The Joe Rogan Experience - #825 - Jeremy Stephens

Episode Date: July 27, 2016

Jeremy Stephens is an MMA fighter currently fighting in the UFC's featherweight division. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And totally five four three two one Jeremy motherfucking Stevens What's up, buddy? Good to see you, man. Yeah, you too, man. Thanks for having me back. My pleasure brother. What's cracking? Just see skulls, you know skulls are cracking indeed You're coming off of a fucking gigantic victory man over Hennon Burrow who was just a little while ago Consensus top three pound-for-pound fighter in the world, man. That was a big victory. Yeah, yeah, I think that's before USADA, you know. Yeah. I feel like it's on level playing fields, and you kind of wonder who would be champions.
Starting point is 00:00:38 For people who don't know what we're talking about, USADA, the U.S. anti-doping agency, was hired by the UFC to clean up the sport, and goddamn bodies are dropping. Massive, dude. Massive bodies are dropping. I watched the documentary on the cyclist Lance Armstrong, and just watched how that guy just lied and manipulated his way, and people were just calling the smoke a long time before that, and then here comes Nowitzki, who's a pretty, like, scary dude.
Starting point is 00:01:07 If you ever met him, nice as can be. Very nice guy. Awesome dude, but, you know, he means business, man. He does mean business. He's really trying to catch the cheaters, and I'm actually happy because I've always took him pride in being a natural man. And if I feel like you need to start pumping steroids, maybe it's time for you to get out, you know.
Starting point is 00:01:23 But I love it. Well, Lance Armstrong's defense, that entire sport was dirty. That's a different sport because if you, like, when the, it's really crazy because all the years he won, they, like, took his titles away, right? Yes. And while he still has all those, he's been on the podcast. I talked to him. He's a good dude, man.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah, yeah. But he's in a bad, he was in a bad spot. If they took his title away and they gave it to the next person that didn't test positive it'd be 18th place that's how dirty that sport is yeah that's crazy dirty dirty dirty sport yeah and i was asking him i was like well what you know he's he doesn't know what they're doing today but i'm like well how are they doing it today if they're still breaking records he's like we'll find out one day. We'll find out eventually. You know, one day they're going to figure out what the fuck these people are doing.
Starting point is 00:02:08 But Nowitzki was explaining all the weird little loopholes that people are finding, like testosterone supplementation that comes from animals instead of from wild yams. Did you know that that's how they catch them? Yeah, yeah. No, I've heard of people doing stuff like that. But, I mean, that just seems insane. I mean, last time around the show you were talking about how somebody was pulling out their blood and refrigerating Yeah. Yeah. No, I've, I've heard of people doing stuff like that, but I mean, that, that just seems insane. I mean, last time around the show, you were talking about how somebody was pulling out their blood and refrigerating it and it was that doping basically EPO. That's well, that's, that is still going on. That's definitely still going on. And apparently
Starting point is 00:02:37 the way they're supposed to be able to test that, like you're not supposed to use an IV, right? Yep. And the reason why you're not supposed to use an IV is that somehow or another through intravenous fluids you can mask the effects of doping. So they also have been able to detect minuscule plastic particles from the tubes that they use to put IV fluids back into your body. Yep. They've been able to detect those apparently, but no one's ever been caught for that. So that's what they would do. They would either use blood that's your own blood, or in Lance Armstrong's case, a lot of the people were taking EPO,
Starting point is 00:03:14 which makes your body produce more blood. But I think guys to this day are probably still putting blood back into their body. That's insane. It gives you an advantage. That's kind of scary. It is scary. You cut drastic weight weight and then you're pulling blood and then, you know, with everything going on. Well, I know a dude that walked into a fighter's dressing room, not dressing room, hotel room,
Starting point is 00:03:36 and they had bags of blood in the hotel room. They pulled his blood out so he could make weight. Yeah, you were telling me that last time. What the fuck? Yeah, that's freaky. That's freaky. Yeah. Because that's not sanitary.
Starting point is 00:03:49 You're not in a hospital. You're in some hotel room where people have been farting and shooting loads all over the place. Who knows what the fuck. Shit all over the wall. Yeah. You're just going to fucking take your blood out in that environment? Like, that's creepy, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:01 You said that was like a long time ago, too. Yeah, that was a long time ago. Well, people have been, they've been definitely cheating forever. Yeah, man. Yeah. You said that was like a long time ago, too. Yeah, that was a long time ago. Well, people have been definitely cheating forever. Yeah, yeah. But now we're seeing the effects of it. Like people's physiques are changing. The way they fight is changing. The way they look.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Their jaw. Yeah, everything about them. Their attitude. Like their confidence. Like some of these guys, they're becoming different human beings. Yeah, yeah. I mean, the level playing field, people are getting knocked out. You know, their bodies are changing and they're seeing that their fight style.
Starting point is 00:04:31 These guys are going undefeated and all these rampages. You're like, man, he must be in great shape. He's just killing it in the fifth round. And now he can't get past round one, two. You know, and you're just like, wow. Yeah, and in the end, technique is king, right? Technique and training and heart and courage. Cardio. Card like, wow. Yeah, and in the end, technique is king, right? Technique and training and heart and courage. Cardio.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And cardio, yeah. You look at a guy like Mighty Mouse where he fought Bagutinov. And Bagutinov, he out-cardioed the guy, beat his ass, especially going into the stretch, was just completely outworking him. And at the end of the fight, Bagutinov pops hot for EPO. Yep. So even though this guy was on drugs, Mighty Mouse's technique and cardio
Starting point is 00:05:07 and just his ability to understand how to pace himself through a five-round fight. Yeah. No, Mighty Mouse, he's interesting. I know you've been a big fan of him, and I've always enjoyed watching that guy. I mean, I can't fight like that guy, but to watch some of his techniques
Starting point is 00:05:20 and the way he uses angles and footwork and how he lures you in in his clinch game is nasty. He's insane. That dude's just nasty. You know, I wonder, and maybe you could give some insight on this. Like, you used to fight at 155, and now you've got to cut to get down to 145. You're a pretty big guy. But Mighty Mouse is not a big guy.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And I always wonder, like, could a guy, like, could a light heavyweight or a middleweight even, could they possibly even fight like him, or is that a gravity thing? Like, is part of what's going on with him the fact that he's so light? Like, he can move faster. He's got, like, more options as far as, like, what he can do. Some people are blessed with a better integrated in their body, such as, like, a neutral spine. A lot of people have, like, lumbar problems and neutral spine. You ever watch Mayweather?
Starting point is 00:06:07 You don't ever see him lean, and he's just always in constantly good posture and good position. And just like in wrestling, if you're in good position, more than likely you're going to win the fight. Mighty Mouse, he just has that type of movement and integrates his whole body, where his body moves as one. It doesn't work against him. There's not like a lot of rattle in his body.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Say if he throws a kick, he doesn't land awkward. He goes right back to a neutral base, and he's able to laterally move and constantly have his body working for him. So I think him, naturally, he just has that type of gifts and benefits of his body. He's able to integrate his body to work as one. Therefore, you don't waste a lot of energy. He has really fluid movement. Look at a guy like Anderson Silva. He's able to beat people just by keeping his range and just his movement
Starting point is 00:06:50 of his body. He doesn't swing like a mark hunt or me where I'll throw a lot of powers and normally I miss. I'm just trying to reach him, but them guys, they just use fluid movement. I think some people are just blessed to have that integrated in their body in a good neutral spine in a good solid base and that's why they're able to connect on their shots a lot more it's as it's competing disconnected like a say like a short circuit if there's like a small like little detail like this cord right here say it's like it's like broken and you're not getting like the full amount of energy as where if you have a solid base and a good good spine you know how to integrate your body to use as one, there's going to be a lot more of a sturdier connection and more flow and fluid movement. I'm glad you brought that up because I've always thought that about like
Starting point is 00:07:32 efficiency, that efficiency is very important. And there are fighters that you see like a wasted movement or a lot of slop into the way they execute techniques. And even if they have power, like sometimes like they're they're so awkward with the way they do it that you got to think there's a lot of waste as far as like the energy expenditure but like so you think that that is uh you said blessed so you think that that's a natural ability i think uh natural some of it uh occurs that some people are able to integrate their body if you ever just look up people's postures some people just kind of they'll slouch they'll kind of bend over and it's posture and it's this thing's kind of actually is it
Starting point is 00:08:08 popping out yeah it always does that we got to tape that down jamie and uh you know that like like you said it's a lot of wasted a lot of wasted movement as some people are just more integrated with their body so they are a lot more efficient you know granted then you do you got to have the skills the cardio and everything else but i feel like if you have a good base and plus the fight skills, I feel like you're going to be a lot more efficient and probably have longevity in your career as well with injuries and stuff. Do you think that that's from childhood? Like I've always wondered, like there's some children that start off doing like gymnastics
Starting point is 00:08:40 or like there's been a lot of guys in jiu-jitsu that have got into it that come from break dancing, which is kind of interesting. This is real recent. We've been a lot of guys uh in jujitsu that have got into it that come from break dancing which is kind of interesting this is real recent we've seen a lot of guys but that ability to move to move your body like at a young age you develop like a real sense of i want to add just coordination you know the just dexterity so many different attributes that you develop when you're young and then your body grows into it yeah it's an intuition you know, just dexterity, so many different attributes that you develop when you're young, and then your body grows into it. Yeah, it's intuition. You know, once you feel it, like I work with like a movement guy, functional patterns for the long time, I learned how to integrate my body and to not waste movement and, you know, to activate my core, my glutes, my groin, all the
Starting point is 00:09:21 way to like my feet being on my two toes. if you ever notice people walk like duck footed and stuff like that it's like all problems in their hips that's why you see like a lot of so you have like foam rollers and stuff people roll out but you know once you release myofascial there's there's corrective exercises you can do to kind of uh reprogram your your mind that you've been working on such a dysfunction you may not even know it and uh there's there's ways too that you can integrate your body and neurologically reprogram your mind of like you know this is how i should be walking this is how i should be integrating my body and this helps out with posture and breathing you know the ice man huff like says a lot of stuff about this and uh it's it's real interesting facts to facts to know because this is for everybody people work down at a desk slouching
Starting point is 00:10:01 over typing all the time got tight hip flex flexors. They're leaning. Poor diet. You know, this goes to anybody, you know, to learn how to integrate your body, power of posture. And this guy, Nadia Aguilar from Functional Patterns, really, he taught me a lot about this and movement and integrating your body. And it just goes real deep. Well, that's a controversial subject, right? Movement coaches. Like there's a that's a controversial subject right movement coaches like there's a a lot of people that get involved with uh movement coaches and some people mock it and some people say well you should just be spending that time working on your fight training
Starting point is 00:10:34 and your abilities you know your your skill set and then just do cardio and explosive exercises and then some people say no you know that's too, but the ability to move efficiently in odd ways and carry your balance. Now, your guy, you said it's functional patterns, that's what they call it? Yeah, you know, Conor McGregor's been doing a lot of stuff with movement, and, you know, it's pretty good. That's a great movement. With Ido, Ido Portal. Yep, yep. That guy's a freak.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Have you ever seen him move? Yes, but here's what he lacks. He lacks integrating your body. He doesn't understand the integration part as where Nadia Aguilar with Functional Patterns, he teaches you how to kind of just sit still, integrate your body, and just hold these positions where I'm just standing still or on my toes without a lumbar extension or if I'm slouching, he keeps a neutral spine throughout
Starting point is 00:11:25 his whole movement so he's using his body as one and he he has a little bit more of an integrated system as compared to just no one who knows even how to have a base and just go into this movement you're doing it all wrong while you're having like lumbar or you're you're slouching he believes in integrating that that technique so your body works like you said more efficiently instead of working against you well why do you think that Connor's doing it wrong? What leads you to think that? Just by his posture. You can watch his posture or watch his knee. If his knee goes over his toe in a certain movement or he has a lumbar in his spine as compared, if you watch a Naughty Aguilar, he'll teach you how to do that same type of movement, but you'll see the little minor details and little millimeters of a difference
Starting point is 00:12:08 that makes you integrate your body so that your glutes are working with your core. As you walk in, we walk in. Everybody just does these deadlifts, and it's not like a good rotate. As humans, we rotate. We walk. In fighting, we move. As humans, we rotate, we walk, you know, in fighting we move. And he integrates everything as far as your core to your growing to being on your power two toes so that you're.
Starting point is 00:12:33 We keep saying that power two, like two toes. What do you mean by that? You know, like say how you punch on like your main two fingers. The two knuckles that are index finger. Yeah. And then the ring finger, right? Yeah. And you know how you have like arches on your feet and you're kind of walking, like look my hands and you're walking like that on the outside uh-huh so then if i'm walking on the
Starting point is 00:12:46 outside my knees like this say this this is good so now i'm integrating everything up to my groin my glutes activated but if i'm walking on the outside your knee's gonna your knee's gonna your outer part of your knee is gonna be taking more of the the load and the damage you know then you're not integrating you're growing and that's how people end up actually. Is this the guy? This is him. Functional patterns. Functional patterns. And what is his background? You know, the guy's just a freak, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:11 He knows a little bit about everything. And right here, you notice, like, he doesn't really have any lumbar extension, which is like a lower back thing. Everything is really integrated, and it's minor details in the core. And he's not shrugging his shoulders. He's using fluid movement and everything that he does is rotational and what is his name again i'm sorry naughty aguilar naughty aguilar yep and where is he out of uh he's out of seattle i met him in san diego some years back we used to we worked a lot and uh just on uh first we had to fix my body a lot i was uh having elbow
Starting point is 00:13:44 problems i was having all types of problems he taught me about myofascial release and then i got into correctional exercises and once he was able to fix my base i was able to start moving and getting into movements like this so what we're looking at folks for the folks that are just listening uh is uh this guy doing all this crazy movements with kettlebells and dumbbells and jumping around back and forth and doing all these flips through the air right now. Really interesting stuff, though. See how his feet land and they don't bow out.
Starting point is 00:14:14 They don't do this. And I've watched Idol, I think that's his name. There's just these little details that he doesn't have that he has and that he integrates where his knees don't his knees don't sway out like everything is seriously in a functional pattern like everything he doesn't he doesn't muscle anything to where like you're lifting everything is a fluid movement he's allowing the swing almost like a cheat to allow your body to rotate and it's uh it's it's really uh it's really changed my life uh working with this guy and the things that i've learned
Starting point is 00:14:44 and and uh the deficiencies in my body that that I really wasn't aware of back then that I'm working with now. And, you know, I've been fighting for a long time, and I've been able to keep healthy and injury-free by doing a lot of these movements, myofascial release and working on my posture, breathing. You know, people who are doing sprints at night, you know, your nervous system in like a flight or flight mode you can't fall asleep you know there's such things breathing to to help that out to i mean you've been here with ice man hoff and hear his stuff so i mean breathing is huge so i've learned a lot through this guy actually so what you're saying is that doing sprints at night is not a good idea no it is but i'm talking about you know you have to figure out a way to calm yourself down yeah and that's that's by breathing. You know, some people are like, man, I can't sleep at night,
Starting point is 00:15:26 but I, but I ran, you know, it's like, okay, well you can do that by breathing and, and just kind of calming your nervous system down so that you can get that, that recovery. Because if not, you fall asleep, your body still thinks it's in fight or flight mode and that they're still sprinting as where you're able, if you were able to breathe, calm yourself down, you get better sleep, better rest recovery, and the hormones are going to take over your body and repair it. What I think about these things is obviously this guy is very impressive. I like the way he's moving. He's obviously very athletic and very coordinated.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And you see when he throws punches and kicks, he obviously has a martial arts background as well. There's some of these guys, though, I equate it to yoga. There's a lot of real yoga people out there that are really good at yoga and they are dedicated to it and it's super important to them. And then there's the fuckers that are fuckery. There's just, they're fake spiritual people and they talk a lot of the yoga nonsense, but they're really just fucking weirdos. And I see that a lot in these movement coaches too. Like I've talked to a few of them. They. I I smell fuckery. There's something something going on like yeah There's an it's a weird gig like to do that for a living. What do you do? I teach functional movement
Starting point is 00:16:35 What does that mean? I just you know I show people how to move. I know how to move. What are you talking about? Yeah, yeah, well he doesn't he was never like considered like a movement coach All right, you know he was never really considered like a strength conditioning coach i went with him with like pain pain management and then it got into correctional exercises i mean this guy's he's actually had uh iceman huff come hang out with him he's went and seen uh the guy with uh the venus project i mean this guy he's smart been all over i mean he kind of does it all he's really self-sufficient he has a really good brain and knowledge. He's not one of them like fuckery guys. I mean, me and him had our issues and stuff before, but we're cool. But he's not one of them guys, but I know exactly what
Starting point is 00:17:14 you're talking about. There's a lot of people in this business, MMA business. I'm sure you've dealt with a lot of- They're moving in now. They always have been. They see the Ido Portals and the Move Nat guys. They see these guys that are successful working with guys like Carlos Condor to you. And then I see a few of these guys that are trying to be one of these guys. But this guy looks fucking legit as hell. You can tell by the way he's moving. That is a really athletic guy.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah, I don't go around doing touch butt shit in fights. I mean, I stick to stick to what I know, but it is good to learn how to, you know, use pain management to stay healthy, myofascial release and integrate your body so that you are working efficiently and you're not working against yourself. I mean, it's awesome to go through these workouts that I do now. I mean, I have a different strength conditioning coach and we stick to a lot of these functional movements, athletic movements, explosive movements, and we it with with a good integrated system to where you know i'm if i if i go and i'm banging on this tire and i'm just recklessly and then i wake up in the morning i'm like fuck man i gotta spar i'm feeling like crap
Starting point is 00:18:14 i mean it's good to have your body working efficiently using the right things that need to be used instead of having all the muscles you know small muscle groups working you know that's how you get injured these days yeah i was reading was reading this post once on a forum. I think it might have been the Underground where someone was talking about lifting weights and how all their bad sparring sessions come after lifting weights. Like, yeah, duh.
Starting point is 00:18:35 You probably shouldn't be sparring after you lift that. These dudes are talking about doing mega squats and deadlifts and power benching and then trying to stay loose and fluid. It's not going to happen. Your tissue's all broken down and you're exhausted. And it's really a bad idea to spar when you're like that because then, you know, well, what about mental toughness?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Well, you're not going to learn. Your body's all fucked up. You're supposed to be resting. Or if you're doing anything, you should be doing like light drilling. But something where you're forced to react quickly and move, that's a good way to get injured, right? Yeah, exactly. People do that all the time. You hear about these guys getting injured all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And just being self-sufficient, learning about little stuff like this could help you out. Such as things as just a little bit of foam rolling out and then a little bit of correctional exercises. That could just help you out a lot more efficiently. and then a little bit of correctional exercises that could just help you out a lot more efficiently. I mean, I've gotten in arguments where I've went out to Arizona to see some of my friends that ended up leaving Alliance, and I got into an argument a little bit, like a battle. This guy is trying to tell me I need to widen my base to do this, and I'm like, where in a fight that I'm going to be 10 feet, my feet are this far apart? I'm like, no, bro, I've got to you know, I can be able to rotate, move, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:47 if I'm spreading my legs out, you know, that ain't doing nothing for me. And I just see a lot of people doing a lot of meathead stuff. Yeah, well, isn't it interesting because you're kind of, it's kind of an open-ended thing when you're a fighter because I see these guys trying all this different stuff and there's no right or wrong way Like here's a perfect example. There's Robbie Lawler Who's a world champion bad motherfucker and then there's Steven Wonderboy Thompson totally different stance
Starting point is 00:20:16 totally different way of moving both guys super successful and Who fucking knows what would happen if they fought we We really don't know until they fight, right? But if Wonderboy met Robbie, he's like, oh, man, you're doing it all wrong. Yeah, yeah. He's trying to coach him, but obviously he's not doing it all wrong. He's a world champion. He's not doing it all wrong. He's doing it perfect, but is it the best way ultimately?
Starting point is 00:20:44 You don't know, and you won't ever know until those two guys go at it. And here's what's even crazier. He might beat Wonderboy, but Wonderboy might be able to beat a guy that can beat him. It's weird. I live that life. It's weird, right? It is insane.
Starting point is 00:21:00 The home, we were just watching Holly Holm. Yes, and Shevchenko out there. She gets beat by Amish Tate, and then she beats Ronda Rousey type deal. Well, Ronda Rousey fought the perfect fight for Holly, like charging at her, and Holly's a great counterstriker. Whereas Shevchenko, if you watch that fight, she did not lead at all. She just hung back and waited and forced Holly into her game.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yep. And, you know, it was just a bad night for Holly. I'm sure she'll be back, but it's interesting tactically, and if you look at it from a strategic standpoint, like utilizing your skills to the best of your ability, when you're inside the octagon figuring out what about what you do matches really good against what she does. And Shevchenko just nailed it she figured it out
Starting point is 00:21:46 yep crazy man that's the that's the fight game it is the fight game it's a crazy game man and it's it's interesting you see people jumping from one trainer to the other and just looking for that and it's almost like you got a certain amount of time it's like you're playing musical chairs it's like how much you got in your career? You got maybe like a good, solid if you really take care of yourself, you got like 15 years, unless you're Dan Anderson. That guy's a man, dude. Dude, he's fighting for the fucking title. He's gonna fight Bisping
Starting point is 00:22:13 for the title in London. That's gonna be madness. Yeah. And he says if he wins, he's gonna retire. Done. He should, dude. Mic drop. Walk away. Carry out. The one thing that he hasn't been able to do is win the UFCfc gold but look man he's got as good a shot as anybody you watch that lombard fight yeah i did i was i was there live i couldn't believe it dude i was going nuts i've been a fan of his for so long he's such
Starting point is 00:22:35 an awesome guy yep real real quiet chill and just uh amazing guy dude just hard worker i mean it's awesome to see that did you see his instagram post after he won? He had an American flag on that said, Smoked that Cuban. Oh, shit. Dude, that was crazy. I mean, Lombard's a scary dude. He dropped him, and I'm like, fuck. You know, I'm like, dude, he's getting dropped.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'm like, no. Well, Henderson hurt him first. Henderson hurt him first, and he moved in for the kill, but Lombard wasn't done. And Lombard cracked him, and Lombard had him on the ground, had him in side control, it looked bad. And then the way he knocked him out, too, was so crazy with that back elbow. Yeah, instincts, man.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Uh-huh. Yeah, no one's ever done that before. No one's ever knocked anybody. I mean, he was dead before he hit the ground. Yeah. No one's ever knocked anybody out with a standing back elbow. You know, he's going to follow up with a couple blows. Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah, you've got to pull him off. Lombard's a scary dude. You know, I was down at AT up with a couple blows. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, you got to pull him off. Lombard's a scary dude. You know, I was down at ATT one time helping out Jorge Masvidal, and they were like, hey, whatever you do, just don't spar Lombard. I'm like, that guy's way bigger than me. Like, he would spar you? He'd be like, yeah, he may try to ask you to spar him. Don't spar him.
Starting point is 00:23:38 You know, and he just comes in, and he's just a tank, you know, and I'm like, fuck, dude, I'm not trying to spar that guy, you know. Fuck. Hell no. He's a freak athlete, man. Him and Yoel Rom, fuck, dude. I'm not trying to spar that guy, you know. Fuck. Hell no. He's a freak athlete, man. Him and Yoel Romero. Like, I don't know what kind of rice and beans they were feeding them down in Cuba. Them good rice and beans, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Those guys are freaks, dude. Have you seen the new photos, the most recent photos of Husamar Palhares? Oh, yeah, yeah. He was grappling, dude. He was just looking. Fucking Christ. He looks like he's 250 pounds Dude if that guy tripped and fell
Starting point is 00:24:07 I would seriously just run out the room dude I would Like fuck that dude There's no way man I mean Those guys are tapping before dude Yeah He just rips your shit off
Starting point is 00:24:15 He just tears your shit apart That's insane man He's so Fucking thick right now He's only like 5'7 And he's probably No bullshit 230 pounds He's enormous right now'7", and he's probably, no bullshit, 230 pounds.
Starting point is 00:24:25 He's enormous right now. Yeah. God bless him, dude. That guy's scary, man. Well, now that he's not testing, look at him right there. Jesus Christ. God. I mean, that's a legitimate 225 pounds at 5'7".
Starting point is 00:24:41 5'7". Yeah. I'm way bigger than him, man. That's crazy, dude. Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, dude, I'm short. I'm 5'8", and'7". Yeah. I'm way bigger than him, man. That's crazy, dude. Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, dude, I'm short. I'm 5'8", and I'm taller than that dude. But he's like a foot wider than me.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah, and you get after it. I see you on the onits and always getting after it. You know, maybe after I retire from fighting, I'm just going to get on the juice and just look like that. Just get jacked. Teach class. Just do fucking strongman competitions. Ankle locks all day. Carry cars and shit.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah, dude. You ever get caught under a car, Paul Harris might be the guy that you want right there. Yeah, he's ridiculously big right now. Yeah, that's definitely steroids. 100%. For sure. 100%. You don't gain that much weight.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I mean, the last time he fought was like a year ago, and he was fighting at 170. Yeah. And now, I mean, obviously, a lot of guys was fighting at 170 yeah and now i mean obviously a lot of guys that fight 170 they really weigh the 190s somewhere around there and they cut weight to get down to 170 but that is just gigantic yeah dude that's that's too much man he's a fucking awesome jujitsu player too it's not just strong he's got some serious legit technique yeah my uh one of my uh guy who gave me my purple belt uh dean lister you know he he's uh he's been still going at and competing i know he just lost and everything but uh
Starting point is 00:25:49 he's outstanding dean's dean's very good dude he he's a big dude but he rolls like a little guy and he's just freakishly strong man yeah he's very smart dean knows a lot about jiu-jitsu and he's one of the reasons why you know the whole john donahue henzo gracie team got so good at leg locks a lot of that was the influence of dean lister dean lister went down there and did some training with them and dean has been a leg lock master from the old days like he was one of those guys that was leg locking people in the early days of abu dhabi yeah back in the early 2000s you know when people like the leg lock game has shifted over the last few years and it's become incredibly dominant.
Starting point is 00:26:27 There's so many guys that are winning. Like, jiu-jitsu has become largely like a game of like 60, maybe even more percent leg locks. Especially no-gi. Like the Eddie Cummins, Gary Tonin, all these guys from John Donahue's camp. There's so many guys down there that are just really talented at attacking legs. Yeah, not a lot of people like that. It's a sophisticated game.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah, when you start playing with the legs, you know. It's scary. Yeah, it is. Yeah, nobody likes getting crippled. No. But, you know, like Eddie Bravo had a really good point. He's like, well, is it okay if someone yanks on your neck? Is it okay if someone breaks your arm?
Starting point is 00:27:02 Like, what is the difference? Like, you just got to tap before you get fucked up. Yep. Which is easier said than done. If Paul Harris is on there, you can tap all day, but that guy is ripping it, dude. Yeah, he is tearing people's knees apart. Yeah, that's kind of bullshit. Yeah, it is kind of, well, it's definitely bullshit when people tap, right?
Starting point is 00:27:18 It is definitely bullshit when people tap. Do you think there's anything that should be changed about the current rules? Like, if you look at MMA rules, like the way they stand right now, like there's some people that think that the knees on the ground issue, if you don't know the story, MMA has a rule where you can knee someone to the head if they're standing, but if they put one hand on the ground, you can't knee them in the head. So a lot of guys will put a hand on the ground just to stop the knee. And then they'll lift it up and they'll put it down. They play almost like a game of now I'm safe.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I'm holding on. Remember old school wrestling? You could hold on to the rope and they would let go of a hold? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Remember? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The old 10 counts stuff, like all that. Didn't they have that in Pancrase too?
Starting point is 00:28:05 Where in Pancrase, if someone was holding on to a submission, you could grab the rope and they would let go of a submission? I don't know. I've never really watched too much Pancrase. I feel like that was a rule. You grab the rope like, oh, I'm safe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think there was something about that where if you grabbed a hold of the ropes,
Starting point is 00:28:22 they had to let go. No, I think that's uh i think it's a good rule i mean i actually just uh watched the fights over the weekend uh darren elkins uh he just got kneed hard in the temple you know he was a fucking illegal knee illegal yeah and then the guy punches him after and he like falls down i'm like no way that was a legal knee and then you know he just shakes it off comes back and ends up beating the guy. Darren's an animal. Yeah, yeah. He's a fucking animal. I fought that guy. He's tough, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:48 He takes some shots, you know. Tough as nails. He keeps coming. Yeah, it's like you hit him, he's like a Chris Lieb, and he just gets more fired up and keeps coming at you, you know. But, you know, as far as those rules, I think that's kind of fair. I mean, unless, you know, I don't think UFC Fox wants to see people getting head stomped in their pride roles.
Starting point is 00:29:05 You know damn well them guys were juicing over there, so they're just taking people down. If that was the case, I'd just go juice up, take people down, and start soccer kicking people all day. That's scary. Yeah, it is. Imagine somebody standing over you, and then you're just like, fuck, this guy's trying to stomp me out. I mean, that's a scary thought to be thinking. I don't know if I don't even want to be fighting. But do you think that if it was legal that you wouldn't think that way?
Starting point is 00:29:27 I mean, think all the stuff that you can do inside the octagon. You know, think all the techniques that you do land. Like, you know, like that knee that you landed on Dennis Bermudez. That's about as powerful a knee as you could hit a dude with. On the ground, standing up, no matter where. I mean, that's a goddamn perfect knee you land on. That was pretty fucking spectacular. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:47 But if that wasn't legal, you know, and then you did that, everybody would be like, oh, shit, that shouldn't be legal. Like, perfect example is a Cyborg Santos Michael Page fight. Michael Page hit Cyborg Santos with a knee so hard that he fractured his skull. I've seen that. His skull caved in, and the fucking MRIs are insane. I've never seen that. In all my years of watching fights and being involved in martial arts,
Starting point is 00:30:13 I've never seen anybody's head caved in like that. Yeah, that's unfortunate, man. I can imagine some trauma and some injuries. I've seen cyborgs like, oh, I'll be fine, and I'll be fine in three months. Yeah, that's what he said. And I'm like, bro. Yeah, what? No, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Like, look at his skull. That's insane. He's capped in. That is nuts. That reminds me of that movie Concussion with Will Smith, and he's talking about the football players that are taking these type of injuries, and that's bad, man. His whole fucking skull is crushed.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's crazy. I've never seen that. I've never seen that happen. I thought that that area was so hard because that's the area where I guess a lot of people break their hand right here. They don't really break it on that area. Yeah. I mean, a knee? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And you're kind of coming into it? That's what it is, right? He was moving into it. And it was really just a perfect storm. Like him moving in for the takedown, Michael Page leaping up at him. And he's a bony dude. You know, he's a tall, bony dude. So there's really not like a lot of quad or muscle that's going to hide that knee.
Starting point is 00:31:16 It's all bone on that dude's head. Yeah. That's a nasty knee. Congrats to that guy. That's pretty sick. That guy's a bad motherfucker. I want to see that guy in the UFC. Yeah, he breakdanced and shit. Yeah. Well, he he's just he was a point karate guy for a long time and i've always said that there's something about that ability to just jump in
Starting point is 00:31:33 real quick and get the fuck out of there that these point karate guys have their range is way different than like a boxing that's that's kind of interesting that you mentioned robby because if you ever watch robby he doesn't play the kick game he gets in that boxing range that way if you throw a kick he's throwing hands right and you know uh Wonderboy you know he he's a tall rangy dude but he keeps they they keep that distance I mean you're a karate guy so that that range is a lot different than a Muay Thai or a boxing yeah and they're able to move really uh skillfully well the point karate guys in particular I think that's the next stage of the elite fighters or the
Starting point is 00:32:08 background they come from. We've seen guys that are successful that come from Muay Thai. We've seen guys that are successful that come from wrestling. But I think that point karate is going to be the next stage because these guys like Paige and Raymond Daniels who fights out of glory. Yair Rodriguez
Starting point is 00:32:24 and my buddy Justin Lawrence is like that. Comes from a karate background and he's just fast and nasty and he keeps that weird range. Got the weird little
Starting point is 00:32:33 Joe Rogan sidekicks and shit. Or Scoggins who's fighting this weekend. He's fighting Ian McCall this weekend. Oh, he's fighting Ian McCall. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:40 That'd be interesting. Yeah, Scoggins is something too, man. He's got that crazy style too but he's got wrestling as well. Yeah, nooggins is something too, man. He's got that crazy style too, but he's got wrestling as well. Yeah, no, I first seen that guy fight. He is good, good cardio, good wrestling. I think if that guy just shows up with the right mindset, he's going to be one of the top guys.
Starting point is 00:32:54 He's a young kid too, right? Young kid. I think he's only like 25 or 26. Yeah, young. And super technical, like his karate especially. Like he's got that wide stance, moves in and out real quick. That's what's real hard to deal with men because These the karate style like where they jump in and they're used to like leaping in and then they tag each other and get the
Starting point is 00:33:13 Fuck out of there quick and then they score a point and then everything stops Yeah, and so they don't have to have like in their sport They didn't have to have like the kind of endurance that you would need. Try doing that in a Thai fight. The Thais are going to kick your legs. But the thing about it is that these guys have developed this incredible ability to close distance really quickly. Then they pick up all the other skills as well. But everybody else has to play catch up on that one thing that they can do, the leaping in and close the distance. And you get a guy like like page who's obviously a gifted
Starting point is 00:33:45 athlete who's been doing it his whole life i mean he started martial arts i think something before he was five years old yeah so he's got years and years of experience plus his body kind of developed like we were talking about people that start early with gymnastics or with break dancing his body developed leaping in throwing kicks leaping in, throwing kicks, leaping in, throwing punches. He's got some sick dance moves. So he's always on rhythm. He's always on rhythm. That's interesting. He's interesting to see.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I'm excited to see that guy in the future. Well, I'm excited to see a lot of those guys. Like I said, Raymond Daniels as well. There's a great karate match where the two of them fought in a point karate match but let's take a look at him here you watch what Paige can do like all of that look at but he's hilarious too he just stands there looks off in the distance as the referee stops to fight he's obviously until he fought Cyborg he's fighting people that have really no business being in there with him yeah he's on a
Starting point is 00:34:43 Cyborg took him down though though, in that first round and presented some real problems. But look at his distance, man. Yeah, yeah, that range. We were just talking about that. But look at his ability to fucking leap in, but it was also his ability to get the fuck out of the way. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:34:57 It tacks off of his back, too. He even won by a footlock. Look at this. Motherfucker's got arm bars. I just mean that style of Roy Jones used to have. I mean, he would just do that weird, just real athletic. Exactly. Where Roy Jones was one of the greatest boxers of all time and didn't really use a jab.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Instead, he used a leaping left hook. Yeah, a straight right or leaping left hook. Well, he used the left hook in place of the jab. But look, Page has got crazy shit. Like that right there. His ability he used the left hook in place of the jab. But look, Page has got crazy shit. Like that right there. His ability to close the distance. And look how quickly he gets out of dodge. He's just so used to that style
Starting point is 00:35:33 of people leaping at him and getting out of the way. Look at that one-two. Nasty. Yeah. I mean, part of me likes the fact that he's in Bellator. Because I think Bellator needs stars because I think UFC needs competition, and I like Scott Coker. I like Bellator.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I like Jimmy Smith. I like the fact they're doing well, and I would like to see real legitimate unification fight. Yeah, start competing as teams. That'd be sick. Are you ever you thinking about getting out of ufc anytime soon or well i was not gonna announce this until it was signed but i signed for at least one more year so what i decided to do was um i was on the fence man so i just do too much shit i'm just i'm too fucking busy yeah yeah after a while i'm like
Starting point is 00:36:21 i don't know if i'm doing myself or anything. All the different things I do a disservice. Yeah. And I was real close. I was like, either I'm just going to completely bail off of this or I'm going to try to figure it out. So I had a conversation with Dana. We had a bunch of conversations. And what I decided to do was no more international travel, no more flying across the planet. Let Brian Stan take care of that for you.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah, Brian's fucking awesome. Yeah, yeah. I'm a big fan. Oh, he's a good dude. that for you. Yeah, Brian's fucking awesome. Yeah, yeah. I'm a big fan. Oh, he's a good dude. And as is Dan Hardy. He's fucking awesome. And Kenny. I think those guys do a great job.
Starting point is 00:36:51 But for me personally, it's just too much. Like, if I go to Brazil, that's five days out of my life that I can't do this. And I can't do all the other stuff that I do. And then on top of that, there's the recovery time. Like, when I come back, I'm fucking toast. No, I get it. That flying just fucks my head. So I decided to only do pay-per-view, no more Fox. Um, so I'm cutting down a lot of the events, but I'm, I'm doing at least a year. So it's like a year by year thing, but, uh, at least one more year. You got a lot of fans supporting you, dude, but you know, you, you, you probably want to start enjoying life
Starting point is 00:37:24 a little bit and cutting, cutting down eventually, cutting down eventually and just relaxing and enjoying life a little bit, I bet. Well, you know what made me tip the other way? I was real convinced that it was over. I'm like, I'm just going to be a fan. I'll just do fight companions. The Nate Diaz, Conor McGregor fight and Holly Holm-Misha Tate fight. That night was so crazy and so chaotic. I walked out of there going, how could I not do this?
Starting point is 00:37:47 How could I not be? Like, I'm sitting right there cage side for the craziest shit in the sporting world ever. Yeah. So I decided, it was real recent, man. It was touch and go, man. I just didn't know what I was going to do. One day I'd be like, I'm done. And the next day I'd be like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:06 So I think the compromise is do less events figure it out but I don't I don't want anybody to think that I don't appreciate it I don't know how lucky I am or I don't think it's an amazing job I definitely do but I'm just I'm almost too lucky I have too many amazing jobs you know you've been on the road for you that's a lot of traveling dude it's a lot of travel a lot of traveling a lot of a lot of events and i mean shit dude you done seen it all but well one year was like 23 events i was like that's crazy that's like every other week every week i'm getting more and more and more ufc is just getting freaking insane you know then the big business deal and and a lot a lot of shit's going down even with the steroids mark hunt's going crazy you know someone needs to talk to Mark, man.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah, give him a call, Dana. Yeah, I feel like someone should have talked to Mark immediately and soothed it out with him. But here's what I can tell Mark, if Mark is listening. They tested the shit out of Brock Lesnar, and they didn't know. They didn't know. The only way they would have known is if USADA told them. So USADA tested him. He tested clean for a bunch of them.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And then he tested positive for the one that was like, I think, three weeks out of the fight. And then there was the other one that he tested for post-fight. So I don't know what was going on. I don't, I mean, it's just speculation. Yeah. But it could have been that he was just really struggling in camp. And his, look, here's what he took, allegedly, right? Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:39:31 He took estrogen blockers. And the only reason that anybody takes estrogen blocker on purpose is to restart their testosterone after they do a steroid cycle. That's why you take it when you take it on purpose. Or unless you have some sort of a biological disorder, I would imagine, where you have some sort of an excess of estrogen in your body, which I don't know why you would have that. I'm not a doctor. I don't know if I need to tell you that, but I'm not a doctor.
Starting point is 00:39:59 No, no. Do you know I'm not a doctor? Allegedly. I'm not a doctor. So I don't know what the fuck was going on, man, with Brock. Who knows? Maybe Brock was like, look, I'm one and done in this bitch. I'm just going to make some fucking money and I'm going to roll out.
Starting point is 00:40:12 How many weeks do they need to test me? Okay, so we're inside the window. Fuck it if we test positive after the fight. We test positive. Like, who knows? Who knows? Yeah. You know, but that's the third time that's happened to Mark Hunt, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:24 And he's talking about this fighters union which makes things very interesting bro well the problem of the fighters union is fighters have been notoriously single-minded and they think about themselves it's going to be real hard it's not like baseball players you know it's not like you could get it's also with like baseball players union or, it's like you have a team. The UFC is the team. It's not like – They're the elite. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It's a different thing. Boxing is not going to have a boxers union because then you're always going to have – look, you have ten contenders. Boxers make a shit ton of money, dude. They do make a shit ton of money, but the people that make a shit ton of money are the champions. Yeah. You know, those are the high level people and the high level people in MMA make the same amount of money. The real argument is how much money should the people that are putting on the big shows like you, the guys who are, you know, putting on fucking incredible, exciting fights, how much should you make the headline of card?
Starting point is 00:41:23 I know for me personally, for my money, if I'm watching Jeremy Stevens fight Conor McGregor, I'm getting out my fucking popcorn. I'm excited. I'm paying my pay-per-view money for that. Let's make that happen. Let's make that happen. $145, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Fuck yeah. I think he's going to get whooped by Diaz. You think so? I think so, dude. Well, he got whooped the first time, but he was doing really well in that first round. I mean, that first round was a big round for Conor, and then he got tired. Diaz had, what, 10 days, and he was drinking tequila out in Mexico?
Starting point is 00:41:54 11 days. Yeah, 11 days, and he was drinking tequila. Drinking tequila. I respect that, but I think it's going to be the same situation. I do. Well, there's a good argument there. There's a good argument for sure. O'Connor's got the one shot, man.
Starting point is 00:42:06 He's just like me. He's like a replica of me. He's got that one shot and put your lights out. But he's like you at 145, whereas Nate, who has been fighting at 155 and 170 his whole career, is a bigger guy. Like, Nate, when I stand next to him, Nate's a big guy, man. Oh, he is. He's big. 55, he's huge.
Starting point is 00:42:24 And he can take a shot. Yeah. He takes a fucking, the only guy to put him out was Josh Thompson. And I've said time and time again, Josh Thompson, one of the most underrated guys in the sport. Josh Thompson, the timing just wasn't right for him. Yep. Old school. Yeah, he's old school, but he's fucking good, man.
Starting point is 00:42:41 He was fucking good. And when he fought Nate, he was just on his game and he head kicked him yeah Josh Thompson head kicks anybody he's finishing up you know what I mean no he's an athletic dude man that guy's been around you know and then uh I think he was before the UFC cut out the 55 division you know and that's when I was kind of coming up I was like I'm gonna fight at 170 yeah like fuck it I want to be in UFC I guess I got to go up to 170 yeah so I was taking fights at like 65. Well, explain. People don't know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So the UFC didn't have a 155 division for a while. Yeah, they cut it out. They got rid of it. Well, this is, you know, a lot of people don't realize when they see the sport now and it's gigantic and it's huge. When you were first fighting and first competing, man, you had to really love what you're doing. It wasn't like there was some Ronda Rouseyy Conor McGregor paydays that people were getting yeah you know when you hear about the paydays these people are getting now like John Jones his manager was saying that John missed out on at least 10 million dollars for
Starting point is 00:43:35 his fight with Daniel Cormier and then John Anik was saying that over the two years it's probably gonna cost him as much as 30 to 40 million and you factor in all the super fights he could have had in two years, which is just fucking crazy. Yeah, dude. He's one of the pound-for-pound best, man. He's his own worst enemy, I guess. Well, with him, it's another weird one. That was an estrogen blocker thing. Not a doctor, but cycling off.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Those people cycling. How the fuck? His body changed, too cycling off. Those people cycling. But how the fuck? His body changed, too, you know, and that's kind of crazy. He got real big, and he was, like, into lifting a lot. And them lifters, man, those guys love that stuff. Well, the lifters, too. The problem is you get some bro science. You know, you get some dudes in the gym.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Bro, I'm telling you, bro, you cannot test positive, bro. This is what you're going to do. You're going to drink three gallons of cat piss, and you're going to go in there. Like, three gallons? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, do it to be a champion. It works. Do is what you're going to do. You're going to drink three gallons of cat piss, and you're going to go in there. Like, three gallons? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, do it to be a champion. It works. Do it to be a champion.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Yeah. Like, they'll tell you some wacky shit. This guy was telling me that if you... He was trying to tell me that all these UFC guys, man, they're tested positive. I know how to get them off that, man. I go, no, you don't. Yeah. You don't know how to beat USADA, you fucking goofball.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Lance Armstrong, one of the richest guys, you know, he's giving speeches and high-fiving the president. If that guy can't beat Jeff Nowitzki, I don't think anybody... Well, here's the thing about Lance Armstrong. Never tested positive. You have to realize that. Lance Armstrong never tested positive. They never caught him.
Starting point is 00:44:59 He admitted guilt. He admitted. Yeah, he had admitted. But the walls were closing in. All these people were suing him. He was suing people. There's a lot of chaos going on. He just wanted to admit it. Yeah. Yeah, he had to admit it. But the walls were closing in. All these people were suing him. He was suing people. There was a lot of chaos going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:09 He just wanted to come clean. There's no drug tests that show that Lance Armstrong was doing anything. Yeah. He was definitely doing some shit, though, which is really kind of crazy. I don't get why people want to go ride a bike for that long. I mean, honestly, since USADA just kind of came in, I've done a lot of cardio and stuff, but I'm like, you know, I've ran up to a little bit over two hours or around two hours, and I don't want to go ride a bike for fucking seven, eight hours. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And then get up and do it again. I'm like, for what? Fuck that. I'm going to do some EPO just so I can just go out and just get it for seven, eight hours. It's a child's fucking method of transportation. Why don't you just do some porn, bro, and just go kill it for $78? Like, why are you going to, I mean, that's just nuts, dude. I don't, but to each their own.
Starting point is 00:45:51 But look, what it is is a mental toughness thing. It's like their idea is like they're going to keep grinding it out. One of the people are going to slowly back off and fade. They're going to keep going. No, that's the true break. That's the true break. That's what I find in running and doing these long runs and stuff throughout camp that's a sets a different pace and that that is right the mental edge that you have from running and you're just like it's insane you almost gotta be a madman but you only
Starting point is 00:46:16 know that when you actually complete that type of a long run and you endure that type of thing everybody else can kind of look back like man you're crazy like why you do that? But you are kind of crazy in your head, and you're like, yeah, fuck yeah, I am crazy. I did do that. It puts you on another level. Isn't it one of those things where you just constantly try to find your limit? Like, I'm going to hold my breath for a minute.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Hmm, I did it. Let me see if I can do two minutes. I did it. Okay, what's the world record? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then you start trying for whatever the fuck the world record is. I have my buddy Cam Haynes.
Starting point is 00:46:45 He does ultra marathons. He's done 100 miles, and now he's doing 200 miles in August. He did 100 miles last month to get ready for 200 miles next month. Damn, dude. Yeah, like, what? That's intense. Two days. Two days of running.
Starting point is 00:46:58 That's crazy, bro. It's retarded, right? Yeah. He's retarded. But I bet, like, that guy's probably cool to hang out with. Oh, he's the best. I bet he's just a wild madman, you know's probably cool to hang out with he's the best i bet he's just a wild madman you know when you go hang out with him and probably hear some of his ideas and his beliefs well he's just mentally as tough as it gets and he's just trying to find his
Starting point is 00:47:14 limits you know he's always trying to find his limits and uh he can't find his limits at 100 miles which is fucking bananas that's all trying how does he how does he 48 48 48 hell yeah you know what they say they say that um those marathon or ultra marathon guys like a lot of them are older because it's not it's not something that young guys excel at like you're not going to find like a 20 year old athlete that's really good at running 100 miles it's dudes that have been divorced and had their heart broken went bankrupt and came home and their girlfriend was fucking their best friend. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:47:48 That kind of shit. I've been there in high school, man. Those guys have that extra gear. Those guys that are 30 years old and they're crying, it's like, bro, get over it, dude. It's all right, man. If she wants to go, she's going to go and bang 30 black guys if she wants to. Why is it supposed to be black guys always? everybody's worried did you see him crying i mean i went through that in high school man i was like all right that's enough of that you know yeah at a
Starting point is 00:48:12 young i'm glad i did because i mean so good some people mentally they just don't get it and then when they get a little bit older and they go through it they're just like whoa whole life just changed yeah you gotta learn how to get your heart broke and recover like if you don't get your heart broke you'll never understand what it's like to get your heart broken Like it's it's a really important thing like when it's happening you feel like the world's over Yeah, then you did you did what with him? Oh no! But looking back it's hilarious like I look back on some heartbreaks that I had when I was like 19
Starting point is 00:48:42 I'm like ah yeah, like it's I think it's funny now that i was being such a bitch you know that i was crying a writer like a like take me back note you took them to her favorite spot you let them touch you and do that oh no that shit sucked dude i remember that man of course every guy's every girl too it's funny you look at it, but dude when you're going through it Man, you're like fuck. I need to shoot myself Fuck can't stand this dude like Speaking of shoot myself. Did you see that video that fucking rapper that shot himself in the mouth? Video you see that stupid asshole this guy
Starting point is 00:49:19 Made a video of him he put like a gun Like next to his cheek and shot a hole through his face on camera i think he's gonna get more hits now yeah because he's got shot he's saying he doesn't give a fuck i don't give a fuck i don't give a fuck you want to see it watch this guy yeah go ahead play it is that a starter pistol or is that a bullet because here's the thing he's in his car this is one thing that leads me to think that this is a starter pistol. Because he's in his car, right? So where's that bullet going, man? Straight through his mouth.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Yeah, but it doesn't- He said he swallowed it at the end of the video. Yeah, did he though? Didn't go through his other cheek. Did he though? I don't know. Let's watch. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. What's his name? Casper Knight? Is that his name? His- his- his- Listen, dummy. His- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- his- knight is that his night name his listen to dummy oh well you did it
Starting point is 00:50:13 you heard bad yes fuck i don't give a fuck about nothing anymore. Gangster. I swallowed the bullet. Shit. You swallowed the bullet? Yeah. Okay, that guy didn't swallow anything. Fuck, we need to go. He didn't swallow. Run it. Go. We need to go?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Whatever. Fuck it. If I die, fuck it. you're not gonna die from that pussy haha I just was thinking is not people people do this stuff nowadays is just really kind of disgusting say where's this guy's parents did home doing meth Seriously Oh man I swallowed a fucking bullet
Starting point is 00:51:10 You just shot yourself idiot See it's possible that that was a.22 It was a very small gun obviously Cause the sound like clap It was a very low volume sound So I think that was, like clap! It was a very, very low volume sound. So I think that was probably, like, if anything, it was a.22. And if he did swallow the bullet, I mean, maybe.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I guess, maybe. It doesn't make sense. It looked like it came out the other side, man. That's kind of disturbing to watch. It's not really that he just shot himself, but just his attitude. What the... What is wrong with you, man? Not good. Not good. That's not a goalie and individual Well, the crazy thing is that guy might get like success for that like he made some post about it
Starting point is 00:51:53 Where he was like y'all got played or something like that like what? Okay, you see the post zero. He's got a whole this is post after it a Doctor stitched him up a doctor's like um, okay Yeah Well, you could take a starter pistol by the way, and it will blow a hole through your mouth There's a guy who was an actor when I was on this TV show His friend was on the TV show with me and the guy had died TV show, his friend was on the TV show with me and the guy had died. He was playing around with a blank and you know, he had a, like for a movie and he put the thing up to his
Starting point is 00:52:31 head and didn't realize that the amount of force that comes out, just the air fractured his skull and killed him. Yeah. From a blank. Brandon Lee died like that, right? Like Brandon Lee died because it wasn't a blank. There was some sort of a particle that was inside the blank, and it shot him in the chest. And the conspiracy theory, buckle up, black helicopters. The conspiracy theory is the same people that killed Bruce Lee wanted to kill Brandon Lee. This is what Joey Diaz believes. Listen, dog, I'm telling you. You don't get away with those fucking Chinese triads.
Starting point is 00:53:06 You can't dodge that bullet. Because he was telling me that. That's exactly his voice. This motherfucker. He was saying that Bruce Lee had some sort of a deal to do movies for the Chinese triad. And he was doing all these movies for them. And then left to come to america to be a big-time movie star and when he came over to america to be a big-time movie star
Starting point is 00:53:29 he fucked those people that he had this deal with and they were like oh really and then they came and got him but man dude i'm honestly dude growing up you know not being racist or anything but i've had a lot of late no asian friends and stuff friends and stuff, man. Dude, they get violent, and they get into wolf packs quick. Really? Oh, yeah, I did security one time, man, and I seen two dudes fighting, and then it turned into the whole Asian community just throwing bottles, shooting out in the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Whoa. You know, just throwing cue balls, chairs, more bottles, and this guy's just laying down, like, fetus position. I've seen them just do a lot. I mean, they they stick together i've seen a guy actually stab some dude and then get this this guy comes out and he's like he's like i just got stabbed and he's coming up to this police officer police officer pulls out this gun he's like get on the ground he's like bro i just got stabbed he's like get on the ground and the guy's like squirting blood out his back and then like like 50 honda civics and accuracy just all taken off and the guy's like layingirting blood out his back. And then like 50 Honda Civics and Acuras.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Just all taken off. And the guy's like laying on the ground. Why is the cop telling him to get on the ground? I don't know, man. Des Moines, Iowa. I saw a fucking video yesterday of a cop. They just gave this kid like $180,000. A cop hit him.
Starting point is 00:54:41 He's on his motorcycle. The kid stopped at a light light The cop hits him from behind Okay He falls over The cop gets out of the car With his fucking gun drawn The kid's like what the fuck The cop kicks him in the chest
Starting point is 00:54:55 And breaks his collarbone And then tells him to get on his knees And the kid gets on his knees All captured on fucking video And what was the cause of him getting pulled over Nothing there was no cause of him getting pulled over? Nothing. There was no cause.
Starting point is 00:55:07 The cop rear-ended him. He was on a motorcycle. Watch this shit. No, this ain't it. Is it? It goes way ahead? Oh. Was this it?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Are you sure this is the same one? Yeah. Because the other one was at an intersection, Jamie. Oh, this guy seems like he's flying. Are you sure it's the same video? Yep. Well, if that's the case, and this kid, it was at an intersection jamie oh this guy seems like he's flying are you sure it's the same video well that's the case and this kid it was a speeding thing oh there oh okay well that changes everything yeah yeah so they they bumped him on purpose okay let's see how this goes down wow i'm changing my fucking tune right here i said this was he's a speeding motorcyclist but gee. He's not stopping. Oh, they fucking hit him on purpose.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Boom. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. That's legit. This is different. This is different. It's like falling off your little bike.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Yeah. It's a bump. So watch. He's like, whoa, what did I do? Oh, a little front kick. A little 300. Fatso.
Starting point is 00:56:01 A little gay karate kick. Yeah, a kick down. That was a terrible. He's like holding the gun gangster too. He's like that was a terrible he's like holding the gun gangster too like right here he's like
Starting point is 00:56:08 what's up saw too many fucking boys in the hood movies hey you know what man I changed my tune people need to shut their mouth when it comes to
Starting point is 00:56:16 the authority you know and I think of like these other countries I'm like other countries don't do that because they will sever your head off
Starting point is 00:56:22 if you're filming them they're gonna cut your head. People come here and they're like, they're getting this mix. The cops are trying to like, hey, you're coming with us. And then people are recording it and then they don't listen and the cop has to use force. People just don't really respect. That's true.
Starting point is 00:56:37 There is other sides. There's definitely other sides. I do get it. Well, did you see the guy in Florida that got shot while he was lying down with his hands up talking to, he was a therapist and he's totally unarmed, lying on his back and the cop shot him. I didn't see that. And he's like, why'd you shoot me? He's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And then the cop changed the story. The cop completely changed the story after it was over. You know, look, there's good and bad, but I didn't see the full video of this. I only saw the end, which really makes you think, like, when you see a lot of these interactions that people have with cops, like, what led the cop to be so fucking ramped up? Well, here, now you understand. That guy was risking all sorts of people's lives by riding that motorcycle like a fucking maniac, and then the cop got a hold of him.
Starting point is 00:57:21 He bumped him to knock him off the bike, but that kid was fine. But that kid got $180,000 for that. Breaking the law, he gets $180,000 for a weak-ass bitch front kick. Terrible front kick, too, right? Yeah, yeah. He had that Glock, though, the gangster Glock. But, you know, some people, you know, the cops, you know, not all of them, because I have uncles that are cops.
Starting point is 00:57:42 They're great people, but they're just like us. You know, it makes them no different. Some people, I feel like they get a little power trips sometimes. I've been polite to cops, and I've been treated very rudely. Then there's times where I've been polite, and they've been polite, or they let me off on a speeding ticket, and I was speeding. But there's times where I've seen cops just look like maybe they got bullied in high school, and they take advantage.
Starting point is 00:58:05 But, I mean, that's just human nature. What do you got? It was in an unmarked Camaro that looked like this, and he didn't have his siren on, so he only had his lights on. So he didn't even know he was being chased. Oh. Well, that's what the motorcycle guy said. Well, that makes sort of sense.
Starting point is 00:58:22 More sense. If you've seen the video of him in and out, I don't know how he got $180,000. He's lucky. Yeah, he's still driving like a douchebag. I mean, if you want to drive like that, go on a fucking raceway, man. You can take that bike on a raceway. You're not supposed to cut in and out of traffic the way he was doing, going ridiculously excessive speeds.
Starting point is 00:58:40 That video, like when he's cutting off cars and stuff like that, that's how people die and not necessarily you. That happens here in L.A. all the time. I was driving down here from San Diego. I mean, I do that all the time. Those bikers, man, they zone in and out. And I don't hear them come behind me because they're flying and I'm in between traffic. And they come by and almost like scrape your mirrors.
Starting point is 00:58:58 And then they're getting mad at you. And you're like, bro, I don't see you. I got a little bit of music playing. It's not like real loud, but it's like I can't hear you until like you're right there that's why it's good to have harley's those harley davidson's are so loud yeah like there's a i saw a bumper sticker that said loud pipes save lives yo they really do yeah it makes a big difference makes sense that they have those those loud pipes like that but you know i think that cops are just like you and me and one of the things that I think we should all take into consideration is the amount of people that they deal with on a daily basis that are criminals, that are violent, that are dangerous.
Starting point is 00:59:32 There's just so much shit they have to deal with. I just don't think most people are qualified for that job. I think that job should be for people that are like ex-military, that are solid as a fucking rock. I think it should be super high paying and should be a really well-respected job. And I think those people should be, like, integrated in whatever community that they're enforcing. Yeah. You know, I was actually telling this. I don't even know if I told my coach yesterday, but I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I was like, man, I want to go and, like, help out the cops in a little bit of, like, combat and go in and help them out. Because, I mean, a lot of people don't know. I mean, if you come up to me and I'm not thinking anything, but I can just quickly pull out a gun and shoot you. And sometimes those cops don't know, you know, and they're trying to be nice and then they get killed on the spot or, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:12 they may not know and they kill them and maybe it wasn't a gun, but I mean, that's a quick little within, you have to make a huge decision in just such a matter of seconds. Yeah. It's going to be me going home and, you know, not just like a fight, you know, it's like, Hey man, it's going to be me going home and not just like a fight.
Starting point is 01:00:25 It's like, hey, man, it's going to be me going home in the winter and feeding my family as compared to you. That's life or death situation. So it's definitely scary. I feel like they definitely need a little bit better education on the training. And if anybody in San Diego is listening to this or any police, I'd love to come help. I'm sure like Dominic Cruz and the guys, we'd love to come help
Starting point is 01:00:43 and have you guys come into the gym and and uh just keep the community safe well i think it should be it should be mandatory the cops have at least some sort of martial arts training because uh you know i was talking to big john mccarthy about this where he was telling me how few police officers can even physically defend themselves he's like there's a lot of guys that just don't they don't know anything and they don't work out at all overweight yeah and if shit goes down like they're helpless and these are the supposed to be the people that are supposed to serve and protect yep you know and john obviously he's a giant dude and plus a black belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu and been around martial arts but you know when you're dealing with someone who is an explosive, dangerous person that might be a felon their whole life,
Starting point is 01:01:26 and you're someone who has no experience at all in any kind of hand-to-hand combat situation, you're in a bad spot. Yeah. You know, a lot of them don't know, and I've even been in, like, training with, like, the Army and military and Wounded Warriors program. I mean, I've trained a lot of people, and a lot of people don't even know the basis of just hand fighting and how hand fighting is very important especially if someone's holding a gun you know they don't even know that or no chokes and it's like wow that's crazy they don't know basic stuff you know yeah because what if they ran into a guy like me out there you know like one of those villains like the guy from morocco who robbed a bank you know he's just like a legit criminal i mean which some are oh lee murray yeah lee murray you
Starting point is 01:02:05 know then you run into that guy and he like he's like being all cool and then boom all of a sudden he's like trying to snap your neck well that guy was crazy because he was super skilled but a fucking legit gangster criminal criminal pulled off uh the biggest 80 million armed heist in european history right never found a single dollar. Is that true? Yeah. They never found the money? Never found the money. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Yep. Who's got the money? Lee Murray. Allegedly. Who's got the money? Lee. Well, he's in jail now, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:34 In Morocco. Yeah. Pat Miletic, an old training coach of mine, he keeps in touch with him. He's like a pen pal. I don't know if he still does or not. Dear Lee. Yeah. Dear Lee.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I was watching Pat today. I was watching pat today i was watching him uh he was um i watched lion fight i'm a big fan of lion fight he was doing commentary for lion fight yeah pat was saying that he was about to do a hundred mile run and i was gonna mention that yeah i seen him on facebook i follow him and i guess uh he he put out like this like little list like he's gonna do like do a four mile a 10 mile and then he's basically like building up like 15 20 miles that he's gonna do a hundred mile run but like you just do that slowly just by building like a little base and getting himself ready for that but that's uh why was he doing that i don't know he's getting older i don't know if he's got a divorce or
Starting point is 01:03:19 i don't know man you know you never know. Maybe he's just looking for a new challenge. Yeah. Retired from fighting. Yeah, you know, I mean, I seen Don Fry recently just get knocked out recently. But, you know, I mean, I feel like. Yeah, he got knocked out by one of, was it Dog the Bounty Hunter's security guys or something like that. Oh, that was really old. Oh, that's an old. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That video was from a long time ago. Don was really drunk. Oh, yeah, yeah. And he got in some sort of a fight in a hotel with some dude. Yeah, I've seen that. I think that was really old. There's always that dog in you, you know?
Starting point is 01:03:51 I mean, you've probably been away from competition for a while, but, I mean, you still like to grapple and just get after it. Like, in your gym, I always see you hitting it. But, I mean, just as a man or a competitor, you always have that type of – I mean, eventually you've got to let it go, and eventually your time's going to pass. But, I mean, you're always going to have that drive. And, you know, running or doing something like that or swimming is always going to probably keep that passion, that drive that's still in you.
Starting point is 01:04:14 So it's probably good to kind of release that and go out there. I think it's definitely good to push yourself in some sort of a way because I think where a lot of guys, it's really a classic story with boxers especially they they stop competing and then they get into hard drugs and it happened with joe lewis it happened with um uh it's that white guy irish dude which one floyd uh knocked him out he was doing cocaine with some hookers they got him on video what's his name man oh ricky hatton ricky hatton yeah i was uh thinking of um god damn it the dude who uh cassius clay beat for the sunny liston sunny liston uh he died of a drug overdose
Starting point is 01:04:52 too yeah a lot of those guys they they stopped fighting and then there's also the the the thought of you know you have a long career of getting hit in the head, and then you want to self-medicate after it's over. Like a lot of these guys, they have issues with their systems, like their endocrine systems. They have issues with their pituitary gland. A lot of depression comes in, and they start trying to fix that with alcohol or fix that feeling with cocaine. Prescriptions and stuff like that or prescription prescription drugs yeah yeah those are the worst man well prescription drugs are a real problem because a lot of guys get injured and then you know they go to a doctor they got a you know a problem their lumbar or something like
Starting point is 01:05:35 that or trying to mask it disc yeah yeah it's dangerous man i watched that episode ballers and uh the rock johnson he's always smashing them vicodins and those NFL guys, and he talks about that. Have you seen that show? It's a pretty sick show, The Rock's the Man. You kind of see that, and you're like, man, that kind of makes sense, that most likely that they are shooting them up and get back on the field. You've got to win the game. When you're in that moment, you're not thinking about it, but then in the longevity,
Starting point is 01:06:00 like that movie Concussion, the one guy from the Steelers was going down the opposite way and smashed it into a car was wanting to kill his family and just snaps out you know and that's just uh that's just crazy man well you know head injuries are no fucking joke man and that was one of the things that um brock was talking about with wwe that earlier in his career he had issues where he was, you know, those guys are fucking flipping each other and landing. People could say that's fake wrestling. They use that term fake wrestling. Yeah. Those fucking flips are real, man.
Starting point is 01:06:33 The impact is real. Those guys getting body slammed, that all counts. Cutting themselves and then, you know, tacks like Mankind used to do and falling off the cages and the tables and then those metal chairs and they would just bash them over the head. I'm's real man that that's a real impact that's real yeah yeah i'm like dude that's crazy dude it is crazy and you see that a lot of those guys are suing the wwe now like jimmy superfly snooker was wearing a suit and going to court and they're suing the wwe for superfly still around superfly still around that guy's probably got some head
Starting point is 01:07:03 injuries didn't he used to jump off the rope and do the head butt? Yeah, that was his thing. It's one of the most dangerous moves. He would get the superfly. He would stand on the top ring and fly to the air. In his jungle chonies. Yeah. Boom.
Starting point is 01:07:16 His fucking brain jostling around inside his coconut. Yeah, he had that Gene Simmons hair, dude. That's sick. That's tight. He was my favorite, man. My manager was just telling me about Jake the Snake. There's a documentary on Netflix, and it's just sad that that guy, he went to alcoholism to depression, was in a trailer,
Starting point is 01:07:34 just went from having everything to those injuries and self-medication and the drug and alcohol addiction and stuff. It's a hard road. That life of being a pro wrestler is so fucking difficult. They don't get nearly enough credit for what they do. Those guys are on the road sometimes 260 plus days a year, and they are throwing each other through fucking doors and smashing each other in the head
Starting point is 01:08:01 and fucking all the stunts that they have to do, all the flips and all the craziness while lifting like meatheads too juicing up juicing up lifting like crazy that's crazy man yeah it is crazy but it's a lifestyle yeah i mean they choose it i guess you gotta love it yeah you do you know when you got you gotta love it that's really that's ultimately their decision it is i guess but i think superfly was saying that well see no one knew it's kind of crazy this is really recent but you know when i was a kid i was in high school in the 80s and superfly was the man you know he was like the
Starting point is 01:08:37 big deal in the 80s when i was in high school so no one knew shit about concussions back then no no one knew anything about cte We never heard of that term. Yeah. We heard of brain damage. Like, guys get punched drunk. That's what we heard. Yeah. But we always thought, oh, you could kind of tell.
Starting point is 01:08:53 See a guy, like, starting to slur his words. It's time to stop, and you'll get better. You know? Yeah. But we didn't know that you get it from playing football. You never heard of that, right? No. Nobody even talked about it back then. They denied it. Well, the NFL covered it from playing football. You never heard of that, right? No. Nobody even talked about it back then.
Starting point is 01:09:06 They denied it. Well, the NFL covered it up. Yeah. Well, I didn't see that movie Concussion, but that's what it's based on, right? Yeah. But at the same time, the guys, they want to go out there. They want to play. They want to compete.
Starting point is 01:09:17 It's just a natural drive. But, I mean, you are putting yourself at risk. But, you know, at the same time, we could all just go out of here and get in a car accident and die. Of course. There's a lot of things that people do that they really really enjoy that are risky are we supposed to tell people they can't fucking surf anymore because there's sharks out there yeah yeah i mean what are we supposed to do you tell people they can't race cars anymore you can't it's uh i mean no one could talk about it better than you i mean you're
Starting point is 01:09:41 a professional cage fight it's one of the most dangerous jobs in all. I started just fighting for just kind of defend myself going through different schools and getting bullied. And, you know, I started fighting, fighting, but then, uh, once I kind of got into the sport and my uncle who kind of led me into this, my grandpa, and then I started fighting at 16 years old and I was fighting like grown men and adults and MMA fights, MMA, no holds bars. Like we'd go to a bar and there'd be like pool tables people be drinking beer i couldn't even get in you had to be like 18 to get in i was 16 but my grandpa he's super cool nice guy he allowed me to come in and i was fighting these grown men i was like your grandpa brought you to fight in a cage yeah when you were 16
Starting point is 01:10:18 because he knew i was legit man grandpa must be gangster he was he's passed away but yeah he uh he was getting a great grandpa. Yeah, he boxed and wrestled throughout his life and was a competitor. Wow. He's seen me get in a couple street fights, you know, and he's like, you know, he knew I was wrestling. I'd always kind of get scrapping wrestlers because I used to just cross-face people real hard,
Starting point is 01:10:38 and I'd always kind of get into a little scrapping match or whatever. And he invited me out there, and Josh Neer was the man out there at the time and i was 16 years old and i go out there and i just start i start fighting and then like once i once i did that and then like my first fight and then my older sister she was there and like she uh there was like these strippers that were there i mean he had huge boobs you know i never seen anything like that and she's like oh this is my brother he just won they're like oh hey like what's up you know and i'm like man like this is the life right just knock somebody out you know now now girls are hitting me up you know and and not then like i
Starting point is 01:11:09 was like the man in school and i did it and i did it just because i loved it and you know now now i look back today and i'm like man here i am making thousands of dollars traveling the world meeting people sitting down here the podcast joe rogan i'm like damn dude this fighting really took me very far i feel like i found my passion. Well, you caught a wave. You caught it right when it was taken off. And like we were talking about, you were in the UFC before there was even a 155-pound division. You were thinking about fighting 170. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You know? And Josh Neer. I grew up in the old school. Josh Neer was old school as fuck. Yeah. That's a tough dude. That's another dude who doesn't get enough credit. Josh Neer, he's a talented motherfucker, man, and tough as nails. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:44 My best man. That's my guy, dude, my right-hand man. He's a good motherfucker man and tough as nails yeah my best man that's my guy dude my right hand man it's good dude yeah good fighter man you ever see that video i'm sure you've seen hell of a father too dude he's a good dude he's actually pretty smart with his money a lot of people thought he was stupid just because he's quiet or people like what's up with him i'm like i just don't want to talk to people he just thinks a lot of people are bullshit you know which mainly motherfuckers are you know yeah for sure. He's real conservative. But once you get to know him, dude, he's the funniest dude. He's always pranking people.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Oh, really? Yeah, he's a jokester, and he was really good with his money. He paved the way for a lot of Iowa guys coming out of Des Moines. He went up to Miletic. I followed him, and I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him. That's a good story, man. The guy's an animal. Yeah, I was a big fan of the way he fights, too.
Starting point is 01:12:24 He fought very smart and very tough. Technical, relentless dude. Do you see that? I'm sure you've seen it. I was going to say, the video, some dude came into the gym and challenged him, some big-ass dude, and he beat the fuck out of the guy. Yeah, he had a story about that. That guy was kind of bullying him. He said that the guy was real cool.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Yeah, he said he met him out at the bar, and he's like, hey, let me buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. And he's being cool at the bar, and he's just like, man, this buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. And he's being cool at the bar. And he's just like, man, this guy's kind of weird. So he kind of separated. Didn't have any confrontation. The guy was being all cool. He says as he was leaving, he's like, man, I went to go get some girls.
Starting point is 01:12:54 You know, he's like, this guy, there's a lot of dudes at the bar. He's like, I left. He's like, I look on my phone. It's on Facebook. This guy's like, F you, dude. I'll beat your ass, blah, blah, blah. Like, you don't know me, da, da, da. And Josh is like, okay, bro, I don't even know you, but, you know, I thought everything was cool.
Starting point is 01:13:07 So out of nowhere, he meets the guy, says, all right, man, I'm going to get out of here. And then the guy just starts talking crazy shit after he left. And then he keeps harassing Josh. And Josh is like, okay, bro, like, I don't get why you're coming at me, but you want to come to the gym, sign the waiver, we can go at it. And so Josh— Guys, by the way, way bigger than way bigger way bigger i think he's got some issues well josh fought like 55 do you fight 72 and he fought 70 toward the end this guy's like 220 at least yeah right big dude enormous dude and he comes
Starting point is 01:13:36 in i guess josh like sparred a little bit but he's kind of like conserving and he's like because i figured this guy was going to come in and he said he came in and then he's like let's go and then they laced up and and then they fought. And then Josh just kind of, you know, just walked forward, just kept his hands up, let the guy kind of bomb and get tired. And he eventually took him down and started putting it on him. Yeah, he beat the shit out of him. But didn't the guy have boxing gloves on?
Starting point is 01:13:57 Wasn't there something weird like Josh had MMA gloves? Yeah, yeah, because he's like, you want a smaller box? And the guy chose the boxing. So he chose what he wanted to do. So it was like an old-school UFC event. It was like going down and down. And then the guy was like, wasn't someone trying to press charges on Josh? No, no charges were ever pressed.
Starting point is 01:14:14 There was some weirdness going on because it was all over the Internet, and everybody was talking about what Nir did was kind of fucked up. And I'm like, well, I don't know, man. When a guy comes to your gym and wants to fight like that,'s a a weird predicament for a professional fighter to be in but it's real common like dojo wars have always been common diaz was in them i mean uh that's how they say the gracies back in the day they would uh these boxers and uh weightlifters i mean there's a lot of old school videos of guys would just come in like you think you're the man with this jujitsu stuff like let's see it.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Then they would get beat up and tapped out, you know, and then they obviously had a respect for it. That happens in all sorts of martial arts schools. That happened in my Taekwondo school all the time. Once or twice, like, a year, some guy would come in out of nowhere that wanted to fight. And then they would put him in there with a black belt and he'd get kicked in the head. It was common. It was super common It's like I think that's always gonna be the case if you have a place that teaches people how to fight
Starting point is 01:15:10 There's always gonna be some fucking wackadoo. Yeah, who thinks he knows how to fight wants to go in there and the street guys Do get out. I don't get it and I seen Dominic Cruz on a video not that long ago Old school video of beat beat. I saw that thug. Yeah comes in and then he's like in and then he's like no just stand with me and this and that did you ever see that video there's a video of a dojo war where these karate guys beat this homeless guy like almost to death and the word was
Starting point is 01:15:36 that they beat him to death but they dragged the guy out and threw him in a dumpster but this is see I don't know if anybody ever like definitively... Because this was, like, something that took place in, like, the 1980s. And I don't know if they ever...
Starting point is 01:15:52 It's a fucking very disturbing video to watch. Because the guy, like, he was getting his ass kicked and the guy kept beating him up. This is it, yeah. So I think the guy who's the homeless guy, who's, uh... is he wearing the bell bottoms right there? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:07 That dude, that dude. See, it says right there, mentally challenged man beaten to death by MMA fighter. See, it wasn't MMA because there wasn't even MMA back then. So the, the, the guy behind him, the black guy with the black belt in the white gi is the guy who beat, beat the fuck out of him and this guy i guess he was just a crazy person and these guys exist that pretended he knew martial arts and i think he thought he was just gonna go in there and work out or something and so he's like throwing these little he's got like a little something throwing some kicks but
Starting point is 01:16:43 look he's not it's not even like he's really trying to hit him it seems it's weird touch but actually he's kind of crazy but the other guy is like taking his time and he winds up beating the fuck out of him inside inside leg kick so i don't know what style of karate it is but they're this is super old school i mean the the video is shitty as fuck see but yeah that but he's throwing the other guy's throwing but he's like doing like karate like oh they try to wheel kick to the leg sweep the leg yeah it's weird man it's it's it's weird because it's not oh see you just connected left hook the guy just doesn't know how to fight, but he sort of knows how to look like he's fighting. He just crushed him with that punch. He's done right there.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Why are you going to keep pounding him? No, he beats the fuck out of this guy. It's way worse than this. Oh. He head kicks him when he's down. There's that knee we're talking about. Yeah. The knee to a downed opponent.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Is that black dynamite? And he's like, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. He's like, nope. So then he comes back. See, now he's almost kind of'm done, I'm done, I'm done. He's like, nope. So then he comes back. See, now he's almost kind of like fighting for his life. But he's fighting a guy that's a trained martial artist that's probably been doing this forever because he's a black belt. He should have just kind of knocked him and let it be, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yeah, he's... Oh, they got sound effects. Oh, yeah, it's unnecessary right there. He's out, he's out. He's out. Dude, back of the head. He dropped knees in the back at the head in the back of my god dude's done you hear that what the hell see it stomps his head dude drag him out the back door yeah damn that's crazy look at the blood the blood coming out of his head that guy ever get any any trouble for that?
Starting point is 01:18:27 I don't know. I don't know what the story is behind that. This is Snapchat today where you're snitching on yourself right here. Basically. Evidence. This is the blood. Departing. My dojo. Wow, man. That's kind of messed up.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Just taking on 13 December. 1984. There it goes. Told the date. 7 p.m. What is this guy trying to go to jail? I mean. Snapchat.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Boy, I guess you kind of make the argument that it was a fight. So what happens? They show where they put the guy? Is this outside? What, is this just blood on the ground? Did the guy die? Or no, he didn't die? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Because I don't know if anybody's ever. We'll see if you can find out whatever data is on it. That's insane. But my point is like those kind of things, they've happened throughout the history of martial arts schools. I saw a bunch of dojo wars back in my Taekwondo days, but I never saw anybody get beaten to death like that. Or if the guy was beaten. He could have easily died.
Starting point is 01:19:38 He got stomped on the head twice while he was unconscious, and that was a big guy that stomped him, and he stomped him on the temple you could die i was knocked out with uh the knees on the ground and then he was so he's like trying to get up but you just clear his day the guy's out of his wits he's knee him in the back of the head and a couple stomps that's kind of well the stomps too whereas his head was flat completely on the ground that guy just stomped his head yeah weird yeah and it's a guy obviously a karate guy who knows how to kick and he's stomping you that's not like a regular person stomping you the guy's
Starting point is 01:20:09 gonna get some force behind those stomps yeah i don't know what happened see what we find out sorry to be a mood breaker oh what's next for you brother what's going on man i want the big fights man i was just hoping to get Aldo. I know Max Holloway is in front of me, and the guys who are in front of me right now are all coming off lost. I don't like the rankings, man. I just want to fight, man. Dude, I'm the type of guy that I just go up. Sean Shelby sees me, and he looks at me, and then he just runs the other way.
Starting point is 01:20:43 What are the rankings? I think I'm number like seven. But like Dennis Bermudez is number six. I think he's in front of me. See, how's that work? See, that's a perfect example. How's that work? I don't ever pay attention to that, man.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Honestly, I've been fighting everybody in the 55 and 45 division. It's like. Well, the rankings are based on people's input. Who you beat and who they beat. But it's not. It's the input of writers. You know, like here's a perfect example. When Conor McGregor knocked out Jose Aldo,
Starting point is 01:21:09 some Brazilian writer put him lower on the list than he was before. He's just jealous. Yeah, well, there's a lot of other nutty shit. Like here's a perfect example. When Uriah Hall knocked out Gegard Mousasi. Yeah. He was ranked below him after the fight. Below him on the fucking rankings.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Well, what the fuck is the point of the rankings if you fight a guy, you knock him out. You stop him. He jump-spinning back kicked him in the head and then put him away. What the fuck? What more does a guy have to do to get ranked ahead of a guy? I guess their idea is that Mosasi has more experience.
Starting point is 01:21:46 If you watch Uriah Hall fight and you can't tell he's a motherfucker. Yeah, yeah. He's a beast. Then stop. Stop watching fights. Stop commenting. Stop writing shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:58 That's crazy. He won. Yeah. He won. He moves ahead. That's it. Yep. I believe that too, man.
Starting point is 01:22:03 So how the fuck is Dennis Bermudez ahead of you? I don't know. I think because maybe he beat Max and then I lost to Max. When did he beat Max? Holloway? Yeah, he beat Holloway. When did he beat Holloway? A couple years ago before Conor did.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Yeah, Bermudez is a beast, dude. He is very good. Dude, that guy is fucking... He's very good. No doubt about it. I'm not saying... He gave me one of the best scraps ever. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Bermudez.
Starting point is 01:22:25 He's an awesome fighter. Yeah. But I did not know that he beat Holloway. I thought Holloway's only loss was to Conor. Conor and Dennis. Oh, no shit, man. And then he lost Poirier. Well, also, Holloway is really young.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Yeah. You know, I mean, you think when he fought Dennis... I mean, I don't even know he fought Dennis. I'm trying to remember that fight. But when he fought Conor, he was really young too. I mean, he's a young kid. Yeah, talented. Very talented.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I used to train with that guy back and forth, so it was kind of weird fighting him. And that's why maybe the fight just didn't play. He knew I had the power, and then he just kind of played this moving around game. And it was just weird, man. I really couldn't get into my style of fighting, my rhythm. And it was just kind of like. He's clever. Yeah, yeah, and he moves a lot.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Yeah, he's clever in not being there for the big shots. He rarely gets hit with big shots. He mixes good with switch stances and everything, but just overall we never really got into a fight, I felt like. We just really didn't get in that type of engagement, And it was just weird because I trained with this guy before. Like, I knew who he was, and, like, I'm in there. And things are going so slow that I know exactly everything's going on. I really just couldn't be in the moment.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I'm kind of like, man, like, I know everything. Like, I'm seeing people in the front row. I just felt really weird. Oh, wow. So, like, you weren't zoned in. Yeah, I just didn't have, like, the focus. I don't know. Maybe it was just, yeah, he's like, shh.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Yeah, yeah, right? Zoned in Yeah just didn't have Like the focus I don't know Maybe it was just Yeah he's like Snake handled you Yeah yeah right His little His little tattoos Had him in the zone Or something I don't know That was just a weird Smart for him man
Starting point is 01:23:53 He's a very clever guy I like the way he fights I like the way he fought Cub Swanson I was super impressed with that Because Cub is dangerous as fuck Yup That's another good one
Starting point is 01:24:01 The way he fought Ricardo Lamas He was like Let's just Let's just do it right here Fuck that way he fought, uh, Ricardo Lamas. He was like, let's just, let's just do it right here. Fuck, that was crazy. Throw it down.
Starting point is 01:24:08 The end of the fight. I'm like, bro, why didn't we do that? You know, like, come on, man.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Yeah. Well, there's, there's certain levels of knockout power. Yeah. Your level of knockout power. Honestly, man,
Starting point is 01:24:19 back in the day, dude, I used to, I used to throw him around a lot. So he, I think he just knew that he just wasn't going to try to engage with me, and he just was going to stay away. Power's a weird thing, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:24:32 It's like some guys like you just have certain— Yeah, there's just no getting around that. There's certain guys that no matter what they do, they'll have great technique, they'll win fights, they'll even knock guys out, but they'll never just be able to just step in and rumble Johnson somebody. Yeah, Savage. out but they'll never just be able to just step in rumble johnson somebody yeah savage you know that's just what makes rumble johnson him and that's what makes him me and robbie lawler probably three in the same yep and i don't try to be a movement guy i don't try to do do this and that i like to be in the fight getting after it because i feel like i can break people that or i'm gonna knock you out if not i'm gonna be in shape to go all the rounds do you ever think that maybe
Starting point is 01:25:04 if you could be a movement guy and could do all those other things, you could have that as well? Because it's not like your power is ever going to go away. You're always going to have that. Like when you knocked out Dos Anjos with that uppercut, like that's classic Jeremy Stevens. You know, when you knocked out Bermudez with that flying knee, you've got that power. Like if you incorporated all those other techniques that you see these other guys doing as well, like, you know, have you ever thought of that? Like, maybe just expanding what you do.
Starting point is 01:25:31 And also, tripping people out, too, because people expect a certain kind of fight from you. Yep. Because you're so aggressive, you're so, you know, moving forward all the time that if you fought in a different way, it would probably fuck people up. Yeah, I mean, I'm always trying to work on everything
Starting point is 01:25:46 because I feel like you have to be adapting using the Charles Darwin theory. It's not the strongest or the smartest. It's the person who's willing to adapt to change. That's going to be around the longest. And you've got so many young, talented kids coming up, you know, like just young, you know, like little Max Holloway, Jair Rodriguez, like these little Pettis bro. And, I mean, you got this talent. You have to constantly be evolving, getting better, working your game,
Starting point is 01:26:12 and all angles, jiu-jitsu, wrestling. Who is Yair fighting? He's fighting someone good. Caceres. Yes, that's interesting. One of those little barn bros. I like Caceres. He's a funny dude.
Starting point is 01:26:22 I see that fight going like uh that uh that tony ferguson and that other guy i see if that fight funky fight action going on craziness yeah like real legit fight yeah rodriguez is no fucking joke yeah dude that's what i'm saying you gotta be kicks gotta be on your toes damn that dude throws some wild fight his end the andrew the uh feely fight oh we caught him with that fucking flying roundhouse kick? Dude, nasty. God damn, he's good. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:49 He's also like – he practices that shit so often. Like, you ever see him hit pads? He's karate. Karate guy. Yeah. Well, Taekwondo. Yeah. He'll throw like all that spinning shit in practice all the time.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Yeah. Like, it's a part of his normal combinations. It's his first nature. You know, he's not just trying to do that shit or try to try not to be or try to be exciting or something right right right just kind of harnesses his own what did you think of uh aldo versus edgar this the second fight i was boring dude did you think it was boring i think it was boring i think as as a as a fighter there was a lot of stuff going on at a high level and good stuff going on, but I just thought it was boring.
Starting point is 01:27:27 I just felt like Aldo just fought to just get by and win. Man, see. But Frankie didn't look like himself, man. I think he got caught a bunch of times. I think Aldo looked masterful. I thought it was a brilliant fight. Yeah. I mean, if you're going to fight Frankie, that's the way to fight him.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Yeah. I mean, he threw very little kicks, countered with punches and movement. I thought he looked great. As far as like, I don't mean, that's what I'm saying. I look at that and I'm like, I see the type of level that is that, but it was just like, it was a boring fight, but then I also felt like it was kind of weird. I didn't see Frankie moving like he did.
Starting point is 01:28:01 It made me kind of think maybe he was injured. I just think he just got caught. He's a little guy too, and Jose's a lot bigger than him, moving like he did. It made me kind of think maybe he was injured. I think he just got caught. I just think he got hit with some big shots. He's a little guy, too, and Jose's a lot bigger than him, and he's had his number. Well, Aldo looked big in that fight, too. Like, he looked smaller for the McGregor fight, and I think he concentrated a lot more on strength and conditioning for this fight, and he looked like Aldo of old.
Starting point is 01:28:20 He looked like the Aldo that knocked out Mendes in Brazil. He looked thick. So I think maybe, you know, he's had issues back and forth with making 145. So maybe he's got it dialed in better. I don't know. I bet he did because he did look great that fight. And he did fight a smart fight. And I just felt like he could have finished Frankie.
Starting point is 01:28:42 I felt like he could have done a little bit more. But then I also heard that he didn't want to throw kicks and he only used his left hand because he had, like, some snitches telling him, like, that Frankie was going to take him down off kicks, you know, which. But that's obvious, isn't it? I mean, obviously Frankie's going to try to take him down off kicks because Aldo's got that nasty left right leg kick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:00 You know, he's always throwing kicks. Yeah. I don't think he's ever really took him down. I mean, Aldo just gets right back up yeah you know well i mean he he just fought a great fight if you want to be smart frankie yeah yeah i mean i liked it i enjoyed it yep i thought it was a really good fight but i see your point it wasn't like oh shit oh shit yeah yeah i just think stylistically that that doesn't really play out with Frankie and him. I think you put me and Aldo in there or me and, like, McGregor,
Starting point is 01:29:29 I think you're going to see a lot of high-level action. We're going to be kicking and punching each other and kneeing each other in the face, and it's going to be exciting. You know, at the same time, but still very skilled in a method of madness type of way. Yeah. How old are you now, man? 30. Just turned 30.
Starting point is 01:29:44 So when you think about your career do you have it mapped out like what you're trying to accomplish and when when do you have an exit strategy do you know when you're when you're going to be done like you're at your prime right now like yeah there's always like 30 to 34 right yeah exactly i mean look at robbie lawler i look up to that guy a lot in the way the way he's kind of handled his career and who's to say within you know what if i go in there in the next, like, three, four fights, I'm just getting KO'd. And then it's like, okay, it's like Sam Stott's like, man,
Starting point is 01:30:09 maybe it's time for me to hang up. You know, then I would definitely leave. If I'm getting ruined like that and hurting myself, I don't want to be brain dead or talking about killing my family because I have trauma injuries or anything like that. So definitely not. But I definitely want to – I have an extra strategy and things that I want to do. But as of right now I feel healthy I want I want to keep fighting that's like I said
Starting point is 01:30:29 I tell Sean Shelby I'm like man keep me active dude I don't want to fight twice a year you know that's that's that's rough to live off of and I just want to keep fighting because I just want to be right back in the mix even if I had to go out of top 10 right now because everybody else is kind of lost I've already fought people or they already got fights you know let somebody else from like the the 11 or 12 13th guy in the rankings who's coming off a win let's me and him fight and then we can get right back in the mix so that we can get those Jose Aldo's those Connors because I want to keep the featherweight exciting the featherweight division that's why I moved down here I feel like a lot more athletic explosive and I want those exciting
Starting point is 01:31:02 fights I haven't fought them guys and I feel like those are great fights for me to go out there and really excel make some big money and win and really just shock the world well you've been killing it at featherweight and what do you walk around at what do you weigh right now I'm probably like 175 177 I know I just ran an hour yesterday you gotta lose 30 pounds holy shit dude you know what's funny, man, is I do all this work. I get down and then like, you know, they give me this time off. I go home, I eat a little bit of food. And when I'm at home, like training, that's the worst. Like if I'm traveling, like I'm actually all right because I'm not eating everything. But when I get home and my Mexican mamacita is right there just cooking me all the good foods, bro, I'm just grubbing down. And then I'm like, all right,
Starting point is 01:31:43 cool. You know, no one's, I'm just training, doing my thing. doing my thing and then you know what what kind of diet do you follow do you have a nutritionist or anything yeah george lockhart fitness oh yeah george yeah i feel like he's just brilliant i've been working with he's a guy that doesn't get enough credit you know because he's worked with a lot of athletes and a lot a lot of fighters and um done a fantastic job he's really good and military too and he knows what he's doing, man. He doesn't charge me $10,000 a camp. So I think he's great. I've been working with him since the beginning.
Starting point is 01:32:11 I've preached this guy, and he's amazing, man. He's really – I actually had him a lot in my corner, and him coming to the last fight, seeing me work out, and he's just like, man, dude, you're on your stuff, dude. And everything that he gives me, the diet, and I just I feel good man I feel good at featherweight. So when you work with a guy like George Lockhart, what is like? What's the protocol like how's he set up your camp? Like it's all it's all computerized
Starting point is 01:32:34 I can basically just go into the computer type in my weight the times that I'm training the hours that I'm training to the intensity and Then I type in my weight I wake up in the morning, weigh myself, and then I type that into the computer. And then the computer just goes off of day-to-day basics. Like say, if I don't have kefir, I can substitute for egg whites and it's all computerized. If I need any help or I'm like, hey, I'm not doing this, he'll adjust a little bit of things for me. It's basically right there on the computer. Do you get blood work done where you find
Starting point is 01:33:02 your nutrient levels or find what you need or what you need to supplement? I have, I have a long time ago and I haven't done that recently, but, uh, you know, it's nutritionists like George Lockhart. I feel great. I honestly, I feel amazing when, when I'm feeling good and I'm in that right mindset and training hard, I feel good, but no, I haven't gotten the blood work done in a while, but I did do that. So it's interesting. It's all computerized so you you write your weight you type your weight in and you type like what you like say if you got a strength and conditioning day and he adjusts your caloric intake accordingly yep calorie intake you know it depends on what it's a program that does all this yeah he has it all programmed wow i'm not for sure the exact
Starting point is 01:33:40 details how he does that you know that that's his thing and and why he makes his money but so does it show you immediately or do you send him the information then he sends it back to you immediately i just click it in and then it shows you yep shows me right there and then uh then like by like saturday or sunday it adjusts for like the work week so they can see how much how much i'm losing if i need to uh lower the calorie intake or if like maybe like i'm feeling kind of lethargic and my weight's good he'll up up a little bit of carbs for me. You know, if I call him like, Hey man, you know, I, I've been doing good. I've been killing it this week, but you know, I'm just, uh, my weight's down. He's like, Oh, wait, it's good. Okay. Let's, let's get a little bit more, uh, half of a sweet
Starting point is 01:34:15 potato or a little bit more oatmeal before practice or something like that. So he's a, he's very smart, man. He's very, uh, real calculated in his approach. And it's, uh, it's interesting to learn from. And the nutrition and everything that I get, all natural. What's George's background? He's a military guy. He actually used to be, he told me that he was actually a chunkier kid growing up, and then he just got into diet and nutrition and losing weight,
Starting point is 01:34:40 and then he got into the military and helping out the military with nutrition. That's interesting that he's devised a computer program. I haven't heard of anybody else that does that where you can enter in all the data and it gives you instant results. Yeah. Check that out. That is, that's very interesting. I want to check out his stuff. I'm going to, I'm going to go look at this after that. And, uh, I've been trying to tell you, get people on this a long time ago. I'm just like, man, it's simple. It's easy to sign up. What does And I've been trying to get people on this a long time ago. I'm just like, man, it's simple.
Starting point is 01:35:05 It's easy to sign up. What does VT stand for? I'm not for sure. Fitness VT. I'm not for sure with that. Okay. So when you work with him, say if you start now and you're 177 pounds, how much time do you need to get down to 145?
Starting point is 01:35:20 And what do you weigh before you start the big cut, before you dehydrate yourself? I would only need nine weeks, nine, ten ten weeks and i'll be ready to go and then you know the the thing with now without the ivs is i've been putting in a lot of road work you know uh on top of things i've just been putting in extra credit the road work the the the runs the the swims the the cycling uh you know i'm into all that now as far as pushing cardio pace. But a lot of people, they work out, they work out, they work out, and then they just do these drastic weight cuts. And I used to do these.
Starting point is 01:35:53 And I'd still feel fine, but I was cutting so much weight, man, and it really started to hurt. I mean, I'm laying in my deathbed, and it was like a nasty baptism. And now with these runs and burning fats i've learned how to stay smart and and learn like okay now you need three weeks hard and then like a week of recovery like on runs and and running like after say say we do like 75 minutes of just straight wrestling and then i'll go run another 45 to an hour just at a real low pace that i'm just burning fats, burning calories.
Starting point is 01:36:25 And like throughout the week, I'm burning like a pound and a half to two pounds per week just depending on my body fat. And as slowly I get down, I just keep niching, niching, niching. And then come time to the weight cut, I'm only cutting, you know, 12 pounds. You know, granted, I've cut a lot over the time, but I've burned a lot of body fat. And then at that point, your body starts to just rejuvenate and you're recovering you're burning more than you're eating and then i'm dropping dropping weight it makes the weight cut a lot easier than once i do the water loads and and more towards the weight cut it's just it's that much easier and it's a lot easier going in you know not like man man i gotta cut another 15 pounds i'm already fucking dying dude that
Starting point is 01:37:02 shit sucks dude well i'm looking at a guy like you, you know, if I didn't know any better, like if I wasn't involved in the sport and I saw a guy like you that's 177, is that what you're saying, 175, whatever you're at, and someone said you're going to fight at 145, I'd be like, what? Like you're not – he doesn't have any fat to lose. Like I'm looking at you, like you don't have – you're not fat at all at 175. I've always been solid i've never been like a real fluffed up or anything or you know i've always just been like
Starting point is 01:37:31 one of those solid guys i've never been you never seen me get tossed around or anything like that i've just always just been solid well that's why it's crazy to think that you could even get down to 145 like and i don't i don't really lift a lot of weights. I do a lot of more footwork, explosions with medicine balls and kettlebells and a lot of sprints. You know, I focus cardio. Cardio is king, man. It really is, right? Yep, and it helps your mental out a lot and helps weight cuts a lot easier. A lot of people don't do that.
Starting point is 01:37:57 They just train, train, train, kill themselves. Excuse me. And then they go to cut all that weight and they don't understand this. How does cardio help your mental state? The runs? And the weight cuts. Yeah. Just like, I don't know, man, you just go through breakthroughs.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Like when you don't want to run and it's like you're tired after 75 minutes and you're like, man, fuck, dude, I got to do this run. But then when you do it and then you're like, man, I don't want to do it, like you got 20 more minutes and you're just like 20 more minutes. Okay, I'm going to pick up the pace a little bit or I'm going to keep going through. Sometimes you'll just kind of get ran down, ran down, and then all of a sudden you'll hit that final run or next run, and then boom, you have a breakthrough. Next thing you know, next week you're recovering a little bit faster.
Starting point is 01:38:34 You notice that the fresh guys that are coming in, they're getting more tired than you in just one round. And you start having these little mental breakthroughs and these little psychological steps. You ever read The Art of War? start having these little mental breakthroughs and these little psychological steps you ever read the art of war it's just like little little moves like that that you can kind of see that are that are that are approaching your game and it's just the the psychological effect that like hey man i've done this cardio and then i ran for this amount i mean the last the last camp i ran to brazil and back basically tell much i ran so i was like dude there's no way that this guy is going to push a pace that i can't handle right you know and it's just uh these mental breakthroughs that the runs
Starting point is 01:39:09 really help that's interesting so you what kind of strength and conditioning like what kind of uh cardio do you do outside of running sprints sprints a lot of sprints that's running too right you heard like Dominic Cruz I mean that guy just moves moves moves moves and yeah sprints that's that's just part of running and then um you know strength just strength conditioning uh mixing in sprints with a lot of explosive movements a lot of footwork a lot of stuff that that uh that what's his name again yep nadia aguilar does this yep i mean i work with uh george castro now at alliance mma he's uh he's been with me for a while and he's a guy that really he's like my big brother when i don't want to do shit and he's like no like we're gonna get this done he's that little voice that's like yeah you can but it's real voice he's that dude who can train like turn it all the way up
Starting point is 01:39:53 somebody i that can really push me you know some guys you're just like if this guy was over here and you know no offense if he's like yelling at me like do these sprints i'm like come on bro but when you see george castro you looked him right in the eye yeah yeah he's offended and uh you know george cowdy's just that guy he's like my big brother he's like he's like hey let's get this done really well you want to win he's like you want to win i'm like yeah and he he just he just i connect with him mentally it's like uh i can i can i can feel bro he's like he's got a big heart he cares he genuinely is really pushing you to the top. And man, we've been dominant lately. So when you're doing sprints and what are the kind of things you're doing, like conditioning wise? We hit the track. We hit the track usually about every Saturday.
Starting point is 01:40:35 You know, we're doing a lot of lateral drills. We're doing a hundred yard sprints. We're running around full track sprint. So a lot of his legs. A lot of legs, cardio, man. Cardio is king. A lot of running. Do you do the airdyne? Are you doing anything with your arms? We do the A lot of legs. Cardio, man. Cardio is king. A lot of running. Do you do the airdyne? Are you doing anything with your arms? Yep. We do the airdynes. We do lateral drills, explosives, medicine balls, throws, kettlebells.
Starting point is 01:40:53 What is that wheel with your hands that you do that's like a bike with your hands? A lot of guys do. Do you do that thing? No. You know what I'm talking about? No. You know the thing I'm talking about? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Brock Lesnar had that thing. Yeah. I've never done that. I just used an old school speed bag. Oh, thing I'm talking about? Yeah, Brock Lesnar had that thing. Yeah. Yeah, I've never done that. I just used the old school speed bag. Oh, is that what you did? Yeah. That or just get my, Miguel Reyes, my boxing coach, he'll have you throwing like 5,000 punches in a round. You know, that guy's the man.
Starting point is 01:41:18 He's Mexican style. He's from Tijuana. You know, he's an old school Thai boxer. Yeah, isn't it funny how many fucking badass fighters came out of Mexico? It's kind of crazy when you really stop and think about it. They live in a different world, man. You're talking about drug lords. If you go down to their gym, they'll probably shoot you.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Like, hey, I want to challenge you. See you. And ain't nobody going to care or mention a damn thing or put it on camera. Yeah. So, I mean, that's a different world they live in down there. Do you monitor your heart rate? Yep, yep, I sure do the vo2 max and and all that and uh i know what zones to kind of stay in when i'm like just kind of slowly doing my runs but then at the same time you can't be a pussy and manage your heart rate you got to fucking get after it you know you got
Starting point is 01:41:59 to you got to break yourself dude i mean there's so many times that i wanted to quit and that i just felt like crying and was just done i pushed myself but then boom i had those mental breakthroughs like you know what i fucking finished you dude i did it most people went home after after wrestling i mean there's times where i find myself in the gym still running like on the treadmill or running at the beach and no one's around no one i'll hit up some of my friends like you know i'll have like one guy come in and like run with me a few times, but sometimes I find myself alone or my strength conditioning coach will put us through a workout and then I'll go run like another 45, 75 or an hour and a half. And I'll look to my left, look to my right and no one's there. Just like my coach. And I'll be like,
Starting point is 01:42:38 where they at George? Where they at? Like the Diaz, you know, cause his name is George. I'm like, where they at George? And he's like, that's why you're fucking savage, dude. That's why you're going to win. And that's really what it comes down to. But as far as the heart rate, I get it. I do it. I follow that program. But then there's also a time to kill yourself on sprints.
Starting point is 01:42:55 You know, not like sparring. I don't spar all the time. I barely spar at all. I spar probably once a week. Right now, I haven't sparred since my fight. I've done Thai drills and drilling and wrestling and strength conditioning i've already been doing sprints and running i just ran an hour easily yesterday and uh i just don't spar spar spar spar that's smart preserve yeah i mean you can only get hit so many times already i already know i can fight right but you know when
Starting point is 01:43:20 it comes time to end camp, I do my sparring. Probably by Friday, I'll spar two rounds, take a round off, spar a round, be done. Alliance is one of the best gyms in the world, and Eric Del Fierro doesn't get enough credit. He's one of those guys. He doesn't. He's just a quiet guy, doesn't need a lot of attention. I always put him in the category of Mark Henry's another one of those guys, doesn't get enough credit, just sort of lays back, is not one of those guys that puts a lot of the spotlight on himself. But he's done a phenomenal job.
Starting point is 01:43:51 That gym is amazing. So many great fighters come out of there as well. We actually got dorms now. So these young Mexican fighters and people from all over are starting to come into the gym. We have these little dorms right next to the gym that are open now that are available. We got Dominic Cruz just won the title. You got me winning. You got Phil Davis winning.
Starting point is 01:44:11 He's about to fight for a title. Justin Lawrence is back. I mean, Ross Pearson's there. I mean, he's fighting Jorge Masvidal coming up. So all these guys were putting on good win streaks. So Pearson's fighting. Is he fighting at 170? Yeah, I think so. So Ross is moving at 170? Yeah, I think so, 170.
Starting point is 01:44:25 So Ross is moving to 170? No, I think he's just... Because Masvidal is 170. Yeah, yeah. Unless Masvidal is going down to 55 again. No, he's fighting at 170. Oh. Yeah, because he just had that close fight with Will.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Or, you know, I think he maybe lost the first or two rounds, and then at the end, you know, Ross was putting on him. I guess he just hit up Joe. He was like, hey, I heard old boy backed out. I'm ready to go. Weight's good. Joe was like, yeah. Because Ross was fighting at 45 for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Tried 45. God damn, he was skinny as fuck. He didn't like that. Yeah, he didn't like that at all. He's cutting a lot of weight. I don't know if he was doing it properly or whatnot, but he just didn't like it. He likes fighting at 55. Ross likes to lift.
Starting point is 01:45:02 He's a big dude. He's got some big legs on him. He's a power guy. 45 is tough lift, and he's a big dude. He's got some big legs on him. He's a power guy. And, you know, 45 is tough, dude. Yeah, I would imagine. It takes everything I got. But I kind of like putting it to that point where it's breaking the edge, you know, because there's a point where, like, I'm nice, I'm fine, you know,
Starting point is 01:45:19 and, like, you fight. You know, the whole weigh-in thing, we'll get into that a little bit later, about how you can weigh in early and then you eat. I of like that edge you know where i feel like i'm dying and then like i look that guy in the eye who's you know i think about who he could beat me or this and that you know i'm training for him the whole camp and i kind of like that that that edge that that switch of that that meanness you know like it's on motherfucker like i've been training a long time you know i've put everything into this and it really takes all i got to make 45 so i i kind of like that switch for me and some people may be
Starting point is 01:45:50 different you you like the fact that you you know that he's got to go through that as well so i like the fact that i have to it takes everything i have in all the discipline and all hard training to make 145 pounds and once i'm there I feel mean I feel ferocious I feel mentally strong and it takes everything I got and I like doing that because I'm going to be at my best and I'm going to perform at my best when when it's like that it's a good mental switch for me to have I like that that's my style that's interesting you know um Conor McGregor's coach was talking about that he thinks that Conor not cutting weight was probably a bad thing for him. And that, you know, fighting Diaz and just being able to eat whatever he wanted,
Starting point is 01:46:29 not go through the grueling pattern that he's gone through all his other fights. Yeah. Look at his demeanor, though, at the weigh-ins. Where at 45, he looks like a savage. I mean, he looks like death, like we all do. But he looks like he's like, you know what? I'm ready. I'm ready to get after he looks mean when he came in fought diaz he's like smiling and he's all happy just
Starting point is 01:46:50 like oh body fat yeah you see his demeanor he's like oh you know nothing's going on it's like okay now these guys that are weighing in does that does that take away a little bit of the intensity you know i was kind of asking dominic that a little bit and he's just like nah i'm still gonna get after it you know because like, man, if I go back and already eat a steak and I come in, like am I going to be that intense at the weigh-ins? Oh, you mean what you're saying is because there's new weigh-in rules
Starting point is 01:47:13 where you can weigh in way earlier. So when they announce the weigh-ins now, like say if the fighters weigh in at 4 o'clock, you've already weighed in. You weighed in at 10 o'clock in the morning. So you've already had a chance to rehydrate, get food and then you get back on this the good thing is everybody looks way healthier when they weigh in because man it's some like connor's perfect example some guys would weigh in james irvin was probably the worst ever james irvin when he would
Starting point is 01:47:37 fight at 185 like jesus christ you'd see him he was so drained oh my god man he was so drained he looked he looked crazy like yeah it looked like like he was about to die yeah the first time i made 45 i remember seeing you and dana and you had like dana was like you're right and i was like yeah like yeah i'm all right and that was iv days right yeah how much of a difference is it using an iv and not using an iv i don't really feel a difference to be be honest. Really? Yeah. I mean, George Lockhart, he may be changing that for me because of his nutrition that he's there. His whole team's there just feeding me, coming in, knocking on my hotel room and like, eat this, do this at this time, and it just makes it easier.
Starting point is 01:48:18 And then, you know, they rehydrate me properly, and I believe in those guys and my team and the rehydration. And I feel the same. If not, I feel better. So that's interesting. You feel better. Hmm. Yeah. Some guys have said that like Joe Silva was actually telling me that it's actually more effective to do it orally orally. Yep. Yeah. A lot of doctors said that, uh, one of my doctors, uh, Brad Archer's back home said that, uh, he gave me a lot of tips, you know, cause when this came in, I'm like, I'm freaking out. I'm like, fuck, dude, they're taking me to these IVs. I'm going to have to go back 55. You know, I'm freaking out, you know.
Starting point is 01:48:48 And they were sending me all this stuff, you know, and I read a lot about it because I was like, all right, well, do this. And then I met Daryl Christian, one of my wrestling coaches, who's a phenom, Olympian. And he's just like, we've got to put in this road work, dude. He's like, we've got to start building you a cardio base. He's like, you've always just killed yourself, killed yourself, and then had to kill yourself making weight. He's like we gotta start building your cardio base he's like you've always just killed yourself killed yourself and then had to kill yourself making weight he's like you never built a cardio base you never had a solid foundation so then we started these heart rate monitors vo2s and putting in these run programs putting in these different sprints but you were always in good shape like what do you mean by you didn't have a cardio base
Starting point is 01:49:20 uh i was more or less just sprint i was was just top heavy. I never really had a low intensity and, uh, what is it like the VO two max? The reason why people do that is because a lot of people wanted to know how they would build endurance and people think that you just need to sprint, sprint, sprint, sprint, sprint, and you're going to be in good shape. Granted, you might be in good shape, but none of them had a low base cardio where they would just run at, say like a 4.8 or 5.0 on a treadmill for a long period of time. And that's actually how you build the anaerobic system a lot better is through low-base cardio. It's not high-base. Anaerobic system?
Starting point is 01:49:52 Or is it? Aerobic. Aerobic, yeah. Aerobic system. Anaerobic is like exploding. Yeah. They find that you can expand recovery and work harder in a lactic threshold by doing the low-base cardio. Like Diaz does.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Yeah. It's real low-base, but it's just constant pressure. Because you've got that guy who's going to sprint, and he's going to head out, and then he's going to drop down in that round, and the guy might be here. But then he's going to sprint, but then he's just going to slowly start to pull. And that's how Diaz, he slowly just kind of passes you. The guy may sprint and be punching and punching, but just sticks pop pop pop yeah well Diaz is hitting you with 50% punches but he's hitting you with 30 times more than you're throwing constant and then in in the
Starting point is 01:50:33 rounds he's able to recover even better while you're already at lactic threshold then you try to you try to fire up the heart rate again it's like dude your body's like managed to shot and they found out through those vo2s and those runs that the aerobic base is built more through low base cardio and that's what he's talking about building the base because you can't just build a house low pace low low base low low pace and you can't just build a house without a base and you need that base and that's what i really started learning and honestly i i feel a lot more efficient i feel a lot more healthier, and my cardio even a lot better in the fights, I believe. That's interesting. So the long runs and the long cardio, it was sort of like a solid foundation,
Starting point is 01:51:14 and then sprints on top of that, explosion on top of that. Got to do it all, man. Do you follow like a Tabata protocol or anything like that? Do you know what that is? No, what's Tabata? follow like a Tabata protocol or anything like that? Do you know what that is? No, what's Tabata? Tabata is an endurance protocol that, I don't know why it's called Tabata, but I believe it's like 20 second sprints followed by 10 seconds of rest and 20 second sprints. There's some sort, my friend John Rallo told me about it and a lot of athletes apparently follow it. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:51:45 What is Tabata? Tabata training is one of the most popular forms of high-intensity interval training. It consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off interval. So when it says eight rounds, so I guess eight 20-second sprints and eight 10-second rests. I do a little bit of Tabata training for sure. I mean, we even go even doing 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and then eventually it peaks off in itself. But, yeah, for sure, 100% be doing that as well.
Starting point is 01:52:16 And then low-base training. That's interesting that you're a big proponent of that long, slow style because that was one of the things that some people that weren't fighters, but were strength and conditioning people would say that that's not going to benefit you. Yeah. You know, they would say that's not what you need to do in a fight because a fight is, you know, explosion. It's fast. You don't have that slow running thing, but old school, like old school boxers, they all ran like that. They all ran long miles. Yeah. And they ran long miles.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Yeah. And they ran slow. Like you ever see Mike Tyson in his early days? Yep. Just slowly running. Yeah, get up at 4 a.m. Yeah, he wasn't. And he would just run five miles. I mean, five miles, you could probably get done within low pace, you know, 35, 45 minutes.
Starting point is 01:52:57 Mm-hmm. You know, that's kind of interesting because my strength conditioning coach now, George Castro, he used to work out with Don Fry, and he'd just be like, man, one day I was stretching, and then Don's like, what the fuck are you doing? Get, get your gloves on, get in the ring. And he was like, take off your shirt. Let's do this. You know? And then like, they just go, but there was no, there was no structure to it. But now, you know, we're, we're meeting these coaches and the, the scientists and behind it, you know, and, and, uh, you know, my Olympian coach, Daryl Christian, he's just like, dude, he's like,
Starting point is 01:53:21 you cannot build high base cardio by sprint, sprint, sprint, killing yourself. He's like, we got to build this low base. And he's also a spinal surgeon, you know, and he's just like, dude, he's like, you cannot build high base cardio by sprint, sprint, sprint, killing yourself. He's like, we got to build this low base. And he's also a spinal surgeon. You know, he's also been in the game for a long time. And he's like, that's how all these fighters and top notch guys would stay in shape all year round. It was drilling, drilling, drilling, drilling. And he's like, we would just do long runs. Anytime we get a break, we had to be doing long runs like every other day. And he's like, that's why we were able to make weight, stay on task, and be in shape all the time.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Well, it totally makes sense, man. And it really makes sense when you talk about the Diaz brothers. You know, I was saying Diaz, but really both Diaz brothers. Nate is a little different than Nick because Nate will explode more than Nick. Nate has like a little more firepower when he goes after dudes. But both those guys are known for doing triathlons and Nick even more so than Nate. And you know what? They smoke weed too.
Starting point is 01:54:13 Yeah. And then they go out and then they'll just run forever. Yeah. And that's okay. You're just building that base, building that cardio. And they have those mental breakthroughs. Like, dude, i ran three hours after practice like what the fuck are you gonna do to me i'm gonna keep pacing on you and you'll
Starting point is 01:54:30 see it i i can break people in the gym by constant pressure pace and then like i can recover within 20 30 seconds while they're like right you know and their bodies just breaking down and you know and it truly does work and that's and it's just a simple science. Isn't it funny because the glamour stuff is explosions, right? The glamour stuff is cleans and snatches. Left this tire. Yeah, throwing fucking tires around a parking lot and sledgehammering a tire. Those on it kettlebells that look like they're 10 pounds that weigh like 100.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Well, have you ever done the Keith Webith weber kettlebell extreme kettlebell cardio workout no dude this motherfucker yeah what's crazy about it is it's 40 it's he'll you do it with a 35 pound kettlebell and like bitch ass 35 pound kettlebell what the fuck's that gonna do it seems like nothing it's not like glamorous yeah because it's light but man it breaks you it fucking breaks you yeah yeah we we have it i'll have i'll have on it send you one man all right i think there's one two and i think he has a three out now but damn he's a stud i've had that guy in here too he's a fucking master when it comes to these um these workouts and it's the same thing it's 45 minutes man yeah and it just breaks you down i i
Starting point is 01:55:44 do it and when I start out Like for the first 20 seconds. I'm like how am I even gonna get tired doing this? Yeah, yeah two minutes later I'm like oh my god. I got 38 more minutes of this. Yeah, the fuck. I'm gonna do this. Yeah It's the glamorous shit is like Explosions right yeah the glamour shit is ridiculous, but I'm hitting the, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's that slow. It's more fun to do anyway. Is this it? Yeah, this is it. Aubrey doing it.
Starting point is 01:56:10 It's not a video. See, it seems like not that big a deal, right? Like, what are you doing? You've got this little bitch-ass weight. You're only doing 35 pounds. But long periods of time doing just difficult shit like this just constantly moving and squatting and yeah i think there's something real to running man i think running is something there's something about long slow running it's the mental i think it is that challenge anybody
Starting point is 01:56:41 go out on a run and don't take your phone Just go out on a run where you have to run. Say you run two, two and a half miles. You don't listen to music? And you have to go back. I do. But a lot of people, they'll run like 15 minutes and they're done. When you say don't take your phone, what do you do? Just really try to challenge yourself.
Starting point is 01:56:58 Like one time, because sometimes I listen to music and sometimes I just like to listen to my thoughts. Like what am I thinking right now? What are my thoughts? What are my thoughts bringing me? And it's hard dude. It's mentally you'll find out it's more mentally than anything
Starting point is 01:57:14 than the physical. Do you get addicted to that runner's high? Yeah I do. You know what? Sex is better dude. You know sex sleep. Sex is better sleep. Yeah yeah dude. Especially when you do an incline sprints i just feel like your testosterone's a little yeah definitely right anything appreciates a good sprint holla anytime uh you're doing like real intense stuff like high intensity things like sprinting they
Starting point is 01:57:37 say is really good for your testosterone yeah and that hill sprints in particular right yep hill sprints or inclines uh treadmills uh you know even working with kettlebells you ever hit like a good kettlebell session and you're just like man i feel freaking good you know your testosterone's moving you just feel you know a lot more bc yeah it's interesting how high intensity stuff does that it like spikes your endocrine system yeah i love that i like that feel man it's a natural good feeling that i have i'm 30 years old and never injected anything in my life and uh i like that high and the the mental aspect of it and that's kind of interesting too because people who do take steroids just like man now that that little that little edge that they got that little high that
Starting point is 01:58:19 they were getting and they're just like yeah i'm killing it but then when they stop doing that mentally they get fucked dude they're like dude man, am I still the same guy? My body looks different. I never really put in the work. Well, Dan Gable used to say that. You know, and then like when you think about it, you're like, man, their mental's got to be broken. You know, like what the hell? Do you ever see Dan Gable or hear him talk about that when he was competing against the Russians back during the doping days where the Russians, he knew they were all on steroids,
Starting point is 01:58:46 but his philosophy was. They just got banned from the Olympics, too. They didn't, actually. They didn't. They changed it. They were about to get banned totally, but they pulled back. They got a real problem with Brazil. Do you hear those Australian people who are staying in the Olympic Village?
Starting point is 01:59:01 They're like, this fucking place, the toilets are all backed up. There's electrical wires hanging out of the fucking walls. It's not safe. What's over the Dan Gable thing, though? Oh, sorry. Dan Gable's a fucking animal, right? One of the best wrestlers ever. Dan said that when he was competing
Starting point is 01:59:15 that he felt like it didn't matter if those guys did steroids because they didn't do the work. So they knew that they didn't do the work. So in their head, if one thing went wrong, they would unfold and fall apart. And he would break them. He felt like he had a mental advantage over guys that did steroids, the guys that cheated, that they were not going to be able to beat him. It didn't matter.
Starting point is 01:59:38 And he was right. I mean, he beat everybody. I believe that. Like I said, when you're doing these runs and these mental breakthroughs and you're really putting in the work and then when it's all said and done and then you're peaking and everything kind of wears off and everything's just flowing right, it's like you just look in the mirror and you're like, look at that guy and you're just that complete when you when you've pushed yourself past your limits and you've had those mental breakthroughs of where you've thought about quitting but then you kept going and then you did it again and again and again and you keep pushing like your boy did the 100 miles now he's gonna do 200 you know just mentally he has an advantage over a lot of people you get comfortable in that horrible state yeah being uncomfortable uncomfortable yeah yeah dan gable though there's a caution get comfortable in that horrible state yeah being uncomfortable uncomfortable yeah
Starting point is 02:00:25 yeah dan gable though there's a cautionary tale in that as well because dan gable's had like two hip replacements knee replacements like his body broke he's so tough he broke his body yeah and that's uh that that is you know i've always wondered about guys like maybe kane velasquez or these guys that are constantly getting injured. They're almost too tough. Yep. Maybe they're not training right. You've got to stay up on rehab. As much as you're training, man, I'm at home.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Everybody's talking about Netflix and chill. When I go home, I'm on a lacrosse ball. I'm on a foam roller. I got a bo staff stick that I had tipped getting into my neck. A what? Like a bo staff. A bo staff? Yeah, and I had my – You mean like guys hit each other with? tipped, you know, getting into my neck, getting into the, uh, like a bo staff. A bo staff? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:05 And I had, uh, my, uh. You mean like a, um, like, like, like guys like hit each other with? Yeah. Yeah. And I had it like tipped out so that like, I can like dig into my neck, my pecs, I can put it in the wall. So it has like a point at the top. You had it shaved down like a pencil?
Starting point is 02:01:18 Yeah. Pretty much. So you're jabbing yourself with a fucking vampire steak? Yup. Right into all my muscles that are sore. And you do it yourself? Yeah. Myofascial release.cial release oh wow and you stick it in your neck yep neck pecs uh subscap you know i get in my you know breaking up my abdominals uh get into my calves you know when when i'm at home you know because i i get like rehab from uh from my therapist like once a week
Starting point is 02:01:42 when i'm in camp but on the on the outside like I'm constantly maintenance in my body the injuries you know when I'm throwing those bombs of right hands and stuff I'm like man I'm freaking sore my neck's jacked my back's jacked you know have you ever used one of these things man this is uh oh yeah one of those uh I got I got one supernovas that's I like that one but I like the big one even better. Yep. The WOD Supernova from Rogue Fitness. They have those. I live by that big one, man. I like the little one, but honestly.
Starting point is 02:02:10 These are more pinpoint. The big ones will break up the bigger areas, and it's good. But then once you break that down, you want to get even more pinpoint. Yeah. And lacrosse ball. You can usually lose a lacrosse ball. It's just as good in a lot of ways. That one's got a little bit more texture to it, so some people like that.
Starting point is 02:02:25 Yeah, this is legit right here. Rogue? Yeah. So when Rogue Fitness, they got a lot of great shit, man. I have one of those reverse hyper machines from them, too, in the back. You ever use that reverse hyper? Yeah, Hyperice? It, like, vibrates or whatever?
Starting point is 02:02:40 No, no, no. Reverse hyper is a decompression machine. Oh. You lift with it. It's Louis Simmons from West Side Barbell invented it. And what it is is you, here, show it right here. It's like you go, it pulls you down. Show them in a video if you can.
Starting point is 02:02:59 You lean your body over this platform. You lean your body over this platform, and then when you let the weight down, it actually, it's like an active decompression for your back. That's Louie Simmons. He's pretty much a legendary powerlifter guy, but also a super smart dude. And so, like, when she's lifting it up there, when it's going down, it's decompressing her spine. So it's strengthening it on the up, but on the down, it's pulling it apart. Because the distance that the weight travels underneath you, it acts for an active decompression of the back. It's phenomenal, man. I was having some back issues, and that thing helped me a lot.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Yep. Do you do any yoga or anything like that? Yeah. I do hot yoga. You know, when I'm in camp every Friday, I like at four 30, I go and do a hot yoga and I do an hour and a half. And that in itself is a mental thing you got to get through. Cause I look over, I'm like, damn, it's gotta be like an hour. I look over, we're in there 10 minutes and I'm like, you know, then I look over and I'm like you know then I look over I'm like man this old guy's doing it I can do it right yeah you know my girl's in there you know I gotta be the man so I'm like you know I gotta I gotta step up and to get through them damn things dude it's intense
Starting point is 02:04:14 I do that twice a week and I've done it you know I've never laid on my back and just like focus on breathing because I'm like I'm like I'm gonna pass out you know and you're already cutting weight and got a full week of training and you're probably dehydrated too when you're in there, right? I always try to drink a lot of water. I mean, I'm drinking water constantly. I try to get over a gallon a day. I got an alkaline machine. Alkaline machine?
Starting point is 02:04:34 Yeah. What is that? It keeps your body in higher alkaline, which your body naturally is like a 5 or whatever. They say to be over a 5 or better because your cancer cannot survive in a higher alkaline, like, homostasis type stuff. Like, if your body's, like, broken down, that's how you're able to get sick is if your immune system is broken down. Well, this actually helps with faster rehydration, recovery, and keeps your body in a higher alkaline state. See, I've heard that's bullshit. I've heard that's, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Jamie, look that up. Because I've heard that you really can't change the alkaline state of your body or of your blood. I don't know if that's. There's things that you can do. I mean, wheatgrass keeps you in higher alkaline. But is it your blood that's more alkaline? Like what is getting more alkaline? Your blood.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Yeah, I don't know if that's true. What is getting more alkaline? Your blood. Yeah. I don't know if that's true. But what about the honest supplements that say that they're from higher altitude and that they're getting it from these grass? No, that's cordyceps mushrooms. That's different. Cordyceps mushroom is a mushroom that aids in oxygen utilization.
Starting point is 02:05:39 That doesn't have anything to do with. See, what people do, there like a lot of talk about alkaline like making your blood alkaline and how it changes but i remember reading something that that's horseshit but first of all what you're doing is all healthy like if you're telling me you're taking wheatgrass juice you're getting phytonutrients you're getting you know all sorts of minerals you're getting healthy vitamins for sure it's definitely really good for you so i mean wheatgrass juice is phenomenal i mean i try to keep my body in in that state and i'm always drinking that water but do you test your blood i mean how do you know that you're in an alkaline state are you testing yourself oh i i have tested i've tested the water
Starting point is 02:06:18 of like taking strips and tested it out but no i haven't tested my blood to see if i am the only time i've done that was with uh when i took took the piss test to test my rehydration and stuff. The guy, he'll even let you look it in the scope. The USADA guy, he comes in, he's like, Eric, pull your pants down, start peeing. And then he'll put it in there. And the guy, he was like, the last time I did it, he's like, look at the light, see that? And I was pretty high, and he's like, this is good. He's like, that means you're really hydrated.
Starting point is 02:06:43 He's like, that's really good. Well, it's definitely good to be hydrated yeah drinking a lot of water especially when you're training as much as you are yeah it's it's very very very important they say that just a small percentage of dehydration has a big impact on athletic performance yeah 30 percent really a little bitrated. We'll decrease it by 30%. Totally makes sense. These are little facts, too, that I've learned in the fitness VT Lockhart. The sumo wrestlers, they'll only eat twice a day, but they're eating only twice a day. Their body conserves a lot more because they're like, oh, this is the only food that we're going to get. And they hold on to it as compared to if we eat 45ers, we eat like five, six times a day. So our body's constantly pushing it out like, oh, we're going to get more, we're going to get more.
Starting point is 02:07:28 Right. And with just like water, water's like gas. The more you put in, the more you're going to burn off. Right. That's a counterintuitive thing that you hear about guys cutting weight. They drink a ton of water before they have to dehydrate themselves. So your body's used to expending that water. It doesn't try to hold on to it.
Starting point is 02:07:44 Is that the idea behind it? Yep. Yeah. it's like oh we're gonna get more and more so just it'll just keep it expending out pushing out pushing it out do you fuck around with um distilled water no i haven't in a long time i haven't i heard that's kind of dangerous that's not good for your body right because your body can actually it strips you of minerals because you're you your water's supposed to be attached to all these minerals. And when you're just drinking only distilled water, your body kind of freaks out. Yep. That can be dangerous.
Starting point is 02:08:12 Too much of that. And I've heard of people kind of like convulsing. I think I seen somebody from the Ultimate Fighter show one time like water load and then fell asleep. And then he was like, you know, that probably freaked me out a little bit. What's fucked up is if you drink too much water, you can die. Yeah. I remember I was in Sacramento, I think, and maybe it was San Jose, I don't remember,
Starting point is 02:08:37 but a local radio show had a contest to drink the most water to win a PlayStation, and this lady drank so much water she died. Yeah. It was like, I didn't know you could fucking die from water. Yeah, yeah. Apparently, like, frats, like, people, like, pledging for frats, people have died from it, too. Yeah, yeah, with hazing type stuff.
Starting point is 02:08:55 Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's crazy, man. You find anything about alkaline? I found a website talking about it. I don't know if this is how legit. It's precise It just talks about the claims of alkaline water and it really says there's no
Starting point is 02:09:07 legit studies that even say that it'll do anything to you or that you can even make it change to an alkaline state. Yeah, see, that's what I've seen. The variables, the variation is so small that
Starting point is 02:09:23 you're not going to get that from like water but anyway i've tested the water before i've never tested my own blood you know i've only seen the re that i was rehydrated at a at a high alkaline but i mean there might be some sort of benefits to it anyway even if you can't like change the actual state of your blood i mean there's some sort of benefit for it biologically well maybe ask George. Maybe he would know. He'd probably know more than we would. The only thing it does say that might be why it says kidney patients should avoid alkaline water, which is why athletes and exercisers are one subgroup who might benefit from drinking
Starting point is 02:09:57 it. I don't know what that statement really means, but that's the only thing it really adds in there. Do you ever fuck around with cryotherapy? Oh, I've done it. Yeah. I don't really sense to me. That's the only thing that really adds in there. Do you ever fuck around with cryotherapy? I've done it. I don't really find the difference. I find more or less my old-fashioned having somebody dig in with an elbow or something is a lot more beneficial. I've done cryotherapy.
Starting point is 02:10:14 What about both? I mean, I don't think they're mutually exclusive. Anything that you can do for rehab. I mean, I've done the float tanks and stuff like that. It's time to where I can get my mind at ease and it's pitch black. I don't have my kids running around asking for juice and take me here, take me there, you know. Any of that. So it's good.
Starting point is 02:10:31 I mean, any type of recovery that you can do. I mean, if you're a high-level athlete and you're out there just banging on your body, I mean, any myofascial release, cryotherapy, float, you know, any type of meditation. Float's phenomenal for magnesium, too, because that Epsom salts bath, even without the floating, is great because your body absorbs magnesium, but float tanks, it's filled with Epsom salts. You get a lot of magnesium from that that way. You're able to relax, too.
Starting point is 02:10:57 Oh, yeah. You just kind of calm down. In a crazy way because it's like zero gravity. You feel everything sort of stretching out and unwinding. Yeah, you got one of those in your house, right? Yeah, in my basement. Dude, that's awesome, dude. Right? It's pretty dope.. Like you feel everything sort of stretching out and unwinding. Yeah. You got one of those in your house, right? Yeah. My basement. Dude, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Right. It's pretty dope. Down there all day. Yeah. Taking edibles and just getting in the zone, huh? People come over and they go, what the fuck is that? It looks like I got a big meat locker down in my basement. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 02:11:16 What the hell are you doing, man? Come on in, man. I'm going to show you some shit. Like, you got hookers in there? What do you got? Dead people. But there's a bunch of different things that people have shown that have some sort of benefit. And it's about finding, like, I guess what really jives with you, right?
Starting point is 02:11:33 Yeah, for sure. I mean, look at a guy like Dana White who's traveling all the time. You. You know, I mean, how do you stay healthy all the time? You know, like traveling. Got to take vitamins with you for sure. I take probiotics as well. You know, that's a big thing. On has this thing um total gut health that's huge
Starting point is 02:11:49 yeah the chlorella or whatever uh well total gut health is a combination of uh probiotics and uh um a bunch of other stuff that's in there um that um well pull pull it up pull up uh on it total gut health so you could see what all the different ingredients are. But I'm a big believer in probiotics. I eat a lot of kimchi. I eat different sorts of sauerkraut, organic sauerkraut, natural sauerkraut. I think fermented foods and kefir.
Starting point is 02:12:22 You were talking about kefir earlier. I drink that stuff too. So all the different stuff that's in there. It's hard for me to read that, Jamie. Probiotics. Like kombucha? Oh, yeah. I love that shit.
Starting point is 02:12:38 I drink that every day. Dude, I need a sponsorship with kombucha, dude. I know, right? I spend a lot of money on that. GT's Kombucha. Holla at Jeremy Stevens. Acidophilus is in there. a sponsorship with kombucha dude i know right a lot of money on gts kombucha holla at jeremy stevens acidophilus is in there it's also the um the good thing about these is the they're in little packets so you could take them with you and uh the actual live culture that's in him lives
Starting point is 02:12:57 off the substrate that's in the packets so it's uh it's actually a little ecosystem here i love on it man i live by it i just gave uh my buddy some of mine and uh we were doing these runs the other day and he's just like man i've been getting these dreams now i can remember my dreams he's like i'm sleeping better he's like i feel so good you know he's always like yeah i think it's choline and it's also uh i think that is also uh tryptophan tryptophan which producesptophan, which produces the building blocks for serotonin. Tryptophan, which your body converts to 5-HTP. And 5-HTP, your body converts to serotonin.
Starting point is 02:13:34 That's big for dreams. Yeah, and you wake up a lot happier. Yeah. You're more motivated. Well, a lot of people that are into lucid dreaming, they take that shit. They'll take like tryptophan or 5-htp or alpha brain which contains choline they'll take these different nootropics before they go to sleep on purpose so that they could have trippy dreams i did that the other day dude and here's a weird
Starting point is 02:13:55 thing i i'm actually a big dreamer and i get into these dreams and i kind of figure out like what they're about and i had two teeth fall out and uh one of them you're you know the the thing that they say is money is coming and death whoa and i just had my bonus and uh banged in my bank account and then my grandma right now is at the hospice i just found out today i actually gotta fly out tonight to get there early in the morning to see her and i'm like dude the two teeth money and then now my grandma's sick. So dreams, dude. That's crazy. You ever done dreams?
Starting point is 02:14:29 Because I think last time I was talking about the show where I knew I was flying. I could just. That's a common one. Yeah. That's real common. It means like you're in control of your life. There's good power, good energy that you're in. Like you're in a good energy of your life.
Starting point is 02:14:43 Man, that's pretty sweet. Well, you can definitely adjust the way you approach certain situations right you could look at things in a positive way or we all know people that look at things like oh the world's fucking closing in on me and you're like whoa whoa whoa you live in america you're not in ethiopia you have both your feet you're not paralyzed you don't have malaria what the fuck are you complaining about? Yeah, exactly. Like it's a perspective issue with a lot of people. But the way you approach different scenarios in your life has a huge impact on how you feel. And as an athlete, especially I would imagine as a fighter, it's very important to maintain a healthy mindset and to keep your stress levels at a very low level while you're training and
Starting point is 02:15:26 while you're going through camp and like the last like we've all seen fighters that go through camps and they have fucking crazy relationship problems at the same time and it fucks them up man right you're laughing right yeah yeah no because i mean dude my my like i get hungry you know i'm getting angry you know my girls are saying all you got to stay away from him. Just give him some food. But that's reasonable, right? And that's just crankiness from cutting weight. But like crazy people in your life, like if you're dating some crazy girl,
Starting point is 02:15:55 if you're a girl and you're dating a crazy guy, like a lot of people, if they're not getting enough attention from you, they start drama, they cause issues. Like if you're focusing too much on other things, they get upset at you're like okay cut those people along off a long time ago joe yeah yeah very important right yeah yeah hey i gotta ask you man what do you think about what do you think about god what is your theory on that you believe you believe in god do you know him no i don't i don't know i'm the omnipresent he's like everything i am i definitely uh am open to all sorts of possibilities post-life i don't think that i have any sort of lock on what happens that i haven't
Starting point is 02:16:33 experienced so for me to say that there's no god or that there isn't some omnipresent entity or or energy or something that is the guiding force of the universe that would be ridiculous What do I know? I mean, I think Human beings we are in some sort of strange state of development where we're aware of our own existence We're aware of life We're aware of certain rules that the universe seems to follow or the universe seems to be Everything it seems to be constantly in motion and changing you know whether it is uh the the the orbit of planets whether it is the the biological life on planets whether it's the life of stars things have
Starting point is 02:17:19 a life and they they come and they go, and then even galaxies themselves. Every galaxy, in the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole that's one half of 1% of the entire mass of the galaxy. And that supermassive black hole is sucking that galaxy into its fucking center, into the event horizon. When you see these spiral galaxies, at the center of those spiral galaxies is a black hole that's absorbing all the matter slowly but surely of that galaxy. And no one knows what is going on in that black hole. They don't understand what it is. They have theories. But one of the theories of black holes is that inside every black hole is potentially a whole nother universe. black hole is potentially a whole nother universe. So there's hundreds of billions of galaxies.
Starting point is 02:18:10 Each galaxy has a super massive black hole in the center of it. And inside each one of those galaxies may be hundreds of millions of other galaxies, hundreds of millions of other universes. So the idea that anybody could sit here and tell you there's no God, man, I know there's no God. I think it's incredibly arrogant when people say there is no God. What I think is that religion clearly shows the hand of man. It clearly shows the manipulation of other human beings where they have taken some universal rules. Like there's some universal golden rules.
Starting point is 02:18:43 Treat others the way you would like to be treated understanding that loving each other brothers and sisters and friends and community has massive benefits and you feel connected to each other and it is the right way to be it's you there's there's a benefit to that we all feel it we know it the love that you have for your children like I know the love that I have for my children or the love that I have for my wife or my friends or, you know, people that are close to me when I see. There's a beauty in that that is, it's magical. Yeah. continue to breed so that we're rewarded, these natural reward systems so that we can continue to
Starting point is 02:19:27 foster life and that we can continue to evolve and grow. I don't know. I don't know what it is, but I know that the best things in life are, they're connected to love. And I would think that if there's any guiding force, any beautiful force of the universe, it is that love. And even the love of the beauty of the universe itself there's a love that i get when like last night i went out on my porch and i smoked a little dupe and i looked up at the stars and i was i i fell in love with the stars man i feel love when i look out into the universe i mean i think that's one of my favorite things to do is look at stars just look up and go fuck dude i Dude, I'm the big same way, dude.
Starting point is 02:20:07 That's funny. I'm always looking up at the moon like, man, it's full moon tonight. Look at the stars. You're a crazy thing floating in the sky. One quarter the size of the earth. And it's just floating up there. Especially when you're out in the middle of nowhere. Like I'd sit on the woods and look up and it's just pure dark.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Oh, man. Look at that, dude. Man. That's sick. When I was a kid i went um uh i was in camp once boy scout camp in new hampshire i was in boston yeah for a little while to these fucking kids i went to boy scout camp with criminals man these fucking kids i was uh i lived in uh jamaica plain which is kind of a sketchy it's gentrified now but in uh you know
Starting point is 02:20:42 in the 19 late 1970s it was kind of sketchy. Where's it at? Jamaica Plains is a suburb of Boston. Oh, Boston. And it was just not a good neighborhood. We didn't have any money. But the kids that I went to Boy Scout camp with, they would take other kids and fucking tie them up and leave them in the woods and shit. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 02:21:00 Yeah, it was so sketchy. They gave us rifles, too, man. We have.22s and bows and arrows. So we're out there, and it was not that organized. It was weird. I remember I was out there. We were doing something, and I heard, and I go, what is that?
Starting point is 02:21:17 And the guy goes, oh, it was a ricochet. I go, a ricochet? Like as in a bullet? Yeah. Like, yeah, someone just hit a rock, and it ricocheted. I'm like, I'm out. I'm like,'m out i'm like fuck this yeah and i just i from the rest of the time i was there for two weeks i just went fishing
Starting point is 02:21:29 i just abandoned everybody and went fishing they didn't even know i was gone like i could have drowned out there no one cared but i remember going outside and for the first time in my life being in a place where there was no lights there was no city there was nothing we're just in the woods and you look up and just be like fuck yeah like look at all those stars like those are out there all the time yeah how come i don't see them all the time yeah no i mean kids these days probably don't even see them at all the ipads or anything that's going on have you been to i know they don't even bother have you been been to the Big Island? Nope. Dude, there's an observatory at the top of, is it Mauna Loa?
Starting point is 02:22:14 The Keck Observatory in the Big Island. And the way the Big Island is set up, they have special diffused lighting so that the streetlights don't provide light pollution. Yeah. So you can see everything. And you go through the clouds. And dude, it looks like that. Oh, shit. When you're up there, I think it's like, I want to say like 13,000 feet above sea level. But when you look up at the sky, dude, you see the Milky Way, like the full Milky Way.
Starting point is 02:22:39 It's incredible. Like, see if you can find it. Just do Google images from the Keck Observatory. Maybe that's a good one. Yeah. That's exactly what it looks like. Yeah, damn, dude. Incredible like see if you can find it just go do Google images of from the Keck Observatory because it Maybe that's a good one. Yeah, that's what exactly what it looks like Dude, you sit up there and you look up and you like what like if you're gonna go there you gotta go when It's no moon because I went the last time I went we fucked up and it was a full moon It was still beautiful, but it was a full moon and you just don't see as many stars Yeah
Starting point is 02:23:04 Yeah, if you can get up there and you don't have to go to the very top you go to this like a visitor center That's all you need to do they have some telescopes, but you don't even want to look at the telescope. Just look up man Yeah, yeah, this look up and enjoy. It's amazing. It's it's sick I really feel like there's something going on with people today And one of the things with the arrogance of human beings and the ridiculous way we behave, I think part of it is connected to the fact that we don't see space anymore. I think space is so humbling, and I think it's psychedelic. I don't even have to do, I don't have to smoke pot, I don't have to do anything.
Starting point is 02:23:37 When I go to Hawaii and I look up, I get high. I feel like, it puts me in perspective. It lets me know like you're in a magical place you're on this this strange circular spaceship that's hurling through infinity and above you is an infinite number of giant explosions huge fireballs in the sky that is floating there no one knows why so that's what i think about god that is you know i just think a lot of people they use religion and god as a scaffolding to try to be a good person and to try to have rules and to try to have structure in their life and to try to give themselves something
Starting point is 02:24:18 to look forward to which i think is a good thing i think there's a lot a lot of good things that religion um provides people but i also think it think there's a lot of good things that religion provides people. But I also think it provides people with a lot of excuses to be shitty to people, a lot of hate, a lot of, I mean, especially ancient religions that suppress women or suppress gay people or suppress people's rights in any way, shape, or form based on this idea that it's ancient scripture tells them They're not supposed to do certain things. Yeah, I think that's all ridiculous
Starting point is 02:24:50 But I think that's that's not really God. That's the hand of man. So it's if it's The problem with even the term God is that it's kind of been co-opted by religion Which has definitely been co-opted by man of been co-opted by religion which has definitely been co-opted by man you learn you can learn a lot from ancient religious texts and ancient knowledge that people knew they figured things out a long time ago and they were trying to figure out a way to pass that down onto other people yeah but the problem is in the translation like none of the ancient religions were ever written in english none of them no they were written in all sorts of different, like the Bible. Here's a perfect example.
Starting point is 02:25:28 The original Bible was written in ancient Hebrew. Well, actually, Aramaic, if you go to the Dead Sea Scrolls were in Aramaic. And the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a lot of the stories that are in the ancient Bibles. And it's like it's really convoluted. the ancient bibles and it's like it's really convoluted the translation between aramaic to latin to greek to back to english it's like you lose a lot and then in ancient hebrew and in ancient hebrew also the words double as numbers letters double as numbers like there's no numbers in ancient hebrew it's like the letter a is also the number one yeah so words also have numerical value like the word god and the word love they have the same numerical value because
Starting point is 02:26:13 the numbers in the letters like what it means something yeah it's not like you can say ah go fuck yourself like it's it's not it's not like just a phonetic language. It's a language that also has mathematics incorporated to it. And that meant something. It was a part of. So when you take these ancient Hebrew sentences and you translate them to English. And you don't just translate them to English. You translate them to Latin. You translate them to Greek.
Starting point is 02:26:39 And then you translate them to English. A lot's lost in the process. But I think these people were trying to figure some things out about life and i think we could probably learn something from them but for sure a lot of it was people manipulating the other people around them and saying god says this you have to do that or or you will die in a fiery fucking pit in the middle of the earth and or we'll just decapitate your ass yeah there was a lot of horse shit involved in religion so it's not it's not all bad it's not all good but it's interesting yeah yin and yang there's a lot going on jeremy there is dude there's so much crazy life yeah right so back to you and your
Starting point is 02:27:17 career um because we're going to wrap this up soon we'll get like 420 hollow 420 for all you people out there if you're um if you're looking at your career right now you're trying to get a big fight right now so you're calling these guys have they set anything up? like I said I hassle Sean Shelby and I'm like yo dude what does he say?
Starting point is 02:27:37 he just kind of looks like man this guy's crazy he's like I'll get you something but the division is kind of in a funk right now either everybody's got fights or i've already fought people or you know they're coming off losses normally like they try to prepare you with the win so i told sean i go hey man if i ain't gonna get like a frankie or an aldo fight i'm like give me somebody outside real quick let me let me just go get a good win and like you said i'm still right there in the mix so then when it all pans out, I'm right there. Are you being so big, though?
Starting point is 02:28:06 Here's my question. Say there's a big title fight coming up. Say if Aldo, who just won the interim title, is going to defend his title against someone else in the top ten. And you see that coming up, and you don't have a fight scheduled. Do you start training thinking maybe someone can get injured and you might get that call? fight scheduled do you start training thinking maybe someone can get injured and you might get that call because MMA particularly the UFC is notorious for last minute fallouts or guys get injured yep uh right after my fight was uh right before UFC 200 so I uh right as I got done you know I was 100% healthy had had no injuries I was like hey you know I was like I just want to let
Starting point is 02:28:42 you know you know I know maybe some people are ahead of me, but I go, let you know, I'm going to be ready and 100% focused. And I didn't do anything. I went out and enjoyed myself one time, and then I was training. I was back to doing sprints right away. And then about two weeks before that fight or so, I ended up going to Mexico on a vacation. My cousin got married, and then I just went out and enjoyed myself.
Starting point is 02:29:03 But for like two weeks straight, I was continuing to hit sprints. Stayed on point. Yeah. I stayed on point. Just in case. Yeah. Cause I mean, things happen, you know, and I want to be that guy to step up and I let them know and I let it, let everybody else know that, Hey, I'm ready. I'm ready to take that next step and you can rely on me. It's tricky though, because you're so big, you know, if like, if something was scheduled for two weeks from now, and then all of a sudden you got this call, you really can't make weight in two weeks. No, not now. Not now.
Starting point is 02:29:29 Like I said, I was preparing for 200. It didn't happen, so now I've taken my time off. I've enjoyed myself. I've traveled. You say you enjoyed yourself, but you're not fat. This is where it's so confusing. I'm looking at you right now. You're fucking in shape.
Starting point is 02:29:44 You're fit. Dude, I just ran the other day, and I am in shape. It's just my coach, I stay on my diet. I've been enjoying myself, like, on the weekends, and I love lava cakes and ice cream. Who doesn't? Yeah, you know, and I have to enjoy myself, you know, a little bit because there's got to be a yin and yang. There's got to be a dark side, and then there's got to be the good side. And as of right now, I've been back on the diet, and everything's going good.
Starting point is 02:30:08 I've been doing my runs. I just really haven't been that dialed in, like, hey, I have a set date, and I'm doing things in particular. As I was training right after my fight, I was ready and set and still striving toward that goal. It just didn't happen that way. That's fine, but give me a fight. I need Sean Shelby to give me a fight and i i want those exciting fights i i think a lot of people want to see me and uh jose alto get after it they want to
Starting point is 02:30:30 see me and conor mcgregor he's a heavy-handed guy he's an exciting guy he's an interesting dude and people want to see the they want to see the live fights they don't want to see the the the laying and praying there's nothing wrong with that you got to win i understand people got to provide for their family but i like to personally get into legit fist fights to where you know i like to scrap it no matter where the fight goes if you're taking me down i'm trying to elbow you in the head i'm trying to get back up i'm trying to put you to sleep so i i feel like i'm an exciting fighter i've been in the game a long time i'm ready for that that next level of competition and and just staying focused and dialed in well you're definitely a fan favorite and you're a favorite of mine man i'm a big fan
Starting point is 02:31:08 i love watching shorts for you by the way i want to see him in that new new uh building man i hope you get that well we fucked up man we were in the process of buying a building and it looks like it fell through somehow or another it's just this guy that owns a building is such a twat burger i don't know what but we'll figure it out. You'll get something better, trust me, dude. When we do get it, what we're going to do is we're going to set up a gallery. I got Jeremy Stevens' shorts and hand wraps from his last fight. We'll put those in a frame, and we'll get you to sign that and put that up there. Hell, yeah, I appreciate it, man.
Starting point is 02:31:37 I've always been a fan, dude, and I know you always represented me very well. And I watched that podcast that you were doing, dude. I just thought that was awesome. A lot of people are like, hey, man, Joe Rogan gives you a lot of love. And I kept my shorts, and I was like, man, I got to get back on the podcast. And I was like, you know what? This guy actually offered me some money, and I was going to sell them. And I was like, nah, man, I got to give them to my man, Joe.
Starting point is 02:31:55 Oh, thank you, brother. I appreciate that very much, man. I appreciate you having me on here, dude. All right. You can find Jeremy on Twitter, LilHeathenMMA. Instagram? Yep, LilHeathenMMA. Straight? Yep, LilHeathenMMA. Straight across the board, man.
Starting point is 02:32:07 It's easy to find. Look forward to seeing you soon, brother. Hey, thank you guys. Appreciate it. All right, folks. We'll be back tomorrow with Justin Wren, fight for the forgotten, building wells in the Congo, bitch.

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