The Joe Rogan Experience - #843 - Tony Hinchcliffe

Episode Date: September 6, 2016

Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. Tony also hosts his own podcast called "Kill Tony" with Redban, and it's available on Spotify under "Deathsquad" ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Just everything to me. Say that on the podcast. What were you just saying, young Tony Hinchcliffe? That I love fanny packs, and I've been using them continuously. Yeah, that's right, folks. Don't get scared. The Illuminati and the elite, they want to keep you from embracing the fanny pack. They want to emasculate you. It's probably not them.
Starting point is 00:00:20 That's like our group name. You've heard of the Rat Pack, we're the Fanny Pack. Brian's never dared one. Yeah, I have yours. That's like our group name. You've heard of the Rat Pack or the Fanny Pack. Brian's never dared one. Yeah, I have yours. I wear it all the time. I've never seen you wear it. But you know what's cool is those little ones that stretch. Have you ever seen those? They're like super small and they stretch big.
Starting point is 00:00:35 So you can put like a couple things in it or nothing and you can't really see it. Yeah, those things are good for jogging. They pull tight to you. It's a smaller pocket though. See, the thing with these things is if you travel as much as we do, you just have all your shit in that thing and you just drop it off.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Just take any thought out of your head you might have about getting laid. That won't be happening. If you are a single person, you're a single man. Single girl could pull it off. We don't give a fuck. If a girl had a penny pack,
Starting point is 00:01:04 it would not make her any less hot. No need to put a condom in a fanny pack. You girl could pull it off. We don't give a fuck. If a girl had a fanny pack, it would not make her any less hot. No need to put a condom in a fanny pack. You'll never use it. Your fanny pack, though, isn't really cheesy or anything. It's actually cool looking. It's slim. We sell them. They put a higher primate logo on it. Roots does. But it's a Roots fanny pack. They are the ones that Dice was wearing. That's how I found out about it. Dice came in, and I had instant fanny pack envy.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I was like, what do you have here? What do you have? Oh, this is the one I got. Oh, for fucking Canada. When I'm in the line at TSA, I eyeball everybody that's emptying their pockets. I just look at everybody, and then I snap and drop it like a mic
Starting point is 00:01:43 into the things that everybody just saw me. And it zips up. Your pockets don't zip up. It's better. Everything falls out of pockets on an airplane. There's something about it. I've worn it on stage maybe four times. You've worn it on stage? Yeah, I wore it on stage
Starting point is 00:02:00 in Utah. It gets in the way though. You're flopping around if you're moving too much. Yeah, there's certain places where I can't wear a fanny pack. The only way it would work is if you actually moved it to your fanny and there's just something about that that's not going to happen. Yeah. If you're going to have a fanny pack, it's got to be in the front.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And waterproof. Waterproof fanny packs might be next. Why not shower with it? Bar of soap in there, pull it out. If you have like a secret and you keep it in that fanny pack, it's like a picture of your
Starting point is 00:02:32 dick or something like that. You don't want anybody having it. An actual physical picture. What was the one Bobby Kelly was wearing? It was like one that went over your shoulders. A bandolero. A bandolero. What is it? It's like a fanny pack that's on your chest. It's like for people who are scared of wearing a fanny pack,
Starting point is 00:02:49 so they pretend they're world travelers with skinny soles. You know those dudes who wear suede shoes of muted colors with thin soles? Yeah. You know those kind of guys? And they have skinny pants on, and then they wear a satchel. I have a satchel. I just got back from Buenos Aires. It's amazing this time of year.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah. That guy wear a satchel. I like to take those people's satchels from them and just wear them around my waist. Did you just turn my satchel into a fanny pack? It's more of a butcher's apron. Yeah, there's something about them. They, for whatever reason, not only do they not catch on, they became gross. Like, fanny packs are gross.
Starting point is 00:03:29 They're way more than didn't catch on. This man has a satchel. This man is very involved in UNICEF and the Red Cross. He goes to foreign lands and delivers malaria medicine. Right? Look at that guy. Oosh. There's something about you.
Starting point is 00:03:51 When I'm not on the Big Bang Theory, I carry around my satchel. I ought to blow a guy to get this roll. What's in that satchel? Just a bunch of dicks? Pubic hair and dicks. It's filled with cum. 13 pounds of cum. It's sloshless when he walks. All right. How much do you think it would weigh. It's filled with cum. 13 pounds of cum. He sloshes when he walks.
Starting point is 00:04:06 All right, how much do you think it would weigh if that was filled with cum? How heavy is cum? It's a little thicker than water, so... Probably about nine pounds. A gallon of milk? Nine pounds. Well, I should know.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I've seen... We had pictures of cum on Fear Factor. It was actual pictures. What kind of cum? It was donkey cum on Fear Factor. It was actual pitchers. What kind of cum? It was donkey cum. Oh, man. Donkey cum is the cheapest cum you can get because donkeys are hybrids and they're not viable.
Starting point is 00:04:36 So that donkey cum is just useless. Wow. When you had that much cum, did it separate? Was there like a top? You didn't have to blend it. No. You didn't have to shake it like a lemonade. It's like a curdle at the top. Scoop off. No. No, you didn't have to blend it. No. You didn't have to shake it like a lemonade. It's like a curdle at the top. Scoop off.
Starting point is 00:04:47 No. No, you didn't have to shake it. I know what you're talking about. Like some of those energy drinks that you mix in a water bottle and then it settles to the bottom. Yeah. You got to... No. Cum is just cum.
Starting point is 00:04:58 It's basically cock snot. There it is. Oh, no. Those girls had... One of them drank a glass of cum and one drank a glass of urine. It's the, like, there's two times ever doing that show where I was like, what in the fuck are you doing? Like, you can't do this. Like, you guys are going too far.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Oh. That's donkey cum? Donkey cum. A whole beer mug full of donkey cum. God, I miss that show. Somebody sat down. This is how crazy the show was. Somebody sat down, said, I got an idea. Yeah. And started pitching that people would have to drink Donkey cum. It blows my mind that it was on NBC. Yeah, and then other people said, yeah, I like what you're saying. Makes sense.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Let's do it. NBC is as mainstream as it gets. Like, hey, after you're done enjoying Donkey Kong, watch the nightly news with Tom Brokaw. As mainstream as possible. And the girl did it. She's pretending like she didn't love it, though. She liked it. It's not even her first time drinking Donkey Kong.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Dude, it was so ridiculous that's a shit i would love to have seen the donkey there's such a ridiculous show show is so silly that's overkill like being able to look at the donkey oh the guy i love that you're just yelling at these guys come on chug it that guy just chugged it so quick. Now they're hugging. They're getting calm on each other. So strange. It's just, then they get to throw up. They have to hold it in their mouth for like a few seconds or something.
Starting point is 00:06:36 His buddy's throwing up and he didn't even drink it. I don't need to relive this, Jay. We could stop this right now. This is so unnecessary. It's incredible. It's just amazing that that was an actual show. It's amazing, as amazing to me as it is to anybody that was watching it. It doesn't even feel like it was me.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I watch it now, and even though I know it was me, I'm like, I didn't do that. It's crazy because most shows for comedians to host suck and aren't fun at all. You know what I mean? But that show seems like it was, you were surprised. It's like you get to watch you're like oh we're making these people drink donkey come today like how do you not enjoy that it's hard it's hard to drink you gotta help these people you gotta root them on out of all the things on fear factor did you ever like sample anything like dip your finger in anything and try it or yeah I ate a bunch of shit. The first episode I felt bad.
Starting point is 00:07:28 The people had to eat sheep's eyeballs. So I said I would eat one too. Wow. Just for a goof. But I don't even think we put that on camera. I just said I'll do it for you guys. Did it taste bad? It's a sheep joke.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Son of a bitch. You fucking can't help yourself. You literally can't help yourself. No, it didn't taste that bad. It was not that big a deal. It's more of in your head than anything. I ate a tomato hornworm. Again, all in your head.
Starting point is 00:07:56 The actual taste, not that bad. Not that big a deal. Those were the big ones. The juicy green thing. That popped in your mouth. Yeah, it exploded in my mouth. It didn't taste bad at all. It was like nothing. Cockroach.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I ate a big ass cockroach. What was that? A Madagascar hissing cockroach. Was it alive? Well, there was a young lady that was on the show and she was going to get kicked off if she didn't do something else. She had to do something to stay in the show. It was all for charity, right?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Because it was a celebrity fear factor. Allison Sweeney, I believe her name is, from Days of Our Lives. And so I said, look, if you eat one of these roaches, I don't know who came up with this idea. Someone in the office. I'm like, if you eat one of these roaches, you can stay. And she said, I can't eat a roach. I go, what about a worm?
Starting point is 00:08:42 I go, what about two worms? I think we made a deal. Maybe she ate two worms or something like that. And I had to eat a roach. I go, what about a worm? I go, what about two worms? I think we made a deal. Maybe she ate two worms or something like that, and I had to eat a roach. So stupid. It's just such a ridiculous show. But anyway, the point is, this roach tasted like nothing. It's like, there's nothing. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:09:00 You got it. What are you doing? It made me cough because of, like, all the little legs. I was kind of a hoot. But all the little legs and the parts and stuff. Why? Why would you do that? Oh, gross.
Starting point is 00:09:18 You love it. That's hilarious. Oh, a Baldwin brother. Yeah, the Baldwin brother wow Steven he's a nice guy very nice guy
Starting point is 00:09:29 I would have loved to have seen him he won he did? yeah he won yeah he's a funny dude he's all ate up with the Jesus though he's with
Starting point is 00:09:40 pro Jesus? oh all all up with Jesus wow yeah he's like a big Jesus proselytizer. He does retreats and shit or something like that.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Very Jesus-oriented individual. But a happy guy. Very nice guy. Kirk Cameron style. Not that far. Kirk Cameron's in some wacky place where they look at a banana and they go, this has to be a sign of God.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Look how the banana fits in your hand. It is the perfect shape. Note how it peels. Designed by the creator himself to fit in your hands. Have you ever seen that? Ray Comfort explains a banana. We got to watch this because this is his boy. Like these two guys, they get together, and they don't fuck.
Starting point is 00:10:25 They just look at each other, and they want to, and no one does anything, and they just keep doing it night after night. They just talk about Jesus and stare into each other's eyes. But this is his buddy that he does. Daniel Baldwin. No, no, no. The other one, Kirk Cameron. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 This is his buddy. It's like off the deep end Jesus guy. And this is the guy that he holds up a fucking banana. And it's the atheist nightmare, he says. He's like, this is a banana, and it is the atheist nightmare. The atheist nightmare. When you study a well-made banana, you'll find on the far side, there are three ridges. On the close side, two ridges.
Starting point is 00:11:02 If you get your hand ready to grip a banana, you'll find on the far side, there are three grooves. On the close side, two ridges. If you get your hand ready to grip a banana, you'll find on the far side, there are three grooves. On the close side, two grooves. The banana and the hand are perfectly made one for the other. You'll find the maker of the banana, almighty God, has made it with a non-slip surface. It has outward indicators of inward contents. Green, too early. Yellow, just right.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Black, too late. Now, if you go to the top of the prana, you'll find as with the soda can makers, they placed a tab at the top so God has placed a tab at the top. When you pull the tab, the contents don't squirt in your face. You'll find the wrapper, which is biodegradable, has perforations. Notice how gracefully it sits over the human hand. Notice it has a point at the top for ease of entry. It's just the right shape for the human mouth. It's chewy, easy to digest, and it's even curved toward the face to make
Starting point is 00:11:49 the whole process so much easier. Seriously, Kurt, the whole of creation testifies to the genius of God's creative hand. Kurt was about to jump in. Oh, you just totally made sense. What you said wasn't fucking ridiculous at all. Look how Jesus designed this
Starting point is 00:12:05 banana. Does that get us kicked off YouTube? We're gonna have to edit that out? We're gonna have to edit it out. Yeah, most likely. It's not our content. And we don't want to get booted off YouTube. But Ray Comfort banana. Google it. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:21 God, it's awesome. All the god shit to the side. It is sort of crazy if you think about fruits how amazing they are like it's like a trick candy in a wrapper all right you know well it's a it's like a delivery system trick it's like there's seeds inside these plants and if you eat it it goes through your body you shit it out so it like literally comes with manure like it's got a seed it's got some manure it's got shit so the seed can grow in it So it literally comes with manure. It's got a seed. It's got some manure. It's got shit so the seed can grow in.
Starting point is 00:12:48 It literally comes out with fertilizer. There's a way, especially with animals like undulates, like cows and stuff like that, they're shitting out almost like mulch. They're shitting out compost. I mean, you take cow's shit and you take that shit and you grow things with it i mean it's great fertilizer people use it on their crops so it's in a lot of ways i get i would imagine this is just me thinking that this is what it is it's like some sort of uh like a transportation device for seeds right doesn't that make sense it's crazy i never thought of it that
Starting point is 00:13:21 way though they're like animals eat the seeds and then they they're pooping out the next thing bananas Don't have seeds No, don't do they if it was really Jesus's if it was really an atheist nightmare I think there'd be seeds and hard seedless beautiful if bananas had seeds they'd be bunk man fits in the mouth Perfect. I wonder if that dummy knows that we've actually like changed the shape of bananas I wonder if that dummy knows that we've actually changed the shape of bananas. Go look at a wild banana. Those little scrubby-ass, bitch-ass bananas.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Those aren't like those dull bananas. Those big whopper bananas were like, Jesus, those GMO bananas that you can hit now. Yeah, they're just sprayed with steroids. They're like a 10-year-old's arm. These GMO bananas are fucking ridiculous. Yeah, the Brock Lesnar of bananas. Yeah, tell that to Ray Comfort. He doesn't understand agriculture.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Silly fuck. The way Jesus made this banana is incredible, isn't it? It's just such a strange argument. But it's just, if that's what you want to believe, if you really want to believe that God designed a banana so perfectly to let you know that it's food, explain coconuts. Coconuts are fucking awesome for you. It's so hard to let you know that it's food. Explain coconuts. Coconuts are fucking awesome for you.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It's so hard to get to them. You gotta chop through that husk and pull away all that bullshit that's on the outside. Climb a huge tree first. You gotta crack them open. And then you gotta take the milk out and the meat. And you gotta, like, scoop the meat of it up. And if you wanna get the oil, oh, you wanna take all that coconut and turn it into coconut oil coconut oil oh what a pain in the dick that's gonna be yeah have you seen like the certain foods
Starting point is 00:14:52 that are going to get more and more expensive because of global warming and stuff like that like the price of chocolate and the price of coffee is just going to go through the roof pistachios i guess this year or like we're like on a shortage so you're gonna see like pistachios like double in price in the next couple months it's really weird like what foods are on like the endangered species list almost maybe we shouldn't live in a place that's really fucking hot right now when the earth is getting hotter yeah i mean what the fuck is la gonna be like la is gonna be like phoenix right like Like, Phoenix is like a bump hotter than LA. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Wouldn't you say? Yeah, a lot. Yeah, like a bump. A good, solid bump. But everything's shifted. Earthquakes, hurricanes, everything's kind of like... Oklahoma had an earthquake the other day. Yeah, but that's because of fracking.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah, that is no joke, man. They're having so many earthquakes because of fracking. I think Oklahoma just put some, they put a pause. Yeah, they did. I don't know if it's a pause on drilling new wells or it's a pause on, like, it can't be a pause on operating the wells. I think it is. I think it was like 41 different fracking sites. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:16:00 Or something like that. Well, let's find out what it is. Young Jamie. They're going crazy with fracking. Ohio's been doing it and they've been getting earthquakes, too. Isn't it crazy? It's like we get most of the oil now, I guess, from Earth here, from America. Oklahoma orders shutdown of 37 wells after earthquake.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Fuck, man. That's crazy. Good Lord. And then there's been, like, the Iraqi. Look how hot this girl is. Yeah, it's so hot. Telling you the news. That's crazy. Good Lord. And then there's been like the Iraqi. Look how hot this girl is. Yeah, it's so hot. Telling you the news. That's the new thing.
Starting point is 00:16:29 All newscasters are super hot. CNN has this like supermodel lady. She's beautiful. Have you ever seen the Fox News girls? They're all like seven feet tall blonde. Let's not listen to her, but let's watch her face move. Yeah, they're just getting the hottest women. The Mexican weather girl with the butt.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Oh, my God. I've seen that lady. I love her. That's ridiculous. But that's kind of like a gimmick, right? And that's Mexico. This is CNN. Like, they're just hiring the best looking people.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah, you know there's a bunch of- The super sexy, light skinned black chick. Beautiful lips. And she's talking to this man. Well, I believe in Jesus, and Jesus wants talking to this man well i believe in jesus and jesus wants us to dig oil look at my tie look at my haircut it's conservative as is my approach to language ma'am you won't hear me using any forbidden words you know we need to keep the oil prices low the way to keep the oil prices low is to continue safe and ethical fracking.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And that's what we're going to do. Meanwhile, get back to the hot chick. Let me see her face. You don't get to see it. What the fuck are they doing? Like all these shows, like Fox News and all the... There's
Starting point is 00:17:40 got to be something to the fact that propaganda being delivered by someone who is so hot you just want to stare at them. Oh, yeah. Like those Fox Ice Queens. Totally. There's a bunch of them that are just like, they're so hot. You just want to look at their face. Little kids get compelled to look at pretty women's faces.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Oh, yeah. Fox News has a bunch of stuff strategically to keep you watching, like spinning things, and it's all mental. Dude, we were watching once, and who was it? Was it the Megyn Kelly lady that was crossing and uncrossing her legs like 30 fucking times? Yeah. And she's wearing this little skirt. Fine enough, it might not have been her. It might have been one of those other hotties.
Starting point is 00:18:19 One of those other Fox hotties. But it was ridiculous because she's wearing literally like, she's got a napkin over her vagina. Oh my God. It's a small napkin. I mean, it's not as much of a skirt at all. She has these super long legs and high heels on. And she's doing this. She's shrink, she's shrink.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Does she have a little bush? Could you see her? No, you don't get a chance to see. She's very, very calculated. Very calculated. But if I was sitting with a dude who moved his legs that much, I'd be like, bro, are you okay? Why do you keep crossing your legs like a fucking cricket? Are you trying to sing me a song?
Starting point is 00:18:49 You see the girl that was twerking and her butt popped open in her underwear? Yes, I did see that. That was a good one. Was that on Fox News? I don't think that's related. I don't think Brian watches Fox News. They say Fox News is hurting. That's what I keep hearing.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Fox News is hurting. I watch Reuters. And who was it that was saying that they had heard... Fuck. I'm trying to remember who was telling me this. Me. Was it you? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Were you telling me the thing about Trump and a television network? I was trying to remember where I heard it. I think it was a radio show or something. But there's a lot of people he's added like Sean Hannity and I think the guy that's taken over his campaign that used to run Fox are taking over his spot and I don't know how they're going to transition if he loses but that a Trump news channel is going to
Starting point is 00:19:34 be started up next year at the end of this year. Trump news channel? 24 hour Trump Here's what he does if he was smart I mean he's obviously smart he's obviously really good at making money. He's obviously, whatever you can say about the outrageous shit that he says, that guy's ridiculously successful. Yep.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Ridiculously, right? I mean, yeah, his dad gave him a big loan to start out with, but what the fuck ever. At the end of the day, that guy's ridiculously successful. ridiculously successful. If he wanted to open like a television cable network and use that as a platform to set him up for four years from now, do you know like the kind of fucking shit
Starting point is 00:20:12 that he would say about like Hillary and like other candidates that no one would have the balls to say? Like he takes it to this non-political place, you know? Like he insults Hillary Clinton all the time. calls her crooked hillary has there ever been two presidential candidates or one of them had nicknames for all the other
Starting point is 00:20:32 people no he's a genius he made fun of everybody lion ted who was and he keeps repeating it and it becomes like it's that's who she is that's crooked hillary yeah it's fucking crazy it's amazing what he did. If she just started calling him like Orange Donald or something, it'd be killer. She could really fire back. She needs a little like roast help because he's digging in deep. It's not just that. There's an uncomfortable sound that she makes when she speaks, when she gives speeches.
Starting point is 00:21:01 They're not soothing and they don't draw you in. when she gives speeches, they're not soothing and they don't draw you in. Like as much as she is way more qualified to be a leader than he is, right, knows way more about foreign policy, knows way more about how Washington works, she's deep, right? Like she'd be a way more qualified leader. There's something about the quality of her voice. She needs to drink some Donkey Cum. Oh, how dare you.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Which, by the way, is like, isn't that the Democratic? If she wins, I think you're going to jail for that. That's the Democratic slogan. I like her just because she at least has Bill. But Bill's not Bill anymore, man. He's Bill enough. Bill's still enough. He's kind of the stand back and take naps in the background guy now.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Have you noticed that? Yeah. There was a speech he was giving. He was falling asleep in the middle of the speech. And, you know, he's just in really poor health, apparently. His body's just not doing so well. That's what happens when the blowjobs stop. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You can't have fun anymore. You just can't help yourself. I mean, it's true. He was a machine back in the day. He just came too much. He's all dried out. I ain't got nothing true. He was a machine back in the day. He just came too much. He's all dried out. I ain't got nothing left. Just dried out.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Just shot so many loads. Poor guy. Well, he was a two-term president. I wouldn't say poor guy. He was the best. Guy made a mad run for it. I mean, regardless of all the dick pulling out and all that stuff. He's a madman.
Starting point is 00:22:25 What do you expect from a madman? He's doing some madman type shit. All I remember is everybody was taking vacations, owning houses, and gas prices were like 45 cents a gallon. Right. So, I mean, he should... I don't know enough. I don't know enough about the economic cycles,
Starting point is 00:22:41 but I do know that the people that are smart that talk about it say that there's like these upturns and downturns that you can almost calculate. They're just going to happen. And that this, we have a weird economy and that these people that are the experts, they can kind of predict how things start happening and deregulation moves things along a little bit. And this moves things along. Tax incentive moves things a little long, a little further. But then somewhere along the line, the house of cards comes falling down. And they say the big one was, you know, like with the mortgage crisis of 2008, we avoided an even bigger
Starting point is 00:23:16 one with the commercial real estate crisis. They were saying that they were worried about that more than anything. Because if you drive down like any place in the valley, just go drive down the valley and look at all the buildings for sale. Look at all the buildings for lease. It's way more than you used to see. Like as you're driving down, you see available for lease, available for sale, available, available, available. You see available like all over the fucking place.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Like that could fall apart too, man man apparently that's a big one apparently there's like a lot of people that are like leveraging all these commercial properties and moving things around selling things here but there's a lot of vacant office shit well there's like this whole like flip your house movement too you know and those channels like when i'm at hotels and stuff you end up i end up sticking on it like they're like trying to convince everybody that they can just go buy a house and flip it and sell it make money it's so easy look i just come in tear down a wall and then sell it for twice as much more yeah they're characters too right they're all like i'm gonna do my own grout now they're laying tiles and shit. Right. And then they edit it down to make it look like it took 12 seconds on TV.
Starting point is 00:24:28 This Old House, remember that? That was one of my favorite shows growing up. Bob Vila. And that's pretty much the original Flipping House show, but they made it a whole story almost. It went on for days. What happened to Bob Vila? Is he alive?
Starting point is 00:24:42 That's a good question. That is a good question. I forgot about him Like huge Me too He was a hero Yeah this old house was That was like a giant show
Starting point is 00:24:50 Yeah Right? Mm-hmm Well at least it was for me Growing up Because we watched it every day That and the Antique Roadshow Is another one
Starting point is 00:24:56 That I just love on PBS It was for me too He's still rocking That might not be real One million followers It is Look at him Verified
Starting point is 00:25:02 Handsome bastard He looks exactly the same Cleaner AC coils mean higher Efficiency and lower energy bills how clean are yours? I just had that one of those air conditionings fuck me for life Fucked you yeah, because it has like a drain and it's supposed to be tilted a little so it could drip out Mine was dripping the other way like I didn't even know it was going underneath my carpet So now it got underneath to my my wood floors and now there's big buckles so when you walk it's like speed bumps underneath my carpet and there's probably
Starting point is 00:25:30 black mold in there i'm probably gonna die is that how black mold is from that right like water it's from moisture yeah from water damage but it has to be present you know it has to be present and then it can grow like uh i know uh well tom likus was a big one because he would talk about it on television or on the radio rather like his his whole house had to be gutted like down to the studs that was in hollywood he's feeling like shit for years just like just health was poor just really didn't have any energy trying to fill out what the fuck was going on and um they brought in a black mold specialist and they're like dude your fucking house is infected Oh, so he's breathing in all these spores
Starting point is 00:26:11 These black mold spores just being poisoned all the time. Do they have home tests for that? I bet you anything I have so much black black mold matters. Yeah people Fucking son of a bitch You fucking son of a bitch. You son of a bitch. Gotta keep an eye on it. You can't help the jokes. They come.
Starting point is 00:26:31 They just come. Yeah, man. I think they do a lot of testing for it. You should probably get it checked out. Some people have it, man. You ever see one of Jim Norton? Jim Norton, was it Jim and Bobby? Jim and Bobby Kelly lived in an apartment.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And they had black mold on the wall so bad that you would take the picture off the wall. And it was just like you could see it all over behind the picture. It's probably not. Is it as common, though, in Los Angeles since we're a desert and everything's dry? It's a good question. I think if there's water, like if you have water damage. Like say if you have a leaky pipe or something like that for long periods of time. See that shit dripping down?
Starting point is 00:27:06 That's black mold juice. Those lines. Oh my God. Now watch, they pick up the, it's Cribs, Jim Norton, if you want to find it. That's the video. And they say brace yourself, so they push it aside. Oh my God. And the fucking wall is just covered with black mold behind the photo.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I mean like someone spray painted all over it. You need a priest to come in and give an exorcist to your house. How did it happen, though? Like, what was leaking? They're slobs. They're fucking slobs. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:27:35 Somebody might have come on that picture. You know, it's Jim Norton. Who the hell knows? He's a savage. Look at him. Oh, my God. He's playing chess, listening to CDs. That's pretty much your apartment, Red Band.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yeah, it looks like my apartment. Every comedian's apartment. Pretty much every comedian. Ridiculous people. Yeah, that black mold's no joke. Don't get it in your life, Tony Hinchcliffe. I keep an eye on all the black mold. Yeah, I don't think, is there more than one variety of black mold?
Starting point is 00:28:04 I don't know. And does it have to be, like, water damage for a long time? Because I'm sure if it's, um, I don't think, is there more than one variety of black mold? I don't know. And does it have to be, like, water damaged for a long time? Because I'm sure if it's underneath my carpet, it probably dried out. You know, if I caught it. Could be. Could be. I don't know enough. I don't know enough.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I don't know. You know, I know that mold and spores thrive in moist conditions, you know, like the forest. But I have no idea, man. That's creepy stuff. That's creepy stuff it's creepy like yeah fungus and mold and shit like that it's just so weird there's like these these life forms that live on life forms you know they like you leave your uh a pair leave it sitting around somewhere and forget about it come back in a couple of days and it's got this little green civilization growing on it like who are you?
Starting point is 00:28:45 Where'd you guys come from? Like, what are you doing here? Unlike the banana, which has a skin that protects it from these things because Jesus loves bananas. You gave him a southern accent even though he's from New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Interesting. It's an interesting choice. I ate a bunch of mold the other day. It was late at night and we bought strawberries and, you know, like underneath the strawberry
Starting point is 00:29:04 was like green and stuff. I had no idea because it was dark. I, and we bought strawberries. And, you know, like underneath the strawberry was like green and stuff. I had no idea because it was dark. I was just like eating strawberries. And the next day, I go in to get some more, and I'm like, they're all moldy. I'm like, was I eating moldy? Yeah, I was. You were eating moldy strawberries in the dark? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Man. It's probably not even that bad for you. It's probably just all in your head. I mean, otherwise, people would be dying left and right, and right right right because everybody eats strawberries and doesn't pay attention or blueberries blueberries they always have fucking mold on them cheese sometimes blueberries have mold like right when you buy them like you buy them and bring them home you're like fuck you're already moldy yeah trader chose a lot of times cheese too like you'll eat a slice of cheese now you realize half of it's white and green.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Well, some cheese is supposed to be that way. That's just you, Brian. Nobody else is eating green cheese. Where are you leaving your cheese? Remember my mom would always say, just pull off the mold part and it's still good. I wonder if that's true. You ever pull a piece of cheese out of the glove compartment and it's green and you're eating it?
Starting point is 00:30:01 I just don't think that the kind of mold that we're talking about is toxic. I just bet it's green, you're eating it. I just don't think that the kind of mold that we're talking about is toxic. I just bet it's not. Jamie, look up mold on strawberries. Is it okay to eat moldy food? What does it say? May have invisible bacteria
Starting point is 00:30:17 along with the mold. Yes, some molds cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and a few molds in the right conditions produce mycotoxins, poisonous substances that can make you sick. Yeah. Huh. Okay, just Google strawberries, moldy strawberries.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Can you eat moldy strawberries? Oh, God. Google, can Brian Redband eat moldy strawberries? You've done something like this before. Your fruit had mold, and it's just like, I just bought this also. So have you ate mold also joe um sure i have quick answer the most likely result of eating moldy fruit is absolutely nothing
Starting point is 00:30:51 unless the person eating the mold is allergic however while the majority of molds are not dangerous moldy fruit is more likely to be spoiled and spoiled fruit may cause illness because mold may form on fruit without the fruit spoiling, simply cutting the moldy area off is also a solution. Most molds are not harmful. Some are even beneficial. In fact, mold is actually a form of fungus similar to mushrooms. Mold grows in damp environments and fruit skin, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Hmm, interesting.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Interesting. I've always been scared of mold. Well, fungus in general is a freaky, freaky organism because it's not really a plant. A fungus actually breathes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide. And they say it's closer to an animal than it is to a plant in like what it is, like what kind of a being it is. Very, very bizarre. bizarre well what magic mushrooms does to the brain i mean there's definitely some stuff going on there that's crazy yeah that's it that feels like you're communicating with like uh it's like you tap in through this organism
Starting point is 00:31:58 to this matrix of like not just like plant intelligence but the intelligence of the actual earth itself it feels like almost like you're being transmitted in a way where you can now understand all these things that are around you all the time but they're muted because you just you just lack the ability to perceive them like the earth itself like we walk around and we're like wow it's so pretty today but do you really you don't really feel what the earth is the way you feel it when you're on mushrooms. When you're on mushrooms, you like, you feel the actual grass as like a type of an organism. There's a thing like this, the grass, it stops being like a couple of leaves and some dirt and some water and then it becomes instead this feeling like you're you're connected to this like almost like like a like a circuit you know like a biological circuit
Starting point is 00:32:54 that's what like a beautiful thick lawn feels like when you're on mushrooms yeah like when you're standing in it you feel like you're connected to this very strange life form. And that is what it is. I mean, that's not even a hallucinatory sort of feeling. But I think pretty much everybody that does any sort of psychedelic, plant-based psychedelic, like mushrooms, animal-based, whatever you want to call it, fungus-based, you reach these weird places where you go, okay, am I talking to that thing? Did I eat that thing? And that thing's talking to me now? Like, is it, is it communicating with me through me digesting it?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Is that what's happening? Does it let me go into some strange dimension when I eat it? It is amazing. I miss this year's Shroom Fest, right? That's normally the one time a year where I do it. We go out in the desert, but I had like, I was on the road or something and I miss it, man. I'm overdue for one. Like, it's like, you'll be so connected to the universe and you feel it and you feel, you know, you just try to remember what happened. Like you try to
Starting point is 00:33:53 stay in that, but it goes away. And it's amazing. Cause like you're out in the desert or at least that's where I normally do it. And you're looking at the rocks and like the moon and the stars are just beaming out there. And you'll feel as lost in the universe as ever. And then all of a sudden you'll hear one of your buddies fart. You'll come back and laugh for 20 minutes straight about it. Yeah, it's a very strange life form. Very strange thing that you take into your body that does that.
Starting point is 00:34:25 There's a gang of them too. It's just so weird. So I really don't know into your body that does that. There's a gang of them, too. It's just so weird. So I don't, you know, I really don't know what's going on with that. Isn't it crazy that it comes from cow poop? Yeah, well, that's where it grows. It doesn't really come from it, but it grows really good on it. Because the stomach of a cow, I guess, the double unulate onion it you know they make that stuff that manure It's just so rich for things to grow in it so rich I do the thing with my finger
Starting point is 00:34:56 Italian the kind of fucking manure that you're gonna need to grow these mushrooms This is the manure these cows. They just eat in alfalfa all day. Alfalfa. It's delicious. Mushrooms just grow. When Duncan went to school, Duncan went to school in super hippieville. He grew up in Asheville, North Carolina, which is a fucking great town. Have you ever worked Asheville? Mm-mm. You've got to come with me to Asheville.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Asheville's fucking, I almost don't want to tell people about it because I don't want people moving there and ruining it. Cause it's like a, you could walk around like it's a small town, but the people are cool as fuck. Like, and it's like a part of the community of the college of the university and the university, super lefty, super lefty,
Starting point is 00:35:40 like super hippies, super all like Duncan's like living up there in the mountains of North Carolina in like some of the most beautiful landscape you're ever going to see in your life. Just out and out, amazing scenery, incredible scenery. I love that there's still places like that. Yeah. Like it's crazy. Like my buddy Little Landy with the glasses, he's from South Carolina,
Starting point is 00:36:03 and he went home to visit his family, and he's walking around a park with his mom, and Bill Murray's just sitting on a bench. Where was he? Just chilling. Wherever in South Carolina where Bill Murray lives, that's where he's from too. I thought Bill Murray lived in like the upper, on the East River or one of the rivers. He lives like upstate New York. Like there was a whole Anthony Bourdain episode about it.
Starting point is 00:36:31 He lives like way the fuck up there, up a river. Maybe he was just hanging out in this place. Maybe he lives in a bunch of places. Yeah, I think so. He's just a baller. Yeah. Bill Murray, Anthony. Oh, Beauty of Charleston, South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Oh, you know what? That's right. This was the new episode that he did. He moved to a new place. And Bill Murray does not have a girlfriend. He's like this dude. He's like, yeah, I'll just be by myself. Just leave me alone, please.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I'm just going to go have my life. He did this interview about it where he's talking about it. He's like, I'm not really interested in all that goes along with that. He did it, man. He's the coolest ever. He's a great, great representative of cool. The leader of the real Ghostbusters. They killed him in the new movie.
Starting point is 00:37:11 What? The new Ghostbusters movie. They killed Bill Murray. Oh, well. They can go kill themselves because I'm never watching Garbage Pile. He's a bad guy. I didn't know. Really?
Starting point is 00:37:20 They kill him. He's a skeptic. It's like the whole thing. It's very, very what? That's what it's like. It's like what? My point was about Asheville is that there were so many kids getting high off mushrooms, off of these cows because they're up in this farm area and it's raining all the time.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Everything's wet as fuck. It's lush and green. And these mushrooms just grew like weeds everywhere. And it was so bad that they had to give the cows food, special food that made their manure so that the mushrooms, if they did grow in them, they wouldn't be potent. They wouldn't work. potent yeah they wouldn't they wouldn't work i remember when we were in college would get go to certain places and get trash bags worth of mushrooms because some areas uh just because of the weather and the farms and stuff like that it just grew mushrooms like like crazy you got to be so careful though with mushrooms like what you're taking like if you think it's one kind
Starting point is 00:38:20 of mushroom but it's another kind of mushroom there's some mushrooms that'll kill you in seconds. That happened recently on this old folks home. These old folks were hanging out and this lady went out and gathered up some mushrooms. She's probably out of her fucking head on what kind of Alzheimer's medicine or anything they give them. When you're in old folks homes, dude, they will throw some pills down your throat. Oh, yeah. You get to choose
Starting point is 00:38:45 how fucked up you want to be all day and so this lady's out there picking mushrooms and uh just got a gang of poison ones cooked them all up for everybody everybody died wow yeah whoa she cooked them at the old folks home brought them back yeah she cooked them for the old folks at the old folks home just whack the whole crew. Yeah. Yeah. I don't remember how many people died, but it was more than one. Did you hear about all those people dying from heroin? Two elderly women die. Four people sickened after eating wild mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah. So crazy shit. Did you hear about all those people dying from heroin overdoses because there was a bad batch of heroin in like Ohio or something? And like 41 people have overdosed on like the same heroin. I did hear about that. I did hear about that. Yeah. Did you hear about that?
Starting point is 00:39:31 How do you say that stuff? Kratom? How do you say it? Kratom? K-R-A-T-O-M? How do you say it? I would say you're probably close. Kratom?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Kratom. Kratom maybe? Kratom? I don't know how to say it. I've never said it, but I've read about it a lot. And it's a plant that helps people overcome opiate addiction, apparently. And the FDA just moved it to Schedule 1, or they're going to move it to Schedule 1, or the DEA, I should say. I guess it's the DEA, right?
Starting point is 00:40:00 But it's a plant. And apparently it helps a lot of people that have heroin addiction problems and opiate addiction problems. And even some people said it helps with marijuana, not marijuana, but alcohol withdrawals. Like people, alcoholics, they try to break free and get sober. This stuff can help with that, too. I don't know enough about it. You know, I'm going to I'm going to have someone on to talk about it. But it's just there's no need to make anything else illegal. Like this thing where they're doing, like what they're doing is they're behaving like an archaic society.
Starting point is 00:40:33 They're not behaving like America 2016. They're behaving like the people who enacted the very first sweeping psychedelic laws of 1970. They're behaving like they behaved. If you've got this plant, this kratom or however you say it, and it doesn't have any history of people dropping dead from it, it's not like some threat to the communities, it's not like this terror that's sweeping the streets
Starting point is 00:40:59 and it's ruining lives. You're not hearing that. All I'm hearing is it helps people with heroin addiction. We all know how many people are addicted to heroin. So the fact that they just want to step in and immediately not just make this like a schedule two or a schedule three, or have some scientists come in and testify about it and have some sort of public hearings where they discuss the merits of keeping this drug legal. And should this be regulated? Should it be prescribed by doctors? Like reasonable adults would do if they actually gave a fuck about each other.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But instead, they have these fucking ridiculous amounts of power where they could just step in and just make things illegal. They have a ridiculous amount of power when it comes to legislating what we can and can't do with our bodies. Because this is not something anybody's voting on this kratom stuff right so for the dea to just step in and make that schedule one it's blasphemy like what they're doing is a mad it's a it's such an abuse of the function of the office the idea of the office is you're supposed to be protecting people protect people from meth protect people from bad shit don't don't let uh people come home to find their children uh that have overdosed because someone gave them bath salts right that's that's what everybody wants from something like the dea but they're so far reaching with their efforts that they step into all these areas where we know you're full of shit now you step into these areas like marijuana know you're full of shit now. You step into these areas like marijuana.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Are you going to save people from pot? Congratulations, you fucking cock blocker. What are you going to do? Are you going to save people from giggling or eating yummy food or having a good time with their friends? What are you stopping? This is not anything that we should ever ask for from our leaders, in quotes, and definitely not anything we should ever ask for from our leaders in quotes and definitely not anything we should ever tolerate for no reason whatsoever there's no
Starting point is 00:42:50 reason whatsoever why they would keep marijuana illegal there's no reason whatsoever why they'd make this kratom stuff schedule one there's no fucking reason it's money it's it is it's a sure sign that it's a corrupt system and if it if the Kratom stuff helps with alcohol withdrawals, then you've got to know that these big companies why wouldn't they pitch them some money to be like, hey, let's keep people drinking.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Even if they didn't do it blatantly. Even if they didn't do it blatantly. If they're entangled with each other, you can best believe that if you are entangled with some sort of an alcohol company, you're going to do your best to maximize the profits of that alcohol company, right? I mean, it's just the way it is. If you're entangled with some donor to some political campaign or some, you know, like foundation that you run, and they give millions of dollars, like you guys have a little agreement going on there.
Starting point is 00:43:44 You don't have to even say it. You don't have little agreement going on there. You don't have to even say it. You don't have to have it written down. You don't have to be stupid about it. But it's pretty obvious if someone gives you millions of bucks, you guys are doing business. Something's happening here. You're going to do nice things for each other now. And that's where a lot of this shit comes from. And that's where a lot of this shit comes from.
Starting point is 00:44:14 The fact that we, the people, the people that are supposed to be represented by these clowns, can sit back and just be frustrated and not do anything. We can vote for it when it comes up in our states, but federally, it's a giant issue federally. Federally is the real problem. Because there's a bunch of states now that made it legal, including Washington fucking D.C. There's a bunch of states now that made it legal including washington fucking dc it's a bunch of states that have made pot legal they're like look it's ridiculous doesn't the science doesn't fit and then they start taxing it and then they make unbelievable amounts of money and then they have massive resurgences in their economy like you're seeing in colorado and now you're seeing in seattle and washington state as well what they're doing is they're they're being tyrannical. This is not reasonable people acting in a reasonable way.
Starting point is 00:44:51 They're locking people up. For a long time. Oh, my God. There was this fucking thing the other day where they were comparing that kid who raped the girl in what university was that, who's got a ridiculously short amount of time. What's that? You don't have a mic on.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Stanford. Stanford. Is that what it is? Yeah. That guy. So they compared that guy to some poor bastard that oh my god, I think he got 30 years for growing pot. Did you see that picture?
Starting point is 00:45:22 Did you see it? I think it was even longer than 30 years. Man, it might have been. It might have been like 30 to life or something. But it's just the idea that you would lock that guy away for that long for something so fucking innocuous. Well, don't break the law. Well, don't break the law. It's real simple. We got a law and you don't want to break it. Okay? You take your consequences.
Starting point is 00:45:44 We're adults here. We're all adults. These laws are stupid. We're being handicapped by these ancient systems. These ancient systems of control. They're not valid anymore. You can't just lock people up for pot. It's stupid.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Here it is. Lee Carroll Brooker, a 75-year-old veteran, served a life sentence in prison without parole for being caught growing three dozen marijuana plants behind my son's house wow oh my god and it says
Starting point is 00:46:10 hi I'm Brock Turner 20 year old who raped a woman on campus I just got six months in prison I'm also promised that with good behavior
Starting point is 00:46:17 that would be cut down to three months Jesus Christ wow yeah he's already out yeah and there's like armed protesters
Starting point is 00:46:24 outside of his house. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. So rape before joints, guys. Yeah. It's just crazy. If you're going to rape a girl, don't do it on a pile of marijuana plants. That's what we learned here.
Starting point is 00:46:38 That would be a good party. Life plus three months. That would be a good party from Obama, I think. That guy, yes. But can Obama like reverse a sentence and put that kid back in jail? Put the rapist back in jail? No. Did he admit to doing it?
Starting point is 00:46:56 I think they, didn't they? It was one of those things I think where like she got drunk, she fell asleep. And he banged her while she was out cold. Yeah, I think so. Was it behind a dumpster though? Oh, yeah, that that's the one right yeah oh gosh i passed out behind a dumpster god damn yeah i've like heard of that but i've never actually you know i didn't realize people actually could pass out behind a dumpster like i've never been that drunk to where that's where i would lay down i fucked by a dumpster but never slept there you fucked by a dumpster like all that dumpster grease on the
Starting point is 00:47:27 ground yeah slippery pizza boxes down but oh my god what a classy girl I told you about this the guy came out and he caught us having sex and he's like oh he got nervous he's like good you guys want some pizza because he thought we were homeless well yeah bang to homeless people bang on pizza boxes next to dumpsters. That's pretty much it. There's this homeless guy that lives on the bench outside my Starbucks and he has gangrene or
Starting point is 00:47:54 diabetes or something so bad that his legs are just like purple and black and I was behind him in Starbucks walking in and every time he took a step, like this open sore would just like squirt blood on the floor of Starbucks. It was the grossest thing
Starting point is 00:48:08 in the world. What did he get to drink? I don't know. Two waters. He was taking a bath or something. Yeah, that's a problem if you run into business
Starting point is 00:48:16 and that guy walks in. What do you do? They're super nice to him too because he's there every day just sleeping on the bench. The homeless thing is weird, right? are people they are people but goddamn they stink you know and it's like and they're around you they're they're reaching their hands out like if you've run into one of them kooky homeless people that
Starting point is 00:48:35 doesn't bathe ever and then you know they have like like those dirty caked feet and they're wandering around what I see is like a mentally ill person yeah you know what I see is like a failure of the health care system like how do you just let this person wander around like this like this is like they're having conversations with themselves and rummaging through their fucking shopping cart it's a very serious problem in la the other day i saw something gross right in my neighborhood too like right at my intersection uh i saw a homeless lady sitting on a bus bench and it looked like she was wiggling her pants down a little bit. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:49:09 And she did and she's just sitting on the bench and, you know, it has like those grates. It's not just like a solid bench. It goes through. And she peed. Right through? Right through the grates. Like it was nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Oh, Christ. Just pee flying out of her. Oh, my God. And I couldn't stop watching. I mean, all of a sudden, I'm just like, you know, amazing because you're looking at the amount of pee that's coming out of this human being. It's just sad because we just leave those people out there. And I think this guy's a vet. Like, that's what's even crazier, that he fought for us and now he can't get, like, medical attention for free.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Well, it's also some of them you have to think probably just left like they didn't want to deal with the health care system they didn't want to be medicated all the time they didn't want to stay in a loony bin but then there was like reagan during the reagan administration they let them loose on the streets like zombies they changed the uh whatever the standard of treatment like you know you had to treat someone if they're x amount of crazy. And they're like, yep, you're on your own, crazy fucks. And they just pushed them out into the street.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And there was just like influx of homeless people. You'd find them all over the East Coast. It was real weird. It was a big problem. I remember that in, I think, San Francisco. It was a big deal up there. It's a real big deal in places like Boston. That's where homelessness is a big deal. Because when they're real big deal in places like boston that's where homelessness is a big
Starting point is 00:50:25 deal because when they're out there they can fucking freeze solid like you can die out there i was uh i was with jeff ross when he taped his special uh roast the police where we did like ride-alongs with the boston police department during winter. And these cops, they know all the homeless people, every single one of them. And they show genuine concern and like, you know, that they have to go up to these guys and be like, yo, the shelter, it's open, you know, get in there. It's a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Like it's actually during the winter time, one of their main things, and this is when all the, you know, obviously there's been like cop shootings and this and that but their main concern for the most part what we did on these ride-alongs was tell homeless people to get to the shelter or else they're just gonna freeze it's pretty much what boston cops are doing during the winter unless there's a crazy call it's just a such a sad aspect of our our society like the people that are just it's just for whatever reason whether it's a mental issue it just doesn't click there's just something that's not clicking in there right and then just wandering around through the streets
Starting point is 00:51:34 and there's no one with them you know and they're just living in this strange life i always wonder like what is reality to those people i was just gonna say i always wonder what they're thinking like sometimes it seems like they're having so much fun do you remember that Robin Williams movie Robin Williams played a crazy homeless guy that lived in Central Park and you should think he was a knight or something like that oh yeah what the fuck was that movie it was like a mental illness movie it was a movie about... The Fisher King. The Fisher King, yeah. Robin Williams was completely out of his mind. And he played this really...
Starting point is 00:52:11 I believe that's the plot of the movie. I hope I'm not fucking it up. But that was the thing, is that this guy was seeing some things that just weren't there. I mean, obviously, when you see those people talking to themselves, there's something going on there.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yeah. I wonder what it's like. I wonder if it's like the simpsons ride at universal like everything they see is like whoa hey i like to think that they're smarter than us and then they're they've like talking to people that they can see that are actually there but we are we can't figure it out a former radio dj suicidally despondent because of terrible mistakes he made finds redemption in helping a deranged homeless man who was an unwitting victim of that mistake huh i don't remember much about this movie suicidally despondent crazy right yeah have you ever ridden that uh simpsons ride at universal no not yet drop everything oh wait i have with the shooting one right you like shoot no no no no the simpsons ride like you sit in a like a car but it's sort of everything is happening the car moves around a little bit
Starting point is 00:53:19 left and right but everything that's happening is happening on the screen in front of you like the screen is this gigantic high def screen where you're in a first person perspective and you know, it's taking on this wild, crazy fucking amazingly illustrated cartoon rot. It's fucking fun, dude. It's really fun.
Starting point is 00:53:41 It's got smells to remember the baby powder smell and it smells like when Maggie's on the screen. It's one of the best rides ever. It's so good. I was really fun. It's got smells, too. Remember the baby powder smell? It smells like when Maggie's on the screen. It's one of the best rides ever. It's so good. I was really surprised at the Transformers ride, too. Is that good? It's great. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I was on that one. I didn't like it. Really? Yeah. I thought it was like, woo, woo. Because I went to the Simpsons first. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's not the move. Have you been to the Harry Potter thing yet? Yeah. The Harry Potter ride's amazing. It's so weird because I live next to Universal And you're just driving and now there's a castle That you just drive by and you're like, what? Oh yeah, Harry Potter
Starting point is 00:54:11 It's cool, it's a long ass ride too The Harry Potter ride is really long I don't know how long it takes, but you're like, whoa This ride keeps going How do you go to Universal? You go when it's closed or something? You just go Whatever That place is crazy For anybody How do you go to Universal? You go when it's closed or something? Just go. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Just go. That place is crazy for anybody. I can't imagine what it's like for you. Just go. You're in a disguise. No, I don't wear a disguise. You're definitely not rocking your fanny pack at Universal Studios. I wear my fanny pack there. Heck yeah, that's the best place to wear it.
Starting point is 00:54:42 How dare you say I won't? I want my fanny pack at Disneyland. Get swamped. Just say hi to people. Say hi and keep moving. Yeah. Did you talk about this George Carlin CD that he recorded the day before 9-11? No.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Have you heard about this? No. He recorded a special the day before 9-11. It was actually called I Kind of Like It When a Lot of People Die. Oh, no. And then the following day, 9-11 happened, so called i kind of like it when a lot of people die oh no and then the following day 9-11 happened so they had to shelve it and i guess even in it he talks about osama bin laden holy shit like that and so they're about to release it or they just released it they've held on to it this long just because of 9-11 it's really creepy there's a bunch of weird 9-11
Starting point is 00:55:22 things like that i i looked up i found a couple yesterday actually it creepy. There's a bunch of weird 9-11 things like that. I looked up, I found a couple yesterday, actually. It was like, there's a band that was called We Are the World Trade Center, I Am the World Trade Center. It was like a synth pop band. And in April of 2001, they released a song. Again, the name of the band, We Are the World Trade Center.
Starting point is 00:55:41 And track 11 on that album that came out in april track 11 was called september so like if you look at their album we are the world trade center 11.september that's crazy so insane and then there's another thing then there's another thing i can't remember which cartoon it's either like futurama i think it is it's the craziest thing i saw in a long time in one of these weird cartoons there's a moment where it pans over from them and there's a movie poster on the wall and it and this was before 9-11 like right before 9-11 and it looks like a world trade center smoking like blatantly exactly like a World Trade Center on fire. There you go. And it says coming soon on the thing, like a movie poster just says coming soon. And there's blatantly a World Trade Center smoking.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Whoa. It's the craziest thing I've seen in a long time. I think it's either Futurama. You've got to think, though, as much content as people put out, and the World Trade Center was always these iconic references. I mean, it was in a Biggie song. You know, blow up like the World Trade. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:49 You know, and that. Album cover. Yeah, and those people did try to blow it up in, what was it, like, 96 or something like that? They blew up that car bomb inside the basement. So, it makes sense that somebody would have caught it, but that 11 in September, that's bananas. Yeah. That's some fucking premonition shit it happened do you think they planned that like that like knowing that 9-11 would know right but like knowing that if we do it on 9-11 it's 9-1-1 it's like emergency number marketing 101
Starting point is 00:57:17 it was easier you know they knew it was going to be a bigger deal because it's 9-11 like like 9-1-1 you know that maybe yeah maybe it would have happened in 9-12 and been just as fucked up yeah people find reasons to attach numbers and meanings to things but it's totally possible that they know are i mean obviously they know 9-1-1 is for emergency that they did it on 9-1-1 because of that, but would it have made any difference if it was 9-9 or 9-10? It was a devastating attack and tragedy. The other stuff is just like, really? If they did it on July 11th, 7-11's
Starting point is 00:57:54 would have gone out of business everywhere. 7-11. I saw you going with that. I'm serious. I hope there's going to be more to this. That's it. But think about that. What about July 4th? July 4th would be a big smack in our face. And March would be really gay
Starting point is 00:58:07 if it was March 11th. 3-11. Oh, is that that band? Yeah. They make good weed pens. Yeah, they do.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I was one of the first people to smoke the prototype last year on the 3-11 cruise with Peanut the bass player. How strong is that band? They make their own weed pens. It's a very strong move. They're the coolest, man.
Starting point is 00:58:26 They have, like, they've always been ahead of the game. Great live show. It's because they're all generic, like, Chinese, you know, models. So anyone can make their own weed pen by just putting their logo on it. You can buy them in bulk.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yeah. I've seen all the same weed pens. You can go to, there's this website, you can buy, like, 300 of them, and they'll even, like, put a logo on it for you so it looks like your weed pen. They were really to, there's this website, you can buy like 300 of them and they'll even like put a logo on it for you so it looks like your weed pin.
Starting point is 00:58:47 They were really hands on with this one though. They like tried out a ton of, I know because he told us all about it. But that would just be like the oils or they tried out
Starting point is 00:58:56 a ton of canisters too? I just know that it took them, like they went through a long process so probably both. It's good stuff. Two thumbs up. I highly approve.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Did you try the orange one? I don't know what one I tried. That's what I remember is it tasted like an actual orange and got me wrecked. Yeah, no, that's good stuff. It was an atheist nightmare. Atheist nightmare. It's this. Well, it is intelligent design, though.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Somebody made it. This, well, it is intelligent design, though. Somebody made it. Those bands, what kind of band is 311? 311 is really their own type of thing because it's like reggae mixed with heavy rock. They go back and forth. Sometimes you'll just forget that they're about to drop. They have killer guitarists and high energy they
Starting point is 00:59:46 have two lead singers one guy with a really smooth voice and the other guy's sort of like a rapper and they do all this while they're high i'd imagine so but also like i feel like a couple of they feel like a lot of those guys have like families now and stuff and uh they might calm down a little bit but i'm sure they they have to get stoned. I used to like them. I haven't heard anything from them in a long time. Well, they made a Greatest Hits album way back in like 98 or something like that. They're notorious for being one of the best live bands to see. So you did like a whole cruise ship with them, right?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah. It was the coolest thing I've ever done. How long was it? It was about, it was actually five days. I did two shows and I was like shaky about it because this was back when like that like toilets exploded on that one cruise or whatever. Everybody died. Well, everybody was freaking out.
Starting point is 01:00:37 That was the one where the guy was trying to wave to his girlfriend, came around with the boat and he hit the ground and killed like a ton of people a bunch of people drowned i'm talking about the carnival one that like got all poopy everywhere oh that one too yeah i remember that that happened right around then and i'm like man a cruise ship we're gonna see but i knew 311 was an awesome live band like i did out of i've seen them actually quite a few times like in high school and stuff dude there's a railing and below that railing is the ocean and you're going 50 miles an hour. Good luck. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Fuck you. I had so much fun, because they're performing on the main deck. Fuck cruises. Yeah. No, I'm telling you. I agree. Fuck cruises.
Starting point is 01:01:14 So tell me what it was like. It was the greatest thing ever. I came back from that five-day cruise and got everything in my life done. Really? It was crazy, because it's so, it's literally perfect. Going jamaica on the most boring part of the whole trip was the half a day we spent in jamaica before
Starting point is 01:01:33 getting back on and going i stepped on some needly sponge in the ocean like this sucks get back on this luxury cruise ship a bunch of shows going on there's a casino you can get away to your room if you want to disappear. It's really a thousand times better than I thought it was going to be. You didn't like Jamaica? No. No.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Good God, no. Hey, welcome. Try the chicken. It was just bad. Everybody's cooking and it's just dirty. There's bees everywhere. Nature sucks, but cruise ships are great because it's just dirty there's bees everywhere you know nature like sucks but cruise ships are great because it's like a fake nature going 50 miles an hour with caribbean air around you is perfect i mean it's the perfect life wow you're gonna live on a boat when you're an old
Starting point is 01:02:19 crazy man yeah you are you're gonna be like one of them howard hughes type dudes just out on a boat just peeing elrond hubbard style with your own captain's outfit you'll give yourself medals every year I throw a new joke today I'm gonna get myself a medal it's pin a medal onto your you would have like camel colored coat maybe a light camel something sophisticated probably will my older brother just got like way and way into it bought a boat and everything he's been sailing for like a decade but he's like way into it now yeah yeah he's got a cool apartment right on venice beach and a boat right in the dock
Starting point is 01:02:50 so he just goes blah blah blah blah well i'm gonna go in the ocean it makes sense i mean it's like a giant uncharted area or uh on uh on there's no roads there's no like you can go wherever you want like that's the cool thing about like being in the ocean if you have a boat there's no, like, you can go wherever you want. Like, that's the cool thing about, like, being in the ocean, if you have a boat, there's no road. There's no, like, you have to go here, you have to take it right there, and you take the 110 to the 118. No, no, just go wherever you want to go. Where do you want to go? You want to go to Catalina? Go to Catalina.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And there's crazy life under there. You throw a fishing pole out there, you catch something, you throw it on the grill right there. You just skin it. Boom, boom, boom. You don't even have to skin it. Just gut it. Boom, boom, boom. You don't even have to skin it. Just gut it. Salt, pepper, boom. You know, they're finding out that a lot of those tropical fish
Starting point is 01:03:28 are making their ways into the waters around Southern California because of the global warming. So they're having like yellowfin tuna are all over Southern California waters. You used to have to go to like Hawaii to catch those things. But you can catch them right here now. That's awesome. Getting your boats on. Then the cruise ship thing, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I mean, it's a whole thing. But what if someone's really annoying? They just follow you around that cruise ship. That doesn't happen. Getting stuck on a boat. It doesn't happen? No. No?
Starting point is 01:03:56 You can lose them. You can lose them? Did you ever lose anybody? These things are huge. You have to understand how huge this is. So it's like a mall. It's like a small city, yes. It's like a giant mall or a
Starting point is 01:04:06 small city how long does it take to walk around because there's also like six or seven floors you know what i mean so boom boom boom boom so it's like a hotel almost like a vegas style hotel that's floating that's what it's like it's like a vegas style huge hotel like how the mgms connected to the new york new york or whatever it's like super duper huge and the main deck i mean they're doing shows at nighttime and it is unbelievable going to a normal concert where you're just not moving after that sort of like i'm missing something here they must have cruises that go successfully every day to their destination. Smooth.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Everyone has a great experience. There's no issues whatsoever. It's like airplanes. All it takes is one poopy mistake. There's a website. Or one dude who wants to wave at his girlfriend and beaches the boat and drowns a bunch of people. Or one husband who throws his wife over the side. Did you hear about that guy? Yeah. There's a guy who threw his wife over the side. Did you hear about that guy?
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah. There was a guy who threw his wife over the side. Like newlyweds. Dude, there's some fucking creepy people out there, man. There's a cruise ship website, like or something like that. And it tells you every time there's a problem with a cruise ship. And it's shocking how many there are. There's problems all the time. And it shows how many people died and stuff and why and how how often do people die
Starting point is 01:05:29 from cruise a lot of crazy shit happens on cruise like you saw the elevator right the guy that got stuck in the elevator and it started dripping down blood of his body because he got crushed on the on the cruise ship that happened a couple months ago are you dripping down what this guy working on an elevator yeah the elevator crushed him and so was working on the elevator and went up to the top So there's video of just blood gushing down the elevator door And people are like what the heck is that And it's just blood It looks like a horror movie
Starting point is 01:05:55 Oh my god Is that real? Yeah Fuck You haven't seen the video? You gotta see the video I don't need to see that That's a weird way to go though getting squashed in an elevator this is why i don't work on elevators people ask me all the time tony we have a problem with the elevator can you get on top of it and
Starting point is 01:06:16 fix it have you been stuck in an elevator before no yeah when i was a little kid yeah oh yeah it was like seven years old but it was only 20 minutes you know he probably blew a fuse or something like that but um i was in new york recently at one of the theaters i think it was the beacon and they have this dude who runs the elevator back there yeah i was with you that's right you remember that the guy had like the handle and like it's like an old schoolie old school elevator yeah where you have to have an operator. There's no buttons to press. This guy had to get you up and down. So what did he say?
Starting point is 01:06:49 From the 1920s or something like that? Yeah. Old school. Yeah. What's that? It might have been before that. 1929. 1929.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Oh, that's it. That's right. I took a video of the dude. That's right. What's your name, brother? Jose. What's your name? Jose, this is an old-school-y elevator we're in here, man.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Sorry. How long has this elevator been here for? 1929. Wow. Yeah. That's it. That's it. Yeah, it was the old ones on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:07:17 You could only get 15 seconds out or 30 seconds or something like that. Yeah, but that dude was operating that thing. He had this little lever to pull up and pull down. seconds or something like that yeah but that dude um was operating that thing like he had it was a little lever to pull up and pull down it's badass old elevator but i'm sure they fix it all the time yeah there's things that it's always you can there's always that thing on the inside when i was in italy i got in an elevator from the 1800s the hotel had a 1800s elevator yeah it's super weird those old ones you gotta shut the door in front of you and shut the door The hotel had a 1800s elevator. It's super weird, those old ones.
Starting point is 01:07:48 You've got to shut the door in front of you. You've got to shut the door. You've got to get inside. If you don't do that, it'll still work. Yeah, you could just leave the door open. It'll still work, right? Yeah, you could just leave the door open and grab a floor as you're passing and rip your fucking arms off. You could do that. If you looked at how many people have died from elevators versus how many people have died from coconuts, you'd be shocked.
Starting point is 01:08:07 No one's scared of coconuts, but coconuts fuck up about 150 people a year. Did you know that? No. Do you know how many people die from deer every year? A lot. 200 in the United States. Wow. 200 deaths.
Starting point is 01:08:21 They die from deer. Oof. Every year. Every year. deaths they die from deer oh every year every year you're driving down the road listening to led zeppelin and you hit this stupid fucking cunty forest horse and it goes flying through your windshield and kicks your brains out yikes 200 people a year how many people do you think die on average in elevators per year? In the U.S.? Six. Prince is one of them.
Starting point is 01:08:49 26. Did he die in an elevator? Yeah. For real? Yeah. 26 die in elevators every year in the United States? Jesus. How many die from coconuts?
Starting point is 01:08:59 I'm saying coconuts is over 100 a year. I think so. Worldwide? I would say worldwide, more than 100 people a year die from coconuts is over 100 a year. I think so. Worldwide, I would say worldwide, more than 100 people a year die from coconuts. You're saying like coconuts dropping? Coconuts fall on their head. Okay, so like not allergies. Just getting jacked.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Says 150, yeah. Yeah, bitch. Worldwide, that's worldwide. Worldwide, good. Imagine if it was all in like Jakarta. In Jakarta, coconuts just murking people. Walking home from school with your buddies, two of them die. And what just an embarrassing way to die, right?
Starting point is 01:09:33 Donk! Oh, no! That husky sound, those things clobbering you on the head. Thonk! The last thing you hear is your friends laughing at you. That's probably how they figured out that coconuts were edible. It killed someone's friend. Someone freaked out and hit it with a rock and went, oh, look at this.
Starting point is 01:09:50 There's some shit in here. Look at that. You killed my friend. Yeah, back then. And you are delicious. They didn't know that a coconut wasn't alive. If something came out of the sky and killed your friend, and you were so stupid that you didn't even have clothes yet, that's probably the first people that figured out they could eat coconuts.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Those had to be, like, the first balls, right? Fruits, like, sort of just hit me right now. They realized they could play soccer and stuff. Yeah, for sure, definitely. Wow. Dude, I saw a demonstration the other day. We've showed demonstrations of that LINEX stuff before, but this was the most ridiculous one. LINEX is this plastic stuff that they can spray on
Starting point is 01:10:25 things and they spray it on like the undercarriages of some trucks and like like four-wheelers that go out into the country you know like those guys those dudes do those four-wheel crawl fucking things and smashing up against rocks they'll linex their whole truck they'll like that'll be the paint for the outside of it. Well, they took a watermelon, they sprayed a watermelon with Linux and dropped it off of like, I think it was like from 450 feet up. This is the brick one. This is one we've already seen, but this one's kind of fascinating too.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Like check this out. Like just show how they did it before. So they, they dropped this brick off the top of the building now. And without the Linux, Oh, that's a, that's a, that's when top of the building. Now, and without the Linux, oh, that's when they shot the wall. This is the watermelon video, but there's a bunch of shit before it.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Oh, is it the watermelon video? Oh, yeah, it is. There it is. Trying to find it. There, it's right there. These guys. So, anyway, there's one of them where they're on a tower. The tower one is a watermelon one, dude. I think it's a different one. Yeah, it's not the same video. It is right there. Is that it?
Starting point is 01:11:27 Yeah. Okay. It's like all of these are in there. This is a different one because this one, it's red, but it's the same goddamn thing. So I guess they're just gonna hit it with a hammer here. They sprayed this shit on a watermelon. Yeah, but the watermelon just, he's like hitting it with a hammer. It's just bouncing, but that's not as impressive.
Starting point is 01:11:43 See if you can find the one where they drop the watermelon off the tower. LINEX watermelon, 450 feet drop. I mean, they threw this watermelon off the tower without the LINEX, and it hits the street and literally vaporizes. Just... They hit it, they throw the LINEX one, it hits the ground, it bounces 10 feet in the air. Wow. The inside of it was just watermelon juice.
Starting point is 01:12:04 It just became watermelon juice. But this stuff is so tough. It's just some weird, freaky plastic. That'd be fun to, like, prank Gallagher before he goes on stage. Like, spray his watermelon with that. Break his back open. His arms would literally fly off his body. So can you buy this consumer style?
Starting point is 01:12:20 Yeah, it's just... I know my friend Remy, his dad actually owns a shop up in reno where they spray uh trucks with this stuff wow yeah like people that want like a really heavy duty application of their trucks are going to drive in the woods and branches are going to smack up against it all the time they just spray their whole truck with this shit that's cool yeah there's a company called, I think it's called Devrolo, D-E-V-R-O-L-O, and they make these ridiculous souped up Toyota Tundras that are bulletproof, and they spray Line-X all over them. So, like, they make them, like, regular, and they make them bulletproof. They make them for, like, you know, some royal family or some shit that comes here from somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:13:08 And they have this... What is this? This is the video of the... Yeah. But this isn't... Linux didn't make this. Some other guys just put this video out this past month. Linux didn't make the video but they did use Linux. So let's watch it. Here you go. So he throws this watermelon
Starting point is 01:13:23 off this ridiculous fucking tower. Look at this. It hits the ground. That's crazy. Yeah. Wow. Now, can you cut into it? Like, is it possible to get to that watermelon now?
Starting point is 01:13:38 Yeah, you can cut into it, but look at this. Look how it hits the ground. It's like a ball. That's incredible. I mean, it seems like a medicine ball, like someone threw a medicine ball. What about bullet versus that? What happens? No, a bullet would go through it.
Starting point is 01:13:50 It's just it has a unique ability to disperse shock and rebound and not break open. That's really cool. See if you find those trucks. Devrolo, it's called. I think it's like some Russian company or something like that. They make these souped up cars that are covered in this shit. A lot of companies do that, I guess. They cover cars in this LINEX shit.
Starting point is 01:14:11 To protect it from accidents? It would definitely protect you more from accidents than not having it, for sure. It would definitely make it harder for an impact to get... If your car has a certain thickness of steel on the door, and you had double that thickness, I would just assume that would be safer, right? Doesn't that make sense? Well, it makes you wonder, like, if it caves in, then that also absorbs a lot of the energy, but if you bounced off, it seems like there'd be more snapping of your head and everything.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I'll take the snapping. I'll take the snapping to the penetrating that's how your body gets crushed by a truck hitting you on the side i don't know maybe a combination of the two yeah i don't i think maybe um it just makes sense that if it was a thicker stronger material like if you were driving around a tissue paper car you'd feel real nervous right it just seems to reason that if you would get a thicker and thicker gauge of metal so if you took like a the regular gauge metal that they have on like a chevy silverado or something like that and you spray this linex shit over it this has got to make it stronger there's just no way it doesn't if that's what it does with a watermelon off a 450 foot tower what was you remember Saturn's where that you can
Starting point is 01:15:25 scratch them you could kick them and they you know never yeah they were made out of plastic is it plastic yeah wouldn't that be like a safety hazard then if it was plastic no no because as long as it's strong like plastics can be really fucking strong like there's certain types of plastics like certain types of composite fibers that are like technically plastics that are ridiculously strong Like these resins and they have these these types of plastics That they can you know, they can make plastic where you can make a plastic knife where you can kill somebody with it I mean plastic can be really hard. That's why it's such a good feature of that car
Starting point is 01:16:03 I loved my Saturn and when I sold it was like 12 years old and it looked like the day I bought it but like brand new because it didn't scratch or did they make those anymore No, they went out of business, but that technology that you think they would use it in other cars Or yeah, it's probably cars don't want to last I think cars want to break and get more parts like GM's are like they like that look at these try to do great Oh, this is a This is an apocalypse mobile. Wow, that looks great. Isn't that thing insane?
Starting point is 01:16:29 One mile per gallon. Yeah. Click on one of the pictures of them things. Like the Interceptor, the Challenger, the Expedition. Yeah, so all that stuff is Linux. The entire outside of the truck, the bumpers, everything, is covered in that Line-X shit that's a god damn
Starting point is 01:16:48 tank if you got a little dick, that's your ride and you're like I want to distract you they don't have bullet tests on it or anything well they do have bulletproof versions of the car, I don't know if that stuff is bulletproof, I would doubt that it is
Starting point is 01:17:04 but I would say it's definitely better than not having it on. But look at that thing. It's so manly. Ooh. I got to be in Kevin Pereira's auto drive car the other day. Oh, the Tesla took you for a... That's so cool, man. So weird, isn't it? Yeah. When he did it, it's hard to trust that. Like, uh, it's, it's weird him just like letting go. And he said that when he first bought it, He was really scared and nervous But now he's like you know laptop out like doing shit He shouldn't be doing and and I watched it like detect the you know the side car and stuff like that and it It stopped it slowed down scary because you know the guy that designed the self-driving car was Asian
Starting point is 01:17:40 And you're like you know how do you know he's Asian Asian computer people? Asian. And you're like, you know. How do you know he's Asian? He's not Asian. Asian computer people. This is a bad attempt at some racist humor and I'm not going to stand for it. I guarantee you the person that engineered the self-driving car is an Asian. If you're wrong, you have to suck Brian's
Starting point is 01:17:56 cock right here on the show. No, I'll take donkey cum. A couple of strokes. A couple of strokes in your mouth. No, I'll take the donkey cum. Listen, just a real quick little nom nom nom i think you're wrong that the ipad or whatever that they display and stuff oh yeah it's a crazy screen sexy but does it well i would think that like that uses up a lot of juice like why would you have such a giant screen it seems like if you have a true yeah but you know i didn't you know i didn't know about the fast charging because we always talked about this in
Starting point is 01:18:23 the past about how like you can't drive to Vegas, though. Well, they also have a stop in Vegas that you plug it in for five minutes, and you get two more hours. Here's a fact, though. When was the last time you drove to Vegas? I hardly ever drive to Vegas. I did last weekend. That's right.
Starting point is 01:18:37 You drove up for the fight. For the fight. I always drive. Do you? It's cheap. Well, it is cheap, but don't you get annoyed being in the car for four hours? No, I'm used to four hours. I had fun.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Me and Pete smoked joints the whole way. Let's say that you were driving back, though, and you were in that Vegas traffic on the way back. It was terrible. You would be fucked. Your car would die halfway through. That's true. Jamie just owned you. Yeah, but you're stuck, though.
Starting point is 01:18:58 There's two lanes for 400 miles or 200, 300 miles. She's right. You couldn't make it to the stop. You'd be three hours away from it. He's right. Fuck you. No, I 200, 300 miles. You couldn't make it to the stop. You'd be three hours away from it. He's right. Fuck you. No, I mean, it has, there's not just one. There's not just one thing.
Starting point is 01:19:12 There's a lot. But he's got a really good point. If you're stuck in that crazy Vegas traffic coming home, you know how ridiculous that traffic is. That's traffic that makes you wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning just to avoid it. Oh, yeah. I did it once.
Starting point is 01:19:23 I did it once and I barely made it cause I left at seven 30. I was like, I'll just get up before everybody else. Oh no. No people already up and driving at seven 30. It messed me up last weekend coming back from McGregor Diaz. Cause, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:37 they're like, you gotta, you gotta get, gotta beat the traffic. I'm like, whatever. If we get there, whatever.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I ended up missing the summer slam party. I missed summer slam last week, which was huge. Poor baby. How long did it take you to drive home? It was like six, seven hours, something like that. Yeah. See, that is fucking ridiculous. I've never been caught in that.
Starting point is 01:19:56 So ridiculous. But if you had a gasoline, like a buddy of mine has a 50-gallon tank in his truck. 50 gallons. So he could just drive. He just fills that bitch up and just, I mean, it gets shitty gas mileage. Does it catch 22 because you're packing around all that weight? But if he's driving from Vegas, he doesn't have to pull over. It's like the opposite of a Tesla.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Yeah, I try, like my car's dead right now, and I tried to jump start my car with my girlfriend's car which is a Prius Prius and you can't do that It's like a little 12-volt that battery inside those cars like it's not a regular effect No, I did it you can't do it. It says in the book do not do you could just destroy this car Oh, that would you be crazy if you blew that car up? I know Yeah, those cars blow up man. How your car die my car's got dead so many things wrong with it did you ever see that uh remember when those fisca karmas blew up the fisca karma was that dope looking spaced age electric car that actually had a solar panel on
Starting point is 01:20:59 the roof and that solar panel on the roof charged up your radio so your radio wasn't draining the battery as you were driving around and They were cool looking cars like definitely the best looking about of all the electric cars And they left a bunch of them on a dock in Brooklyn I think it was or a known North Carolina or something like that anywhere somewhere by the water and the water came in the sea level rose Flooded the parking lot and all the cars level rose, flooded the parking lot, and all the cars went underwater and started exploding. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Was there a video of that? I don't know. We tried to find it last time, right? We couldn't find it. Look, look at them all. That's cool. They all just blew up. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Were it Pintos? Is that what it was in the 80s that were blowing up? Yeah. Is that the right cars? Yeah. Because it said Tesla under there. Oh, okay. Superstorm Sandy. Yeah, 16 Fisker Karma.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Yeah, and everybody was like, yeah, we're good. And that company just went under. It's like those SpaceX rockets that keep blowing up on the thing. They're like, hey, pretty soon we'll fly you out to Mars. But meanwhile, they can't even get out of Florida. Dude, I wouldn't fly
Starting point is 01:22:06 on one of those fucking things for a hundred years before they got it right yeah it's obnoxious just pull up a real Fisker car so you can see
Starting point is 01:22:13 what one actually looks like it was a beautiful car Justin Bieber had one it was totally chrome oh that's it yeah I like that car he chromed that bitch out why couldn't that one
Starting point is 01:22:23 blow up oh are they back are they back I like Beaver yeah me tooed that bitch out. Why couldn't that one blow up? Oh, are they back? Are they back? I like Beaver Road. Yeah, me too. Oh, they have a new car. The Revero. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Why Karma? It's always been Karma. Okay. I saw Bieber driving that car once, and it is... That should be illegal, because... You ever see that episode of Chips? Where there was a truck driving a bunch of mirrors, and the sun hit the mirrors,
Starting point is 01:22:44 and all these people were flying off the freeway. Same thing with that. It was just like this giant glare coming down the street. Jamie, go back. Go back to the actual car. I want to see it. Scroll down. What you were looking at right here where Brian was talking?
Starting point is 01:22:55 Right there in the middle. This is a picture of their car wrap. That's a wrap? Yeah, it's got a wrap on it. Oh. God, it's so pretty. I was trying to find one of the... Is that a Karma? Yep. That is so pretty. It's a Karma Revro. It's got a wrap on it. Oh. God, it's so pretty. I was trying to find one of like the... Is that a Karma?
Starting point is 01:23:05 Yep. That is so pretty. It's a Karma Revero. It looks like they just brought it back. That is a beautiful car, man. That is a goddamn... That is without a doubt the best looking out of all those electric cars, like by far. Does this have a gas tank option on it?
Starting point is 01:23:18 That's what I want. I don't think so. I don't think so. I think this is all electric. God damn, that thing is sweet. That is sweet. That is sweet. That's so much better looking than all the other ones. Because that looks like a Maserati or something, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:23:32 I kind of like the BMW that's like that, though. That looks like a Maserati fucked a Jaguar. That's electric? They get it together. We go on a vacation. Come on. Maserati came in a Jaguar and made that thing. What's the BMW electric sports car that kind of looks like that?
Starting point is 01:23:47 I don't like that one. I like it. Well, it's kind of cool looking on the outside, but the issue is it has really skinny tires, and it has piss-poor performance. It's not a fast car. It's a super expensive car, and it's a super space-age car, but you look at it, it's like zero to 60 in comparison to like other cars that
Starting point is 01:24:05 bmw makes like the m4 and look at it's like track time or trackability see how skinny its tires are see the back tires oh yeah those are really skinny like that's not well no that's just what it comes with this is not like a performance car it's a beautiful sleek piece of amazing automotive engineering its design is incredible but that's not what i like a car that looks like that and actually goes fast that's not i mean it probably goes fast in comparison to a lot of shit but if you compare the numbers i bet to like between that and like a porsche 911 or something like that probably not even close kevin did his tesla like zero to 70 while I was in the car. And I've been in like your cars before in the past, but it went like three seconds and
Starting point is 01:24:50 there was no engine sound. So it kind of freaked you out. It was like being on a roller coaster. It took my breath away. It was like, those cars are ridiculously fast. It's crazy. And they're four wheel drive too, right? Yep.
Starting point is 01:25:01 It's four wheel drive and it has this ridiculous engine where there's no transmission like in terms of like gears it's like a direct drive so it just just goes it's like instant on the solar roof will create enough energy to power the car no other vehicle sold in us has ever offered this capability our owners consider our solar roof an important element in our brand identity and we listened two days it's about to come out oh in two days it comes out this whole episode has been a long commercial for this car no that is dope though that the fucking car i mean especially in la in la that means you can drive that thing around all the time because it's always sunny so if that thing actually can power the car that's amazing it does not seem right too as soon as that hits
Starting point is 01:25:49 a rock it's gonna explode how much is it yeah how much is this car I would assume we'll find out in two days um I would bet it's over a hundred grand I think those are super expensive cars see if you can find out how much the karma was is that just the power of the car for the electronics and display, but not driving? No, I'm saying the first one to be able to power the car. Wow. Yeah. That's insane.
Starting point is 01:26:12 That is insane. If they really did figure that out, it's over. If you can figure out a way to make a car run, especially here where it's sunny every day, just on solar power, and you can listen to your radio. There's no restrictions. And if you're stuck in traffic, not only is it not draining your battery, it's probably better because it's not using up much energy. But it's just being blasted by the sun and recharging. Nighttime, you're fucked. Yeah, but I feel like you would store enough like a Tesla does.
Starting point is 01:26:40 If it kept it at 100%, it would be just like a cell phone. That would be amazing, man. If they really could figure out how to do that that would be amazing I mean that would occur at least around here in like, Arizona And places like Colorado places where it's sunny they would put other cars out of business It doesn't seem possible though because that's such a small solar panel I didn't think was that powerful to enough to actually power a car I think solar
Starting point is 01:27:05 panels are getting more efficient crazy i guess they must be well i know that uh elon musk has this new solar bank thing that they're doing for your house where it's uh they'll put solar in your house and the batteries themselves are so much smaller than they've ever been before they're cool looking and they like stick to your wall you You like, uh, you have, have the mounted on the wall and it's just, it's not like a whole room. Like you used to need like a whole room filled with batteries to run a house on solar power. It's not really that way anymore. And as these things are just going to get, if just the idea that you could power a house on solar power today is crazy, but true. So if you can power a house, it's just a matter of time
Starting point is 01:27:45 before that stuff gets better and better and better to the point where, I mean, you could probably wind up doing it in Seattle with what minimal sun comes through the clouds. That's going to happen. They're going to keep making these things better, just like they've done with everything else, whether it's televisions or cell phones or cars themselves.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Cars today, dude, this is the golden era for automobiles. Like, people look back and say, oh, nobody designs cars like they did in the 60s. To look at. To look at, you're right. Yeah, those 60s cars were amazing to look at. But try steering one of those pieces of shit. Try hitting the brakes if a fucking stroller rolls out in front of your car those things were terrible they were terrible handling they were terrible on every corner the car went
Starting point is 01:28:31 bent sideways and then you had to like hang on to it while it righted itself like the whole car was made out of like a flexible piece of aluminum tray like they shit. Those cars were pieces of shit. The design was terrible. Like, they literally would, the air would hit them when they would drive. They were,
Starting point is 01:28:52 not only were they not aerodynamic, they were like scoops. They were like a sail. It was like driving with a sail. Like, the front actually, like, caught the air
Starting point is 01:29:02 and it slowed the car down. I don't know much about old cars. I didn't have a dad growing up oh yeah poor baby well i didn't learn from my dad either my dad really doesn't give a shit about cars my stepdad um but if you ever seen like an old like show a 1970 dodge charger here's a perfect example this shit is so un-aerodynamic yeah but undeniably dope one of my favorite movies death proof i'm pretty sure that's around the type of car it's a dodge challenger that's a challenger or that's a charger yeah i'm not a challenger but if you um car and death proof have you seen seen that movie? I think that's a 70. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:29:46 I thought that was a 69. Maybe they did something different to the bumper. Because a 70, go right above it. Go right above it. The black one, sorry. That's one too, but that black one. That's a 70. See how the bumper goes around the top all the way around like a fish with its mouth open?
Starting point is 01:30:02 I think that other one is a 69, that far left one, but that far left one is fucking beautiful. Look at that thing. God, I think that's a 69, though, unless maybe they changed the bumper. Look how fucking sick that is. Have you seen Death Proof? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Is that the Quentin Tarantino thing? Yeah. No. You would love it. Look what they just did. They just reversed the picture. Right hand, left hand drive. They just flipped this picture around.
Starting point is 01:30:27 God, that thing's so pretty. So that car was in that movie? That I'm not exactly sure of. But that's the car right there. Boom. Yeah, that's a Charger for sure. There was one that they had in Fast and the Furious that was all bare metal. And it cost more than a million dollars to make.
Starting point is 01:30:50 It's ridiculous. It's silver. Now, there's a silver one. Silver Dodge Charger. Just Google silver. Silver Dodge Charger Fast and the Furious. Do you miss Sickfish, your old car? No.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Is it still alive? No, Fast and the Furious, Jamie. Yeah, that Reggie Bush character has it. That's it right there. Look at that thing. Wow. There's no paint on that thing. It's just clear coat over the bare metal.
Starting point is 01:31:24 And it took forever to make. That car took years to make. It's literally a rolling work of art. It's a crazy looking car. No, that sick fish was a piece of shit, man. It looked great, but it was just not sorted out right. It was not built correctly. And that Reggie Bush guy had to do a bunch of things to it
Starting point is 01:31:46 after I did a bunch of things to it. I keep calling him that Reggie Bush guy. If you're hearing this, Reggie, I'm just high. Don't listen to me, dude. No disrespect. Did they make electric motorcycles? Yes. It's a dope-looking car, though.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Yeah, I miss it. It wasn't a fun car to drive, though. I'll tell you that. Is that you? Yeah, that's me. I was going to say, the a fun car to drive, though. I'll tell you that. Is that you? Yeah. It's me. I was going to say, the guy looks like you in this picture. That's how high I am. I had that car made for a TV show in 2005 or something like that.
Starting point is 01:32:18 It was really pretty, but the insides and the way it drove, it was designed to look really pretty. It wasn't designed to drive Well the sound of it when you would pull into the comedy store that was so awesome. It was ridiculous giant engine 528 Hemi Just roared. It was like 600 and something horsepower Such a stupid car just sounds like Joey Diaz murdering. Yeah Yeah, it sounded like war. It sounded like some death machine, you know. It just wasn't safe. Like, I had to get a bunch of things done to it.
Starting point is 01:32:49 The suspension detached from the frame in my driveway after I'd been on the highway going 70 miles an hour just 10 minutes before. I pulled in, pulled into my driveway, and my car went sideways. And I was like, what the fuck? And I get out and the wheel is like half hanging off and dug into the quarter, the fender. I was like, what the fuck? I was just on the highway. Like if that broke loose on the highway, I could easily have been dead.
Starting point is 01:33:14 When you're going 70 miles an hour and you start flipping, good luck. Who knows what's going to happen. I was once in a car, I'm going fast on the freeway, like Tripoli and all these guys are on a road trip and a tire popped. That's crazy. Oh, yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Dangerous. That in itself, it's just da-da-da-da-da-da. Yeah, very dangerous. Crazy. I ran over a, you know those metal things? Not the railroad. When you think of a railroad tie, not the wooden piece, right? What would that call?
Starting point is 01:33:43 Oh, that metal bar? The metal stuff that would be a piece of like a railroad track. Yeah. Somebody had left a piece of a railroad track on the highway, like a 12-inch section of it. And I hit that thing, and it was like someone shot my tire out with a rifle. It just, my car went, boom, boom. My car like literally caught air. It was a small car, too.
Starting point is 01:34:04 I think it was my supra caught air blew my fucking wheel apart like literally blew it apart and blew the tire half apart too and i was in the middle of the highway and i was a mile from the exit and i was gonna pull over and i was gonna call triple a but a kid i went to high school with did that and died he got hit by a car he was um on the side of the road and he was trying to change a tire and a guy just plowed right into him and killed him. And I never forgot that. And I just drove gangster style on a completely blown out wheel. It was banging and sparking and it smelled like fire.
Starting point is 01:34:41 It was like bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Just sparks and the rubber, because the rubber was like half hanging on, half hanging off. It was just ripping and flying around when I was driving. I drove all the way to that fucking exit and all the way to the side.
Starting point is 01:34:57 I just kept driving. It was chewing up the sidewalk. It was probably fucking up the road, like all the asphalt. Asphalt's not that hard, you know? Did it fuck your rims or did you have to get your rims dead yeah there was no rim left jesus it wasn't a rim anymore i mean it was just the whole outside of it was completely destroyed i fucked up a lot of suspension parts too i think if i remember correctly but i they they towed it and fixed it but i was like at least i'm alive bitch i'm like i i would i would way rather or
Starting point is 01:35:24 i would have left it there and just ran down the side of the road and made sure i was like way off to the right i'm not staying in my fucking car on the road it's just too goddamn dangerous especially today i see so many people fucking on their phones driving on the highway at night where you see their face lit up by the phone it's so distracting so you see cops with their lights on getting hit continuously so i mean a normal car it's got to happen all the time yeah yeah it's happening all the time but um yeah so that was the most fucked up thing i ever drove over in my car but god damn that was loud like blam blam! I saw it, too, like, last second.
Starting point is 01:36:05 I was like, fuck, fuck, fuck! Like, you know, you just realize there's not a goddamn thing you can do. If you swerve and you don't hit that thing, I was like, if I swerve, I'm probably going to flip this car. Or something fucked up is going to happen. I'm definitely going to lose control of it. I might be able to just ride out this impact. That's what I wound up doing. But, oof.
Starting point is 01:36:24 That's nothing but that's nothing that's nothing you know I watched this video once of this car it was on a snowy road and they were driving in one direction and there's a semi driving in the other direction and the car on the snowy road starts fishtailing and they lose control of the car
Starting point is 01:36:39 and they go right into the oncoming lane and get hit by a semi and literally disintegrate it is one of the best examples of how fleeting life could be like you're watching these people they're driving this car and then it goes sideways and then they're facing the truck and the truck hits them head on 60 miles an hour boom over it just destroys the car the car just becomes like little pieces of things that go all up in the air it's uh it's fucked up to look at man this weekend i did uh the oddball
Starting point is 01:37:14 comedy fest in uh detroit chicago and toronto and brian regan has his own tour bus that stuff is crazy because you don't even feel like you're moving at all you're just chilling hanging out oh you're just hanging like in his apartment yeah he has like the location a real state-of-the-art one like the newest newest newest and he helped design it all this stuff like he like got to like play architect with it like i want this there i want a counter there chairs there make those captain chairs instead of couches. And it was just, it was like being in the future because you're moving in a house that yet doesn't feel like it's moving.
Starting point is 01:37:56 So does he stay in hotels or just stay in his tour bus? Stays in the tour bus, has a master bedroom, has everything. You don't ever need to do anything again. What a weird relationship he has with that guy who drives him around now right the guy that drives him around is a second generation tour bus driver he's been doing it 30 years his father was a tour bus driver for all
Starting point is 01:38:15 these big things and he basically bought him like it's like when he's on tour that's his guy and he's a super pro so he knows what he's doing like a surgeon. And he's cool. Obviously, he doesn't bother him or whatever. You know what I mean? What a weird life. It is unbelievable. And it's the best thing ever because you know how after a show, we have to go back to the hotel.
Starting point is 01:38:38 And then the next morning, you have to get up and go to the airport. And that takes an hour. And then you have to spend an hour there early. He leaves the venue and immediately outside of whatever the closest back door is is the door to his bus which is the house so then you leave the venue and you're immediately at your own after party you're immediately where you want to be whoever you invite can come with you but you leave then and that driver drives all night to wherever you want him to. Whoever you invite can come with you, but you leave then. And that driver drives all night to wherever you want him to, and you wake up the next morning
Starting point is 01:39:08 in your bed at your destination. Instead of waking up at a hotel and having to go to the airport, and then having to get on the plane, and then having to get out of LAX or wherever you are, you just walk out that door that you walked in from the venue,
Starting point is 01:39:23 you walk out the door again, and you're at your house. Yeah. I realize that this is the actual, like, new goals. I got new goals. It's called bus goals. Bus goals. You're trying to sleep, he slams on the brakes, you wake up, you get in a car accident, you catch
Starting point is 01:39:38 on fire. Didn't Ralphie have a bus? Ralphie is a bus. Ralphie is a mansion. No, yeah, Ralphie has a bus. Ralphie is a mansion. No, yeah, Ralphie has a bus. But this, and it's cool. But this bus, I've been on some cool buses. I'm friends with John Rich, who's like a huge country music star.
Starting point is 01:39:54 Awesome bus. But this bus, state of the art. Kevin James has a bus. He did the bus thing for a while. He had a bus and he would bring the bus to movie sets too. You know, like his kids could hang out in the bus. Bus was dope. Fully set up. And then he drove across the country in the bus and what he did was, his family
Starting point is 01:40:11 was on the bus and he was behind them on a motorcycle. So it's like, so he could just ride his Harley on the fucking highway right behind the bus across the country. He's just living fantasies at this point can i put a c-do on top of my bus and uh yeah but yeah it's crazy you ever work with brian regan
Starting point is 01:40:34 yeah well i've done some stuff with him he's done this podcast i know i've done some gigs with him back in new york like back in the day he's a great guy he was so much fun you know i've gotten to like meet all my heroes ron white's been hanging out like an animal at the store which is super surreal because it was him and brian regan were our comedy central guys growing up you know that's sort of like all you had that wasn't on hbo so like you know it was a super surreal weekend because he was he was very ron white-esque you know what I'm talking about. He's down to hang with comedians. He's funny all the time.
Starting point is 01:41:09 He's not one of those guys that shuts down. And he was just a blast. He is that guy. So if there's ever a dull moment, he can pretty much say anything. And it's funny because it's just sort of like, you know, and it's just boom. He's just laying everybody out. It was a a blast it was one of those great ones like they say don't meet your heroes but like he was a fun one yeah you can meet some of them you can meet ron white yeah yeah it's um you know it's a cool time at the store guys like ron white hanging out
Starting point is 01:41:43 everybody's hanging out there now. It's crazy. I told Brian Regan all about it. I said, you know, you have to come. What does he do when he does LA? I don't think he does. I don't think he really does it. If he does, I'm sure it's like the Wiltern or something like that. Well, when I was talking to him, he was saying he pretty much just kind of writes and does the material at his shows.
Starting point is 01:42:05 You know, he just writes new shit and does it at his shows in front of his audiences and i'll tell you this is it was my second year doing these oddballs and i've never seen comedians or myself i haven't laughed like i was laughing at him since i was a child like since i and since i very first started stand-up you know how when you really start and you're watching guys for the first time and you're just dying. You're like, how are they doing that? It was like that. Just his premises, his delivery is everything. It was surreal to watch.
Starting point is 01:42:34 Every single joke that he went into, I thought to myself, how have I never thought of that? One of those things where over and over and over again, you're like, whoa, he's about to talk about that? I thought only I noticed that. And boom boom you're watching an amphitheater just continuously he's constantly touring too yeah i mean brian's he's everywhere like that's all he does now it's interesting he's one of those guys like i feel like bill burr and chapelle are always in the thing you know what i mean but he is i mean i'm not saying he's better or whatever, but I mean like... No, he's fantastic. Yeah. You know what the difference is, though? He's clean. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:10 And so people think of him as being not as funny because he's clean. Because you go, oh, well, you could take your kids and go see Brian Regan. It doesn't matter. He's a killer. Lays them out. Yeah. You don't even notice that he's not clean. No. Or that he is clean because he's so funny. It's totally irrelevant. Yeah. Yeah. It's just funny a lot there's been a lot of guys like that like mitch
Starting point is 01:43:28 hedberg is a perfect example that mitch hedberg people forget was very clean he he hardly ever swore and if he did it was totally unnecessary he was just having fun like mitch's jokes were all like surreal weirdo jokes you know there's there's been a lot of people like that like Jerry Seinfeld perfect example You know, just not only was he clean like he didn't even ever touch on controversial subjects I had to follow him at the Comedy Store a few weeks ago talking about Mitzi Shore and how she has Parkinson's and she said he wasn't funny three decades before Whoa, it was unbelievable out of everything I've done in stand-up in nine years I've never been in a tougher position than following Jerry Seinfeld. I always like following good people,
Starting point is 01:44:10 but he just went off on a rant about how this lady that owns this club told me 38 years ago, whatever it was, some crazy number. I know it's more than 30, 34, 36 years. She told me 37 years ago that I wasn't funny. What's the deal with that you know what i mean like the room was just dying it was crazy speaking of basically dropped the mic and i had to go up there it's horrendous speaking and dying tell me about ann coulter oh yeah that's what i'm dealing with all day so the sand coulter situation so ann coulter was at
Starting point is 01:44:44 the roast of Rob Lowe. It wasn't live, right? No, it was on last night. But when did they film it? Last Saturday. Last Saturday. So only a week away. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:53 So what happened? Well, you know, this is the sixth roast that I've written for, the third one that I've been a staff writer on. And it's always interesting when someone gets booked, you know, what's going to happen, blah, blah,
Starting point is 01:45:07 blah, blah. And Ann Coulter was one of the last bookings that we had. And I was excited to help her. And she, uh, she didn't want, she didn't want to do anything that the writers told her,
Starting point is 01:45:20 you know, that she sort of had to do like to be funny. And she's like, she didn't think anything was funny, so she rewrote everything, like the script that we originally wrote. Anyway, she bombed really bad. She bombed really bad,
Starting point is 01:45:33 but what was she trying to avoid? Like when you said she didn't want to do what they wanted her to do. Well, we wanted her to write. We had stuff in her voice, like with her angle, and a little bit of self-deprecating at the top you know what i mean right it was you know supposed to be like hey i'm ann colter you know you might
Starting point is 01:45:50 be wondering why i'm here it's at the raw blow roast it's because it's the first time that i'm not the most hated person in the room you know like sort of like put it off on her let her you got to acknowledge who you are but instead she's like nah i don't like that i'm not gonna i'm not gonna play i'm not gonna self maybe i'm not gonna shit on myself it's a roast why would i do that you know there's no no awareness there's no i mean that's those weren't her exact words but she just said she wasn't going to do that she would just cut out you go you go back and forth via emails and then all of a sudden all the good stuff is cut out and there's bad stuff and some of the stuff's rewritten did you meet her in real life yeah did you meet her in real life before the
Starting point is 01:46:29 actual roast or the day of uh the day of i talked to her on the phone uh five days out which she was okay on that she's like laughing at the script but then once it's in email you know she rewrote it it was bad but you really think that she's less hated than Rob Lowe? No. No. Not at all. Everyone loves Rob Lowe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:48 No. Who was the most hated person in the room besides her? Was the joke about Rob Lowe? Yeah. The joke is like, you know, she's saying that she's hated. Right. She's acknowledging that. And she's saying that Rob Lowe's hated. So it's a joke.
Starting point is 01:47:04 But it's not really. That part doesn't need to be funny, though. We just needed her to acknowledge that she's a piece of shit. Oh, yeah. And she didn't want to do that. Instead, she came out and literally is like, you might be wondering why I'm here. It couldn't possibly be to promote my new book.
Starting point is 01:47:20 And she leans down all awkwardly and pulls out her shitty book, In Trump We Trust, E Pluribus Awesome. And she says that like, E Pluribus... and she leans down all awkwardly and pulls out her shitty book in Trump we trust E Pluribus Awesome and she says that like E Pluribus Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute Her new book is in Trump we trust Yeah
Starting point is 01:47:34 Wait for it E Pluribus Awesome That's like the tag of the book Wow And she said it and just the roar of boos from this crowd What is this book?
Starting point is 01:47:46 She loves Trump. She's cashing in on that Trump shit money. She wrote, that is her 11th book. She's written 11 books. She's worth a good amount of money. Jesus Christ. What was the purpose of having her on the roast to begin with? It seems like the roasts have always had kind of like a goat,
Starting point is 01:48:04 you know, like Jersey Shore, they had the situation on they had that one roast Hold that back up. I want to read this description, but pull up make it smaller. So there we go Donald Trump isn't a politician. He's a one-man wrecking ball against our dysfunctional and corrupt establishment We're about to see the deluxe version of the left's favorite theme. Vote for us or we'll call you stupid. It's the working class against the smirking class. Now, Ann Coulter, with her unique insight, candor, and sense of humor, makes the definitive case for why we should all join his revolution. Wow, she just bent over.
Starting point is 01:48:44 She bent over for the man who might be king yeah she was she wants to play that character but well if he wins and she wrote a book like that she's in deep deep deep deep deep she would be the one to defend him every time there's any sort of a public you know he doesn't like her by the way he doesn't like her he doesn't like her and one of the really funny things is that he changed his immigration policy like tweaked the tone of it the day before that book came out and it's sort of like messed things up because yeah because he's sort of like uh you know this book's like all about like yeah don't let anybody in, zero immigration, and he was sort of just like, he visited Mexico out of nowhere
Starting point is 01:49:27 the day before her book came out, and she's like, uh, it just wasn't good press for her. What is he saying now? He's saying the Mexicans have to leave, and they're going to have to go through the proper channels in order to legally immigrate to the United States.
Starting point is 01:49:41 You're going to have to go back to Mexico first. He knows no one's doing that. No one's going back to Mexico, dude. Stop. Definitely not. Did you know that, who was it that tweeted this? Pete Dominick tweeted this. That there is like a literal 0% gross migration from Mexico.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Like the amount of people that come over here from Mexico versus the amount of people that leave here and go to Mexico, it evens out. There's like a 0% migration. That sounds like a study written by a Mexican. Yeah, right. Well, I was wondering whether or not it takes
Starting point is 01:50:19 into account illegal immigration. And if it does, how could they possibly know what the numbers are? They don't. It seems like they don't.'t otherwise you're watching the people come in you're counting them and then you know where they are and they just then you're like a part of the problem you're like letting them come over the border like how many people come over the border every day and get away with it a lot oh yeah i know like five people that came over here from mexico they just come over yeah they just come over. Yeah, they just come over. Yeah, I mean, I think I would too, for sure.
Starting point is 01:50:53 I just think there's two ways to handle this, is what I think. I think if you want to go into the magical mystery world of impossible ideas, the best impossible ideas help Mexico so much that they don't want to come over here because it's awesome over there too like help them figure out how to make mexico awesome but they're not going to do that because the best way to get people to work for a buck a day in some fucking under armor factory or nike factory or whatever they do down in japan which is totally legal you know if they want to do that down in Mexico or Volkswagen.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Yeah. I mean, a bunch of companies make shit down in Mexico. And the reason why they do it is they bring jobs to impoverished communities. These people get a chance to make money more than they ever would have made on their own without these plants. But they're working for significantly less than they would if they were living in the United States. So it gets, it gets real weird. It's like,
Starting point is 01:51:46 you know, is it better for them than it used to be? Absolutely. But is it as good for them as it is here? Fuck no. Well, is it okay for a company to keep people in a position where they're never going to be in as good a position as they would if they were working in the United States with our laws? Is it okay? I don't know. I don't know. It's true. If you buy an iPhone, you're kind of a part of the problem. If you're buying sneakers, most likely. They're not making sneakers in Columbus.
Starting point is 01:52:14 Do they have iPhones in Mexico? They make them. No. They make some of them. Do they make some of them in Mexico? Some in Mexico. Some of them in China. What if they jump off in Mexico? No, because they're fucking hardworking people.
Starting point is 01:52:23 They're not going to dive off the building like a pussy. They're going to finish their job, and they're going to have some tequila and party. Yeah. They do that. Mexicans have fun. They're the wrong people to hate. I know. Right.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Mexicans have awesome food. They're festive. They're very family-oriented. I mean, yeah, there's drug violence, but that's just human beings. The Mexican culture is pretty fucking chill. You know, like as far as like having neighbors, like dude, you could have, your next door neighbors could be like some crazy North Koreans that want to kill you. Like if you're living in South Korea, you got real immigration problems.
Starting point is 01:52:59 You got a real problem with your border because you got North Korea and South Korea. Your fucking next door neighbors run by a murderous dictator. That's worse. That's way worse. What do we got? We got beaches, taco stands, people are cool as fuck, they like bullfighting. That's a little weird. Dude, that's the best.
Starting point is 01:53:18 That's the shit. I watched an amazing documentary on Netflix about bullfighting. I sort of want to go see it, but I want to go to Spain to see it, I think. The big ones are in Spain. You're going to have to do it soon. I have a feeling they're going to slowly make that shit illegal.
Starting point is 01:53:32 People, there's so much pressure. Wait till you see the... I mean, there's stadiums filled. I mean, it's like... No, I understand. But there's also a lot of protesters, even in these European countries, where it's been a tradition.
Starting point is 01:53:43 You know, it's a fucked up way for's been a tradition, you know, it's fucked up way for these animals to die. You know, it is very weird. I mean, occasionally the matador gets it and that's, that's something that you don't see in America. There's not a single thing that we do where you have that much of a possibility of getting murked by a huge animal with horns on its head. There's not, I mean, bull riding, I guess, sort of, but I guess those guys
Starting point is 01:54:06 do get stomped. Yeah, they do. But they're not trying to kill the bull. Right. It's a totally different kind of an exchange. The bull rider is a guy who's just trying to hang on for eight seconds. The matador, I mean, that shit will take a while. And they're going to stab the fuck out of that thing. People are going to hand him different swords. He's
Starting point is 01:54:22 going to try to stab it in the back of the neck. And you've got a bunch of people that are helping them too and they're poisoning that thing and throwing poison darts into it yeah and in the in the and to get like bigger to get more famous as a matador like you take more chances you know there's this thing one move where like you just get down on your knees and like spread your legs before they let the bull out and your whole thing is like that first move because it comes out of the you see it coming around the corner when they release it and you you have your back to the bull you are starting like yeah like down not not back to the bull that would be the gangster you're down on your knees and someone's gonna do it that way
Starting point is 01:54:59 that'd be your back to the bull like i think that's a little like blade wesley snipes jump up and slice its neck off as it comes towards you celebrity matador Put your back to the bull like... I think that's a little... Like Blade. Wesley Snipes? Jump up and slice its neck off as it comes towards you. Celebrity Matador would be a great show. Wesley Snipes versus a bull. Did you see the most recent bull attack Matador thing where it went up his asshole? Yeah. The horn literally went up his asshole, tore his insides apart,
Starting point is 01:55:22 and this thing is just ragdolling him with a horn in his asshole i think he died yeah i think he died right yeah whoops yeah i mean that shit can happen but i mean i think they eat the bull but it's just a fucked up way to do it like i guess i guess it's a it's a tradition but you gotta think this is like a barbaric tradition from days gone by when people didn't know any better. It's a very slow death, too. Did they eat all those dead reindeers that got electrocuted by lightning? Good question. I was thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Is reindeer good meat? Yeah, it's caribou. Reindeer and caribou are basically the same thing. It's just different names for it. Caribou is one of the most delicious of all game animals, apparently. They're also one of the rare deer of all game animals apparently they're also one of the rare um deer where the females have antlers too like the male and the female have antlers they all have antlers it's to fight off wolves apparently so the males have antlers to like
Starting point is 01:56:18 headbutt each other and like what bitch but the females have antlers to like protect their children maybe that's just a theory maybe they're all androgynous yeah maybe just living up in the tundra that just makes hard bitches a lot of the women in alaska look like they could be it's pat even the female deers are giant lesbians it's a hard life up there for a caribou plus they're all on this migration so So when you see caribous marching across the field, you'll see maybe even hundreds of them. But they're all in a line. There's a line of them. So you see them coming from a mile away.
Starting point is 01:56:54 So you just get in position. You find out where they're going to be. Go down past where they are right now. They seem to be going in this direction. Sit down. Wait. Set the gun up. And let them walk close.
Starting point is 01:57:04 That's what people do. They let them walk close. That's what people do. They let them walk close and blam. Blam, blam, we're eating ham. Delicious ham. So good though. Caribou's delicious. So 300 of them died because they were all in a rainstorm and they were all on wet grass
Starting point is 01:57:20 and the electricity hit, the lightning bolt hit and they all got cooked. That would have been crazy video. It says there's five still walking around when they showed up they had to put them down they saw too much crazy shit they were like Vietnam vets fuck man look what they did to my crew they were all sad caribou who lightning is fucking crazy you really stop and think about the fact Look what they did to my crew. They were all sad. Rudolph, no. Caribou. Lightning is fucking crazy. You really stop and think about the fact that there are these things that float in the sky. And out of them come impossibly powerful beams of electricity that split trees down the middle.
Starting point is 01:57:59 And cook people. My friend Remy, who I was talking about earlier where his dad owns that uh um linex place he got hit by lightning when he was in high school and he uh he talked about it on the podcast and he said it was just like he didn't even realize what happened until after it happened like way after it happened he was just trying to come to try to figure out why the fuck he was on the ground and like what happened like it just shuts your whole system just gets barbecue where i'm from in youngstown ohio we had this old legendary guy called green guy and he got struck by lightning as a kid and literally was green forever what some green dude
Starting point is 01:58:38 what do you mean he's a real guy yeah real guy that was just green maybe he was purple it's been a long time but purple guy or green guy here it is that was just green. Maybe he was purple. It's been a long time. Purple guy or green guy? Here it is. There you go. Green guy. Green man. That's him? Where's that photo of?
Starting point is 01:58:51 That says Western Pennsylvania, but that's next to me. I'm in Eastern Ohio. Timmy, what's that photo? Beaver Falls, yeah. What's wrong with him? He looks like Snoopy or something. Is that, he lost his face? Is that what it is?
Starting point is 01:59:03 This is a black and white picture, so you can't really tell that he's green, but he's green. Find a better version of the story so you can read it. He lost his eyes, nose, and one arm. Oh, yeah, he got electrocuted. That's what it is. There was a story that I was seeing on some,
Starting point is 01:59:19 I believe it was a YouTube video the other day of this guy who was hiking, and he saw a bear that was dead, this giant bear. And he went up to it and poked it with his knife and immediately exploded in electricity. He lost his arm, lost his vision, lost – I think he lost his hearing, might have lost one of his legs. Just got hit with an impossible bolt of electricity because the bear had dug into a power wire and bitten into the power wire. And he just, by touching it with his knife,
Starting point is 01:59:49 he just tapped right into that power and blew his arm completely off of his body. I've seen a few of those videos. And what's crazy about electricity also that a lot of people don't factor in is that it sticks you right where you are. I once got electrocuted really badly at my grandma's house when i was a kid uh you know she had like these old those old type of light
Starting point is 02:00:10 bulbs that were like old fluorescence yeah fluorescence yeah they were like and you know little metal handle on the sink and i remember i grabbed the handle and and you can't get your hand off the handle. That's the thing with electricity is you're stuck. So you're like, this sucks. And you can't pull away. You're trying, but it sticks you there. So imagine like a lot of people have just had creepy fucking deaths from electricity. You can't get away from it.
Starting point is 02:00:39 It keeps you there. Yeah. Electric fence. When I was a kid, I was trying to climb up this fence to hang out with some cows or horses or something. And I grabbed onto it and it was electric. And I was like, I couldn't let go. I remember just. It's like five seconds, but it feels like forever.
Starting point is 02:00:53 Electricity is so bizarre. The fact that we have electrical signals in our own body and that electricity is in everyone's house. Like this room. Think about how much you take electricity for granted, but how much it modern life it's very rare you're not around electricity but electricity itself is only like a couple of hundred years old like as an invention like people harnessing it like what the ben franklin when when was that experiment if you had to guess when did ben franklin have that had that kite with a key hanging from it? 1760. 1760.
Starting point is 02:01:30 I would say... Wow, that's a crazy one to think of. 1876. Well, he was like a 1776 guy, right? So he was a part of the... He was one of the founding fathers, so... 1752. 1752, this motherfucker's out there with a
Starting point is 02:01:46 kite first of all how baller must america been back then just no no lights benjamin franklin was a beast man he did like a lot of stuff smoked a lot of weed is that true yep i just made it up that's from like uh dazed and confused or something how high that was huge pothead who else is talking over each other jamie what did you say that wasn't how high that was this bong at the end of the method man movie it probably was a pothead because i think he grew it didn't he yeah yeah if you google ben franklin weed i'm pretty sure he, like, not only did he grow it, I think he talked about smoking it. Dazed and confused, there was that whole scene about how he grew weed and smelled it. Yeah, Ben Franklin, man, he grew his weed.
Starting point is 02:02:34 They all were getting high back then. Of course, they knew about it. If they knew about it, they were using it. Just didn't have the stigma it does today. America's founding fathers loved hemp. Yeah, didn't he write something? George Washington wrote something about it as well? I sort of saw it said that he had a hemp paper mill.
Starting point is 02:02:51 Yeah, man. Well, this is back when they, you know, the whole thing that fucked hemp up was the cotton gin. When Eli Whitney came up with the cotton gin, it made it easier for them to process cotton because before they had to use slaves. And it was, you know, it was a real pain in the ass. And the same thing with hemp. Like what they had to use with hemp was they used to have to beat it down to get to the fiber. You used to have to smash it. And it was like a long, laborious process.
Starting point is 02:03:19 But that's what they used for everything. The reason why canvas is called canvas is from the word cannabis. Like hemp is what the actual paper that's used to make canvas. Like when you make a painting, you see like the Leonardo da Vinci paintings or Mona Lisa or something like that. That stuff is all on hemp. Like they made them on hemp. Like one of the first drafts of the declaration of independence they wrote it on hemp because hemp paper was real common but then they came up with uh a more
Starting point is 02:03:51 economically efficient way to process cotton and hemp fell off then when slavery became abolished hemp really fell off because you know it wasn't economically feasible until the 1930s. In the 1930s, they invented this thing called a decorticator. And the decorticator allowed them to really effectively and almost instantly process the hemp virus. It's a big, crazy machine that you crank. And as soon as that came out, that's when William Randolph Hearst started running all those ads
Starting point is 02:04:20 about black people and Mexicans smoking marijuana and raping white women. It was all just to try to stop the hemp industry. They turned it into a marijuana thing. We're still suffering to this day. Amazing. You can grow hemp now, right, in the United States? Some spots, yeah. Is Onnit getting it yet?
Starting point is 02:04:37 Well, we're being real careful with this marijuana thing because, well, one day we're for sure going to get involved in either Colorado or Washington State. For sure. Why wouldn't we sell, like, super healthy weed? We'll find it. But this is just too touch and go right now with legalization. It's too sketchy. Federal government is still telling people that they can't get guns.
Starting point is 02:05:01 This is the most recent ruling that you can't have a gun if you have a medical marijuana card, which is fucking insane because you could drink booze all day long. Excuse me. You could take pharmaceutical pills, opiates all day long if you wanted to. You can do a bunch of different mind-altering things and still legally possess a gun, but you can't smoke pot. If there's any drug that you should have while you're high,
Starting point is 02:05:24 when you have a gun, rather, it's pot. If there's any drug that you should have while you're high it's when you have a gun rather it's pot if there's any drug it's pot because that's the drug that's gonna make you go now i want to shoot anybody man right you know like all the other ones are gonna like displace your reality all the other ones are gonna put you in a position where you're you're probably gonna feel less inhibition and you're you're probably more likely to shoot someone if you're drunk you're probably more likely to shoot someone if you're probably going to feel less inhibition. And you're probably more likely to shoot someone if you're drunk. You're probably more likely to shoot someone if you're on pills. Crazy fucks.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Yeah. That whole pot thing's messed up. So back to Ann Coulter. Yeah. So the silly bitch. So what does she try to do? She tries to write her own jokes then? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:01 You know, I worked with Martha Stewart stewart for the bieber roast and she crushed it crushed it crushed it the first thing she said to me was i want to kill as hard as i can so hook it up and i'm like stewart's done time that's what i want you to do yeah she's the best ever she's been in the pokey she understands shit at a level ann coulter with her privileged lifestyle of white people everywhere she goes correct and so ann coulter with her privileged lifestyle of white people everywhere she goes correct and so ann coulter basically says that you know she doesn't like this joke she doesn't like that joke she rewrites this she puts a pitch for a book at the top first off she was like uh third to last she was second to roblo it went ann coulter jeff ross end of show. Right? So all these people went before. Ralph Macchio, Nikki Glaser, Pete Davidson, Jimmy Carr, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 02:06:50 Anyway, and she got lit up. And I mean big time. Peyton Manning, Jewel, everybody. They'd hit everybody on the dais, you know, because you always make fun of everybody at a roast. Of course. And then you get the main target at the end of your thing. But when people went in on Ann Coulter, they went in hard.
Starting point is 02:07:07 You know, like, very hard. Like, Jimmy Carr had this one joke, which I loved, which I'm gonna completely, you know, destroy right now, because I don't know exactly how he set it, but it was something like, Ann Coulter is here,
Starting point is 02:07:21 and you ugly, ratchet-faced, piece of shit scumbuck. It's like something like that. Ann, you ugly, ratchet-faced, piece of shit, scumbuck. It's like something like that. Just like five insulting words. Just gag at her, gag at her, gag at her. He goes, you are one of the most insufferable human beings on the planet. But it's not too late. You can change.
Starting point is 02:07:37 You could kill yourself. And the crowd just, boom. I mean, just everybody hated her. So she was great to have on the dais wow she could have killed me and mike lawrence who's a huge pro wrestling fan and sarah tiana who's an old school pro wrestling fan we looked at her like wow we can write her as a heel she'll own it it'll be great we're all gonna look like superstars because we were able to make ann coulter funny but instead halfway through the week we realized like oh no she doesn't get it and she wants to do this and
Starting point is 02:08:11 you don't want to scare her away from not being on the roast you know what i mean you don't want to be like hey you're gonna you're gonna do terrible because then they you know there's a chance that you might not do it and we wanted her there because you know you know she's gonna do good great everybody's gonna shit on her but also you know worse comes to worse people love a train wreck and this was a train wreck super trainer can we play any of it you think no this was like a gif of a train wreck i gotta watch boom boom she was terrible and the one thing comedy central did do which is hilarious is the reaction shots that they chose for her jokes like when she was on stage uh are hilarious like it just cuts to just people just sort of just studying well she made her bones in the safest softest world which is the world of
Starting point is 02:09:03 like political commentary where there's five different people and everybody's shouting over everybody and you don't have to say anything that's really relevant. Right. And especially her because she's just a button pusher. She's a white lady button pusher and she gets up there and she says crazy things like if Canada doesn't like it, we'll invade them. Yeah. And she says stupid shit like that that she doesn't even mean. You know, and like this is what she does. She pushes buttons and Bill Maher calls her his friend and they laugh together and she lives in this soft world that world that she stepped into is not just
Starting point is 02:09:31 one of the hardest worlds but for a person like her to go on after someone like jimmy carr and get crushed and then attempt to plug her book and all that jazz. Like, I bet she has no idea what the average person's perception of her is because she's dealing with that bubble, that fucking talk show. Bunch of DC crazy idiots. Yeah, that weird bubble where she's kind of legitimate in that bubble. And, you know, she's the button pusher. Oh, here comes crazy Ann. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:02 You know, she thinks she's wacky. And another thing is, you know, one of the main things that a roast is when you get made fun of, you should laugh. Yeah. You know, she thinks she's wacky. And another thing is, you know, one of the main things that a roast is when you get made fun of, you should laugh. Yeah. Because it shows that
Starting point is 02:10:11 you have a sense of humor. That's like the main thing. That's why Trump did it. Now he could be president.
Starting point is 02:10:16 Charlie Sheen did it. You know, it's like Trump can be president because he did a roast. Hey, Justin Bieber's the number one artist in the world. Oh, it's all roasts gross that's what it is if
Starting point is 02:10:27 you can handle the road trying to talk I'm trying to get you to want to do a Joe Rogan roast that's what we want out of here Joe Rogan so when Ann Coulter does this I'm changing the subject immediately look at that I'm not doing your roast I'm not being mean to you and I don't want you being mean to me but when you do this roast with Ann coulter what happens when people are joking about her oh yeah uh well that's the best thing is she did not laugh at anything about her and she always just had the same look on her face and it stuck that's it every single joke like you just put in just basically hey we want you to die that's the look that it would cut back to in the crowd when you're watching it on tv that's funny because she's not laughing he called her hatchet faced oh ratchet hatchet something oh horse face joshua peyton manning said i'm not the only champion up here and colter
Starting point is 02:11:17 won the kentucky derby a couple weeks ago peyton manning annihilated Now that's a guy who, you know, and Sarah Tiana was really hands-on with him. And, you know, he got his script, made tweaks, studied it all week. He put it in prompter himself. He's with the prompter guy, you know, before the show, making sure that every word is perfect, exactly where he wants it. And he stole the show.
Starting point is 02:11:41 Him and Jewel were the two best. Jewel, the singer? Yes. No shit. She was so great. Really? One of the two best. Jewel the singer? Yes. No shit. She was so great. Really? One of the things she said right at the top of her set, she's like, as a feminist,
Starting point is 02:11:52 I can't agree with everything that I have heard up here tonight, but as a person who hates Ann Coulter, I'm just, boom. She annihilated. She was so good. That's awesome. Yeah. Who wrote for her?
Starting point is 02:12:08 Um, that was a sort of the room, uh, hands on a lot. It was a guy named George Reinblatt. Good roast writer. Uh, some other people.
Starting point is 02:12:16 Such a smart move. Sarah Tiana's in on that too. Such a smart move to pair them up with comics and coach them through it. Oh, well, I mean, they wouldn't have a chance on their own. I know, but I mean, as far as like entertainment value,
Starting point is 02:12:27 like it could have been a gross clusterfuck if you got to see their own real ideas. Right. But yeah, it's definitely better. And you know, they're reading an awesome prompter. It's show business. So you would say that Martha Stewart's like the best ever? I mean, you know, I'm a little bit biased, but yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:44 She's the best ever roaster? She's just a little bit biased but yeah she's the best ever roaster she's just a freakishly great human being at everything she does she's like the best she's a baller dude not only did she have more prison time than all those other people in the dais like snoop and shat you know like she's just a killer she killed she's a billionaire she's a you know assassin they put her in jail for some weird shit too right was it like knowledge of a stock sale or something like that insider insider trading how does that work so if you say if you have a stock okay and you know you're you're working in some company like hey dude i'm just letting you know right now uh we're about to sell sell sell so if you want to get out get out now and i'm like oh like, oh, shit. Thanks, dude. I'm getting out. And then I do that.
Starting point is 02:13:26 I'm supposed to just sit by and not do that and lose money? How does that work? You tell me that some shit's going down and I should bail out immediately. And I don't bail out. I lose all my money. Then I get to stay out of jail? Is that how it works? I'm pretty sure you just can't be super blatant about it.
Starting point is 02:13:43 Like the SEC or whatever it is. I can't remember what it is. Securities and Exchange Council. Yeah. Commission. If they see that you just sold millions of dollars worth of stocks the day or two before something absurd happens with that company, then it's sort of blatant.
Starting point is 02:14:03 Did you ever see all that stuff that's connected to 9-11? There's another 9-11 thing. It's how many people sold American Airlines stock. How many people predicted that American Airlines stock would crash. It's all like Illuminati type Bloomberg. Not Bloomberg. What are those people? Bilderberg.
Starting point is 02:14:19 Bilderberg characters. Yeah. Selling American Airlines stock. It's probably bullshit. Did you ever snopes that? It says false. It says false? But wait a minute. I saw this documentary
Starting point is 02:14:31 on YouTube. Put paid. What does it say? On September 11th blah blah blah blah blah the operation had taken years to plan. What's it saying Jamie? False. Status false. Only to delay the takeoff.
Starting point is 02:14:48 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is a long-ass paragraph. I'm surprised it wasn't Spirit Airlines that went into that. Oh, shit. I wish it was. Spirit's a real airline? They're the worst. What's Spirit Airlines? It's like all the planes that get, like, graffitied
Starting point is 02:15:03 and stuff. They just turn them into Spirit Airlines. Goodwill? Goodwill Airline? Yeah's like all the planes that get like graffitied and stuff. They just turn them into Spirit Airlines. Goodwill? Goodwill Airline? Yeah. It's like they get like push started and shit. They're terrible. You have to pay just to print out your itinerary. Ticket.
Starting point is 02:15:16 Yeah, and you have to pay per bag, like any bag. Like your purse is a bag, anything. They would charge you for your fanny pack, dude. Yeah. They'd be like, what are you doing? Well, there was a time where the lady told me that I had to take it off and put it under the seat. Your fanny pack? Yep.
Starting point is 02:15:30 Yep. Get out of here. She was just a cunt. Weren't you the one that told me that you couldn't use Bluetooth headphones on a plane? I use them all the time. I've never been told anything. Yeah, you're not supposed to. According to the lady that talked to the guy who was sitting next to me, she said he couldn't do it.
Starting point is 02:15:44 You can't do it. Sir, are those Bluetooth? You're going to have to the lady that talked to the guy who was sitting next to me she said he couldn't do it you can't do it sir are those bluetooth you're gonna have to take them off different lady not the same lady my goodness but the but one person ever has told me i have to take the fanny pack off and put it under the seat like that is so stupid it's like connected to me it's your belt it's like it's just like a type. Yeah. Can I just put it in my pocket? Where do you drop it? Stuff it in my pocket? Yeah. If I stuff my fanny pack in my pocket.
Starting point is 02:16:10 She was just being a cunt. But we've all seen that, you know? Yeah. People. Do you remember that Airbus that used to take you to Columbus? What was that bus? It was Airbus. It was called Airbus.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Was it? JetBlue or something? JetBlue. Yeah. No. No, it wasn't JetBlue. Yeah, no. Airbus. It was just called Airbus? Just called Airbus or something? JetBlue. Yeah. No, no, it wasn't JetBlue. Yeah, no. Airbus.
Starting point is 02:16:25 It was just called Airbus. Just called Airbus? Yeah, and it was like $40. Well, we flew once. We took this shit once, and the guy fucked up his landing and had to start all over again. He went down and then pulled out, and we go back up again. I was like, this motherfucker just had a panic attack. That happened to me a few months ago.
Starting point is 02:16:43 Oh, my God. But it was like, you know, $40 a ticket. Yeah. So cheap. And there was a direct flight, which they don't have that.
Starting point is 02:16:50 They have one direct flight to Columbus, Ohio nowadays. Really? Yeah. That's wild. I had that happen to me a few weeks or months ago or something. And, and it was flying back home to LA and that was not cool.
Starting point is 02:17:02 It's a scary thing because you get used to landing. You know, your first whatever 20, 30 flights, you're like, whoa, we're landing, look out. But then you get so used to it that you know what happens. It's going to just jerk a little bit. But what's crazy is that to get it back up after going down, they have to go full steam all the way. Engines that normally are
Starting point is 02:17:26 actually pretty chill because like a bird they sort of just you know you don't have to go full blast but when they do go full blast shit gets crazy and they really had to do that there i mean when you're we are down like we are very close to landing but he was coming in too fast he said afterwards and just you just hear like engines just boom and all of a sudden everything's shaking and you're like like that they had to like really pull up hard it was scary man christ yeah one of those like one out of every whatever thousands that probably that happens to there was a trump plane that didn't have the landing gear pop out once remember when trump had an airlines? Trump Airlines.
Starting point is 02:18:05 Do you remember that? No. Trump had a Trump Airlines and they were landing and the landing gear didn't come down. So they skid in like they just the bottom of the plane just scraped against the ground. Sparks were flying. Yeah. Yeah. Trump Airlines.
Starting point is 02:18:22 Donald Trump. He had that airlines when he was younger than me like this motherfucker's been he's been rich for a long ass time look at him there donald j trump is that him in the police car that's bobby kennedy is it um so 29th of september you and i are in columbus oh yeah that's right be fun at the palace theater and then we're at the tower theater in philly on october 1st and i'm at boston's wilbur theater october 8th oh my goodness young tony hinchcliffe are you filming something there i mean i'm gonna try to yeah yeah you're thinking about it yeah it's just something we'll see we'll see what it turns out how many shows are you doing that night just one just one just one in and out whoa
Starting point is 02:19:09 easy breezy you can film it am i filming yeah yeah i got nothing it's a good spot it's a good pot who knows what can happen well you were well received last time you were there with me yeah a bunch of savages there that's my kind, man. Those are people that like it hard, continuous, rough. No oohs and ahs. Just gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah. Plus, you're going to be there in October, which is like the last bursts of excitement before the freeze. Yeah. Like in November and December and January and February.
Starting point is 02:19:39 And then March, people start coming back to life again. And guess where I'm going? October 18th. Where are you going, bitch? The place I've been to With you before We saw a little lady Get kicked in the head Place called
Starting point is 02:19:48 Australia My friend I am headlining Shows All by myself Like a big boy We did see a lady Get kicked in the head
Starting point is 02:19:55 Sydney Melbourne And Brisbane Beautiful End of Australia Or the end of October In Australia Dude
Starting point is 02:20:03 Yeah we did see her Get kicked in the head. We did. Are you going to that same place that we went to in Melbourne? I'm not exactly sure. The venues, I know I'm doing the Comedy Store in Sydney. You ever done that? The Comedy Store in Sydney, I did do.
Starting point is 02:20:15 Yeah, I did it with Ari. We did a show at a theater, and then on Sunday we came back and did, I think what we did was the fights were Sunday. Because the fights were a day ahead, but they were Sunday in the morning. And so that day we contacted the comedy store and said, hey, we want to do a show. So we decided to do a show that night. That's what we did.
Starting point is 02:20:34 So yeah, I definitely did it. It's a nice little club. I'm super excited because I guess like that's the beginning of their summer or something at the end of October. I don't think it gets cold there though. I don't really get it at all. It's a joke. Like summer, winter, it's a joke.
Starting point is 02:20:46 It's always warm. Australia, Sydney is pretty much perfect weather. They say it's like the Dallas of Australia. The TV show or the city? No, no, the city. The Dallas. I don't even remember that TV show. What do they call them?
Starting point is 02:21:05 Cashed up bogans. Do you know what a cashed up bogan is? You're going to have to learn this terminology. A cashed up bogan is like a really rich redneck. Like if a guy in Dallas had like a Jeep Wrangler with fucking 45 inch tires and a light bar on the roof and he's driving by the club with music playing and he's got a rolex on with diamonds on it but he's obviously trash that's a that's a cashed up bogan in america get it that makes sense i feel like there's going to be some cashed up bogans
Starting point is 02:21:36 at some of my shows they'll definitely be there for sure they're gonna know you they're gonna what do you think about cyborg mate is she gonna fuck you you know how often i get that by the way just randomly i was at the grocery store the other day and someone hit me with that you better look out and at the ufc on saturday i got it a couple times actually you gotta find her and take a picture with her totally it'll make the internet explode ease everything let her get you in a headlock yeah take a Take a picture. She could put me in a headlock. I'll grab her dick and squeeze it. There you go again.
Starting point is 02:22:08 I did it again, you motherfuckers. You think I'm afraid? Do you really think I'm afraid? Or is it this one? Come on. Tony. Good lord. Just kidding.
Starting point is 02:22:19 You got a shot at the Joker now that Jared Leto. They didn't enjoy him as a Joker. I thought he'd look great. He's a wonderful actor. I don't know what went wrong, but he's not, it's not really working out for America. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:33 There's a chance. I'm, I'm totally ready. If you want to help me produce it, we could do it, dude. The one somebody made, put that,
Starting point is 02:22:41 they put that head on a better Joker body for that thing that he just Instagrammed. And it's a better version of it. But I really want to do it. Yeah, that Suicide Squad movie was not well received. Did you see it? I didn't see it. But you know what I saw that was fucking good? Hell or High Water.
Starting point is 02:22:59 Dude, it's really good. It's like a western, right? Yeah, it's Jeff Bridges. What is his name? Ben Cohen? Is that the guy's name? Ben Foster? Is western, right? Yeah, it's Jeff Bridges. What is his name? Ben Cohen? Is that the guy's name? Ben Foster? Is that his name?
Starting point is 02:23:08 Foster, I think. Ben Foster, who's a really good actor. He's been in a gang of movies. He's like one of those guys who just steals movies in the background. You know what he was awesome in? One of my favorite vampire movies ever. I know it sounds ridiculous. I sound like a 12-year-old.
Starting point is 02:23:22 But 30 Days of Night. Did you ever see 30 Days of Night? There he is. Him and that other dude. The Star Wars dude, Captain Kirk, the new Captain Kirk. It's a good fucking movie, man. Good fucking movie. Fun. I saw Don't Breathe the other day in theaters, and that's a good one, too.
Starting point is 02:23:38 What's that? It's about a bunch of kids that go around and steal stuff from houses and then they find out that there's this old vietnam vet who uh who won a huge settlement and they have a feeling that they that he probably has it in cash and they show up to his house and you know he's blind it turns out so they're like oh he's blind this is gonna be fucking great well the catch is is he can hear you and he can smell you and whoa shit gets crazy trailer is really good and who is he a bad motherfucker i don't know but i've been seeing him in my nightmares and picturing his head poking in my bedroom door lately that movie kevin smith made red state i think it was called or he was like the he was the preacher oh that guy's excellent yeah he's really's really good. What is his name?
Starting point is 02:24:25 I'll look it up. Find out his name. That guy's excellent. He's so scary. Did you ever see Red State? Like, do you see that? No. Do you see that one there next to the one that says don't breathe, where he's just walking
Starting point is 02:24:35 by? Don't you spoiler alert me, fuck. Don't you spoiler alert me. But he's blind. So imagine. Shh. Anyway. Don't you spoiler alert me.
Starting point is 02:24:41 All right. Well, you got to see it. You got to see that in death proof. That's not the same guy. That's a different guy. That's the guy from Avatar. Is he the guy from Avatar? He's the Marine from Avatar.
Starting point is 02:24:49 He might be right, yeah. Yeah. So you're thinking of a different guy. But you also have to see Death Proof. You have to make up for that because that's all about stunt cars and like Kurt Russell kills it in this movie. I feel like I've told you this like 20 times. I think you have told me a few times.
Starting point is 02:25:03 You got to see Death Proof. Brian, I love it. It made me never put my legs up on the outside the window when you're in the passenger that's good there you go you saw jungle book right yeah i didn't like it you didn't like it no no he's a guy from avatar not what i said yeah steven lang that's who yeah he's a bad motherfucker too though this guy's excellent he's excellent in everything kills it he's one of those guys that you just see in the background. Avatar 2. But Ben Foster, that's his name, right?
Starting point is 02:25:29 That 30 Days of Night performance, that's when I first found out about him. He played like the vampire familiar. They had these vampires that would go to Alaska because it wouldn't get light out for like a month. You know, there's like spots in Alaska where they have like a never-ending winter. You ever work Alaska? No. Dude, we got to do a gig in the summer in Anchorage. Let's go.
Starting point is 02:25:49 It's a two-part trip. Nah. You need some work. It's hard enough for me. I can't hold your hand. But fishing's easy. Fishing in Alaska is fucking awesome, too. So you go salmon fishing fishing and then you do shows
Starting point is 02:26:05 at night you come out you do a midnight show it's 2 30 in the morning you go outside it's light out that's just light it's just light it barely gets dark it gets dark for like the tiniest amount of time but it's not really dark it gets like 7 30 p.m dark and then it becomes light again it's real weird i like that those are my hours that might as well be when the sun's up for me yeah alaska is cool as fuck too like anchorage in particular people up there are super nice like normal like fun you can hang out with them and talk to them and they're they're very uh they're hardy people you know what i mean like there's not a lot of pussies that live up there you just really can't you really can't be a pussy and survive in Alaska.
Starting point is 02:26:47 You know, it's not the way the people are and it's not the way the environment is. It's like in order to survive in that environment, you've got to be a self-sustaining person. You've got to be able to change a tire. You've got to be able to dig yourself out of a snowstorm. You've got to be able to start a fire. You might have to make a nice tent, one of those ice igloos to survive that's where jewel's from she is do you know her family is the those people that are on that reality show yeah somebody had the joke like they're like the kardashians if they were freezing
Starting point is 02:27:16 to death she seems very smart too jewel i'm gonna i'm telling you man this was the one like she i mean her and peyton both like but like for example one of the cool things was like doing sound check earlier in the afternoon she's just there was a part where like they had to reload the prompt or something like that she's just doing a run through but she did her performance with a guitar in her hand and she would only play in between while like people are dying of laughter you know just like that and then she would stop and she would start her next joke oh that's hilarious what a great idea i mean if you have all the writers of the roast laughing then it's you did it you know what i mean because we've we've been laughing about these jokes for a week already so yeah we're watching you for your third
Starting point is 02:28:01 time saying them and we're still cracking up. What did you think about Roast Battle being on television? Were you happy with the way it came out, or did you feel like it was too big? I love it. I love it. I think that it's going to get better. I feel like that's like UFC 1, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 02:28:18 if that makes sense. Yeah. I think that it should be regular. I think that it should get bigger. I think they shouldn't just make it a once-a-year special event. I want to see it every week. I want that it should get bigger. I think they shouldn't just make it a once a year special event. I want to see it every week. I want to see it get bigger and breathe and let it grow and get the cameras right. How often should they have Ralphie May back?
Starting point is 02:28:33 I don't think Ralphie will do it anymore. Do you think that they, like, the way they're doing it right now in these big environments, do you think that takes anything away from it? Like, don't you think that, like, I was watching it, watching it and i'm like looking at where the judges are and the performers are and everything's all so lit up and i'm like this is not the belly room like part of the beauty of roast battle is how intimate it is you're preaching to the choir on that one why don't they just do it in the belly room you're preaching to the i mean i'm the guy that literally like i mean i've been annoying you know jeff and brian and everybody about this since they started it years ago I literally
Starting point is 02:29:06 was going you should be doing with this show what we're doing with Kill Tony and just get it out there I mean and have it if they put that thing on the internet that would be huge and people would you become a bigger fan
Starting point is 02:29:22 as you see it more and you learn the characters more I mean it's there's there's literally 75 UFC analogies with this thing, with roast battle, because there's different styles and all this stuff, and you sort of have to be good at everything. You have to be able to hit a rebuttal, and you have to be able to just do a joke right in the pocket. And, you know, it's timing and execution.
Starting point is 02:29:43 The haters table, too. It's been clipped. It's been edited. it's timing and execution. The haters table, too. It's been like clipped. It's been edited. It's been censored. It's not the roast battle that we know because it's kind of like the TV version of it. Even the wave didn't make sense. Well, the racist stuff that Skakel says is so ridiculous and over the top, but so hilarious. Certainly some things aren't going to make it to Comedy Central.
Starting point is 02:30:01 They already pushed the limits. Well, they should put them on YouTube. Totally. They should have just done it on YouTube from the jump. Totally. Well, the podcast, you know, you can download the podcast. That's at Death Squad. And that's pretty much...
Starting point is 02:30:11 What, Roast Battle? Yeah, it's called Verbal Violence. So we have the Roast Battle uncensored on there. So you can hear all the stuff. You can hear everything? Yeah. How come you don't talk about that? Play the Roast Battles?
Starting point is 02:30:21 Yeah, it's called Verbal Violence. We're on, like on a lot of episodes. We've been doing it for a while. How come you never talk about that? I always talk about it. I've never heard you talk about that once. Yeah, yeah. I've literally never heard you talk about a podcast
Starting point is 02:30:34 where you take all the roast battles and you put it online. Do the roasters all know they're being put online? Oh, yeah. It's been on for over a year. How do I not know this? Brian Moses and... Jamie, you know it? Coach T records them all.
Starting point is 02:30:48 They sound pretty good. Coach T does a real good job on it. They do something like... They'll have Kim as a guest, Kim Congdon. Then they'll interview her about her battle, and they'll play the whole battle. So they make it like a special event. So it's not like Last Night's is going to be on there. They've just picked out all the good ones.
Starting point is 02:31:06 They talk to like, I think they interview the people and they'll like reflect on the battles. They don't play the whole battles the whole way through. Yeah. They don't play all of them though. Like they'll play the whole thing and then in between they'll interrupt a little. Oh, so he just edits it and does whatever he wants and cuts in and out of it. Yeah. So it's good.
Starting point is 02:31:23 It's good for podcasts because they kind of have to explain some of the battles because a lot of the battles are inside jokes and stuff. And so that's why they have like kind of cuts in between where they talk. Why don't you film it? They do. They film it on Periscope. Why don't you put it on YouTube? I think, I don't know why they don't do it.
Starting point is 02:31:41 I don't think they're allowed to with the deal. Not anymore. Yeah. Yeah. With the Comedy Central deal? Yeah. The new thing? Yeah, but they've been doing this for over a year.
Starting point is 02:31:48 That's what I'm saying. I don't even think these networks get it yet. If they had a huge built-in following, then you get those numbers when they switch over. Those people are always going to go find the TV show. Well, they figured it out with This Is Not Happening. Yeah. They figured it out with Ari's show. I mean, Ari's show started out as a Comedy Central internet show,
Starting point is 02:32:11 which was basically uncensored and had much longer stories. Like Joey could tell like a 10-minute story or something on that. Whereas now, everything has to fit into those commercial breaks. So they're editing a lot of stories. You know, they chop stories up and they shorten them and take a little of this out and take a little of that out. The best way is to see them live, especially roast battle. Same thing with the actual roast too. I wish that it was more live and you would see the highs and the lows because it makes the highs a lot better.
Starting point is 02:32:41 Yeah, why don't they do them live? Why don't they just have a live event? Is it too difficult to film a live TV event? It's expensive, right? It's a lot better. Yeah, why don't they do them live? Why don't they just have a live event? Is it too difficult to film a live TV event? It's expensive, right? It's a lot more expensive. I think they just get to go in and really perfect it. Like, you know, the little bit that I did watch last night, you know, Joel Gallen, the EP of that roast,
Starting point is 02:32:58 who's done every single roast, all the MTV Video Awards, like, he's the guy, he's a genius. And to get to see the reaction shots that he does match them up with that you can only get halfway there live, but to see, you know, you get more bang for your buck because you get the joke,
Starting point is 02:33:15 then you get the reaction from the person who was made fun of, then you get the audience. And if you match all those things up right, you get the joke, reaction, boom. You're laughing at like four things at once. So I think going in and doing the surgery to that then you get the audience. And if you match all those things up right, you get the joke, reaction, boom. You're laughing at four things at once. So I think going in and doing the surgery to that probably benefits the show.
Starting point is 02:33:31 But still, I think that's too long of a turnover, a week. It should be the next night or something. They could do that continuously. Kill Tony's another show that works best in that little room. It's great in the big room, but it's just not as good. We're getting better at it, though. We've been doing every other Monday in the main room, and it's just not as good. We're getting better at it, though. We've been doing every other Monday in the main room, and it's getting big and fun and cool.
Starting point is 02:33:50 We've got Pat Reagan and Jeremiah Watkins. Joel Menez. So it just has a different feeling when you do the bigger one? It's getting bigger and better. We're getting better at it. So you like it, but what do you prefer? Really, honestly, I sort of like what we're doing right now. We really should just take over
Starting point is 02:34:05 mondays in the main room and commit to it and have special ones you know like a chill one be in the belly room once in a while just a throwback episode because i'm starting to fall in love with the main room and i think that if we keep doing it there it's just going to keep getting bigger and to have the chance of having 400 people every Monday at 8 p.m., like, have it be, like, a Fuck Mondays show, pretty much, which it's sort of turning into. Like, we had, like, I don't know, 100 people there last night. Over 100 last night.
Starting point is 02:34:32 Yeah, it was amazing. Now. With Dom Irera as the only guest announced. Oh, Dom Irera's perfect. That's all you need. And just murder the whole time. Do you feel like there's something extra creepy about watching somebody bomb in front of 80 people, though?
Starting point is 02:34:46 It's like there's a feeling in the belly room. When someone's eating a plate of shit in the belly room, it's a different feeling. Yeah, you can hear their heartbeat. It's so intimate. It's so fucked up. You smell them. You smell the fear. You smell their insecurities.
Starting point is 02:35:04 You see the sweat start to pour on. Boy, who the fuck stole that joke? Who stole that idea? What? Didn't someone steal the idea? Oh, the Kill Tony? Yeah. I wouldn't say stolen.
Starting point is 02:35:16 I mean, we'll see what happens. But according to some of our friends in New York, the guy who's doing it's cool and wouldn't do that type of thing. Who's that? Ron Bennington. Bennington? Bennington? That's the Ron and Fez guy.
Starting point is 02:35:31 Yeah. Seems very cool. I don't know him, though. What I've heard, though, is it's actually a company that just takes a lot of West Coast's ideas, like roast battles. They made a generic version of roast battle for the East Coast. Yeah. And so they're just kind of just picking and choosing what what they want to steal and they rebrand it but you know i i was upset the first day or so but like let like like tony said let's just see what happens because it's it's once like big jay
Starting point is 02:35:54 okerson and a couple other people are like you know like i think re hit me up and it's like yo just let you know bennington guy's cool yeah let it die out and i'm like all right you got me because i love those guys. So, I mean, if they're saying that, and, you know, we're basically like brothers across the country. What's sketchy, though, is because Joe Rogan podcast has been on Sirius. So, you know, for like the last couple of years, I don't know if it's on anymore, but they used to rebroadcast it.
Starting point is 02:36:18 And for years, we've talked about Kill Tony and the format and stuff. And the same show is on the same network. So that's a little kind of creepy. And we've had everybody on the show. Well, listen, you guys have been doing Kill Tony for how many years now? Over three years. Yeah, everybody knows about it. It's not a surprise.
Starting point is 02:36:33 And it's an interesting format. It's a funny format. Yeah. And limiting them to a minute gives plenty of time for awkwardness, but it doesn't let it get completely out of control. And that's the part where they messed up. awkwardness but it doesn't let it get completely out of control and that's the part where they messed up like if they were gonna if they were gonna if they were gonna take if they were gonna do it that's they made a huge fundamental mistake because they just made it so that the comedian i
Starting point is 02:36:52 guess can like just ring a bell at any point which of course these new yorkers you know i think it's hilarious to probably interrupt seven seconds and ding oh i got one for you yeah you know what i mean new york comedy, just unstoppable. Sure, anyway. Do you have a problem with New York comedians? Come on. I mean, I don't have a problem, but they're, you know, come on. Anybody that knows what I'm talking about knows what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 02:37:16 East Coast, West Coast, man. Oh, I got something for you. What's going on? What is this, the elbows? Shoulders, what are you doing here? Nothing, you know, they're the best out there. Are you mocking New? The elbows. Hey, the shoulders. What are you doing here? Nothing, you know. They're the best out there. Are you mocking New York comedians?
Starting point is 02:37:28 They're the best. No, you seem to be mocking them. What? I started in LA. Are we going East Coast, West Coast? I just need to know. Tupac, baby. I just need to know where I stand,
Starting point is 02:37:35 because I'm going to be in the East Coast soon, and in November, and I don't want any issues. I just want to say that I was born in New Jersey. Identify with East Coast in some ways I actually think East Coast comics are nicer and less backstabby and more real go move to New York for a year Brian
Starting point is 02:37:54 interesting you mean they're nice to you when they're in town and want to do your podcast to promote something it's weird because out here you don't really you know there's a lot of fake shit out in LA. Well, that is true. This is a climate of fakeness with auditions and, you know, meeting producers and all the bullshit that comes with trying to be a working actor in LA.
Starting point is 02:38:16 It definitely taints comedy. You know, there's a lot of people that you all know that are like semi-comedians that do like a little stand stand up here and there, but they never record anything. And they occasionally go on the road, but really what they do is they work as actors and then they kind of like dabble in comedy. Right. Those are all, those are weird fuckers cause they're not fully in.
Starting point is 02:38:36 And so like the way they behave and talk and think is like just a little, a shade off. It's like a hybrid between an actor and a comedian. Yeah. And they, you know, I don't know they're different in new york it's like hey i did 17 sets tonight it's like oh well that's good well how much how much value are you putting on those 17 sets so what because i did one set at the comedy store and know that this new two minutes works exactly like this and like it's a higher level i don't know man um it depends on how much time you're getting you know if you're doing 15 minutes at the comedy store you're it's a it's a decent amount of time one of the problems
Starting point is 02:39:17 with those short sets is you're doing like five and seven minute sets and there's a bunch of people doing them those are really hard to get anything weird going they're really hard to express points of view on things and like elaborate on those points of view and have those points of view tie in with other ridiculous things you notice in life you don't have enough time and i love new york comedians don't get me wrong i'm just hating on this show specifically like what i heard of this show that's like the people said whether kill tony ripoff is just a bunch of people ringing the bell immediately. Yeah, they don't even let the poor comic even do their first joke without them bashing them. Because they think it's funny to interrupt.
Starting point is 02:39:54 And so like without that tension being built over 60 seconds, you don't know whether you like them, whether you hate them. You just know that this person on the panel is just being annoying. whether you hate them you just know that this you know person on the panel is just being annoying well when i ever when i do your show it's always this weird combination of like i try to be funny but this part of me just wants to give like actual advice it's part of it it's like a balance of the two and then part of me wants to like let people know like whatever you're thinking is happening right now like whatever you think like this is work this is this is a mess like someone needs to explain this to you that this is all a mess and like if you just last night we had people bombing one after the other after the other after the other and you thought that the show was just bomber's row and then finally we go
Starting point is 02:40:35 to the bucket one last time and there was one you know this young black guy 22 years old, that's been doing it for five years, fucking destroys. And you're like, holy shit. He's a wrestler? He just moved here from New York? Well, he's not a wrestler anymore. He went to high school with John Jones. He wrestled in high school, he wrestled in college, and now he's grown up. And he's a killer.
Starting point is 02:41:01 He's coming. 22 years old. There's a lot of them out there. Something Shine. David Shine, I think his name was. Now, do you think anybody bombs on purpose? Is there anybody that goes out there and purposely tanks it? On Kill Tony? There's been a few trolls.
Starting point is 02:41:16 I think people want to do good. I mean, yeah, there's been a couple trolls, but they don't last a second. I immediately get rid of them. You can't just come on and plug something. You're done. He'll edit you out. Like a book.
Starting point is 02:41:28 Yeah, exactly. And Colter. All right, let's bring this bitch home. It's 4.30. Good night, everybody. Kill Tony on Monday's Comedy Store, alternating between Main Room and Belly Room. Wednesday, we're both at the Death Squad show
Starting point is 02:41:44 at the Comedy Store. Wednesday night, 8.30. Is that when it starts? 8.30, Bert're both at the Death Squad show at the Comedy Store. Wednesday night, 8.30. Is that when it starts? 8.30, Bert Kreischer, Christina Piszczewski, Steve Rinozzisi, George Perez, a bunch of people. Yeah, it's a big-ass show. Big-ass show, you fucks. And then September 29th,
Starting point is 02:41:56 Tony and I are at the Palace Theater in Columbus. What did I say, 30th? Oh, yeah, 30th. Don't go to the 29th. We won't be there. Go the 30th. The 30th, we're yeah, 30th. Don't go to the 29th. We won't be there. Go the 30th. The 30th, we're at the Palace Theater in Columbus. And then the 1st, we're at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia.
Starting point is 02:42:12 That's it. Red band on Twitter. Red band on Instagram. Tony motherfucking Hinchcliffe. I'm touring like crazy. Come see me, please. Like crazy.
Starting point is 02:42:21 Like a loony person. We're doing Kill Tony at the Come and Take It Festival November 18th Houston, Texas and the Podfest beautiful September 23rd alright folks we'll be back tomorrow
Starting point is 02:42:29 with Andreas Antonopoulos see ya

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