The Joe Rogan Experience - #840 - Donald Cerrone

Episode Date: August 30, 2016

Donald Cerrone is a professional mixed martial artist and former professional kickboxer currently competing in the UFC's welterweight division. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I can't be wearing a headset. No? No, you're going to wear your hat. It looks weird. Well, it looks weird. If there's only one headset. Are we live? Live.
Starting point is 00:00:12 We're fucking live, man. What's going on, brother? Chilling. Look at you. Look at me. Look at this. Filling up tanks. Budweiser.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Cheers. We cannot have a podcast with Cowboy without Budweiser. Without America here. America. America. America. Thank you. Without America here. America. America. America. Thank you. Starting off a good one.
Starting point is 00:00:28 So tell me about the tanks. You sent me a picture today. I had a little time to kill, didn't I? Yeah. What are you doing? I'm going diving to Catalina. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Home of the sharks. Home of the Makos, right? The Mako, yeah. I was watching a TV show the other day where people were fishing for them out there. So we got filled up a couple doubles.
Starting point is 00:00:48 My buddy Rob from Always Sunny in Philadelphia taking me this weekend camping. So they're going diving, but they all dive singles. So I like to go deeper, longer. What's singles? What does that mean? Like a single tank, an aluminum 80. Oh, single tank. Single tank, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:01 So me and my girl are diving doubles, which everyone says doubles means double trouble, but whatever. What does that mean? Like how deep can you go with a double? You can go as deep until you run out of air. But we'll probably go in the 200 range, 220 to – 200 feet down. 200 feet down. Boom.
Starting point is 00:01:18 That's one of those weird ones where when you come up, you've got to come up slow, right? Or you get the bends. Yeah, absolutely. You get the bends, yeah. Decompressing, you got to come up slow, right? Or you get the bends. Yeah, absolutely. You get the bends, yeah. It's decompressing, you know. The process to diving, and I've been diving seriously, like a lot of wreck diving and a lot of tech, you should say, diving over the last two years. Man, I ran into some guys in Las Vegas, Buddy Trav, and he kind of schooled me on their on their way of diving and i love it man and i'm the reason i go to las vegas and dive lake meet all the time is because i dive
Starting point is 00:01:51 with guys they dive 200 300 feet every day every week you know so getting around the people that dive it regularly and know their shit you know is to teach me the way you know so i think thanks trav i appreciate you showing me the showing me brother. Now, when you come up, like from, how do you know, like when you're going down 200 feet? It's all an algorithm. It's all in your dive computers and you, so you plan, plan, plan, plan, plan. Then you recheck and Lindsay, she, she does the same thing. We check each other's work and make sure it's all, all our gases are mapped out for how long, like, let's just say we're going to go 150 feet. There's a cool ship down there we're going to check out.
Starting point is 00:02:29 We want to be there for 35 minutes, right? So I put the algorithm in these apps in our computer, or we write it all out, and it'll tell us exactly how long of a bottom time we can have, the stops that we have to make, and the gases that we have to switch to decompress the amount of nitrogen in our blood and make our way to the surface. What's the science behind it? Why does nitrogen get in your blood? So, because from Earth's surface to the atmosphere is one atmosphere, right? Every 33 feet is another atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:02:53 So every time we go down 33, we add another atmosphere with that much more pressure. So right now you're breathing 21%, oxygen 78%. 78% a little bit of, like, argon, other shit in the natural air, right? A lot of nitrogen too. Yeah. So 78% of the air you're breathing right now is nitrogen. Right. 21% is oxygen.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Most people don't know that. They think that you're just breathing oxygen. No, you're only breathing 21% oxygen. But you off gas it through your tissues because there's no pressure on you. Right? So like right now you're taking a breath and then you breathe out and the nitrogen just off gases. Well, as soon as we start going onto the water the amount of pressure holds that in our
Starting point is 00:03:29 into our system like we can't we can't off gas it so it becomes turns into a liquid and goes into our blood which is what the bends is is where the guys would be working and then they just come up because they didn't know no one knew until you know right i mean we didn't we didn't know there wasn't a moon god until all of a sudden we know now okay no i mean i mean like i know what you're saying right so um yeah so they it would you force the the liquid out of into a back into a gas by coming up fast so it which goes into your joints and cause the bends because It makes you bend over and hurt your back. So that's why they call it the bend because the guys are like, oh, fuck, I'm fucked up, right?
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yes, that's where the term bend comes from. And that shit can kill you, right? Oh, yeah. Well, you can aneurysm in your brain, blood clot, you know, all kinds of crazy. It can kill you instantly. Whoa. So 150 feet, all of a sudden 25 minutes is up.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Now we're going to start our ascent. And our computer says, all right, at 70 feet, we got to do a minute. At 60 feet, all of a sudden 25 minutes is up. Now we're going to start our ascent. And our computer says, all right, at 70 feet, we've got to do a minute. At 60 feet, we've got two minutes. We're going to switch gases. Now we're going to switch to 50% oxygen. So increase the amount of oxygen to which decreases the amount of nitrogen that we're breathing. So we're going to speed the off-gassing process because we're coming up. So the pressure is coming off as our body is able to off-gas it.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So we just have to do like stages and it's all through algorithm and and the navy dive system been through years hundreds of millions of dives you know figuring out the the timetables of of the correct amount of time you have to be at each depth to off gas the amount of nitrogen your body's built up and then when you go deeper than that you start adding in a tri mix we add helium in helium helium yes we had helium into the mix and uh yeah man it's so fun but the the fear of you know could i die yeah hell yeah that's that's why i love it fucking crazy fucking love it and we and and we were talking earlier about sharks i swim after the sharks like i want to get them on the gopro
Starting point is 00:05:21 they're like swimming away from me sharks don't they don't just eat divers they don't just swim along a fucking great white gum attack you they're like scared of GoPro. They're like swimming away from me. Sharks don't, they don't just eat divers. They don't just swim along a fucking great white gum and attack you. They're like scared of you, man. You're like a big black, breathing out fucking bubbles and shiny, you know? So they want nothing to do with you. And I'm always trying to chase them down. So most of the shark attacks are like surfers, right? Because they think it's a seal.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah, seal up top. Yeah, you know. And where would you rather, we were just watching before you got here, some footage of the shark attacks on YouTube. And where would you rather be? I'd watching before you got here some footage of the shark attacks on YouTube. Where would you rather be? I'd rather fight the fucking shark under the water. I'd rather be under. Under instead of on top.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Is this the video I posted yesterday? Yeah, the shark gnawing on the cage. Fuck this. Right? Fuck everything about this. This is insane. This great white shark is trying to get these people. He's biting this cage, trying to get what's inside.
Starting point is 00:06:04 So what do you do? You just grab his dorsal fin and go for a ride, baby. He can't bite you behind him. Rides back. Mata leo. Have you seen a great white underwater? I never have, no. I haven't been down in the waters where they're at, Australia and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:06:18 So no, I've never seen a great white. I've seen plenty of hammerheads and mako, but never a giant great white. Hammerheads are so bizarre. They look like an avatar creature. They don't even look real. Why are their eyeballs way out there like that? I feel like I've been with a couple of hammerhead women. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Like, what are them titties doing, honey? Get them, pick them up. Pick them up. That's when a girl with an A-cup tries to go straight D right away. It can't be done. And they lay next to her on the bed. It's defying science. You've got an evil Knievel Canyon in between your tit eyes. That's when a girl with an A cup tries to go straight D right away. It can't be done. And they lay next to her on the bed. It's defying science. You've got an evil, kenevil canyon in between your tit eyes.
Starting point is 00:06:49 That's it. So I love diving. I've got a great dive partner, my girl Lindsay. And that's the biggest thing, having the companionship and trust of someone with your life. Right. So carrying all the tanks. She'll be diving. She'll have a pair of doubles on her back and two tanks in her each one of her arms.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So you have four tanks under the water. I heard spear fishing is the shit. I love it. Yeah. You do that? Yeah, sure. Only if I'm going to eat it. I won't just, I'm just kill to kill, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Right. So yeah, absolutely. Because it's like hunting, but fishing. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot easier than you think. You know, you don't know what the fuck's going on. You have no idea what's going on. Yeah. They don't know about spe you know you don't know what the fuck's going on no idea
Starting point is 00:07:25 What's yeah, they don't know what you are you're like what the right? Oh fucking God Does it attach to a rope yeah, it's actually like a fishing line you get down you shoot It depends if you're using a gun or they have like slings that go on your arm You can shoot them like a little like spider-man. Yeah, not so much Just a little like a slingshot type thing you put on your wrist and let go of it. It'll hit the water up there. But the spear guns will go far, and they have a little reel you can reel it in on. Like how far?
Starting point is 00:07:53 50 feet? Yeah. 100 feet? Yeah, sure. And they slow down considerably, though, right? Oh, of course. After the first few feet? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Wow. You'll be right on it. And your depth perception is so different underwater, so you've got to aim above them. It's weird. Right, right. the refraction yeah that's the same when you're shooting down when they bow hunting boat yeah they bow fish in the water you got to like aim six inches under where you think it's gonna be exactly bizarre now when you're when you're diving like how long you've been doing this first of all well i got certified in high school high school yeah damn so you've been doing this for a long time. Yeah, but that was just like going 30, 40 feet, recreational diving, you know, going to see some stupid, I shouldn't say stupid, but like that's like the recreational thing to do is go see a reef. But I think one reef looks like every reef.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Right. I don't know. So I kind of got over that. Like I said, I met with these guys and doing the shit that only 5% of the world do. You know, my goal is to go 500 feet. So I've been just shy of 300. And, yeah, there's just a lot of planning and crazy shit that goes involved. I mean, you're dead pretty much if anything goes wrong.
Starting point is 00:08:55 How long does it take you to get up from 300? From 300, it's about a 50-minute deco time back up to the surface. Five-zero. Yeah, so it's about a 3 hour dive completely. Holy shit. Now, if something goes wrong, like if your cord gets cut when you're down there There's no cord, but... Well, if you're bleeding
Starting point is 00:09:14 oxygen. Right, you shut one off and go to your... So you always carry enough... No one's ever died because you have too much gas, right? So you carry it with you. Right. So a lot of the mixtures we bring with us, like my back gas will just be regular, either tri-mix gas or regular air. And then I'll have a 36% oxygen, which is to about 100 feet. So if anything were to go wrong with my back gas,
Starting point is 00:09:33 I could haul ass to 100 feet and then start my deco. There's protocol and all kinds of different. Plus, I'm diving with a buddy, which would be you. And you have all the gas on you, too. So you would be arms length away from me, so I'm shitting down. Oh, so I could give you my gas? Give you your, yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Give you regulator intake. You have one that hangs on your neck and one that you're using, right? So you'd give me yours and put yours in and we'd figure it out. Oh, okay. But you can't talk. But if you were nowhere to be found, like if I was off screwing off and doing something I shouldn't be, which I'm fucking 99% doing, then I got to rely on myself. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:10:07 It's fucking crazy. But you can't talk. Can't talk. You have to say, eww. So me and Lindsey were in Florida diving the Spiegel Grove, which is a giant, like, huge ship in the Key West. What kind of ship is it? I don't know if the Spiegel Grove is the aircraft carrier
Starting point is 00:10:25 or if that's the Vandy. I can't. I'm getting confused. But one's like a giant aircraft carrier, and one's like a destroyer. Oh, wow. They sunk? 500 feet.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah, they sunk. Holy shit. They're natural reefs, so the government sunk them, cut a bunch of holes in them for idiots like me to go swim through them. Oh, they sunk them on purpose. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:40 So they take all the fluids out of them, and they sink them, and they make them artificial reefs. Wow. And so they do this because they decommission the ship and they don't know what to do with them so i said this is a good move yes make it let's put let's let fish and in wildlife hang out and then they make money off guys like me like hey let's go fucking explore this thing you have to pay to go there no you just pay for the gas and then but the thriving
Starting point is 00:11:02 boat captain that needs to feed his family charges you 180 bucks take you out right the gps and tell you good luck wow so uh me and lindsey are out there well of course i'm seeing cool shit because i'm down in the engine room fucking doing whatever i want and she gets tangled up and has like a freak out episode and then i come back like what the fuck you like like gave her like where you been and she's like motherfucker like all mad at me was all caught up in the things i had to when we got up back up to the surface i got my ass tore up but uh i was like well you made it you're good all the practice we did walk it off walk it off shit yeah have you ever gone like on treasure hunting dives no i I mean so first of all
Starting point is 00:11:46 I need to live near the ocean which I don't and second I need to know someone who has a boat and you know you hear stories like all these boat captains know of all the good fishing
Starting point is 00:11:54 because where the good fishing is usually there's a structure down there right so that's how you like run you find like a boat captain and know like a a structure that's not on anyone else's GPS
Starting point is 00:12:04 then maybe you could dive down there and check it out but you need usually those are 250 300 feet so you need some guys that you trust that fucking go deep with you yeah so but now i haven't i would love to that'd be something that i would fucking love to do i was watching this show i don't remember what ocean they were uh pulling the uh the wreck from but these guys were professional treasure hunters and they found some insane amount of gold, like some Roman ship that sank. Could you imagine? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And they were trying to figure out who gets the gold and who claims it. Yeah, me. That's who it'd be. It'd be fucking go time. But you have to be really careful about giving out the location because then other treasure hunters would find it. There's a big business in that shit. Well, so like, let's just say me and you go treasure hunting
Starting point is 00:12:47 and the captain takes the spot. We find it. We jump down. All of a sudden we find all this gold and this treasure. Right. We only have enough gas for who knows, 20 minutes down there. So we got to come back. We couldn't even bring the fucking gold this trip if we wanted to. So now we're back in the boat. You know, I know, the boat captain knows who else is with us. So now we
Starting point is 00:13:03 got to figure out who do we tell. And do we tell this boat captain, oh, you're coming with us for the next, until we figure this shit out because I'm not going to let you go. Tell whoever you, yeah. Yeah, man, that gets really, really tricky. You have to kill the captain. You would have to. You'd have to.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Do you know how to use a GPS? Yeah, I mean, I think nowadays you just press the button, right? Drop a pin, yeah. Yeah, you'd have to drop a pin. And then you'd have to kill that guy and drop him where the pin is. Or don't kill him. You've got to cut him in. He's got to get a third.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Something. Yeah. Or get a third. Yeah, how much money are you talking about? But then is it fair that he gets a third for, oh, you're talking probably millions of dollars. Yeah, but if you don't give him a third, he's going to fuck you. He's going to rat. He's going to fuck you.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah, you have to give him a third. Because you've got to think, if he didn't take you there you'd have never got it and it's a shitload of money, it's free. So if he says half, then what do you do? Fuck you. Then you kick his ass. Like, you don't let him get half. You got to be generous, but if he tries to fuck you on your generosity, that's when you kill him.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Oh, man. How many people have probably been killed over shipwrecks and treasure? Pirate shit? Yeah, that goes back a lot yeah you think about those shitty ass wooden boats how many of those fucking things must have crashed plus those greedy bitches they loaded them up with gold try to make it across the ocean yeah plus if i was a pirate i'd be known when you're loading yours up and i just go fucking take yours over and take off so now i got all my shit plus all your shit right plus we found another one away
Starting point is 00:14:24 so now i'm tripled up big heavy boat well this documentary that i was watching this guy who was doing it it was a professional treasure hunter that's what he does and you know he has to get investors involved because it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to make millions of dollars treasure hunting and then you got to be able to find them a lot of them apparently around florida sure well that's so like Key West. There's so many like wrecked ships because that was like the port. You know, that was the. So, yeah, I could only.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I mean, I went to it. They have like a wrecked ship museum. And I went there and talked to all the guys in there. And they were saying that, man, there's thousands and thousands of boats that are all because that's the port where they would do all the trading. Wow. It's a whole nother fucking world down there, man. It really is. Just like. Thousands. Wow. It's a whole other fucking world down there, man. It really is. Just like the Little Mermaid, it's a whole new world. A whole new world.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Look, I have kids, man. I've heard that fucking song. Oh yeah, we all have. We were just at the Seattle Aquarium and I was looking at these octopuses and they had this octopus exhibit and they were doing this thing on octopuses where this lady was explaining they have three hearts It's insane And to see them move underwater is fucking
Starting point is 00:15:29 If you're a screwdriver And you haven't done a night dive Because it's a whole other world at night Like the When you move Luminescence You can move underwater and everything glows The octopus how fast they change colors
Starting point is 00:15:44 So when you move underwater, you glow? Oh, yeah. If you shut all your lights off and you just move your arms and draw, you could write Joe. And it would just spell out in the... So cool. Why is that? Why can you see it?
Starting point is 00:15:55 What is it? I think the shrimp... Phytoplankton. I've seen this in Puerto Rico. Oh. Here you go. Look at this. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:16:04 That's insane. So cool. I mean, that might be a little bit digitally fixed, but it's fucking cool. Wow. So what area of the world is this stuff in? Well, we do it in Cozumel whenever I go down to Mexico, so I'm sure it's... Yeah, they have it in Puerto Rico. That's where I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:16:20 It's unbelievable. So you go down there, shut your lights off, and you can just play in the water and kick up and make... They just glow. It's... Write your name. That's like spaceship. It is unbelievable. So you go down there, shut your lights up, and you can just play in the water and kick up and make – they just glow. It's right in your name. That's like spaceship. It is spaceship. And then you have these crazy octopuses that can change colors.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I don't even know how many different colors they can change, but you just see them fucking crawling all across the ground saying, cool. Wow. Yeah. That is so bizarre. And these thousands of ships that they – one day they're gonna figure out technology to go and find those things they're gonna be able to locate all of them but right now well they're wooden so they're wooden so they're rotting away so probably i mean there's there's not much left of them right so the metal ships are are the only thing i've done one wooden and
Starting point is 00:16:59 it was it was shit it was like all falling apart? Yeah, they don't find much, but what's left is like the pottery and the gold and the coins and things along those lines. They find some certain metal things, but like swords, swords rot away. Or not to mention dead bodies. Yeah. I mean, if you're finding a ship that no one's ever seen, there's probably... Captain Cook. Right? Yeah, you find some fucking dead body type shit, some haunted shit.
Starting point is 00:17:25 cook right hey find some fucking dead body type shit some haunted shit yeah talk about putting your heartbeat through the roof going opening a hatch and just seeing a skeleton head fall on your lap did you ever see that boat that they found that was adrift and there was a dude who had turned into uh essentially he had turned into a mummy he had been mummified by the sea air and dried out slumped over the table like he had a table in the galley and he slumped over the table like he had a table in the galley he slumped over the table and he's dead there he is that's how they found that dude because i feel like that's that's the same movement anyone's gonna do when you're on your last leg yeah you're in a boat that's that's i'm fucking sick and that's that's the move you're gonna do it says mummy found on boat missing since 2009 there he is one leg. One leg out posted.
Starting point is 00:18:06 He's like, I guess this is it. Damn. I wonder if another person would have made it. I wonder if he was a pussy. I wonder if he gave out. I mean, he got tired of fishing. I'm gonna do it. It's the fresh water that would get you.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah. Like, I'm sure you could eat, catch fish, you know, it'd be the water that would get you. Yeah. So how long can you drink your piss? How long can you drink your piss? I personally know I could go a week without water from my cuts of 155, so I know I could do a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And that'd be, after that, I'm on my deathbed. Yeah, dude, let's talk about that. Don't do that anymore. Don't do that anymore, man. Let's jump to that. I know you keep talking about, like, fighting Eddie Alvarez because you already beat him and now he's the champ, but goddamn, you're looking good at 170. You're saying I didn't look good at 55.
Starting point is 00:18:51 You looked sensational at 55. I went 9 for 10 and my last run. But at 170, you're a fucking world beater, man. It's not just that you look good. It's just the way you look. It's like you hit a whole new level. And I always wonder, is it because obviously you keep training, obviously you keep getting better like you you you hit a whole new level and i always wonder like is it because obviously you keep training obviously you keep getting better obviously you work hard all those
Starting point is 00:19:10 things uh learning from experience all those things are a factor but on top of that there's also the factor of you not having to cut that fucking weight man so this last fight against rick story against rick story it looked like you were in the fucking matrix that was some anderson So this last Fight Against Rick Story Against Rick Story Well it looked like You were in the fucking Matrix That was some Anderson Silva shit I ate five guys
Starting point is 00:19:29 Three nights That we were in Vegas Five guys burgers Burgers Hamburgers Good man Doubles I'm a big fan of those
Starting point is 00:19:36 Do you get jalapenos on those Of course Yeah you get the jalapeno Get the seasoned The seasoned fries Of course Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:43 See you're all healthy My trainers. Yeah. I mean, see? You're all healthy. My trainers are happy. Yeah, I mean, I think I had six pounds because it was easy. Yeah. No brainer, yeah. But when I saw you before the fight before that, you were a 176 when you were at the comedy store. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:57 That's nothing. Nothing. Yeah. Look how good you look at this weight. I feel good. That's for damn sure. I feel good. But isn't that a factor? I mean, look how fast you are.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Like the Cote fight. Dude, you were on fire. You're on fire at that weight. Yeah. I don't know. What's the thought process? I don't have one. You can do 155, right?
Starting point is 00:20:14 You can do it. You have done it. I wish I was like 60 or 65. If you're a 65 weight class, that would be Calvary's weight class. But it's just that last five pounds is death for me. It's fucking brutal. You know, from 60 to 55, I just feel like I got nothing left, man.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I don't know if that carries over. You see, Pettis looked a little tired, didn't he, in his last fight? I don't know if the 45 cut, if that has something to do with it. Oh, for sure. If it takes a little bit of your gas tank a little bit. 100%. 100%. It has to. It has to. I feel great out there.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I fucking love fighting. It's my favorite thing in the whole world to do. In It has to. I feel great out there. That's what I'm saying. But I fucking love fighting. That's my favorite thing in the whole world to do. Like, in the whole world. Like, I wish a motherfucker when I leave here pulls up in the parking lot and tries to do some shit. Like, that to me is like, you know? And this is the craziest thing to me. People tell me, like, I post pictures of me flipping people off, right? So they're like, cowboy, you're a fucking role model.
Starting point is 00:21:03 How dare you? Like, no, I'm not. I'm a bar junkie that fights all the time and you guys it's now on tv and you and you think it's cool so you i'm i'm your favorite fire you know but had you not be in the usc i'd be the asshole trying to take your girlfriend and fight you at the bar just so you know you know that's that's who i would be just so you know just so you know but uh you say that but you're a very nice guy. I've seen you out there in public. And part of it is because you're dealing with people that are fans.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And they come up to you. They're nice. I'm just saying I love fighting, man. Well, you love it also because you're really good at it. I mean, if you kept getting your ass kicked, you'd be like, man, I got to find some other shit to do in my life. When I was in high school and figuring out who I was, I got my ass kicked a lot. Because I was that guy like i was it didn't ever take much to to for me to jump you know and i'd strike and then i'd get my fucking
Starting point is 00:21:51 ass mocked by three dudes two dudes one didn't matter i would just get beat up and that's what got you into mma no i started off kickboxing uh buddy my buddy of mine just told me you think you're tough come try this kickboxing shit and i went down and fell in love with it. And two weeks later. Where'd you train? Where's the first place you trained? Commerce City Rec Center in Commerce City, Denver. It was this rec center that offered taekwondo Tuesdays and Thursday nights. And I'd go in there and we'd spar.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And sparring is all I did. That's what I used to do. I thought that was getting ready for a fight would just be fucking throwing down. Now I don't spar at all. And all I do is drill because drilling is the most important thing you do, right? But that's all I do is spar. So you don't spar at all now? No, hell no.
Starting point is 00:22:36 That's really interesting. No, and I tell my training partners and everyone that tried to get me to spar, but now they're okay with me just drilling. But I feel like the little guy at the Walmart check-in, clicking, every time you take a hit to your head, he pushes the button. How many people go into Walmart before it's full? I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I have no idea. How many more do I got? I think that's a very good point. How many fucking brawls do me and Leonard Garcia have in the training room? I don't know. So, like, I'll get in there and move around with Andre and move around with all the heavyweights. Like, light.
Starting point is 00:23:10 MMA sparring, you know, heavy takedowns and grappling. Real light striking, you know. But the days of putting the big gloves on and throwing down, hell no. I just did it with Joe Schilling the other day, so I can't really say hell no. But him and I had a good tempo and it wasn't anything crazy, you know. I watched videos of you guys sparring. It seemed very controlled. Very controlled.
Starting point is 00:23:26 So if I'm sparring with someone that's very controlled and doesn't try and kill me, cool. But, man, going in with some of those guys that are trying to make a name at the gym, just want to crank you, then I've got to fuck them up. You know what I mean? Now we're fighting. Yeah. Yeah. That's a funny contradiction.
Starting point is 00:23:42 It's like I love to fight, but I don't want to spar. Yeah. I love love to fight But I don't want to spar I love to fight but I don't want to get hit anymore Is there any way we can do that These beers say America on them They say America that's the new thing Is this the new thing that Budweiser does America That's interesting
Starting point is 00:23:58 How do you not buy those I don't know and I don't want to have people What if Coors comes along and goes America fuck yeah We don't even talk about Coors. We talk about ice-cold, refreshing Budweiser. That's what we do. Oh, that's it? That's what we talk about.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Oh, just because they're your sponsor? Yeah. It's like on it. We don't talk about muscle-farm products. We just talk about... We take on it. We don't talk about muscle-farm products. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I'm the least competitive, competitive guy ever. I hear it. I hear it. I'm a supporter. Yeah, I love fighting, man. I mean, to my soul. I like the fact that you don't spar. I think that's very'm a supporter. Yeah, I love fighting, man. I mean, to my soul. I like the fact that you don't spar. I think that's very wise.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Now, when you're doing drills, explain to me how you're doing them. Okay. Are you setting everything up from a striking standpoint where you're working combinations and then counters to those combinations and then possibilities of all the different things that could happen? Yeah, so I'm working with Brandon Gibson now. He's a fucking great tactician man big fan of that guy yeah he breaks the break so i don't ever watch tape people think that's so crazy but i don't i just don't but
Starting point is 00:24:52 they do so my coaches do so he'll come and he'll be like this is we're working this because i think this is what story's gonna do you know we knew he's gonna come with big overhands and the knees of the body we're gonna be there so everything we we drill is, you know, when he does this, just make it reactionary, you know? And I feel like that's all good and great, but the good thing is I know how to fucking fight like deep down in my soul. So if everything, all that doesn't work, I can just fucking bite down and give her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Well, you know, Jeremy Stevens had a very similar sentiment. He said, I already know how to fight. Yeah. Yeah. He goes, it's all about just getting prepared, working on my cardio, working on my fitness, working on my drills and my techniques. Yeah. And that's, I'm a thousand percent, I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:32 I don't ever take days off. Like today, of course, taking off and drinking beer with you, but I mean, for the most part, I train probably five days a week. And a lot of people think that all I do is fuck off. Like, he just drinks beer and parties and, no, I just don't post pictures of me training because I fucking hate that. I hate it. Everyone else's photos are like them in the gym.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Six posts a day of them working. No one gives a fuck. You swim. You strength and conditioning. You whatever. So I just do cool shit and throw that on Instagram, you know? But I train all the time. It's like my job, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:01 So people always think I'm out there fucking off. But, I mean, I take this very serious and I train hard. There's no way you could be as good as you are without. Yeah, I mean, I have a gym in my backyard. So some days I'll go play at the lake all day, but we come home and then we train. And my coach is like, fuck, now it's 2 a.m. and we have to train. Right. I mean, it's just, but I love it. When did you make the decision to stop sparring?
Starting point is 00:26:19 Probably four fights ago. Four fights ago? Yeah. After which fight? After I got my ass whipped by Alvarez or by Dos Anjos.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Dos Anjos. Yeah, I didn't spar that camp much at all. But, yeah, I don't know. I talked to Aubrey
Starting point is 00:26:36 and you and that's how I got hooked up with Onnit, man. I started thinking something was fucked up with my brain. So I start brushing
Starting point is 00:26:43 my teeth one morning and I fall over and I hit the wall. Like I literally fell over and like hit my shoulder on my wall thinking something was fucked up with my brain so i start brushing my teeth one morning i fall over and i hit the wall like i literally fell over and like hit my shoulder on my wall and i was like what the fuck and i closed one eye and i fell over hit the other wall and i was like oh man something's wrong you know like something's seriously wrong with my brain and i started freaking out so i go get a cat scan i go get an mri and uh i'm convinced that i'm got i'm concussed and that i've taken too many shots and i'm i it's because so what what let me back the story up a little bit why i think this is because my buddy scott parker he's a um enforcer for the for the colorado avalanches he can no longer take he has like a problem with his brain
Starting point is 00:27:23 stem he's took too many punches if he takes talk said he takes one more it's gonna kill him right so i'm like talking to him about this and now he's like got it in my mind that i had the same thing like i'm thinking like i fall over like literally fall over hit the wall i'm like oh fuck something's really fucked up with me anyways i go get all these tests go see a uh ear nose and throat doctor and turns out my sign my septum so deviated that I have like a sinus infection and that it can't drain because my septum is deviated so I have like this serious infection in my Left cheek and I had to get this I had to get on medication to get it cleared up But that's why I fucked my equilibrium up. I was like so it's getting in your ear
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah, I like they're all connected the infection somehow through my i have no idea i know how to put this i've got to put this i still have to do it every day i gotta put this thing in my nose and like broke blows like a like a nasal spray in my nose shit fixed god i need to i got mine but then i have to stop fighting for a little while not that long not that long man i'm telling you it turns out i'm not mentally retarded i I have an infection that I got cleared out, which is what I contacted you and I told Aubrey about and the CMT oils and the MCT, sorry, MCT oils and the alpha brain and started trying to, because this is the point where I thought I was fucking freaking out, right? Well, you started taking care of your health and supplementing.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And now I feel fucking great, man. Yeah. There's a big difference between supplementing and not supplementing. And I've never, I've never taken anything. I just never, everyone always, I was literally Budweiser and Fruit Roll-Ups, you know? I know, we talked about it. And now I fucking take these On It packs day and night, sometimes two a day. I feel fucking, you know what I feel like?
Starting point is 00:28:58 A fucking caged gorilla that's 15 year old. And I don't know if it has testosterone in it or not, but I feel like my poor girl just gets ravaged now like i feel like an uncaged beast man i'm sure she's happy yeah she's very happy so uh you know and i don't i don't i don't know if it's because just equaled out my body or or what but man i feel my recovery time's great and i'm not here just pumping on it you know i'm like i'm serious i've never taken supplements and i feel so fucking good and i right when i walked out man, you got any alpha brain here? I can fucking pop, you know? And so.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Are we out? Do we have some? We're out. There's out. Yeah. Damn it. Damn it. But.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I must have some in my bag. So yeah, it's, it's unbelievable, man. How, how good I feel and how you don't know till you know, right? Right. Yeah. That's the key, man. The key is a lot of people walk around and they don't take anything and they think they don't know till you know right right yeah that's the key man the key is a lot of people walk around and they don't take anything and they think they don't need anything and they're like
Starting point is 00:29:50 ah i'm fine well you're fine yeah like you'll exist but there's a big difference between having your body optimized and not being optimized healthy food you got to get off the candy son you know what i don't eat candy anymore ever since I've been taking these pills, it's like it filled a void. Literally. I don't crave the sweets like I used to. It's unbelievable, man. I can honestly say I've ditched the candy. I'll eat a Snickers bar every now and then, but I don't take handfuls of Milk Duds and Skittles like I used to every day.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I've had a lot of that. It's probiotics. I used to crash, right? Yeah. And I feel like that's why I'd eat the candy to try and like come back up. Come back up. Yeah. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I'm sure. Are you taking probiotics now? You're taking the total gut health? Total gut health. That's big because your gut health determines a lot of times what you crave. And one of the things that people find is when they get off sugar and they get off gluten and they get off like simple carbohydrates, off gluten and they get off simple carbohydrates, breads and pastas and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:30:47 What part of that makes me crave the pussy? That's natural. Oh, natural. That's your body going, I'm a cowboy. I'm a cowboy. I'm going to fuck. Not unequaled out? Okay, I got you. The same part that makes you want to fight makes you want to fuck. Gotcha. It's a part of the whole gorilla DNA.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Alright. Are you taking T plus? Do you take, that optimizes your hormones. That's a big one. There's alpha brain, which one of the good things about alpha brain is mental fatigue. One of the things that helps you in your workouts is like a lot of times like physical fatigue is one factor, but mental fatigue is a factor too. Like when you step up, even if your body's tired, if your mind feels good, you could
Starting point is 00:31:27 force your body to go through the motions. You could force your body to do it because your mind still feels energetic. But when my mind feels shitty, like for me, the hardest workouts by far are when I'm hung over. Yeah. Because my mind is tired. It's like, it's not even like my body can't lift the weight. It's like my body's like, oh, okay, we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:31:47 But my mind is like, I can't. I can't muster it. So alpha brain post-drinking is fantastic. It's one of the best things for hangovers. Because a lot of things that are going on, you're dehydrated. That's a big factor. But also like all your electrolytes are all fucked up and all your neurotransmitter levels are all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:32:08 You could jack those back up with AlphaBrain and New Mood. New Mood's a big one too because it brings up your serotonin levels, 5-HTP. That comes in a night pack for sleeping, right? Perfect. And I tell people, oh, you're trying to sell off pain. But listen to me. Please don't buy it. Please don't buy it.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Find out what the ingredients are. Go buy your own please don't buy it. Please don't buy it. Find out what the ingredients are. Go buy your own shit. Go buy it. The best form you can buy. That's the most important thing. Buy the purest, best version of it you can find. Use all those things. Use choline, use all these different ingredients. You're going to find an alpha brain and all the different ingredients. You're going to find a new mood. You're going to have results. But if you want to get it made for you in the best possible form, that's what we sell. That's what you're going to have results. But if you want to get it made for you in the best possible form, that's what we sell. That's what we're trying to do it on it. We're just trying to, everything that I use, everything that Aubrey uses, everything that all the pro athletes use,
Starting point is 00:32:52 guys like you use, we just find that, what's the best shit? What's the best shit? I mean, I literally feel the best I've felt in my life. And I don't know if it has to do with solely taking it on or just reinventing myself, man. You know, you got to sometimes just fucking step back and reset and figure out what works for you, right? That's big. Real big. And it took a lady, Francesca Parker, Scott's wife, to set me down and fucking tell me,
Starting point is 00:33:21 Cowboy, what's the bad in your life? We got to get that shit. We got to get the energy vampires off you. And you got to hone in and figure out what works for you again, man. And I did. And I feel fucking great, man. Has Aubrey taken you into the room in his house for the launching into space? No.
Starting point is 00:33:36 The psychedelic journey room? No. Are you ready for that? I'm ready for that. Are you ready for that? I'm ready for that. I'm ready for that, too. I need to do it this year.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I'm about a year off. I've done it i was i did about a year ago i'm i'm feeling like right about now i'm ready to get back in there let's do it together okay let's do it let's let's hook up with aubrey we'll figure out a time you got to go meet the meet the overlords i'm telling you man i'm all the shit that you say is crazy i believe it's crazy but it ain't crazy like dmt is crazy all right dmt is some next level crazy let's go do some drugs and hang out i'm telling you are these is this usada approved yes it is all right well you can't test for it and it exists in your own brain it's like testing you for saliva all right literally it's like testing you for blood.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I'm in. Cowboy test positive for red platelets. I'm in. Yeah, we're going to get in there. I'm totally in. Woo! We're going deep. So you feel like DMT, or what is the tea that people take where you get the shaman and you go and you drink the-
Starting point is 00:34:38 Oh, ayahuasca. Ayahuasca. That's DMT too. It's the same thing. I mean, I feel like if we just ate a fucking handful of mushrooms, we could have the same psychedelic trip. DMT is mushrooms times a million plus aliens. Huh. That's the way I describe it.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I've done mushrooms, and mushrooms are awesome. You've got to take a shitload of mushrooms, and you have an amazing trip. But there's something about DMT that just blows all the other ones out of the water. It's the most potent of all psychedelics. Okay. The most transcendent of all psychedelics. See, I feel like you're a black belt in psychedelics. I'm my first day white belt.
Starting point is 00:35:15 It doesn't matter, man. You can do it. Everybody can do it. I'm sure I can do it. You go from a white belt to a black belt literally in your first class. You go, oh, shit, and you come back. And by the way, you're never really a black belt. Even when you do it go oh shit and you come back and by the way you're never really a black belt even when you do it i've done it i don't know how many times now but every time i do it i'm like oh fuck here i go i get nervous i'm white knuckling
Starting point is 00:35:34 before you take that first hit of the pipe you go oh okay okay it just takes one here we go and three hits three hits three hits is what I recommend. Big, deep one. Big, deep one. Blow it out. Go in again. I can't limp in. I can't just do one.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You don't want to get to the door. You don't want to get to the door. You don't want to get to the door. It's like you play ding-dong ditch, ring someone's doorbell, run away. You can't do that. You got to open up the door and you got to get in the house. All in. All in.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yeah. It's amazing, though. Now, does it make you shit yourself and throw up? No, no, no. Like the tea? The problem with the tea is that your body rejects all- That's what I'm saying. Everyone says that you're purging the bad energy. That's why I said no.
Starting point is 00:36:17 That's my argument, too. Like, no, you're just throwing up and shitting yourself because you had to shit. You shouldn't have ate the Del Taco before you fucking took it. Well, you definitely are supposed to alter your diet. You're definitely supposed to have an alkaline-based diet before you do it. That should be a sense that you're going to fucking blow your backside out because you're like, you need to fast before you come into this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:34 That's not you purging out bad energy. That's you fucking purging out just the shit you ate. Well, this is like hippie, dippy, new age way of talking where people go, oh, it's the toxins. You're getting rid of the toxins. The toxins. toxins like they do that in yoga all the time when you're in this position this position releases toxins it it it clears your body of all the emotions no you're stretching shut the fuck up i'm with this is not this is you're not purging you're sweating if you're sweating your body's getting rid of some fluid. There's definitely
Starting point is 00:37:05 a cleansing process involved in that. There's no fucking toxins. Like, come on. Stop with the toxins. At least we're on the same page. Let's just do drugs and have fun. Yes. Well, ayahuasca is DMT, but what it is, it's an orally active version of DMT.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I'll give you the quick breakdown. Your body produces, your gut produces something called monoamine oxidase. And what it is, is it breaks down DMT. So if you eat grass, there's certain types of grasses and lettuce and a bunch of different plants, like thousands of different plants have DMT in them, but you don't trip when you eat them. The reason why is because your stomach produces something called monoamine oxidase. Well, these indigenous people in the Amazon, they figured out how to combine one plant, which has
Starting point is 00:37:50 DMT in it, and then another plant which has an MAO inhibitor. So this MAO inhibitor inhibits your body's production of monoamine oxidase and so the DMT naturally absorbs in your body. But, you're eating these fucked up plants that taste like shit.
Starting point is 00:38:05 It tastes like a toad's dick. Right. And you're just throwing up and shitting yourself. It's supposed to be an incredible spiritual experience. I haven't done it. I've only done the way stronger version of it, which you smoke. Yeah. Which doesn't give you any throwing up, any diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Which sounds way better. It's way better. It's got to be. I think the other one's really amazing too but um the thing about the dmt thing they call it the businessman's trip yeah because you're in and out in 15 minutes it's perfect but i i go back after amazing so you're not no hungover no it's one of the most transient drugs ever exhibited or ever observed in the human body your body brings you back to baseline really quickly so you're high as a fucking cut you're in the center of
Starting point is 00:38:49 the universe yeah you're talking to geometric patterns that are made out of love and understanding and know everything about everything you've ever done your whole life and recognize your bullshit and dissolve your ego right in front of you show you your life your life in these hieroglyphs and show you these insane images that are made out of neon with no borders, and then 15 minutes later, you're a cowboy again. But you're renewed. It's like resetting your whole experience on this planet.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I'm in. You sold me. It's going to be good for you. See how good you explained that? I wish I could explain my diving that good Because I was just like Oh you fucking go in And breathe some other gas And I think you did a great job
Starting point is 00:39:29 That was it I think you did a great job Explaining it But I think there's a lot A bunch of factors going on I think like With your life Like all the good things
Starting point is 00:39:36 That are happening Is I think first of all A decision to go to 170 Is a very good one So here Because I'm a I get upset I think the number one problem We have in fighting today, the number one problem is
Starting point is 00:39:47 weight cutting. Yeah. I'm fucking with you, man. And I, the whole time I was at 55, I'd always, you know how I like to fight. So I'd call, hey, a 170 pounder fell out. I'll take that fight. Right. You know what Joe and Daniel would tell me?
Starting point is 00:39:58 What? Cal, but you're a 55. Those guys are fucking monsters. I guess they were wrong. Weren't they? So then, so now I'm a... I would have told you to do it. So now I'm a...
Starting point is 00:40:07 No offense, but you don't have the fucking stamp that gave me the fight. I know, I need to get a stamp. So now I'm at 70, and I want to fight at 55, and they say, no, you're fucking so great at 70, you don't want to go down to 55. Like, god damn, will you guys make up your fucking mind what I can do? You can't listen to those dudes. Only listen to me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I'll go through you. I'll be your manager from now on. I'm going to handle you. Contact me. I'll contact them. I'm speaking for Cowboy. Bam. Done.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Hey, man, when I walked in, I seen you had a Wheeler album out front. Wheeler Walker. That's my man. So I was getting ready in the locker room. I put kick in the ass and eat pussy. And it starts off it starts off jamming and we get there kind of you know a little bit earlier and so we still had all the i think i had six people in my in my uh locker room and i have like a big ass speaker like
Starting point is 00:40:58 a big jukebox right and i just take take over like everyone go with country okay good i've seen you already wins so i start playing and then when I start warming up, that's what I throw on, and motherfucker, people are like, okay. Well, how about when it goes to sucking dick, he kick his ass? Oh, man, right? So,
Starting point is 00:41:18 yeah, I noticed that when I walked in. I was like, oh, okay. Yeah, he's a buddy of mine. I love that dude. He's hilarious. He's fucking hilarious. Have you ever seen the video for that song? No. The video for that song is hilarious because they did it at this real country western thing, and the people in the audience had no idea he was going to be there, and they had no
Starting point is 00:41:37 idea what he did, and so they played it for these regular country music people. Let's give the people. Yeah, all right, man. We could play it because Wheeler's a buddy of mine I'm sure we could play shit Can they hear this right here No Yeah
Starting point is 00:41:49 Here's the video Let's go Let's watch the video Put your headphones on Do I stop this one Yeah Yeah Go ahead
Starting point is 00:41:58 Hit it Stop mine You put yours on Friday night I'm at work Cause he did An acoustic version of it. Such a jerk. Now this is me warming up and everyone's like
Starting point is 00:42:10 everyone's kind of jamming. And then he just lost a pussy and kicked his ass. Eating pussy and kicking ass. Look at these people. Look at these people in the audience. They have no idea. This is the same people in the training room with me.
Starting point is 00:42:24 They're like, what the fuck is Calbee listening to? Eating pussy and kicking ass. Look at the way they're looking at him. What I do. Pussy in the morning. Pussy in the night. Eat a lot of pussy, then I get into a fight. See?
Starting point is 00:42:39 It's a hit. That's a fucking hit, right? Yeah. For you, it's a perfect song, too. It's perfect. I loved it, yeah. It was just funny. Everyone in perfect. I loved it, yeah. And it was just funny.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Everyone in the changing room was like, what the fuck? So it was good, man. It was awesome. I think the UFC and MMA in general should make a concerted effort to stop weight cutting. Just stop it. Stop it dead. Say no more. And just eliminate it completely. And I think it can be done.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think it can be done if you have just set up good fights between guys that are the same size. I think this whole obsession with championship belts and all this stuff is all great and everything. Here's a perfect example. Conor and Nate Diaz. Biggest fucking fight in the history of the sport. No belt on the line. Nothing. Just throwing down.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Nobody gave a fuck. Yeah. Nobody said, where's the gold? Yeah. Where's the strap? Right. Where's the leather? Nobody gave a fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:29 So you feel like the UFC's going more towards big fights than it is championship fights? I hope that's what they do. I hope so, too. I hope they just take the guys who people want to see. Can you announce that fight? That fight that you were talking about? No.
Starting point is 00:43:41 No? Damn it. I can't. It's not 100% yet, but it's going to be fucking good. Oh, there's a fight brewing, ladies and gentlemen. There's a fight brewing. And it's a good one. It's good. Hopefully today
Starting point is 00:43:53 we get the double thumbs up. I mean, I sent last night, we got the half thumb, so... Well, you got a half thumb. You already have a pose down, a photo of the two of you guys together. Holy shit, that's going to be a good fight. And that could potentially be Madison Square Garden. Yeah, that's what I'm fucking.
Starting point is 00:44:11 They didn't put me on 200, and they fucked me on that, but I really wanted to be on Madison Square Garden, man. The 200 was great. But 202 was better, I think. Yes, it was better. The 200 was great because it was a celebration, but 202 was a better card. Yes, absolutely. Well, the Brock Les 200 was great because it was a celebration. Sure. But 202 was a better card. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Well, the Brock Lesnar thing was kind of a freak show. Like, holy shit, Brock Lesnar's back. And, you know, Amanda Nunes and Misha Tate was a hell of a fight. Amanda Nunes is no joke, son. Who me? No joke. Yeah. There's some next level women out there now.
Starting point is 00:44:41 There are. There are. That Valentina Shevchenko chick. Holy shit. And Holly Holm. And there's just so many high level chicks now. And fucking Joanna Jacek is just a straight up assassin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I trained with her a little bit at Muscle Farm. She came and visited. It was fun. She's a badass bitch. Oh yeah, she is. All due respect. All due respect. You have to say that now.
Starting point is 00:45:02 All due respect. You know how many phone calls I got before I came on here? There should be an advisory sticker on this for what words I can and cannot say. Well, who said that to you? People? Well, I had some people from the PR team at UFC and then my management team. So I have a tendency to say bad words. Isn't that hilarious?
Starting point is 00:45:22 It is. It is. And I don't mean it in a derogatory or... It's just how I talk, you know? Well, you should talk how you talk. I'm telling you, cowboy, I gotta be your fucking manager. That's it. There's all these suits in the way of the freedom.
Starting point is 00:45:35 It's the sponsors, man. The sponsors. I need another beer. I'm getting worked up. It's the sponsors, man. They can't take it. They can't. Well, they need to take it.
Starting point is 00:45:44 That's what I think, too. God damn it. What the fuck do they think you're popular for? They think you're popular for wearing a bow tie and talking about the Republican Party? For being wide open, right? Hey, man, look at this. This is Colorado Springs Fire Department. My dad's captain of the fire department.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I was just down there. They sent some shirts for you. Oh, beautiful. Yeah, they're listening. They're like your biggest fucking fans, man. Oh, awesome, man. I'll wear these. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:46:04 So they wanted you to have those. Brought them. Come bearing gifts. So Station 12, thank you. Appreciate it. I like it. Awesome. I'll wear those.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, no worries. I was just over there. Everyone I fucking talk to loves you, man. Oh, that's nice. So I'll just give you a shout out, man. I love them, too.
Starting point is 00:46:22 That's good. They say how much you've changed their life just talking about diet talking about good times and you know so it's awesome beautiful it's good to know you can more beer look at you yes sir look at us we're crushing them we're about to be talking about some good shit here in a little bit
Starting point is 00:46:37 exactly we're gonna get to the point where fuck the PR team that's it who the fuck are they man are you hiring are you hiring? Are you hiring? The UFC's gotta be in a weird position with this show. Because they know, if you watch the last one with me and Eddie Bravo,
Starting point is 00:46:53 Eddie Bravo was so fucking drunk he barely knew what he was talking about 15 seconds ago. And he was going on about how he doesn't believe the rovers on Mars are real. He doesn't know why the water sticks to the earth because the earth is round. Why does the water just roll off the earth?
Starting point is 00:47:10 How do you know that the earth is spinning? It just got so bizarre. They can't worry about that, though, man. Everybody worries about you being you. People like someone who is actually themselves because it's so fucking rare today and i feel like i've been myself the whole journey yes and that's i to my grandma's credit you know she always tells me don't fucking paint yourself in the corner no matter what you do don't paint yourself be you through and through
Starting point is 00:47:39 and i always have you know and i probably always will be so i i told my manager i'm probably gonna say some fucked up shit and you're going to have to put out the fires. It's not fucked up. It's what you really think. Right. You know? God damn it.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It's just, there's nothing wrong with it, man. They got to understand, like, this is what they do. They market things. But they somehow in their mind, they think that, oh, the best way to market things is to not piss anybody off. That's not true. The best way to market things is to have a guy like you who's out there diving 300 fucking feet,
Starting point is 00:48:08 playing with sharks and shit, riding jet skis and doing all kinds of banana shit. You're a fucking madman. You're a genuine madman. And they want to take you and they want to turn you into some fucking cookie cutter person that they
Starting point is 00:48:24 could sell. It's bullshit. It is bullshit. I'm with you. And they can't sell that. I'm with you. Who are out of that? They want you to be Luke Bryan. They want you to have jeans that are already ripped.
Starting point is 00:48:36 They want to give you those fucking pre-ripped jeans. Look, we scuffed up your boots for you. Fuck you. Fuck you, right? Fuck you. That's it. I'm with you. Fuck them.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Fuck them all. I like that this beer says America on it Now you're a fan I'm a big fan I can get a couple cases dropped off Anytime you want You let me know Let's do it Just like you send me on it
Starting point is 00:48:53 I'll send you Budweiser We should have just a flag With a That just fucking gives beer Just a giant flag Fill a flag up with beer A big gigantic sack of beer. What are you talking about loose?
Starting point is 00:49:07 That's what I can't wait. We'll get you about two, three more in, and you're going to be loose. I'm always loose, pretty much. I try to be loose. Then you're going to spark up a joint, and we're going to call it good times. Ever since I got that Fear Factor money, I got loose.
Starting point is 00:49:19 That Fear Factor money makes you loose. I'm still waiting for that UFC big money to come in. It's coming. It's coming. It's got to come now. Did you sign a new contract? I did. You did?
Starting point is 00:49:27 Are you happy? Yeah. There's a pause there. I don't like it. I'm happy. I like the pause. I mean, am I as happy as I'd like to be? Nah.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Am I skipping? No. Let me tell you something, man. I Googled. I had to take a photo today and put it on my Instagram, and I Googled Donald, and it went Trump, and then I put in the word C, and it was instantly Cerrone. You're a famous motherfucker, dude. Hell yeah. We need to get you paid.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I need to be your fucking manager. Do you want to be on the team? I just don't want to get paid for it. I want to be like, I'm just the guy who calls Just call me if shit gets weird Well your answer is going to be the same as mine Fuck it Fuck it
Starting point is 00:50:11 That's what it should be Let's go I feel like a guy like you Honestly Should be completely insulated From anybody's advice I feel like a guy like you It should be like your friends
Starting point is 00:50:21 And your family And people you love And everybody else has to shut the fuck up and just let you go. That's how I feel every day. And then I get phone calls saying, you can't say that, Calvary. You can't do that, Calvary. You have to do this. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Yeah. I mean, they have to understand. People talk a certain way and they express themselves a certain way. And there's an honesty in what you do that you're not gonna find in that many people there's an honesty in expressing yourself that is being lost it's being squashed the way I'm geared I I'm with you man I wish I wish things were different I really do it is different I wish I could you don't have to listen oh I do fuck that I do
Starting point is 00:51:02 that this this company we're drinking right here yeah they don't have to listen! Oh I do. Fuck them! I do. Fuck them! This company we're drinking right here? Yeah. They don't allow me to say certain things sometimes. Whoa, Budweiser America. Listen, Budweiser, we got a problem now. You write America on your Budweiser. Understand this.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Like, well we're not in all that pot smoking talk. Pot smoking is American. All this is American. Beer is American. They go is American. Beer's American. They go hand in hand. One of them's not bad. One of them's not good. They're all good.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I try to explain to people like you can't get a bobcat in your backyard and not think he's going to fucking attack you. Exactly. That's how I feel with me too. Like I'm a wild motherfucker. Like you can't take the leash off me. You can't put the leash on me and take me, kiss, handshake, babies, then let the leash off and let me. And say, oh, he's going to be all right.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Fuck, no, he's not. They can't turn you into some fucking sitcom dad. Okay? Where the wife comes home and yells at you like, well, I thought I took the trash out. That's what they want to do. They want to figure out how to extract money out of you. So when a guy like you starts talking crazy shit, they're like, oh, they're going to protest. Oh, look out.
Starting point is 00:52:14 The transgender lesbian slash animal rights community that doesn't like you diving. Yeah. God, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't like you diving. Yeah. God, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't skydive or dive in the water. You have a problem with your brain. Serious problem. You have a problem with your brain where your thrill meter gets low and you panic and then you gotta
Starting point is 00:52:38 juice that bitch back up and it gets low and you gotta juice that bitch back up. And that's why you're a great fighter. And when we're on DMT, am I gonna face these demons, you think? Oh, for sure. Okay. But you'll be fine. What DMT's gonna tell you, I would imagine, I don't know what they're gonna tell you, and I'm sorry for even suggesting it.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Because when I go into it next time, they're gonna go, oh, you know? You know? You know what we're gonna say, bitch? Who's they? How about this? I think your life experience is a wonderful journey. Here's what I believe, honestly. I think what you're doing by fighting at this extremely high level
Starting point is 00:53:14 and by entertaining millions of people worldwide is you're providing people with incredible thrills. You know how many people sent me the animated gif of that final combination you landed on Rick's story. Let's talk about that. Oh, good lord. Let's throw that bitch up on the screen. Let's throw it.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Well, let's talk. So everyone says how great this combo is. Oh, it's beautiful. Okay. Here it is. Oh, crack. That's the end of it. Let's watch it from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Well, you know what I love about it, man? I love technique. Look at this. This is what I love. Pop to the body, to the head. Boom. You know what I love about it, man. I love technique. Look at this. This is what I love. Pop to the body, to the head. Boom. You know what I love about it? Not a single one of those techniques is wound up. Not a single one of those techniques is full
Starting point is 00:53:51 power. But look how you're doing this. Pop. Bank. Crack. Boing! So for everyone that's listening, all that is is the jab, cross, hook, kick. Yeah, but it's not because here's the thing about it. The way you're throwing all these things is the way everybody should throw every punch.
Starting point is 00:54:10 There's no windup. Everything is perfect technique. The execution, the timing, the accuracy. Look how beautiful this is, man. See, this is you, so I bet it's hard for you to appreciate. But for me, as a person who calls MMA, as a person who watches fights, dude, when I was calling that fight, I was like that fight I was like this I was like oh oh oh look at this oh this is perfect
Starting point is 00:54:30 do you know how upset I miss the triangle I am with myself oh my this is better look he's a tough guy he's got good submission defense so last time we talked we talked about Cowboy watching himself like I'm playing a video game I was in the mode for sure yeah for sure that Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:54:45 I was in the mode. That's some Matrix shit. I mean, this to me is more impressive than when Anderson Silva knocked out Forrest Griffin. Because when Anderson Silva knocked out Forrest Griffin, what I know about Forrest was that Forrest was compromised going into that fight. He had been knocked out twice in training camp. He had a real hard time taking shots. He probably shouldn't have been in there in the first place. And so he had a lot of doubts, and he He had a real hard time taking shots. He probably shouldn't have been in there in the first place. And so he had a lot of doubts and he was having a real hard time. This is a big, powerful Rick Story who's a nasty motherfucker. He throws vicious body shots. He's a hard wrestler. He's the guy who was the first loss that Johnny Hendricks got.
Starting point is 00:55:27 People don't know Rick story Rick story is a tough dude and for you to tee off on him like this in this perfect way Not with big wound up fucking heavy shots Like he throws what Rick story likes to do is he pressures guys and he fucking digs in To the body takes you down beats you up He's a tough tough dude and what you did is you just used perfect technique. That angle when you throw that left, you throw the left, the jab, you throw the right hand to the body, and then you take that. Watch this. Jab, right hand to the body. Well, he fell off that way. I didn't take an angle.
Starting point is 00:55:54 He did. Boom. That was all luck. Yeah, but you adjusted. You adjusted perfectly with that left. You're trying to be nice. Look at you. You're trying to be nice about yourself.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Look, that's a beautiful combination, dude. Thank you. I appreciate it. That's some Matrix shit. And I feel like a big part of that is you not depleting your body. Absolutely. Another big part of it is 170 pounders don't think you can just come take my body shots anymore because I got a little more biscuit now.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah, right? You don't have to. Weak-ass body. Jesus. What did your body feel like when you fought 155 like when you compare yourself to a normal training session like say you're several months in between so i walk around i walk around once i used to walk around about 174 right that was like my deep training camp and i noticed when i started to cut I'd get down to you know 168 170 but I had
Starting point is 00:56:46 nothing in the gas tank man I would always be like it would all mental at that point you know and I didn't have like my body felt real thin and brittle and 170 I feel good I don't feel the I got the I got the extra tank you know yeah I don't feel like it's a big part of it oh my god is it it's a big part of it man Now you spitting into that thing? What's going on here? What do you got there? That's the one I'm drinking Copenhagen?
Starting point is 00:57:08 No I know What is that shit? Yeah Copenhagen What's the deal with that? Explain that to me What does that do for you? I've never been involved
Starting point is 00:57:18 I have no experience in this I chewed tobacco once when I was a kid Because I read Huckleberry Finn Did it give you a head high? I threw up. Yeah. I started extra salivating and I felt like shit. I don't know. Is it good? I like it. Let me try some of that. Give it a go. What do you do with it? Just take a little bump, put it under your lip. A bump? A little pinch. Like a cocaine style bump? No. I've never done that either. I'd go less is more. Yeah, that's plenty for you.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Is that too much? No, it's good. Okay, where do you put it? Anywhere you put it, any lip you want. Okay. Yeah, it's going to start to burn a little bit. No, it can't get cancer immediately, right? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I mean, no, you shouldn't. That doesn't taste bad. No, it's like a winter green gun. Make sure I spit in the right one. Yeah, spit in the right one I repeat do not want to drink chew spit That is a fucking day gone bad Well one of the guys who worked for the UFC
Starting point is 00:58:13 Who was a Jamie's laughing because I'm chewing It looks ridiculous Why does it look ridiculous You're going to get a super body high It's going to be great One of the guys that was a stuntman for the UFC Fear Factor.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Yeah. He worked on so many movie sets where he couldn't spit that he wound up swallowing a spit. So he got used to chewing and then swallowing it. I got it spread out all over my lower gum. Yeah, you got to use your tongue and ball it together. There you go. Now, so I'm not addicted to it, too. I can go weeks. I'm not addicted to pot either. Yeah, I can go weeks Now, so I'm not addicted to, I can go weeks. I'm not addicted to pot either.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Yeah, I can go weeks without it. I'm not addicted to pussy. No. Or sleep. I don't have an addicted personality at all. I'm not. No, literally, I mean, I usually just chew when I'm on the boat and out. And I don't know, whenever I drink, I chew when I drink.
Starting point is 00:59:03 This is like a cigar times five. Oh, yeah, you're going to get buzzing. Yeah. Now I get it. It's just fun. I don't know. It's probably bad. It's probably a terrible role model move.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Was it bad for you? Oh, it says right here, service general warning, great for you. I don't know why they put that on the can. I feel like all the people who get cancer from this are pussies. Is that right? No? There's another thing you're not supposed to say.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Will Copenhagen sponsor you when the UFC let them? They might now. Shit. Will the UFC let them? Why wouldn't they? I don't see why. Maybe because it's tobacco, but alcohol. But what about alcohol?
Starting point is 00:59:43 Yeah, I mean. Alcohol kills a lot of people. That they don't talk about, sure. But Bud Light and Anheuser-Busch is a giant sponsor of the UFC, so... Yeah. Yeah, I don't see why they wouldn't. I don't know. Maybe you'll see Copenhagen right in the middle of the octagon.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Yeah. People get so mad. People already get mad. I think it's hilarious that people get mad that Nate Diaz was smoking a vape pen after his fight. I'm like, you just watched him get punched in the fucking head for 25 minutes, and you think it's bad that he's smoking a vape pen. You want to hear the problem with it, though? What's the problem?
Starting point is 01:00:18 Well, there's no problem, but you saw the contest up to 42 hours after we fight, right? So it might be a bad call on him just because only that would be the only bad downfall, I think. I mean, especially doing it publicly, he could probably get tested immediately right after. I don't know. The thing is, the one he was taking was CBD oil, which is not psychoactive. Which I'm a totally, totally fan of. That's all I take. Do you take CBD oil?
Starting point is 01:00:43 All the time. I put the patches. I use the rub. Yeah, because there's no hallucinogenic effect. take CBD oil? All the time. I put the patches. I use the rub. Yeah, because there's no hallucinogenic effect. You just get the healing, the medicinal side of the marijuana. Right. So, yeah, whenever I go to Colorado, I load up on the CBD oils, and I use them all the time for my knees and my elbows. Yeah, I've got some shit that you can use in the bath, man.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I have some ointment that you put on your body. Yeah, it's bath, but it's really bath salts for real. What is this? Look at the size of that joint. Yeah. Parties with Snoop and the biggest joint ever. That is not the biggest joint ever. That is propaganda.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I've seen the biggest joint ever. It's far bigger than that. I'm a big supporter of both those gentlemen, but I don't like lying. That's a pretty big joint. That would floor me. That's not the biggest joint ever. Look, in this Onnit box right here. I know. I was in there the biggest joint ever. Look, in this on it box right here. I know, I was in there creeping on it earlier.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Oh, look, weed. How weird. So now you're smoking, chewing, and drinking. I'm curious to see what happens when you combine the two of them together. The three of them. The three of them. I'm a fucking American. I'm a grown man.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I'm middle-aged. I have children. I have a wife. I pay taxes. I've got a lot of good things on my side. I'm a grown man. I'm middle-aged. I have children. I have a wife. I pay taxes. I've got a lot of good things on my side. I'm telling you. And you changed lives, man. You wouldn't be...
Starting point is 01:01:51 The people that listen to this, I mean, this might be a terrible episode for people to model their life after. But typically you talk about good health and eating correctly. And just people that sit around and do nothing with their lives, you know, just getting up on a Sunday and going for a hike and getting out there. You know, you talk about all these things. So they enjoy it. I get messages every day from people that lost 100 pounds, people that are feeling healthy. The problem is we're dealing with propaganda.
Starting point is 01:02:24 And you can do one of two things You can either just say well You know this is I think I swallowed all that tobacco Yeah it's all gone Yeah I was wondering why I'm so hot You got tobacco on it Look it's gone Oh you swallowed it
Starting point is 01:02:38 I don't know what I'm doing Alright chewing drinking Alright we're fine Eating pussy and kicking ass Atta boy. I don't know what I'm doing. All right. Chewing, drinking, swallowing. All right. We're fine. Eating pussy and kicking ass. Eating pussy and kicking ass. What happens when you swallow it?
Starting point is 01:02:51 New rules. Jamie pulls up something immediately. New rules enforced by the Food and Drug Administration will prevent cigarette and smokeless tobacco sponsorships in sporting events. That's smokeless tobacco, though. I think that's the vape pens. Or is that talking about chewing tobacco? I think it's all of it. All of the above. That's chewingless tobacco though. I think that's the vape pens. Is that talking about chewing tobacco? I think it's all of it.
Starting point is 01:03:07 That's chewing tobacco. I swallowed it. This was a couple years ago. This was like 2010. I can't find it. It's gone. You'll be alright. Now you're fine. If you don't grow up, now you're fine. You're gonna be alright. Serious head rush though. This is good. I'm enjoying this.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I might incorporate this in my diet. What if we start selling on it tobacco pills? Like snuff packets that you put in a little packet. Well, that's one thing that you do get when you smoke a cigar. You get this weird kind of different kind of high. Yeah, absolutely. Weird kind of head rush, silly, happy high. You know?
Starting point is 01:03:40 I didn't spit once. I never spit. I just want to swallow it. I love it. That might be the best way to spit I just want to swallow it I love it That might be the best way to go Here's the thing We're here For a hundred years if we're lucky
Starting point is 01:03:56 And along the way We're having to deal with Decades and decades of propaganda Which are lies We're dealing with lies by all these different people that profited off of demonization of marijuana and having people think that there's something bad about consuming these psychedelic drugs. These things have made me more sensitive. They made me nicer. They made me more aware of my impact on the people that are
Starting point is 01:04:23 in my life, more kind and more appreciative of the people that are in my life, more kind and more appreciative of the people that are in my life, more appreciative and more thankful for all the lucky things that have happened to me, all the fortune that I've had to meet good dudes like you and Jamie and to be able to do something like this podcast. When I smoke weed sometimes, you know what I think? I think how fortunate I am. And I think how much think how fortunate I am. I think how much I love my children. I think about how much I love my friends. Joey Diaz will call me up high in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 01:04:51 At any given moment, he'll go, I'm just calling to tell you I love you, dog. I fucking love you. I know he's high as fuck. I love you right now. I'm so high I think I'm not even on this planet. I'm calling you from Jupiter. But it's not, these are not bad things, folks. They're not bad things, you know? You know, when you see Nate Diaz smoking a little weed, he should be able to smoke a fucking joint.
Starting point is 01:05:11 He should be at that press conference. They should have one of those oxygen things that sucks the air out. Sure. A little vent right above him. Let him smoke a joint. He just fought for millions of people, you know? That's what I think, cowboy. I'm with you, man.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I'm totally... This is the part where Budweiser cancels this. They're like, we're done. We're done. We're done with this. You're out of here. Sponsorships are hard, man. I understand.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I understand it from their perspective. You know, it's hard because you're kind of outsourcing credibility, right? This is how a friend of mine, my friend Jason Hairston, he owns this company called Kuyu, which a um big time um uh hunting apparel company and they've been in here before because they're fascinating guys he's a super smart genius dude who makes like the the best clothes for mountaineering and for hunting and he does it because it's his passion that he likes to do so this guy like goes to japan finds all the best fabrics, and we were talking about, I don't know if you know about
Starting point is 01:06:06 what's going on with Under Armour. Did you see that thing where that dude killed a bear with a spear? Fuck yeah. Yeah. See, that's how you feel. And he killed a bear with a spear, and a bunch of people got mad,
Starting point is 01:06:16 and a bunch of people protested, which is really ironic because... Well, I think if you're going to kill a bear, any predator, I'm not a predator hunter, but if you're going to kill a predator, fucking get down and dirty with it. Well, he got down and dirty. 100%.'re going to kill a bear, any predator, I'm not a predator hunter, but if you're going to kill a predator, fucking get down and dirty with it. Well, he got down and dirty, 100%.
Starting point is 01:06:28 You had to be, what, five feet from it with a spear? I think he was, well, he's a huge dude. His name's Josh Beaumont. I'll just give him a shout out. And this is what happened. Josh Beaumont killed this bear with a spear and they put the video online. Like, did he tree it first or? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:06:43 It was at a bait site in Alberta. He was there the week before I was there. I was there hunting the week online. Like, did he tree it first? No, no, no, no. It was at a bait site in Alberta. He was there the week before I was there. I was there hunting the week afterwards. Okay. And he got within 16 feet of this bear and maybe 16 yards. He got close as fuck to this bear. But he is like a competitive javelin thrower. He's a huge dude.
Starting point is 01:06:58 He's a bodybuilder. Sure. He chucks his spear, hits the bear. The bear runs 60 yards and dies. Okay, but there's a video of it and the bear's guts are hanging out. You know, it's like hunting scenes are graphic. Just like, you know, everybody likes to have those five guys burgers, but nobody wants to go to the fucking slaughterhouse
Starting point is 01:07:13 and watch them get hit in the head with a piston and then gutted and hung by their ankles and twitched and sprained all over the place. But that's the reality of the world we're living in, right? Sure. I'm not 100%, you 100% saying that the video... I don't think putting the video up is a good idea. Because if you're going to put a video like that up,
Starting point is 01:07:30 there's a lot of... You've got to explain for hours your position on a whole lot of things before anybody's going to accept that video. Anyway, Under Armour, which was a sponsor... They sponsored his wife. Right. They canceled her sponsorship
Starting point is 01:07:43 because she was filming the hunt and then they're getting this huge backlash from all of these hunters who are like well this is a legal hunt because it was legal to do that yeah in alberta and everybody always says like if they talk about hunters oh you pussy you think you're a fucking man go kill him with a spear yeah or a knife this guy did it yeah he fucking killed a seven foot bear with a spear i wouldn't do it i'm not there's a couple problems with it as far as like a regular person like first of all you got to be strong as fuck to throw a spear hard enough to kill a bear or if you're not you got to be close enough yeah a couple
Starting point is 01:08:17 of those things are those those are both huge factors you're taking a tremendous risk doing something like that so it gets out of the realm in a lot of people's eyes of like hunting for meat, which is really the only thing that people respect. If the average person doesn't hunt, they do not respect trophy animals, like trophy hunting rather. If you say, oh, I want a zebra rug, so I'm going to shoot a zebra, people will get fucking pissed at you. I've always wanted to see a stuffed giraffe in my backyard. People will get fucking really mad if you kill an animal for its skin. But if you kill an animal for the sole purpose of eating it and you do it in an ethical way, people, they go, okay, I get it because I eat meat myself and I buy fish from the store. And there's 95% of the planet
Starting point is 01:08:59 does that. But this guy who got it, there's this huge controversy with Under Armour. And one of the things that Jason Harrison from Kuyu said, he goes, we don't outsource our credibility. Our company is dependent upon us. We don't have any athletes that we sponsor. There's no one out there that represents our brand that we have to make sure you don't say this, don't say that. All they do is just make great shit. And I think that's the thing about a company like Budweiser. I love that a company like Budweiser gets behind a guy like you.
Starting point is 01:09:28 But they can't. They got to accept you for you. They got to accept you for you. Dirty words and all. Dirty words and all. Dirty words. You know. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:37 So we all know you're a meat eater. What would your last meal, your death row meal of choice be? Elk and jalapenos. Elk and jalapenos. That's how I do it. I'm so fucking pissed I missed out on that. Dude, tell me the next time you're here. I'll have you over to the house.
Starting point is 01:09:53 I'll cook for you. I seen you cooking it last night. I know you're only here for a short time. Next time, my friend, let's train. Let's get together. Let's get a little workout in. Okay. I'll grill for you.
Starting point is 01:10:04 I'll bring some Americas. We can do whatever you want. Yeah, we can roll. We can do whatever you want. I want to see how you set up some of your shit, too. I want to watch. You know what I really love that you do, man? That knee to the body. That check knee to the body. God damn, you do that better than anybody
Starting point is 01:10:19 in the sport. And you do it out of nowhere. You have a beautiful way of delivering that when you don't know it's coming. I think that's a really, I mean, there's a lot of And you do it out of nowhere. You have a beautiful way of delivering that when you don't know it's coming. I think that's a really, I mean, there's a lot of guys that do it. Don't get me wrong. But I think that you probably do it as good as anybody in MMA right now. I'd like to
Starting point is 01:10:35 see how you set that up. I'd like to talk to you about that shit. Anytime, yeah. I just got my black belt. I'm pretty excited about that. I know! Jiu-Jitsu! Donald Cerrone! Long time come! Long time come! He's been over-trained 15 years. It's just putting on the belt. I'm pretty excited about that. I know. Jiu-Jitsu. Donald Cerrone. Long time come. Right. Long time come. He's been over trained 15 years. It's just putting on the gi.
Starting point is 01:10:49 I don't get into it that much. So it's cool. Well, the gi's problematic. The gi's problematic. It was cool. It totally caught me off guard. I didn't have no idea it was coming. So I was like, oh, wow, cool.
Starting point is 01:10:58 People get so hung up on that goddamn gi. I'm a big fan of the gi. I have a black belt in the gi. I don't think there's anything wrong with the gi. But I think people are too fucking connected to an article of clothing, and they're doing it for one reason. One reason.
Starting point is 01:11:11 This is the only reason. Other than tradition. Because the guys with the gi know how to use that fucking gi. They know how to hold those collars. They know how to grab those sleeves. They know how to control your ass in a way they cannot do when you're slippery.
Starting point is 01:11:24 So if you guys go in there MMA style and you're wearing shorts and he's wearing shorts, it is a completely different ball game. Oh yeah. And no one wants to admit that. Well I do. Every time I go rolling, I say, hey man, if you want to take a collar choke, go ahead. You can have it. I don't even know how to defend himself. If you want to win by
Starting point is 01:11:40 that, go ahead. You can go ahead and Ezekiel the shit out of him. Yeah, whatever you want to do. Listen, it's great if you get in a fight with a dude with a winter coat you know like jimmy pedro is probably the last guy in the world you don't want to get in a fight with if you have a winter coat you know olympic gold medalist judo dude's gonna fucking drop you on your head that's the work but it's a funny story you talk about olympic gold medal judo my best friend eric bonacamp and i this is before i started fighting got into a street fight down in Springs Oh Jesus, and the guy had his judo jacket on right and we were like yeah, whatever fucking We started a fight with them this motherfucker. I don't know is the Uchimata though with it when they throw you
Starting point is 01:12:16 There's a couple of those. Holy shit. He threw my buddy through the fucking plate glass window Oh shit did the mic drop and walked off. And I just had to stand there like, holy fuck. He threw him through a plate glass window? Downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado. Like, we were down in the bar district. Fight started. Not even a, the dude just was like, whatever. My buddy came at him.
Starting point is 01:12:38 He just grabbed me and fucking threw him through the window. And I was like, you win. Well, you know one of the things that I recognized really early on in MMA is there's certain guys, there's just giant levels of shit, right? Like we're seeing that with Damian Maia, right? We saw that in the Damian Maia fight with Carlos Cana. There's levels of this jiu-jitsu. And Damian Maia's got that Hicks and Gracie style, just smushed jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:13:02 And it's just perfect technically, just perfect. Everything he does is perfect. Well, there's like... When Cairo Parisian first fought in the UFC, I remember going, oh, okay. I just haven't seen this level yet. This motherfucker's tossing people. He would get that... Cairo Parisian in his early days would get that overhook.
Starting point is 01:13:21 He would get that overhook and he would bump you and fucking send you flying. And everybody went flying. Caro threw everybody. He came down to Jackson's, he threw me. He throws everybody. And talk about like a morale killer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:34 You get thrown in front of millions of people, you're like, oh, fuck. And he throws you perfect. Yeah. You know, he is Gene LaBelle, Gokhan, Kvichian. You know, it's like that whole uh that whole fucking lineage of judo is very strong that highest time grappling that's very very strong lineage of judo they have strong judo man and you know and that's where ronda came from she spent a lot of her time there as well under judo like judo gene judo gene's like always at her fights you know is she coming back
Starting point is 01:14:04 you got to talk to her, brother. I haven't talked to her. I haven't either. I don't have the direct line to Ronda. I always feel weird when someone loses a fight. If I reach out to them, I just always feel weird. I always feel like I don't want to... If I see someone in person...
Starting point is 01:14:21 I'm four to one on you, buddy. Come on. Give me another one, bro. You just stepped your motherfucking game up, brother. Yeah, but I ate tobacco and smoked weed. We're probably really close. This one's done. I'll move on to number three.
Starting point is 01:14:35 You're going in. All right. But, like, levels of, like, you know, you see levels of everything in sport. And I think that's one of the things you're showing, man. I think you're showing a level of kickboxing that's a very fucking— you're hitting those kind of combinations, man. Now I believe in my wrestling. I think that's the key.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Big key in the Kote fight and in the Rick Story fight. You took both those guys down, and I think they were probably like, what? Yeah, what the fuck? But I mean, the confidence in my takedown defense is allowing me to really open up. And believing in myself is really—like said when i reinvented myself you know i just started like when someone comes into the gym i'm fucking you up right you come down jazz i'm beating your motherfucking ass like i understand so it's just except the fact that you're not sparring yeah anymore back in the day back in the day well even you come in and we do MMA rounds
Starting point is 01:15:27 I'm fucking you up right yeah and I just need to like somehow figure out how do I translate that into fight night because
Starting point is 01:15:34 so many emotions this last fight was the worst I've ever felt in my whole life you know I talked about that with Megan
Starting point is 01:15:41 after the fight I had the worst headache and was like legitimately sick all day before this last fight. And Greg Jackson's like, cowboy, this is what you train for every day. To beat somebody on your worst is what you have to be prepared for. And fuck, it was just warming up. I didn't feel it.
Starting point is 01:16:00 It wasn't until we started walking out that I was like, fucking cowboy, let's find the motherfucking gear. Let's go. And had to get it this i think there's a there's a legit question that i asked you in the last podcast i said um have you ever talked to a mental coach you ever work with a mental coach yeah and you're like fuck no i just go out there and kick some ass eating pussy eating pussy kicking ass that's it um Which I think is very admirable and it's fun. But I think you're at this, there's this crust of the elite of the elite right now. And you're at that crust. And I think in that top echelon, when you get up there with the best of the best, I don't think there's any room for potential.
Starting point is 01:16:44 I think it all should be played out. You should have realized your potential as much as possible by the time you got there. And I think a factor in that is mindset. And I don't think it's just being tough and going out there and kicking ass because you've already got that down to a science. That's you. I think there are some strategies and there are also some tools that you can use in terms of mental management that keep you in the proper channels and don't allow your mind to wander. So you don't have to bring your mind back and say, ah, I don't think about that. Let's just, we're here for this. This is what we came for. You don't need that pep talk.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Okay. Because you never go down that bad channel. You're always staying in these positive channels and the thoughts come in like they do with anybody like when I meditate When I get in the tank people think you just go in there and you Zen out No, I start thinking about stupid shit, but I thought I start thinking about God. I gotta clean my fucking office I'm such a slob, you know, like a little things you start thinking dumb shit and I'm writing this down, but then 70 them back in and And mental code I'm gonna connect down. But then you take them back in. And mental coach. I'm going to connect you to Vinny Shorman.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Vinny Shorman's the guy that works with Joe Schilling. He works with Ian McCall. I've done two sessions with him. He's a hypnotist. He's also a Muay Thai commentator and a coach, and he knows his shit, especially when it comes to striking. I think you would get along with him just because
Starting point is 01:18:03 of that. But he's got some really, I've done two podcasts with him too. You can listen to the podcast. He's got, he makes some real legitimate points when it comes to understanding how the mind works, the tricks he can play on you and how bad decisions from the past can fuck with you in terms of like bad things sort of define you. And you got to figure out a way to Alleviate yourself from any Responsibility Am I meeting with him before or after the
Starting point is 01:18:30 The empty trip Before we gotta get ready We gotta get ready dude You know like when those astronauts go into space bro They fucking they don't just Just show up Oh yeah Aubrey's gonna do it Aubrey's the shaman.
Starting point is 01:18:45 He's the one who's going to put on the whole thing. He plays the music. He plays these South American Icaros that were recorded by him in the jungle. It goes deep. Fuck. It goes deep. But what I think, and I think you're already coaching yourself by reinventing yourself, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Re-evaluating your diet, starting to add supplementation, taking care of yourself better, approaching things in a more professional way, cutting out the sparring, working entirely on drilling, and you're seeing all these results. Choosing to go to 170 and be healthier when you're fighting, you're seeing all these results. All these results are like this gravitation towards improvement and advancement. And I think that there's a thing that men have, and I'm guilty of it, we all are, where we don't want help. That's why women are always like men don't want directions. I'm like, I know where I'm going.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Don't worry about it. I mean, it's classic. My wife does it all the time. I know where I'm going. Sometimes I'm not even exactly sure. But what I know is I don't want to hear her tell me where I'm going. Because if I was just driving on my own I'd figure it out It's like men have a real issue
Starting point is 01:19:50 With With being coached On things that could be Potentially thought of as weaknesses Like men don't want to go to a couple's Counseling and have some other dude Tell you how to communicate better with your woman Or your man or your man.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Whatever you're into. I can't guys go to counseling. You can't go down that path. Budweiser gets angry. America! Hold it up! I gotta pee because I drink too much America. Go ahead. I'm glad you left.
Starting point is 01:20:20 I don't know what the fuck I was saying. I was going on about something completely preposterous. What was I saying? Mind coach. Oh. Men do have a problem. A lot of us do. With thinking that you are your mistakes, you are your
Starting point is 01:20:38 faults, and you are your weaknesses. So they get branded into your system. And once these things get branded into your system they're really difficult to shake because you sort of define yourself not by the lessons you've learned from those experiences and you being this conscious entity that's existing right now not in a state of mistakes and of errors but of life you're living right now with information based on your past and you can go forward from that and be like really positive and like go, wow, I'm glad I went through all those awful things because I know that I could be a real twat or I could be really retarded or I could be really foolish or impulsive and I could mess my whole life up.
Starting point is 01:21:16 But I am this guy right now. If you don't like learn that, then you can go through this life going, hey, I don't give a fuck. This is me. This is who I am. And I don't want I don't want any coaching. I don't learn that, then you can go through this life going, hey, I don't give a fuck. This is me. This is who I am. And I don't want any coaching. I don't want any advice. But there's a bunch of other people that have gone through similar experiences. And you can call them coaches or just call them human beings with information.
Starting point is 01:21:37 And there's people that have gone through a bunch of experiences that are real similar to the ones that you're going to go through or I'm going to go through. That are real similar to the ones that you're going to go through or I'm going to go through. And these people we're talking about learning from other men. Like learning shit about like weaknesses. Like emotions and about like fears and just your own mortality. You know, all those things are real issues. Men don't like learning from other men. So you're like, I don't need that shit.
Starting point is 01:22:02 You know? Right? You know what I'm talking about? I know what you're talking about. Gotta get back in the group, bro. You took the shit. You know? Right? You know what I'm talking about? I know what you're talking about. Gotta get back in the group, bro. You took the leak. Back in the loop. You reset. We're resetting.
Starting point is 01:22:11 In other news, yesterday I was outfitted for a new movie I'm doing, a western. You're doing a western? How weird. It's actually not a movie. It's a Netflix series. I got six episodes. Holy shit. Cool, right?
Starting point is 01:22:23 That's gigantic. I gotta do cowboy shit. What is it? It's called Godless. I'm part of a gang. A train robbery gang. Holy shit. I know. I'm fucking pumped, man. I'm excited. Wow. That's amazing. I know. We're starting
Starting point is 01:22:38 on the 12th. Have you ever acted before? Well, I did Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I played me. Here's what I think. I think you're gonna kill it right out of the box and we're gonna show the world how fucking easy acting is god damn people think that shit is hard and i'm not i'm not a good actor by the way i just say that right off the bat but the i know a lot of people can go right from other shit and become actors yeah i mean i'm more excited about fucking shooting guns and riding horses and shit.
Starting point is 01:23:06 I bet you are. You should be. That's real. Yeah, I mean. Yeah, you don't want to get too pumped up about fake shit. It's going to be, yeah. I'm about to do some fake shit. Oh, dude, you get to wear makeup? What kind of?
Starting point is 01:23:17 So I do this beard, and they tell me, they tell me, Kel, we need you to grow your beard, all your hair out. And I said, well, this is a little bit of a problem up top here, but I'll try. I'll go ahead and give it all you got. They want you to grow your beard, all your hair out. And I said, well, this is a little bit of a problem up top here, but I'll try. I'll go ahead and give it all you got. They want you to grow your hair long? Give me a wig like Kevin Costner. They said wigs are uncomfortable, but they want a grunge look out of me.
Starting point is 01:23:36 I said, alright, I can do grunge. Can't you just be a cowboy with a shaved head? Didn't they have buzz cuts back then? I mean, where would you buzz your head? You'd shave it all and you'd let it grow back a little bit. With like a big buck knife? No, one of them nice straight razors. They use those western-y type places that people go to.
Starting point is 01:23:51 While we're raping and pillaging across the countryside, I'm just gonna campfire lit, mirror cut. That's what they would do. And they would sharpen it with a strop. Sharpen it with that leather thing. I never understood that.
Starting point is 01:24:06 How the fuck does leather sharpen a razor blade? Do you understand? I do not. I buy a new razor every time. Here's a rabbit hole that I've gone down recently. I've been going on these Instagram pages of custom knife makers. Are you the person that likes all those? Is that why I keep coming up on my like feed?
Starting point is 01:24:24 I like that shit. Who likes all these big juicy butt girls and all these fucking knives? This guy. These guys, well I'm sure there's some girls out there too, but I've only followed guys that are their own Forging facilities. And they make the she's and everything. They're clanging the fucking metal and putting in the fire and making handmade knives and shit. Dude, I'm obsessed with this. You forced me to creep just because they're on the, whatever the, whatever that microscope. Yeah. What is that fucking thing called?
Starting point is 01:24:58 The search. The search thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The search page. It might be because we follow each other and I'm going to those sites all the time. And you're liking the creeping. I'm just fascinated by it, man. I don't know what my original point was.
Starting point is 01:25:09 It's the back of my system. You're talking about cool shit. Yeah. A lot of people making cool shit out there, but that's the rabbit hole I've gone down is homemade knives. And how crazy is it that someone is good at making that and how good you are at speaking through people's souls? See, but this is easy.
Starting point is 01:25:23 This is just talk. No, it's not, though. It's not easy. What, but this is easy. This is just talk. No, it's not, though. It's not easy. What you do is not easy. You could not... I couldn't just go get someone out in the street, put them here,
Starting point is 01:25:30 and be like, all right, I need you to interview somebody for three to five hours and keep it entertaining and have no dead time and know what the fuck you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:25:38 See, that's where you're wrong. I don't not know what the fuck I'm talking about. I don't remember what I was talking about when you were taking a leak. Your DMT speech was you had me
Starting point is 01:25:47 wrapping my arm ready for a mainline drag so I'm ready for it. I've given that one before. I know that one real good. It's like asking you to throw a jab. You could be hammered if you throw that jab. How fucking mad does that piss you off when you're at the shows? I've been to a lot of your shows and everyone's always like, DMT. When you ask people what do you want to talk about, they're always like DMT. You're like, fuck you, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I do that every, you know? So that's. I just tell them, go on YouTube. Yeah, go on YouTube. I can't talk about it anymore. And there's nothing funny I could say about it either. And it's definitely not something you'd say in front of a giant crowd of people where they're going to understand. I try to explain.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Doug Stanhope had a whole bit once because I got him high on DMT. Right. And blew his mind. And he went and did a whole bit about me and him doing DMT in my house. I thought he was dead. He was moaning and foaming, like legitimately foaming at the mouth. He was lying down going, ah. For 15 minutes?
Starting point is 01:26:32 No, it was a solid three of moaning to the point where I'm going, oh, boy. Maybe he was just purging. Well, I just started thinking, what did I do? Like I made Doug do what I do, right? So I'm thinking, eh, he'll be fine. That's why I'm not doing what you do. You say three giant hits. I'm going to do
Starting point is 01:26:49 one and a half. Here's my point. You're fucking healthy. Doug Stanhope smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. He gets up, starts drinking, stops when he falls asleep. So now he wakes up again. It matters of your physical... Well, I just think what was going on, and it wasn't bad for him.
Starting point is 01:27:08 He came back. He was fine. It's a natural drug that is in the human body. You don't overdose from it. No one's ever died from smoking DMT. How many people have done DMT? Not a lot. Yes, I'm saying, so how can we have like a-
Starting point is 01:27:20 More now than before. Yeah, because you're pumping it. But we don't have a very big audience of people that can pull through. Like, yeah, you've definitely OD'd on LSD or on alcohol. This is what I think, without being irresponsible. I think that if you have any psychological issues, you probably shouldn't do anything that perturbs your state. Your psychological state. Yeah, so I should not do it.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I'm fucking crazy. You're fine. Bad shit crazy. psychological state. I should not do it. I'm fucking crazy. You're fine. Bad shit crazy. But I think that saying that, just saying that, getting that out of the way, it could
Starting point is 01:27:49 benefit a whole lot of people. There's a whole lot of people that could benefit from it. That's what I'm saying. All right. But I don't think just from that. I'm going in. There's a way to do it through kundalini yoga, apparently. Do you know Denny Propokos?
Starting point is 01:28:02 He's one of Eddie Bravo's black belts. Maybe you've seen him with me a bunch of times. He works for the UFC sometimes. He kind of does what Eddie used to do where he recognizes. What they do is they're filming certain positions. Like when Damian Maia finished Carlos Condit. It would either be Mark De La Grata or when De La Grata is out, Denny will fill in the play. So he understands the transitions.
Starting point is 01:28:25 So he'll pull that clip up for the replays. Right. And Denny is a big proponent of Kundalini yoga. And he's also done DMT. Okay. And when he does Kundalini, he can achieve those states. How? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I don't understand Kundalini. I've never done it. What the fuck does Kundalini i've never done it but what the fuck is kundalini kundalini is a series of exercises and meditations in yoga that are widely purported to achieve psychedelic states there's other ways to do it too there's holo holotropic breathing there's like a psychedelic breathing method that you can do that can get see dmt is produced by the human body sure so you just got to get your body to make it and So access is something. Yeah, there's ways that people have figured out
Starting point is 01:29:08 where you can stimulate your body's production of this natural psychedelic chemical. So not just through taking it exogenously, like smoking it or drinking it when you take an ayahuasca, but to make your own body produce it. And the reason behind it is for near-death experience, right? To make you feel okay? I don't know what the reason behind it is for near-death experience right to like make you feel okay i don't know what's the reason i feel like i've experienced what you're talking about when i almost died everything i was in the most pain ever been in i tipped the gurney over
Starting point is 01:29:37 fucking threw up all this blood and they put me back and then all of a sudden it's like overwhelming film feeling just overtook me and everything was just okay. Like I was okay to die. It was craziest feeling I've ever had. Like everything was, I had no fear and I had no worries in the world. It was just like, okay. Like everything was just like a giant ease that lifted off me. I've heard that before. I haven't had that experience, but I've heard that before.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Well, don't try and die. Yeah. I have a friend who almost died in a car accident she said the same thing she said right after the car hit and she got just smashed by this this car slamming and like they got t-boned she flew across the the other side of the car and smashed into her friend and there was this immediate like feeling of peace yeah okay this immediate feeling of like everything's going to be alright and this weird love sensation. I didn't see any
Starting point is 01:30:28 geographic shapes telling me. Well, because you were knocking on the door, son. You kind of go inside. I didn't get it. I did one more rip and I'd have been good.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Well, that's what the worry is. That when you're doing DMT, what you're seeing is the afterlife. You're seeing that there is some place that the soul goes.
Starting point is 01:30:44 And that the soul goes and that the soul is not just a concept that's based in mysticism and lies and in fantasies mysticism and lies well there's a lot of people that look at things that you can't prove absolutely it's right yeah that's that's a big word right like if you look at something like a soul like you can't prove it you're right you can't prove it definitely we all agree on that but let's examine what the fuck it means to be a person we don't examine what the fuck it means to be a person We don't know what it means to be conscious There's all these ways we can define it and talk about it where it makes sense
Starting point is 01:31:12 but it does not make sense that you are looking through your eyes and live in the life of Donald Cerrone and I'm looking through My eyes and I'm living the life of Joe Rogan and we become pals and I have stories we talk and you say things with Your mouth and I kind of understand what you're saying and I say things and I hope you understand what I'm saying and we we laugh We have a good time. We drink a few Budweiser It's like this is a fucking bizarre state super bizarre clinging to a circular ball like some gigantic huge Pack of water and dirt and rock that's hurling through infinity. This is strange.
Starting point is 01:31:46 With seven others. It's so strange. It's as strange as can be. Life is way stranger or as strange as anything you're going to experience on DMT. You're just used to life. I like life. I like life, too. Life is awesome.
Starting point is 01:32:01 So let's talk about space. Let's go there. Let's do it. What the fuck is out there, man? I mean, everything. So I talked to BJ Penn. He thinks the world is flat. I understand this.
Starting point is 01:32:13 I've heard this. How crazy is that, right? He believes the world is flat and that when you take off in an airplane, you just do like a big, you don't go around the world. You just kind of do like a here's the thing why why would anybody lie about that i what where's the where's the money in lying about the earth being flat it's so stupid so stupid it's so stupid he thinks columbus columbus might have been onto something listen man there's a bunch of people making youtube videos okay and these youtube videos confuse the fuck out of people that don't understand physics like you or me
Starting point is 01:32:45 I don't understand physics. It's it's it comes down to when you sail around the world. Mm-hmm Yeah, you go around the world around the fucking world. We follow GPS. Yeah, how many follow the map? Yeah, you're just gonna what do you just hit a wall like every every image shown by NASA is the composite of the earth That's exactly right they say, right? Shut the fuck up. Look, you can go in a space station, you cunts. You can see it. Is everybody that's been to the space station lying?
Starting point is 01:33:14 Every Russian, every American, they're all a bunch of liars, and you're a truth seeker? Illuminati, baby. They're all Illuminati. You know how stupid that is to think that everyone has been faking every image of the Earth being round? Oh, and coincidentally, the earth is the only flat thing we've ever found in the fucking universe. Because all the moons, all the planets, Jupiter, all that shit's round as fuck. What's that?
Starting point is 01:33:34 These are tree stumps, by the way, according to the flat earth theory. Every giant rock flat. Okay, we're being trolled. Dude, this is not real. There's no way that's a tree stump. How big would that tree be? This is an elaborate 4chan host. They're slowly Trolling America. Oh well. The tree would have been that like Pandora sized tree. Definitely makes sense. Right? Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:55 And what happened to it? It got knocked, I don't know. Not the dinosaurs, I don't think they believe in those. Listen, the reality, the reality of Earth and space is crazy enough, you dumb cunts. You don't have to fake conspiracies. The reality of this whole thing is so fucking uber bizarre. We're in a giant ball that's floating in the sky. Above us is something a quarter the size of us. It's floating in the sky. And it doesn't even fucking spin
Starting point is 01:34:26 And you need it there And it regulates the tides And if it was any further or any closer Everybody would be dead That's crazy That itself is fucking crazy You don't have to pretend you're seeing trees You don't have to pretend the earth is flat
Starting point is 01:34:41 You fucking retards That doesn't help anybody But that's where fate comes in Like they're saying how can all these things fall Because they don't have to pretend the earth is flat, you fucking retards. That doesn't help anybody. But that's where fate comes in. Like, they're saying, how can all these things fall? Because they don't know physics. They don't know. Jamie, explain. I took physics, like, in high school, a little bit in college.
Starting point is 01:34:56 And when Eddie was going on his rant, I couldn't remember all the things to say it, so I wasn't going to break out physics laws and whatnot to break down each step. But if you do physics experiments in class you will easily see all of these steps and you and it blows your mind you're like oh my god it's it's it's amazing how this works yeah there's math that's been done over hundreds of years disrespectful to all these people that have been studying this stuff for centuries and building upon all of the knowledge of the people before them. Like when a guy, like here's a perfect example that you could relate to martial arts. What we're seeing today, when you see guys like yourself or guys like Damian Maia or
Starting point is 01:35:32 guys like Wonderboy or any of the top fighters today or Mighty Mouse, you're seeing the highest expression of martial arts that has ever existed in the world. It is a fact. It's an undeniable fact. Anybody that tells me the people from the past were better, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. There's no chance in hell. This is an undeniable fact, an objective fact. Okay. Well, this didn't happen immediately. It didn't happen because one guy figured out how to fight. Like, there's this one guy in Brooklyn that has this fucking street fighting class.
Starting point is 01:36:05 It's got this deadly touch of death that he could do to people. And all this other things he's been doing. It's all bullshit. They think that chokes work. Chokes don't work. They don't work on me. Chokes don't work. And you go back to your friend.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Chokes don't work. The earth is flat. It's flat. Are you sure it's flat? It's fucking bananas to think that someone is going to be able to figure. But you can manipulate the weak minds so easy. It's not even the weak minds. It's the uninformed minds that are busy
Starting point is 01:36:30 and that watch YouTube videos. That's what it is. It's not even that you're weak because a lot of times when people speak well... So what about this lizard people? Have you seen that shit? Right? What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:36:42 It's all bullshit. It's all bullshit. It's all bullshit. These are people that are aliens, but they... Have you seen the YouTube videos? Have you seen them? Yeah, of course. I've seen plenty of them.
Starting point is 01:36:52 But that was one of the David Icke things, right? He believed that all of the elites were reptilians. Reptilians, that's what it is. If you defend that, you're a reptilian. And even, if you defend that you are a reptilian, even... Are you putting it up? Oh, yeah. Do you defend that you are a reptilian, even, are you putting it up? Oh, yeah. Do you see that?
Starting point is 01:37:06 SETI is investigating a possible extraterrestrial signal from deep space. Yeah, they said this is not a drill. That's the movie Contact. Yeah, literally. Yeah, literally. She's in it, too. That movie was dope as fuck. Yeah, well, that's the image.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Right, gotcha. They're trying to, but this is a real SETI signal that they're investigating. It is amazing, man. That movie Contact was fucking badass, by the way. I loved that movie. I mean, there has to be something outside of our realm. There's not just something. Here's how infinity is best explained.
Starting point is 01:37:38 This is the best definition that I've read. Not only is the universe infinite, but what that means is if you exist, everything that has ever happened on this earth in the exact same order, every pebble falling into the same crevice over and over again, I mean, with no variation at all, has not just happened before. Every word I've said, including that pause, has taken place in exactly the same way. Not just once, but an infinite number of times where there is no end. Why do you say that?
Starting point is 01:38:13 Because that's what real infinity is. So we can't understand infinity because our brains, like if you tell someone, hey, we drank six Budweiser's. Man, you guys must have got fucked up. That makes sense. You get those numbers, right? Yeah. Do you really understand, like, when someone says 6 000 miles you go okay all right well the united states is how many thousand miles you got to go how many thousand miles past that it gets a
Starting point is 01:38:34 little blurry right yeah and then you go oh the moon is 250 000 miles away you go what how far is that and you start thinking well the moon is you know how far is the sun and that's a million well this they found this fucking Planet that's Earth like and it's four light years away. What's that? What's four light years? How fast does light go? I'm lost right? 3200 feet a second right? So what we have is senses and what we have is an understanding of our Environment that's immediate to us because we're basically monkeys that just a few thousand years ago We're worried about being eaten by shit, right?
Starting point is 01:39:09 So finally we reach the stage where we don't have to worry too much about being eaten by shit Which is why shark videos are so awesome to us, right? Well, so now you're on evolution This is a this is what I'm just saying This is a recent state where we're trying to understand things past our immediate area of things that are going to eat us. So we don't really have the capacity or the need, or we'd never had the need before to try to understand what the fuck 250 million miles is or 250,000 miles or four light years. It's too confusing to us. It's hard for us to grasp.
Starting point is 01:39:43 So when someone starts talking about infinity it's impossible to grasp because what infinity means is there's no end it never ever ever ever ever ever ends so everything on this earth that's ever happened like in in the universe not only is there a cowboy that never found that rec center and never got into fighting, but there's infinite varieties of all the different lives of cowboy with every single different step you took and infinite numbers of each one of those individual choices
Starting point is 01:40:15 with every single word, every single phrase, every single thought, all in the exact same order taking place an infinite number of times. I need DMT to understand this. You can't. That's not even going to work. I don't understand it. I need DMT to understand this. You can't. That's not even going to work.
Starting point is 01:40:26 I don't understand it. I'm saying it, and I don't understand it. Because it's impossible to understand. The universe has no end. If the universe has... This is the main, like, mind blower of the universe. Inside every galaxy, you look up there, there's hundreds of millions of galaxies. Inside every galaxy is a supermassive black hole that's one half of 1% of the mass of the galaxy.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Scientists believe it is entirely possible that you go through that black hole and you hit an infinite number of other universes. That each one of those is a new universe. Like every black hole you go into is a new universe. In that universe, there's hundreds of billions of galaxies. Each one has a black hole in the center of it. Each one of those takes you to another universe of hundreds of millions and billions of galaxies. And each one of them has a black hole. And it goes on and on and on and on and on.
Starting point is 01:41:17 And there's no end. So this infinite universe that we see is one of infinite universes that we can't even possibly understand. There's no way. There's no end to any of it. All right. So, from this podcast, we're going to go to the Church of Scientology and learn the truth. For $500. Because we need to know.
Starting point is 01:41:40 I need to put you to an e-meter. For only $500. And then for a million, I'll give you the secret. Right? Yeah, you have to blow someone. Oh. That's what I hear to get the secret. I'm out.
Starting point is 01:41:53 I ate your tobacco. I'm out. How much worse is blowing a guy than eating tobacco? The light years were. How many light years? What is a light year? What are we talking here? Light years.
Starting point is 01:42:11 Budweiser's pissed now. They're talking about blowing guys. Oh, man. Pull the plug on Cerrone. There's some fat guy with a gun. He's been jealous of you the whole time. He's very upset. His tie's flopping around.
Starting point is 01:42:21 He's running down the office right now listening to this. Have you heard, Cerrone? We're sponsoring this guy? Damn it. They're talking about sucking dicks and kicking ass. Eating pussy and kicking ass. Come on now. We did talk about that one line where it's like,
Starting point is 01:42:35 wait, what? I saw a dude got that tattooed on his arm. Sucking dick and kicking ass. Yes, he did. It was on Instagram. See if you can find it. He sent it to Wheeler Walker. Wheeler probably put it on his Instagram. Wheeler is a different guy, isn't he? Well, he is a different guy.
Starting point is 01:42:51 I knew him before he was Wheeler. Yeah, I know the real him. I don't understand. What do you mean the real him? See, eating pussy, sucking dick, and kicking ass. In the American colors. Well, it's not that much of a secret, so I can talk about it. But Wheeler Walker Jr. is a guy named Ben Hoffman.
Starting point is 01:43:13 He's a comedian from Kentucky. He created Wheeler Walker Jr. Am I supposed to talk about this? Why not? It's obvious. Everybody knows it. It was on his show. But he just rides it into the rocks.
Starting point is 01:43:27 He comes on the podcast as Wheeler Walker. Keeps his sunglasses on. He's got the full beard. But he's also been on the podcast as Ben Hoffman. So when he's Wheeler Walker, is he just talking reckless? He's a wild man. He's saying what he really believes when it comes to country music because he really is an absolute country music fan.
Starting point is 01:43:44 What is this? The fuck is this shit, man? Let we hear this snapchat without the dicks hold on can you reboot it yeah instagram's weird like that right here it goes let's hear what he says the fuck is this shit man snapchat without the dicks, dude. Need them dicks. It's funny. It's just ridiculous and funny, man. Right. I'm a huge fan of what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:44:17 He's wild, bro. Wild. See, like, corporate America would have never created that, and that's how he exists. He exists because he came up with this on his own, and the country music world is freaking the fuck out. Freaking the fuck out. Because this guy's selling out arenas. I mean, Wheeler Walker Jr., since he's been on our podcast, like, that was just when he was starting to catch on. Like, when he came on the podcast, he was already, like, getting some momentum.
Starting point is 01:44:40 It was just starting to catch on. And since then, the more these videos get shared online, the more people start laughing their asses off and they come to his shows are fucking huge. Yeah Sold out giant places and he's killing it You're plugging him huge again. They didn't know it was coming man. They didn't know it's coming You know why they didn't know because they're trying to make a Luke Bryan. No disrespect Luca here. You're a great guy Yeah, Cameron Haynes his friend with you. I'm not a... I shouldn't say Luke Bryan because I actually like some of his songs. Let me think of a guy who's like, who's a shitty...
Starting point is 01:45:10 Like, here's one that Wheeler Walker always talks about. The Florida Georgia line. Okay. I don't know anything about those guys. Okay. What do you know? Do you know them? I know them.
Starting point is 01:45:20 Okay. Let's just drop it. Let's just drop it. Are you friends with those dudes? I mean, I don't know about friends. They wouldn't call me and wish me wish me. Happy birthday That's you're asking Wheeler Walker calls it rap music for people who are scared of black folks. Oh, wow He was talking about throwing their hands up they seem like fine folks they seem like great guys but What he's talking about on stage
Starting point is 01:45:45 when he's doing, what Wheeler's doing, is something that no corporate entity or no PR firm would ever allow. Oh, ever allow. Ever. But look how goddamn popular it is. Because people like crazy. They like crazy.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Do you know who Riff Raff is? No. Is he a rapper? Go ahead, pull up. Sounds like a rapper. He is a white rapper. And his raps are like, sitting with Joe, drinking bud, fucking bitches kicking ass.
Starting point is 01:46:19 That's like his rap. Similar. It's a lot similar. But, I mean, he's, you talk about sells out millions. This guy's crazy though crazy He made he made his is his uh thing off rock our G's the gents on vh1. I think it was well his teeth look at him. He's out of control So I did a monster sign he sponsored a monster
Starting point is 01:46:38 So I did a monster signing with this guy and he is he was two and a half hours late And he's got BET tattooed on his neck what the fuck did you expect MTV MTV but BET as well yeah he's he wild
Starting point is 01:46:50 tell him he's white tell him can you can you he's out of control so this is the same oh he does have BET right there on his neck so yeah
Starting point is 01:47:00 talk about the same thing he's he's outlandish man tiptoeing in my Jordans is his is one man. Tip-toeing in my Jordans is one of his songs. Tip-toeing in my Jordans? Yeah. It's a hit. People, they want something outside the norm.
Starting point is 01:47:13 And a good percentage of the people that are listening to this right now are stuck living some life where you have to pretend all day long that you don't think certain things. I like the way he's dressed. He's wild, man. Did you ever sag your pants like that? don't think certain things. I like the way he's dressed. He's wild, man. Did you ever sag your pants like that? No. Good for you. No, my dick's big enough to hold my pants up. God bless you.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Sagging pants is one of the things that frustrates me the most about this youth culture. I would have thought that with the UFC around, people would understand. Now they're skinny jeans and sagging. Skinny and sagging is a bad combo. That's a bad combo. That's confused. It is confused. That's confused. It is confused. That's confused. But it's the new trend.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I mean, everyone wants to be in the trend, so whatever it is, it is. What the fuck is... Why is sagging jeans? Why is... What is that? It all comes from prison, right? Because they didn't give them... I've never been to prison, so I have no fucking idea.
Starting point is 01:48:00 I think the idea was that you couldn't get a belt because you would choke yourself to death. You could hang yourself with a belt so that everyone's pants were sort of sagging. So it made you look like you were some sort of a criminal type character. If you wandered around with no belt on. Like as if you're pretending that you're out there in prison with your Jordans on. And pretending. I don't know. With your underwear hanging out.
Starting point is 01:48:21 I'm a big fan of my jeans where they fit. But other gay guys that were in prison or guys who used to fuck guys in prison that have been interviewed said that that was how guys would let you know they were ready to be taken. They'd have their pants halfway down. That was an international sign for take the booty. Did you ever see that dude on like one of those prison shows that called himself the booty bandit? No. You ever see that guy? Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:48:43 I'm going to introduce you to a wonderful world we'll get pulled from youtube if we play this right won't we yeah most likely there's a world of copyrights today rightly so i mean they they did find the booty bandit anyway this fucking dude was on uh one of those shows like tlc or something like that to go into prison and he would talk about all the different guys he fucked, and that booty was basically like currency. Yeah, that's the dude. You gotta listen to this. I don't give a fuck. Booty is currency.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Yeah, you gotta, you gotta, this is, you gotta listen to what this guy talks about. Give me some volume, young Jamie. What's the matter? We're being invaded by the government. Yeah, we are. Budweiser's hacked this show. Hacked it.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Turn it off. Enough. They're talking about sucking dicks. Now they're talking about booty. We're talking about sucking dicks. Now they're talking about booty as currency. There's no sound on this? There's no sound on this?
Starting point is 01:49:37 Or see if one of the other videos play sound. How did CM Punk get on that list? Probably because Jamie's been drooling over CM Punk videos. Go back to the one you were just on. CM Punk was on the side there. Suggestions. Right there. Joe Rogan on CM Punk.
Starting point is 01:49:54 That's hilarious. What did you say? Nothing good. Oh, really? Nothing bad. I don't know anything. No one knows anything. No one knows anything.
Starting point is 01:50:01 That's the thing. I mean, they want me to say things. Here he is, the booty bandit. Speaks on it. Are you okay? This isn't working. This is not the same video. Go to the one...
Starting point is 01:50:18 So we just figured out how to get it to talk? Here he goes. You got two things playing Jamie somebody put a laugh track on oh a what they put a laugh track on it here's the raw version of it it got it doesn't have sound. Give us the cliff notes. The dude was just talking about fucking guys in prison. And using it for currency. Wow.
Starting point is 01:50:56 Oh, the CM Punk thing. I didn't say anything bad about him. You can't say anything about him. He didn't want me to hype it up. It's very interesting. He did the right thing. He went to a real good camp. He didn't fight for two whole years. He just been training and what you have to yeah
Starting point is 01:51:11 because you can't There's no way you could learn a decade of skills in Three months no and that kid he's fighting is good the kid fighting can scrap I like the way took that dudes back. I like the way choked him out's back. I like the way he choked him out. Showed real good technique. He knows how to fight. It's not going to be an easy fight. No, I mean, and for CM Punk, it's to fight someone in the UFC Let's call him Phil. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:51:35 That's his name, right? He's going to be Phil Brooks when he fights, I think. I'm pretty sure. No, they're coming out of the punk. Are they really saying CM Punk? Why not? Because I don't know. Well, they must have made a deal with the WWE so they could use Brock Lesnar. The UFC owns everything. Talk about Illuminati. The Illuminati.
Starting point is 01:51:50 The Illuminati. They own your likeness for life. Is that necessary? I don't think so. I think when I'm 80, I should be able to get that back. Is there another sport that owns your likeness? Does the NFL own your likeness? For life.
Starting point is 01:52:07 CM Punk, zero. There it is. See, they got him at zero. And this dude's only 2-0. But the kid's good. How is he in the UFC at 2-0? Because just for this fight, that's how he's in there. Well, that's not fair.
Starting point is 01:52:18 You're right. You're right. It's not fair. But it is because it doesn't matter. It's not like he's taking a fight away from somebody. No. We go to see somebody. Look, if the UFC wants to maximize the CM Punk thing.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Wait, why does it say 185-170? That's just a mistake. On whose part? Somebody who wrote it in there. They fuck up all the time. Somebody, you know, these kids are barely paying attention. And CM Punk in this shot does not look like a WWE wrestler. No.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Well, he's natural. I mean, that's part of his whole shtick. That's WWE wrestler. No. Well, he's natural. I mean, that's part of his whole shtick. That's USADA. Yeah. Well, he's always been natural. Even if you see him in the WWE. Oh, yeah, that's right. We've talked about him, and I've talked about him.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Straight edge. Straight edge. No booze ever. No nothing ever. No pot, no nothing, no steroids. That's right. Probably doesn't even take vitamins. We've had his dog's name is Larry.
Starting point is 01:53:04 We've talked about this. Yeah, good luck with all that, dude. Good luck with all that. Living life sober. I'm sure you're a great guy to hang around with. I'm sure the stories and the fun that come out of his mouth. Unreal, huh? Definitely not a control freak. Definitely not like
Starting point is 01:53:19 super weird about certain subjects. Fuck out of here. Huh. I'm with you, man. We found alcohol in hallucinogenics for a reason. Hmm. How dare you pretend you're smarter than all the people before you that have learned how fun it is to party? It's the finger pointers.
Starting point is 01:53:37 The finger pointers get mad at you, but they're the same ones drinking in their basement by themselves. They wish. Some of them don't. Some of them just keep it keep it rigid forever and then when they die yeah i think there's a lot of people that just they cling on to whatever ridiculous notions they have of this life and they get some sort of happiness in having control you know there's certain certain sort of happiness in their routine you know like i you
Starting point is 01:54:01 know some people who only eat i only eat for performance I don't really care about the taste What is that? Fuck off Fuck all the way off All the way off Like what do you mean You're a vegan? What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:54:14 I don't know People don't want anybody to die There's the Olympic Power lifter Who's a vegan? He's a vegan That's pretty impressive I just
Starting point is 01:54:20 Well Test that motherfucker regularly No Well The last two years He's a vegan Oh okay Still Still very impressive He still can compete And he feels stronger impressive. Test that motherfucker regularly. Well, the last two years he's a vegan. Oh, okay. Still very impressive. He still
Starting point is 01:54:27 can compete. And he feels stronger than he ever has. That's amazing. No, it's not amazing. It's bullshit. You need a fucking medium juicy blood dripping out steak. That's how I feel, but I'm not that dude. I don't think anybody should tell me that I can't eat meat and I don't think
Starting point is 01:54:43 I should be able to tell anybody that they have to eat meat. I think if you're this dude that has it in your head that you don't want an animal to die because you sync up with all these animals and you feel like if I can get through this life without an animal dying on my behalf, that's better. Okay, in this day and age, sure, but let's take away everything
Starting point is 01:54:59 and say you are just out there on your own. You're going to have to eat. You're going to have to eat you're gonna have to you're gonna fucking have to you can only pick so many fucking berries there's only so many berries that grow seasonally it's not enough it's not enough uh calories no it's not enough protein we are made i mean the vegans talk about the gorillas they only eat bananas They actually eat leaves and shit. They only get bananas at the zoo. You ever see a gorilla with a banana in the wild? No, they're eating bamboo stalks and shit.
Starting point is 01:55:32 I mean, regardless, we're not the same. We're not gorillas. We're not. We're omnivores. We are made to kill gorillas and eat them. No, I don't think people eat... They definitely eat gorillas, right? I mean, if it was eat a bamboo shoot or a fucking gorilla, I'm taking the gorilla down people eat... They definitely eat gorillas, right? I mean, if it was...
Starting point is 01:55:45 If it was eat a bamboo shoot or a fucking gorilla, I'm taking the gorilla down. But I think they eat gorillas anyway. Like, I know they eat a lot of monkeys. Like, they call it bushmeat. Like, bushmeat is, like, a real issue in some endangered species
Starting point is 01:55:56 because they'll shoot, like, chimps and shit like that and they'll eat them. Yeah. Yeah. If it's you not eating or you eating a chimp, you're eating a chimp
Starting point is 01:56:05 Buddy of mine was in Bolivia For that show Meat Eater He hosts that show Steven Rinella Right And they shot a monkey And they cooked a monkey And he ate it
Starting point is 01:56:12 I heard monkey brain's amazing I'd do it I'd eat the fucking Suck the eyeballs out of his skull Budweiser's like That's it That's it Enough Call Dana White Enough Budweiser's like, that's it! That's it! Enough!
Starting point is 01:56:26 Call Dana White! Enough! Suck the eyeballs out of a monkey skull! Really? While he's holding a Budweiser that says America? Oh, shit. I'm glad I can make you laugh. I sucked the eyeballs out of a monkey skull. Oh, shit. I'm glad I can make you laugh. I sucked the eyeballs out of the monkeys.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Oh, my God. This is all pre-DMT. How about that? That's hilarious. God, when I come back, I'm going to be a whole new man. Yeah, man, we have a real hard time eating monkeys. I wouldn't be into eating monkeys. I wouldn't.
Starting point is 01:56:57 I don't have a hard time eating anything. You would eat a monkey for sure? Yeah. If you fucking cooked up a monkey right now, I would eat it. Okay. I would eat just about anything. Would you eat primitive man? Like, would you fucking cooked up a monkey right now, I would eat it. Okay. I would eat just about anything. Would you eat primitive man? Like, would you eat a Neanderthal?
Starting point is 01:57:10 So if we were on the movie Alive, and my plane crashed, and I had to eat some ass, sometimes I eat ass for fun, you know what I mean? I mean, it's a different kind of ass, but yeah, I'm going to go in. I hope you don't eat that. That's the wrong, you're doing it wrong. Are you using a spoon? No, no, no, no. That movie is not real.
Starting point is 01:57:35 Listen, if you are a man and you don't eat ass, there's something wrong with you. Someone else is going to. Yeah, someone's going to. There's going to be a dude who says, I really don't give a fuck, and he's going to come along. I would literally eat, I mean, whatever. Why not? Why not? Why not?
Starting point is 01:57:53 You want to kill a rattlesnake? Let's eat it. Yeah, especially if I've got to stay alive. I'm not a vegan, obviously, but taking the point of vegans, I can see what they're trying to do is they're trying to not contribute to any animals dying. But they're put here to die. I don't know what that is. Is that a bad thing to say? I don't think. Is that wah, wah, wah.
Starting point is 01:58:11 I don't mean it like that, but I mean, we have to eat, and we are the top of the food chain. We're definitely the top of the food chain. And this is the way I used to describe it. There's a war going on between all the animals on this planet, and the war is for survival. And we are so far ahead of the rest of the people competing in the war, we forgot it's a war. Yeah. And we forgot that we have these prison colonies in our cities. We call them zoos.
Starting point is 01:58:34 That's a fucking prison colony. Sure. It shows you that we have won the battle over these stupid fucking cunty alligators and jaguars and shit. And then you have dumb people like me that go swimming and chase sharks, they get eaten and they're like, ha, one for the low column. Has anybody ever gotten eaten when they were diving? That's not common. I don't think so. It's not very common at all.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Really uncommon, right? I think it's maybe one. I don't know. Maybe ever, right? He's probably an asshole. Probably cut himself. Yeah. Or was chumming trying to get close to a shark like, I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 01:59:04 Oh, yeah. You can do that, right? You can do that? Yeah, absolutely. Chum the water a little bit. Bring them in. As long as you have a lot of chum and some sort of a pokey stick. I don't know if that would work.
Starting point is 01:59:14 I think once a shark is in I'm eating you mode, I think you're getting eaten. All right. Let's play a little game. I got a little game for you. If you could pick any animal that... All right. Let's put you in a concrete room. I don't care the size.
Starting point is 01:59:30 Any animal that I could fuck up? Fuck up a squirrel. But you're naked. You have nothing. I'd fuck a squirrel up naked or with clothes. Squirrel's dead. Squirrel would be your animal. That'd be the highest you'd go. I will fuck a squirrel up with confidence.
Starting point is 01:59:42 Bet the house on me. Bam. Squirrel. A three-pound squirrel coming at you. Bet the house on me. Bam. Squirrel. A three pound squirrel coming at you. Three pounds is big. I'm talking about a regular squirrel. A one and a half pound squirrel. One and a half pound squirrel. But seriously, have you ever seen a one and a half pound rat
Starting point is 01:59:56 running at you? It'd scare the fuck out of you. I think a cat would be a vicious fight. Clawing, biting. For sure. I have buddies of mine who say, oh fuck that dog. I'm like, yeah, I have buddies my son did fuck that dog I'm like yeah, I don't know man. I think if dogs coming at you in a vicious way I don't know if you can if you could take that you know especially if it's a good-sized one like any dog over 70 pounds like A German Shepherd or something like that even a 35 pound pit bull oh yeah
Starting point is 02:00:20 Well 35 pound pit bulls would kill a 70 pound German Shepherd That's a tricky one. Because those dogs, that's a different sort of beast. Now, what if you fought a shark? Would it have to be in the water? It would have to be in the water. It would have to be in the water. So no water, no like crocodile. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:35 No nine-pound crocodile. Who? Nine-pound crocodile, man. You don't want that. You don't want that in your life. But I think you would probably win. You would get fucked up. I just fucking wrangled a 10-pound rattlesnake. 10-pound rattlesnake?
Starting point is 02:00:49 That's a big fucking rattlesnake. I just posted it on Instagram. How long was it? About as long as me. He was mean, bro. Have you guys ever seen the movie Rango with the rattlesnake that runs the town? the movie Rango with the rattlesnake that runs the town.
Starting point is 02:01:03 This motherfucker sat three feet off the ground and was like moving and dancing like literally three feet off the ground. I've never seen
Starting point is 02:01:11 anything like it. He was fucking pissed off. He was the cowboy Cerrone of rattlesnakes. Yeah. And he was even more mad that I kept thumping him in the head
Starting point is 02:01:17 with a little snake catcher thing. Oh, you were trying to catch him with one of those hooks? Yeah, because we got a little hospital. There he is right there.
Starting point is 02:01:22 Oh my God. So I broke the rattler. So he broke the rattler because when I grabbed his ass, he'd fucking anaconda roll up that stick trying to get me. He would, like, roll crazy. Holy shit, look at the size of him. Oh, man, he was a big boy. He was pissed the fuck off.
Starting point is 02:01:37 So there's a hospital right down the street that you take him and they milk him 500 bucks they give you. So I could kill him or I take him and give him 500 bucks. That's a good move. Yeah, so then they they you know but we have this probably like my eighth or ninth one i've caught this year it's crazy wow so that's how they get the rattlesnake look at them snaking up wow we'll put him in the toolbox oh yeah so what happens to the rattler now he doesn't have they grow back every time they uh reskin or whatever oh really so they'll grow back every one of those levels yep and each one of those levels don Yep. And each one of those levels is how many? Don't quote me.
Starting point is 02:02:07 I don't know. I just know the bigger and badder they get, the more buttons they get. Yeah. Like each year, right? They get a new one? Yeah, fuck. I wish I had the info for that, but I just know he was a big bitch. That's an old rattlesnake, man.
Starting point is 02:02:18 That's a dude who's seen some shit. Seen some shit. Yeah. My dog just got bit the other day, right in the nose. Swell up? Yeah, just got bit the other day. Right in the nose. Swell up? Yeah. Swell all the way up. I thought I was gonna... I was calling the girl telling her, hey man, I'm gonna have to put this dog down. Did you
Starting point is 02:02:31 take it to the vet? No. I'm not paying $1,500 for nothing. I got a three cent solution to that. Oh, man. Hey. I love my animals. He lived. He shook it off. He made it. Right on the nose, man. He took it.
Starting point is 02:02:46 His face swelled for about a week. Went down, got him some pillows in it, penicillin, gave him a couple shots, and called it a day. I had two different dogs got bit. One dog got bit twice. I had to take him to the vet. I had a crazy dog named Frank Sinatra. So you paid $1,500. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:03 And it worked. Yeah, I had to. dog named Frank Sinatra. So you paid $1,500. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it worked. Yeah, I had to. I'm with you. See, the way your bank account and my bank account are set up, I don't have that $1,500 put on a dog bill. You got to put that aside and stop buying jet skis. No. No, because I'm too busy living life, having fun, man. I understand.
Starting point is 02:03:18 But to me, an animal that I'm taking care of becomes family. He is family. I have to take care of him. So if it was like my kid, I would spend the $1,500. Well, duh. So if it's like my dog, I'm still gonna spend that $1,500. Yeah, but then a dog is just a dog. But a dog can make it.
Starting point is 02:03:34 A dog can make it. A little kid is not gonna make it if they get bit by a rattlesnake. We're so soft. Could you fucking imagine that? We're so weak. Taking a fucking... So I almost got bit by a rattlesnake. I was out at the lake walking around. One struck at my ankle. Barely missed me.
Starting point is 02:03:50 So I went and grabbed my gun out of the truck. And I sat there and I shot this motherfucker. Bing! And instead of curring up and running off, that fucking snake would just lunge at me. I'd shoot it again. After you shot it? I shot him five times. I just shot.
Starting point is 02:04:04 Yeah, everywhere. Everywhere but his head? I shot him five times. I just shot, yeah, everywhere. Everywhere but his head because I'm a terrible fucking shot. Well, then shoot him in the head. You gotta get way too close. So I'm ripping this dude's body apart and he's like, somehow still summoning the muscle
Starting point is 02:04:18 to like stay upright and fucking lash at me. Wow. They're like devil dogs, man. For sure. Well, you think of what they are. Like, when people talk about reptilians, what are they really worried about? They're not worried about people turning into panda bears.
Starting point is 02:04:32 They're worried about people being reptiles, so people being completely cold and focused on the task at hand with no emotions. That's what a reptile is, man. That's what people are worried about. We're putting a sixer back here. Yeah. It's going good. We're going down.
Starting point is 02:04:44 I'm going to pee again, so hopefully you have something to talk about in three seconds. Don't worry about it, man. We're talking about ratter back here. Yeah. It's going good. We're going down. So hopefully you have something to talk about. Don't worry about it, man. We're talking about rattlesnakes. Talking about rattlesnakes. Gophers. It is kind of weird that some animals have poison. Like some creatures that live on this planet have poison. And they can fuck you up. And they live amongst
Starting point is 02:05:00 us. Like there's rattlesnakes all around where we are. Right here. You know, in the valley. You can go out in those hillsides anywhere. Like go down the 118 and go on those hiking trails. People find rattlesnakes there all day. If you have a house and you live anywhere in the Los Angeles area, it's entirely possible that if you leave an area undisturbed long enough, a black widow will form a little nest there. Entirely possible. I've seen, I don't know how many black widows in my life. A hundred, at least.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Maybe hundreds. I saw two last week here. Yeah. In this place? Yes. In the studio! That fucking studio's haunted! We got him. We got him. I wanted to, on that the SETI alien signal thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:45 Did you look into that at all? Did you read their article that came out? I think the really fun title is all I want to get into. Okay? This is why. Because I want to hope that there's actually an alien signal. So when you go into it and they explain the likelihood of it being an alien signal, that's super depressing. Yeah, I know. This was the thing I wanted to ask you about.
Starting point is 02:06:07 It's called a Dyson shell. What is it? No. They said one of the hypotheses of if this was possibly a civilization, that it's one of two types of civilization. I don't remember. It's a Russian named Kardeshov Type 2 civilization.
Starting point is 02:06:23 So this is a Dyson sphere. This is a massive structure. It's three meters thick that would encompass the Earth's orbit, including the sun and Venus, harnessing the energy to then shoot out an omnidirectional signal, which is what they picked up.
Starting point is 02:06:38 Wait a minute. What? So it's three meters thick and it covers the whole solar system? Yeah. The first three levels of it up into Earth. It would have to be that? That's what this hypothesis says.
Starting point is 02:06:52 I don't understand. The radius of this circle. In order to make that sort of energy? If it's not this, it's a type one civilization, which is sort of like what we are. We can harness our stars, the sun, like we can do solar panels, and then shoot out a directional signal pointed at Earth, which is how we picked it up. But isn't it also possible that it's some sort of a galactic event? I think that's probably more likely that it's just a blip, and they don't know what the
Starting point is 02:07:16 blip is yet. I think it's too big, Donald Cerrone. So we went from rattlesnakes back to space? Yeah. Jamie jumped right back in. He's been waiting. Wow. He loves space. He loves the space. I love space, Yeah. Jamie jumped right back in. He's been waiting. Wow. He loves space.
Starting point is 02:07:26 He loves the space. I love space, too. I wish I could explain it a little more. Nobody can. I mean, even Neil deGrasse Tyson. He and Neil deGrasse Tyson had a real fucking good point about the presidential candidates. He said there should be an option that's called none of the above, and that when none of the above wins, we have to start all over again with new people.
Starting point is 02:07:44 That is a very fucking smart option. So while we're touching on religion... I'm going to try one of those again where I don't swallow it. Oh, you're going in again? What is your outlook on the presidential election here? Well, it's good because it shows how fucking stupid this whole job is of having this one person who's a part of a two-party system. We have to be a registered Republican or Democrat to vote in the primaries to decide who these
Starting point is 02:08:10 people are that get to represent this party or that party, and they get to this position, and there's only two of them. It's preposterous. It's ridiculous that these are the people we have to choose from. Whether you like Donald Trump or you like Hillary Clinton, you have to realize at this point this is not the smart way to do it I'm packing this vision So put it in and ball it up with your tongue
Starting point is 02:08:29 It's like lawn trimming So I just dropped it off inside my mouth I can't believe you're going in for another one I'm pumped on it I get it now I got it all packed in there I hope they don't swallow it That's a weird look though You're good I get it now. All right, you got it. I got it all packed in there. There you go. All right. I hope they don't swallow it. I hope not.
Starting point is 02:08:45 That's a weird look, though, eh? You're good. You're doing all right. It doesn't taste bad, though. That's what's interesting about it. It tastes like wintergreen gum. Yeah, a little like wintergreen gum. I feel like girls chewing.
Starting point is 02:08:56 In my high school, a lot of girls chewed. Ooh. Yeah, those are girls that should move closer to cities. I should realize, sweetie, there's other options. Okay, I know you want to fit in. You want people to love you. Try DMT.
Starting point is 02:09:11 Here you go. Well, there's a lot of these gals out there that are forced. They go to the outer regions of civilization. They're forced to behave like pioneers. You know?
Starting point is 02:09:19 They got to go out there. They got to make their own fucking houses. They got to shoot their own food. No, that's... They're out there chewing tobacco. The Amish is gone, okay?
Starting point is 02:09:26 Let's stop that. Stop that. They're out there chewing tobacco. Shooting dogs when they get bit by rattlesnakes. Chewing monkeys, god damn it. Sucking the eyeballs out of a monkey. Suck a dick, kick an ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:44 Wow. We might lose listeners due to this. Yeah, it's over. It's over. This podcast is over. It's been a good run. 840 episodes almost, right? What is this one? This is 840, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:53 840, we closed it down. We locked down with this one. People were like, I got a life. I can't do this anymore. I can't listen. I had you at work on the radio and I had to turn it off. What happened? What happened? What happened?
Starting point is 02:10:06 That's cool. Shout out to all the blue collar workers out there listening in. Shout out. Shout out. My people. Ladies and gentlemen. Yeah. I'd be laying hardwood floors had I not picked up by the UFC.
Starting point is 02:10:16 You probably are in another universe somewhere out there an infinite number of times. Working hard. Hardwood floors. And you're watching some other dude fight the same fights that you fought. Cheering his ass on. Maybe. Maybe mad. I would probably be mad. Probably pissed off. I feel like
Starting point is 02:10:33 I would be mad. You probably would be mad. I wouldn't be like, oh yeah. If you're you and you took the run here's what I think. I think that you're you who is you right now is a result of a lot of these decisions. So it would be really interesting to see who you would be if you didn't make the same decisions. Like, who are you if you decide to never go into that rec room and learn how to fight? Who are you if you have a fight and lose, you never come back, you never get better?
Starting point is 02:10:57 Who are you? You know, I think who you are right now a lot of times is decided by a lot of the shit you've already done and how you feel about it. Who I am if I didn't walk into that record i don't know my dad always tell me whenever i'd fuck up so i was like the worst kid bad definitely not the worst kid i heard about a kid who stabbed his two-year-old sister i didn't do that that's the worst kid i shot my sister in the head with a slingshot oops pretty close a childish mistake mistake. So I feel like it was a rough childhood, you know, and I could only have sex on my back because I could only fuck up. That should be the title of your book. Yeah, my dad would say, if only you could use your powers for good instead of evil, you would make yourself out to be something great, you know, and here I am.
Starting point is 02:11:42 So telling people to suck eyeballs out of monkey brains and do DMT. Everybody is fucking different. Everybody. And for someone who is like you to pretend to be like your accountant is just as ridiculous as your accountant pretending to be you. The key to this life is find out who you are. And that is the hardest question to answer because who you are changes every day. It's like you've got to be true to
Starting point is 02:12:05 whoever you are at the moment do you believe that who you are is a sum of the five people you hang out with it helps it helps right it definitely helps we feed off each other for sure you got to surround yourself as much as you can with people that care about you people that are they're they have the same sort of ambitions that you have in terms of like they have work ethic. They're not lazy. They don't fuck up. They don't ruin their life constantly because those people become like energy drains. Right.
Starting point is 02:12:34 It's not like you should totally abandon them, but you got to be real with them. You got to let them know. You got to say, listen, this is what's going on, and this is how everybody's sort of looking at. You keep doing this don't do this anymore like why do you keep you're doing this because you get attention when you do it because it's easier than succeeding because like i think especially in your line of work i think that self-sabotage is a primary uh escape valve that certain fighters take the leader in the self-sabotage is? Man.
Starting point is 02:13:05 I mean, you go to fighters, like old school fighters like Roberto Duran. Like Roberto Duran, right? Beat Sugar Ray Leonard. Duran, one of the four horsemen men. Packs on food, starts eating like a fucking pig, gets too fat, doesn't train hard, says no mas in the rematch. Tyson, in a lot of ways, was a self-saboteur. Aaron Pryor became a crack addict, you know?
Starting point is 02:13:29 Got addicted to cocaine. I heard some crazy stories about Tyson. So on a total fucking side note, you want to hear something really cool? Yes. Rick's story fight. I park at the RV park, right? That's where I find my zen. I get away from the straight bike.
Starting point is 02:13:41 The RV park is zen. I hang out at the RV park. That's another title of your book. I go to the lake. Guess who my motherfucking neighbor was? Who? Suge Knight's brother, Ron White. Ron Knight. Oh.
Starting point is 02:13:55 How crazy is that? What is that like? So, this guy, this big giant black guy comes walking over to me. First of all, his trailer is all black with red lights. And this guy comes over to me first of all his trailer is all black with red lights and and this guy comes over to me and he's like hey man what do y'all shit on my porch i said uh no no one shit on your porch he said yeah i think one of your motherfucking dogs and shit on my porch and i said nah man i don't he's like i just want to make sure it was an accident
Starting point is 02:14:25 it wasn't anything you know like malicious like you guys i need to make sure my my my area is secure and i was like nah man i don't you know i don't think so that's kind of funny and then i look at him and i look at his rig and i'm like hey man like what do you do because he's in like a three million dollar rv right three million oh yeah his my rv is really nice and his is extra nice so he said i do a little bit of real estate and i said no you don't like really what do you do he's like oh man i do a little bit of music stuff, you know what I'm saying? Death Row Records. And I was like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:15:13 And then he just goes on talking about, he's like, yeah, my name's Ron Knight. And I was in there with Suge. And I was like, oh, shit. So then, of course, like any high schooler would, I asked him any question you could ever imagine. What was it like in the early days of NWA? Oh, totally. Exactly. I was that guy, asking him everything. What was it like in the early days of NWA? Oh, totally. Exactly. I was that guy, asking him everything.
Starting point is 02:15:28 What was it like? How cool? You know, what was Eazy-E like? He told me that story that they did. Straight Outta Condo was pretty right on, man. They did a real good job. Huh. And I asked him about Ice Cube, and he said that Cube, he doesn't really go out and party.
Starting point is 02:15:42 He's just really to himself and making money. It was straight out. Any question you could to himself and making money. It was true. I had any question you could ever think of, I asked, for sure. We sat there, you know, for all the nights leading up to the fight, and he actually stuck around, and I got his number now. We're pals. It went from someone shit on his porch to we're buds now. Was it a dog that shit on his porch?
Starting point is 02:15:57 I have no idea. It wasn't me. Whatever you have to say. Who shit on that dude's porch? It wasn't me. You know you're hanging out with some shady characters. You're hanging out with some dudes who make some odd choices. Right.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Well, I didn't see it. It wasn't me. I have no idea. I was like, I don't, I mean, I said, man. That's a rude thing to do to a person. Right. Shit on their porch. That's about as rude as it gets.
Starting point is 02:16:26 So then we do the fight, and it was fun. We have Sunday fun day, and I sent you that video. What was that video you sent me? That was the park and wreck holding me at gunpoint. Why? Because they thought... All right, let me back the story up. Let me get everyone plotted in here.
Starting point is 02:16:45 So, I have two labs. Should I send the video to him so we can play it? Can we play the video? I don't know. I mean... Is it legal? What we did was legal. I mean, I don't want to get any of those guys in trouble.
Starting point is 02:16:58 Alright, so let's not play it. Let's not play it. Okay. It's a pretty outlandish video, though. Yeah. That wasn't me filming because I was too busy losing my fucking mind, just like my buddy Mikey. So, my dogs were at the marina loading the boat. Another boat rage incident, of course, because that's what I did.
Starting point is 02:17:12 What is boat rage? It's like road rage, but in a boat. But I wasn't raging. My dogs run off. There's this guy. He has two pit bulls. My dogs run up to play with him. Well, this guy starts losing his fucking mind with us.
Starting point is 02:17:23 So, it turns out all my guys run over to get our dogs. There was no, like, confrontation or any kind of fight or anything, but they grabbed the dogs. The guy starts talking shit. And one of my buddies is like, fuck you. The guy calls 911 and tells them we didn't know, he told them, that we were pulling guns. So we pulled the boat out.
Starting point is 02:17:39 We're wiping it down, cleaning it out. Well, the parking wreck comes in hot hot thinking that we have weapons right so this is the wildest shit ever we're out there they're like put your fucking hands up right we're in shirts shorts no shirts have no weapons clearly put our hands up and they start talking to tell us turn around get on the ground as soon as they tell us to get on the ground these other two rangers pull up hot right jump out with m16s cock and load and point the guns at us like crazy well at this point i lose my fucking mind because there is no reason you need to point a loaded m16 at me like that right and uh yeah so we start yelling and screaming and in mid between
Starting point is 02:18:18 the scream that whoever the main ranger is kind of takes charge like just talk to me don't worry about what they got going on over there meanwhile they're pointing m16s at us right so i'm like fuck you motherfucker shoot me bitch like what the fuck right that's the difference between you and me right so i'm just like you fucking coward like you you're gonna point a gun on me i'm in a t-shirt and shorts like fuck you piece of shit whoa and he's like so this is what i swear to god this is what the ranger says look at me focus on me great fight last night says. Look at me. Focus on me. Great fight last night. Uh, I need you guys to focus on me.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Right? So mid, mid, mid, me fucking telling this dude I'm going to fucking rip off his fucking throat. And he says great fight to you. Great fight last night. So are these guys, are they all aware of who you are? Just the one guy is at this point. But how does he not tell his friends this is some fucking crazy meth head? Right? Like, and, and we're out there having a good time.
Starting point is 02:19:05 I'm not drinking for once in my life. So I'm like sober, running the boat. We're cleaning at this point, getting ready. And I explain, like, my dogs got out, this guy's. And so he says, well, they said, do you have weapons? So he's like, cowboy, do you have guns? And as any true-blooded American, I said, well, of course I have guns. Duh.
Starting point is 02:19:28 It's in my truck. So now the story on the other guy's part is looking more realistic, right? Like, goddammit, of course I have a fucking gun in my truck. So they get the gun, they run the gun. Of course it's not stolen. I give them my concealed carry, and I'm like, dude, we never wielded the gun.
Starting point is 02:19:43 Like, it never got pulled out. It just so happens, dumb luck, that I have a gun. Right. And, I mean, it all worked itself out in the end, but. Cops are in a tricky position right there because, in one way, they don't know what the fuck is going on. They show up. Yeah. Who the hell knows?
Starting point is 02:19:58 Who the hell knows? Somebody tells you something, you have to show up like that. And I didn't know they showed up knowing, thinking that we had guns. Right, of course. So I'm losing my fucking mind. Like, hey man, all this shit in the news, you can't just pull a fucking gun pointing at me saying you're going to shoot me.
Starting point is 02:20:10 So I'm losing my mind, and my buddy Mikey is totally off the fucking radar. Like, shoot me walking towards these cops. Oh no! That's not good. It was wild. In the grand scheme of things, once they told us the you know, the guy called
Starting point is 02:20:25 and said, you guys pulled weapons on him. I see where they're coming from, but it was just fucking outlandish, man. That's so common, though. That's so common. People do that shit all the time. They say you pulled a gun on him. Like, what kind of, and I was telling the cops, like, what kind of, I mean, you can't just do that.
Starting point is 02:20:39 You can't just call the cops and say, oh, this guy pulled a gun on me. Well, you should get in trouble if you do do it. It shouldn't be a free pass. You shouldn't be able to say the guy pulled a gun on me and not go you should get in trouble if you do do it. It shouldn't be a free pass. You shouldn't be able to say, the guy pulled a gun on me and not go to jail. Yeah, it should be the same. If I pulled a gun and get in trouble and had the guy, you know, you shouldn't be able to just say,
Starting point is 02:20:51 oh, this guy pulled a gun on me. Yeah, well, it's a conspiracy. You're conspiring to tell a false narrative so that you can get a guy in trouble for something he never did. And that guy winds up going to jail. Like, you're a fucking terrible person. You put a guy in jail for something that he absolutely didn't do in the first place. I mean i was and that's why i had to break it a couple
Starting point is 02:21:07 like dude you know i just fought last night i said first of all there's eight there's 18 of us on the boat there's 18 of us sitting here like you really think one guy we're gonna pull a gun with there's 18 of us like like any scenario you could think of in your life like we'd pull a gun like come on man that's when the cops are like you have a good point they're like yeah what are you what are you even talking about did you get the guy over did they get no they wouldn't even bring it up so and then isn't that weird too like you can't even just like have a man to man with the person and go what are you doing man well first of all and then you can't even have a man to man with the cops because you're under punk status right now of course sit down everyone on
Starting point is 02:21:41 the fucking curb like it's like you know they just like Take your humanity away Uh huh Which enrages me even more Of course But they have to do it They have to I understand from their standpoint You know they have to Protect themselves Because there's a lot of idiots
Starting point is 02:21:52 Out there you know But Yup Yeah it's It's one of those things Where it's There's no winner there It's a terrible position
Starting point is 02:21:58 To be in for both parties For them They got lied to Someone told them You had a gun Yeah They come in Thinking about their kids
Starting point is 02:22:04 Their wife Their life Their fucking mother, that no one wants to see them dead. Someone could shoot them. This could be, who the fuck knows what they're coming to. They're coming to a gun. Someone's got a gun. You see this Chris Brown shit on the news?
Starting point is 02:22:17 No. Have you seen this? The cops are surrounding Chris Brown's house. They won't let him out. He's been in there since 3 o'clock in the morning. Cops showed up at 3 o'clock in the morning. They're waiting on a warrant. Some woman says he pulled a gun on him.
Starting point is 02:22:27 So he's held up in his mansion. Helicopters are flying overhead. I was watching on the news at the gym today. I was like, what the fuck did Chris Brown do? I don't know if he did anything. Some woman says he pulled a gun on him. After that happened, he threw a duffel bag out that had weapons and drugs
Starting point is 02:22:43 in it, apparently. Well, that's smart. Damn. Well, I, for one, have never thought Chris Brown to be a guy who makes irrational decisions. I look at that gentleman. I'm like, that's the guy that I come to when I'm confused and I need some guidance. You need some guidance. Like you.
Starting point is 02:23:01 So maybe he should be my manager. Maybe. How about this we have many levels of management you come to me I go to Chris Brown and then we figure it out
Starting point is 02:23:10 we work this shit out he threw duffel bags with guns that's hilarious I swallowed some of that you gotta spit it out I got most of it I got most
Starting point is 02:23:21 nah it's already swallowed I got most of it still stuck in there but it's hard to keep it in there. I'm a rookie at this. You're a rookie. It's all right. You're a white belt.
Starting point is 02:23:29 For sure. By the end of this podcast, you're going to be a blue belt. I'll be a stripe. I'll have a stripe on my belt. White belt with a stripe. See, I have nothing against armed forces at all. Of course. So that was the video I sent you, and it was fucking outlandish, you know?
Starting point is 02:23:45 Crazy. I recognize that it's a hard position to be a cop. Absolutely. And I also recognize- With so many knuckleheads out there. You never know. Especially everybody carrying weapons these days. Wow.
Starting point is 02:23:59 And you know what? Here's the other thing. Here's where it's tough for cops. A lot of cops are Second Amendment believers. You know what? Here's the other thing. Here's where it's tough for cops. A lot of cops are Second Amendment believers. So they support the right of a citizen to hold arms, to have guns, and to use them in a responsible and legal manner. There's a lot of cops that are gun enthusiasts. For my theory on this?
Starting point is 02:24:17 Yes. Well, it's not really my theory on them, but it's my theory of how I think they think. So if I'm taking you—let's go back to scuba diving. Let's just use scuba diving as an example. If I take you cave diving with me, right? We're in a cave. You run out of air, right? So your only source of life is me. So you have to grab my air out of my mouth that we now have to share.
Starting point is 02:24:38 But what if you're sucking too much air and using up mine? I have to make the decision. I'm going home to my girlfriend, my family. So I feel like that's the same mentality they have to come with into these situations. Like, they're fucking coming home to their wife and their kids.
Starting point is 02:24:52 So no matter, right? Get run in parallel. I'm running here. So I'm living. That's what I'm saying. At the end of the day, you already used your air. Motherfucker, you ain't using up mine.
Starting point is 02:25:00 Right, I understand. So I feel like they have to come into these situations like, listen here, we got called on you, you pieces of shit. I don't know the situation, but in my mind, I'm going home. So whatever, whatever that means. Right. And I'm not mad at him for that. I'm not either. I understand that. I understand the survival instinct. And I understand, especially if they don't know you, you know, if you're, I assume if
Starting point is 02:25:20 you're scuba diving with someone, that's someone who's a really close friend, that'd be a real hard issue. It would be. That'd be, that'd be way, way, way harder. In fact, if you're scuba diving with someone, that someone is a really close friend. That would be a real hard issue. It would be. That would be way, way, way harder, in fact. If you show up at some scene and some dude is supposedly assault with a deadly weapon. And you don't know. And you're wearing a vest and your gun's drawn. Who knows? Who knows what the fuck's going to go down?
Starting point is 02:25:40 It's hard to talk with this stuff in your lip. But you do know you're coming home to your wife and your kids. Yeah, a lot of dudes make that decision. There's a lot of dudes, I'm sure, though, that would be in that scuba diving scenario and say, I would rather die with my friend than let him die down here. It's tricky. Then don't ever come with me because I'm going home. Don't ever come with me because I'm going home. I'm going home.
Starting point is 02:26:01 I know that for sure. I am going home. That is the issue with that cave diving shit. I watched this cave diving thing where they were exploring these ancient Mayan sites. The only way to get to them was going through these caves. And they would go to these caves and find all these ancient Mayan ruins. But they're going through these caves for like hundreds of yards. Hundreds of yards in a cave under the ocean where you breathe out of a fucking mask
Starting point is 02:26:26 i'm like oh christ i can't i love it i fucking love it i know you do so i took my buddy my buddies always ask they want to go scuba diving with me and they want to go cave diving so i took them up to the we have we have a cave in the mountains so i just took them in the cave of course you do we went in with we this is this is dry we walked in right walked into the cave with lights i made them turn the lights off and find their way out like all right you want let's worst case scenario here what the fuck y'all gonna do and they freaked out and everyone had to turn their light on you know i'm like this cannot happen in cave diving because if we're under the water and we lose our torch or we lose our air pandemonium is gonna fucking break out right so i was like you guys fail i'm definitely
Starting point is 02:27:02 not going diving with you guys but uh just to give them a little touch of what it's like, you really don't know who you are as a person until you're put in one of those positions. You can talk big and bold until you've practiced and been there. Don't you feel the same way about fighting? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, that's one of the weirder things about people writing articles about fighting.
Starting point is 02:27:24 It's one of the things I've had a real problem with in the past where I've even gone overboard, like, to go after them. I get real angry when people write, like, real disrespectful things about fighters, about their performances, and, like, unnecessarily insulting and not...
Starting point is 02:27:41 It's like, we all sort of agree that people that put themselves, like, first responders sort of agree that people that put themselves like first responders like firefighters people put themselves in the the line of of of of danger in the in front of danger for us we give them like this uh extra love and respect they deserve sure but when people do dangerous shit for our entertainment you know um a lot of times people feel then you like rightly so there's some things that are just fucking ridiculous there's some ridiculous shit that people do you know what you like parkour people they're jumping from building to building you're
Starting point is 02:28:16 like oh fucking christ by the way that guy's coming on the podcast that james kingston guy can you hook him up with me because i would love to do that me and this motherfucker been talking he scares the shit out of me just looking at his instagram feed i can't imagine talking to him about stories in person but um but with fighters i feel like that's such a it's a fucking scary in a lot of ways it's a noble pursuit because it's so goddamn it's the antithesis of what your instincts tell you to do yeah fight or flight yeah your instincts are telling you get the fuck out of this don't do this you could get hurt this is bad we don't know what's going to happen because this is open-ended anything can go wrong and you have to
Starting point is 02:28:55 prepare for this moment for months in fact really for years like by the time you get to a point where you're fighting rick story you can't just dive in and fight rick story no you got to fight all these other people along the way. Yeah. You've got to build up the ability, the skills. And you know there's a confident path in your mind that when shit is going down, you know how to fight and you know how to execute. And you are confident that when you get in there and all that pressure is on you, you can do it. Why?
Starting point is 02:29:23 Because you've done it. Done it. Why? Because you've done it. So for someone who's on the outside, I think it's imperative really in this sport to, to, especially when you consider the fact that it's so devastating, like when a fighter loses, it can, it can define their life. It's very difficult for them to overcome, you know, very difficult. It's the, the lowest low you could ever feel. What is the worst loss you ever had? For the title when Dos Anjos got me this last time. I wanted to just turn my phone off and hide, man. It's like the worst. And then you realize the sun still comes up and Joe Rogan still calls me.
Starting point is 02:29:59 You know, it's like the world doesn't end, but you feel like it does, man. People love you if you lose or if you win. There's no way you can know if you're going to lose or you're going to win. Especially, you can't say that you're the baddest. No, winning or losing is just a byproduct of performing well. Right? Right. And you can't say you're the baddest motherfucker on earth until you meet the baddest motherfucker on earth.
Starting point is 02:30:17 And there's the new bad one coming right behind him. There's always. That's got to be the weirdest thing, right? The nipping at your heels. How many people are calling out cowboy? Good Lord. I love it. I love it, yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:31 The more popular you get, right? Yeah, everyone wants a piece of the pie. But do they really? That's my thing. Come get some. But do they really? Or are they just big wolfing until it comes time, until Dana calls them like, hey, we heard you wanted to fight, and they're like, ooh. Right.
Starting point is 02:30:48 Fucking knee hurts, ankle. Well, there's a few guys, right? There's a few guys you know definitely want it. Like if you call up Matt Brown, Matt Brown wants it. Absolutely. There's a few of those guys. And that's one of the reasons why win, lose, or draw, Matt Brown always gets massive respect. Sure.
Starting point is 02:31:00 Even though he just lost to Ellenberger, props to Ellenberger. It was beautiful. Hell of a knockout, right? Crazy. Powerful. And back against the Hell of a knockout, right? Crazy. Powerful. And back against the wall. Lost a bunch of fights in Rome. Ellenberger comes back looking like a fucking monster.
Starting point is 02:31:12 He had to reinvent himself. Yeah, and did a lot of training with Nick Curzon, too. Nick Curzon down at Speed of Sport, who works with Joe Schilling, works with Dos Anjos. How about Joe? What a fucking stellar dude. Love that guy. Cigarette smoking, beer toting motherfucker, right? And just as real as fuck, man. I love him. works with Dos Anjos works with a lot of those guys what a fucking stellar dude love that guy cigarette smoking beer toting motherfucker
Starting point is 02:31:27 right and just as real as fuck I love him him and I once we we met and hung out we're buds man I mean we just
Starting point is 02:31:34 yeah I mean I feel the same way real real son of a bitch right and a great guy yeah great guy
Starting point is 02:31:41 he is he's funny I know you bring him on here a lot he's cool but he's fucking he's, son of a bitch. I love it. Wild as fuck. Cool to hang with.
Starting point is 02:31:49 And you know what? He came in after his last loss. Lost that guy two times in a row by knockout. But he was winning the whole fight until, right? Yep. Fair enough. Yep. But, you know, he came in with a great attitude about it.
Starting point is 02:31:59 And I think part of the great attitude about it was losing to him by knockout before. Yeah. Where it wasn't like, I have resigned myself. I'm not as good great attitude about it was losing to him by knockout before. Yeah. Where it wasn't like I have resigned myself. I'm not as good as I thought I was. Yeah. It was, hey, man, you fucking lay those chips out. And sometimes, I mean, he was playing the most dangerous game. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:14 He was playing just empty the gas tank and attack and be as aggressive as possible. And he was winning at it. Yeah. But he got clipped. But he came in with a great attitude about it, man. Great attitude. I don't think very many people appreciate what it takes to with a great attitude about it, man. Great attitude. I don't think very many people appreciate what it takes to go out there and do that, to not play safe, to just fucking put the gas pedal to the floor.
Starting point is 02:32:32 I don't think you can. I don't think I can. I don't think anybody can unless you've done it. So you're there watching that. I think it has to, I mean, that's one of the easiest thing that someone can do online, like trolls and people. Trolls. Gotta love them.
Starting point is 02:32:44 Gotta love them. Gotta love them. In some ways, I get it. If I was 14, I'd probably be doing the same shit. If I was 22, I might have been doing the same shit. Damn. Especially if you're anonymous. Yeah, with a locked account. I've never gotten on someone's account
Starting point is 02:33:00 and just talked just random acts of shit talking. That's the problem with talking shit. It's always done by losers, and's something that that they don't understand and even guys there's a lot of guys that talk shit that have actually won some fights right and they've actually had some success but they know somewhere in their head they're not doing all the right things yeah they're shit there's there's some missing things there's a difference between like talking shit like the way connor does, like generating fights. But talking shit online?
Starting point is 02:33:27 Come on, son. On your Instagram feed? That's ridiculous. I'm with you. So my next fight, I have a little bit of a problem with it. For one, I'm a really good friend of them and a great guy. But my fucking girl, it's her favorite fighter. Second. Second favorite fighter.
Starting point is 02:33:44 Yeah, it better fucking be, right? How fucking wild is that, right? That's pretty wild. But I wish I could handle a situation like that. There you go. Spit it out. I don't know. I just tell her.
Starting point is 02:34:00 How many guys have you had to fight that you care about? Ben Henderson, for sure. Great guy. Great guy. Really, that's about it, to be honest with you. Yeah, that I truly care about. Were you friends with him before the first fight? Yeah, just because we grew up on the Ring of Fire and the circuit together.
Starting point is 02:34:17 We knew each other. I don't know about friends, but we've become... Friendly. Yeah, we've become great friends. I gave him fucking tickets to the Super Bowl, man. That's pretty awesome, right? That's pretty goddamn good. So, thank you, Budweiser.
Starting point is 02:34:29 First fight that was on that WEC pay-per-view. Yeah. That was the first fight I called of yours. Yeah. Yeah. And then you had that second fight. Yeah. That sumbitch was rubber band, man.
Starting point is 02:34:42 Man, I gave him every submission I could possibly think of. He was good. Second one, he just went ahead and choked me out in three seconds. And then the third one. And then the third one, I won. A lot of people say I didn't win, but. Super close fight. Super close fight.
Starting point is 02:34:56 Real close fight. Those fights, man, I honestly believe that the scoring system is ridiculously inadequate. And it's best, like joe lozon versus um um jim miller i just i watched that again today i was like god damn good luck scoring this this is a chaotic fight you know it's like there's so much going on how much how much politics do you think fall into the scoring how i mean you see judges, and they're kind of usually elderly. They're not really young guys. How much of, man, I kind of like Cowboy. I like his vibe.
Starting point is 02:35:33 I like his energy. Maybe I'm going to tip the scale a little bit. That's a good question. They could unquestionably be biased. Right. Fans are biased. I'm biased. People are biased.
Starting point is 02:35:43 Well, you're definitely biased. Sometimes I have to watch the fights on mute just because sometimes you gotta watch the fight on mute and then watch it with joe rogan like wow he swayed the tick he he tipped the scale on that one for sure i tried not to i try not to i told you before man i'm biased towards you though that's a problem i appreciate it i'm a legitimate fan you know and I try to be as objective as possible. But when things are happening in a fight, you get excited. I think I do my best to do it justice, but I'm not scoring it. I'm trying to be entertaining.
Starting point is 02:36:14 Being a commentator is a weird job. How much longer are you going to do it? I don't know. I'm doing it less, and I like it more because I'm doing it less. So how do you pick the ones you want to do? Only the pay-per-view ones in North America. No more traveling. No more traveling.
Starting point is 02:36:27 No more flying to Australia. I need to get on pay-per-view big shows. Yeah, Vegas, baby. God, I love Vegas. Those are easy. That's a 40-minute flight for me. I love Vegas. Everything's open.
Starting point is 02:36:37 That's the worst thing about traveling and fighting, right? You fight. First thing you want to do is eat. Right. And it's 11 o'clock and everything's closed. We'll have a steak. Right. Vegas? Nah, shit. 11 o'clock and everything's closed. We'll have a steak. Right. Vegas, ah, shit, 11 o'clock.
Starting point is 02:36:47 Just get going. Come on in. We got foie gras. We got ribeyes. Yuck, foie gras. Let's talk about foie gras. I love that stuff. Really?
Starting point is 02:36:54 Goose liver. Love it. Love it. Yuck. It's yummy. It's good for you. No, neither one of those is not good for you. It's not?
Starting point is 02:37:01 And it's not good tasting. It's good. It's delicious. Well, I don't know if it's good for you. You probably know more than me, but I just, it can't, something that tastes that. It's good. It's delicious. I don't know if it's good for you. You probably know more than me. Something that tastes that... It's way better than the stuff I've had in my mouth. Something that tastes that oily, like a giant booger.
Starting point is 02:37:11 I love it. It's delicious. People are mad that you have to force feed a duck. You have to force feed a goose to make them have their liver inflates. It gets larger when they get force fed. Meanwhile, you still kill them. It's so bizarre. It gets larger when they get force-fed. But meanwhile, you still kill them.
Starting point is 02:37:27 It's so bizarre. It's okay to kill them and eat them, but for a while in California, it was illegal to force-feed them. I've force-fed a couple girls my goose. Ha! That's not the same. Budweiser. That's it. Enough.
Starting point is 02:37:41 Fat guy's running down the hallway. Did you hear what he said? He's force-feeding girls his goose. God damn it. People get mad. Oh, man. Force-feed a goose. I didn't know.
Starting point is 02:37:54 Here's the thing Anthony Bourdain told me, and then I looked it up. He said they actually gravitate towards the feeding pipe. Our idea of what a force-feeding is, we think it would be terrible to have someone dump food down your throat Their throats aren't like our throats like they they like it doesn't it doesn't bother them in a way Like there's some torturous shit that people do with factory farming like making pigs live side-by-side Crammed in these cages and cows and living in their own shit. We don't talk about that because we love bacon bacon is good It's hard to get it from a wild pig. That's the thing about if you love bacon you love domesticated pigs folks the ones that you feed the finisher to and eat the bacon fatten them up yeah because if you eat a feral beefy
Starting point is 02:38:35 giant muscular pig no it does not taste like that well you can get bacon out of it but the bacon like you see a wild hog's bacon like which is bacon is like uh it's like what's attached to the ribs it's like the lower rib area on a wild hog that shit is like a quarter of an inch thick for all of it and then if you like if you get like a side of bacon on a fat domestic pig that is a fat fucking slab because he just lays around a feral pig is moving, on the move every day. Hustling. Hustling. Yeah. Remember that old pork? It's the other white meat. Remember that? Yeah. It's not with wild pigs. There's nothing white about it.
Starting point is 02:39:12 It's dark. It's dark like a deer almost. Are you a pig hunter? Yeah, I love pigs. That's why. You know what I like about hunting pigs? Nobody gets mad at you. Yeah, they're like with a machine gun out of a helicopter if you wish. Please, help me They don't give a
Starting point is 02:39:26 Pigs just fuck They fuck and they make babies two or three times a year Why is that You post pictures of machine gunning pigs down But if you machine gun a herd of elk Oh buddy Right I mean There's things Steve Rinella calls them
Starting point is 02:39:43 Charismatic megafauna There's like this chain of charismatic Large animals I mean, it's crazy how- Well, there's things, Steve Rinella calls them charismatic megafauna. There's like this chain of charismatic large animals, and the biggest one is bears. Like, if you kill a bear, people will be so fucking mad at you. But if you kill a pig, there's a few people that are extremists. They'll be like, any loss of life is horrible. But those pigs, they destroy ground nesting birds. They decimate populations of them. They kill fawns.
Starting point is 02:40:05 There's a crazy picture. Like, someone was like, deers- Like, why do you say that, man? They destroy ground nesting birds. They decimate populations of them. They kill fawns. There's a crazy picture. Someone was like, why do you say that, man? They don't kill deer. Bullshit. Wild hogs kill everything. There's a crazy picture of a wild boar running off with a fawn in its mouth. And it's a disturbing picture.
Starting point is 02:40:21 So I have pigs at home. Domestic. Yeah. And they eat my chickens and roosters all the time oh yeah if you get fucking within a pig bite away like you're gonna see the fucking chickens eating the feed and the fucking pig will just grab it by the head and eat it yeah look at that yeah that's what my chickens are eating the calf all the time they eat everything yeah people don't understand that is a fucking eating machine that's what a a pig is. They give zero fucks. Well, let's talk about how...
Starting point is 02:40:47 Look at that. So look, that amazing wildebeest is eating a cheetah. That's a wild boar eating a cheetah. And then puts out... You feed a pig anything and out comes bacon? How great is that? Well, you have to get them domesticated and they change everything about themselves. They don't become this sketchy fucking...
Starting point is 02:41:05 There's one running off with a fawn in his mouth. Look at that shit. Look, we're on... This is African plains. Wildebeest here. Is that... I feel like... I think that's a pig.
Starting point is 02:41:16 A feral pig? That's... I think that's your pig. It might be Australia. Visit the page and see what the fuck that is. Yeah, I think that's just a wild boar all right see that's the weird thing about domestic pigs is in louisiana yeah yeah that's just a wild boar wild boars they get that real long snout but they don't have the same kind of tusks that uh
Starting point is 02:41:36 those crazy well not a wildebeest wildebeest is actually like a uh an antelope type species um we're thinking there's a warthog warthogs the ones that have that swords that come out of their face. Those giant huge tusks. That's a little bit, that's like the more extreme version of it. But those things that we have over here that's a warthog. There it is. Look at that motherfucker. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:41:58 Look at the hair. Look at his mohawk. Yeah, my friend Remy went over to Africa and shot one and he said it tasted just like pig. What are the things coming out of his eyes? What are the horns? Who knows? Something that keeps something from biting its eyes, I guess. Fucking mean. Look how mean that is. It's like gag reflex.
Starting point is 02:42:10 So when someone tries to eat your eye, that- That goes in? That dick goes right in your mouth and it- And they puke up your eyeball. That's a fucking hard-ass animal, man. That looks pretty vicious right there. Fuck yeah, it's vicious. That's a hard-ass animal.
Starting point is 02:42:24 You don't grow those kind of tusks on your face because they're pretty. They attract females. That's an animal that knows it has a short window to eat as much shit as it can and hope nothing eats it. Yo, do you know that pigs have spiral dicks? Yeah. Talk about getting screwed. That's where it comes from. Is that where it comes from?
Starting point is 02:42:42 Yeah. They have spiral dicks. So do ducks. We reviewed where it comes from. Is that what it comes from? Yeah. They have spiral dicks. So do ducks. We reviewed that in the podcast and apparently I'd said that ducks have three foot long dicks. I was wrong. This Andreas Antonopoulos, the Bitcoin expert. How could a bird that's only three feet long have a three foot pipe?
Starting point is 02:42:57 They have like 13 inch dicks though. Seriously? Yeah. Oh, they have giant crazy dicks. Look at it. That's a duck dick. So they come in hot. Coming in hot. Because the females have been, like, programmed to try to prevent rape. And the way they have been programmed to try to prevent rape, they develop these, like, labyrinth pussies.
Starting point is 02:43:17 Like, look at that in the upper right-hand corner, Jamie. There's a female pussy. Female pussy. As opposed to what? Boy pussy. Boy pussy. That's what I get in jail. That's, like, the inside of a female duck. And they have these little trap doors where the dick can't get through.
Starting point is 02:43:32 So they have to allow the dick to get through. And they can actually cut off the breeding process. They can choose what male impregnates them. I feel like that's also in our society. In a lot of ways. It has to be allowed. Yeah, it does. It does.
Starting point is 02:43:44 It's super important in this day and age. Super important ways. It has to be allowed. Yeah, it does. It does. It's super important to stay in age. Super important for consent. It's allowed. We don't have a trap door, but it might be 10 years. But all they do is rape each other
Starting point is 02:43:53 in the duck world. They're just biting each other and raping each other. I love hunting ducks. Probably one of my... Turkey's pheasant's duck is the order of birds I love to hunt.
Starting point is 02:44:02 I've heard that turkey with a bow and arrow is the shit. I love it. You can either center heard that turkey with a bow and arrow is the shit. I love it. You can either center punch it or you can try and guillotine it off with a big... Those crazy... I've missed every time I've tried, so... You've got to get them really close.
Starting point is 02:44:13 You've got to get really close and you've got to get them when he's up like... Crucking, you know? Like when he... And you've got to fucking... And usually when you draw back, he sees you and they're out of there. I shot the first one that I ever shot last year and it was delicious. But it was a young one.
Starting point is 02:44:29 It was only a year old. And Steve Rinell was telling me that a three-year-old turkey is super old. And most of them never live to be three. But I was amazed at how big they are. They're fucking huge. Humongous, right? Huge.
Starting point is 02:44:40 Humongous. I just went down. I got invited to a hunt on the Realtree Plantation down in Georgia, which I felt like was the butterball for them. I feel like they just let got invited to a hunt on the Realtree plantation down in Georgia, which I felt like was the butterball for them. I feel like they just let a bunch of turkeys out of trap doors and we just smoked them. Did they? No, I mean, we hunted for two days before we got one. But you thought that going
Starting point is 02:44:53 in? Yeah, I was like, great, this is going to be so easy. They can't do that, though. Realtree is like an established hunting brand. They have to make sure everything's legit. It was fun, you know. We got the birds. They're so good. So good.
Starting point is 02:45:07 They taste so much better. I mean, the same thing with wild pigs. They taste so much better than domesticated animals. When you domesticate animals, you fuck up the whole system. But you have to like the game. Do you like lamb? Are you a lamb guy? I do like lamb.
Starting point is 02:45:19 You don't like lamb? No, I'm not a big lamb chopper. Really? Yeah, I don't like the game in it. You don't like gamey food? I don't think lamb's gamey at all. Oh, fuck, yes it is. Really?
Starting point is 02:45:27 Yeah. Lamb, huh? Lamb. Maybe you've had it bad. I've had all lamb. There's a restaurant over here in Woodland Hills called Brandywine. If you have a rack of lamb from them, oh! Game on.
Starting point is 02:45:37 Might change your mind, Donald. All right. You've got to go with someone who's preparing it correctly. Have you had it in a restaurant before? I've had it in a restaurant. I've had it at my house, everywhere. I've had domesticated lamb. See, I don't know what it tastes like to you.
Starting point is 02:45:51 I think that's the weird thing about taste buds. Some people are into weird shit. That's a good point. That's a very good point. I don't know what the fuck they're experiencing. I'm just guessing based on my experience. Yeah. I like really hot foods.
Starting point is 02:46:01 Yeah, you like jalapenos and... Habanero peppers. I like... Fuck. I cook with hot shit. And you cook them jalapenos and... Habanero peppers. I like... Fuck. I cook with hot shit. And you cook them and piss them off and get them even hotter. Yeah, I like them raw too, though. Sometimes I try the jalapenos raw.
Starting point is 02:46:15 I found out that just a little bit of cooking, though, is the way to do it. Yeah, jalapeno raw will give you immediate Johnny Rocket. Yeah, a little bit. Holy fuck. I ate three of them last night. Big fat boys with genetically modified jalapenos. And it was game on. Yeah, they're like a duck dick. Yeah, a little bit. Holy fuck. I ate three of them last night. Big fat boys with genetically modified jalapenos. And it was game on. Yeah, they're like a duck dick. Yeah. It's a big ass
Starting point is 02:46:29 jalapeno. But I... I like hot food, but I don't know what hot food tastes like to other people. I just know what it tastes like to me. It's hot. But I know there's some shit that I can't tolerate. Like, there was a restaurant that used to be here in Encino, but the dude died, unfortunately. But it was called Chili My Soul, and it was an all-chili restaurant.
Starting point is 02:46:50 And you would go there, and they had the Scoville rankings, which goes up to 10, which is impossible to eat. But they had nines. They had nines, and they gave me a cup of nines. And when I say a cup, I mean like a fucking thimble. And I was like, really? And he was like, yeah, really. I go, okay, I'll try it. So you went nine.
Starting point is 02:47:07 Yeah. So he goes with just a little spoonful. A dash. And I couldn't fucking believe how hot it was. Sweating. I'm pouring sweating. Like I'm swimming. Why do you sweat when something is hot that you eat?
Starting point is 02:47:18 I don't know, man. I like it though. That's half what I like about it. And the jalapenos, man, I'm sweating. It's just pouring. Like I was inenos man I'm sweating it's just pouring like I was in a sauna last night. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 02:47:29 Eating your elk that you killed like a man with a bow. Like a man. Like a manly man. Yeah that's a that's a freak out man that's that's probably
Starting point is 02:47:37 my number one addiction right now. You're taking a vacation soon going elk hunting right? I'm going on a bunch of them. I'm going on as many I feel like if I was me if I wasn't me and I said man if I was that dude I'd go on a bunch of fucking hunting trips. I'm going on a bunch of them. I'm going on as many. I feel like if I was me, if I wasn't me, and I said, man, if I was that dude,
Starting point is 02:47:47 I'd go on a bunch of fucking hunting trips. I'm going on a bunch of fucking hunting trips. I give a bunch of meat out to my friends. I eat it all myself. It's all I eat. I very, very, very rarely buy domestic meat now. And if I do, it's because I need to cook something that night. I got some friends coming over, and I didn't defrost anything, and I just got to bang it out quick for the most part, or if I do it's because like I need to cook something that night I got some friends coming over and I didn't defrost anything and I just got a bang it out quick right for the most part
Starting point is 02:48:08 Or if somebody wants it But I don't feel bad. I don't feel bad when I eat no because you domestic me or a Wild game why would you don't it's a resource and a beautiful one anyone they view a trophy hunter Yeah, just went cut the head off and you're like, oh yeah, me and Callan got him. Yeah, we got him. We got this leopard and I'm gonna fuck its head. Suck its eyeballs out.
Starting point is 02:48:32 Yeah, there's something fucked up about killing things just because you can kill them. But, uh, Would you hunt a human? It depends on how good they taste. We need to find out.
Starting point is 02:48:42 What do you think a human tastes like? Depends on how cunty they are. What do you think a human tastes like? Probably like pig. You think? That's what they say. They need to find out. What do you think a human tastes like? Depends on how cunty they are. What do you think a human tastes like? Probably like pig. You think? That's what they say.
Starting point is 02:48:47 They call them long pigs. Who's they? People who've eaten them. Cannibals? They call them long pigs. They've actually... And you think what we eat, like, would I be a little sweeter because I'm a Skittle Milk kind of guy?
Starting point is 02:48:57 Probably delicious. I'm a beer-battered cowboy. Your hams would taste like Wagyu. beef those fucking cows they feed beer to in Japan yeah man you probably taste delicious well I know that like animals they eat certain things like here's a perfect example bears if bears eat salmon like a friend of mine made a bear ham out of a bear they call a coastal bear. Right. And he said it tasted like you were eating smoked salmon.
Starting point is 02:49:31 They smoked a ham from a bear. It tasted like smoked salmon. You would have to. It looked like beef. You would have to taste like what you ate. Yeah. Because you're putting it, right? You'd have to.
Starting point is 02:49:39 Yeah. The other thing is blueberry bears. Bears in the fall that are stocking up on blueberries are apparently one of the most delicious things you could eat ever. It's supposed to be incredible. Guys purposely hunt only in the fall and only over blueberry patches just because they want to catch a blueberry bear. You've never had a blueberry bear? Never had it. It's supposed to be amazing.
Starting point is 02:50:01 I haven't either. It's supposed to be amazing. It's supposed to be one of the most delicious things you can's supposed to be amazing. It's supposed to be like one of the most delicious things you can eat. So yeah, I think, and when you cut them open, they smell like blueberries. Like their fat smells like blueberries. Their fat is purple. It's like a purple fat. There's like a video of it.
Starting point is 02:50:13 Like Steve Rinella. How many bears have you killed? Three. Did you like make a cool necklace out of his claws or anything? I have rugs. I have rugs that I made out of them. Head still attached? Yeah, the head's attached. You have to, right? If you're gonna have a
Starting point is 02:50:27 bear rug, you have to have the claws and the head on it. It's gotta be. People are weirded out by it. I don't think so. I think that'd be a pretty badass thing to have right in your centerpiece. Well, I eat them, and where I hunt in Alberta, they have to kill them because they don't have no natural predators.
Starting point is 02:50:44 So this is Steve Rinella doing it on that show Meat Eater. But see how the fat has got like a purple hue to it? Yeah. Yeah, he takes that stuff and he makes lard out of it with that purple fat. Look at it. See how weird it looks? Right. Yeah, that's fat from a bear that's been eating blueberries.
Starting point is 02:51:01 See, but we have this fucking jungle book view of animals. So people look at bears like your friends, like they're your friends. Bears are all cannibals. All of them are eating cubs, especially the ones that we go after, which are all the males. No kidding. They eat their own cub? A hundred percent. Wow.
Starting point is 02:51:16 They all do. They'll eat every cub they could get a hold of. Why not? Why wouldn't you? They just do. Yeah. Well, I think part of that is because they don't have a natural predator. So I think nature balances itself out.
Starting point is 02:51:27 And when there's no natural predator, I think- Something has to evil out. Yeah. And I think what happens is these bears become predators against themselves. And they eat cubs. And they don't want competition with these young males that are coming up. And they also want the female to come back into estrus so they can breed again. So they just eat cubs.
Starting point is 02:51:44 And they eat them for food. They're finding now that they actually go actively hunting for them. It's like, this is a terrible video of this polar bear killing this cub. And that's the female there next to him, like, don't eat my cub. The female's on the right, and she's trying to keep him off. She didn't help out very much. She's killing her cub right now and eating it. It's so common.
Starting point is 02:52:02 It's 100% of the males eat cubs a hundred percent could you fucking imagine getting mauled by a polar bear oh man well they're the most fucked up ones because they come out of the womb as predators because they don't eat anything but meat they're the only bear that doesn't eat grass they don't eat anything else look at their environment they're they're there to eat seals and other bears. And the way they keep the population down is by eating each other. It's fucked up. And that's a simplistic description of it. I'm sure
Starting point is 02:52:32 biologists would be mad at me. But there's definitely merit in what I'm saying. There's gotta be. Nature doesn't do that. Wolves don't eat each other. Tigers don't eat each other. But wolves have a predator. Exactly. I don't know what predator tigers have other than people, but I think maybe tigers have had people as a predator for so long
Starting point is 02:52:50 that it kind of balances itself out. But bears, man, up there by themselves, polar bears, they just eat the shit out of each other. And then a lot of the places where bears are, like even black bears, like they're in these dense wooded areas where nothing other than grizzlies can kill a black bear other than black bears so they kill each other it's it's it's a dark existence man and circle of life and for hunting populations like the people up there that live in alberta they need moose they need deer it's like a main staple of these people's diet like there's a lot of folks that live up there that don't buy meat.
Starting point is 02:53:26 So they have to keep those bear populations in check because they kill more than 50% of all the fawns, of all the moose calves. They're killing everything. Well, just keeping population control and hunting, like you said, it has to be done. Well, people think it doesn't have to be done, but they don't understand the numbers. It has to be done. You look at the populations of people in this country that die every year from accidents with deer. It's 200. 1.5 million car accidents every year in the United States alone with deer.
Starting point is 02:53:56 There's no other way. I mean, there's one solution. They want to reintroduce cougars, which is, yeah, I mean, that'll work. That'll definitely keep the numbers down. But it's very tricky. You're bringing in an apex predator. Apex predator. And it only has a finite supply of food.
Starting point is 02:54:11 You're going to have to bring in some people that are going to have to control those apex predators. And that's what we have in California. There's a bunch of people that are professional mountain lion hunters that are employed by the state of California. And when there's a problem, mountain lion, they go and kill it. And it's all hush-hush. They don't talk about it. But they kill 100 of them a year. Wow. And when there's a problem, mountain lion, they go and kill it. And it's all hush hush. Yeah, sure. They don't talk about it, but they kill a hundred of them a year.
Starting point is 02:54:27 Wow. And they're all filled with cats and dogs. They've been eating cats and dogs. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Because that's easy. Yeah, it's easy. Easy going.
Starting point is 02:54:35 They got him in the backyard, caged up. Why chase a fucking deer? Right? He's got swords growing out of his head. You might break a leg chasing after him. Or I could just prey down on this dog. Yeah, it's fucking.
Starting point is 02:54:44 On a leash. Stupid fat Rottweiler sitting in your yard with no balls. Why'd you take his balls? Just for when he makes them nicer. Jack them and carry them
Starting point is 02:54:53 over the fence like they're a rag doll. That's an apex predator. Wow. Have you ever seen a mountain lion in the real world? I have.
Starting point is 02:55:02 How close? In my old tree fort at my cabin there was one I crawled up the ladder and he was in there laying on my blankets. And then he watched me for about a week. Holy shit. So you
Starting point is 02:55:13 crawled up there. How old were you? 10 or 12 maybe? Oh my God. 10 or 12? So you crawled up the ladder. You had no idea. No idea. You get to the top and what are you looking at? A big-ass cat laying on my blankets. Is he looking at you?
Starting point is 02:55:30 Eh, not really. He was just kind of laid out there. And I was like, oh, shit, and just went back down the ladder and ran to the house. And then he kind of just sat there for about a week while we were there and just watched us. Oh, my God. You could see him in the trees all week long. He didn't move. He just sat there and watched us.
Starting point is 02:55:47 Just took over your tree fort. He didn't, little fucker. Oh my God. That's terrifying. That's in South Park, Colorado. Holy shit. And what was he eating while he was living in your tree fort? I think he was waiting on me.
Starting point is 02:56:00 Wow. It's holding out. Holy shit. Wow. I mean, the tree floor It wasn't even that high I mean I bet you Eight or ten
Starting point is 02:56:09 Ladder rungs Whoa Up a tree Holy fuck Maybe 200 yards from the house I mean it was just right there And how'd you know
Starting point is 02:56:18 When he was gone We went home I didn't know he was gone We just left for the weekend That was it Family vacation was done Oh okay Yeah we didn't live there We gone. We just left for the weekend. That was it. Family vacation was done. Oh, okay. Yeah, we didn't live there. We just go up there and hang out. Oh,
Starting point is 02:56:27 fuck. God damn. It's fucking wild. Crazy. How far away were we? I seen a bear. I drove by a fucking massive bear down the four-wheeler trail. He was standing right there next to me. I just drove right by him. I was like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:56:47 I seen a bear chase a kid on a mountain bike. Is this in Colorado? All in Colorado. So these are black bears, right? Yeah, black bears. There's only a few brown bears in Colorado, right? There's not that many. It was definitely a black bear. But I did see a brown bear chase a fucking kid.
Starting point is 02:56:59 Really? Yeah, chase a kid. Was it a color phase black bear? It might have been a color phase. I mean, he looked brown and big. I was young. Oh, my God. He was chasing a kid. Was it a color phase black bear? It might have been a color phase. I mean, he looked brown and big when I was young. Oh, my God. He was chasing a kid? We were out riding our dirt bikes, and there was a little kid on a little 50, like a whole range ahead of us.
Starting point is 02:57:12 And you've seen the bear fucking hauling ass down the mountain after the kid on the bike. It was insane. Fuck that. Yeah. Apparently, more black bears kill people than brown bears. Apparently, black bears are much more likely to be predators on people than brown bears are. It's not impossible that a brown bear would do it, but it's more likely that a black bear would do it. I don't know why.
Starting point is 02:57:37 Yeah, I don't know. I've never been attacked by anything like that. Neither incident raised a threat to me. or anything like that, and that was a close-up for Ben, but neither incident raised a threat to me. Rinella was telling me about this one dude that he knows who took someone he knows on the first hunting trip ever. Right. In the tent.
Starting point is 02:57:52 Gets attacked by a 500-pound predatory black bear. Attacks him. Goes in the tent and is trying to eat him. Grabs his head. The dude's friend comes in, shoots him. Shoots through the bear, hits the dude in the wrist. Oh, shit. So the bullet shoots through the bear, hits the dude in the wrist oh shit so the bullet passes through the bear, hits the guy
Starting point is 02:58:09 breaks his arm, the bear runs out and then they have to chase the bear down it runs into another tent, they have to shoot the bear first hunting trip ever well they got it yeah I mean what a story I've had a backpack, I had a black bear and her two cubs in our camp.
Starting point is 02:58:27 We woke up in the morning, unzipped a 10. I just took my 45 and just unloaded it into the sky. That's a good move. Look, this is it. Oh, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Yeah, and they ran off. Wow. They were right there in our little area.
Starting point is 02:58:41 Holy shit. The mamas are the most dangerous. As they say, the mama. Yeah, they say, the mama. Yeah, they say that's the big thing that happens in like Yosemite or Yellowstone rather. In Yellowstone when people are trapping around,
Starting point is 02:58:52 they'll just fuck up. Get near a cub. Uh-huh. And mama's like, that, I can just take care of this real quick. Yeah. Let's rip you apart. God, could you imagine
Starting point is 02:59:02 fucking getting in a tussle with a bear? We are not equipped for that No No Do you ever see that video Not even with a spear I don't even know If you gave me a spear
Starting point is 02:59:11 No And said And in the red corner Right I don't know I'd be standing there Like holy fuck What is this dude doing
Starting point is 02:59:21 With his club I just looked up Bear pictures On Google search This was found On Google maps Look at that fat Russian dude Just beating the shit Out of that bear With a stick What is this dude doing with his club? I just looked up bear pictures on Google search. This was found on Google Maps. Look at that fat Russian dude just beating the shit out of that bear with a stick. That's Khabib's dad.
Starting point is 02:59:34 Holy fuck. Yeah, I don't know what I would do. You gave me a spear. The guy you're talking about that killed a bear with a spear is impressive. What do you do if you're one shot and you blow it and now that motherfucker's like mad at you. Mad and coming in hot. Did he ever have a sidearm with him? I don't think he did.
Starting point is 02:59:51 So my question is if I go spear hunting with a bear and I unload my spear and the bear mauls me, can I then shoot the bear with a pistol? Yes. You could definitely shoot the bear to stay alive. Stay alive. Alberta has an open weapon policy. You can use a rifle. You can use a shotgun. You could definitely shoot the bear to stay alive. Stay alive. Yeah. Because of the stay alive. Alberta has an open weapon policy. Like, you can use a rifle.
Starting point is 03:00:08 You can use a shotgun. You can use a crossbow. A spear. You can use a spear. I think they're going to outlaw spears now because of the outrage, because everybody's pissed, which I think is honestly a good idea because most people are not going to be equipped to do it the way that guy does. At the very least, I think if you're going to kill a bear with a spear, you'd have to
Starting point is 03:00:22 go through some sort of a... Spear chucking academy? Yeah, well, there should be some sort of certification course where they know you're competent with a spear. You know, because a spear requires massive physical skills. You have to be strong as fuck. You have to be a person who can throw a lot of weight. It's not as easy as, like, pulling a trigger. There's a lot of physicality involved in killing someone with a trigger i think is a gutless thing sometimes like you
Starting point is 03:00:47 shouldn't just be able to pull trigger you should have the passive hunting i think hunter safety your shooting aspect should be a little more in depth oh yeah i don't think you should be able to maim a fucking animal wing point yeah right like you should you should have to put some groupings together or something hand handgun or rifle. Yeah. You know, you shouldn't be like, okay, yep, it's not loaded. You fucking know how to put the safety on, and you're 12. Go get them.
Starting point is 03:01:12 Yeah, I completely agree, because when you pass one of those hunter safety courses, what there are is about- I was 10. I was fucking 10. They're easy to pass, but it's questions. You just have to know things. And you have to get 60% of the questions right. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 03:01:24 That's it. You just got to get a. And you have to get 60% of the questions right. Yeah, that's it. That's it. You just got to get a D. A D. Yeah. And then have fun with your dad and his hunting buddies. Yeah. They're all drunk. One of them's trying to fuck you.
Starting point is 03:01:34 This is a way to teach people to be competent first before you allow them to do it. I think that's probably the best way. But then people hear shit like that, like, you ain't infringing upon my rights. I'll teach my son how to do it. I hope you do. I hope you do. I hope we do. But if we're going to regulate it at all, it seems ridiculous to me that you don't regulate
Starting point is 03:01:53 competency. Like, people should have a certain amount of ability before they go hunting. Right. Or before they go and shoot a gun at a range. Any kind of- Yeah. Bearing arms should be- Imagine if they just gave you a car.
Starting point is 03:02:05 Like, licenses, do you ask- Well, that's basically what it is, yeah. What's a green light? Yeah, what do you do when you hit a stop sign? And you answer 60% of these questions right, and they give you a car. And that's how you learn. You learn by driving out there in the public. That's kind of what you're doing with guns.
Starting point is 03:02:20 You know, someone passes a course, and then all of a sudden they got a gun. They're just wandering around. Like, you should know how to fucking use that thing. Yeah, and you go hunting, and then your dad's buddy's like, you got him on a 410, let's give him a 12-gauge, goddammit. Yeehaw! Right? Now you're 10 with a 12-gauge.
Starting point is 03:02:36 Yeah. Yeah. Have fun. Or a 300 wind mag, just fucking shoot, you know? Oh, boy. A 10-year-old with a 300 wind mag. Boom. Boom.
Starting point is 03:02:44 You just go flying backwards and land on your ass. Yeah. There's a way to do it. It's like meeting in the middle. One of the things about people who are gun rights advocates is they don't want to give up anything. And I understand it because I feel like if you give up any ground at all. If you do give up. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 03:03:01 The liberals are going to come in and they're going to want to take all your guns. People who don't have guns don't want anybody to have guns. And people who have guns want everybody to be able to get a gun. I don't know how I'm on the fence on that one, but I carry a weapon everywhere with me. It's what I do. I have one in every vehicle all over my house. You and Tim Kennedy should get together. We doedy should get together we do all the time we do all the time you know and uh i don't know i feel like i've never had to pull my weapon ever but i feel
Starting point is 03:03:36 like if i did i would kill somebody for sure if it pushed me to that point if you were in a position where someone's going to take your life which happens all the time it would be wonderful if you could talk someone out of that without having to shoot them. But there's a lot of people that don't want to believe that the scenario does present itself occasionally where you got to shoot somebody. Absolutely. Yeah, it does. It does. Happens all the time.
Starting point is 03:03:56 You can't control. There's a giant fucking population on this planet. And amongst those people, you are going to run into the wrong motherfucker sometimes whether it's some ted bundy character or whether it's some fucking school shooter or whether who knows you just don't know and this idea that you shouldn't be prepared and we should pretend that those people don't exist that's that's just as unhealthy as uh someone thinking that everyone should be armed everywhere they go we should all have guns laying on the table. That's just as unhealthy. All of it's crazy. There's a lot of people here. We definitely need to work on being nicer to each other.
Starting point is 03:04:34 Being nice to each other and, me and Aubrey talked about this, I think mutual combat should be a thing that is allowed. That's in Seattle. Because fucking road rage puts me over the edge. Motherfucker. I will lose my mind. Do you know why that is? Why that is? Yeah. Why road rage exists? They've actually done like they've made a scientific explanation
Starting point is 03:04:54 that actually makes sense. When you're driving in a car, things are happening at split seconds. So you're in that car, people are changing lanes, you're moving 60 miles an hour, which I mean how many feet a second is that? You're flying by, right? And it requires you to be tuned in. Tuned in.
Starting point is 03:05:08 Your senses are very tuned in. And because of that, anytime something happens, you're on red alert. Right. So you're engaging with people on red alert. Fuck you! Like, you're in that car, and you're already so ramped up. By the time you get out, you're, like, ready to go to war. And people that are, like, normally calm, they get in those situations, and they're so fucking ramped up. So ramped up. Yeah, time you get out, you're like ready to go to war. And people that are like normally calm, they get in those situations
Starting point is 03:05:25 and they're so fucking ramped up. So ramped up. Yeah, that's what it is. It's dealing with that. Or we should allow it to be done. I agree. Motherfucker want to pull you over, you should pull over and figure it out. Instead of pull over and then shoot each other. Shoot each other.
Starting point is 03:05:40 There would be a lot of us people honking their horn if you got to beat the shit out of somebody. That's true. They'd be like, yeah, all right, maybe not. Go ahead. Go ahead and cut in. They would talk a lot up until the time the door shut and they're standing outside. Yeah. And then maybe they try to talk their way out of it or talk their way out of you being
Starting point is 03:05:57 scared. But there's a state, Washington State has a law, a mutual combat law, where you could do it in front of cops. Do you know that crazy dude, Phoenix Jones, who's an MMA fighter? I don't know him. You don't know who he is? Uh-uh. This is a crazy story.
Starting point is 03:06:12 He's a legit MMA fighter. Very talented kid. Is he Carlos Fodor's brother? Phoenix Jones. Anyway, he wears a fucking superhero outfit, and he goes out and fights crime. Real life. Yeah, and there's a video of him on a street fight in front of cops. Because Washington State, like, says, you want to fight?
Starting point is 03:06:33 Do you want to fight? Okay, you guys are allowed to fight. So you can smoke pot and fight. Yeah, look at this. So this is this guy. He's got this outfit on, and this dude's talking shit to him. Is this the... Do you have any Warrior Bar right here?
Starting point is 03:06:45 See, I don't, man. I don't. I got some other shit. So the guy talks a bunch of shit, and then he tries to walk away, and the guy's like, oh, you're a fucking pussy. So eventually he winds up fighting this guy
Starting point is 03:06:56 in front of cops. Do you have to find a cop first? No. You can agree upon it, but the cops won't intervene. So you could say this is mutual calm. Yeah, so look at this There's a cop car so the cops are watching. This is hilarious. By the way. This is real fucking recent and This dude Phoenix Jones, whatever his real name. So no weapons. You just say no weapons. No weapon mutual combat
Starting point is 03:07:19 Yeah, and so the cops let him do it See if you can get to the actual fight itself because it's hilarious. Does he whip his motherfucking ass? Oh, leg kicks the shit out of him right off the bat. And the dude's like, wait, what? A little bit before that. Here it goes. So they go at it.
Starting point is 03:07:34 Yeah, fuck you. He's like, okay, okay. He's dressed like a superhero, which is even more humiliating. He kicks your ass. So they start going at it. They're standing there in front of the cops. Look at this. Yeah. Whack.
Starting point is 03:07:43 Right away. Oh, leg kick. And then he's bouncing, moving on him. And the dude's like, wait cops Look at this Right away Leg kick And then he's bouncing moving on them And the dude's like wait what Leg kick again Oh shit And the guy tried to do a kick And he's bouncing around on them
Starting point is 03:07:55 He's throwing jabs to the body And is that the cop right there Watching Because if it goes to the ground it's over I don't know man In case the guy quits I guess if the guy quits the cop has to be there Why? Because if it goes to the ground, it's over? I don't know, man. What are the rules? I guess if the guy quits, the cop has to be there to say, well, then
Starting point is 03:08:09 it's assault after that. It's no longer mutual combat. He's just kicking the shit out of his leg. Dude's moving forward in a zombie state now. He doesn't know what the fuck's going on. And then the beating comes down. And then the cops step in and separate it. And say, okay, that's enough.
Starting point is 03:08:23 And then they're like, have a good night. Yeah, good night, sir. No police report. Exactly. No paperwork. Look, he's doing it in front of the cops. Washington State has some crazy mutual combat law. How do we get that passed across the board?
Starting point is 03:08:36 It would stop a lot of fucking jabberjohn. Oh my God, would it? Oh, man, wait. There's a lot of people that say things they don't really mean, you know? And they open up possibilities they don't really want to take place. Because alcohol. Yeah. They get froggy.
Starting point is 03:08:53 Exactly. And then when someone says jump, all of a sudden they got to jump. Well, that's why pot's better. But because that guy got so froggy, he actually jumped and he didn't even know how to jump, which is the most ridiculous thing. In front of a cop, on camera. At least you could take an ass-whipping. The description of what happened here is kind of interesting. Who wrote this?
Starting point is 03:09:10 Just somebody? I think it's whoever shot the video. Oh, he said F-U N-word. He was going to walk away and leave and the guy said, I'll fight you, Ray. I'll take it to your house and that's when he went to the cop and said, alright, we're going to fight then. At this point, Phoenix agrees to mutual combat. The two shake hands and the fight commences
Starting point is 03:09:29 He says fuck you I'll bring this to your house Yeah, and right before he beats a shit out of the dude the dude says you know you don't want to that none of this Oh That's hilarious Yeah, combat Bam. Oh, that's hilarious. Mutual combat. Yeah. Well, that can only exist in like them Wild West states. Like you get that off in Arizona.
Starting point is 03:09:53 Maybe New Mexico can pull something like that off. They can pull that off. That will never make it to California. Would California be a mutual state? They'd be like, we have to stop violence. Or you have the guys pulling the guns. You have both sides. You have both sides, yeah.
Starting point is 03:10:06 We have like a lot of people that came over here to grow sprouts. Do yoga. I don't think there's going to be much mutual down in Compton. No. No. No. Yeah. They have to learn how to fight first.
Starting point is 03:10:19 If you don't know how to fight, that's when the guns come out. I wonder if mutual combat allows weapons if you both have weapons no I think that's that's not in the rules that's murder have you seen that shit they're doing in Russia now M1s having knight fights knight fights knight
Starting point is 03:10:33 like knights you dress up like a knight armored and swords and shit what yeah I put it on my twitter I mean I retweeted it today
Starting point is 03:10:41 a fucking a guy got KO'd by a sword to the face. Dude, you gotta see this shit. They hit each other in the head. They're wearing armor. How heavy is a knight outfit? 30 pounds?
Starting point is 03:10:50 Looks heavy as fuck. They're not moving very well. I would bet it's heavier than that. Like, look at this. They're jacking each other with these fucking swords. They're like modern knight. Oh, and the shield to the face? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:03 Well, there's some full speed versions of it Jamie Where they look at it look how they're whacking each other man. I mean they got a blunt sword you think I think so I think they're probably blunt, but they're behind the legs behind the legs is not oh we need yeah behind the legs isn't guarded I'd be going for oh look at this you got a takedown take down I mean this is real. I mean this would be real life If that would happen You'd just smack Oh shielding him
Starting point is 03:11:27 While he's down Oh my god He shielded him in the head This is insane What if the refs stop it No I guess they stopped it He did on his own
Starting point is 03:11:35 He was like Okay Oh my god You are dead Yeah Wow that guy got He's trying to tap on the ground He's done
Starting point is 03:11:42 Wow Man That is crazy. There's no rules. Where they're fighting looks awesome, too. Yeah, they're in a field. Yeah, it looks like a place where people would fight with swords. They're in the shire.
Starting point is 03:11:53 The shire. Oh, hell yes. Look at him. Look at his face beat up. Oh, yeah, man. He took some swords to the head. That is a fucked up sport. That's a tough dude right there.
Starting point is 03:12:03 This is next level shit right I'll do it sign me up I don't even know how to yield a sword but I'll do it So if this starts happening In the United States you're down What the fuck is this Maces Come on
Starting point is 03:12:18 Oh my god this is insane That dude has an axe Look how big that guy is I don't even want to hear it Oh my god, this is insane. That dude has an axe! Oh my god. Look how big that guy is. I don't even want to hear it. Oh, he has an axe. He has a real life axe. That's the only way to fight a guy with an axe.
Starting point is 03:12:32 Grab him. Oh, what? Look at the other guy hitting him in the head. Oh, shit. This is insane. He's dead. He killed that dude. He hit that dude in the head with a fucking axe. What is this?
Starting point is 03:12:42 What do you look up for this so people can fucking do this? IMCF. IMCF. IMCF. 2015, five on five, France versus New Zealand. They have night fights. This is a new thing. Dude, those guys had axes and maces. And they hit that dude in the head with an axe many times.
Starting point is 03:12:59 Seven times. Yeah, right? He's dead. What the fuck, cowboy? Oh, man. Jesus Christ. Look, he got in trouble there because he put the blade to that He's dead. What the fuck, cowboy? Oh, man. Jesus Christ. Look, he got in trouble there because he put the blade to that dude's throat. Yeah, you're not allowed to do that.
Starting point is 03:13:11 Boom, jump kick, and then put it to his throat. Oh, my God, you can't do that. And he said, dude, you can seriously not cut his head off. The referee, stop too violent. Yeah, but the guy... How long before two dudes dress up in samurai outfits with no fucking armor and go at it with a sword? How can you take an axe to the head six times? You can't, obviously.
Starting point is 03:13:32 The guy went down. Down, but I mean, how come there's no blood? Well, I think because of his helmet. I want the mace. Look at the mace. Oh, but this is so crazy. They're fighting for points, too, and somehow they scored a point. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 03:13:42 And then they restarted. So you can't stab. I haven't seen any stabbing going on because I feel like that would be my move. Well, here's what's unrealistic about it. In the real world, if people were fighting like this, they would be stabbing each other. For sure. So these fights would be quicker. So there's something about using these blunt objects and not being able to stab each other
Starting point is 03:14:00 that makes it almost more ridiculously brutal. This is a crazy fucking sport. Look how big that dude is. That more ridiculously brutal. This is a crazy fucking sport. Look how big that dude is. That's the mountain. This is awesome. They tackle each other. I think when you're down,
Starting point is 03:14:12 you're down. Yeah, he seems confident. I wouldn't be confident if I was in the war. I would be thinking that guy's going to stab me in the dick. Yeah, I got to get up now.
Starting point is 03:14:20 How crazy would war be? How fucking crazy would old time war be? Old time, barbarian style, sword, maces. If you're the guy and you're choosing, what would be your weapon?
Starting point is 03:14:31 Oh, an arrow. Oh, for sure, by the way. For sure. Sit on the ridge, sniping. Imagine being the guy like, yep, grabbing your maces, just like you walk into the honor academy and you're like, 10, 12, 20,
Starting point is 03:14:44 or the fucking three-headed 30-pounder. And you're like, that's mine. Would he have six good swings out of you? Maybe. Especially if you're a guy who doesn't train. They probably weren't really training that much. And then you're fatigued and dying. And then some dude's cutting your head off.
Starting point is 03:15:00 And you get to see that sword right when it hits your neck and you go into the afterlife. You're six good. You're six. You're six good. You're lifting people off their feet. What is this? The ridiculous final. 21 versus 21? 21. US versus Russia.
Starting point is 03:15:13 Oh, my God. Look at the tiny pig pen they have them in. This is insane, dude. Oh, US is here? Oh, my God. Battle of the Nations, it's called. Man, I hate to tell you, but I just don't think the U.S. is going to do very well. Against Russians?
Starting point is 03:15:26 Well, I mean, I just don't know if U.S. has much knight lineages, do we? No. We don't have lineage in knighting. Zero, right? But does Russia? Do they have a lineage in knighting? I don't know. I think I'd want to be on, like, the Scottish or the English team.
Starting point is 03:15:44 Yeah. Right? Braveheart style. Braveheart style. Braveheart style for sure wins every year. I mean, when you look at MMA and how crazy MMA is in comparison to boxing and how people have embraced it, this is like, if they figure out a way to regrow limbs, if they figure out a way where 100% if you get your arm cut off, they can grow that bitch back.
Starting point is 03:16:06 People are doing this, man. Yeah, but you can't regrow your heart back or your head. That's true. You can't stab them in the heart. You can't cut their head off, but you can cut their legs off. So that would be like a three-point stance or no kicks to the dick. That would be you can't. No eye gouges.
Starting point is 03:16:20 No heart piercing and no head chopping. Yeah, that would be the rules. But you can cut a guy's arm off And they immediately seal it up real quick And they rush him to the hospital You won by KO Cut his arm off Or can you still fight
Starting point is 03:16:32 They grow him a new arm And a couple weeks later He's at the press conference With a little baby arm He's like fuck cowboy You know Next time As soon as my arm grows back
Starting point is 03:16:40 I'm gonna kick his ass Right now I got a little baby arm This motherfucker's getting bigger every day I'm kicking his damn. You're thinking movie arm grow back. Do you think it comes back little to big? Or do you think it's... I think it's like a sprout. It comes out like little fingers.
Starting point is 03:16:54 And it has to stretch out and grow. Yeah, that's what I would think. Along the way. Like an alligator arm. Like an alligator doesn't just grow like the whole thing doesn't just pop out. They start slowly. They regrow theirs they start slowly they regrow theirs yeah they regrow theirs no shit i didn't know that scary ass fuckers gators they're so scary lizards regrow their legs wow i got a little gator i call them those my friends i call them gators they hang out on the boat eat all the food drink all the alcohol
Starting point is 03:17:21 when it comes when it comes time to fill that bitch up their little arms can't reach their wallets oh those kind of that's like t-rex arms it's bitch up their little arms can't reach their wallets. Oh those kind of that's like T-Rex arms. It's the gators. But you can't make shoes out of them. No. They're not as cool.
Starting point is 03:17:30 Not as cool at all. The gators baby. Gators when I was a kid I used to live in Florida we lived near Lake Alice in Gainesville and alligators were endangered
Starting point is 03:17:38 when I was a kid. Jesus. Yeah like they were telling people not to feed them because people throw marshmallows in the water.
Starting point is 03:17:45 Why do they like marshmallows so much? I don't know. They love them, though. And the gators would eat the marshmallows, but it was cool to do. We would get marshmallows and throw them in the water. And then they started telling you can't do it. They don't digest them well. Like these are in danger.
Starting point is 03:17:55 We have to take care of them. And then from then on, they just slowly but surely overwhelmed to the point where like, okay, you can hunt them. Okay, you can shoot 500 of them a year. Like they have tags where 500 alligators can get killed by one dude. 500. 500. That's some serious hunting. Yeah, that's some serious hunting.
Starting point is 03:18:13 That's one and a half a day. Yeah, every day. Well, they only have a season, so they're doing way more than one a day. But they do it all a bunch of different ways. They're doing lines. They put lines in the water with hooks. So what's the line thing? They fucking put a hook, they swallow a hook, is that what's going on?
Starting point is 03:18:25 And then thrash around and you shoot them in the head. Right, but they're essentially on a hook in their belly. Exactly. You ever see swamp people? I do, but I just didn't ever grasp, like, does the hook come in the mouth or it's in their gut? Sometimes it's in the mouth. It's like fishing. Sometimes, I mean, if you have a line for
Starting point is 03:18:40 a catfish, you lay out a line. A lot of times you'll catch them and they're barely hooked. Sometimes you catch them and they're hooked deep. So that's the same thing they do. And then they pull them in and they shoot them. But they can shoot 500 of... I was watching that Swamp People show. And the guy had a tag limit of 500
Starting point is 03:18:58 alligators. What does a gator pay? That's a good question. And what do they do with the gator besides make bitchin' ass boots for me? They make bitchin' ass boots for you. They make... I mean, do you eat gator pay? That's a good question. And what do they do with the gator besides make bitching ass boots for me? They make bitching ass boots for you. They make, I mean, do you eat gator?
Starting point is 03:19:08 Yes. Apparently, it's the highest in protein. I mean, I've been to Papa Do's and you can get an appetizer alligator. But you're getting
Starting point is 03:19:17 some frozen bullshit. What you really want to do, apparently, according to all the people I know, I think it's fresh alligator. My friend, John Dudley,
Starting point is 03:19:24 is an alligator hunter. He hunts alligators occasionally, and he shoots them with a bow and arrow. And he says that they're delicious if you get the gator tail right after the gator dies. It's delicious. It's super lean. You don't cook it very long. It's like one of those things you cook it like, I guess you'd have to cook it like pork. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:19:43 I wonder if they get trichinosis like a pig does. That's a good question. I'm sure they live in a nasty swamp. Yeah, but I wonder if they're susceptible to it. Because when they eat it, I wonder if their body breaks it down the same way our body does or a pig's body does. Or a bear or even a mountain lion. That's where all the cases of trichinosis come from. But when they do that, apparently it's delicious.
Starting point is 03:20:05 You take an alligator, a freshly killed alligator, it's supposed to be really, and super high protein. Higher than even like moose. Really? Higher than bison, higher than anything. Gator. Supposed to be good. 500 a tag.
Starting point is 03:20:19 And how many tags are given out? I don't know. It's a good question. But they try to get rid of them. Is there 10 guys with 500 a piece? Or is there, I mean, what's the... It's a good question. I don't know. It's a good question. But they're trying to get rid of them. Is there 10 guys with 500 a piece or is there I mean what's the. It's a good question. I don't know. But I know that there's a surplus. There's too many alligators.
Starting point is 03:20:32 Like they're everywhere. Whenever I'm down wakeboarding in Florida I see them all the time in the water with it's like god damn it. Yeah. Get gatored. Did you see that one video where that fucking gator walked on the golf course and it's a 15 footer. Jesus. We can't show it because those fucking people, they got my Facebook pulled down.
Starting point is 03:20:48 Whoever owns that. For gators? For putting that video up. Why? They claimed it was their video. They linked a YouTube video or something. 20 million views. Oh, that's why.
Starting point is 03:20:57 They're trying to make money off of it. But look, we can see it. Look at that thing walking across the golf course. Look how big that is. That is so huge. That's the gator from Hook. That's the gator from Hook. It's so huge. And you get it into perspective when the guy comes into focus in a little
Starting point is 03:21:09 bit because the guy's filming this. And in a few minutes the dude walks out. See, now you understand how big it is when you see that guy in front of you. No, I understood how big he was when he walked past the huge sand trap. Look how tall he is too. That's what's weird. It's like how long their legs are. And he hangs out at hole nine in the fucking, the little pond florida is so fucked up dude look how big he is
Starting point is 03:21:30 how old is he oh it's got to be an old alligator wow i don't know how old he is but he's been eating a lot of dogs wow yeah yeah i would eat that. You'd eat him? Fuck yeah. How do you kill a gator? Shoot him in the head. You gotta shoot him in the head. It's gotta be a headshot. Yeah, it's gotta literally be, there's a very small area you're shooting at too.
Starting point is 03:21:53 Like right behind the eyes. With a bow and arrow? You could do it. Yeah. Same, same. Yeah. That one though, man. God damn.
Starting point is 03:22:00 There's another angle on him. Look how big he is. Look at his mouth. Look at his fucking tail. I mean, it doesn't even look real. Like, if that was in a movie, you'd be like, fuck that. That's not real. Lake Placid.
Starting point is 03:22:11 That's the Lake Placid alligator. How much does he need to eat to sustain that little walk he's doing? Oh, my God. I would imagine. Two dogs a day? I would imagine he'd eat a lot of fucking things. Oh, he's done. That was it.
Starting point is 03:22:22 Game over. Sonnen. Lays out. What the fuck? How close does this guy get up to him? This is insane. People are living right next to dinosaurs. That's a fucking dinosaur.
Starting point is 03:22:33 Look at the tail on that thing. My God. That is an insane animal. What do you think? 15 feet, does it say? Yeah, they said it's 15 feet. 15. They estimated.
Starting point is 03:22:43 Wow. Easily 15 feet. That's the high end. That's like the one percenter of alligators. Yeah. That's impressive. Let's bring this bitch home. Donald Cowboy Cerrone. So I think we've worked out a few things. We have.
Starting point is 03:22:58 170. Stay at 170 pounds. I'm your new manager and then we go straight from me to Chris Brown. To DMT. That new manager. And then we'll go straight from me to Chris Brown. To DMT. To DMT. That's important. And America.
Starting point is 03:23:09 America. Tell Budweiser to relax. Don't eat this. Don't eat you. Don't swallow it. Any man should not swallow. Definitely don't swallow that. Don't be scared of oysters.
Starting point is 03:23:24 Other than that I think we covered it We got it This was fun man We gotta do this more often Hey I had a great fucking time Anytime
Starting point is 03:23:31 Donald Cowboy Cerrone Ladies and gentlemen You can catch him on Twitter Cowboy Cerrone Catch him on Instagram Cowboy Cerrone And uh That was next fight 205
Starting point is 03:23:40 Madison Square Garden Is that what's gonna happen For sure Is that all we'll be able to tell you soon allegedly allegedly exactly what it is
Starting point is 03:23:49 but it's gonna be epic epic epic thank you brother it was awesome I enjoyed it we outta here goodnight everybody
Starting point is 03:23:56 alright Thank you.

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