The Joe Rogan Experience - #857 - Dan Bilzerian

Episode Date: October 12, 2016

Dan Bilzerian is a social media personality and professional poker player. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Boom and we're live. There's a lot of rich people in the world, but there's not a lot of rich people living like you. So first of all, before we even get started, I salute you, sir. Because if I was a 16-year-old kid and I won the lottery, I'd be living exactly the way you live. Like if you asked a 16-year-old kid, hey man, if you had a fucking hundred million bucks, what would you do? Oh dude, I'd just have bitches around me all the time i'd be jet skiing i'd be driving around ferraris and private jets you're living like a a life that doesn't even seem real it's uh does it seem real to you um now it seems normal as crazy as that sounds um so i've been doing it for a while but that's actually kind of exactly what i did. I was, um, I think it started in maybe like 2011, 12. So I had a girlfriend for
Starting point is 00:00:49 about two or three years and she was like pretty happy. The fact she was a playmate and she had like a hundred thousand followers and she was going to move to LA to become famous and this and that. And we ended up breaking up and I actually ended up getting a place in San Diego. Then I got a place in LA and I., and I started playing this real big poker. I beat one guy for $54 million, and then I beat another guy for $10. So there's some pretty big— Jesus Christ. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You know what I'm saying? There's some pretty big wins there. I was single, and I was just like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to do bucket list shit. Like whatever I wanted to do when I was a kid, I'm just going to fucking do it. And I just did. And I posted about it.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And part of the posting was because I knew it would be able to get me some pussy without actually speaking to girls, which was good. And then there was like another piece of it where it was kind of like a fuck you to her. But it was like never like really to become famous you know what i mean it was just kind of like you know i was just doing my thing and you know we were getting pictures here and there uh and then it kind of i mean fuck it's you know i mean i sent you some of the stats i mean i think like a week ago like i fuck i reach 175 reached 175 million people on just Instagram. Yeah, it was insane. You sent me some measurement of all the different people that are looking at your stuff, and I'll read it because it's insane. Analytics. Yeah, like, it doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It's hundreds of millions of people here. 161,304,941 impressions this week yeah that's insane and that's just instagram you know like facebook's the whole thing you know another thing and and and and it's really underrepresented because first of all everybody else is buying all their followers and likes and all their shit right so theirs is like really inflated and also i got actually kind of like the opposite because i got a lot of people that are looking at my shit they can't really be seen looking at my shit you know what i mean like there's like some big producer i won't say his name but like every time i post a girl like they get hit up in the d and this is like a big big
Starting point is 00:02:57 like like you know like fucking done like 100 million dollar movies and shit and he's like hits them all up you know so there's like a lot of these dudes that just stalk me out like this paul marciano this fucking guy is like every time i like post a chick she's got a guest campaign now you know so it's like it's kind of funny you know it's great for them too then well i but what i'm saying is like they're not actually like officially following me i didn't click that button but they're watching my shit they're stalking you yeah so they hit that search button and you're at the top of the list always because they're watching my shit they're stalking you yeah yeah so they hit that search button and you're at the top of the list always because they're always searching you that's funny seems like so how long has this been going on when did you start making all these crazy posts and when
Starting point is 00:03:34 did this gambling rampage start um well i mean i've been a gambler for a long time but um i think kind of the craziness i would would say, started in 2012 probably. I just distinctly remember because I won like $11 million in a night, and my buddy who I'd just given like $2,000 to made me a million off it because he got second in the World Series of Poker. So I had like a $12 million week, so I was like, fuck it. I'm going to take this dude down to like Puerto Vallarta with a bunch of chicks, and we're going to have fun.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And that was kind of like – that was one of the – actually, no. I'm sorry. take this dude down to like Port of Arda with a bunch of chicks and we're going to have fun, you know. And that was kind of like, that was one of the big, actually, no, I'm sorry. I take that back. I'd broken up with my girlfriend and it was a buddy of mine, Nick Cassavetes, who he's like, you know, he's pretty big. He did like The Notebook and Blow and, you know, like big director or whatever. And I played poker with him a lot. And I just broke up up my girl and i was like hey let's go down to cabo i'm gonna bring some chicks and it was supposed to be me him and one other guy and the other guy ended up bailing but he had like committed so he paid
Starting point is 00:04:35 for his part of the trip so it was me and nick and i think it was like i want to say 17 chicks and i remember i had sex nine times in one day i was like so proud of myself right i think by the end i was like it was like dust was coming out you know but it's like it was funny because i like i didn't even want to have sex the ninth time but it was just kind of like a like a matter of principle it's like if a billion a billionaire is walking down the street and he sees a hundred dollar bill he's just always gonna pick it up you know what i mean that was me i didn't get a lot of pussy when i was younger so it's like if the hot chick wanted to fuck me, like I didn't care if I wanted to bang her. It was just like an obligation.
Starting point is 00:05:07 17 girls. Yeah. Now, do you pay these girls to come? No. No. Okay. So. That's the big misconception, right?
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah. I'm addressing that on my app. I actually. You have an app. Yeah. I got an app coming out. And I'm just going to basically. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:05:22 I'll give it to you for free. You know? Thank you. I'm not opposed to paying, but you know what? I'll give it to you for free. You know, so, um, I'm not opposed to paying for sex, you know, like, I mean, I have in the past, like I've, you know, fuck thousands of girls. So it's like, you know, and I've paid for maybe like 10 or 20, something like that. And it's not cause I have any, you know, moral dilemma about it. And it's not because I think it's wrong um in fact i think like sex for money is one of the most like pure interactions because the guy gets what he wants the girl gets what she wants there's no bullshit i think like this whole like sugar daddy sugar baby thing is the biggest
Starting point is 00:05:53 fucked up part because then the guy's like pretending to like the girl he's pretending he's not fucking other girls the girl's pretending to like him it's just like all this like convoluted bullshit well it is prostitution and it is at the end of the day like it is paying for sex right but they're not coming out and saying it it's not like hey i want x and i'll give you y it's like the guy from the clippers with donald sterling and that girl come on man that's prostitution they're all doing it it's la bro like they all have like you know these five girlfriends they're supporting them and then the girls have other boyfriends they don't tell you know and it's this whole fucked up thing but like i said but for me like i said it's not a moral thing it's not i
Starting point is 00:06:28 mean for me it's not a monetary thing obviously i'd much prefer to just give a girl money fucker and be done but for me if the girl's not into me then i'm just like kind of not into the sex so that's the hangout for me but no i i like that's actually healthy yeah i mean i mean it is i mean people make these big judgments they're they're gonna make big judgments on you first of all because you're doing some stuff that's just like so far to the right end of the spectrum it doesn't even make sense like how the fuck is he pulling all this off it doesn't it's like it seems unattainable so they're gonna make well he's this guy's wrong and he's i would never do that and they're saying a bunch of crazy shit because the way you're living is just so bizarre but at the end of the day that's the thing like
Starting point is 00:07:10 people just like can't wrap their hands around the fact that like you know they that because so many guys are paying right now like people are tricking off in record numbers like because of instagram and all this stuff and the access that people have like tricking off being paying for sex paying for sex in likeing for sex in record numbers. It's unbelievable. First of all, it should be legal. Just like getting a massage should be legal. Nobody wants to rub your feet.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Nobody wants to suck your dick. You should be able to pay both of them. It's the oldest profession since the history of time. It is. Well, not only that, they taught chimpanzees the value of currency. They gave chimpanzees coins. And they gave them coins. And then every time the chimps would give the coins back to the people, they'd give them candy.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You know what the chimps did? The first fucking thing they did, they gave the coins to female chimps and they fucked them. That's amazing. That's the first thing they did. And the researchers were like, Jesus. That is number one. The first thing they did. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I didn't know that. Yeah, it's hilarious. I used to have a whole bit about it. There's nothing wrong with it. And making pleasure a crime is ridiculous. There's no victim. No one's getting hurt. Think of all the shitty jobs that you can get paid to do.
Starting point is 00:08:21 You can get paid to clean toilets. You can get paid to fucking insulate attics. There's a lot of terrible jobs. How about you can get paid to mop up the cum on a fucking, you know, on the floors of these, like, you know, jerk houses or the porn place or whatever. You know, it's just like, I mean, I don't know. Like I said, I have no issues with it. No one should.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I think it should be legal. It's a victimless crime. Yeah, I just, like I said, for me, it's a victimless crime yeah i just like for like i said for me it's it's the it's the mental thing and i just like i i i got you know i couldn't fuck all the girls you know if i had five dicks so it's like what you know what's the point i'm not like bragging like i didn't used to i'm just you know i'm just kicking you the real deal you know it's like i i would i i said there's no victims i guess there I guess there's victims of some prostitution, right? There's people that are abducted, and there's certain people that are sex traffic, like sex slaves.
Starting point is 00:09:12 That's real. But we're not talking about that. Yeah, but that's exactly what you said, though. That's sex slavery. That's not really like a girl saying, hey, I want X for Y. That's her saying, hey, you've got to to do this or you're getting your ass beat. Yeah, there's a way bigger difference between that and a lot of what you see in L.A. As these girls, they want to wear the nice purses and have nice shoes. They don't really want a job and they want to live in a nice apartment, but they don't want to work.
Starting point is 00:09:41 How do I work this out? And by the way, getting back to your last thing if it was legal there wouldn't be you know the pimp saying hey you're gonna do this you're gonna get your ass beat it would all be regulated just like drug dealers yeah and and also then then they'd be getting you know tested and you know there'd just be like a whole regulated system exactly i mean as much as i hate pain pills and as much as i i've lost friends to pain pills and oxys and all this different shit there's there's no fucking wars being fought over it There's not blood in the streets of Juarez Mexico over pain pills, you know, all that shit is over drugs that are illegal
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yeah, as soon as those drugs become legal I think probably less people would use them and you'd get tax dollars from them and the least there would be some sort of a solution In terms of like treatment and responsibility and he'd be able to look at it a little bit differently yeah i just think there's too much money in kickbacks for that to happen but i totally agree i mean i think alcohol is far worse for you than many drugs and i mean you know i mean how many times have you seen people get into you know fights or shoot people or you know wreck their cars because they're high on alcohol or high on weed you know it never happens it never happens on alcohol you know more people are dying, you know, wreck their cars because they're high on weed, you know, it never happens.
Starting point is 00:10:45 It never happens. On alcohol, you know, more people are dying from, you know, alcohol-related deaths than there are firearms, so they want to ban the guns, you know. Yeah, there's a lot of real problems with that, for sure. And, you know, there's also these companies, like the company that makes fentanyl. Is that how you say it? Fentanyl? It's a super strong pain pill, painkiller, that's 10 times at least more powerful than Oxycontins. I believe that's what the number is.
Starting point is 00:11:07 They're spending $500,000 just to keep marijuana illegal in Arizona. Because they've got it on the ballot to make it recreationally legal in the state of Arizona. And so they're putting out all these ads and they have this whole campaign to try to sway people. But they're just doing it for business. It has nothing to do with public safety or health. See that fucking thing about Hillary Clinton? One of the WikiLeaks things? That Hillary Clinton, the WikiLeaks released some paper where she was in communication
Starting point is 00:11:36 with bankers, one of the emails, and she was saying that she was going to stop weed, and she was going to make sure that weed was not legal, and that she was going to do sure that weed uh was not legal that she was going to do her best and stand her ground and all this nonsense leak reveals clinton promised bankers to stand against marijuana legalization like what the fuck hillary she's pretty brutal just what the fuck i know you're bought and sold but don't you have enough money lady how much money you need unless you're gambling with dan Bilzerian where the fuck saw your money going I mean it's kind of funny because what did they pay these presidents like 250k a year four hundred thousand dollars a year and they're all worth hundreds of millions of
Starting point is 00:12:14 dollars billionaires you know it's insane yeah well not only that like she was trying to say that once Bill got out of the office he was dead broke well you're not dead broke now so how the fuck did you guys make all that money they're worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. It's all from speaking arrangements and pay to play and weird fucking shady deals they have with banks. And they do these speeches and nobody wants to fucking hear and they pay them quarter million bucks an hour. It's all preposterous. Yeah. I mean, the more money you have and the more you kind of rub shoulders with these people, you kind of get a look behind the curtain and you see that, you know, it's just, it's, I mean, politics, if you look up the definition of politics, I mean, it's like bullshitting, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:53 That's like basically. Well, that is being political, right? It's not being yourself. Yeah, exactly. Which is the opposite of what you're doing. Yeah. I mean, you're kind of like an anti-politician in a lot of ways. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:03 But what I want to get at, at though is do you get hit up because you're you're so wealthy do you get hit up by people that are in the political spectrum that want to use your influence and your you have how many fucking followers do you have uh it's 19 point something on instagram it's 10 and a half million on facebook and twitter so whatever but i mean yeah That's insane. That's more than the whole UFC. Yeah, the reach is crazy. Yeah, look at that.
Starting point is 00:13:28 19.2 million followers. That's crazy. And it's all just pictures of you grabbing titties. Like, look at this one right here. This one's hilarious. It's like someone told you that you should post something more. Well, my team is like, you got to clean this up. You know, there's big money.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I'm going to be your new team. Fuck your team. Exactly. They're like, there's all this money out there. You know, this, you know, this, this, the rock, he got paid 17 million bucks to endorse Ford. They're like, you can make all this money. He did?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah. Oh, what'd he do? Did he just drive a truck? Yeah, he basically drives a truck and does a Ford commercial. 17 million. It's probably worth it though for them. The rock has like 67 million or some insane shit. But he's a goddamn movie star.
Starting point is 00:14:09 You're a dude who takes pictures with chicks. That's the thing. I feel like I got to be maybe the most famous guy that never had a TV show or a real talent. Oh, 100%. There's no one even close. It's kind of rare to be number one in anything. It is. That's kind of cool. be like number one in anything, you know? It is.
Starting point is 00:14:26 That's kind of cool. You're the number one baller. Well, I don't know about that. From America? You're the number one baller. I'm giving you the crown right now. If I had a little Burger King crown, I'd put it on your head. I could tell you some stories about some guys that got- But they don't know who you are.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Nobody knows who they are. You're the number one public baller. Yeah, okay. For sure. I'm the only guy that's kind of putting it out there. Because know most guys they got they got a job they got a wife they got family you know whatever i just kind of just said fuck all of it you know like they can accept me or not and i i'm just gonna do it how old are you 35 do you think that there's gonna come a day when this is gonna be tired and if it does come a day do you think you're ever gonna go the marriage
Starting point is 00:15:03 route is that possible at this point? So look, I mean I'm a gambler, but I don't want to bet half a minute worth I'm going to love a girl forever. But not to say that I wouldn't have a girlfriend or I'm capable of being monogamous. For me, it's more about options really. At the end of the day, it comes down to most guys earn relationships, I feel like because it's either hey i'm gonna jerk off on saturday night or i gotta put up with her shit and i get laid you know and it's like and a lot of it's out of laziness a lot of it's out of lack of options whatever the case may be but it's not correct like for me i think a correct relationship
Starting point is 00:15:39 is a guy that could be fucking you know five or ten girls and he chooses to hang out with this one girl because he likes her he likes hanging hanging out with her. And she hangs out with him because she enjoys his company. And regardless of what the reason is, you know, cause a lot of people are like, Oh, you know, that girl's a gold digger. They want to hate on them. Um, but you know, at the end of the day, if a guy has made his money from, you know, successful business and, you know, being smart and and and he hasn't fucked it off like you know or he's a doctor whatever that to me is more of a part of who that guy is than a girl that's just born hot so for a guy to like a girl just because she's hot i feel like it's like
Starting point is 00:16:17 the most superficial thing of all time well i mean she has to be nice too she can't i mean hopefully she does but i'm saying a lot of guys are with a girl just because she's hot, and they don't really get as much shit as a girl that's with a guy because he's successful or because he has money. It's true. It is true. It is true. Like, the guy who earned that money, it's his character and his willpower and his discipline that's allowed him, his smarts has allowed him to earn that money, or he just got lucky as fuck. There's definitely some lucky ones, but, you you know you also have to hold on to it yeah i mean once you got money i mean you got every asshole and their mother with their hand out you know trying to scam you and
Starting point is 00:16:52 i mean it's easy to you know fuck it off or you know make bad investments or you know whatever the case might be yeah it is that's it is a funny little situation there isn't it because like it's also the way women are allowed to dress even like a like a respectable woman is allowed to have her tits pressed together and pushed up and she's allowed to have a skirt that's just like a little a little light vagina curtain you know and that's really all it is little panties underneath and smooth legs and high heels i mean the whole thing is sex it It's just selling lust. Let's talk about bathing suits.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I mean, the fact that every bathing suit now is basically a thong. And the fact that a bathing suit shows more than the most revealing underwear back in the day ever used to. But it's completely socially acceptable that on Halloween they can wear even less than that. They paint their tits. And it's okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 It's literally butt naked. They're allowed to wear okay. Yeah. It's like literally butt naked. They're allowed to wear paint. Yeah. When the fuck did paint become clothes? Imagine we put paint on our dick and went out. You get arrested, right? Yeah. Well, how come a girl can wear paint on her tits, but you can't wear paint on your dick?
Starting point is 00:17:54 I want to know. Yeah. I want to know. Well, it's a double standard. It is a double standard. Nobody wants to see your dick painted up. That's why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Especially if it's like American flag or something. Yeah. I don't want to see a bunch of zebra dicks it is weird there are weird double standards but it's also people don't want to open their mouth because uh they don't want first of all they don't want anybody to think that they you know like why do women get to do this oh what are you complaining poor guy you know you don't want to hear that but it's also when men complain about the double standard in marriage, like what you said, as far as it being a gamble. It's a terrible gamble for a wealthy man. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Because it's essentially a financial agreement. It's not a love agreement. Well, no, you're asking the government permission to be with a girl. And if you decide that you don't want to be with them, now you have to go ask the government. And then you have to get lawyers involved. And it's this whole process that in my eyes, it makes both parties feel, well, not both parties, because usually, you know, it's kind of like a magnet, like one is pushing a little bit further than the other. And it's, you know, so there's one kind of like always chasing or whatever. So for me, it just makes
Starting point is 00:19:01 the party that's a little bit less invested, just feel trapped. And when you're in a relationship and you feel trapped, the first thing you want to do is run, right? So you got this one person, you know, that inevitably ends up feeling trapped and the other person, you know, kind of gets lazy or complacent. And I feel like it just snowballs. You know, there's like a lot of momentum things, right? So if relationships just starts kind of going downhill and you're trapped in it because you're legally bound, I just feel like it's just going to get worse and worse. And the girl is going to stop giving the blowjob and the guy's going to resent it. And then maybe he cheats. You know what I mean? It's like this whole cycle that just wouldn't happen if you were hanging out because you wanted to hang out.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Because let's face it, if you're if you're hanging out with a chick and you like her and she's cool and then she decides to just completely let herself go and she she turns into a fat ass and or she just like stops wanting to have sex you're just gonna you know fuck other girls you're just not gonna hang out with her right but if you're married to her you don't really have a choice i mean now you're kind of like you gotta ask the government permission and you know this and that yeah you gotta get lawyers involved you live in the same place you gotta oh it takes forever you have to agree on terms and you have to pay for her lawyer. Yeah, I mean, how brutal is that? You're literally trapped in the same house as the person. It's just like, fuck, man.
Starting point is 00:20:12 It can get crazy. It can get crazy, and I've seen it get crazy. I'm sure you have, too, when people get divorced. I mean, it is one of the most stressful things a person can go through in their life. And when you're working, you're working all day, and if she's not working, that's when it's really crazy i had a buddy was going through a divorce his wife never worked and he was working you know 10 12 hours a day just busting his ass constantly has his own business and she would be fucking off and doing whatever she wanted during the day he had to pay for all that on top of paying for her lawyer and her lawyer was trying to fuck him so and then he had
Starting point is 00:20:45 to pay for his lawyer to battle her lawyer and they all just dragged the whole thing out took over a year and a half for him to get divorced so it's a year and a half this poor bastard just he's free now but god damn but try to get him married now he'll fucking shoot you in the face if you even bring up that word it's like he went through it i mean they have a term for it in gambling it's a negative free roll. It's where you can basically only lose. You have no upside. You know, like, for instance, a negative free roll is like if I were to tell you, hey, you know, if you can go bench press 300 pounds, I'll give you $10,000.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Well, I just can't win anything. You know what I mean? Because if you can't do it, then I don't get anything. So it's kind of like in my eyes, I just feel like it's a situation where you can just lose. I don't get anything. So it's kind of like, in my eyes, I just feel like it's a situation where you can just lose. It's kind of like my buddy, he got into a relationship and he just like dove in like super hardcore, really fast. And I just told him, I said, look, like, I just feel like you don't have a lot of upside by doing that. Cause you know, you can get hurt. And if you just take it slow, like worst case scenario, you know, you just weren't quite as close for a month. But I said,
Starting point is 00:21:43 you know, if it doesn't work out, then now you invested, you know, all weren't quite as close for a month but i said you know if it doesn't work out then now you invested you know all this time and this effort and it's like and i feel like because he went so hardcore for this girl it kind of like you know sometimes it makes them run away a little bit because they know you you know people you know they just by nature want what they can't have right so if you just give it all to them immediately, then it's kind of like, yeah. They're like, look at this bitch. Yeah, exactly. They kind of like lose respect for you a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It can happen or it can be perfect. You know, relationships just have to be organic. That's what it really has to be. And as soon as you involve legal contracts, it's not organic anymore. Exactly. Like once it, once, I feel like once it starts to be forced in any way, you know, then. Well, it's when there's no prenuptial, too. That's when things get really screwy.
Starting point is 00:22:28 You know, when you find out how much people actually have to pay. Yeah. Like I've talked about it on my podcast before, but I have another buddy who's paying his ex-wife for the rest of her life. They were married for 12 years. He has to pay her forever. Forever. Yeah. She's got a new boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:22:41 He's married. He's got kids now with another woman. That's the most brutal part. It's when they get the boyfriend and now you're like supporting this dude to bang your wife. Not only that, the dude lives in his house. And every time they send a lawyer over to check, the guy packs up his stuff. It's like a joke. He throws it in a U-Haul.
Starting point is 00:22:57 He drives around the corner, waits for the inspector to leave, goes all the way around and brings his shit back. It's fucking insanity. Because, you know, he's got this baller house in the Palisades he's living with this girl. Yeah. And the only way she could screw it up is if she marries this guy. But this guy doesn't have any money. So she's never going to marry this guy. I mean, she would have to bank on marrying this guy would be worth,
Starting point is 00:23:17 I think my buddy pays her somewhere around a half million dollars a year. Forever! Forever! For life! So crazy. So they were married for 12 years they've been divorced for 15 so he's been paying her longer than they were married just you just want to just fucking jump off a bridge but that's you know like i said negative for real i just i don't see the upside
Starting point is 00:23:39 right well it's so rare that it works out the other way it's so rare that a woman has to pay a man and it's one of those things where it's it's like men are being victimized left and right by this and when you talk to people about it I was like oh you well you fucked up well you shouldn't have done it well you should have got a prenup well you well okay maybe maybe you could say all those things yes maybe it was a mistake but it was obviously a mistake under the the whole spell of love and to have this be a financial entanglement that can trap you. And I'm talking about my friend doesn't even have any kids. He didn't have any kids with this lady.
Starting point is 00:24:12 So it's insanity. It's just a robbery. It's just a legalized robbery. And I was having this conversation with a buddy of mine who is married. He's like, well, you know, I don't look at it that way. I go, look at it this way. The business of divorce, and it is a business. Whenever there's money involved in something,
Starting point is 00:24:31 there's a bunch of people that try to figure out how to extract that money. Yeah, the lawyers. Yeah, the only money is in taking the money from the rich guy. That's where the money comes from. That's the only way you get the money. You don't get the money if the girl doesn't make much money. And everybody wins if the rich guy gets fucked. So if the
Starting point is 00:24:48 legal battle for the divorce lasts two years as opposed to two minutes, everybody gets paid. Both lawyers on both sides make a substantial amount of money. The woman gets a substantial amount of money. The guy gets fucking drained like a vampire. And that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Predominantly. Yeah, which is usually the outcome of, you know, and drained like a vampire. And that's what happens predominantly. Yeah, which is usually the outcome of, you know, a lot of times when a rich guy gets involved in anything is, yeah, he gets drained. And that kind of goes back to my previous point of why I feel like women that are attracted to guys that are successful, you know, it makes sense because there's just so many people trying to take that motherfucker down, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:23 When you're at the top of the hill, like, everybody wants to you know get up there and you know bring you down well it's it's just nature i mean it's it's just like a moose having a fucking giant set of antlers all the other moose like oh look at those antlers and i mean it's just it is it's a thing that exists in all different species i mean there's no there's no denying that when a guy pulls up in a Rolls Royce and he flies in his own private jet and he does a bunch of things that nobody else can do, that people just go, oh. And women automatically, genetically get attracted to that guy for some strange reason.
Starting point is 00:25:58 There's you. There you are, buddy. Balling. Balling out of control. How did you get all your money originally? So that's another common misconception um and i didn't really uh i didn't really talk about it or or say anything about it just because it helped me out so much in poker um but everybody just thought that i was you know rich trust fund idiot, and my parents gave me all my money.
Starting point is 00:26:26 So that actually allowed me to get into a lot of these poker games. Because they thought you were a fish. Yeah, it's like a weird thing. It's not just that, but in poker I've noticed that if a guy loses money to another guy and he knows that that money is going to help that other guy out or his quality of life is going to help that other guy out or his quality of life is going to be improved by that money it really fucking irritates him really yeah and i'm guilty of it too if i lose five million dollars to a billionaire it doesn't bother me nearly as
Starting point is 00:26:55 much as if i lose maybe a couple hundred thousand to some guy that's like pretty broke and now he goes out and buys a new fucking car with my money and i'm just like this fucking guy you know what i mean like oh that's weird i don't know why and it's it's kind of counterintuitive you know And now he goes out and buys a new fucking car with my money. And I'm just like, this fucking guy. You know what I mean? Oh, that's weird. I don't know why. And it's kind of counterintuitive. But another thing about it is if you lose money to a guy that has a bunch, you always think that there's a chance you could win it back, too. So there's that piece of it.
Starting point is 00:27:23 If you lose money to a guy that doesn't really have much and he goes out and spends it, well, you're never getting it back again. Yeah, that exists in pool. A lot of guys don't want to gamble with guys who only have one barrel. A guy will play a game in pool for $100, but he's only got $100, but you might have $10,000. Exactly. So you look at your upside, it's like, okay, best case scenario, I walk away from this with this guy's last $100, which some guys get off on that.
Starting point is 00:27:39 To me, I don't really ever want to break a guy. But then you look at the downswing of that. It's like, okay, I could spend $10,000 trying to chase my initial $100 that I lost. So you have to take that. There's just a lot of things in gambling that you have to take into account with the money management side of it. Psychological things. Yeah. So how did you make your money then? Playing poker.
Starting point is 00:27:59 You made it all playing poker? Yeah. Wow, that is insane. It is. So what did you do for a living before you played poker? I mean, I was in the military for four years. And when I got out, got honorable discharge. And I was getting some disability money from the VA just because I got a lot of injuries when I was going through BUDS.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And not even just injuries, just all the medical checks they do. They just document all the things that are wrong with you. So you get a percentage for all those things. Like what kind of shit was wrong with you? Fuck, I mean, first time I went in, I had bilateral stress fractures. So I went into buds of broken legs. And so I was eating a bunch of Motrin. It burned a hole in my stomach.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I had acid reflux. They ended up getting so bad, they were actually going to kick me out of the Navy. So you were going through buds with broken legs? The first time I went in, yeah. Nobody knew that. You just thought your legs were sore? Well, no, I got medically dropped. So, I mean, it's kind of a long story, but I'll try and give you the cliff notes. So I went to boot camp, and the furthest I'd ever ran was like two miles. And it was straight out of high school because I got thrown in jail my senior year of high school. i didn't graduate i got a gd um and see that kids you don't need a degree yeah just learn how to play poker yeah well we'll get to that so um i ended up joining
Starting point is 00:29:16 the military go go through boot camp in a school i was you know i was trying to ramp up because i'm like fuck i'm going to seal training i. I got to start running. So I started running. I got an overuse injury, turned into a stress fracture. They basically put me on a medical hold. And my detailer said, look, you can stay on this medical hold till your legs are healed. And then I'm going to send you to a ship for two years and then you can apply or else you can get cleared and go straight to SEAL training. So I was like, okay, got cleared, went to SEAL training. They dropped me the first day. I had to request to talk to the captain. And finally the captain's like, okay, you know, I'll let you, I'll let you try. Cause I basically said, look, just give me a shot. I'm already here. Like, let me just train. Um, what's the worst that can happen? I'm not going to die. I can,
Starting point is 00:29:56 you know, break the leg worse. So I said, if I make it through hell week, just give me a medical role. He's like, yeah, sure. Okay. Go ahead. So the guy let me train. Um, that was actually the first bet I made my doctor who was like a Vietnam SEAL. He's like, yeah, sure, kid, go ahead. So the guy let me train. Um, that was actually the first bet I made my doctor who was like a Vietnam seal. He's like, he was so fucking pissed that the CEO allowed me to train. So he's like, I'll bet you a hundred bucks. You don't make it through whole week. It was a hundred bucks or 20 bucks. I forget which, but I bet the guy and I won the fucking money. Um, and three weeks after I was just, I mean, I could barely walk you know so I ended up getting rolled and they kicked me out um and so I went to my ship and the ship was like uh the the captain the ship wanted to take me out to sea even though I was supposed to be on crutches so I was like this motherfucker so after
Starting point is 00:30:38 after going through like the hardest thing and then getting dropped, now I'm on a boat and I'm supposed to be like healing up and this guy wants to take me out at sea. So I go to Okinawa and I requested, uh, to go in to see my wisdom teeth. And then when I was there, I was like, Hey, you know, check my legs. They're like, okay, we'll do a nuclear bone scan. So when I was supposed to go in for an, they said, you know, come back in two hours. So I went for a two hour run and in just like my fucking, not even like my, uh, uh, fatigues, it was like a work uniform. It was like a button down shirt. I went for a two hour run, took a shower, came back and I looked at my legs and I'm like, your legs are fucking destroyed. Like, I can't believe you can walk. I'm like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:19 these motherfuckers, you know? And so they're going to kick me out of the navy so it like that was i was going to get medically discharged from the navy and it took them so long that i actually requested to go back and i just i'll never forget because i went in to talk to the co of my it was like a limited duty um security detail or whatever and he goes let me get this straight he goes you're about to be medically retired from the military he goes for broken get this straight he goes you're about to be medically retired from the military he goes for broken legs and you want me to request or approve a request for you to go to seal training he goes how fucking stupid are you and i was just like and i didn't really know what to say i was uh sir you know this is just like he's like get the fuck out of my office
Starting point is 00:32:02 and i was like thinking about it i was like well fuck like i you know i'm like he'll have been doing steroids i feel great i've been fucking working out like well it's been like eight months right like i feel like i could go do this again so i ended up pulling some strings and uh and basically i just had to get cleared and then i had to pray that i got sent to buds because if not i'd go to a ship and then i had to it was just like it would be the biggest disaster of all time. So that was one of my biggest gambles was doing that. I had like a, you know, free ride for the rest of my life, medically retired. Like, you know, I'm a disabled veteran, like, you know, all this great shit. And I kind of like gave it up to go back. And, um, yeah, I went into his office and he goes, you might be the stupidest motherfucker I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:32:48 He goes, you just better hope that you don't end up back at this command. He goes, you're going to be cleaning fucking toilets until you get discharged. And, yeah, so that was. So how would they have paid you for life from broken legs? I mean, don't the legs heal up and then you're okay? That's the thing is like it just – it had been basically since it was documented because when I got out of boot camp and A school, I had them. And I had them all through buds. Where is it broken?
Starting point is 00:33:20 Bilateral tibial stress fracture. So my tibia is. That's the big one, right? The fibula is the smaller one. The shin. The tibia is um and then that's the big one right the fibula is the smaller one the shin yeah it was in the shins i don't remember which but i think it was the bigger one um and then so all through buds and then you know on the boat so it was basically like you know i had broken legs for like a year and a half or a year and seven months it was insane it was basically like they're like okay well this guy's legs are just never going to fucking heal, right? Like, that was kind of like
Starting point is 00:33:46 the military's take on it was like, okay, well, he's been on limited duty like this and that. Like, his legs should have healed by now and they just aren't. So what are we going to do with them?
Starting point is 00:33:56 So why wasn't it healing? I'm still confused. Well, because I went through SEAL training. That kind of fucked him up a little bit. And then, you know, I was on the boat
Starting point is 00:34:04 and I wasn't allowed to use crutches. and then you know i was on the boat and i wasn't allowed to use crutches and then i think obviously the final straw was probably me fucking going on a two-hour run so did you do that on purpose fuck yeah i did it on purpose yeah why but what was the goal of fucking to get the fuck off the ship i was like this you know this captain was such a dickhead it's like bro i went through all this fucking pain. You know what I mean? I went through SEAL training. It's like, let my legs heal, you fucking cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:34:31 The guy wanted me to stand watches on the boat. It was kind of like, it's basically like a fuck you to him. So you crushed your own legs to get off the boat and then tried to get into SEAL training? Yeah, well, it took them so long. It took them so long to process me out of the military that they had healed. And so I was like, oh, fuck. Wow. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:34:50 So just from those broken legs, you could have been set up where you got a pension forever. Yeah. Wow. And not only that, but if you're a disabled veteran, you're eligible for a lot of shit. If you're medically retired, it's kind of like you went in the military and you tried to you know be in there forever and like you just got injured you know what i mean so they like make a lot of you know allowances for people like that like i think they give you like your first loan in your house for free there's like a whole bunch of shit huh yeah i remember because i looked into it when i gave it all up so then what happens then um so well then i went back into uh into the buds or
Starting point is 00:35:29 seal training or whatever um and i uh i made it two days before graduation and i got rolled all the way back to the beginning and then i did the whole fucking thing again and why'd you get rolled all the way back to the beginning so So I, when I went through the second time, I kind of had the attitude of just like, fuck, I've already done this shit. And I just, you know, also, I don't know. I mean, I was just in great shape and I just, I wasn't worried about anything. So my attitude was like, okay, well, worst case scenario, I'm just going to get beat and I don't really care so i just would i just figured if i passed everything and i like performed well and i didn't quit like they couldn't kick me out
Starting point is 00:36:10 so i kind of didn't really like kiss ass or anything i was just like whatever like you know and if i fucked up it's like okay i'll get beat like you know i was like pretty hard dude i've been training for you know like two years i'd already been through hell week and now i'm like doing it without broken legs you know like going through with broken legs now i'm like heel i'm like fuck you know like nothing's gonna be bad now so it's like where's the worst it can happen i'm gonna get hypothermia i'm gonna have to do some push-ups like whatever and so i just didn't really have a good attitude and i wasn't too worried about um like the other guys in the class because i figured you know would lose most i mean start off with 239 guys and we
Starting point is 00:36:47 came through hell week with like 34 my first class we started with 119 and we came through with 17 so you're like you're gonna lose most of these guys I didn't really I don't know I mean I wasn't much of a team player I just want to graduate you know so so but how'd they kick you back then well so i got one safety violation um uh for the instructor gave the wrong order we're on the range and we're facing down range and he gave an about face and drop so half the class just did what we're supposed you know we did the about face we drop but now we're like pointing down range right so half the class got a safety violation for that. And then the second one was we were doing IADs, like these live fire drills, and half the class was behind the berm, the other half was doing it, and then we switched.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And I was behind the berm, and my OS— What's a berm? It's like a big mound of dirt. Okay. And the officer in charge of my class, he didn't really like me, so he had me on watch every single night. And he put me on the middle watch. So out on the island, you get six hours of sleep max if you fall asleep when you get off. And then you wake up the second and you don't clean any of your gear, you get six hours.
Starting point is 00:37:59 So he put me on a watch in the middle. So I got maybe like an hour in the beginning and then I'd just wake up for two hours with a watch and then maybe if I could go back to bed, I'd get like an hour, maybe two hours of sleep. So I was running on real low sleep and so I was behind the berm
Starting point is 00:38:13 and I just, you know, I fell asleep. It wasn't a big deal. Most guys did. But my boat crew leader didn't wake me up because he didn't like me. So now I'm technically sleeping
Starting point is 00:38:22 during a live fire drill because they did a class muster and I'm fucking sleeping. So guns are going off and you're sleeping yeah yeah i mean well i mean other guys did too yeah i mean we're just like we're sitting there because it you know it's like 40 minutes or something they're doing their shit and we're just laying there we're not doing it we're not supposed to be involved or you know we're just they could only have half the class on the range so half is just sitting there and then the other half is doing it and fuck man like i mean dude during how week i fell asleep standing up you know so it's like yeah you get tired enough you fall asleep like no matter what so so you came
Starting point is 00:38:55 out of that so yeah so i got rolled all the way back so so basically they you know put me in front of the thing and and uh and they're like well you got two safety violations whatever and i was just like you know i was like well i didn't really even explain i didn't even really like at the time you're like so brainwashed that these guys are like gods that you don't even really want to argue with them because they're your instructors it's like you can't even like have a conversation with these guys if they ask you a question like your answers are like who ya like you don't even say yes or no it's just like a so you know so you're so like conditioned to not like argue that i didn't really like defend what happened you know because if i would have like
Starting point is 00:39:29 walked in there and like defended like exactly like look like half the class you know just given the explanation but i didn't want to really want to like argue with these instructors because you're just like so brainwashed anyways so i basically told him i said look you know i don't care i'll go do the whole fucking thing again and they're like yeah and i was like yeah i was like i'll do the whole course again so they rolled me all the way back and did the whole thing again and uh and this instructor that didn't like me he just he couldn't even find excuses the third time he just admin dropped me i didn't even know that was a good thing i didn't know you could get admin drop but yeah i just got she made it all the way through and he admin dropped you
Starting point is 00:40:05 do you think he stalks your instagram page right now i don't know but i think he remembers you probably probably yeah i mean he's probably heard of me now i mean you know the seal community is definitely you know it's love or hate with me like you know the guys that know me usually you know have good things to say and the guys that don't usually all talk shit but so you're you get out and then what happens so i get out um i did my four years got out and um i uh i went to college went to uf and did four years there and uh my brother sounds like the military too i did four years yeah pay my dues prison yeah i mean no it was it was fun i had a great time in college um my brother taught me how to play poker um like the first year because i was getting all this money from the va and the gi bill and i got grants i was eligible for everything right so
Starting point is 00:40:56 and that's where you learn how to play poker yeah my brother taught me and then uh i was playing in college i was playing like some online stuff i had a couple fraternity brothers that were real into it and they taught me a little bit. There were some home games. That's how I started. I went broke my sophomore year. It was a wild ride. I had to sell some guns. I went and played on a gambling boat for a week. I sold three guns for $750. Played on this gambling boat for a week. Turn turned like this i sold three guns for 750 bucks played on this gambling
Starting point is 00:41:25 boat for a week turned in 10 000 went to vegas and then turned that into 187 000 at bellagio after playing for three weeks straight never forget it wow so that was the launching point 187 000 at the bellagio three weeks the bellagio created dan bilzerian essentially yeah you know they started it so there you go and you just become this crazy baller poker player character well i mean it was it was a slow rise you know i mean it wasn't how long did it take oh i mean you know that was that was that was 2005 you know and i actually i mean i got really lucky i came into poker at a time when nobody really knew how to play this fucking guy chris moneymaker um you know he turned 25 into like a two or three million dollar win and he wasn't even that great so it was like the new gold rush like everybody wanted to play poker rounders had just come out you know that's
Starting point is 00:42:22 what it was yeah fucking movie i remember that that, you know, celebrity started playing and it was just like, it was one of those things where, and there wasn't really any like training tools. Like the game hadn't been solved. Like even the pros weren't that good back then. So really? Yeah. I mean, there wasn't, it was just kind of like, I mean, back in the day, like the old pros, the way they won, they just cheated, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Really? Yeah. I mean, there was yeah how'd they cheat? oh fuck I mean there's mark cards there's you know cold decks
Starting point is 00:42:49 there's a million ways to cheat I've never played poker I mean I might have played once in high school or something like that I've never played
Starting point is 00:42:54 my friend Ari Ari Shafir when he was struggling in Hollywood when he's a stand up comedian and when he wasn't when he was just starting out
Starting point is 00:43:03 he would make his money playing poker he'd go to poker tournaments, he would make his money playing poker. He'd go to poker tournaments. And he made way more money playing poker than he ever did doing stand-up. Yeah, actually, I mean, I'll tell you the story of how I dropped out of college. Can I piss real quick? Yeah, yeah, go ahead. No worries, man.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Go ahead. We're right here. Sorry, I drank a bunch of water. I just want to point out Dan Bilzerian and I wear the same pants. Both wearing camo pants. I think he deserves them more than me, though. He went to Hell Week. I've just hidden from animals.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Three times. Yeah, but my pants are fake. I mean, I just bought them on Amazon. They're not like real camo either. It's not like Kuyu or First Light or anything. What a fucking character, though, huh? That's crazy shit, right? A lot of people hate on that dude
Starting point is 00:43:46 I've met him a couple of times And it's one of the reasons why I wanted to do this one He seems like a super nice guy But every time I've talked to people about him They're like, fuck that guy, fuck that guy Fuck that guy Easy to hate, there's a lot to be hit about Of course
Starting point is 00:44:00 I mean, he's like I mean, the fact that he's not paying those girls I find that suspicious Do you find that suspicious? You don't? Not really I mean Why are they there then?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Cause they can get They don't have shit to do? Don't they have jobs? Nah They're hot chicks Probably He loans them money Nah
Starting point is 00:44:19 Maybe Let's Leave some cash around Could be the manager They're getting good gigs out of it You know I'm sure they're getting good gigs out of it. I'm sure they're getting good gigs out of it. I mean, look, what the fuck's that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Corey Feldman? He's got Feldman's Angels or whatever the fuck that is? Right? Hugh Hefner had those Hef's chicks. Yeah. They had a show for a while. Well, he had to pay those girls. We're talking about Hefner. They're all playmates.
Starting point is 00:44:44 See, but that was that was sad to me that was more sad to me what's that the hefner thing like uh i could see chicks want to bang you handsome guy thick beard built you know military man got a lot of guns that makes sense the hefner thing was always like oh those poor girls i have daughters and i would i would think about some poor girl banging hugh hefner and just going oh yeah but it's not just him it's kind of like all these fashion guys um fashion guys yeah like i mean there's you know paul marciano i mean he bangs every chick that's in gas you know oh okay yeah so i mean it's kind of they set it up right like i mean i mean my whole thing is kind of like life setup, right? So you set up your life to where you don't really have to work for what you want.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Right. So Pussy, for instance, if you set it up correctly, like if you buy a big brand or a modeling agency or whatever it is and you're providing these girls with a career. For instance, let's use Hugh Hefner. So if you become a Playmate, you're guaranteed $25,000. Now you're, I mean, this is back in the day, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:45:51 This is like, you know, 10 years ago when Playboy was, you know, hot or, you know, 20, whatever. Whatever it was. So now they're getting $1,000 for appearance before they were getting, you know, whatever. But now they won't, you know, you can't even show up for less than a grand. So you're guaranteed more money there. Now you have a title. As far as modeling, you're just going to book higher-end jobs.
Starting point is 00:46:13 There's the Playboy events. So it's kind of like you fuck this guy, you become a Playmate, and now you have a career. Oh, I get it. It makes sense. I mean, it makes sense. But the factor that's missing is the fact that you were talking about before like you're not really into fucking girls that aren't into you you know well that's completely out of the that's out of the question yeah when
Starting point is 00:46:35 you're a skeleton you oh yeah yeah when you're a skeleton yeah but i mean when you're a skeleton like what are you gonna do you're balling you just take molly and fucking throw down those viagras and get the party started who gives a shit throw that money out you can't spend it when you're dead yeah i mean what i'm 70 i'm probably gonna be less picky you know so oh yeah for sure but i mean like i said it's yeah i mean it's you go for a hot 50 year old but you know who knows some of those girls might be into it because he's you know he's iconic and you know it's like a celebrity thing yeah celebrity is another crazy thing i mean it i've i've said it to my buddy i'm like money maybe brings five or ten x girls like you know if you use it and i'm talking about using it in the sense of just paying them saying like set up your life to where you
Starting point is 00:47:19 have a nice life and there's cool shit going on parties parties, whatever. And then the fame, I think it's like 100x. I think it's like 100 times. Well, for you, it's very interesting because you're a guy that's just come into this just a few years ago, four years ago. So you were already a man in his 30s and all this happened, and then boom, you become famous. So you've got a good perspective on it. And then boom, you become famous. So you've got a good perspective on it.
Starting point is 00:47:51 I think for people looking at it on the outside, I don't think any of us could understand what it would be like to be Drake. I've heard that Drake has parties at his house. I know a dude who lives near Drake and he complains about the fucking parties. And I guess parties are so crazy that the neighbor complains that Drake bought his house. Drake's like, fuck it, I'll just buy your house, man. Yeah. He has girls. They meet at one place.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Then they get in a bus. And then the bus comes to Drake's house. Yeah. No, I mean, he's got it. Yeah, he definitely has it on another level. He's super balling. For sure. He's super balling. You know?
Starting point is 00:48:22 You know me, I'm fucking saddled down. I'm married. I got kids. I got kids. I got daughters too, dude. I see all this stuff. I have to watch from afar and go, wow, look at this action. Look at all this craziness happening. Look at this wild life.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Just a completely different kind of life. But to be a guy like you, it's very interesting because not only are you famous, you're famous in like a really confusing way. You're famous just for being a baller. Like 100%. That's kind of crazy, right? You didn't write a book. You're not in any movies.
Starting point is 00:48:52 You don't sing any songs. You're not telling jokes. You're just balling out of control. You're balling so hard that you've become famous. You're way more famous than me. I mean, what did you say you have? How many Instagram followers you got? What is it?
Starting point is 00:49:04 19. 19? I think the total is like 30-something. I have one. I have 1.5 on Instagram. me i mean what did you say you have how many instagram followers you got what is it 19 19 i think the total is like 30 i have one yeah i have 1.5 on instagram i have uh two on uh on twitter i've been on tv for 20 fucking years yeah it's funny man it's an interesting kind of fame it's a very different kind of fame yeah i mean i just remember i remember when it kind of hit me because i was in can and i was over there and this you know this is this is france i mean they don't even speak english a lot of these places and i mean i think what was i fucked 16 girls in 12 days and i remember because i fucked a girl without talking to her and that
Starting point is 00:49:45 was when I knew I made it yeah because she didn't speak English and there and I also like I just kind of like wanted to like just see if I could do it you know I just like wanted to see if I could actually have sex with a girl without speaking to her at all it was kind of awkward because like there's times that I wanted to say something or like there was a question asked or whatever like you know or it was like in the middle of sex like normally like i'll say you know talk dirty or what something but like i made a point to be a fucking mute right and i actually like pulled it off and i was like wow like this shit is real you know and i and and and the time that i really saw it was sorry let me it was it was i mean i was in cannabis before the the no talking thing i I was at some restaurant and Ron Perlman's manager came over to me.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Ron Perlman, the actor? Yeah. What's he in? Sons of Anarchy? Yeah, Hellboy. Yeah, Hellboy. He's a real shit. He's like a real dude.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Yeah. So he come over and he's telling me about this new movie that he wants to do. And there's a dad and there's a grandfather's son and son and dad and they're all you know they're all in the military in different wars and he was you know talking to me about maybe playing the son and uh and we're having you know and i was interested in it because i'd done a little bit of acting up until then and so i was like you know kind of you know trying to you know check it out and so i remember it was like every 30 seconds or minutes somebody would come up and ask me for a picture and after like the 20th person somebody came up and was like oh ron like you know i'd you know love a picture with you and i'll never forget it i'll never forget it for the rest of my life he
Starting point is 00:51:17 stood up and he goes oh you want a picture with me like who the fuck am i you sure you don't want a picture with this guy and he was kidding but i was just like i was like wow like this is so fucking crazy now here's a guy that's like you know a super successful actor who's been in like you know big like tv series and like all these people are asking to take a picture with me and i was just like wow like this is so fucked like but it was real i was just like wow this is like a real thing this isn't just like you know numbers on the internet this is like i'm in a foreign country and I got all these fucking people coming up. You know, like I was, I was kind of like, I was dumbfounded. Have you ever read that Thoreau quote?
Starting point is 00:51:53 Most men live lives of quiet desperation. Yeah. I actually quoted that on one of my pictures. Oh, it's a great quote. The mass of men or something along the lines of the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. Yeah, something along those lines. That quote fucking, I love that quote. He's got a lot of great ones.
Starting point is 00:52:11 He's a brilliant, brilliant guy. But that quote is one of the reasons why I think your Instagram and everything is so popular. It's because there's a lot of people out there that are stuck in cubicles or they're stuck in jobs. They don't want to be there. They don't want to be doing what they're doing they're looking at their resources they're it's so small they're tired all the time they get done from work they don't have any energy to do anything else they're saddled down with some relationship it's probably not optimal they're getting yelled at they're fucking it's it's not going well it's not going well there's not a lot
Starting point is 00:52:40 of joy and then they go on your instagram you're fucking jet skiing and late meat and it's all the you know shooting guns and your underwear and it's like it's so it looks so fun you know and yeah i mean and i try and be authentic you know another one of his quotes you know rather than love rather than fame rather than money give me truth and i like that you can have all those though look you got it all you got truth you got fame you know that's a rare one in l.a well it is it is rare because it's difficult to pull off because most people are not really comfortable with who they are so instead of you know instead of uh fixing that they just kind of pretend you know and like look that's what politics is that's what a business is when you put that fucking stupid tie on and you got those slippery shoes with the tassels on them and you know pretending that you really talk like that
Starting point is 00:53:29 you know you're talking about dividends and making it well we can make this work and let's touch base on monday and hey great to talk to you and like shut the fuck up it's all political correctness the fucking you know pleasantries they're just the bullshit you know that's what i wanted to just kind of get rid of. Well, I had a conversation with someone about people that have a lot of money and ballers, and someone goes, oh, that seems like such an empty life. And I don't know if we were talking about you specifically, but you're like a perfect example of it.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I'm like, but here's my point. I'm defending you. I'm like, what's empty about it? Looks like he's having fun. Like, what's so great about showing up to an insurance company every day and putting in your work? Like, yeah, look, it's very admirable to provide for your family. It's very admirable to put in hard work when you don't want to and get it done. But there's nothing wrong with figuring out a way to not do that either. You know, just because you got stuck in some sort of a weird situation where you have to
Starting point is 00:54:26 fucking grind it out at some lumberyard every day doesn't mean that a guy like you who's just got some crazy life that he's living where he figured out a way to make a bunch of money gambling poker, playing card games, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I look at
Starting point is 00:54:41 all your shit. I don't see any victims. I don't see anything wrong. I see you having a bunch of fun and i see a bunch of girls that are laughing they seem to be having a bunch of fun you're flying to italy you're doing all this crazy shit i don't see anything wrong but yet people get mad and people hate and when i have conversations with people i'm like what is shallow about all these experiences? Like what is, what is so awful? Yeah. I mean, and a lot of girls have really benefited, you know, I've like built some careers like, you know, Lindsay Pellis, when I started dating her, she had a hundred thousand followers. She bumped up to 1.6 million in three weeks. And now this chick's making four or
Starting point is 00:55:17 $500,000 a year posting pictures on Instagram and Snapchat. I mean, just think about that for a second. Like she's making four times as much as a doctor or a lawyer when they get out of college. And forget about all their debt that they have. You know, let's just say they come out of college with no debt. She's still making five times more money than them at four years younger. Well, also the amount of fucking time they have to spend if you're a doctor or a lawyer, not just going through medical school, not just going through your residency, but working, constantly working. And she's got to post a couple of pictures. Yeah, sit on a couch, post a few pictures.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Sucker fingers. Here's my tea. Ass up in the air, high heels. It's a beautiful world. The world of social media is a fascinating world, man. The world of social media is a fascinating world, man. Because speaking for me personally as a comedian, before social media, I used to have to do so much work. I used to have to get up early in the morning and do radio shows before gigs.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I used to have to do morning TV. You'd have to do interviews. I'd do an interview with some newspaper reporter. That guy did not want to fucking talk to me and give a shit about me. And I'd try to have fun with it. And maybe he would try to have fun with it. But for the most part, it was nonsense. You don't have to do any of that anymore. Social media has changed.
Starting point is 00:56:30 It's access. It's just pure access. And it's actually fucked it up, honestly, for a lot of these girls now. Because they don't want to go to the clubs. They don't need to go to parties to meet celebrities anymore. They can just DM them. And then you have all these rich guys that are just having their pussy coordinator message all these girls. They have a coordinator?
Starting point is 00:56:53 Who has a pussy coordinator? It's so crazy, bro. You have no idea. Now these girls are getting booked out. They're getting paid $5,000, $10,000 to just go on a vacation. Some of them don't even have to sleep with any of the guys. I mean, it's just like... That seems like you would never get anything done.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah, and from these girls' point of view, you can't really blame them. It's like, fuck, if I was one of these girls and I could travel the world on a private jet and do all this other crazy shit for free, and it's just, I mean... Oh, I wouldn't blame them at all. I don't blame them at all.
Starting point is 00:57:23 As long as nothing awful is happening. Yeah. I used to know this guy. We used to call him Wild Man. A buddy of mine used to work at a strip club. He was a DJ at a strip club. And there was a guy there that apparently invented bell bottoms. This is a crazy story.
Starting point is 00:57:39 And he had lung cancer. He smoked cigarettes like packs and packs a day. And no, emphysema. And his doctor was telling him, listen, man, you are going to fucking die. If you don't stop smoking cigarettes, you're going to fucking die. And he's like, I'm just addicted to smoking. He was like, smoke joints. He's like, they've shown in studies
Starting point is 00:57:56 that smoking marijuana is not nearly as bad for you. And actually, it might act as an expectorant. It might help clean your lungs out, even though it sounds contrary to logical thinking. Just give it a try. So this guy starts smoking weed like he would smoke cigarettes. Just rolling joints, smoking.
Starting point is 00:58:11 He would smoke like 15, 20 joints a day. And when he'd pull up to the strip club, he would give these guys like his roaches. Because his roaches were like half done. Because he would smoke them like he would smoke cigarettes. The guy changes his entire entire he gets so high and he's so high all the time he's like i don't want to do any of these things that i'm doing anymore he goes this is what i'm gonna do i want to play guitar and i want to bang chicks and that's all that's what he decides to do he realizes he's like 60 years old and he's worth some shit ton
Starting point is 00:58:38 of money and this was like right around when viagra was invented So this guy goes on a rampage, but he's mean. He's really nasty, and he did what he would call mad-dogging these chicks. So he'd bring them back to his house, and he would say nasty shit to them and hit them and piss on them
Starting point is 00:58:56 and all kinds of crazy shit, apparently. I don't know the full details of it, but his house was for sale. He had this baller house in the Hollywood Hills. And for a while, I was thinking, because I go to the comedy store all the time, I'm like this ball, baller house in the Hollywood Hills. And for a while I was thinking, because I go to the comedy store all the time, I'm like, man, maybe I should buy this fucking house. It's close to the comedy store. But I'm like, God, it's like this $5 million house.
Starting point is 00:59:14 It's right on the street. It's right there. Like the sidewalk and then here's his door. Like you just touch his door. I'm like, someone's going to fucking break into this guy's house. And so the realtor is like, no, listen, there's a state-of-the-art security system in this place. It's got all these cameras I go yeah You know what that cameras gonna get it's gonna get a picture of a dude with a ski mask robbing your fucking house
Starting point is 00:59:34 Like do you understand that like what is it? What is a camera gonna do like how's it get two weeks after I said that the dude got shot in the neck in the fucking House wow he brought he's to bring the hookers to his house he used to bring them to his house and he brought one to his house and she brought her boyfriend and they shot him in the neck wow yeah there's a lot of setup stuff like that yeah yeah but so you see that's a bad guy that was a guy doing bad shit i don't see anything wrong with anything you're doing i see i see happiness i look at your instagram i see a bunch of people laughing i like the music you're playing you're playing good songs that i would listen to it looks like a fucking party oh nothing wrong here people yeah everybody needs to relax yeah
Starting point is 01:00:15 i mean i'm just uh you know doing some wish fulfillment now do you have like do you have a plan charted out for this existence, or are you just winging it? Well, I got this app coming out where it's going to be kind of similar to what WorldStar does, where users can upload their badass videos, right? So anything kind of like similar to the stuff that I post or, you know, fights or whatever crazy cool videos that they want, they can post on there. And, you know, I'll just share the best ones on my, you know, Facebook or Instagram or whatever. So they're, you know, if they post cool shit on there, they're guaranteed to get, you know, a ton of shine. Yeah. And that's why they post on world star, you know, it's cause they want, you know, people to see it. So, um,
Starting point is 01:01:06 are you know it's because they want you know people to see it so um i'm you know i'm gonna do that i got this uh fantasy betting app that i got um it's uh you know it's like similar to uh the draft kings of the fantasy sports stuff um i don't know just you know i've been focusing more on you know doing some stuff like that i've kind of just done everything i wanted to do you know in this you know as far as like the partying and buying shit, you know. Yeah. Well, that's why I was asking. I'm like, well, how much more can you do? You know?
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah. I mean, I've checked most of the boxes, man. So now I kind of just want to, you know, give people a platform. How much money have you made playing poker? I don't know. I mean. If you had to guess in the neighborhood i mean i know i mean i you know i just know the big figures i mean i you know i beat one guy for
Starting point is 01:01:54 54 million i mean i won 10 and a half and another night i beat another guy for 10 and then you know i don't know what the total is on the you know other cash games but I mean I've I don't know I mean I made a lot but do you have enough stashed away where that was just in you know a six month or a year period you know so it's like I you know I don't know did you take a chunk and put it away and say okay this is my break glass in case of apocalypse fund I mean I've bought some gold and you know and I got uh got a, I mean, I own my stuff. I own my plane and my house and my cars and I mean, I cash in the bank. I'm doing all right.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Yeah. But I mean, this like, first of all, that's crazy, right? It's crazy that you went from being a Navy SEAL to being a college student who's learning how to play cards. Well, you know, preparing or trying to attempt to be a Navy SE who's learning how to play cards well well you know preparing or trying to attempt to be a navy seal going to college learn how to play cards to a guy who's got his own fucking jet a guy i mean and all from gambling i mean that's that's that's bizarre in and of itself but do you you ever think like there's a time where i'm not going to want to do this
Starting point is 01:03:01 anymore yeah i mean i'm you know i'm kind of at the point, like I said, where I've done most of the stuff that I wanted to do. So now I'm kind of winging it. I've been doing more active stuff. I've been doing some wake surfing, and we just went out to Lake Powell, and winter's coming up,
Starting point is 01:03:20 so I'm doing some snowboarding trips, snowmobiling, and shit like that. So it's still just more fun? Yeah, just having fun, but doing more active stuff, less partying. I mean, still have the girls around. But, yeah, I mean, I did a cartoon. I'm about to release that. Wait a minute. Didn't you have two heart attacks in like one night or something?
Starting point is 01:03:38 That's actually one of the cartoon episodes. What the fuck happened? How did you have two heart attacks? You want to watch the cartoon? Do you have the cartoon? I do. Can we watch it? Yeah, throw the cartoon up. How did you have two heart attacks? You want to watch the cartoon? Do you have the cartoon? I do. Can we watch it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Throw the cartoon up. How do I get to it? Tell Jamie. Give Jamie the address. Can I airdrop it? Yeah, I'm sure. You can drop it to Jamie. Or do you have it on your phone?
Starting point is 01:03:53 Is that what it is? It's not online anymore? I got it on my phone. Oh. Can you airdrop it to you, Jamie? Does that work? I can't airdrop it, but I can airplay it if you got an Apple TV. Yeah, we have an Apple TV.
Starting point is 01:04:03 But we can't play it online? That would just be we have an Apple TV, but we can't play it online Be us watching it in here. We couldn't Shit I can't put it on that you can but I don't have that that's not yeah system here. It's not built into this Let me see can we fix that can we make that happen or is that we can in the future? Okay, we need a different setup or something. I need some extra inputs. Yeah Okay, we'll do it another time um we're gonna call my guy and see if I can get you a link you know give me give me one yeah yeah yeah go ahead call your guy Dan Bilzerian but we'll be right back ladies and gentlemen he's gonna call his guy not to be confused with his
Starting point is 01:04:39 pussy coordinator he doesn't have one of those you're looking for a pussy coordinator i know some dudes what a crazy life it's bizarre right i just you know people people will tell you uh that's gonna get tired but guess what so is being married to a lot of people not to me jamie So is being married to a lot of people. Not to me, Jamie. So is working in a regular job. That's got to be tired, too. I love the fact that this is a real thing, that all of a sudden, because of social media, some guy can gather up 50 fucking million followers. I don't know how to word this right, but people start calling the Michael Jordan'd be the michael jordan of this because you're the greatest of whatever he's starting to become people are
Starting point is 01:05:28 calling so and so the dan bilzerian of of x oh yeah well that becomes so there's that uh that italian guy yeah yeah giovanna vacci the old that old guy is my age isn't that sad god damn i'm old bro sad every now and then i wake up and I got some new pain. And I just think, is this pain like forever? Is this going to heal? I got this hip thing that's going on lately. And it's not bad. Like I did kickboxing today and no problem.
Starting point is 01:05:59 No pain while I'm working out. But every now and then it like irritates me. And instead of it like when I was young if I had Something that irritated me I would say some fucking nothing I'll get over that but that's also why I developed a bunch of chronic injuries from Jiu Jitsu Because I would go and train even though I had something fucked up It's also because Jiu Jitsu is really fun, but I don't think like that anymore man now I think is this like broken like is Am I going to need a hip replacement?
Starting point is 01:06:26 I know guys that are my age that have fucking... I know guys younger than me that have had hip replacements. I start thinking, is this shit broken forever? You got your guy? I talked to him. He's telling me I can't show it. You can't show it? Who the fuck
Starting point is 01:06:41 is that guy? You got a guy that tells you what to do? I'm telling you, fire your team, dude. I'm available. I work for free. I pretty much fire them all. Fire them all, dude. I don't listen to any of this. Fire them all.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I have a team, too. I don't listen to them either. Nobody should listen to teams. Yeah, I agree. I mean, I obviously don't know shit about poker. I don't know nothing about your business. I'm not a gambler, but I can advise you. Fire the whole team.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Fire everybody. Keep doing exactly what you're doing. Listen to me, dude. I'm telling you, I'm right. I have no experience in your business. I'm totally unqualified, but I will give you some sound advice. Yeah. You know that Italian guy that people keep comparing to you?
Starting point is 01:07:22 The guy who dances around a lot? Oh, I've seen him. Yeah. Did he have some health issue? What's going on with him? Really? Did he? I guy who dances around a lot? Oh, I've seen him. Yeah. Didn't he have some health issue? What's going on with him? Really? Did he? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I thought so, but I don't know. That was the last I'd heard. Oh, I didn't hear that. Yeah. What's his name? Giovanni Vacchi or something like that? Yeah. Well, I became aware of him because there's a hilarious video of him and his girlfriend
Starting point is 01:07:40 dancing. Oh, yeah. It's great. Really good dancer, right? He's a fucking great dancer. Fuck yeah. But this thing, here's the thing, man. Everybody's like, I saw this thing, like, something about Sugar Daddy, and like, she's young and hot, and he's got gray hair. That motherfucker's my age.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Like, that's how old I am, dude. 49. The end is near. The end is near, Jamie. There he is. Yeah, no, he looks good. Dude's in great shape. Yeah, well, it's just the hair. I mean, if he had black hair, he would look... He'd look younger, right? Oh, for sure. I mean, he just has... I have a buddy of mine who's 30. His hair's almost all white. I mean, it's just some dudes have premature hair,
Starting point is 01:08:15 and he's got a banging girlfriend, but he's got one, see? You can't call him the Dan Bilzerian of Italy. I mean, he's obviously a baller. He's living good, you know? He's balling. He's got one girl. Yeah. I mean, I's happy he looks very happy she looks very happy everybody looks happy i feel like he's doing a lot of stuff for instagram like he's posted a lot he's trying
Starting point is 01:08:35 to get on that dan bulzerian level i think he's what's he at what levels he at five million how many okay that's a giant jump he's done twice as many posts as i've done in the last five years and he's done it and i think like six months yeah very quickly so he's posting a lot well not only that his shit became uh really popular like really recently yeah i want to say when i became aware of him he only had two million followers but like if you look at his stuff though it kind of looks like you know it's like a lot of photo shoots right? Exactly. Kind of looks like a lot of stage. Yeah. Oh look
Starting point is 01:09:10 I found a goat. Yeah. Look it's me with a goat. Yeah. Yeah he's got a lot of money. Look at that. Come on son. Like that doesn't just accidentally happen right? Yeah you don't just accidentally get photographed on a horse with no shirt on. With white pants. And with prison tattoos. What's with all the prison tattoos?
Starting point is 01:09:25 He's got like a bunch of writing on his chest. Yeah. What does that all say? Do we know what his tattoos say? There must be like a website dedicated to his chest tattoos. Look, he's there with Pitbull. Look, there he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Come on, he's so happy. No, I mean, he looks like a cool cat. He does. I don't like what he's doing with his beard, though. He's got that little thing that he puts at the bottom of his beard. He twists it up and puts like a little rubber band around it. Get the fuck out of here. I don't like what he's doing with his beard, though. He's got that little thing that he puts at the bottom of his beard. He twists it up and puts a little rubber band around it. Get the fuck out of here. I don't know what the fuck that is.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I will pull that thing off. I see you, sir. I'm going to grab that thing. That's a goddamn handle. I don't understand that. Yeah. He's a fun cat, though. His videos are really fun.
Starting point is 01:10:00 No. The fucking guy can dance. All hats off to him. Oh, man. See if you can find that one video of him with the girl the first one they did on the boat that got him really famous i want to say that was only four or five months ago and i really i don't know how many millions in the last like five months he's really like he's gone hard like but but there's some stuff i mean it's like he set up a dinner table.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I saw a picture. He set up a dinner table underwater where he could, like, pretend like he was eating underwater. And then he did, like, a whole skit where he was, like, underwater doing all this stuff. I'm like, fuck, man. That must have taken you, like, a fucking full day. Yeah. And he's wearing a suit. And I'm just like, fuck, man.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Well, he's going a different approach. Yeah. Instead of the baller approach, like shooting guns in his underwear, what he's doing is he's got this one beautiful girlfriend, and they just have a good time all over the world. It seems, I mean, it's a different approach, but here's the point. No, I like that. I dig that.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I'm just saying like that. There he is. That's it. No, that's awesome. I mean, this motherfucker can dance. No, he can. He can fucking cut some rogues. And he looks like he's having a good time.
Starting point is 01:11:06 No, 100%. But see, that's cool to me. Yeah. Like, the other stuff that's like, it seems like a lot of effort's put into it is not quite, but that's dope. I mean, it is. Chick seems cool. Motherfucker can dance.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Looks like he's having fun. I mean, like. Listen, if you got that kind of money, why wouldn't you be dancing? Yeah. You should be dancing. That's awesome. You should be dancing that's awesome you should be partying your fucking ass
Starting point is 01:11:27 and he is just I don't understand his tattoos I'm confused about the ankle one what's going on down there maybe it's like his ex-wife's name
Starting point is 01:11:33 like fuck you bitch I'm fucking covered he's in good shape though yeah he is fuck you know yeah he's in very good shape for a 49 year old that's my age
Starting point is 01:11:41 god damn it I'm fucking 49 man it's just the end is near i don't know you're in the right time time frame i'll tell you what it is they got the stem cells they got the h i've already had a gang of it all the above oh yeah man stem cells fixed my fucking shoulder well people are tired of hearing about it on this podcast was that was that reginokine or was that stem cells i had reginokine done on my shoulder too. It didn't help as much. I had some pretty significant tearing. Slap tear.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I had a tear of the labrum, a tear of the bicep tendon, and a tear of the rotator cuff. Oh, wow. I did the rotator cuff. Basically, I couldn't even lift my arm like three inches. I did the Regenikon, and then three weeks later, I was boxing. Well, the Regenikon did wonders for my back. It just wasn't enough for my shoulder. But again, I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:12:28 I don't give it enough time off. I mean, literally from this, three weeks later, I was boxing. Yeah, that is amazing. That's pretty aggressive, right? By the way, all the doctors told me I needed surgery. Same thing to me. I've had that said to me twice. I need surgery on my neck, and I've heard I need surgery on my shoulder. I avoided both of them and I do everything now.
Starting point is 01:12:50 But one of the things about shoulder injuries that I found from Steve Maxwell, he's a pretty famous strength and conditioning coach. He's been on this podcast a bunch of times. Is hanging. Hanging from chin up bars. It's so important to do. It's so good for your shoulders, to straighten out your shoulders. I thought you were going to say bad. I was like, fuck, because I've done a lot of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:10 No, no, no. It's really good for you. There's a whole video about it where this doctor who was a shoulder surgery doctor stopped doing shoulder surgery on most of his patients and started them on this hanging therapy. Because when you hang, see, most human, I mean, human beings essentially were primates and most primates swing from trees. I mean, that is what they do. They grab a hold of things and they swing and it stretches out your arm and you develop
Starting point is 01:13:36 impingements from gravity, from a lack of use or from too much use or overuse. And this guy has you hang from a chin up bar, just holding on and hanging, and it stretches out your shoulder and it alleviates pain in a giant percentage of people that have shoulder injuries. And I urge anybody who's listening to this that has any sort of shoulder weirdness or some shit that fucks with them to just try this. I know it sounds crazy, like how the fuck is hanging by your shoulders going to help you? And this is one doctor. This is not the doctor that invented the procedure, but he basically explains it really well. There's a bunch of them. What did you Google? So people can... Shoulder pain hanging from bar. And there's a lot of things that start popping up as you do that.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Yeah. There's a gang of it, but it's super effective. It's super effective for a lot of people. I mean, if you have like significant tearing where you're going to need surgery of a failure of your joint or something like that, you know, that's one thing. But for a lot of people, this offers them a great deal of relief. And it really helps me. I do it every day. It's one of the first things I do in the morning. I hang and then I do scapula raises for archery. So I hang. I'll do like two minutes of hanging. And then once I've done two minutes, then I just contract my scapula and I hold that in place for as long as I can. So it's like my hands are given out, my forearms are given out, and then I force my scapula to carry all the weight. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:58 And you make it a daily routine. This is what I do. I brush my teeth. I do that. I just have to do it. So I force myself. I have zero pain. zero pain in my shoulders. But the stem cells was a big factor. So now are you getting the infusion or are you getting the, like, how are you getting it? Like IV or, yeah. Well, they, what they do is they take it from a woman, a young woman who's had a cesarean section.
Starting point is 01:15:21 When they give birth through cesarean section, they take the placenta and then they use that for stem cells. Okay. And that apparently is the most powerful version of stem cell therapy. There's a bunch of different kinds they use in this country
Starting point is 01:15:32 that a lot of people like. A lot of people like it when they take your fat out. They take your fat out and they convert that to stem cells. My buddy did that. Daniel Cormier,
Starting point is 01:15:40 they went into his hip. They got his marrow out of his hip. Yeah, that's what I did. I got the 19-year-old bone marrow. From someone else? Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Daniel Cormier, they went into his own hip and pulled it out. But I've heard great results from a lot of different versions of stem cells. But I know for me personally, when they shot the stuff from placenta into my shoulder, it was like within a couple of weeks, it was better than it had been in a year and then uh a few months after that i was like no pain it was it's amazing how quick it's healed and it also did a lot of shoulder exercises with rubber bands and stuff a lot of different things that i concentrate on i do all the time now to strengthen up the area and keep it tight did you but you haven't done IV stuff? No, you did that, huh? Yeah, I've done that twice now.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Boss Rutan did that? He told me that it was like, he goes, it was like the power was coming out of my hands. Bro, it's pretty crazy. I mean, I basically, it was weird though. The first time I did it, it seemed like I had a lot more profound effect than the second, but the first time,
Starting point is 01:16:43 so I went down to Mexico because you can't do it in the first time so i went down to mexico because you can't do it in the u.s so i went down there i got like 90 million uh of the 19 year old bone marrow uh that have been oxygen deprived whatever and and they injected in you um the next day i went to get some dental work done i got a root canal whatever it was but they injected 25 vials of like lidocaine or Novocaine or whatever it is. And they said that my body was just cycling it through like instantaneously. Right. So I had all this dental work done the next day. I was completely healed from all the dental work, which is pretty crazy. Yeah. And they said they've never given anybody that much
Starting point is 01:17:18 lidocaine ever. Um, even, you know, and, and, and they're like, you know, the guy asked me if I do Coke and I'm like, no, like I haven't done that since I was 25. He's like, yeah. He's like, normally like nobody can, you know, needs this much unless they have some kind of a thing. And I'm like, actually normally really drug sensitive. I also found that, um, cause I do, uh, uh, HRT and I found that when I did the shots, like I, it was like a lot.
Starting point is 01:17:41 So people listen, it's hormone replacement therapy. Yeah. shots like i it was like a lot so people listen it's hormone replacement therapy yeah and um and so basically i found that it just cycled all these drugs faster through my system so i'd get a stronger effect but then it'd be out um and then i went to the gym they said you're not supposed to work out for three days or whatever i went to the gym i think it was like four or five days later and i was like 20 i think 20 stronger and i mean i've been training for 20 something years i've done everything so to get like 20 strength increase is just fucking crazy dude i'm going to mexico it was so what part of mexico where do you go exactly i had an address tijuana
Starting point is 01:18:19 it's so dangerous no i had it was like Sicario. I had the armored cars. I made them give me a machine gun. I was like, yes. Really? Yes, I had a machine gun. You wanted your own machine gun while you were down there? Yeah, I wanted my own machine gun. Just in case shit goes down, you don't want these guys to get shot?
Starting point is 01:18:34 That place is like the fucking Wild West, man. At least if I'm going out, I want to have a gun. But Tijuana seems to me like, yeah, it's the Wild West, but they don't want to fuck it up because the money's made all through tourism. Like, if somebody gets gunned down or kidnapped, nobody wants to go to Tijuana. So you rarely hear about anything going down in Tijuana except those drug murders.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Yeah. But that was just the last ones with those beheadings, which were that was like a decade ago. Pretty gnarly shit. I mean, I just know that they didn't want me to fly my plane down there. I did anyways, but they're like, yeah, you should probably charter. You should probably drive. Why don't you drive?
Starting point is 01:19:08 It's not that long. I don't know. Last time I went, I mean, I hadn't been down there since the military, but it just seemed like the border crossing going back just took forever. It's a nightmare. And now they want you to have a pass. I mean, I don't know. Back in the day, it was easy.
Starting point is 01:19:22 We used to walk across. Driver's license. Yeah. Yeah, driver. When did they make it a passport thing? It was Canada too, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Well, Canada's been like that, but Mexico, I think, used to not be like, or maybe Canada wasn't either. No, Canada used to be licensed when I used to go to Montreal. No, you're right. You're right. You're right, because I used to go fishing trips. Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know how long ago it was, but they definitely changed a lot since, you're right. You're right. You're right. Because I used to go fishing trips with it. Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know how long ago it was.
Starting point is 01:19:45 But they definitely changed a lot since, you know. Dude, I want to get these injections. You should. Just for no reason. I just want to get them. I did it for no reason. And I was just like, fuck it. How come you only did it once?
Starting point is 01:19:59 No, I did it twice. Oh, you did it twice. Yeah, but the second time I just felt like I just left. I actually went straight from Burning Man down there. And I only got 70. And I just, I don't know. I did a fast before. And I kind of got sick.
Starting point is 01:20:17 And then I took some antibiotics. They say you're not supposed to take antibiotics. I don't know. Maybe I fucked it up. I'm not really sure. But I just remember the first time was a distinctly super strong effect.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Yeah, well, I believe Boss Root went to South America. I think... Did you remember where he said he went, Jamie? Peru? Did he say Peru? Yeah, my buddy does it in Cancun. I know they were doing it in Germany. They do it in Cancun? Yeah, I think Düsseldorf. You know, it's just basically anywhere that's not in the US
Starting point is 01:20:45 I think yeah well we got fucked during the Bush administration when they did this sweeping ban on stem cells
Starting point is 01:20:53 because of the religious right exactly they don't want you to play God well it wasn't just that it's like they were concerned
Starting point is 01:20:58 stem cells were connected to fetal tissue and there was this whole idea that people were going to get abortions on purpose just to get the fetal tissue or to sell the stem whole idea that people were going to get abortions on purpose just
Starting point is 01:21:05 to get the fetal tissue. Or to sell the stem cells. Yeah. And they probably would. I mean, someone probably would. For sure. I mean, there probably wouldn't be a lot of people, but it'd be enough that it would be an issue with some folks.
Starting point is 01:21:14 So because of that, all these European countries, especially Germany, got way ahead of the curve when it comes to stem cell research and applications in the medical industry. And what we're seeing now, you obviously know Regeneke was invented in Germany. That's how I found out about it. Yeah, Mickey Rourke was doing it on his knee like, fuck, I think it was like 20 years ago or something crazy. Do you know Mickey Rourke? I've met him twice. Tell him to settle down.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Just calm down, dude. He does seem like a good guy yeah just calm down yeah he's uh whatever you're doing don't do that anymore just just relax what a fucking actor though the wrestler was like one of my favorite movies i thought that was about pope greenwich village man i mean go back to some of his old shit angel heart yeah it's a bad motherfucker i mean it's good i just the wrestler just seems so authentic i don't know it just uh yeah i just like that movie well it was i don't know it just uh yeah i just like that movie well it was perfect for him at the time too because he was an older guy and
Starting point is 01:22:09 you know and he was kind of fucked up he looked the part yeah it was just like yeah he was perfect for it now he's a fucking amazing actor and people forget that because he's kind of a freak now but if you if you go back to his earlier stuff and you see like how good he was and diner you know i mean he's a fucking he was amazing he was amazing but uh yeah whatever he's doing don't do that anymore but uh i know peyton manning went down there to germany and um so now let me ask you is that is that stuff banned in professional sports? Regenicine?
Starting point is 01:22:47 No, no, no, no, no. Not the healing stuff. I'm talking about just like stem cell infusions. No, no, not yet. Oh, wow. But could be soon. I don't know how. I mean, I don't know if you could test for that. I mean, it's like because what I've been told is you cannot tell the difference between a regular like a stem cell from you or a stem cell from me or whatever.
Starting point is 01:23:04 If it's been scrubbed and thin your system. I mean, it's like they said to difference between a regular, like a stem cell from you or a stem cell from me or whatever. If it's been scrubbed and thin your system. I mean, it's like they said to me, a stem cell is a stem cell. Well, I pay very close attention to the latest cutting edge research for doping because the UFC and because I'm friends with Jeff Nowitzki, who is the guy who busted Lance Armstrong, who is, of course, the guy who works for the UFC now. And he and I talk all the time. And it's really fucking interesting how these people who are trying to get ahead are way ahead of the people that are trying to detect it. So now they're developing testosterone from animals, which is interesting. Because you're seeing people that are taking testosterone. It's exogenous testosterone. But it used to be that they were getting it from wild
Starting point is 01:23:45 yams. So what they would do is they do carbon isotope tests and they would be able to detect that the testosterone inside of your body is not from a biological, it's not from an animal. The testosterone is actually coming from a yam. It's a Mexican wild yam. It's really interesting.
Starting point is 01:24:02 But now they're figuring out a way to extract it from animals, at least theoretically novitsky's novitsky says it like it hasn't been proven yet but they're pretty sure so what they're doing now is they're taking people's piss and blood and then they freeze it and they hold on to it for eight years so the idea is that eight years from now they're going to find out like new detection methods and they're using those the olympics now which is why two russian olympic gold medalists in wrestling got their medals taken away is that eight years from now, they're going to find out new detection methods, and they're using those at the Olympics now, which is why two Russian Olympic gold medalists in wrestling got their medals taken away from 2008. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Yeah, and they haven't even gone to 2012 yet. So there's 2012, 2016. I mean, these guys are going to get fucked over for sure. But, you know, Russia has an extensive state-sponsored anti-doping agency. Yeah, well, they also are pretty big advocates. I mean, they were the ones that started it. Oh, yeah. These Germans, too, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Well, they started it, but also what's interesting is the scientists that were involved in the program, they all got whacked. They're killing these motherfuckers left and right. I don't know. Because all the people that know, when one guy blew the whistle whistle one of the Russian anti-doping guys blew the whistle Apparently they just started icing these motherfuckers Well, see if you pull it up Jamie like how many Russian anti-doping scientists have been murdered They don't fuck around over there man If they don't fuck around and like and and and from what I've heard like Putin's like really into the sports too
Starting point is 01:25:24 So he's oh yeah, he's into into the sports, too. So he's like... Oh, yeah. He's into fighting. Loves Fedor. Fedor Milianenko. Yeah. Whatever happened to that guy? Motherfucker time.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Motherfucker time got him. And Jesus got him. Got super into Jesus. Oh, really? Yeah. His body changed. I don't know if it's indicative of his training methods. Well, he never really had much of a body.
Starting point is 01:25:45 He always looked like a guy. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's so strange to me when you see guys like him or especially guys like Country Nelson. It's like, this guy trains. I just don't understand how you can train all the time and look like. It's just so crazy to me, right? I know, especially Roy, right? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah, Big Country. Well, Roy, he wears That's what I'm saying. Yeah, big country. Yeah, it's like. Well, Roy, he wears it like a badge of courage, too. Yeah. I think Roy, if he just, if Roy got super disciplined and lost a ton of weight, he would be fighting at 185 pounds and he would be knocking motherfuckers to the moon. It would be invincible. With that fucking chin that this guy's been getting cracked. He's like, the big guys can't knock him out.
Starting point is 01:26:24 How the fuck are the little guys, right? Well, unfortunately, his chin started to fail him in recent years. I mean, a couple, Mark Hunt knocked him out. Yeah, but that's just kind of like time, right? But I'm just saying like, you know, genetically, the guy was like blessed with like, you know. The freakiest chin of all time. Crazy, right? So I was like, I just, but I just, I never understood how you could train that much. Because I'm, I mean, obviously it's genetics, but I just remember, you know, when I was in the military,
Starting point is 01:26:45 like, going through, and I would eat, like, pizzas. I would eat butter. I mean, I was trying to, like, gain fat because it was so fucking cold in this water. And I just couldn't do it. Yeah. You know, like, granted, we were probably training more hours, but, like, fuck, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:58 I mean, a lot of these, you know, UFC guys that I know, they train six hours a day. Yeah, I don't know what Roy eats, but it's not good, whatever it is. It's most likely a lot of carbs. Most likely he's just taking in a lot of sugar, a lot of carbs, and his body doesn't know what to do with it. He must just have a slow metabolism. Could be.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I don't know. He certainly trains hard. He's got endurance. I mean, Roy doesn't gas out. I mean, he gets tired like everybody else does, but it's not like a fatigue issue. Yeah, no. What's crazy is I knew Roy way back in the day and Roy was known as being like a really good grappler He was a Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitor. I knew him before he ever did MMA and when he did MMA my thought was oh Well, you're gonna see some high-level grappling from this guy. This guy's like a stud on the mat Nope, just started bombing guys out on the ground. Yeah, hardly ever
Starting point is 01:27:43 guy's like a stud on the mat. Nope. Just started bombing guys out. Never seen him on the ground, yeah. Hardly ever. Well, the one time we really see his jiu-jitsu was in the Andre Orlovsky fight when he's fighting in Elite XC. Took Orlovsky down, had him in side control, but Elite XC was, they were really corrupt, and they had this weird thing where if you were on the ground for more than 15 seconds, they'd stand you up. So he's on the ground, inside control with a double wrist lock, going for a Kimura on Orlovsky, and'd stand you up. So he's on the ground inside control with a double wrist lock going for a Kimura on Orlovsky, and they stand him up, and he wound up getting stopped by Orlovsky. But that was that, you know, they were making Kimbo slice their poster boy,
Starting point is 01:28:17 and it was like Gary Shaw was promoting him. He was a boxing guy, and he had his own idea about how to promote it, and they weren't MMA friendly it was just they wanted excitement they didn't really want to promote like in a pure sense of the sport you know so it was the whole thing was kind of fucked but I remember I saw Kimbo I was down in Miami and I saw one of his fights or whatever and they had like some alternate guy like coming off the couch and this guy had knocked him out like Seth Petruzzelli ten seconds yeah that
Starting point is 01:28:42 was a bad fight they should have never taken that fight Seth Petruzzelli. 10 seconds. It was just so crazy. That was a bad fight. They should have never taken that fight. Seth Petruzzelli is very good. And when I saw that, I knew that Kimbo was a tough guy. He was a really good guy, too. Unfortunately, he passed away recently, which is kind of fucked up because he had a bad heart and he was scheduled for another fight. Did they ever figure out what it was? It was just heart failure? It was a congenital heart defect.
Starting point is 01:29:03 I don't know if it was genetic. I don't know if it was something that happened along the way. I don't know if it was genetic. I don't know if it was something that happened along the way. I don't know. But he was a really good guy, pretty much universally loved. Really good guy. His story is so crazy. I heard the guy basically almost walked onto the football team. Yeah, so nuts.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Yeah. Living on the streets. Yeah, I mean, just a tough, tough guy. Knew how to punch and um you know would when i found out about him i found out about him like everybody else did through these youtube videos did you ever see when he fought sean gannon i don't know sean gannon was a cop oh yes yeah yeah the white guy right yeah tall tall big white guy see if you find that in uh sean gannon versus kimbo slice they had a dojo war yeah and he was a cop in massachusetts and uh he got in trouble for beating up kimbo
Starting point is 01:29:53 and like he got suspended i think from the police force yeah there he is right there this is a crazy fight man they just had this this brawl in the middle of this dojo i think kenny florian was there and people were posted This is a mixed martial arts comm which is the greatest martial arts website on the internet Back in the day we all watch this shit live I don't remember if we had to pay for it was streaming on some website or something like that Those are banging it out. I like their number this I definitely remember being like fuck this guy can fucking throw some punches oh yeah the first time he got tested
Starting point is 01:30:27 right yeah this is well Sean Gannon is a tough motherfucker I mean tough as hell long time cop real martial artist had a bunch of pro fights and there was like all these discrepancies about the rules because he's got him in a standing guillotine and they're
Starting point is 01:30:43 trying to break it up and there's all you gotta let go and all this different shit. So he lets go, and then it winds up going to the ground. It was all stacked against Ganon because they didn't want Kimbo to get submitted. Yeah, nobody wanted the legend to die, right? Yeah, and Ganon's got a hold of this guillotine. He doesn't want to let it go. And then Kimbo winds up getting him down on the ground.
Starting point is 01:31:02 So then Kimbo's grounding, pounding him. See, like this? This this is supposed to be illegal too. You're not supposed to be able to do this. But Gannon had a fucking head, like a fire hydrant and just super game and great endurance. And so Kimbo's used to taking these guys out and he couldn't take Gannon out. And Gannon eventually beat him down. And they had some crazy nonsense like a 30 count like when he goes down you count to 30 before you get back up i'm not kidding yeah and he beat it once he beat it once and then gannon got him uh knocked him down again but like you could see kimbo starting to get tired and that was the big thing but so he goes from this and then starts fighting in elite xc and has some great fights, man.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Some really good fights. The James Thompson fight was kind of controversial as well. But I knew him as like a pretty tough, I mean, really tough. But as far as like professional skill set, you know, he wasn't like at the elite level. And so when he fought Petruzzelli, I was like, oh, my God, he's going to get fucked up. Like this is a terrible fight for him. Petruzzelli is like, he's a world-class fighter. And that happened real quick.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Yeah. No, I remember. Yeah, I was like front row for that thing. So tell me about your heart attacks if you can't show me the video. Yeah. So basically, yeah, I was, I think I was 25. I was on a ski trip with my fraternity brothers. We were in Park yeah, 25. I was on a ski trip with my fraternity brothers.
Starting point is 01:32:28 We were in Park City, Utah. Yeah, Park City. And we'd just been partying. I met this chick in the lift line, ended up getting her number, and I went to the bar, and I got, like, everybody's shit face. It was, like, 300 bucks, right?
Starting point is 01:32:42 Got the whole bar drunk. We were, you know, we're having fun. We go back to our house. We're banging until, like, 7 in the morning or six in the morning and then i get a call like i just showered i was like just started sleeping and my buddy's like hey it's the last fucking day like we're going like let's ride and i was just like ah fuck it all right sure so i took a shot i drank some coffee like got my shit on went out. Took a shot of booze? Yeah, shot of tequila. Jesus Christ. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:07 I was like, fuck. I mean, if you keep drinking, you don't get hungover, right? So I was like, fuck it. So went, rode all day. And then that night, I don't know if it was like a stomach flu or what, but I was just like puking. And I just felt like shit. And I just couldn't keep anything down. I remember I paid the hotel guy like $100. He gave him a bunch of Gatorade because I couldn't even
Starting point is 01:33:28 like leave my room. So next day, go to the airport. And I knew that if I got an IV, I'd feel better because I've like had some, you know, you know, when you get dehydrated, that's usually like the root of most your problems. So I just like ended up buying an IV from this medic because the guy's like, well, if I hook this up to you, you're not going to be able to fly. And I was like, dude, I gave him a bunch of bullshit. I was like, oh, I'm a fucking medic from the military and this and that. And I'm qualified to do this.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Anyway, this guy ended up fucking selling me the bag. He basically just gave it to me. I hooked it up myself on the plane. Had you ever done this before? Yeah, we did it a couple times when we were buds. If we went out drinking or whatever, and we had to, like, train the next day. And this is a commercial
Starting point is 01:34:09 flight or a private flight? Commercial, yeah. So, a commercial flight, you hook up an IV bag. Yeah, well, in the bathroom. Like, yeah, before I got on there, right? So, I go in the bathroom, like, hook this thing up. Jesus. Yeah, you gotta wait like an hour, right? So, I'm like, what else am I gonna do? So, I fucking, you know, hook this thing up, start feeling better, go to Vegas.
Starting point is 01:34:27 How long did you let it drip in there for? I mean, probably 20 minutes. So you just locked the bathroom door? Yeah, I was in the bathroom and just hooked it up and fucking hooked it up. Did anybody bang on the door? Hey, dude, I've got to take a shit. No, no. I was like, no.
Starting point is 01:34:41 I'm pretty sure it was in the airport. I mean, this has been like fucking 11, 12 years. But yeah, I think it wasn't on the plane. It was in the airport. I mean, this has been like fucking 11, 12 years. But yeah, I think it was, it wasn't on the plane. It was like in the airport, I think. Okay. So the bathroom in the airport. And so, you know, I just, you know. That's so sketchy.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Yeah, super sketchy. I don't even know if I use alcohol. I'm such a scumbag. So I get to Vegas. I'm like feeling a little bit better. I'm just like, I'm such a sick. I was like wanting to go gamble. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Like I should have gone and like, you know, checked in. Oh yeah. I did check into my room. I should have like gone to sleep, but no, I like go gamble, play poker all fucking night. I'm like gambling, you know, poker stressful and this and that. My buddy comes to me. He's like, Hey, like, you know, we've got these strippers. Like, let's go to the strip club.
Starting point is 01:35:21 We've got ecstasy and all this drugs. And I was like, fuck. I was like, all right, fine. You know, I was like winning in poker. I was like, fine, sure. So I started getting fucked up, go to the strip club. And, um, and I asked the, you know, and I, and I asked the first chick that like came over, she's like, oh, like you want some lap dances?
Starting point is 01:35:36 I'm like, no, like I haven't slept in like two days. Like, I just want to get my dick sucked. Like I'll give you 500 bucks, right? Suck my dick. And she's like, no, like, you know, like I'll fuck you. And I was like, no, like, you know, I was like, I, you know, I don't really want to get my dick sucked i'm gonna give you 500 bucks right suck my dick and she's like no like you know like i'll fuck you and i was like no like you know i was like i you know i don't really want to fuck you i just want you know to get the flow job and she slaps me like because because basically she's like offering to fuck me for free and i said no so she's like all so she slaps me in the face right like and i was like damn and i was like and then this and the next
Starting point is 01:36:03 chick comes up and i like offered her the same thing i was like hey like. And I was like, and then the next chick comes up. And I offered her the same thing. I was like, hey, I'll give you $500. She's like, my dick. I'm like, I don't really want any lap dances. She's like, well, I'm down to hang out. And I can get off. And I'm just like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:36:21 I'm just like, well, this sounds like she's going to want me to bang her. I'm like, I don't want to get slapped again. I was just like like you know get your shit like let's get out of here let's go after party so i talked to my buddy i'm like hey like i need it you know i need a viagra or some kind of dick pill or something you know and i'd never taken viagra so i didn't really know the dosing or whatever so he gives me the 100 milligram one which is like for fucking if you don't know anything about you know viagra that's for like geriatrics right this dude gives me this thing i take the whole thing i don't know like a minute goes by and i'm like the fucking thing isn't working you know i'm all coked up i think you
Starting point is 01:36:50 know seems like it's been an hour right the guy's like it hasn't been enough time like give me the fucking give me another pill and uh oh no so he's like no like you can't give me the fucking thing so he gives me another he's like only take half he's like don't you know don't take this and so anyway so i take another half wait like five minutes do some more blow and i'm like oh my dick's not hard like the girl's not even around like i have no like sexual stimulus there's no even reason for my dick to be hard right but it's like in my mind i'm like overthinking it which makes it worse right so i'm like fuck it so i take the other half so now i'm like 200 milligrams into this fucking bagger which is like you know double the absolute max from what you know you can have those some guys have to get their dick drained right yeah yeah well we get to that so so go back to my hotel and i'm like
Starting point is 01:37:36 fucking banging the shit out of this girl like you know i mean i got like veins coming out of my head i'm sweating profusely and i'm like doing but i'd fucked her for like maybe like 45 50 minutes like it was not pleasurable at all this was like work right i'm just like and after like fuck man i think it was like 50 minutes i just like i just like quit like i was just like i just you know i just knew there was just zero chance of me coming and i'd like punish this chick enough and i'm just like and i like didn't like i was just tired i went in the bathroom to a cold shower my dick like wouldn't go down like i and i like ordered some room service i ended up like tucking it up into my waist and um because like there's just no going down for this fucking thing right so eat the room service i think oh yeah then i i actually ended up taking
Starting point is 01:38:21 a valium went to sleep banged her again, woke up, went and ate some Mexican food. I was, like, betting on the sports game. And I started getting, like, this pain in my shoulder. And I couldn't really, like, know what it was. It kind of just felt like an ache. So I started doing some push-ups. That didn't really make it feel any better. And I was, like, stretching my arm out.
Starting point is 01:38:43 I was, like, trying to sleep, but I couldn't even, like on that side i'm just like what the fuck like heart attack never even entered into the realm of possibility of shit that could be wrong with me right like fucking 25 like it's like shoulder pain like wow you know i i didn't have no idea that i would have anything to do with a heart attack so call my mom tell her to get the family doctor on the phone she calls this dude up and i'm like getting like kind of short of breath. So I'm like, fuck. So I just hang up the phone and I find out the hospital's like 10 minutes away. So I'm like, fuck it. I'll just get a cab, be faster. I should've gotten an ambulance, but I got a cab, you know, note to self, always get an ambulance if you got any shit. Cause I got the cab. I was in the waiting room for like 50 minutes. I pulled
Starting point is 01:39:24 out like 10 grand out of my pocket. told the lady i was like i'll give you 10 grand let me talk to the fucking doctor like something's wrong with me i don't know what's wrong but i know something's wrong anyway did she take the 10 grand fuck no let me sit in the fucking waiting room and like 30 40 minutes go by i finally get seen by a doctor he's like holy shit like you're having a full-blown heart attack this stuff. And give me the nitroglycerin. And I call my dad and my mom was like, you know, telling my mom, I'm like, I'm thinking I'm fucking done. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:52 And because this has been going on for a while, I'm like having a hard time breathing. I'm like in pain. And so they give me the nitroglycerin. Right. And I start feeling better. They do a angiogram or whatever, where they check out the heart. They said there was no damage. Parents come out the next day i have another one and i'm like and i tell the doctor i'm gonna say and my doctor was conrad murray too by the way which is michael
Starting point is 01:40:13 jackson doctor the guy that smoked him and the craziest i was your doctor yeah and the spookiest thing about the whole deal was my grandfather had the same doctor in the same motherfucking hospital exactly one year prior and died so i'm just like you know this is not looking good for the home team this is before he killed michael jackson's ass too right so i'm like you know fuck i'm just in the hospital so i call my dad i'm like i'm having another heart attack i tell the nurse and they're like no like your thing looks fine i call my dad i'm like there's something wrong my dad like comes down to the hospital and sure enough like i'm having a second like minor heart attack i'm just like what the fuck so they do a bunch of tests they say my heart's fine and then they ask me for
Starting point is 01:40:53 like the list so i gotta like give them the list and my ex-girlfriend's there my mom's there my dad's there and i'm just like started off with like oh well you know i was like smoking some pot and he's like well you know like you better tell us like what you've been doing like it's important we need to figure out what's going on with you and i was like yeah and you know i did you know i did some you know ecstasy and some cocaine and like my dad like looks over at me like what the fuck you know my dad's like super square and um anyway so then and then i was like and i think i took some viagra my girlfriend's like fucking rioting now. And he's like, how much?
Starting point is 01:41:27 I'm like, 200 milligrams. He's like, what? He's like, 200 milligrams. I'm like, I don't fucking know. It's like, it doesn't seem like what I was supposed to tell you. That's like an insane amount. Anyway, so I end up staying in the hospital for like four days. I actually fucked my girlfriend in the hospital with all these like cords and crazy shit. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, I like smoked a joint in the hospital for like four days. I actually fucked my girlfriend in the hospital with all these like cords and crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:41:46 Oh, Jesus Christ. I smoked a joint in the hospital thing. I fucked her. I had a buddy of mine bringing wine coolers and Chinese food. I was like the worst patient of all time, right? And somehow, they give me all these fucking pills I got to take. They're telling me I got to take these pills for the rest of my life. For the rest of your life?
Starting point is 01:42:04 That's what they said. And I was just like, after, like, three days, like, I fucked my girlfriend, I ate the Chinese food. I was like, okay, I'm, like, back to being invincible again. I threw all this shit away.
Starting point is 01:42:13 What is a heart attack exactly? I've heard that phrase, but what is the exact medical thing that's going on? You know, for a guy that's had two, I should know. I don't know. I think it's just like
Starting point is 01:42:26 basically when your heart's not getting enough oxygen or something i don't know it's not functioning properly yeah like usually there's like a yeah there's like a blocked artery there's like something and and i think like coke is a is a vasal constrictor or whatever so maybe it like constricted my veins so there wasn't like but isn't the viagra a vasodilator so shouldn't that balance it out i think but i don't know you know what i mean i don't know i don't really know the science behind it but i know that like coke and viagra i don't think you're supposed to make some i don't know wow i mean i know i did a lot of both should have canceled out but i guess it didn't i guess my body was like so confused it's going so many directions it's like fuck you just shut down i don't know wow but yeah wow that's fucking terrifying 25 years old and have a heart attack yeah yeah it's pretty crazy right but your heart your heart
Starting point is 01:43:15 obviously works great now i mean you did that vegas run yeah the crazy bike the bike yeah which was uh fucking hilarious because you and I were talking about it and then Lance Armstrong gets a hold of me and says hey man I want to help him I remember I got the text from you and you're like yeah would you want Lance to coach you I was like fuck yeah so what did he do
Starting point is 01:43:35 it was funny because he came out and I was expecting what kind of drugs do I need to do I'm ready to get all doped up and he didn't really like want to talk about any of the drug shit which is like kind of disappointing he didn't want to talk about the drug shit no no I was like I thought this guy would have like some like miracle formula right I was like ready to get all hooked up but I actually had like a super high hemocrite um count
Starting point is 01:43:59 and he he was actually the one that told me he's like I think sleep apnea makes it so that you have a really that you can have a really high red blood cell count. So I actually have like the equivalent of like the guys that are doing the EPO and doping. From sleep apnea? I guess. Sleep apnea helps in some sort of a way? Well, because you're basically at night, you're gasping for air and you're lacking oxygen. So it's kind of like goes back to the whole like sleeping in an oxygen tent, right?
Starting point is 01:44:24 So, you know, the reason you do that is because you don't have enough oxygen. Because you don't, your body stimulates your red blood cell, you know, count. And so because red blood cells are what transports the oxygen. So the less oxygen you have, the more your body produces that. Well, if it gets to a certain point, then your blood kind of turns into fucking syrup, right? This is amazing. Look at that. Surprising link between sleep apnea and red blood cell count.
Starting point is 01:44:44 According to Sleep Review Magazine, elevated red blood cell count or a high hematocrit is an indicator of a lack of oxygen in a person's body. That's amazing. So sleep apnea can actually give you more endurance. Sort of. Well, you know, the problem is you don't really recover. So I actually, because of him, I actually ended up getting a mouth guard, which I think helped. I have a really good one. And I know a really good doctor.
Starting point is 01:45:06 I don't know if yours is the same as what I – we'll talk about that later. I think mine was like 50 bucks online, so probably not. Yeah, it's probably not. There's a guy that's close to here. It actually pushes down on your tongue because the issue is you're – well, with a lot of guys who work out a lot. Mine was they put my jaw – like it kind of moved my back jaw forward a little bit. It kind of like gives me an underbite, so it's supposed to open the airway, but I don't know. That's not the best one.
Starting point is 01:45:26 There's a better one than that. For me, it's a life changer. It changed my fucking life. Guys who work out a lot, in particular, you develop big neck muscles, and that can constrict the air hole. And your tongue can fall back on that, especially if you lie on your back. If I lie on my back, dude, it sounds horrible yeah it sounds like choking and it's just terrific yeah i'm in the same boat yeah um so so what did he have you do um lance or lance oh so i mean i i did it you know i did a good ride with him uh we did like some vehicle drafting um which was actually like surprisingly really
Starting point is 01:46:05 fucking hard because you have to stay close enough to the vehicle to where you're like in that draft but then if you get caught by a crosswind and plus if you're if you're drafting a vehicle you can't see like what's in the road and if you hit any shit in the road or there's a you know because on my race i blew out a front tire doing like 30-something downhill and almost crashed. And I was on the highway doing this too. So they have those things that wake you up when you're sleeping. Those big fucking – Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:33 So try hitting that on a fucking bicycle with little skinny tires doing like 30 miles an hour. That shit's gnarly. So it sent me into the fucking highway. And I'm getting passed by tractor trailers at like 70, 80, 90 miles an hour. Which if you think about if you're in a car and it like weighs 5 000 pounds and it can pull a car imagine what it does to a guy on a bike that weighs 200 pounds plus fucking you know 10 bike well we didn't explain the bet what what was the bet oh oh so it actually originally we're in a poker game and uh it's got
Starting point is 01:47:01 bill perkins he um he you know he just makes crazy bets all the time because he's a real rich guy and he likes to just fucking make people do crazy shit and it's kind of like you know it's the poker world too so the first bet was he bet my brother that he couldn't go three days without saying the word the i think it was he bet him like a hundred thousand something like that and then i think he basically just wanted to shut my brother up. He just wanted to pay $100,000 and do it because he was like, fuck you. So it worked. Well, he ended up buying out because he realized that my brother was just like such a stubborn asshole
Starting point is 01:47:35 that he just wasn't going to talk for three days. And he's like married with kids. He doesn't have to go out and get any pussy. And you could probably just sit home with his fucking miserable dogs and just not talk for three days and just collect 100 grand so you end up buying out of that but that's on the honor system right i mean oh yeah all this honor system i mean that's the thing about the poker community is like you lie one fucking time or you don't pay a debt back and you're just done like nobody will fuck with you so you you know your word has to be
Starting point is 01:48:02 good which is kind of like you know one of my things which you know irritates me like when people say that i'm not authentic because i take like great pride and like you know, your word has to be good, which is kind of like, you know, one of my things, which, you know, irritates me. Like when people say that I'm not authentic, cause I take like great pride in like, you know, being fucking a hundred percent honest about everything, you know? So, and that's been like drilled in through 13, 14 years of gambling. That's a big one though. If you're married, because your wife would be like, listen, it's me with me. The bet doesn't count. Okay. You have to say that. With me, the bet doesn't count. Okay? You have to say the.
Starting point is 01:48:24 Yeah, no, no. My brother would have told him. And so, you know, we were just discussing crazy shit because in the poker world, they've done crazy stuff. Like one guy bet another guy $5,000 he wouldn't jump in the shark tank of Atlantis. Another guy bet that, fuck, what was it? I mean, I bet, fuck, I bet $ 400,000 on a drag race and I hadn't even raced a car before. Um, and then there was, fuck, there was another, there's been so many crazy ones. I'm just trying to think of the highlight reel. Oh boy. Um, there was one really good one. Um, anyway, so he ended up betting.
Starting point is 01:49:06 I'll think of some other ones later. But he ended up wanting to bet Rick Solomon that he couldn't ride from L.A. to Vegas or Vegas to L.A. or whatever on a bicycle in 48 hours. And Rick called one of his buddies that has set some Guinness Book of World Records things and asked him. And the guy's like, look, it's not going to fucking happen, buddy. You can't do this. And so Rick ended up turning down the bet. And it was just like really intriguing to me because I'm always up for physical tests, you know, like during, during, you know, how week you stay up for it's five and a half days with no sleep. And you run 144 miles, like boats and telephone poles, and you get hypothermia and you're doing all this like crazy shit. You don't sleep for five and a half days and you're just going the
Starting point is 01:49:48 entire time. Right. So I've like put myself through some like, and I did two of those. Right. So I've put myself through some like real serious, like physical tests. And one of the things that you learn there is that your body's just capable of way more than what you think or anybody else thinks is capable of doing. But one other thing that you learn in gambling is that your body's just capable of way more than what you think or anybody else thinks it's capable of doing. But one other thing that you learn in gambling is that, like, there's certain things that sound like a good bet that just aren't. Just, like, drinking a gallon of milk in an hour. Like, that sounds pretty fucking easy, right? But, like, there's something with the lactose, which, like, most people just physically can't do it without puking, right?
Starting point is 01:50:23 Because there's just, like, some weird thing. But, like, who would guess that? Or, like, saltine crackers. Like, you can't do it without puking right because there's just like some weird thing but like who would who would guess that or like saltine crackers like you can't you know what i mean like there's like these weird little things that like sound super easy but you just can't do yeah i would think a gallon of milk would be totally doable yeah right but it's like it's a it's like a thing i mean i remember i like better fraternity brother and he ended up puking like i i bet him before his midterm i remember innity brother and he ended up puking like i i bet him before his midterm i remember in his midterm he ended up vomiting on a girl he got kicked out of his class like projectile vomited like a gallon of milk onto a girl in his midterm it was like
Starting point is 01:50:55 pretty fucking brutal uh and i was like yeah we had some funny midterm stories i actually ended up taking my vitamins one morning with uh i had a thing of ghb and it looks just like water right oh no and so i ended up taking like a like a full swallow because i had all these horse pills so i took like a full swig and i was like holy fuck i was like i knew like i was like i had about 20 30 minutes before i turned into a fucking wild animal right and so i just like got in my car and i drove right down i like called my buddy i was like hey i was like i gotta to take this final. I was like, I'm going to be fucking lights out in 30 minutes. You got to come pick me up.
Starting point is 01:51:29 But I got to finish as much as I can. So I go in there and I got halfway through the test. And I was just like, he ended up carrying me out. Yeah, you just blacked out, right? Yeah, I was like, fuck out. Isn't that what they call it? It's a date rape drug. I think that's Rohypnol. But GH ghp as well they've used that on people too yeah you well you'd have to be a
Starting point is 01:51:50 real fucking asshole to do that because if you mix ghp with alcohol you can kill somebody so i know people have done it though yeah you gotta be pretty hard up for pussy to like risk killing a girl the fucker but i don't know have you ever seen uh speaking of the throwing up from drinking too milk too much milk did you ever see the the Opie and Anthony sketch with the baby bird? Did you ever see Baby Bird? You know what that is? No. Maybe the most disgusting stunt that anyone's ever done on the radio.
Starting point is 01:52:13 They had an eggnog drinking contest. Okay. And this dude, he drank 72 shots of eggnog. Is that what it was? Something like that. But then projectile vomited, and then we were trying to figure out what to do here. Before you play this, pause this for a second,
Starting point is 01:52:29 because let me explain it. He knew he was going to throw up, so they had this intern named Pat Duffy. This intern's fucking crazy. And Dave from... From Munaki? No, who was the other guy? I don't know, I've heard that name.
Starting point is 01:52:41 Pat. Pat from Munaki is the guy who throws up, and Pat Duffy is the guy who throws up and Pat Duffy is the guy who is laying down there and we were trying to figure out what to do with the throw up like he said I'm going to throw up
Starting point is 01:52:55 and so this guy Pat Duffy he's an intern he's a fucking animal and you're just fucking with him or he was just trying to prove he's a man he would do anything just for the story just for the gag so we say He's a fucking animal. And you're just fucking with him? Or he was just trying to prove he's a man? He would do anything. He would fucking do anything. Just for the story. Just for the gag.
Starting point is 01:53:07 So we say, okay, here's the idea. Because I was hosting Fear Factor at the time. I go, here's the idea. You lean your head over the edge of this garbage pail. And he throws up in your mouth. And he's like, I'll do it. And we're like, no fucking way. And I think Bill Burr was the one who named it.
Starting point is 01:53:23 He named it the baby bird. And so just watch this. Because the sheer volume, you're not even going to believe that this is really. I'm at Caroline's all weekend long. There's the plug. So Pat had won this before. I mean, obviously he's a giant dude. And he was on like number like 72.
Starting point is 01:53:44 And this other kid, Pat pat duffy sitting there with his head leaning he's sitting in a chair leaning back with his head over this barrel and to this day i mean they've got tarps all over the ground who else was there ari shafir was there i think red band was there to this day maybe one of the best moments of my life just because it was so completely fucking ridiculous yeah so here it comes he's like here we go he takes one last chuck and he's like i'm gonna throw up watch this oh my god no no you haven't seen nothing you haven't seen nothing he throws in his face no look at this oh, it keeps going. This is nothing. When you think it's over, it keeps going.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Now watch. You think it's over. You think it's over. Like, there's no way he has more. No, he's got way more inside of him. Look at this. Oh. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:54:38 No, no, it's not over. Look at that. Jesus Christ. That has to be going up his fucking nose. Watch, watch, watch. Keep watching. Keep watching. He's not even done. He's not even done He's not even done
Starting point is 01:54:47 How is it possible? How is it possible? Shit How is it possible? Oh my god, that was like the chick in the midterm Hang on, hang on, more And this is not fake I mean, I was there
Starting point is 01:55:03 And we were all there, We all saw this live. And I think he has one more inside of him. He gets one more off. Nope, he said that's it. He's done. Oh my god. Hold on. That's so fucking brutal.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Hang on. Go ahead. One of the greatest things I've ever seen in my life. We're going to get back to this bike racing story, ladies and gentlemen. In a moment. Ridiculous, huh? I'm remembering, I don't think it was on, it might have been on one of the Jackass movies or the TV show,
Starting point is 01:55:31 Bam's uncle, his crazy uncle, drank like 70 shots of peach schnapps. 70? Oh, that's right. It was Bam, Bam Marguerite. It was his uncle, Don Vito. The big guy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:45 70? Projectile vomiting. I think it was 70. It was a lot. It was way. Bam Marguerra. It was his uncle, Don Vito. The big guy. Yeah, yeah. 70? 70-0? I think it was 70. It was a lot. It was way more than 20. Oh, my God. You could die from that. There was a woman in San Jose or Sacramento, one of those places, where she was doing a
Starting point is 01:55:57 radio contest, and it was like, how much water can you drink? And she died from drinking water. Like, if you drink too much water, you could die. Did this guy get sick from this vomit stuff at all? The kid? Pat? No. The kid's bulletproof. Just doesn't get sick. That guy ate cat shit.
Starting point is 01:56:16 He brushed his teeth with cat shit. He also ate Froot Loops in the puke. Like, he took a bowl of Froot Loops and mixed it with the puke and ate the fruit loops yeah um there's people out there that are different than you and i jamie there's people that can do things that we can't do why i just i don't know just for the story what's up to now i don't know well we're talking about them though you know i'm saying
Starting point is 01:56:40 like we're we're talking about them so it's like it's one of those things like that's why he did it we're still talking about this was in a world pre-youtube really right i don't remember when it was it says 2008 but i don't think that's correct i feel like it was earlier than that i feel like it was like 2003 or 4 or something like that i think it was a long time ago it's insane right oh my god so god. I think that was the guy in college. It was similar to that. So back to the bet. Oh. So, um...
Starting point is 01:57:16 So the bet is that you can't ride a bike from LA to Vegas. Do you have a starting point? Oh yeah, so basically it was so he was going to bet this guy, and he, like, looked into it, and he was like, no, that's, like, not possible. And I was hanging out, and I was just like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:57:35 I was, like, doing some research on it. And I, like, looked it up, and I, like, Googled, like, you know, how to prepare for a 300-mile bike ride in a month. And, like, nothing know, how to prepare for a 300 mile bike ride in a month. And like, nothing came up, it came up like how to prepare, prepare for a hundred mile in like three months. Right. So I'm just like, that's not a good sign, but I just like, I don't know something about me. Just thought it was possible. Um, so I was like talking to Bill, I was like trying to get more time. And I talked to like some buddies that were cyclists, like, look, they're like, if you had time to like train for this, like you could do it. Like, but there's fucking no way, like just
Starting point is 01:58:07 off the couch, you could do it. And I'm like, how long, you know, do I need? They're like minimum three months. So I'm talking to Bill and I kind of like want the bet, but I'm just like, I don't know how much money I really want to risk. And so he ended up saying that he would give me, cause cause the initial bet was like, you just had to go do it tomorrow, right? And I was like, there's no fucking way. Like, you know, and then he's like, he goes, well, I'll give you a month. And I go, give me, it was like until X date.
Starting point is 01:58:37 And it was like little under six weeks. I was like, and I'll do it. And he's like, how much do you want to bet? I was like, ah, I was like 600 grand. Because I like, I wanted to bet enough to where like I would do it, but I much you want to bet i was like yeah i was like 600 grand because i like i wanted to bet enough to where like i would do it but i didn't want to bet too much to where like i'd not only like fucking break my ass but like you know just lose a shitload so it's like 600 seemed like it was a good number so he made the bet and i started doing some research so i go down
Starting point is 01:58:58 to the bike shop and i'm like oh like i need a bike like i'm doing a triple century ride and the guy's like oh like how you know how much biking i was like oh like i oh, I need a bike. I'm doing a triple century ride. And the guy's like, oh, how much biking? I was like, oh, I haven't been on a bike ever really. I did some mountain biking like 19 years. The guy just laughed at that response. He just laughed at me. I'm like, no, really, I've got to do it. I've got five weeks.
Starting point is 01:59:19 And he just looked at me like I was a complete fucking retard. And I'm like, no, I've got me like I was a complete fucking retard. And I'm like, no, like I got, I've got a bet. Like I'm going to do it. And then the guy's like, okay, like what kind of bike do you want? I'm like, I don't know. Like you're the bike shop. Like tell me, like I had no fucking idea. Right. So he gives me like this race bike, which is super fucking uncomfortable. So I go out and I ride this thing and I rode it like, I don't know, for like 45 minutes. And my ass was just like fucking in so much pain. And I'm like, I am fucked. Like, I think I made it like 11 miles. And I was just like, this is going to be really brutal. And so I ended up finding like a bike
Starting point is 01:59:59 where like you could sit down a little bit more as a, like a recumbent or whatever. It was like a low rider bicycle. Right. Okay. So that'll like kind of alleviate a little bit more as a like a recumbent or whatever it was like a low rider bicycle right okay so that'll like kind of alleviate a little bit like the ass issue and it gave me like a slightly different like pedaling position so i got that and then i felt a little bit better about the bet and then i talked to i had like ridden a little bit but like nothing over like 20 or 30 miles and that was like you know kind of like going hard and then i talked to you and i talked to lance and lance like oh if you use a fucking any other bike other than a road bike like i'm not fucking you know i can't have anything to do with this and i'm like why i don't know because it's like a fucking i mean i don't know it's a
Starting point is 02:00:40 purist yeah it's he's a bike i don't fucking know so i'm just like well listen buddy i'm betting big money on this i'm like i'm gonna do whatever the fuck i gotta do to fucking make it there on a bicycle right and so anyways then i bet rick solomon rick rick thought i was gonna die because like the the route that i chose was like on the freeway and i didn't have a police escort at the time so he's like you know this guy's gonna be driving on the freeway at night like there's gonna be trucks past him like he's he's got a decent chance of dying so and he's like in the heart attack thing and i actually went to the hospital because i was like having some like shoulder pain again and it felt very similar to the last thing so i was like fuck so rick is like you know he this is why you were training you were
Starting point is 02:01:22 having shoulder pain yeah like after i had done like a long ride, um, one of the nights, like I, like I actually went to the hospital. I was like, kind of worried. And so Rick was like saying that. And I was like, well, I was like, let's bet that I I'll bet you I don't die. And I was like, and I'll give you odds. I was like, cause, cause for me, I'm like, well, fuck, I can't take it with me. If I do die, like, fuck it.
Starting point is 02:01:44 You know? Like, and, and then it would like up the stakes for me, I'm like, well, fuck, I can't take it with me. If I do die, like, fuck it, you know? And then it would, like, up the stakes for me without really, like, too much risk. And so I was like, I'll bet you whatever the fuck you want. You know what I mean? Like, I'll bet you my plane. And I was like, and I'll give you, I think it was like 10 to 1 or 21. I think it was like, I gave him like, fuck, I think I initially offered him like 20 to 1 odds, and then we settled it.
Starting point is 02:02:05 I don't know. It ended up being where he would lose $250,000, and I would give him my plane plus my pilots. He got my plane, and then I'd pay the pilots for a year. But you had to die. You had to die. But if I didn't complete the race, then it was like a wash. For me, I'm just like, fuck. Because Rick didn't think I could then it was like a wash right for me I'm just like fuck it's like
Starting point is 02:02:25 Rick didn't think I could do it period right so he didn't think there was a possibility that I could do it and then he thought there was a decent chance that he could that I could die so for him he thought he was kind of free rolling and for me I was free rolling because it's like if I die well okay I don't need the fucking plane it ain't gonna take me to hell right so like I'm good so I made you know so I made the bet with him. So, and then I bet a little bit on the side with somebody else. So I basically had a million bucks on it when I finally ended up doing it. And I, yeah, and I got a police escort like through Vegas. So it's so funny. Cause I had like 11 squad cars, like blocking off all the
Starting point is 02:03:00 intersections. And here comes this fucking dildo on a bicycle, like riding right through it. I'm like, have all like, you know, you're expecting like a like you know presidential motorcade to come or like you know somebody like everybody's like looking to see like what you know there's fucking 11 squad cars blocking off every intersection and here's just this fucking asshole on a bicycle well a lot of people knew that you were gonna do it yeah they didn't know when you were gonna do it yeah so you didn't announce when i didn't want to announce it because i didn't want people to fuck with me you know what i mean like i didn't know when you were going to do it. So you didn't announce when you were going to do it. Well, I didn't want to announce it because I didn't want people to fuck with me. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:03:25 I didn't want fans to come out or people that hated me or anything. I just wanted it. This was bad enough as it was. I had to be on the fucking highway. So I ended up leaving from Vegas, and I did it in about 32 hours was the, Whoa. And what was the bet? It was that it was 48. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:03:51 Yeah. So I, I just remember it cause there was like, cause he was giving me some shit about, cause I was allowed to draft, but he was saying that the van that I had had the doors open. Like, cause you had to leave the doors open. Cause I want to talk to my coach and they were like filming it and stuff so we had the doors open so he was like bitching rick was bitching about that which was kind of stupid for rick to bitch about because that was like what made it the least safe of all was you know drafting off a car because you got to be like six inches from this car and you can't see like shit in the road so if they have to slam on the
Starting point is 02:04:24 brakes you're fucking in the car you're crashing like and we had we had times when like there was a yeah there was a time when there was we were on a fucking one lane road right and there was um there was so there's one lane and we're in this lane there's a lane going this way and we had a car come to pass us as another car was coming and miss like our van by like inches and they were doing like 50 60 miles an hour like cross if they were to crash like i would have been dead for sure like it was fucking bad and so like shit got pretty gnarly some of the spots um i blew out a tire doing like 30 somethingsomething miles an hour downhill. I mean, it was like, it was. Did you rest at all while you were doing this?
Starting point is 02:05:10 Yeah, I slept for like an hour or two, maybe an hour and a half. And then I like stopped to eat. But it was mostly just truck the whole way through. And so you stayed on this like recent-style bike the whole time? No, I did half of it on that and half on a road bike, and then the second half of it I did no drafting. I just did a road bike with no drafting. How come no drafting?
Starting point is 02:05:37 He was bitching about it, and I was just like, fuck it. I don't need it. He was bitching about it while you were riding? Yeah. How did he know? Was he there? Oh, yeah. He was following me.
Starting point is 02:05:47 So I'm having arguments with him. And I was just like, it was helpful, but it only helped on flat. So it doesn't help at all on the uphill. Right? So no uphill it helps. And on the downhill, I didn't need it because you're going so fucking fast that like you don't really want to be going more than like 30 40 miles an hour on downhills because like if you hit shit in the road like you're and you crash like you're fucked you know what i mean like if i crash like
Starting point is 02:06:14 i couldn't finish the thing so there's that and there's shit in the road i mean i'm on like the side of a highway there's like tires and nails and you know what i mean like so you don't really want to be going like and i couldn't go on the highway because i couldn't get the police escort for the actual highway the chp um wouldn't do the highway portion of it um so which would suck because that was like the most dangerous part so i was in the breakdown lane instead of like actually being in like one of the lanes so there's just like there's just shit in the breakdown lanes you know there's like fucking nails and whatever and you're doing it at night yeah there's just like, there's just shit in the breakdown lanes, you know, there's like fucking nails and whatever.
Starting point is 02:06:45 And you're doing it at night. Yeah. There was, it was like pitch black. Sometimes we had fucking like high winds. I mean, it was gnarly. It got down to like 34 degrees at one point.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Plus with the winds. I mean, I had a ski jacket on. Were you thinking to yourself, what the fuck am I doing? Uh, yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 02:07:03 I've had a lot of those moments in my life, but I was more like thinking like i just didn't know if i could do it i just didn't know like physically because i had just never done any biking i didn't know if my my legs were just gonna like not be able to go anymore i had no like real experience in it so i didn't that was my real concern was just like i didn't knew mentally like i was just never going to quit. I just didn't want to get injured or just physically not be capable. That was my two concerns.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Is this a video of you doing it? Watch this. Look at this. Look at these two cars. That was one fucking lane. They just passed each other. Yeah, that was very close. That was it. 38 hours. No, 32 was very close. That was it.
Starting point is 02:07:47 38 hours. No, 32. 32 hours. So 48 hours was the bet, and you did it in 32. How pissed was he when you won? He actually took it like a champ. He didn't really give a shit. It was pretty great.
Starting point is 02:07:58 He got a lot of money. He's a baller. He is, for sure. What is this? Is this your house? That's my house, yeah. Pulling up after it's over. Pulling up on the bike, yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:07 That's pretty crazy, right? I look like the Grinch the next day. I look green, fuck. You said the most you won is 51 million? That was the most you've ever won? 54. 54? But not in one sitting. That was over a course of eight, nine months.
Starting point is 02:08:22 And that was just you going at it with this one dude? One dude, yeah. And you guys playing one-on-one when you're doing shit like that? Oh, nine months. And that was just you going at it with this one dude? One dude, yeah. And you guys playing one-on-one when you're doing shit like that? Oh, my God. I remember there was one point where I was sitting there. That's a granola bar, ladies and gentlemen. What the fuck is that sound? And I checked my watch.
Starting point is 02:08:37 It's been a while. So there was one point when I had 18 million bucks in front of me. And he had me covered. So if he said all in, I had to make a decision for 18 million bucks. Oh, my God. He's a billionaire. He didn't give a fuck. 18 million bucks in front of me and he had me covered so if he said all in I had to make a decision for 18 million bucks. Oh my God. He's a billionaire. He didn't give a fuck. 18 million
Starting point is 02:08:49 on a hand. Covered with one hand. What's the most you've ever had on one hand? We'll see. Yeah, it was 6 million 12
Starting point is 02:09:01 I think it was like 14 million, 15 million bucks. Now, obviously, you had to build up to this. At any point in time while you're gambling these ridiculous sums of money, I mean, this is not that long since you were broke. I mean, this is like you going from college to you doing this. You know, we're only talking about a decade or so yeah um that's fucking crazy well there was periods of time when in poker i've played with like almost my entire net worth on the table poker players do that kind of shit though don't they stressful that's crazy i've had my hair fall
Starting point is 02:09:42 out before playing just because you're freaking out? Just because it's stress, man. You know, like, I mean, there's just so many things that go into it. Like, you're not only thinking about, like, what that person has, but, like, what do they think that you think that they have? I mean, the basic stuff is what do you think that they think that you have? And then, like, the range of hands that they could have. Why, you know, why, why would he be betting this? Why would he be calling here?
Starting point is 02:10:12 What type of hands could he have? Like, what are the probabilities that he's bluffing? Like, what is his mental state? I mean, like just trying to pick up on tells. There's just so many things that go into it that you're, you're so focused and it's so much money and any little mistake that you make is going to cost you millions of dollars so it's like that that is like a lot and you're playing for sometimes 16 17 hours like you're just like delirious i remember anything while you're playing do you take like pro vigil
Starting point is 02:10:39 or add adderall or anything i took adderall and it really fucked me up because i just like tried to win every hand and it made me like too aggressive and i just like just fucking plane crashed into the mountain it was terrible oh wow so i tried that a couple times no good um try weed and it fucking was terrible every time i was bluffing i was all paranoid uh so i you know no and then sometimes i'm taking like valium just so I fucking relax, you know, because I'm just like strung out. But then that makes you kind of not give a fuck. And so you do stupid shit.
Starting point is 02:11:10 Yeah, you just almost got to be sober. What about beta blockers? I never tried them. I never tried them either. But I saw this thing on concert performers, like Pianist, or it was actually some people that were playing in an orchestra. They were talking about they took beta blockers and it made a massive impact because they were super nervous about performing and i always thought about it i was like man that's uh i guess it just stops you
Starting point is 02:11:33 from getting nervous i would be really curious to see what that feels like yeah yeah no that'd be interesting i uh yeah i've definitely heard of that i think uh i think it's a big thing for actors and stuff like that with stage fright or whatever. I'm sure. I just don't know how long it lasts. Cause like I said, I mean,
Starting point is 02:11:49 these are, you know, you're talking about 18 hour sessions and it's just like, and also you don't want anything to fuck with your like mental acuity. Yeah. Um, so do you study the game? Do you,
Starting point is 02:11:58 do you do like study strategy and read, read poker books? And I did, I did, you know, I did back in the day, but back in the day, but back in the day it wasn't quite as advanced.
Starting point is 02:12:06 Now they have so much stuff online where you can basically watch these pros play. I'll give you an example. Back when I was playing, I would play, in college,
Starting point is 02:12:17 I played 10 tables at a time. Online? Yeah. And you would see about 100 hands an hour. And let's say I just played for a 10-hour session. So you're playing 10 tables simultaneously?
Starting point is 02:12:29 Mm-hmm. How do you do that? You have like 10 windows open up? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, so you're going click, click, click, click, all between all of them. Sometimes you have multiple monitors set up. And so basically in that period, if you extrapolate that out, you's, you know, you're seeing 10,000 hands, right? In that 10 hours of sessions, because 100 hands an hour per table times, you know,
Starting point is 02:12:50 right? So 10 times 100. So if you play in a casino, you're seeing about 20 hands an hour, and you're obviously only playing one table. So that translates to 200 hands for that day. one table so that translates to 200 hands for that day so of one one day playing online i've seen 10 000 hands one play one day playing live i've seen 200 so you can imagine one day playing online i've seen more hands than a guy that's played in a casino for his entire life so just think about those you know numbers and so the, like, when you're playing in a casino, yeah, exactly. Look at this picture. Who's that dude? Elky.
Starting point is 02:13:27 What's his name? Elky, E-L-K-Y. That's his whole name? Was he, like, Oprah? I don't know. I think he's a Swedish guy or something like that. And so he's got four giant monitors going on. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:13:41 I mean, these guys are playing even more tables. Look at how many they're playing. That guy's got 12 on each side. Yeah. Wow. I mean, these guys are playing even more tables. Look at how many they're playing. That guy's got 12 on each side. Yeah. Wow. So, I mean, this is what it's evolved to. You know, I was like one of the pioneers of this stuff. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 02:13:52 He's got fucking six monitors here. Yeah. So, you can't do this in America anymore, correct? Like, it used to be you could gamble online. It stopped, I think, Black Friday was in 2009, was it? That's fucked too. Why not? I mean, why not?
Starting point is 02:14:10 Yeah, I mean, it's total bullshit. I mean, it's a game of skill, clearly. I mean, they allow the fantasy because it's a game of skill. And, yeah, I think it's nonsense. I don't really care because I wouldn't be playing online anymore because I can't compete with these kids. They've just put too much time in. And the thing is now there's so much software that does so much for them.
Starting point is 02:14:31 Like, for instance, it'll tell you how many hands each person plays preflop, what percentage of the time they bet the flop, what percentage of the time they bluff, and they can just figure that out based on how often they're going to have a hand and how often they bluff. So it'll actually give you their bluff percentages on each street on the flop to turn the river. And it'll tell you like how many times they're just like calling bad, like it'll just give you all these stats. It's almost more turned into like a mathematical computer game. Whereas I like the more pure form of just like, I'm looking the guy in the fucking eye and you know just trying to figure out what he's got and you know you're
Starting point is 02:15:08 and you're also playing the player like when you're playing live like you know for me i can calculate how much money a guy has very fast i can figure out like his comfort level with bluffing i can figure out the type of guy he is whether or not he's aggressive whether or not he's the type of guy that when he's winning he's going to want to lock not he's the type of guy that when he's winning, he's going to want to lock it up, or the type of guy that when he's winning, he's going to want to gamble more, the type of guy that when he's losing, he's going to kind of play a lot more hands and try and, you know, get even, or the type of guy that's going to just like try and wait for a big hand, the type of guy that's going to be just calling his money, chasing, trying to get lucky, the kind of guy that's going to be
Starting point is 02:15:40 pushing the action and betting a lot. Like, there's just so many things that go into it that, you know, I like to just, you know, play live and I like to talk to people and I like to, you know, have that human interaction. There's a lot of these guys that are really good behind a computer, but you put them in front of another guy, you can't look a man in the eye and just fucking, you know, bluff. You just like crumble, you know.
Starting point is 02:15:59 So online they can click that button and say all in and do these crazy bluffs, but, you know, they just physically can't like push those chips in and keep a straight face on a table. So there's something going on when you're looking at them. There's a certain amount of, like I said, I've never played poker. So there is a certain amount of intuition and instinct. Yeah, it definitely is. It's not like in the movies where it's like, oh, like I picked up a tell on this guy and every time he bluffs, he twitches. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:16:27 Like that's a very rare thing. It's more just like understanding the person. It's like you figure out what kind of job this guy does, like how much money he makes a year, like how much this money means to him, how much he cares about the money, how much he wants to gamble, how much he's playing for fun, how much he wants to win. Some of these guys, they actually want to lose. They're just like self-sabotagers. You know, they'll go in there and like some of them I'll see them and they'll want to lose because they'll want everybody at the table to like them. And that's kind of like, you know, the path of least resistance.
Starting point is 02:16:57 I've seen it all. Really? I've seen it all. How do you detect that? Like how do you detect that a guy wants to lose? He'll be, you know, he'll be just like wanting to be friends with everybody and he a guy wants to lose? He'll be, you know, he'll be just, like, wanting to be friends with everybody, and he'll do shit to show off or to, like, you know, make, because, I mean, look, at the end of the day, like, people want people to play bad, right?
Starting point is 02:17:11 Like, you want a player to play like shit. You want a player to give his money away. You want a player to, you know, do crazy stuff. So these guys will, you know, they'll put on a show for people. They'll want to be the popular guy. Maybe they weren't cool in high school. Maybe they want people to like them. Who knows what their reason is. Maybe they feel like they don't deserve the money. I've
Starting point is 02:17:27 played with a lot of guys that, you know, some of them ended up in jail. Some of them were fraud. Some of them were cheats. Some of these guys, you know, they have a bunch of money and they feel like they don't deserve it subconsciously. So they'll just want to give it away. It's just like a weird thing. That's interesting. And do you see a lot of guys who just lose everything? I've seen it before. Yeah. I've seen guys go completely broke. It's tough because in gambling, you can just keep going up, but you can't really go down. It's like, for instance, if you go and you play blackjack and you bet whatever arbitrary number, $500 a hand, right? And you're playing 500 bucks a hand. And you know, your level of excitement when you win
Starting point is 02:18:04 is at a seven and you keep playing and whatever. and then now you go and play a thousand bucks a hand and you've been winning a little bit or you've been losing or whatever and now if you try and go back to 500 or 250 it's just like it you know if you if you're losing it's just like it's a mental fuck because it's really hard to get even betting smaller and if you've been winning you don't really care about the small money right like you want to win you know what i'm saying it's like one of those things where like once you go up it's really hard to go the other direction so a lot of a lot of the problems that professional poker players have it's called bankroll management where they keep going up and up and up and then when they start losing, they are completely unable to drop down in stakes and then play good.
Starting point is 02:18:48 If they lost, let's say, $100,000, just to use round numbers, at this game, then for them to go to play a game that's half that size and try and win that $100,000 back, it's going to take them twice as much time. You know what I mean? It's kind of like one of those things where you know and the games have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger so somebody goes on a bad run like and poker is their profession it's not like you know that's that's another thing that people don't understand it's like you know people people like oh you're winning like you should you should take the money and run it's like no like when you play
Starting point is 02:19:21 poker for a living like it never ends like there it's like yeah no, like when you play poker for a living, like it never ends. Like there it's like, yeah, there may be session to session, but like, you're always going to be playing poker. So it's like, if that's a good spot, you should just play until the game's over. Like, even if you won, it's not like blackjack where you should just lock up a win. Like in poker, you just stay there. And in fact, the more you're winning, the more other people are losing and the more other people are losing the worst they're going to play. So it's kind of like one of those things where you just you know it's just one long session it never ends you know how pissed do people get when they lose fuck tons of money have you ever had issues with that or people get violent or people get angry definitely angry and it's funny because and i
Starting point is 02:20:00 and i'm a victim of this too like i've found sometimes I've gotten far more angry at losing $20,000 than I have at losing $500,000, as strange as that may sound. Just because, you know, of the way I lost it, or if I played shitty, or if I lost it to a guy I didn't like, or it was just like I lost, lost, lost, lost, and just like a steady progression of losses. Or if I was up a ton of money, and then like, let's say I was up a million dollars and ended up losing 20,000, like I'd be fucking miserable even though I only lost 20 grand. But let's say I was down a million dollars and I ended up losing 20,000.
Starting point is 02:20:39 I'd be ecstatic. Now look at the end result. One night I won 20 grand and I was miserable. And the other night I lost 20 grand and I was happy. Right. Because I started off up a million and then lost, ended up being a $20,000 winner. Like that seems like a million dollar loss to me. Because at one point in that game, I was up a million bucks. Right. So mentally, you know, I kind of like, in my mind, I've lost a million dollars and then in the other game i was down a million and i ended up only losing 20 000 so i almost broke even so
Starting point is 02:21:10 i'm like ecstatic you know what i'm saying so there's there's also something you were just talking about that i think is really interesting because it kind of parallels uh martial arts and fighting in a lot of ways is that you don't want to lose to someone that you hate yeah yeah i mean that's a big factor in fighting that's why conor mcgregor does so well is that he don't want to lose to someone that you hate. Yeah. Yeah, and that's a big factor in fighting. That's why Conor McGregor does so well, is that he fucks with your head so bad that the amount of pressure that's on you is so exacerbated when you actually get into the cage with him.
Starting point is 02:21:34 Like, even guys like Jose Aldo, who's this seasoned world champion who never lost in the UFC. How did that happen? Hey, Conor just mind-fucked him. And he can punch. I mean, it's both things. He's got skill
Starting point is 02:21:47 and he's really good at handling pressure and he's the mind fuck master. But you see it with guys. When guys get in these emotional situations with fighters and then you see
Starting point is 02:21:57 when they fight with someone who respects them and they shake hands at the weigh-ins and then they can fight up to their full potential. Yeah. That is a big factor,
Starting point is 02:22:11 I guess, in poker as well yeah um definitely i mean there's i've seen tons of times when somebody really hates another player and in fact like has just played far worse against that guy and given that guy so much money because they they they kept going after him you know they really wanted to bluff them. They're like, fuck this motherfucker. I'm not going to let this guy bluff me. And then they ended up just paying them off and paying them off and paying them off. I actually found that in poker because there was times when I would befriend really bad players and then that player would not play hard against me because of that. And it actually ended up costing me a bunch of money. And then there was other times when I would just talk shit to a bad player and they would
Starting point is 02:22:48 really come after me. And then I ended up just smoking them, you know? So it's kind of like, it's tough because usually the bad players are the coolest guys. Cause they're just like the rich guys that are having fun and they got a good attitude and this and that. But sometimes, you know, like you got to fuck with them a little bit because otherwise you're not going to be able to gamble with them really. So you want that kind of like, optimally you want that competitive but semi-friendly relationship because you don't want them to just totally hate you because then they'll be like, fuck this motherfucker,
Starting point is 02:23:19 I'm not playing if he's there, and then you're kind of like out of the game because he's the big sucker and he can call the shots. It just seems like such a psychological management thing with poker players. There's a lot, man. It seems on the surface like an easy thing to do. No, it doesn't. But I feel like for a lot of people, they look at it, and they're just like,
Starting point is 02:23:38 oh, he gambles for a living, like he got lucky, or he's just good with numbers. They break it down so simplistically that they don't realize how how difficult it is but isn't that the case with everything i mean i've heard people say that about nascar like oh they just turn left like get the fuck out of here man well nascar i would i would i think that the closest comparison is with the stock market like stockbrokers stock market stuff you know because they're really gambling i mean yeah at the end of the day that that is kind of gambling and, you know, and they're going to have losses. The thing, the parallel there is that you can go into work, you can fucking do a good job, bust your ass, do everything right, and then just get fucked because of bad luck. That can't happen to a
Starting point is 02:24:17 doctor really. You know what I'm saying? Like that can't happen with most professions. Like even in fighting, like even the loser gets paid, paid. You don't go into a fight and lose money if you lose. Poker and the stock market are some of the few things that it's kind of hard to really have that good bankroll management because you can go in, do everything right, bust your ass, and work for an entire month and lose money. But that is where the thrill lies to the common man. The average person that plays it safe and takes it easy and gets his 401k and doesn't do anything risky, that's where the thrill lies in that lifestyle. Like talking to you and hearing you talk about this shit, that's where people that are getting their palms are sweaty right now and they're driving to work and they're listening to this and thinking, could I do that? Could I do that? Could I do that?
Starting point is 02:25:03 Most people can't. Most people cannot. Most people can't most people cannot it's i mean it's it's it's one of the hardest things i've done and i've done a lot of hard things um just because for me doing doing physically hard things actually isn't like as challenging as mentally tough things um if that makes any sense because the physically stuff the physically tough stuff you just kind of like just fucking bite your tongue and grit and fucking take the pain and just power through like well that's got to be one of the benefits of going through buds twice yeah i mean it yeah
Starting point is 02:25:36 it puts it in perspective yeah i mean just you know you've been through way more of a hellacious physical test than most people could ever endure. Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of it comes down to, you know, a lot of people are like, oh, like, you know, you must be a super tough motherfucker and all this other shit. And I think it comes down more to just like how bad you want it. Like in life, like if you just want something so fucking bad, like I just remembered like when I was doing the 50 meter underwater swim, it was really hard for me.
Starting point is 02:26:04 I'd never been able to do it outside um, outside of, you know, seal training. And the only two times I did it was when I like had to do it. And I just remembered, I was just like, well, I'm just going to swim until I fucking reach the wall or blackout. Like there just wasn't another option. Like I was just like, I just wasn't going to quit just because I wanted it so bad. So that actually helps you you i remember there's one guy that that went into buds and he was um he had like a million dollar business i think it was i think it was the guy that like owned van dutch or something maybe or had some like affiliation with it and i just remember he went into buds after that i just remember he showed up and he had like
Starting point is 02:26:39 a hot chick or two hot chicks he had a sports car and everybody's like fuck this dude's a stud you know what i mean like it was like and then he like showed up at car and everybody's like fuck this dude's a stud you know what i mean like it was like and then he like showed up with buds and ended up like quitting like straight away and i was just like but it didn't surprise me because i'm like thinking you know if if you know if i don't make it i'm going to ship and i'm gonna be fucking miserable like i don't want that like this guy's thinking like if i quit i can go like fuck a bunch of girls and like drive nice cars and i got money like you know what i'm saying so like for him it was like i actually think it's harder you know like because you look at like you know what your alternatives are you know like
Starting point is 02:27:16 like you know if you put a fucking guy up against the wall and he's got no choice then he's just gonna like do what he's got to do like for instance for instance, if I told you, you had to go crawl, you know, 50 miles, or I'm going to fucking put a bullet in your head. Like, you're probably going to go crawl that 50 miles. But if I told you, Hey, like, I'm going to give you $500,000, you know, if you can go crawl these 50 miles, but you know, you got money and you don't really need it. You're probably not going to crawl 50 miles. You know what I'm saying? Like, It's kind of like one of those things. It's just like the alternative is what determines the difficulty. Well, that's a great scene in Officer and a Gentleman.
Starting point is 02:27:51 Remember Richard Gere? Yeah. I got nowhere else to go. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah, I do remember that. That's it. And that's exactly it.
Starting point is 02:27:59 I got nowhere else to go. Yeah. That's one of the things I tell people when they're thinking about fighting. I say, is it all you want to do? Is it your whole life? Does it absorb you? Do you want that more than anything that you can imagine? It's not like, well, fighting doesn't work out.
Starting point is 02:28:12 I'm going to be an author. Because if that's the case and you want to do it for the experience, that's cool. But if you actually think you're going to be a champion if you have all these other escape routes, it's not going to happen. That's why I actually think it's harder for guys like Conor McGgregor or guys like mayweather because now they have money and they have that lifestyle and it's like that i actually thought ronda was going to get fucked up just because she like she you know she was going to hollywood i mean don't get me wrong she's tough she's fucking great whatever but you know she was like she's doing the movies and she's doing this and it's like i just i know that lifestyle and i know the addictiveness of the
Starting point is 02:28:45 money and the fame and all that other stuff and now it's like these people that have been fucking you know living in a one-bedroom apartment are now introduced to all this money and all this fame and people and it's just it's so distracting as opposed to the guy that's like you know fucking waking up every day and going to the gym and fucking busting his ass and just trying to make ends meet and that's all he's got and he he's got nowhere else to go, like you said. And for that guy, I feel like it's far easier to stay the course. For a guy like Conor McGregor, now he's got all this money and this and that. He doesn't have to fight anymore.
Starting point is 02:29:19 I mean, yeah, if he wants to continue his lifestyle, he does. Now he's upped his expenses and his image and all this stuff. And he's used to all this stuff. So now he has to make X to maintain his current situation. So he's got a little bit of pressure on him in that sense. But he's not struggling. He's not hungry anymore. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:29:37 He's got the belt. Depends on who you are, though. I mean, everybody has a different motivation. Some people, it's not even like they change the goal posts instead of becoming rich it's become the greatest of all time yeah it's like you look at all these other guys that are nibbing at your heels and you decide no motherfuckers i am the man at the top of the mountain and i'm going to stay at the top of the mountain as long as my body hangs in there yeah but again it's like that has to be something that you want to do and you could see the shift i see
Starting point is 02:30:02 the shift in guys where they all of a sudden they do it for money and they start doing it for a living you see that shift and it's an ugly shift because they they just don't have the same tenacity there's like i see it a lot in like nfl and stuff like that i'm sure you know you probably get tired of getting your fucking bell rang too man you get tired of bang bang clashing heads with people and running into each other. After a while, that shit gets tired. Yeah, I remember there was a big basketball player, and he would play poker. And it was funny because he would go on these benders, and he would play for like 24 hours straight or something. I just remember we just always bet against him. And he was like a big, big basketball player.
Starting point is 02:30:40 He was like the star on the team or whatever. And so we would just like always bet against, like whatever team he he was playing if he had been playing poker for 24 48 hours we'd just bet against the other team we're right like almost every time like he just like always played like shit but exhausted yeah fuck yeah it's like mentally exhausting he's not sleeping you don't eat it's just like it's just hard on your body you're you you secrete the cortisone or whatever cortisol levels like got to go up i mean it's just like yeah it's it's tough i mean it's what's that balancing act i think in anything in life but especially in risky things whether it's playing poker or fighting or anything along those lines something that's really difficult to do there's this weird balancing act and you you have to
Starting point is 02:31:19 achieve this this perfect balance of motivation, reward, intensity, focus, discipline, but still pleasure. You can't be miserable forever. Like, there's got to be a time where you have fun, too. It's hard. I mean, like I said, I think it just comes down to, like, you just got to want it. You know, you just got to fucking just want it really bad. Well, there was some study recently that I was reading about where they were talking about how you can't be happy all the time and you don't want to be happy all the time. Like literally you won't achieve the same levels of happiness all the time if you're not miserable.
Starting point is 02:31:54 Like you don't ever hit those highs unless you hit those lows. Like you ever been around someone who's manic? You ever date a chick who's manic? I know exactly what you're talking about. It's like the sweet is never as sweet without the bitter and it's like and i've found that um i actually have an interesting outlook on that because i bought pleasure for so long you can't buy happiness you can buy pleasure though a lot of people say like oh money isn't happiness well money can buy a boat and a boat will make me fucking happy that kind of thing right so um an example I like to give is, you know, when I was
Starting point is 02:32:26 16, like my dream car was, uh, um, a Mustang Cobra. Right. So if I got a Mustang Cobra, I would have been at a 10. Right. Um, but you know, a Ferrari would also bring me to a 10. I mean, but you can't go higher than a 10. Right. So let's just say that I got, you know uh you know the ferrari when i was 16 and now we flash forward i graduate college and my dad gives me a let's say he gives me a bmw m5 if i had the ferrari now i'm going to be kind of like probably at a seven right because i'm stepping down in a car but if i had the mustang cobra and now i'm going to an m5 i'm gonna be back at a 10 well it's the same car you You're the same person. You're at the same spot in life.
Starting point is 02:33:07 The only difference is your perspective because of your previous experience. So it's kind of like when people ask why rich people aren't as happy, and I just think it's because they've upped the bar so far that only the best things satisfy them. Like a guy off the street, if I took like, when I was, when I got out of bootcamp, I'll use that as an example. I go to Outback Steakhouse, I'm in a tent right now. If I go to the best restaurant in the fucking world, I mean, I'm like, maybe at like a six or a seven, I'm just like satisfied. I got three chefs. Like I eat the best food all the time. You know what I mean? So like, that doesn't make me happy anymore.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Like if, if somebody bought me a Lamborghini, I'd be like, whatever, like I've had them. I don't care. Like, but if you get, you know, give it a guy off the street, he'd be at a 10. So I can't buy happiness anymore. You know what I mean? I bought every fucking thing that I ever wanted, right? There's not really anything that I want. So I can't buy any like pleasure. Um, and also if you gave me like a regular car or put me in a regular hotel, I would actually be at like below the normal level. Whereas a normal person would be like happy to be on a vacation. You know what I'm saying? So like I think that has like some correlation.
Starting point is 02:34:16 Like it's kind of like a guy that wins a lotto. Like a year later, he is like statistically less happy than a guy that got his leg fucking amputated a year prior. That's interesting. It's also, I think, what are you trying to do? A lot of people, they're trying to get rich because they think that once they get rich, they'll be happy. They think that that's going to give them this thing that they've always been missing. And so they've been working hard, busting their ass, and they look at all these other people like we're talking about. You land your private jet.
Starting point is 02:34:46 You drive your Bentley to the club, and everybody's like, oh, it's Dan Bilzerian. You want to be that guy, right? But once you're that guy, it's like that doesn't mean anything anymore. And then for a lot of people, there's this emptiness. There's nothing left to chase. There's nothing else to do. And your life is just about possessions and upping the ante. And now I've got to get a yacht ante and now I got to get a yacht and
Starting point is 02:35:05 now I have to get the biggest yacht now I got to buy an island yeah you know and trying to find something to fill that void because you've sort of set your life up to chase these material goals instead of to try to find out what actually does make you happy yeah you have to have goals and you have to have stuff that like you know you got to be climbing the mountain because at the end of the day like climbing the mountain is far more satisfying than being at the top of the mountain you know like isn't that weird though that's like not what we've ever been taught well it's counterintuitive because most people don't like get they just know that like okay like you know my dad told me like it's better to give than receive and i was like okay that's perfect motherfucker you can just give me shit and i'll receive it and i'll be happy
Starting point is 02:35:44 like you know what i'm saying like but you don't have it if you don't have it yeah then that makes sense well yeah exactly and like you know just people i mean it's just experience like i mean like from the time you're a little kid you get something you're happy like you you know you get a boat you're happy like if i have this bike i'm gonna be happy and it's true and it works you know what i mean but there's a point you almost have to like get really rich to understand that you really have to just buy all that shit realize okay like i got it all it's cool that made me happy but it's temporary you know that's that's what i'm that's kind of where i differentiate the the happiness and the pleasure you know you can buy the pleasure
Starting point is 02:36:19 but the pleasure is somewhat short-lived you know yeah i had a conversation with someone about this recently where i was saying that material possessions once you have enough money to acquire basically everything you want they don't mean anything anymore so they don't mean anything you can enjoy them when you have them but if you lose them it's really not that big a deal you know if like if you get an escalate and some fucking meteor hits your escalate and you go out there oh just get another escalate there's a bunch of them yeah it's no big deal but if that was all you had and you had to save and scrape up your money to get that escalate and you kept it Clean then it got hit by a meteor you'd be devastated
Starting point is 02:36:50 Yeah, once you have achieved this level of success where material possessions don't mean anything anymore Then you can kind of like say, okay. Well, what do I enjoy? Comradery friendship creativity like what what is it that i'm actually chasing because i remember talking to this buddhist monk i had to do this thing once where i went to all these different religions uh it was for this tv show and i uh interviewed all these different people and asked them like what you know what is it about your religion that's the best like say if i was going to join your religion you try to sell me yes and the the buddhist guy was saying that sex and all these material possessions, they possess you. And that to be completely free, you have to be abstinent and you have to be free of material possessions. I said, well, why?
Starting point is 02:37:35 I go, what if you achieve a level of success where you don't worry about those things anymore? And they don't contain you. They don't hold you. You're not a prisoner of them because you're really not worried about them. Like if all you had was this one thing and that one thing was taken from you, that would be devastating. And that's what this is based on. But what if you had unlimited resources? If you were Richard Branson or someone like you or whatever, it's not an issue.
Starting point is 02:38:01 Then those material possessions no longer possess you. But this guy didn't want to look at it that way. Like he didn't want to think that was ever possibly an issue. Then those material possessions no longer possess you. But this guy didn't want to look at it that way. Like he didn't want to think that was ever possibly an option. I'm like, well, it's not an option because you don't think it's possible to achieve that level of material possession or that material success. Yeah, and that's kind of the thing. I feel like you have to get to that place to understand it. You know, it's kind of like –
Starting point is 02:38:23 But try telling that to anybody who's listening to this. Like 99.9% of people listening to this are never going to make a fraction of the amount of money that you've earned yeah but you know in some ways that is a blessing because they're going to have a lifetime of being able to buy that pleasure too because of that you know because if you start here on this lower rung, then all those little purchases and stuff like that, you're still like, you're kind of enjoying the shit out of them. Yeah, exactly. You know, so their, their baseline is just lower. Right.
Starting point is 02:38:52 They get a new fishing rod. They're fucking pumped. Exactly. You know, and when that wears off, then they're going to, you know, get a new reel. And, you know, when that wears off, they're going to, you know, buy a new depth finder. What, you know what I'm saying? It's like, it's the little ship, that little shit. If it makes them happy, then that's okay.
Starting point is 02:39:07 But to the people listening to this right now, they're thinking, okay, well, you're equating material possessions and the acquisition of these material possessions as being the thing that makes people happy. Now, is this because you've got 15 bitches and you're flying around on private jets and yachts and you're lacking real depth? You're a smart guy.
Starting point is 02:39:24 You're not a dumb guy. So I don't think that that's the case. I think you're having a lot of fun and you're, you know, you're doing a lot of wild, crazy shit, but I don't think you're lacking in depth. Yeah, no, I am just trying to fully experience everything that I wanted to experience. And there's also a part of me that's, you know, kind of doing some wish fulfillment, some part of me that's overcompensating for lack of things, you know, that I had, you know, childhood wise, or when I was growing up or that I wanted or whatever it was, basically just like kind of like whatever I wanted when I was younger, or whatever I placed emphasis on, I kind of like like just over exaggerated and beat it into
Starting point is 02:40:05 the fucking dirt. So then now I can move on and do something else. Like my life, you know, I have, I have ADD. So for me, it's like hyper focus. I think it is. I think it is. And I think, I think a lot of successful people have it. And I think what it allows you to do is when you are focused on something and when you have that like pinpoint focus, you can be extremely successful. But when you don't, you're just scattered all over the fucking map and you can't, you know, accomplish anything. I mean, you're just like, and I think a lot of kids have it nowadays because of the stimulus. I think, I think you have so much stimulus at your fingertips nowadays that these kids, if they're not, I guess, I guess what I'm trying to say is that people are just overstimulated.
Starting point is 02:40:45 And because they have it at their fingertips all the time, like when I was a kid, we used to just have to entertain ourselves. We used to just go out and play and just figure out shit to do. And so we didn't need massive amounts of stimulus. Nowadays, if kids don't have a fucking video game and a movie playing at the same time, they're bored and three other friends to talk to. Well so it's well they're hanging out and they're constantly checking their phone they're not even looking at each other no yeah and i'm victim of it too you know it's like it's like it's crazy you'll be in it you'll be in a social setting and there'll
Starting point is 02:41:16 be five six people at a table and they'll all be on their phones and it's just like it's kind of sad that that we've been reduced to that level of interaction where it's just like electronic, like it's just all electronic and people, you know, like, I mean, when people call people nowadays, this is like,
Starting point is 02:41:31 wait, what the fuck? Like, why are you calling me? Like back when we were kids, like, like there wasn't even texting, you know,
Starting point is 02:41:36 it was like flip phones. Like now it's like, if somebody calls you, it's like, wait, what the fuck? Like, you know,
Starting point is 02:41:41 I have one friend, Joey Diaz. We never text each other ever. He made a text me once. I was like, what the fuck is going on? All we Joey Diaz. We never text each other, ever. He might have texted me once. I was like, what the fuck is going on? All we do is call. He goes, I don't like to text. He goes, I like to call.
Starting point is 02:41:51 I want to hear your voice. I'm insecure. I want to know you love me. He wants to talk to you on the phone. I think that's, yeah, we're definitely missing something. We're definitely missing something by all this electronic shit. But it's also like a new style of living and i'm sure humans will adjust eventually we'll figure out how to manage it or or change accordingly the one positive thing i think is just that you you're so connected you know everybody i feel like
Starting point is 02:42:18 everybody's more connected now like back you know when we were kids like you know a guy in idaho is never gonna fucking you know feel any connection whatsoever with somebody that's you know, when we were kids, like, you know, a guy in Idaho is never going to fucking, you know, feel any connection whatsoever with somebody that's, you know, in California. But now, like, that guy can upload a YouTube video and everybody around the world can see it. And people are just, you know, dating-wise, social media-wise, like, but, and people I think are also losing, um, losing their ability to kind of like interact. Like, like my older friends, like we'll sit around, we'll tell stories and it's like, we'll have fun. And it's like the younger generation, when you watch them interact, it's almost like comical. It's like these people, they're like socially awkward. Like they don't like, people don't know how to like approach girls anymore.
Starting point is 02:43:04 It's just like, and the whole thing's been like reduced to like online dating. Like they don't like people don't know how to like approach girls anymore. It's just like, and the whole thing's been like reduced to like online dating. It's just, you know, it's, it's a, it's a new world for sure. I mean,
Starting point is 02:43:12 I don't know. It is a new world, but what I found really fascinating is that cause I travel a lot doing standup is that there's no dumb places anymore. Like you can go to, you know, fill in the blanks, some place in the middle of the
Starting point is 02:43:25 midwest boise idaho or whatever and you'll do a show there and the fucking people are on the ball they know what the fuck's going on they're they're so much more informed when i used to travel on the road in the 90s when i used to do stand-up in the 90s and you know fly into ohio or sorry jamie fly into some place in the middle of the country those fucking people were apes i mean they didn't know anything they were like what's it like to be on an airplane i mean they fucking didn't know anything no one but now it's like you run into the same kind of people in la that you can run into in you know fill in the blank you know phoenix or whatever wherever the fuck it is there's no dumb cities anymore yeah there's you're still going to find some dumb people but i think overall the awareness level of people has changed and i think that's you know a lot due to
Starting point is 02:44:11 the internet you know just that access i mean when i was a kid if i wanted to know something my mom's like okay look it up in the encyclopedia britannica and i'm like fuck that you know like i'm not going to do that and we literally would have like hundreds of encyclopedias around the thing. And, like, you know, we thought that was great. But now it's like you want to know something, you Google it, and you just instantly know it. You don't even have to press it. You just talk into your phone. You don't have to type.
Starting point is 02:44:36 You know? Yeah, you just ask Siri. It's, like, so great. Yeah, Google Cold Fusion. Bleep. It just shows you instantaneously. I mean, it's so freaky that they didn't even think about it in Star Trek or Star Wars. None of those places had the internet.
Starting point is 02:44:49 None of those visions of science fiction in the future had the internet. I think it's going to be, when history is all said and done, when people look back in this era, it's going to be one of the biggest changes in the human race ever. And we're in the middle of it. It's a storm. And we're just caught up in it. And like you were talking about when you were saying how you're so wealthy and it's just normal it just becomes normal to you to have all this money and
Starting point is 02:45:10 someone gives you a Lamborghini it's normal well this wealth of information is normal to us it just seems normal you know and you know my kids are young they're growing up with the internet their whole life they've never experienced anything but the internet so it's to them they're not gonna know how weird it was to run into bullshit artists you know people just lied about stuff like you couldn't Google them you know now you can just like if you want to know about somebody you fucking Google them and it's like okay this guy's a scam artist this you know this
Starting point is 02:45:35 chicks a hooker it's yeah you just got their life story it's like bam like Wikipedia what else is yeah it's kind of crazy before we did the podcast we started talking about psychedelics and you started talking about some psychedelic experience that you had. And I said like, save it, save it. Cause I wanted to talk to you about it on the air. So tell me, tell me what, what has happened. I mean, you actually, the one that, uh, that turned me onto it, the, uh, the DMT, um, I
Starting point is 02:46:02 was, the first time I tried, I was at burning man and i smoked a small amount of it um and it was interesting it was i mean it was it's i felt like it was a pretty enlightening experience um i tried it a second time we had this uh we say small amount like how many hits just one just one so i was you know i wasn't like deep in it or anything she's got to the doorway took a look inside yeah and i just i don't, I felt like a little bit of sense of peace and clarity, you know. But that was all I really got from it. The second time I did not have a good experience. I had this shaman monk come over and he, or priest or whatever you call him.
Starting point is 02:46:36 And I don't know if we did too much, but I just didn't really get too much out of it. I actually got more out of it after, but during the experience, it was like, it was just too much. I didn't really get anything. Like, it was just almost like... Overwhelming? Yeah, yeah, it was just overwhelming where, like,
Starting point is 02:46:58 yeah, it was almost like a video game, kind of, is the best way to describe it, where I just, like, kind of, almost seemed like everything was kind of like separating apart but I didn't really get too much and then the third time I had a similar experience but that was that was just the smoking I haven't done ayahuasca or anything like that. I did mushrooms three times. It's funny. I had a couple.
Starting point is 02:47:31 So the first time I did mushrooms, I think I was in high school. And I just never forget because it was like 1.30 in the morning or whatever. And I just wanted to call all my friends and tell them how great it was and have conversation. I remember them picking up the phone like, dude, it's 1.30. Fuck off. But I was just like, I want to talk to everybody. I was like, I was having a good time. And then I did it in Amsterdam.
Starting point is 02:47:50 I got sick. And it was funny because I actually did it four times. The third time I did it, we were in Amsterdam, and we were walking down this long alleyway. And we were probably about 75 yards down the alleyway. And a buddy of mine was like like oh give me a second and we kept walking and we turned around about five seconds later 10 seconds later and he was gone and it was probably like a 200 yard alleyway i mean this guy was fucking ben johnson he couldn't have made it was like a long long alleyway like there's if he was in a dead sprint he's the fastest guy in the world he couldn't have made it. It was like a long, long alleyway. Like, if he was in a dead sprint, he was the fastest guy in the world. He couldn't have made it to the end.
Starting point is 02:48:28 And there was no, like, no ladders, no nothing. We're just like, what the fuck happened to this dude? We're just like, and nobody, and we haven't even really, like, started tripping. But we're like, we, like, thought this dude got abducted by aliens. There was, like, no explanation, right? We, like, turn around and we're just like, we all looked at each other like what the fuck happened and we knew these mushrooms were going to hit soon so we're just like but we didn't feel it we're like the mushrooms ain't hit we just ate it like you know five ten whatever you know and it hadn't hit walked around the corner
Starting point is 02:48:58 and there was a police station we're like oh shit like i guess we should ask them and like we went in there and we're like you know we don't know what happened to our friend like we don't know if he got abducted or whatever and we're like he looks like this and so there's this long alleyway right and this motherfucker chose the one spot to piss where apparently there was like a secret door that opened inward into the police station and there was a camera facing down on it and he was pissing on the door of the police station and there was a camera facing down and he was pissing on the door of the police station they grabbed him mid-piss dick still out yanked him into the fucking police station and threw him in jail and so we get this information we're like oh fuck like what do we got to do like we got to pay this guy like we're like this dude never done mushrooms before his
Starting point is 02:49:41 first experience he's going to be in a jail in Amsterdam. This guy's going to fucking lose his mind. We've got to get him out. So we end up paying these people. We've got to pay them a lot because I was in college. I remember it was a significant amount of money for us. But we bailed them out. And then I remember I offered the chick at the counter, I was like, I'll give you $100 if you'll mail this to his parents
Starting point is 02:50:03 or the video of him pissing and getting arrested if you mail to his parents it's like get the fuck out of here so that was number three and then the fourth time i did it i was in um it was that trip that i took to puerto vardo and uh when i took my buddy that won the or he got second in the world series of poker and i and i'll never forget it was, um, I was downstairs and we had this, this, this big villa on the, on the edge of a cliff. And I remember not wanting to have sex. And I was just like, this is the greatest thing for the first time. Like my dick doesn't control me. Like, like this is so, you know, this is so nice to just be able to like relax and not like because we had all these chicks running around i was like banging on the whole weekend i was like
Starting point is 02:50:50 to just not even like have to like think about it because i have no desire to have sex right now i remember having that thought and being like wow this is great and i'm so fucked up that i like took that as a personal challenge to like see if i could have sex fucking this girl for like 40 minutes on mushrooms on mushrooms it was the craziest fucking experience ever i didn't even really enjoy it that much but i just remember at the end of it i was like wow like you had this opportunity where like you were not consumed with like wanting to have sex and you completely fucking ruined it for no reason that's hilarious yeah but the first time i had a mushroom trip i was um i was with my friend eddie and we were near um a
Starting point is 02:51:33 mountain it was like a very high hill we were below it and we were laying down the grass just laughing and giggling and i don't know if you've ever been lying down looking up at a mountain range and you see the sky and the clouds go overhead. It was the first time I think in my life that I really took in the concept of an atmosphere, of the shape of the earth being round and that behind that atmosphere. I'm looking up at this blue sky. It's beautiful. But I didn't see the blue sky anymore.
Starting point is 02:52:08 I saw it. I knew it was there. But I realized that it's just this layer. And then beyond that is the vast infinity of space. And I remember looking at it and thinking for the first time, because of this hill, I could see, like, oh, my God, we're, like, in a convertible spaceship. Like, this whole thing is a spaceship like this is an illusion we're we're we're standing here like we're on ground we're laying down on the grass looking up at the sky but this
Starting point is 02:52:33 is not this is not sky this is a thin layer of atmosphere that's protecting you from space and then above that is there's no end to it and it fucking stuck in my head that idea like for the very first time and it's something about being below a mountain and lying down and looking up and seeing the mountain and seeing the air and seeing the clouds go where it just set into my mind like whoa that's an atmosphere this isn't just the sky this is a this is like so i from that moment on i can look up at a mountain now and i get this like weird almost like half trippy feeling that's that's one thing that i've heard actually about a lot of psychedelics is that it it not like it doesn't like rewire you but it just makes you think about certain things differently and i think that they they explained
Starting point is 02:53:24 that there's like some chemical um thing where it kind of like almost like resets you to like where you can have a new perspective on certain things. That's one of the things that I was considering doing acid at Burning Man this last year. Um, cause I've heard from a lot of people that it's like, it's a more like clean form of the mushrooms and they kind of like got more out of it. And I've, and I had like 10 people tell me that it was like the best experience of it's a more like clean form of the mushrooms and they kind of like got more out of it. And I've, and I had like 10 people tell me that it was like the best experience of
Starting point is 02:53:49 their life. And so that's like a pretty strong statement to have 10 people tell you that. So yeah, I did it this year for the first time. It's a, I don't know. Someone wouldn't say it's like a, it's,
Starting point is 02:53:59 it's powerful. I mean, they're all amazing. They all have their own little thing that goes on with them. But the, um, the changing of perspective is really beneficial to people that have addictions. Like apparently people that smoke cigarettes, like they'll have a powerful mushroom trip and they don't have any desire to smoke cigarettes anymore. It's a really common experience.
Starting point is 02:54:16 Drug addicts and, you know, even people that probably have other weird addictions like gambling addictions or sex addictions. Yeah. Like I said, i think i had a small experience like that with the sex thing on the mushrooms and it was like pretty liberating yeah i mean i think for a lot of people they get trapped in the momentum of the life that they're in whatever it is and sometimes psychedelic trips or you know sometimes for people it's just a near death experience you almost drown you don't drown you get out of there and you're like, holy shit, I got to rethink my whole life. And you just, it just changes who you are. You're like the reset.
Starting point is 02:54:52 Yeah. I mean, I, and I've preached this for a long time. I think just so much of your life is just perspective. I mean, it really is. And I, I, you know, a lot of times I have these, um, these crazy parties, I'll invite disabled veterans out or whatever and try and show them a good time. And it's one time I, uh, I had this one guy who got both his legs blown off in Afghanistan and super cool dude, like really humble, nice guy. And, um, there was this like super hot chick that was at the, at the party and I really wanted to fuck her, but I was like, ah, I'll see if I can get her to fuck him. And, uh, I, I paid her a fucking ton of money, which is kind of fucked up. She ended up fucking this guy.
Starting point is 02:55:30 And, uh, and I, I was, I was fucked up and I ended up passing out and I forgot about it. And the next day we're, we're sitting there at breakfast and, um, I was just like, I was so fucking miserable. And I look over at this dude and I'm just like, you know, like, what the fuck are you so happy? He's like smiling and eating his shit. And I was like, well, you know, I'm hungover. I'm like, what the fuck are you so happy about? You know? He's like, he's like, shit, man. He's like, I feel great. I'm like, you're not hungover. He's like, yeah. He's like, I don't give a shit though. And, uh, and I'm just like, dude, I got to ask you, man. I'm like, you got, you got the fucking best attitude. I was like, since you've been here, I was like, you've always been fucking positive. I was like,
Starting point is 02:56:02 you know, is that ever like, you know, do you ever have, you know, moments where you're just like fucking depressed about, you know, the fucking amputation or any of that stuff? I was like, does that fuck with you? I was like, how do you, like, how do you maintain such a good attitude? I was like, I think it's amazing. And he's like, what are you talking about? He's like, losing my leg is the best thing that ever happened to me. And I'll just never forget it because that statement was just like, so like different from what I ever expected this guy to say. Right. And he followed it up with, you know, if that never happened to me, he's like, I'd be over in fucking some sand pit in Afghanistan. I'd just be another number. Nobody give a shit about me.
Starting point is 02:56:36 And then when I came home, he's like, I'd just be, you know, a fucking military guy and everybody in my town wouldn't care. And he's like, now he's like, I go and I motivate people and I give these speeches. He goes and people look up to me and I'm inspiring people. He's like, and I get to do cool shit. I just got a fucking brand new rifle the other week for free. He goes, the military is paying me. He goes, I'm fucking partying here with you. I fucked a super hot chick last night. And then I remember it. I was like, oh, that's good. And it was just like funny though, because like his whole thought process about it was so great and i could just see how another guy if that happened to him could easily like get into like the woe is me and the whole like you know fuck this you know i'm depressed and you know think about all the time like how could this
Starting point is 02:57:20 have gone you know but this guy just like accepted it, fucking charged with it. And I was just like, he viewed it as like a huge positive. And I thought that was great. I don't know if you've ever seen, um, they got this YouTube thing. It's like the story of the Chinese farmer. You ever seen that? No. Or so he loses his horse and everybody in the town comes over and they say, oh, well,
Starting point is 02:57:42 that's, that's terrible. And he's like, um, and they're like, oh, well, that's terrible now, isn't it? And he's like, maybe. And then the next day, seven wild horses come back and they all come over and they say, oh, well, that's great. And he says, well, maybe. And the next day, his kid has taken out one of the wild horses and breaks his leg. And the whole town comes over and they say, oh, that's terrible now, isn't it? He says, maybe. And the next day, the conscription officers come over and they're, you know, taking people into the military to go fight. And they pass by his son because he's got a broken leg and the whole town comes over and they say, you know, and they say, oh, that's great now,
Starting point is 02:58:17 isn't it? He says, maybe. And the point of it is that you never really know if something is bad or good because you don't know how that's going to affect the rest of your life. Like back, you know, when I, you know, fuck, I'm two days before graduating SEAL training. I've done 510 days of it. I've put my fucking heart and soul into this fucking thing. And I get kicked out because some fucking guy doesn't like me. And, you know, it's kind of hard to look at that in any way
Starting point is 02:58:44 other than, oh, that's fucking terrible. to look at that in any way other than, oh, that's fucking terrible. But as I'm older and I've experienced a lot, I can look at that and be like, well, half my class died, right? In combat. So I could have fucking died. If I would have became a Navy SEAL, then that might've just been like what I hung my hat on, you know? And I was just like, for the rest of my life, I didn't feel like I really needed to fucking prove anything or excel or do anything, because I've done this thing that everybody views as great. And, you know, I don't know if I would have been as motivated. And so there's just like a lot of things like that in your life that in the short term, you look at them as being extreme negatives, or, you know, something that you even view as positive that, you know, it's just hard to say until, you know, it's kind of like run its course and you see what effects that has later on down
Starting point is 02:59:30 the line we're gonna end it with some deep shit damn bilzerian i knew i'd get some deep shit out of you i knew it was in there god damn it thank you very much man i really appreciate it was a lot of fun really appreciate it uh obviously instagram Instagram, Dan, Twitter, the same, right? Thanks, brother. That was fun. Good times. Good night, everybody. Oh, we'll be back tomorrow with Jesse Ventura.
Starting point is 02:59:50 Holy shit. Cool. That was great.

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