The Joe Rogan Experience - #889 - Brian Redban

Episode Date: December 23, 2016

Brian Redban is a comedian and the founder of the Deathsquad podcast network. Check out his newest podcast called "What Brian Redban Do" at & on Spotify under "Deathsquad" ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Why were you looking at me so sly Jamie? You made me nervous. You made me nervous. I was like, what is he doing? Are we already live? We're fucking live. So, I tweeted something today that somebody tweeted me, or I read that somebody tweeted, so I quoted it, but it wasn't right. God damn it. It's close to right. It's pretty close.
Starting point is 00:00:26 That Donald Trump will be 70 years old in six days? So it is? Seven months and six days. Seven months. 70 years old, seven months, and six days. Almost 70 years old, seven months, and seven days when he becomes a president. And he won by 77 electoral votes from seven electors. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah. Happy seventh anniversary of the JRE too. This is basically it. Yeah. Pretty close. Yeah. How crazy is that? It is crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:04 It's a lot of sevens. A lot of sevens. Why are you obsessed with sevens? Like, why is your shirt? It came from the JRE. One time we were talking about how we were in a simulation theory and how everything's made out of ones and zeros. And I said something like, I'm going to hack it. I'm going to start saying sevens or something. I can't even remember what it was, but it's all from that. So this is your shirt that has all 7s in it?
Starting point is 00:01:25 Yeah, it's all made from 7s. This is just a bunch of different color 7s to make the artwork. And this sweatshirt is the Squad 711 shirt. Why 7s, though? I don't know. It came from the JRE from a long time ago. Out of nowhere. Out of nowhere. I have no idea why. Imagine. Imagine if that's proof.
Starting point is 00:01:43 If people look back on this and they realize they're there really is a simulation Yeah, just you tap into it by make you could make things happen with your own brain. I Think the older I get the more crazy I get because I believe it more, you know Like I start feeling like I go crazy sometimes. I don't necessarily think it's crazy I think it's crazy to think that it's impossible that it's a simulation it's like think just think about what we're doing right just think about the just just if no one was in this room but us just for obviously we're doing a podcast but if no one's in this room other than us we're looking at each other through our eyeballs we're
Starting point is 00:02:21 thinking about it inside of our brains. We're assuming that we're all operating in the same area. I'm assuming you see what I see. I'm assuming like what I think of as the reality around you is what you, but I have zero evidence other than photos. And again, I'm looking at those photos and my interpretation of those photos, who knows what you're saying? I have no idea what you're saying. Then we're dealing with language, trying to formulate words that match your thoughts, and they almost never do. Like, that's one of the number one problems that people have with politicians, right? We know in some weird way that their words and their thoughts are not in sync. Like, we want your words and your thoughts to be in sync. But it's fucking hard to do, man.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's like one of the unspoken things about being a person is how fucking difficult it is to get your thoughts to come out the way you're feeling them with your words. It's very hard to do. You can make something that's so eloquent and with the articulate and it would be amazing to read and it's a quote that people might have on their fucking instagram page for the next decade but did it really represent what you were thinking or was it just a clever collection of words that strikes an effect so when people are just talking, not like reading someone's writing or something,
Starting point is 00:03:45 but just talking, like man, it's fucking hard to get your brain, like what's coming out of your brain to be represented by your voice. That alone is way weirder than the fact that this is all fake. That's way weirder than a simulation.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Just communicating, just shit we totally take for granted then the fact that you can do it online i mean how many of these fucking dudes have these youtube channels and gals have these youtube channels where they have fucking millions of people paying attention to them and it seems like for the most part like hollywood hasn't even figured it out yet like they've dabbled in it they've given given people shows like that Adam Ruins Everything guy, right? He was a YouTube guy. God, he's so great.
Starting point is 00:04:27 He's fantastic. It's a funny fucking show, too. He's really good at it. And he's a gamer. He twitches all the time. Good for him. He's, uh... I went on a marathon
Starting point is 00:04:35 the other day watching it. But then there's other people that are bad. Like the guy from yesterday that was thrown off the Delta airline. What happened with that? He, uh...
Starting point is 00:04:44 So he... Here's what happened. And happened with that? So here's what happened, and then we found out that he's done this before. He pretty much goes on airplanes and trolls, and he counts in Arabic, like 10, 9, 8, 7, and does shit like that, and he's done it before. There's videos of him doing it before. So he pretty much just freaks everybody out like why is this guy counting down you know it's like if anyone was on an airplane and counting down and would it still be weird yeah we need to like for pranks
Starting point is 00:05:14 we need to figure out like what's a prank and what is fucking with people's lives for a short amount of time yeah because the only the only way way it goes legit is if the people have good nature and at the end they sign off on a release, right? Right. They have to sign off on a release for YouTube videos as well? If there's any money attached to it, I would say yes, but I'm not a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I wonder, yeah. I wonder how that works. But when you're scaring the shit out of people like that on a plane, you could really fuck with their head. I know you're a young fucking crazy guy who's fearless, who does those kind of videos, and you think it's funny. But you got to realize there might be, like, some grandma behind you. There might be a five-year-old girl.
Starting point is 00:05:55 There might be, you know, a dude who has, like, some serious tension issues. It's not nice. You know, it's not funny enough for for us to accept that it's like but these boundaries get tested sometimes by you know really in a lot of ways brave performers it's a brave thing to do it's not smart it's not a good thing to do it's not thoughtful but it's hard to do that it's hard to go on a fucking plane and start counting down from 10 in arabic and hope that nobody beats you to death before you you know you say hey i'm just fucking around just a youtube video but it's also gross as fuck when you sell it yourself as like oh
Starting point is 00:06:37 my god they they're doing this to me they're so racist when you're kind of you're trying to get that you know you're baiting them and you've got proof that you've done it before yeah that's not cool it's gross that's just gross but we're talking about it so he wins i mean really man it just seems like people want to figure out a way to get in you know and uh there's so many people like we were talking about, like that Adam guy or so many other ones that have a, just a giant segment of the viewing population already. You know, there's a lot of these channels that people have that people are just addicted to like listening to these people talk about shit. And for you to try to break in and make your own channel, it's a, it's weird, right? right it's like there's still people that are
Starting point is 00:07:25 doing it in the network way there's still shows that are on network television that that work like that they're prank shows and shit like that most of them are fake luckily you know on youtube and even in real life or they're they're you know fake reality whatever where they're half real you see too much these days. Like, there's too much coming in. I watched this guy sucker punch a grandma. Oh, God. It was a video where this old lady was behind this young dude,
Starting point is 00:07:56 and she was apparently bothering him. And so he turns at their cash register line. He turns and sucker punches her full on in the face. It just knocks her dead. She falls back, and no one does anything about it it's really weird the cashier freezes up the guy behind her who's an old guy freezes up and this no one knows what to do it's weird i shouldn't have seen it it's like why do i why why do i want to know that there's a circumstance where some young guy feels like he could sucker punch some looks like 80 year old lady?
Starting point is 00:08:26 And I'm not kidding. She's like white haired and and it doesn't look fake. It's not. That's just the shit that bugs me the most. And it's just it's just these kids. Now, you know that, you know, they have no parents. I saw I saw Bieber the other day had a horrible incident with Bieber. And it was one of the worst things I wish I never saw in my life because i used to always kind of like root for him a little you know like he seemed like
Starting point is 00:08:49 a nice guy especially after the roast he seemed like a cool guy down to earth but man how he treated like this old guy and like how he was treating the staff at this place i was at it was one of the worst things i ever saw i had to to leave. Normal me would be recording, oh, let's sell this TMZ or do something crazy like that. It was so gross, I just wanted to get out of there. I deleted all my tweets because I was live tweeting while I was there at the beginning, but then it got so bad that I
Starting point is 00:09:16 just deleted all my tweets, and I was like, then he yelled at me. Why? Because I had this dolphin hat on, and he goes, hey, you like dolphins, man? You love dolphins, bro? Like, doing shit like that to me on and he goes, hey, you like dolphins, man? You love dolphins, bro? Like doing shit like that to me and I'm just like, I go, yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:30 I like to fuck dolphins, dude. Like I just start yelling at him. Yeah, I went crazy. You got a little crazy right there. Yeah, yeah. True story and you could ask my girlfriend. He got quiet after that for like three minutes and then the table of guys that he was with
Starting point is 00:09:44 were just staring at me. And when I was walking out, he just screams all of Garden. True story. I promise you. And so now I'm like, does he know who I am? And that's why he was fucking with me? Did he find out who I was after I yelled at him and he shut up? Or what?
Starting point is 00:10:00 You're going to have to live with that question. I don't want to ever know the answer to it. You're going to have to. That question will haunt you but the horrible thing about it was that it it he was really treating people like shit like that's super unfortunate to hear this old guy was staring down like please don't talk to me anymore please don't talk to me like you could tell he was just what is he like 21 or something? I don't know. I didn't even think it was him. We thought it was, like, 14-year-old kids for, like, the first half of the time we were there.
Starting point is 00:10:33 We were like, wait a second, that tattoo looks familiar. And then I was Googling Justin Bieber, back of his neck. Don't ever do that. That's gross. And then it was the exact same tattoo. It was, like, wings and, like, this, like, weird writing. I was like, holy shit, that really is him. Hmm. How many people, and this is a legitimate honest question how many people have ever gone through the fire of becoming famous when you're young and come out okay has anybody jodie foster right but i don't know her she might be crazy as fuck. Yes. Right? She's a really good actress.
Starting point is 00:11:05 She's a cutter. Who knows, man? Who knows? She was really famous really young. Like, how old was Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver? I want to go, like, super young. I want to go, like, teenage years. 19.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I'll say 19. What would you say? Oh, 15. 15? Wow. She played a 12-year-old. She was 13 when the movie premiered. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Wow. Shit. Holy shit. She played a prostitute at the Tinder. Oh, my God. Jesus fucking Christ. I didn't know that. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Dude, they made her play a prostitute at 12 years old. What a mind fuck that must be. You can't do that anymore, right? No, you can't do that anymore. Do you remember in that movie, Cape Fear? Yeah, that's her, dude. That's insane. You remember in that movie, Cape Fear, when Robert De Niro had what was her name Juliet Juliet Lewis yeah
Starting point is 00:12:09 suck his fingers wasn't that in that movie I don't know was that in that movie am I just a freak am I just making shit up I have this vague memory of some really weird twisted seduction scene. Yeah, she's sucking his finger. Oh, yeah. Yeah. A little cross-eyed almost.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Dude. Fucking bangs. Dude. How old was she? She was supposed to be like... She was 17. She was 17 when he did this? Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Oh, my God. So that's the loophole. When it says that's what it says. Oh, my God. So that's the loophole. When it says that's what it says. Oh, Daily Mail. Okay, they wouldn't lie. 17-year-old even shared a kiss and a thumb sucking in a scene with De Niro. That's dark, dude. Because De Niro had to be, like, deep in his 40s then.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's weird. 17? That should be illegal. That's a loophole. Yeah, that's a loophole yeah that's a loophole just because it's in a movie like you can't fuck that kid like you probably shouldn't have a 17 year old sucking your thumb but my point was that like this was a long time ago and we didn't look at things the same way a long time ago as we do today. It's more evidence that there's some weird gigantic shift
Starting point is 00:13:25 in the way people are recognizing and understanding the consequences of things like child abuse, you know, of things like that. Man, that's weird. I saw a creepy guy at the mall the other day looking at the Cub Scout or Boy Scouts. They were wrapping presents. Maybe he just used to be a Boy Scout himself.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Well, yeah. He was limber. I would say the same thing if he wasn't rubbing his dick against the railing. Oh, Brian. You sure? Yeah. Maybe he just barely could stand up. Yeah, he was three stories up and just rubbing his dick left and right on his railing, staring
Starting point is 00:14:00 straight down. Did you hear about the security guard at the NFL game the other day? No. He was caught on video jacking off to a cheerleader right in front of him. Oh, Jesus Christ. Watch this video. It's fucking crazy. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:13 See, I'm just— He's got his hands in his pants. I believe it. I've seen too much. I've seen too much. I don't need to see that. I've seen too much. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Right in the middle of everyone, there's people all around. I feel like he must be just getting his. Right in the middle of everyone, there's people all around. It must be just getting his rocks off in the biggest way possible. I'm a freak. What a security guard. Fucking what a world, dude. I wonder if that's real. Yeah, but it's real.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So my thought was that this Bieber kid, you know, I mean, has anybody ever gone ever gone well I guess people have gone through that and become more friendly but I had a friend of mine who just worked with another dude who was famous from the time he was young and they did a television show together and it's just like they they have this he he was like they I think that someone who grows up famous unless you're like some really cool person who figures it out they have this attitude that everyone's supposed to just like them and that they're like above everyone else they have this idea in their head that it's almost impossible to break if you've known that your whole life your whole life from the time you're little everybody's treating you like you're super special without
Starting point is 00:15:20 you really having to earn it so much, I guess you kind of earn it with your talent. You know? Absolutely. He's very talented. Well, how about like Ricky Schroeder? You know, who's my friend. Who was famous when he was really, really, really young. Silver Spoons.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yeah. Riding a train. Had an arcade game in his house. Dude, he was in that movie The Champ. I watched that when I was a little kid. It made me cry. he was in that movie, The Champ. I watched that when I was a little kid. It made me cry. That was a harsh movie. He was fucking good, man.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Like, anybody that gets famous that young has a crazy challenge in front of them for, like, figuring out life. I couldn't imagine. That Bieber kid's been famous since he was, like, what? 12 or something? Yeah, and to be famous since he was like what 12 or something Yeah, and to be honest, he was 21 year old drunk like yeah blackout drunky. He was that drunk. Yeah, he was that drunk. Well Think about how fucked up you get. Oh, yeah when you're 42
Starting point is 00:16:18 Imagine I've never but I've never been like almost like a bully like yelling He was yelling at people instead of like don't leave me alone and them being a dick, he was actually looking and yelling and pointing out people and talking shit about the restaurant. Yeah, yeah. It's fucked up. Anyways. All those things.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Alcohol, that's a big factor for sure. Being a boy. Yeah. There's a thing about being dudes. Being a dude is a lot like having a car that's just like a little too fast for the road. Like you're always pushing it. Like that's what being a dude is. You know, especially guys growing up around a bunch of other guys. They're all competing, wrestling and shit, outduding each other. like it becomes it's they feed off of each other people you know people feed off each other and men don't have enough outlets for natural male behavior you're just told you shouldn't think like that you shouldn't be like that you know you should be more aware you should be more kind that's all nice and you're right 100 but you got to deal with the fucking biology of your body your
Starting point is 00:17:21 body wants to smash shit and fuck things that's what what it's built for. And so if you don't feed it, if you don't give it some sort of exertion, it's going to play tricks on you. It's going to over-ramp stressful situations. It's going to make you more upset at things, more easy. It's going to make you more prone to getting pissed off in traffic, all those things. Like that has to be addressed. Like people have to figure that out you can't just ask boys to just be be better just you know you got to give them like some sort of biological tools and this this obviously i wasn't there you know and if i was there i probably would have had probably the same problems with it that you did but i can't imagine being that fucking kid i can't imagine being that girl what's her name um lindsey lohan she makes me sad every time i see her she makes
Starting point is 00:18:12 me sad i see those pictures i'm like this poor kid is fucking swimming in space with no connector it's just like she's gone she's a part of this giant machine of movies and TV and publicity and fame and covers of magazines. And, and she was a baby, a baby when she got into it, she didn't know shit. And that, that formed her whole life. And people like, Oh, boohoo, poor her with all her money. Listen to me. That money doesn't mean mean shit if you're crazy and you're smoking crack it doesn't mean shit it doesn't mean anything your life is hell yeah you don't have to worry about food okay so your life is hell and you don't have to worry about food it's one notch better than your life is hell and you're starving to death but it's still your life is hell
Starting point is 00:18:57 Paris Hilton's holding it together she kind of pulled away yeah from fame which might have been like a really smart thing to do she might have like felt the repercussions of all that hate because nobody puts themselves out there in a position more so than someone who becomes a reality star you know because when you become a reality star you're sort of admitting that you don't do anything right if you're just a reality star you you don't do anything you're not singing you're not reading books that you wrote you're not like doing public readings of a book you're not doing you're just being a person right everybody could fucking be
Starting point is 00:19:38 a person man it's it's one thing if you have a reality show reality show about kanye west well that's kind of interesting because who the fuck gets to be Kanye West? Only Kanye West. So if it was them following Kanye around, it would make more sense. But it's not. It's them just living their life. It's fucking genius in a lot of ways because they figured out by just kind of like being outrageously extravagant and opulent with their money and by
Starting point is 00:20:05 constantly mixing in drama. They've been able to stay on TV for like 11 fucking years. It's genius. And in a lot of ways look it ain't any worse than a lot of the shitty fucking shows that are on TV today. Some terrible ass shows on TV. Why is that worse? Because it's
Starting point is 00:20:21 terrible and no one wrote it? Is that what it is? Is that the problem? That it's terrible and no one wrote it? Is that what it is? Is that the problem? That it's worse? Because if you made this up and it was terrible, it would be all right. Why is it okay? There's an equal level of terrible all over television that nobody cares about. But we care because it's just a bunch of people living their life and we can all do that.
Starting point is 00:20:42 If you have the kind of money come on if young jamie hit the lotto and all of a sudden got a 500 foot yacht and started balling hard dan bilzerian style all over instagram all the jordans and following you with a camera they could absolutely make a fucking reality show about that. 100% absolutely. It could be young Jamie freaking out, way too much pussy, not knowing what to do, and we have to pull him aside and go, dude, you got to calm down. Somebody should hit me up. But you know what I'm saying? I mean, all you have to do is create a circumstance. If you're just a regular person, I mean, that's all they are.
Starting point is 00:21:23 They're just regular people. It's not like they're working for the Cirque du Soleil and they have this insane physical stuff that they have to do and they're working on it constantly. I'm like, wow, that's fascinating. I've never thought of how they prepare for this. But, yeah, you'd imagine it would be pretty rigorous. No, no, no. Regular bitches going shopping. Eating salads.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Like, oh, my God. And I told him, like, what? The way to get around that is like to make a charity or something, you know? A charity? Yeah. Like the Nicole Richie charity of small animals. How about Fight for the Forgotten? There's something up on my Instagram page right now.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I wanted to mention this because it's going on to the end of December. There's a very cool company that makes Epsom salts. If you go to Fight for the Forgotten, actually,, and then forward slash Fight for the Forgotten. Boy, that was a marble mouth delivery. So I'll say that again. Water4, the number four. So That's the organization that again. Water4, the number four. So That's the organization that Justin Wren, our friend, works with.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And Justin is building wells in the Congo. He's a fucking beautiful person. But anyway, they've raised a ton of money so far. And it's going to provide clean water to a lot of people. forward slash fight for the forgotten is a really 100% beautiful story. That guy's an amazing person. And what he's done, I think is just, it's so selfless and loving and inspiring. And I think people like him doing shit like that, oh, I'm going to cry. People like him doing shit like that literally can change the world.
Starting point is 00:23:07 That guy, Justin Ren, can change the world just by being so loving and caring. I mean, he goes down there and spends months and months at a time in the Congo. And he's gotten malaria three fucking times. I mean, he's like, he keeps getting it. He's going to be, I mean, it's like he's wrecking his body. He doesn't give a fuck. Such a beautiful person, man. And he's a heavyweight fighter for Bellator.
Starting point is 00:23:30 The whole thing, he used to fight in the UFC. He's a fucking animal. I mean, he's just such a freaky dude. It's like you meet people like that and you go, oh, I guess I'm a piece of shit. I'm just, I'm not that nice. I'm not going to the Congo. I'll send you some money, man, but I'm not going to the fucking Congo. I'm not getting malaria. I'm not that nice I'm not going to the Congo I'll send you some money man But I'm not going to the fucking Congo I'm not getting malaria
Starting point is 00:23:47 I'm not getting malaria At least I hope I don't But anyway I don't know how we got on that I stone text you That you should work with Big Brother Do you remember that? Well let me explain this though
Starting point is 00:24:00 Because I just remembered So all of I guess all the profits for the whole month of december go to this so if you buy epsom salts from these people um so epsoak epsoak that's the company ep ep soak i use epsom salts all the time first of all for my isolation tank but second of all just a nice hot bath it feels really good it's really good for your body and it helps your body absorb magnesium you absorb magnesium through your skin you can you know with this with epsom salt baths really good for you man good to gargle too like after massage parlor what you what are you doing blowing guys the massage parlor the fuck dude but um the uh epsom
Starting point is 00:24:43 salt baths uh are are super underrated. Man, if you got some tension and shit, throw some Epsom salts in the tub. Just kind of, ooh, ooh. I don't know why, right? Have you floated lately? Yeah. I have it in my basement. I know.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I'm a floating motherfucker, dude. That's where I figure shit out. Probably too much. I'm thinking too much, for sure. I think about too many different things. So I'm trying to narrow my focus more. That's one of the reasons when I cut back in the UFC, I was like, I'm narrowing my focus, I think.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Just trying to do things that I think are, that I'm compelled to do. Absolutely. You seem like you've been enjoying outside stuff more, like archery and stuff like that, hunting. Where'd that come from? Because you never had that before. I know.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, it came from the first time I did it. The first time I went hunting and was successful. And I was like, okay, I get it now. Like, this is, oh, this is nuts. Like, what a crazy thing to do. And it's also, in a weird, odd way, there's a helplessness that you feel when you're in nature that I think is very almost psychedelic. Because like when you go and not even like hunting, I'm just talking about go to a place where there's no cell phone signal at all. Go deep into the woods and you will
Starting point is 00:26:06 feel vulnerable as fuck you feel vulnerable and then you start thinking holy shit there's bears out here there's fucking mountain lions out here for real like i'm in there they're where they live this is where they live this isn't like a mountain lion in santa monica on some you know freak incident this is like you're going to where they live and people don't live. What's your hunting tech game like? Do you have like night vision goggles and all the cool stuff so you can see the bear? I don't have anything. Well, you don't go out at night.
Starting point is 00:26:34 The only thing you do at night is like stay around the camp, stay around the campfire. But even at night, it's weird, man. We had a deer come into our camp once and uh in the middle of the night and realized he was around people and he started stomping on the ground and hoofing it was weird i barely heard it the other guys had to remind me of it but it's just animals do come into people's tents bears do that's what gets scary is big bears especially when they're starving big bears that are starving will take some fucking chances. And one of Ranella's friends, his first hunt ever,
Starting point is 00:27:12 he was attacked in his tent by a 500-pound predatory black bear. His friend shot the bear and hit him, so shot him in the wrist. And then the bear ran out of that tent, ran into another tent, and he shot it in the other tent. Wow. A 500-pound predatory black bear just the just the power that that thing possesses is so beyond any of our comprehension like when you see their bodies you see a bear's body and you think of a 500 pound bear what just think what a 500 pound dog could do to you right just think Just think of that, right? A 500-pound dog.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Then, have you ever seen, like, a baby bear wrestle a dog? It's fucking hilarious. It's like Habib Nurmagomedov wrestling your grandmother. This bear just throws this fucking dog around like it ain't shit. It's a little cub. It's a little baby bear. Look at this. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Look, the dog keeps fucking with him. The bear's way smaller than him. The bear's like, all right, bitch, you want to get crazy? All right, let's get crazy. So they start going to war, and the bear whips him to the ground. But the dog keeps fucking with him. Look at this. Boom.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Look at how he whips him around. Wow. Dude, he just throws him around. He's way smaller than that dog. And the dog's like, oh no, what have I done? Look at this. Boom, bitch. Boom. Side control. Like the bear can do shit the dog can't do. The dog can only bite. But that bear has ridiculous power in those arms. Show that last 15 seconds again. Look, he throws him. He uses his hips. Like, look, go back a little bit. This bear is like a fucking judo champ. Like, watch, this is like some Cairo Parisian shit.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Look, boom! He just throws him around. Boom! Seriously. Look how he throws him around! That's like Daniel Cormier, that bear. He uses his hips, man. Like, instinctively uses his hips. Now, imagine one of those that's 500 pounds and wants to eat you.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Imagine what the fucking sheer terror of that would be. So that's not a good explanation for why I like to do it, but I like to do it just because it's nature. I think it's like a fucking vitamin i think it's like a battery i think it's like a like a an experience that once you tap into it just being out there in nature it makes you understand what life is better it makes you understand the world better it makes you understand this just the fact that this is just some weird living patch that's on the surface of a planet i mean all the all those things like need to get exposed to you and like chunks in order for you to really truly absorb it like you could see like mount everest
Starting point is 00:29:59 or some shit you could see it in a video and you're like wow pretty cool but i don't think you're really seeing it i think that's bullshit i think you're just seeing a flat image a lifeless flat image but if you were there and you could take it all in and your your eye understands the perspective and you get the immense nature of what you're you're in front of, this fucking insanely huge mountain, then I think you'll experience it. Until you go there, I bet you don't feel it. So I think that's the same with that, you know? It's like seeing a band that you don't think is that awesome,
Starting point is 00:30:36 but then you see them live and you're like, holy shit, man, they fucking killed it. Like Chicago rules, you know? Ta-da nights when we we first went camping I was almost immediately aware of it I was like wow this is a totally different feeling out here like it you when you're in the city you feel like we're all kind of like pretty relaxed. Like this is where we live. You know, hey, you want to meet for lunch? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Where do you want to go? Let's go to that spot. Okay. Is it on Ventura? Yeah, let's go. You know, normal, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There's nothing like that when you're in the woods. When you're in the woods, everywhere you're walking, you're like, okay, is a bear over
Starting point is 00:31:21 there? No. Is a mountain lion over here? No. Is a deer over there? No. Like, where are the life forms? Where are the life forms?
Starting point is 00:31:27 Where's the ones that I want to eat? And where's the ones that might want to eat me? Where are these fucking things? Is it stressful, though? Dude, it's very stressful, but beautiful. It's beautiful. It's not stressful in that, like, you're not really worried constantly of bears. But they're fucking real.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Like, bears aren't a myth. They're real, you know? You're going to where they live. Mountain lions are real. They're real. I mean, there's a giant fucking species. It's a giant cat. It's a 150-pound cat.
Starting point is 00:31:58 It lives in the forest, and it kills shit every day. It's an expert at killing shit, and it's as big as you. And if you run into it, you might be fucked. You might not be, but that was like some demon. That was like some demon that got summoned here from another world, and most of the time it only ate deer. It only consumes deer to keep itself alive, but every now and then, every now and then it snatches up a school child.
Starting point is 00:32:24 alive but every now and then every now and then it snatches up a school child just pulls pulls a kid out of a fucking one of those little swing sets and hops over the fence with it before anybody can do anything like holy shit that happens man there's this video I saw yesterday where this girl found this like baby bunny she's like oh my gosh it's so cute and she's like petting it she put it down. And the second she puts it down, this bird just comes out of nowhere and picks it up. Yeah, a hawk.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Hawk. Hawk jacked it. It's fucked up. Did you see the one where they got the night vision of the owl flying in and jacking the hawk? No. We think it's a hawk. We don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Might be a pigeon. I don't know shit about birds. People are like, Joe Rogan thought that was a hawk. So it's a so it's a night vision and uh it's like a security cam and as the the owl's flying in you see its eyes closer and closer and closer and then bam check this out watch this now look off in the distance see that those are the eyes oh wow watch it come in. Look at this, dude. Wow. Watch this. Boom!
Starting point is 00:33:26 Holy shit. Now, what kind of bird is that? Look at its face. It kind of looks like a raptor, right? I would say a falcon, right? You know what, though? It might just be because it's night vision. It doesn't have that big of a beak.
Starting point is 00:33:40 What do you think it is, Jamie? Yeah, maybe some sort of hawk or something like that. It seems like a raptor right like right there that looks like a murderous little bird so that he got murdered by another murderer those eyes eat each other but watch how he gets him too he kicks him he gets low bam it's so crazy dude the power that those things have in their jaws or in their claws rather you mean i don't i don't think there's a way you could ever understand what it would be like to have a giant hand like it's probably as strong as like a person's hand and it's underneath the bird and it's got knives on
Starting point is 00:34:16 the end of it and they just imagine if you had some big ass freddy krueger claws and that's what you do just grab things and squish them and punch through them. Dude. I mean, think about how fucking bananas flying raptors are. They're just big enough where they can't kill us. Just big enough.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Just a little too small. Just a little too small to kill us. But if eagles could kill us, like if eagles were like the size of buses, we'd be fucksville. We would have never invented the wheel. They would have just jacked us into extinction. We would be hiding in little holes in the fucking hills. We'd try to find anti-eagle technology.
Starting point is 00:34:59 That would be our number one concern, how to kill the eagles. Dude, that's a dragon. Eagle's a dragon. Who knows, man? Maybe there were bigger raptors and they killed them off. Holy shit, there was. There was one from New Zealand. There was that.
Starting point is 00:35:14 We've talked about this. I feel like fairly recently I read something about this and I might have brought it up. But there was a rat. Yeah, we did. There's an eagle in New Zealand. I think it's called a Haas eagle or something like that. But it was fucking enormous and people killed it off. We did. There's an eagle in New Zealand. I think it's called a Haas eagle or something like that. But it was fucking enormous.
Starting point is 00:35:29 And people killed it off. And it lived in New Zealand. I think it had something ridiculous, like a 14-foot wingspan. Wow. And they do think that it's entirely possible to think this thing killed people. That's one of the reasons why the New Zealand people killed it off. Because it was like in the 1400s Or some shit that they killed it off You find anything on it?
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yeah, I think that there's a video of a golden eagle Snatching a kid That's fake I know it was fake, but they were thinking it was one of those eagles But people weren't sure if it was fake or not Oh, so when people weren't sure it was fake They thought maybe there's a few of those things still left in the wild Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:03 But it's in New Zealand, right? Was that video from New Zealand too? No, no. This is like a debunking video on National Geographic about it. But it talks about those eagles. I'm trying to find some stats on it. Speaking of debunking, did you hear all the crazy shit that's going on with the Snopes? What?
Starting point is 00:36:18 You know that website Snopes? Yeah. You're always thinking, well, this is a really reasonable website. And for sure, if I go to them, they'll have the answer. The people who own it are fucking freaks, man. Well, for sure. Do you know the story? No, I don't know the story, but I can guess.
Starting point is 00:36:32 One guy left his wife and married a porn star who was also an escort, an online escort. What's her name? I don't know, dude. This is the guy, apparently, just divorced his wife and started balling out of control. He got a bunch of cash and decided to marry this gal. But there's also like some anti-Bush stuff about this too. It's like someone in that group was involved in some anti-Republican fundraising type activity or something along those lines, right? Wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Young Jamie? Yeah, I think so. What does it say? I'm looking at it. Anyway, point is these are just people. Like everybody's been saying that there's this Democratic lean towards the truth, like editorializing the truth on some of those sites like Snopes. Like how much of this is, like are you absolutely sure? Like how much,
Starting point is 00:37:29 you've done a little bit of research and come to your own conclusions. Like how like vetted is this stuff? Who's in charge? And then you find out, well, this is the people in charge. These people are just freaks, balling out of control, marrying hookers. Did they find this out when the Facebook fake news thing happened? Yes, because those people were part of the team that was supposed
Starting point is 00:37:50 to clean up the fake news. And then there's a new thing that was supposed to be out today as a new tool that they think is going to be able to figure out fake news. We're fucked. It's awful. We're fucked, folks. People can just make shit up.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Did you see that? Crazy times. Adobe released Photoshop for sound. I don't know if you saw this video. Photoshop for sound. But what it can do is it can take, like, you can just say one sentence, like, I love tacos. Oh, we showed that here. We talked about it.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I didn't have a good clip to find it because it didn't come up at the right time. Well, we had a pretty decent clip. There was one where we showed a sentence that was pieced together from other stuff. Yeah, man. Do you think that's been available before they've announced this to the public on this big giant announcement party? Oh, yeah. I would imagine that that's the kind of technology that it would take a long time to work on. But are you saying like is it being used by nefarious sources?
Starting point is 00:38:43 I didn't say nefarious, but I mean – It's not there yet. You know what I think about all that stuff, that kind of thinking? I think that technology is improving so quickly, and I don't necessarily think that the people who are working for the U.S. government are the ones that are 100 percent in control of the information that gets released. Like these people that are constantly innovating and creating all these new products and these new technologies, they're not all working for the government. They're just not, right?
Starting point is 00:39:10 So this idea that like the government has some stuff way before we do, probably not today. No, today I think it's a fucking river filled with salmon that are covered in baby oil and you can't grab one of these motherfuckers and they're, whoa, they're flying by you. That's's what i think i think shit's changing so quick so fast that that's why all these leaks and all these different things that pertain to elections and changing people's ideas are
Starting point is 00:39:35 happening so quickly like i don't even know if we understand how nutty this is while it's happening to us that's what the fake the new tool to visualize how fake news is spread? Oh, the tool to visualize how it's spread. Yeah, it's spread through Republicans. You know what it is. It's like South Park. They retweet stuff. They don't vet.
Starting point is 00:39:55 So do Democrats, too. Everybody does it. But it's like there was an article recently that said that people who are conservative are much more likely to be fooled by fake news. But it was probably written by a liberal. So who the fuck knows? Is it weird to you that Alex Jones seems like he's blown the fuck up in the last couple years? He's blown the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It's not weird. It's a fact. My mom knows who Alex Jones is now. It's weird. People think that I'm somehow ducking him. I don't want to have him on my podcast. I would love to have Alex on my podcast. People don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I have a very good relationship with Alex Jones. I love him. He's my friend. I hug him every time I see him. I'm happy to see him. I like that guy a lot. And he's crazy. He's not all crazy, but he's crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:38 But he's a good guy. I'm telling you. Alex Jones is a great fucking guy. He stresses, though. Oh, yeah. He freaks. He freaks. He freaks. You know, he needs a guy like me right next to him all the time.
Starting point is 00:40:49 That's what he needs. Like, Alex Jones needs someone to go, Alex, are you sure that the elites are going to kill everybody off so they can live forever? Are you fucking sure? Because if you're not sure, you've got to stop saying it. You know, he needs someone that's right there. Like, I really think the problem with, like, conspiracy theories is they feel so good. They feel great.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Like, when you think you really have footage of the Loch Ness Monster, holy shit, you feel good. It doesn't matter if nobody wants to blow me. When I get to work, I'm going to rock the world, you know? I think people who are constantly searching for conspiracies everywhere you go like man like talk about being like sucked into the plot like you're it's all you're concentrating on is people who are lying and conspiring to make money or kill half the population or whatever the fuck it is they're doing what are you sure this is an attractive thought pattern that's the problem with these goddamn conspiracies there are attractive thought patterns that mimic like real problem solving that
Starting point is 00:41:55 could benefit you in real life so instead of like actually paying attention to your real life you get sucked into this idea of you being the one who's going to figure out who killed JFK. And you ride that fucking thing 12 hours a day, all day long. And then after a while, like, are you a researcher? Or are you just a dude who's gone crazy paying attention to the JFK assassination? Like, which one are you? You got to be careful because this feeling that you get when you chase down secrets
Starting point is 00:42:26 and conspiracies, the government, the Illuminati, we're going to expose this man. It gives extra and exaggerated meaning to your time. And anything that gives extra and exaggerated meaning to your time should be closely considered as to whether or not it's beneficial. Like if something gives you extra and exaggerated feelings, you got to go, well, is this love? Is this a hot girl I like to fuck? Is it a fun sport that I picked up that now I'm addicted to? Like what is it? How much of this is good?
Starting point is 00:43:01 How much of this is chemtrails? You know, how much of this is just you spending a lot of time on something that turns out to be total nonsense? How much? I like micro-conspiracies way better. Like little things. Like if you get a value meal at McDonald's, it's more expensive than if you bought all three things separately and stuff like that. That's true, too If you get a value meal at McDonald's you can answer value. Yeah, then if you put all the things together really yeah
Starting point is 00:43:33 But those kind of conspiracies you just broke that broke that story I'm gonna be giant those kind of conspiracies are to me are way fun, but that's not you can prove it easier Right, but that's not a conspiracy. Conspiracy is like- Why are they doing it? What? Why are they doing that? Do they know about it? There must be some incentive to get people
Starting point is 00:43:54 when you get it as a package. What I would say is if there's a meal package that's less money, it might still be more money than they would have spent if they didn't go for the meal package. So they might only get one thing. They might only get a burger and maybe only get a drink.
Starting point is 00:44:12 But if you offer some things in a package, a lot of times people are going to gravitate towards that package. You're saying that it's a way to upsell. Yeah. So even though it might cost less to buy it as a package, they still might be spending more than they would have spent if they didn't buy the package because they might have just got a cheeseburger by itself. Oh, that's totally legit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And it's 41 cents. Do you know I'm like a marketing expert, son? That was awesome. And they add the 41 cents. That's like buying the extended warranty. I don't think you need that. McDonald's sued because extra value meals 41 cents more Wow I wonder how much they're going to spend on legal fees
Starting point is 00:44:48 On that conundrum How could you get sued for that? Unless you said I mean the fucking price is on the wall you dumb cunt Because it's called extra value meal meaning values It's like kind of false advertising a little I guess But is it? I guess
Starting point is 00:45:03 Fraud It's kind of fraudy. The lawsuit filed this month was about principle, not 41 cents. He seeks a class action status for consumer fraud and deceptive practices. Lawsuit against McDonald's operator Karis Management. Huh. I love that McDonald's exists, but it should be illegal. Why? It's fucking barely food. Man, I but it should be illegal. Why? It's fucking barely food.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Man, I had it the other day. It's fucking great. I don't know what you're talking about. I know, too, man. Every now and then I'll stop on the way home and get a filet of fish. Oh, the fries, though. The fries. See, I don't fuck with fries.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Not that much. A little bit here and there. But they don't get me. Those filet of fishes get me. Filet of fish. Fresh. You have to have a fresh one. But Filet-O-Fishes get me. Filet-O-Fish, fresh. You have to have a fresh one. But I made the mistake before I ate the last one,
Starting point is 00:45:49 watching a fucking documentary on how they prepare those fish cakes that you buy that fucking Jesus Christ. See how they treat all that fish with chemicals? They remove all the smell. That's why when you eat, like, Filet-O-Fish, they never fucking smell. They don't smell. Right?
Starting point is 00:46:07 You ever have a—dude. I hate this. You ever catch a fish and cook it, like, later in the day? Mm-hmm. If you wait too long, it starts to stink. You know, especially if it's in the sun. Like, you got to be careful with fish. Fish is, like, way different than any other, like, food in that the closest proximity you have to that thing being
Starting point is 00:46:26 caught and then killed and then you eat it the closer those are together makes a giant impact on the way it tastes so they figured out some weird way to treat all this stuff and i was watching them do it they kill so many fish dude it's crazy if If you watch one of them Filet-O-Fish factory places and you see the fish just being poured in, you just want to go, stop, stop, stop. Stop it. It's like a mass murder. You can't take any more fish.
Starting point is 00:46:55 There's not going to be any more fish. Oh my God, what are they doing? That's hilarious. Dude, it's crazy. They just have trucks. They're backing up. Dumping gigantic piles of fish in there. Well, think about chickens, man. You go to Boston Market, I just got a half a chicken. Like that.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Yeah, and that's half a life I just ate. And it was alive probably just a month ago. Yeah, and that's so much chicken. So much chicken. It doesn't make sense. How many people were there before you? That's why the simulation theory thing makes more sense because there's no way there's that much chicken. So much chicken. It doesn't make sense. And how many people were there before you? That's why the simulation theory thing makes more sense because there's no way there's that much chicken. Here's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:47:30 We have decided that we operate better and calmer in gigantic groups. And even though there's more stress, I mean by better and calmer as a civilization. There's more beep, beep, honk, honk, fuck you. Maybe more murder, maybe more crime because everybody's jammed on top of each other. So you're going to have a bunch of like errant behavior no matter what you do. But the only way we can do that is if we are not involved at all in the production of food. So the production of food is kind of taken away from people because we all together, if we lived in a neighborhood, right if i live near you and uh you know joey's up the street and you know burt's up the street and we all decide with it's like a uh you know like a co-op we're gonna grow our own food i mean that's
Starting point is 00:48:15 people have done that before hippies do that shit all the time they love to do it um if we have them all stacked on top of each other and fucked up like that we'd be like hey guys what are we doing like this is fucked up like these chickens aren't even they're not even they're never a lot they're just we're just treating them like shit until we kill them like that seems kind of fucked up right i guarantee we'd all agree we'd all be like yeah all right how do we do this better you know what do we need more space we need to treat them more humanely they need an omnivorous diet they need to be able to free range and roam around and be like a real chicken until the end comes. So it's not like a life of torture and then death.
Starting point is 00:48:50 It's just life and then death. So you eliminate by using your intellect. You eliminate that torture. But the thing is we don't encounter it, man. You know? Have you ever been to a slaughterhouse? No, I would definitely. Maybe I have.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Maybe a cow. No. No, I would definitely... Maybe I have. Maybe a cow. No, I haven't. I went to a place where they milked a farm. Yeah, that's even rough, man. You watch those cows jammed up against those metal bars and then they're yanking on their tits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It's all weird, man. It's all weird because we don't see it. We just go get milk. That's the fucked up part. We've created these systems. And go get milk is not nearly as fucking weird as go get a cheeseburger at McDonald's. Because go get a cheeseburger is like, they've done all the work. They grew the cow. They killed the cow.
Starting point is 00:49:36 They chopped it up. They ground it up. They cooked it. They put it on a bun. They wrapped that bun in paper. They gave it to you. And it took a couple of seconds. I mean, you can go to a McDonald's right now.
Starting point is 00:49:46 You pull up that drive-thru. You get a juicy-ass quarter pounder with cheese. Ooh, and it'll be in your fat fucking greasy mouth in three minutes. That's amazing. The only way that can happen is if you're not involved in the process. It's the only way it can happen. We've got to kill a lot of fucking cows to do that. We can't all be like everybody
Starting point is 00:50:08 who eats cow, be out there killing cows. We wouldn't get shit done. There would be no insurance companies. There would be no video games that ever get developed. We wouldn't have time. We'd be out there fucking mowing fields and shit. We'd be out there shooting cows in the head and hanging them up by their ankles.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Fake food's on the way very soon, I think. I mean, especially since recently they've had a lot of good breakthroughs from growing food. Oh, yeah, that's 100% going to happen. And once that happens, it's going to be interesting to see if they just have one year of last year to have real cow and slaughter them all and just keep one cow per county or something. They'll do it PETA style. Yeah. Like, you know how pita kills a lot of cats and dogs i tell people that and they go what yeah pita euthanizes a lot of cats and dogs
Starting point is 00:50:51 unfortunately it's like they don't they say they don't have the money to keep them alive just high irony in a way that is that the ethical treatment of animals that kill them like like there's no way like they have no kill animal shelters in la where they don't kill the animals they take them in they try to find them home like squeaky remember my dog squeaky she was in there for like six months or something crazy and callan found her and then i adopted her but um yeah i don't man. I think our relationship to life itself, going back to what you were asking me about the forest, our relationship to life itself is very disjointed. I think we were raised by people who were brainwashed by the 1960s and 1970s media and movies and TV shows and whatever they learned from their parents, you got to think of who their parents were. Their parents were fucking immigrants, man. I mean, my grandparents came straight from the boat. All of them, all of them on my, my mom's side, all of them on my father's side, my father's side, half from Ireland. The grandfather was from Ireland. Grandmother was
Starting point is 00:52:00 from Italy. Everybody else, Italy. They all came over here on a boat. They all just took a fucking chance. They didn't know shit, dude. And there's no way they would have prepared you for the internet. They just didn't know. So it's like with every passing generation, we become more and more aware of how weird this thing is, which is why you can't have a movie with Robert De Niro sucking on Juliette Lewis, you know know tits. You can't do that today, right? I don't think so. No back then you could do it because they didn't know any better I mean literally didn't know any better, you know, like when people talk about like Roman Polanski Roman Clamp Plymouth see what he did
Starting point is 00:52:38 He had sex like a 13 year old girl and he drugged her and all that said there's never an excuse for that, right? He's a piece of shit for sure for doing that right but that went during that time like way back then i bet i bet that was way more common than we would like to believe marlon brando yeah you know that shit that just recently came out how that was supposedly a real rape scene in that movie Last Tango or something. I don't know. Right. How old was that girl?
Starting point is 00:53:11 I don't know. She was like 17 or 18. Like, she wasn't told that she was going to do that. They just did it to her. Yeah. Yeah. What the fuck, man? It's a different world back then.
Starting point is 00:53:22 We've talked about this a couple times about how go to those 1950s movies. Men always hit women. They fucking hit them all the time. Sean Connery. You remember that interview he did? That's one of my favorite interviews ever. We played that recently. Oh, really? Yeah. With Barbara Walters. If you haven't heard it, folks, you should go listen to it on YouTube because it's Barbara Walters. She thinks she has them. That's one of the interesting things about it is that she brings up that he has said that sometimes it's okay to hit a woman. And she sticks it to him like, you know, get out of this one. And he says, well, I believe sometimes it's good to hit one. They just push it and push it and they don't know when to let it go.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And then sometimes you have to use the back of your hand. And you can see the horror in Barbara Walters' face. She was in the last tango in Paris. Brando was 48 and she was 19. Wow. And so
Starting point is 00:54:22 they did that to her without her having any idea that she was going to do it. That was the scene. Yeah. Man. They didn't have her consent. It wasn't in the scripts or something like that. That he didn't regret filming the scene without Schneider's consent, but admitted to feeling guilty.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Huh. Wow. 48. Brando, she was 19. That's great. Brando was a freak, huh? Yeah. What a strange guy.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Remember when he got giant? Yeah. He just got enormous. And apparently that was why they filmed him in Apocalypse Now. Like, they always filmed him in the dark. He just got so big. Yeah. Just a crazy fucker.
Starting point is 00:55:02 You know, when you think about trying to figure out what life is about like now as an adult we're we're the poor fools that we looked upon by our grandchildren like fools like when when our grandchildren are our age and they talk about you know how fucking goofy our world was that we lived in. No wonder why we elected Trump. No wonder why we still have this ridiculous electoral college system and we still have representative democracy. You still can't vote online. No wonder why pot is still illegal in most of the country.
Starting point is 00:55:39 No wonder why private prisons are filled with people in jail for ridiculous shit and people are profiting off it. No wonder why. They didn't get it yet. They were so close. We're just like, we're looking back on like the people that own slaves and we're going, how did they do that? How could that have happened? How could the United States have been founded by slave labor?
Starting point is 00:55:59 How could these people have brought these people from Africa? How could they have beaten them and tortured them and cut their feet off if they tried to flee? But they did. And this is going to be the same thing people say of us when they look back on us. They're going to go, oh my god, they had to kill animals to get meat.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Dude, they didn't even get meat from the meat science. There's no meat science. They didn't have a meat science company. They just got, they had to shoot things with sticks. They haven't figured out Asians were robots yet. I think they're aliens. My girlfriend doesn't have a, you know, where you pound on the knee and it...
Starting point is 00:56:39 Reflex? Reflex. Like three people have tried it on her knee. It's because when she's around you, she's numb. But three people have tried it on her knee? Because when she's around you, she's numb. But three people have tried. Well, my thought was, I feel like if you had to pick one ethnicity that excels in science and mathematics, I always go with Asian. I just always feel like they have. Is that racist in a positive way? Because if it is, I'm go with Asian. I just always feel like they have, and is that racist in a positive way?
Starting point is 00:57:06 Because if it is, I'm positively racist towards Asians. I just think there's a great deal of them that are really good at science and mathematics. And if they're aliens, they probably just crashed here because they were driving their UFO. My thought was that when the Anunnaki came down here and they kidnapped the monkeys and they turned them into people, they had probably like varying doses.
Starting point is 00:57:30 You know, like my people didn't get, like the Italians didn't get a very good dose of alien. It's like mostly monkey, some alien. You think they just used one kind of monkey? There's multiple kinds of monkeys. Maybe. It's possible too. Also, where were all the hominids?
Starting point is 00:57:53 Were they all in one little forest, the ones that became people? Or was there similar things happening in several spots all throughout the world, like a lot of other animals, like birds? Think about how many different birds there are. There are different birds all over the fucking planet, right? Why would we assume that the only places that we... Well, that doesn't even make any sense. We actually kind of know where the monkeys are from. Yeah, the uncontacted Amazon tribe. This is really recent. They have these pictures of these people. These fucking people, man, are living right now. There's something fucked up about going in there and taking pictures.
Starting point is 00:58:22 It's really... I get that everybody wants to see it, but you're going to ruin this. Like, this is incredible. And I know it's important. It's a total catch-22, because I know it's important to document. It's very important to document. But it's also, this is an amazing thing that exists right now.
Starting point is 00:58:42 You could peer into the past. These people are literally living. That guy has a homemade bow and arrow, and you can see his cack. He's got little arrows strapped to his hip. He's got a leaf over his dick, and that guy's pointing a bow and arrow at this drone or whatever the hell it is
Starting point is 00:58:58 that's taking these photos. I wonder what they smell like. Dude, they don't know what's going on, man. They're freaking out. This is crazy. Look at that look on that guy's face. He doesn't even know what they smell like. Dude, they don't know what's going on, man. They're freaking out. This is crazy. Like, look at that look on that guy's face. He doesn't even know what he's seeing. This is an uncontacted tribe, man.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Like, as they go deeper and deeper into the Amazon, they find pockets of prehistoric people. They don't have any contact with the outside world. They're not wearing T-shirts. They're not wearing Adidas. They don't have any plastic. These fucking people are living just like people lived 30,000 years ago there. That's amazing. You know, man, to be able to, this is such a rare moment. If they could figure out a way to visit these people like have them accept
Starting point is 00:59:46 you you would have to actually be one of them to really find out what they're like like unaffected you would almost have to be one of them what you'd have to do is you have to take one of them kidnap them copy their brain onto a robot that looked like them send that robot in to talk to the pygmies. What if you just came in there with a bunch of dead meat, though? Just holding up meat, walking slowly, going, hey, hey, hey, and putting it down. Then they're like, oh, he's giving us meat. See, the thing about these hunter-gatherer tribes like this is they need to get food every day.
Starting point is 01:00:20 If you give them meat, they'll be super happy. But it's not like if I gave you a side of beef You'd be like wow I'll put this in the freezer Like this that meat is not Going to last Like no matter what It's just not going to They're in the jungle it gets funky in an hour Bunch of twinkies then
Starting point is 01:00:37 They gotta hunt everyday dude My friend Steve Rinella went to this Place in Fuck was it Bornea? Bolivia. He went to Bolivia, and he hung out with these tribal people in Bolivia in the woods with them. He said it was nuts. They don't wear shoes.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Their feet are, like, thick with calluses, and they're splayed out. Their toes are splayed out. He's like, their feet don't look anything like ours because they never wear shoes. And they gave these guys some shoes, like, hey, you know, as a gift. And they put them on and they're like, what the fuck is this? They didn't want them. Like their feet have gotten so calloused. With the Yeezys?
Starting point is 01:01:14 They don't have Yeezys, brother. They don't have anything. Sorry, Jamie. Didn't make any sense. No, because they didn't want them. Right. But they gave these people boots. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Boots that you would wear if you lived in the jungle. They didn't want to have nothing to do with it. I guess if you just walk around all the time, your feet will get so hard that you could walk on anything. Have you seen that guy's feet that walked across the country? Which country? This country.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Really? Barefoot? Yeah. United States of America? He's doing it right now, actually, I think, for the third time. Barefoot? Yeah. Sounds like a bad idea. Well, there was that one guy that was on that dual survival show, and that was his shtick, was that he walks barefoot everywhere. You never know, man, when the shoe store is going to run out of shoes.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Imagine, though, if you live your whole life like an asshole walking outside barefoot, and then the day you die, you're like, God damn it, they still have shoes. And then, boom, and it ends. Are you mostly barefoot around your house? Yeah, I'm barefoot all the time. Me too. What is that? That's his feet?
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yeah. That's my feet. That doesn't look that bad. Yeah, it looks like. That's a woman, dude. Oh. God. Is this your personal collection?
Starting point is 01:02:18 Are you sure? Yeah. Let's look. That's his name? Yeah, it says Mark Bombers. Why does that look like a woman in that photo? I don't know. I've got long hair.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I don't know. Oh, is that a hippie name? Yeah, it says Mark Bombers. Why does that look like a woman in that photo? I don't know. He's got long hair. I don't know. Oh, is that a hippie thing? Yeah. Did I just do what Grandpa does? After his 46th day of walking barefoot. It's only 46 days, though. Oh, that's when they just started out doing it. Yeah, he hasn't been doing it for years or anything.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I would imagine more cuts and stuff. It doesn't seem like a good idea. Well, it seems like you definitely would get some infections and shit in the beginning. Mental illness is what the guy has. I think it's one of those things where you just gotta do it over and over and over again. Do it slowly and then have it build up.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Go to see if you find that dual survivor's feet. Because he used to walk on the show everywhere in the jungle, stepping on twigs and shit barefoot. His feet were way more disgusting than that guy that guys his feet were like werewolf feet and just like oh jesus but if you want to you know if you want to just have tough feet look at that jesus that's a fucked up foot that's the dual survivor guy yeah yeah his ridiculous feet dude every way he goes he walks look at that.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Barefoot. Disgusting. Imagine paying someone to suck your toes, and they look like that. You'd have to be a real piece of shit. Wow. You wouldn't even feel it. You might as well be sucking on the bottom of a table. You don't feel that.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Those things are numb, I would imagine. The only good thing about having calloused feet, though, is when you start stepping on things that would normally hurt you, you won't feel it. So it's kind of like making your own shoe out of your own foot. But that's just disgusting. Look at the bottom. Look at the heels. That looks infected.
Starting point is 01:03:52 That looks like the homeless guy by my house with gangrene. What is his name? Cody London. That's his name. Shout out to Cody. It's an interesting world, man. That world of people that are preppers and survivalists and want to stay alive. Man, I had another conversation with Les Trout the other day.
Starting point is 01:04:09 He came to the comedy store. He's doubling down on Bigfoot. Oh, God. Bigfoot. Let me see those socks. I wish he found them. I would fucking love it. I would be so happy if Les Trout found Bigfoot.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Fuck that. He goes looking for it all the time talk about this in a serious way what if there's like five of them there's only five of them even talking about it
Starting point is 01:04:36 as if there might be a possibility drives me crazy meanwhile you have no problem with a lot of other ridiculous fantasies what?
Starting point is 01:04:43 what are fantasies? Movies and video games and all kinds of fantasy stuff, right? You have no problem with Rogue One, but you're like, fuck Bigfoot. Rogue One, I haven't seen. I heard it was good. Have you seen it? No, I heard it's good. I heard it's very good.
Starting point is 01:04:56 I liked the last one, so Young Jamie says it's much better than the last one. Yeah, sure. I mean, I enjoyed it more. It's cooler. But I don't know what the fuck's going on though so that's part of the problem it's like when is it happening it's a prelude to which one the original what hold on so this this is before okay so the last one was way after the first one but this new one is going to be way before the first one last the last one you saw yes yeah i
Starting point is 01:05:23 think so that's way after darth vader was dead. The one that came out last year? This is the first one. Spoiler alert. Yeah, I mean, Han Solo was older, obviously. This is like after the first one, right? But now this one's going to go before the original one that introduced Han Solo. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:37 But you're never going to get a fucking Han Solo guy again. I feel like the age of that kind of actor is pretty much over. The age of the superstar movie iconic Han Solo type characters. I feel like I was thinking about that recently. I think the problem is that it's because those guys are still here doing those movies. Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford are still making movies. But nobody else, I mean, it doesn't seem like any new guys are doing that. See the new Blade
Starting point is 01:06:10 Runners? There's a new Blade Runner? Oh, God. And Harrison Ford's in it, and what's his face? Mark Bard. Ryan Gosling, I think. Yeah, Ryan Gosling. But what about the other guy? Who was the main robot guy? Fuck. Robot guy? Yeah was the main robot guy? Fuck.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Robot guy? Yeah, the guy who was his main enemy at the end of the first movie. Oh. Rutger Hauer. Remember that guy? That guy was the shit. This is the preview. We're watching it right now.
Starting point is 01:06:39 This is the new one. Okay. Yeah, pull the audio. So, narration going on right now with Harrison Ford. And I see it's weird when you redo something, man. Are they redoing it? It seems like they're doing it right because they kept the narrative, which is a real feel of the film. And this looks dope.
Starting point is 01:07:01 And it's by Ridley Scott again, so. Oh. Powerful Ridley Scott. Alien. So he's walking up to some ship, it looks like. Uh-oh. Yeah, maybe this is not the best thing for people to have on YouTube. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:07:22 All right. We'll see it later. I'll show it. We'll see it later. I'll show it. We'll see it later. Oh, this isn't even the one I saw. This is a different one? Yeah. Oh, my God, Brian.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Is this happening in real time? Oh, wait. No, this isn't. All right. Yeah. Which Ryan is that? Gosling. That's Gosling.
Starting point is 01:07:40 I get them confused. I saw him the other day. This is the Reynolds and the Gosling. Robax. Harrison Ford with a gun. Looks a little shaky. I get them confused. I saw them the other day. There's the Reynolds and the Gosling. Rob Harrison Ford with a gun. Looks a little shaky. I might rush him. So great.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Blade Runner. Wow. That'll be badass. I hope they do it again. Well, I just, I think we need more science fiction movies that are really good, and we need more horror movies that are really good. There's not enough fucking monster movies anymore. Stop making them.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Black Mirror is my latest new horror movie. That shit's fucking creepy as fuck. That's a crazy, crazy show. One of my favorite shows of all time.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Why is it a monster movie? Well, one of the episodes, each episode's really fucked up but one episode's scary like he's in a haunted house and it's mixing
Starting point is 01:08:24 virtual reality with simulation. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Don't listen any farther. It's crazy, though. I got so high yesterday with Ron White, I started believing in ghosts. Ron White was telling me he lived in a haunted house,
Starting point is 01:08:38 and I was like, wow, you sure? Wow, you used to live in a haunted house. You sure it's haunted? I was looking those rules up on real estate. There is something, even in California, you have to disclose if someone died in your house if you're trying to sell it within three years or something like that. Should be a lot more than that. Or a lot less than that, rather.
Starting point is 01:08:54 That's for smell reasons, though, or something. That's for health code reasons. I don't know. Not less than that. I meant more than that in the first place. I was going to bring up a story about the girl who died in Boulder. What's the little girl's name? JonBenet Ramsey.
Starting point is 01:09:10 JonBenet Ramsey, yeah. That house, they can't sell. That fucking house, they can't sell. They've changed the name of the street. They can't sell that house. How much is it? I'll buy it. They changed the address.
Starting point is 01:09:19 You don't want to do it. It's an expensive house. It's a very nice house. It's in Boulderoulder like in boulder proper which is like very expensive it says they sold it house's new owner when is this this year jerry from subway that house has been for sale for i'm not exaggerating maybe like nine years 10 years damn yeah and i think some people bought it and they redid it and they try to change the name of it that's who this is they own the house the people that bought it and they redid it and they tried to change the name of it. That's who this is.
Starting point is 01:09:45 They owned the house. The people that bought it right after the Ramseys moved out in 2004, I guess, have been trying to sell it for 10 years. Yeah. So they just sold it and some new people bought it. Man, if it is haunted, I don't think there's an expiration date on Ghost, dude. I started watching. I think they're having trouble selling it still. Oh, so they haven't sold it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Okay, so that's the case. So that was the point, is that these people bought this house, they fixed it up, and they're like, well, it's a beautiful house. It'll sell. Nobody wants it. I started watching that ghost show recently, and I think you've talked about it many times, but I've never seen it before. The Ghost Hunters. Yeah. What a ridiculous fake show that is.
Starting point is 01:10:23 There's a bunch of them. I don't know which one you saw, but there's like four or five different of those ghost shows when it's on true TV But they actually edit in like kids laughing and stuff and they're like do you hear that? I swear it sounds like kids laughing and it's just like a stock audio of like You know like it's so bad. Yeah, they don't have any obligation to tell the truth by the way You know, like, it's so bad. Yeah, they don't have any obligation to tell the truth, by the way. Sorry, dude. If you're so fucking stupid, you really believe that the guys on those Ghost Hunter shows
Starting point is 01:10:49 are going to expose the truth in the next commercial break. You know, like, the next commercial break. What was that? Oh, my God, coming up next. Huh? Is that real? Remember that show they had people's, I think it was called Fear on MTV, where they had a GoPro on someone's face
Starting point is 01:11:06 and go sit in this dark room for two hours and if you can, think you win money or some shit like that. I think they were trying to freak them out, but they tried to make it seem like they were in haunted houses and different prisons and shit like that. That's awful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Boy, we love watching other people freak out. It's like horror movies man like there's what is it about a horror movie i remember that scene from american werewolf in london where there was a businessman on the subway in london and he's walking along and he looks behind him and he sees the wolf and you know that he sees the wolf and he starts running. And you barely see the wolf. You see the wolf for like maybe a half a second. Like maybe.
Starting point is 01:11:51 And then he's running and he keeps looking back and he's terrified. And he fucking runs up this escalator and he trips and falls and his briefcase falls apart. And he's trying to pick up the stuff and he looks down at the bottom of the escalator. And for like a split second you see the werewolf and it makes you shit your fucking pants because you think about like what if you were that guy and this thing is running through the airport chasing you and then you just can't keep it together anymore you're out of shape you get to the top of that escalator you fall down you. You collapse. You look down. You're like, oh, my God, it's there. Like, we love that shit.
Starting point is 01:12:27 People love being freaked out watching some poor bastard about to get jacked. It stresses me out. You don't like those movies? I mean, no. I don't like being stressed out. That's why I couldn't. I never finished Breaking Bad. I watched the first episode and I was like, yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 01:12:44 That was stressful. I don't need to do any more of that. I gave the first episode and I was like, yeah, I get it. That was stressful. I don't need to do any more of that. I gave up on The Walking Dead. Really? I heard it's just turned a corner. It was way too torture-y. I was like, this is a torture show. It's like all of a sudden the zombies are pussies.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Like all of a sudden the zombies aren't any threat at all. It's just the people. Like the zombies come near you, you just fucking push them to the side, get out of here. These zombies used to be able to tear open a horse. They used to take down a fucking full-grown horse and rip it apart and eat it alive. Do you know how quick a fucking horse would run over 30, 40 people?
Starting point is 01:13:17 Like if 30, 40 people, just regular strength people, went and had a horse cornered in a stable and tried to eat the horse while it's alive. That horse would kick the fuck out of you. Everybody would go flying. It would take maybe 15 seconds and we'd all be dead. The horse would just kick you and kick you. He would never bite through his fucking skin and eat him. But in this stupid show, at one point in time, the zombies could just tear open a horse.
Starting point is 01:13:46 So what are they? Are they super powerful, or are they pussies? Do they walk like two miles an hour? Or could they corner a fucking giant horse? Tell me what's going on here. What if one, what if it's just like if the person was super strong before they became a zombie? Doesn't work on the horse. Even if you get a bunch of
Starting point is 01:14:01 strong men. Get 50 strong men to try to take out a horse. This guy's going to get kicked. This is not. I don't want to see this, Jamie. Don't make me see this. Why are we watching this? Oh, son, you got KO'd. That guy got K the fuck owed.
Starting point is 01:14:15 You got a whole sequence of them? A collaboration? I do not want to watch dudes getting jacked by horses. But let me tell you something. You could have a hundred people try to corral a horse and rip it apart. That horse will send people fucking flying. That's like, look, if I was in a room
Starting point is 01:14:31 with a hundred chihuahuas that were trying to kill me, guess who's getting out of the room? Me. There's going to be a hundred dead fucking chihuahuas and me. You know why? Because I'm a person and I'm bigger than a goddamn chihuahua. That's like a better, I have less
Starting point is 01:14:47 good odds than a hundred people trying to eat a horse. A horse will kick the fuck out of you. Unless you have a gun or a spear or something, you're going to have to penetrate that thing's vital organs. It's going to beat the fuck out of everybody. You can't just eat the horse. Fuck out of here. Your rules don't fit that you're you like
Starting point is 01:15:08 you're you haven't made a coherent universe where things are consistent like sometimes these zombies can tear through things and eat a living horse and sometimes these fucking things you just push them to the side they can't even bite you like they're not as frantic they move slower they're not a consideration this word we're doing we're breaking down zombies and zombie psychology here uh at all things considered please consider donating because what what we have put together here is all put together by your generous contributions. Coming up next, zombie physics. Bite physics. How do they bite through things? All you need is like a thick jacket and just stab them all in the head.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Here, bite my arm, stupid. Stab in the fucking head. They're a superpower of strength. Yeah, sometimes. Sometimes. Like the first episode of the new season, Rick's just shucking them to the side like he's some goddamn super lineman. They're a bunch of high school players. He's just chucking them, moving them around like they're nothing.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Nobody bites them. 30, 40 of them at a time. Not one of them gets a hold of them, bites them. Fuck you. It should be somebody's job to be like, make sure that is a thing. Consistent. Yeah, consistency. But they can't do that with a storyline.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Because a storyline is too weird man the storyline is like now you know everybody the zombies are still around but the people become a problem the zombies are still around but they don't eat and it's been years and i guess they're just around and uh unlike anything we've ever observed they don't deteriorate and fall away from not eating like what the fuck are these stupid slow these stupid, slow cunts going to feed themselves every day? Do they have a digestive system? They could just write into the story, like, oh, we figured it out, why some are stronger than the others.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Some have eaten lately. That sounds like an ABC after-school special. To finish Westworld? Yes. That's a good show. I fucking love that show. It's a great show. That's a show that has so much weird room
Starting point is 01:17:03 to move around, because they jump timelines, and you never. It's a great show. That's a show that has so much weird room to move around because they jump timelines, and you never know who's a robot and who's not a robot, and it's just getting slipperier and slipperier. And it's Anthony fucking Hopkins and the other guy, Ed Harris. Both, I mean, top flight actors. And then that girl who plays Dolores, what is her name? God damn, she's good.
Starting point is 01:17:29 She scares the shit out of me. Like, a girl like that is the type of girl that could just act like that and, like, get you to fall in love with her. Like, if a girl can act that good in a movie, like, if she wanted to use it for evil, she could. I feel like I've dated a few of these local girls, these actresses. Evan Rachel Wood, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:51 That's not fair. Yeah, they can do that. They can use it for evil. Yeah, they can date you pretty, like hide the crazy way easier because they can just act like they're nice and normal. Well, also, most people who are crazy don't even know that they're crazy. It's not like they're going, I know I'm crazy, but I can't let Brian know I'm crazy. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pretend.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Even with Facebook, though, and everyone calling them crazy for like a couple years, and then they go, oh, they figured it out. Dude, ego. First of all, those people on Facebook, I didn't pay them no mind because I ain't about haters. I ain't about haters. Preach. See, I think there's a way that we can all justify who we are and how we are and i don't think crazy people have some sort of clarity that we don't possess i think that's ridiculous i think it's probably quite the opposite i bet they have way less clarity they have no idea they're crazy
Starting point is 01:18:34 they think the world sucks world's full of retards justin bieber went to bed and probably got up that man what a bunch of retards we met last night. You know what I mean? I mean, that fucking Red Band retard, Olive Garden. You know, like, he probably has no idea how he came off. That's way more common than not. So these real dummies, these crazy people, these nutty people, they probably don't even know they're that nutty. They think they're a little nutty sometimes.
Starting point is 01:19:03 What's the big deal? God. You know? Yeah. I have a video of him saying, yeah, but have you ever slept with 20 supermodels? To this black guy. And when the black guy came up, he goes,
Starting point is 01:19:17 what's up, my n-word? Like he said the n-word. To you? No, no. To this black guy. Oh, he said that to him? He yelled something to this black guy. So this black guy comes up and puts down his food and he goes what's up my n-word?
Starting point is 01:19:31 I don't like saying it man because then nowadays people make it ringtones and shit. Well, it's a fucking problem Magic words are never good folks. It's not good It's not good because it makes them more valuable when you say it now. It holds more power. It becomes a more loaded word. Lenny Bruce argued about that in, like, 1950s. It was one of his bits. It was, like, one of his most controversial bits.
Starting point is 01:19:59 He would point people out in the audience and call, there's a nigger. There's a spic. There's a kike. Yeah. Yeah, dude. It was a crazy crazy bit and at the time like people had no idea where he was going with it because nobody had ever done that kind of comedy before but he was essentially saying that if you the more you use those words the more they lose their power and the more they'll never have the ability to hurt some child's feelings
Starting point is 01:20:25 and it's pretty profound especially considering that he had you know i'd realize like what happens when you censor things and censor people and he'd figure that out in the 1960s somehow you know he figured out like that this is this is counterproductive like you can't you can't demonize a word words just convey intent like we were talking about earlier. The hardest thing in the world is to convey your thoughts through your words. And to make certain words supercharged and decide certain words have magic fucking powers in the game and they can jump three steps. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:21:01 They're just fucking words, man. And words are supposed to be flexible and they're supposed to all contribute to the best possible job you can do of conveying your intent. And as soon as you have like supercharged words that you can't use anymore, well, then I can't. I have less tools you have less of an ability to understand what I'm saying. And you're, you're assuming that the exact same word from one sentence to the next has the same, is the same content, has the same ability, the same, it means the same thing. Cause it doesn't always mean the same thing. You know, like if someone can call you a bitch and if it's your friend, it's funny. Like if you, if Duncan comes over and like, what's up, bitch? And, like, goes to grab your dick or something, like, it'd be hilarious, right? Why?
Starting point is 01:21:50 Because he's Duncan. Because it's your friend. Whereas, if Justin Bieber says it to you, and you're, you know, in line in front of him, a big boy, you wouldn't, you know, that doesn't feel good. Or if some guy says that to you, some guy comes up to you like, what's up, bitch? You're like, oh, well, this doesn't feel good. It feels terrible, right? Because the intent's different. You know it's different.
Starting point is 01:22:13 The word doesn't always mean the same thing. A word just conveys intent. And it's not that fucking good. I mean, we're really good at it compared to animals, but we're not that good at it. In that not that good at it, that's why songs are cool. You know, like you repeat the same shit over and over and over again. Anywhere else, that's annoying. You know?
Starting point is 01:22:34 I want to rock and roll all night and party every day. You get a whole crowd repeating the same shit over and over and over again. You get a whole crowd repeating the same shit over and over and over again. Because we've decided that those noises, those words, they convey an intent that we can all support. And the music backs it up. Right? You're not a big Kiss fan. You don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:04 You don't understand. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You were denied a big Kiss fan. You don't know. You don't understand. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You were denied that in your youth. You should play Kiss miniature golf in Vegas next time you go. It's pretty fun. How about no? What's two animals that sing? Birds, monkeys.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Monkeys sing. They make crazy sounds. But is that a call or a song? Well, none of them are songs. I think birds are songs. Maybe. They're beautiful. But what about, like, whales?
Starting point is 01:23:32 Whales sing. That's a humming. No. Like, what is a whale? Okay, do you think you know for sure what a whale sounds like when it's, like, whale sounds? Do you know? Just the audio that they record. Let's hear the audio of whales. Let's hear whale songs. Yeah, it's like that sounds do you know just the the audio let's hear the audio of whale let's hear whale songs yeah it's like that right like uh dolphins it's like
Starting point is 01:23:52 right so we know that okay here we go whoa oh speaking of which have you done the hcc vibe yet the ocean oh no i've done the HTC Vive yet? No. Oh, no, I've done the PlayStation Ocean. Listen to this. Wow. I think it's just repeating it over. Yeah, that's it. Dude, that's amazing. That sounds incredible. Wow, that sound alone just completely changed the way I think about whales.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Does that sound like crying to you or positive or negative? They're communicating. It didn't sound negative. It sounded like they're communicating. But it makes you realize how fucking smart they are. Like, I don't know what they're saying, but I can tell that that's a language. They're repeating certain sounds and doing it in a way that's like, it's clear the difference is in the sounds
Starting point is 01:25:26 it sounds like a fucking language man yes and also you gotta think like what a when you when you stop and think about how we've all chosen certain languages whether it's chinese or spanish or whatever you know the region that we the world that we live in we've chosen certain languages that become like our standard way of making sounds that convey our ideas. But these things have, they've gone a totally different path, but it's kind of the same thing. They're like those Amazon tribes people that they discovered, you know, their people, their brains are probably just like our brains, exactly the same, but they never encountered all these metals and plastics and all the innovations that came with the industrial era. So they just live like people live thousands and thousands of years ago.
Starting point is 01:26:12 But it's the same thing, right? They're just people. They probably have some crazy language that we don't know. But go down there and try to figure it. You'll hear them talking. You'll be like, what in the fuck are they saying? Like, what is this? Like, what kind of language is this?
Starting point is 01:26:29 That's what was going on with that dolphin i was listening to that thing talk and i was like oh my god they can't kill these how are they killing these they gotta stop killing these like whoever it is with this i know uh sea shepherd busts a lot of people all the time sea shepherd they they catch these people because there's there embargo. Or not an embargo. It's illegal in most places to kill whales. But what they do is they say they have a research vessel. And they kill them for research. But they're not research vessels. They take them, they chop them up, and they sell them.
Starting point is 01:26:58 But they're still doing it. Like, it's a big deal in Japan, apparently. Dolphin. Yeah. Well, dolphins is a different animal but this is whales they still go whaling they still kill whales and pull these giant ass fucking whales on these boats and there's photo like see see if you can pull up the sea shepherd photos sea shepherd photos sea shepherd captures uh or uh catches um ship with whales on or something something. It was just really disturbing because they figured out some loophole
Starting point is 01:27:27 where you're allowed to kill them if you're a research vessel. So all you have to do is just pretend you're a research vessel or perform a couple of tests, whatever is compulsory, whatever you have to do, and then sell all the whale parts.
Starting point is 01:27:44 It's just like you hear that thing sing and you're like, whoa, you can't kill that. That's like a water person. It's like a weird water person. What is that? Sea separate catches. Go large with that so we can see it. Catches Japanese flea. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Look at that. That's just where they slaughtered the whales in there. Oh, that's fucked up, dude. Look, you can see the whale parts and shit. It's just a... Look at those. Three big-ass whales sitting on the floor of this Japanese vessel. This is real recent, too.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Yeah, Japanese fleet. See, click on that link so we can hear what the story is. Sea Shepherd catches Japanese fleet, four whales dead. Man. Yeah. I mean, as many of these people go out and catch doing this, catch in the act, how many people are getting away with this? The ocean's a big fucking place. Sea Shepherd only has so many boats horrible huh yeah is it illegal in japan they found inside a southern ocean sanctuary sea shepherd said that it had located all five japanese vessels now in pursuit forcing the harpooners to cut short their operation and
Starting point is 01:29:00 retreat the group released footage and photographs showing three minke whales dead on the deck of the factory ship Nissen Maru and said a fourth, also believed to be a minke, was slaughtered when sea shepherds helicopter flew overhead. There's three carcasses on the ship. A fourth
Starting point is 01:29:20 carcass has been cut up. There's blood all over the place. The meat's carted around on this factory ship deck. Awful? I don't know what awful. A-O-F-F-A-L and innards being dumped in the ocean, says She Separated Australia Chairman
Starting point is 01:29:35 Bob Brown. And this is from 2014? Is that what it's from? Yeah. Yeah, man. They kill whales. There's something about that thing that just, like listening to that sound, I don't think I ever heard that before. If I did, I never really listened. That's freaky, man.
Starting point is 01:29:58 That's a freaky sound. Did you ever see that video of the people that were inside the submarine when the whale came to visit them? No, dude That's when you get a sense of how fucking big whales are these people are in this I don't know how deep they are but they're deep and this giant ass fucking whale Come swimming right by them like right up to the side of the craft like whoa Like you can see them looking through this thing at a fucking whale.
Starting point is 01:30:28 That's crazy. Yeah. You find that one? It's, I forget what kind of, some kind of submarine. Some kind of underwater expedition vehicle. It's bigger than the submarine, right? Oh, yeah. Way bigger, right?
Starting point is 01:30:44 Way bigger. Look at this. Here it is. So here's these people submarine, right? Oh, yeah. Way bigger, right? Way bigger. Look at this. Here it is. So here's these people. They're looking through this window. And where a sperm whale. It's a sperm whale. So look at this.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Look at this. That's a whale right there. Watch this thing as it gets closer. It's fucking crazy, dude. Look at this. Look at that. Look at the fucking size of that thing, man. It's just swimming right next to that.
Starting point is 01:31:07 That looks like a video game, man. It looks like that virtual reality thing. I know, it does, right? It goes right under them. This is insane. It's going right under them. Wow. All those deep sea photos from that Russian fisherman.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Yeah. Crazy, crazy psycho alien stuff with teeth. Yeah, there's been a bunch of new ones that they found. What was that, that ghost shark? That thing's insane. There's two of them. One of them that the Whitney Cummings sent me on Instagram. That is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:47 It's some bioluminescent shark. She sent it to me on the Twitter. It's a bioluminescent shark that lives over a thousand feet under the water. Yeah, this is the ghost shark. Look at that thing, Brian. That's a real fucking fish.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Oh, yeah. That thing was alive in that form before the dinosaurs. Ghost shark. How crazy is that? When you can find something alive today that was absolutely alive 65 plus million years ago, what an amazing time we live in where you can get a glimpse of that and sort of use your shitty little monkey brain to try to figure out, like, how many different forms of life are there? Like, how long has this thing been going on?
Starting point is 01:32:33 Where is it going to? You hear that whale talking? Look at these things they found. Wow. Deep Sea Fisherman has been posting his finds on Twitter, and it's legit terrifying. What is that? Hold on. That's that one fish.
Starting point is 01:32:49 What is that? That's that anglerfish. Yeah. But look at it. It's blue and black. Oh, my God. What a monster. What is that thing?
Starting point is 01:32:59 That looks like a frog version of it or something. What is that? I've seen that one before, that crazy eel-looking thing. Yeah. Oh, Jesus. Whoa. That's adorable. Yeah, that looks like a Finding Nemo's buddy.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Look at that thing. What in the fuck? That's the chestburster from the alien movies. Yes, that's exactly. Look at the teeth. Oh, my God. Look at its fucking teeth. For breathing or something.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Jesus Christ. Probably for finding prey. What is that? A shark? Some kind of shark or something? I can't read the... I have no idea what it says in Russian. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Look at these fucking freaky things. Those guys look like kiddest couple. What's Homeboy's Twitter page? Okay. R-F-E-D-O-R-T-S-O-V. Like R-F-E-D-O-R-S-T-O-V or something. F-E-D-O-R-S-T-O-V. R. F-A-D-O-R-S-T-O-V. R-F-A-D-O-R-S-T-O-V.
Starting point is 01:33:48 No. R-S-O-V. R-S-O-V. Not S-T. R-S-O-V. R-S-O-V, right? Isn't that how you would say it? That looks like a Muppet.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Oh, my God. That doesn't look real. Look at the eyes on that fucking thing. Wow. It's just so amazing, the variety of life. Look at that fucking eyeball on top of its head, dude. It's on the bottom, I think. No, that's the top.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Is it? Yeah. What are those eyes on the left and the right? That's not an eyeball, is it? No. Or the mouth is this way. That's the top of the mouth. Is that real?
Starting point is 01:34:25 No, no, no. That thing's mouth is open,. That's the top of the mouth. Is that real? No, no, no. That thing's mouth is open and it's looking right at you. That looks like a bass. It's like a blowhole from Mario Brothers. Yeah, that's right side up. No, that's an eyeball, bro. It's got an eyeball on its head. That's crazy. Okay, Google, is there a fish that has an eyeball on its fucking head?
Starting point is 01:34:39 It says right here it's just a halibut and looks like a cyclops. Oh. So it's a halibut. Oh. Oh, we're just looking at it weird. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Okay. So if that was flattened out. It's so dark. I didn't know a halibut ever got that dark. But the angle they're holding it up, it looks like a cyclops. Because you know what halibuts are? They're flat and they have the eyeballs on one side. It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Have you ever seen a halibut in real life? They're fucking so freaky looking. Some of the pictures here that we pulled up. Like, how did this evolve that way? They get to a spot on the ocean, they lay down on the sand, and then they shake themselves. And they become one with the sand. Like, they put sand all over their body and only their eyeballs poke up. You ever see that?
Starting point is 01:35:22 It's crazy. Like, how the fuck... Whoa, look at that thing. Halibut sandwich. How does something... Don't Google that. Halibut in the sand. See, watch. You can see how it does it. It's crazy when you watch them do it.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Because they're just swimming along and they find a spot and they pound on the sand until it covers them. Look at this. It's great. And that's how he hides. What a weird creature. When they have the two eyeballs on one side and the other side no eyeballs
Starting point is 01:35:51 and they're flat. That is a weird looking animal, dude. It's so weird. It's eyeballs are poking up and it's a predator too, which is even weirder. I mean, that's not something that's like eating plants and shit. It's waiting for something to fuck up and get near it so it could jack them. Like, this is his weird camouflage method.
Starting point is 01:36:11 And they're delicious. I'm not a fish guy at all. Really? Yeah. I think that's something I need to get into, an older I get type thing, because I hate fish, and I just hate the taste of fish. I like hard shell, like lobster, stuff like that. But fish, unless it's cooked deliciously, which most of the time it's just fish, I can't get into it at all.
Starting point is 01:36:34 Well, fish is something that, like, if you go to, like, a Chili's or something like that and you order fish, it's probably not going to be so hot, right? But if you go to, like, a fish place and order fish i mean what do i know maybe chili's are the best fish ever maybe i'm just a snob but i'm like they can't fuck up chicken breasts you know chicken breasts are pretty fucking simple but if your fish is old at all or weird at all no sushi on sundays because they can't ship it yeah never go get fish on sunday yeah they say even monday is a bit of a problem. Yeah. I don't know when the right day is. It's just like an old rule. They probably can ship stuff on Sundays now.
Starting point is 01:37:09 They get deliveries on Sundays. Amazon Prime does. Yes. They can ship shit on Sunday. You get deliveries on Sunday? Yeah. Nobody's, no more rest. Not mail.
Starting point is 01:37:18 No more rest for anybody. They're going to come to a time, and it's not that far in the future, where there's no more truck drivers. I've been reading a lot about this man. This is weird the number one job for white men in this country is truck driver No, but it's something is high but I did make that up They're going away 100% find out how many people drive trucks because it's some amazing statistic. I do believe it's the number one job for men is truck driver. And the women are all slots.
Starting point is 01:37:59 In the U.S. or the world? U.S. To be a truck driving woman, what's that got to be like? To be a slot? That was a joke. But what do you have to be like? To be a slut? No, I'm just, that was a joke. But, like, what do you have to be like? That's a weird person. Gonna like to be around dudes.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Must have been, like, a family thing. Approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the United States, according to estimates American Trucking Association. Total number of people enjoyed, employed in the industry, including those in positions that do not entail driving, exceeds 8.7 million. Wow. Find out what percentage, though, what percentage of men, like instead of how many truck drivers in the UFC, what percentage of men working drive trucks? That's a bad question. I'm not answering it right.
Starting point is 01:38:44 I'm not answering it right. I'm not asking it right. Percentage of men that drive trucks for a living. Google that. Percentage of male truck drivers. Yeah, percentage of men who drive trucks for a living. Type that. It says right here 20% are women. Of all truck drivers?
Starting point is 01:39:00 In this article, he expects about 10% of the freight's 9,000 haulers to be women, which is almost twice the national average. So that's double national average is about 20%. Right. But is that the national average for any job or for truck driving? For truck driving? Truck driving. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:18 So let's find out what the percentage of people that drive trucks are. Because I think for men, just Google what percentage of men drive trucks. Women, right here. 5.8% of the 3.4 million truck drivers last year were women. Okay, so 3.4 million truck drivers, and that's from 2010. Or 2011, compared to 4.6% in 2010. Huh, so that's saying it's declining. 2% are fuckable, it says.
Starting point is 01:39:46 I think it's more than 2. 5.8% of the 34 million truck drivers last year is compared to the 4.6%. Okay. So there's more female truck drivers now. It's not 4.6 million. I'm reading it wrong. It says that most female truckers
Starting point is 01:40:01 work in two-person driving teams. Good move. Yeah. Mother-daughter pairings. Yeah, that's a good move. Stay safe. Lesbians. Keep a gun. Don't say lesbians, bro. They're just women.
Starting point is 01:40:12 No, I bet that's a big thing. You know, they would like being on the road together. You'd go on road trips, having fun together. If you're a lesbian? Yeah. Maybe what if you start fighting? What if you're like halfway across the goddamn country? You got to make the next 2,000 miles with this bitch who won't even eat your ass anymore.
Starting point is 01:40:28 I'm so tired of her bullshit. Oh, you think you're too good for me. This is a weird time when it comes to those people because those jobs are going to go away. They're going to have automated trucks. All jobs. Yeah. Fast food. Fast food is going to go away before truckers.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Cashiers. I think cashiers are going to go away, sure's going to go away before truckers. Cashiers. I think cashiers are going to go away, sure, but I don't think truckers... I think the trucker thing's going to happen sooner than you think. They've already started using these drone trucks, right? I think so. Yeah. I think they've already started using them in some places. It's a... You're going to have to figure out a way to employ those people.
Starting point is 01:41:01 You've got millions of people. Millions of people that don't have a job anymore because um but is there more jobs opening up of things like twitchers youtubers you know well it could be if they could figure out how to do it but i mean not everybody figures out how to do it that even does it how many people figure out how to make a living off of uh doing anything on the internet you know even people that do it how many people figure out how to make a living off of doing anything on the internet? You know, even people that do it. How many people that are on like Instagram, they do it all the time, they do it all day. How many people are making nothing? You know, zero. A lot. They just do it because it's fun. They haven't figured out how to profit off of it. You can't just expect these truck drivers to figure it out. It's like they're
Starting point is 01:41:42 going to be, what the fuck, man man there's no jobs left that was a legitimate job but you get out of school there was always these commercials for truck companies truck driving companies we need drivers do you have a safe record you're like man might be a driver you can earn 16 an hour and you're like oh shit 16 an hour you know all those commercials those are going away the job doesn't exist anymore Probably drone drivers now Or something like that Even that Even that Those are going to be automated too
Starting point is 01:42:07 You're going to send those things Like a navigation signal For a while You'll need people to fix it To fix it Make sure they're working For a while PCR repair
Starting point is 01:42:14 Till robots know how to do it Better than you can I don't know For a while Fuck man There's too many of us We out fucked our resources Maybe
Starting point is 01:42:22 That's what's going on We're going to back off the fucking I wonder if it's going to get to the point where, like, you know, like, chain restaurants, like Chili's or whatever, like, in the back, they're going to just, like,
Starting point is 01:42:31 not even have cooks. It's just going to be, like, plate comms, squirt the Alfredo, squirt the noodle, you know? Like, it's going to be like... Or they're going to use that meat material
Starting point is 01:42:40 and make it with a 3D printer. Like, Westworld style. When they're making the body. Put your fucking New York strip together that way. I wonder if it's going to be better. Imagine if you make meat in a factory and it's never been worked out. So it's like super tender.
Starting point is 01:42:56 You're biting through it. Oh my God. And they figured out how to manipulate it so it has like double the protein, 15 times the iron. In the Matrix, the guy left the Matrix and he's like, I don't give a fuck if the steak tastes like, I know it so it has like double the protein, 15 times the iron. In the Matrix, that guy left the Matrix because he's like, I don't give a fuck if the steak tastes like, I know it's fake, but I want that fucking fake taste to be.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Yeah. It sounds so good right now. Yeah, he knew it was fake, but he didn't care because it tasted amazing. That might be going on right now. Might be going on right now. It's entirely possible we're in the Matrix. I think so. I know you do.
Starting point is 01:43:26 I finally killed my other rat. Oh, you killed rat number two? No, I didn't kill it, but I got it out of my house. How'd you get it out? It got trapped. The first rat broke his neck. Second rat got his leg trapped. I saw that.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Yeah, I saw that. He took off after that? Yeah, he hasn't been back since. He hasn't been back? He might be dead. I saw that. Yeah, I saw that. He took off after that? Yeah, he hasn't been back since.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Hasn't been back? He might be dead. My dad said that if a rat sees another rat get hurt or it gets hurt in a rat cage, they automatically know never to go back there again. That's why they're so hard to catch because if they see another rat in a trap, they know, go, all right, don't touch that silver thing. Yeah, it makes sense. I saw that video that you put up. That was crazy, dude. The audio. The audio of that mouse screaming. It sounds like a monkey. Doesn't it sound like a monkey? Yeah. thing you know yeah it makes sense i saw that video that you put up that was crazy dude the
Starting point is 01:44:05 audio the audio of that mouse screaming it sounds like a monkey doesn't it sound like a monkey yeah listen to this we'll crank it up crank that volume up there it is there's this little eye coming out like that like that owl so it's freaking out it's got its leg trapped. Is that what's in there? Yeah, leg. It's trapped. Were you home when that happened?
Starting point is 01:44:29 No. My girlfriend was, and she was texting me, Brian, there's a monkey in the kitchen. Now it goes back up, and this is the last I ever see him. He goes into my cupboard. So that's a hole in the cupboard? Yeah. That's how you're catching him? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Oh, so that's all contained inside of some little box. So he was getting in there and eating your food? He didn't get to eat any of my food. He could only get underneath my kitchen sink. But when we opened up the kitchen sink after we found out we had rats, all our cleaning supplies had been drank. Why are you showing me different things back and forth? Hold on.
Starting point is 01:44:59 Hold on. Oh, this is a different camera angle. But hold on. Don't distract me. Tell me what you're showing. What is this one? I was just getting back to that because that was him talking in the middle. I was getting off of that. But this is a different camera angle. But hold on. Don't distract me. Tell me what you shot. What is this one? I was just getting back to that because that was him talking in the middle. I was getting off of that.
Starting point is 01:45:08 But this is another rat. No, this is the same one, different camera. Oh, okay. So did you get a camera of the rat where you killed it? Yeah, we have photos of that. And yeah, the video wasn't as good though, but the photos are pretty cool. So when he jumps through, it doesn't look like he's hurt at all. Yeah, but he hasn't been back.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Yeah. pretty cool so when he jumps through it doesn't look like he's hurt at all yeah but he hasn't been back yeah uh but what's weird is that they they drank and ate all my uh cleaning supplies and so like there was a thing of bleach that had been eaten through and drank what so they had been living off my cleaning supplies what they ate bleach yeah all my shit ammonia uh uh wax for your floors floor floor wax. They ate that shit? It's all gone. And there's this hole in it where they had drank all of it. What the fuck? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Wait a minute. Google what can rats eat. Can rats eat cleaning supplies? I think they're pretty much, you can't kill a rat. And watching them the last three weeks was just amazing seeing how smart they are. I don't know if you've seen that Morgan Spurlock movie rats on netflix awesome yeah and just the trailer they're like they're they're saying how rats are getting smarter they're about to overtake us and i believe it though just watching my rat i was obsessed with them i was watching them all night i had three
Starting point is 01:46:19 cameras shoot morgan don't be so silly but yeah that's a horrible feeling having rats in your house and i've had it before yeah i want to i want to move even though they're gone i just don't be so silly. But, yeah, that's a horrible feeling, having rats in your house. I've had it before. Yeah. I want to move. Even though they're gone, I just don't want to be in that house anymore. Did I ever tell you the rat in my garage story? No. From Encino.
Starting point is 01:46:33 When I lived in Encino, I killed a rat in my garage, put this trap up. That's where I used to keep my trash, kept it in the barrels in the garage, and then take it out in the morning, right, when you're supposed to. I fucking killed this rat. It dies in the trap. I look at it. It's a big fucking rat. I was like, Whoa, that thing's huge. I was like, all right, I don't, I'm lazy. I don't feel like taking care of it now. I'm going to go take care of it in the morning. So I wake up in the morning, I go out there, it's eaten. They ate him. I mean, they ate him down to the
Starting point is 01:47:00 tail. All that was left was the tail. Jesus. And I was like, holy shit. First of all, it taught me even rats will eat rat tails, which is interesting. Rat tails must taste like shit. That's kind of weird. Rat ate his friend's asshole. He got to the tail. He's like, enough. This is why I draw the culinary line.
Starting point is 01:47:22 I mean, they ate the fuck out of this rat when i tell you there was like almost none of it left but it was like there was still meat that was trapped in the um in the jaws of the mouse trap the rat trap so you could tell that he it wasn't like it was all gone like there was a lot left where you could tell they ate him but it was like they had eaten almost everything all the innards gone. It's fucked up. Eyeballs gone. Face gone. They just ate the fuck out of their friend.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Ate the fuck out of him. And they did it overnight. I don't know how many rats were in there, but it's a fat ass rat. Think about if you had, you, me, and Jamie had to eat a whole person in a night. Jesus. How fucking, how could you eat them? How much, how much meat is that? That's insane.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Like how many rats are there that they ate my whole rat in one night? How could you eat them? How much meat is that? That's insane. How many rats are there that they ate my whole rat in one night? I mean, you'd have to like, okay, if you had to eat a person, you and the three of us had to recruit a bunch of people to help us eat someone the size of Tony Hitchcliffe. Not a big person. Take an hour. No, take fucking weeks. What do you do with the bones? You throw away the bones, right?
Starting point is 01:48:28 We would have to get like a hundred dudes to help us. Yeah. You throw away the bones. They ate through those fucking bones. They ate most of the bones. How much meat can you eat at dinner? Two pounds? Three pounds? Maybe. You might be able to force three pounds in your face, but you're going to feel like shit.
Starting point is 01:48:45 So the equivalent for a rat is like you eating 50 pounds. I didn't know they jumped so high. I didn't know that was a thing. Rats jump high, like on top of two-year counters. Like, that was fucked up. Yeah, dude. Seeing that. They're freaks.
Starting point is 01:48:58 They can scramble up things. They'll attack you. They got into my wall heater and fucked my heater up and blew the pilot out and did something. They really fucked me up. My dog wouldn't leave my bedroom. I wouldn't leave my bedroom. God, dude. Well, think about a dog.
Starting point is 01:49:15 That's like having a rat the size of a dog. Imagine that. A rat the size of a German shepherd living in your house. I think that rat's documentary started they were, the rat terrier thing, there's a group of people that take their little dogs to New York City. And they fuck up rats. They destroy them.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Break their backs. Don't even eat them. They do it for fun, almost. Well, that's what those dogs are designed for. They made those dogs in Europe, I believe. I might have made that up. But they made those dogs just to go after rats. Please Google what percentage
Starting point is 01:49:48 of white men drive trucks. Drive me crazy. I've got to find this out. I was about to get cats again. I was about to get that rat terror. Call me up, man. You have my number? You don't want a cat. They shit in a box in your house. As awesome as they are.
Starting point is 01:50:03 No, to kill the rat. I was gonna have tony lay there with his butt up in his pants down in the kitchen against the wall tony hinchcliffe i don't get it how's that gonna kill the cat richard gear you know richard gear like the the rat would go in the butt never mind boy that was That was bad. Jesus. Tried everything. But you got rid of your rats? Yeah. You got to do it right. You got to kill them with fucking traps, and you got to set out poison, and you got to have someone do the whole thing. Otherwise, they'll take over your fucking place.
Starting point is 01:50:39 I think, luckily, for the last week and a half, there hasn't been one rat. Well, it's one reason why I'm pro-coyote. You know, even though coyotes have eaten my chickens, they've killed at least one that I know of. They might have killed two. I think that coyotes are super important for keeping the rat population in check and the mouse population in check. Somebody told me if we just had more guinea pigs, like live, like that, they would take care of all that. Like guinea pigs hate rats and mice. And I wouldn't mind guinea pigs.
Starting point is 01:51:07 Those are kind of cool. I wouldn't mind seeing those guys. Well, there was a show on Anthony Bourdain's old show. He did an episode about this family that lived in South America. And apparently, in a lot of places, guinea pigs are eaten on a regular basis. And they keep them as pets. So the entire floor of these people's house, like where their kitchen is, there's guinea pigs running all over the place.
Starting point is 01:51:29 They just grab one of them, kill them, cook them up. That's weird. They're so stupid they don't even know their friend died. They're like, where's Mikey? They're not like rats. They're just like, they're pets. And they're, you know, even if you, it's kind of what you're doing if you kill chickens. You know, it's just these are just wandering around with you.
Starting point is 01:51:47 But they're well fed, and then when the time has come and the family needs to eat, they just grab one of those motherfuckers. I bet guinea pig's good. It looked good. The way they were cooking it, it looked like they've done it before. It's probably super lean. It's probably a lot like rabbit or something like that. I don't like rabbit too much. You know, there's mites that grow on rabbits that can kill you.
Starting point is 01:52:10 Oh, really? Yeah. If you get bitten by these mites, they carry diseases, especially like jackrabbits. A lot of jackrabbits have them. It's really important to be careful. If you don't handle them with gloves or if you get them on your body and if you get it's really important to be careful because if you don't if you don't handle them with gloves or if you get them on your body and if you get the wrong kind of you know like ticks carry lyme disease some ticks do some mites carry this horrible fucking disease that
Starting point is 01:52:35 kills people and if you don't get antibiotics in you at the right time people have died from like killing a rabbit and eating it from the mites biting you like what in the fuck i was scared that this rat was gonna like this rat jumped on janice and my girlfriend like it touched her like well we didn't we thought there was only one rat and then so we were like cleaning something out in the kitchen and she picked up like this styrofoam thing and it was attached to the styrofoam like what like it wouldn't let go of it and so it's like when she picked it up the rat looked over
Starting point is 01:53:07 at her and it just jumped and you know luckily it didn't bite her or anything like that Jesus Christ what if it got caught
Starting point is 01:53:14 in her hair and it was just fucking chewing its way out Eddie If sent me he has rats right now he has a huge rat problem
Starting point is 01:53:24 because he lives down the street he lives in the street. He lives in the country. Eddie If lives in a very rural area. Yeah, Santa Monica Mountains or something like that, right? Well, where he is, it's like this fucking coyotes and mountain lions and all kinds of shit. Yeah. What is that, a keyboard attached to an iPad? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:37 Now, why that over a laptop? Oh, I use a laptop. This is for drawing, for DJing, for Kill Tony and stuff like that. I can pretty much do everything that I can on this than my laptop. Right, but it doesn't have any storage. Yeah, it's got storage. But I mean, you can't make a file and leave it on your desktop. Right.
Starting point is 01:53:58 So there are certain things that I need to do that for. It has memory. You can store movies on it and songs and stuff like that. Oh yeah, it's great. I love this. And the cool thing is you can just carry it around like this. It doesn't have to have the keyboard. And the stewardess doesn't give you a hard time
Starting point is 01:54:15 when you're watching a movie like that, but if you use the keyboard, you're a bad person. What the fuck is that about? Makes no sense. You have to close your laptop, but you're allowed to open up your tablet. Explain. How come I can hold on to a tablet and it's safe, but if I'm messing around with a keyboard,
Starting point is 01:54:32 I might blow this fucker right out of the sky? It makes zero sense. You have to put away your laptop, but you can hold on to your iPad. What? I'm going to know why this laptop has such a huge brick. Because it's a really good laptop. Yeah, but I mean, if you get the latest MacBook Pro, like the highest specs ever, it doesn't have a brick like that.
Starting point is 01:54:53 It has a little power thing. Well, I have a backup brick. It's a smaller brick than that. That's a big brick. Oh. That's a brick I bought online because it is a Lenovo brick. I think it just works on a lot of different laptops. And they make a giant one, too, that's like a 17-inch one.
Starting point is 01:55:09 They still make a 17-inch one. That's a crazy brick. But this is, for me, like when I switch, people keep asking me because, like, most people just use Apple stuff and they stay on Apple stuff. The hardest thing was trying to use an Android phone. I abandoned that. The reason why I abandoned that is just too many fucking people send me iMessages. And there's no real,
Starting point is 01:55:29 and I contacted a lot of, like I contacted you and a lot of people. I called them up and I said, hey man, do me a favor. Change the thing on your phone
Starting point is 01:55:37 that says I have an iPhone. Change it to just mobile and try to send me a text message. I'm going to send you a text message. Tell me if you get it. And nobody was getting it. They were getting my messages but nobody's messages were getting back to me. They were going as iMessages. It'm going to send you a text message. Tell me if you get it. And nobody was getting it. They were getting my messages, but nobody's messages were getting
Starting point is 01:55:45 back to me. They were going as iMessages. It goes both ways. Hold on a second. It does go both ways, but I never got the messages back. But I even contacted Apple and I said, pull my email off the iMessage server, the email that I used to have connected to it. And they pulled it and it still wasn't going through so i waited a day and then after a day i was saying i was saying like 50 of the texts i was sending were going through his text and people were replying his text 50 the rest of it was like a big struggle so i'd okay fuck this like they make it really hard yeah all the greens that i know like constantly we're having problems
Starting point is 01:56:22 like why didn't you text me back what are you talking about and then i look at their phone and they sent me something or i sent them something but the communication between android and apple operating systems is not there still like it's not 100 like i've never experienced that i've never experienced anybody sending me a green message and me not getting it but fucking for sure once i switched over to android it was a disaster for a solid day and a half i was and I was in the middle of doing business stuff. I was like, I can't do this. I need to be able to answer questions. I need to be able to, you know.
Starting point is 01:56:54 So when you try to switch over to Windows, it's easy. Windows is easy. Windows 10 is great. It works good. There's a bunch of things that's different. It's weird. It shows me different pictures on my desktop if I decide to every day. It shows me, like, new cities and new nature settings and stuff.
Starting point is 01:57:11 I can open it with my fingerprint. You know, there's a lot of, like, the password works with my fingerprint. The keyboard's amazing. It's a way more comfortable experience typing because I used MacBooks for so fucking long. And they're still great. But MacBooks are metal and metal doesn't feel as good on your hands like this plastic
Starting point is 01:57:29 this is a keyboard ah nice so like look at this man when you want to start this bitch up you put your fingerprint in there yeah the new MacBooks have the thumbprint but the new keyboard's awful
Starting point is 01:57:39 it's like it doesn't click anymore it's like yeah it's like spongy or something. That's the thing I like the most about this is that the keyboard, like when you type, listen to this. Yeah. It's like you have some travel.
Starting point is 01:57:56 You have travel to the keys. And I think for someone who writes, like for me, my fingers have to be comfortable so I can just – I know where the letters are. They've got to be comfortable. So like, oh, yeah, I get this. And when I don't get any feedback, it's not the same loop of information. So it doesn't feel as good. Like if I try to type something on one of those virtual keyboards, I try to type things, it just feels so weird. I never know where I'm – am I putting my fingers in the right place, in the wrong place?
Starting point is 01:58:24 It's just not as good. This is what Apple changed their keyboard to. It's why it feels a little different. They call it Butterfly. I don't like it. Keys or some shit. And what's the difference? It's like a little...
Starting point is 01:58:32 I don't know. It's a little softer. This is the old style. It's called Scissor Mechanism. So the old style, you feel more of a click? Yeah. See, I want more click. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 01:58:40 This new one felt mushy. That's what it felt like. Mushy. Yeah. I want a click. Like, what I like about this, like, feel this. Tap those keys. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's perfect. Yeah, and it's, like, shaped like a little half moon. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:01 You know? Like, the bottom of it has got, like, a little divident. Your fingers sit in there, and you know when you start moving your keys. Like, the Apple ones are really flat. Yeah, they're flat on the surface. Yeah, that's one of the things that I don't like that much. What I like about this Lenovo, this ThinkPad, is that there's like a contour, like a pool in the middle of these keys. Like they're lower in the middle and higher in the ends, and your fingers float right into that spot, and they feel like it's giving you feedback. See, like you can even tell by this photo that Jamie has up, look,
Starting point is 01:59:27 there's barely any difference between a non pushed button and a pushed button. Look how like depth there is. There's barely anything. I need more. Me too. I need more, but they're trying too hard to be like slick looking and futuristic and minimalistic. And the experience of using something is like like this is a big issue with the car world you know yeah because within with new cars cars are becoming more and more numb to the experience of driving like the steering is now electric instead of hydraulic and you're like
Starting point is 01:59:59 your power steering feels weirder you don't like you don't feel it all it feels very universal no matter what you do it's easy to turn the wheel and then the body doesn't give as much feedback the suspension is more improved because it absorbs the ground better so it feels kind of like you're floating you don't feel like when the tires are going to break as much as you used to in the old days like in the old days if you had an old car like if you had like um like a old 911 like that's a perfect example like a porsche 911 those cars were super light and they didn't have that much power it's one thing that people don't realize like an old porsche has probably less power for sure than your truck like what do you think your truck has what kind of truck do you have i have a ford edge but it's a four by four v6 yeah so your v6 probably has like 260 horsepower let me guess pull up ford edge
Starting point is 02:00:53 horsepower which one do you have like a 2008 let's take a guess drive now think about this this is a truck right it's a big ass truck it's got a lot of body to it. 265. There we go. Bingo. I nailed it. Damn. Okay. Now, a Porsche 911 from, like, 1973, I want to say maybe has 140 or 150 horsepower. Let's find out.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Porsche 911, 1973 horsepower. It's not popping right up. Where would it be the best place? Just Google horsepower. 9-11, Porsche 9-11, 1973. Horsepower. It's not popping right up. Where would it be the best place? Just Google horsepower. 1973 Porsche 9-11 stock horsepower. Should have it on wiki. Something said it increased from 190 to something. Does that sound right?
Starting point is 02:01:39 Maybe it was a turbo. Did they have a turbo in 73? I don't think they did. Probably not. Anyway, you're... What do we got? Sorry, you said 9-11. Yeah. did they have a turbo in 73? I don't think they did probably not anyway your what do we got? sorry you said 911 yeah
Starting point is 02:01:49 Carrera popped up yeah no that's the right word 911 Carrera okay Carrera means race in some fucking what is that?
Starting point is 02:01:59 you think German? doesn't seem like it Carrera sounds like an Italian word yeah Italian what's that James? I see 200 developing a 210 PS or 210. 210? Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:12 So if that's what it is, your truck has 50 more horsepower than a Porsche, which is like a super sports car at the time. But that car is so light that you feel everything like with those those old Porsches like you feel every bump in the road and when the tires start to give out you kind of feel them giving out like you feel in your butt like you you know when it's happening whereas with um uh modern cars man they they go numb you don't feel them anymore that's the same thing with like electronic stuff. I have a mechanical keyboard on my home computer.
Starting point is 02:02:50 It's like a real clickety-click, clickety-click. It feels... Is your home computer a PC or a Mac? It's a PC. Really? It's a Mac, rather. Oh, okay. Mac. But I would use a PC for a home computer.
Starting point is 02:02:59 I have no problem. I don't do anything, man. What do I do? I write. I write on this. And also, there's a program. One of the big issues like i've talked about that right room program that i use all the time there's one that
Starting point is 02:03:10 they make this even better for uh windows it's called the fuck is it's called like focus writer or something like that let's see what it's called carreras race in spanish Ah, there we go. It was named after a race that it won. The car was. I've been looking at PCs just because I want to get the, either the Oculus or the HTC vibe. Yeah. Focus Writer is the name of this program that I use, but it's the same thing as Write Room.
Starting point is 02:03:38 It just gives you that green font with a black background. It's like DOS. That, to me, is like the most important thing about writing. If I can get a program like that on my computer, what else does it need to do? As long as it doesn't fuck me. It doesn't just crash all the time. The thing about these ThinkPads is
Starting point is 02:03:54 they use these, these are military spec, and they use these in a lot of big businesses. They don't want these things to fuck up. So it's a very durable computer. It's so durable that a lot of these people, these people they don't even recommend windows 10 they want windows 7 it's like they sell it with windows 7 as an option and i've seen windows 7 it's like jesus christ what are we in the 90s here windows xp pro yeah they go back because it's like super stable like it's been worked out and yeah you don't need mac anymore it's nice that they they
Starting point is 02:04:24 innovate and they keep coming up with cool shit and their phones are still awesome but the experience on a windows computer is in my me it's like not much different it took me like how long jamie a couple days i was like this thing's great it's i'm not i don't have a problem with it at all i don't miss it at all is that a gaming at all it can this is not the best one for gaming. This is a work computer. But the battery life is fucking insane. It looks like it has a great... That actually looks like the laptop
Starting point is 02:04:51 I sold you when I lived in Ohio. Remember that? I went to the airport and I got fucking flagged for it. There's a smaller one the ThinkPad PX260 or something like that. I think that's it. But it gets 17 fucking hours.
Starting point is 02:05:07 Wow. 17 hours of use online with not being plugged in. I'm looking at Alienware and Razer as the two laptops. Razer's are the shit. The new one that they just, this thing, the QHD Plus or whatever. The new Razer laptops are like, they're like super high-end laptops. Those are beautiful. They're all aluminum.
Starting point is 02:05:28 It looks a lot like a MacBook in a lot of ways. It's like an aluminum PC version of a MacBook. Yeah. Jamie, you have an HTC. Do you use – I got a 5, yeah. I didn't get a laptop. I got a computer.
Starting point is 02:05:40 I wanted it to be a little more stable. I didn't get the best highest-end thing you could get. Did you just go to Best Buy and just grab a computer? I went to Fry's. I found something that was... I'm sick of Fry's. I could have got it at Best Buy, but they didn't. The actual computer I found I wanted to get wasn't available at the store at the time.
Starting point is 02:05:56 It was back-ordered on different places. I found somewhere in California I could go get one and have it in my hands that day because I'd ordered a 5 and I didn't want it sitting around staring at me and I couldn't use it so I went and got something I could play with. I do almost nothing on this computer other than web surf and write. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 02:06:12 It does everything. And this thing also has two fucking terabytes. Two terabytes of storage in it. Yeah. And you know when the new Macs didn't have a USB port I was like, fuck you.
Starting point is 02:06:24 But did the new computers, did these new left PC ones still have all that shit? Yes, this one does. This has everything. This has HDMI. This thing has everything. It has a smart card reader. It's like they just keep making things less and less convenient and no options. Like, how about you have one of those and then you have one.
Starting point is 02:06:44 Let's go crazy with some fucking USB ports. How about you have one of those, and then you have one, let's go crazy, with some fucking USB ports. How about you have one that has a disposable battery? Let us know. Like, can you make one with a replaceable battery? Isn't that possible? It fucks. Yeah. Keyboard on the Razor.
Starting point is 02:06:55 Dude. Yeah, that's. Like a screen for your trackpad. Oh, my God. What? You can have special hotkeys set up to whatever you want them to be. Are you serious? Some hotkeys could be your mail.
Starting point is 02:07:04 Some hotkeys could be. YouTube. Some hotkeys could be YouTube. YouTube, wow. Whatever you want. That's cool. I didn't know it was a screen. It's LED, and it's super thin. And how much do they... Yeah, how much does that go for?
Starting point is 02:07:15 I think the stealth... I'm not sure if this is actually the stealth. With this keyboard, it might be a little more specced out, but the stealth starts at like $1,400, which isn't very bad at all, especially if you want to run the baddest-ass games you can. And it can run really bad-ass games, which is insane. You can run stuff on ultra settings with these, which looks fantastic. So that's way more physical capability than a Mac keyboard, or a Mac laptop would, rather.
Starting point is 02:07:38 Yeah, yeah. Now, how big did they make them? Because that's another thing that annoyed me, is when Apple stopped doing the 17-inch ones. I know. What the fuck? Did they make a 17? I's another thing that annoyed me, is when Apple stopped doing the 17-inch ones. The 17-inch, I know. What the fuck? Did they make a 17? I think so.
Starting point is 02:07:47 Ah. Well, what Apple's done, let's see. Oh, I'll see if they make a 17-inch one. They do. Oh, my God, 17 inches. Look at the size of that thing. Let's see a big picture. Look at the fucking size of that thing.
Starting point is 02:08:03 Look at the Blade Pro. The Blade Pro looks better. But again, here, look, I'm sure those are badass, and they're probably better than this for running games on it. And if I wanted to run games, I'd be all over that shit. You don't want to get virtual reality? No, I'm too busy. That PlayStation virtual reality really got me.
Starting point is 02:08:22 I have a pool table game. You can play pool. I have a pool table right out there. You want to play? I know. Come on, let's play. That's so cool. But it's got me addicted.
Starting point is 02:08:31 Like, I'm addicted to it now. Yeah. But I really want to play, like, the HTC. I don't know which one to get, though. Dude, the vibe that Duncan has is fucking insane. And there's a boxing game that you play on it. Yeah. It's kind of weird because for the knuckles to come out like this
Starting point is 02:08:46 like they would if you were punching somebody, you have to hold your hand upright so that the bottom of your hand is facing the ground and your thumb is facing up. So that's the only way you get the gloves to look right. So it feels weird because you're punching them like this, kind of. You're not turning your knuckles over.
Starting point is 02:09:01 But that's just in your head. If you could get over the fact that the knuckles look different on screen, you could just turn your hands in and punch like you normally would. But you get a workout doing it, man. It's like a real workout. Yeah. You're boxing against a dude. You're moving, and he's throwing punches at you.
Starting point is 02:09:16 You're trying to get out of the way. And he hits you like everything lights up. It gets white like you just got hit. Yeah, I want to do it. There's a way you can get all the i'm pretty sure of this too you can get all the oculus games on the vive you can't think you can do it the other way around it doesn't it program something doesn't the vibe have like more cameras so it has a larger it uses something called room scale so there's two you can buy more if you want i'm not sure
Starting point is 02:09:39 really why you would want to buy more yet but but it comes with two lighthouses is what they're called. You play six and a half feet off the ground and they figure out where you are and track you, track the headset, track your hands in the room, so they always kind of know what's right, what's left. You don't have to keep switching your hands around. Wow. There's another game that Duncan had that's an archery game that's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 02:10:00 I have that. When you draw back and they're raiding the castle, they're coming at you and you shoot at them. They're like circles with shields in front of them and spears. How long ago do you think, would you say you did that with Duncan? September, maybe? Yeah, probably around then. Just in that amount of time from now until then,
Starting point is 02:10:17 there's three cooler archery games that have come out. Really? There's like a hunting experience game where you're walking around the woods. You know what I would really like i would really like if they made one where i could use my real bow oh that'd be cool because if i could use my real bow and i could draw it back it would have to be in some sort of a secured room you take off the headset and there's a bunch of dead people everywhere but um but it would actually help you because of the like the weight of the bow you want to feel the exact weight.
Starting point is 02:10:46 The biggest issue right now with that is that that headset gets in the way of when you're trying to, like, you draw a bow, you put it next to your head, that thing's going to get in the way. Yeah, it would hit your thing. Because as I'm doing it now, I'm just pulling it back like this on Duncan's. But I know there's a video game. Let's look this up. Maybe this would be a new thing for the new studio. There's an archery game where you actually shoot at a screen. And animals walk in front and you shoot a real bow at the screen.
Starting point is 02:11:12 And where it hits, it lights up. You're not shooting arrows, though, are you? Yes, you are. Oh, cool. You're shooting a real fucking arrow at a real screen. I'm down with that. Yeah. Look at this.
Starting point is 02:11:23 Real tree. Wide tail country. I don't know if this is it. Okay, this is it. Techno hunt. Techn'm down with that. Yeah. Look at this. Real tree. Wide tail country. I don't know if this is it. Okay, this is it. Yeah. Techno hunt. Techno hunt. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:30 So watch. This guy's got a video, and he's standing in front of the screen. He's going to shoot it. Okay, let me see. Oh, yeah, look at this. So it looks like it's about 40 yards away. Not even. Not even.
Starting point is 02:11:43 I should say 40 feet away. Watch this. He's going to shoot at it's about 40 yards away. Not even. I should say 40 feet away. Watch this. He's going to shoot at it. Perfect shot right there. Oh, that's stupid. Yeah. You would shoot through your screen immediately. No, but that's what he just did.
Starting point is 02:11:56 That stuck into the screen. No, that was a picture of an arrow. So what is it, a fake arrow? Yeah, right away you see the arrow bounce off. Wait a minute. Let me see it. Let me do it again. Do it again.
Starting point is 02:12:07 This is like from 1982, I think. Yeah, see the arrow bounce off. Wait a minute. Let me see it Let me do it again. Do it again. It's just like from 1982. I think no no hold on So he hit it and then it shows where you hit. Yeah, but that's a big fake arrow I'm just yeah, that's a fake arrow But he actually did hit it where the fake arrow points the fake out just indicating what spot on the screen is He's out of the wall to yeah, listen here it again I guess he shot it into the wall too. Yeah, listen. Hear it again. Perfect angle to slip one in there.
Starting point is 02:12:29 But your super powerful bow would shoot some shit through a wall, right? You would want to use a less powerful bow. Yeah, I think you actually have to. Cam Haynes was playing this game, and he told me they had to detune his bow. And I think at the time he was shooting with a 70-pound bow. I think he was shooting with a carbon spider turbo but i might be wrong but the carbon spider turbo they don't they didn't make that any faster than 70 pounds or any um more weight i think it's probably a feet per second and um kinetic energy thing like the arrow probably has to be a certain weight too but would it just be more fun or would you actually
Starting point is 02:13:00 be getting benefit out of practicing with something that's less powerful than what you usually use? There's a different feel to a less powerful bow, but the principles of archery are the same. As long as you hold right, pull through the shot, anchor in the same way, use the correct body positioning. I'm going to do archery. Dude, archery is awesome. I love doing it. It's so fun. And if it wasn't for my friend Cameron Haynes and my friend John Dudley,
Starting point is 02:13:29 I wouldn't know shit about it. It takes a long time to learn. Okay, this is a different one. So this guy is doing it here. Boom. Oh, that's better. Let me see that again. Back that up again.
Starting point is 02:13:43 So he shoots, and where does his arrow go? So it does bounce off the wall yeah see you have to use a bitch-ass bow and it's got a rubber point at the end seems like they can make a better one yeah well it's good practice for sure this is see like he's hitting perfect every time so it's good practice for that for aiming yeah the vitals and all that exactly exactly but it can't be more than this is like like 20 yards away, it looks like. Like that big buck hunting game, you're not getting any hunting value out of that. It's just fun to shoot fake shit with a fake shotgun.
Starting point is 02:14:12 No, but this is, they're shooting a real bow. So to answer your question, the difference between shooting like a 50-pound bow with these light arrows that bounce off the screen, like what benefit you would get, you'd get a lot of benefit. Like you don't need a big, heavy bow to get the benefit of being accurate. Like people are accurate with like really, really light bows. And that's really all you'd worry about. As long as you had the strength. How rude.
Starting point is 02:14:35 They're going to shoot a rabbit. As long as you have the strength. Right in the eyeball. Bullseye. Okay. Stop. Who's the name of this company? That's rude.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Shot it in the eyeball and it says bullseye? I feel like I could design a better version of that. Well, it's probably super hard to make something where you can actually shoot something at a screen and it registers. Right. Find out. I bet that's expensive as fuck. That's probably the same technology that does the golf simulators. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:02 But the difference between a golf thing is a golf is a ball. You're knocking it into a screen. It's still going fast as shit, though. Not as fast as a bow. Yeah, but you could probably have something where it's just... It's going in a different way, though. There's a point on the end of a bow, or an arrow, rather. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:16 Okay, I bet a golf club, when you hit a golf ball, I bet it does go faster if you really drive it. Does it? Okay, how many feet per second do you think someone drives a golf ball? Feet per second? Yeah. Oh, jeez. How many feet per second does Tiger Woods knock a golf ball?
Starting point is 02:15:34 Oh, John, who hits it harder? John Daly? John Daly hit it harder than Tiger Woods? No. You see Tiger's nipples? His nipples. Did you see it, Jamie? He released a shirtless photo, and his nipples have been the talk of the town
Starting point is 02:15:48 He's got well nipples time to move to a new town You live in the wrong fucking town if all they're talking about is Tiger Woods. Hey, hey Open up man. Have you heard about Tigers nipples? What is it? Look at what's going on with his goatee? Is that real? It's something he said he does for his kids. It's like badass Santa or some shit like that. Oh, okay. It's a loophole. If I was Brendan Schaub, I would say, for sure, don't do that anymore. What is the feet per second of the golf ball?
Starting point is 02:16:18 100. You had to take me on a nipple detour, huh? I got distracted. How many feet per second does a golf ball 150 travel i'd say 150 how many feet per second does a golf ball travel let's see you say 50 no you're crazy 150 it's probably more than that it's probably about as fast as a bow and arrow 250 feet per second second. Yeah. That's good terminal speed for an arrow. Like, that's what you want.
Starting point is 02:16:47 The rule is that you can't hit a ball faster than that in the USGA. What? You can tell someone they can't hit it faster? Maximum tolerance of 2% will be allowed. What? What? I don't get. Like, what if you get some dude who's like, okay, how about this?
Starting point is 02:17:02 What if, like, Kobe Bryant goes into golf? Like, think of a super athlete driving a golf ball perfectly it's more like so 100 you can calculate with your swing and the the weight and the speed of your driver and the club face and all that uh and then balls weigh different amounts too it's maybe because there's people standing around you could fuck somebody up you're fucking them up no matter what, man. You hit them 200 miles an hour in the face, you're fucking them up. I don't know. That's ridiculous. Max speed of 72 is what they hit. But imagine if you did have a guy like a Kobe Bryant or like a LeBron James
Starting point is 02:17:35 who gets in a golf. Like LeBron James gets in a golf and it can knock a fucking golf ball to the moon. But that's about the same speed an arrow goes if it's a good heavy arrow like a lot of people like to try to keep their arrows actually under 280 feet per second like between 280 and some people get up to like 290 ish but they feel like when the arrows go faster than that they actually the flight gets compromised it's like there's too much yeah because there's almost like too much wind resistance. There's too much, there's like the wind impacts the way the thing spins.
Starting point is 02:18:13 What is this? Long drives. That's got to hit in about 200 mile an hour ball. Okay, but what is that in feet per second? Oh. Just Google 206 miles an hour equals feet per second. Find out what the fuck that means. In feet per second.
Starting point is 02:18:31 Hmm, what do you think it is? 302. Okay, so that's about what you would expect from like a top end bow with a fairly light arrow. But like I said, most people try to keep their arrows a little slower than that believe it or not so what they would do is they'd make a heavier arrow so like if you had a 400 grain arrow and you were coming in at 302 feet per second a lot of people would tell you you probably better off with a 450 grain arrow that comes in around 270 something like that yeah 270 280 yeah you want more control it's more forgiving and also it has more impact
Starting point is 02:19:06 like a light arrow going really fast doesn't do the damage that a heavy arrow going fast does so same difference in golf than it too they get more control over their ball so they can so it lands somewhere they want it to land as opposed to just going yeah for sure that's the thing with pool too the break shot and pool like there's arguments that uh like there's a guy named shane van boning who's probably one of the best breakers in the history of pool he breaks so good but he doesn't put near the effort into it that all these other guys do some other guys throw their body into it like karate like they're fucking trying to kick through a wall and blah blah and they have this
Starting point is 02:19:38 crazy impact on the balls but shane what he does is he stays flat on the ball and he just strokes through it perfectly so the ball is almost never um in the air the problem with hitting a pool ball like this guy has ridiculous break shot like you can't tell from that picture but i've seen him do it live a bunch of times i've actually uh watched him play in person several times he's fucking amazing but he doesn't hit it as hard as other guys do he just hits it more perfect when you look at like high speed photography of a pool cue when a guy hits it really hard the ball is actually in the air like when it's in the air when it impacts like see how it hops like that too that's also just from the force of it but look at all these balls fucking flying all over the place it's ridiculous like he's a he's a freak
Starting point is 02:20:24 in that regard but it's just perfect accuracy and precision it's just it's a matter of like the perfect mechanics and like this loose like fluid motion fluid and efficient motion and that's what they say is the same thing is about golf that driving of the ball that it's not about muscling it right it's about like driving through it yeah like when I play pool and I'm playing good like I'm never really good but when I'm better what happens is I get to the point where I'm just like the the cue's doing all the work I'm just like letting I'm like moving into the spot and I just like let it just sort of like I don't ever tighten my hand up on it I don't punch it it just flows and when you
Starting point is 02:21:06 do that it's crazy like you see the ball moving way more than it normally does it's weird and it's just like this fluid and efficient impact that it has with the ball and i guess that's the same with golf and with probably with everything right i don't know about everything but golf is definitely that you need it's like don't grip and rip some people say grip and rip it is how they do it but like
Starting point is 02:21:27 you shouldn't be swinging like a baseball bat like swinging for home runs you're not going to succeed necessarily that's the same as fighting but in fighting the other way works too
Starting point is 02:21:36 it's weird it's like there's no hard fast rule like someone can come down bite down their mouthpiece and throw fucking haymakers and catch you in the chin and knock you out cold
Starting point is 02:21:44 or someone can Conor McGregor you. Like the way Conor McGregor Aldo'd, when he knocked out Aldo with one punch, 13 seconds into the fight, the way he did it was just precision. He just slid back and went, just dropped it in there and Aldo's face went squirrely and his brain went off. I mean, that was like the perfect example of precision versus power. Because what Aldo does, he bites down on his mouthpiece and he wings his vicious left hook. He throws his right hand like this and he throws his vicious left hook behind it.
Starting point is 02:22:17 And it's all to try to set up the left hook. Conor slides out of the way, drops his left hand in on Aldo while Aldo's throwing the left hook. And then the left hook kind of makes impact on Conor's face, but probably didn't have much more than momentum behind it because Aldo was already out. Like, the punch was perfect. That's got to haunt you. But the way he did it, man, it was just all precision.
Starting point is 02:22:42 Like, watch. Play it back again. Watch this. No, no, play it from the beginning. you go watch this slide blink see he got tagged like right on the cheekbone that could have been a double knockout imagine if he got tagged on the chin on the point of the chin that guy's a savage i'm so glad people like conor mcgregor exist look at Look at this. Boom. Just flattened them. One shot. Blam. Bam. That's some strong mind power there, baby.
Starting point is 02:23:17 To be able to stay that calm in the heat of a firefight and just slide out and just precision drop a punch in. Dude. Follow me, Brian? Look, you fall asleep? Yeah. Brian's gone. I agree. What happened to you I mean you know
Starting point is 02:23:26 I'm on team Diaz What do you think about The snatch comparisons To him I love Diaz too You don't have to What The comparisons to snatch
Starting point is 02:23:35 To Connor Like the character Of whatever Brad Pitt was No it was terrible That guy couldn't talk That's fucking terrible Who compared him I see stuff online
Starting point is 02:23:44 All the time. People are so stupid. Most people should, you should have a license to talk. Oh, it's the worst. You should have to go through like some, in order to use social media, you should have to like go through an extensive test. You know, like people are so addicted to Twitter and Instagram and all that stuff. You should go through an extensive like spelling test. Like, how do you say your, do you say y-o-u-r or do you say
Starting point is 02:24:06 you are do you say y-o-u-apostrophe-r-e or that you are no you are wait wait
Starting point is 02:24:14 does Eddie still do that I don't know remember when he used to do it a long time ago he was going hard with the texting early on you know a lot of
Starting point is 02:24:21 sites are getting rid of comment sections what like that for places for people to comment. Just to take that ability away. Well, it's not a bad idea in some certain circles. Because some things, it's interesting. Like, I love reading, like, in science articles where people start debating, like, the legitimacy of certain points.
Starting point is 02:24:41 Or, you know, what are the options for considering the evidence? Is there anything else that maybe is being overlooked? legitimacy of certain points or you know what are the options for considering the evidence is there anything else that made maybe is being overlooked and you get some really interesting responses from people that actually understand the subject but man as soon as it has anything to do with politics or gender those two fucking things man those two things everybody gets nuts there was a video that mtv put out um yeah it was uh new year's resolutions for white guys it was one of the worst fucking most racist sexist videos i've ever seen i saw you tweet that it was so ridiculous like i imagine if anybody had ever made a video like that about any other like generalization about a hundred million people and that's what it is
Starting point is 02:25:23 it's a general like if you say how many white guys are in America? Let's just guess. How many white males are in America? Not enough. Princess Leia had a heart attack. She's okay right now, though. She's stable. Okay, how many?
Starting point is 02:25:40 62% of the U.S. population is white. 62% of the U.S. What percentage are white males? White. White males. Constitute the majority, which is about 77%. How many white males? I did some typing in males, though.
Starting point is 02:25:54 White men are 31% of the population there. Okay, so we're 31% of the population. There's 350 million people. Somewhere around 100 million people, right? It's in that neighborhood, between 80 100 million people, right? It's in that neighborhood between 80 and 100 million, right? That's what a crazy thing to generalize. Like just to make a video about white men, just like, hey, white guys, how about you get your shit together?
Starting point is 02:26:18 Like just white guys, just white guys. Like, holy shit. Do you want to do this about black guys too? Why don't you see what happens when you do it about black guys? How about you do it about black women? See how quick somebody beats the fuck out of you. How come you can do that about white guys? Like, the idea is that white men are the privileged and that white men have this advantage.
Starting point is 02:26:39 So you should attack that advantage by being racist towards them. The best way to stop racism is to be racist towards people who you think are racist. It's hilarious. It's so stupid. It's unbelievable that MTV News thought they should do a video like that, which is really bad. MTV is the worst. I mean, have you watched MTV recently?
Starting point is 02:26:59 I'm sorry, do you like MTV? No. I've never watched it. I try. I don't even watch TV anymore. I don't have cable anymore, so I have PSVue or whatever or Sling. So I have certain channels I normally, but not as many as I used to have. So I'll watch MTV more just because I have it and it's one of 30 channels.
Starting point is 02:27:17 But MTV is just garbage channel now. There's nothing. We're too old for it. You have to be 18 to 22 to have anything. Well, they have that show. What is it, Ridiculous? Is that on MTV? Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:27:29 That show is just all a bunch of, like, videos of people getting jacked on the internet, right? And then everything else is they don't have videos anymore, right? It's not. No videos. It's on YouTube. Every video is on YouTube. What a weird time. Yeah, but you know what's cool?
Starting point is 02:27:44 When they had videos is you learned about new bands because you saw their video. Yeah, but nobody wants to watch those anymore. I guess they played videos versus people falling on their head. People go to falling on their head every day. So they just went where the money is. So this is the idea is that they're just trying to appeal to social justice warriors by making this video. There's one girl in the video. She goes, find out what mansplaining
Starting point is 02:28:05 is and then don't do it. Oh, like find out what, like what a ridiculous idea that you can be condescending about someone being condescending and that that somehow or another is going to work. Like that, all the thought behind making a video like that is exactly how Trump got elected. When you tell people what to do, they automatically want to do the other thing, even if they wouldn't want to do the other thing if you hadn't said shit. But when you push people and you tell people just if you make up ridiculous standards for the way people are supposed to behave because you think they should behave like that and that you are allowed to make gigantic, gross generalizations about an entire group of 100 million people just because you think it's open season on white guys. That is how people like Trump get elected, because people push back against your ridiculous political correctness and go towards what's the enemy of that?
Starting point is 02:28:57 What's the enemy of political correctness? That pussy-grabbing guy. Let's fucking vote him in. And that's what happens. That's exactly what happens. guy. Let's fucking vote him in. And that's what happens. That's exactly what happens. These people are the people that are so mad that Trump is in office are directly responsible for hordes of people voting for Trump because they are sick of where the PC generation is pointing. It's an irrational point of view. It's not objective. It's not if anything has to do with
Starting point is 02:29:21 gender or homosexuality, whoever has to do with any of those things is no longer considered as an individual. Then you're considered as a part of an untouchable group that is almost always exonerated of anything they've done wrong. It's just you get to this weird fake world where people aren't people anymore. They're figureheads for ideologies. That's the problem with political correctness as much as it's a problem with people that are super right wing or people that are born again Christians. It's fucking up comedy. Like so many comedians have been talking about lately how like they've had to stop themselves on stage, you know, and not go down a route they normally would always go down because of the recent, you know, racist shit and the PC shit so much different, you know, in the last even six months.
Starting point is 02:30:05 Well, there's definitely more pushback, but there's always been pushback. Have you noticed a change? Have you noticed like certain things you won't say now or do now? Well, it makes you just back up what you want to say better. It makes you reinforce your arguments better. It makes you if you're going to have something to say to people, you have to have. You know, you have to have a real point and you have to be able to back up what you're saying. You have to be able to explain what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:30:28 That's why I did that whole bit about, not in Triggered, the Netflix special, but the one before that, the Comedy Central special, about words. About how you can't just decide that jokes aren't real. Or rather that jokes are real. Like when someone's telling a joke on stage, like, you know, that guy doesn't mean what he's saying. So that's why when I, in that special,
Starting point is 02:30:53 I said, I'm going to say some things that are true, but I'm gonna say a lot of shit that's funnier than the truth. So I'm going to lie. Like if it's funnier to lie, I'm going to lie. Like you got to know, like sometimes I'm going to tell you the truth,
Starting point is 02:31:04 you know? And I go, and sometimes I'm going to say shit that's not true at all because it's funnier to lie I'm gonna lie like you gotta know like sometimes I'm gonna tell you the truth you know and I go and sometimes I'm gonna say shit that's not true at all because it's funnier than the truth like here's some truth my wife is tired of fucking me and then people say that great bit but but but she never says no because if she did I'd rape her and I'm like I'm joking I would never rape her And I'm like, I'm joking. I would never rape her. See, that's not true. I go, the worst I would do is hold her down and titty fuck her butt cheeks. I wouldn't do that either. These are not true statements. I would never do that thing.
Starting point is 02:31:31 She's the mother of my children. So good. I wouldn't do that. But you could say that, and you know I'm not being honest. You know that's not true. You know that's a joke. You know when someone says something fucking ridiculous like that, that they don't mean it. To joke.
Starting point is 02:31:47 Like when Brian Holtzman used to have that joke about that woman who drowned her kids. He goes, I heard those were bad kids. I heard they sat that close to the TV. They never put away their blocks. Their kids would not be missed. They always spilt their milk. It was like, holy shit. But you knew that he didn't really think that, which was the whole point of it.
Starting point is 02:32:06 That's the problem with today is people just looking to call people out for shit they don't think people should say anymore. You know, in some ways, maybe they're right. I mean, you go back to old stuff, like go back and try to watch Eddie Murphy Raw. And you're like, wow, I don't know if I'd be laughing at this now. Yeah, there's a lot of that shit too, right? I saw, fuck, what movie was it? Something so innocent, like Ghostbusters,
Starting point is 02:32:30 like the original Ghostbusters, or something where they called somebody a certain name. I think it was they said Chink. Hey, yeah, Chink. Whoa. It was just like back then I remember going, oh, Chink's not that bad. Now there's no differentiation between Chink and anything else.
Starting point is 02:32:46 Any other slur. Spick. Chink and spick are all the same. Right. Pretty much. The racist Bugs Bunny stuff from back in the day. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:54 About Japanese people. Yeah. Bugs Bunny nips to nips or something. Yeah. So bad. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that was during World War II.
Starting point is 02:33:01 Yeah, man. We've changed. Human beings have changed. When it comes to comedy, we just have to be clear that we're fucking around. Like, people are allowed to say things that they don't really mean. Like, when we were talking about this Donald Trump thing, when he was interviewing that guy, or he was on a bus with that guy, and he said a bunch of shit about women. Guys do that for fun. They say shit.
Starting point is 02:33:23 Like, Joey Diaz is the master at that he'll say unbelievably ridiculous shit to you that you know he doesn't mean you know and you'll just be crying laughing you know he's talking about stabbing people about throwing them out the fucking window and he doesn't mean it you know he doesn't mean it but it's funny what do you got on your screen dude nothing i was just like going to talk about something later. Go ahead. What is it? This is the problem. That's why I tell you to put those things away. I want to continue with what you said.
Starting point is 02:33:49 You always want to start surfing. You're so addicted. I'm not addicted. You got to have a conversation. You can't just stare at that fucking screen. Those goddamn things will suck you in. They do. They suck you in, dude.
Starting point is 02:34:00 You can't help it. I start talking. You're like, well, I'm not talking right now. Let me surf this web here real quick. No, I was just trying to find, I just hate when, instead of going, well, I think this and this and that, I'd rather like go, okay, it is true. So before I even go down that way, you know. I get it.
Starting point is 02:34:15 It's kind of like live fact checking, but. Just ask Jamie. He'll check it for you. He's trying. No, don't worry about it. What would you want to talk about? Nothing. Jesus Christ dude it wasn't true
Starting point is 02:34:27 what was it that you thought was true what were you just talking about I don't know you weren't paying attention you were reading
Starting point is 02:34:32 I had a point about what you were talking about now I can't remember what it was about you were just talking about Donald Trump and Billy Bush on a bus talking
Starting point is 02:34:39 about Joey Diaz saying ridiculous things that you know he doesn't really mean about anybody doing it but the thing with Joey is that he says ridiculous things mixed with things that are true, but you don't know which are real and which are fake.
Starting point is 02:34:51 It's like gonzo journalism. Mugging the fag. That's true, though. Yeah, I know. That's true. But how much is true? That guy beat the shit out of him. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:58 He told me that story a long time ago. He tried to sucker punch this guy, and the guy was gay, and the guy knew how to fight, and the guy beat the shit out of him. And he was beating the shit out of him while he was calling for was gay and the guy knew how to fight the guy beat this shit out Of him and he's beating the shit out of him I was calling for the cops you got a new in a box or the guy that he like the guy brought it over all the Cocaine you know and he like he went to jail Joey's a liar. No no no no no no I'm saying you're in trouble Oh my god. I think you're missing point. No. I'm saying that he has stories like those mixed in with stories that aren't real So it's like you're really confused that like like, you know, which is real and which is not.
Starting point is 02:35:28 You're probably the only one confused. No, no. You can tell when he's telling jokes. Yeah. I mean, all right. Jamie, does Joey confuse you? No. Seems pretty direct.
Starting point is 02:35:35 Yeah. Because it seems like when, you know, some of the stuff that you think is like, oh, this is his jokes or his ridiculous stuff might actually be real. Well, the problem with Joey is his life or his ridiculous stuff might actually be real well the problem with joey's his life has been so crazy so colorful that he'll still to this day tell me stories that i haven't heard before like how do you have more stories yeah exactly but he does it's just whole i think his whole life from the time he was like a little boy until he was like into his 40s was just chaos so he just has a good solid 30 years of chaos
Starting point is 02:36:07 stories like legitimate chaos stories have you seen his new special yet on cso use coupon code joey for two months have you seen it yet i have not seen it yet have you seen it no i haven't i that's one of those weird networks that i'm like yeah you gotta sign up for that right yeah and it's weird to cancel i probably or something. I hope it does well. I really do. And I hope, I mean, CISO. Of course, I hope Joey's thing does well. But I hope also they port their stuff to other places once they get their money back.
Starting point is 02:36:33 A lot of times they'll do that. They'll sell them again somewhere else. Somebody's special just was released on CISO, like Nick Thune or something like yesterday. And it says available on CISO and Amazon. That's good. That's a good deal. You're going to get the dorks on Amazon but how many people are really using
Starting point is 02:36:49 Amazon to watch movies? Netflix would probably be way ahead of Amazon. I feel like a lot of people don't know that if they have Amazon Prime, they get access to that app which also, you don't get everything because they work in their rental movies and stuff in that app too. You get a decent amount of content. For free? There's a stuff in that app, too.
Starting point is 02:37:06 You get a decent amount of content. For free? And there's a whole music app you get, too. Yeah, it's pretty huge. And they also have that Top Gear show, which they said is the most illegally downloaded show in history. Wow, the new one? The new one. They said the first episode in particular is the most illegally downloaded episode of any show ever.
Starting point is 02:37:26 So way more people downloaded it illegally than watched it on Amazon. That's crazy. Well, it is crazy because they paid a shitload of money for that. And the idea is that, well, once it gets on Amazon, a bunch of people jump over to Amazon because that was the number one TV show in the world. That show, Top Gear, with Richard Hammond and James May and those guys, they're a giant team. I mean, when it comes to, like, the whole world watching a show, that's probably the most watched show in the world, and it's on Amazon. In general, it's just them driving around mostly and just, like, talking shit to each other.
Starting point is 02:37:59 Talking shit. It's funny. They're funny. Didn't they fire somebody recently that was on that show? Yeah, the main guy. What the fuck's his name again? On the real version? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:08 On the one that's on the BBC? Yeah. Chris? No, no, the real one. Yeah. Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson. It escaped me.
Starting point is 02:38:17 The weed. I blame the weed. But Jeremy Clarkson's hilarious. He's really funny. He says a lot of fucking hilarious shit, and he talks shit about companies, too. He talks about, he reviews cars in a way that, like, no other, no American show would ever be able to do. You'd never be able to get away with that. He shits on them.
Starting point is 02:38:32 Like, he shits on Porsches. He hates Porsches. He calls them, like, VW bugs. And it's in 4K, which is one of the things, like, same with Netflix's originals. It's one of the only things that's 4K content for your new 4K TV if people are looking for shit. It's hard to find. So anyway, people take it and then they upload it. And it's just uploaded like crazy. It's on
Starting point is 02:38:51 all of those BitTorrents and all those different sites and just millions and millions and millions of people are downloading it. So you've got to think of how much Amazon paid for it and then how few people are actually using their service. But if you had to guess, how many more people use Netflix than anything else as far as Amazon or Hulu?
Starting point is 02:39:10 I use Hulu more now. I use Netflix now. I barely use Netflix anymore. I use Hulu all the time now. What do you get on Hulu? All the local channels. Really? Stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:39:20 What? You get local TV channels? Like news and shit? Like the NBC shows, the CBS shows, the Fox shows. But you get news and all those other things, like NBC News? No, I get that on Sling and PSU. What's that? Or PlayStation U.
Starting point is 02:39:36 Sling is like live TV, but you can pick and choose what you want. I have NBC, ABC, CBS. I have Food Network, things like that. There's like 40 channels you can get. pick and choose which way you want like i have like nbc abc cbs i have like uh food network you know things like that there's like 40 channels you can get the best one's playstation now well there was um my friend had alexa he has amazon and that you talk to alexa and it shuts the lights out and does all that weird shit but and uh he had a bunch of channels when i was looking at his stuff i had never even seen before and one of them was like all Montreal Comedy Festival. What?
Starting point is 02:40:06 It was like all people that I knew performing in the Montreal Comedy Festival. I was like, this is weird. Oh, not Alexa. You're talking about Amazon Fire? Yeah. Like the box? But he has Alexa. Like you talk to her.
Starting point is 02:40:17 Oh, yeah. You say Alexa, please turn on the TV. Alexa, turn on channel five. I have the Alexa that looks like a mug. You know, that Alexa. Mm-hmm. But my point being is that there's a bunch of channels that I never even knew existed that are on this that are essentially live TV.
Starting point is 02:40:30 They have programming. So you're watching it just like you would watch direct TV. Like if you would watch direct TV, you know, one channel becomes, you know, one show becomes the next show, becomes the next show. You just watch them in a series. They play out in a row. They had this on these weird little channels and i'm like how many of these channels are there and he was like there's a lot of them they're
Starting point is 02:40:47 growing yeah and i was like well this is television this is online television like this isn't just like a netflix show where you tune in and then when you plus play it starts no these things have a schedule like this is on from seven to eight this is on from eight to nine it's fucking tv but it's online and it's streaming. Like, woo, this is different. Yeah,
Starting point is 02:41:08 there's a lot of those and a lot of them have apps now, so you can just download like the app on, like the Apple TV. Well, here's the problem.
Starting point is 02:41:14 What's so fucking great about DirecTV? What's so great about AT&T? What's so great about their choices? Like, in terms of like entertainment content,
Starting point is 02:41:22 how many of these fucking ghost shows you gonna put on? You know, oh, another guy cooking. Whoa, let me tune in. Oh, like, entertainment content, how many of these fucking ghost shows are you going to put on? You know? Oh, another guy cooking. Whoa, let me tune in. Oh, look, hoarders.
Starting point is 02:41:30 I got a certain point in time. Right. Well, I've been doing this, too, for, like, about a year. I've cut my cable channel, mostly just because I still want to watch live sports. I still watch NBA basketball games. There's still a couple football games I want to watch. From time to time, though, it'll freeze, and at the worst time possible, when the quarter's about to end couple football games I want to watch. From time to time, though, it'll freeze, and
Starting point is 02:41:45 at the worst time possible, when the quarter's about to end or some really important shit's going to happen, or if you're watching a UFC fight, you lose a minute of a round in the middle of the third round of the last fight or something like that. Or that's the difference on your DirecTV or AT&T or Time Warner.
Starting point is 02:42:01 It's just what we're used to. It always comes in unless there's a giant storm that cut everything out for the entire country or whatever. It almost always works. For now, it's going to get better. It's way better now than it was 10 years ago. Think about how bad it was when you first got online. Real player buffering on.
Starting point is 02:42:17 Oh, God, everything. Everything. Almost everything. Anytime you watch a YouTube video, you've got to pause it and wait. We're living in a new era when it comes to the accessibility of stuff. And as the internet gets stronger and stronger, the signals are getting better and better. I mean, we're on 4G LTE now, right? Like, what's 5 going to be like?
Starting point is 02:42:35 What's 6? What's 7? How powerful is that stuff going to be in terms of download speeds? When you hear like a 97% work, everything works 97% of the time. You don't want to be in the 3% of the time when it doesn't work. Yeah. Well, I know a lot of people that get Stitcher on their car. It's like a native app on their car now.
Starting point is 02:42:54 And so they're listening to this podcast right now on Stitcher directly from their car. And their car picks up the internet. Right, without having to plug your phone. Yeah. Like if you have a Cadillac Escalade, one of those new ones, it comes with a built-in internet connection. So you're driving around, you turn your fucking car into a Wi-Fi hub. Yeah, sweet. So you're driving around, like you could park and get on the Wi-Fi of your fucking truck.
Starting point is 02:43:16 And, I mean, this is just, you know, step one of a million-step process. So we almost leave our phones at home then soon. No, never. Never. Almost. No, Jamie at home then soon. No. Just leave your phone at home. Never. Never. Almost. No. Jamie's fighting for it. No.
Starting point is 02:43:29 You're going to have that chip in your head just like in that Black Mirror show. Black Mirror. That's what's going to happen. It's amazing how close that Black Mirror episode was to all these different versions of recording your memory that we had come up with. Oh, that's so funny.
Starting point is 02:43:42 It's going to happen. It's so funny you said that because that's definitely what I thought. I thought every single episode was like, they're listening to JRE. No, no, no, no. No, I think way more likely is that those subjects are being repeated by a bunch of curious people all over the world. Like the ability to record memory, everybody knows that's coming.
Starting point is 02:44:01 And their take on it was really pretty unique. But like all the different possibilities that we've ever discussed on this podcast there's a lot of other people talking about them it's not just us there's a million different people speculating as to where the fuck is this all going and virtual reality in particular like there's not a single person that could say i'm the only one who's predicted the you know the future of virtual reality like if you were talking about virtual reality for sure you got it from me that's impossible there's millions of people that have had like pretty profound thoughts about the potential for virtual reality no it's
Starting point is 02:44:36 just that if you watch the whole season it seems like every episode is like a different thing that you've talked about like like remember when we said a long time ago how i thought like likes are going to be currency and stuff like that in the future they have a whole episode about that like it's it's so weird other people have thought that too man i'm sure i mean i i was talking about a yelp review for people like a long fucking time ago about like people having floating stars above their head like when you walk into them you go oh this guy's got four stars must be a cool dude like oh he bought his fucking stars you find out people are buying their stars like you like if you find
Starting point is 02:45:08 out you go to a yelp review and it's like a vietnam restaurant and all the fucking reviews are in broken english best noodle ever have you know for me this is my place exclamation point exclamation point in the same like the same like shitty broken english in every review you'd be like i think these motherfuckers are writing their own reviews. Right? But have you ever gone to a Yelp review or any kind of a review for something and you know the people probably bought those reviews?
Starting point is 02:45:33 Absolutely. You can tell. You get grossed out, right? Yeah, they have no other reviews except that. That's like people that if you go to their Instagram page, they got a million followers. And like last week, they had 300,000 or 30,000. Like what happened?
Starting point is 02:45:48 Were you involved in a national scandal or? No, you could buy Instagram followers easily and Twitter followers. Instagram's a big one though, right? Yeah. I know a lot of Instagram girls who bought followers. They're public about it though. They're like, yeah, it's just so I can get some more stuff. The sports commentator got caught leaving a comment
Starting point is 02:46:06 on his own page as his own name. Oh no. I'll raise you that. Hold on. Funny, Skip Bayless forgot to switch accounts,
Starting point is 02:46:21 praising himself on a Facebook live stream. That may not have actually been him. Yes, it was. It could have been someone working for him. No, he doesn't have anybody working for him. It's him. Like his wife or something. No, it's him.
Starting point is 02:46:35 You are the man, exclamation point, exclamation point. This is so fucked to get caught doing that, too. Love the new show on FS1, exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation. Oh, my God. Did he try to delete it? I don't know. Love the new show on FS1! Exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point. Oh, my God. Did he try to delete it? I don't know. I would imagine he got it.
Starting point is 02:46:52 Should he have fell down and hit his head? What's that? I hope this is a joke. It's a comedian reviewing himself at the Ice House Comedy Club on the Facebook. He fucked up? Yeah, it's under his account. I saw so-and-so there, privileged seeing him, so funny, bought merch.
Starting point is 02:47:09 Oh, no. Who is it? Is it someone you know? He always starts a great party. Do you know him? Yeah, we all know him. Oh, the party starter? Oh, I hear you.
Starting point is 02:47:20 Oh, no. But he's not the only one. Shut it down. He's not the only one. There's a lot of comedians So I don't know if that's like A joke or It's probably a joke
Starting point is 02:47:30 Well some people don't understand retweets And the copy and paste stuff And they forget to put an RT in front of it But even so Yeah people have been busted before They get like a publicist They'll send out a big message To like 20 celebrities
Starting point is 02:47:44 And they'll just copy and paste the whole thing and forgot to change the two things they're supposed to change to make it seem oh yeah original yeah well there's definitely that definitely people have done that and there's also the limitations of 140 characters so sometimes maybe you like won't attribute it to somebody somebody else said it you fuck up and then you go what I just do? I don't know who that guy is. Is he a big-time guy? That guy, though? Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:07 Really? Skip Bayless. Really? Yeah, he's from First Take. He used to be on ESPN. Now he's on Fox Sports. Oh. Just talk shit to talk shit.
Starting point is 02:48:15 That guy had a really weird fucking take on Ronda Rousey in the last FS1 thing, the last Fox thing. And I remember watching that going, this guy should shut the fuck up. He's trying to say anything he can to get attention on a day-to-day basis. Not really that he should shut the fuck up. He should talk if he wants to. But I felt like he didn't know what he was talking about.
Starting point is 02:48:38 I felt it come through. I was listening to him talk about it, and he kind of made a kind of good point about i think he was talking about her um taking the time off and all this stuff and i don't think he knows the sport that well i might be wrong i don't think so i might i might be wrong i might be wrong but it just didn't it seemed to me like one of those clear examples of the mainstream adopting a take on something that they don't follow all that closely. A lot of people love to be right about fighting. That's a big one, man. They love to be right about who's going to win, who's going to lose. It's one of the reasons why
Starting point is 02:49:18 I hardly ever give predictions. You don't know shit. You don't know what the fuck's going to happen. You could tell me you think you know what's going to happen, but until those people go in there and fucking throw punches at each other, anything can happen. Anything. Come on, Mayweather. That highly unlikely to happen. But if it did happen, if they just boxed,
Starting point is 02:49:39 probably like the biggest boxing match of all time. See what Nate said? What? He wants $20 million or he's not talking or something like that. He might have been high. He might have been high as fuck when he said that. He's so great, dude. I've been hanging out with that dude.
Starting point is 02:49:54 Like he's been coming to the comedy store on a regular basis now. I've been hanging out with him late night. Yeah, I was hanging out with him and Nick the other night. So great. Nick's great. Yeah. Funny dudes. You would never know they could beat the fuck out of you.
Starting point is 02:50:04 You just meet them. You think they're so friendly. You know? Yeah. They's great. Yeah. Funny dudes. You would never know they could beat the fuck out of you. You just meet them. You think they're so friendly. You know? They're just normal dudes. You know, it's a fucking brutal sport, man. He deserves 20 million bucks. They all do.
Starting point is 02:50:16 You just did Tony's podcast, too. Yeah, I heard. I heard it was really good. I just think it's weird, man, when people who start chiming in about the sport, they do it like they talk about other sports. To me, it seems so much more personal.
Starting point is 02:50:29 Like, fuck, man. I've been following it forever, and I barely have the confidence to say what I think is going to happen when people fight. So when I see people just jump in and have an opinion of it, it's like, man, I guess, yeah, go ahead, man. They're trying to get all controversial about stuff. I know, it's like, man, I guess, yeah, go ahead, man. They're trying to get all controversial about stuff. I know what you mean, too. I'm trying to.
Starting point is 02:50:47 I've ever, I've, I played basketball in high school, but I still, like, I watched it for my whole life, and I hear someone say something stupid, like, at the gym, just about, like, LeBron or the Warriors. Yeah. I'm like, shut the, get the fuck out of here, you morons. Get the fuck out of here. You don't know what you're talking about. Fat.
Starting point is 02:51:01 Don't play basketball. Well, it's also, here's another thing. One of the things about mma is that the sport is as i mean i hate that fucking cliche but i gotta use it as real as it gets it doesn't get any more real in terms of like raw emotion and consequence so as a show when you're watching it on television i don't know if you're getting a hundred percent of that if you're there i think you get more of it but you you it's what it is is it's so raw and so real that if someone's not real and they're talking about it it becomes real obvious like if you
Starting point is 02:51:40 don't really care like if you're talking about a fight and you're getting all jazzed up about it You don't really care. Like if you're talking about a fight and you're getting all jazzed up about it. If you're talking about a fight and you get jazzed, if you actually are jazzed up about it, people can feel that. But if you're faking it, they feel that too, man. And in this sport, because this sport is so intensely real, it's so intensely raw and naked that you, um, you're let, people are way, way less tolerant to bull. I'm good, dude.
Starting point is 02:52:10 Way less tolerant to bullshit, you know, or things they disagree with. It's like, there's a lot of, a lot riding on, uh, every aspect of fighting. Like, did you see the Bernard Hopkins fight? Sad, right? That was sad. Bernard Hopkins at 51 years old fought this kid named Joe Smith Jr. If you're,
Starting point is 02:52:31 if nobody's seen Joe Smith Jr. before, he's fucking, he's a killer. Like, Bernard Hopkins picked a killer and this kid fucked him up and this kid has extra long arms. He's got weird arms.
Starting point is 02:52:41 Like, his arms go below his waist. That's weird. I was watching him fight i was like look at the length of his fucking arms like he just he beat the shit out of bernard and he knocked him out of the ring and bernard caught him with some good shots he was timing them and he caught him with a few right hands but the kid was just eating them and moving forward and you know what it looks like it's like when people have fake hands like the fake hands like sticking
Starting point is 02:53:01 through the shirt sleeve yeah he almost looked like a cartoon guy with his extra long arms but he's a bad motherfucker that guy and bernard got knocked through the ropes and fell on his head it was crazy to watch and he got up he was all disoriented didn't know what happened thought he was pushed through the ropes but he was punched through the ropes that guy connected with like four or five big shots. And the last one was a left hook on the face as Bernard was going through the ropes. And it knocked him all the way through. But it was 100% legal. He didn't do anything wrong.
Starting point is 02:53:34 He did everything with punches. None of it was a push. He was just bombing on him. And it just was a freak incident. It's one of the reasons why cages are so much better than a ring. A cage is so superior. Like a ring is like that possibility that you could fall through like that that's terrible that should they should stop using rings and if they do use rings they should pad the shit out of the outside area the fact that someone like bernard hopkins who's been boxing forever
Starting point is 02:54:00 can still get knocked through a rope like that and land on his head, that that's a possibility. That's a stupid way of containing people. They should have, instead of ropes like that, what they should have is something that has a crisscross pattern where you can't go through it. And you should have to just climb over it to get in it. It should be real simple. And there should be a way they could release the ropes,
Starting point is 02:54:23 like if there was a medical emergency at the end of the fight, it should be like a latch they could pull and drop the ropes down and get somebody out. But the ropes, the way they use them now in boxing matches, they should fucking outlaw those. The fact that Bernard Hopkins can get knocked through one like that, or at the very least, you've got to protect the outside area. You've got to pad the shit out of it. And you should have people around. And most of the time, a thousand fights in a row, it's probably never going to come into play. But the one time it does, you're responsible for that guy falling through the ropes.
Starting point is 02:54:53 That's fucking stupid. Like, look at him. He goes flying through, man. Look at the length on that kid's arms. That's so weird. It looks Photoshopped. Like, his head's not the right size or something. He's built for it, I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 02:55:05 He's got great genetics, works hard, tough kid, really good fighter. Good chin line. You like that, huh? Mm-hmm. Yeah, he's an animal. I was super impressed with his poise, too, in fighting a guy like Bernard Hopkins. I mean, that guy stepped up in a big way. And he was a 2-1 underdog leading into that fight, which is really crazy.
Starting point is 02:55:24 What's that? Could have made some money on that shit. Yeah. Yeah, I was pretty convinced that Bernard was going to be able to stifle him and turn it into the kind of fight that Bernard likes, but I wasn't sure if Bernard could win. You know, it's a long time off. Two years when you're 51 years old, it's a long time off.
Starting point is 02:55:41 He still fought amazing, but at the end of the day that kid murked him he just was he was just too much and he was he's he's a guy that would have been a real threat at any time in anyone's career like he's this kid has real talent and right now he's not thought of as being the best fighter in the world or anything even closely regard like that but bernard was at one point in time bernard like when he beat Felix Trinidad, a lot of people were saying, that might be the best pound for pound boxer on the earth. Like a lot of people thought Trinidad was going to beat him.
Starting point is 02:56:12 He fucked Trinidad up. And then he fought Kelly Pavlik. And a lot of people wrote him off against Kelly Pavlik. He boxed the shit out of Kelly Pavlik. And so you look at like Bernard's legacy and you go, man, this is an unbelievably skillful guy. But at any point in that career, that Joe Kelly kid would have been a handful. He's just scary. He's Joe Smith, rather.
Starting point is 02:56:32 That Joe Smith Jr. kid would have been a handful because he's just fucking scary. He hits hard and he's he's super accurate and he's got awesome endurance and a great work ethic. He's fucking dangerous no matter what era it is. And Bernard, you know, maybe Bernard would have been able to beat him in his prime. You know, it's totally possible. It's 100% likely. I mean, Bernard's an all-time great. Maybe he would have been able to land more of the punches that he landed in that fight.
Starting point is 02:56:59 But you don't know. I mean, that kid's dangerous. Boxing is such a crazy sport. you don't know i mean that kid's dangerous boxing is such a crazy sport it's it's weird that it's uh we all know now that it's so bad for you it's so bad for your brain like the practice of it the the doing it we know it's terrible for you but we still watch just like football just like mma we know but you know i think this can make training smarter because i don't think the just like football, just like MMA. We know. But you know what? I think they're just going to make training smarter because I don't think the fighting is going to ever end
Starting point is 02:57:29 because we like it so much. Some people don't train smarter, though. You can train any way you want. That's the problem. Nobody knows who's right. Like, Eddie Alvarez sparred like 100 rounds in preparation for his fight against Rafael Dos Anjos. He sparred like a shitload and came out looking like a monster.
Starting point is 02:57:48 Just stormed Dos Anjos, knocked him out in the first round. But then Conor, you know, Conor doesn't spar that much. He doesn't spar like that, like the way Alvarez was doing it. And some guys aren't, like Donald Cerrone's not sparring at all. Donald Cerrone's just doing drills. And he looks better than ever. I mean, he just fucking head kicked Matt Brown. No one's ever
Starting point is 02:58:10 knocked out Matt Brown like that. People have stopped him. Jake Ellenberger's the only one that ever stopped him. He stopped him with a shot to the body. I don't think anybody else before that has stopped him with body shots. They've hurt him. But this was like a beating. And Donald was like a beating.
Starting point is 02:58:27 Donald head kicked him unconscious. That's like as final a victory as it gets. And he's not even sparring. He says he feels way better now. He's like as veteran as it comes, like a new guy coming in. That doesn't sound like he shouldn't be sparring. He should probably be sparring a little bit. The whole key
Starting point is 02:58:44 is to get somebody who spars with you that's not trying to hurt you, but is just trying to grow with you and learn. That's so hard because egos get involved. Boy George would never hurt you. What? Boy George would never hurt you. Oh. Song.
Starting point is 02:58:59 Alright, that's it. What? I'm sorry. Where else are we going to go? I didn't know we were that deep. Well, it's 4.30. Oh. I have to drive to Brea. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:59:11 It's going to suck. It's raining. Well, this is the only time you can drive, right? Like, you have a 7 o'clock show. You literally have to leave now. Yeah. How crazy is that? I'm going straight there.
Starting point is 02:59:19 Do you take, you know what you should take? What? You should take the 210. 210. Go up to the 118. 134, 210, and then go down. Yeah. Well, you can go up the 118.
Starting point is 02:59:26 You can go down to Topanga. Take Topanga to the 118. Take the 118 to the 210. It'll take you more miles, but then you drop down instead of going through the shit. Right. If you go through that 405 this time of the day, good luck. I wouldn't do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:59:42 Or the five. Either one of those can suck a fat one. Yeah. The five is ridiculous. Five wouldn't do that. Or the Five. Either one of those can suck a fat one. Yeah. The Five is ridiculous. Five is always under construction. Isn't it funny how people in LA
Starting point is 02:59:49 talk like this though about highways? Yeah. It doesn't happen like that in Ohio. Well, they don't have as many people. Right.
Starting point is 02:59:57 We've fucked up. This is a great spot. Too many people found out and they all just moved here. There's way too many people here. I kind of looked this up one day too. The freeways here weren't many people here. I kind of looked this up one day, too.
Starting point is 03:00:05 The freeways here, they weren't always called numbers. They were called, like, this was like the Ventura Freeway and the Hollywood Highway and shit like that. Eventually, they changed the names, and people just dropped what they used to call them and just called the 101, the 405, the 118. That's only out here, you know. Yeah, no, because there's not that many different freeways in other places, really, either. different freeways in other places really either but um even if you go somewhere you would like in massachusetts you'd say you uh you get on 405 south you know you wouldn't say the 405 yeah that's what i mean by the was only added because they didn't refer to the freeways here as numbers this the 101 was only the ventura freeway right ventura highway whatever the fuck well that was
Starting point is 03:00:41 the case in boston with the mass turnpike like the mass turnpike was called the Mass Turnpike, but it also had a number. Like, you look on a map, it would be the number and then the Mass Turnpike. Like, what is this thing? It's like it's got a royal distinction. The Mass Turnpike. What is it? Is this Route 90? Wait, what is this?
Starting point is 03:00:57 Yeah, yes, yes. Route 90. Whatever it is. Yeah. Out here, there's a the. On the East Coast, there's no the before it. That's so weird. Yeah, I don't know what's going on But the national road went through Columbus comes out to here to route 40
Starting point is 03:01:12 There's a road that goes from Columbus right to here goes from Washington DC actually like San Francisco. Holy shit How long does it take to drive that bitch? Is it the one that runs next to the 66 because when I moved out here? Yeah, there was like, there was a dirt road that was like a road. Route 66? It goes right along 70 for a long time, and then it switches down to 10. Isn't that that song, Get Your Kicks, on Route 66? Have you ever driven across the country?
Starting point is 03:01:36 Yeah. I've driven from Ohio twice. Wow. 33 hours straight through. Dude. Straight through? Yeah, we didn't stop. Are you a serial killer?
Starting point is 03:01:45 What the fuck? What were you on? Who's meth? Who had the meth? Switching off every eight hours. Did you go to sleep? Six hours. Yeah, just sleep while the other guy drives.
Starting point is 03:01:52 I wouldn't trust that dude to stay awake. Oh, fuck that. Made it. Sounds like a good name. Oh, he barely made it. Probably skated in. No, thank you. One time we had a Jeep in the back of the U-Haul, too, which was probably super illegal.
Starting point is 03:02:03 Oh, my God. That's totally illegal. Oh, my God. You did not. You drove it into the U-Haul and parked it in there? super illegal. Oh, my God. That's totally illegal. Oh, my God. You did not. You drove it into the U-Haul and parked it in there? Oh, that's so stupid. Did you tie it down or anything? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:02:10 Oh, okay. Well, they do have those car transport trucks that are like that. We weren't doing that, though. You weren't doing that. Yeah, you didn't know what you were doing. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Yeah, probably totally illegal.
Starting point is 03:02:22 And then you packed it all with shit the jeep So that if the jeep Came bouncing out All your shit Would go flying out with it For a little bit The people that packed it Happened to help Like they were in a tow company
Starting point is 03:02:31 So like they kind of knew How to make a car stable Oh It still could have Fucking fucked up I wonder if it's legal No No
Starting point is 03:02:36 You take a sharp turn Criminal Statue of limitations Hopefully Allegedly I allegedly did all that These are a lot of the things that we say, folks. Jokes.
Starting point is 03:02:47 It's just jokes. It's all jokes. It's humor. So you work with George Perez tonight? George Perez, Dean Del Rey. Oh, powerful. Yeah, the Brea improv. George is a funny motherfucker.
Starting point is 03:02:57 Yeah. He's a wild dude, man. His stories about prison were hilarious. He came in on the podcast and hit me with all his crazy stories. He's great to hang out with. I love that dude. And we're going to San Jose 30th also at the Improv.
Starting point is 03:03:11 Have two shows. Oh, nice, nice. And the 30th this weekend is a Friday, right? Is that the 30th? Yeah. Or next week is a Friday. That's the Ronda Rousey fights on Friday.
Starting point is 03:03:22 Yeah. Because the 31st is New Year's Eve. Nobody wants to compete with New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve is a time to make shitty decisions and get fucked up. I'll be playing the Ronda Rousey fight at the show illegally. Are you doing that?
Starting point is 03:03:34 No. How do you even say that? I'm just kidding. Yeah, people are going to go to see that anyway. Yeah, I'm fucked. Well, the beautiful thing about DVRs, man, you could go to both. You could just record the fight. Don't listen to anybody. Just go, la, la. Well, the beautiful thing about DVRs, man, you could go to both. You could just record the fight.
Starting point is 03:03:46 Don't listen to anybody. Just go, la, la, la, spoiler alert, and then just run around. I hate spoiler alert. I freaked out when Westworld had the season finale. I had to force myself, even though I was so tired just to watch it. I didn't want to spoil it. Yeah. I got away with it.
Starting point is 03:04:02 I got away with it for like a week and a half, two weeks. Nobody told me shit. I ducked it. Ducked it. Sl. I got away with it. I got away with it for like a week and a half, two weeks. Nobody told me shit. I ducked it. Ducked it. Slid right in there. Yeah, man. But like people get mad at it, but here's the deal. There's so much to talk about today that if we didn't talk about like certain television shows and certain movies because of spoiler alerts, like listen, bitch, you got to take your chances.
Starting point is 03:04:25 If you want things to be secret, you got to stay offline. Okay, if it means something to you, stay offline. Otherwise, people are going to talk about it. Don't get mad at people for using information. Right? Amen, sister. Yeah. It's that important to make time, watch the shit, get it over with.
Starting point is 03:04:42 Or just deal with the fact that if you dip your fucking nose into the information highway, you're going to get some information up there. Anybody you don't want. I can't believe Westworld and Lost is in the same universe. Like, that's crazy. Shut the fuck up. That's not true. You just made that up.
Starting point is 03:04:57 But it is sort of. It's the same guy. Right? Bad robot. It still could be the same world. We never know. But, I mean, isn't it the same guy, J.J. Abrams? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:05:06 Abrams? He didn't make it all by himself, lost, but yeah. Who made Stranger Things? Somebody. A different group. Some brothers, right? The Grimm brothers or something like that. They have a weird thing where they call themselves a fucking great show.
Starting point is 03:05:18 You shut your mouth, boy. I tried three times. Yeah, well, go to the doctor and find out what kind of tumor you have in your head that's causing you to like stuff that sucks. Sober or stoned. Sober or stoned. How dare you? What's going on?
Starting point is 03:05:30 The Duffer Brothers. The Duffer Brothers. All right. I love that show. I understand you don't, Brian. It just seems cheesy. It seems like Gilmore Boys. It's awesome.
Starting point is 03:05:39 Loved it. Jamie, did you love it? I didn't see it. There's a new one called The OV or something like that. I'm going to watch that probably. What is that about? I have no idea. Is it science fiction-y? I think so. It, did you love it? I didn't see it. There's a new one called The OV or something like that. I'm going to watch that probably. What is that about? I have no idea. Is it science fiction-y?
Starting point is 03:05:47 I think so. It looks like it, right? Like she was blind and she came back and she could see and she disappeared. Not knowing what something's about and then just watching it. Yeah. If it sucks, it sucks. If whatever, you know, you wasted your time. But if you found something cool, it's the coolest way to find something.
Starting point is 03:06:00 I'm really getting in the house of cards. That's a great show. God damn, that's a good show. I wonder how much of that is actually how things go. God damn, 100%. It seems like it, right? I think that's why everybody thinks they know so much right now about what's going on. Because of House of Cards?
Starting point is 03:06:13 Yeah, I feel like that. Well, there's never been a show like that before that shows you the inner workings with swears and sex and all the craziness. Good fucking show. I didn't watch West Wing when it was out, but I don't imagine it was as close to reality as House of Cards seems. A gay guy being straight. What? A gay guy acting straight.
Starting point is 03:06:34 All right. Brian, I don't know what you're talking about. You're saying that's how it really, you think that's how it really goes. You mean Kevin Spacey? Is that what you're trying to say? I get it. Jeez. You mean Kevin Spacey? Is that what you're trying to say? I get it. Jeez.
Starting point is 03:06:48 What do you want? What do you want? You want a gold star? Tickle you. Is that what I want? I'm going to tickle you. I got to pee. I wonder if anybody has been.
Starting point is 03:06:59 Go ahead and pee, man. That's all right. I'll wrap it up. That's cool. We'll wrap it up now. This is it. The end. All right. Thanks, everybody. We will see you soon. Bye-bye. Happy seven years. That's cool. We'll wrap it up now. This is it. The end. All right.
Starting point is 03:07:05 Thanks, everybody. We will see you soon. Bye-bye. Happy seven years. Happy seven years. Happy Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Happy Kwanzaa.
Starting point is 03:07:15 Happy powerful young Jamie. It's a new holiday. See you. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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