped that guy's arm apart, got him in a Kimura and sort of tossed him with a Kimura and just yanked his arm backwards. Yeah. I mean, he got disqualified for that.
Starting point is 02:18:30 Yeah. Which in the UFC would be an amazing move. Yeah. Well, I guess it's just a different mindset. I guess they think of wrestling as wrestling and fighting as fighting. It's different. It is, but it's like it's effective grappling. It's like the use of your body against their body.
Starting point is 02:18:45 Yeah. It's interesting in that way. But I think for wrestling, I don't know if you're supposed to use like joint manipulation. I think maybe that's the difference. Right. It's supposed to be like that you can control their body with your weight on top of them, not necessarily like contort their joint in the wrong direction. So that, you know, that's jujitsu.
Starting point is 02:19:04 That's where jujitsu comes in. Do you remember when Matt Hughes fought Ricardo Almeida and choked him out with a front headlock? Yeah. Which is a move that is actually used in wrestling all the time. That was a fascinating time. Some wrestlers have adapted more of that stuff too. They put that in there more.
Starting point is 02:19:22 It's like start putting some pressure on the throat and folding people over it. And they try to sneak in there a little bit. Especially a guy like Matt, who's so fucking strong when he gets a hold of you in that position and he's pushing. It's like a pit bull. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:33 He's pushing against your, your arm and it's pinning against your neck and then he's squeezing your neck on the other side. He's choking you out. Like just like I had an arm choke, but in a reverse position. Yeah. It's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 02:19:43 I was amazed when I saw that fight that he did that, that he was able to choke out Ricardo Almeida, who's a jujitsu black belt, but more amazed since then that no one else has been able to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:53 Have you wrestled? Did you ever wrestle? Yeah, I wrestled in high school. You wrestled in high school? One year. Yeah, it's hard. Why didn't you do it the other one? Taekwondo,
Starting point is 02:19:59 because I was doing both. Oh, you were in Taekwondo. Yeah. I just decided that Taekwondo was easier. I like that, and I like kicking people it was like i wasn't a zombie hardest things isn't it i was well it was also that i had to do it at school so it was like i had to stay at school which i fucking hated and uh i was just a zombie
Starting point is 02:20:18 yeah like after i was so sore i remember like we used to do these sprints upstairs and shit and carry each other across the football field. And I was so fucking sore. Yeah. I just remember thinking like, fuck this. I used to like what they call the gut busters, I think, because they literally make you want to vomit. I was doing both at the same time too. I was doing Taekwondo and wrestling at the same time. I just had determined. I wish I could have done more extracurricular school activities besides just what was offered by the school. That was one thing.
Starting point is 02:20:49 We struggled a lot financially growing up. We didn't grow up in a privileged household by any means, and my parents couldn't afford to put me into gymnastics at the time. But I'm glad because I think that's what I wanted to do. I actually wanted to do gymnastics instead of wrestling. They were like, you know? Right. But I'm glad because I think that for, that's what I wanted to do. I actually wanted to do gymnastics instead of wrestling, but they were like, you know, we just, it's too, too much. Right.
Starting point is 02:21:15 And, uh, but I'm glad that I didn't come from super privileged cause it just gives me a whole different perspective. Sure. You appreciate what you've earned. I'm sure. Yeah. When did you start striking? When did you do any sort of striking martial arts? Um, 19. When I was 19. What did you start striking when did you do any sort of striking martial arts um 19 when i was 19
Starting point is 02:21:26 what did you start out with um i think it was just kickboxing yeah just normal like learning to throw kicks and normal you know it was kickboxing for mma i never did any like just straight anything it was always about it was always about mma and obviously i wrestled so the goal was always to grab people and get them to the ground. So, yeah, I started with kickboxing, learning how to throw basic kicks, learning how to throw basic punches. But before my first fight, I think I had maybe four weeks of striking. Wow. Which is like nothing. Nothing.
Starting point is 02:21:56 That's crazy. It is crazy. Well, in those situations, I had a buddy of mine who was a jujitsu black belt, really high level jujitsu guy. And he's taking an MMA fight. And we had a conversation about it before. And I was going, well, how much striking are you doing? And he's like, once a week, I get together and I do this. I'm like, holy shit.
Starting point is 02:22:18 I'm like, listen, do you know what you can do to guys on the ground? Well, someone can do that to you standing up. Yeah. And if all that guy has to do is keep you from getting a hold of him and you're fucksville like you have to you have to be understanding that like there's a difference in the consequences as well because the consequences of being in there with like a dangerous striker are one wrong move and you get clipped with something and you wake up yeah it's It's just, it's such a different thing.
Starting point is 02:22:46 But so many people that are really good at one thing, they think all I have to do is do my one thing and they won't be able to stop me. Right. Well, I went into my first fight kind of ignorance is bliss too. Not, not thinking like,
Starting point is 02:22:58 you know, if I can't do this, I just didn't know how devastating it could be to get like need in the face. Now up in Washington state, they don't allow amateurs like to throw full on knees to the face. They don't? No, they don't allow it. Like in amateur fighting. I think in California and stuff like that too.
Starting point is 02:23:14 Like now there's more regulations and they don't allow it just because a lot of times amateurs are still learning. And just such a brutal blow. Right. Like a knee to the face. I mean, that's a hard, there's no protection.'s straight like right knee bone you know it's pretty brutal um my first fight oh my gosh you know i went out there i wrestled her i pretty much just all that's all that i knew i don't even think i threw a punch on the ground like i took her down like the easiest i've ever taken her down and i think i forgot that i could punch because i was just that's all i knew was
Starting point is 02:23:42 wrestling so i just like wrestled her the whole time. And then the second round, I came out and I threw a one-two-one-two and I tried to grab a hold of her and she put me in a Thai clinch. So her and her husband owned a Thai school up in Canada. So she was a really good striker, no wrestling or really much grappling a little bit. And I didn't know what it was. I didn't even know what a Thai clinch was, much less how to defend it. So she just starts kneeing my face off, and the only thing I can think to do is shoot. So I'm just shooting into knees. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:24:11 Bam, bam, bam. And then one of them caught my nose, just clean on, busted it, flattened my nose. And I was in such shock, because this is the first time I've been hit, really. You don't take blows to the face in wrestling so I'm just like whoa what is going on here what am I doing and she kind of like pushes me down and like I'm because I'm
Starting point is 02:24:35 still shooting but I kind of like slump out of the you know off of the legs a little bit I'm a little bit stunned obviously and she spins around and takes my back she's trying to choke me and I just, I remember like had this epiphany moment. It was like the world stopped, you know, and she's still trying to like fight me and beat me up. And I remember she's trying to choke me and I have my hands like this. And it's such a vivid moment because it's how I got this start. This is how I started my career. It was my first fight ever. And I'm watching this pool of blood and there's a steady stream, like not even dripping, like it's just pouring out of my nose.
Starting point is 02:25:08 And this pool of blood is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And she's still trying to choke me and punch me. And I'm thinking like this bitch. That's exactly what I was like. Oh, hell no. And I hell no and i got pissed i got pissed i lost my temper in the fight i started bucking her off and that's when the fighter really came out of me because before that i was just i was still wrestling i was like you know competing that's when the fighter came out i got fucking pissed and was pissed, not only that my nose was broken, not only that I got hit, but that she had my back. That was like, that was what pissed me off. Like
Starting point is 02:25:50 the rest was kind of like, eh, you know, but I was the wrestler. Fuck you. Like get off my back. Like you're the striker. You're not allowed to be there. So I like started bugging her and she fell down into the guard position and I stood up above her and I reached to the ceiling as high as I could and I just started raining down punches from the standing position and the blood is going everywhere like she's soaked in it I've got it all over me I'm just bleeding like a stuck pig like everywhere and I remember her face just kind of like wincing like trying to weather the storm and that's how the second round ended and then i went back to my corner and like um the head the head coach was like we can't let you go back out for the third round because your nose is just so like we don't know how bad it is and i was super
Starting point is 02:26:33 bummed because that was the turning point in the fight for me that's when it actually became a fight and i was like i really wanted to go back out in the third round and just whoop this girl's ass i got so pissed. So you lost the fight, but you learned a lot about yourself. Yeah, the ton. And I had to go home. That's bringing this back full circle. This is where my very chauvinistic grandpa at the time, but you know, he was kind of sexy. He was like, we're old school. Like he was like, you know, women do this and men do that. Women don't do this. So you're not allowed to do that. And what are you doing? How to come home? Oh my God. That was the most dreadful drive I ever had because my nose was literally like three times the size. I had no definition between my, the bridge of my nose
Starting point is 02:27:15 and my cheekbones. Like it just went straight out. It was flat like a lion. And then it just went straight out to my cheekbones. That's how bad it was. I mean, it got broken bad. And then over like the next night, like I could barely even open my eyes and i had two giant black raccoon eyes so it was like there's no hiding it like and you know you gotta look your grandpa straight in the face and he's like tsk tsk i told you you know you're just like that's what he said to you oh yeah oh man he was just like you know he just wouldn't like would not lay off of it this is why you shouldn't be doing this this is absurd this is ridiculous this is embarrassing and my dad's just like you know he's so embarrassed like he was just yeah he was embarrassed and i'm
Starting point is 02:27:58 in the back of my mind i know that i can't say anything at the moment, but in the back of my mind, I was thinking, I'm not done. I've got to do this again. Like in the back of my mind, I was thinking, cause everyone was like, well, good. She think good thing. She got that out of her system. Like she'll, she'll surely never do that again. Thank God she got this, you know, she learned her lesson early. And I was thinking, uh, I was like, I can't, I've, I've got to get back in there. I got to prove that I can do better than that. It was like, it was it was too embarrassing you know I'd have to face everyone that was telling me like I shouldn't be doing that and you know what everyone says to you like before you like at least back then everyone would say to me don't break your nose that was like my pre like good luck you know like people say like oh go kill it not meaning break a
Starting point is 02:28:46 leg you know people were like the other way like well you know good luck in your fight don't break your nose fuck no you know it was so embarrassing i think i missed like a week of call a week of classes too because i had done it over like a break so i had like i don't know it was like i don't know winter break or something and then I missed like a week because it was still so bad did you have to get it fixed no I probably should have it's still not fixed but you can feel it it's like you can feel the like disassociating my septum is like it's do you breathe out of your nose at all not very well yeah to be. To be honest. About the right side, like, I can barely. And this is a good day.
Starting point is 02:29:28 Have you ever thought about having it fixed? Yeah. Yeah? I have. I have. But, yeah, hopefully one of these days I'll get it fixed. Junior Dos Santos just did it recently. Yeah?
Starting point is 02:29:36 It helped him a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I did it. I didn't do it until I was, like, 39. My whole life I had a fucked up nose. Nose? Oh, it's amazing i feel like i
Starting point is 02:29:45 always sound really nasally now too like i listen to myself like i'll probably go back and listen to this podcast but god i sound nasally i used to be just like you i'll be like one side was like three quarters closed the other side was totally useless i had no breathing out of my nose it was just all fucked up in there but now it's like yeah and then but yeah that's nice i'm jealous way to rub it in joe well you could get it fixed yeah but then i was wondering like don't they have to like shave it down no like no it's inside straighten it yeah some people like open up the like they open it up but then it makes it a little bit weaker or something to get broken again no i don't think so you know i think well they they shave down the turbinates, the inside, like there's these bumps inside your nose.
Starting point is 02:30:28 Yeah. It hinders the opening or it makes the opening smaller. They shave that down. They cut out the inside that's all calcified too for me, which is like cauliflower, you know, just like cauliflower ear. You get that in your nose as well. I feel like I'm asking for it to get broken again though as soon as I fix it like this is like it's gonna get broken again probably anyway right if you keep fighting yeah i think that like at least you have more of an opportunity to breathe and your cardio will definitely improve true although you have very good cardio already thanks but if you breathe
Starting point is 02:30:57 out of your nose i'm sure it would help you in a lot of ways yeah i have to look into it yeah i mean uh so like when i was a kid um i went to a doctor like when i was like 19 or 20 and i had a real problem with it and the doctor said look and unless you stop fighting you need to just deal with this and then once you're done competing then do it yeah and i just left it alone but then i'd snore really bad and i when i take yoga class i couldn't breathe out of my nose and And finally, I just bit the bullet. But after I did it, I made a YouTube video about it because I'm like, oh, my God. All these people saying that it was like really bad. Like, fuck, it's nothing.
Starting point is 02:31:33 It's nothing. Yeah. The operation was nothing. What did they like? Did they put you under? Yeah. But I mean, when it's over, like everybody's like, oh, my God, it's so awful. You're miserable.
Starting point is 02:31:43 Did they re-break your nose? They definitely get in there. They didn't like break it and reset it though or anything no because they didn't need that it's broken up here like i could you could feel like it's all where i was i broke it when i was five was the first time i broke it yeah and then i broke it who knows how many times after that but the inside was where it was all fucked up it was just and he said it was one of the worst he'd ever seen yeah he's like, boy, this thing has been broken a lot. I said, I don't know how many times you broke it. I'm like, I don't know either.
Starting point is 02:32:08 But I mean, compare my nose though to like Vanderlei. You remember when Vanderlei, Vanderlei is one of those guys where if you look at Vanderlei's like first fights. Didn't he shave down like his bones and stuff too? Yep. To like not get cut? Well, that was Nick Diaz. Nick Diaz had his bones shaved down and he had scar tissue removed.
Starting point is 02:32:26 But with Vandelay, he probably had that done too. But he had a bunch of scar tissue removed because he had so much scar tissue that his eyes were drooping like severely and his nose was flat. I mean, just flattened. There was nothing left. So he had a piece of cartilage removed from his rib. And then they redid his nose. And he had his nose made big so that he could breathe piece of cartilage removed from his rib and then they redid his nose and he had his nose made big so that he could breathe out of it better like he like had the and this is while he was still fighting oh yeah do you don't you remember when he fought in the ufc he looked
Starting point is 02:32:55 one way like when he fought chuck yeah and then like he he looked like a completely different person i guess i didn't even notice the nose because i was so focused on like the bone structure like i feel like that maybe. He had a lot done. Yeah. He's crazy too. Like when I've trained at his gym before. Mad man.
Starting point is 02:33:13 He spars like all, all out. Like he tries to kill people. Yeah. No, he fights. There's no sparring with Vandal Age. No. Fighting. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:20 I've talked to people that spar with him and they were like, what in the fuck? Yeah. He just kills people. Like no mercy. Like, give me more training partners. I break more. Yeah, that's just... Well, that was like more of a Russian accent.
Starting point is 02:33:31 That's not what he sounds like at all. But it was like mean like that. I'm here to fight. I love to fight. Yeah, that's Brazilian. There we go. For me to fight is important. And I just make him really mean until like he's chewing through his training partners.
Starting point is 02:33:44 That's what it was like. That guy got fucked over. He really did. I was so upset when they tried to give him a lifetime ban. What they did was really wrong and sent him on his tailspin. Then he said a bunch of crazy shit about the UFC. The whole thing made me really sad because they were trying to make an example out of him. But look, that guy never failed a
Starting point is 02:34:05 drug test. I don't know who the fuck knows what he was doing. He definitely did some shit, especially in pride for a hundred percent. I mean, when he fought Crow Cop, he was 218 pounds. You know, that's not from creatine. He did some shit a hundred percent. Right. But back then you were allowed to do whatever you want in the UFC. He never pissed hot. He never got caught. So to have this one time where he ran away from a drug test and to say that he's banned for life, it's ridiculous. It's just a total abuse of power and a really callous abuse by these people that are a part of the commission because they are responsible for this guy's livelihood and they just decided
Starting point is 02:34:43 to treat him as an example and not respect him as a pioneer of the sport what my thought is you should treat him as if he pissed hot look you ran away from a test guess what you're automatically pissing hot so it would be like nine months right and instead they said life and i'm like that is crazy you can't take away a man's livelihood no he would have been better if he, yeah, like, if he would have pissed hot, technically. Yes. He would have been better. Much better. Yeah, much better.
Starting point is 02:35:10 He would have been back fighting already. He'd be already scheduled right now in the UFC. He'd probably be still in the UFC and still fighting. And now I guess he's going to fight for Bellator and he's got to fight overseas because they reduced his suspension to like I think they gave him a couple years or something like that or maybe even less but they it's a long time in a fight career though fuck yeah especially when you're 38 yeah as it is I mean what is he 38 he's gotta be right yeah 37 38 it's um it's so weird too because the TRT thing which was around for quite a few years and you saw the rejuvenation
Starting point is 02:35:45 of Vitor and Dan Henderson these guys that were on TRT that all of a sudden started doing really well again yeah and just it's such a gray area like and then that's that gets removed and then like everybody's get got to go back to like your normal hormone secretion yeah like oh what do you how do you feel about the IV ban I don don't like it. Yeah. I don't, I don't, well, I don't like weigh-ins. This is, this is what I feel like. I feel like we have to move away from this weight cutting thing because there's a difference between this sport and any of this sport, uh, other than boxing. And I think that the head trauma aspect of it makes weigh-ins 24 hours a day, extremely problematic when we understand the science of rehydrating the brain can take as much as 70 plus hours so that to me says that we're
Starting point is 02:36:31 doing a bad thing we're doing a silly thing and we're letting fighters compete compromised i think someone like you and someone like holly you're a similar size i think you guys should make an agreement and the uf say, okay, look, Misha, what do you weigh right now? You weigh like 146. When you're in peak condition, what do you weigh? Oh, 143. Holly, are you cool with 143? Yeah. Okay. Well, let's just weigh you guys during camp. We'll weigh you guys sporadically and we'll give you a couple pounds to play with because realistically the difference between a 143 pound person and and a 145-pound person is nothing. It's not enough.
Starting point is 02:37:08 And as long as no one's dehydrated, let's take hydration levels. That's an interesting concept, though. But think about this for a minute. Wrestling weight classes typically are about five pounds apart until you get into the bigger ones. So in theory, five pounds makes a big difference when you're talking about manipulating someone else's weight. Because you're five pounds less, but they're five pounds more. So it's almost like if you think about it, a double. Like in my mind, it's almost like a double.
Starting point is 02:37:33 Five pounds can be a lot if there's a lot of wrestling. Striking, I don't think it doesn't mean anything. Jiu-jitsu, maybe not as much. But maybe getting someone to the ground or being able to sweep someone. I mean, it can sound like a lot. It depends how, yeah, it depends how big you are. Five pounds to a 300 pound person isn't that much. Five pounds to a 115 pound person is a lot.
Starting point is 02:37:54 It's a bigger percentage of their body weight. That's a big point. Like when you're talking about like a straw weight or something like that, that's a big point. And I think, actually, I think Holly walks around like 160 something. Does she? She's a pretty big girl well i just feel like she is yeah you can tell she i i really feel like there's got to
Starting point is 02:38:12 be a better way to um organize weight classes and i just don't know if forcing someone like holly to compromise her body to get down to 135 and and then then rehydrate up to like 150 or whatever she does. Well, weigh-ins came into the whole play because of like betting, right? Like back in the day, that's what they would like want to show off the fighters and get people to bet on them. Like who do you think is going to win? So it was kind of like more of a showing than really like a weigh-in. Like look how big this guy is. He weighs this much.
Starting point is 02:38:40 And look how big this one, which one do you think is going to win? And they would get people to bet. And that's kind of how weigh-ins came about the day before i tried to get people interested in the fights is that what it was to boast the fighters yeah well it's get their shirts off and get them on a scale and show how you know well you know the size difference or whatever you know so didn't they used to do the day of the fight i don't know maybe i'm not sure about that boxing it was the day of the fight yeah Yeah. I'm pretty sure, though, that that's where that kind of came in. And then I think they started making more weight classes.
Starting point is 02:39:10 And that's how it got more specific. You have to be a certain weight. And I understand that you want to weight. You want people to be within a certain weight of each other. But then the problem is there's no way to really monitor that. You know? Some people blow up between their camps and other people don't. Mm-hmm. But then the problem is like you can't there's no way to really monitor that. Right. You know, like some people blow up between their camps and other people don't. You know, and how do you.
Starting point is 02:39:32 Yeah. Like you said, how do you really regulate? Like, what if what if I said, you know, I walk around at 147 and Holly's like, well, you know, I walk around at 162. Then you're like, well, then you can't fight each other. But it's like she's like, well, when I die and I do this and I come down, I can make the same weight as Misha. How much does she cut, though? Does she cut way more than you or does she lower her body weight? I'm sure she lowers the body weight.
Starting point is 02:39:55 I'm going to guess and say she probably cuts from about 150. But I could be wrong. See, then you're only dealing with a few different pounds, right? Would you say you're like 146? Yeah, 147. So you're dealing with three pounds. Yeah. So that's not bad, but that's not cutting weight.
Starting point is 02:40:13 It's not dehydrating. I think we need to measure the amount of hydration that's in the body. Then what you do is what they instilled in the wrestling programs in high schools. Essentially, they weigh you you but you also have to pee into a cup and you have to be a certain amount hydrated and then they tell you you can't go below a certain weight because that would mean you're dehydrating yourself that's that's definitely a smart safety scale and then like also you have to test the hydration of your your urine and so you'd be able i, that would be really the only way to ensure
Starting point is 02:40:45 people are not dehydrating themselves to make a weight. Otherwise, you do have to be the same weight though. I mean, to be fair, you have a 135 pound title. You'd be 135 pounds. Like, you know,
Starting point is 02:40:57 it can't be roughly. It should probably be a diet thing more than a dehydration thing. Right. I just think that also, it's just, it's such a dangerous sport already. And to add this extremely dangerous weight cutting aspect to it, like the guy in Brazil
Starting point is 02:41:10 who died last year from weight cutting. Yeah. That can happen. It's happened in high school wrestling. It's happened in college wrestling. And it's happened in MMA a few times now. It's not a good thing. No, it's not.
Starting point is 02:41:21 And the IV ban, from my understanding, it's kind of silly because they say like, well, you know, because it can mask like, what is it, EPO or something? It can mask certain type, you have to talk to Novitski, but it can mask certain types of performance enhancing drugs. Right, so from my understanding, what I understand is that cyclists used to use it like right before they knew that the person was going to come and test them, to use it like right before they knew that the person was going to come and test them they would hyper hydrate their blood so that it would look like it was a normal like a normal consistency or whatever level yeah yeah hemocrit levels that they would be dehydrated you know high oh hyper hydrated so there wouldn't be as much when they would draw it but the thing is is in our sport we're first of all we're monitored for at least probably three hours before our fight we're taking the venue and a commissioner does not leave our side at all. There's no way to like
Starting point is 02:42:08 cheat. There's no, you're not going to IV up for, you know, a real quick 10 minute and like, no, like they're in the bathroom with you. You're completely monitored. And I feel like maybe if they were going to ban it, maybe they could do it under like a medical, like if you need an IV afterwards and like you have to go to the hospital and get one administered or something like there could be a way around it because the thing about cyclists and other sports that they banned it and then they just transferred it over to MMA it doesn't add up because we do cut weight you know yeah that I agree with that it makes sense because I'm not taking that into account the only thing that I would say is that what they're doing by the IV ban is keeping they're checking plastics that plastic residue that doing by the IV ban is keeping, they're checking plastics,
Starting point is 02:42:46 that plastic residue that comes from the tubes in your body, and that could be from blood doping. So blood doping could be one way that you could have an advantage, an illegal advantage over your opponent, and they could eliminate blood doping by eliminating IVs because the small trace amount of plastics that show up in your blood from use of an IV in the bag and the tube and all that stuff, you could actually use that with blood and gain an endurance advantage over your opponent.
Starting point is 02:43:15 Wait, you're saying by using the IV and injecting an EPO, is that what you're saying? No. Or what are you saying? No, by blood, by putting blood, like blood doping. You know, blood doping, you take blood out of your body, you weigh in, and then once you weigh in, then they reintroduce that blood back in your body. You have much more blood because your body's replenished the blood that was missing. Now you all of a sudden have a massive endurance advantage.
Starting point is 02:43:40 That's what EPO replicates. Right. What EPO replicates is what they were getting by just blood doping. Right. That's what EPO replicates. What EPO replicates is what they were getting by just blood doping. That's what blood doping is. Just pulling blood out of your body, storing it. And then you put your own blood back in? Yes. You never heard of this? Well, I've heard of EPO, but I thought it was like... Well, that's what EPO is. EPO is a drug. Right. So that simulates it, like your body to, like you were at a high altitude. I knew about that. But I didn't think about like taking your own blood out and putting it back in. Wouldn't you just have too much blood?
Starting point is 02:44:09 Yes, you would have too much blood. But temporarily, it gives you a big endurance advantage. Eventually, your body brings your blood back to baseline. But that's what EPO is doing. What EPO is doing is accelerating the amount of red blood cells your body produces. What blood doping is doing is reintroducing blood that you pulled out once your body's replenished that missing blood now you're throwing even more blood in there it's probably actually safer than epo yeah because epo can cause strokes and uh epo is
Starting point is 02:44:38 is tricky stuff but it's uh it's also a drug that you know a lot of fighters have gotten caught for yeah well i thought because i didn't think about that but i thought epo is it's also a drug that a lot of fighters have gotten caught for. Yeah. Well, I thought, because I didn't think about that, but I thought EPO, it's like you can tell when it's, I guess, like the color of the blood or something or a little bit different when it's, or when you have EPO in your system, like they can tell if it's fake. Well, they didn't used to be able to test for it. Right. Now they can. Now they can. But I think there's two issues with the IV. The main one is the masking of other performance-enhancing drugs,
Starting point is 02:45:08 but another one is the possibility of using these bags and these tubes to add additional blood to your body. But I've also been told that that can be worked around with a glass syringe and with a glass container for the blood blood or or IV fluid so I don't know if that's true either yeah so weird well there's gonna be a lot of moves and counter moves you know like Novitski was saying that they figured out a way to make testosterone out of animals they're taking testosterone from animals it's indistinguishable from the biotestosterone that your actual body produces versus like the stuff they make now, which they make in some sort of a laboratory environment with wild yams. That's how they make testosterone.
Starting point is 02:45:55 With yams? Mm-hmm. That's one of the reasons why a carbon isotope test can differentiate between exogenous testosterone and testosterone that's naturally produced by the body. That's crazy. It's fucking nuts. Isn't that insane? Well, I mean, you're dealing with this massive, massive sport that's just so crazy that there's, and, you know, I mean, I don't have to tell you, there's the edges that you gain.
Starting point is 02:46:20 I mean, the edge that you got, think about all the strength and conditioning that you did, all the crazy drills you did. It all came down to that moment in the fifth round where you knew you had to take Holly down. And in that battle, which was so touch and go, it was like she was countering. You were dragging her down. It was a struggle. Any little edge, any little edge there is the difference between you walking away the new champ and you losing a decision. I mean, any little edge there.
Starting point is 02:46:49 Yeah. And that's where it comes down to people. And that's where people get fucking shady as fuck. Exactly. Right? Shady as fuck. It's got to be the hardest feeling in the world, though, to know that the you did win wouldn't that be i feel like that wouldn't be satisfying it can't be you can't i don't know or if it is then it's just like why why why would you do why would you do a
Starting point is 02:47:15 sport like that like i don't know i think sometimes people do it because they think other people are doing it too like i remember fitch i had a conversation with fitch once and he was like um i would never do anything this is that with Fitch once, and he was like, I would never do anything. This was back when testosterone was legal. And he was like, I wouldn't do anything until I'm done. He goes, once I'm done fighting, yeah, I would definitely take hormone replacement therapy when I'm older and all this jazz. But right now, he goes, I would want to know that I did everything I did by myself. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 02:47:40 But then Fitch pissed hot. Oh. Then he got caught. But he wasitch pissed hot. Oh. Then he got caught. You know, but he was fighting Paul Harris. And everybody knows Paul Harris might be doing a little something, something. You know? And so I think maybe it was one of those things where he's like, look, this is not a level playing field. I'm not going to cheat myself while this guy is doing something.
Starting point is 02:48:00 Yeah, well, and that's the problem. It's like, you know, everyone starts cheating. Then you either have to or there's got to be a way to combat it and that's the asterisk on the pride days you know like that's the one thing you have to look at you got to go man amazing times but who knows what the fuck everybody was doing yeah who knows what everybody was on 100 yeah it's just scary it's it's really interesting and it's really interesting that This sport is so It's so popular now And there's so much riding on it
Starting point is 02:48:30 That it really sort of highlights All of this moving And pushing of the boundaries and trying to Achieve an edge How much can you achieve through supplementation Like natural things, cordyceps, mushrooms And B12 and natural supplements How much can you achieve through that And how close does it get like natural things, cordyceps, mushrooms, and B12, and natural supplements.
Starting point is 02:48:46 And how much can you achieve through that? And how close does it get to illegal means? Yeah, I don't know. And I think when money gets involved, it always changes things too. Politics change a lot. Fuck, yeah, it does. It changes a lot. So people are willing to do whatever they can to get that win and get that paycheck, I guess.
Starting point is 02:49:04 Some people, not everyone. How do you have a plan for how long you want to do whatever they can to get that win and get that paycheck, I guess. Some people, not everyone. How do you have a plan for how long you want to do this? You know, I used to, I used to think I had a plan. That plan went out the window. I turned 29. I just turned 29 last August. And, um, I still feel pretty damn good. Like, you know, it's weird that I feel that, you know, technically I've been doing this for 10 years, but I still feel pretty damn good. It's weird that technically I've been doing this for 10 years, but I still feel like I have so much to learn and so much to offer, and I feel like I'm learning so quickly. Man, I talk about the law of diminishing return and all that. I don't feel like that applies to me for some reason. I still feel like I'm just evolving so quickly and so rapidly,
Starting point is 02:49:42 especially with my striking, because it wasn't something I ever focused on before. That sounds weird. Like I didn't focus on it. When did you start focusing on it? Vegas, like halfway through that training camp, which was, it needed to happen, but it was bad timing in that I'm just, I'm getting like a couple new coaches and we don't have the lingo down yet. And it's, it's like a language you learn between your coaches and we didn't have that. So there was definitely some hiccups, but, um, after that, you know, I've won five fights and won a title, you know, so I think I definitely made the right move. Just maybe the timing was bad, but I started focusing on it, you know, six six weeks before that camp and then since then I've been working with my coach Jimmy Gifford um you know and he's helped me tremendously and focused more
Starting point is 02:50:34 on my strength and conditioning actually making a regiment and doing doing all the things that I guess you're supposed to do as a professional athlete because before what I was doing just was kind of I was a little bit ignorant and, you know, I worked hard, but worked harder and not smarter kind of a thing. Now I have people back me. I was, you know, a nutritionist. I have a sports doctor. I have a strength coach. I have a striking coach, have a, you know, two MMA coaches and wrestling coach and they've got it all. Like, and I feel like I finally figured it out. Finally, I have a good gym where I'm at and everything too. Well, that's where it all comes together, right? It's when your dedication matches your talent, matches your focus and your desire, and it all comes together.
Starting point is 02:51:12 And now as a champion, do you have more confidence now being a champion? Do you feel different? Do you feel like, yeah, I fucking did it. 100%. I belong here. It's one thing to believe you can and it's another to know you can you know believing you can i mean that's important that's crucial you have to believe but it's entirely different once you know you're like now i know
Starting point is 02:51:37 not not only do i know but everyone else knows too you know it's a different feeling it's a whole different animal it's a whole different ball game like i've something's changed inside me that that i can't explain something's just different and um i feel like i hit a new level you feel very satisfied when you're saying this i can tell super confident super satisfied super confident i'm still hungry i still feel like i have a lot to accomplish you know i have i think I have a really tough match in Amanda, actually. You definitely do. Amanda Nunes is no joke.
Starting point is 02:52:07 No, she's no joke. I remember, did you watch her fight with Julia Budd in Strikeforce? She knocked her out with that one punch. And Julia Budd was the bigger, stronger girl and a striker. She knocked her out. I mean, she's got one-punch knockout power. She showed up against McMahon. She beat down Sarah McMahon. She beat her down. She hit her, she, she, she beat, she beat down Sarah McMahon.
Starting point is 02:52:26 She beat her down. She hit her so hard that she just made her want to quit. And then she climbed on her back and choked her out. Like, man, she's good. She's well, well-rounded. She's very dangerous. You know, I think that she might have an issue with cardio. If I was going to pick out, pick at something that might be something, maybe she's not as efficient in the cage, but she's been working to change that. She knows this is a five-round fight. I can't rely on someone getting tired. Right.
Starting point is 02:52:50 That's never a good game plan. Like, okay, I'm just going to try to stay out of harm's way until she gets tired. Well, she seems to explode in fights and then drain the gas tank. She's very explosive. She's trying to stop people. And if it doesn't work out that way, she has a little bit of an issue. I think like nine of her wins or something are first-round finishes. She's a monster. Yeah. And if it doesn't work out that way, she has a little bit of an issue. I think like nine of her wins or something are first round finishes. She's a monster.
Starting point is 02:53:07 Yeah. Very, very strong striker. Very physically strong person too. And she's kind of like a brown or black belt in jiu-jitsu and a brown or black belt in judo. Yep. Very well rounded. There's not that many girls in her division that are that well rounded. So she doesn't have a lot of holes in her game besides seeming to hit a wall sometimes in a fight.
Starting point is 02:53:25 Yeah, and I think with her, one of the things that I said about Holly in the Ronda fight, is you look at how accomplished Holly is outside of the UFC, and you wait until the moment when she can put it all together inside the octagon. And she might put it all together inside the octagon when the moment is the biggest, when she has to rise to the occasion. together inside the octagon when the moment is the biggest when she has to rise to the occasion that might when you push her back against the wall it might be when you see her at her best and it turned out to be exactly that and someone like amanda she's going to realize like this is the time yeah this is the opportunity to put it all together can't half-ass a thing in training
Starting point is 02:53:59 the thing with nutrition the thing with your mind, she has to show up a hundred percent focused. And so for someone like you, you have to look at her, like her potential and look at all of, all of what she, the girl that beat Sarah McMahon. That's the one that I'm training, you know, and even better than that girl. Cause we have to assume she's evolved, but that's the best I think I've seen her look. So I have to assume like, she's going to be better than that. Even do you have goals as far as like what you want to do with the title how long do you want to hold it do you have any thoughts in mind of like must beat opponents like is getting ronda back in the octagon yeah that's important i need that like that has to happen that's very important to me and i have amanda ahead of me i do not want to
Starting point is 02:54:42 look past her because i think that would be a huge mistake. It's not one that I want to make as a veteran in my career. That would be a rookie move. But, you know, in the back of my mind, of course, like the fight with Ronda is something I want to happen. And I don't know when it will happen. It could be anticipated for November. I've heard that be tossed around in the UFC that she's planning on coming back and maybe it might be Madison Square Garden. That would be great.
Starting point is 02:55:03 I want to focus on that. I want to focus on Amanda. but I know in the back of my mind, and I want, I want that fight. Like I want that to happen. I think it's so important to me in my career to go and beat Rhonda and prove everyone else. Like I've been an underdog in most of my fights. I've been the person that people have always counted out in my entire career, my entire life. Most people are telling me you can't, you couldn't, you shouldn't, you wouldn't. And I'm, you know, that's, I'm fine with that. I'm perfectly fine with that. I am at the best point of my career and Rhonda is at the worst. You know, she's going through what I've already been through, you know, time and time again. And I have built myself back up from that point time and time again. I know that I can do that. I'm confident
Starting point is 02:55:45 in that. Here I am standing the strongest that I've ever stood and I've already been through that. I've already been head kicked and knocked out. That happened to me before. Like I picked myself up, pulled myself up on my bootstraps, put one foot back in front of the other and worked, got my Strikeforce world title. I lost to Tyrande, picked myself back up, put one foot in front of the other, got back on the horse, fought, fought, fought, fought Ronda again in the UFC, was devastated, crushed, thought my world was just falling down around me, coming to an end. Got back up, put one foot in front of the other, got back on the horse, and now here I am the world champion. You know, I know that I'm tough. I know that I have what it takes to beat Rhonda. Many people don't believe
Starting point is 02:56:25 that. That's okay. I've been in this position before. Most people didn't think I was going to beat Holly. Most people didn't think Holly was going to beat Rhonda. It doesn't matter to me what other people think. It matters what I believe and what I know. And the question mark is, how is Rhonda going to come back from this? I know what I've been hearing from Rhonda in the media and the press, she's been a little quiet lately, but before that, it wasn't what I would have expected to hear from someone who really wants to come back and who's really, really a fighter at the core. She's a great athlete. She's a great fighter. She's accomplished a lot of things. Credit where credit's due. You know, I give her a round of applause for everything she's been able to accomplish. But I'll tell you what, every time I've ever lost in my career, I went bananas to get back in there. Ballistic. I was like, I have to like right now,
Starting point is 02:57:15 just like Holly was like, they're like, when do you want to fight again? She's like, tomorrow against Misha. Now, that's what you want to hear when someone has a devastating loss. They want to get back in there right now and face that person right now or someone else. Just get that loss off the record. Erase it. When I lost to Kat Zingano, I freaked out. I freaked out. I called Sean Shelby and I was like, get me another fight right now. He's like, your nose isn't even healed. I don't give a fuck. I want to fight. I want it now. I want to know when it's coming up, like right now, or I'm going to freak out. I don't know what to tell you, but I'm going to lose my shit. If I don't have like a fight on the horizon, lose it. And then I hear Rhonda, like, I'm going to take a year off and I'm going to, you know, I'm going to do this. I mean,
Starting point is 02:57:58 I'm like, that just doesn't sound like someone who really wants this anymore. And I think that fight might've broke her. I could be wrong. But I think something inside of her is different than it was before. Maybe she's not broken, but it's different. movies. She was the darling of all these late night television shows and everybody wanted to hang out with her. She's doing these commercials with Seth Rogen on television. How much of a factor is that? Well, she has security now. She has job security outside the UFC, so she doesn't really need that anymore. And I think maybe that's also something on her mind is like, does she really want this? Because winning is awesome. It's great. It's easy. It's like when you win, everybody loves you. Everybody supports you. Everybody's there. Everybody's on your train. When you lose, it fucking sucks. It sucks. And only the people
Starting point is 02:58:56 that really love you are still really, really there for you. Everyone else is just like, whatever, loser. And then you have the social media, you know, white knights that come out and want to tell you what a piece of shit you are and how you're never going to accomplish anything and you'll never win another fight and you might as well just quit and retire, blah, blah, blah. So you're those people and you have to make a choice, you know, and my choice has always been to do, to keep fighting, you know, and I just don't, I don't recognize, there's a lot of things I recognize in Rhonda that I can recognize her greatness, I can recognize her championship,
Starting point is 02:59:31 I can recognize things. I don't identify with that. I don't identify with sitting on that loss for a year. I cannot understand it. If it was me, it would have eaten me alive inside and out. I couldn't have done it. I couldn't be making a movie.
Starting point is 02:59:44 I couldn't be doing that. It would have just making a movie. I couldn't be doing that. It would have just... I don't think she has a choice. I think if you have movie contracts, I think you have to fulfill them. Do you? I don't know. Does Connor have to show up for... But showing up for press conferences is one thing. Yeah, but I don't think...
Starting point is 03:00:01 She could have fought because they said they had anticipated for her to come back at UFC 200. They wanted that. And Dana said she could have, but should she? She could have, but should she? Well, I think the could have and should she was because she had to do a movie for three months. So like doing the movie for three months would have taken three months outside of her camp. And you've done a movie before.
Starting point is 03:00:23 You know what it's like. You're on the set all day. It's 16-hour days. days it's long and grueling you don't have time to train yeah but after a loss like that i think you really have to have enough time to actually focus and then on top of that to getting getting flatlined like that like you have to have a some time to recover to recover your head yeah absolutely i just don't know if a year that would, I'm just saying that would crush me. I wouldn't be able to do what she's doing right now. Right. I wouldn't physically be able to like, to deal with that for a year.
Starting point is 03:00:53 And if I had to, I think it would eat me alive. Like I think I'd be so depressed and so. I'm pretty sure it's eating her alive too. Yeah. But how do you sit on it for a year then? How do you do that? Do what you got to do. Can't. I couldn't. Well, you how do you sit on it for a year then? How do you do that? Do what you got to do. Can't, I couldn't. Well, you know, it's all speculation. We only, we don't know until
Starting point is 03:01:09 she comes back. And then, but the other thing too is like, you know, she's like, you know, she had her, you know, her downs, her, her really, really low, which I empathize with. I've been there. Um, you know, but then she said, you know, I was thinking about, you know, these, all these negative thoughts. And, and, um, then I looked up on the, she said this on the Ellen show. I looked up and I saw Travis Brown and I realized, you know, I've got to stick around to have his babies. And I thought like, well, what went through my mind is like, I got to get back and get my title back.
Starting point is 03:01:38 I got to get back and like win a fight. Like it, it just seemed like her mindset was different than what I would expect a fighter's mindset to be. Does that make sense at all? What I'm saying is like it didn't seem like her motivation was to fight and win. Again, there was other things. Now, I'm not saying she's not going to come back and be great or come back and fight. I'm not questioning that.
Starting point is 03:02:01 I'm questioning where her true motivation is coming from. Because I think while she was winning, it was so awesome. Like she's like, well, yeah, I want to keep doing this. Of course I want to keep, I keep crushing girls. I'm demolishing them. I'm a star. All these great things are coming. Now she already has that. She's already making movies. She already has millions of millions of dollars. Is her true motivation? Was it just, you know, keeping that undefeated streak? Because she talked about that so much. You know, I will retire undefeated. And then she even said, like, I don't, you know, I'm questioning what am I doing now? Like, you know, now I'm not going to ever retire undefeated. So what is my, you know, maybe I'm meant for this. Maybe she doesn't really know. That was her identity was like, to be undefeated in this sport. So if that's not the goal anymore, I just don't know. Like, I feel like I sent something off. I sent something is not right in her mindset.
Starting point is 03:02:53 And I think she's going to come back and I think she's going to fight. I think she'll fight hard. But I just don't know if she still has it after a brutal loss like that. You know, is she still hungry enough? Those are fighting words. Is she hungry enough? That's the question. What you're doing right now is you're throwing up the bat signal, right?
Starting point is 03:03:15 Yeah. Well, that's how I feel. You're laying it down. Man, I get a lot of shit because people are like, oh, you know, I don't apologize for anything that I say, unless I really say it's something that I didn't mean to say that was hurtful to someone. I'm like, I fucked up. But honestly, if it's my opinion, it's my opinion.
Starting point is 03:03:29 If you don't like it, I'm not going to apologize for my opinion. No, I don't think you should. I'm going to apologize for anything that I have to say about the way I feel about Rhonda, the way I feel about any of these situations. So I'm going to be as transparent as I am. I don't think you're saying anything disrespectful either. And I don't think you're saying anything you should. And I don't think you're saying anything you should. I think as a champion, and that's what you are, you're analyzing someone's mindset and you're totally entitled to that.
Starting point is 03:03:54 Yeah. And I have a lot of respect for Rhonda as an athlete. You know, a lot. You guys think you'll ever be friends after all said and done? No. Never? I don't think so. No?
Starting point is 03:04:03 No. I think she thinks that i've done so many things and like i don't think she would ever i think she blames me for things that i didn't even do so i mean how do you even get around that right you know like i heard when you guys did your interview she said something like that i called a promotion and like tried to get chris beal like um mess with him before like his fight or something that that I guess he I guess he was contracted to another promotion and he wasn't supposed to be while he was on the ultimate fighter and I guess that Dana received a call and then they thought
Starting point is 03:04:35 that I she thought that I like did that I'm like first of like first of all like I didn't even know he signed to another organization at all and if he you know like if he was it didn't even wouldn't have even crossed my mind like I'm too like you said I'm too easygoing to even think of something like that and I'm not malicious by any means I have nothing against Chris Beal but I think she thought that I tried to like mess with him like I called the promoter of whatever organization little small contract Don't even know how I would have known that. Right. How would you even know that? How do you know? But this is the same girl that ripped Paige for, for congratulating Holly. Like she has her way of thinking and she's going to hate me
Starting point is 03:05:15 until the day she dies. And I'm okay with that. That's fine. We don't need to be friends. That's okay. You know, I'm perfectly fine with that. All right. Yeah. Well, listen. Congratulations on everything. What you did in that Holly Holm fight was fucking amazing. It's awesome.
Starting point is 03:05:34 Thank you. And I think you're a great representative for women's martial arts, for martial arts period. But as a champion, I think you are a great representative. Just your personality, the way you carry yourself is very admirable. And I think you're a great role model for people that are coming up and looking at what a champion behaves like. I appreciate it, Joe. Thank you. Very kind words.
Starting point is 03:05:53 Thanks for being on the podcast, too. Thanks for hanging out. Thanks for finally having me. It was a lot of fun. Anytime. Let's do it again. Did my fans finally bother you enough to get me on here? People bother me constantly.
Starting point is 03:06:01 There's nothing I can do. I only have so much time. Thank you very much, Misha. For sure. Alright, folks. We'll be back Friday with Ian Edwards. See you then.

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