The Joe Rogan Experience - #799 - Brendan Schaub & Bryan Callen

Episode Date: May 16, 2016

Brendan Schaub is a mixed martial artist and also a former college & pro football player. Bryan Callen is an actor and stand-up comedian. Together they host "The Fighter & The Kid." ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are live! That better be the black bottle, too. We're discussing how annoying it is. I listened to the podcast, an episode that I did with Whitney Cummings. I was listening to it because I had the long drive back from Irvine, and I realized how annoying it is. I'm always clearing my throat. I was telling Jamie he makes the best butter coffee,
Starting point is 00:00:23 but it's a stout batch, and it gives you a lot of ahem. A lot of butter, son. Yeah, it's good, though. Tastes goddamn good. It's delicious. I'm wired right now. It's like a hug. It's like a coffee hug.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Tate says about coffee. Tate from Caveman Coffee. Warm coffee. He says it's like a warm hug. That's what it is. I was with Keith Jardine. I kind of ran into him at the airport. And we were somewhere. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And he said, you've got to follow me. And I was like, what? He goes, just follow me. There's a very special coffee place here. And literally, I'm like, OK, I don't know where I'm going. And we walked like a mile. Like, you know, one of those airports. Brings me to his place.
Starting point is 00:00:59 He goes, this is the one place they have very good coffee. You know, he talks kind of like, really kind of. And they were closing, and he said, do you mind staying open just a little bit longer? And the guy was like, looked at his ears, he's like, I suppose. He goes, thank you. We'll have a couple of these coffees, please.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Guy pours us the coffees. And then it was just so funny to watch this brute of a man sip the coffee with such detail and break down the taste. He's like, a lot of citrus in this. It sounds like you're about to get raped. I know. It sounds like this conversation at all. Well, then I felt it. Yeah, Brian. No, but then I Just suck this. Come with me. I don't really
Starting point is 00:01:32 want to. Just come with me. Just get over here. Can you stay open? We don't really want to. Just stay open. This is weird. Sit down. It sounds like he's a bully. Sit down. I'm going to talk to you about something nobody gives a fuck about. The flavor of coffee. I want you to smell my breath after I drink it and get a little closer to my mouth. There it is.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Now, let's go ahead and drink deeply of my lips. No, for real, though, Keith loves coffee. He's a smart dude. He's a very smart dude. And he loves to go to coffee shops. I remember when we were training together, we'd get done training and he would take off to a bookstore or a coffee shop, put on his glasses and just read and sip coffee it's like damn i love it yeah he's a smart dude he's a very misunderstood guy keith
Starting point is 00:02:11 jardine soft-spoken nicest guy of all time yeah yeah if you got a problem with keith jardine you might be a piece of shit that's right you got a problem with all of us yeah how is it even possible he's so nice yeah he's just just very unusual, interesting, humble guy who fucking loves coffee. As does Tate. Tate loves the shit. Tate drinks too much. Tate will sit here and we'll do a podcast together. The motherfucker will down four nitros.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Jesus. Each nitro is 270 milligrams of caffeine. Dude, we were in his club. Where were we at? In Texas? In Dallas? We were at one of his clubs. We had our after party.
Starting point is 00:02:46 The honky tonk place? Yeah, something like that. And he goes, bro, I have four kegs of nitro. I was like, it's one in the morning. What the hell are we supposed to do with it? You go all night, man. You don't understand. He's sober.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Dead sober. Dead sober. And he'll use a lot of butter in that beard. He'll use a lot of butter in that beard. And he's not above grabbing me about the waist and pulling me right into his lap. Yeah. And I'm just like, I'm sitting in your lap right now, and I'm afraid to move out of the way. He smells like a bookstore.
Starting point is 00:03:14 He has like a unique smell. Like a hippie bookstore. Yeah, like wax and BO. You call it tattered cover books. You call it BO. I call it possibility. It's a weird vibe. He tattered cover books. You call it B.O., I call it possibility. It's a weird vibe. He smells like Woodstock.
Starting point is 00:03:29 But see, a lot of those dudes that are sober, and you know I love Keith, not Keith, Tate to death. I love both of them, but I love Tate to death. Tate's my brother. I love that guy. A lot of the Alcoholics Anonymous guys, any sobriety guys,
Starting point is 00:03:43 they drink a lot of coffee. A lot of coffee. That's where they're getting their, they're just getting a little charge, a manageable charge that doesn't fuck up your life, but it gives you a little. They like it. Some of them like cigarettes, unfortunately. Yeah. Coffee and cigarettes together for alcoholics.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Like, boys, I don't know if you're doing, I mean, I guess you're not ruining your life in terms of decision making with the cigarettes like you would be with the booze you're messing your body up though more right still a nicotine Arguably more it's replacing one addiction for another yeah, I don't know it depends on how much your booze and though right I bet you could kill yourself. Well you could definitely kill yourself in one night with booze right and you can't do that with cigarettes No, so I guess it's more toxic a lot of those addicts become like marathon runners because the endorphins they get from running long, it's the same thing. So they get all skinny. I was with Joe Schilling yesterday, and it's just so cool to watch that guy just light up to be just a world champion kickboxer and then just smoke a cigarette once in a while.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's just like I'm so fucking – tobacco doesn't fucking fuck with me, man. I'll kick cancer in its ass. I was like, how long have you been smoking? He goes, since I was 12. Yeah, it's unfortunate because I think it slows him down a little bit. Joe's awesome even with it, but I definitely think it's a performance detriment. It just is. If a sport relies on cardio as a huge factor, why would you personally limit one of the biggest factors you could i mean
Starting point is 00:05:08 you can mitigate it somewhat with hard training and a healthy lifestyle and you know moderation only smoke a few days you can mitigate it but think about a sport where people are trying so hard for little tiny fucking bumps of improvement at that level yeah yeah i'm talking about one percent yeah it's your world champion like sometimes hold on is there a difference between little tiny fucking bumps of improvement. At that level, yeah. Yeah. Talking about 1% makes you a world champion. Sometimes, though. Hold on. Is there a difference between
Starting point is 00:05:29 the amount of decrease in performance you would get from smoking cigarettes versus the amount of increase in performance you can get from taking some things? Like, what's this shit they keep getting popped with? The Russian boxer just got popped.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And the blood dope. Melodium. Melodium, yeah. What is it called? Jamie, see if you can find that, please. I think it's called Melonium. Is it like a version of EPO? Like it raises your red blood cells?
Starting point is 00:05:51 Novitsky explained it to me, but a lot of Russian guys are getting caught with it. All of them. Well, this is so cheating. But here's the thing. This is what's important. It was legal until December. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:01 But going back to Joe Schilling, this is my only, and I don't advocate smoking ever, right? Family members die from it, cancer, all that stuff. But with Joe Schilling, a guy like that, if he smokes every now and then, I don't know how often he's smoking, but if he's smoking cigarettes and it allows him to be more free and creative inside the ring, it's almost helping him. How could cigarettes rely on him to be more creative? Maybe it calms his nerves. He's been doing it for so long. It's a ritual for him. So it's almost the same thing with Jon Jones.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Man, you can smoke a little weed and still be world champion, the best man on the planet. We don't have to take all this away and you gotta wear dockers and act like you're God's child. You know what I'm saying? Well, I've seen people who have to be very, very specific and correct and intense in something.
Starting point is 00:06:50 A lot of times the way they manage that stress, the stress of competition, the stress of living up to expectations is they have one vice. They typically will give themselves a recess. Most don't. Whether that's smoking, girls, whatever it might be, human beings tend to do that more than they don't. Most athletes don't. And I would say that was my biggest problem was everything
Starting point is 00:07:10 had to be mapped out, had to be written out, plan for plan, minute by minute. And if anything went wrong, I freaked out. And I always wish I was more of that maverick Joe Schilling, maybe have a cigarette, maybe go crash a Bentley with hookers and cocaine. But don't you think that that's maybe like the cigarettes aren't necessary.
Starting point is 00:07:27 It's the attitude behind the choice to make cigarettes part of your life. Correct. That's what's necessary. That was made, though, when he was much younger. Yeah, but he doesn't have to continue that pattern. No, he's a smart guy. He doesn't smoke a lot. Like, I noticed that.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I know. We've talked about it. And I know he's tried to stop. I mean, he's tried to stop. Here's my feeling. If you try to stop something, it means you want to stop something. So if you try to stop and then you don't stop, that means it beat your ass. Like that is an important part of your life where you can win.
Starting point is 00:07:58 You're in a competition with yourself and you can win and you don't. This is my feeling about this. And I'm not trying to be hard on people, but I think this is an important distinction. When you fail yourself, when you decide to yourself that you're going to take care of something and you're going to kick an addiction, you're going to do something
Starting point is 00:08:13 and you don't do it, you don't like yourself as much. It's one of the most important things about accomplishments and about overcoming bad things in your life. If you have something you're doing, like smoking cigarettes, and you don't kick it, you won't respect yourself the same. The only thing I would say, though, is that sometimes liking yourself isn't so important
Starting point is 00:08:36 for accomplishing great things. There are a lot of people that... Well, it's for happiness. Well, yes, yes. But sometimes happiness can be the great stopper. You know, it's like Harriet Dore, when she won the Book Award, they said, were you happy being a housewife for 35 years? And she said, why would anybody who's happy write a book? I'm not saying that you have to be suffering. But a lot of times I don't know that being satisfied, having peace of mind and even being happy, which, of course, we all are striving for. even being happy, which of course we all are striving for, sometimes that can be a hindrance to what got you where you are in the first place. And I'm speaking primarily, a lot of them,
Starting point is 00:09:12 a lot of them, great books, screenplays, films made by smokers. And so in that sense, but when it comes to addiction, one of the things that they found that's way easier to deal with. So a lot of people say, well, you stop smoking because it will kill you or stop smoking because it makes no sense or stop smoking because you're not disciplined. That tends to not – that might work for a short period of time, but people always go back to their set point. And what does work better – Well, I don't think you should say always because a lot of people quit. They do. people quit. They do. But what, what, what helps with quitting from what I have read and what I've talked to and even in my own experience is that you have to start associating the act of smoking
Starting point is 00:09:52 or whatever your vice might be with something negative and associating and even feeling the difference. It's, I always say about people who want to get in shape. If you could feel, if people are out of shape and eat a lot and eat shitty food, if they could feel how much better they feel. I'm just talking about the pleasure principle. If they could feel what it's like to be in shape, I think they'd have an easier time going over that direction. The road to get there, though, you won't realize how good you feel smoking. I mean, the withdrawals and all. It's going to take forever to get through that point.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So that's a hard point to argue. So it's going to take forever, man, to get through that point. So that's a hard point to argue. And I don't, you know, obviously I've never smoked. So it's getting in shape. But some people who have smoked, like Ari said, like to this day, he quit years ago. But he said he still gets an itch. Like he'll see people smoking and he'll go, God, that looks good. Like it is a powerful, powerful drug. If a guy like Schilling can't kick it. I agree.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I don't think he wants to bad enough. But also with this keto diet, I stopped all sugar. I can walk by mrs fields don't bring me by mrs fields that will freak the fuck out good so it's back now because for a while you were saying you don't even you don't even crave it's only if i go by mrs fields like i was at the mall with my brother and i was literally like oh dang son don't let me i take my wallet here wallet. Yeah. Well, you know what causes more of it? If you go into the mentality of scarcity. So if you start thinking this is the last cookie on the planet, you're going to go for it. It slows your metabolism down.
Starting point is 00:11:14 You know, when you start going into scarcity mode, that's one of the things that they say about people that were incorrectly starving themselves. Like they'll have like little tiny portions of carbs and, you know and then your body's like what the fuck are you doing and your body slows down because it's worried about losing resources because no food's coming in right yeah you can actually fuck with yeah your metabolism slows down it's like we better hang on to this shit the only way like fasting is good is when your body's in ketosis because then your body just starts burning fat the fucked up thing about addictions is that this uh evolutionary biologist his name is Skesman, was talking about how the fact that if like an addictive mindset, people who are extreme, who need a lot of food, for example, whatever, that kind of mindset actually served our ancestors. cavemen the idea of finding pinpointing what you want which is that deer and running after it for three days until it you know falls over and that that need that sort of reptilian brain yes well it's the problem is when you take away the fact that you have to chase a deer for three three days
Starting point is 00:12:17 you that that we still have a lot of that reptilian sort of caveman mentality and the most successful people in those societies now will tend to be the same people that have the same insane drive to get you know do all the cocaine or eat all the food or drink all the alcohol or or they they're or they're addictive to to working out or to their sport and then those people most time those those you know these people joe those and so do you those world those elite of the time, you know these people, Joe. And so do you. Those world, those elite of the elite, the one percenters,
Starting point is 00:12:48 they're not the funs to hang out with. Some of them are not. But a guy like Michael Jordan, they used to say that Michael Jordan, if you beat him playing ping pong,
Starting point is 00:12:55 he wouldn't talk to you for two weeks. That's right. Like he would fucking be angry at you and pissed at you. Those people aren't fun to hang out with.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah, and that's what produces that intense level of focus that creates a guy like a Michael Jordan They also don't like themselves though. There's a little bit of that in there But I think the question becomes like do you want to be happy? Do you want to be healthy or do you just want to be successful? Like do you want to be like some miserable person? It's laden with addictions that you may or may not be managing
Starting point is 00:13:20 But that is creating some success like in the form of art, like maybe music or something like that. I think a lot of musicians, there's an argument for that versus like, I bet Nickelback eat a lot of vegan food. Look, man, I took- I bet they drink fresh spring water. I bet they get up early and do yoga. Dude, they get so much shit.
Starting point is 00:13:40 They drop some hits though, man. They have some songs I enjoy hearing. Me too. They have that one, there's that one song that everybody has sung. Which one? They have one jam. But listen, no, no, no. It's the theme, the rock star song.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Like, I'm a rock star. Like, there's like the fucking, my favorite version is the Cypress Hill version. Yeah. You wanna be a rock star? Like, to be a real version? That's the shit, right? Yeah. That's the best version of it.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Nickelback superstars. But Nickelback's got, they got their own version of it. It right That's the best version of it Nickelback Superstar is the bomb But Nickelback's got They got their own version of it It's one of those Never heard it And it's a good song unfortunately I'd love a sample of that
Starting point is 00:14:13 I've never heard it Let's sample up I would love a sample It's not bad I'm with Roken on this Fuck anyone who doesn't like that Nickelback song Look I thought Here's
Starting point is 00:14:21 There is But there's something that I think We all recognize About what they did Is that there's some? There's something sort of disingenuous or something contrived or something, but it's still good. Let me see Why does everybody say it's a matter that I think is they're almost fake you know like there Yeah, and I can't be friends. I don't think they're fake at all. You know what I think, man?
Starting point is 00:14:45 They're just tools. They're successful, and I think a lot of dumb people like them. It's not that they're not good. I think they are good. I think that you get associated with some of your fans. There's that. And someone started picking on them and using them as a punchline. And then it became that punchline.
Starting point is 00:15:04 It catches fire. They are not as, like, look at all the bad musical artists. And I say bad, obviously taste is subjective, and I'm just talking about my opinion. Right. Which is my taste, for me. There's so much shit out there.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But people love it. And it doesn't become a punchline like Nickelback became a punchline. Just four white dudes jamming out. Michael a little too good. Michael Bolton was healthy. Fuck that. Michael Bolton was a little too healthy. Fuck that. Had some highlights.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Had some highlights. The affliction jeans and shit. Michael Bolton was talking about that. Michael Bolton was saying, I became a punchline. Michael Bolton was saying, I was just doing music, and all of a sudden, the right people started making fun of me. Wait, did you see the guy with the hair? Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And he said, people started making fun of me, and it just caught fire. No shit. I was just writing my music. Well, he had long hair, and he had a turtleneck on. Of course he made fun of me. and it just caught fire. No shit. I was just writing my music. Well, he had long hair, and he had a turtleneck on him. Of course he made fun of me. His voice isn't bad, though. His voice is good. There's some hair here.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Look at the hair. Oh, my goodness. No shit, my man. Look, Michael, you need a fucking mirror. Ask yourself, what have you given these people? He's on the come up, though. He's on the come up. I'm sure he is.
Starting point is 00:16:01 He's in those new commercials. He's talented. And he was on the Lonely Island video. He's back. He's funny. He's very talented, man.'s talented And he was on the Lonely Island video He's back He's funny He's very talented See but he's rocking normal hair now Upper left
Starting point is 00:16:08 Upper left Yeah he's back Handsome guy Yeah that's someone's dad That's perfect That's Caitlyn Jenner A little too much makeup But looks like Caitlyn Jenner
Starting point is 00:16:15 Short hair He's got teenage daughters You gotta go to his house And meet him You take his daughter to the prom I'd grab a beer with that guy Seems like a nice fella Yeah he does
Starting point is 00:16:23 He fixed the whole thing The hair thing was out of control That's right It's almost like the back And the bottom Was to distract you from the top Well don't you think It's like you had some
Starting point is 00:16:31 Weirdness going on The top was just like Weirdly cropped Just a hot mess Trust me There's a guy who's tried To disguise baldness before That's exactly what he's doing
Starting point is 00:16:39 But that's what guys See what happens to guys I've been there That's what happens with guys With guys If a dude is decorating himself A little too much, he becomes subversive. We all go, hey, man, what's the guy? The guy's got bracelets.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Why is he wearing bangles? And what's with the tiara? I can't. I don't know what the fuck is going on in there. Why is that? I walk into this room. Is he competing for too many girls? Native American deer skin outfits with the tassels.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And he's got a bear claw necklace. Yeah, get the fuck out of bear claw necklace And a medicine bag Filled with potpourri Get the fuck out of my face He better be a shaman He better be a masseuse And a good one How many bracelets can you have before you're an asshole
Starting point is 00:17:17 God that's a good question Do you have like a gang of those bracelets Unless you're fucking Chris Angel Unless you're Randy Couture Chris Angel's the easiest. Nope. Hey, Randy. Randy.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I love you, brother. No. Is he wearing a scarf and a tank top? You gotta make up your mind as to what the fuck's going on. It's fucking confusing, bro. Randy Couture?
Starting point is 00:17:38 What kind of weather are you expecting, sir? I don't know, but I'm ready, bitches. Hey, you know what? He gets away with it. He does. He gets a fucking free pass for everything. He can wear the bracelets. He can wear a scarf.
Starting point is 00:17:51 He can do no wrong. Great beard. What happened that made him say, I need this scarf? A stylist. Come on. Look, he's got another scarf. Stop for a second. This is Randy fucking Couture. Captain America. Multiple time world champion. One of the toughest guys that's ever Stop for a second. This is Randy fucking Couture. Captain America. Captain America.
Starting point is 00:18:05 With a scarf. I like it. Multiple time world champion. One of the toughest guys that's ever walked the face of the planet Earth. You don't need a stylist. Hollywood got to him and went, you know what would make you look better? Scarf. He needs us.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Can I be honest with you? He bought 50 of them. He needs us. I'm wearing a fucking scarf. He doesn't need a scarf. I'm going to get that scarf. I know you'd wear a scarf. You son of a bitch. Randy wears one, so why can't I?
Starting point is 00:18:25 Holy shit, why isn't there so many scarves? He likes scarves. The guy likes scarves. Yeah, he's been done with them. I don't understand. Maybe it's so if someone fucks with him, he takes it off and kills him with it. I don't know. Maybe he's just ready for a sandstorm at all times.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Maybe he's not really into geechokes. He's really into geechokes, but he thinks he'd be douchey to wear a black belt around his neck everywhere he goes. Legit point. I mean, legit point. He came to 10th Planet in between career. Like, before he came back and fought Tim Sylvia,
Starting point is 00:18:50 he came to 10th Planet and he did a grappling match with Jacare. Do you remember that? Wow. He had a grappling match with Jacare. Rico Ciapparelli,
Starting point is 00:18:58 who was probably one of the most important guys in the early days of MMA as far as incorporating wrestling and submissions. Rico was a huge asset to a lot of guys that were just starting out. And to this day,
Starting point is 00:19:14 has helped a lot of fighters. Like, Mac Danzig was working with Rico before he retired. And it was like his last few fights. And he was like, Rico is a fucking genius, man. He knows so much. And he was like one of is a fucking genius, man. He knows so much. And he was like one of the early guys that was like a wrestler that was tapping out black belts. He was like a really, really high-level wrestler.
Starting point is 00:19:33 In fact, he's in the Mark Schultz documentary, Foxcatcher. Mark Schultz wrestled him, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, he won. Well, Rico was NCAA champion. I believe he was an Olympic alternate. I'm not sure. But I know won. Well, Rico was NCAA champion. I believe he was an Olympic alternate. I'm not sure. But I know he was a super high-level wrestler. And then on top of that, super knowledgeable about submissions.
Starting point is 00:19:53 And he created a professional submission thing. Yeah, he's a monster. And so Randy fought Jacare in this professional submission thing. He's so strong. Jacare tried to leg lock him. He had his leg. He couldn't fucking straighten it out. Randy's just doing like leg curls.
Starting point is 00:20:07 He could not straighten it. Captain America, son. He's got these like grappler strength from like hundreds of years of squeezing things. Bro, before he fought Lyoto Machida in Toronto, it's the week of the fight. I'm there doing an appearance for UFC. And I see Randy in the hotel. I've maybe met him once before. He goes, hey, man, you're a good striker.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I need you to help me tonight. This is the night before the fight. I'm like, huh? He goes, I need you to help me. Okay. He had some gym, extreme coutures in Toronto. We jump in, two Hummers. Where they got him, I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Drive to this location, far as hell. I'm like, what the hell am I going to do? And so the night before the fight, he's doing rounds, son. You know how most guys just do like, you know, he's already made weight. You know how most guys just kind of break their wind and loosen up? Oh, not Captain America. Oh, no, he had all his coaches there, and his striking coach couldn't get into the country for whatever reason. So they had old Big Brown here hold mitts for him.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I don't hold mitts. I hit mitts. I don't know if they know that. I don't fucking hold mitts. But they're like, we need you to stand southpaw. And every minute, a new guy's going to rotate in on Randy for five rounds. I was like, the night before the fight? But it's Randy Couture.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I'm like, fuck it. I'm going to do what this guy says. So his coach would go on. Different guys would go and be different situations and i'm trying to hold mitts mind you i've never i don't hold mitts i have to stand southpaw like a little machida oh and randy isn't hitting them like just feeling out this dude fucked me up i mean boom hit me in the chin the nose bloody nose pick me up slam me And I'm supposed to just let him do whatever he wants. This dude fucked me up. Every round, I'm like, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:21:50 So he wants you to hit pads and then shoot doubles. And he's going to shoot doubles on you and take you down and hit you as well? Yeah, he was doing this setup where he would, it was like a straight right, left hook. And then he'd get in on a single leg. And I was like, God, man, when you're coming in strike and I feel like you're open for it because the his setup again I don't know rain I didn't train with him before that so I didn't feel like I was in the position to say anything but I was a guy feel like you're open yourself up with Leota man he's not gonna be there like you're coming
Starting point is 00:22:17 straight at him he's not gonna be there I told his coach that I'm like no he got this you know he's been there before I was like yeah for sure it's raining couture pan watching the fight couture tooth see ya yeah yeah he got knocked out i thought he was gonna get on the mic i'm like way to go shab you son of a bitch jumping jumping front kick is what i think it was yes exactly it was i was in toronto that was the biggest event ever how about how about what jacare did to uh vitor this weekend? Damn. Yeah, he's a monster. I don't think that was very surprising, though. Well, this is the Vitor you're looking at. This Vitor that you're looking at right now is a Vitor with diminished hormone levels.
Starting point is 00:22:56 He's 39 off TRT. What do you think was going to happen? His legs look so skinny, and his ass wasn't there anymore. You can't. There's only so much your body can do if you're not supplementing your hormones after a certain age. And when you see guys that fucked with steroids most of their life and then tried to operate off of them, you have real problems just kick-starting your endocrine system. Except for our boy, Overeem. I'm not going to say, testing, what's up?
Starting point is 00:23:24 Well, he's figured out a way to get down to 240 pounds. He's younger a little bit than Vitor, first of all. But he's figured out a way to get down to 240. And maybe he doesn't have as much power. Well, I think what he's realizing now is technically, like as a striker, he is at a fucking very high level. He's more technical than anyone in the UFC. Donald Trump has made mistakes. He's made mistakes in anyone in the UFC. Donald Cerrone was saying that. He's made mistakes in some of his fights.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Mistakes in his approaches. Mistakes in how big he tried to be or running out of gas like in the Travis Brown fight when Travis caught him with that front kick to the face. He would try to finish guys off and if he didn't finish that guys off, he'd kind of be fucked. And now he's relying on skills. It was also with Winklejohn.
Starting point is 00:24:08 That fucking Jackson team, man. There's a lot of great people for him to train with he's relying on skills i'm just saying now that he's one of the guys where you see drug testing kick in and obviously he looks completely different yeah but now he has to adapt the way he fights he has more skills in in the heavyweight division than anyone else when it comes striking a k1 champion it's not even close. Grand Prix. He won the Grand Prix. Not even fucking close. He's beating the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Don Cerrone was saying that his technique is so fun to watch, and Donald will spar with him and says he just learns watching the guy. But this is what I'm saying, is he's a guy where this strict drug testing kicks in. You can see a physical change, and he's still doing well. Well, he's better. He's better. He fights more cautiously, doesn't he? Yes. He's fighting really smart. I say smarter not cautiously way smarter because he
Starting point is 00:24:48 used to come in like a meathead because he had so much power yeah exactly and that allowed him to get clipped and i think that when you're seeing him fight now like especially perfect example is junior dos santos like he knocked junior dos santos out a lot of people like god maybe juniors maybe he's done you know maybe he's just not the same anymore. Then Junior comes back and fights Ben Rothwell and looks better than he's ever looked. Junior looked fantastic, and then you realize, oh, Overeem's fucking
Starting point is 00:25:13 good. He's good. Explain to me why Grand Prix K-1 champion is just so much better. It's the biggest of the big of all, especially at the time when he did it. It doesn't exist anymore, but at the time when he did it. It doesn't exist anymore. Right. But at the time when he won it, it was Badr Hari, Gokhan Saki, the fucking best of the best. Peter Ertz.
Starting point is 00:25:32 These guys that won it. The guys that were there. Koukou, Badr Hari. I mean. And he won it. And he won. Jerome LeBanner, Ernesto Hoos. When you go back to the history of K-1, god damn, Andy Hoog.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Some of the greatest strikers of all time. The most entertaining, exciting, wild, crazy fights between heavyweights. And they would knock each other out all the time. All the time. Peter Arp, Sam Schilt. I mean, you got some monsters, man. Oh, my God. Sammy Schilt, good luck trying to get in on that guy.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Seven feet tall. Could kick. Kiel Kishin. And he would front kick the shit out of you. How the fuck did he not play professional basketball Well dude he was such a good kickboxer I just wish there was more money in kickboxing Especially back then
Starting point is 00:26:10 Do you remember when Karatanov took him down And mounted him and just punched him in his same eye Over and over again and he was screaming You bet your sweet ass that dude That was one of the most disturbing Like finishes Of a fight. Kara Tonoff took Semmy Schilt down, got on top of him. Kara Tonoff was a monster.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Scared the shit out of me. He was very scary. Because some Russian military dude. And he was beating Semmy Schilt like he was torturing a prisoner. Like, I'm not even kidding, man. He isolated him, got on top of him, pinned him down, and then kept hitting him in his cut eye. The same eye, though. Yeah, the same eye.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Just hitting the same eye. And Semmy Schilt was just screaming at one point. Prisoner of war style. Yeah. Like, he had some info that fucking boy needed. It wasn't good, man. It wasn't good. There was something crazy about it.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Oh, no. It was like, whoa. Then he came into Strikeforce and did work, too. Well, we thought Orlovsky was done after he smushed Orlovsky. Remember? I mean, he straight
Starting point is 00:27:11 murked Orlovsky. I mean, he's a K-1 striker. Karatanov's a beast. It's a whole different thing. I mean, he's not the best of K-1. You know, he gets beat by the best guys in K-1,
Starting point is 00:27:20 but he's at a super high level. His striking is no fucking joke. For MMA, it was really good, too, because he did a lot of box and had good defense beat the fuck out of over him Fuck out of over him knocked him outstanding. So so cracked him had him running away from him Running away from him and then he folds against and then when they bought strike horse. They just never moved him over Yeah, I guess not I wonder what happened. I think he had some injuries for a while too I believe I believe he had some You know
Starting point is 00:27:45 Some issues And he gained a lot of weight Because of it Remember he got like Real heavy Yeah because he lost In the heavyweight grand prix That DC won
Starting point is 00:27:53 Remember that He was in that And he lost What do you think Is going to happen I want to say Barnett Huh And Barnett beat him
Starting point is 00:28:01 Am I right on that Jimmy Am I going crazy I don't remember that fight What do you think Is going to happen when Stipe fights Overeem? That's next, I think, 100%. Because if you look at it, they're scheduling two. They both fought around the same time. Overeem's next.
Starting point is 00:28:17 He's won four in a row. He's the guy for the job. They're both there. I think you have to wait until Travis Brown fights Cain Velasquez. I do. But this is my thought. Cain Velasquez, if he beats Travis Brown in some spectacular way, they're going to be calling for him to fight for the title.
Starting point is 00:28:33 That's the toughest fight, I think, for Miosic, only because Travis will be in his grill. Travis or Cain? I'm sorry, Cain. If Cain is in shape in that cardio thing and just in his grill, boxing, getting close, and wrestling, he's probably at least as good a wrestler or a better wrestler than Stipe. Kane is overwhelming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:55 As a person who's watched fighters. Not close? As a person who's watched fighters my whole life, like watching the UFC, all the thousands of fights, I've never seen a heavyweight that can put the kind of pressure on somebody that Kane can't. He's just different. His cardio is just different. It's crazy. It's like he's got double lungs.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I'm not even joking, man. I've been overwhelmed watching his fights. It could be an argument he's number one best heavyweight of all time. You could argue that. I do argue that. Oh, do you? People get mad at me. They say, Fedor's number one. Nah. Maybe. No, I don't think so. Look, I don't
Starting point is 00:29:29 I really think that you have to be open-minded about this number one debate. And I think until Verdum just got knocked out, Verdum is in the running for the debate. 100%. I mean, he submits Fedor. In his prime, really. Submits Minotauro. And I don't think Fedor was in his prime, though.
Starting point is 00:29:45 That's why I disagree. He was the first guy to do it. He was the first guy to do it when it was Fedor. And then after that, I was like, all right, big friend. He did get caught by Fedor. But I think he was already on the slide. He was, but there was still that kind of prestige of Fedor. Like, after he lost that, and then it's like, oh, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Yeah, we can make this work. But coaches. The reason why I'm saying this is coaches were saying that. Like after he lost that, and then it's like, oh, fuck it. Yeah, we can beat this guy. But Fedor caught him, though. The reason why I'm saying this is coaches were saying that. His own MMA coach, after he knocked out Brett Rogers, said that Fedor won with his old tricks, but he would have liked to have him for more time training. Sure. And he thinks he's not approaching it correctly, and he just won by being Fedor.
Starting point is 00:30:21 But he also caught Verdum with that old trick. He caught him, knocked him down, and then the mistake Fedor made was he jumped into his guard. But remember, he jumped in to pound him, but he caught him really, really well and knocked him down with the exact same timing that he did to everybody before that.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Maybe. Or maybe Verdum goes down on purpose the moment a punch hits him so he could drag you into his guard. He does do that too. Which he does. He's a smart guy. Verdum is a very smart guy. He didn't fight smart on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:30:54 He definitely did not fight smart. Why the fuck would you run face first? Because he got tagged. If you watch the stoppage, see if you can find the highlight. I'll show it to you because this is something that I wish somebody brought up during the actual commentary. He got tagged right before he got knocked out. He got tagged doing the same thing with the right hand. He moved forward.
Starting point is 00:31:13 He was making these advances. He moved forward. He got tagged with that right hand. And I think he was on Queer Street. And I think he went running at Stipe on Queer Street and got knocked the fuck out. And the way Stipe did it was a fucking work of art. The angle? It was like Anderson Silva and Forrest Griffin.
Starting point is 00:31:29 It was better. His angle was sick. Obviously his right hand was nasty. It's also Verdum did get hit early and in Verdum's training if you've seen him train there's this competition within that gym
Starting point is 00:31:46 when you get hit it's like oh gotta get him back i think it was more he gets hit and he's like a charging bull and was like fuck this man i think it's probably a little of both i agree because i definitely think he got cracked cracked and i'm like whoa that is a big right hand that he got hit with and it's in the same manner the same manner he right hand that he got hit with. And it's in the same manner. The same manner. He's charging forward. He got hit. That's how Aldo got knocked out against McGregor. You got to be fucking real careful charging forward. It makes the punch harder. It makes the punch harder.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Because, you know, Stipe's knocked out some great guys. But he's not a knockout artist per se. If you compare him to like a Mark Hunt or Roy Nelson, he's not a knockout artist. When a guy's charging in like that and then you're countering with right hand, it makes it seem way worse. Well, here's my take on Stipe's power. I think Stipe has big power, but I think he fights economically and intelligently.
Starting point is 00:32:34 He's a smooth fighter. A good boxer. He's a very good boxer, golden gloves boxer, but he's smooth and relaxed in the way he spars. It's one of the things that makes him so dangerous is he does things very correctly. The way he spars. It's one of the things that makes him so dangerous. He does things very correctly.
Starting point is 00:32:45 You know? And I think, you know, DC was on the commentary for the UFC recently. He was talking about getting the rub. You know? He was talking about that experience when you have a tough fight with someone. You get the rub. And he fought Junior Dos Santos. And they went to war.
Starting point is 00:33:00 What do you mean rub? This is what I mean. What he was saying is like Daniel says, when you fight someone that's really good and they're better than you, even if you lose, it elevates you. You get the rub. Just by sharing the ring with them, just by being in that ring, by competing with them, you realize how good you are. You actually get better. And you realize how good that person is. I think he got the rub when he fought Junior Dos Santos in a way because he went five rounds with a guy who was one of the toughest of the tough.
Starting point is 00:33:27 A guy who was a champion who knocked out Cain Velasquez with one punch. And he went five hard rounds with him. And the decision could have went either way. And took his best shots. Yeah. And I also think, to go back to DC's point and your point with the rub, I think at the UFC level,
Starting point is 00:33:41 especially when you're getting that top echelon, you know you're good and people are telling you you're good. But when he beat Orlovsky, he starched him. You don't learn much from that man. When you go up to a decision with a world-class guy, then you know. You're doing something right. You're camp.
Starting point is 00:33:55 You're doing it right. You had good gas. You realize what works, what doesn't. So you learn so much more. And he's going to, like you said, war with JDS. And we see him getting better and better. Well, what's really interesting now is here's the dark horse that nobody talks about. Stefan Struve is only 28 years old.
Starting point is 00:34:13 That fucking dude is gigantic. He's seven feet tall. And if he could put it together, and he put it together on Bigfoot Silver the other night, knocked him out. I know the guy has a bunch of knockout losses. I know he does. But he knocked out Stipe. Struve knocked out Stipe. That was his only loss in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Dude, Struve, do not count that guy out yet. Struve did an inside leg kick and then knocked him out. He's got that heart issue and stuff. Well, I don't know what he's got going on physically. But I'm saying that kid, if he puts it all together, when you're seven feet tall, how long does it take before you even get coordinated?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Right. I mean, it's like you're sending a message and it's got to go so far before it gets to your fucking hand. Yeah. And then, I mean, have you fought, you fought guys are super tall, like Jack May and those guys. I mean, yeah, but like the thing is, is steep. A would be, or not steep.
Starting point is 00:35:04 A strew would be such a fricking handful if he could learn to use his reach. But guys like Roy Nelson, when you get these upper echelon guys, nothing against Bigfoot, but off TRT or whatever, because he actually needs it, off it. I think anyone in the top 20 kind of fucks him up. But with Struve, the real test would be who they give him next. Well, Struve got fucked up by Overeem. And Overeem, that was a super intelligent fight the way he fought it. He took him down, beautiful takedown, got on top of him, just ground and pounded the shit out of him.
Starting point is 00:35:33 The other thing about Struve is you've got to realize that kid has, I think, 40 fights. Yeah. He has a shitload of miles on him. Wow. And he doesn't have a heart. And the mark, well, it's not that bad. No, I'm just kidding. I don't know what he's got.
Starting point is 00:35:45 What is the medical condition? I forget. We have the same manager, so he deals with it all the time. That Mark Hunt knockout. Jesus Christ. Mark Hunt with that leaping left hook. Shattered his face. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Mark Hunt hit so fucking hard. You've been caged, so I'd seen that, right? It's fast, too. He's so fast. Yeah, he's a beast. I think if Stipe can get... I'm curious to see if Stipe can get, I'm curious to see if Stipe can get within
Starting point is 00:36:07 boxing distance of Alistair and take away any of those kicks and how he sets it up. That's going to be interesting. Alistair can box, man. He can, huh? Oh yeah, for sure. Better than Stipe. I'm not going to tell you. Knocked out Junior with one punch. He's the best striker in the
Starting point is 00:36:23 UFC heavyweight division, maybe of all time. So Stipe then is going to have to close that distance and box him, right? Not necessarily, no. Stipe could crack him. Look, Ben Rothwell knocked him out in the first round. Stipe has better footwork. Anything can happen. He has better footwork.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Alistair's been stopped a lot of times. His chin's the question. This is the other thing people forget with Alistair. That motherfucker can grapple. Oh, yeah. He can wrestle and grapple his ass off. So you want to go to the ground with him, you're going to be in a world of trouble. Well, he won the Abu Dhabi European Trials.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And in Pride, he submitted Vitor. He also submitted Mark Hunt. He has a nasty guillotine, dude. His guillotine is super, super deft. People always forget about the thing of just as a striker, but you want to go to the ground with that dude. I don't think Stipe has a lot of submission work under his belt. So Stipe and I trained for two years together. That kid has submission defense.
Starting point is 00:37:09 So you know how Rashad has his black belt? If you ask Rashad to show you like a real specific offensive move, I don't think it's that black belt level, but his defense. And Stipe's defense is nasty, super nasty. It's just what he's really good at defense. He's a very smart athlete. Yeah. Very good athlete.
Starting point is 00:37:30 When you have a guy who could probably be a professional ball player, right? With Stipe? He could probably be a professional ball player. He didn't make it. Yeah, he didn't make it, but he's at this level of an athlete. Now, what I'm saying is it's rare that you see a guy like that who comes over to MMA and fights like super technical, super smart, who's also really, really tough. He's also a firefighter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Professional. Full time. His head is the biggest head I've ever seen. It's a large head. Nicest guy of all time. He's a great guy, but he's got a rare set of attributes, meaning that he's at pro sports athlete level, as far as his ability, his movement, and his intelligence, and his approach, and his training. And then on top of that, he's tough as fuck.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Tough as they come. Just tough as fuck. In this fight, let me tell you something, dude. I watched this fight very carefully. And one of the things that I was noticing was like how calm he was through everything. Watch when they're staring each other down. One of the things you can really pay attention to is the shortness of the breathing. If you watch people breathing during like nervous situations, a lot of times, even if they look calm,
Starting point is 00:38:42 you can sort of see this uneasiness in the way they're taking in oxygen. You're sensing tension. You don't sense any of that shit looking at you. You know what's impressive, too, is he doesn't come from, like, a mastermind camp. No. It's just his boys in Cleveland. Well, he just might have a mastermind camp. I mean, there's a lot of masterminds out there that don't have the right pupils.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I'm saying he's not from, like, a Jackson's, a.k.a. ATT. He keeps his shit within cleveland it does work and then goes and be and then saves people from burning buildings who else is in that um that camp is it the girl style mma there's also isn't there uh is leslie smith from there no it's not raquel pennington right isn't it jessica i no it's just guy just guy um so they have tough fighters it's just like if a guy is like a really skillful trainer and, you know, you've only been doing it for a few years, you have to wait for the right guy to sort of walk through your door. Oh, yeah. It's all about them walking through the door.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I remember that was a big thing with Eddie Bravo. With Eddie Bravo, it took forever for him to find someone who could do his style and prove in in competition that it's very effective not just with him he had a unique style is that steve's brother or dad the guy with the mustache look at that guy with the mustache i don't know that guy's awesome though but you talk about steve being calm remember he's fighting right now that guy's not that old brian why are you calling that guy his dad looks like his older brother it's 35 his older brother i guarantee it's his older brother. 35. His older brother. I guarantee it's his older brother. Just some fucking thick dude. You know, Eddie Bravo had a real good point about this.
Starting point is 00:40:09 We were talking about it on the phone. He was like, Fabrizio looked too relaxed. He was coming up to the ring. He was making that face that he makes. What was that? I'm so sick of that face. Well, he's being funny. He's being silly.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I don't think there's anything wrong with a fighter trying to stay loose. I don't at all. You know, I think that's one of the things that Fabrizio does to have a good time. He likes to make that silly face. He's also been doing it forever, man. He likes it. He's the man. He's Fabrizio Verdum.
Starting point is 00:40:33 If he won the fight and made that face, no one would say a fucking word. If he went out there and head kicked Stipe Miocic, you know, no one would say a word. Yeah. But it didn't work out. So when it doesn't work out, that's when everybody comes shitting on you. Well, it's the same with Connor. With Connor and Nate. Connor's walking out like, hey.
Starting point is 00:40:50 How about Ronda Rousey? You know, same with Ronda. When Ronda lost, everybody's mad at all the shit that they loved her for. They loved her for don't be a do-nothing bitch and fuck you. I'm making it to the top. Kiss my ass. Yeah, now they hate her. And now they think she's arrogant for that.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Same with Connor. Of course. Oh, you with to the top. Kiss my ass. Now they hate her. Now they think she's arrogant for that. Same with Conor. Oh, you with your rich shit. He's in Venice right now, driving around Royals Royce. Look, I just you know, it's just what comes it's part of what people love about people bragging. They want to bring you down though, man. Look how loose
Starting point is 00:41:21 Stipe looks. Look how loose. I mean, he's fighting for the title. Nice loose look at that moves away he could have been argued he should have got title earlier too but he's like he's just such a nice guy and a lot of checking too a lot of good checking of kicks like his muay thai is very good a lot very educated with his movements and look fabricio's got some fucking nasty kicks, man And like right there, his striking is much improved We saw it in the Travis Brown fight, man Oh, Fabrizio's dangerous on the feet, man Yeah, the Cain Velasquez fight?
Starting point is 00:41:52 Dude, his striking is fucking legit He's long as shit And he's got confidence in it That nice switch kick there He's a beast, dude I think in order to be that dangerous of a fighter You're gonna have to open yourself up a little bit Then when you fight a real strategic guy like steep a you're gonna get a little bit of trouble
Starting point is 00:42:09 Well, I think what happened in this fight in particular is that he forced it. Yes. Thank yous in this gigantic soccer arena It's the biggest crowd in history in MMA in Brazil. Look at that beautiful leg kick though Yeah in Brazil. Look at that beautiful leg kick, though. Both of them, though. Yeah, the inside and the outside. Yeah, it's all nice. The technique is real nice. But I think Fabricio was just so ramped up because
Starting point is 00:42:31 there's all these people in Brazil, and I think he's a confident man. I think he thinks he's the fucking best in the world. He just has to get a hold of this dude. There's a right hand he nailed. That was a great right hand. Steve Bate can take a shot out. He can, but now look, he's forcing it. He's forcing it. Because he landed it. Yeah, so now he's Steepay can take a shot out. He can, but now look, he's forcing it. He's forcing it.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Because he landed it. Yeah, so watch when he starts to force it, he gets hit real hard and then he gets hit hard and knocked out. He tried that knee, he tries forward, and when, see,
Starting point is 00:42:57 he got a terrible single attempt there that was like such a You're not getting Steepay on that. He's a phenomenal wrestler. I mean, he might have been just trying to
Starting point is 00:43:03 make him work, or maybe open up possibilities. Like sometimes you drop for a single, a shitty single. I mean, he might have been just trying to make them work. Or maybe open up possibilities. Like sometimes you drop for a single. I think he's doing just to get his mind off of Justin. But Stipe's right in range, so he's not afraid to just be right in your grill here. He's not, though, B. He's not right in range. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:15 But he's real relaxed. Yeah. Like even the way he's throwing that jab. Top, top, top, top. Yeah. Like he's economical. And when you're economical in a five-round fight, it's super effective. Beautiful jab, man.
Starting point is 00:43:23 That was a very nice leg by Fabricio, but he's timing that jab and yeah great inside like and the jab also is super light like he's just Floating it out there pop. There's nice watch We that's when he Jeff's two he steps to the to the side there like that Like look at that job good. Oh, see how light that is to tap. You know, he's not there's no tension there You know I'm saying like it's like flowing you check that leg again nice leg kick by steep a nice switch So right now for me. She was realizing like okay. This is there you got an easy fight That's the one you're right right here bang That's the chaos now back it up again watch just just back it up
Starting point is 00:44:03 Just a little bit to where he's chasing him. So watch when he's chasing him. He got rocked. This video player is really... You're correct, though. You're right. I saw that. You're correct, though, Joe.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I didn't see that until... And he got mad and he came out. Yes. He got tagged hard with that right hand. That's right. And then he kept charging and then he got face planted with the second one. Wow. That first right hand had him on Queer Street. I guarantee you. Because he's moving forward and St he kept charging and then he got face planted with the second one Wow that that first right hand had him on queer Street
Starting point is 00:44:26 I guarantee you because he's moving forward and steep a drops it in on him And it's the same punch he knocked him out with and it's when when steep a throws a punch And this is how you know he's good at me obviously was fucking good But this is how you you know his techniques at a real high level his arm is like loose Mm-hmm, and then he throws, and then as it gets to his face, he tightens it down and does this. Smack! Like, as he's moving away, he smack!
Starting point is 00:44:52 Like, it's a super efficient, like, really technical punch to throw it that way, moving back. Pop! And in that sense, it's very much like what Anderson did to Forrest Griffin. It's also calculated, because he threw it twice. And they both land in there. You can tell they're working on that. So he threw the left hook twice.
Starting point is 00:45:11 The right hand. The right hand moving back. The check. Yeah, moving back. Moving back instead of power. Is he stepping to the side when he does that? He had to. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:19 But it doesn't even necessarily have to be that he planned it out and that was a part of the game plan. I think Stipe does that. I think he's a really good striker if you're looking at his movement and i think you're looking at a guy who's super fucking determined man steep a is super determined and when you're a guy that's that focused you're gonna get fucking really good at everything yeah so after he gets that fight look at that jab see that jab yeah it's like an uppercut it is too it's so like everything he's doing is so relaxed and efficient you don't see a lot of jab and that fight. Look at that jab. See that jab? See how fluid it is, too. It's like an uppercut jab. Everything he's doing is so relaxed and efficient.
Starting point is 00:45:48 You don't see a lot of jabs. Man, Fabrizio's catching it. You don't see a lot of jabs. My all-time favorite fighter, probably, if I had to tell you who I was most excited to see fight, is probably Vanderlei. There's the right hand. Boom. See that right hand? He's fucking hurt here. Yeah, he got mad.
Starting point is 00:46:02 He didn't just get mad. His legs jolted. You could see his legs stiffen up when he got hit by that first right hand. He got hurt. And then the second one face plants him. Stipe's a dangerous guy. I'm a world champ. He's not going to make mistakes. Hey, Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Let's get our boy a goddamn parade. No one wins shit in that town. No shit. Hey, LeBron. You want to jack every other UFC fighter? Yes. How about you tweet out about Stipe? Your boy's from your fucking hometown.
Starting point is 00:46:27 He jumped off the fence. He goes, I'm the world champ. I'm the new world champ. Yeah, man. It was like coming into his mind. Like, is this real information? Hey, LeBron. Did that just happen?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Did you step your fucking game up? Fucking yeah. I love it. I love that guy. Me too, man. I love him. I love what he stands for. I love watching him as a fighter. I love that he could do that. I love it. I love that guy. I do, man. I love him. I love what he stands for. I love watching him as a fighter.
Starting point is 00:46:46 I love that he could do that. I love it. I love that he did it in Brazil. Look at this. Me too. Watch this. Watch how efficient. Stooch.
Starting point is 00:46:53 See, it's like tank. Boom. Yeah, he just drops it in. To be able to time it that good, too. Look at this. Watch the timing. Stooch. Look at that timing, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:02 He pushes his hand away. World class. Yeah, dude. Pushes and then with the same hand. Did you see Overeem's tweet? Crack. Dude. Look at that timing, dude. He pushes his hand away. World class. Yeah, dude. Pushes and then put the same hand. Did you see Overeem? Look at this. Did you see Overeem's tweet? Crack.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah. Yeah, he wants to fight him. Yeah. Of course. He said, you're next. And he did that blood sport meme. Love it. See, that one showed both.
Starting point is 00:47:18 That highlight right there was the perfect highlight. Step to the right. Because it showed the first one, how much impact the first one had on him. The first punch was a big factor there, man. That first punch had him queered up. Unbelievable, man. So cool. I like that you can still say Queer Street and
Starting point is 00:47:33 you're not a homophobe. No, Queer Street's fun. It's just strange. You can't take that away from us. It's just strange. You're like what? Where am I? The heavyweight division's fun right now, man, because I don't think we're going to see a champ reign for a long time. I want to make a shirt that says fight for Queer Street. Hey, how about Queer Street Fight Club?
Starting point is 00:47:53 I think that's sending out the wrong message. Might be. It's like a bat signal for dick. That's what I'm talking about. For anyone who likes dick, Queer Street Fight Club. You learn how to throw a right hand and For anyone who likes dick, Queer Street Fight Club. You'll learn how to throw a right hand and fuck guys. Dicks are on us. Time to come, guys.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Let's take a sex break. I put up a picture the other day on Twitter of the Oak Ridge Boys. Somebody sent me a picture of the Oak Ridge Boys because it looks like us. Yeah. One of them looks exactly like you. It really does. And one of them looks like you and me had a baby. But one of the things that i was shocked was like someone said
Starting point is 00:48:25 this is this looks like you and callan but i go oh my god how gay were the oakridge boys kill me shit wait wait did you see this picture you're gonna go what that's not real no that's real this is the actual album cover wow they took a photo shoot for this holy shit and then there was hilarious you're allowed to feather your hair back then. Yeah. I appreciate it. Check this. No, that's Orleans. Okay, Orleans. That was... Well, Orleans, this is important because someone said to me after I posted the picture of the
Starting point is 00:48:53 Oakridge boys, they said they didn't have nothing on Orleans. And they put that up and I was like, whoa. You ain't lying. How about homeboy on the right and the bear cub on the far left? Just a bunch of hairy dudes. Waking and dreaming. And look at this guy looking down at the other guy's dick. Literally.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Dude, you're actually looking down at this guy's dick. He's closing his eyes. You're crazy if you don't think Orleans is doing a show than fucking each other. They just fuck each other during the show. You just don't notice it. You don't notice it because they're so gay you get blinded. They wash each other's hair. Dude, look at this.
Starting point is 00:49:27 This is us. Look at Callan Far right is Callan and me had a kid and the kid likes mustaches Why does he have pantyhose around his neck what kind of clothing is that around them home? That's a straight tie I don't think it's a tie look it, it's got a tassel-y thing at the bottom. With a pink shirt. You're right, damn it. See how tassel-y it is at the bottom? It's a Randy Couture scarf. Same stylist as Randy Couture?
Starting point is 00:49:51 Same stylist as Couture? No, it's the dad of Randy Couture's stylist. That's it. Jesus. And you know why they have that little star on the right? Because that dude had a boner that's poking out over the top of his jeans. Those are some high jeans. Those are high crotch jeans. It was like a little broomstick poking out over the top of his jeans. Those are some high jeans. Those are high crotch jeans. It was like a little broomstick poking out over the top of his jeans.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Those guys are awesome, man. The guy that looks like me on the end here is really arching his back. The ending, he's really arched up. He's having a good time is what he's having. The two guys in the middle, one of them is a magician. The other one is a nature guy. Damn right. The other one looks like a blackjack dealer.
Starting point is 00:50:24 The second guy is. The far left guy looks like a blackjack dealer, the second guy is. The far left guy looks like a guy who dies in some sort of crazy orgy where everybody does too much Molly. They were just having fun back then, making music and sucking dick. I'm not mad at it. And wearing shrimp colored jackets. Everyone's so tight these days. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:50:42 Can't even have fun anymore. You can't. Orleans it anymore. Could you imagine if today, in today's climate, a guy... But I would have thought that that climate back then was less tolerant. I know. Today is super tolerant. It was. It was back then.
Starting point is 00:50:53 It's like, look, there's a national debate going on on whether or not women should have to go into the same restroom as transgender people. That's a national debate. Who would have ever thought that it would be, this country would be so concerned with hurting people's feelings that that would be a big part of the national debate. Big part. But if a band went out and did that, we'd be like, get the fuck out of here with that gay shit.
Starting point is 00:51:16 It's true. I would repost that shit. You got the federal government now asking public schools that get public funds to create a separate bathroom for transgender people. Okay, what's going on. What's going on? What's going on? Is this just the internet? Is it the pressure of, of groups on the internet?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Like, what is it? I think, I think like anything else for the first time, the transgender community has a voice for the first time. Anytime you have that, you're going to be, you're going to have people that get very, very loud and they're, this is their chance. This is their moment to say, hey, we're here. We've been in the closet forever. And you're probably going to have the louder voices in that community and even the ones that are more extreme drive the debate. The problem is that,
Starting point is 00:51:58 you know, there are concerns for all of us. For example, if you identify with a different sex, if it's really the Civil Rights Act was all about sex right but now you're talking about now you're talking about discrimination based on how i perceive myself so i can be a man and if i put a wig on um but i say i'm a woman i'm identifying with that gender by federal law am i then allowed to go into a woman, I'm identifying with that gender, by federal law, am I then allowed to go into a woman's bathroom? Well then it becomes difficult. The problem I have, B, is I have to be cool with everything. It might be a little weird to me if there's a dude in a dress.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I'm not used to that. I didn't grow up around it. And you're allowed to feel weird about it. Or if Caitlyn Jenner's on the front of Vanity Fair or how about Caitlyn Jenner now is saying, I might want to go back to Bruce. Did you hear that? No. Yeah. So I know you hate that shit, Joe, but I'm just saying, to me it's a little
Starting point is 00:52:54 weird that she's on the front cover of Sports Illustrated. I'm like, dude, that used to be fucking Bruce. And then I get called a homophobe or something like that because to me it's a little strange and I can't have questions about it. It sums up. You can't force me to force me to accept you're right but just if this is the way to look at it in my opinion you know we we have a lot of different minorities let's just take transgender they're a sexual minority forever they have been relegated to the you know the shadows uh you had
Starting point is 00:53:23 to keep it a secret uh you felt different, etc., etc. We know the stories. What makes a country strong and great is the fact that this country is great. And the difference between this country and, say, Russia is Russia has one idea of what strength is, and that is the biggest muscles and the biggest guns. And the United States has that, too. But remember, what makes this country strong and interesting as a culture is the fact that we create a safe haven for people who think and act differently. That's where you get people like Marilyn Manson and Prince and great artists. So the debate becomes, how do you make those people feel safe without creating major inconvenience for the vast
Starting point is 00:54:06 majority of us who say we may not have the funds for a third bath right yeah you know now you're talking about an entire different infrastructure so how do we work around the funds to set up electric centers for Tesla's well fuck you I it's a it's a good debate to have I don't know what the answer oh I meant to talk you guys off the show about this. I found the Mr. Hands video. Well, let's get back to this because I don't think we're done with this. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:54:33 Yeah. Look, I definitely think that there is a spectrum of transgender people. And I think there's people that you wouldn't even notice. And then there's people that look a lot like men and want to identify with women. And people are going to be scared of that. And there's going to be weirdness involved with that. Not because the transgender people might be creepy,
Starting point is 00:54:55 but because we know that there are men that are predators that are not transgender. Men that are straight. That's what I worry about. And if you give them the opportunity to wear a dress and go into the women's room and just say they identify with being a woman
Starting point is 00:55:08 exactly what they wanted on North Carolina and this is where it gets interesting is you had to it's not that you had to be a transgender person
Starting point is 00:55:17 please someone correct me if I'm wrong because I don't think I am it's not that you couldn't go in the bathroom if you're a transgender person it's you have to go into the bathroom that matches the gender on your birth certificate. Okay?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Now, if you're born a woman, but you want to be a man, you can get that changed on your birth certificate. I didn't know that. Yeah, you can. Yeah, apparently you can. Caitlyn Jenner did it. So if they do that, if they get it changed, I don't know how they could change change on your birth certificate 60 years later.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Yeah, they do it. Here's the problem. Now we're in this weird semantics thing where we're not talking about technical, like how fluid is gender? I mean, we need to really define this before you just allow someone to wear a dress and go into women's rooms. Now it's how someone self-identifies. And it's a very different area than the legislation that exists. It's cloudy because now you're talking about, you're not talking about male-female.
Starting point is 00:56:17 You're not saying, hey, if you are in the pension plan in this company, because women live, say, 15 years longer or whatever it might be, you have to pay more into that pension plan as this company because women live say 15 years longer or whatever it might be you have to pay more into that pension plan as an example that was unconstitutional because it was sex discrimination now these laws are concerned with how someone identifies it's very murky so you may have a penis but you identify as a woman and you're taking hormones now we're in a very very but here's the thing you don't even have to be taking hormones that's right you can just identify with being a woman and not want to do anything different than what you are right now and then go into women's rooms like there's a guy exception though joe like yeah there's plenty of exceptions
Starting point is 00:56:57 well because if you can say ah well guys are gonna put on dress and just to go look at little girls but wouldn't that be the exception overall? Perhaps. Yes. For sure. Well, how many transgender people are using bathrooms? That's the exception. That's a huge exception. But the exception to that is that they're going to go in there just to look at little girls or molest little boys.
Starting point is 00:57:17 You're right. But if it's one out of a hundred, it's something we should talk about. If it's one out of a thousand. You can talk about it, but you can't make a decision based off the exception. But you have to figure out what it is like you and that's where it gets Almost impossible. It's it's really hard to protect Women and children from creepy dudes. Yeah, like and this is not a slight on transgenders at all This is there there are some men's enter. We're talking about men who are talking about
Starting point is 00:57:42 Advantage of a law right this has nothing to do with transgenders. Giving any possible loophole where a piece of shit, creepy male predator is allowed to use a bathroom with a 10-year-old girl in it. Under the sanction of the law. Yes, under the sanction of the law. Oh, no, I get it. Man, I don't know about all that. No, I'm not cool with it either. Because I sent my daughter, Stephen Crowder, but you're making a law for the exception in the first place.
Starting point is 00:58:05 To make a law that says that transgender people can use a woman's room is an exception. Okay? Because you are making a law about a very rare thing. A rare thing that when you look at the entire internet and 7 billion people, you see millions of examples of it. So you go, well, transgender community is strong. We should recognize that they're being discriminated against. And that's all good. And I think we all believe that. Right? we all believe that right we all for sure but that is
Starting point is 00:58:27 a rare thing to make a law for when you're dealing with how many women have to use that restroom so do you nothing hold on a second how many women have to use that restroom how many how many transgenders want to use that restroom like what are the what is the actual numbers that we're looking at before we start talking about this and having this goddamn national debate creating new bathrooms creating well that may might be the only way but what are the fucking numbers can we just get some data numbers there must be there must be so then how many men are sexual predators well that's where it gets really fucking easy all you have to do is go to those sexual predator apps on your iphone everywhere you fucking look there's sexual predators now. It could be a lot of different things. I know a dude who
Starting point is 00:59:11 Got labeled a sexual predator because he got caught taking a piss outside Yep, he went outside he exposed his dick stepped outside of a bar and pissed and because of that it is ridiculous But it's one of those backwoods country fuck states And it was like the 1980s or something like that. And this guy got arrested. Took a piss off a Porsche. Yeah. Don't piss around a playground.
Starting point is 00:59:30 It's not just one guy that this happened to. This happened to a bunch of guys, especially if you expose yourself anywhere near a school or something along those lines. Don't piss around an elementary school. Yeah, you're a sexual predator. So there's a lot of piece of shit. We all know what we mean by sexual predator. But the problem is, how do you define? How do you define?
Starting point is 00:59:49 God, that's tough. When a guy says, look, there was an article that I read the other day about a guy with a beard. He has a full beard, but he identifies as a woman. He wants to be able to use women's rooms. And he doesn't take hormones, but he is a woman. He feels like he's a woman. And he wants to go. He doesn't want to have surgery, but he identifies as a woman.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Can't have that. So here's how to have surgery but he identifies as a woman. Here's how I feel. My daughter is 8 years old. How about that? My daughter is 8. The other day I had to send her into a public bathroom at the movie theater. I assume when I send my 8 year old into a woman's bathroom that she's going to be safe because it's going to be little girls and women. If there's a dude
Starting point is 01:00:22 in there with a beard who says he identifies as a woman i'm not letting my daughter go in that bathroom until that guy's out of there and you know why i don't know who that dude is and he might say he's uh he identifies as a woman he might be fucking crazy too yeah there's also that possibility well but he's not getting near my daughter you also might whoop your ass i also yeah i also don't trust him. A big bearded dude can't have that, man. He can't have that. And you're allowed to say that. And someone will say, that's a woman
Starting point is 01:00:49 and you should say she's a woman. No. I would say that's a man. Can't do that. So when do we draw the line, man? When do we draw the line? When do we draw the line? It's tough, huh? This was a big part of the Fallon Fox debate about Fallon Fox becoming a transgender and then fighting women and saying she's a woman now
Starting point is 01:01:05 Yeah, well with a man's frame and then and it becomes a sociological or a political issue more than a scientific and Fight analysis is right, which is stupid because physically she's built like a man fighting little girl. There's a bunch of differences Well, this is a reaction skeleton ones easy action time. That one's easy to me. Reaction time. That one's easy to me. Then there's also hips, the shape of the hips. Yeah, power. Toss it to Cyborg, rip her fucking face off. What the fuck do you do about someone like Gabby Garcia, who's clearly taking male hormones? Where does that fit in? Because that, look, if you're fighting against women, and if you're fighting against women
Starting point is 01:01:41 who are just taking nothing, but you're taking male hormones, where is this line is it penis vagina is that the only line or is there a certain amount of hormones you take will you become a fucking dude yeah and if you look if you do it like um like chastity bono chas bono now so she takes the hormones she becomes he she becomes chas that's male hormones turns her into a dude right right? We all agree because she says it. Well, is Gabby Garcia on more or less than her? I'd say different, but more. But I would suggest that question becomes relevant only when it begins to interfere with your everyday routine, rights, when it starts getting into situations where you're going to have to share, for example,
Starting point is 01:02:27 public space, a bathroom, something intimate. No, in sports it's even more. We're talking about fighting. In sports. Oh, fighting. Yeah, forget it. You weren't even listening. No, I was.
Starting point is 01:02:35 No, I was listening. In sports it's even more. In sports it's way more important because if Gabby Garcia's on some shit, she's fighting some poor girl who's just on the regular protein. But that's why it's illegal. She's going to physically get her ass whipped. It's not illegal. It's not illegal.
Starting point is 01:02:49 It's not illegal in Japan. That's why. Oh, wow. And we're just assuming. And also Fallon Fox fought here. Right. Yeah. Fallon Fox fought in America.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yeah. That's a whole different situation. Toss them all to Cyborg. It's when. How are we defining gender? Yeah. Are we defining it by your own personal choices? Do you just decide, I'm this, I'm that?
Starting point is 01:03:04 Well, I feel like a girl. I want to be Joanna, man. Do you just decide I am this I feel like a girl I'll be Joanna man. I'm going WNBA. Let's talk about this I mean if you looked at cyborg this weekend and she was fighting Leslie Yes, Smith bless her heart that you look at cyborg and she's a woman of course But there is something about her physicality that Clearly she just looks like she was built to fucking bang on people like a drum. Have you ever seen her first fight?
Starting point is 01:03:30 No. She didn't look like that. Okay. A lot of it is... Genetically modified? There's a lot of speculation as to what she did in order to look like that. But she's also failed the test. Here's one thing undeniable.
Starting point is 01:03:43 That woman works hard she runs six miles every day she trains like a fucking beast yes apparently according to her trainers she has an insane work rate right but she definitely has tested positive for something she's test positive and also now she is in the ufc and i don't know we don't know i'm not saying she's taking shit we gotta wait till the drug results come back in Brazil this past fight. But at 140, at 135, she's by far the best female fighter in the UFC. Until you beat her, you ain't shit.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Dude, the way she ran through Leslie Smith, her technique is flawless. This is the, but the credit has to go to Jason Perrella, who's her boxing coach, because at her level, she's been doing it forever, right? To take a fighter that has that many fights and to give them this set of skills now, because notice, this is what was most impressive to me in that fight. She didn't get hit. She had head movement, footwork, angles.
Starting point is 01:04:38 She didn't get hit. Cyborg gets hit when she fights. She'll trade, sit and bang Mike Tyson style. She had footwork Leslie Smith didn't land A single punch I see that one Oh shit
Starting point is 01:04:48 Perillo should be getting All the credit And also Perillo Grant I've never worked with Perillo Nothing I'm just analyzing his fighters With Bisbing too
Starting point is 01:04:57 Bisbing boxed Anderson Silva's Face off A boxing clinic I don't know if you could Shake like that And say face off Face off I really don't.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I was trying to exaggerate the point to you. He dropped him, but he also landed the most shots ever on Anderson Silva. Again, a veteran fighter in Bisping who's been fighting forever. What's the one common denominator? The coach. Do you think it was dirty when Anderson jumping kneed him in the face?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Or do you think that Michael Bisping is not supposed to call him for a reset to pick up his mouthpiece? That's on Bisping. Because before every fight, Herb Dean or Big John Coutin go, listen, man, protect yourself at all times. Don't stop unless I come in there and stop. We all know that.
Starting point is 01:05:35 But he's trying to say my mouthpiece. He's talking to the ref. Wouldn't you think, would you agree, when is there a break in the action technically? If a guy is talking to the referee, and he's moving away, and he's not in an exchange, he's like, hey, I'll drop my mouthpiece, drop my mouthpiece. Is that a break in the action? Or is he calling for a break in the
Starting point is 01:05:51 action, and it could be perceived that he's calling for a break in the action because the momentum is not shifting his way? Correct. Look at Paul Hart. You can't stop until, like, dude, I'm fighting to the death until, that's a bad term there, but until a ref tells me not, it's on, man. So when I hit Crow Cob, that's on Herb Dean.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Step your 40 time up, son. Okay, but should he be allowed to stop? See, the break in the action thing is ambiguous. Here's my thought. If you move back, you move back, and you put your hands up, and you go, my mouthpiece, and you put your hands up, you're calling for a break in the action. And the referee says, that's not your place. Your place is to compete. Which is correct. Or do they have to wait to an actual break in the action I think they have to wait to an actual break
Starting point is 01:06:30 But why is that because you should be you should not be able to fight look you should definitely be penalized Like did you see when Simon Marcus fought Joe Schilling kept spitting out his mouthpiece? So they took a point away from him because they they thought Be because he kept spitting it out that he was tired and he was trying to take a break. Which is what he was doing. Some guys do do that. So in order to stop that from happening, they penalize you. Veterans do it. But a referee, if he
Starting point is 01:06:54 knows that your mouthpiece is out, he should stop the fight. So it's real tricky. Does the referee have to wait? Because you really shouldn't be getting punched. He might be looking at something else though, right? You really shouldn't be able to... See, the problem is lips and gums with teeth, with raw teeth. Your face is getting fucked up, man. But Biz Bing and Anderson were kind of in it.
Starting point is 01:07:10 It was kind of in it and it came out and he's like, no, no, no, stop, stop. He also was like, what? Yes. He turned and pointed at his mouthpiece. Remember when Paul Harris with Nate Marquardt turned the ref and said, hey, he's got slippery stuff on his ankle. And Nate just dove in and went, bow, bow, bow. That's got to be on the fighter who voluntarily, unilaterally
Starting point is 01:07:30 takes a minute to... It's also not dirty. It's not dirty because as a fighter, dude, it's a very dangerous sport. I see any glimpse where I can get an advantage, I'm fucking going. Like Floyd Mayweather and Victor Ortiz. I have no problem with that. That to me was fucked up. It's not though.
Starting point is 01:07:45 No, no. It's not. It's a fight, people. It's a fight. He came up and said, hey man, sorry. No, they already said sorry twice. And he goes, come on. Boom.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Nah, it's bullshit. It's not bullshit. It's a fight. Look, you know what that was? I'll tell you what it was. Victor Ortiz had a mental breakdown. Yep. He was succumbing to the pressure.
Starting point is 01:08:01 He was fouling Floyd. Headbutting. He was headbutting him. And he got penalized for it. And he got penalized for it. When he got penalized for it, he wanted to make friends with Floyd. And in the making friends part, like, I'm sorry, bro.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Look, a lot of times you can't have that in a fight. You can't have that in a fight because the disruption of your focus, it's adding in this emotional connection with this person. Now this person's your buddy. Okay, we're bros. We're bros, right? Let's go back to fighting.
Starting point is 01:08:23 And Floyd's like, fuck you. Left hook, right hand. Go to sleep, bitch. Ortiz we're bros. We're bros, right? Let's go back to fighting. And Foy's like, fuck you. Left hook, right hand. Go to sleep, bitch. And Ortiz is known for that. Breaking. He just got knocked out by Berto. Cold-blooded. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:08:33 I think he's done, right? He probably should be. It seems like when he got really famous and things started taking off, he didn't really have the same. He didn't dance with the stars, movies. Yeah, the expendables. He was doing well and against burto the first five rounds like shit here he is because you remember they built him up as the next
Starting point is 01:08:50 oscar de la jolla he was like the golden boy and then it just never went down the two fights i want to see is golovkin uh canelo and i want to see uh kovalev andre ward kovalev and andre ward's gonna be crazy that's happening for sure. Yeah, that's happening. God, I can't wait for that. Andre Ward is so smart. He just has to fight more. He's so smart. But there might not be enough.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Might not be enough against Colville 11, man. It's so hard. Well, he's not just so hard. He's skillful as fuck. He killed a guy. Yeah. Killed a guy in the ring. And he doesn't seem to bother at all.
Starting point is 01:09:20 No, it doesn't give a fuck. How about, and it's kind of stupid to talk about, but it has legs. Floyd Mayweather, Conor McGregor. We know Conor. It doesn't have any legs. It kind of does. It does. It kind of does.
Starting point is 01:09:32 You know why? Why? Because Floyd wants it. It doesn't matter. I disagree. UFC's not going to let it happen. Well, but see, the only reason why I disagree with you there is because Dana goes, if Floyd wants to make that fight happen, call me.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Dana's a businessman. They care about money. You know how big that fight would be? How much money do you think they can make if Floyd Mayweather fights Conor McGregor? Biggest pay-per-view of all time? No. Isn't that crazy? You don't think so? No. Easily! It might be.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Conor's the biggest draw already in UFC. Mayweather's the biggest draw already in UFC. Mayweather's the biggest pay-per-view draw in boxing of all time. You mix the worlds. Everyone would tune in, including your dad. I would tune in. You telling me you wouldn't tune in? No, because I would.
Starting point is 01:10:14 You're full of shit. You're so full of shit. It's not that. It's not an interesting fight. It's a very uninteresting fight. You should have taken two hits instead of a little baby fake hit. Very uninteresting fight. No, it's fascinating.
Starting point is 01:10:24 I'm going to spark up his joy. So what would happen is Floyd Mayweather would box with Conor McGregor and basically move around and be like, alright, here goes, and it'd be a spectacle. It's just not a fight. It wouldn't be a fight. What are you, a fucking party pooper? Yes, I am. Pissing in our Cheerios.
Starting point is 01:10:39 This is the thing. You've got to remember, the one thing that Dana and Floyd Mayweather, who would be responsible for putting this fight together, and Conor for that matter, all they care about is money and numbers. That fight would be money and fucking numbers. It would break Pacquiao-Mayweather, can't it? Okay, I know, but what I'm saying is that how would that fight come? What would they do in that fight?
Starting point is 01:11:01 So Floyd probably could knock him out any time he wanted, right? No. No. No. Conor has a very good chin. I mean, Conor got knocked out by Nate Diaz, or he got knocked down and hurt, stunned, wobbled by Nate Diaz. Yeah. Little gloves, first of all. Nate's a really good puncher.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Nate's a big guy. Nate's fought at 170. He's a lot bigger than Floyd, like physically a lot bigger. Yeah. But Floyd is a guy who's broken his hands many many times and he's not known for like really uncorking all of his might and trying to knock guys out a knockout artist in the least bit but he could he certainly could you know like it's not that Floyd doesn't hit real hard but when you box real smart knockouts come the opportunity comes
Starting point is 01:11:42 like the Ricky Hatton fight that's's a perfect example. That knockout came. It's not like he went looking for it. The Victor Ortiz fight, Victor just fucked up, and he just left-hooked right-handed him, and it was a total sucker punch. He had no idea what was going on. But look when Mayweather has issues. He's got Maidana. First fight.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Second fight, he boxed the shit out of him. He did, but if Maidana, if I was Conor's coach and that fight were to happen, I'm like, hey, man, don't be pretty and sit on the outside and try to hit this guy. We make this a dogfight. You're the bigger guy here. You think Conor would actually give Floyd Mayweather a boxing match? Is that what I'm hearing?
Starting point is 01:12:17 No, that's not what anybody's saying. No. I'm saying it'd be the biggest draw and be interesting. I'm saying that I don't think Floyd would just go out and try to knock him out in the first round. Oh, you mean he'd box, yeah, he'd box him. I think he would Canelo Alvarez him, but, you know, obviously Canelo's way more skillful in boxing. Yeah. I mean, Canelo is a world champion one-punch knockout artist boxer.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I mean, that fucking Amir Khan knockout. Hey. Jesus Louises. You know what Floyd said? That was a super fucking home run on the button. Dude, Floyd got hit. He said after he got, when he fought Canelo, he got punched in the thigh by Canelo. Had trouble walking for two days. He literally, he didn't show it.
Starting point is 01:12:54 After the fight, he was like, dude, my thigh. He punched me in the thigh so hard, I am having trouble walking. That's why Floyd is never going to fight MMA. Because Conor would fucking break his legs Like literally MMA would be more embarrassing Than Conor doing just boxing Way more embarrassing
Starting point is 01:13:12 Because Conor's a big guy Floyd would have to like Box smart I think Conor would have Unbelievably difficult time Even coming close to hitting him If he was straight boxing he's probably going to get embarrassed. You're talking about if not the greatest boxer of all time, and his defense is good.
Starting point is 01:13:31 It would be a great show. You can't say good. It's the best defense ever. For sure. Who's got better defense than Floyd? And now you're taking a guy who is an elite striker in the UFC, but boxing is a different game, man. elite striker in the UFC, but boxing's a different game, man. You know, I would have loved to seen Canelo fight Floyd in a couple of years when Canelo's like 27, 28, when he has the experience.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Because I think if you look at Sugar Ray Leonard versus Roberto Duran, both guys were really in their prime. Experience, in their prime. World champions. The moment wasn't too big. Great style. You know what I mean? in their prime. Experience in their prime. World champions. The moment wasn't too big. Great style. And sometimes, like your prime comes early,
Starting point is 01:14:07 like Tyson. Yeah. And sometimes your prime comes later, you know, like Bernard Hopkins. But when a guy's in his prime, you know he's in his prime. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I think Canelo wasn't in his prime when he fought Floyd. I think he's getting there. And if I'm Canelo's management, and as a fan, I want to see Canelo triple G. And granted, they say Canelo's probably
Starting point is 01:14:24 going to have to vacate in his belt if he doesn't fight triple g that's what they're saying at that weight why does he want 155 that's not middleweight like why are they saying it is making all these fights at 155 and they're calling a middleweight because it's over 154 yeah they have a weird thing going on that's what's wrong with boxing but if i'm canelo's camp i'm not setting that fight up yet man as a fan i'm like dear god make that fight up yet, man. As a fan, I'm like, Derek, God, make that fight happen. As a businessman, a manager, I'm like, Canelo, you ain't fighting Triple G right now. We're going to do a couple more big
Starting point is 01:14:52 paydays. Also, you got to remember, Triple G's not a draw. We know him. We're in the fight game. He's not a draw at all. His pay-per-view did, I think, 125,000. 125,000. Wow. Brandon, listen, big drama show. Big drama show. I give you drama show. Serious business.
Starting point is 01:15:07 I want the belt. Serious business. I love that guy. He's awesome, man. He's the best, but he's just not like, as far as being a pay-per-view drawing power, he's not there yet. So give Canelo 70-30 and knock him the fuck out. He won't do it. He won't do it. You toss Canelo like Lemieux or someone else so he can
Starting point is 01:15:23 just murk and keep building his name. Well, he wants it to be 160 and Canelo wants it to be 155. Apparently that's a hold up. And, you know, Triple G's a bigger guy. And if Triple G has to drop down five pounds, they think it'll be enough to weaken him. And, you know, maybe Canelo can have a chance and they can slug it out in the trenches. Why does he hit so hard? Can have a chance and they can slug it out in the trenches Why does he hit so hard?
Starting point is 01:15:43 If you look at the fight, the actual fight itself When Amir Khan Just fought Canelo He did expose that Speed and movement are still a problem He doesn't have the same speed or the same Movement as Floyd, but his speed And movement were a bit of a problem
Starting point is 01:16:00 Gave him some real issues That one too was landing all night Especially in the first round He lit him up with some straight right hands. I was like, ooh, okay. How is this going to play out? But I think that there's no one else in that division that can do that. Cotto couldn't do it to him.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Canelo outboxed Cotto. And then Floyd was really the only guy to expose it. But Floyd's Floyd. There's no other Floyds. So who the fuck else is in the division? I think Triple G, Canelo, right now that it'd be a bad decision for Canelo Well Terrence Crawford's 147 So talented 147 and 154 next-door neighbors. I agree. I don't weird is it they fight over like two and three pounds
Starting point is 01:16:35 It's crazy fucking make the weight different than MMA in that was so weird MMA You're dealing with a you know from middleweight to light heavyweight which guys jump back and forth you're dealing with 20 fucking pounds I mean, that's madness heavyweight, which guys jump back and forth. You're dealing with 20 fucking pounds. I mean, that's madness. You think there should be more weight classes? Fuck yeah. I've been saying this from the jump. There should be a weight class every 10 pounds. And they're like, well, if there's too many champions, it waters it down.
Starting point is 01:16:56 I completely disagree. You're telling me some of these amazing fighters that you have that are superstars, like a Donald Cerrone, like a Diego Sanchez, like all these different guys, just amazing guys that never won a title, that are superstars like a Donald Cerrone, like a Diego Sanchez, like all these different guys that are just amazing guys that never won a title that are huge fan favorites, right? If you look at all these different guys, Uriah Faber is another one. You tell me those guys couldn't have been champions and you wouldn't
Starting point is 01:17:16 have had even more champions and an even crazier thing if there was a weight class every 10 pounds? And a better product. Because you're getting better performances from it. Because Donald's not destroying his body to make 55. You're not having these monsters make these weight classes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:30 And they're actual world champions. There's not enough. Think about the sponsorships. Celebrities. There's not enough weight classes. I agree. There's not. There's not enough weight classes.
Starting point is 01:17:36 206 or 265. How dare you? That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. Oh, my God. That's crazy. God damn it.
Starting point is 01:17:43 But what's interesting is the best guys seem to flatten out around 240. Yeah, 240. So my thought is, let's make a 240. Let's make that heavyweight and then 240 to 265. The more champions, the better. Or all the way up. The only time you can't is like a little bit of a problem is with Cyborg, right? Because she goes, I'll fight anyone at 140.
Starting point is 01:18:08 But at 140, I heard from my stories, it was a beast for her to get to. I think she's the 145-pound Invicta champion. They have a 135 in the UFC. Make a 145. I think you could do 140. Why 40? She can make 40. But why do it?
Starting point is 01:18:23 Why make her make it? She's a 145-pound champ. I know, but all the superstars at 135 can make 140. Why 40? Why 5 pounds? She can make 40. But why do it? Why make her make it? She's a 145 pound champ. I know, but there's not a lot of... All the superstars in 135 can make 140. To make them put on 10 pounds, build it, they will come. That's how it always is. I'm trying right now, Mr. Rogan. We're trying right now.
Starting point is 01:18:38 You don't understand. She's the Invicta champion, so she's fighting people in Invicta. Yeah, look, it's true. It's Invicta. She's better than all of them anyway. It doesn't matter. But you shouldn't be forcing her to kill herself when 145 is already an established weight class. Misha Tate was the 145-pound champion strike force. That's a good point.
Starting point is 01:18:53 It's an established weight class. Misha said she would fight her, too. It's an established weight class. I think at 140, though. Well, listen, Holly Holmes fought people in boxing as high as 152. But 145 is an established weight class. Who the fuck is signing up to fight Cyborg? How does Holly Holmes do against Cyborg?
Starting point is 01:19:09 Holly Holmes has the best chance because Cyborg is a ruthless marauder. She's like a berserker, attacker, shoot-the-box style. Not this last fight. No, she wasn't. This last fight, more technical. Boom, boom, boom. And those hits, I was like, oh, shit. Leslie, run.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah, that counter right hand is nasty. Leslie seems to be mad. She kicks hard. Knees hard. Of course she's mad at stoppage. She's a beast. She should be celebrating that stoppage. She should definitely thank the referee.
Starting point is 01:19:37 The referee saved her from herself. Yes. But she's just so tough. She's a fighter. She's so tough. That's what you want. She wanted to go out on her shield. But she was already gone. She doesn't understand. She's so tough. That's what you want. She wanted to go out on her shield. But she was already gone.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Yeah. She doesn't understand. That ground and pound? Yeah. That shit is. El Fedor days. Nasty. She was punching a bitch in the face.
Starting point is 01:19:52 She's so much more advanced than anybody else. Crazy. So much more advanced. More than Holly then? I think we got to chalk it up to Perillo. Well, she's different than Holly. Completely different. See, Holly is a counter striker.
Starting point is 01:20:03 And Holly also had a really brutal knockout in boxing against a larger woman and I've watched it I was like whoa it's the kind of knockout that you never really fight that way again because you realize the consequences now. Yeah. Like someone gets brutally brutally knocked out they're aware of that as a consequence and I think she's become much more of a defensive-minded counter-striker, which was super effective against Ronda, obviously. It's better, I think, for her. Right, but it didn't look so good against Misha, because Misha was fighting super smart.
Starting point is 01:20:33 But it was also Holly who was tending. Well, it's also because Misha doesn't rush after. I agree, but Holly was off. Misha's varying her rhythm. I agree. She's standing outside. Misha fought amazing, but I also thought, for whatever reason, Holly didn't fight like herself. She doesn't like the lead.
Starting point is 01:20:46 She wasn't pulling the trigger. She doesn't like the lead. Yeah. She doesn't like the lead and she's worried about being taken down. When she got taken down by Misha, we realized why she doesn't like the lead. Correct. Misha took her down, beat the shit out of her on the ground, like destroyed her in that second round.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Was on top of her most of the round, just beating her ass. And so we knew, look, if Misha gets her down, she's fucked. So then she fights like a craftsman the third and fourth round. She just fights real smart, stays on the outside, edges those rounds, and then Misha's forced to go for broke in the fifth. And Misha wound up taking her out and choking her out. Great story, man. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Cyborg's way better on the ground. I mean way better on the ground. And stronger. Way, way better on the ground than Holly way you mean way better than Holly way way better way better cyborg wins straight jiu-jitsu competitions she is fucking strong your fucking she's suplexes bitch she's just made she's rampage rag doll and bitch she gets on top of you oh my god the ground and pound she looks like a panther the fuck are we doing? She looks like a panther. Like, she looks like, it's almost like she was put on the earth for one thing.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Like, when she's in that cage, you're just like. To me, no one's doing shit until you beat her. Yeah, she's built herself into that. It's taken so long for her to finally get here. Now she's here and everyone's like, God. And even when she's here, man, they did it in Brazil and they did it at 140. They made her suffer. I would have, in my personal choice, I would have had the first ever 145-pound fight in the UFC.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Let a bunch of people sign up to be who wants to get in there. Ain't no one signing up for that, my man. That's the problem. But I think you've got Invicta girls that are agreeing to fight her. So if you've got Invicta girls that are agreeing to fight her, you're telling me those girls wouldn't take a fight in the UFC? Of course they would. I'm telling you no one would care. Frank Edgar. It doesn't matter. It's the Cyborg Show course they would. I'm telling you no one would care. Frank Edgar.
Starting point is 01:22:25 It doesn't matter. It's the Cyborg Show. Dude, it's the Cyborg Show. Right now, dude. This is Mike Tyson versus people that you don't know. It's Tony Tubbs. Mike Tyson versus Tony Tubbs. Easy.
Starting point is 01:22:35 She has a ways to go before she's Mike Tyson. She just got introduced to regular fans. When you went to see Mike Tyson versus Tony Tubbs, you didn't think Tony Tubbs was going to win. I'm a Tony Tubbs fan. You went to see the Mike Tyson show. No, I was think Tony Tubbs was going to win. I'm a Tony Tubbs fan. You went to see the Mike Tyson shot. No, I was there to see Tony Tubbs footwork. I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I'm just saying, if you're Misha's manager and they're like, hey, we need you to fight at 145, Cyborg. I'd take Misha. I think Misha would take that fight. Misha would take it. But that ain't a good move. That ain't a good move. Everyone else is like, nope.
Starting point is 01:23:02 And listen, Cyborg, go back to the Gina Carano fight. Cyborg had problems in that fight. So people don't understand. Gina Carano had her mounted. Gina Carano was a tough fucking girl. Hottest fighter of all time. They duked it out. Gina literally was on top of her, had her mounted.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Cyborg wasn't the same Cyborg back then. But Cyborg was way more shredded back then. She was like a bodybuilder, man. She was terrifying. Just the physical muscular, the muscularity and the power that she had. There's a picture that I'll never forget, man. If I have a list of all my iconic memories
Starting point is 01:23:36 of photographs in MMA, there's one where Cyborg is grabbing the head of Gina Carano. She's got her fingers out. She's got an MMA glove on with nail polish on. And she's about to punch her in the face. And Gina's face is already fucked up. And Cyborg's holding her head.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I'm not trying to see that picture. And she's about to. There it is right there. Look at that. God dog. Look at that. Look at that. Come on, son.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Damn. That is an iconic photo. Look at the eyes. The cold blooded killer. Cyborg's in the back going, shh, shh, shh. Go to sleep, bitch. Go to sleep, pretty bitch. Shut at the eyes. The cold-blooded killer. It looks like Cyborg's in the back going shh, shh, shh. Go to sleep, bitch. Go to sleep, pretty bitch. Boom! Go to sleep, bitch. She's dropping a right hand
Starting point is 01:24:11 on her fucking jaw right there. Crushing her. You feel that, bitch? And this is, by the way, the Cyborg that you're watching. But look at the muscles on her fucking shoulder and her arm. And the Cyborg you're looking at today. The Cyborg you're looking at today would fuck this cyborg up. For sure.
Starting point is 01:24:27 She's better now. She's super fucking dedicated, man. She's just doing the damn thing. You ever see some of the videos of her training at Phuket Top Team? Nope. Kicking bitches' faces off. Good lord. She spends a lot of time in Thailand. Yeah. Running hills and training with men. Dude. I saw the
Starting point is 01:24:42 her man, the old man in, what, Cyborg. Santos fighting Bellator. This past weekend. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He fought. Well, he lost.
Starting point is 01:24:54 He committed to knee bars. Weird. A guy of his stature. Because he won in the first fight with a knee bar. Yeah, so this time he committed to it and he's getting hit.
Starting point is 01:25:01 I'm like, for sure let go of that knee bar. For sure let go of that knee bar. And it's too late. There's a picture of her and him. Her husband and her. And just their backs. Their backs. And her back is every bit as wide.
Starting point is 01:25:13 They have one where I think it's just asses. That's unfortunate. There's that picture where you see them asses. Oh no, it's awesome. They should have some friends talk them out of those kind of photos. Oh, I disagree. It's like a Brazilian cologne ass. Yeah. Aça Brazilian cologne out of some shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Yeah. Açaí cologne. Açaí. Bumbaya. Like the beach. Bumbaya. I don't think it's Bumbaya. What did they say?
Starting point is 01:25:34 Bombdia? No. How about Matt Brown? Could it have gone any worse? I didn't see it. My fucking, my goddamn DVR fucked up somehow. My kids put like Max and Ruby on or some shit. I feel it. They cancel.
Starting point is 01:25:46 You know how sometimes people try to have two things being taped? Yeah, it stops. My wife will move up the kid shows to the top of the order. So I didn't. I didn't even watch the fight. So he gets fucked up by the fans. And they kick this fan out, by the way. The fan punched him in the face because he's flipping everyone off at Wayne's.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah. And then his old coach, after the fight, he's in the hotel. And they're smacking him in the face because he's flipping everyone off at Wayne's yeah And then his old coach after the fight in the hotel in the head man They got mad at you couple guys smacked him in the head. They took they took that dude out of the arena though Yeah, but a couple guys smacked him in the head as he's running in before the guy punch I know I'm saying they took one of the guys out to smack them right oh did they well they should have taken all of Them I agree stupid hey security step your fucking fucking game up but it's just it's embarrassed oh shit rock someone though oh yeah dude he uncorked a bomb on someone's face that guy got matt brown in the face yeah he did but then damian my said welcome to my country yeah about to choke your ass out i love i didn't see the fight man can you can we find the fight jamie
Starting point is 01:26:39 see if you can find the fight so we'll do commentary but how about how about afterwards he's in the hotel and his old coach sucker punched him in the back of the head. That's what I heard. And then got... His old coach? Matt Brown's coach? Matt Brown's old grappling coach. What? Sucker punched him in the back of the head. And then he runs off. Oh no, you ain't running. Because Matt
Starting point is 01:26:57 Brown's coaches are around. Leister Bowling and his other jiu-jitsu coach. They catch this dude. Beat the brakes off of him. Is that right? Then he got arrested. Reed Harris was just like, Hey! Just went all ag coach. They catch this dude. Beat the brakes off of him. Then he got arrested. Reed Harris was just like, hey! Just went all aggro. Caught this dude. Why'd they punch him in the back of the head? Because they have a history. What an asshole.
Starting point is 01:27:13 I gotta pee on my big huge dick. I'll be right back. Wow. Let us know about it. Think about your big huge dick. He's all trimmed up, huh? How much has he lost? I swear to God, he's gotta be... He how much has he lost i swear to god he's got to be he usually walked around at 255 and every bit he's probably 240 right now has it made you think about changing your diet no you like eating bread and shit yeah i do well with carbs like rice and eat pretty clean rice potatoes i don't i don't mind it i i don't think I'm the body type. I think I'd get even skinnier, dude. For me, I need all the carbs I can get. I sleep well on carbs.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Have you ever tried not having them? No. So how do you know? No. I mean, I have though, actually. No, that's not true. I stay very far away from sugar. Yeah, but that's, I think, the most important thing. Yeah. I don't eat sugar. That's what I was telling people when I moved moved the first attempt at doing something i went i tried gluten no gluten but i think the real issue is i wasn't eating bread so if i'm not eating bread i'm not getting sugar exactly exactly and
Starting point is 01:28:13 when i and i don't eat a lot of bread because i'm aware of because i monitor my body like so if i eat two slices even of really good bread i notice that my kind of, it's not the same as if I eat slow cooked oatmeal, I feel really good. Right. You know? Yeah. Yeah. There's definitely some spikes going on, some insulin spikes going on when you eat sugar
Starting point is 01:28:34 and you eat bread and we're just used to them. Remember, I don't eat a lot either. That's the other thing. Like I don't, I'm not a big eater to begin with. Oh, we got the fight. Here it is. Damian May and Matt Brown. Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:28:43 This is round three? Oh, okay. We don't know what was going on before that, but we assume it was good. They don't look too much. Oh, he's sprawling. He's trying to keep it standing up. But Damian May is doing a good job of staying on the outside. But he's making it real obvious that he wants to take him down.
Starting point is 01:28:59 He shoots in. Has to move away from the kick. He's so big at 170. May is a beast at 170. I've never seen him in person. I mean, he fought for the title at the kick. He's so big at 170. Maya's a beast at 170. I've never seen him in person. I mean, he fought for the title at 185. He was a big guy. Ooh, good jab there by Maya.
Starting point is 01:29:11 And he tries to take down again. And Matt Brown punches him. And Matt Brown gets on top. This is where he fucked up, man. You can't do that, dude. That's a trap. Can't let Damien trap you. We thought he hurt him.
Starting point is 01:29:21 You know, he didn't really hurt him. Damien Maya did exactly. Brendan Schaub just returns. He did exactly what we were saying about Fabrizio Verdun with Fedor. He pretends he hurt him. He didn't really hurt him. Damian Maia did exactly... Brendan Schaub just returns. He did exactly what we were saying about Fabrizio Verdun with Fedor. He pretends he gets hurt, and Matt Brown moved in to try to finish him, and then Maia got a hold of him. Are you talking about the ultimate honey dick? And Maia drags him to the ground.
Starting point is 01:29:36 This is how confident he is in his jiu-jitsu. He lets him mount him. Fuck, yes. I mean, he drags him to the ground just to do this, just to sweep him, and now Matt Brown's fucked. That sequence, that whole sequence was so advanced, what he just did there. He let Matt Brown drag him down. And Matt Brown, his instincts as a destroyer were to immediately get on top of him.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Because he's not seeing that in training. No one's doing that in training. No, especially not allowing him to potentially knock him out with some ground and pound. But Damian Myers' jiu-jitsu is so solid and so slick that whatever shot attempts he gets off, mostly it deflected, and then he eventually sweeps him, and now he's mounting him up against the cage. And Matt Brown right now is in quicksand.
Starting point is 01:30:15 When you have Damian Maia on top of you and your legs are pinned together like that, that's terrifying. Because what he's done here is he's isolated his legs with a triangle. So by having those legs extended like that, he has no power from his hips. He can't throw any punches. He can't get his feet back under him, and he can't get those legs back. So he's got to commit with his hands.
Starting point is 01:30:33 So he's got to push down with his hands, and while he's pushing down with his hands, Maya can punch him in the face. And so finally he gets his half guard back up, but whatever. Good luck with that. Butterfly, enjoy that. He'll get these butterflies, and Maya will just sit on your legs, wear them out, put pressure on you, and then when you stand up, he'll just get to an even better position. He does this for all three rounds, by the way.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Well, this is what he does, man. He did it to Rick Story. Rick Story is a gorilla. He's a gorilla wrestler who walks around at 200, cuts down to 170, and Damian Maya ragged all of them, man. See, that wasn't that impressive. He did it to Gunnar Nelson. And then Neil Magny was like, oh, you're on a win streak? That's cool. Check this out.
Starting point is 01:31:12 How about the fact that Jake Shields beat Damian Maia at his own game? A grappling contest. Jake Shields is legit one of the best in the world as a grappler. One of the best in the world. Jake beat him in the UFC. Yeah. I mean, but that's why.
Starting point is 01:31:26 You're saying by grappling. Yes, correct. If they were grappling, Jake would give him a hell of a fucking run. Jake is a beast, dude. His grappling is absolutely world class. Oh, yeah. His problem in the UFC has always been his speed and his striking. He's just not a dangerous striker in the way a lot of guys are.
Starting point is 01:31:41 It's not even that. He's a boring fighter. Well. Not to me. Yeah. To the brass. So you look at who he's beat. not even that. He's a boring fighter. Well. Not to me. Yeah. To the brass. So you look at who he's beat. He's beat the very best.
Starting point is 01:31:49 He's beat, I think, all top five guys. Yeah. He's beat Robbie Lawler. Look at this fucking squeeze. He's beat, you know, all these guys. Damian Maia. Woodley. Hey, you would know this answer.
Starting point is 01:31:57 He's trying to protect himself, but it's just futile. It's just when Maia gets that body triangle around on you, he's just constantly manipulating you He doesn't try in one direction only like he's setting up escape doors So if you try to move through one of those escape doors a new trap is waiting for you and those traps You're not gonna see cuz yeah from years and years and years of jiu-jitsu So your basic movements that usually get you out Right in the face over and over. Yeah, don't say ouch though, huh?
Starting point is 01:32:26 Hey, let me ask you this. You would know this. Why when they showed the top contenders in the 185 pound weight class was Yoel Romero not there? Because he just got cleared to fight again. Because he just got,
Starting point is 01:32:34 well, he didn't get cleared to fight again. No. They cleared the possibility that he might get a lesser sentence because they found the supplement that he took.
Starting point is 01:32:42 But you're not supposed to take supplements. When you just buy some shit at GNC, he's just beat. Maya's just beating on him and manipulating him with that body triangle, man. Crazy. His body triangle. Oh, wait. So he's not clear?
Starting point is 01:32:53 I thought he was clear to fight in two months or something. No. Well, I don't think they've made a clear decision yet, but they've opened the door for him. Look at that. Oh, my God. He tried to punch back behind him. I'm surprised he did that. Well, he's done now.
Starting point is 01:33:04 Because that's exactly what I want. Once it's under the neck, he's done. This one's over. There's not much you can do. How badass is Matt Brown, though? Oh my god. I mean, he's badass, but I'm just so impressed with Damian Maia. I mean, how do you not be impressed with Damian Maia?
Starting point is 01:33:17 You think title shot next for Maia? Fuck yeah. Has to be, right? Fuck yeah. Has to be. And by the way, if guys gets those guys down they're all fucked they're all fucked damian might if you don't knock him out and at 170 that ain't no picnic because he can strike he can hit hard man well if he decides to strike with robbie
Starting point is 01:33:35 larkskin i don't think he will i mean i don't think he will he's gonna he's gonna try to turn him into one of these i agree dude he's the master when the master. When it comes to jiu-jitsu, he is the UFC master. Because he is, out of all the guys, he's the one guy that's fought the most intelligently with jiu-jitsu. Because look at Fabricio. His striking got better. He got better with striking. But his striking ultimately cost him.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Yes. Whereas Maya has just never gone off track. This is new, though. This new winning streak. Because remember before, it's like- 170. Yeah, 170. Because he went like- 170. Yeah, 170. Because he went down to 170.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Yeah, at 185, he was trying to strike with dudes, and he was striking too much. He was too small. He wasn't strong enough to overwhelm them at 170. Or at 185. But at 170, he is. He's going to be tough to beat, man. Fuck yeah, he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I want to see. I'm excited to see Jacare fight Luke. Yes. Speaking of jiu-jitsu. Well, Luke's got to get past Weidman. The rematch with Weidman is going to be crazy. It's going to be interesting. Look, Weidman made a big mistake in that fight.
Starting point is 01:34:32 Before that big mistake. Which was the wheel kicker. Yes. It was a very close fight. It was like, who knows what was going on. And now Weidman says he had a broken foot, but Luke said he had a bad staph infection. You know more than anybody. When you go into fights, most of the time you're not 100 you're not 100 with with Weidman from what I hear from his camp
Starting point is 01:34:49 and from him is it was the worst camp of his life like he knew he needed to change things but he thought he was so talented he's a real champ he's fine he doesn't need to do anything why was it the worst camp I guess he had injuries and and certain things like he should have been uh flying people in he just didn't and he should have been flying people in. He just didn't. And he should have been going somewhere else, like working with Mark Henry more and doing other stuff. And he was just like, I'm good, man. I'm champ.
Starting point is 01:35:11 And he kind of got comfortable. And it ended up costing him. This is no gimme fight for either guy. For either guy. It's a great fight. This is a war. It's a war. I mean, Rockhold thinks he's going to run through him this time because he thinks he doesn't have a staph infection
Starting point is 01:35:27 and you know the staph infection was physically like really bad and he thinks he also is riding on the confidence of having beaten him having beaten the living fuck out of leoto machida his top game is some of the nastiest shit i've ever seen in my life strong so good big dude so what happens he's a big dude but he's also really talented, really smart, works hard. Athletic. And he trains with two fucking gorillas, Cain Velasquez and Daniel Cormier. Daniel Cormier, yeah. So he's going to war with gorillas.
Starting point is 01:35:53 All the time. And then Habib. Yeah, Habib's there. And Habib, I think, you know, training with a guy that's as high level as Habib, you mirror some of his movements. You understand what he's doing. And then Habib's dad down there helping guys out there. Was his dad a coach? Oh, his dad coached Habib. His dad's always around
Starting point is 01:36:10 Habib. And his dad coached a few other guys that have fought in the UFC as well. But you're also getting from Habib and DC and Kane, you're also picking up their training tendencies and the blueprint of these elite of the elite. And the three of them and the four of them are coming together.
Starting point is 01:36:27 And Bob Cook, too, man. Bob Cook's a wizard. Javier Mendez is a wizard. I mean, you got great talent as far as coaching. And they all have fights coming up. They're all together. He's also about as big as you can get for an 85er. He walked around at 216.
Starting point is 01:36:43 That's a big guy. That's a lot of weight to lose. He's slim right now. He's in shape right now. I just saw him this weekend. He's slim. Well, he's fighting in a couple of weeks. He was fighting two weeks before his fight.
Starting point is 01:36:53 He was 215 pounds. It's out here in LA, June 4th. That's right. It's June 4th, right? June 3rd and 4th? Yeah. That's right. That weekend?
Starting point is 01:37:00 Yeah. That's a big, big fight in the middleweight division. It's not getting enough attention, man. It's interesting who becomes huge and famous and who does not become huge and famous. It's really interesting. But I haven't seen much publicity on this fight either. I haven't? Zero.
Starting point is 01:37:14 No, I mean, I'm sure they're going to ramp it up when it comes close to pay-per-view time. But as far as the history of the middleweight division, I mean, Anderson was the GOAT, right? He's the greatest of all time. Anderson loses to this kid named Weidman by knockout. Weidman should become a star. It doesn't work like that. I mean, in my eyes, he's a star. I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:37:34 That sounds so gay. In my eyes, he's a star. He's my little star, guys. I mean, I don't understand. As a fan of MMA, I immediately became a gigantic Chris Weidman fan. I was already a Chris Weidman fan. Here's the scary shit on that fucking card. Hector Lombard versus Dan Henderson.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Jesus Christ. Do not blink. Yeah. Don't blink. And don't count that old man out. You can never count Danny Henderson out. You can't count that guy out. Now, if he comes to the octagon with a scarf on, I'm counting him out. See ya never count Danny Henderson out. You can't count that guy out. If he comes locked on with a scarf
Starting point is 01:38:06 on, I'm counting him out. See ya. Clay Guida's fighting again. Cole Miller fighting BJ Penn. Whoa. And here's one everyone's sleeping on. Max Holloway. Get on that. Fighting Ricardo
Starting point is 01:38:21 Lamas. Click on that. Everybody's sleeping on that. Bro, Brian Orte Click on that. Everybody's sleeping on that. They are sleeping on that. Bro, Brian Ortega versus Clay Guida is a fun one, too. Because Guida's going to try to take him down. That's good luck with all that. Ortega's transition, his guard is, I think, the best in that division. Best.
Starting point is 01:38:38 I think it's the best in the UFC. Nobody fucking throws up triangles the way Brian Ortega does. That guy is so scary off his back. You've got to train with that guy, Joe. I'm sure. It's like, what? Just go, go, go. Oh, and all he does is let people, the best in the world star in his guard.
Starting point is 01:38:54 He just trains from there all the time. I can only imagine. And it's so fast. Everything's so fast and explosive. He's athletic. I completely believe it. He got popped. He did.
Starting point is 01:39:04 He got popped for something. He got popped. All those Black House boys did for a while there He did. He got popped for something. He got popped. All those Black House boys did for a while there. Yeah, he got popped for something. He's back now, baby. But he's back. But let me tell you something. His last performance, click on him real quick.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Let me see what his last fight was. I forget what his... Triangle City. Yeah, well, that's his TC. Yeah, but he won by triangle his last fight. Yeah, he did. But that's his nickname, Triangle City. Diego Brando. That's when Brand. Yeah, but he won by triangles last fight. Yeah, he did. But that's his nickname, Triangle City. Diego Brando.
Starting point is 01:39:28 That's when Brando got cut. Yeah. Because then remember, I bet you're thinking of the Tarveris fight where he's back and forth. Remember that? He KO'd him in the third round. Fight of the night. And then it was, yeah, it was the Diego Brando fight. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:39:42 And Brando said, you know what, man? I'm going to go to strip club with a, and we'll see how this works out. And then the UFC said, hey, man, you're not Jon Jones. We're going to have to let you go. Yeah. Plus, you can't go to a strip club with a gun. Jesus Christ. That's a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Yeah, that's a bad idea. That's impulse control. Now I'm remembering the fight. It was super, super impressive jiu-jitsu. That Clay Guido Ortega one, that's fun. When they told me he got that matchup, I said, this is the perfect fight for you. Because the big name, it's a great style matchup
Starting point is 01:40:09 for you, and everyone loves Clay, and it'll put you more on the map. Yeah. Clay, where's he at now? Is he still training at Jackson's? Or Jackson's Muscle Farm. He's in his RV and shit, driving around nonstop. It's been a while since he's had a good win. I agree. You gotta wonder how much longer he's gonna be doing this. I agree, man.
Starting point is 01:40:25 So this could be a make-or-break fight for him. But if he wins, who knows? It gets resurgence. Dude, Cruz Faber three, right? Yep. I'm just not excited for it. I don't know why. Are you out of your mind? I know, isn't that weird? Oh my god, you're crazy. Can you get me excited for it, maybe? I love this fight.
Starting point is 01:40:41 I love this fight because, first of all, I think Uriah Faber is as close as you can get to being a world champion. God damn, he's still on the edge. Like, everybody he fights, like, if he loses to, like, a world champion, it's like a whisper-thin decision. It's close. Or the one fight that he had with Hennon Burrell where he got cracked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:04 And that was a weird stoppage, man. It's like he definitely got cracked. And if Hennon Burrell where he got cracked. Yeah. And that was a weird stoppage, man. It's like he definitely got cracked. And if Hennon Burrell cracks you, you've got fucking problems. But I thought the stoppage was a little weird. But anybody can get cracked like that. Anybody can lose like that. That's just a part of this game. But I think if you look at talent level and skill level,
Starting point is 01:41:18 I go back to the Michael McDonald fight when he fucking just blitzkrieged him and smashed him and choked him. Just came back recently. Came back recently and won. Looked fantastic. He did look good. But that fight was kind of like, you know what? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:31 I'm going to take a little break. But when Uriah beat him, it really cemented in my head. I was like, look, you got to never sleep on this kid. He's a vet. You can't, man. He's one of the biggest straws, too. He's super competitive. You know what I want?
Starting point is 01:41:43 And I think he's better. I think he keeps getting better. I don't think he's a guy that's in a static state. I don't think he's like a veteran that's kind of like, you know, just putting in the work and phoning it in. I don't think so. Just gets in shape, brings his normal tools. I don't think so. He's always changing
Starting point is 01:41:58 all his guns. Yes, I think he just keeps getting better. I think he comes into this fight guns blazing. You know what I want? What? I want the fucking winner of this fights Mighty Mouse. Mighty Mouse, beg for it, man. Beg for it. Dude, the California- For the love of God.
Starting point is 01:42:12 Can you imagine if Uriah Faber beats Cruz, and that's a big F, and then fights Mighty Mouse? Good Lord. Mighty Mouse, do you hate money? And fame? Let's do it, dog. And Uriah Faber would, for the first time in his career, just dwarf somebody.
Starting point is 01:42:28 He'd be the bigger guy. He'd be like Cyborg on these bitches. How much shorter is Mighty Mouse than Uriah? Quite a bit. He's a small guy, but skill-wise he makes up for it tremendously. He's impossible to hit. Impossible. That's why he's the best. Remember, Dominic Cruz and Mighty Mouse have fought before. That was at 135. And Dominic won a decision.
Starting point is 01:42:45 But Dominic is a decision. Yeah. But Dominic is like, got his own style. If you look at his movement and his patterns, good luck finding anybody to replicate that. His footwork and his movement and his patterns are all designed to constantly keep you guessing. You're constantly like being overrun with information. If a guy stands in front of you the less data that's coming your way the more that you have to you can concentrate on what's at hand and focus on what you're trying to do smartest guy in the sport i think and dominic never gives
Starting point is 01:43:14 you that he doesn't give you that there's never a time where he's standing in front of you just muay thai in you yeah you were telling me you and chale were talking to him and you were just blown away we're training with him and he was training me and Chael like we're two white belts. Like, Jesus Christ, man. He's a wizard. He's a wizard. Dude, you're sleeping on Poirier. Poirier and Green.
Starting point is 01:43:31 No, I'm not. I'm not sleeping on that at all. Green's hard to hit. Bobby Green hasn't been in a big fight in a while, too. I'm psyched to see him back. Bobby Green's one of the- We have a lot of shit talking in that place. He always does a lot of shit talking.
Starting point is 01:43:44 But Bobby Green, when he's at his best, is one of the best at 155. So the diamond too, man, at 55, now that he's there. Because he fell off just a tad, and then he's at 55 now. Well, Conor knocked him out. He got knocked out in the first round by Conor, and he struggled too hard to make that fucking weight. Yeah. Big dude.
Starting point is 01:44:01 Those were during the IV days, too, by the way. That's right. It's really interesting to see the difference in a lot of these guys' bodies now that there's so much testing. It really is. Some of them. Yeah, some of them for sure. What I would always think is if you
Starting point is 01:44:18 wrestled and you did jiu-jitsu and you boxed and you kicked, you'd come out looking very, very muscular. When you look at guys back five years ago and you kicked you'd come out looking very very muscular when you look at guys back you know five years ago and you look at guys now there is a difference like like if anything they look they get kind of skinnier they look yeah well you realize you can't here's a big one EPO if you can't use EPO you got to lose body mass you just have that what it is yeah for sure it's a big part of
Starting point is 01:44:41 endurance oxygen that's what thatium, whatever that stuff was, that boxer got caught from. It mirrors that effect. Those Russians are balls deep in it, I guess. How about the Sochi? An EPO, too. That's what the guy who fought... Bagutinov. Yeah, Bagutinov.
Starting point is 01:44:55 He's 125 pounds. Do you read about the Sochi Olympics? What? And how they've uncovered that they don't know how they got into those bottles that they make in switzerland they're like tamper for proof but however they did it they're drawing this whole thing where every like they think 100 athletes in the olympics were cheating on the russian on the russian side and the information came from the russian guy who ran the lab and the other two guys that he
Starting point is 01:45:22 worked with mysteriously died so this guy exiled himself to los angeles he ran the entire lab and the other two guys that he worked with mysteriously died. So this guy exiled himself to Los Angeles. He ran the entire lab. And now he's coming clean saying, well, our intelligence operatives were basically involved in getting clean samples to WADA, etc. Why is he snitching? And it's basically out of a... Why is he doing this? Because his two colleagues were killed Killed because they had they knew things so he went so just move to LA and shut your mouth
Starting point is 01:45:52 That's what he did. No, you can't get you. You can't shut your mouth He can't because he had to prove he was still get him Yeah, and he had to prove that he was uh, he was his life was in danger Yeah, you don't think they'd get you if you shut your mouth and you move to LA Oh, you made it you're at home base. You touched base. They killed a guy in DC. This isn't the movies.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Russian intelligence can find you. Who'd they kill in DC? This guy. He was found dead with blunt force trauma to the head. I wonder how that happened. Yeah, but here's the thing. The autopsy, they didn't do an autopsy for a long time. And initially, the cause of death was ruled as a heart attack.
Starting point is 01:46:24 And then they found blunt force trauma on his head. How do you miss of death was ruled as like a heart attack. And then they found blunt force trauma on his head. How do you miss that? Yeah. Two black guys heart attack. Because it's a spooky story.
Starting point is 01:46:32 X.A. Dupoutin died of blunt force trauma at DC Hotel, medical examiner says. But like, look when they found him and look when they actually made
Starting point is 01:46:41 the autopsy claim. I think it was like quite a bit of time. He actually suffered injuries. Died from blunt force trauma. He got kettle-belled in the fucking head. That's what they did. Some Russian fucking kettle-bell.
Starting point is 01:46:54 They tied him up. They tied him up and then he just did fucking swings right at his head. Dude, can you imagine that? Someone killed you with a kettle-bell? Just being tied up by some Russian thugs and getting fucked up. Look at that. Look at that. It said, family members told Russian news media in November that they thought Leslyn
Starting point is 01:47:11 had suffered a heart attack. That's when they put that down in November. So when was this article where they decided that, this is really recently, it's March. Yeah, see, so there's all those months that went by before it was announced that he was killed in a hotel. And now they've been caught just blatantly cheating in the Olympics. Yeah, but this is a guy that says this. I don't know that there's been...
Starting point is 01:47:37 I've read the article. I don't know that there's been definitive proof that everything he's saying is true and he hasn't exaggerated something. Well, the New York Times ran two articles on their front page, and if the New York Times is going to do that, they've checked their sources. Yeah, but it's not a matter of checking sources. Like, what is the physical evidence
Starting point is 01:47:54 that you have? The physical proof, yeah. There very well could be a story there that the New York Times must run, and I'm sure that they check their sources. But is there anything that they can hold up and say, this needs to be examined because this is proof positive that- No.
Starting point is 01:48:09 It'd be everywhere if they did that. See, I don't- Beyond CNN. Yeah. So I don't think it's there yet. But look, it's 100% going on. Is anyone surprised? No.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Of course not. Well, Nowitzki told me straight up that they're figuring out a way to move around these things. Sure. And that while he's doing this, he's like, I always know. And Nowitzki is Jeff Nowitzki, who's the guy who caught Lance Armstrong, who's the guy who works for the UFC now. For people listening to this. A.K.A. the golden snitch. Yeah, he's the guy that catches guys doing everything.
Starting point is 01:48:38 And, you know, they're on top of the latest and the greatest. For $32 million of the government's money. And the latest, I know, he doesn't want to admit that. Our money. He wants to pretend that it was way less than that. He was giving me like a figure on the show. I heard. That's why Lance Armstrong came on the show.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Because what he's not counting is like salaries and flights and all this stuff. What they're counting is like the amount of money they actually had to spend like on vouchers. So that's the government. So that's the federal government with unlimited resources spending $32 million on a cyclist. Who's still voting anyone. Still going after him, by the way. God. Still going after him.
Starting point is 01:49:11 They're going after him now for $100 million still because they said he defrauded the government of how much they paid him because he raced for the post office. Who gives a shit? But it's your tax dollars. But here's the thing. If you race for the post office, the post office is the government, so they charge you for three times what you took. So if you took 33, they're charging for a million. It's called tyranny. For riding a bike. Yeah, 33, they go after him for 100. Write a letter to the government, see what happens. Is Novitski the ultimate golden snitch? No. Why do you say golden snitch? Golden because he's at another level. But he's not a snitch. He's an investigator. He's not like a guy who's involved.
Starting point is 01:49:49 A snitch would be Victor Conte. Victor Conte is a snitch. He got caught rattling on him. But he didn't even rat on people when he got caught. You can't even call him a snitch. You call him a post-operative. Victor Conte? He used to do it. We call them rats where I come from.
Starting point is 01:50:01 See, here's the thing. He used to be involved in it. He's not involved in it anymore. Now he's going after people who are involved in it. So what is that? That's a bitch. That's like an informer. Yeah, but can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 01:50:12 Did they ever actually? That's not a snitch. Jamie says yes. It would kind of be a snitch because he's revealing all this backstory. But he could be reformed. And since he primarily concentrates on combat sports athletes, you could see him as a, he's helping people. Like he's keeping people from cheating and hurting people. Conte.
Starting point is 01:50:31 Could you see it that way? Sure. But he benefited, the reason why he has a name, the reason why he got so big is because he was helping so many big name athletes and then now he's against it. But should that, so the fact that he's helping all those big name athletes, should that disclude him from being able
Starting point is 01:50:48 to realize the error of his ways and make an attempt to try to clean up his sport? Is that possible? That's possible. It's possible, right? It's possible. That's how I'd hope to look at it. Did they ever find physical evidence, physical evidence, a test that showed that Lance Armstrong actually
Starting point is 01:51:03 cheated? No. Lance never did. So 500 tests or whatever it was. Whatever it was. He passed all of them. $32 million later, but finally he admits that he used performance enhancing drugs. Yep, to Oprah. Yeah, but it's very interesting to me.
Starting point is 01:51:19 What do you think the benefit of that was? And I do think that there's a benefit to going after people who are cheating, who are trying to change the playing field. I know everybody does. Not riding a bike. I know everybody does. But it's a difficult thing because— Well, first of all, it's not an American game.
Starting point is 01:51:36 You're in another country. So you're giving someone some sort of—you're investigating them being involved in something that's not even taking place on American soil. So that's dubious right there. Second of all, you are saying as the post office, you're suing this guy for all the money that he made while he was cheating and using drugs. If you don't know that cyclists are cheating, what the fuck
Starting point is 01:51:58 are you doing in the cyclist business? Because I know, I'm a comedian living in LA and I know they're all cheating. But the other thing is, how much did he do for the US Postal Office? A lot. And for cycling. We didn't give a fuck about cycling until Lance Armstrong started kicking ass. Correct.
Starting point is 01:52:12 And how much money did he raise for all this cancer awareness? A lot. Hundreds of millions. How many people were in those yellow wristbands? Right. But that doesn't, here's the issue. This is where he fucked up. He sued a bunch of people that were telling the truth.
Starting point is 01:52:24 And he used his money. That's where he fucked up. That's a bunch of people that were telling the truth. And he used his money. That's where he fucked up. That's where he's a bad guy on that part. But also in his sport, you have to go down to 15th place. They were all doing it. It's a level playing field. Right. So it was about everybody was ratting on everybody.
Starting point is 01:52:38 They got caught. They were giving people up. There was a lot of that going on. And Lance Armstrong started suing people when they were giving up him. That is where people have an issue with it. Me too. And with his mind, he's protecting himself. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:52:52 And I can see both sides, but I'm with Lance Armstrong. Like, dude, you're snitching on me. I've got to protect myself too. Exactly. And you guys started first snitching on me. Right. And the snitching, if we're boys, the snitching is worse than the lawsuit. By far.
Starting point is 01:53:06 By far. Especially if we're a team. Yes. We represent America. But some of those guys weren't his boys anymore. They didn't like him anymore. So why snitch, though? Very few people like Lance.
Starting point is 01:53:13 I'm with you. Did you get anything out of it? I'm with you. I didn't want to say the word. But a lot of people didn't like Lance Armstrong. They absolutely disliked him. The same reason why they don't like fucking Michael Jordan. Let me tell you something. Lance Armstrong was on the podcast. He wanted to don't like fucking Michael Jordan let me tell you something
Starting point is 01:53:25 Lance Armstrong was on the podcast he wanted to know what number the podcast had gotten up to what's it up to is it up to number one yet because it was like
Starting point is 01:53:31 number two in the country tell me when it hits number one when it hits number one in the country I gotta let him know how many downloads are we getting he wants to know
Starting point is 01:53:38 is it getting more than other people's downloads he goes I'm real he's open about it he laughs about it he's like I'm fucking competitive like you know me I'm competitive like he's compa he wants that he wanted to have the number one podcast of all time. I don't think that way
Starting point is 01:53:50 That's why you're not Lance Armstrong bitch. Yeah, so so you just wrestling high school Hey, I did jiu-jitsu with Henson Gracie. I got my pay you got your what hey, hey I thought you said yeah your purple belt. No, I never said that wait a minute ever once Why did you see we have to go back to the argument. I didn't want to touch on it. I've never said that ever in my life. Did he say he had his purple belt? No, I've never said that.
Starting point is 01:54:11 I'm so confused. I don't know. What do you mean you don't know? I don't lie. Wait a minute. I don't lie. There's lies and then there are lies. Anybody who said they're a purple belt is a liar.
Starting point is 01:54:20 I'm a liar, but I'm not a liar. You know what I mean? You definitely didn't say you're a purple belt? No, I never said I was a purple belt. Accidentally, once, a little bit drunk. I never even said I tapped a liar, but I'm not a liar. You know what I mean? You definitely didn't say you're a purple belt? No! I never said I was a purple belt. Accidentally once, a little bit drunk. I never even said I tapped a purple belt. Probably did once. All I'm saying, B, is
Starting point is 01:54:34 the reason why he's Lance Armstrong is because he's competitive at everything. Anyone who's an ultra winner, you could be... I just said I wish I was like that. I'm not. I just never have been. Why would you wish you were like that? You don't want to be like that. Because I want to be a cyclist. No, dude. What you want to be is
Starting point is 01:54:47 what you are is a guy who always wants to be something other than you are. And that's part of the fun of being around Brian Callen. I spent a lot of time I wish it was that guy. And then you go into
Starting point is 01:54:57 this romanticized version of what that guy is. Yes. Meanwhile, that guy lives living in Austin and people throwing eggs at his house. Yeah, that guy can't post
Starting point is 01:55:03 social media or nothing without getting hate. It's sort of relaxing a bit now, but I mean, dude, when the storm comes your way, like when you get in trouble for something along those lines, the storm of being a national disgrace and someone
Starting point is 01:55:18 who everyone's angry at, and there's so much going on with the lawsuits and he's still involved in the lawsuit with the post office. The storm of pressure and stress is probably overwhelming and never ending but also gives everyone now a voice on social media who's never done shit in their lives to fucking contribute and try and shit on lance robson one of the greatest athletes of all time oh fuck yeah i'm gonna fuck with this guy now oh you post this a picture of your kids at christmas oh fuck these kids where's their steroids at yeah all right man hope you feel better about yourself yeah he's still I'm going to fuck with this guy now. Oh, you post this, a picture of your kids at Christmas? Oh, fuck these kids.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Where's their steroids at? All right, man. Hope you feel better about yourself. He's still killing it. He's still living in a mansion. Yeah, I mean, it's just part of the program. It's what comes with the program. And I don't think he's a bad guy.
Starting point is 01:55:57 It was amazing talking to him. Great podcast. I listened to it. He's my buddy now. We text each other. It's bizarre as fuck. It's awesome. I get a text every now and then from Lance Armstrong.
Starting point is 01:56:05 He's my buddy now. We text each other. It's bizarre as fuck. It's awesome. I get a text every now and then from Lance Armstrong. He's the man. When Dan Bilzerian was doing that bet, you know, he's doing a bet where he rode a bike to Las Vegas. I didn't see it. Yeah, well, I don't know if he's talked about it publicly. I don't know if he's talked about the fact that he did it. Anyway, he, uh, Lance Armstrong texted me. He's like,
Starting point is 01:56:21 you know Dan Bilzerian? Hook us up. I want to help him. So fucking Lance Armstrong helped Dan Bilzerian train for this thing where he's got to ride to Vegas in 30 hours. He's like, he could totally do it. It's totally doable. How did Bilzerian make his money? That's a good question. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:35 I think his parents had money. That's what they think. And this is going what I know from the internet. Is they're saying... I love how you do that with the air quotes. Internet. Also known as the underworld. He was playing that he has all this money and all this stuff from being one of these top poker players in the world,
Starting point is 01:56:54 but it came out that he comes from a lot of money. So he puts on this lifestyle like, you know, like this baller and blah, blah, blah. Was drafting against the rules? He wasn't allowed to draft? That's why he did most of the trip, I think, is behind a van like that. Oh, where someone drove the van? Well, his beard is a major air drag. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Well, that's a big deal. I know. I mean, I don't know if it wasn't within the rules. Maybe he should have set the rules before they made that bet. Especially if the wind is headed his face. Hashtag y'all got hustles. If the wind is headed towards his face But you know what if they didn't put that in the rules
Starting point is 01:57:27 They fucked up cause Bill Zarian's a smart bitch And look what he's got too The van's back doors are open So they could have a fan blowing on them With like misters and shit He's a pimp How do you not love that guy Every picture he takes he's got a hundred whores with him
Starting point is 01:57:41 And I say whores I say that with all love All love and due respect I should say he has a hundred whores with him. And I say whores, I say that with all love. All love and due respect. Shooting machine sets. Great humans. Private jets. I should say he has a hundred beautiful women with him because that's what he does. But that's part of his image. That's all persona.
Starting point is 01:57:53 They're like Charlie's Angels. That's a lot of work. I don't know. Actually, it is worth kind of like dilating on a little bit. Like, I don't know. It's just not that inspiring to me. And I'm just not. What's going on over there?
Starting point is 01:58:04 What are you doing? what's going on with your legs? I can tell you right now you're pulling up your boots? I can tell you right now what Brian's trying to do is say that he's not a fan of this guy but he's trying to be very PC of it
Starting point is 01:58:13 I sure am because you never fucking draw the line with anything I just don't I just don't like this culture that is essentially celebrating itself I just don't
Starting point is 01:58:22 that's not a guy to hang out with when you're that happy with yourself and you think hey you know I was going to tell I met him he's not a guy to hang out with when you're that happy with yourself. And you think, hey, you know, I was going to tell... I met him. He's a nice guy. My business manager saying spending $125,000 on a private jet was a bad idea. I disagree with this naked girl.
Starting point is 01:58:34 All right. I'm sure I'd love hanging out with him, but it's just not that inspiring to me. I don't know. But you have to realize that people doing this are akin in a lot of ways to gangster rappers. Like what they're doing is putting out an image. That image becomes popular. That popular image equates to millions and millions of followers on Instagram because he's manipulated the media.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Ugh, to all of it though. But he can use that to promote himself in all sorts of different ways and then he becomes a business. Promote himself. Exactly. But that's what you do when you're promoting shows. What I'm saying is like a person promotes himself on Instagram, where it's a girl who's got yoga pants and a nice big butt, and she makes money all of a sudden doing squats. Yeah, I'm not mad at her.
Starting point is 01:59:10 I mean, there's a lot of those people. But there's a difference. Yeah, look at that. 17 million followers. But Brian, what's the difference between a girl sticking her butt out or him? He's got 17 million Instagram followers. There's no difference. You're just saying it's not inspiring.
Starting point is 01:59:21 Yeah, I'm saying that at least, like, don't you think, it's a little bit maybe like the difference between you see a body that's built for something. Like, if you look at Joe Schilling's body, it's built for a purpose. And then you see somebody who's a bodybuilder, all due respect to bodybuilders, it's a hard thing to do. Click on that dope girl's butt. It's just not that cool. I don't know. This has 343,000 likes, Brian. Brian, you're saying he doesn't have skills.
Starting point is 01:59:43 You're saying he doesn't possess a skill? His skill is self-promotion, but it ends there. So it's a self-cont000 likes, Brian. Brian, you're saying he doesn't have skills. You're saying he doesn't possess a skill? His skill is self-promotion, but it ends there. So it's a self-contained thing, yeah. But you say that, but how do you know? Because he's also a professional poker player. He makes millions of dollars gambling. So they say. So they say.
Starting point is 01:59:55 That's debatable. Is it debatable? Yes. Well, didn't he win this fucking debate? He won this million-dollar bet to go to Vegas. I know, but... I mean, he did it. I mean, he worked hard.
Starting point is 02:00:03 He worked hard for five weeks to do that. It's not like an empty guy with no character. It might be just a wild... I don't know him. That's what I'm saying. He might be a business beast. He might be a wild, fun-seeking motherfucker that's actually pulling it off. He's a marketing genius. If you were a guy that didn't have any set of skills and all of a sudden by hook
Starting point is 02:00:19 or by crook or by luck or by fuck, you find yourself with $100 million. Oh, I'm running with it. Wouldn't you want to live like this exactly what I have any kids you got a mansion on top of the hill no no I wouldn't I try to make a difference Brian Brian hang out with people that are way more shallow no I don't shut no I don't no I don't I do not sir you are hold on stop for a second and just consider this I want to attack you did we not talk about someone before this show that you used to hang out with all the time
Starting point is 02:00:47 that is equally as fucked up as that guy? I'm trying to think of who. Whatever. Do you mean right before this show? Yeah. That's just too complicated. Listen. No, the answer is I don't know the guy.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Yeah, either do I. I've met him. He seems nice. I know. I know. I'm just saying. Brian likes that guy because he has skills. I don't think he has to be. If you give me $100 million, listen, you give me $100 million, you know what I'm just saying. Brian likes that guy because he has skills. If you give me a hundred million dollars,
Starting point is 02:01:06 listen, you give me a hundred million dollars, you know what I'm going to do? The responsibility. Don't say charity. I'm going to try to make a difference in the world. And you're trying to do that now? I am. At least with the skills that I have. What are you doing? Well, I'm trying to be as original as I can be. But you're not going to open a charity.
Starting point is 02:01:21 Brian, you're doing that because you enjoy it and because you're entertaining people. Okay, you're not going out seeking to make a difference in the world. You're going out having a good time, doing a good thing, doing a good act. That's exactly right. But I also do try to make a difference in the world in my own way, charity-wise and things like that. I do. I spend money on charity.
Starting point is 02:01:41 I spend money trying to make the world better. And if you give me $100 million, I'm going to do that. But let's be honest. You're not a guy who's like really promoting charities a lot and talking about it a lot and you know giving money to no but at least what i'm trying to do is what i'm trying to do is go let's say this is talking to friends here let's just take stand-up let's take stand-up so stand up for me i'm trying to for me to stand up at least what i'm trying to do in my own mind is surprise myself and come up with, you know, see what I'm made of. Right, you're entertaining people doing your thing.
Starting point is 02:02:08 Yeah. Right? It's great. That's your way of giving back. This is not a criticism of your stand-up. I think you're hilarious. You know I love you. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:14 I think you're awesome. What I'm saying is that I think there's a difference between the skill of stand-up, for example, and coming up with a body of work and taking all that money and shooting guns and being on a private jet and having chicks around. Here's the problem. How do we know he's not giving a charity though? Listen, man, you don't know that. And here's the other, he might be, I don't know. He might not be.
Starting point is 02:02:32 Who knows? But what I'm seeing is a show. It's a very short snippet show. What you just saw there when he's walking by that girl's butt and he's got a machine gun. I was in. Look, not only are you in, but here's the thing. Obviously, this is staged. This is a fucking show. There is a camera behind him. Especially the way it was shot. Look, not only are you in, but here's the thing. Obviously, this is staged. This is a fucking show.
Starting point is 02:02:47 There is a camera behind him. Especially the way it was shot. Yeah. There's a camera behind him. He's moving in slow-mo. He's got a bandolier on, dude. Do you not see how ridiculous this is? Yeah, I do stand-up like that.
Starting point is 02:02:57 And then, Brian, listen. Let's just open-minded. You're watching the video. He's in a dune buggy with all these hot chicks. Do you think this is really happening? That they just get clandestine, you know, just unnoticed video of him driving around this dune buggy with all these hot chicks? Yes, I do. He hired someone. Right.
Starting point is 02:03:16 Look at this. He's walking in slow motion with his bandolier. Yeah. The girls are laughing. Those hoes are all rented for the day. This is a goddamn show. This is a show. I'm with you.
Starting point is 02:03:24 All I'm saying is even if you got $100 million, you're not becoming Mother Teresa. No one here is. No, I'm not, but I'm just saying that- Don't pretend that. That's the only issue I have. I'm not. I'm just not. All I said was I don't find it that inspiring.
Starting point is 02:03:34 No one says it is. Yeah. We're not inspired. We're not saying, Jesus Christ, Dan Bilzerian makes me want to go give money to charity. No. I'm just saying, why even be upset? I'm not upset. I'm not upset. I'm saying that to me... But it was all that sucking your teeth and
Starting point is 02:03:47 crossing your legs and what was going on there. First of all, I like being dramatic, but first of all, I'm being inspired by him. He's not theatrical. I know. That's what we're calling you out on. But hold on. Hold on. You have to... There is criteria for how to live your life. There's criteria for how to live your life.
Starting point is 02:04:05 And I think if you spend $125,000,000 on whatever, on looking great and celebrating yourself, I just think it kind of, it's just not really that thing. What if it's a whole marketing plan? It's a brilliant marketing plan.
Starting point is 02:04:20 I get that it might not be your thing. Plus this guy. It doesn't have to be your thing. My point is, to me, it's not be your thing. Plus this guy. Dude, it doesn't have to be your thing. That's exactly what I do with my money. My point is, to me, it's not offensive at all. It's no more offensive than the Kardashians. The Kardashians don't offend me. I mean, I can make fun of it all day long, but I'm not offended by what they're doing.
Starting point is 02:04:37 I don't think anything's wrong with it. I do. It's self-celebration, and I find that very boring. It's not my favorite thing, but it doesn't bother me. That's what I'm saying. I think this guy is funny. I think this Instagram, what I'm taking out of this to me is amusement and humor. This is what I'm getting.
Starting point is 02:04:53 I see it as a persona. It's a gimmick. Look at that picture on the couch. To me, this is an exaggeration of all the stereotypes of some super rich guy that doesn't exist Amy's got these girls hanging around in their underwear they're all in lingerie what if this is his life though it's just random pictures how sick would that be
Starting point is 02:05:15 listen it is I mean just think about it it is his life probably gets old after well he's taking these photos with his girls these girls and I'm sure some of them have sex with them. Yeah, I hope so. One hundred percent. I mean, otherwise he's doing it wrong. He's got real, he legitimately has unbelievable amounts of money. He's got a mansion in the Hollywood Hills.
Starting point is 02:05:37 How weird is that? These girls are around. How weird is that? Is it weird? To me, it's weird. These girls are around just because you have money and you know it. Who cares? I wouldn't care. Oh, I would i was here's the thing he's a good looking he's not a bad looking no he's not bad looking manly dude he's not gonna be on front of gq yeah he's not bad i mean here's the thing like remember we were talking about the salt no brunai yeah who hires
Starting point is 02:05:58 these girls and he pays them like thousands of dollars a day right to hang out at his house and he fucks them occasionally. He decides who he wants to fuck. He has like a whole disco built into one of his palaces. He's a prince. And he comes down and he sashays through the fucking room naked,
Starting point is 02:06:13 does whatever the fuck he wants. This guy's awesome. Yeah. He's like Aladdin. And he just picks the girls who wants to bang and brings them up to his room. But all of them are getting
Starting point is 02:06:20 ungodly amounts of money and jewelry and diamonds and all this shit. So we look at that guy and we don't have a problem with it. Well, I never said I didn't have a problem with it. Do you have a problem So we look at that guy, we don't have a problem with it. Well, I never said I didn't have a problem with it. Do you have a problem with it? It's not that I don't have a problem with it.
Starting point is 02:06:29 I don't have a problem with that gold Royals Royce, son. It's his fucking Royals Royce. What's up, son? Bitches and gold Royals Royces? He has like a hundred Ferraris. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at him. Bam, bitch.
Starting point is 02:06:39 Killing the game. Yeah, but killing what game? Killing gold. Killing these expressions. He's fucking game the life game He's killing the real Aladdin Colony and excess and vanity. Oh Brian it is right, but yeah, of course Yeah, but that's the you're like you're doing duh like duh duds gluttony, but it's hilarious
Starting point is 02:06:59 Come on be doing some shit for his people though to be yeah, how about not you might? Maybe he might be we don't know take it, though, too, B. Oh, yeah. How about not? He might. He might. Maybe. He might be. We don't know. Take it easy. We don't know. That's the thing. That's his fleet of cars. That's one of them.
Starting point is 02:07:10 If that's his value system, it's okay. Oh, Brian. Right? Right? Does it come down to a value system? Hey, B, my problem with you is you're acting like your mother, Teresa. I'm not. Like, you're doing all this charity shit.
Starting point is 02:07:20 I'm not. No, you've got to listen. What I'm coming down to the fact is that we do live in a culture that somehow celebrates that, and I just find it kind of boring. It is. It is, but- Yeah, that's all. But for a person-
Starting point is 02:07:31 The Kim Kardashian world. Exactly. You don't have to celebrate it to enjoy it. Like, it is what it is. It's part of the folly of humanity. Yes. And that's our society. I think it's amusing.
Starting point is 02:07:41 You're taking a sense of humor, and you should take a humorous approach to it. And I bet you that guy Dan Bilzerian is probably actually a funny guy and a silly goose. I would imagine. When I met him, he was very nice. He also doesn't affect me. I don't know him that well. Yeah, exactly. So I don't give a shit what he does.
Starting point is 02:07:55 I was just using him as an expression. This concerns me. Well, this concerns me. This is what's madder with the world. He's an expression of kind of what this culture has to offer. Whenever you make a point and I see you're wearing boots, and these are like Italian handmade leather zip-up boots. When I see that and you cross your legs in that really elegant way that I can't even do.
Starting point is 02:08:17 You can't do that. I know you can't cross your legs like this. Dude, I got a flexible hip. It's that fat dick. You got a fat dick. I got a fat dick. But I also have fat legs. It ain't happening.
Starting point is 02:08:25 It's the leg thing. I got skinny jeans on. It, I got a fat dick. But I also have fat legs. It ain't happening. It's the leg thing. I tape my genitals. I got skinny jeans on. It ain't happening. I tape my genitals down to my lump. By the way, I see you're wearing the fucking stretchy jeans. You were wearing them when you were doing Fighter and the Kid. That's all I wear now.
Starting point is 02:08:36 Are you wearing them now? These are my 5'4 jeans. You got to throw those out. No, no, no. I wear the barbell. I wear the barbell jeans or my 5'4s. 5'4s, these are the stretchy jeans. That's what I wheel kicked in. Oh, they stretch too? Yes, sir. Why wear the barbell jeans or my 5'4". 5'4", these are the stretchy jeans. That's what I will kick in. Oh, they stretch too?
Starting point is 02:08:48 Yes, sir. Why do you guys need stretchy jeans? Because. Because I got huge legs. I got huge legs. Wear some fucking joggers. No, no, no, no, no. I'm telling you, man.
Starting point is 02:08:54 Don't send me jeans, Joe. These jeans? Don't send me. Dude, these jeans are like wearing sweatpants. Bro. We both have blowout asses and big thighs. I know. There's some people now that sell, they call them like the brand of stretchy.
Starting point is 02:09:07 They're calling them like Rogan jeans. I know there's already a company called Rogan jeans. Make them. There's already a company called Rogan jeans that somebody made. But this is like a type, like some people are selling stretchy ones. I mean, I think stretchy is like the new thing. I love the stretchy. Well, yours is stretchy too.
Starting point is 02:09:22 I swear to God. So what are you talking about? It's all I wear now. You have them. So what are you talking about? Every company has them. They're sort of stretchy jeans. I swear to God. Oh, so what are you talking about? It's all I wear now. You have them. So what are you talking about? Every company has them. They're stretchy jeans if you go to the store you can see.
Starting point is 02:09:29 These are skinny stretchy jeans. I can do whatever the fuck I want with them. They've got Spandex in them and it's all I wear now. That's all anybody should wear. Those barbell jeans are awesome. Dude, regular canvas jeans. Why not wear a potato sack around your dick? It's stupid.
Starting point is 02:09:41 Sack is all fucking scratchy and itchy. I won't tell you that's gonna hug my fucking legs well i show off that room i used to have to wear lucky brand jeans like there's a certain because lucky brand jeans is a thicker cut there's like a few different like companies that'll make like a thicker cut that'll fit my troll like legs you got a small waist but big thighs yeah and it's my upper thighs are the highest that's like where it's way thicker all from it's all kicking stuff when you do it Like it has a child like you developed in that way one of the highlights of my life
Starting point is 02:10:10 And I'm a skinny guy the highlights of my life was when I was at John Varvatos trying on impossibly expensive jeans and and Couldn't fit my calves or my upper thighs. They were just too tight you were so happy I looked at the guy in Malibu. More calves? I got huge calves. I got well calves. You got some calves on you. I got the biggest calves in the world. Well, they're big for the rest of your body.
Starting point is 02:10:29 You said the biggest in the world? But if you were a bodybuilder, I'd be stuffing them filled with oil. Dude, I got bull hearts. Will Sasso's calves are ridiculous. They don't even look real. Bull hearts. Bull hearts. He's got bull hearts.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Straight up. It's more like a moose heart. That would be a big one. I got a moose heart in my fridge. Straight up. And it looks just like his calf. Yeah. He's got a couple moose hearts stuffed into his legs. He's a gorilla
Starting point is 02:10:48 of a dude. He's one of those guys, you're like, boy, I'm glad he's jolly. Because if he just started just running through a room full of people... We're all fucked. Even including me. We're all fucked. Dude, he just bowled me over. I pushed him into a room with a bunch of people who recognized him, and I
Starting point is 02:11:04 pushed him into this room, and I of people who recognized him and I pushed him into this room and I went, I'm Will Sasso! And everybody looked up and went, yay! And he turned and I tried to hold the door and he pushed the door and sent me into the street. He's
Starting point is 02:11:19 330. He's a fucking giant. He's the funniest guy. Will Sasso, you should have him on this podcast. He's, to me, him and Zach Galifianakis are the funniest people in the world just off the cuff. Didn't he do your podcast recently and bum you out? This wasn't like- No, he was bummed because he didn't feel well. He was sick as fuck.
Starting point is 02:11:36 But the first thing he said is, he goes, if you're a homeless person, I don't know why these guys don't grab a seagull, kick it into the ocean, break its wing, and fucking eat it right there. They're like, all right, this is going to get weird. He's fucking- He came out and he was just sick. He's on a bunch of antibiotics and stuff. Will is fucking hilarious. Will is jaw-droppingly funny.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Where did we hang out with him last? Was it in Vancouver? After UFC? He's Canadian. I feel like it was at the comedy store, wasn't it? Or in Irvine? No, we went to dinner with him at a restaurant in Canada somewhere Yes Was it Toronto?
Starting point is 02:12:07 Maybe it was Toronto No Where did we do a gig together? Was it Vancouver? That motherfucker's like Tom Cruise in Canada Was it Toronto? So much fun
Starting point is 02:12:13 We hit me that real Steve over there This? No the little bottle brother Dude I still am thinking about the show I did Joe let me do
Starting point is 02:12:22 50 minutes at the Chicago Theater in front of 3,500 people 50 That was pretty cool man That's pretty cool That's pretty awesome show I did. Joe let me do 50 minutes at the Chicago Theater in front of 3,500 people. 50. That was pretty cool, man. That's pretty cool. That's pretty awesome. We had a good time. It's funny how a giant crowd like that, though, in some
Starting point is 02:12:34 ways is so different than an intimate crowd. Yeah. Where it's like... Timing's different. Yeah. The laughter kind of rolls and you gotta wait. Whereas, you're not aware of your effect with a huge crowd like that in the same way as you're aware of your effect with 200 people. Have you ever sat,
Starting point is 02:12:49 you know, what's a really good thing to do is sit in the audience when someone's on stage like that. If you ever get a chance, like if you, I went to see Louis black, I was working the night after he was at a theater in New Jersey and me and Diaz went across the street to the theater
Starting point is 02:13:05 and, uh, you know, we sat down in the audience. We actually got like seats in a nice spot, but it was a nice spot, like in the middle towards the back. And I was amazed at how difficult it is to understand what he's saying. Once the laughter rolls, because when you're on stage, when you're on stage, you're, you hear your mic, you have monitors that are projecting towards you and you're on stage, when you're on stage, you hear your mic, you have monitors that are projecting towards you, and you're saying things, and the punchline hits, and then the people laugh.
Starting point is 02:13:31 You have to be real careful what you're saying while people are laughing. Because they'll miss it. Because it's different than a comedy club. In a comedy club, you can just hammer over it. Yes. There's 200 people in there. You say something that's funny. They're laughing.
Starting point is 02:13:43 You can add a tag in the middle of it. And it makes it even funnier. Like, Diaz. Joey Diaz is the master of that. He's just like, in the middle of people laughing, he'll slam you with something else. And then slam you with something else. But in a theater that's like 3,000 plus people, you have to wait. Because when I was sitting in the audience, it occurred to me.
Starting point is 02:14:01 I'm like, oh, when people are laughing around you, it's like people yelling at you at you like you can't hear what's up there and the speakers way the fuck over there like you you wait a minute guess who's doing guess who's doing really well with his 10 minutes we do our live show i make him get up there i'm like you're going to do stand-up dude 900 people chicago had him dying for 10 minutes i was looked at his brother and go, your brother's doing stand-up. He's done this maybe 10 times and he's fucking killing it. And adding shit in the middle of the act. Like adding shit I hadn't seen. Like he's playing with the crowd and reacting and then adding something else.
Starting point is 02:14:36 I was like, this is fucking beautiful, man. Well, it's totally different than doing this. Like this without a crowd. Completely different. Oh, yeah. Completely different. But you're always funny doing this. Just remember what you said and repeat it. That's all I do. I tell a crowd. Completely different. But you're always funny doing this. Just remember what you said and repeat it.
Starting point is 02:14:47 That's all I do. I tell a story. I have different stories. I'm just telling stories and I add stuff to it. But going back to your point about the theater, I'm brand new at this, so I thought everything was the same. And Brian and I went to do the show. It was like 700 people sold out, but it was a giant
Starting point is 02:15:03 ballroom. And Brian's's like now don't get discouraged because you're not gonna be able to hear it as well so i'd like you know do some of my bits like i could like kind of hear him laughing but it's kind of yeah you're not getting that i'm like what the fuck is wrong with these people and then when we got to the back i was like fuck them brian's like no man i told you so because i go based off the crowd's reaction we'll get off stage like dude that was a sick show or dude that sucked and he's like no i'm telling you you're not gonna be able to gauge it off this because we've been in small comedy places where i'm like holy shit i'm like fucking joe rogan up in this bitch you know and then there's other ones where i'm like what the fuck is going
Starting point is 02:15:37 on with these people he's like it's it's the venue we're in well even cobs is kind of interesting because cobs is like 400 something and the ceiling's rather high because it has a balcony. So the old Cobbs was crazy fun. The old Cobbs was like, I want to say like 150 people max. It was probably less than that. It was really small, and it was tight. And I used to do it. A lot of people used to do it.
Starting point is 02:15:59 Don Marrero used to do it and take a loss. He could get more money other places, but he would do cobs just because it was so enjoyable. That's cool, man. Everywhere we go, I have all the famous people on the walls. I always take pictures. I show you pictures. I'll send you a picture.
Starting point is 02:16:12 I'm like, look who's here. Yeah, bitch. Big time comedian. It's like, yeah, quit sending me pictures. I'm always like, look at my boy. You're new to the game. I'm taking selfies with you. What the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 02:16:20 It's funny. You've been thrown into that. It doesn't bother me. I think it's funny. I'm not going, yeah, I know where you're at, bitch. And then we had a manager go, you know, you're at the Wilbur, man. This is months ago. He goes, you know, just let you know where you guys are at.
Starting point is 02:16:34 So Rogan sold out four times. And I was like, why the fuck are you? Yeah, okay, cool. And Chris Rock sold out Madison Square Garden. What's your fucking point? What's the fucking point? What, are you trying to hurt my feelings? Who was saying this to you?
Starting point is 02:16:44 It's Joe, this guy who deals with the Wilbur. It's a giant theater, man. I'm very aware of what Rogan... Why are you even bringing that up? LeBron James dunks the basketball better than me. What's your fucking point? Listen, bitch, I've done stand-up 34 times. That's it.
Starting point is 02:16:58 Yeah, I wish 34. How many times have you done it? Only at live shows. How many live shows have you guys done? All together. Probably 10. 10, 15? That done it? Only at live shows. How many live shows have you guys done all together? Probably 10. 10, 15? That's it?
Starting point is 02:17:07 No way. Guess who's going to be doing stand-up at the Wilbur this Friday in Boston? That guy right there. Go on up. It's going to be, I don't know, we're selling a lot of tickets. The Wilbur is one of the best theaters to do stand-up in because it's a three-tier and it's shallow, meaning the people are right on top of you. So even though there's more than 1,000 people in the room, it feels way more intimate. It seems like a bunch of 300-seaters stacked on top of each other.
Starting point is 02:17:33 It seems like the same. I can't wait. If it's available at Yeah, you get a feeling like a 300-seat theater, but a roar of 1,000 people. I can't wait. It's dope. Because then we're in new york too and doing you know our bit in uh new york be crazy man well um i took tony hinchcook
Starting point is 02:17:50 with me to uh to uh boston and now he's gonna go back and headline that place he's gonna do uh the one night at the wilbur in october there it is right there see how it's like that place is sick yeah it's beautiful and it's been around that's the Wilbur right there? Mm-hmm. That's it. But that's a bird's eye view. It's a distorted view. You see how the lens is? Yeah, it's a bubble camera lens.
Starting point is 02:18:11 That's going to be great. My favorite so far has been the Vic in Chicago. The Vic Theater? That's what it's called, right? The Vic? I love the Vic. Yeah. I think that was the Vic, right?
Starting point is 02:18:20 I think the Vic. It was sick. Chicago was 900 people. It's like an older theater. I'm doing some big- ass plays in Chicago in July. I love Chicago. Fuck your Vic. I'm doing, where's the Chicago Bulls play?
Starting point is 02:18:33 I'm selling that bitch out. I'm doing a civic opera house. Damn. I'm doing an opera house. I'm going to sing. Damn right you are. Just start it off like that. Maybe I should have someone,
Starting point is 02:18:45 I'd hire someone to sing some opera before the show. That'd be sick. Just one song. Can you name one opera song? Who's the blind guy? No, but Jim Jeffries does opera. He used to be an opera singer. What?
Starting point is 02:18:57 Yeah. No. Yes. The last guy I would have thought that was. Put that photo up. That's a really good photo. God damn, that's sick. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 02:19:04 This is the Civic Opera House? Dude, you're doing that? You're going to fill it up, too. It's all gold. Look at that. It's like that prince's room. Dude, that's so sick. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 02:19:14 That's dope. Hell yeah, that's sick. That's the prince of Benai. Sold in Benai's house. That's his room just full of whores. That's exactly the same. That's the same design on his underwear. On his MeUndies
Starting point is 02:19:25 come on you know that dude has gold underwear right 100% why wouldn't you I would you ran out of ideas I'm saying it right now
Starting point is 02:19:31 I want some if anyone has 24k gold underwear send them I have camo underwear come on don't be like Dan Bozerian me too usually
Starting point is 02:19:37 hide them pee pee stains I ain't wearing it motherfucker yeah there you go I got those are MeUndies fuck yeah that's all I wear
Starting point is 02:19:43 bet your sweet ass that's all I wear me too they sweet ass. That's all I wear. Me too. They're the best underwear in the world. Even if they fucking drop me as a sponsor, I'll tell you, wear those goddamn underwear. They're fucking comfortable as shit. You can't have camo on the outside and white on the inside, though. We all camo.
Starting point is 02:19:55 Is that what you have? I wear me undies. That's what they sent me. I said, get the shit out of my face. I wear 5'4". They want you to see the damage you're doing to your underwear with your farts. Hey, man. Hey, man. Hey, man.
Starting point is 02:20:05 Let's go camo on camo. Make a jungle camo at that. Don't send that sand camo. We do reads for MeUndies, and he's like, MeUndies, no more light underwear, please. I'm dead serious. I want dark underwear, please. Well, they send me some cool light ones, too, though, with some interesting designs and prints on them.
Starting point is 02:20:20 All artsy and shit. They're dope. No doubt. What I love about that company and all these companies that are emerging on the internet don't have an actual store. They're just selling things online. They figured out, you don't need a place. Who the fuck wants to go
Starting point is 02:20:34 somewhere? How easy is it to just order something, have it sent to you, and then you go, like, how much of a difference is getting things in the mail these days as opposed to going to stores how much of an impact has that had on actual retail stores really is there anything better than getting a package at home cheaper like like this five four whatever thing we literally
Starting point is 02:20:54 it's like 60 bucks for like legit like everything i'm wearing is from that i wear it have you done club w the wine great wine way cheaper 13 bucks $13 for really good wine. So you're right, man. They cut out the... Everything we do, every one of our sponsors, I actually use the products because they're good. Yeah, me too. Me too. I love that. I haven't made a website yet with Squarespace, but I want to.
Starting point is 02:21:16 But the other things like Dollar Shave Club, I don't buy razors anymore. Do you ever use that butter shit? That Carver's Butter? Oh my God. Carver's Butter. It's so nice. We're trying to get the guy who started that company on because he's really funny, who does all the commercials.
Starting point is 02:21:30 Oh, does he? Yeah. That's him? The guy in the commercials? Yeah. He was an improv guy. Started a fucking company. So I want to get him on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:21:36 They're in Marina, too. Yeah. We got to get him on the podcast. He's funny. Well, I just love this time. Because it's really the same thing that's what's going on with podcasts. You guys don't need any sort of a company. You guys kind of have a company, though.
Starting point is 02:21:47 You kind of have Fox. I mean, not really. We have them, because, again, they don't tell you what to do, but they try. Well, they tried when we first started. They've been great. They've actually been so good. But they also stay out of our way. They know if they're
Starting point is 02:22:04 like, hey, don't do that I'm like what? See ya Do what? That's the thing You guys have an advantageous position In the relationship It's not like a regular show Where they could fire you from it
Starting point is 02:22:14 If they fire you It will have zero impact Zero It actually helped us Because I would just tell everyone What went down And I would tell all the fucks dirt And I would blast pictures Oh someone's down, and I will tell all the fucks dirt, and I will blast pictures.
Starting point is 02:22:26 Oh, someone's a snitch. I'm a snitch. I'm a Nobitski fucking. I've always been a snitch. Oh, no. Yeah, I'm that golden snitch. The truth comes out. The truth comes out.
Starting point is 02:22:36 Golden snitch. But they're actually. How long before someone fucking makes a Photoshop of you in the Salt and Brunei's outfit that just says golden snitch? The golden snitch. That Photoshop Steve guy is going to be on that, man. It's happening right now. It's happening.ette outfit. It just says golden snitch. Golden snitch. That Photoshop Steve guy is going to be happening right now. It's happening. We're going that guy's sweating right now and fucking putting it all together. No more keto kid.
Starting point is 02:22:53 Just the golden snitch. That fucking salt and brunette picture was the perfect picture for you. Just put your head on his little body. Oh my God. He is a little snitch. And they do it as like the same picture that they use for the golden child like use the cover the same font and everything golden snitch the eddie murphy movie so funny man i forgot about that movie yeah me too arsenio hall back in the day fucking arsenio hall that was a good movie back in the day that was when eddie murphy was
Starting point is 02:23:23 in his heyday Dude they tried bringing Arsenio Hall back His same show Where he goes Who who who 2016 bitch Get the fuck out of here That didn't work
Starting point is 02:23:31 Well it was also The real problem With that not working There was a bunch Of different problems They tried to do The same show The exact same
Starting point is 02:23:38 He's even dressed the same Doing the same bits And shit And he looks the same He aged well Same haircut Sweater He's doing some stand up
Starting point is 02:23:44 He's a real nice guy. Really nice guy. I can't say a bad word about that guy ever. Arsenio Hall is a real nice guy. Why doesn't Eddie Murphy do stand-up anymore? I thought he was going
Starting point is 02:23:52 to start trying to do it. You know what, man? Eddie Murphy has that tranny stuff, the transgender prostitute stuff hanging over his head, I'm sure. So he's afraid
Starting point is 02:24:00 people will call him out. That shit would be funny. Dude, when I was with Charlie, people called Charlie out on it. They were yelling out to Charlie. Have you seen Eddie's Girl? Yeah, I'm sure. Look, I, look.
Starting point is 02:24:11 Talk about the golden. He's goddamn Eddie Murphy. But here's the thing. He did an award show recently, and he, like, went up and talked about Cosby and did material about Cosby, and it was fucking great. Wow. It wasn't just great is his timing was great amazing his delivery was great. We see it Is it yeah? Yeah, it's online see Jamie try to find I gotta see this It's so good that it makes you go whoa if this guy was doing stand-up. He would be fucking fun No, I think it just doesn't care anymore. Just like
Starting point is 02:24:41 He's fucking murdering it right now. Do you think he just doesn't care anymore? So rich. So rich. He's absolutely so rich and absolutely so busy, and he likes doing movies. And when he does movies, he's in a lot of ways, he's like sheltered from all these people that would fuck with him. He hasn't done a movie in a while, though. For sure make Nutty Professor 4. I don't know what he's done in a while.
Starting point is 02:24:59 I haven't really been paying attention, but I mean, the amount of money that Eddie Murphy's made from all those movies that he did. From Shrek as the donkey. Oh, that's right. Shrek's probably the last thing he did. He made them a billion dollars. He looks like a sultan. I mean, there's animators and there's a lot of story writing. Still making bank though.
Starting point is 02:25:15 Other people could have done that too. It's not like it was impossible to do without Eddie Murphy. But what he has accomplished, I mean, financially, is probably staggering. Insane. The Beverly Hills cops? I could, financially, is probably staggering. Insane. The Beverly Hills cops? I could see him not wanting to grind. Right.
Starting point is 02:25:30 Not wanting to go out there. When you live like the Sultan of Brunei, to bring it back full circle. I wonder if it does. I don't know if it does. Or like Dan Bilzerian. I'll tell you what, though. I met him in Hawaii. He was nice as fuck. Eddie was?
Starting point is 02:25:39 He was really cool. Yeah. He was real friendly. Real nice. Yeah, there it is. Hold on a second. Go from the beginning. Damn, he's aged great. Yeah, give him some volume. He really has., there it is. Hold on a second. Go from the beginning. Damn, he's aged great.
Starting point is 02:25:46 Yeah, give it some volume. He really has. Black people don't age, really, do they? Well, he's in his 50s. What happened? What'd you do? What's that? Bill has one.
Starting point is 02:25:56 He said Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one.
Starting point is 02:25:58 Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one.
Starting point is 02:25:58 Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one.
Starting point is 02:25:59 Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one.
Starting point is 02:26:00 Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one.
Starting point is 02:26:00 Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one.
Starting point is 02:26:00 Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. Bill has one. trophies back. You know you f***ed up when they want you to give your trophies back.
Starting point is 02:26:15 He's going to give his trophy back to you? He should do one show where he just come out and just talk crazy now. I would like to talk to some of the people who feel that I should give back my... Is that it? He's so good at... I think he did more than that. That was edited and censored a little bit. Yeah, obviously. Damn, look at all those Dave Chappelle's.
Starting point is 02:26:48 Oh, this is just a story piece. Murphy makes Cosby jokes at award ceremony. They didn't want to do the whole thing. Anyway, you guys can find it, I'm sure. What was the name of the award? It was from the Mark Twain Awards from earlier this year. I'm telling you, man, just looking at that thing right there. When you're talking about a guy who hasn't done stand-up in forever
Starting point is 02:27:06 And he just goes up there and murders it like that and is in perfect form as timings perfect He's a fucking fantastic stand-up such a talent, huh? Amazing believable a great crazy run to again now, huh? I see all the time. I see on your Instagram Yeah, we hang out at the comic store all the time. He's your boy So is that yeah, we took me some Eyes Wide Shut party in the middle of the Hollywood Hills. What? You had to get in an elevator and go to the top of this hill. What? Yeah, it was Naomi Campbell
Starting point is 02:27:32 had this birthday party. And so Dave's like, hey, Joe, you want to go with me to this party? And I'm like, dude, I don't like going to those parties. I like avoiding celebrity things. He's like, oh, come on, man. I gotta be back here by midnight anyway. And I go, alright, so we oh, come on, man. I got to be back here by midnight anyway. I go, all right, so we're smoking crazy amounts of weed.
Starting point is 02:27:50 We get in my Porsche. Go up to the top of this hill. Get even more baked. Get in a shuttle. It takes you up to this dude's house. And some dude who has the sickest house at the top of the hollywood hill it's just some crazy billionaire character who has a sick house and then above his sick house he has a sick party house type he has just a party house so you go to the top of this house and he has this fucking insane view of the city where it looks like blade runner you know and he's got so just 180 degrees
Starting point is 02:28:26 of windows his party house is like a like a flying saucer that just got stuck in the side of a building but the the whole outside edge of the flying saucer is all windows so you're sitting there's all seats around the windows and then he has this big bar and as i mean the guy's just loaded and we have to take an elevator like a four-person elevator open-air elevator that goes up the side of the hill and as we're going up the side of the hill Naomi Campbell's naked photo is 40 50 feet tall and I'm not kidding I'm not exaggerating it's just enormous naked photo of Naomi Campbell and then we get up to the top and it's like Demi Moore's there and I'm saying hi
Starting point is 02:29:06 to Lenny Kravitz and I'm like this is so strange. It's so high. Plus barbecued. So high. B-b-b-b-barbecued. So high I shouldn't be out in public and up there with all these fucking super rich people and I'm like what's up Lenny? Hey
Starting point is 02:29:21 what's up man? How you doing? We're talking to Lenny Kravitz like how bizarre is this yeah just seems Yeah, it seems real nice. Yeah, but it was all these I was talking all these musician dudes about MMA It was like I got cornered by all these musician dudes started throwing like fighting. Oh my god, man, dude people get so excited Yeah, they get so excited. They want to start talking MMA got a guy who knows yeah, meanwhile I'm like anything to relax my anxiety right now. I'll tell you all the shit I know. I'll break down whatever the fuck you want.
Starting point is 02:29:49 Give me two fighters. Go. You want to know who's going to win? How do people make that much money? You want to know the 2017 schedule? Here's the weirdest part about it. There was one point in the night, Noemi Campbell was for a book that she has. She has a book coming out.
Starting point is 02:30:01 Oh, okay. She's very nice, too, by the way. Super nice and beautiful. Still a dying piece? 100%. I don't know how old she has. She has a book coming out. She's very nice too, by the way. Super nice and beautiful. Still a dying piece? 100%. I don't know how old she is. She's got to be 40, right? I would imagine she's probably closer to 50. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:16 Cindy Crawford is 50 now. I think she's 49. I think she's a little older than that. Cindy Crawford? No, she's 45. Naomi Campbell's 45? How old is Cindy Crawford? She's 50. I think she's a little older than that. Cindy Crawford? She's 45. Naomi Campbell's 45? How old is Cindy Crawford? She's 55. I think she just turned 50.
Starting point is 02:30:31 Ridiculously looking. Ridiculously looking. She is ridiculous. So, Naomi Campbell, 45, still fucking slamming hot, right? So, anyway, she stops in the middle of this thing. They have these photos of her. Her book is out, and it's this exclusive book that costs like $1,500 or something. Yeah, don't charge that much. It's all really big, high, glossy, the whole deal.
Starting point is 02:30:49 Yeah, don't do that. And she just stops, and they start taking photos of her, and she just starts posing. So no one talks. No one's talking. Everyone's just watching. They're just watching her do this. Because it's a Naomi Campbell party. So it's almost like Michael Bolton gets out at his party and starts,
Starting point is 02:31:01 When I'm mad, love's a woman. I'd take it myself on, go boy. But it's like that. She's doing her thing. Her craft. She's posing. Her craft.
Starting point is 02:31:11 That's how a supermodel does it. Amazing. Oh, get it, girl. And there's just, it was kind of a fascinating little party. It was a good thing to dip my toe into and get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible. And realize why you don't go to those.
Starting point is 02:31:22 Yeah, well it's just, they're too famous. They're too famous and what it is is, to me it's like realize why you don't go to those. Well, it's just, they're too famous. They're too famous, and what it is, to me, it's like, ooh, don't get that famous. For sure, back off. Because you're going to get weird. Everybody gets weird. They're weird people, and they have to hang out with each other,
Starting point is 02:31:35 because nobody else is going to understand. I was talking to Dave about that. I go, do you like hanging out with celebrities because they're the only people that understand what your life is like? He's like, oh, man, but I'm not as famous as them. I go, hit the brakes. I go, that's part of your problem. You don't understand how fucking famous you are.
Starting point is 02:31:52 You're one of the most famous comedians that's ever lived and one of the most famous celebrities in America. Like if there's a 100 list of the most famous people in America. Dave Chappelle, yeah. Dave Chappelle's on that list. I'm not on that list. I like to stay on the outskirts of that list. I like to be in the suburbs of that list. Oh, I don't know, Joe. I don't like being on that list. Dave Chappelle's on that list. I'm not on that list. I like to stay on the outskirts of that list. I like to be in the suburbs of that list. Ooh, I don't know, Joe. I don't like being
Starting point is 02:32:07 on that list. I think you're in that list. I'm definitely not. Hey, you're the Dave Chappelle right now. You're definitely closing in. You're the Dave Chappelle right now, my man. You're closing in on it. You ain't quitting. I'm slowing down. I'm slowing down. I'm moving away. I'm thinking about moving to, like, Yosemite. Would you do that
Starting point is 02:32:23 bullshit? Would you move out of LA? You've always flirted with moving out of LA. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Where would you live right now if I gave you one other alternative? There's a few different possibilities. I really like Colorado. I've always liked Colorado.
Starting point is 02:32:37 Colorado is always going to be one of my best choices. You've been there, though. I like the people. I like the environment. I like the vibe. I like the stand-up community. I like the Comedy Works. I love Wendy, the owner of the Comedy Works.
Starting point is 02:32:49 That's the spot. That's the spot where I could live. I could live in Seattle. I just couldn't deal with the winter. I just think it's stupid. There's no need to do it. Folks, it rains too much up there. Your summers are of the gods.
Starting point is 02:33:01 And I get it that it makes you appreciate one when you don't have the other, but it's hard to know that all I can do is get on a jet and I can be in L.A. and it's perfect. Yeah. The problem in L.A. right now is that it's really good. Like, comedy-wise, it's never been better. Like, there's more clubs, there's more comics, there's more inspiration, there's more fun. Me and Stan Hope and Ron White were hanging out at the comic store the other night, drinking and laughing and having fun. And I'm like, where else can this take place?
Starting point is 02:33:32 It's so rare that you'll go there and a guy like Ron White drops in to do 15 minutes. I mean, that's really what it is. And on the list to do 15 minutes. Burr comes by. All these people were all hanging. Don't you think if you moved to Denver, your podcast would suffer? Because you're not going to have as many big guests? Maybe.
Starting point is 02:33:49 I don't know. You can always find out. Who doesn't care? I could always fly in like once a week. That would get tired. Every weekend fly someone in. Well, no. Well, I could definitely fly someone there if they were willing to go.
Starting point is 02:34:03 I could look for like local people, but that would run dry. Very fast in Denver. Yeah. There's no better spot than L.A. to do podcasts or anything like that. And stand-up. And stand-up. You can't find better. But there's also the vast numbers of human beings that live in this place.
Starting point is 02:34:23 Yeah. Shit. Look at the numbers with Denver. It's not the same as here, but how many people are moving there? I wouldn't live in Denver. It's insane. Oh,
Starting point is 02:34:29 you'd live back. I'd live in like Evergreen. I like Evergreen. I like, you know, it's nice. Yeah. Broomfield's nice,
Starting point is 02:34:36 but Evergreen's in the mountains. Yeah. That's what I like. There's some views in Evergreen or Boulder. I like Boulder a lot. The Boulder thing is, it's a one note thing. Everybody's so liberal. They're so left wing. I like like a lot. Oof, couldn't live without it. The Boulder thing is a one-note thing. Everybody's so liberal.
Starting point is 02:34:46 They're so left-wing. I like a little mixture. I like some... Too soft in Boulder for me. Soft in what way? Just bitches. Oh. Just.
Starting point is 02:34:56 I remember I went to school there. I lived there. Just bitches. How so? How so? There's just... A, there's no diversity. It's just all white...
Starting point is 02:35:03 All white people. Rich white people. Just everyone's rich. Super liberal, rich white people. Just everyone's rich or your college kid. Super liberal, rich white people? If you see a black guy, he plays football. Other than that, their lives, they live in this Pleasantville, this little weird bubble community. Weird bubble. Yeah, weird.
Starting point is 02:35:15 But super nice people. Yeah, they're nice. Educated. It's easy to be nice when you've got plenty of food and no threats, right? Let's ditch. Somebody made it already. Did you make it? Jamie Snitch. Somebody made it already. Did you make it? Jamie made it.
Starting point is 02:35:27 Jamie made it while working on the show. Jamie, you're a genius. Incredible. The Golden Snitch. That might be a young shot. Jamie, please text me that immediately. That must go on the Instagram page. That's Ultimate Fighter's shop face.
Starting point is 02:35:43 That's perfect. I don't know, man man Those two spots are big candidates Please don't leave LA I'm thinking about spending time In more than one place The only thing that holds me back It's not really holding me back But having a family
Starting point is 02:36:00 You have to take them into consideration School, keep bouncing them around Kids don't like that. Stability, son. Kids don't like that. That's how I grew up. They might turn into me. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:09 But I'll tell you one thing. When they turn 18, if they decide to go to college somewhere and move somewhere else, I'm a ghost. There's no way I'm going to be doing this in 10 years. There's no way I'm going to. Because I don't think this city's sustainable. I think this city is like a game of musical chairs. And I think after a while, you're like, it's going to be Mexico City.
Starting point is 02:36:28 I've been to Mexico City. I know what it's like. It's overwhelming. The amount of people, like the traffic jams are insane. Like you go through them and you're like, how is this real? Nobody gives a fuck about a red light or a green light. And when they want to merge, they just have to jut themselves out into traffic. Nobody lets you in. And I remember sitting there thinking they're watching this going here's this
Starting point is 02:36:48 beautiful city this crazy ancient city in the mountains in mexico like 7 000 feet above sea level you know just with 20 plus million people it's stuffed in it and like la is not that far off and la's growth from the time I moved here in 1994 to today in 2016 is unbelievable. 22 years later. Property values are so expensive. I know, but that's going to happen here. You think it's going to keep going? What's going to happen? People are going to wise up and become awesome?
Starting point is 02:37:16 No, they're going to keep moving here because this is where show business is. See, I'm trying to convince my dad to move here, especially because his grandson's here. And so he doesn't see him. Like, Dad, move, man. Well, that's different though. I mean, that makes sense to move here especially because his grandson's here and so he doesn't see him like dad can move man well that's different though i mean that makes sense you know to live here with you know you're you're here your business is here your family's here that makes sense i think people will move though the thing is it's so expensive to live here property like anything else what happens is people go you know what la is great but you know there's this place raleigh north
Starting point is 02:37:41 carolina they really do with a infrastructure, and people move to those places. Nashville, Raleigh. Look what happened to Portland. That secret got out. People moved there. Yeah, but the secret's out. The winter sucks. That's true.
Starting point is 02:37:53 But as you get, one of the things I notice is I'll be in places, like that place we were in in Oklahoma slash Arkansas, in the middle of nowhere, this tiny little beautiful town. We found the best coffee shop with the best single source, single origin, shade-grown coffee, you know, designer fucking coffee worthy of Keith Jardine. This is the kind of shit that he gets excited about. But I'm saying- Design class is fucking not moving there.
Starting point is 02:38:14 But we ate great food, too. We had great restaurants. No, we gotta move. I ate a croissant. I know. I loved it. It made me think of France. I know.
Starting point is 02:38:22 France. I know. Oklahoma. The France of France. I'm not moving there I know. Oklahoma. The France. The France. I'm not moving there, though, B. But here's the thing. There's great places everywhere. No, but I'm saying that the secret-
Starting point is 02:38:30 Small towns are not small towns from 20 years ago. Yeah. That's right. The internet is here, and people are evolving and changing everywhere. Yes. It's a different world. You can find a lot of what you like from big cities in small towns now more and more. More and more.
Starting point is 02:38:41 And I think that it's important to note that the only reason to be in LA, it's kind of retro, to have all these people jammed in together. The idea is that this is where the cool people are. This is where we have to live. This is where show business is. But what kind of show business are you really involved in anymore? Other than the Goldbergs? I guess that's like the last traditional thing. No, but you're right about that too. And a lot
Starting point is 02:39:00 of stuff doesn't shoot in LA. But also But you don't want to shoot anyway. Your stuff that you're doing, most of it is you doing stand-up on the road, or you're doing your podcast on the road, or you're doing your podcast in town. Unless you're doing auditions. I told you the story about me turning that thing down before the show. I'm not doing it. That's gangster.
Starting point is 02:39:16 I'm not interested. It's not as fun. There's only so much time. I want to bow hunt. I want to get my own food in the mountains. I don't want to do any of that. Dude, shoot elk. I want to act. I want to get my own food in the mountains. I don't want to do any of that. Shoot elk. I want to act. I want to hear elk go fuck hunting.
Starting point is 02:39:30 Fuck hunting. He's only waiting behind a tree. He wants to act. Fuck hunting. Yeah, you say that until you do it. Let me tell you something right now. I take you bow and arrow hunting, son. You get addicted to archery. You realize the rush of taking out an elk and then eating it and then realizing like all the
Starting point is 02:39:45 Guilt and weird shit that you have about food about buying it from a grocery store You can cut out like most of that everything except restaurants. I've got it out. Yeah, I'm eating meat. It's all this It's it's so it's it's exciting. You tell me one I'm in I wish I was the danger Yeah, you wish it first of all I want a wish it was a dangerous animal. You do? Yeah. First of all, elk will fuck you up. Nah, slap the fuck out of him. Are you out of your mind?
Starting point is 02:40:10 You'll go outside and look at that forest horse that I got sitting out there? They would run from this, brother. They might. Sweetie. Sweetie. Me with an arrow? He's not going to be like, what's up, bro? First of all, he has to know that it's an arrow.
Starting point is 02:40:21 An elk might run. A moose might run at you, motherfucker. That's a big problem with shooting moose with a bow and arrow. I said an elk, son. A moose An elk might run, a moose might run at you, motherfucker. See? That's a big problem with shooting moose with a bow and arrow. A moose? It's all the deer family. I'm scared of a moose. They're pretty close in size.
Starting point is 02:40:32 Yeah. Mooses fuck people up. Elk fuck people up, too. I'm going to have to watch some videos if we're going to go. I need to get more scared. I need some videos of elk fucking humans up. Most likely, they won't. Moose are more aggressive. Because moose are traditionally in climates that deal with a
Starting point is 02:40:48 lot more grizzly bear too. Dude, see, now if you're talking about- Yeah, son. And wolves. The one animal that scares the shit out of me- There's an elk. Oh my God. There's an elk fucking up some snowmen.
Starting point is 02:40:57 That's a snow- You know what I'll do with that fucking thing? But dude, look at the size of that thing. You understand how big that is? I think it's fucking big. That's a thousand pound animal. Yeah. I'm going to need a machine gun. With giant swords growing out of its head.? I think it's fucking big. That's a thousand pound animal. Yeah. I'm going to need a machine gun.
Starting point is 02:41:06 With giant swords growing out of its head. I need a machine gun, bro. Here's what terrifies me. I didn't realize that grizzly bears start eating you before you die. Ass first. They start eating your ass. Well, they don't kill you. They just eat you.
Starting point is 02:41:17 You eventually die. That's what I was going to say. Jesus Christ. I was listening to your show because I'm scared of horses. I've always been scared of horses, but even more now. I was listening to your show. I'm like, Mr. Hands, I gotta look this up. I went to that dark web, found that Mr. Hands video. What's that?
Starting point is 02:41:31 What do you hear about this shit? Mr. Hands is a guy who likes to have sex with horses. Well, this horse was just a little too balls deep in that asshole. He killed him. You don't know about this? Killed him. You talk about it on stage. It's a great bit.
Starting point is 02:41:43 I stopped doing it. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. No, no, no, no. I You talk about it on stage. It's a great bit. I stopped doing it. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. No, no, no, no. I mean, a bit on stage. Dude, Mr. Hands is a guy who would go into this place. I did all this research. I'm fucking weird.
Starting point is 02:41:52 But it's obviously a three-man mission. Because a cameraman, a guy controlling that big old dick wiener, that big old horse wiener. And then Mr. Hands is like this. And so they just line that horse up. He puts his hooves on. And then just line that horse up he's puts you know his hooves on and then they line that dick into the asshole well this horse was like boom son and have a set up where the guy who's bending over it looks like like bales of hay or something like that or some sort of a
Starting point is 02:42:16 platform that they've designed so the guy can bend over and then the guy puts his asshole out and the horse they lift the horse's legs up so his feet are on the platform and take his heart on they probably like and the horse they lift the horse's legs up so his feet are on the platform I take his heart on they probably like jerk the horse off first. He came in about two seconds That's how animals do like good. You don't like fuck like Lexington Steel No this was like boom boom yeah Yeah, no, we played the noises we played in the Josh's episode cast we played the noises that But he's like kind of like me We played the noises. We played in the Josh Zepp's podcast. We played the noises that he makes.
Starting point is 02:42:46 It's like... But he's kind of like me. He's like... He doesn't die there, though. He doesn't die there. He died at the hospital. At the hospital, his friends are like, you gotta go to the hospital. He's like, no, I'm fine,
Starting point is 02:42:57 because he works for Boeing. He's like, I'm not going. Here's the thing, though. They don't know if that video is of the time that killed him, because apparently there's hundreds of hours of videos of those guys getting fucked by horses. Hundreds of hours. Now, my thing is, what the government should do is, there's no sense in holding on to that and not making a profit off of those hundreds of hours.
Starting point is 02:43:19 They should take that, make a DVD, put it up for sale, and put the money back into the coffers of the city. I agree. Eat them, Claw. Make some money. I'd kind of check it out. It's interesting to see, because this horse's dick, it looks like this mic. It's literally this size. It's like your arm, and I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 02:43:36 And he goes balls deep. Yeah. This horse's balls, it goes through his fucking- Yeah, it just rips him apart. It tore his colon open. What'd you think was going to happen? Well, apparently he'd done it a bunch of times and survived. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 02:43:50 Yeah, or done it with other animals, and then maybe the horses would broke him. Maybe he tried to... Put a safety ring on that bad boy. Put a safety ring. Well, the guy tries to hold on to it for a second. Whose idea is that? He tries to like... You know like a high school girl, when they're first learning how to get BJs, they hold on
Starting point is 02:44:04 to the... They have like a little stopper. Yeah. Yeah, that horse is not buying that at all. The horse said, just the tip? Nah. He's like, dirt. You got to put an inflatable safety ring on that bad boy.
Starting point is 02:44:13 That ain't going to stop that fucking mammal. It's just weird. It's weird because they've met online in a forum where people are turned on by animals. Yeah. Bestiality. met online in a forum where people were turned on by animals. Yeah. And then they met on this forum and then decided to meet in this place that was legal. In Washington State it was legal until recently. As long as the animal's
Starting point is 02:44:34 penetrating you. If you're penetrating the animal that shit's illegal, son. You can't fuck a horse, but it can fuck you. The rules have changed since Mr. Hand died. I guess that makes sense. That guy Jonathan... I'm so balls deep in it. As soon as I listened to that, I guess that makes sense. That's like that guy Jonathan. I'm so balls deep in it. As soon as I listened to that, I was on the plane just researching the shit out of it.
Starting point is 02:44:49 But there's this guy, Jonathan Haidt, who's a social scientist. We're talking about that. Certain things are legal, but they elicit a disgust response, even though they don't hurt anybody. So he does this example of two things where he goes, if a brother and sister are in the woods having sex with a condom on, there's nothing inherently harmful to both of them, but all of us go, ooh. Or if a guy jerks off, or if a guy
Starting point is 02:45:13 fucks a chick and then eats it, we all go, god damn, but it's not really the chicken's already dead. And it elicits a disgust reaction even though technically you can't really define why it's wrong. Well, you said I have to bet that bit about it, but why is it okay to kill something,
Starting point is 02:45:30 but you can't fuck it after you kill it? That's a great. Like you can't do that. But if you jerked off with a chicken cutlet, I bet you wouldn't go to jail. Right. If somebody caught you fucking a chicken, people would be really mad. But if you just took the breast, the chicken breast wrapped around your dick and jerked off.
Starting point is 02:45:44 Right. No one can say shit. Right. But if you just took the breast, the chicken breast, wrapped it around your dick and jerked off, no one could say shit. Right, but we still have this automatic disgust. We have this weird disgust. If you're into ground beef. If you take ground beef and you just take raw ground beef and you warm it up to body temperature in a plastic Ziploc bag, wrap it around your dick
Starting point is 02:46:01 and just start jerking yourself with this warm beef. That's not a terrible idea. Can you do that? Are you allowed to do that? I guess you can. Can you do that? It's not a terrible idea. I guess you can. You can do that. You're talking about a hot pocket, what they call in the forums. But people might not invite you to their cocktail party.
Starting point is 02:46:11 But if you get caught fucking a pig, even if the pig's having a great old time. Like if you're fucking a pig. It's illegal. And the pig's like. Loving it. Loving it. Is that your pig impression? This is my pig just really hitting it the right spot.
Starting point is 02:46:23 That pig's like. Oh shit baby. You're wiggling your head. Oh shit hitting at the right spot. That pig is like, oh, shit, baby. You're wiggling your head, dude. Oh, shit, son. That's illegal. That's illegal. Even if the pig finds you and starts backing up towards you, seeks you out.
Starting point is 02:46:34 But if you bend over and that pig's like, yo, let me get at that asshole, it's legal most places. Hey, let's go back to Dan Bilzerian we were talking about. No, it's not necessarily legal. And I don't think it's legal in Washington State anymore. No, not anymore because Mr. Hand's died. But it's not like a proactive, active thing. It's like, I think it's illegal to just be engaging in sex.
Starting point is 02:46:55 Why though? I don't know. Isn't that weird? Who gives a fuck? But that's the question. It's like, can you do body parts? You know? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:47:02 Well, what about the guy who paid the guy to kill him and eat him, and they ate his genitals together? They ate his dick together. Like, technically, there was a legal quagmire there where they were like, well, the guy did put an ad out, and he did want to be. Craigslist. And you cannibalized him together. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:21 Did the guy wind up dying? Oh, yes. He wanted to be slaughtered, put an ad out in Craigslist, and, like, oh yes he wanted to be slaughtered put an ad out in craigslist and like where was that to be slaughtered somewhere yeah and some dude was like oh i'll do it i'll do it and he's like listen but the deal is you gotta eat my dick first he's like shit i'll eat that dick like kobayashi i'll barbecue that shit for you strange japanese man 22 cooks his own genitals and serve them no this is a different one this is a different, this is a different one. This is a different story. That one's fucking nuts, though. This is a guy who didn't like his gender. He was asexual, so he decided to cut his dick and balls off
Starting point is 02:47:51 and then serve them. Did the party know, though, or was it like Hannibal style? No, they knew. They were garnished with mushrooms and parsley. That's just incredible. They paid 160, what is that, pounds? I don't know. Per person.
Starting point is 02:48:04 Way too much. That's what it is, way? I don't know Per person Way too much To eat his severed genitalia in Tokyo At least they were garnished with mushrooms and parsley I like mine with lemon and capers You get everything though You get the shaft, the testes, and the scrotum Look at this, he cooked the genitalia himself As he was supervised by a chef
Starting point is 02:48:21 Whoa, in a tweet he offered to cook his penis For a guest for whatever that squiggly mark is. I'm offering my male genitals full penis test. He screwed him as a meal for 100,000 yen. That's 800 pounds. So that's roughly,
Starting point is 02:48:34 what, $1,000? A little Asian guy, though. That's a... It's a pound more than a dollar or less than a dollar now. It varies, right? It's more now? It's worth more?
Starting point is 02:48:45 So 800 pounds is like 1,000. He decided to split the meal between six guests. So you're not getting a lot of dick for your money. The organs were surgically removed at age 22. I was tested to be free of venereal diseases. The organs were of normal function. I was not receiving female hormone treatment. So he took the dick and balls away a year ago, a year before this.
Starting point is 02:49:07 Kept that shit on ice. Oh, my God. Well, that's probably going to tenderize it a little bit. That works with elk meat. Yeah, it depends how you let it simmer. Depends how you let it simmer. No, I mean, it's freezing. You freeze it for a year.
Starting point is 02:49:17 It actually breaks down some of the tissue. Especially that scrotum. A lot of guys who hunt moose, they don't eat it for like six months. Oh, really? And it breaks down? Yeah. Ronella's brother told me that. I feel like the dick would be pretty soft, like a filet.
Starting point is 02:49:28 I feel sick. It would be all fat. I feel sick. I feel really sick. I know, but so I'm thinking about the six people eating this tiny dick, like calamari. Yeah, not good. The other guy's a different story, though. Find out about the guy who hired someone to kill him and eat him. Yeah, that one's
Starting point is 02:49:44 different. But there's a lot of weird dick-eating people who the fuck signed up to go that dinner maybe you guys go over ching v that day can you call him crazy well do you guys know about the japanese guy there's a japanese guy who killed a woman and ate her and did a little bit of time in jail and somehow or another got off or got out and now is a celebrity and he jokes around about eating people he murdered some girl and ate her, and now he does pictures. The Japanese culture is very different than ours. He does these pictures where he pretends to be biting people.
Starting point is 02:50:14 He's like a scary, strange fetish. Like a celebrity. I'm trying to remember the dude's name. Ozawa or something like that? You find him? I was looking for that, but you started almost saying... I found this was even weirder. What is this?
Starting point is 02:50:26 That article that damn thing's in the way. Man slices or woman slices... Close down at the bottom of it. You can get rid of it. No, you see right below that? Audible? Oh, my God. They're all popping up.
Starting point is 02:50:36 This is gross. Oh, my God. Look at all these things that pop up. Yeah, I feel physically sick thinking he's eating dick. Ew. You can't get rid of that ad? Oh, my God. Audible.
Starting point is 02:50:47 Oh, there it goes. Okay. Oh, it's like a coding issue, huh? Yeah. I see. Interesting, though. It's going to things that you've researched, like Richard Dawkins, The God of Delusion, Meat Eater, Sam Harris.
Starting point is 02:51:00 A woman slices off rapist's genitalia, forces him to eat it at gunpoint. See, that that's tight move that I'm cool cause this guy came after her he raped her keep going down look at that guy's face
Starting point is 02:51:09 and then she convicted child molester she then approached Williams tied him up in a bit of rage grabbed a knife and castrated him
Starting point is 02:51:16 wow is that the plot of Williams fell asleep after drinking massive amounts of alcohol and Walt was able to untie herself and then she
Starting point is 02:51:23 basically see I'm with that. That's cool. That's awesome. She should have killed him afterwards. I see that bastard's junk in the microwave, grab the plate, fork, and steak knife, and cut it up like hot dogs. Wow, and force him to eat it at gunpoint.
Starting point is 02:51:34 I grab the gun that he had left on the kitchen counter, walk over to him, force him to eat it. I have no remorse, and I am not sorry. That bastard deserved it, and he's going to hell. Did she get in trouble? I agree with her. Eat that dick, son. See, now that's a case where I think that girl should get a medal.
Starting point is 02:51:47 Me too. Why are we not celebrating her? Why is she not on her own podcast? Is she in trouble? Find out if she's in trouble. Hope not. It'd be hilarious if she wasn't. Because she didn't kill him, right?
Starting point is 02:51:55 Just fed him that dick. That's allowed. That should be allowed. Well, she cut his dick off. Hey, man. Fantastic. Well, you can't say self-defense. Well, she was tied up, got out, cut that dick off, forced him to eat it.
Starting point is 02:52:06 Yeah, he needs to die. Of course. Well, it's almost better he's alive now with no dick. No, because he can still hurt people. Good luck in jail. You know, a lot of those guys, what they're doing is psychological. Son of a bitch. What?
Starting point is 02:52:17 False. It's fake? Yeah. Oh, damn it. God damn. Well, the picture, I was like, well, that picture will talk. Jamie Snopes it. False.
Starting point is 02:52:24 A fake news site posing as a Los Angeles area outlet KTLA spread a fabricated but juicy tale of a woman's revenge. That was a plot from The Girl with the Tattoo, whatever the fuck it was. Oh, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? Yeah, that's why I was like, haven't I seen that? That rapist? She fucked him up. She doesn't feed him his dick, but she fuck fucked him up and writes like whore or whatever on
Starting point is 02:52:45 his back and tattoo. Good move. Badass. See, but we're all in agreement of something like that. You see the possibility of someone actually doing that and how you support it. I'm 100% in agreement with that. Me too. Brian, are you checking the tweets to see if people love you?
Starting point is 02:52:58 No, I'm not. I'm seeing when we have to be at CAA. You guys have a meeting? Yeah. What time is your meeting? I don't know. I just got a call from my agent. I may have to listen to it real at CAA. You guys have a meeting? Yeah. What time is your meeting? I don't know. I just got a call from my agent. I may have to listen to it real quick.
Starting point is 02:53:08 What are you guys doing? Got some fighter in the kid business going on? Yeah, we're big shots right now. Hot in the streets right now. Victim of cannibal agreed to be eaten. To the family next door. Oh, this is the guy. Seems like perfect neighbor.
Starting point is 02:53:20 He mowed their lawn, repaired their car, even invited them around for dinner. Other residents in the small German town of Rottenburg also believed there was nothing odd about the 42-year-old computer expert, whose light burned late into the night inside his creaking mansion. Yesterday, however, Mews appeared in court charged with killing and then frying and eating another man. Wow. Crazy shit, right? Yeah, he met the 43-year-old Berlin engineer, Bern Brandes, after advertising on the internet
Starting point is 02:53:52 and had chopped him up and eaten him. It was, he said, something he had wanted to do for a long time. Okay, man. I always wanted, I always had the fantasy, and in the end I fulfilled it, Mews said to the court in his first day of his trial for murder in the nearby city of Kessel. Yesterday, German prosecutors described how Mews had fantasized
Starting point is 02:54:12 about killing and devouring someone, including his classmates, from the age of eight. The desire grew stronger after the death of his mother in 1999, Prosecutor Marcus Kohler said. In March of 2001, Mews advertised on the internet for a young, well-built man who wanted to be eaten. Oh, he advertised. So he asked if anybody wants to be eaten. Oh, and this guy was like, I'm down.
Starting point is 02:54:36 Yeah, so it was the opposite. And then the evening of March 9th, two men went to the bedroom in Mews' rambling, tumblered farmhouse. Two men went to the bedroom in Mews' rambling, tumbled farmhouse. Mr. Brandis swallowed 20 sleeping tablets and half a bottle of schnapps before Mews cut off Brandis' penis with his agreement and fried it for both of them to eat. Fried dick.
Starting point is 02:54:57 Whoa, fried dick. Brandis, by this stage, bleeding heavily, then took a bath while Mew a star trek novel gangster the guy cut his dick off and he he went and read a book while the guy bled out in a tub star trek at that bath who reads a star how much blood is coming out of this guy like how do you even okay in the early hours of the morning he finished off his victim by stabbing him in the neck with a large kitchen kitchen knife kissing him first whoa some weird shit the cannibal then chopped mr brandis's into pieces and put several bits of him in his freezer next to a takeaway pizza and buried the skull in his garden over the next few weeks he defrosted and cooked parts of Mr. Brandes in olive oil and garlic,
Starting point is 02:55:45 eventually consuming 20 kilograms of human flesh before police finally turned up at his door. With my every bite, my memory of him grew stronger, he said. That bitch is crazy. Behind bars, Mews told detectives that he first consumed his victim with a bottle of South African red wine, had got out his best cutlery, and decorated his dinner table with candles. He toasted, he tasted of pork, he said. He added, whoa, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:56:14 It's not illegal. Yeah. The unprecedented case had proven problematic for German lawyers who discovered that cannibalism is not illegal in Germany. But it's murder. Okay, so instead they've charged M charged muse with murder for the purposes of sexual pleasure and with disturbing the peace of the dead. Oh shit.
Starting point is 02:56:31 There's video of this. What? Crucial to the case is a gruesome videotape made of the entire evening during which Brandis apparently makes clear his consent. Whoa. I'm trying to see that deep fried dick. Oh my God. I want to see fried dick go down. Oh my God. I want to see what that's like.
Starting point is 02:56:46 Oh my God. Before setting off on his one way journey to Rottenberg, Brandis was outwardly at least a successful, financially secure professional with a live-in girlfriend. Jesus Christ. Live-in girlfriend? Hey bitch, figure it out. After killing Brandis, the German cannibal met five other men who responded to his internet advert, including one from London.
Starting point is 02:57:05 He did not, however, kill them. His girlfriend broke up with him because it revealed that he liked men. Jesus Christ. Well, he likes to eat them. I eat dicks, girl. Yeah. Is that a problem for you? Listen to this.
Starting point is 02:57:17 In July of 2001, a student stumbled over a news chat room and alerted the German authorities who arrested him last December. So he was, like, out running around for a while. How long was the time between December and when he killed the dude? I don't know. There are a lot of people who like to eat other people. Holy fuck, this guy is messed up. He ate 20 kilograms of the guy's body. 20 kilograms is 44 pounds?
Starting point is 02:57:39 That's 44 meals. A lot of it went to waste. I don't know. A 200-pound man? He didn't eat it all. He still A lot of it went to waste. I don't know. It's a 200-pound man. But what he found, he didn't eat it all. He still had some of it. They caught him before he could finish it all. What is he saying?
Starting point is 02:57:51 The pre-trial interview, the cannibal said that after eating Brandis, he felt much better and more stable. This bitch said he fantasized about having a blonde young brother who could keep forever by consuming him. Hey, man, you're batshit crazy. Oh, yeah. Whoa. Although they say that serial killers, like, they get the final step is when they start eating and drinking the blood of their victims, because it's their way of consuming and having complete
Starting point is 02:58:18 and total power over them. Hey, he only gets five years in jail, though. What? How that fuck's back on the streets in five years is crazy. Well, he's already back on the street then, because I feel like this story was five years ago. Scroll up, Jimmy. It was longer than five years ago. That bitch might have got out today. He made a movie about this. 2013. So it was three, oh, three, 2003.
Starting point is 02:58:34 Oh, he's out eating. Oh, my God, he's out. He's out eating. Yeah, Google this motherfucker. Armin. Google that guy and put the word released. Ooh, look at him. He looks like a guy that'd eat your dick. Oh, my God, he's a terrifying dude. He didn't win the lottery when it came to looks. There you go, sweetie.
Starting point is 02:58:50 Look at his fucking face. There's an interview with him? He's got a set of chompers on him. Dude, did they make a movie about this? Yeah, they did. Ooh, I gotta see it. Video original? No way. What is that? That's the movie, I gotta see it. Video original? No way. No.
Starting point is 02:59:05 No. What is that? That's the movie, I think. That's the movie? Grim Love. I'm not ready for the original. Oh my God. Yeah. My mind's not ready to see it.
Starting point is 02:59:12 Is there a real video? Oh! Oh, that's, those are clay puppets. Oh, yeah. That shit looked real, though, for a second. Oh my God. Yeah. They show that guy with his dick cut off.
Starting point is 02:59:21 What the fuck is that? Is that the real one? Oh, that's a shoulder, son. Oh, that's the real one, man. That's him splitting the guy down the middle. What? I his dick cut off. What the fuck is that? Is that the real one? Oh, that's a shoulder, son. Oh, that's the real one, man. That's him splitting the guy down the middle. What? I was taking him off. Yeah, don't show people, but that's him.
Starting point is 02:59:31 That's him splitting the guy down the middle. That was him down the middle. I was just taking him off. Yeah, okay. That was the real pictures. That guy hung him by his ankles and split him down the middle. Split him dick. Yeah, and bled him out into buckets and shit.
Starting point is 02:59:44 Boy. They say that the who was the guy he probably hung him up and stabbed he said he stabbed him in the neck it's probably how
Starting point is 02:59:50 he killed him he probably hung him upside down and killed him but he was already out of it Gotti's hitman Richard
Starting point is 02:59:55 Ted what was the guy's name who was the ice man Kuklinski yeah he said that what they would do is they would hang the body bleed it
Starting point is 03:00:03 and then chop it up take it out to a boat and just either drop it off the boat. Or they would bring it to one of those car mashing places and put the body under a car, 15 other cars, and you'd just be, you know, pulverized. Disintegrated. Yeah. I read this book called Murder Machine. Joey Diaz gave it to me back in the day. It was all about this guy who was a mob,
Starting point is 03:00:26 Roy DeMeo, I think his name was. He was a mob assassin who just became a fucking complete on, full on psychopath, serial killer who killed God knows how many people. Just killed people left and right for whatever fucking reason he wanted to. And this place that they lived, this bar area where they had like an apartment
Starting point is 03:00:45 upstairs they used to kill people in this apartment they just fucking killed like a hundred people there he just got addicted to killing people
Starting point is 03:00:51 and this is a book about is it in his words well it's his it's the story the investigators that caught him how they caught him
Starting point is 03:00:58 but it's a disturbing book man it's one of those books where you go whoa you just have to realize those people are out there
Starting point is 03:01:03 they're out there they're out there stuff makes me sick it should that's why we need Tim Kennedy exactly It's one of those books where you go, whoa. You just have to realize those people are out there. They're out there. They're out there. Yeah. Stuff makes me sick. It should. That's why we need Tim Kennedy, et cetera. Can't read that shit. Exactly.
Starting point is 03:01:10 Yeah. Here it is. An interview with a cannibal documentary. Holy shit, there's a documentary. It's New Light on one of Germany's most infamous murders, and this is from 2016. What the fuck is this? This year it's on YouTube. I was just looking at it. So he's free.
Starting point is 03:01:21 What's the documentary called? He was in jail for eight years. I found out he became a vegetarian while he was in jail as well. Bitch please. Right. You can't eat dicks until you just eat veggies. He's going to come out and he's going to start eating people again. You're eating 40 pounds of man.
Starting point is 03:01:34 They're like, nah, man, I'm not into meat anymore. How much do you think the footage of the act itself, which was shown in a closed room during a trial, is described in the documentary as too disturbing to show and so shocking that only 19 minutes of the four-hour video was shown his behavior as a child was described as like most other children his age he loved animals and found country life idyllic yeah that. God, look at that fucking guy. Some people are just crazy. Is that the guy he ate? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:02:08 Yeah, that's the guy he ate. He looked stable. That guy wanted to be butchered, huh? Because his girlfriend caught him with men? Is that what it was? The flesh tastes like pork, but stronger. Oh, Jesus Christ. It's just amazing that he's free now.
Starting point is 03:02:23 I almost wish I could speak German So I could understand what he's saying Bring his dumb ass in here with a translator You don't want to hear it? Well I don't know man He's not going to kill you guys It's almost like a No bring him in
Starting point is 03:02:34 No that's never happened Yeah yeah bring him in with a translator Like a UFC interview in Germany I wouldn't want that guy knowing where I am Well he just knows where your studio's at I'd have to kill him Maybe we bring him here Kill him Eat his ass.
Starting point is 03:02:46 I want to start carrying two guns. That guy's not going to kill you with a gun. He's not going to kill you. Everyone here can beat him up. Yeah, if you let him kill you, he'll eat you for days. If you give him any sort of light, like, yeah, you know, I'm kind of depressed. He's killing you. There are people.
Starting point is 03:03:00 He's ashing his bed to serve with wine. But there are people in vans right now trolling around looking for someone to eat. I don't think so. There are, definitely. I mean, it goes back to what we were talking about when we were talking about bathrooms and transgender people and the amount of creeps that are actually not transgender, just sexual predators. There's a small amount. They'll come up with an angle, a way to get into a bathroom.
Starting point is 03:03:23 There's someone in a van right now? There's a small amount of people right now in this country, just this country, that are fighting off the urge to commit rape and murder. Oh, for sure. Monsters, right?
Starting point is 03:03:33 You told me a white van, a group of dudes is driving around L.A. trying to eat people. I don't mean, I mean, probably not, but is there likely someone, look, all he has to do is one crime where someone drinks someone's blood and kills someone by biting them in the neck, and then it becomes a copycat.
Starting point is 03:03:47 People are weird, man. I met a girl who, we were talking and said, well, I've had trouble getting on my, yeah, it's too much. We're ruining Brendan. We're ruining him. I met a girl who said she couldn't get, she said she'd had a tough time the last two years and I was trying to ask her. Finally, she said, well, my cousin was killed. My first cousin was killed. And I said, oh, she said, this guy was killing men.
Starting point is 03:04:10 He was spiking their drinks. He would take them outside, have sex with them and then kill them. And that happened. Jesus Christ. There are people that just do weird shit. They're just kind of predators. They set their whole life up that way. I'm aware of predators.
Starting point is 03:04:23 Yeah. You guys told me there's people in vans looking around to eat people. There's people that are fucked over. With puppies as lures and as Cadbury eggs and Twizzlers. That's how you get him in the fucking van. Just put some Twizzlers there. I thought you were done. What happened?
Starting point is 03:04:35 I am, but if you put it in my face. That's so weird. If you crack the Cadbury egg, I'm like, yo, dog, look at this. Like, oh, shit. What's this? Wouldn't do a goddamn thing to me. Listen, if you're really weak, there's some chili mangoes. I can't face me I haven't cheated yet, Doug
Starting point is 03:04:47 Okay, I'm just I said something that bag if I walked in there yet fresh cabbages peeled from the wrapper What about those chili mangoes? What if I just open one? That's nice. Did you smell it? No, it does nothing really now I get excited. All right. Well if you had to eat five or you can only eat five foods What would they be that cabbages in my five foods forever? Yep Well, I would if I if I was restricted to that I would do it only based on nutrition Five, you can only eat five foods. What would they be? That Cadbury egg. Five foods forever? Yep. Well, if I was restricted to that, I would do it only based on nutrition. So elk meat? Yeah, I would eat something like that.
Starting point is 03:05:11 Avocado. Wild game meat, avocados, healthy vegetables like kale. It would be all boring shit. Well, elk meat's not boring. Sweet potato? But if I could only pick, yeah. Then I would have to leave it at that. But I think if you only ate five things, you're probably going to get sick. Unless you're supplementing yourself.
Starting point is 03:05:27 You've got to make sure you're getting a proper amount of vitamin C. You'd be fucked. Yams. I'd imagine yams, kale, avocado, elk. You've got a lot of stuff there, right? I think people benefit more than other animals do on a variety of different foods. Yeah, sure. On varying their diet.
Starting point is 03:05:42 Yeah. Animals have a problem with that. Like dogs. You can't switch up dog food if you give a dog one kind of food then you give them something else they just get explosive can you get too much the same way though like if you change the formula baby goes what shit everywhere can you get too much iron from eating meat every day too much iron yeah that's interesting i've never heard that i had high iron uh a high iron count one time when I went and got my blood done. Well, how much meat are you eating?
Starting point is 03:06:06 But he said, not a lot, but he said, you know what's fucking crazy? I was cooking from cast iron. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and cast iron will actually- Gives you iron in your food. Yes. Trace iron, because that's the only- So he said you had a lot of high ferrous levels or something.
Starting point is 03:06:19 Yeah. I cook a lot in iron pans. Not a bad idea. It's supposed to be the best thing for you. It's a good way to get iron. Yeah. Probably a good way for people to get iron too that are vegetarians. That's exactly what they tell vegetarians to cook in a cast iron skillet.
Starting point is 03:06:32 Yeah, that's a good way to do it. Because you get low iron if you're a vegetarian. You also get a lot of creatine if you're eating a lot of red meat. You don't need a dose on creatine. I used to take so much creatine, but because of this diet, I ate a lot of red meat, stuff like that. I don't take any creatine. So you're doing your ketogenic, right? Yeah, I think creatine is a legit supplement. It's one
Starting point is 03:06:50 of the few legit supplements that actually does really increase your strength. And recovery. It does. It's legit. You know, a lot of these things, it goes back to the Yoel Romero thing, and even the Jeff Nowitzki thing, a lot of the stuff that we see in these
Starting point is 03:07:05 stores, like GNCs and health stores that have these muscle building things, a lot of those things are really steroids. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. A different form.
Starting point is 03:07:15 Yeah. Like, wow. That's why guys keep pissing hot from them. The USADA has a website that we, when Nowitzki was here, he sent us to the website, and you go like A through Z, you find whatever us to the website and you go like a through z you find whatever the supplement is and you list list to see if whether or not people have been popped for it right like they test and and they pull these things off the market and they just come back with some new name they switch up molecules remember mark mcguire the stuff he was
Starting point is 03:07:39 using you could buy at gm and i took that shit i took that shit yeah you could buy all that shit that was okay yeah well i was. Was that a steroid? Yeah. Well, sort of. It was a steroid hormone precursor. But here's the deal. He wasn't taking that. Well, hold up.
Starting point is 03:07:52 He was taking straight up steroids. He was taking that and fucking whatever. I don't even think he was taking that. I bet he popped them for the fuck of it just to see how he felt. Maybe. But he was injecting straight testosterone like this in his neck. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:08:04 That Androstene dial worked a little. But the stuff he was taking, he was injecting straight testosterone like this in his neck. Yeah, that Andrastein Dion worked a little, but the stuff he was doing, he was on the road. Do you see how big... It's been a lesson to me where I look back and I realize when you play sports and you lift weights, nobody is 240 pounds and just
Starting point is 03:08:19 that jacked. I mean, some people are. A lot of professionals are. You don't go from being... That's athletes are. You don't go from being... That's true, but you don't go from being 185 when you're 25. If you see a big dramatic difference, especially if they're like a veteran, yeah, something's up. But there's a lot of freaks out there. You can achieve some incredible
Starting point is 03:08:36 results with discipline and the right protocol with hypertrophy. You could eat a lot of food all day long and lift crazy weights. And when you're young, if your body holds up to the workload, you can put on some massive weight when you're young. When your hormones are strong, if you do it the right way. Like say if you had like a strength lifting coach and you said, hey, I want to gain 20 pounds of muscle. If you had to do it right now, they would go, oh, we got to fuck with your hormones.
Starting point is 03:08:59 Right. Like you're too old. Yes. At this point. I've been told that. But if you were 20 and you did the same thing. It's a possibility. It's a possibility.
Starting point is 03:09:07 Also, you probably have to have the body type. I don't really think I could do, you know, it's hard for me to put on any muscle. Maybe, but you're not a guy who's ever tried. So you don't really know. If you're young and you had like a strict program. Yeah, you're not frail. No. You know, I mean.
Starting point is 03:09:21 No, you're not skinny. I wouldn't call you skinny. You're not really a weightlifting guy though right like you don't lift i do lift but not like that how often do you lift probably twice a week and it's not yeah listen twice a week is fine yeah when you lift you lift heavy weights i try to like where i'm a failure at six eight you know but you're doing but you're guys doing more of a cardio like circuit right uh like you're not doing like with that guy squats well well i'll do like lately like i'll go from deadlift to pull-ups you know where and the deadlift is what by the
Starting point is 03:09:52 eighth one i'm i'm hurting you know but again i'll do that once a week you know and then i'll do uh maybe some bench with like 60 pound dumbbells and then i'll do also 49 yeah i'm also 49 well you know one of the things about pavel tatsulin his interview with uh tim ferris he was talking about his dad getting involved in power lifting when he was in his 60s his he taught his dad power lifting when his dad was in his 60s and like six seven years later he put on you know x amount of pounds of muscle and he said he looks like a 40 year old man now man now from, like, if you see his back. And he didn't do any supplements? I think if you did power—
Starting point is 03:10:29 Look at my skeptical hippo face. Get the fuck out of my face. Skeptical hippo? I didn't know about skeptical hippo. Oh, you've never seen skeptical hippo? No. Jamie, bring that up. Bring that up.
Starting point is 03:10:37 Hey, Jamie, bring that up. Yeah, it's really funny. Jamie, bring that up. By the way, powerlifting is good. If you do it right, I think it's probably good for your hormones and good for your body. Like, I feel good when I lift heavy. Like, I have more energy that day. I really do.
Starting point is 03:10:50 It releases testosterone. And the next day. Yeah, it's good for you. Well, what Pavel thinks. See how skeptical that hippo looks? When you told me that six-year-old put on LBs, that's my face right now. That's fucking hilarious. You've never seen something more skeptical.
Starting point is 03:11:03 That's the time, too. What he was talking about, what Ferris was talking about, or Pavel was talking about rather, was his protocol, which is that never more than five repetitions and never go to failure. Oh, really? Yeah. His idea is that if you, say if you lift something and like the most reps you can do is like seven, cut it off at five and put it down.
Starting point is 03:11:21 And that strength is a skill. And then you want what he calls is greasing the groove like doing something over and over again giving yourself plenty of time in between it so that you're strong you're fully recovered and you'll get stronger and you'll get stronger faster who's this guy pabell tatsulin he's the godfather of kettlebells the guy came to america and started uh kettlebell programs like all kettlebell instruction pretty much came out of that guy does he live in la because i would yes he does really yeah he does he lives in santa monica i believe i would pay him to work out the back of 75 year old deadlifter 100 drug free that's his dad yeah well uh i mean who knows
Starting point is 03:11:56 i mean maybe his dad's some fucking savage some freak yeah i'm for sure gonna need him to piss in this yeah hey uh A golden snitch Get a pee again? No I don't When you work out with a guy like that How long does that work at? An hour? If you're doing all that rest
Starting point is 03:12:15 What I've been doing over the last few weeks Since I listened to this podcast Because I have stuff at home I have a little gym in my house So what I'll do is I just start working out Not even in the garage, inside the. I have a little gym in my house. So what I'll do is I just start working out. Well, not even in the garage. Inside the house, I have a weight gym. So I'll go and I'll just lift weights during the day,
Starting point is 03:12:31 and then I'll do it later at night. I'll lift weights. I'll go home now, and I'll do a few sets of chin-ups and some kettlebell swings and curls and cleans and stuff like that. Then later that night, I'll do like clean squat press. I'll do some different shit, and I'll do my sets throughout the day like that. You're splitting it up. Yeah, instead of smashing it in.
Starting point is 03:12:52 But my cardio, I still do in one big set. So what I like to do for cardio is I like to lift weights first and get really fucking tired. Then once I'm really tired, I do like balls out cardio for a half hour that's cool so i'm already exhausted and then i feel it's like more of a mental thing that's yeah i've been mitts for me as my cardio that's great yeah it's great cardio i've been doing get my cardio in with my lifting so i'll do like heavy deadlifts and the set is whatever set of 10 of heavy deadlifts i go straight from there to the treadmill and i'll sprint as fast as I can for a minute
Starting point is 03:13:25 I'm like level 10 11 12 just literally as fast as I can and I go to pull-ups. We just do that for five What's heavy dead that's awesome? 315 if I'm doing for 10 it's a lot because that you know, you do five rounds the shit, you know, I get exhausted Yeah, but I'm like dead heavy deadlifts for me cardio wise. Where's me the fun? Nothing feels better for me I do the crossbar where I stand in the middle of it, you know, yeah, I do getting my deadlift heavy deadlifts for me cardio wise it wears me the fuck nothing feels better for me I do the crossbar where I stand in the middle of it
Starting point is 03:13:48 you know and I do deadlift with that that to me is what I that's my always my go to well they say
Starting point is 03:13:53 specifically that bar like using that trap bar for deadlifts is one of the best ways to like excite
Starting point is 03:14:01 your entire system safest too yeah one of the safest but it's also like you're gripping it the way you're gripping it. Like there's something weird
Starting point is 03:14:07 about that over under grip that you do with a standard dumbbell and then you bang it off your shins and straighten your back up. But this motherfucker is like right in the groove so you can have really excellent posture. It puts less of a load on your lower back and you could really fucking stack up
Starting point is 03:14:21 with some heavy weight. You can do some cool stuff with the two farmer's walks. Oh yeah. Deadlift. I was thumbing through a book called The Supple Leopard, How to Become a Supple Leopard. Oh, yeah, Kelly Starrett. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:14:30 Did you see? That looks really cool. Did you see what D'Elia did? That looks hilarious. D'Elia didn't know who Kelly Starrett was. He didn't know Kelly Starrett is a famous strength and conditioning guy. He just saw a ridiculous photo of him. He does look ridiculous.
Starting point is 03:14:42 So he did this long, you know, D'Elia has a hilarious Instagram. Oh, I saw that. I saw that. He has these long, like huge run-on sentences of how fucked up these guys are. Yes. And he did it with Kelly Starrett and it's one of the funniest things he's ever done. Look at that photo. Look at it.
Starting point is 03:14:55 He said, I mean, this dude, I can't stop laughing. Does he know the camera can zoom out and he can put his head regular? It looks like he's trying to peek into the lens saying, you guys fucking or can I come in? He just keeps going on and on and on and on. This is the most peeking-est motherfucker ever. Even Tom is like, he peeks more than me. He says, I'm dying. This guy looks like he hurt his neck five seconds ago.
Starting point is 03:15:23 It's really funny. How long ago? Yeah, it keeps going and going. I didn't want to read it all. Oh, my God. But he said, this is the look that you give a guy when you're fucking his wife after he fucked your wife. He's so stupid.
Starting point is 03:15:36 He's so funny. I retweeted it, but please go to Chris's account. Go to Chris DeLeon and see it. Chris is fucking hilarious. That's another funny motherfucker. Oh, he's hilarious. Jesus Christ. He's another good dude, too, man. It's nice having him around the store. I love Chris. He see it. That's another funny motherfucker. Oh, he's hilarious. Jesus Christ. He's another good dude, too, man.
Starting point is 03:15:46 It's nice having him around the store. I love Chris. He's fun. He's the best. He's one of my favorite people. That store is on fire lately. Fire. Fire.
Starting point is 03:15:55 You know what else is on fire? The Fighter and the Kid, this weekend, live in Boston, ladies and gentlemen. The Wilbur Theater. That's right. The Wilbur. The Trucadero. The Trucadero. The Trucadero.
Starting point is 03:16:05 In Philly on Saturday as well. And don't forget Zany's in Nashville. But we might be sold out or almost. We're in Nashville tomorrow. Sold out in New York, but not sold out at the Wilbur. You guys are in Nashville tomorrow? For the Vince Vaughn Comedy Tour. Dude, I'm there on Friday.
Starting point is 03:16:18 How long are you guys there for? Just one night. You cunts. Then we go to New York. Then we go to Boston. Then we go to the Truckadero in Philly. Then we come home. I wish I was there with you guys.
Starting point is 03:16:26 Me too, man. Come see me. We should organize some gigs, like, at least in the same town together. I know, man. Have you done the Helium in St. Louis? Or is that in New York? I've only done Helium in Portland, which is fucking outstanding. And Helium in Philly, which is one of the best clubs the world has ever known.
Starting point is 03:16:41 I'm doing their club in St. Louis June 9th, 10th, and 11th. So get your tickets at TFATK. I'm a big fan of Helium. I like that website. Who did that website? My brother. Your brother's a website designer? Dude, his brother's a genius.
Starting point is 03:16:53 He's a beast. He does all my online stuff. Your brother makes websites? Yeah. Really? Does he do it professionally or does he just do it for you? No, he just did it for us. How long did it take him to do this?
Starting point is 03:17:01 He uses Squarespace, too. Oh, no. Wow. Wow. Yep. This is Squarespace? Uh-huh. Dude. Yeah, my brother's a beast. This is really good uses Squarespace, too. Oh, no. Wow. This is Squarespace? Dude.
Starting point is 03:17:05 My brother's a beast. This is really good. Yeah, super beast. He did a great job. The photographs in the background are awesome. Where'd you get that hat? That's from a photo shoot. An Abraham Lincoln karate movie?
Starting point is 03:17:17 Goddamn right. Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer. So I guess we covered the UFC. I knew this wasn't going to be a UFC podcast. We kind of did. We covered some. We watched to be a UFC podcast. We kind of did. We covered some. We watched some of the big fights. We talked about it.
Starting point is 03:17:28 Yeah. I just still don't want to know. That's hilarious. D'Elia sent me a text, totally unrelated, like didn't know that we were doing a podcast, probably didn't know we were even talking about him. And he sent me a text about Kelly Starrett retweeting that thing thinking it's hilarious. And he said, guy seems cool. I love that shit when people get jokes.
Starting point is 03:17:50 So D'Elia just sent me this. Oh, that's great. Psychic connection, man. There it is, baby. But that's what's crazy is that picture that I put up was days ago. And the fact that he said it literally texted me while we were talking about it. That's so weird. That is weird. What are you gonna do it's spooky man it's like fucking chemtrails the earth is flat he got owned
Starting point is 03:18:13 he got owned by crystal earth is flat yeah but he's kelly's a good guy he's hilarious he knows his shit too well i don't think i mean he's probably in the middle of a video and someone took a still of it and use it as a photo or he Was like make sure you get this angle doing like mobility stuff. He knows his shit, huh? Oh fuck Yeah, he's the guy that came up with the idea of using those hard balls like lacrosse balls to loosen up muscles Oh, it's the best. There's a lot of good information out there fuck Yeah, there is more than ever before I'm gonna get huge with that Russian guy and I'm gonna work with I'm gonna be a I'm Gonna be a fucking big leopard a a big, supple leopard.
Starting point is 03:18:46 Yeah, well, he's all about mobility. He's a big mobility believer. It's all about having a full range of motion, flexibility, and full range of motion with all your tissues, nothing being tight and wound up. And so he's all about breaking up scar tissue, stretching yourself out, making sure that you're strong in all these different areas so that you don't create these vulnerable spots. Ryan, you should hit him up and spend a lot of time with him.
Starting point is 03:19:08 Well, my neck. I fucking injure the same muscle on my neck, man, once every three months. Start jerking guys off. Stop sucking them off. All right. Something about head movement. Let a guy fuck your head. Just tell him, I've been happy to blow you all these years.
Starting point is 03:19:21 As long as he doesn't butcher me and eat me afterwards. We got a guy. I got a guy. I got a guy. I got a guy. He'll fuck you. He kissed the guy in the face right before he stabbed him in the neck. What a gem of a person. Wandering around Germany. Sweetie. Yeah. At least you dress him up like a... Just die. We're all gonna die.
Starting point is 03:19:38 We gotta get him on the show. Dress him up like an infidel. Send him into the Muslim neighborhoods for reals. This fucking podcast is over. Brendan Schaub on Twitter. Brian Callen with a Y on Twitter. And see you fuckers soon.
Starting point is 03:19:56 Thanks, everybody. Bye. Oh, I'll be back tonight. Podcast at 9 p.m. with Bobcat Goldwaite. Oh, I love Bobcat. Just back from a Bigfoot convention. Bobcat.

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